![]() ![]() Tull Q. C. Anderson and family, Geo. Schwenkt and Charles Tull, of Sprague River, passed through town Friday on their way to Rogue River Valley after supplies. Medford Mail, November 5, 1897, page 5 T. J. Goodwyn and C. E. Tull, of Bonanza, Klamath County, have purchased the Nash Livery Stables from Perry & Foster. The new proprietors arrived here with their families Wednesday. These gentlemen come here highly recommended, and if they prove themselves as worthy citizens as their predecessors there will never be reasons to regret their coming. Mr. Perry will remain in Medford and devote his attention to the warehouse and commission business. Mr. Foster will visit his old home at Albany, but will return to Medford later and undoubtedly make this place his home. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 J. W. Lawton, agent for the Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company, reports the sale of two fine Henny drummer rigs to Messrs. Goodwyn & Tull, of the Nash Livery Stables, and one of the same make to Emil DeRoboam, of the Union Stables. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 7
Medford Precinct:
Charles E. Tull, 28, boarder, livery stable keeper, born April 1872 in California, father born in Missouri, mother born in Ohio U.S. Census, enumerated June 15, 1900 C. E. Tull, one of the proprietors of the Nash Livery Stables, was ill all last week with fever--typhoid symptoms--but he is now all right again. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, September 7, 1900, page 6 Messrs. Goodwyn & Tull, proprietors of the Nash Livery Stables, have rented the West Side Stables and will use them for stabling stock, in conjunction with their main stables. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 14, 1900, page 7 Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is
hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing by and between
T. Goodwyn and C. E. Tull, doing business under the firm name of
Goodwyn & Tull, is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved. All
accounts due the firm are payable to C. E. Tull, who will continue the
livery business, and all accounts owed by the firm will be paid by said
C. E. Tull.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 10th day of October, 1900. T. Goodwyn,
Medford Mail, October 19, 1900, page 6C. E. Tull. The firm of Goodwyn & Tull, proprietors of the Nash Livery Stables, has been dissolved, Mr. Goodwyn retiring and Mr. Tull continuing the business as heretofore, which business Mr. Tull reports to be good--and getting better right along. Mr. Goodwyn will engage in mining up on Elk Creek. A notice of the dissolution of partnership appears in this issue of the Mail. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 19, 1900, page 7 C. E. Tull:--"Yes, I have a partner--had one about a month. He is Mr. G. P. Rickey, who came here from Harrisburg, Wash. Business is good--first-class--no reason to complain." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, November 23, 1900, page 7 Tull & Rickley on Tuesday of this week sold the Nash Livery Stable to True Cox of this city, who has assumed charge. Mr. Cox was once before engaged in the livery business in Medford in company with J. A. Jerry, and is well known to the people of Jackson County and to the traveling men, from whom he will no doubt secure a liberal patronage. We wish him success. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 7 C. E. Tull came in from the irrigating ditch this week. He has been employed on the ditch since early last fall and says there are quite a number of men and teams still at work. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 17, 1902, page 6 Messrs. Anderson, Tull and Haynes are stopping at the Harbaugh farm, the two former caring for the Jackson Co. Improvement Co.'s horses, and the latter for Mr. Howard's horses. "Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 5 Chas. Tull, foreman of the Jackson County Improvement Company's fine Sticky ranch, took a load of hay to the company's camp near Lake Creek the first of the week. "Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 5 C. E. Tull has returned to the ditch company's ranch, after hauling a load of hay to their encampment near Brownsboro. "Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 5 There were some changes in the livery business in Medford this week. Fox & Goode have transferred the Union Livery Stables and the lease of the Nash brick barn to Chas. E. Tull, acting for D. T. Cox, and the latter has sold his interest in the C Street stables to James Scott. It is the understanding that Mr. Scott will lease the brick barn on D Street and will continue the business of the C Street stables at that point, while Mr. Cox will hold forth at the Union stables. Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 2 Charlie Tull is lying quite seriously ill at Mrs. Loder's residence in this city. His [problem] is lung trouble, and there is some fear lest he will not recover. Financially he is not in the best of circumstances, and on Wednesday morning D. E. Green and J. S. Currie, two timber locators, and friends of Tull, started out with a subscription paper among our townspeople and soon had $71 subscribed and paid. Mr. Tull has been placed in the Medford Hospital, where proper nursing and care will be given him. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 20, 1903, page 7
Stock Inspector.
I have been appointed stock inspector for Jackson County by the county
commissioners. Any persons knowing of stock infected with a contagious
disease, or anyone wishing to have their stock inspected, will please
notify me at the Union
Stables, Medford.C.
