The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

And other Southern Oregon radio pioneers. Click here for aviation radio.

    The Ashland Flouring Mills, located at Ashland, have a daily capacity of 75 barrels. These mills are run by water power, they have a full roller process, and the grade of flour manufactured is considered the best in the market. Besides supplying almost the entire local market, the Ashland mills ship a large part of their product as far north as Roseburg, and as far south in California as Redding. The proprietors of the Ashland Flouring Mills are W. E. Jacobs and W. J. Virgin, both of whom are thoroughly practical flouring mill men.

Edward Gardner Jones, ed., The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 1894, page 216

    These mills are the largest in the Rogue River Valley. They were built in 1854 and have been under the present management, Virgin & Co., since 1891. The "Allis" system of rolls are used and consist of five sets. The capacity is seventy-five barrels per day. The mill uses Oregon wheat exclusively and puts up a brand called "Our Patent," a first-class family flour. Shipments are made south as far as Redding, Cal., and as far north as Grants Pass, Oregon. W. J. Virgin is a practical miller, having had twenty years of experience in Minneapolis and Wisconsin. R. P. Neil, the business manager of the firm and Mr. Virgin's partner, crossed the plains in 1853.
"Ashland and Medford," Siskiyou News, Yreka, April 16, 1898, pages 2-3

    WILLIAM J. VIRGIN. Standing second to none among the leading men of Ashland is William J. Virgin, proprietor of the Ashland Mills. Noteworthy for his energetic enterprise, keen intelligence and good business ability, he has established a large and successful industry, manufacturing a superior grade of flour, which he has placed upon the market under his especial brand "Virgin's best." In the different cities, towns and states in which he has resided, he has always been regarded as a man of integrity and honor, and is held in high respect by the community in which he is now a member. A native of England, he was born in Taunton, Somerset County, October 20, 1848.
    Born in Devonshire, England, John Virgin, father of William J., was engaged in farming and hotel keeping in Somerset County for a number of years. He subsequently resided for a time in Chard, England, from there emigrating to this country. Locating in Michigan, he lived near the town of Hawley until his sudden death, which was accidental, being caused by a fall from a wagon. Until that time, although in the seventy-second year of his age, he had been strong and vigorous. He belonged to a family noted for its longevity, his father having lived seventy-eight years, while his mother attained to the remarkable age of one hundred and two years. He married Ann Vincent, who was born in Devonshire, England, and died in Michigan. Of the ten children that blessed their union, all grew to years of maturity, William J. being the eldest child.
    Brought up in his native land, W. J. Virgin worked on the farm as a boy, obtaining his education at a night school, supported by subscription. Entering the employ of his uncle, Thomas Butler, of Chard, when fifteen years old, he served an apprenticeship at the miller's trade, becoming an expert stone dresser. Receiving a letter from his uncle Henry Vincent, urging him and his brother to come to Portsmouth, Ohio, he sailed from England for New York on the City of Boston. Subsequently, while on the way from Cincinnati to St. Louis, he stopped at Vanceburg, Ky., where he secured work as a stone dresser, receiving $3 per day for his labor, which he considered good pay for a boy of eighteen years. A year later he went to Michigan, locating in Oakland County, where his uncle was living. The ensuing year he worked in the Clarkston Mills, and the following four years resided in Greenville, Montcalm County, where he was first employed in the Partlow Mills, and later in the Middleton Mills. Removing to Minneapolis, Minn., in 1872, he worked for Pillsbury Brothers, and for Governor Washburn. Going from Minneapolis to Boardman, Wis., he entered the employ of Johnson & Brother, and after helping them build a new mill in Richmond, Wis., he was admitted into partnership with them as junior member of the firm of Johnson Brothers & Virgin. For twenty years this firm carried on a large and profitable business, running both the Boardman and the Richmond mills. In 1886 Mr. Virgin made his first trip to the Pacific coast, and was so pleased with the country that he made a second trip in 1890, visiting Tacoma, Wash. Coming to Ashland, Jackson County, Ore., in 1891, he, in company with Mr. Jacobs, purchased the F. Roper Mills, and the following year moved his family to this city. In 1893 Mr. Neil bought out Mr. Jacobs' interest in the business, the firm name being changed from Jacobs & Virgin to Virgin & Co. Two years later Mr. Virgin bought out his partner, and has continued the business alone until the present time. He also owns, in company with A. A. Davis, the Central Point Mill, having a half interest in it. Mr. Virgin has greatly enlarged his mill, which was built in 1852, remodeling it, and increasing its capacity from thirty barrels to seventy barrels a day. He has an excellent water privilege, having the priority of water right from the Ashland Creek.
    In Greenville, Mich., Mr. Virgin married Oresta Goodsall, a native of Allegheny County, Pa., and of their union three children have been born, namely: Mrs. Grace Drake, of Ashland; William, who entered the United States navy in July, 1902, is now on the cruiser Reno, in Japan; and Claudie, who died in her twentieth year. A staunch Republican in his political affiliations, Mr. Virgin served as councilman in Richmond, Wis., and is always interested in local and national affairs. In religion he is a member of the Episcopal Church.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, pages 556-557

    Lieutenant Goldsborough of the Medford aviation field tried out the wireless outfit last night and picked up messages all along the coast, one being a telephone wireless from Los Angeles to Catalina Island. The local field is in splendid shape now, representing a high degree of orderliness and neatness. Lieutenant Goldsborough is one of the best-known aviators on the coast, took part in the transcontinental flight last year and had a narrow escape when his plane collided with a mountaintop in the Rockies. Goldsborough escaped with a few minor injuries, but his companion was killed.
"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1920, page 2

    W. J. Virgin of Central Point is installing a radio transmitting set and will broadcast market and news reports furnished by The Mail Tribune. He will start with a 5-watt station, but a 50-watt transmitter will be installed as soon as possible. The reports will be able to be heard with suitable receiving apparatus all over southern Oregon.
    It is expected that the set will be in operation within the next three weeks. Mr. Virgin is doing the work himself and has bought the apparatus. Concerts will be broadcasted in addition to the news and market reports from The Mail Tribune.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1922, page 3

    Construction work has started this morning on the new broadcasting station located on the Jackson County fairgrounds. This station will be under the personal supervision of W. J. Virgin, radio expert, who has recently located in Medford and will do much toward placing Medford on the map throughout the radio world.
    Broadcasting equipment will be installed above the orchestra platform in the fairgrounds amusement pavilion, and the latest popular dance music as present by Launspach's pavilion orchestra will be broadcasted for hundreds of miles. Mr. Virgin expects to have all equipment in operation this week, and the first concert will no doubt be broadcasted Saturday.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1922, page 2

    Construction work on the new radio broadcasting station at the fairgrounds was progressing rapidly today, and it is hoped that all will be in readiness for the initial concert tonight. A large broadcasting instrument will be installed above the orchestra platform in the dance pavilion, and the latest dance hits as featured by Launspach's new pavilion orchestra will be broadcasted throughout the state. Radio enthusiasts plan to attend the pavilion dance tonight to see the first broadcasting station in southern Oregon in actual operation.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 22, 1922, page 2

    Radio fans throughout the valley are deeply interested in the new broadcasting station which is now under construction at the fairgrounds. This novel enterprise will cost in the neighborhood of one thousand dollars and will enable radio owners for hundreds of miles to "tune in" on the concerts and entertainment provided by the Medford station. Far better results will thus be obtained for local radio fans than have been received in the past from far distant broadcasting stations. That this new project will be a great publicity medium for Medford there is no doubt, as it will put Medford on the radio map for the entire coast. It is planned to have all equipment ready by Saturday evening, when the first concert will be broadcasted from Launspach's pavilion orchestra.
    Many people from all parts of the valley plan to attend the pavilion dance tomorrow night and see this novel broadcasting equipment in operation for the first time in this part of the state.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 22, 1922, page 3

    Radio station "K.F.A.Y.," located at Jackson County fairgrounds, will broadcast music this evening from 7:30 to 8:30.
    A regular program will be arranged for at least three nights a week commencing Wednesday night with Launspach's orchestra, which will furnish dance music from 9:30 p.m. to 12 p.m.
    The station, which is transmitting on low power tonight, will have the larger set installed by Wednesday.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1922, page 1

    Radio station K.F.A.Y., located at Medford, Oregon, is getting excellent results. Last Saturday night when broadcasting Launspach's orchestra on low power and with the aerial incomplete they were picked up by Santa Cruz, Calif., Sedro Woolley, Wash., Salt Lake City, Utah, and other equally distant points.
    Last night, with the completed aerial and high power, they probably reached over a radius of 1500 miles. A list of stations answering them will be published in the near future, as soon as the mails bring the answers.
    The owners of the station, W. J. Virgin of Virgin's Radio Service, and Sam Jordon of the Jordon Electric Company in Ashland, wish the public to consider the installation a community affair and wish the support of all local talent to make it a success. They wish all musicians to register with them who are willing to sing or play over the radio-phone.
    The station is open to the public, and visitors are allowed during broadcasting hours. A regular program will be arranged for three or four nights a week.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1922, page 8

Radio Program
    A message was received yesterday by Virgin's Radio Service from Meade, operating O.I.C., at St. Michael, Alaska. The message is as follows: "Replying to your broadcast, midnight, September 27th. Radiophone very loud, also very clear. Loud enough to be heard all over room. Enjoyed concert very much."
    Another concert has been arranged for this evening. The following program by Alford's Imperial Four will be broadcasted between 8:30 and 9:30: "I Wish I Knew," "Mississippi Moon," "Tomorrow," "Carolina Rose," "Georgia" and "She Comes from Dixie."
    These numbers will be heard by radio fans for hundreds of miles. The Imperial Four, a new organization in Medford, is a saxophone quartet under the supervision of Herb Alford and is expected to make a hit with local music lovers, as well as with radio fans within a large radius.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1922

November 6, 1922 Medford Mail Tribune
Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1922

    Radio broadcasting station K.F.A.Y. of Medford, Ore. has been recommended by the Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, to the Department of Navigation to be granted a license for broadcasting of U.S. market crop and weather reports.
    This privilege is granted to but few stations and is assigned a special wavelength for this purpose only, 485 meters.
    This service will start as soon as the license arrives. The Medford Mail Tribune was instrumental in securing this concession. The latter will also broadcast news items on 360 meters.
    A musical program was broadcast last night consisting of several numbers by the 23-12 orchestra of the Medford High School.
    The next program will be broadcast 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. next Wednesday evening.
    The following cities have heard our music since the list printed;
    Shandon, Calif.; Bellingham, Wash.; Lebanon, Ore.; Redmond, Ore.; Grants Pass; Vacaville, Calif.; Santa Cruz, Calif.; Mill Valley, Calif.; Agnew, Calif.; Cowichan Station, Vancouver, B.C.; Molalla, Ore.; and Kelso, Wash.
    A radio voice conversation was held with K.F.C.C. of Wallace, Idaho, between 11 and 12 p.m. October 2.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1922, page 8

    A radio concert was broadcast at Medford, Oregon, on the afternoon of Thursday and Friday of last week by the Sunshine Trio. The whistling soloist of this trio of entertainers was Miss Lorene Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Wallace, formerly of this city, but now of Eugene, Oregon.
Beloit Daily Call, Beloit, Kansas, October 21, 1922, page 1

May Lose Radio Station
    To the Editor: Medford has been placed on the map and advertised to a greater extent lately than ever before. This has been done through the agency of the broadcasting station at the fair grounds, and has been the means of hundreds of letters being received from people as far away as Honolulu, Alaska and even Mississippi River points, many of the writers probably never having heard of Medford before. This is good advertising, and has been done wholly by private individuals who bore all the expense of installing and operating this station. They are prohibited from making any charge for sending out any broadcasted matter, so the burden has become so heavy for them that one of the owners has quit, and the other, Mr. Virgin of this city, cannot see where he can continue much longer. Many Medford people have enjoyed this service and would miss it very much if it is discontinued, to say nothing of the word going out that Medford "fell down" on their radio station.
    It has been learned, however, that another city has offered Mr. Virgin to pay all his operating expenses if he would move the station there and advertise that place instead of Medford, which would effectually kill the large amount of radio advertising for Crater Lake next spring, in addition to which the answers to these hundreds of letters of inquiry would be dated at another city. Let us work to keep the station here. Let the booster organizations lend a hand to help the thing along; get the musical organizations to assist in furnishing programs; get the merchants interested as a business proposition for the good of Medford.
    I am not connected with the Virgin Radio in any manner whatsoever, am not even in business for myself, just a salary man, but I have enough interest in the advertisement feature that Medford gets out of it to chip in something towards keeping the station here. Let's hear from some of the Medford people owning radio sets as to what they think of losing the station.
    Medford, Nov. 21st.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, November 23, 1922, page 4

Virgin's K.F.A.Y. Broadcaster Disappears from the County Fair Grounds--Suspects It's Work of Yegg--Reward Offered.
    A most surprising robbery took place one night this week, the time is not definitely known, when the broadcasting set, K.F.A.Y., operated by W. J. Virgin and located in the women's building at the fair grounds, was stolen. The set is worth more than $1000 and Mr. Virgin offers as a reward a Federal receiving set with tubes, batteries and a Magnavox, total value $200, to the person giving information leading to the recovery of the set.
    Mr. Virgin had not been to the station for about a week and when he went out yesterday afternoon to clean up, preparatory to a program Saturday night, he found that the building had been broken into and the entire apparatus stolen. Tracks near the back door would indicate that a motorcycle and sidecar had been used by the robber.
    Deputy sheriff L. D. Forncrook was put on the job this morning but not a fingerprint or clue of any kind could be found. It is the belief of the authorities and Mr. Virgin that the set was taken three or four nights ago.
    Arrangements had just recently been completed to have the Ashland Chamber of Commerce give regular programs, musical numbers and talks on the Rogue River Valley and Crater Lake. These programs were to have started next week and would have been one of the best advertisements the valley ever had as the station has delighted thousands of radio fans from Canada to Mexico and the coast to New York state.
    The set can be of no use to the person who stole it, unless it is wrecked and the parts sold. To operate it one must obtain a license which would at once lead to detection. One part of the set, the 800-watt motor-generator made by the Electrical Specialty Company of Stamford, Conn., weighs over 150 pounds. The motor-generator is of large enough capacity to operate a much larger station and Mr. Virgin had hopes of increasing the size of the station and its range in the future.
    He takes the loss philosophically and said this morning, "I put in my time and labor and $1000 or more on parts to advertise the valley. If the people of Medford want to, I'll help them to go at it again and put in a 250-watt station and do things right. If they'll buy the parts I'll put the station in.
    "Hmm, I wonder why they didn't take the pianos too. Two good pianos and the aerial and two hundred-foot poles left here yet. Think I'll put an ad in the paper and tell them to came back and get the rest of the stuff they left behind in order to complete the job. Well, if we put in another station, I guess we better have it downtown where we can watch it."
    Mr. Virgin states that the radio is one of the best ways on earth to advertise the beauties of Southern Oregon and the wonders of Crater Lake to the world of tourists who flock to the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Coast each summer. "Why, all these fellows who spend their time and money traveling and enjoying themselves are radio bugs," he says. "They all have sets, and use them too."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1923, page 1

    Emery (Buster) Tull and Paul Wright are under arrest, suspected of having stolen the Virgin broadcasting set from the fairgrounds last Monday night, and Mr. Bowman of Central Point was held this morning by authorities for alleged complicity in the theft.
    When Donald Ross of Central Point read in last night's Mail Tribune of the theft of the radio set he at once called Virgin, who notified Deputy Alden that the apparatus was in the possession of Bowman at Central Point.
    Bowman, according to police reports, told a story of crating the set and sending it to Seattle as ordered to do by the two boys, as they had been planning to leave for Seattle today. According to the story the set was to have been shipped today.
    The story, however, conflicts with that of the two boys, who state that Bowman offered them a third interest each if they would steal the apparatus and bring it to him, according to Deputy Sheriff Forncrook.
    The Bakelite panel of the set upon which all the instruments were mounted was stripped bare and then smashed with an axe. The instruments were crated ready for shipment. Numerous spotlights, motometers and auto accessories, stolen recently from Medford cars in front of the Elks Club and at other places, were also found by the officers.
    It is said that the set was on Bowman's porch and that everyone in Central Point was aware Bowman had it, which tends to substantiate Bowman's story.
    Tull and Wright were placed under arrest last night at the Hotel Holland, where Wright was employed as bellboy. He had been working there only five or six days. Bowman was not arrested until this forenoon, after the boys had told their story and accused him of complicity.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 20, 1923, page 1

    In addition to the elaborate changes now under way at the Natatorium and grounds in establishing one of the best auto camps in the United States in its conveniences and recreation features, now comes the news that W. B. Virgin, the radio man, and Walter D. Merrick have just completed a deal by which Mr. Virgin will move his radio outfit valued at $2,500 from the county fair grounds and establish it at the Nat.
    They will spend from $1000 to $1500 in enlarging the radio plant, making it one of the very best on the Pacific Coast, and Mr. Virgin will leave tonight for Portland to purchase the additional equipment. The plant will be all ready in its new location in about three weeks.
    It is the plan to give daily programs at the Nat for the benefit of the auto tourists stopping there, afternoon and evening, with a special program after 11 p.m. The programs will consist of concerts, news matters and crop reports.
    The broadcasting room will be in the small hall of the Nat, which is being fitted up for that purpose. A loud amplifier will be mounted on top of the big building so that radio features can be heard all over the grounds.
    Seely V. Hall has become associated with the Merrick brothers in the Nat auto camp, radio and other features in connection. Tom Swem will transform the top of the Nat into a huge roof garden, as one of the auto camp features, and will be interested in the Merrick brothers' ventures.
    The main lower part of the Nat, outside of the big swimming tank, is being transformed into kitchen, dining, sewing and recreation rooms, and shower baths for the comfort of the tourists. The grounds are being beautified with lattice work, a fountain and other features, and a croquet playing enclosure will be established.
    Twenty-five small screened-in bungalow houses have already been built and five more will be constructed, each to be furnished with comfortable beds and bedding. Any tourists who prefer can camp out on the grounds, instead of occupying one of the bungalow houses, at a small daily charge.
    Of special interest to the local public is that the large swimming tank of the Nat will be open to the public as usual during the season.
    An additional feature of the Nat auto camp will be the doing of the laundry of auto tourists daily free of charge.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1923, page 6

    Emery Tull and Paul Wright, who pleaded guilty to having stolen the Virgin broadcasting set from the county fair grounds, were sentenced this morning before County Judge Gardner in juvenile court to the state training school at Salem.
    Each of the boys signed a written confession the first of the week completely exonerating H. L. Bowman of Central Point. For several days after their arrest the boys tried to implicate Bowman, stating positively that he instigated a plot to steal the set. Each boy told the same story and for some time had authorities puzzled. It is believed that they endeavored to implicate Bowman in the belief that they would receive lighter sentences from the court should they show that he had instigated the plot.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1923, page 6

    A recent test held near Medford served to more definitely locate a radio pocket located northeast of this city.
    The test, conducted on the night of June 30th of this year, made possible some interesting data relative to the size of the pocket, but brought to light nothing which would indicate the cause of the phenomenon.
    The Prospect Hotel, located about 40 miles northeast of Medford, has never been able to hear K.F.A.Y., located at Medford, although no difficulty has been experienced in bringing in other stations to the north or south.
    Inasmuch as K.F.A.Y. is heard in Montana with good volume, and in a direct line with Prospect, a test was decided upon to obtain a survey of the size of the pocket.
    To this end a receiving set was installed between Medford and Prospect, 2 miles from the latter place, and another set was installed eight miles from Prospect in the same direction, while beyond Prospect, 12 miles at Union Creek, still another set was placed. A fourth set was installed on the rim of Crater Lake, about 40 miles beyond Prospect.
    Using fifty watts, K.F.A.Y. started at 9 p.m., and signed off at 11:30 transmitting on a wavelength of 350 meters, broadcasting a concert by Alford's Imperial Orchestra.
    Signals at Crater Lake were rather dim until 10 o'clock, when they increased in volume until the operator had to back off. A station one mile from the rim reported similar results and back at Union Creek, the entire program came in well.
    At Prospect, however, the signals were very slight, as was the case at the power house of the California-Oregon power house station, two miles nearer Medford.
    At the station located eight miles from Prospect in the direction of Medford, the whole program came in excellently.
    Loudspeakers were used at all the stations with the exception of Prospect and the power house.
    The affected district is mountainous and is traversed by the canyon of the wild Rogue River, which parallels the line of transmission.
    In running lines through this section, surveyors have frequently had to resort to other instruments than the compass for direction, as frequently a deflection of the magnetic needle is noted.
    At one time, when broadcasting 390 meters, K.F.A.Y. came in at Prospect satisfactorily, which in fact only serves to deepen the mystery.
    Virgin's Radio Service, which operates K.F.A.Y., plans on making additional tests to the future, in an effort to solve this mystery of the Southern Oregon mountains, where for no apparent reason the magic waves seem to be absorbed or rendered useless by some natural force, the nature of which baffles investigators.   
Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1923, page 6

Medford Makes Big Hit with Editor of Radio Magazine
    From faraway Oregon comes an interesting letter telling of experiments being carried out in the mountainous region of that state to find out definitely some of radio's reputed aversion for certain locations. Station KFAY is located in Medford, among the mountains of Southwest Oregon. Its signals are heard as far as Montana, to reach which they must travel right across the state. Directly in their path is the town of Prospect, only forty miles away from Medford--and yet the station is never heard in Prospect. The waves apparently jump right over Prospect in their haste to reach Montana! Tests at points around the "dead spot" seem to show it to be very definitely limited. At a point twelve miles past the dead zone the signals come in strong and clear. The question of bad grounds at one point and good grounds at others has been taken up in the experiments.
    We are gradually learning that such things really do exist and many of our readers have probably experienced much difficulty in getting certain stations while other stations, not so powerful, or more distant, come in with plenty of volume. It is worth while, therefore, to record such a phenomenon, when it is vouched for by the careful experimenters of KFAY, who sent us the account of the tests.
    We mentioned quite some time ago that very careful measurements by radio engineers showed that the radiation from WEAF was only one-twentieth as strong in a certain direction as it was in others; that there was a kind of radio hole, actually mapped and measured quantitatively for which the probable cause seemed to be the absorption of the signal by the steel structures of Manhattan. Of course, no such cause as this can be ascribed to the Medford station, as the skyscrapers haven't yet arrived in that city. It may be that there is a very large ore body around Medford playing pranks with the waves.
    A knowledge of radio "blind spots" is well worth gaining; if the region is sufficiently important (as it is in the cause of WEAF) a small station could be located near the dead region and operated from the main station by land wires, thus giving local radiation to "fill up the hole."
    Incidentally, the map of the country surrounding the station at Medford (sent to show the kind of country in which the effect occurred) is incorporated in a circular setting forth the attractions of southwest Oregon. Looking the circular over made us quite forget the trouble with radio waves, and regret that our vacation trip was already over. If these words happen to come to the attention of the Chamber of Commerce of Medford, they may feel assured of having procured at least one visitor in the near future, because if they really have such fishing as the circular boasts, we shall probably bring our camping outfit along and stay in that exceedingly attractive region for quite some time.--Radio Broadcast Magazine (October).
Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1923, page 4

    Radio fans of the Rogue River Valley will gather at the Hotel Medford this evening at 8 o'clock to organize a radio club. A banquet will be served and those interested in radio, whether they have no set or not, are cordially invited to attend, according to W. J. Virgin of Virgin's Radio Service here, who is sponsoring the radio club movement.  Legislation which will benefit every owner of a radio set in this part of the country can be secured through such an organization, says Mr. Virgin.
    At this evening's banquet permanent officers will be elected and committees appointed, the most important of which will be the Committee on Interference which will make regular reports to the Department of Commerce and Navigation at Washington, D.C. It is the plan of those in charge of organizing the local radio club to have three divisions, one for Medford, one for Ashland and one for Grants Pass and meetings of the combined divisions will probably be held in Medford once a month.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 29, 1923, page 3

    Radio fans from all sections of Southern Oregon met Monday night at Hotel Medford and organized the Rogue River Valley Radio Club. The initial roster bears the names of eight-five members, which will be increased to three hundred in the near future, the officials predict. The purpose of the organization is to work jointly to secure favorable legislation and to otherwise promote this growing industry. W. J. Virgin of Medford was elected president, A. B. Brownell of Grants Pass vice president and Elmer Morris of Ashland secretary.

