The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Albert Cooper Allen
Click here for more about Margaret Keith.

    On last evening, Lieut. Leven C. Allen, of the 10th [sic] U.S. Infantry, was united in marriage to Miss Kate McKee, daughter of John Miller McKee, of the Union and American. The marriage ceremony occurred at the residence of the bride's father on Vine Street, Rev. Wm. Graham, of Christ Church, officiating. The bride was most tastefully and handsomely attired, and looked her loveliest on this eventful occasion.
Her eyes were bright as stars that keep
    Their watch in midnight skies,
Her voice as sweet as winds that sweep
    The harps of Paradise.
    The bridegroom, too, was in full military dress, and looked the true soldier, and notwithstanding the fact that he had been severely wounded by Cupid's dart, he stood his ground manfully.
    There were a few friends present outside of the family connection, and the evening passed off pleasantly and joyously to all. Immediately after the ceremony was performed, the post band, stationed in front of the residence, discoursed sweet music, and all went merry as a marriage bell.
    The bride was the recipient of a number of handsome presents during the evening, among which was a magnificent silver service, consisting of ten pieces, from the officers of the garrison; a handsome set of richly carved spoons from Mrs. Sam Murphy; an elegant pitcher and salver from Gen. Pennepacker; a beautiful card and bouquet holder from Dr. Atchison; a massive silver tureen from John M. McKee, Jr., and wife; an elegant fruit basket from Wm. McKee, etc. A number of choice bouquets and rare and beautiful flowers were sent in by Dr. W. A. Cheatham, Mrs. Vaulx and Mrs. Perine.
    A long and prosperous life to the young and happy couple, and may the choicest blessings of Heaven attend them always.
Nashville Union and American, Nashville, Tennessee, February 27, 1874, page 4

A Young Lieutenant.
    No doubt the happiest event of the past week at Ash Barracks was the birth of a bouncing son on Friday, the 18th, to Mrs. Katie and Lieut. Leven C. Allen. Long life and prosperity to the martial youngster.
Nashville Union and American, Nashville, Tennessee, June 20, 1875, page 4

    The telegraphic instructions of this date from this headquarters, directing the commanding officer of Mount Vernon Barracks, Mount Vernon, Ala., to send Second Lieutenant L. C. Allen, Sixteenth Infantry, to join his company at Baton Rouge, La., are confirmed.
"Department of the Gulf," The Inter Ocean, Chicago, October 31, 1876, page 7

    Lieutenant L. C. Allen, Sixteenth Infantry, has been detailed for recruiting service and will proceed to New York City.
"The Military City," Salt Lake Herald, July 21, 1889, page 3

    First Lieutenant L. C. Allen, Sixteenth Infantry, Columbus Barracks, O. . . .
"New Recruiting Detail," Kansas City Times, October 10, 1889, page 6

    Notwithstanding the frowning heavens, and the rain, there was a bright and happy throng gathered in the dancing hall at Fort Douglas in response to the invitations sent out by Messrs. McFarland, Albert C. Allen and Frank M. Whitall. There is an age in all our lives when dancing is of supremest interest. At that period there must be something serious indeed that will prevent our participation. The scene which greeted our eyes Friday evening upon entering the hall, brilliant with light and glowing with warmth of colors, was cheering indeed, for the young gentlemen had spared no pains, and put forth a full meed of their artistic ability to transform the bare interior into a rich setting for their lovely guests, and no greater compliment could have been paid the "queen of hearts."
    The stand usually occupied by the musicians was converted into a luxurious lounging room. With sofas, great easy chairs, soft cushions, rugs and hangings of richest material, together with the subdued red and yellow light from two large piano lamps, and the groups of tropical plants and fragrant blossoms at either side, an oriental effect very seductive was produced, and which every couple took advantage of at the close of a dance. The effort of the hosts did not stop here, for with the aid of countless flags the walls of the room were gracefully festooned. Over the entrance door their skill had constructed a huge star whose brightness was the reflection from the entrenching knives of which it was made. Festoons of Japanese lanterns and banners were suspended from the sides and met in the center of the ceiling. To the left of this impromptu drawing room were stacked rifles, canteens and knapsacks, and to the right was placed a Hotchkiss mountain gun. But, over and above this considerate preparation for their guests was the cordial hospitality which each one felt as the hand of greeting was extended. And surely no finer hosts could well be found.
    The band, seated on a platform erected at the west of the hall, entered into the spirit of the evening and gave their most inspiring music, and with such partners, such a floor, dancing was a delight.
    Mrs. McFarland was gowned in a heavy black silk, rich with cut jet and warmed with lavender crepe on the corsage; Mrs. Allen in a becoming toilet of pinkish gray bengaline, and Mrs. Whitall, who wore a black silk striped with white and trimmed with black lace, assisted their sons in receiving the guests.
    The young ladies donned their prettiest gowns for the occasion. Miss Kate Williams wore cream silk, a Turkish jacket of gold and cream silk, white shoes and cream roses.
    Miss Bessie Glendinning, a figured crushed strawberry silk, forget-me-not ribbons and turquoise jewelry.
    Miss Bertha Carter wore a soft pretty material of golden brown, relieved with white lace.
    Miss Laura Thompson--Ivory silk frock and cream-colored roses.
    Miss Eloise Sherman was in sky blue silk; pink roses were her flowers.
    Miss Sue Bacon, cream silk trimmed in embroidered chiffon, red carnations in the hair, white slippers and gloves.
    Miss Marguerite Richards was in ciel blue silk, corsage cut round, elbow sleeves. White lace and ribbons were the trimmings and white roses her flowers.
    Miss Ruth Palmer--Black silk veiled in black lace, bodice cut round.
    Miss Geddes--White silk, white gloves, white slippers and white roses.
    Miss Addie Zane--Brown silk, white lace, red and white carnations.
    Miss Granger--Magnolia-tinted silk on train, red gloves, white roses.
    Miss Bessie Bacon--Golden brown disked in white, corsage cut square with chemisette gathered to an insertion of valenciennes. A bertha of honiton fell from over the shoulders and bust; brown shoes.
    Miss Julia Dean--Black lace confined the waist. A number of silver and turquoise bracelets were her jewels; a pretty cluster of marguerites were at the belt.
    Laura Thompson--White mull confined at the waist with a ribbon of yellow satin; yellow roses at the belt.
    Julia Freeman wore a lovely shell pink mull over silk over the same shade; trimming of French lace; pink roses.
    Marguerite Thompson--Cream-tinted gown of silk, trimmed with a filmy bertha of French lace; white ribbons in the hair.
    Carol Young--White silk and pink roses.
    Edna Earls--White India silk and French silk lace bertha; white roses.
    Lucia Whitall wore a frock of pretty daintiness.
    Besides the young ladies not already named there were on the invited list: Misses Sorley, Blanch Burke, Edna Remington, Frankie Sharp, Grace Jacobs, Jessie Forbes, Louise Smedley, Lee Judd, Mary Jennings, Jean Groo, Lute and Mary McMillen.
    The following is a list of gentlemen invited: Doctor Bracken, Adjutant Tyler, Messrs. A. B. Sawyer, Bert Walker, Bruce Palmer, Charlie and Bert Lawrence, Arthur Granger, Dana Smith, Fred Earls, George Smith, Francis Colton, Gilbert Allen, Harry Brink, Hunt Johnston, Josiah Sawyer, Louis Whitall, Ned Palmer, Owens Judd, Roy Hampton, Lacey Long, Wayne Smith, Tod Goodwin, Willis Morrison, Harry Hempstead, Robert Tiernan and Willie Barnett. Colonel and Mrs. Blount were guests of honor. There were a number of pleased spectators in the balcony. Delicious refreshments were served in the pretty drawing room.
    The Salt Lake Railway Company kindly furnished a car to convey the city guests home after 12 o'clock, thereby avoiding any hurry in leaving.
"Society," Salt Lake City Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 10, 1891, page 6

    I picked up a little yellow-backed volume a few days ago, and I laughed over it and cried over it in the way we are wont to do over a really good book.
    Who wrote it?
    A twelve-year-old boy. [In 1888.] He wrote it, printed it and illustrated it in woodcuts made by himself. On its cover is a furled flag, for he has grown up under its folds and has listened to the bugle call every day for "reveille"--the drum call for "taps."
    "Camp at Strawberry Valley and Other Short Stories" it reads, with the author's name, Albert C. Allen. It deals with a summer encampment of the United States troops at that charming spot, and is just the tale in which any eastern boy would delight.
    After recounting the first part of their hot and dry march and how he had gone to sleep the first night "homesick and dreaming in a confused way of home and Strawberry Valley," he drops into this pretty little bit of descriptive narrative:
    "For twenty miles westward lay the valley, a veritable park, bathed in brilliant, yellow light. At this great elevation (10,000 feet above the level of the sea) the atmosphere is so clear that objects can be seen plainly at great distances, so that a half dozen mounted Indians scudding across the plains, fully three miles away, seemed within easy rifle shot. Lit up by the rays of the sun, which:
Rolled o'er the glen their level way;
Each purple peak, each flinty spire,
Was bathed in floods of living fire.
    "The contrast between this sunlit landscape and the dark forests through which we had been marching made it the most startling and lovely scene I had ever beheld."
    Here is something to catch the eye of every boy:
    "This evening I went hunting, but as I had only stones to throw I killed nothing. As I was returning to camp I stopped on an old log that gave out a whistling sound. On examining it I found a hole, and in it was a squirrel. I cut a stick and ran it into the hole and began to twist it so as to catch the squirrel's hair, but it would not hold him. I tried in every way I could think of to get the squirrel and finally twisted half its tail off. After an hour or more I got his hind leg out and tied a string around it and pulled him out. On the way back to camp I met a soldier and he offered to show me how to hold the squirrel. He said: 'Catch him by the back of the neck, and then he can't bite you.'
    "I tried it and the squirrel bit me instantly. Then I got a long stick and tied him to the end of it and carried it to camp where I gave it away."
    Where have you ever seen this surpassed as descriptive of a feeling we have all at some time known:
    "I went on an exploring trip this morning over the mountains. I had an idea that by climbing a certain mountain that is in this vicinity I would be able to see Fort Duchesne, which is over 150 miles distant. I took the gun and after an hour's climbing I found myself about halfway up. As I was resting in the shade of some trees I suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes behind me. Jumping up, I looked around but saw nothing.
    "Resolved not to be frightened out of this expedition, I loaded both barrels of my gun with buckshot and started bravely forward. Every gust of wind through the pine forest gave me a start. I believed myself able to cope with any wild animal to be found in this region, for I am familiar with the use of my shotgun, but the wildness of my surroundings, the overhanging cliffs which threatened to fall upon me, the great unknown distances up to the mist-enshrouded peaks, and the dark depths of the cañons below impressed me with a feeling of helplessness and danger. But I still pursued my course upward, and finally reached a point which I had supposed was the top, but I saw my mistake, for in reality I was still a long way from the summit. Here I gave way to that overpowering feeling of awe which oppressed me, and disappointed at not reaching the top, I abandoned my purpose. I had reached about 11,500 feet and found breathing difficult.
    "Father told me that after many years' experience in the mountains and on the plains he has, himself, had the same sensations when in wild sections that I had; so as I am only 12 years old, I am not ashamed to tell of mine."
    Here is a delicious bit of humor:
    "Returning to the hotel I found my way to supper to which I did full justice after my hard day's journey. The only fault I found was that the waiter came up to me and recited the bill of fare with such rapidity that I could not understand a word he said except the last part, which was: 'What'll you have?' and this was just what I didn't know, but I managed by looking at the things on other tables to give my order, and he departed."
"It Was a Gay Society Week," Salt Lake Tribune, June 26, 1892, page 4

    Invitations are out for a hop to be given at the Post hall, Friday evening, April 28, at 7:30 o'clock. The hosts of the evening are Messrs. Albert C. Allen, Frank M. Whitall [and] W. Landram McFarland.
"Society," Salt Lake Herald, April 23, 1893, page 6

    The Fort Douglas Knapsack is the name of a neat publication just issued at the post. It will appear weekly, and has a good field. A. C. Allen is the editor, while F. M. Whitall has charge of the business department, and W. L. McFarland looks after the business end. The Knapsack is a bright, newsy publication, and under such able management ought to have a prosperous career.
"Brief and Breezy," Salt Lake Herald, February 24, 1894, page 8

Fort Douglas Items.
    Messrs. Landron, McFarland, Frank Whitall and Albert Allen, of Fort Douglas, are preparing an expedition overland to Yellowstone Park for two or three weeks. They will leave about July 1, and will intersperse their Izaak Walton sport with an occasional letter to the Herald, describing their wanderings.
    Louis Whitall and Gilbert Allen are leaving for [the] Uintah Mountains on a ten days' fishing excursion.
    A merry party, consisting of the following fort officers and men, left yesterday for Strawberry Valley, on a ten days' outing: Captain L. C. Allen, Captain G. H. Palmer, Lieutenant B. B. Buck, Lieutenant J. E. Woodward, Lieutenant R. E. S. Spencer, Lieutenant E. C. Carey, Sergeant Brown, Corporal Miller, Private Wild, Private Cameron and Messrs. Ned and Bruce Palmer. They were fully equipped for a heavy slaughter of trout.
Salt Lake Herald, June 25, 1894, page 8

    A. C. Allen and brother are at the Walker House. They live at Fort Douglas, but couldn't get up last night, on account of the cars not running.
"Personal Mention," Salt Lake Tribune, January 25, 1895, page 8

Beat the All Hallows Boys 22 to 2--A Challenge.
    Fort Douglas' second eleven beat All Hallows College at football yesterday by a score of 22 to 2. The game, which was a very pretty one from the spectators' standpoint, was of forty minutes' duration. The bucking of the college team was much admired, but the boys in blue proved too much for the students, who were unable to meet successfully their sturdy opponents' splendid interference. Their run plays won for the post. Bradfield, halfback, went around the college boys' right end for sixty yards, making a touchdown, from which a goal was kicked. Smalden and Malarkey also made good runs for the post.
    A. C. Allen, manager of the post eleven, issues the following challenge:
    The post team of Fort Douglas do hereby challenge any 150-pound team in Utah to a match game of football, to be played under the straight book rules governing rugby football for 1896. Conditions governing the game to be settled between the managers.
Salt Lake Tribune, November 22, 1895, page 8

    Manager Allen telephoned from the Fort to Logan the other day and learned that the college team of that city could not play his team--the Bluffers--on December 9 on account of it being so near the end of the school term, and they were not at liberty to neglect their studies. They, however, promised to play a game on the Fort grounds after the school closes at Christmas.
* * *
    If the Bluffers play the Y.M.C.A. they will have Doyle as halfback in the place of Bradfield.
* * *
    Captain Casey is not a member of the second team. He still champions the cause of the Tigers.
* * *
    The Bluffers say they are going to strengthen the line and try for the championship of Utah under the management of Al Allen.
* * *
    Bradfield, of Company C, the left half of the second team, will be discharged today and will probably remain in Salt Lake.
* * *
    Only three games stand between the Bluffers and the championship of Utah--the Y.M.C.A., the U. of U., and the Logans. The high school has refused to play them.
* * *
    The Crescents have refused to play either team at the post.
* * *
    The Bluffers have sent challenges to the University of Utah [and] the Y.M.C.A., and expect a game at an early date.
* * *
    A practice game will be played between the All Hallows and the Bluffers one day this week on the Fort grounds.
* * *
    Private Noble, who is the champion right end of all the soldiers, is nursing a very sore leg as a result of the game with the "16 to 1's."
* * *
    The comandante is getting things in shape to organize a fife and drum corps among the wind pushers, having sent east for a dozen drums and half a dozen fifes.
* * *
    Private Reissenger, of Company B, Third Infantry, and Company A, Sixteenth Infantry, who played right guard in the game between the 16 to 1's and the Bluffers, is in the "mill" and will probably be tried by a general court martial, having departed unceremoniously from the former company, being attracted to the fair city by the lake and the football games. Reissenger is a sprinter, having a record of 10 1/5, and lately belonged to the Travers Island Athletic Club, of New York, a branch of the Manhattan.
* * *
    The Grand Orients will give the next ball to come off in [the] recreation hall. The date is unknown.
* * *
    When is it to take place, Mack?
E. G. A.
Salt Lake Herald, December 9, 1895, page 2

    Messrs. Albert Allen, Gilbert Allen and Frank Whitall give a dance in the post hall at Fort Douglas tomorrow night.
"In Society," Salt Lake Tribune, December 22, 1895, page 10

    Albert Allen, Will Whitall and Gilbert Allen give a dancing party at the Post Monday evening.
"In Society," Salt Lake Herald, December 22, 1895, page 6

    Albert Allen and L. McFarland are thinking of reviving The Ft. Douglas Knapsack upon their return from Black's Fork, Wyo.
"Fort Douglas Notes," Salt Lake Herald, July 18, 1896, page 8

    Fort Douglas now has a journal of its own, and a very creditable one it is. It is called the Knapsack, and the first number was issued yesterday. A. C. Allen, a son of Captain Allen, is the editor, with J. V. Young as his assistant. The Knapsack will be issued every Saturday.
"Town Talk," Salt Lake Herald, December 8, 1896, page 8

    The sensational wild West show given by some southern Utah cowpunchers for the edification of Eastern tourists calls to mind a little trick that was perpetrated on some other guileless travelers by a couple of Salt Lakers a summer or two ago. Mortimer Allen and Albert Allen--not brothers, no relation--were on a hunting trip in the wilds of Wyoming. Their wickiup was in a picturesque spot near Black's Fork, where deer and antelope grazed and where no white man--save an old trapper--had come to mar the natural beauty or disturb the dumb inhabitants.
    About once a week the young men rode over to Piedmont, the nearest railroad station, for "crackers and cheese," and mail and anything else that was handy.
    One afternoon they had reached a crossing on the track where the train slows up on account of the curve. They heard it coming in the distance and quickly formed a plan. Riding away from the track, they awaited the coming of the train and as soon as it was in sight they began gesticulating wildly, cursing and shaking their fists at one another. Their garb was very characteristic, though common on the ranges. Blue flannel shirt, a worn sombrero, overalls, chaps, etc., while Al Allen wore a brace of pistols. Their faces were tanned, and carried a scattered weeks' growth of whiskering, and all in all, they looked as tough as campers do. Of course, they attracted attention, and window room on that side of the car seemed to be at a premium.
    Finally Mort lifted his arm and brought a quirt down across Al's back, assuming as he did so a terrible expression. Bang, bang went a couple of shots. Mort dropped to the road; the "murderer" put spurs to his horse and was soon lost in a cloud of dust. A hundred cries of Help! Road agent! Murder! came from the car windows, while the engineer stopped the train.
    Most of the men jumped off and, headed by the conductor, ran toward the prostrate man. Mort lay on his side and watched them until they were within twenty yards of him, then jumped in the saddle and, waving his hat, rode swiftly away toward the setting sun.
"Bits of Color," Salt Lake Tribune, August 15, 1897, page 12

    Licenses to wed were issued yesterday for . . . Robert Hiends, 21, Bessie Courtney, 16 . . .
"Court Notices," Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 17, 1898, page 8

    Captain Jennings of Battery C yesterday secured six recruits for the battery in this city, which will be all that will be taken for a time. He goes to Mercur today, where he will make an effort to enlist some of the desirable material which is said to be lingering in the vicinity waiting for a recruiting officer to come along and swear them in.
    The names of the men enlisted here yesterday were: Sergeant Louis Gilbert, formerly of Company A, National Guard of Utah; Louis Wolz, Alfred Wilgren, Ray A. Young, Albert C. Allen of the Herald reportorial staff, and Axel Ongren.

"Got an Even Dozen," Salt Lake Herald, July 3, 1898, page 7

    Recruit Albert C. Allen, formerly of The Herald, who has enlisted in the battery, has secured himself a natty uniform, which fits him like the kalsomine on the wall, and gives him a very martial appearance. Recruit Allen is likely to become a noncommissioned officer, and he will make a good one.

"Seamen Pass Through," Salt Lake Herald, July 3, 1898, page 5

    Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sadler announce the engagement of their daughter, June, to Mr. Albert C. Allen, son of Captain L. C. Allen, of the Sixteenth Infantry, now at Santiago. The date for the wedding has not been set.
"In the Social Realm," Salt Lake Herald, July 8, 1898, page 8

Six More Men Added to the Roll Yesterday.
The Work Is Light As Yet, However, and the Recruits Are Very Well Cared For--
Captain Jennings in Uniform--Men Are All Eager to Get Away.

    Six new recruits were added to the roll of Battery C,  Utah volunteers yesterday, bringing the total up to 91, or 15 short of the required number to complete the company. Recruits are not coming in as rapidly as might be desired. The officers are hopeful, however, of securing the remaining 15 within the next two or three days, when the work of organizing and drilling will commence in earnest.
    Those who passed the examination yesterday were:
    Henry Barrett.
    Patrick H. Malloy.
    Joseph Hansen.
    Karl Lundstrom.
    Percy T. Fisher.
    Milo Rogers.
    There are about ten more applicants awaiting examination, and it is quite probable that the greater number of these will be accepted. Still there will be room for more, and anyone who wants to fight for $15.60 a month and glory, with a trip to Manila thrown in, will do well to present himself to Captain Jennings at Fort Douglas this morning.
    The post is again beginning to look like a military camp. The boys have begun drilling in squads and are being put through the body exercises and taught to keep step. Owing to the severe heat of the last few days no drilling has been conducted during the day, but as the members become more accustomed to the work the heat will cut no figure.
    Everything is moving along lovely and there is not a murmur heard among the volunteers. They have plenty of good food and have been fortunate in securing the services of an old army cook who has had 23 years of experience in the kitchen. There is an abundance of ice, the meat is of the best, the coffee is good, and while there are few delicacies sent up from the townspeople, the boys all say they are living royally.
    The scene at the barracks on a hot afternoon is grotesque. Strewn along the porches are ticks and blankets on which the recruits idle away their time. They have begun to accustom themselves to the surroundings and are taking as much comfort as facilities will allow. One may be seen kneeling in front of a grip sack writing a letter, while others are grouped about playing "seven up," while others occupy every conceivable position with the one idea of taking life easy. A very few uniforms are yet to be seen, and the fact that most of the boys wear no more clothes than the law permits makes the scene one worth going to see.
    Captain Jennings donned a new uniform yesterday and looked every inch a soldier. He was complimented by all who visited headquarters, and when he came downtown in the afternoon he was the recipient of many more. The boys are to be measured for uniforms today and full equipments will await them upon their arrival in San Francisco. It is to be hoped that the cloth will be of better quality than that furnished the other batteries that went out from this state.
    The following were appointed temporary drill instructors yesterday: Allen, Hulbert, Cushing, Rasmussen, Charles Smith, Leon and Stevenson. The noncommissioned officers will not be appointed until the roll is complete, but it is quite likely that some of those named as instructors will be among the lucky ones, they being considered most efficient in tactics.
    Of course nothing is certainly known as to when the battery will leave. Captain Jennings said he had no intimation as to when the orders might come to move, though it is quite probable that when the required number of recruits have been secured they will be ordered to San Francisco without delay. This may be during the latter part of the present week. All are anxious for the order to go, as evidenced by the eagerness with which they questioned the newspaper men on the point when the latter came out of the headquarters.
    Life at Fort Douglas is not what they have been looking for; they want to be off for Manila and that as soon as possible. In view of a probable departure during the present week they have been given ample freedom to visit the city, and during the middle of the day perhaps only one-half of the boys can be found around the barracks.
    Ex-Patrolman Lund has become quite a favorite among the men, and it is not improbable that he will get the appointment as one of the sergeants. A. C. Allen, late of the Herald, is another popular member and probably knows more about military matters than anyone in the ranks. He is a son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth, formerly stationed at the fort, and now taking such an active part in the struggle before Santiago. Allen looked well in a new uniform yesterday, and his services were in constant demand.
    One of the chief sports is bathing. There is a bathhouse just below the barracks, and it is well patronized all day. In fact there are enough comforts to make army life desirable, and there are as a result few cases of homesickness.
Salt Lake Herald, July 12, 1898, page 8

    Henry Barrett appointed first sergeant and Albert C. Allen first duty sergeant.
"Utah's Third Battery," Salt Lake Herald, July 15, 1898, page 8

The Blaze Threatened to Reach the Barracks, and Was Extinguished
by the Artillerymen--Some Funny Incidents.

    Battery C, Utah volunteers, has distinguished itself.
    It had its first experience under a heavy fire yesterday, and every member from Captain Jennings down to Orderly "Jaffert" conducted himself bravely. When the smoke cleared away there was nothing but a black stretch of ground to indicate where the enemy a few moments before tore onward in its furious assault on Fort Douglas.
    The battle was of short duration. It lasted not over half an hour, but in that time enough bravery was displayed to prove that Battery C is composed of the right stuff. Like most of the battles of the present war it was comparatively bloodless. Quartermaster Sergeant Hawley, who got into the hottest part of the fight, had his whiskers singed, but otherwise escaped uninjured. He will not go to the hospital. Private Ongman, who took up the fight where Hawley left off, will have to have his mustache shaved off, while some of the other boys will have to use vaseline for a couple of days.
    The success of the engagement was largely due to the gallant action of the officers. Captain Jennings took a position on the ridge of the hill overlooking the battleground, from which place he could observe the movements of his troops. Lieutenant Murphy, saber in hand, led one detachment which made the first assault. Lieutenant Stacey brought up the rear with what was intended for a reserve force, but there was no reservation about it; they all wanted a hand in the fight, and plunged forward into the thickest part of the smoke and did gloriously.
    It was about 7 o'clock last evening when the sentry smelled smoke. He took a few sniffs to make sure and gave the alarm. The call was sounded and the boys responded like heroes. A hasty council of war was held by the officers and the plan of attack agreed upon. The enemy was fast approaching, following both sides of the car track. A few moments more and it would reach the lower barracks. There was no time to lose. Five minutes of irresolution cost Napoleon the Battle of Waterloo, and it was decided not to have a repetition of that catastrophe. Captain Jennings stationed himself on the edge of the hill and gave orders for his men to go ahead and fight. They did so. It took the battery 15 minutes to get in range of the enemy, but when the men opened up they made short work of it. Every man fought like a demon, while the officers stood and watched them. In 30 minutes not a puff of smoke could be seen. The enemy was completely wiped out.
    So entirely oblivious to all danger were the men that at one time during the hottest part of the engagement they sang "The Star Spangled Banner." Many other actions of heroism were displayed. Sergeant Hulbert fell into a ditch in his mad rush into the very teeth of the fire and, had it not been for the extraordinary reach of Sergeant Lund, would have had no chance to distinguish himself any further.
    Sergeant Allen, who had a new uniform on, didn't want it spoiled, and showed great coolness by taking his coat off and carefully laying it aside while the enemy was getting in its best licks. But to mention all heroic deeds would take up too much space.
    When there was nothing left to fight Captain Jennings signaled retreat, and the victory marched home singing "There'll Be a Hot Time for the the Next Man Who Sets Fire to the Reservation Grass."
    Aside from the exciting battle last evening nothing of any special importance occurred at the fort. No news was received as to when the battery will finally get away, though it was confidently expected that word from Washington would be received today.
    The Red Cross society sent up 14 pairs of shoes and three dozen cotton hose to be distributed among the needy members, and several made applications for the footwear. The majority of the boys, however, are fairly well supplied with clothes and money. Still there are a few to whom these donations are a godsend. The housewives sent up by the ladies of the Red Cross a few days ago were distributed, and every batteryman was happy.
    Lieutenant Murphy was the proud possessor of a saber presented to him by the people of Ogden last Tuesday evening. It is a beauty, and much admiration was bestowed upon it by the visitors at headquarters yesterday.
Salt Lake Herald, July 21, 1898, page 5

Utah Boys Waiting for Something to Turn Up.
Have Not Received Their Guns, but Are Kept Busy by the Drills--Feud Between New York and Tennessee Troops--Opinions on the City and its "Balmy" Climate.
    Presidio, Aug. 21.--Now that first impressions have worn away, we can give an unprejudiced opinion of San Francisco. We--the Utah boys--have always heard of the delightful climatic conditions of San Francisco. People from Salt Lake have often gone away for a few months to San Francisco, and all have come back only to tell us the same old story: "The town is just beautiful, far ahead of Salt Lake, and it is so warm there," etc. Out of all of the friends I have had visit this place there was not one who did not tell that story. For us poor, believing men, untutored in the wiles of this wicked world, it was cruelty itself to so basely deceive us.
    While stationed at Fort Douglas we visited those of our friends who had been to San Francisco and from them we received the necessary directions as to our wearing apparel and such things. They all gave us the same advice, and as a consequence we started off with the lightest of flimsy summer clothing. Going through Nevada we wished we wore no clothing at all, and it was not until we reached the mountains that we felt cool enough to enjoy ourselves.
    Then we reached Port Costa and got aboard the large ferry, and the night air was a little "brisk," but remembering what our friends had said we thought it was all right. Next morning we were rousted out of bed and the "balmy spring days which prevail in San Francisco" broke upon our startled senses.
    We thought it was cold, but when we saw everyone in overcoats we knew we were mistaken. It was just "balmy." Someone mentioned Ananias, but his stories were tame in comparison with what we had heard.
    We were all very anxious to leave Fort Douglas for a change, as we thought fighting fires was a little too much, and besides we were not properly quartered there. Well, we were younger then and didn't believe in the fish story of out from the frying pan into the fire. We are wiser now.
    We are constantly asked, "When will you boys sail?" That question now kind of makes the bristles raise. We hate to be teased about such things, and the question nettles us.
    It is my happy lot to be a "war correspondent" and the only privileged character who carries a kodak to take the pictures of the battles we fight in this war. I have several scenes already of bloody encounters which have occurred between Battery C and the dons, and in future years our descendants can look with pride upon them and say, "Just see how my illustrious ancestor licked the Spaniards."
    But to come back to San Francisco. It is a great town--barring the weather--and his satanic majesty would not accept a slice of it for Hades. But what strikes us as strange is the deception which is practiced here to fool the poor stranger. The first of these deceptions (after the weather) is the streets. One would naturally think that he could get someplace by walking down a street in San Francisco, but this is a mistake. He starts out from Market Street and walks up some branch street, and before he knows it he is back on Market. He tries again, and invariably gets back to where he started. The other day I tried to get lost, but I always came back to the starting point. It is like a mystic maze, and every turn you make brings you back to the center.
    The streets are superb. They are narrow and paved with cobblestones thrown together without regard to smoothness or regularity. The women, that is, most of them, have the rosiest cheeks and complexion, but even that is false, as a close inspection will show.
    The other day I visited Golden Gate Park, and the same state of affairs existed there. They have a lake--which is artificial--built high up on a hill. In the center of the lake is a large island rising like a mound. Down the side of this drops a very pretty waterfall. But on a large rock at the side of the fall appears this sign, "So and So Falls (I cannot remember the name), Presented by So and So."
    But it is a pretty walk along the drive around the base of this island. Large, rugged boulders line the road and jut out here and there from the dense growth of trees and flowering shrubs. But, strange to say, those rocks are but the handiwork of man, painted to represent the real article. And so it goes.
    But take it all in all, we are pretty well pleased with the city, so far, but Zion beats it all hollow. 'Frisco is a very lively place now, probably on account of there being so many soldiers here, which makes business pretty good.
    There are 10-cent shows, free shows, and all kinds of amusements in the city. The Alcazar is a very nice place, but not large, it being on the style of the New Grand in Salt Lake. It is running to well-filled houses to see Lewis Morrison. The Frawley Company, with the only Clarke and Maud Winters of the old stock company, is playing at the Columbia. A large number of soldier boys go to these places. At the chutes the soldier boys are admitted free.
    Golden Gate Park is certainly a beautiful place, and would require two or three days to see it thoroughly. The museum, built during the Midwinter Fair, is still running, and is filled with beautiful works of art and interesting things of all descriptions. The grounds are beautifully laid out, and flowers of all kinds are growing throughout its whole extent.
    Army life itself with the volunteers is pretty hard, but it is a great experience for the boys. A few days ago the Utah cavalry troop left here and, as they were encamped in front of us, we are now enabled to get a good view of the bay. The troop left about 10:30 in the morning, and were sent off by three rousing cheers from our battery.
    We have been very fortunate so far in the number of cases of sickness, but in the last few days the sick list has been greatly enlarged. The sickness is the result of impure water, too much fruit and such things. We have only one or two cases in the hospital, and they are not serious.
    Private John L. Smith, who was injured in the leg by an exploding cartridge, is much better now, and he occasionally visits the camp.
    The spirits of the boys are good, although they are very much disappointed at not getting a chance to fight for their country. Now that the fighting is over, most of the boys wish to be mustered out, but what course will be pursued has not yet been learned. We now have our uniforms, but no guns or equipments.
    Our duties occupy the greater part of the day, the time of calls being as follows:
    Reveille 5:45   a.m.
Drill (setting-up exercises) 6:00 a.m.
Recall 6:20 a.m.
Breakfast 6:30 a.m.
Sick call 7:00 a.m.
Fatigue call 7:30 a.m.
Drill call 8:20 a.m.
Recall from drill 10:15 a.m.
Inspection of quarters 10:45 a.m.
Guard mounting 10:50 a.m.
Noncommissioned officers' school 11:00 a.m.
Recall from fatigue 11:40 a.m.
Mess call, dinner 12:10 p.m.
Fatigue call 1:00 p.m.
Drill call 1:20 p.m.
Recall from drill 3:30 p.m.
Extra drill 4:00 p.m.
Recall from drill 4:45 p.m.
Recall from fatigue 5:10 p.m.
Mess call, supper 5:40 p.m.
Tattoo 9:00 p.m.
Call to quarters 10:45 p.m.
Taps 11:00 p.m.
    A word of explanation of these calls would probably be interesting. The setting-up drill in the morning is conducted by sections, the sergeants drilling their respective sections. The regular morning drill is usually under one or more of the commissioned officers. The battery is formed on the battery parade ground and is marched to the top of a hill about a mile distant. This is a fairly level place, and we are drilled in foot movements until recall, when we are marched back to camp. The guard, consisting of one section of about 24 men, is then mounted and four sentinels posted around the camp, two being taken off at night.
    The afternoon drill is the same as the morning, but is longer. The extra drill of about 45 minutes is for punishment and instruction. Any man who is found to be inattentive at drill is placed in the extra drill, or awkward squad; also all of those who cannot execute the commands properly are placed in this squad. At 11 o'clock the noncommissioned officers report to the captain and the tactics are reviewed, studied and explained. Here all questions of tactics are discussed and the captain listens to all suggestions from the noncommissioned officers as to the care and management of the men.
    The Utah boys have often been complimented upon their good behavior, and our battery has had no trouble so far with any of the other organizations or in our own ranks. But some of the other volunteers are constantly "mixing up." There seems to be war declared between the New York outfit and the Tennessee crowd. Every day we can hear from our camp shouts and cries coming from the direction of their camps, and we know a row is on. Several times the two regiments have had serious fights and individual members of both regiments are constantly meeting in fistic encounters.
    But the climax was reached the other day when the Tennessee boys attempted to lynch a negro. A few days ago we heard a racket going on toward Camp Miller, and learned that it was the usual row. But this time they had gone to a bathing resort near the camp and raised such a row that two troops of cavalry were ordered out to stop it.
    A good joke is told on one of the Tennessee boys, and it is said to be the truth. It is customary for a sentinel at the guardhouse to call out, upon the approach of the officer of the day, "Turn out the guard for the officer of the day." One of the Tennessee boys was on guard when he saw the officer of the guard approaching. "Turn out the push; here comes the main guy!" It is needless to say he was punished for it.
    We are quietly waiting for something to turn up to settle our fate. If we are not to fight, we wish to be mustered out, but if there is fighting to be done, we want a hand in it.
    Sergeant Battery C, U.S.V.
Salt Lake Herald, August 22, 1898, page 8

Artillerymen Disappointed That They Cannot See Service.
Rides About the Bay and Through the Golden Gate--The Defenses There--
Angel and Alcatraz Islands--Funerals Numerous, but the Utah Boys Escape.