Medford Mail, November
4-25, 1904, pages 2-3C. E. TULL
Veterinary Dentistry a Specialty All call orders promptly filled day or night. OFFICE at Union Stables, Medford, Or. Medford Mail, September 21, 1906, page 2
Chas. E. Tull announces that he will hereafter practice as a veterinary surgeon and dentist, and that he has opened offices at the Union Livery Stables, where he will make his headquarters. Charlie has had considerable experience in this line and expects a fair share of patronage. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 5 Charley Tull, veterinary surgeon, and J. M. Keene, dentist, engaged in a fistic encounter on the streets of Medford early Sunday morning. Chief of Police Turpin was close at hand and after separating the combatants took them both before Recorder Collins, who bound them over until Monday in the sum of $20 each. Monday morning Tull appeared and pled guilty and was fined $10. Later Keene appeared with his attorney and after quite a lengthy argument persuaded the Recorder that he was not guilty. The evidence showed that Tull struck the first blow and that Keene was endeavoring to make his escape. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 8, 1907, page 5 In the matter of the appointment of constable for Medford precinct, order that Chas. E. Tull be appointed. "Commissioner's Court," Medford Mail, March 9, 1907, page 1 C. E. Tull, the veterinary surgeon, has been appointed constable for Medford precinct by the county commissioners. No constable was elected at the last general election. Mr. Tull has been serving by appointment of Judge Stewart from time to time as occasion demanded. He has proven himself a fearless and thoroughly competent official. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 29, 1907, page 5 Charles E. Tull came in Wednesday from Antelope Creek, where he is running a logging camp at the N. N. Charley sawmill. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, September 11, 1907, page 4 Charles E. Tull, of Antelope Creek, who has been visiting in Medford for the past week, has returned to the mill where he has been employed. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, September 14, 1907, page 1 C. C. Tull has rented the West Side feed stable and is now in charge of the same. Mr. Tull's large acquaintance with the farmers of the valley gives him a guarantee of a liberal patronage from that source. He will also have his veterinary office at the stables. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 24, 1908, page 2 Charles Tull of Medford, deputy sheriff, was transacting business in Jacksonville Tuesday. Medford Mail, May 22, 1908, page 8 TAKE A RIDE
Medford Mail, June 5, 1908, page 1In one of our new rigs and you will be happy. West Side Stables, C. E. TULL, Prop. TULL WINS DAMAGE SUIT IN CIRCUIT COURT
Charles Tull yesterday won his suit for damages against F. W.
Lesmeister in the circuit court, to where it was carried by Lesmeister
on an appeal from the justice's court. Tull brought suit for damages
resulting from a smashup of a rig which he hired to Lesmeister. The
jury was out seven hours Friday before it was agreed.
Medford Daily Tribune, September 19, 1908, page 1 E. S. Tull, one of the pioneer residents of Klamath County, is in Medford, the guest of his son, C. E. Tull "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, September 21, 1908, page 4 E. S. Tull and A. B. Tull of Lakeview, Or., father and brother, respectively, of Charles Tull, the west side liveryman, are here on a visit, and since coming have decided to remain here permanently. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, September 25, 1908, page 6 Charles E. Tull vs. F. W. Lesmeister--on trial. "Circuit Court Proceedings," Medford Mail, September 25, 1908, page 7 (From Thursday's daily.)
E. F. Tull and A. S. Tull, father
and brother of Charley Tull of this city, have returned to their homes
in Lake County. They purchased property in Medford and will move here
with their families."Local and Personal," Medford Mail, October 9, 1908, page 5 Charles Tull, the West Side liveryman, has made arrangements for handling baggage and doing a general transfer business. He will put on a hack for the purpose in a few days. "Shorty" Dodge will handle the wagon and team. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, October 29, 1908, page 5 (From Tuesday's daily.)
A. B. and E. W. Tull have
returned with their families. They have disposed of their interests and
will reside in Medford hereafter."Local and Personal," Medford Mail, November 4, 1908, page 5 (From Wednesday's daily.)
Miss Eva Pitz, a cousin of C. E.
Tull, arrived from Fort Jones, Cal. yesterday and will visit in our
city for a short time.Medford Mail, November 13, 1908, page 5 JURY AWARDS MOORE $43 IN SUIT AGAINST TULL
The second trial of the case of T. H. Moore vs. C. E. Tull was held in Justice Canon's court Monday morning, and the jury brought in a verdit for the plaintiff for $43.30.The plaintiff asked in the original complaint for $143.30, due for rent from the defendant. Tull entered a counter for commission as agent in the sale of certain property which more than counterbalanced this claim. In the evidences it was brought out that Moore had one time said to Tull that he would give him $100 to sell the property. The verdict was rendered in accordance with this. The claim of the defendant was reduced by $100. Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1909, page 4
Case Will Come Up on Monday for Trial-- Claim Game Was Simply Friendly One.
grand jury Friday found an indictment against Chas. E. Tull for
gambling, alleging that he had been engaged in playing "pitch" and
"seven-up" in violation of the statutes made and provided.
