![]() ![]() Notes on Medford Buildings
Notes on the names and histories
of many of the buildings in Medford, Oregon, past and present.
Listings with National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) numbers are (mostly) extant buildings bearing names assigned in the 1998 NRHP survey of the Medford Downtown Historic District. Non-NRHP buildings are either vanished buildings, buildings outside the downtown historic district, or historic aliases. Names and addresses, as reported in the newspapers, shift easily and occasionally from building to building (or are misreported). Street numbers shift back and forth slightly over time; thus a business listed at 219 West Main in one directory might be at 221 in the next--apparently without moving. Consequently, street numbers reported below are sometmes only roughly accurate. Please don't quote directly from this page; many "quotes" below have been considerably condensed. Most full, unedited sources are easily available online. I've made many assumptions compiling this page; it's a work in progress. Please contact me with errors or additional information. 222 and 234 South Oakdale Northwest corner Tenth and Oakdale Photo, 222 South Oakdale: 2012 Photos, 234 South Oakdale: 2012 2012 Built between 1898 and 1907, demolished February 2015 for yet another parking lot. Walter W. Abbey Building NRHP #327.0 Photos: 1937 1965 1994 227 East Ninth, northwest corner Ninth and Bartlett Walter W. Abbey yesterday received a permit to demolish a building at 146 South Bartlett Street. MT2/19/1937p13 Ground was broken Wednesday morning in construction of the new garage and sales room to be erected by Walter W. Abbey. MN5/28/1937p2 The building was designed by William Laing and contracted for by Elmer and Clem Childers. Actual work was started about June 1. MT9/1/1937pB1 The building, nearing completion, is 100x100 ft., with half the space devoted to a shop, the rest offices and a 40x100-ft. showroom. MT9/1/1937pB4 About 3,500 persons last night attended the formal opening of the new Walter W. Abbey sales and service building at Ninth and Bartlett streets. MT9/3/1937p13 In June 1937, work was commenced on the $35,000 structure housing Walter W. Abbey, Inc., Nash-LaFayette dealers, at Bartlett and Ninth streets. Constructed entirely of white concrete, the building is 100 by 100 feet, one story tall, and one of the most beautiful structures in southern Oregon. Especially beautiful is the spacious sales and show room fronting Ninth Street. Concrete floor space, 100 by 35 feet, is blocked off with huge orange and black checks. Walls and ceiling are of a cream tan finish. MT1/2/1938p6 Courtesy Chevrolet's remodeled building is a modern façade of stucco with a 4-foot scalloped overhang, indirect lighting and all-new window treatment with aluminum framing. MT8/25/1965pB9 Abby's Pizza Photo: 1966 1080 South Riverside Permits have been issued to the Federal Sign and Signal Company to erect a $3,000 sign at 1080 S. Riverside Ave. MT12/1/1965p7 The grand opening of Medford's newest pizza establishment, Abby's Pizza Inn, will be held this weekend, according to owner Abby Broughton. MT5/17/1966p7 Acme Hardware Building NRHP #193.0 Photo: 1949 1 West Sixth, southwest corner Sixth and Evergreen William H. Fluhrer plans to build a concrete building on Sixth Street. Acme Hardware Company will be the tenant. MT10/11/1946p3 The "Sky-Top" will open its doors for the first time at 7:30 pm. Saturday. It will feature a skating surface 70x100 feet. MT9/29/1948p12 The Sky-Top Roller Rink, upstairs in the Acme Hardware building, is this week installing a new maple rink floor. MT4/12/1949p3 Acme Hardware Building II Photo: 1958 245 South Central, northeast corner Tenth and Central The just-completed building was built by contractor Hugh Hile and designed by architect H. E. Mackie. Brick facing decorates the pumice block. MT3/2/1958p5 Adkins Building I 204 East Main, southeast corner Main and Central Subsequently moved to 29 South Central, then 301 South Grape Dr. Adkins and Webb Bros. are putting up a new store building for business in the hardware and grocery line. AT6/13/1884p3 Adkins & Webb's frame building has been removed, and work on their new three-story brick has been commenced. DT8/30/1888p3 The hose cart and fixtures are quartered in Adkins & Webb's old store room on C Street. DT2/12/1892p2 The building was moved to approximately 29 South Central, where it first served as a fire hose house, then as fruit storage. Moved in 1911 to 301 South Grape. The wooden store buildings which were damaged by fire a few weeks ago are being torn down and moved away. MT9/15/1911p4 The frame building now standing on South Central between Main and Eighth is being moved to the northwest corner of Tenth and Grape, where it will be fitted up for business purposes. MT9/19/1911p2 Burned October 22, 1912. JP10/26/1912p4 A proposition was read from B. F. Webb, offering to rent one-half of the old store room on C Street for use of hose cart, hose, etc. for $48. The proposition was accepted, it being the best and cheapest place offered. MM2/4/1892p3 "We ARE carpenters," said "Old Nick," surveying the partially constructed engine house which is being built next to Holtan's tailor shop. SO10/14/1892p3 W. H. Meeker & Co. are figuring on having an extension built on their store building, to extend back to the alley--not enough room in their present quarters. MM11/6/1896p7 Adkins Building II Photos: 1889 1910-11 1934 1935 204 East Main, southeast corner Main and Central aka Althea Hall (upstairs), Adkins & Webb block Adkins & Webb have let the contract for erecting a two-story brick building to S. Childers on the site of their present business place. DT9/23/1887p3 Work has begun on Adkins & Webb's new brick building. DT10/21/1887p2 Work on Adkins & Webb's big brick building will soon begin. DT2/17/1888p2 The stone foundation for Adkins & Webb's new brick building is now being cut. DT8/9/1888p3 Adkins & Webb have moved their stock of hardware into Childers' new brick building, and the carpenters are already at work moving the old building out of the way preparatory to the erection of their new three-story brick store. AT8/10/1888p3 Their old store is being moved, and work on the foundation will be commenced soon. It will be a three-story brick. VR8/16/1888p3 The foundation for Adkins & Webb's new three-story brick is completed, and the brick masons are at work. AT9/14/1888p3 Adkins & Webb's new brick store is under headway and will be completed by Dec. 1st. It will add greatly to the looks of our town. VR9/20/1888p3 Adkins & Webb are fixing to move into their new brick. VR3/14/1889p3 Adkins & Webb are now busy moving into their fine new building. It is one of the finest buildings in the county. AT3/15/1889p3 Medford boasts the only full three-story brick business block in the county--that of Adkins & Webb. Angle & Plymale's building adjacent to it will be of the same height. AT5/24/1889p2 The foundation of the Webb & Adkins new building is nearly completed, and the brick work will begin Monday. AT8/2/1889p3 In the matter of a place to hold meetings of the town board, proposition from Adkins & Webb offering room in their brick building for one year for $42, payable quarterly in town warrants. On motion the proposition was accepted. MM2/4/1892p3 The fire slightly scorched the big Angle & Plymale and Adkins & Webb block at the opposite corner. VR10/20/1892p3 T. E. Daniels is fitting up the Adkins building formerly occupied by the Clean Grocery, and will open about September 1st, with a complete stock of clothing, men's furnishings, etc. MM8/16/1907p2 From all appearances the building seems to be on the verge of collapse; several cracks in the front of the building appear to be widening slowly. A bulging wall on the Central side forced an investigation a few years ago, but it was decided that the wall had been built out of plumb. Now that part of this wall has been torn away to make way for a modern front, the building seems to be sagging. MT6/30/1911p1 It bears no evidence of having a penny spent upon it since its erection. The walls in front and on the side for 20 feet were removed; structural iron posts and beams were used to replace the brick taken out. MT6/30/1911p4 Among the business changes of location about to be made are T. E. Daniels to the Adkins block, corner Central Avenue and Main Street. MT7/23/1911pB1 Weatonka Council No. 20 will be at home in the Odd Fellows old hall, now known as the Eagle Hall, corner Main and Central, third floor. MT3/1/1911p3 For many years the IOOF lodge met in the old Adkins building at the corner of Main and Central, in the upper room now known as Althea Hall. MT5/19/1929p4 W. H. Fluhrer will completely remodel the building on the corner of Main and Central. The Economy Meat Market will be closed. MT8/27/1936p1 In 1936-37 the Adkins Building was consolidated with the Angle Opera House into the Fluhrer Building (q.v.), which burned in 1969. Adkins-Childers Building NRHP #319.0 Photos: circa 1901 circa 1905 circa 1908 226 East Main aka Lamport's Building, Adkins-Deuel Block, F. K. Deuel Building The Leak Advertising Co. painted a wall sign for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine on the Webb-Adkins building's outside east wall in the summer of 1891. The sign is now visible inside the Adkins-Childers Building. A new brick block is soon to be erected between I. A. Webb's and W. H. Meeker & Co.'s stores, and will be built by Dr. B. F. Adkins and Mrs. Dennison, who each own a twenty-five-foot lot. The block will be 50x100 feet, two stories high and of brick. The first floor, of Mrs. Dennison's half, will be occupied by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. and J. W. Lawton's harness shop, each taking twelve feet of the twenty-five. MM9/27/1895p4 The Mail was this week shown the plans for the Adkins and Childers block, as prepared by architect Bennet. Over each store front will be formed a large, substantially built, brick arch, the ends of each resting upon the center and side pillars. On the second floor there will be room sufficient for three sets of offices and one suite of living rooms--over each store. The entire west wall is already built, Dr. Adkins owning one-half interest in the wall erected by I. A. Webb. The principal part of the east wall is also built, a similar state of ownership existing as with Messrs. Adkins and Webb. MM10/11/1895p5 F. M. Poe has the center foundation wall of the Adkins-Childers block built and is now working on the front walls. MM10/18/1895p5 The Adkins-Childers block is being rapidly pushed upward. There is but the front center and part of one side to build, there being no time lost in its construction. MM11/8/1895p5 The Adkins-Childers block is very nearly completed. The first story of the Adkins half is plastered, and floors are now being laid in both lower rooms. Water pipes and fittings have been put in in the upstairs rooms. MT1/17/1896p5f G. L. Webb has moved his Racket Store to his new, large and finely appointed rooms in the Adkins-Deuel block on Seventh Street. Mrs. Sears has also moved her stock of millinery to the same building. MM2/14/1896p5 Mrs. L. J. Sears is inviting the ladies to call upon her in her new, beautiful rooms--just south of the archway in Webb's Racket Store. MM2/21/1896p5 F. K. Deuel, two-story brick store building, 25 feet front and 135 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at contract price of $3750. VR10/29/1896p1 Dr. B. F. Adkins, two-story brick store building, 25 feet front and 135 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $3750. VR10/29/1896p1 Drs. Keene & Burnett have rented a couple or three additional office rooms in the Adkins-Deuel Block and are fitting them up for the use of Mr. Burnett, who is a mechanic as well as an operating dentist. MM10/21/1898p7 Architect Palmer is at work on plans for the remodeling of merchant F. K. Deuel's building, on Seventh Street, the one formerly occupied by Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company. The floor is to be lowered eight inches, bringing it on a level with the sidewalk, a new front of French plate glass is to be put in, and various changes will be made in the interior. A cement walk will be put down in front, and new counters and shelving will be put in preparatory to occupancy by F. K. Deuel & Co.'s dry goods establishment about December 1st. MM8/10/1900p7 Contractor Perry Stewart is at work on a 22x50-foot store house for merchant F. K. Deuel, the same being put up at the rear of his store building. MM8/24/1900p6 Weeks Bros. have been awarded the contract for putting the shelving and counters in the F. K. Deuel building. The work will require about two months' time. MM9/28/1900p6 Perry Stewart:--"How do you like that store front? Isn't it a beauty? If you don't like it I'll tear it out. Well, if it suits you I guess it will suit Mr. Deuel. But, candidly, I want to tell you that that is the most up-to-'datest' store front in Medford." MM12/7/1900p2 The new store is 140 feet in length, well lighted from both front and rear as well as from a large skylight. Altogether Messrs. Deuel & Co. have as pleasant and well appointed business as could be wished for. MM1/4/1901p7 The Medford Mercantile (M.M.) Department Company, formerly W. H. Meeker and Co., has leased the Deuel building. This company now occupies the Adkins Building, one door west, but a demand for more room has made a new location imperative. MT11/2/1912p2 Deuel and Kentner was located at 230 E. Main St. The building is still owned by the Deuel family. It was most recently occupied by Karl's Shoe Store and is now undergoing a remodeling program for a new tenant. MT3/19/1967pB2 William Aitken Plumbing Shop NRHP #63.0 Photo: 1994 28 North Grape W. P. Mealy is having a brick business building erected on his lot on North Grape Street, near West Main. MT1/27/1913p2 Box ball, a new and popular game for ladies, gentlemen and children, has been installed at 28 North Grape Street. MT11/3/1915p4 Pat's Tire Works, 28 North Grape. Call and see us about your tires. MT2/25/1920p4 For years Bill Aitken has been a plumber in this city and has established a wide reputation. His shop is located at 28 North Grape. MT6/9/1928p6 Ladies, get your contract bridge score cards at Commercial Printing Dept. Mail Tribune, 28 North Grape. MT12/17/1933p10 Alamo See Sam Jennings Building Alba Village See Northgate Marketplace Alba Park Gazebo The gazebo was built in 1984 by Herb Gifford and Ralph Finkas. The city plans to demolish it this summer or fall. MT4/1/2022pB1 Albertsons Center West See Jackson Creek Center Alcock Service Station Twelfth and Riverside A new station with three pumps carrying three brands of gasoline will open Saturday. E. M. Alcock will also conduct a tire repair shop. MT2/3/1927p3 Allstate Insurance 716 East Jackson 3-room modern house on pavement; 3 bedrooms and fireplace, laundry trays, electric water heater, hardwood floors. $4000. 716 E. Jackson. MT4/20/1944p11 LARGE living rm. 3 bdrm. older home. Fireplace, wood heater. $85. 716 E. Jackson. SP 3-2259. MT3/9/1962p16 The 12,600-sq.-ft. house was built in 1926 and was a residence until the 1980s, when it was partially turned into a real estate office. MT4/23/2015 Almond Street Apartments Daniel J. Thomas of Pinehurst proposes to build Almond Street Apartments, a 108-unit, 22,290-sq.-ft. complex on 1.23 acres between Almond Street and the Interstate 5 viaduct. MT6/3/2016pB1 Althea Hall See Adkins Building II American Fruit Growers Packing House I South Front American Fruitgrowers plan to immediately erect a packing house on South Front Street. MT6/15/1926p7 Equipped with the latest equipment, the American Fruitgrowers plant directly north of the Medford Pre-Cooling and Storage building on South Front, painted red, is ready to commence its first year in Medford. MT7/16/1926p7 American Fruit Growers Packing House II 213 South Fir, northeast corner Tenth and Fir American Fruitgrowers have started construction on their new $10,000 plant between Ninth and Tenth streets on South Fir. MT5/14/1928p2adv American Fruit Growers Packing House III 213 South Fir, northeast corner Tenth and Fir aka Larson's Appliance Building, Holiday House Trailer Plant Construction of a new two-story packing plant has been started by American Fruit Growers on the site of the old packing plant. MN4/7/1944p1 The new plant is being completed this week. It covers an acre of ground; its two stories are steam heated and air conditioned. MT8/10/1944p10 Completed in August 1944, destroyed by fire June 25, 1946. BG8/1946 A building permit application was made yesterday by the American Fruit Company, Inc. to erect a $132,500 building at 213 South Fir Street. MT2/19/1947p7 Among February's largest permits was that for American Fruit, Inc., 213 South Fir Street, at $132,500. MT1/7/1948p3 The plant of Holiday House, a vacation trailer manufacturing firm, was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. The 260x120-foot former American Fruit Growers warehouse was erected following a fire June 25, 1946. MT6/18/1962p1 A suspected arson fire last August completely destroyed a warehouse which served as storage for Larson's and Blake, Moffitt & Towne Paper Co. MT3/24/1978p3 Grace Point Fellowship will move into the building vacated in September 2014 with the closure of Larson's Home Furnishings. MT5/23/2016p3 Rebelle Home is opening a second location at 10th and Fir streets. MT6/29/2016p7 American Fruit Growers Warehouse Northwest corner Ninth and Fir The Niedermeyers are building a concrete warehouse for American Fruit Growers as a warehouse for their machinery and hardware business. MN8/16/1946p1 American Laundry Building NRHP #11.0 Photo: 1927 130 South Central A fire this morning completely destroyed the American Laundry on South Riverside. The owner, James Slorah, says he will rebuild at once. MT7/25/1922p1 The new building at 138 South Central has been completed, and all is in readiness for the opening on March 5th. MT3/3/1923p3 American Laundry has obtained an $8,000 permit to construct an addition to its plant at 132 South Central Avenue. MT10/17/1950p11 American Legion Hall Various locations At a meeting of the American Legion last night, the post voted to establish permanent quarters in the old Masonic Hall in the M.F.&H. building. MT9/16/1920p5 The local post of the American Legion will use its new hall for the first time Tuesday night; Mr. Swem has just finished the interior decorations. MT10/18/1920p7 American Legion hall, 531 South Riverside Ave. MT8/13/1954p6 Pancake breakfast at the American Legion hall, 404 Walnut St. MT10/24/1961p10 American Linen Photo: 1966 980 Ellen Avenue American Linen is now building a plant which is valued at $435,000. The building will be 30,000 square feet, with all materials and supplies provided by local contractors. MT2/11/1966pB5 American Steel & Supply 2260 Sage Road, northeast corner Sage Road and Charles Way aka Farwest Steel American Steel has moved from Grape Street to a big new building at 2260 Sage Road. The office and warehouse contain 60,000 sq. ft. of space. MT1/7/1964p11 The building was designed by Seibert & Hunter, Medford. Contractors were Graff & James. OR2/16/1964p38 150 prizes will be given away at the open house, Saturday, Feb. 22. The building was designed by Seibert and Hunter. MT2/18/1964p13, MT2/19/1964pB2 Amy & Pottenger Building See Moore Annex-Pottenger Building Anderson & Green Building See Valley Auto Co. Andrews Building See Medford Business College Block Angle & Plymale Building 206 East Main Angle & Plymale talk of putting up a one-story brick at Medford, as a precaution against fire. Insurance rates are quite high in that place. DT10/16/1885p3 Angle & Plymale, of Medford, have bought of D. W. Mathews the lot adjacent to their store property, and intend to put up a two-story brick building. [Mathews' lot was at 210 East Main, the eastern lot of today's Vogel Plaza.] AT10/23/1885p3 Angle & Plymale will soon move to their new brick when they will also increase their already large stock. OS12/26/1885p3 The fire slightly scorched the big Angle & Plymale and Adkins & Webb block at the opposite corner. VR10/20/1892p3 Angle House 609 East Main, moved to 14 Hawthorne Mrs. L. L. Angle and her son O. S. Angle and his wife arrived last Saturday morning from Pennsylvania to join Mr. Angle who has located here permanently. He has a residence in course of erection on the property he purchased of C. Mingus some time ago. VR9/27/1888p3 Sale of their home to H. D. Christensen, who plans to move it to make way for his Nu-Way Dry Cleaning establishment, was announced today by Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Gaddis. MT1/31/1946 Angle Opera House Photos: 1889 circa1900 circa 1911 1910-11 1914 208 East Main aka Angle Block, Nichols and Ashpole Building In the 1889 photo above the Angle Block is the three-story building just east of the Adkins Building. Work on Angle & Plymale's new brick block has commenced. It will be three stories high when completed. VR3/14/1889p3 Angle & Plymale have their brick building ready for the joists, the first story having been completed. AT3/15/1889p3 Work on the new opera house will soon begin in earnest. The brick are being hauled, and everything will be ready before the brick laying begins. AT5/24/1889p2 The brick work on the opera house has reached the top of the third story, and the carpenters are now engaged framing the crosses for the roof. AT8/2/1889p3 The opera house being erected by Angle & Plymale is nearing completion and adds largely to the fine appearance of Main Street. MM9/7/1889p3 The plastering is being put on the lower story of the new opera house, which is to be occupied by Staver & Walker. AT10/25/1889p2 On account of not being properly ventilated the floor in the Dr. Adkins brick building occupied by the Henry Smith store has become rotted and will have to be replaced with a new one before Cranfill & Hutchison open up their new stock of goods. MM6/16/1893p3 The building will be extended back twenty feet, thus giving more room not only to the opera house but in the stores below, occupied by Chas. Strang and F. L. Cranfill. The stage is to be made larger and more complete in its appointments, and galleries will be put in so as to afford more seating space. MM7/25/1902p7
Weatonka Tribe, I.O.R.M., has leased the
Workmen hall in the Angle block for a term of years and is having it
fixed up in elegant shape for a meeting place. MM2/17/1905p3
remodeling of the front of the Angle
building marks the removal of one of the historic stores in
Medford. It was Mr. George W. Williams who built the Angle opera house. MM11/22/1907p5 It was in June 1884 that Angle & Plymale opened a general merchandise store on this site. Later in 1889 a brick building was erected, and for many years William Angle and the late Francis Plymale engaged in general merchandise there. The other half was occupied by Charles Strang as a drug store. Later still, F. L. Cranfill occupied the room and for over 12 years sold goods there. The store front is unique from the fact that the old-fashioned iron doors, such as were in universal use a quarter century ago, are still in place, but are to be removed. Also the window shades still bear the insignia "Angle & Plymale, General Merchandise," a decade or more after the firm passed out of existence. The changes in the front of the old building will make some of the original customers of the store guess as to their probable location in Medford. The room is being fitted up for a moving-picture theater [the Isis Theater], and Mr. Cranfill has transferred his stock of goods to his residence on South Central Avenue. MT5/12/1910p8 Carpenters have begun the work of remodeling the building formerly occupied by the Isis Theater, for occupancy by Jonas Wold and Martin Reddy. MT8/4/1914p2 William Angle built the block where the Medford Pharmacy and Economy Meat Market now stand. AT2/19/1917p5 The building will be reduced to two stories and altered into offices. The third floor theater is a roost for rats and pigeons and will be torn down. MT12/15/1922p3 Larry Schade's new jewelry shop, next to the entrance of the Craterian, has been fashioned along Old English lines. The outside has been finished to simulate a weather-worn front; an old iron lantern at the entrance and an antique wrought iron sign will add the finishing touches. MT7/31/1927p3 William Arthur Marshall committed suicide on the stairs at the boarding house at 208 East Main last night. MT6/26/1934p1 Piggly Wiggly has completed its remodel of 210 East Main, including an entirely new open front. MT7/6/1934p5 W. H. Fluhrer will completely remodel the building and the one adjoining to the west, on the corner of Main and Central. MT8/27/1936p1 In 1936-37 the Angle Opera House was consolidated with the Adkins Building into the Fluhrer Building (q.v.), which burned in 1969. Apostolic Faith Church Photos: 1944 1949 Northeast corner Third and Central The building being erected is 60x90 feet and being built of concrete finished in white-dash stucco. The auditorium will seat 400. MT1/28/1938p6 The church will be dedicated Feb. 27. It was built in 38 days. MT2/25/1938p7 Arco AM/PM Mini Market Corner South Stage Road and South Pacific Highway The mini market will open April 15--weather permitting. The station will feature 16 pumps in a back-to-back arrangement. MT3/5/1998pC1 Armory I Photos: 1924 circa 1925 Northeast corner Third and Bartlett Work on the armory will begin in 3 or 4 months. It will seat 3000 persons with a modern stage. MT9/8/1922p1 With the change of contractors, work is resumed in earnest on the big armory building which will be completed and in use before autumn. It will be paid for by the State of Oregon, Jackson County and the City of Medford. CL4/6/1923p1 The new armory has a frontage of 128 feet on Bartlett and 190 feet on Third, cost $80,000 and is one of the finest in the state. Architect Hinsacker of Eugene drew the plans. MT11/26/1923p8 The building is T-shaped with offices, club rooms, etc. in the front and the auditorium in the rear. The building is of reinforced concrete with a full cement basement. The drill hall is a large room 82 by 121 feet, all finished with a fine maple floor. Above this is a balcony and at end a large stage. Over three thousand people can be seated, and state conventions or other large gatherings can be accommodated. MT11/28/1923p3 The building is 120 feet wide and 190 feet long, with a full basement, to be equipped for a gymnasium, bowling alley and target range. It will also contain a heating plant, kitchen, dining room, ladies' rooms and showers. On the first floor a large auditorium, locker room, captain's office, officers' and quartermaster's office, besides the lobby and ticket office, occupy the space. The Legion hall, G.A.R. rooms, company club rooms, high school athletic room and balcony are located on the second floor. CL11/30/1923p1 The city will pay between $200 and $300 a week for the rental of the armory, which will house the courthouse when the county seat is moved to Medford on July 1. MT6/17/1927p6 No longer will spectators have to watch wrestling through a haze of cigarette smoke. Beginning Monday the smoke will be lifted through the roof by ventilators now being installed at each end of the armory auditorium. MT6/4/1936p3 Fire gutted the auditorium of the Medford armory early today. All the structure except the offices and meeting rooms in the front appeared to be a complete loss. MT9/27/1950p1 The armory was razed by fire in September 1951. MT1/7/1952p1 What to do about the fire-gutted Medford armory? Where should a new one be located? These were the questions discussed at a meeting in the city hall last night. This morning National Guard officers took out a permit to demolish a portion of the fire-damaged structure. MT1/8/1952p1 The armory property will be sold to the highest bidder Sept. 28. MT9/5/1954p23 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart and Sons is the Armory. MT5/30/1976pC2 Armory II Photo: 1957 1701 South Pacific Highway Tentative plans were shown today by architect Keeney. They include an auditorium of 3,556 capacity, large exhibit and dancing room. MT1/12/1954p1 The new armory will probably be finished some time late next year. It will have some 37,000 square feet; the building will be largely of reinforced concrete construction, with wood and plaster used also. MT12/14/1954p1 Construction of the new Medford armory is assured. The low combined bids were in the $385,000 to $400,000 range. The new armory is a joint city-county-state-federal project, and will replace the old building largely destroyed by fire several years ago. MT3/29/1956 About 3,000 persons heard Gov. Robert D. Holmes speak at the dedication of Medford's newly completed armory Saturday night. MT5/27/1957p1 The $1 million renovation of the armory added 8,700 square feet. Another 2,200 square feet was altered to make room for a new unit that is assigned to the armory. MT10/28/1991p3 The newly remodeled and renamed Medford Veterans Memorial Armory was officially rededicated Saturday, November 3. MT11/3/1991p3 The facility expects to reopen in April; it has been closed since April 2016 for a remodel including structural improvements, new heating and air conditioning system, new windows, restrooms and kitchen facilities. MT2/21/2017p3 Rehabilitation is slated for completion within the next month. MT4/1/2017p3 Armstrong Garage Photo: 1934 101 South Riverside, southeast corner Eighth and Riverside Photo of the building with Hudson-Essex sign. MT1/2/1927pD1 A garage building was completed during the past year for the Armstrong Motor Company, located on Riverside Avenue. The building is of concrete and is modern in every way. MT9/14/1927pC3 Bids for demolishing the northern half of the Western Auto store to make way for the extension of Eighth Street have been called for. MT7/3/1959p10 Western Auto has moved part of its equipment and stock from the north end of its building. MT7/17/1959p1 The old Western Auto store has been partially demolished to make room for construction of the 8th St. bridge. MT8/26/1959p11 Arthur Arms Apartments Photo: 1930 330 North Holly The Arthur Arms, a two-story, eight-unit apartment house, is nearing completion. Designed in a rambling Moorish effect, the building is made charming with a large central tower and irregular roof lines set off with Mexican handmade tile. Every kitchen has a Norge electric refrigerator unit. MT3/30/1930pB5 The Arthur Arms have been purchased by Mattie Hydron and will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Pringle. MT3/8/1931p8 The Arthur Arms Apartments, formerly owned by L. J. Adams, have been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bringle. MT3/9/1931p3 Asante Neuroscience Institute Southwest corner Barnett Road and State Street The 34,642-square-foot building will sit on 1.54 acres just west of Hematology Oncology Associates. MT5/30/2015p1 Assembly of God Church Photo: 1953 1108 West Main A $150,000 auditorium, the first unit, is expected to be completed by early spring and will seat 1,000 persons. Following completion, plans call for construction of a $180,000 roman brick wing in the form of a court. MT12/2/1951p12 Associated Oil Service Station Southwest corner Main and Front Associated Oil will build a service station on Haymarket Square (q.v.), to open within the next 90 days. It will be similar to the Associated station at Main and Riverside, with the exception of a brick instead of stucco finish. MT7/11/1924p3 Construction will begin at once; the station will be 60x60 feet with entrance drives on both Main and Front. MT9/17/1924p8 Awol Grocery/Sandpiper Restaurant 1841 East Barnett City directory listings: 1963-70: Awol Grocery, Earl Denning; 1971: Grecian Spa, Erroll McIntire; 1972-73: Athena Health Spa, Dick Costelow; 1974-76: Vacant; 1977: Inland Wharf Restaurant (Glynn Allen); 1978-79: Vacant; 1980-85: Sandpiper (Jerry A. Hayes, mgr.); 1986-87: Sandpiper (Robert E. Flannery, mgr.); 1988: Sandpiper (Scott Williams, mgr.); 1989-91: Sandpiper (E. James Parkinson); 1993: Sandpiper (Mick Lee); 1994-98: Streams (Scott Williams); 2000-02: 1841 E. Barnett not listed; 2003: Gumrai Thai, Mick's Ale House; 2004-05: Sing Thai; 2006: Saucy's Southern Grille; 2007: Molly Murphey's (Glynn Allen); 2008-: Vacant The 7,000-sq.-ft. building soon will be gone; the building on three lots comprising 1.6 acres has been beyond repair for a long time. MT12/23/2017p3 Apparently razed sometime in 2019. B Apartments 412 North Ivy B.P.O.E. Lodge #1158 NRHP #297.0 Photos: 1913 2009 200 North Central, 202 North Central, northeast corner Fifth and Central aka Elks Temple The Elks commissioned lodge brother Frank Clark to design their Beaux Arts home in 1913, but it took two more years before they could afford to build it. With its huge flight of steps, two-story porch, and classical style, the Elks Lodge has long been one of Medford's most attractive buildings. Built after the end of the Orchard Boom, the Elks Lodge was greeted with enthusiasm as 1500 people attended its dedication. A dining room addition was added in 1921. The local lodge of the B.P.O.E. will hold their annual election of officers in the new hall in the I.O.O.F. building, upon which the order has secured a lease for a year. MT3/2/1911p1 At a meeting of the Elks last night it was decided to build a $75,000 clubhouse at Central and Fifth. It will have bachelor apartments, plunge and shower baths, a ballroom and banquet hall, in addition to restaurant service. OR12/8/1912p50 F. C. Clark has prepared plans for the temple the Elks intend building at North Central and Fourth. It will be two stories high with a basement 85x85 feet in size, and will cost about $50,000 when completed and furnished. MT7/2/1913p2 The Elks lodge has abandoned its plan of leasing the Medford Furniture & Hardware Co.'s building and will build on its own property. OR7/6/1913p50 Steps toward build the Elks' club rooms are under way, Ray Toft purchasing the dwelling thereon and moving it to a lot on Boardman Street. MT10/30/1913p4 This afternoon the Elks will march in a body from the Elks hall to throw the first dirt for the excavation. It has been decided to at least put in the big concrete basement this fall. MT11/4/1913p6 Laying brick on the new Elks building is progressing rapidly. MT6/2/1914p2 The rafters of the new Elks building are being put in shape. MT8/26/1914p2 The roof is being put on the Elks temple. MT9/11/1914p2 The Elks building committee will let the contract this week for interior work and windows for their new building. They expect to hold sessions in the new lodge rooms early in November. The formal dedication will be in the spring. MT10/15/1914p2 The work on the interior of the new Elks Temple is progressing rapidly. The lodge expects to hold sessions in the new building in a short time. MT11/11/1914p2 The fireplace in the Elks Temple was stained by smoke due to carelessness in burning rubbish and will have to be refinished. The fireplace is the largest in the state and a source of pride to the local lodge. MT12/16/1914p2 The new Elks temple will be ready for occupancy next week, and will be opened New Year's Eve with a watch party and ball. MT12/26/1914p2 The Elks held their first regular meeting in their new club rooms on Thursday night. Plans are under way for dedication of the building in the spring. MT1/8/1915p2 Medford Elks are preparing to entertain several hundred members of the order Thursday and Friday, when the new clubhouse will be dedicated. OR9/20/1915p11 The new dining room of the Medford Elks, costing $10,000, will be ready for occupancy early in June. MT5/30/1921p6 The Elks Club applied yesterday for a permit to remodel the basement of their building at a cost of $1,000. MT5/17/1946p11 The Elks Temple was listed at a cost of $35,000 in the building permit issued Dec. 17, 1913. The construction at that time was to include 12 rooms. Frank C. Clark was the architect. Another permit was issued in 1921 to the lodge, calling for additional construction on North Central at a cost of $10,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart is the Elks Temple. MT5/30/1976pC2 The 28,760-square-foot structure is up for sale for $1.25 million. It was shuttered last December by the Grand Lodge of Chicago. MT8/24/2015p1 Baker Grain Warehouse H. E. Baker's new warehouse at Medford is well under way. Improved apparatus for the cleaning of grain will be put in, as well as other conveniences. OS7/24/1886p3 Baker's large new warehouse at Medford is nearly completed. The lumber for it was furnished by C. T. Harris & Co., of the Wagner Creek mill. AT8/13/1886p3 Twenty-five carloads of wheat have been shipped from the Medford warehouse during the past ten days, Mr. Baker informs us. DT12/17/1886p3 Bamby's Coffee Shoppe Photo: circa 1960 Big Y Super Market Approximately $200,000 will be spent on a general remodeling of the Big Y market, including an in-store bakery and a large restaurant. MT4/30/1961p13 Grand opening tomorrow. MT2/7/1962p12 Bamforth Apartments 344 and 340 North Central, southeast corner aka Southern Oregon Paint & Roofing Co., Andrews Apartments, Dobson Apartments 344 N. Central was apparently divided into apartments during the Camp White years. City directory listings for 344: 1930 residence of Edwin G. Trowbridge. Trowbridge died 10/22/1935. 1935 Mrs. Gail Goodwin; 1937-40 William H. Gore; 1942 L. R. Andrews; 1946-50 Andrews Apartments. Andrews died 9/15/1951. 1951-56 Dobson Apartments; 1960- Bamforth Apartments (Albert E. and Betty Bamforth) Permit was filed by L. R. Andrews, 340 N. Central, to erect a residence at a cost of $4,000. MT9/30/1945p6 Completion and occupation of a 12-room house in just 90 days was reported by Lester R. Andrews of 344 N. Central. The new home, at 340 N. Central, was built by Ralph Kunkel and Son. MT1/7/1946p1 Bank of America Building [St. Marks Building Site] NRHP #122.0 Photos: 1969 1979 222 West Main, northeast corner Main and Holly aka Oregon Bank Baptist Church See First Baptist Church, Mid-Baptist Church Clara Barkdull Building NRHP #42.0 Photo: 1979 119 North Central aka Lindy Building (after Lindbergh) Construction on the building is scheduled to commence this week opposite the Groceteria by Mrs. Clara Barkdull, at an approximate cost of $20,000. The contract has been awarded to Elmer Childers. The property was acquired by Mrs. Barkdull in 1883; a dwelling was constructed upon the site in 1884. The dwelling, one of the oldest in Medford, is the home of Mrs. Barkdull; it will be razed to make way for the new building. MT1/1/1928pD6 The wooden forms are now rapidly nearing completion. MT1/31/1928p2 First tenants are moving into the Lindy building, according to Mrs. J. E. Barkdull, owner. The building is finished in stucco. MT4/21/1928p3 Barneburg Block Photo: circa 1915 129 East Main aka Rosenthal Building Built in 1895 for pioneer Medford haberdasher Simeon Rosenthal; designed by W. J. Bennet and built by contractors Childers, Shawver & Nicholson and Butler & Green. S. Rosenthal, the merchant, is contemplating the erection of a two-story brick on the lot where his store building now stands. DT3/22/1894p3 S. Rosenthal has closed a contract with S. Childers to put up his new brick store building, work on the same to begin in early springtime. The building will be 25x80 feet in size and will be two stories high. Rock for the foundation is now being put on the ground. The wood building now occupied by Mr. Rosenthal will be moved. MM4/20/1894p3 S. Rosenthal's brick block is going upward. VR4/11/1895p3 F. Morgan, while engaged painting Rosenthal's new brick at Medford, cut his hand very severely Saturday. VR6/13/1895p3 Merchant Rosenthal is justly proud of his new store and hall, "the finest hall west of Philadelphia." Shawver & Nicholson put the front in Wednesday, and a very pretty one it is--from the Schermerhorn planing mill. Butler & Green are doing the painting. The hall is large, well lighted and arranged especially for the use of the Masons and Knights of Pythias. MM7/5/1895p5 The members of the Masonic lodge are proud of their hall in S. Rosenthal's new brick building. The entrance is from the rear of the building, and the stairs and hall of the Phipps building, which joins the Rosenthal building, is used as a means of reaching the hall. MM9/20/1895p1 The Rosenthal building will be sold by the administrator at private sale after Dec. 1st. It is one of the finest structures in our city. DT10/31/1901p2 The administrator of the S. Rosenthal estate last Saturday sold the brick store building in Medford to Fred Barneburg for $6950. MM12/20/1901p7 Ivan Humason has rented the Rosenthal building from Mr. Barneburg and will open his drug store therein. MM2/14/1902p5 Monroe & Grousbeck are in Medford with one of Edison's entertainment outfits. They have rented the Rosenthal building and are taking in nickels. MM2/14/1902p7 On Tuesday the Medford Drug Store opened its doors in the Barneburg building, formerly occupied by S. Rosenthal. MM4/11/1902p6 In 1911 W. F. Isaacs moved The Toggery "to the Barneburg building, near the Medford National Bank." MT7/23/1911pB1 Barney's Burgers See Larry's Rich-Maid Barnum Building I 317 East Main See McAndrews-Barnum Block (E) Messrs. Nicholson Bros. have moved their stock of implements from C Street to the Barnum brick building on Seventh Street. SOM2/3/1893p3 Deuel & Stevens will open their stock of dry goods, boots and shoes about September 15th in the new Barnum brick building on Seventh Street. MM9/7/1894p3 W. J. Sturges:--"You were mixed a little on my having rented those rooms in the Barnum building I recently bought." MM11/30/1900p2 Wm. Ferguson, all the same Bill Nye, has purchased the Barnum Building, corner Seventh and South [sic] A streets. He expects to rent it for a second hand store in February, when Mr. Chessmore's lease expires. MM11/15/1901p6 R. M. Harrison has opened a second-hand store in the Barnum block, on Seventh Street near the bridge. MM4/12/1907p5 W. H. Barnum is improving his property on East Main Street by having modern fronts put in. MT3/27/1912p2 Mr. Barnum is adding a 40-foot brick extension to the building. MT4/30/1912p2 Barnum Building II South Riverside W. S. Barnum is building a good-sized addition to his brick building on South A Street. It is being erected in order to give room for a new cider mill which Mr. Barnum will put in shortly, and which will turn out ten or fifteen barrels of cider a day. The dimensions of the addition are 20x30 feet. MM4/28/1899p7 Barnum Buildings Photos: 1914 1914 1915 1925 126 and 134 North Front Mrs. Isabel Powell will conduct the Medford Academy boarding house. The Barnum property, on North D Street, has been rented for the purpose. MM8/23/1901p6 W. S. Barnum has let a contract for the erection of a 25x75-foot, one-story brick store room on North Front Street, nearly opposite the Southern Pacific depot. It will probably be used as a second-hand store. MT10/28/1912p2 A concrete foundation was started Saturday morning by S. Childers for a new brick store building on North Front Street. The building is being put up by W. S. Barnum. It will be 25x75 feet in size and one story high, and will be an exact counterpart of the building recently erected by Mr. Barnum on a lot just south of this site. MT12/14/1912p4 Will H. Wilson, who has conducted a store at 106 N. Front, has leased the new brick store building at 128 N. Front. MT12/20/1912p5 Sid Nichol has opened a grocery store in the Barnum building opposite the Southern Pacific depot. MT8/11/1913p4 Architect Frank Clark has a contract to build a one-story brick sample room for the Barnum Hotel, to be 25x100 feet in floor space. MT1/28/1916p6 Barnum Garage Photo: 1961 132-136 North Front Architect Frank Clark is completing the erection of a garage for the Barnum Hotel. MT1/28/1916p6 The Barnum garage on North Front Street is about completed. Electrician Paul is wiring it. MT3/16/1916p2 An addition to the Park and Shop parking system is the building formerly the Keith Schulz garage. MT5/18/1961pD8 Barnum Hotel [Grand Hotel] NRHP #49.0 Photos: circa 1930 circa 2009 Northeast corner Fifth and Front aka Grand Hotel, Hotel Austin William S. Barnum, after selling the five-mile-long Rogue River Valley Railroad between Medford and Jacksonville, commissioned Frank Clark to design this $75,000 four-story structure in 1914, opening it the following year. In 1927 the building was sold, and the new owners christened it the "Grand Hotel." Primarily a residential hotel long overshadowed by the more stylish Hotel Medford, the Grand was in poor condition before it was listed on the National Register in 1983 and now provides subsidized housing following a major rehabilitation effort. J. C. Barnum is to erect a four-story building on the corner of Front and Fifth streets if his plans do not miscarry. MT8/10/1910p1 J. C. Barnum has started the construction of a hotel on Front Street. The hotel will have 40 rooms, will be three stories high and will cater to the commercial trade particularly. OR7/12/1914p54 Work on the Barnum Hotel, delayed by the non-arrival of foundation lumber, is now in full swing. MT9/11/1914p2 In June 1914 W. S. Barnum was granted permission to build a brick hotel of 42 rooms on North Front, estimated cost $20,000. It is known today as the Grand Hotel. MT3/26/1967pD1 The new Barnum Hotel will be ready for occupancy by the latter part of next month, according to the owner of the building. MS5/21/1915p6 Work on the new Barnum Hotel has been stopped for a short time. MS6/13/1915p2 Architect Frank Clark has a contract to build a one-story brick sample room for the Barnum Hotel, to be 25x100 feet in floor space. MT1/28/1916p6 The new Barnum Hotel was formally opened to the public Tuesday evening. JP5/6/1916p3 After June 6 the building formerly known as the Hotel Barnum will be known as the Hotel Austin. [signed] A. Austin Chisholm, Lessee and Proprietor. MS6/7/1916p2 The Hotel Barnum has changed its name to Hotel Austin. MS6/8/1916p2 There were two Spanish flu deaths yesterday at Sacred Heart Hospital of Barnum Apartments residents; the building has since been fumigated. MT10/23/1918p6 Fire gutted the Barnum Hotel this morning, causing a damage of $50,000. The fire was confined to the fourth floor and the walls of the structure, but heavy damage was caused by water, making a total loss. MT10/4/1921p1 Fire, which had been smoldering on the second floor, broke out again last night. MT10/5/1921p1 Work is progressing rapidly on the Barnum Hotel, and some of the apartments will be ready for occupancy in a week or ten days. MT12/29/1921p2 The Barnum Hotel and apartments on North Front Street was sold today by W. S. Barnum to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goswick for a consideration made public at $65,000. The new owners will make improvements with the purpose of eventually changing the apartment house into a hotel, for which it was originally constructed. The house contains 67 rooms, divided into 27 apartments. MT9/12/1927p1 The name of the Barnum apartments was changed yesterday to Hotel Grand. A large electric sign is going over the top of the building announcing the name. MT10/15/1927p8 The new rooftop sign was illuminated for the first time last night. MT11/18/1927p6 Probably the most conspicuous new electrical sign is that on top of the Hotel Grand, formerly the Barnum apartments. MT1/3/1928p3 In addition to redecoration, a number of the rooms which formerly had connecting doors have vanished and been walled completely. MDN1/22/1931p3 The Grand has been vacant for six years; restoration was started late in 1985. MT12/2/1991pB5 Medford's Grand Hotel has just gone through a $800,000 refurbishing project. MT12/10/2010p1 Bashford Building South Fir Prof. Barton has moved his rustic chair factory to the Bashford building on F Street, south of the Clarenden. MM3/9/1894p3 James W. Bass House NRHP #176.2 229 North Ivy James W. Bass Rental 1 NRHP #175.0 235 North Ivy James W. Bass Rental 2 NRHP #178.0 203 North Ivy Bates Barber Shop NRHP #65.0 126 West Main Bates Candy Warehouse NRHP #184.0 160 North Fir Bathmat Building See First National Bank Building II Baza'r See Sherm's Food 4 Less Bruce Bauer Lumber Builditorium Photos: 1968 1969 765/767 South Riverside aka The Westerner Bill Malone has opened Medford Saw Shop at 765 S. Riverside. MT2/16/1945p5 The Bruce Bauer Co. has erected a new building which will house Medford Millwork's cabinet shop and the window and door machinery. MT7/18/1946p8 A spectacular fire Sunday destroyed the Bruce Bauer Lumber Co. MT10/14/1957p1 Bauer said the loss was completely covered by insurance; the company intends to rebuild as soon as possible. MT10/15/1957p1 The grand opening of the world's first "builditorium" was held Friday and Saturday. The 12,000-sq.-ft. building is patterned after the popular "ranch"-style business houses now being built in California towns. MT7/13/1958p6 Bear Creek Motel South Pacific Highway Neil Reed and J. W. Stewart are to begin construction soon of the Bear Creek Motel near the Bear Creek Orchards. MT11/20/1945p8, MN11/30/1945p1 Bear Creek Plaza Southeast corner McAndrews and Biddle Road See Lamonts Pan Pacific Retail Properties, based in Vista, Calif., has acquired the shopping center for $13.1 million. It was built in 1977; anchors in the 184,000-sq.-ft. center include Albertsons, Bi-Mart, TJ Maxx and Value Village. MT2/10/1998pB6 Beaton's Used Car Lot 100 East Jackson, originally 534 North Front, corner Front and Jackson Applying for a building permit yesterday was A. J. Beaton, 534 North Front Street, erect public garage, $1,000. 11/14/1945p7 A. J. Beaton applied for a permit to add to the business building at 534 North Front Street, $3,000. MT9/1/1946p7 In 1948 Beaton began offering pianos in addition to used cars; the business soon became Beaton's Music Shop. A permit has been granted Jackson Motor Company for $1,000 remodeling of a public garage at 534 North Front Street. MT1/11/1952p9 Beaver Electric Photos: 1966 1966 2902 North Pacific Highway aka Grover Electric The opening of Beaver Electric and Plumbing Supply's new 12,000-square-foot building is slated for an early time in May. MT4/24/1966pB5 Beck Apartments NRHP #114.0 24-30 South Grape aka Butler Apartments, Medford Labor Temple Mike Beck has bought the Butler apartments from Cleo Brenner. MT1/3/1937p10 The building has been sold to the Medford Labor Temple Assn. It has four apartments upstairs and business quarters below. MT1/3/1947p1 Beck's Bakery 1414 North Riverside, southeast corner Riverside and McAndrews The new, concrete building is 40x80. The south half will be a bake shop and the north part for storage. MT5/22/1927pB5 One of the latest additions to Berrydale is Beck's bakery, located in a large new concrete building, built by J. J. Osenbrugge for Michael Beck,. The bakery does a big wholesale business all over the valley and in Medford and employs 8 to 10 people. MT7/30/1927p3 Beck's Bakery received a permit to make $2,000 worth of repairs. MT12/8/1944p9 M. Beck received a permit to build a $2,500 addition. MT2/8/1952p11 A $50,000 remodeling job is under way at Beck's Bakery. MT3/30/1953p7 Beck's Bakery received a permit to build a $6,500 addition. MT3/30/1953p7 An $11,000 two-story addition to Beck's Morning Fresh Bakery is under way to make room for a $21,000 automatic bun and roll making machine. MT3/6/1956p15 Mike Beck received a permit to build a $14,500 addition. MT1/11/1959p13 Bella Vita 29 West Main See C. A. Winetrout Building, One West Main The parking structure was completed in 2006, but a residential and commercial project known as Bella Vita died in 2008. With the economy sputtering, the developer pulled out. MT7/7/2013p1 A major office complex is taking shape at Main and Fir that will house Pacific Retirement Services, Rogue Disposal and Procare Software. MT10/14/2013p1 Merritt Bellinger House NRHP #145.0 147 North Holly Bear Creek Orchards Packing Plant South Pacific Highway Construction is well under way on the erection of a new packing plant by Rosenberg Brothers on the Bear Creek orchards. It will be completed and in operation for the coming season. MT5/10/1934p12 Construction will start in about two weeks for a two-story 60x250-ft. moderne packing plant at Bear Creek Orchards, Clark and Keeney, architects. The spray manufacturing plant will be moved south to make room. MT4/18/1937p1 A 108x74-ft. two-story concrete building, designed by Clark & Keeney, is in progress 80 feet south of the existing plant. MT4/23/1941p1 Berben Apartments Photo: 1911 10 North Quince, corner Quince and Main Designed by Power, Reeves & West; built late 1911 by Roger S. Bennett. The Medford Sash & Door factory are turning out the work for the Berber [sic] apartment house on Peach. MT7/2/1911p8 Just being completed, modern furnished apartments. Hot water heat, Holmes disappearing beds, buffet kitchens, private baths, large porches. MT10/2/1911p6 The management have installed electric Electrolux refrigerators. MT6/24/1931p3 Bergman's Shop 3012 Crater Lake Avenue Bergman is moving his shop to a new prefabricated steel building. MT4/27/1956p9 Berrydale Store 1500 North Riverside, Berrydale Berrydale Store open Sunday evenings. MT2/24/1923p2 W. H. Rookard's Berrydale Store was the first business building in that section near the Owen-Oregon mill. MT2/20/1927pB3 Bickler Building NRHP #273.0 128 North Bartlett Razed May 2011. Biddle Road Shell Photo: 1970 2001 Biddle Road Big Bend Milling/Lindley Block NRHP #312.0 Photos: circa 1920 1927 1928 1954 14 North Central aka Mann Building Two buildings are incorporated in this NRHP listing, the Big Bend Milling building on North Central (pictured) and the Lindley Block on East Main. The first work for the foundation of a large brick building was commenced Saturday by the Jackson County Bank on C Street, just north of their new bank building. The new brick is to be 50x100, two story. It is expected to have the building ready for occupancy by the first of next May. MM12/14/1906p5 The Big Bend Milling Co. will commence next week to excavate for the foundation of another brick building. This building will be located on C Street adjoining the Jackson County Bank building, will be 75x75 feet in size and at least two stories in height. MM6/21/1907p5 The outside work on the Big Bend Milling Co.'s building is being completed this week, and the inside work will be finished as rapidly as possible. MM10/11/1907p5 The Baker-Hutchason Co. are now located in their new room next to the Jackson County Bank building. MM11/22/1907p1 The Baker-Hutchason firm has leased the store room joining their present quarters. The partition between the two rooms is being removed, and they expect to occupy both these rooms the first of the week. This will give them a floor space of 50x75 feet, and there will be two entrances to the store. MM1/31/1908p5 The Medford Pharmacy will move to new quarters in the Jackson County Bank building next door to the Baker-Hutchason Co., where more room can be had for their extensive and growing stock. MM2/21/1908p9 Mann's "has been enlarged, now having both a Main Street and Central Avenue entrance." MT9/24/1920p8 Dust from the collapse of the east wall of Mann's department store and the west wall of the Scott Davis building adjoining covered the stock of the Mann store, forcing the closing of the store for further business until Wednesday. MT2/11/1935p1 The largest single business expansion was made by Mann's Department Store, which was completely remodeled inside and out at a building cost of $12,000. MT1/3/1936p1 Mann's will close Saturday night for a $250,000 renovation program. It will reopen in August under the name of "Miller's." MT5/20/1966p1 Damp carpets, bubbling walls and brown ceiling tiles were the product of a pipe that burst above the conference room and flowed downstairs. MT12/10/2013p1 Big Bend Milling Co. Building See Davis Building Big Pines Lumber Co. Building Photos: 1911 circa 1919 1930s 1965 1969 1973 32 West Sixth, northeast corner Sixth and Fir The company started construction today. The current building, built in 1908, will be razed to clear an area 96 feet from the Sixth Street frontage where the new $55,000 one-story cement-block building will be built. MT1/8/1959p1 Big Pines Paint Building Northwest corner Sixth and Fir A California mission building is being constructed by this hustling company. The end and front are both finished in the handsome scroll designs. The outside will be constructed with cement plaster with suitable trimmings. MT3/20/1910p12 The Dodge brothers have purchased the paint department of Big Pines Lumber and will conduct the business in its present location on North Fir. MT7/7/1911p6 FOR SALE--Our paint building, corner Sixth and Fir streets. Big Pines Lumber Company. MT7/7/1911p2 Big Pines Paint Shop Southeast corner Sixth and Fir; northeast corner Fifth and Grape The Big Pines paint shop is being moved from the railroad right-of-way to the corner of Grape and Fifth streets. MT2/5/1912p1 Big Y Building Table Rock Road The building which burned Dec. 30 has been rebuilt of masonry; it will be occupied by Big Y Barber Shop, Beauty Shop and Laundromat. MT5/19/1963p13 Big Y Super Market Photos: 1940 1940 1953 1953 1956 1960s 1970 North Pacific Highway and Crater Lake Highway Medford's newest super market will open tomorrow, April 12. Located at the intersection of the North Pacific Highway and the Midway and Airport road, the market covers 12,000 square feet of floor space. The entire front is opened or closed as desired, with great windows that may be raised. More than an acre of parking space will be provided. There is a spacious lounge, with plenty of current magazines and reading material. MN4/11/1940pB1 Approximately $200,000 will be spent on a general remodeling of the Big Y market, including an in-store bakery and a large restaurant. MT4/30/1961p13 The Big Y is slated for demolition. The Drive 'n Save grocery closed in 1987; the pet, garden and florist center stayed on awhile longer. Mr. Paul's Restaurant, the final tenant, closed at the end of the year. MT1/30/1991pB1 Demolition of the Big Y is under way. MT5/8/1991p1 Billings Building See Unknown/Concrete Building Bingham-Lawson House NRHP #181.0 236 North Oakdale William H. Bishop Apartments 14 South Bartlett, second floor of the Hoover-Cooper Building Black Bird Shopping Center Photo: 1965 1810 West Main Lee Hobbs' Black Bird is now open; he has operated several businesses at this location for 20 years. A big concrete and nylon black bird in the parking lot identifies the location; a talking myna bird greets customers inside. MT8/8/1965pB6 Black Oak Shopping Center Black Oak Drive The shopping center has had only a couple of store closures in the 4½ years since it was built. MT11/19/1984p3 Blue Goose Packing Plant See American Fruit Growers Bonaventure Senior Living Springbrook and McAndrews roads Construction is under way for the 141-unit, $20 million structure. MT6/12/2016p1 The 147-unit, 154,000-sq.-ft. care center on a 9-acre parcel is scheduled to open next August. MT12/27/2016p3 Bonded Warehouse Company Corner Twelfth and Front Photo: 1913 aka Archie Ash Building A three-story $30,000 jobbing and storage house will be built by Medford Realty & Improvement Co. Ground will be broken tomorrow at the corner of Front Street and Twelfth. The building will be of brick; it is expected to use the first floor for a jobbing house and the two upper floors for storage. OR10/27/1912p56 The new warehouse on Front Street will be practically four stories in height, a high basement being provided. Huge elevators will be installed and all modern conveniences built for the handling of freight. The Medford Realty and Improvement Co. already has applications for the space, according to Charles S. Lebo, manager. MT10/29/1912p1 The foundation and basement floor are nearly completed. The basement walls are all to be built of concrete four feet above the street. W. H. Maultby has the concrete work contract. The building is 70x100 feet in size and will be four stories, including the basement. The three above-ground stories are to be of brick with granite trimmings. S. Childers has the brick work contract. MT12/14/1912p6 The building will be of mill construction, the basement wall of 24-inch concrete and the next three stories of brick 12-17 inches thick. MT1/1/11913p2 The new $50,000 bonded warehouse, built by George M. Anderson, the moving picture magnate, is open for business, having been completed last April to accommodate the increasing wholesale trade. OR6/22/1913p60 The three-story brick structure was completely gutted by fire last night. The building, owned by the Medford Warehouse Co., was erected in 1912 by Charles Lebo and associates. MT11/1/1922p1 The Mason-Ehrman wholesale grocery firm, burned out Tuesday night, has leased the Guy Conner packing plant nearby. MT11/2/1922p3 A fire Tuesday gutted the Mason-Ehrman brick wholesale grocery building. it is not known whether the Medford Warehouse Co. will rebuild. MT11/2/1922p3 Ash announced that as soon as Mash, Ehrman move out the warehouse would be remodeled into a pre-cooling and cold storage plant. MT9/15/1924p6 The plant will consist of the building recently vacated by Mason-Ehrman. It is 70x100 ft., three stories and basement. The new addition will be 70x200 and two stories high. MT1/16/1925p3 The contract for installing cooling machinery into the Archie Ash building has been let; capacity will be 175 cars of storage. MT3/28/1925p8 The Medford Pre-Cooling & Storage Co. are rebuilding and rearranging the Archie Ash building in the south Medford factory district. MS5/10/1925pC2 Bowman's Beauty Salon Photos: 1942 1951 227 South Central Pleasant, safe, quick, sure. Dr. Halstead, 227 South Central. MT12/7/1918p2 Walter Bowne House Old Stage Road The purchase by George Hunt of the Tomlin residence six miles from Medford was announced. Located on the 19-acre estate is a two-story, 11-room white frame house of early American architecture, considered one of the most beautiful dwellings in southern Oregon. It was built around 1926 by Walter Bowne, now of San Francisco, and has been occupied by Mr. Tomlin since 1928. MT7/13/1941p10 Boyden Building 216 East Main Merchant H. E. Boyden has commenced work on his new brick store room. The building will be 46x80 in size and two stories high. S. Childers has the contract. MM5/12/1905p5 The Medford Furniture Co. removed their undertaking parlors this week to the new quarters in the Boyden brick, recently finished, just back of the store. They also have the second floor of the building, beside half of the lower floor, and will use the latter for storing extra stock of their large and complete line. The goods will be transported from the lower to the upper story by means a large freight elevator, the first apparatus of the kind ever used in this city. MM9/1/1905p5 H. E. Boyden will soon commence the entire remodeling of his building on Main Street now occupied by the Medford Hardware Company by tearing out the old front and replacing it with one up to date, using granite. MT2/22/1910p2 The woodwork for the modern front to be placed in the Medford Hardware store was destroyed by the fire that burned the Phoenix mill Wednesday, thus delaying the completion and necessitating a continuance of the "open front." MT7/14/1910p5 Oregon Granite has started work erecting a granite front on H. E. Boyden's store building on Main, which houses the Medford Hardware Co. MT7/17/1910p5 Oregon Granite has a night crew at work putting in a granite front in the H. E. Boyden building on Main Street. MM7/19/1910p4 Quite the neatest front that Medford has seen has just been finished by J. M. Lyon for Medford Hardware. The interior is finished in panels of veneered oak, with solid oak beamed and paneled ceilings and veneered oak floors. MT8/14/1910p11 We are now located in the Boyden Warehouse, on paved alley, between South Central and South Bartlett. B. Klum, Electric Signs. MT1/6/1913p3 Brenneman Building See Palm-Niedermeyer Building Bresee and Mohr Dental Offices 922 East Main, southwest corner of Main and Portland Outside finish is of Palos Verde stone, redwood and stucco. The 40x50-ft. building will cost $20,000 and is in the final stages of construction. MT9/1/1957p5 The offices of Drs. H. H. Bresee and Virgil H. Mohr were completed last month. The building also contains the Anderson dental laboratory. MT9/29/1957p12 Brewer Building 806-808 South Riverside The Merriman blacksmith shop will move to the Brewer building, formerly occupied by the Fageol Motor Sales Co. MT4/17/1931p3 Brommer Apartments 1205 East Main aka Cook Apartments Brophy Building Photo: 1957 Northeast corner East Main and Central See Jackson County Bank Building, Vawter-Brophy Building Consolidated from the Jackson County Bank Building and the Vawter-Brophy Building (q.v.), both originally built in 1906-07. Remodeling of the Brophy building has been completed, according to Leland Brophy, owner. The first story has been finished in ceramic tile; the second story has been finished in stucco and aluminum. Stores included on the first floor are McLain's Drug Center, Johnston and Stewart shoe store, Brophy's Jewelers, Junior Boot Shop, and Dr. Frank A. Freeburger and Robert L. Harland, optometrists. Architect for the modernization was Robert J. Keeney, and Batzer Construction Company was general contractor. MT9/29/1957p12 Brown Apartments 14 North Front Brownell Motel See Cascade Inn Buckingham Candy Factory Rear, 236 South Central The structure was built in the spring of 1924, permitted as a store room, but immediately converted into use as a candy factory. MT11/9/1926p3 Budge-McHugh Plumbing Warehouse NRHP #54.0 125 West Fourth, southeast corner Fourth and Grape Buonocore House Photo: 1965 Eighth and Oakdale, moved to northwest corner Eleventh and Oakdale Dr. C. M. Young has applied for a permit to construct a 15-room $10,000 residence at 109 South Oakdale. MT4/22/1941p9 Construction is under way on the southeast corner of Eighth and Oakdale for a residence and clinic for Dr. Clarence M. Young. Architects for the 11-room two-story New England Colonial are Clark and Keeney. MT4/23/1941p1 Bureau of Land Management 1133 S. Riverside The new 44x206-ft. building will contain 14 offices joined by a hallway and be built of shale brick with glass brick windows. It is in Office Park, South Riverside Ave. and Barnett Road, owned by O. L. Williams. MT2/22/1959p3 Burger King 1055 S. Riverside Undergoing remodeling June-July 2016. Burk Building See J. G. Taylor Building F. F. Burk Tent and Awning Works NRHP #32.0 142 North Front Burmeister's Wallpaper Studio Photo: 1966 1263 South Peach More than 300 visitors attended the opening of the attractive Burmeister's Wallpaper Studio last weekend. MT2/4/1966pB\5 Burnham Apartments 604 West Tenth Burnham Court 610 West Tenth Burroughs Building See McAndrews-Barnum Block [W] Bush Home Furnishings Photo: 1953 2330 North Pacific Highway Busy Corner Motor Co. Building NRHP #365.0 407-409 East Main Walter Bowne has purchased the lot just east of the Sparta Building and will erect a one-story building for his Busy Corner Motor Co. MT7/29/1924p3 The Busy Corner Motor Co. is now erecting a $6000 storage garage on the vacant lot east of the Sparta building and will remodel the lower floor. MT9/2/1924p8 Walter Bowne has started work on another store room fronting on Main Street just east of the Sparta Building, also owned by him. MS5/10/1925pC2 Purchase of the Sparta Building by George Hunt was part of the liquidation of the Spokane Savings Bank, the former owner. The property includes the one-story concrete structure adjoining on the east. MT9/6/1936p4 The home of Cupp's Furniture Exchange, 407 East Main, was destroyed by fire and reconstructed during the fall season. The Sparta Building, affected in this fire, was fully redecorated MT1/2/1938p7 Butler Apartments See Beck Apartments Byers' Hall See Nash Hotel Building C Street Meat Market See City Meat Market Cal-Ore Ranches/Faydrex Photo: 1968 1054 South Riverside California Rex Spray Company North of Medford The California Rex Spray Company is erecting a new plant a quarter mile north of the city limits, near the Schell [Shell?] company warehouse. MT10/21/1916p4 Ken Callison Realty Photo: 1963 519 South Riverside Camp White Buildings Various locations An appeal for help tearing down the Camp White building purchased by the Friends church for its new Sunday school is sent out. MT5/23/1947p12 P. T. Young asked for a permit to remodel a Camp White building into a residence at 434 Stewart Avenue at a cost of $4,000. MT7/14/1947p7 T. E. Schleigh applied to erect a duplex from Camp White material at 420 South Peach Street at a cost of $2,500; Betty Rose to erect a residence from Camp White building at 814 East Ninth Street, $1,000. MT7/18/1947p11 Miss Warden of Alice Street has received permission to move a Camp White building. MT9/29/1947p5 D. E. Millard filed today for a permit to convert a Camp White building into a residence at 615 West Eleventh Street. A Camp White building at 346 Stewart Avenue will be converted into a residence by Charles R. Ramsey. MT11/12/1947p9 Melton C. Ebbert plans to remodel a Camp White building into a residence and erect a garage at 1021 West Thirteen Street at a cost of $3,500. MT11/17/1947p7 T. E. Schleigh has applied to erect a duplex from Camp White material at 420 South Peach Street at a cost of $2,500; Betty Rose, erect residence from Camp White building at 814 East Ninth Street. MT11/18/1947p11 Thomas Grove filed today for a permit to convert a Camp White building into a residence at 133 Taft Street. The cost will be $2500. MT11/21/1947p13 Frank Clark Jr. and the Y.M.C.A. were issued permits to move Camp White buildings. Clark will place his at 1011 West Eleventh and the Y.M.C.A. will place theirs on West Sixth Street. MT11/28/1947p11 I. A. Hall, permit to move a Camp White building to Kings Hwy. MT12/3/1947p7 Richard Seibinger has remodeled a former Camp White building for his Northwest Orthopedic and Supply Co., 2747 N. Pacific Hwy., and is remodeling another. MT12/19/1948p8 At the rear of the YMCA lot on Sixth St. is a large Camp White building which has been used for storage; it will soon accommodate hand crafts. MT5/8/1949p10 Camp Withus 1501 North Riverside, Berrydale Frank Howard and M. Lambrecks assume the business name of "Camp Withus." MT1/4/1926p6 The camp was the first in Berrydale. They now have 14 cabins with beds, gas hot plates and electric lights. There is also a gas station and Frank Howard operates a store and lunch counter. MT7/;30/1927p3 Campbell Sheet Metal Works Building 309 West Eighth Construction began today on the $1500 one-story 38x50-ft. concrete structure. MT3/3/1928p6 Capri Motel Photo: circa 1968 250 East Barnett Construction on the 36-unit two-story motel started recently. MT5/9/1963p24 Morris and Alice Boughner have been named as managers. MT7/23/1963p10 Cardona Building North Riverside--possibly not built Building permit application was granted Thomas Cardona for a $20,000 retail building on North Riverside Avenue. MT1/16/1951p7 Cargill Court Apartments Photo: 1965 325 West Sixth, southeast corner Sixth and Ivy aka Medford Sanitarium The building was insulated with Cabot's Quilt eelgrass insulation. Last week Dr. E. H. Porter bought from Dr. E. B. Pickel the quarter block on Sixth and Ivy for a consideration of $6000. MT4/2/1917p7 Dr. Porter plans the erection immediately upon the site of a private sanitarium and hospital to cost $15,000. JP4/7/1917p1 The foundation of the structure has been completed, and work will be hurried on the superstructure. MS7/17/1917 The sanitarium will be ready by October 1, furnished and fully equipped. The walls are now rapidly being completed. MS8/10/1917 Dr. E. H. Porter's new hospital near the Medford Hotel is nearing completion. The X-ray machine was installed yesterday, and the hospital beds have arrived. MS10/5/1917 The new brick and stone hospital building, which has just been completed, will probably not be formally opened for two weeks. Dr. Porter has decided to have the institution known as the Medford Sanitarium. MS10/25/1917 Although the sanitarium has been doing business for the past two weeks, the formal opening will be Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. MS12/5/1917 Work began on two new units at Cargill Court; the structure will be concrete stucco, two stories, and will furnish 12 additional apartments. MT1/25/1921p2 Additions to the Cargill Apartment House, Sixth and Ivy streets, are close to completion at a cost of $25,000, Col. Stuart, contractor, Dr. E. H. Porter, builder. They will be ready for occupancy at an early date. MT5/30/1921p6 Two weekend fires did $500 damage to four apartments. MT12/17/1934p1 Mrs. Milton Schuchard has sold Cargill Court, one of the largest apartment buildings in Medford, to Mrs. R. W. Sleeter. It has 21 modern apartments and quarters for the janitor. It has been owned since May 1936 by Mrs. Schuchard, who acquired it from the Prudential Life Insurance Co. MT7/13/1941p10 In 1917, a permit was issued to Dr. E. H. Porter for construction of a four-story brick building of 20 rooms on West Sixth, at an estimated cost of $15,000. In 1921 a permit called for addition of 24 rooms at a cost of $12,000. The construction is now known as Cargill Court Apartments. MT3/26/1967pD1 Workers are starting to tear out the crumbling wood and plaster from the Cargill Court building. By gutting the building and reducing it to a naked shell, potential buyers can get a better idea of its structural soundness. MT2/17/1985p3 Carnegie Library NRHP #164.0 Photos: 1926 1970 1958 circa 2009 2011 413 West Main In 1910, women of Medford's library association began petitioning Andrew Carnegie for funding to build a permanent home for the city library and agitating for a serial levy to operate it. When a letter arrived from Carnegie on January 19, 1911 offering the association $20,000, John A. McIntosh was hired to design the building, which was erected on the second of the city's park blocks. The $19,360 structure opened February 8, 1912. The Library was expanded to the rear in 1951. By the early 1980s, it was considered outdated and too small, but plans to raze the building were met with public outcry. After being listed on the National Register, it was thoroughly renovated. Its days as a library finally came to an end in 2004 with construction of Medford's Central Library downtown. Today the Carnegie is slated for conversion to a new life as a public meeting space. Medford Sash & Door is turning out the work for the Carnegie library. MT7/2/1911p8 Wednesday will be the last opportunity to draw books from the city library until the new building is occupied; moving will start soon. MT1/23/1912p6 Preliminary plans for the library addition have been approved. The addition, which will provide about 50 percent more floor space, will be of modern-type architecture designed to blend in with a civic center development. MT6/11/1950p13 The two-story $75,000 addition, due for completion about June first, will double the institution's floor space. MT3/25/1951p15 The Medford library building has served a useful life, but there is no way it can be repaired. MT1/10/1978p1 Carpenters' Hall See Smith's Hall Cascade Inn Motel 816-836 North Riverside aka Brownell Motel An eight-cottage motel and Texaco station started construction last week; it's expected to be ready for business the middle of June. MT2/18/1941p9 In December 1951 the twelve cottages of the Brownell Motel were moved to Medford from Gold Hill, reopening on February 1, 1952. MT5/20/2012p2 Castle Hall See Moore Annex-Pottenger Building Catholic Church I Photo: 1906 414 North Front, northeast corner Third and Front aka Oregon Rooming House The Catholics will soon begin the erection of a church. OR6/1/1888p7 Will. G. Zimmerman will commence work on the new Catholic church here this week. The building will be 26x40 and cost $1100. VR11/29/1888p3 The Catholic church is nearing completion. VR1/24/1889p3 Mr. Dahack has converted the old Catholic church house on North D Street into a modern rooming house, so his new sign reads. MM2/12/1909p8 The fire that destroyed the Oregon Rooming House was of incendiary origin; it was a two-story frame and was originally built for the Catholic Church. Later it was remodeled into a rooming house. MT6/28/1918p6 Fire at Medford early Friday destroyed the Oregon Rooming House and three shacks at the corner of Front and Third streets, owned by Irvin Dahack. JP6/29/1928p3 Catholic Church II Photo: 1909 Southwest corner Tenth and Oakdale Archbishop Christie arrived here Thursday to view the site recently selected for a Catholic church, which though it did not meet with his approval, not being central enough, was purchased from P. J. McMahon. TR10/10/1907p1 Archbishop Christie returned from Medford, where he completed the purchase of a lot on which the erection of a church will be begun immediately. OR10/18/1907p11 The Catholics have completed a school building costing $30,000 and are now building a church. OR11/2/1908p12 The new Catholic church was dedicated yesterday morning. MM1/8/1909p1 A fine, large bell has been placed in the belfry of the Catholic church. It was donated by the Knights of Columbus. MT2/5/1913p6 The doors will close Saturday for the last time. MT11/17/1929p8 The church will be torn down immediately after the annual bazaar. MT11/21/1929p10 Catholic Church III Photos: 1930s 1970 Southwest corner Tenth and Oakdale aka Church of the Nativity, Sacred Heart Catholic Church Contracts have been let and groundbreaking for the $45,000 brick church will take place this afternoon. MT7/29/1928p1 A fruitcake replica of the new church, now under construction, is on display in the window at 123 Main Street. MT11/20/1928p2 Included among the larger structures completed this last year was the new Catholic church on the corner of Tenth Street and Oakdale Avenue, constructed at an approximate cost of $45,000. MT12/31/1928pC7 To be dedicated April 18, the building was designed by R. E. Barrett and built under the direction of his brother, contractor Barrett. MT3/31/1929pB5 Cedar Lodge Motel Photo: 1960 518 North Riverside aka America's Best Value Inn Permit granted Leo Sant for erection of a $104,000 motel. MT1/7/1959p9 The Cedar Lodge Motel is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 The motel was gutted and converted into 84 studio apartments; survivors of the Almeda fire are first in line. Some moved in this week. MT2/2/2022p1 Central Apartments 301 South Central Central Church of Christ I 608 North Central The building was started in November 1937 soon after the founding of the congregation. For about five years the floors were deep sawdust. MT1/20/1961p8 The former building was razed, since it was on the site of the Alpine Village development. MT6/16/1961p6 Central Church of Christ II 1440 South Oakdale at Holmes aka Rogue Valley Christian Church Groundbreaking ceremonies will take place Sunday. MT1/13/1961p6 Construction will begin immediately with Jack Batzer as contractor. It will be of wood construction using Oregon lumber insofar as possible. MT1/20/1961p8 The new $50,000 building was dedicated last Sunday. MT6/16/1961p6 Central Fire Hall See Medford Central Fire Hall Central High School See Medford High School III Central Hotel Photo: 1888 Northeast corner Main and Central H. F. Torrey is building a good sized hotel, and wants to have it ready for a dancing party on Washington's birthday. AT1/25/1884p4 The hotel was opened this week by Mr. A. R. Woods. AT9/5/1884p3 At 4:30 a.m. a lamp exploded in the two-story frame building at the east corner of 7th and C streets, and once used as the Medford Hotel. VR10/20/1892p3 The building was formerly occupied as a hotel by J. H. Faris, but at the time of the fire by Geo. A. Webb as a dry goods store and Wm. Green as a tailor shop. It was totally consumed. DT10/21/1892p3 Central Service Station 203 South Central, southeast corner East Ninth and South Central Permit issued for construction of service station at 203 S. Central. MT4/2/1934p2 Warren Butler has assumed ownership Medford's newest service station, constructed along modernistic lines and offering Gilmore gasoline. MT11/11/1934p6 Century Building See Medford Community Hospital Chamber of Commerce Building See Exhibit Building Chamber of Commerce Building II Photos: 1969 1970 Southwest corner Tenth and Central Bids for demolition of a structure at Central and Tenth St. are expected to make way for a new home for the Chamber of Commerce. MT3/25/1960p1 Architect Keeney reports that plans will be ready this week; the present structure on the site is being removed. MT5/8/1960pB11 Construction of the new building will start soon. Costs will include $17,500 for the property and $13,320 for the building. MT1/6/1961p1 L. D. Champion Building See Leever Building Chapel of the Rocks and Roses Photos: 1945 1946 104 South Oakdale Childers Apartments 803 West Eleventh Childers Block See Johnson-Childers Building Childers Building I Photos: 1900 1901 Northwest corner East Main and Central aka Phipps Block Childers & Son have commenced hauling stone for the foundation of their new brick building on Seventh Street. DT3/2/1888p2 Childers & Son have commenced operations on the fine brick building they propose putting up on Seventh Street, adjoining S. Rosenthal's place of business. DT3/30/1888p2 Spence Childers is building a two-story brick on the corner of Main and C. The ground floor is for store rooms, the second floor for offices. AT5/18/1888p3 There will be a dance in Childers' new brick building at night. Come, everybody, and have a good time. AT6/1/1888p3 Adkins & Webb are occupying Childers' new brick, and will be there until their new building is completed. DT8/30/1888p3 M. E. Beatty & Co., the real estate agents, have removed their offices to Childers' building, upstairs. So have Dr. Minnis and S. S. Pentz, Esq. DT10/25/1888p3 We learn that H. H. Wolters of the Monarch Saloon will occupy Childers' building as soon as Adkins & Webb vacate it. DT3/14/1889p3 J. O. Johnson and S. Childers, Sr., now own the brick building in this place formerly owned by A. Childers & Son. DT9/5/1889p2 Julius Goldsmith, the popular grocer, has rented the lower story of Childers' brick building. DT10/3/1889p3 Dr. J. W. Odgers' office is in the Phipps block, opposite Jackson County Bank. MM5/28/1897p3 The demolition of the old brick building at the northwest corner of 7th and C streets was commenced Monday of this week. The building was purchased by the Medford Bank with a view to ultimately building a permanent home for the bank upon the site. MM3/2/1906p5 J. A. Slover conducted a drug store in the building. MM6/29/1906p4 Childers Building II NRHP #352.0 Photo: 1971 406 East Main The Childers Building was constructed in 1926 by Elmer Childers, a prominent Medford contractor. The multi-storefront design was highlighted by the triangle-shaped parapet decoration. The recessed entries each had a tall transom band of narrow vertical panels. Piggly-Wiggly occupied the building in the 1920s. Occupants in the 1940s included Franett's Military Store, Victory Cleaners (later Valley Cleaners) and Larson-May Appliance Co. By the mid-1960s Larson's expanded to fill the entire building before moving to a larger location at Main and Fir. In the 1970s the IOOF lodge shared the building with small retail concerns. In 1985 a substantial renovation by John Nelson created a new interior room arrangement that yielded eight small shops, collectively known as the Main Street Market. Historically derived stairways and transom panels in natural wood were installed, similar to the original design. The Childers Building has been blended with the adjacent Jerome-Vawter Building, and more recently with the Mohr Rental Building, to form a unified appearance. Piggly Wiggly will open March 15 in the new Childers building, now near completion at Main and Riverside. MT2/3/1926p2 Elmer Childers has sold the 40x100 concrete structure, built two and one-half years ago, for $30,000. MT6/15/1929p2 Childers Building III 416 East Main The old Page Theater ruins will be but a memory within a week's time as Elmer Childers has obtained the contract to tear down the structure and erect a building on the site. The council granted Childers a delay last night in order that he can study whether he can incorporate a part of the structure in the building he is think of erecting. MT8/6/1930p1 The ruins of the old theater were recently torn down sufficiently to leave a portion of the remains to serve as walls for the new building. MT10/1/1930p5 The new 100x85-ft. Childers Building, remodeled from the old Page Theater, is expected to be ready December 15. Plans call for four store rooms. MT11/28/1930p16 The tearing down of the old Page Theater ruins on East Main Street and their transformation into a modern business building for George Hunt and Julius Wolfe was one the bright lights of the year. MT12/31/1930pB1 Mr. and Mrs. Gene Childers announce the opening of their new theater, the Roxy, on East Main Street, Medford, on Friday, June 24. CPA6/23/1932p1 Oregon-California Theaters, Inc. announces that following extensive remodeling, Medford's Roxy Theater will be renamed "The Esquire." MT1/31/1947p1 Demolition of the building adjoining the Esquire Theater was begun last week. The adjoining building, the Esquire, has also been condemned. MT12/5/1965p8 One lane of traffic was blocked on East Main Street while sign crews removed the old Esquire Theater sign. MT2/21/1966p10 The owners of the west half of the original building razed that portion, which has created an additional safety problem unless the west wall is stabilized. MT4/1/1966p1 The Esquire Theater will be razed within 90 days. MT4/10/1966p2 Childers Building/Dreamland NRHP #364.0 Photo: 1979 417 East Main aka Walker Building, the "bent building" Construction is under way on the $30,000 building. It will house the Walker dance pavilion, which will have a domed roof for proper acoustics. MT 5/18/1928p1 Walker's pavilion will open Saturday with a 57x90-ft. maple dance floor. MT8/21/1928p3 The recently completed boxing arena has 800 seats, dressing rooms, a weighing-in room and other facilities. MT9/25/1928p5 The new theater was formerly used as a boxing arena. MT10/17/1928p3 The Playhouse Theater in the Childers Building, now undergoing reconstruction, will open and present its first moving picture on March 30, according to Gene Childers, owner, who is supervising the work. MT3/21/1929p5 Angled to follow the street, this building was used as a boxing arena and as the home of the Dreamland Ballroom, the Isis Theater (Medford's last silent movie theater), a bowling alley and Santo's Agate Shop. 421 East Main was for a time site of the Everlast Neon Sales Corp. and factory. MT6/8/1929pB4 A Saturday fire caused minor damage to the building walls. MT1/19/1958p1 Dense clouds of smoke poured out of the doorway leading downstairs to the old Medford bowling alley when the fire broke out in an area under the street about 6:30 p.m. Saturday. The fire, burning in trash and old lumber, never got above ground level. MT1/20/1958p1 Childers Hall See Johnson-Childers Building Childers House Photos: 1907-10 1912 501 East Main aka Pacific & Eastern Railroad Depot
