Letter to Elwood Franklin, Lenawee County, Michigan Samuel Elwood, 50, farmer, born in New York Caroline Elwood, 43, born in New York Ellen Elwood, 16, born in New York Martin Elwood, 21, laborer, born in New York Edwin Elwood, 11, born in Michigan Elmer D. Elwood, 5, jeweler, born in Michigan Abigail Elwood, 67, born in New York Sarah Boras, 17, domestic servant, born in New York Pat McGiffen, 21, laborer, born in Ireland U.S. Census, enumerated July 9, 1870 Franklin, Lenawee County, Michigan Harriat Elwood, 53, born in New York, parents born in New York Caroline Elwood, 53, born in New York, parents born in New York Elmer Elwood, 14, born in Michigan, parents born in New York U.S. Census, enumerated June 3, 1880 Charles E. Wallis and E. D. Elwood, Ovid wheelmen, came to the city at noon with their bicycles to take in the tournament Monday. "City and Vicinity," Saginaw News, Saginaw, Michigan, July 2, 1887, page 6 E. D. Elwood came down from Napoleon this morning, and departed for Adrian in the afternoon. He is soon to locate at Goldendale, Washington Territory. "Personal Mention," The Citizen Patriot, Jackson, Michigan, February 28, 1889, page 6 E. D. Elwood married to Lucy Burnett, May 7, 1890, at the residence of E. D. Elwood. Witnesses: William Leverett and Laura Burnett. Homer J. E. Townsend and Patricia A. Scarola, Marriage Records of Klickitat County, Washington, 1867-1917 In the city election held at Newberg Monday, M. Votaw was elected mayor, J. G. Hadley recorder, N. C. Christenson treasurer, there being only the one ticket in the field for these offices. The councilmen elected were as follows: First ward, Allen Smith; second ward, Matthew Terrell; third ward, E. D. Elwood. "News of the Northwest: Oregon," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 13, 1895, page 4 E. D. Elwood, formerly of Newberg, Ore., opened a store at Medford, Ore. "Pacific Northwest," The Jewelers' Circular, July 28, 1897, page 29 E. D. Elwood arrived from Newberg, Yamhill County, last week, and will open a jewelry store in Medford. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1898, page 2 J. G. Van Dyke & Co. have removed the partition near the rear of their store building, giving them more room--this having been made necessary by the incoming of jeweler Elwood. The store is being improved greatly by paint and calcimine. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, March 4, 1898, page 7 ![]() Democratic Times, June 13, 1898. Elwood's first ad in the Times.
E. D. Elwood, an expert optician and jeweler, has become a fixture of Medford. He tests eyes free and adjusts glasses, so that there is no necessity of patronizing itinerants. Mr. E.'s stock of jewelry, watches and clocks is a superior one, with prices to beat everybody. Give him a call, for he will never fail to please. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1898, page 3 Attention is called to the advertisement of E. D. Elwood, the optician and jeweler. He occupies part of J. G. Van Dyke's store in Medford and has a fine stock of goods. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1898, page 3 ![]() Medford Mail, July 1, 1898
Mrs. J. H. Harris, who has been visiting
her brother, E. D. Elwood, the popular jeweler,
has gone
to Montague Calif.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1898, page 3 E. D. Elwood of Medford, the scientific optician and jeweler, has a new advertisement in today's Times. He has built up a good business, as he keeps a full assortment of first-class goods and does the best work. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1898, page 3 Fred Weeks and Mark Baker were in Medford Monday fitting up some work in jeweler Elwood's store. "Phoenix Shavings," Medford Mail, October 7, 1898, page 3 E. D. Elwood, the jeweler and optician, has recently added a new oak wall case and mirror to his store fixtures. He now has four very beautiful cases--the work of Weeks Bros.--and these are well filled with a very fine line of silverware and jewelry. His place is one of beauty, and it is well worth one's while to call--just for a few moments of pleasure among things beautiful. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 7, 1898, page 6 ![]() Democratic Times, December 1, 1898 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 1, 1898, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail, October 27, 1899 For cameras, kodaks, etc., as also supplies, go to Elwood, the jeweler and optician. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1899, page 3 A fine assortment of cameras, kodaks, etc., of the most popular brands, as also supplies for the same, can be found at the jewelry store of Elwood, the Medford jeweler and optician. Satisfaction guaranteed. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1899, page 3 One of the largest and finest lines of articles suitable for Christmas presents ever brought to southern Oregon is being displayed at Elwood's. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 11, 1899, page 3 Notice.
I will examine eyes free of charge Thursday of each week.
E. MAE ELWOOD, Optician.
Kalona News, Kalona, Iowa, December 15, 1899, page 9
E. Mae Elwood will offer her entire stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Glassware, Queensware, Lamps, etc. at auction, commencing Monday afternoon, Feb. 12, and continuing every afternoon and evening until sold. Sales begin at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Twenty-five valuable presents will be given to the first twenty-five ladies arriving at the store every afternoon and evening. See cards and handbills. "Local News," Kalona News, Kalona, Iowa, February 9, 1900, page 5 East Medford Precinct Elmer D. Elwood, 34, jeweler, born July 1865 in Mich., father born Mich., mother N.Y. Lucy A. Elwood, 29, born Sept. 1870 in Ore., parents born in Mo. Loyd R. Elwood, 8, born Jan. 1892 in Ore. Homer L. Elwood, 6, born Mar. 1894 in Ore. U.S. Census, enumerated June 13, 1900 Mrs. E. D. Elwood and children and her brother, Oral Burnett, are up at Ranch de Elwood, on Elk Creek. Mr. Elwood has his place very nicely arranged for a summer home--and the main guy of that household will be enjoying its pleasures inside of a few weeks--the notion has commenced bothering him now. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 13, 1900, page 6 ![]() Medford Mail, December 7, 1900 E. D. Elwood:--"I'm enjoying a good business. My trade is better right now than it has ever been at this season any previous year since I have been in business here. Not only is my business here at home growing, but I am doing a little business with out-of-town people. On Monday I sent a $10 ring to Sweden, and the same day I sold a $50 gold watch to a Siamese, at Singapore, India. The price of the watch in United States money was equal to about $112 in India money. No, I never carried as large a stock of goods before, but my trade of previous years warrants it." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 2 Elwood, the jeweler, is again at the front with an elegant line of jewelry, watches, etc. for the holidays. Don't fail to examine his stock and ascertain prices. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 17, 1900, page 3 Jeweler Elwood is one of those fellows who can see an opportunity to advance his interests, and is endowed, also, with the ability to grasp such opportunities when they occur. He is now branching out into the stock business. At the present time he has twenty-five head of stock on his Elk Creek ranch, and intends adding to the number as fast as possible. There is not an industry on the Pacific coast which will ensure better returns than the stock business. Mr. Elwood realizes it and wisely intends to reap some of the benefits to be derived therefrom. We wish him abundant success. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 7 E. D. Elwood visited his Elk Creek stock ranch this week. Mr. Elwood is interesting himself in stock raising. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 Jeweler Elwood is engaged in making some extensive and substantial improvements in his pleasant South C Street home. An addition to the residence will be built on the south side, and the arrangement of the house generally altered to meet this architectural idea. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris arrived in Medford Wednesday for a few days' visit with jeweler Elwood and family. Mrs. Harris is a sister of Mr. Elwood. Mr. H. is a government sawyer and engineer and is en route from Teko, Idaho, to a government reservation in Arizona, to which place he has been transferred by the government. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 Jeweler E. D. Elwood has rented, for a term of five years, a piece of ground 15x40 feet in size from J. E. Bodge and C. W. Palm and will next Monday commence the erection of a one-story brick building thereon. The building will cover all of the leased land and will be used by Mr. Elwood for a jewelry store. It is a very desirable location, and a very pretty little store will be arranged. W. E. Macauley, the tamale man, will vacate the adjoining property, and the present occupants of the Elwood site, Geo. Kurtz and B. N. Butler, will move their places of business to the site of the tamale stand. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has leased the ground where McCauley's tamale stand stood, of Palm & Bodge, and will immediately put up a neat brick building. He has already torn away the frame structure. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7 E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has the new brick building about completed and will move to his new store in about ten days. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1901, page 3 Jeweler E. D. Elwood this week received from Portland a fine, large fireproof safe. His new building will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. Elwood proposes to have one of the neatest jewelry stores in Southern Oregon. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 10, 1901, page 6 ![]() Medford Mail, May 24, 1901 "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 24, 1901, page 7 ![]() Elwood's brick building on East Main. The next summer it was incorporated into the Palm-Bodge block. Jeweler E. D. Elwood is over at Yreka, Calif. this week, with his high-stepping roadster. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 6 Mrs. L. L. Jacobs and Mrs. E. D. Elwood, accompanied by their children, visited on Applegate Wednesday, and were the guests of Mrs. R. J. Cameron and her daughter, Miss Bernice. The best time made in the match race at Yreka, Calif. last week, between Pendleton & Hamilton's Tintoretta and Elwood's Tybalt racer, was 2:32½. The former won a heat in a race the day before in 2:25½, however. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 4 The match race between E. D. Elwood's 4-year-old pacer, by Tybalt, and J. C. Pendleton's Tintoretta, which took place at Yreka on the 3d, was won in two straight heats by the latter, in fair time. The former's hopples broke during the last trial. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 7 Jeweler E. D. Elwood and family left Wednesday for a month's stay up at their ranch on Trail Creek. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 6 E. D. Elwood and family left Wednesday for Trail Creek. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1901, page 18 Jeweler Elwood and family returned Wednesday from their several weeks' camping at the homestead on Elk Creek "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 Merchant Jno. Van Dyke and jeweler Elwood left yesterday for a several days' hunt up on Elk Creek. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 6 F. M. Wilson and E. D. Elwood left Saturday evening for Harrisburg, where they shot China pheasants for a couple of days. Mr. Wilson is in attendance at a meeting of the state grand lodge, K. of P., which is in session at Portland this week .He is a delegate from Talisman Lodge No. 31, of Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 6 J. D. Heard has purchased jeweler Elwood's Altamont pacer "Black Jack." The price paid was $300, and the purchase was made for Thomas Thompson, a wealthy contractor of San Francisco, to which place the horse was shipped Wednesday. The horse is quite speedy, having paced in less than 2:20. Mr. Thompson will keep him for a driving horse. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6 Oral Burnett left Tuesday morning for Portland, at which place he will be employed for several months in a jewelry factory. Ora has been working at the jewelry business for some time in this city under the tutorage of his brother-in-law, jeweler E. D. Elwood, and has acquired quite a knowledge of the business, but before he can become an adept he must serve an apprenticeship in a factory. He is a very bright young gentleman and a genial good fellow, and The Mail hopes he will be successful in every effort. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 6 Jeweler E. D. Elwood has added new beauty to his fine home, corner South C and Ninth streets, by putting up a very tasty lawn fence. The value and added beauty to a home by the planting of shade trees around it is very much in evidence at Mr. Elwood's place. There are large, beautiful black walnut trees growing on two sides, and when their foliage shuts out the hot sun rays in midsummer this place is envied by many. More [of] our good townspeople could enjoy these same comforts if they would plant shade trees. Aside from being a comfort, they add materially to the beauty of our city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 7 Dr. Shearer, Harry Howard, E. D. Elwood and Prof. Narregan are at Squaw Lake on a fishing expedition. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1902, page 1 Mrs. E. D. Elwood and children left Tuesday for Colestin, where they will camp at that resort for a month. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 25, 1902, page 6 Mrs. E. D. Elwood and her children are passing the heated term at Colestin. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 31, 1902, page 7 Dr. J. E. Shearer, attorney L. C. Narregan, jeweler E. D. Elwood and Ed Van Dyke left last Saturday for a ten days' hunting trip into the Elk Creek country. From Elk Creek they will go by pack train thirty miles north to Fish and Wizard lakes, in the Umpqua country. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6 Fred Luy has rented one of the rooms in the new Palm-Bodge block and will move his tonsorial parlors thereto just so soon as the room is ready for occupancy. The other first-floor rooms will be occupied by J. Court Hall, the Coss Piano House, Postal Telegraph Co., B. N. Butler and E. D. Elwood. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 7 J. E. Enyart and E. D. Elwood were at Roseburg this week, to participate in the tournament of the Roseburg Gun Club. They did some excellent shooting. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 16, 1902, page 2 Mrs. M. S. Elwood and daughters, of Albia, Iowa, arrived in Medford last week and are going to make this place their future home. Mr. M. S. Elwood is expected to arrive the latter part of this week. He is a brother of our good townsman, jeweler E. D. Elwood. He is a jeweler and optician, but expects to follow only the optical business here. The gentleman intended to start from Iowa for Medford last April, but a short time before starting he met with an accident which nearly cost him his life, and deferred his coming until now. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 6 E. D. Elwood--"No, Enyart and I didn't carry off all the purses at the Roseburg shoot, though we managed to be along near the front row most of the time. Enyart captured one first money, and I got third in another match. We were in pretty fast company, and I consider we did very well. We were treated fine and had a royal good time." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 7 E. D. Elwood and F. M. Wilson, who attended the grand lodge of the K. of P., have returned. They were accompanied to Portland by their wives.. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 23, 1902, page 1 Merton Elwood, of Albia, Iowa, arrived in Medford last Sunday, and expects to make his make someplace in the valley. He is a brother of our good townsman, E. D. Elwood. He is a jeweler and optician and will endeavor to find a location for his business in some nearby town, presumably at Grants Pass. His family is also here, having preceded him by a couple of weeks. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 6 From now on I will carry a complete stock of musical instruments, strings, etc. E. D. Elwood. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 7, 1902, page 7 M. E. Elwood has been visiting his brother, E. D. Elwood. He is also a jeweler, and will engage in business at Grants Pass. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1902, page 2 Jeweler Elwood and C. W. Palm have recently purchased fifty-five acres of the old Enoch Walker place and will cut it up into smaller tracts and offer it for sale. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 From now on I will carry a complete stock of musical instruments, strings, etc. E. D. Elwood. A fresh new stock of violins, guitars, banjos, mandolins, cases, strings, etc., at Elwood's. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 7 Medford Elects Citizens Ticket.