The defendant claims that the game was simply a social one and that it was not played with any article at value as a stake. He will be arraigned in the circuit court Monday. Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1909, page 7 Charles E. Tull was acquitted of the charge of gambling Tuesday afternoon in the circuit court. The jury was out but a few minutes. "Tull Is Acquitted of Gambling Charge," Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1909, page 4 ![]() April 15, 1910 Medford Mail Tribune Genessee Street, Medford: Charley E. Tull, 38, roomer, veterinary surgeon, born in California, father born in California, mother born in Kentucky U.S. Census, enumerated May 3, 1910 CHARLES TULL IS UNDER INDICTMENT
it is said, to bitter business controversies, Charles E. Tull has been
indicted for manslaughter. He is charged with a criminal operation upon
Mrs. Anna Stevens. Judge E. E. Kelly appears for the defense.
HORSE DOCTOR IS ACCUSEDMedford Mail Tribune, December 12, 1911, page 2 Grand Jury Indicts Medford Man on Manslaughter Charge.
MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 11.--(Special.)--Charles E. Tull,
liveryman and veterinary surgeon, was indicted by the grand jury today
on the charge of manslaughter for performing of an unlawful operation
Mrs. Anna Stevens, of Medford. He was arrested and released on $3000
The authorities allege that Tull committed the offense in March 1911, causing the death of Mrs. Stevens' unborn child. Mrs. Stevens' husband has been in Arizona for a long time and cannot be reached by the authorities. Tull, who was formerly deputy sheriff, is well known in Medford. He has filed a demurrer through his attorney, declaring the state has not sufficient facts to constitute a crime. The case has caused a great deal of local interest, as it involves several families and is an outgrowth of a recent charge against Al Tate, formerly Tull's partner in the livery stable business. Morning
Oregonian, Portland,
December 12, 1911, page 5
Demurrer to Indictment Is Overruled and Man Charged with Manslaughter Will Be Given Trial in the Near Future.
Tull, indicted for manslaughter on a charge of performing a criminal
operation, has entered a plea of not guilty to the indictment and the
case will be tried in the near future. He entered a demurrer to the
indictment which was overruled. He is represented by Judge E. E. Kelly.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1911, page 2 Charles Tull of this city and Charles Terrill of Brownsboro engaged in a street scrap in which it is said Tull was the aggressor and also the victor. The police interfered and put a stop to the row, but at noon Saturday no complaint had been filed with Justice of the Peace Taylor, and as City Magistrate Canon is out of the city, none could have been filed with him. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1912, page 2 NATIONAL LIVESTOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND-- Incorporated and chartered under the laws of the state of Oregon. Insures horses and cattle against death from fire, accident or disease. Chas. E. Tull, agent, Medford, Ore. Offices West Side Stables. Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1912, page 7 The case of the state vs. Charles Tull, for manslaughter, was continued today in the circuit court to the [omission] the witnesses has left the state. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1912, page 2 MARRIED
Medford, Oregon, Wednesday, May 29, 1912, by Rev. Weston F. Shields,
Charles E. Tull and Ella May Blair.
Jacksonville Post, June 8, 1912, page 3 Boyd Ambrose was indicted for embezzlement of funds belonging to Charles Tull. It is alleged that Ambrose collected several bills for Tull and failed to turn the money over. "Four Indicted by Grand Jury," Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1912, page 6 The case against Charles Tull, charged with manslaughter by a criminal operation, was dismissed Wednesday, for lack of evidence. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1912, page 2 WARRANT
Charles Lebo, a real estate man, and Charles Tull, a livery stable man,
had a disagreement Monday in which Tull is alleged to have taken a
swing at Lebo, and as a result a warrant was issued by Justice of the
Peace Glen O. Taylor, charging Tull with assault and battery. Mr. Lebo
said afterward that Tull failed to land his swing, but that they
wrestled about in the dirt considerable, and that his hat was broken.
He swore to the complaint. The trouble occurred over a difference of
opinion regarding work being done on the property of the Medford Realty
& Improvement Company. The case will be heard in the justice
Medford Sun, November 19, 1912, page 1 ACQUIT
VERDICT OF JURY SURPRISE--CASE FULL OF ARGUMENT Interesting Phenomenon Told by the Complaining Witness-- Trouble over Contract
A jury in the justice court Tuesday afternoon found Charles Tull, a
livery stable man, not guilty of an assault and battery upon Charles S.