    Presidio, San Francisco, Aug. 28.--We have read with interest the accounts which have been given from time to time of our comrades in Manila, and we were stirred with various feelings, according to our dispositions. When we read of the battle at Manila, and the conduct of the Utah boys there, we were glad they made such a good showing, but at the same time it made us feel a little envious. But that has passed now and we are only sorry that our services were not required.
    Now that white-winged peace hovers around us, we feel that our duty has been done and our services are no longer required to defend our flag against its enemies. We wake up each morning and realize that another day has dawned upon us, and speculate as to what it will divulge. But day after day passes and we receive no orders. Most of us have given up all hopes, but, like a drowning man, some still cling to a straw. We had hoped to get at least one fight, but the cup has been dashed from our lips, and as we gaze at the scattered fragments of our wishes, we realize that our war experience is at an end.
    Garrison duty may be all right, but the volunteer troops want none of it. We can subsist on poor rations, face hardships and dangers in active service, but now that it is all over, we are ready to lay aside our soldier equipments and once more become citizens. It is a great disappointment to be unable to fight for our country, but we are resigned. We feel that we responded to the call of our country in time of trouble; that we served faithfully during that time, and our obligations are paid. What will be done with us we do not know, but whatever comes, we will meet it like soldiers.
    But our life at the Presidio has not been without its sunshine. Besides the trips around the city, we have had a boat ride on the bay. The government tug leaves the dock at the Presidio on Thursdays and Fridays about 1:30. On those days a certain number of soldiers are permitted to ride upon it free, and many have availed themselves of the opportunity thus offered.
    The other day Sergeant Stevenson, Corporal Voyce and the writer decided to take the ride. Accordingly, after obtaining passes, we started for the boat. It is strange what a deception the water is. As we approached the shore the sea seemed hardly to be ruffled by a wave, and when we walked out on the pier the waves looked very small. "A fine day for a ride," we thought.
    A few moments later the tug pulled up and we all jumped aboard. I had never experienced seasickness, and believed it to be more imagination than anything else, but what a change I underwent. No sooner had I placed my foot upon the deck than I got the full effect of the boat's motion. Two or three motions up and down, and my brain began to reel, and a knot gathered in my stomach. How I wished I hadn't come, but I was ashamed to back down.
    I forced a smile on my face and tried to jest with the boys, but it was a poor effort. The boat started away, and I then registered a solemn vow never to leave terra firma again. Voyce came up with Sergeant Stevenson, and they remarked, "Isn't this just fine." Their voices came to me as if from a distance, but I smiled "a wan, sweet smile," and faintly answered, "You bet."
    They went up into the bow of the boat, while I measured it with my eyes from stem to stern to find the center, and, going there, stayed until I felt better. Then I noticed Stevenson and Voyce coming back, but with a serious look upon their faces. There was something touching in the pathos of the forced smile as they responded to my question of "Feeling all right?"
    "Just fine," was the answer, but I knew better. Then a poor Washington volunteer leaned over the rail, looked at the water and said, "I wish I hadn't come. It won't take much more to make me sick." That "broke the ice," and we all three murmured, "We feel that way too."
    It was surprising to see those "little" waves. They got up and smashed the tug first one way, then another, and sent spray flying over everything and everybody, yet the bay was considered very calm that day. Finally the boat stopped at a point at the northern side of Golden Gate, and from there we had a good view of the battery of 10- and 12-inch rifles mounted on the cliffs. These guns are over 500 feet above the sea and are said to be the highest in the world. From there we headed for Angel Island, and stopped to deliver some freight and take passengers.
    Angel Island is a barren-looking place, but the garrison is a very pretty one. From there we headed for Alcatraz Island, which lies in the middle of the bay. We noticed a number of barrels anchored about, and the boat gave them a wide berth. When we asked about them the engineer told us they marked the place in which are planted submarine mines [i.e., underwater mines].
    Alcatraz is a rocky island, which rises sheer from the water's edge to a height of about 200 feet. On top of this is built the large military prison and the barracks and quarters of the officers and men who garrison the place. A number of large guns are mounted on the island and make the place a formidable fortification. From there we went to Fort Mason, which is on the mainland, and thence to the Clay Street wharf.
    Here we disembarked and went to the Red Cross rooms for supper. The ladies always have a supper spread for the boys. We then went around and saw the transports Arizona, Scandia and Australia. The Scandia and Arizona were fitting up for sea, and the latter was almost ready to sail. They were both beautiful boats, and the Arizona was the largest that ever entered San Francisco.
    A couple of days later the Arizona sailed for Honolulu with troops on board. As it passed the several fortifications the guns boomed out a salute, and as it passed the Presidio we were all out to cheer it as it passed.
    Camp life is still going on with the usual regularity. The health of the battery is fair, most of the men not being as well as when they arrived. The number of deaths among the volunteers here is something terrible. There are about 7,000 men here, and out of this number there are one to four die every day. Our camp is so situated, being within a stone's throw of the cemetery, that all of the funerals pass here.
    Every day we see the procession go by carrying some poor soldier to his last resting place. One day we had three funerals, one of them being two comrades whose remains lay side by side in two coffins on the same caisson. Many are they who have given up their lives for their country and not on the battlefield either. Privation, exposure and bad food are the causes of these deaths to a great extent.
    Our food is of the plainest sort, the usual meal being beef stew, black coffee and bread. This is varied, of course, but when it is considered that this must be cooked all at one time over an open fire it will be seen how much chance there is for it to be not quite as nice as it should be. Then, too, the water is fearful. Some of is so bad it is almost yellow, and there are but few men here who wouldn't give a good price for a drink of water fresh from the pipes in Salt Lake.
    The hospitals are filled with sick, and tents have had to be utilized for some of the patients. The ladies of the Red Cross society have realized the need for more hospital room, and a large frame one is being built near our camp. This is being built by the Red Cross and will be completed in a few days.
    The boys are having a little change from the steady drill in the afternoon. Instead of drilling in the afternoon we are usually formed in column and marched along the beach or visiting some points of interest. The other day Lieutenant Stacey took us to Fort Point and thence around the beach for quite a distance and back to camp. It was a very interesting trip and was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
    We have one or two men in the battery who, with their ready wit and humor, always keep the men laughing. There is a happy crowd in one of the tents, and that place is always in a turmoil. They call their tent the "bear den" and have nicknamed themselves accordingly. One is known throughout the camp as the "pant'er," another the "reptile," the "scorpion," etc. Each one answers to the name as readily as by his own name.
    The other evening the "pant'er" gang went to town. They strolled into a music hall where a girl was singing on the stage. One of the gang walked straight down the aisle, and, taking a position in front of the girl, began, using the southern dialect: "I'se de sole survivor of Custah's last fight, an' I 'se a bad man. I was borned on a sand bar, and nussed by a cow whale."
    The girl on the stage broke into a fit of uncontrollable laughter and had to leave the stage, while the audience laughed and applauded until the place was in an uproar.
    This same man, who is a born wag, says that when he gets out of the army the first thing he will do is to stay out all night, just to be in bed at taps. The next night he is going to burn a light all night to get even for having to put his lights out now at 9 o'clock. He says he has become so that he hates the trumpet worse than poison ever since it began to wake up him in the morning. "In fact," he says, "I hate it so bad I wake up in the middle of the night to hate it." But he is the jolliest man in camp, and always cheers us up with his fun.
    We are now thoroughly clothed, and the battery makes a fine appearance in line. Every man has his leggings, trousers, blouses, hats, overcoats, etc. Sergeant Lund, our six-and-a-half-foot chief of section, makes a fine-looking soldier in his new uniform. The girls about here look with wonder and admiration upon the tall, well-developed soldier in red stripes, chevrons and blue clothes. It amuses the big, good-natured sergeant to see a little woman of five feet glance slyly up at him in amazement as he passes. But Lund is a bashful fellow, and is never seen in the company of anyone but men.
    We have no equipment whatever, and it looks now as if we are not to have any. But now that peace is practically assured and fighting is no more required, "we will bless the day we ship away, from the regular army, O."
    Sergeant Battery C, Utah Volunteer Artillery.
Salt Lake Herald, September 1, 1898, page 5

The Boys Are Getting Very Tired of Inaction.
They Had a Great Feast One Day--The Rainy Season Is Begun
and Makes Things Uncomfortable, but There Is Practically No Sickness in the Camp.

(Special Herald Correspondence.)
    Presidio, San Francisco, Sept. 25--It is with the satisfaction of a well-filled man--filled with food, not drink--that I sit down here in my little canvas home to tell the readers of the Herald what their boys in Battery C are doing. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If that is true then our hearts were certainly touched today. We have had three square meals of the daintiest of dainties known to soldiers. A steady diet of hash, stews, bacon and coffee mixed in with four or five hours of drill a day becomes somewhat monotonous after a month or two of it, but today has been a red-letter day for the battery and will go down on the log as a grand event.
    After 20 minutes drill, immediately following reveille, the trumpeter sounded the ever-welcome mess call:
"Dirty, dirty doughboys come and get your beans,
Porky, porky, porky, without a bit of lean,
Coffee, coffee, coffee, the blackest ever seen."
    But instead of the famous pork and beans we were treated to beefsteak. At dinner our brains fairly reeled at the feast spread before us, for there was an abundance of fried flounders, potatoes, coffee and cantaloupes. Supper in the evening closed the eventful day with macaroni and cheese. Is not this enough to make one say good things of even his enemies?
    One of the boys was raving over the good things of the day when he remarked: "But don't mind me. When I've got a full stomach I'm liable to say anything but my prayers."
    But now comes "the winter of our discontent." This morning we rose to answer reveille and the pale wan rays of the sun lit upon the ranks of soldiers clothed in brown canvas fatigue uniform. The sun itself looked as if it had just taken a ride on the McDowell and had had a touch of salt water and seasickness. Across the sky came thin lines of clouds--the advance guard and skirmishers of the army following it. We formed for setting up drill and these aerial skirmishers poured a volley of raindrops into our ranks. Then up through the Golden Gate rushed a dense mass of fog, and the foghorn at Fort Point moaned out its doleful blasts like some enormous beast in distress.
    It was only a few minutes more when the main body of clouds came rushing over us and poured volley after volley of raindrops upon us. The order was given and we hastily beat a retreat into our canvas shelters, and so began the rainy season in San Francisco. This was the first real rain we have had since our arrival here, but from now on rain will be the order of the day.
    We are fairly prepared for wet weather, but it means a great deal of discomfort, colds and such things in spite of it all. Our tents now have floors in them and nearly every man has a rough bunk made of boards. But tents are not the best of habitation in wet weather. Everything we own is damp, and it is pretty cold to climb out of bed at reveille. But then it is all in a soldier's life, and Uncle Sam's boys are supposed to stand anything.
   Speaking of Uncle Sam's boys reminds one of our present condition. Battery C is at present armed only with picks and shovels and sidearms consisting of knife, fork, spoon, cup and meat can. With this formidable armament we go forth to do or die. Digging ditches and other fatigue work is necessary, but--. The other day one of the boys appeared with the letters U.S.L.C. in brass upon his collar. When asked what they signified he replied, "Uncle Sam's Labor Corps."
    The other day the boys had an opportunity to show their accomplishments. We had just come in from drill and were pretty tired, so [we] were lying on our bunks attempting to recuperate. Suddenly the fire call sounded at the guardhouse and instantly every man was on his feet and taking his place in line. In less than a minute the battery was marching at a double time to the top of the hill back of our camp, where the fire was supposed to be.
    We made the assault like veterans and we longed for the fray. Here our former battles at Fort Douglas served us well and we were perfectly at home. The first difficulty we experienced was in finding the fire. The fog hung like a blanket over everything and some of the boys nearly got lost, but the stentorian voice of the first sergeant served to guide us through the maze. But the fire had "gone out," so we were informed when we reached the residing place. The flames had undoubtedly heard of our coming and had "gone out" so as not to receive us. We have had three other such calls since then, and one of them was about 11:30 at night, yet in every instance our battery was the first out, which reflects great credit upon the men.
    The sickness in the battery is not great, it being confined mostly to colds. The effect of this damp climate is not very good upon the men, for it is a great change from the delightful Utah weather. There has been some fever among the boys, but nothing which has yet resulted seriously.
    We have one or two men in the battery who are troubled with a peculiar form of dropsy. It has no effect upon them except when they have to drill or work. At drill this dread malady presents itself and is manifested in the victim by a desire to drop out and sit beneath a gum tree. When this is not allowed, they drag along until a halt is made, and they then drop to the ground in a comfortable position. The best cure known for this "dropsy" is an hour's extra drill each day.
    Yesterday some of the boys visited the mint and the Union iron works. To describe all we saw would fill a volume too large to write during my present term of enlistment, so I won't attempt it here. Suffice it to say that the mint struck us as an excellent money-making scheme. Gold was handled like it was old iron, and golden twenties were made a great deal faster than your humble servant could spend them, and that is saying a good deal. The hourly output of the mint, when running to its full capacity, is $500,000, and there is not enough gold mined to keep it going at that rate.
    The Union iron works was a marvel. It employs an army of men and is a wonderful place, and makes one's eyes open at the handiwork of man. The gigantic battleship Wisconsin is in course of building in the yards, and the shops are full of the work for this ship. It is to be 1,000 tons larger than the Oregon, which was built by the same company. It is expected that the launching of the Wisconsin will take place on Nov. 30 of the present year. We also saw the torpedo boat Farragut and a Japanese cruiser, which has been built there.
    We have had some lively times around town within the past few weeks. Ever since the murder of the civilian in the city by one of the Tennessee men, the town has been patrolled by armed guards from the Presidio. The whole Tennessee regiment was under arrest as a result of the deed, but have been released since then.
    Arrangements have now been made by which the boys of our battery can have a hot bath once a week. We have the use of the bathroom in one of the barracks on Saturdays. Before that we were out of luck. An order was received stating that each man must bathe at least once a week. We were puzzled about the matter; we had no place to bathe, and the water in the bay is too cold. But, nevertheless, we often march down to the beach for a dip in the mighty Pacific. The water is very cold, but the breakers are so tempting that one has to try it in spite of the temperature. It is exhilarating sport, but is too cold for comfort.
    Our camp at the Presidio is within easy reach of the beach. We are camped about 500 yards from the bay, and within a mile of Fort Point, which is on the southern side of the Golden Gate. From here every boat which leaves or enters the bay is plainly visible. Whenever opportunity offers, we take a stroll along the beach, and occasionally the battery is marched along it instead of drilling. This is, it is needless to say, a welcome change from the monotonous four- or five-foot movements which we go through each day.
    There are a great many rumors constantly floating around as to the destination of Battery C. It has been suggested that we be sent to garrison Angel Island, but that has undoubtedly fallen through. Then we constantly hear that we are destined for service in the Philippines, but what pleases the boys most is when they hear that we are to be ordered home and mustered out. Garrison life is getting monotonous. We do not mean to complain, but the fact remains that we enlisted for the purpose of fighting for our country, and now that it is over, we have had enough soldiering. We are in it now, and will stay to the end, but our fondest hopes will be realized when the order for mustering out comes.
    In one of the organizations here in the Presidio there are some pretty homesick boys. One of them is a trumpeter, and it is said of him that every time he blows a call he ends with "Home, Sweet Home."
    But we have other troubles, too. The California flea has invaded the sacred precincts of our camp, and lively encounters are had with them. When standing in ranks, a soldier is not allowed to raise his hand, but when a California flea begins to drill a hole in his back, it can't be helped. They are ravenous creatures, and are always ready for a bite out of a poor soldier. But at night is when they bother us most. When we are tired and sleepy they swarm over us, and sleep is impossible. They sit on one's pillow and whistle reveille all night, and then get on the sleeper's forehead and have a boxing contest. And all of this we endure for the sake of our country.
    We have a great many visitors to our camp. Colonel Trumbo comes up once in a while. Mr. E. G. Ivins, city editor of the Salt Lake Herald, came to see us the other day. Mr. Ivins is being looked after by Mr. Tom Williams, manager of the San Francisco Examiner. He will spend a few days visiting in San Francisco before returning home.
    Sergeant Battery C, Utah Volunteer Artillery.
Salt Lake Herald, September 29, 1898, page 5

No Chance For Battery C to Win Renown.

Life at the Presidio During the Rainy Season--Men Eager to Be Mustered Out--
Sergeant Lund One of the Sights of the Camp--Red Cross Ladies.

(Special Correspondence)

    Presidio, San Francisco, Oct. 8.--The boys of Battery C have given up all hopes of distinguishing themselves on the battlefield, and it is with a great deal of chagrin that they are forced to do so. They had intended to make the rifles of Battery C be heard around the world like the shot on old Fort Sumter, but our armament is a joke with us now, and we are beginning to wonder what we are here for.
Albert C. Allen, July 15, 1898 Salt Lake Herald    The longing for battle has not yet left the breasts of some of the boys at least. As a result a football has been purchased and a team is being organized. Already two challenges have been received from other organizations to play match games, and both have been accepted. The team has not yet been finally organized, but there are several applicants for positions.
    At first it was thought of putting Sergeant Lund, who is about the tallest man in the Presidio, as center. He could then reach over the heads of the others and coolly pick the ball out of the hands of the opposing team, but Lund won't play, so Sergeant Leon took his place. There is good material in the battery for a team, and if they practice enough success should crown their efforts.
    The first day that the pigskin was brought out two teams were picked, and after about 15 minutes' practice they challenged each other and a game followed. The result is that Corporal Malloy is going around with a stiff leg, the limb having been hurt in the contest.
    Baseball also comes in for a good deal of attention. Balls, bats, gloves, etc. have been purchased, and games are going on whenever the boys get a chance after drill hours. The Nevada cavalry and our boys usually have a game each Saturday and Sunday which serves to pass away the time.
    Occasionally we have some excitement in camp in the shape of a fire call, as was the case recently. Before it was half out the noncommissioned officers were out calling to the men to "fall in." In about a minute the battery was lined up and after a double-time of 100 yards or more we were halted and reported at the guardhouse for duty. As usual, we were the first on the scene by several minutes. The fire was over in the direction of the Tennessee camp, but we were not needed, as it was of no consequence.
    All day long visitors are strolling about the Presidio, looking at the soldiers, and one of the sights which attracts attention in our camp is our big sergeant. Every lady who comes along gets out her kodak and tries to get a picture of him, but Lund is modest and does not like to have his picture taken. Occasionally, however, we see a picture of him taken unawares. The other day Lund met his match. A stranger--or rather an old friend to some of us--came into camp. It was Corporal McGiffin of B Company Sixteenth Infantry. McGiffin used to be stationed at Fort Douglas and will be remembered as the "little boy of the Sixteenth." He like Lund is over six foot 6 inches but is a little taller than Lund. McGiffin is here on sick leave, having contracted a fever while lying in the trenches before Santiago after the fight.
    We are now up to our ankles in mud, at least we are when we get outside of our tents. The rainy season has begun, but so far the rainy season has proved the most pleasant part of our stay. We do see the sun occasionally now, but during the "dry" season it seldom showed itself.
    San Francisco Bay lies at our feet dotted with white sails or marked by the trailing black smoke of a steamer. In the center of the bay is Alcatraz Island, rising sheer from the water's edge for 200 or 300 feet, and on top are the red brick walls of the military prison and a heliograph just below it which reflects the sun's rays to the Presidio. Across the bay can be seen Angel Island, with its barracks, and further to the right in the distance is Oakland, while the famous Golden Gate, guarded by fortifications, is on the left. At night it is a beautiful sight to look across the bay towards Oakland, whose lights sparkle like diamonds in the clear night air.
    We had an idea that the rainy season would relieve us of at least one pest--the fleas. We thought of course the rain would drown them out, and it did, but only to drive them to the shelter of our tents. Our tents are all floored, and in that way we manage to keep a little cleaner than we would were we forced to have the bare ground for floors. The dampness, however, pervades everything, and even the grass under the floors is flourishing. The green blades are forcing themselves up through the cracks in the floor, and one would think we were trying to start a greenhouse, to see it.
    The reservation is thickly planted with trees, and if one takes a walk through them he is sure to scare up a covey of quail and numbers of rabbits. The boys look with longing at them, and visions of quail on toast and rabbit pot pie rise before them like a delightful dream. But we are not allowed to hunt on the reservation, and as the quail and rabbits always keep within the line we are forced to dream of dainties unknown in the volunteer army.
    Another sign besides the one prohibiting hunting is one which reads: "No dogs or kodaks allowed on this reservation." That sign confronts us at every turn, and we wonder why the dogs and kodaks are classed together. The reason for keeping kodaks off of the reservation is to prevent photographs being taken of the fortifications, but why the dogs are included with the kodaks we cannot understand.
    Among the other signs we see about the Presidio and the city are "No help wanted" and "No peddlers." This last sign is fastened to nearly every door in the city.
    It is truly wonderful to see what the people of San Francisco have done for us poor soldiers. Day after day the ladies of the Red Cross Society give us food and other comforts--things not issued to us by the government. Then every day sees some soldier in our camp made happier by the gifts of fruit and lunches brought us to them. Young girls and ladies have come to the camp to look around and while here engage in conversation with some of the boys, and a few days later they appear again with lunches for them. The ladies seem to take pleasure in giving dainties to the soldier boys, and nothing could better express the feelings of the volunteers than that old toast: "To the ladies. God bless them."
    The other day a visitor started to walk along the battery street in front of the rear line of tents when a soldier stepped up and asked: "Want a guide to Chinatown? I'll take you all through, show you the joss house and the boys hitting the pipe." Just then a most uncanny chant was started in one of the tents, and it sounded as if a Chinese opera was in operation. It was then explained to the surprised stranger that the part of the camp in which he found himself was called "Chinatown."
    Among the visitors who have recently visited our camp are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Young and Miss Sherman, Mr. E. G. Ivins, Mr. and Mrs. Booth of Nephi, who are on their bridal tour, and Mr. Julius Gauer of Salt Lake, who is en route to Manila.
    About the most interesting topic to the boys of the battery now is pay day, though if you wish to bring a smile to their lips tell them they are to be mustered out. We go whistling about our duties, but it is like the boy who went through the graveyard at night: He whistled to keep up his courage. So do we whistle just to keep up our spirits, and the day the order comes for mustering us out--well, we will be ready to
Salt Lake Herald, October 13, 1898, page 6

Utah Men Will Move to Angel Island Today.

(Special to the Herald.)
    Angel Island, Cal., Oct. 17.--This afternoon Sergeant A. C. Allen, Corporal Doyle and 15 privates of Battery C, Utah volunteers, were sent to Angel Island in advance of the battery, which will leave the Presidio tomorrow or the next day to relieve the battalion of Washington volunteers. The battery will probably be paid before leaving the Presidio.
Salt Lake Herald,
October 18, 1898, page 1

Men of Battery C Are Tired of Garrison Duty.
    Captain Jennings, in the course of a conversation with a Herald representative before the unexpected order to embark for Manila was received, said that when the men first reached the Presidio they were as enthusiastic a lot of soldiers as ever camped on the reservation. The long and tedious wait, without arms or equipment, gradually had its effect upon them, and when finally it seemed certain that all the battery could hope for was to be assigned to barracks duty in California, they became discouraged. Captain Jennings, however, was hopeful that the boys would at least be sent to Honolulu, and from the first has worked untiringly to improve the efficiency of his battery. The drills have been kept up until the artillerymen go through the evolutions like veterans, being only handicapped now by the absence of cannon
    Battery C has won the respect of all the officers at the Presidio by the excellence of its work and the gentlemanly conduct of the men at all times. In this latter respect the battery has made the best record of any organization camped at the Presidio for the same length of time.
    While small, the organization has attracted the attention of high military authorities there, and has been complimented time and again.
    The battery left Salt Lake 103 strong, three men coming on later. It is commanded by Captain Frank W. Jennings, with J. F. Murphy of Ogden first lieutenant, W. J. B. Stacey of Sanpete second lieutenant, Henry Barrett, Albert C. Allen, Edgar Stevenson, Chris Lund, Leo Lund, Albert Hulbert and Edgar J. Bonstell sergeants.
    The artillerymen have watched the departure of regiment after regiment until they had given up all hope of being called themselves, and this order will come as a joyful surprise to them.
    The transport Pennsylvania will sail on Thursday, but it is not likely the Utah men will go until the next boat sails. This will be the New York, which is to take the Wyoming battery, and the date of her departure has not yet been fixed.
Salt Lake Herald, November 2, 1898, page 1

Sergeant Dull of the Rough Riders Also Home--
Sergeant Hulbert on a Mournful Furlough.

    Sergeant A. C. Allen, formerly of the Herald's reportorial staff, who enlisted in Battery C, returned yesterday from Angel Island, San Francisco, to Salt Lake, having obtained his discharge. Mr. Allen, when he joined Battery C, expected to go to the front and to see active service. He went with his company to San Francisco, and being particularly well qualified for the position of sergeant, having spent most of his life in the regular army, he was given that position. The company lay at the Presidio for months under the trying circumstances of much physical discomfort and the disappointment consequent upon inaction. A while ago the battery was ordered to Angel Island, and is there now doing garrison duty. There being no probability of the company getting to do anything but garrison duty, Sergeant Allen applied for his discharge, which was granted.
    Sergeant Allen is a son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth United States Infantry, and one of the heroes of the Cuban campaign. A younger brother of Sergeant Allen is also in the army, facts which militated in his favor in the matter of the granting of his request for discharge.
Salt Lake Herald, November 25, 1898, page 8

    Sergeant A. C. Allen of Battery C, Captain Jennings' company at Angel Island, San Francisco, has secured his discharge and returned to his home in this city. He is the son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry, who distinguished himself during the war with Spain.
"News Tersely Told," Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, November 25, 1898, page 2

    Official orders received yesterday from the War Department announce confirmation of the telegraphic instructions of Dec. 13, directing the honorable discharge from service of Sergeant Albert C. Allen of Battery C, Utah Volunteer Artillery. Sergeant Allen is a son of Captain Leven C. Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry, and one of the heroes of San Juan Hill. He was a Herald reporter at the time of his enlistment.

"Recent Army Orders," Salt Lake Herald, January 8, 1899, page 5

    Albert C. Allen, the son of Capt. Allen of the Sixteenth, has been granted authority to enlist for the Twenty-First Infantry, stationed at Plattsburgh Barracks, N.Y., and will enlist today and leave over the Rio Grande Western tonight for the station of his regiment. Allen served at Battery C, Utah Light Artillery, and was mustered out at the time his battery was. He was a sergeant in that battery. His object in enlisting is to obtain a commission, which he will undoubtedly get.
"City and Neighborhood," Salt Lake Tribune, February 23, 1899, page 8

    From the Army--To be Second Lieutenant: Albert C. Allen, Company H, Twenty-First Infantry, Thirty-Eighth.
"Army Appointments," New York Sun, September 9, 1899, page 2

Salt Lake Soldier, Now Serving in the Philippines,
Made an Officer of the Thirty-Eighth Infantry.

    Albert C. Allen, formerly first duty sergeant of Battery C, Utah Artillery, has been appointed to a second lieutenancy in the Thirty-Eighth Volunteer Infantry, one of the regiments recruited in the Philippines by Gen. Otis.
    Lieut. Allen is a son of Capt. L. C. Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry. The lieutenant has a host of friends in this city who will be glad to hear of his promotion. He was for a time engaged in newspaper work in this city.
    He enlisted during the war with Spain in Battery C and was appointed sergeant and placed in command of the first section. After serving with the battery for five months Allen secured a discharge and returned to this city. He could not content himself with the life of a civilian, however, and soon after his return enlisted as a private in the Twenty-First Regular Infantry, then stationed at Plattsburg, N.Y.
    Soon afterward the Twenty-First, which had just returned from hard service in Cuba, was ordered to Manila. The Sixteenth Infantry received orders to sail about the same time, and thus father and son, the former a captain in one regiment, the latter a private in another, reached Manila about the same time. Almost side by side they have been fighting the enemy ever since. At one time the company to which Allen belongs was ambushed by rebels and sixty of its members were killed and wounded. Allen, however, was among the fortunate ones who escaped injury. His mother is at present living at Fort Douglas, and she is overjoyed at the news of her son's promotion.
Daily Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 26, 1899, page 3

    Albert C. Allen, formerly first duty sergeant of Battery C, Utah Artillery, has been appointed to a second lieutenancy in the Thirty-Eighth Volunteer Infantry. Lieutenant Allen is a son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth, formerly stationed at Fort Douglas.
"Utah News," Washington County News, St. George, Utah, October 14, 1899, page 2

Albert C. Allen, Feb. 18, 21st Inf.
"Enlistments at Fort Douglas," Salt Lake Tribune, December 31, 1899, page 26

790 Tibbetts Street, Portland:
Fred Hoss, 25, estates manager, born Montana, parents born U.S.
Helen Hoss, 19, born Oregon, parents born U.S.
Frederick Hoss, 2 months
Bessie McCann, 27, widow, born U.S., parents born U.S.
U.S. Census, enumerated January 7, 1900

Well-Known Young Soldier Visits Salt Lake.

Came Here on Sick Leave, His Health Having Been Impaired by an Attack of Fever--
Thinks the War is Not Nearly Over--Much Fighting Done.
    After a year's active campaigning in the Philippines, every day of which was fraught with perils, Lieutenant Albert C. Allen returned yesterday to Salt Lake, to remain here about two months. He went away as a private--he returns with shoulder straps, all of which is a lasting tribute to his sterling services for his country.
Albert C. Allen, April 13, 1900 Salt Lake Herald    But Lieutenant Allen's experiences in the Philippines were not all attended with the glory and pomp of war. Like many others who went to the faraway island to fight for the flag, the fever got into his blood, and his return was necessitated by ill health. He expects to recuperate sufficiently in two months to return to active service, and to do his part in the ending of the war against the dusky Filipinos.
    The gallant lieutenant has just returned from the scene of action, and is in a good position to know the situation over there. It is his opinion that the end of the conflict is not yet in sight, and, indeed, that it is a long way into the future. Every day battles are being fought of which the American people do not hear, and they are battles that have a vast bearing on the situation. Lieutenant Allen himself participated in seven battles during the month of January, a number of the men being killed.
    "No, the war is not nearly over," he said yesterday, "and there is no way of judging when it will end. There will have to be lots of fighting done yet before the end may be looked for. We have just about shattered the enemy's organization, but they fight on just as desperately and almost as efficiently as before."
Never Relax Their Vigilance.
    "Never for a moment do they relax their vigilance. Although it would look, to one unacquainted with their fighting qualities, that the war is over, it is exceedingly dangerous to even step outside of the American lines. If a man does venture out, he encounters the vigilance of the enemy, and he quickly returns to the music of whistling Mausers.
    "To say that I am glad to get back to Salt Lake, even for a short period, does not half express it. While there is plenty to keep one busy in the islands, everything is so different there from what an American has been accustomed to all his life that a return to one's native land is very welcome."
    Lieutenant Allen is a son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry, and while he has lived in officers' quarters all his life, his first experience in the service was with Battery C of the Utah volunteers. It will be remembered that this section of Utah's men got no farther than Angel Island, off the coast of California. After they returned to Utah, Lieutenant Allen enlisted in the Twenty-First Infantry as a private, and was sent to Plattsburg, New York.
    About a year ago he was ordered with the regiment to the Philippines, and it was while fighting there that he won his straps, and was transferred to the Thirty-Eighth Infantry. He has served in that regiment since January 6. Before enlisting he was for some time on the reportorial staff of The Herald.
Salt Lake Herald, April 13, 1900, page 3

    "There is no distinction between regular and volunteer in the Philippines now," said Lieut. Albert C. Allen yesterday. "All are American soldiers, whether in the regular establishment or otherwise, and all are doing equally well. If one particular body of men happens to be mentioned in reports, it is not because they are really doing better than others, but because they chance to be noticed at the time by some commanding officer. As to when the fighting will end, well, that is something that cannot be stated just now. It depends a good deal upon when the insurgents will take a notion that it is useless to continue longer, and quit.
    "The gunboat Laguna de Bay, which did such good service under the Utah batteries, is now commanded, I believe, by First Lieut. Thomas Franklin of the Twenty-Third Infantry, one battalion of which is, I understand, ordered to Fort Douglas as the depot battalion. Who will be in command of it on arrival here I do not know. As to the anti-imperialistic literature sent to the soldiers, and the position of the antis generally, soldiers in the Philippines have a very poor opinion. They don't go on that sort of thing at all."

"Talks with Travelers," Salt Lake Tribune, April 14, 1900, page 3

    SICK LEAVE EXTENDED.--Lieutenant Albert C. Allen of the Thirty-Eighth Infantry, who has been visiting at his old home in this city on sick leave from the Philippines, has had his furlough extended another month by the War Department.
"Local Briefs,"
Salt Lake Herald, May 22, 1900, page 8

70 Third Street, Portland:
Robert Hiends, 22, born August 1877, janitor, born California, parents born California
Bessie Hiends, 18, born December 1882, born Iowa, father Germany, mother Germany
Helen M. Hiends, born April 1900
U.S. Census, enumerated June 12, 1900

He Leaves for Philippines July 5th.