"Yourself and Others," Medford Clarion, November 2, 1923, page 5


    A. C. Allen, Jr., or "Jim," as he is better known, Medford High student, whose genius first attracted admiring public attention by the abstracted way in which he steps from the motor launches into Klamath Lake at Rocky Point, has lately won local distinction with his homemade radio set, constructed by himself, at an expense of $100, at the Allen home, 1129 West Ninth Street.
    This apparatus has proved to be one of the best radio sets in Medford, and since its installation he has picked up 52 radio stations throughout the United States and Cuba.
    Probably the most distinctive pickup was that of several nights ago, in connecting with a fine concert at Havana, Cuba, which was heard very clearly and distinct. Last night his outfit registered concerts at Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Fort Worth, Texas, and Kansas City, Mo.
    The family were listening to doings at Chicago last Monday night, New Year's Eve, about 9 p.m., when they were astounded to hear a great commotion of whistle blowing, etc., and soon realized that the great New Year's celebration was on in the Windy City.
    It seemed uncanny to hear this racket so distinctly and realize that the New Year was just coming in there, three hours earlier than here, because of the difference in time. Then later, desiring to hear the celebrations at other places, Jim tuned up and in turn heard distinctly those going on in Los Angeles and San Francisco. He tried to get Portland, but that city was dead, at least as to the radio.
    When he was "fishing" for Los Angeles, all of a sudden the fact that the connection had been made came in the shape of an ear-piercing noise caused by the blowing of a siren whistle. It sounded at first as though the siren was blowing outside the house, so distinct was it.
    Jim Allen can hardly be induced to go to bed before midnight these days, so engrossed is he in his radio and its concerts and talks and lectures from far distant points of the United States and some foreign places.
    The neighbors say that Jim will keep on perfecting his machine until he will be able to be awakened in the morning by the crowing of roosters in London.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1924, page 5

    W. J. Virgin of Virgin's Radio Service of this city returned Sunday from San Francisco, where he attended the radio exposition which was held August 16 to 21 in the San Francisco city auditorium. While attending that convention, Mr. Virgin carefully studied innovations in the radio line and purchased a quantity of [omission] season in Medford.
    "The gathering of radio men in the San Francisco auditorium was a huge success from start to finish," said Mr. Virgin. "Every phase of radio was discussed and exhibits of radio sets and equipment arranged, one of the most novel being that prepared by the navy. So popular were these gatherings that crowds were turned away each day of the exposition, the big San Francisco auditorium being too small to house the people who sought admittance."
    The spread of popularity of the radio is further emphasized by statistics compiled by Roger W. Babson. In his report to the readers of Radio News, a magazine devoted to radio, Mr. Babson says:
    "On the basis of figures for the year 1923 it is probable that the American people will spend approximately $350,000,000 for radio equipment during the present year. A conservative estimate of the business in vacuum tubes alone is about $50,000,000. At least five times as much, or $250,000,000, will be spent for radio sets and parts. The sales of batteries, both dry cell and storage batteries, will very likely amount to over $45,000,000. Miscellaneous equipment such as battery chargers, loudspeakers and specialties may easily account for $50,000,000 more.
    "The value of the radio business is nearly twice as great as that of the carpet and rug business. For every dollar spent on furniture, thirty-three cents is spent on radio. For every dollar spent on boots and shoes, twenty-five cents is spent for radio. For every dollar spent for musical instruments of all kinds, including phonographs, pianos, organs, etc., seventy-five cents is spent for radio. The value of radio business amounts to nearly three-fourths of the jewelry business as a whole, including clocks, watches and novelties."
    One of the most recent of improvements in radio equipment, in the opinion of Mr. Virgin, is the new one-control Magnavox receiving set, which is operated on the Neutrodyne principle. The Virgin Radio Service will experiment with this new receiving set locally as soon as they are available.
    C. R. Corwin, manager of the Federal Telephone and Telegraph Company, accompanied by his assistant, H. W. Woodmansee, will arrive in Medford today and will remain here for two or three days investigating radio conditions in Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1924, page 3

    The Bristol Co. and W. J. Virgin will furnish a public address system to be used at the grand stand at the fair grounds during the fair this year to ensure everyone in the grand stand hearing the announcements perfectly.
    A large number of schools in California are using this system to save time that would be taken up by assemblies. One Oakland school claims that it has saved five hours a week by the system. By this means the principal can address any one or all the rooms at one time.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1924, page 2

    W. J. Virgin, of the Virgin Radio Service, who returned Saturday from a trip to Crater Lake, which he visited upon the invitation of Pete Oard, the chief park ranger of the Crater national park, and John Maben, caretaker of the lodge, related today his interesting trip:
    "Entrance was made by Fort Klamath, going there by motor, the remainder of the distance and the return, forty-seven miles, being covered on skis. We left Fort Klamath at nine a.m. and arrived at Anna Creek at seven p.m., a fairly good distance for one day, considering the weather and the softness of the snow. I being more tired than John Maben or Pete Oard, this being my first experience on skis, we spent the night at Anna Creek, there being eight feet of snow there.
    "We left Anna Creek the next morning at nine o'clock in a snow and sleet storm, reaching the lodge at three in the afternoon, the hardest trip ever made by the ranger. I experienced a frozen face and neck due to the exposure on the trip. When we arrived at the lodge, we found the wind had blown one of the doors in so we entered from the lee side of the storm, through the second story.
    "During the next morning the sun shone for a time, making our surroundings a most beautiful sight. A person who has not seen Crater Lake in the winter time certainly hasn't seen it at its best.
    "We spent that night at the lodge, having a ski frolic the next morning, skiing over the community house, climbing on the top of the water tank on skis, etc., there being fifteen feet of snow at the lake.
    "The return trip to Anna Creek was made in three hours, which were filled with fun for Pete Oard at my expense as I lost my skis, took headers on the steep places, etc. There was eleven feet of snow at the government camp, and nine feet at Anna Creek.
    "The caretaker at the lodge," says Mr. Virgin, "certainly deserves much credit for the work he is doing for the Crater Lake Park Co., as it takes a lot of grit and courage to do the work as the wind makes it impossible to have a fire by which to keep warm or to even cook his meals.
    "All during the winter the boughs of the trees at the lodge are weighted down with practically a foot of ice which causes the limbs to droop, something many people wonder and question about when they visit the lake in the summer time. There is so much ice there that the copper wire that John Maben uses for his radio aerial, which is No. 6 copper wire and seventy-five feet long, loads up so heavily with ice that it breaks, but radio reception is fine at the lake, there being no disturbing factors whatever, and the eastern stations are received as regularly and clearly as the western stations."
Medford Mail Tribune, February 10, 1925, page 2

    Virgin's Radio Service will be the scene of much activity during National Broadcast Week, as a special display of popular and well-known radio sets has been prepared for radio fans. The Zenith long-distance set is being especially featured, and demonstrations in the home will be made during National Broadcast Week.
    "If the radio fans of the Rogue River Valley desire to hear the foreign broadcasting stations direct, which start tonight at 8 o'clock, the best way to hear them is to set the radio away from all interference in the city," according to Mr. Virgin of Virgin's Radio Service.
    Last year Mr. Virgin claims that a four-tube set at Butte Falls heard 2LO London with earphones. "If all radio fans will listen in between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock every night this week they may be able to pick up most any of the foreign broadcasting stations, as most of the stations throughout the United States are cooperating with the foreign stations and will be off the air between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1926, page 3

    The international radio test week, which commenced Sunday, has brought but poor local results thus far, according to W. J. Virgin, local radio dealer, who "listened in" for European stations last night with special equipment near the Klamath orchards property, free from undue interference such as induction from power, telegraph and telephone lines.
    One 300-meter station from across the Atlantic did come in, said Mr. Virgin, but local regenerative sets, in their frenzy to pick it up, ruined the others. However, before and after the silence hour, 8 to 9 o'clock, eastern stations were brought in with much volume. European signals, which reached Denver, Colo., apparently did not arrive on the coast.
    Mr. Virgin will hold a test tonight on the banks of Rogue River, near Edgewood Park, and there expects to receive better results.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 26, 1926, page 3

    Orchestra music and vocal selections from Milan, Italy, were heard over the radio by four Medford residents last night, the best local results of the international radio test week thus far encountered. In addition, a program from Mexico City, both in Mexican and English languages, was heard with astonishing clarity. Broadcasting stations from England also came in, but indistinctly.
    W. A. (Bill) Gates, Frank DeSouza, Lee Brown and Father W. J. Meagher all reported having heard the Italian station for 15 or more minutes. The reception was weak, but at the same time distinct. Father Meagher has a superheterodyne set assembled by himself, while Mr. Gates and Mr. DeSouza have factory-made sets. The wavelength of the Italian station is slightly above that of KDKA, Pittsburgh, or about 320 meters.
    The program consisted of well-rendered instrumental and vocal numbers, but the language used was Italian, and for that fact, says Mr. Gates, provided no entertainment outside of the novelty.
    O. C. Dayton and W. H. Welty, who reside near Jacksonville, enjoyed a program from Mexico City, which came in strong. The station number is CT3. At Edgewood Park, on Rogue River, ensconced in Glenn Fabrick's comfortable cabin, W. J. Virgin, Medford's radio pioneer, picked up what was believed to be signals from England, but were too faint to be understood.
    Because of climatic conditions reception was poor last night, with much static in addition to the howlings and groanings of regenerative sets, which are said to be a menace to reception at all times.
    Mr. Virgin will continue to make tests through the remainder of the week.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1926, page 3

Radio Reception Now Improving
    Radio reception in Gold Hill is steadily improving under the constant efforts of Martin Bowers, C. W. Martin, Lloyd Miller, Floyd Lance and others. The interference caused by the Copco power lines is reported whenever any interference is located, and the company has always been very prompt to respond and apparently is doing all it can to better conditions. A crew of Copco trouble shooters in Gold Hill Tuesday located a nail in behind a light fuse at Floyd Lance's that was nearly burned in two and the noise from which had been very annoying to several receiving sets. The noise caused by motors, vibrators and other electrical appliances can and is being prevented by the installation of condensers that prevent the static created by the appliances from kicking back onto the lines and thus onto the air.
    One of the young men in Gold Hill with a small regenerative set had been trying to tune up on a distant station Sunday night and the oscillation from his set proved very bad for all the other receivers trying to get the same station. The boy at an early hour in the evening learned of his interference and took the matter as a joke, returning to his set, and deliberately killed off the evening's enjoyment for everyone in the town by attempting to operate his set. This would easily be termed as deliberately committing a public nuisance and could be punishable by a fine should anyone offer a complaint to the police judge in Gold Hill.
    Martin Bowers is the second known person in Gold Hill to listen in to Honolulu over the air with a receiver operated here. The set he used was a Kellogg. The other reception from Honolulu was gained by H. E. Wharton with a Crosley at two different times.
    Radio messages from the ship Arctic, frozen in the ice north of Baffin Land in the Arctic Circle were picked up Saturday night between 12 and 1 o'clock by F. L. Adams, of Evans Creek. The messages were voice transmission, the operator attempting to pick up headquarters at Montreal. The reception was good, Mr. Adams listening for some time to the talk.
    The message was transmitted on 201 meters. The ship will be on the air again next Saturday night at the same time.

Gold Hill News, February 25, 1926, page 1

    The radio conditions in this locality have considerably improved within the past few months, due partly to the new machine which was installed in place of the old one at the telephone office. The old machine tore up the air in this locality like that of a large city and nearly disgusted everyone with radio, but since that and other interferences have been eliminated, people are beginning to give the new invention a better thought.
"Eagle Point Items," Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1926, page 3

    In an interview today with W. J. Virgin, local radio dealer, numerous interesting disclosures were made in regard to conditions which will govern the radio world for the ensuing season.
    "Changes," he said, "for the season of 1926-27 in radio include additional tubes and better reproduction. The cone type of speaker will outsell the horn type. The new detector and power tube will do much to add strength to the five-tube sets. Very few dry "B" batteries will be purchased, as the power attached plate supply is now recognized as being successful and reliable. The price has lowered and likewise the cost of operating.
    "Receiving conditions will be much better, as the California-Oregon Power Company will make a careful study of its lines and replace defective apparatus. Most of the old regenerative sets, otherwise known as the squealers, are being replaced with better types. The radio fans will also be able to mail complaints to the national radio supervisor, who will take action thereupon.
    "Six-tube sets," he continues, "can be purchased at the same price as a five-tube set last year. Manufacturers are prepared for an earlier season and have provided a large output. One company is reported to be expending three million dollars in advertising. Radio sets in America today number five million, in comparison to the 18 million automobiles and 10 million phonographs. Radio revenue in 1922 amounted to 60 million dollars; 1923, 120 millions; 1924, 350 millions, 1925, 450 millions."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1926, page 3

    Much interest is evidenced by Southern Oregon people in the announcement that plans are under way for a radio broadcasting station in this city, and Southern Oregon business firms are already seeking an opportunity to present programs to people of this section as well as the entire coast. The establishment of this station is being engineered by Virgin's Radio Service, and news items of especial interest, weather reports and sporting events will be broadcast by the Mail Tribune. A new Western Electric station of the very latest type has already been selected by Mr. Virgin after a careful survey of radio broadcast conditions throughout the coast. The new station, points out Mr. Virgin, will be sufficiently powerful to send musical programs to all points on the Pacific Coast and Middle West.
    The establishment of Medford's new radio broadcasting station has assumed the proportions of a civic activity, as people here are realizing the benefits of such a station in "telling the world" of the scenic, industrial and agricultural advantages of the Southern Oregon country. Local firms will join in presenting programs over the new station, and Southern Oregon's music talent will soon be enjoyed throughout the Pacific Coast.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1926, page 5

    Arrangements are under way whereby the W. J. Virgin and Mail Tribune radio broadcasting station, which will be in operation December 15, will have direct telephone connection with station KFWV at Portland, thus affording re-broadcast facilities over a station ten times as powerful as the local one.
    KFWV has 500 watts power and thoroughly covers the Pacific Coast and the entire Northwest. Through this arrangement, said Mr. Virgin today, programs put on in Medford would be be re-broadcast at Portland, putting Medford's station before additional thousands of radio fans.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 26, 1926, page 5

Radio Station Map 1924
Radio station map 1924

KMED 1926-10-6MMT
Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1926

    Of some importance from a publicity standpoint, and an act of much enterprise, is the fact that the valley will soon have a radio broadcasting station. The Mail Tribune of Medford and Virgin, the radio man, are back of the proposition, and they are expecting to be broadcasting to the world every night, beginning December 15. We suggest, if we are permitted to do so, that the fans now organize a nightclub to hold forth one night a week. Call them "The Pear Pickers from the Land Where the Rogue River Flows." Eh?
Central Point American, December 3, 1926, page 2

    Machinery for the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio broadcasting station arrived today, and will be set up this afternoon for preliminary tests tonight. The installation of the equipment will take three or four days, and it is now expected to have the plant in operation by December 17th. This is a tentative date, however, definite announcement of the opening to be made through these columns. The Crater Club of this city will present the first program.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 10, 1926, page 5

Equipment of Local Broadcasting Station Installed--First Program by Craters Awaits Receipt of Federal License and Station Numbers.

    The Mail Tribune-Virgin radio broadcasting station will be inaugurated next week, probably Tuesday, December 21, the exact date depending upon a receipt of a license to operate and station numbers from the Department of Commerce.
    The Crater Club of this city will furnish the opening program, the first fifteen minutes being used by the Mail Tribune in explanation of the objects and purposes of the broadcasting station, with Professor Irving E. Vining of Ashland officiating at the microphone.
    The equipment for the station is now being put in place on the Sparta building, Riverside Avenue and Main Street. It is the Western Electric Company's latest model equipment. The towers extend 130 feet above the street level, and 85 feet above the roof.
    The work of padding and equipping the studio for transmission of programs is under way.
    The station will be of sufficient power to reach all West Coast points and farther, under ideal weather conditions. The Mail Tribune station will have direct communication with all the leading Coast broadcasting stations and from time to time will furnish joint programs with them.
    The station will furnish to all Southern Oregon and Northern California radio fans news of the world and the field of sports, along with daily market, weather and stock reports. In the college basketball games, starting after the holidays, the Mail Tribune, by its station, will be able to give play-by-play accounts, likewise the state high school basketball tourney games.
    Medford is one of the few cities of the land, and the Mail Tribune one of the few newspapers in a city the size of Medford, in the radio broadcasting field.
    News reports will be furnished by the Associated Press, the only leased wire service in the city or county, and the Mail Tribune's local news service. All events of interest, state, national and county will be put on the air as they occur. The broadcasting station will prove an invaluable adjunct in the handling of election reports.
    The establishment of the broadcasting station is in accordance with the long-established policy of the Mail Tribune to furnish its territory and its patrons with the quickest, the best and the latest in modern service.
    On the opening night, a definite date will be announced as soon as possible; no visitors will be allowed in the studio. At all other times thereafter, visitors will be welcomed.
    The opening program by the Craters will consist of vocal and instrumental numbers by Rogue River Valley artists and singers, speeches and stunt numbers. The program will start at 8 o'clock sharp.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1926, page 1

Tests of KMED Equipment to Be Made Tomorrow Afternoon, with Informal Program Sunday Evening--Formal Opening by Craters Next Week.
    Authorization for the Mail Tribune and Virgin radio broadcasting station to operate was received this afternoon by telegram from Washington, D.C., and the local station, KMED (the last three letters designating this city), will be on the air tomorrow in a series of tests from two to four o'clock in the afternoon and in the evening. The wavelength is 250 meters.
    On Sunday evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, the cantata, "The Christ Child," to be presented by the Christian church choir, will be broadcasted from the church, as an informal holiday opening program.
    The formal opening of KMED will be Tuesday or Wednesday evening, when the Crater Club of this city will produce the program, consisting of vocal and instrumental selections, skits, speeches and short exercises. Owing to many of the Craters being out of town for the holidays, it was necessary to postpone the original arrangements until a later date.
    The first delay was occasioned by the application for government license going astray in the rush of Christmas mail. Another application was immediately made out and sent to Washington, D.C., and it was expected this would delay the opening for at least ten days, but by telegraph and telephone to the East and Seattle, Wash., a permit was obtained in time to open for Christmas.
    Radio fans are requested to write and mail their views on the programs.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1926, page 1

    The Mail Tribune-Virgin broadcasting station, KMED, went on the air yesterday afternoon, in a test, and hundreds of radio fans in southern Oregon and northern California "listened in" at the initial program. Scores of telephone calls were received from local and out-of-town points. The reception, on a 250 wavelength, was clear and distinct.
    Tomorrow evening the informal opening of the station will be held with the broadcasting of "The Star of Bethlehem," a cantata presented by the choir of the Christian Church of this city.
    The formal opening of the station presented by the Craters Club of this city will be held the coming week. The program will consist of music, short talks, song numbers and features by local talent.
    Regular programs will be given thereafter consisting of musical numbers, local and general news, market reports and other radio attractions.
    The following program was broadcasted last night:
    Instrumental trio--Violin, flute, and piano--W. T. Bolger, flute; Mrs. Bernice Bolger, violin; Mrs. George Andrews, piano--Selection from "The Fortune Teller" by Victor Herbert.
    H. H. Corliss, bass--"I Am a Pirate King"--from "The Pirates of Penzance."
    George Maddox, tenor--Mrs. Geo. Andrews at the Steinway--"Ah Moon of My Delight," from the "Persian Garden," by Liza Lehmann.
    Trio--Serenade by Gounod--Mrs. Bernice Bolger, violin; W. T. Bolger, flute, Mrs. Geo. Andrews, piano.
    Duet--Maddox brothers--George Maddox, tenor; Rupert Maddox, baritone--"The Enchanted Glade."
    H. H. Corliss, bass, accompanied on the Steinway by Mrs. George Andrews--"I Am a Jolly Old Rover."
    W. Carlton Janes, violinist--Siegmund's Love Song from Valkyrie, Wagner. As a (b) number, Prelude, Massenet. Mr. Janes was accompanied by Mrs. George Andrews on the Steinway.
    Rupert Maddox, baritone--"Shipmates o' Mine" by Sanderson.
    Trio--"The Shepherd Boy" by Wilson--Mrs. Bernice Bolger, violin; Mr. W. T. Bolger, flute, and Mrs. George Andrews, piano.
    George Maddox--"My Jean" by Caro Mora.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1926, page 6

Officials and Formal Opening Local Radio Station on Tuesday Night--Classical Program Before Local Booster Club Takes the Air--Larry Mann to Sing

    The Mail Tribune-Virgin radio broadcasting station, KMED, will formally and officially go in the air at 8 o'clock tomorrow night with a varied musical program. The first half of the entertainments offered will be classical and about 10 p.m. the Crater Club of Medford will entertain listeners-in with a program called "Craters' Frolic."
    No program will be given today, and tomorrow's headline bill will take the air at 250 meters. Bob Boyle, Chamber of Commerce secretary, will act as official announcer during the evening.
    The first number to be broadcast will be George Maddox in tenor solos. Following this George and Rupert Maddox will feature vocal duets.
    The Bolger Trio, consisting of flute, violin and piano, comes next followed by Carleton Janes in violin solos, who will later be accompanied by Ella May Wilson on the piano in several violin numbers.
    Harold Arliss will sing several bass solos, and Professor Irving Vining of Ashland will bring the first half of the bill to a close with a short address.
    Under the personal direction of Paul McDonald, Big Eruption of the club, the Craters will present their humorous program, the "Crater Frolic," after the completion of the concert numbers.
    Coming first will be several number by the Craters orchestra, and Larry Mann will sing popular songs.
    Miss Fern Hutchison will then please the radio audience with piano solos, followed by old-time dance selections played by Nick Kime.
    Other numbers for the big opening program put on by the Craters will be arranged, according to William Vawter, who is in charge of this end.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1926, page 1

Hundreds of Southern Oregon Radio Fans Hear Offering--Outside Points Also Tune In--Craters' Frolic Features Opening--Prof. Vining Talks.
    Hundreds of radio fans over Oregon and in all parts of the Pacific Coast states heard the opening program put on last night by KMED, Medford's new broadcasting station, operated by the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin. Telegrams received stated the program had been heard in Oakland, Cal., and Timber, Mont.
    More telephone calls than could be handled over the wire were received, all during the course of the musical and comic program featuring the Crater Club and talented musical artists.
    Starting out with an address of praise for Southern Oregon by Professor Irving Vining of Ashland, the program flowed smoothly through the classical selections to the Craters' Frolic. Much favorable comment on last night's broadcasting was heard among local people who own radios, reception and tone both being good.
    A mixed quartet of Mrs. Florence Hazelrigg McElhose, soprano; Mrs. Edna Isaacs, contralto; George Maddox, tenor, and William Vawter, baritone, sang two numbers.
    The Bolger trio, with W. T. Bolger, flute; Bernice Bolger, violin, and Mrs. George Andrews, piano, played selections from Woodland, followed by several soprano solos by Mrs. J. Chandler Smith of San Francisco.
    W. Carleton Janes and Miss Ellow May Wilson, accompanied by Mrs. Janes on the piano, gave violin duets from the Sextette from Lucia which were well received.
    Rupert and George Maddox, with Joyce Maddox accompanying, sang a vocal duet, "Battle Eve," by Bonhue.
    The next number on the program was the Bolger Trio in operatic selections, and H. H. Corliss favored with bass solos from the "Pirates of Penzance" and "Pagliacci."
    George Maddox sang three tenor solos, accompanied by Joyce Maddox and W. Carleton Janes playing "Hymn to the Sun" by Rimsky-Korsakov with Mrs. Janes at the piano.
    The two-hour classical program was brought to a close with a baritone solo by Rupert Maddox, and with Bob Boyle still at the microphone the Crater Club of Medford, under direction of Paul McDonald, Big Eruption, put on a couple of hours of fun and comic selections for radio listeners-in.
    Starting out with their national hymn, "The Craters Come," the Craters' program ran its length, interspersed with popular dance numbers by the Nite Hawks.
    Nothing serious was considered by the Craters in their mock meeting put on for the benefit of radio fans, except the enlargement of Crater Lake for a harbor for Medford and the move to invite all the United States and Canada to Crater Lake at their expense.
    An amendment to include California in this invitation was passed amid much applause in local fields and groans from southern points.
    A farcical financial report was passed on in spite of the gross misappropriation of funds for such items as flowers for Queen Marie and bluing for Crater Lake.
    Introduced as "the assistant line coach of the state championship high school football team," Miss Fern Hutchison played two piano solos, followed by whistling solos by Miss Ellow May Wilson, accompanied by Jeunesse Butler on the piano. Both were much praised by people hearing last night's program.
    Larry Mann sang two popular pieces, "Mary Lou" and "How Could Little Red Riding Hood" with piano accompaniment by Bill Pierce of the Nite Hawks.
    Time was taken out for Vern Vawter and Larry to crack a joke, and the program resumed with two vocal solos by William Vawter, accompanied by Ruby Timmons.
    Nick Kime, hailed as the "tri-state champion of Jackson County" on the fiddle, played some old-time dance pieces, and the Crater Club sang their song about Volstead and signed off.
    During the evening a telegram signed "Klamath Friends" was received in which the enterprising senders opined that "if the Craters could suck as hard as they could blow, they could draw water up Rogue River and Bear Creek and make a harbor here in Medford, instead of enlarging Crater Lake."
    Nothing daunted, the Medford delegation offered to move the air mail port and radio station, KMED, over to Klamath Falls and make a real city out of it.
    The station will broadcast tonight from 7:45 to 9 o'clock, starting with 15 minutes of news events and weather reports from the Mail Tribune's full leased Associated Press wire and other items.
    Tonight's program will be mainly popular pieces put on by C. L. Wolff, the tire man's orchestra, which will be as follows:
    "Barcelona"--The Dixie Queen Orchestra.
    "Looking at the World Through Rose Colored Glasses"--Miss Dixie Ambler and Miss Ellow May Wilson.
    "Rose of Picardy"--Featuring whistling solo by Miss Wilson.
    "Me Too"--Dixie Ambler featuring.
    "Baby Face"--Orchestra.
    "Kentucky Lullaby"--Whistling solo by Miss Wilson.
    "My Cutie's Due"--Vocal solo by Miss Ambler.
    "I Had Someone Else Before I Had You"--Vocal duet by Misses Ambler and Wilson.
    Selections from "The Student Prince"--Jeunesse Butler.
    "I've Lost All My Love for You"--Whistling solo by Miss Wilson.
    "Mary Lou"--Vocal solo by Misses Ambler and Wilson.
    "Kiss Me Again"--Orchestra.
    "Just a Bird's Eye View"--Solo by Miss Ambler.
    "In a Little Spanish Town"--Orchestra.
    "I Just Want to Be Known As Susie's Feller"--Solo by Miss Ambler.
    "St. Louis Blues"--Request as Miss Ambler's home town blues.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1926, page 6

Now to Broadcast.
    Jackson County now has a real radio broadcasting station. Medford is the home of KMED, made possible by the enterprise of the Mail Tribune and Mr. Virgin, radio dealer. KMED is on the air every night, and offers very good programs. You will find them by turning the wavelength to 250.
Central Point American, December 31, 1926, page 1

    Three Southern Oregon concerns will broadcast programs over the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, 250 meters, tonight.
    Starting at 5 o'clock Nick Kime and his orchestra will play old-time dance numbers under the auspices of the Liberty Meat Market.
    At 6:45 the Mail Tribune will take the air with broadcasts of news events and weather reports and from 7 to 8 p.m.m the music will be furnished by the Piggly Wiggly store, the program to be arranged by Charles Hazelrigg and will probably feature classical music.
    Herb Alford and His Broadcast Orchestra will play for the Associated Buick Dealers of Southern Oregon from 9 to 10 p.m.
    A feature of next Monday's radio program over KMED will be the presentation of speeches by W. R. Coleman, state superintendent of fish screens, and Judge William Colvig on current topics under the auspices of the Medford Realty Board, which will present, in addition a musical program from 9 to 10 p.m.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1926, page 6

    "C.Y.T." is the familiar and pleasing voice heard over KMED, Mail Tribune-Virgin broadcasting station, in announcing some of the programs. Christmas Day was the first time C. Y. Tengwald had ever officiated in broadcasting, although his voice has been heard often through the megaphone announcing election news, ball games and boxing contests for the Mail Tribune.
    Many compliments were received by this office and Virgin Radio on the clear, distinct voice of "C.Y.T.," and his pleasing way of getting the announcements over. One man who knows what he is talking about said: "Carl should be official announcer for some of the big stations."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page D1

    With an address by Judge W. M. Colvig, pioneer resident of Southern Oregon, extolling Rogue River Valley as the ideal place to live and with a speech equally as good on general game conditions by W. R. Coleman, state superintendent of fish screens, the first program to be broadcast by the Medford Realty Board last night over station KMED, the Mail Tribune and Virgin station, was hailed today as being one of the best yet heard since the station opened.
    Judge Colvig, opening his speech with a Chinook Indian jargon of which he is a thorough master, went as far back as the days of Nineveh and Babylon to gradually build up the history of Southern Oregon, telling of early days, bringing his listeners up to the present time. Despite his 82 years, his voice was exceptionally clear, even if it was his first experience in front of a transmitting microphone.
    In a thorough manner Mr. Coleman, well versed in game matters, told of Oregon's game resources in such a way as to leave no doubt of the attractions in this section. He also dwelt on the future of the country, giving an optimistic word picture.
    After he had completed his talk he was asked: "How do you keep so young, Mr. Coleman? How old are you?"
    "I am 56."
    "How do you do it?"
    By eating Rogue River Valley fruit with its spray residue for every day during the past 40 years."
    Judge Colvig attributed his good health to the climate and correct living.
    Several numbers were presented by the Medford Realty Board orchestra, and a number of vocal selections were given by Mrs. Raymond Ballard while L. Pettit presented violin solos. Telegrams were received from Tacoma, Wash., and Honolulu, H.T., reporting that the programs were being received with remarkable clarity. The latter wire came from Dr. O'Day, old friends of the Judge.
    The program of the preceding hour was presented through the courtesy of the Virgin Radio Service shop by the Fada Eight Orchestra, the latest musical aggregation in the valley and one of the best. It is composed of the following members: Herb Alford, banjo and saxophone; Ralph Gill, clarinet and saxophone; Ruth Vimont, violin; C. T. Robertson of Ashland, drums; Miss Ruby Timmons, piano. The orchestra is equally as good as those heard from metropolitan stations, having a large number of special effects and an unusual amount of enthusiasm.
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 4, 1927, page 2