Lebo, manager of the Medford Realty & Investment Company, but
minds of the jury and the approved and accepted law of evidence did not
jibe. Mr. Lebo bore no marks of a fierce scrimmage and Mr. Tull was
peaceful-looking, causing attorney Kelly to remark that the battle was
"an Irish washerwoman dispute over a clothesline." The case took all
afternoon and was full of argument.
Evidence introduced showed that Mr. Tull had grabbed Mr. Lebo by his collar and attempted to throw him off his own land. Mr. Lebo object to this course and then both fell off a dump platform used in loading dirt wagons, the real estate man on top. Before the disagreement traveled any farther the pair were separated. The testimony of Mr. Lebo developed an interesting phenomenon when he testified that "Tull had swung at him, missed him, but knocked him down." Attorney Kelly for the defense tried for half an hour to unravel this riddle, but gave up. Mr. Tull spoke in the language of his business and pictured Mr. Lebo as "high-strung and fractious" [terms usually used in describing horses]. As near as the testimony showed, the trouble arose over the wages of men employed in making improvements on the property of the Medford Realty & Improvement Company and the powers of Mr. Lebo in telling employees on his own land what to do. A man by the name of Coggins testified that he told Tull he would quit his job unless someone told him who was his "boss." Medford Sun, November 20, 1912, page 1 G. P. Rickley, who conducted a livery stable in Medford in company with C. E. Tull 13 years ago, is a delegate to the grand lodge of the I.O.O.F. He is engaged in merchandising at Harrisburg, Linn County. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1913, page 2 Charles E. Tull is at Glendale where he is filling a logging contract with the owners of the saw mills operating there. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1913, page 4 OBITUARY.
TULL.--Edward Smith Tull, aged 76 years, 11 months and 21 days, died at
his home, 830 West Twelfth Street, this city, August 13, 1917, at 2:30
in the afternoon.
Deceased, a native of St. Joseph, Missouri, had been a resident of Medford nine years. Previous to removal here he had resided in Klamath County 21 years. He crossed the plains three times by team, on one of the trips having an ox and a mule as his motive power. Deceased's marriage with Elizabeth Pitts was solemnized on May 15, 1870, at Oro Fino, California. He leaves the widow, Elizabeth, and two children--Charles Tull and Mrs. Rena Van Ausdall, of Medford. He was a member of A.F.&A.M., North Star Lodge No. 91, Ft. Jones, Cal. Funeral services will be held at his late residence at 2:30 Friday afternoon, Rev. Dr. Hogg officiating. Burial will be in the Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, August 14, 1917, page 4 Chas. Tull left yesterday for Merced, Cal., in charge of nine carloads of cattle for the California market. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1919, page 2 TULL
Sunday evening
Juanita and Buster, two children of Mrs. Ella Tull, manager of the
Holland Cafe, aged 13 and 12 years respectively, were kidnapped by some
unknown woman and taken, it is thought, to Venice, California. Mrs.
Tull, who reported the kidnapping to the police, is prostrated by her
loss and is making every effort to recover the children.
According to Mrs. Tull the woman was attracted by the two children when they attended the roundup at Ashland. She spoke to them and offered Juanita, well known for her unusually beautiful hair, a position as a movie actress. Sunday night Mrs. Tull after work returned to her home after 10 o'clock and found the house empty and her children gone. Frantic at her loss, she notified the police and started to search the neighborhood. Two men, according to Mrs. Tull, saw the children, a Mr. Koons who saw them near the home on Sixth Street talking to a woman, and Otto Heidenreich, athletic coach at the high school, who saw them, also accompanied by a strange woman, on Main Street Sunday evening. Mrs. Tull went to Ashland at once and found that three tickets had been purchased from Venice, California on the evening train which left Ashland Sunday evening. Mrs. Tull at once telegraphed the train and authorities at Sacramento to apprehend the woman, but has as yet received no notice of her arrest. Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1919, page 6 ![]() July 12, 1919 Oregonian TULL
theory that
Juanita, 13 years old, and Buster, 12 years old, children of Mrs.
Charles Tull by her first husband, had been kidnapped was exploded
yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Chas. Terrill, who had concluded his own
investigation of the case, when he announced positively that they had
run away from home, and still further this morning when the Portland
chief of police telephoned here to the sheriff that the runaways were
in custody of the Portland police and were being held until advices
were received from him. Mrs. Tull will leave tonight for Portland to
bring her daughter and son home.