Mr. Spencer Childers is building a fine residence a short distance from
town, across Bear Creek. OR3/27/1888p3
The building of Mr. Childers' residence
on the east side of Bear Creek has laid the foundation for East
Medford. We are told seven other residences will be built on that side
of the creek during the present season. SOT3/27/1888The neat brick dwelling which A. Childers, Sr., is building on his ranch east of town is rapidly assuming proportions. DT12/5/1889p3 Spence Childers is building an addition to his residence on East Main. MM3/3/1893p3 Last week we spoke of the new brick residence to be built by S. Childers, Jr. This building will be quite unique in design, the verandas and porticoes being also of brick. It will be a two-story building with six rooms below and three above. The sitting room, parlor and dining room will be connected by folding doors and can all three be thrown into one room when required. The foundation for this building will be commenced within a few few days. The cost of the structure will be about $2000. W. J. Bennet, architect. MM9/27/1895p4 Architect I. A. Palmer is now preparing plans and specifications for a fine brick residence for Spencer Childers, to be erected in East Medford--just across the bridge. The building will be a two-story brick, with nine rooms, and an attic which will be used as a billiard hall. When completed the building will cost in the neighborhood of $4,000, and will be without a doubt the handsomest residence in Southern Oregon. MM9/11/1896p7 Robert L. Hale has leased the Childers' brick residence, on East Seventh Street, and moved thereto. MM8/10/1906p5 S. Childers last week closed a deal with H. Doubleday whereby the latter becomes the owner of the neat little cottage in East Medford where Mr. Childers now lives. The price paid was $2300. MM11/5/1908p5 Police made a liquor raid on Oscar Warren's apartments in the old Pacific and Eastern depot on East Main Street. MT4/4/1932p5 Four old dwellings on the site of the proposed new city park, including the Mansion Cafe at 501 East Main Street, will be removed in the near future, city councilmen having issued a call for bids for their removal. MT4/19/1945p1 Christian Science Church 214 North Oakdale Clark & Foster have just finished plans for the new Christian Science church. The church is to be a frame structure, costing $3500. MT9/14/1910pB1 The chapel will cost $5000. The building will be 33x75 feet in size and will stand at the rear of the property, the front of which is to be parked and beautified. MT9/20/1910p8 The auditorium will seat 200 people. There will be rooms for the first reader, second reader, and a large reading room. The edifice will cost $9000. OR1/4/1911p15 Construction is under way on the first "bungalow" church in the Northwest, First Church of Christ, Scientist, now being constructed on North Oakdale. The church resembles a country club more than a religious edifice. MT1/1/1911p3 Chrysler Building 1024 Summit--possibly not built Sherman Jones has applied at the city superintendent's office for a permit to erect a business building at 1024 Summit Street. MT1/8/1947p9 Church of Christ 1701 West Main at Chestnut A $25,000 building permit has been granted to the Medford Church of Christ. The auditorium will be 108x36 feet; a two-story education department will be 72x24 feet and will have space for 14 classrooms. R. T. Burns will supervise construction, and much of the work will be donated. MT4/24/1952p17 Church of the Nazarene Northwest corner Jackson and Central Church of the Nazarene II Photo: 1956 520 North Holly City Meat Market Photo: 1909-10 11 North Central aka C Street Meat Market, Premium Market Mr. Ely is having a one-story 25x26 brick built just off 7th Street on C, which will be occupied by a butcher shop as soon as completed. SO5/13/1892p3 G. W. Mathes and Jeff Brophy will soon open up a butcher shop. SO7/29/1892p3 Brophy & Mathes will be moved to the brick on C Street back of Slover's Drug Store as soon as it is ready for occupancy. SO7/29/1892p3 Mr. R. Besse has purchased the C Street Meat Market of G. W. Mathes and is now in charge of same. MM3/24/1893p3 L. M. Lyon, the contractor and builder, is now at work placing one in the G. E. Fox C Street meat market. MM6/9/1893p3 G. E. Fox, proprietor of the Premium Meat Market, has his place of business fitted up in a manner which must be most pleasing alike to himself and patrons. MM6/16/1893p3 It is reported that the Premium market will be opened again about October first, by Wm. Ulrich and others. MM9/29/1893p3 Ed. Pottenger is the new meat cutter at the Premium Market. MM1/5/1894p3 The building was either razed or incorporated into the 1910 addition to the Medford National Bank. Work has been commenced on the three-story brick addition to the building of the Medford National. Pacific Banker, Portland, 8/6/1910p7 Clarenden Hotel Photo: circa 1890 Southwest corner West Main and Fir aka Clarendon Hotel, Western Hotel, Commercial Hotel Construction on "Dickison's large hotel" is now under way. PO7/24/1888p6 The Clarenden Hotel will open in a few days. It is to be a strictly first-class house. AT9/21/1888 George Justus has leased the Clarenden Hotel and is now renovating the building from foundation to garret. He proposes to put the hotel in such shape as to make it a first-class hostelry. MM3/2/1894p3 Mrs. Emma Barker has bought out the interests of Geo. Justus in the Clarenden Hotel and is in possession of the same. The lady has secured the services of Harry Angle as clerk. MM4/20/1894p3 A new sign has swung itself to the exhilarant zephyrs--at the front of the erstwhile Clarenden Hotel, and instead of reading "Clarenden" it is "Western Hotel." MM10/4/1895p5 The name of the Western Hotel has been changed to Commercial, under its new management. MM1/29/1897p7 H. C. Knackstedt has taken charge of the Commercial Hotel, on the west side, and will thoroughly renovate the building. DT7/21/1898p3 The Commercial Hotel caught fire from a flue Saturday morning and would have been totally destroyed but for the prompt action of the fire department. It was badly damaged, although the frame still stands. DT8/22/1898p3 It is said that the hotel on the west side of the S.P. track will be rebuilt as soon as the title is perfected. DT3/20/1899p3 T. H. Moore has men at work tearing down the old Clarendon livery barn. He has not decided whether he will build a brick on the premises or not. MM5/17/1901p6 The building apparently stood until 1900 or 1901, when it was razed to make room for the Moore Mercantile Buildings. Mr. Orr has rented Mr. Moore's store building, which is across the track, where once stood the Clarendon Hotel. MM9/27/1901p7 Clauss Motors NRHP #293.0 275 East Fifth Clay Building See Hoover-Cooper Building Clemens-Brandon House NRHP #177.0 211 North Ivy Clogston's Cabinet Shop Photo: 1952 2080 Jacksonville Highway Clover Leaf Grocery and Service Station Thirteenth and Riverside aka Smith Service Station, Highway Grocery Construction is under way on 25x75-ft. stucco building for Charles Wing. Howard Wing, his brother, will operate the business. MT7/11/1928p3 Building permit application was made by Clarence L. Smith to remodel a service station at 13th and Riverside, $2,000. MT10/8/1952p9 Construction supervisor was L. G. Upp of Spring Street. MT8/20/1928p2adv The building has a five-coat finish of crushed rock. MT8/21/1928p7 Coast Aluminum and Architectural Warehouse 3425 South Riverside The building will be a holding facility for aluminum used in architectural panels, picked up and dropped off for projects on the West Coast. MT4/19/2019pB1 Cobblestone Village 1237 North Riverside aka Pulver's Motel Construction of the $1.2 million Cobblestone Village started in February; the grand opening is scheduled for mid-June. Workers now are gutting motel rooms, leaving only the brick exterior. MT4/8/1984 The 549C School Board recently approved purchase of Cobblestone Village for Central High School's future home. MT1/10/2020pB1 The school district has canceled its purchase in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed its financial outlook. MT4/4/2020p1 Coca-Cola Bottling Plant 3074 Crater Lake Avenue The new $225,000 plant, being built by Batzer Construction, is expected to be completed by Sept. 1. MT6/16/1968pB1 The Coffee Pot Drive-In Photos: 1947 circa 1948 1132 North Riverside The new coffee shop that opens tomorrow takes its name from the design of the building, in the shape of a gigantic coffee pot. MT6/9/1937p2 The Coffee Pot reopens for the season tomrrow. The establishment has been remodeled and enlarged with double the seating capacity. MT3/20/1941p4 J. McDuffee has applied for a permit for a $6,000 addition. MT10/15/1948p11 Firemen cut through the roof of the Gay '90s Pizza Parlor last night to extinguish a fire which had started behind a heating unit and extended to the attic. Dave Ogdahl said the family portion of his building would be closed temporarily. MT2/11/1966p1 Coleman Edsel Sales Southeast corner Sixth and Fir Hugh Coleman of Crater Lake Motors received a permit to construct a $20,000 sales and service building at West Sixth and Fir sts. MT7/25/1957p1 Construction began today. The $20,000, 4,500-sq.-ft. building was designed by architect Jack A. Edson; Armin Richter is the contractor. MT7/26/1957p5 College Building See Medford Business College Block Collins Mobil Service Photo: 1950 Corner Jackson and Central Collins Service Station Southwest corner Fourth and Riverside J. C. Collins, who has been building a concrete service station at Fourth and Riverside, will open it tomorrow, April 3. MT4/2/1924p3 The Colonel's Photo: 1965 603 South Riverside "The Colonel's" is now open, operating under a franchise for the widely known Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken. MT11/5/1965pB5 Colonial Flats 217 South Riverside Make your winter home at Colonial Flats, 217 South Riverside. MT9/22/1914p2 FOR SALE--Largest light housekeeping apartment house in Medford, situated on Pacific Highway, 2 blocks from Main St. Has 30 apartments, fully furnished for light housekeeping: building is absolutely modern. Gas, electric lights, steam heated. Some private baths, two public bathrooms on each floor. Has monthly rental of $350 when running full. Write manager, Colonial Flats, 217 South Riverside, Medford, Or. OR9/14/1916p20 Colonial Garage Building NRHP #166.0 Photos: 1927 1948 1965 405 West Sixth, southwest corner Sixth and Ivy See also Emerick Garage The Colonial Garage on Sixth Street at the corner of Ivy is now nearing completion. The building is a reinforced concrete structure 80x100 and will be large enough to house a half a hundred cars on its concrete floor. This building is being built by Ira Schuler and "Jerry" Jerome. MT10/24/1921p1 I. E. Schuler will build a 50x60-ft. addition to the Colonial Garage, increasing its floor space to 15,000 square feet. MT9/17/1924p6 A building permit has been granted to Ralph Furrer to remodel a public garage at Sixth and Ivy streets at a cost of $5,000. MT11/26/1948p13 Remodeling was begun this week on the Medford Motor Company building. A part of the building and roof on the corner will be removed to accommodate a used car lot at the same location as the new car business. MT2/14/1954p10 Commerce Plaza Photo: 1984 1300 block McAndrews Road Occupancy in the 12,000-square-foot two-story building is anticipated in March. MT2/12/1984 Commercial Club Building See Exhibit Building Commercial Hotel See Clarenden Hotel Commercial Transfer & Storage Photo: 1947 320 North Fir Common Block Brewing See Leever Motor Company The Concord Northeast corner Sixth and Grape Demolition began Monday for The Concord, a $12.5-million low-income housing project. The 50-foot-tall, four-story building, designed by Ogden Roemer Wilkerson Architecture, will be completed by November 2016. MT10/20/2015p1 The $12.5-million project will have 20 one-bedroom and 30 two-bedroom apartments. The four-story building was designed by Ogden Roemer Wilkerson Architecture; Adroit Construction is the contractor. MT3/5/2016p3 Residents should start filling up the 50 apartments after Jan. 1. MT12/1/2016p1 Guy Conner Warehouse Southeast corner Eleventh and Evergreen This week the Guy W. Conner property came into the possession of the C&E Fruit Company. The property consists of a concrete warehouse, 100 by 100 feet. Work has started on the enlargement of the plant. MT5/3/1928p1 The warehouse near Main on the railroad tracks, known as the Earl Packing Plant and controlled by the C.&E. Company, has been leased to Steinhardt & Kelly. Chicago Packer 5/12/1928p18 Work started today on a $15,000 100x85-ft. addition to Biddle and Edminston's C.&E. packing plant on South Grape Street. MT5/2/1929p5 The history of the Myron E. Root Company began in 1932 when it became an incorporated concern and started operating in the old C. and E. warehouse at 11th and Fir sts. This building was the first warehouse constructed in Medford and was built prior to 1908. MN6/9/1950p1 Conger-Morris Funeral Home Photo: 1970 715 West Main The two-story building will be finished in stucco and will cost close to $25,000. MT2/1/1928p1 Among the buildings which aided in making the month's construction program so large is the Conger funeral home on West Main Street. MT3/31/1928p2 The lower floor is devoted to the business, opening tomorrow; the upper floor will be used as private living quarters for Mr. and Mrs. Conger. MT8/31/1928p4 Conger-Morris Funeral Parlors, 715 West Main, have obtained an $800 permit for an addition to their building. MT10/17/1950p11 Construction is under way on a 250-seat chapel. A parking lot for 55 vehicles is also being built along the entire block behind the chapel. MT6/16/1968pB1 New construction and renovation has been completed. The original building, built in 1928, was redesigned. MT7/17/1969pB5 Consolidated Freightways Terminal 703 North Central The $60,000 project, started November 12, is a modern dock addition which will give increased loading and unloading space. The firm is also constructing a fueling island and a truck scales installation. MT12/2/1951p12 Cook Apartments See Brommer Apartments Cooksey Motors Photo: 1946 148 South Riverside, northwest corner Ninth and Riverside It will be one of the most modern in the state when completed. The concrete floor will be heated by hot water flowing through pipes. MN11/9/1945p3 Cooley Building See Cooley Building/Craterian Theater or Cooley-Neff Building Cooley Building/Craterian Theater NRHP #321.0 Photos: circa 1926 December 20-21, 1926 1953 1953 1998 23 South Central aka Cooley Theater Building, Craterian Building After the old house and billboards on the property are razed the work of excavating for the foundations of the new theater will begin. MS2/3/1924p1 The Medford Theater Company, which will build a new theater on Central Avenue, filed articles of incorporation last week. MT2/4/1924p2 The basement excavation is complete for the new theater. CL4/11/1924p1 A $35,000 remodeling in November will make the Craterian one of the most beautiful and modern theaters on the Pacific coast. Deep carpets, richly hued drapes, mirrors with indirect lighting and scores of innovations will make this theater a veritable showplace. The new doors in the foyer will be made of sandblasted glass, and the proscenium arch will be remodeled to conform in shape and design with the rest. MT9/20/1936p5 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart is the Craterian Theater. MT5/30/1976pC2 Cooley Theater Building See Cooley Building/Craterian Theater Cooley-Neff Building NRHP #40.0 Photos: 1926 1927 1937 101 North Central, northwest corner Sixth and Central aka Cooley Building, Neff-Cooley Building, Neff Building Site preparation is fast progressing. The concrete store building on the north end of the site is being moved, and the other small business building of concrete and glass, and the old dwelling houses, will be razed and hauled away. MT3/8/1923p3 Two of the rooms have already been leased. MT4/28/1925p8 There will be four store rooms, three on Sixth and one on Central. MT6/3/1925p7 Cooley and Neff were granted a permit to erect a one-story structure at Sixth and Central. The building will have four store rooms and be 40x75 feet with a 10-foot basement. R. I. Stuart is the builder. MT8/6/1925p5 J. H. Cooley and P. J. Neff are erecting a concrete business structure at the corner of Central Avenue and Sixth Street at a cost of $11,000. MT9/1/1925p3 Miss I. C. Porter has leased the store room at 125 East Sixth, in the new Neff-Cooley building, and will open a millinery store tomorrow. MT4/27/1926p3 $25,000 damage resulted yesterday when fire swept through the basement of the Cooley Building, causing stocks of the Adrienne Steward shop, McPherson's Clothing and Porter's Millinery to be damaged by smoke, flames and water. Only smoke entered the Diamond Cafe. MT2/14/1927p1 The fire "partially gutted" the building. MT2/15/1927p5 Porter Neff has bought the building back from W. E. Thomas. MT6/22/1927p4 Antonio Tosnez arrested for setting February fire. MT12.20/1927p4 When it opened in 1926 it housed McPherson's Men's Store, Adrienne Steward's Ladies' Shop, Porter Millinery and the Diamond Cafe. MT12/20/1927p4 Cooley-Neff Building II South Central The OLCC store is scheduled to move to the Cooley-Neff Building just being completed next to the Jackson Hotel. MT8/24/1936p5 Cooley-Neff Warehouse Photo: 1926 Southeast corner Third and Fir A steam shovel has begun excavating for a $30,000, 75x175-ft. concrete warehouse at Third and Fir. MT6/10/1924p5 Work is progressing rapidly on the warehouse being constructed by Porter Neff and J. H. Cooley for Mason, Ehrman Co. MT9/2/1924p8 The building was built by Cooley & Neff for Mason & Ehrman. The structure is 75x180 and contains 40,000 sq. ft. of floor space with a humidor for storage of cigars and special rooms for other merchandise. JN12/5/1924p1, MT12/2/1924p8 Cooper Building See Hoover-Cooper Building Copco Building See St. Mark's Block Copco Office and Shops Photo: 1960 925 South Grape, 1006 South Grape An option has been signed by the power company for the tract of land at the foot of Grape Street; a warehouse, 200 by 50 feet, will be constructed for the storage of electrical equipment. EH10/11/1921p6 The California Oregon Power Company plans to erect an office building near the corner of Grape and Stewart Ave., it was reported this week. MT12/8/1958p1 Among building permits issued since Jan. 1 was one for some of the California Oregon Power Company's shop facility construction at Grape and Stewart. The development was started last year with construction of a shop and storage space. Space is provided for a future office building. MT5/29/1960p10 Copco Office Building North Holly, adjacent to the St. Mark's Block Copco has started erection of a $12,000 office structure. MT9/2/1924p8 The new Copco building on North Holly is rapidly nearing completion. The building will be one story for the present; it will be connected to the present Copco building by means of a large opening. CL12/19/1924p1 A $15,000 project will add a second story to the building's one-story wing and reface the Holly Street front. Work will start in a week. MT4/15/1938p1 Copco Substation Biddle Road near Jackson Copco plans to build a $100,000 substation in Medford. MT4/22/1929p1 I. D. Phipps Friday sold a 4-acre lot to Copco for its substation. MT6/2/1929p2 The site for the $125,000 substation was purchased last week; construction will start in September. The Riverside substation will be abandoned. MT6/3/1929p8 Construction will start in a week or ten days. MT9/10/1929p6 Four 2500-kw transfers arrived yesterday. Construction will take two months and will employ between 25 and 30 men. MT9/18/1929p3 The California Oregon Power Company's new substation, on East Jackson Street, is considered one of the finest in its kind in the West. MT12/31/1930p18 Copco Warehouse East side of South Fir between Thirteenth and Stewart The largest permit was for a concrete warehouse with iron sides and roof, 198 feet by 40 feet, to contain six rooms and offices. MT4/18/1923p6 In the front will be offices of the purchasing department, superintendent of power houses, and the local division superintendent. The shop is 35x85 feet, and served as a warehouse prior to construction of the new warehouse. MT7/5/1923p8 Ida A. Coppin Apartments 344 South Central Corcoran Construction Building Photo: 1956 1240 North Riverside Corey Building 303 North Bartlett, northwest corner Fourth and Bartlett Southern Oregon Bearing Sales and Selby Glass celebrate their move to the new building, built and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Corey. MT7/13/1951p5 Selby's Terrace Shop will open in the new Corey Building on North Bartlett Street between Third and Fourth streets. MT6/1/1952p5 Cormany Electric Photo: 1955 301-303 South Front, southeast corner Tenth and Front City directory listings: 1951: Cormany Electrical Contractors 303; 1953-56: Home Appliance 303; 1955-56: United Radio Supply 301; 1958-65: Home Appliance 301-303; 1966: Thrifty Green Stamps 301, Bargain Center 303; 1968-69: Paul's New & Used 301, Bargain Center 303; 1970: Goodwill 301, Bargain Center 303. Southern Oregon Goodwill at 301 S. Front opened Thursday. The store will serve as outlet for products made usable by the Goodwill workshop. MT5/18/1969p7 Goodwill has a sign, thanks to Medford Neon Signs. MT8/10/1969pD8 Cornwall Davis Garage See Davis-Cornwall Building Courtesy Chevrolet Leasing Photo: 1965 Southeast corner Ninth and Bartlett Courtesy Chevrolet announces their new leasing facility on the southeast corner of 9th and Bartlett. MT8/25/1965pB9 J. W. Cox House Eleventh and Central J. W. Cox has had plans drawn for a very fine eight-room residence, to be erected on his South C Street property. The building will be 32x28 feet in size, two stories high. I. A. Palmer is the architect. MM5/9/1902p7 The framework for the new residence of J. W. Cox is now up, and the carpenters have commenced to enclose it. The main building is 30x36 feet, two stories high, with large bay windows below and above on the south side and an octagonal front on C Street. The hallway, which will contain the stairs to the second story, will be 12x16 feet, making it really a commodious room. At the outside corner it will be extended out, forming the outside circumference of a tower which will extend above the main part of the house. MM7/11/1902p7 Kit Carson, one of Central Point's good mechanics, is in Medford this week engaged upon the J. W. Cox new residence, on South C Street. MM7/25/1902p6 D. L. Day began the work of painting John Cox's house Monday. MM7/25/1902p7 Drs. Conroy and Clancy have secured a lease on the John W. Cox residence and have fitted it up for use as a hospital. MM12/22/1909p2 Cracker Barrel 1445 Center Drive See Southside Center Cranfill & Hutchison Building See Lindley Building Crater Confectionery Photos: 1900 1901 1908-09 Built on Main near Front, moved to northeast corner East Main and Central, then 36 North Central D. I. Waldroop put up a frame building, covered with corrugated iron and tin and christened his little palace "The Crater," in honor of that beautiful Crater Lake painting which was painted by Mr. Corson. This picture will be placed over the new store. The interior has been beautifully papered and painted and presents a fine appearance. MM8/23/1895p5 Waldroop & Karnes have had their Crater moved to the vacant lots on the corner of C and Seventh Street and are now open for business. MM2/19/1897p7 The Crater handles all of the substantials and delicacies of the market. Choice fruits and confectionery, cigars and tobacco, ice cream and soda with pure fruit flavors are served in an appetizing and tasty manner. MM5/28/1897p3 A new glass front is being put in the old Crater building. Harry Myers will soon open a jewelry store in the building. GH12/2/1899p4 The Mail would suggest removal of that old Crater signboard which is disgustingly and prominently perched high up over Harry Myers' jewelry store. There was at once time a beautiful picture of Crater Lake painted thereon; now nothing but rough, weather-beaten boards are seen. MM3/21/1902p7 Messrs. H. B. Myers, the jeweler, and W. H. McGowan, the crockery man, have performed a good act in covering those unsightly boards over their store with very prettily lettered signs. MM6/13/1902p6 Jeweler B. N. Butler is now temporarily located in the Crater building, on the corner of C and Seventh streets, and will remain there until the Palm-Bodge block is finished. MM9/19/1902p7 The building was at some point moved to the southeast corner of Sixth and Central and presumably razed prior to construction of the Cuthbert Building. Crater Corners Northeast Corner Crater Lake Avenue and McAndrews Walgreens purchased the 1.8-acre retail center for $1.5 million in 2008. The lease for the 7-Eleven store runs into 2018. MT4/23/2015 Crater Inn Motel 841 South Riverside Opening of the motel with 17 ultramodern units was announced yesterday. MT8/31/1947p7 Crater Lake Automotive NRHP #345.0 Photo: 1989 123 South Riverside Named in error. Crater Lake Automotive was located at 103 South Riverside. Around 1952 Medford Service Station moved the current location at the southeast corner of Riverside and Eighth Streets. The building was renamed the Furnas Building, and the business became Medford Tire Service. MT3/23/1989pB15 Crater Lake Automotive I Photos: 1926 1934 103 South Riverside aka Furnas Building The new building is a real addition to Medford's list of attractive business structures. The section which will house the Paige-Jewett distributors has 5000 square feet of floor space. The entire building will be occupied by both the Crater Lake Automotive Company and Armstrong Motors, Inc., Hudson-Essex and Hupmobile dealers. MT10/31/1926pB4 Crater Lake East 1150 Crater Lake Avenue Construction will begin in a few weeks on a 76,000-sq.-ft. professional center opposite the new hospital site, with offices occupying 15,000 sq. ft. MT2/26/1964p1 Crater Lake Ford See C. A. Winetrout Building Crater Lake Ford [American Cancer Society] NRHP #195.0 Photos: 1965 1966 31 West Sixth Crater Lake Ford [Scan Design] NRHP #194.0 50 North Fir, northeast corner Main and Fir aka Collier Center Crater Lake Motors today started construction on a new service and parts building across Main from the existing building. MT5/2/1961p1 Craterian Performances Co. will soon buy the building as a venue for youth theater, rehearsals, and shops for costumes, props and scenes. MT12/28/2017p1 Crater Lake Garage NRHP #14.0 Photos: 1911 1913 2008 123 South Front aka Tumy Garage Building, Eads Transfer Company Building Construction began yesterday on a 60x100-ft. brick garage with basement which will be used for Scott Davis' agency and as a public garage. MS2/25/1911p2 What will be one of the most up-to-date garages in Medford is in course of construction just back of the Davis flour mill. Scott V. Davis, agent for Stoddard-Dayton cars, is erecting it. It will be occupied by the Crater Lake Garage, of which J. C. Neff is manager. MT3/19/1911pB3 A fire gutted the brick Tumy Garage building on South Front last night, causing a loss on cars of $23,000 and a loss on the building of $5000. MT7/23/1921p1 A blaze blamed on faulty construction and a defective old flue damaged Eads Transfer and Storage, 123 South Front St., late yesterday afternoon. MT1/25/1955p1 Crater Lake Hardware Warehouse South Front The Swartley Bros., Corvallis contractors, have leased the newly constructed warehouse of the Crater Lake Hardware Co. to store their equipment. MT7/21/1927p2 During the past year a warehouse was constructed by the Crater Lake Hardware Company on South Front Street to provide added stock storage space. MT9/14/1927pC3 Crater Lake Laundry Building 603 North Central The formation of a new laundry is rapidly reaching its final goal. The boiler and engine will be in place as soon as the foundations are complete. MT4/24/1910p2 All machinery is here and is being placed in the big building in the rear of 603 North Central Avenue. MT6/5/1910p8 Crater Lake Lumber Building North Evergreen aka Rogue River Fruitgrowers Warehouse The Rogue River Fruitgrowers' Association is having the big building on North Evergreen that it bought of the Crater Lake Lumber Co. put in shape for the coming season's business. This will make the third company to maintain a warehouse in Medford. MT7/30/1913p2 Fire gutted the warehouse on the S.P. tracks occupied by the Medford Egg & Poultry Co. and as a storehouse by the Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. MT12/16/1914p2 Crater Lake Motor Car Building Photo: 1966 16-18 South Fir aka Palm Building Apparently incorporated into the Kay Building (q.v.). Sunday Court Hall will leave for Portland, where he will make arrangements for the building of a Cadillac garage to be built in this city. It is to be one of the most up-to-date garages in southern Oregon. MT10/24/1913p6 Contractors Priddy and O'Brien are making rapid progress on the Cadillac garage on South Fir Street, being built for Court Hall by Charles Palm. The building will be a two-story structure and one of the finest garages in the city. MT12/18/1913p6 In November 1913, C. W. Palm received a permit to build a garage on South Fir Street between Main and Eighth streets at a cost of $3,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Crater Lake Motor Car Co. will be open for business in their new garage at 16-18 South Fir Street on Monday, Feb. 9. We are agents for the world's standard Cadillac. MT2/7/1914pB8 Fire last night extensively damaged the Palm Building, which housed Tri-County Office Supply and Pacific Telephone and Telegraph's service truck storage. MT7/24/1957p1 Crater Lake Motors Shop NRHP #197.0 Photo: 1966 Northeast corner Eighth and Fir Crater Lake Motors Trucks Photo: 1966 Northwest corner Sixth and Fir Crater Lake Service Station 602 East Main, southeast corner Main and Almond Street Elmer Childers has the contract for the DeVore service station. MT2/22/1924p7 This new modern service station will be open for business April 5. MT4/2/1924p3 Crater National Bank Building NRHP #19.0 101 East Eighth, northeast corner Eighth and Front Current home of the Medford/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. On January 17 Crater National Bank's board decided to build a 5,000-sq.-ft. building at 8th and Front, the former Sims Cycle & Hobby location. MT1/26/1969pB3 Craterian Building See Cooley Building Crescent Dairy 1723 North Riverside The dairy will be in operation May 1 according to manager Ben Hilton. The concrete block dairy plant is in the last stages of completion. MT4/21/1929p8 Crystal Springs Packing Company 139 South Fir Among February's largest permits was that for Crystal Springs Packing Company, 139 South Fir, at $85,000. MT1/7/1948p3 Cubby's Photos: 1956 1956 1957 1959 1960 1275 South Riverside Cudahy Packing Co. Warehouse Photo: 1914 Northwest corner Sixth and Evergreen Identified only as "Wholesale Gro[cery]" in the 1907 Sanborn maps; the Cudahy name first appears on the 1911 map. Photo taken August 1914. Cummins of Medford Photo: 1956 909 East McAndrews Cuthbert Building NRHP #304.0 Photos: 1928 2011 38 North Central, southeast corner Sixth and Central aka Davis Building, Davis-Vawter Building Built for George F. Cuthbert's furniture store; plans announced January 14, 1910. Subsequently home of Rardon & Co., then the Golden Rule, then Penneys, then Newberry's. On the lot beyond the post office building and to the north, the Jackson County Bank will soon commence the construction of a three-story office building of brick and stone. MM4/23/1909p3 This will be a modern business block of pressed brick, steam heated and equipped with an electric elevator, and will be 90x100 feet and eventually five stories high, although but three stories will be built now. OR1/23/1910p48 A. A. Davis announces that he is almost ready to let the contract for his business block on the corner of Central and Sixth. This building, which is to cost $40,000, will be modern in every respect. MT2/22/1910p2 Power & Reeves report that the A. A. Davis building, which is being erected on North C Street for the Big Bend Milling company at the cost of $45,000, will be completed with the next two months. The furniture store of Cuthbert & Co. will occupy the entire two floors of this building, which has dimensions of 90x180 feet. MT9/4/1910pB1 Our new building is promised for the 15th of November. MT10/23/1910p2 The Davis building at the corner of Central Avenue and Sixth Street is a handsome building of white brick. It is two stories in height and cost $40,000. MT7/2/1911pB1 Power & Reeves report that the building being erected on North C Street for the Big Bend Milling Company at the cost of $45,000 will be completed within the next two months. The furniture store of Cuthbert & Co. will occupy the entire two floors of this building, which has the dimensions of 90x180 feet. The first story of this structure is extra high, having a mezzanine or balcony for storing goods. MT9/4/1910pB1 W. H. Rardon & Co. is the name of a new corporation which has just leased the south 45x100 feet in the new building now under the course of construction by the Big Bend Milling Company. MT9/26/1910p8 Too much cannot be said of the enterprise of W. H. Rardon & Co., whose new grocery store at 36 and 38 North Central Avenue would do credit to a Seattle or a San Francisco. MT12/1/1910 Exhibits staged in Davis-Vawter building, corner Central and Sixth. MT9/2/1916p2 J. C. Penney has bought the Golden Rule Store, including "the two-story building with 100-foot frontage on North Central and 90 feet on 6th, all of which is occupied by the Golden Rule, except the corner occupied by Jarmin & Woods drug store." MT6/5/1927p8 The Keeney remodel of the J. J. Newberry store is complete. MT4/30/1950pB4 Dahack Garage 127 North Riverside Eli Dahack has purchased a lot on Riverside opposite the Natatorium for $4,500. He intends to erect a two-story business block. MT3/30/1911p5 The work of excavating for the new Dahack garage on North Riverside Avenue began Thursday, and will be rushed to completion. MT2/19/1915p2 In May 1915, Eli Dahack was recipient of a permit to construct a garage on North Riverside between Fifth and Sixth streets at a cost of $4,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Material for the completion of the concrete Dahack garage has arrived; the building is expected to be completed by early fall. MS7/11/1915p2 Grand opening ball at Dahack Garage, opposite Natatorium from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. on evenings of 8, 9, and 10th, this week. Everybody welcome. Tickets 50c. Refreshments will be served in basement. MT9/6/1915p5 Public dance at Dahack Garage Friday eve., Oct. 8. Everyone welcome. Music will be directed by Prof. H. H. Howell. MT10/7/1915p3 The Columbia Tire Corp. has signed a ten-year lease and will take possession at the first of the year, when the building will be remodeled. MT11/22/1922p5 Dairy Fresh Dairy Bar 1925 West Main The site first appears as occupied by the Dairy Fresh drive-in in the 1966-67 Polk's directory. Dairy Fresh was replaced by Silva's Seafood in the 1977 directory. Silva's was replaced by Wilma's Seafood in the 1981 directory, which was succeeed by For the Halibut in the 1983-84 Polk's. Dairy Queen Photo: 1948 450 South Central Dale's Carpeting Central and Court The 6,000-square-foot building was gutted by fire this morning. Owner Dale Mauck has owned the building since 1955, and had rebuilt it when it was destroyed by fire in 1972. MT12/8/1983p1 Damon Building See Tayler Building Davenport Appliance Building 405 North Central Bill Davenport applied for a permit to erect an appliance store and remodel a residence at 405 North Central. Value was listed at $16,000. MT4/1/1958p9 Davis Building NRHP #305.0 Photos: 1908-09 1955 1958 32 North Central aka Big Bend Milling Building See also Cuthbert Building The first floor of the Davis Building was Medford's first "communications center," housing the Medford Post Office; the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company occupied the southern half. Upstairs, the Odell Furnished Rooms was a rooming house. The Davis family that built this structure were Medford pioneers, operating the flour mill and helping to organize the Jackson County Bank. The design uses sandstone along the alley, one of the few remaining examples of bearing masonry in southern Oregon. The façade, originally with an arched central entryway, was substantially remodeled in 1954. C. E. Collins, the architect and builder, has been appointed to superintend all construction work on the new post office and telephone office building and is now in charge of that work. MM2/1/1907p5 Mrs. F. E. Brown, daughter of our good townsman, B. N. Butler, has leased the entire second story of the new post office and telephone building on North C Street and will occupy the same as a rooming house when completed. There will be nineteen rooms, and these will be fitted up with all modern conveniences and will be elaborately furnished throughout. MM4/5/1907p5 Excavation was commenced this week for the foundation of the new brick to be erected by the Big Bend Milling Co., and the building will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. MM6/28/1907p5 Saturday afternoon postmaster Woodford received telegraphic instructions to move into his new quarters in the Big Bend Milling Co. building on North C Street, and Saturday night the work of moving was accomplished. MM7/26/1907p1 The telephone central is soon to be moved from the rear of the drug store of Charles Strang to their new quarters in the post office building. MM3/13/1908p5 W. I. Vawter, who owns the building now occupied by the post office, has announced that the upper floor, now used as a rooming house, will be turned over to office purposes. MM4/23/1909p3 The ground floor is being remodeled for the Jackson County Abstract Co. A large fireproof vault is being constructed. MT5/4/1917p3 Davis-Cornwall Building [N] NRHP #252.1 127 South Bartlett Davis-Cornwall Building [S] NRHP #252.2 132 South Riverside Davis and Cornwall are erecting a 75x129-ft. concrete building. MT3/8/1927p8 The Davis building, which was recently completed, is to be occupied this week by the Chrysler garage. MT6/5/1927p3 The Fitch Motor Co. finished moving yesterday from 123 to 127 South Riverside into the new Davis building. They will occupy the whole building, half of which faces on Bartlett and the other half on South Riverside. MT6/9/1927p2 The completion of the Cornwall Davis garage building on South Riverside Avenue took place several months ago and is now occupied by Fitch Motor Co. MT9/14/1927pC3 The one-story concrete building located on South Riverside has been sold to J. J. Osenbrugge, who has occupied it for several years. The new owner plans improvements and modernizing of the building within the next few months. MT5/16/1935p5 Davis Grain Warehouse Photo: 1901 Evergreen between West Main and Eighth Built sometime previous to the 1888 Sanborn map; removed circa 1913. A. A. Davis & Co.'s warehouse took a tumble Monday afternoon. The entire underpinning gave way, and the entire structure dropped to the ground, a distance about three feet. MM9/20/1901p7 A. A. Davis' warehouse, which collapsed recently, will not be rebuilt until the grain in it is sold or used. DT10/3/1901p1 The roof is now being put on the new warehouse being built by A. A. Davis to replace the one which collapsed last winter. MM4/25/1902p7 The Davis warehouse, occupied by J. C. Schmidt, feed dealer, is to be torn down or removed from the railroad right of way. MW4/17/1913p3 Davis-Johnson Building Photos: circa 1931 1947 111-115 North Central aka Frideger Building Scott V. Davis and John W. Johnson started construction today on a 50x100-ft. brick and concrete building at 109 N. Central. MT12/8/1930p1 Announcement is made that a Pay 'n Takit store would be opened soon in the new Davis and Johnson building on Central. MT2/17/1931p7 The store occupies a building 50 by 100 feet with a 25-foot open front with accordion doors, providing additional light and air. MT2/21/1931p3 C. A. Whillock, owner of the Golden Rule store, has leased 113 N. Central, just vacated by Safeway store No. 41. The store is 50 by 100 feet; it has a basement 25 by 40 feet which will be used for storage. MT6/2/1936p1 Davis Opera House See Medford Opera House I Davis Storage Warehouse NRHP #70.0 Photo: 2011 31 South Grape Day Planing Mill 144 South Fir, northwest corner Ninth and Fir Fire that started at 1:30 this afternoon destroyed the old Day Planing Mill. MT5/11/1914p1 Dean & Taylor Pontiac Photos: 1957 1959 Northeast corner Sixth and Grape Completed early 1957. Demolition of the old Bonsai restaurant began Monday to make way for The Concord, a $12.5-million low-income housing project. MT10/20/2015p1 Dean Service Station 131 West Fifth--possibly not built A. Z. Dean has applied for a permit to erect a service station at 131 West Fifth Street, at a cost of $15,000. MT8/13/1947p9 Deane Blacksmith Shop 46-54 South Riverside, northwest corner Eighth and Riverside George W. Deane is putting up a brick building on his property at Riverside and Eighth, to be used for a blacksmith shop. MT11/18/1909p5MT8/4/1920p8 Fire last night gutted the J. F. Cook auto top shop on S. Riverside, damaging the H. Dunlap blacksmith shop to the south and the Charles Jackson welding shop on the north. The building is the property of Hamilton Patton. MT5/5/1928p3 Frank Clark is completing plans for a brick and concrete building at Eighth and Riverside, to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. MT6/4/1928p2adv Del Taco II Southwest corner Stewart and Barnett Del Taco is poised to open a second location at Barnett and Stewart. For decades the location has been occupied by gas stations. MT10/21/2014p3 Dempster Furniture Photo: 1969 300 East Barnett Road aka McMahan's Furniture & Appliances The new Dempster Furniture building is expected to open in August. Steel beams are utilized in the 23,000-sq.-ft. structure. MT6/3/1962pB1 Denney Packing House Southeast corner Eighth and Fir Work started today on a new packing house for Denney & Co. The roof of the present building is being removed; an addition which will practically double the capacity of the plant will be built on the west side of the building. MT6/19/1923p6 Denny's Coffee Shop North Riverside Denny's Coffee Shop is to open the end of the week. The coffee shop, to be open around the clock, will seat 88 persons, with counter and booths. MT8/16/1962 Derick's Cafeteria NRHP #358.0 Photos: 1979 2011 17 South Riverside Restaurateur Hubert Derick hired architect Frank Clark to design this building as Medford's first roadside eatery, opening in 1924. In 1934 John B. Cox bought the building and opened The Spot, an "artistically arranged beer parlor and sandwich shop." He installed a 25-foot-long bar and private booths "for the special benefit of ladies and men who wish a suitable place for their friends and families." The Spot operated, under successive ownerships, in this location for over sixty years. R. S. Stuart is breaking ground between the public market and Page corner for a 35x65-ft. concrete cafeteria building. MT9/25/1924p8 Mr. Derick several years ago built a $15,000 concrete fireproof building to house his restaurant. MT2/16/1927p1 Deuel Building See Kentner Building, Hoover-Cooper Building, Adkins-Childers Building Deuel & Kentner Building See Kentner Building DeVoe's Confectionery NRHP #170.0 Photos: 1965 1917 426 West Main, northeast corner Main and Oakdale Designed by Frank Clark; built 1916. MT2/24/1916p1 A. S. Rosenbaum and Clarence Reames are building a $2500 one-story business block at Main and Oakdale. The building will be 25x70 and constructed of red brick. Ground was broken this morning; L. Childers is the contractor. The building will be occupied by the DeVoe grocery and confectionery. MT6/16/1916p3 DeVoe's grocery is now housed in a one-story brick building on the corner of Main and Oakdale. The series of frame and brick rooms adjoining the Medford Hotel, formerly occupied by the store, are now being razed. MT12/30/1916p1 Building permit: concrete block addition of 25x35 feet. MT5/5/1923p5 A Medford law firm has renovated the building at the northeast corner of Main and Oakdale. MT5/2/1996pC1 Diamond Rooming House See Woolf Building Disco Service Station Photo: 1965 2230 Biddle Road Disco was granted permission by the Medford city council last night to erect a 50-foot pylon sign for its service station. MT8/6/1965p1 Disco Store See Sherm's Food 4 Less Domestic Laundry Building I See Elite Laundry Building Domestic Laundry Building II Photo: 1938 28-30 North Riverside aka Dumas Laundry Mrs. Carrie Johnson is having a substantial concrete building, 50x100 feet in size, constructed on her lot adjoining the Sparta block. S. Childers is the contractor. MT5/4/1914p2 A permit was issued E. M. Tucker for a 50x106-ft. concrete garage adjoining Domestic Laundry. Contractor is J. O. Cornwall. MT7/2/1926p4 Following a fire which completely destroyed the Domestic Laundry and Zoric Cleaners, located on North Riverside, a new, modern building was erected late in 1937 with an opening celebration December 13th. MT1/2/1938p6 Fire early this morning extensively damaged the laundry area of Dumas Domestic Laundry and Dry Cleaners, 30 North Riverside Ave. MT7/8/1960p1 Dow Hospital Photo: 1925 Apple, Fifth and Riverside Ground has been broken for a rooming house at Apple and Fifth streets and Riverside Avenue. The house will contain 20 rooms or more. MT12/3/1909p2 Drs. Dow & Dow are fitting up a building of 18 rooms at Medford and will move their hospital from Central Point about April 1st. JP3/16/1918p3 The lot and 18-room dwelling have been purchasead by the C. E. Gates Auto Co. Mr. Gates plans to later move the dwelling to a side street. MT8/7/1928p5 Duff Water Treatment Plant Photo: 1966 8301 Table Rock Road Dumas Laundry See Domestic Laundry Building Dunham's Surplus Photos: 1952 1957 1951 North Pacific Highway Durell Court Apartments 329-333 North Holly Eads Second Hand Photo: 1909 18-20 South Fir
Grand Opening: Goldstein & Nudelman, of the Eastern Second Hand
Store, are prepared to sell you anything in the line of second-hand
goods. MM4/12/1895p5
The work of tearing down the old frame structure long occupied by the Eads second hand store on South Fir Street was begun yesterday morning. The new structure will be 50 by 100 feet, of brick and concrete. MT5/2/1925p8 Eads Transfer Company Building See Crater Lake Garage Eads Warehouse South Fir The Eads Transfer Co. warehouse was totally destroyed by fire at midnight last night. The 50x100-foot frame building was covered with corrugated iron and about fourteen feet high. MT7/26/1920p6 Eads Warehouses North Central During the past year, two warehouses were constructed by the Eads Transfer Company on North Central. MT9/14/1927pC3 Eagles Hall I Third floor Adkins Building (1911-16 directories) Eagles Hall II 217-219 West Main Arrangements for the grand opening of the new Eagles Hall at 217 West Main will be made at the meeting of Crater Lake Aerie No. 2093 Thursday at 8 p.m. MT4/12/1944p7 The Eagles lodge is planning a party to mark the opening of the new lodge hall on West Main across from the California Oregon Power building. The lodge hall was destroyed by fire several months ago. MN4/14/1944p1 Pictured are members of Crater Lake Aerie 2093 burning the mortgage on their home 219 West Main Street. MT6/15/1945p1 Eagles Hall III Photo: 1965 2000 Table Rock Road Groundbreaking ceremonies will be held tomorrow for the new $102,000 concrete block Eagles Lodge. MT9/15/1965p13 Dedication of the Eagles building on Table Rock Road will be observed Saturday, Jan. 29, with a dinner and dance for the aerie and auxiliary. MT1/26/1966p10 The national vice president gave the address during the dedication ceremonies Sunday of the Crater Lake Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles. MT2/23/1965p13 Earhart House Photo: 1960 South Riverside Reportedly built 1853; purchased 1886 by Samuel Earhart. Razed 1960 for construction of the Thunderbird Lodge and Sambo's Restaurant at 1015 South Riverside. The Earhart house has been purchased by the Motor Hotel System. MT2/10/1931p1 June Earhart House Photo: 1940s 945 S. Riverside aka Lodge Motel June Earhart's handsome new $10,000 home on the Pacific Highway just beyond the southern limits of the city now practically completed MT5/22/1927p3 Earl Packing Plant See Page Warehouse East Main Dental Buildings Photo: 1957 Northwest corner East Main and Geneva Construction started yesterday on two connected dental buildings on East Main. Both will be of equal size and connected with a covered walkway. Construction is being done by Meyers B. Jones; architect is Paul Kirk of Seattle, Wash. MT1/24/1958p1 East Main Medical Buildings Photo: 1957 East Side Market 606-612 East Main Medford Building Permit No. 1 called for construction of a frame store building at a cost of approximately $600 on the south side of East Main Street between Almond and Tripp streets. It housed a bakery originally; three more buildings were added to it to form a complex occupied by a grocery, a cleaning establishment and a shoe shop. All were later demolished, and what is now the East Side Market building was constructed in their place. MT3/26/1967pD1 East Side Union Service Photo: 1957 618 East Main See Duke Fountain Shell Station Built 1957. MT9/29/1957p12 Eck Office Building NRHP #7.0 218 South Central Edgerton TV Building Photo: 1953 2739 North Pacific Highway Elbow Room Building Southeast corner Sixth and Bartlett The modernistic building, constructed of Pumilite blocks, brings Florida atmosphere to Medford. Large windows on Sixth Street permit serving customers on the sidewalk. An aluminum, neon-lighted canopy protects customers from the weather. MT6/20/1947p9 Elder Building Northeast corner Main and Bartlett aka Phipps Building I (q.v.) J. C. Elder has erected a new store building at Medford. DT10/30/1885p3 J. C. Elder has placed a large new sign in front of his grocery store on Main Street. AT1/22/1886p3 Talbot & Att have leased J. C. Elder's store building on the corner of Seventh and B streets. They plan to move their meat market about the 22nd. SOM12/14/1894p3 Ed. Wilkinson will move his market to the Elder building, corner B and Seventh streets, which he will occupy until the new structure is completed. MM8/23/1895p5 Electric Building Photo: 1910 216 West Main aka Ray Building Built 1910 for the Rogue River Valley Electric Company; razed 1971 along with the St. Mark's Block. Building stone from the Gold Ray quarry is being used in the new Ray building, under construction. MT5/12/1910p4 The first floor of the Rogue River Valley Electric building, on West Main Street, is already occupied by the company owning it. The second and third floors have been divided by the architect, McIntosh, into 30 offices. There will be a cafe in the basement connected by the elevator with a roof garden on top of the building. MT9/4/1910pB1 September will witness the completion of the three-story concrete building erected by the Ray brothers. MT9/10/1910pB1 A big 24-foot electric sign was received here last week for installation by the California-Oregon Power Co. MDN7/3/1927p5 Work on remodeling for the head offices will be started as soon as plans can be drawn and contracts let. EH10/11/1921p6 The sign is brilliantly lighted, the border alone having 352 sockets which are wired for a high-speed flashing effect. MT7/3/1927p2 A capacity crowd gave vociferous approval to the entertainment at yesterday's dedication of the new USO Center under direction of the Salvation Army at 218 West Main. MT1/25/1943p6 Elite Laundry Building Photo: circa 1907 421 East Main aka Domestic Laundry Building I, Peil Laundry The Peil Laundry Company has purchased a lot on the north side of Seventh Street, near the Bear Creek bridge, and a contract has been let for the erection of a 28x60-foot building thereon. It will be two stories high and the first story, or basement, will be of concrete and the second story will be of brick. MM6/21/1907p5 Peil's Elite Laundry is now established in its new quarters on 7th Street near the bridge. The building is one story and a basement; the lower floor is cement--floors and walls--and will be devoted to the preliminary stages of the laundering. From this floor an elevator will transport the laundered clothes to the ironing and finishing room, where the latest and best machinery in that line will be installed. MM9/13/1907p1 The 1911 Sanborn maps show the occupant as Medford Steam Laundry. George E. Hart has purchased the Medford Domestic Laundry property, on the northwest bank of Bear Creek, for $12,500. With the completion of the new bridge this property will be on the main thoroughfare between the east and west sides of the city. OR10/27/1912p56 Elks Temple See B.P.O.E. Lodge #1158 Elliott Building 532-534 East Main, southwest corner Main and Almond Construction begun on the 50x64-ft. Humphrey Grocery building; it will have space for two additional businesses. Plans were drawn by Frank Clark. MT9/24/1929p2 D. A. Grimes has opened a meat market at 532 E. Main. MT4/3/1930p7 Ellis Building Crater Lake Avenue and Spring Street Built in 1915. MT12/31/1925p6 The Ellis Store, a landmark for 40 years, will be razed within the next 60 days to make room for the new Ellis Manor. MT12/22/1963p9 Ellis Manor Crater Lake Avenue and Spring Street Construction of the 27-unit apartment building is expected to start Tuesday. Kahl and Johnson Construction Co. will build it. MT12/22/1963p9 Elwood Building Photo: 1901 East Main, incorporated into the Palm-Bodge Block in 1902 Jeweler E. D. Elwood has rented, for a term of five years, a piece of ground 15x40 feet in size from J. E. Bodge and C. W. Palm and will next Monday commence the erection of a one-story brick building thereon. MM4/5/1901p6 E. D. Elwood has leased the ground where McCauley's tamale stand stood and will immediately put up a neat brick building. He has already torn away the frame structure. DT4/18/1901p7 Excavation for E. D. Elwood's new jewelry store, on Seventh Street, is under way this week, and the building will be hurried to completion. S. Childers & Sons will do the brick work. MM4/19/1901p2 A. C. Nicholson, the contractor and builder, has men at work on Elwood's new brick jewelry store. MM5/3/1901p6 E. D. Elwood, the jeweler, has the new brick building about completed and will move to his new store in about ten days. VR5/9/1901p3 Have removed from Van Dyke's to my new store opposite the hotel. MM5/24/1901p6 Mr. Elwood's new building, which has just been finished, was built under his supervision and according to his own ideas of a well-appointed store. MM5/24/1901p7 Of the present tenants of the future site of the Palm-Bodge Block, Mr. Elwood will remain where he is, as the brick building that he is in will be incorporated into the new block. MM7/25/1902p3 E. D. & Lucy Elwood House NRHP #333.0 Photo: 1920s 135 South Central The small building was Medford's first school house. It was built in the spring of 1884 by W. F. Williamson, the first teacher. The building was 16x20 feet in size and had a capacity of thirty pupils. The building was built on South C and is now owned by Mrs. Smith, and is the residence in which druggist C. C. Chitwood resides. It was built in '84 as a place of worship as well as school purposes. MM3/6/1896p1 Jeweler Elwood is engaged in making some extensive and substantial improvements in his pleasant South C Street home. An addition to the residence will be built on the south side. MM3/22/1901p7 Medford's first school was 16x30 and had a capacity of 30 pupils. The building was erected on the east side of Central Avenue, between Eighth and Ninth streets. MM4/16/1909p6 The first school was taught in the Lee Jacobs house, which still stands on South Central Avenue. The same building was used for church when a minister happened along. PO4/28/1934 Ely Building Central Avenue Mr. Ely is having a one-story 25x26 brick built just off 7th Street on C, which will be occupied by a butcher shop as soon as completed. SOM5/13/1892p3 Brophy & Mathes, the new butcher firm of Medford, will be moved to the brick on C Street back of Slover's Drug Store as soon as it is ready for occupancy. SOM7/29/1892p3 Emerick Building I Bartlett Street aka Merrick Block The Emerick building on B Street is being finished inside and will be ready for occupancy in a short time. MM7/5/1907p5 The Crater Lake Garage is moving into new quarters on Bartlett Street in the Emerick Building, adjoining the Pacific Highway Garage. MT9/20/1912p6 Emerick Building II See Merino Building Emerick Garage Photo: 1927 29-33 South Bartlett aka Medford Garage The building will be 70x75 feet in size, with heavy concrete foundation. MT4/13/1912p8 Berdan & Sons commenced work moving the old dwelling south of Kentner's store to South Riverside. Excavating will commence on the vacated lots by S. Childers for a large brick garage, which will be owned by Mr. Childers and the Emerick brothers. MT4/23/1912p2 The brick walls of the large garage on South Bartlett Street are fast nearing completion. MT5/24/1912p2 The Medford Garage, now unused, at Bartlett and Eighth streets (known also as the Emerick Garage), has been engaged to hold the poultry show. MT2/5/1916p6 Emerick Warehouse 110 South Bartlett Work has begun on the erection of a large warehouse for the Medford Furniture Company on B Street, between Eighth and Ninth streets. The building will be 50x150 feet, one story. J. C. Emerick is erecting the building and will lease it to the furniture company. MM8/20/1909p5 Empire Hotel The Empire Hotel, conducted by J. W. Cunningham, is a commodious and well-arranged building. DT2/29/1884p2 Episcopalian Block See St. Mark's Block Episcopal Church I The ladies of the Episcopal Church have had placed in their church a handsome altar and lectern, the same adding much to the church furnishings. MM9/27/1895p5 Episcopal Church II Photo: 1906 Northeast corner West Main and Holly The Episcopal Church have secured a building site on Seventh Street, opposite the Presbyterian church, and expect to erect a church thereon. OR12/24/1887p6 Episcopal Church III The new church was completed last year at a cost of over $60,000. MT11/30/1927p4 Esco Building Photo: 1951 716 South Grape Built 1951. Estes Building South Front A shooting gallery is to be located on South Front between the Estes building and the Warnock lunch stand. MT7/15/1927p3 Exchange Saloon See Turf Exchange Saloon Exhibit Building Photos: 1905 circa 1912 Northwest corner West Main and Front aka Chamber of Commerce Building, Commercial Club Building The building destined to contain a permanent exhibit of the products and resources of Jackson County will soon be in place. The foundation is being laid this week. The building will be 26x48 feet overall. MM2/24/1905p1 The exhibit building will be opened Saturday morning. MM5/12/1905p5 Should several organizations be merged into a county board of trade, it would necessitate moving the police headquarters elsewhere. MT2/19/1918p2 The new electric changeable bulletin sign is attracting attention. MT10/31/1930p5 The large display windows have been lighted, floored with oak, and given an attractive paneled backing. The Chamber has purchased a Tellite illuminated bulletin sign. PRH11/6/1930p2 Purchase of the building by the Southern Pacific was announced yesterday. The building has been empty since the chamber moved last April 1. MT12/3/1943p1 They are tearing down the old Chamber of Commerce building on Main Street in Medford, which has stood there beside the tracks ever since we came to this county nearly forty years ago. CPA4/5/1945p1 The Commercial Club building is in a fine state of demolishment. MT4/15/1945p6 Exhibit Building Drinking Fountain Northwest corner Main and Front Work will begin within a few days on a new drinking fountain under a frame canopy of ornamental shingles resting on four large cedar posts. MT7/27/1927p3 The Commercial Club building is in a fine state of demolishment, and the civic water trough alongside awaits the same fate. MT4/15/1945p6 Evelyn Apartments NRHP #171.0 107 North Ivy, northwest corner Sixth and Ivy Everett Court Apartments 920 West Eleventh Evidence Control Center Columbus Avenue Adroit Construction won the bid for a 2,200-square-foot, two-story addition to the Police Property Control site in west Medford. MT4/5/2014p3 The 2,500-square-foot expansion, which includes a vehicle-search bay, saw its first use last week. MT6/30/2015p1 Faber Building See Western States Grocery Fairfield Inn & Suites Near Garfield and Center Drive The Fairfield Hotel is under construction in South Medford. MT2/3/2021p1 Far West Bank Building Photo: 1974 Southeast corner Hawthorne and Jackson Built 1974 for Far West Federal Savings and Loan. Far West Federal Savings 2598 East Barnett Road, southwest corner Barnett and Black Oak Drive Far West Federal has started construction of a 4,286-sq.-ft. office of white slumpstone, heated and cooled by solar energy. Contractor is Ponderosa Enterprises; completion is scheduled for November. MT6/21/1981pD9 Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Warehouse Fourth and Fir streets The sign of fresh paint is in the area around the warehouse home of the exchange, located on the railroad track at Fourth and Fir streets. MT5/12/1920p5 The north end of the Farm Bureau building has been declared a fire hazard; work has begun to raze that portion of the structure. MT11/12/1930p2 Farmer Building Central Trading a 100-acre ranch in the Applegate country with Jerry Peters, W. E. Thomas is now the owner of the new concrete Farmer Building on South Central, with a front of 50 feet and a depth of 100 feet. MT6/17/1927p5 The W. A. Farmer concrete garage building on North Central, which was purchased recently by Eugene Thomas, was sold last week to Gus Guddat. The structure was built last year. MT6/27/1927p2 Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Building Photos: 1955 1963 208 West Main, northwest corner Main and Grape aka Syndicate Building, Fruitgrowers Bank Building, Palm-Amy-Corey-Orth-Hargreaves Building, Orth & Getchell Building A building is to be built by C. W. Palm, J. S. Orth, C. H. Corey and J. F. Hale at Seventh and G. It will be 60x100 feet, of brick, and two stories high. One of the first-floor rooms will be occupied by the Hale Piano Company. Plans are being drawn by architect Lyons. MM11/13/1908p1 A contract has been signed up by the Medford Brick Company for the erection of a two-story brick building at the northwest corner of West Main and G streets. The gentlemen who are having the building erected are J. S. Orth, Dr. Hargrave, Frank Amy, C. W. Palm and C. H. Corey. It will have a frontage of 92 feet on Main Street and 62 feet on G Street. The first floor will be used for store purposes and the second for offices. Work will commence just as soon as the weather will permit, and it is given out that all the store rooms will be occupied just as soon as ready. MM2/26/1909p5 The Palm-Amy-Corey-Orth-Hargreaves Building, which has already been described in The Morning Mail, will contain four store rooms and will be modern in every way, including steam heat. MM3/12/1909p1 In the lot recently purchased by Delroy Getchell, the excavations are progressing satisfactorily for the erection of a two-story brick with a frontage of 96 feet on Main and being 62 feet deep. E. O. Power is the architect. MM4/23/1909p1 The concrete foundation for the Syndicate building is all in, and the brick and stone work will soon commence. MM5/21/1909p5 The Syndicate building is growing rapidly. The first floor joists are in place, and the brick walls have been started. MM6/18/1909p2 The walls of the Syndicate block are finished to the fire walls and are awaiting the collar and roof joists. There will be a new feature to this building new in Medford, in that all glass used in both the first and second stories will be plate. MM8/20/1909p6 E. C. Ireland and I. W. Antle have leased the west room of the Syndicate block and will put in a line of the finest tobacco and cigars. The place will be fitted up as a gentleman's club or retreat [the Smoke House]. MM9/17/1909p2 The staining of the woodwork in the Syndicate block has been let to Walter Pollard. MT12/3/1909p5 Over Sunday a whole new corner front of brick and plate glass wsa installed by contractor Harry Turner. MT3/3/1930p2 Farmers Insurance Building Photo: 1959 1037 Court Street Federal Building Photos: 1963 1965 1965 1966 333 West Eighth See U.S. Post Office and Courthouse; Gates Ford Building The House public works committee has approved construction of a new federal office building in Medford. MT2/28/1960p1 Utility, topographical and boundary survey is under way. MT2/6/1962p1 Five test holes to determine the type of footing necessary for the new post office and federal building are being drilled this week. MT2/14/1963p1 The GSA announces it will accept bids for construction of the new United States post office and federal building. Estimated cost $1.7 million. MT3/25/1964p1 The old houses on the federal building site were being prepared for removal or destruction Saturday. One house on the corner of Eighth and Holly had blocks under it, apparently for removal. MT6/14/1964p1 Work on the new federal office building is now 70 percent complete. Workers are now putting windows into the high section of the building. MT9/30/1965p1 Todd Construction Co., contractor for the new Medford post office and federal office building, reports it will be ready for occupancy Feb. 1. MT12/14/1965p1 This week will be moving week for many federal agencies, which will be going to quarter in the new federal building on Eighth Street. MT2/27/1966p1 Tomorrow will be the last day for the public to receive postal service at the Medford Post Office on Sixth Street. MT3/8/1966p1 Construction of the building, for which Robert J. Keeney and Wilmsen, Endicott and Unthank were architects, was started in July 1964 by Todd Building Co. of Roseburg. The four-story federal office section looms 69 feet to the top of the elevator penthouse. MT3/10/1966p1 The new $1,730,000 Federal Building and U.S. Post Office was officially dedicated Saturday at ceremonies attended by about 500 residents. MT3/13/1966p1 The former federal building is being dismantled to make way for a Jackson County health center. A major materials order is scheduled for delivery in early July, so the county is hoping to have permits well before then. MT4/17/2013p1 Fehl Building NRHP #150.0 Photo: 1965 332 West Sixth, northeast corner Sixth and Ivy See Pacific Record Herald Building Workmen today began razing the old dwelling house at the northeast corner of Ivy and Sixth streets, adjoining the Fehl building on the east. MT9/12/1928p3 Two big walnut trees were razed today; the new structure will be divided into several large store rooms, two fronting on Sixth and the rest on Ivy. MT9/27/1928p5 The new building on the corner is now receiving its finishing touches. Two of the three store rooms have been leased. MT2/8/1929p5 Feldman and Olson Electric Photo: 1966 920 South Grape Fichtner's Garage Photos: 1929 circa 1930 104-106 West Sixth, northwest corner Sixth and Fir aka Medford Vulcanizing Works Elmer Childers has the contract for the Carl Fichtner building, corner of Fir and Sixth Street. MT2/22/1924p7 The new concrete building at Fir and 6th is nearing completion. CL4/11/1924p1 The building was built expressly for the Medford Vulcanizing Works and will be occupied about May 1. The western compartment is a storage garage and the remainder the vulcanizing plant and tire storage. CL4/18/1924p2 Warren Fichtner will spend $1,000 to build a store balcony at 104 West Sixth Street, according to an application for a building permit. MT7/24/1949p9 Harvey Field Building Sixth and Bartlett area Authorization to demolish the Field building for the off-street parking program will be asked of the city council at Friday's meeting. MT7/3/1963p1 Findlay Apartments Photo: 1929 505-515 South Holly A permit was issued yesterday for a $10,000 apartment house at 511 South Holly Street, which will be known as the Finley Apartments. MT3/22/1928p6 Among the buildings which aided in making the month's construction program so large is the Finley apartment house. MT3/31/1928p2 The stucco Spanish apartment house built by H. T. Findlay is receiving final touches. The $18,000 building was built by contractor W. H. Merritt. Mrs. Findlay is planning a flower garden hiding benches and hammocks. MT6/24/1928p3 Fire Stations See "Medford Central Fire Hall" and "Medford Fire Station" Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Photo: 1933 206 South Riverside, southwest corner Ninth and Riverside First Baptist Church I Photos: 1906 circa 1910 Southeast corner Fifth and Central See also Mid-Baptist Church Medford is soon to have a brick Baptist church. A. Childers and son have contracted to furnish 60,000 bricks for the building. AT9/24/1886p3 Work upon the foundation of the Baptist church has commenced. OS3/19/1887p3 Childers & Son are finishing the brick foundation for the Baptist church. The contract for doing the carpenter work will soon be let. DT4/29/1887p2 Webb & Zimmerman, who have the contract for doing the carpenter work on the Baptist church, will soon commence operations. DT7/1/1887p2 The carpenters are placing the rafters on the handsome brick church erected by the Baptist people of this little city. OR7/16/1887p6 The Baptists have a handsome brick church, erected this year, at a cost of about $4000. OR1/2/1888p10 The Baptist church of this city was dedicated last Sunday. OR3/13/1888p6 The new Baptist parsonage will be in cottage shape. MM5/12/1893p3 Lumber for the new Baptist church parsonage has been ordered, and as soon as brick can be procured work on the foundation will begin. MM7/14/1893p3 The very neat Baptist parsonage, on North C Street, is fast nearing completion. It will be a one-story cottage. MM8/11/1893p3 Rev. Stephens has moved to the beautiful new Baptist parsonage. MM12/1/1893p5 The present church home on Fifth Street and North Central Avenue will be put on the market for sale, and when disposed of it is planned to erect a large and modern church building on the location just purchased. MT4/15/1910 First Baptist Church II 649 Crater Lake Avenue Groundbreaking ceremonies will be held Sunday. The new building was designed by Edson and Pappas, architects. MT8/31/1962p6 First Baptist Church Parsonage Photos: 1906 circa 1910 North Central L. M. Lyon will soon begin construction on the new Baptist parsonage, which is planned to be a very neat structure, spacious and well arranged. DT5/19/1893p3 First Christian Church I Photo: 1906 Southwest corner Sixth and Ivy The frame of the Christian church is up. It will have a basement to be used for Sunday school, festivals, etc. VR8/29/1883p3 The new bell for the Christian church has been placed in the belfry. DT1/8/1894p3 The first church building, built in 1889 at Sixth and Ivy streets, served until 1912 when the "bungalow" style building at Ninth and Oakdale Avenue was completed. MT11/15/1959p14, MT11/21/1969 First Christian Church II Photo: 1912 Southeast corner Ninth and Oakdale The Rau-Mohr Co. closed a deal today to become owners of the Christian church property at Sixth and Ivy. The company will at once commence the construction of a building; the church will be permitted to occupy the remainder of the quarter block until a new site is selected. MT8/3/1911p1 The building will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000, of the latest modified English design. Power & West are preparing the plans. MS1/3/1912p5 The church have commenced excavating; the church will be 40x82 feet in size and will be built of brick and stone. It will have a seating capacity of about 500. MT4/16/1912p2 The contractor in charge of erection of the Christian church has been notified that he must discontinue his blasting operations or at least cover the shots so they will not hurl dirt and rock over nearby premises. MT5/18/1912p2 It was unanimously decided to build a 62x30-ft., two-story annex. MT9/3/1925p3 The new two-story addition has a large recreational and dining hall. MT12/4/1925p5 The new structure was dedicated yesterday. MT12/14/1925p3 The building was built in 1912 and since that time has had additions and inside remodeling. MT11/15/1959p14 First Church of God 540 North Holly, corner of Haven and Holly aka Unity Church The Unity Center of Medford recently purchased the former First Church of God. It is being renovated inside. MT12/9/1960pB6 First Federal Savings Photo: 1970 201 West Sixth, southwest corner Sixth and Grape Plans for the $100,000 building have been announced. MT4/30/1961p6 First Federal's new building will be open for public inspection Saturday. It was designed by Robert Keeney and built by Myers D. Jones. MT4/24/1962p9 The structure is 5,353 sq. ft. on two floors plus 954 sq. ft. of covered parking. A partial basement provides for archives storage. MT4/25/1962p7 First Interstate Drive-Up NRHP #38.0 North Front First Methodist Church I Photos: 1906 circa 1910 230 North Bartlett, southeast corner Fourth and Bartlett The M.E. church propose to have a $2,500 church edifice erected in this place this fall. About $1200 has already been subscribed and enough more has been promised to ensure the success of the enterprise. VR9/20/1888p3 The Methodists will shortly begin the erection of a $3,000 church. VR1/24/1889p3 The builders of the M.E. church expect to commence hauling rock for its foundation soon. The membership here numbers about 40 people.VR3/14/1889p3 The new M.E. church is being rapidly pushed to completion, and will be ready for the plasterers in the near future. AT5/24/1889p2 First Methodist Church II Northeast corner Third and Bartlett It was decided to at once commence operations leading to the erection of a new $20,000 church on a 100x100 lot. MT11/7/1911p2 Due to the crowded condition of the junior high, the old Salvation Army building has been rented for the school term. MT8/20/1929p3 The addition on the east side was built in 1912 and the south one in 1916. The $4,000 building has housed the Salvation Army since 1924. MT11/13/1960p6 The old Salvation Army citadel is being razed due to deterioration of the structure. The building was condemned in 1962. MT4/19/1964p8 The first purchased Salvation Army building was known as the "Old Methodist Church"; it was purchased for $2,500. MT11/7/1965pB1 First Methodist Church III Photos: 1952 1965 Southwest corner Main and Laurel The Methodists also plan to erect a fine modern church on their property at the corner of 5th and Bartlett. CL4/6/1923p1 The balance needed to let the contract is $21,050. MT4/30/1923p5 Work is fast progressing on the new church. It will have a handsome Spanish-style roof and big art stained glass windows. With good luck and weather the building will be in use by February 1st. MS11/25/1923p2 An event of church and civic interest will take place Sunday, December 9, when the cornerstone of the new First Methodist Episcopal church is laid. MT12/7/1923p3 Methodists celebrated repurchase of the church property, lost in 1932 through foreclosure. The bell was placed in the belfry for the first times. MT6/17/1934p10 A school addition, including a basement and two floors, will add about one-third to the church's floor space and will cost $75,000. Completion is expected shortly after the first of the year. MT12/2/1951p12 The walls are of solid masonry, reinforced with steel, and the roof is of varicolored clay tile. The building was dedicated July 13, 1924. MT11/13/1960p6 In 1945, a bequest from Addie Halley made possible the extensive remodeling of the educational plant. Construction of 21 additional classrooms was begun July 1951 and dedicated on October 26, 1952. MT11/13/1960p6 First National Bank Building [I] Photos: 1907 circa 1908 1909 1909 1909 120 East Main See Howard Building The Medford Book Store vacated the First National Bank building on Seventh Street Monday, and is now located in the Tayler building, next door to the Green Front cigar store. MM6/8/1906p5 The contract for the reconstruction of the old J. S. Howard block by the First National Bank has been awarded to Perry Stewart and G. W. Priddy. Mr. Stewart will do the carpenter work and Mr. Priddy the masonry. Work has already been commenced--the floors and front having been removed. MM6/29/1906p5 The plans have been prepared by Mr. I. A. Palmer, the well-known local architect. Like the other two bank buildings, this one will also use pressed brick as chief material. The west wall, with considerable alterations, will be used for the new building, but the whole front will be completely new. TR6/29/1906p1 The First National will be able to move in in a few days. TR10/24/1906p1 Where three days ago stood a building there is now but a pile of bricks. By the end of the week the new home of the bank will be under way. MT5/18/1911p2 First National Bank Building [II] NRHP #21.0 Photos: 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1930 1960 1966 1969 120 East Main aka Bathmat Building Under today's modern "bathmat" exterior is a bank building dating from 1911-12. The structure was designed by Besser Brothers, Seattle architects, as First National Bank of Medford. Huge, fluted ionic columns of polished granite created a "Temple Front." The interior included counters of breccia opal from Italy, black and gold marble from Abyssinia, veined marble from Knoxville, Tennessee and African mahogany from the Congo Free State. By 1936 it was out of date, and the bank was remodeled twice within five years. After World War II, the building was sold and the new owners found the granite front old-fashioned, had the columns removed, and installed a modern sheet metal façade--originally painted a bright pink. Medford's "Million Dollar Bank," the First National, is planning to increase the size of their present quarters on Main Street by building on the strip of ground which constitutes the alley between the bank building and the Hotel Nash. MT9/6/1910p1 Where three days ago stood a building there is now but a pile of bricks. By the end of the week the new home of the bank will be under way. MT5/18/1911p2 First National Bank, having outgrown its old quarters, has had its old building torn down and has let a contract for a new building which will have a stone front and cost $50,000. It will be well finished inside, the marble to be used costing over $10,000. MT7/2/1911pB1 Five cars of limestone from Bedford, Ind. arrived yesterday for the First National Bank building. OR7/14/1911p3 Contractor Beezer reported the new building would be ready for occupancy March 1. MT1/10/1912p6 The doors of the new First National Bank were thrown open to the public for the first time Saturday. MT3/2/1912p1 Grand opening for the Brainerd studio is scheduled for Sept. 17. The studio is in the west side of the recently remodeled building that for nearly 43 years housed First National Bank. The new facing is of enameled metal disks in salmon pink with charcoal. Ben Dierks, Grants Pass, now owns the building, and Ben H. Todd, Medford architect, designed the remodeling project. MT9/16/1955p10 Remodeling began this week on Crater National Bank's 122 East Main location. Another entrance is being built into The Arcade sidewalk. MT1/21/1966p7 Opening activities will be held at the bank on April 15. MT3/13/1966p1 A drive-in window will be located in the Park and Shop lot behind Crater National Bank between Front Street and Central Avenue. MT4/24/1966pD4 The Brainerds lost most of their files of old films when Robinson's Store burned in 1978. The shop received extensive water damage, and only five years of negatives could be salvaged. MT1/1/1982pC13 First National Bank Building [III] NRHP #192.0 Photos: 1953 1979 1 East Main, northwest corner Main and Front Construction of the new "ultramodern" $300,000 First National Bank at Main and Front is scheduled to begin Jan. 2. The structure will be 63 by 150 feet, two stories high of reinforced concrete with a brick veneer finish and dark granite trim on the front. MT12/20/1953p1 Dedicated and opened January 10, 1955. MT1/9/1955p14, MT1/10/1955p1 First National Bank Building [IV] 1128 South Riverside Contract for the 4,500-sq.