Or., Jan. 13.--(Special.)--The city election here today resulted in the
selection of the Citizens nominees. The councilmen elected are: E. D.
Elwood, first ward; Ivan Humason, second ward, and John G. Van Dyke,
Jr., third ward. Charles Strang was unanimously elected Treasurer.
For Recorder, J. E. Toft, the present incumbent, defeated James Stewart, the independent candidate, by two votes. The councilmen elected have been placed in office upon the contention that the city must have a good service of water, electric lights and better streets. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 14, 1903, page 5 ![]() Elwood's clock (and awning) on East Main, 1903
Jeweler E. D. Elwood received his long-expected automobile Thursday morning and he is now employed in hitching the machine up and working it into harness. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, May 1, 1903, page 6 This was Medford's first automobile. ![]() The inscription on this early snapshot identifies it as "E. D. Elwood's Baldner Car year 1903
first car in Medford." Photo courtesy Ken Kantor collection. Jeweler E. D. Elwood has invested in suburban real estate to the extent of forty acres, he having traded to C. M. Allen his residence property in Medford for forty acres of the Jesse Wilson tract just south and west of Medford. The considerations in the deal are $1900 for the residence property and $3200 for the forty acres of farm property, the difference of $1300 having been paid Mr. Allen in cash. The tract of land secured by Mr. Elwood lies fronting the east and is across the road from the J. H. Stewart place, formerly owned by Asa Fordyce. That beautiful grove of oak trees which have for these many years been the envy of all passersby is included in the tract, and in it Mr. Elwood expects, at some future time, to erect a fine dwelling house. He will build a temporary residence on the place next spring and will move his family thereto at that time. Mr. Elwood will at once sow the most of the tract to alfalfa. Mr. Allen has already disposed of his residence property in Medford to J. E. Roberts. This deal was made through the Palm-York real estate agency. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 18, 1903, page 5 Jeweler Elwood:--"I'm ranching now, on the place I purchased out by the old fairgrounds. I'm putting up some necessary buildings, and intend to make a fine place out of it. Say, I've more squirrels to the square inch on that place than there is anywhere else in the valley. Bruiser runs himself to death, nearly, trying to catch them. But I'm going to change that, and in a year or two I'll be raising something besides squirrels on that patch of ground." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 2, 1903, page 1 E. D. Elwood:--"You fellows will have to stop cracking that hoary joke about the likeness between my automobile and the girl's young man, because I've received a new engine for it, and as soon as I get it placed in position I'll show you that it will go." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 1 E. D. Elwood left Tuesday evening for Sacramento and other California points. "Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 6, 1903, page 22 Jeweler E. D. Elwood and family will leave Medford this week for Chico, Calif., where they expect to reside, Mr. Elwood having decided to engage in the optical and jewelry business in that city. Ora Burnett, a brother of Mrs. Elwood, will accompany them to their new home. Mr. Elwood and his family have resided in Medford for a number of years, and have made a great many friends in the social whirl of Medford's society, and Mr. Elwood has been a prominent factor in all business matters appertaining to our town's good. The Mail regrets their departure; still we are going to be generous enough to wish them success in their new home, even though Medford loses by their going. M. S. Elwood, a brother of E. D., who has been in the jewelry and optical business in Grants Pass, will move his stock of goods to Medford and will occupy the room made vacant by "our" Mr. Elwood. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 1, 1904, page 5 Medford,
Oregon, May 25th, 1904.
E. D. Elwood,
Chico, California.
Dear Doctor: Some of the people of this city having heard that you were
intending to remove from your present location, and thinking that it
might be of interest to you to know something about this section and
the city of Medford, the undersigned take this method of giving you some
information that may have an influence to cause you to locate at this
place. Medford has a population of ten thousand or less, counting men,
women, children, dogs, cats and bedbugs; it is surrounded by a high
grade of air (not hot), the most pleasant feature about which is that
the air is free, which we think is a great inducement to settlers; the
water of the city is, so we are informed, good to drink, but not having
used it for that purpose we cannot vouch for the latter proposition,
and possibly this would not interest you anyway, there being several
places in the city where the wayfarer may quench his thirst in a manner
more pleasing to our taste, and possibly to yours. This is an ideal
country for automobiling, but this may not interest you at this time;
there are different kinds of lodges in this city, also several
churches, and electric lights and a rock crusher and road roller. The
electric lights have a way of going out at times, giving some annoyance
to some of the people, but this is counterbalanced by the joy it gives
to parties who may be out for a moonlight stroll, or rather a stroll in
the darkness, the latter condition being a source of deep satisfaction
to some of the undersigned. The business for oculists in this section
is very good, and if you could devise glasses that would prevent people
from seeing their neighbors' faults, you would certainly confer a boon
on mankind, though they might not sell well here. This is a great fruit
country, Doctor, apples being our delight, caused doubtless by the
kindness of the fruit growers furnishing the city with apples that have
not shed their worms, thus giving us fruit and flesh at the same
purchase. Alfalfa is a leading, profitable branch of agriculture in
this section, and those who have alfalfa land and have learned to eat
the hay are making large sums of money. There is lots of money here,
and one can readily borrow all that he needs by putting up two dollars
in cash for security for each dollar that he wishes to borrow. We
forgot to mention that there was a post office in the city where you
can buy stamps; also telephones. The city ordinances are most liberal,
as they allow a man to swear with freedom and fluency if he locks
himself up in a room where no one can hear him. Any further information
that we can furnish you we will gladly do C.O.D., hoping this is
satisfactory, and to see you among us soon we are sending you herewith
our distinguished consideration.