It is not known just when or how the runaways happened to be picked up by the Portland police, as the long-distance message merely stated that the children were being held until further orders. When this message was given to Mrs. Tull, who had spent another sleepless night, she almost collapsed but was overjoyed to learn that the children were safe. About the first question she asked when she had recovered her equilibrium was whether "that moving picture woman" was with the children. She still thought that this mysterious woman, who is said to have offered Juanita a job at Venice as a moving picture actress, after praising her beauty and handsome head of hair, might have had something to do with her daughter and son running away from home, although she now thinks that the children were on their way to Prineville, Ore., to join her husband, their stepfather, who is employed as veterinary by the Twohy Bros. near there. Mrs. Tull emphatically denies the rumor in circulation yesterday that Juanita had forged a check for $35 on her stepfather to obtain money for herself and brother. Just before the Fourth of July, she says, Mr. Tull sent them a check for $25 for spending money over the Fourth. Herself and children talked it over and the children decided they would rather save the money to purchase a present for Mr. Tull. It was this money, their own, Mrs. Tull says that the children used to get away as far as Portland. Sheriff Terrill in his investigations found that Juanita and Buster had walked to Ashland on Sunday and that evening had left for the north on the train, and further that both had confided to friends their intentions of running away. The girl told friends she was anxious to get to Venice, Calif., and the boy had ambitions to go to Mexico. The sheriff further said that Juanita had told at least one friend that she had forged a check on her stepfather, to obtain going-away money. Putting all the facts together Sheriff Terrill decided that the sister and brother were on their way to join Mr. Tull and would be caught en route or on their arrival there, so he dropped his investigation. Chief of Police Timothy aided in the investigation Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1919, page 3 Girl, 13, Heads for Screen; Boy, 12, to Fight with Bandit
MEDFORD, Or., July 8.--Miss Juanita Tull, 13 years of age, and her
brother, 12 years old, disappeared on Sunday last. Their mother, Mrs.
Ella Tull, declares they were kidnapped by an unidentified woman, who
attended the Ashland, Or. roundup. Sheriff Terrill is of the opinion
that they ran away, Juanita to the movies, near Los Angeles, Cal., and
Buster, the brother, to fight with Villa in Mexico.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 9, 1919, page 1 TULL
Mrs. Chas. Tull left last evening for Portland to bring back her
runaway daughter and son who left here Sunday and stopped over in
Portland where they were taken in charge by the police, en route to
join their father at Prineville. Relative to their running away and
apprehension, Wednesday's Journal of that city had
the following account:
"Trailing adventure, movies and Villa, Juanita Tull, 13, and her fire-breathing brother, Olis Tull, 12, who were reported missing Sunday night from Medford, were discovered by officers Hill and Cahill Tuesday night in a rooming house at 224½ Morrison. "Sheriff Terrill reported to the Portland police Monday that the two children had disappeared, giving a description of them and furnishing clues. At first it was feared that they had gone to California to invade the motion picture industry, for Juanita, who has won local fame for the beauty of her hair, it is said, was convinced of her adaptability to the screen and had been considering an artistic career for some time. "Olis was not without ambition himself, and spoke quite freely this morning of his communications with the notorious Villa, and told of his plans to join the habitual insurrectionist in his southern retreat. Olis admitted that he was a relative of Dempsey, it is said, and explained his unusual pugilistic qualities in that way. His contempt for legal process and agents was paramount, it was said. "Mrs. Ella Tull, the mother of the two adventurers, was afraid the children had been kidnapped by an unidentified woman, with whom they had been associating at the Ashland Round-Up. This theory was strengthened when it was discovered that three tickets had been sold to California to a woman and two children. Money for the trip was obtained on a check sent to the children by their father. "The children said they were on their way to Prineville, where their father has been for several days on business, and as a prelude to their adventures decided to stop over in Portland." Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1919, page 6 The article quoted ran in the Oregon Journal of July 9, 1919, page 5. MISSING CHILDREN FOUND
The trail
of Villa and the lure of
the movies led Otis Tull, 9, fighter, and Juanita Tull, 13, beauty,
from Medford to Portland in search of adventure. They were discovered
in a lodging house at 224½ Morrison Street by Officers Hill
Cahill, after having been missing from their home in Medford since
Sunday night.MEDFORD BOY AND GIRL ARE LOCATED IN PORTLAND. Youth, 9, Would Join Villa, While Sister, 13, Would Become Star in Motion Pictures. The mother of the two children, Mrs. Ella Tull, arrived in Portland last night to take them home. They were cared for by the juvenile court until she arrived. The children said they were on their way to Prineville to join their father, preparatory to winning fame and fortune in their chosen lines. When the children first disappeared it was feared they had been kidnapped. Otis has long cherished ambitions of joining the bandit Villa, and making a name for himself as a soldier of fortune. He was convinced that if he could reach Mexico, nothing could keep him from ruling the country. The ambitions of Juanita ran in less martial lines. The girl, who is exceedingly pretty and has beautiful hair, has long wished to set the world afire through the motion-picture field. She was on her way to the motion picture studios, though just where they were she wasn't certain. A check, recently received from their father, who is away from home on business, furnished the necessary funds for the start of the adventure. Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 10, 1919, page 4 GIRL DENIES MOVIE AMBITION
Thirteen-Year-Old Girl Who Ran Away Says Photoplay Not Lure.