-ft. bank has been awarded to the Wiley Co., Ashland. Plans were prepared by Payne and Struble, Medford. OR8/16/1964p124 The branch will open Friday following formal ceremonies. The new building replaces the temporary trailer which opened Dec. 1963 adjacent to the construction site. Plans were by architects Payne and Struble. MT2/18/1965pC13 First National Bank Drive-Up Northeast corner Sixth and Front Construction began this week on the $68,990 drive-in facility with three teller stations. Contractor is McMahan Construction. MT5/22/1968p1 Fluhrer Apartments 216 East Main See Haskins drug store Fluhrer Bakery Building NRHP #155.0 Photos: 1933 1934 2009 2011 29 North Holly William "Heinie" Fluhrer operated his successful bakery from a series of buildings, and in 1933 he hired Frank Clark to design the first, central portion of this building facing Holly Street. In 1941, Clark designed a matching addition, and the small L-shaped gas station on the north, facing Sixth Street, was also remodeled. Fluhrer died in 1948 when his plane crashed into Lake of the Woods, and his widow Margaret continued to operate the bakery until 1962. Williams Inc., of Eugene, made bread there until 1972. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and restored in 1982. Paint removal in 2004 revealed the Fluhrer's Bread "ghost sign" on the west side of the building, which was repainted in faded hues. The Fluhrers have purchased the corner of Sixth and Holly. MT5/16/1930p1 Work on the 70x110-ft. reinforced concrete building is to start tomorrow. It will be one and a half stories with a basement. MT5/7/1933p1 Fluhrer's fine new bakery is now under construction. MT6/21/1933p5 The building is nearing completion. The last of the flooring is being laid this week; painting should be complete in ten days. MT9/8/1933p11 Workers are employed in an effort to enable move-in this weekend. MT9/26/1933p8 The building will be formally opened for inspection tomorrow. MT10/20/1933pB2 Fluhrer Building Photos: 1937 circa 1947 1948 1958 5 South Central, southeast corner East Main and Central--Vogel Plaza site Remodeled 1937 from the former Angle Opera House and Adkins Building II; destroyed by fire February 10, 1969. W. H. Fluhrer will completely remodel the Nichols and Ashpole Building and the one adjoining to the west, on the corner of Main and Central. The two units will be combined into one modern structure, with probably four shops in the rear part, extending the entire width of the two buildings and facing on Central. MT8/27/1936p1 Work was started today on reconstruction of the second and third floors; they will provide about 25 offices when ready Aug. 1. The new exterior of the building will be complete within 30 days. MT6/4/1937p11 One of the outstanding projects of 1937 was the rebuilding of the old building at Main and Central by William H. Fluhrer, completed last fall. Modern in every detail, the new Fluhrer Building is occupied on the ground floor by Reinhart and Barker's men's store, the Medford Pharmacy, Piggly Wiggly, Larry Schade's jewelry establishment, Mode O'Day women's ready-to-wear store, Buster Brown shoe store, Lewis ready-to-wear store and Biden's shoe shop. MT1/2/1938p6 Purchase of the Fluhrer Building was announced today by Carl Bismark, Charles W. Brooks and Robert Boyer. Plans for remodeling were released. MT3/3/1966p1 Fluhrer Pastry Plant NRHP #56.0 125 West Fourth Forest house and Shop Photo: 1927 603-609 East Jackson $20,000 will be allotted for work on the Forest house at the corner of East Jackson and Genessee. MT3/11/1934p10 A new warehouse will be built on McAndrews Road. MT5/7/1934p8 Work will begin as soon as plans are received from Portland. The warehouse will include storage buildings, machine shops, and feed lots. MT6/11/1934p6 The 20x180-ft. [sic] warehouse will be completed next week with the exception of interior work. MT10/14/1934p7 Foresters Hall Location unknown A dancing party was given Monday evening in Foresters Hall, and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. MM9/14/1900p6 Foster & Kleiser 311 South Front Foster & Kleiser will construct a $650 skylight at 311 South Front. MT9/9/1949p11 Foster-Kleiser Building See Wilson Building II Fountain Lodge See Pickel House H. H. "Duke" Fountain Shell Station Photo: 1948 Southwest corner Main and Tripp See East Side Union Station East Side residents bitterly oppose construction of a service station at Main and Tripp. MT10/27/1926p3 Berrian's Super Service at Main and Tripp opened today. MT12/18/1926p2 Grand opening May 29, 1948. MT5/28/1948p13 Franklin Building NRHP #330.0 125 South Central Franklin Sandwich Shop Twelfth and Central Doyle Franklin has applied for a building permit for $3,500 to erect a sandwich shop at South Central Avenue at 12th Street. MT8/3/1952p4 Franklin Upholstery Photo: 1949 350 South Riverside A. J. Fredenburg House Photo: 1910 243 South Holly, northeast corner Tenth and Holly A. J. Fredenburg is having a new and commodious barn built on his lots in [the] southwest part of town. VR5/9/1889p3 A. J. Fredenburg will build a brick residence west of the railroad. DT9/19/1889p3 A. J. Fredenburg will beautify his property on the west side with a nice brick residence during the next few months. DT5/22/1891p2 A. J. Fredenburg's two-story brick residence is going ahead slowly on account of wet weather. MM4/7/1892p3 A. J. Fredenburg's fine brick residence is nearing completion. MM7/29/1892p3 Free Methodist Church I 301 South Ivy, southeast corner Tenth and Ivy aka Ivy Hall Members of the Free Methodist church are feeling quite jubilant because of the fact that they have their new church nearly completed. It is situated at the corner of Tenth and I streets, is 24x32 feet in size, and adjoining it is a four-room parsonage. The church has a membership of twenty. MM2/2/21906p5 As will be seen from a group picture, there are eight houses of worship shown, but within the last few weeks--since this picture was made--another house of worship has been built, it being the Free Methodist. MM3/9/1906p14 The Free Methodists will dedicate their new church on the corner of 10th and I streets on next Sunday. MM3/29/1907p5 Owing to the fact that Rev. Beers could not reach Medford last Saturday, because of delayed trains, the dedication of the Free Methodist church did not take place last Sunday. The dedication will now take place on April 28th. MM4/5/1907p5 A permit has been granted to remodel the church; men are at work. Parishioner J. T. Eads helped build the church nearly 30 years ago. MT10/29/1933p10 The Free Methodist church will hold services at the Knights of Pythias hall. The property at Tenth and Ivy sts. has been sold. MT8/17/1956p6 The Reorganized LDS church purchased their building from the Free Methodists at 10th and Ivy sts. MT12/28/1956p7 Free Methodist Church II South Peach Partly built is the new church for the Free Methodists. MT12/28/1956p7 C. Frideger Building NRHP #41.0 113-115 North Central This name was erroneously given in the National Register survey to the Davis-Johnson Building (q.v.). Among the first new building projects to be undertaken during the coming year will be a brick structure to be put up by C. Frideger on what is known as the Simmons property, on North Central Avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Mr. Frideger became the owner of this property a few months ago, and just as soon as he can have plans perfected he will commence excavating for the building. The building will be brick and stone, 25 by 40 feet in size, and while it will be only one story high the foundation and walls will be put in sufficiently heavy to carry it four stories, should Mr. Frideger decide later to add the other stories. MT1/9/1912p2 W. Frideger, who recently put in a foundation for a new brick block on North Central, has decided to put the building up two stories instead of one. MT2/1/1912p2 The Frideger Building was apparently removed sometime between publication of the 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance map and construction of the Davis-Johnson Building in 1930. Friends Church 525 DeBarr Avenue, northwest corner Merriman Road and DeBarr An appeal for help in tearing down the Camp White building recently purchased by the Friends is sent out by G. B. Bowman, in charge of operations. MT5/23/1947p12 In 1945 the pretty brick church was built; two Camp White buildings were bought in 1947, and a church school unit now nears completion. MT8/26/1949p3 Front Street Drinking Fountain Northwest corner West Main and Front Work will be begun within a few days on the erection of a drinking fountain just east of the Chamber of Commerce building and the Front Street curb, to be built jointly by the city Water Commission and the Chamber. MT7/27/1927p3 Concrete has been poured and is rapidly hardening; the fountain is approximately half completed, cedar posts having yet to be set for the wooden canopy. MT8/2/1927p2 Put partly into operation yesterday, the new city fountain is already being well patronized by thirsty local citizens and tourists. When completed the fountain, which at present has only one stream of water, will have four. MT8//9/1927p2 Frosty Boy Photo: 1968 916 King Street Fruitgrowers Bank Building See Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Building Furnas Building See Crater Lake Automotive, 123 South Riverside Gagnon Lumber Mill West Medford J. T. Gagnon has arrived back in Medford from Portland, where he purchased machinery for the new saw mill he is erecting on the site of the mill which burned in Medford several weeks ago. The new mill, which will be ready by fall, will be larger than the one burned down. The foundations for it are being laid. MT8/12/1919p8 The new sawmill and box factory in Medford of J. T. Gagnon has been completed and will start operating next Tuesday or Wednesday. MS11/9/1919p6 A petition remonstrated against the city official allowing the rebuilding of the recently burned down Pine Fir Company mill and box factory. The owners contemplate building elsewhere, so no action was taken. MT7/8/1931p8 W. G. Gannaway House NRHP #90.0 Photo: 232 South Grape Garnett-Corey Hardware Building NRHP #113.0 Photos: 1910 1911 1940 2009 201 West Main, southwest corner Main and Grape aka Liberty Building, Leverette Building, Park Place Building Garnett-Corey Hardware Company completed construction of Medford's first "skyscraper," at four stories, in 1910. It's still the second tallest building in downtown. Architects Power & Reeves (MT1/2/1910pB7)--not Frank Clark--designed the structure with red brick walls and stringcourse bands of locally quarried granite. In 1921, the year a basement fire forced Liberty Building 2009"Shortie" Garnett to close his business, the upstairs offices housed medical, dental and legal offices, as well as the U.S. Weather Bureau. Flags flown from the roof alerted residents to the region's weather forecast (see Kentner Building, below). By WWII the second floor housed government offices, including a maternity clinic for wives of Camp White soldiers. In 1977, near condemnation, the building was listed on the National Register and modernized for use as office space. Messrs. Young & Hall, who a few days ago purchased a corner lot on West Seventh Street, near the Medford Hotel, are having excavations made preparatory to the excavation of a two-story brick building 50x75 feet in size. The building, we understand, will be for rent or for sale. This structure, together with one the same size which is being put up adjoining by J. W. White, will give that side another good business block. (Apparently not built.) MM11/16/1906p5 G. L. Schermerhorn was awarded a contract by T. H. Moore for excavation of the 60x60-foot basement, which will be the first in Medford to extend under a sidewalk. MT1/26/1909p7 Yesterday Mr. Garnett purchased from T. H. Moore a 50x140-foot building site at the southwest corner of West Main and G streets, and will commence work at once on an elegant two-story and basement building. MM2/12/1909p1 Excavations have begun for the wholesale and retail hardware establishment of H. C. Garnett and his associates. This will be one of the largest and best constructed buildings on the street. MM4/23/1909p1 Excavation work was commenced yesterday for the basement of the Garnett & Corey building, which is to be put up on the southwest corner of West Main and Grape streets. G. L. Schermerhorn has the contract for the excavating work. MM9/17/1909p3 The Medford Brick Company has secured the contract for the construction of the Garnett-Corey Hardware Company's new wholesale and retail building, which is to be erected at the southwest corner of West Main and Grape streets. Work on the basement will start just as soon as the excavating work is completed, which will be within a few few days. MM10/22/1909p1 "I am thinking of starting a natatorium," says Shortie, when he is asked about the water in his newly excavated basement. MT11/28/1909p23 The Garnett-Corey Co. have under construction a 50x100-foot building, three stories and basement. The foundation is now about completed. MT12/12/1909p2 Garnett-Corey Hardware Co.'s new building is among the buildings designed by Messrs. C. O. Power and R. R. Reeves. MT1/2/1910p7 The walls for the second story are going up. Extensions for a four-story building are contemplated. MT3/11/1910p5 H. B. Reed was a pioneer of Medford, states that he once traded the lots where the Garnett-Corey building is being erected for a team of horses. MT3/14/1910p5 The building, four stories high, will cost $58,250 when completed. The first floor will be occupied by the Garnett-Corey Hardware Company, while the upper three floors will be divided into 60 offices. Power & Reeves are the architects for this building. MT9/4/1910pB1 After 22 months of hard work it is ready. The two large store rooms on the first floor and basement will be used by Garnett-Corey Hardware Co.; the three upper floors contain suites of offices, 60 in number, each fitted with steam heat, hot and cold water. MT12/11/1910p15 Windows extend south on Grape and across the entire front, making over 80 feet of the finest show windows in the state. MT12/18/1910pD2 The Garnett-Corey Hardware Company has at last moved into its large four-story brick building, fifty by 140 feet, at the corner of Main and Grape streets. Yesterday was given over to celebrating the event, and the grand opening was attended by several thousand persons, many coming from out of town. The three upper stories contain suites of offices. The whole building is fitted with steam heat; hot and cold water and electric light. The first floor and the basement will be the home of the Garnett-Corey company. A ten-passenger elevator is used as means of transportation to and from the upper floors, which contain sixty suites of offices. MS12/18/1910p1 The large passenger elevator just installed is the first of its kind in the city. OR12/16/1910p8 Fire broke out in the meter room, but was held under control. MT1/19/1911p6 The new office of the county pathologist and entomologist, and also of the United States Weather Bureau, in the Garnett-Corey building was opened today. Just as soon as the weather forecasting apparatus arrives from Washington, D.C., it will be installed on the roof of the Garnett-Corey building, and the weather signals will from now on be flown from the mast on the top of that structure. MT3/1/1911p3 Windows in rear destroyed by fire next door. MT3/30/1922p8 In the building's fourth fire since construction, a fire this morning in Dr. Kallen's office will require complete rebuilding of three rooms. MT10/30/1922p8 Sold today to A. W. Pipes. The ground floor contains Young Hardware, Emma Cline Beauty Shop and Hawk Plumbing. Three upper stories are offices; top floor and roof contain the weather bureau, county agent and extension. MT3/22/1927p1 The building is being repainted inside and out. MT10/30/1927p4 A new neon sign has been installed by Alexander's Grocery and the Liberty Market, located in the Liberty Building. The Model Bakery is also in the location. MT9/23/1934p14 Announcement was made of the purchase, in the neighborhood of $75,000, of the building by G. S. Butler, Ashland capitalist, from G. E. Kinsey of Los Angeles, who had recently acquired it from attorney James T. Hall. MT10/6/1940p3 Gates Ford Building Photos: 1922 1926 1943 Southwest corner Sixth and Riverside aka USO Building, Federal Building Built for Charles E. "Pop" Gates' Ford dealership in 1920; addition of a second story began in November 1926. Used as a USO during World War II. In 1916 Gates was granted a permit to construct brick shops on North Riverside between East Main and Sixth streets. In 1920, he received permits to construct a concrete building on Riverside Avenue between East Main and Sixth streets at a cost of $25,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Ground was broken last week for the big concrete building of Gates Auto. R. I. Stuart is the contractor and Frank Clark the architect. It will be 141 by 121 feet, with one floor about 16 feet high. MT1/15/1920p3 The Gates Auto Company addition is nearly completed. MT1/2/1927pD2 The 100x140-ft. second story was begun last November. MT1/2/1927pE3 With the recent completion of the second story of the Gates Auto Co., the firm has one of the most up-to-date Ford service station and display rooms on the coast. The new addition gives them over 30,000 feet of floor space in the two stories. The upper floor is used for overhauling cars, tractors and trucks, a welding department and a complete radiator repair department. The lower floor is given over to the office, parts department, two show rooms. MT3/6/1927pB3 A second story was added onto the C. E. Gates Auto Co. building during the past year in order to provide added floor space for storage and repair work. MT9/14/1927pC3 Plans have been drawn by architect Frank C. Clark for remodeling the C. E. Gates Auto Company garage and building on Riverside. MT5/29/1936p1 Remodeling will begin as soon as contracts are signed. MT12/9/1942p3 Work remodeling the building into a USO center has started. MT12/29/1942p10 Bids have been invited to move Army reserve offices downstairs and leave more room on the second floor as a unit training area. MT6/21/1957p10 Structural deficiencies limit the second floor's capacity for both men and equipment. And "it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter." MT8/13/1958p1 The old federal building at Sixth and Riverside may be declared surplus by the government in the near future. If the city is given an opportunity to purchase the land, the building would be torn down and a parking lot constructed on the property. MT12/21/1962p1 Medford has accepted the federal government's offer to purchase the old federal building at Sixth St. and Riverside Ave.; plans are to raze it in October. MT6/7/1963p1 Authorization to demolish the federal building for the off-street parking program will be asked of the city council at Friday's meeting. The $42,500 purchase has to be approved by a Congressional committee. MT7/3/1963p1 Five bids were received by the City of Medford for demolition of the federal building on Riverside and the Hansen building at Sixth and Bartlett. MT9/11/1963p1 The Hansen and federal buildings are currently being razed. MT10/20/1963p29 Workers are nearing the end of the clearance of the building. MT11/29/1963p8 Gates Furniture Photo: 1955 341 North Central A $25,500 permit to erect a furniture store at 341 North Central has been issued to James A. Elliott, contractor. MT8/3/1954p11 Gates Furniture Building See Kentner Building Geary House See Pickel House GeBauer Apartments See Schuler Apartments Getchell Building NRHP #76.0 115 West Main, southwest corner Main and Fir Designed by Frank Clark, built 1916 for owners E. B. Pickel, Reginald Parsons, L. Niedermeyer and Delroy Getchell. MT2/24/1916p1, MS2/25/1916p2 Gus the Tailor, Ed. Binns the meat merchant, and the Electric Kitchen, on the quarter block to be cleaned up for the new business structure, will enjoy a vacation of two months while the building is being constructed. MT3/11/1916p2 Interior frame work for the new business block at Main and Fir is being rapidly placed. Good progress is being made on the building. MT4/21/1916p2 The work of installing the tile front of the new business block at Main and Fir is completed, and adds an attractive appearance to that part of the city. MS6/2/1916p2 The new business block at Fir and Main is fast nearing completion. The equipment of some of the stores that will occupy the building is being put in place. MS6/23/1916p2 J. F. Lawrence will move his jewelry store to the new building corner of Main and Fir about August first. MT7/28/1916p2 On the corner of Main and Fir has been erected a one-story white porcelain brick structure. This modern structure stands on the ground formerly occupied by the Hotel Moore and a number of one-story frame buildings. MT12/30/1916p1 A mysterious sheet metal building was installed on the roof of the Getchell Building yesterday. Speculation is that it has some connection with the large white screen recently erected above the K.P. Hall. MT10/5/1921p2 The Office Stationery and Supply Company has applied for a permit to remodel the business building at 115 West Main Street at $300. MT1/30/1948p9 Girls Community Club I 229 North Bartlett The clubhouse, originally a large residence, was purchased in 1920 by the Young Women's Christian Association. MT9/23/1956pB6 Reconditioned with new paint and furnishings, the Y.W.C.A. presents a fine appearance. The reception hall, 24x24 feet, is also for the use of the Delphian Club, American Legion Auxiliary, and other women's organizations. JCN9/10/1926p1 Girls Community Club II NRHP #294.0 Photos: 1956 1957 229 North Bartlett aka Mary Phipps Center Plans for a new two-story clubhouse for the Girls Community Club were announced yesterday. It will be erected on the site of the present clubhouse, and construction will begin about December 1. MT9/23/1956pB6 Bids for construction will be called next week. The building will contain a 70x40-ft. rec room, kitchen and twelve bedrooms. MT10/7/1956p7 To be completed Aug. 1, the new Girls Community Club will house 22 young employed girls and accompany more than 200 in the main club room. MT5/31/1957p1 Completion of the Girls' Community Clubhouse realizes a dream long cherished by civic-minded residents. It provides low-cost housing for self-supporting girls and young women attempting to get a start in the business world. MT9/8/1957pB1 The building is equipped with an intercom system and two key stations. On the second floor are 11 sleeping rooms to accommodate 22 girls. MT9/8/1957pB9 The two-story red brick building is being converted into an off-campus educational center for SOSC. The twin beds have been removed, the upstairs kitchen turned into a computer lab, and the house mother's apartment into a suite of offices. PO11/29/1984 SkyOak Wealth Management will spend $300,000 renovating the two-story brick structure. MT10/14/2013p1 Girl Scout Council Headquarters Photo: 1966 2001 North Keene Way Drive Approval of a special permit was recommended to the city council to allow the Girl Scouts to erect a building in the single family zone on the west side of Keene Way Drive east of the First Church of God. MT10/15/1965p1 Gitzen Barn 111 North Fir Dr. G. A. Gitzen's barn, which has been condemned a number of times, will make way for J. L. Helms' concrete building next to Fichtner's garage. MT8/5/1926p3 Gloria-Pan Apartments 375 South Central Gold Seal Creamery See Jackson County Creamery Goldy Building A consolidation of Palm Building I with the Young & Hall Buliding. See Palm Building I Goodyear Tire Building Photo: 2013 101 South Riverside, southeast corner Eighth and Riverside Medford's newest ugly, gray brick structure graces the utility lot of the Goodyear Tire Company on Eighth and Riverside. Letter to the Editor, MT11/30/1965p4 Doug O'Dell plans to convert the front-end alignment shop of the former Goodyear Tire Store into a small tavern; he has already gutted the interior. MT5/23/2013p1 Gore House Photo: 1890 2922 South Pacific Highway Grand Hotel See Barnum Hotel Grand Theater Building See Hubbard Brothers Hardware/Woods Block Grand View Market Photo: 1956 2230 Crater Lake Avenue Florence Graves House NRHP #180.0 220 North Oakdale Green & Shores Service Station 56 North Riverside at Sixth Workmen are now engaged in remodeling the station which will house the Chet Leonard Super Service. It will be transformed into a California Mission-type structure. MT10/14/1935p3 Griffin Creek School 2430 Griffin Creek Road The new school house in the Independence district, on Griffin Creek, which was built last spring, has been painted white. MM7/25/1902p7 Prof. Mulkey will lecture on Shakespeare's Hamlet. Proceeds will be devoted to defraying the expense of erecting a belfry for the school house. MM12/15/1905p8 Fire in the 67-year-old building Friday night destroyed the cafeteria, five classrooms, the school office and library. MT12/14/1969p1 Groceteria No. 1 106 North Central; northeast corner Sixth and Central aka Neff Building Built 1923; razed 1947 to make way for the J. C. Penney Building. Porter Neff will build a 70x100-foot concrete building for long-term lease by the Economy Groceteria. Plans are being prepared. MT12/17/1922p6 Another considerable-sized building now under construction is the concrete store at the corner of Sixth Street and North Central. The cost, it is estimated, will be in the neighborhood of $20,000. CL4/6/1923p1 The Economy Groceteria began business today in its large new home, corner North Central and East Sixth Street in the Neff building. MT7/23/1923p2 W. E. Thomas last night purchased from Porter J. Neff the one-story building for $42,500. The store rooms are occupied by the Groceteria and Gus the Tailor, with a frontage of 100 feet on Sixth and 125 feet on North Central. MT6/3/1927p5 The Neff concrete building was last week repurchased by Mr. Neff. MT6/21/1927p3 Building permit issued for alterations at 102 North Central for Dr. Lee, at a cost of $500. MT1/24/1935p12 Demolition of the Groceteria began Friday. MT8/19/1947p12 Groceteria No. 2 See Johnson's Market/Groceteria Grossman Building 317-319 East Main--block 3, lot 15 J. G. Grossman, the well-known wheelwright, has let the contract for putting up a brick building on his lots in the eastern portion of town. DT5/23/1889p3 J. G. Grossman, the well-known wheelwright, is occupying his fine brick building on Seventh Street. DT7/25/1889p3 Judge Hanna has decided that the deed to property in Medford given by the late J. G. Grossman to J. W. Miller is valid. Relatives of the man sought to set it aside. DT5/8/1902p5 Grover Electric See Beaver Electric Growers Exchange Eighth and Fir Destroyed by fire yesterday. MT4/24/1932p1 Growers Refrigerating Co. See Medford Ice Arena Gus Guddat Building North Central Avenue Oregon Stages, Inc. has leased the Guddat building for Interurban storage and repair. MT9/6/1927p3 Hadley Hardware Building East Main--lot 11, block 13 S. B. Hadley has a good assortment of merchandise and will put up a good, permanent building, 25x40. AT1/25/1884p4 Edgar Hafer House NRHP #172.0 Photos: 1920 1920 1967 2009 426 West Sixth, northeast corner Sixth and Oakdale Built for the owner of Medford's Iowa Box Company, this grand Colonial Revival house was a funeral parlor from 1920 until 2000, when it was purchased by St. Mark's Episcopal Church. The house is on the market for just over $600.000. John Perl bought the building in 1920 and hired architect Frank Clark to remodel it into his residence and place of business. Investing some $700,000 [sic] in remodeling, Perl's family ran a funeral business at the location from 1920 until 1973. MT8/21/2017p1 Hafer House 136 North Oakdale A residence is being torn down to make way for a parking lot for the Perl Funeral Home. It was built about 1903 by Edgar Hafer. MT6/18/1959p11 Hal's Flying "A" Station 836 Crater Lake Avenue Myron Corcoran received a permit to erect an $18,000 service station at 836 Crater Lake Ave. MT7/25/1957p1 Halley Block NRHP #20.0 Photos: 1927 1969 2003 Northwest corner Eighth and Central, 26-38 South Central (1911-12 directories: 36-40 South Central) aka Hogan Building Constructed in sections 1893-1927. The upstairs floor was the Palace Hotel 1890s-1939, Crater Hotel 1939-1972. The south volume of today's "Halley Block" was built by J. R. Wilson; see Wilson Buildings, below. The Halley brick block is ready for the roof. MM8/25/1892p3 [sic] The location of R. H. Halley's brick building will be on the present site of this gentleman's wooden structure on C Street between Seventh and Eighth streets. The new block will be 60x46⅞ feet in size and two stories high. The first floor will be divided into two store rooms, one of which will be occupied by Mr. Halley, and the other for rent. The second story will be fitted up for living purposes or offices. MM3/17/1893p2 G. W. Priddy has been given the contract for furnishing the brick for the new Halley Block, on C Street. MM3/31/1893p3 R. H. Halley has bought the vacant lot on Eighth near the gun shop and will move one of the buildings from his property to it when he is ready to build. DT5/19/1893p3 G. W. Priddy is now engaged in making brick for the new Halley Block. Mr. Priddy will also do the brick work. Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson will do the wood work. MM5/26/1893p5 R. H. Halley has commenced tearing away the old buildings and making ready generally for his new brick. The brick for this structure are now being made, the stone for the foundation are being delivered as is also lumber for the wood work. MM6/23/1893p3 Work on Halley's block is well under way, and it goes without saying that Medford is going to have an addition to her business houses of no mean proportions. DT6/30/1893p2 R. H. Halley has wisely decided to lengthen out his new brick fifteen feet--making it seventy-five instead of sixty as was first talked. MM7/21/1893p3 G. L. Webb has leased the north half of the Halley brick block--ground floor, and about October first the Racket will move to its new abode. MM7/28/1893p3 The Halley brick block, on C Street, will be ready for occupancy in a few weeks. The brick work is expected to be finished next week. MM8/11/1893p3 Being Built Sept. 93 Notation on the northern third of the current building, 1893 Sanborn map, page 2 Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson are now engaged in fitting up the new Halley block on C Street. MM10/27/1893p3 Moved--The Racket store, to Halley's new brick. MM11/3/1893p3 The Mail moves to its new quarters in the Halley block tomorrow. MM11/10/1893p3 Robert Halley it is rumored will erect a new two-story brick adjoining his building on South C Street. GH12/2/1899p4 R. H. Halley will erect a two-story 50x50 brick south of his block. The first floor will leased to the Mail. MT11/24/1900p7 G. W. Priddy within a few days will commence the manufacture of brick for the new Halley block. MM2/23/1900p7 G. W. Priddy will shortly commence the manufacture of brick for the new Halley block, which he has the contract for constructing. DT3/5/1900p3 R. H. Halley is at work on the second story of his new brick block. The front piers were put in with brick and stone; the first floor will be the new home of The Mail. W. L. Halley is superintending the carpenter work, and G. W. Priddy is doing the brick work. MM6/8/1900p6 R. H. Halley is pushing to completion a two-story brick, 50x50 feet, the lower part to be used by the Medford Mail; the upper part to be used by Mr. Halley in connection with his boarding house. OR6/8/1900p3 R. H. Halley's new brick, the front of which is one of the prettiest in the city, is completed. MT7/20/1900p2 The glass front is being put in the Halley block, and masons are putting on the plastering. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy by the middle of September. MM8/31/1900p7 W. L. Halley is this week finishing the second story of the new Halley block. MM10/5/1900p7 The Palace Dining Room opened its doors Tuesday. A wide stairway connects it with the rooms above, which will be appreciated by the patrons. MT3/10/1905p5 See Wilson Building II, below. A brick addition of 25 rooms will be erected at once adjoining the addition recently built in the rear of the Mail office. MT5/12/1909p1 The brick addition is 25x48; the first floor will be used as a kitchen and the second floor for sleeping rooms. MT5/26/1909p2 The foundation work for the hotel building at Eighth and Central is nearing completion, and will be finished within a few days. MT12/30/1909p2 Halley has let the contract for plate glass fronts to two store rooms at 22 S. Central. He plans to make his building an up-to-date business block. MT2/25/1910p1 W. H. Meeker & Co. are moving today to their new quarters in the Halley building. The rooms have been entirely renovated and a modern front of plate glass put in. MT4/4/1910p8 The Halley Block has been repainted. MT8/1/1913p2 Construction begins this week on a second-story brick addition to the corner of Eighth Street. MT2/25/1927p1 Mr. John R. Keithley was in charge of the floor laying of the new Halley building under construction on South Central and which is to be complete in three or four weeks. Mrs. Keithley is a niece of Mrs. Halley. MT6/30/1927p2 Mrs. Halley for $12,000 has bought from Maude Parson the Foster-Kleiser building at Eighth and Central, making her the owner of all the buildings on Central from the J.N. Cafe to Eighth Street. MT4/18/1926p8 Mrs. Halley will add a story to the brick buildings formerly occupied by Foster & Kleiser and Hammett Plumbing, adjacent to the Palace Hotel. MT2/25/1927p1 The new Halley building is now being finished. MT6/24/1927p3 The Halley building on South Central Avenue is a new structure of brick, occupies the former site of a one-story brick building and is two stories high. It was recently completed and is now occupied by Shield's dry goods store and Taylor Millinery Shop [42-44 S. Central]. MT9/14/1927pC3 During the past year, Mrs. Halley razed a section of the Halley Block and herself planned the modern unit, 45x100, that provides fine store rooms with modern second-story hotel rooms. "I intend to rebuild the north section next year," states Mrs. Halley. MT1/1/1928pH5 The Crater Hotel fire started in a trash container in the northwest corner of the building, owned by M. N. (Mel) Hogan. Damage will run into the thousands of dollars. MT5/14/1957p1 The Medford Investment Corp. has paid $200,000 for the building, owned by M. N. Hogan since 1942. Interior and exterior will be refurbished, including sandblasting of the Eighth Street exterior. MT6/16/1968pC11 Halley House Corner Fifth or Sixth and Grape W. F. Halley has contracted with S. Childers to build a 24x30 two-story brick dwelling house. MT9/27/1895p4 P. J. Halley has moved to his father's brick residence, corner G and Sixth. MT3/12/197p7 Hamilton & Palm Building Near Main and Front Hamilton & Palm have established their real estate headquarters in the building they purchased for the purpose of having it removed to [near?] the corner of Seventh and Front streets. DT2/3/1893p3 Contractor Lyon has the contract for remodeling the new real estate building for Hamilton & Palm. DT2/17/1893p3 Hamlin Block NRHP #23.1, 23.2 Photos: circa 1887 1950 1963 1966 circa 1970 circa 1980 126-128 East Main aka Williams Block, Williams' Hall, Miles Block. See also Hamlin-Rostel Block. Completed early 1886 by George W. Williams, who traded it that August to James Hamlin for 190 acres of farmland south of town. The attached Howard Block was simultaneously built in the same style. The upstairs was originally a meeting hall, but was soon converted to legal and medical offices. A suite on the alley was for decades a photo studio; a skylight admitted the light necessary for portrait photography. That suite in the 1930s became offices for architect Frank Clark, who designed the stucco remodel. Mr. Williams of Medford will build a brick building, and it will be 50x90. OS1/17/1885p3 Geo. W. Williams will soon begin the erection of a two-story, solid brick building on one of his lots adjoining Messrs. O'Neil and Roberts. Monitor 2/20/1885p1 G. W. Williams has let the contract for the brickwork on his proposed two-story building at that place to Childers & Son, and will do the carpentering himself. DT5/8/1885p3 Mr. Williams will arrange the upper story of his building so that it can be used for lodge purposes, with the two rooms in front for offices. OS5/9/1885p3 The brick work has been begun on the three large brick stores that are being erected by Messrs. Howard, O'Neil and Williamson. OS6/27/1885p3 The brick building of G. W. Williams is now being plastered and will soon be ready for occupancy. DT11/27/1885p3 Geo. Williams of Medford has traded off his brick block at that place to James Hamlin for 190 acres of land in Eden precinct. OS8/21/1886p3 Porch and awning in front of Howard and Hamlin blocks on Seventh Street declared a nuisance and same ordered removed within thirty days. MM3/9/1894p3 The work of tearing down the awning in front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks was commenced Wednesday. MM3/16/1894p3 New awnings are being put up; they are to be covered with corrugated iron, with two-inch galvanized piping for supports. The entire awning is on hinges and can be swung down in case of fire. MM6/29/1894p3 The Elite Studio, Hamlin Block, is open for business. New style skylight and new scenery, painted especially for us. MM4/26/1901p2 Attorneys Snell & Hartson have moved their law office from the Hamlin block. MM6/28/1901p7 D. H. Miller, one of our hardware merchants, has the distinction of being the occupant of one building for the greatest length of time. He has sold hardware over the counters in the Hamlin block since 1886. MM10/31/1902p7 Extensive alterations in the Miles Block, including a new modern brick front, are to be made during the next few months. An addition will be built doubling the present size of the block by extending it 30 feet further in the rear. A new feature will be a large hall 50x140 feet, the largest hall in the valley. TR10/16/1908p1 Within the next few weeks Miller & Ewbank, cash grocers with headquarters in the Miles Block, will move into new quarters in the Mission Block. TR1/13/1909p1 A new front is soon to be put in the west store room in the Miles Block, recently vacated by Miller & Ewbank. Mrs. Miles may decide to put a new front in the room joining on the east, now occupied by Shorty Garnett. MM2/5/1909p6 Samuel T. Richardson has become the owner of the west half of the Miles Building at 126 East Main St., the lower floor of which is occupied by the Model Clothing Co. store, and the upper floor by Klein tailoring. MT3/25/1920p8 Students of the Rogue River Academy will conduct a food sale Tuesday in the building formerly occupied by the Model Clothing store. MT2/9/1931p2 Frank Clark as architect and supervised remodeling. MT8/31/1933p10 In 1934 Jackson County Federal moved its offices into the building. MT1/2/1963p1 The purchase of the former JCFS&L building by Edson & Pappas, architects, was announced this week. They plan to remodel the building to include small shops on the ground floor, served by an arcade. MT1/2/1963p1 Remodeling began this week on Crater National Bank's 122 East Main location. Another entrance is being built into The Arcade sidewalk. MT1/21/1966p7 Hamlin-Rostel Block Photo: 1970 25-33 South Front aka Hamlin Building, Nurmi Building, Pastell Building, Medford Gospel Mission The photo shows the Hamlin Block sometime after demolition of the Rostel Block, formerly just to the north of it. George and Jeff Hamlin plan on putting up a two-story brick building on South Front, where the jewelry store now is. C. B. Rostel also contemplates putting up a similar building on the adjoining vacant lot on the north. MM3/1/1895p8 C. B. Rostel this week let to S. B. Childers the contract for erecting a two-story brick building on his lot adjoining Hamlin Bros. The building will be twenty-two feet front and sixty feet deep. The work of laying the stone foundation work has already been commenced, and laying brick will commence next week. MM7/17/1896p7 Lumber is on the ground for the wood work in the Hamlin-Rostel brick block, on South D Street. MM7/31/1896p7 Contractors Brand & Campbell resumed carpenter work on the Hamlin-Rostel block Wednesday. MM9/18/1896p7 C. B. Rostel, two-story brick store building, 22 feet front and 60 feet deep. Built by S. Childers, woodwork by Brand & Campbell, price $2000. VR10/29/1896p1 O. W. Hamlin, two-story brick store building, 50 feet front and 80 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $4700. VR10/29/1896p1 The plasterers are at work on C. B. Rostel's new brick this week and will soon have it ready for occupancy. Jas. Coeti will use it for his saloon. Rumor has it that the fourth meat market is soon to be opened in one of Geo. Hamlin's new brick store rooms, south of Hotel Nash. MM11/6/1896p6 The second story of the Hamlin-Rostel brick is being put up. MM10/2/1896p7 The finishing work on the Hamlin building, which has been so long delayed on account of their inability to obtain the requisite material, is now nearly completed and the building will soon be ready for occupancy. Contractor Brand has been doing the work. MM12/25/1896p7 G. H. Hamlin has leased one of his new brick store rooms on Front Street to Owings and Dutches, who are fitting it up for a temperance billiard hall. MM1/22/1897p7 C. B. Rostel is making preparations to open a barber shop and variety store in his brick building in Medford. DT2/14/1898p3, MM2/11/1898p7 The Palm-Whitman-Palm cigar company have leased the Geo. W. Hamlin brick building on South D Street, and are now located therein. MM3/22/1901p7 The Hamlin building, which was sold by Sheriff Orme Saturday under a decree of foreclosure, was bought by Ed. Wilkinson, who bid $2,600, a big bargain. It is occupied by the Palm-Whitman Cigar Co. at present. DT3/27/1902p4 R. Nurmi of the Nurmi Bakery has purchased the Seattle Rooming House structure on S. Front, in which he will install a $4000 baking plant and machinery. The structure will be remodeled and a new front installed. MT5/31/1916p6 The workmen rebuilding the front of the Pastell [sic] Building for the Nurmi Baking Co. came across a bottle of whiskey, wrapped in paper dated August 1896. The whiskey was used to christen the building and was placed in a pocket between two bricks. The sad part of the story is they broke the bottle and lost the twenty-year-old rye. MS8/25/1916p2 Nurmi's Bakery building, on [Front] Street, off Main, has been remodeled, a front of white porcelain brick and plate glass being installed. MT12/30/1916p1 J. F. Hittson has located his car dealership "in the building recently purchased by H. O. Nordwick on South Front Street, the Nurmi Building." MT3/3/1920p8 Nordwick is rearranging the building for autos and auto supplies. MT3/4/1920p5 J. G. Hoffman will occupy the south room with Exide batteries and auto electrical supplies. MT3/4/1920p5 Martin Conger has leased the upper floor of the Nordwick building at 33 South Front and will fit it up for a first-class rooming house. MT9/18/1920p2 The Medford Velie Co. moved to 29 S. Front, the Nordwick Building. MT2/28/1922p6, MT3/3/1922p2 Sold to M. E. Hodge. MT6/6/1922p8 A fire damaged the stock in Smith's grocery in the Nordwick building on South Front yesterday morning. MT11/14/1922p8 Fire Friday night damaged all the Clarion's equipment and the E. O. Bradley paint shop in the building formerly owned by H. O. Nordwick. CL1/11/1924p1 The partitions in the old hotel have been removed, and the kitchen, chapel and dormitory are taking shape. MT1/20/1959p3 Plans call for razing the building in which the Fourth Wheel Club is located, 31 South Front, sometime this summer. MT5/27/1962p10 The structure, has housed the gospel mission since it began in March 1959, will be razed in June along with several other South Front buildings. MT5/30/1962p1 The building will be razed to make room for a parking lot. MT6/26/1962p1, MT5/27/1962p10 Will Hansen Building See Stewart Building Hansen Building Photos: circa 1922 1922 1955 1956 Southwest corner Sixth and Bartlett aka Medford Furniture and Hardware Co. Building See also Stewart Building Built 1922 by J. P. Hansen; upper floor burned 1955. Razed 1963. J. P. Hansen will build a $40-50,000 100x115-foot concrete building for the Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. A ramp will connect the floors instead of an old-fashioned stairway. J. H. Drew has the construction contract. MT2/10/1922p1 Clearing the site for the Hansen Building is under way. The old dwelling house on the site has been purchased by Spence Childs and is being razed. MT2/23/1922p2 Trucks are busy transferring stock; sidewalks are being cleared; building is being painted. Opening scheduled for June 26. MT6/24/1922p3 An important 1937 construction project was the remodeling of the Hansen building at Sixth and Bartlett sts., marking an expansion of Hansen Hardware. MT1/2/1938p6 Reconstruction of the Hansen building, which housed Medford Furniture until a fire gutted the building last July 8, began yesterday. The present walls will be reinforced with steel and used for the remodeled interior. MT11/15/1955p1 Work on repair and renovation of the Medford Furniture building is nearly complete. MT4/2/1956p1 The city manager said that if all goes according to schedule, the structures at Sixth and Bartlett sts. will be razed sometime in October. MT6/7/1963p1 Authorization to demolish the Hansen building for the off-street parking program will be asked of the city council at Friday's meeting. MT7/3/1963p1 Five bids were received by the City of Medford for demolition of the federal building on Riverside and the Hansen building at Sixth and Bartlett. MT9/11/1963p1 The Hansen and federal buildings are currently being razed. MT10/20/1963p29 Demolition crews began razing the outer shell of the Hansen building Monday. A parking lot is planned for the site as soon as the building is down. MT11/19/1963p1 Harper Union Tabernacle West Sixth Street A big tabernacle will be erected on West Sixth near its junction with Main, on the north side of the street. A. K. Harper, head of the Harper Brush Works of Fairfield, Iowa, is directing the evangelical campaign. MT12/27/1927p5 40 to 50 men are at work on construction of the big frame tabernacle, and more men are needed. The $1000 building will be a plain one, but of substantial construction. MT1/9/1928p3 Sunday night the big shed was jammed and overflowing with a crowd of 2000 people. MT1/23/1928p3 W. F. Sullinger secured the nearly 29,000 feet of lumber for only $325. Wrecking the tabernacle will require several days. MT2/18/1928p2 Harry & David Bear Creek Store Photo: 1969 South Pacific Highway Jean Hart Building Photo: 1970 617 East Main Hartsook Service Station Southwest corner West Main and Columbus--possibly not built J. P. Hartsook has received a building permit to erect a $8,500 service station at the southwest corner of Columbus Avenue and West Main Street . MT3/13/1951p7 Harvey's Service Station Northeast corner Sixth and Front Harvey's Shell Oil station No. 2 opens tomorrow. Work was started on the 21x50-ft. building three weeks ago. MT7/19/1929p4 Haskins Block See Haskins Drug Store Haskins Drug Store NRHP #317.0 Photos: 1891 1910-11 1979 214 East Main aka Haskins Block, Fluhrer Apartments G. H. Haskins is occupying the Roberts & O'Neil building, on C Street, pending the erection of his brick building on the site of his former quarters. DT2/19/1894p2 Mayor Haskins:--"It is quite probable my new brick store building will be commenced at once. I have let the contract for the brick work to Mr. Childers, and Messrs. Shawver & Nicholson will have charge of the wood work. There will be only the two end walls to put up, as the adjoining ones will be my side walls--and in which I have a part ownership. The building will be two stories high--the second story to be fitted for office purposes. The building ought to be in readiness inside of three months." MM4/20/1894p2 Haskins will begin the erection of his building as soon as the old building is removed, which has been sold to C. W. Palm and will be moved across the track and placed fronting to the east and adjoining the distillery office. MM4/20/1894p3 No sooner does Palm get the Haskins building moved across the street than it was leased by John Morris, who expects to move in with a stock of crockery and glassware. MM4/27/1894p3 D. Brooks, the tinner, is engaged in putting the roof on Mayor Haskins' new brick. MM5/18/1894p3 The Haskins new brick drug store is nearly ready for the plasterers. MM6/1/1894p3 The brick structure is 24x80 feet in size and two stories high. The main room below is 24x60 feet. In this salesroom is found a complete set of drug store fixtures, wholly made from the very choicest of sugar pine lumber. All this work is ornamented with hand carvings, the work entire executed by Weeks Bros., and the imprint of their excellent work is plainly inscribed on every piece. MM8/17/1894p3 G. H. Haskins is having a one-story addition built at the rear of his drug store. It will be 22x25 feet in size and will be used as a store room by druggist Leon B. Haskins. MM2/9/1906p5 Leon Haskins is having material placed on the ground with which to replace the old front in his drug store with a new one. The entire front will be torn out and the material used in replacing it will be white pressed brick with red tucked joints, and at the crest there will be two cement acorns, this being the only cement work used. The store front will be of large plate glass. The entire front will be modern in every particular--and there'll not be a prettier one in the city. Contractor L. J. Rinehart will do the work. MM6/21/1907p5 I am having Weeks Brothers make my shelving and counters, and they are promised for about June first. Drs. Pickel and Geary will have offices over the store. Dr. Pickel will occupy the south front rooms and Dr. Geary the north front two rooms. Back of these will be a fairly good-sized hall--large enough for lodge hall for secret societies. MM6/22/1894p2 The front of the Haskins building is now complete, and is one of the handsomest in the city. The entrance lobby is floored with cement, and the large plate glass on each side with the woodwork inside and the cement base in granite effect make a combination that is handsome in the extreme. MM8/16/1907p5 Haskins Drug was the first exclusive drug store in Medford and was established in the present location in 1884 by George H. Haskins, father of Leon B., who operated it until 1903 when it was taken charge of by Leon. The present brick structure was erected in 1894 and remodeled in 1907. MT7/21/1924p6 E. G. Hawkins Building 624-628 South Riverside Hawkins has received a permit for a $5,000 reinforced concrete store structure with three rentals. MT3/5/1950p9 Hawkinson General Tire Service Photos 1961 1966 1112 Court The public is invited to the new Hawkinson Tire plant Friday. The new 40x160 concrete building includes offices and three truck service departments. The business has for many years been at 204 N. Riverside. MT6/7/1956p6 Hawthorne Gardens 737 Stevens, northeast corner Stevens and Royal Stock in Medford's first apartment cooperative is offered; construction will begin when all stock is sold. Architects are Payne and Struble. MT6/25/1961p10 Permit issued to complete 45 carports at a cost of $1,500. MT6/16/1963p11 Hawthorne Pool Hawthorne Park Norris K. Porter's $20,140 bid for the pool building was accepted. MT7/20/1949p3 Heavy equipment reduced the Hawthorne Park pool to rubble this week; the pool, which opened on June 4, 1950, was closed in 2011. MT7/12/2013p1 Haupert Tractor Company 3610 North Pacific Highway Haupert Tractor will hold an open house Saturday at the firm's new building. The company, formerly Tractor Sales and Service, recently moved. MT6/11/1953p6 Hawthorne Convalescent Center 625 Stevens Street The Hawthorne Convalescent and Rehabilitation Center is expected to open June 11. The 102-bed facility will have a full nursing staff. MT6/3/1962pB1 Hawthorne Gardens Apartments 737 Stevens Street Stock in Medford's first apartment cooperative is now being sold. The 43-unit, $768,767 building was designed by architects Payne and Struble. MT6/25/1961p10 The consumer cooperative apartment house is under construction and expected to be completed late in August. MT6/3/1962pB1 Haymarket Square Southwest corner Main and Front After the Southern Pacific Railroad depot was moved from the site in 1910 the vacant lot became a venue for buskers, public speakers and rallies informally known as Haymarket Square--probably a jocular reference to Chicago's 1886 Haymarket riot. The fire department Monday watered the trees in Haymarket Square and in the S.P. park. The long dry spell placed them in sorry need of water. MT8/18/1914p2 Associated Oil will build a service station on Haymarket Square, to open within the next 90 days. MT7/11/1924p3 When the city council granted permission to build the new service station, the death knell of the plot was sounded as a meeting place for small political and religious gatherings. MT9/17/1924p8 Hazelrigg Opera House See Medford Opera House I and Medford Opera House II E. H. Hedrick Junior High School Photo: 1970 1501 East Jackson Plans by Keeney and Edson are nearly finished. MT4/6/1954p16 About 90 percent of the concrete walls for the new junior high school are now in place, according to E. H. Hedrick, superintendent of city schools. The building has 23 classrooms and an extra large gymnasium. Heating will be by steam, with sawdust for fuel. General contractor is the Don Knight company. MT1/23/1955p10 Dedication will be Sunday. The contract price for the 89,706-sq.-ft. building was $894,497, plus an additional $120,000 furnishing and site costs. MT9/16/1955p1 Heimann Cancer Center Asante hospital campus Asante's $64 million, 80,160-sq.-ft. oncology center is already seeing its first patients. Crews broke ground in February 2020. MT1/6/2022pB1 Helms Building South Front Street A. D. Helms will this week let the contract for building a 25x60-foot brick saloon building on his lot, south of Hotel Nash. The building will be one story high and will probably be built by G. W. Priddy. MM3/2/1900p7 The foundations are being laid this week for A. M. Helms' saloon building. The building will be 25x60, one story high, of brick. G. W. Priddy is doing the mason work. MM5/25/1900p7 A. M. Helms is building a store room, 25x100 feet. OR6/8/1900p3 A. M. Helms has his saloon so far along as to ensure its completion by Saturday, upon which date he will have an opening. His is the finest sample room in the city, and he has had his fixtures painted and burnished to be in keeping with the surroundings. MM6/29/1900p7 A permit was issued to Fred Robinson to demolish the floor and front section of the former Casino Tavern, 17 S. Front. MT5/13/1959p10 Helms Building II 111 North Fir Dr. G. A. Gitzen's barn at 111 North Fir will make way for J. L. Helms' 50x25-ft. concrete building directly next to Fichtner's garage at Sixth and Grape and a high wire enclosure covered by a galvanized iron roof. The building will houses offices and temporary storage space and will shelter the trucks of the Eads Transfer company. MT8/5/1926p3 Henry's Drive-In Building Photos: 1940s 1948 1956 1206 North Riverside Higgins Building North Front J. Wright, recently from Grants Pass, has leased S. A. D. Higgins' building, on North Front Street, for saloon purposes. MM4/13/1894p3 J. Wright opened his place of business on Front Street Monday morning. MM4/20/1894p3 Hight Realty NRHP #47.0 Photo: 1955 221 North Central Hilarity Hall See Korinek Building Hillcrest Memorial Park Chapel North Phoenix Road A new innovation in funeral services will be introduced about June 1 when construction is completed at Hillcrest Memorial Park. The chapel will be of frame construction with cedar siding and a white crushed rock roof. MT3/1/1959p8 Our chapel is completed. MT7/26/1959p14 Hilton Garden Inn Hospitality Way off Ellendale Drive Partial plans for a four-story, 120-room Hilton Garden Inn have been submitted to the Medford Planning Department. MT4/11/2014pB4 The hotel, which has been planned for years, will be built to the west of Homewood Suites and just to the west of Ellendale Drive. MT6/19/2014p1\ Construction is under way. MT6/12/2016p1 L. B. Hogan Building Main We have leased the L. B. Hogan Building on 7th Street, and will move our stock of groceries to same on or about Dec. 1, 1905. Crystal & Talent, The Busy Grocers. MM12/8/1905p4 Hogan Building See Halley Block Holiday House Trailer Plant See American Fruit Growers Packing House Holiday Inn 2260 Biddle Road aka Nendels Inn, Ramada Hotel Equipment is leveling the ground northeast of Disco for a 152-unit motel and a convention complex to accommodate up to 800 persons. MT8/16/1965p13 Prominent on the drawing boards are plans for the 128-unit Holiday Inn near the north freeway interchange. MT1/14/1968pB1 Ground was broken March 4 for the 132-room motel on a 6.25-acre site. Contractor is Sam A. Bryant, Redding; manager will be Gilbert J. Fox. MT3/20/1968pB4 Motel rooms of the $750,000 project are scheduled to open in September. MT6/16/1968pB1 The facilities were built in 1968 as a Holiday Inn. It became Nendels in the early 1980s. MT9/19/1992 Holiday Inn Express Center Drive The $5.85 million, four-story, 42,615-sq.-ft., 91-unit motel is on course to open in late November. MT8/9/2018pB10 Holiday Inn Motel 617-19 North Riverside V. B. Hawley will start building within the next few days seven stuccoed motel units on North Riverside. The units will be 14x25 feet, and will consist of one room and bath. MN2/15/1946p2 Holland Hotel See Hotel Holland Holly Apartments NRHP #146.0 135 North Holly Maynard Bush has recently bought the Holly Apartments, bringing to four the total of apartment buildings now owned by Bush. MT7/30/1935p12 Holly Court Apartments NRHP #137.0 240 North Holly, southeast corner North Holly and West Fourth Sale was announced of the Holly Court to W. H. Lydiard and J. F. Fliegel. The court, five modern buildings of four rooms each, was constructed in 1928 and recently redecorated. Each dwelling has oak floors, a living room, fireplace, circulating oil heater, electric refrigeration and modern bathroom. MT9/6/1936p3 Holly Theatre Building NRHP #126.0 Photos: 1930 2006 226 West Sixth, northeast corner Sixth and Holly Medford's most elaborate movie "palace" was designed by Frank Clark. Notorious county commissioner Earl Fehl was the contractor. Construction began in November 1929; the theater opened August 29, 1930. The Knights of Pythias have sold their lot at Sixth and Holly. MT7/12/1927p3 Teams with graders began yesterday to excavate and level the 75x175-foot lot between the Home Telephone and federal buildings. MT11/22/1929p6 Dirt from the excavation will be used on North Front. MT11/26/1929p6 Roof girders are now being set in place. MT4/9/1930p2 The roof was finished last week, and it is expected that work on the interior will start this week. The structure, built by L. Niedermeyer and associates, was originally estimated to cost $80,000, but will cost close to $100,000. The equipment and interior furnishings, etc., will cost $42,000. MT4/27/1930p3 Twice-monthly fundraising tours of the Holly start this Saturday. Visitors will see exposed beams, stained walls and a generally dilapidated interior. MT9/2/2013p1 Home Telephone & Telegraph Company Building NRHP #125.0 218 West Sixth Built in 1910 for the Home Telephone Company, this structure was used as "The Outpost," the officers' USO, during WWII. Later it became the University Club, a social gathering spot. Work on the plans and specifications of the building are already under way, and active construction will be under way by January 15. MT11/18/1909p1 Frank C. Clark is making the plans for a building to be built by the independent telephone company for its central office equipment. AT1/13/1910p1 Work of excavating the building has been commenced. It will be 25x65 feet in size, and two stories high. Medford Brick Co. has the contract. MT2/4/1910p2 The Home Telephone Co. has let a contract for an extension of their building, consisting of raising to two stories the north 36 feet of the company's original building. This gives the company a full two-story building 25x65 feet in size.. MT10/28/1912p3 Among structures now under way is a large addition to the Home Telephone building on Sixth Street. MT10/29/1912p1 A recreational hall for servicemen will be opened in the very near future in the old telephone building on Sixth Street. The lower floor will be devoted to recreation and the second floor will be converted into offices for WPA recreational staff. MN7/31/1942p3 Hometown Buffet 1299 Center Drive Business abruptly closed September 2019. Building demolished October 2021. Hoover-Cooper Building NRHP #320.0 Photo: circa 1908 232 East Main, southwest corner Main and Bartlett aka Clay Building, Cooper Building, Deuel Building, Main & Winchester Building, Meeker Building, Music Center Building Built in 1890 for saddler W. G. Cooper & Sons after a December 7, 1889 fire destroyed their wooden building on the site. W. G. Cooper last week made application to the town council for leave to erect a temporary wooden building on the site of his burned business house, until such time as he can build a brick structure. DT12/19/1889p3 W. G. Cooper has let the contract for the erection of a 25x76-foot two-story brick on his lot at the corner of Seventh and B streets, to cost $2500. OR4/8/1890p12 Among the brick buildings contemplated in Medford during the coming season are a 25x76-foot two-story business house on the corner of Seventh and B, to be erected by W. G. Cooper, work on which has already begun. DT4/10/1890p2 Cooper's brick block is being rushed to the first story by S. Childers' force of workmen. He will then decide how many stories high he will want it. VR9/11/1890p3 S. Childers is employed on W. G. Cooper's brick building, which will be one of the handsomest in town when it is completed. DT9/19/1890p3 Cooper's brick is almost ready for occupancy. It is now being plastered. DT11/21/1890p2 Cooper's brick building adds greatly to that part of town. It is being finished in fine style. DT10/24/1890p2 Francis Fitch, Esq., has been engaged during the week in transforming the upstairs of Cooper's building into a suite of fine offices. DT12/12/1890p3 F. Hubbard's sons have rented Cooper's brick building on 7th Street and will stock it with agricultural implements and machinery of all kinds. DT5/8/1891p2 The sheriff will sell the fine Cooper brick building and residence at Jacksonville tomorrow. DT2/19/1892p2 Goldstone Bros., lately of Eugene, have opened a stock of merchandise in the Cooper building. DT2/19/1892p2 The sheriff sold Cooper's brick building and residence at the courthouse door in Jacksonville last Saturday, which were bid in by Main & Winchester of San Francisco. The property sold for something over $4000. DT2/26/1892p2 Ladies, call at New York Cheap Cash Store on the 4th of July and get a fan free of charge. Note the address, Cooper brick. SOM7/8/1892p3 White, Harbaugh & Co. have purchased of Main & Winchester of San Francisco the two-story brick building situated opposite the Bank of Medford. They intend to thoroughly renovate it soon. DT2/11/1900p3 T. J. Kenney has made arrangements to have Main & Winchester's brick building, on the corner of 7th and B streets, repaired. DT4/5/1900p3 The poultry show will be held in the old Meeker building on the corner of Seventh and B streets. MM12/28/1900p7 The case of Main & Winchester vs. Hulda Hoover, et al. to quiet title to the building situated on the southwest corner of Seventh and B streets, which was decided in favor of the plaintiff by Judge Hanna, has been appealed to the supreme court. DT4/3/1902p1 F. K. Deuel has had a foundation put in on the alley between Seventh and Eighth streets--on the property he recently purchased from Mrs. McKee. The building to be put on the foundation will be 32x50 feet in size and will be used as a warehouse, in connection with Mr. Deuel's storeroom, now occupied by Messrs. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. MM4/20/1900p7 A new business concern in this city is the Model Clothing Co., located at the corner of Seventh and B streets, in the building formerly occupied by Nicholson & Platt. The interior of the building has been renovated, and is very attractive. MM4/12/1907p5 Merchant F. K. Deuel is having a second story built over the rear of the present salesroom of Deuel & Kentner. The room which this added story will make will be 25x50 feet in size, and when completed will be used exclusively for ladies' suits and ladies' ready-to-wear garments. MM6/7/1907p5 W. S. Clay is preparing to build an addition to his building, corner of 7th and B streets, and make other alterations to it, which will make it one of the most desirable locations in that vicinity. The building will be extended back to the alley, making it 110 feet long inside. The front in the lower floor, occupied by the Model Clothing Co., will be replaced by a model plate glass front. MM7/5/1907p1 The building will be 130 feet in length; 24 feet at the rear will be a wareroom. The front will be made over with plate glass and pressed brick. MM7/19/1907p1 The two-story extension of the Clay building, corner of B and 7th streets, is being rapidly pushed to completion. MM8/9/1907p5 Sam Richardson:--"Yes, I fancy we will have a good building when completed. The building will be 130 feet in length and 25 feet wide and from this we will take off 24 feet at the rear for a wareroom. When we get our store front made over with plate glass and pressed brick I fancy there will be no better or prettier store of the kind on the coast." MM7/19/1907p1 The photograph gallery which has been fitted up by Dewitt Goodpasture in the Clay building, over the Model Clothing Company's store, is now ready for use. MM10/11/1907p5 The Model Clothing Co. will occupy the building now occupied by the Medford Furniture Co. one door west [sic] from their present location. A new and modern front will be put in, new floors will be put down and the walls kalsomined. MT7/21/1911p8 The Medford Mercantile (M.M.) Department Company, formerly W. H. Meeker and Co., has leased the Deuel building and will move thereto on January 1st. A new and modern front will be put in, and the interior will be repainted and repapered throughout. MT11/2/1912p2 The rear room was badly burned, as well as the rear of the second floor, entailing a loss of thousands of dollars of Model Clothing Co. stock. MT9/9/1918p6 Palmer Piano House has rented the building formerly occupied by the Model Clothing Co., 234 East Main, and will move in about June 1st. MT5/31/1919p2 Crater Lake Hardware will move into the Deuel Building August 1st. MS7/20/1919p2 A mezzanine floor will be added, window display space enlarged in front by the removal of the stairway, and show windows installed along the Bartlett Street side. The entire interior will be altered and renovated. MT7/18/1927p8, MT7/19/1927p1 A permit was issued yesterday to Henry F. Fluhrer for the alteration of the Palmer music store on East Main, at a cost of $5000. MT7/26/1927p2 Work is in progress on the remodeling of the Palmer Music House, giving it greater show window display space and more floor space. Display windows will be installed on the Bartlett Street side of the building, taking the place of a bare brick wall. MT9/14/1927pC3 The walls and ceilings of the Music Center Building are a study in blended tans and creams, designed by John H. Lock, painting contractor. About ten feet from the west wall are a series of three arches, draped off for special demonstration rooms. MT10/4/1927p8 Three sound-proof buildings are being built; the ceiling is done in metal in varicolored square designs by W. W. Lock, painter and decorator. MT10/25/1927p3 Workers are busy at the temporary USO center on Main and Bartlett streets, which will be opened soon. MT5/29/1942p10 Open house will be held at the temporary USO headquarters in the old Palmer Piano building on Sunday afternoon. MN6/26/1942p2 The USO center on Main is to be devoted to office space, reading and writing. Equipment on the balcony will be moved to the canteen. MT12/29/1942p10 City directory listings: 1935-37--not listed (apparently vacant); 1939-41--Leonard's Beauty College; 1942-43--Medford Military Tailors; 1946-55--Anders Photo Shop. Current site of Lawrence's Jewelers. Hoover Elementary School Photo: 1958 2323 Siskiyou Boulevard Construction bids will be opened for the school on March 19. Architect is Jack A. Edson. MT3/5/1958p1 Modular classrooms will provide space for an additional 50 students. MT9/6/2015p1 Hotel Austin See Barnum Hotel Hotel Holland Photos: 1912 circa 1915 1978 Southwest corner Sixth and Fir aka Neff Building, Neff & Westerlund Apartments Formally opened December 28, 1911; razed February 1978. Porter J. Neff plans to erect a building two stories in height as a home for the Mail Tribune. Work on this started this morning. Next to this, J. A. Westerlund will erect an office building 40x100, and then Mr. Neff and Mr. Westerlund will erect on the corner a building 50x100, which will be fitted for bachelor apartments. When completed the building will form one block. MT9/2/1910p1 The hotel will be 88 by 146 feet, with basement. It will be equipped with a steam heating plant and telephones and electric lights, elevator system and modern grill. MT9/11/1910pB1 Matters are moving along well on the building to be erected on the Enyart corner on [North] Fir Street. The ground floor will arranged for two store rooms. The two upper floors will be constructed for sleeping apartments, each with private bath. MS12/31/1910p1 Work will be started this week on the apartment house to be erected at the corner of Fir and Sixth streets. Johns & Turner are architects and contractors. MT4/3/1911p5 The third section of the Mail Tribune block will begin construction within two weeks. The two upper floors will be used as an apartment house, the first floor being devoted to store rooms. MT3/9/1911p4 The Medford Sash & Door factory are turning out the work for the Neff and Westerlund apartment house. MT7/2/1911p8 Claude Ponting of Medford has invented an electric heater for large office buildings. It has been installed in the Holland Hotel here. OR11/1/1913p17 Another improvement is the building of the Holland apartments, in connection with the Holland Hotel, which are nearing completion, at a cost of $7,000. John A. Westerlund is owner. MT12/30/1916p1 Workmen have just completed construction on a new roof garden on Hotel Holland. JCN5/29/1925 A 7-year lease to the Holland Hotel, held by Ben F. Decious, was tentatively sold Thursday night to C. L. Reynolds, for a sum in the neighborhood of $25,000. The building is owned by the John A. Westerlund estate. MT6/3/1927p5 The hotel rooms of the Holland Hotel are being closed. The Wooden Shoe restaurant and lounge will continue in operation. MT5/1/1975 Don and Maxine Jordan are locking the door on the Wooden Shoe restaurant after this New Year's Eve, their 16th in the Shoe. MTTempo12/30/1977p24 Workers have begun to tear down the old Holland Hotel. MT2/15/1978p1 Major demolition work has begun on the Holland Hotel. It will be replaced by a one-story building for Mail Tribune use. MT3/7/1978p1 Hotel Jackson Photos: 1926 1942 circa 1953 108 South Central, southwest corner Eighth and Central aka Terminal Hotel Built as the Terminal Hotel in 1926; the name changed to Hotel Jackson January 1, 1928. Closed its doors in 1961. Demolished 1968. MT12/19/1967p1 A new hotel will be built in Medford during the next two or three months, erected by local capital, to be leased by the Terminal Hotel Company. AT1/13/1926p1 The completion of the Stage Terminal Hotel was the outstanding accomplishment of the year. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is four stories high and contains approximately 72 rooms, in addition to a dining room and a stage waiting room. MT1/2/1927pD2 The Stage Terminal Hotel was completed at a cost of $125,000. The hotel was opened one year ago today, September 14. It is one of a chain operating in Salem, Eugene, Roseburg and this city, where, at the latter place, the largest hotel is located. MT9/14/1927pC3 The Terminal Hotel is to be given the name of Hotel Jackson; the new name will take effect the first of next year. MT11/3/1927 A number of new electric signs have been installed lately, including the one on top of the Hotel Jackson, formerly known as the Terminal Hotel. MT1/3/1928p3 Extensive repairs are under way at the Jackson Hotel; the part of the hotel formerly used by Greyhound lines will become a large banquet room. MN4/1/1949p1 Medford's Jackson Hotel closed its doors Friday night; the hotel faced financial difficulties. MT5/21/1961p1 Stripping of the interior of Jackson House began Monday in preparation for demolition of the four-story, 73-room hotel. MT12/19/1967p1 Exterior demolition is expected to begin about March 30. MT2/18/1968p1 A permit has been granted for demolition after normal working hours of the Jackson House. The hotel is being razed for a 60-space parking lot. MT3/24/1968pD1 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart is the Jackson Hotel. MT5/30/1976pC2 Hotel Medford [Rebuilt] NRHP #168.0 Photos: circa 1940 1942 1978 406 West Main, northwest corner Main and Ivy Opened September 19, 1911 at five stories; a sixth was added in the mid-1920s. It burned to the ground the night of August 8, 1988. The replica currently on the site was built the following year. Work is to start on a six-story hotel building on the Coleman property. The building is to be erected by the Medford Hotel Company, a syndicate of local men. MT6/26/1910p1 The contract for excavation has been let to Shaska & Ament, and they will at once install excavating machinery, and the dirt will commence to fly next week. MT7/10/1910p1 Ground is being broken today for Medford's new hotel. The contractors have put a large force of men and teams to excavating for the basement, which will be 75x140 feet. OR7/14/1910p7 The Medford Hotel has its basement excavation finished. The Medford Hotel will be six stories high and will contain 110 guest rooms and six sample rooms, besides a dining room and appurtenances, parlors, a lounging room for men, a store, a barber shop and a billiard room. The building will be pressed brick, costing $80,000. MT9/4/1910pB1 Construction is well under way on the six-story Medford Hotel. MT9/10/1910pB1 As soon as the plans can be completed work is to start on the erection of a six-story hotel building at Main and Ivy, commonly known as the Coleman property. The building is to be erected by the Medford Hotel Company and will cost $150,000. MT6/26/1910p1 Small boys having "the time of their lives" ice skating in the Hotel Medford basement, "the only part of the building completed." MT1/15/1911p8 Brick for Hotel Medford is arriving from the Ray plant at Tolo. These bricks are what are known as select common and will be used for the main walls. MS2/8/1911p1 The second floor is complete, and the brick laid halfway up the third story. The laying of the white brick facing for the first floor is almost completed. MT3/30/1911p3 The framework for the fifth story of the new Medford Hotel was just in place two days ago and in honor of the occasion a flag was raised over the structure and a broom was nailed to the framework. MT4/2/1911 Next Sunday will be inspection day at the new Hotel Medford. The hotel will be opened for business next Thursday. MT9/13/1911p5 The work of tearing down the wireless plant on the roof of the Medford Hotel will start soon. MT7/29/1912p2 The Medford Hotel is now erecting new fire escapes. Work started today on the erection of a fire escape on the north side of the building. MT10/1/1912p4 Officials of the Federal Wireless Telegraph Co. are in Medford to unmast the hotel, as the wireless apparatus is no longer needed. MT5/28/1913p6 Work is progressing on the sixth story, W. H. Merritt, general contractor. Elmer Childers has a subcontract for the brick and plastering. The brick is made by the Southern Oregon Clay Products Co. of Central Point. MT2/22/1924p7 The 27 rooms with baths of the new fifth floor have been furnished and will be ready for use by this evening. MT5/31/1924p6 We are pleased to invite you to see our top floor, just finished. MT6/12/1924p2 The new $55,000 addition was formally opened Friday, making a total of 127 roms in the hotel. A high-speed express elevator was also installed. MT6/14/1924p6 Emil Mohr, proprietor of the Hotel Medford, invites the public to visit the new sixth story tomorrow and to take a ride in the new elevator. MT6/12/1924p8 Renovation of the front will commence Friday. It will be finished partly in marble; a new entrance and marquee are planned. MT4/3/1952pB1 Leonard and Frost Concrete built the basement of Hotel Medford. MT4/24/1966p3 Efforts to keep the Hotel Medford open for business despite fire code compliance problems will reach the point of decision today. MT1/5/1978p1 Hotel Medford Sample Rooms NRHP #167.0 23-25 North Ivy The Rau-Mohr Co. closed a deal today to become owners of the Christian church property at Sixth and Ivy. The company will at once commence the construction of a building which will be 100 feet deep with a frontage of 50 feet on Ivy. This building will be used for sample rooms for commercial men, sleeping apartments for the hotel help and a garage for stabling the hotel bus and for the accommodation of guests. MT8/3/1911p1 It will be decided whether the plans will be altered to call for a two-story building with a garage on the first floor and the sample room on the second. In that event the Dyer & Searle Motor Home will be housed in the new building. MT8/6/1911p8 The brick work on the new annex to the Medford Hotel is up to the second floor, and joists will be put on for the second story today. MT9/30/1911p2 Hotel Moore Buildings Photo: 1907 Southwest corner West Main and Fir See also Moore Mercantile Buildings At left in the photo. Built 1906; razed March 1916 to make way for the Getchell Building. T. H. Moore has commenced laying the foundation for his three new brick buildings on the west side. MM8/18/1905p5 T. H. Moore has men at work putting in a foundation for a 40x70-foot brick building, on South G Street. This building will be two stories high and will form the stable part of the livery barn which he is building on Seventh Street. The barn when completed will have a frontage of thirty feet on Seventh Street, by seventy-five feet deep, while at the rear it will connect with the stable above referred to. MM8/26/1905p5 T. H. Moore has completed the brick work on his new livery stable, and masons are now putting up the second stories of his other buildings. MM11/24/1905p5 T. H. Moore has broken ground on a lot which he owns opposite his new structures, on West Seventh. It is to be of brick and will be for business use. He is also preparing to erect a one-story brick addition east from the rear of his new hotel to F Street. This is to be used as a store room for the hotel. MM5/11/1906p5 Here stands a three-story brick, erected to meet the demands of a modern hostelry. It has a 42-foot frontage, which is divided between dining room and office. The brick work on this building is all completed, and three carpenters are now at work rushing the interior finish. Mr. Moore expects to have the building ready for occupancy in September. TR6/29/1906p1 The big, three-story Moore Hotel building, although it was commenced in 1905, was not finished until this summer. MM10/12/1906p1 Moore has broken ground for his new brick building on the north side of 7th Street across the street from his other buildings. TR10/24/1906p1 Delroy Getchell, Medford banker, received a permit in 1916 for construction of a cement business building on the south side of West Main Street between Fir and Grape. The $10,000 cost included the wrecking of two upper stories of the Moore Hotel building where social life had centered. MT3/26/1967pD1 The Hotel Moore is being dismantled to make room for the proposed business block to be erected thereon [the Getchell Building]. MT3/8/1916p2 LeRoy & Mattie House Apartments 215 North Ivy Permit issued to L. C. House for addition to a dwelling on North Ivy at a cost of $1000. MT4/24/1929p2 L. C. House plans to build a dwelling on N. Ivy at a cost of $4500. MT1/3/1931p2 A permit was issued to complete the second floor of the apartment house at a cost of $3,000. MT12/29/1939p11 J. S. Howard Block East Main Photo: circa 1887 See First National Bank Building Built by J. S. Howard in 1886; the attached Hamlin Block was simultaneously built in the same style. Replaced by First National Bank (q.v.) in 1906, what remained of the 1886 building was razed in 1911 with construction of the bank's second building on the site. J. S. Howard intends to put up a handsome two-story structure. DT6/12/1885p3 Our old friend Howard of Medford is building a two-story brick store, and says he will have a grand parlor in the upper story for his lady customers, and will have a brass band to play on the plaza in front every evening. OS6/20/1885p3 The brick work has been begun on the three large brick stores that are being erected by Messrs. Howard, O'Neil and Williamson. OS6/27/1885p3 Williams' fine brick building at Medford will soon be ready for occupancy. DT11/13/1885p3 The shelving is being put in J. S. Howard's new brick, and he intends moving by the first of next month. AT1/22/1886p3 Porch and awning in front of Howard and Hamlin blocks on Seventh Street declared a nuisance and same ordered removed within thirty days. MM3/9/1894p3 The work of tearing down the awning in front of the Hamlin and Howard blocks was commenced Wednesday. MM3/16/1894p3 New awnings are being put up; they are to be covered with corrugated iron, with two-inch galvanized piping for supports. The entire awning is on hinges and can be swung down in case of fire. MM6/29/1894p3 White & Jacobs are removing to J. S. Howard's storeroom on Seventh Street. DT9/8/1898p3 The contract for the reconstruction of the old J. S. Howard block by the First National Bank has been awarded to Perry Stewart and G. W. Priddy. Work has already been commenced--the floors and front having been removed. MM6/29/1906p5 Howard (Brothers) Block See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building Howard Hall Upstairs floor of the J. S. Howard Block (q.v.) In 1888, "Howard's Hall," located where the First National Bank now stands, was rented for Sunday school and church services. MT12/7/1923p4 J. S. Howard Pioneer Store 21-23 South Front J. S. Howard has just finished a house for his general merchandise business, and will call his place the Pioneer Store. AT12/21/1883p3 Fire broke out in the wooden buildings south of the Hotel Medford last Saturday morning. No steps will be taken to replace the burned buildings at present, and as they are in the fire limits, brick buildings must be put up. DT3/5/1894p3 It still stands in the original location, just south of the Nash Hotel, and is now occupied by the Distillery saloon. When first erected the building was 16x24 feet, one story, it being enlarged later on by Mr. Howard to its present size. RRFG1/1909 Howard School Photo: 1927 286 Mace Road The new Howard School on the Pacific Highway is one of the most modern rural schools in Jackson County. The old brick structure erected in 1922 is being used as the south end, making the structure 124 feet long and 40 feet wide. MT10/6/1927p8 The new four-room concrete building will be dedicated Friday. MT10/19/1927p3 Rooms have been removed to provide space for additional students. MT9/6/2015p1 Howell Rentals NRHP #182.0 244 North Oakdale Hubbard Brothers Hardware/Woods Block NRHP #270.1 Photos: 1908-1911 1939 1955 1969 335 East Main, northwest corner Main and Riverside aka Wallace Woods Room, Grand Theater Building In 1883, Fortunatus Hubbard began selling farm implements in Jacksonville, relocating his company to the fledgling town of Medford when the railroad arrived in the valley the next year. Eight years later he turned the business over to two of his sons, who in 1906 tore down the wooden building on this corner and built a modern brick one. By 1934, grandsons Chester and Roland Hubbard were in charge of the family business; they bought the building next door and remodeled both in the latest Art Deco style. A 1954 remodel brought Hubbard's to its present exterior appearance. If you look closely, you can still see pieces of the 1934 remodel (the ribbed columns at the corners) and even the original 1906 design (the granite blocks at the bases of the columns and the stone stringcourse just below the second floor windows). The building took the place of the Mitchell Bros. Building (q.v.). Wallace Woods has purchased from E. C. Boeck the Mitchell & Boeck blacksmith shop and ground upon which it stands. The lot is 25x140 feet in size, and just as soon as the lease of the present occupants expires, which, however, will not be for nearly a year, Mr. Woods will erect a two-story brick building thereon. MM1/26/1906p5 Messrs. Hubbard Bros. have plans drawn for the erection of a fine two-story brick and stone building on their present business location, corner of Seventh and A streets. The building will cover the entire lot and will have a frontage of thirty feet on Seventh Street, and 140 feet on A Street, and will be fifty feet across the back. The foundation will be of stone with cross walls in plentiful number to well support the enormous weight they will have to carry. The front will be of brick and cement, while the side walls will be of brick, seventeen inches thick. The first floor will be used for a show room and for storing the heavier farm implements and wagons, while the second story, which will be reached with an elevator, will be used as a storage and show room for hacks and carriages. The plans were made by architect I. A. Palmer. Work will be commenced on the building in early spring. MM1/26/1906p5 Hubbard Bros. Tuesday of this week commenced moving their stock of implements, etc., to the rooms adjoining Cook & Whiteside's harness shop, preparatory to tearing down their old building and constructing a brick in its place. The work of tearing down the old building has been commenced, and construction work will be commenced next week. Childers Bros. have the contract for the brick work. MM7/13/1906p5 We expect to commence the foundation for our new building this week. MM7/27/1906p1 The Fouts Grocery stock has been moved from the Dr. Page building [q.v.], on East Main Street, to the Wallace Woods room, nearly opposite on the same street. MM3/5/1909p6 The Hubbards and Woods blocks will be complete about Dec. 15th. The Hubbard building has a frontage of 40 feet and Woods building 25. MM11/23/1906p1 C. H. Symcox testified yesterday to his faith in Medford by purchasing the Wallace Woods building on East Main Street. The structure, which was formerly known as the Grand Theater Building, was sold by White & Trowbridge. MM4/30/1909p2 Hubbard's is expanding into the former Al Piche Sporting Goods space; the partition and stairway between the two stores is being removed. MT10/24/1934p4 In 1906, the Hubbard Bros. building at the corner of Main and Riverside was erected. The contractor was Spencer Childers. In those days brick were furnished and laid for $10 per 1000. Wallace Woods built half the building. MN11/11/1949p1 Hubbard Brothers have anticipated the opening of the new parking lot with development of a north entrance. MT11/29/1963p8 Hubbard Warehouse/Pierce-Allen Motor Co. NRHP #251.0 112 South Riverside On Nov. 19, 1913 a permit was issued to F. and A. C. Hubbard for construction of a livery stable on the east side of South Riverside between Eighth and Ninth streets at a cost of $6,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Hubbard-Wray Implement Co. NRHP #359.0 Photo: 1948 25 South Riverside Hubbard-Wray announced plans for a $50,000, 58x198-ft. concrete building. James Hoey is the architect, Ed Boerg will superintend the work. MT2/26/1948p1 Fast progress is being made in erecting an attractive new building which will house the Hubbard-Wray Co. MT5/27/1948p7 Part of the store is being razed to allow the extension of Eighth Street east across Bear Creek. MT8/5/1959p9 Prizes will be given away at the grand opening of the new Western Auto store at 25 South Riverside. MT8/26/1959p11 Huber Confectionery NRHP #363.0 Photo: 1979 413 East Main Huber Meat Packing Plant Midway Road The plant was first constructed in 1931 but was razed by fire last September. Construction of the new $42,000 plant was immediately started. MT3/5/1940p10 Huggins & Robinson Building NRHP #323.0 Photo: 1927 40 South Bartlett, northwest corner Eighth and Bartlett aka Johnson Building. Work on the building will start about February 1. MT1/15/1925p2 Work has started on a one-story concrete building with a glass frontage of 168 feet, to be occupied by the new firm of Huggins-Robinson, Inc. MT4/3/1925p4 Last week a crew was put to work breaking ground for the building to be erected by John W. Johnson. The building will be reinforced concrete with a glass double front on both Eighth and Bartlett. The new structure will be occupied by Huggins & Robinson, distributors for the Oldsmobile. JCN4/17/1925p1 The Huggins & Robinson Motor Co. has moved from Eighth and Bartlett to 123 and 127 South Riverside. They will keep the building west of their former location for used cars, paint department and car washing. MT10/16/1927pB6 The Johnson Building will be remodeled into three store rooms. MT4/5/1931p6 The state-owned liquor store will be opened in about two weeks in the Johnson Building on Eighth and South Bartlett, which formerly housed "The Putt," a miniature golf course. It offers ample space for the store, a space 35 by 40 feet having been leased. MT2/9/1934p1 Other newspaper stories about the state liquor store are contradictory about its location. One says it's "across from White's Machinery on South Bartlett." (White's was at 20 South Riverside.) The 1935 Polk's directory places the liquor store at 208 East Eighth--the northeast corner of the Leverette Block. A caption on page one of the February 18, 1968 Mail Tribune says the building being razed adjacent to the Hotel Jackson was "once used as a state liquor store." Humble Oil Station 126 North Riverside A permit to erect a $20,000 station at 126 N. Riverside near the Chalet Motel was issued by the Medford building department to Humble Oil Co. MT9/12/1962p3 A permit has been issued to the Humble Oil Co., 126 N. Riverside, for a $2,500 sign. MT12/16/1963p11 Humphrey Motors Building See P. T. Young/Humphrey Motors Building Hunter Apartments 51 North Oakdale Hutchison Building See Lindley Building Hutchison-Lumsden Building See Lindley Building Hyatt Chalet Motel Photos: 1961 circa 1965 56 North Riverside Construction of a 40-unit motel is contemplated for the site of Merrick's old Natatorium, now being torn down. MT3/28/1956p1 Construction is expected to start in the near future. The Medford Chalet is third in a national chain of 200 planned. Architect is Robert J. Keeney. MT11/19/1961p3 Groundbreaking will be Wednesday for the Chalet Motel. MT2/25/1962p9 There's a "building boom" of motels in Medford. This one, located on North Riverside at Sixth, will be a 50-unit Hyatt Chalet Motel. MT6/3/1962pB1 The Hyatt Chalet opened for business last week. The 50-unit motel is on the former Merrick motel property. MT8/16/1962 Demolition of three buildings and a pool at the southern end of the former Red Lion should begin by the end of the year. MT10/14/2013p1 Ledford Construction will demolish three buildings and a pool at the southern end of the Red Lion property to make way for a parking lot. MT12/6/2013pB1 Demolition of an older portion of the Red Lion has reduced three buildings and a swimming pool to rubble to make way for a 100-space parking lot. MT12/24/2013p3 Hyster Sales Center Photo: 1958 654 South Grape I.O.O.F. Building Photos: 1911 1965 219 West Sixth (1911-30 directories) aka Odd Fellows Building Medford Lodge No. 83, I.O.O.F., has purchased 50x80 feet on Sixth Street, near Holly, and will put up a building of at least two stories, and perhaps four, for commercial and lodge purposes. MT12/3/1909p2 The local lodge of the I.O.O.F. held the first meeting in the new $30,000 building recently erected by them last night. MT2/28/1911 The local lodge of the B.P.O.E. will hold their annual election of officers in the new hall in the I.O.O.F. building, upon which the order has secured a lease for a year. MT3/2/1911p1 The Odd Fellows contemplate extending the front of their building to the street line. MT12/15/1928p3 The membership authorized the new front, which will mean remodeling banquet and ante rooms and cost several thousand dollars. MT12/19/1928p7 Frank Clark has completed plans for remodeling the hall, including moving the front five feet to the street line and finishing it in brick. MT3/5/1929p4 Preliminary work for the erection of a new front and extending the same to the street line of the I.O.O.F. building has been completed. MT3/27/1929p4 Ice Cream Palace 401 East Jackson The new eating $100,000 place will open later this month. MT6/16/1968pB1 Ideal Auto Camp/Phipps Service Station Photo: 1927 Jackson and Riverside The Phipps service station opened the first of the week; the owners are now working on the grounds near Bear Creek for a camp ground. CL4/18/1924p7 Albert Shaw has leased the Phipps auto park and started construction on a kitchen, community house and a number of cabins. JN11/7/1924p7 Excellent progress is being made on the new park. Fifteen houses are completed, nine of which are large enough for two people; the remainder being duplexes. A comfortable community house is among the improvements. JCN2/20/1925 Ideal Court Myrtle Street George Iverson has begun construction of a $20,000 dwelling court on Myrtle Street with 11 four-room dwellings. Each will have a fireplace, living room, two bedrooms, bathroom and garage. MT4/14/1930p2 Imperial 400 Motel 345 South Central The city Friday issued the Imperial "400" Motel Company a permit to erect a $117,000 motel at 345 South Central Ave. MT2/26/1961p13 A number of old buildings have been razed, and construction of the motel is expected momentarily. MT4/2/1961p9 The new motel is expected to open late next month. The 39-unit $312,000 motel was built by the Batzer Construction Co. MT4/1/1962p8 Among the newer motels in Medford is the Imperial 400. MT6/3/1962pB1 In-N-Out Burger 1968 Crater Lake Highway Demolition has started on the gas station, and In-N-Out should be ready to start construction later this spring. MT3/24/2015p3 Finishing touches are being applied inside the Medford store. MT9/3/2015p1 Independent Fruit Co. Warehouse Around 714 South Central, 14th and Front Construction will begin at once. MT4/22/1922p6 The new $15,000 warehouse has 10,000 sq. ft. of space and strictly modern fruit packing equipment. MT8/4/1922p5 Work will start Monday on the Stewart Fruit Co. packing plant, which will include the Independent warehouse, which the California concern has purchased. The building will be two stories, 100x175 ft. MT6/8/1923p1 The warehouse and packing plant at 14th and Front combines the former Independent Fruit warehouse and a large addition. There are 24,000 sq. ft. of floor space; seventy packers are employed. MT8/23/1923p8 Independent Warehouse See Perry & Cox Warehouse Insurance Office NRHP #134.0 234 West Fifth Iowa Box Company Southeast corner Eighth and Fir aka Root Company Building? The Rogue River Cooperative Fruit Growers' Assn. has purchased the Iowa Lumber Co. property; the building will be turned into a fruit packing house with about 10,000 feet of floor space. MT7/5/1913p2 Irom Building 32 South Bartlett The Irom Building in the rear of the Model Clothing store is being fitted up by the Medford Furniture Company for use as undertaking parlors. MM10/29/1908p5 The funeral services for Mrs. C. C. Bateman will be held at the Medford Furniture Company's chapel, on South Bartlett Street. MM6/18/1909p2 Ish-Baker House NRHP #93000924 Photos: circa 1900 2007 701 Western, at Jackson and McAndrews Designed by W. J. Bennet; construction begun August 1895. Ivy Hall See Free Methodist Church Ivy Street North Apartments NRHP #143.0 220 North Ivy J.C. Penneys [SOHS History Center] NRHP #299.0 Photo: 1979 102 North Central, northeast corner Sixth and Central J.C. Penney first opened in Medford in 1927, in the Cuthbert Building just on the other side of Sixth Street. After World War II, Penney's arranged the purchase of this corner lot and demolished the old Groceteria. They opened their spacious new building, designed in the "California Style," in 1948. The new building is constructed of stucco and was designed to dramatize the corner entrance with a spacious terrazzo floor. Penney's remained a downtown fixture until 1986, when the store moved to the new Rogue Valley Mall. Three years later the building was purchased by the Southern Oregon Historical Society and transformed into the History Center. A 100x200-ft. two-story concrete building with stucco front will be erected. The curved front will have an ultramodern appearance. It will be the only one in Oregon exemplifying the California modernistic influence MT3/24/1947p1 Construction of the new J. C. Penney store will begin October 1. The building will have 10-inch concrete walls and the new Lamson cash tube system. MT8/19/1947p12 October's record of permits showed the J. C. Penney petition at 106 North Central Avenue for $190,000 as the highest for that month. MT1/7/1948p3 "Miss Medford" will cut the ribbon at the J. C. Penney store at 9:45 a.m. Thursday. The building will have 80 feet of show window on Central and 60 feet on Sixth. MT8/4/1948p5 Jack's Drive-Up Photos: 1955 1956 1959 1960 1965 1966 1967 911 North Riverside Jackson & Damon Building See Wilson Building III Jackson County Abstract Building NRHP #39.0 Photos: 1940s 1957 121 East Sixth Jack A. Edson, Medford architect, has given the building a modern appearance. Prior to this time, very few changes had been made to the structure since it was first occupied by the company in 1924. MT6/27/1957 Jackson County Bank Building NRHP #315.0 Photos: circa 1906 1907 circa 1908 1908 1909 1909 circa 1920 circa 1930 2 North Central, northeast corner East Main and Central See Brophy Building W. T. York closed a real estate deal this week which is of no little importance to our town, the same being that of selling to the Big Bend Milling Company a business property, situated on Seventh Street, adjoining the Lindley brick, and now occupied by F. M. Wilson, the baker. A conclusion naturally arrived at is that the principal part of the first floor will be for banking purposes--and its occupants the Jackson County Bank. MM6/23/1899p7 The corner of C and Seventh is the best building site in the city. It is occupied by a number of small buildings at present, but there is a probability that the owners, Messrs. W. I. Vawter, A. A. Davis and G. W. Howard, will erect a three-story stone and brick building thereon--the new home of the Jackson County Bank. MM8/8/1902p7 Directors of the Jackson County Bank expect to commence work on their new bank building soon after the first of next month. MM9/8/1905p5 Plans are being prepared by Whiden & Lewis, of Portland, for a new home for the Jackson County Bank. MM7/28/1905p1 The Jackson County Bank will be two stories high, 36 feet on Seventh Street and 66 and a half feet on C Street, pressed brick throughout, with trimmings of terra cotta. The firm of Whidden & Lewis of Portland are the architects. L. L. Litherland has the brick and excavation contract, and Augel & Son the carpenter and interior finish part of the work. Excavation is now going on for the eight-foot-deep basement, in which the furnace for heating the building will be placed. TR6/29/1906p1 The work of excavating for the foundation of the Jackson County Bank building was commenced Tuesday morning. MM6/29/1906p5 The stone base of the front of the building is finished and work is being pushed on the brick work. MM8/17/1906p5 E. E. Angle and F. L. Litherland of Portland are contractors for the Medford National and Jackson County Bank buildings. MM10/12/1906p5 The bank will probably not be able to move in before December 1. TR10/24/1906p1 This building stands on the northeast corner of C and Seventh streets, having a frontage on the former of thirty-five and on the latter sixty-six feet, and is two stories high, with a basement. The exterior walls are terra cotta brick, resting on a granite base, with concrete foundation, the latter rising to the level of the street. The cornices and other finishing work are also of terra cotta. MM3/22/1907p1 In 1906 the building now occupied by the bank was constructed. Believing that Jackson County is on the threshold of a very rapid advancement, early last spring the directors of the bank decided to complete remodel the banking rooms, installing new fixtures and vaults and doubling the space occupied. The new vaults are of the latest approved construction, being 18 inches of double-reinforced concrete and lined with a half-inch of steel boiler plate. There are nine tons of reinforcing steel also used in the construction. The new vault door for the safe deposit department measures 11 inches in thickness overall and weighs approximately 12,000 pounds. The banking room floor was originally three feet from the sidewalk and has now been lowered to grade. Four new entrances provide easy ingress and egress. The floor of the main lobby is of gray Knox Tennessee marble, while the marble for the counters is of St. Genevieve golden-veined marble. This marble is especially imported from the Swiss Alps, and this installation is the only one of its kind in the West. It is rich in color, being of a beautiful soft brown, streaked with yellow and gold. The wicket fixtures are of hand-chased cast bronze. The decorations have been handled with exceptional taste. The color scheme, consisting of tiffany blue coiling with old ivory leaf work on the cornice and soft tan sidewalls, which in conjunction with the elaborate lighting fixtures produces an effect of subdued elegance. The woodwork throughout is of genuine Honduras mahogany. The cages, six in number, are equipped with all the latest devices and appurtenances necessary for each department. The P. T. Ainge Company of Portland designed the work, and manufactured the fixtures. The bank will be open for inspection Saturday afternoon and evening from four until nine. MT12/21/1923p2, MS12/23/1923p6 Workmen today began installing a beautiful bronze chime clock on the corner of the Jackson County Bank building. MT10/27/1925p3 "Remodeling of the old Jackson County Bank building by Littrell-Moty, Inc., at a cost of $3,000," was completed in 1935. MT1/3/1936p1 Jackson County Courthouse NRHP #86002921 Photos: circa 1932 1970 See also Medford City Hall Oakdale between West Main and Eighth, 10 South Oakdale An election in 1926 moved the county seat from Jacksonville to Medford, which offered to build a new courthouse free of charge within its limits. This courthouse, built on the corner of Fifth and Central, would become Medford's city hall when eventually vacated by the county. When New Deal funds became available architect John G. Link was selected to design a new Jackson County Courthouse, which opened in 1932. A measure to give the county the right to establish a fund for the building of a courthouse passed the Oregon house yesterday. MT2/13/1929p1 The county court today unanimously declared the present location of Washington School as the site for the new county courthouse. The county has saved $260,000 from O&C funds for construction. MT2/19/1930p1 Potential architects were informed today that the courthouse would be four stories with a basement. The top floor will be used for the jail. MT3/12/1930p1 The planning commission last night approved the school site. MT5/3/1930p1 The county court is striving to eliminate all "gingerbread" effects. They disapprove of "offsets" and bay windows; they want the structure to possess straight-line simplicity. MT12/3/1930p7 It is held that an elevator would be a needless expense. MT1/27/1931p6 J. G. Link has been chosen as architect for the proposed $265,000 couthouse. Tentative plans call for a 78x194-ft. structure. MT5/28/.1931p8 The big trees on the site will be preserved. MT6/18/1931p8 General contract awarded to Portland builder L. H. Hoffman. MT11/10/1931p1 The City of Medford has formally turned over the deed to the site. MT6/26/1931p6 The exterior will be faced with pastel brick; wainscoting will be of Ashland granite. MT12/6/1931p5 Pleas are being made to use Indiana limestone instead of brick. MT12/9/1931p10 Indiana limestone and Ashland granite have been deced upon. MT12/10/1931p1 Excavation started today with a steam shovel and two trucks. MT12/14/1931p1 Some blasting will be required to excavate the foundation. MT12/21/1931p10 Excavation for the basement will be completed next week. MT1/10/1932p7 Marble has been decided upon for the courthouse interior. MT1/13/1932p10 Work erecting concrete forms for the second floor started today. MT2/23/1932p7 Pouring of concrete began Friday; forms for the second floor were started this week. GH2/25/1932p1 Indiana limestone will arrive end of the week; additional stonecutters will have to be hired from out of the area. MT3/23/1932p8 Interior work is under way; plastering will start soon. MT4/5/1932p5 Work installing the jail equipment on the top floor has begun. MT4/18/1932p8 Placing of Indian limestone on the exterior started Monday. GH4/21/1932p2 Acoustical plaster is being applied to the court room walls. MT5/11/1932p8 Fourteen plasterers are now on the job. MT6/2/1932p3 Installation of marble and terrazzo is under way. MT6/9/1932p10 Finishing touches are being applied to the new courthouse with the usual delays. The roof is finished and the jail equipment installation nearly so. The stone work on the first floor was washed down yesterday and looks good. MT6/23/1932p7 Completion of the building is expected August 1. MT7/3/1932p3 Dedication has been set for September 1. MT7/7/1932p1 Old courtroom furniture will be painted to match the new. GH7/28/1932p4 Moving county offices into the new courthouse began this morning. MT8/16/1932p7 Landscaping of the courthouse grounds will be done by prisoners. GH9/14/1933p3 The L. H. Hoffman company, which built the Jackson County courthouse, conferred today in Medford regarding construction of Camp White. MT10/9/1941p1 Construction has started on an outside fire escape from the county jail on the fourth floor of the courthouse. MT5/3/1957p20 Jackson County Courthouse Annex Architect Ben H. Todd has been retained to draw plans for an annex to the county courthouse. Work on the annex may be started by next spring. MT8/11/1953p1 Jackson County Creamery Photos: 1927 1931 1953 301-321 North Fir, northwest corner Fourth and Fir aka Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Company, Gold Seal Creamery The Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Company building has a frontage of thirty-two feet, the depth being eighty-six feet, and the height being thirty-eight feet. It is operated by steam of fifty horsepower, and has a daily capacity of five tons of ice and six tons of cold storage. H. K. Hines, 1893p450 Jackson County Creamery has leased the Weinhard beer and ice depot and will install a modern creamery when the state goes dry. OR5/23/1915p9 The H. Weinhard Ice Co.'s plant is being rewired in metal conduits. MS5/26/1915p2 S. A. Kroschel was formerly the Weinhard Brewery agent in Medford, and when the state went dry he transformed his plant into a creamery. OR1/11/1918p7 A permit was issued to the creamery for the construction at a cost of $10,000 of a cold storage plant adjoining the plant on North Fir Street. MT12/20/1922p5 The creamery has completed an addition to their plant. CL4/6/1923p1 The plant has in excess of 50,000 sq. ft. of floor space; a minimum staff of 45 people is employed. MT3/29/1931pB1 A $10,000 addition is to be made to the Southern Oregon Brewing Co.'s plant on North Fir. When the addition is completed the company's aging tanks will have a capacity of 1,600,000 ten-cent glasses of beer. MT11/1/1935p7 The 1950 Sanborn maps show the structures occupied by Crystal Distributing & Cold Storage Co. Jackson County District Attorney's Office 815 West Tenth Groundbreaking ceremonies will be held today. The 20,000-square-foot building will meet new earthquake standards and have extra security features, as well as surveillance cameras. MT8/13/2015p3 A ribbon-cutting ceremony held at 2 p.m. yesterday included tours of the two-story, 22,342-sq.-ft. building. Employees have been working in the building for several months, but recent completion of the adjacent public parking lot allowed for a formal dedication. MT3/17/2017pB3 Jackson County Federal [Key Bank] NRHP #198.0 Photos: 1969 1970 1979 3 East Main, southwest corner Main and Front Loren S. Ritchie has been awarded contract for the $287,690 building; Jack A. Edson is architect. The building will be of reinforced contract with a brick masonry veneer, terrazzo, vinyl and carpet flooring. MT12/2/1959p1 Completed December 1960. Jackson County Fairgrounds Photos: 1956 1966 Southeast corner Barnett and Pacific Highway, South Gateway area O. O. Alenderfer, "Big Eruption" of the Crater Club, today turned the first dirt for the erection of permanent buildings on the county fairgrounds. AT6/14/1922p1 County merchants propose building an $8000 60x100 building with 40 twelve-foot booths to rent at $50 per year. MT7/15/1922p6 Work will begin on a 72x92-foot amusement pavilion on the highway midway between the women's building and the grandstand. MT8/12/1922p6 The merchants building is to be constructed of the same style of architecture as the other buildings, just west of the women's building and between it and the main street through the grounds. The building will be 52x100 feet and have a connecting wing with the women's building, 33x48 feet. AT3/26/1924p1 Formal opening of the amusement pavilion will be Saturday. MT4/24/1924p3 Work began today on the $7500 merchants building. Dimensions are 56x155 feet; there will be forty booths; in the center will be a 12x32-ft. raised platform with a dressing room underneath. MT7/31/1924p5 Construction of the new merchants building and addition to the racing stables is taking a big crew of men. MT8/12/1924p10 Work is in full swing on five buildings: a stock barn, rabbit exhibit house, educational building, auto pavilion and large comfort station. MT6/21/1928p3 The new Automobile Building measures 72x144, has a full concrete floor, with lighting clusters in each twelve square feet. GH9/6/1928p1 The city council will ask the county to purchase the fairgrounds. MT3/19/1930p1 Fire today destroyed the exhibit building and CCC vehicles. OJ1/21/1937p7 Fire yesterday destroyed the agricultural building, used as a CCC garage, along with 26 vehicles. Idaho Statesman 1/22/1937p5 Work is progressing on the CCC auto repair unit at the fairgrounds. Two portable school buildings are being erected for the repair unit. It comprises a repair shop, service building, oil house and three truck shelters. MT7/13/1941p10 The buildings between the Footlighters and the Rogue Valley Ballroom, rented by Courtesy Chevrolet, will be razed. MT8/15/1954p13 The almost-completed theater, formerly two-stories, located near Hwy. 99, has been cut down one story and moved several hundred feet east. MT5/7/1956p1 Bids will be opened Wednesday for construction of an exhibition, office and restaurant building. Two buildings were recently razed. MT2/21/1960p5 Forms were being erected this week for the new office and exhibit building . The 90x173-ft. building will house a large arena area, livestock stalls, poultry and rabbit space, office, lunchroom, kitchen, storage and restrooms. MT4/15/1960p1 Work is being completed on a 150x250-ft. corral, seven feet high for 4-H activities, with bleachers for spectators. MT8/1/1963pD3 What use should be made of the land on which the old and soon-to-be-gone county shops are located? Should it be made an attractive, park-like entryway into the city? MT11/15/1965p4 Jackson County Federal 2 East Main, southwest corner Main and Front aka KeyBank The board in 1956 commissioned Jack Edson, architect; on December 4, 1959, Loren Ritchie was contracted to construct the building at a price of $287,690. The framework is of masonry and steel; interiof of walnut paneling. MT12/27/1960p17 Jackson County Library 205 South Central A number of houses and apartments were moved or razed between Central and Riverside, just south of Ninth, when it was thought Sears would build a large store and distribution center here. MT5/19/1949p1 Jackson County Youth Detention Home Jackson County Fairgrounds The $90,000 juvenile detention home will be at the county fairgrounds near the new National Guard armory. The detention portion will be reinforced concrete; the non-detention portion of wood frame. William H. Siebert is architect. MT2/15/1957p1 Jackson County Health & Human Services See Medford Clinic Building Jackson County Health & Human Services Complex 140 South Holly; 333 West Eighth Jackson County is building a health services complex at West Eighth and Grape streets. MT10/14/2013p1 Ogden Roemer Wilkerson Architecture is the lead architect on the Jackson County Health Department building. MT10/21/2013pB8 The $27 million health building and parking garage will house 230 employees. MT11/5/2013p3 A surge in health care signups has prompted Jackson County to invest another $3 million to add two more stories onto the six-story parking lot. MT5/7/2014p1 Some onlookers have compared the new building to a "jail" or describe it as "institutional," while others have been more charitable. MT5/12/2014p1 HHS staff will start moving into the $36 million facility Jan. 12; everyone is expected to be in and open for business by Jan. 27. MT1/1/2015p3 Jackson County Jail West Eighth Vik Construction is perhaps one week behind time toward the projected December 1980 completion of the $7 million facility. MT6/14/1979p3 After a $2.7 million remodeling project, a new section of the Jackson County Jail built to house 62 more inmates is open for business. MT4/29/2014p3 Jackson County Justice Building Photos: 1978 1978 100 South Oakdale; southwest corner Eighth and Oakdale aka Jackson County Justice Center Workers arrived this morning to begin moving district court records to the new Jackson County Justice Building. The facility has been in the planning stages since 1973. Todd Building Co., Roseburg, was awarded the construction contract on Dec. 29, 1976, and work started Feb. 15, 1977. MT12/7/1978p1 Jackson County Public Health Center Photo: 1964 1313 Maple Grove Drive Department of Health, Education and Welfare today approved a grant of $60,257 for the public health center at the fairgrounds. MT9/26/1962p1 Robert J. Keeney has been selected as architect for the center. MT6/9/1963pB3 Ground was broken today; Murphy Construction was low bidder for the L-shaped building at $187,816. MT7/8/1963p1 Construction is moving along rapidly. MT9/15/1963pD1 Jackson County will dedicate the new 9,000-square-foot, $190,000 public health center at 2 o'clock this afternoon. MT5/17/1964pB1 Jackson County Public Welfare Office See Wilson-McCabe Building Jackson County Shops Biddle Road, east of old fairgrounds Selection of a site will not be made before early summer. MT2/10/1930p3 The city council will ask the county to purchase the 60-acre fairgrounds site instead of leasing 4½ acres for the county shops. MT3/19/1930p1 The county engineer's office have started leveling ground at the fairgrounds for the establishment of the county machine shops there. MT6/4/1930p7 The new machine shop is ready and work of moving equipment from Jacksonville will start the coming week. MT12/8/1930p6 Jackson Creek Center Northwest corner Ross Lane and West Main aka Albertsons Center West The 87,847-sq.-ft. shopping center, developed by Chris Galpin in 2001, has been acquired by Citivest Commercial of Newport Beach, Calif. MT5/22/2016pB1 Jackson Hotel or Jackson House See Hotel Jackson Jackson Pool The west side of Medford may have a municipal swimming pool by next summer. Sale of the land for the Santo center will assure enough money to construct the pool. MT8/13/1958p1 Jackson School Photos: 1912 1914 713 Summit Avenue at West Jackson Built 1911; razed 2008. In all probability ground will be broken within the next 48 hours for the foundations of the two new schools. MT1/24/1911p1 Work on the Jackson Boulevard school building is being rushed; the foundation and much of the brick work has been completed. MT4/24/1911p6 Modular classrooms will provide space for an additional 50 students. MT9/6/2015p1 A. C. James Texaco Southwest corner Kings Highway and Stewart Avenue Photo: 1958 Fred S. James Insurance 2770 Biddle Road, southeast corner Biddle and Knutson Medford has awarded a plaque to Don Stathos for the Fred S. James Insurance Co. building on Biddle Road as the best professional office building. MT1/8/1978pC2 Jamison Building 226 North Front--possibly not built Howard Jamison has applied to erect a business building at 226 North Front Street, at a cost of $5,000. MT7/18/1947p11 Japanese Laundry 122 North Front Work began today on destruction of the old Japanese Laundry building. A comparatively small wooden structure, it was vacated several months ago when the laundry moved two doors north to 126 North Front. MT2/15/1927p5 Jefferson Elementary School 333 Holmes Avenue Plans by Howard Perrin of Klamath Falls are nearly finished. MT4/6/1954p16 The new elementary school is of reinforced concrete with brick veneer. It includes 13 classrooms and will have steam heat, with sawdust as fuel. Lewis Kowolowski is general contractor, Howard R. Perrin the architect. MT1/23/1955p10 Sam Jennings Building NRHP #282.0 229 North Riverside aka The Alamo 1935 city directory: Pierce Auto Freight, Samson Feed; 1937-39: Earl Reitsma, Sam Jennings Tire, Samson Feed; 1940-2019: Sam Jennings Tire The Medford Auto Wrecking Company is operated under the direction of "Scotty" and "Mac" Matheny. A new building at 229 North Riverside houses this firm. MT1/2/1927pE1 With extensive remodeling and expansion at the F. E. Samson feed company's store and warehouse a private office has been constructed at the rear. Elevated floors and balconies for feed were installed in the warehouse. MT2/13/1936p2 Mr. Samson's retail store and main office remain at 229 N. Riverside, where for years he has been engaged in the seed, grain, milling, storage and trucking business. MT6/30/1936p10 TRUCKING AND STORAGE--Local and long-distance hauling, furniture moving, etc. Reasonable rates. Tel. 833. F. E. Samson Co. MT7/14/1936p9 The historic Sam Jennings building will be demolished to build a parking lot. Lithia Motors bought the lot Feb. 8 for $1.2 million. MT5/9/2019p1 A piece of Medford history came crumbling down Friday when crews began demolition of the Sam Jennings building. MT9/7/2019p1 Jerome Building [Eastside Pharmacy] NRHP #354.1 and 354.2 Photos: 1942 1954 3 South Riverside, southeast corner East Main and Riverside The old structures which have occupied the corner since Medford was first started are being torn down. MT12/5/1909p16 Work will commence in the near future on a modern concrete building for the Auto Supply Co. of M. C. Wright and C. L. Strange. MT4/9/1925p2 R. I. Stuart began work today on the Jerome building, which will have a frontage on Riverside of 22 feet, extending back 46 feet. MT4/24/1925p8 E. C. Jerome is building a store room on one of the lots on the Page corner at Main and Riverside to be occupied by the Auto Supply and Parts Co. MS5/10/1925pC2 Ernest J. Smith's new East Side Drug Store, on the southeast corner of Main and Riverside, will open tomorrow. MT10/1/1925p5 The Page Theater corner, Riverside Avenue and Main Street, where a hotel was once planned, was entirely built up with modern concrete structures, all of which are now tenanted, with the exception of two under construction. MT12/31/1925p6 Jerry Jerome this week purchased from Dr. Page two store buildings with frontage of 28 feet on Riverside and 66 feet on Main. He now owns the corner from the Automotive Supply on Riverside to the Williams and Parkhurst realty office on Main. MT9/9/1926p5, JCN9/10/1926p1 The biggest clock in the state is to be erected on top of East Side Pharmacy. The face will be 14 feet in diameter, and hands seven feet long. MT10/4/1927p3, MT10/7/1927p6 Jerome-Vawter Building NRHP #353.0 404 East Main Construction of this single-story concrete building began in June 1925, an element in the redevelopment of this area following the fire that destroyed the Page Theater. The developer was E. C. Jerome. The first tenant was Modern Sheet Metal and Plumbing Co., which was founded in 1920 and was originally located in the Sparta Building across Main. In 1925 Vernon Vawter purchased a half-interest in the property from Jerome. Five years later, probably as an element of the Vawters' divorce, the ownership of the building was consolidated under Aletha E. Vawter, who owned the property for many years, leasing it to various tenants. By 1942, this building was occupied by Nu-Way Cleaners, Modern Plumbing having relocated to 410 East Main. In 1978 the building was occupied by Ebert's Art Center. In 1981, after doing a complete renovation of the building, Alice McGee opened McGee on Main, a women's clothing store, at this location. In 1982 she purchased the building. McGee on Main remained here until moving next door to 406 East Main. More recent tenants have been Osprey Brew Pub, The Boneyard and, currently, Shenanigan's Bar and Grill. Work began this week on the 20x87½-foot concrete building with a full basement. R. I. Stuart is the builder, and it should be ready for occupancy by Modern Sheet Metal and Plumbing Co. in July. MT6/5/1925p8 Jewett Office Supply 310 North Bartlett January 17-18 will be open house for the new Jewett Office Supply on North Bartlett. There is ample parking; the new store is air-conditioned. MT1/14/1964p10 Jim's Floor Cover Shop 1246 South Riverside The new building has a floor area of about 2,700 square feet. MT5/14/1963p14 Jim's Produce Market 334 East McAndrews Jim's is celebrating its first anniversary on McAndrews; the market was recently expanded to 3,000 square feet. MT7/17/1969pB5 Jimmy John's Sandwich Shop 1238 South Riverside A second location has opened at 1238 S. Riverside. MT6/27/2016p5 Johnson Building See Huggins & Robinson Building Johnson-Childers Building NRHP #257.0 Photos: 1909 1920s 1930s 1956 1979 318 East Main aka Knights of Pythias Block, Childers Block, Page Building, Smith Building Completed in 1899, the characteristic bay windows on the second floor were added later, sometime after 1913. Location of the notorious Royal Rooms. J. H. Redden this week sold to J. O. Johnson his property on East Seventh Street, who will immediately erect a twenty-five-foot-front brick building on each of the two lots. The buildings are to be of the best workmanship and latest design and will be used for store purposes. MM7/3/1896p7 Work on the J. O. Johnson brick block was resumed Wednesday. MM10/2/1896p7 B. F. Crouch has been awarded the contract for doing the second-story woodwork on J. O. Johnson's brick block. MM10/16/1896p7 J. O. Johnson, two-story brick store building, 50 feet front and 50 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at the contract price of $2100. VR10/29/1896p1 Work will be resumed on the J. O. Johnson brick building shorly. MM11/6/1896p6 Work on the Johnson block, suspended by the death of J. O. Johnson last fall, will be resumed as soon as sufficient material can be secured. MM3/19/1897p7 Childers Bros. have commenced a kiln of 300,000 brick, which will be used to finish the J. O. Johnson building. DT2/20/1899p3 The Childers brick building which is now about completed has been leased and will soon be occupied by a gentleman from Fairhaven, Wash. We understand his stock will consist of carpets, upholstering, furniture, etc. EYE10/26/1899p3 A new store has been opened in the new Childers block. GH12/2/1899p4 A dance was given last Saturday evening in Childers hall. Some twenty-odd couples were in attendance, and a very pleasant time was had. MM11/30/1900p7 Santa Claus headquarters at Gurnea's racket store, Childers block. MM12/7/1900p7 Childers & Co. have sold their brick building, situated at the eastern end of Seventh Street, to Medford lodge, Knights of Pythias for $3250. DT4/4/1901p5 Monday evening the Knights of Pythias moved their goods and chattels to their new hall, which they recently purchased from Guy Childers. They will use both rooms on the second floor--one for a lodge room and the other for a banquet hall. MM5/17/1901p7 W. L. Orr has rented the store room in the K. of P. building, known as the Gurnea stand, and will begin the work of moving his stock of goods. MM7/18/1902p7 Smith & Molony will open up a boot and shoe business in the rooms formerly occupied by J. Beek, in the K. of P. block. MM4/28/1905p4 Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Anderson have opened a restaurant in the Smith block, East Seventh Street. MM11/17/1905p5 Smith & Molony have leased their former quarters in the old K. of P. building on Seventh Street to French & Co., who will establish a grocery and feed store. MM6/22/1906p5 Hoswell & France have opened a grocery, flour and feed store in the Smith building, on Seventh Street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Smith & Molony. They will carry a full line of staple and fancy groceries, and make a specialty of goods suitable for camping trips. MM7/13/1906p5 About three years ago Talisman Lodge, K. of P. sold their two-story building on 7th Street between A and B to J. C. Smith for $4000. MM8/23/1907p1 The Page Building, corner East Seventh and Bartlett streets, is being made over into several small store rooms. Mrs. Gilbert has moved her stock of notions to one of them. Mr. Goode will open a chicken market in another, and a Mr. McMahon will occupy a third with tamale parlors. MM10/9/1908p5 The Fouts Grocery stock has been moved from the Dr. Page building, on East Main Street, to the Wallace Woods room, nearly opposite on the same street. MM3/5/1909p6 (In 1910 Fouts Grocery was located at 327 E. Main.) Contractor L. M. Lyon has men at work putting new fronts in the Dr. Page block, on East Main Street. New iron lintels are being put in place, and the fronts will be of plate glass. Both the fronts will have fine, large show windows and will be modern in every particular. A brick annex, 44x50 feet, is being built at the rear of the building. MT3/14/1912p5 E. H. Lamport of the Medford Harness Co. has leased from F. C. Page the store on West Main, which is now being remodeled. He will have a room 25x100 feet; a new, modern front is being put in. MT3/19/1912p2 Johnson's Market/Groceteria NRHP #124.0 Photos: 1927 1927 1957 1959 1960 1962 1969 101 North Grape, northwest corner Sixth and Grape Permit issued for $11,000 market building for Edgar Johnson of Johnson Produce Co. Elmer Childers has the contract. MT3/8/1927p8 Johnson's Market opens its doors tomorrow. MT6/3/1927p4 The building is of reinforced concrete, one story high, with a frontage of 100 feet on both streets. There are two large entrances on Grape Street and three on Sixth; the structure was especially built for a market, the interior being one large room with wide aisles between the different departments. Elmer N. Childers was the architect and builder, and the structure is a credit to his ability. MT6/3/1927pB8 One of the most important new business structures on Sixth Street, the railroad crossing of which was recently opened, is the Johnson Market building, constructed by Edgar Johnson at an approximate cost of $20,000. It was constructed of reinforced concrete. It houses eight different business establishments, including the Johnson fruit and vegetable market, Alexander's Reliable Grocery, People's Meat Market, Franklin Bakery, E. C. Silliman Candy Shop, Lovicia Waymack lunch counter, Ruth G. Tetherow's Easy Washer Shop salesroom and the Malone Fish and Poultry Market. MT9/14/1927pC3 The property was sold yesterday to Gates and Lydiard in bankruptcy proceedings. Creditors will receive from 50 to 75 cents on the dollar. MT2/9/1930p1 Jones Building 1024 Summit--possibly not built Building permit application was made by Roger Chrysler to erect a $2,000 business building at 1024 Summit Street. MT8/1/1946p7 L. D. Jones Service Station North Riverside, "just south of the Natatorium" Jones will erect Medford's sixth service station on the site of the old Adkins residence. The station will be of concrete with plate glass windows. MT2/15/1922p8 Jorgensen's Dairy Photos: 1949 1970 1723 North Riverside, 1300 Court Junior Service League Photo: 1965 526 East Main The Flea Market, Medford Junior Service League's "next-to-new" shop, opened about three months ago. MT8/22/1965pC10 K Mart Building Photo: 1971 251 East Barnett Crowds described as "tremendous" were reported this morning when K mart opened its new facilities at 251 E. Barnett Road. MT7/29/1971p1 K&D Restaurant 4635 Crater Lake Highway Built circa 1971. MT2/9/2014p2 Karnes & Ritter-Kelly Building See Rialto Building Duff G. Karnes Building 36 South Grape Architect Palmer has made plans and specifications for a building to be erected by D. G. Karnes on part of his residence property, on South G Street. The building will be 26x64 feet in size, two stories high and built of lumber. The first story will be for store purposes and the second story will be used as a rooming house. MM10/4/1907p2 Friday afternoon and evening, at the D. G. Karnes building on G Street between 7th and 8th, the Ladies' Aid Society will serve to the generous public another of their popular suppers. MM3/20/1908p4 D. G. Karnes was for many years a partner of the late John Ritter in the cigar and confectionery business in this city. At the time of his death he was conducting a rooming house on South Grape Street. MT3/23/1914p2 Katherine Court Apartments 813-825 West Eleventh A dozen units, ranging 650 to 682 square feet, were built in 1935. They were converted to condominium ownership in 2007. MT10/27/2016p3 Kay Building NRHP #74.0 Photos: 1940 1966 1979 34 South Fir aka Crater Lake Motor Car Building, Schermerhorn Building, Schermerhorn & Palm Building Apparently consolidated from the Crater Lake Motor Car Building (q.v.) and the Schermerhorn Building (q.v.) in 1940. The new building will be merged under one architectural style with the present Kay-Marshall structure. The new building, situated at 22-34 South Fir, will be 100 by 100 feet and two stories high. MT1/25/1940p5, MT3/30/1941p9 The abandoned Davis Transfer sign on South Fir will removed. MT2/18/1966p11 KDP Building Corner of O'Hare Parkway and National Drive KDP Certified Public Accountants broke ground this month on a $6.8-million, two-story, 22,656-sq.-ft. office in Navigators Landing. MT6/27/2018pB8 Kennedy Service Station Eleventh and Central--possibly not built B. C. Kennedy received a permit this morning to construct a $12,500 service station at the corner of 11th Street and Central Avenue. MT7/13/1951p11 Roy E. Kennedy & Sons 235 North Bartlett, southwest corner Fourth and Bartlett Kennedy will open an implement dealership in the new concrete building owned by James Slorah. MT6/10/1930p6 Kentner Building Photos: 1909 1912 1928 1934 1979 308 East Main, southeast corner Main and Bartlett aka Deuel Building, Deuel & Kentner Building, Mission Building, Neff & Frohnmayer/Cooley Building, Gates Furniture Building Deuel & Kentner let the contract for their new building on July 4, 1908; it replaced the Union Livery Stable on the site. The partnership dissolved late 1909 or early 1910, H. C. Kentner continuing the business. Russell's occupied the building when it was gutted by fire in the fall of 1929; it stood as a shell until IGA opened their grocery store there in August 1934. There was "a recreation hall for Negro troops" in the building in 1942 and 1943. Marshall-Wells Hardware joined Luman Brothers Grocery in the building in September 1945. The building wasn't streamlined until after WWII; it was occupied by Burelson's Ready to Wear in the 1950s and Gates Furniture subsequent to that. The building suffered a structural failure and collapsed the night of July 15, 1983. Just so soon as weather will permit in the spring F. K. Deuel will commence the construction of a three-story building. The building will cover the entire corner and when completed will be occupied by Messrs. Deuel & Kentner. MM12/7/1906p1 Work was started yesterday to tear out the buildings for the large new store belonging to Deuel & Kentner. MM7/17/1908p8 The concrete foundation for the new department store of Deuel & Kentner is nearly all laid. MM8/14/1908p4 The roof is being put on the fine new store of Deuel & Kentner, corner of Bartlett and Seventh streets. MM10/29/1908p5 A two-story brick and stone building, 75x130 feet, for a department store is being erected by Deuel & Kentner, at a cost of $40,000. OR11/2/1908p12 Within the next few weeks Miller & Ewbank, cash grocers with headquarters in the Miles Block, will move into new quarters in the Mission Block. TR1/13/1909p1 The Commercial Club is hoisting weather signals daily from the top of the Deuel & Kentner building for the benefit of orchardists and the public. The daily predictions are received by wire and can be obtained by phoning the Commercial Club. TR4/7/1909p3 Weather signals are daily flown from the flagpole on the Deuel & Kentner building. The following is a list of the flags and their interpretations as sent out by the United States Weather Bureau. The flags adopted by the bureau are five in number. The first is a white square flag, which indicates clear or fair weather. The second is a blue square flag and indicates rain or snow. The third is a square flag half white and half blue and indicates possible showers. The fourth flag is a black triangular flag and indicates the temperature. When it is displayed above the first, second or third flag it indicates that it will be warmer; when below, it indicates colder weather. When not displayed it indicates that the temperature is expected to remain about stationary. The fifth flag contains a small black square in the center of a large square of white. When an orchardman sees this displayed it is time for him to look out, for it is used to indicate anticipated frosts. TR4/13/1909p1 Little damage was done by the fire which broke out in the Deuel building last night. The fire started in a janitor's store room on the second floor; only a small amount of water soaked through the ceiling to spot the plaster. MT9/5/1929p3 Fire this morning gutted the building; the owners will rebuild. MT5/21/1930p1 The loss is estimated at $50,000. MT5/23/1930pB2 Three or four plans are under consideration for reconstruction. MT6/24/1930p3 Tentative plans for a seven-story office building announced. MT9/2/1930p1 Cleaning and boarding up of the building will be asked of the owners. MT9/5/1930p7 Deuel plans to start work on a seven-story building if a survey shows sufficient local sentiment and support. MT9/10/1930p1 Hob Deuel plans to leave for San Francisco to conclude negotiations for financing of the seven-story structure. MT9/16/1930p1 The main point to settle now is whether the building will be five or eight stories. MT10/24/1930p1 Two San Francisco architects have visited to gather additional data and figures for construction of the seven-story building. MT11/23/1930p1 There has been no difficulty securing tenants for the large office building; construction is expected to start this winter. MT12/15/1930p6 Hearing on condemnation of the building will be held tonight. MT2/19/1934p5 The Deuel building, gutted by fired several years ago, promises to be in good condition for the Diamond Jubilee early in June. MT4/26/1934p7 The building was gutted by the flames in 1929; work by Elmer Childers is expected to be completed and ready for occupancy within 30 days. MT6/12/1934p1 Reconstruction of the building is under way. Luman Brothers have leased the corner; they will combine their present two grocery stores. MT6/13/1934p8 The public is invited to open house at the colored troops recreation center in the former Al Piche store Wednesday. MT9/14/1952p7 The Deuel estate has applied for permission to repair a store building at 302 East Main Street at a cost of $15,000. MT8/2/1948p5 Kentner's was moved in 1908 to the large Deuel building which still occupies the corner at East Main and Bartlett, home of Burelson's, owned by Miller's, a subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. During the intervening years the store underwent many changes in growth and management, but the buildings always remained Deuel's. Kentner bought out Deuel and changed the name to H. C. Kentner Company during one period. In 1914, Deuel assumed the store again and became affiliated with May Company. Deuel took over the May interests preparatory to the return from World War I of his two sons, H. S. (Hob) Deuel and the late Luther Deuel. In 1923 the store was sold to J. B. Russell and became known as "Russell's." Several fires occurred during the Russell ownership, and in 1929 [sic] the building was completely gutted, ending the Russell regime. In 1933 the building was remodeled and became the grocery store and meat market of Luman Brothers. In 1949, it went through still another complete renovation and reconstruction and became Burelson's when the business was moved from North Central. It was Mrs. Lizberg who sold to Miller's. MT3/19/1967pB2 A tension failure in a bottom truss chord caused the Gates Furniture building to collapse Friday night; crews will level the building next week. MT7/21/1983 Kidd Building See Rialto Building Kids Unlimited Building See Medford Bowling Lanes Kim's Restaurant Photo: 1968 2321 South Pacific Highway Henry Fong is planning to add 3,000 square feet of floor space, to be added to the front and north sides of the building. MT1/3/1966p11 The former Kim's Restaurant will be demolished starting Nov. 10 by the Coquille Indian Tribe. The building has been vacant since May 2005. MT11/7/2014p1 A lot of memories were unearthed Friday as workers demolished Kim's Restaurant in Medford. MT11/22/2014p1 Kimball Fruit Co. Packing Plant 202 North Fir Street, between Fifth and Sixth Kimball Fruit Co. of New York, though dealing with growers in four western states, will build its only packing house in Medford. MT1/9/1929p3 The city council last night granted Kimball a building permit, despite opposition from the planning commission. MT1/9/1929p8 Kimball Fruit will build a 150x150-ft. concrete packing plant. MT1/5/1929p1 Ground was broken today for the $25,000 plant. MT1/15/1929p2 Work on the Kimball packing plant is well under way. MT2/21/1929p1 With the completion of the roof, the exterior work will be finished and interior work started. The plant will be ready for the coming fruit season. MT3/27/1929p4 The office is being moved today to the new plant from the old office at 327 South Fir; the machinery will arrive around June 1. MT4/23/1929p3 The 116x160-ft. interior is spotlessly white; more than 200 windows decorate ceiling and walls. The value of the machinery is more than $10,000. MT6/30/1929p10 Kinsman Building See Nash Livery & Feed Building Klamath First Federal Savings & Loan 1420 East McAndrews Road aka Sterling Savings Bank The former Sterling Bank branch has been acquired by Keck-Erickson Properties for $1.1 million. The 4,805-square-foot office was built in 1989 by Klamath First Federal Savings & Loan. When Umpqua Holdings bought Sterling Savings in 2014, the office was shuttered. MT9/18/2015pB6 Klocker Printery Building Photo: 1965 744 Cardley Jim and Juanita Grigsby, owners of Klocker Printery, announce the expansion of their business into a new location at 744 Cardley Avenue. MT11/14/1965pB5 Dick Knight Body Shop South Riverside The body shop at the Dick Knight company has been razed to make way for the Eighth Street extension across Bear Creek. MT7/10/1959p1, MT7/17/1959p1 C. A. Knight Packing Co. Around 704 South Central, southwest corner Thirteenth and Front Work is proceeding on the construction of the Knight catsup plant on the Southern Pacific line opposite the ice plant. MT5/30/1916p2 The building is at the south end of Front Street, between that street and the Southern Pacific, 50x70 feet, and part of it is two stories high. MT7/29/1916p2 G. A. Knight is planning to remodel and enlarge his packing house. MT6/3/1922p6 The cost of packing plant construction, for which a permit was issued to Knight Packing Company, was $1,500 for the building to be located on South Front Street between 13th and Boyd streets. MT3/26/1967pD1 Knight has just completed a new packing shed of modern construction. MT7/31/1927pB3 Knights Inn Motel 500 North Riverside A permit for an 86-unit $285,000 motel was issued Monday. MT4/30/1963p1 Knights of Pythias Block See Johnson-Childers Building, Woodmen of the World Knights of Pythias Hall 123 East Main (1911-16 directories) Korinek Building Photo: 1928 221-241 North Fir aka Hilarity Hall Former home of the Korinek Veterinary Remedy Co. "The Tomlin Box Factory, which has been operating in the old Korinek building on North Fir . . ." MS11/17/1918p6 John C. Signor, in the Korinek Building, $50,000 stock of trucks, tractors and farming machinery of standard, well-known, high-grade makes. MT2/12/1920p3 John Billings will remodel the building into a dance hall for A. W. Walker. The building, which has been occupied by Johnson Produce, will have a new floor and be stuccoed. MT5/18/1927p8 The whole block between Fifth and Fourth and Fir and Grape was leased by A. W. Walker, who will remodel the building into a large dance pavilion. The floor will be 50x162 feet; the section formerly used for repair of logging trucks will be leveled and made into a large parking ground. MDN5/22/1927p7 Medford's open-air dance pavilion will hold its first dance Saturday. MT6/8/1927p3 In the spring of 1918 the Tomlin Box Company was organized and a small amount of box-making machinery was installed in the building on North Fir Street, which is now occupied by the poultry division of Swift & Company, which was then known as the Korinek building. MT2/28/1933p3 The Swift plant was destroyed by fire yesterday. MT4/24/1932p1 The big structure has been occupied for years by Swift & Co. and was originally called Hilarity Hall, used as a roller skating rink, dance pavilion and arena for boxing and wrestling. The structure faces Fir Street. MT10/16.1935p1 Kubalek Dental Building 1320 West Main aka Sunrise Cafe Dr. Milo V. Kubalek's new building has 10 rooms including operating rooms, research and development room and prosthetic laboratory. MT3/2/1952p24 Kurtz Cigar Factory Photo: circa 1898 East Main, between Turf Exchange Saloon and Elwood Building Frank Wilson is neatly fitting up the building formerly occupied by George Kurtz, and situated opposite Hotel Nash, for a candy kitchen. DT11/28/1901p5 Geo. Coulter has opened a lunch counter in the building formerly occupied by Geo. Kurtz and F. M. Wilson. DT1/16/1902p4 M. F. McCown and J. Eaton are conducting an excellent lunch counter and restaurant in the building formerly occupied by Geo. Kurtz and F. M. Wilson. DT1/23/1902p5 The Palm-York Company has fitted up office rooms in the rooms formerly occupied by George Kurtz' cigar factory. MM3/28/1902p6 The row of wooden buildings have all been torn down except the building occupied by the Postal Telegraph Company. DT8/14/1902p2 KYJC Studio Photo: 1949 The Mail Tribune has received FCC approval for construction of a radio station on Barnett Road, about a mile from the highway. MT8/27/1947p1 Equipment testing started Saturday night. MT10/6/1947p1 La Clinica del Valley Market Street Ground was broken on the new 7,038-sq.-ft. facility and remodeling the 2,728-sq.-ft. Acute Care Clinic nearby. RVT5/7/2023p2 Labor Temple Third floor, 204 East Main (1930 directory) LaFonda Rooms See John F. White Building 1930 directory: Dorothy Marwick, manager Lamonts 860 Biddle Road Opening April 3, the new store in Bear Creek Plaza will enclose more than 5,000 square feet of retail space. MT3/5/1978pD11 Lamport Apartments 228 East Main Lamport's Building See Adkins-Childers Building Larry's Rich-Maid 415 North Riverside aka Barney's Better Burgers Built circa 1956. Barney's Better Burgers is set to reopen seven months after arsonists set the building on fire June 18. MT1/4/2014p3 Latter-day Saints Church 648 South Ivy The Latter-day Saints church building, a $90,000 structure which will seat approximately 500 people, will be completed early next year. It contains a chapel, recreation room, a stage and eight classrooms. MT12/2/1951p12 Lausmann Annex, Medford City Hall Northwest corner West Tenth and South Ivy The two-story, 27,000-square-foot annex at 10th and Ivy should be finished by the end of the month. MT3/7/1998p2 Lawton Building 28-36 North Bartlett, southeast corner East Sixth and North Bartlett D. T. Lawton has purchased a couple of lots on the corner of B and Sixth streets, for $300, and will erect a brick building thereon, to be used by Mitchell, Lewis, Staver & Co., as a farm implement and carriage establishment. DT4/24/1899p3 Rock is being placed on the ground for the foundation for D. T. Lawton's new brick building. DT4/20/1900p6 Work on D. T. Lawton's new brick is going ahead with a swift pace. MM6/8/1900p6 D. T. Lawton has under construction a fine building 50x75 feet, to be used for a carriage and implement house. OR6/8/1900p3 D. T. Lawton, agent for the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., has about completed moving into his new building, which is 50x75 feet in size, of brick and is on North B Street. An office is to be partitioned off in one corner of the building and the whole interior will be ceiled and painted. MM7/27/1900p7 Work has been delayed while Childers Bros. were burning a kiln of brick, but now that the kiln is opened the front on the Lawton building will be finished. MM8/17/1900p7 A brick front is being put on the D. T. Lawton block this week. MM8/31/1900p7 I. A. Webb has purchased the vacant property south of his residence from S. Childers, paying $250 for the same. The land is 50x65 feet in size, and the purchase includes a half interest in the D. T. Lawton brick wall. MM4/5/1901p6 D. T. Lawton recently purchased a 75x145-foot tract of land at the back of his large implement house and facing north on Sixth Street. MM4/12/1901p6 D. T. Lawton is erecting a 20x30-foot implement shed at the rear of his building on North B Street. MM4/19/1901p2 The Independence Creamery has leased the Lawton Building and will open a creamery and cheese factory therein about October 16. MS9/15/1918p6 Apparently replaced in 1921. MT1/10/1964p1 Le Moss Service Station Jackson and Riverside The new Le Moss service station will be open for business tomorrow. The station is all-steel construction and consists of the station proper and super buildings in the rear. MT3/30/1928pB8 Leever Motor Company NRHP #285.0 Photo: 1954 1979 315-317 East Fifth, northeast corner Fifth and Apple aka Champion Building, Monarch Seed & Feed, Common Block Brewing Plans are now being made for new quarters for Monarch Seed and Feed on South [sic] Riverside, on the old site of the Russ mill [q.v.]. MT3/12/1929p5 The first unit of a $50,000 construction program for Champion's Sales and Service is nearing completion. The ultra modernistic structure, of masonry construction and curtain walls of cement tile, will become part of a building program extending 160 by 135 feet. Wooden roof trusses span 40 feet; parapet walls of modernistic design will provide space for neon signs. Willys cars, trucks and jeeps will featured along with complete automotive service. MT3/17/1946p7 Leever Motor Co. has purchased Champion Sales and Service, 317 E. Fifth. The building is being painted and improved inside. MT11/30/1947p7 Lithia is remodeling the Monarch building; workers will restore the original lines of the building. MT10/14/2013p1 Standing Stone Brewery will open a brewpub in the Monarch building later this year. Garage doors on the west will open on warm summer months. MT4/2/2015p1 Remodeling for Common Block Brewing will include a steel structure supporting a brewery platform and concrete dining mezzanine. MT8/19/2015pB5 The old Lithia Dodge floor has been torn up, new plumbing put in and concrete laid. Beams are in place for a mezzanine brew deck. MT11/17/2015p3 Construction rolls along on the 6,518-sq.-ft., five-barrel brewery and 200-seat restaurant. A city permit put the value of the project at $1 million. MT9/24/2016p3 Legal Arts Building Photo: 1965 827 West Eighth. Built on southwest corner Eighth and Ivy, moved to Eighth and Newtown. A two-story early Medford home is being razed for the 4,000-sq.-ft. structure, which will be of brick and will accommodate three office suites. MT10/30/1962p1 Preliminary work on removal of the Legal Arts Building is under way. The building will be moved to make way for the new Medford City Hall. MT10/21/1965p11 Eighth Street between Ivy and Newtown streets is closed today as moving of the Legal Arts Building continues. MT12/1/1965p7 Le Moss Service Station Photo: 1929 Jackson and Riverside Gus L. Neely and Dewey Le Moss' new station is al-steel construction and will handle Calpet products. MT3/30/1928pB8 C. L. Hopkins has purchased the Leonard Texaco station at Riverside and Jackson. MT10/15/1935p5 Leonard's Super Service Photo: 1934 Sixth and Grape Leverette Block NRHP #329.1 Photo: 1930 117 South Central, southeast corner Eighth and Central aka Montgomery Ward Building, Wards Building See also Garnett-Corey Building Contract let today for $75,000 20,000-sq.-ft. Wards building to contractor W. H. Merritt. MT5/4/1928p1 The Hammett plumbing shop was forced to move, as its former quarters are being razed for the construction of the new Wards building. MT5/8/1928p2 Some time ago Mr. Roy negotiated a lease for the State Theater in one of the rooms in the Leverette building, which is being constructed at the corner of South Riverside and Eighth Street, and which is to be the home of Montgomery Ward & Co. MT7/20/1928 Wards occupies the south 75 feet of the 100x120-ft. building. Contractor was W. H. Merritt. MT9/13/1928pB1 Another large building constructed last year was the Walter Leverette business structure on South Central Avenue, completed at a cost of over $20,000, and now occupied by Montgomery Ward, Burelson's and the State Theater. MT12/31/1928pC7 Montgomery Ward was today granted a permit to remodel their building, at a cost of $20,000. Work will start immediately in the space formerly occupied by the Studio Theater and in the corner building. MT8/25/1936p1 Early in 1937 Montgomery Ward remodeled and occupied the entire structure, "making this a complete shopping center under one roof." MT1/2/1938p6 Everybody's Clearance Center will open in mid-December. MT11/27/1983pC11 Leverette Building See Garnett-Corey Building, Leverette Block Leverette Packing Plant Voorhies Crossing, southwest corner Pacific Highway and South Stage Road The $25,000 plant, running two graders, opened last week. It employs about 200 people and turns out around 6000 packed boxes a day. The building was built several years ago by Frank Wortman and later bought by L. A. Banks. MT8/19/1936p5 Leverette Refrigeration Plant Voorhies Crossing, southwest corner Pacific Highway and South Stage Road Walter Leverette of Orchard Park Farms plans a $125,000 cold storage plant near his packing house at Voorhies Crossing. MT2/4/1947p1 Walter Leverette recently completed a 120x120-ft. 90,000-box storage plant near his packing shed. MT8/27/1947p5 Raymond Reter was successful bidder on the Leverette properties auctioned to pay back federal taxes. MT5/21/1957p1 W. L. Lewis Super Service NRHP #13.0 Photos: 1927 1935 1994 130 East Eighth, southeast corner Eighth and Front Preliminary work has begun on the W. L. Lewis concrete storage garage adjoining the Terminal Hotel on Eighth Street. MT7/2/1926p4 The greater part of the cement has been poured for the W. L. Lewis garage on Front. MT1/2/1927pD2 The new building is complete in every detail, and its 12,500 square feet accommodate a complete general automobile repair shop. A complete line of tires and tubes is carried while four visible gasoline pumps of the latest style will serve automobilists. Gus Guddat, well-known local contractor, supervised construction with Sydney B. Hastings as consulting architect. MT4/3/1927p3 The Lewis Super Service Station, which was completed this year by W. L. Lewis at an approximate cost of $25,000, gives Medford one of the largest and most up-to-date service stations in Oregon. A garage is also operated in connection with the station, which is located directly west of the Terminal Hotel on East Eighth Street. MT9/14/1927pC3 Liberty Bank 295 East Barnett aka Home Federal Bank, Rogue Valley Pet Razed May 2020. Liberty Building See Garnett-Corey Building Liberty Park Corner North Bartlett and Maple The park promised to the neighborhood 20 years ago is under construction. MT11/9/2013p3 A brightly colored playground set sits inside Medford's newest park, 98 percent complete after snow and icy weather delayed the project. MT1/2/2014p2 Library Park [Alba Park] NRHP #157.0 West Main and Holly streets; the block bounded by Main, Eighth, Holly and Ivy In 1904 the city developed the present design with diagonal pathways; a bronze fountain was added to its center in 1905. In 1935, Callie Palm replaced the original fountain in memory of her husband, Charles, with a statue depicting a "youth, strong, happy and hopeful" along with two dogs, "his loving companions." The Palms were early Medford land owners, who developed much of downtown during its first fifty years. In 1985 library park was rededicated as "Alba Park," in honor of Medford's Italian sister city. Workmen began today rebuilding the crosswalks, edging them with 2x4s and laying a new top covering of granite. MT2/1/1929p8 Lilenquist Motors 1110 Court--possibly not built Building permit application was made by Lilenquist Motors to erect a $350 office building at 1110 Court Street. MT10/8/1952p9 Abraham Lincoln Elementary School 3101 McLoughlin Drive With most of the exterior walls raised, trusses for Medford's next public school will begin to arrive this week. The project, begun July 15, should meet its 12-month schedule. MT11/4/1996p1 Lincoln Market Sixth and Oakdale Herman Mitchel built the concrete building especially for his new meat market. A grocery and confectionery may be added later. MT8/30/1928p10 Lincoln School Photos: 1906 1907 circa 1911 608 North Bartlett aka North School, Cornerstone Christian Church Named North School when completed in January 1907; renamed Lincoln School by a vote of the students in November 1910. The board decided last night to place fire escapes on Lincoln and Washington schools. MT8/10/1921p8 Linden Park Chevron Photo: 1956 843 West Jackson Lindley Building NRHP #312.0 Photos: circa 1908 2013 215 East Main aka Cranfill & Hutchison Building, George Lindley Building, Scott Davis Building, Hutchison Building, Hutchison-Lumsden Building See Big Bend Milling/Lindley Block New shelving and counters, as well as a new floor, are being put into the Cranfill & Hutchison building on Seventh Street. MM9/8/1893p3 J. E. Fenton of the Ashland Iron Works last week contracted with G. P. Lindley to furnish an iron front for the latter's new store building. MM7/13/1896p3 Bricklaying was commenced on the Lindley building Tuesday. MM7/31/1896p7 G. P. Lindley, two-story brick store building 25 feet front and 140 feet deep, cost $6000. VR10/29/1896p1 Wednesday marked the completion of G. P. Lindley's fine new brick, or rather the first floor, which is to be occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison. The main store room is just an even hundred feet in length, with a forty-foot store room in the rear and is furnished with fine counters and shelving made to glisten like glass by the artistic touch of the brush wielded by painter J. W. Ling. The windows are of fine French plate glass. The second floor is partitioned off for office rooms. It cost, complete, about $6000. MM11/13/1896p7 Attorneys White & Jeffrey, Dr. E. Kirchgessner and architect I. A. Palmer have each leased double office rooms in G. P. Lindley's new brick--which will be occupied as soon as they are completed. MM11/13/1896p7 W. Estill Phipps, the clever young attorney, has handsomely fitted up the entire front of the second story of Lindley's building. DT1/7/1903p1 The board of directors of the Medford Commercial Club held a meeting in the club rooms in the Hutchison & Lumsden block Thursday evening, and on Thursday the main reception room was thrown open to the use of the members of the club. This is the only room that has been fully completed. MM1/13/1905p14 Weather Bureau forecast service was initiated July 30, 1908; "flags have been sent and a pole will be erected on the Hutchison & Lumsden building, from which the different flags will fly"; see Kentner Building. MM7/31/1908p4 Among those planning new fronts are Van Dyke's, who are already tearing out the old windows, the Medford Hardware Company, Hutchison & Lumsden, The Toggery, the Oregon Orchards Syndicate, which is remodeling the old butcher shop in the Nash, and a score of others. TR4/1/1909p1 Dr. R. J. Conroy has moved his office to the Hutchison & Lumsden building. These offices were formerly occupied by the Commercial Club. MT12/21/1912p2 During excavation of a new basement, the rear roof of the building collapsed late one night in 1935, "burying the steam shovel in the basement and tearing part of the wall from the storeroom in the rear of Swem's." MT2/10/1935p1 The wall adjoining the alley on the north side of the Hutchison building will be removed as a safety measure. The wall between the Mann and Hutchison buildings was to be removed anyway. MT2/11/1935p1 The largest single business expansion was made by Mann's Department Store, which was completely remodeled inside and out at a cost of $12,000. MT1/3/1936p1 Lions Eye Center NRHP #136.0 226 North Holly The former Wallace Haskins home at 228 N. Holly was razed this week to make room for the new Lions Blind Center. MT12/27/1968pB6 Landscaping remains to be done at the $50,000 structure; dedication will take place soon. Designer was Glenn Thompson. MT8/21/1969p13 Lithia Dodge NRHP #278.0 129 North Riverside Lithia Honda North Central Roof framing is under way; the new facility probably will be finished by February. MT11/13/1984 Lithia Honda is being demolished after its sale to Options for Southern Oregon for $1.45 million. The dealership was relocated to Crater Lake Highway about three years ago. MT9/20/2017p3 Lithia Honda Highway 62 Construction of the Lithia Honda dealership is under way across from Coker Butte Road on Highway 62 in Medford. MT6/18/2014p1 Lithia Service NRHP #290.0 224 North Bartlett Loder House Photo: 1910 Southeast corner Eighth and Front Mrs. Loder will commence the erection of her new residence next week. It will be located on the corner of D and Eighth streets, and will be 30x30 feet in size and two stories high. A. W. Bish will do the carpenter work. MM7/19/1901p7 Mrs. A. M. Loder has her large new residence nearly completed. The structure is a credit to the part of town in which it stands and is a monument to the thrift of this honest and industrious widow lady. MM9/20/1901p7 S. T. Sanders, the expert shoemaker, is located in Mrs. Loder's building on Front Street. He does the best work at reasonable rates. DT1/16/1902p4 A fire occurred last night in the one-story old frame building, occupied by the Scott second hand store. It will be razed immediately. MT4/27/1925p8 Palm and Niedermeyer were granted a permit to erect a 50x60-ft. concrete business structure at Eighth and Front. MT9/23/1925p3 Lodge Motel See June Earhart House Logos Public Charter School Corner Ross Lane and Rossanley Drive Construction on the $5.3-million, 25,000-sq.-ft. facility is expected to begin Sept. 25, following groundbreaking Sept. 14. MT8/14/2017p3 Lone Pine Elementary School 3158 Lone Pine Road Voters will decide a $90,000 bond for a six-room addition. MT3/4/1956p2 Modular classrooms will provide space for 100 students. MT9/6/2015p1 Loring Court Apartments 821 West Eleventh Luman Grocery Store NRHP #52.0 Photo: circa 1980 236 North Front, southeast corner Fourth and Front aka Colony Far East Robert Keeney was architect for the new building and F. R. "Scotty" Fairweather the contractor. Construction began early in June. MT8/6/1948p7 Lumber Products Co. 753 South Grape Broyle's Warehouse Co. was issued a permit today to build a $21,000 warehouse at 753 South Grape Street. MT8/30/1951p15 Permit issued to Broyle's Wholesale Co., $5,000 addition to warehouse. MT12/17/1954p15 Lumber Products Co. of Eugene has been issued a building permit to erect an $18,000 warehouse at 753 South Grape. MT5/16/1956p14 Lumberman's Realty Building 1307 West Main A $73,000 office building is being erected at West Main and Lincoln for Lumberman's Realty. MT6/12/1959p13 Lumsden Building 121 North Bartlett, northwest corner Sixth and Bartlett Lumsden Tuesday announced plans for a $15,000 business building at Sixth and Bartlett. MT1/21/1925p5 Work will start in the morning on a 100-foot addition to the Lumsden building, now under construction, to be occupied by Mason Motor Co. MT4/21/1925p6 H. U. Lumsden is erecting a one-story concrete structure with 100 feet on Sixth Street and 200 feet on Bartlett to be occupied partly by Gates and Lydiard and an auto sales room. MS5/10/1925pC2 The Lumsden building is nearing completion. The Mason Motor Co. will be located in the large room on the corner, while the Medford Feed Co. will be in the room on the western end with the Economy Groceteria. MT6/22/1925p2 Mr. Pennington says he has enlarged his present quarters. MT4/23/1930p3 Pennington opened this one-stop super service station last week. MT5/4/1930pB7 Remodeling of a building at 121 North Bartlett for which Bessie Lumsden applied was April's largest single building permit, for $9,000. MT1/7/1948p3 Lydia Apartments 806 West Main Lyon Building South Front, between East Main and Eighth The building on D Street known as the Lyon building is being plastered and put into shape for a photograph gallery. PO3/27/1888p3 D. C. Herrin and family have located at this place. Mr. H. has opened a photograph gallery in Lyon's building. DT3/30/1888p2 Messrs. Eli Hogan and D. Brooks were last week engaged in putting a new tin roof on the Lyon Building, on Front Street. MM11/3/1893p3 Damaged in March 3, 1894 fire: "S. H. Lyon, north side partially burned, damage $200; no insurance." MM3/9/1894p2 J. K. Darnell and B. F. Crouch are repairing damage to the Lyon building. MM3/9/1894p3 Fred Lutkemeier on Tuesday moved his family to the second story of the Lyon building on Front Street. He expects to occupy the first floor with his saloon. MM3/16/1894p3 Fred Lutkemeier has opened a saloon in the Lyon building on Front Street, next door to the place which was burned. DT4/2/1894p2 Macauley's Tamales East Main See Elwood Building Application of W. E. Macauley for a permit to construct an addition of corrugated iron to his tamale stand on Seventh Street was granted. MM3/8/1901p2 George Dietrich bruised his hand quite severely while engaged in moving the tamale stand from its former location on Seventh Street. MM4/12/1901p6 E. D. Elwood has leased the ground where McCauley's tamale stand stood and will immediately put up a neat brick building. He has already torn away the frame structure. DT4/18/1901p7 F. M. Stewart moved his real estate office to the rooms occupied until recently by Macaulay's tamale stand. He occupied them about a year ago. SU1/27/1903p1 Main & Winchester Building See Hoover-Cooper Building Mann Building See Big Bend Milling/Lindley Block Mann Truck Body Co. Photo: 1947 1314 Court Street One of Medford's new industries is the E. H. Mann truck and auto body builders. The new building, finished outside with aluminum, is 100 feet wide and has 23,000 feet of floor space. MN9/12/1947p1 Market Plaza 745 Biddle Road People's Bank is poised to open in the new two-story structure built for Bill Little, owner of Advanced Business Management Systems. MT2/27/1998pB6 H. O. Martin Real Estate and Insurance 413 North Central Converted from a residence circa 1958. Mason Ehrman Grocery Warehouse 2195 Sage Road Mason Ehrman & Co. will build a 50,000-sq.-ft. warehouse and industrial park on 67 acres north of Medford, the former Piercy Flying Field. MT2/3/1952p9 Construction of the $300,000 project to start this week. MT6/29/1952p7 Completion is expected soon. The roof remains to be finished. MT11/16/1952pB8 Keys were handed to company officials at ceremonies today. MT1/18/1953pp1,5 Masonic Building See St. Mark's Block Masonic Hall Various locations: Medford National Bank Building (1911-14 directories) See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building (1916 directory) The local Masonic lodge has moved to new quarters in the M.F.&H. building, where they have been provided with very commodious quarters. MT2/18/1915p2 The Medford lodge F. and A.M. has decided to purchase the St. Mark's building, and have issued 20-year bonds to the sum of $30,000. MT4/24/1920p6 Masonic Temple Photo: 1911 East Main Never built. At a cost of $40,000, the Masons will erect a four-story brick temple. Work will begin soon. The first two floors will be used for commercial purposes and the third and fourth by the lodge. OR7/16/1911p7 Matlack's Super Market Photo: 1950 West Main McAndrew Buildings East Main Street See McAndrews-Barnum Blocks E and W, Warner, Wortman & Gore Building, Grossman Building Thos. McAndrew's new building on Main Street has been completed and is already occupied by Mingus and Harris. They have the largest stock of machinery, etc. of any house in Southern Oregon. AT6/7/1889p3 Thos. McAndrew's new brick building is rapidly assuming proportions, and will be ready for occupancy before many weeks. DT8/8/1890p3 Carpenters are at work on the roof of McAndrew's new brick building, which will soon be ready for occupancy. DT8/29/1890p3