    Following the news and market items as furnished nightly by the Associated Press leased wire of this paper, KMED, the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin radio broadcasting station, will present two full hours of entertainment tonight through the courtesy of F. J. McPherson, well-known local clothier and Young's hardware Store, commencing at 8 o'clock.
    The following numbers will be presented in order by the McPherson orchestra: "In the Middle of the Night," "Always," "In a Little Spanish Town," "Idolizing," "Me Too," "Hello Blue Bird," "Put Your Arms Where They Belong," "Caroline," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Hello Aloha," "That's Why I Love You" and "Lonesome Melody." Violin solo, a baritone selection and an accordion solo will be features of the hour's entertainment. The McPherson store, located on North Central Avenue, will present similar programs on the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
    Following is the program to be presented this evening from 8 o'clock by Young's Hardware Store:
    1. Melody in F (Rubenstein) by the Aerolia Trio, Vaughn Quackenbush, Carl Quackenbush and Al Cummings.
    2. Son--Melody of Love (Engleman) by Fidelis Piatt, accompanied by Don Piatt.
    3. Violin solo--A Little Grey Home in the West (Lohr)--La Cinquantine (Gabriel-Marie) by Vaughn Quackenbush, accompanied by Al Cummings.
    4. Song--Memories (Alstyne) by Fidelis Piatt.
    5. Simple Confession (Thomas) by Aerolia Trio.
    6. Song--Since I Kissed You (Cadman), Fidelis Piatt.
    7. Violin Solo--Eleanor (Deppen)--Love Came Calling (Zamecnik) by Vaughn Quackenbush.
    8. Song--Who Knows (Ball) by Fidelis Piatt.
    9. A Perfect Day (Carrie Jacobs Bond)--Aerolia Trio.
    10. Those Songs My Mother Used to Sing (Smith)--Fidelis Piatt.
    11. Violin Solo--Sing Me to Sleep (Green)--Vaughn Quackenbush.
    From 8 to 9 o'clock tomorrow night, the Armory Service Station will present Nick Kime, old-time fiddler who will play a number of selections, and during an intermission of the musical program C. L. Wolf, the tire man and proprietor of the station, will give a short speech on rubber and tires.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1927, page 3

    The usual general news and market reports, as furnished by the Associated Press leased wire of this paper, will be broadcast tonight at 6:45 instead of 7:45 over KMED, the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin radio broadcasting station, due to the fact that tonight's programs will commence at 7 o'clock, featuring for the first hour music by the Four Aces through the courtesy of the People's Electric Store and for the second hour a program arranged by Mr. and Mrs. W. Carleton Janes. The latter will be presented by the Jackson County Creamery.
    Tomorrow night, following the regular news broadcast at 7:45, the Associated Buick Dealers of Southern Oregon will give a program, featuring the Buick Master Six Orchestra in a program of an hour, while Saturday night from 10 to 11:30 p.m. the Nite Hawks will furnish music from the Oriental Gardens.
    An exceptionally good program is promised for Sunday night from 9 to 10:30 when the Pirates of Penzance, a popular opera, will be presented through the courtesy of the Russell's Department Store.
    Following is the cast: Pirate King, H. H. Corliss; Samuel, Rupert Maddox; Frederick, a pirate apprentice, George Maddox; Major General Stanley of the British army, A. C. Burgess; sergeant of police, Fletcher Fish; Ruth, a piratical maid of all work, Mrs. Edna Isaacs; Edith, a daughter, Zita Maddox; Kate, Ethel Burgess; Mabel, the favorite daughter, Nellie Andrews Hazelrigg. The cast also includes an ensemble of General Stanley's other daughters, pirates and policemen.
    Act I takes place on the coast of England in a pirate lair and Act II has its location on General Stanley's estate.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1927, page 2

    Music by the Bob-o-Link Orchestra was presented last night from 6:30 to 7:30 by Russell's Department Store, over KMED, giving valley radio fans an ideal dinner concert, interspersed with special numbers, including accordion and violin solos by members of the musical organization. Russell's, Inc., is a regular broadcaster over the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin broadcasting station and is rapidly becoming popular to all listeners of the valley.
    Over 20 contestants took part last night in the Gates and Lydiard contest, which took more than an hour to present, taking a part of the time allotted to Walker's dance hall. The hour from 8 to 9 was used by the Jackson County Creamery, presenting a varied selection of musical numbers.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1927, page 5

    Commencing at 6 o'clock this evening KMED, the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin radio station, will be on the air with a musical program for Russell's Inc., until 7 o'clock, with the Mail Tribune news reports presented at 6:15. The station will be on the air until 12 o'clock, closing down with the end of the old-time fiddlers' contest in Walker's dance hall.
    From 7 to 8 the Associated Buick Dealers of Southern Oregon will present the D.O.K.K. band in a series of popular and classical numbers, followed by the Jackson County Creamery from 8 to 9 and Gates & Lydiard from 9 to 10. Walker's hall will be on the air for two hours from 10 to 12 with the fiddlers' contest, which is attracting county-wide interest.
    The D.O.K.K. band program was published yesterday and will follow its schedule of numbers. Russell's Inc. program will feature the Bob-o-Link Orchestra, presenting popular numbers and instrumental solos.
    The Jackson County Creamery will present the Gold Seal Trio, composed of Bernice Bolger, violin; Charles D. Hazelrigg, piano; W. T. Bolger, flute; Katherine Wendt, soprano, and Catherine White, comedy recitations, will also take part in the program.
    The three winners of the Gates & Lydiard music contest of last week will present an hour of entertainment on vocal and instrumental selections. The Walker fiddlers' contest will present two hours of music.
    Following is the program to be presented by Russell's Inc.:
    "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain," "Tonight's My Night with Baby," "Blue Bonnet"; piano solo, by a member of the Bob-o-Link orchestra; "That's Why I love You"; "I Never Knew How Wonderful You Were"; "You Need Someone to Love"; selection by the orchestra, "Roses of Picardy"; "Too Many Parties"; "Lonesome Melody o' Mine"; "An Old-Fashioned Girl"; saw solo, by a member of the Bob-o-Link Orchestra"; "Idolizing"; "A Round About Way to Heaven"; "Mary Lou."
    Tomorrow from 2:30 to 3:30 Virgin's Radio Service will be on the air with their regular weekly program, followed in the evening by a presentation by the Liberty Market featuring Nick Kime, old-time fiddler. The news and market reports, as furnished by this paper, will be on the air at 6:45.
    That the station is being heard by distant listeners is evidenced by the letter received today from J. H. F. Lacey of Vanderhoof, B.C., over 900 miles from Medford. He listened to the music contest put on by Gates & Lydiard last Thursday night and reported that it was plainly heard. He sent in a vote for Number 19, a vocal selection.
    They also heard the music from Walker's dance hall.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1927, page 8

Cash Donations of $508 Given to Blaesing Family--Condition of Mother and Little Son Better--Liberal Response to a Worthy Cause.
    In one of the most deserving cases ever brought to the attention of local and valley citizens, KMED, the Mail Tribune and W. J. Virgin radio station, came to the aid of the F. A. Blaesing family, who lost all when fire destroyed their farm home on the Crater Lake Highway Tuesday evening, last night, by putting on a benefit broadcast program, which netted the family over $1000 in cash, furniture, groceries, clothes and other household needs. The condition of Mrs. Blaesing and her four-year-old son, who were burned as a result of the fire, was reported to be better today.
    Cash donations, which last night, following a two-hour program, totaled $508.80, ranged from 50 cents to $26.60, with donors making themselves known from all parts of the valley, including Ashland, Talent, Jacksonville, Gold Hill, Central Point and Medford. Donations other than cash and clothing included stoves, ranges, complete sets of dishes, laundry service, free milk, wood, meats, groceries, home-canned fruit, potatoes, flour, beds, mattresses and merchandise credit at local stores.
    The benefit program was made possible through Mr. Virgin, who donated the use of his station, musicians who donated time and William Gates and John Dennison, who acted as announcers. Mr. Gates, who was in charge of the microphone for the greater part of the evening, eloquently presented the needs of the family, and through his persuasive pleas a large amount of the donations are principally due.
    While a large number of donations were phoned to the station last night over three phones, more were still coming in today, showing that practically the majority of the valley and local residents have receiving sets. A complete list of the donors is to be published tomorrow, demonstrating how efficiently KMED covers the local field. A number of replies to the radio pleas are expected from out of county and state points and are expected to be arriving for days to come.
    When Mrs. Blaesing is released from the hospital, which is presumed to be within four weeks, she will be able to rejoin her family and find that Medford and out-of-town residents have taken such an interest in the case that she will find a home completely furnished and clothing available for the entire family. Enough groceries have been donated to care for the needs for a month and one dairy donated two quarts of milk daily for 30 days. Several tiers of wood will take care of the heating question, while Russell's Department Store donated credit enough for the family to be completely outfitted in hosiery and underwear.
    The selections of music played were sold to highest bidders, one of whom, William Hanson, gave $25 to hear one selection. The Shrine Patrol turned in a $26.60 donation and the Knights of Pythias turned in $25. The California Oregon Power Company gave $15 cash.
    The following musicians donated services for the two-hour program, which commenced at 7, stopped at 8 and resumed at 9, after the Buick program: Miss Ruby Timmons, Miss Gladys La Marr, Miss G. Brown, Mrs. Clay Witham, Miss Lorraine Stoltze, Robert Stoltze, James Johnson, Mr. Estes, Herb Alford, Ralph Gill, Keith Cole, Margaret Dickey, Lloyd Williamson, Fletcher, Fish, Roy Finch and William Waite and others in reserve.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1927, page 6

    Making its debut in Southern Oregon last night between 10 and 11 o'clock, over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, Esterly's Southern Oregonians, a new dance orchestra, made a decided hit with radio fans in this section as well as in other parts of the state, 200 requests being received during the hour in addition to five telegrams. The orchestra, which will appear at the Jackson Hot Springs tomorrow evening, will broadcast again tonight from 9 to 10.
    The musical aggregation is composed of seven pieces and is directed by Daniel Esterly, who formerly was the radio announcer at KFSD in San Diego. Its members are all local musicians, all of whom are well versed in music, causing Mr. Esterly to be sincere that the orchestra will be one of the best Southern Oregon has ever heard. According to present plans, it will play every Wednesday evening at the Hot Springs pavilion, following tomorrow night's dance.
    Tonight's radio request program is in answer to the insistence of Southern Oregon listeners, and all requests are urged to be sent in before 9 o'clock in order that the program may be properly arranged.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1927, page 2

    The daily mail of KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin broadcasting station, covers many instances of people from distant points voluntarily writing to Bill Virgin to tell of the fine programs they had enjoyed on their home sets. The latest, dated August 19th, was received today from A. Sanford Allen of 3850 Sixth Street, San Diego, Calif., who writes as follows:
    Thursday night, August 19, I enjoyed a program of great variety from your station. I listened from about 11:00 p.m. till slightly after midnight, when you signed off. During this program I heard "Ain't She Sweet," "Brainstorm" and "Side by Side," by the orchestra; also a whistling solo, "Indian Love Call," and a vocal solo, "Muddy Water." I also heard many other numbers including some old-fashioned dance music. I heard this program clearly with my one-tube Crosley "Pup," and would very much appreciate a verification of this report.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1927, page 3

Thousands of Radio Fans "Listen In" on KMED Programs
from Medford
    In the quiet New England home, the rambling adobe hacienda of old Mexico, the lone ranger's cabin in the Alaska mountains and on the great steamers plowing through the waters of the Pacific Ocean, radio programs from the Mail Tribune-Virgin broadcasting station K.M.E.D. are heard and enjoyed. From far and wide, radio fans have been in the habit of spinning the dial to Medford's station when they are seeking real radio entertainment, for K.M.E.D.'s programs are always carefully planned and never fail to draw a flood of letters from fans in every section of the country.
    Few cities in the United States the size of Medford have a licensed radio broadcasting station, and few cities of any size can offer programs equaling in entertainment those of the Mail Tribune-Virgin station.
    K.M.E.D.'s home is located in the Sparta building at Riverside and Main Street in this city, connected by remote control with the offices of the Medford Mail Tribune on North Fir Street. The service afforded fans is more complete than most larger cities offer. In the morning between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 an hour program of music, household hints and recipes are broadcast for the benefit of housewives. At noon time there is a special program and in the afternoon there is often a program "on the air." At 6:15 o'clock the Mail Tribune sends out local and Associated Press news items followed by a special dinner-hour program, and in the evening K.M.E.D. may often be heard until midnight.
    When the elections are held, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station broadcasts regular dispatches. When championship prize fights are held a blow-by-blow account of the fray is sent out while the fight is in progress. When a World Series baseball game is on, K.M.E.D. fans are thrilled by a detailed play-by-play report, and when the great college teams face each other on the gridiron, local radio owners may "tune in" and get the game in detail while it is being played. All surrounding cities, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Ashland, Eagle Point and such towns as Jacksonville, Ruch, Trail and Prospect keep in touch with happenings through K.M.E.D.'s service. Far off in the mountains, at Crater Lake in the heart of winter, at the Diamond Lake lodge and in remote ranger cabins, people's lives are made brighter through the entertainments provided them by the Mail Tribune-Virgin station.
    Medford's radio station is nearing its first birthday, and its popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. Credit is due W. J. Virgin for his excellent management of K.M.E.D., and Mr. Virgin and the Mail Tribune are deserving of credit for their enterprise of progressiveness in supplying a radio station for Medford and Southern Oregon.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1927, page C2

Medford Mail Tribune, 9-14-1927
Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1927

KMED Radio Programs Entertain Coast Fans.
Station Operates Under Supervision of Federal Radio Commission--Has 11 Remote Control Wires--Owned by W. J. Virgin and Medford Mail Tribune.
    Each day brings scores of telegrams, letters, cards and long distance telephone calls from radio fans who have "listened in" and enjoyed programs from KMED, the popular Southern Oregon broadcasting station owned and operated by W. J. Virgin and the Medford Mail Tribune. From sunny Mexico to the rugged mountain country of northern Canada and Alaska, people have been tuning in on KMED's radio entertainment, and this station has won an enviable reputation for the excellence of its programs.
    Few cities of the size of Medford have the distinction of having an up-to-the-minute radio broadcasting station, and KMED has a record of having more churches broadcasting services that any similar station in the United States. Eleven remote control wires enter the Sparta building studio of KMED, and four of these are owned by the station. A direct wire connects the studio with the offices of the Mail Tribune and Associated Press, and local news items and markets are sent out daily over the ether together with election returns and play-by-play accounts of great sporting events.
    Through KMED's service, communities surrounding Medford are kept more closely in touch with valley, state, national and international news as well as afforded a chance to enjoy carefully prepared musical programs and radio frolics. World Series baseball games are given to them direct from the great eastern ball parks. Thrilling play-by-play accounts of gridiron tilts and basketball games are brought instantly to their homes while ringside blow-by-blow reports of championship prize fights also come to them over KMED. Medford merchants, too, have used the Mail Tribune-Virgin station to familiarize the public with their stores.
    KMED station has been "on the air" for more than a year and its popularity has increased with phenomenal rapidity as evidenced by the increasing volume of fan mail. It is managed by W. J. Virgin, well-known local radio expert, and operated under the supervision of the Federal Radio Commission.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page B6

    Showing that KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, is being well received in Roseburg, two letters were recently received by W. J. Virgin from Taylor's Battery and Electric Shop of Roseburg on the merits of the local station.
    The first letter, which was written January 12, is as follows:
    "We have missed your station the last few days during the noon hour. Has the station been silent, or are conditions different than they have been for the last few weeks?  For some time we have been able to get you perfect during the noon hour. We have put on a noon concert from your station until the last few days. When your station is on in the daytime we get wonderful reception and look forward to more from your station and will tune in every day to find out it you are there or not."
    The second letter, which was written January 16, is as follows:
    "Today's reception is exceptional from your station. My set can be heard for over a block this noon. Yesterday's program from your station, I believe I am safe in saying, was enjoyed by over 2000 people right here in town, and reports from the country would lead us to believe that at least that many people heard the reception in the country. It came in perfect. I was glad to hear you announce today that you would be on every noon this week. We will listen for the pipe organ concert Friday night.
    "I want you to know that we are enjoying these programs from your station and hope they continue."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1928, page 3

    The condition of W. J. Virgin of KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station here, was reported to be improving today, following his collapse last night at the broadcasting station, from where he was immediately taken home. It was feared at first that he was the victim of a stroke of paralysis, but later examination showed that such was not the case.
    For a time Mr. Virgin lost the use of one leg and arm, but regained the use a short time after he arrived home. He will probably be incapacitated for over two weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1928, page 2

    D. E. Thrasher, who has been connected  with KMED for some time past as assistant operator, is now in charge of the local radio station during the absence of W. J. Virgin, the owner, who collapsed at the station during a broadcasting hour Tuesday night.
    The condition of Mr. Virgin was reported as no better today.
    The station will be operated as usual, and Medford and Southern Oregon radio fans are assured that they will receive the same good radio service that was theirs when Mr. Virgin was in personal charge.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1928, page 7

     William Johnston Virgin died at his home, 1403 East Main Street, Friday evening, January 27, 1928, aged 41 years, 6 months and 3 days. His illness, extending over a number of years, became acute a few days ago. His death came as a shock to scores of friends throughout Southern Oregon.
    He was born July 8, 1886, in Wisconsin, and at an early age came to the Rogue River Valley, his father being one of the pioneer business men of the county, owning the Central Point flour mills.
    Bill, as he was known, was a companionable and sunny soul. In his youth he was a football player for the Ashland high school, and they still tell of his deeds upon the gridiron. He also attended the University of Oregon. He served in the United States navy and was always highly interested in electrical work.
    He was a pioneer in the radio business of this section and established the first radio store in this city. He later established a radio broadcasting station at the county fairgrounds, which grew into KMED, which he operated at time of his death.
    Mr. Virgin was a charter member of the local Rotary Club and a member of the Medford lodge of Elks.
    Besides a wide circle of friends, Mr. Virgin is survived by his wife, Mary B. Virgin, and his mother, Mrs. C. A. Owen of Ashland.
    The funeral services will be held from the Perl funeral home, the date of which will be announced later.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1928, page 2

    KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, will not be on the air until early next week, due to the death last night of its well-known owner, W. J. Virgin. An announcement will probably be made the first of the week as to the date of the reopening.
    Phone calls were received from all parts of the county today from radio fans who had listened to KMED since its establishment over a year ago. Old and young telephoned this office and called personally telling of their regret over Mr. Virgin's sudden passing. Phone calls were received prior to his death telling how his voice was missed as announcer and how hopes were held that he would soon be able to return to his duties.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1928, page 6

    After having been off the air since Friday because of the death of W. J. Virgin, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station will be on the air again tomorrow night with news items from the Mail Tribune at 6:15 and tabernacle services at 7:30. The absence of the station from the air has caused many telephone calls to be received at this office, with the majority inquiring whether or not the tabernacle services would be broadcast last night.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1928, page 3

    The ministers of the city, who have been broadcasting services over KMED for several months, and who had come in personal contact with W. J. Virgin, who was always so pleasant and obliging to them, and who were grief-stricken at the news of his death, adopted these resolutions, which were read at the Sunday evening services in the tabernacle:
        Because of the very great sorrow that has come upon our city by the sudden death of our esteemed citizen, Mr. W. J. Virgin;
    Be it resolved that we, the ministers of Medford, do express our unqualified appreciation of the fine brotherly spirit, and unstinted generosity of Mr. W. J. Virgin, who because of his love and interest in the best things made possible the broadcasting program of the churches in the city.
    Furthermore, be it resolved that we express our sincere sympathy to his widow, Mrs. W. J. Virgin, in this, the time of her great bereavement, and that a copy of these resolutions to be published in the Mail Tribune and Daily News and be spread upon the minutes of the ministerial association.
     T. W. TEMPLE
    W. H. EATON   
    J. E. McDONALD
Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1928, page 3

    Tuesday evening, from 8:00 to 9:00 the California Oregon Power Company will sponsor a radio program over the local radio station, KMED, which will be a new departure in radio broadcasting from Medford. The broadcast will feature a radio drama, based on historical facts, which will be of interest to all residents of Oregon.
    The play is called "The Birth of Oregon" and relates the proceedings of the meeting of the settlers of the Willamette Valley, held at Champoeg, Oregon on May 3, 1843. The action of the story will be related as though it were being broadcast from the Willamette Valley location at the time the action took place.
    The dramatization of this historical episode was written by a Medford man, and all of the characters will be portrayed by citizens of this city. The California Oregon Power Company feels that this program will be of particular interest to school children and all others interested in Oregon history.
    As this program is merely a trial of a new method of broadcasting, the sponsors of the program will appreciate hearing the reaction of their listeners, and if this drama is satisfactorily received, others of like nature may follow.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 6, 1928, page 3

W. A. Gates Joins Broadcasting Feature--Mail Tribune Maintains Its Interest and Advertising Coverage Increased--New Announcer and Programs.
    The new policy which W. J. (Bill) Virgin had outlined to make KMED a big-time radio service, able to hold its own with other monarchs of the air, was interrupted by the radio pioneer's death. Plans are already underway for their immediate execution, and Medford is to have a radio service bigger and better than ever before.
    The station will continue to be known as KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, and the Mail Tribune will maintain its same interest as formerly. This paper will furnish exclusive news, sporting events and markets from its full leased wire Associated Press dispatches and its local news and editorial force.
    With the assistance of William Gates, who on account of his friendship and close association with Mr. Virgin, was familiar and conversant with the plans of Bill Virgin. Mrs. Virgin will handle the actual management of the station. Her service, which has been invaluable in the past, will be renewed with double effort in the execution of the new policy.
    Earle Davis, formerly connected with KFWB of Hollywood, has been secured as announcer. Davis, a well-known lecturer, was called the "Billy Sunday of the Marines," and will be remembered by some of the local residents for his fiery lecture delivered here when he came through Medford on a tour of the Northwest in 1920. Davis, apart from his pleasant voice and ready wit, is said by experts to possess what is distinctly known as a "radio personality." The new announcer was induced to accept the position in Medford through the influence of relatives who live in Rogue River Valley, together with the appeal held by the far-reaching policy of the local station in this year's program.
    That KMED is one of the greatest publicity assets of the valley is the realization of local business interests, who for the past four days have been signing long contracts to get the preferable "air space" for their advertising programs, according to William Gates.
    "I didn't fully realize just how much benefit comes to this community from the broadcasting station until I looked over the files of KMED and found what a wide area was reached through the programs. For instance, Hunt's Craterian organ program was received a few days ago in Pennsylvania. A letter was received here from a Pennsylvania radio fan who went into details over the program, even going so far as to comment upon the various selections played.
    "This convinced me conclusively that KMED is one of the biggest assets in the way of publicity that the valley has ever had or can hope to have," he said. Mr. Gates has volunteered his time and assistance to Mrs. Virgin in getting the new radio policy under way, and states that the public is due for a pleasant surprise in the way of service in the immediate future.
    One of the principal new features, which was to be introduced at the beginning of the year for the benefit of subscribers of air space, will be inaugurated within the next two weeks. This will provide a contact between the radio listener and the ads appearing in the Mail Tribune, which is bound to greatly increase the readers of the ads of subscribing merchants. Naturally, the connection of the Mail Tribune with the station makes this an exclusive Mail Tribune feature and puts this paper in the position of being able to render a service to its advertisers which is not offered by any other newspaper on the Pacific Coast. This feature will be fully explained to all prospective subscribers, who are to be called upon within the next few days.
    Under the new plan of management the programs are to pass a rigid censorship, and only the finest arrangement of talent will be permitted to broadcast. An organization of local talent will be effected and occasional guest artists will be imported to create a far-reaching demand for KMED programs.
    Among those who have grasped the opportunity to arrange for long-term contracts under the new policy is the California Oregon Power Company, who is loud in its praises of the reaction received from past programs. That company will double its efforts during the next year, and, from what was disclosed of their plans, it is apparent that the Copco programs will become a popular feature.
    Mann's Department Store has also signed a year's contract and is planning something unique in the way of a weekly program. The local service clubs will rotate in their weekly programs, giving each club a chance to broadcast once a month. The Realty Board is also expected to continue their former beneficial activity through this medium of Rogue River Valley publicity.
    Snider's Dairy signed a long contract with the local radio service this noon and will also be among the larger concerns to be heard on the air programs. Business men who want preference space are requested to get in touch with William Gates or Mrs. Virgin early, as the space is going rapidly.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1928, page 1

‘The Voice of a Great Country' to Be Broadcast Introduction--Tourist Advertising Starts--Buy Postcards Next Week.
    "The voice of a great country" is the slogan to be incorporated in the introduction of KMED programs from now on, according to Wm. A. Gates, principal speaker at the Realty Board meeting this noon. Giving voice to the Realty Board slogan for advertising the Rogue River Valley was the idea suggested by Gates, who for the past week has been out to sell the local radio station to the community.
    Gates said that the full announcement over the Medford station will now be "Southern Oregon station, KMED, at Medford; the voice of a great country." This will precede and follow each program broadcast.
    The Realty Board voted unanimously on signing a year's contract with KMED, and will broadcast an official program once a week. Carl Tengwald was appointed chairman to take charge of the programs and will announce his first plans the middle of next week.
    Walter Leverette, Thomas, Otis Mays and Warnock are the committee in charge of erecting and distributing the new "This Is a Great Country" slogan signs through Medford and the surrounding districts. This is only part of the local board's extensive campaign to advertise the community to the summer tourists who start their march through Medford during the spring months.
    A vote of thanks is to be extended by the organization to the Richfield Oil Company for the erection of a large electric sign bearing the slogan, south of Medford. The sign was erected this week in cooperation with the board's publicity plan.
    Postcard week will begin on Lincoln's birthday, February 13, and all of Medford is urged to purchase the attractive packets of postcards arranged in a scenic series for the advertising of local attractions. C. S. Butterfield is in charge of the sale of these cards, which will be placed at the disposal of the public for advertising the Rogue River Valley to their friends in other sections of the country.
    The Realty Board's hour scenic drive was another vital project reported upon at today's meeting. The drive has been arranged so as to take in several selling features of Rogue River Valley, and will include the Tomlin Box factory, the Old Stage Road leading through Jacksonville and around through some of the principal orchards and sections of diversified farming in the valley. The cooperation of the highway commission in erecting guide signs for the drive has been secured, and the farmers along the route are also urged to assist the board in making the drive attractive by keeping their properties in condition.
    Judge Hartzell, a guest of the organization, expressed himself as being greatly in favor of the movement to advertise the valley, and Victor Bursell, county commissioner, said a few words pledging the cooperation of the county court and commission in the splendid work to be accomplished by the Realty Board along this line.
    Eric and Jonas Wold, the two new members of the Realty Board, were welcomed into the fold today.   
Medford Mail Tribune, February 10, 1928, page 8