    The engagement is announced of Lieut. Albert C. Allen, Thirty-Third Infantry, United States army, and Miss Lillian Keith, daughter of David Keith. Lieut. Allen leaves on July 5th to rejoin his regiment in the Philippines. The young officer has grown up in the army and in this city, being a son of Capt. L. C. Allen, one of the most popular officers of the Sixteenth when stationed here. His father is also in the Philippine service, but Mrs. Allen is in this city. Miss Keith, although a recent addition to Salt Lake society, has made a great many friends and all good wishes will be offered to both the young couple.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 23, 1903, page 1

    The engagement of Miss Lillian Keith and Lieut. Albert C. Allen, Twenty-Third Infantry, United States army, is announced. The prospective bride is the daughter of David Keith, and Lieut. Allen is a son of Capt. L. C. Allen, formerly stationed at Fort Douglas. He leaves to rejoin his regiment in the Philippines July 5th.
"Social and Personal," Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, June 23, 1900, page 5

    The marriage of Miss Lillian Keith and Lieutenant Albert Allen took place last evening. It was solemnized at the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. David Keith, 529 East South Temple Street, and was one of the most beautiful events Salt Lake has witnessed this season.
    The floral adornment of the home was magnificent, and was arranged under the direction of Mrs. Samuel Woodward. The drawing room, where the ceremony was performed, was done entirely in the national colors. The bridal party stood beneath a canopy of tricolored satin ribbons, while from the ceiling in the rear was suspended a large electric flag, done in the national colors. The idea was most beautifully conceived and carried out. One hundred and fifty electric globes in the tricolors were used, and by a clever electrical device the flag appeared to wave as though being gently wafted about by the breeze. The background was filled with palms, and around the four walls was a graceful frieze of smilax and plumosa. The curtains were covered with vines and the mantel was covered with American Beauty roses and palms.
    The library was done in yellow, marigolds and nasturtiums being used, together with palms and plants. The mantel was almost hidden with long-stemmed nasturtiums and maidenhair fern, while vases of marigolds and flowering plants added beauty to the room.
    The hall was in red. Carnations in the chosen color covered the mantel and piano, and ropes of smilax were festooned around the balcony. The corners were filled with palms, and behind a screen of plants was stationed Christensen's orchestra.
    The dining room was adorned with pink and green. The table was covered with a cloth of Mexican drawn work over rose-colored satin. A huge oval mirror adorned the center, and on it rested a square of Duchesse lace covered with pink sweet peas. Sweet peas outlined the mirror, and bowls of them were placed about the table, while the glow of pink candles softened and beautified the scene.
    Promptly at 7 o'clock, to the music of the Mendelssohn wedding march, the bridal party entered the drawing room and formed a group beneath the canopy, while Bishop Scanlan read the marriage service, the orchestra playing the intermezzo from "Cavalleria Rusticana," and during the benediction the Lohengrin wedding march, the music changing at the conclusion of the ceremony to "The Star Spangled Banner."
    The bride wore an exquisite creation of white liberty satin. The skirt was en train and was finished with a flounce of Duchesse lace. The bodice was high in the neck, with a yoke of tulle, and the entire front was veiled with point lace. Her veil was of tulle and was fastened in the hair with a sunburst of diamonds, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride roses.
    The maid of honor, Miss Etta Keith, was gowned in pink-flowered organdie over taffeta. It was en train and decolette, with trimmings of lace. Her flowers were roses. Mr. Sam Porter acted as best man.
    Mrs. David Keith was gowned in heliotrope crepe, with yoke of Duchesse lace.
    The happy couple left late in the evening for San Francisco, where Lieutenant Allen will await orders to join his company in the Philippines.
    The bride is the daughter of Mr. David Keith. She is one of the season's debutantes, with a large circle of friends to wish her happiness. Lieutenant Allen is the son of Captain Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry. During the war with Spain he enlisted with Company C, Utah Light Artillery, which never saw active duty, and later, after returning to this city, he enlisted as private for duty in the Philippines, and before returning home was promoted to a second lieutenancy.
    The young couple received many beautiful presents, chief among them being a check for $2,500 from the bride's father, a chest of silver from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearns, and a tea set from Mrs. Mary Judge.
    Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James Ivers, Miss Ivers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearns, Miss Kearns, Mrs. Mary Judge, Mrs. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. O'Brien, Miss Kathryn Judge, Mrs. M. S. Woodward, Miss Rilla Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Porter, Miss Porter, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Ferguson, Mrs. F. Ferguson, Miss Kate Johnson, Mrs. Kate Burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bush, Miss Baillie, Mrs. L. C. Allen, Bishop Scanlan, Father Kiely and Mr. K. C. Kerr.
Salt Lake Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 9, 1900, page 5

    Miss Edith Keith gave a delightful tally-ho party to the Salt Palace races on Tuesday evening in honor of Lieut. Albert C. Allen. The party were entertained afterward at a supper at the Keith residence on East South Temple Street.
    The wedding of Miss Lillian Keith and Lieut. Albert C. Allen, which took place on Wednesday evening, was one of the most elaborate events of the year. The handsome Keith residence on East South Temple, where the affair took place, was magnificently decorated, the arrangement being designed by Mrs. Samuel Woodward. The drawing room in which the ceremony was performed was decorated in red, white and blue, the bridal party standing under a canopy of satin ribbons in the three colors, and flowers in red, white and blue being arranged on all sides. The most striking feature of the decorations was a large electric flag, arranged with rows of tricolored globes, which were flashed into light alternately, producing the effect of waving folds. Palms and plants were banked beneath it as a background for the alcove, and a frieze of vines ran around the walls. Ferns and smilax festooned the curtains, and the mantel was dressed with palms and American Beauty roses.
    Yellow was the color chosen for the library, marigolds and nasturtiums being the flowers used, and palms and plants filling available corners and niches.
    In the hall red prevailed, carnations gleaming from mantels and piano, while around the balcony was festooned ropes of smilax, with palms and plants forming a bower in which the orchestra was ensconced.
    The dining room was done in pink and green, pink sweet peas, candles and ribbons being used with artistic effect. A cloth of white Mexican drawn work was spread over pink satin, and in the center a large oval mirror rested, with a square of Duchesse lace covered with sweet peas making a beautiful centerpiece. At 7 o'clock the party entered the drawing room to the strain of Mendelssohn's wedding march, little Mary Woodward, the flower girl, and David Keith, Jr., leading, followed by the maid of honor, Miss Etta Keith, and then the bride on the arm of her father. They were met under the canopy by the groom, and his best man, Mr. Sam Porter, and Bishop Scanlan read the marriage service. The bride wore an exquisite gown of white liberty satin en train with flounces and bodice of white Duchesse lace. Her veil was of tulle, and was fastened with a sunburst of diamonds. Her flowers were a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The bridesmaid was gowned in pink organdie over taffeta of the same color, and carried pink roses. Mrs. Keith wore heliotrope crepe with yoke of Duchesse lace. During the ceremony the orchestra played "Cavalleria Rusticana," which was changed to "Star Spangled Banner" at the close of the ceremony.
    After receiving the congratulations of friends during the evening Lieut. and Mrs. Allen left for San Francisco, where Lieut. Allen will be stationed at the Presidio pending orders to join his company in the Philippines.
    The bride is the daughter of Mr. David Keith of this city and the groom a son of Capt. Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry. He enlisted in Battery C, Utah Light Artillery, during the war with Spain, and afterwards enlisted as a private for service in the Philippines but was there promoted to second lieutenant.
    Among the many presents received by the young couple was a check for $2,500 from Mr. Keith, a chest of silver from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearns and a tea set from Mrs. Judge.
    Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. James Ivers, Miss Ivers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kearns, Miss Kearns, Mrs. Mary Judge, Mrs. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. O'Brien, Miss Kathryn Judge, Mrs. M. S. Woodward, Miss Rilla Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Porter, Miss Porter, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Kate Johnson, Mrs. Kate Burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bush, Miss Baillie, Mrs. L. C. Allen, Bishop Scanlan, Father Kiely and Mr. K. C. Kerr.
"In the World of Women," Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, August 11, 1900, page 14

    The event of the week was the marriage of Miss Lillian Keith and Lieut. Albert C. Allen on Wednesday evening, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. David Keith. Lieut. and Mrs. Allen left the same evening for the Presidio, San Francisco, where the groom is temporarily stationed, but it is probable that both will go to Manila later on, as Lieut. Allen expects to be ordered to rejoin his regiment there, the Thirty-Eighth Infantry.
* * *
    On Tuesday evening Miss Etta Keith gave a coaching party to the bicycle races at the Salt Palace. It was in honor of Miss Lillian Keith and Lieut. Allen. After the return the guests were delightfully entertained at an elegant supper at the Keith residence. In the party were the Misses Keith, Mrs. J. E. Woodward, Misses Blanche Burke, Katherine Judge, Stella Salisbury, Ruth Kirkpatrick, Mamie Porter and Miss Baillie, Messrs. Albert Allen, Sam Porter, W. H. Cunningham, E. C. Schramm, W. J. Lawrence, C. A. Nason, McCready, Hall and Dr. McElroy.
"In Society," Salt Lake Tribune, August 12, 1900, page 10

Lieut. and Mrs. Allen Will Return Today from San Francisco
and Will Reside in Salt Lake.

    Lieut. Albert C. Allen has resigned his position in the army, having concluded that he did not desire further service in the Philippines. Lieut. and Mrs. Allen will return this morning from San Francisco, where they have been since their marriage. They will reside at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Keith.
Salt Lake Tribune, October 19, 1900, page 8

David Keith's Handsome Present to His Daughter, Mrs. Allen.

    Lieut. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen returned yesterday afternoon from San Francisco, where they have been sojourning since their marriage. The young couple found on their arrival that David Keith, the father of Mrs. Allen, had purchased for them a handsome residence at First and Q streets. The deed transferring the property from its former owner, Edwin Mulford, to Mrs. Allen was yesterday filed in the office of the county recorder. The property is eighty-two and a half feet by forty-one and a half feet, and the consideration was $7150.
    Lieut. Allen said yesterday that he left the Presidio on a fifteen days' leave of absence, but had sent in his resignation from the army to take effect at the expiration of that time, and he expected to hear in a few days from Washington of its acceptance. He said there was a heavy movement of troops from the Presidio via the transport Grant to the Philippines, so that the number of soldiers there at present was small as compared with the numbers that were there of late. Still recruits were being sent forward by every transport, and the Quartermaster's Department at San Francisco was very busy.
    Lieut. Allen may take a position in McCornick & Co.'s bank.
Salt Lake Tribune, October 20, 1900, page 8

    Lieutenant and Mrs. Albert C. Allen, who returned from the coast yesterday, where they have been sojourning since their marriage, found on their arrival that Hon. David Keith, father of the bride, had purchased for them a handsome residence on First and Q streets.
"Building and Realty," Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, October 20, 1900, page 3

    Second Lieut. Albert C. Allen, Thirty-Eighth Infantry, United States Volunteers, having tendered his resignation, is honorably discharged from the service of the United States.
"The United Service: Army," New York Times, October 26, 1900, page 11

At Dinner.
    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen gave a daintily appointed dinner Tuesday evening. The table was arranged with chrysanthemums and ferns, and around it were seated Mrs. Allen of Fort Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. David Keith, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Mary Judge, Mrs. Keith, Miss Judge and Lieutenant and Mrs. Baldwin.
"Society Notes of the Week," Salt Lake Herald, December 2, 1900, page 13

A Rare Filipino Charmed Garment, Supposed by Them to Be Perfect Protection, If Only the Wearer Does Nothing to Break the Charm.

    Filipinos, like the American Indians, are a superstitious, half-civilized race of people. In the Philippine Islands there are over seventy different tribes, speaking different languages. The most civilized and most powerful tribe on the island of Luzon is the Tagalog, and it is this tribe which is causing our government all of the trouble in the archipelago. Among the Tagalogs are a number of educated and wealthy men who control the masses by cunning and deceiving methods. The half-naked savages, who form the "Army of the Philippines," tell us that they are seldom, if ever, paid and must live upon what they can take away from their countrymen, while the officers eat the best of the food, giving them the scraps, take all of the money and remain safely in the rear when a fight is on. The officers of this disreputable army are scoundrels of the crafty sort who cry "Viva la independencia!" in order to further their own ends by stirring up their ignorant followers and filling their own pockets with loot. Discipline is a minus quantity among them, and as a result they are constantly being defeated by our well-disciplined and trained troops.
    Failing in the use of arms to conquer us, they have resorted to a number of devices to aid in our defeat. Pitfalls are numerous, and all sorts of tricks are put into use. But there seems to be a Divine Providence watching over our troops in the Philippines, for up to the present time we have always discovered the traps set for us and avoided them. During the taking of Taal our troops were marching along the road to the town, when, about a mile from there, our advance guard was fired upon from trenches dug across the road. Our "point" (consisting of three men) was immediately reinforced, and rushed forward to the attack.
    There was an old stone culvert bridging in a deep ravine at this spot. It was fully fifteen feet to the bed of the ravine, and the culvert was the width of the road. The center of the culvert had been taken out, leaving an opening about eight feet wide and fifteen feet deep extending across the road. In the ground under the opening were driven a number of sharpened stakes arranged so as to impale the luckless ones who might fall into it. The breach was cleverly hidden from sight by a covering of thin bamboo strips, leaves and matting, over which was scattered earth, the whole resembling the rest of the road. By chance one of the men of the point got a few yards ahead of his companions and fell through when he struck the place. In falling a number of the strips of the bamboo were collected beneath him, sustaining his weight and permitting him to escape uninjured. This revealed the trap, which we avoided.
    One day we were notified in all seriousness by the natives that our doom was sealed, for a way had been discovered to defeat us at every turn. For a long time we could not learn what this fatal method was, but finally we were told that the insurgents were organizing a battalion of children who would be armed and put in the field against us. The Filipinos believed that our bullets could not kill a child, but that the children's shots would all prove fatal to us. However, the battalion did not materialize and we were saved.
    The most famous device used by the natives to protect themselves against our bullets and to aid in our defeat is the "anting-anting" shirt. This shirt is supposed to be absolutely bulletproof, and whomsoever wears it can never be harmed by bullets. It is the only absolutely sure charm the natives use, and it can be relied upon with perfect confidence. The shirt is worn beneath the other clothing, and every bullet is turned away from the lucky person who wears it. It never fails to do all that is claimed for it, "providing the wearer does nothing to destroy the charm." It is this one condition that saves the shirt from being a fake.
    When a native becomes the happy possessor of an anting-anting shirt he is told that if he does nothing to destroy the charm, the shirt will turn aside every bullet and he may go into battle with perfect safety. The ignorant savage believes this and is happy. We have often found bodies with the shirt upon them, perforated by American bullets and dyed with insurgents' blood--but they had done something to destroy the charm, so how could the shirt be expected to save them?
    The accompanying illustration shows the anting-anting shirt. It is made of common cotton cloth, covered with mysterious signs and quotations from the prayer-books used in their churches. The shirt is made by members of the "Can Basti," a society of Freemasonry which has great power among the natives. Some of the writing is in Latin and the remainder in Tagalog. The figures are of Biblical and Masonic origin, as can be readily seen. There is the Holy Trinity, represented by the three heads in one, directly over a triangle; pictures of the moon, the all-seeing eye [and] archangels, and mystic circles cover the surface. The garments are sold at a high figure, so there are but few natives who can afford them. It is said that Aguinaldo always wears one, but no one knows the reason, for he never gets near enough to a fight to be in the slightest danger from bullets.
Salt Lake Tribune, January 27, 1901, page 17


    "Most famous of all devices in use among the Filipinos for protection against American bullets is the anting-anting shirt," says Lieutenant A. C. Allen of the Thirty-Eighth Volunteer Infantry, in the Army and Navy Journal. "Filipinos, like the American Indians, are a superstitious, half-civilized race, and like the Indians,believe firmly in the use of charms. Where the Indians have their medicine shirts, the Filipinos have their anting-anting shirts.
    "This shirt is supposed to be absolutely bulletproof, and whosoever wears it can never be harmed by bullets. It is the only absolutely sure charm the natives use, and it can be relied upon with perfect confidence. The shirt is worn beneath the other clothing and every bullet is turned away from the lucky person who wears it. It never fails to do all that is claimed for it, 'providing the wearer does nothing to destroy the charm.' It is this one condition which saves the shirt from being recognized as a fake. When a native becomes a happy possessor of an anting-anting shirt, he is told that if he does nothing to destroy the charm, the shirt will turn aside every bullet, and he may go into battle with perfect safety. The ignorant savage believes this and is happy. We have often found bodies with the shirt upon them, perforated with American bullets and dyed with insurgent blood, but they had done something to destroy the charm, so how could the shirt be expected to save them?
    "The accompanying illustration shows an anting-anting shirt, which I was fortunate enough to secure. It is made of common cotton cloth, covered with mysterious signs and quotations from the prayer books used in their churches. The shirt is made by members of the Can Basti, a society of Freemasonry, which has great power among the natives. Some of the writing is in Latin and the remainder in Tagalog. The figures are of Biblical and Masonic origin, as can be readily seen. There is the Holy Trinity, presented by three heads in one, directly over a triangle, pictures of the moon; the all-seeing eye, archangels and mystic circles cover the surface. The garment is sold at a high figure, so there are but few natives who can afford one. It is said that Aguinaldo always wears one, but no one knows the reason, for he never gets near enough to a fight to be in the slightest danger from bullets.
    "Among the other devices for destroying the Americans in the islands was the famous child battalion. The insurgents were reported to have begun the organization of a battalion of children with which to whip the American forces. It was believed by them that the American bullets could not harm a child, but that the bullets fired by the children would invariably prove fatal to the Americans. However, the battalion never materialized, and we were saved an overwhelming defeat at their small hands."
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, March 31, 1901, page 17

    Mrs. Albert C. Allen, who has been critically ill, was much improved yesterday, and her speedy recovery is looked for.

"Society," Salt Lake Herald, September 6, 1901, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen, child and nurse leave here on the 8th and sail from San Francisco on the 15th for a trip of several months to Honolulu and the Orient.
The Intermountain Catholic, Salt Lake City, October 5, 1901, page 8

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen, baby and nurse left on Wednesday for Honolulu. After a sojourn of three weeks there they sail for Japan, China and the Philippines, returning to this city late in the spring.

"Society," Salt Lake Herald, October 11, 1901, page 4

    For Hong Kong--Lieutenant A. C. Allen, Mrs. A. C. Allen, infant and maid. . . .
"Sailing of the Coptic," San Francisco Call, October 16, 1901, page 11

Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen Have Exciting Fire Experience in a Burning Hotel in Japan.

    Word was received in Salt Lake yesterday of an exciting fire experience of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen and child in Yokohama, Japan. In the dead of night their hotel took fire and the guests all had a narrow escape. One person perished in the flames, and in a short time after the last guest was rescued the building was in ashes.
    Mr. and Mrs. Allen and their baby and nurse were entirely unhurt, but were greatly inconvenienced by their wardrobe being consumed in the flames, and the letter stated that the whole party was at the time of writing in the hands of Japanese dressmakers and tailors.
Salt Lake Tribune, December 11, 1901, page 5

    Lieutenant and Mrs. Albert C. Allen, who have been with Mrs. David Keith since their return, hope to be in their new home by the first of the month.
Salt Lake City Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 26, 1902, page 14

    Mrs. L. C. Allen, Mrs. Albert C. Allen, children and maid left yesterday for San Francisco, where they will meet Major Allen returning from the Philippines.
"Coming and Going," Salt Lake Herald, June 29, 1902, page 14

    Mrs. D. C. McLaughlin was hostess on Tuesday at a dinner given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eskridge of Seattle. The affair took place at the Knutsford, and later the party occupied stalls at the performance of "Friends," the other guests being Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cooper Allen, Mr. and Mrs. James X. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Lamb, Miss Isabel McLaughlin, Mr. Charles Keith nd Mr. Rollo Watson.
"Society," Deseret Evening News, Salt Lake City, Utah, December 27, 1902, page 14

    The luncheon given by Mrs. Albert Cooper Allen yesterday in honor of Mrs. H. L. Miller was one of the prettiest of those which have followed the holidays. The tables were spread in the two parlors and the dining room and the rooms were darkened and then lighted with the daintiest of candies on each table. The color scheme was carried out most elaborately in pink, white and green, and the flowers used were carnations. Place cards tied with ribbons of the pink were round cards done in the three colors, and showed figures of society girls at golf, tennis, or ping pong. The guests numbered nearly fifty, the ladies invited to meet Mrs. Miller being Mrs. Miles, formerly of Portland, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Webber, Mrs. Mears of Portland, Mrs. Sol Siegel, Mrs. Oberndorfer, Mrs. Pardee, Mrs. Barth, Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. W. Mont Ferry, Mrs. Pearsall, Mrs. Glendinning, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. J. H. Young, Mrs. Rooklidge, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. McCornick, Mrs. J. X. Ferguson, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Ewing, Mrs. Franken, Mrs. Ferris, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. James E. Jennings, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Ellerbeck, and the Misses Judge, Dooly, Sadler, Anderson, Burke, Keogh, Dern and Noble.
"Society," Salt Lake City Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 21, 1903, page 4

    The reception given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood at their handsome new home on Brigham Street was one of the largest events of the season. The affair was planned in honor of their children, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hagenbarth and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and their guests of honor were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Albert C. Allen, Mrs. James X. Ferguson, Mr. Josiah Barnett and Mr. Simon Bamberger. In the dining room Mrs. Harkness and Mrs. Solomon Siegel poured coffee, and at a dainty punch table Miss Dern and Miss Margie Miller served the cheering beverage. About 250 guests were invited, and the rooms were filled during the evening with the many friends of the host and hostess.
"Social and Personal," Intermountain and Colorado Catholic, February 14, 1903, page 8

    WASHINGTON, March 27.--Maj. L. C. Allen of the Sixteenth Infantry has been promoted to be lieutenant colonel of the same regiment. The appointment dates from March 15th. Four companies of the regiment are at Fort Slocum and nine at Fort McPherson.
    Lieut. Col. Allen is well known in Salt Lake. He was stationed at Fort Douglas with the Sixteenth Infantry and has a son, Albert C. Allen, now residing in Salt Lake. Col. Allen graduated from the military academy July 1st, 1868. He was appointed second lieutenant and assigned to the Sixteenth Infantry June 14, 1872; promoted to first lieutenant July 1, 1880, to captain February 24, 1891, and to major October 10, 1899. On his appointment as major he was transferred to the Twelfth Infantry, remaining with that regiment until May 25, 1900, when he returned to his first love, the Sixteenth, of which he now becomes lieutenant colonel.
Salt Lake Telegram, March 27, 1903, page 3

    Mrs. Albert Cooper Allen arrived last evening from Seattle, accompanied by Mrs. Eskridge, who will visit with her parents here for a while.
"Society," Salt Lake City Herald, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 16, 1903, page 4

    Miss Margaret Keith is home from a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Eskridge, of Seattle, who accompanied her to the city, as did her other sister, Mrs. Albert C. Allen.
"Society," Salt Lake Tribune, May 24, 1903, page 20

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen returned Saturday morning from their trip through the Yellowstone Park.

"Society," Salt Lake Tribune, August 18, 1903, page 5

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen leave for Los Angeles next week, and, owing to the health of Mrs. Allen, may remain there permanently.
"With the Willies and the Wits," Goodwin's Weekly, Salt Lake City, October 24, 1903, page 11

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen will reside in Los Angeles for the future, owing to Mrs. Allen's health being better in a lower altitude.
"Social and Personal,"
The Intermountain Catholic, Salt Lake City, October 31, 1903, page 8

    Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen left last week for Los Angeles, where they expect to make their home.

"Social and Personal," Intermountain and Colorado Catholic, November 14, 1903, page 8

    Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wood entertained last evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen, who leave soon for the coast.
"In the Social Whirl," Salt Lake Tribune, February 7, 1904, page 13

    Albert C. Allen leaves early next week for an extended tour of the Pacific coast and will probably locate permanently in one of the coast cities.
"Society," Salt Lake Tribune, February 9, 1904, page 9

    Albert C. Allen leaves early next week for an extended tour of the Pacific Coast, and will probably locate permanently in one of the coast cities.

"Social and Personal," Intermountain and Colorado Catholic, February 13, 1904, page 8

    C. E. Stewart today sold his fine orchard farm, which lies two miles west of Medford, to A. C. Allen, of Salt Lake. The consideration was $30,000. This place consists of 200 acres of land with 100 acres set to choice fruit. Mr. Allen left for Portland tonight and will return soon, accompanied by his family.
"Rogue River Farms Sold," Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 6, 1904, page 4

    David Keith, a very wealthy gentleman residing in Salt Lake City, was in Medford a few days this week upon a visit to his daughters, Mrs. A. C. Allen and Miss Marguerite Keith. Mr. Allen, it will be remembered, is the gentleman who purchased the C. E. Stewart orchard, west of Medford.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 22, 1904, page 8

    Mrs. A. C. Allen and sister, Miss Keith, are visiting Portland friends this week.
    Lieutenant and Mrs. G. M. Allen, of Vancouver barracks, left Sunday for their home, after a ten days' visit with Mr. Allen's brother, C. M. Allen, and family.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 19, 1904, page 4
1905 Oldsmobile ad
1905 Oldsmobile ad

    A. C. Allen has purchased an Oldsmobile. This gives him and his household two 'mobiles, which fact will enable them to get all needful enjoyment out of Jackson County's thoroughfares.
    Orchardist A. C. Allen was in receipt Wednesday of the sad news of the death, at Salt Lake City, of his brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Allen's sister left Thursday morning for Salt Lake City to attend the funeral.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 12, 1905, page 5

Great Apple and Pear Country.
Former Salt Laker Talks of His Fruit Farm in Oregon.
Region Where Scientific Methods Are Applied in the Raising of Fruit.
    A. C. Allen, well known in Salt Lake, where he lived for a number of years, told last evening of Medford and the famous Rogue River Valley. Mr. Allen, Mrs. Allen and Miss Margaret Keith, who came from Medford after the death of Charles F. Keith, return today.
    "Medford," said Mr. Allen, "is in the Rogue River Valley, just twenty-five miles north of the California line in Southwestern Oregon. What is known as the Rogue River Valley is really a small section of the river valley proper, several miles in length, an opening among the mountains.
Famous Fruit Section.
    "Our apples and pears have made this section famous. Our Newtown pippins we ship all over the world. England is our biggest market. We ship them, however, into Asia. Our Spitzenbergs are as famous as the pippins. Both apples attain a flavor in this valley which they can get in only one or two places now known to the commercial world. As a consequence, these and our pears are usually bought up at a flat price per box before the trees are fairly in blossom.
Outstrip California.
    "In addition to the apples, our pears have become so well known that we have taken away much of San Francisco's export trade in this fruit. We have outstripped California on a fruit that has made that state famous. We raise many other things--nuts, small fruits and vegetables, onions especially--but these apples I have named and the pears are our great export crop. We have big timber, sugar pine, yellow pine and fir near at hand. We are building a railroad into the timber belt.
Wonderful Orchards.
    "Our orchards do wonderful things. People won't believe the actual figures. I can cite one instance--an orchardist whom I know well told me that from fifty-six acres, for which he had paid $15,000, he realized in 1904 a net profit that would pay 25 percent on $30,000, what he then valued the place. In other words, he got in one year a net profit of 50 percent on his investment. I know another man who cleared, all expenses taken out, $18,000 from 120 acres.
Scientific Culture.
    "We attain these results by scientific culture of our orchards. We study methods and follow them carefully. We spray for everything. As a consequence 98 percent absolutely sound fruit is a rule in these orchards. We irrigate some, as a help, not a necessity. It gives color to the Spitzenbergs and size.
    "Land can be bought for $100 an acre and up. There is land further out that is cheaper, much at $50 an acre, but men who have bought at $100 an acre now value their holdings at $300 an acre, and similar prices.
Apples Go to England.
    "Of course we raise other fruits than the apples and pears of which I have spoken, strawberries, for instance, the Hood River brand. But those are for local trade. The apples and the pears go away out, and don't sell near us. We sell apples on the ground at $1.50 per box. And in England a lot of these apples received last winter brought $3.75 a box.
    "Medford is on the Southern Pacific and gets good, low rates for its outgoing freight. The farmers are rich. The local banks hold no mortgages. These aren't known."
Have a Beautiful Home.
    Mr. Allen and Mrs. Allen went to Medford a year ago. They have a beautiful place there, containing 200 acres, of which 100 acres are in orchard, sixty acres in alfalfa, and twenty acres in a magnificent oak grove. Mrs. Allen went there in search of her health, and this she has regained. Mr. Allen said that evening that they were well satisfied with their new home, that they had found better things than they expected.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, May 17, 1905, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen returned Saturday from Salt Lake City, whither they had been called by the death of Chas. Keith, Mrs. Allen's brother.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 26, 1905, page 8

    For sale--Oldsmobile, nearly new. Address, Miss M. Keith, Medford, Oregon.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 16, 1905, page 5

    Miss Margaret Keith, who has been visiting A. C. Allen and family, left on her return home to Salt Lake City Wednesday.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 28, 1905, page 8

    A. C. Allen:--"There is a place on the Medford-Jacksonville road, just opposite my home, which is likely to be the cause of trouble. The road has been thrown up in the center here and a culvert put in to let the surplus water through. The culvert does not project beyond the grade and at either end is a ditch at least two and a half feet deep. The point is this. Should someone not acquainted with the road accidentally drive off the grade some dark night, either in passing some other team or from some other cause, there would be a serious accident, resulting in either the crippling of a team or the occupants of the vehicle, or both. The place is not safe and anyone injured would have cause of action against the county for damages. Besides this the culvert is not filled up level with the grade and the depression causes a jolt which might cause a broken king bolt in a rapidly driving vehicle, a second source of danger."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, August 11, 1905, page 1

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen returned last week from their visit to Salt Lake City.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 10, 1905, page 8

    Lieutenant and Mrs. G. M. Allen, of San Francisco, are in the valley upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen. Mr. A. C. Allen is a brother of Lieutenant Allen.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 8, 1905, page 4

    One of the numerous subterranean veins of water which flow through the valley rises to the surface on the north end of the Hollywood Orchard farm, west of Medford, and owned by A. C. Allen, forming a swamp of some ten acres in extent. [Hollywood Orchard is just west of and adjoining Oak Grove School.] This swampy place didn't "look good" to Mr. Allen when he purchased the place, and besides he conceived the idea that the water which was going to waste in making a mere swamp might be utilized. He put the idea into execution by laying lines of tiles converging to a common center and thus collecting the water which had formerly spread over this marshy ground and running it into a reservoir with a capacity of 75,000 gallons. This had the effect of making the swamp land arable and at the same time gave Mr. Allen an ample water supply for irrigating purposes.
    In order to use this water Mr. Allen has installed a 3½-inch centrifugal pump, which is driven by a 12-horsepower gasoline engine and has a capacity of 300 gallons a minute. This pump drives the water from the reservoir through a 6-inch pipe into a tank of 10,000 gallons capacity, from which it can be distributed by means of flumes to the different portions of this ten-acre tract, as it is needed. In addition to the 3½-inch pump there is an auxiliary pump which can be used in case of emergency. The engine which furnishes the power is a portable one, and when not in use for pumping purposes can be used on other work about the place. At present Mr. Allen only purposes covering the ten-acre tract above mentioned, but ultimately intends to extend the system so that he can irrigate the whole area of land he owns. The reservoir has been so constructed that it can be enlarged at any time until it has a capacity of at least 500,000 gallons of water, furnishing an ample supply.
    This year Mr. Allen intends to try his hand at onion raising and is confident that the soil of the reclaimed land will produce onions that will rival the far-famed Eagle Point product.
    When he gets the system working nicely a private electric lighting plant will be installed, and then Mr. Allen will be about as independent as they make them. With his own irrigating system and his own lighting plant, he will pay tribute only to Standard Oil for gasoline to furnish power.
Medford Mail, January 5, 1906, page 1

    A. C. Allen:--"Did you see that new gasoline engine I received Monday? It was quite a load for two horses the way the roads are now, but fortunately I won't be compelled to move it very often for awhile. I intend to commence pumping water into my reservoir as soon as I can, as the water in the swamp I am trying to reclaim is raising and I want to get it out of the way."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 12, 1906, page 5

    Born--At the Allen farm, west of Medford, Tuesday, March 20, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen, a son.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 23, 1906, page 5

Arrival of Boy at Home of His Daughter the Cause.
    A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen of Medford, Ore., Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Allen is a daughter of Mr. David Keith of Salt Lake. Mr. Keith was informed of the event at once, with the further information that the child weighed eight pounds. On Wednesday the proud grandfather received a second telegram from Mr. Allen, stating that everybody interested, including the "young farmer," was getting along nicely.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, March 23, 1906, page 10

    At the Golden Eagle Hotel (J. W. Wilson, proprietor), the following guests were registered yesterday:
    . . . A. C. Allen, Medford, Ore. . . .
Sacramento Daily Union, April 20, 1906, page 6

    Mrs. A. C. Allen and her sister, Miss Keith, were at Colestin several days last week, returning Monday evening.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 13, 1906, page 5

    Miss Margaret Keith, of Salt Lake City, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Allen, returned to that place Tuesday.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 4

    Among the attractions at the exhibit building this week is a plate of mammoth peppers, grown by A. C. Allen at the Hollywood Orchards, west of Medford. He also shows some fine okra or gumbo and some huge turnips. He finds the growth of fine vegetables easy with his pumping plant in operations, as he can throw an immense stream of water from his tile drain by means of the ten-horsepower gasoline engine he is using. A hundred acres of this fine orchard can be irrigated by this means.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 10, 1906, page 5

    A. C. Allen and family left Tuesday morning for Crater Lake in Mr. Allen's automobile. If the trip is successful it will be the first made for an auto from this side of the mountain [this year]. Several trips by automobile have been made from the Klamath side however.--Medford Mail.
Valley Record,
Ashland, August 29, 1906, page 3

    David Keith and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Salt Lake City, who have been visiting A. C. Allen and family, of Hollywood Orchards, left for their home Monday evening. They were accompanied by little Miss Allen, Mr. Keith's granddaughter.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 7, 1906, page 4

    Miss Margaret Keith and niece returned Wednesday from Salt Lake City, Utah.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 14, 1906, page 4

1907 Thomas 40 ad
1907 Thomas 40 ad

    A. C. Allen boasts a handsome new Thomas Forty automobile. The big touring car attracts much attention as it speeds through the streets of our city. It was purchased through the local firm of Wm. M. Hodson & Co., who also report the sale of a fine Buick $1550 touring car to Geo. F. King and another car of the same make and price to Hon. W. I. Vawter. This brings the total number of automobiles now in use in this city to nineteen, and there are eight more ordered and sold to parties in this vicinity, as soon as the next carload arrives from the factory.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 19, 1907, page 5

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen, who live two miles west of Medford, on the Jacksonville road, are among the happy and contented home-builders who have been "driven back to Eden." They were former residents of Salt Lake City and came west for the benefit of Mrs. Allen's health, which has improved wonderfully in the "glorious climate of Oregon." Mr. Allen was formerly employed in the art preservative of art [i.e., printing], and was also in the employ of Wells, Fargo & Co. Mrs. Allen is a daughter of David Keith, the well-known railroad builder. The Allen home is one of the best in the county, surrounded by a young orchard of 120 acres and a tract of garden land which will produce vegetables of any kind and of the best quality. These people take great pride in their beautiful home and, being automobilists, are advocates of good roads.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 2

An All Right Good Car.
    A. C. Allen, the orchardist, favored some of his friends with a test trip on his handsome new Thomas Forty automobile touring car a few days since. The party, in addition to Mrs. Allen and baby and little daughter Mary, consisted of Mr. D. H. Miller and Messrs. A. S. Bliton and W. E. Willis of the Mail.
    The spin was made out on the country road, to the south, where the thoroughfare was found to be in most excellent condition. With apparently no effort the big car glided along at the rate of fifteen miles an hour, with little power on. Later on Mr. Allen turned on the power, and 24 miles per hour was quickly reached, as was indicated by the novel device known as the autometer, which registers not only the speed at which the car is moving, but likewise tells how many miles have been covered during the trip, as well as keeping a complete record of all the miles traversed during the entire season.
    The beautiful big touring car glided gracefully along, and its occupants could hardly believe that they were being whirled through space at a rapid rate, for it rode as easily as if one were in a Pullman and was really much more comfortable.
    All the latest ideas are combined in this magnificent auto, and nothing is wanting to add comfort and pleasure to the fortunate occupants of it. The machinery is of the latest and most approved design, and the various devices are remarkably clever. With a forty-five horsepower [engine] and being capable of running at the rate of fifty miles per hour, this $3200 touring car may well be regarded as the very acme of automobiles, and Mr. Allen has every reason to feel much pleased over this investment, for it is going to be the source of much real comfort and pleasure for himself and his fortunate friends. This car was purchased by Mr. Allen through the local auto firm of W. M. Hodson & Co., who are placing many such fine vehicles in this city and surrounding country.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 8

    Mrs. A. C. Allen is in Seattle paying a visit to relatives.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 14, 1907, page 4

    Eureka is getting to be a popular terminal point for autoists from both the north and the south, and this spring and summer there have been many car owners venturesome enough to make the trip overland, despite the handicaps of rough roads and the consequent damage to tires and wagons.
    An automobile party consisting of George F. King, wife and baby, A. C. Allen and wife and Miss Sutton of Medford, Oregon, arrived in this city yesterday afternoon about 6 o'clock in two Thomas 40-horsepower touring cars. The party started from Medford Saturday morning and came by way of Grants Pass and Crescent City, losing one day during the trip for repairs while another day was spent at Crescent City. Mr. King, who was in one of the cars, will probably remain here a month or so before returning to the northern town while Mr. Allen will, in a few days, probably journey on overland to San Francisco. From San Francisco he expects to return home by way of the Sacramento Valley and Shasta.
    The only very serious accident to happen to either of the cars was when one of the springs on the machine of Mr. Allen broke about seven miles from Gasquet on this side of the state boundary line. A stop was made until the springs could be strengthened enough to carry the machine to Crescent City. One of the tires on the machine also broke and this caused a delay of about half a day, making about one day in all. In repairing the broken spring Mr. Allen found by the roadside some springs that had been upon an old stage coach and used them to very good advantage. When Crescent City was reached the machine was taken to a blacksmith shop where after several attempts a temporary set of springs was made. A couple of the leaves of one of the springs of Mr. King's machine were cracked by the rough trip but not seriously enough to delay the progress of the party.
    The two automobilists report that as far as the roadbeds are concerned there is little complaint to make, but that the roads are so narrow and have such sharp curves that it is almost impossible in some places to run at all and at best a speed of not more that five or six miles can be kept up.
    Some trouble was caused just after leaving Crescent City by getting in some soft sand on the beach. When at the Klamath River ferry both machines were stuck and had to be pried from the sand. The roads are so narrow that it is impossible to pass vehicles in many places, but as the traffic north of Orick is very light the autos had very few teams to pass.
    Mr. Allen owns extensive orchards in the Rogue River Valley, and if he likes it here he will probably buy a summer home. Mr. King expects to remain a month or so and if he likes the county may decide to settle here. At present he is engaged in the lumbering business at Medford.
Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, July 19, 1907, page 5