The finishing touches are being put on the McAndrew block. DT9/26/1890p3
S. C.
Wilson has opened his stock of
groceries in the McAndrew building, on East Seventh Street, and is now
prepared to supply the wants of all who desire the very freshest of
goods in this line. MM4/27/1894p3The McAndrew block has received the last coat of mortar and is about ready for occupancy. DT12/12/1890p2 J. W. Partlow is established in business in the McAndrew building. DT5/12/1893p2 Newman Fisher, a former Jacksonville merchant, has leased the McAndrew new brick, on Seventh Street, and will soon put in a stock of goods. MM9/21/1894p3 Merchant Wilson found his Big T grocery store too small to handle his trade, and he has enlarged by removing a partition. MM10/19/1894p3 Thos. McAndrew will soon commence the construction of his new brick block, on East Seventh Street. The wooden buildings now occupied by Hardin's barber shop and Davis' store room will be moved away, and the new brick will take their place. The building will be 25x80 feet in size and one story high--possibly two stories high--Mr. McAndrew has not fully decided this point as yet. Childers Bros. will put the building up. MM4/20/1900p7 T. McAndrew will build a store room 25x125 feet. OR6/8/1900p3 Work was resumed on the McAndrew block this week. MM8/17/1900p7 Thos. McAndrew is adding a 40-foot brick extension. MT4/30/1912p2 McAndrews-Barnum Block [E] NRHP #269.0 Photos: 1929 1949 317-323 East Main On November 5, 1891 William S. Barnum bought lot 15, block 3 in Medford (323 East Main) for $1200. W. S. Barnum will build a handsome two-story brick on the lot adjoining Redfield Bros.' gun shop in the spring. DT2/22/1894p2 T. McAndrew and W. S. Barnum are figuring on soon beginning work on their new brick buildings on Seventh Street. These buildings are to be put up someplace on the north side between A and B streets, but who owns which lot and what lots they are going to build on is more than we can satisfactorily arrive at. MM3/30/1894p3 T. McAndrew and W. S. Barnum are about to take preliminary steps toward the construction of new brick buildings on Seventh Street. DT4/2/1894p2 L. M. Lyon--"I have secured the contract for the wood work on the McAndrew new brick building. Mr. Childers will furnish the brick and will do all mason work." MM4/6/1894p2 F. J. Wilson has leased the McAndrew building on Seventh Street and will open up a grocery and gents' furnishing store therein. MM4/13/1894p2 The McAndrew and Barnum buildings, on East Seventh Street, are being moved to the rear of the lots to make room for the two new bricks. MM4/27/1894p3 The brick blocks of Barnum and McAndrew have been commenced, and the brick work is being pushed ahead at a rapid rate. MM5/18/1894p3 Work on the Barnum and McAndrew brick buildings is at a standstill for a few weeks owing to lack of brick. It was only figured that these buildings would go one story high, but now the owners have decided to go up two stories and also put the second story on the building now occupied by Redfield Bros. MM6/8/1894p3 Thos. McAndrew has decided to erect a 40-foot brick addition to the store room he owns on East Main Street. The adjoining buildings, owned by Mr. Barnum, are also having a 40-foot extension made to them. MT4/30/1912p2 Shapleigh Hardware has leased 323 East Main, now occupied by the Star Meat Market. The building will be enlarged by building it back to the alley and putting a gallery in the rear of the building about fifty feet long. A new front will be put in. MT3/12/1913p2 The Barnum block and Burroughs buildings are being stuccoed and painted by Elmer Childers. MT5/10/1929p4 The two-story brick at 327 East Main owned by J. C. Barnum has been sold to Hubbard Brothers. MT6/26/1934p1 City directory listings for 317 East Main: 1935--Littrell Parts; 1937-39--John Cupp Furniture; 1946--Building Specialty & Appliances; 1950-53--Barnard's Floor Coverings; 1955-73--The Toy House; 1974--Medford Pet Supply; 1975--The Shoe Inn; 1976-81--Country Mouse women's clothing; 1983-88--Country Bride; 1989-91--Bobbio's Pizza; 1993--Vacant; 1995-96--Fatty's Pizza; 1997--Gerald's Grinders & Dips City directory listings for 323 East Main: 1935--Brown's Log Cabin Inn; 1937-39 John Cupp Furniture; 1942--Jarmin's Penny-Wise Drugs; 1946--John W. Taylor Drugs; 1950--Mack's Penny-Wise; 1951--Hall's Penny-Wise; 1953-56--Penny-Wise Sundries; 1957-74; Bell's Homewares; 1975-76--Hubbard's Home Center; 1977-81--Hubbard's Gift Shop; 1983-89--Medford Floors & Interiors; 1990-93--Medford Interiors/Country Bride; 1995-96--Medford Interiors/Bridal Mart by Shirley; 1997--Medford Interiors/Valley Art Gallery McAndrews-Barnum Block [W] NRHP #268.0 Photo: 1929 315 East Main aka Burroughs Building On October 8, 1888 Thomas J. McAndrew bought lots 11-13, block 3 in Medford (lot 13 is 315 East Main) for $375 from the Oregon & Transcontinental Co. The new front of the Wonder Store [315 E. Main] is expected to be completed this week. MT8/6/1912p2 The Burroughs Building is being stuccoed and painted. MT5/10/1929p4 Home to W. A. Kinney Furniture December 2, 1924 into 1929. City directory listings for 315 East Main: 1935-42--Littrell Parts; 1946-50--Frank J. Runtz Paint; 1951-59--Frake & Smith Paints; 1960-66--Colorama Paint Center; 1968-72--House of Wool; 1973--Colonial Bouquet; 1974-97--Evangel Book & Bible McCallum Opera House See Medford Opera House II McLoughlin Junior High School See Medford High School II McMahan's Furniture & Appliances See Dempster's Daniel L. McNary House NRHP #174.0 243 North Ivy Meader House 128 North Central Sale was announced today of the old Meader property; Walter Leverette indicated that plans are being drawn up for a modern building on the site. The dwelling will be razed after Mrs. Meader vacates, before June 1. MT5/13/1937p4 Mealy Building North Grape W. P. Mealy is having a brick business building erected on his lot on North Grape Street, near West Main. MT1/27/1913p2 Among the buildings nearing completion is the Mealy building, costing $6000. OR2/9/1913p56 Medco Headquarters Building Photos: 1926 1927 circa 1928 circa 1950 Intersection Highways 99 and 62, now at 10984 Meadows Road aka "The White House" Built 1926 for the Owen-Oregon Lumber Co. Disassembled 1999; reassembled as a private residence in Sams Valley. Joseph Berto obtained the building May 1 from Medite Corp. The last Medite employee, Tom Libby, moved out in November 1997. MT7/29/1999p1 Berto plans to disassemble the building and move it to property he owns in Sams Valley, where he will turn it into a residence. MT9/16/1999 The original plan was to reconstruct the building, but a zoning rule changed that. The exterior is complete, but the interior has yet to be finished. MT11/12/2016p3 Medford 4 Cinemas 1174 Progress Drive Movie 4 opened Saturday, a month ahead of schedule. Builder is Jack Mathis Construction Co. Some finish work remains, mainly hanging drapes. MT6/29/1981p13 Medford Airport Photo: circa 1930 A combination hangar and administration building has been constructed, the hangar proper being 110 ft. by 100 ft., with an opening 100 ft. by 20 ft. The hangar is of wood construction, with a lamella-type roof and concrete floor. The administration building, which is a part of the hangar building, contains a waiting room, rest rooms, restaurant and kitchen, pilots' quarters, administrative office, mail room, emergency hospital, Weather Bureau quarters, and a room which will be used for school purposes. PRH7/31/1930p8 The CAA has approved a request to raze certain former military buildings at the airfield. The lumber will be stockpiled. MT12/8/1948p1 A $135,000 permit for construction of the Union Terminal Building at Medford Airport has been filed by F. R. Fairweather, contractor. MT7/16/1952p11 Since some new equipment for the tower cannot be obtained until spring, the tower and offices will remain in the old building until that time. The old hangar building will be razed when it is empty. MT12/7/1952p10 A contract was awarded yesterday for demolition of the old airport hangar, to be removed within 30 days. MT7/29/1953p6 Medford Auto Clinic NRHP #296.0 232 North Central, southeast corner Fourth and Central Photo: circa 2012 The eastern portion of this modest concrete building, built in two phases, dates at least as early as 1948 when according to city directories it housed the Medford Auto Clinic. It is assumed that the building was built following the site's 1945 acquisition by Charles Wing, a prominent Medford real estate agent and developer. By 1953 Johnny's Sign Shop, operated by John Eads, Sr. was in operation at this location. The house at Fourth and Central belonging to Charles A. Wing, termed a fire hazard, is being razed. MT10/12/1945p4 Workers tore down the former location of Shoes Right Here Tuesday in preparation for rebuilding the intersection of Fourth and Central. MT8/13/2014p3 Medford Auto Company Building NRHP #367.0 40 North Riverside aka O. V. Myers Building The Medford Auto Company, Buick agency, is now located at its new display room at 38 and 40 North Riverside in a reinforced concrete building just constructed for the purpose by John Dennison, president of the company. The new building is painted white on the outside, and the interior is beautifully tinted. It is exceptionally well lighted, having full plate glass front and skylight with indirect incandescent light for night and dark days. MT10/10/1926p3 O. V. Myers today sold 38 and 40 North Riverside to C. M. Kidd. The Scherer Motor Co. is now located in the building. MT8/22/1930p8 Medford Band Stand Carnegie Library grounds The band stand in the park is an assured thing now; Medford Concrete Company are to make the cement blocks which will form the ground floor. Public lavatories and toilets will be on the ground floor; the band stand will be about eight feet from the ground and will seat thirty men. MT7/9/1911p8 The concrete foundation for the new band stand in the city park has been put in and work on the structure will commence soon. MT8/7/1911p2 A letter to the editor accuses the mayor of turning the bandstand into a "fourth-class telephone booth." MT1/18/1930p4 Medford Bank Building See Medford National Bank Building, Stewart Building Medford Bargain House 27 North Grape aka Oregon Gas & Electric, Auto Electric Equipment Co., Perkins Auto Electric The building will be razed soon for a parking lot. In 1917 the Bargain House occupied a portion of the building; the second floor was the Medford Business College. Whitelaw Candy has occupied this building for many years. MT1/19/1964p8 Medford Bowling Lanes 821 North Riverside aka Kids Unlimited Proprietor Fred Anderson announced construction of an addition to the building is under way. The 116x65-foot reinforced concrete structure will house 10 new alleys and a nursery, giving a total of 22 lanes. MT9/21/1956p1 A $59,000 addition is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Medford Builders Supply East Jackson The 80x80-ft., two-story building is near completion. MT7/9/1911pB1 Medford Building See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building Medford Business College Block I Location unknown The construction of the Medford Business College is now assured. The building is to be a frame 40x60, two stories high and set on a brick foundation four feet high. DT2/17/1893p3, MM2/24/1893p3 The foundation for the Medford Business College was laid this week. MM5/12/1893p3 Medford Business College Block II 27-33 North Grape aka College Building There will be erected this spring a two-story brick building to be known as the College Building and used exclusive by Medford Business College. MT4/9/1911pC3 J. M. Culpeper purchased a lot on North Grape, a half block north of Main today for $8000. He will erect a two-story brick building, 70 by 100 feet, for the Medford Business College. OR4/11/1911p7 The Medford Sash & Door factory are turning out the work for the new business college being erected on Grape Street. MT7/2/1911p8 "Partially gutted" in a fire June 4; other tenants at the time were "Valley Candy Co., Radio Battery and Electric Shop, J. B. Andrews' office and the meeting place of the Glad Tidings Mission." The proprietors of the candy company, Mr. and Mrs. GeBauer, also lived in the building. MT6/4/1925p1, ADT6/5/1925p1 The Medford Bargain House, 27 North Grape, received a building permit today to do an $1,800 repair job on its floors. MT6/25/1951p7 Medford Cement Brick & Block Works Tenth and Fir Work has been started on the large building for the hydraulic brick factory established by H. A. Jansen of Chicago. He will manufacture brick, building blocks, caps, arches, chimneys and fancy designs of all kinds. MT4/24/1912p5 Medford Center See Medford Shopping Center Medford Center Building See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building Medford Central Fire Hall NRHP #28.0 Photos: 1908 1909 1909 circa 1910 2009 110 East Sixth, southeast corner Sixth and Front In 1907 the city commissioned architect John A. McIntosh to design its first city-owned offices. The Central Fire Hall, with the council chambers and town library upstairs, had large doors for "Skinny and Rastus" and the city's horse-drawn engine. The grooves in the sidewalk were no longer needed for the horses' traction when the department was mechanized in 1912. By 1915, city government had outgrown the building, but it wasn't until 1921 that the matching addition to the south was built. In 1932 Medford government moved and Central Fire Hall was rented out; the upper floor became offices for the Civilian Conservation Corps. Four years later the old fire doors were removed and the corner entry built to make the building more attractive for retail uses. In 1944 the city sold the building. The plans for the new two-story granite and pressed brick front city hall and fire station were accepted; bids will be advertised for. TR10/2/1907p1 Bids for the erection of the new city hall were opened, the lowest bid being that of A. S. Moyer. It was accepted by the council, the bid being $8140.25 for the erection of a two-story brick building 25 feet in width by 100 feet in length, according to specifications drawn by Architect McIntosh. Work on this building will be commenced at once, and when completed it will be one of the most substantial brick buildings in the city. TR10/11/1907p1 G. W. Priddy & Co. have the brick work on the new city hall building. Mr. Moyer is the contractor who was awarded the entire contract on the construction of the building, but the cement and brick work will be done by Mr. Priddy and his associates, they having placed a bid on the work to be included in the Moyer contract, and also put up a certified check with his bid. Mr. Priddy's bid on brick and cement work complete is $4569.50. TR10/15/1907p1 Material is being placed on the ground for the new city hall, and the old jail is being torn down this week. The plans provide for offices for the executive officials, council chamber, police court room, fire house and a jail. MM10/25/1907p5 Arthur H. Davis, the well-known and efficient electrician, has been awarded the contract of wiring the new Medford city hall. TR1/11/1908p4 Mayor Canon has instructed F. C. Clark to start preparing plans for an addition to the city hall. It is planned to build on the vacant lot next to the present structure. MT1/23/1912p6 Work began this morning on the foundation for the big addition to the city hall which will rise on the vacant lot immediately adjoining. MT1/25/1921p6 The annex will be completed at once, the ground floor occupied by the city treasurer's and recorder's offices. Work was discontinued in July. MT2/22/1922p1 The city council had a close call last night when a large section of the plastered ceiling fell without warning. MT12/11/1925p8 The city painters will paint the city hall. MT5/3/1927p2 Now that the fire department has been moved into the new fire station, the police station will be moved into part of the room vacated by the fire department downstairs, just as soon as it can be divided off by a partition. MT6/26/1929p4 Four hundred fifty garments were handed out Dec. 21 at the Welfare Exchange center in the old city hall. MT12/23/1932p12 Due to the fact that the light-colored paint formerly used showed dirt so easily, it has been decided to paint the structure brown. MT9/25/1935p1 The north wall will be remodeled to conform to the show window in front, the city superintendent announced today. MT6/18/1941p7 The Furniture Exchange today announced plans to make improvements in the old city hall, purchased from the city this week by John O. Cupp and L. R. Saxbury. A ramp will be constructed from the first floor to the second, which will be utilized for storage. New awnings will be put up and the front of the building finished in stucco. MT4/7/1944p3 The city council has authorized sale of the old city hall to John Cupp, furniture dealer, for $12,000. At present the ground floor houses the Furniture Exchange, and the army has the second floor rented. MT4/14/1944p4 The old bell was removed and will be placed at the new fire hall as a memorial to Volunteer Fire Companies Nos. 1 and 2, which purchased it. MN5/12/1944p1 Medford Central Fire Hall II Photos: 1929 1929 Northeast corner Third and Front Plans are being drawn by Frank Clark for a $15,000 50x100-ft. concrete fire hall with floor space for five trucks and an ambulance. MT12/12/1928p6 The ground floor will be allotted to firefighting equipment and a repair shop, and the second story to quarters for the fire chief, a dormitory for regular members and volunteers, a recreation hall, shower baths, etc. MT12/31/1928p3 Bids submitted last week were not acted upon because they exceeded the $30,000 bond issue voted for the new fire station and equipment. MT1/9/1929p8 Construction began January 18. The foundation has been poured and the forms for the first floor are in. MT2/3/1929p3 Work on the new fire hall is well under way. MT2/21/1929p1 Rapid progress is being made on construction; the building has been under roof for about a week. MT3/10/1929p2 The work of laying the cement floor in the new city fire hall has been finished and the building will be completed by May 1. MT3/27/1929p4 Equipment may be moved in sometime next week. MT5/28/1929p6 Medford Central Market NRHP #43.0 127 North Central Medford Cigar Factory West Medford, location unknown The brick block occupied by the Medford cigar factory, and belonging to G. W. Hamlin, was sold at sheriff's sale last Saturday to Ed. Wilkinson. MM3/28/1902p6 Geo. Coulter--"I have secured the old cigar factory on the West Side for a paint shop and am up to my eyes in work." MM4/25/1902p6 Medford City Hall Photos: 1927 1927 201 North Central, northwest corner Fifth and Central aka Jackson County Courthouse A bond issue of $50,000 to build a new city hall, which will be loaned to the county as a courthouse if the county seat is moved from Jacksonville to Medford, also carried in the election of October 8. "Water Supply Source Is Voted," The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington, October 13, 1925, page 6 Architect Frank Clark is working on plans for an L-shaped, three-story concrete 64x100-ft. structure facing Central, and 64x84 on Fifth. MT11/19/1926p6 Actual construction begins tomorrow. MT2/18/1927p1 Because Frank Clark's plans weren't ready, construction and sale of bonds has been postponed. MT3/2/1927p8 Excavation resumed today. MT5/25/1927p3 Excavations have begun on the basement and will be completed by a week from Tuesday. MDN5/27/1927p1 R. I. Stuart has won the contract for the new city hall. Bids total $2,935.28 in excess of the $60,000 bond issue recently voted by the people. MT6/16/1927p1 The Albany contractors whose bid was the lowest, and who were not awarded the contract, is in consultation today with a law firm. MT6/17/1927p6 Work on the city hall-courthouse was started this week, with a small crew looking after finishing touches getting the foundation, which was dug some time ago, in shape for the pouring of concrete. MT6/21/1927p2 Work is progressing fast, the pouring of the concrete foundations having been done last week. Pouring the concrete for the first story will probably be completed by the end of the week. MT6/26/1927p2 Tomorrow the pouring of the concrete for the first floor of the new city hall, which has been held up for some time through the non-arrival of reinforcing steel, will be begun. MT7/10/1927p2 Progress continues rapidly. The roof is of asphalt and gravel; the outside wall is being waterproofed. MT9/4/1927p7 Among the outstanding buildings of the year is the new city hall and temporary courthouse on North Central, which is now under construction at a cost exceeding $75,000. It is expected to be ready for occupancy during November, when the county offices will be moved from temporary quarters in the Armory building, where they have been located since last July following the county election which changed the seat of county government from Jacksonville to this city. MT9/14/1927pD2 Work is progressing ahead of schedule. Plastering has been completed on the first and second floors, and is under way on the third floor. According to Mayor Alenderfer, the building will be ready for occupancy by November 1. MT9/27/1927p3 Allotment of space for county offices has been tentatively made. MT10/28/1927p5 It is furnished free to Jackson County for five years, at the end of which time it will return to the city for use as a city hall. MT12/31/1928p3 Lack of funds is interfering with removal of city offices to the now-vacant city hall. MT8/19/1932p1 Records from the city assessor's office will be moved tomorrow. MT9/13/1932p5 The county will pay $385 for repairs and renovating of the city hall. MT9/19/1932p3 Offices have moved from the old hall at Sixth and Front. MT10/9/1932p8 The city manager advised the council that a prospective buyer for the existing city hall and site has contacted him. MT8/6/1965p1 Demolition in June 1973 cost approximately $30,000. MT5/30/1976pC2 Medford City Hall II Photos: 1966 1966 1969 1970 411 West Eighth The model of the city hall to be voted on Nov. 3 will be on display at the League of Women Voters candidates' meeting Oct. 13 in the Medford High School cafeteria. MT10/12/1964p1 Bids were called for construction of the new Medford City Hall Dec. 22, with the bid opening set for Jan. 27. MT12/7/1965p1 A jury returned a verdict last night awarding George K. Crevier $32,000 for the property at 140 S. Oakdale Ave. MT2/1/1966p1 Groundbreaking ceremonies for Medford's new city hall were held at 11 o'clock this morning at the Civic Center site on Eighth Street. MT2/17/1966p1 Todd Building Company, are 30 to 45 days ahead of previous expectations. The ground excavation is completed; the footings have been poured, as have the concrete columns to the ground floor. MT3/22/1966p12 A time capsule, six inches in diameter and 12 inches long, will be placed in the cornerstone of the new city hall. MT3/25/1966p1 A letter to the city manager of Medford in the 21st century from City Manager Robert A. Duff is among the items included in the time capsule. MT6/22/1966p1 Secretary of State Clay Myers gave the dedication address this afternoon, immediately followed by an open house. MT10/24/1966p1 City officials placed a Douglas fir tree to celebrate completion of the top of the $1,346,700 building. Completion date is Sept. 1. The first anniversary of the start of construction was Feb. 23. MT2/28/1967p1 Medford City Jail 112 East Sixth Work on the new city jail is progressing finely. Mr. Priddy has finished the brick work, and contractor Crouch is now at work putting in the inside cribbing. The outer walls are of brick, roof of corrugated iron, and the floor of cement. It will be 14x22 feet in size and will have two apartments. MM4/22/1898p7 Medford City Warehouse and Water Department North Fir, southeast corner Fir and Jackson It will be a one-story concrete structure, 80x100, divided down the center. The street department will use half and the water department the other. MT12/11/1925p8 The city warehouse is in the last stages of completion, and it is expected that the water department will take up quarters there shortly. MT3/25/1926p6 The city warehouse, recently completed, is having its storage capacity increased by the addition of two large tin sheds. MT4/25/1926pC1 An up-to-date building of concrete, it houses all of the city equipment. This building cost only some $10,000. MT12/31/1928p3 Medford City Water Warehouse South Riverside The old city water warehouse on South Riverside is to be razed. MT3/25/1926p6 Medford Clinic Building Photo: 1957 1025 East Main aka Jackson County Health and Human Services Completed this summer, the clinic has its own pharmacy, x-ray equipment and laboratory. MT9/29/1957p12 The county is seeking bids to remodel three buildings located between 1000 and 1025 E. Main. The project includes new flooring, paint, doors, ceilings, parking lots and lighting, duct work, siding, walls and electrical work. MT8/24/2015p1 Medford Community Hospital Photo: circa 1930 843 East Main aka Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital Opened in a converted home (at left in photo) at 843 E. Main on Sept. 5, 1922. The addition, the core of today's Century Building, was opened in January 1927. This month a permit, for $20,000, was issued the Community Hospital, which will build a three-story concrete hospital, 48x60 feet, on East Main Street between Crater Lake and Geneva. JCN7/2/1926p1 Construction of the 48x60-ft., three-story hospital annex began this morning. It will triple the capacity of the hospital. MT7/18/1926p5 The $40,000 Community Hospital annex on East Main Street is rapidly nearing completion and will triple the capacity of the institution which was established here some time ago. MT1/2/1927pD2 A modern kitchen has been installed, the floors being served by a dumbwaiter. Electric service signals are installed in each room, while the hospital will have its own refrigeration and laundry plants. MT1/2/1927pB5 The old section of the hospital is being remodeled, and six new rooms for patients are under construction. MT11/4/1930p2 A $25,000 remodeling is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart and Sons is the Community Hospital, which has become the Century Building. MT5/30/1976pC2 Medford Congregational Church 1801 East Jackson, northeast corner Jackson and Berkeley Way Members broke ground Sunday for a sanctuary and educational unit. MT11/4/1963p9 Timber Structures of Portland were installing "modified Gothic" laminated arches this morning at the site of the Medford Congregational church. MT2/11/1964p1 Medford Creamery 134 North Riverside aka Gaddis & Dixon Building The basement will be 24x30 feet, with stone walls and a cement floor. Over the basement a wooden structure will be erected. The entire butter-making plant will be in the basement, where the temperature can be kept uniform. SU3/20/1903p3 The building just completed, is a neat, commodious frame structure, with large, airy offices and receiving rooms on the main floor, and ample space in the basement to accommodate the vats, boiler, engine and other machinery necessary for the manufacture of first-class butter. Salem Daily Journal, 5/1/1903p3 Fire gutted the entire front part of the building Tuesday. JP11/28/1908p1 The old Gaddis & Dixon building, occupied by a second hand shop, was considerably damaged by fire last night. MT6/19/1934p2 Earl Gaddis has obtained a permit for erection of a $1200 office building and shed at 134 North Riverside. MT9/28/1934p7 Medford Distilling & Refining Company Southeast corner Jackson and Central The distillery now being erected will be 40x160 feet, and about 60 feet high. The institution bids fair to make an industrial center of lower C Street. DT1/30/1891p2 The building is 40x170 feet, and about sixty-five feet high, with a storage capacity of 30,000 bushels of grain. Much of the interior fixtures are very fine, especially the still, which is of Mr. Medynski's own design and construction. H. K. Hines, 1893, p1148 The distillery has been razed, and the machinery and lumber is being hauled away and put to other uses. AT9/15/1910p6 Medford Dog Pound East Medford The dog pound just built by the city is a concrete structure, about 10x14, with an airtight chamber in which two dogs can be put to death at one time through inhaling poison fumes, and is located at the garbage disposal plant southwest [sic] of the city and a distance beyond and in the rear of the cemetery. MT5/22/1927p3 Medford Fire Station #1 402 North Front, northeast corner Third and Front Frank Clark is drawing plans for a two-story 50x100-ft. station. MT12/12/1928p6 Ground space of the new $15,000 fire hall will be allotted to firefighting equipment and a repair shop, and with second story for quarters for the fire chief, a dormitory for regular members and volunteers, a recreation hall, shower baths, etc. There is also provided extra vacant lots and a drill towers where necessary fire drills can be put on without interfering with traffic. MT12/31/1928p3 The new fire station will be ready for use in about a month. The building has been under roof for about a week. MT3/10/1929p2 The fire department has been moved into the new fire station. MT6/26/1929p4 Still occupied in 1975 city directory, vacant 1976-77. The council has accepted a bid to demolish Fire Station No. 1. The building was used on Halloween for Campus Life's "Scream in the Dark." MT12/18/1977p12 Medford Fire Station #2a Photo: 1952 Southeast corner Eighth and Lincoln A fire station designed to harmonize with adjacent residences is planned. The building will resemble a residence with a three-car garage. MN9/15/1950p1 The city has called for bids for a few fire substation to be erected at Eighth and Lincoln. A $30,000 aerial ladder truck has already been ordered. MT1/5/1951p1 The $50,000 fire department substation will be completed sometime within the next two weeks. MT12/2/1951p12 The new west side fire substation will be open for public inspection today. Men and equipment were moved into the structure yesterday. MT12/30/1951p13 The city council yesterday approved leasing the old west Medford firehouse to Rogue Valley Youth for Christ. MT3/21/2018p1 Medford Fire Station #2b 1107 Stewart Avenue A groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday for a 10,000-sq.-ft. structure at Station No. 2's new address, 1107 Stewart. MT4/6/2016p3 The red and brown 10,000-sq.-ft. station opened its doors Monday. MT2/14/2017p3 Medford Fire Station #3a 147 South Keeneway Drive A temporary east side fire station is expected to be in operation by April 1; minor renovations are to begin on a two-bedroom house at 147 South Keeneway. The property was leased as a temporary stopgap only. MT3/17/1954p1 Medford Fire Station #3b Photo: 1956 530 Highland Drive, southwest corner Siskiyou and Highland Preparation of plans for a new fire station was authorized by the city council last night. City Manager Duff said $28,504.92 is available, and that the station could be built and equipped within that amount. MT1/18/1956p1 The city council unanimously approved plans for a new east side station last night. City Manager Duff said there was a need for urgency because the lease on the present eastside station expires March 1. MT1/26/1956p1 Excavation began yesterday for the new east side fire station; completion date is June 1. Myron Corcoran Construction was awarded the bid. MT2/29/1956p1 Mayor Earl Miller and city councilmen inspected the new east side fire station this afternoon preparatory to formal acceptance. MT6/1/1956p1 An estimated 150 residents attended the open house yesterday at the new east side fire station. The fire hall was put into service last Tuesday. MT6/4/1956p1 Medford Fire Station #3c Highland Drive The new fire station will be sandwiched between the existing station and the skate park to the south. MT4/14/2015p3 The city council Thursday put the brakes on building three new fire stations while it comes to grips with a $3.4-million shortfall. MT9/4/2015p1 Plans to replace Station 3 are moving forward, after the city was able to reduce costs in building the two fire stations and new police headquarters. MT2/14/2017p3 Construction will start next week on a $4,076,565 fire station at Siskiyou and Highland, south of the existing station. MT7/7/2017pB1 Medford's newest fire station opened to much fanfare Friday morning. MT5/26/2018p3 Medford Fire Station #4 2208 Table Rock Road at Berrydale Medford Fire Station #4 will be demolished in August; construction of a new facility will begin immediately. MT7/10/2015p1 The city council Thursday put the brakes on building three new fire stations while it comes to grips with a $3.4-million shortfall. MT9/4/2015p1 Groundbreaking for the new facility is scheduled for April 26, with a completion date in mid-February 2017. MT4/6/2016p2 The new station #4 was christened Friday. At about 12,000 sq. ft., the station is about three times the size of the previous station at the same site. MT3/18/2017p2 Medford Fire Station #5 Roberts Road and North Keene Way Medford Fire Station #6 East Barnett and North Phoenix Road Medford Fruit Co. 516-520 South Front The Medford Fruit Co. plant burned to the ground today. MT9/12/1931p1 Medford Fuel Co. 265 East McAndrews Road Medford Furniture and Hardware Building NRHP #27.0 Photo: 1911 29-39 North Central, southwest corner Sixth and Central aka Medical Center Building, Medford Center Building, Howard Block, Woolworth's Building, Medford Building See also Hansen Building Johns and Turner designed and built this four-story structure for a furniture company, which lost the building soon after construction with the collapse of the Orchard Boom. The building was initially referred to as the "Howard Block," after the brothers (Rev. John Howard, Horace Howard and S. T. Howard Jr.) who financed construction. The original cost was estimated at over $100,000. In 1922 the M.M. Department Store moved in; the offices on the upper floors were long the hub of Medford's medical community. The F. W. Woolworth Co. occupied leased space in 1937; when they left town in the late 1980s they occupied the entire ground floor. In 1949 the original windows and cornice were removed, the elevator tower added, and the building's exterior was modernized with glazed terra cotta tile. The letters on the façade that today read "Woolworth Building" are resin reproductions; some of the red and silver banner on which they reside is original. The residence occupied by Mrs. Fay as a private boarding house, is to be removed to a location on North Central to make room for the new Medford Furniture Company-Nicholson Hardware Company building. MT7/26/1910p5 The five-story Howard building will be Medford's largest business block. The first two stories will be occupied by a department store, consisting of an amalgamation of the Medford Furniture Company and Nicholson Hardware Company. Johns & Turner, the architects, have divided the upper three floors into 70 offices. The building will cost $85,000 and will be completed by the first of the year. MT9/4/1910pB1 September sees construction well under way on the Howard brothers' four-story reinforced concrete block, costing $100,000. MT9/10/1910pB1 The concrete work on the new Howard block has been completed, and finishing is soon to begin. MT12/22/1910p7 The Medford Miracle Concrete Company have made arrangements with Z. Cameron and E. A. Hicks, who own a marble quarry on the Applegate; much of the stone will be used in terrazzo work on the Medford Furniture & Hardware Company's building. MT5/8/1911p2 The Medford Furniture Company will move to their new home in the Howard Block, as will also the Nicholson Hardware Company, which is now a part of the Medford Furniture Company. MT7/23/1911pB1 Saturday will be opening day of the new Medford Furniture & Hardware store on North Central. Appropriate souvenirs will be given away and there will be music. MT10/19/1911p6 The American Legion last night voted to occupy the old Masonic hall in the M.F.&H. building. MT9/16/1920p5 The new owners announced today that the building will be completely renovated, repainted, reorganized, and made one of the best and most up-to-date office buildings in the state outside of Portland. MT8/22/1921p3 A fire in the oil-soaked plank basement floor last night caused an explosion which extinguished the fire. MT11/4/1921p8 Work is progressing nicely on remodeling of the Medford Center building. New ceilings are being put in the second story; partitions and back stairways are being taken out of the first floor. MT7/24/1922p6 Elevator man C. W. Conklin was severely bruised yesterday when he fell down the elevator shaft from the first floor to the basement. MT10/31/1924p8 Walker has removed the window opposite the elevator the allow for ventilation for his dance hall. MT3/18/1927p7 Chair railings, moldings, baseboards, doors and casings are enlivened with a gay, glossy green finish. The wainscoting is a warm tan, which blends into the buff of the side walls and cream of the ceilings. The floors are to be finished in tan, with borders of orange. Sanded boards are placed over the corners near the elevator for striking matches. JCN5/21/1927p4 Fire last evening caused $25,000 damage to the basement. MT7/7/1927p8 Burelson's issued permit to remodel 31 N. Central MT1/15/1934p1 A building permit was issued to J. Goswick, owner of the Grand Hotel, by the building inspector's office for remodeling at a stated cost of $250. MT2/5/1937p12 Work started last week remodeling the building, which on November 1 will become the new home of the F. W. Woolworth Company. MT9/12/1937p12 The Medford Center today officially changed its name to "The Medical Center Building." Remodeling has been in progress for months. MT1/23/1950p1 Though the building is still covered with scaffolding, the Robert Keeney remodel will soon be complete. MT4/30/1950pB4 Medford Garage See Emerick Garage Medford Gospel Mission I See Hamlin-Rostel Block Medford Gospel Mission II Photo: 1964 Northwest corner Third and Front A campaign is underway to construction a mission on North Front. MT5/30/1962p1 Construction started this morning on the $28,000 Medford Gospel Mission building at Third and Front streets. MT3/4/1964p1 Steel roof support columns are expected to be installed next week. MT4/17/1964p8 The mission, a one-story structure of concrete block, was built with donated labor and materials at an actual cost of less than $10,000. MT10/12/1964p9 Medford Grocery Co. Photos: 1911 1911 1934 Southwest corner Tenth and Front Home of the Tally Brick The Southern Pacific Company has the rails in the yards here and will soon commence putting in a spur on the east side of their main line, just south of Tenth Street, which will be for the convenience of the wholesale grocery house to be erected on the southwest corner of Tenth and Front streets in the near future. MM5/21/1909p5 The spur track for the Medford Wholesale Grocery Company's use, south of the depot, is about completed. MM6/18/1909p2 The dwelling formerly on the property was moved off this week. Mr. Welch of the Medford Grocery Company assures us that the building will be under construction at the earliest possible time in the spring. MT12/1/1909p5 During the past week the contract for the new brick warehouse of the Medford Grocery Co. was let. This building will stand three blocks south of the depot and will be large enough to house this concern, which is the largest wholesale grocery company in the state outside of Portland. MT2/22/1910p2 A very fine new warehouse has been erected by the Medford Grocery Co., just south of the present Southern Pacific depot, at a cost of $40,000. MT9/4/1910pB1 The Medford Terminal Co. will divide each floor into sections. MT3/20/1928p6 Medford Heights Townhouses Photo: 1970 Medford High School I Photos: 1909 circa 1910 circa 1912 1912 1913 1926 Southeast corner Fifth and Bartlett aka McLoughlin Junior High School Cost: $40,000. Dedicated April 9, 1909; razed 1931. A bond issue of $40,000 for the high school was authorized by a vote of 173 to 104. OR2/12/1908p5 The board of school directors have decided to accept the plans for the new school house submitted by Charles Burggraf, of Albany. The cost of erection according to the plans will be in the neighborhood of $27,000. MM3/27/1908p1 The school board has accepted the bid of the Medford Brick Company for the new high school building, the figures being $29,872. MM5/22/1908p1 The cement foundation for the new high school building is completed and about July 1 brickwork will commence. MM6/26/1908p5 R. W. Gray: "The new high school building is keeping most of my carpenters busy these days." MM8/21/1908p5 Frank Clark was ordered to draw plans for two classrooms to be built into the balcony of the gymnasium. MT12/27/1928p8 The building has been sold to Elmer Childers, who will complete wrecking and removing it by March 1932. MT10/26/1931p1 Material salvaged is being used on the Snider building. MT11/6/1931p1 Wrecking has been completed, the basement will be filled. MT2/17/1932p3 Medford High School II Photos: 1926 1927 1927 circa 1932 Second and Holly Street aka McLoughlin Junior High School Built 1926; cost $185,000. Medford's ballpark at Second and North Holly will soon be but a memory; efforts will be made to sell the land to the board of education for a new high school building. MT9/6/1919p4 Architect J. E. Tourtellotte of Portland last night submitted preliminary plans for the Holly Street building. MT6/9/1925p8 One of the largest permits applied for last month was the $116,000 high school on Holly Street. MT10/1/1925p1 Electricians are busy wiring; ornament cast stone is being placed. The roof was completed long ago, and window frames are being put in. MT4/25/1926pC1 The building is in the last stages of completion. MT7/29/1926p3 Final touches are being put on; building will be open for public inspection Sept. 4. Classes will open Monday, September 13. MT9/2/1926p1 Work was begun on two new classrooms, which will be built on the east balcony of the gymnasium and will accommodate 85 to 100 students. MT1/4/1929p3 An addition to the Medford junior high school at a cost of $21,500 as asked by School District No. 49 was high for September's permits. MT1/7/1948p3 The old wood stadium bowed to the superiority of concrete and steel as the high school became the recipient of a new grandstand. 1963 Crater, MHS yearbook Fire destroyed the attic and roof of the entire south wing of the school before it was brought under control at 2:24 a.m. today. MT7/1/1964p1 Medford High School III Photos: 1936 1937 1938 1942 1950 1954 1960 1960 1963 1980s 815 South Oakdale aka South Medford High School, Central High School Built 1931 at a cost of $191,207.74. Joe McCourt is trimming trees on the site and clearing the grounds. MT11/12/1930p1 Concrete has been granted preference over brick for the new building to take the place of the junior high school. MT12/9/1930p2 School administration has pledged to use home labor and materials in construction as much as possible. MT12/11/1930p5 The $265,000 bond issue and acceptance of the school building program carried by a 904-to-128 vote. MT12/17/1930p1 Frank C. Clark has been assigned by the school board to draw plans for the new high school. MT12/18/1930p1 Each room of the $210,000 structure will be wired for radio. There will be two gymnasiums and a 1200-seat auditorium. MT12/19/1930p9 The two-story concrete structure will include 28 rooms, two study halls, a library, auditorium and full-size gymnasium. MT1/12/1931p3 A 12-man crew will start clearing the Oakdale site tomorrow. The cottonwoods on the site will be removed; the hardwoods will remain. MT1/27/1931p1 Bids for construction of the new Medford high school building will be received at the meeting of the school board Saturday night. MT2/26/1931p6 Three bids for the high school are under consideration. MT3/1/1931p1 Construction contract has been awarded to R. I. Stuart. MT3/3/1931p1 The steel trusses are being put up. MT4/27/1931p8 Moving in started today; the library supplies are first to go in. MT8/3/1931p3 The building comprises 350 windows, 120,000 tons of stee, 500 yards of aggregate, 18,000 sacks of cement, 35,000 sq. ft. of Nu wood fiberboard, 110,000 feet of flooring, 55,000 sq. ft. of roofing. MT8/9/1931p2 The seats which are being taken from the Rialto will be rebuilt and upholstered for the auditorium of Medford's new senior high school. MT8/19/1931p8 The cafeteria will open Monday if the equipment is installed. MT9/10/1931p6 The senior manual training shed has built a 60-foot bicycle shed. MT9/28/1931p8 The building will be dedicated tomorrow. MT10/8/1931p2 Work started yesterday on the new grandstand at the high school. Plans by Frank Clark call for a covered unit 205 feet long, seating 1250 persons. MT8/11/1936p4 Finishing touches were recently put on the football stadium. Wooden seats are not yet in place. MT8/30/1948p4 Although the noise was hard to endure as we finished last year, we expand gratefully into our new classrooms and cafeteria. 1950 Crater, page 104 The contract for renovation and an addition to Medford High School was awarded Friday. The project will create at least 15 more classrooms, including shop rooms, construction of which was started earlier this year. MT7/13/1958p1 A permit was issued to School District 549C to add six classroom to Medford High School at a cost of $21,600. MT8/4/1963p7 The old west side grandstand at the high school field has been razed. MT6/3/1962p17 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart and Sons is the Medford High School, which has become the Mid High. MT5/30/1976pC2 Voters Tuesday approved a proposal to convert the mid and senior high schools into four-year institutions. MT11/7/1984 The 252,000-sq.-ft. building formerly known as Central Medford High School will be converted into Medford's third middle school for the 2023-24 school year. The $30 million project will delay by at least 10 years the need for a new elementary school. MT3/28/2021pB1 Medford Hotel See Hotel Medford Medford Ice & Storage Co. Photo: 1927 535 South Fir The Medford Ice & Storage Co.'s plant promises to be one of Medford's leading business concerns. The building which the company is now working on will be 58x68 feet in size and two stories high. In this building they will install a fifteen-ton-per-day modern ice manufacturing plant. They will have an ice storage room with a capacity of 300 tons. MM6/7/1907p5 G. L. Schermerhorn is building an atmosphere condenser for the Carter & Houck ice company. The building is 16x24 feet square, 40 feet high. SO3/4/1908p8 The ice plant has been doubled in capacity, representing in the past two years about $50,000 in improvements. OR11/2/1908p12 All fruit cars loaded between Central Point and Phoenix will now be iced in Medford. "In order to be able to handle the work promptly a two-decked platform is being erected all along the railroad side of the building, 153 feet long and nine feet wide. The factory is already supplied with elevators, and the ice will be taken to the top platform and from there placed on the cars as they are run alongside on the sidetrack." MT8/13/1909p4 The Medford Ice and Storage Co. have definitely decided to construct a prodigious pre-cooling plant as an addendum to their present ice plant. Work will probably be commenced immediately but may not be finished until next year owing to the fact that exceedingly large machinery must be manufactured and brought from the East. This plant will cost at least $100,000.00. CL4/6/1923p1 The $50,000 ice storage building for the Medford Ice & Storage Co. is nearing completion, and this company is erecting additional platforms to enable them to ice a train of cars. MS5/10/1925pC2 Medford Ice received a permit for a three-story 77x91-ft. cold storage plant. The first floor will be concrete; the next two of laminated planks. MT6/16/1926p3 The Medford Ice & Cold Storage Company is building a cold storage plant costing $25,000. JCN7/2/1926p1 The Medford Ice plant is nearing completion. It will have a capacity of 90 carloads of fruit and will cost $100,000. MT7/22/1926p3 A $25,000 cold storage plant on South Fir Street was added to the Medford Ice and Storage Company's plant and was in operation for the 1926 crop. MT1/2/1927pD2 Construction on a new $80,000 pre-cooling plant is progressing rapidly; storing ice is proceeding at a rate of 118 tons per day. MT6/6/1929p4 The warehouse is the largest of its kind in the Far West outside of Nampa Idaho; this year's addition gives an ice capacity of 20,000 tons. MT12/31/1929pB5 Medford Ice is replacing a 30x60-ft. frame ice storage building with a concrete structure. MT11/2/1931p3 Work is progressing on a 189-80-foot two-story addition. MT4/23/1941p1 Excavation for a three-story, 123x53-ft. addition has started. MT3/5/1950p9 Medford Ice Arena 619 South Grape aka Growers Refrigerating Co. Application was made to remodel the skating rink on South Fir into a cold storage plant at a cost of $60,000. MT2/27/1946p5 Conversion of the Medford Ice Arena into a fruit cold storage plant is being done by the recently organized Growers Refrigerating Co. Storage space for 100,000 boxes is being constructed. Other agencies with offices in the building will be the Federal State Inspection service of the Department of Agriculture, the Associated Fruit Co. and the Oregon Orchards. MT6/9/1946p14 Medford Ladder Works 1246 South Riverside A landmark for many years, the small "barn" at one time was occupied by the Medford Ladder Works. MT5/14/1963p14 Medford Lumber Company 4 West Third A 160 by 90-foot two-story shed has been erected, as well as two warehouses. It is planned soon to enlarge the main shed to 160 by 170 feet. SO7/10/1909p3 Medford Mail Tribune Apartments Photo: circa 1920 29 North Fir Medford Mail Tribune Building Photos: circa 1920 1926 25-29 North Fir Neff and associates have bought the Enyart property at Sixth and Fir and plan to build a home for the Mail Tribune. MT8/14/1910p1 Porter J. Neff plans to erect a building two stories in height, 40x100, as a home for the Mail Tribune. Work on this started this morning, Johns & Turner having the contract. Next to this, J. E. Westerlund will erect an office building 40x100, and then Mr. Neff and Mr. Westerlund will erect on the corner a building 50x100, which will be fitted for bachelor apartments. When completed they will form one block. MT9/2/1910p1 Porter J. Neff and J. A. Westerlund have started work upon a business block 100x130, where the residence of J. E. Enyart stands on the corner of Sixth and Fir. This building is to be the new home of the Mail Tribune. MT9/4/1910pB1 The Mail Tribune has moved into its new quarters on Fir near Sixth, but is as yet operating under difficulties; a chaotic condition existed this morning. MT11/25/1910p1 W. T. York & Co. have removed to the Mail Tribune Block, ground floor, first door north of Mail Tribune office. MT5/1/1911p5 The Mail Tribune block has been completed and is a handsome two-story building of reinforced concrete with a white plaster finish. The building cost $25,000. MT7/2/1911pB1 The building has been outlined with electric globes--the first in Medford to be so illumined. Two hundred globes blaze with a white light, revealing the graceful outlines of the building. Above them is the glare of the big Mail Tribune sign. MT7/23/1911p2 The former University Club rooms on the floor above the Mail Tribune offices will be converted to apartments. MT11/10/1916p2 The Mail Tribune building is getting a new stucco coat on its front. MS12/2/1923p6 Medford Mail Tribune Building NRHP #57.0 111 North Fir Medford Mail Tribune Print Shop NRHP #61.0 33 North Fir Medford Memorial Mausoleum Photos: 1925 1948 Eastwood Cemetery The Medford Memorial Mausoleum, construction of which commenced May 20, now stands practically completed. Fifteen hundred cubic yards of sand and gravel were used in the concrete, and nearly 50 tons of Alaskan marble were used in the floor and 300 crypts. The building is 25 feet high and 102 feet long. The walls are 18 inches thick, while the roof is nine inches thick and covered with two tons of asphaltum. MT11/11/1925p8 With part of the foundation laid, construction of the addition is under way. Miles Stuart of Tru-Mix is contractor, Robert Keeney the architect. MT4/11/1948p9 Progress is being made on construction of the addition. MT12/5/1948p15 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart and Sons is the International Order of Odd Fellows Mausoleum. MT5/30/1976pC2 Medford Millwork Photo: 1948 1105 Court Street Medford Millwork, which was destroyed by the recent fire, is open at a temporary location at Bruce Bauer Lumber, 765 S. Riverside. MT7/18/1946p8 The new building is finished; it covers 25,000 sq. ft. MT3/19/1948p8 Medford Motors 225 South Riverside, northeast corner Tenth and Riverside Photos: 1965 1965 1965 2012 2012 Medford Motors will open bids March 4 on a 56x147-ft. Lincoln Mercury dealer building, according to architect Robert Keeney. The company recently razed the Rosewood Apartments and several residences on the site. MT2/27/1957p13 Razed August 2014. Medford National Bank Building Photos: 1909 circa 1910 circa 1920 1920s 1935 133 East Main, northwest corner Main and Central The demolition of the old brick building at the northwest corner of 7th and C streets was commenced Monday of this week. The building was purchased nearly a year ago by the Medford Bank with a view to ultimately building a permanent home for the bank upon the site. MM3/2/1906p5 The old building has been completely torn down. MM5/25/1906p5 The foundation is being laid. MM6/22/1906p4 Brick work for the first story is completed and walls for the second story are rising fast. MM8/17/1906p5 E. E. Angle and F. L. Litherland of Portland are contractors for the Medford National and Jackson County Bank buildings. MM10/12/1906p5 The bank will probably not be able to move in before December 1. TR10/24/1906p1 A new cement walk is being put down on two sides of the new Medford National Bank building. MM11/23/1906p5 Work has been commenced on the three-story brick addition to the building of the Medford National. The Pacific Banker, Portland, Oregon, August 6, 1910, page 7 $30,000 in alterations to the bank will be completed by July 1st. MT6/9/1922p18 The interior of the Medford National Bank, with its new coat of cream and grey paint, is a sight for the sore eyes of the tenants within. MT7/27/1927p2 Medford Opera House I 120 East Eighth aka Wilson Opera House, Davis Opera House, Hazelrigg Opera House Councilman J. R. Wilson has placed an order for lumber to be used in the construction of a building on its vacant lots, opposite his blacksmith shop, corner South C and Eighth streets. It will be 40x100 feet in size, one story high and will in all probability be used for assembly purposes. MM3/7/1902p7 J. R. Wilson is having rock hauled for the foundation to his new assembly hall, on Eighth Street. MM4/4/1902p7 The stone work for the foundation of J. R. Wilson new opera house is being pushed right along. The stage for this building will be 24x50 feet in size and the audience room 40x76 feet. There will be a gallery about 14x40 feet. EN4/19/1902p5 Work began today on J. R. Wilson's new opera house, in this city. The structure is of wood. The main auditorium is 40x80 feet, with a 40x12-foot gallery, and a 50x35-foot stage. OR5/9/1902p4 J. R. Wilson has stone masons at work on the foundation for his new opera house. The stage will be 24x50 feet in size and the audience room 40x76 feet. There will be a gallery about 14x40 feet in size. The main audience room will be seated with chairs. The posts will be 16½ in height, and the ceiling will be arched. MM4/18/1902p7 The main floor is 40x66 feet and will have chairs for 500 persons, and the galleries, which extend across the back end and halfway along each side of the room, will seat 200. The stage floor is 24x50 feet with the ceiling 17½ feet in the clear, allowing plenty of stage room for the actors and scenery. The space beneath the stage will be fitted up with dressing and toilet rooms with stairs to reach each of them at the end of the stage. The ceiling of the auditorium is arched, thus giving the room a graceful and airy appearance, and it is thought that it will add to the acoustic properties of the hall, which are expected to be perfect. MM6/13/1902p2 Wilson's Opera House is rapidly assuming a finished appearance and will soon be ready for the grand opening event. There will be eighteen lights for the ceiling and ten beneath the gallery. There will be twenty-four footlights and ample lights for the rear of the stage and for the dressing rooms, and there will also be two lights for the bandstand on the balcony. The lights for the auditorium will be so connected that they can be turned out from the switchboard on the stage, and the footlights can also be shaded down when required. MM7/4/1902p7 On the evening of July 31st J. R. Wilson's new opera house will be opened with a grand ball. MM7/18/1902p6 Medford Opera House II Photos: 1910 1912 Near southwest corner Eighth and Central aka Hazelrigg Opera House, McCallum Opera House Plans have been drawn for a commodious and well-appointed structure at the corner of 8th and C Street, embracing the quarter block, part of which is now occupied by the present opera house. The plans contemplate the giving up of almost the entire ground space occupied by the present house for stage and dressing rooms. MM11/29/1907p1 The Medford Opera House is being enlarged and otherwise improved at a cost of about $6000. OR11/2/1908p12 That a firebug started the blaze which destroyed the Medford theater Friday afternoon is the belief of Walter McCallum, manager of the house, and the authorities who have been making a quiet investigation of the affair. MT10/12/1912p1 Medford Photo Gallery 13 North Bartlett F. M. and C. A. Baker have fitted up the photograph gallery, on North B Street, and about the first of November they expect to be able to open. MM10/25/1895p8 The Medford Gallery, on North B Street, formerly occupied by Baker Bros., has been reopened with H. L. Miser at its helm. MM7/3/1896p8 The old photograph gallery being used by F. W. Wait as a marble shop will probably be removed to the west side of the track. MM2/23/1900p7 Medford Planing Mill Photo: 1928 Northeast corner Eleventh and Fir streets aka Medford Sash & Door Co. The company moved its plant last spring from next to the auto garage to its present site, where a new building was erected. TR12/26/1908p1 Medford Sash & Door is adding a 26x36-ft. warm room and glue room; an additional 36-ft.-square stockroom is also being built. MM1/22/1909p2 The company is very busy; it is indeed fortunate that they removed last year from small quarters into large and commodious ones. TR4/16/1909p4 The large, rambling frame building is being torn down by Lewis Russell and sons for the materials. MT9/14/1939p3 Medford Plate Glass 820 South Central The $150,000 masonry structure was designed by Robert J. Keeney and built by Batzer Construction. Transfer of operations is scheduled soon. MT6/16/1968pB1 Medford Police Station Northeast corner Ivy and Tenth streets Groundbreaking is scheduled April 27 for a 46,500-square-foot police headquarters facing Ivy Street near the corner of 10th Street. MT4/2/2015p3 The first floor will feature a lobby, community room, records area, interview area and locker rooms. The second floor will have processing and interview rooms, as well as offices. MT4/28/2015p3 Officials hope the $21 million budget will allow an improved parking garage design that will provide a better civic presence. Adroit Construction has started footings for the project. MT6/30/2015p3 The council agreed to continue construction on the new headquarters despite a $1.7 million cost overrun. MT9/4/2015p1 The council Thursday killed a $1 million police parking garage face intended to improve the look of a downtown block on Ivy Street. MT10/16/2015pB1 The new police station is almost complete; a grand opening is planned for the first week of October. MT7/30/2015p3 City officials cut the ribbon on the police headquarters yesterday. MT10/7/2016pB3 Medford Pre-Cooling and Storage Southwest corner Eleventh and Front aka Pinnacle Packing warehouse, Pinnacle Plant No. 4 Pinnacle Packing, Guy Conner proprietor, recently purchased the S.P. tract just south of the Archie Ash building. MT2/11/1925p2 The Medford pre-cooling and storage plant contract has been awarded to W. H. Merritt for the erection of a packing house, 160 by 70 feet, at Eleventh and Front Street, for the use of the American Fruit Growers. Chicago Packer 6/26/1926p17 The largest single project of 1935 was the remodeling of the building on Front Street between Eleventh and Twelfth streets into a modern cold storage unit of the Pinnacle Packing Company. MT1/3/1936p1 The 1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, page 20, shows this building as part of Pinnacle Packing Co. Flames roared into an enclosed conveyor chain between the Pinnacle plant on Fir St. and the Pinnacle Plant No. 4 at 11th and Front sts. MT12/10/1954p1 A decade after fire destroyed the derelict four-story 80-year-old Pinnacle Packing warehouse between Front Street and the tracks, Sherm's Thunderbird plans to construct a cold storage building. MT8/16/2012p10 Medford Public Market Photo: circa 1912 33 South Riverside aka Fluhrer Building, Humphrey Building Mayor Canon has instructed architect F. C. Clark to start work preparing plans for a building to be occupied by a public market. MT1/23/1912p6 The framework for the new public market was started Monday morning, the concrete foundation having been put in last week. MT4/23/1912p2 The opening of the public market will take place today. The building is 50x100 feet, concrete floor, well-lighted, cool and sanitary. Every booth is connected with city water; every stall is accessible from the exterior by a door. MS5/2/1912 The city council voted last night to lease the public market building for three years at $100 a month. The market has long been a thorn in the side of the council and a year or more ago, because of a lack of patronage, they decided to longer pay the salary of a marketmaster. Since then the market has been operated in a haphazard manner. MT5/6/1931p6 The public market, long since practically defunct, was voted out of existence as such by the city council last night. MT6/3/1931p5 A second-hand wood heating stove has been installed in the front of the building for the registrar of out-of-state vehicles. MT12//2/1931p2 Plans have been drawn by architect Frank C. Clark for remodeling the old public market building, owned by W. H. Fluhrer, Jr. MT5/29/1936p1 The interior of the Fluhrer Building was completely remodeled by Humphrey Motors; the car showroom is finished in knotty pine. MT10/15/1939p3 Frank Humphrey of Humphrey Motors acquired the building at 33 South Riverside from W. H. Fluhrer. MT10/8/1944p6 See P. T. Young/ Humphrey Motors Building. Medford Plaza Apartments 235 South Oakdale, northeast corner Tenth and Oakdale Construction of a big new Medford apartment house will begin by November 20. Ben J. Trowbridge, contractor M. O. Bessonette and Denton G. Burdick signed the incorporation papers of the Medford Plaza Apartments, Inc. Plans were drawn in 1949 by Portland architect Ormond R. Bean, Jr. MT10/24/1950p1 The Plaza company has taken out a $295,000 building permit. MT11/10/1950p1 Construction was begun last week on the seven-story, 48-unit $500,000 apartment building. MT12/12/1950p6 Target date for completion is December. MT3/25/1951p15 The Plaza Apartments are nearly completed, with only interior work yet to be done. The building is one of the tallest in the county. MT12/2/1951p12 The Medford Plaza Apartments is open for tenancy, J. M. Roper, manager of the building, said today. A number of units already are occupied. MT2/8/1952p9 Medford Plaza, now ready for you to move in. Radiant heat, automatic elevator, automatic laundry with dryers. Every unit a corner apartment. MT2/11/1952p13 Medford Roller Mills Photos: circa 1895 1910 1916 1918 Northeast corner Ninth and Front Built 1889 for Davis & France; burned the night of November 26, 1924. Medford Sanitarium See Cargill Court Apartments Medford School I Photos: 1888 1909 Southwest corner West Main and Oakdale, moved to 517 West Tenth John A. Ramsdell of Ashland has the contract for moving the old schoolhouse from the site to be occupied by the new structure in this city. DT7/17/1891p3
The old school building has been sold to Prof. Narregan. DT1/22/1892p2
In the summer of 1884 the Medford School was built. There were
rooms with a seating capacity of 80 pupils.
In 1886 this building was remodeled into a four-room building. It is
now, having been moved to West
Tenth, the residence owned and
occupied by A. A. Davis. MM4/16/1909p6A. A. Davis has sold his residence on Tenth Street to parties living in Alameda County, Cal. MT12/3/1913p2 Medford has awarded a plaque to the Moore and Amundsen law firm for their professional office building historical renovation project. MT1/8/1978pC2 Medford School II Southwest corner West Main and Oakdale The breaking of a scaffold at the new school house one day last week precipitated three painters and their paint pots to the ground. DT10/2/1891p2 The work on the new school house will be completed and the building ready for occupancy in about two weeks. DT10/2/1891p2 The fine new $10,000 schoolhouse was dedicated at 2 o'clock with appropriate exercises. MT12/5/1891p3 Medford Service Station Photo: 1920s Southwest corner Main and Riverside The Medford Service Station, in its fresh coat of maroon and white paint, and whitewashed stones along the paths, presents an attractive appearance. MT4/8/1921p2 Associated Oil will build a standard steel and glass station on the corner; the old concrete building will be moved to the south end of the lot. MT7/6/1922p7 Medford Tire Service, Inc., was started by C. C. Furnas, just prior to 1920, at the southwest corner of Main and Riverside, as Medford Service Station and remained there until approximately 1952. MT3/23/1989pB15 Medford Sheet & Iron Works 19 North Fir Contractors Priddy and O'Brien recently finished the home of the Medford sheet iron works on North Fir. MT12/18/1913p6 During the first ten days of this month there was only one fire alarm, from the Medford Sheet & Iron Works following the explosion of a gasoline tank. MT1/11/1915p2 Medford Shopping Center Photos: 1970 1970 1970 East Jackson aka Medford Center Grading on the site of a big new shopping center off East Jackson will resume this week. The center will include a big Sears store, a Safeway store, and several others. Total cost will be in the neighborhood of $1½ million. MT5/11/1958p1 A new Medford Shopping Center building will house several shops. MT6/3/1962pB1 The giant multicolored fountain at the Medford Shopping Center will be dedicated at 9:30 o'clock tonight. The fountain is programmed to change size, shape and color. The fountain is nearly 30 feet across. MT8/12/1965p1 Workers are taking the first steps toward demolishing the core of Medford's first centralized shopping mall. MT11/5/1996pB5 The Medford Center has opened a community meeting room across from Tinseltown. Howard Wong of Center Trust, which owns the Medford Center, says he is still working with several potential retail tenants. MT7/23/1999pB6 LBG Real Estate Companies has unveiled preliminary plans for a remodeled center, including an 8-foot-tall tower on the Sears corner and an improved courtyard area with a large canopy and outdoor seating. MT7/28/2015p1 A $10 million makeover, creating "The Village at Medford Center," is nearing takeoff. 30,000 square feet of retail space will be added. MT6/28/2016p3 Medford Skating Rink Southeast corner Tenth and Front The rink will have a skating surface 100x48 feet in size, and the floor will be of selected lumber and will be the best in Southern Oregon. L. M. Lyon, the well-known contractor, is in charge of the construction work. MM1/17/1908p1 The 1911 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps show the skating rink labeled "cheap lodgings." Medford State Bank 220 East Tenth, southeast corner Tenth and Central aka Umpqua Bank Medford State Bank will soon start construction on an 8,000-sq.-ft. headquarters building. Jack Mathis will be contractor; architect is Jack Edson. The bank will have three drive-up windows and a "relaxing area" with stone fireplace. The three native cedar trees on the site will be saved. MT2/6/1981pC7 Medford Sure-Fit Photo: 1966 437 South Central Medford Veterinary Hospital North Riverside The new $10,000 dog and cat hospital will be a neat structure of gray concrete. A room is provided for an attendant, who will stay night and day. MT10/13/1928p3 Medford Truck Station Photo: 1949 2390 North Pacific Highway A grand op Medford Vulcanizing Works See Fichtner's Garage Medical Center Building See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building Medical-Dental Building Photo: 1957 832 East Main The building, which was started last November, is now open. MT5/7/1954pB1 Medynski Building See Palmer-Medynski Building Meeker Apartments 216 East Main Meeker Building See Hoover-Cooper Building, Meeker-Strang Building Meeker-Strang Building NRHP #309.0 Photo: 1979 231 East Main aka Meeker Building, Walton Building Mr. Mensor of Jacksonville has purchased a lot in Medford and will soon commence the erection of a solid brick store. Medford Monitor 2/20/1885p4 A new brick building will soon be erected at Medford by Geo. S. Walton on the lot formerly owned by M. Mensor of this place [lot 17, block 13]. OS11/14/1885p3 Byers & Guerin, the well-known contractors, are engaged in the construction of 'Squire Walton's brick building at Medford. DT11/27/1885p3 Frank Galloway has sold his farm and other real estate and will engage in business in Walton's brick. DT11/4/1887p3 'Squire Walton has sold his brick store building to Mr. Griffin, a newcomer, who will go into business here in the near future. DT12/9/1887p2 Miss Russ' millinery store will soon be removed from Walton's brick, to make room for another hardware store [most likely D. A. Huling's]. DT12/6/1888p2 Horace Nicholson has purchased a complete stock of hardware and leased the building on Main Street formerly occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co. MM2/15/1901p7 Druggist Chas. Strang has purchased, from Hon. J. H. Stewart, lot No. 17, in block No. 13, original townsite of Medford. The consideration was $65.00. Upon this lot is situated the two-story brick store building, the first floor of which is occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co., and the second floor by Dr. Jones. The purchase, we understand, was made by Mr. Strang as an investment, and, incidentally, for his own use should he in the future need it. MM1/5/1906p5 Chas. Strang, who owns the building occupied by W. H. Meeker & Co., has built a 14x25-foot warehouse at the rear of this building. MM1/4/1907p5 Charles Strang is contemplating improvements to make his building conform to the front of the Hansen property. MT9/30/1935p3 John Nuich Jewelers held their opening Thursday. Corrugated acoustical tile has been used for the ceiling; Nuich says this is the first time it has been used in Southern Oregon. MT8/21/1960p12? Memory Gardens Photo: 1958 1395 Arnold Lane Merino Building Photo: circa 1957 30 North Front aka Emerick Building, Merrick Block Built 1907; razed 1961. The notorious Imperial Rooms were upstairs. The vacant space between the Office Saloon building and the Nash Stable will be occupied by a substantial structure. MM11/17/1905p1 Real estate agent W. T. York this week reports the sale of two lots on North Front Street to Vernon and M. J. Emerick. The lots are each 25x100 feet in size, and it is the intention of the purchasers to erect a brick building thereon. They are situated between the Nash Livery Stables and the Office saloon and were formerly owned by W. Jurst. The price paid was $1300. MM10/12/1906p5 Architect Palmer has plans and specifications drawn for the Emerick building on North D Street, near the Nash Livery Stable. The contract for the erection of the building has already been let to L. J. Reinhart, and will be built of brick. The building will be 50x90 feet in size, two stories high, and will cost $13,000. The first floor will be used for a restaurant and the second story will be conveniently arranged for a rooming house. MM12/21/1906p5 Mr. Reinhardt is pushing foundation work on the Merrick block. MM2/1/1907p4 Hotel Emerick is to be the name of a new hostelry in the Emerick Building on D Street. The south half of the lower floor will be used as a dining room, in which there will also be a lunch counter. There are twenty-one rooms upstairs, well lighted and ventilated, and the furnishings will be second to none. MM9/27/1907p5 Mrs. Scudder, from Eagle Point, last week purchased the rooming house over the Emerick Cafe from Harry Messler. MM12/11/1908p5 Mr. J. C. Emerick came to Medford five years ago and immediately commenced the erection of the Emerick Building on Front Street. MT11/20/1910p13 The building which formerly housed the Imperial Rooms was being razed today. MT6/20/1961p1 Workmen tore down one of Medford's old buildings along Front St. last week to make room for the U.S. National Bank parking lot. MT6/25/1961 Merrick Block See Natatorium, Merino Building Merriman Blacksmith Shop 20 South Riverside Merriman & Elliott have moved into their new 35x70 building on Riverside in the rear of their former establishment. TR10/15/1909p Quarters are being enlarged to take care of increased business. Metal stock will be placed in an annex at the rear of the shop, and the present location will be devoted to working space. Considerable equipment will be installed. MT2/9/1930p8 Merritt Apartments 246 South Riverside Methodist Church, South I Photos: 1906 circa 1915 Northwest corner Main and Oakdale The M.E. Church, South has purchased lots 5, 6 and 7, block 1, in Morey's addition to Medford, and will build there in the near future. DT3/24/1893p2 The M.E. Church, South, intends building a substantial place of worship at Medford and invites proposals for constructing the same. DT5/26/1893p3 L. M. Lyon has taken the contract to erect a building for the M.E. church, South, in Medford at $1200. It will be a most attractive structure. DT6/16/1893p3 The building of the M.E. Church, South, in this place is looming up. It will be a handsome structure. DT7/21/1893p3 Methodist Church, South II Northwest corner West Main and Oakdale Alfred Ivey has been awarded a contract for the basement of the new Methodist Episcopal church, to be erected this summer at a cost of $30,000. MT4/12/1911p5 Methodist Church, South III Photo: 1920s Northwest corner West Main and Oakdale The South Methodists are building a new church on their property at Oakdale and Main streets. MT9/23/1920p8 The cornerstone will be laid tomorrow. MT11/13/1920p8 The original frame structure was remodeled, enlarged and faced with brick in 1920. MT11/13/1960p6 That partially built new Methodist church is going to be a jim dandy. MS12/2/1923p6 Four congregations will participate in the opening of the auditorium of the M.E. Church South tonight. The church has been painted and the auditorium redecorated. MT9/5/1937p5 The chapel is to be razed in the near future. MT10/26/1941p6 Dismantling of the old stone structure has started to make way for a $20,000 market for Safeway Stores, Inc. MN1/20/1942p1 Mid-Baptist Church Photos: 1920s 1923 Southeast corner East Fifth and Central See First Baptist Church The plans are in hand and fundraising is being pushed. MT10/5/1922p2 Money has been raised and the contract let to build a $40,000 Baptist church, on the site of the present church which is to be removed. CL4/6/1923p1 The cornerstone was laid yesterday at 11 a.m. MT7/2/1923p5 The finishing touches are being pushed to have everything in readiness for the dedication a week from tomorrow. Mr. Palmer, the photographer, took a picture of the structure the other day. Installation of the organ began last week. MS10/28/1923p2 The new First Baptist church was dedicated Sunday. MT11/5/1923p6 The week of dedication services of the First Baptist church closes today with Young People's Night. MT11/9/1923p3 That new Baptist church is a beauty. MS12/2/1923p6 The First Baptist church, corner of Central and Fifth Street, has applied for permission to make an addition to their edifice at a cost of $4,000. MT9/30/1948p13 The First Baptist church has been purchased for use as a Park and Shop; plans are to have the building razed and the property paved within 60 days. MT2/2/1962p1 The church building will be razed starting June 1. MT5/18/1962p9 Middleford Parking Structure Photo: 1997 Note that this building is named for a myth. Northwest corner Sixth and Riverside Work has begun on a three-level, 390-space parking structure. Excavation will start next week; the structure is scheduled for completion June 7, 1998. The urban renewal agency has contracted for the $4.7 million project, which will be built over the existing street-level parking lot along Sixth Street. MT7/24/1997 Ninety-five percent of the first floor is done. Work on the second deck is under way and crews begin building columns for the third level next week. MT11/20/1997pC1 The garage is being built by Takenaka USA under a contract with the Medford Urban Renewal Agency. The structure may be finished as soon as June 24. Sixth Street may be reopened sometime in April. The three-level $4.7-million structure will provide 375 to 385 spaces, depending on how they're arranged. MT3/31/1998p2 Miksche & Schmidt Building See Palm-Slewing Building Miksche Building See Monarch Warehouse Miles Building See Hamlin Block Miles Field South Pacific Highway Work is scheduled to start soon on a $14,000 concrete block dressing rooms building at the American Legion ball park at the fairgrounds. MT7/31/1963p11 D. H. Miller Building Main Street, moved to Eighth and Front A mass meeting was held Monday in the old D. H. Miller building on Front St. for the purpose of organizing a tariff reform club. MM1/7/1892p3 Mr. Miller occupied the first business house that was built in the city. The date was way back in '83, and the building is now standing on the corner of Eighth and D streets and is occupied by the Palm-Whitman cigar factory. MM10/31/1902p7 D. H. Miller House North Grape Street Dave Miller was the original owner of the house now being razed. MT3/16/1934p1 John S. Miller House 1645 East McAndrews Road C. W. Ashpole has completed removations to the porch, kitchen, shutters, windows, doors and oak floors. Some of the 1852 building still remains as part of the modern structure. It was built by John S. Miller on his donation land claim, then partly torn down by Thomas McAndrew. The sills are solid oak and the flooring an inch thick. The 1852 shingles are still in service. MT8/21/1933p3 The house has won an award in a national remodeling contest. Prior to remodeling all the rooms were small and square in shape. MT4/8/1934p10 Million Air Medford Hangar Medford Airport The $5 million, 35,000-sq.-ft. hangar will be the largest hangar in Southern Oregon, able to host two 737s side by side. MT4/15/2018pB1 Mission Building See Kentner Building Mitchell Bros. Building Northwest corner East Main and Riverside H. H. Mitchell and F. M. Denton have built a 24x30-foot frame blacksmith shop, adjoining the old Elliott shop, corner South A and Seventh. MM5/25/1900p7 Mitchell Bros. have contracted with Childers Bros. for the erection of a 25x84 blacksmith shop on the lot where their shop now stands. MM9/13/1901p6 Wallace Woods has purchased the Mitchell & Boeck blacksmith shop and ground upon which it stands. The price paid was $2300. The lot is 25x140 feet in size, and just as soon as the lease of the present occupants expires, which will not be for nearly a year, Mr. Woods will erect a two-story brick building thereon. MT1/26/1906p5 Mitchell-Boyle House 28 Geneva An early-morning fire destroyed the Mitchell-Boyle house, built in 1912, Sunday. MT11/10/1997p1 Mobil Service Station Photo: 1940 Fourth and Riverside Mobil Service Station Northeast corner West Main and Ivy
council last night granted a permit to I. E. Schuler and Ted Fish to
build a concrete service station at Main and Ivy on a part of the
Fountain Lodge property, with a 35-foot front on Main and 140 feet on
Ivy. MT4/22/1925p7