[signed] Fred Luy--city father Who tenders the keys of the city W. F. Isaacs You bet Ivan Humason Sure thing W. L. Cameron I guess yes B. I. Stoner A convert Jno. N. Butler ) The twins F. W. Hollis ) Chas. Prim The judge F. M. Wilson Who knows M. F. McCown An apt student M. Elwood Learning J. E. Bodge Only a fisherman M. Purdin A child of misfortune Thanks to Ken Kantor for a copy of the original letter. E. D. Elwood and family and Ora Barnett returned to Medford Saturday from Chico, Calif., where Mr. Elwood has been engaged in the jewelry business for several months past. The weather was too hot down there to suit them, and they will henceforth and for all time to come be residents of Oregon. Mr. Elwood may engage in business again in Medford, if he can find something that will suit. Their many Medford friends are glad of their return--and we all want them to stay. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 17, 1904, page 1 On Monday of this week a deal was completed by which E. D. Elwood and his family became residents of Medford for some time to come. The deal was the sale of a one-half interest in the fixtures, furniture and business of the Hotel Nash by C. C. Ragsdale to Mr. Elwood. The formal transfer will take place July 1st, but at the present time Mr. Elwood is de facto half owner of the hotel. Mr. Elwood's many friends in Medford, who regretted his departure last fall, are now feeling correspondingly gratified that he has returned once more to engage in business in Medford. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 24, 1904, page 5 Miss E. M. Elwood left Thursday morning for Medford, where she will continue business with her father. "Our Personal Column," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 7, 1904, page 3 Mrs. M. H. Martin, living south and west from Medford, was awarded the prize by jeweler Elwood for writing the words "Drs. M. & E. M. Elwood, scientific opticians, Medford, Oregon" on an ordinary postal card the greatest number of times. The number of times these words were written was 889. The next highest contestant was Mrs. N. C. Gunn, she having written the words 630 times. The prize given was an eight-dollar pair of eyeglasses. In all probability there is not anyone who will try to beat this record. Think of it! 889 times, and then again, there are 8890 words and initial letters, and still again, there are 40,005 letters. This has undoubtedly closed the postal card contests, but the firm will probably think up some other advertising scheme which will be equally interesting. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5 Everett S. Elwood of Ann Arbor and Homer Elwood of Lansing spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, Mrs. I. N. Elwood. "Social and Personal," Flint (Mich.) Journal, November 28, 1904, page 3 E. D. Elwood, for several years past conducting a jewelry store in Medford, but recently in the hotel business in that place, has moved with his family to Portland. "Our Personal Column," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 1, 1904, page 3 G. R. Bullis arrived in Medford this week from Portland and will make Medford his future home. He is an expert laundryman and will have charge of Mr. Elwood's laundry here when it is ready to do business. He has been employed in the U.S. laundry at Portland for a number of years and comes to Mr. Elwood with the very best of recommendations. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 4 E. D. Elwood Tuesday received a lot of machinery to be installed in his steam laundry. Mr. Elwood is doing a whole lot of repairing and renovating in the building he purchased from A. J. Stewart [lots 15 and 16, block 20--41-45 South Front--northeast corner Eighth and Front] and is now about ready to commence the installation of the machinery. He intends to put in the latest pattern of laundry machinery and will be in position to do first-class work in that line. No need after the Medford Laundry commences operations to send your work outside. You can have it done at home as well or better. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 5 The Medford Steam Laundry commenced doing business Monday morning. This is the best-equipped laundry south of Salem--and there are none better than it in the state. Mr. Elwood, the proprietor, is turning out a good bit of work this week--not as much, however, as he will be able to after the machinery gets to working smoothly and the new help understands better the requirements of the institution. Right here the Mail is going to say, for Mr. Elwood, that patrons of the laundry must not expect too much of it in the quality of work for a few weeks. Under the present arrangement of the laundry apartment it is absolutely necessary that the finished work be kept, until delivery is made, in the room where the washing is done and where there is a great amount of steam, and as a result the starched goods are not what they should be or what they will be when other arrangements are made. The rooms fronting on D Street are owned by Mr. Elwood and just so soon as Mr. Theiss, the present occupant of the rooms, is enabled to move to his new quarters, one of these rooms will be used for a storage and delivery room. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 10, 1905, page 5 The Medford Steam Laundry is enjoying a constantly increasing business and Mr. Elwood has found it necessary to order an additional mangle. Heretofore, while things were being shaped up, no attempt was made to secure work from outside towns. This week, however, work is being secured from Jacksonville, and it is only a matter of a short time when the bulk of the laundry work in Medford and surrounding towns will be done here. Very little work is sent outside from Medford now. It is gratifying to announce these facts. It shows an appreciation by the people of Mr. Elwood's enterprise, and that the laundry is doing work of first-class quality. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 7, 1905, page 5 Jeweler Elwood has purchased a lot on South [Central], near Charlie Cranfill's new residence, and now has carpenters at work building a dwelling thereon. The main building will be 24x24 feet in size, with two annexes, one 16x24 and one 12x16. A. S. Moyer is doing the carpenter work. Mr. Elwood will move his family thereto as soon as the dwelling is completed. This is another case of build or live in a tent. Medford dwelling houses which may be had for rent are becoming an article that do be mighty scarce. "City Happenings," Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1905, page 5 E. D. Elwood and family were occupying their new home on East Seventh Street. "East Medford Items," Medford Mail, February 23, 1906, page 8 E. D. Elwood:--"Yes, this makes a pretty good place for business, and it was very kind of Crystal & Morey [grocers] to let me in. Oh, I have no idea how long they will allow me to stay--until I can get some good place elsewhere, I hope. It seems to me that a mistake is being made in Medford by there not being built more buildings for rent. Well, as far as the matter of rent is concerned there would undoubtedly be a slump, but there are a few of us renters who could stand a slight slough and not be injured." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, June 29, 1906, page 1 E. D. Elwood, by letter from Oakland, Calif.:--"You made a little mistake when you made mention of my coming to Oakland. I am not going to remain here longer than I can get a building in which to do business in Medford. I have the promise of one in the spring, and I will then come back and occupy it. There was no use in lying around Medford waiting, so I decided to come here and earn $5 a day--while I wait, as it were. I am head watch inspector in one of the largest establishments in the city, and while I am doing this I am catching on to new kinks in advertising and window displaying. You may say that I intend returning to Medford in the spring. All the property I have is there, and I am not going to let go now when everything is looking so bright with the good old town." "Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, November 30, 1906, page 1 Jeweler M. Elwood is preparing to move from the Palm-Niedermeyer block to the building recently vacated by the Jackson County Bank, and jeweler E. D. Elwood is making ready to move from the Morey & Burdick store to the room to be vacated by M. Elwood, in the Palm-Niedermeyer block--sort of a Virginia Reel shift as it were--inside here and outside there; one brother change here, another brother change there. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 29, 1907, page 5 Elwood, the Medford agent for the Lambert machines, came over last Friday with three of his cars, looking for business, but as yet he has reported no sales. "A Brief Record of Local Events," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 10, 1908, page 5 ![]() From The Sketch, Sept. 14, 1907
Lumber has been placed on the ground for use in constructing a fine
two-story home for jeweler E. D. Elwood in Whitman Park. The building
will be two stories high, and Mr. [R. W.] Gray expects to soon have men
at work on the building..