    A. C. Allen and family returned last week from a tour of Northern California. They went in their Thomas 40 touring car, with George King, going by way of Crescent City and Eureka and returning by Yreka and the Siskiyous. The whole trip was made without mishap of any kind outside of a broken spring and worn-out tire or so, and everybody arrived home well and hearty, but extremely glad to be in the Rogue River Valley once more.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1907, page 4

    A. C. Allen and wife with Messrs. Nicholson and Platt, of the Nicholson Hardware Co., were bound for the woods near Grants Pass last Sunday, in Mr. Allen's big red auto, when at the O'Brien ranch a spring broke and they were compelled to phone in to the Hodson Auto Co. to send them a new spring, upon the arrival of which they went on their way. Shooting jackrabbits by the lights from the auto made sport on the way home. Platt "came near killing" one rabbit.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 18, 1907, page 2

    One of the troubles incident to the ownership of automobiles is that of keeping polished the many brass mountings. Parenthetically we are going to say that these are not
our troubles--they're borrowed. However, Mr. A. C. Allen, who owns one of the best high-grade cars in this locality, has sidetracked this trouble by having all his mountings nickel plated, and if you fellows don't believe the appearance has been improved, just take a look at this car and then shuffle off some of your own trouble, by having the nickel plating applied.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 13, 1908, page 5

    Four large automobiles have left San Francisco and are headed this way. One of them is the 40-horsepower Thomas, owned by A. C. Allen of the Hollywood Orchard. He left there with his wife and two children, and they returned by train a few days ago. He has with him his father and a party of friends.
Excerpt, Medford Mail, July 31, 1908, page 1

    R. W. Gray: "I have a gang at work . . . putting up a water tank tower for A. C. Allen, out at his Hollywood Orchard. This tower is 30 feet high and the water is supplied by a hydraulic ram. Mr. Allen has an abundance of water for irrigating purposes, and from this tank the very best spring water is supplied his home."
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 21, 1908, page 5

    David Keith of Salt Lake City arrived in Medford yesterday and will visit a few days with his son-in-law, A. C. Allen, and family out at their Hollywood Orchards, west of Medford.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 28, 1908, page 6

New Salt Lake City Looks Mighty Good to Him After Sojourn on Coast.
    "Let me say to you that none of the cities which I have visited the past several months looks as good to me as does the new Salt Lake City, to which I have just returned." This was the exclamation made to the Tribune Monday by David Keith, who for some time past has been on the Pacific Coast.
    "During my absence," continued Mr. Keith, "I have visited various points in California, Oregon and Washington. I have taken things easily and leisurely, and when I say to you that the new Salt Lake City looks good to me, I mean exactly what I say.
    "You know I have two married daughters on the coast, Mrs. R. S. Eskredge in Seattle and Mrs. A. C. Allen of Medford, Ore. The country in that region is prosperous, unusually so, I might say, but not more so than here. Seattle is pushing ahead, and so is Salt Lake City. Seattle, of course, has the advantage of being a seaport, and it is a wonderful city, but there is no reason why Salt Lake City should not be the largest inland city in this great Western empire, and I believe that it will be. I spent some time in Seattle, and I am charmed with it as a city.
    "I was also at Medford for quite a while. Medford is in Southern Oregon, in the Rogue River Valley, one of the most beautiful valleys on the coast, and which, I believe, is destined to be one of the great fruit regions of the world.
    "As to politics. Well, so far as I have observed, there is but little enthusiasm manifest over the Presidential nominations. In fact, the campaign on the coast can be said to have hardly begun. A month later one could form an opinion, but at present he is at sea.
    "Mrs. Keith has been at Terminal Island in Southern California during the summer. I joined her there and she returned home with me. I shall be in Salt Lake from now on, for, as I said to you before, new Salt Lake City looks mighty good to me."
Salt Lake Tribune, September 8, 1908, page 7

    A. C. Allen, living a couple of miles west of the city, feels greatly elated over the fact that he had just completed putting down a little over 3000 feet of tiling on his place before the present storm commenced, and is now draining a large quantity of water from his land.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, January 15, 1909, page 5

    Colonel L. C. Allen arrived in Medford last night and will spend the summer with his son, A. C. Allen, and family, out at their beautiful Hollywood home, west of Medford. The senior is a retired government officer.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, April 9, 1909, page 2

    A. C. Allen and family returned yesterday from an automobile trip to Crater Lake. In going to the lake, he left Medford with three grown persons and two children in the car at 7:30 a.m. and arrived at Crater Lake the same day at 5:20 p.m. Upon returning they left the lake at 8:45 a.m. and reached Medford at 7 o'clock the same day.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, August 6, 1909, page 5

A. C. Allen of Hollywood Orchard Notified of Sale
of 314 Half Boxes of Fancy Comice at $3.36.

    A. C. Allen at the Hollywood Orchard received notice today that 314 half boxes of Comice pears from his orchard had sold at $3.36 a half box in London.
    This is the high price for Comice this year in the London market, being $7.72 per box. They are among the first to be offered.
    January sales in London are always the highest and it is confidently expected that the price will go over $8 a box.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1909, page 1

A. C. Allen Secures Elk for His Park, West of Medford--
Has 13 Deer Besides--Is After More.
    Yesterday A. C. Allen received by freight a pair of young elk from California which he has taken to his park at the Hollywood Orchards and liberated with the 13 head of deer he has there now.
    The elk were fine-looking specimens, and Mr. Allen is correspondingly proud of the addition to his park.
    "I haven't what you might call a menagerie," said Mr. Allen, "but sometimes it makes a noise like it. Especially when the two peacocks, the local roosters and the neighbors' dogs all get busy about the same time in the morning. Mrs. Allen objects to the tone of the peacock's voice, but I am trying to persuade her to allow me to get more, so that the other sounds may be drowned out, and I suppose in the course of human events one could become accustomed to the peacock's melodious (?) notes."

Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1910, page 1

It Was an '05 Model of "Bronco" Type--Sometimes It Went
and Sometimes It "Didn't Went"--Miss Keith First Lady Driver in the Valley.
    In the spring of 1905 Miss Margaret Keith, sister of Mrs. A. C. Allen, brought into Medford the second automobile owned in Rogue River Valley. This car was, like nearly all the '05 models, of the bronco type--sometimes it would go and at other times it would "balk," but at most times it acted in a rather untamed manner. After a time Miss Keith and her sister managed to gain an understanding of its eccentricities to such an extent as to be able to coax the auto out and back home again. And so it was that Miss Keith became the first lady to drive an automobile in the valley.
    Outside of the fact that the automobile was an uncommon sight here, it was still more so to see a lady driving the car, and they always drew an interested crowd when "the pesky thing" balked in the middle of the street. At such times the ladies always spurned any aid, but promptly got out the tool kit and in some mysterious way got the car out of its tantrum and started again.
    When asked, "How did you know what was the matter with the car?" the reply was, "I didn't know. I simply took out the spark plug, looked at it and put it back. I have not the slightest idea what I expected to find the matter with the spark plug, but if I didn't look there for the trouble where else would I look?"
    That question would have puzzled almost anyone at that time. At any rate the treatment seemed to be all-sufficient, for the car would finally start.
    Then, too, it was trouble all along the road, for when the car wasn't "kicking" the users of the public highways were, for nearly all--including the horses--resented the appearance of the auto on the road. Things were not so pleasant in those days for the autoist.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 15, 1910, page C1  
"Bronco" is a joke--there was no such make of car. It was a curved-dash Oldsmobile.

May 26, 1910 Medford Mail Tribune
May 26, 1910 Medford Mail Tribune

Orchardist Buys Two, But Finds He Has Four on Arrival--
Finds Two Little Ones Peeping Out of Mother's Pocket--Quite a Menagerie.
    It is not often that when one buys wild animals that he receives more than he bargains for--in the way of numbers--but A. C. Allen, of the Hollywood Orchards, has had that experience.
    Sunday Mr. Allen received two young Australian kangaroos from California. The female is a few months over a year of age, while the male is only a few months old.
    When Mr. Allen went out to look at his new pets Monday morning he thought he "had 'em" for a few moments, for, peeping out of the "pocket" of the female was the head of a baby kangaroo. In a few seconds another one bobbed up.
    Instead of two of the marsupials he has now four, which, with his deer, elk and other animals, makes quite a menagerie.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1910, page 1

Ideal Resort Found, Declares Retired Army Official, Who Has Established a Lodge on the Great Lake, Where He Enjoys Life.
    The Klamath Falls Chronicle contains the following regarding the arrival there of Colonel L. C. Allen, father of A. C. Allen of Medford, who has spent the winter here with his son at the latter's orchard:
    Colonel Allen is one of those men who served his country until it was time for him to retire and join the ranks of those who seek enjoyment in life for the rest of their days, and after spending several years looking for a suitable place where he could enjoy nature in all her grandeur, he settled on the great lake and declares this the greatest place on earth for the man who is seeking quiet, and at the same time a place where he can enjoy life just as the true sportsman would have it.
    The colonel is a sportsman of the first water. He came to Klamath Falls about two years ago, and after spending some time in the city and surrounding country he purchased a tract of land on the west side of the lake, where he immediately established a summer home. He christened his place Wildwood, and in addition to erecting a comfortable abode on the bank of the lake, he at once began preparations to enjoy cruises over the great lake in motorpower crafts. He owns a launch, several rowboats, and one of the finest boat houses on those waters.
    Colonel Allen declares there is no place on the globe where a man can secure a home closer to nature and where he can get all of the sport to be found. He remains at his home on the west shores of the lake, opposite Buck Island, a great deal of the time cultivating a small garden patch, and at any time he wishes can step out and get a fine trout from the shores of his home. When the roaming spirit attacks him, he goes out in his houseboat or launch, and strikes camp at some other point, and during the hunting season is able to get all the ducks and geese he wishes. In addition to this, he can ramble back over the hill from his home and get a buck most any time when these are allowed to be slain under the law, and sometimes a bear can be bagged not far from his home.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1911, page 12

    I have been at considerable expense and trouble to put my deer, elk, etc. at the front of my ranch, so that you could see and enjoy them. These animals are private property, and as such are as much entitled to protection under the law as any other personal property.
    It has become the custom of a great many to stop in front of my place and fill the air with every kind of discordant sounds in order to frighten the animals, thereby endangering my property by causing the animals to injure themselves. This is especially try of some autoists who stand in front of the pens and blow their horns for the especial purpose of frightening these animals.
    Therefore I request that these animals be left undisturbed, and I hereby give notice that I will prosecute and sue for damages any person or persons caught molesting the animals on my place in any way whatever.
A. C. Allen, proprietor.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1911, page 5

    Mrs. A. C. Allen and son returned Tuesday from San Francisco, where the latter was operated upon several weeks ago for appendicitis, from which he has now almost entirely recovered.

"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1911, page B6

    Miss Macre, a trained nurse of San Francisco, who has been attending the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen, returned to her home this morning.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1911, page 5

    A. C. Allen and family and Prof. and Mrs. P. J. O'Gara left this morning for Klamath County. They will go first to Mr. Allen's houseboat, at Rock Point, and after enjoying a several days' cruise about the lake they will tie up at Wildwood, Mr. Allen's summer home, where they will remain several weeks.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1911, page 2

    Mr. A. C. Allen and family and Prof. and Mrs. O'Gara left the first of the week for a trip to Klamath. They will spend some time on Mr. Allen's houseboat before going to "Wild Wood," the summer home of the Allens.
"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, October 7, 1911, page 2

    Once again Rogue River Valley pears have won laurels. This time exhibits of Bosc, Howells and Comice were awarded firsts at the Walla Walla district fair, according to a letter received by Prof. P. J. O'Gara from C. L. Whitney, commissioner of horticulture, Washington, who was in charge of the fruit exhibits at the fair.
    Mr. Whitney writes Prof. O'Gara as follows:
    "I take pleasure in notifying you that Bosc and Comice pears grown by A. C. Allen, Hollywood Orchards, received a first prize each; also Howell pears grown by R. H. Parsons, Hillcrest Orchards, received a first prize."
"Medford Pears Win Out Again,"
Medford Mail Tribune, October 11, 1911, page 4

Jupiter Pluvius and His Associated Storm Kings
Catch Local Man Off His Guard and Keep Him Prisoner on Lake.
    Catching Professor P. J. O'Gara out of his district, and evidently neglecting his weather business, Jupiter Pluvius and his associate storm kings held the professor a prisoner for three days on Klamath Lake. The professor was finally allowed to go by the wet monarch upon his promise to return to Medford and 'tend to the weather properly.
    Professor and Mrs. O'Gara were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen on their houseboat on Klamath Lake. They had wandered down the lake in the boat and were anchored in a little cove when a storm broke. For three days they were marooned. But, according to the professor, they had a splendid time just the same.

Medford Mail Tribune,
October 11, 1911, page 8

    Mrs. A. C. Allen left this morning for her home in San Francisco after a few days' visit with her son, A. C. Allen, and family, at Hollywood Orchards.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1911, page 2

    Mrs. A. C. Allen left for Palo Alto, Cal., where her daughter is attending school. Mrs. Allen will return home shortly, accompanied by her daughter.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1911, page 2

The Famous Hollywood Orchard Near Medford
    Hollywood Orchards, consisting of 200 acres, is one of the finest and most ideally located in Rogue River Valley. It is situated two miles west of the S.P. tracks in Medford. Its position is ideal in that it lies close to the center of the valley, and is about half way between Medford and Jacksonville, on the main road connecting the two places. It has a frontage on the Jacksonville road of 2091 feet, and about 1400 feet of this is occupied by a magnificent grove of large oak, madrone and fir trees. In winter, about the holidays, the grove is ablaze with red madrone, or laurel, berries which so much resemble holly--hence the name Hollywood.
    In this grove, containing about 30 acres, are the deer and elk parks which have become so widely known in the valley. Standing back from the road, with the deer park in front, stands the residence and main buildings of the ranch. Here under the magnificent oak and madrone trees, surrounded with lawns and beautiful flowers, lives the owner, Mr. Albert C. Allen, and his family.
    Driving through the main entrance to Hollywood Orchards in the summer, one is immediately impressed with the apparent abundance of water which is to be seen playing constantly on the lawns and flowers. In the residence is seen every convenience to be found in a modern city dwelling. It is lighted with acetylene gas, furnished by a plant on the ranch, and each light is fitted with electric lighting attachments, making it as convenient as electricity. The plumbing is of the most modern and complete, and water is supplied from the unfailing supply on the ranch. On the west side is built two large sleeping porches.
    Nearby stands the ice house, with a storage capacity of several tons, and arranged on its shelves is a most tempting array of fruits, vegetables, etc., all put up in glass. Here can be found venison, wild duck, fish and other meats; all kinds of vegetables from asparagus to Swiss chard; all kinds of jellies, preserves and sweets too numerous to mention. This Mr. Allen calls "the cannery" and is a department of which he is very proud, for every one of the 1500 or more jars were put up under the direct supervision of Mrs. Allen, who has evidently become an expert in the art of preserving fruits, vegetables, etc.
Water Supply.
    Near the house stand two large redwood tanks mounted on towers over 30 feet high. These contain 8000 gallons of water, clear and pure, and these supply all the water for the buildings, parks, lawns and all other purposes.
    A large barn with several corrals contains the mules and horses necessary to run the ranch. There is also a new modern packing house, 50x60 feet and two stories high, besides a blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, tool sheds, etc. Also a greenhouse, in which are grown the plants for early spring setting. Under the shade of some large oaks stands the boarding house for the men and their sleeping quarters. Further along is the house for the foreman, and it stands under some very large oaks and cedars and surrounded by fruit trees. This house, as are all of the buildings, is furnished with water from the main system.
    At the southern end of the ranch, running along the Jacksonville road, is a yearling pear orchard with peach fillers. This contains approximately six acres. North of this is a young Spitzenberg orchard of about fifteen acres.  Two acres of this is set to mixed fruits and is known as the "family orchard," as it is used to furnish the ranch with different kinds of fruit for the tables.
    Going on through, one next passes between the famous blocks of Comice and Bosc pears. Here lies what is probably the largest block of bearing Comice in Rogue River Valley, containing about 50 acres, with about seven acres of Bosc running in rows through the orchard. Further along on the east side is a block of 20 acres of Newtown apple trees, and in the northeast corner is a block of Spitzenbergs of about six acres. Running along the north side of the Comice and Newtown orchards is a two-year-old Bartlett orchard, and there is also a block of young Comice on the east side. Altogether, Hollywood has about 115 acres in trees.
    Besides the orchards, Hollywood has 40 acres planted to alfalfa and grain. Also at the north end of the ranch there is a plot of eight acres planted to timothy hay, which has yielded an average of four tons per acre, in one cutting, and without irrigation. There are a few more acres adjoining this which is used exclusively for vegetables.
Water and Irrigation.
    Here at the north end of the ranch is situated the water plant and the abundant water supply. The water system of Hollywood is unique and one of its most valuable assets. In years gone by the lower, or north, end of the ranch was a swamp in which the old settlers of the valley used to kill ducks and snipe. This has now all been drained by an extensive system of tiling, and the surface is under cultivation.
    The water running through these tiles is clear and pure, and no matter how hard it rains or the condition of the surface of the ground, this water is always perfectly clear. It is this water which is conveyed to the ranch buildings. One of the most striking features of it all is the simplicity of the system and the economy of its maintenance. Here is seen no expensive machinery nor elaborate pumping plant. The water itself does the work at a cost of a few cents per year, for here, obscurely placed at the bottom of a shaft, stands a hydraulic ram, which thumps away year in and year out, pumping its never-ceasing supply of water to the ranch buildings. By bringing one of the six-inch tile lines nearly to the surface and then running a pipe down to the ram (which is nine feet below the surface), sufficient head is obtained to force the water anywhere. The capacity of the ram now in use is about 5000 gallons per day.
Waste Water Caught.
    The waste from the ram is caught by more tile and carried down near the fence line, where it empties into a 60,000-gallon reservoir. Here is built an engine house in which is installed a three-inch centrifugal pump with a capacity of 300 gallons per minute. This pump is operated by a heavy 12-horsepower gasoline engine and is so arranged that by merely extending the pipeline it is possible to deliver the maximum amount of water to any part of the ranch. At present there is 750 feet of pipe connected with this pump, which puts about 15 acres under irrigation. As Hollywood is abundantly supplied with subirrigation, Mr. Allen has not found it necessary to irrigate his orchards, merely using the water to irrigate his vegetables, flowers, etc.
    In the engine house is an auxiliary pump which is connected to the main running from the ram. This is merely an emergency plant which can be used to supply the ranch with water in case of an accident to the ram. It may be interesting to note that, during the seven years' residence of the present owner on the ranch, this pump has been used but once, and then but for a few hours. During the winter the engine, which is mounted on a steel truck, is hauled up and used around the ranch to furnish power.
Well Arranged.
    Another striking feature of the water system is that all of the different tile lines (measuring over two miles) are so arranged that they drain into the reservoir. In this manner every bit of water, running through the round at or above the level of the tile, must go into the reservoir before getting off the ranch. After the reservoir is filled it overflows and runs through a ditch through the Snowy Butte Orchards, past Central Point and into Bear Creek. The average flow of water into the reservoir is about half a million gallons daily. This can easily and cheaply be increased to any amount desired, but the present flow is sufficient for the needs of the ranch.
    The soil on Hollywood is varied in character and runs from the rich gravelly soil, to be seen at the south end, to the heavy black deposit soil at the north. All of it is free soil and has no hardpan or bedrock.
    From an accurate record taken during the frost season in the past three years, it is shown that the temperatures range about two degrees higher than the average of the valley floor.
    The Hollywood branch of Comice, though but a couple of seasons on the market, has become famous throughout the eastern markets and the European Comice markets. The orchards have just begun to bear, and will soon be one of the largest producers of Comice in the country. All in all, Hollywood Orchards is most ideally located. The ranch is perfectly equipped and cared for, and nature has been lavish with her gifts.
    The late Mr. J. H. Stewart, the "father of the fruit industry in Rogue River Valley," in a personal letter to Mr. Allen, says of Hollywood Orchards under date of April 20, 1904: "Taking the place all together, I don't think there is a better tract of land in the valley of the same number of acres. It can be improved and further developed so as to make an ideal home and a money-maker at almost any price."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1912, page 19

    Colonel L. C. Allen, father of A. C. Allen, owner of the Hollywood Orchards near this city, died at the Presidio hospital in San Francisco Saturday as the result of an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen left Sunday for San Francisco.
    Colonel Allen served in the regular army for 40 years and but recently retired. He was 63 years of age.
    He leaves a wife and three sons, A. C. Allen of Medford; G. M. Allen, Nineteenth Infantry, now stationed in the Philippines, and L. C. Allen, Jr., of San Francisco.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1912, page 6

Of Fredericktown Pays Tribute to the Memory of Col. Allen
His Intimate Friend for 42 Years

Written for the Record.
    Colonel Leven Cooper Allen was born April 27, 1851 in Fredericktown, Missouri. He was the son of the late Judge N. B. Allen and his wife Sarah Bollinger. In his veins flowed the historic blood of pioneer Southeast Missouri; heroes of the revolutionary battle of King's Mountain. He was educated in the private schools (there were no public schools at that time) at this place. He entered West Point Military Academy in 1868 and graduated high in his class in 1872 as second lieutenant and was assigned to duty in the 16th U.S. Infantry then stationed at Nashville, Tenn.
    He married Miss McKee. She was the daughter of the editor of a prominent daily paper of Nashville. They had three children, all living; the eldest, Albert C., is a wealthy land owner at Medford, Oregon. The second son, Gilbert M., is first lieutenant in the U.S. army, now in the Philippines. The third, Leven C., a lad 18 years old, is a student in a private school at San Francisco, Cal.
    Col. Allen died in his 60th year in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 20, 1912, after an operation for appendicitis. He was the brother of Albert O. Allen, former State Auditor of Missouri, of New Madrid; Robert H. Allen of Malden, Mo.; Thomas B. Allen, lawyer, of St. Joseph, Mrs. Thomas Holladay, of this place; Mrs. Laura Fraizer, of St. Louis; Mrs. Adelia Foster, of Waco, Texas. He was an uncle of Mrs. E. J. McKinney, of Farmington.
    After forty years of hard and continuous service in the army, he retired in June, 1908, with the rank and pay of colonel in the regular army. Since that time he has made his home in San Francisco, California. Col. Allen was only 17 years of age when he went to West Point. He was the only native of Madison County to graduate from West Point and see large and long service in the regular army and reach the high position of colonel. He graduated in the same class with Major General Frederick D. Grant, the son of the great commander. He passed the finest examination of any of the 200 cadets appointed of that time. Long years of his life were spent on the frontier. He was in many fights with the Indians. When the war with Spain was declared in 1898, his rank was captain. With his company of seasoned soldiers he was ordered to the front. He was one of the five gallant captains, Allen, Noble, Palmer, McFarland and Lassiter, who with their infantry companies stormed and took the Spanish forts on San Juan Hill, on their own initiative. That gallant achievement broke the nerve of the Spanish army in Cuba. It was a captains' battle with American regular soldiers of our army against superior numbers of regular Spanish soldiers in forts and supported by artillery.
    He was promoted for gallantry in that battle and also for further gallantry at the battle of Santiago, Cuba. His courage and coolness in battle was the admiration of this soldiers and fellow officers. He served three years in the Philippine Islands during the insurrection there and was in several skirmishes with Philippine insurgents. Much of his time was spent in establishing civil government. Three attempts were made by Filipinos to assassinate him; one time he was slightly wounded. On being ordered back to this country he was stationed at Fort Slocum, N.Y., until he was again ordered to the Philippines. After one more year there he was promoted to be colonel and ordered to Governor's Island, N.Y., for duty, where he remained until he was retired.
    Colonel Allen was a man of great intelligence, pluck and energy; a brave fighter when a fight was on; but at all times gentle and kind to his subordinates, whom he loved as he loved all men, for he was a lovable gentleman. He cared nothing for the flair and glare of military life, but was steadfast as a good soldier for forty years. His sister, Mrs. Holladay, of Fredericktown, Mo., has many interesting letters written by him dating from 1868 to the time of his death, and a fine collection of newspaper clippings of his gallant deeds. He was buried in the National Cemetery at Presidio, Cal., with full military honors January 23, 1912.
    Practical ability, modesty, directness, honor, congeniality and manliness were the marked characteristics of this ideal soldier. Superciliousness was foreign to him. His life reflects great honor on his state and country. I knew him to love him for forty-two years.
    Fredericktown, Mo.,
        January 26, 1912
Weekly Record, New Madrid, Missouri, February 3, 1912, page 1

Editor Better Fruit:
    In your last issue appears a copy of the agricultural college pamphlet on "Frost Fighting Studies in the Rogue River Valley." In this is given an account of what I did, or was supposed to have done, in fighting frost last season. As there are several errors in the account given by the college I would appreciate it if you would give me space for the following corrections: It was stated that "His trees being small, he found that he was unable to save the entire crop in that way. In fact around the outer edge and across one end of his orchard the fruit was almost entirely killed, and throughout the entire block a great many blossoms were injured. However, on a large percent of the heated area enough fruit was saved to make a fair crop." This is entirely wrong, for I had the heaviest crop this year that the orchard has ever known. The Comice bore heavier and set better than at any time since it commenced to bear. There were about sixty trees in a lower corner, which was not smudged through an oversight, that lost all its crop; and around two sides which had been imperfectly heated the fruit was damaged, but not entirely killed. In fact my fight against "Jack Frost" was highly successful, and I only hope I never do any worse. Also the firing points of my alarm system are 32 and 30 degrees instead of 33 and 31. I always start to fire at 29 degrees instead of 30. I have taken a great deal of pride in the results of my frost fight, and it takes away a good deal of the "glory" when it is stated I had employed fifteen to eighteen men to handle the fires. The truth is that I had but four men employed, which I found entirely sufficient except on the first night's firing, when the wood was covered with snow and was wet. Then it was difficult to get them started, but on the other nights I had no trouble in keeping things going with only four men. I never employed over two or three in seasons previous to this. Very truly yours, A. C. Allen, Medford, Oregon.
Better Fruit, March 1912, page 27

    David Keith, owner of the Salt Lake Tribune and Telegram, left Sunday for his home, after a few days' visit with his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Allen, of Hollywood.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1912, page 2

    Lieutenant and Mrs. Gilbert M. Allen will arrive in Medford Thursday evening direct from Manila, P.I., and will visit with A. C. Allen and family out at the Hollywood Orchards, west from Medford.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1912, page 2

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen returned Thursday evening from an extended automobile tour of California. They motored down the Sacramento Valley to San Francisco and returned up the coast to Eureka and Crescent City then inland to Medford.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1912, page 3

Bosc and Anjou Varieties Sell at $4.17 and $3.37 Respectively.
    MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 26.--(Special.)--The 1912 record for local pear prices was broken today when a car of Bosc and Anjou pears was sold by the Rogue River Valley Fruit and Produce Association at an average of $4.52 a box.
    The car was packed at Hillcrest Orchard and the A. C. Allen orchard, two of the most famous orchards in Southern Oregon. The full boxes of Bosc brought $4.17, the full boxes of Anjou $3.27, the half boxes of Bosc $2.75, and the half boxes of Anjou $2.53. The sale was made in New York through the Northwest Fruit Exchange of Portland.
    Although the pear sales for 1912 have not been completed, recent sales assure a price 20 percent higher than in 1911.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 27, 1912, page 1

    A. C. Allen and family returned Thursday from a several weeks' pleasure stay at their summer lodge on Klamath Lake. Mr. Allen has a large houseboat on the lake, and it is in this that many pleasant days are enjoyed with their friends.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 8, 1912, page 2

    A. C. Allen of Hollywood is planning to dehorn his large bull elk owing to the mean disposition the animal is acquiring, owing to his age. He recently attacked his mate and nearly killed her.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1912, page 5

    WANTED--Woman to teach two children, mornings. Give references. Address A. C. Allen, Medford.
Classified ad,
Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1912, page 5

Moving Pictures for Fair.
    At a meeting of the Medford Commercial Club held recently plans were discussed looking toward the San Francisco exposition in 1915, and it was tentatively planned to have a series of moving pictures of the ranches in the valley taken during the picking, packing and growing season, views of the power sites, Crater Lake, etc., and presented in the Oregon state building at the fair.
    Newspapers were requested to aid in gathering statistics regarding the productive land in the valley, the name of each ranch, distance from shipping station, etc., the data to be compiled by County Pathologist O'Gara for the benefit of canning factories and other industries looking for establishment in this section.

Jacksonville Post, January 25, 1913, page 1

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen and children are here from Medford, to spend the summer months on the Upper Lake. The Allens own a spacious houseboat on the lake, and it has been their wont to summer there for several years past.

The Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, May 22, 1913, page 4

County Court Decides to Experiment on Road to County Seat.
    The county court at its final session Friday decided to experiment with oil on county roads and purchased 10,000 gallons from A. C. Allen to sprinkle on that portion of the Jacksonville road that has just been scarified, dragged and rolled.
    The entire road to Jacksonville is to be treated in the same manner; first the old rough surface loosened, leveled and rolled, then treated with oil.
Ashland Tidings, August 11, 1913, page 1

    G. W. Wolgamott, foreman of the Hollywood Orchard, drove to Medford Monday.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1913, page 4

    David Keith, a capitalist of Salt Lake, is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Allen, of Hollywood.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1913, page 2

Southern Oregon Automobile Association Organized and A. C. Allen Is Elected as President.
    MEDFORD, Or., Dec. 20.--(Special.)--At a meeting of local auto owners at the public library, the Southern Oregon Automobile Association was formed, with A. C. Allen president, Dr. Korinek, vice-president, and H. C. Garnett treasurer. Frank Amy was delegated to secure new members. The immediate work before the association will be to secure the repeal of the state auto tax, which autoists claim is unconstitutional, as it is a double tax, autos being included in the personal property tax.
    The membership fees of $1 will be devoted exclusively to a fight against this tax, legal aid will be secured and all members will refuse to pay the state auto tax for 1914.
    Although this tax repeal is the immediate object of the organization, the association will be a permanent one and will work for better roads, better laws and better conditions for the autoist. A book describing the best auto drives in Southern Oregon will be issued, and club auto trips are a possibility.
    At a meeting in the near future bylaws for the association will be drawn up and details of the anti-tax campaign decided upon.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 21, 1913, page 49

Owners Form Association at Medford to Have the Law Repealed.
    At a meeting last week of Medford auto owners the Southern Oregon Automobile Association was formed with A. C. Allen of that city as president.
    The immediate work before the association will be to secure the repeal of the state auto tax, which autoists claim is unconstitutional as it is a double tax. The membership fee will be devoted exclusively to a fight against this tax. All members will be asked to refuse to pay the state auto tax in 1914.
    Although the tax repeal is the immediate object of the organization, the association will be a permanent one and will work for better roads, better laws and better conditions for the autoist. A book describing the best auto trips in Southern Oregon will be issued, and club auto trips are a possibility.

Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon, December 25, 1913, page 1

    Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen and family left Sunday for San Francisco, where Mrs. Allen will undergo an operation.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 12, 1914, page 4

Auto License Law Valid; Must Pay
    A. C. Allen of Medford announces the Jackson County Auto Association, formed to contest the legality of the state auto tax, have given up the fight, owing to a recent decision of the California supreme court declaring the law valid. The members will pay their licenses.
Ashland Tidings, March 5, 1914, page 8

    Prof. P. J. O'Gara was guest of honor at a farewell banquet Tuesday evening given by A. C. Allen at the University Club.

"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1914, page 3

Rogue River Has Freeze
    While the Rogue River Valley is considered a very favored locality with the best of climate and soil for fruit production, the fact that growers have their difficulties is shown in a lengthy article in the Medford Mail Tribune giving an account of a heavy frost that visited that section on Wednesday night of last week.
    "It was a freeze rather than a frost and extended well into the foothills," states the Tribune. The smudge pot was resorted to, and enormous oil used in prevention of frost to save the million-dollar pear crop. It is estimated that $5000 worth of oil was burned in the one night. A. C. Allen alone burned 6000 gallons at Holly[wood] Orchard and 4000 pots were consumed at 401 Orchard, with other orchards burning in proportion.
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon, April 9, 1914, page 5

    A. C. Allen of Hollywood Orchard has secured a moving picture machine and will take local views of familiar scenes and faces. As soon as a few pictures are taken they will be developed and shown at the Isis. Pictures showing orchard work, movies of Crater Lake and fishing scenes will be specialized.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1914, page 1

    A. C. Allen and family have returned from an auto trip to Yellowstone Park. Nine days were required to make the trip each way. Three weeks were consumed on the jaunt.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1914, page 2

    Mrs. A. C. Allen gave a dancing party at the Natatorium, last Monday evening in honor of her daughter, Miss Mary Allen, and Miss Henriette Weiss of Guatemala, which proved to be a most delightful affair. . . .
"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1915, page 3

    A. C. Allen and wife of Hollywood Orchards left Tuesday for San Francisco, where their son will undergo an operation.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1915, page 2

    A. C. Allen has returned from San Francisco, where his eight-year-old son was successfully operated upon for hernia. He reports the exposition as far from complete. Much interest was shown in the proposed moving picture story panorama of the Rogue River Valley, and exposition authorities asserted that this class of entertainment far excelled the exhibits for advertising purposes.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1915, page 2

    Game Warden  Finley has arranged to supply 600 feet of Rogue River fishing films for the moving picture panorama. A. C. Allen is preparing for the Rogue River Valley movies at the Oregon building at the fair.
"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, March 11, 1915, page 5

    Moving pictures of the fire department making a run are being taken by A. C. Allen this afternoon, the entire department being out, with all hands at their posts.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1915, page 2

    Word received from Albuquerque, N.M., tells of the death of Frank H. McKee, cashier of the Albuquerque National Bank, from injuries sustained in an automobile smash-up. Mrs. McKee, who has for several years managed their orchard at Seven Oaks, left a few days ago on receiving word of the accident. Mr. McKee was well known in the valley, having frequently visited it during recent years, and was an uncle of A. C. Allen.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1915, page 2

A. C. Allen, cash advanced for taking movies for Panama exposition . . . . $600.00

"County Court Proceedings," Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1915, page 7

    A trial run of the moving pictures of the Rogue River Valley taken by A. C. Allen was given at the Page Theater Thursday afternoon, and proved mechanically perfect. All the scenes were without a flaw, and the next step will be to connect them on the film so as to form a connected narrative. The dramatic elements in the pictures are the work of Judge Withington. An early public presentation of the pictures will be made, after which they will be shown at the fair.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1915, page 2

    A. C. Allen plans to leave the first of the week for Crater Lake with his moving picture outfit to take final pictures for his Jackson County movies for the exposition.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1915, page 2

    In response to many inquiries as to the date of the production of the "movies" which A. C. Allen and Holbrook Withington are taking for the Jackson County exhibit at the Panama Pacific fair, the producers announce that if they have favorable weather they will be through taking pictures in about a week, as they already have about four reels. They cannot fix the date when the film will be shown here, as they are at the mercy of weather conditions, but the date will be announced as soon as possible in these columns.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 21, 1915, page 2

    Mrs. Bessie L. McCann announces the engagement of her daughter, Helen M., to Frederic F. Hoss, of this city. Both are well known, being members of the Multnomah and Laurelhurst clubs. The date of the wedding will be announced later.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 12, 1915, page 5

Take Movies of Park Scenes
    A. C. Allen was up from Medford Friday accompanied by a party of Medford people who are taking the motion pictures which are to be shown in the Oregon building at the exposition. Several scenes were taken in the park, but owing to the cloudy day a second trip will be made to Ashland and other scenes taken. A story is being interwoven with the pictures, and hundreds of scenes from throughout the valley will be shown. It is hoped to have the pictures shown at a local theater before they are sent to the exposition. About 4,000 feet of film have been taken. When completed there will be 7,000 feet. Judge Withington of Medford is directing the production and directed the action of the Medford actors and the crowd of Ashland supes in Friday's pictures. About a hundred of Ashland's most handsome men and beautiful young ladies were used Friday. Doc Freeburg took an important part in the production.
Ashland Tidings,
May 24, 1915, page 1

    The movies which are being taken through the valley by A. C. Allen and Holbrook Withington for the Jackson exhibit at the exposition will be completed within the next week, provided a couple of clear days allow of the finishing up in this district. The pictures will be shown in Medford and probably in Ashland before being taken to the exposition.
"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, May 24, 1915, page 5

Medford Grizzlies Scale Grizzly.
    Forty-six members of the Medford Grizzly hiking club climbed Grizzly Peak last Sunday and enjoyed a very pleasant day of real mountaineering. Moving pictures of the crowd were taken by A. C. Allen. The Medford Tribune concludes an interesting article on the trip with the following:
    "No one who has ever had the pleasure of viewing the Rogue River Valley from this peak, with the great systems of mountain ranges on every side and the snow-capped peaks of Mount Shasta, Mount McLoughlin and Mount Ashland in the distance, will ever regret making the trip to the summit of Grizzly Peak."
"In the Social Realm," Ashland Tidings, June 3, 1915, page 4

McNELLY--In this city, June 3, Laura McNelly, aged 28 years, wife of George F. McNelly, and daughter of Charles Courtney, sister of Mrs. Bessie McCann, Mrs. Mamie Belland, Miss Alice Courtney, of this city; Mrs. Lulu Taylor, of Southern Oregon; Charles Courtney, Jr., of San Francisco, Cal.; Harry Courtney, of Los Angeles, Cal., and Jeff Courtney, of this city. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side funeral directors, 414 East Alder. Funeral notice in a later issue.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 5, 1915, page 14

    A. C. Allen, who is taking the southern Oregon moving pictures for the Oregon exhibit at the exposition, is at Crater Lake getting several hundred feet of film.