Grand opening was held April 18 in the firm's new location. MT4/22/1964p8The "Fountain Inn," at the corner of Main and Ivy streets is being wrecked to make way for a service station. The giant oak and magnolia trees in the yard, all more than 35 years old, will not be destroyed. MT11/3/1933p1 Construction expected soon of a colonial architecture General Petroleum station at Main and Ivy. MT3/1/1934p8 A circa 1940 photo of Hotel Medford shows the station labeled "Pruitt's Service." Modern Furniture 1222 South Riverside Photo: 1958 K. C. Kerr will make an addition to a store building at 1222 S. Riverside at a cost of $2,500. MT3/28/1949p2 Fire gutted the Modern Furniture Company building this morning. Owner was Kenneth Kerr, who built the first section about 25 years ago. He built the two-story part and finished the exterior about three years ago. MT3/28/1968p1 Modern Plumbing Building 317 East Jackson Photo: 1966 Modern Tile Building Photos: 1962 1963 730 South Grape Built 1962. Modern Upholstered Furniture Building Photos: 1950 1953 1222 South Riverside Modoc Orchard Company Photo: 1970 3050 South Pacific Highway Mohr Rental Building NRHP #351.0 410 East Main This single-story building with full basement has three walls of poured concrete. The eastern elevation is brick, a remaining wall from the Page Theater, destroyed by a spectacular fire in 1923. In 1924 C. A. and Cora Knight, the developers of the area, sold the western portion of the Page site to Emil Mohr, who completed this building in 1926. Early occupants of the building were the Pioneer Paint Co., the Snedicor Shop (an interior decorating firm) and The Delicatessen Cafe. In 1935 the property was purchased by H. C. Williamson and J. F. Erickson, owners of the Modern Plumbing and Sheet Metal Co., previously located at 404 East Main. By 1948 Grabow's Jewelry was located here. In the 1960s the building site was re-consolidated with the rest of the Page Theater site under the ownership of Matt Frey, who operated Rare Earth, using the old theater basement for parking. In 1985 the property was purchased by John Nelson and was substantially renovated and incorporated into an element of the Main Street Market. Since then, occupants have been Cycle Analysis, a coffee shop, Sambuca Martini Bar, Sloe, and currently Shenanigan's on Main. A building permit was granted today to E. L. and Elmer Childers for a 40x87-foot concrete business structure adjoining the Modern Plumbing building (the Jerome-Vawter building). MT11/12/1925p6 Modern Plumbing & Sheet Metal has purchased the Emil Mohr building at 410 East Main, during the past few years occupied by the Cadwell Cafe. MT10/29/1935p10 Monarch Seed & Feed See Leever Motor Company Monarch Warehouse Photos: 1927 1928 Southeast corner Tenth and Fir aka Miksche Building At a cost of $8,000, Leo J. Miksche, proprietor of the Monarch Seed & Feed Company, is building a new warehouse. JCN7/2/1926p1 The building being erected at Fir and Tenth will soon be completed. MT1/30/1927p6 A free dance will be held in the new warehouse upon completion. MT2/3/1927p2 The Metropole Orchestra will play at the opening next week. MT2/16/1927p5 Tomorrow the new warehouse built by Leo J. Miksche will be opened with a total floor space of 17,000 square feet, which warehouse will be occupied partially by the Monarch Seed & Feed Co., of which Mr. Miksche is proprietor. Modern mixing and milling machinery will be installed; the poultry feed mixing plant will be of the most modern style. MT2/22/1927p5 With a crowd of 1200 people, the Monarch free dance was a huge success and gala affair. Tribute was paid to architect and builder Earl Fehl. MT2/24/1927p5 During the past year, the Monarch Seed and Feed Company constructed a new warehouse of reinforced concrete on South Fir Street. In it, the company operates considerable mill machinery for the manufacture of feeds, etc., and in addition has a great amount of storage floor space. It is one of the largest warehouses in the city. MT9/14/1927pC3 Rebuilding after the June 25 fire will be rushed as fast as possible. The old walls will be used, and all the debris has been cleaned out. MN8/16/1946p1 Montgomery Ward Building See Leverette Building Montgomery Ward Warehouse 835 South Riverside aka Wards Warehouse The 100x200-foot concrete warehouse is to be completed soon. MT8/.15/1948p7 Moore Annex-Pottenger Building NRHP #69.0 Photos: 1907 1930 123-125 West Main aka Amy & Pottenger Building, Moore Building, Pottenger & Cox Building, Castle Hall At right in the top photo. Built in 1906 in conjunction with the Hotel Moore (q.v.) immediately to the east; the annex was connected to the hotel by a bridge over the alley. On the ground floor were "two store rooms 25x100, with sleeping rooms in the second story." MM3/23/1906p1 T. H. Moore plans to build a three-story hotel on the corner where, in days agone, stood the old wooden structure, the "Clarenden" hotel. MT8/4/1905p1 Across the alley Mr. Moore has erected another brick of two stories,with a front of 50 feet, the whole floor devoted to two store rooms, and the upper to be used as an annex to the hotel, with which it will be connected by a covered passage between the second stories. TR6/29/1906p1 T. H. Moore has sold the Moore Hotel annex to T. E. Pottenger and F. M. Amy for a consideration of $24,000. MT1/12/1910p1 Carpenters are busy tearing out the partitions in the Amy & Pottenger building that will be occupied by Seventh Company as headquarters and drill rooms this winter. MT8/23/1915p2 The entire upper floor of the building has been leased for a Medford armory. The quarters consist of eight large rooms; the drill hall will seat about 500 people comfortably. MT8/16/1915p2, MT9/29/1915p3 Swenson and Peebler, furniture merchants of Ashland, secured a long-term lease of the Pottenger and Cox building, formerly occupied by the Walker Auto Co. The building will be completely remodeled, with a new front and a balcony within. MT7/18/1927p1 Moore Building See Moore Annex, Hotel Moore Moore Hotel See Hotel Moore Moore Mercantile Buildings Photo: 1901 West Main between Fir and Grape See also Hotel Moore Buildings The October 1901 photo shows Moore's frame buildings in the foreground, just beyond the small brick building. T. H. Moore is having lumber hauled on the ground to erect a 16x40-foot frame building, with corrugated covering, the same to be used for mercantile purposes. MM7/13/1900p7 T. H. Moore has his store building on the west side completed and ready for occupancy, and within the next couple or three weeks he expects to open for business with a stock of groceries, provisions and mill feed. MM8/3/1900p7 N. B. Bradbury's planing mill is putting in counters and shelving for T. H. Moore's new store. MM8/10/1900p7 T. H. Moore commenced the erection of a new frame building on his lots on the west side, formerly the site of the old Clarenden Hotel. It will be twenty by thirty-two feet in size. MM3/22/1901p6 T. H. Moore has his West Side store building nearly completed. MM4/5/1901p6 T. H. Moore had a partition removed, double doors put in, also a glass front. MM8/2/1901p7 Mr. Orr has rented Mr. Moore's store building, which is across the track, where once stood the Clarendon Hotel. MM9/27/1901p7 Weeks & Baker are fitting up one of the Moore buildings on West Seventh Street for undertaking parlors. MM2/10/1905p5 The Medford Brick Company has commenced laying brick on a building for T. H. Moore. This building is being put up at the rear of Hussey's cash store, is to be two stories high and 30x50 feet in size. The first story will be used for commercial travelers' sample rooms, and the second story for a storage room. MM3/12/1909p8 On Grape Street, near Main, a novelty in the way of house moving is being carried on. The brick residence which was formerly used as a sample room by the Moore Hotel is being dismantled to the extent of having the brick walls and foundation removed, and the roof propped up. A frame wall will take the place of the brick one, and the building will be removed to a lot three blocks south. This is to make room for a two-story brick building to be erected on the corner by the Garnett-Corey Hardware Company. MM5/14/1909p1 Moore Steel Building Photo: 1949 741 South Grape Bessonette Construction just completed the $20,000 warehouse. MT4/6/1950p8 Moose Hall Various locations: Elaborate ceremonies, a live program and a rollicking good dance were features of the dedication of the new Moose Hall, in the Miksche and Smith [Palm-Slewing] Building, last night. MS9/8/1911p1 Attention to all citizens of good, loyal and moral character in Medford and surrounding towns, this will be the last call to join the selected Moose herd, the charter closing Tuesday evening, September 19, 1911, at the charter fee of five dollars at 217½ West Main Street, Slewing Building. After that date fees will be $25. MT9/15/1911p2 Attention Moose: House warming in new home, old Masonic lodge rooms, over Toggery Bill's, Tuesday, February 23, 1915. MT2/22/1915p2 219 West Main (1914 directory) North Front (1916 directory)--Young & Hall Building (q.v.) Morse Motors Photos: 1958 1966 1970 730 Biddle Road Ground was broken June 15 for the $175,000 building for Morse Motors. Architects are Campbell, Miller, Michael of Portland. There will be 16,128 sq. ft. of ground floor area and some 4,600 sq. ft. of mezzanine. MT6/24/1966pB7 Feb. 24 and 25 Morse Motors will hold open house at the attractive new 20,950-sq.-ft. building the firm has just completed. MT2/17/1967p7 Morton Milling Company/Mutual Mill & Seed Company 10 West Jackson Work has commenced on the Morton Flour and Grist Mill, which will be built on the corner of Jackson and Front on the Southern Pacific track. MS5/10/1925pC2 The Mutual Mill Co. constructed a three-story mill here last year. MT1/1/1928pD6 Firemen were called today to combat a small fire on the roof. MT6/29/1945p1 $25,000 construction to the Morton feed mill is under way. MT6/28/1959p14 A $400,000 fire Friday leveled Morton Milling Co.'s plant. The three-story building was built as a flour mill in Central Point in the 1890s. Oliver Morton transferred it here as part of his plant in the mid-1920s. MT8/30/1959p1 Morton Milling Company 500 Rossanley (formerly 500 Ross Lane), northwest corner Sage Road and Highway 238 Sage Landscape Supply is located in a former agriculture seed facility at Sage and Hwy. 238. MT3/26/2015pB8 Motor Haven Motel 1225 North Riverside Clarence B. Partch will soon begin construction of a $24,000 11-unit U-shaped motel. MT1/15/1946p1 Motor Inn Garage 203-209 South Riverside The building for the Motor Inn Garage is progressing rapidly. MT6/11/1926pB3 Mudd Cold Storage McAndrews and Central--possibly not built Harvey S. Mudd received a $97,000 permit to build a cold storage building at McAndrews Road and North Central Avenue. MT12/7/1947p9 Music Center Building See Hoover-Cooper Building Nash Ford Tractor & Implement Co. Photo: 1963 3005 Crater Lake Highway, southwest corner Crater Lake Highway and Delta Waters Road Nash Hotel Building Photos: 1890 1902 1907 circa 1907 1978 Southeast corner East Main and Front See Robinson's Department Store aka Byers' Hall, Grand Central Hotel, Medford Hotel, Allen Hotel, Allen Building Shopping and Service Center, Robinson Hotel The first floor was originally built early 1884, Medford's first year, by John Byers and James Guerin. In June 1884 it became the Gem Saloon. The upstairs soon became the Riddle House hotel (1886), subsequently renamed Grand Central Hotel (1888), Medford Hotel (1893), Nash Hotel (1895), Allen Hotel (circa 1930), Robinson Hotel (1956). Burned 1978, Robinson's department store was built on the site, which was subsequently remodeled into today's Prestige Plaza. Work on the foundations of the two brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at Medford is now in progress. Messrs. Byers and Steadman are doing the work. AT2/29/1884p3 Mr. Byers has begun laying brick for the second brick building of Byers & Jacobs at Medford. It will be two stories high. AT3/21/1884p3 The contract for the new Medford hotel was let to Childers & Son for $4369, this being the lowest bid. The hotel is to be built on Front Street on Naylor & Hamlin's lots, and is to be 100 feet in depth and two stories high. The object is to begin work at once. AT7/3/1885p3 Byers & Co. intend to put another story on their brick building at Medford, which will probably be used as a hotel. DT8/14/1885p3 Wm. Ulrich of Medford informs us that work on the second story of Byers & Co.'s brick building is progressing rapidly. DT9/18/1885p3 The brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at Medford are now being plastered and will soon be ready for occupancy. DT11/27/1885p3 Residents found a good-sized blaze in progress on D or Front Street, alongside the Grand Central Hotel. AT3/5/1894 Mr. Nash's purchase includes the building known as Hotel Medford, the barber shop occupied by W. L. Townsend, the Lumsden & Berlin grocery store, also the twenty-five-foot lot adjoining the hotel on the south, making in all seventy-five feet fronting on Front Street, and one hundred on Main Street. The improvements promised for the spring will make a solid brick building 75x100 feet in size and three stories high. MM12/14/1894p4 What is now Hotel Medford will be known as Hotel Nash when the process of reconstruction will have been completed. The new name is given the house in honor of its present owner Capt. J. T. C. Nash, and a fitting tribute to the gentleman it is. MM1/11/1895p4 The foundations are being laid this week for the Hotel Nash annex. The Nash annex will be 25x100 feet in size and one story high. MM5/25/1900p7 Captain Nash is building a store room, 25x100 feet. OR6/8/1900p3 The list of construction projects this year includes the additional story to Hotel Nash. MM10/12/1906p1 Two large plate glass windows have been put in on the north side of the lobby at Hotel Nash, adding greatly to the light for the large room and also to the beauty of the building. MM4/5/1907p5 Among those planning new fronts are Van Dyke's, who are already tearing out the old windows, the Medford Hardware Company, Hutchison & Lumsden, The Toggery, the Oregon Orchards Syndicate, which is remodeling the old butcher shop in the Nash, and a score of others. TR4/1/1909p1 The appearance of the Nash Hotel has been improved a hundred percent by its new coat of white. A red brick face in an business block is obsolete. MT4/23/1915p4 The exterior painting of the Nash Hotel has been completed. MT5/5/1915p2 The Swenson brothers have opened "Leonard's," a short order place, at South Front and East Main in the Nash Hotel building. MT11/3/1930p4 A beautiful marquee, illuminated with neon, is being constructed, and will be supplemented in the front by an awning. MT9/2/1935p6 An important 1937 construction project was the extensive modernization of the Hotel Allen at Main and Front streets. MT1/2/1938p6 Fred E. Robinson has obtained a $15,000 building permit for alterations to a store building at 102 to 110 East Main. MT8/8/1951p7 A spectacular fire destroyed Robinson's clothing store, a landmark Medford business, yesterday. MT5/18/1978p1 Contractors have completed remodeling the corner of Main and Front into what is now known as the Allen Building Shopping and Service Center. MT4/1/1952p15 Nash Livery & Feed Stable/VFW Lodge NRHP #29.0 Photos: circa 1900 circa 1950 1979 40 North Front aka Kinsman Building, Oriental Livery Stable, Helms Building The Nash Livery Stable was built in 1896. The Nash moved their livery business in November 1912, shortly before the building underwent major reconstruction. In 1946 the VFW bought the building and remodeled it again for use as their lodge rooms. The top photo at right is of the original stable on the North Front site; center is circa 1955, bottom is June 1979. The latest brick block is a two-story structure under construction by Crane & Childers. On Monday work began on the foundation. The building will be 50x60 feet in size, the walls to be twelve inches in thickness. When completed they will have a building 60x100 feet. MM1/31/1896p5 Just as soon as the roads get a little dryer brick hauling for the new Crane & Childers livery stable will commence. MM2/14/1896p5 Crane & Childers, two-story brick livery stable, 50 feet front and 60 feet deep. Built by S. Childers for $1500. Since purchased by I. A. Mounce. VR10/29/1896p1 The brick stables are closed and used for storage, all business being done at the Union barns. MM10/4/1901p7 The Union Livery Stables have a crew at work putting new flooring in the Nash Livery Stable. On the 15th they will open this barn and run it in connection with their other stables. MM4/4/1902p6 Mrs. M. B. Kinsman has purchased the brick building formerly occupied as the Nash Livery Stable from S. R. Lane. The consideration was $6000. MT11/23/1912p2 Work of razing the Nash Livery Stables is under way. A new building is to be erected on the site. [The building was remodeled, but apparently not razed to the ground.] MT12/31/1912p2 A. W. Walker has moved the Nash Livery Stable into its new quarters on Fir Street. Thirty-five head of horses are now in use. MT11/14/1912p5 Give us a trial and be convinced. New U.S. Cafe, 40 N. Front, Kinsman Building. MT3/7/1914p2 Application made to reroof the Helms Building, 40 North Front. MT4/11/1939p7 The building, formerly occupied by the Eagles, has been purchased by the VFW. The lower floor will be remodeled and equipped as a locker and club room; the upper floor will be made into meeting rooms. MN12/28/1945p1 As workmen tore down the wall of one of Medford's old buildings along Front St. last week to make room for the U.S. National Bank parking lot, a sign reading "Nash Livery Stable" was revealed. MT6/25/1961 Nash-Packard Garage 126 South Riverside A new electric sign was added to the Nash-Packard garage yesterday. The Davis building [132 S. Riverside], which was recently completed and which adjoins the Nash-Packard building, is to occupied this week by the Chrysler garage. MT6/5/1927p3 Natatorium Photos: 1911 1911 1910-12 1912 circa 1912 1913 circa 1924 1956 120 North Riverside, North Riverside at the foot of Sixth Street Today the site of the Red Lion. Built 1910; razed 1956. Four scraper teams of four horses each have started work on the excavation for the Medford natatorium. MT3/6/1910p14 The Merrick building, now being torn down, is one of Medford's most historic structures. MT3/28/1956p1 The Natatorium virtually vanished last week, as wreckers neared completion of the demolition job. MT6/10/1956 Navigators Landing buildings O'Hare Parkway Construction begins this month for the first of two two-story buildings to house Pacific West Architecture. Two other projects are in the works at Navigators Landing, including a 11,758-square-foot office for South Valley Bank & Trust and Valley Family Practice. R. A. Murphy Construction expects to begin construction on a 10,372-square-foot office for Valley Family Practice MT4/11/2009p5 Neff & Frohnmayer/Cooley Building See Kentner Building Neff & Westerlund Apartments See Hotel Holland Neff Building See Hotel Holland, Groceteria No. 1, Cooley-Neff Building Neff-Cooley Building See Cooley-Neff Building Nendels Inn See Holiday Inn Newberry's Building Photo: 1970 Medford Shopping Center Nichols and Ashpole Building See Angle Opera House Nichols Laundry Building 235 North Bartlett, southwest corner Fourth and Bartlett Plans for a laundry to be built by James W. Young for W. H. Nichols have been drawn up. The concrete building will be completed in three months. MT11/29/1929p1 The $12,000 concrete laundry building received its finishing touches today with a cream-colored stucco exterior and trimmings of green. MT2/25/1930p6 Implement dealers Roy E. Kennedy and Sons will open within the next week in the new concrete building at Fourth and Bartlett. MT6/10/1930p6 Niedermeyer Building Photos: 1917 1945 1952 1965 40 South Fir; northwest corner Eighth and Fir L. Niedermeyer has purchased three lots on South Fir and will begin work immediately upon the erection of a modern livery stable. The building will be brick and stone and will be modern in every particular. MT5/21/1912p1 The Medford Brick Company has been awarded the contract for the erection of the new brick livery stable at the corner of Fir and Eighth streets which is to be occupied by A. W. Walker. The building will be two stories in height and will be 75 by 100 feet in size. It is being erected by Lewis Niedermeyer. MT6/27/1912p2 The new brick livery barn at Fir and Eighth streets is soon to be started. The city council granted the necessary permit Tuesday. MT7/3/1912p5 A restraining order has been issued stopping erection of the Niedermeyer building, as the building is so close to the Rogue River Valley Railway. MT7/22/1912p1 The corner was angled to allow clearance for the cars of the Rogue River Valley Railway, tracks of which turned at that place from the middle of Eighth Street to parallel the Southern Pacific tracks. MT7/22/1912p1 The two-story brick building L. Niedermeyer is having constructed will be ready for occupancy in a short time. It will be rented for a livery stable by A. W. Walker. MT9/30/1912p2 Among structures now under way is the new brick livery stable on South Fir. MT10/29/1912p1 A. W. Walker has moved the Nash Livery Stable into its new quarters on Fir Street. Thirty-five head of horses are now in use. MT11/14/1912p5 The building which A. W. Walker now occupies is 75x100 feet in size and two stories. The first floor is used for general garage purposes while the second floor, which is reached by a large freight elevator, is used for a repair shop and automobile storage. MT7/22/1916p2 Mr. Walker is agent for the Chalmers, Saxon and Grant automobiles. MS7/23/1916p4 The E. R. Machinery Co. has just opened at 38-42 South Fir. MT4/18/1930p6 The City Transfer Co., 38-40 S. Fir, has been sold to Larry Espey. MT1/3/1947p1 "99" Motel Photos: circa 1940 1957 816-826 North Riverside Charley Batter has been issued a permit to erect nine motel cabins for $16,000 at 816 North Riverside Ave., Medford. MT1/16/1957p11 Nite Lite Motel 2323 South Pacific Highway Photo: circa 1957 There are 10 units in the new motel, which is built of pumice bricks and knotty pine. Work is to start immediately on a restaurant. MN1/16/1948p1 Noland & Ulrich Saloon See Turf Exchange Saloon Nordwick Building See Hamlin-Rostel Block North Medford High School Photos: 1966 1966 1967 1969 1969 1970 1970 1900 North Keeneway Drive The school board accepted the low bid of $3,349,945 and scheduled groundbreaking ceremonies for Feb. 19 at the site off Brookhurst Ave. MT2/18/1966p1 The school will be built with 1,300,000 feet of Oregon Douglas fir and incense cedar, as well as one quarter million feet of locally produced plywood. MT2/20/1966p3 A permit was issued today to School District 549C construct a high school at 1900 N. Keeneway Drive, at an estimated cost of $3,289,960. MT4/1/1966p1 Construction of the new Medford Senior High School is progressing on schedule. Completion is expected in the fall of 1967. MT6/26/1966p7 North Riverside Motors 1405 North Riverside Orie L. Boyer has received a $2,000 building permit to construct a used car lot office at 1405 North Riverside Avenue. MT1/11/1952p9 Construction of a new used car lot at North Riverside and Madrona was announced today. An old building on the site is being razed. MT2/8/1952p13 North School See Lincoln School North's Chuck Wagon Photo: 1970 1016 North Riverside Plans have been announced to build a 34-unit, $123,000 motel. OR9/13/1964p42 Northgate Marketplace Rossanley Drive at Court Excavation has begun for Phase II, which includes a 90,000-sq.-ft. anchor building, two 25,000-sq.-ft. and one 6,000-sq.-ft. building with one continuous facade. There are also five other spaces away from the main edifice. MT10/20/2015p3 Dick's Sporting Goods and other shops plan to open later this year. MT6/12/2016p1 Northgate Office Park North Pacific Highway For three months crews have been preparing the 9-acre site where the Hungry Woodsman once stood. Starbucks and Stanton Optical will share a 5,000-sq.-ft. building, while DaVita Dialysis will occupy a 9,000-sq.-ft. building. MT12/19/2017pB6 Northwest Orthopedic and Surgical Supply 2747 North Pacific Highway Richard Seibinger has remodeled a former Camp White building for his establishment and is remodeling another. MT12/19/1948p8 Nu-Way Cleaners Building 601 East Main, northeast corner East Main and Hawthorne Photo: circa 1954 Sale of their home to H. D. Christensen, who plans to move it to make way for his Nu-Way Dry Cleaning establishment, was announced today by Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Gaddis. MT1/31/1946 Nu-Way Cleaners has been granted permission by the Civil Production Administration to construct a dry cleaning plant. The building will be 50 by 115 feet and will include a storage vault for furs and woolens. MT3/5/1947 Nu-Way Cleaners' new structure at 605 East Main Street was the biggest building permit in March with an $18,000 valuation. MT1/7/1948p3 Nurmi Building See Hamlin-Rostel Block Nye & Naumes Packing Plant South Fir Stephen Nye, Jr. and Joe Naumes, Jr., on property just north of the Medford Ice Arena are building the first ground-level fruit-packing plant in the Northwest. Interior obstructions of the 220-by-67-foot frame and concrete structure will be eliminated by the use of bowstring trusses to support the roof. MT6/9/1946p14 The foundation for a cold storage plant is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Nye Apartments 1005 West Main O&CRR Depot I Photos: 1888 circa 1895 1900 Middle of Main Street Built in 1884 for the Oregon & California Railroad; in 1887 the Southern Pacific assumed control. Rails are here for the temporary track to the old depot for the purpose of removing that structure. MM5/25/1900p7 The old depot was placed on three flatcars Sunday and Monday, and yesterday it was taken to Talent, where it will resume its work as a station house. MM6/15/1900p7 O'Keefe Foam Products 1252 West McAndrews O.K. Market Photo: circa 1948 circa 1950 1202 North Riverside We invite the people of Medford to visit our new, ultramodern OK Market, a short drive from downtown. Grand opening Saturday. MT5/21/1948p5 O.K. Rubber Welders Photo: 1956 1760 North Riverside Harold Kreger will open O.K. Rubber Welders Monday at the "Y" in the former Denny's grocery building. MT11/5/1944p14 Darby O'Toole House 222 North Central The house is being razed by the Medford Fire Department. MT2/17/1943p8 Oak Grove School Photo: 1927 2838 West Main This fine building is an attractive structure finished in stucco, one story and full high basement, in which are an assembly hall and a kitchen. Improvements were recently completed involving an expenditure of $14,000. MT7/9/1927p3 Construction of a 108x50-foot, $50,000, four-room pumice block addition is under way. MT11/14/1948p11 The bond issue, if approved [it was], would provide $31,750 to construct an addition to the present school building and acquire additional land. MT3/14/1954p5 Oakdale Market Photo: 1967 401 South Oakdale The Oakdale Grocery building caught on fire this morning; the front part of the house and the rear of the store were completely gutted. MT7/24/1914p4 Ed J. Link has secured a building permit to construct a $2,000 addition to the Oakdale Market, 401 South Oakdale Avenue. MT11/30/1949p2 The Oakdale Market is being razed to provide parking for the new market recently constructed directly to the south. MT2/22/1959p3 Oakdale Model Home 611 South Oakdale The Oakdale model home was completed this week by contractors Patrick & Fry and will be sold by Walter Leverette. MT5/20/1928pB4 Odd Fellows Building Photos: 1911 1965 217-223 West Sixth The I.O.O.F. held the first meeting in the new building last night. The building, when finished, will be one of the most substantial in the city. MT2-28-1911p4 Dedicated April 26, 1911. MT4/25/1911p1 Weeks & McGowan has leased the ground floor of the Odd Fellows block and have fitted up the two rooms for a chapel and undertaking rooms. MT8/4/1911p4 Office Building NRHP #153.0 142 North Ivy Office Building [Big Pines Site] NRHP #183.0 24 West Sixth The Office Saloon Building North Front The site of this one-story brick building is now occupied by the entrance ramp to U.S. Bank's underground parking. For several years in the early 1900s the building was occupied by John Harrington's The Office saloon. The building's south wall still survives, and cigar advertising painted on its exterior is visible inside the adjacent Young & Hall building, which enclosed it six years later. Mrs. Frances Snyder and a small army of carpenters swooped down on the busy saloon this afternoon and began dismantling it. MT2/1/1911p1 Three buildings on North Front, which formerly housed a pool hall, a Chinese restaurant, the Owl Club and the Imperial Rooms, are being razed. MT6/20/1961p1 Offutt's Machine Shop 404 East Fourth, southeast corner Fourth and Apple Offutt's Machine Shop is operating now in the building which was recently erected just off North Riverside Avenue at Fourth Street. MT1/2/1927pE1 William Offutt has sold his business to R. R. Duncan. MT8/16/1931p4 Older Tire Service Northeast corner Jackson and Riverside The $72,000 plant being built for Older Tire by the Firestone company will be completed by August 15. MT6/30/1929p6 Oliver Tabernacle Temporary--"back of the Hotel Holland" The roof of Dr. Oliver's tabernacle last night did not protect the congregation from the rain. MT5/26/1910p8 Medford Concrete Construction Co. will reroof and make other changes to the building for its plant until a permanent place can be found. MT9/18/1910p5 Medford Concrete is razing the old Oliver tabernacle building and will move it to North Riverside. MT1/10/1911p5 C. J. Semon bought and moved the building in 1911; is still in use. MT1/18/1931p3 Olympic Petroleum Photo: 1950 1050 South Riverside, northwest corner Riverside and Barnett A. Z. Dean has applied for a permit to erect an addition to his business building at 130 West Sixth Street, at a cost of $700. MT1/7/1947p3 Free Viso Mirror during opening of A. Z. Dean's Olympic station. MT2/13/1948p4 A temporary business building will be erected by Olympic Petroleum and Equipment Company at 1050 South Riverside at a cost of $500. MT11/7/1947p11 Building permit for a $2,000 storage shed at Olympic Petroleum. MT2/8/1956p13 One West Main 29 West Main See C. A. Winetrout Building, Bella Vita A groundbreaking ceremony for the $8.3-million, four-story One West Main complex is scheduled for July 12. MT7/7/2013p1 The 115,000-square-foot building will be occupied by Pacific Retirement Services, Rogue Disposal and Procare Software. MT11/5/2013p3 The building will front on Main Street with the corner of Main and South Fir streets being reserved as a prime retail location. MT5/8/2014p8 The outer shell was essentially completed by the Fourth of July on the 116,600-square-foot project. MT7/8/2014p3 Spanking-new One West Main is complete on the outside and beginning to fill on the inside. MT9/19/2014p1 Opera Block See Angle Opera House Options for Southern Oregon North Central Lithia Honda is being demolished after its sale to Options for Southern Oregon for $1.45 million. The dealership was relocated to Crater Lake Highway about three years ago. MT9/20/2017p3 Options, a mental health treatment provider based in Grants Pass, plans to build a 30,800-sq.-ft. office and treatment center on the 2.5-acre site. MT12/5/2017p6 Oregon Bank Photo: 1969 1025 Court Street See also Bank of America building, Rogue Valley Bank Seven houses at Court and North Central are being razed or moved to make way for the structure; construction is expected the beginning of 1963. MT10/30/1962p1 The building, now under construction, will have 6,315 sq. ft. on the ground floor and 1,400 sq. ft. in the basement. It open in October. MT8/20/1963p11 The new Rogue Valley branch will open Monday morning. MT12/8/1963p8 Oregon Department of Forestry 5286 Table Rock Road The new headquarters building is valued at $40,000, but actually cost $12,500. The difference is materials donated by the lumber industry and labor primarily by the staff and crew of the district. MT7/31/1966p8 Oregon Granite Company I Photo: 1925 102 North Front, northeast corner Sixth and Front The newly painted billboard on the building is painted in colors that "shriek unto heaven." MT5/9/1911p6 The large wooden Oregon Granite building is now being razed to make way for a new and modern concrete business structure. MT11/13/1925p2 Hittson's Used Car Lot, 6th and Front. MT5/27/1926p2 Oregon Granite Company II Photo: 1965 302 North Front, northeast corner Fourth and Front Oregon Granite has bought a lot at Jackson and Fir and plans on building a modern building at Front and Sixth [sic]. MT2/19/1925p5 Oregon Granite is building a concrete business structure at the corner of Fourth and Front at a cost of $9000. MT9/1/1925p3 Oregon Granite is moving into its new quarters recently completed at 4th and Front. Its present location will be razed. MT10/9/1925p2 Oregon Retina Specialists Photo: 2015 East Barnett Oregon Retina Specialists is gearing up to build a 4,087-square-foot office on East Barnett Road. MT2/16/2015pB8 Oregon Rooming House See Catholic Church I Oregon State Police Headquarters 2600 block North Pacific Highway The OSP dispatch center was the last agency to leave the site, moving earlier this spring. The site is being prepared for sale as surplus property. MT10/27/1999p2 Oriental Livery Stable See Nash Livery & Feed Stable Orth & Getchell Building See Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Building Otto's Tavern 39 South Front The sale of Otto's Tavern, 39 S. Front, was completed last week. It will be torn down one year from this coming November. MT5/27/1962p10 Several buildings on Front between Main and Eighth will be razed to make way for a Park and Shop lot. The final building will be Otto's Tavern, which will be demolished after Nov. 3. MT5/30/1962p1 Outhouses aka backhouses, biffies, Chic Sales One of the few remaining structures in Medford, located at 1138 Court Street, was destroyed by a grass fire at 10:30 this morning. MT8/13/1930p3 Pacific-Gamble Robinson Company 706 South Central Permit to Pacific Fruit and Produce Company for business building at 706 South Central Avenue, $100,000. MT2/13/1947p11 Among February's largest permits was that for the Pacific-Gamble Robinson Company plant at 706 South Central Avenue at $100,000. MT1/7/1948p3 Pacific Greyhound Bus Depot NRHP #292.0 Photos: 1948 circa 1950 212 North Bartlett, northeast corner Fifth and Bartlett aka Trailways Bus Depot Greyhound will official open its new terminal Wednesday. Robert Keeney was the architect, builder the Donald M. Drake Co. of Portland. MT3/20/1949p12 A portal commemorating the former Greyhound bus station should be torn down, the MURA board suggested Thursday. MT11/30/2012p1 Pacific Pride Fuel Station 936 South Central The city council granted a permit for Shell to remove its oil distributing station to the north end of W. A. Pointer's property on Boyd Street, next to the railroad. Plans include a warehouse, office and garage of corrugated iron. MT8/6/1924p8 Shell Oil announced completion of a new smudge oil storage tank at the plant at the corner of Boyd and South Central. MT12/18/1929p5 Fire last night destroyed Pacific Pride and adjacent strip mall. MT4/13/2022 Pacific Seed & Feed NRHP #186.0 17 West Fourth Pacific Power & Light Building [Copco Site] NRHP #121.0 216 West Main, northeast corner Main and Holly Pacific Record Herald Building NRHP #149.0 Photos: 1956 1965 324 West Sixth This morning Earl Fehl set a crew preparing foundations for a 30x100 concrete one-story structure west of the federal building. The work will be rushed so that the structure can be completed before July 1. Foundations will be such that other stories can be added to the building later. MT5/14/1925p2 The building formerly owned by E. H. Fehl was sold Saturday at sheriff's sale to Mrs. Corinthia E. Stailey, his mother-in-law. She was the only bidder. MT12/3/1933p10 The building formerly belonging to Earl H. Fehl and Electa Fehl, in which the Pacific Record Herald was published, has been formally taken over by Ted Heimroth and J. T. Thomas, mortgagees. MN4/27/1934p1 Pacific Telephone Building I NRHP #301.0 Photos: 1926 1927 131 North Bartlett, southwest corner Fifth and Bartlett Construction of the 50x55-ft. structure with basement began yesterday. Dougan & Christman are contractors, Frank Clark architect. MT5/20/1926p3 The $50,000 building, recently completed, will house $150,000 worth of equipment for long distance service and press service telegraph. MT1/2/1927p13 Installation of equipment is now completed and the building is ready for use. Constructed of brick, 54 feet wide by 55 feet long, it is so designed that it may be extended whenever growth dictates expansion. Pressed brick and terra cotta make up the exterior surface of the building, which is of a pleasing modern design. The building cost $45,000 to construct. MT3/19/1927p1, MT3/21/1927p5 Pacific Telephone, 145 North Bartlett [sic], applied yesterday for a permit to remodel the basement of their business building at a cost of $1,000. MT5/17/1946p11 Pacific Telephone has applied for a permit to remodel their office building at a cost of $9,000. MT8/3/1947p9 Location of the company's business office has not been changed. MT12/4/1949p20 Pacific Telephone Building II Photo: 1949 502 North Central, southeast corner Jackson and Central Pacific Telephone has applied for a permit to erect a $225,000 building at 502 North Central Avenue. MT3/11/1948p1 The $236,000 building is to be of steel frame, fireproof construction, 75x120 ft. Architects and contractors are Portland firms. Completion is scheduled for February; the new office should be ready for service late in 1949. MT3/24/1948p2 Transfer of Medford's telephones to the five-digit system required a new building to house the greatly expanded equipment. MT12/4/1949p20 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Building NRHP #302.0 Photos: 1926 1979 145 North Bartlett Designed by Frank Clark. With its multi-colored polychrome decoration, this terra cotta-clad building has one of Medford's more elaborate façades. At a cost of $45,000, the Home Telephone Company of southern Oregon will construct a new home 54x55 feet in size, of one story and basement, on Bartlett Street between Fifth and Sixth. Excavation work on the structure is now under way. JCN5/28/1926p1 Over $46,000 was expended on the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company building on North Bartlett Street, where it was completed last fall. MT1/2/1927pD2 The Pacific Telephone Co. moved into its new quarters during the past year on North Bartlett Street, where an attractive brick building was constructed at a cost of nearly $60,000. Entirely new equipment was installed in the building at a cost which exceeded $150,000 in keeping with the importance of the station, which is one of the few that the company maintains on the Pacific Coast. MT9/14/1927pC3 The central office holding the old dial equipment will continue to be used for long-distance switchboards and related equipment. MT12/4/1949p20 Padgham Glass Co. Photo: 1952 1309 Court Street Page Building See Johnson-Childers Building Page Hotel Photo: 1911 Southeast corner East Main and Riverside Despite many newspaper articles about the Page Hotel in Medford newspapers 1910-1911, the building was never built. The Page hotel has its basement excavation finished. Within the next week contracts will be let for the building proper. MT9/4/1910pB1 The Page property consists of a frontage of 100 feet on Riverside and 165 feet on Main, with the basement excavated and a concrete foundation constructed. MT6/29/1911p1 The Page Theater corner, Riverside Avenue and Main Street, where a hotel was once planned, was entirely built up with modern concrete structures in 1925. MT12/31/1925p6 Page Theater Photos: 1913 1913 East Main at Bear Creek Opened May 19, 1913; burned December 30, 1923. The new building will be fireproof and will seat 1200. The stage will be large enough to handle all the larger companies on the road. MT10/14/1912p1 Work on the new theater began today. MT10/29/1912p1 The contract was let Tuesday by Mr. Page to the Medford Brick Company for the brick which is to be used in the new theater. The front of the building will be constructed of pressed brick and is to be completed about March 15. MS1/8/1913p6 Construction work on the new theater began Monday morning under the superintendency of contractor Fifer, the building being built by Dr. F. C. Page, with Power and West the architects. JP1/11/1913p2 The slope of the main floor, the orchestra pit, and the stage are all built now except for the final flooring. MT1/24/1913p6 With the arrival of the steel beams and carloads of red and white brick, work on the new opera house is being rapidly pushed. MT2/1/1913p2 Never had the society of Rogue River Valley so universally turned out for an occasion as on Monday night for the opening of the Page Theater. The orchestra circle boxes were filled with ladies in beautiful evening gowns and men in dress suits. MS5/20/1913p1 The Edison Kinetophone, or talking pictures, appeared at the Page Theater last night to a packed house, and constitute one of the most worthy entertainments that will appear at that place of amusement in many a day. MT9/2/1913p2 As a result of a spectacular fire, the Page Theater was completely gutted Sunday, and volunteer fireman Amos R. Willits was instantly killed and Fire Chief Roy Elliott was badly injured. MT12/31/1923p1 The walls and land of the burned-out theater have been sold for $25,000; plans are to build a theater or apartment house. MT9/11/1925p1 The Page Theater has been a problem to the city since it was gutted by fire in December 1923. Methods of disposing of the building and objections to letting it stand have been introduced to the city council at frequent intervals. MDN10/30/1929p1 The old Page Theater ruins will be but a memory within a week's time as Elmer Childers has obtained the contract to tear down the structure and erect a building on the site. The council granted Childers a delay last night in order that he can study whether he can incorporate a part of the structure in the Roxy Theater building he is think of erecting. MT8/6/1930p1 The ruins of the old theater were recently torn down sufficiently to leave a portion of the remains to serve as walls for the new building. MT10/1/1930p5 We have condemned and salvaged the old Page Theater, which has stood as a gaping monument of rebuke to progressive Medford for the past eight years; may it be said to the credit of the owners of this property that it has been converted into a modern and attractive business block. MT1/7/1931p5 See Childers Building III and Roxy Theater. Page Warehouse Middle of Eighth Street at Evergreen aka Earl Packing Plant, Producers Fruit Company warehouse, Steinhardt & Kelly Fruit Packing House The building is to be located about fifty feet south of the A. A. Davis wheat warehouse on the Southern Pacific right-of-way. 50x50 feet of it will be occupied by J. A. Whitman for a fruit packing house. MM9/12/1902p7 Page & Son began building a shipping and packing warehouse here today. The building is 50x100 feet, and is intended to receive the apple crop, harvesting of which will begin about October 1. OR9/17/1902p4 Page & Son, among the most prominent commission merchants of the Pacific Northwest, will immediately commence the construction of a large warehouse in Medford. DT9/18/1902p1 Work was commenced Monday on the new warehouse. The building will be 50x100 feet--fronting fifty feet on the railroad track and being 100 feet deep and sixteen feet to the eaves. G. B. Hoyt is in charge of the work. MM9/19/1902p7 Two weeks ago Monday work was commenced on the foundation of the building, and now it is practically completed. J. A. Whitman expects to commence packing fruit in it the first of next week, which will make it just three weeks since the foundation was laid. Pretty quick work that. MM10/3/1902p7 Work is progressing on the Union Meat Company's new warehouse, on the railroad land just south of the Page warehouse. MM4/30/1909p2 The warehouse appears on page 18 of the 1911 Medford Sanborn Fire Insurance maps as the "Producers Fruit Company" warehouse. Palm-Bodge Block See Palm Building I Palm Building See also Crater Lake Motor Car Building Palm Building I NRHP #31.0 Photos: circa 1910 circa 1914 1979 2011 107 East Main, northeast corner Main and Front aka Goldy Building, Palm Block, Palm-Bodge Building, Palm and Niedermeyer Block, Palmer Building. See also Hamilton & Palm Building. Geo. E. Neuber and T. J. Kenney have purchased of Chas. F. Wall of Honolulu the property on the corner occupied by Nelson's saloon, Macaulay's tamale stand and Butler's watchmaker's shop. The consideration was $4200. A handsome brick building will be built on it in the course of time. DT4/27/1899p3 C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge have bought the property on Seventh and D streets. This is unquestionably one of the best business locations in the city, it being central and on a corner where there is a great amount of travel. MM3/29/1901p7 Whether the building will be one or two stories high has not yet been determined. The land is now occupied by the Turf Exchange Saloon, the Postal Telegraph office, the Palm-York real estate office, B. N. Butler's jewelry store and E. D. Elwood's jewelry store. MM5/16/1902p6 Medford is to have another fine business block. It is to be put up by C. W. Palm and J. E. Bodge and will add much to the appearance of the railroad front. The block is to be 50x100 feet, two stories high, to be built of brick with Oregon granite trimmings. I. A. Palmer prepared the plans, and Childers and Priddy are to do the brick work, and the Oregon Granite Co. will do the stone work. MM6/27/1902p6 Childers Bros. and G. W. Priddy have the contract for the brick work, and the Oregon Granite Company will do the stone and granite work. W. B. Bradbury will have charge of the finishing and wood work. VR7/3/1902p3 Palm & Bodge have let the contract for a two-story brick block to cost $10,000. Work will commence about August 1. OR7/3/1902p4 The Medford planing mills has placed an order for 60,000 feet of fir and pine lumber for use in the construction of the new Palm-Bodge building. MM7/4/1902p7 G. W. Priddy drew the fire Monday from a kiln containing 120,000 brick. He got a good burn, and they are of fine quality. He will commence in a short time to deliver brick for the new Palm-Bodge block. Mr. Priddy is having the brick molded for another big kiln which he will burn in the near future. MM7/11/1902p6 Active building operations have commenced on the Palm-Bodge Block. Priddy & Childers are getting their material on the ground ready to begin operations August 1st, and the Medford Planing Mill Company is getting the lumber delivered from Olsen's saw mill as soon as the brick work is advanced enough. Of the present tenants, Mr. Elwood will remain where he is, as the brick building that he is in will be incorporated into the new block. MM7/25/1902p3 Dr. W. L. Cameron has secured office rooms in the Palm-Bodge new brick, and as soon as the structure is complete he will move thereto. MM7/25/1902p3 J. Court Hall and C. F. Young have leased the corner room of the first floor of the Palm-Bodge Block, now being built, and will open up in it one of the finest saloons in Southern Oregon. MM7/25/1902p7 The work of getting material on the ground for the Palm-Bodge new brick store building was commenced this week. MM7/25/1902p7 The style of architecture is a combination of Romanesque and Norman. The two fronts will have projecting pilasters of brick and cut stone, and each provided with two Romanesque capitals, one at center and the other at top. The second story has a central hall extending the entire length of building, and also a central cross hall, cutting at right angles, together with other smaller halls leading to various rooms. There are fifteen offices in the second story, and a large fuel room. MM8/1/1902p2 Priddy & Childers will have the stone foundation about completed this week, and next week they will begin work on the walls. A carload of iron girders arrived some days ago for the building. There will be five store rooms on the lower floor; the second story will be devoted to offices, of which there will be fifteen. DT8/14/1902p2 Work on the Palm-Bodge building was somewhat interfered with for a few days this week owing to the scarcity of brick. Brick had been burned, however, but the kiln had not cooled sufficiently to warrant handling. MM8/29/1902p7 Jeweler B. N. Butler is now temporarily located in the Crater building, and will remain there until the Palm-Bodge block is finished, when he will occupy rooms on the same ground where he has held forth for the past eight years. MM9/19/1902p7 The walls are practically completed to the second story, and carpenters are putting in joists, studding for partitions and other woodwork. MM9/26/1902p7 Fred Luy has rented one of the rooms in the new Palm-Bodge block and will move his tonsorial parlors there just so soon as the room is ready for occupancy. The other first-floor rooms will be occupied by J. Court Hall, the Coss Piano House, Postal Telegraph Co., B. N. Butler and E. D. Elwood. MM10/3/1902p7 J. C. Hall is making preparations for the opening of a handsome saloon in Palm & Bodge's brick block. DT10/16/1902p2 After many vexatious delays the finishing touches are now being put on. The rooms of the lower floor are all plastered and the glass fronts and doors are being put in. MM11/28/1902p7 The first business place to open its doors to the public in the new Palm-Bodge block was "The Medford" saloon, Young & Hall proprietors. MM12/12/1902p2 Dr. W. L. Cameron has rented six rooms in the Palm-Bodge block and will establish a first-class hospital at once. DT1/28/1903p3 Messrs. Palm & York have moved their real estate office to the Palm-Bodge Building. Their office is the corner room on the second floor--unquestionably the best office location in the city. MM2/13/1903p7 Saturday last W. F. Isaacs opened his new gentleman's furnishing store, "The Toggery," in the Palm-Bodge Block. MM3/13/1903p6 N. L. Niedermeyer, of Jacksonville, today purchased J. E. Bodge's interest in the Palm-Bodge brick block here. The consideration was $11,000. OR10/7/1904p4 The general offices of the Pacific & Eastern Railroad have been established in the corner room upstairs in the Palm-Niedermeyer block, corner 7th and D streets. MM7/5/1907p1 Repairs are being made to the Palm building, the ornamental projection of the wall above the roof having cracked in such manner as to suggest its danger to pedestrians on the walk below. MT11/5/1915p2 In 1916 Frank Clark drew up plans for a remodel, but it isn't clear if they were carried out. Surviving photos suggest this may be when the corner tower was removed. MT2/24/1916p1 The Southern Oregon Art Assn. has opened a real art studio and clubroom at 107 Main Street (room 3 over Brown's, approachable by the Main Street stairway). MT1/2/1936p10 The exterior of Brown's Cafe is being completely changed, a tile facing being used. The exterior will be bordered in neon light, with a large electric sign. MT12/14/1941p16 The building was purchased by Mark Goldy in May of 1944. In 1946 Goldy began a major rebuild and consolidated the original Palm Block with the Young & Hall Building to the north of it. Palm Building II Photo: 1903 100 West Main; northwest corner Main and Fir The first Palm Building on the West Main site. C. W. Palm is drawing plans for a 24x50-foot store building, to be built on the corner of F and Seventh streets, opposite the Clarendon. MM1/12/1894p3 C. W. Palm has closed a deal with L. M. Lyon for the erection of a 24x55-foot store building just north of the Clarenden Hotel. The building will be occupied by Mr. Palm as a store and residence. MM2/23/1894p3 The Palm building is well under way and will probably be finished within a very short time. MM3/16/1894p3 C. A. Zahn has rented C. W. Palm's store building on Seventh Street and will soon begin wholesale and retail manufacture of confectionery. MM3/23/1894p3 Mrs. C. W. Palm began Monday to move her millinery goods to her pleasant new location on West Seventh Street. MM4/20/1894p3 W. H. McGowan has leased the Palm Building, north from the Clarenden Hotel, and will soon open therein a China bazaar. MM9/21/1894p3 A $1000 billboard is being erected atop the Palm Building. MT3/3/1931p3 Later Mr. Palm built a small frame structure on the corner of Main and Fir sts. When it was erected, it was the only building west of the Southern Pacific railway tracks. MT10/16/1960p9 Palm Building III 100 West Main; northwest corner Main and Fir aka Rialto Theater Building The second Palm Building on this site. C. W. Palm has had plans drawn for a new brick building, which he expects to erect on a lot east of and adjoining the Weeks & Baker Furniture Building, on West Seventh Street. The building will be 25x76 feet in size and one story high. MM6/22/1906p5 Mr. C. W. Palm intends to erect a one-story brick on his property adjoining the Weeks & Baker furniture store. TR6/30/1906p1 The foundation is completed on the building Palm is putting up for Winkler & Martin. MM10/5/1906p1 Palm has started a brick building for Winkler's second hand store. TR10/24/1906p1 S. Childers is putting up the brick walls of the Palm Building. MM2/1/1907p4 The real estate firm of W. T. York & Co. has leased the C. W. Palm building, just west from J. A. Perry's warehouse on Seventh Street. MM1/29/1909p7 Work on the Palm Building on E Street is rapidly progressing. MT11/28/1909p23 Nicely furnished rooms at the Palms, new brick building, corner Grape and Main streets. MT1/2/1910pB5 The new Palm building is among those recently designed by C. O. Power and R. R. Reeves. MT1/2/1910pB7 The north wall of the Charles Palm's palatial business block of Fir Street, which for so long has extolled the superior merits of a well-known brand of tobacco, now admonishes all to drink Cyrus Noble whiskey. MT5/13/1912p2 Workmen have begun laying the foundation for the new Palm building on Fir Street, formerly occupied by the fish market that was burned out last summer. MT10/9/1913p2 The first project will be that of C. W. Palm. The structure will be on the corner of Main and North Fir. The ground, which is 50x100 feet, is now covered by frame buildings. These will be removed, and in their place will be built a one-story structure of steel with marble facing. There will be two business fronts on Main, one on the corner and either three or four fronting on Fir Street. Frank C. Clark is making plans for the new building. MT1/17/1914p1 New marble fronts have been placed in the buildings on the half block on the north side of Main Street at Fir. MT12/30/1916p1 The Rialto Theater building, at a cost of $25,000, will soon be ready for use. MS8/10/1917 Palm Building IV Photos: 1938 1970 1970 100 West Main; northwest corner Main and Fir aka Rialto Theater Building The third Palm Building on this site. C. W. Palm, owner of the site at the corner of Main Street and Fir Street, has asked for figures on the construction of new buildings, but is undecided just what he will build and whether it will be this year or next spring. MT5/30/1921p6 Mr. Palm plans remodeling his property on Fir, with a 50-foot front on Main, in the spring. "I have built nine brick buildings in this city, and have saved the corner of Main and Fir for a structure I could feel proud to stand in front of." MT9/2/1921p8 A fire damaged considerably the Palm Building. This is the fourth fire which has attacked the building in less than two years. MT9/3/1923p6 Several frame buildings at Main and Fir are being razed, incidental to the immediate erection of a new modern building by Chas. Palm. MT9/24/1923p8 "When I left here Charlie Palm kept several frame structures anchored at Main and Fir to keep them from going elsewhere when the breeze blew. Now I see a magnificent one-story concrete building arising in their place." MS12/2/1923p6 The new Palm building is fast nearing completion. The first tenant will be Dan Collier's restaurant, next door to the Rialto. The Davidson News Co. will occupy the corner room and Springer & Lee, tailors will occupy the room in between. The small room fronting on Fir will be occupied by a barber shop. MS12/16/1923p2 Dan's Restaurant is opening in the new Palm Building on the corner of Main and Fir Streets. MT1/3/1924p5 The new building at Main and Fir, which now houses the Porter Millinery Shop, also is the home of Cleo's News Stand and Confectionery, George's Barber Shop, and the Medford Shoe Hospital. MT6/8/1927p3 The lobby of the Rialto Theater is located in the Palm building and the auditorium in the Weeks and Orr building. CPA1/1/1953p1 This building burned May 24, 1970. Palm-Bodge Block See Palm Building I Palm Garage I Photos: 1907 circa 1910 North Fir Built in 1906 as an auto garage, the 1911 Sanborn Fire Insurance map shows this building occupied by a second-hand store, separated from the Mail Tribune building by a 20-foot alley. C. W. Palm let a contract this week for the erection of an automobile garage, to be occupied by Messrs. Hodson and Myrick. The building will be located on F Street, between the Day planing mill and Weeks & Baker's undertaking parlors. It will be 25x100 feet in size and one story high. G. W. Priddy has the contract, which calls for the completion of the structure within thirty days. MM10/5/1906p5 The garage building is practically complete except for the roof. TR10/24/1906p1 The store room on North Fir and the alley, formerly used by W. M. Hodson as a garage and later by Mordoff as a second-hand store, has been leased by R. H. Bradshaw for livery stable purposes. Merchants in the vicinity have raised a fund to fight its installation as a public nuisance. MT7/7/1911p6 A building finished like the one housing Bob's Lunch, the Men's Shop, Davidson News Co. and the barber shop at Main and Fir will be finished within 49 days, replacing the brick building on North Fir that housed Tilley's Shoe Shop and Chick's Place. Earl Fehl is contractor. MT4/1/1926p6 Palm Garage II 6 South Fir The Medford Brick Company yesterday commenced the erection of a one-story brick building, 40x50 feet, in the rear of Hotel Moore, for C. W. Palm. The building is being built for an automobile garage and has been leased to California parties. MM11/13/1908p1 Palm Garage III South Fir C. W. Palm is having the frame buildings on his lots on South Fir removed and will have a brick garage built there for J. C. Hall & Son. MT11/11/1913p2 Palm-Amy-Corey-Orth-Hargreaves Building See Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank Building Palm and Niedermeyer Block See Palm Building I Palm-Niedermeyer Building NRHP #64.0 Photos: 1955 1974 132 West Main, northeast corner Main and Grape aka Brenneman Building West of Weeks & Baker will be erected by Messrs. Palm and Niedermeyer another two-story brick for stores and offices. The plans for this structure have as yet not been completed. It is likely, however, that this building will cover the two lots and thus have a frontage also on G Street. The corner is owned by Mr. Palm alone. TR6/30/1906p1 A two-story brick building will be erected by Palm & Niedermeyer on the lots between the J. F. White buildings on the south side of West Seventh--where now stands a blacksmith shop. It will be 50x140 feet in size; plans are being drawn by architects Perkins & Janney. MM11/13/1908p1 The foundation for the Palm-Niedermeyer building is complete, and material is on the ground to be used in construction work as soon as the cement is sufficiently set. MM4/23/1909p1 The brick walls of the Palm-Niedermeyer building are fast climbing second-storyward. MM5/21/1909p5 The large steel lintels and pillars for the new Palm-Niedermeyer building were put on the grounds yesterday and will be put in place today. These are the largest lintels ever put in in Medford. MM6/4/1909p2 The Palm-Niedermeyer block is up two stories and the collar joists are now being put in, and when this is completed the fire walls will be put up and the roof put on. This is a wonderfully pretty building--and a large one, being 50x140 feet in size. MM6/18/1909p2 The plate glass front is being put in the Palm-Niedermeyer block, and the interior finish will be started the first of the week. MM8/20/1909p6 The Hotel Moore "has leased 26 rooms and four baths in the new Palm-Niedermeyer block, these to be furnished and put to use as soon as that building is completed, which will be within a couple of weeks." MM7/30/1909p1 The Palm-Niedermeyer block is nearly ready for occupancy. MM9/17/1909p3 Palm Real Estate Office South Front The vacant building standing about 100 feet north of Main and near the Clarenden Hotel is to be moved to the corner of Seventh and Front for a real estate office by Hamilton & Palm. SOM1/27/1893p3 Hamilton & Palm have let the contract for remodeling their new real estate building to contractor Lyon. MM1/17/1893p3 Wilmer McPherson took his stump puller and moved the building owned by C. W. Palm opposite the Clarenden. It is the boss thing to move buildings. MM2/24/1893p1 Hamilton & Palm are fitting up a neat real estate office on Front Street, near The Medford. MM3/3/1893p3 Messrs. Palm & Medynski have purchased the Howard property on Front Street and will put the same in shape for business purposes. MM5/12/1893p3 Palm Rental Building NRHP #75.0 20 South Fir Fire last night extensively damaged the Palm building, 16 South Fir, which housed Tri-County Office Supply and Pacific Telephone's service truck storage. MT7/24/1957p1 The building was modified for Winan's Thomasville Gallery in the late 1980s, joining the two units into one store. Later, a new facade was added. MT1/6/2019pB1 Palm-Slewing Building [Eagles Lodge] NRHP #110.0 Photo: circa 1980 221 West Main aka Miksche & Schmidt Building, Slewing Building A. C. Tayler, the shoe man, has sold two business lots on West Seventh Street, adjoining the Presbyterian church. One of these was sold to I. W. Thomas and the other to R. Slewing, the west side merchant tailor. The price paid was $1100 for each lot. The lots are 25x140 feet in size, and both of the purchasers will erect brick business buildings thereon. MM12/7/1906p5 Robert Slewing is having erected on Seventh Street near the B&C Cash Store a new one-story brick building 50x110. Hale and Flemming have the contract, and the work of excavating commenced Thursday morning. Dixie & Schmidt will complete the 25-foot room adjoining. MT12/8/1910p3 A two-story brick block is to be erected on the unoccupied space between the West Side Market and the B and C Cash Store, the work of excavating having already started, and will be rushed with great speed. The builders are Robert R. Slewing and Miksche and Schmidt. The ground space is forty-five by 140 feet. The east twenty feet belong to Charles W. Palm, who has leased the ground for a term of years to Miksche and Schmidt. Mr. Slewing owns the west twenty-five feet. The building is to be put up jointly by the lessors and Mr. Slewing. The lessors' portion will extend back only seventy feet, whereas that of Mr. Slewing will go back 120 feet. There are party walls on both the north and south sides, so that the amount of brick work to be done is at a minimum. The front will be plate glass and iron posts for the first story. There will be much glass in the second story front and otherwise the front will consist of handsome white pressed brick. There will be a party wall between the two sections of the building. It is not announced as yet the nature of the businesses to occupy the first floor, but Miksche and Schimdt will occupy their portion of the building below. Mr. Slewing will have offices in his portion above, but below has not yet made definite arrangements as yet. The building will cost something less than $10,000. The contractors are Fleming and Hale. The architects are Clark and Foster. MS12/16/1910p1 Elaborate ceremonies were features of the dedication of the new Moose hall in the Miksche and Schmidt building last night. MS9/8/1911p1 Palmer Apartments 14 South Bartlett, upstairs floor of the Hoover-Cooper Building Palmer Building See Palm Building I Palmer-Medynski Building NRHP #25.0 Photos: circa 1900 1941 1950 22 South Central, southwest corner East Main and Central aka Roberts & O'Neil Building, Standley Building, Medynski Building Begun 1884 by brickmasons John Byers and Abraham S. Jacobs. City directory dates: Woods Drug '35; Young's Drug '37, '39, '40-1, '42-3; Hunter's Drug '46, '48; Central Drug '50, '51-2, '53-4, '55. Work on the foundations of the two brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at Medford is now in progress. Messrs. Byers and Steadman are doing the work. AT2/29/1884p3 The walls of Byers & Jacobs' smaller building are up ready for the joist. AT3/21/1884p3 Baruch Fisher will open a store in one of Byers & Jacobs' brick buildings at Medford. AT5/23/1884p3 Roberts & O'Neil have let the contract for building a brick store in Medford. Mr. Childers has the job. AT2/13/1885p3 Geo. W. Williams will soon begin the erection of a two-story, solid brick building on one of his lots adjoining Messrs. O'Neil and Roberts, who have also let the contract for the building of two solid brick stores to commence at the same time. Medford Monitor 2/20/1885p1 Work on Roberts & O'Neil's brick building is progressing rapidly. DT5/1/1885p3 Roberts & O'Neil will erect a one-story brick. DT6/12/1885p3 A. L. Johnson, the land agent, has purchased Roberts & O'Neil's unfinished brick building at Medford, and proposes establishing a private bank in it when completed. DT7/24/1885p3 A. L. Johnson of Medford has put a vault in his new business quarters. DT9/11/1885p3 A. L. Johnson has moved into his new brick building in Medford, which will be neatly fitted up for a bank. DT10/30/1885p3 It is reported that a bank will soon be opened in the brick building formerly occupied by A. L. Johnson. DT9/16/1887p2 Mr. Butler, who intends opening a bank here, has rented Mrs. Stanley's brick building. DT1/27/1888p3 C. W. Skeel has commenced remodeling Johnson's bank building for the use of Mr. Butler, who has returned from San Francisco. DT2/3/1888p2 It is rumored that Mr. Butler, our would-be banker, has left this section suddenly, without settling for the work done on the bank building. DT3/2/1888p2 Prof. Vawter of Eugene City and Mr. Bentley, lately from the East, have rented Mrs. Stanley's brick building and will soon open a bank there. DT7/13/1888p3 Mrs. Harriet B. Stanley has let the contract for the erection of a brick building on her lot in the rear of the bank building. It will be 25x40 feet, one story high, fronting on C Street. G. W. Connell has the contract. AT6/7/1889p3 Mrs. H. Stanley's one-story veneered brick just back of the bank building is about completed. VR6/27/1889p3 Jeweler E. L. Brown has vacated the Stanley brick on C Street. SOM11/4/1892p3 L. E. Bender has opened a tobacco and confectionery store in the brick building on C Street. MM5/12/1893p3 G. L. Davis has opened an office in the Stanley brick building on C Street. His business is that of buying poultry and eggs. MM8/18/1893p3 J. Tressler has his contract of grading and graveling that portion of C Street in front of Mrs. Stanley's bank property completed. He has also finished putting down an eight-foot sidewalk in front of the same property. MM6/8/1894p3 New floors are to be put into the rear rooms of the Jackson County Bank building. The framework under the rear floors is almost entirely rotted away, and has partially let the floors down. MM5/12/1899p6 Mrs. Eliza Palmer, mother of Mrs. F. V. Medynski, has purchased the McKee property, corner Seventh and South C Streets, from Mrs. McKee for $5000. MM11/30/1900p7 The brick buildings occupied by the Jackson County Bank, J. R. Hardin and D. T. Pritchard, and the ground upon which they stand, were sold last week by Mrs. Harriet McKee to Mrs. Eliza Palmer for $5000. DT12/6/1900p3 The one-story building at the corner of Seventh and South C streets is hardly in keeping with its neighbors, and it is not improbable that a two-story building will be put up there one of these days--building to cover the entire lot. MM8/8/1902p7 F. V. Medynski is now having plans drawn for a store building which he proposes erecting upon the vacant part of his lot on South C Street, at the rear of the Jackson County Bank. The building will be 25x50 feet in size and one story high. The buildings now occupied by the Jackson County Bank and Wortman & Gore's meat market, located one on each end of the lot, will not be disturbed by the new structure. The new building will be of brick and stone and when completed will be for rent. MM8/18/1905p5 Deward & Nichols will this week move their meat market to the Medynski building, corner Central Avenue South and Main Street. MM4/9/1909p5 First National Bank has purchased the Fred V. Medynski corner, paying $35,000, or $1400 a front foot. It is reported the bank will erect a large business block. MT12/20/1910p1 FOR SALE: A bank vault door and equipment. See F. V. Medynski, 316 N. Central. MT12/3/1923p7 Medynski will erect a continuation of the building with an 80-foot front back to the alley. This will provide four more store rooms. MT2/2/1924p1 An addition is being added to the Medynski building. CL4/11/1924p1 Jarmin & Woods will add a balcony to the interior and a marquee on the front and down Central and completely remodel the building. MT7/25/1928p3 A plan to place another story on the Medynski building at the corner of main Street and Central Avenue, now undergoing renovations preparatory to occupancy by Jarmin and Woods, has been abandoned. MT8/12/1928p2 The Jarmin and Woods store has a 25-foot frontage on Main and 60 feet on Central. A mezzanine floor in the rear provides office room, and a balcony running along both sides and the front gives ample storage space. MT9/25/1928p7 The Medynski Building has been sold by Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Moss to Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt. It is occupied by Young's Drug Store on the corner and, along Central, by the Top Notch lunch room, Gault's shoe repair, Bowman beauty parlor, Bowman barber shop and the Unique Cleaners. MT7/14/1937p5 Palmer Packing House 509 South Fir, corner of Twelfth and Fir Construction will start in a few days on a $25,000 70x175-ft. packing and cold storage warehouse by Medford Ice on the corner of 12th and Fir for the use of the Potter Palmer Corp. MT5/13/1928p1 The building will be ready for use by July 15. MT5/14/1928p3 The packing house is completed. MT7/23/1928p8 Panda Express II Center Drive Panda Express built its second Medford location off of Center Drive this year, opening last Friday. MT10/21/2014p3 Pantorium Building I Photos: circa 1910 1926 5 North Fir C. W. Palm yesterday began clearing away sheds and having brick and other material placed on the ground in the rear of York & Co.'s office for a one-story brick building of 50 feet fronting on Fir Street and some 70 feet in depth. It is understood that this new building is for the Pantorium company. MT10/22/1909p1 When a fire started at the Rogue River Fish Co. on N. Fir, "there were possibilities for a good-sized fire, as the Hodson garage adjoins the building, with its stock of oil and gasoline, and with the exception of the partially finished brick being built for the Pantorium, the whole half block is a row of wooden shacks." MT1/10/1910p8 Matches in a suit being cleaned at the Pantorium on North Grape [sic] ignited when being run through a "tumbler," causing an explosion of gasoline. The interior of the building was gutted, and the machinery damaged. MT8/20/1913p1 Pantorium Building II Photo: 1930 227-231 West Sixth, southeast corner West Sixth and Holly Plans for a new Pantorium, to be run in connection with the establishment next to the Holland Hotel on Fir, are being effected through the purchase of a 55x91-foot lot on Sixth and Holly. MDN5/22/1927pp3,6 The building will be one story high, will have a frontage of 90 feet on Holly Street and 55 feet on 6th Street. The Pantorium will occupy the structure excepting a store room 16x40 feet next to the Odd Fellows Building. MT5/22/1927p3 The building permit for the new Pantorium Dye Works building on Holly was issued today to D. R. Terrett. The cost of construction was given at $17,000, and the concrete building will contain eight rooms. MT6/10/1927p2 Construction of the new Pantorium building is rapidly nearing completion. Lathers are now at work in the interior and the exterior is practically finished. MT8/8/1927p2 The Pantorium building on West Sixth Street is an outstanding business structure of the past seven months and gives the Pantorium Cleaning and Dyeing Works greatly added floor space and a basement, which the company did not have at their former quarters on North Fir Street. The cleaning plant was moved to its new location early this month. MT9/14/1927pC3 The building is a one story and part basement, 55x90 buff-brown cement structure diagonally across from the federal building. MT10/30/1927pB4 Paradis Transfer and Storage Photo: 1970 908 South Grape, northwest corner Barnett and Grape Park Place Building See Garnett-Corey Building Park View Nursing Home Photo: 1951 906 West Main Parker Building Location unknown The plate glass fronts in the office rooms to be occupied by John D. Olwell were being placed in position on Thursday. MT4/6/1911p6 John Olwell's office occupied the "Parker Building" en route from the Exhibit Building to the Hotel Medford. MS8/27/1911p4 Parker Potato Chips Building South Pacific Highway Carold J. Parker has let a contract to Tubbs & Jarmin for a one-story concrete factory building just past the end of South Riverside. MT6/19/1928p2 Parker's 48x50-ft. concrete building has been under construction for two weeks. Half will be his potato chip factory; the other half leased out. E. J. Tubbs is the contractor. MT10/3/1928p2adv Parkview Hotel 119-121 South Holly W. E. Goode is constructing a three-story frame building on Holly which he purposes using for a store, restaurant and rooming house. The building will be 42x70 feet in size, the lower floor occupied by a grocery store and restaurant. MT1/19/1910p4 Parsons Pre-Cooling Plant Photos: 1954 445 South Fir, northeast corner Twelfth and Fir aka Pinnacle Packing Co. Stewart Fruit Co. Distributors, the most modern pre-cooling plant in the Northwest, 200-car capacity, now under construction, will be ready to receive your fruit August 15. MT8/4/1917p6 The extensive cold-storage structure being erected by R. H. Parsons is being rushed to completion at a cost of $30,000. MS8/10/1917 The Bardwell Fruit Company has moved to the new pre-cooling plant, corner 12th and Fir streets. MT9/13/1917p3 Parsons Packing Plant Photos: 1954 Northwest corner Twelfth and Evergreen aka Oregon Growers Cooperative Association Packing Plant, Pinnacle Packing Plant The 80x96-foot packing shed, now ready for business, has loading porches and a sawtooth roof and adjoins the pre-cooler. Cutler grading machines will be installed. An adjoining office building has just been completed. MT7/17/1920p6 Mr. Childers has as evidence of his excellent work such buildings as the new W.O.W. hall and the new Parsons warehouse. MT10/31/1926p4 The Parsons warehouse at Twelfth and Fir, built by R. H. Parsons in 1917, will house the Pinnacle Packing Company. It is of tile construction with recently remodeled cold storage and pre-cooling facilities. MT7/11/1927p3 Among the buildings which aided in making the month's construction program so large is the addition of the Pinnacle packing house on South Fir. MT3/31/1928p2 The Pinnacle Packing Company has started the remodeling and enlargement of its office on North Fir Street. MT5/10/1934p12 Fire swept through Pinnacle Orchard and Packing Company early today. The building, owned by the Parsons Warehouse Company, appeared to be a total loss. The building was of wood interior construction with masonry walls. MT12/10/1954p1 Pastell Building See Hamlin-Rostel Block Pay Less Building Photo: 1970 Medford Shopping Center Peerless Bakery Building NRHP #355.0 7 South Riverside aka Cornwall Building The Peerless will move to the 22x70-foot building being built by M. C. Page, with I. O. Cornwall as contractor. MT6/30/1925p2 The Peerless Bakery has moved from East Main Street to the new Cornwall Building, 7 South Riverside. MT7/24/1925p9 Peil Laundry Building See Elite Laundry People's Bank Southeast corner Biddle Road and Progress Drive The bank is in the process of building a three-story, 20,000-sq.-ft. building. The $6 million project is expected to open in the first quarter of 2018. MT9/8/2017pB1 Although the second-floor administrative and third-floor executive offices won't be ready until May, tellers and lenders are greeting customers at the one-time site of Marie Callender's Restaurant. MT4/21/2018pB10 Pepsi Bottling Warehouse Airport Road Pepsi-Cola Bottling is erecting two buildings totaling 47,000 square feet on Airport Road. One will serve as warehouse space for cans and bottles; the other will house vending and fountain service and maintenance facilities. MT2/12/1998pC1 Perl Building 38 South Bartlett The fire department extinguished a fire in the metal-covered building on South Bartlett formerly occupied by John Perl, owned by the Deuel estate. MT9/15/1922p4 Perl Residence 136 North Oakdale The Perl home, built circa 1903, is being torn down. MT6/18/1959p11 Perry & Cox Warehouses Photos: 1910 1912 18 West Main, northwest corner Main and Evergreen aka Independent Warehouse, Sperry Flour building I True Cox and others are building a large, first-class warehouse at Medford, in which farmers can store their wheat at a reasonable figure. DT7/31/1899p3 The warehouse built by Cox & Co. is proving a great boon to the people of the valley. Nearly 100,000 bushels of wheat are already stored there. DT9/21/1899p1 It will have a frontage on Seventh Street and will be close enough to the railroad siding to permit the loading of cars from a platform on the east side. MM3/9/1900p7 True Cox and J. A. Perry have leased ground from the railroad just west of the old depot and will erect a warehouse 40x100 feet in size. DT3/12/1900p3 A. C. Nicholson has secured the contract for the Cox-Perry warehouse. The building will be 36x100 feet. MM3/23/1900p7 The fine, large warehouse being built will be of great convenience. It will be used for storing produce of all kinds. MT5/14/1900p3 A second warehouse for Medford is nearing completion, under direction of Cox & Perry, who will use it for a general storage depot and handling fruit. It is 36x100 feet, and besides offices for the proprietors will contain rooms for Wells-Fargo Express Company. OR5/17/1900p4 Cox & Perry, of the new warehouse, have commenced to take in wheat. DT7/30/1900p3 Between 7000 and 8000 bushels of wheat were saved from the fire which destroyed the Cox & Perry warehouse. It is not likely that the building will be put up this season. MM7/12/1901p2, DT7/25/1901p7, OR7/19/1901p4 J. A. Perry's warehouse burned to the ground Thursday morning. DT7/18/1901p7 J. A. Perry will not rebuild his warehouse this fall. He could find no contractor who could have the structure in readiness for this season's crop. MM8/2/1901p7 The Rogue River Fruitgrower's Union has leased J. A. Perry's big warehouse and fitted it up for a packing and shipping room. DJ9/1/1903p3 The Rogue River Commission Co. has opened temporary quarters in the Rogue River Produce & Fruit Assn. building. MT11/9/1911p5 Workmen today began razing the building which had been occupied by Denney & Co. as its fruit marketing warehouse No. 2. MT6/3/1924p8 The present warehouse is scheduled to be torn down shortly after more commodious quarters have been erected in another section of the city. MT6/18/1926p4 When the new Sperry Flour building is complete, the old 25x60-foot wooden structure on Main Street will be razed. MT11/21/1926p1 The large wooden Sperry Flour structure on West Main, after housing the flour company branch for years, is now practically torn down. This was the last wooden structure on the north side of Main in the business section. MT4/24/1927p2 Perry Warehouse Northwest corner Fourth and Evergreen aka Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange The Perry warehouse today became the home of the Farm Bureau Cooperative Association. The bureau will carry a full line of feed and seed. MT5/5/1920p6 Fresh paint is in the air around the warehouse; Blaine Klum is painting the bureau's name in bold letters on the building. MT5/12/1920p5 Labeled "Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange" in the 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance map, page 11. Philips & Jackson Building Location unknown The Medford Mail expanded into larger quarters in the Philips & Jackson building last week. DT12/12/1890p3 Phipps Auto Camp See Ideal Auto Camp Phipps Building I Photos: circa 1904 1912 Northeast corner Main and Bartlett See also Elder Building, Childers Building, Tayler-Phipps Building, Warner Building W. T. Kame, proprietor of the Fair store, is now located in the Phipps building on Seventh Street, having moved his stock of goods thereto this week. MM5/3/1901p7 Mrs. L. J. Sears, the milliner, has rented the Phipps building. Contractor E. W. Starr will put in a large show window on the west side at the corner, and the front will be generally overhauled. MM4/4/1902p7 The First National Bank of Medford opened its doors for business Thursday morning in the Phipps Building, corner of B and Seventh streets, which will be the temporary home of the bank for some months at least. MM6/16/1905p4 R. A. Gray & Son yesterday moved their Kozy Kitchen lunch counter from the old Phipps building, which is to be torn down to make room for the new brick building soon to be erected. MM4/9/1909p2 On Aug. 8 Dr. Goble will move to the Phipps Building. MT8/7/1910p4 The First National Bank was organized in 1905 and was located in the building on the northwest corner of Main and Bartlett streets, occupied by Dr. Goble and F. O. Burgess & Co.'s land office. MS5/13/1911p1 Since the Warner Building will soon be razed, the Kincaid Taxi Co. has moved its stand from the Bedingfield Confectionery. MT8/11/1925p3 Workmen started this morning to raze the old landmark. MT9/1/1925p6 The last wooden building on Main Street, it was recently razed to make way for the Warner-Gore Rental Building. MT9/15/1925p8 Phipps Building II Central Avenue Work was commenced on the M. C. Phipps brick on C Street this week. A. Childers & Son are doing the work. SOM7/1/1892p3 The members of the Masonic lodge are proud of their hall in S. Rosenthal's new brick building [q.v.]. The entrance is from the rear of the building, and the stairs and hall of the Phipps building, which joins the Rosenthal building, is used as a means of reaching the hall. MM9/20/1895p1 Mary Phipps Center See Girls' Community Club Phipps House Photos: circa 1910 circa 1910 1964 Northeast corner East Main and Crater Lake Avenue Built 1907 for Charles H. Pierce. Phipps Service Station See Ideal Auto Camp Physicians and Surgeons Building 900 East Main, southeast corner Myrtle and Main The 7,000-sq.-ft. building opened last week, has a brick front and radiant floor heating. Walls are doubly insulated. MT12/16/1951p12 Pickel House Photo: 1920s 326 West Main aka Geary House, Fountain Inn Dr. E. B. Pickel is seriously contemplating the erection this season of a new residence on his property on West Seventh Street. MM3/30/1900p6 Painter Milton Maule is making a beauty spot pleasant to look upon out of Dr. Pickel's Seventh Street residence. MM4/27/1900p3 Dr. E. B. Pickel is making many improvements about his pretty West Seventh Street home. The house is being raised about two feet, new foundation put in, basement built for a furnace, and the entire dwelling will be piped for hot air heating. A new and much larger porch is also being built. MT8/23/1907p5 Hon. W. I. Vawter and Dr. E. B. Pickel have laid plans for some beautiful landscape gardening about their homes on West Seventh Street. All the fences and hedges will be removed, and on the property line at the rear of the houses will be erected a fine barn for the use of both. A Portland landscape gardener is now working on a design. MT5/29/1908p5
"Fountain Inn," near the corner of Main and Ivy streets, across from
Hotel Medford, is being wrecked to make way for a service station. MT11/3/1933p1
The large white house, recently razed on West Main, known for many years as the Pickel home, and later as Fountain Lodge, was sold to Dr. Pickel when Dr. Geary moved to Portland in 1898. MT1/15/1934p2 Dr. Pickel bought the house in 1898, remodeling it so that downstairs there was a reception hall, also a large living room, library, dining room and kitchen. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a sleeping porch. Twelve years ago they sold to Ray Toft, who converted the dwelling into The Fountain Inn. MT6/19/1934p4 Pickel Rental House NRHP #82001507 Photo: circa 2010 815 West Main Dr. Pickel's new residence in West Medford is fast nearing completion. It is one of the prettiest and most imposing dwellings in the town and is a credit to our city of 2100 and over population. E. W. Starr is doing the carpenter work, and to him is due credit for much of its artistic appearance. The dwelling will be for rent. MM2/22/1901p7 Milton Maule is doing the painting for Dr. E. B. Pickel's new West Seventh Street residence, and is doing good work. MM3/29/1901p6 Merchant John Norris has rented Dr. Pickel's beautiful new residence, on West Seventh Street, and as soon as completed he will move thereto. MM4/12/1901p6 The cottage built by Dr. Pickel in the western part of town for renting purposes is a beauty. It is not rented yet, but will be in demand later. MM6/27/1901p5 John A. Lucus has rented Dr. Pickel's new residence, on West Seventh. This is one of the prettiest dwellings in the city and is very nicely finished. MM10/25/1901p7 Dr. Pickel has finished setting out nearly sixty black walnut trees on West Seventh Street, where he erected the handsome residence now occupied by John C. Lucus and family. He will also seed the grounds about the house to grass for a lawn. MM1/10/1902p7 Dr. Cameron and his family have begun housekeeping in Dr. Pickel's new residence, on West Seventh Street. DT10/16/1902p2 Pierce Freight Lines Photo: 1951 795 South Riverside Pierce Freight Terminal 229 South Riverside The reinforced concrete structure, though still not completed, is already serving the Medford area; Pierce Freight moved in about the first of March. MT3/25/1951p15 Piggly Wiggly I See Childers Building II Piggly Wiggly II 528 South Riverside, 527 South Central Work will begin immediately on a 50x90-ft. concrete market building. It will face South Riverside. Arnold Young is contractor. MT12/26/1937p1 Piggly Wiggly will open Saturday in the new building owned by Mrs. Clara Young. MT3/4/1938p8 Piggly Wiggly III Southwest corner Stewart Avenue and Kings Highway A 12,000-sq.-ft. Piggly Wiggly opened in January 1956; it gave way to the present 29,000-sq.-ft. Foodland building in 1994. It closed in 2005. MT4/15/2017p3 Pinnacle Packing Co. Eleventh and Fir Pinnacle has just completed a $15,000 addition to its plant and is now busy installing equipment. MT5/14/1928p2adv Pinnacle Packing Co. No. 4 400 block South Front See also Parsons Warehouse Work is well under way on the $100,000 cold storage plant between Eleventh and Twelfth. It will be an addition to the cold storage facilities of the No. 4 plant of the company, four stories high, steel and concrete, 70x100 feet. MT6/5/1935p12 The machinery and equipment is now installed. MT8/7/1935p8 The new Pinnacle packing house was just recently completed at a cost of $700,000. It is three stories high and fireproof. It is made of steel, has four new washing machines and storage for 235,000 boxes of pears. Pear-O-Scope December1935p7 Pinnacle Packing Cold Storage Plant 508 South Front The Pinnacle Packing Co. has been issued a permit to erect a $38,000 cold storage plant at 508 South Front St. MT5/3/1956p15 Thursday night a fire filled with smoke the 8,540-sq.-ft. warehouse used by Asante to store furniture and equipment. MT5/5/2018p3 Pinnacle Packing Plant No. 3 NRHP #185.0 Photo: 1929 220 North Fir The city council last night granted a permit to the Kimball Fruit Company to build a very ornamental and modern $25,000 packing plant. The city planning commission objected that the site was outside the warehouse zone. MT1/9/1929p8 Work on the Kimball packing plant is well under way. MT2/21/1929p1 A 1929 former fruit-packing plant burned to the ground early Wednesday in a three-alarm fire. MT6/26/2014p1 Pinnacle Packing Plant No. 4 See Medford Pre-Cooling and Storage Pinnacle Packing Warehouse See Medford Pre-Cooling and Storage Poague Building North Riverside, Berrydale Barber Samuel Poague will open a billiard parlor, barber shop and confectionery store at the end of North Riverside directly north of the Walden cider mill. MT2/26/1927p2 Poplar Square 2316 Poplar Drive The recently completed facility has only one vacancy. GI Joe's, which is constructing its own building, is scheduled to open in 1986. MT11/19/1984p3 L. G. Porter House Photos: circa 1906 1909 circa 1954 1974 2008 619 East Main Built 1906 for capitalist and timber baron Luther Goodwyn Porter. L. G. Porter is preparing to erect a dwelling on his property in East Medford, which he intends shall not be surpassed in beauty or convenience by any residence in Medford. It will be a nine-room, two-story structure, with bath connected. D. W. Hazel has the contract for the work. MM8/31/1906p5 The first floor embraces a roomy vestibule. Five bedrooms, with roomy closets and bath, complete the appointments of this comfortable and quietly elegant home. D. W. Hazel, the contractor, expects to have the building in readiness for occupancy by November 5th. The approximate cost of the building alone will be about $2500 to $3000. MT10/26/1906p1 Porter Lumber Company Photo: 1950 204 South Fir, southwest corner Ninth and Fir Building permit application was made yesterday by George Porter to erect a $20,000 business building at 204 South Fir Street. MT8/1/1946p7 Because of the lack of workmen and materials, Porter was unable to predict how long construction would take. MT8/2/1946p7 Workers are ready to pour concrete for the new Porter Lumber, destroyed by fire on the evening of June 25. J. W. Marlett is the contractor. MN8/16/1946p1 In November George W. Porter asked for permission to repair the fire-damaged structure at 204 South Fir Street at a cost of $15,000. MT1/7/1948p3 It was cleanup time last night at Eighth and Fir when Jackson County Republicans cleaned up the building for use as the party's headquarters. MT9/5/1974 Post Office Annex NRHP #148.0 333 West Sixth Post Office Locations 130 East Main, Hamlin Block east (1888 Sanborn maps p1) 120 East Main, Howard Block (1890 Sanborn maps p1, 1893 Sanborns p2) 28 South Central, Halley Block north (1898 Sanborn maps p6, 1907 Sanborns p9) 32 or 34 North Central, Davis Bldg. north (MM7/26/1907p1, 1911 Sanborn map p16; 1911-14 directories) Federal Building, 6th & Holly (MT3/14/1916, 1916 directory) Federal Building, 8th & Holly (MT3/16/1966) See U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Post Office Super Service Southwest corner Sixth and Holly Photo: circa 1946 See Colonial Garage The city council last night gave Jack Heaston of Los Angeles permission to build a new service filling station on the west side. MT12/16/1925p3 The new $2500 metal service station will be 60 feet long with places for eight gasoline pumps and 16 oil pumps. MT12/18/1925p7 The new P.O. Super Service will open tomorrow; business and pumps built on the California plan occupy the 110x125-ft. lot. MT4/2/1926p7 The Colonial Bakery, owned by John A. Fluhrer and William H. Fluhrer, purchased from Mrs. Ellis Vawter the quarter block, 110 feet by 90 feet, occupied by the Post Office Super-Service Station. MT5/16/1930p1 Workmen are dismantling the old Post Office Super-Service station. Construction will begin immediately on a cement tile building, approximately 70 by 25, for the wash and lubrication racks, tire sales and service department. Gilmore gasoline and oils will be exclusively featured. MT6/21/1933p5 Postal Telegraph Building Photo: 1901 East Main, one door east of the Turf Exchange Saloon Miss Carrie George, the postal telegraph operator, has leased building room adjoining the T. G. Kinney property corner of Seventh and D streets, on which is being erected a building for use as a telegraph office. She expects to handle cigars and perhaps confectionery in connection therewith. MM2/1/1901p6 The Postal Telegraph office has been moved to its new quarters opposite Hotel Nash. MM2/22/1901p6 The Postal Telegraph office building, which is a small building on the site of the Palm-Bodge Block, under construction, will probably be removed across D Street, where Miss George will hold forth until the new block is completed. MM7/25/1902p3 Pottenger & Cox Building See Moore Annex-Pottenger Building Powell Building Location unknown Maxcy has moved his [soda fountain] into the Powell Building, just vacated by the City Restaurant. SOM8/19/1892p3 Prall Building Main and Riverside The Keets and Prall feed stables, located in the eastern part of town, are now in charge of Geo. Reynolds. DT9/5/1901p4 G. W. Reynolds has purchased the Phipps barn from Jacob Keets and leased the Prall stables, which gained a reputation under their former management that was not enviable; in fact anything but pleasant for nearby business houses. MM9/6/1901p7 Postmaster Merriman has secured a five years' lease on the Prall building, corner of East Seventh and A streets, and on September 1st he will move his son's blacksmith shop thereto and will open for business. MM8/29/1902p7 Premium Market See City Meat Market Presbyterian Church I Southeast corner West Main and Holly The new Presbyterian church, situated on the west side of town, was occupied for the first time by a congregation last Sunday. OR7/16/1887p6 The Presbyterian people built a handsome frame church this year. OR1/2/1888p10 The fire fiend is again at work Tuesday night, burning the Presbyterian church, corner Seventh and H streets. The walls and the belfry are still standing, and the bell is about all there is left of the entire structure. MM10/18/1895p4 Presbyterian Church II Photos: circa 1900 1906 Southeast corner West Main and Holly Designed by W. J. Bennet; built 1896. Razed 1927. The building committee rejected all bids and decided to ask for bids on a veneered building--same size and style. MT1/31/1896p5 The church is located on the site of the old building on West Seventh Street. The main building is 32x42 feet in size and into this opens two rooms each 15x15 feet, used for infant and bible class rooms. These rooms are separated from the main room by sliding doors, and when occasion requires it, they can be thrown open and made into one room, which gives a seating capacity of 400 people. MM5/29/1896p8 The work of enlarging the Presbyterian church will start in the near future, the city council granting a permit for the alterations Tuesday evening. MT7/3/1912p5 Work on the addition to the Presbyterian church is being rapidly pushed. The brick walls are nearly completed. MT8/6/1912p2 Remodeling will be completed next week. The audience room has been doubled in size, an alcove for the pipe organ and a choice box added, a gas kitchen and modern plumbing and lighting installed. MT9/21/1912p6 Next Sunday will be Farewell Day to the old church. MT3/30/1927p3 Work has begun today on the razing of the old Presbyterian church on West Main. In 1911 an addition was made and a year later the old Episcopal chapel was added to the rear of the church. MT11/30/1927p4 Presbyterian Church III NRHP #115.0 Photo: 1927 Northeast corner Eighth and Holly, 85 South Holly The new First Presbyterian church was constructed in 1926. Portland architect F. Manson White first presented designs with lavish detailing completely covering the exterior, but the final design was trimmed to the elaborate door and window surrounds that now accent the plain stucco walls. As the congregation has grown, they've added onto the building with a classroom addition (1951) and a bell tower (1983), while always respecting the character of White's original design. The congregation Thursday voted unanimously to take the first steps toward a new church building. MT11/7/1925p3 The church will spend next week on plans for the new building. MT7/3/1926p3 With the roof practically laid and construction on the road to an early completion, the Presbyterian church is satisfactorily under way. MT1/16/1927p2 The carpenters are practically through; the painters are working with a large force; the windows are expected this week. MT3/30/1927p3 Two-page descriptive and congratulatory spread: MT4/9/1927pp4-5 More than 2000 people were present yesterday at the dedication of the new $60,000 Presbyterian church on the lot in the rear of the former church building. MDN4/12/1927p6 The Presbyterian church, constructed at a cost of $75,000, was also dedicated this year on South Holly Street. It is of a new and pleasing type of church architecture and will have an attractively landscaped yard. MT9/14/1927pC3 A $94,000 church addition will be used for church school purposes, a recreation room and for additional office space. Target date for completion is February 18. MT12/2/1951p12 The school addition will be dedicated the 29th, including placing a time capsule to be opened in 2000. MT3/28/1952p2 Prestige Plaza See Robinson's Department Store Price-McNair Building 801 East Main The Arts Council gave Drs. John Price and Raymond McNair an award for excellence for their building, designed by Paul Hayden Kirk, Seattle. OR1/24/1965p77 Priddy House East Main E. S. Wolfer, the tinsmith, is at work on the galvanized cornice for G. W. Priddy's new residence. MM3/28/1902p7 Milton Maule is now at work painting G. W. Priddy's new residence--which residence, by the way, is a beauty. MM4/18/1902p6 Producers Fruit Company Warehouse See Page Warehouse Professional Center Photo: 1957 836 and 842 East Main Construction began Thursday on a single-story 6,000-sq.