"There is absolutely nothing to it," said 13-year-old Juanita Tull to
the juvenile authorities today when questioned before her parents
concerning her aspirations to be a "movie" actress.
"Buster and I," she said, indicating her 11-year-old brother, "were simply going to Prineville to visit Papa. I wanted to keep house for him." The two children ran away from their home in Medford last week and it was thought that they had been lured by the call of the screen. They were located in Portland and held there by the juvenile authorities until the arrival of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tull. Mr. Tull is employed in Prineville, although his home is in Medford. The children told their father that they were simply on their way to visit him. Oregon Journal, Portland, July 11, 1919, page 5 Mrs. Chas. Tull arrived home from Portland this morning, to which city she left last week to bring home her runaway children, Juanita and Buster, who on their way to join their stepfather, Chas. Tull, at Prineville, stopped in Portland and were intercepted by the police. She was accompanied home by Buster, who has lost all his former ardent ambition to go to Mexico and fight bandits, and refuses to leave his mother's side. Juanita has gone with her father to Prineville for a month's visit, forgetting all her moving picture ambitions. Mr. Tull, who arrived at Portland about the same time as Mrs. Tull, has several years employment ahead at Prineville, and Mrs. Tull and the children will probably join him there in September. Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1919, page 2 Miss Juanita Tull arrived home today from Prineville where she had been visiting her father, Chas. Tull, since early in July, and was much rejoiced to be with her mother, little sister and younger brother again. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, September 15, 1919, page 2 Mrs. C. E. Tull held a birthday surprise party at her home, 626 West Fourth Street, this afternoon in honor of her four-year-old daughter, Mahnon, whose anniversary is today, and her 12-year-old son Buster, whose birthday comes September 27. Sixteen children were the guests. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, September 18, 1919, page 6 Chas. E. Tull, 47, roads laborer, born in California, parents born in California Ella Tull, 36, born in West Virginia, parents born in Virginia Juanita Tull, 13, born in Kansas Ooloos A. Tull, 12, born in Indiana Agnes Mannon Tull, 4, born in Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated January 9, 1920 Mrs. Chas. Tull, who some time ago fell and fractured her hip, will not be able to be about again for over a week. "Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1921, page 6 Charles Tull left Tuesday evening for Prineville, Oregon, where he has a road contract, after a week's visit with his wife and children in this city. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1921, page 3 FUR FLIES IN CLOSING PLEAS EDWARDS TRIAL
Charges and countercharges of "frame-up" and "unfair tactics" were
hurled by counsel for both sides in the arguments to the jury this
morning in the trial of James (Shine) Edwards, and bitterness cropped
out in the state attorney's castigating the witnesses for the defense,
and the defense directing the heavy artillery of their invective and
scorn against A. B. Gates, star witness for the state and special agent.Lawyers for State and Defense Make Charges and Counter Charges at Conclusion of Bootleg Case--Moore Flays the Moonshine Ring. In his plea, the district attorney called the birthday party of Mrs. Ella Tull as a "bootleggers ball," and referred to her as "that estimable lady with a seven-room house and one child." The tactics adopted by Mr. A. B. Gates, special agent and star witness for the state, were defended by the prosecuting attorney, as "the only way to trap the gang. If the sheriff or the police of Medford had attempted to procure evidence against them, all would have been as peaceful as a May Day, but here was a traveling man, a good spender, and he played the game so well that 'Shine' Edwards hounded him to buy liquor." The prosecutor also declared that the only issue in the case was whether "the law or the bootleggers would be supreme." The action of the defense in pleading that they had been taken by surprise was labeled as "theatrics." The defense began their opening argument at eleven o'clock, attorney Roberts being the opening orator. Attorney Roberts in his remarks scouted the claim of the state that "there had been a frame-up" and filed a countercharge of frame-up, holding the defense witnesses.had not been shaken in their testimony "while Gates had told five or six different stories on the stand," the defense attorney declared. Gates looked down his nose and shifted his gaze, while Shine looked at the jury." He also called him "low down" and "unprincipled" and hooted the state's contention "this wonderful private detective" was gathering evidence. "What right has this man (Gates) to get dead drunk," and "why not have a raid of raiders, who induce innocent taxicab drivers to commit crimes." The war record of Edwards was also presented to the jury. Attorney Roberts in closing his plea said, "I here and now insist and demand a grand jury investigation of the paid investigators of Jackson County." Attorney Gus Newbury made the closing address to the jury at the afternoon session, and attorney Moore closed for the state.