    The playlet "Just Plannin'," written by Miss Helen Norris, living just south of Medford, and put on the air last night by KGO, the General Electric Company at Oakland, Cal., was listed to by thousands of people in Medford and Southern Oregon, and judging from the telephone messages and letters of commendation received last night and today by Miss Norris, the playlet was enthusiastically enjoyed and exceeded by far all expectations. In fact, Miss Norris' first radio drama predicts a bright career for her and guarantees that her dream of "Helen Norris, the writer," and not "Helen Norris, the cripple," will be fully realized.
    "Just Plannin'" was the simple story of a hard-working widowed mother who was always planning for the future and her children and trying to produce a wholesome home atmosphere, and although all seemed lost for a time, her planning was fully realized so far as her son was concerned.
    The playlet was well written and could easily have been the recital of a true story, and reflects great credit on the ability of Miss Norris.
    Another important feature of the playlet's success was not only the splendid cast who rendered it, but the careful study of Miss Norris' ideas, presented in the manuscript by Wilda Wilson Church, director of KGO players, her preparation of the scenes, presentation of them to the players and her thorough explanation of the same to her radio audience of thousands.
    It was easy to imagine you were comfortably seated in a theater looking at the scenes being played on the stage and could hear and see the players as they so splendidly presented their parts, could sympathize with the devoted mother as she toiled for and talked to and planned for her children and could feel the motherly love and devotion of the modest home.
    From the close of the playlet until midnight and all day today Miss Norris was showered with telephone messages of congratulation and has received a number of letters and messages today, one from the players, Mrs. Church and Milton Samuels of the news bureau of KGO.
    Copies of the picture printed in this paper of Miss Norris seated before the fireplace, listening to the radio, with her pet dog at her feet, were furnished to a number of news syndicates together with a story of her life and playlet through Mr. Samuel of KGO and the Mail Tribune, and were printed the past two weeks in hundreds of newspapers all over the United States. Miss Norris is receiving letters from everywhere congratulating her on her efforts to secure an education, her devotion to a literary career and predicting success.
    Two letters were received from New York City, containing clippings of the picture from the New York World.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 17, 1928, page 4

Mail Tribune-Virgin Station Operates on 1100 Kilocycles, Effective March 1--No Interference for Frost Broadcasts.
    With an increase in wavelength of 20 meters operation on 1110 kilocycles, KMED, the Mail Tribune Virgin station, beginning with March 1, will reach throughout a larger area than ever before. This change in wavelength was brought about through the direct influence of Senator Charles L. McNary because of his interest in Southern Oregon generally and especially because of his desire to protect the fruit industry of this section.
    Under the improved condition, orchardists all over the valley will be able to get a clear reception of the Floyd Young frost broadcasts. In addition to proving of great benefit to the orchardists, this change in wavelength will be beneficial to Medford from a publicity standpoint, according to William Gates, who has been associated with the business end of the station. Mr. Gates explained that the change will give KMED a clear wavelength, the nearest interference that coming from KOKAC at Corvallis, the latter being on the same wavelength.
    "Medford, however, will not be bothered by this as both stations will cooperate and divide their time so that neither will be on the air at the same time." he said.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1928, page 1

    Following in the footsteps of other broadcast stations throughout the country, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, KMED, is installing the famous C. H. Preston permanent radio ground on their transmitter. C. H. Preston and his son arrived in Medford from Los Angeles last night, and the large size transmitter ground is now on display at the Stewart-Warner service station, 3 South Riverside.
    Everywhere that this massive ground has been installed on broadcasting stations, a 50 to 100 percent better performance has been noted. The following stations have recently installed the large type: KNX, KFQZ, KDGM, KMIC, KVOS, KFBL, KMO, KHJ, KMTR, KFWO, KFWC, KHL and many others. A decided improvement and a greater distance is the outcome and the reports which Mr. Preston has on these stations are very interesting.
    Mr. Preston left Los Angeles with the KMED ground Sunday noon, arriving here Monday at 7 p.m. The grounding circuit to either the receiver or transmitter is of extreme importance, says Mr. Preston, yet it is sadly neglected by countless radio fans. The small size Preston ground, used on receivers, has demonstrated its merit by its present popularity, taking the world like a cyclone; it is now used in 38 states and 12 foreign countries, took both world's records for long distance reception, is endorsed by the best radio stations, its technical staffs throughout the world, and Radio News, Radio Broadcast, KNX laboratories have all issued certificates of merit on it. the United States government is using it in many places and fans who have them in use have endorsed it, throughout the world, as being 100 percent efficient, no matter what receiver it is installed upon.
    The Preston invention is not only a perfect ground but is a perfect underground aerial, fans in various parts of the country reporting reception of Japan, Australia, Cuba and England from beneath the earth.
    Mr. Preston is going to make some technical broadcasting talks over KMED, and no doubt many of the fans will get a better knowledge of this new radio discovery through his broadcasting. Mr. Preston has broadcast over nearly every radio station in the country, and his technical talks and knowledge of radio has done much to improve the reception as a whole. He will speak over KMED tonight at 10 o'clock.  
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1928, page 3

    KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, wishes to thank C. H. Preston, the radio engineer and inventor of the Preston permanent radio ground for transmitters and receivers. The large, massive ground was installed on our transmitter at 4 p.m. yesterday. Radio fans locally, and from different points, kept the telephone operators busy commenting on the wonderful improvement this ground made to our station. Selectivity was increased 50 percent, local fans reporting that they are now able to tune in KATB and other Oakland stations heretofore not receivable, due to closeness to KMED. Signal strength volume was nearly doubled, and the generator's hum, which has been with the station for some time, has been completely eliminated; tone quality incomparable with any station. Fans reported a decided improvement, and we know KMED's distance reception will exceed our expectations. But Mr. Preston says; "This is the usual result where stations have installed this ground, and many have done so. In every case improvement has been wonderfully exceptional."
    The technical lectures delivered by Mr. Preston on radio reception were well received by KMED fans. His talks were on radio frequencies, audio frequency, detections, amplification, modulation cycles, electrolysis, northern lights, powerless noise and electromagnetic waves.
    Preston's experience in lines of communication embracing 25 years comprises railroad, commercial and wireless telegraphing. At one time Mr. Preston was telegraph operator in Medford on the Southern Pacific, working here in the passenger station. He also was night chief operator for the Western Union here.
    Mr. Preston was made the announcer on his own program last night, which was given in his honor by the KMED staff, and for 30 minutes fans enjoyed the technical talks of Mr. Preston and the piano and songs given by Mr. Preston's friend with him on the trip, Frank Islip. The opening number was "Down in Jungle Town," "Does the Spearmint Lose its Flavor on the Bed Post Overnight," and closed with "A Long, Long Trail." Mr. Preston will depart tomorrow for Lacey, Wash., to install the same type on KGY and from there to Seattle on KFOA.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1928, page 10

    Two very pretty girls idled in a corner of the large room. About them grouped three men--much as men may be found grouped in most any room occupied by pretty girls. So far, at least, everything appeared to conform to the usual. A large clock upon the wall struck the hour of nine, however, and as the last stroke died away--normalcy flew out the window.
    The room became suddenly hushed, save for the faint buzzing of some sort of apparatus in a cabinet at the far end.
    One of the men detached himself from the group and declaimed something in a singsong voice, addressing himself to no one in particular; a second man grasped a set of chimes from a stand nearby and struck them sharply, thrice--and again thrice. A girl stepped forward a pace and, apparently to the chandelier, uttered a few sentences in a voice so languidly indifferent as to leave the impression that a world-weary and blasé grande dame had spoken. The second girl, a distinctly American type, next moved forward, and opening her lips, gave voice to English pleasantly though unexpectedly punctuated by a coquettish French accent.
    First one and then another spoke, at times altering the voice to such an extent that despite the visual evidence, there seemed many times more than the five people actually in the assemblage.
    Ten minutes of this, and again one of the men struck the chimes--the first act of the radio play was over.
    To that vast audience, the "friends of the air," the radio play is just another of many variations of the amusement to be had from the ether by simply turning a dial. To the visitor who sits for the first time within the sound-deadened walls of a studio while a play is being broadcast, the matter is hardly so simple.
    The radio play requires a new technique, both from the playwright and the actor. The former must forsake all previously accepted methods of creating illusion by the use of scenery, lighting and properties, while the latter must discard every implement of the stage or screen and depend entirely upon his voice to weave the story which he would portray.
    The new art has caught the public fancy and the "Madame Q" series of plays written by Miss Mary Greiner and broadcast over the Mail Tribune-Virgin station KMED, and also the play by Miss Helen Norris created remarkable interest in the Southern Oregon homes where radio has a place.
    With the incursion of local writers into the field of radio dramatics, Medford also boasts a most competent company of radio players.
    The cast in the final episode of "Madame Q," although containing but five players, depicted 10 or 12 characters, a rather difficult task before the soulless and impersonal microphone. Unlike the actor upon his stage, the radio player is buoyed by no applause, he cannot accentuate his bit by use of pose or gesture, and could he duplicate the grimace of Lon Chaney, it would add not a whit to the performance, so far as the distant audience might be concerned.
    Miss Jo Murray and Earl Davis, as Madame Q and her secretary, Jack Merryweather, respectively, played their leading roles straight, while Miss Greiner, James Stevens and Harold Corliss "doubled in brass," as the old trouper might say, each carrying several characterizations.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1928, page 3

Doesn't Like Local Radio.
To the Editor:
    The radio is on the wane; with listeners confined to the local station they lose all interest.
    Interference is the bunk. I have a little Crosley one-tube set, and a year ago I could get Vancouver, B.C., Seattle, Tacoma, Portland on the north, Spokane, Boise, Walla Walla, Salt Lake City and Denver on the east, and all the main stations on the south to San Diego. The only interference was between KEX, Portland and KMED, Medford, as they were in the same wavelength.
    When I wanted something else I cut them out and picked up NBC at Oakland for my amusement, without interference.
    Now I can't tune in on anything but the local station, and it is the bunk.
    Variety is the life of the radio, both in local output and all of them. And variety of radio stations for the radio fan to tune in on is the life of the radio business. When you stop tinkering with the Radio Commissioner's interference, radio will live; if not, it is dead as a nit right now. The commission has killed the groundworkers of the business already.
    There are too many people that want to hog the earth, but the ground hogs will be shoved off into space rather soon if they keep it up.
C. E. Velin
    Rt. 1, Box 29, Central Point.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1928, page 4

    Welcome news for the people of Medford and the valley, and to all other residents of Southern Oregon and those of Northern California, no matter what their politics, in hearing of the Mail Tribune-Virgin broadcasting station is that all political speeches by the candidates for President or others of national prominence heard during the campaigns, which are broadcast over the National Broadcasting Company network, will be heard over KMED.
    For, after weeks of negotiations, that foremost radio broadcasting chain has just decided to include the Medford station in its hookup for political addresses and other important political news during the campaign, and telephone experts were busy here today connecting KMED with the National Broadcasting Company.
    The first speech to be heard in this new arrangement is the speech of acceptance of Herbert Hoover, the Republican candidate, next Saturday afternoon in the Stanford University stadium at Palo Alto, Cal. The acceptance speech of Al Smith, the Democratic candidate, which will be delivered later, will also be heard over KMED.
    Medford and all Southern Oregon can feel quite proud at being included in the National Broadcasting hookup, which is only made possible by the large territory and population covered by KMED, as Medford forms the longest gap in the whole chain, Portland being the nearest connection of that network.
    It is also very probable that KMED may eventually be included to broadcast the programs of such pronounced excellence of the National Broadcasting network, although nothing definite has so far been done to bring this about. However, the hookup with this company for political speeches is regarded as the opening wedge which will bring the other about.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1928, page 5

    An ordinance, which will be welcomed by the many hundreds of owners of radio sets in Medford and the valley, was introduced at the city council meeting last night by attorney Frank DeSouza, on behalf of the radio users, which because of the stress of other business, the council received, but took no action on, as the city officials desired to look it over and study it provisions carefully. This ordinance will come up at the next council meeting two weeks hence.
    It has long been recognized by owners of radio sets that some such ordinance should be passed for their protection. The ordinance introduced last night provides for the minimizing of radio interference, declares an emergency, which means that if passed it would go into effect at once, and provides penalties for violations.
    The ordinance, among other things,, would make it unlawful for any reason to operate apparatus that interferes with radio broadcasting and reception, including any apparatus generating or causing high-frequency oscillations, which interfere with radio broadcasting or receiving apparatus, without a permit to use the same, and sets forth how such permits must be obtained from the city electrical inspector.
    On the construction of radio aerials the ordinance makes it unlawful for any person to construct, maintain, or use any aerial or other device or apparatus which shall cross any street or alley, or which shall cross or be within [blank] feet of any high-tension electric wire, carrying in excess of 440 volts at any time; that any or all aerials hereafter constructed must be equipped with a lightning arrester or switch of some standard design; and that all aerials heretofore constructed shall, within 30 days of the passage of the ordinance, be rebuilt or repaired so as to conform with the provisions of the ordinance.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 8, 1928, page 3

    Radio station KMED was favorably commented on in a talk broadcast recently over KYA by Thomas Nunan, radio editor of the San Francisco Examiner. The following was taken from the article which appeared in the Examiner for August 12:
    "While spending part of my vacation at the celebrated Mary John ranch in Williams, a beautiful community in Southern Oregon, I had opportunity to observe the important part that radio plays in modern farm life. My hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Banks Newcomb, placed an excellent receiving set at my disposal in order that I might tune in on KYA and other San Francisco stations and keep in touch with home affairs.
    "Daylight reception of our station was impossible, Portland, Oregon, being similarly silent at noon. Satisfactory daylight service, however, was afforded by a local station, KMED of Medford, Southern Oregon. This impressed me with the importance of proper geographical distribution of broadcasting stations in the West, where distances between large cities may be very great.
    "However complete and satisfactory night service from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle and Denver may be, there are hundreds of good-sized communities and hundreds of thousands of individual homes so situated that they are deprived of radio between the hours of sunrise and sunset, unless local service is provided.
    "In the instance to which I allude, station KMED is of real value--of high value--to the flourishing cities of Medford, Grants Pass, Ashland, and to the country for a radius of 100 miles around. Louie Carson, famous for table grapes he ships to eastern markets, told me he could tune in on all America at night, but he must depend on Medford at noon."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 16, 1928, page 7

    Beginning next Friday night, August 24, station KMED will broadcast between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock programs under the direction of various members of the Medford Realty Board, it was decided at today's luncheon meeting, held at the Hotel Medford.
    For the past two years the board has sponsored weekly programs, but this is the first time that individual dealers have agreed to advertise, although the matter has been discussed at several meetings.
    Members of the board expressed the opinion that radio advertising is of great value to the valley. Suggestions were offered as to means of familiarizing the public with the Rogue River Valley pears. The history of the growth of sauerkraut and bacon advertising and its results was given as an example of the value of getting a product before the public, especially by advertising in magazines and newspapers of wide circulation.
    Tonight's radio program will be arranged by Charles Wing, chairman of the radio committee for this month. Next Friday members of the Wold and Wold real estate agency will sponsor the program.
    Otis May presided at today's meeting, the regular president, Walter Leverette, having resigned recently.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1928, page 6

    The new wavelength which will go into effect over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, will reach all the Pacific Coast states and up into the mountains, according to local station heads, who have been trying out its carrying power at intervals during the week.
    Although only adjusted in a hit-and-miss fashion, the new length proved to have sufficient carrying power to bring Medford programs down to Southern California and Arizona and at times into the extreme eastern sections of the United States.
    All radio stations throughout the country will receive their new wavelengths on Armistice Day, so that there will be no interference in reception. Local radio enthusiasts have cause to be grateful for the length given to KMED, which will do more than any single factor toward advertising this locality to the outside world.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1928, page 3

    Giving Medford and Southern Oregon residents complete service on election returns from city, county, state and nation, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, was on the air continuously yesterday afternoon from 4 o'clock to 12:45 this morning, with Carl Y. Tengwald and C. T. Baker as announcers.
    The local service was fast and, in some instances, national returns were heard over KMED before they were heard from members of the broadcast chain. Probably every radio set in this county, as well as in Josephine County, was in use, with most listeners using their sets until the station was closed down.
    At midnight, when listeners were asked if they wished to continue, phone calls were received from Grants Pass, Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, Eagle Point, Lake Creek, Central Point and Gold Hill, in addition to numerous calls from persons in Medford. The studio phone, according to Floyd Bush, in charge there, was ringing incessantly for over half an hour.
    The broadcasting of returns continuously throughout the evening was made possible by several firms turning their regular schedule at the station to that purpose, and included the Mail Tribune, the Coast Advertising Company, Snider Dairy Company and the California Oregon Power Company.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1928, page 3

    With the new allocation which has been assigned to KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, by the radio commission going into effect November 11, an interesting new program and policy is being worked out by local interests for the coming year.
    The new wavelength has been tested out the past week and has proved to have unusually far-reaching carrying power, with no interference from larger stations during its schedule. Harold LaFont, radio commissioner for this district, has shown the station every consideration and has expressed his appreciation for the service given the surrounding district by its programs.
    In addition to the wide advertising schedule through its interchange of programs with KOIL, at Council Bluffs, Iowa, once a week, when Medford Chamber of Commerce activities and local civic publicity is broadcast from that station throughout the entire Middle West and East. KMED, through its association with the Mail Tribune, has brought the residents of Rogue River Valley all the big news events of the year.
    Maintaining a strictly nonpartisan attitude, the station was thrown open to candidates of both parties in the recent campaign. And the reports on both the national election and local election were received over KMED through the cooperation of the Associated Press and the Mail Tribune news force to a degree that was unequaled by the larger stations in the national network.
    With the World Series broadcasts, local football broadcasts, the news and market reports, frost reports and warning that save the valley thousands of dollars during the fruit season, as well as the daytime programs that are brought into local homes at a time when the larger stations are silent, KMED has come to fill a place in the community that cannot be duplicated.
    The local station, with the new allocation going into effect on Armistice Day, will be heard all over the western half of the United States with absolute clarity, according to local radio experts. With this in mind, an effort will be made to get the proper amount and quality of advertising on the air that is expected to bring population and beneficial interests into the valley.
    One idea suggested in this behalf is that of rotating service club programs, giving community talks once a week. In this way all the major activities of the community would be presented in an interesting and artistic way to the outside world.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1928, page 7

    Medford has been given still another wavelength. On account of interference due to the proximity of six or seven other stations, the Federal Radio Commission has granted KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, a wavelength of 228 meters, or 1310 kilocycles, to replace the 1420-kilocycle length the local station has used since the reallocation went into effect November 11.
    With the 1310 wavelength there is practically no interference with exception of one station at Oakland, Cal., which will cause only a slight wail now and then, according to Floyd Rush, local station mechanic.
    Listeners tuning in tonight for the Mail Tribune news and market reports will find KMED about 10 points higher on the dial. Later they will be pleased to find that the new wavelength is still better for distance, on account of the lack of interference, than either of the two had here previously.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1928, page 3

    There are several things to do in the case of an artist becoming temperamental. But when "Mike" of the iron visage and his mechanical assistants in a broadcasting station decide to throw a fit, it's home sweet home for the station mechanic. Or at least, that was the situation Sunday night over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station.
    It was right in the midst of Rev. Bill Ray's radio church service last night when the local broadcasting station ceased to broadcast. After spending considerable time and energy attempting to locate the difficulty, Floyd Rush, mechanic, decided to let nature take its course, and went home to bed.
    But in the morning, the temperamental Mike still maintained its sullen aspect, and the other mechanical helpmates continued to strike in sympathy. It is hoped that the difficulty will be cleared up by tonight. The only way in which the public may find out is to tune in.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 10, 1928, page 8

    It was about 7:30 and the evening programs were going on schedule at KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station. A gentle, almost apologetic tap on the door of the broadcasting station brought no response from within. The tap became a rap. Still no response. The rap became a knock, and then an infuriated boom-boom-boom.
    The door opened from within, and the station assistant riveted a pair of querulous eyes upon the stormy optics of the intruder.
    "What can I do for you?" asked the assistant, and then with a quick glance over in the direction of the announcer before the microphone, his voice repeated in a hushed whisper, "What do you want?"
    "I bane coom to hear the play that cooms oudt over the wires," boomed the voice of the Scandinavian visitor in the dark hallway.
    "Sh-sh--another program is on. The play doesn't come on until an hour and a half later--" whispered the assistant, attempting to close the door.
    "I bane vant to hear the actresses putting on their makeup," insisted the intruder in still louder tones. The assistant jerked the stranger into the studio, clapped his hands over his mouth, sat him down in a chair, warned him to be quiet in no uncertain terms and rushed over to lend his help to the broadcaster.
    It was Santa Claus night at KMED, and the studio was converted into a veritable toyland. There was a call to the North Pole, and Santa Claus appeared among the toy makers in his shop and answered the phone. He was told by the station announcer that there were a number of boys and girls in Medford who wanted to hear him talk and was asked if he had received letters from them.
    Whereupon Santa emitted a lusty and jovial laugh and picked up a sheaf of letters beside his telephone. The eyes of the big Swede made three complete revolutions, and he rose slightly from his chair, then settled solidly down in it again as he noticed the assistant locking the door leading out into the hall.
    "Now that you're in here, you've got to make yourself useful." Hissed the assistant, forcing  a pair of small clubs into the hands of the visitor, and jerking him over to a miniature xylophone. Whereupon, the Swede began to play music. The assistant picked up various sizes of horns and whistles and blew them in turn--hopped over to several sizes of drums and beat them--picked up crying dolls and tipped them upside down in front of the "mike."
    The idea penetrated the consciousness of the visitor and he began grabbing toys right and left and thrusting them in sound-producing motion before the microphone. He leapt from table to table, playing toy pianos, blowing miniature saxophones, sawing blocks of wood with the tiny saws, hammering boards and shaking baby rattles.
    So pleased with his ability as a toy shop performer and sound producer became the visitor that he tackled the assistant, threw him to the floor and began to yodel to the large audience of children listening in. About that time, Santa Claus found the key in the pocket of the floored assistant, opened the door, grabbed the intruder between the chest voice and the falsetto and threw him out to complete his yodeled chorus in the hallway.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 13, 1928, page 4

    Local football fans will be glad to hear that the big New Year's Day game between California and Georgia Tech will be broadcast over station KMED next Tuesday afternoon. A direct wire report will give the full details of this big football classic play by play, through the courtesy of the California Oregon Power Company. Earl Davis, popular football referee and sports announcer, will officiate at the microphone, and a thrilling account of the game is assured. It is expected that many local people will tune in on this special Copco program Tuesday afternoon.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1928, page 2

    Tomorrow night's radio broadcast over KMED, by the California Oregon Power Company, will be a melodramatic playlet by Miss Mary Greiner of the Mail Tribune staff. The plot concerns itself with a cub reporter on a newspaper located in a fair-sized town, who covers a murder assignment.
    The first part of the play centers around the repressed cub, and the second part deals with the reading public's conception of how it must have taken place, after having read the story of the young reporter.
    The Copco Players, already famous to the local radio fans, will present the playlet which in itself assures a pleasing hour's entertainment. The play, which will be broadcast from nine to 10, is the first of a series concerning the same characters which will appear periodically on the Copco hour.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1929, page 8

    The local radio public will be pleased to learn that a brand-new radio drama by Miss Helen Norris will be broadcast by the popular "Copco Players" Tuesday evening, Feb. 5th. The play, which is entitled "The Chuckle," is a story of pioneer days in the West and is said to be one of Miss Norris' best efforts. The locale of the story is in a "wild and woolly" western town, and the play is full of dramatic situations which promise to keep all "listeners-in" keenly interested up until the close of act 3.
    The cast of the "Copco Players" which will present this novel radio program includes such old favorites as Harold Corliss, Fletcher Fish, Melba Williams, Stella Quizenbury and Earl Davis. The drama will be given through the courtesy of the California Oregon Power Co. during the regular "Copco hour" and will be directed by Mr. Davis.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1929, page 5

    Beginning tomorrow, Mrs. Blanche Virgin has declared Sunday a holiday over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station. This, according to Mrs. Virgin, is to give her staff of workers a day of rest, and to provide time for developing even further efficiency in service the other six days.
    Heretofore Sunday was given over to church services locally. While these programs were short, they tended to break up the day so that the KMED staff were prohibited from making any other plans for Sunday.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 9, 1929, page 2

    With the recent announcement by the management of KMED, the Mail Tribune station, that the Valley Radio Church would be on the air again tomorrow night, comes the explanation by W. A. Gates of a misunderstanding which resulted in the station being silent last Sunday night.
    "For some time, it has been the desire of KMED to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest," said Mr. Gates, "and this was brought to the attention of the pastor of the radio church, who agreed to change the church's plans to conform with this policy.
    "But it would seem that the pastor spoke without authority, as the organizers of the valley radio church were unwilling to approve of his arrangement with the station." Mr. Gates explained that the management of the station had heretofore conducted all the business with Mr. Ray and had understood that any arrangements he had made represented the wishes of his followers.
    "This does not seem to be the case, however, and consequently the services will be back on the air as usual tomorrow night," he said. That this explanation is made to correct in the minds of the public the erroneous impression which the misunderstanding with the pastor caused to be circulated locally, was further stated by Mr. Gates.
    "After consulting with the people who are really behind the Valley Radio Church, things were quickly smoothed out to the satisfaction of  most parties concerned," he said.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1929, page 6

    "As It Ain't" is the name of a farcical travesty on department store technique which will be broadcast over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, by Mann's Department Store, on their hour from 10 to 11 Wednesday morning.
    The little playlet is one of contrast. First, Mann's ready-to-wear department, with all its assortment of dainty spring frocks featured in "Dress Week," which begins Wednesday, will be presented briefly. Then will follow the ridiculous farce "As It Ain't," enacted by Jo Murray Rostel and Mary Greiner.
    Local housewives, and the public in general, will be interested and entertained by this novelty program, which promises to hold the interest and to prompt several good laughs during this hour.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1929, page 3