"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 7, 1915, page 5

    A gasoline stove exploded in the home of A. C. Allen of 1124 West Tenth Street yesterday afternoon. Little damage was done. Neighbors hearing the explosion sent in a fire alarm.

"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 9, 1915, page 2

    A. C. Allen, who is taking the moving pictures of valley scenes, will return to Ashland sometime this week to take pictures of the new auto camp grounds.

Ashland Tidings, June 14, 1915, page 1

    A. C. Allen, who has charge of the moving pictures of the Rogue River to be shown at the 1915 fair, reports that all the scenes will be completed in a week or ten days, except the Crater Lake film, and that the pictures will be shown at the Page Monday and Tuesday, July 5-6. The films will be ready for exhibition at the exposition by the middle of July, when the heaviest travel is expected to begin from the East.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1915, page 2

    The movies of valley scenes taken for exhibition in the Oregon building at the Panama exposition will be shown at the Page Theater in Medford July 5 and 6, according to A. C. Allen, who took the pictures. It is hoped that it may be possible to have them shown at a local theater before they are shipped south.

Ashland Tidings, June 24, 1915, page 1

Valley Movies Shown Here First
    The moving pictures taken by A. C. Allen of Ashland and the Rogue River Valley will be shown for the first time in Ashland at the Vining Theater on Wednesday and Thursday, June 30 and July 1.
    There are between 5,000 and 6,000 feet of film in the pictures, which include many views of the valley's beauty spots artistically woven into an interesting story. A prominent Medford lady starred in the story. Pictures were taken here in the park, at the springs, on the streets, on the scenic drive and in other parts of the city.

Ashland Tidings,
June 28, 1915, page 1

    Great credit is due A. C. Allen, Holbrook Withington and their many assistants in preparing the moving picture scenario of the Rogue River Valley for exhibition at the San Francisco exposition. With one or two exceptions, due to cloudy weather at the time the pictures were taken, the pictures are clear and distinct. They comprise not only a panorama of the valley's beautiful scenery, but faithfully portray scenes from its early history as related by pioneers, contrasted with the development of today.
    The scenery shown depicts the orchard in bloom, the verdure-clad and snow-capped mountains, the newly completed Siskiyou grade, the paved Pacific Highway, the cities of Ashland and Medford, the Rogue River, its cascades and gorges, Mill Creek and Bar Creek falls, and the countless vistas that open on every side in the Rogue River Valley.
    The placer mining scenes at the Sterling Mine are probably the finest pictures of placer mining ever shown. They are contrasted with the primitive methods of the days of '49. Camping and hunting scenes are shown, while the fishing scenes on the Rogue give a good idea of the sport of fly fishing. Orchard scenes are numerous, while details of social life in the valley are well patronized.
    The Medford Community Day parade is shown, and the Ashland community labor on [the] scenic Boulevard is also portrayed. Sports and exercises by school children are depicted, including the open-air production of "Midsummer Night's Dream" by the pupils of Roosevelt School. Glimpses of busy days on Ashland and Medford streets are also set forth.
    Glimpses of social life show a swimming party at a private swimming tank at a Gold Hill orchard, tennis and golf matches at the Medford Country Club, automobile drives and a fairy dance at a Medford country home. The scenario ends with the chief dancer fading into silhouette as the words "Come to Jackson County" gradually emerge in the background.
    Throughout the scenario runs a pleasing thread of comedy and romance that adds greatly to the attractiveness of the pictures, which are most artistically arranged. When it is considered that this is the first attempt, both of the photographers and actors, the result is remarkable and shows that Medford possesses genius for movie productions as well as in many other lines.
    The pictures will be shown again this afternoon and evening at the Page, and no one should miss seeing them. They are well worth while.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1915, page 3

    The pictures of Crater Lake taken by A. C. Allen that are to be sent to the San Francisco exposition will be shown at the Star Theater tonight and Sunday and Monday matinees and nights. These are the first moving pictures ever taken of the lake, are said to be fine, and this will be the only time they will be shown in Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1915, page 4

    A. C. Allen has returned from San Francisco, where he inserted the Crater Lake movies in the Jackson County scenario and arranged to have the pictures shown every afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Oregon building, instead of every other day as heretofore. While there he lectured upon the pictures as shown and found no trouble in holding the audience, which had been leaving because the operator took three minutes to change films. Ben Sheldon and others will lecture hereafter.
    "I found that the Oregon and Canadian buildings had the largest crowds," said Mr. Allen, "but the movies were neglected. California has an operator busy from 10:30 a.m. until evening, while Oregon employs an operator only two hours a day.
    "There were no signs at the Jackson County exhibits in other buildings calling attention to the movies, and this should be remedied. Considerable jealousy exists among other Oregon counties against the Jackson County movies, because they are so much more complete than any other. The reel has been shortened some, but there is no reason why there should not be a daily exhibit of all the films.
    "Of course all the audience does not stay throughout the show, but all who are in any way interested do. It is the same with all the exhibits--those interested examine closely, those not, come and go.
    "Jackson County is certainly getting its share of publicity. Fresh fruit is needed to keep the display up to date."
Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1915, page 6

    "Topsy," the leader of the elk herd at Hollywood Park on the road to Jacksonville, died Monday afternoon of throat trouble produced by eating foxtail. Her keeper attempted to put a rope around the elk's neck, so as to administer treatment, and the elk choked to death in the operation.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1915, page 2

    Mr. A. C. Allen and Judge Holbrook Withington, who are at the head of the movement to organize a motion picture film company for Rogue River Valley, report excellent progress in the matter. They have already a large part of the equipment and have reached a point in the initial work that practically assures success.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1915, page 2

Ad for Albert C. Allen film, February 16, 1916 Medford Mail Tribune
February 16, 1916 Medford Mail Tribune

    "In Southern Oregon," the moving pictures taken by Judge Withington and A. C. Allen, were given at the Page Theater last night to a large crowd, and the pictures pronounced better than the first. Another large crowd will see the films today and tonight. They are worth while.
Medford Mail Tribune,
February 17, 1916, page 3

Photographers Prepare to Establish Permanent Commercial Studio in Rogue River Valley, Asserting Pacific Highway Has Opened Up Wealth of Material in Way of Natural Stage Settings.
    MEDFORD, Or., March 4.--(Special.)--That the Pacific Highway over the Siskiyous has opened up a wealth of moving picture material is the belief of Holbrook Withington and A. C. Allen, who took the Medford movies for the Panama Exposition, and are now preparing to establish a permanent commercial moving picture studio in the Rogue River Valley.
Movie Moonshiners, March 5, 1916 Oregonian
    A few of the natural stage settings are shown in some of their photographs, and a scenario is being prepared, based upon a raid on Siskiyou "moonshiners," with a liberal romantic theme worked in.
    The plot has not been completed, but it probably will include the hero's escape from the moonshiners by jumping from a concrete bridge to the top of a passing Southern Pacific train, the heroine threatened with death in the boiling springs near Ashland, an attack upon the moonshiners' camp, and a pursuit through the Ashland "glaciers."
    Messrs. Allen and Withington maintain that there is every type of natural scene in and near Medford with the exception of "marines," but as the ocean is only 100 miles away this difficulty can be readily overcome.
Oregonian, Portland, March 5, 1916, page E9

    A. C. Allen of Medford was in Ashland Friday. Mr. Allen is enthusiastic over the possibilities of producing motion pictures in the valley, and with other Medford men has formed a company for commercial production of "movies."

"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, March 13, 1916, page 5

    A. C. Allen, district horticulturist, has recently taken moving pictures of the pear industry to the Rogue River Valley which will be shown throughout the country The pictures show in detail the growing of pears from the nursery to the bearing tree.
"Oregon News Notes of General Interest," Monmouth Herald, Monmouth, Oregon, September 29, 1916, page 5

Fruit Commissioner Here
    Horticultural Commissioner A. C. Allen was in the city from Medford Saturday, and in company with H. E. Gale visited the local merchandising houses and made examinations of the fruits which were kept for sale. They found a quantity of diseased apples, and acting upon his authority, Commissioner Allen condemned apples at several of the stores. The apples condemned were destroyed by being disinfected with coal oil.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 26, 1916, page 5

    A. C. Allen, horticultural commissioner for the Southern Oregon district, and his son have returned to Medford after an auto trip through Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Mr. Allen took a motion picture camera with him and secured a number of excellent films. Those of various Idaho lava beds are particularly interesting.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 29, 1916, page 2

    A. C. Allen has spent a couple of afternoons on the river, where he took some motion pictures of steelhead fishing to be used in the series of "out-of-doors" pictures which he is making. Some excellent pictures were secured and will prove interesting additions to the series.
    Professor P. J. O'Gara is associated with Mr. Allen in the venture, and the latter has secured about 3000 feet of unusual hunting, fishing and scenic pictures in eastern Oregon and Idaho. These pictures will either be sold to some large motion picture organization or will be released by themselves.
    Mr. Allen has sold a number of films to the Gaumont company and Pathe-Freres, three of which are at present released and being shown on the screen.
    On Wednesday and Thursday at the Page Theater will be shown over half a reel of Mr. Allen's pictures, released by Pathe, on the pear industry of our valley. These pictures have received very favorable comment in the trade journals and were shown at the Columbia Theater in Portland for a full week's run. All the scenes were taken around Medford and show in detail the growing of pears from the nursery to the bearing tree, grafting, cutting out blight, picking, packing, etc., and a fine scene of smudging just at sunrise.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1916, page 6

A Wonderful Money-Saver
Caterpillar "18" Proves a Highly Profitable Investment
for Hollywood Orchards of Medford, Oregon.
    "The Caterpillar 'Eighteen' is the best money-maker I have ever seen," writes Mr. H. J. Nordmann, who until recently has been superintendent of the Hollywood Orchards, near Medford, Oregon. "The tractor can do more work than any 8 horses at any time. We have a 3-12 inch bottom gang. I last winter plowed our soil from 9 to 12 inches deep--this is below the old horse-plow crust.
    "The farmers around here began to tell me the mistake I was making by plowing so deep.
    "Last year, from 28 acres with horse plowing we threshed 450 bushels of barley. This year, I plowed with the tractor the same ground from 9 to 12 inches deep and threshed 1038 bushels of barley, and the weather condition last year was better than of this year. Does this pay? Where is the farmer with horse plowing?
    "Ten horses could not pull this plow the depth we pulled it with the tractor and keep it up. Mr. Farmer, did you ever stop to figure the cost to keep 10 horses? They eat 3 meals a day.
    "The tractor burns about 14 gallons of distillate per 10 hours; 1 gallon of cylinder oil; 3 gallons of crude oil.
    "I have cultivated 40 acres of orchard in ten hours with the 18-horsepower tractor, and have plowed 8 acres.
    "We have had the tractor now 16 months, and the expense for repairs has been only $18.00. The inspector looked the machine over a few days ago and found her in first-class condition.
    "Yours very truly,
        "H. J. NORDMANN."
Caterpillar Times, December 1916, page 9

Movies to Impress Fish Screen Need
    A. C. Allen, who took the Rogue Valley motion pictures which were shown at the San Francisco exposition, has secured some fine pictures of the Aitken fish screen and has taken them to Salem, where he will show them before the legislature in an endeavor to convince them of the need for adequate screen legislation.
Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1917, page 1

    Medford will soon have an opportunity again to see a portion of itself in the widely exhibited Mutual Weekly. On Monday Dr. E. B. Pickel, owner of the Broadhurst apple orchards, chaperoned a group of Medford college and high school girls on a thinning excursion, and motion pictures of this expeditionary force were made by A. C. Allen. The Mutual company will release these scenes within two or three weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1917, page 2

K. of P. Have Big Time at Crater Lake
Second Initiation Is Held on Wizard Island. Mystic Spell
Wrought by Sublime Grandeur of Famous Spot Used
to Add Impressiveness to Ceremonies.

    CRATER LAKE, Aug. 17.--Once more the members of the Talisman Lodge No. 31, Knights of Pythias, have convened in the crater within a crater, and in the majestic silence of the mighty mountaintop surrounded by the blue waters of this great lake, have held their solemn initiation service. Talisman Lodge is of Medford, Oregon, but participants in the service were from all parts of the United States, for the Crater Lake conclave of the Medford Lodge has become famous across the land, and will hereafter be an annual event. Today many of them have departed.
    Two years ago the members of the Knights of Pythias met for the first time in the extinct volcano's crater in the center of a lake of the bluest blue water, thousands of feet deep. So great an impression did the splendor and dignity of this unique lodge room make that this year a second migration took place. The members arrived August 14th, and remained three days. On the first day a dancing party was held in the spacious lobby of Crater Lake Lodge, through the courtesy of Alfred L. Parkhurst, owner and manager. In addition to the dancing was a program of singing and speaking.
    Will G. Steel, park commissioner, made the chief address of the evening. He welcomed his visiting brothers to Crater Lake National Park, and told them something of the plans for the future of this wonderful spot.
    Wednesday was the busy day for the visitors. Rising at 6 o'clock, they made the climb to the crater, 763 feet above the water's edge, by 8 o'clock. They crossed the lake to the island on the large launch which plies the lake. They returned to their camping ground at 1 o'clock, where luncheon was enjoyed. In the afternoon they repeated portions of their work in the crater before a motion picture camera operated by A. C. Allen of Medford for the Gaumont Motion Picture Corporation. In the evening dancing was again enjoyed, the music being provided by the K. of P. orchestra. Mrs. Phil Norton, the California artist, sang, and talks were made by a number of the visitors.
    Today was devoted to saying goodbye, and many left for home. A number will remain in camp for a week or two, enjoying the fishing in the lake and tramping along trails edged by magnificent natural scenic effects. Crater Lake Lodge was filled to overflowing by the Knights, and beds were improvised for many. Fully 300 were present. The splendid trail being built to the water's edge attracted favorable comment from the visitors. Work on the trail was delayed during the ascent of the Knights.
Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, August 17, 1917, page 1

Rocky Point, circa 1910
Rocky Point circa 1910

    A. C. Allen, who spent the summer at Rocky Point, returned this morning to his home at Medford. Mr. Allen goes to Rocky Point each year for the summer months.
"Personal Mention," The Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, November 13, 1917, page 4

    The will of the late David Keith was filed for probate Wednesday. No information is given as to the value of the estate of deceased. Mrs. Keith, widow, is willed one-third of the entire property, exclusive of certain bequests, one one-sixth each to Etta K. Eskridge, Lillian K. Allen and Margaret J. Keith, daughters, and David Keith, son. A separate bequest of $100,000 in bonds of the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company is made to Mrs. Lillian K. Allen. The explanation is made that outright gifts of like bonds in equal value had already been made with regard to the other children. In Mrs. Allen's case they are to remain in trust, with the Bankers Trust Company, she to draw the revenue from them during life and at her death her daughter, Mary Allen, is to be the beneficiary. The will provides that the son's one-sixth interest in the estate shall be held in trust by the Bankers Trust Company until he is 35 years of age, he to draw the revenue therefrom and to receive the property in its entirety upon reaching the specified age.
    Provision is made for payment of $100 a month, so long as he shall live, to Mr. Keith's brother, George Keith of Country Harbour, Nova Scotia. The executors are directed to set apart and invest a fund to provide revenue for the annuity.
    Bequest of $5000 and certain Salt Lake real estate is made to Frank A. Keith, a nephew, and of $5000 each to Mr. Thomas Walden and Christian Leslie, nieces, the latter living at Leominster, Mass. To Etta, Dorothy and Albert Gammon, children of Mr. Keith's nephew, John B. Gammon, is left 130.44 acres of the Caster ranch, in Yakima County, Wash. To Albert C. Allen, Jr., grandson, $500 is bequeathed, to be given to him when he shall be 21 years of age.
Park Record, Park City, Utah, April 26, 1918, page 3

    It has not been my intention, during the present campaign in which I am a candidate for County Judge, to do much advertising, as it has seemed to me, even had I unlimited means, that the money so spent could be used to better advantage. However, as the editor of the Mail Tribune stated in his editorial that I pay but $10.70 in taxes, I feel called upon to correct that statement. My taxes are $42.31--not much, I'll admit, when it is remembered that in 1913, as proprietor of Hollywood Orchards, I paid $654.28 in taxes, and in 1914 the sum of $867.38.
    From 1904 to date I have brought into Jackson County over $80,000.00, and I have never taken one dollar out. Because I have spent this sum in the county, because I have my every interest here, because I pay less taxes now than in 1914, does this make my efficiency to fill the office of County Judge any the less?
    In 1915, when I was appointed Horticultural Commissioner, the county was spending over $14,000.00 per year for fruit inspection--this amount exclusive of pathologist. I have put the office on a business basis, and it is now running at about $3800.00 per year, at a saving of about $10,000.00.
A. C. ALLEN.               
(Paid Adv.)
Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1918, page 2

    Karl F. Murdock of Salt Lake City, Utah, is visiting today with William Brayton at the Hollywood Orchard. He is one of the executors of the David Keith estate, and stopped over for a day to see the ranch. He will undoubtedly find it all right, as Mr. Brayton cleans it all up every morning before breakfast.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 19, 1918, page 4

Old Models of High Horsepower Are Practically Confiscated.

    MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 22.--(To the Editor.)--I have just read, in your issue of the 21st, your editorial and also a letter on the proposed increased license on automobiles to build the roads of the state. I heartily endorse the statements expressed, but would like to add a little to them. You said, in part, referring to the man who owns an old car, "that man is likely to try to knock the whole road building scheme to pieces." You erred slightly in this statement, for you should have said "will'' instead of "likely," for I can promise now that we fully intend to fight it tooth and toenail. Just so sure as this legalized holdup carries we will fight it at every turn, and if there is a hole left in it as big as the eye of an needle we will find it.
    The writer has always been one of the best of friends of the good roads movement. I owned the second car brought to the Rogue River Valley and have worked for and donated money for good roads, but when a piece of confiscatory legislation passes which will prevent me from using my car on the roads I naturally lose interest and become an enemy. I own an old 48-horsepower car which cost me actually less than $400 and is today assessed at $150. This car is ten years old, being a 1909 model. I own it because I cannot afford another. I use it almost entirely in my work and actually ran it less than 1000 miles in the state of Oregon in 1918. The proposed act will place a charge of $65 per year, if I understand it correctly, upon this old rig, which is valued at $150. Besides this, the tax on gasoline will mount up considerably, and especially will it hurt when you understand that we are paying 27 cents a gallon now. Also think of what it means to the man in Eastern Oregon who has to pay already from 35 to 40 cents per gallon for gasoline.
    The absolute injustice of it all is so apparent that no one should have to pause to see it clearly. The whole scheme shows on the face of it that the legislators know that the people at large would not stand for it, for they refuse to refer it and pass it under an emergency clause, when it is palpable that no emergency exists. One legislator, according to the report in the paper, stated that every member of the legislature knows that his constituents are solidly back of this law. That is not true, for the Jackson County delegation, to my own personal knowledge, received protests in plenty against it. Also for his information, I can add that if this outrageous tax is put on automobiles we will fight it even through the courts. This is not a threat but a fact.
    Here is a specific case of injustice, and there are many more. I know a man who, like myself and others, owns an "old rattletrap" of a car. He works steadily six days in the week. On Sundays and occasional holidays he can take out his "old bus" and get a little new life with his family in the woods. He probably does not run his car 500 miles in a year, yet this law will place a tax on his car at such a price that he cannot use it. In other words, though he is taxed on his home to build roads and is therefore entitled to use them, yet he is prohibited by a tax he cannot pay. It is an outrage.
    The whole plan is wrong when they make one class pay the entire cost of a scheme which every individual uses and gets the benefit of. I can cite you to a piece of road in southern Oregon which the county built at a big expense. It was no sooner completed than a company purchased some timber from the government, put in heavy tog teams and tractors, closed the road entirely at one place, and practically ruined it. Yet the auto is blamed for all the damage and must build roads for these tractors and heavy teams to ruin. I can name you several of these examples.
    Besides the tax on gasoline and "other engine fuels" means that every person that uses gasoline, kerosene or distillate or even crude oil must pay to build the roads, while a man with a steam tractor, using wood fuel, can hook on a train of log wagons, rip up the road and not pay. Or he can use "hay burners" and cut the roads to pieces without paying a cent. Under the fuel oil tax the cleaners must pay a tax on their gasoline for cleaning purposes. The farmer must pay a tax on his kerosene for his lamps. The orchardist must pay a road tax when he sprays his fruit and many who use the fuel in various ways other than in cars must pay a road tax.
    There are too many acts of injustice under this to mention, but I would like to know why these roads cannot be built out of money from direct taxation? Or, if the users of the roads must pay for it all, then why not make a wheel tax on every vehicle? Or why not tax the school children alone for the school, placing a tax graduated (unequally, of course) according to age? Or why not--but what's the use?
A. C. ALLEN.               
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 25, 1919, page 12

    A. C. Allen, of Medford, member of the state board of horticulture, is in the city today making an inspection of orchard conditions. Mr. Allen states that he has found conditions here very favorable. The board of horticulture is allowed $12,000 for two years; nearly half of that amount is required for fixed expense, leaving $400 per year to each commissioner as expenses for the whole district. In Mr. Allen's district are seven counties. In conversation at the lunch table at the Josephine today, Mr. Allen contrasted the amounts expended by the state of Oregon for the fruit industry and the fishing industry. Twelve thousand dollars in two years for fruit and something like $150,000 in two years for the sport fisher and the commercial interests.
    Mr. Allen states that one thing alone worth thousands of dollars to Oregon, which has been accomplished by the board, is the absolute prevention of the tuber moth gaining a lodgement in Oregon, while California is practically overrun with the pest and the potato industry seriously crippled.—Grants Pass Courier.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1919, page 3

    A. C. Allen has resigned as manager of the Rogue River Fruit and Product Association, a position he has held since November 1, when he succeeded S. V. Beckwith to that position. Alfred Carpenter, who succeeds Mr. Allen as manager, assumes the office today. Mr. Allen resigned because his personal affairs required all his time.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1919, page 2

    A. C. Allen has returned for the winter from Klamath Lake, where he spent the summer. Mr. Allen recently sold his houseboat to P. J. O'Gara, the former county pathologist, who for several years has been in the employ of the Guggenheim mining interests with headquarters at Salt Lake City.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1919, page 2

    A. C. Allen of Medford, former state horticultural commissioner, announces his intention of testing the constitutionality of the Oregon vehicle law providing for the taxing of automobiles for good roads maintenance.
"Oregon News Notes of General Interest," Athena Press, Athena, Oregon, November 14, 1919, page 7

    "I saw smoke coming from the chimneys of my neighbors' homes and I thought they were wiser than I am or else more foolish. Well, in a short time stoves began glowing up, and I was thankful that we cooked our breakfast over a heater," says A. C. Allen of Medford, who is registered at the Hotel Portland. "Our country isn't built for cold weather, so when it went to 7 below it just froze us up. We were without electric lights or gas, and there were no newspapers printed for two days. About three score of telegraph poles went down between Medford and Ashland, which are only a few miles apart. The day the storm hit Portland a dispatch was sent out saying that the snow extended from Medford to the north. One of the local editors published the dispatch and inquired, editorially, where the snow was. Next morning when we woke up there was a foot of snow on the ground and the town was paralyzed. The first time the editor had a chance to issue another he published an editorial declaring he would not discuss the weather again."
"Those Who Come and Go," Oregonian, Portland, December 16, 1919, page 10

    Captain Van Camp's houseboat "Salome" has also been placed on the ways, where she will remain until spring, and Captain Allen's "Cruiser" lies at anchor in open water near the break of the upper riffle.
"Shippington Notes," Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, January 21, 1920, page 2

    A. C. Allen's films depicting nature and scenes in the Rogue River Valley, Yellowstone Park, the Klamath country, and Eastern Oregon, with pictures of local Elkdom at play, were shown at the Rialto last night to a crowded house, and are better than the average run of travel pictures. The star of the films is Jimmy Allen, who catches fish, shoots coyotes and shows up in the pictures of bird life. A. C. Allen, the director and taker of the pictures, showed excellent taste in the arrangement and selection of views. The films will be shown until Tuesday night, and are worth an evening of anybody's time because of the local interest.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1920, page 6

ALLEN, Albert C.; b. Nashville, Tenn., 1875; screen career, photographer since 1914. Pathe, Universal, Kineto, etc., news cameraman with Mutual Weekly and Gaumont, Fox News; specialist in educational, scenic, wildlife and scientific pictures. Home ad., Medford, Oregon.
Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual 1921, page 296

    SALEM, Or., March 3.--(Special.)--Albert C. Allen of Medford today was reappointed by the state board of control as horticultural commissioner for the 3rd district. His present term will expire on March 31.
"Albert C. Allen Reappointed," Oregonian, Portland, March 4, 1921, page 16

Three New Summer Homes to Be Built at Rocky Point
    Yesterday, a consignment of canoes and Evinrude motors for attaching to the canoes was sent to Rocky Point by A. C. Allen, William Barnum and F. C. [sic] Medynski, all of Medford, and a 14-foot pleasure Indian canoe by Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Conger of Berkeley, California, the transportation being handled by the Western Transfer of this city.
    Dr. and Mrs. Conger have for the past 12 years maintained a summer home at Rocky Point and spend the major portion of vacation time there. A. C. Allen, a well-known fruit grower and former government employee, recently sold his summer home at Rocky Point. Messrs. Allen, Barnum and Medynski will erect new cottages there within a few weeks, the supplies being ordered today from the Pelican Bay Lumber Company. Mr. Barnum is president of the Medford and Jacksonville railroad, operating out of Medford.
The Evening Herald, Klamath Falls, June 16, 1921, page 1

Hollywood Orchard in Four Years Has Averaged from 3 to 12.5 Percent Profit on Valuation of $1000 an Acre--Record Crop This Year.
    That pear orchards in the Rogue River Valley are steady income producers is clearly demonstrated by the record of the Hollywood Orchard on the Jacksonville road just outside of the city, which under its present management has paid a net revenue of from three to twenty-one and one-half percent on a valuation of $100,000.
    There are 100 acres of fruit trees in the Hollywood Orchard, 52 acres of mature Comice pears, 8 acres of mature Bosc pears, 20 acres of young pears, Bosc and Comice, and 20 acres of Yellow Newtown apples.
    In 1918, $7,000,
    In 1919, $21,500,
    and in 1920, $13,500.
[omission] grown is now being harvested, the total tonnage of pears being estimated at between 8,000 and 9,000 boxes. As the Bosc and Comice pears bring the highest prices in the eastern market, it is safe to assume the net revenue this year will equal if it does not surpass that of 1919.
    If evidence were needed to support these figures the U.S. government could supply it, for an income tax was paid on these amounts by the David Keith estate of Salt Lake City, who own the property.
    This record has been made without irrigation, moisture being retained in the soil by cultivation every week throughout the growing season. The orchard will be in the Medford Irrigation District, however, and the output will be materially increased by the application of water.
    An interesting feature of this orchard is a small experimental plot which has been maintained in one section of the property. Fruit here has been grown without smudging, spraying or intensive cultivation. The trees now furnish eloquent testimony to the value of approved methods, for few of the trees in this experimental tract have any fruit, the few apples are wormy, whereas the main apple orchard is wormless, and the trees unlike the main orchard have a general ragged and debilitated appearance.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1921, page 7

    A. C. Allen returned today from his summer home at Pelican Bay. Mr. Allen while cranking his car last week received a kick from the old boat which
sprained his arm quite badly, and he has returned for several days to receive medical attention.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1921, page 2

    The transaction has just been completed by which A. C. Allen of Medford has purchased the well-known Rocky Point resort on Upper Klamath Lake, Pelican Bay, with its tents, several buildings, boats, store and post office and equipment from C. D. Willson.
    Mr. Allen, who takes possession at once and will rearrange entirely the system under which the resort has been operated for years, will make extensive improvements to further increase its popularity and provide everything for the convenience of patrons. The store and service station will especially be operated along new lines at moderate prices.
    Mr. Allen, who goes to Rocky Point in May, will have active management of the resort during the summer season which he plans to open June 1st. He also plans to furnish accommodations for tourists and other stray visitors all the year around.
    Welcome news to Medford and Jackson County patrons of Rocky Point in the past is that Miss Maud Wheeler, whose meals have popularized the resort for years, will continue to have charge of the dining room.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1922, page 3

Ice in Klamath Breaks Up.
    MEDFORD, Or., April 18.--(Special.)--A. C. Allen, member of the state horticultural board, who recently purchased the Rocky Point summer resort on Klamath Lake, has received word here that the ice in that lake broke up several days ago. This is the latest for many years that the ice has broken up in that section of Klamath County.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 19, 1922, page 2

    A. C. Allen, who recently purchased the Rocky Point resort at Pelican Bay on Klamath Lake, returned yesterday from that place after a stay of several weeks. He reports that the road over the Green Spring route from Medford to Jennie Creek is a veritable boulevard and that from Jennie Creek on it is as good as usual. He does not expect that the Lake of the Woods route by Dead Indian will be open until about July 1st. Mr. Allen expects to return to Rocky Point Thursday.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1922, page 2


    Albert C. Allen, Jr., of 1129 West Ninth Street, a student in the Medford high school, son of A. C. Allen, more familiarly known as "Jim," and who acts as chauffeur of the "kicker"* fleet at the Rocky Point resort during the summer season, is the champion rainbow trout fisherman of the Northwest. He has just been apprised of this honor in the following letter from Bert Lee, director of the prize fishing contest department of the well-known national publication, Field and Stream, as follows:
    "We take pleasure in advising you that you have had the good fortune to capture the prize in the Rainbow Trout Western Division class of our 1922 prize fishing contest, and for which we offer you the congratulations of Field and Stream. The prize for catching this fish as listed in our contest is a silver trophy cup donated by Al Foss."
    One of the conditions of the contest is that the winner must send in a short account of the winning feat, including what tackle was used for the capture.
    The prize-winning feat of the Medford high school lad, who is 16 years old, and who has a penchant for absent-mindedly stepping off or falling off the dock at Rocky Point during the season there, was his landing of a rainbow trout weighing 15½ pounds in 30 minutes last October in the Williamson River, Klamath Lake, with a fly rod, a single light line, single gut leader and with a Bass Oreno for lure.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1923, page 8  *Outboard motorboat.