"Contractor Gray Busy," Medford Mail, October 16, 1908, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail, March 6, 1908 "A Brief Record of Local Events," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 10, 1908, page 5 Alva Hammond, formerly of Medford, but late on his timber claim on Evans Creek, has moved his family to Medford and occupies the Elwood residence in North Medford. "North Medford Notes," Medford Mail, May 14, 1909, page 3 Lloyd Elwood returned home from Butte Falls Sunday evening, walking all the way and incidentally breaking the records for the walk, making the 39 miles in less than eight hours. Medford Daily Tribune, July 6, 1909, page 8 E. D. Elwood is now occupying his new residence on South Central Avenue, for which he recently exchanged his Whitman Park property. "Social and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 12, 1909, page 5 ELWOOD & BURNETT
is getting to be the home of rich men, and this being so, it is the
most natural thing that dealers in diamonds and other precious stones,
jewels, etc., should be well represented. Twelve years ago Elwood Bros.
established the pioneer business in this line, and four years ago they
were succeeded by Messrs. E. D. Elwood and O. N. Burnett. They carry a
complete stock of diamonds, watches, clocks, jewelry and silverware and
make a specialty of repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, etc. They do
diamond setting and engraving and all kinds of optical work in fitting
glasses. Their sales room is replete with the most costly and beautiful
articles, the finest jewelry in gold and silver designs and in every
way show themselves to be complete masters of their craft. Mr. Elwood
is a member of the Masonic order and the Elks and was on the city
council for three years. No one stands higher in public esteem in
Medford than Messrs. Elwood and Burnett.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 5 Following is a list of the registered optometrists of Oregon: . . . Elmer D. Elwood, Mae Elwood and Merton Elwood, Medford. . . . "Oregon Out of Experimental Class," The Optical Review, February 1910, page 59 135 South Central Avenue, South Medford Precinct Elmer D. Elwood, 42, jeweler, born in Mich., father born Mich., mother N.Y. Lucy A. Elwood, 39, born in Ore., parents born in Mo. Loyd R. Elwood, 18, salesman in piano house, born in Ore. Homer L. Elwood, 16, born in Ore. Coral M. Burnett, 25, brother-in-law, born in Wash., parents born in Mo. U.S. Census, enumerated April 23, 1910 Mrs. M. Elwood of Central Point returned on Thursday from a five weeks' visit with friends in Fresno, Cal. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Robert Long of Coldwater, Michigan, who has also been visiting at various points in California. Mrs. Long will spend a couple of weeks here before returning to her Michigan home. "Central Point Items," Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1910, page 12 See Elwood's line of pure perfumes. Elwood has a fine display of postal cards. "Local and Personal," Central Point Herald Supplement, June 23, 1910 CYCLE RACER BADLY HURT
Medford Youth Runs Off Track Trying to Beat Record. MEDFORD,
Or., July 26.--(Special.)--Going at a high rate of speed, Frank
Emerick, 21 years old, was hurled from his motorcycle at the racetrack
yesterday and badly injured. At the hospital it was found that large
splinters of bone were taken from his side, but despite the pain the
boy refused to take opiates.
The accident was the result of a tryout of a new machine which Emerick and Homer Elwood, 17 years old, had just received. Elwood had made a half mile in 48 seconds, but the best that Emerick could do was 55. In trying to beat the record he sent the machine around the worst curve in the track with full power on, and it shot off the course at a tangent and hit the rails of the Pacific & Eastern Railroad. The boy fell on a rail on his side. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 27, 1911, page 17 Elwood Elmer D, optician 301 E Main, res 135 S Central av Polk's Jackson County Directory 1912, page 60 Mrs. Laura Kammerer, of Portland, is visiting in Medford with her sister, Mrs. E. D. Elwood, and family. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1912, page 2 O. M. Burnett and Mrs. May Grant were married at the home of E. D. Elwood on Saturday, September 28, 1912, Rev. Goulder officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett will leave soon for Prescott, Ariz. where they will reside. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1912, page 2 NOTICE.
This is to inform you that I have purchased the optical business and
grinding plant of Dr. J. G. Goble and am now prepared to test and fit
your eyes and grind your lenses. We have the most complete and
up-to-date optical parlor south of Portland and the only grinding plant
between Portland and Sacramento. We grind our own lenses, so you can
have your glasses soon after fitting and not be compelled to wait five
or six days for them. We can also duplicate your broken glasses. All we
require is a piece of the broken lens.
The lenses and frames we use are the best that can be procured, our prices are reasonable and our guarantee is good, as we are permanently located in Medford. We can also give you the benefit of seventeen years' practice in optometry. We would be pleased to see all of Dr. Goble's old customers as well as many new ones. Yours very truly, E. D. ELWOOD,
301 East Main St. Opposite Kentner'sDoctor of Optometry. Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1912, page 8 Married.
ELWOOD-JOHNSON--In Medford May 3, 1913, Lloyd Elwood and Hazel Johnson.
The young couple will make their home in this city, where they have
many friends who wish them well.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1913, page 6 E. D. Elwood and his family are at home again from an auto trip to Crater Lake. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1913, page 4 ![]() April 11, 1915 Sunday Oregonian Elwood-Gustafson.