(Reviewed by Mary Gilbert)
    "The Leprechaun," a two-act Irish phantasy written by Miss Mary Greiner, reporter and writer of popular special stories for the Medford Mail Tribune, expressly for presentation by Copco from KMED Tuesday, March 19, is an important contribution to the growing literature of radio drama.    
    It is the story of a little colleen straight from Erin; of her search for the famous good-luck fairy of Ireland, the leprechaun, and of her finding it in the home given her by an American author and his wife and in the love of a handsome young sea captain named Terrence McBride.
    The brave little mother from whom Noreen learned to be looking for the leprechaun is not heard before the microphone--neither is the gallant Terrence. According to the peculiar technique of the radio drama they are made to live in the story through the conversation and dialogue of the other characters; Dwight Carlton, the author, read by Gene Wright; Gertrude Carlton, his wife, read by Jo Murray Rostel; and Noreen herself, read by Miss Greiner.
    These actors succeeded in producing authentic impressions of an irritable, depressed literary man changed to an eager, unselfish person successfully writing under fresh inspiration; a fashionable, sophisticated wife with too much leisure transformed into a thoughtful, interested woman; and a lonely little immigrant made over to the treasured daughter of a comfortable home--all because of the leprechaun.
    The announcing was done by W. A. Gates in his usual pleasing style. An original song, "Noreen O'Kane," the music to which was composed by Miss Maude Barrigar, director of physical education of Medford schools, was sung by Miss Eleanor Curry, popular soloist.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1929, page 3

    A fine musical program is in store for local radio fans who tune in on "Copco Hour" next Tuesday evening from 9 to 10 p.m. The program will feature a number of original songs written by Jeunesse Butler, well-known musician of this city. Miss Butler will be assisted by Nina Mulholland, contralto, and A. J. MacDonough, tenor, both of whom are prominent in local music circles.
    Although Miss Butler has been composing songs for some time, this will be the first time her compositions have been presented over station KMED.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1929, page 5

    Just about everything from a mouse trap to an airplane, only not including the latter, was pledged the American Legion for their auction sale by local residents who listened in on the Whoopee program over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, last night. The auction will be held next Saturday, July 20, on the lot next the chamber of commerce headquarters on Main Street.
    The program, in charge of Earle Davis, presented a group of local artists in a variety of numbers. They included Margaret Huntoon Williamson, Ellow Mae Wilson, Fletcher Fish, Melba Williams, William Kirkpatrick, Lloyd Williamson in vocal numbers; Betty Brown and Gladys LaMar on the piano; Miss Dorothy Ness and Mary Greiner in a skit; the Herb Alford orchestra in a group of jazz numbers; the American Legion drum corps and others.
    Between the numbers of the program, impresario Earle Davis made brief pleas for articles, pledges for which were phoned in at a rapid rate.
    The donations were as follows: A baby buggy and mattress; a flower pot, Standard Roofing Co.; an automobile, Aiken Motor Co.; $10 cash, Pinnacle Packing Co.; a five-gallon jug, a box of cigars, Jack Stewart; one piano, Palmer Piano House; service to get piano, Eads Transfer Co.; one suit of clothes, Model Clothing Co.: one electric range, People's Electric Store; one automobile, Armstrong Motors; one battery, Lewis Super Service; one range, Medford Electric Co.; one sweater, The Toggery; two nursery chairs; one white enameled tin bath tub, Modern Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works; electric vacuum cleaner, Gates and Lydiard; one $35 watch, Brophy Jewelers; one lawn mower, Monarch Mill and Seed Co.; one box cigars, Ross & Ross, of Central Point; $5 order on Hubbard Brothers; one electric washer, Southern Oregon Electric; $5 merchandise, Park Grocery, one Premium Ham, Marsh's Grocery; one bull calf, Ted Fish, Phoenix; one can cigars, Jensen and Dalley; one box of cigars, Putman and Hoffman; one Royal typewriter, Mason and Ehrman; one waterless cooker, Southern Oregon Gas Co.; one coat, one half dozen jars fruit, one thoroughbred dog, Mrs. Marshall.
    Donors of further articles are asked to call 3124, and the committee will call for contribution.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1929, page 5

Mail Tribune-Virgin Station Applies for Power Increase--Would Build New Plant--Carry Chain Hookup--National Range Possible--Station Site Is Optioned.
    Whether or not KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, will be granted an increase in power that will not only hook it up with one of the two big broadcasting chains of the country, but will send its own program to the farthest corners of the United States, will be decided at the meeting of the Federal Radio Commission to be held in Washington, D.C. next Tuesday, according to W. A. Gates, publicity director.
    The application sent in by the Medford station some months ago, asking for this increase, is now in the hands of the secretary of the commission and, according to Mr. Gates, will be one of the first matters considered at the meeting. The application is based in part on the large amount of service meted out by the local station to fruit growers and agriculturalists throughout the valley, which, in the case added power is given, will be extended throughout the state of Oregon and Northern California. This service, in cooperation with Floyd Young of the U.S. weather bureau, has heretofore been handicapped even locally through the interference of larger stations along the coast.
Site Optioned
    Pending the decision of the national body, KMED has obtained an option on a piece of land near the city and has arranged for its purchase as well as for the purchase of the latest broadcasting equipment, which will make the local station second to none in the United States in the quality of its broadcasts. The present equipment, in case the application is accepted, will be discarded entirely.   
    If Medford's hopes are realized to this extent, it will take only four or five months following the granting of the permit to erect the new station and install the equipment, Mr. Gates said this morning.
    Some months ago, Federal Radio Inspector Lovejoy from Seattle visited this territory and inspected the station as well as the methods by which it is conducted. He suggested at that time that an application for new power be sent into the commission. Later Mr. Gates went to Portland, where he interviewed Harold LaFount, federal radio commissioner from Washington, D.C., one of the five members of the federal board. After this conference, Mr. LaFount recommended sending in the application and promised to support Medford's request in every way possible.
Chains Interested
    If Medford is granted the power asked for in the application, the local station will be able to bring Rogue River Valley listeners the very best of the daytime entertainment available throughout the country. In addition to this, the local power will be sufficient to warrant the big chains presenting their programs through the Medford station.
    It is impossible to estimate the value this proposed increase of power would have for Medford, not only through the publicity it would bring to the city, but because no city even 10 times the size of Medford will have a station of that character.
    The announcement was prematurely forced from Mr. Gates due to the number of conflicting rumors regarding the situation that have found their way around the valley, he said this morning. The whole proposition rests upon the decision of the Federal Radio Commission, and their answer to Medford will no doubt be received here early Tuesday.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 29, 1929, page 1

    In the process of adding new equipment which will make the local set equivalent to 200 watts, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, went dark at 2:30 this afternoon, to remain so until 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning, according to an announcement made to this paper today. This is only a temporary arrangement, which will tide the local station over until the arrival of its complete outlay of new equipment to be installed in the future.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1929, page 3

Medford Station Gives More Sport Programs Than Any Coast Station--
Weather Reports Given Orchardists--Power Increase Planned--Station Advertises Community.
    Repeating its achievement of the year before, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio broadcasting station, in 1929 broadcasted the most football games, play by play, of any station on the Pacific coast regardless of size. Through this station and the courtesy of local business men, Medford and southern Oregon football fans listened to accurate accounts of practically every important game in which coast teams figured.
    On three occasions, the station was on the air beginning at 11 o'clock and continuing until late in the afternoon, giving account of two games, difference in time making it possible for play-by-play returns of eastern games in which western teams took part, to be broadcast in time to be followed by a game on the coast.
    Unlike larger stations, which contract to broadcast a certain number of games, the Medford station followed the championship trend of teams and placed on the air only the most important games.
World Series Broadcasted
    KMED was also the only station on the coast to broadcast complete returns of the World Series baseball games and [this] was done through the cooperation of the Mail Tribune, which began the use of radio three years ago to disseminate the news of the annual series. It has proven to be a popular service and has reached all southern Oregon and often distant parts of the state, keeping thousands of radio listeners informed with up-to-the-minute accounts.
    Another big service of the station is the daily, noon and evening broadcasts of news as received by Associated Press leased wires by the Mail Tribune. Short news notes of interest are broadcast at 12:30 each noon, followed by a more complete broadcast of news at 6:15 in the evening. These features have become a part of the household routine of hundreds of families, listening for the reading of the reports of foreign, national and local news, in addition to market and weather reports. A wisecrack, written daily by Arthur Perry in the Smudge Pot columns of the Mail Tribune, is also included.
Last-Minute News Given
    In addition to being on the air at these hours, the station has often broadcast news of especial interest, and it was only last month [sic] when the death of Governor Patterson, Saturday night, December 21, was put on the air 12 minutes after the first telegram was received in Medford. The station was silent at the time, but was immediately placed in operation to give all southern Oregon residents an opportunity to learn of his tragic passing.
    KMED is on the air beginning at 8 o'clock in the morning until four in the afternoon, continuously presenting programs of a varied nature for business men of Medford and other cities in the county. Dinner-hour concerts are also given, in addition to good programs in the evening, including radio dramas, music recitals and other numbers of musical interest. Church services are broadcast each Sunday evening, with studio services followed by services by the International Bible School.
Help to Orchardists
    The station in the spring of each year is of especial importance to the orchardists of Rogue River Valley. Floyd Young, government frost expert arriving each year in the spring, sends frost warnings through the station, which is open to his use at any time. If it were not for this service, orchardists would likely spend many sleepless nights, now eliminated by merely listening to the daily frost reports, usually given between the hours of eight and ten each night.
Power Increase Planned
    However, due to atmospheric conditions, there are some orchards in the valley that have difficulty of listening to Medford, and to overcome these conditions, made worse by undue interference, the station is planning to increase its power so that its important service in protecting the annual five-million-dollar fruit crop may be 100 percent successful. The value of the station for frost work has been confirmed by Mr. Young in a sworn statement.
    Sudden unexpected drops in temperature are predicted by Mr. Young, giving orchardists information which they otherwise would never know.
    Another feature of the station is the daily broadcast at 6:30 of special syndicate educational hours for schoolchildren. KMED is the only small station to have this service and [it] is proving to be immensely popular.
    KMED also bears the distinction of being the only station in the entire United States to be owned and operated by a woman, Mrs. W. J. Virgin. There is another that is owned by a woman, but is not operated by the owner. She has been devoting her entire time to the station and has developed it in a high standard and made it almost a part of every household in southern Oregon having radio receiving sets. It is the official Mail Tribune station, being run in conjunction with this newspaper.
    It was established December 26, 1927 [sic], by W. J. Virgin, who died January 28, 1928. He was southern Oregon's radio pioneer, and established his radio station here when radio was still in its infancy. It was known as KFAY, and was one of the very few on the Pacific coast. He laid the foundation for the present success.
    The staff of KMED is as follows: Lee Bishop, announcer, program director and continuity writer; Hum Greig, sales manager; Floyd Rush, engineer; Eddie Randall, assistant announcer and assistant engineer. Mr. Bishop has proven himself an unqualified success, and his easily understood voice is heard by thousands daily. Mr. Rush has been with the station for several years and formerly also did the announcing.
    The station is recognized through the southern part of the state and also in northern California, where it is easily heard, as being one of the biggest and best publicity mediums for Medford.
    Whenever it is off the air temporarily, telephone calls arrive at the studio headquarters by the hundreds from anxious radio listeners.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1929, page B7

    The broadcast of the Sharkey-Scott fight last night by KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, was enthusiastically received throughout Southern Oregon, and the station today was in receipt of many expressions of appreciation. The broadcast, blow by blow, from the ringside, the first one of its kind to have ever been attempted by this station, was made possible through the cooperation of the Mail Tribune and rebroadcasting from KNX at Hollywood, Cal., which had made arrangements with the Associated Press for such service.
    The reception here was clear, and some fans report better than from KNX direct, due to many noises having been eliminated through rebroadcasting. The station was prepared for the broadcasting in 40 minutes after receiving permission from the Mail Tribune to give the service to its many listeners.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 28, 1930, page 3

    So true to life that it probably reminded listeners of similar conditions in their own homes, "Those Who Live In Glass Houses," a play by Nell von der Hellen of Wellen, was broadcast this forenoon over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station for the Economy Groceria, with Earl Davis, Helen Brayton and Dick Sleeter as the characters. It was one of the writer's best efforts.
    What family is there that does not find greater faults in the children of neighbors than in their own, and what family does not immediately rush to the defense of their own children if they are made the objects of criticism by others? "Tim Jones," "Sophronia," his wife, and "Timothy, Jr.," could easily be an average family.
    The author has a delightful way in writing her dialogue and is developing such a large following that her weekly plays are becoming a matter of anticipation for radio listeners.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1930, page 5

    Declared to be her best radio playlet since she began writing, "Zipplie's Beaux," by Mrs. Nell von der Hellen of Wellen, was broadcast over KMED, the Mail Tribune Virgin station, yesterday for the Economy Groceteria. An original plot, well acted by Helen Brayton, Wiott Clark and Earle Davis, followed the efforts of two country swains in making love to a country lass.
    As it happened, the musician, played by Wiott Clark, failed to ride a donkey and lost $200 on a bet to his rival, who also won the girl. The play was filled with clever lines and brought numerous telephone calls of appreciation to the radio station.
    Wiott Clark, whose radio experience has been limited, is declared to have taken his part remarkably well, and it is probable that Southern Oregon radio fans will hear him often in plays to be produced in the future.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1930, page 6

    No concert broadcast over KMED is more appreciated or puts the listening public in a happier condition than that given by Jim Grieve's Prospectors from 12:30 to 1 p.m. every Saturday. This trio of mountain artists only plays old-time airs and tunes, which set the feet of the valley's residents to jiggling in unison and their voices to humming.
    They are: James E. Grieve at the piano; Frank Simpson on the violin; Wiot Clark on the guitar and Dewey Hill as relief fiddler and manipulator of the bones. They play such tunes--and play with so much artistry and feeling that everybody cheers up, especially those of past generations--as "Arkansaw Traveler," "Turkey in the Straw," "Hell Among the Yearlings," and other refined and religious melodies.
    The Prospectors, according to Mr. Grieve, who also does the announcing, are the highest salaried radio artists the other side of the Rogue River, and play for the White Machinery Company hour.
    Frank Simpson is well known throughout the county as one of Southern Oregon's best fiddlers. Jim Grieve is a past master at the piano, having learned to play the instrument while associating, off duty, with the Filipinos during the war with Spain; Wiot Clark is as adept in handling the guitar, and Dewey Hill as a fiddler and rattler of bones possesses rare musical talent, picked up in years gone by in boiler and other factories and slaughter houses.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1930, page 6  The last paragraph is not to be taken seriously.

    For the first time in its history, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, will be included in a network broadcast program next Sunday forenoon from 10 to 11 o'clock, to present a special "Watchtower" program, sponsored by the International Bible Students Association, originating in the Oakland studios of KFWM.
    The network will include 30 other stations along the coast, from San Diego to Vancouver and back to Salt Lake City and Denver.
    High spots of the broadcast include grand organ solos, selections by a symphony orchestra, lecture by Judge J. F. Rutherford, regarded as on of the foremost Bible students, having a worldwide following. The program will conclude with a number by a selected quartet.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1930, page B1

Standard Broadcast Chain Will Include Mail Tribune-Virgin station, Kiwanis Club Told.
    High-class radio programs, usually only associated with metropolitan stations, are assured Medford and Southern Oregon radio listeners through arrangements now being completed, including KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, as a member of the Standard Broadcast chain, extending from Bellingham, Wash., to San Diego, Calif., with the key station located at Hollywood. Such plans were announced by Humboldt Gregg of the KMED staff at today's luncheon of the Kiwanis Club at the Hotel Medford.
    There is a possibility that the station will also be included in the Columbia chain, Mr. Gregg said. Through the new arrangement, KMED will probably be on the air from the morning hours until midnight, presenting some of the best programs the Pacific Coast has to offer. He also entertained the probability that the power of the local station will be increased in the near future from 50 to 500 watts upon the permission of the Federal Radio Commission.
History Told
    Mr. Gregg reviewed the history of KMED, dating back nine years when W. J. Virgin, deceased, established KFAY at the county fairgrounds, where it was operated for some time, not only for the entertainment of Medford but for the entire Pacific Coast. At that time the air was not crowded, and a 50-watt station could be heard for hundreds of miles, and in this case letters came from Australia, distant parts of the nation and from distant lands, telling of good reception. That day is gone, the average radius at the present time for 50 watts being 50 miles. However, KMED has been heard on the East Coast a number of times.
    The speaker also explained various phases of station operation and the method in which big broadcast chains furnish programs to its chain members.
    The Kiwanis Club discussed the joint picnic to be held in a short time with the Ashland club in Lithia Park, where it is to be followed by dancing. H. O. Frohbach and John C. Mann were announced as chairmen in charge of programs for August.
    Two duets were sung during the luncheon hour by the Crews sisters, regular KMED entertainers. They were well received.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1930, page 1


    A feature of KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, that is attracting general attention throughout Southern Oregon is the daily morning period from 8 to 8:30 during which time birthday greetings are extended to persons whose birthdays occur on the respective days the programs are given.
    Local residents through this period are enabled to extend birthday greetings to friends or relatives on their natal day. Seven greetings were recently extended during one period and the number is expected to show continued growth. Often in addition to being wished a happy birthday, the persons whose births are the cause of the greetings are also told to look behind the davenport, under the porch swing or any other part of the house or yard for a gift.
    The period is sponsored by the Economy Groceteria.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1930, page 3

    Nine o'clock tomorrow morning is the time set for tickets to go on sale at the new Holly Theater, for the initial performance, which will start at 8:15. Only one performance will be given.
    In celebration of the opening, a Holly Jubilee will be broadcast this evening over the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, from 8 to 12. A group of valley artists will be present at the studio, including Jim Grieve and his orchestra, Frankie and Al, the Crews sisters, Banjo Jackson and George Olsen.
    Frankie and Al, who appear daily on KMED programs, will make their first public appearance in Medford on the stage at the Holly tomorrow evening. Frank Delmar and Alvin Briggs play the steel and standard guitars. They have been with station KFRC and other popular broadcasting houses in the South, and also on NBC programs.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1930, page 1

    Each Thursday evening, the radio audience of KMED, Mail Tribune-Virgin station, has the opportunity to express its wishes in musical programs. Uncle Willard, the genial host, keeps plenty of lively humor in the 15-minute program, appearing from 7:45 until 8 o'clock each Thursday evening. There's a contest between the popular band and the quartet that proves interesting and entertaining. Listeners will find this 15-minute program one of the hits on the schedule of the local station.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1930, page 5

    Hellograms, weddinggrams, arrivalgrams and goodbyegrams were traveling through the air this morning to friends in all sections of the Rogue River Valley as the Friendship Circle Hour, sponsored by Gates and Lydiard, was broadcast from the Mail Tribune-Virgin station KMED.
    Telephone calls and letters brought in the good wishes and remembrances which were broadcast to bring happiness to many homes of Southern Oregon.
    "Bon voyage" was called to several prospective travelers and a bright "Good morning" to shut-ins who are unable to greet their friends in person.
    A long list of "happy birthdays" and other greetings were broadcast yesterday.
    The newest gram added to the program today was a tooth-out gram, sent to Humboldt Gregg, who is recovering from the extraction of his favorite molar.
    The Friendship Circle Hour will be broadcast each morning under the auspices of Gates and Lydiard, offering the people of the valley a new and pleasing method of expressing their appreciation of friendship.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1930, page 8

United Broadcasting Co. Chain to Start Service Nov. 1--
Famed Artists Will Be Heard.

    Radio fans of Southern Oregon, with those of other Pacific Coast states, are welcoming the announcement made yesterday by Los Angeles officials of the formation of a new coastwide radio chain of nine stations with KXL as the Portland outlet, and KMED, Medford, and KORE, Eugene, as the other Oregon members. The new network will be operated by the United Broadcasting Company.
    The company was formed by Frederick S. Dahlquist, who has been in the broadcasting business for some time, and Maurice G. Cleary, formerly vice-president and treasurer of the United Artists corporation. The company also includes a group of bankers, business and motion picture men in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
    Richard V. Haller, former manager of KGW and the Northwestern Broadcasting Company, will be associated with the network as production manager. Haller is at present handling the Cecil and Sally programs.
Starts November 1
    Headquarters for the new chain will be established in Los Angeles, and operations are scheduled to begin November 1.
    The member stations are KMED, Medford; KXA, Seattle; KVOS, Bellingham, Wash.; KXL, Portland; KORE, Eugene; KTAB, San Francisco; KFWB, Los Angeles; KTM, Los Angeles; and KGB, San Francisco.
    The network service will be a daily feature of all member stations, according to the statement issued by Mr. Dahlquist. World-famous entertainers of the stage and the films, educational features and important events will be broadcast.
    Included in the directorate of the United Broadcasting Company are: Louis Davis, Jr., chairman of the board, American States Public Service Company; W. E. Vogelback, president of the American Engineering and Management Company; Edward Heller, banker, San Francisco; Kenneth Humphries, executive of Boeing Airplane Company, George Comstock, official of Electrical Products Corporation, Seattle; Herbert Ihrig, vice president Livingston Brothers, merchants of Seattle; and Gen. A. W. Bjornstad, capitalist.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 8, 1930, page 2

United Broadcasting Co. On Air Nightly Through Local Station, Is Announcement.
    The first program to be broadcast over the new network by the United Broadcasting Company, Ltd., will be heard by Southern Oregon radio fans next Wednesday evening, when Medford is added in the hookup with nine leading radio stations of the Pacific Coast, it was announced today at KMED headquarters.
    The first program has been delayed until Wednesday evening to avoid interference with election reports Tuesday and will be one of unusual interest to all radio-minded residents of the valley. These programs will be on the air seven nights a week from 7 to 10 p.m. Many of them will originate in the Warner Bros. studio in Hollywood, Cal.
    Wednesday night's inaugural broadcast program will open with Abe Lyman's orchestra at 7 o'clock. Leo Carrillo, well-known star of the stage, and one of the West's favorite comedians, will also entertain at this time. From 7:30 to 8 o'clock the United staff introductory program will be heard including Liborius Hauptman and orchestra, Dorothy Lewis, contralto, and G. Donald Gray, baritone. From 8 to 8:30 Sylvan Noack, violinist, concert master of Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra and Hollywood Bowl concerts, and Nathan Stewart, baritone, winner of the Hollywood Bowl audition, will be heard along with orchestra numbers by the staff orchestra.
Will Dedicate Chain
    The half hour from 8 p.m. to 9 will be devoted to the reading of messages, a brief dedicatory talk and orchestra numbers.
    Warner Bros. KFWB studio kaleidoscopic program will be on the air from 9 to 9:30, followed by the Cauldron singers of Pasadena, directed by Roy V. Rhodes. A male chorus of 45 voices will be included in this program.
    From 9:45 to 10, the grand finale will be presented by the United staff.
    Headquarters for the new network are in Los Angeles. Wiring is now in progress at the local station and equipment has been installed for the opening night. Two amplifiers have been added to the equipment to ensure the public constant entertainment. If one amplifier fails to function the turn of a switch will continue the program on the other.
Have Own Telegraph
    Each station in the network is equipped with a communication system in the form of printer telegraph machines, similar to those employed for wire service on newspapers. Two machines have been installed in the local office to provide for duplication in this field.
    The five men already employed at the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, KMED, will continue to operate the station after the hookup.
    This hookup is believed to be only the first step in a large program of expansion to be accomplished by station KMED within the near future. No definite announcement of further plans, however, has been made.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1930, page 2

Local Station Receives Many Commendations on New Service
Furnished by U.S.B. Chain.

    The steady ring of the phone when KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, is connected with the United Broadcasting Co., as well as the personal messages and letters received at the station's studios, indicates the radio audience of the local station is more than pleased with the new and fine features released each evening.
    Inauguration of the chain facilities through KMED has culminated a dream of months, that the listeners would have available through their own station the very finest in programs. With the United Broadcasting Company furnishing features each evening of the week over KMED, local fans have for their pleasure the same high type of entertainment found on any of the coast stations. It makes possible the furnishing of the best in radio, as has always been the aim of the management of KMED.
Medford Complimented
    The inaugural program Wednesday evening from seven to ten o'clock was particularly well balanced. Abe Lyman and his popular California orchestra was the first presentation.
    Much local attention was called to the dedicatory talk given by Mr. Dahlquist, vice-president of the UBC, in which he paid Medford and vicinity a high compliment. Mr. Dahlquist stated that the slogan, "This Is a Great Country," should be on the automobile of every car in the states of Washington, Oregon and California.
    The features scheduled for release over the UBC will present music, entertainment, education and news on a high plane. Following are some of the regular features:
    Abe Lyman and his California orchestra; groups of entertainers for the classics, including the Cauldron Singers, reviews presenting famous stage and screen personalities, modernistic music under the direction of Charles Bradshaw; Tom Breneman of "Tom and Wash" fame, children's hour, dramatic and operatic sketches, Sunday recitals and other features.
    Each evening the local station will adapt its schedules so that UBC programs will be released. The UBC features will be found each evening in the Mail Tribune under the KMED column.   
Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1930, page 3

    Three invalids at the county convalescent hospital no longer face the prospect of sitting through long winter evenings without the entertainment and comfort of radio music. A few days ago, the Mail Tribune published a request for a radio set that would function sufficiently to make life more enjoyable at the hospital.
    The appeal resulted in the donation of an all-electric Crosley radio set by the Palmer Music House. It was installed yesterday afternoon through the courtesy of Verl Walker, radio technician, assisted by Oscar Dunford and Dr. B. C. Wilson, county health officer.
    The loudspeaker for the set was donated by L. D. Robinson of 417 Woodstock avenue, who was willing to donate the battery eliminators if necessary.
    KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin radio station, also took an interest in the county hospital and was preparing a special broadcast to raise funds to purchase a set for the three invalids if none had been donated.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1930, page 3

    KMED, local radio station, will have a hearing before the Federal Radio Commission in Washington, D.C., January 28, on its application to increase its power from 50 to 500 watts.
    At a hearing held several months ago this request was refused because the state of Oregon now has double its allotment of power on the air. Hearing on the application of Bruce Dennis to establish a station in Klamath Falls will be heard at the same time as the Medford station's plea.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 8, 1930, page 1

    Radio fans of Southern Oregon are glad to learn that "Fog," one of Helen Norris' most popular radio dramas, will be broadcast this evening from station KNX, Hollywood, at 9 o'clock.
    This play written by the local authoress has been broadcast by four coast stations and has been accepted as one of the best works she has completed.
    It will be presented under the direction of Miss Georgia Fifield, who will play the leading role of Sal. Sal is the young wife of Dan Loomis, who rebels at the drab life she is living and plans to escape with Dan's younger brother.
    Many intriguing situations arise, which are especially well adapted to radio presentation.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1931, page 5

Helen Norris' Plays Please Radio World, "Fog" Is Acclaimed Favorite
    Admirers of radio drama were especially entertained on Monday evening when "Fog," Miss Helen Norris' most recent and most enthusiastically received radio drama, was broadcast by station KNX, Hollywood, Monday evening.
    The work of the local authoress was presented under the direction of Miss Georgia Fifield, who also played the leading role of Sal.
    This character conquered the radio audience with her expression of rebellion against the drab life she was leading with her husband, Dan Loomis. Her effort to escape with his younger brother and all the events which followed held the radio audience intrigued until the close of the drama.
    Critics of the coast, who have heard "Fog" broadcast by other stations, describe it as Miss Norris' greatest radio production.
    The number of plays written by the Medford artist and accepted by leading stations of the coast has increased greatly this winter. Few weeks pass by without at least one Norris drama in the air.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1931, page 4

Local Laundryman Before Microphone for Year.
Talks About Weaving, American Revolution and Science.