The court warned the jury "not to be influenced by comment for counsel
for either side, but to try the case on its merits," and later, when
tittering swept the audience, remarked, "witnesses in the back of the
room are trying to testify."
Mrs. Edwards testified that while getting ready for the trip they had
driven to the home of Mrs. Tull and borrowed "some hats and a camera"
and that just before starting they drove "two blocks down Central
Avenue from Main Street, and that when the auto horn was honked twice,
a man came and handed Mr. Gates a package." She testified that
afterwards she discovered this was moonshine. She said she took two or
three drinks of it.Mrs. Edwards Testifies.
On cross examination, the prosecutor asked the witness how much she could drink, the witness being indefinite on the subject, and in response to another query did not know whether the horn had been sounded "in front of Dud Wolgamott's house or not." Rippey Backfires.
Bert Rippey, husband of Fay Rippey, who testified Wednesday that she
was a guest at Mrs. Tull's birthday party, was called to the stand by
the state in rebuttal, and sprung a surprise by "backfiring" on the
testimony expected of him. The state attempted to impeach him, by
asking questions relative to statements made in front of the Rogue
River Canal Company office Wednesday evening. Rippey flatly denied that
he had told the prosecutor in the presence of Gates that he had seen
Edwards at Mrs. Tull's birthday party and denied that there was
anything to drink.He said he had talked about the case to his wife and attorney Roberts. On cross examination by attorney Roberts he said his testimony had not been influenced in any way. Gates was called in rebuttal and testified that "there was plenty to drink" at Mrs. Tull's. The first witness for the defense at this morning's session was Mrs. Frankie Edwards of Klamath Falls, a resident of this city. She testified she first met Gates in Edwards' taxicab on Main Street on Saturday afternoon, August 6th, before the trip to Crater Lake, and that she inquired of Edwards, "are you going to the dance at Prospect?" and was informed that the jaunt would be taken if a crowd could be gathered. She said she was introduced to Gates and that he asked her to go with him. "I told him 'yes,' as I did not care who I went with as long as I got there." She also testified that Gates was "too drunk to walk or dance." James (Shine) Edwards took the stand in his own behalf at the opening of the defense in his trial on an indictment charging selling of intoxicating liquor. Edwards told the jury that Gates told him he "was a creamery man, and wanted to visit every farm in the valley that had a cow." He said the plans for the Crater Lake joyride were arranged by Gates, and that the women in the party were Mrs. Frankie Edwards, a sister-in-law of the defendant and Billie Duley, a waitress. He said they left Medford and arrived at Prospect about midnight, that Gates took drinks along the road, and that he was sick. He said at Prospect, Gates fell down and insisted on going into the dance hall, and that while there Gates met George O. Roberts, and offered him a drink. About 3 o'clock in the morning they left Prospect and drove to Crater Lake, where they procured breakfast. Gates, he testified, was sick and unable to eat dinner. He also said that en route to Prospect the car struck a bump and the resultant impact threw Gates against the top of the car, bruising his forehead. Edwards testified that the party returned to Medford that Sunday evening and that Gates paid him $50 for the trip. Denies Taking Drink
The defendant testified that on a day or two previous to the Crater
Lake trip Gates hired him for a drive, and that at Tenth and Oakdale
they met one George Grigsby in a Ford, and that Grigsby told them to
drive to the King Street garage, which they did, and there Gates
received a package, which [it] was alleged contained moonshine. Edwards
denied that he ever took a drink, but went through the motions only. He
also denied that he had ever been in Gates' room.George O. Roberts testified that he saw Gates in Prospect on the night of August 6th and that he "was intoxicated." A. McLane, a Canadian war veteran wounded four times, and proprietor of the King Street garage, corroborated the testimony of Edwards that Gates had received a package in his garage on the afternoon of August 6th, from a stranger. John Goodwin, a taxi driver of Edwards', testified that he heard a conversation between Edwards and Sandefer, in front of the justice court in Medford, in which Sandefer told them, "If you fellows plead guilty I believe you will get off with a light fine." Mrs. Ella Tull testified that she gave a birthday party on August 8 and that Gates was among the visitors. Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1921, page 6 BOY SLIGHTLY HURT IN AUTO COLLISION
Buster Tull was shaken up and badly bruised and shocked this noon when
the bicycle which he was riding was struck by a Buick Four touring car
driven by Mrs. C. E. Blee.