At the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gustafson, on upper Granite Street, on last
Thursday, Mr. Homer Leon Elwood and Miss Anna Florence Gustafson were
united in marriage by Rev. Douglass. Mr. Elwood is one of Medford's
growing young business men, being now engaged in the electrical
business there. Miss Gustafson is one of Ashland's popular young
ladies. She has been engaged at Medford for the past two years as
operator at the telephone office. The happy young couple will make
their home at Medford.Ashland Tidings, April 9, 1917, page 4 ![]() The
letter worked--Dr. Elwood poses before his office at 135 South Central,
today's Yellow Submarine Sandwich Shop. His home, at left, is Medford's oldest building (and first school), built in early 1884.
135 South Central Avenue, Medford Precinct 8
Elmer D. Elwood, 42, optician, born in Mich., parents born Mich. Lue Elwood, 39, born in Ore., parents born in Mo. U.S. Census, enumerated January 2, 1920 225 South Riverside Avenue, Medford Precinct 8 Lloyd R. Elwood, 27, automobile salesman, born in Ore., father born Mich., mother Ore. Hazel Elwood, 25, born in Ore., parents born in Ia. U.S. Census, enumerated January 3, 1920 43 Orange Street, Medford Precinct 5 Homer Leroy Elwood, 26, electrician, born in Ore., father born Mich., mother Wash. Hazel Elwood, 25, born in Wash.., parents born in Sweden Doreen A. Elwood, 1 3/12, born in Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated January 10, 1920 FUNERAL NOTICES.
ELWOOD--In this city, Dec. 17, Mrs. Henrietta Morton Elwood, aged 73
years, late of 1528 East Tenth Street N., beloved wife of Dr. Merton
Elwood, mother of Mrs. Pierce Riggs of this city. Funeral services will
be conducted today (Saturday) at 1:30 p.m. from the Adventist
Tabernacle, corner of 6th and Montgomery streets. Friends invited.
Interment Rose City Park Cemetery. The remains are at Pearson's
Undertaking Parlors, Russell St. at Union Ave.
Oregonian, Portland, December 18, 1920, page 14 DEATH BLAME IS PLACED
MEDFORD AUTO SALESMAN ACCUSED OF FATALITY. Lloyd Elwood Is Arrested as Result of Fred R. Hartzell Being Run Down and Killed. MEDFORD, Or.,
Dec. 5.--(Special.)--A coroner's jury today placed the blame on Lloyd
Elwood, Medford automobile salesman, for the automobile accident in
which Fred R. Hartzell of Eugene, well-known traveling salesman for the
United States Rubber Company, was killed on the Pacific Highway near
Medford at 3 a.m. Sunday. Elwood was arraigned this afternoon in
Justice of the Peace Taylor's court on the charge of manslaughter. His
bail was fixed at $5000, pending a preliminary hearing tomorrow. Bail
was furnished by E. D. Elwood, father of the accused man, and Benjamin
J. Trowbridge, prominent Medford citizens.
The verdict was as follows: "That said Fred Hartzell came to his death on December 4 by being struck by an automobile driven by one Lloyd Elwood, who did not use ordinary caution nor observe the traffic laws of the state of Oregon." Hartzell and E. B. Gabriel, a traveling salesman for the DuPont Powder Company, were returning to Medford at 3 a.m. Sunday from a country dance when their car became stalled, slightly to the left of the center of the road, and Hartzell got out to the left side to see if the gasoline tank was empty and was walking in the highway at the right-hand side of the rear end of the car when Elwood's car came up from behind and struck him. Hartzell was hurled 35 or 40 feet away. Death was practically instantaneous. Gabriel claims he shouted twice at the passing car to stop, but it kept on speeding away. Elwood, who was rounded up last night by Deputy State Motor Traffic Officer McMahon and questioned by the district attorney, is almost on the verge of collapse. Elwood and his two companions in the car, Thomas Rouse and John Corum, also of Medford, assert that they thought their car had struck a dog and that therefore when they stopped several hundred feet away they decided not to return to the scene of the accident. Oregonian, Portland, December 6, 1921, page 5 YOUNG AUTOIST INDICTED
Lloyd Elwood of Medford to Answer Manslaughter Charges. MEDFORD,
Or., March. 18.--(Special.)--Lloyd Elwood, well-known young Medford
man, today was indicted by the Jackson County grand jury on a
manslaughter charge. His car struck and fatally injured Fred Hartzell
of Eugene, traveling salesman, late one night last December while
returning home from a dance at Kingsbury Springs, where Hartzell had
stopped his own car on the Pacific Highway to adjust his rear lights.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 19, 1922, page 18 JURY FAILS TO AGREE IN ELWOOD CASE
The jury in the trial of Lloyd Elwood, charged with manslaughter as the
result of an auto accident on the Pacific Highway near Voorhies last
December, was discharged Friday night at 6 o'clock after 33 hours
deliberation when they were unable to agree. The vote, it is reported,
stood nine to three for acquittal throughout and the nine men who voted
for acquittal were so firmly convinced of the innocence of the
defendant that they expressed a desire to continue their efforts to
reach an agreement.After Longest Deliberation in 12 Years, Jury Discharged by Court--New Trial Is Uncertain--Youthful Yeggs Get Five Years Each--R. E. Johnson Paroled. The jury remained out longer than any jury in the last 12 years, and made but two requests during their long vigil--once to know if they could have the evidence read, if they desired, and another for water. It is not likely that the case will be retried, according to court house gossip, but no definite action has been taken. Circuit Judge F. M. Calkins discharged the jury till next Wednesday. Medford Mail Tribune, May 27, 1922, page 1 The auto race, free-for-all, for local cars, was won by Perry Ashcraft driving Homer Elwood's Essex in 21 min. 47 sec. The distance traveled was 22½ miles. Clark Walker in a Maxwell took second and Johnson in an Allen took third, while Walter Jennings driving Goodie's Ford "Pop Gates" was dropped into fourth place as a result of throwing a tire. The cars lined up in front of the grandstand at the start, and as the drivers got the signal the motors roared and a fight for the pole began between the Essex and the Ford. The Ford showed superior acceleration for the first few yards but was left behind when he shifted from low to high, the Essex remaining in second until he had reached a speed of about 50 miles per hour. The Maxwell took second place soon after the start, and the Ford endeavored to pass Walker for three laps, finally succeeding and crowding up into second place. Soon after gaining second place Jennings' car threw a rear tire on the northwest turn. An entire lap was made on the rim while pit men were getting ready for the change, which was made in less than a minute. Had it not been for the tire trouble Goodie's car would have easily captured second place, and might have pressed the Essex for first. As it was, the Essex was not compelled to exert any strenuous effort after the first four laps, although the average for the 22½ miles was slightly better than 50 miles per hour. "All Records for Crowds in Southern Oregon Broken by Attendance at Fair Medford Day; Races Thrilling," Medford Mail Tribune, September 15, 1922, page 8 ANOTHER DE LUXE VICTORY
Homer Elwood's Essex car driven by Perry Ashcraft won first place in
each event in Saturday's races, making the fastest time ever made on
the Medford track by a car. After three sets of different pistons were
bad in the powerful, high-speed motor, P. F. Close fitted up a set of
De Luxe Dome Head special Essex racing pistons almost at the last hour,
and the car went on to the track without any previous running in. The
motor ran cool and quiet throughout the sixty or more laps around the
track, proving once more that De Luxe Pistons are "very light and very
strong, look inside and you can't go wrong." A large stock of De Luxe
pistons and McQuay-Norris rings are kept at the Riverside Garage, and
P. F. Case says he is stronger for De Luxe now than ever before.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1923, page 2 MAN IS FINED BY MAIL
$10 Check Sent to Cover Charge Under Migratory Bird Act. Guilty and fined $10 by mail was the procedure adopted for E. D. Elwood of Medford in the federal court here yesterday.