    For the past two years, starting January 1st, 1929, Glen Fabrick, well-known local business man, has set aside thirty minutes each Tuesday morning, to give an interesting talk over the microphone of the local radio station.
    Mr. Fabrick's work, in the past twenty-four months, has been outstanding, for the type of programs, the subject of talks and careful development of the many things of interest he has spoke of have indicated a sincerity of purpose in giving Southern Oregon radio fans information that is not readily found in the ordinary channels of activity.
    Starting, originally, with a scientific research of modern methods in weaving and the manufacture of textiles, the series of talks has covered a wide variety of subjects, some far from the starting point or original interest. For nine months Mr. Fabrick talked on textiles, cottons, wools and linens, showing their weaknesses and points of strength. Included in this series was instruction on weaving and dyeing, and the proper methods of laundering. At the conclusion of the talks on textiles, there was conducted a verbal trip through a modern power laundry, which explained each scientific method for proper laundering and protection of garments.
    Finding this subject exhausted after the completion of the nine consecutive months of discourse, Mr. Fabrick, at the suggestion of many friends, turned to an entirely different subject; one which is of interest to every American--the American Revolution. With the thought in mind that there were many things yet to learn concerning the first American heroes, Mr. Fabrick spent some months in telling personal incidents in the lives of the men who developed the thought for the Revolution and men who precipitated the action. Such men as Rosseau, Voltaire and Thomas Paine were discussed, and then followed the series on George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and the lesser heroes including Henry Clay, J. C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster and John Randolph.
     There were two subjects, rich in memory, and the series was most interesting, but to add variety to his talks, Mr. Fabrick went to no small amount of trouble in studying the history of the development of our modern knowledge of microbes and germs.
    Starting from the very beginning, the speaker discussed Leeuwenhoek, the Hollander who discovered and developed the microscope; Spallanzanie, the Italian genius who evolved the theory that life is not spontaneous, but that it must have parents; Robert Koch, the German who discovered the control for the Black Plague; Louis Pasteur, the French man who saved the French wine and silk industry and who demonstrated the effect of heat upon germs and bacteria; Theobald Smith, the American who gained control of the Texas fever among cattle, and Ross and Grassi, who with Walter Reed and James Carroll studied and developed a method of control for the malaria.
    The series now being studied concerns the development of the Western and Southern United States, and such men as Andrew Jackson and Sam Houston, who is now being discussed. This series will also include highlights from the lives of Kit Carson, Lewis and Clark, Whitman and others whose names are synonymous with Western development.
    The scope and development of these talks, over the past months, has been of commanding interest and each Tuesday morning finds many Southern Oregon people at their radios awaiting the announcement that Glen Fabrick and his dog "Spotty" are in the studios of the local station, ready to take their part in aiding to entertain through furnishing something that is at once instructive and interesting.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1931, page B1

    Unique in character, as well as distinctively individual, the Friendship Circle Hour, sponsored by the Economy Groceteria over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, is gradually spreading in popularity until all of Southern Oregon and much of California are participating, developments in the hour have shown.
    Within the last few days, the carrying power of KMED has been increased and from the added territory, many responses have been received--Roseburg, Klamath Falls and Northern California towns being well represented.
    "The Friendship Circle is intended to be exactly what the name would imply," said W. A. Gates of the Groceteria last evening. "The whole purpose of our program is to promote friendship--the only thing that makes life worth living. With this in view, we extended the facilities of the station during the time engaged by us to the public for the exchange of greetings in connection with birthdays, wedding anniversaries, messages to the sick, goodbyes to travelers, greetings upon their return--in fact any kind of message that would tend to a renewal of old friendship or a strengthening of the tie that binds friend to friend.
    "The renewal of friendship is really our greatest wish," continued Mr. Gates. "How often do the closest friends of either through a change of residence or occupation unconsciously drift apart? Greetings by radio from others to some of these old friends have prompted some to follow on the telephone with a personal greeting, and old friendships have been renewed that would otherwise have been broken. Worthwhile, isn't it?
    "The circle hour is on KMED every day from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. Its present popularity makes it difficult on some days to handle all the greetings. It may possibly be too heavy for the customary 30 minutes," Mr. Gates concluded, adding, "Well, I hope so and when it does we'll take care of it."

Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1931, page 2

    Verl C. Walker, well-known local radio technician, has received the distinguished honor of being elected an associate member of the Institute of Radio Engineers, and was so informed by a letter received from institute headquarters in New York City last week. Mr. Walker has made a lifelong study of the radio field and is thoroughly familiar with its many details.
    He began his study back in 1912 when he "messed up" the family woodshed with electrical contraptions and carried on a patient study that kept him up all hours of the night. He attended the Central Point schools and was graduated there in 1921 and continued his education in Los Angeles. Coming back to Medford two years later, he was still following radio research and his name was soon brought to the attention of the Palmer Music House.
    He has been the radio technician for that establishment for several years and has developed an enviable reputation in his chosen field.
    "We certainly wish to congratulate Verl upon his success in becoming a member of the Institute of Radio Engineers," said Clayton Isaac, manager of the Palmer Music House yesterday. "We are glad he will continue with us, for the paramount necessity in any service department is having available an engineer who understands what he knows."

Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1931, page 7

Latest Broadcasting Devices Will Be Installed at Local Station--
Studios To Be Enlarged, Remodeled.

    Following a recent permit to increase operating power from fifty to one hundred watts, the local radio station has announced that a reconstruction program is to be started that will make KMED one of the most modernly equipped radio stations on the coast.
    Work on the transmitter will be begun at once, and when completed will represent an entirely new machine, modern in every respect. After installation of improved radio circuits, amplifiers and ground systems, there will be installed several condenser microphones for studio and desk announcing. This will make dependable and unhampered radio reception possible at all hours. Immediately following the construction and installation of the one hundred watt transmitter, general work will be started for complete remodeling of the studios. Additional room has been acquired and will, under the new plan, provide for a separate reception room, studio announcers' booth, guest appearance booth, transmitter and equipment room and a general office.
    Throughout the main studio there will be a covering of an insulating material which will make possible the live, sparkling tone that is now demanded but which will also do away with the overtones and echoes. The private reception room will accommodate visitors to the station, without interruption of any sort to those participating in programs. Glass partitions will be provided to make possible witnessing of broadcast programs, and a new monitoring system of loudspeakers is to be installed so that both operators and visitors will have a clear and easy check on all programs. The speaker system will be installed in the transmitter room, the announcers' booth and the reception room. A system of colored light will be employed for all announcer's signals to entertainers.
    The design and color scheme throughout will be on the modernistic tone with new furniture and equipment for all uses.
    The construction and remodeling work will take in the neighborhood of six weeks for completion and will represent a local industry that has thoroughly kept pace with all angles of a constantly changing and improving field. The date for open house will be announced when the studios have been completed and are ready for public inspection.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1931, page 8

    Due to improvements being made at the broadcast studios in the Sparta Building, KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, will be operating on condensed schedule for the next three weeks. Considerable work has already been done, but much remains before the improvement program will have been completed.
    The studio is being remodeled, with the operating department enclosed in glass. The studio will also be lined with new sound insulation. In a short time the station will begin the installation of a new 100-watt transmitter.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1931, page 6

    The major reconstruction and remodeling of KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, is now rapidly nearing completion, with the exception of decorating and trimming of the studios and offices. The work is expected to be completed within the next ten days. At that time an official opening will be announced with invitations extended to the public to inspect the new studios, located in the Sparta Building.
    The general design and layout of the studios, monitor room and transmitter rooms are such that maximum efficiency will be gained from all broadcast efforts, whether by studio, transcription, chain, remote control and records. The rooms have been made soundproof with a double layer of insulation, assuring a more even and pleasant tone basis for programs.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1931, page 5

Local Radio Station Beautifully Remodeled and Decorated. Will Be Open for Public Inspection.
    The long-awaited formal opening of the local radio station, KMED, has been planned for broadcast Thursday evening, May twenty-first, between the hours of seven-thirty and twelve o'clock. After many months of work in rebuilding of transmitter and studios, the station is now in complete readiness for public inspection. The plans for the opening call for civic or dedication ceremonies between seven-thirty and eight-thirty on the evening of this coming Thursday. At that hour there will be talks from the studios by representatives of the local Chamber of Commerce, city council and other civic bodies, together with a short informal talk by Mrs. W. J. Virgin, owner and operator of KMED. From eight-thirty until midnight there will be conducted open house, for the benefit of all in this part of the country who would like to inspect, first hand, the studios, transmitting equipment and furnishings of the new station. The program from the studios will feature Don Provosts and His Pep Peddlers, alternating in half-hour cycles with Jim Grieves and His Prospectors. In this manner, two of the finest entertaining organizations obtainable will be on hand for entertainment on the air and for entertainment of visitors to the studios.
    The management of KMED, while employing, in as far as was possible, local supplies and labor, has succeeded in making the station one of the show places of Southern Oregon. There has been no effort nor money spared in bringing the transmitting equipment to its highest possible point of operating efficiency, and at present the station is operating on the new one hundred watts power officially granted by the radio commission. This is just double the power that the original station was employing.
    Even before the studios were officially opened to the public, visitors found their way to the studios of the station, in the Sparta Building, and without exception remarked about its unusual beauty. Time, effort and talent have made it possible to transform an ordinary room into a garden of Oriental delight. The soft hues and colors of China, and the Far East, together with the symbolical decorations, foo dogs, rich tapestries, etc., have combined to make not only a most efficient studio for the transmission of sound, but a most unusual and altogether beautiful studio.
    Because there has been so much effort expended in making the new studios so attractive and efficient, the management of KMED sincerely hopes that visitors will make the tour of inspection on Thursday evening next, when special features will make the visit most pleasant.
    Mrs. W. J. Virgin, owner and operator, is most ably assisted in the operation of station KMED by Mr. F. M. Rush, who has been with the station almost from its first inception under the direction of W. J. Virgin, its founder. Mr. Rush is well known locally and holds the position of chief technician. It was largely due to his untiring efforts that KMED is still on the air, as no task is too small or too large for "Floyd," as he is better known, to undertake, to better Medford's popular broadcasting station.
    Mrs. Virgin is also assisted in the operation by Mr. L. P. Bishop, the affable commercial manager; David Reese, announcer and technician--the local boy with the real radio voice; Hal McCracken, also announcer and technician, and Liston Bowden, assistant engineer.
    One thing about KMED is the fact that this station has kept well ahead of the growth of Medford, and with the advent of the opening of the newly remodeled station Medford can well feel proud of the efforts of Mrs. W. J. Virgin and her co-workers, for they have placed at the service of Medford patrons a station that would be a credit to any city. In fact, the newly equipped station is better than can be found almost anywhere along the coast, so be sure to go to the opening. If you have never visited a broadcasting station, go, and if you have been there before go anyway and show your appreciation to the managers of the local station who have so untiringly worked to keep Medford on the air.
    The new station in the Sparta Building is a dream; it is well equipped--but best of all it is Medford's own station. We just let Mrs. Virgin operate it and pay the bills, but Medford receives the glory and the advertising.
    If you cannot attend the opening, send flowers and then sit at home and tune in and celebrate the best you can, as Medford is permanently on the air, and has the ONE BEST broadcasting station along the Pacific coast.
Pacific Record Herald, May 14, 1931, page 1

    Entrants in the Walkathon contest, to officially open next Tuesday at the Oriental Gardens, will practice this evening for several hours during the dance at the gardens, featuring Sherman's Siskiyouans orchestra. They will be on the floor walking for practice to determine how they will take the real contest, which is expected to cover several hundred hours.
    Sherman's orchestra will be on the air tonight at 8 o'clock over KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station. The program will be sponsored by McPherson's clothing store. There will also be a broadcast from the Oriental Gardens an hour and one-half later.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1931, page 3

    Of interest to local and Southern Oregon people is the announcement of the radio station KMED that public opening for viewing the new studios and transmitting equipment has been set for Thursday evening. On that evening, there will be broadcast a special program from the studios, so that all visitors may see firsthand just how broadcasting is done under the new arrangement of studios, monitoring room and transmitter.
    The Thursday evening opening marks the culmination of several months' intensive effort in reconstruction through the entire station. New transmitters, operating rooms, studios, equipment, fixtures and decorations are now in readiness for the opening, and it is expected that quite a large number of number of Southern Oregon people will make the tour of the station on opening night. Complete opening night program announcements are to be made later in this paper.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 17, 1931, page 3

Local Radio Station a Credit to Medford
    Medford people will be agreeably surprised by the many improvements that have been made when they attend the opening of the local KMED station [in the Sparta Building] Thursday night, May 21.
    After broadcasting for the radio audience in southern Oregon all manner of queer sounds of hammering, sawing, sliding, etc. for the past few months, the local radio station is now in readiness to welcome the public for the opening night. All work has been completed on the new station, and transmitters as well as studios are now ready for display.
    The program for the opening night is to be divided into two distinct sections. The first time division, from 7:30 until 8:30 opening night, will be set aside for the civic dedication ceremonies, which will be broadcast from the studios and which local radio fans may hear in their own homes. From 8:30 until midnight there will be conducted open house, with cordial invitations extended to everyone. The feature programs on the air during open house will consist of music by Provost's dance band, alternating with Jim Grieve's Prospectors. In this way there will be plenty of entertainment for those who will be unable to visit the station during opening night ceremonies, as well as those who are expected to stop in and view first-hand the completely new KMED.
    The complete revision of room plans now makes it possible to have transmitter space, monitoring for operating space, separate studios, offices and reception rooms, all partitioned off with double glass windows. This makes observation of activities easy, yet does not interfere with any programs being broadcast. The transmitter is now operating on the authorized 100 watts in place of the original 50, and represents a completely new machine. Along with the transmitter has come the new-type condenser microphones, etc., which make modern studio or recorded broadcast easily possible.
    Studios of the station have been designed along unusual, yet delightfully effective, Oriental lines. Shaded lights, colors, decorations, tapestries, symbolical foo dogs, all blend to create a distinctive Oriental atmosphere. The effect in evening is most pleasant, for the absence of direct sunlight gives full play on the colors and color combinations.
    The station with its new studios and transmitter represents a local organization which has grown along with local needs in radio entertainment, and because of the strong interest shown in KMED activities there is expected a large number of people for the opening ceremonies Thursday evening next.
    The local radio station was founded in 1922 and known as KFAY, being located at the fair grounds, and it was there that the entire equipment of the station was stolen during the years 1924 and 1925. In 1926 the new KMED was founded by W. J. Virgin and officially recorded, and since that time has been individually owned, first by W. J. Virgin exclusively, then by Mrs. W. J. Virgin, his widow. The station is recorded as single ownership, no other persons or interests having any financial investment in it.
    The opening scheduled for Thursday evening, May 21, is open to all of the of the people of this vicinity, and an urgent request is sent out in the hope that many will attend.
Medford Daily News, May 19, 1931, page 3

Public Invited to Inspect Remodeled KMED Thursday Night.
Two Orchestras on Air During Evening--
Station Now Among Most Attractive on Pacific Coast.

    Following weeks of reconstruction and remodeling, KMED, the Virgin radio station, will be officially opened tomorrow evening at 7:30 and continuing until midnight. The public is invited to inspect the station on that night, with many of the visitors to be introduced over the microphone.
    The services of two orchestras have been secured to supply music for the evening. Dom Provost's Pep Peddlers of Ashland will play late popular tunes, while Jim Grieve's Prospect Orchestra will specialize in old-time music.
Chinese Decorations Motif
    The visitors will be shown this entire studio, regarded as one of the most attractive on the Pacific Coast. The Chinese idea has been used in the arrangement and decoration of the studio, gold and black predominating. Evidence of the former station have been entirely removed and the rooms so remodeled that there is now no similarity between the old KMED and the new.
    Silhouette pictures, Chinese lamps, foo dogs and deep-seated davenports are among the characteristic touches in the studio, which is described as being far ahead of any 100-watt station on the Pacific Coast.
    The remodeling has encased the announcer and his equipment in a room walled by double panes of glass, reducing the possibility of foreign noises during the broadcasting of programs to a minimum.
Occupies Six Rooms
    The reception room and office are located on the north end of the studio, which occupies six rooms. The broadcasting room is now as large as the entire former station and includes a special room for guest announcers. To the rear of the monitoring and announcers' room, the phonograph record library and work room are located. The station has been arranged for the greatest convenience in operation.
    The transmitting equipment is of the latest type and increases the transmitting range of KMED by quite a distance, placing Eugene in the daylight range. Its operation will be explained to the visitors.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1931, page 6

    Medford's radio station, KMED, has developed a well rounded out schedule of programs, including daily news service furnished by the Mail Tribune.
    The station goes on the air each morning at 7:55 with a breakfast broadcast of news, followed by news flashes at 12:30 and a regular news broadcast each evening at 5:45. These broadcasts are heard by thousands of listeners daily and are a big feature of the station.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1931, page 6

First Programs Put on Air by W. J. Virgin from Small 50-Watt Set
at County Fairgrounds, 1922.

    Back in 1922 when radio broadcasting was in its infancy and it was not everyone who had a receiving set to provide the reception of programs now heard by thousands of Southern Oregon residents, W. J. (Bill) Virgin pioneered the second broadcasting station in Oregon and the fifth of the Pacific Coast at a time when such ventures were not considered a sound investment.
    He established KFAY at the county fairgrounds and through his own efforts provided programs for radio enthusiasts whose numbers were far less than today. That venture was the foundation for the later establishment of KMED, now heard regularly by thousands of listeners withing its 200-mile radius.
Had Wide Radius
    With Floyd Rush, Mr. Virgin constructed the KFAY broadcasting equipment, a far cry from modern apparatus, but it served the purpose so well that with its 50-watt power it was heard in all parts of the United States and was also heard in Alaska and Honolulu.  Mr. Rush continues to be identified with the station and today is the supervising engineer of KMED.
    In the early days of KFAY, the present-day microphones were unknown and the common telephone receiver was used to transmit programs over the air. For better efficiency a phonograph horn was placed in front of the transmitter to catch all sounds and transform them into radio waves. In receiving KFAY programs, loudspeakers were not in general use and headphones were a necessary part of any set.
Equipment Stolen.
    For two years Mr. Virgin operated KFAY, managing it, announcing and gathering up talent for programs, but as broadcasting had not come into general commercial use, he received little outside help and it was up to him personally to see that the station operated. Programs were given during the evening and the station continued to be located at the fairgrounds, until thieves one night broke into the station and stole the entire equipment.
    The apparatus was later located in Central Point and KFAY was temporarily set up at his radio store at 105 West Main Street, where it was used principally for experimental purposes. It was never operated again as it had been at the fair grounds.
New Start in 1926.
    Having great faith in the future of radio broadcasting, Mr. Virgin in late 1926 began the operation of KMED in its present quarters in the Sparta building. The first license dated from January 1, 1927. By that time, radio had come more into the commercial field and receiving sets were becoming popular with Southern Oregon radio fans. Local merchants and businessmen responded willingly to support the station, and slowly it achieved success.
    The station was getting bigger and bigger and Mr. Virgin was beginning to see the realization of fond ambitions of having a successful station. However, death stalked his tireless trail, and this man of energy, Medford's pioneer in the radio field, passed on in January, 1928.
Mrs. Virgin at Helm.
    Mrs. Virgin assumed the management of KMED and has been the sole director of the station since that time. There have been constant improvements in broadcasting equipment, and the station has kept pace with the times, providing Southern Oregon listeners with the best service possible. It operated on a power of 50 watts and efforts were made to have this increased to 500. This effort, however, failed, but the power of the station was increased a short time ago to 100.
    As a result of the added power, KMED, the last three letters significant of the name of Medford, can be heard in daylight easily in Eugene and quite a distance in Northern California.
    As a result of progress in broadcasting equipment, the present apparatus is the last word in radio efficiency. The microphones now in use represent practically the same investment as included in the entire equipment of KFAY. The present equipment was installed by Supervising Engineer Rush, who perhaps has forgotten more about radio than most listeners ever know.
Quarters Enlarged.
    When KMED was established in the Sparta building, one of the larger rooms was sufficient for the entire studio, but under the present arrangement, six rooms are necessary, including an office, reception room, studio, guest announcers' room, announcing booth and monitoring room, record library and workshop.
    Wooden towers that formerly graced the roof of the building were removed a year or so ago for the installation of other aerial equipment.
    In assuming the management of KMED, Mrs. Virgin became the only woman in the United States to own and personally direct the operation of a radio station. She continues to hold that distinction and doubtlessly will continue for some time to come.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1931, page 6

Owner-Manager of KMED Only Woman in Country Holding Similar Position--Five Additional on Staff
    The personnel of KMED, the Mail Tribune-Virgin station, is made up of six persons, including Mrs. W. J. Virgin, owner and manager, and is composed of members well trained in their work.
    Floyd Rush, supervising engineer, is one of Southern Oregon's best-known radio pioneers, and began his activities here in 1922 when he constructed and installed the equipment of KFAY, the fifth station to have been established on the Pacific Coast.
    His past experience includes service with the United States army signal corps at the age of 16 years, before this country entered the World War. He holds the distinction of being the youngest signal corps radio operator on record. He attended the University of Washington three years, studying aeronautical engineering, and was a commercial airplane pilot for several years.
Reputation as Engineer.
    Mr. Rush spent over a year as radio operator at the R.C.A. Pacific wireless transmitting station at Marshall, Cal.
    A year or so ago, he took a postgraduate course at the Pacific Radio School and is recognized as one of the best radio technicians on the coast. He was in complete charge of the recent installation of the new 100-watt transmitting apparatus now used by KMED. The success of the service of KMED is attributed to Mr. Rush's genius in radio work. He is a member of the International Institute of Radio Engineers.
    Lee Bishop is well known to thousands of listeners of KMED for his ability as an announcer and the personality he imparts through the microphone. He has been a member of the KMED staff for nearly two years and came from Des Moines, Ia., where he attended Drake University and was connected with radio station WHO.
Rees in Dual Role.
    Dave Rees, the small man with the big voice, is heard regularly as announcer and is also a radio technician. He spent some time on the ocean as a wireless operator and was also located in Alaska. While he is not physically large, his voice over the radio has the volume of a man twice his size. He was formerly with station KXL in Portland.
    Hal McCracken, recently of Portland and other coast stations, is a radio technician and announcer, and is well versed in his profession.
    Liston Boden, who has given the radio field much study, is also a member of the KMED staff as technician.
    Mrs. Virgin makes up the sixth member and is in complete charge of the station. She is recognized as the only woman in the United States holding such a position. Under her direction, KMED has become a part of the community life and is always striving to give the public the best programs possible.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1931, page 6

    From a setting dominated by the romanticism, color and exotic beauty characteristic of the Far East, voices from KMED will carry news and entertainment to the very occidental people of Southern Oregon. Not a breath of the Orient, no doubt, will invade the "Voice of a Great Country," but in the studio from which the voice grows, all is oriental. For Jack Wurts, well-known interior decorator and proprietor of Wurts Gifts Shop, has utilized in the decoration and arrangements of the studio the best the Far East offers in fixtures and decorative ideas.
Black Predominates
    Black is the leading color in the striking but pleasing interior. The hand-carved furniture is Chinese. The shades of parchment, made by Mr. Wurts, are Chinese, and the long lanterns were created from Chinese parchment hats.
    Beautiful draperies of velour with valances especially designed by Mr. Wurts enhance the windows. Standing guard over the main studio are two large porcelain dragons, known as foo dogs, mounted on high stands.
    The blending of all the fixtures of brilliant colorings with the severe black has been accomplished in a pleasing manner, usually acquired by no one but the oriental.
Sense of Distance
    Throughout the studio a sense of distance is felt, and a realization that the Orient is no longer a closed territory. Products from Shanghai, Peking and Canton, arranged by a Medford man, mingle with home products and create a beautiful as well as adequate setting from which to connect the world of radio with the events of the Rogue River Valley.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1931, page 6

    Over 1500 people from various sections of the Rogue River Valley attended open house yesterday in the newly decorated home of KMED, Virgin radio station, to admire the beautiful Chinese setting which has been completed for the "Voice of a Great Country."
    Many thousands of people in the mid-Pacific empire listened to the broadcast, which climaxed the first day of open house, which is being continued today. The program, one of the most interesting broadcast from the local station, acquainted the people of KMED'S territory with the obstacles the founders of the station conquered to give them one of the most modern, as well as as most attractive, radio stations of the Pacific Coast.
    The late William Virgin, who established the first homemade broadcasting station at Jackson County fairgrounds, which marked the beginning of radio activities in Medford and operation of the present station, was honored by C. T. Baker, secretary of the chamber of commerce, and Mrs. Virgin, who were the main speakers on the program.
    Colorful baskets of flowers, ferns and quint garden bouquets presented by merchants of Medford added fragrance and beauty to the studio for the opening.
    "We are proud of our station, proud to be identified with the institution that carries the message of Medford and the vast mid-Pacific empire to the rest of the world," was the message with which Mrs. Virgin greeted her audience. "And yet with the feeling of pride comes the realization of the responsibility that rests upon us.
    "To truly reflect the personality of our city is a task that involves setting a very high standard for our future efforts. Medford is a wonderful city, better known throughout the nation than hundreds of cities many times larger," Mrs. Virgin continued.
    Special thanks to W. A. Gates for his untiring personal assistance was voiced and the following promise in closing, "I will try to measure up to the ideas of Mr. Virgin, the founder of the station, in contributing to the commercial and civic welfare of this great country."

Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1931, page 5

Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1931 
Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1931. Open the image in another window for a clearer view.