-ft. Haydite block building on East Main; according to contractor William Brooks. MT5/5/1957p1 The building is nearing completion, and physicians and dentists have started to occupy the building. MT2/2/1958p1 Built 1956-57. MT9/29/1957p12 Professional Plaza 650 Royal Plans for a $500,000, 20,000-sq.-ft. office building have been announced. Architect is F. Jerome Hunter and contractor William E. Brooks. MT7/21/1963p8 Providence Hospital Photos: 1966 1970 1111 Crater Lake Avenue Construction entered the realm of reality today with issuance of a call for bids. Total area will be 81,000 sq. ft., with 10,000 ft. left unfinished. MT2/19/1964p1 Graff and James have submitted the low bid of $1,922,000. MT3/26/1964p1 Groundbreaking ceremony was Friday afternoon. MT4/19/1964p7 "When our first campaign was conducted in 1962, estimates of construction costs were $2,123,000. When the new hospital is completed in January, 1966, costs will have soared to $2,630,000 for construction, equipment and furnishings." Construction of the 89-bed hospital is more than 50% complete. MT5/12/1965p1 The first "single care unit" in the U.S. is nearing completion. OR12/19/1965p38 The new Providence Hospital will be dedicated March 12. MT1/5/1966p11 The cornerstone will be laid at the dedication Saturday of Providence Hospital on Crater Lake Avenue and McAndrews Road. MT3/17/1966p1 Hospital and grounds represent a financial investment of approximately $3 million, including land, equipment, furnishings and landscaping. MT3/18/1966pB1 Designed by Edson and Pappas, architects of Medford in association with Medford Planning Associates, the completely fireproof building of concrete and brick was constructed by Graff and James Contractors. MT3/18/1966pB3 Providence announced plans to build a medical office development on land owned by the hospital west of its present complex. MT11/14/1982p3 Providence has announced plans for the 66,000-square-foot, four-story Providence Pavilion, located between the hospital and a medical office building to the northwest. MT3/31/1998p1 Providence Health and Services Offices Stewart Meadows Village Southwest corner Stewart and Riverside The three-story, 64,000-square-foot building will be the first tenant at Stewart Meadows Village. S&B James has been hired to design and build it. MT3/9/2016p8 The L-shaped building was designed by architect David Thruston. A promenade around the development will provide for foot and bicycle traffic. MT10/22/2017pB1 Pruitt Apartments 119 North Central Puhlman Bakery Building North Central During the fire at the Radovan fruit dryer at the end of North Fir, the firemen paid especial attention the Puhlman Bakery building on Central, about 300 feet away. AW10/21/1921p1 Pulver's Motel 1237 North Riverside J. F. Pulver applied for a permit to construct a new residence and private garage at 1237 North Riverside at a stated cost of $5,000. MT9/8/1941p5 Nell Pulver applied for a permit to construct a duplex at 1237 North Riverside at a stated cost of $4,000. MT11/3/1931p5 The motel apparently didn't open until 1946. Construction of the $1.2 million Cobblestone Village started in February; the grand opening is scheduled for mid-June. Workers now are gutting motel rooms, leaving only the brick exterior. MT4/8/1984 Purdin Building 31-33 North Bartlett M. Purdin is erecting a 30x36-foot blacksmith shop near his residence on North B Street, opposite Mitchell, Lewis & Staver's implement house. He expects to be at work therein by July 1st. MM6/21/1901p6 M. Purdin has completed his new blacksmith shop on North B Street and has opened for business. MM7/5/1901p7 Jas. R. Cook and Ed. Whiteside will open up a harness and saddlery shop in the Purdin Building on B Street, opposite the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Building. MM2/10/1905p5 Coulter's Paint Shop is "now located in the Purdin Building, opposite Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.'s on North B Street." MM5/28/1905p4 Radio Operations Building Medford Airport The War Department today called for bids on the army's proposed radio operations building at Medford Municipal Airport. MT3/8/1940p1 Radovan Fruit Drying Plant Northwest Corner Stewart and Central F. M. Radovan is building an additional 50x50 feet to his evaporating plant on North Central. This plant was built last year at a cost of $10,000. MT7/24/1919p8 The city council took steps to do away with the unsightly and unsanitary rickety old Radovan fruit drying plant, which is declared a fire menace. MT9/4/1929p1 Fire totally destroyed the Radovan fruit dryer at the end of North Fir, between North Central and the Southern Pacific tracks. The plant, a large one-story frame structure, was all ablaze when the fire was discovered. AW10/21/1921p1 Erection of a new plant will begin this week. OR7/6/1922p16 The council last night took steps to characterize the old Radovan fruit dryer as an unsightly fire hazard. The Radovan Dehydrating Co. of Washington will board up the open structure, remove the wing connecting with the dwelling house and remove 3000 old trays, leaving 1000. MT10/16/1929p1 Railroad Exchange Saloon See Turf Exchange Saloon Railroad Saloon See Turf Exchange Saloon Ramada Hotel See Holiday Inn Ray Apartments 51 North Oakdale Ray Building See Electric Building Charles R. Ray House West Main Dr. C. R. Ray has the framework up. The dwelling will be two stories, 42x61 feet in size. There will be ten rooms and 9x76-ft. double-decked porches across the front and partway on two sides. C. D. Lyon is the architect. MT10/9/1908p1 Frank H. Ray House North Grape The Colonel Ray house, recently a rooming house, is being razed. MT2/21/1934p3 Ray's Market 602-604 South Central, southwest corner Thirteenth and Central Ray Schumacher applied for a building permit to remodel and make additions to a store room at 602 South Central at a cost of $2000. MT2/17/1938p9 Construction is under way on the cement tile building. MT2/24/1938p5 Realestaters Building Photo: 1970 406 South Riverside Red Cross Building 60 Hawthorne Street The new 5,200-sq.-ft. building, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. V. Carpenter, will be dedicated tomorrow. MT9/11/1957p1 Red Lion North Riverside Prominent on the drawing boards are plans for the 130-unit Red Lion in the downtown area. MT1/14/1968pB1 One of two current motel construction projects is the 3.8-acre Red Lion. The project includes two phases: a $475,000 88-unit motel and a $180,000 split-level restaurant. Occupancy is scheduled by late summer. MT6/16/1968pB1 Much of the former Red Lion has been converted into The Inn at the Commons and is being remodeled. The inn featured 185 rooms, but that number dropped to 118 because the city took over the three buildings to the south. MT10/14/2013p1 The Inn will be converted into an apartment complex once a deal with a Beaverton development group is signed. MT1/18/2021 Redden Studio Photo: 1899 Southwest corner Central and Theater Alley (Craterian site) The Redden gallery on C Street is now conducted by L. C. Van Exxe, an artist of ability, who will spare no pains to please the public. DT12/29/1898p3 Mrs. C. L. Corwin and daughter, Miss Centenna Rothermel, have purchased from Miss Lizzie Hoover her stock of millinery goods and have reopened the store in the building opposite the post office. MM8/29/1902p7 George Coulter has moved his residence to the upstairs of the building opposite the post office. MM11/14/1902p7 The property on Central opposite the Ulrich grocery was cleared away yesterday for the work of building a new theater by Cooley and associates. MS2/3/1924p1 James A. Redden Federal Courthouse See U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Reddy & Allen Building Unidentified corner at Eighth and Central--possibly Wilson Building II The winter rains have interfered somewhat with construction work on the Reddy & Allen block on the corner of Eighth and Central Avenue. MT11/28/1909p23 Reddy House Photo: 2011 122 Oregon Terrace Redmen's Hall I Southeast corner East Main and Central (1911-12 directories) Redmen's Hall II 231 Apple (1914-30 directories) The Redmen's two-story brick "wigwam" on Apple "near the high school" was built in 1912 at a cost of about $3000. MT8/16/1912p8, MT9/12/1912p3, MT10/3/1912p3, MT10/29/1912p1 Redwood Inn Motel 722 North Riverside The property is now occupied by a dwelling; the new motel will consist of 34 units and a swimming pool. MT3/18/1956p14 The effort to convert the motel into a home for Almeda Fire survivors has stalled due to a lack of funding. MT9/25/2022p1 Medical respite rooms will be on the ground floor, and family and general housing on the upper floor. GPC9/24/2023p1 Reliable Cleaners, Brill Metal Works 2299 West Main, corner West Main and Lozier Lane Photo: 1965 Reliable Cleaners has moved to a new location featuring a drive-up window next to Brill Sheet Metal. MT8/1/1965pB2 Reter Fruit Company 327 South Fir The Reter refrigeration plant, constructed in recent months, has a capacity of 147,000 boxes of fruit. The 180x60-ft. four-story building is of concrete construction with four inches of fiberglass insulation. MT8/27/1947p5 Largest and most valuable construction permit in January 1947, was for the Reter Fruit Co. plant, 327 South Fir Street, at a cost of $100,000. MT1/7/1948p3 Rialto Building I 121-125 East Main Not the Rialto Theater Building The Rialto frame building owned by W. F. Isaacs affords a fine opportunity for a good brick structure. MM8/8/1902p7 Karnes & Ritter have purchased the Will Isaacs lot and building now occupied by D. B. Russell and Vis & Gould, for $3500. SU2/6/1903p1 Rialto Building II Photo: circa 1910 121-125 East Main Not the Rialto Theater Building; aka Karnes & Ritter-Kelly Building, Kidd Building Apparently named after the Rialto Confectionery; the name predates the Rialto Theater on West Main. Karnes & Ritter plan on building a two-story brick 120 feet in length, with a twenty-five foot front. Upstairs will be a 25x61-foot chapel, a banquet room 18x35 and two anterooms, each 11x12 feet. MM4/14/1905p5 Messrs. Karnes & Ritter intend building a two-story brick building on their lot, on Seventh Street, now occupied by F. M. Wilson and W. W. Eifert. The second story will be partitioned off into large office rooms in front while at the rear will be the K. of P. lodge room and banquet hall. The lodge room will be 28x45 feet in size and the banquet hall 16x36. A wide stairway will be put in the center of the building. The front will be put up of brick and cut stone. MM7/14/1905p5 Friday morning the tearing down of the wooden buildings on Seventh Street, upon the site of which the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly building will be erected, was commenced. MM7/21/1905p5 The stone foundation for the Karnes & Ritter brick on Seventh Street is being laid this week. The construction of this building and the tearing down of the old wooden structures which it is to replace will eliminate a source of danger from a disastrous fire in the main business part of town. MM8/4/1905p5 G. W. Priddy has been awarded the contract for doing the mason work on the Karnes-Ritter & Kelly block. Mr. Priddy will furnish the brick, about 130,000, and aside from laying them, he will also do the stone masonry, but will not furnish the stone. The front of the building is to be of pressed brick with granite capping. MM8/11/1905p5 Messrs. J. G. Van Dyke & Co. have leased, for a term of years, the new brick building, which is being put up by Joseph F. Kelly, just two doors west from their present location. MM9/15/1905p8 Karnes & Ritter are engaged this week in fitting up their new quarters in the Rialto building. MM11/17/1905p5 Dr. Carter has moved his dental parlors from over the Van Dyke store to the new office rooms in the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly building--and again over the Van Dyke store, the firm of J. G. Van Dyke & Co. having also moved to the new block. MM1/5/1906p5 Talisman Lodge K. of P. have moved into their new lodge room in the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly building and the members of the lodge are congratulating themselves and the order over having one of the nicest lodge rooms in Southern Oregon. The main lodge room occupies the full width of the rear of the upper floor of the building and is twenty-eight feet wide by forty-five feet long. MM1/12/1906p5 Messrs. Karnes & Ritter, the enterprising confectioners and cigar men, have made their new establishment more resplendent and attractive by installing a 2000-candlepower arc light at the entrance. MM4/6/1906p5 If you haven't seen that new soda fountain which Ritter & Dunlap have put in you have overlooked the prettiest piece of store furniture in this city. The back is fully twelve feet high, surrounded with large globes of colored glass, and at the top and on the inside of these are large electric light globes. The woodwork is of solid mahogany, in which are large plate glass mirrors. MM9/6/1907p5 "Within a day or two J. G. Van Dyke's entire store front will be torn out, and in its place there will be put in a modern and up-to-date front, of the Mission style." Van Dyke was located in the eastern half of the building. MM3/12/1909p8 J. F. Kelly is having his brick building on Main Street extended to the alley to furnish more room for Moe & Co. G. W. Priddy has the contract. MT5/13/1914p2 Workmen are building a 20x60-ft. concrete addition to the Rex Cafe for a new bakery department. The dining room will be lengthened by 20 ft. MT9/5/1924p5 The first permit signed by M. L. Alford as city recorder was issued Aug. 2, 1917. It was to the F. W. Woolworth Company and provided for the remodeling of a store building on the north side of East Main between Front and Central at a cost of $1,000. J. F. Morrill was named as the building owner. MT3/26/1967pD1 Rialto Theater Building See Palm Building III Ann Rice Real Estate Photo: 1966 29 Hawthorne Ann Rice Real Estate has opened new offices. The building, a former residence, has been completely remodeled into a business office, retaining the homey atmosphere. A fireplace will be featured during the winter. MT5/8/1966pD3 Richfield Station NRHP #45.0 Photo: 1979 145 North Central, southwest corner Fifth and Central Richfield Station II Northwest corner Main and Holly Richfield Oil today started work on a super-service station at the corner of Main and Holly. The station will be 60 by 110 feet; approaches will be cut into both Main and Holly streets. MT8/25/1936p5 Richfield Station III Sixth and Grape Grand opening is Saturday. The station is a Richfield super service station type class A unit, with three gasoline pumps. MT1/31/1941pp8,9 The Rink South Gateway Center Workers laid 10 miles of refrigeration tubing at Medford's new ice arena last week and are preparing to pour concrete across the skating surface. MT12/2/1997p1 The 37,500-sq.-ft. arena features five locker rooms, a snack bar, video arcade and retail space. The 85x200-foot rink can handle 300 skaters. MT1/30/1998pC1 Riverside Apartments See Smith Apartments Riverside Garage 101 South Riverside, southeast corner Eighth and Riverside The old frame Riverside Garage has been torn down; plans for a one-story building in its place have been completed. MT3/8/1927p8 Roberts & O'Neil Building See Palmer-Medynski Building Robinson's Department Store NRHP #17.0 Photos: 1978 1979 100 East Main aka Prestige Plaza Completed 1979 on the site of the burned Nash Hotel (q.v.). Later remodeled into the Prestige Plaza office complex. Robinson's will build a new retail facility at 114 E. Main, the site where the longtime clothing outlet was destroyed by fire earlier this year. The new store will have just under 13,000 square feet of retail space. A mezzanine level will add another 6,000 square feet. MT7/18/1978p1 Rogue Center for Hearing and Speech 800 North Columbus Photo: 1966 The Rogue Center is a school for any child, two through five, with a hearing or speech problem; it operates from 9 to 11:30 during the school year. MT6/19/1966p10 Rogue Chalet Apartments 21 Genessee Street Fire yesterday afternoon spread through all ten units, heavily damaging eight apartments in the main building. MT10/3/2017p3 Rogue Federal Credit Union Photo: 1997 South Gateway Center RFCU broke ground for a two-story, 30,600-square-foot building. The design will allow a third floor to be added later. MT12/12/1997pC10 The credit union has submitted plans for a two-story, 31,886-sq.-ft. building between its 32,000-sq.-ft. offices and South Pacific Hwy. MT3/4/2014p8 Rogue Regional Medical Center See Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital Rogue River Commission Co. Warehouse Eleventh and Front Two-story brick warehouse with basement; planned completion "before winter" 1912. MT8/26/1912p2 Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. Cold Storage Southwest corner McAndrews and Central Photos: 1913 1914 The Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. recently decided to appropriate $40,000 for the construction of a central storage plant in Medford to accommodate from 100 to 150 cars of fruit. OR2/13/1913p15 Precooling plant architects are here discussing plans of the proposed cold storage plant with officials of the Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. MT5/21/1913p2 Ground is being broken for the new precooling plant at the P.&E. junction. The building will be 85x110 feet and two stories high; it will store 100 cars of fruit. MT5/24/1913p5 The building will have capacity of 100 cars, 50 for cold storage and 50 for dry storage; a packing room 24x80 will be built on the north end. MT6/12/1913p5 Ground was broken this week for the cold storage warehouse of the Rogue River Valley Fruit and Produce Association at Crater Lake Junction, near the Southern Pacific right of way. It will be 100 by 80 feet, two stories high, and will accommodate 100 cars of fruit. OR6/15/1913p9 The new plant is a finely appointed building of concrete and tile and has a cold storage capacity of 50 cars. It has been completed in about 8 weeks and will cost in the neighborhood of $40,000. MT8/25/1913p6 The Rogue River company announced plans to equip their plant with the latest modern fruit packing and washing equipment. MT3/16/1929p1 Rogue River Fruit & Produce Assn. Packing House Approx. 138 South Evergreen Built by J. A. Perry for his own fruit-packing business. J. A. Perry, secretary and manager of the Rogue River Fruit Growers' Union, is having a neat office constructed in the front of his packing house on the west side. MM3/8/1907p5 Rogue River Fruitgrowers Warehouse See Crater Lake Lumber Building Rogue River Lumber Co. 113 South Fir Destroyed by fire yesterday. MT4/24/1932p1 Rogue River Valley Canning Co. Northeast corner Thirteenth and Front Having purchased additional land, the company is now building a new warehouse and cold storage plant 50x75 feet. The company has also purchased an additional half block near its new warehouse for a new cannery site. Better Fruit, May 1920 Building permit No. 94 was issued Feb. 16, 1921 to Rogue River Valley Canning Company. It was for construction of a two-story building between 11th and 13th streets. The six-room construction was estimated to cost $15,000. MT3/26/1967pD1 Rogue River Valley Canning Co. Warehouse 519 South Front They are now building a warehouse and cold storage 50 by 70 feet to furnish better storing and shipping facilities. MT4/13/1920p6 Rogue River Valley Railway Depot I Photo: circa 1900 Northeast corner Sixth and Evergreen The old depot of the Rogue River Valley Railroad, which has stood for 18 years near the Southern Pacific tracks on Sixth Street, has been moved to a lot on North D Street. MM5/29/1908p2 Rogue River Valley Railway Depot II Photo: 1912 West Main The new depot has been completed and is a credit to the town. MM5/29/1908p2 Space let for depot purposes only has been sublet for mercantile purposes until the depot is almost lost in the popcorn and red lemonade. MT7/23/1911p4 The Medford police headquarters occupy the old Jacksonville depot, which the city acquired several years ago. Part will be converted to a garage. MT10/18/1927p8 It is understood the old depot will be razed early next year. MT12/14/1928p7 Workers have been busy the last two days tearing down the old railroad station, the last wooden building in the business district. MT10/25/1929p6 Rogue Valley Ballroom Photo: 1957 South Pacific Highway Workmen are speeding the task of completing Herman Burgoyne's new "recreation center" near the fairgrounds, with a large dancing floor, 20 spacious booths and 30 tables. The main building is 40x100 feet in size. MT10/21/1937p5 Razed in 1957. Rogue Valley Country Club Photo: 1958 2660 Hillcrest Road Rogue Valley Feed Co. Photo: 1949 22 West Second; corner Second and Fir Rogue Valley Mall Photos: 1978 1986 North Riverside and Highway 62 The Medford Planning Commission unanimously voted against permitting development of the Medford Mall at the Crater Lake interchange. MT8/1/1969p1 The developers of a $35 million shopping center at the north freeway interchange cleared another hurdle Thursday when they gained Planning Commission approval of their planned unit development. MT3/24/1978p1 Price Development Co. today picked up its first foundation permit at Medford City Hall for development of the Rogue Valley Mall. MT11/2/1984 On Thursday workers began pouring cement for the first phase of foundation work at the Rogue Valley Mall. MT11/9/1984 When the Rogue Valley Mall opened its doors on Oct. 15, 1986, it boasted 65 stores and 500,000 square feet of selling space. MT12/31/1999p49 Rogue Valley Mall Shell Station Photo: 2014 1968 Crater Lake Highway Demolition has started on the gas station, and In-N-Out should be ready to start construction later this spring. MT3/24/2015p3 Rogue Valley Manor Photo: circa 1961 Barneburg Hill, southeast Medford Built 1961. The board of trustees for Rogue Valley Manor last night authorized John W. Maloney to complete plans for the $5½ million retirement home. MT7/9/1958p1 A crew today began drilling on top of Barneburg Hill to determine the sub-foundation structure for Rogue Valley Manor. MT10/13/1958p1 Work recently started on the Rogue Valley Manor, a 10-story $5½-million retirement home on Barneburg Hill south of Medford. MT6/28/1959p14 This attitude put the grotesque steel and glass Manor rising from the top of a once-beautiful hill like a gigantic winged cereal box. Letter to the Editor, MT11/30/1965p4 The recreation complex under construction on the west side of the manor will contain a 25x60-foot pool, a spa, crafts area and exercise room. MT8/3/1986pD7 Rogue Valley Manor will soon get a more down-to-earth color scheme in an $8 million remodel that will include a more modern look. MT4/10/2014p1 Adroit Construction has begun removing the Manor's turquoise panels, an 18- month project that will dramatically change the look of the building. MT9/5/2014pB1 Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital Photos: 1955 1965 1970 East Barnett Road aka Rogue Valley Medical Center, Rogue Regional Medical Center The new Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital is scheduled to open on May 1. The building is an 80-bed hospital, with facilities for 20 bassinets. MT3/26/1958p1 Within the next year, an addition will be constructed to Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital, estimated to cost about $1.5 million. MT6/28/1959p14 Construction of a parking structure is under way, part of a $1 billion expansion plan. Construction of a six-story, $420-million addition will begin on the north side of the hospital this fall. MT2/9/2020p1 Rogue Valley State Bank Photo: 1954 1109 Court Rogue Valley State Bank Photos: 1959 1969 701 East Jackson; northeast corner Jackson and Genessee aka Oregon Bank East Medford branch The bank intends to erect a branch office on the northeast corner of Jackson and Genessee if the zone change request is approved. MT1/23/1959p1 A building permit for the $40,000 branch was issued yesterday. MT5/13/1959p10 Construction is under way. MT6/28/1959p14 Jerry Latham is to present a chamber of commerce award to Rogue Valley State Bank on the opening of its new branch yesterday. MT9/20/1959p9 Rogue Valley Transit District Bus Depot South Front at Ninth The $937,892 Greyhound bus station broke ground last week adjacent to the RVTD transfer station; Greyhound will lease it from RVTD. MT5//7/2008 The new Greyhound bus station opens today. MT10/1/2008 This summer six restrooms and a two-story dispatcher's "office with a view" was added. GORVTD Fall 2020 Rollarena Photo: 1960 3404 South Pacific Hwy. Construction is expected to start next week on a roller skating rink three miles south of Medford; the structure is expected to cost over $75,000. MT6/2/1960p1 The president of the Jackson County Rollarena has announced a "naming" contest for local youth to name the future rink, now being built. MT7/29/1960p18 The Jackson County Rollarena will be open to the public sometime this coming week, according to manager Merle VanHoosen. MT10/16/1960p29 Roller Odyssey 2425 South Pacific Hwy. Home of the Future Appliance & Furniture is in the midst of a three-month makeover of the former roller rink. MT2/10//2018p3 Roosevelt School Photo: 1910 Built 1911; razed 2008. Plans for a new school on the East Side have been completed. The building will be of the mission style and will contain 11 rooms. OR5/18/1910p5 In all probability ground will be broken within the next 48 hours for the foundations of the two new schools. MT1/24/1911p1 Work on the Queen Anne school building is being rushed; the foundation and much of the brick work has been completed. MT4/24/1911p6 Bids on the addition will be received until June 3. MT5/28/1931p4 Trusses from the Washington School playshed will be used in construction of the addition to Roosevelt School. MT7/13/1931p5 Root-Banks House [Burns Building] Photo: 1933 11 North Peach, northwest corner West Main and Peach Built 1915; remodeled 1922. "Jackson County Rebellion" leader Llewellyn Banks shot and killed Constable George Prescott at the front door of this house in 1933. The residence at 1000 W. Main, just sold to E. L. Henninger, was once owned by L. A. Banks. It is a modern six-room dwelling with basement. MT7/8/1937p5 Root Cold Storage Building 659 South Grape Myron Root was issued a building permit for a $29,000 cold storage plant at 659 South Grape St. MT6/7/1959p15 The $29,000 Root cold storage plant is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Root Company Building Eighth and Fir See Iowa Box Company Removed in 1958 to extend Eighth Street across the railroad tracks. The old Root Company packing house at Eighth and Fir, now under lease to Don Root, is being condemned by the state highway commission. MT1/24/1958p1 Three men have purchased the Myron Root Company building on the Eighth St. right-of-way at South Fir. They expect to remove the roof from the building and have the walls down shortly afterwards. MT2/21/1958p1 Root-Slover House NRHP #141.0 203 North Holly Rosenthal Building See Barneburg Building Rosewood Apartments See Wheeler Apartments Rostel Building See Hamlin-Rostel Block Roxy Ann Court Motel Photo: 1950 South Pacific Highway Roxy Ann Grange Hall Spring Street Work started last Sunday on the new Grange hall, which is to be constructed entirely of logs, and which is located on Spring Street. MT5/3/1934p7 A rededication of the Roxy Ann Grange Hall, which was originally dedicated several weeks ago, will be held on New Year's Eve. MT12/30/1934p3 Roxy Ann Lanes Photo: 1968 2375 South Pacific Highway Plans for a recreation and sports center, including a roller skating rink, bowling alley, and possibly a swimming pool, tennis courts and a dance hall were announced today. Construction is planned as soon as pear trees are removed from the site. MT12/17/1958p1 Royal Apartments Photo: 1965 726 Royal Avenue Medford's newest apartment complex, "The Royal," is to be completed and a grand opening held this Sunday, Oct. 24th. The 2- and 3-bedroom units of the 24-unit complex boast the latest in modern innovations. MT10/21/1965p10 Royse Realty Photo: 1969 623 South Central Russ' Feed Mill Photo: 1910 East Main, later 133 South Riverside The south side of the Russ mill was damaged by fire this morning. MT7/25/1922p1 The mill was built 39 years ago where the residence of J. F. Hittson now stands. In 1898 it was moved to its present site. Spence Childers will tear down the hand-hewn structure for the salvage. MT6/14/1927p3 Ed Russ built it back in 1888 on a site near where the Sacred Heart Hospital now stands. Around 1900 the mill was put on skids and moved to its present site, intact, exactly as it stands today except for a few additions. MDN6/15/1927p3 Work having been begun more than a week ago, the razing of the old Russ mill on South Riverside is practically completed. MT6/26/1927p2 S.O. Gas Building NRHP #109.0 Photos: 1936 1965 1970 1979 229 West Main, southeast corner Main and Holly Contract for construction of the building at Main and Holly was let Thursday to D. R. Smith of Talent. It will be 50x100 feet, of reinforced concrete, with a display room and office and special wall insulation to minimize office sounds. There will also be a store room 18x60 feet for rental purposes. MT5/29/1936p1 The Southern Oregon Gas Corporation's new building is rapidly taking shape and promises to be one of Medford's finest-looking one-story buildings. TA6/12/1936p3 The building, completed at a cost of $25,000, has insulated, reinforced concrete walls, soundproof ceiling and tile floors. A Ford V-8 in the rear of the building running a generator burns gas directly from the company's mains. The front of the building is to be lit by three gas lamps. MT9/11/1936pB1 The California-Pacific Utilities Co. has announced their building will undergo complete exterior remodeling in ceramic tile of cobalt blue and charcoal gray, complemented with the latest in natural gas light fixtures. MT10/11/1965pB8 S.P.R.R. Depot II Photos: 1900 1902 Southwest corner West Main and Front Built 1900. Upon construction of Depot III in 1910 the structure was moved south almost to Tenth Street to serve as a freight depot. Work on the new depot has commenced. Its location is not a sightly one, by any means. DT1/4/1900p3 The new S.P. depot at Medford was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies on Saturday last. DT4/12/1900p2 S.P.R.R. Passenger Depot III NRHP #187.1 Photos: 1910 1910 circa 1915 2006 147 North Front aka Porter's Restaurant Edward Harriman, president of the Southern Pacific Railroad, visited Medford in 1909 and was so impressed by the bustling city, then at the height of the Orchard Boom, that he decided to build a depot to match the city's aspirations. In 1910 plans for the new depot were underway; Medford, a city of under 6,000, was to have a depot designed for a population of 25,000. The depot was soon completed, but the boom went bust, and Medford didn't reach that population until the 1960s. After several stops and starts, rail passenger service ceased for the last time in 1955. When Southern Pacific finally sold the line in 1995 the Medford depot was in poor shape. Purchased by a local contractor, the building was soon listed on the National Register and underwent a complete restoration. Directors of the project were careful to retain the penciled graffiti on the track side of the building that display the names of bored travelers, the monikers of hoboes and, more poignantly, the ranks and units of GIs waiting to ship out during World War II. Formal announcement was made by the S.P. of the construction of a $40,000 passenger depot, to be located on the site of the section house, two blocks north. MT11/3/1909p1 Ground was broken Saturday for the new $50,000 Southern Pacific depot. Excavation for the foundation will start the first of the week, and as soon as the foundation is put in a huge fill will be made to bring the platforms on a level with the rails. MT3/13/1910p1 The foundation of the new S.P. depot has been completed. Contractor Bigham has arrived with a crew of bricklayers, and a large crew is getting out granite for the building. OR4/16/1910p12 Medford's fine new $50,000 depot, which is the most expensive structure built by the Southern Pacific between Portland and Sacramento, will become the permanent abode of the Harriman officials on the first of next month. The new depot resembles in every detail the one recently constructed at Walla Walla, a town of 30,000 people. MT9/4/1910pB1 After 2½ years of preparation, the Medford Depot restaurant and brew pub is scheduled to open within a month. MT2/26/1998pC1 Sabroso See Western Pear Distributors Sacred Heart Church See Catholic Church Sacred Heart Hospital Photos: 1912 1913 circa 1915 1966 Nob Hill Razed 1966. Plans for the new building are on exhibition at Haskins Drug Store. MT6/2/1911p6 It will take approximately 1,000,000 brick to build the hospital. Contractor F. L. Litherland and architect R. F. Tegen of Portland pronounce the Medford Brick Co.'s product of sand mold brick the equal of or superior of any other in Oregon. MT6/8/1911p3 The Medford Sash & Door factory has just been awarded the contract for the mill work in the Sacred Heart Hospital, which will amount to more than $10,000. MT7/2/1911p8 The contract price for its erection was $120,000. It will contain 100 rooms and will be five stories in height. Business men of Medford raised $10,000 by popular subscription, purchased a lot and tendered it to the sisters as a bonus. MT7/2/1911pB1 Twenty-one carloads of lumber are contracted for. MT6/16/1911p2 Cornerstone ceremonies will be "put off until the building is completed. The cornerstone will be laid and the dedication of the new building held at the same time." MT8/16/1911p2 The work of finishing Sacred Heart Hospital is well under way; all of the outside work is completed and the marble for interior decorative purposes will be put in place within the next two weeks. MT12/1/1911p1 Sacred Heart Hospital was opened last night, and 10 patients were moved there from the old hospital at 344 South Central. MT1/4/1912p4 A permit was issued for a $4000 30x42-ft. brick laundry building adjoining the present heating plant. MT7/2/1926p4 Safeway/Littrell Auto Parts Store NRHP #275.0 Photos: 1936 circa 1938 circa 1980 313 East Sixth, northeast corner Sixth and Bartlett Razed May 2011. Cooley & Neff will begin soon on a concrete building on the corner of Sixth and North Bartlett, that will be arranged in four store rooms. MS5/10/1925pC2 Safeway Store No. 41 has moved to its new building at Bartlett and Sixth. MT6/2/1936p1 The store has been undergoing alterations for the past month. All the wall shelves have been changed to carry a larger stock; the interior is white with black trimming, and the exterior is yellow and red. New shopping buggies will be here this week. MT5/20/1940p5 Safeway Store II Photos: 1952 1970 502 West Main, northwest corner Main and Oakdale The sale of the old Southern Methodist church by Safeway Stores was announced today. Buildings on the property include the parsonage and the old church, both of which will be razed. MT7/10/1941p1 The market, designed by Robert J. Keeney, will have 50-foot frontage on West Main and will be 172 feet in depth. A spacious parking lot will be located along Oakdale. MN1/20/1942p1 Safeway's "store of tomorrow" opens Friday at Main and Oakdale; it will replace the Main and Holly store. MT7/9/1942p3 Safeway Store III NRHP #272.0 Photo: 1979 130 North Bartlett Safeway has purchased the site formerly occupied by the old high school, and will construct a $2,000 food market on the location. MN2/6/1942p3 Charles A. Wing has applied for a permit to remodel a store building at 134-138 North Bartlett Street. MT4/6/1948p11 Razed May 2011. Safeway Store IV Photos: 1959 1970 East Jackson, Medford Shopping Center Here at this new Safeway you will shop in air-conditioned comfort the year round. Doors open for you automatically. You will never again have to worry about parking. MT8/27/1959pC5 A permit was issued to Safeway Stores to erect a market at the Medford Shopping Center at an estimated cost of $250,000. MT8/4/1963p7 Safeway will open its largest food store in Oregon Thursday in the Medford Shopping Center. It enlarges the facility from 18,000 to 28,000 sq. ft. MT2/5/1964p15 Safeway Store V Photo: 1963 1101 West Main aka Jackson County Elections Office A building permit to erect a $200,000 Safeway store at 1101 West Main has been issued by the city building department. MT3/4/1963p1 The new $216,000 Safeway supermarket at West Main and Hamilton sts. is nearing completion. The market will have an interior floor space of 22,440 square feet. Contractors are Graff and James, Medford. Architect is Robert J. Keeney and structural engineer is Walt Marquess. MT7/17/1963p1 A permit to erect a $1,000 sign was issued to Safeway Stores. MT8/29/1963p9 Safeway closed the night of June 19. The West Medford Community Coalition is organizing a meeting to talk about the future of the now-vacant store. MT7/1/1999p3 Salvation Army Hall Front Street The United Brethren class of Medford will meet at the old Salvation Army barracks for the purpose of organizing a union Sunday school. MM3/29/1901p6 The United Brethren have changed their place of worship from the old Salvation Army hall on D Street, to Woolf's hall on C Street. MM4/12/1901p6 Salvation Army Headquarters Photos: 1962 1965 1965 304 Beatty Street, northeast corner Edwards and Beatty The new Salvation Army building was constructed from the former Seventh Day Adventist church at the corner of Beatty and Edwards streets. MT4/30/1964p9 The newly completed Salvation Army citadel will be dedicated next Sunday. MT10/31/1965p6 A citadel which represents $25,000 in volunteer labor and the expansion of an $18,000 property into one valued at $92,000 will be dedicated today. MT11/7/1965pB1 F. E. Samson Building Photos: 1955 circa 1965 Northwest corner Fourth and Front The F. E. Samson seed and feed company announced construction of a new building will be started Monday. MT3/10/1940p10 F. E. Samson advertises warehouse for lease on Front between Third and Fourth. MT2/29/1968pB2 F. E. Samson Warehouse 323 North Front Our new concrete storage warehouse offers clean and dry individual storage rooms at very reasonable rates. MT6/30/1936p2 Construction of the new warehouse was begun in April. It has a frontage of 50 100 feet and a depth of 50 feet, a main floor and full basement. MT6/30/1936p10 Sandpiper Restaurant See Awol Grocery/Sandpiper Hubert Santo Naval Reserve Center 701 North Columbus See Victory Housing Project The Jackson County Housing Authority project will be liquidated this year. It will make way for a military reserve armory and a 10-acre recreational area. MT1/10/1957p1 The army plans to acquire land from the Jackson County Housing Authority for construction of a $300,000 reserve training center. MT8/13/1958p1 The $229,000 Army reserve center on West Jackson is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Two new outdoor murals at the Santo Community Center already have caught the eyes of local children. MT9/20/2013p1 School District 549C Administration Building Photos: 1952 1953 1961 500 Monroe Street The $50,000 schools administration office, a one-story concrete structure, will be completed next spring. MT12/2/1951p12 After 20 years in the city hall, 549C offices have moved. MT6/29/1952p7 School District 549C Maintenance Shop Northeast corner Jackson and Columbus The district was issued a permit Monday for a $71,000 maintenance shop. Contractor is Jack Batzer. MT8/5/1959p9 Schermerhorn Building Photos: 1910 1910 24 South Fir aka Schermerhorn & Palm Building Incorporated into the Kay Building (q.v.). The officers of Crater Lake National Forest have been moved to the second floor of the Schermerhorn Building, just completed on South Fir. MT8/1/1911p6 Schuler Apartment Building NRHP #165.0 Photo: 2006 38 North Oakdale, southeast corner Sixth and Oakdale aka GeBauer Apartments I. E. Schuler has bought the land at Sixth and Oakdale. MT9/17/1924p6 The apartment house will be three stories, 45½x132 feet. MT9/15/1925p8 One of the largest permits applied for last month was the $60,000 apartment house being built by I. E. Schuler of the Colonial Garage. MT10/1/1925p1 Work is progressing rapidly on the concrete structure. W. N. Jewett is the architect and Larkin Reynolds the superintendent of construction. MT10/19/1925p8 The $100,000 structure is nearly complete. It will contain 25 apartments, electrically equipped throughout. MT2/21/1926p8 Finishing touches are being put on the Schuler Apartments. Construction was supervised by Medford contractor Larkin Reynolds. MT3/1/1926p3 Max GeBauer of the Valley Candy Co. today exchanged ranch and city property with I. E. Schuler for the three-story Schuler apartment house. The building was completed in April of 1926 and in addition to its three stories also has a complete basement and the latest conveniences in all 25 apartments. MT4/12/1928p1 Portland investors Peter Livingston and George Eighmey have bought Schuler Apartment Building from Daniel O'Neill for just under $2.1 million. The 24,492-square-foot building was restored in 1990. MT9/18/2015pB6 Scott Davis Building See Lindley Building Scottish Rite Temple Southeast corner Barnett and North Phoenix Road Rogue Credit Union will break ground Wednesday on a remodel of the former temple. The 1,500-sq.-ft. branch will be Rogue's 15th. MT7/7/2015p6 Sears Building Photos: 1970 1970 Medford Shopping Center Security Insurance & Realty 48 Hawthorne Photo: 1959 Seventh-Day Adventist Church I North Riverside Avenue The Seven Day Adventists have just completed a new church. OR11/2/1908p12 The new building will take the place of the old church on North Riverside, recently gutted by fire. MT10/19/1925p2 Seventh-Day Adventist Church II 304 Beatty Street, northeast corner Edwards and Beatty Ground will be broken tomorrow for the $15,000 52x56-foot reinforced concrete church. Meehan and Lockwood are the contractors. MT10/19/1925p2 The new Adventist church being built on Beatty Street, to replace the building destroyed by fire on Riverside last summer, is nearing completion. MT3/17/1926p3 The Seventh Day Adventist church has received a $1,000 permit to remodel the church building at 304 Beatty Street. MT10/17/1950p11 The new Salvation Army building was constructed from the former Seventh Day Adventist church at the corner of Beatty and Edwards streets. MT4/30/1964p9 Seventh-Day Adventist Church III 1900 Greenwood Photo: 1966 Members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church have been at work for three weeks preparing their building and grounds for dedication services. MT4/15/1966pB2 The Medford Seventh-Day Adventist church will be dedicated Saturday afternoon, with an open house for valley residents Sunday. MT4/22/1966p10 The city council granted a variance to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church to retain a sign that does not comply with zoning restrictions. MT6/5/1966pD10 Seventh-Day Adventist Tabernacle 910 South Central--possibly not built The Oregon Conference of Seventh Day Adventists has received a permit to construct a tabernacle at 910 South Central Avenue. MT1/21/1952p5 Severin Battery Service 1522 North Riverside, Berrydale The Medford Battery Shop, operated by Walter Severin, is located in a new building. MT7/30/1927p3 Severson Shoe Repair Building 137 North Central North Central between Sixth and Fifth is being improved with construction of a small building that will house the shoe repair shop of Walt Severson. MN5/21/1937p1 Sgobel & Day Fruit Packing House Northwest corner Ninth and Evergreen Sgobel and Day are having plans drawn for a shed to be built here. MT6/3/1922p6 The finishing touches are being done on the frame structure, 60x104 feet and 22 feet in height. All the light and air comes from above from rows of windows located in the roof, controlled from the floor. MT8/4/1922p5 Elmer Childers commenced work yesterday on a $3000 addition to the Sgobel and Day packing house on South Fir Street. MT6/2/1927p3 Sgobel & Day have built an addition on their plant to handle a much larger amount of fruit. The addition is 46x104 feet, and cost $4,500. MT7/31/1927pB3 Shakey's Pizza Parlor Photo: 1969 215 East Jackson Shell Service Station I 104 South Riverside, southwest corner Eighth and Riverside The Shell Oil Company was granted a permit to erect a station on South Riverside and Eighth Street. MT8/4/1920p8 Shell Service Station II Jackson and Riverside The station building, which is all steel, is painted cream with yellow and red trim. Wide windows afford instant vision from the salesroom, and large floodlights will give the station a daylight appearance at night. MT2/4/1940p3 Shell Service Station III 428 East Barnett, southwest corner Stewart and Barnett Razed September 2014. Shell Service Station IV 618 West Main, northeast corner Main and Sixth The Shell Oil Company has applied for a permit to erect a service station at 618 West Main Street at an estimated cost of $15,000. MT4/29/1948p11 Woody Turpin announces the grand opening of his Shell Station on Saturday, August 28th. Three hundred orchids will be given away. MT8/27/1948pp7,16 Shenandoah Building See K&D Restaurant Sherm's Food 4 Less Photo: 1965 2230 Biddle Road aka Disco, Baza'r The company announced it would probably invest close to $2 million in development of the property and store here. MT2/10/1965p1 The 84,000-sq.-ft. Mac-Disco department store is now under construction. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held Tuesday morning. MT2/12/1965pB5 The building is located on an 8.5-acre tract with 720 parking spaces. The development will also include a gas station on Biddle Road. MT6/13/1965pB6 The "best opening" of a Disco store was held at the new Medford complex Friday. The 55 departments are staffed by 150 employees. MT6/20/1965p1 The request of Baza'r Stores to change the two Disco signs will come before the Medford Planning Commission again tonight. MT3/9/1967p1 The telephone directory shows listings for the Baza'r Department Store first in 1968 and last in 1978. The 1979 edition shows a listing for a Thunderbird Market at that address, first listed as "Food4Less" in the 1986 phone book. MT5/28/2014 Sherm's Thunderbird Cold Storage Southwest corner Eleventh and Front Sherm's Thunderbird has submitted plans for an 18,052-square-foot cold storage building on the southwest corner of Front and 11th streets. MT8/16/2012p10 Shults Body & Fender Works NRHP #291.0 Photo: 1958 220 North Bartlett Simmons Building Probably 113-115 North Central Succeeded by the Frideger Building (q.v.). Taylor, the Medford harness maker, who sold out some time ago and went to California, has returned and gone into business again in the old Simmons building. DT6/27/1901p5 Among the first new building projects to be undertaken during the coming year will be a brick structure to be put up by C. Frideger on what is known as the Simmons property, on North Central Avenue, between Fifth and Sixth streets. MT1/9/1912p2 Sis-Q Motel 722 South Riverside A fire yesterday afternoon started in an upstairs room; the second story was smoke-damaged throughout. MT10/3/2018p4 Siskiyou Memorial Park Mortuary Photo: 1959 2100 Siskiyou Boulevard Construction will be completed soon; the building was designed by Wayne Struble, local architect, and built by Herbert Seitz, Medford. MT9/20/1959p2 Sixth Street Super Service Photo: 1933 Southeast corner Sixth and Fir The station will have no grease pits, hydraulic lifts taking place of this type of service, and gasoline pumps will be operated electrically. The building will be constructed of steel, embodying the latest design. MT7/18/1927p1 Work, begun last week, is progressing rapidly. The building will be of sectional steel, following the latest architectural design. MT9/25/1927p3 Richfield gasoline and motor oils will make their debut in southern Oregon at the service station being constructed at Sixth and Fir by Fred J. Scheffel and Val J. Fischer. MT10/16/1927p7 The filling station at Sixth and Fir, until recently operated by C. F. (Chuck) Risse, is being razed to clear the lot. MT6/14/1956p15 Sixth Street West Plaza NRHP #58.0 North Grape Skinner's Garage NRHP #346.0 Photo: 1927 143 South Riverside A new concrete building is being erected just south of the Russ mill on South Riverside to be occupied by R. A. Skinner. MS5/10/1925pC2 R. A. Skinner has been engaged in Buick repair work here since 1912. In 1924 Mr. Skinner moved into his new Riverside location. MT1/2/1927pE1 SkyPark 206 South Central, northwest corner Tenth and Central A proposed elevated downtown housing project got a boost Thursday when the City Council approved an agreement for the project. MT9/5/2014pB1 "Sky Park" is on track to begin construction by June. MT1/27/2015p3 SkyPark faces stiff headwinds after rejection of the plan by the Medford Site Plan and Architectural Commission. MT5/14/2015p1 Thursday night the Medford City Council overturned an earlier rejection by a city commission. MT5/22/2015p1 The project is in jeopardy over issues related to reserved parking for residents. Developers requested 26 spaces, monitored around the clock. MT10/31/2015p3 Sleep by the Numbers 1765 North Riverside A 3,200-square-foot building is proposed between Riverside and Court, across from Rogue Valley Mall. MT4/11/2014pB4 Slewing Building, Slewing Block, Slewing Hall See Palm-Slewing Building, Moose Hall Slinger & Ulrich Packing House Northwest Medford Olwell Bros. have leased the Slinger & Ulrich packing house in northwest Medford and are preparing the building for their vinegar factory. MM10/3/1902p2 Smith Apartments Photo: 1911 217 South Riverside aka Riverside Apartments A South Riverside apartment house is being erected by G. W. Slater for William Smith. It contains 60 living rooms with private baths, electric and gas fixtures. MT2/26/1911pB3 Smith Apartment House / Thirty Completely Furnished Apartments for Families / Gas Ranges and Lights / Free Telephone / Speaking Tubes, Call Bells / Private Baths / New, Clean and Sanitary / W. M. Smith, Prop. MT4/20/1911p5 Tennessee Smith believes his water rent is too high. He pays 50 cents per family a month, there being 30 families housed in the building. MT12/19/1911p1 A fire this morning badly damaged the Riverside Apartments. Flames gutted the attic and burned through the roof in several spots. Whether the authorities will permit rebuilding is unknown. MT7/25/1922p1 Repairs on the Riverside Apartments are progressing rapidly. MT8/21/1922p6 Smith Building South Front Street F. M. Judd has leased a window in the old Smith building, on D Street, and will open a jewelry repair shop. MM3/9/1894p3 E. Smith, son of Henry Smith, deceased, is going to open a jewelry store in the old Smith building. There is also to be a photographer's gallery in the same building. MM3/16/1894p3 W. T. Crane and Gabe Plymale have opened a roller skating rink in one of the Smith buildings, south of Hotel Nash. MM11/20/1896p7 Smith-Dynge Lumber Co. 102 South Fir, southwest corner Eighth and Fir Permit applied for for a lumber yard at 102 S. Fir costing $5,000. MT8/10/1945p9 A new partnership has bought six lots on Eighth and Fir streets and will build a 64x100-ft. building of concrete blocks for their lumber yard. MT8/12/1945p7 Smith-Dynge is rushing the second section of their new lumber company, built entirely of fireproof cement blocks. MN8/16/1946p1 Smith's Hall 126 or 210 North Grape aka (probably) Unity Hall, Socialists' Hall, Carpenters' Hall, Hall Building Painters' union meetings will be held every Thursday evening in the Socialists' hall, over Smith's tin shop. MM5/21/1909p1 In 1911 the plumber's union met at "Smith's Hall, N. Grape St., Fridays at 8 p.m." Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters Journal, October 1911, page 59 A meeting of carpenters was held at Smith's hall, 210 North Grape Street, last Friday evening. MT4/16/1924p6 Numerous archery contests have been held in Carpenters' Hall on North Grape Street, where John Beeson has arranged targets for the general convenience of the public. MT6/5/1927p2 There will be a meeting at 128 North Grape for the purpose of forming an archery club. MT7/11/1927p3 We have opened an auto top and fix-it shop at 128 N. Grape St., better known as the Hall Building. MT9/30/1932p10 Snider Dairy North Grape An addition has been built to Snider's milk depot for storage, ice cream room and office, giving them over 800 feet more floor space. MT7/23/1920p5 Snider's Dairy and Produce Co. have about completed an expensive addition to their plant. CL4/6/1923p1 Snider Dairy Building Photo: 1923 28-36 North Bartlett Reportedly built in 1921; razed 1964. MT1/10/1964p1 Plans were announced to double the size of the present building. MT10/14/1931p1 Tearing down of the rear portion of the structure is under way; the new structure will be concrete two stories high. MT10/30/1931p1 Building material used is being salvaged from the old high school. MT11/6/1931p1 The Snider Dairy is undergoing extensive remodeling and repair. MT1/20/1935p3 Improvements which have been under way for the past five months will be completed by April 15. The entire plant has been rebuilt gradually; the space now occupied by the Snider company is 75 by 120 feet. MT3/31/1935p14 Plans are under way to demolish the building and surface the area for parking. MT11/29/1963p8 Snyder Garage Photo: 1927 104 South Bartlett, southwest corner Eighth and Bartlett Built 1909 for Cadillac, Pierce Arrow, Corbin and Locomobile dealer Clarence H. Snyder. An up-to-date garage will be built at once on the corner of Eighth and B streets for the use of Snyder, the Cadillac man. The lumber has just been purchased by J. C. Emerick of Ashland, who will erect the building from the Big Pines Lumber Company. MM1/29/1909p5 The building is 100x50 feet in size and has a cement floor, without a post in it. This block of cement, by the way, is the largest in southern Oregon. It was constructed by Peter Denhof. The 5000 feet of floor space gives Mr. Snyder accommodations for 40 cars, and by the end of the season 20 of these will be new cars that have been sold by Mr. Snyder this year. TR4/1/1909p1 The Medford Garage, now unused, known also as the Emerick Garage, has been engaged as the place to hold the poultry show. MT2/5/1916p6 Treichler and Wilson's Overland auto agency has moved to the corner of Bartlett and Eighth streets. MS6/3/1916p2 The 1927 Sanborn Fire Insurance map shows the space occupied by an auto electric shop. The building was demolished late November 1967; SOHS Film No. 1182 contains footage of the demolition. Socialists' Hall See Smith's Hall South Central Service Station Northwest corner Ninth and Central Construction was just completed of Harry Moore's ultramodern station with full-cantilever canopy. MT6/29/1934p9 Warren Butler has assumed ownership and management of Medford's newest service station, constructed along modernistic lines and featuring a full line of Gilmore products. MT11/11/1934p6 Announcing our new used car lot at 9th and Central--Hamlin Motor Company. MT12/27/1960p16 South Medford High School See Medford High School III Southern Oregon Brewing, Ice and Cold Storage Company See Jackson County Creamery Southern Oregon Pork Packing Company Northeast corner Third and Evergreen The foundation is laid for the pork-packing house of W. H. Barr and others. VR3/14/1889p3 The Southern Oregon Pork Packing Co. has purchased property in the northern portion of town, near W. S. Barnum's new residence, for their buildings, and will commence operations during the month. DT6/12/1891p2 G. W. Bashford took the contract to build the smokehouse and other buildings for the Medford pork packing company at $1300, and began work last week. AT7/3/1891p2 Work is rapidly progressing on the S.O. Pork Packing Co.'s buildings. The main one is looming up and already presents an imposing appearance. DT7/31/1891p2 The building where the salting, smoking, curing, packing, etc., will be done is 60x58 with 10-inch walls packed with sawdust and rendered impenetrable to flies and is as cool as an ice house. The lard house, which stands within an hundred yards of the packing house, is 20x30 feet, and will contain two large furnaces with three 20- and 30-gallon kettles each. AT10/16/1891p2 The pork packing house, immediately north of the I.L.&B. Co.'s mill, was old and dry, the walls and floor more or less saturated with grease, so that by the time the fire boys reached it the whole building was a mass of flames. MT11/3/1905p1 Southern Oregon Sales Packing Plant Photo: 1929 13 West Stewart, northwest corner Stewart and Pacific Highway Work will begin Feb. 1 on the 128x270-ft building. MT12/30/1928p1 Announcement was made Saturday by Southern Oregon Sales for construction of a pre-cooling, cold storage and packing plant, to cost $100,000. The structure will be three stories high and equipped with the latest fruit industry machinery. There will be a cafeteria and emergency dressing rooms, and rest rooms for women workers and smoking rooms for men. MT12/31/1928pB4 Completion of the 132x254-ft. plant is scheduled for July 1; plans include a cafeteria and fireproof office building. MT1/29/1929p1 Plans for the $150,000 packing plant will be completed this week. MT2/21/1929p1 The construction contract was let to L. M. Bentley of Hood River; work started this morning on excavation. Plans were drawn by L. B. Humphreys. MT2/28/1929p1 The laying of the foundations of the new plant will be completed and work started on the main structure. MT3/27/1929p4 Finishing touches are being put on. MT7/18/1929p3 The S.O.S. plant will be completed Thursday. MT7/29/1929p3 The pre-cooling and storage plant, built at a cost of $200,000, is completed. Construction started April 19. MT8/2/1929p1 The plant will start operations Tuesday with a force of 75 packers. MT8/18/1929p3 The plant is said to be one of the finest of its kind in the world. MT9/22/1929p3 A crew is laying the foundation for a $65,000 addition. MT6/24/1934p1 Pouring of cement for the floor was started today. MT6/27/1934p4 Southern Oregon Timber Industries Association Photo: 1965 2680 North Pacific Highway The high "A-frame" entryway welcomes visitors into offices highlighted with paneling of indigenous woods. The association moved into the new quarters in January this year. MT10/15/1965pB4 Southside Center Garfield Avenue Developer Cris Galpin is planning three buildings in the Southside Center I complex. The largest is the 9,013-sq.-ft. Cracker Barrel. MT6/1/2017p3 Cracker Barrel will occupy a 10,000-sq.-ft. building on the east extremity. Chipotle and Mod Pizza will open 2,000-plus-sq.-ft. locations in a middle building, and Five Guys Pizza will occupy 7,400 sq. ft. on the west end. MT3/20/2018p3 Sparta Building NRHP #362.0 Photos: circa 1913 2011 401 East Main/12 North Riverside, northeast corner Main and Riverside John Root, from Sparta, Wisconsin, contracted architect Frank Clark to design this gleaming glazed white brick building in 1910; construction began August 30. MT8/28/1910p1 The curved corner, framed by twin ionic columns, created the perfect showplace for Pop Gates' Overland dealership. Gates leased the building in August 1913, and shortly thereafter became the valley's Ford dealer. Soon, Riverside Avenue became the natural location for many auto dealers and repair shops, earning the thoroughfare the name Auto Row. In 1926 radio station KMED, the first commercial station between Sacramento and Portland, moved to the second floor. The station installed twin towers on the roof, stretching antenna wires between them. Right on the corner of Seventh and A streets is a property for sale, 180x50 feet, with or without buildings. Present building good for a butcher store, or furniture shop, implements or cannery. MM3/8/1901p7 The Antelope Lumber Co. has opened offices at the corner of Main and North Riverside. Officers and incorporators are J. M. Root, president and treasurer, A. H. Miller, secretary, E. M. Andrews and L. F. Root. MM7/26/1907p1 The wooden building, for many years used a blacksmith shop, will be removed by the owners, Messrs. Root and Enyart. MT11/10/1909p8 Work will start next Tuesday morning; the contract has been let to R. I. Stuart. The building will be known as the "Sparta" block. The name is the same as the town in which Mr. Root was reared [Sparta, Wisconsin]. MT8/28/1910p1 Contracts have been let for John M. Root's new $30,000 building, which will be completed in 121 days. The structure will have an enameled brick front. The first floor will be occupied by stores, while the second will contain offices. MT9/4/1910pB1 September sees the beginning of construction on the Root building. MT9/10/1910pB1 The enamel brick for the Sparta Building, which is being erected at the corner of Main and Riverside by John M. Root and associates, has arrived and gives great promise of lending beauty to the building. MT10/9/1910p6 Workmen are now placing the second story, the material of which is white tile brick. As Medford is free of coal smoke, this building will be one of the handsomest in the city. It will be lighted with the most modern electrical fixtures, inside and out. MS2/5/1911p1 The building was erected by R. I. Stuart under the supervision of Charles N. McKnight, foreman. Painting and interior decorations were by the firm of Black and Noyes. There are sixteen office rooms upstairs and one large and one small store room on the first floor. The main entrance to the upper floor faces East Main and is attractively finished in marble. MS5/7/1911p3 One of the most handsome buildings erected in the city is the Sparta block, which is just ready for occupancy. MT7/2/1911pB1 Every lady and gentleman invited to attend our lectures given every afternoon 2:30 and evenings 8. Demonstration parlors in the Sparta bldg., ground floor. MT4/2/1912p2 The Equal Suffrage Club of Medford and vicinity have opened new headquarters in the Sparta building and will meet there each Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. MT5/13/1912p4 The McGuire five and ten cent store will open for business in its new location in the Sparta building Saturday. MT1/24/1913p2 The flower and rose show will be open all day in the Sparta building. The baby contest will be held at the Sparta building from 1 o'clock to 4. MT7/3/1913p1 C. E. Gates, the Overland man, has leased the lower floor of the Sparta building for a period of three years. The front room will be used as a show room, with the rear room as repair shop. MT8/29/1913p6 The work performed by the federal employment bureau, which closed its doors Saturday night, will be carried on at the Red Cross offices in the Sparta Building. MT7/24/1919p2 The Red Cross is establishing a health center in the Sparta Building which will be in charge of the Jackson County public health nurse. MS8/17/1919p4 The Red Cross has opened a rest room in the Sparta Building for women and children for 15 cents an hour. Afternoon tea will be served. MT12/8/1919p3 Walter Bowne will rearrange the first floor of the Sparta into five business rooms, all fronting on Riverside. He will occupy the corner room and rent the other four. MT7/29/1924p3 Several public-spirited firms have cooperated in improving the appearance of the Sparta Building. Window displays will be changed frequently to keep this important corner looking presentable throughout the tourist season, or until the space is again rented. MT5/29/1932p3 Purchase of the Sparta Building by George Hunt was announced in the liquidation of the Spokane Savings Bank, former owner. The property includes the one-story concrete structure adjoining on the east. Principal tenants include Rogue River Chevrolet, KMED, Goodwyn & Goodwyn, Noe & Saylor tonsorial parlors and the Cozy Nook. MT9/6/1936p4 The home of Cupp's Furniture Exchange, 407 East Main, was destroyed by fire and reconstructed during the fall season. The Sparta Building, affected in this fire, was fully redecorated MT1/2/1938p7 Among the landmarks built by R. I. Stuart is the Sparta Building. MT5/30/1976pC2 Downtown has received a boost with the opening of the Club at Cafe Med. The bar is the same one that served patrons of the old Harold's Club. MTTempo8/1/1986p47 Workers have gone into overtime restoring the historic Sparta building downtown after encountering unexpected problems with the columns, the roof and the metal cornice, as well as seismic upgrades. MT9/26/2011pB1 City directory listings for corner room of Sparta Building: 1912 McGuire's Variety; 1914-16 C. E. Gates Overland/Studebaker/Ford; 1920 McCurdy-Bowne Motor Co.; 1920-26 Busy Corner Motor Co.; 1927-31 Western Auto; 1932-35 Vacant; 1937-39 Rogue River Chevrolet; 1940-60 Commercial Finance Corp.; 1962-71 Laurentide Finance Corp.; 1972-77 CIT Financial Services; 1978 Hi-Way Club; 1979-81 Harold's Arcade; 1983-84 Heff's Family Restaurant; 1985-88 Vacant; 1989-90 Spaghetti Factory; 1991 Vacant; 1993-1997 Las Margaritas Sperry Flour Building I See Perry & Cox Warehouse Sperry Flour Building II Northwest corner Fifth and Fir Work began yesterday on a $10,000 50x100-ft. concrete structure. MT11/21/1926p1 The warehouse will be dedicated tomorrow with a release of carrier pigeons. MT5/20/1927p6 The former building was vacated when a modern concrete structure on North Fir Street was completed several weeks ago. MT4/24/1927p2 Stark Finance Company 2739 North Pacific Highway Photo: 1959 St. Luke's Education Building 2940 Siskiyou Boulevard The consecration service of the new Christian education building of St. Luke's Methodist church, 2940 Siskiyou Blvd., will be held Sunday. MT11/7/1958p6 St. Mark's Block Photos: 1911 1965 218-230 West Main, northeast corner Main and Holly aka Copco Building, Masonic Building, Episcopalian Block. See Copco Office Building A granite alcove now on this site was created from the remains of the St. Mark's Block after it was razed in 1971. St. Mark's Episcopal Church constructed the building in 1910 (contrary to the brass plaque on the site) of granite cut from the Ray quarry near Gold Hill. Businesses occupied the ground floor, and until 1919, when the building was sold to the Masons, church services were held upstairs. The third floor was added in 1926 and dedicated on December 10. Medford is soon to be graced by a new church building. It will be erected on the site of the present chapel, which is soon to be moved to the opposite side of the lot. MM3/6/1908p6 G. L. Schermerhorn has arranged to commence excavating for the erection of the new Episcopal church business block and church edifice. This new block will have a frontage of 100 feet on West Main, and will extend north on Holly 70 feet. This will be made into four business store rooms, each with a 25-foot frontage on Main. The building will be two stories. At the rear of these and fronting on North Holly, the society will erect its new church. MM10/1/1909p6 The church is estimated to cost $10,000 and will be constructed entirely of stone. The church will have a frontage of 46 feet on Holly and will be 100 feet deep. MT11/6/1909p1 The building committee of the Episcopal Church met this morning and decided to start the work immediately on the new brick block on the corner from which the frame church was recently moved. MT12/29/1909p1 Work has started on the foundation of the Episcopal block and stone church, to be finished by June 1. OR1/3/1910p13 The cornerstone of St. Mark's Episcopal church was laid yesterday. Ashland's gift, together with various documents, were sealed up in a tin box. AT3/3/1910p5 The woodwork for the interior and the supports for the second story are in place, and the work on the side walls is being rapidly pushed. MT3/11/1910p5 Building stone from the Gold Ray quarry is being used in the new Episcopal church and block at Medford. MT5/12/1910p4 The lower story of the building is to be completed by September 20. The corner will be occupied by the Title & Trust Co. of Medford. The first store room east will be occupied by the Aitkens Co., which carries ladies' ready-to-wear goods, and the next by Leander & Co., with the same class of goods. Abrams & Co., auto supplies, will occupy the next store. MT8/31/1910p5 The Episcopalian building is nearing completion under the careful superintendence of Archdeacon Chambers of Portland. The building will contain two floors. Three stores have rented the ground floor, while the upper floor is being divided into eight offices. A large meeting or dance hall and a reception room to serve at times as a dining room. The building is being erected at a cost of $32,000. The new St. Mark's church, next door, is not being built at present on account of lack of funds. MT9/4/1910pB1 The new store fronts for the St. Mark's building are being placed. MTw10/6/1910p5 Pruitt-Hittson Auto Co, will occupy the entire lower floor of the St. Mark's building June 1. Hale's Piano House will move to 115 East Main. MT5/24/1919p2 The Medford lodge F. and A.M. has decided to purchase the St. Mark's building, and have issued 20-year bonds to the sum of $30,000. MT4/24/1920p6 A permit was issued this month to the Masons "for $25,000 to complete the second story on their building on West Main, and add a third story." JCN7/2/1926p1 The third floor addition will be dedicated tomorrow. MT12/9/1926p8 A third story was added in 1926 to the Masonic building at a cost of $25,000 giving the local Mason lodge one of the finest lodge and club rooms in Oregon. MT1/2/1927pD2 The Safeway store will extend through the vacant shop east of the building on Main Street and rearrange the store front. MT7/23/1933p6,MT7/25/1933p5 Safeway's "store of tomorrow" opens Friday at Main and Oakdale; it will replace the Main and Holly store. MT7/9/1942p3 Quality Market will move across the street from 217 to 222 West Main. MT1/6/1944p5 Announcement is made of establishment by the Y.M.C.A. of temporary quarters in the Masonic building on West Main formerly occupied by the West Main U.S.O. MN10/6/1944p1 The Par Store will move from 221 West Main to the corner. MT8/14/1945p10 California Oregon Power Company's permit to remodel its building at 26 North Holly Street at a cost of $45,000 was the largest for August. MT1/7/1948p3 St. Mark's Episcopal Church I Northeast corner Main and Holly The pastor and executive committee have under consideration some improvements on their chapel. It is proposed to add a vestibule at the entrance, to remove the small hallway formerly used as a vestry and to put in a recess sanctuary of the apse form. MM10/10/1902p7 St. Mark's Episcopal Church II NRHP #173.0 Photo: 1916 212 North Oakdale, northwest corner Fifth and Oakdale The new Episcopal church, the cornerstone of which is to be laid on March 2, the Rev. Charles Scadding, bishop of the Oregon diocese, officiating, marks the commencement of the finest church building in the state outside of Portland. MT2/22/1910p2 The bishop of Oregon laid the cornerstone of the new St. Mark's Episcopal church this afternoon. MT3/2/1910p1 St. Mark's, the handsome new Episcopal edifice, has been completed. It is one of the most attractive church buildings in Medford, built of concrete and brick at a cost of $5000. MT12/16/1916p5 A permit was issued for a new parish house of St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal church, 35 by 71 feet and one story in dimension. MT12/20/1922p5 The church, built nine years ago, will be consecrated Sunday. MT11/27/1925p14 St. Mark's Guild Hall Corner South Oakdale and Fifth Street Razing of the old and revered structure, built in 1916, begins Monday. MT2/17/1967p8 St. Mark's Parish Hall/School NRHP #179.0 212 North Oakdale St. Mary's Academy Photos: 1908 circa 1910 1916 1920s 1950 1953 310 West Eleventh Street between Holly and Ivy Built 1908; razed 1953. Ground was broken yesterday for the $21,000 Catholic school. Work will also begin soon on the priests' home. OR2/12/1908p5 The work of laying the foundation for the new Catholic school in west Medford is progressing rapidly. MM3/13/1908p2 An extra shift of workmen has been put on to complete the building in time for opening September 14, as advertised. TR9/5//1908p1 St. Mary's Academy was dedicated here today by Archbishop Christie, of Portland. OR9/28/1908p13 The lawn of the academy will be dynamited in preparation for setting out a number of trees and rose bushes. MT2/4/1914p2 The gymnasium, woodshed and storeroom burned Saturday. OJ9/6/1936p35 St. Mary's Academy has received a building permit valued at $1,000 for installation of fire doors. MT8/30/1950p7 A permit to demolish the old school has been taken by Sacred Heart Church. MT7/4/1952p7 St. Mary's High School 816 Black Oak Drive Photo: 1965 Edson and Pappas have been retained to prepare preliminary plans. MT4/28/1960p1 Students will start classes in a new high school when classes resume after Christmas. The new plant cost $275,000, and includes 12 classrooms, a multipurpose room, administration, library and a shower room. MT12/21/1961p1 Fundraising for St. Mary's High School expansion, including construction of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Gymnasium, opens officially Tuesday, with a $300,000 goal. MT3/22/1964pB2 A contract has been signed with Medford architect Walter Pappas for designing a $225,000 gymnasium. MT4/24/1966p10 For the past three years Talent artist Kevin Christman has been creating stained glass windows for the chapel at St. Mary's. In August he installed the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth of 32 windows. SP9/2015p19 St. Mary's School Photo: 1965 The $375,000 school building, which will replace a structure erected in 1908, is to be completed in time for the start of school next fall. MT12/2/1951p12 The new 43,000-sq.-ft. building has been built between the old school and the sidewalks. MT7/4/1952p7 Dedication of the new St. Mary's school and convent Wednesday will mark another milestone in the institution's 88 years of history. The school opened its doors last fall. The $400,000 structure includes nine classrooms for grade school students and four "home rooms" for high school students. MT6/21/1953p10 St. Peter's Lutheran Church 920 East Main, southwest corner Main and Portland Application was made for a $5500 church at 920 East Main. MT11/12/1930p4 The chapel will be dedicated Sunday. MT5/9/1931p3 St. Peter's Lutheran Church Photo: 1949 1020 East Main, southwest corner Main and Vancouver A groundbreaking service will be conducted by St. Peter's Lutheran Church Sunday after the close of the regular service. The building will be of brick tile and Roman brick construction. MT8/27/1948p7 Standard Insurance Building Photos: 1960 1965 711 East Main, corner Main and Genessee Groundbreaking was today on the new building, which will be 41x200 feet. Armin Richter and Assoc. is the contractor; architects are Wilmsen and Endicott. Landscape architect is Mrs. Fred Lorish, Medford. MT4/18/1960p11 Among major building permits this year was one for Standard Insurance's two-story all-wood structure. The second story will be rental space. MT5/29/1960p10 Fire in the Standard Insurance Building gutted four offices and caused smoke damage in the rest of the building Friday night. MT10/31/1965p1 Standard Oil Service Station I Photos: circa 1924 1942 Northeast corner West Main and Fir The Southern Pacific has leased a plot of ground at the corner of Main and Fir to the Standard Oil Company. It is the first time the railroad has leased a part of the real estate it owns on either side of the tracks for other than warehouse purposes. MT7/7/1919p2, MT7/8/1919p6 Standard Oil commenced work today on their modern city service station. The building will be entirely of steel, will be surrounded by a circular cement curbing, and there will be flowers inside the curbing and around the building. There will be four large oil tanks and three air and water tanks. The station will be working in about two weeks. MT7/10/1919p6 The new service station of the Standard Oil company opened for business at noon today, although work on the plant and grounds is not completed. MT7/30/1919p6 The Standard Oil station at Fir and Main has undergone a complete change of paint. The last licks were put on the tall flagpole this morning. MT7/14/1927p2 The service station is being remodeled to make room for Crater Lake Motors' used car lot. A background of lattice work is being built. MT11/18/1954p11 Standard Oil Service Station II Photos: 1927 1927 1940 Northwest corner Sixth and Riverside The Standard Oil Company has taken a long-time lease on the property 100x100 feet at the corner of Riverside and Sixth and will begin the erection of a new service station there in a few days. MT3/8/1920p6 The station opened today; unsightly old buildings were removed and over 1500 yards of dirt required to fill the lot to street level. MT4/4/1921p3 Permit granted Beebe and Kindle for grease pit and tire display room, costing approximately $2000. MT3/31/1927p3 Standard Oil Service Station III 237 North Central, southwest corner Fourth and Central Standard Stations, Inc. has applied for a permit to demolish the building at 237 North Central Avenue. MT12/8/1949p13 You are invited to the newest Standard station, Fourth and Central. Gardenias, key chains and gifts for the children, opening day Saturday, April 8. MT4/7/1950p11 Standard Roofing Tenth and Fir Standard Roofing and Building Supply is erecting a one-story, two-room office building, built of granite-faced brick, at Fir and 10th streets. MT12/15/1925p2 Standley Block See Palmer-Medynski Building Star Body Shop 1024 Summit Avenue Sherman Jones has applied for a permit to build a business building at 1024 Summit Street at an estimated cost of $500. MT1./8/1948p9 Starbucks Coffee (proposed) Barnett Road across from Rogue Regional Medical Center Barnett Stage LLC has proposed a 1,850-square-foot Starbucks, just east of Bank of the Cascades. MT5/1/2015pB4 Lillie D. Starr House NRHP #142.0 204 North Ivy Steinhardt & Kelly Fruit Packing House See Page Warehouse Sterling Savings Bank See Klamath First Federal Savings & Loan Stevens Wholesale NRHP #4.0 Photo: 1949 101 East Tenth, northeast corner Tenth and Front Built 1949 for Stevens Co., auto parts wholesaler. Stewart Building NRHP #308.0 Photos: circa 1904 1979 237 East Main, northwest corner Main and Bartlett aka Medford Bank Building, Will Hansen Building Mr. Stewart is perfecting the plans for the erection of a brick building to be 25x100 feet in size and two stories high. The first story of the building will undoubtedly be used for banking purposes, a move toward organizing a new bank house having been put in motion. MM10/28/1897p7 Merchant J. H. Ferguson has rented the brick building formerly occupied by Boyden & Nicholson on Seventh. MM4/8/1898p7 Hon. J. H. Stewart has purchased the brick building occupied by Ferguson, the grocer, on 7th Street, as also the vacant lot adjoining. He will have constructed, for the use of the proposed banking institution, a handsome edifice, as also another story above it. DT10/31/1898p3 The material for the new bank building is being put on the ground. Hon. J. H. Stewart is superintending operations. DT11/14/1898p2 Arthur Weeks, an excellent architect, is in Medford, crafting plans for the building J. H. Stewart, his father-in-law, proposes erecting soon. DT11/17/1898p3 Work has been commenced on the new bank building. The brickwork is being done by Geo. Priddy. DT2/23/1899p3 The work on the Stewart block is progressing rapidly. The tower is being erected and the building is nearing enclosure. MM4/21/1899p7 Ernest Langley has secured the contract for putting in the pipe and arranging the water system for J. H. Stewart's new brick block. DT4/24/1899p3 The building is 25x86 feet in size and two stories high. It is built of brick with sand rock at both top and bottom of each of the several pillars and at door and window sides and corners. The two large front windows are of the best French plate glass. The entrance to the banking room is from Seventh Street through a massive door of the best sugar pine with plate glass panels. At the back end of the counter is a good-sized room set apart from the banking room proper and will be for use by bank officials. This is divided from the other room with oak and glass partitions. Still beyond this is a directors' room, 16x24 feet in size, and beyond this is a 20x24-foot room which will be used undoubtedly for store purposes. A large safety vault has been provided for the bank's treasure and valuable papers. This has cold air ventilation and is positively fireproof. Inside this is a Diebold safe--a double timer, of the best of steel, and burglar proof. The upstairs, or second story, is divided into suites of rooms--six in number. A hallway extends the entire length of the building on the second story and each of these rooms opens into it. These rooms face on B Street, and from each of them there projects a large bay window. They are finished in sugar pine, and in each of them are marble wash basins and city water attachments. MM6/23/1899p6 Architect A. J. Weeks left this week for Oakland, Calif., to remain this winter. The work on the J. H. Stewart block, which he has been superintending, has been turned over to contractor E. W. Starr for completion. MM11/3/1899 J. H. Stewart's new brick block on Main Street is nearing completion. He expects to have it ready for occupancy in about two weeks. GH12/2/1899p4 The brick warehouse at the rear of the old Medford Bank building is about completed. This is being built by the J. H. Stewart estate and under the supervision of F. M. Stewart. It is 25x55 feet in size and will be used as a warehouse by the firm of Nicholson & Platt when they get moved into their new quarters. MM1/4/1907p5 A Medford National Bank sign has appeared on the building, indicating a change from a private to a national banking institution. MM7/6/1906p4 Nicholson & Platt have moved their hardware store from the south side of Seventh Street to the Stewart block, just across the street. MM3/15/1907p5 A real estate partnership has been formed under the name of La Loma real estate company, by W. H. Stewart, with office in the Stewart Building, over the Nicholson Hardware Company. MT3/13/1911p6 It is understood that J. F. Hale, who recently purchased the Stewart block, will make over the upper floor into apartments. MT10/24/1921p1 Modernizing the store building at Main and Bartlett includes removing the bay windows on the second story. MT9/30/1935p3 Remodeling of the old Will Hansen building at Main and Bartlett streets was completed in 1935. MT1/3/1936p1 Recent occupants have been Cookie Connection, Boulangerie Rue de Main, Molly Reed. MT5/24/2010p6 A. J. Stewart Building Eighth and Front Photo: 1969 Carpenter E. W. Starr commenced work Tuesday on the woodwork of the Stewart building, corner of Eighth and North [sic] D streets. MM6/6/1902p6 The brick block that A. J. Stewart is having erected is rapidly nearing completion. S. Childers has the walls up and E. W. Starr will have the roof ready in three or four days so that the bricklayers can put up the fire walls, after which the tinners will put on the tin roof. The building, which is 50x55 feet, is to have a cement floor, and it will be an ideal workroom for the cigar factory. Messrs. Palm and Whitman have leased the building and will move their factory to it. MM6/13/1902p3 The new cigar factory building will be completed by the end of this week. The tin roof is on and the cement floor was completed Wednesday by Childers Bros. Messrs. Palm, Whitman & Co. will have everything in running order in their new factory within ten days. MM7/4/1902p7 Stewart Fruit Packing See Knight Packing, Independent Fruit Stewart McPherson Lumber Co. Southwest corner Tenth and Fir Fire last night destroyed the small building at the corner of Fir and 10th streets and its contents of 45 tons of baled hay and straw. MT10/28/1935p1 Stewart Market 1145 Lozier Lane, northeast corner Stewart and Lozier Lane A blaze Sunday destroyed the market. The cement block structure has been on the tax rolls since at least 1940. MT9/2/2021pB4 Stewart Meadows Village Between Stewart and Garfield Providence Health and Services' 64,000-square-foot building will be the first tenant in the 79-acre planned unit development stretching from Stewart to Garfield, west of Highway 99. MT3/9/2016p8 Work has begun on 92 units of one- and two-bedroom apartments, the first phase of an anticipated 300 units. MT11/28/2018p3 Stone Animal Hospital 1455 North Riverside, southwest corner McAndrews and Riverside Constructed a year ago, the concrete cat and dog hospital operated by Dr. D. W. Stone at the end of Riverside is filling a long-felt want. MT12/31/1929pB5 R. I. Stuart Office 521 North Fir Photo: 1976 The R. I. Stuart and Sons building is about to be torn down. MT5/30/1976pC2 Sunland Real Estate 333 Howard Street, northeast corner Howard and Bennett Photo: 1966 Remodeling of the home near the Medford Shopping Center was recently completed to provide office space for Sunland Real Estate. MT1/14/1966p10 Sunrise Super Service Station Photo: 1927 Corner Twelfth and South Riverside Representing an outlay of approximately $20,000, the Sunrise Super-Service Station was completed last February on South Riverside Avenue. In addition to the service station, there are also five three-room tourist apartments operated in connection with the station under the proprietorship of A. M. Alcock and J. A. Rowe. MT9/14/1927pC3 Syndicate Building See Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank Building Taggart House Main and Riverside W. F. Taggart is improving the appearance of his residence, corner A and Seventh streets, by the application of paint. MM4/18/1902p3 A. P. Talent House Ninth and Central Petition of A. P. Talent to construct frame residence corner Ninth and Central Avenue granted. MT2/20/1910p3 The family home for the past 11 years has been at 245 S. Central. MT5/26/1913p2 Tayler Building Photos: 1901 1904 221 East Main; preceded the Tayler-Phipps Building Tayler the foot fitter will move his stock of shoes, etc., to the store next to Wilkinson's meat market. MM2/23/1894p2 A. C. Tayler will move his shoe shop to the Damon building, near Mr. Lawton's harness shop. He has purchased the property, the consideration being $1400. MM3/2/1894p3 Gospel services are being held in Tayler's store every Sunday evening, conducted by S. D. Biden, and to which all are invited. MM4/20/1894p2 The Medford Book Store vacated the First National Bank building on Seventh Street Monday, and is now located in the Tayler building, next door to the Green Front cigar store. MM6/8/1906p5 Tayler-Phipps Building NRHP #310.0 Photos: 1989 2006 221-225 East Main aka Kidd Building, Phipps Building Ira D. Phipps, dentist son of one of the town founders, joined shoemaker Albert C. Tayler in hiring architects C. O. Power and R. R. Reeves to design this two-story brick building. Before construction began Tayler sold his business to Corsa M. Kidd, who later joined with V. A. Norris and Harvey Field in the shoe trade. In 1937, Nor-Field Shoes and Company remodeled the storefront with Carrera glass. The brass footprints embedded in the sidewalk take the place of those Tayler painted on board sidewalks in the 1890s. The metal versions probably date from 1901 and still lead you into the shoe store, now under the management of John Norris. The upstairs level of the Tayler-Phipps building remains virtually unchanged since the building's 1909 construction; the Lincrusta wallpaper on the wainscoting likely dates from that period. A. C. Tayler and I. J. Phipps will erect a modern, up-to-date business structure of brick on their property on lower Seventh. The building will be 50x140 feet in size, and the lower story will contain two double-front storerooms. The upper floor will be used for office rooms. MM3/19/1909p6 It will be 50x92 feet in size, two stories high. The ceilings will be 16 feet high, and the fronts will be of plate and prism glass. The second story will be for office purposes. Dr. Phipps will use nearly all of the rooms on one side for his dental parlors. The reception room, which will be at the front, will be 16x22 feet in size, and in it there will be a large fireplace. The second story of the other building, Mr. Tayler's part, will be divided into three large suites for office purposes. A nice feature of all these rooms is that they will all have sidelight, a court at each side providing this light. A new feature in connection with the windows in these courts is that they will be protected from fire by shutters which will be so suspended by lead wires that should a fire occur these lead wires will melt, thus permitting the shutters to drop down over the windows. The architect is C. O. Power of this city, the contractor is Harper McKechnie, and the Big Pines Lumber Company will furnish the material. MM7/16/1909p1 The second-story ceiling joists are being put up in the Phipps-Tayler building, and by the end of next week it is expected the roof will be on. MM8/20/1909p6 Everybody is admiring the splendid brick front which is being put in for Messrs. Phipps and Tayler in their new building. The brick used are white in color with outer surface glazed, and the plain ones used cost $100 per thousand, while those used in the ornamental finish cost $150 per thousand. MM9/24/1909p5 Another 1937 major remodeling was undertaken by C. M. Kidd & Company, pioneer shoe concern, located at 221 East Main Street. With a smart new front, trimmed with lustrous, black Carrara glass, and completely remodeled interior and fixtures, Kidd's store is considered one of this city's most beautiful business establishments. MT1/2/1938p6 Norris Shoes finished interior and exterior remodeling in 1986. MT3/23/1989pB11 J. G. Taylor Building Photo: 1902-08 314 East Main aka Burk Building J. G. Taylor this week purchased from Lex Hubbard a 25x140-ft. lot on [East] Seventh Street. The property is just east and adjoining the Union Livery Stable. Mr. Taylor will at once commence the construction of a 25x65 one-story brick building, to be occupied by himself for a harness and saddlery shop. MM6/21/1901p7 J. G. Taylor will commence work on his new brick building this week. G. W. Priddy secured the brick work contract, Chas. Pheister the stone foundation work, and A. C. Nicholson will superintend the carpenter work. The building will be 25x60 feet in size and one story high. MM7/12/1901p7 The brick work on the new J. G. Taylor building is being vigorously pushed, and it is expected will be completed before September 1st. MM8/16/1901p6 G. W. Priddy, the expert contractor and builder, has the first story of J. G. Taylor's brick building completed. It will be a fine structure in every way. DT8/22/1901p2 Mr. Taylor's new brick store building is nearly ready to move into. G. W. Priddy did the brick work, and A. C. Nicholson the carpenter work. MM9/20/1901p7 J. G. Taylor has moved his stock of harness and saddlery to his new brick building, on East Seventh Street, near the Union Livery Stables. MM10/4/1901p7 I have moved my stock of harness from the Woolf building to my new store. J. G. Taylor. MM11/15/1901p7 The Burk Building didn't fail, it was just crushed by a wall of bricks when the Gates Furniture building collapsed last Friday night. MT7/21/1983 L. C. Taylor Building NRHP #260.0 313 East Eighth Terminal Hotel See Hotel Jackson Texaco Station Corner of Sixth and Grape Resolution authorizing the placing of gasoline tanks in the sidewalks at Sixth and Grape, for erection of a new service station, was authorized. MT10/4/1933p3 Work started today on the all-metal service station. MT11/10/1933p3 Texaco Station 925 North Central A permit was issued to build a service station at 925 North Central Ave. at an estimated cost of $55,000. MT8/4/1963p7 A permit was issued to Texaco, Inc., 925 N. Central, for a $3,000 sign. MT12/16/1963p11 Texaco Station Corner of Crater Lake Avenue and Hilton Road The Matawan-style station is now under construction. MT6/16/1968pB2 Theiss Wholesale Warehouse Southwest corner Sixth and Evergreen B. P. Theiss & Co. has laid the foundation for a wholesale grocery warehouse, 135x30 feet, the north 35 feet being two stories. MT3/3/1905p1 W. E. Thomas Apartments 108-114 South Grape Erection of a two-story apartment house at 110 S. Grape began today. The building will contain 20 rooms, five rooms to the flat, two flats to each floor, with four individual garages in the rear. MT4/13/1927p1 W. E. Thomas has a $15,000 four-flat apartment house under construction on South Holly [sic] Street. MT6/8/1927p2 The four-flat apartment house which is being constructed on South Holly [sic] Street is expected to be ready for occupancy by July 15. Construction was commenced in March and was designed to be one of the most modern in Medford. MT6/27/1927p2 The new Thomas apartment house on South Grape is being rapidly completed and is expected to be ready for occupancy within a fortnight, according to the builder, W. E. Thomas, who planned the four-flat structure. MT7/17/1927p2 The Thomas apartment house on South Grape was sold to George S. Hutchins, a well-known Medford contractor, at a consideration of $16,000. MT8/2/1927p8 Marriage license application: Kenneth Elmer Lilly, 108 South Grape and Donna Marie Yates, 112 South Grape. MT5/6/1959p14 I. W. Thomas Building [East] NRHP #67.2 131 West Main See White & Thomas Block I. W. Thomas Building [West] NRHP #67.1 135 West Main See White & Thomas Block Thomas Building #2 [Oregon Rooms] NRHP #110.0 Photo: 1979 225 West Main See also White & Thomas Block I. W. Thomas, who owns property west and adjoining the old Clarenden House barn, has decided to erect a brick building thereon. The building will be 50x80 feet in size and two stories high. MM4/12/1901p6 Contractor G. W. Priddy has men at work quarrying the rock for the foundation of I. W. Thomas' new brick building, which he has the contract for erecting on Mr. Thomas' property on West Seventh Street. MM4/19/1901p2 A. D. Ray, proprietor of the West Side Grocery, has secured a lease on the brick building to be erected by I. W. Thomas. MM4/26/1901p6 The stone for the foundation of I. W. Thomas' new brick is being placed on the ground this week. The excavating has been completed. MM5/3/1901p6 Mr. Thomas, of the Griffin Creek ranch, is getting everything on the ground for his big brick building, west of the railroad track. The foundation is laid, and as soon as the brick is ready he will push the work. DT6/27/1901p5 A. C. Tayler has sold two business lots on West Seventh Street, adjoining the Presbyterian church. One of these was sold to I. W. Thomas and the other to R. Slewing, the west side merchant tailor. The price paid was $1100 for each lot. The lots are 25x140 feet in size, and both of the purchasers will erect brick business buildings thereon. MM12/7/1906p5 I. W. Thomas has broken ground for his new two-story brick store building adjoining the Presbyterian church. The building will be 20 feet front by 80 feet deep. TR8/27/1907p4 Thomas' estate sold the building, then occupied by Stamper and Goff Brothers Hardware, in 1945 to Carrol S. and Lotus Gray of Medford. MN5/25/1945p6 Thomas Rental Store NRHP #72.0 39 South Grape A business building was erected on South Grape Street by W. E. Thomas at a cost of $15,000, showing that the continued growth of the city was reaching all parts of Medford's business section. MT9/14/1927pC3 Thomas Rental Store #2 Photo: 1966 Possibly 28-32 North Grape Marking the first business structure to be erected on North Grape this year, a $10,000 reinforced concrete double store building is expected to be completed within 60 days. It will have two store rooms, each 25x100 feet, and will be placed for rent or sale by the owner, W. E. Thomas. The contract is held by H. E. Goodhue of this city. MT10/7/1926p3 J. H. Thorndike House NRHP #139.0 221 North Holly Thrifty Drug Southwest corner Stewart and Kings Highway Grand opening begins Thursday; the new store contains 10,000 sq. ft. of space and is adjacent to the Piggly Wiggly on Stewart. MT2/28/1964p10 Thunderbird Lodge 1015 South Riverside Construction started yesterday on the 50-unit $212,000 motel development with restaurant and swimming pool. MT11/16/1960p1 Thunderbird Market Photos: 1962 1964 1965 1969 2347 West Main, southwest corner West Main and Lozier Lane Tice Building Front Street A unknown man stepped through one of the ventilators on the sidewalk in front of the Tice building on Front Street and sprained his ankle. MS4/15/1915p6 Tiki Lodge Motel 509 North Riverside Wrecking 2-story house, 509 N. Riverside. Selling cheap lumber, siding, flooring, pipe & fixtures. MT3/29/1963p21 A permit to erect a 28-unit, $100,000 motel at 509 North Riverside has been issued to Brooks and Krueger Inc. MT4/3/1963p11 Tillman & Booth Building Photo: 1970 631 North Fir Timber Products 25 East McAndrews Phase I of a makeover is underway. James Construction is demolishing the existing 61,200-sq.