    A. C. Allen, Jr., or "Jim," as he is better known, Medford High student, whose genius first attracted admiring public attention by the abstracted way in which he steps from the motor launches into Klamath Lake at Rocky Point, has lately won local distinction with his homemade radio set, constructed by himself, at an expense of $100, at the Allen home, 1129 West Ninth Street.
    This apparatus has proved to be one of the best radio sets in Medford, and since its installation he has picked up 52 radio stations throughout the United States and Cuba.
    Probably the most distinctive pickup was that of several nights ago, in connecting with a fine concert at Havana, Cuba, which was heard very clearly and distinct. Last night his outfit registered concerts at Pittsburgh, Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio; Fort Worth, Texas, and Kansas City, Mo.
    The family were listening to doings at Chicago last Monday night, New Year's Eve, about 9 p.m., when they were astounded to hear a great commotion of whistle blowing, etc., and soon realized that the great New Year's celebration was on in the Windy City.
    It seemed uncanny to hear this racket so distinctly and realize that the New Year was just coming in there, three hours earlier than here, because of the difference in time. Then later, desiring to hear the celebrations at other places, Jim tuned up and in turn heard distinctly those going on in Los Angeles and San Francisco. He tried to get Portland, but that city was dead, at least as to the radio.
    When he was "fishing" for Los Angeles, all of a sudden the fact that the connection had been made came in the shape of an ear-piercing noise caused by the blowing of a siren whistle. It sounded at first as though the siren was blowing outside the house, so distinct was it.
    Jim Allen can hardly be induced to go to bed before midnight these days, so engrossed is he in his radio and its concerts and talks and lectures from far distant points of the United States and some foreign places.
    The neighbors say that Jim will keep on perfecting his machine until he will be able to be awakened in the morning by the crowing of roosters in London.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1924, page 5

    The Medford High School basketball team, as a result of their victory over the rangy Eugene High School team Saturday at Willamette University by a score of 21-15 in the final game of the tournament held here, are the undisputed champions of the Oregon State Interscholastic Athletic Association, which includes practically all schools in the state outside of Portland.
    As a result of their victory, the Medford team will likely go to Chicago, where they will enter the national high school tournament in April. Medford business men are said to have already guaranteed expenses of the team.
    According to reports from the southern city, interest was high on Saturday afternoon and evening, and as soon as word was flashed that Medford had won the state championship, a great parade and demonstration was held.
    In winning the title it was evident that the Medford team was superior in every department of the game to any of the teams in the tournament. Their checking and passing was without equal here, while their shooting was remarkable. Probably the secret of their victory was in the fact that the team had been coached to take chances at the basket only when they were within the foul line.
    Although the Eugene team registered 15 points in the game, the feat was really remarkable considering the manner in which the Medford team was checking. Williams time and time again would slip in from behind a Eugene player who was dribbling the ball down the floor and take it away quick as a flash. The whole Medford team used the same methods, but it was Williams who stood out.
"Medford Won the Title on Merit," Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1924, page 3

By Capt. A. C. Allen.
    SAN FRANCISCO, March 27.--It sure did seem good to get such a sendoff as we got. It surely will be remembered. When we got to Oakland we were met by several Medford and Ashland people there. Chipman, the center on the Ashland team, was down at the train and wished us success in bringing home the trophy to Southern Oregon.
    Mr. Rosenbaum of the S.P., who is accompanying us, has surely been fine. When we got on the train he saw to it that we were all stowed away in the proper places, which helped a lot as we were too busy saying goodbye and receiving good wishes to think about anything else. We appreciate the interest that the railroad and Mr. Rosenbaum has taken in this trip. It shows that everybody is behind the team, which will make us fight all the harder to bring back the bacon.
    We are having a good time on the train, playing cards, looking at magazines and singing songs--or rather singing at them. Of course, we are having considerable trouble with some of the younger members of the team. White seems to be the hardest one to handle; it just seems as if that boy never will grow up. When he was notified of the fact several times today, instead of talking back, he got obstreperous and I sure am afraid that a spanking or some severe punishment is inevitable. Ed Demmer is another one who will bear watching. Last night at Dunsmuir, three fair damsels approached and asked if Edward Demmer was with us. We said he was, but he had gone to bed. After talking among themselves a minute they went into the car and a little later came out and we heard the remark, "The idea, chewing gum in bed; I hope he swallows it."
    There has been very little trouble with the rest of the boys under the tender care of the sophisticated Jacobs and Hibbard. However, last night young Fabrick, because he could not sleep himself, seemed to delight in keeping the rest of the car awake with his very musical laugh. The coach notified Fabrick and the other members of the crew that anybody who couldn't sleep after this, and couldn't keep quiet, would be subjected to dire punishment.
    Well, this is about all that happened the first day out except that our Mervyn was homesick and couldn't [omission]. Joyce, Knips, Williams and Ricky have been behaving very well and have so far carried off all the honors when it comes to eating. The wit that has come to light on this trip from the members of the team cannot be imagined, let alone written.
    Excuse the bad writing, etc., but this letter had to be written where and when I had the chance, which on a train isn't very often.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1924, page 6

Champ Writes of Reactions to Chicago Life
    CHICAGO, April 1.--(Special to Mail Tribune.)--Well, I 'spose everybody in old Medford knows how our first game come out this afternoon without no explanations on my part; but the score, as the sport writers says, don't tell the tail. But there is this much to be said: "Everybody in the Old South ain't got no hookworms." These babies from Florence sure wasn't sufferin' from no hookworms nor no other disease when they was out there on the old floor doing there stuff against the Medford Hi boys.
    Well, folks, when the Crater Club sent me to old Chi to report this here ternament I was a sap or I would not half come. In the first place the trip to old Chi was a nightmare from starts to finish. Every time a lad took a slant at a eye-restin' weeney this Coach Callison give him a dirty look and I thought for the first 500 miles the girls on the rattler would drive him cuckoo trying to catch the Williams kid's eye. After that Callison give up and let nature take its coarse.
    Then when we went in the alleged diner the captain of the team, which is Jimmy Allen, orders fish every meal for all hands, and fish three times per diem is too strong. Allen's paw should of told him that catching fish and eating fish is not both as much fun.
    One big town which we goes through Mike Jacobs got out on the platform as usual to give the old Medford Hi yell and a bird comes running up and says "Come on Napoleon, come on Napoleon, come on home, we're gonna have ice cream for dinner." Well, the upshot of it was this bimbo thinks Mike is a nut which he was looking for and it took ten minutes for Hibbard to talk Jacobs out of the clutches of this here attendant.
    Well, gentle reader or readeress, as the case may be and probably is, when we pulls into old Chi there was the mare and chief of polise and a lot more dignitables down to the depot to see us come in, and about a thousand of the fairest maidens in the windy city and that ain't no wind neither. This Chastain lad takes one look and starts to climb back on the old rattler.
    Callison loaded his charges all on a taxicab except the Demmer boy, who we couldn't get through the door, and we beats it up to the Acactus Club, which believe us all is some doggy dump. After bein' used to the so-called luxuries of Crowson's and etcetera Medford hangouts, this Acactus Club looked like the setting for one of them super-six society films and the lads acted a trifle bashed for the first time on the trip.
    But it soon wore off and the boys gets in some good practice shootin' baskets with a silk hat which Knips found in the hall and a package of Camels which nobody knows where they come from.
    On the morrow, as they say, we sallied forth in search of adventure,  and took in all the Chicago smells. Most big towns has there scenic spots but Chicago goes in more for scented spots. The stockyards was a wow for Richestien as he loves animals and tends the goldfish at home.
    We put in the remainder of the days before the big arguments starts out to the U. of Chi. gym by sending telegrams home and sneaking a bag of peanuts into our quarters when Callison was looking at something else, and by the way he is finding a lots to look at now too. Some of them he takes the 2nd look at.
    The boys' telegrams all reads about the same as to the viz:
    "Send $25 out of my dime savings bank. Want to tip the waiter.
     "Got held up by bobbed-haired bandit. Send ten more dollars.
     "Need $25 more for expenses; picture postcards awful high here.
     Well, fans, if we win the serious here I guess we will be going some because I took a once over on some of the gangs which has breezed in here from the thickly populated East and they got some of the biggest wop boys you ever saw in there high schools. They may have to go back to the banana business when old Medford Hi gets through with them, because Independence looked big, but fell heavy. Anyway, if we beat all these here furriners from the East we can claim the championship of Europe, too!
Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1924, page 5

    OMAHA, Neb., Mar. 27.--(Special correspondence by Capt. A. C. Allen.)
    At this time we are going through western Nebraska and are beginning to get into the agricultural districts. Spring evidently has not come to this country yet as nothing is green, only the brown rolling hills. There is plenty of snow on the ground, but the sun is shining and it is quite pleasant outside. The general opinion of the members of the team is that they would rather live in Medford than in any place they have been so far.
    The team are all feeling fine and are not getting stiff, as we run the length of the train several times at every stop. Ricky is still ahead in the eating competition and is always asking when do we eat from one meal to the next. The coach has become the champion heart player of the outfit, but our Mervyn denies this and heated competition takes place between these two. Messrs. Jacobs and Hibbard are training hard now, but say they cannot run with the rest of us on the alibi that the high altitude bothers them, so are taking their exercise in the dining car.
    When we went across Great Salt Lake, White, Demmer, and Knips almost got seasick. The trestle across the lake is surely a wonderful piece of construction and is well worth the trip. Part of the way across the lake the telephone poles are set out in the water just to the side of the track and Knips made the remark that he sure would hate to have the job digging the holes for the poles.
    It was just afternoon when we came into Ogden, where we spent about thirty minutes in the rain. We didn't see anything of the town, but from the looks of the railroad yards it sure is a busy place. We had to set our watches ahead an hour and Ricky was elated as he got to eat dinner an hour sooner. From Ogden on, all the locomotives burn coal instead of oil and everything inside and out is black from the soot.
    After leaving Ogden we came to the mountains, and they are real mountains too. We went through Echo Canyon, which surely is beautiful. The track is built in the very bottom of the canyon and high up on the sides are great red cliffs in all sorts of grotesque shapes. The canyon is several miles long and at its head is Echo, a little town with no excuse for its existence, as far as I could see.
    Well this is everything to date and the trip is sure proving instructive.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1924, page 6

Basketball Team Seeing Sights of Chicago Today--Everyone Feeling Fine in Spite of Defeats--Medford Sorry to See Mississippi Beaten--Make Stops As Planned.
(By Russell Hibbard.)
    CHICAGO, April 4.--(Special.)--Although much disappointed by our showing here, the boys all felt better today after a good night's rest, and particularly after it was decided that we start for home at 7 tonight. We have all had a great time in spite of disappointments, a wonderful experience, and everyone has been most kind, but after all, there is no place like home, and we all look forward to a new trip, taking us toward the south, away from the snow and ice and lake breezes, the crowds and smoke and noise, and nearer to the good old Pacific Coast and the best little place on that coast. We will make stops en route as planned.
    Although beaten twice and only winners once, the Medford team not only fought hard half the time, but came to near victory in both defeats, that there is considerable consolation to be had in that fact, and many favorable things have been said about the team's playing, so the boys don't feel discouraged, but only wish they could have another chance some other time.
    Today all the boys are looking about Chicago, and seeing as much as they can of the place, and everyone is feeling fine. Allen's nose isn't quite the natural color as yet, but it gives him no trouble. We were sorry to see Florence, Mississippi go down to defeat. They were a fine crowd of fellows and we hoped they would win the tournament, so we could have the satisfaction of having come within half a second of tying the national champions.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1924, page 1

By Captain A. C. Allen
    CHICAGO, Mar. 30.--Well, we are in Chicago and it surely is some little place. It was raining when we got here but started in to snow last night and this morning there is about an inch of snow on the ground. This place is rightly named the "windy city," as it has been blowing ever since we arrived.
    We had a workout yesterday afternoon in the Bartlett gymnasium, where the tournament is to be held. The floor is about a foot shorter and two feet wider than our floor, so that it will make very little difference in our playing. The seating capacity of the gym is very little more than the Medford Armory. There is plenty of room to run under the baskets, the nearest seats being at least ten feet back of the end line.
    We had a very good workout and seemed to find the baskets very well. We got the floor at 3 o'clock and practiced until about 4:30. The last fifteen or twenty minutes was taken up in scrimmage against our four subs.
    As there was nothing to do at the hotel last night, we went to the Tivoli Theater. This surely is a wonderful theater, seating about three or four times as many as the old Page. The program consisted of a newsreel, Topics of the Day, an animated cartoon, several songs, and the feature, "Lilies of the Field." A large orchestra furnishes the music for the performance, which certainly adds to the picture. The orchestra was amplified now and then by a wonderful pipe organ played by a very fine organist, who also played several concert selections at the beginning of the show.
    The Tivoli is a very beautiful building. The lobby is a large, high-ceilinged room, the roof being supported by white pillars. The room is all white marble with red draperies. The main part of the building is about the shape of the old Page. On both sides of the house the organs are back in recesses in the wall, and blue and red lights illumine it. Colored lights from the ceiling make enough light to see around clearly, yet does not affect the picture in any way.
    This morning after breakfast we walked down and took a look at Lake Michigan. The wind was blowing as usual and the waves were rolling in in great whitecaps. All along the shore are banks of ice and also large pieces floating around in the water. Most of the large and best hotels are situated along the shore of the lake on the boulevards. The Hotel Del Prado where we are staying is about a quarter of a mile from the lake.
    The fellows are all feeling fine and haven't lost their appetites yet in spite of the cold weather, but were all singing "Carry Me Back to Old Oregon."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1924, page 5

By Capt. A. C. Allen.
    CHICAGO, April 1.--(Special Correspondence.)--We have moved from the Hotel Del Prado to the Psi Upsilon fraternity house. The house is directly across the street from the gymnasium where the games are held, so we do not have to go far to play. We eat at what is called the Commons just below us, and it surely is a fine place. It is built along medieval lines and the food is served cafeteria style.
    Last night a banquet was given by the university to all the teams competing in the tournament. There were about four hundred present including coaches and officials. After the dinner we all passed into Mandel Hall, where the officials and others helping to carry on the tournament were introduced. All the officials stressed the need of good sportsmanship among all the teams. Following this a program of music and vaudeville was presented by the students of the university. The entertainment was very good and everybody enjoyed it.
    At ten thirty o'clock this morning all the teams with their coaches assembled in the football stadium and their pictures were taken, first a movie and then a still. After the group pictures the captains and then the coaches of the forty teams present were "shot."
    As soon as the photographers were through with us we went to our rooms to rest and wait until it was time to play. We went to see the first game between Boise, Idaho, and Manchester, New Hampshire. Boise had a fairly good team, but did not seem to work together, while Manchester showed flashes of very good teamwork, which won for them. At the half we went down to dress and did not see the rest of the game.
    As soon as the game was over we came on the floor and had a good warmup for about five minutes before we started playing. The Mississippi team were pretty fast but did not try to work the ball past our defense, except the first few times. Most of their shots were wild heaves, mostly from the side, and then they would depend on the follow-up, where they made several points. Their shooting was lucky and they usually didn't take aim. Luck was against us from the first, as only two fairly long shots were made, although many times the ball would bounce around the basket and then would drop out. After the first few minutes we settled down and our teamwork after that was as a whole fairly good. The balls used in the tournament are larger and of a different shape than we have been used to, which I think had quite a little to do with the fumbling that we did and also our bad shooting.
    At the end of the first half the score was eighteen to ten, but soon after the second half started we commenced to score some and by the end of the third quarter the crowd was with us. In the last two minutes of play of the last quarter, with one point lead, the other team started to stall, which we broke up quite well and on a foul we tied the score. At this, Mississippi quit stalling and when we lost the ball they worked it down and converted a shot a few seconds before the gun went off.
    We all felt bad, but it couldn't be helped, so now we are going to try to clean up the consolation tournament, just to show that Medford has something.
By Mervyn Chastain.
    CHICAGO, April 3.--(Special Correspondence.)--The games at the tournament are getting more exciting every day, both in the consolation and major tournaments. Mississippi sure has got a fighting team. They beat Wichita, Kansas last night. which makes the second game they have won. Walla Walla is one of the teams that is expected to be a runner-up in the tournament.
    Our game yesterday was not a very fast game, but it was hard fought. We did not get in the lead until the last quarters; the score was about even all along until then. Allen got a hard bump on the nose, but he is all right now and ready to go in the game this afternoon. If we win from Simpson High today we will play Wyoming tomorrow.
    Valentine Singler, a brother to "Rudy" Singler, is here in Chicago. He called us up yesterday and expects to come down and see us Sunday. Many of the people will remember that "Val" Singler used to be a star on the Medford high basketball team.
    Mike and Russ are kept busy these days sending telegrams. They have to walk about ten blocks every time they send one. They both went out to dinner last night with some friends of Mike and never got in until one o'clock. When they got in they worked around in the dark trying to straighten their bed up, for the boys had turned Russ' bed upside down on Mike's bed and had also unscrewed the light bulb in the ceiling so the switch would not work. They had an awful time getting to bed, but they will probably get even before we get home. Mike and Russ both bought a derby hat to wear back to Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1924, page 3

By Capt. A. C. Allen.
    TOPEKA, Kansas, April 4.--(Special Correspondence.)--Well, we lost to Alabama, and I don't understand why. We had a four-point lead at the end of the first half, but lost it soon after the second started. Most of the points were made by one of the forwards on the Alabama team by his very clever dribbling. Williams broke up this man's dribbling a great deal, but at that he succeeded in getting through at times. Many points were made from long shots; however, thanks to Rickey, few baskets were made from followup shots.
    I do not know what was the matter with us, for it just seemed as if we could not get going. Our teamwork was not anywhere up to standard, although when it did work we went through the opposite defense as if it wasn't there. Chastain and Knips found the basket very well in the first half and scored several fairly long baskets apiece, but during the second half the basket must have shrunk, as nobody hit it. Alabama took time out three minutes before the final gun, they having a lead of three points, and just after the time out they made another two points. Knips made a nice basket from near the center of the floor, which ended our scoring except for a foul. In the last minute and a half Alabama broke through our defense and made two more baskets. Alabama of course was a good team, but if we had played up to standard we would have won by a safe margin.
    After the game we figured we had seen enough basketball for a little while, so everybody scattered. It was a sorrowful outfit that left the gym, but after the bunch got in the air it seemed to make everybody feel better. That night several of us went to a show while some of the others went downtown and we all broke training.
    The next morning several of us went out to the stock yards. The trip surely was instructive and very interesting, although I don't believe I would go to the stock yards if in Chicago again. I noticed in our trip through the great amount of meat that's turned out and the extreme cleanliness with which all the meat is handled. The cooling room, where the meat is hung to cool after dressing, is another interesting sight. The room has a capacity of fifteen hundred beef carcasses and when first viewed it is hard to realize that so much meat can ever be used. Another interesting sight is the process of making oleomargarine. In this process oleo oil, vegetable oil, and oil are churned together in large churns, each one containing several hundred gallons. After the mixture has been churned it is brought in contact with cold water which congeals and solidifies it and then it is molded and wrapped by means of machines.
    We got back to our house just after noon and some of us were hungry and wanted to eat, but some of the others did not seem to be very hungry for some reason. Anyway we packed our grips and left for downtown about 2 o'clock. We checked our stuff at the depot and as the train didn't leave until 9:30 we went out to see the town. Knips, White, Demmer and myself went together and we did not see the others until train time. We went through Marshall Field's store and spent quite a little time on the roof where we got a good view of the city, railroad yards and lake. After this we went farther down State Street and took in the Chicago Theater. The Chicago is surely a wonderful theater, seating about five thousand people, where both motion pictures and vaudeville are presented. It is larger than the Tivoli, but looks very much like it and is owned by the same company.
    Before 9:30 all the outfit was present at the Dearborn station and took the train for St. Louis.
    Well, that is about everything up to the present time and we sure are having a  great time now not being in training.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1924, page 5

By Captain A. C. Allen.
    El PASO, Texas, April 7.--(En Route to Los Angeles.--We are now on the Golden State Limited on our way to Los Angeles. We left Kansas City yesterday at nine o'clock after staying there overnight. While there I think we saw everything in Kansas City, and took to eating as a pastime.
    Leaving in the morning gave us the opportunity to see most of Kansas in daylight. During the morning we left the hills and got into the plains where as far as the eye could reach was nothing but farms with not a mountain in sight. It surely was a wonderful sight and seemed as if we were in the middle of the ocean. The thing that struck me the most was the sunset. With no mountains on the horizon the great red ball seemed to sink into the plain, slowly disappearing until at last just the top was visible, and reminded one of a great fire. There were no clouds in the sky, but the coloring with very vivid and the whole scene most impressive because of its simplicity. The grazing stock on the green pastures in [the] glow of the sunset surely made a beautiful picture.
    When we got up this morning we were going through an entirely different country from yesterday, into the mountains again and in the state of New Mexico. It is a desert country, the mountains being forested with juniper and the plains below covered with sagebrush and greasewood. By 11 o'clock we had left all the trees behind and got into the flats where nothing grows but cactus and a peculiar plant that looks something like a very small palm. The wind had drifted the light sand onto the track and as the train passes it stirred up in clouds. It is very light and comes in everywhere so the cars are white with it. At 11 o'clock we pulled into El Paso, where we stayed 20 minutes.
    El Paso was like an oasis after the two hours of dust eating, and with all the trees with their leaves out it certainly did look good. Most of the residences in the city were of one story and built of brick and it must get like an oven in these houses in the summer. The city seems prosperous, but what excuse there is for it except as a railroad terminal I can't see. There seems to be very little farming along the Rio Grande here, because, I guess, of the poor soil. Just out of town we crossed the Rio Grande and passed one of the American Smelting & Refining Company's smelters and then on out into the plains again. We have just passed through Columbus, where a band of Mexicans came over and killed some Americans a few years ago.
    The fellows are all anxious to get into the timber again and see some real old pine trees. A person who lives in the timber cannot appreciate it until he has taken a trip out into the plains for a while where he doesn't see any. It is real summer-like down here and most of the fellows have their coats off. We came through a shower a little while ago that has settled the dust and cooled things off a bit. The principal pastime of the fellows is playing cards and sitting on the observation platform when it isn't too dusty.
    This covers everything to the present so will close.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1924, page B3

By Capt. A. C. Allen.
    LOS ANGELES, April 8.--(Special Correspondence.)--We arrived in Los Angeles today at one-thirty and are staying at the Clark Hotel. When we got off the train a man from the Southern Pacific met us and helped us to get located. A photographer from one of the newspapers was there too so we all had to climb up on a hotel bus, take off our hats, and get our picture taken. The taxi boys line up out in the middle of the street, as they are not allowed on the station platform, and it surely was funny to see the grand rush for their cars when we decided to go with them. It looked like a free-for-all race, several of them nearly getting run over by passing cars.
    As soon as we got our rooms and stowed away our belongings, we started out to explore the town. Everybody scattered in different directions, Knips and I going downtown. We got tired of walking so went into a theatre and saw "The Enchanted Cottage." Richard Barthelmess and May McAvoy did some very wonderful acting in this picture, the former as an ex-soldier, crippled during the war, and the latter as an ugly but good-hearted girl that nobody wanted. May McAvoy's part was surely a nice piece of characterization and could never have been recognized as the same girl without the makeup. Tonight we went to the Pantages and saw some very good vaudeville and pictures. After the show we went up to the Rendezvous and had something to eat while we watched the entertainment.
    The weather is warm and pleasant here, although it is cloudy and looks like rain. The country around here certainly looks fine now, the hills being all green and the flowers in bloom. But what looks good this time in the year I am betting won't look so good in July and August.
    We have not had time to see anything of real interest yet, as we spent most of our time today getting orientated. There is so much to do and see here that it is hard to select the most interesting things in the short time we have. Some of us are going out to the beach tomorrow for a while and probably take in a Coast League baseball game. I think I will go out to Hollywood tomorrow night and see "The Ten Commandments" now playing there.
    The fellows have been straggling in for the last hour and I think they are all in now. Sleep is taken now only as a necessity, as the days aren't long enough for all the things we have to do. We are all having a great time, and everybody has their plans for tomorrow. This trip has been just one experience after another and the events that have taken place and the many funny incidents will not be quickly forgotten.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1924, page 2

    A. C. Allen, accompanied by his son A. C. Jr., more familiarly known as Jim, the high school basketball star, left early this morning on a business trip to Klamath Falls.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 30, 1924, page 2

    The Crater National Forest office here calls attention to the fact that the Mail Tribune was misinformed in publishing an item yesterday that A. C. Allen would not open up the Rocky Point resort on Pelican Bay until the litigation over the ownership of the resort buildings, between Miss Maude Wheeler, who for years formerly operated the resort, and Mr. Allen, who has operated it for several years past, was settled.
    The forestry office reports that Miss Wheeler is operating the dining room of the resort and has been for some time past, that a caretaker is operating the boats and that the post office is open. It is presumed at the office here that Miss Wheeler is also operating the cabins at the resort, although no definite information could be gained on that point today.
    Hugh B. Rankin, supervisor of Crater [Lake] National Park, which owns the land at the resort, is on a field trip of inspection, and is thought to be at Rocky Point now trying to straighten out the disputed ownership of the buildings, and lease from the Forest Service. He is not expected to return for a week yet.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1924, page 2

    The Hollywood Orchard company has filed notice in the circuit court of an appeal to the state supreme court in the decision and judgment returned in its suit against Dennis, Kimball and Pope, fruit brokers. A jury last December returned a verdict favorable to the fruit concern. The Hollywood Orchards sought $2700 damages, as the result of alleged negligence on the part of the fruit company in the handling of a carload of pears shipped from this valley in 1922, claiming that no cold storage facilities were afforded while the fruit was waiting for the arrival of a British steamer to carry it to England.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 9, 1925, page 3

Opposed to Dog License Plan.
    To the Editor:
    I have just read in the Mail Tribune the news article stating that the city council has placed a license on dogs and at the same time refused to allow them upon the streets. The latter part of May I called up the city attorney and asked him if it was legal to license a dog kept within the property limits of the owner. He stated that he had not looked up the law regarding it, so I would like to ask just what it means.
    It seems to me that no dog catcher would have the audacity to enter a man's residence or yard and take away his dog or anything else he owns. As I look at it the license issued by a city--or even the state--is for the purpose of showing ownership and a permit for the animal to have its freedom. It is comparable to licensing an auto and then forbidding it to be used except upon one's own property.
    There is no doubt that a city has the right to license dogs which use its streets, but I doubt the legality of a city charging a license for a dog to use its master's house. I do not profess to know the legal side of it, but certainly justice is on my side.
    Rocky Point, Ore.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1925, page 4

    Movie pictures, taken last Saturday by A. C. Allen of the Salem-Medford high school game, arrived this morning from San Francisco and will be shown at the Craterian Theater as an added attraction the balance of the week. The films were given a trial run this morning, and show up clear. All are action pictures. The drive of the Salem team for its second touchdown is shown. A good shot was secured of Conrad kicking a field goal, and Medford making its first touchdown.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 10, 1925, page 5

    A. C. Allen has just completed a series of motion pictures of the orchard heating operations in the valley for Fox News. Medford is one of the few smaller cities of the country who have a resident motion picture news cameraman.
    Mr. Allen began taking news subjects for the Gaumont News twelve years ago. Since then he has taken subjects for Selznick and, since its inception several years ago, he has been with Fox News.
    Besides the news work, Mr. Allen has sold several thousands of feet of negative to the big producers, and many of his subjects are still being exhibited. He was the first cameraman to successfully photograph Crater Lake, and his subject was released by Gaumont in their series of "See America First.
    From his activities Mr. Allen has brought to Medford and Southern Oregon much publicity through the motion pictures. There is scarcely a month passes but what some subject of this vicinity is being exhibited in motion pictures taken by Mr. Allen.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1926, page 6

    Another author has bloomed in the salubrious intellectual atmosphere of Southern Oregon, one Albert Cooper Allen, who is none other than the well-known "A.C.," ex-Medford rancher, commissioner on the Oregon Board of Agriculture, and champion boniface [bona fide?] fisherman of Klamath Falls.
    His first book, "King of the Wilderness," is just off the press and on sale at the Medford Book Store. That the publisher, G. Howard Watt of New York, thinks highly of the work is evidenced by the fact that he selected Charles Livingston Bull, the famous animal artist, to illustrate it.
    The story is ranged by the publisher with wildlife classics by Zane Grey and Jack London, and deals with a "one-woman" dog, the great Oregon outdoors and a beautiful lady.
    Mr. Allen has had several stories printed in St. Nicholas and other high-grade magazines, but this is his first book. He has written another, however, which will soon be brought out by the same publisher.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1926, page 8

Marriage License Issued--
    Albert Cooper Allen and Bessie McCann, both of Portland, obtained a marriage license at the office of the county clerk here late yesterday.
Eugene Guard, December 14, 1926, page 5

ALLEN-McCANN--At the office of Wells and Wells, attorneys, in Eugene, December 13, 1926, Albert Cooper Allen and Bessie McCann, both of Portland, Justice of the Peace H. J. Wells officiating.
Morning Register, Eugene, December 14, 1926, page 5

    We welcome any book even of ordinary merit by an Oregon author, but when it is of such noticeable worthiness as King of the Wilderness, we cannot but be cordial in our reception.
    Albert Cooper Allen is peculiarly fitted to write such a story, not only because of his apparent literary ability but also because of his position as commissioner on the Oregon state board of horticulture and years spent in the Oregon woods. He not only knows forestry and has had many interesting adventures, but he knows how to transfer his observations to the printed page and trace in a plot that makes a fascinating picture of life in the open.
    The story introduces Margaret Bartlett, who had inherited an undeveloped ranch in Southern Oregon and who had come west to conquer the West single-handed. She employed, however, a strong right arm belonging to Red Cotter as foreman, and in the course of events she inherited also a collie with the blood of the wolf pack in his veins in ever-varying proportions that would have prompted a psychologist to doubt the Mendelian law of heredity. A mystery developed, however, when it was noted that during Margaret's absence from the ranch King was also absent on some mysterious mission of his own, although he always returned in time to welcome his mistress on her return.
    The district was soon terrorized by a wolf pack that, headed by some monstrous "killer," was ravaging the flocks, only Margaret's stock being unmolested. Naturally King came under suspicion, but Margaret could not believe that the dog who was so faithful to her could be guilty of the slaughter.
    The "killer" theme has been written on before, but never it seems so interestingly nor with such originality of plot as in King of the Wilderness. What a scenario for the famous Rin-Tin-Tin it would make, and for those who might not be completely absorbed with the adventure interest, there is a delightful romance with excellent conversational elements and a suggestion of reincarnation that make the story one of general appeal, and an equally wholesome and refreshing story for young and old.--Portland Journal.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1927, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Savage and Mrs. David Keith, Jr., and son David III of Salt Lake City stopped off in Medford today en route to Japan and will spend two or three days here. David Keith is owner of the Hollywood Orchards, managed by William Brayton. The visitors were well pleased with the appearance of everything at the orchard and are delighted with Medford and the valley.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1927, page 2

Many Elements Common to Wilderness Life Combine to Furnish Thrills.

KING OF THE WILDERNESS. By Albert Cooper Allen. Publisher, G. Howard Watt, New York.
    Dealing with the passions of men and animals in the crude days of the Northwest, this story should attract widespread attention. It is the story of a dog--a one-woman dog--who reverted to type, roamed the wilderness as the leader of a savage coyote pack, and was finally reclaimed by his affection for that woman who had been his mistress. Intensely interesting throughout, the situations evolved keep the reader eager with anticipation of the tale's final outcome.
    King was but a tiny pup when his mother, a big black shepherd dog, carried him out of the storm and darkness to the cabin of Margaret Bartlett, the girl fresh from the East who had arrived at her Southern Oregon ranch that very day. The mother vanished the next day, but the pup remained, his savage nature soon conquered by the girl's kindness, and thereafter he lavished upon her a loyal affection.
    The girl had come west to take charge of her ranch, the property upon which her father and mother had broken their health and spirit and died, determined to take up the struggle and to conquer the wilderness that had bested her parents. In a little clump of willows within sight of the cabin were their graves, and the newly acquired knowledge of what they had gone through gave her courage for the struggle. Their hopes and dreams became her hopes and dreams.
    Years passed. The pup grew to be a magnificent dog, unmatched by any animal of his kind in that section. Like some men, however, he was torn between two conflicting emotions--love for the girl and the call of his wolf nature. When Margaret was there he remained at the ranch, as domesticated as one could desire, but when she went away for a day or two without him he promptly disappeared. The ranch hands were mystified by his actions, but the truth they never suspected was that he was gradually reverting to type. That instinct which had come down to him from his wild ancestors was struggling for supremacy. Only his love for the girl kept him from surrendering to the urge within him.
    He hunted at night with the coyote pack, their acknowledged leader by reason of his superior strength and intelligence. The struggle between the domesticated and the wild sides of his nature continued, but knowledge of his mistress' return to the ranch brings him again to her side. A fierce jealousy grows between King and the former leader of the pack, a big coyote who has become known as the "Killer" because of his slaughtering of the ranchmen's sheep.
    But as Margaret's sheep were left untouched, some of the girl's enemies maintained that King was the killer. Investigation satisfies her friends that King is not guilty, but others seek to bring about his death. King, who would not permit his band to kill, finds his following deserting him for his rival, the real "Killer."
    Then came a night when Margaret attempted to walk through the storm from a neighboring ranch to her home. Losing her way, her hand bleeding from a wound received in a fall, she wandered aimlessly until her strength was exhausted. Meanwhile the pack, led by the "Killer," had scented the blood on the trail and had taken it up. Silently they close in upon her. But King was not far distant. He had heard the hunting cry of the pack, and had followed. Just as the "Killer" was about to spring upon the fallen form of Margaret, King breaks into the circle.
    King and the Killer both realized that the fight must be to the death, and what a fight it was! All the strength of their magnificent bodies was thrown into the battle, with, of course, King as the winner. And with that fight came his return to the domestic life, which he never left again.
    The description of this fight, in fact, the tracing of the processes of the dog's reversion to type, is handled in a masterly manner. Throughout the story runs a love interest, too, and the reader will lay the book down with a feeling that his time has been well spent.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 30, 1927, page 49  This article was quoted in a Mail Tribune article on February 6, page 8.