    Last in the series of major improvements for the local Virgin radio station KMED will be accomplished today, when engineers put in place the new antenna systems and counterpoise.
    Black and yellow masts have been raised seventy-five feet from the roof of the Sparta building, or a total of 125 feet above the street. This last improvement will require the station to be quiet most of today.
    Completion of the antenna system will place the local station on a strictly modern basis throughout.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1931, page 7

    Fox Craterian Theater offers a novel feature tonight at 8:30 when they will start a series of Monday night broadcasts from the stage of the Fox Craterian by remote control to radio station KMED.
    Earle Davis, Medford's popular entertainer, will act as master of ceremonies and will introduce all the talent. Jim Grieve's "Prospectors" will be featured tonight. The personnel of the orchestra is: Frank Stinson, violin; Wyott Clark, guitar soloist; Dewey Hill, piano, and Jim Grieve, accordion. There will be other entertainers.
    Special efforts are being expended to make the Craterian amateurs opportunity broadcast feature one of the most novel and entertaining features on the program, bringing before the public the finest talent of Medford and Rogue River valley. Music, novelty and comedy will be the order of the day.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1931, page 5

    Tonight, about 7 o'clock, when Max Schmeling, the big German battler, and "Willie the Clutch" Stribling, upon whom America pins her championship hopes, climb into the Cleveland arena. Southern Oregon fans will be able to sit around the dinner table, or in their easy chairs, and enjoy a round-by-round account over KMED. The Mail Tribune and the Medford Furniture & Hardware Company have made possible this Southern Oregon broadcast, and KMED's staff is cooperating to assure the success of the event.
    The special radio broadcast will feature reports from the ringside in Cleveland, brought to Southern Oregon fight fans by fast Associated Press service, giving fans a detailed word picture of the big scrap almost as it happens in the East.
    For the benefit of those who do not have radio sets available, the Mail Tribune will feature a broadcast in front of the Mail Tribune building with KMED's reports, presented through a new-type Brunswick radio. Denison's Radio Shop of this city will furnish the radio for this feature of the fight broadcast.
    The Mail Tribune and the Medford Furniture & Hardware Company's fight program will begin at 7:00 o'clock this evening, and highlights on the fight and "dope" on the participants will be given before the headliner actually begins.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1931, page 1

    The Mail Tribune was literally flooded today with compliments on its new broadcast service of the first game in the World Series classic. Hundreds of fans gathered in the sunshine before the Mail Tribune office on Fir Street and drank in every word of the report as it was announced directly from the AP wire at the field in St. Louis. Not only was the report faster than ever before, but it was so improved in volume that it could be heard all over Haymarket Square and even on Front Street. Many lodgers along the latter street opened their windows and listened to the game from that vantage point.
    This broadcast will be continued throughout the series, and all fans in Medford and the valley who want to get the play-by-play report hot off the wire with every detail, including the picturesque features of the crowd and conflict, are invited to be guests of the Mail Tribune every day this week.
    The report starts promptly at 11:30 a.m., while the teams are in St. Louis, and at 10:30 a.m. when in Philadelphia (Medford time.)

Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1931, page 1

    Radio fans have enthusiastically received the announcement today that KMED will feature three daily broadcasts of news from the editorial rooms of the Medford Mail Tribune. The initial word of this new arrangement between KMED and the Mail Tribune was broadcast this morning by Ralph B. Gorton, commercial manager, who expressed the gratification of the radio staff over the acquisition of this dependable news service for Southern Oregon radio fans. A daily schedule of KMED programs will also appear each day in the Mail Tribune as an added service for friends of the Medford station.
    In addition to three broadcasts daily, at 8:00 a.m, 12:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m., KMED fans will be informed of any important news event as soon as word is received over the Mail Tribune's Associated Press-leased wire, or secured by the Tribune's news staff. The morning broadcast at 8:00 o'clock will include a comprehensive review of the night's happenings.
    Sport fans will welcome the complete broadcast of World Series baseball games, beginning Wednesday. KMED will carry the returns direct from the field of play, as brought to Medford by the Associated Press. The Mail Tribune is especially featuring this sport broadcast, which will be followed by future broadcasts of outstanding football games and other sporting events this fall.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1932, page 1

    Today's World's Series opener at New York was broadcast to Southern Oregon fans over KMED by remote control from the editorial rooms of the Mail Tribune. This was the first sport broadcast from the Mail Tribune since the recent addition of Tribune news service by KMED, and today's returns were in the form of a test broadcast. KMED's technicians are perfecting the Mail Tribune hookup so that sport followers will be assured improved service for the second game of the series Thursday at approximately 10:30 a. m.
    Fans who listened to the baseball returns in front of the Mail Tribune office will also be assured a vastly improved broadcast tomorrow, as the Mail Tribune public address system will re-broadcast the KMED-Mail Tribune account of the second game. Today the returns will be picked up by a radio set.
    The Mail Tribune cordially invites fans to enjoy the KMED broadcast, which is secured direct from the field of play at Yankee stadium in New York by dependable Associated Press facilities.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1932, page 4

    In answer to a charge by the Medford Daily News that the transfer of KMED broadcasting from that paper to the Mail Tribune, announced on Monday last, was a "political deal," insisted upon by some unnamed local "candidate for high office," Ralph B. Gorton issued the following public statement today, emphatically denying the truth of the statement:
To the Public:
    "To correct a misstatement regarding the recent change from the Medford Daily News to the Medford Mail Tribune by Radio KMED, permit me to say that these negotiations were conducted in a conference between two representatives of the Medford Mail Tribune and myself. This arrangement was initiated by KMED and not by the Mail Tribune. There was no mention or thought of any political coup discussed, and I wish to further state that KMED has and will always remain free from any political control or alliance. This change was effected as purely a business proposition and for no other reason."
    Representing KMED.
Medford, Sept. 30.
    In today's News, the editor also made a retraction, by publishing a similar statement by Mr. Gorton.
    The new arrangement merely marks a resumption of news broadcasting between the Mail Tribune and KMED, which was carried on many years in the past, and will be conducted now and in the future precisely as it was then.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1932, page 11

    Amateur radio operators of Southern Oregon completed plans for organizing a "ham" club at a meeting Friday night in The Melody Shop. All persons interested in short wave craft are invited to come to the next meeting Friday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the same place. At that time officers for the club will be elected, according to Victor Milnes, Medford amateur.
    The need for more systematic effort to be made in conducting amateur radio activities in this section was first felt by the local operators who called a meeting October 30 at the home of Mr. Milnes on Narregan Street. The interested response encouraged promoters to hold the second meeting November 4, when a committee was appointed to draw up a constitution for the club.
    The third meeting, held Friday, was attended by fifteen radio fans, eleven of whom are licensed operators, as follows: Harold DeVoe, whose station call is W7MF; Maurice Peters, known over the air as W7CMI; Gordon Turner, W7CIK; R. House, W7BUR; Geo. Peckham, W7ABD-ZZAA; Gilbert Moty, W7BHV; Ahijah Woods, W7CQO; and Victor Milnes, W7ZZO, all of Medford; L. Crowson, W7BQK, and Bob Walters, W7CIS, both of Ashland; and Thurlon Wauchope, W7LI-ZZAL, of Klamath Falls. Edward D. Clark, Robert E. Welch, Roger Headlee and Albert Bliton, all of Medford, also attended the "ham-fest," although none of them are at present licensed operators. Mrs. Crowson of Ashland accompanied her husband as an XYL, or ex-young-lady, radio slang for "wife."
    Two other operators, Milton Peterson, whose call is W7OUQ, and John Henry, W7GK, have expressed their interest in the club. Mr. Peterson is airways weather observer at Siskiyou Summit, and Mr. Henry is spending the winter at the lumber camp at Lincoln on Greensprings.
    In explaining the derivation of the calls which are given amateur radio operators after passing examinations for licenses to operate a short wave transmitting station, George Peckham, well-known Medford fan, stated "the prefix letter 'W' on all calls indicated that the operator is in the United States. Possessions of the United States are shown by the prefix letter 'K'. The next figure, a numeral, indicates the district in the United States. Oregon hams are in the seventh district. The letters following the prefix letter and numeral are of course for the purpose of identifying individuals, just as a name. The calls are given out by the Federal Radio Commission, which is appointed by the President."

Medford Mail Tribune, November 20, 1932, page 8

    An all-request program, which brought in a goodly sum to brighten the coming Christmas for many families in Medford greatly in need of aid, was staged Friday evening by KMED and the Mail Tribune. Cash contributions came in freely, also many foods and household articles, including loads of wood, canned fruit, boxes of apples, milk, turkeys and chickens.
    One of the highlights of the program was a song by W. A. "Bill" Gates, which brought returns of $25. The number was followed by repeated cheers, which threatened to force "Bill" into light opera.
    Many contributions were made by telephone, and the persons using that method are requested to mail in their pledges immediately, addressed to ''Good-fellow," care of KMED. Those who pledged fruits and other commodities are requested to get in touch with KMED to arrange for distribution of these items. Anyone having knowledge of a family needing help is requested to get in touch with Ralph Gorton of KMED and arrangements will be made to provide for them. Persons who have not made pledges are also asked to send in contributions.
    Among the artists who made the evening such a success from the standpoint of finance and entertainment were the Rogue River Cow Boys, the Economy Lumber Jacks, the Oregon Pioneers, Merland Tollefson, Genevieve Brown, Marjorie Paley, Gladyce LaMarr, Hays and Gorham, Ray and Andy, Mr. X, mystery man of the Mail Tribune, the Crews Sisters and others, besides the staff of KMED, every one of whom received enthusiastic cheers for their splendid performances.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1932, page 6

(Pop.: 11,107)
Owner and operator:
    Mrs. W. J. Virgin, Medford.
    Studio: Matin and Riverside.
    Transmitter: Main and Riverside.
Station representative:
    Scott Howe Bowen, Inc.
    100 w.
    Full time.
Basic rates:
     1 hour $30.00
    ½ hour 17.00
    ¼ hour 9.00
Transcription equipment:
    33⅓ and 78 r.p.m. double turntables.
Pierre-Key's Radio Annual 1933, page 378

    A song, aimed to bring an unmeasurable amount of publicity to the Rogue River Valley and all sections visited by the Rogue, was introduced last night in the program of the Oregon Lumber Jacks over KMED.
    Written by C. J. Williams, rancher of Trail, the song tells the story of "The Friendly Old Rogue." The fishing opportunities offered here, the beauty, the hunting and all other recreational features of the region have been woven into the song, whose tune moves along at a rhythm similar to that of the "Strawberry Roan." It was sung by Russell Ross last night and brought much praise for author and singer from radio listeners.
    Copies of the words have been placed on sale at book and music shops here and at sporting goods stores. The author hopes to sell a sufficient number of copies as souvenirs to finance publication of his composition in music form.

Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1933, page 5


    Unusual reception conditions during the California earthquake were reported by Southern Oregon amateur radio operators at a meeting last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Z. Crowson in Ashland.
    Several operators reported a decided shift in frequencies of transmitting stations in the quake-torn area. Others noted signals faded and stations went off the air abruptly. One disturbed young Californian tapped his fear that his radio tower was about to fall on his "shack," and he was heard no more, a local "ham" stated.
    A number of Medford and Ashland operators were active on the night of the quake in relaying messages of assurances and hope to worried friends all over the United States. Los Angeles amateurs experienced difficulty in contacting San Francisco stations for some time before telegraph wires were repaired, it was reported by local men who listened in.
    Twenty-seven persons, all from Ashland, Medford and Central Point, excepting T. V. Wauchope of Klamath Falls and Ray Jones of Cottage Grove, attended the meeting. Mr. Wauchope is well known in radio circles as W7ZZAL and Mr. Jones as W7AIN.
    A "D-X," or long distance, contest between club members was announced to take place during the next two weeks. Contests must be on 80 meters, using no more than two small receiving tubes, it was stipulated.
    For the purpose of selecting delegates to the "ham" convention in Marshfield April 7 and 8, a special meeting of Southern Oregon operators will be held March 31 in the Medford city hall.
    A committee was appointed to build a frequency meter, and a brief survey of message relay procedure was given. Victor Milnes explained fundamental receivers.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1933, page 8

Local Talent To Be Heard Weekly on Station KMED
    The first of a new series of local talent radio programs will be on the air over the local station this evening at 7:30 o'clock. A male quartet, double marimba and contralto solo numbers will be featured, with Dick Harding as master of ceremonies.
    A new entertainment department was recently created at the KMED station to care for programs of this type each week. There are many potential radio entertainers in this locality, who for some time have sought opportunity of presenting their specialties over the air. With Bill Murray and Dick Harding in charge of all talent, the new series of programs promises to follow the popularity pace set by this type of program in larger communities.

Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1933, page 5


    Installation has been completed of the police radio in the automobile driven by Sergeant James O'Brien of the third state police district, and tests given the set have already proven that the equipment will be valuable to officers in this area.
    The set, a Philco transitone, was especially reconstructed into a police radio by Will Claycomb of Witham's Super Service station, and Sergeant O'Brien expressed enthusiasm over the exceptional work on the radio. Short wave reception from police broadcasting stations is clear and distinct.
    Sergeant O'Brien travels throughout the entire third district in his work, and if at any time he is wanted by headquarters, such a message will be broadcast over station KGPP, the Portland police, and picked up by the officer.
    The sergeant's automobile is the only one in district three equipped with a radio, and the practicality of the set is to be determined by this installation.
    Reports are clearly received over the set, and the sensitiveness of the dialing apparatus makes it possible to obtain reports from various police broadcasting units Operation of the automobile engine does not interfere in any way with reception, Officer O'Brien stated.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 14, 1933, page 7

    Request of KMED to broadcast the trial of Earl H. Fehl, county judge, charged with ballot-theft, and scheduled to start upon the completion of the Schermerhorn case, was denied by Circuit Judge George F. Skipworth today.
    The court made no comment upon the request, except to say, "The Fehl trial, nor any trial over which I preside, will be broadcast."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1933, page 1

    Some real entertainers have been discovered in the CCC camps in this vicinity, and the local KMED station has made preparations for a program that will prove interesting to radio listeners as well as profitable for some of the CCC members participating.
    KMED has completed arrangements for a contest in which both camp teams and individual soloists may participate. The competition, arranged under the supervision of the local CCC headquarters, will offer ten dollars in cash to the winning team, five dollars in cash for second winning team and five dollars cash for the best soloist. All awards are made after a vote of preference by the radio audience.
    The contest for camp teams will be broadcast Saturday afternoon, September 9, starting at three o'clock and the solo contest Saturday afternoon, September 16.
     Some unusually fine entertainment in both instrumental and vocal divisions has been discovered, and listeners will be assured something a little different as the boys take their part in the contests. About eight of the camps in this division are now preparing entertainment acts.

Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1933, page 16

    The short wave radio installation in the chamber of commerce, being conducted by the Amateur Radio Club of Southern Oregon, is beginning to bring results, it was announced this morning.
    Yesterday a number of cities were contacted, and New Year's greetings from the Medford chamber of commerce were sent to the chambers of commerce of the cities picked up. The cities are: Vancouver, B.C., Seattle, Wash., Denver, Colorado, Oakland, Venice, Antioch, Riverside, and Los Angeles, Calif., Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas.
    The installation will remain at the chamber of commerce all this week and next, and it is believed that the city will obtain a vast amount of publicity from the efforts of the radio amateurs.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1934, page 2

    New Year's greetings from Medford to Guam will be traveling to the latter place by an indirect course today through the service of the Rogue River Valley Amateur Radio Club, it was announced this afternoon. From Antioch, Cal., the local club received a message to transfer greetings from Guam to Tacoma, Wash. They did so and sent a greeting back to Antioch to be relayed to Guam, extending the happy new year of the Medford chamber of commerce, from which the club is operating.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1934, page 6

    Representative James W. Mott today informed the Mail Tribune that the federal radio commission today granted a power increase for station KMED. Mrs. W. J. Virgin of KMED said this afternoon that the power had been increased to 250 watts for daytime, and remained at 100 for night time. Previously the station operated on 100 watts for both day and night. Mrs. Virgin expressed pleasure at the granting of the increase, and said the application had only been in for about two weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1934, page 9

NBC's 137th Link in Remote Rogue River (Ore. Valley
    Radio station KMED, in the Rogue River Valley of Southwestern Oregon, has become the 137th member of the continent-wide National Broadcasting family. Its 250 watts power on a regional 140-kilocycle channel will broadcast programs from both the Pacific Coast Red and the Pacific Coast Blue networks.
    The nearest national network stations to Medford have heretofore been those of Portland, 200 miles north, and San Francisco, 300 miles south. KMED belongs to Mrs. Blanche Virgin, the first and now one of the few women owners of commercial broadcasting stations in the United States.
Buffalo Courier-Express, August 29, 1937, page 10

    Sunday, September 5 will mark the debut of the National Broadcasting Company in southern Oregon, using the facilities of KMED, Medford radio station. Although the original date for the initial broadcast of NBC network programs was set for September 15th, the date has been advanced ten days so that the first program will be presented next Sunday. Both the Pacific Coast Blue and the Pacific Coast Red networks will be featured, according to Mrs. Blanche Virgin, owner of the Medford station.
    Recent improvements in facilities have been effected by KMED with affiliation with the National Broadcasting Company in view. The station has a regional channel frequently of 1410 kilocycles with a power of 250 watts. The nearest National Broadcasting stations are located at Portland, Oregon and San Francisco, California.
    Mrs. Virgin is one of the few women owners and operators of commercial broadcasting stations in the United States. The local station was established near Medford in 1922 by William J. Virgin, and since his death in 1927 Mrs. Virgin has continued the station's operation. Lee Bishop is commercial manager and Arthur Adler advertising manager.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1937, page 9

    Valley fruit men will have the benefit of daily frost reports again this year, following the announcement that Roy J. Rogers, affiliated with the United States Weather Bureau, will arrive here March 15 to conduct frost report activities. Mr. Rogers comes here from Pomona, Calif., and will be here until the first of June. Reports are expected to be given nightly over the local radio station, KMED, as has been the past program.
"Medford, Ore. News Notes," The Chicago Packer, March 12, 1938, page 5

Second Bid Filed for KMED Purchase
WEEU Sale Also Asked of Commission Last Week
    Fourth competitive bid under the FCC's Avco procedure was filed with the Commission last week when the Medford Radio Corp. matched Luther E. Gibson's
original offer of $250,000 for KMED Medford, Ore., and accompanying construction permit for an FM station. Filing of the rival application foreshadows Mr. Gibson's second encounter with FCC's auction plan. In a competitive bid for KROY Sacramento, he was denied purchase of the station by the Commission [Broadcasting, May 13].
    Competitive applicant for KMED, Medford Radio Corp., consists principally of residents of Medford, who propose to render a local service.
    Medford Radio Corp., is owned by Glen L. Jackson, vice president of KWIL Albany, Ore. and the Albany (Ore.) Herald-Democrat, who is president (13.33%); Alfred S. V. Carpenter, local orchardist, vice president (13.33%); H. S. Deuel, orchardist, treasurer (6.66%); Otto J. Frohnmayer, attorney, secretary (13.33%); John R. Tomlin, majority owner of Timber Products, manufacturers of lumber and 25% holder in Medford Ice and Cold Storage Co., director (26.66%); F. Corning Kenly, orchardist, d i r e c t or (6.66%); Leonard Carpenter, orchardist, director (13.33%), and Eugene Thorndike, bank manager, who also is a director (6.66%).
Gibson Holdings
    Mr. Gibson owns KHUB Watsonville, Calif., has a conditional FM grant for Salinas, Calif., and is sole owner of the daily Times-Herald and News Chronicle at
Vallejo, Calif., in addition to other business interests. KMED, now solely owned by Mrs. Blanche Virgin, is on 1440kc with 1000w full time.
Broadcasting, July 15, 1946, page 20

KMED Competing Bidder Approved
FCC Invokes Avco Rule Auction Provisions in Oregon Case
    In the first decision of its kind, FCC proposed last week to approve the sale of a station to a competing bidder under the Avco Rule's "auction" provisions, rather
than to the original "purchaser."
    The proposal looks toward approval of transfer of KMED Medford, Ore. (1440kc, 1kw fulltime), from Mrs. W. J. Virgin to Medford Radio Corp., a new company which matched Gibson Broadcasting's earlier offer of $250,000 cash and $20,900 in stock to Mrs. Virgin. The transaction includes an FM permit.
    FCC based its decision on grounds that Medford Radio, composed of local residents, is more likely to serve the community's broadcast needs than Gibson Broadcasting, principally owned by a nonresident.
    Luther E. Gibson, licensee of KHUB Watsonville, Calif., controls Gibson Broadcasting and was its sole owner when he negotiated the original $250,000 purchase contract with Mrs. Virgin in April 1946. FCC noted that after this offer was matched by Medford Radio, Mr. Gibson transferred to Mrs. Virgin 209 shares of stock (33.5%, par value of $20,900), thus reducing his own ownership to 66.5%. Medford Radio then offered, in event its application was granted, to transfer a like amount of its own stock to Mrs. Virgin.
    The Commission's decision to deny transfer to Gibson Broadcasting and approve it to the rival applicant would not--if made final after oral argument--require Mrs. Virgin to sell to the new firm. Under the Avco Rule, she will be allowed 30 days in which to complete arrangements with the approved transferee if she wishes to sell to that company. If she prefers not to sell to the company approved by the Commission she must retain the station or seek another purchaser.
    FCC noted that there are "minor differences" in the two offers to Mrs. Virgin, "including the fact that Mr. Gibson has offered to personally endorse the notes representing the balance due on the purchase price, while no similar guarantee
has been made by the stockholders of Medford Radio Corp." But these, FCC said, are matters which may be settled by negotiation, "if [the parties] desire to do so, during the 30-day period. . . ." The decision added:
    "The Commission's sole concern herein is the determination of which applicant is best qualified to operate in the public interest and, having made this determination in favor of Medford Radio Corp., it is now wholly a matter for the present licensee to determine whether or not she desires to assign the license and construction permit to the preferred applicant at the price agreed upon and upon what specific conditions."
    Explaining its preference for local owners--a favorite yardstick of the Commission in passing upon mutually exclusive applications for new stations--FCC noted that with the exception of Mrs. Virgin, none of the stockholders or officers of Gibson Broadcasting is now or will become a resident of Medford.
    (Mr. Gibson, the only other stockholder, would spend two days a month there. John A. Bohn, his attorney and an officer but not a stockholder, has made "five or six trips" to Medford and would spend about 25% of his time there if transfer to Gibson were granted, FCC said. Mrs. [Virgin], as one-third owner, would advise on local matters and programming, and "be guided by Mr. Gibson's wishes" concerning amount of time she would devote to station operation.)
Owned by Residents
    FCC pointed out that Medford Radio "is owned by eight individuals, all of whom have been longtime residents of Medford and have been actively identified with its
civic and community life." They are:
    "Glen L. Jackson, businessman and an officer and 10% stockholder of KWIL
Albany, Ore., president; Alfred S. V. Carpenter, vice president, and Eugene Thorndike, orchard operator; H. S. Deuel, associated with several business enterprises, treasurer; Otto J. Frohnmayer, attorney, secretary; John R. Tomlin, businessman; B. E. Harder, retired businessman; and John P. Moffat, department store manager. Mr. Tomlin owns 20%; Messrs. Harder and Mofat 6.88% each, and the others 13.33% each. A rearrangement of the stock setup would be necessary if transfer to Medford Radio is completed, in view of the offer of a stock interest to Mrs. Virgin."
    Medford Radio proposed to employ Harold McKenna Byer, sales manager of KWIL, as general manager. The station is an NBC affiliate.
    The purchase contract and matching offer called for a $10,000 escrow deposit, $52,600 payable upon FCC approval, and the remaining $187,500 payable at $2,000 a month starting one year after FCC approval.
    Since the plan of opening station sales to public bidding was evolved in FCC's famed Avco Decision [Broadcasting, Sept. 10, 1945], there has been no parallel of the KMED decision. The nearest approach was in Monroe B. England's $150,000 sale of WBRK and WBRK--FM Pittsfield, Mass., in the fall of 1945 [Broadcasting, Oct. 14, 1945].
    In that case the transfer was approved to the competing bidder, Leon Podolsky, but under different circumstances. The original bidder, Western Massachusetts Broadcasting Co., had indicated a willingness to assign its contract if it could get
a new-station grant--and simultaneously with approval of the transfer to Mr. Podolsky, FCC authorized Western Massachusetts to construct a new station (WBEC).
Broadcasting, July 7, 1947, page 30

Medford Case Said Violation of Avco
    Gibson Broadcasting, whose application for FCC consent to the purchase of KMED Medford, Ore. was given a proposed denial, told FCC last week that the rival bidder under the Avco Rule, who won approval, was not legally qualified and that its purchase offer failed to meet the Avco Rule's requirements.
    Mrs. W. J. Virgin, KMED owner, joined in the exceptions filed by Gibson, original applicant for acquisition of the station. They requested oral argument on the proposed decision, which was issued July 1 [Broadcasting, July 7].
    They contended that Medford Radio Corp., winner of the proposed decision, violated its charter by beginning business before the required amount of capital had been paid in; that one of Medford's stockholders was not financially qualified, and that Medford's purchase offer failed in many respects to comply with the Avco Rule's requirement that it match the terms of the Gibson offer.
    In its offer to meet the Gibson delivery to Mrs. Virgin of $20,900 worth of stock (33.4 %), they contended, Medford actually was offering only 8.4% of its own stock. They argued that this would have a book value of only $5,225.
    The exceptions were filed by Frank Roberson and Russell Rowell of the Washington law firm of Spearman & Roberson, Washington counsel for Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting.
    Gibson Broadcasting is principally owned by Luther E. Gibson (66.6 %), owner of KHUB Watsonville, Calif.
    KMED is on 1440kc and has a grant for 5kw operation. The purchase price is $250,000 aside from the stock transfer.
Broadcasting, August 4, 1947, page 84

Competing Bidder for KMED Denies Charges
of Not Complying with Avco

    Medford Radio Corp., competing bidder for acquisition of KMED Medford, Ore., denied to FCC last week that substantial differences exist between its purchase offer and that of Gibson Broadcasting, the original bidder.
    The company's contentions were filed in reply to Gibson Broadcasting's exceptions to the FCC proposal to approve transfer to Medford Radio [Broadcasting, July 7]. Gibson Broadcasting and Mrs. W. J. Virgin, present owner of KMED, claimed the Medford offer was so different from the Gibson bid that it failed to meet the requirements of the Avco Rule [Broadcasting, Aug. 4].
    In its point-by-point reply, the Medford applicant asserted that if any differences exist they are "only differences in form, rather than differences in substance."
    The reply denied claims of Gibson Broadcasting and Mrs. Virgin that Medford Radio had violated its charter, that one of its stockholders is not financially qualified, and that the book value of stock to be transferred to Mrs. Virgin would be less under Medford Radio's offer than under Gibson's.
    Purchase price includes $250,000 plus stock valued at $20,900. KMED operates on 1440kc and has a grant for 5kw operation. Medford Radio is owned by a group of Medford businessmen who won FCC preference on grounds of local residence as compared with nonresidence of Luther E. Gibson, KHUB Watsonville, Calif., owner who controls (66.6%) Gibson Broadcasting.
    The Medford group's reply to the exceptions of Gibson Broadcasting and Mrs. Virgin was filed by John W. Kendall of the Portland law firm of Black & Kendall.
Broadcasting, August 11, 1947, page 60