The accident occurred at the corner of Main and Grape Street. Mrs. Blee was turning her car on the intersection. Tull was riding west on Main Street and was looking downward, examining the saddle of his bicycle, which he had broken a few minutes before. The car crashed into the bicycle, completely demolishing it and throwing the rider to the pavement and against a lamppost at the corner. The bruised and shocked lad was taken into the rear of the Rexall pharmacy, and a physician was called at once. Upon the arrival of the physician and after a brief examination it was decided that no bones were broken and that the injury sustained by Tull was not serious. Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1922, page 1 HOLD SUSPECTS IN RADIO SET ROBBERY CASE
Emery (Buster) Tull and Paul Wright are under arrest, suspected of having stolen the Virgin broadcasting
set from the fairgrounds last Monday night, and Mr. Bowman of Central
Point was held this morning by authorities for alleged complicity in
the theft.
When Donald Ross of Central Point read in last night's Mail Tribune of the theft of the radio set he at once called Virgin, who notified Deputy Alden that the apparatus was in the possession of Bowman at Central Point. Bowman, according to police reports, told a story of crating the set and sending it to Seattle as ordered to do by the two boys, as they had been planning to leave for Seattle today. According to the story the set was to have been shipped today. The story, however, conflicts with that of the two boys, who state that Bowman offered them a third interest each if they would steal the apparatus and bring it to him, according to Deputy Sheriff Forncrook. The Bakelite panel of the set upon which all the instruments were mounted was stripped bare and then smashed with an axe. The instruments were crated ready for shipment. Numerous spotlights, motometers and auto accessories, stolen recently from Medford cars in front of the Elks Club and at other places, were also found by the officers. It is said that the set was on Bowman's porch and that everyone in Central Point was aware Bowman had it, which tends to substantiate Bowman's story. Tull and Wright were placed under arrest last night at the Hotel Holland, where Wright was employed as bellboy. He had been working there only five or six days. Bowman was not arrested until this forenoon, after the boys had told their story and accused him of complicity. Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1923, page 1
Emery Tull and Paul Wright, who pleaded guilty to having stolen the
Virgin broadcasting set from the county fairgrounds, were sentenced
this morning before County Judge Gardner in juvenile court to the state
training school at Salem.
Each of the boys signed a written confession the first of the week completely exonerating H. L. Bowman of Central Point. For several days after their arrest the boys tried to implicate Bowman, stating positively that he instigated a plot to steal the set. Each boy told the same story and for some time had authorities puzzled. It is believed that they endeavored to implicate Bowman in the belief that they would receive lighter sentences from the court should they show that he had instigated the plot. "2 Radio Robbers Confess, Sent to Training School," Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1923, page 6 A family of well-known former Medford residents from Weed, Calif. arrived in the city yesterday and registered at the Hotel Medford, consisting of Mrs. Ella Tull, Juanita, Dorothy and Mahnon Tull. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 14, 1926, page 2 119 Pacific Highway, Weed, California: Ella M. Tull, 39, widow, born in West Virginia, parents born in West Virginia Agnes M. Tull, 14, born in Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated April 7, 1930 ELIZABETH TULL PASSES, AGED 84
Elizabeth Tull,
a resident of Medford for the last 26 years, passed away at her home,
830 West 12th Street, at noon Wednesday at the age of nearly 84.
She was born in Ohio, December 10, 1850. At the age of 14 years she crossed the plains with her parents to California, and six years later was married at Oro Fino, Calif. to Edward S. Tull, who passed away in 1917. In 1887 the family moved from California to Eastern Oregon and came to Medford in October, 1908. She leaves one son and one daughter, Charles E. Tull of Portland and Mrs. H. A. Van Ausdall of Medford. Also two brothers and one sister, Catherine Mallow; Phillip Pitz and Valentine Pitz, all of Fort Jones, Calif. Funeral services will be conducted at the Conger chapel at 2:00 p.m. Sunday. Interment in Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1934, page 10 Frank John DeBenedetti, 42, and Agnes Mahnon Tull, 22, both of San Francisco. . . . "Marriage Licenses," Nevada State Journal, Reno, May 4, 1935, page 8 TULL-HART--Bus Emery Tull, 30, and Mable Hart, 30, both of Reno. "Marriage Licenses," Reno Evening Gazette, September 9, 1937, page 12 CHARLES E. TULL TAKEN BY DEATH
Charles E. Tull, 66, former resident of Medford, passed away in
Portland, Ore., Wednesday morning after a short illness. Mr. Tull was
born near Fort Jones, Calif., April 30, 1872.
He lived in Medford for almost 40 years and will be remembered by many friends. Since 1923 he had made his home in Portland. He leaves to mourn his departure one son, Stacy L. Tull of Sedro Woolley, Wash.; one daughter, Mrs. Mahnon Bendetta of San Francisco, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. H. A. Van Ausdall of Medford. Funeral services will be conducted from the Perl funeral home Monday at 2:30 p.m., Rev. D. E. Millard officiating. Interment in Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1938, page 5 Last revised July 13, 2021 |