![]() ![]() Margaret Keith Aunt and benefactor of A. C. Allen, Jr. ![]() The Mystery Millionairess of
is told that Margaret Keith hid her face behind veils for nearly 40
years. Beginning in her teenage years it is said that she lived mostly
a life of seclusion.
David Keith, it is reported, wrote the following: "In the home of Alfred Milton Wilson and Julie Ann Wilson of Des Moines, Iowa, on the 10th of April, 1893, a baby girl was born to my youngest daughter, Margaret Keith. As a timid unsophisticated girl of sixteen years, she fell a victim to David (Summers) Keith's (my adopted son) illicit love." [According to findagrave.com, Alfred and Julie were real people, but Margaret Keith was reportedly born on April 6, 1884. The birth date of her child in 1893 would make Margaret only nine years old.] In protecting the family name, Margaret, believing her baby dead, tried to bury her shame with it. A veil of darkness has shut out all rays of sunlight for her forever. Sworn to keep the secret of David's and Margaret's unfortunate affair, Alfred Milton Wilson and Julie Ann Wilson were appointed guardians of the illegitimate Keith baby girl, who later became known as Myrtle Mae Wilson. The above statement concludes by disowning David and detailing trust agreements and final settlements. In later years, Margaret herself explained her behavior in a note to Charles V. Hatter, a detective she employed. She wrote: "I'm just about as mysterious as an onion. I'm not even a man hater. I like to talk to men because they have brains, but I think the Amazons had the right idea. They made all of the men stay out in the shed with the cattle." At exactly four o'clock one afternoon, Margaret's gardener followed a special letter of instruction and placed a call to Dr. J. S. Wood, in Hollywood, and asked him to come to the estate. When the physician arrived, the gardener gave him another letter requesting him to enter the house alone. Decaying grandeur of the mansion was shadowed by blanketed windows, and there was a musty odor. When Dr. Wood entered Miss Keith's darkened bedroom, it reeked with chloroform. He saw a "figure in a black, shroud-like garment lying on a divan, with a great bouquet of flowers at its head and a basket of blossoms at its feet. Over the face was a towel, wrapped in the shape of an ether cone and an empty bottle lay on the floor." Two black cats stirred. Symphonic music swelled from a radio. A suicide note requested fresh flowers and an orchestra to play classical compositions as the only burial ceremony. The undertaker was instructed, "Please have your lady attendant care for my body. I want to be quite sure that I am dead. Please inject an extra amount of formaldehyde into my body. Cover my hands with flowers. When I was alive I always wanted plenty of room, so I do not want to be put in a niche." Miss Keith was cremated, and her mysterious secret was never revealed. Raye C. Ringholz, Diggings & Doings in Park City, 1983, pages 58-59 -
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Mrs. Allen Writes Story of How Her Sister Drove Small Car of the "Bronco" Type in Rogue with Great Success. (MRS. A. C. ALLEN.)
In the spring of 1905 Miss Margaret Keith, sister of Mrs. A. C. Allen,
brought into Medford the second automobile owned in Rogue River Valley.
This car was, like nearly all the '05 models, of the bronco
type--sometimes it would go and at others it would "balk," but at most
times it acted in a rather untamed manner. After a time Miss Keith and
her sister managed to gain an understanding of its eccentricities to
such an extent as to be able to coax the auto out and back home again.
And so it was that Miss Keith became the first lady to drive an
automobile in the valley.
Outside of the fact that the automobile was an uncommon sight here, it was still more so to see a lady driving the car, and they always drew an interested crowd when the "pesky thing" balked in the middle of the street. At such times the ladies always spurned any aid, but promptly got out the tool kit and in some mysterious way got the car out of its tantrum and started again. When asked "How did you know what was the matter with the car?" the reply was, "I didn't know; I simply took out the spark plug, looked at it and put it back. I have not the slightest idea what I expected to find the matter with the spark plug, but if I didn't look there for the trouble where else would I look?" That question would have puzzled almost anyone at that time. At any rate, the treatment seemed to be all sufficient, for the car would finally start. Then, too, it was trouble all along the road, for when the car wasn't "kicking" the users of the public highways were, for nearly all--including the horses--resented the appearance of the auto on the road. Things were not so pleasant in those days for the autoist. Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1910, page B1
The will of the late David Keith was filed for probate Wednesday. No
information is given as to the value of the estate of deceased. Mrs.
Keith, widow, is willed one-third of the entire property, exclusive of
certain bequests, one one-sixth each to Etta K. Eskridge, Lillian K.
Allen and Margaret J. Keith, daughters, and David Keith, son. A
separate bequest of $100,000 in bonds of the Los Angeles and Salt Lake
Railroad Company is made to Mrs. Lillian K. Allen. The explanation is
made that outright gifts of like bonds in equal value had already been
made with regard to the other children. In Mrs. Allen's case they are
to remain in trust, with the Bankers Trust Company, she to draw the
revenue from them during life and at her death her daughter, Mary
Allen, is to be the beneficiary. The will provides that the son's
one-sixth interest in the estate shall be held in trust by the Bankers
Trust Company until he is 35 years of age, he to draw the revenue
therefrom and to receive the property in its entirety upon reaching the
specified age.