KMED Sales Decision Final; Jones Dissents on Bid Terms
    A decision giving finality to its original proposal to approve the sale of KMED Medford, Ore. to the competing bidder under the Avco Rule, not to the original "purchaser," was issued by FCC last week, accompanied by a strong dissent by Comr. Robert F. Jones.
    The Commission majority, with retiring Chairman Charles R. Denny not participating, ruled that Medford Radio Corp., a new firm owned by eight Medford residents, should be preferred over Gibson Broadcasting, principally owned by owner Luther E. Gibson of KHUB Watsonville, Calif., who negotiated the original contract to buy the station from Mrs. W. J. Virgin.
    Under Avco Rule procedure, Mrs. Virgin may either sell or refuse to sell to the approved purchaser. If she chooses to sell, she has 30 days to sign a contract with Medford Radio. Sales price is $250,000 plus $20,900 in stock in the purchasing company.
    While the majority followed their proposed decision in the case [Broadcasting, July 7], Comr. Jones, who was not then a member of the Commission, protested that Medford Radio's offer does not match the "same terms and conditions" of the Gibson offer, as required by the Avco Rule, and should therefore be denied.
Terms in Contract
    He pointed out the contract provides for 75% of the sales price to be secured by note, payable $2,000 at the end of the first year and $2,000 monthly thereafter until paid in full. Whereas Mr. Gibson agreed personally to endorse and guarantee the Gibson Broadcasting  note to Mrs. Virgin, he asserted, the stockholders of Medford Radio made no comparable offer.
    The majority's decision that Medford Radio's and Gibson Broadcasting's offers are "substantially the same in . . . terms," Comr. Jones declared, makes it necessary for Mrs. Virgin to "have confidence in Medford's officers, directors and stockholders to meet the corporate obligations without any security whatsoever. The said officers, directors and stockholders do not have such confidence in themselves; i.e., they refuse to personally endorse the Medford corporate notes. Lacking such faith, she may have no alternative but to retain her license and facility."
    Mr. Jones said "this difference in terms of sale is substantial and the Gibson offer to endorse the Gibson corporation note is not unique." He added:
    "If it is argued that the Gibson endorsement of the Gibson corporation note is a unique term not contemplated by the Avco Rule on the theory that only the endorsement by Gibson of the Medford corporation notes would equal the Gibson endorsement of the Gibson corporation notes, it should be noted that the majority did not have any difficulty in finding that $20,900 of the Medford corporation stock (7.7% of the total authorization) equals $20,900 of the Gibson corporation stock (33.4% of the total authorization). The personal endorsement of the respective stockholders of their respective corporate obligations is not unique and is a consideration which should be met by competing applicants under the Avco Rule."
    Mr. Jones argued that "it is not necessary to make a comparative determination as to which of the applicants is better qualified," since Medford Radio "did not, under the Avco Rule, satisfy the condition precedent for comparative consideration with the Gibson corporation by meeting the Gibson offer on the same terms and conditions. . . . "
    He asserted belief that Gibson Broadcasting is qualified and that its purchase of KMED should be approved. KMED operates on 1440kc with 1kw, full time, and has a grant for 5kw operation. The sales transaction includes an FM construction permit. The majority's choice of the competing bidder was based on local ownership. The decision noted that while Mr. Gibson proposed to spend two days a month at Medford if his application were granted, all stockholders of Medford Radio are "long-time residents of Medford and have been actively identified with its civic and community life."
    The owners, business and professional men, are Glen L. Jackson, president, and Alfred S. V. Carpenter, H. S. Deuel, Otto J. Frohnmayer, and Eugene Thorndike, who have 13.33% each; John R. Tomlin, 20%; and B. E. Harder and John P. Moffat, 6.66% each. They plan to employ Harold McKenna Byer, sales manager of KWIL Albany, Ore. since 1941, as KMED manager.
    Comr. Jones, although not a member of FCC when the proposed decision was issued, participated in oral argument, held Oct. 8.
Broadcasting, November 3, 1947, page 86

KMED Sale Under 'Avco' Hits Snag
Time Extension Granted
Medford Radio Corp. Despite Protest
    What may be the first rebuff handed FCC's Avco Rule on public bidding in station transfers loomed last week as a possible development in the $250,000-plus sale of KMED Medford, Ore. [Broadcasting, Nov. 3].
    The Commission allowed Medford Radio Corp., the "competing" purchaser which FCC preferred over the original applicant, an additional 30 days (to Dec. 29) in which to complete a purchase contract with Mrs. W. J. Virgin, station owner.
    FCC acted over the protest of both Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting, the original "buyer," and despite the contention of Mrs. Virgin that she had refused to sign with Medford Radio and had agreed to reinstate the original application for transfer to Gibson.
    In asking additional time to negotiate with Mrs. Virgin, Medford Radio declared that Mrs. Virgin's original contract with Gibson prohibited her from negotiating with anyone else for 30 days after the FCC decision. Medford expressed confidence that it could negotiate a contract if additional time were granted.
    But Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting, replying to the request for time, told FCC that negotiations already had been undertaken with the Medford group but had failed because the Medford stockholders refused to endorse their company's promissory notes for $187,500 of the purchase price.
    In an affidavit Mrs. Virgin said she told Medford Radio "that she would not assign the license and construction permit [license for KMED, CP for KMED-FM] to Medford Radio Corp. inasmuch as she deemed such endorsement to be an essential condition and term for the sale."
    She continued:
    "Inasmuch as affiant still desires and intends to dispose of a major portion or all of her radio interests to provide for the future security of herself and her family, she has agreed with Gibson Broadcasting to reinstate their application to the Commission for consent to assignment of the KMED license and the FM permit from affiant to Gibson Broadcasting, pursuant to the terms of the contract, the application and the hearing record already on file with the Commission."
    Mrs. Virgin's affidavit, dated Nov. 29, charged that "the long delay of one year and eight months which she has been subjected to in carrying out the contemplated sale . . . has caused hèr constant worry, suffering and extreme hardship.  . . ."
Comr. Jones Dissents
    The question of endorsements on the promissory notes was a major argument of Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting against FCC's decision to approve transfer to Medford Radio rather than to the Gibson firm. It also was a principal point raised by FCC Comr. Robert F. Jones, who dissented not only from the majority's grant to Medford Radio but also from last week's decision to allow additional time to negotiate a contract.
    Luther E. Gibson, owner of KHUB Watsonville, Calif., and principal owner of Gibson Broadcasting, had agreed to give personal endorsement to the notes which his company offered as security for some 75% of the sales price. The stockholders of Medford made no comparable offer.
    The FCC majority ruled that Medford Radio's bid was substantially the same as Gibson Broadcasting's and therefore met the terms of the Avco Rule. Comr. Jones, however, rejected this view. He contended that the majority's decision requires Mrs. Virgin to "have confidence in Medford's officers, directors, and stockholders to meet the corporate obligations without any security whatsoever." But, he said, they "do not have such confidence in themselves; i.e., they refuse to personally endorse the Medford corporate notes. Lacking such faith, she may have no alternative but to retain her license and facility."
    Mr. Jones claimed Medford's offer did not meet the "same terms and conditions" requirement of the Avco Rule and should not have been considered by the Commission. Instead, he argued, FCC should have approved the transfer to Gibson Broadcasting.
    Mr. Gibson originally offered $250,000 for the station. The proposed sale was thus advertised in compliance with the Avco Rule, and Medford Radio filed a competing bid offering to match the same terms. Mr. Gibson, then sole owner of Gibson Broadcasting, increased his offer to include approximately one-third interest (valued at $20,900) in the company, and Medford Radio then offered to match this bid. The transfer to Medford Radio was approved on that basis.
    Under the Avco Rule, approvals of a sale to a competing bidder is conditioned on the filing of a sales contract within 30 days after the FCC decision, which in the KMED case was Oct. 29. Last week's extension put the deadline at Dec. 29.
Broadcasting, December 22, 1947, page 19

KMED Medford Refuses Sale to Avco-Approved Purchaser
    The FCC-approved sale of KMED Medford, Ore., to the competing rather than the original bidder has been refused by the KMED owner in the first, but not unanticipated, rebuff of FCC's Avco "auction" rule on station transfers [Broadcasting, Dec. 22].
    The Commission was notified last week that Mrs. W. J. Virgin had rejected a $250,000 cash offer from Medford Radio Corp., the competing bidder whom FCC approved for acquisition of the station, and she and Gibson Broadcasting, the original "purchaser," petitioned anew for reconsideration and approval of transfer to
    Anticipating that Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting might seek reinstatement of their original application, Medford Radio asked to be notified as an "interested
party" to take part in any future proceedings in the case.
    Deadline for consummation of transfer to Medford Radio was Dec. 29. The original date, Nov. 29, was subsequently extended 30 days at the request of the Medford group, who contended that until Nov. 29 Mrs. Virgin was bound by her agreement with Mr. Gibson not to negotiate with anyone else.
    The snag in negotiations was the Medford Radio stockholders' failure to give personal endorsement to a $187,500 note involved in the transaction. Luther E. Gibson, owner of KHUB Watsonville, Calif., and chief owner of Gibson Broadcasting, had offered personal endorsement of his company's note. The FCC majority contended that the two applicants' offers were sufficiently alike to meet the "same terms and conditions" requirement of Avco Rule, but Comr. Robert F. Jones argued that they were not, because personal endorsement would give greater security to the corporate note.
Owner Rejects
    Mrs. Virgin refused to take Medford Radio's corporate note without endorsement of the stockholders. Subsequently the company offered $250,000 cash, which Mrs. Virgin rejected "for obvious reasons." In a petition submitting
copies of the correspondence, she and Mr. Gibson told the Commission that the offer Medford Radio made at the time of the hearing was "for $250,000 plus 209 shares of stock . . . alleged to have a value of $20,900."
    The petition, filed by Frank Roberson of the Washington law firm of Spearman & Roberson, counsel for Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting, was a supplement
to their mid-November request, not yet acted upon, for reconsideration of the Commission's decision in the case.
    Meanwhile, John W. Kendall of the Portland (Ore.) firm of Black & Kendall, counsel for Medford Radio, sent FCC on Dec. 30--the day after deadline for transfer had passed--a summary of the case "so that the Commission may be fully advised as to the procedure followed by the respective parties. . . ." He asked that
Medford Radio be notified of any further proceedings.
    With respect to Mrs. Virgin's insistence on personal endorsements of the corporate note, Mr. Kendall said "this requirement . . . was not set up by Mrs. Virgin in preliminary negotiations between the parties" but was made "by
Mrs. Virgin after the joint petition for reconsideration or rehearing was filed by Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting."
    Sale of KMED (1440kc, 1kw) to Mr. Gibson was negotiated April 9, 1946. After the advertisement required by the Avco Rule was published, Medford Radio offered to match Mr. Gibson's $250,000 bid. Mr. Gibson then offered Mrs. Virgin a 33.5% interest in Gibson Broadcasting, valued at $20,900, and Medford Radio expressed a willingness to make a similar change in its own offer. FCC preferred Medford Radio, composed of eight local businessmen headed by Glen L. Jackson,
on the grounds of local ownership and knowledge of the community.
Broadcasting, January 12, 1948, page 18

KMED Asks Sale to Original Bidder
    Another chapter in the long--and thus far futile--KMED Medford, Ore. transfer case opened last week when Mrs. W. J. Virgin, the owner, noted that the "buyer" whom FCC approved has withdrawn, and asked the Commission to let her go ahead with her original sale.
    This would involve transfer of the station to Gibson Broadcasting, owned by Luther E. Gibson, for $250,000 plus a 33.5% interest in the company. Mr. Gibson, licensee of KHUB Watsonville and KSLI (FM) Salinas, Calif., would own the remaining stock of Gibson Broadcasting.
    Mr. Gibson was the original "buyer" but Medford Radio Corp. filed a competing bid under the Avco Rule and won FCC approval on grounds of local ownership. Mrs. Virgin contended that the Medford group, by failing to offer personal endorsement of a $187,000 note toward the purchase price, had not complied with the "same terms and conditions" requirement of the Avco Rule. She won Comr. Robert F. Jones' support for this view, but the majority of the Commision rejected the argument.
    In the new petition last week, Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting told the Commission again that Medford Radio Corp. had refused to sign a contract based on the same terms and conditions as her original agreement with Mr. Gibson.
    She called FCC's attention to a letter sent to the Commission by Medford Radio on August 11 stating in substance that it was no longer interested in the matter of the control of Radio Station KMED.
    Since the only competing bidder has withdrawn, she argued, her original application for transfer to Gibson Broadcasting should be reinstated and granted without further proceedings.
    KMED is on 1440kc with 5kw day and 1kw night.
Broadcasting, September 6, 1948, page 67

Sale Negated by FCC Procedure Rule
    The "No Sale" sign was rung up last week over the most bitterly contested transfer case FCC has faced since it put the Avco public-bidding policy on transfers into effect in October 1945.
    The Commission was informed that the $250,000-plus sale of KMED Medford, Ore., by Mrs. W. J. Virgin to Luther E. Gibson's Gibson Broadcasting is all off. With the information FCC got a politely reproachful letter of explanation noting that all the so-called transfer had brought Mr. Gibson was an out-of-pocket expense of some $40,000.
    The case has been pending almost as long as the Avco advertising policy has been in effect. It went through the open-bidding procedure required by the Avco Rule, with FCC subsequently approving transfer not to Gibson Broadcasting but to Medford Radio Corp., a local firm which had filed a competing bid [Broadcasting, Nov. 3, 1947].
    But Mrs. Virgin and Medford Radio were not able to come to terms, and Medford Radio finally withdrew [Broadcasting, Sept. 6, 1948]. Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting then asked FCC to reinstate and grant their original application.
    The Commission granted reinstatement--but ruled that the application was in effect a new one and therefore would have to go through the public advertising procedure again. This action, disclosed last week, was taken Dec. 8.
    Norman E. Jorgensen, Washington attorney, wrote FCC on behalf of Mrs. Virgin and Gibson Broadcasting that it obviously would have been impossible to advertise the sale for the Avco-prescribed 60-day period in the time between Dec. 8 and Dec. 31, when the contract expired.
    "Thus," he wrote, "the entire sale and transfer of this station was as effectively denied as if the Commission had refused to permit it."
    He continued:
    "It is respectfully pointed out to the Commission that two years and nine months have elapsed from the date this contract of sale was first executed. During all this period of time the proposed  purchaser had financial commitments to the seller and to the Commission totaling nearly $400,000. During that period of time, there have been wide and frequent fluctuations of the radio Industry as a whole as well as many changes in Radio Station KMED itself.
    "The station has had its power increased from 1000 to 5000w, necessitating further capital commitments, and its competitive and network position in the radio industry has been changed. All of the economic and other factors entering into the operation of a business of this size and character have been subject to pronounced fluctuations several times during this long period from April 6, 1946, to Dec. 31, 1948.
    "The sale contract having expired on the latter date, it is now impossible for the parties to agree upon a new contract for the sale and transfer of this facility and therefore in view of the Commission's decision of Dec. 8, 1948. they are no longer able to proceed.
    "I am sure that the Commission will appreciate Mr. Gibson's reluctance again to commit the very considerable sum of money pledged to this particular venture for almost three years, to no result except an out-of- pocket cost to him of some forty thousand dollars."
    Mr. Gibson is licensee of KHUB Watsonville and KSLI (FM) Salinas, Calif. Under the expired contract with Mrs. Virgin he would have given her $250,000 plus a one-third interest in Gibson Broadcasting, in return for KMED. KMED is on 1440kc with 5kw day and 1kw night.
    Mrs. Virgin's refusal to sell to Medford Radio, the FCC-approved purchaser, was based on her claims that the new company's offer was not the same as Mr. Gibson's and therefore did not meet the "same terms" provision of the Avco Rule. Comr. Robert F. Jones, who dissented from FCC's approval of transfer to Medford Radio, sided with Mrs. Virgin on this point.
Broadcasting, January 31, 1949, page 36

KMED Ownership to Change Hands Saturday, July 1
    Radio Medford, Inc., will take over ownership of radio station KMED as of July 1 under terms of sale now in process of completion, it was reported today by V. J. Robinson, president of the recently formed corporation.
    Approval of the $290,000 sale was given last week by the Federal Communications Commission in Washington. Seller is Mrs. W. J. Virgin Randle, who has owned the station for a number of years. Previous prospective sales have been held up through FCC disapproval, litigation or the inability of the parties to reach an agreement.
    Radio Medford, Inc. was formed early this year for the express purpose of purchasing and operating the station. Besides Robinson, officers include J. L. DeArmond, vice president; H. B. Murphy, treasurer and William McAllister, secretary. Other stockholders include Drs. Dwight H. Findley and B. L. Lageson.
    Announcement of the conditional sale was made April 7.
    Robinson said the station will retain its present staff, with Bernard Cooney continuing as manager.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1950, page 1

    FCC's Avco Rule on station sales also caused the Commission trouble during 1948. KMED Medford, Ore., balked when FCC ruled that the station should be sold to Medford Radio Corp. rather than Gibson Broadcasting, the firm which originally had "purchased" the station. Mrs. W. J. Virgin, KMED owner, told FCC in January that she would not sell the station to Medford Radio Corp., a competing bidder under the Avco Rule. In September Medford withdrew and Mrs. Virgin filed another application for sale of the station to Gibson. No final action was taken during the year.
"WGOV" Decision Draws Fire from Capitol Hill," Broadcasting, October 16, 1950, page 157

    Medford, Ore.--Liberty Television. Seeks VHF ch. 8 (180-186 mc); ERP 8.902 kw vis.; 1.78 kw aur. Ant. height above ground 376 ft; above average terrain 695 ft. P.O. address: Box 518, Medford. Estimated construction cost, $415,500; first-year operating cost, $325,517, revenue, $275,000. Geographic coordinates 42°25'56" north lat., 122°59'44" west long. Type trans. GE TT-49-B. Type ant. GE TY-42-A. Legal counsel Fly, Shuebruk, Blume and Gaguine, consulting engineer Silliman, Moffet & Kowalski.
    Liberty Television is joint venture comprised of Liberty Television Inc. and Siskiyou Broadcasters Inc. Liberty Television Inc. is licensee of KEZI-TV Eugene, Ore. Edward Branchfield, Medford attorney, owns 100% of Siskiyou Broadcasting. Ann. Oct. 11.
    Medford, Ore.--Medford Printing Co. Seeks VHF channel 8 (180-186 mc); ERP
141 kw vis.; 28 kw aur. Ant. height above average terrain 3,231 ft., above ground 223 ft. P.O. address: Box 1108, Medford (97501). Estimated construction cost, $490,954.63; first-year operating costs, $614,500; revenue $330,000. Trans. location, atop Mount Ashland. Studio location, Barnett Road, Medford. Geographic coordinates: 42°04'55" north lat.; 122°43'09" west long. Type trans. RCA TT-25DH. Type ant. RCA TW- 9A8-P. Legal counsel, Cottone & Fannelli. Consulting engineer, Raymond E. Rohrer & Associates. Medford Printing Co. owns KYJC Medford and publishes Medford Mail Tribune. Ann. Oct. 11.
"New TV Stations," Broadcasting, October 17, 1966, page 86

    Medford, Ore.--Liberty Television, joint venture comprised of Liberty Television Inc. and Siskiyou Broadcasters Inc. Seeks VHF ch. 8 (180-186 mc); ERP 316 kw vis., 63.2 kw aur. Ant. height above ground 376 ft.; ant. height above average terrain 712 ft, P.O. address: Box 518, Medford. Estimated construction cost $415,500: first-year operating cost $325,517; revenue $275,000. Geographic coordinates 42°25'56" north lat.; 122°59'44" west long. Type trans. RCA TT- 25-E-H. Type ant. RCA Vee Zee Custom D. Legal counsel Fly, Shuebruk, Blume and Gaguine, consulting engineer Silliman, Moffet & Kowalski. Liberty Television Inc. is licensee of KEZI-TV Eugene, Ore. Principals: Richard E. Miller (0.6%), chairman, Donald E. Lykeson, president (13.3%), Durward L. Boyles, vice president (22%) et al. in Liberty TV Inc. Principals of Siskiyou are Payette I. Briston, president (25%), Richard L. Swanson, vice president (12.5%) et al.
    Medford, Ore.--Medford Printing Co. Seeks VHF ch. 8 (180-186 mc); ERP 141 kw vis., 28 kw aur. Ant. height above average terrain 2,231 ft., above ground 223 ft. P.O. address: Box 1108, Medford 97501. Estimated construction cost $490,954.63; first-year operating cost $614,500; revenue $330,000. Trans. location atop Mount Ashland. Studio location Barnett Road, Medford. Geographic coordinates 42°04'55" north lat.; 122°43'09" west long. Type trans. RCA TT-25DH. Type ant. RCA TW-9A8-P. Legal counsel Cottone & Fannell; consulting engineer Raymond E. Rohrer & Associates. Medford Printing Co. owns KYJC Medford and publishes Medford Mail Tribune.
    Medford--State of Oregon acting by and through State Board of Higher Education. VHF ch. 8 (180-186 mc); ERP 27.3 kw vis., 5.5 kw aur. Ant. height above average terrain 695 ft., above ground 270 ft. P.O. address: c/o H. A. Bork, Box 5175, Eugene, Ore. 97403. Estimated construction cost $75.000; first-year operating cost $56,000. Studio and trans. both to be located in Blackwell Hill, near Medford. Geographic coordinates 42°25'41" north lat., 133°00'04" west long. Type trans. RCA TT-5A; type ant. RCA TF-6AH. Legal counsel Fisher, Wayland, Duvall, and Southmayd, Washington; consulting engineer Grant S. Feikert, Corvallis, Ore. To be administered by state board of education, licensee of KOAC-AM-TV Corvallis, and KOAP-FMTV Portland, both Oregon.
"TV Applications: Oregon," 1968 Broadcasting Yearbook, page A-108

Oregon TV Station Cancels NBC's Moratorium Coverage
    MEDFORD, Ore. (AP)--A Medford television station withheld an NBC-TV Huntley-Brinkley newscast last weekend because its reporting of the Vietnam Moratorium activities was not balanced, Ray Johnson, general manager of KMED, said today.
    "We took the program off the air because too much time was given to coverage" of supporters of the Moratorium and not enough to those who support President Nixon's Vietnam policies, Johnson said.
    In New York, NBC said it had no comment on the withholding of the newscast but said stations "can drop any program they want to and often drop them for one reason or another."
    The station previewed the newscasts Friday and Saturday last week, and on Saturday submitted a filmed program in place of the Huntley-Brinkley report. The Friday report was balanced in its coverage, Johnson said, and was shown.
    "The network and I have a disagreement on balanced news. After the October Moratorium Day coverage I served notice on the network that I would cancel newscasts that were not balanced.
    "We don't want network news people who regard themselves as experts in all fields . . . influencing our viewers," Johnson said.
    Johnson said he wrote early in November to the chairman of the NBC-TV affiliates committee and complained about NBC News' editorialized reporting of the October Moratorium activities.
Daily Iowan, Iowa City, November 22, 1969, page 3

More Local Time Not Really Wanted
    HOLLYWOOD (UPI)--Many local television stations don't think the Federal Communications Commission is doing them any favor by making it possible for them to originate more of their own prime time shows next year.
    The FCC recently decided to limit network television shows to only three or four prime time hours starting Sept. 1, 1971, in order to promote diversity and local programming.
    Critics of the FCC decision have already pointed out that most local stations simply don't have the resources to do steadily first-rate shows, and will put on cheap programming as a rule.
    Now the stations are beginning to make themselves heard. As an example, representatives of ABC-TV affiliate stations who recently met here said they oppose the FCC ruling.
    As another grassroots example, the news editor of the Medford, Ore. Mail Tribune, Cleve Twitchell, interviewed the general managers of his town's two television stations. And, he wrote in his report, they both think "it's a bad rule."
    Writes Twitchell: "Although the rule applies only to the top 50 markets (Medford ranks in the 70s), it is expected to affect all TV stations, because the networks most likely would not find it profitable or feasible to transmit extra programming for small markets only."
    Twitchell says one of the general managers, Jerry Poulos of KOBI-TV, feels that while the decision will be a bonanza for the top 50 markets because they have advertisers "standing in line," it will especially hurt small television markets like Medford.
    Poulos believes, says Twitchell, that in the smaller cities "loss of network programming will mean a decrease in revenue (because other advertisers are not standing in line), and an increase in expense to fill the vacated time." He also agrees there would be more talk and game shows, "which are the cheapest to produce."
    Ray Johnson, general manager of Medford's KMED-TV, observes that the FCC wants to revitalize syndication, but according to Twitchell he says the trouble is that not many stations can afford to buy syndicated programs. Twitchell notes that networks pay local stations to carry their shows, but these stations must pay to get syndicated material like the Mike Douglas series.
    Writes Twitchell, "He (Johnson) also raised this point: The FCC decision is designed to cause more diverse programming to be developed, so he contends the FCC is, in effect, telling viewers that they don't know what they want.
    "The material now available on television is what the people:want," he declared, saying that if it weren't the networks would be providing whatever it was that the people did want.
Ogden Standard Examiner, Ogden, Utah, May 30, 1970, page 7

    KTVL (TV) Medford, Ore.: Sold by Sierra Cascade Communications Inc. to Freedom Communications Inc. for $12.5 million. Seller is owned by J. L. DeArmond, George R. Johnson and John R. Dellenback (one-third each). They also own KTMT (FM) Medford and 55% of KTVZ (TV) Bend, Ore. Buyer is owned by Freedom Newspapers Inc., Santa Ana, Calif.-based publisher of 31 daily and five weekly newspapers in nine states. It is owned by C. H. Hoiles, chairman, and family who have no other broadcast interests. KTVL is primary CBS affiliate (secondary NBC) on ch. 10 with 132 kw visual, 26.3 kw aural and antenna 3,310 feet above average terrain.
"Changing Hands," Broadcasting, March 2, 1981, page 80

Viewers Are Few, Far Between
    With a little over 400,000 people, Medford-Klamath Falls, Ore., isn't the most populous market in the country. Geographically speaking, though, it's huge, covering some 50,000 square miles. Two of the four stations in the market have satellite stations, and all four have numerous translators to assist in covering the market.
    And you'd be surprised at the size of their engineering staffs. NBC affiliate KOBI, for example, has a dozen engineers to maintain the main station in Medford, a satellite in Klamath Falls, and 44 translators.
    The market doesn't yet have local carriage by DBS operators,  which is an issue for the broadcasters. KDRV General Manager Renard  Maiuri says the market lost a county and dropped one place in the Nielsen market rankings, largely because of out-of-market viewing. He won't take advertising from DBS operators, which have tried to buy ads.
    Station executives say the ad market is holding its own and didn't suffer as terribly as many did during last year's recession. "We went through some bad times earlier when the timber industry phased out" roughly a decade ago, says Maiuri.
    The market's big industry, and one of its two biggest ad categories, is health care. The other is autos. There's also a fair amount of tourism. And, for a 100-plus market, Medford-Klamath Falls has a sizable chunk of national spot business. About 45% of KOBI's business is national, 55% local, according to General Manager John Larkin.
    As of now, there's no UPN affiliate in the market, but MSO Charter airs The WB on one of its channels, and KDRV sells the ad time. Charter and KDRV are in retransmission-consent talks, and one point of negotiation is moving the WB signal from an expanded basic tier to the more universal basic tier, says Maiuri.
    Celebrating its 50th anniversary next year, KOBI is owned by the Smullin family, the second-oldest family broadcaster in the U.S., says Larkin.--Steve McClellan

Broadcasting, September 9, 2002, page 23

Last revised March 14, 2025