-ft. structure and replacing it with an 88,800-sq.-ft. prefabricated steel structure. MT11/14/2015p2 Tinseltown Photo: 1997 Medford Center Tinseltown opens tomorrow; the new building is one of the city's largest, covering 54,000 square feet and seating 2,800 people. MT12/11/1997p1 Joseph E. Toft House NRHP #129.0 245 North Grape Raymond H. Toft House NRHP #138.0 243 North Holly Town & Country Estates Apartments 3306 South Pacific Highway More than half of the 72 single-story apartments will be completed by the end of June. Included in the 11½-acre site will be a shopping center and recreation building. The site is the former Reter pear orchard. MT2/21/1964p1 Trailways Bus Depot Photo: 1979 Southeast corner Fifth and Front See also Pacific Greyhound Bus Depot Trailways has started construction of its depot; completion is expected by January 15. The $25,000 steel structure will measure 50x23 feet. MT11/19/1947p4 Formal opening of the new West Coast Trailways bus depot will be held tomorrow afternoon. The ultramodern prefabricated structure contains a coffee shop as well as a waiting room. MT4/9/1948p1 TraveLodge Motel Photo: circa 1960 722 North Riverside Preliminary excavation for a new $100,000 "highway motel" started this week. The residence still on the property will be moved to a North Pacific Hwy. location. MT4/13/1956p1 The new TraveLodge will open in Medford Sept. 11. MT8/26/1956p8 Treichler Motors 30 North Holly Photos: 1931 1965 Treichler Motors, Willys-Knight and Overland, is moving today to 30 N. Holly and will occupy the same building which formerly housed that firm. MT10/25/1926p8 The Salvation Army has a store at 30 N. Holly St. MT11/7/1965pB1 Triangle Auto Sales MT3/8/1927p8 Photo: 1949 400 East Jackson, corner Jackson and Riverside Tribune Apartments 33 North Fir. See Medford Mail Tribune Apartments. Trowbridge Apartments 905 West Tenth Trowbridge & Flynn Electric Photo: 1949 1225 Court Trowbridge Cabinet Works Photo: 1927 Northeast corner Tenth and Grape Trowbridge has just completed a 70x100-ft. two-story corrugated iron addition. The upper story is a lumber drying room. MT/25/1925p3 Trowbridge Lumber Shed Tenth and Front The cabinet works have just completed a new lumber shed. MT9/25/1927pB7 Tucker Garage NRHP #366.0 32 North Riverside Tucker has opened a garage in the new Medford Auto Co. building. MT10/5/1926p3 E. M. Tucker recently built a new garage on North Riverside. MT10/18/.1926p8 A garage building was completed during the past year for the Tucker Garage on Riverside. The building is concrete and modern in every way. MT9/14/1927pC3 The Nu-Way Garage opens Monday at 32 North Riverside. MT4/30/1933p9 Tumy Garage Building See Crater Lake Garage Turf Exchange Saloon Photo: 1901 Northeast corner East Main and Front aka Noland & Ulrich Saloon, Railroad Saloon, Exchange Saloon, Railroad Exchange Saloon Built early 1884 by Noland and Ulrich; razed in the summer of 1902 to make way for the Palm Building I. For a long time the frame building standing known as the Turf Exchange Saloon has been a structure which no citizen has pointed to with any very great degree of pride. MM4/28/1899p7 Active building operations have commenced on the Palm-Bodge Block. The wooden buildings now on the ground will be torn down. MM7/25/1902p3 The old Turf Exchange Saloon has been razed to the ground and hauled away in sections. The structure was one of the very first buildings erected in Medford, and has been an eyesore to Medford people for years because of its dilapidated condition and general unsightliness. MM8/8/1902p7 The row of wooden buildings have all been torn down except the building occupied by the Postal Telegraph Company. DT8/14/1902p2 The Mail is tempted to smother the proprietors with bouquets for having made a beauty spot from an eyesore and a pestilence-breeding shack. MM8/29/1902p7 U.S. Bank Drive-Up Teller NRHP #30.0 North Front U.S. National Bank 131 East Main, northwest corner Main and Central July saw the U.S. National Bank get a $102,000 valuation permit to remodel a building at Main Street and Central Avenue. MT1/7/1948p3 Work demolishing the old structure is now under way. OR12/20/1964p47 U.S. National Bank Building NRHP #26.0 Photos: 1966 1966 1966 1979 131 East Main, northwest corner Main and Central See also Medford National Bank The building will provide 20,000 sq. ft. on the main floor and 14,000 sq. ft. on the second. The basement will provide space for 40 automobiles. OR12/20/1964p47 Sidewalk superintendents were busy last week watching installation of huge window panels of pre-cast "marble" concrete, made by the Olympian Stone Co. of Seattle, Wash., at the U.S. National Bank. MT11/14/1965p6 Everything is ready for Monday's dedication of the new $1 million U.S. National Bank of Oregon's Medford branch. MT8/7/1966p1 U.S. National Bank III 1242 Court Street, southeast corner of Court and Ohio Robert J. Keeney is architect for the 42x90-ft. wood frame building; Wiley Company was awarded the $123,000 contract. MT11/5/1961p12 Glass is utilized as a wall in the new branch of the U.S. National Bank, nearing completion. MT6/3/1962pB1 U.S. Post Office and Courthouse NRHP #148.0 Photos: 1940 1970 1994 2009 2013 310 West Sixth, northwest corner Sixth and Holly aka Federal Building, James A. Redden Federal Courthouse, Post Office Designed in a formal Georgian style, a matching addition to the rear was built in 1939. Medford's post office was in this building for almost exactly fifty years, 1916-1966. The government is making an investigation to see if it will be justified in placing a federal building at this place. OR4/19/1910p13 The Secretary of the Treasury today authorized the selection of property at the northwest corner of Sixth and Holly as a site for a public building. OR1/18/1911p2 Plans for the new federal building have arrived. It will have facilities for 50,000 population. The building will have three floors and a ten-foot basement; laboratories, offices, etc., will be fitted up in modern style. MT7/15/1914p4 The Secretary of the Treasury today awarded to the Sound Construction Co. a contract for erecting a public building at Medford. The contract price is $96,123. Pioneer stone will be used. OR1/13/1915p5 Medford Concrete Construction has contracted for the basement excavation; the work must be commenced not later than the 15th of this month. MT2/5/1915p6 The excavating of the basement for the new federal building will be completed this week, the work being about two-thirds completed at this time. MT2/24/1915p2 The Jacksonville Brick & Tile Co. of this city has secured the contract for the brick for the new federal building now under construction at Medford. JP3/13/1915p3 The basement walls of the new federal building have been completed. Stones to be used in the building will arrive this week. MT4/12/1915p2 Construction is over three weeks behind owing to faulty brick and stone shipments. The quarry forgot to cut down the stone to proper size. MT6/22/1915p3 Work began this morning on the second story; two carloads of stone from Auburn, Wash. were received for this part of the work. Steel work for the third story has been completed. MT8/2/1915p4 Masons are at work laying the concrete approaches to the new federal building. Illustrative of the infinite detail involved, the government insists that the edges of the curbing be ever so lightly rounded. MT10/15/1915p2 Sandstone for the Medford post office was furnished by the Pioneer Quarry in Lincoln County. OR1/1/1916pC8 Repainting the exterior wood and iron work was begun today. MT11/14/1928p2 Proposal of R. I. Stuart for enlarging the mailing vestibule accepted. MT9/8/1931p5 Remodeling and an addition 38 feet deep will be started soon. MT10/15/1939p12 Extension and remodeling is expected to take about a year. MT10/29/1939p12 Excavation will be under way before the end of the week. MT11/8/1939p10 Permit issued for a $170,000 remodeling project. MT11/30/1939p1 The L. H. Hoffman company, which remodeled the federal building, conferred today in Medford regarding construction of Camp White. MT10/9/1941p1 All except one row of holly trees are being removed from around the Medford post office because of complaints that they are a hazard. MT12/9/1958p1 A call for bids has been issued for conversion and modernization of the federal building and courthouse on Sixth Street. MT12/2/1965p1 Tomorrow will be the last day for the public to receive postal service at the Medford Post Office on Sixth Street. MT3/8/1966p1 Remodeling of the building is under way. Walls are going down under the $268,813 contract. Many partitions are being removed, many are being replaced. All of the current first floor will be demolished. MT3/31/1966pD10 Complete remodeling of the courtroom was one of the major projects started as soon as the post office was moved into the new federal building. MT1/29/1967p9 William Ulrich Rental NRHP #100.0 Photo: 1994 141 South Holly Union Livery Stables I Photo: circa 1905 1902-08 Southeast corner East Main and Bartlett aka Worman's Livery Stable The structure at far left in the photo is the livery building built in July 1885. Wm. Egan, recently from Goose Lake, is building a livery stable, and will soon be ready for business. AT12/21/1883p3 The new livery stable at Medford for McMahon & Egan was finished this week and is pronounced a substantial and commodious structure. Messrs. J. T. Roloson and Adam Schmitt of this place done the carpenter work. OS1/12/1884p3 Wm. Egan, of Medford, has sold his livery stables in that place to Messrs. Llewellyn & Lynch, who recently came out from Kansas, receiving for the real estate and entire livery outfit $3,000. Mr. Egan is now in Ashland, and may possibly conclude to locate here. AT10/17/1884p3 Lewellen & Lynch are building a new livery stable in Medford. AT7/3/1885p3 Frank Lewellen has sold out his interest in the Medford livery stable to Ed Worman, a newcomer from the East, for $2,000 and will give possession on the 16th inst. OS11/14/1885p3 The Union Livery Stable has about served its usefulness, and ere many years a new stable will, presumably, be erected on the lots. Here is a grand opportunity for an architect to do some good work. MM8/8/1902p7 Work was started yesterday to tear out the buildings for the large new store belonging to Deuel & Kentner. MM7/17/1908p8 Union Livery Stables II Photos: 1910 1913 112 South Riverside The photo at right shows the stable barn in March of 1910, as seen from the roof of St. Mary's Academy at 11th and Holly. The purchase by Mr. Deuel of this property at Main and Bartlett insures removal of the old buildings and the erection of new ones thereon. I. L. Hamilton, renter of the Union stables, has not decided where he will move his livery business, but he will, in all probability, buy property elsewhere and build. MM12/7/1906p1 I. L. Hamilton, proprietor of the Union Livery Stables, has purchased the E. Worman property, corner South B and Eighth streets, and which extends east to South A Street. Mr. Hamilton is now having plans drawn for a fine livery stable, which he will erect thereon. MM12/14/1906p5 The building will be 64x134 feet in size, built of lumber, but later will have a brick veneering on the outside. It will be two stories high and will have stabling room for 60 head of horses and a carriage room capable of accommodating 44 rigs and six or eight automobiles. MM8/21/1908p5, MM10/16/1908p10 A new Union livery stable is being built at a cost of $6000. OR11/2/1908p12 Fire destroyed the Union livery and feed stables on South Riverside Avenue last night at 11 o'clock, at an estimated damage totaling $15,000. Seven head of horses, thirteen wagons and two dozen sets of harness and other equipment, two unoccupied houses belonging to Mrs. L. R. Parker and about 500 tons of loose green hay were burned. MT9/27/1913p1 Union Livery Stables III Photo: 1914 112 South Riverside Hubbard brothers, owners of the Union Livery Stables that were destroyed by fire, will begin construction of a concrete building to take its place. The 100x144 structure will cost $10,000 and will be occupied by Ray Gaunyaw. MT10/4/1913p2 The Union Livery Stable is fast nearing completion as a modern $6000 concrete structure and will be ready for occupancy by February 1. MT1/20/1914p2 The advertisement in the link above began running in the Medford Mail Tribune on March 14, 1914. Union Meat Company Warehouse Southwest corner Eighth and Evergreen Work is progressing on Union Meat Company's new warehouse, on the railroad land just south of the Page warehouse. The building will be 50x75 feet in size. MM4/30/1909p2 Union Oil Service Station I Southeast corner West Main and Fir The service station proper will occupy 75 square feet, and will be of steel frame and sheet metal construction. The station will be painted in white and gray colors and will have a pretty yard surround. MT5/18/1920p8 Union Oil Service Station II Photo: 1940 Ninth and Central Union Oil Service Station III Photo: 1940 Fifth and Riverside Union Oil Service Station IV 601 North Central Applying for a building permit was the Union Oil Company of California, to erect a service station at 601 North Central, $15,000. MT4/27/1948p11 Unique Cleaners 811-816 North Central Adjoining the plant in a newly constructed building is a large finishing department. MT6/24/1929p3 The largest building permit of the month was granted Etta Moss for the construction of a laundry at 816 North Central, at a cost of $4,000. MT4/1/1936p2 United Grocers 1160 Hilton Road Photo: 1966 This new 12,000-sq.-ft. building, with easy access from Biddle Road or Crater Lake Hwy., opened its doors for business on Monday, June 27. MT6/30/1966pB4 Unity Center of Medford See First Church of God Unity Hall See Smith's Hall University Club See Home Telephone & Telegraph Building; also Vawter House Unknown Blacksmith Shop 120 South Bartlett--see NRHP #328.0, below As the result of a fall from the second floor of a blacksmith shop under construction on South Bartlett, Charles Robb narrowly escaped serious injury. MT2/22/1911p2 Unknown Building NRHP #328.0 114 South Bartlett--see Unknown Blacksmith Shop, above Bergman's shop applied for a permit to demolish a business building at 116 South Bartlett Street. MT9/1/1946p7 Work is underway dismantling Bergman's Shop at 118 S. Bartlett. The business was started in 1930 in an old livery stable at this location. The property has been purchased by Thomas Culbertson Jr., who plans to build a 100x150-foot business building on the site. MT4/27/1956p9 Unknown Building Fifth and Grape Two old homes are being demolished on the Groceteria-owned lots at Grape and Fifth. No plans have been made, except to clear the lot. MT10/30/1962p1 Unknown Building 28 South Bartlett Mrs. F. K. Deuel has applied for permission to redecorate a store at 28 South Bartlett at an estimated cost of $350. MT6/2/1948p9 Fred Robinson was issued a permit last Thursday to demolish the structure at 28 S. Bartlett, to establish an off-street parking facility. MT6/28/1959p15 Unknown Building 400 block of West Main A small frame shack between Hotel Medford and the DeVoe confectionery, which has been occupied by a shoe repair shop, a bootblack stand and ice cream and hot dog shop, is being razed. MT5/7/1925p2 Unknown Building 125 East Main When Fred Luy moves his barber shop from the place where it now is to his new room in the Palm-Bodge block the old shop room will be vacated for the first time since 1885. During all these seventeen years the room has been in continuous occupancy by a barber. MM10/31/1902p7 Friday morning the tearing down of the wooden buildings on Seventh Street, upon the site of which the Karnes & Ritter-Kelly building will be erected, was commenced. MM7/21/1905p5 Unknown/Concrete Building NRHP #344.0 123 South Riverside aka Billings Buildings Ground has been broken for a one-story building, 55 by 110 feet, just north of the Russ mill to be erected by John Billings for an auto sales room. MS5/10/1925pC2 The Fitch Motor Co. finished moving yesterday from 123 to 127 South Riverside into the new Davis building. MT6/9/1927p2 The Huggins & Robinson Motor Co. has moved to 123 and 127 South Riverside. This building which was built by John Billings recently, has been purchased by C. T. Huggins. MT10/16/1927pB6 A report by the city's building safety director said that the two buildings at 125 [probably 123] S. Riverside should be removed because of their unsafe condition. Medford Tire operates part of its business from the structures. MT2/18/1966p1 Unknown Buildings Tenth and Ivy The rickety old frame buildings on the north side of Tenth Street, opposite the Free Methodist church, will be torn down in a few days. MT2/7/1918p6 Unknown Residence 515 South Riverside $10,500 Income Property Sacrifice--8-room house. Income $100 per mo. upstairs. 2-room apt. could be made downstairs, besides 3-room living quarters. 515 S. Riverside. Phone 3679. MT5/7/1948p14 Permit issued to a Mrs. Kasner for a $6,500 addition to an apartment house at 515 S. Riverside. MT1/24/1950p9 Unknown Residence Sixth and Bartlett Work has begun razing the old frame dwelling formerly used as a dog and cat hospital, but untenanted for some time. MT4/23/1929p2 Unknown Residences NRHP #144.0 Photo: 1994 325 West Fourth USO Building See Gates Ford Building, Home Telephone & Telegraph Building, Kentner Building Utopia Motor Haven 1231 S. Riverside Built sometime previous to 1938. Valley Auto Co. Southwest corner Sixth and Holly aka Anderson & Green Building Ground for the new garage was broken this week just north of the Episcopal church, between Main and Sixth, on Holly. The building will be two stories in height and will be 50x100 feet in size, with plate glass front. The lower floor will be fitted up for stabling of machines, and the upper floor will be devoted to the repair shops. MT11/2/1909p8 A feature in the up-to-date building Wes Green is erecting will be the vulcanizing plant which will be in charge of mechanic Fichtner. MT11/14/1909p7 Work on the Anderson & Green Building on Holly is rapidly progressing, although the weather has somewhat interfered with the work. MT11/28/1909p23 Anderson and Green "are just putting the finishing touches on the big brick garage they are building for the Valley Auto Company." MT1/2/1910p5 Valley of the Rogue Bank 2400 Poplar Drive The two-story, 7,600-sq.-ft. office was built in 1989 for Valley of the Rogue Bank and acquired from Umpqua Bank in May for $810,000. Southern Oregon Collections Services plans to move in in November. MT10/24/2016p6 Valley School Groveland Street Photo: 1929 Valley School is building a $4000 40x24-ft. studio, west of the present school. It will be of hollow tile, the same as used in the main buildings. MT12/15/1929p8 Valley School will open Monday, the third year in the attractive new five-room building. A recreation shelter is a part of the school. MT8/30/1930p8 Valli Hai Motel 1034 Court A permit for a 12-unit $27,000 motel has been issued. MT10/9/1962p5 Vawter Apartments See Vawter House Vawter-Brophy Building NRHP #314.0 Photo: circa 1908 209 East Main See Brophy Building City directory listings: 1912 not found; 1914 Medford Book Store, Davis & Miller, props.; 1916 John W. Johnson, Jeweler, Medford Book Store; 1916 Medford Book Store, A. H. Miller, mgr.; 1930-81 Brophy's Jewelry, Leland S. Brophy. Currently site of the On The Wall. The contract has been let by the Jackson County Bank for the construction of a building forty feet wide between the new bank building and the Hutchison & Lumsden building. Work will be commenced on the new structure early in September. The new building will be one story in height and will be separated by a partition into two twenty-foot rooms, one to be occupied by the Vienna Bakery and the other by the Medford Book Store and jeweler B. N. Butler. MM8/24/1906p5 Work will shortly be commenced on the building between the Jackson County Bank and the Hutchison & Lumsden building. The pressed brick for the front have already arrived, and the work will be rushed to completion, once a start is made. MM10/5/1906p5 E. E. Angle and F. L. Litherland of Portland have the contract for the building to be erected by the Jackson County Bank, between it and the Hutchison & Lumsden building. MM10/12/1906p5 Workmen commenced the tearing down of the old buildings occupied by jeweler B. N. Butler, Justice F. M. Stewart and the Vienna Bakery Sunday morning to clear the ground for the erection of a new building on the site, which is owned by the Big Bend Milling Co. The building will be one story in height with a brick front and will consist of two 20x45-foot rooms, to be occupied, when completed, by the Medford Book Store and the bakery. MM10/12/1906p5 E. E. Angle and F. L. Litherland, of Portland, were in Medford this week on business. They have the contract for the building to be erected by the Jackson County Bank, between the new structure and the Hutchison & Lumsden building. MM10/12/1906p5 The Medford Book Store will soon be moved to the new building east of the Jackson County Bank. MM4/12/1907p5 Remodeling the Medford Book Store began today. The two large columns on the front will be removed and a modern straight front installed. MT8/16/1916p2 Al Littrell has bought the former Jackson County Bank building. Money from the sale will be used to liquefy the claims of depositors. The building will be occupied by a drug store in the front and a jewelry store in the rear. AT4/12/1935p3 Vawter House Photos: 1909 circa 1910 circa 1918 1967 310 West Main, northwest corner Main and Holly aka University Club, Vawter Apartments Built in 1907 for William I. Vawter, it became the home of the University Club soon after Vawter's death in 1916. The building, missing the third story after a fire in 1933, was moved to the southeast corner of Eighth and Holly in 1941 and razed around 1968. Fire completely gutted the upper floor this morning. MT8/11/1933p1 Victory Housing Project Photo: 1957 West Jackson, McAndrews and Columbus Consideration of a federal housing project of 125 units, to cost about $400,000, was under way here last week. Locations are being considered, and Frank Clark, local architect, has been called in. MN12/4/1942p1 The apartments in the Victory Housing Project will be ready for occupancy Saturday, June 19. They are for use by persons directly engaged in the war effort, chiefly Camp White workers. Fifty-one of the apartments are one-bedroom, 50 have two bedrooms, and 25 have three bedrooms. The kitchens have iceboxes, coal-burning ranges, space heaters and combination laundry tubs and sink. MN6/18/1943p1 32 units have been demolished; four other buildings have sufficient vacancies to be withdrawn from housing. There remain about 87 units occupied. MT6/11/1954p4 The Jackson County Housing Authority project will be liquidated this year, after nearly 14 years providing "temporary" low-cost housing, originally for defense employees. It will make way for a military reserve armory and a 10-acre recreational area. Of the original 157 units, 57 have already been torn down. The remaining 100 are no longer suitable for residential purposes. During the war there were 125 units, and after the war 32 additional buildings were brought from Vanport during the postwar pinch on housing. MT1/10/1957p1 Medford's firetrap is going to be torn down and replaced, probably by a city park complete with swimming pool and playground. The greatest fire hazard is the practice of locating the wood boxes and kindling in back of the stove of every unit. RRT1/11/1957p1 Residents of the "temporary" housing project, ordered to vacate, have protested the order and appealed for support from government officials. MT5/11/1958p1 The public housing project is now being razed. MT8/13/1958p1 Three permits to move houses from the project on West Jackson were issued this week. Purchasers cite such uses as garages, tool sheds, workshops and chicken coops. MT8/15/1958p1 Victory Place Corner North Front and Second Street ACCESS hopes to build a two-story, $1.94 million 17-unit apartment complex on North Front Street. MT5/3/2016p1 The complex, set to open in May, will serve as permanent housing for homeless veterans. MT8/5/2017p1 Vienna Bakery Building 221 East Main Photo: 1900 Replaced 1906 by the Vawter-Brophy Building. M. C. Campbell, the Vienna bakery man, is having the old front of the building removed and a new one put in. The place was a miserable old rookery and an eyesore to all good citizens. MM3/21/1902p7 Workmen commenced the tearing down of the old buildings occupied by jeweler B. N. Butler, Justice F. M. Stewart and the Vienna Bakery Sunday morning to clear the ground for the erection of a new building on the site, which is owned by the Big Bend Milling Co. MM10/12/1906p5 Villa Rogue Apartments 900 Siskiyou Boulevard The first apartment opens for inspection today; the $320,000 project is comprised of 22 two-bedroom and two one-bedroom apartments. MT4/1/1962p6 Village Dairy Smith Photo: 1957 703 East Main V. N. Smith received a permit to erect a $6,500 dairy drive-in at 703 East Main. MT7/25/1957p1 Vincent Barn North Riverside The old barn will probably be torn down in a short time. MT8/31/1927p2 The last building to be torn down was the Vincent barn on North Riverside, one of the few remaining fire hazards in the city. MT9/14/1927p3 The Vinson livery barn, built more than 40 years ago, will be rebuilt on Mr. Gregory's farm in the Table Rock area. MT11/4/1927pB6 Virginia Vogel Plaza NRHP #316.0 Photo: 1995 Southeast corner East Main and Central Colorado artist Yulia Avgustinovich will begin her $15,000 mural on the east wall June 10 but has to finish by the end of the month. MT5/10/2019pB1 Vrooman-Childers House NRHP #6.0 Photo: 1994 230 South Central, northwest corner Tenth and Central Built circa 1910; occupied in the 1990s by North Country Head Shop. Wakefield Draperies Building 1100 Crater Lake Ave., northeast corner Crater Lake and Woodrow Work has started on a pumice building which will house Wakefield Draperies and the Frances Dallaire fur shop. The building, 40 by 80 feet, will also include a reinforced concrete vault for storage purposes. MT11/16/1955p1 Walker & Kindle Service Station Sixth and Main triangle Foundation work began last Saturday. MT6/26/1928p3 Dr. R. J. Conroy's service station, including a 20x60-ft concrete store room, is nearly completed. Walker Building, Walker Hall See Childers Building/Dreamland A. W. Walker Garage Northwest corner Eighth and Fir The new brick building is 75x100 feet in size and two stories, both used for his garage and Chalmers, Saxon and Grant automobile salesroom. MT7/22/1916p2 Verl G. Walker Building 617 North Holly Photo: 1965 Our facilities have been expanded to serve you better; amateur radio and electronic component accounts will be served at 617 N. Holly. MT11/17/1965pD7 Wallie's Cafe Photo: 1950 1236 North Riverside Walmart North 3615 Crater Lake Highway In two months the north Walmart will reopen as a revamped and expanded superstore. MT7/2/2013p9 A year in the making, North Medford's Walmart reopens at 8 a.m. today as a supercenter. MT9/11/2013p8 Walton Building See Meeker-Strang Building Wards Building See Leverette Block Belle E. Warner Building 24 North Bartlett The new building on Main and Bartlett, built by Mrs. E. M. Warner and occupied by the White Sewing Machine Company, was finished a few days ago, and when the company moved in it was discovered that it was impossible to heat the place because chimneys had been omitted. MT12/20/1923p1 Warner-Gore Rental Building NRHP #266.0 Photo: 1960 1994 301 East Main, northeast corner Main and Bartlett aka Warner Building One-half block off Main on Bartlett Street. MT11/22/1923p3 Workmen started this morning to raze the Phipps building so a new modern concrete structure may be built in its place by Mrs. Ed Warner. MT9/1/1925p6 Mrs. L. E. Warner has begun erection of a reinforced concrete structure at the corner of Main and Bartlett, 25 by 47½ feet, planned to contain two storerooms, and erected by Larkin Reynolds at a cost of $4000. MT9/15/1925p8 Warner, Wortman & Gore Building NRHP #267.0 Photos: 1901 circa 1908 1994 307 East Main aka McAndrews Block, Santford Grocery building, Gore Building The old frame building formerly occupied by John Hardin's barber shop has been torn down, and in its place Mr. McAndrew will erect a brick. The building will be 50x80 feet in size, and G. L. Davis will occupy it with his grocery store. Childers Bros. will do the brick work. MM7/6/1900p7 N. B. Bradbury's planing mill is getting ready to do the woodwork on the McAndrew brick block. He will also put in the counters and shelving in merchant Davis' new store. MM8/10/1900p7 Work was resumed on the McAndrew block this week. Work has been delayed while Childers Bros. were burning a kiln of brick. MM8/17/1900p7 Workmen are now pushing the construction of the new McAndrew block, and it will soon be ready for occupancy. Mr. Davis, who is to occupy the building, will have the finest business place in Medford. MM8/31/1900p7 N. B. Bradbury has men at work putting shelving and counters into the new McAndrew block. These are of peculiar design but are to be so arranged as to be both convenient and pretty. MM10/5/1900p7 The building was completed last week, and no sooner was the snow-white paint dry than did G. L. Davis commence moving in. The main building is 50x60 feet in size; the windows are French plate glass, and around them have been installed, about a foot apart, 124 electric lights. MM10/19/1900p6 Warner & Wortman, who purchased G. L. Davis' grocery store last week, have been busy removing their stock of goods from their old stand to their present location. MM4/26/1901p7 E. N. Warner, proprietor of the Double Front Grocery, is having a 25x40-foot brick storeroom built at the rear of his store. Time was not many years ago when there was ample room for Mr. Warner to operate in this spacious, double front building, but that time is now only a memory. MM7/26/1907p5 H. G. Wortman has recently completed the purchase of the Phipps property, corner of B and 7th streets, and will have a new building erected thereon as soon as some necessary arrangements can be made. The new building will be used as a cold storage and meat market. MM8/2/1907p5 Warner, Wortman & Gore have added to their building, to be used as a grocery store, at a cost of $6000. OR11/2/1908p12 Washington School I Photos: 1895 1896 circa 1906 1907 1909 Southwest corner West Main and Oakdale Designed by W. J. Bennet; completed 1896. Razed for construction of the 1932 Jackson County Courthouse. The new brick school building is to cost $12,000. Work on the foundation was commenced Saturday morning. The contractors are Butler, Barrett and Stewart. The subcontractors: On stone work, Frank Wait; brick work, G. W. Priddy; iron work, such as bolts, ties, etc., G. F. Merriman; painting, Ling & Boardman. MM9/27/1895p4 The "Opening Day" of Medford's new public school building took place at one o'clock last Saturday afternoon. MM3/13/1896p8 The board decided last night to place fire escapes on Lincoln and Washington schools. MT8/10/1921p8 The school board erected the temporary overflow school building in the school yard without having obtained a building permit from the city. MT12/20/1922p5 George Priddy, who still resides in Medford, made the bricks for the school house at the old Bain place, on the McAndrews road. MDN5/28/1931p1 The old bell in the Washington School tower is apparently doomed for the scrap pile unless former students take steps otherwise. The work of demolishing the school structure was begun in a small way yesterday. Mr. Hedrick called attention to the fact that the four feet of local sandstone in the foundation is in fine condition and will be sold to whoever desires it. MT6/9/1931pp8,10 Salvaging the timbers was expected to be completed today; the work of pulling the walls over will be begun tomorrow morning. MT6/12/1931p7 Tearing down the remaining walls, removing the foundation and removing the playshed and small frame structure in the rear will come this week. MT6/14/1931p6 The building will have been completely razed and removed and all debris and salvaged material hauled away by next Wednesday. The big trusses will be salvaged and used in the new Roosevelt School annex, and will be much of the salvaged brick from the Washington School building. MT6/18/1931p8 Trusses from the Washington School playshed will be used in construction of the addition to Roosevelt School. MT7/13/1931p5 Washington School II Photo: 1931 Northwest corner Peach and Dakota streets The school district has acquired the Amanda H. Fehl property as a future site for the Washington School. MT9/7/1930p1 Concrete has been granted preference over brick for the new building to take the place of Washington School. MT12/9/1930p2 School administration has pledged to use home labor and materials in construction as much as possible. MT12/11/1930p5 The $265,000 bond issue and acceptance of the school building program carried by a vote of 904 to 128. MT12/17/1930p1 Frank C. Clark has been assigned by the school board to draw plans for the new grade school. MT12/18/1930p1 General contract for construction of the Washington School building was let to Sig Ash, local contractor, whose bid is $40,000, this afternoon. MT2/17/1931p1 Work began today digging the footings. MT2/18/1931p1 Pouring of concrete for the new Washington School started this morning, with most of the materials on the grounds. MT2/23/1931p4 Washington School will be completed by September 1, ready for occupancy. The building, when completed, will cost approximately $75,000. The pouring of concrete for the walls will be started within a few days. MT3/18/1931p6 Floors are in; concrete pouring will be completed tomorrow. MT4/27/1931p8 The last walls were torn down yesterday. MT6/21/1931p6 Equipment stored in the old playshed is being moved to the school. MT7/13/1931p5 The new school is taking on a look of completion and occupancy today. In addition to the 15 regular rooms the structure includes a library, principal's office, health room, store room, lavatories and auditorium. MT7/16/1931p10 The school will be completed ahead of schedule; desks are being installed. MT7/20/1931p3 The old school bell is being installed as a fountain. MT9/3/1931p10 Medford's 81-year-old Washington Elementary School has been named to the National Register of Historic Places, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department announced Tuesday. MT11/14/2012p1 Waterman Boarding House 106 South Ivy A boarding house operated in the 1920s by the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Waterman now being razed was a popular Sunday and holiday eating place. MT10/30/1962p1 Webb Building See Webb-Adkins Block Webb-Adkins Block NRHP #318.0 Photos: circa 1900 1910-11 1947 1994 220 East Main aka Webb Building Dr. Adkins and I. A. Webb will erect a two-story brick building, the excavation for which has already begun, 50x75 feet, on their lot on 7th Street. AT6/21/1889p2 The foundation of the Webb & Adkins new building is nearly completed, and the brick work will begin Monday. AT8/2/1889p3 The brick work on Adkins & Webb's building will soon be completed. AT10/4/1889p3 R. H. Halley has the contract for roofing the new building of Webb & Adkins, which is to be with tin. He will have it completed in a few days. AT11/1/1889p2 I. A. Webb expects to move into his new store in about two weeks. AT11/8/1889p2 When the fire reached the brick walls of I. A. Webb's new building, it was easily checked and controlled. DT12/12/1889p2 The Leak Advertising Co. painted a wall sign for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine on the building's outside east wall in the summer of 1891. The sign is now visible inside the restaurant in the Adkins-Childers Building, next door. Baker S. S. "Penwell has moved to the building east of Haskins' drug store." MM6/8/1894p3 W. B. Armstrong has commenced work on remodeling the room recently vacated by the Medford Furniture Co., next door west of Daniels' clothing store, for a new theater. MS8/18/1911p1 The Star Theater will be officially opened to the public on September 23d at 7 p.m., with a splendid array of photoplay attractions, appropriate music and the latest popular ballads. MS9/21/1911p3 The Liberty Theater, formerly the Star, repainted, renovated and refurnished, opened last night with an excellent program of Paramount pictures. MS12/1/1918p8 The old lobby front and slanting floor are being torn out. MT1/25/1924p5 On September 21st, 1937, the new M.M. Department Store at 220-222 East Main Street was opened by Charles S. Adair and Bernie H. Williams, owners. MT1/2/1938p6 Weeks Building See Weeks and Orr Furniture Weeks & Orr Furniture and Undertaking North Grape The Weeks & Orr structure on North Grape is being razed. It was sold in 1908 to a tinner named Smith, and is owned by Dr. G. A. Gitzen. MT10/12/1945p4 Weeks and Orr Furniture NRHP #66.0 Photos: 1910 1911 1970s 1989 1994 114 West Main aka Weeks Building, Winans Building John and Fred Weeks started Weeks Brothers Furniture in 1894 (reputedly on Front Street), as an outlet for their Phoenix furniture factory. After a series of partnerships, Weeks & McGowan Furniture and Undertaking built this building in 1909. They sold off the undertaker side of their business in 1917, the same year the Rialto Theater opened in the building. The family continued selling furniture in this building under the Weeks & Orr name until 1984, selling the business to the Joseph Winans partnership, who carried the tradition on into 2010. A false front added in 1953 by architect Ben Todd was removed in 2002, revealing the original brick façade. The building will be two stories high and 24x40 feet in size. MM2/17/1893p3 John Weeks will erect a new furniture store on the lot on Seventh Street opposite the Clarendon Hotel in a short time. DT2/24/1893p3 Weeks Bros. of Phoenix are engaged in constructing a new building just west of the Medford depot, where they will keep a big stock of furniture. DT1/22/1894p3 Weeks Bros.' new furniture store, west of the depot, is rapidly approaching completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. DT2/22/1894p2 W. H. McGowan will soon move his stock of goods to the Weeks furniture building, to which building is to be added a thirty-foot, two-story extension on the rear. Mac will have charge of the two branches of business. MM2/14/1896p5 Weeks Bros, two-story addition to furniture store, cost $200. VR10/29/1896p1 Weeks Bros. have purchased the building formerly occupied by Hugh Elliott on the west side for a store and salesroom for undertaking goods. MM4/8/1898p7 Messrs. Weeks & Baker are contemplating the construction of a rather imposing brick edifice to house their steadily growing business. TR6/30/1906p1 Weeks & Baker have made no definite plans yet. MM10/5/1906p1 Weeks & Baker commenced this week tearing down the old wooden building they have been using as a shop, in preparation for the erection of a modern two-story brick structure for the accommodation of their furniture and undertaking business. The building will be 25x40 feet in size and the front will be of pressed brick; the show windows in front will have plate glass seven feet in height and twenty-nine feet in length, running around the corner of the building next to the alley. The foundation will be of stone and the floor of the 25x40 wareroom will be of concrete. The ceiling of the lower story will be 16 feet high, and the room will have a gallery running around three sides of it. George W. Priddy has the contract for the brick work. MM8/2/1907p5 The types made us say last week that Weeks & Baker's new building would be 25x40 feet in size when the item should have read 51x140 feet. MM8/9/1907p5 Among the new buildings booked for immediate construction in the city is the two-story brick block to be put up by Weeks Bros., and will be occupied by Weeks & McGowan in addition to the rooms they new occupy on West Main Street. The new building will be 45x100 in size and will be built of brick and stone, and will be two stories high. This will cover the ground where previously stood the wooden building which was for years occupied by Weeks Bros., furniture dealers. MM2/26/1909p1 The Weeks & McGowan block, which is to be occupied by this firm as an annex to their present quarters, to accommodate their growing furniture business, is rapidly nearing completion. The brickmasons have about finished the walls and immediately a full force of workmen will be putting on the roof, laying floors and making ready for the interior finish. MM4/23/1909p1 On the Weeks building the floor and partitions are completed, and the lath is ready for the plaster work. MM5/14/1909p1 The Weeks & McGowan building is now occupied. MM9/17/1909p3 Fire was discovered last night in the furniture store of Weeks and McGowan on West Main. The value of the stock was estimated at $35,000. Damage was mostly from smoke and water and will be about $8,000. MS5/11/1911p1 The lobby of the Rialto Theater is located in the Palm building and the auditorium in the Weeks and Orr building. CPA1/1/1953p1 The seven-month remodeling project just completed includes a sparkling new green store front. MT8/11/1953p5 Scrub Hub has moved into the former Winans building. MT11/5/2013p4 Weeks & Orr [Winans] Addition NRHP #59.0 112 West Main Built in the 1970s. Wellness Pharmacy Building 522 Crater Lake Avenue Contractor Jim Akery last September cleared off two 1948 houses; in their place a 3,200-square-foot building will go in. MT2/20/2015pB6 Wells Fargo Building South Front Monday ground was broken on the lot lying south of 7th Street opposite the depot, and work will be pushed by contractor Gray as rapidly as possible. The plans call for a building twenty-five feet on 7th Street, and it will contain an office room, trunk room and storage room. MM10/18/1907p1 Nearly all the carpenter work is completed on the new Wells Fargo Express Co.'s building on the south side of 7th Street. MM12/6/1907p2 West Main Pharmacy 2355 West Main West Main Pharmacy is now located in Thunderbird Village; the new building was built to order for the pharmacy needs. MT12/31/1964p12 West Main Rent-All Photo: 1970 2122 West Main West Side Feed & Sale Stable NRHP #71.0 Photos: 1909 1994 2011 29 South Grape This brick building was constructed in early 1906 for I. W. Thomas, a local financier, who leased it to T. H. Moore. Moore operated the Moore Hotel around the corner on Main Street; the stable was a convenience for his guests. Surviving a gutting by fire in February of 1921, the structure was rebuilt and leased to Davis Transfer and Storage until the 1940s, when City Transfer was located there. The building served as storage for Pacific Telephone in the 1950s and '60s, then for Your Office Boy. In the early 1980s the interior was remodeled to the present configuration. Over the the alley entrance is a painted sign chronicling its history of successive tenants, painted and overpainted on the bricks. Charles Tull, the West Side liveryman, has made arrangements for handling baggage and doing a general transfer business. He will put on a hack for the purpose. "Shorty" Dodge will handle the wagon and team. MM10/29/1908p5 A carload of brick was brought on the Rogue River Valley Railway from Jacksonville yesterday for the addition to the West Side stables. MM2/5/1909p5 32 autos were burned in last night's fire of the West Side Stables. The building was gutted and the roof destroyed. MT2/12/1921p6 Mrs. Thomas, owner of the West Side Stables gutted by fire last February and used as an auto storage room, will begin at once improvements aggregating $2500. MT5/30/1921p6 Interiors at the Livery Stable moves in this week. Owner Kristine Mosher DeMerritt added a bank of widows on the front, recessed the original front door, and replaced the hay door with a multipaned window. MT11/27/1983pC11 West Side Meat Market 212-214 West Main Paul's Electric Shop has taken over the store operated by Copco. Mr. Paul has been operating a shop at 212 W. Main for six months. MT12/15/1914p2 People's Electric Store, 212 W. Main MT6/20/1919p6 People's Electric have bought the building at 214 W. Main. It is a two-story brick structure, 25x80 feet. The lower floor is occupied by the electric store; the upper floor will be remodeled into apartments in the spring. MT2/9/1927p8 A fire starting in the work shop at People's Electric, 212 W. Main, caused $1500 damage. MT4/14/1927p6 West Side Saloon West Main? John Morris has purchased the former West Side Saloon and will move it to one of the lots recently purchased from D. Anderson--on Ninth Street. MT9/11/1896p7 Western Bank NRHP #255.0 302 West Main Western Hotel See Clarenden Hotel Western States Grocery Photo: 1936 Eleventh and Fir aka Faber Building The fine, modern warehouse and offices of the Western States Grocery Co. is at the corner of Fir and Eleventh streets in Medford. MT2/18/1936p7 Yeoman work by the fire department, and a concrete partition in the basement and a firewall, prevented the [Pinnacle Packing] fire from spreading into the Faber's Farmer Supply company building. MT12/10/1954p1 A spectacular blaze destroyed the Faber's Farmers Supply Co. building last night. MT3/30/1960p1 Western Pear Distributors Concentrate Plant 669-690 South Grape aka Sabroso A concrete block building will start rising on South Grape in 10 days. Heart of the plant will be a thermosiphon evaporator. MT4/14/1964p9 Western Pear Distributors' pear concentrate plant is being expanded to place all machinery under a roof. A third-stage evaporator will arrive soon. MT7/27/1965p9 The Westerner See Bruce Bauer Lumber Builditorium Westminster Presbyterian Church 2000 Oakwood Drive The $95,000 church is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 The church will dedicate its new building Sunday. Construction began May 26, 1959. Harold Salter was contractor and Jack Edson the architect. MT1/22/1960p16 Wheel Inn Motel 525 South Riverside Permit issued to complete erection of a $7,000 motel building. MT1/23/1963p11 Wheeler Apartments 249 South Riverside aka Rosewood Apartments I have leased the Wheeler Apartments, 245 S. Riverside, to open September 1. Mrs. Grace Burris. MT8/26/1914p2 Medford Motors recently razed the Rosewood Apartments to make way for its new Lincoln-Mercury dealership. MT2/27/1957p13 Whetstone Warehouse 337 South Front Lee Watkins has traded 100 acres to H. F. Whetstone for a rooming house and warehouse on the corner of South Front and Eleventh streets. MT1/22/1912p6 White & Thomas Block Photo: circa 1902 131-135 West Main, southeast corner Main and Grape aka Thomas Building, John F. White Building, White-Harbaugh Building Messrs. I. W. Thomas and J. F. White will erect this spring on their lots west of the depot a brick block 50x80 two stories in height. EN4/27/1901p5 I. W. Thomas, the Heber Grove capitalist, will build a two-story brick building on West Seventh. I. A. Palmer is the architect. DT4/25/1901p3 The stone for the foundation of I. W. Thomas' new brick building is being placed on the ground this week. MM5/3/1901p6 Contractor G. W. Priddy is engaged in burning a kiln of 250,000 bricks, and in about three weeks will resume work on the White-Thomas brick building on the west side, the foundation for which has already been laid. MM6/7/1901p6 Contractor G. W. Priddy has finished burning 250,000 bricks and will commence work on the White-Harbaugh brick building immediately after the fourth. MM6/28/1901p7 Brick work on the White-Thomas store building was commenced Monday. MM7/12/1901p7 Work on the Thomas-White building was suspended last week owing to the serious illness of Contractor Priddy's child. MM7/26/1901p7 Prof. Van Scoy has rented the second story of the Thomas-White block; the rooms will be fitted up for use by the Medford Academy. MM7/26/1901p7 Prof. W. T. Van Scoy has rented the second story of the Thomas-White block for the Medford Academy. There will be two rooms 25x40 feet in size. These will be well lighted by windows on north and south ends and west side. CO8/1/1901p3 Work on the White-Harbaugh brick is being pushed with all possible speed. Prof. Van Scoy is getting anxious for its completion. MM8/9/1901p7 The iron lintels and pillars for the White-Thomas brick building have been received and are being put in position. MM8/23/1901p7 The White-Thomas brick is not going to be completed in time for the Medford Academy, but Prof. Van Scoy has rented temporary quarters. MM8/30/1901p7 Mr. Taylor's new brick store building is nearly ready to move into. G. W. Priddy did the brick work on this and A. C. Nicholson the carpenter work. MM9/20/1901p7 The White-Thomas building is being rapidly pushed to completion. The rooms for the use of the Medford Academy will be ready in about two weeks. MM10/4/1901p7 The work of the school will begin in the new brick building next Monday. MM10/11/1901p2 The Medford Academy is now established in its new quarters in the White-Thomas building. MM11/8/1901p7 Geo. W. Priddy,who has the White-Thomas brick building in hand, has almost completed it. It is one of the handsomest and most substantial edifices in town. DT10/3/1901p7 H. M. Coss has rented the I. W. Thomas new brick building and will move his stock of pianos and organs thereto. MM4/18/1902p7 The new rooms of the Coss Piano House in the White-Thomas building were filled Wednesday evening by music lovers of Medford. MM4/25/1902p6 The new Hart Hotel opened its doors Monday morning for business. This hostelry is located in West Medford--in the White-Thomas building. For several weeks the proprietors, Mr. C. H. Hart and son, E. C. Hart, have been working assiduously in making the place ready for occupancy. The building is a new one, and not having been built for hotel purposes it required an entire new interior arrangement and construction. However, it is now in good shape for the accommodation of guests. The first floor is used for offices and dining room and at the rear there has been built a large kitchen. In the dining room there are boxes partitioned off for family use. The upstairs has been partitioned off into fourteen very neat, clean and cozy sleeping rooms for the guests of the house. Across from these are a sitting room and living and sleeping rooms for the proprietors and their help. Every piece of furniture and bedding in the hotel is new and of good material. The owners have had considerable experience in hotel business in other places, and there seems every good reason for them to have a good trade in Medford. MM1/8/1904p1 W. A. Aitken has established his plumbing shop in the White building, corner G and 7th streets, and has installed a full, up-to-date plumbing plant. MM6/14/1907p5 Messrs. Sparks and Clark have established a cleaning and pressing establishment in the White-Thomas building on the west side and are already doing a good business. MM10/25/1907p5 Mrs. Abbey Thomas will spend $500 to remodel a store building on the corner of Grape and Main streets, according to a building permit issued today. MT6/29/1927p2 Work remodeling the store on the corner of Main and Grape is progressing steadily for a new job printing office, of which Joe Marshall is to be proprietor. MT7/3/1927p2 Flynn Electric yesterday completed negotiations for the purchase of the John F. White building, now occupied by Fick Hardware. The building will be completely renovated in the interior, and the front will be remodeled. MT7/19/1935p11 It was the first brick building on West Main and is the only property on Main still owned by the original family. W. E. Thomas is the grandson of I. W. Thomas, who bought the two corner lots for $140 in 1888. MT6/6/1941p1 W. E. Thomas has begun remodeling the building at Main and Grape, owned by the Thomas estate. A modern front is being installed with cement supplanting the old iron posts and numerous other improvements will be made. MN7/4/1941p1 John F. White Building NRHP #112.0 Photo: 1979 209-213 West Main The rooming house upstairs was known as the LaFonda Rooms. On the south side of Seventh Street, west of G, Mr. White, the enterprising real estate man, owns ground with 50 feet frontage, on which excavating as far aback as 80 feet has already been made. Mr. White expects to put a two-story brick, with stores and an office for himself downstairs, upper story to be fixed for office or living rooms. TR6/30/1906p1 J. F. White is having material placed upon the ground to be used in the erection of a 50x60-foot, one-story brick building, on his property on West Seventh Street, near the Presbyterian church. The building will have a frontage of fifty feet and will be divided into three store or office rooms. The front will be of stone and red pressed brick. MM10/12/1906p5 G. W. Priddy, the contractor on John F. White's new building, has a large force of men at work on the foundation. This building will be of brick and will be 50x75 feet fronting on 7th Street. TR10/24/1906p1 Not until the past few weeks has the Medford Iron Works been in shape to turn out castings so large as store pillars and lintels. A large traveling crane has recently been put in, and they are now prepared to turn out heavy works. Their first work in the very heavy line was pillars for the John F. White store building. MM12/21/1906p5 G. W. Priddy has men at work putting up the walls for the J. F. White building. MM2/1/1907p4 W. A. Aitken: "I have leased rooms in the J. F. White brick building which is now being put up on West Seventh Street and will move thereto just as soon as the structure is ready for occupancy." MM2/8/1907p1 The John F. White block on the west side is nearing completion and is going to be a substantial and handsome structure. There are three business places on the lower floor. The one on the westerly side will be occupied by Hill's meat market, the one on the easterly side by the offices of the Condor Water & Power Co., and the central portion by Aitken, the plumber. The second floor will be for offices and living rooms. MM4/12/1907p5 B. Getchel issued permit to remodel a store front at 213 W. Main. MT9/8/1949p11 John F. White Buildings West Main John F. White has his brick building, west of the depot, filled with several different makes of sewing machines. MM2/7/1902p7 Boyd & Conklin will open a furniture store in J. F. White's brick building, on the west side. DT11/26/1902p3 A two-story brick building will be erected on the lots between the J. F. White buildings on the south side of West Seventh--where now stands a blacksmith shop. MM11/13/1908p1 White-Harbaugh Building See White & Thomas Block J. A. Whitman Packing House Evergreen between Eighth and Ninth J. A. Whitman has carpenters at work enlarging his fruit packing house adjoining the original on the south. MM10/13/1893p3 Wigle Laundry Along Medford water ditch, somewhere north of Bartlett The ruins of J. L. Wigle's laundry had hardly time to cool before he had arranged for the erection of a new building. Work was commenced Friday upon a 24x40-foot building on his property in northeast Medford. MM2/21/1896p5 Wild Plum Building 1528 Biddle Marie Callender's Restaurant & Bakery burned to the ground early Saturday morning. MT12/15/2013p1 Officials said the building was constructed in 1984. Marie Callender's opened in 1993, but it housed the Wild Plum restaurant in the years before. MT12/21/2013p1 Demolition has begun on what is left of Marie Callender's. MT2/18/2014p3 Medford officials have received plans for an unnamed restaurant that would replace the Marie Callender's that burned down almost two years ago. MT9/12/2015p1 Wilkinson Building South Front Street In the Nash Hotel "annex," in the Wilkinson building on D Street, Dr. Reddy has fitted up ten rooms, which are furnished on the same general plan of the main hotel. MM2/10/1905p1 Eisenhart & McCown will move their lunch counter to the Wilkinson building, on South D Street. MM7/14/1905p5 D. B. Russell is moving to the Wilkinson building. MT7/23/1911pB1 Ed Wilkinson is overhauling the lower story of one of his buildings on Front Street, which will be occupied by Hale & Lyons. MT12/3/1913p2 Wilkinson-Swem Building NRHP #311.0 Photos: 1966 1966 1994 2006 2007 217 East Main Butcher Ed Wilkinson wanted a meat market downstairs with an upstairs apartment (hence the balcony) when he hired W. J. Bennet to design this elaborate "Queen Anne Commercial" building in 1895. The fancy interior was filled with wood and stained glass. After Wilkinson "retired" he continued to live upstairs) the first floor was rented out, first to other butchers and eventually to T. W. Swem, who sold photos and gifts for over sixty years. Wilkinson's apartment was turned into a retail mezzanine and sometime dance studio during the Swem years. Today, the upstairs has returned to its original use, now as an ultramodern apartment, but it retains the original 1895 ornate oak mantelpiece carved by the Weeks Brothers in neighboring Phoenix. Ed. Wilkinson has commenced work upon the foundation of his new brick building. MM8/23/1895p5 Walter and Volney Stickel are at Medford working on Wilkinson's brick building. MM9/20/1895p2 Ed. Wilkinson's new brick block, in which Ed will carve steaks to the general liking of all who come, is narrowing down to a finish, so far as the brick work is concerned. MM9/27/1895p4 Mr. Wilkinson has decided to continue his present two-story brick building on out to the alley, making his building 20 by 140 feet in size and all two stories high. The new part is to be used in connection with his market and for a stable. The foundation was started this week. S. Childers is doing the brick work. MM10/16/1896p7 Ed Wilkinson, two-story brick meat market, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. Built by S. Childers at cost of $6000. A 40-foot addition two stories high is now under construction. VR10/29/1896p1 The interior of the lower story of the Wilkinson Building, on Seventh Street, is being rearranged this week, in preparation for the Cameron & Meyers Shoe Store. MM3/2/1906p5 Swem's Studio will be moved to the building vacated by the Shasta. MT5/24/1919p2 A large Studebaker crashed into Swem's plate glass front today. MT5/25/1929p2 Due to the partial collapse of the Lindley Building, "the wall adjoining the alley on the north side of the Swem building will be removed as a safety measure." MT2/11/1935p1 Williams Block, Williams' Hall See Hamlin Block Wilson Building I Probably northwest corner Eighth and Central Arthur Wilson of Medford is after material to renovate his buildings. DT8/4/1893p3 It will be two stories high and first-class. I am working three men in my blacksmith shop and could work more if I had room. I am going to do all wood work myself. MM4/20/1894p2 J. R. Wilson has moved his blacksmith tools to a temporarily constructed shop, corner Eighth and D Street. Work on his new brick will begin in about two weeks. MM8/23/1895p5 The brick work on Councilman J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop is finished and the carpenters are now at work laying floors and putting in windows and doors. Brooks, the tinner, is putting on the roof. MM9/27/1895p4 Ed. Pottenger has rented the J. R. Wilson building, just south of the Mail office. DT4/12/1901p6 Ed. Pottenger will open a butcher shop on his own account in J. R. Wilson's building on C Street, a few doors south of the post office. DT4/18/1901p7 J. G. Christy has rented the Wilson brick building, next to the Mail office, and will open a bowling alley and pool room therein. MM12/1/1905p8 Wilson Building II Northwest corner Eighth and Central aka Foster-Kleiser Building J. R. Wilson is engaged on a brick structure, 46x50 feet. OR6/8/1900p3 J. R. Wilson is having a cement walk put down in front of his new brick block, on South C Street. MM8/3/1900p6 J. R. Wilson has carpenters at work this week putting a new front into his new brick building on South C Street. The room is being fitted up for a blacksmith shop and will be occupied by H. H. Mitchell. MM9/14/1900p7 Application of J. R. Wilson for a permit to construct a building, eleven feet wide by eighteen feet long, between his two buildings on South C. MM3/8/1901p2 J. H. [sic] Wilson has been making a goodly number of improvements about his business block on South C Street. A fine opportunity is here given for the erection of a good brick building. MM3/8/1901p7 Ed. Pottenger will open a meat market; he has rented the J. R. Wilson brick building, just south of the Mail office. MM4/12/1901p6 Ed Pottenger has secured the building adjoining the Nash Hotel, formerly occupied by Warner & Wortman, and will open up his meat market therein, instead of the building adjoining J. R. Wilson's blacksmith shop. MM4/26/1901p7 J. R. Wilson Wednesday purchased of Mrs. Wm. Slinger the lot on the corner of 8th and C streets. This promises to be a fine business location. EN4/27/1901p5 H. C. Austin has rented the J. R. Wilson brick, south of the Mail office, and will move his stock of flour and feed thereto. MM11/29/1901p6 J. R. Wilson has rented his blacksmith shop and tools to Charlie Paine. MM1/2/1902p7 J. R. Wilson has opened a feed store in his building, one door south of the Mail office. He will also put in a stock of groceries. MM3/7/1902p7 Circus day comes on Wednesday, May 3rd, and the ladies of the Baptist church are preparing to serve dinner and supper on that day in the Wilson store building, one door south of the Medford Mail printing office. MM4/21/1905p1 Dr. E. B. Pickel, B. Klum and W. C. Murphy have purchased from Dr. J. F. Reddy the half block on the northwest corner of Central Avenue and Eighth Street, where the bakery and blacksmith shop are located at present. MT11/2/1909p1 Fire gutted the Jorgensen bakery and caused damage to the Palace rooming house and the Blaine Klum sign and paint shop. The two-story wall of the Halley building to the north penned the fire in. MT6/2/1914p3 Fire Tuesday morning caused damage estimated at $2000 to $2500. Dr. E. B. Pickel is the owner of the premises. MT6/3/1914p3 The Halley building on South Central Avenue is a new structure of brick, occupies the former site of a one-story brick building and is two stories high. It was recently completed and is now occupied by Shield's dry goods store and Taylor Millinery Shop (42-44 S. Central). MT9/14/1927pC3 Wilson Building III 25-31 South Central, southeast corner Central and Theater Alley aka Jackson & Damon Building Jackson & Damon are erecting a two-story frame building, with eight rooms upstairs and four downstairs, in which to run a boot and shoe store. VR0/25/1888p3 W. P. Wood this week takes possession of the Jackson & Damon building as headquarters for his saddlery and harness business. DT7/10/1891p3 Mrs. Jackson has purchased W. P. Wood's interest in the property on C Street where the Mail office is. SO10/14/1892p3 Jeweler E. L. Brown has vacated the Standley brick on C Street and is now occupying the Wood harness shop building. SO11/4/1892p3 Medford Furniture Co. is having the Jesse Wilson building, opposite the post office, fitted up for undertaking parlors. The rear room is to be used as an embalming room. In the rear of the building will be a store room for furniture stock. MM9/25/1903p7 Wilson Building IV Location unknown The city has secured the use of J. R. Wilson's lots on the corner of Eighth and C streets for use as a city pound for the detention of stock. MM4/26/1901p6 Work on J. R. Wilson's new brick is going ahead with a swift pace. Frank Amann is doing the carpenter work. MM6/8/1909p6 Wilson Elementary School Photo: 1958 1400 Johnson Street Bids will be opened March 5 for construction of Wilson Elementary School. Wilson will be an open-corridor, single-story building with about 28,000 square feet. Twelve classrooms, with an alternate for three more are planned. Colored masonry block will be used along with glued laminated beams. MT2/18/1958p1 Architect is Wayne Struble of the James L. Payne firm of Salem. MT3/5/1958p1 Wilson Opera House See Medford Opera House I Wilson-McCabe Building Photo: 1959 132 West Fourth, northeast corner Fourth and Grape aka Jackson County Public Welfare Office Bids are asked for construction of a 5,200-sq.-ft. office building designed by Robert J. Keeney, to be built by Wilson and McCabe Refrigeration. MT9/4/1958p1 Cummings Construction was low bidder, according to architect Robert J. Keeney. The 5,200-sq.-ft. brick structure will include officers for the Jackson County welfare department and at least one other tenant. MT9/14/1958p12 The building, owned by the firm of Wilson-McCabe, is leased to the Jackson County Public Welfare Commission and the Oregon Tax Commission. MT4/12/1959p3 Wilson Elementary School 1400 Johnson Street Modular classrooms will provide space for an additional 75 students. MT9/6/2015p1 Wimberly-Taylor Complex Photo: 1968 Between West Fifth and West Sixth and North Grape The $140,000 two-story office building was begun by Jack Batzer Construction in May and the exterior completed in October. MT1/14/1968pB1 Winans Building See Weeks and Orr Furniture C. A. Winetrout Building [Crater Lake Motors] NRHP #196.0 Photos: 1946 1966 1969 1969 25-29 West Main, Southeast corner Main and Fir aka Crater Lake Motors Building, Larson Appliance building Completed 1946; razed to make way for the Bella Vita project. The city recently issued the Crater Lake Motor Company a permit to erect an $83,000 building at Main and Fir sts. MT5/4/1961p9 A postcard of downtown Medford and so labeled must have been taken at least 15 years ago. It shows the Larson Appliance Company store with a prominent "Ford" sign. The company moved to Fir and Sixth streets in July, 1961. MT11/7/1976 Charles A. Wing Arcade Building Photo: 1979 Northwest corner Sixth and Bartlett Opened May 1948; reopened November 1977 as the Sixth Street Mall. Demolished August 1988. Charles A. Wing has applied for a permit to erect and remodel a store at 310 E. Sixth and 134-138 N. Bartlett at a cost of $9,000. MT4/6/1948p11 The facade of the completed unit is partially constructed of brick made about 50 years ago by G. W. Priddy and was salvaged from the remodeling of the United States National Bank building. MT5/27/1948p4 Charles A. Wing Building NRHP #334.0 149 South Central, northeast corner Ninth and Central R. I. Stuart was awarded contract for construction of a modern sandwich shop building at Ninth and Central. Architects are Clark and Keeney. MT1/30/1938p12 Charles A. Wing Building II Corner of North Riverside and Berrydale The new garage and store building will be occupied by a barber shop, shoe shop and a modern garage. Harry Marx was the general contractor; G. W. Priddy did the cement work, Jensen & Brant did the plastering. MT2/20/1927pB3 Charles A. Wing Building III 310 East Sixth Charles A. Wing has applied for a permit to erect a store building at 310 East Sixth Street. MT4/6/1948p11 Witham Service Station NRHP #261.0 Photos: circa 1930 1959 46-54 South Riverside, northwest corner Eighth and Riverside Frank Clark is completing plans for a brick and concrete building at Eighth and Riverside, to replace the one recently destroyed by fire. MT6/4/1928p2adv Witham & Long's service station will open August 1 in Hamilton Patton's mission-style stucco building, nearing completion. MT6/19/1928p3 The $40,000 station is nearing completion. Display rooms front Riverside and Eighth; a heavily reinforced concrete basement contains a tire storage room and oil-burning heating plant. MT9/7/1928p4 Witham's Truck Stop Photo: 1966 1966 1966 2339-2343 Biddle Road A permit was issued to Witham's for a restaurant and service station along with the truck stop for an estimated value of $146,000. MT8/4/1965pB10 Permits have been issued to the Federal Sign and Signal Company to erect a $3,700 sign at 2339 Biddle Road. MT12/1/1965p7 March 16 is set by Witham Parts and Equipment for open houses activities at their new site. It contains 14 acres and 65,700 square feet of buildings valued at $750,000. The complex includes complete truck facilities including a 126-seat restaurant that will be open 24 hours a day. MT3/13/1966pB6 Vance K. Wolgamott Apartments 525 North Riverside Woodland Heights Market 1501 Prune Street, southwest corner Columbus and Prune Miss Dorothy Miller plans to build a grocery store at 1501 Prune Street to serve the Woodlawn [sic] Heights addition. MT2/15/1946p7 Marylin M. Hicks has retired the name Woodlawn [sic] Heights Market for a business at 1501 Prune St., according to county clerk's records. MT4/25/1955p9 Carl A. and Norma C. Morgan have retired the business name Woodland [sic] Heights Market and Lyle and Essie Barrett have assumed the name. MT3/21/1956p15 Woodmen of the World Lodge NRHP #123.0 Photo: 1926 143 North Grape, southwest corner Fifth and Grape aka Knights of Pythias Building Dedicated October 3, 1926; ceremonies featured an address by Oregon Governor Walter M. Pierce. Construction will be underway within 20 days. It will be 48 feet wide and 50 feet long, two stories high, of reinforced concrete, with a balcony on the second story for overflow crowds. JN11/28/1924p1 Prep work has commenced on a $10,000, 50x100-ft. concrete building which will be the headquarters of the local W.O.W. lodge. Elmer Childers has the contract. A brick house on the site is nearly completely razed. MT7/22/1926p2 The W.O.W. lodge will be dedicated next Sunday. MT9/26/1926p7 Gov. Pierce will dedicate the lodge; architect was Frank C. Clark. MT9/29/1926p8 The new building, general construction of which was completed September 20, is 50 by 100 feet in dimensions, with a white stucco front and latticed windows at the entrance doors, which open into a club room, and a ladies' room to the right. The lodge hall is 50 by 60 feet, with a hard and highly polished maple floor. The roof is so constructed to encourage perfect acoustics, being built in an oval shape. At the eastern end the hall has a balcony suitable for speakers and moving picture projection machines, while directly opposite a stage has been provided. MT10/3/1926p1, MT10/4/1926p3 The home of the Woodmen of the World was erected this year. A large ballroom and banquet room are features of the building. MT1/2/1927p11 During the last year, the Woodmen of the World hall on North Grape was completed, with dedicatory exercises held last autumn, ex-Governor Walter Pierce being the main speaker. The building was constructed of concrete at a cost of $12,000. MT9/14/1927pC3 A deal was closed this week whereby the Woodmen of the World hall came into the possession of the Knights of Pythias lodge. The Woodmen will continue to hold their meetings in the hall. MT8/3/1930p3 The K. of P. will hold their first meeting in the new hall tonight. The building has been remodeled, providing storage and lockers for each organization using the building and an enlarged dining room. MT8/4/1930p3 The New Creations Christian Fellowship has purchased the Knights of Pythias building at 143 N. Grape, for $80,000. MT12/9/1983pD6 Wallace Woods Building See Hubbard Brothers Hardware/Woods Block Woolf Building Photo: 1906 127 East Sixth, northwest corner Sixth and Central aka Woolf's Hall Mr. I. Woolf, at not a very distant date, will begin the construction of a two-story wooden building on the corner of 6th and C Street. This location is just south of D. S. Young's second-hand store, and when completed will be occupied by Mr. Woolf as a general merchandise store. MM3/24/1893p3 I. Woolf has the framework up for his store building on C Street. DT10/20/1893p2 That's a pretty good building Isaac Woolf is putting up on the corner of Sixth and C. It is a two-story wood building 22x44 feet in size with an annex 16x20 feet, two stories. The ground floor of the main building will be used for a grocery store, the upstairs for a hall and the annex for family living rooms. MM10/27/1893p3 The two-story frame building of Isaac Woolf on C Street is progressing rapidly will soon be ready for occupancy. DT1/8/1894p3 R. L. Wade, the new implement dealer, has leased the Woolf building and is adding thereto a store room 45x24 feet, the same to be covered with corrugated iron. MM4/28/1899p7 Mrs. Nancy Wise, of Keno, has rented the Woolf building and will soon open a restaurant and lodging house therein. MM4/6/1900p6 J. S. McCain and A. H. Chessmore have leased the Isaac Woolf building, on North C Street; about February 15th they will open a farm implement establishment. MM2/1/1901p7 Miss Lizzie Hoover has fitted up a room in the Woolf building, corner of Sixth and D streets [sic], for her new millinery store. MM3/8/1901p7 W. A. Countryman, a Free Methodist minister, will hold services at Woolf's hall next Sunday afternoon. MM4/12/1901p6 I have moved my stock of harness from the Woolf building to my new store. [signed] J. G. Taylor. MM11/15/1901p7 D. T. Cox and Jos. Scott have leased the Woolf building and remodeled it into a pretty good livery barn. Their place will be known as the C Street Livery Stable. MM1/31/1902p7 Mrs. C. L. Corwin has moved her stock of millinery to the Woolf building on North C Street, next door to Simmons' second hand store. MM5/12/1905p4 Messrs. F. M. Stewart and W. H. Bradshaw, who a few weeks ago purchased the Woolf building, corner North C and Sixth streets, are having an extension 24x26 feet in size with twenty-foot posts built to it, and the same together with the main building will be used as a rooming house. MM7/14/1905p5 Defective wiring in the attic of the Diamond Rooming House, owned by F. C. Page, caused a fire with a loss of $2500. MT9/23/1914p6 The fire badly scorched the Brown shoe store room, which adjoined in the same building a Japanese restaurant, and over which was a rooming house. The building was owned by C. A. Knight. MT3/27/1924p8 A fire broke out yesterday in the two-story frame building at the northwest corner of Sixth and Central, badly scorching the store. AT3/28/1924p1 A crew is dismantling the Diamond rooming house. MT6/3/1925p7 See Cooley-Neff Building. Woolworth Building See Medford Furniture and Hardware Building Workforce Housing Project Southeast corner Eighth and Holly Construction of a 40,000-sq.-ft., 62-unit affordable housing apartment building is scheduled to begin in May. MT4/6/2022pB1 Worman's Livery Stable See Union Livery Stables P. T. Young/Humphrey Motors Building NRHP #360.0 Photo: 1949 33 South Riverside aka Humphrey Motors Building--see Medford Public Market YMCA Photos: 1953 1965 522 West Sixth Street Groundbreaking ceremonies took place February 2. MT2/10/1948p1 The Medford Y.M.C.A., Inc. has applied for permission to erect a $150,000 Y.M.C.A. building at 522 West Sixth Street. MT4/27/1948p11 Foundation and installation of sewers are near completion. MT5/2/1948p8 The cornerstone ceremony will be held May 29. MT5/24/1948p10 The building has a frontage of 90 feet by 161 feet depth; the lobby is 45 feet by 90 feet, finished in California stucco. MT5/8/1949p10 "Phase One" of the YMCA's modernization program was renovation of the swimming pool area, including addition of a balcony and skylights. MT10/17/1965pB1 Young & Hall Building Photos: circa 1910 2011 12 North Front See Palm Building I Built by the partnership of Charles Young and John Court Hall. The two lots north of the Palm-Niedermeyer building is one of the prospective sites upon which Young & Hall are figuring on erecting a brick. MM11/17/1905p1 Work was commenced Monday on the excavation for the new brick which Young & Hall will erect on D Street. The building will be seventy-five feet front on D Street and eighty feet deep, and two stories high. The lower story will be cut into store rooms, while the upper floor will be left in one big room for the accommodation of large gatherings--balls, conventions, etc., and may be ultimately fitted up as an opera house. MM8/31/1906p5 Young & Hall have started the erection of a building just north of their place of business on D Street. Architect Palmer is planning the building, to be constructed of pressed brick; five capitals, all of granite, are to be along its front, giving it a rich appearance. Contractor Priddy is doing the work. MM4/24/1908p4 The Medford Brick Company commenced laying brick Monday on the new building which J. C. Hall is building on North Front Street. The building will be 50 by 75 feet in size. There will be two 25 by 75-foot rooms, one of which will be occupied by a moving picture show, and the other by a restaurant. MM5/29/1908p2 Court Hall has carpenters at work putting the floor joists for his new double front building on North D'Anjou Street. MM6/19/1908p5 The work in connection with the new billiard parlor of Brown & Co. in the new Young & Hall block on D'Anjou Street is not altogether finished. The parlor is 50x80 feet and it now contains five pool and four billiard tables, all of the Brunswick-Balke make. MM10/23/1908p2 The last structure designed by Isaac A. Palmer before his death was the new building of Young & Hall, not yet completed, on De Anjou Street. MM10/29/1908p1 A two-story building, containing three store rooms, has just been completed by J. C. Hall, at a cost of $15,000. OR11/2/1908p12 The north room of the Hall & Young Building will be occupied by the Rogue River Investment Company as an office and the south room will be the office of attorney Neff. MM12/11/1908p5 Home of the Crater Lake Social Club in November 1909. The upper floors of the building owned by Young and H. Hall are being remodeled by the Moose lodge as quarters. MS6/21/1916p2 Court Hall sold his half interest in the large two-story Young & Hall brick building on North Front Street, in which the Moose Hall and the Optimo Cafe are located, for $12,500. MT8/22/1918p2 Ed. Brown has rented the room recently vacated by Lyons & Hale on North Front, and will extend his present cigar store and resort to include that space. He has also made comfortable apartments for himself and Mrs. Brown and a number of up-to-date suites for bachelors on the second floor. JCN9/17/1926p12 Young's Garage 116 North Front William A. Young will build an auto shop between Fifth and Sixth on Front. Frank C. Clark is architect. MT9/9/1929p3 Work will start next week on the $7500 shop. MT11/26/1929p6 Zion Lutheran Church I Photo: 1906 Northwest corner Fourth and Oakdale Hamilton & Palm having donated a lot, it is highly probable a German Lutheran church will be built at Medford during the next few months. DT2/3/1893p3 The Lutheran church is about completed, and the congregation will be able to occupy it in a short time. It is a neat and comfortable edifice. DT1/3/1898p3 Zion Lutheran Church II Northwest corner Fourth and Oakdale 516 West Fourth Medford Lutherans are making plans for a new church. MT3/13/1927p3 Work will start in a few days on the new Lutheran church, the plans of which Frank Clark drew, to be a modern structure to cost $16,000. MT5/22/1927p3 The church signed a contract last night with E. N. Childers to build the new church, following plans drawn by Frank C. Clark, local architect. The modern concrete structure will have frontage of 86 feet on Oakdale and will be 40 feet deep. Childers will move the old edifice back on the lot, and will then wreck it for its lumber. MT7/22/1927p1 A new English Lutheran church on West Fourth Street is at present under construction at a cost of $15,000 and is expected to be completed within two months. It takes the place of a wooden structure, which served the local congregation for many years. MT9/14/1927pC3 Cornerstone laying will be next Sunday. MT11/4/1927p5 One side of the roof was completely open during the ceremony. MT11/7/1927p3 The new Zion Lutheran church will be dedicated today with appropriate services. The new building is of reinforced concrete, 40 by 86 ft., exclusive of extensions. The furnishings are finished in a driftwood stain effect. MT2/12/1928p1 The old building west of the church is the first of three buildings to be torn down prior to the start of a $95,000 Sunday school building. MT12/5/1958p6 An $82,183 addition is under construction. MT6/28/1959p14 Arsonists set fire to a 12-foot-high cross in front of Zion Lutheran early yesterday that spread into the rafters before fire crews extinguished it. MT7/6/2013p1 A $200,000 renovation is under way which will include a new roof, ceiling, carpeting and stained glass windows. MT9/8/2013p3 The roof, stained glass windows, walls, carpet and cross outside the church that were damaged have all been replaced, and services will be held. MT12/2/2013p1 KEY: AA: Ashland American AT: Ashland Tidings BG: Blue Goose Bugle CL: Clarion CP: Central Point American CH: Central Point Herald CW: Camp White Grenade DJ: Salem Daily Journal EH: Klamath Falls Evening Herald GH: Gold Hill News EN: Medford Enquirer EY: Southern Oregon Eye GP: Grants Pass Courier JM: Jacksonville Miner JN: Jackson County News JP: Jacksonville Post JT: Jackson County Times, Democratic Times MI: Medford Monitor-Miner ML: Medford Lights (SOHS 917.9505 M43) MM: Medford Mail MN: Medford News MR: Medford Reporter MS: Medford Sun MSM: Medford's Magazine (SOHS 917.9505 M43) MT: Medford Mail Tribune daily MW: Medford Mail Tribune weekly OR: Oregonian PJ: Portland, Oregon Journal PR: Pacific Record Herald RT: Rogue River Times SM: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps SO: Southern Oregonian SP: Sneak Preview ST: Southern Oregon Transcript SU: Medford Success TA: The Tattler TR: Medford Tribune VR: Valley Record Last revised March 6, 2025 |