Provision is made for payment of $100 a month, so long as he shall live, to Mr. Keith's brother, George Keith of Country Harbour, Nova Scotia. The executors are directed to set apart and invest a fund to provide revenue for the annuity. Bequest of $5000 and certain Salt Lake real estate is made to Frank A. Keith, a nephew, and of $5000 each to Mr. Thomas Walden and Christian Leslie, nieces, the latter living at Leominster, Mass. To Etta, Dorothy and Albert Gammon, children of Mr. Keith's nephew, John B. Gammon, is left 130.44 acres of the Caster ranch, in Yakima County, Wash. To Albert C. Allen, Jr., grandson, $500 is bequeathed, to be given to him when he shall be 21 years of age. Park Record, Park City, Utah, April 26, 1918, page 3 The Passing of David Keith
The life work and achievements of Hon. David Keith were striking
examples of what can be accomplished by the exercise of God-given
talent and ability where there is a will and a determination to make
the most of fleeting opportunities.David Keith, so well known in mining and commercial centers throughout this intermountain region, and who stood so high in the estimation of his fellow men, solved the great mystery of life and death on Saturday, April 16th, lacking a little more than a month of reaching his seventy-first birthday. The deceased was born at Mabo, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, May 27, 1847, and in his early youth had practical experience in mining in his native land. While still quite a young man he came to the United States. Here he learned of California and the great gold excitement prevailing on the Pacific Coast, and rather than make the trip across the continent to the Land of Promise, he shipped before the mast for the Isthmus of Panama. Here he disembarked and made his way across the Isthmus to the Pacific Coast, walking a greater portion of the way. Reaching the ocean he shipped again and finally landed at San Francisco. For some time he investigated the gold diggings on the western slope of the Sierra Range but was not satisfied with conditions and surroundings, and so he joined in the rush to Virginia City, Nevada, where mining on the Mother Lode was attracting world-wide attention. The first winter in this historic region was employed in and around Gold Hill, where he made wood contracts and supplied the mines of the district with fuel. The second winter he was engaged with the Southern Pacific in railroad building in the vicinity of Donner Lake. Finally, however, he found employment on the Comstock as a common miner; an occupation much more to his liking, for he was a born miner. Finally he became pumpman at the mine and was later given the position of foreman of the Caledonia and Overman mines, being also connected with the Mexican as mine manager. In 1882 Mr. Keith left Virginia City and located at Park City, Utah, where he accepted a position as foreman of the history-making Ontario, of which the late R. C. Chambers was general manager. At the Ontario one of his most important duties was the assistance he rendered in the installation of the great Cornish pump, by the use for which the large underground flow of water was brought into subjection and control. In 1885 Mr. Keith became manager of the Anchor mine, now owned by the Judge Mining & Smelting Company, and eventually he became associated with ex-Senator Thomas Kearns, and others, in the great Silver King Coalition, of which company he was president at the time of his death, among his associates in this enterprise being John Judge, E. P. Ferry and A. B. Emery, deceased. Among Mr. Keith's long list of friends in Utah might well be mentioned men of prominence in the mining industry of Utah, now deceased, included in the number being such men of note as R. C. Chambers, W. W. Chisholm, J. D. Kendall, L. U. Colbath, Richard McIntosh, John Q. Packard, and others connected with the early-day history of mining in Utah. For many years Mr. Keith has been an honored and respected resident of Salt Lake City. His holdings here were extensive and valuable, and he has done much for the upbuilding and material interests of his "home town." His real estate holdings were heavy, including the Ness building, the Keith Arcade building, the St. James Hotel building and other property, besides which he was heavily interested in various mining properties in Utah and in adjoining states. He was a member of the constitutional convention which paved the way for statehood for Utah, and besides being president of the Silver King Coalition, he was president of the Salt Lake Tribune Publishing Company, president of the First National Bank of Park City, vice president of the National Copper Bank of Salt Lake, and a director of the Las Vegas & Tonopah Railway Company. He was a member of the Alta Club, the Elks Club, and the Country Club of Salt Lake, the California Club of Los Angeles, the Press Club of San Francisco, and the Rocky Mountain Club of New York City. Throughout his long and useful life Mr. Keith always stood for high ideals and was a man among men. He was a quiet and unassuming man but noticeable in all circumstances for strength of character and the ability to see and judge all things clearly. His was a genial although reserved nature, and he counted his friends by the hundreds. His death is an irreparable loss to his family, to this community, to the mining industry, and to the country at large, and The Mining Review joins with hosts of others in extending words of sympathy and condolence to his family and near relations in their sad bereavement. Besides his wife Mr. Keith is survived by one son, David Keith, Jr., who is lieutenant in the quartermaster corps of the U.S. Army in France, and three daughters,. Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles, Mrs. Lillian Keith Allen of San Francisco and Miss Margaret Keith of Los Angeles; also three grandsons, David Keith III, David Keith Eskridge, Albert C. Allen, Jr., and one grand-daughter, Mary Allen Keith. The funeral services for the deceased were held at the First Presbyterian church on Monday the 21st. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, while the church was crowded to overflowing by his many friends and admirers, the interment being at Mt. Olivet. The honorary pallbearers were: W. S. McCornick, Henry G. McMillan, A. C. Ellis, George Savage, J. E. Galigher, James Farrell, P. J. Moran and Ezra Thompson. