Name Index When
I built this page the census wasn't online, there was no
findagrave.com, digitized newspapers were only a dream, and dinosaurs
roamed the earth. This was my attempt to determine who was who in early Medford by
correlating cryptic newspaper mentions. This is a pre-1900 name
index for only those Medford pages listed below, constituting a
fraction of this site. Be sure to use this Search box too: PAGES INDEXED--KEY AND LINKS: John W. Abbott: News92 S. Abbott: (veterinarian) News00 Abraham: see Abraham & Wheeler Abraham & Wheeler: News84 Abraham & Willis: News84 Solomon Abraham: News83, News85, News87 Adams: News88, Med07 B. J. Adams: News87 C. L. Adams: News87 J. L. Adams: News83; at poor farm: MM5/14/1909p3; obit: MM5/21/1909p3 S. K. Adams: Med11 W. J. Adams: News93 Addington & Angel: (timber land) News91 George B. Addington: News91, News92-93 William Addison: Bear, News89 Adkins: see Adkins & Webb, Whitman & Adkins, News84, News87 Adkins & Webb: (B. F. Adkins, B. S. Webb; merchants, contractors) MMv1n1p1c5b, MMv1n4p1c4a, MMv1n4p4c3a, First, Hist, Min85-87, News85-90, Med86, Med88, News92, Med93, News94, News00 Ada Adkins: News93 Dr. Benjamin Franklin Adkins: (physician, capitalist) MMv1n4p4c3a, WJB, Hist, Glim, News84, Min85, News86-95, Min88, Med93, News97-99 H. P. Adkins: News87 Mrs. J. C. Adkins: News89 Mate V. Creed Adkins (Mrs. W. B.): News89 Matilda J. Adkins (Mrs. Dr. Benjamin F.): News87-88, News98 Ora Adkins: News87, News89-93, News95, News98-99 Rev. W. B. Adkins: News89, News99 Nils Ahlstrom: News92 John W. Aid: (photographer) News92 Dr. G. H. Aiken: News87-88, News92 Squire Stanford Aiken: News95, Med11 Doil/Doyle W. Alberry/Albury: (railroad foreman) News91-92 William Alcoe: (rancher) News94 William G. Aldenhagen: Med11 Rev. Mountville C. Aleridge: News90-92 Oscar Odell Alenderfer "Ole" "Ollie": Hist R. C. Alexander: News99 Alford (pronounced "Offerd"): News90 Albert Alford: (thresher) News85-86, News88-92 Mrs. C. K. Alford: News88 Catherine Brinker Alford (Mrs. Albert): News90 George Alford: Glim Moses L. Alford "Mose": (bank cashier) Hist, News86, News92-94, News99, Med10, Med11 Ollie Alford: see Ollie Wolters Rachael M. Applegate Alford (Mrs. Moses L.): Hist, Med88, News93-94 S. U. Alfred: News95 Allen: see Kingsbury & Allen; News86 Andrew A. Allen: News93, News99 A. J. Allen: News87 Bruce Allen: News87 Charles W. Allen: News86 E. Allen: News92 George E. Allen: News91, News93, News98 Dr. J. O. Allen: News86-87 Lewis A. Allen: News88 Lizzie F. Allen (Mrs. Charles W.): News86 Mary D. Allen (Mrs. J. O.): News89, News99; obit: DT4/6/1899p2 Noah Allen: News89 O. Bruce Allen: (newspaper foreman) News98-99 Wiley B. Allen: News98 Allison: see Holt & Allison William Allison: News92 Eugene Amann: (fireman) News92, News98; in Oakland, California: MT6/6/1916p2 Frank Amann: (carpenter, fireman) News89-90, News93-94, News98 M. Grace Amann: News87, News95, News99-00 Sada Amann "Sadie": News87, News93 Sarah Amann: News92 Henry Amerman: News89; obit: MM4/11/1902p2 Francis M. Amy "Frank": News91-93 Haskell Amy: News83, News84, News91-93 Anderson: News92-93 Anderson & Wood/Woodford: (draymen) News90 Arta Anderson August E. Anderson: News93 Bert Anderson: Med10, obit: MT12/3/1931p1, MT12/4/1931p8 Charles Anderson "Charlie": News94-95 Charles M. Anderson: (printer, band leader) News99 D. N. Anderson: News85 D. W. Anderson: News85-86 Dora Hull Anderson (Mrs. D. W.): News85 Eli K. Anderson "Uncle Joe": (farmer, orchardist) News91, News00; bio: MM2/26/1909p8, MT12/29/1911p8; ill: MT3/8/1912p2; obit: MT3/15/1912p6 Edward W. Anderson: (civil engineer) Med07 Ella May Anderson: News94 Euphrasie Anderson: News93 Frank Anderson: News97 Genevieve Anderson: News89 George Anderson: News94 George B. Anderson: News92 George E. Anderson: (drayman, soda manufacturer) MMv1n4p4c3a, News85-87, News89, News90-94 Gilbert Anderson: News92 Hattie Gilbert Anderson (Mrs. Walter): News87, News89 J. A. Anderson: (farmer) News88-89, News93-94, News97, News00 J. H. Anderson: News88 Jennie Anderson: News99 Kate H. Jones Anderson (Mrs. Charles): News95 Lena Cimborsky Anderson (Mrs. Arta): News94 Lucinda Anderson: see Mrs. Johnson Martha M. Anderson (Mrs. Robert F. ): Med93 Mary Agnes Anderson (see Mary Smith): News92, News94 Mathilda L. Anderson: News93 Melissa P. Anderson: News88 Nancy Anderson: News88 R. N. Anderson: (tailor) News89 Robert F. Anderson: (restaurateur) News99 Tom Anderson: News94 W. Anderson: News85 W. R. Anderson: MM86 Walter Anderson: News87, News89, News92, News96, News98-99 William T. Anderson: News88, News90 C. Andrew: News88 Andrews: (conductor) News94 Amador Andrews: (Wells Fargo agent) News84 Ed Andrews: (actor) Hist, Med07, Med10 Carolina Andrews: Hist G. E. Andrews: News93 George H. Andrews: (real estate agent) Hist, IOOF, News84, News91-94, News97, News99 Hattie D. Frank Andrews (Mrs. William R.): News87 J. D. Andrews: Med03 Marie Andrews: News96 William Rudolph Andrews: (attorney) News86-87,Med86, Min87, News92 Dwight R. Andrus: (lime burner) News97-99 Angel: see Addington & Angel Charles Angel: (timber land) News91-94 C. W. Angell: News93 Angle: News88, News95 Angle: (baseball player) News90 Angle & Plymale: (Wm. Angle, F. M. Plymale; merchants, miners) see Short, Angle & Plymale; MMv1n1p4c6-7b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p1c2-3a, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, Hist; News84-94, Med86, MM86, Med88, Med93, News98, News00 Angle, Plymale & Short: News89-91 Alice W. Angle (Mrs. Levi L.): News90-News94 Bernice Angle: Med84 Harry D. Angle: (clerk) News90, News92-94 Mrs. Harry Angle: News90 John C. Angle "Johnny": News88, News90-94 Justice Angle: News88-89 Katie Angle: Med84, News98 Levi L. Angle: First, News85, News88-95 Mary S. Walker Angle (Mrs. William W.): News87, News93 O. S. Angle: News88 Orra E. Angle: (men's clothing) News89-90, News99 Prudence Angle: Med84 William W. Angle: (boarding house, merchant) see Angle & Plymale; also Phipps; News83-95, Med88, Med91, Med93, News98-99 Dee Ankeny: (teacher) News92, News94, News00 Henry E. Ankeny: Hist, News89, News94, News99-00 Annes: News99 Rev. George N. Annes: News97, News99 Walter Antle: in Atchison, Kansas: MS6/3/1916p2 Mrs. Walter Antle: IOOF Elisha L. Applegate "Lish": News87, News91 Ivan D. Applegate: News94 Lindsay Applegate: News83, News94 Oliver Cromwell Applegate: News94 Peter O. Applegate "Pete": News91, News94 James R. Armpriest: News86, News98 Armstrong: see Wolff & Armstrong; News87, News90, News92, News94, News99 Cornelius J. Armstrong: News88-89 D. B. Armstrong: (builder) News93 Edward Armstrong: (brickmason) News00 Elsie Armstrong: News94 J. F. Armstrong: News94 John Armstrong: News89 Josey/Josie Armstrong: News90-91 Larinda M. Armstrong (Mrs. Cornelius J.): News90 Marcus Armstrong "Mark": (bartender) News86-92, Med93 Martha A. Armstrong (Mrs. Mark): News92 Minerva Armstrong: News92, News94 Prof. Armstrong: News87, News92 Robert T. Armstrong: News92 T. J. Armstrong: News91 Annie M. Arnold: News99 Charles Arnold: News91 Dr. Ira L. Arnold: (dentist) News98-00; in West Cliff, Colo.: DT4/3/1902p5 John Arnold: News92-93, News98 Olen Arnspiger: Hist Sylvester Arrasmith: News93 Ash: Bear Charles Wilbur Ashpole "Wig": Bear W. H. Atkinson: News85 Att: see Talbot & Att Coleman Attel: News94 J. W. Att: (butcher) News95 Paulina Atterbury (Mrs. John F.): News94 attorneys: see column 1 "professional cards" in the Medford Monitor, RV85 A. E. Austin: (laundryman) News00 Clint Austin: News95 Linda Edwards Austin (Mrs. Minot): News88, News91, News98 Minot Austin: News88 Avery & Taylor: News86 Awbrey: see Albury; News91 Ayers: (quarryman) News90 C. W. Ayers: (lineman) News90 Mrs. C. W. Ayers: News95 Babcock: (painter) News91 C. B. Babcock: News93 Claire Babcock: News89 Clark P. Babcock: News89 Earl B. Babcock: News89 Mary F. Babcock (Mrs. Claire): News89 J. S. Backus: (night watchman, stockman) News87, News90 J. H. Bacon: News94 Effie Ophelia Laws Badley (Mrs. W. L.): News95 William Lindsay Badley: News95 W. H. Bagley (insurance) News94 Byron Bailey: News87, News88-89 C. D. Bailey: News88 G. W. Bailey: (Shake postmaster) News88 Henry F. Bailey: News00 Jennie Bailey: see Jennie Phipps John Bailey: News00 Thomas Bailey: (farmer) News90 Bain: see Kertson & Bain Maurice E. Bain: (newspaperman) News92 W. D. Bain: News89 Baine: News94 J. C. Baird: (electric company manager) Hist, News94 Baker: see Beatty & Baker: News84-87, News92, News94-95 Baker: (coal miner) News95 Baker & Ford: (variety store) News88-89 Baker & Merrill: (warehousemen) News88 Benjamin S. Baker: News99 Carrie Baker: (teacher) Hist, News87 Fannie J. Baker: News99 George Henry Baker: News86-92, Min87; in Alameda County, Calif.: DT10/24/1901p5 Henry Edward Baker: (warehouseman, broker) MMv1n4p4c3a, News85-93, Med86; "Edward Baker" dies in Portland: MT10/21/1914p2 Rev. Dr. J. C. Baker: MMv1n1p4c4b, News85 John W. Baker: News83 Julia Baker: News89 Mamie Baker: MMv1n1p4c1a Mary Baker: (teacher) News87 Mrs. Baker: News91 Robert N. Baker: News89 Sam Baker: Min86 Sophenia Ish Baker (Mrs. Henry Edward): Med84, News88-92 H. M. Bakerman: Med11 Miss E. J. Baldwin: News91 George T. Baldwin: (merchant) News98 Thomas Baldwin: True, News91, News95 Addison Ball: News86 Freddie Ball: News85 Harry M. Ball: News93 Martha Justus Ball (Mrs. Addison): News85, News93 Mrs. Ball: News93 E. Balterzore: News90 banking: MMv1n4p4c1b, Hist, Med84, News86-95, Med88, Med94, Med07, Med10, Med26, Med30 Annie Banks (Mrs. J. N.): News86-87 Eva May Banks: News86 J. N. Banks (Jesse N.?): (hotel keeper) News85-86, Min86, Med86, News89 Llewellyn A. Banks: Hist William A. Bantz: see Cox & Bantz; News87 Emil Barbe: News92 Dr. F. S. Barber: IOOF, Med10 Harry R. Barbour: (carpenter) News95 George Barden: News90-91 Rev. Henry Albert Barden: News89-90; obit: OR5/14/1909p14 Jay Bardley: News94 Abigail Ann Barkdull: see Abigail Cunnyngham Judge Calvin H. Barkdull "Squire": (city recorder, justice of the peace) News84-92, MMv1n1p4c5b, First, Med86, Min88, Med88, News00; obit: MM7/27/1900p6 Caroline C. Barkdull (Mrs. John W.): News91 Clara Ferguson Barkdull: First J. Emmett Barkdull "Mose": Bark, News87; in Portland: MM8/9/1901p6; Med07; leaving for Portland: MM1/18/1901p6; MM4/16/1909p2 J. N. Barkdull: News85 John W. Barkdull: Med84, Min85-87, News00 Emma E. Barker: (hotel keeper) News91, News94 Barklow: News94 John Barksdale: Med93 A. J. Barlow: News95 William H. Barlow: News93 J. C. Barnard: (teacher) News93 Barneburg: News91, News95, News97, News00 Barneburg & Naylor: News85 Electa Norton Barneburg (Mrs. Fred E.): News93-94, News98 Frederick E. Barneburg: (stockman, butcher) News85-94, Med86, News96, News98, News00 D. Henry Barneburg: News89, News93-94, News99 John Barneburg: Med88, News92-94 Mollie Barneburg: News92-96, News98, News00; see Mollie Keene Mrs. John Barneburg: News94-95, News99 O. Comstock Barneburg (Mrs. D. Henry): News89 Peter Barneburg: News92, News94 Albert Seymore Barnes: (dry goods, sheriff) News96, News98-99 Captain D. P. Barnes: News84, News87-88, News92-93 Frances L. Barnes "Frankie": News92-93, News98 Francis M. Barnes: News95 Austin F. Barnett: Med11 Barnhart: News86 Barnum: News84, Min88 Barnum & Co.: News84 Barnum & Sons: MMv1n4p4c3a, News85 Bertha S. Barnum (Mrs. William S.): Med84, News86, News90-92, News98 Berthold Barnum: IOOF James Harvey Barnum: News84-88, Min86-87, News90-93 Mrs. Jennie Barnum: News92 Jessie Eifert Barnum (Mrs. William H.): IOOF John C. Barnum: Med93, News93-94 John W. Barnum: Hist, Min86 William Solon Barnum "Bill": (planing mill, railroad owner) MMv1n4p1c1b, Hist, News86-87, Med86, Med88, News89-95, News98-00 Barr: see Galloway & Barr; Min88, News89-90, News93 Barr & Hurt: News94 Barr & Woods: MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c6b, Min85, News85 Ada M. Barr: (stenographer, typist) News85, News90-91; see Ada Mills Anna Barr: News87 Edgar G. Barr: News84 Ida Barr: News92 Lillian Barr: News98, News00 Nannie Dougherty Barr (Mrs. William H.): News84, News87-90, News92-93 Newton Barr: News93-94 William H. Barr: (capitalist, mine operator) MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p4c3a, First, Hist, News84-85, Min85-86, News87-84, Med88, News00, Med03 Barret: see Barret, Butler & Stewart; News95 Barret, Butler & Stewart: WJB, News95 George W. Barron: News95 Maj. Hugh F. Barron: (rancher, orchardist) Bear, News85, News91-92, News94 Barry: News91 Mina M. Barry: see Mina Wagner Thomas Bartholomew: Wild, Med10 U. S. Bartholomew: News00 Emma Johnson Bartle (Mrs. John): News97 John Bartle: News97 Charles P. Bartlett: Med11 E. T. Bartlett: News85, News92 Hattie Bartlett: WJB F. A. Barton: (chair maker) News93-94 M. Barton: (chair maker) News93-94 Prof. Barton: (dance teacher) News93 T. A. Barton: (chair maker) News93 Bashford: see True, Bashford, Fordyce & Wilson; News92 Cora Bashford: (bookkeeper) News93-94 Elmer L. Bashford: (brewer) News91, News92, News94-95, News97; in Roseburg: MM9/14/1900p6, MM3/7/1902p7, TR1/6/1908p4; in Portland: JP2/22/1913p3 Emma J. Bashford (Mrs. George W.): News94 George W. Bashford: (contractor, brewer, thresher) arrives from Iowa: AT6/28/1889p3; News89-95, Med91, News97, Med03; in Vancouver, Wash.: MT6/23/1911p2, MT9/23/1912p2; obit: JP1/11/1913p3 Nora Batchelor: (teacher) News93 Rev. C. C. Bateman: News85 Ida Bateman: News89-90 Kit Bateman: (thresherman, boarding house) News93, News98 Mollie Bateman: News93 Rosa/Rose Bateman: News88-89 Sarah A. Bateman: News88-90, News92 W. Samuel Bateman: Med11 William Bateman "Billy": News95 Bates: see Hardin & Bates; Med03 Bates Bros. Barber Shop: Wild, Med97, News94, News97 James W. Bates "Jimmie": (barber, foot racer) News93-94, News97-98 Nathan G. Bates "Nate": (barber) News98-99 Nora Bates: News00 William W. Bates "Willie": (barber) News94, News98, News00 B. Batley: News88 A. A. Batterson: Hist; News98; in Loomis, Washington: MM10/26/1900p7; in Seattle: MM11/27/1903p1 Batterton: see Werk & Batterton H. E. Battin: (fruit wholesaler) Trans, News86-89; dead in Skagway: DT10/11/1900p3 George S. Batty: (Orchard Home Association) News93-94 Frank Bauer: News90 Baumle: see Klippel & Baumle C. K. Baumle: News87 Beall (pronounced "Bell"): see Bell; Bear, News85, News87, Med88, News99 Benjamin Beall: News92 Clara Beall: News88 Mamie Beall: see Mamie Strang T. J. Beall: News85 Thomas F. Beall "Tom": News83, News85-86 Robert Vinton Beall "Vint" "Vintie": (senior and junior; farmer, photographer) News88-90, News92-93, News95-96 Beatty & Baker: News88 Cora Dell Morris Beatty (Mrs. Matthew E.): News89 Hulda Bell Beatty (Mrs. J. W.): News87 J. W. Beatty: News87, News94-95 Matthew Edwin Beatty: (nurseryman, real estate agent) MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c2a, Trans, News85-89, Med86, Min88, News91 Louisa E. Beauchamp: News87 W. H. Beauchamp: News87-88 Bob Beaver: News98 C. A. Beaver: (orchardist) News99 Francis Beaver: News99, Med03 Girtie Beaver: News99 Mabel Beaver: News98 Maud Beaver: News00 Robert E. L. Beaver: News99-00 Beck & Mitchell: Med03 Abbie Beck: see Mrs. Wright J. N. Beck: (telephone lineman) News00 Jane Beck: News89 John Beck: News89 W. S. Beck: News94 Anton Becker: News83 Hattie Beckett: News94 Thomas J. Beckett: News94, News98-00 Beebe: News84 Dr. Beebe: News88 Beek: News89, News93 J. Beek & Co.: (hardware) Wild, News95, News97-98 J. Beek & Son: News94-95 Jane Beek (Mrs. John): News88-89, News94 John N. Beek: News89, News90-91, News93-94, News96-97, News99 John Beek Jr.: News00; in Valley, Washington: MM11/8/1901p7 Beek, Whiteside & Co.: Med93, News93-94 William Beek "Billy": News86-87 Beekman & Reames: News90, News92, News98 Benjamin B. Beekman: News83, Hist Carrie Beekman: News90, News92, News95 Cornelius C. Beekman: (banker) Hist, Phipps, News83-85, Min85, Min87-88, News88-90, Med88, News93, ; bio: MM3/5/1909p3, MT2/12/1911pB9 Julia E. Beekman: News92 Hattie Hay Beeman (Mrs. J. H.): News94 J. H. Beeman: News94 John Beeson: MMv1n4p4c2b, News88, News99 Welborn Beeson: News84, News86, News88 R. Behrendt: News91 W. D. Beidleman: (harness maker) News94-95, News98; moved from Forth Klamath to Union, Oregon: MM7/12/1901p7 A. T. Beidler: News99 Belknap: News95 Rev. L. F. Belknap: IOOF Bell (Beall?): News87, News90 Bell & Cox: (threshers) News88 Al. Bell: News85, News95 Eliza Bell: News87 Gaylord Bell: (sewing machine agent) MMv1n1p1c2-3a, MMv1n1p4c7a, MMv1n4p4c1b, News85, News88-89 Hulda Bell: see Hulda Beatty J. A. Bell: News88 James Bell: News87 Bellinger: Bear Bellinger & Hill: (draymen) News97 Bellinger & Slover: (draymen) News94 Bellinger & Wells: (draymen) News94 Effie Merriman Bellinger (Mrs. John H.): News87, News92, News97 Frank Bellinger: News92-93, News97 J. M. Bellinger: News93 John H. Bellinger "Johnny": (drayman, warehouseman, groceryman) News86, News87, News89-95, News97-98, News00 Maggie Bellinger: News93 Merritt Bellinger: News84, News90-93, News98; ill: MT8/31/1910p5; obit: MT9/4/1910p1 George W. Benadom: News91 Louis E. Bender "Lew" "Lou": (confectioner) News92-93 L. D. Benford: News94 Elias C. Benham: News87 William F. Benjamin: News83 William J. Bennet: (architect) WJB, News95 Bennett: see Mackey-Bennett Telegraph Co.; News88 A. H. Bennett: News88 Belle Bennett (Mrs. Noah S.): Hist E. L. Bennett: Med03 Marie Elizabeth Merriman Bennett (Mrs. Samuel L.): News84, News96 Nelson Bennett: News88 Noah S. Bennett: Hist, Med90, News91, News93 Samuel Louis Bennett: (farmer, dairyman) News84, Min86, News86-93, News96 S. P. Bennett: News89 Benson: News92 Ella Benson: (teacher) News93, News94 Henry L. Benson: (district attorney) News92, News94-95 Jessie Benson: (teacher) News95 Josie Benson: News93 Bentley & Co.: (bankers) News88 John H. Bentley: (banker) News88-89 Mrs. John H. Bentley: News88 Thomas H. Bentley: News90 Veit Benz: News84 Adam Berg: News87 Mrs. Adam Berg: News86 George Berg: News87 Ludwig Berger: Med03 Berlin: see Lumsden & Berlin; News88 A. N. Berlin: (merchant) Med88, News94-96 Jane Dennison Berlin: Med88 Dr. T. N. Berlin: Med88, News89 Berry: News85, News86 Anna F. Berry: News89 James H. Berry: News87; obit: JP4/20/1923p1 Judge Milton Berry: News91 Thomas Berry: News98 W. H. Berry: News93 Besse & Woody: (meat market) News93 Richard Besse "Dick": (butcher) News93, News98 Hilliard C. Best: IOOF Betterton: see Work & Betterton; News83-84 Christina Betts: see Christina Ewen Olive Greenwood Betts (Mrs. Thomas C.): News88 Thomas C. Betts: News88 Elmer Bever: News90 Joseph Bever: News86-87, News89 Minerva Bever: News87 Ruth Bever (Mrs. Joseph): News89 Sarah M. Bever: see Sarah Shaw Tunis M. Bever: News90 Vina Bever: News87 J. Bevers: News86 W. C. Bevington: News95 J. W. Bevins: News93 Rev. A. R. Bickenbach: News85 bicycles: MMv1n1p4c7a, MMv1n1p4c5b, Wild, WJB, News92 A. S. Biden: News93 Elva Biden (Mrs. Earnest N.): Hist Maitland S. Biden: (shoemaker) News00 Nora Biden: News93 Stuart Domer Biden: News91, News94 J. H. Biggs: News93 Bigham: see also Bingham Elizabeth A. Bigham: see Elizabeth Klippel James Bigham: (farmer) News86-87, News89, News91-92 John Bigham: Glim, News92, News94-95, News00 Bilger: News90 Bilger & Maegly: News85 Mrs. Bilger: News95 Bill: News83 George F. Billings: MMv1n4p4c2a, News83-84, News89-90, News92 William Billson: News93 Edward H. Binns: (pork packer) News98 George H. Binns: (pork packer) News98 Clyde A. Birch: Med11 Dr. Birdsall: News88 Mrs. W. Birdsell: News94 Birdsey: see Cronemiller & Birdsey, News83, News85, News91 Fannie Birdsey: News98 Birdseye: News86 David N. Birdseye: News93 Sheriff James G. Birdseye: News88-92 F. E. Birge: (miner) News96, News98-00 Mrs. Birge: News00 Abram Bish: News89 Allen W. Bish: (contractor, drayman) News85, News89, News91, Med93, News94-96 Dora Bish: News95 W. G. Bish: News95 Wallace G. Bishop: (rancher) News91; obit: MT1/15/1911p8 Olaf J. Bjerregaard: News00 Clarence Black: News87 Mrs. Ella Black: Med84 Rev. George W. Black: News87-88, News91-92 J. A. Black: News88 Henry Blackman: News94 H. G. Blackwell: (miner) News94 Richard T. Blackwood: (farmer, road supervisor) News99 Rev. James E. Blair: News99 Blake: Bear J. F. Blakeley: (mine operator) Med07 Father Francois X. Blanchet: News86; in St. Paul, Oregon: DT3/29/1894p3 Henry Bleecher: News95 James T. Blevins: (clerk) News88, News93 Bliss: News92-93 Francis A. Bliss: (well borer) News92, News94, News98 Hattie Bliss: (teacher) News92-93 Zera/Zora Bliss: News92-93 Albert S. Bliton: (publisher) WJB, Hist, Med89, Med93, News93-94, News97-98, News00 Loraine Bliton: News98 Mildred Bliton: News98 Nellie Bliton (Mrs. Albert): News98-99 Emma Blom: News90, News92 Henry W. Bloom: News89 D. Bloomer: MMv1n4p4c3a, News92 George E. Bloomer: (clerk, county treasurer) News89, News90, News93-94 Violet Blossom: Med11 Mrs. O. H. Blount: News94 Charles A. Boardman: News00 Charles M. Boardman: (house painter) see Ling & Boardman; News93-94 Daisy D. Bodge: News99 Edward Bodge: News99-00 John E. Bodge: (tailor) News98, News99; leaves for Klamath Falls: TR1/6/1908p4 Mrs. John E. Bodge: News99 W. A. Bodine: News86, News87-88, News91 Eric C. Boeck: (wheelwright) News99 Fr. J. R. Boever: News91 David C. Bogart: (conductor) News93 Oliver Carter Boggs: (attorney) Med10 Bogus Charley: Bear Dr. Bohannon: News00 John Bohl: News94, News99 Lewis B. Bomer: WJB J. S. Bonar: News86; back from Lewis County, Washington: MM12/28/1900p2 Bonewitz: News94 George L. Boone: News96 W. Boone: (contractor) News93 M. S. Booth: News88 Rev. Booth: Hist S. Booth: News86 Albion H. Boothby: News00 Boran: News86 Mrs. H. A. Borden: News90 Josiah B. Borough: News89 D. N. Bostwick: News89 William H. Bostwick: News85, News89, News98; obit: MT3/26/1911p4 "Botts": News86 Catherine Bourne: News88 Arthur Boussum: (express agent) News90-91 Carrie Boussum: News94 D. A. Boussum: News91 John Henry Boussum: Med89, News97; obit: MT3/26/1920p5 Mattie Cottrell Boussum (Mrs. D. A.): News91 Col. J. T. Bowditch: (state representative) News85, Med88, News88-90, News92 Dollie M. Bowers: News00 George Bowers: News88, News92 Wilson Bowman: News00 Angus Bowmer: IOOF Edward D. Boyd: News99 Emma Boyd: see Emma York George Boyd: News92 J. C. Boyd: News88 Boyden & Nicholson: (Henry E. Boyden, Horace G. Nicholson; hardware) News96-00, Med97 Henry E. Boyden: News00 Nelson C. Boynton: (farmer, horse trainer) News89 Mrs. Boze: News85, News90 C. H. Brace: News88 Edward Brace: News89-91 Edith G./J. Bradbury (Mrs. Noah B.): News91, News93, News98, News00 Noah B. Bradbury: (planing mill, contractor) News90-91, Med93, News93-94, News96, News98-00 S. Bradbury: News00, Med97 Dr. James Braden: (capitalist) News88, News91-93, News95 J. A. Bradley: (carpenter, wheelwright) News88, News98 Jay Bradley: (farmer) News91-92 Mrs. l.aura A. Bradley: News88, News96, News98, Med03 Lawson G. Bradley: News95 Otto Bradley: News00 William H. Bradshaw: Hist, News91-92, News94, News00, Med03; obit: MM10/29/1908p1 H. T. Bragdon: see Walsh & Bragdon; News86 Edward Payson Branch: News85; in Florida: AT7/28/1910p4 W. J. Brand: see Campbell & Brand Brandenburg: News90 Agatha Brandenburg: News88 J. A. Brandenburg "Bert": News87, News91-92, News97, News99; in Red Bluff: MM3/22/1901p6 James H. Brandenburg: (street commissioner) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, Min86-87, News89, News91, News93-94 Maggie Brandenburg: News99; leaving for Los Angeles: MM8/19/1902p6 Charles W. Brandon: (laundryman) News00 Frank S. Brandon: (night watchman, merchant) News90 Viola Brandon: (teacher) News94-95 Superintendent J. Brandt: see Koehler, Brandt & Co.; News84; dead in San Francisco: DT7/4/1890p3 Branhier: News89 Lindley C. Branson: Hist Brantner: see Poe & Brantner; News90, News94 J. N. Brantner: News91 John H. Brantner: (miner) News85, News87-88, News90-92, News94 Maggie Brantner (Mrs. John H.): News89, News92 Mary Mansfield Brantner (Mrs. John H.): News94 S. N. Brantner: News90 W. H. Branton: (plasterer) News88 Andrew J. Breazeale: News94 B. Breese: News93 James Breman: News00 Eugene F. Brennan: News94 August Brentano: News87 Helen Brentano: News93 Maximilian A. Brentano "Max": (hotel keeper) News88-89, Min88 Ollie Brentano: News89-90, News93 Otelia Brentano: News89 B. B. Brewer: (reporter) News94 brick buildings: MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n1p1c6a, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n1p4c5b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c7a, True, WJB, Hist, News84-88, RV85, MM86, Med88, Med90, News92-94, Med93, Med95, Med97, Med11 J. D. Bridges: News00 Briggs: see Hammond & Briggs; News88-89, News91, Med07 E. D. Briggs: (attorney) News93, News98 Ella M. Briggs: News95 George E. Briggs: (nurseryman) News88; dies in salem: JP9/13/1913p3 George S. Briggs: News90, News92, News94-95 Mrs. George S. Briggs: News92, News94 Governor Briggs: Hist Lavinia R. Briggs: News89 John R. Brinegar: News88-89 Briner: News88 James W. Briner: (miner) News87, News94, News96 Jenny Briner: see Jenny Coleman Mrs. L. A. Bristo: News00 Emil Britt: (photographer) News98 Peter Britt: (photographer) News86, News91, News93 John T. Broadley: True Charles Wesley Broback: MMv1n1p1c4a, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c3b, Phipps, Hist, News83-85, Med84, News87-92, Med88, Med93, News95-96 Fernando ("Ferdinand," "Nan," "Frank," "Bro") W. Broback: News84, News95 J. B. Brockenbaugh: News95 Burban Brockway "Burb": News88-89 Herbert Brodie: (telegrapher) News00 C. C. Brogan: News88 Elizabeth Brogan "Lizzie" (Mrs. C. C.): News88 Mr. Bronson: MMv1n4p1c2-3b Brook: News94 Brooks: News95 A. B. Brooks: News89 D. Brooks: News93, News99-00 Edward C. Brooks: (jeweler) News88, News92 Rose N. Brooks: News95 Thomas Brooks: (tinsmith) News95 Brophy: see Brophy & Mathes, News92 Brophy & Mathes: (butchers) News92 A. J. Brophy: News92 Henry Brophy: News95 James J. Brophy: (butcher) News94, News98-00 Jeff Brophy: (butcher) News92 Brous: News94, News96 Brous & Purdin: News93 Albert H. Brous: (bookkeeper) News93-94; lawyer in Prairie City, Iowa: MM4/29/1898p6 Alta Brous: News95 Bessie Brous: News92, News94 Charles G. Brous "Charley": (saloon keeper) Bear, News89-92 Fannie Brous: News99 J. M. Brous: News93, News95-96 Miss Brous: News93 Mrs. Brous: News94 Edgar B. "Tobe" Brous: News93; in Panama: MM7/10/1908p2; dead in Salem: MT10/11/1934p1 Rev. David Marcus Brower: News94 Brown: News94 Brown: News90-93 Brown & Co.: News85 Rev. A. Brown: News84 Andrew Brown: Med88, News88 Bert E. Brown: News93, News00; in Walla Walla: MM5/3/1901p7; Seattle: MM5/30/1902p7; Everett: MM8/8/1902p7; Seattle: MT8/20/1917p4 Cecelia Brown: News88 Charles Brown: News90 Clara M. Brown: News93 Cora Brown: News91 David Brown: News89 E. Brown: News96 E. H. Brown: News87 Edwin Brown: News90, News92, News94, News96; obit: OR3/20/1902p4, DT3/27/1902p5 Emily Brown: News86, News89 Evin L. Brown: (jeweler) News91-92, Med93, News94 Ervine L. Brown: (blacksmith) News89-90 Mrs. E. Brown: News00 Mrs. F. E. Brown: News00 George W. Brown: News84-86, News89, News93-94; ill: MT10/13/1910p2; obit: MT11/13/1910p6, MT11/16/1910p5 Grace Brown: Hist Henry R. Brown: News88 Irene Brown: Hist Irvin/Irving Brown: (blacksmith) News89-90 J. A. Brown: (teamster) News90, News91-92, News94 J. H. Brown: (washing machine agent) News90 J. R. Brown: News95 Jordan Brown: News98 Joshua Brown "Josh": News88 K. L. Brown: News93 Mrs. M. B. Brown: News88 Mattie Brown: News89 Ozro T. Brown: News90, News92 Pauline Farren Brown: News85 Priscilla/Precilla S. Brown: News89 Sarah A. Brown: see Sarah Guerin Sydney Isaac Brown "Syd": Bear W. F. Brown: (miner) News94 W. M. Brown: Med11 W. T. Brown: News92 Rev. William H. Brown: Phipps, News93 David L. Browning: News00 Mr. Brownson: MMv1n1p1c2-3b Rev. Brownson: News87 Hannah H. Bruce: News00 John Brumbeaugh: News93 Rev. Brumer: MMv1n4p4c2b Mabel Bruns: News98 Robert J. Bruns: (tinsmith) News96 Brunson: News90 Theresa Bryant: (county clerk assistant) News98 Buchanan: News91, News94 Dora Buchanan: (teacher) News92 William A. Buchanan: (railroad manager) News91, News94 Mrs. J. J. Buchter: IOOF Charles P. Buck: News87-88, News92 Dr. Buck: News87, News92 Buckley: (orchardist) News98 Miss B. Buckley: News92, News94 John Buckley: News99 Rose Buckley: (telegrapher) News92, News94 Buckman: News91 L. Buensow: News85, News88 Buffington & Henderson: (barbers) News94 George A. Buffington "Buff": (barber) News93-94 Buhlmayer Bros.: News89 Chris. Buhlmeyer: News90 Helene Buhlmeyer: News91 Helen Bullis: Hist Bunch: see Holt & Bunch; Harris & Bunch Amelia Bunch: News93 Baker N. Bunch: (mine operator) News89, News97 Jesse S. Bunch: News91 Oscar B. Bunch: News94 Ralph G. Bunch: (barber) Med93, News93-95, News98-99; in Sisson: MM10/10/1902p6 Edith Bundy (Mrs. Dr. Louis): News00 Dr. Lewis/Louis Bundy: (dentist) Med88, News00, Med07 Effie Burch: News93 Emma Burch: (teacher) News94 Luta Burch "Lutie": News92-94 Arthur C. Burgess: Hist, IOOF, Med10 Louise Burke: Hist Burnett: News92, News00 C. A. Burnett: News89 Laura Burnett ("Laurie"): (telegrapher, milliner) News99 Rev. Peter R. Burnett: News91-92 Dr. Robert T. Burnett: (dentist) Hist, News98, News00 Mabel W. Burns: News98 Isaac W. Burriss: Bear Bursell: Glim Ellen/Ella Bursell: (teacher) News87, Med93, News93-95, News97 Oliver Bursell: News87, News93 Victor Bursell: News93 J. W. Burson: News87 Martha Fowler Burson (Mrs. J. W.): News87 L. C. Burt: (planing mill) News99 A. D. Burton: News94 J. Oscar Burton: News87 Katherine Burton: see Katherine Webb Oscar H. Burton: News86-87 George Bush: News91 Belle Butcher: News88 Philip N. Butcher "Phil": (butcher) News87-88 butchers: MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p4c6b, Hist, Med94 Butler: see Butler & Green, also Barret, Butler & Stewart; News88, News94-95 Butler & Green: (painters) WJB, News95 A. Butler: News84 Basil N. Butler: (watchmaker) News97-98, News00; ill: MT8/8/1911p2; obit: JP7/5/1919p3 Gwin S. Butler: News84 J. H. Butler: News97, News98, News00, Med07 Jeunesse Butler: News94 Harry N. Butler: Hist, News94 Mrs. Harry N. Butler: News94 John Butler: News99 W. C. Butler: News95 Bybee: News98-99 M. Bybee: News00 Robert Bybee "Bob": News90 William Bybee: News83, News85, News92-95, Med93; obit: MM11/13/1908p1 Byers & Co.: MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n4p4c7a, News84-85 Byers & Jacobs (John Byers, Abraham S. Jacobs): News84, News86-87, Med86 Byers & Guerin (John Byers, James T. Guerin): (contractors) News84-87, Med86 John Byers: (contractor, builder) see Byers & Jacobs, Byers & Guerin; News83-87, News91-93 William Henry Byers: News84 Stella Byrne: (dressmaker) News99 Hector B. Cady: Med11 William H. Caine: News98 Caldwell: News94, News99 Dr. A. C. Caldwell: (dentist) News91, News94; in Ashland: MM5/30/1902p3; see also Cardwell Ida Caldwell: Hist, News84 Margaret Caldwell "Maggie" (Mrs. William S.): News85, News91, Med93, News95 Rev. S. S. Caldwell: News94 Rose Cardwell: News94 William S. Caldwell: Hist, News84 Ezekiel Calhoun: News92 John C. Calhoun: True E. W. Calkins: (confectioner) News96 Callaghan: News87 Henderson Holmes Callahan: News88 Melle E. Wrisley Callahan (Mrs. Henderson H.): News88 William R. Callahan: News89-90, News92 Mrs. William R. Callahan: News89 H. Isabelle Coleman Calvert (Mrs. J. L.): News94 J. L. Calvert: News94 James C. Calvert: (miner) News92, News00 Jessie Gilson Calvert (Mrs. James C.): News00 Mrs. Lee Calvert: News94 William Calvin: News94 Cameron: News90, News94 Annie Cameron: News90 E. G. Cameron: (foot racer) News90 J. R. Cameron: (wheat shipper) News86, News92 Robert J. Cameron: News88, News92; obit: MT5/6/1910p5 Mrs. T. Cameron: News99 Thomas Cameron: News87 Theodoric Cameron "Tod": (state senator) Phipps, Wild, News89, News92, News00; obit: JP6/13/1914p1 Dr. Warren Cameron: (physician) News98; in Leeds, South Dakota: MM5/17/1901p6 Warren Cameron: News94 Zachary Cameron: News92 Campbell: see Chute & Campbell; IOOF Campbell & Brand: (ironing boards) News96 Campbell & Palm: (insurance) News88 Charles Campbell: News92 Harry Campbell: News98 J. H. Campbell: see Campbell & Brand M. W. Campbell: News93 Mary E. Campbell: see Mary Wrisley P. A. Campbell: News88 T. F. Campbell: News87 John B. Cann: News83-84 Cannon: News84 Lissia Inez Cannon: see Lissia Enyart William H. Canon: Hist Cantrall: News93, News00 Abba Cantrall: News87 Andrew Cantrall: News93 Ida Cantrall: News94 John Cantrall: News88, News90 Roscoe E. Cantrall: (rancher) News99 Lee Cantrell: News87 B. J. Carder: News91 Cora E. Redden Carder (Mrs. Eli W.): News90, News94 E. J. Carder: News90, News93 E. S. Carder: News91 Eli Woodworth Carder: News90, News93-95, News98; in Alaska: MM5/10/1901p7 Judson Carder: News90 Lucinda V. Carder: News90 Mary Carder: News93 Thomas J. Carder: News89 Cardwell: News91-92 Alvin Cardwell: (miner) News99 Dr. A. C. Cardwell: (dentist) News91; see also Caldwell Caroline Cardwell: News91 Dan Cardwell: News92, News94 David Cardwell "Dave": News92-94 Ed Cardwell: News94 Ellen Cardwell: News94 Emma Cardwell (Mrs. W. W.): News93 Frank Cardwell: (deputy assessor) News91-92 James A. Cardwell: News89 Jane A. Cardwell: see Jane Nichols; News88 Laura B. Cardwell: see Laura Fitch Martha Cardwell: (teacher, postmistress) News95, News98 Mrs. Cardwell: News90-91 Rose Cardwell: (legal secretary) News91, News93-94; married in Vallejo: MM8/17/1900p6; see Rose Fitch William W. Cardwell "Billy": (attorney) News85, News90-96; home burnt in Burns: AT7/24/1891p2; Med93; moving to Roseburg: MM10/20/1893p3, MM5/11/1894p2; News98; in Alaska: MM8/17/1900pp6,7; in Nome: MM2/1/1901p7, MM10/11/1901p7, MM10/17/1902p7; in Roseburg: MT10/21/1912p2 Carey: News94 Al. W. Carey: News85 Clinton Carey: Med11 W. M. Carey: News94 John H. Carkin: Med23 S. Carleton: (commissioner) Med88 Carlile/Carlisle: see also Carlyle Charles Boynton Carlisle: News85-88, Med88, Min88, News90 Eloise E. Carlisle (Mrs. Charles Boynton): Med84 J. A. Carlisle: News98 William Carll: News83-84 Angus H. Carlson "Ang" "Gus": (saloon keeper) News86-85, Min87, News87-90; dead in Portland: DT9/22/1893p3 August Carlson: News97 David Carlson: Min86 S. A. Carlton: News00 John A. Carlyle: News98-99 Rose/Rosana L. Hamlin Carlyle: (arsonist) News99-00 Anna Carney: News91, News99; see Anna Hicks Charles Carney: News88, News91, News94, News99 Syntha E. Carney (Mrs. Charles): News99 Simon Caro: News99 Emily L. Carpenter (Mrs. Oscar): News96 Laura Boone Carpenter (Mrs. George B.): Wild Oscar Carpenter: (lime burner) News98 C. Carr: News93 James Carr: (farmer) News90-91, News99; obit: MM9/17/1909p2 Mrs. M. J. Carr: News92 Carrey: News88 Mattie Carrick: News98 Jane C. Carroll: News94 W. Carroll: News93 W. A. Carroll: (soda water) News90 William E. Carroll: (marshal, farmer) News89, News93, Med03 J. Carry: News90 A. H. Carson: (nurseryman) News90-92 G. Carson: News84 I. J. Carson: News91 Lincoln Clarke Carson: (newspaperman, miner) News93 Carter: News89, Med07 Carter Bros.: (painters) News87 B. F. Carter: News94 Ernest A. Carter: (painter) News99 Ernest V. Carter: Hist, Bear, News85 Frank H. Carter: News86 Laurence Carter: News93 Lena Carter: News99 Mabell Humphrey Carter (Mrs. Ernest V.): News85 Mrs. R. A. Carter: News98 Sarah E. Carter (Mrs. B. F.): News94 William Alfred Carter: News98; married in Salem: MM1/10/1902p2 J. H. Caruthers: News87-88 Ebenezer W. Carver: News92 Case: see McBride & Case; News91 Casebeer: News90, News94 J. W. Casebeer: News92 Jacob M. Casebeer: News87, News94 Minnie B. Casebeer (Mrs. Jacob M.): News87 Harry Casey: News91 Joseph Caskey "Joe": (blacksmith) News98-00 T. F. Casselman: Med11 Effie Caster: News95 M. A. Casters: News95 Mrs. E. Casto: News91 E. S. Casto: News91 George W. Catching: (farmer, carpenter, contractor) News91, News95 S. S. Catching: (carpenter) News91 F. B. Cathcart: see Simmons & Cathcart, News92-93 Edwin B. Caton: News85 Thomas V. Cator: News94 Cavan: News94 Aphia Winifred Cawley (Mrs. Edwin): News83 Dan Cawley: Hist Miss L. M. Center: News93 Central Hotel: MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c7b, MM86 Tamar Chagnon: (dressmaker) News92-93 Chalk: News94 Chamberlain: News93 Chambers: News87, News93-94 Harriet E. Chambers: News86 J. F. L. Chandler: News99 L. P. Chandler: (wood yard) Med93, News93 Rhoda Chandler: see Rhoda Dora Chapman: News92 A. L. Chapman: (painter) News94 Dan Chapman: News94 Henry Chapman: Bear J. W. Chapman: News96 M. J. Chapman: News98 Margaret Chapman (Mrs. M. J.): News98 Samuel Chapman: News94 Chappel: News85, News91 Martha A. Chappel: News90-91 Chappell: (groceryman) News95 Charles: see Gaines & Charles John Charles: (hotel owner) News89, News93-94 L. C. Charley: News91 Alexander D. Charlton: News88 Paul Chartrand: News87, News88-89, News92-93; dead in Grants Pass: CO6/20/1901p3 Praxella Chartrand (Mrs. Paul): News87 Chase: see Gaines & Chase James B. Chase: News92 Rev. S. B. Chastain: News94 Chavner: News91, News94 Mary Chavner: News89, News94 Mrs. R. Chavner: News94-95, News99 Thomas Chavner: News83, News87 Mrs. P. E. Cheney: News88 Chessmore & McCain: (newspaper publishers) News99 Alvin H. Chessmore: (real estate, publisher, wood lot operator) see Stewart & Chessmore, News99-00 George Horatio Chick: (ore mill promoter) MM86, News85-87, Med86, News92-93 Newton W. Chilcott: News88 W. W. Chilcott: Min85 Childers: see Childers & Lyon; also Adkins-Childers Building, Crane & Childers; News85, News88-90, News93-94, News99-00, Hist Childers & Lyon: WJB Childers Bros.: News93, News98-00, Med06 A. Childers & Sons: (brick makers, masons) News85-90, Med88 A. S. Childers: News87 Adelbert Childers: News93 Agnes Childers "Aggie": see Agnes Hall; Med84 Agnes Childers: see Agnes Phipps Allen Childers: News93 Arnold R. Childers: (brick maker, mason, councilman) MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MM86, First, Hist, News84-94, Min85-88, Med88 Bert. Childers: News98 Ed. Childers: News90 Elmira Childers: Med84 Eugene Childers: News98 "Grandma" Childers: News93 George Childers: News92 Grant Childers: News93 Guy A. Childers: (liveryman) News87, News96, News99 Herbert E. Childers "Bert": (liveryman) WJB, News96 Horace Egbert Childers: News87 James A. Childers: News92 James M. Childers: (county assessor) MM86, News84, Med88, News92-93 M. D. Childers: News88 Mary Elizabeth Peter Childers (Mrs. Spencer C.): (hotel operator) Med84, News98 Mary M. Childers: News98 Nellie Childers: see Nellie Hall Raymond Childers: Med07 Sarah A. Childers (Mrs. Arnold R.): News87-89; obit: MM4/12/1901p2 Spencer C. Childers "Spence": (brick mason, contractor, fence manufacturer) News87-95, Min88, Med93, News98, News00 Spencer Childers, Jr.: WJB, News93-94, News98, News00; obit: DT11/5/1900p2 Mrs. W. A. Childers: News94 Carrie Childs: News00 Chinese: MMv1n1p4c4b, Hist, Wild, True, News85-86, News89, News93-94 James Chisholm: (G.A.R.) News94 Charles C. Chitwood "Charley": (pharmacist) News93-95, News98; in Grants Pass: MM10/27/1893p3; in Klamath Falls: MM6/7/1901p6 H. F. Chitwood: News90 Hampton T. Chitwood: News85, News90; in Portland: MT2/12/1931p5 Irene Chitwood: News95, News98 Kate Chitwood: News95 Grace Christa: News00 Christian & Son: (carpenters) News98 Emma W. Christian: News98 Floyd K. Churchill: (printer) News98 Anna Churchman: News93-94 Diantha Churchman: News93 Edward J. Churchman: News93 F. K. Churchman: (newspaperman) News98 William Churchman: (night watchman, marshal) see Dougherty & Churchman; News84-85, News93-95; leaving for Squaw Valley: DT4/18/1898p3; widow dies in San Francisco: MM4/25/1902p7 Mrs. William Churchman: News93-95 Chute: see Patterson & Chute Chute & Campbell: (jewelers) News92 Harris O. Chute: (jeweler) News92, News94 Lena Cimborsky: see Mrs. Anderson City Drug Store: see also Haskin's Drug Store; MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n4p4c7b, MM86 Clark: News86-89 Belle Clark: News89 Charles Clark: News93; in Rhyolite, Nevada: JP12/13/1913p3 Charles A. Clark: News89, News00 Dr. Clark: News88 E. L. Clark: (popcorn vendor) True Father Clark: News90 J. C. Clark: News91 James G. Clark: (poet, singer) News90, News92; in Los Angeles: DT1/15/1894p3 John Clark: News85, (bowling alley) News88, News92 Lucy A. Clark: News88-90, News99 Mark B. Clark: News98 Mrs. Mary A. Clark: News90 Ollie Clark: see Ollie George Ruby Clark: News94 William M. Clark/Clarke "Billy": (butcher, saloon keeper) News88-91, News99, News00 C. W. Clarke: MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c4a Clay & Meader: Med03 Clayton & Gore: News86 Clara M. Clayton: News88-89 Mrs. F. W. Clayton: News88, News92 Frank W. Clayton: (watchmaker, jeweler) News88-90, News92 Nathan Holly Clayton: News86 Vina Gore Clayton (Mrs. Nathan H.): News86 Agustin W. Clemens: News92 Matthew G. Clemmens: News94 Mrs. M. G. Clemmens: News94 Rose Clemmens: News94 William T. Clemmens: News00 Grover Cleveland: MMv1n4p1c5a, News84 Joseph Clift: News88 Adam Clinedienst: News97 Close Bros.: (tile makers, musicians) News87, News89 Robert Clow: News91 W. D. Clumper: News94 E. C. Clutter: (photographer) News89-90 Rev. Clyde: News99 Coakley: News83 Cobb: News93 Cochran: News85, News90, News99 Elmira Cochran: News98-99 J. A. Cochran: News89 John H. Cochran: Med06 Mrs. John Cochran: Med84 Cock: News95 James Coeti: (saloonkeeper) News93-94, News96, News98 Joe Coeti: (saloonkeeper) News93 James Coets: News95 Daniel Cofer: (contractor, marshal) Wild, News93-94, News96, News00 B. J. Cofer: (restaurateur) News00 James M. Cofer: (contractor) News93 Walter D. Cofer: News95, News00; married at Jackson, California: DT3/8/1900p3 William Cofer: News90 Cogeshall: News93 Fred Cohen: News89 Coker: News90, News94 Coker & Forbes: see Forbes & Coker Coker & Miller: (threshers) News91 J. C. Coker: (liveryman) News89, News91 Charles W. Coker: News85, News87, News89-91 Clayton Coker: News91 Ella W. Coker: see Ella McGee Robert S. Coker: News90-91, News94 William Coker: News93 Rosa C. Egeberg Coker (Mrs. Robert S.): News94 William Coker: News91 Cole: Bear, News86 Cole & Jones: (physicians) News91, News93-94 Abraham Cole: News83, News87 Ella J. Cole: News00 Dr. George B. Cole: (physician) News91-94, Med93, News98-00 George W. Cole: News85 Jessie Cole: News97, News00 Rufus Cole: News95 Sidney E. Cole: (restaurateur) News98-00 C. C. Coleman: News98-99 Elmer G. Coleman: News86 Emma Coleman: (teacher) News89 Etta Coleman: see Etta Coleman Peyser H. Isabelle Coleman: see Mrs. J. L. Calvert Rev. J. P. Coleman: News91 Judge James Blin Coleman: Bear Jenny Briner Coleman (Mrs. Elmer G.): News86 L. C. Coleman: (capitalist) News92, News94-95, News99 Mary Coleman: (teacher) News88-89, News94 Minnie M. Coleman: (teacher) News89, News91, News93-95, News97-98 William Russell Coleman "Bill" "Judge": Bear James D. Colleen: News86, News92 Meryl Colleen: News87 Sarah Colleen: News87 Collins: News00 Clarinda Collins: News89 James W. Collins: News93 Lola Collins: News88 Samuel Collins: News00 Thomas Collins: (saloon keeper, livestock dealer) News98-00; in Phoenix, Arizona: MM3/29/1901p6; in Lake County: DT9/12/1901p4 Ulysses S. Collins: Hist Colver: News90 Huldah Colver (Mrs. Samuel): News93 Jemima Colver: see Jemima Rose Lewellyn Colver: News84 Samuel B. Colver: News84 Colvig: see Woodford & Colvig Colvig & Reames: (attorneys: W. M. Colvig) News00 Addie Birdseye Colvig (Mrs. William M.): News87, News90, News92, News99 Aphia Winifred Colvig: see Aphia Winifred Cawley Clara Colvig: News94 Helen Colvig: News94-95, News99 Jennie Colvig: News87 Vance DeBar"Pinto" Colvig: Pinto William Mason Colvig: (school superintendent, attorney, district attorney) MM86, Pinto, Hist, News84-85, News87-89, Med88, News91-96, News98, News00, Med10 M. Colwell: News84, News88 John Compson: News98 John Compton: (liveryman) News98-99 William J. Compton: (thresher) News87, News98-99 O. Comstock: see O. Barneburg Conger: News93 D. M. Conger: News92 Josephine Conger: see Josephine Dean Mark Conger: News85 S. B. Conger: News93 S. P. Conger: News92-93, Med93; in Illinois Valley, en route to Colorado: MM5/25/1900p7 Sarah E. Conger: see Sarah Dean Anna S. Conklin (Mrs. Charles W.): Med11 Arthur Conklin: News89-90 T. D. Conklin: News00; in Oakland, California: DT12/17/1902p2 William S. Conkling: News92, News99 Eva Pankey Conley (Mrs. J. G.): News94 Frank Conley: (locomotive engineer) News91 J. G. Conley: News94 G. W. Connell: News89-91 Norma Connell: News90 J. W. Connord: MMv1n1p4c2b Hal L. Conrad: (Commercial Club secretary) Med10 Dr. R. G. Conroy: Med10 Shannon Conser: (train dispatcher) News91 Isaac Constant: News93-94 Frank B. Converse: (civil engineer) News89-90 Mrs. John Conway: Med11 Cook: see Muller & Cook; News92 Cook & Co.: (lumber) News94 A. Cook: MMv1n4p4c2a Anna Cook: News88 Annie Laurie Cook: News89 Benjamin S. Cook: News90 Clarence F. Cook: (nurseryman) Med07 Ida Cook: News90 J. C. Cook: News92 James Cook: News91 John R. Cook: (lumber) News94 Robert A. Cook: (miner) News98 Vint Cook: News94 William Cook "Will": News88, News94 Ray Cooke: News99 George W. Cooksey: News87 Coolidge: News85 Nora Coon: News93 Lucy Coons: News94 Robert Coons: News94 Cooper: News89, News91 Miss A. Cooper: News92 Carrie Cooper: News92 Emma Cooper: News92-93 H. G. Cooper: News89 H. W. Cooper: News94 Margetta Cooper: News89 Millie Cooper (Mrs. H. W.): News94 Minnie Cooper (Mrs. William Phipps): News87 Stephen S. Cooper: News87, News89-92, News94, News99 Theodore H. Cooper: News88-90, News92 William G. Cooper: (hotel keeper, saddler, harness maker) News87-92; obit: MT6/20/1910p6 W. G. Cooper & Son: (harness) Med88, News88 H. W. Corbett: Med00 Nora Corbett: News88 Mrs. R. Corbett: News88 A. W. Cormack: (sawmill) News90 Margaret Cornell: Med49 S. Cornutt: News90 Clara Fordyce Cornish (Mrs. Judson D.): News86 Judson D. Cornish: News86, News89 James C. Corum: (butcher) News87-90, News96 Eliza E. Corwin (Mrs. Charles L.): News00 Helen Coss: Med07 Howard M. Coss: (piano dealer) News00 Mabel Coss: Med07 James Cotie: News95 Jesse Pete Cotton: (sawmill) News98 Charles P. Cottrell: News90; obit: MT8/12/1912p2 George Cottrell: News94 Lois Cottrell: IOOF Lora Cottrell: News89 Mattie Cottrell: see Mattie Boussum William David Cottrell "Will": News00, IOOF E. G. Coul: News93 William E. Coul: (engineer) News93-95 George W. Coulter "Virgin": (clerk, painter, railroad fireman, tamale maker) Glim, Med88, News88-92, News94, News98-00; "Virgin": MM11/14/1902p7 L. H. Countryman: News86 Anna Counts: see Anna Toepper Irene S. Cowles (Mrs. J. C.): (artist) News85-88 J. C. Cowles: (furniture merchant) MMv1n1p1c2-3a, MMv1n1p4c4a, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p4c5-6b, News85-87, News89-91 J. W. Cowles: News85 Lee Cown: (confectioner, tobacconist) News95 Cox: see Bell & Cox, Williams & Cox; News90-91, News00 Cox & Bantz: (real estate), Med88 Cox & Dunn: (hay dealers) News98 Cox & Perry: News00 D. L. Cox: News89 Daniel T. Cox: (liveryman, real estate agent) News98 Elmira E. Gregory Cox (Mrs. Truitt G.): News00 Elmira May Crain Cox (Mrs. John W.): Hist, News99 John C. Cox: News93 John W. Cox: News89, News91, News93-94, News99; dies in Oakand, California: MT11/20/1932p3 L. F. Cox: News90 Laura Cox: News00 Minnie Cox: News00 Rufus Cox: (grain dealer) News85, News88, News92-93, News98-00; obit MM5/8/1908p4 Truitt G. Cox/D. Truman Cox "True": Hist, News88, News98-00 D. G. Coy: (clothier) News91 J. H. Coyle: News93 Mrs. J. E. Coyle: News00 John B. Coyle: News89, News92, News94 James R. Crabtree: News91 Mrs. James R. Crabtree: News91 Rev. John W. Craig: News87 Joseph A. Crain: News85-86, News90, News93-94 Elmira May Crain: (teacher) MMv1n1p4c1b, Hist, News85, News91-92; see Elmira Cox Mrs. Joseph A. Crain: News99 William F. Crain "Will": (liveryman) News92-94 Mrs. Rev. Thomas L. Crandall: News00 Crane & Childers: WJB, News96 Ida K. Crane: News92 Joseph Crane: News94 N. B. Crane: News84 William T. Crane "Will": (roller rink) see Crane & Childers; Hist, True, Med93, News93-96 Dick Cranfield: News91 Cranfill & Hutchison: Med93, News93, News97-98 Charles Cranfill: News87 Franklin Lafayette Cranfill: (store clerk, manager, merchant) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-88, News90-93, Med91, Med93, News98; obit: JP2/21/1914p3 Ophelia Crow Cranfill (Mrs. Franklin L.): (store clerk) News86-88, News91-93 Rev. E. S. Craven: News94 Rev. R. S. Craven: Med93, News94 Will Craven: News94 Crawford: Hist, News90 Crawford & Co.: (mining) News92 Crawford, Howell & Co.: News90 Elizabeth Crawford (Mrs. Willard): News94 Linda Eaton Crawford (Mrs. Willard): Med88, News88 Mrs. M. Crawford: News94 Oris Crawford: (bank cashier, school clerk) Hist, News98, Med06 W. Crawford: News89 W. H. Crawford: Med23 Judge Willard C. Crawford: (attorney, assayist) News87-93, Med88; leaving for Grants Pass: MM4/21/1893p2; News97; on Smith River: MM6/22/1900p7 William Crawford: First, Hist, News91 Prof. William J. Crawford: (principal) News88-91 Rev. Crawford: News90-91 Creed: News88 Creed Bros.: (well drillers) News90, News92 A. P. Creed: (well driller) News98 George M. Creed: News90-91; in Lake County: MM10/17/1902p6 Margaret Lowden Creed "Maggie" (Mrs. George M.): News90-91 Mate V. Creed: see Mate Adkins; News89 Mattie Creed: (teacher) NewFs88, News89 George Crenshaw: News87 L. C. Crenshaw: News94 L. Jasper Crenshaw: (wagon maker) MMv1n1p4c5b, MMv1n4p4c3a, News85-90, Med86; in Ager, California: SOM7/8/1892p3 Rhoda A. Crenshaw: News88-89 Cress: see also Kress Cress & Fischer: (painters) News87, News89 T. J. Cress, T. J.: (painter) News87, News89 Mrs. John Creswell: News89 Crewe & Pavitt: (cigar makers) News91 Frederick T. Crewe: News92 M. J. Crewe: News92-93 John Crimmons: News85 Cass B. Crisler: (butcher) News92, News94 P. W. Croake: News91 Crocker: see Sisson & Crocker Cronemiller (pronounced "Cronymiller"): News88 Cronemiller & Birdsey: News84 Carrie Cronemiller: see Mrs. Horton David Cronemiller: (blacksmith, wainwright) News89; obit: JP11/12/1910p1, MT10/26/1910p3 James M. Cronemiller: News94 Dr. Crook: News83 Henry F. Crook: News86 D. W. Crosby & Co.: (real estate agents) News87 David W. Crosby "Dave": (teamster, real estate agent, caterer) Wild, News84-92, Min86-87; in Riddle: MM3/31/1893p3; News94-95, News97; moving from Portland to Riddle: DT9/5/1898p3, MM8/2/1901p7, MM11/8/1901p6 Dorthia Crosby: see Dorthia Hollenbeak Jennie Crosby (Mrs. D. W.): News96 Nettie Crosby: see Nettie McGee William F. Crosby: (grain dealer) News00 Winnie Crosby: News89 J. G. Crossman: News87 B. F. Crouch: (carpenter, contractor) News91-95, News98 Edith Crouch: (teacher) News91-92, News94 Emily I. Crouch (Mrs. B. F.): News93-94 Herbert Crouch: (carpenter) News98-99 Crowell: News94 Capt. Crowell: News92 Clara M. Crowell (Mrs. Herman M.): News98 Emily H. Crowell (Mrs. William S.): News93 Herman M. Crowell: News94, News96, News98 Walter Crowell: (soda works) News99 William S. Crowell: (attorney) Hist, News90, News92-96, Med97, News98-00, Med03, Med10 Thomas F. Croxton: News83 W. Croxton: News83 J. Crump: (farmer) News91 Crystal: Min86, News94-96 Alfonso Crystal: News99-00 Herbert Crystal: Min88 Carl J. Crystal: News87, News95, News98 Catherine E. Crystal "Kate" (Mrs. George W.): News89-94, News98; obit: MT10/13/1911p3 Fannie Crystal: see Fannie Fehely; News88 George W. Crystal: (blacksmith, market gardener) Hist, News83-85, Min87, News87-89, News92-94, Med93 Melvin Crystal: (farmer) News98 Raymond Crystal: Hist, News85, Med93, News98; in Pendleton: MM4/5/1907p5, MM6/18/1909p2, MT5/20/1913p2 Thomas A. Culbertson: News87, News93 Mrs. L. M. Culp: Med93, News93-94 George C. Culy: (rancher) News99 Riley Cummings: News84; see also Cummons Mrs. T. J. Cummings: News96 T. J. Cummins: News89, News99 Cummons Bros.: News84-86, News88 B. F. Cummons: News90, News93 C. D. Cummons: News88 Elizabeth A. Cummons: News88, News90, News93, News99 J. M. Cummons: News87-89 J. S. Cummons: News90 J. W. Cummons: News88 John Cummons: News85 R. S. Cummons: News86-87; see also Cummings Spencer A. Cummons: News90 W. R. Cummons: News85 Cunningham: News88; see also Cunnyngham Annie Cunningham: News85 Cal. Cunningham: News85, News88 Cunningham Company: MMv1n1p4c7a Cunningham Hotel: see also Empire Hotel; Hist, News85 James Cunningham: News84-85 Cunnyngham: see also Cunningham Abigail Ann Barkdull Cunnyngham (Mrs. John W.): Bark, News85-86, News88 Cal Cunnyngham: News88, News00 Gus Cunnyngham: News87-88, News94; in Portland: MM6/9/1893p2, MM6/1/1894p3 John W. Cunnyngham: (gate salesman, hotel keeper) MMv1n4p4c2a, MMv1n4p4c3a, Med84, News84-91, Min85, Med86, News94; dies at Weed: AT11/12/1906p2 James R. Cunnyngham: (grocer, attorney) News88, News99; in San Francisco: MT2/27/1927p8 Mary Cunnyngham: News88 Mattie Cunnyngham: News85, News88 Wiley H. Cunnyngham: News88, News90 Curry & Johnson: (ice) News94 Ethel Curry: News93 Gladys Curry: News93 John Curry "Johnny": (delivery man, bookkeeper) News88, News90, News92-94, News98 John H. Curry: News92 John W. Curry: (fireman, clerk) News85-86, News88-95, News98, News00; in Washington, D.C.: MM2/1/1901p2 Mrs. John Curry: News92-93; obit: DT1/31/1901p5 Ray Curry: News93 Thomas Curry: News84, News89, News91 D. L. Curtis: (Jacksonville marshal) News87-89; obit: JP11/14/1914p1 E. J. Curtis: (hotel keeper) News85, News93 Ed Curtis: News83 Hattie Hayley Curtis (Mrs. Joseph): News86 Joseph Curtis: News86 John W. Cusick: News88 W. G. Cutbirth: News93 George F. Cuthbert: Glim; in Vancouver B.C.: MT8/19/1919p2 Dade: see Jacobson-Dade Co. J. L. Daemmer: News99; see Demmer Paul Daemmer: News99 see Demmer Minnie B. Dahack: see Minnie B. Casebeer Patrick H. Daily: (teacher) News93, News96 Daison: News90 Daley & Co.: News83 Adoniram J. Daley: (farmer) News85, News89-90, News92 C. H. Daley: (farmer) News94 Mrs. C. H. Daley: News94 William C. Daley: (carpenter) News88 Mark Daly: News86 William Daly: Bear Joseph Dame: News89-90, News98 M. Dammer: News92-93 Damon: see Jackson & Damon; News88, News93, News99 C. A. Damon: News91 Caroline E. Jackson Damon "Carrie" (Mrs. Major S.): Med84, News87, Med88, Med90, News89-90, News92, News95, News99-00 Carrie Brown Damon (Mrs. Charles O.): News94 Charles O. Damon "Charlie": (painter, sign painter, bill poster, opera house manager) News89-95, Med91; in San Francisco: MM4/23/1897p7, News00; in Oakland, California: MM4/11/1902p7; with Ringling Bros.: MM8/24/1900p6, MM8/16/1907p4 F. M. Damon: (telegrapher) in Oroville: MM4/23/1897p7 Loren L. Damon: News93, News99 M. E. Damon: News93 M. L. Damon: News90 Major S. Damon: (shoemaker, street commissioner, bill poster) News87-94, Min87-88, Med88, Med91, Med93, News97-00 Mrs. Damon: News93 U. S. Damon: News91, News94 Ulysses M. Damon "Liss" "Lys": Wild, News92-96, News98, News00; telegrapher in Oroville: MM4/11/1902p7 L. A. Danforth: News99 Lee Daniels: News92 Thurston E. Daniels "Dan": (haberdasher) Hist, Med07, Med11; in Vancouver, Washington: MM4/18/1902p6 Danielson: see Trowbridge and Danielson Alex Danielson: News96 Alva E. Danielson: (printer) News92-94; in Oakland, Calif.: News98; marries: MM11/8/1901p7, DT11/21/1901p5, MM11/22/1901p6, MM7/4/1902p6 Dr. Samuel Danielson: (physician) Hist, News87-92, News94, News98; in Los Angeles: MT7/10/1924p3 Waldo Danielson: (sign painter) News00 John Darby: Bear Darneille: see Darnell; News91 J. Darneille: News95 Ralph Darneille: News95 Darnell: News93 A. Darnell: News91 Ida Darnell: News84 Jay K. Darnell/Darneille: (carpenter) News84, Min85-86, News86-87, News90, News92-95, News97-98, News00; in Klamathon: MM6/29/1900p6 John A. Daron: Med11 Daugherty: see also Dougherty Mrs. M. D. Daugherty: (milliner) Hist, Med86 R. A. Daugherty: Med11 William Davenport: Hist Davidson: Bear, News89 Andrew Davidson: Phipps Mary Davidson: (teacher) News90, News97 W. E. Davidson: News93 William Davidson: News99 May Davinson: News84, News92 Davis: see Davis & Pottenger, Davis & McGee, Davis & Huff, Davis & France, Davis & Stewart; News90, News93-94 Davis & France: (flour millers) News89-91 Davis & Gilkey: (grocers) News97 David & Howard: (millers) News93 Davis & Huff: (grocers, fruit shippers) News91 Davis & McGee: News92-93 Davis & Muller: News94 Davis & Pottenger: (grocers) News92-93, Med93 Davis & Shearer: (stable) News95 Davis & Stewart: News88 A. F. Davis: News92 A. J. Davis: News91 Anna E. Davis (Mrs. George L.) "Annie": Hist; News90-92, Med10 Ansel/Ansil A. Davis: (miller) see Ferry & Davis; WJB, First, Hist, News89-94, Med90, Med91, Med93, News96-00, Med06, Med07, Med11 Angella Melissa Langdon Davis (Mrs. Ansel A.): News91, News96, News99, News00; obit: MM8/17/1900p3 Arrin L. Davis: News95 Clyde Davis: News92 D. R. Davis: (bigamist) News94 Cora G. Davis: see Cora Wilde E. Davis: News90, News99 Edmund Davis: News90, News94 Edward H. Davis: (drayman) News91, News93-94 Miss Emma Davis: News00; in Crescent City: MM3/9/1900p7 Mrs. Emma Davis: Bear Frank Davis: News89, News92; in Spikenard: SOM7/15/1892p4 G. F. Davis: News90 George L. Davis: (grocer, school clerk, fireman, opera house) News89-94, Med91, News96, News98-00; becomes traveling salesman: MM8/23/1901p7, MM1/31/1902p6, MM4/11/1902p6; in Portland: MM11/30/1906p3; in Jacksonville: MM7/5/1907p5 Mrs. George Davis: News92, News94, News00 Grace Davis: News91 Guy W. Davis: News93 Josephine Barkdull Davis (Mrs. Frank): News90 Mary E. Davis: News90, News93, News99 Mary Powell Davis (Mrs. W. K.): News94 Orin/Orvin Davis: News98-99 Rhoda A. Davis: News91 Scott Victor Davis: News93, News98, News00 Stephen Davis: News88 W. D. Davis: (cook) News93 W. K. Davis: (pensioner, contractor, cabinetmaker, wheelwright) News90, Med91, News92-94, News97, News99-00; in Crescent City: MM3/9/1900p7 W. T. Davis: News94 William Davis: News90, News99; obit: MT11/25/1931p2 Davison: News85-86, News89-90 A. Davison: News85 Jeptha Davison: News94 Miss Mary Davison: (teacher) News91, News94 Mrs. Mary A. Davison: News84-85, News87, News91-92 William E. Davison: News89, News93 Nancy M. Daw: News99 Dawson: News85 James Dawson: News88 Edith Day: News93; published: MM2/9/1894p4 Mamie Day: News91-92 Judge Silas J. Day: News83, News86-94, News99-00; bio: MM3/5/1909p3; ill: MT12/17/1909p1, MT12/21/1909p7; obit: JP1/1/1910p2, MT12/31/1909p1, MT1/2/1910pB2 Bradford W. Dean "Brad": (sheriff) MM86, News86-88, Med88, News90, News93; in Curry County: MM3/1/1901p6; obit: JP4/27/1918p3 Clara E. Dean: News84 Josephine Conger Dean (Mrs. M. S.): News86 Mrs. M. Dean: (milliner) News94 M. S. Dean: News86 Ralph F. Dean: News86, News92, News98 Sarah E. Conger Dean (Mrs. M. S.): News86 William M. Dean: News93 Prof. Willis John Dean: News89 Florence E. DeBar (Mrs. George O.): News99 Dr. George O. DeBar: (physician) News85, News87, News90-92; in Eugene: MM8/29/1902p3 DeBoy & Stuart: (jewelers) News91 Frances E. Schumaker DeBoy (Mrs. Isadore E.): News94 Isadore E. DeBoy: (jeweler) News91, News94-95 Charles F. Declere: News89 William H. Deets: News89 Jackson Deflannay: News90 Rose DeGroot: News93 Edward J. DeHart: see Honeyman, DeHart & Co.; News91, News93, Med03 Joseph Deik (Delk?): News86, News95 Sarah Ward Deik (Mrs. Joseph): News86 George Deitrich: see also Dietrich; News88, News00 J. Delano: (butcher) News86, Med86 Charles E. DeLashmutt: (telegrapher) News91-93 S. E. Delk: News95 Mrs. S. E. Delk: News95 Demar: News91 Demmer: News93 John L. Demmer: News93, News95, News99-00, MM1/18/1901p6, Med03 Lorenz Demmer: News93, Med03 Mathias Demmer: News91, News98, Med03 Paul Demmer: News93, News99, Med03 Theresia Demmer (Mrs. Lorenz): News93 Demorest Bros.: (dentists) News92-93 Henry Demorest "Harry": (dentist) News93-94; in Cavalier, North Dakota: MM6/1/1894p2; in Neche, N.D.: MM10/10/1902p6 Lucy Demorest: News92 Dr. Orin F. Demorest: (dentist) Hist, News89, News90-94, Med91, Med93; in Lakeview: MM3/7/1902p6, MM4/11/1902p7; MM4/18/1902p6 Harriet Loretta Shreve Demorest (Mrs. Orin F.) "Hattie" "Retta": News90, News92; obit: MM1/31/1902p2 Deneff: see Howell & Deneff Dennis: see Turpin & Dennis Minnie Dennis: News92 Mrs. E. Miranda Dennison: News87, News90, News92-93, Med93, News95 Prof. Arthur B. Dennison: (principal) News88-89 L. P. Denny: (well driller) News94 John B. Dent: News00 Elijah Denton: News98 Judge E. DePeatt: (attorney, county judge) News87, Med88, News89, News91, News95; in Albina: MM5/26/1893p5; News94; Umatilla County: MM6/22/1894p3 N. E. DePeatt: News98 Nellie DePeatt: News98 DeRoboam: see Orser & DeRoboam; News95, News99-00 Emil DeRoboam: (liveryman) News99 Henrietta DeRoboam (Mrs. Jean St. Luc): News88; obit: MM10/19/1900p5 Jean St. Luc DeRoboam: Glim Jeanne DeRoboam: see also Jeanne Holt; Glim Sam DeRoboam: News94 R. Derr: (bartender) News98 George Descamp: (insurance salesman) News93 Deskins Point: MMv1n1p4c2b Harvey/Henry P. Deskins: MMv1n1p4c2b, News83, News87, News89-91 Rev. Father Desmarais: News95 Deuel: see Deuel & Stevens Deuel & Stevens: (F. K. Deuel, W. B. Stevens) WJB, News97-99 B. F. Deuel: News96 Fred K. Deuel: (merchant) Hist, News94, News98-00 Devaul: see also Duval E. M. Devaul: (shoemaker) News89; leaving for Phoenix, Arizona: MM4/28/1893p1 Minnie Stanfield Devaul (Mrs. E. M.): News89 John S. Devine: Bear Dr. Henry DeVis: News85 Agnes Devlin: (teacher) News92, News94 John Devlin: (farmer) News87, News90; obit: JP3/9/1918p3 George W. Dewey: News92 Thomas G. Dews: (miner) News00 Wesley Dial: News98; in Butte County, California: MM8/1/1902p6 Burt Dickenson: News89 J. H. Dickenson: (hotel keeper) News88-89 R. D. Dickenson: News90 Charles A. Dickison: (nurseryman) News90-91, News93; leaving for San Francisco: MM12/26/1902p6; in Grants Pass: MM6/29/1906p8 William R. Dickison: (hotel keeper) News88-89, News93 George Diederick/Dietrich: see also Deitrich; News87, News94 Dietz: News89 Lorena Dignam: see Lorena Haselton C. Frank Dillard: Hist J. S. Dilley: News88 Michael Dillon: News00 A. C. Dixon: (lumber) News95 Prof. Finley Dixon: (principal) News89 S. Dixon: News83 Volney Dixon: (artist) Med07 J. H. Dobbin: News89 Dodge Bros.: (well drillers) News89, News91 Ira Dodge: True, News95 Jesse Dodge: News87 Warren P. Dodge: (well borer) News91-94, News98 Dodson: see Innis & Dodson Alexander D. Dodson: (newspaper man) News89-90, News92; en route from Polk County to Redding: SOM10/7/1892p3; News93-94 Narcissa D. Simpson Dodson (Mrs. A. D.): News89, News93 John H. Dolben: News90 Dollarhide: News85, News88, News92-93 Jesse Dollarhide: News83 Mrs. Jesse Dollarhide: News94 Marrietta Louise Shideler Dollarhide: News98 Samuel L. Dolson: News83-84, News88 Pat Donegan: News93-94, News98 S. Donegan: News93-94 J. E. Donnelly: News93, News99 Pat Donoghue: News95 Jennie Donohue: News89 Hugo Donzelmann: News93 Charles Dora: News87 Rhoda Chandler Dora (Mrs. Charles): News87 Doran: see Doren Lewis Doren: Hist, News84, Min87 William Dorn: News87 Dorsey: News93 Dorson: Med85, News85 Dougherty: see also Daugherty; News85 Dougherty & Churchman: (variety and notions) News85 J. W. Dougherty: (merchant) MMv1n1p1c2b, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p1c1b, MMv1n4p4c2a Mrs. J. W. Dougherty: (milliner) News85 M. E. Dougherty: News84-87, News90 Dora Doughty (Mrs. W. C.): News90 W. C. Doughty: News90 Douglas & Co.: (real estate) News88 Ward Douglas: (insurance salesman) News87-90 Robert B. Dow: (bookkeeper) News93-94, News99; leaving for Galveston: JP1/30/1915p3 Dowell: see Wilson & Dowell Benjamin F. Dowell: MMv1n1p4c5b, News91; obit: AT3/18/1897p2 Florence Dowell: see Florence Whetstone J. D. Dowell: Med93 James W. Dowell: News90 L. O. Dowell: (saloon keeper) News90 John J. Dowes: (bridge carpenter) News88 Downing: News89 Fred. T. Downing: (liveryman) News85, News88, News91, News93; obit: MT1/6/1911p8 James L. Downing: News93 John H. Downing: News93 Joseph Downing: News93 J. L. Downs: News90 Matilda Edwards Downs "Mattie" (Mrs. J. L.): News90 H. W. Dox: News98 Ella Drake: (telegrapher) News90-91 Ira Drake: News92 Joseph Dray: News87 Mrs. Dray: News87 Nancy B. Dray: News94 T. A. Drisco: see Starr & Drisco, Drisko; WJB, News93 Driscoll: News93 Alcander T. Drisko: News94, News97, News99 Clara B. Drisko: News98 A. B. Drucks: News89 John E. Drucks: News88-89, Min88; in Portland: DT12/30/1892p2 James Drum: News85 R. E. Drum: News94 Eulina Lehnherr Dubell (Mrs. J. A. D.): News88 John A. D. Dubell: News87-88 J. C. Ducket: News85 Alexander Duff: Med11 Daniel D. Duff: Med11 Charles C. Duffield: (shoe merchant) Med10 Smuel H. Duffield: News93 Dugan & Herely: News85 Charles H. Duncan: (tinsmith) News87, News89 Mary Hutchinson Duncan (Mrs. Charles H.): News89 W. H. Duncan: Med07 John B. Dungan: (farmer) News89; visiting from San Diego: MT4/26/1910p3 Charles H. Dunham "Charlie": (drayman) News91, News93-94 Abigail Scott Duniway: News85-86 Donna Dunlap: Med88, News88 George Dunlap: (photographer) News00 Horace Dunlap: MMv1n1p4c2b, News85 Judge Dunlap: News94-95 Ira Dunlap: (blacksmith) News98 Robert S. Dunlap "Sergeant": News85-86; News90, News92; bio MM6/14/1901p7; at Old Soldiers' Home: JP7/6/1907p3; obit: MM5/8/1908p5 Van A. Dunlap: News87 Dunn: see Kelley, Dunn & Co.; Cox & Dunn Annie Helms Dunn (Mrs. W. S.): News99 Charles Dunn: News98 Ella Dunn: News89 Emma Pape Dunn (Mrs. R. R.): News91, News95 George W. Dunn: Hist, News90, News95 J. W. Dunn: (soda works) News99-00; in Phoenix, Arizona: MM2/22/1901p7, MM3/29/1901p6 Mary M. Hill Dunn (Mrs. Patrick): News86, News92 Ransom R. Dunn: (implement dealer, sewing machine representative) News89-91, News94, News99 Theo. Dunn: News97; in Portland: MM8/1/1902p6 William S. Dunn "Will" "Willie": (telegrapher) News96, News98-99 Ed. Dunnavin: News87 John Dunning: (wood cutter) News95 J. C. Durkee: News89 B. F. Durphy: News96 Elmer W. Dusenberry/Dusenbury: News89, News91 Robert L. Dusenberry/Dusenbury: News90, News92 Dutcher: see Owings & Dutcher Charles Dutton: True, IOOF Ed Dutton: True, IOOF Fred Dutton: True, IOOF George Dutton: True, IOOF Henry Dutton: True, IOOF William Dutton "Willie": True, IOOF, News99 DuVal: see also Devaul Edith Duval: News98 Dyar & Frauenknecht: News84 Emma Dyar (Mrs. John W.): News88, News94 John W. Dyar/Dyer "Johnnie": (stage driver, railroad conductor) see Dyar & Frauenknecht; News84, News88, News89-92, Med93, News94 Miss Dyar: News88 Eliza Dyer: see Eliza Woodford John C. Dyer: (deputy, railroad conductor) News85, News94; in Fairhaven, Wash.: DT1/1/1894p3 Julia Dysert: see Julia Hamilton J. Eads: News98 Arthur L. Eager: (telegrapher) News92 Earhart: News94 Arthur K. Earhart: News93 Etta Earhart: see Etta Stevenson; News87, News92-94 May Earhart: (teacher) News87, News92, News95; in Ft. Wrangel: DT1/31/1901p5, MM3/1/1901p7 Samuel Earhart: (farmer) News87, Min88, News91-92, News94 Earl Fruit Co.: News91, News98 H. B. Eastman: News84 Rev. F. W. Easton: News88 Mrs. Eaton: News92 Albert K. Eaton: (teamster) News87 George W. Eaton: (cooper) News98 H. Eaton: News00 Hattie Eaton: News93 James Eaton: Med99 Linda Eaton: see Linda Crawford W. Eaton: News97 William Eaton: News94, News98, News00 Mary E. Eddy (Mrs. Adolphus F.): News98 W. E. S. Eddy: (restaurateur) News89, News92 Emil Edelhoff: News93 Nellis Edes: News90 William L. Edmonson: News99 Mrs. C. H. Edmunds: Med07 Rev. Edmunds: MM4/21/1893supplementp1; leaving for Woodburn: MM10/27/1893p3 Rev. F. J. Edmonds/Edmunds: News91-94; in Woodburn: DT11/3/1893p2, MM5/18/1894p2 Rev. J. F. Edmunds: News90-92 William H. Edmunds: News88, News93 Samuel B. Edsall: News88 Thomas Edson: (miner) News90 George A. Edwards: (pugilist) News86 George H. Edwards: (pugilist) News91 John Edward: News90-91, News97 Linda Edward: see Linda Austin Matilda Edward "Mattie": see Mattie Downs; News87 Wayland Edward: News87 William Edward: News84, News86-87, News89, Med93 Edwards: News86, News89, News94, News00 Edwards Bros.: (threshers) News90-91, News94 Eunice C. Edwards (Mrs. Samuel S.): News00 G. W. Edwards: (farmer) News87, News91, News94 John Edwards: News91 Mrs. Julia A. Edwards (Mrs. William): News87, News90, News92-94, News98, News99 Mrs. S. G. Edwards: News00 Rufus Edwards: News90, News98 Samuel S. Edwards: News00 W. Edwards: News95 William Edwards: News92-93, News98-99 H. Chandler Egan: Med23 William Egan "Bill": see Skeel & Egan; MMv1n4p4c3a, News83, News84-85, News87; obit: Lake County Examiner, 6/11/1908p1 Egan & McMahon: (livery stable) News83-84 Grant Eggers: (barber) News93, News95 J. A. Eggers: (contractor) News95-96 S. G. Eggers: News95 Cap Eggleson: Med07 Benjamin Eggleston: (fruit shipper) News88, News90-91, News93-94 Cora A. Eggleston: Med84 M. F. Eggleston: News95 Frank Eichelman: News89 Ethel Eifert: IOOF Justin Eifert: IOOF Maria Eifert: IOOF Rose E. Eifert (Mrs. William W.): IOOF William Walter Eifert: Hist, IOOF, News93 C. J. Elder: Med93 E. L. Elder: News87 Grace Elder: News92 James R. Elder: News88-89 John Campbell Elder: (merchant, grocer) News85-89, Med86, Min87, Med88, News91, Med91, News93-94; dead in Waldo: MM4/15/1904p5 John E. Elder: News86 L. U. Elder: News89 Minerva E. L. Elder (Mrs. John Campbell): News85 Mary E. Elder: News86 William Elder "Willie": News87, News93 J. K. Elderkin: News88 Rev. E. O. Eldridge: IOOF electric power: Hist, News88-90, News92-94, Med93, News00, Med03, Med06, Med26, Med12, Med30 A. Elksnat: (surveyor) News90 Gottlieb Elksnat: (civil engineer, surveyor) News90-91, News93-95, News99; returns from Lincoln County: MM10/29/1908p2; obit: JP3/14/1924p1 James Elliot: News83 Elliott: see Hays & Elliott Cordelia Elliott (Mrs. Hugh): News92, News99 Hugh Elliott: (blacksmith) News88, News94-96, News98-99; in Portland: DT11/22/1900p2, MM4/12/1901p7 James Elliot: News83 E. Ellis: News94 Fanny Ellis: News98 G. H. Ellis: News92, News93 Perry Ellis: (photographer) News96, News98 Arthur Ellison: News94 Harrietta Ellison: News94 Thomas B. Ellison: News94 William Ellison: News92-93 Henry Ells: Med93 Amelia Elmer: News00 George Elmer: News94 C. N. Elmore: News99 Charles H. Elmore: News00 Elmer D. Elwood: (jeweler, oculist) Hist, News97-00, Med07 Ely: News92 Agnes J. Childers Emblem (Mrs. Charles): News90 Charles Emblem: News90 Embler: News89 V. Emerick: Hist Emery: see Emery & Tozer Emery & Tozer: (planing mill) MMv1n4p4c1b Harry C. Emery: (hotel clerk, bank cashier) News00 Henry S. Emery: News88 M. S. Emon: News92 George A. Emory: Med07 Empire Hotel: see also Cunningham Hotel; Med84, News84-85, News88, Med88 Engel Bros.: News89 Prof. John C. Engelhardt: True, IOOF Dan Engelman: News98 George Engle: (wood cutter, ice merchant) Bear, News91, News93 Theodore Engle: News91 J. N. Engledow: (painter) News93 Mrs. W. C. Engledow: News93 William C. Engledow: (painter) News91-93, News95 Charles English: Hist F. A. English: (county surveyor) Med88 S. E. Enney: News00 Rev. Robert E. Ennis: News87-91, News93-94; left for Bandon: MM9/30/1898p3; wife in Portland: JP10/18/1919p3 William Ennis: (saloon keeper) News95, News99; on trial for murder in Hornbrook: DT4/1/1903p1 W. F. Enthrop: Hist Enyart: see Hutchison & Enyart; News93 Hazel Enyart: News93, News00 Florence Mitchell Enyart (Mrs. Jesse E.): News93; obit: AT5/19/1893p3 J. A. Enyart: News95 J. W. Enyart: News90 Jesse E. Enyart "Jess": (cashier) Hist, News89-95, Med93, News97-00; in Maywood, Los Angeles: MT7/10/1927p2 Lissia Inez Cannon Enyart (Mrs. Jesse E.): News91, News99, News00; obit: MM9/21/1900p6, MM10/5/1900p2 Mrs. Jesse E. Enyart: Med07 Pearson S. Enyart "Pierce": News93-95, News00 Epps & Co.: News95 A. C. Epps: News84 A. G. Epps: News84, News88 William W. Erb: News87 Jacob R. Erford: (notary, feed merchant) WJB, News89-94; in Pennsylvania: MM6/19/1896p8, News97, News99-00; in Boulder, Colorado: MM12/27/1901p7; in Cramer, Illinois: MM7/4/1902p6; in Canton, Illinois: MM3/31/1905p1 Erickson: (railroad contractor) News91 A. S. Eride: News95 Angel Espoy: Pinto L. A. Estel: Hist Constable Estes: Wild Mrs. George Eubanks: News94 J. C. Eubanks: News84 J. S. Eubanks: News83 John R. Evans: News89, News91 Napoleon B. Evans: Hist, News93, News98 W. C. D. Evans: News93 Mrs. Ray Everett: News98 Dr. Willis E. Everette: News88-89 Christina Betts Ewen (Mrs. Dudley T.): News89 Dudley T. Ewen: News89 Ed. R. Ewen: News94 Exchange Saloon: see also Noland & Ulrich, Railroad Exchange, Turf Exchange C. Nettie Faber: News93 Rev. Father Faber: News95 Kate Fabj: News94 Mrs. R. P. Fabj: News95 Anna Murray Fairclo "Annie" (Mrs. Horace G.): News87, News92, News00 Horace G. Fairclo: (teacher, principal) News86, News87-89 Peter T. Fairclo: News89 L. W. Fancher: (farmer, teacher) News98; reappears: MT2/5/1913p6 Jesse Fane: News88 Isabel Fanning: News90 James N. Fanning: (hotel keeper) News89-91, News94 Clara Fares: see Clara Gookin Faris & Co.: (lime quarry) News89 Faris & Erford: (real estate) News91 Faris & Johnson: (real estate) News88 Arthur C. Faris: (clerk, drayman) News92-93, News96; city clerk in Richmond, California: MT7/1/1936p7 Fred P. Faris: (clerk) News91, News93 George Faris: News98 J. R. Faris: (brakeman) News89 James H. Faris: (hotel keeper, town recorder, school clerk) First, News88-94, Med93; obit: MM6/16/1893p2, DT6/16/1893p3 Mrs. James H. Faris: News93, News98 Jennie M. Scott Faris (Mrs. James H.): News98 John Faris/Farris: (bartender) News94 Robert Faris "Bob": News89, News91-92 Bert Farley: News94 Eugene Farley: News90 John B. Farley: (teacher) News91-92; obit: DT10/21/1892p3 Edward J. Farlow: News90 William P. Farlow: News92 Farmer's Store: see Angle & Plymale E. M. Farnam/Farnham: News89, News90 Clara Dean Farra (Mrs. Edward L.): News84 Edward L. Farra: (liveryman) News84, News93 Will Farra: News89 William S. Farrier "Will" "Willie" "Duffy": (deliveryman, railroad fireman) News90-91 Johnny Farris: News94 Thomas Farris: (miner) News98 Faucett: News94 E. H. Faucett: News93 George T. Faucett: (Wells Fargo agent) News99-00; married in Portland: MM7/4/1902p2 Grace Faucett: (teacher) News93 Rev. Robert I. Faucett: (teacher, missionary) News94-95, News99 Fawcett: Med03 Fawcett & Morris: (grocers) Med93, News94 Elmer H. Fawcett: (grocer) News92-93 Mrs. Elmer H. Fawcett: News89, News93 L. H. Fawcett: News92 James D. Fay, Jr.: (printer) News92, News95, News00 Mrs. James Fay, Jr.: News95 Fee Brothers: Hist Fannie Crystal Fehely (Mrs. Frank P.): News89, News91 Frank P. Fehely: News89, News99; in Requa, California: MM12/13/1907p1 William Fehely: News89 Earl Fehl: Hist Elvira D. Fellows: News99-00 Rev. J. E. Fenton: (foundryman, attorney) News94, News96, in Spokane: DT5/12/1898p3 Rev. W. J. Fenton: Med93, News94; in Chico: MM1/11/1900p7 C. S. Ferguson: News84 Joseph C. Ferguson: (grocer) News95, News98 John W. Ferguson: News93-94 Robert L. Ferguson: Bark Susannah S. Ferguson: News90-91; obit: MT12/29/1911p3 Will Ferguson: True, News95; see also Furguson Ferry: Med88 Ferry & Davis: Med90 August Fetsch: (tailor) News92-94, Med93; in Grants Pass: MM1/3/1902p3 F. Fetsch: News94 Frieda Fetsch (Mrs. August): News94 Fibern: News94 Nicholas P. Ficke: News98 William Fidler: News98 George Fiddler: News98 Julia C. Fielder: (teacher) Hist, News92, News98-00 Mrs. R. C. Fielder: News89 R. C. Fielder: (rancher) News88, News91 Mary S. Fields (Mrs. Kelly): News87 Blanche Filley: Med07 Charles Filyou: News94 William Finch: News88-89; in Glenn County, California: MM5/25/1894p3 Ream R. Findley: News98 W. T. Fine: News93 Florence Cardwell Fink (Mrs. John Fremont Fink): News90 George Finley: News91 H. F. Finley: (Mt. Pitt Orchard) Med07 Charles Finnerty: News87 Julia Finnerty: News87 William D. Finnerty: MMv1n1p4c7b, MMv1n4p4c7b, News88-89 Mrs. Rebecca A. Finney: Med84, News87, News90, News99-00 Wilfred E. Finney: News95 Henry Fisch: News88; in Pendleton: MM10/14/1898p6 Thomas F. Fisch: News87-88 John Fischer: (painter, paperhanger) see Cress & Fischer, Kress & Fischer; News89 Fish: News90, News94 Fisher: News94 Fisher & Kaufman: (merchants) News95 Baruch Fisher: News84 Daniel F. Fisher: WJB, News83 Rev. Eli Fisher: News97-98 J. K. Fisher: News89 Julia Fisher: News94 L. B. Fisher: News91-92 Maysie Fisher: (teacher) News98 Newman/Nunan Fisher: (county treasurer) MM86, News86, Med88; in Centralia: DT3/3/1893p3, DT3/17/1893p3, DT4/14/1893p3, DT4/21/1893p2, News94; in Seattle: MM11/21/1902p3 Jane Fisk: News99 Abbie J. Fiske: News93 Fitch & Cardwell: (attorneys) News94 E. L. Fitch: (church elder) News00 Frances Fitch: News00 Francis Fitch: (attorney) News89-96; in San Francisco: News99, News00; married in Vallejo: MM8/17/1900p6; wanted for embezzlement: MM8/9/1901p7, MM9/6/1901p7; in Mexico: DT4/1/1903p1; in New York City: MM10/19/1906p1, MM10/25/1907p1, MM9/24/1909p1 Francis Fitch, Jr.: News94 Laura B. Cardwell Fitch (Mrs. Francis): News91, News93-95, News00 Peter Fitch: News90-91 Rose Cardwell Fitch (Mrs. Thomas): News94 Thomas Fitch: (grain merchant) News93-94; in Stockton, Calif.: DT8/25/1898p3; News00; in New York City: MM9/24/1909p1 Julius Fitten: News86 Arthur Fitzgerald: News92 Elizabeth Fitzgerald: see Elizabeth Hull O. P. Fitzgerald: Hist, News93 Prof. Fitzgerald: News91 W. S. Fitzgerald: News92, News98-99 George C. Flanders: News89 Henry C. Fleming: News85-88 E. L. Flindt: News90 Henry Flindt: (baker) News89-90 William J. Flippen: News90 Andrew J. Florey: News88-89 George F. Floyd: (hotel manager) News96; obit: CO11/5/1903p2 William M. Floyd: Med11 Dyer Flynn: IOOF R. A. Flynn: (manager, Pacific Motor Supply) Med11 Bessie Foley: see Bessie Webb G. R. Follett: News89 L. A. Follett: News92 Louisa F. Follett: News89-90, News92 Samuel R. Follett: Med84, News89-90 Follett & Fowler: (furniture dealers) News88-90 Forbes: News94 Forbes & Coker: (W. A. Forbes, J. C. Coker, Clarendon Hotel operators, liverymen) News91 F. A. Forbes: News94 W. A. Forbes: News88, News91, News93, News95 Dr. S. C. Force: (dentist) News95 Ford: see Baker & Ford; News90 Anson Ford: News90 Mrs. R. C. Ford: News89 R. C. Ford: News88-89 Peter Fordney: News00 Fordyce: see True, Bashford, Fordyce & Wilson, News94, News97, News99 Fordyce & Phillips: (barley grinders) News94 Anna Mickelson Fordyce (Mrs. George W.): News85, News87 Asa G. Fordyce: (poultryman, thresher) News91, News92-94, News98, News00 Clara Fordyce: see Clara Cornish Edgar F. Fordyce "Ed": (electrician) News93; in Coquille: MM7/25/1902p6; moving to San Francisco: MM8/15/1902p7; in Eureka: MM9/19/1902p7 George W. Fordyce: MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, News85, News93-94 Lewis Fordyce: News94 Mrs. Fordyce: News90, News93 E. M. Forman/Furman: News89 F. Forman: (blacksmith, wainwright) News93 Maggie Forsyth: News00 William Forsyth: News99-00 William Forsythe "Uncle Billie": News90; visiting Minnesota: MM9/26/1902p6 S. R. Foss: News99 Foster: see Perry & Foster, News85, News99-00 Foster & Morgan: News85 Adelia N. Foster: News98 Rev. Alexander S. Foster: WJB, Med93, News93-95, News98-99, Med00; en route from Myrtle Point to Knappa, Oregon: MM6/1/1900p7, MM6/22/1900p6, MM10/12/1900p6; in Portland: MT2/7/1911p8 Dack Foster: News98 Edward Foster: News89 Charlotte Grace Foster "Gracie" (Mrs. Mortimer): (teacher) MMv1n1p4c1b, Hist, News86, MM86, News87-88, News91-95, News97, News98, News99-00 J. M. Foster: News92 J. S. Foster: News91 John Foster: (farmer) News95 Mrs. Lou J. Foster: (milliner) Med84, News86-88, Med86 Margaretta Foster: News89 Mary C. Foster: News98 M. Maysie Foster: (teacher) News95, News98-00; in Knappa, Oregon: MM10/12/1900p6 Mortimer West Foster "Mort": News88, News92, News94; in Sandpoint, Idaho: MM3/13/1908p2, in Spokane: MM5/2/1902p6 Perry Foster: News85, News88-89, News93 Reason D. Foster: News89, News98 S. W. Foster: Min85, News85 Mrs. S. W. Foster: Med84 Elbert D. Foudray: News84-86; in Phoenix: MM6/14/1901p3 Fowler: see Follett & Fowler; News87-88, News90 James W. Fowler: (art teacher) News88-89 Martha Fowler: see Martha Burson O. N. Fowler: News88, News89-91 Welcome H. Fowler: (poultry dealer) News88, News90-94 E. Fox: News94 Fannie Fox: News94 George E. Fox: (butcher) News93, News99 Meda Plymale Fox (Mrs. O. W.): News93, News00 O. W. Fox: News00 Mrs. S. Fox: News94 William Fox"Will": News95 F. T. Fradenburg/Fradenburgh/Fredenburg: (fence manufacturer, timber locator, stable keeper, Hotel Oregon) Hist, News90, News92-94; leaving for Ashland: DT10/13/1893p2 Andrew Frakes: News85 Forest W. France: News89-90 Joseph France (miller): see Davis & France; News87, News89-90, News93 Lake France: News88, News90, News99; in Spokane: MM10/18/1901p7 George W. Francis: News95 Hattie D. Frank: see Hattie Andrews J. W. Fraser: see Slagle & Fraser; News87 W. S. Frasier: Min88 John Frauenknecht: see Dyar & Frauenknecht John W. Frazer: News87, News90 Frank Frazier: Wild J. W. Frazier: News91 John Frazier: Hist, News91 Andrew Jackson Fredenburg: (fence manufacturer) News87, News89, News91-95, News98, News00; obit: MT3/3/1911p6 Ella Fredenburg: News87 Fred Fredenburg: (hotel keeper) News95, News98; see Fred Fradenburg Harmon Fredenburg: News87 William J. Fredenburg "Jack": (fence manfuacturer, brickmaker, bowling alley) News92-95, News00 J. R. Freelan: News94 Freeman: News84 George Freeman: (teamster) News84-85, News87 W. J. Freeman: (saddler) News94 N. Freil: News86 Viola Freil: News89 Henry A. Frenna: News91, News98; in Klamathon: MM6/29/1900p7; leaving for San Francisco: MM4/25/1902p7 Frick: Hist A. Frideger: Med11 Amos A. Fries: (teacher, soldier) News92-94, News96, News99 Bess Wait Fries (Mrs. Amos): News99 C. L. Frisbie: Med83 Gordon Frizelie "Gordie": News91 Ida Belle Mills Frizell (Mrs. Joseph A.): News99 Joseph A. Frizell: (telegraph lineman) News95, News98-99 Fronk: News90 Belle Merriman Fronk (Mrs. Charles K.): Med84, News86, News88, News92-94 Charles K. Fronk "Charley": (station agent) News84-91, Med86, News93-95, News99-00; in Albany: MM6/23/1893p3 Earl Fronk: News91 Mollie Fronk (Mrs. Charles K.): News87, News91, News00 Fruit Growers Association: MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c1b John Frulan: News94 Walter W. Frulan: News91 D. L. Fry: (confectioner, printer) see Zahn & Fry; News94; leaving for San Francisco: MM6/1/1894p3; leaving for Lebanon: DT5/11/1899p3 Frank Fryer: News91 J. F. Fryer: News91 W. W. Fryer: News89 Rev. C. E. Fulton: News90 J. C. Furguson: News95; see also Ferguson John Furguson: News94 E. M. Furman/Forman: (piano sales) News89 Amelia Furry: News88 Donna Furry: News88-89 Samuel Furry: News85, News89, News94 Thomas J. Fuson: Bear Gaddis Bros.: Med06 C. A. Gaddis: News89 Earl C. Gaddis: Hist John C. Gage: News92 J. D. Gagnon: (saloon keeper) News95 Gaines & Charles: (Hotel Medford owners) News94 Gaines & Chase: (hotel owners) News94 J. Gaines: News88 James Gaines: (hotel owner) News87, News89, News91, News93-94, News98, News00 Joseph Gaines: News87 John Franklin Gainey: (store clerk) News93, News00 Mahala Ann Gainey: News90 W. M. Gainey: News95 Enoch Gale: News86 S. B. Galey: (fruit shipper) News85-86, News88-92 Christopher Columbus Gall: News91; bio: MT4/6/1910p7, MT3/22/1911p2; ill: MT7/7/1911p2; obit: JP11/10/1917p3 Sarah J. Pankey Gall (Mrs. C. C.): News91 F. M. Gallager: News00 John Gallagher: News90, News94 Mrs. Gallagher: News93-94 M. M. Gallaher: (dressmaker) News90 Galloway: News85, News91, News94; in Portland: MM11/23/1900p7 Galloway & Barr: (fence manufacturers) News89-90 Alexander Galloway "Alex": News91, News93, News98-99 Ella/Elva/Eva/Alba Galloway: (teacher) News86-89, News91, News92, News93-95, News97-98, News00 Frank Galloway: (fence manufacturer, distillery storekeeper, inventor, hotel keeper) MMv1n4p4c3a, MM86, First, News84-94, Min86-87, Med93, News98; in Central Point: MM3/21/1902p6 G. W. Galloway: News91-93, Med93, News95, News98-99 Hattie Galloway: News85, News87, News89 Hester A. Galloway: News91, News93 M. Galloway: News88 Robert Wilson Galloway "Bob": (fireman, pharmacist, stenographer) Bike, News91-94, News98; in Portland: MM10/26/1900p7, MM1/18/1901p7, MM6/6/1902p7, MM7/5/1907p4; ill: MM2/7/1908p1; obit: MM2/21/1908p4 W. R. Galloway: News93 M. A. Ganey: News90 Lottie L. Ganiard: News84 Prof. Oscar O. Ganiard: News85, News87-89 G. Gard: (carpenter) News84-85, Min86, Med86 Roswell Harry Gardiner: (photographer) News89 Henry C. Garnett "Shorty": Med07, Med11; moving to Alhambra, Calif.: MT7/5/1921p3 Elizabeth Plymire Garrett (Mrs. William M.): News85 George Garrett: News95 William M. Garrett: News85, News92 A. Garrick: (tailor) News89-94, Med91 Janet Garrick: News89-90, News94, News98 Isaac Garringer: News91 Clarissa Garrison: News99 Prof. John M. Garrison: (penmanship instructor) News88 Gasburg: see Phoenix Charles E. Gates "Pop": Hist W. Gates: News88 Milton M. Gault "Mike": (railroad engineer, machinist) News94, News00 George F. Gavitt: (printer) News97-98 Charles Gay: IOOF James H. Gay: News98 Geary & Pickel: (physicians) News97 Agnes McCornack Geary (Mrs. Edward P.): News84, Med84, News88-91 Alice C. Geary: News88 Dr. Edward Payson Geary: (physician, surgeon, oculist, mayor) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p1c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, Bear, Wild, WJB, First, Hist, Med84, News84-95, Min85-88, Med85, MM86, Med86, Med88, News97-98, Med97, News03; in Portland: MM11/23/1900p7, MT3/19/1911p1 Rev. Edward Ratchford Geary: News84, News86 Ella Geary: (teacher) News93 Everett Geary: News00 Dr. J. W. Geary: (physician) News94 Samuel Geary: (hunter) News88 Geddes: News90 Cool J. Geer: News90 John Geer: News90 A. M. Geigy: News90 Gentner: News93 Carolyn George "Carrie": (telegrapher) News98, News00 Frank George: News89 Ollie Clark George (Mrs. Frank): News89 Lucia B. Gere: News91 Bartholomew B. Gervais: News95 Getty: (fruit agent) News91 Delroy Getchell: Hist Gibbs: News99 Gibbs & Wheeler: (photographers) News93-94 J. B. Gibbs: (photographer) News93-94 A. M. Gibson: News91 Edna Gibson: (teacher) News94 Enola Gibson: see Enola Hamilton Ida Gibson: see Mrs. Knotts J. M. Gibson: News94 Lou/Lulu Gibson: (postal clerk, telegrapher) News90-92; Mrs. F. L. Wright in Great Falls, Montana: DT5/6/1903p4 Andrew Giffen: News87, News88 Anna Gilbert "Annie": (teacher) News99; Isee Anna Wulf Hanna J. Gilbert: News99 Hanna S. Gilbert: News99 Hattie Gilbert: see Hattie Anderson James Gilbert: News90 M. H. Gilbert: News85 Mrs. Gilbert: (milliner) MM86 Orson H. Gilbert: (restaurant owner) MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c7b, MM86, Hist, Med85, News85-87, Med86, News93, News98-00; dies in Sacramento: MM2/3/1905p1 Mrs. Orson Gilbert: (hotel keeper) Med85, News85, MM86, News98-99; Medford Bazaar: MM7/18/1902p5 James Gilchrist: (hotel keeper) News95 John Gildersleeve: (furniture merchant) News90 C. H. Gile: IOOF Mrs. H. F. Gilkey: News94 Herbert Luville Gilkey: (hardware merchant, cashier) see Davis & Gilkey, Kame & Gilkey; Hist, News94, News97-00; leaving for Grants Pass: MM3/29/1901p6 Dr. Gill: News87-88 Carrie Gillette: News85 Charles H. Gillette: News88, News98 Effie Gillette: News85 Gillroy: see Youle, Gillroy & Leghorn Gilmer: News87 Loretta/Louretta V. Gilmer: News93-94 Mrs. L. N. Gilmer: News88 Mrs. Tina Gilmer/Gilmore: News91-92 Elizabeth Gilmore "Lizzie": News91 T. D. Gilmore: (railroad agent) News95 Jessie Gilson: see Jessie Calvert Thomas H. Gilson: (sawmill operator) News91, News99-00; sent to asylum: MT6/23/1910p8 Gin Lin: First, News91 Fred. Ginger: News89 Lucia R. Gise: News88 Julia M. Gist (Mrs. O. J.): News99 Rev. Owen J. Gist: News98, News99 Rev. Edward Gittins (Methodist pastor): News98, News00; in Wendling: MM10/3/1902p6 Catharine Young Given (Mrs. George A.): News90 George A. Given: News90 L. F. Glasscock: (launderer) News98 Dr. A. D. Gleaves: (dentist) News86 Phillip Gleaves "Phil": News89 Thomas Glendenning: News87 Elizabeth B. Powers Glidden (Mrs. Moses): News99 Moses Glidden: News99 Dr. Judson G. Goble: (optician) News99, News00, Med11 Goddard & Co.: (Carlos Goddard; real estate) News89 Alice Goddard: News91 Blin Carlos Goddard, Jr. "Carlos": see Wrisley & Goddard; MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, News85, News86, News88-89 Hendrick Hudson Goddard: (carpenter) News88 Charles H. Godfrey: News92, Med92 Thomas Godfrey: News93 George Goeppert: News91 J. A. Goff: (photographer, miner) News92-93 John Goff: Bear Goldsmith & Whitman: (grocers) News88 Delphine Goldsmith (Mrs. Julius): News88-89, News91 James/Julius/Jules Goldsmith: (grocer) News88-92, Min88, News94; in Portland: MM10/13/1893p3; in Eugene: DT5/14/1900p3; in Salem: MM3/15/1901p6; in Eugene: MM7/19/1901p6, DT3/13/1902p5 Goldstein & Nudelman: News95 Goldstein: (merchant) News94 J. Goldstein: News93 M. Goldstein: News93 Goldstone Bros.: see also New York Cheap Cash Store; News92, Med93, News94 Clifford Goldstone: News94 Joseph Goldstone "Joe": Med93, News93-94; in New York City: MM8/25/1893p2 Mark Goldstone: News92-94, Med93; dies in London: MM2/26/1904p5 A. Gomek: News93 T. F. Gooch: News91, News98-00 W. J. Gooch: (Economy Flour Bin) News93 L. G. Goodall: News90 Nannie Goodell: News90 S. Goodman: News98 T. DeWitt Goodpasture: (photographer, real estate) Med07; visiting from Los Angeles: MT7/8/1912p2 Mrs. Daisy Goodwin: News91 Rev. L. D. Goodwin: News90-92; in Puyallup: DT5/6/1892p2 T. J. Goodwyn: (liveryman) News00 Amanda Goodyear: (teacher) News87, News89 Julia Goodyear: (reporter) News85 Clara Fares Gookin (Mrs. Frederick W.): News88 Frederick W. Gookin: News88 Otis E. Goraline: News99 A. Gorden: News92 H. C. Gorden: News85 Alfred P. Gordon: News93-94 C. H. Gordon: News87 J. H. Gordon: News87 J. S. Gordon: News91 Gore: see Clayton & Gore; News83, News88, News91, News93-94 Gore Brothers: News98-99 Carolita Augusta Jacks Gore (Mrs. Walter S.) "Carrie": Hist, Med84 Edward Emerson Gore "Ed": (orchardist) Trans, Hist, IOOF, Med84, Med88, News88-90, Min88, News99; bio: MM3/5/1909p3; ill: MT11/18/1910p3 Ella Gore: see Ella Wortman;Med84, News88-89 Hattie Warner Gore (Mrs. Edward E.): Hist, Med88, News00 John Gilmore Gore: MMv1n1p4c1b, News85, News90, News93, News99, Med03 Mary E. Gore: News87, News93 Sophenia Ish Gore (Mrs. William H.): Med84, News90, News00 Vina Gore: see Vina Clayton; News85 Walter S. Gore: (principal, teacher) MMv1n1p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c2b, Hist, News84, Med84, News85, News87-89, News91 William Haven Gore "Will": (principal, teacher) Hist, News84, Med84, News87-90, Min87, Med88 Jessie Gorman: News00 B. F. Gorsage: News94 Frank Gorsage: News94 Orin/Otis E. Gorsline: News99 Joseph Goslin: (cowboy) News90 George Gove: WJB Gove & Co.: (millers) News87 Addison E. Graham "Ad": (clerk) News91 Frank W. Graham: News98 John Wallace Graham: (railroad superintendent) News91-93, News98 Jennie Graham: News91 Mrs. F. M. Grant: News93 Mrs. W. H. Grant: News93 Rev. S. P. Grant: Med93 Dr. W. H. Grant: Med93-94 Mrs. Graves: News92 Lizzie Graves: News92-93 Gray: see Proudfoot & Gray Gray & Bradbury: (planing mill) News98 Charles Gray: News97 Flora Gray: Hist George Gray: News88 J. D. Gray: News84 Richard W. Gray: (sawmill) WJB, News93, News98, News00, Med03, Med06 Green: see Butler & Green A. P. Green: (house painter) WJB, News95; in Los Angeles: MM8/29/1902p7 Frank H. Green: News92 John K. Green: News89 Thomas Green: News89; obit: DT7/7/1893p2 William Green "Willy": (tailor) News92 Wesley C. Green: (real estate agent) Med10 M. J. Greene: News84-85 Olive Greenwood: see Olive Betts John Gregerson: News88 A. M. Gregg: (bowling alley) News92 E. P. Gregory: News91 Elmira Gregory: see Elmira Cox George Albert Gregory: (school superintendent) Hist, News97-00; leaving for Nebraska: MM7/6/1900p6, MM12/7/1900p7; in Crete, Nebraska: MM2/8/1901p2, MM12/20/1901p3 James Franklin Gregory: News98, News00; obit: MN6/4/1931p4 Mary Mattrassa Foss Gregory (Mrs. George A.): News99-00 Daniel P. Greninger: News91-92 Charles Grey: News91 James Elliott Grieve: Med97, News98-00 Bruce Grieves: Bear Rufus Grieves: Bear Griffin: Hist Andrew Griffin: Min88, News88, News98 Belle True Griffin (Mrs. Henry L.): News89 Burrel B. Griffin: Bear Burrel W. Griffin: Bear Henry L. Griffin: News89, News91, News93 John Bell Griffin: (farmer, hunter) Bear, News85-86, Med88, News90-93, News95 Josephine Griffin: see Josephine Wilson Lafayette Griffin: Bear Nettie Naylor Griffin (Mrs. John B.): Bear Sally Griffin: News92 Scott Griffin: News87-88 Griffis & Walker: (sawmill) News89-90 Alice Griffis: News88 Donna Griffis: News00 J. A. Griffis: News00 J. Henry Griffis: News85, MM86, News87, News89; in Portland: DT3/15/1894p3 Jennie E. Griffis: News90, News92-93 Stanton Griffis: Wild W. J. Griffis: News92-93 W. S. Griffis: News89, News92 Charles Griffith: News84 G. B. Griffith: (launderer) News00 W. Griffith: News95 John Grffiths: News94 Lincoln Griffith: MMv1n1p4c5b, News83 Rosa/Rose Griffiths: (teacher) News91-92, News95 Madge E. Griffiths: (teacher) News92-93 B. G. Grigsby: News93 Edith G. Grigsby (Mrs. James A.): Med88, IOOF George Grigsby: News94 James A. Grigsby: Med88 Grimes: News92 Rev. A. M. Grimsley: MMv1n1p4c4a Fred Grob: News86, News89 Frank Gross: News93 Archbishop William H. Gross: News87, News93 Grossman: News94 J. B. Grossman: News99 J. D. Grossman: News94 Jacob G. Grossman: News87-89, News91, News97, News99 Martin E. Grover: News91 Nettie F. Grover (Mrs. Martin E.): News91 Sarah Jane Grubb: News86 W. B. Grubb: News98 Sarelia/Serelia W. Grubbe: see Sarelia Miller Lewis C. Gruby "Lou": (baseball player) News90-91 Maggie Gruby: News92-93 Mattie Tice Gruby (Mrs. Lewis C.): News91-92 Lillie Grusch: News87 Alice Grush: News87 Willie Grush: News87 Alfretta Guches: see Alfretta Priddy J. M. Guches: News90 Sarah A. Guches: News88-89 Francis Guenette: (music teacher) News92 Frank Guerin: News94 James Tichenor Guerin: (brickmaker, mason) see Byers & Guerin; News85-87, News90-91; obit, British Columbia: MM2/14/1902p5 Sarah A. Brown Guerin (Mrs. James T.): News85-86, News89, News91-93; visiting from Victoria, B.C.: MM5/2/1902p5 N. C. Gunn: News00 Edrick L. Gurnea: (stationary engineer, photographer, city electrician) News00 George A. Gurnea: (dry goods merchant) News99-00 Harvey P. Gurnea: News00 Guthrie: News89 D. L. Guthrie: News91 Ernest F. Guthrie: Med07 E. G. Guthrie: Med11 Frank Guthrie: News84 Jesse A. Gwynn/Gwin: (teacher) News89 Rev. Adolph Haberly: News98-00, Med00; leaves for Coquille: MM10/17/1902p6, MM10/31/1902p6, DT11/6/1902p2 Robert A. Habersham: (civil engineer) News89 Samuel B. Hadley: (merchant) News84, News86-87, News91 W. A. Hadley: Med07 Edgar Hafer: Med07 Anna B. Hafer (Mrs. Edgar): Wild, Med07 Maude Hafer: Med07 A. T. Hafto: News89 John S. Hagey: News87, News89, News93-95, News98 Miss Haggard: News91 John Hailey: Bear C. O. Haines: News93 C. W. Haines: News92 M. Haines: News93 A. F. Hale: (photographer) News89-90 Judge Hale: News95 Lew Hale: News89 Hall: News85, News93 Hall & Isaacs: (confectioners; J. Court Hall & William Isaacs) News99-00; dissolved: MM4/6/1900p6 Mrs. A. Hall: News89 Ada B. McSweeny Hall (Mrs. Perry C.): News87 Agnes Childers Hall "Aggie" (Mrs. Charles): News85, News92 Albert A. Hall: News92 Austin Hall: News93 Dr. C. J. Hall: (dentist) News94 Charles Hall: (watchmaker, jeweler) News85, Med86, News90 E. Hall: Med03 Emma C. Hall: News99 Emma F. Hall: News98-99 George Hall: News92 Gustav A. Hall: News97 Ida B. McSweeny Hall (Mrs. Perry C.): News87 John Court Hall: (farmer, bartender, capitalist) Med88, News91-92, News94, Med97, News97-00 Mrs. Lucy Hall: News97 Mabel C. Owen Hall (Mrs. John C.): News91, News96, News00 Nellie Childers Hall (Mrs. Charles): News85, News91 Pearl Hall: (teacher) News98-99 Perry C. Hall: News87 Seely Hall: Hist, Med88, News00 Vint. Hall: (medical student) News98 William Hall "Billy": (orchardist, railroad agent) Glim, News92, News97 William Haller: (jeweler) News91, Med91 Addie Halley (Mrs. Robert H.): News88-89, News99 Effie M. Halley (Mrs. William L.): News96, News99-00 Paschal J. Halley: (merchant, engineer) News92-96 Robert Henry Halley: (tinsmith, hotel keeper) News88-94, News98-00; obit: JP5/17/1919p3 Silvia Halley: News94 Thomas W. Halley: News94 W. Halley: News92 W. F. Halley: News95 W. T. Halley: News94 Will Halley: News92 William L. Halley: (tinsmith, fire insurance agent, engineer) WJB, News89, News91-96, News99-00 Mrs. John W. Hamaker: News89 Benjamin Haman: Med88 Hamilton: see Harris & Hamilton; News86, News91, News98 Hamilton & Legate: (Hotel Medford operators) News94 Hamilton & Morine: News95 Hamilton & Palm: (real estate agents) Wild, News91-95, Med93, Med94, News99 Hamilton Bros.: News90 Alex Hamilton: News98 Anna Belle Hamilton (Mrs. Alex): News98 Blanche Hamilton: News99 C. L. Hamilton "Punk": News90 Charles Alfred Hamilton "Chub": True, News85, News89, News99-00 Enid Hamilton: News00, Med07 Enoch Hamilton: News91 Enola Gibson Hamilton (Mrs. I. L.): News87-90, News95 Isaiah L. Hamilton "Shorty": (hotel keeper, real estate sales, county assessor) First, Hist, News86-95, Med91, Med93, News97-00 John Hamilton: News99 Julia Dysert Hamilton (Mrs. W. N.): News85 Paris Hamilton: Bear Renus Hamilton: (bartender) News93-94, News99; in Gold Hill: MM2/16/1894p3 Rev. Hamilton: IOOF W. N. Hamilton: News85, News91 Hamlin: Hist, News87-88, Med88, News90, News92 Andrew J. Hamlin "Bud": News87, News99-00; moved near Bandon: MM9/27/1901p7 E. S. Hamlin: News89 Eliza J. Hamlin (Mrs. James): News89, News94-95 George W. Hamlin: WJB, News92, News94-95, News98, News00 J. Hamlin: News88 James Hamlin "Jim" "Uncle Jim": MMv1n1p4c2b, MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-86, Min87, News88-89, News92-95, News00 Jeff Hamlin: News91, News94 Lucy Hamlin: News98 Susie Hamlin: see Susie Smith Thomas J. Hamlin: WJB, News89, News98 William H. Hamlin: News98-00 Elasha Hammer: Med88 Hammersley: News94 Hammersley & Rosenthal: News92 John B. Hammersley: News93-94 Joseph Lee Hammersley "Ham": News91-94 Riley Hammersley: Bear, News92, News94, Med07 Hammon Bros.: (nurserymen, fruit shippers) News87-91 Alice M. Hammon: News90 Anna P. Hammon: News88 Edwin W. Hammon [see E. W. Hammond]: (nurseryman, fruit shipper) News89-92 Mrs. Edwin W. Hammon: News90 Wendell P. Hammon: (nurseryman) Med84, News90 Augusta Kenney Hammon "Gussie" (Mrs. Wendell P.): Med84 Hammond: News91, News94, News99 Hammond Bros.: (liverymen) News94 Hammond & Briggs: (attorneys) News90-91 Hammond & Manuel: News90, Med91 Hammond & Vawter: (attorneys) News98 Alanson Pec Hammond: News89 Alvah B. Hammond: News91 Asa Hammond: (liveryman) News94 Mrs. Alvah B. Hammond: News91 Anna Hammond: News93 Austin S. Hammond: (attorney, abstractor) WJB, News91-95, News98-00; son Earl Hammond is railway mail clerk in Portland: MS6/13/1915p2 B. Hammond: (commissioner) Med88 Bessie Hammond: News93, News98-00 Charity R. Hammond (Mrs. A. S.): News93 Charles Hammond: News94 E. Hammond: News93, News99 Ebenezer Paul Hammond: WJB, News88-93, Med93, News00 E. W. Hammond [see E. W. Hammon]: (botanist) News91-92, News94 Egbert Hammond: (liveryman) News94 James Hammond: News93 Jessie Hammond: News98 Mrs. Hammond: News92 Hamrick: News94 Hanley: News94-95, News98 Hanley & Love: (butcher shop) News84, Med88, News88 Hanley & Wilkinson: (J. A. Hanley, Ed Wilkinson; butcher shop) News88-91 Hanley Bros.: News86 Alex. Hanley: News93 Alice Hanley "Allie": News91, News99 Edna Hanley: News92-93 Ella Hanley: News91, News94, News00 John A. Hanley "Jack": (butcher, saloon keeper) MM86, Hist, News87, News90-95, Med93, News00 M. H. Hanley: Med93, News93 Mary H. Hanley (Mrs. John A.): News91, News94 Michael Hanley: News87, News94 William D. Hanley "Will": Bear, News94 Hanna: News89 Charles E. Hanna: News84 Hiero Kennedy Hanna "Tom": (attorney, judge) News86, News89-90, News92, News94-95, Med97, News97, News99; obit: MT7/26/1910p1, MT7/27/1910p1, MT7/28/1910p2 Helena Hess Hanna (Mrs H. K.): News95 Leon Hanna: News95 Mark Hanna: News98 Silas P. Hanna: News84 Josiah C. Hannah: (potter) News95 James M. Hansbrough "Jim": (conductor) Med84, News91; in Yreka: MT10/20/1927p3 Hansen: News91 Anna Marie Hansen: News92 Frederick Hansen "Fred": News88, News94-95 Henry Hansen: News93 James Peter Hansen: News89, News91, News93, Med03 Kate Hansen: News95 Oliver Hansen: News94, News98 Mrs. Hansen: News86 Mrs. Oliver Hansen: News00 Hanson & Co.: News94 Happersett: (railroad carpenter) News88 A. Harbaugh: News97 Oliver Harbaugh: (road supervisor) see White, Harbaugh & Co.; MMv1n1p4c5b, News86, News87-95, Med93, News97-00; bio: MM3/5/1909p3; obit: JP6/25/1921p1 Mrs. Oliver Harbaugh: News94-95 E. B. Harder: Hist Hardin: see Holt & Hardin, News99 Hardin & Bates: (barbers) News99 John R. Hardin: (barber, miner) News91-95, News98, News00; moving to Petaluma: MM7/5/1901p6, MM7/19/1901pp6,7, MM7/26/1901p6 Letha Hardin: (post office clerk) News97, News00 Benjamin Hardman: News87 Mrs. Jennie Hardy: News92, News94 Dr. H. Percival Hargrave: News99-00 D. Hargreave: Med03 Gertrude Hargrove: Med07 Homer Harkness: News83 Harlan: News93 Ellen Gertrude Sparkes Peers Harlan (Mrs. Newell): News90-91 Ellen Gertrude Stammers Speers Harlan (Mrs. Newell): News90 Milton Harlan: News89-92, News99; in Vancouver: DT4/3/1899p3; in Portland: MM1/19/1900p7 Newell Harlan: (newspaper editor) News89-91, Med91, News93; in The Dalles: MM4/7/1893p3; in Selma, California: MM1/19/1900p7; in Vancouver: JP5/18/1918p3 Sarah E. Harlan (Mrs. Thomas): News93 Thomas Harlan: (newspaper publisher) Hist, News88-91, News93; in Portland: MM1/19/1900p7, AT1/22/1900p3; in Rochester, Washington: OR4/15/1912p6; dies in Vancouver: JP5/18/1918p3 Harry Harper: News90 R. H. Harper: (blacksmith) News89-90 W. M. Harper: News94 William Harper: News83 Harriman: News85 Harris: see Mingus & Harris; Hist, News88-89 Harris & Bunch: News88 Harris & Hamilton: (T. A. Harris, I. L. Hamilton, hotel keepers) News90 Harris & Purdin: (T. A. Harris, M. Purdin, hotel keepers, ice merchants) News91-92 B. H. Harris: Hist C. T. Harris & Co.: News86 Charles Harris: News90 Lydia Harris: News88 Maggie Harris: News95 Maude Harris: News91 Mrs. Harris: (milliner) News88 Nettie Tice Harris (Mrs. Thomas A.): News88, News90, News92-94 Thomas A. Harris "Tom": (butcher, implement dealer, hotel keeper) First, News86, Min87-88, News87-92, Med91, News00; obit: AT9/23/1892p3 Harrison: News85, News88 President Benjamin Harrison: News91 Harry S. Harrison: (Medford Book Store) News00 L. Harrison: News89 Laura Harrison: (telegrapher, railroad agent) News91 Newsome Harrison: News00 T. A. Harrison (T. A. Harris?): News89 John Harryman: (real estate sales) News91 Hart: see Rigby & Hart; News92-94, News98 Lincoln Hart "Link": Med07 Martin R. Hart: (marshal, night watchman) News91-92, News94-95, News98; in Lakeview: MM3/23/1900p6 Martha Hart (Mrs. Martin R.): News92-93; in Lakeport, California: MM8/9/1901p7 Marion L. Hartley: Med03 Meda Hartwell: Glim Harvey: News90, News94 Charles M. Harvey: (liveryman) News91-92, News98 Homer H. Harvey: News87, News91, News98, News00 Isaac M. Harvey: MMv1n4p4c2a, Phipps, Bear, News84-85, News88, News89-94 J. M. Harvey: (farmer) News90 J. W. Harvey: News91 James Harvey: Bear John A. Harvey: (teacher, attorney) News92, News94, News98; in Ukiah, California: MM12/20/1901p6 John E. Harvey: News96 L. M. Harvey: News90 Lillian Weaver Harvey (Mrs. Homer H.): News00 Allen L. Haselton: News89 Lorena Dignam Haselton (Mrs. Allen L.): News89, News98 Haskins: News00 Haskins & Lawton: (druggists) Min86, Min88, News88-89 Haskins & Webb: Min87 Haskins' Drug Store: see also City Drug Store; MMv1n4p4c1b, News84 Frances H. Haskins "Fannie": (teacher) Hist, News87, News92, News98-00 George Henry Haskins: (pharmacist, stationer, town treasurer, mayor) see Haskins & Lawton, Haskins & Webb, Haskins' Drug; MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c7b, MM86, First, Hist, News84-89, Med84, Min85, Med86, Min87-88, Med88, News91-00, Med91, Med93, Med97 Gertrude Haskins (Mrs. Leon B.): Hist, News92 Helen F. Lawton Haskins (Mrs. George H.): MMv1n1p1c5b, MMv1n4p4c7b, Hist, News84, Med84, News86-87, News90-92, News97, News99-00 Leon B. Haskins: Hist, Med84, Med88, Med97 Charles N. Hastings: (miller) News92-93 G. H. Hastings: News86 Frank Hasty: News85 Alice Hathaway: News85 Malinda Haught: News89, News00 Mrs. Phil Haught: News91 Philip Haught: News87-88 Sandy Hauser: News89 Alex G. Hawes: News92 Silas Hawk: News87 Darwin H. Hawkins: News88 Hawley: News85 Mrs. Harriette B. Hawley: Med84 W. W. Hawley: News00 Hattie Hay (see Mrs. Beeman): News94 Lucy Hay: (teacher) News89, News91 Hayden: Wild, News93, News96 David Hayes: Bear J. D. Hayes: News94 James W. Hayes: News84, News94 John Hayes: News94 R. B. Hayes: News87 Viola Lewis Hayes (Mrs. J. D.): News94 Hattie Hayley: see Hattie Curtis Benjamin Haymond "Ben": News83, MM86, News88, News90-91, News93, News98 Hays & Elliott: News85 Mrs. George Hays: News90 Archie Hazel: News90 Martha A. Hazel: News99 Mrs. Hazel: News89 Robert F. Hazel: News89, News93 Charles Hazelrigg: Hist D. W. Hazle: News91, News97-98 Dale W. Hazle (carpenter): News98; leaving for Davenport, Washington: MM9/30/1898p7 Douglas Hazle: News97, News99 John A. Hazle (hotel keeper): News90; in Tacoma: DT9/26/1890p3 W. D. Hazle: News97 E. A. Head: News94 Henry W. Head: News94, News00 Prof. Head: News95 Thomas Head: News94 William B. Head: News94 Mrs. Heald: News91 Captain Heale: News88 Healy: see Heeley Heard: News85 Elijah Heard: News99 J. F. Heard: (mine operator) Med07 Jefferson D. Heard "Jeff": (mining engineer, real estate agent) News97-00; visiting: MM10/11/1901p6; Med07, Med11 Mary Bantz Heard (Mrs. Jefferson D.): Hist, News98, News00 Sarah V. Heard: News99 M. L. Heart: News93 Amos O. Heatherly: News00 Frederick Heber: News84 Louise Hedges (Mrs. Dr. Alvin J.): Hist E. H. Hedrick: Hist William Heeley: see McAdams & Heeley; News85 William Heffron: News85 A. E. Heller: (horse trainer) News99 Dr. A. C. Helm: News91 Abel D. Helman: News86-92, News94 Otis O. Helman: News91 Helms: see Kenney & Helms, Wintjen & Helms; News90 Addison D. Helms: News92, News00 Albert M. Helms: (saloon keeper) News98-00, Med11 Addison Helms "Ad.": News86 Annie Helms: see Annie Dunn Ed. Helms "Eddy": (saddler, teamster, marshal) News85-89, News95 George L. Helms: News93 Mrs. H. Helms: News94 Henry V. Helms: News89 Herman Helms: 1894 James Helms: News83, News91, News93-95, News00 Dr. Jesse L. Helms: (veterinarian) Bear Oliver P. Helms: News00 Sophia Wolters Helms: News89 Harry Hembree: News90 William H. Hembree: (mill engineer, baker, washing machine manufacturer) News90-91, News94, News99-00; in Portland: MM8/30/1901p6 Hemworth: see Williams & Hemworth James B. Hendershott: News85 Henderson & Isaacs: (barbers, laundrymen) News94 Henry L. Henderson: Med11 Ida Wilcox Henderson (Mrs. Peter): News89, News94 L. Henderson: (mason) News93 Peter Henderson "Pete": (barber) News89-94, Med91 Edward Hendricks "Ed": News86, News88, News92, News94 E. Henrietta: News95 Henry: Bear, News85 Judge Hensel: WJB E. W. Hensler: News94 James Herely: (mail contractor, railroad man) see Dugan & Herely; News85-91, News93 Joseph Herely: News90 Margaret Dragon Herely (Mrs. James): News90 Heron: Hist Alice Heriford: News94 David C. Herrin "Dave": (photographer) News85, News88-89, News97; in The Dalles: DT7/25/1898p2 John S. Herrin: News92, News95 Margaret E. Herrin: (photographer) News88 Herriott & Provolt: News85 William Herriott: (sawmill) News95 Ora F. Herron: see Ora Peyton George T. Hershberger: (bartender) News98 M. Hershberger: News85 Hess & Lutkemeier: (brewers, City Brewery) News94 Gottlieb Hess: (brewer) News93-94 Jim Hess: Bear Hibbard: News99 Jane Hibbard: News98 Jennie Hibbard: News00 Pearl Hibbard: (stenographer) News98 John Hickler: News98 Hicks: News00 Hicks & Kershaw: Med06 Anna E. Carney Hicks (Mrs. Elmer A.): News99 Elmer A. Hicks: (stone cutter) News99-00 H. J. Hicks: News95 Higgins & Townsend: (billiard parlor) News98 Stephen A. Douglas Higgins "Sad" "The Duke": (billiard hall owner) Hist, News89-96, News98 D. High: News95 Laura E. Barneburg High (Mrs. Dustin): News90, News92, News94-95 Mollie High: News97 N. A. High: (blacksmith) News89 Rudolph F. High: (barber, tobacconist) News83, Med85, News85-86, MM86, Med86, News92-95 Charles T. Higinbotham: News87; obit: MN6/20/1941p3 Jacob S. Higinbotham: (wagonmaker, wheelwright) MMv1n1p1c2b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c3b, News84, Med86, News87-89, Med88 Mrs. Jacob S. Higinbotham: News88-89, News91 Margaret E. Higinbotham: News87 Thomas B. Higinbotham: News85; obit: JP11/10/1917p3 W. R. Higinbotham: News88-89 Hill: see Bellinger & Hill; News90, News92-93 Hill: (newspaper foreman) News99 Arthur L. Hill: Hist Rev. Clay M. Hill: News91-93 Cora E. Stewart Hill (Mrs. Dillon R.): News88 D. D. Hill: News92 Dillon R. Hill: (farmer) News88-89, News91, News93, News96 News00 E. M. Hill: News83 Edward Hill: News95 Etta Hill: see Etta Vawter Elizabeth Hill (Mrs. Isaac): News86 Isaac Hill: News86 J. C. Hill: News93 Mrs. J. C. Hill: News97; in Seattle: DT10/24/1901p7 J. E. Hill: News93 James J. Hill: Med11 Joseph Hill "Joe": (drayman, bricklayer) News96-97, News99; visiting from Seattle: MT6/15/1910p5 Lagrand H. Hill: News86 Miss Hill: News84 Mrs. Hill: News95 T. C. Hill: News94 Lizzie Hillis: News91-92, News94 V. Meldo Hills: Hist C. R. Himroth: Med03 Dr. Charles Hines: News98 Mrs. Charles Hines: News99 J. Hinkle: News91 Mrs. Hinkle and daughter: DT8/19/1892p3 Louis Hirl: Med11 Isaac E. Hitch: News99 Jesse F. Hittson: (police chief) True, IOOF Charles C. Hixon: (cleaner and dyer) News96, News00 E. H. Hoag: News89 Everett A. Hoag: News85, News89, News92; in Galena, Kansas: DT1/2/1902p1 Hoagland: News90 Cassie Hoagland: News88, News98 Mrs. Charles W. Hoagland: News98 Hobson Bros.: News89 B. Hobson: News90-91 "Buck" Hobson: News91; in Humboldt County: MM8/15/1902p6 J. D. Hobson: News91 John Hockenjos: News88, News92-93 Rose Hockenyos: News98 Hockersmith & Klum: (pork packers) News92-93 Independent Hockersmith: News94 Jackson Hockersmith: News92 Mrs. Jackson Hockersmith: News94 John N. Hockersmith: (school district clerk) News86, News89, News92 Joseph W. Hockersmith: (butcher, pork packing house) News89-95 Charles Hocket: Bear D. S. Hockett: News99 Charles Hocum: News95 R. H. Hodge: News00 Jesse G. Hodges: News00 William M. Hodson: Med07 J. P. Hoel: News94 John H. Hoffman: News84, News89-91 Kate Hoffman: News90 Mrs. Hoffman: News90 S. H. Hoffman: (dyer) News94 William Hoffman: News85 O. T. Hoft: News87 Miss Hofto: News88 Eli Hogan: Med93, News93 Frank P. Hogan: News84 Hogle: News94 Mattie Hogue: News88 Charles Holberg: News89 J. Holbin: News89 Ethel Holden: News90, News93 Ethel Holder: News92-93 George Holecamp: (sausage maker) News91 Dorthia Crosby Hollenbeak (Mrs. Edgar): News97 Edgar Hollenbeak: News92, News97 Miss Hollingsworth: (milliner) News00 Charles Hollingsworth: News90 Etta Hollingsworth: News93, News00 F. Hollingsworth: News00 George Hollingsworth: News93 H. Hollingsworth: News88, News91 Harry L. Hollingsworth: Med93, News93-94, News97 Henry Hollingsworth: News89 Miss Hollingsworth, artist: News00 Frank W. Hollis: (Medford Furniture Co.) Med07 J. Holm: News89 Everett G. Holman: News00 Holmes Bros.: News85 John E. Holmes: (cook) News88 Robert A. Holmes: (fire insurance agent) Med10 William H. Holmes: News89 William M. Holmes "Billy": (deputy sheriff) News88, News92, Med08 B. Holson: News91 Henry Holst: News91-92 Holt: News92 Holt & Allison: News85 Holt & Bunch: (Frank Holt, R. G. Bunch, barbers) News93 Holt & Hardin: News85 Allen Holt: News93 Austin Holt: News93, News95 Donna Holt: News93 Forna Holt: News93 Frank Holt: (barber) News93 George W. Holt: MMv1n1p4c5b J. O. Holt: News95 Jeanne Holt: see also DeRoboam; News84 Samuel H. Holt: (salesman, state senator) News91-95 V. L. Holt: News95 W. A. Holt: News93 Rev. William S. Holt: News86 Helen Holtan (Mrs. Olaus): News87 Hella Holtan (Mrs. Olaus): News87 Martin Holtan: News87 Olaus Holtan "Ollie": (merchant tailor) News85-93, Med86, Med88, Med91, Med93 John Holton: News95 Honeyman: (R.R.V.Ry.) News94 Honeyman, DeHart & Co.: (railroad operators) Hist, News90-91, News93-94 Thomas D. Honeyman: News91 William Honeyman: News91, News95 Alfred H. Hooker: News92, News98, News00 Bert Hooker: (street commissioner) News98, News00 H. Hooker: News97 Mrs. H. Hooper: News85 Hoover: see also Hover Hoover Bros.: (G. W. and C. M., tinners, merchants) News85-86, Med86 Clarence M. Hoover: News85, News89 G. A. Hoover: News93, Med03 G. W. Hoover: MMv1n4p4c3a, News85, News87 H. E. Hoover: News88 Harry Hoover: News89 Lawrence Eugene Hoover: (sewing machine agent, insurance agent) News91-93; in Red Bluff: MM3/24/1893p3; News94, News97, News99 Hopkins: Med07 Charles Hopkins: News94 E. Hopkins: Min86 Lyman Hopkins: News94 Olney Hopwood: News99 Horn, Legate & Mickelson: (well borers) News89 Carrie Cronemiller Horton (Mrs. J. M.): News95 D. H. Horn (miner): News93 W. F. Horn: Med07 J. M. Horton: News84, News95; in Crescent City: MM8/2/1901p6 Prof. Horton: News95 A. E. Hoskins: News00 Al. Hoskins: News88 C. E. Hoskins: News00 Hosler & Howard: News93 Grace Hosler: News99 Harry Hosler: (creamery) News97, News99 Martha Hosler (Mrs. William H.): News91-92, News98 William H. Hosler: (saloon keeper, miner) News91-93, News00; back from Alaska: MM11/30/1900p2 Hosley: (saw mill) News95 Charles Hosley: (butcher) Med85, News85-86, News93 Hotaling Co.: News88 Houck: News95 Dr. Fred H. Houck: News91; in Los Angeles: MM9/3/1909p2 Jesse J. Houck: News84 Kate F. Horn Houck (Mrs. Jesse): News93 Mrs. C. B. Houser: News94 Isaac Householder: (farmer, woodcutter) News98 Adolphus H. Houston: (carpenter) News89, News92 Baily Houston: Bear G. A. Houston: News91 Jack Houston: News91 Minnie Houston: News85 Mollie Merriman Houston (Mrs. G. A.): News91 Thomas B. Houston: News88 Will Houston: News91 Hover: see also Hoover George A. Hover: (butcher) News91-93, News94 J. T. Hover (teacher): News91-92 Louisa Hover (Mrs. George): News93 Howard: see Vawter & Howard, Hosler & Howard; MMv1n4p4c1b, News87-88, News90 Annie M. Howard: see Annie McCullock Caroline Howard (Mrs. Charles J.): News94 Charles J. Howard "Charley": (surveyor, civil engineer, express agent) First, Hist, News83, News88-94, News98-99; in Kerby: EY10/26/1899p3 Emma Howard (Mrs. George S.): News87-88, News95, News99-00; obit: OR3/29/1901p4 G. A. Howard: News90 George Howard: News98, News00 George S. Howard: (clerk, son of J. S. Howard) MMv1n1p4c1b, News83, News85, News88-90, News92, News94-95, News96, News99 George W. Howard: (insurance agent) First, Hist, News85-93, Min86, MM86, Med88, Med91, Med93; in Davenport, Washington: MM6/9/1893p2, DT6/16/1893p3, News94, News99, News00; in San Francisco: MM10/18/1901p7; ill in Alameda County: MT9/20/1912p5 Mrs. George W. Howard: News87 Harry H. Howard: (grocer) News00 Hattie Howard: News00 Henry C. Howard: News85 J. A. Howard: News84 J. M. Howard: News93 James Howard "Jimmy": News90, News92, News95 Mrs. James H. Howard: News90 James R. Howard: News90-93 James Sullivan Howard: (surveyor, engineer, merchant, postmaster) MMv1n1p1c5a, MMv1n1p1c5b, MMv1n4p1c4a, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c5-6a, Trans, First, Hist, Phipps, News83-96, Med84, Min85-88, MM86, Med86, Med89, Med91, Med94, News98-00 John F. Howard: News91 John W. Howard: News84, News89, News91; in Klamath County: MM12/13/1901p7; visiting from Corvallis: MM12/27/1901p6, MM1/3/1902p6; in Berkeley: MM7/16/1909p2 Lavina Howard: News00 Leon Howard: News00 Martha B. Howard (Mrs. James S.): Hist, News85, News87-88, News90, News93-94, News97-98 Martha C. Howard: see Martha Roberts; News87-88 May Howard: News89 Meda Howard: News98 Nettie L. Howard: see Nettie Webb; Hist, News84, Med84, News86-87 T. M. Howard: (saloon operator) News91-93, News98 Ted Howard: News93-94, News98 W. J. Howard: News88, News90, News94 W. M. Howard: News99 Warren Howard: News87 Willard Howard: News00 Frank E. Howe: News99 Howell: see Crawford, Howell & Co.; News90, News91 Howell & Deneff's String Band: News84 Howell Brothers: News91 Cheney Howell: IOOF Florence Howell (Mrs. Harry H.): IOOF Harry Hamilton Howell: IOOF Harry Howell Jr.: IOOF J. D. Howell: (railroad contractor) News91 John Howell Jr.: News89 Judge Howell: News98 Roberta Howell: IOOF T. J. Howell: News95 F. L. Howey: (farmer) News98 Rev. Alfred C. Howlett "Dick": News93-94 Millie Howlett: News91 John Jay Howser: (mayor) Hist, News96, News98, News00; in Corvallis: MM3/26/1909p2, MT5/21/1913pp2,6 Hoxie: Med84 Rev. Charles H. Hoxie: MMv1n4p4c1a, Hist, News84-94, Med88, Min88 Rev. J. Hoxie: News87 Laura M. Hoxie (Mrs. C. H.): News89 Mrs. Lottie Hoxie: Med84 Sarah F. Hoxie: News89 Belle Hoyt: (teacher, bookkeeper, clerk) News90, News92-94 Hallie L. Hoyt: (bookkeeper) News92, News94; see Mrs. Johnson Hubbard Brothers: Hist, IOOF, Strang, Med88, News92, News94, Med97, News97-98 Ada Waltrene Knowles Hubbard (Mrs. Asahel C.): News99 Aletha Hubbard: IOOF Alexis Hubbard: IOOF Asahel C. Hubbard: Hist, IOOF, News87, Med93, News97-98, Med07 Axel Hubbard: Med88 Earl Hubbard: IOOF Ferdinand A. Hubbard: IOOF Fortunatus Hubbard: (implement dealer) IOOF, Hist, Med84, News84-91, Min85, Med86, Min88, Med88, Med91, Med93, News94, Med97, News98 Fortunatus Hubbard, Jr.: IOOF, News84, News92-94, News98 Lydia Meadows Hubbard (Mrs. Fortunatus): IOOF Mrs. H. Hubbard: News90 O. A. Hubbard & Co.: News88 Otis A. Hubbard: IOOF, Med93, News93-94 Rena Hubbard: News00 Theresa/Tressa McKee Hubbard (Mrs. Fortunatus Jr.): IOOF, News94, News97 George A. Hubbell: (justice of the peace) MMv1n4p4c1a, News85, News87; in San Francisco: DT6/16/1893p3 Hubbs: News00 Julia Hubbs (Mrs. Luther P.): Hist Hudson: News93 Mrs. Hudson: News90 Huff: see Davis & Huff; News89-90, News92 Huff & Whiteside: (lumber) News89 H. Huff: News92 M. H. Huff: News91-92, Med91 W. H. Huff: News90 Walter P. Huff: News84 William Huff: News89 Frank A. Huffer: (surveyor, attorney) News87, News90; in Eugene: DT9/19/1890p3; News93; in Tacoma: MM8/16/1901p3, MM12/26/1902p3 Jaly A. Huffer (Mrs. John H.): News88 Judge John H. Huffer: (turner, miner, justice of the peace, recorder) News84-85, News87, News91, News00 John H. Huffer, Jr.: (stone mason) News92, News94 O. T. Hufts: News88 William Huggins: News85 J. Hughes: News94 Louis L. Huillier: Med11 Meta Woody Hukill (Mrs. C. E.): News95 Duncan A. Huling: (hardware merchant) First, News88-91, News94 Mary Ellen McAffee Huling (Mrs. Duncan): News95 A. H. Hull: News90 Dora Hull: see Dora Anderson Elizabeth Fitzgerald Hull (Mrs. Millard): News85 Frank H. Hull: (photographer) News99, Med07 George Hull: (liveryman) News88 John Hull: News89 Millard Hull: News85 Silas H. Hull: (real estate agent) News88-91 Sarah Hull (Mrs. Silas H.): News89, News91 Warren Hull: News86 Theodore Huller: (tailor) News97 Ivan Humason: (mine promoter, druggist) News00; leaving for Portland: MM1/24/1902p3 Rev. James Hummer: News90 Mabell Humphrey: see Mabell Carter W. H. Humphrey: Med11 E. B. Hunsaker: News87, News92 Hunt: News93 Captain Hunt: News94 A. F. Hunt: Bear Jane Hunt: True, IOOF Ed. L. Huntley: (salesman) News89 Hurd: News85 Fred O. Hurd: (miner) News99 J. D. Hurd: News98 John A. Hurlburt: News83, News85 James M. Hurley/Heurley: News94 Lizzie Hurley/Heurley: News94 Hurn: see Terrill & Hurn; Hearn Clara Hurst: (restaurant operator) News95 Margaret Hurst (Mrs. Martin F.): Glim, News91 Martin F. Hurst "Mart": (hotel keeper) Bear, News91-93 Miss Hurst: News92 Hurt: see Barr & Hurt Argiva V. Hurt (Mrs. Erastus): News89, News98 Erastus G. Hurt: (street commissioner, carpenter, fence manufacturer, city engineer, councilman) MMv1n4p4c3a, MM86, First, Hist, News84-94, Min85-88, Med86, Med88, News98 Grover Garland Hurt: News86 M. C. Hussey: News89 Hussey's: True O. U. Husted: News95 Adolphus H. Huston: (carpenter) News89, News92 J. Hutchens: News88 Hutchinson: Bear, News90 C. F. Hutchinson: News90 E. Hutchinson: News99 F. Hutchinson: Med03 F. C. Hutchinson: News91 Mrs. F. W. Hutchinson: News96 J. Hutchinson: News89 Mary Hutchinson: see Mary Duncan Hutchison: News90, News91 Hutchison & Enyart: News92 Hutchison & Lumsden: Hist, Med88 Clarence I. Hutchison "Hutch": (railroad agent, merchant) see Hutchison & Enyart; Cranfill & Hutchison; Hutchison & Lumsden; Hist, Med88, News88-96, Med93, News98-99 Fern Hutchison: News00 Frank W. Hutchison: News89-90, News96, News98-99 Mattie Myers Hutchison (Mrs. Clarence I.): Hist, News94, News96, News99-00 Lewis C. Hyde: News83 Thomas J. Hyman: News92 Thomas A. Hymon: News92 Captain Hyzer: News83-84 Mary Ingledue (Mrs. William K.): News94 William K. Ingledue: News94 Robert Inman "Bob": (outlaw) News96 Innis & Dodson: (contractors) News89 Chester A. Inskeep: Bear Alexander Ireland "Alec" "Alex": News94-95; in Colfax, Washington: MM7/19/1907p5 Bertha Ireland: News94 Ed C. Ireland: Med11 Henry Ireland: News99 J. G. Ireland: (hotel keeper) News94 T. A. Ireland: (hotel keeper) News94-95 Benjamin F. Irvine: Med27 J. R. Irvine: News94 Isaac: News88 Isaacs: see Hall & Isaacs, Henderson & Isaacs; Min88, News94 Isaacs & Murray: (G. W. Isaacs, Sam. Murray, butchers) News91 B. W. Isaacs: (butcher) News91 Charley Isaacs: News87, News00; in Portland: MM8/9/1901p6, MM3/14/1902p7 Edna Eifert Isaacs (Mrs. Frank): IOOF Mrs. Emma Isaacs: Med84 George W. Isaacs Jr.: (barber) News90, News94-95; in Vancouver, B.C.: MM11/8/1901p7; dead in Sacramento: MT11/12/1933p5 George W. Isaacs: (butcher) Hist, News85, News87-93, News98-00; in Vancouver, B.C.: DT7/30/1900p3, MM3/1/1901p6, MM11/8/1901p7 Irene Hampton Isaacs (Mrs. William F.): Med10 Mamie Isaacs: (teacher) News91-95, News98-00; in Vancouver, Washington: MM4/18/1902p6 Mary Isaacs: News87 May E. Isaacs: News93 William Francis Isaacs "Will" "Toggery Bill" "Billy": Hist, News87, Med88, News93, News99-00 Ish: News85, News87-89, News95, News97 Richard L. Ish: News89 Sarah Elizabeth Jones Ish "Sallie": News87-89, News91-95 Sophenia Jane Ish "Sophie": see Sophenia Baker, Sophenia Gore; WJB, News84-88, News93 Ann Ish (Mrs. William K.): News85 Jacob Isler: News95 William H. Jacks: News84-85, Min88, News89; in Albany, Oregon: OR10/7/1909p7 Jackson: see Phillips & Jackson; News87, News92, News98-99 Jackson & Damon: (builders, shoe store) News88-89 Jackson County Bank: True, Hist, Med88, News92 Jackson County Courthouse: Phipps Jackson County Flume & Irrigation Company: News94 Jackson County Sabbath School Association: MMv1n4p4c2a A. S. Jackson: News88 Alfred H. Jackson: News89 Anna T. Jackson: News94 George Andrew Jackson: (county clerk, assessor) News92-95, News98-99 Helen Jackson: News95 H. W. Jackson "Willsie": News00 Jennie Jackson: (teacher, railroad agent) News89, News92 Moses Jackson: News98 Walter Jackson: News85, News88 Dr. Will Jackson: (dentist) News85, News87-91, News98-99 William Jackson: News99 William B. Jackson: (gardener) News99 Willie Jackson: News93 Jacob & Cormack: (sawmill) News90 Jacobs: see Byers & Jacobs; News87-88, News94 Abraham S. Jacobs: (mason, sheriff) News84-85, News88-89, News91; in Brownsboro: MM9/29/1893p1 Emma Strang Jacobs (Mrs. Newton A.): News87-89, News94 Hellena Jacobs (Mrs. Lee): News92 John W. Jacobs: (stonecutter, clerk) see Shely & Jacobs; Bark, News85, News98 Lee L. Jacobs: (county treasurer) Bark, News94, News98, News00; running for Recorder: JP10/17/1914p3; obit: MT2/28/1934p2 Mamie Jacobs: News89 Mary Jacobs (Mrs. Abraham): News98 Newton A. Jacobs "Newt" "Nute": (deputy, teacher, superintendent of schools, county clerk) News85, News87-95, Med88, Med93, News98-99; leaving for California: MM6/22/1900p6; in Los Angeles: MM1/11/1901p7; in Long Beach: MM3/29/1901p7; in Corona: MM8/2/1901p7; in Covina: MM1/17/1902p6, Covina Argus1/25/1902p5; in Corona: MM8/29/1902p7; in Riverside, California: MM5/16/1902p7, CPH5/30/1907p4; obit: JP4/27/1918p3 Jacoby Bros.: (merchants) News90; in Oakland, California: DT7/28/1893p3 Jakes & Murray: (butchers) News91 A. Jakes: (butcher) News91-92 Thomas James: (miner) News94-95; in Rossland, B.C.: MM1/10/1902p6, DT1/16/1902p4 Sarah Janney (Mrs. Edwin M.): Med10, Med11 Emma Jansen (Mrs. Henry A.): IOOF, News92 Henry A. Jansen: IOOF William Jarvis: News00 Caleb Jeffers: News90 Jeffrey: see White & Jeffrey Miss Anna Jeffrey: (teacher) News98-99 Mrs. Anna Jeffrey: News99 James Jeffrey: (surveyor) News84, News88 John A. Jeffrey: (attorney, state represesntative) News95, News98-00 Mrs. M. Jeffrey: News99 Mrs. R. G. Jeffrey: News98-99 Robert Jeffrey: News97 Mrs. F. A. Jeffries: Med84 C. S. Jenkins: (telegrapher) Med86-87 W. C. Jenkins: (pastor, attorney) News96 Jennings & Lane: (livery stable) News00 E. B. Jennings: (liveryman) News00 F. W. Jennings: News99 J. A. Jennings: MMv1n4p4c3a Mollie Reames Jennings (Mrs. F. W.): News99 S. L. Jessup: Med93, News94 Mr. John: News90 Mollie John: News95 William Johns: News88 Johnson: see also Johnston; McCarty and Johnson; Merriman & Johnson; Faris & Johnson; Porter & Johnson; Curry & Johnson; News85, News88-91, News93-94 Johnson & Anderson: (builders) News88 Johnson & Palm: (real estate) News90 Johnson & Porter: News93 Johnson & Russell: (house painters) News94 Johnson & Spears: (sign painters) Med86 Johnson, McCarthy & Johnson: Hist, News91-93 A. Johnson: News88 A. G. Johnson: News89, News91 A. J. Johnson: (fence salesman) News90 Rev. A. M. Johnson: News87 Albert Johnson: News90 Ashba Logan Johnson: (real estate agent, banker) see also Land Office: MMv1n1p1c2-3b, MMv1n4p1c2-3a, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n1p4c5b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, News83-89, Med85, Min85, MM86, Med86 Augustus S. Johnson: (butcher, deputy assessor) MMv1n4p4c3a, Hist, News84-85, Min85, News87-91, News93 Caroline G. Johnson (Mrs. Augustus S.): Med84 Carl J. Johnson: News92 Carrie L. Johnson: News98-99 Charles G. Johnson: (marshal) Med93, News98-99 Charles H. Johnson: (attorney) News94 Edward A. Johnson: (miller) News89-92, Med93, News94, News98; in Drain: MM9/7/1900p6, MM3/29/1901p6 E. Maud Johnson: News87, News95 E. Johnson: (painter) News93 E. O. Johnson: News90 E. S. Johnson: (plumber) News89-92 Edw. Johnson: Min86, News93 Emma Johnson: see Emma Bartle Eva C. Johnson: News84 Frances I. J. Johnson (Mrs. E. A.): News89, News91-92 G. W. Johnson: News93-94 Geary Johnson: (assayist) News93-94 George B. Johnson: News92 Hallie Hoyt Johnson: (Mrs. Wesley): News95 Ida Sisemore Johnson (Mrs. W. B.): News90 J. Johnson: News83 J. S. Johnson: (miller) News90 J. W. Johnson: News89 Jacob Johnson: News89, News91-93, Med93 James A. Johnson: News89, News91 Jo Johnson: (liveryman) News89 John F. Johnson: (bartender) News87, News92 Joseph Johnson: News89 Joseph O. Johnson: (real estate agent, farmer) WJB, News89-93, News95-96, News99 Mrs. Joseph O. Johnson: News89, News91, News96; obit: MT5/3/1920p5 L. W. Johnson: News89 Lizzie H. Johnson: Hist, Med84, News85, News91-92 Lucinda Anderson Johnson (Mrs. William O.): News95 Martha E. Johnson: see Martha Kimble Mary J. Johnson (Mrs. Jacob): News00 Minnie Johnson: News90 Mrs. Johnson: News93 Nancy Johnson: News91 Noah R. Johnson: News00 Norah Plymale Johnson (Mrs. E. S.): News90-91, News94 O. C. Johnson: Hist O. H. Johnson: (jeweler, painter) MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n1p4c5b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c1b, Min85, News85-88; in Garfield, Washington: MM11/30/1900p2 Mrs. O. H. Johnson: News91 Mrs. O. O. Johnson: News91 O. W. Johnson: (ice works) News92 P. W. Johnson: News88 Rachel M. Johnson: News92 R. N. Johnson: News97 T. Wesley Johnson "Wes" "West": (drayman, night watchman) News88-95, News98-00 Thomas Johnson: (clerk) News99 W. B. Johnson: News90 W. S. Johnson: News91 W. T. Johnson: (fireman) News92 William Johnson: (ice works, assayist) News91-94; moving to Ashland: MM1/5/1895p3 William Otto Johnson "Bud": (blacksmith) News95 William R. Johnson: News00 Johnston: see also Johnson; News92 A. G. Johnston: (real estate agent) News89-92 A. H. Johnston: News89 Ada Sisemore Johnston (Mrs. W. B.): News87, News90 Fred. Johnston: News99 George B. Johnston: News92 Isaac H. Johnston: News84-85 L. W. Johnston: News89 Martha E. Johnston: see Martha Kimball Mary J. Johnston: News89, News90 T. W. Johnston: (delivery man) News94 W. B. Johnston: News90 W. P. Johnston: News98-99 Jones: See York & Jones; News94-95 Alexander N. Jones: News83 Bertie Jones: News95 Burt Jones: (evangelist) News89 Cora Jones: News98 Dora Jones (Mrs. W. V.): News96 Elmer Jones: News89 Garl T. Jones: (surveyor, school clerk) Med93, News93-95, News98-00 George E. Jones: News87 Rev. J. L. Jones: News94, News99 James C. Jones: Min88, News88, Med93 John Jones: News89 Justice Jones: News98 Kate H. Jones: see Mrs. Anderson L. Jones: News89 Lillie Jones: News87 Lou Della Jones (Mrs. Walter S.) "Loudell": News89-94 Mabel/Maybel G. Jones: News93-94, News99 Marcus E. Jones: News95 O. Jones: Med11 Reuben A. Jones "Roub": News85; visiting: DT11/17/1893p3 Samuel T. Jones: News85 Stoughton P. Jones: (stage driver, barkeep) News98 Rev. T. L. Jones: News86-87 W. A. Jones: News98, Med03 Wilbur Jones: News89, News93, News98 William Richard Jones: (Ish Ranch foreman) News85, News89, News93, News95, News98 W. V. Jones: News96 Dr. Walter S. Jones: (physician) News90-95, Med93, News97-00; stricken: MM3/27/1908p5; death: OR4/2/1908p6, MM4/3/1908p8; condolences: MM4/17/1908p4 Wilbur Jones: Med03 William Jones: Bear William R. Jones: News83-84, News89, News91 Francis M. Jordan: (jeweler) News94, News00 G. M. Jordan: News91 "Stormy" Jordan: News91 R. Jorgenson: News93 J. W. Jory: News99 F. M. Judd: (jeweler) News94 Dr. N. W. Judd: News00 Mamie Judge: News88 Justus: see Wrisley & Justus; News83, News85-87, News90 Anna Justus: MMv1n1p4c5b, News85; obit: MM11/30/1900p2 Emma Justus: News87-89 G. W. Justus: News93 George R. Justus: (logger) News86, News89, News91, News93-95, News98-99 John Justus: News91, News93 Jonas Justus: News87, News94, News98 Lucinda Justus (Mrs. William): News88, News91, News93 Ora Justus: News95 Sarah Jane Justus (Mrs. George R.): News92, News95 William Justus: News85 Mrs. C. W. Kahler: News97 Charles Wesley Kahler "Wes": News86, News91 Dr. George Kahler: News88; visiting from Tacoma: MM9/12/1902p6 Ida Kahler: News92 Maria Cardwell Kahler (Mrs. Robert): News90 Thomas P. Kahler: News84, News89, News94 Jacob Kahn: see also Kohen; News92 Kaiser: News90 E. F. Kaiser: News89 E. J. Kaiser: (newspaperman) News95, Hist; in Oakland, California: AT10/8/1931p2 A. L. Kaize: News89 Mrs. C. W. Kaley: News97 Kame & Gilkey: (hardware) News94 Mary C. Markham Kame (Mrs. William T.): News00 William T. Kame: (shoes, hardware) WJB, News94, News98-00 E. Charles Kane: News84, News90 Gustav Karewski: News84-85 Johanna Karewski (Mrs. Gustav): Med03 A. Karitsch: (brewer) News92 Duff G. Karnes: (confectioner) News92, News97-98, News00 Karnes & Mounce: (soda works) News99-00 Karnes & Ritter: News00--"Duff and Jim" (MM4/14/1905p5) Clarence Kasshafer: News91 Frank Kasshafer: (bartender) News84, News87-90, News98 Kauffman & Fisher: News94 J. Kavanaugh: News88 Kearney: News83 Thomas T. Kearney: News84 Emma Kebutz/Kibbuts: see Emma Pohlman Anna Keegan: (telegrapher) News94 Janey Keegan: News90 Johnny Keegan: News85 Owen Keegan: News85, News87 Dr. James M. Keene: (dentist) Hist, News98-00, Med10; in Portland: MM1/18/1901p7 Mollie Barneburg Keene (Mrs. Dr. James M.): Hist A. T. Keese: News88 Jacob Keets: (liveryman) News99 Cordelia Keizur: News92 Kelley: News86, News91 Kelley, Dunn & Co.: News94 George Kelley: News90 Jac Kelley: News94 Joe Kelley: (section foreman) News89, News94-95 John F. Kelley: News87, News89-90, News92-93, News98 Lou Kelley: News87 Lulu Kelley: News93 Lutie Kelley: News93 Kellogg: Wild, News89 Kellogg & Co.: (steamboat) News91 Mrs. Kellogg: News92 Alva E. Kellogg: (farmer) True, IOOF, News91-93 Mrs. Amanda A. Kellogg: News94-95, News98-99 Amanda B. Kellogg (Mrs. Jason): News89, News93-94 Charles D. Kellogg: News92-94, News98 Clarence Kellogg: (railroad fireman, mill engineer) News91-94; in Portland: MM10/2/1896p7 Edward A. Kellogg: (steamboat captain) News91-92 M. Ellen Kellogg (Mrs. Orrin): News90 Jason Kellogg: (engineer) News89-90, News92-94, Med93 Muriel Kellogg: Med07 Miss N. Kellogg: News92 Kelly: Med07 Fred Kelly: (miner) News00 Joseph F. Kelly: News86-88, News92-93, News97; dead in Klamath Falls: MT4/9/1925p6 Joeseph T. Kelly: News89, News93, News97 Mrs. L. Kelly: News90 T. Kelso: Med03 Nathan Kendall: News99 Rev. Reese P. Kendall: News93, News95 John R. Kennedy: News89 Luther Kennedy: News87, News89 W. F. Kennedy: News89 Kenney: see also Kinney; News84 Kenney & Helms: (saddlers) News85 Kenney & Wolters: (W. G. Kenney, H. H. Wolters, saloon keepers) MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c7a, News84-86, Min85, MM86, Med86 Kenney & Worman: News86-87 Kenney & Wortman: MM86, News86-87 Daniel Kenney: News94 Mrs. Elizabeth T'Vault Kenney "Lib": News84; obit: MT10/24/1911p6 George Kenney: (engineer) News99 J. M. Kenney: News00 Mollie Snider Kenney (Mrs. William G.): News84-85 Rosetta Ulrich Kenney (Mrs. T. J.): News93 Thomas Joseph Kenney: (saddler, butcher) News85, News90-91, News93, News99-00 William G. Kenney "Bill": (liveryman, drayman, mail contractor) see Kenney & Wolters; Gem Saloon; Hist, News84-92 Kenny: see also Kenney, Kinney Thomas B. Kent: (district attorney) News91 Herbert C. Kentner: (merchant, school board) Med06 W. W. Kentnor: News89 Rev. J. E. Kenworthy: News00 William Kenworthy: News00 A. D. Kenyon: News95 Robert Kercherd: News89 Nellie P. Kercheval: News87, News93 Nettie P. Kercheval: News93 Kerr: News94 A. M. Kerr: (telephone company) News94 Kershaw: see Hicks & Kershaw Kertson & Bain: (newspaper) News91 Kertson & Ward: News91 Felix G. Kertson: (newspaper editor) Hist, News91-93; patent: SOM1/20/1893p3(2); in Portland: MM3/3/1893p3, MM8/2/1895p5; in Independence: MM4/21/1893p3, MM5/5/1893p3 Nellie Graves Kertson (Mrs. Felix G.): News92 Frances Kessler: News98 Dr. Edward T. Ketcham: (dentist) News92 Capt. A. L. Kidder: News86, News89 Kilburn: see Vincent & Kilburn S. P. Kilburn: News90 Edmund Kimball: News86 Martha E. Johnson Kimball (Mrs. Edmund): News86 W. W. Kimball & Co.: News89 Edmund Kimble: News86 Martha E. Johnson Kimble (Mrs. Edmund): News86 Frank Kime: News87 Nicholas Kime: News86 Widow Kime: News92 Kincaid Bros.: News91-92 Julia Kincaid: News93 William B. Kincaid: News85, News99; obit: MM9/27/1901p3 S. W. Kindle: (railroad conductor, orchardist) News92-93 King: News94, News98 Charles A. King: (saloonkeeper) News00 Emanuel King: Hist, Med03 Etta King: News98 Frank King: News00 George F. King: dead in Sacramento: MT12/6/1943p3 Jerome King: News85 Mrs. Martha King: News85 R. T. King: (farmer) News98-99 Walter S. King: News92-93 William J. King: (saloon keeper, miner) News95-96, News98-00 Kingsbury & Allen: (real estate) News89 B. R. Kingsbury: News92 Mrs. Bert Kingsbury: News94 Charles B. Kingsbury: News88, News92 Frank Kinley: News89 Kinney: see also Kenney Harlow G. Kinney "Jerry": (painter, gold miner) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-89, Min85, Med86, News93-94; in Riddle: MM4/14/1893p3, MM4/21/1893supplementp2; murdered in Trinity Co., California: MM8/24/1900p7; in San Jacinto: MM8/2/1901p7 Thomas J. Kinney: Bear, News96, News00 W. G. Kinney: News85 Rev. Louis C. Kirby: IOOF Dr. Emil Kirchgessner: (physician) Med93, News93-00 Rose J. Kirchgessner (Mrs. Emil): News00 J. Kirchmann: News00 Kirkland: News83 W. W. Kirkwood: News89 Heinrich Kirschner: News88 Bruce Kitterman: Bear Sophia Kitzlinger: News89 Klamath Star: MMv1n1p4c4a Claus Kleinhammer: News85, News86, News88, Med03 Cathrine Kleinhammer "Kate": see Kate Van Dyke J. L. Kline: News92 Klippel & Baumle: News86-87 Klippel & Fitch: News89 Klippel & Lee: (lumber yard, sawmill) News90-91 Klippel & Marcuson: (lumber yard) News93-95 Klippel & Skeel: News90 Adam Klippel: News92 Alice Klippel "Allie": News94, News98, News00 Elizabeth A. Bigham Klippel (Mrs. Henry): News90, News92 Fred Klippel: News95, News00 Henry Klippel: (real estate agent, pork packer, lumber merchant) Hist, WJB, News86-95, Med88,OH89, Med91, News98, News00 Jacob Klippel: News92 John H. Klippel: News93, News99 Lannes P. Klippel: News94, News00 Richard H. Klippel: News84 Klum: see Hockersmith & Klum Blaine Klum: (artist, sign painter) Med07, Med10 Charles K. Klum: News92-93 H. C. Knackstedt: (hotel man) News98-99 Mrs. H. C. Knackstedt: News99 Ralph L. Knapp: Hist B. Knepp: News94 Benjamin "Tack" Knight: Pinto Bertha L. Purdin Knight (Mrs. Stephen E.): News89 J. I. Knight: News89 J. T. Knight: (sewing machine agent) News88 Mrs. Knight: News87 Stephen E. Knight: News89 Ida Gibson Knotts (Mrs. Perry): News94 Perry Knotts: (miner) News94 Fred W. Knowles: News92 Robert Knowles: News87 W. I. Knowles: News92 George Knowlton: News85 C. D. Knox: Med89 Lottie Knox: (telegrapher) News98 Mamie Knox: (telegrapher) News98 Richard Koehler: Phipps, News83-85, Min85, News87, News93 George Kohlhagen: (cattle dealer) News00 Jacob Kohen: see also Kahn; News92 Charles Kohn: News86 Roma Addison Koppes "Romeo": Wild Kott: News93 A. L. Kotze: News92-93 Dr. William F. Kremer: News84-85, News93 Kress: see also Cress Kress & Fischer: (painters) News87, News89 O. M. Krewson: News84 Krouse: News93 Paul Krutzler: Med03 Mrs. E. J. Kubli: News99 Elenor C. Kubli (Mrs. Kaspar): News86, News95 Henry D. Kubli: News86, News91-92, News97, News00 Kaspar K. Kubli "Kap": News84, News86, News90, News93-95, News97-98; in Pendleton: JP7/12/1913p3 Kaspar Kubli Jr.: News91 Theodore Kugler: News88 George J. Kurtz: (cigar mfr.) News98-00; leaving for Portland: MM10/25/1901p7; suicide in Portland: MT11/15/1912p5 Prof. La France: News87 Dr. A. H. Lackey: News88 Father LaCroix: News00 Lacy: News91, News93 Bud Lacy: News84 Emma J. Lacy (Mrs. J. H.): News89 John H. Lacy: (carpenter, farmer) News84-85, News89 John S. Lacy: News92 William S. Ladd: Med00 W. N. Ladue: News88 M. LaFollett: News91 Elmer LaFollett: News91 Charles J. Laird: (stage driver, stockraiser) News95 A. Lamb: News90, News93 Charles Lambert "Charley": News94 Harry Lambert: News85 Joseph H. Lame: WJB; obit MM5/29/1908p2 Ben Hur Lampman: Wild G. W. Lance, Jr.: News97 Land Office Livery Stable: MMv1n1p4c2b Daniel Landis: News89 Hattie Landis: News87 John Landis: News87 Mollie Landis: News87 General Joseph Lane "Jo" "Joe": News88-89 Simon R. Lane: (liveryman) News00 Arthur Langell: News89-90 Frank Langell: (newspaperman) News85 Jessie Langell: News95 Nathaniel Langell "Nathan" "Nat" News85-86, News91-92, News95; obit: JP5/17/1919p3 Bertha E. Langley: News88, News93 Ernest A. Langley: (railroad fireman, fireman, contractor) News88-93, News95, News99 Louisa Langley (Mrs. George): News88 Lucy E. Langley: News88-89 James Langshire: News83 Louise G. Lansing: Med11 John G. Lanterman: News83; in Merlin: JP11/15/1913p3 Walter Lantz: Pinto G. M. LaPorte: News84 J. M. LaPorte: News85 Dan Large: News83 Fred Larsen: (farmer) News91 Larson: News94 L. Larson: (painter) News95 S. J. Lashier: (printer) News99 Dr. J. P. Latour: (veterinarian) News93-94 Herbert E. Law: News87 Effie Laws: see Mrs. Badley Henry Laws: News95 William B. Laws: News93-94 Lawton: see Haskins & Lawton; News84-85, News90, News92-94 Lawton & Son: (real estate) News87, Med88, News88, News89 Denison Taylor Lawton "Dennis": (real estate agent, fireman, implement company manager, steamboat agent, notary) First, Hist, News84, Min86, MM86, News86-95, Med88, Med93, News98-00 Francis M. Lawton: Med84 Grace Lawton: Glim, Med07 Guy Lawton: News95 J. H. Lawton: News00 Joseph West Lawton: (harness maker, fire chief, city councilman) First, Hist, Wild, News85, News87, News90-91, Med93, News93-95, News97-00 Amelia "Millie" Rice Lawton (Mrs. Denison T.): Hist, Med84, News87-89, News91, News95, News98; visiting New York: MM9/6/1901p6 Robert T. Lawton: (engineer, real estate agent, town recorder) MMv1n1p1c1b, MMv1n4p1c4a, MMv1n4p4c3a, First, Hist, News84-89, Med84, Min85-86, MM86, Med86, Med88, Min88, Med91, News92, Med93, News94-95, News98, News00, Med07 Frances West Lawton (Mrs. Robert T.): News90, News94-95 John T. Layton: News88 Leabo & Smith: News91 H. L. Leach: Med11 Leadbetter & Son (Charles H. & Frederick W.): Hist, Med93, News93-94 Charles H. Leadbetter: News93, News00 D. L. Leanton: News89 Albert Learned: News91 Lee: see Klippel & Lee Emma Lee: News89 Jonas A. Lee: (attorney) News90-91 W. G. Lee: News83 William Howard Leeds: News90, News94 Frank Leet: News90 William C. Leever: News85, News88 A. LeFevre: News83 Legate: see Hamilton & Legate; Horn, Legate & Mickelson Lizzie Legate (Mrs. William P. H.): WJB, News93 William P. H. Legate: (blacksmith, grocer) see Merriman & Legate, Morris & Legate; News90-95, Med91, Med93, News98; in Fresno: MM9/26/1902p7 Leghorn: see Youle, Gillroy & Leghorn Lehners: News89 Kate Lemberger: News95 A. D. Lembocker: Med11 Dr. C. Lempert: MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n4p1c1a, News88-89 Herman Lenhart: News93 Leonard & Skeeters: (Charles Skeers, J. Leonard, variety store) News90-91 Father Leonard: News88 James A. Leonard: News90-91, News93 Robert Leonard: (N.P. ticket agent) News95 Leoni: News85 Eulinda Lehnherr: see Eulinda Dubell D. A. Levens: News86, News88 Percy H. Levin: News98 Lewellen & Lynch: MMv1n1p1c3b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c4b, Hist, News85 Frank Lewellen: see also Llewellyn, Luellen; News85-86, News88 Charles Lewellyn: News91 Lewis: see Mitchell & Lewis, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver; News85, News89, Med08 Lewis: (painter) News91 Lewis brothers: (threshers) News98 Anna M. Crystal Lewis (Mrs. Charles F.) "Annie": News88, News92, News99 Rev. C. A. Lewis: News90-91 C. Hunt Lewis: Med03, Med07 Charles F. Lewis "Charlie": (railroad engineer, machinist, machinery agent) WJB, News88, News91-92; back from Costa Rica: SOM1/20/1893p3, Med93, News93-95; obit: News99 Dr. Lewis: (veterinarian) News89 E. F. Lewis: News89 Frank Lewis: (foot racer) News90, News94 George N. Lewis: News98 H. C. Lewis: News88, News90-91 H. L. Lewis: News88 John W. Lewis: News85 Lafayette Lewis "Lafe": News89 M. C. Lewis: News90 Nancy Riggs Lewis (Mrs. Oscar F.): Med88, News88 Newton Lewis "Newt": News93 Oscar F. Lewis: (painter) News85-88, Med88; leaving for Yreka: JP9/6/1919p3 Phoebe Simpkins Lewis (Mrs. John W.): News85 T. J. Lewis: (miner) News95 Viola Lewis: see Mrs. Hayes Dr. W. Lewis: News89 Wesley Lewis "Wes": (miner) News94 Wilfred Lewis: News85 William Lewis: News86 W. Liggett: News93 Miss Lillard: Hist Gin Lin: First Otto Lind: News85, News87 Anna B. Lindley: News00 Anna Phipps Lindley (Mrs. J. S.): News00 G. B. Lindley: News94 George Pierre Lindley: WJB, Med88, Med97, News93-96, News98, News00 George Robert Lindley: News93-94, News97-98, News00 J. S. Lindley: News00 Morton Lindley: (miner) News95 Sarah A. Ulrich Lindley (Mrs. George P.): News94 Ling & Boardman: (house painters) News95 Harry Ling: Med07 James W. Ling: Med11 David Linn "Davy": (furniture maker, undertaker, orchardist, mill operator) News86, News89, News90; bio: MM3/5/1909p3; cancer: MT7/23/1911pB4; obit: MT5/17/1912p4, MT5/18/1912pB2 Fletcher Linn: News86, News94; in Portland: MM11/5/1908p2, JP5/3/1913p3 James Linn: (railroad fireman) News92 David Lipman: News90 Ida W. Lippincott (Mrs. Walter V.): News91-95, News98, News00 Mazie Lippincott: News93 Walter V. Lippincott: (Western Union agent, station agent) News91-95, News97-00; in Riverside, California: MM1/11/1901p6 Walter Lippincott Jr.: News98 Lida May Lippincott "Maysie" "Mazie": News92, News98, News00; obit: MM1/18/1901p7 Hazen J. Little: News90-91 R. P. Little: (tamale maker) News98-00 William Little: News84, News98 David Litts: True Livingstone: News90 Mrs. Livingstone: News90 Llewellyn & Lynch: see Lewellen & Lynch Frank Llewellyn: see also Lewellen; Llewellyn & Lynch; News85 Miss L. Lloyd: News89 Francis F. Loder "Frank": (deliveryman) News00, Med07 Mrs. Anna M. Loder: News89, News00 Justice M. Lofland: News92, News94 Logan: News86, News90 Charles W. Logan: News89 B. F. Loher: News84 Long: see Ray & Long Matthew Nimrod Long "Nim": Bear, News85 Charles Loomis "Charley": News91 Levi S. Loomis: (teacher) News89 Mary Loretz: News87 L. P. Loretz: News93 David Loring: (civil engineer, railroad right-of-way agent) Hist, News83-87, News90-92 D. R. Losey: News84, News87 Losher & Webber: (draymen) News96 James W. Losher: (drayman) News96 James Louden: (stage) News94 M. Loughlin: News84 Love: see Hanley & Love Agnes Love: News95 Fannie Love: News94 George M. Love: News84, News94-95, News98 John A. Love: News89 Minnie Love: News00 Mrs. Love: News99 Margaret Lowden: see Margaret Creed Louisa Lowery/Lowrey: News94 Thomas Loynachan: News93-94 Lewis F. Lozier: (carpenter) News93-94 W. N. Luckey: News88, News95 John C. Lucus: News00 Lucy: News89 R. Luellen: see also Llewellyn, Lewellyen; News85, News88 Lumsden: News88, News90, News94 Lumsden & Berlin (A. N. Berlin): (grocers) News94-95, Med97 Lumsden & Warner: (grocers) News98 Bessie Lumsden: News00 Carrie L. Lumsden: see Carrie O'Bryant; News90, News92-94 David J. Lumsden: Med88, News88-93 E. J. Lumsden: First Elizabeth Freeman Berlin Lumsden (Mrs. Harold U): Hist, IOOF, Med88, News89 Eunice Marie Lumsden (Mrs. David J.): News88-91, News93-94, News98-99 Emma M. Lumsden: News94 H. N. Lumsden: News88 H. W. Lumsden: News94 Harold Union Lumsden: (merchant) Hist, IOOF, News87-94, Med88, News96-98 Hazel Lumsden: Med88 J. D. Lumsden: News93 Ruth Lumsden: Med88 Treve Lumsden: Med88 W. H. Lumsden: News88 Rufus W. Lundy: (hardware merchant) News91; in Kansas: DT7/14/1893p3 Lusk & Son: News85 Rev. M. L. Lute: News95 Margery Lute: News94 Robert Lute: News94 Luther: News87 Fred W. Lutkemeier: (restaurant operator, saloon keeper, ice works) see Hess & Lutkemeier; News92, Med93, News93-94 Frederick M. Luy, Jr.: (barber) News87, News89, News92, News98-00 Minnie D. Luy (Mrs. Fred M.): News00 Nellie Luy: see Nellie Plymale Rose Luy: (printer) News91-92 Lynch & Worman: (W. M. Lynch and E. Worman, liverymen) News85, Med86 George H. Lynch: News90; obit: JP11/17/1917p3 Frank Lynch: see Llewellyn & Lynch; News86-87, News93 Margaret Lynch: News98-99 William Lynch: News88, News91 Cora E. Lyon (Mrs. L. M.): News93 L. M. Lyon: (contractor) see Childers & Lyon, IOOF, News89-96, News98 Noah B. Lyon: Med84; letter from Dawson City: MI10/13/1898p3 S. H. Lyon: (contractor) News86-87, News90, News92, News94, News99 Z. M. Lyon: News91 Edward E. Lyons: (bicycle repairman, railroad roadmaster) News99 James A. Lyons: Med03 Mrs. Lyons: News89-90 L. Lytle: News99 N. K. Lytle: News85-86 Lyttleton: News84 James A. Mabee: News88-89, News91 Willis E. Macaulay: (tamale maker) News93-94, News98-00 Clara Macauley: News98 Mackey-Bennett Telegraph Co.: News86 George W. Mackey: (photographer) News99-00 Henry C. Mackey: (photographer) News95-00 Mary L. Walker Mackey (Mrs. Henry C.): News99-00 Vina Jane Fruit Mackey (Mrs. George W.): death of brother Frank Otis Fruit: MM1/17/1902p3 Alex Mackintosh: News91 William Macklin: MMv1n1p4c5b Maegly: see also McGee Maegly & Zimmerman: Min86 Aaron H. Maegly: News85-87, News90-93; in Portland: DT9/1/1893p3, MT3/9/1912p6, JP10/30/1920p1 Cecilia Levy Maegly (Mrs. A. H.): News92 Magers: (photographer) News98 C. E. Magoon: News85 Magruder Bros.: News90-91 Constantine Magruder "Tine": News84-85, News90 Arthur Mahoney, telegrapher: News00 Walter J. Mahoney "Wallie" "Will": (telegrapher) News98-00 Charles Main: News92 Horace Mann: (editor, Medford Enquirer) News00; in Oroville: MM10/9/1903p4, DT11/18/1903p1 John C. Mann: IOOF, Med88 Manning: (lumber) News00 Maggie Manning: News95 Mary Mansfield: see Mrs. Brantner W. R. Mansfield: News86 Manuel: see Hammond & Manuel; Manwell Clementine Manwell: News94 Frances I. J. Manwell: see Frances Johnson Lillie J. Manwell: see Lillie Penwell Marcuson: see Klippel & Marcuson I. M. Marcy: (blacksmith) News00 Mark: News88 George Markle: News95 A. J. Markley: News94 A. T. Markley: News94, News96 Fred Marks: News89 J. F. Marks: News89 Lime Marks: News89 James W. Marksberry/Marksbury: (merchant, hotel owner, butcher) News92, News94, News96-98; dies in Halsey, Oregon: JP7/13/1918p3 George S. Marsh: News93 J. S. Marsh: News93 Edison Marshall: Hist George E. Marshall: Med11; obit: MT2/19/1931p3, MT2/22/1931p6 Dr. S. S. Marsters: DT12/2/1892p3 Dr. W. M. Marsters: News92 A. H. Martin: News00 Alexander Martin "Jerry": News83; obit, Oakland, California: JP1/29/1916p1 Carrie Martin: News90 Dr. George Martin: (dentist) News88, News92; in Germany: DT8/4/1893p3; in Oakland, California: MT8/1/1919p2, JP8/9/1919p3; back from Germany: MT8/7/1919p6 J. A. Martin: News92 Joseph G. Martin: Med05, Med11 L. Martin: News87 S. S. Martin: News90, News92 Thomas Martin: News88 Dr. Will Martin: (dentist) News92; in Oakland, Calif.: DT10/6/1893p3 G. W. Mason: News99 Masons: WJB E. Massie: News94 Mrs. Belinda Masterson: News91 Mathei: (brewer) News91 Mathes: see Brophy & Mathes; News99 George William Mathes: (butcher) News91-93 Jennie Mills Mathes (Mrs. George W.): News91 Mathews: see Matthews Mathews Bros.: News90 David W. Mathews: (druggist) Med85, News85-86, Med86 Green B. Mathews: News90 Icie Matney: News00 J. M. Matney: News88 James Matney: Bear Nannie Matney: (dressmaker) Hist, News98, News00 A. E. Matson: (blacksmith) News89 Matthews: see Mathews Matthews Bros.: News91 Alice Matthews "Allie": see Alice Rosenbaum David W. Matthews: (druggist, Indian agent) Med85, News85-86, Med86, News92 Mary Matthews: News85 Ruth Matthews: News85 Father Theodore Mattingly: Hist Mattoon & Keese: News88 Rev. Charles Hiram Mattoon: News88 J. W. Mattox: News89, News92 Levi Harper Mattox: (teacher) News90-91 John Matzen: News87 Eleanor Murray Maule (Mrs. Milton): News85; obit: MT12/5/1931p12 Milton Maule: (house painter) MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c7b, Min85, News85, News87-89, News91-94 Wilson Maule: News87 Miller Maury: Bark Reuben F. Maury: News94-95 Zacariah A. Maxcy "Zack": (confectioner, bookkeeper, farmer, poultry farmer) News91, News92-94, Med93, News97-00; retires to farm: MM10/11/1901p7, MM10/25/1901p7 J. D. Maxon: Bear, News85, News87 Maxwell: News90, News96 Anna H. Maxwell: News92 L. H. Maxwell: News90 Mayborn: True, News95 Ettie Mayfield: News85 Rev. J. H. Mayfield: News85, News92 Marshal Mayfield: News91 William H. Mayfield: (hotel keeper) Med85, News85 William R. Mayfield: (barber) News85, News91 McAdams: News86 McAdams & Co.: News85 McAdams & Heeley: News85-86 F. M. McAdams: News85-86 Margaret J. McAdams: News93 W. H. McAdams: (saloon keeper) Min85, News85-86, Med86 J. G. McAllister: (broom maker) Med88 Maggie McAndrew: News94-95 Rosa McAndrew: News92 Thomas F. McAndrew/McAndrews "Tom": (farmer, capitalist) MMv1n4p4c3a, Trans, True, News83-85, News87-95, Med88, Med93, News99-00 Thomas McAndrew, Jr.: News89, News92 B. McBeath: News99 McBride & Case: News92 Frank McBride: News91 Ida Swacker McBride (Mrs. J. W.): News91 J. H. McBride: News95 J. W. McBride: News91 J. Carroll McCaffrey: (real estate) News94 Rev. John S. McCain: (pastor, author, newspaper publisher) in Grants Pass: DT6/2/1893p3, News98-99; see Chessmore & McCain McCall & Anderson: MMv1n1p4c5b, News83 Gen. McCall: News85, News88-89 Mrs. J. M. McCall: News92 M. L. McCall: News84 McCallister & Co.: (broom makers) News87 McCallister & Williams: (broom makers) News87-88 S. McCallister: (broom maker) News84, News88 McCarthy: see McCarty; Johnson, McCarthy & Johnson Mrs. D. McCarthy: News89 Dan/Dennis McCarthy/McCarty "Mac": (locomotive engineer) Med84, News84-85, News87, News89, News91-93, News95 H. H. McCarthy: (ice works) News92-94, News96; returns to live: MT12/9/1911p8 James McCarthy: News91 Mary McCarthy: (teacher) News98 McCarty: see McCarthy Sam McCaslin: News89 Allen McCauley: Med07 W. E. McCauley "Mac": (tamale maker) News93, News00 Argiva V. McClain: News88-89 Rev. M. McClain: News88 Celia Orth McClallen (Mrs. Harry T.): News89 Harry T. McClallen: (hotel keeper) News87-90 William McClanahan: Glim Sam McClendon: MMv1n1p4c2b, News94 Christopher C. McClendon: News93; in Gold Hill: MT11/27/1910p5 Janie McClendon: News87 McClintick: News97 E. McClintick: News96 McCloud: News92 McConnell: News85 G. F. McConnell: News85 J. McConnell: MMv1n1p1c5b, MMv1n4p1c1b Kate McCord: News92 Agnes McCornack: News84 Dr. J. T. McCornack: News99 Dr. McCoy: News89 J. M. McCoy: News87 Miss McCrary: News88 McCray: (engineer) News00 William McCredie: News93 William G. McCubbin: News90-93 Zelpha/Zilpha E. McCubbin: News92-94 Alice McCulloch: News94 Annie Howard McCulloch (Mrs. James L.): News85 James L. McCulloch: News85 Alice McCulloch/McCullock: News91, News94 Annie Howard McCullock (Mrs. James L.): News85 James L. McCullock: News85 Annie Howard McCullough (Mrs. James L.): News85 F. D. McCullough: News00 Fred McCullough/McCulloch: (clerk, medical student) News95-96 George McCullough: News94 James L. McCullough: News85 R. T. McCullough: News84 L. D. McCurdy: News94 George M. McDonald: (veterinarian) News92, News95 D. R. McDonald: News94 Mrs. J. G. McDonald: News95 McDonough: Med88, News89 Hattie McDonough: see Hattie Ridinger James McDonough: News94; obit: MM6/14/1901p7 Alpha/Alva McDowell: (teacher) News91, News95 Jennie McFaris: News92 S. V. McFarren: (jeweler) News94 J. C. McFerson & Son: (sign painters) News94 McGee: see also Maegly; Davis & McGee; Zimmerman & McGee; Speas & McGee; News86-87, News93 McGee & Zimmerman: see Zimmerman & McGee Ella W. Coker McGee (Mrs. Oliver P.): News94 John B. McGee: (mine operator) News91, News94-95, News99 Mrs. John B. McGee: News91 Mattie McGee: News97 Nettie Crosby McGee (Mrs. S. B.): News86, News89-90 Oliver P. McGee: News89-91 Perry J. McGee: News91, Med93, News93, News95, News98 Samuel B. McGee: True, News86-87, News89-92, Med93, News97 W. H. McGee: News97 McGibney Family: News86 Michael Angelo McGinnis: (teacher, newspaper editor, publisher) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n1p1c6a, MMv1n1p1c7a, MMv1n4p1c1a, Hist, Min85-86, News85-86, MM86, Med86 Mary E. McGinnis (Mrs. Michael A.): (newspaper editor?) Med84, Med86 McGowan: News99 Charles McGowan: (hotel keeper) News95 William H. McGowan "Mac": (merchant) see Weeks & McGowan; News94-96, News99-00 Mary E. McGowan (Mrs. William H.): News93-94 Mrs. G. McGowan: News00 Ella J. McGuire: (teacher) News92-93 James McGuire: News94 McKay: News92 J. W. McKay: News94 Thomas McKay "Tom": News87 A. McKechnie: News89 Harriet B. Stanley McKee (Mrs. W. S.): News99-00 Monroe McKenzie: News94 Percy McKenzie: (printer) News95 Mrs. McKinley: News92 McKinney: (deputy) News94 William McKinney: (farmer) News98 George McKnight: News95 Sarah McKnight (Mrs. George): News95 Rev. Eneas McLean: (Presbyterian pastor) News88-93; in Coos Bay: SOM10/28/1892p3 (see also articles in DT10/31/1890) Ella McLean (Mrs. Eneas): News88-91 Rev. Robert M. McLean: News83, News87-90 (see also articles in DT10/31/1890), News92, News93; in Portland: MM7/27/1900p6, MM7/26/1901p3; leaving for New York: MM8/29/1902p7 A. J. McLeod: (orchardist, fruit packer) News93-94, News96-97; in Calgary: MM6/9/1905p1 McLuen: News88 McMahon & Egan: Hist, News84 Mamie McMahon: see Mamie Wolters; News91 Patrick J. McMahon: (liveryman, hotel manager) see McMahon & Egan; Egan & McMahon; News83-85, Med07 George McMurray: (veterinarian) News92-93 Martha J. McNames: News90 Dr. McNaul: News94 John McNeil: News93-94 James McPheren: News95 A. R. McPherson: News91, News95 Alvin Wilmer McPherson: News91; in Covina, California: MM5/17/1901p6, Med11 Joshua McPherson: Med03 L. A. McQueen: News88-89 Sarah McQueen: News89 Inez McRea: Med07 Ada B. McSweeny: see Ada B. Hall Ida B. McSweeny: see Ida B. Hall McTavish: News94 Edward T. Meade: News89 Meader: see Clay & Meader Hiram Meader: Bark William P. Mealy: Med10 Henry A. Mears: Med11; obit: JP12/30/1916p3 Medford: boosterism: MMv1n1p1c6b, MMv1n1p4c1a, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p1c7b, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c2b, Trans, Hist, News88, Med89, OH89, News90, News92-94, Med93, Med95, Med07, Med08, Med11, Med27, Med30 Medford: construction: MMv1n1p1c6a, MMv1n1p4c4a, MMv1n4p1c7b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, Trans, WJB, Phipps, Hist, News83, News84, News88, Med88, News94, Med10, Med11, Med30 Medford: description: MMv1n1p1c6b, Trans, Med+ Medford: growth and prospects: MMv1n1p1c6b, MMv1n1p4c1a, MMv1n4p1c7b, MMv1n4p4c1b, Strang, Phipps, Hist, News83, News84, RV85, News88, Med88, Med89, News90, News92-94, Med93, Med95, Med04, Med07, Med09, Med10, Med11, Med26, Med27, Med30 Medford: incorporation: MMv1n1p1c6b, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c2b, Phipps, Hist, News85 Medford: naming: Phipps, Hist, News83 Medford: politics and government: MMv1n4p4c2b, First, Hist, MM86, News84-91, Min85-86, Med93, News94, Med26 Medford: schools: MMv1n1p4c1b, MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n4p4c2a, MMv1n4p4c2b, MMv1n4p4c3a, Glim, Trans, Pinto, WJB, Phipps, Hist, Med84, News84-93, RV85, Min85, MM86, Med88, Med89, Med93, Med94, News95, Med95, Med97, Med04, Med10, Med11, Med19, Med24, Med26, Med27, Med30 Medford Aid Society: MMv1n1p4c1a, MMv1n1p4c5a, News84, MM86 Medford and Crater Lake Railroad Company: Hist Medford Blacksmith Shop: MMv1n4p4c4b Medford Brass Band: News87 Medford Business College: News91-94, Med93, Med94, News96 Medford Cement Brick and Block Works: IOOF Medford Chamber of Commerce: Hist Medford Commercial Club: Wild, Hist, Med12 Medford Commons: Phipps Medford Fabrication: Med88 Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.: True Medford Hotel: IOOF, News85 Medford Livery and Feed Stable: see Luellen & Lynch Medford Marble Works: see Shely & Jacobs Medford, Massachusetts: Hist Medford Monitor: introduction, manifesto: MMv1n1p1c7a, News85 Medford Monitor: printing, production: MMv1n1p4c4b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c3b, News85, Min86 Medford Monitor: subscriptions, circulation: MMv1n1p1c6b, MMv1n1p4c4a, MMv1n1p4c5a, MM86 Medford National Bank: Med88 Medford Opera House: Hist Medford Reduction Works: MM86 Medynski & Theiss: (F. V. Medynski, B. P. Theiss; distillery) News91, News93, News95 E. V. Medynski: News91 Ella Medynski: News98, News99 Fred Vincent Medynski: News90-91, News93-95, News99-00; back from Alaska: MM10/12/1900p6; back again: MM10/4/1901p7, MM5/2/1902p6 Mrs. F. V. Medynski: News94, News98 Fred G. Medynski: see Palm & Medynski; News91, Med93, News93 Henrietta A. Medynski "Etta" "Ettie": (milliner) News92, News95, News00 Mee: News90 Mary Mee: Med97 Meeker: News87-88, News93 Charles M. Meeker "Charley": (insurance) News89-90, News94; in Portland: MM4/21/1893p3 Ella Meeker: WJB Frank H. Meeker: News93 Julius Meeker: News94 Lillie J. Meeker: News94 Minerva A. Corey Meeker (Mrs. William H.): News89, News93 William H. Meeker: (merchant) True, WJB, News94-95, News97, News00 Patrick Mego: IOOF; dead in New Orleans: MT11/5/1923p3, MT11/14/1923p3 J. V. Meilam: Med11 Frederick Meinhard: News89-90 Fred Meinhart: News89 Richard T. Mellus: News91 Mensor Bros.: News85, News92-93; in San Francisco: DT6/16/1893p3; in Seattle: MM11/21/1902p3 Harry Mensor: News84 Henry Mensor: News84-85, News90, News92; in San Francisco: DT1/8/1894p3 Mrs. Henry Mensor: News92 Isaac Mensor: News92-93 Morris Mensor: MMv1n1p4c4b, News85-86 Mrs. Morris Mensor: News87 William Mensor: News92-93 W. T. Mentner: Med10 Rev. Josiah Merley: (farmer, notions) News93-94, News96-99; obit: MM2/5/1909p7 L. L. Merrick: (salesman) News92, News95 Leslie Merrick: (clerk) News92 Merrill & Baker: (warehousemen and shippers) News87-88 Prof. A. J. Merrill: MMv1n4p4c2a, News92 Charles J. Merrill: News98 Fred T. Merrill: News91 G. W. Merrill: News87 Merriman: see Merriman & Redfield, Merriman & Trumbull, Merriman & Johnson; News85, News87-88, News90, News94 Merriman & Johnson: News92 Merriman & Legate: (blacksmiths) News91, Med93, News93 Merriman & Purdin: (blacksmiths) News95 Merriman & Redfield: MMv1n1p1c5b, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c2a, MMv1n4p4c7b, News85 Merriman & Trumbull: Min86 A. Merriman: News90 Mrs. Artencia/Artimeria/Artineca Riddle Merriman: (mother of G. F.) News84, News86, News89-91, News93, News96; MM2/7/1908p1 Belle Merriman: (teacher) see Belle Fronk; Hist, News85 Blanche Merriman: Med07 Effie Merriman: see Effie Bellinger; News87 Emma Merriman: News90, News93 G. W. Merriman: News93 George Francis Merriman: (blacksmith, postmaster) First, News86, Med86, News87-96, Med91, Med93, News98-00 Isaac A. Merriman: (drayman) News85, Med88, News88-91, News93-94 Mrs. Isaac A. Merriman: News91 Josie Merriman: News87, News90, News92 Mae Merriman: News00 Maria Merriman: News84 Mary E. Merriman: News92 Mollie Merriman: (teacher) see Mollie Houston; Mollie Fronk; News86, News87-91 Thomas Merriman: (blacksmith) News99 William Merriman "Will": (railroad agent) News88, News89-92, News99; in Albany: SOM10/14/1892p3 Merritt: News97 A. J. Merritt: News89-90 John W. Merritt: (merchant) News86-88, News90, News92, News94-95 Prof. Merritt: News88, News90 Thomas B. Merry: News89; obit: MT9/17/1912p3, JP9/21/1912p1 Elias Merz: (brewer) see Weinhard & Merz; News97-98, News00 E. G. Michael: MMv1n1p4c4b Mickelson: see Horn, Legate & Mickelson Ann Mickelson: see Ann Fordyce Michael Mickelson: Bear Olney/Ohley Mickelson "Bike": (blacksmith) Bear, News92-93 Caroline D. Mickey (Mrs. George): News93-94 George Mickey: (miner, steropticon showman) News93-94, News98-99 Middleford, Oregon: Hist, News83 Raymond Miksche: Hist Miles: News85 Julia Miles: News98 M. S. Miles: News89 Thomas Miles "Tom": MMv1n1p4c2b, News85, News86-87 Thaddeus W. Miles: (attorney, abstractcompany operator) Med10 George H. Millar: IOOF Millard: News88 Rev. D. A. Millard: IOOF Rev. D. E. Millard: Bear Miller: see also Vrooman, Miller & Co.; Wrisley & Miller; Coker & Miller; News87-88, News94 Miller & Co.: News84 Miller & Sons: News83-84 Miller & Strang: (D. H. Miller, Charles Strang; drug store, tin smiths, John Deere agricultural implements) News85, News88-91 B. Miller: News88 B. W. Miller: News93 Benjamin Franklin Miller: News85, News88, News90; obit: MM5/11/1900p5 Burrel Miller: Bear, News88, News92, News94 Col. Miller: News87, News90, News92 Curtis B. Miller: Bear, News88-89 David Henry Miller "Dave": (postmaster, hardware merchant, councilman) MMv1n4p4c3a, MM86, WJB, Phipps, Bear, Bike, First, News83-00, Med84, Min85, Med85, Med86, Min87-88, Med88, Med89, Med91, Med93, Med94; obit: JP2/10/1917p3 Ed. Miller: (teamster) News99 Elmira Brous Miller (Mrs. David H.): Hist, Med84, News88-89, News93; obit: MT10/2/1926p3 Fred Miller: (hotel keeper) News99 George W. Miller: News88, News90, Med11 H. B. Miller: (lumber, Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co.) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n4p1c1b, News84-85, Med86, News87-88, News93-95; consul-general to Japan, visits Jacksonville: AT11/15/1906p3 Isaac O. Miller: Bear, News98 J. H. Miller: (shoe merchant) News96-99 J. T. Miller: WJB, News92 Rev. James W. Miller: (wagon maker, inventor) News87-88, News91-94, News96, News99 James Napper Tandy Miller: News88 Joaquin Miller: News00, Med07 John Miller: MMv1n1p4c5b, News89, News91, News93 John A. Miller: News90-91 John E. Miller: News96 John S. Miller: (marshal) Bear, Min86-88, News86-87, Med88, News88-92; on Thompson Creek: DT3/4/1903p2; in Eagle Point: MM8/27/1909p2; obit: MT4/1/1912p6, MT4/30/1912p2 Mrs. John S. Miller: News90, News94 M. H. Miller: News93 Malenda Miller: News92 Manuel Miller: News89 Mollie Miller: News95 Otto Miller: News91 R. C. Miller: News87 Rev. Miller: News88 Ralph Miller: (stableman) News90 Robert Aubrey Miller: (attorney, state representative, son of J. N. T. Miller) Med88, News88-90, News92-93; in Portland: PJ9/11/1934editorial Rosa Miller: News98 Sarelia/Serelia W. Grubbe Miller (Mrs. Robert A.): News93 Thomas Miller "Tom": (newspaper) News96 Verlinda Miller: News89, News92 William L. Miller "Will": (telegrapher, reporter, miller, land office) News89-93, News95; obit: MM1/25/1901p2 William W. Miller: News88 Milligan: News90 Charles Milligan: News89 Mary Turpin Milligan (Mrs. Charles): News98 Rev. James V. Milligan: News85, News87 Ferdinand Million "Ferd": News90-91 Jack Million: News83 W. B. Million: News95 Ada M. Barr Mills (Mrs. Herbert) News94 George F. Mills: (telegrapher) News00 Ida Belle Mills: see Ida Belle Frizell Herbert Mills: News94 Jennie Mills: see Jennie Mathes Mrs. John Mills: (artist) News94 Mrs. L. A. Millsap: News94 Allen J. Milton: News89 Charles W. Milton: (blacksmith) News92-95 Rosa Milton: News90 Mrs. Mollie B. Mimmau: Med84 Mrs. George P. Mims: Med93 Eli Minch: MMv1n1p4c3a Wallace Minch: News88 Julius E. Miner: News94 Mingus: News98 Mingus & Harris: (implement dealers) News89 Clara Mingus: News87 Conrad Mingus: MMv1n4p4c3a, True, Phipps, Hist, News83-85, News87-96, News98-00; obit: MM6/1/1900p7 Daisy Mingus: News87 Dr. Everett Mingus: News89, News92-93, News99 Francis Marion Mingus "Frank": (implement dealer, woodyard operator, blacksmith, liveryman) True, News87-92, News94-96, News98-99 Lavina Mingus (Mrs. Conrad): News93-94, News00 Mary Mabel Wright Mingus (Mrs. Frank): News94 C. V. Minkler: News94 Mrs. D. L. Minkler: News95 Minnick: News88 Catharine Minnick: News89 David Minnick: News88-89 L. C. Minnick: News89 Mrs. J. Minnick: News89, News94 Wallace Minnick: News88 Bettie E. Tyler Minnis (Mrs. C.): News89-90 Dr. C. Minnis: (physician) News88-90, News95; in Portland: DT9/8/1893p3 Harry Minnis: News91 Laurence C. Minnis: News88, News92 Maggie Minnis: News89 Haver L. Miser: (photographer) News94-96 H. Mitch: News88 Mitchell: see Beck & Mitchell; IOOF, News88-89, News92, News94 Mitchell & Boeck: (orchardists) Med08 Mitchell & Lewis: News91 Mitchell, Lewis & Staver: News92-93, Med93, News95, News97, News00 David Mitchell: News92 George Mitchell: News91, News93 Henry H. Mitchell: (teacher) News88-89 Nellie Mitchell: see Nellie Whitman S. U. Mitchell: (attorney) News92-93, News98, News00 Elizabeth Moenkhouse/Monkhouse: News94, News99 George Moenkhouse: News93 A. J. Moffitt: News99 C. J. Montague: (lumber) News89 D. Montague: News99 David Montague: News92 E. G. Montague: News91 E. J. Montague: First, News89, News91-93 Mrs. E. J. Montague: News90 G. W. Montague: News91-93 George B. Montague: News89, News92 J. B. Montague: News90 John G. Montague: News89 John Montague: News91-92 Lewis C. Montague: News92 Olive May Montague: News91 H. B. Monteith: (inventor) News91 Mrs. H. B. Monteith: (musician) News91 Jack B. Montgomery: News85, News89, News93 R. L. Montgomery: News00 Ellen Moody: News85 Maggie Moody: News85 Nellie Mooman: True, Wild, IOOF Moore: News93 J. C. Moore: MMv1n4p4c2a James S. Moore: (physician) News00 R. N. Moore: News93 Robert H. Moore: (county treasurer) News88, News93-94 T. R. Moore: News88 Thomas H. Moore: (grocer, Hotel Moore) News99, Med07 Rev. W. B. Moore: News93-94, News99 W. H. Moore: News00 William T. Moore: News84-85, News94 Claire Morey: (clerk) News00 Frank E. Morey: News98 Ida I. Morey: News98 John A. Morey: News88-89, News93, News98-00 R. Morey: (drayman) News93 Rolla Raymond Morey: News97 Morgan: see Foster & Morgan; News91 Ceatta J. Morgan (Mrs. Jesse S.): News88 Emma J. Cook Morgan (Mrs. J. C.): News89 F. Morgan: (truck farmer) News93 George Morgan: News93 Jane E. Morgan: News89 Jennie Morgan: Med84 Jesse Leonard Morgan: News88 Jesse S. Morgan: News88 Frank Morine: News95 Minnie Morine: News92, News93 Oscar Morine: News93 Silas F. Morine: News95 Thomas Morine: (drayman, night watchman, bartender, marshal) News89-94; leaving for Oakland: MM1/26/1894p3; in Alameda, Calif.: MM2/23/1894p3 Morris: News86 Morris & Legate: News94 Al Morris: (conductor) News92, News95 Basil Morris: News89 Bishop Benjamin Wistar Morris: News92-93 Cora Dell Morris: see Cora Dell Beatty Eda/Edna M. Morris: News98, News99 John Henry Morris "Jack": (printer, roadmaster, grocer, second-hand dealer) see Fawcett & Morris; Hist, News83, News92-99; in Cedar Vale, Kansas: MM11/15/1901p7 Levi Morris: News89, News90 Mrs. M. Morris: (photographer) News88-90 M. C. Morris: News93 Prof. Morris: News87 Rev. Morris: News89 R. R. Morris: News91 Robert Morris: News91 Scott Morris: MMv1n1p4c4b, News86, News87, News93-94 William Morris: News86 Dr. Harry E. Morrison: (allopath) Med10 Rev. Isaac Morrison: News89 John R. Morrison: News88 Laura Morrison: see Laura Redfield Riley Morrison: News85 John Morton: News89 J. P. Mouly: Min88 Mounce & Karnes: see Karnes & Mounce Mounce & Schermerhorn: (confectioners) News93-94 Addie Wiggin Mounce (Mrs. I. A.): News97 Isaac A. Mounce: (liveryman, confectioner) see Mounce & Schermerhorn; News93-95, News97-98; leaving for La Grande: MM3/23/1900p6; in Elgin, Oregon: MM11/16/1900p7; moving from LaGrande to Elgin: MM1/25/1901p7, MM8/2/1901p7; dead at the asylum: MM1/24/1902p7 T. A. Mounce: News93 William Henderson Mowat: Bear Henry Moyer: News00 J. C. Muhlenberg: News89 Benjamin F. Mulkey: (attorney) IOOF, News99, Med10, Med11; moving to Portland: MT10/25/1915p5; MT3/25/1922p4 W. H. Mullane: News85 Mullar: (haberdasher) Med07 Muller & Cook: News87 Muller & Davis: News94 Amelia Muller: News92 Angie Muller: News95 Bettie Muller: News92 Isaac M. Muller "Ike": (grocer, chicken buyer) News91, News93-95, News98-00; in San Francisco: MM2/22/1901p6, MM5/3/1901p7; in Oakland, California: MM10/25/1901p7 Louise Muller: News99 Max Muller: News84-85, News87-89, News92-96, News99 Mulvany & Slagle: (blacksmiths) News84 Willie Muller: News92 H. C. Mulvany: (blacksmith) News83-84, News87-88 Ellen Mundy: News88, News94 Charles Munker: News88 Murphy: see Rifenburg & Murphy; News89, News92 John Murphy: News95 Ling Alexander Murphy: News87, News93-94; obit: MT2/6/1910pB16 L. A. Murphy: News94, News00 L. M. Murphy: News93 Murray boys: WJB Murray Bros.: (merchants) News94 Annie Murray: see Annie Fairclo Addie Wilson Murray (Mrs. William): News89 Charles Murray "Charlie": News94-95 Eleanor Murray: see Eleanor Maule Flora A. Murray: News89, News96 James Murray "Jimmie": (painter) News95, News98; in Eugene: MT9/23/1912p2 Martha Murray: News99 Samuel H. Murray/Murry: (butcher, carpet cleaner, marshal, grocer) see Jakes & Murray; News89, News91-95, Med93, News99-00 T. A. Murray: News88 William Murray: News89 Murrey: News90 Dr. Ida E. Mushett: (physician) News99 Mussey: True Frank X. Musty: News89; back from Wallowa: MM2/1/1901p6 Mrs. E. B. Myer: (hotel manager) News91 Ed. B. Myer: News92, News94-95 Fred Myer: News86 H. C. Myer: (hardware) News89 Harry B. Myers: (jeweler) News99-00 W. Cortes Myer: News83 William Myer: News92 Benjamin F. Myers: News83, News95 H. A. Myers: News97 John Myers: News93 Johnnie Myers: News99 Mrs. M. C. Myers: News99 J. L. Napier: News92; moving from Anderson, Oregon to Grants Pass: SOM8/26/1892p3 Carl Narregan: News92, News95 Frances A. Narregan (Mrs. Norton L.): News99 Lynden Carl Narregan: (attorney, abstractor) News92-94, News98-00 Norton L. Narregan: (principal) Hist, News90-95, Med93, News98-00, Med05 Willie Narregan: News91 J. Nasby: News85 John T. C. Nash: WJB, News93-95, News98-00 A. D. Naylor: (sawmill) News90, News92, News98-99 Alta Naylor: Hist Dolph Naylor: News99 Granville Naylor "Squire": WJB, Bear, News84-85, News87-89, News99 Ida Naylor: Med84, News92, News95 Melvin Naylor: Bear Nettie Naylor: see Nettie Griffin Neal & Whiteside: News85 Stephen M. Nealon: News92 Jacob Neathammer: News95 Mrs. Jesse Neathammer: News94-95 Joshua Neathammer: News83 Dr. J. R. Nebeker: MMv1n1p4c2b, News85 George W. Needham: News95 Mr. Neel: MMv1n4p4c2a Neil: News94, News00 Frank Neil: News94 George R. Neil: News91-94 Judge James R. Neil "Jim": MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-85, MM86, News88-89, News92-94, News98; obit: JP12/15/1917pp1,3 Miss Neil: News90 Robert Proctor Neil: Bear W. L. Neil: News96 William Neil: Bear Nelson: News86 Aaron F. Nelson: (miner) News99 Mary S. Nelson (Mrs. William T.): News99 Peter Nelson: News98 William T. Nelson: (saloon keeper) News98-00 Dulce Netherland: see Mrs. White Leo Netherland: Med93 George E. Neuber "Bum": (saloon keeper) News87, News90, News92, News95, News97, News99 Mrs. Clarissa Leete New: News88 New York Cheap Cash Store: see also Goldstone Bros.; News92 Gus I. Newbury: (teacher, attorney) News90-95, Med97, News98-99 Nellie Rose Newbury (Mrs. Gus): News93 Fred Newman: News85 Thomas A. Newman: News93 W. R. Newman: News89 Charles A. Newstrom: News94-95 Maggie Nussbaum Newstrom (Mrs. Charles A.): News95 Newton: (orchardist) News94 Bert Newton: News92 D. L. Newton: News90 G. F. Newton: News92 Percy Newton: News92 W. H. Newton: News88, News93 Nichols: Bear, News91 Anna Nichols "Annie": (teacher) Med93, News93 Arthur Nichols: News00 Charles F. Nichols: News94 George Washington Nichols: (stockman) News88 Gus Nichols: (stockman) News00 Mrs. I. M. Nichols: (artist) News94 Israel B. Nichols: News89 Jane A. Cardwell Nichols (Mrs. W. J.): News86 Jane E. Nichols: see Jane Plymale Laura Nichols: News91, News92, News93 Maude Nichols: Med07 Mary Pool Nichols (Mrs. Charles F.): News94 Rowena Bunyard Nichols: News92 Thomas E. Nichols: News85, News91, News93 W. J. Nichols: News86 Nicholson: see Boyden & Nicholson, Shawver & Nicholson; WJB, News90-92, News94-95, News99 Nicholson Bros.: News93 Arthur C. Nicholson "Art": (blacksmith, carpenter, fireman) News89-94, Med93, News98, News99-00; moved to California in 1909: Corvallis Gazette-Times, June 8, 1977, page 8 Austin Nicholson: News94 Cassie Nicholson (Mrs. Horace G.): News93-94 Charles F. Nicholson "Charley": News92, News94 Mrs. C. T. Nicholson: News00 Elizabeth Nicholson "Lizzie": (dressmaker) News93-94 Georgia Spencer Nicholson (Mrs. Arthur C.): News98-99 H. B. Nicholson: Med07 Horace G. Nicholson "Nick": (hardware merchant, fireman, U.S. marshal) Wild, News88, News90-95, Med93, News98-00 M. D. Nicholson: News92 Mamie Nicholson "May": (teacher, clerk) News93-94, News98-99; in Coquille: MM7/25/1902p6 Myrtle Nicholson: (teacher) News92-94 T. C. Nicholson: News91 William E. Nicholson: News94, News98 Bessie Nickell: News98 Charles Nickell "Chawles" "Charlie": (newspaper publisher, land developer) WJB, News83, News84-85, Min85, News87-95, Med88, Med07; in Hayward: JP3/22/1919p3; dies in Oakland, California: MT4/20/1922p1 Marie Nickell: News99 Frank M. Nickerson: News83 Niles & Yeago: (roller rink operators) News86 Jay E. Niles: News86-87 Noah & Wirth: (photographers) News94 Noble: News88 G. E. Noble: News94 George Noble: News89-90 Goodman C. Noble: News88-90, News93-94, News97-00; Guy Noble in Springfield: MT1/12/1914p4 Maggie F. Noble: News92-93, News00 W. G. Noble: (night policeman) News89 Noe: News94 Rev. F. S. Noel: News88-89, News91; in Roseburg: DT3/15/1894p3 Noland: News90 Noland & Ulrich: (John Noland and W. Ulrich, saloon keepers) MMv1n1p4c6a, MMv1n4p4c4b, News84-86, Min86-87, Med86 Catherine Noland: News99 Charles Noland: News87 John Noland: (saloon keeper) see Noland & Ulrich; News84, News86-91, Min87-88, Med88 Mrs. Noland: News91 Sadie Noland: News87 A. L. Noltner: News90 W. C. Noon & Co.: News89-90 Warren H. Norcross: News91, News98 William H. Norman: News89, News99 Norris: News88, News98 Fern Norris: News98 John H. Norris: Wild, News95, News98-00; back from Logansport, Ind.: MM10/7/1898p6 Ruth Norris: News00 W. H. Norris: News88 Austin North: News89 J. North: (woodcutter) News93, News98 Naomi E. North (Mrs. T. R.): News88 Prof. North: MMv1n1p4c4b, News85 Rufus North: Min85, News90 Thomas R. North: (lawyer) News88-90 Norton: News84, News85-86 Mrs. Norton: News94 Dora Norton: News85 Electa Norton: see Electa Barneburg Jemima Jordan Norton: News98 John D. Norton: Min86 John G. Norton: (farmer) News88-89 A. R. Norwood: (merchant) News94 John Notter: News89 L. Nudelman: See Goldstein & Nudelman; News95 Fannie Nunan: News95 Jeremiah Nunan "Jerry": (merchant) News86-87, News89-91, News93, News95; retires: MT2/23/1912p4; in Oakland, California: JP5/10/1913p3 Mrs. Nunan: News87, News95 Marguerite Nussbaum "Maggie": see Mrs. Newstrom Hezekiah C. Nute: News94, News96, News98 R. M. Nute: News98 Nutley: News84 Albert Nutt: (groceryman) News96 Nye & Stoner: (racket store) News00 Anna E. Nye (Mrs. Stephen A.): Med10 Chauncey Nye: News00 Hal B. Nye: (racket store, Bill Nye mine) News00 N. B. Nye: (racket store) News00 J. M. Nye: News84 P. Nystrom: News86 John Nyswarner: News95 O.&T. Co.: News86, News89, News91-92 O'Brien: News85 Bernard O'Brien: News94 John O'Brien: News90, News93 Carrie L. Lumsden O'Bryant (Mrs. Fred): News89 Fred. O'Bryant: (jeweler) News88-90 John O'Conder: Med93 N. O'Connell: (lime burner) News89 Bertha O'Donnell: News88 D. W. O'Donnell: (painter, bartender) News88-91, News93 P. J. O'Gara: Med10 O'Hara: News91 J. O'Hara: News92 Thomas Jasper O'Hara/O'Harra: News92-94, Med93 O'Neil: see Roberts & O'Neil; O'Neal; MMv1n1p1c6a O'Neil & Roberts: see O'Neil; MMv1n4p4c1b Hugh O'Neil: News00 Lewis O'Neil: News86 M. H. J. O'Neil: News89 P. B. O'Neil "Barney": (farmer) News84, News89-92, News94-95, News98; in Los Angeles: MM1/25/1901p6; back: MM2/15/1901p6; obit: MT7/4/1910p4 Oates: Hist James H. Oatman: News92 George W. Obenchain: Bear J. O. Obenchain: News92 Meldorn/Maldoren Obenchain: News85; in Sprague River Valley: DT11/17/1893p3 Mrs. Nancy Morse Obenchain: Med11 Mollie Ober: (photographer) News98-99 John Ocander: (Salvation Army) News90-92, News00 L. L. Oden: News94 Odgers & Arnold: (dentists) News00 Clara A. Odgers (Mrs. John W.): News93, News00 Grace Odgers: (musician) News93, News98-00 Dr. John W. Odgers: (dentist) Hist, News92-94, Med93, News97-98, News00; leaving for Berkeley: MM5/17/1901p6; grocer in Berkeley: MM4/4/1902p7, MM7/25/1902p6; in Sebastopol, California: MT9/30/1912p2 Miss Odgers: (teacher) News00 Dr. W. B. Officer: News94 William Nathaniel Offutt: Med11 Emily W. Ogan (Mrs. J. M.): News87-91 Eunice W. Ogan: News87, News91 J. M. Ogan: News87, News91 Rev. Roscoe C. Oglesby: Hist, News89-91; deceased: MM1/4/1901p6 Anna Oiler: News98 Olds: Hist William E. Oliver: News85, News89-90 Olson Bros.: (planing mill) News97, News99 Charles O. Olson: News94 J. E. Olson: (planing mill) News98 John Olwell: News92 John D. Olwell: Hist, Med10 John W. Olwell: News89, News00 Philip W. Olwell: (sawmill operator, orchardist) News84-86, News88, News90-94 Mrs. P. W. Olwell: News95 William Olwell "Will": (miller) News89, News92-93 Orchard Home Association: OH89, News90-91, News93-94, Med03 Alexander Orme "Alex": (miner, sheriff) News91, News93, News98-00; bio: MM5/9/1902p2 Orr: News99 Albert E. Orr: see Weeks & Orr Eugene Orr: News97-98 Wilber L. Orr: (carpenter, mill foreman) News99-00 Orser & DeRoboam: (liverymen) News00 Edwin P. Orser "Ned": (liveryman) see Williams & Orser; News97, News99-00 Flora Orth: see Flora Wilkinson Henry Orth: (butcher) News98 Jo Orth: News00 John S. Orth: Hist, News84-85, News88-89, News94, News97 Josie Orth: News90 Carrie Orton (Mrs. Sherman): News99 Sherman Orton: (cook) News93, News97, News99; in De La Mar, California: MM11/22/1901p7 Allie Osborn: (telegrapher) News94 D. M. Osborne & Co.: News84-85 Eva Jane Osborne: IOOF John Osborne: IOOF Olivia Dyre Osborne (Mrs. John): IOOF, News00 Ferdinand Osenbrugge "Fred": (carriage, Oldsmobile dealer) Hist, IOOF, News00, Med07 P. W. Osgood: Med10 John M. Otter: News89 Overbeck: News88 John A. P. Overdorf: True Harry Oviatt: News93-94 Ole Oviatt: News99 Patrick H. Oviatt: (populist) News88-94, News00; ill in Ashland: MM2/5/1909p6 Sarah C. Oviatt (Mrs. Patrick H.): News90-91 A. G. Owen: Min87, News87-88 A. V. Owen: News87 Lydia Owen: News93 Mabel C. Owen: see Mabel Hall Wiliam A. Owen: (bartender) News98 S. A. Owens: (billiard parlor) News98 Mrs. S. A. Owens: News89 William Owens: News88 Zada/Zuda Owens: (teacher) News92-93 Owings: News89, News92 Owings & Dutcher: (pool hall) News97 Owings Brothers: (photographers) News84-85 S. A. Owings: (liveryman, billiard hall) News89, News98 Mrs. S. A. Owings: News98 Shafer Owings: News98 Pacific and Eastern Railroad: Hist, Med11-12, Med19 Reason B. Packard "Reas": Hist; returns: MM8/21/1908p2 Page & Son: (fruit shippers) News90 Dr. Frederick C. Page: Med08, Med12 Frederick H. Page, Jr.: News91, News93, News95 Martha Paine (Mrs. Prof.): News00 Prof. C. H. Paine: (musician, special policeman) News98-99 Paine & Simmons: (orchestra) News00 Palen: News88 George H. Palethorpe: (baker) News98 Pallett: News93 Mark Pallett: Med03 Palm: News88 Palm & Medynski: News93 Palm Bros.: News90 Palm, Whitman & Palm: (tinsmiths, cigar manufacturers) News00 C. M. Palm: News93 Callie Palm (Mrs. Charles W.): IOOF, News90-97, Med91, Med97, News99-00; obit: MT10/16/1960p9 Carrie Palm: News92 Charles W. Palm: (barber, insurance agent, implement dealer, real estate agent) see Hamilton & Palm, Johnson & Palm, Campbell & Palm; Hist, News88-00, Med91, Med97, Med03 Gotlieb F. Palm: (tinsmith, cigar maker) see Palm, Whitman & Palm; News00 Lewis Palm: News90, News93 Palmer & Rey: MMv1n1p4c4b Eliza L. Palmer: News00 Isaac A. Palmer: (architect) WJB, News96 Potter Palmer: Med27 Bertha Honoré Palmer (Mrs. Potter): Med12 W. G. Palmer: News00 Eva Pankey: see Mrs. Conley Henry Pankey: News95 Louis C. Pankey: News89, News92 Emma Pape: see Emma Dunn Fred J. Pape: News98 Henry Pape, Jr.: News89, News97-98; married in Salem: MM10/5/1900p7 Maggie Shipley Pape (Mrs. Henry): News89, News94 Miss Pape: (postal clerk) News90 Pardee, Cook & Co.: News91 J. C. Park: (blacksmith) News92 Rhoda A. Park: News91 Parker: News94, News99 Parker & Higgins (S. A. D. Higgins): (confectioners) News98 A. Day Parker: (teacher, bicycle racer) News92-96, News99-00; in Ireland: MM11/30/1900p2; in New York: MM1/4/1901p6 Ada Parker: News92 Clement M. Parker: News89 Fannie Parker (Mrs. William H.): News92, News95 George Parker: News92-93, News95 George L. Parker: (newspaper publisher) News99 George S. Parker: (bicycle racer, business college) Bike, News92-94, News99-00; in Ione, Oregon: DT3/12/1900p3 Iva Parker "Ivy": News91; see Iva Slover Joseph Parker "Joe": (clerk) News98-99; moving to Portland: DT5/6/1903p3 Katie Parker: News98 Louisa B. Parker (Mrs. Millard F.): (dressmaker) News99 M. Parker: News94 Millard Fillmore Parker: (insurance agent, house painter) News98-99 Dr. R. L. Parker: News96 Sam Parker: Min86, News98 Squire Parker: Bear W. H. Parker & Sons: News93 William H. Parker: (teacher, county clerk, attorney, farmer) WJB, MM86, Med88, News89-95, News97-00; back from Oakland, California: MM4/4/1902p7; obit: MM10/8/1909p3 George Parkhill: News91 John Parkinson: News94 Parks: News85 J. W. Parlow: News93 James Parr: News91 Ollie C. Parsell: News00 Dr. John S. Parson: News85, News87-88, News91-92, News94-95 Mrs. Parson: (dressmaker) News89 Parsons: News88 Ed. Parsons: News93 John W. Parsons: News97 Lee Parsons: News97 Mable H. Parsons (Mrs. Edwin S.): Med10 Joseph W. Partlow: News93 C. H. Paske: IOOF J. Paterson: (thresher) News88 William A. Patrick: News99 Dr. M. J. Patten: News89 Patterson & Chute: (threshers) News98 Elsie Patterson: News95 Joshua Patterson: News90, News94-95, News98 Sylvester Patterson: (sheriff) News95 Doe Pattinger: Med07 Dr. Patton: News88 M. J. Patton: News88-89 M. S. Patton: News89 William Patton: News83 Paulson: Bear Paul W. Paulson: Wild Pavitt: see Crewe & Pavitt Clifford J. Pavitt: (cigar maker) News91, News00 O. Frank Paxton: News90 Payne: (county clerk) News90 Payne & Retty: (David Payne and Jerry Retty, liverymen) Med86 C. T. Payne: (fishmonger) News92, News94 Mrs. C. T. Payne: News00 David Payne "Dave": (liveryman, butcher) News85-87, MM86, News89, News91-95; obit: MT10/30/1912p2 F. E. Payne: Hist, News99, Med03 G. E. Payne: (architect) News91 Taylor Payne: (fence salesman, groceryman, feed merchant) News92-95, Med93, News98 Mrs. Taylor Payne: News94-95 Pearce: see Ward & Pearce Chris O. Pearson: (telegrapher) News99; in Farmington, Washington: MM4/19/1901p7 J. E. Pease: (orchardist) News88 Emil Pech: News00 Henry Pech: News00 George A. Peebles: News88 Rev. Peebles: News89 Emil Peil: (blacksmith) Hist, News83-84, News89, News92, News98 Frank. A. Peil: News92; in Prosser, Washington: MT9/11/1930p5 George Peil: Med07 Martin Pellett: News93 H. F. Pellett: Med07 Pelton Bros.: (beef) News95 Horace Pelton: News88, News99-00 John E. Pelton: (cattleman, sheriff) News84, News92-95 Lottie Ganiard Pelton (Mrs. John E.): News84 Jasper C. Pendleton: (county assessor) News95, News98-99, Med11 M. W. Pendleton: News98 C. A. Peninger: MMv1n1p4c2b, News90, News92 David N. Peninger/Penninger: News92, News94 William H. Peninger: News92 George F. Pennebaker: News85, News90 Edward A. Pennock: News93 Pentz & White: (attorneys) News93-94 Frances H. C. Pentz (Mrs. Samuel): News90, News93 Samuel Stanley Pentz: (attorney) Min88, News88-95, News97-00 Mrs. S. S. Pentz: News98 Anson L. Penwell "Bud": News89, News93, News98 Lillie J. Manwell (Mrs. Anson): News89, News98 Anson L. Penwell: News93 Mrs. Sarah E. Manwell Penwell: News92, News94 S. S. Penwell: (baker) News92-94 Percival: Med07 Perdue: News92-93 Arval/Arvil Perdue: News87, News97 Charles Perdue: News92, News94, News97, News00 James E. Perdue: MMv1n1p1c4b, MMv1n4p1c4a, News85-86, Med93, News94 John Perdue: (shoemaker) Med86, News90-92, Med91 Sarah E. Perdue: News87-88 John Wesley Perkins: Med07; in Roseburg: MT2/20/1912p4 John A. Perl: True, IOOF, Glim Paul Perrault: (tailor) News98 Harry Perrin: News91 Perry: (drayman) News90 Perry & Foster: (liverymen) News98, News00 C. H. Perry: News93 Emma Perry: see Emma Stine; News93 James A. Perry: (liveryman, fruit packer, banker) see Cox & Perry; Hist, News00, Med03, Med07, Med08 Richard Perry "Dick": News93, News95 Peters: (barber) News89 Mary Peters: (teacher, county clerk assistant) News97-98; visits: JP5/31/1913p3 Peterson: News84 John Peterson: (brickmason) News99 Rev. Martin Peterson: Hist, News84-89 Swan Peterson: News93 Ed. Pettinger: News90 Lena J. Petton: News94 Etta Coleman Peyser: News90 Orra F. Herron Peyton (Mrs. Reuben E.): News91 Reuben E. Peyton: News91 Pfeifer: News84 Frank Pfluger: News93 Charles Pheister: News94, Med03 Jacob Pheister: News93-95; in Bourbon, Indiana: MM7/12/1901p6 Adna H. Phelps: Min88, News88 Edwin C. Phelps: (editor, printer, publisher) News87-89, Med03 Effie Tice Phelps (Mrs. Ira A.): News89-91, News93-94; in Scio: MM8/17/1900p6 Ira A. Phelps: (printer, publisher) Hist, News88-91; in North Yamhill: MM6/9/1893p1, News93-94, Med95, News98-00; in Seattle: MM2/25/1898p7; in Scio: DT12/13/1900p3, MM12/14/1900p7, MM12/28/1900p2, MM12/5/1902p6; obit: MT9/15/1937p3 Mary Rebecca Ross Phelps (Mrs. Edwin C.): News87-89 J. A. Philbrick: Med03 L. P. Philips: (planing mill) News99 Phillips: see Fordyce & Phillips; News92 Phillips & Jackson: News89-90 C. M. Phillips: News98 Josiah Noonan Phillips: (attorney) News89-90, News92 Jennie Bailey Phillips (Mrs. J. N.): News89, News94 M. Phillips: News94 Sam Phillips: News92 Vernon Phillips: (printer) News89 Katharine Root Philport: News92-93; marries Richard Henry Hodge: MM7/11/1902p2 Phipps: News85, News90, News93-94, News99, Med03 Agnes Childers Phipps (Mrs. E. E.): News94 Mrs. Alla Rena Phipps (Mrs. Mathew P.): News87, News98, News00 Anna Phipps "Annie": News93; see Anna Lindley Calistia/Calista P. Downing Phipps (Mrs. Iradell Judson): News87, News90-93; obit: OR10/23/1927p15 Charles Phipps: News94 D. I. Phipps: News00 D. Edward Phipps: Phipps, IOOF, News91 David Phipps: News93 Rev. Edward E. Phipps: News92-94; moving to Paisley: MM9/29/1893p3; News97-99; in Los Gatos: MM7/5/1901p6 E. J. Phipps: News93 Edward Phipps "Ed": News89, News92-93 Dr. Ira Dell Phipps: (dentist) Phipps, IOOF, Med88, News93, News98, News00 Iradell/Iredell Judson Phipps "Ide": (farmer, real estate agent) MMv1n4p4c3a, IOOF, Phipps, First, Hist, News83-94, Med84, Min85-86, Med86, Med88, Med93, News97, News99-00 John Phipps: News93 Joseph Phipps: News99 M. C. Phipps: News92 Mathew Preston Phipps "Press," "Pres.": WJB, News87-89, News91-94 May/Mae Phipps: (teacher) Phipps, IOOF, News87, News92, News97-00 Minnie Cooper Phipps: News92-93 Nathan P. Phipps: News90 R. J. Phipps: News94 Will J. Phipps: News91 William Estill Phipps "Will": (teacher, attorney) Hist, News85, News87-88, Med93, News93-96, News98, Med10, Med11 Adella/Adele J. Pickel "Della": (teacher) News91-95, Med93, News97; in Philadelphia: DT9/19/1901p7; in Douglas, Alaska: MM8/7/1908p5 Dr. Elijah Barton Pickel: (physician) see Geary & Pickel; First, Hist, Wild, Glim, Med88, News88-95, Med93, News97-00, Med97 Miss M. Pickel: News93 Mattie E. DeLashmutt Pickel (Mrs. Elijah B.): Hist, Med88, News90-93, News99-00, Med07 Cyrus H. Pickens: Med88, News88-89, News91, News94-95 E. P. Pickens: News90; in Igerna, California: MM12/26/1902p6 Pickney Pickens: News85, News94 Will. Pickens: News98 Macy M. Pickering "Shorty": (blacksmith, drayman) News92-94 Pierce Bros.: News92 Charles H. Pierce "Charlie": (timber cruiser, lumberman) see Proudfoot, Pierce & Co.; News90, News92-94, News98-00; moving to Ashland: DT9/19/1901p7 Gage M. Pierce: News89-93 Joseph G. Pierce: News90, News92; leaving for the East: SOM8/26/1892p3; leaving for Klamath Falls: MM5/11/1894p2 Lewis T. Pierce: (contractor) News00 W. G. Pierson: News91 Dr. John B. Pilkington: (physician) News00 William Townsend Pine: News91 A. W. Pipes: Hist F. G. Pittard: (blacksmith) News99 Halett F. Platt: (hardware merchant) Med07 E. Pleasant/Pleasance: News91, News94 Dr. Charles C. Pletcher: (dentist) News94-95, News97, News99; returns from Indiana: MM4/12/1901p6; files homestead: MM9/26/1902p2 Maria Plumerth: News97 Plymale: (pronounced PLY-mull) News87, News89-90, News93, News97 Anna Elizabeth Plymale: News86 Bessie Brous Plymale (Mrs. Francis G.): News94 Cassie Plymale: News90 Francis Gabriel Plymale "Gabe": (fireman) News92, News93, News00 Francis Marion Plymale "France": see Angle & Plymale, WJB, First, News83-95, Med88, Med91, Med93, Med97, News98-00 Gabriel Plymale "Gabe": (roller rink) News89, News92-94, News96, News99 Jane E. Nichols Plymale (Mrs. Francis M.): News91, News93, News00 John S. Plymale: News91, News00 Josephine Martin Plymale (Mrs. William J.): News92, News95 Judge Plymale: News89, News91 Kate Plymale: News93 Mary Plymale: News95 Meda Plymale: see Meda Fox Nellie Luy Plymale (Mrs. William L.): News87 Norah Plymale: see Norah Johnson; News88-89 Walter Plymale "Walt": News93, News95 William Jasper Plymale "Tip": (liveryman) News84-90, News95, News98 William L. Plymale "Bill": News87, News92; in Yreka: JP7/10/1920p3 Plymire: News99 Louise Ann Plymire "Annie L." (Mrs. James W.): News93-94 Elizabeth Plymire: see Elizabeth Garrett James W. Plymire: News88-89, News93, News95 William Plymire: News84, News90 Poe & Brantner: (F. M. Poe; brickmakers) News89 Poe & Co.: (brickmakers) News89 Chester Arthur Poe "Art": WJB; in Portland: OR12/25/1915p16 Francis M. Poe: (brickmaker) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, Min86, News88-89, Med93, News93, News99 Josephine Poe: News92-93, News00 M. E. Pogue: News83, News84-85 Emma Kebutz Pohlman (Mrs. Henry): News93 Henry Pohlman: (orchardist) News91-94, News99-00, Med03 Mrs. Joseph Poley: News95 J. C. Pomeroy: News94 W. H. Pomeroy: News88, News90 Pool: News86 Emanuel J. Pool: (blacksmith) News85-88 Mary Pool: see Mary Nichols Sarah J. Poole: News87 Harry Poole: Bear Ezra Poppleton: (dry washer) News94 Luke A. Port: News85 Porter: IOOF Porter & Johnson: (real estate) News93 Ada Watts Porter (Mrs. Luther G.): News91, Med10 Dr. Porter: IOOF, News91-92 George Porter: (hotel clerk) News98, News00 James Porter "Jim": (railroad fireman) News84-85, News91 Luther Goodwyn Porter: (lumber, school board) News91-95, News99-00, Med06 F. S. Porter: (telegrapher) News91 P. S. Porter: News91 T. S. Porter: (photographer's agent) News91 John Posey: News91 A. N. Poston: News87 A. S. Poston: News88 Edgar T. Pottenger: (miller, grocer) see Davis & Pottenger; IOOF, News91-94, News98-00 Ella Pottenger: News92-93 Mrs. Pottenger: News93-94 T. E. Pottenger: News93, News98-00 L. H. Potter: News84 Katherine Riley Potter (Mrs. Samuel A.): News89 William Potter: News89 Powell: News88 B. S. Powell: News87 Benjamin Wallace Powell: (attorney, notary, insurance agent, hotel keeper) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n1p4c5b, MMv1n4p1c1a, MM86, First, Hist, Min85-86, News85-92, Med86, News94 Mrs. Emma Powell: Med84 Joe Powell: (clerk) News98 N. W. Powell: News98 P. Powell: News92 Thaddeus Powell: News98 Willis B. Powell: News90 Mrs. John Power: News99 Elizabeth B. Powers: see Elizabeth Glidden Pracht: News89 Humboldt Pracht "Hum": News91 Max Pracht "Peaches": News96 R. F. Prael: News88, News94 J. H. Prall: News98 J. W. Prall: (hotel keeper) News98-99 George Washington Praytor: News92 Thomas W. Praytor: News91 Minnie Predmore: News95 Anthony W. Presley: News87-88 Franklin Presley: News87 Rebecca M. Presley: News87 Pressley & Co.: News87 Joseph S. Prewer "Joe": True Price: News85 C. S. Price: (school superintendent) News92-93 Curt Price: News88 E. Price: Med11 G. M. Price: News93 Dr. Roland Price: see Roland Pryce William Kertis Price: News85, News87-88, News90, News98; visiting from Albany: JP10/19/1912p3 Pauline Price (Mrs. William K.): News86 Priddy & Son: News84 Alfretta Guches Priddy (Mrs. George W.): News88, News94 George W. Priddy: (brickmaker, brickmason, contractor) MMv1n4p4c2a, WJB, News87-88, News92-00, Med93, Med06 James Priddy: News85, News87, News92 Lee Priddy: News85 Edith Priest: News95 William Priest: News85, MM86 Charles Prim: (attorney) Hist, News95, News97, News99-00 Paine Page Prim: (attorney) Phipps, Min85, News85, Min87, News88-89, News00, Med07 Theresa Maria Stearns Prim (Mrs. P. P. Prim): News85; dies in Chicago: JP6/21/1913p1 W. T. Prim: (cook) News91 David T. Pritchard: (jeweler) News90-95, Med93, News98, News00; in Klamathon: MM3/1/1901p7; in Springfield: MM8/2/1901p7; in Cottage Grove: DT11/21/1901p5; suicide in Grants Pass: MM7/18/1902p2 Laura D. Thompson Pritchard (Mrs. David T.): News93, News95 Proudfoot & Co.: (lumber mill) News99 Proudfoot & Gray: (loggers, sawmill) News98-99 Proudfoot, Pierce & Co.: (sawmill) News99 Robert A. Proudfoot: (lumber mill, power plant operator) Hist, News98-00; in Portland: MM11/23/1900p7, MM3/8/1901p6 Provolt: see Herriott & Provolt D. B. Provost: News95 Irwin Pruett: News87 Mrs. J. W. Pruett: News98 William Pruett: News95 Dr. Roland Pryce: (physician, coroner) Hist, News83, Min85, News85-94, MM86, Med86, Med88, Med93 Puckett: Bear Puhl: see Wendt & Puhl William Puhl: (barber) News92 Miss Purcell: News88 E. P. Purcell: News89 Lucinda Purcell: News89 Purdin: News94 Purdin & Ulrich: (blacksmiths) News90 Alice H. Purdin (Mrs. Ira E.): News94 Bertha L. Purdin: see Bertha Knight Ira E. Purdin: (hotel clerk) News87, News91-95, News00; in Forest Grove: MM4/25/1902p6 Irine B. Purdin (Mrs. Mahlon): News92, Med10 Iva Purdin "Ivy": (teacher, asst. postmistress) News87, News91, News99, News00; in Sisson, Calif.: DT1/16/1902p4 J. R. Purdin: News88 Lizzie Worlow Purdin (Mrs. Mahlon): News90-92, News95; obit: MM8/16/1907p5 Mahlon Purdin: (blacksmith, insurance agent, hotel keeper, notary, attorney, mayor) see Harris & Purdin; First, Hist, News86-96, Min87, Med93, Med94, News98, News00 Mahlon Purdin Jr. "Lin": News98; in San Francisco: MM10/12/1900p7 Mart. Purdin: (blacksmith) News91 J. Purdom: News85 George Putnam: Hist, Med10 S. P. Putnam: News87 Sarah J. Queen: News88 Rev. G. W. Quimby: (carpenter) News89 Mary Radcliff: see Mary Stearns Ragsdale: Glim, News87, News89, News90, News92 Mrs. A. F. Ragsdale: News92 Cleophus C. Ragsdale: News91-94; in Williams, California: MM8/23/1901p6, MM7/11/1902p6, MM7/18/1902p7 J. F. Ragsdale: News86-87, News89, News90, News93 Mrs. M. J. Ragsdale: (dressmaker) News92-94; leaving for Willamette Valley: MM3/9/1894p3 R. F. Ragsdale: News92 Railroad Exchange Saloon: see Noland & Ulrich Railroad Saloon: see Noland & Ulrich, MM86, News84 A. A. Raine: News84 H. L. Raine: (confectioner) News96 James Raines: Min86 John Raines: Min86 Fannie Ralph: News93, News95 Helen H. Ralph (Mrs. John): (nurse) News92 Robert Ralph: News93 Ralston: News89 John A. Ramsdell: News91 C. O. Ramsey: News99-00 Joseph Randall: News93-94 Joseph Randles: News99 William Ranken: News89 Rankin: News92, News00 F. S. Rankin: (photographer) News92 M. B. Rankin: News89 Harvey Ransier: News90 Raphaltz: News93 Joseph Rapp: News84 Rasmus Rasmussen: (confectioner) News94 Albert Rau: (brewer, yeast maker) News91 Grant Rawlings: (county recorder) News93-96, News98; obit: MM4/3/1908p1 W. Rawlings: News93 Ray & Long: (paint store) News00 Archie Ray: (blacksmith) News00 Dr. Charles Reginald Ray: Med07, Med10 Col. Frank Huber Ray: Wild, News99 Hattie L. Ray (Mrs. Joseph H.): News00 Joseph H. Ray: (paint store) News99-00 H. A. Raymond: News89 Raynes: News84 James K. Reader: News92 Rev. R. A. Reagan: Hist, News93, News98 David B. Reame: (sewing machine repairman) News98, News00 Mrs. D. B. Reame: News95 Robert B. Reame: News98-99; at Palmer, Oregon: MM9/19/1902p7, MM11/28/1902p7 Reames: see Beekman & Reames; Colvig & Reames, White, Reames & Co. Reames & White: News91 Reames, White & Co.: (merchants, Jacksonville) News92, News94 Alfred Evan Reames: News94, News97, News00 C. L. Reames: Med10 Edith Tongue Reames (Mrs. Alfred E.): News99 Evan R. Reames: (attorney) News89, News92-93, News95, News99-00; in Klamath Falls: MM3/15/1901p6 Genevieve Reames: News98 Laura Reames: News99 Lucinda Williams Reames (Mrs. T. G.): News92, News99 Mollie Reames: Med97; see Mollie Jennings Jennie E. Ross Reames (Mrs. Evan R.): Med97 Thomas Given Reames "Tom": (postal inspector, banker, merchant) Hist, News83, News85-87, News91-93, News95, News00 Will Reames: News97 W. L. Record: News84 Redden: see also Redding; News89-90, News94 Amy Redden: News88 B. L. Redden: News89, News91 Bert Redden: News87-88, Min88, News91-92, News98 Cora E. Redden: see Cora Carder; News87 Edward Redden: News87, News93-94 Ida Redden: (teacher) News91-93, News95 James H. Redden: News96 John W. Redden: News93, News95 Leventine C. Redden (Mrs. John W.): News93, News99-00 Mary Estell Redden: News95 Mrs. Redden: News92 S. E. Redden: News87-88, News90 Stella Redden: News87 W. L. Redden: Min86 Reddick: Bear Redding: see also Redden Ida Redding: News87, News91 John Redding: News90 L. Redding: News85 Dr. John Francis Reddy: Hist, Med88, Med07, Med10 Mary Reddy (Mrs. John F.): Hist Redfield: News83, News85 Redfield Bros.: News92-94, Med93 Edward E. Redfield: News84, News88, News90; moving from Linkville to Grants Pass: DT8/1/1890p2 H. S. Redfield: News84 Ida Wilcox Redfield (Mrs. John H.): News94 John Hill Redfield: (blacksmith, gunsmith, inventor) see Merriman & Redfield; MMv1n4p4c3b, Hist, Min85-86, News85-86, News88-96; in Spokane: MM10/18/1901p7; in Denver: MM7/19/1907p5 Laura Morrison Redfield (Mrs. H. S.): News84 Sam Redfield: (blacksmith) News96 Peter Redlinger: News98 Edmond Redpath: News93 Reed: News84-85, News89 C. Reed: News99 Emma Reed: (teacher) News98-00; in Portland: DT4/15/1903p1 Georgia Briggs Reed (Mrs. Horace B.): News91 Horace B. Reed: (fencing manufacturer, hotel keeper) News87-92, News94, News99; in Portland: MM4/21/1893p2; in McMinnville: DT1/17/1898p3, DT3/23/1899p3, DT11/22/1900p2; in Kerby: MT3/14/1910p5 John F. Reed: News93-94 Lottie Reed: (teacher) News92 Wesley Reed: News89 Reelfoot: Bear W. S. Reep: Med94 B. F. Reeser: News94 Mae B. Reeves: News00 Mary E. Reeves (Mrs. Sewall R.): Hist, News00 Sewall R. Reeves: News99-00 Rehart: News89 Otto H. Reichman: (restaurant manager) Med10, Med11 Reid & Neuber (George E. Neuber): (miners) News95 David Reid: News92 Judge W. H. Reid: (miner) News94 Hugo Reinbold: Bear A. Reinhold: News98 E. Reinhold: (shoe merchant) News94 William Renken: (hay baler) News92-93 Rentz & White: (attorneys) News94 J. K. Reoder: News92 Jerry Retty: see Payne & Retty, Roberts & Retty; News86-87 A. L. Reuter: News86-87, News90, News92 John Reuter "Johnny": (medical student) News93, News95 Lena Reuter: News92 Al V. Reynolds: (tailor) News97-98 D. Reynolds: News88, News90 D. L. Reynolds: moved to Weaverville, Calif. Daniel Reynolds: News91 J. C. Reynolds: Bear L. L. Reynolds: News99 Lew Reynolds: Bear Thomas H. Reynolds: News86; OR8/16/1914pB5 Rhinehart: News89, News00 Clara Rhinehart (Mrs. John B.): News00 Eugene Rhinehart: News00 John B. Rhinehart: (hotel owner) News96, News98-s99; in San Francisco: DT4/3/1902p2 Lillian Rhinehart: (dance teacher) News98-00; married to Edgar F. Fordyce MM8/30/1901p2; in Eureka: MM12/12/1902p7 Margaret I. Rhinehart: News98 Jabez Rhoads: News99 William P. Rhoads: News94; in cult in Los Angeles: MT10/10/1929pB1 Isaac Rhodes: News89 Mattie E. Rhodes/Rhoads: News98-99 Susan M. Rhodes (Mrs. Isaac): News89 Bethuel Rice: Med93 D. Rice: News98 David L. Rice: (bike racer) Bike, News84, News91 Ella M. Rice (Mrs. David L.): News92 Fitz H. Rice: (miner) News99 Fred. Rice: (clerk) News98 H. M. Rice: MMv1n4p4c1b, News85 Horace Rice: News85 J. R. Rice: (printer, hotel man, "cowboy preacher") News95 Lyle Rice: (railroad man) News94 Richardson Rice: Bear Harriet M. Richards: News94 Henry Richards: News88, News91; dead in Midlands, Michigan: DT5/26/1893p2x, News00 Sarah Richards: News99 William Richards: News00 Richardson: News88, News93, News00 Harvey Richardson: News94 Henry H. Richardson: News85, News87-88, News92-93, News95; dead in Midland, Michigan: MM5/19/1893p3 J. Richardson: News99 Jesse Richardson: News85, News89-91, News94-95 John W. Richardson: News93, News99 Roy Richardson: (sailor) News99 S. T. Richardson: Med10 Samuel W. Richardson "Sam": News89, Med07 William Richardson: News88 Dr. John R. Rickenbach: (physician) News92 Dr. Judson D. Rickert: (dentist) Med11 Eugene Ricksecker: News87 Riddle & Wolters: Min86, News86 Riddle Bros.: News87 Riddle House: Hist, MM86, News86, News88 Riddle, Oregon: News83, News89 Mrs. A. Riddle: News88 Edwin Riddle "Eddie": News87, News99 Genevieve Riddle: News87-88 Ira Riddle: News87 John Bouseman Riddle "Bouse": (hotel keeper) First, MM86, News86-89, Min87-88, News99; in Riddle: MM8/2/1901p7; ill at Portland: MM6/18/1909p2; obit: JP10/17/1914p1 M. G. Riddle: News88 Mary F. Riddle (Mrs. John Bouseman): News86 Milla Riddle "Millie": News87, News88 Minnie Riddle: News87-88 Robert Riddle "Bob" "Bobby": News87-88 Stilly Riddle: News87 Thomas Riddle: News86 W. Ralph Ridenhour/Ridenour: (stationary engineer, railroad engineer) News91-94 Charles Rider: News95 George D. Ridinger: (bridge builder) News86, News93-94 Hattie McDonough Ridinger (Mrs. George D.): News86 George Rieve: News87-88 M. E. Sturgis Rieve (Mrs. George): News87 Rifenburg & Murphy: News92-94 Alonzo G. Rifenburg: News93 Rigby & Hart: (business college) News91-92 E. S. Rigby: News93-94 Mrs. M. E. Rigby: News92 Prof. M. E. Rigby: (principal, Medford Business College) see Rigby & Hart; News91-94, Med93; in Brigham, Utah: DT9/29/1898p3; in Burns: MM11/8/1901p7 Michael Riggs: News88, News99 Nancy Riggs: see Nancy Lewis Charles Riley: News98 Phil Riley: News90 Thomas Riley: News86, News98 Addie K. Rippey: Med11 Ritter: Bear, News98 J. F. Ritter: News92 Jacob F. Ritter: News91 John F. Ritter: News00 Joseph Ritter: News98-99 Claud Rivers: News98 Mrs. Rivers: News00 Ella J. Rivers: News93, News98 Etta J. Rivers: News93 Mrs. L. J. Rivers: News93 Frank W. Roach: (newspaper foreman) News99-00 Kate Robb: (teacher) Med93, News93 Frank Robbins: News93 Roberts: MMv1n1p1c6a, News86, News88, News94 Roberts & O'Neil (P. B. O'Neil & William B. Roberts): MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n1p1c6a, News84-91, News93-94, News98 Roberts & Orr: (contractors) News99 Roberts & Retty: News85 A. A. Roberts: News97, News99 B. F. Roberts: News93 Catherine Roberts: News92 Charles Roberts: News92 D. Roberts: News93 Dee Roberts: Bear, News92 F. M. Roberts: (miner) News94 J. P. Roberts: News88 James C. Roberts: News87, News89 James E. Roberts: Med93, News93-94 John Roberts: News89, News91 Katherine Roberts: News90 Martha C. Roberts (Mrs. James E.): Hist Martha C. Howard Roberts (Mrs. James C.): News87 Mary E. Roberts: News88, News93, News99 Mrs. Roberts: News91 T. K. Roberts: (newspaper) News95 Mrs. Thomas Roberts: News95 W. D. Roberts: Med93, News94 W. H. Roberts: News99 W. L. Roberts: News88 Will Roberts: News91 William B. Roberts: (farmer, capitalist, city councilman) First, News84, News87-91, Med93, News93-95, News99-00 William J. Roberts: Hist, Min85 Anna Robertson: News94 L. A. Robertson: News00 Robinson: News85, News90 Robinson & Turpin: News89 Robinson Bros: News84 Robinson Hotel: Hist, IOOF Arthur Robinson "Artie": News91-92 Charles Robinson: News95 Ed. Robinson: (policeman) News92 G. H. Robinson: News84-85 H. Robinson: News84 Henry H. Robinson: (bigamist) News92 Dr. James W. Robinson: (physician) News91-94, News99 John Robinson: (drayman) Bear, News84-87, Min86, MM86, Med86, News89-90 Joseph Robinson: News83 Mrs. Robinson: News85, News99 "Pap" Robinson: News89 Mrs. Rose L. Robinson: Med84 Rose S. Robinson: News88-89 Sarah Robinson "Tillie" (Mrs. Dr. James W.): News88 William Robinson "Billy": (wood cutter, fireman) News89-92; bio: MM3/5/1909p3, MT7/19/1910p2 see Wm. Robison William H. Robinson: (barber) News84, News86 Arthur Robison "Monk" "Monkey": News91-92 John R. Robison: (drayman) Min86, News86, News88, News90, Med93, News94 Mary A. Robison: Med93 William Robison "Bill": (lumber mill worker) News92, News94 see Wm. Robinson Rochford: News91 Albert Gallatin Rockfellow: News84 Levi C. Rodenberger "Lee": (night watchman, marshal) News86, News89, News91-92 J. W. Rodgers: News85 John T. Rodgers: (miner) News88, News98 Madison Rodgers: (saddler) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-85, News92 Annie Rodschaw: News94 Julia Rodschaw: (teacher) News92-93 G. W. Rogers: News96 George T. Rogers: News85 W. J. Rogers: News89 Rogue River Valley Railway: Hist, News85-88, OH89, Med90, News90-94, Med11, Med19 John T. Rolison/Roloson: News84, News87-88 Luiza R. Rolison/Roloson (Mrs. John T.): News94 Emmett Rolling: News88 Elsie Roof: (teacher) News97 Root: see Sherrard & Root, News99 Edwin D. Root: News99-00 John M. Root: Med10, Med11 Sarah M. Root: News90 Carrie Roper: News95 Prof. M. V. Rork: News87, News90-91 Dr. Rose: News86 Edgar D. Rose: News91, News94-95; returns from Sisson: MM11/28/1902p6 Grace Rose: News99 Jemima Colver Rose (Mrs. Lewis A.): News85-86 Lewis A. Rose: News86, News88, News90, News99 Nellie Rose: see Nellie Newbury Albert S. Rosenbaum "Rosy": (railroad agent) News99, Med07, Med10 Alice G. Matthews Rosenbaum (Mrs. Albert S.): News87, News99-00 M. Rosenthal: News84 Simeon Rosenthal "Sam" "Rosy": (clothing merchant) MMv1n1p1c5b(illegible), MMv1n4p1c4a, Wild, WJB, Hist, News84, News86-98, MM86, Med86, Med88, Med91, Med95, News00 Ross: Med88, News92, News00 Ross & Wrisley: (J. E. Ross, J. B. Wrisley; real estate agents) News87-88 Mrs. D. G. Ross: News92, News98 Gen./Col. John England Ross: MMv1n1p4c2b, News84-85, News87-89 Johnny Ross: News91 Mae Ross: (music, dance teacher) News00 Thomas D. Ross: MMv1n1p4c2b, Bear B. Rostel: News84 Carl/Charles B. Rostel: (barber) News88, News90, News92-93, News98 Ernestine Rostel (Mrs. C. B.): News98 Rosy: see Simeon Rosenthal, Albert S. Rosenbaum Roten: News89 Homer Rothermel: Med07 L. Rouch: News90 Rev. Rounds: News99 Roup: News94 Edsell T. Roup: Med93, News93; leaving for southeastern Oregon: MM1/19/1894p3 Mollie Roup: News93 R. T. Roup: (musician) News94 Col. Rouse: (miner) News98 D. Rouse: News89 L. Rouse: News89 Rancellar/Rance/Ranse Rouse: (bartender) News00 William P. Rouse: News98 Router: News87 E. F. Rowe: News88 Fred H. Rowe: (sawmill operator) News89-90 F. M. Rowland: News90 John J. Rowland: News85, News89 Martha J. Rowland: News87 Ladru Royal: News92 Rev. Thomas F. Royal "Limpy": Hist Royce: Bear David Royse: News87 William Ruddick: News98 E. G. Rueden: Med11 Robert W. Ruhl: Hist, Wild, Med23 William H. Rumley: News85 Mrs. Rummell: News89 W. A. Rummell: News94-95, News98 Edwin J. Runyard: Med11 E. R. Russ: News89, News91 Edward Russ: News91 Edwin Russ: (miller) News94-95, Med06 Rev. Elijah Russ: (pastor, nurseryman) News88, News91-95; in Amity: MM10/6/1893p3; obit: MM7/12/1901p7 Mrs. F. E. Russ: (milliner) News88-89 Russell: see Johnson & Russell; News85 Atha H. Russell: News98 Darius Bates Russell: (confectioner) News98; in Fort Jones: DT8/22/1901p2; Med07; moving from Portland to Sams Valley: MT9/30/1912p2; dead in Modesto: MT9/14/1951p17 Mrs. A. M. Russell: News86 Rev. A. M. Russell: Hist, News85-86, News94; in San Francisco: MM5/25/1894p3; in Napa, then Ashland: News99 Eva C. Russell (Mrs. Thomas J.): News84 James H. Russell: (stone carver) News88-89 Joe Russell: News99 Mrs. M. H. Russell: News92-93 Thomas J. Russell: News84 W. H. Russell: News93 William Ryan: News84 Charles R. Ryder: News98 Rev. F. Sach/Sack: Hist, News98, News00 Carrie Sackett: (teacher) WJB, News90-92 Lila Sackett: (teacher) News92-93, News00 Lyda D. Sackett: News92 May Sackett: (teacher, postmistress) News92-94 Amy Safford: News90, News93 E. G. Sahlstrom: News94 W. H. Sailor: News00 Rev. T. L. Sails: News86-87 William Salat: News94 Alfred W. Salmon: News91 E. G. Salstrom: News91, News93, News98; on the Klondike: MM7/11/1902p6 Edward Saltmarsh: News85, News87 Joseph B. Saltmarsh: News85, News90 Tessie Saltmarsh: News00 Emma Sampson: News99 S. T. Sanders: (shoemaker) News00 William Sanor: News98 Alice Applegate Sargent: News94 Col. Herbert H. Sargent: Wild Margaret Sargent "Maggie": (teacher, principal) Hist, News85-86, Med86 Oliver Sargent: News91 Charles W. Savage: News84, News88 James Savage: News83 John Savage, Jr.: News94 Joseph Savage "Joe": (hotel clerk) News93-94 Lou L. Savage: News88-89; in Dunsmuir: DT9/19/1901p7 Lou W. Savage: News88 Margaret Sayers: Med93, News93; see Sayre H. L. Sayles: News94 John Saylor: News00 A. N. Sayre:News94 H. Sayre: News94 Mrs. Sayre (Sayers?): (piano teacher) News95, News97 Jacob Schaefer: News94, News99 Schermerhorn & Shone: (second-hand store) News99 B. Schermerhorn: News96 Gordon L. Schermerhorn: (second-hand dealer, planing mill) see Mounce & Schermerhorn; News94-95, News98-00 Ida Schermerhorn: News98 Ed Schieffelin: News94 Paul Schiessler: News93-94 J. C. Schilling: Med11 A. Schmidt: News94 Birdie Schmidt: News92 George Schmidt: News92 John Adam Schmidt: (cooper) News84, News90-92; obit: JP5/9/1914p1 Adam Schmitt: News95 General Schmitt: News95 G. F. Schmidtlein/Schmidtlin: News98 Charles Schnebacker: News94 John Schneider: (saloonkeeper) News97-98 Mrs. John Schneider: News95 Paul Schoen: MMv1n4p4c2a Schonchin John: Bear J. S. Schott: News95 Schultz: News88 Frances E. Schumaker: see Frances DeBoy George Schumpf: (barber) News85-87, News94 John Schumpf: News87, News89 J. W. Schute: News94 Veit Schutz: (brewer) News90 Scott: News88-89, News92-93, News98 A. D. Scott: News88-89, Med93 Joseph Scott: News87, News98-99 Peter C. Scott: News88, News93 Ross W. Scott: News91 W. W. Scott: News91 Walter Scott: News89, News92, News94 Robert G. Scroggs, Jr.: News85 Park Seace: News94 Alfred B. Seal: News88-89 Avery T. Searle: (attorney) News99-00 Sears: News88 Sears & Wilcox: News89 Amanuel Z. Sears: (night watchman) News89-93, News00 Cleveland Sears: News95 David T. Sears: (merchant, town assessor) First, News88, News89-95, Med91, News98-00; in Spokane: DT12/16/1903p1 D. T. Sears & Co.: (ladies' clothing) News89, News94 E. B. Sears: News85, News87 Fay Sears: News93, News00 Granville Sears: News86, News88, News92 H. D. Sears: News98 J. H. Sears: News88 Louvina J. Sears (Mrs. David T.): (milliner) Hist, News88-89, Med91, News94, News96, News98-00; in Eugene: MT2/5/1912p2 Melinda Sears: Med93 S. T. Sears: News00 Susan Farrier S. Sears (Mrs. Amanuel Z.): News91, News93 Dr. Sechrist: News94 L. Seeley: Med86 Dr. Seely: Med11 R. A. Seibert: News89 Jack Sells: News91 Anna M. Settles (Mrs. Lawyel H.): News00 Harry T. Severance: (farmer) News91 Ole Severson: MMv1n1p4c5b, News83 Mrs. Margaret Sevler: IOOF Caroline Sexton "Carrie" (Mrs. David H.): News83; obit: MT5/23/1911p6 Joseph Seyferth: News93 Jacob M. Shadle: News88-89, News94 J. W. Shaffer: News94 W. E. Shane: News94 Rev. Hiram S. Shangle: News93, News99-00 Mrs. W. F. Sharon: News90 Rev. Byron J. Sharp: News84 Edwin C. Sharpe: News93 Shattuck: (Josephine County sheriff) News93 Prof. T. Shattuck: News85 Thomas Shattuck: News90 Sarah Melissa Bever Shaw (Mrs. William F.): News87, News89 William F. Shaw: News87, News89 Shawver: News91 Shawver & Nicholson: (contractors, carpenters) Med93, News93-95 Shawver & Youngs: (carpenters) News91 W. F. Shawver: WJB, News91-94, Med93, News98 Henry G. Shearer: (drayman, deputy sheriff, chief of police) True, IOOF, News94, News96, News99, Med10 Jacob E. Shearer: (barber, doctor) News91-92, News99-00 G. H. Shears: News93 J. W. Shears: News93 Ben Sheldon: Med10 Grant Shell: News99-00 Shely & Jacobs: (stone cutters) MMv1n1p4c6a, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c4a, News85-86, Med86 Robert M. Shely: (stone cutter) see Shely & Jacobs; News85-87, News89, News91 Mrs. E. B. Shen: Med10 C. F. Shepherd: (piano dealer) News94 W. H. Shepard: News92 John P. Sheridan: News94 Charles L./S. Sherman "Charlie": (sign painter) see Smith & Sherman; News85, Med93, News93, News94; in Kansas City, Missouri: DT1/4/1894p3 Emma Ball Sherman (Mrs. Charles): News93 Mrs. Sherman: (boarding house) News93 Sherrard & Root: (miners) News90 Everett Sherrill: News93 S. C. Sherrill/Sherill: (teacher) News89, News92, News94 E. A. Sherwin: News94-95 Shideler: News89, News92 Andrew Franklin Shideler "Frank": (teacher, pharmacist) News87, News91, News98, News00 Hannah Shideler: News98 Henry L. Shideler: News96, News98 John H. Shideler: News90, News92, News94 Lewis E. Shideler: News87, News89, News90-91, News93; in Alhambra, California: MM5/16/1902p6 Louis C. Shideler: News84, News93 Lucinda Shideler: News93 Rebecca Shideler: News91, News93 S. Shideler: News96 Rev. W. F. Shields: IOOF Shiner: News93-94 H. W. Shipley: (farmer) News91, News95 Maggie Shipley: see Maggie Pape Morgan Shirley: News94 Mrs. Hawkins G. Shock: News90 Perry V. Shoemake: News90 Walter B. Shoemake: News90 Willie Shoemaker: News87 C. C. Shohohoney: News94 Joe E. Shone: (carpenter, planing mill operator) see Schermerhorn & Shone; WJB, News94, News95, News98-00; leaving for Yreka: MM3/30/1900p6; in Yreka: MM2/28/1902p6 I. N. Shook: News92 W. F. Shores: News90 W. H. Shores: News91 William T. Shores: News90 Short: News86, News88-89, News93, News98 Short, Angle & Plymale: News88 Ella L. Short: News88, News93 G. W. Short: News91 John W. Short: (real estate) First, Med84, News85-93, Min88, Med93 Ella L. Short (Mrs. John W.): Med84, News88, News90-91, News93 Thomas H. Short: (blacksmith) returns: DT5/12/1893p3; News99 William Short: News86 Shott: News95 W. F. Shouver: News92 Retta Shreve: see Retta Demorest Shultz: (miller) News88 Paul Shultze: (restaurant owner) News94 W. T. Shurtleff: News94 J. W. Shute: (jeweler) News94 Sibley: News95 Sibson, Church & Co.: News85 Sidener: News88 Mrs. Sidney: News93 M. J. Signs: Hist Esther Silsby: (musician, music teacher) News97-98, News00 Charles Silvers: News99 Simmons: see Paine & Simmons; News88, News94 Simmons & Cathcart: (hardware; W. H. Simmons, F. B. Cathcart) News92, News93 John Simmons: News84; obit: MT5/11/1911p3 Josie Simmons: News94, News98 Peter Simmons: (Pioneer Hotel, Eagle Point) News85 Mrs. W. H. Simmons: News95 William H. Simmons: (hardware, second-hand goods) see Simmons & Cathcart; News89, News92-94, Med93, News97-98 Allen Simon: News94, News96 Charles F. Simon: News94 Ed. Simon: News87 Peter Simon: Hist Sophie Simon: News90 Anna E. Simon (Mrs. Peter): News91 L. A. Simons: News91 Angie E. Simpkins: see Angie Wilcox Isaac Simpkins: News89, News94 Myra E. Wrisley Simpkins (Mrs. Philip L.): News91 Philip L. Simpkins: News91 Phoebe Simpkins: see Phoebe Lewis Judge Simon Simpkins: News95 Andrew Henry Simpson: News89-90, News95; in Oro Grande, Idaho: MM12/13/1907p5 B. Simpson: News95 Catherine Simpson: News88 Fannie Simpson: News90 Fred Simpson: News00 Hannah M. Teller Simpson (Mrs. James W.): News94 Jesse F. Simpson: News86, News88, News91; in Albany: News92 James W. Simpson "Jim": News87-90, News94, News98; back from Montague: MM11/5/1908p5 Mrs. Simpson: News89 Narcissa D. Simpson: see Narcissa Dodson Sarah J. Simpson: News88 Sarah K. Simpson (Mrs. James W.): News88 Rev. W. G. Simpson: News85, News89 William Simpson: News99 F. R. Sims: (horse trainer) News98-99 John S. Sims: News84, News94 Thomas Sims: News98 Abby/Abbie Sinclair: (teacher) Med93, News93 Wong Sing: News95 August Singler: (salesman, constable, sheriff) True, IOOF, Med07 William Singleton: (lineman) News90 Hattie Sisemore: News92, News94 Ida Sisemore: see Ida Johnson Linsy C. Sisemore: News93-94 Mary Sisemore: News98 Mrs. Sisemore: News94 Sisson & Crocker: News90 T. L. Skaggs: News84 Skeel: see Klippel & Skeel; News86, News90, News00 Skeel & Egan: MMv1n1p4c6a, MMv1n1p4c4a, MMv1n4p4c3a Skeel & Son: (builders, planing mill) News90-95 Bert Skeel: News90 Brace Skeel: News93, News99-00 Charles W. Skeel: (planing mill, carpenter, contractor, councilman) see Skeel & Egan; MMv1n4p4c3a, MM86, First, News84-85, Med86, Min87-88, News87-93, Med88, Med91, Med93; in Prospect: MM10/14/1898p5 Clara Skeel: News94, News98-99 Kate M. Skeel (Mrs. Myron): News94, News99 L. Etta Skeel: News91-93 M. A. Skeel: News91 Myron W. Skeel: News88-90, Med91, News92-95; in Grants Pass: MM5/25/1900p7; dead in Portland: MT8/30/1924p6 W. M. Skeel: News93 W. W. Skeel: News98 Skeeters: see Leonard & Skeeters; News95 Charles F. Skeeters: News90-91 Grace Jane Skeeters: News90, News92 Isaac Skeeters: (baker) Bear, News89-90, News93 J. O. Skeeters: Bear Joseph A. W. Skeeters: News90 Leonard A. Skeeters: News91 Mrs. Skeeters: News94 Lura Skinner: News91 N. Slack: News88 Belle Slade: see Belle Songer Slagle & Fraser: MMv1n4p4c3b Frederick S. Slagle "Fred": (tailor) News94, News99-00; in Coquille: MM10/12/1900p7, MM6/1/1901p6, MM7/25/1902p6 John C. Slagle: see Slagle & Fraser, Mulvany & Slagle; MMv1n4p4c4b, News83-87, News93 W. S. Sleppy: News00 Carrie Sletter: News95 Robert R. Slewing: Med11 Slinger: see Ulrich & Slinger; News90 Joseph Slinger: News98 Richard Slinger: (stockman) News00 William Slinger: First, News88, News89-95, News98, News00; obit: MM6/22/1900p7 Jessie Slocum: News88 Alonzo Slover: (drayman) see Bellinger & Slover; News93-94, News96, News98, News00 Rev. James Anderson Slover: (druggist, soda fountain) News83-85, News88, News91-95; in Visalia, Calif.: DT8/4/1898p3 Josephine M. Rogers Slover (Mrs. James A.): News93-95, News98 James A. Slowell (Slover?): News93 Cornelius Sly: News89 George T. Sly: News88, News90, News92 Sarah F. Sly: News90 Thomas Sly: News00 W. M. Sly: News90 William L. Sly: News90 E. J. Smillie: (variety store) News88-89 Smith: see also Leabo & Smith; News83, News85, News87, News93-94, News99 Smith & Sherman: (painters) News93 A. Smith: News92 Capt. A. C. Smith: News97-98 Capt. A. M. Smith: News99 Anna L. Smith: News92 Aubrey Smith: Hist C. C. Smith: News89-90 C. E. Smith: (hotel clerk) News94, News99 C. F. Smith: Bear C. S. Smith: (confectionery) News94 Carver Smith: News94 Chilson Smith: News93 Deputy Smith: News91 Detective Smith: News91 E. Smith: News94 E. A. L. Smith: News97 E. E. Smith: (deputy) News96 E. Sanderson Smith "Quartz": News91, News92 Ed Smith: News92 Edward Smith: (watchmaker) News94 Mrs. Eliza A. Smith: News93-94 Mrs. Ella Smith: News95 Emma Smith: News92 Frank P. Smith: (grocer) News97, News99-00 Frank W. Smith: News98 H. S. Smith & Son: Min85-88 H. Tilson Smith: News87, News92, News94, News99 Henry Smith: (hardware merchant) see H. S. Smith & Son; MMv1n1p1c5a, MMv1n4p1c4a, Hist, News84-94, Min85, Med86, Med88, Med91, Med93 Mrs. Henry Smith: News94 J. Smith: News86 James Smith: News93 James R. Smith: News90 John Smith: News95 John A. Smith: News92-93, News98 John F. Smith: (gunsmith) obit: DT4/28/1893p3 John R. Smith: (populist) News94 John W. Smith: (orchardist) News84-85, News88, News92, News94-95, News00; obit: MM3/26/1909p8 Mrs. John W. Smith: News95 Joseph M. Smith: News86; ill: MT1/31/1912p5; obit: MT7/18/1919p5 L. Smith: News94 L. S. Smith: News87 Lee W. Smith (lumber): News91-92 Leroy Smith: News95 Louis Smith: News95 Mrs. Henry Smith: News93-94 Mrs. M. J. Smith: News99 Mrs. M. S. Smith: News93 Mary Anderson Smith (Mrs. Carver): News94 Mary L. Smith: News00 Noah Smith: News99 O. O. Smith: (laundryman) News95 Pleasant Smith: News00 Robert G. Smith: Med07 Robert Smith: News88 Rollin Smith: News95 S. Sumpter Smith: Hist Sanderson Smith: News94 Susie Hamlin Smith (Mrs. Amos): News00 Sylvester Smith: News92-94 Theron Smith: News91, Med03 Tilson Smith: see H. Tilson Smith Ulysses G. Smith: (teacher, school superintendent) Med06 Vinton Smith: (teacher, abstractor) News94 Rev. W. B Smith: News87 William L. Smith: (contractor and builder) Med86, News93, News98 William M. Smith "Tennessee": (orchardist) News91, News93, News95 William Smith: (blacksmith) MM86, News86, Med86 Victor Smith: News94 Vinton G. Smith: Hist, News93-94 Snafu Jane Snedicor: Hist Charles P. Snell: (attorney) News00 Cora Love Snell (Mrs. Charles P.): News00 George Snider: News94 Mollie Snider: News84 Shuler C. Snook: News83 W. A. Snow: (musician) News98-99; returning to San Francisco: DT11/7/1901p4 George N. Snyder: (blacksmith) News98; in Keswick, California: MM3/29/1901p6 Albert N. Soliss: (penman, clerk, attorney) News91-96 Daniel B. Soliss: News95' obit: MT7/2/1918p6 John Soliss: Med07 Miss Soliss: News87, News93 Margaret Sophia Soliss (Mrs. Daniel B.): News92, Med11 Mollie Soliss: (telegrapher, bookkeeper) News93 Nellie Soliss: News92 J. B. Sollner: (tailor) News89; in Sisson, California: DT10/24/1890p3 Mrs. J. Solomon: News87 Dr. Sommers: News87, News89 Belle Slade Songer (Mrs. Samuel T.): News86 Dr. Samuel T. Songer: News86 W. F. Songer: News95 Catherine Soren: News87 E. W. Sorenson: News94 Martin V. B. Soule: News84, News89; MM12/18/1908p6 N. Southeard: Med11 Frank Sowell: News90 Estella Spangler: News98 Thomas G. R. Spangler: News92-93, Med93, News98 Thomas J. Spangler: News92 Mrs. Thomas S. Spangler: News97 R. O. Spear: News90 William Spear "Shake": (telegrapher) News98 Speas: News93 Speas & McGee: (contractors) News93 D. W. Speas: News93 Mollie A. Speas (Mrs. Squire Speas): News93 Squire W. Speas: (contractor) WJB, News87-88, News90-92, News95, News98 W. S. Speas: Med03 Georgia Spencer: see Georgia Nicholson Jessie Spencer: (teacher) News93 Noah H. Spencer: News87, News89, News91-94; in Cottonwood, Calif.: MM8/1/1902p6, DT8/7/1902p3 W. H. Spencer: News87 Sport's Point: MMv1n1p4c2b C. A. Sprandle: News93 Claus Spreckles: Trans George N. Spurr: (bowling alley operator, miner) News98-99 Sada Squire: News93 Albion C. Squires: Med93, News93-95 Florence Squires: News93-94 M. Squires: News94 Sarah I. Squires: News93 Walter A. Squires: News95; in Philadelphia: MT10/7/1929p3 William Stalker: Med07 William R. Stammers: (jeweler) News90, News92, News94 William R. Stammers, Jr.: News91, News93-94 Standard Wood Yard: True J. R. Standley: News92 Charles W. Stanfield: (hotel keeper) News87, News90 Dr. Stanfield: News95 Daisy Stanfield: (copyist) News97-98 Fred Stanfield: News94 Minnie Stanfield: see Minnie Devaul Dr. Wesley W. Stanfield: (physician, city recorder) News87, News92, News97-98 Stanley: News85, News92-93 Dr. Arad Comstock Stanley: (state senator, merchant) Med88, News95 David T. Stanley: News87 George C. Stanley: (newspaper publisher) News99 H. Stanley: News84 Mrs. Harriet B. Stanley: (landlord) News87-89, News91, News93-94; see Harriet McKee Henrietta B. Stanley: News87 J. R. Stanley: News92 Jane Stanley: News84 M. L. Stanley: (saloon keeper) News84 Ollie E. Stanley: News89 R. Stanley: News84 Rachel E. Stanley: News84 Rosa Stanley: News94 Thomas E. Stanley: (saloon keeper, stable keeper) MMv1n4p4c3a, News83-84, News91-92 Benjamin A. Stannard: News85 Miss Stannus: News87 Edward T. Staples: (real estate agent) Med07 Starr: News94 Starr & Drisco: News93, News98 Elijah W. Starr: (contractor) WJB, First, News88-94, News98, News00 Elizabeth A. Starr (Mrs. Elijah W.): (dressmaker) News89 Laura Starr: News90 Susan Starr: see Susan Sears Staver: see Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Staver & Walker: News89-90, News92, Med93, News94, News99 Steadham: News94 Steadman: News84 J. H. Stearns: News88 John R. Stearns: (pig sticker) News92, News93, News94 Mary Radcliff Stearns (Mrs. J. H.): News88 Rev. Stearns: News87 Robert Steadman: IOOF William Steele: News94 Mrs. M. M. Stephens: News93 Rev. T. H. Stephens: News92-94, Med93; leaving for Wheatland, Calif.: MM6/22/1894p3 Stephenson: see Thompson & Stephenson; News87 B. F. Stephenson: News89, News91 Emma Stephenson: News92 Frank Stephenson: News91 George W. Stephenson: (liveryman) Bear, News87-88, News92 Mrs. George Stephenson: News90 Dr. George W. Stephenson: (stock inspector) News95, News99-00; leaving for Flora, Oregon: MM5/2/1902p6 Lottie Stephenson: News92 Rev. T. H. Stephenson: News94 Stevens: see Deuel & Stevens; Stephens, WJB, News98 Rev. Andrew J. Stevens: News94 Cecile Stevens: News99 Clarence Stevens: News94 Hattie Stevens: News99 Mrs. George Stevens: News94 Hugh Stevens: News94 James Stevens: Hist Nate Stevens: News98 Squire A. H. Stevens: MMv1n4p4c3b Rev. T. H. Stevens/Stephens: News93-94 Wilton B. Stevens: (merchant) News94, News98-99 B. F. Stevenson: News93 Benjamin Franklin Stevenson "Frank": News91, News93-94 Etta Earhart Stevenson (Mrs. Frank): News94 Stewart: see Barret, Butler & Stewart, Davis & Stewart; IOOF, News88, News93, News95, News99 Stewart & Chessmore: (real estate) News00 Stewart Bros.: (cattle men) News90 Adoniram J. Stewart: News88, News91-93, News95, News98; in Cottage Grove: MM11/13/1908p2, MT11/21/1912p2 Alex Stewart: News84 Alice Copeland Stewart (Mrs. James A.): News92 Annie Belle Stewart: see Annie Weeks Bertha Stewart: (teacher) News87, News91-92 Bud. Stewart: News88 C. E. Stewart "Clint": News93-94, News97-98, News00 Cora Stewart: see Cora Hill Elizabeth Hymans Stewart (Mrs. Joseph H.): News98, News00 Francis M. Stewart: (real estate agent) News88, News91, News93-94, News98-00 Harry Stewart: News99 J. R. Stewart: News84 James A. Stewart: (attorney, justice of the peace, book store owner) News87, News89, News92-93, News95, News98-00 James D. Stewart: News99 Johnny Stewart: (brewery, clerk) News98 Joseph Howard Stewart: (orchardist) MMv1n1p4c5a, Hist, IOOF, News85-96, Med94, News98-00, Med03 Julia Stewart: News94 June Stewart: News92, News97 M. Stewart: News99-00 Mary A. Stewart: News90 Mary E. Stewart: News93 Oscar Stewart: News92 Perry Stewart: News95, News97-00; leaving for Santa Rosa: MM3/29/1901p7; moved from Sebastopol to Redding: MM9/27/1901p7 S. Stewart: News89 Rev. William H. Stewart: News87-88, News91, News97, News99-00, Med03 Ernest C. Stickel: (brickmason) News98-99 Hunter L. Stickel: News99 George V. Stickel: (brickmaker) News98, News00 Nathan Stidham: News90 Frederic Glover Stimson: News87, News92 Stine: News89 Emma Perry Stine (Mrs. R. O.): News00 R. O. Stine: News00 Kate Stiner: News99 A. Stinit: (real estate) News89 N. Stinit: News89 Stinnet: see Stinit Mrs. R. Stinit: News89 Isaac M. Stinson: (farmer) News00 William H. Stinson: News00 Lucy M. Stiver (Mrs. Thomas M.): News94 Thomas M. Stiver: News94 H. C. Stock: (contractor) News89; in Yamhill County: DT1/11/1894p3 W. C. Stockham: News93 Miss E. Stockley: News94 William Stockman: News97 George R. Stockton: (printer) News86, Min86, News87; back from the East: MM2/17/1893p3; in Prospect: DT1/25/1894p3 Mary A. Stoddard: News94 Minnie A. Stoddard (Mrs. Harry C.): Hist, Glim, News00 Dr. E. B. Stone: News89-90 Mrs. W. S. Stone: News86 Barney I. Stoner: (cigar salesman, real estate agent) News00, Med07 Harley L. Stoner: (racket store) News00 E. G. Story: News94 A. W. Story: News94 Thomas Stottler: News90 Mrs. Stout: News93 Harry Stover: News86 Strait: News89 H. Strait: News86 J. F. Strait: News88 J. J. Strait: News89 Riley Strait: (gunsmith) News91 Charles P. Strang "Charley": (druggist, city treasurer) see Miller & Strang; MMv1n1p4c1b, WJB, Phipps, Glim, Hist, News83-94, Min85-88, MM86, Med86, Med88, Med89, Med91, Med93, News97-00 Emma Strang: see Emma Jacobs Helen Strang: (teacher) News87-91, News94, News00 Mamie Beall Strang (Mrs. Charles P.): Med84, News86, News89-90 Rev. Ferdinand G. Strange: News88-89, News94 C. W. Stratton: (Medford Electric Co.) News94; father dies: OR2/25/1895p5 Samuel S. Strayer: Med94, News94, News99 A. Strobel: (merry-go-round) News92-93 Evangeline Strobel: News88 Joseph Strobel: News88 Mrs. Joseph Strobel: News90 Strobridge Bros: (Al and Sam, grocerymen) News94 A. L. Strobridge: News93 Al P. Strobridge: (drayman) True, Med93, News93-95 Sam Strobridge: News94 Charles Strong: (school board) Med06 Douglas Strong "Doug": News87 Rev. Strong: News87 Belle Merriman Stronk: Hist Charles Stroup: News93 Stuart: see DeBoy & Stuart Callie Stuart: News92 James Stuart: Hist Robert Stuart: Med11 John H. Stubblefield: News88, News94 Belle Sturgis: News98 Mrs. M. E. Sturgis: see M. E. Rieve Nina Sturgis: News94 W. J. Sturgis: News93-94 Frank Stuttz: News87, News89 Fred Stutz: (shoemaker) News88 A. E. Suckan: News89 Mrs. S. J. Sulder: News89 Samuel J. Summerlin: (hotel/restaurant operator) Med07 John T. Summerville: Hist, IOOF, Med11 Rev. August H. Sunderman: (teacher, railroad worker) News87-88, News90 James Surran: News92 W. D. Sutherlin: News93 Frank Sutter: (greenhouseman) Hist, Med93, News93-94, News99-00 Mrs. Frank Sutter: News89, News92-94 S. A. Sutter: News89, News92 Gertrude Sutton "Gertie": (teacher) News99-00 Robert K. Sutton: News92 Ross S. Sutton: News99 Sarah A. Sutton: News88 Walter Sutton: (newspaper) News96 Ida Swacker: see Ida McBride C. N. Swanson: News94 Sam Swear: News84 M. J. Sweeny: (millwright) News93 Samuel Sweeny: News94; in Lorella, Oregon: MT11/27/1910p6 J. S. Sweet: (teacher) News89 John Swenning: News88 Paul Swenning: News94 Gertrude Swensen: see Gertrude Williams M. J. Swift: News89 Carl Swigart: Hist Swinden: MMv1n1p4c2b Swingle: News95 Swinning: News99 Edward A. Swope: News89 S. H. Sykes: News89 Charles Tabor: News94 R. N. Tabor: News94 Gerard Taillandier: Med11 William F. Taggart: (farmer, bartender, shingle maker) News90, News98-00 Albin Taksa: News87 Talbot & Att: (meat market) News94 Talbot & Hembree: (stables) News94 F. A. Talbot: Med11 Talbot/Talbott: (skating rink) News90 C. M. Talbott: (insurance) News95 Aaron Patton Talent: MMv1n4p4c2b, Med85, News85, News87-90, News95, Med11 Tallant: see Talent E. L. Tallman Tamarack Flat: Bear T. R. Tanner: Med11 Tascott: News93 Tasker: News93-94 C. G. Tasker: News93-94 Albert Clifton Tayler: (shoemaker, farmer) True, News91-94, Med93, News97-99 Erma Tayler (Mrs. Albert C.): News99 Irena Wangerin Tayler (Mrs. Albert C.): News99 Robert Tayler: News98 Taylor: see Avery & Taylor; Med88, News90, News00; see also Tayler Taylor & Taylor: (lumber mill) News88-89 Annie E. Woody Taylor (Mrs. Willis A.): News91 Billee Taylor: (baker) News97 C. C. Taylor: (farmer) News93-94, News98-99 Charles Taylor: News88 Clark Taylor: Hist, News85, News87-88 Clifton Taylor: News99 Cora Taylor: News99 Cory Taylor: News94 H. C. Taylor: (journalist) News88 Harvey/Marvin Taylor "Marv" "Harv": News94 Henry Hobart Taylor: News93-94, News98 Hugh Taylor: News92 J. E. Taylor: News89 Dr. J. M. Taylor: (dentist) News89, News92 J. T. Taylor: (sawmill owner) News89 James Taylor: News99, Med03 Jesse W. Taylor: Hist Mrs. John B. Taylor: News95 John George Taylor: (harness maker) News98; in San Francisco: MT5/16/1919p7; dead in Portland: MT12/10/1931p9 Lily Taylor: News00 Marvin/Harvey Taylor "Marv" "Harv": News94 Malissa Taylor (Mrs. Samuel R.): (hotel keeper) News91 Phoebe Taylor: News93 Robert Taylor: (deputy) News91 Mrs. R. S. Taylor: News95 Samuel R. Taylor: (express man) News84, News90; obit MM5/8/1908p8 Stephen C. Taylor: News87 Thomas H. B. Taylor "Tommy," "Bent": News92, News00, Med11; in Red Bluff: MT2/5/1911p14 William Taylor "Billie": (confectioner) News85, News98 Willis A. Taylor: News91 Willis W. Taylor: (sawmill) News91, News95 Mrs. W. H. Taylor: Med11 Joseph Teeson: News88-89 Thomas Teeson: News84-85 Robert W. Telfer: Glim Hannah M. Teller: see Mrs. Simpson Ed. Temple: News91 Templeton: Bear Terrill & Hurn: News85 Clara Terrill: News93 Delbert Terrill: (delivery) News91, News98 Ella Terrill: News93 Horace Jefferson Terrill: News87; obit: MT12/28/1910p2 Sheriff Terrill: Wild William Terrill: News91, News99 Irvin C. Terry: News89 D. W. Terwilliger: WJB Edwin Test: (printer) News94 Frank Theising: (brewer) News93 Theiss: see also Tice? Bartholomaeus Paul Theiss: (distillery owner) see Medynski & Theiss; News91-95, Med93, News96-98; bio: MT2/27/2011p2 G. Theiss: News91 Geraldine Theiss: News92 H. B. Theiss: News91 J. F. Theiss: News91 Joseph Theiss "Joe": News92 Lizzie Theiss: News91-92 Mary A. Theiss: (teacher) News92-93 Mary G. Theiss: (distillery owner) News91-92 Minnie G. Theiss (Mrs. B. Paul): News00 Thomas: News91 Mrs. A. M. Thomas: News91 Rev. G. G. Thomas: News88-90 George Thomas: News92 Illtid W. Thomas: News84-85, News88-94, News98-99, Med03 Joseph A. Thomas "Joe": News87, News93-94, News00, Med03 John W. Thomason: (hotel keeper) News95 Thompson: Bear Thompson & Meeker (E. E. Thompson): (merchants) News94-95 Thompson & Stephenson: News87 Thompson, Van Dyke & Co.: WJB, News95 A. R. Thompson: News94, News98 Bessie Thompson: News92 Christopher Thompson "Chris": News95 David P. Thompson: (teamster, investor, banker) News87, News90 Rev. E. Ellsworth Thompson: WJB, News91-95; in Grants Pass: MM4/21/1893p2; in Oakland, California: DT2/21/1898p3 Rev. E. L. Thompson: News94-95 Rev. E. S. Thompson: News91-92 Miss M. A. Thompson: News88 John H. Thorndike: (feed store, miner) News89, News91-93, News99 L. W. Thorndyke: News93 Ole A. Thornton: News91 Charles Thumburg: News91 Mrs. Thumburg: News94 C. C. Thurston: News93, News99 Tice: see also Theiss?; News87-89, News92, News98 Tice Bros.: News87 Anna Tice: see Anna Willits Carrie Tice: News94 Charles Tice: News87, News89 Effie Tice: see Effie Phelps; News89 Frederick Tice: News86 John R. Tice: MMv1n4p4c3a, Hist, News84, News85-86, News88-89, News93 Johnny Tice: News90 Henry Tice "Harry": News93 Margaret Tice "Maggie" (Mrs. John R.): see also Maggie Gruby; News88-90, Med93, News93-94 Martha L. Tice: News98 Nettie Tice: News87, News90; see Nettie Harris Mrs. Paul Tice: Med88 R. Tice: News84 Thomas Tice (Tommy): News88 Walter Tice: News89, News93 Ticknor & Phelps: (F. B. Ticknor, Ira Phelps, newspaper) News89 Clara C. O. Ticknor: News90 Rev. F. B. Ticknor "Dock": Hist, News89-90, Med89 Mrs. F. B. Ticknor: News89-90 Police Chief Timothy: Wild Tinken: News89 I. C. N. Tinkler: News91 J. C. Tipton: (butcher) News91 J. E. Tipton, Jr.: (cabin boy) News91; in Los Angeles: MM7/25/1902p3 J. R. Tipton: News94 Mrs. M. J. Tipton: News91 Anna Counts Toepper (Mrs. John): News91 John Toepper: News90-91 Blanche Toft: (typesetter) News00 Ray H. Toft: News99 Toggery Bill: see William F. Isaacs Tolman: News85, News90 Tolman & Co.: News87 Crittenden J. Tolman "Crit": Bear, News85, News87-88, News93-94; visiting from Alaska: MT10/30/1914p7 Emma Tolman: (artist, teacher) News91, News94 General Tolman: News87 James C. Tolman: (farmer, surveyor, judge) News89-90, News94 Sidney Tomlinson (carpenter): News90, News92; mayor of Ellensburg, Wash: VR4/18/1901p1 Sylvia Tomlinson: News89 Oscar F. Topping: News84 Torrey Bros.: (miners) News94 Torrey House: Hist A. J. Torrey: News87 Frank Torrey: (miner) News94-95 Homer F. Torrey: Hist, News84-85, News91, News93-94 Norman Torrey: News00 Colonel Frank L. Tou Velle: Wild Frank Towne: News83 William F. Towne: News99, News00 Townsend: see Higgins & Townsend Dr. E. Louman Townsend: RV85; obit: VR7/16/1891p3 Elizabeth Chapman Townsend "Lizzie" (Mrs. W. L.): News92, News00 William/Willis L. Townsend "The Jedge": (barber, real estate agent, billiard parlor operator) News91-95, News98, News00 Toy: (laundryman) News95 Toy Fook: News87 Albert B. Tozer "Bert": News95 Job R. Tozer: (millwright) see Emery & Tozer B. Trainor: (restaurant operator, miner) News94 J. N. Traylor: News88 Judge Tressler: News92 J. W. Tressler: News93, News00 William M. Trimble: News86-87, Med86, News89 Hiram Tripp: News95 Harold B. Tronson: (orchardist) Med07 Trowbridge & Danielson: Med06 Benjamin J. Trowbridge: (real estate agent) Med07 True: News90-91 True, Bashford, Fordyce & Wilson: News93 Belle True: see Belle Griffin Haines True: News90 Jeremiah P. True "Jerry": (thresher) News84, News89-92; obit: MM6/28/1907p1 Trumbull: see Merriman & Trumbull Trump: (carpenter) News89 Edward W. Tryer: (fence worker, pork packer, farmer) News91, News95, News98-00; dies in Grants Pass: MM8/20/1909p1; obit: MM8/27/1909p3 Frank M. Tryer: (fence works manager) News89, News91, News94, News99 Harriet B. Tryer: News99 Ida B. Tryer (Mrs. Marion E.): News99 John F. Tryer: News88, News90, News91, News99 Laura Belle Tryer: News88 Marion E. Tryer: (railroad fireman, hardware clerk) News90-91, News94, News99 Millie/Milly Tryer: News93-94, News98 Daisy Tucker: News90 J. P. Tucker: News93 Charles E. Tull: (liveryman) News00 Nancy Tungate (Mrs. Jeremiah): News99 J. C. Turnedge: News95 Turner: News91, News94-95 Abigail Turner: News99 Emeline Turner (Mrs. William): News92, News94 Etta Turner: see Etta Zimmerman Harry D. Turner: Med11 John Turner: News88 Mrs. L. C. Turner: News85 Susie Turner: (telegrapher) News92 Thomas T. Turner: News85, News87; in Baker County: MM11/1/1901p7 William H. Turner: (blacksmith) News88, News90, News93 William M. Turner: (blacksmith, butcher, editor) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-85, News87-89, News93; dead in Halfway, Oregon: MM8/20/1909p3 Turpin & Dennis: (threshers) News88 Hamilton C. Turpin: see Robinson & Turpin, Turpin & Dennis; News88, News94; visiting: MM2/12/1909p7 C. B. Tuttle: News84 Lee Tuttle: Hist Nellie Plymale Tuttle (Mrs. Harrison): News99 Bettie/Betty E. Tyler: see Bettie Minnis; News89 Delbert Tyler: News89 Fair Mabel Tyler: News89 George H. Tyler: (photographer, resort owner) News85, News94, News96 Tyron: News91 Ella Tysart: Wild J. J. Ullman: (real estate) News93; in Baker City: MM5/9/1902p6 Ulrich: see Purdin & Ulrich Ulrich & Slinger: News98 Christian Ulrich "Chris": (carpenter, contractor) News88, News91-93, News98-99 Earl Ulrich: News00 Emma A. Ulrich (Mrs. William): News84-85 Levi Ulrich: (haberdasher) News90 Rosetta Ulrich: see Rosetta Kenney William Ulrich: (insurance agent, cattle dealer, pork packer) see Noland & Ulrich; MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-98, Min85-86, MM86, Med86, Min88, News00 Dr. Unger: News89 Joseph M. Upham: News88 A. Urion: News96 Mrs. W. T. Vail: News90 Paul Valner: News94 Addie Van Antwerp: News98, News00 D. H. Van Antwerp: (architect, builder) News93, News95, News98 Earl E. Van Antwerp: (teacher) News95, News99; visiting: MM4/6/1900p6 Bert T. Van de Car: (jeweler) Med11 Van Dyke: see Thompson, Van Dyke & Co.; News83, News91 Carrie Van Dyke: News90, News92 Edgar R. Van Dyke: News93, Med07 Edith A. Van Dyke: (teacher) News95, News98; obit: OR5/18/1907p6 Frank Van Dyke: (missionary) IOOF, News93, News98-99 John Gilmore Van Dyke: (dry goods merchant) News85-87, News90, News94, News95, News97-99, Med07; obit: MT11/8/1912p6 John Van Dyke Jr.: News93 Cathrine Kleinhammer Van Dyke "Kate" "Katy" (Mrs. Sam): (postal clerk, typist) Hist, News84, News88-91, News98 Mrs. Van Dyke: News92 Sadie Van Dyke: News98 Samuel G. Van Dyke "Sam": News88, News99, Med03 Sarah A. Van Dyke: News90 Sarah L. Van Dyke: News87 Vern J. Van Dyke: (harness shop clerk) Med07 William Van Dyke: News88 L. C. Van Exxe: (photographer) News99 P. J. Van Hardenburg: News94 D. Van Horn: News89, News95 John Van Horn: MMv1n4p4c2a, Min88, News90 O. Van Horn: News89 Sarah C. Van Horn: News87 G. B. Van Riper: News95 Sarah F. Van Riper: News92 John Van Sickel: News89, News92 M. Van Sickel: News88-89, News92; in Mason City, Missouri: SOM7/1/1892p3 Rev. Van Tassel: News90 J. C. Vannoy: News88, News90 J. N. Vannoy: News87 Varney: News90 Vaughn: (brickmaker) News85 Vawter & Howard: (bankers) News90-93 Vawter & Whitman: (W. I. Vawter; bankers) News89 Etta M. Hill Vawter (Mrs. William I.): Hist, News89-95, News00, Med07 Vernon Vawter: News93, News00, Med07 William Ira Vawter: (teacher, attorney, banker) First, Hist, Med84, News88-95, Med88, Med91, Med93, Med97, News97-00, Med11 Sam P. Veatch: News88 C. H. Veghte: (tile maker) News92 Mrs. Veight: News94 Grace Vermeer (Mrs. Richard): Med11 Richard Vermeer: (contractor, furniture maker) Med11 Frederick Vermeren: News93 Vertelli: News85 M. Adelle/Adella Vertrees: News94-95 Joseph Stillwell Vilas: Med11 Henry Villard: Hist, News83 Vincent: see Vincent & Kilburn; Phipps Vincent & Kilburn: News85 Benton Vincent: News93 Robert Vining: Med97 William J. Virgin: (miller) Hist, News94, News97; obit MM5/29/1908p8 Dr. Henry Vogeli: News93, News99-00 Mathias Volk: News83-84, News86, News89 Hugh von der Hellen: News89, News98 Voorhees: News83 F. B. Voorhies: (variety and notion store) MMv1n4p4c3a, News83-85 Gordon Voorhies: (orchardist) Hist, News99-00, Med03 Edgerton L. Vowels "Gertie": News00 Gertrude Vowels: News99 Mary Vowels: News98 Nellie Vroman: News92 Vrooman, Miller & Co.: (drugstore, hardware) MMv1n1p1c1b, MMv1n1p4c7a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c5-6a, Hist, News83-88, Min85-87, MM86, Med88, News94 Christiana W. Vrooman (Mrs. Martin): Med84, News87-89 Dr. Martin Vrooman: (physician) MMv1n4p4c3a, Hist, News83-85, Med86 Rev. A. B. Wade: News89 Frank Wade: News89 R. L. Wade: (implement dealer) News99 Wagner & Moore: (merchants) News91 Wagner Creek Mining Co.: News86 Belle Wagner: News93 C. F. Wagner: News93 Frank Wagner: News90 F. D. Wagner: Bear, News95 Jacob Wagner: Med85, News85, News92 Mina M. Barry Wagner (Mrs. F.): News90 Fred E. Wahl: Hist Bess Wait "Bessie": (teacher) News92-93, News95-98; see Bess Fries; in Chloride, Arizona: MM11/20/1908p5 Edna Wait: News98 Elizabeth C. Wait (Mrs. Joeseph B.): News89, News91, News93, News00 F. J. Wait: News97, News99 Frank Wilson Wait: (stone cutter, teamster) News92-95, News97-00, Med06 J. F. Wait: (clerk), News93, News98-99; in Boulder Creek, California: MM1/10/1902pp6,7, MM8/1/1902p6 Jess G. Wait "Jessie": (teacher) News91, News95, News98-99; in Chloride, Arizona: MM11/20/1908p5 Dr. Joeseph B. Wait: (physician) News88-95, News98-00; obit: MM4/12/1901p2 L. F. Wait: News93 Mary Wait: News91-93 Rev. Ira Wakefield: News92 Catherine M. Wakeman (Mrs. Louis E.): Med10 Mrs. Lon Walbridge: News95 Charles E. Walcott: (newspaper editor) News94 Jerome B. Walden, Jr.: News89, News92 Oliver L. Walden: (broom maker) News93 David C. Waldron: News93 Mrs. M. A. Waldron: News93 Waldroop: News94 Waldroop & Karnes: (confectioners) News97-98 Daniel I. Waldroop "Dan": (bartender, confectioner) Wild, News93-95, News98-99 Mrs. D. I. Waldroop: News00 Walker: see Staver & Walker, Griffis & Walker; Bear News84-85, News90 A. H. Walker: (cook) News92 Annie Walker: News87 C. C. Walker: Wild, News85 Judge Charles Walker: News88, News91 Clay Walker: News89 Daniel Walker: News86, News92 E. P. Walker: (stable keeper) News92 E. T. Walker: News89 Enoch F. Walker: (liveryman) News84, News87-92, News94-96, News98-00; obit: MM9/7/1900p6, MM9/14/1900p2 J. J. Walker: News94 Jesse D. Walker: News92, News94 Jessie Walker: News94 John Walker: News90 Judge Walker: News88-89 Mary L. Walker: see Mary Mackey Mary S. Walker: see Mary Angle Minus Walker: News85 Prof. Walker: (musician) News91 Prudence Walker (Mrs. Enoch): News96, News98 Sarah Grubb Walker (Mrs. Daniel): News86 W. H. Walker: News90 Charles F. Wall: News90-91, News94, News99 Wallace & Sons: (brick masons) News90 Wallace: (baseball player) News90 C. A. Wallace: (brickmaker) News89 Rev. Charles H. Wallace "Charley": (brick mason, contractor) News89-91; in Cottage Grove: MM9/30/1898p6; News00 C. W. Wallace: News90 Frank Wallace: (baker) News96 George W. Wallace: News92 Rev. J. F. Wallace: News98 William L. Wallace: News90-91 George Waller: MMv1n1p4c5b, News85 George P. Wallihan: (Orchard Home Association) News94 Fred Walpole: News85 C. D. Walrath: Min87, News88, News90, News92 Walsh & Bragdon: (gold miners) News86 J. W. Walsh: News86 Emil Walter: Med03 Dr. James S. Walter: (dentist) News89 John N. Walter: (contractor) MMv1n4p4c2b, MMv1n4p4c3a, Min86-87, News87-89, News91, News93; in Ben Lomond, California: MM12/28/1900p7 Walters: see also Wolters Alfred Walters: News87 Dr. Walters: News87 Ernest Walters: News87; in San Francisco: MM12/28/1900p7 J. N. Walters: News89 Mrs. J. N. Walters: News87; obit: MM12/28/1900p7 J. W. Walters: (shoemaker) News00 Harry L. Walther: Hist Walton: News87 G. E. Walton: Min86 Judge George Sibley Walton: (shoemaker, town recorder, justice of the peace) First, Glim, News84-96, Min85-88, MM86, Med86, Med88 J. S. Walton: Min86, News86 Mrs. Judge Walton: News90 Rev. Walton: News90 Walton's Hall: News86-87, Min86 C. H. Walworth: (restaurateur) News92-93; left southern Oregon: DT9/29/1893p3 Jacob S. Walz: News88, News91-92 Wanamaker: News91 F. E. Wanless: News98 A. Wansdorf: News86 Wilhelm Wansher: News87 Wansner: News85 Ward: see Kertson & Ward Ward & Pearce: (mining ditch) News99 Elizabeth A. Ward: News99 Frank Ward: News00 J. G. Ward: News85 Joel H. Ward: News92, News94; in Colorado: MM3/16/1900p2 J. W. Ward: News92, News99 L. D. Ward: News95 Sarah E. Ward (Mrs. J. G.): see Sarah Deik W. C. Ward: News89 W. J. Ward: News90-91 A. W. Ware: Med11 Warner: (piano salesman) News94 Warner: see Lumsden & Warner; News95 Warner & Wortman: (grocers) News98, News00 Miss Warner: News98 Belle Warner (Mrs. Edward N.): Hist, Med88 Edward N. Warner: News96 Frank Warner: News89 Harriet M. Warner "Hattie" (Mrs. Lyman B.): News00, Med10 Louis Warner: News98 Lyman B. Warner: (nursery agent, insurance agent) WJB, Hist, News94-95, News98-99 Robin L. Warner: (teacher) News95, News97 William J. Warner: IOOF, News99; in Bellingham, Wash.: MM1/12/1906p5 R. N. Warnock: (saloon keeper) News98-99 Eliza J. Olds Warthen (Mrs. C. H.): News88, News90 Fredrick W. Waschau: (watchmaker) News93-94, News99-00 Mrs. Waschau: MT6/17/1913p2 Lewis H. Wasserman: News91 A. E. Waterman: Med11 Emery B. Waterman: (retired commercial traveler) Med10 Rosetta Waters: (teacher) News93 Watterman: News87 Frank G. Waterous: News93 Herbert L. Waterous: News93 John Watkins: News92 Fr. Francis H. Watry: (priest, German teacher) News91-93; in Tipton, California: DT6/2/1893p3 Chandler Bruer Watson: (district attorney, judge) News89, News95, News98-00 Elenor C. Kubli Watson (Mrs. Edward B.): News86 Lillie Watson: News95 Emma Watson: News98 G. H. Watt: (teacher) News89; married: DT7/7/1893p2 James E. Watt: (school board) Med06 Mrs. S. C. Watton: Med84 J. J. Watts: News91-92 Weaver: News94 J. M. Weaver: News92 John Weaver: News85, News91 Lillian Weaver: see Lillian Harvey Minnie Weaver: News92 Oliver M. Weaver "Ol": News93 Verna Weaver: (dressmaker) News92-93 W. E. Weaver: News99 Webb: News85, News88, News94, News00 Webb & Zimmerman: see Zimmerman & Webb Webb Bros.: see Adkins & Webb, News84, News88-89 Benjamin S. Webb: (school clerk, city recorder) First, Hist, News85-95, Med93, News99-00; in Covina, California: MM9/14/1900p6, MM12/7/1900p7, DT12/27/1900p3, MM5/17/1901p6, MM3/7/1902p2; in Hollywood, California: MT6/17/1925p6 Bessie Foley Webb (Mrs. George L.): News90, News94-95 Edith Webb: News00 George Webb: Med84, News88 Mrs. George Webb: Med84 George A. Webb: (dry goods, racket store) News89-90, News92, News99, News00 George F. Webb: News87 George L. Webb: (clerk, merchant) Wild, Hist, News85-96, News98-00; leaving for Covina, California: MM12/7/1900p7, MM12/28/1900p2; in Covina: MM5/17/1901p6 George W. Webb: News87, News90 Grandma Webb: News89 Hattie Webb: Med84; see Hattie Williamson Isaac Alaska Webb "Ike": (contractor, builder, furniture merchant, school director) see Haskins & Webb; Hist, Wild, MMv1n1p1c4a, MMv1n1p4c1b, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c7a, True, WJB, News84-95, Med84, Med85, Min86-87, Med86, Med88, Med89, Med93, News97-00; in business in Goldendale, Wash.: MM11/7/1902p7, DT11/12/1902p2; in Portland: OR12/18/1910p10 J. A. Webb: News92 Laura Webb: News94 Josie Pearl Webb: News99 Katherine Lena Burton Webb (Mrs. Isaac A.) "Kittie": Hist, Wild, Med84, News86, News89-90, News92-93, News00 Louis Webb: News88 Mrs. Webb: News92 Nettie L. Howard Webb (Mrs. Benjamin S.): Hist, Med84, News86-87; in Covina: MM8/9/1901p7 Pearl Webb: News98, News00 Mrs. R. L. Webb: Med84 R. S. Webb: News87 W. H. Webb: News85 W. S. Webb: News94 Webber: see Losher & Webber, News00 A. J. Webber: (drayman) News96, News98; "Jack Webber" in Platte, Missouri: MM4/12/1901p6 Aileen Webber: (teacher) News98-00; in Albany, Oregon: DT5/6/1903p3 George E. Weber/Webber: (drayman) News96-00; in Sebastopol, California: MM7/5/1901p6 Webster: News90, News92 Webster & Hammond, attorneys: News93-94 Belinda Webster: News91 Judge Lionel R. Webster: (lawyer, circuit judge) MM86, News84, Med88, News89-90, News92, News93-94; killed in Portland: JP9/14/1918p3 Louise Webster (Mrs. Lionel R.): News94 Volna/Volney Webster: News89-93 W. L. Webster: (soda manufacturer) News89-93, Med91, News00 Weeks: see Weeks & McGowan, News92-94, News96-97 Weeks & McGowan Company: True, Glim Weeks & Orr: (orchardists, furniture dealers) Hist, News93-95, News98-00 Weeks Brothers: (orchardists, furniture manufacturers) WJB, Hist, News91-95, Med93, News98 Anna Belle Stewart Weeks (Mrs. Arthur J.) "Annie": News86, News98-99 Arthur John Weeks: (sawmill operator, furniture maker, orchardist, architect) Hist, News83, News85-93, News98-99; in Oakland, Calif.: MT11/6/1922p9 Florence E. Weeks: News99 Frank H. Weeks: News93 G. W. Weeks: (hunter) News88 Gertrude Weeks: News99 Grace Weeks: News99 H. Weeks: News93 John Stewart Weeks: News92-93, News98-99 Maud Weeks: (clerk) News93, News99 Minerva A. Weeks: News93 Weinhard & Merz: (brewers) News97 Fred Weinhard: News89-90 Henry Weinhard: (brewer) News97 John Weiss: News87, News93 Welch: News89, News94 Calvin Welch: (merchant) News99 J. P. Welch, M.D.: MMv1n4p1c1a, News85-88 M. S. Welch: News94 E. A. Welds: News92 Wells: see Bellinger & Wells; Bear, News94 Wells Fargo Express Company: True, Phipps, Hist, News84-85, News88-89 Arthur S. Wells: News97, News00 Edward C. Wells: (butcher) News94, News98; in London: MM8/8/1902p2; dead in Portland: MT11/5/1930p11 J. A. Wells: News86 James F. Wells: News92 Percy Wells: (teacher) News94 Wendt & Puhl: (grocers) News98 Henry Wendt: News91 Mary Cluseman Wendt (Mrs. Henry): News90 Werk & Batterton: (saloon keepers) News84 Charles E. Werst: News93, News99 William Werth: (butcher) News94 M. J. Wessels: News89 Paul Wessinger: (brewer) News97 West: News84, News90-91, News94 Charles E. West: News93 Herman West: News89 Hiram West: News87, News91-92 J. R. West: News85, News88, News91, Med93 Julia West: News95 Mrs. J. R. West: News86-88 Mrs. West: News87-88 Neil H. West: News87, News89, News91, News95; in Reno: MO2/19/1895p3 P. West: News83 S. H. West: News90 Mrs. Susy/Susie Magoon West: (artist) News88-94; back from Loyalton, California: MM2/17/1893p3; obit: MM7/19/1901p7; dies in Reno: DT7/25/1901p7 Dr. T. H. West: News94 Thomas F. West: News85, News90-94, Med93 W. E. West: News85 John A. Westerlund: (orchardist, hotel keeper) Med10, Med11, BF8/1910p31 R. Westlake: (hotel keeper) News89 Alta Brous Weston (Mrs. Edgar D.): News96, News00 Edgar D. Weston: (photographer) News96, News98, News00 William S. Weston: Med11 Robert Westrop: News84; insane: DT6/30/1893p3 E. H. Wetzell: (mine operator) Med07 W. E. Wever: News93 Wheeler: see Abraham & Wheeler; Gibbs & Wheeler Mrs. Gilbert Wheeler: Med11 M. W. Wheeler: News98 Wallace W. Wheeler: (implement dealer) News90-91 William Wheeler: News93 Whetrock: News91 Henry M. Whetsel: (music store manager) Med11 Whetstone: Med88, News92, News96 Almira Whetstone: News00 Bess Whetstone: News87 D. Whetstone: News93 David H. Whetstone: News84, News88, News90-91, News98 Daniel Whetstone: News93-94 Florence Dowell Whetstone (Mrs. Daniel): News94 Henry F. Whetstone: News91 Sarah Whetstone: News87 Vina Whetstone: News87 Dr. C. W. Whipp: News93 James Carr Whipp: WJB, News84, News86-89, News92-94 James H. Whipple: News83 James M. Whipple: News98 Myrtle Whipple: Med89 C. E. Whisler: Med08 White: see Pentz & White; Reames & White; News86, News89 White & Jacobs: (John F. White, Lee L. Jacobs; merchants) News98-99; dissolved: DT10/16/1899p3 White & Jeffrey: (attorneys) News96, News98 White & Smith: (Vinton Smith, abstractors) News94 White Bros.: News83 White, Harbaugh & Co.: (sewing machines) News99-00 White, Reames & Co.: (grocers) News94 Addie White: News92 C. R. White: (miner) News94 Daniel R. White: News86 Dulce Netherland White (Mrs. Rev. John): News94 E. P. White: News95 Edith White: (teacher) News98 George W. White: (attorney, banker) News93-95, News97-99; in Portland: MM4/6/1900p7; banker in Coquille: MM4/18/1902p6; moving to Berkeley: MM9/25/1903p12 Hattie White (Mrs. John F.): News99 Henry White: News94 J. M. White: News93 Rev. John White: News94 John F. White: (sewing machine merchant, real estate agent) see Reames, White & Co.; Hist, News92, News94, News98-00, Med07 Mrs. White: Med93, News93 Sarah Ann Gaines White (Mrs. Daniel R.): News88, News90, News99; obits MM4/2/1909p8 Willie White: News94 Zela White: News99 Ransom Henry Whitehead: (station agent) Hist, News90-94, Med93, News98-00; back from Wisconsin: MM1/25/1901p7, MT10/2/1912p4 Whiteside: see Beek, Whiteside & Co.; Neal & Whiteside; Wood, Whiteside & Co.; Huff & Whiteside; News87, News99 J. A. Whiteside: (street commissioner, mayor, distillery gauger, builder) MMv1n4p4c3b, First, Hist, Min85-88, News86-95, News98 Aaron S. Whiting: News84 J. H. Whiting: (attorney) News89 Whitman: see Goldsmith & Whitman; Palm, Whitman & Palm; News87, News90, News93 Whitman & Adkins: News87 Mrs. Emma Whitman: Med84 Frank L. Whitman: News87-88 Herman Larue Whitman: News91 J. G. Whitman: News95 J. H. Whitman: (lawyer, lender, abstractor) WJB, News86-91, News93, News95, News97, News99 James Albert Whitman "Bert": (fruit shipper, cigar mfr., Studebaker dealer) Hist, News87-00, Med93, Med03; in New York City: MM12/6/1907p2, MM8/14/1908p1 John Doty Whitman: (horticultural commissioner, orchardist) WJB, News85-95, Min86-88, Med94, News99; obit: MM12/25/1908p2 Mary A. Whitman (Mrs. John D.): News91-92 Nellie Mitchell Whitman (Mrs. James A.): News97-98, News00 Olan/Olin/Orin/Orrin W. Whitman: (Medford Book Store) News00, Med07 Sarah M. Whitman (Mrs. J. H.): Med84, News89, News91-93 Will Whitman: News90 Peter B. Whitney: News85, News94 Mrs. Susannah Hendershott Whitney: Med84, News87-89, News93 R. Whitsett: News87 S. B. Whittle: (lineman) News90, News94 Whitworth: Hist Wiedler: News91 Mrs. Dr. Wiggin: News99 Dr. LaFayette Wiggin: (veterinarian) News97-98 Wigle: News94 Erma Wigle: News00 J. Wigle: News98 John L. Wigle: (laundryman) News92-96, Med93, News98-99 Justin Wigle: News93, News98-00 Justine Wigle: News93 Loren J. Wigle: News00 Mary E. Wigle: News93 Wilcox: see Sears & Wilcox; News86 Wilcox: (house mover) News96 Wilcox Bros.: News85 A. J. Wilcox: (plasterer) News85-86, News88, News90, News94 Angie E. Simpkins Wilcox (Mrs. Gideon W.): News91 C. Wilcox: News85 Gideon W. Wilcox: News91 Ida Wilcox: see Ida Henderson, Ida Redfield; News89 Jennie Wilcox: (milliner) News85-86, Med86, News88-89 Mary Wilcox: News88, News93 Robert Wilcox: News99 Scott M. Wilcox: News84 Cora G. Davis Wilde (Mrs. William M.): News88 William M. Wilde: News88 Elsie Wiley: News98 Irene Wiley: (telegrapher) News91 J. G. Wiley: (restaurateur) Min88, News89-90 James Wiley: Min88, News93 John T. Wiley: (store clerk, second-hand dealer) News94, News00; leaving for Oakland: MM6/14/1901p6 John W. Wiley: (livestock buyer) News92-95, News98-00 Orton H. Wiley: (pharmacist) News95; in Berkeley: MM11/14/1902p7 Wilkinson & Hanley: see Hanley & Wilkinson Wilkinson & Hunsaker: (blacksmiths) News98 Anna Wilkinson: News92 B. F. Wilkinson: News90 C. R. Wilkinson: News84 Charles E. Wilkinson: News88-90, News94, News98, News00 Mrs. Charles E. Wilkinson: News98-99 Mrs. E. C. Wilkinson: News00 Edward Wilkinson: (butcher) see Hanley & Wilkinson; News86, News88-96, News98-99 Flora Orth Wilkinson (Mrs. Edward): News86-87, News89-91, News94, News98 John Wilkinson: News99, Med07 William F. Wilkinson: (farmer) News99 George M. Willard: News85 Lottie D. Willard: News85 Willeke, Whitehead & Co.: (J. U. Willeke) News98 Frank Willeke: Pinto John U. Willeke: WJB, News96, News98-99 Williams: see McCallister & Williams; News84-90, News97 Williams Bros.: (liverymen) News97 Williams, Oregon: True, News87, News89 Williams & Cox: (I. F. Williams; liverymen) News98 Williams & Hemworth: News89 Williams & Orser: (liverymen) News97 Amilia Hoffman Williams (Mrs. Moses A.): News92 Arthur B. Williams: Med08-11, Med30 David Williams "Dave": News93 Mrs. E. Williams: News92, News94 E. W. Williams: News97 Ed Williams: (lineman) News90 F. J. Williams: News98 G. H. Williams: (carpenter) News98 George Williams: News88 George W. Williams: (carpenter) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n1p1c6a, MMv1n4p1c1b, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c3a, MMv1n4p4c3a, News84-87, Min85-86, MM86, News89, News94-95, News98; en route from San Francisco to Butte: MM2/22/1901p6; in Oroville: MM7/12/1901p6; in South Africa: MM11/22/1907p5 Gertrude Swensen Williams (Mrs. J. A.): News86-87 H. Williams: Med11 Isaac B. Williams: News87-88, News90-91 Isaac Franklin Williams: (mail contractor) News88, News90 J. A. Williams: News86-87 J. H. Williams: News92-93 J. N. Williams: Min86 J. R. Williams: News94 J. W. Williams: News89 John Williams: News85, News98 John B. Williams: News88, News90 Liza Williams: News98 Louisa J. Williams: News88 Lucy D. Williams: News98 M. L. Williams: News88 Mary F. Williams: News87 Rev. Moses Allen Williams: MMv1n1p4c4a, MMv1n4p4c3a, Hist, News84-91, Min88, News94, News98; obit: MT12/13/1910p8 Mrs. Moses A. Williams: News99 Oliver Williams: News94 Mrs. Oliver Williams: News99 Oscar Williams: (barber) News98; in Oregon City: MM8/9/1901p5 S. P. Williams: News87 Sarah L. Williams: Hist Rev. W. P. Williams: News87 Williamson: Hist, News84 F. Williamson: MMv1n4p4c3a, Bark Hattie Webb Williamson (Mrs. William F.): News91 J. M. Williamson: News87 J. R. Williamson: (restaurant) News98 William F. Williamson: (attorney, teacher, principal) MMv1n1p1c1a, MMv1n1p4c5a, MMv1n4p1c1b, MM86, Med84, Hist, News84-88, Min86, Med86, News99-00; in Covina, California: MM9/14/1900p6, MM5/17/1901p6 Willis: see Abraham & Willis Stephen D. Willis "Steve": News96 John. Williscroft: (farmer, stereopticon showman) News98 Willits: News92 Anna Tice Willits (Mrs. Benjamin R.): News92-93 Benjamin R. Willits: News87, News98 Mrs. L. F. Willits: News89 Mrs. Levi Willits: News96 William W. Willits: News88 Charles Willmott: News94 Samuel Willmott: News95 Mary E. Willson (Mrs. Peter): News85 Peter Willson: News85 C. Wilprel: News83 G. Wilprel: News83 William A. Wilshire: News84 Wilson: see Wilson & Dowell; True, Bashford, Fordyce & Wilson; Hist, News84, News86-89, News93-94, News97-98 Wilson & Dowell: News92 Wilson & Hunsaker: (blacksmiths) News98 Wilson Opera House: Hist A. Wilson: News91, News94 A. M. Wilson: News87, News91 Addie Wilson: see Addie Murray Albert Wilson: (cook) News94 Alice Wilson: News94 Almira Wilson: News90, News98 Annie Wilson: News87 Arthur W. Wilson: (road supervisor, well borer) News85-87, News89, News91, News93-94, News98; in Central Point: MM1/3/1902p2; obit: MM4/18/1902p7 B. B. Wilson: Med11 Charles Wilson: Min88, News91 D. Wilson: (harness maker) News85-87, MM86, News89 Mrs. D. Wilson: News94 Daniel Wilson: News88 D. C. Wilson: Med06 Rev. E. F. Wilson: News99-00 Eva Wilson: (telegrapher) News93-94, News97 Ezra M. Wilson: Hist F. J. Wilson: News94 Frank M. Wilson: (baker, soda fountain) News96-97, News98-00; dead in San Francisco: MT7/17/1932p3 George Wilson: (harness maker) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, News86, News93; in Coos County: DT8/25/1893p3; in Willow Springs: MM3/16/1894p3 Gertrude Kinports Wilson (Mrs. J. A.): News93 J. E. Wilson: News90, News92 James Wilson: (thresher) News92 James Wilson ("Jimmy"): (pharmacy student) News95 James A. Wilson: News84-85, News93, News98; obit: JP9/11/1915p1 James L. Wilson: News89 Jesse Wilson: News91, News99 Jesse Wilson, Jr.: News98 Jesse H. Wilson: News84-87, News89, News91, News93-95, News99; in Salem: MM3/1/1901p6, MM1/3/1902p2 Jesse J. W. Wilson: News98 John R. Wilson: (blacksmith, wagonwright, city councilman) First, News89, Med91, News92-96, Med93, Med97, News98, News00; obit: MT11/21/1911p1 Josephine Griffin Wilson (Mrs. James L.): News89 Lucinda L. Wilson: News89 Mac Wilson: News84, News86 Mamie Wilson: News87 Martha Wilson: News94 Mary Wilson: News87 P. O. Wilson: News84, Min87, News88 Rosa Wilson: News87 Rosanna Wilson: (arsonist) News95, News98, News00 Rose Wilson: News98 Rev. S. P. Wilson: News87-88 S. C. Wilson: (grocer) News94 Sarah C. Wilson: News94 S. S. Wilson: (hotel keeper) News94-95; dead in Willitts: MM5/24/1901p7 Sophia A. Wilson "Sophie": Hist, News86, News87, News93 Thomas Wilson: News87 William H. Wilson: News89, News95 Wilson's String Band: MMv1n1p4c4a, News84-85, News87 G. W. Wimer, Jr.: News84 J. D. Wimer: News90 J. W. Wimer: News91 Mrs. Windom: News89 Charles Winters: News99 Wintjen & Helms: News87 G. C. Wirth: (photographer) News94-95 J. F. Wisner: News89 Albert Wisniewski: (barber) News94 Holbrook Withington: (lawyer) Med07, Med10 Mary E. Witison (Mrs. P. C.): News87 P. C. Witison: News87 Charles E. Wolcott: (newspaperman) News94-95, News98; in Chicago: DT1/9/1902p4 Jonas Wold: (pharmacist) Med10, Med11 Wolf: see Woolf Anna Gilbert Wolf: News00 Henry Wolf: IOOF Wolfe: News94 Wolff & Armstrong: (skating rink operators) News89 George Wolff: News00; dies in Colorado Springs: MT10/29/1929p2 Jake Wolff: News89 Mannie M. Wolff (Nannie Woolf?): News93 W. R. Wolsey: News93 Wolters: see also Walters Wolters & Howard: (C. W. Wolters, H. H. Howard, grocers) News98-99 Charles W. Wolters "Charlie": (baker, grocer) Wild, Med84, News85-00, MM86, Min87-88, Med88, Med91, Med93; obit: MT5/25/1912p1 Eva Wolters: News90 Hermann H. Wolters "Ham": (butcher, bar owner) see Kenney & Wolters; Riddle & Wolters; Gem Saloon, Hist, News84-94, Min86, Min88, Med91, News96; in San Francisco: News99; dies there: DT7/31/1902p2 J. N. Wolters: News87 J. W. Wolters: News00 John C. Wolters: (baker) News84, News87, News90-94 Mamie McMahon Wolters (Mrs. Ham. H.): News91, News94 Ollie Alford Wolters (Mrs. Charles W.): Med84, News86-89, News91 Charles E. Wolverton: News88 Wong Sing: News95 Wood: see also Woods; News85, News87, News92 Wood, Whiteside & Co.: (contractors) News89 Wood & Jackson: News91 Wood & Whiteside: (contractors, ferry) News89-90 A. Wood: Min86 A. E. Wood: True, News93 D. D. Wood: (soap maker) News00 Eli Wood: News90 H. F. Wood: (carpenter, contractor) MMv1n4p4c3a, News84, Min87, News87-95; in Orland, California: MM4/27/1894p3 Mrs. H. F. Wood: Med84 I. N. Wood: News86 Mrs. L. M. Wood: News98 N. E. Wood: News99 Nellie Wood: News90 William P. Wood: (harness maker) First, News88-89, News91-93, Med91; in Ava, Mo.: MM2/10/1893p3 W. H. Woodburn: News93 Woodford: see Anderson & Woodford, News94, News99 Woodford & Colvig: News84 Alonzo Marcus Woodford "Lon": (clerk, street commissioner, miller, postmaster) MMv1n4p4c3a, Min85-87, News87-89, News91-94, Med97, News98-00 Eliza Dyer Woodford (Mrs. Alonzo M.): Hist, News91-94, News00; obit: MT6/5/1911p4 Ella Woodford: News92 Jennie Woodford: News00 Myrtle Woodford: (milliner, typesetter) News87, News92-94, News98-00 Press. Woodruff: News89 Ralph Woodford: News98-99 Virgie A. Woodford: News87, News95, News98 D. L. Woodruff: Med11 Woods: see also Wood A. E. Woods: News84-85, Min85-87, News87-88, News91-93 A. R. Woods: News84 E. Woods: News92 John Woods: News83, News91 Mr. Woods: MMv1n1p4c5a W. W. Woods: News97-99 Mrs. W. W. Woods: News99 Wallace Woods: (lumber dealer) see Barr & Woods, Hist, Med97, News93-94, News99 Woody: News85, News89, News92-94, News96 Asa Woody: News96 Annie E. Woody: see Annie Taylor A. N. Woody: Med93, News96, News98 Gus J. Woody: (butcher, creamery worker) see Besse & Woody; News92-93; visiting from San Francisco: MM10/7/1898p6; in Santa Rosa: MM10/14/1898p6 Henry Woody: News94 J. H. Woody: (farmer) News94-95 Joseph N. Woody: News84, News89 Kate Woody: News98 Meta Woody: see Mrs. Hukill Sarah C. Jarnagin Woody (Mrs. A. N.): News92, News97 John P. Wooley: News87 Woolf: News90 Isaac Woolf: (grocer, constable) MMv1n1p1c1b, MMv1n1p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c1a, MMv1n4p4c5b, MM86, Phipps, News84, Med84, Min85-87, News85-94, Med88, Med93, News96, News98 Nancy Woolf (Mrs. Isaac) "Nannie": Med84, News85, News87-88, News92, News94, News98 J. L. Woolridge: News87 W. R. Woolsey: News93 David Worden: News93 Work & Betterton: News84 Ed. Work: see Work & Betterton; News84 Thomas A. Work: News93 John P. Worley: News90 Docia Worlow: News98 Mary E. Worlow (Mrs. Jacob): News90, News98 William B. Worlow: (saloon keeper) News84 Worman: News00 Worman & Lynch: see Lynch & Worman Edwin Worman: (mail contractor, liveryman) Hist, True, News85-95, Min87-88, Med91, Med93, News98, News00 Mrs. Edwin Worman: News87 Jessie L. Worman: News87, News89-92, News95, News98-00 Minnie Worman: (teacher) News93-95, News00 Milton E. Worrell: (newspaper editor) Med07 R. Worth: News85 Wortham Bros.: (contractors) News89 H. Worthington: Hist Wortman: see Kenney & Wortman, York & Wortman; News88, News93 Wortman & Gore: News94 Wortman & York: (real estate) News00 Ella Gore Wortman (Mrs. Harry): News90 Elizabeth A. Wortman: News91 Harry G. Wortman, Sr.: (grocer, real estate, insurance) Hist, News88, News90, News92, News98, News00 Levi G. Wortman: News88-89 Minnie Wortman: News93 Mrs. S. G. Wortman: News89 Samuel G. Wortman: News88-91, News93 Wright: Med88 Abbie Beck Wright (Mrs. S. F.): News94 Al. M. Wright: News93-94 Fred Wright: News95 H. L. Wright: (tailor, carpet cleaner) News92 J. Wright: (saloonkeeper) News94 John Wright: Bear, News89; obit: MM6/25/1909p3 S. F. Wright: News94 W. A. Wright: News94 Will Wright: News90 J. F. D. Wrinkle: News98 Wrisley: News90 Wrisley & Co.: (real estate) News89-90 Wrisley & Goddard: (J. B. Wrisley, Carlos Goddard; real estate, merchants) News88-s89 Wrisley & Justus: (Jacob Wrisley, George Justus; liverymen) News89 Wrisley & Miller: (J. B. Wrisley, J. S. Miller; real estate), Med88, News88 Eliza J. Wrisley: News99 George J. Wrisley: (liveryman) News89-90 Jacob Wrisley "Jake": News88, News89 John B. Wrisley: (real estate agent) see Ross & Wrisley; News85, News87-94, News99 John H. Wrisley: News84, News98 Laura Wrisley: News87 Mary E. Campbell Wrisley (Mrs. George J.): News90 Melville E. Wrisley "Melle": see Melle Callahan; News84, News86-87 Myra E. Wrisley: see Myra Simpkins; News91 J. R. Writsman: News88 Anna Gilbert Wulf (Mrs. William): News99 William F. Wulf: News99; in Crescent City: MM1/24/1902p7 Lucy Wyatt: News93-94 Mrs. A. H. Wyland: News86 James Wyland: News98 Miss Wyland: News87 O. C. Yates: News85 George R. Yaudes: News88-90 D. D. H. Yeager: (timber land) News94-95 Yeago: see Niles & Yeago Phil D. Yeiser: News91-92 York: see Wortman & York; News94 York & Jones: (real estate, insurance) News97 York & Wortman: (real estate) News99-00 Emma Boyd York (Mrs. William T.): Med88, Hist, News94 William T. York "Billie": (real estate, insurance, editor) Hist, Med88, Med89, News93-94, News96, News98-00, Med08; obit: MT10/31/1930p5 Youle: see Youle, Gillroy & Leghorn; News87 Youle, Gillroy & Leghorn: MMv1n4p4c1b George E. Youle: News89 Young: News88, News90 Al. O. Young: (billiard hall, confectionery) News97-98 Catharine Young: see Catharine Given Cecil Young: (typesetter, trolley conductor) News87-90, News92; in San Jose: SOM9/9/1892p3; en route from San Francisco to Seattle: MM1/3/1902pp6,7; in Newport: MT5/19/1913p4; in San Jose: MM9/9/1892p3 Charles Young: Med07 Ella Young: News00 Elma R. Young: (typesetter) Med84, News87-91, News93; in San Jose: MM3/17/1893p3 Emma Young: News87, News89 George R. Young: News91, News93; in North Temescal, California: MM3/24/1893p3 Mrs. Young: Med84 N. D. Young: News89 R. T. Young: News86-91 Mrs. R. T. Young: News90-91 Miss Ray Young: News87-91; now Mrs. Mark Harrison, Tacoma: MM3/23/1906p5 Mrs. W. E. Young: Med84 W. J. Young: Hist Youngs: see Shawver & Youngs Daniel S. Youngs: (second-hand store, tree pruner, marshal, agate cutter) News88-94, Med93, News98-00; in Newport: MM11/22/1901p6, MM12/27/1901p7, MM8/31/1906p1, MT5/20/1913p2 D. T. Youngs: News89 G. S. Youngs: News89 B. F. Yount: (miller) News92 Zahn & Fry: (confectioners) News94 Zahn & Rasmussen: (confectioners) News94 Charles A. Zahn: (confectioner) News94 Frank Zell: (miner) News99-00 Peter Zell: News00 Alexander Zevely: News85 Zimmerman & McGee: News86-87 Zimmerman & Webb: (contractors) News86-88 Ella Zimmerman: News89 Etta Turner Zimmerman (Mrs. William G.): News86-87, News89 William G. Zimmerman "Billy" "Will": (contractor) see Maegly & Zimmerman; News86-89, Min88 F. E. Zoellner: News91 T. E. Zoellner: (tailor) News89 J. Zombra: News93 KEY: AA: Ashland American AT: Ashland Tidings BF: Better Fruit CL: Clarion CP: Central Point American CH: Central Point Herald CW: Camp White Grenade EY: Southern Oregon Eye GP: Grants Pass Courier JM: Jacksonville Miner JN: Jackson County News JP: Jacksonville Post JT: Jackson County Times, Democratic Times MI: Medford Monitor-Miner ML: Medford Lights (SOHS 917.9505 M43) MM: Medford Mail MN: Medford News MR: Medford Reporter MS: Medford Sun MSM: Medford's Magazine (SOHS 917.9505 M43) MT: Medford Mail Tribune daily MW: Medford Mail Tribune weekly OR: Oregonian PJ: Portland, Oregon Journal PR: Pacific Record Herald RT: Rogue River Times SM: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps SO: Southern Oregonian ST: Southern Oregon Transcript SU: Medford Success TR: Medford Tribune VR: Valley Record Last revised January 8, 2025 |