    A. C. Allen, the Medford member of the state horticultural board, who is recovering from a bad attack of poison oak, is very much up in the air this week, radiotorially speaking.
    Following on the heels of a review of his book by a Portland broadcasting station the other night, he has just received from Hale Bros., of San Francisco, a beautiful 6-tube, single-dial-control radio set, as the first prize in a contest for a name for this new receiving set. Mr. Allen sent in the name "Sequoia Six" and won first prize, which consisted of the Sequoia Six and complete outfit.
    The set is a large one in walnut and with it came all tubes and "A" and "B" battery eliminators and a Thorola protected cone speaker.
    Jimmie Allen, his son, has installed the set.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1927, page 3

    The group of motion pictures taken by A. C. Allen of Medford, of the salmon run this year, were sold to the Kinogram News Reel people recently and are now ready for national release.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1927, page 2

    Just across the highway another sign over the gate proclaims: "Hollywood Orchards," a place covering a total of 200 acres, 100 of which is planted to fruit trees. Fifty acres are utilized for Comice and Bosc pears alone, twenty years old; 20 acres for Boscs seven or eight years old; four acres are in peaches, two acres in mixed fruits for family use; fifteen acres in Newtown apples, and twenty-five acres in oak grove containing the residence of 8 rooms, two cottages, barn 90x60, tank houses, silo, oil house with 16,000 gallons of smudge oil, and tool house, as well as the deer park for two deer. Four horses are used, and ten head of cows are milked.
    The orchards produce about [omission] carloads of pears (532 boxes to the car), 4000 to 5000 boxes of apples, and about 2000 boxes of peaches. The Hollywood Orchard is the property of David Keith, Jr., of Salt Lake City, Utah, and is under the management of W. E. Brayton, who with his family live on the place. The residence sits back from the highway with the deer park in front, and a nice cluster of shrubs and flowers in the yard. The park also contains Canada geese, and about 30 mallard ducks have the freedom of the place. Fourteen peafowl and about 50 R.I. Red chickens range about the barnyard.
    On the highway adjoining Hollywood Orchard stands Oak Grove School, or District 69.
"Prosperous Ranches, Nice Homes," Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1927, page 3

    An amusing incident at Marshfield last week was related today by A. C. Allen, member of the state horticultural board, who has returned to Medford from an auto trip through Eastern Oregon and the sea coast section, looking after horticultural conditions there, and accompanied by Mrs. Allen and son "Jim."
    It was raining hard when the other day Mr. Allen entered the office of the Coos Bay Times at Marshfield and jocularly remarked, referring to the rain, to the young lady behind the counter, "Oregon mist?"
    "No, indeed; the Coos Bay Times," remarked the office attendant with much pride and dignity.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1927, page 3

Urge Blight War Now.
To the Editor:
    The county fruit inspectors have completed their fall inspection of orchards in the valley. On the whole, the orchards are in a very satisfactory condition. However, there are a few growers who have delayed with their blight cleanup work. Some have merely put it off, and a few have deliberately failed to follow the inspectors' instructions.
    Every fruit grower knows that the best time to eliminate blight is in the fall. Those who harbor holdover cases until spring not only endanger their own orchards, but jeopardize the entire valley. It is for this reason that all growers are requested to get busy and get their blight cleaned up now. Those who willfully neglect to do so will cause the inspectors to send in a crew to do the work. The expense in such cases, according to the new law enacted by the last legislature, will be placed against the property and collected as taxes, so no one can escape paying for enforced cleanup.
    The inspectors will cooperate with you, as will the county agent and the undersigned. Get your blight out now!
    Hort. Co. 3rd Dist.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1927, page 4

    The Forelle pear trees, the fruit of which brought record prices in the New York market this week, when marketed through the S.O.S. company of this city from the Hollywood orchards, where they were grown, were planted about 1911 by A. C. Allen, who operated the orchards until 1914.
    Mr. Allen said today the pears were not planted exclusively to pollenize the Comice pears, but were imported from France by himself in the belief that they would be a very high-priced fruit. At that time, there was only one place in the United States where they were grown and that was in the Santa Clara Valley in California, where they were carefully guarded by their owner, who would not allow any trees to be sold as nursery stock.
    In view of that fact, Mr. Allen sent to France for trees and planted approximately four or five acres at the Hollywood orchards. He said that at that time the fruit commanded high prices, which equaled the price received in New York this week.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1927, page 7

    Very complimentary reviews are being received by A. C. Allen, the Medford author and member of the state horticultural commission, on his latest book, and by the way this is his second book to be published, the title of which is "The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake." In the literary world Mr. Allen is known as Albert Cooper Allen, but at home here he is more familiarly known as "A.C.," the basketball enthusiast, general horticultural man and father of "Jim" Allen.
    This latest book is a story laid in the sagebrush country near Lakeview, Oregon, with which locality the author has been very familiar for many years. The book is unlike the "King of the Wilderness," Mr. Allen's first book, in that it is a romance, not a nature story, of ranch life as it exists today in the West, and throughout runs a mystery which holds the reader.
    Some of the minor characters in the story are taken from real life, and are now living in Lakeview. Eli's Restaurant still feeds the hungry public there, and the roundup is an annual affair. Lava Lake, however, is a fiction, insofar as it does not exist in Eastern Oregon. The lake, as described, does exist in Idaho.
    One editor says of the book:
    "Mystery in the gray-green Oregon desert! Mystery of the oasis of Lava Lake and its boyish owner and his great gray dog. Mystery of a big hard-riding engineer, of tricky lawyers, of kidnapping and sudden fights.
    "This is the enthralling story Albert Cooper Allen has woven in 'The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake.' It is the story of the real West today, of ranches and rodeos and thriving cities; of beautiful women and rough cowmen; of bright clean days and brave nights and the joy of youth in a young country. It rides to a climax sharp and sudden as the clear Oregon sunrise.
    "Allen has jumped far ahead of the legion of writers of the West. This is away the best of his novels."
Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1928, page 2

    Albert Cooper Allen, as the Medford author is known in the literary world, but who is known here at home as plain "A.C.," the father of Jim, and whose latest book, "The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," is attracting wide attention, and who has written a number of short stories, has again broken into a magazine, this time with "The Cavern of Batobato," a story of the Philippines in the current issue of the Danger Trail magazine.
    Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Jim left this morning by automobile to take in the state basketball tournament at Salem.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1928, page 3

    In his able review of "Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," the latest book by Albert Cooper Allen, the well-known Medford author and horticulturist, broadcast last Wednesday evening over KGW, the Oregon station at Portland, by Richard G. Montgomery, who makes all the book reviews for that station, he said:
    "I have just mentioned a mystery story with a western setting and now, by way of contrast, I want to say just a little about a western story with a 'mystery setting,' if such a thing is possible. Albert Cooper Allen, of Medford, Oregon, who wrote such a delightful book last year in 'King of the Wilderness,' now comes forward with another story that catches the spell of the outdoor West and puts it neatly between the covers of a book which he has called 'The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake.' It is a real Oregon setting, and for that reason as well as for others its local appeal should be great.
    "In this sparkling book you will make the acquaintance of Jack Renard, the little shepherd of Lava Lake oasis, from which the book takes its title. You will read of the mighty struggle he has to face in order to hold this property against odds that seem almost overpowering. Frankly, I like the free, open way that Mr. Allen has with his characters. They are as real as the West itself, and in Jack Renard, Gordon Strong, Lucinda and a half dozen others you'll meet a bunch of real, red-blooded Westerners who will all but speak to you from the pages of the book.
    "There is plenty of mystery in 'The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake,' and Mr. Allen has done, in my opinion, a clever job in mixing together the desert, the oasis of Lava Lake, kidnappings, hard fights, engineering problems and cowboys in such well-balanced proportions that a convincing and swiftly moving yarn results in which the mystery is sustained until the end. There is also a love story running counter to the rest of the action, and throughout the author succeeds in balancing the two most appealingly.
    "Now here is the whole matter in a nutshell, as I see it. The 'western story,' so called, is pretty much 'done to death.' Therefore, to make any impression at all, a western story must be well done. The old run of things won't do. I think that Mr. Allen's book is of the stuff that will prove successful. It is carefully written, well worked out technically, and destined to be read with interest by those who want an occasional glimpse of the real West as it is. I'm sure you'll find hours of pleasure in 'The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake,' a new western thriller by another of our Oregon writers, Albert Cooper Allen. There is a freshness and spontaneity about this book that is indescribably delightful."
Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1928, page 8

Agreeable Tale Has Atmosphere of Real Oregon
By Albert Cooper Allen. Publisher, G. Howard Watt,. New York.

    This is a delightful story of the West, its romance woven around a charming girl and a strong, handsome young engineer who encounter each other in the wonderful desert country of Oregon. Not only has Mr. Allen--who, by the way, was formerly a resident of Salt Lake and well known in the newspaper fraternity--managed to get real men and women into the story, but he has given it an Oregonian atmosphere that makes the reader see the gray desert and smell the sagebrush as he peruses its pages.
    It is intended that a slight mystery should surround the interesting young person who is known as "the Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," but unfortunately it is all rather obvious from the first. There are exciting incidents, of a sort that may happen in any new country, and the added interest of a villainous plot against the possessor of the Lava Lake property. It looks as if the author had knotted up a difficult tangle to unravel, when all at once the lines straighten out and a satisfactory denouement comes with nothing to make it appear forced or unnatural.
    While the story is conventional and not one that Mencken or other critics of his class would deem worthy of their profound and august consideration, it is one that will appeal to the great mass of men and women who are still natural enough to enjoy natural things. The emotions it portrays are real enough, and the characters depicted are those that really live and enjoy being alive. If there were no other reason, the story would be worth reading for the Oregonian atmosphere which it breathes.
    The story is placed in Oregon, but its main characters originated in the South and have carried to that northwest country the Southern chivalry, tempered and made more sincere by western association. Then Mr. Allen has provided a great surprise climax to the plot, which will add much to his reputation as a storyteller.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18, 1928, page 58

Final Papers in Big Deal Signed Today--Braytons, Alenderfer and Bradley New Owners--Brayton to Be Manager.
    The sale of the Hollywood orchards to W. E. Brayton, Everett Brayton, O. O. Alenderfer and Thos. G. Bradley, all of this city, was completed this morning with the signing of the final papers.
    The price was not made public, "but was slightly in excess of $100,000," William E. Brayton said. The purchase includes this year's crop.
    The new owners will take possession at once. The orchard, listed as the largest producer of Comice pears in the world, was owned by the Keith estate of Salt Lake City, and the negotiations were conducted through the Bankers' Trust Company of that city.
    The deal includes 100 acres of 24-year-old Comice pears and apples and 100 acres of farm land, including a 25-acre oak grove, situated on the Medford-Jacksonville highway. It is regarded as one of the most productive orchards in the Rogue River Valley.
    The deal has been pending for several weeks.
     William Brayton, one of the new owners, has been manager of the orchard for the past 14 years and will continue in that capacity. He will be assisted by his son, Everett.
    O. O. Alenderfer is a well-known local businessman and former mayor. T. G. Bradley, identified with the Braytons in the enterprise, is a veteran employee and official of the California-Oregon Power Company.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1929, page 8

    A. C. Allen, Jr., the former well-known Medford high athlete and more familiarly known as Jim by his many local friends and acquaintances, and who since he first became known as an author writes under the pen name of James Albert Allen, to distinguish him from his father, who writes under the name of James Cooper Allen, has had another short story published--this time in the June issue of the "Sky Birds" magazine, now on sale at the newsstands.
    It is an aviation story, entitled "Flying Fool," and uses as its locale the local air mail route between Portland and Oakland, Cal. It is the feature story of the magazine and Jim's name and the title of the story are featured on the magazine cover.
    So far as can be learned, Jim's first experience in aviation was when he, several years ago, much to mortification of "Pop" Gates and the writer of this item, in intending to step off the dock at Rocky Point, Pelican Bay, into a motor boat, stepped plumb into the lake, quickly arose for breath and has been up in the air ever since.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1929, page 3

    Surprising news to his many friends and the public generally has just been received in Medford that A. C. Allen, Jr., better known as Jim, the former well-known athlete star of the Medford high school and in the past year or so a budding young author whose writings have appeared in several magazines, was married last Wednesday to Miss Eva Jester, daughter of J. T. Jester of the old Harriman Lodge on Pelican Bay, on which bay Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen and Jim have their summer home.
    The marriage took place in the old log cabin at the Harriman Lodge, the first cabin built on that handsome estate, and the wedding was a simple but very attractive one, following which the newlyweds departed on a honeymoon trip in their car.
    Jim will build a home on the banks of the Rogue River next fall, thus making Medford, or at least the Rogue River Valley, the future home of himself and wife. He will continue his work as a writer, under the name of James Albert Allen, to distinguish him from the pen name of his father, Albert Cooper Allen.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1929, page 2

Local Fruit men Buy Keith Estate Property for Sum 'Well Over $100,000'--
Formal Transfer Next Tuesday--Largest Comice Pear Block in World.

    Negotiations were completed Saturday for the sale of the Hollywood Orchards, owned by the Keith estate of Salt Lake City, Utah, to W. E. Brayton and Everett Brayton, and others of this city, for a sum "well over $100,000." The formal transfer of the property will take place next Tuesday.
    The Hollywood Orchards contain the largest block of Comice pear trees in the world. It is one of the best producers in the valley.
    The property consists of 240 acres, situated on the Medford-Jacksonville Highway. 100 acres are in Comice pears, the remainder in Newtown apples and farm land.
    "The others" concerned in the purchase are said to be Weldon Biddle, James E. Edmiston, O. O. Alenderfer, all of this city, and Oscar French.
    By the terms of the sale, the new owners harvest this season's crop, forecasted to be one of the largest since the orchard was planted.
    The orchard is located midway between this city and Jacksonville, near the Oak Grove School. It has a large oak tree grove. It has been under the operation of William E. Brayton for several years.
    The amount involved in the transaction is the largest of the year and will exceed the $112,000 paid by Biddle and Edmiston for the Three Oaks Orchard last spring.
    A representative of the Keith estate has been in the city for several days conducting the final details of the sale. The negotiations were conducted through a Utah company.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1929, page 1

Final Papers in Big Deal Signed Today--Braytons, Alenderfer and Bradley New Owners--Brayton to Be Manager.
    The sale of the Hollywood orchards to W. E. Brayton, Everett Brayton, O. O. Alenderfer and Thos. G. Bradley, all of this city, was completed this morning with the signing of the final papers.
    The price was not made public, "but was slightly in excess of $100,000," William E. Brayton said. The purchase includes this year's crop.
    The new owners will take possession at once. The orchard, listed as the largest producer of Comice pears in the world, was owned by the Keith estate of Salt Lake City, and the negotiations were conducted through the Bankers' Trust Company of that city.
    The deal includes 100 acres of 24-year-old Comice pears and apples and 100 acres of farm land, including a 25-acre oak grove, situated on the Medford-Jacksonville highway. It is regarded as one of the most productive orchards in the Rogue River Valley.
    The deal has been pending for several weeks.
     William Brayton, one of the new owners, has been manager of the orchard for the past 14 years and will continue in that capacity. He will be assisted by his son, Everett.
    O. O. Alenderfer is a well-known local businessman and former mayor. T. G. Bradley, identified with the Braytons in the enterprise, is a veteran employee and official of the California-Oregon Power Company.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1929, page 8

    "There should be open season declared against pelicans," said a Klamath Falls visitor at the Heathman. "The pelicans are protected by law, but one pelican will destroy more fish in a year than 50 fishermen. For that reason fishermen feel that they have not done their duty toward fishing unless they kill at least one pelican a year. The pelicans are a nuisance and serve no good purpose that I have ever discovered. They are not even ornamental, for they are large and ungainly. It is a strange sight to see a flock of pelicans operate. They will string out in a fan shape and swim toward the shore. The fish enclosed by the semicircle flee before them, and as the shore is approached the fish are frightened and are jumping out of the water. Then when the fish are near the shore, the birds fall upon them. They eat all they can, and then stuff more fish in a pouch they have. The pelicans in this mass formation are actually operating like salmon seiners on the Columbia River. No one likes the birds and they are certainly destructive of fish. It would be a good thing for our community if all of these birds were exterminated."
"Those Who Come and Go," Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 14, 1929, page 6

Klamath Pelicans Maligned Bird, Says A. C. Allen;
Do Not Destroy Trout But Act As Lake Scavengers

    Pelicans of Upper Klamath Lake have recently been maligned in the newspapers by a man who did not give his name, his statement being ascribed to a Klamath Falls visitor at the Heathman Hotel. He recommended an open season of pelicans, stating that "one pelican will destroy more fish than 50 fishermen." Our authority for the assumption that pelicans have had the worst of it is A. C. Allen, member of the Oregon State Board of Horticulture. Mr. Allen, who now lives at Rocky Point and has been a resident of Southern Oregon continuously for 25 years, is intimately acquainted with the bird life of Upper Klamath Lake, on which he has spent many months each year at his summer home.
    "If I do say it," said he, "I believe no man knows conditions affecting wildlife on this lake better than I. I have photographed the birds, animals and fish, both in stills and motion pictures. I have written about the denizens of the lake and studied them. I am the author of two books: "King of the Wilderness" and the "Little Shepherd of Lava Lake." Also I have written an article on the mysterious duck malady that has killed so many waterfowl in the Klamath Lake region. This article will soon come out in Field and Stream.
    "My personal observations, I will state positively that no white pelican (and they are the only pelicans on Klamath Lake) can catch a healthy trout at any time. I don't believe a pelican could catch a trout if both the bird and the trout were put in a tank ten feet in diameter and two feet deep. Certainly the pelican cannot catch one in open water. Any man who claims it has never watched a pelican fish.
    "The pelican is extremely slow. If he sees a fish jump he lumbers over to the spot, sails down, extends his feet before him to act as a brake and smashes into the water.
    "He then foolishly looks around for the fish. What kind of fish would be there?
    "The pelican never dives. He can only 'tip up,' open his beak and hope to bird heaven that something gets in it. More often than not he gets nothing. Sometimes he gets a piece of tule, which he swallows. The only fish he can catch is a dead or sick one.
    "This will be evident to anyone who watches the pelicans. Besides, Professor Snyder of Stanford University, one of the leading ichthyologists of the United States, came up here a number of years ago. He was sent in by the government to settle this very point about the pelicans. He spent weeks in studying them, he killed a number of the birds and examined their insides, and he did not leave until he had satisfied himself on the point. He told me that the pelican never caught a trout except one that was ready to die. Therefore, from that statement and my own observations, the pelican is useful as a scavenger to eat up the thousands of sick and dying suckers and chubs.
    "I have watched, from a very close point of observation, the famous 'dives' of pelicans. I photographed them for Fox motion picture news. The unknown man who was quoted in a newspaper article jumped at conclusions and did not see the dive as it happens. The pelicans do not 'form a semicircle' or 'string out in a fan shape.' They gather in a bunch. The front of the bunch maintains a line of remarkable straightness, almost like a company of soldiers. Those in rear close up to that line. They swim forward slowly, tipping up and gulping when they raise their beaks. They do not drive toward the shore except by accident. They usually are out on the shallow 'banks' and travel in any direction.
    "The fish they are after are small chub, suckers and a few bullheads, (not catfish). They get a few, not many and do not store all they can in a pouch they have. I have never yet seen fish stored in the pouch below the beak. Even if they did the only fish they catch are chubs and suckers and if the anonymous 'Klamath Falls visitor' knew as much as he pretended then he would admit that today Klamath Lake is alive with chub and suckers, and the great, wonderful trout is almost a thing of the past. No harm can be done by allowing the pelicans to catch ten times the chub they do catch.
    "And the cause of the passing of the trout is not the pelican, or any other bird. It is caused directly by the wanton destruction of the fish by 'fish hogs' aided by the deadly motorboat. I have seen, time after time, certain 'fishermen' slaughter the fish by the hundreds of pounds. It is a well-known fact that it used to be no job at all for one motorboat to take a couple of hundred pounds of trout a day. I have seen the tules filled with trout which have been thrown away. I have seen strings of them left to rot in boats and about the shores. I have seen men trying to give away their illegal catch of 100 pounds or more. The game wardens were powerless because of the motorboats. The fishing from motorboats while in motion should be prohibited and the bag limit should be cut down.
    "But the pelicans do not catch trout or game fish. They can't do it!  It is impossible! They are scavengers. And as for their beauty--just ask the tourists who watch the great, snowy birds sailing over the water. No! Your 'Klamath Falls visitor' was talking through his bonnet."--The Oregonian.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1929, page 3  Printed in the Oregonian of October 18, on page 10.

A. C. Allen Writes Impressions of Greely--A Hero of Disaster
    The interesting and excellent editorial, in last Monday's Mail Tribune, on the Greely expedition to the Arctic in the early '80s, was the first information that I had had of the publication of Brainard's diary. It awakened old memories and fired anew my interest in this expedition. Perhaps the reason for my personal interest in this ill-fated expedition was that I had heard my father speak of it so often and he had taken me aboard the Thetis where it lay in the Brooklyn Navy Yard a year after the rescue.
    At the time, my father was a lieutenant in the army. He applied to go with the expedition but was refused because he had a family. With the expedition was Lieutenant Lockwood, a very dear friend of my father's and, I believe, a classmate at West Point; and one of the last letters that Lockwood wrote was one to my father. It was sent on the Proteus--the ship which carried the expedition to Lady Franklin Bay--and accompanied some fine Arctic furs which Lockwood had sent my father.
    From my father, and other officers in the army, I had heard reports and comments regarding the Greely expedition. And now, after a lapse of nearly half a century, Brainard's diary is published. It confirms many of the stories I had heard and seems to bear out the contention that Greely was unduly lauded.
Hero of Disaster
    Greely was the hero of a disaster, the commander of an expedition which for colossal blunders and useless sacrifices has never been equaled in the annals of Arctic exploration. From its very inception this expedition was marked by ignorance, blunders, red tape and criminal negligence. The motive for the expedition was to subordinate geographical discoveries to physical observations. Several nations were to locate stations in different points in the Arctic so all could make correlated observations. The United States sent Greely to Lady Franklin Bay.
    Among the first serious blunders was sending a group of inexperienced men into the Arctic under the command of a young lieutenant who knew nothing of boats nor of Arctic conditions. The most fatal of all was the order given to Greely covering his procedure in case the relief vessel could not reach him. Greely was almost as comfortably quartered at Fort Conger as is Byrd in Little America. Greely spent two years there in comparative comfort, and probably none of his work was more dangerous than Byrd's.
    But when the time came for relief "Mr. Beebe," secretary of General Hazen, was sent in command of the ship. He was not a sailor and he failed to reach Greely and he very carefully carried back practically all the food and supplies he had taken up there.
Squabbling and Jealousy
    The following summer Greely was to have been taken away. There was a lot of squabbling about this relief expedition, and petty jealousies cropped out. Someone suggested that since ships were to be used, the command of the expedition should be turned over to the Navy. But the army would not hear of this so they sent another young lieutenant, Lieutenant Garlington, in charge of a chartered boat. This was the Proteus again. Garlington went north under orders which he followed blindly, to say the least. He found ice conditions very bad and he feared he could not make Fort Conger. He knew that if he did not reach the fort that Greely would start south in August and would expect to find the relief ship or a relief party with ample stores. Yet Garlington, through absolute ignorance and because his orders did not specifically tell him to do so, never made any provisions for a possible disaster to his own vessel. He did not lay down a cache at the points he should have as he went north. Then the Proteus was overwhelmed and went to the bottom. With a few stores Garlington and his party retreated southward and were picked up.
Ignorant of Arctic
    In the meantime Greely and his party had remained at Fort Conger for two years. From the very start there had been bickerings and misunderstandings, and each winter night was marked by unpleasant quarrels and dissatisfaction. These were due to ignorance on the part of Greely. Had he known the Arctic he would have had his plans laid for lots of work to keep the men occupied and contented. But he did not know, and all during the months of cold and darkness the men grew soft and discontented. All their amusements palled and, at one time, there were mutterings and suggestions to overthrow Greely and place another in command.
    His instructions, given through absolute ignorance of Arctic conditions, ordered him to leave Fort Conger "not later than September 1st, 1883, and retreat southward by boat."
    September came. Greely saw that ice conditions were bad, and he must have learned that September was far too late to make such a trip. Winter was upon them. They should have remained another winter and retreated in the spring when weather conditions were better and game easily obtained. But he obeyed instructions and drove his boats into the pack. He abandoned his dogs and left them to die at Conger.
Finds the Worst Spot
    Drifting with the ice he finally made a landing, reached Cape Sabine and there, in "the most Godforsaken place in the Arctics" made their winter quarters. Explorers who have visited Camp Clay have said that it would have been almost impossible to have found a more bleak, desolate and exposed position that was selected for winter quarters. And this after two years' experience in the Arctic!
    Their provisions ran short, sickness, starvation and cold took their toll. They lived in abject misery and most of them died. They resorted to cannibalism. There were the inevitable quarrels, suspicions and dissatisfaction with Greely's administration. One man was executed for stealing, others reduced in rank. Brainard and Long were foremost as workers and the real leaders. But none of them knew the country or how to combat the conditions properly. Harry Whitney, a rich sportsman, spent a year hunting for pleasure in that section. He killed muskoxen in Ellesmere land near Cape Sabine and visited Littleton Island and Cape Calihe [Collinson?]. He went over the ice by sledge and did it merely for sport.
Brainard and Long Real Leaders
    The terrific fight which the Greely expedition made for life was a fine one, but was it more than any group of men would do to save their own lives? Greely's leadership did nothing to save them. He was merely in command. If initiative and work should have been rewarded, then it was Brainard and Long who deserved it; if it was patient suffering then poor Elison deserved the most praise. For nearly eight months Elison did not leave his sleeping bag. He had been frozen so badly that his feet and hands had dropped off and his limbs were gradually sloughing away.
    Commander Schley (afterward admiral) made the rescue with the Thetis, Bear and Alert. The rescue was no accident. Schley went to get the Greely party and he did so. While no blame could be attached to Greely or his party, yet the whole affair was marked with fatal blunders. Greely, to repeat, was the hero of a disaster.
(A. C. ALLEN.)
Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1929, page 3  Alice Applegate Sargent wrote a response to this article.

ALLEN, Albert Cooper, author, horticulturist; b. Nashville, Tenn., June 18, 1875; to Ore., Feb. 1904; University of Utah; m. Bessie McCann 1927; children--Mary Allen, Albert C.; commissioner Oregon State Board of Horticulture; Spanish American Water veteran; Republican, Protestant. Address, Medford, Oregon.
Who's Who in Oregon 1929-1930,
Oregon City Enterprise, page 23

    "Jim" Allen, the young Medford author and former Medford High basketball star, who writes under the pen name of James Cooper Allen, to prevent his work as a writer becoming confused with that of his father, A. C. Allen, and who was married last July and is building himself a nice home on the Rogue River above the Modoc orchard, keeps on having his short stories accepted.
    He has a story out in this month's Western Outlaws magazine under the title of "Touchy Subject." He also has another in the Quick Trigger western magazine under the title of "Proving Rusty." As though this was not enough to pay for the shingles, doors and pump of that new river home, he has still another story coming out soon in the Golden West magazine under the title "Winning with Wings," an aviation story.
    "Jim" is rapidly coming to the front as a writer of western tales and is selling practically everything he writes, and if he can only keep from falling or stepping into the river when that new home is occupied soon, seems to have a big literary future ahead and may be able to purchase goldfish to swim to and fro in the river in front of his house.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1930, page 7

1129 West Ninth Street
Albert Cooper Allen, 55, horticulturist, born Tenn., father Mo., mother Tenn.
Bessie Allen, 48, born Iowa, father Ohio, mother Iowa
U.S. Census, enumerated April 16, 1930

    To the Editor:
    Have been intending to write, telling you how very much I enjoy your editorials. They are the first thing I read and are so enlightening, so broad and so expressive and to the point.
    Your editorials on the election were especially good.
    I have traveled all over the western states and have heard many compliments on the Mail Tribune. Know several people who live in California that take the paper "to read Bob Ruhl's editorials."
    Don't change your column. It is the one paper that has real individuality! Keep it so!
(Mrs.) A. C. ALLEN
    Medford, May 21.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1930, page 12

    Jim Allen, the young Medford author of short stories, comes to the front again with another western tale of thrill and daring published in the October number of the magazine Western Rangers, now on sale at the newsstands.
    The title of the story is "Two Gun Reckoning." Jim writes under the name of James Albert Allen [sic] to distinguish himself with the reading public from his father, Albert Cooper Allen, who has written a book or two and several magazine stories.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1930, page 3

    An 8-pound, six-ounce son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. (Jim) Allen Jr. at the Purucker Maternity Home last Monday. This fact is not so important in itself as is the news that the poor innocent little shaver has been dubbed by his parents as A. C. Allen III.
    Something should be done, it is realized by many, about this thing of adding figures to names fastened on helpless Southern Oregon infants. Not much concern was felt when the newborn son of Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Page Bosworth, of Klamath Falls and former well-known Medford residents, was given the moniker last week of Harlan Page IV, but when Jim Allen comes along and names his son as Albert Cooper III, the matter of having Governor Julius Meier put a stop to this apparently growing practice of numerical naming, by including opposition to it in his legislative reform program, gains in popularity.
    Now take this Allen case for example. Jim's baby would start out under a common name like Jake, John or Bill with brilliant prospects as being a future Medford High basketball star like his father, or a learned horticulturist like his grandfather, and besides such a name would save much wear and tear in family conversation. But no, he has to be handicapped for life by being known as A. C. III. It's just too bad. He is entitled to a happy boyhood, like other youths.
    Later on when his mother wants him to bring his father's footstool, or illuminate the pipe of his bewhiskered granddad, instead of tersely saying so without any fatigue on her vocal organs she will probably be forced to say: "A. C. III, fetch A. C. II's foot rest," or "A. C. III, please light A. C. I's pipe and be careful and not ignite his whiskers."
    Then, too, one can see if this numerical cognomen practice is not curbed by law that the figures piling up after first names of each first-born son of each succeeding generation, before many generations had passed and the last-born goes to sign his name, the signature would resemble a mathematical table.
    Also when Mr. Harlan Page Bosworth comes from Buffalo, N.Y., to see his grandson years later, think of the latter's mother, instead of saying, "Look, Grandpa is coming," calling out, "Look, Harlan Page IV, here comes Harlan Page II." Then the poor boy, after counting on his fingers to make sure that she does not mean his father, Harlan Page III, will rush forward joyously and exclaim "Hello, Grandpa."
    But what the writer started out to say until thrown off by this numerical business was that O. V. Myers, the other grandfather of Harlan Page IV, and Albert Cooper Allen I, grandfather of Albert Cooper III, are so puffed up by these recent Southern Oregon additions that there is hardly any living with them.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1931, page 6

    An interesting young man arrived in Medford about a week ago, and considering who he is and who his people are, it seems to the writer that his arrival merits something more than a mere announcement of arrival or a few lines among the "city briefs."
    Just where the news should go in the paper, however, the writer is at a loss to say. It would fit in nicely in the social department, for the young man's mother and grandmother frequently entertain. It wouldn't be out of place on the literary page (if we only ran one), for his father and grandfather are writers of some note, particularly "granddaddy." Then again, it could be published among the sporting events, for his paternal grandfather says "A new center for the basketball team is with us." Too much of a puzzle after a hard day's work. The writer will let the city editor figure it out, since that's his job anyway.
    The young man in question is Mr. Albert Cooper Allen, the Third, if you please. At present he is residing at the Purucker Maternity Home, where his mother, Mrs. Albert Cooper Allen, Second, is visiting, and where Albert Cooper Allen, Second, known to his many friends as "Jimmie," is a frequent caller. It is said that the young man has started in training as cheerleader for the basketball team, and has let out some fine lusty cheers. At least that is what his grandfather said.
Medford Daily News, January 20, 1931, page 2

    A series of radio skits for children, entitled "Peggy and Billy in Animal Land," written by A. C. Allen, will be broadcast each Sunday morning over KEX, Portland radio station, between 8:15 and 9 o'clock. The first of the series will be broadcast tomorrow morning. The skits are cleverly written, and in addition to furnishing entertainment for the children they also furnish educational information for the young listeners.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1931, page 1

Funeral in California for Mrs. Lillian K. Woods Arranged by Family
    Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian Keith Woods, 50, formerly of Salt Lake, who died Sunday at her home in Los Angeles, will be held Wednesday afternoon in Los Angeles, according to a special Tribune dispatch. The body will be cremated.
    Although Mrs. Woods had been ill for three years, her death came rather unexpectedly. Her husband, Paul M. Woods, mine owner, of Kingman, Ariz., and her daughter, Miss Mary Allen, were at the bedside when the end came.
    Mrs. Woods was the daughter of the late David Keith, who, with the late United States Senator Thomas Kearns founded the Silver King Coalition Mines Company, and was one of Utah's leading mining and businss men. She was born in Virginia City, Nev., May 10, 1881, but spent the greater part of her life in Salt Lake, where she was socially prominent.
    Mrs. Woods went to California 17 years ago, and first made her home in San Francisco. She had lived in Los Angeles for seven years at the Fremont place home. She married Mr. Woods on October 4, 1919.
    Besides her husband and daughter, she is survived by a son, Albert Cooper Allen Jr., Medford, Ore.; two sisters, Miss Margaret Keith of Palos Verdes, Cal., and Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, Los Angeles, and a brother, David Keith Jr. of Salt Lake.
    Mr. Keith left Salt Lake Tuesday for Los Angeles to attend the services.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2, 1931, page 2

    We heartily endorse the desire of local fruit growers to have the services of A. C. Allen retained in Southern Oregon, under the new agricultural regime now established in Salem.
    Mr. Allen has worked over 17 years as a deputy horticultural commissioner in this section, and has rendered invaluable service to the fruit industry. He not only knows all there is to know about pests, he knows all there is to know about the conditions and problems in Southern Oregon.
    To lose the benefits of his knowledge and expertise at this time would be extremely unfortunate to all concerned. So we gladly add our endorsement to those of the various fruit organizations to the request that Mr. Allen's services in the regulatory field be retained.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1931, page 12

William Brayton Sustains Injury from Goose Wing
    William Brayton, operator of the Hollywood Orchards on the Jacksonville-Ruch road, is breathing softly as the result of a split rib, sustained last week when his domesticated wild goose whacked him a mighty blow with his wing. The smash floored Brayton, and the goose was not captured for a time.
    The fowl had been sojourning in the Hollywood zoo for two years, with his wings clipped.
    The past two weeks the goose had been feeling the urge to go south and had made several efforts to take off, and each time his clipped wings made this futile. Brayton watched these proceedings and decided to clip his wings again.
    He approached the goose and when close enough stuck out his booted foot expecting the goose to bite the booted toe, as on previous occasions. Instead, the goose leaped off the ground with a cry and landed a businesslike wing to the Brayton short ribs, rendering his master breathless and injuring the rib.
Gold Hill News, November 19, 1931, page 4

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish!
To the Editor:
    Jackson County is now facing a serious agricultural crisis. As a result I want to urge every citizen who has an interest in the welfare of Jackson County to attend the public hearing on the county budget, and insist that the agricultural inspection fund be restored to its original amount of $3,600 a year instead of the $1,800 now listed.
    In order to save a pittance of $1,800 the entire agricultural and horticultural industry is threatened with a possible loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. It seems scarcely necessary to remind people of the blight situation and that, if not properly handled, it may result in disaster. Other diseases and pests must also be fought and controlled, not only in the orchards but in the farms and every bit of cultivated land in the county. Nothing but careful inspection and supervision over preventive measures will avert disastrous results.
    The present inspection force is woefully inadequate. The one inspector is a capable and efficient man, but it is impossible for him to do the work that should be done. The work is not being done. As an instance: In recent inspections which I have made (unofficially, of course) I have found infested vegetables for sale in various markets. The infestation is one which affects some 60 of our valuable plants such as alfalfa, clover, vetch, rose, dahlia, sweet pea, violet, almond, cherry, peach and practically every vegetable we use. If this parasite once becomes established in your land, then it is just too bad.
    Other pests and diseases threaten and unless adequate inspection is provided, other states and counties may slap quarantine after quarantine upon us. We can expect it if we do not protect ourselves. We may save $1,800 on a grandstand play of economy, but who will pay the piper later when it may amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars? A few dollars spent now may save us vast sums in the future. When it is too late we will set up an awful howl. Don't take the changes. It isn't worth it--the risk is too great.
    Formerly Horticultural Commissioner.
Medford, December 17.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1931, page 13

Suit Filed Portland Federal District Court--Obtained by Duress, Is Claim--
Father Gives Version

     PORTLAND, Feb. 25.--(AP)--Suit to obtain $100,000 in bonds, or an equivalent sum in money, from her father, Albert C. Allen, was filed in federal district court here Wednesday by Mary Allen of Portland. She declares her father took the money from her by duress. The bonds, she said, were inherited from her mother.
    Miss Allen's complaint relates that her father and mother separated in 1914 and she had not seen him until last June, when her mother died.
    The girl declares that Allen forced her to accompany him to Medford under threat to commit her to an insane asylum, and at Medford gained power of attorney from her and took possession of the $100,000.
    According to A. C. Allen, well-known Medford man, the bonds involved were placed in a trust fund at the request of his daughter, with himself as trustee, and it is his belief that the suit is an attempt to break the trust arrangement, although his daughter is the only one who can receive any benefit from the fund as at present constituted.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 25, 1932, page 1

Girl Sues Father for $100,000 Sum
    PORTLAND, Feb. 25 (AP)--Suit to obtain $100,000 in bonds, or an equivalent sum in money, from her father, Albert C. Allen, was filed in federal district court here Wednesday by Mary Allen of Portland. She declares her father took the money from her by duress. The bonds, she said, were inherited from her mother.
    Miss Allen's complaint relates that her father and mother separated in 1913 and she had not seen him until last June when her mother died.
    The girl declares that Allen forced her to accompany him to Medford under threat to commit her to an insane asylum, and at Medford gained power of attorney from her and took possession of the $100,000.
La Grande Observer, February 25, 1932, page 1

    The following article regarding A. C. ("Jim") Allen of Medford appears in a recent issue of the Oregon Journal in a feature column "Oregon Folks":
    Albert C. Allen Jr. is a county fruit inspector in Jackson County.
    "I was born near Medford on March 20, 1906," said Mr. Allen. "I attended grammar school at Medford for three years and attended high school for four years, after which I put in a fifth year in high school to do a little extra work. Though my name is Albert C. Allen, I have always been called Jim. My friends consider me a crank along the lines of conversation, for I hate to see waste of any sort and it absolutely hurts me to see the needless destruction of our natural resources, for man, in spite of all his ingenuity, cannot replace nature. My father, Albert Cooper Allen, is the author of a number of books and of numerous stories. My father was born in Nashville, Tenn., in 1875, served in the Spanish-American War and came to Oregon in the spring of 1904. Like my father, I enjoy writing. I write under the name of James Albert Allen. You may have noticed some of my short stories in the national magazines. Right now and for as long as I can remember, my hobby has been gasoline engines. I not only enjoy driving a car, but I like to care for one. I have a yen for motorboats, but I lack the wherewithal to acquire a racing motorboat. I enjoy the thrill of hearing the roar of a powerful engine, but my interest in airplanes is confined to their motive power. I am having too much fun on the ground to go up into the air just yet. For years I played basketball in the high school. The out-of-door life is not a hobby with me--it's my life and my religion. About the first regular job I ever held down was that of boatman at the Rocky Point resort in Klamath County. I was paid $35 a month and tips.
    "Only July 10, 1929, I was married to Eva Mae Jester at Harriman Lodge, on Klamath Lake. We have named our son Albert C. Allen III."
Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1932, page 3

    William Everett Brayton, 64, prominent local orchardist, died this morning at the Sacred Heart Hospital from a complication of diseases following a critical illness of several days. News of his passing came as a shock to his many local friends and business associates, and resolutions expressing the grave loss to the community were adopted today by both the Fruit Growers' League and the Rogue River Traffic Association.
    The Fruit Growers' League, of which he had been an officer and director as well as one of its most staunch members for the past 20 years, by authority of E. W. Carlton, president, and C. T. Baker, secretary, passed the following resolution:
    "Whereas, through the death of our friend and fellow workers, the fruit industry of the Rogue River Valley has lost a man whose position in the community and the industry cannot be replaced; and
    "Whereas, the members of the organization, as well as the industry at large, are conscious of a distinct sense of loss, and will greatly miss the friendly personality and valuable assistance of William E. Brayton in the many problems which will come before the fruit growers of this district; therefore, be it
    "Resolved, by the Fruit Growers' League, that we hereby extend to the bereaved family of William E. Brayton our sincerest sympathies, and that we sincerely mourn the loss of our friend and associate."
    Mr. Brayton had been for many years an active worker in the fruit industry, and was recently elected to the vice-presidency of the Fruit Growers' League.
    A similar resolution was passed this morning by the Rogue River Traffic Association, with which he was also closely affiliated, and with the signatures of the president, Raymond Reter, and C. T. Baker, secretary, will be sent to the wife and son of Mr. Brayton.
    Mr. Brayton, whose fine character and friendliness made him many friends outside as well as within the fruit industry of the valley, was born at Rochester, Minn. On September 28, 1899, at Spokane, Wash., he married Anna Klopfer. To this union was born one son, Everett Brayton, who survives the father, who leaves his widow and two grandchildren, Barbara Ann and William Brayton.
    At the age of 18 years, Mr. Brayton entered the horticultural iIndustry and came to the Rogue River Valley, settling first at Central Point, where he purchased the old John Brown orchard. Since 1916 he had had charge of the Hollywood Orchard. In 1928 he and his associates purchased the orchard and operated it in the name of Hollywood Park Orchards, Inc.
    Mr. Brayton was known as a sportsman as well as an orchardist. His favorite recreations were hunting and fishing and he was a fancier of dogs. He was a member of the Medford Elks' lodge, of Medford Lodge No. 103, A.F. and A.M., and of the Woodmen of the World in Spokane, Wash,
    Funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. W. J. Howell delivering the sermon. Interment will be in Siskiyou Memorial Park. Services at the grave will be in charge of the Medford lodge of Elks.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1933, page 14

    LOS ANGELES. May 18.--(AP)--The $5,000,000 fortune of Miss Margaret Keith, eccentric 49-year-old recluse, who had orchestra music played and flowers placed beside her body for several days after her recent suicide, will go to a 27-year-old nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., of Central Point, Ore., it was disclosed in the 220-word will to be filed probably today.
    The terse document, which names the Security First National Bank of Los Angeles as executor and trustee, bequeaths the entire estate to young Allen, with the exception of a few minor bequests to several other relatives, all of whom are described in the will as "in good financial condition."
    Heir to a large Utah mining fortune, Miss Keith hid herself from the world behind the barred gates of her Palos Verdes estate, 23 miles south of here, and finally ended her life in her Beverly Hills mansion a few weeks ago.
    "I think the amount is way overdrawn," and "It's nothing to get excited about," was the answer of Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Central Point, known here as "Jim" Allen, when interviewed this afternoon concerning the five-million-dollar estate left him by his mother's sister, Miss Margaret Keith of Los Angeles.
    "As far as I know, there's nothing I can do about it," young Allen said, "because it's in a trust, and I won't be able to get any of it for seven or eight years."
    Allen graduated from Medford High School several years ago, and since has been farming with his father, well-known Rogue River orchardist, for the past three years. "As a matter of necessity" Allen had been aiding his father on his pear orchard, "Lafalot on the Rogue."
    The young man, tall and quiet, who doesn't have a telephone at his ranch home, has written numerous stories, many of which have been printed in western magazines. He said he had not written anything lately.
    Allen has a sister, Mary Allen of Los Angeles, who he said might also have received some of the property.
    Young Allen married Eva Jester of Rock Point. They have a son, Albert C. Allen III, age 2
½ years.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1933, page 1

Click here for more about Margaret Keith and the contest over her will.

Albert C. Allen Jr. to Get Keith Estate.
Central Point Orchardist Refuses to Get Excited.
Bulk of Fortune to Be Released When Heir Reaches 35, Seven Years Hence.

Staff Correspondent, The Oregonian

Albert C. Allen, May 19, 1933 Oregonian    MEDFORD, Or., May 18.--(Special.)--Albert C. (Jimmy) Allen Jr., 28, Central Point orchardist, whom the Medford High School prophecy of 1925 predicted would be "a first-class dishwasher" 20 years hence, was today named heir to $5,000,000, and remarked when interviewed, "It is nothing to get excited about."
    Questioned by telephone regarding the fortune, the ex-basketball star appeared more concerned over the toll of the country telephone line than the sum left by his aunt, Margaret Keith, who recently committed suicide in Los Angeles.
    "What will you do with the money?" brought no line of forecasts from young Allen, who simply replied, "I haven't got it yet. It will be many years from now when I do, and I think the sum is greatly exaggerated."
    He has a wife and young son, Albert C. Allen III, 2½ years old, who will probably help him spend it.
Oregon Man Notified.
    Announcement of the will came as no surprise to Allen today. He recently returned from California, where he attended the funeral of his eccentric aunt. He was informed even before her death that she would name him as heir, the letter coming a short time before news of her suicide, inspired by the approaching loss of her eyesight.
    The money, it is understood here, was left in a trust fund, and the estate will come to young Allen when he is 35 years old. He will, however, receive his income from the money in the meantime.
    Allen, who graduated from the local high school in 1924, is the son of A. C. Allen, orchardist and writer, whose first well-known book was "King of the Wilderness," published a number of years ago. His mother, sister of Margaret Keith, died about two years ago. The women were heirs to the Keith mining fortune in Salt Lake City. Jimmy Allen, as he is known here, has a sister, Mary Allen, in Los Angeles, and said today he did not know whether she would share in the estate.
    In high school Allen played for four years on the basketball team which won the state championship and sought the national title in Chicago. He was also a student body officer and a popular member of the organization.
    Following high school he joined his father in operation of his orchard, "Lafalot on the Rogue," and began writing. He has had a number of stories published in western magazines and uses as his pen name "James Cooper Allen." He is tall--six feet something--of medium complexion, and very quiet in demeanor. His lack of talk today regarding the fortune was characteristic of his general attitude, "little to say, much to do." He is fond of books and the great outdoors.
    A few years ago Allen married Eva Jester of Rocky Point, and they have since made their home on Rogue River, where efforts today to locate him proved they have no telephone communication with the outside world. Allen came to the country store to answer the call.
    LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 18.--(AP)--The $5,000,000 fortune of Miss Margaret Keith, eccentric 49-year-old recluse, who had orchestra music played and flowers placed beside her body for several days after her recent suicide, will go to a 28-year-old nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., of Central Point, Or., it was disclosed in the 220-word will to be filed probably today.
    The terse document, which names the Security First National Bank of Los Angeles as executor and trustee, bequeaths the entire estate to young Allen, with the exception of a few minor bequests to several other relatives, all of whom are described in the will as "in good financial condition."
    Etta K. Eskridge, Los Angeles, a sister, was bequeathed $50 and the cancellation of a $4000 debt. Ten dollars each was left to David Keith, half brother; David Keith Jr., nephew; D. K. Eskridge, brother-in-law; D. K. Eskridge Jr., nephew; M. A. Towle and Albert C. Allen III.
    Heir to a large Utah mining fortune, Miss Keith hid herself from the world behind the barred gates of her Palos Verdes estate, 23 miles south of here, and finally ended her life in her Beverly Hills mansion a few weeks ago.
    A note directed that her body be held several days before cremation, that an orchestra play classical compositions beside her body, and that fresh flowers be put in the room each day. These wishes were carried out.
Oregonian, Portland, May 19, 1933, page 1

"Don't Seem Possible," Says Beneficiary
    CENTRAL POINT, Ore., May 19 (INS)--"I guess she must have liked me when I was a kid."
    That was the only reason Albert E. Allen Jr., youthful Rogue River Valley farmer, could give today for his good fortune in being name practically sole heir to the $5,000,000 estate of Miss Margaret Keith, 66, eccentric recluse of Beverly Hills, Calif., who committed suicide recently because she feared blindness.
    Allen said he was "up in the air" about the future. He was puzzled at being Miss Keith's favored relative, and insisted he intended to stick with his farm.
    He is married and has a small son.
    Allen was doing his spring plowing when told of his good fortune.
    "Yes, I knew I was in her will, but $5,000,000 sounds like a lot of money to us.
    "I'm afraid that amount is just a wildcat estimate," he laughed. "Of course, if it really is that much, I guess that will be all right--but gosh, that don't seem possible.
    "She was my mother's sister," Allen said. "I never did visit her in California, but I knew her, in a way. She came to the Rogue River Valley for a visit when I was a small child. I guess she must have liked me when I was a kid."
Syracuse Journal, Syracuse, New York, May 19, 1933, page 20


    One of the most successful summer Bible schools ever conducted in Medford was completed yesterday with a large picnic at Hollywood ranch, following a week of study participated in by 115 local students, representing all churches of the city.
    The school, held at the Presbyterian church, was interdenominational, devoted exclusively to a study of the Bible, and the instructors were pleased with the response realized here.
    Under the superintendence of Mrs. W. S. Gilmore, 10 faculty members taught the school. On the staff were: Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Emily Dynan, Mrs. Stanley Jones, Mrs. Fredericka Glascock, Lois Remington, Ann Detweiler, Mrs. Harris Janes and Helen Wilson, who directed the music, presenting several impromptu concerts, which were much enjoyed.
    Deportment throughout the school Mrs. Gilmore described yesterday as 100 percent, voicing her appreciation of the attitude of the students.
    The morning session Friday was closed with dramatizations by each group of special phases of the Bible studied. One group presented the story of the "Baby Moses," another that of "Ruth and Naomi" and the third group the story of the "Good Samaritan."

Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1933, page 3

Matron Alleges Her Father, Brother Kidnapped and Intimidated Her

(Associated Press Leased Wire)
    LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23.--A suit for $225,000 damages, charging her father and her brother with kidnapping, threats and intimidation was filed here today by Mrs. Mary Allen Towle. The defendants are Albert C. Allen, senior and junior, of Medford, Oregon. Mrs. Towle is one of the contestants in the legal fight over the estate of the strange wealthy recluse, the late Margaret Keith, whose will named the junior Allen as sole heir.
    She alleges that her father and brother, by threats and intimidation, took her share in the estate of her mother, the late Mrs. Lillian Keith Allen-Woods, who was Miss Keith's sister.
    She sets forth that her mother first married Albert C. Allen, senior, and divorced him in 1915 and later marrying P. H. Woods. She died May 31, 1931.
    On the day of her mother's death, Mrs. Towle charges, her father and brother "by threats, force and intimidation" took her against her will to Medford, Oregon, and induced her to sign a power of attorney which gave them control of her inheritance from her mother. She charges that they deprived her of $25,000 worth of bonds and properties worth $100,000. She asks in addition to the reimbursement for such property, damages of $100,000 because of "humiliation and embarrassment."
    "They threatened to have me placed in an insane asylum unless I signed those papers," she alleges. She alleges she was held in Oregon against her will for more than 30 days.
Bakersfield Californian, December 23, 1933, page 2  This release was published in the Mail Tribune of December 24, on page 1.

'Had No Use for Jim,' Says  Ex-Stepfather--Name Not Mentioned for Years--
Spite Fence Is Related.

    LOS ANGELES, Dec. 27.--(AP)--The name of Albert C. Allen, Jr., Central Point, Ore., farmer, who was left the bulk of the estate of Miss Margaret Keith, millionaire Los Angeles recluse, was not mentioned by the eccentric spinster for six years, her brother-in-law, P. M. Woods, told a jury trying the contest of her will today.
    "She had no use for 'Jim' Allen, as we called him," Woods testified. "This was because his father divorced his mother. She sided with her sister, of course. She never mentioned the Allens' name again--had no use for them."
    Allen's mother married Woods four years later, in 1919. She died in 1931.
Built Spite Fence
    Woods related to the jury the incident of her building an eight-foot fence around her home in Venice.
    "I told her the neighbors would complain, but she insisted on the fence," Woods said. "She said she didn't want to be on exhibition like a stuffed bird. Well, the neighbors did complain and the police came and told her to take the fence down. She told them she'd move out of their town. She moved to Santa Monica, just to spite Venice."
    Woods said his sister-in-law built a house in Hollywood in 1916. On the day she was to occupy it she smelled gas as she entered the door.
    "'Someone is trying to poison me,'" Woods said she shouted. "'I'll never live in a house they can fill with poison gas.'" She never occupied the residence.
    The witness said Miss Keith never allowed mail to be delivered to her home because she was afraid to have a postman on the grounds. She rented a post office box and sent her Japanese servants for the mail.
    Miss Keith's brother and sister, David Keith and Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, and Allen's sister, Mary Allen Towle, are contesting the will, contending the woman, who committed suicide last spring, was mentally incompetent. The estate is valued at about $500,000.
    "A fair face is fairer viewed beneath a veil"--such was the late Miss Margaret Keith's reason for wearing the heavy veil, much mentioned of late in the California trial contesting her will--is the belief of a number of Medford folk, who remember her appearances in this city.
    "Full-face veils were being worn at that time," one merchant recalled this morning. "Hers was always a little thick, but you could see through it without difficulty, and it always revealed an exceptionally beautiful face."
    Miss Keith came to Medford to visit her sister, who was then Mrs. A. C. Allen, residing at Hollywood Orchard, neighboring Medford.
    Her appearances here caused no small flutter on Main Street, because of her beauty and attractive apparel as well as the knowledge that she had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. No one thought of her as "insane" but as fastidious and a bit "uppish," [as] one local person expressed the sentiment today.
    The belief was prevalent, several oldtimers added, that the Keiths had impressed upon the minds of their children for many years that they belonged in realm far above that of the layman. They had obviously also warned them against social advances from the layman in the belief that their money was the thing desired, so friendships were not sought.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1933, page 1

Writer Denies Using Talent to Win Keith Riches
    LOS ANGELES, Jan. 3 (AP)--A young Oregon writer, Albert C. Allen Jr., denied from the witness stand today that he had used his literary ability in composing affectionate letters to induce his wealthy aunt, the late Margaret A. Keith, to bequeath the bulk of her estate to him.
    In refutation of the charge that he had besieged the eccentric spinster with numerous letters about his misfortunes and need for money, young Allen, of Medford, Ore., produced a letter written to him by his aunt in March, 1931.
    His testimony was offered at the contest over Miss Keith's will. She ended her life in her palatial Beverly Hills home last April. In the letter she expressed admiration of her "favorite" nephew's literary ability.
    Earlier in the day an attorney representing Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, sister of young Allen and one of the contestants who are seeking to set aside the will on grounds that Miss Keith was insane, drew from Allen the admission that the writer had been given $5000 in bonds, a $1500 automobile and had been enabled to pay off a $4200 mortgage by Mrs. Towle.
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 4, 1934, page 5

Photographs of Margaret Keith Produced in Will Case
    Los Angeles, January 9.--Margaret Keith's often-expressed fear--"I'd hate to be 'Exhibit A'"--was justified today. Her face, unseen by man for 20 years, was unveiled in Superior Court.
    A jury of seven women and five men, hearing the contestation of her $1,000,000 will, gazed curiously at photographs--two of the few known to exist--of the eccentric veiled heiress and saw a dark-eyed beauty of the 1910 period, hair pompadoured high, chin out-thrust imperiously.
    Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, her sister and one of the contestants of the will, produced the photographs of the woman who committed suicide by inhaling an anesthetic in a flower-bedecked room in one of her two pretentious mansions.
    "Margaret never had a picture taken since she was 19 or 20 years old," Mrs. Eskridge testified. "I had vowed to uphold Margaret's idea of not being exhibited to to the public view, but--" the witness vowed her head--"I think it proper to show the photographs now."
    Mrs. Eskridge described many eccentricities of Miss Keith's life, a life dedicated to the ideal of solitude. "Margaret was an unusual child," the witness said. "She exhibited strong passions."
    Miss Keith left her fortune, inherited from her father, a Utah silver magnate, to a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Medford, Ore.

The Gazette, Montreal, Canada, January 10, 1934, page 9

(Associated Press Leased Wire)
    LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1.--Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny today approved a settlement effected out of court in the estate of the millionaire recluse, Miss Margaret A. Keith, who committed suicide last year in her Beverly Hills mansion.
    The compromise, reached after 18 months of litigation, and a jury disagreement after several weeks of testimony, specifies the Beverly Hills mansion of the wealthy spinster shall go to a brother and sister. David Keith of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. They also will get 4600 shares of Silver King mining stock.
    Mary Allen Towle, a niece, receives 4000 shares of the stock.
    Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon farmer who was bequeathed practically all the estate under Miss Keith's two wills, will receive the remainder of the estate, with the provision he shall provide a trust fund of $50,000 for the benefit of his son, Albert C. Allen, III, who is 4 years old.
    Judge Kenny was informed by lawyers the inheritance tax on the estate will amount to $31,000. The court insisted the tax be paid on the basis of the provisions in the will, which gave the property to Allen.
    If the brother and sister had been considered legatees in determining the inheritance, the tax would have been about half that which a nephew would be required to pay.
    As part of the settlement announced today Mrs. Towle withdraws a $225,000 damages suit against her father, Albert C. Allen, Sr., and her brother, charging kidnapping threats and intimidation as a result of a property disagreement several years ago.
Bakersfield Californian, October 1, 1934, page 13

Compromise Reached Out of Court Given Judge's Sanction--
Must Settle $50,000 Fund on Son.
    LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1.--(AP)--Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny today approved a settlement effected out of court in the estate of the millionaire recluse, Miss Margaret A. Keith, who committed suicide last year in her Beverly Hills mansion.
    The compromise, reached after 18 months of litigation, and a jury disagreement after several weeks of testimony, specifies the Beverly Hills mansion of the wealthy spinster shall go to a brother and sister, David Keith of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. They also will get 4,600 shares of Silver King mining stock.
    Mary Allen Towle, a niece, receives 4,000 shares of the stock.
    Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon farmer, living near Medford, who was bequeathed practically all the estate under Miss Keith's two wills, will receive the remainder of the estate, with the provision he shall provide a trust fund of $50,000 for the benefit of his son Albert C. Allen III, who is four years old.
    Judge Kenny was informed by lawyers the inheritance tax on the estate will amount to $31,000. The court insisted the tax be paid on the basis of the provisions in the will, which gave the property to Allen.
    If the brother and sister had been considered legatees in determining the inheritance, the tax would have been about half that which a nephew would be required to pay.
    As part of the settlement announced today Mrs. Towle withdraws a $225,000 damages suit against her father, Albert C. Allen Sr., and her brother, charging kidnapping threats and intimidation as a result of a property disagreement several years ago.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1934, page 1  Most of the articles about the trial are transcribed on my Margaret Keith page.

    LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1 (A.P.)--Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny today approved a settlement effected out of court in the estate of the millionaire recluse Miss Margaret A. Keith, who committed suicide last year in her Beverly Hills mansion. The Beverly Hills mansion of the wealthy spinster will go to a brother and sister, David Keith, of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. They also will get 4600 shares of Silver King mining stock. Mary Allen Towle, a niece, receives 4000 shares of the stock. Albert C. Allen Jr., Oregon farmer, who was bequeathed virtually all the estate under Miss Keith's two wills, will receive the remainder of the estate, with the provision he shall provide a trust fund of $50,000 for the benefit of his son, Albert C. Allen III. Kenny was informed by lawyers the inheritance tax on the estate will amount to $31,000.
San Diego Union, October 2, 1934, page 7

    Author; Horticulturist
b. Nashville, Tenn., June 18, 1875; educ. public schs. and Army post schools, Univ. of Utah. Married Bessie McCann, Portland, Dec. 13, 1926.; children, Mary Allen and Albert C. Began career as reporter, Salt Lake Tribune, later editor of Army post paper. President Rogue River Fruit and Produce Assn. 1913; manager same 1915. Many years, wildlife motion picture cameraman for Gaumont, Fox, Universal, Selznick Studios. Veteran Spanish-American War. Member, Ore. State Board of Horticulture. Active politically. One of organizers and first directors, Medford Commercial Club. Author, "King of the Wilderness" and "Little Shepherd of Lava Lake." Republican. Protestant. Address: Route 1, Box 338, Central Point, Oregon.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 24

    Albert C. Allen is spending his vacation in this city visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Allen of Donlon Avenue. He arrived last evening from his home in Portland. Ore., and will remain for a couple of weeks.
Oxnard Daily Courier, Oxnard, California, May 14, 1936, page 3

    Mrs. Annie Allen, 87, well-known Santa Ana matron, died yesterday at her home, 616 North Van Ness Street, after a long illness. She had been a resident of Santa Ana for the past 29 years.
    Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Brown and Wagner Colonial Chapel with the Rev. Harry Evan Owings, pastor of the First Baptist church of Santa Ana, officiating. Entombment will be in Melrose Abbey mausoleum.
    She is survived by one son, John H. Allen, Oxnard, a daughter, Miss Agnes Allen, Santa Ana; one sister, Miss Mary Muir and four brothers, James H., John T. and George Muir, all of her former home, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada, and Joseph T. Muir, Long Beach, Calif., and four grandchildren, Albert C. Allen, Portland, Ore., Glen Allen and Ruth Allen, both of Canada, and Jan Allen, Elkhart, Ind.
Santa Ana Daily Register, Santa Ana, California, December 27, 1937, page 2

    A grand time is anticipated by Mrs. John H. Allen, who left last Wednesday to enjoy the holiday season with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen in Oregon. The local resident plans many pleasant hours with her only grandson, little seven months old Jackie.
Oxnard Press Courier, Oxnard, California, December 24, 1940, page B4

Albert Allens of Portland Visiting Here
    Mr. and Mrs. John H. Allen at their home on Donlon Avenue are enjoying a visit from their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Allen and children of Portland, Ore.
    The Albert C. Allens are at present on vacation from their northern home. For Mrs. Allen and the children, it is their first visit to California.
Oxnard Press Courier, Oxnard, California, June 18, 1942, page 5

"Meeko" by Albert Cooper Allen. Published by The Caxton Printers. Ltd., Caldwell, Idaho. Price, $3.
    An unusual children's story, set in the primitive forest area of Southern Oregon, west of the Cascades, north of the California line and extending almost to the Umpqua River, is this book by Albert Cooper Allen.
    It is the story of a white lad, Meeko as he is called by his forest friends, who had been captured by Tawi, the half-breed Indian. Although he was carefully guarded by two Indian squaws, Meeko manages to escape into the forest and makes friends with all the animals thereabouts.
    Adventures galore are awaiting the lad and he lives a thoroughly exciting life with Naka, the brown bear, Mukash, the owl, Chelish, the stupid porcupine, and all the other animals of the forest until he is found by kindly Professor Huxley.
    The illustrations were admirably done by Helen Hughes Wilson.
"Book Reviews," Walla Walla Union, Walla Walla, Washington, September 28, 1947, page 16

Oregon Author's Book Full of Thrill for Young Readers
    Meeko is a 10-year-old lad you'll love at first acquaintance. This acquaintance is made through a book which bears his name on the title page, and love for the little fellow grows progressively as you turn the leaves. The author is Albert Cooper Allen, widely known over Oregon as a horticulturist, but he already has several short stories, articles and at least two books on wildlife to his credit, and this book adds materially to his stature as a writer. Meeko is a fascinating tale for youngsters, about a fascinating sort of youngster, but is good reading for grownups, too, especially those who like to know what their children are reading, and their stamp of approval may be put on this book for any child.
    Locale of the story is in that part of Oregon lying west of the Cascades and between the California line and Umpqua River, most of it still a wilderness. It is the tale of a lad whose father is killed when an evil, one-eyed half-breed Indian burns their cabin and kidnaps the baby. The child is left with some squaws in the depth of the forest where he lives until he is 8 or 10 years old, escapes into the woodland and spends the summer finding his way back to civilization, spurred by a dim recollection of a daddy who had been good to him.
    During his wanderings he is pursued by the half-breed, but he has the aid of a brown bear with whom he converses freely and with whom he goes through countless adventures. His journey also is made easier by the help of a wise old owl, a blue jay and other animal friends, while he encounters plenty of thrilling dangers from a cougar and other wild creatures, to say nothing of a skunk who gave the child a bad time of it for a chapter.
    It is a good, wholesome book, with plenty of adventure. The author knows his wildlife and he knows the locality. He makes the daily doings of animals in their native habitat very real, and it would be a stolid lad indeed who couldn't find a great deal of entertainment in this book, as well as finding a store of knowledge of a very authentic character. And it would be quite an unimaginative boy who would fail in the reading to have envy stir within him as he followed some of the adventures of Meeko.
    The book is printed by the Caxton printers of Caldwell, Idaho, with their usual flawless typography and liberally illustrated by Helen Hughes Wilson. The author, Albert Cooper Allen, has been a bank teller, newspaperman, was a wildlife motion picture cameraman for a number of the studios in his early years, a horticulturist in Oregon of note for a long period, was 17 years a member of the state board of horticulture. As a soldier in the Spanish-American War he spent some time in the Philippines. He is thoroughly conversant with the country about which he has written in his latest book as an addict to the out-of-doors. He lives near Central Point.
    Books for children flow in an endless stream from the presses, but this is one that should be in the library of every child in Oregon. It is not only a good story but is packed with forest and animal lore of a very informative nature and with an Oregon background. A right good yarn for anybody.
Capital Journal, Salem, November 25, 1947, page 11

Author; Horticulturist.

b. Nashville, Tenn. June 18, 1875; son of Col. L. C. and Kate Allen; educated public schools and army post schools; University of Utah; m. Bessie McCann, Portland Dec. 18, 1926; children Mary Allen and Albert C.; began as printer in Salt Lake City; later teller Wells Fargo Bank, Salt Lake City; associate Salt Lake Herald and Salt Lake Tribune; also correspondent Army & Navy Journal of New York; many years wildlife motion picture cameraman for Gaumont, Fox, Universal, Selznick Studios; to Medford in 1906; engaged in horticulture, owning, developing and operating Hollywood Orchards; active in Southern Oregon affairs; one of organizers of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Association, serving as director, vice-president, president and manager; also operated a summer resort on Klamath Lake for two years; two years Postmaster, Rocky Point, Klamath County; 17 years member Oregon State Board of  Horticulture; now rancher, Lafalot on the Rogue; Sergeant Utah Volunteer Artillery 1898-99; corporal in infantry 1899, later 2nd lieutenant; served one year active duty Philippine Islands; one of organizers and first directors Medford Commercial Club; writer many short stories and articles for various publications; author "King of the Wilderness," "Little Shepherd of Lava Lake"; another book, "Meeko," in process of publication and soon to be distributed; Republican; Protestant; address Rt. 1, Box 480, Central Point
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, pages 23-24


Farmer and Author.

b. near Medford, Oregon, March 20, 1906; son of Albert Cooper and Lillian K. Allen; educated in public schools in Medford; m. to Eva Mae Jester, Rocky Point, Oregon July 10, 1929; son Albert Cooper III; was Horticultural Inspector for Jackson County; at present principal business is farming, two ranches, one near Ashland, and home ranch is "Lafalot-on-the-Rogue," Central Point; author of many articles to papers and magazines and of many short stories to various national magazines; Republican; Protestant; address Rt. 1, Box 480, Central Point
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 24

Cool Reception Irks
    To the editor: I had the pleasure of attending the concert of the Medford philharmonic orchestra Sunday afternoon. The entire performance was excellent and a real treat to we who love good music. Richard Werner deserves great credit for developing such a worthwhile organization, and each musician should get much satisfaction from their part in making it possible. I, for one, appreciate it.
    There seemed to be considerable complaint about the high school auditorium being cold. I was not cold. I had on my long woolen underwear, three pairs of socks, heavy shoes and my wool suit and overcoat. I can't imagine why the audience was kicking about the cold. The temperature must have been at least 45.
    What do these music lovers expect from a poor little backwoods village like Medford? After all, the place only has some 20,000 population and the reputation of having one of the best high school plants in the country. It is just downright unappreciative of the handful of cultural-minded citizens who showed up for the concert.
    And speaking of the handful of real music lovers who braved the Arctic exposure of the high school auditorium, I wonder if that actually is the sum total of those who do appreciate good music? I understand there are some 1,200 civic music association members. I wonder what happened to the other 1,100.
    To Mr. Werner and the members of the philharmonic orchestra, all I can say is "thank you" for a fine performance under most "chilling" auspices. As a former resident--in fact, a native--of Medford, I tender you my regrets and humble apologies for the manner in which your fine efforts were received.
A. C. ALLEN, Jr.
Central Point, Ore.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1950, page 6

    To the Editor: Enclosed is what I think is a gem from a letter from Warren Forman Hoss from a foxhole in Korea. This is a part of a letter written to his mother, who lives in Beaverton.
    We are trying to keep up the morale of our boys overseas. This proves they are doing their share to keep up the spirits of their loved ones at home, and that they have not lost their sense of humor.
    I am Warren's grandmother, his mother's mother. His letter follows:
    Ah, a good morning to you from the beautiful and scenic, yet treacherous hills of Central Korea. As we look in on our little "Ice Cube" this morning, he is huddled in the corner of his poorly ventilated, poorly lit, poorly furnished foxhole. Oh, that poor boy!
    But first a word from our sponsor: "Eat it in the can." Through timeless and strenuous days of research, "Eat it in the can" is able to bring to you for the first time in history food fit to eat right out of the beautiful stainless steel container. Look for it at your corner foxhole or any friendly army surplus store. Remember, "Eat it in the can" comes equipped with a stainless plastic spoon conveniently tucked away on the bottom. Buy it, eat it, and then may we suggest our company physician at a reasonable fee.
    For that search for energy, eat it in the can, and for that added energy, eat the can.
    But now back to "Ice Cube," all-American forever.
    Last week his main problem was clipping ice from between his toes, which he did successfully.
    But this week a new and thrilling problem has come our way.
    Anybody got ten spare toes?
    So tune in next week to see if "Ice Cube" gets his new toes and what new problems face the mastermind of the Arctic. If you are tired of living--remember "Eat it in the can" guaranteed.
    Central Point
Oregonian, Portland, April 24, 1952, page 18

    Author; Horticulturist
b Nashville, Tenn, June 18, 1875; son of Col L C and Kate Allen; educ, public schools and Army Post Schools; University of Utah; m Bessie McCann, Portland, Dec 13, 1926; ch, Mary Allen and Albert C; began as printer in Salt Lake City; later teller Wells Fargo Bank, Salt Lake City; reporter, Salt Lake Herald and Salt Lake Tribune, also correspondent Army & Navy Journal of New York; many years news motion picture cameraman for Gaumont, Fox, Universal, Selznick Studios; to Medford in 1906, engaged in horticulture, owning, developing and operating Hollywood Orchards; active in Southern Oregon affairs; one of organizers of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce Assn, serving as director, vice-pres, pres and mgr; also operated a summer resort on Klamath Lake for two years; two years Postmaster, Rocky Point, Klamath County; 17 years mem, Oregon State Board of Horticulture; now rancher, Roguewoods Ranch; Sergeant, Utah Volunteer Artillery, 1898-99; corporal in Infantry, 1899, later 2nd Lieut; served one year active duty, Philippine Islands; one of organizers and first directors Medford Commercial Club; writer many short stories and articles for various publications; author, "King of the Wilderness," "Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," latest works, "Meeko" (pub 1952): Republican; Protestant; address, Rt 2, Box 590, Central Point, Oreg.
Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 277

Herbert J. Kandel, 2635 Palos Verdes Dr., Rolling Hills

Mary A. Towle, 2635 Palos Verdes Dr., Rolling Hills
"Marriage Licenses," Long Beach Independent, Long Beach, California, May 18, 1955, page 25

    Funeral services are pending at the Perl Funeral Home for Mrs. Bess C. Allen, 79, wife of Albert C. Allen Sr., who died at the family home on Route 2, Central Point, Sunday night.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1958, page 11

    Private funeral services for Mrs. Bess Courtney Allen, 78, of Route 2, Central Point, who died Sunday, will be held Wednesday morning at Perl Funeral Home. Cremation will be at Siskiyou Crematorium.
    Mrs. Allen was born in Izira, Iowa, Dec. 28, 1879, and had lived in Southern Oregon for 54 years.
    She is survived by her husband, Albert C. Allen; one daughter, Mrs. Fred F. Hoss, Portland; and three sister and three brothers.
    The family has requested that in lieu of flowers contributions be made to the American Cancer Society in care of the local postmaster.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1958, page 9

Albert C. Allen, Horticulturist and Author, Dies
    Albert C. Allen, 97, retired author, horticulturist and printer, died late last night in a Medford nursing home.
    He had made his home for many years on the Rogue River in the Table Rock district, where one of his latest achievements was writing, printing and binding books "with his own two hands." His book, "Crater Lake and its Legend," went into its fifth edition in 1962. He had to learn to make rubber printing plates from his hand-set forms for this edition.
    The illustrations in the book record historical scenes for which Allen learned to make his own engravings.
    Allen came to Jackson County and purchased the C. E. Stewart orchard west of Medford in 1904. He operated the orchard property for many years before moving to his river home, where he continued with writing and printing, which he had begun at an early age. He got his first printing press when he was 14.
    During the Spanish-American War he was appointed special war correspondent of the Salt Lake City Herald after enlisting in the Utah Volunteers.
    His writings ranged from technical writing to nature studies and adventure stories.
    He is survived by a son, Albert C. Allen Jr., of Modoc Road, Central Point.
    Funeral arrangements will be announced by the Perl Funeral Home.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 29, 1972, page 1

Albert C. Allen, November 30, 1972 Medford Mail Tribune
Private Services Held for Author Albert C. Allen
    Private services for Albert C. Allen, 97, who died in a Medford nursing home Tuesday, were held today at the Perl Funeral Home followed by entombment in the IOOF Eastwood Mausoleum.
    Mr. Allen came to the Rogue River Valley in 1904 and recorded much of the area's history 10 years later when he filmed the motion picture "Grace's Visit to the Rogue River Valley," now preserved in the Jacksonville Museum.
    The film was re-shown just before Thanksgiving at an event arranged by Mrs. Conro Fiero, the former Grace Andrews, featured in the scenario.
    As author, horticulturist and wildlife photographer, Mr. Allen was best known during his more active years. He, however, sold a number of films, including a Pathe scenic of "Pear Growing in Oregon" and others on fishing and hunting in Oregon and Idaho, taken while he was newsman for Pathe.
    He was first to film Crater Lake, and his auto was the first to make the trip into Crater Lake National Park.
    Material for his book, "Crater Lake and its Legend," includes much information he obtained from Will Steel, known as father of Crater Lake National Park. One of the illustrations shows Judge Steel's party leaving Medford for Crater Lake in 1903.
    A veteran of the Spanish-American War, some of his technical writing, published after he resigned his commission and was honorably discharged, compared the merits of the Krag-Jorgensen and Mauser rifles.
    His versatility was further evidenced in such books as "King of the Wilderness," "The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," "Meeko" and "Rabbit Trails."
    Born in Nashville, Tenn., June 18, 1875, Mr. Allen was the son of Leven C. Allen and Kate McKee Allen. He was married in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1899 to Lillian Keith. Following her death he was married in Eugene, Ore. in 1926 to Bessie Courtney, who also preceded him in death.
    He is survived by a son, Albert C. Allen Jr., a grandson and two great-grandchildren, all residing in the Modoc Road area of the Table Rock district, where Mr. Allen had his own print shop in his home on the Rogue River.
    He started writing as a child. He wrote for school publications, newspapers and magazines before he went into authorship of books.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1972, page 15

Last revised January 27, 2025