The Medford man shot some wild geese while the season was on but made the mistake of keeping them in cold storage. When they were found in his possession a complaint was filed. Keeping wild geese out of season violates the migratory bird treaty act, the law decrees. Yesterday Assistant United States Attorney Stearns received a check for $10 from the offender, and told the court about it. "I guess that's enough," was Judge Bean's answer. Oregonian, Portland, May 27, 1924, page 6 DEATH SUMMONS FATHER OF MRS. A. W. CLEVENGER
Edwin F. Elwood, father of Mrs. A. W. Clevenger, a well-known Hancock
optometrist and esteemed resident of that city, died Wednesday morning
at his home after a short illness. Death was due to heart trouble. Dr.
Elwood had been a resident of Hancock for 22 years and enjoyed a wide
acquaintance and large clientele to whom the news of his untimely death
came as a great shock.
Dr. Elwood was 66 years of age and had been a practicing optometrist and manufacturing optician for the past 43 years. He was born at Blissfield, Michigan, Dec. 14, 1858. He practiced at Grand Rapids and Superior, Wis. before coming to the copper country in 1901. Surviving are his widow, three daughters, Mrs. George Schubert, of Houghton, Mrs. Clevenger and Miss Natalie Elwood, of Hancock, and one son, Charles S. Elwood, of St. Paul. A sister, Mrs. J. Harvey Harris, of Palms, Cal., and two brothers, Dr. Elmer Elwood, of Medford, Ore. and Dr. Merton Elwood, of Portland, Ore., also survive. The funeral was held Friday afternoon and interment was made at Forest Hill, Houghton. The Hancock Lodge, B.P.O.E., had charge of the services. The Wakefield News, Wakefield, Michigan, October 18, 1924, page 1 START RAZING OF WARNER BUILDING
The Warner building, the last wooden building on Main Street, at the
[northeast] corner of Bartlett Street, will soon be no more, as workmen
started this morning to raze the old landmark in order that a new
modern concrete structure may be built in its place by Mrs. Ed Warner.
E. D. Elwood, optician, who has been a tenant for years past, has moved his place of business over the Lamport's Sporting Goods store, while F. L. Bedingfield, who has conducted a confectionery establishment in the same building, will reopen it when the new building has been completed. Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1925, page 6
Dr. E. D. Elwood, optometrist, has moved to his temporary office over Lamport's. 228 E. Main. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1925, page 2 Dr. Elwood Builds Model of Frigate
Dr. E. D.
Elwood, optometrist, 301 East Main Street, has just completed an exact
miniature reproduction of the U.S. frigate "Constitution" (Old
Ironsides), which is now on display in his window at 301 East Main
The Constitution (Old Ironsides) was commissioned in 1798, saw service in the French war, dictated peace to four of the Barbary Corsair states, won a succession of victories in the War of 1812, was in active commission for 84 years. Her principal dimensions are: Length 204 feet, beam 43.5 feet, depth of hold 14 feet 6 inches. Displacement 2,200. Speed 12½ knots. Her crew up to 500. This model represents her as she was in the War of 1812. The scale as used on this model is 1/10 inch to 1 foot on the real ship, taken from government blueprints. Medford Daily News, August 19, 1927, page B1 MANY ADMIRERS OF DR. E. D. ELWOOD'S 'OLD IRONSIDES'
Hundreds of passersby in the business district have for days been
stopping to greatly admire the exact miniature reproduction of the U.S.
frigate Constitution, better known as Old Ironsides, displayed in the show window on Main Street of the E. D. Elwood optometrist establishment.
This work of art, which represents a year's patient work by Dr. E. D. Elwood in his spare time, has hundreds of parts and much carving. The model represents the Constitution as she appeared in the War of 1812, and the scale used in the Elwood construction is 1/10 inch to 1 foot on the real ship, taken from government blueprints. Old Ironsides was commissioned in 1798, saw service in the French war, dictated peace to four of the Barbary Corsair states, won a succession of victories in the War of 1812, was in active commission for 84 years, and in 1882 was made a receiving ship at Portsmouth, N.H. She was towed to Boston in 1897. In 1906 and 1907 she received her third reconditioning. Her principal dimensions are: length 204 ft., beam 43.5 ft., depth of hold 14 ft. 6 in. Displacement 2200. Speed 12½ knots. Her crew was up to 500. Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1927, page 3
![]() Dr. Merton Sherman Elwood, November 30, 1927 Oregonian FUNERAL NOTICES.
ELWOOD--Nov. 27, at his late residence, 1382 Union Ave. N., Dr. Merton
Sherman Elwood, husband of Dora Elwood, Portland; one brother, Elmer
Elwood, Medford, Or. Father of the late Mrs. Etta May Riggs. Funeral
services will be conducted Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 3 p.m. from Pearson's
Funeral Church, 351 Knott St. Friends invited. Interment Rose City
Oregonian, Portland, November 29, 1927, page 20 Dr. M. S. Elwood.
services for Dr. Merton Sherman Elwood, 78, 1382 Union Avenue North,
who died at his home Sunday, will be held at 3 p.m. today in Pearson's
Funeral Church, 315 Knott Street. Interment will be held at Rose City
Cemetery, Rev. C. T. Eversen, Seattle, officiating.
Dr. Elwood was born at Danville, New York, June 1, 1849, and had been a resident of Portland for the past 12 years. For many years he conducted an optometrist's office at 472 Dekum Avenue. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Dora Elwood, Portland, and a brother, Elmer Elwood, Medford, Or. A daughter, Mrs. Mae Riggs, died May 7, 1925, in Portland. Oregonian, Portland, November 30, 1927, page 9 LOCAL MAN FINED FOR HIGHWAY AUTO CRASH
As the result of an auto accident about 6:30 Saturday evening on the
Pacific Highway near the Voorhies crossing, Lloyd Elwood was fined $25
and costs in Judge Taylor's court this forenoon on the charge of
reckless driving, which charge was preferred by State Traffic Officer
Robt. N. Phillips.
There was considerable traffic on the highway at that time and according to the testimony Elwood, who was in a line of cars proceeding toward Ashland, suddenly turned his car out to go around the cars in front of him, causing a collision almost head-on between a car coming this way from Ashland in which were Ralph Koozer and his daughter Ruth, by not giving sufficient clearance. Both Miss Koozer, who was driving, and Elwood immediately applied their brakes, but too late. The cars were damaged in the collision, but no one was hurt beyond sustaining minor bruises and cuts. Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1929, page 3 KILLDEER VISIT MEDFORD
Dry Spell Believed Reason for First Call on City. MEDFORD,
Or., Dec. 2.--(Special.)--For the first time in the memory of the
oldest inhabitant here, killdeer, cousin of the snipe, accustomed to
frequent swamps and wet land, are busy on the lawns of the city.
According to Dr. E. D. Elwood they have been driven from their native haunts by the drought and come to town to hunt worms on the dampened lawns. Oregonian, Portland, December 3, 1929, page 24 MRS. ELWOOD IN COMA FOLLOWING ACCIDENT TO CAR
Mrs. Hazel Elwood, Medford, sustained severe injuries at 6 o'clock this
morning when a light coupe she was driving turned over on a country
road leading from the Elks picnic grounds to the Crater Lake Highway at
Agate station. State Traffic Sergeant C. P. Talent investigated the
crash and said the car skidded and slid 345 feet from the point where
the first skid mark was found.Mrs. Elwood's condition was not thought to be serious this afternoon, although she has been in a semi-conscious condition most of the day. She sustained a long scalp gash and numerous cuts and bruises about the body. A woman was with Mrs. Elwood, but her identity was not learned by the officer. The car Mrs. Elwood was driving was registered to L. C. Conley, Drain, Ore., and is being held at a local garage. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1930, page 3 MRS. ELWOOD DIES FOLLOWING INJURY IN AUTO ACCIDENT
Injuries sustained early yesterday morning in an auto crash on a
country road leading from the Elks picnic grounds to the Crater Lake
Highway resulted fatally for Mrs. Hazel D. Elwood at the Community
Hospital at 11:50 last night. State Traffic Officer C. P. Talent was
continuing an investigation of the crash today and was attempting to
locate a woman who is said to have been riding with Mrs. Elwood when
the car, a light coupe, turned over.The machine was a total wreck and is being held at a local garage for the arrival of finance company representatives from Klamath Falls who are to take the car in charge. It was registered to L. C. Conley, Drain, Ore., but efforts of Officer Talent to locate Conley have been unavailing. The theory on which the officer is working connects Mrs. Elwood with a party that is thought to have been held in a summer home along the river and that she was returning to Medford with her companion. Traveling at a high rate of speed, estimated to have been over 50 miles per hour, the car started to skid and slide, turning over at the end of 345 feet when she applied brakes to halt its careening course. The sudden pressure of the brakes is blamed for the wreck. The coupe turned over several times, lacerating Mrs. Elwood severely on the scalp and fracturing her skull at the same time. Mrs. Elwood was born at Oakland, Ore., and was 34 years of age. Since the death of her husband, the late Lloyd Elwood, she has made her home with her mother, Mrs. Evelyn Johnston, 1211 East Main Street. Services will be Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Conger funeral parlors. Medford Mail Tribune, September 24, 1930, page 5 ACCIDENT INJURY FATAL
Medford Woman Dies; Search for Companion Fruitless. MEDFORD, Or.,
Sept. 24.--(Special.)--Mrs. Hazel D. Elwood died here today from
injuries received yesterday in an automobile wreck near here.
Mystery surrounds the accident. All efforts to locate the woman companion in the car have been fruitless. Mrs. Elwood had been spending the night with friends on the Rogue River and was returning here when the car skidded and overturned. It was registered under the name of L. C. Conley, Drain, Or. He has not been found. Oregonian, Portland, September 25, 1930, page 5 Dr. E. D. Elwood Dr. E. Elwood
has fitted more than 20,000 pairs of glasses here since 1898.
Thirty-two years ago the glasses people wore had very small lenses,
less than half the size of many modern lenses, and a person who wore
glasses was often accused of doing so to be in "style."
The profession of optometry has radically changed since Dr. Elwood first started practicing 32 years ago. Orthogon, or bifocal, or soft-lite or most any of science's greatest standbys now were not dreamed of then. When bifocal lenses first came in they were two pieces of glass cemented together, but now the profession has advanced almost out of recognition. Dr. Elwood predicts that in the near future practically all glasses will be of soft-lite Orthogon, with the new frames which are just coming out. "Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8 Another removal is that of Dr. E. D. Elwood, the optometrist, from the store room at 301 East Main Street, corner of Bartlett, which he occupied for years past, to 135 South Central Ave., a few doors beyond the Montgomery Ward & Co. store. "Local Concerns Change Quarters," Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1931, page 6 DEATH COMES TO DR. ELMER ELWOOD; FUNERAL MONDAY
Dr. E. D.
Elwood, who came to Medford in 1898 and has practiced optometry here
continuously since that time, died Saturday morning at ten o'clock at
his home, 135 South Central Street.
Elmer Dwight Elwood was born July 14, 1867 at Tecumseh, Michigan and was married to Lucy Amelia Burnette at Goldendale, Washington, May 7, 1890. Two children were born to the union, Lloyd Rolland Elwood, deceased, and Homer L. Elwood, of Medford. Dr. Elwood was a charter member of the Medford Elks lodge, the Woodmen of the World and a charter member of the chamber of commerce. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at Perl's funeral parlors with the Rev. E. S. Bartlam, rector of the Episcopal Church, officiating. Interment will be in the Medford I.O.O.F. cemetery. Nick Young, Jonas Wold, Fred Luy, E. W. Winkle, Carl Bowman and Gus Newbury will act as pallbearers. Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1937, page 12 Last
revised September 9, 2024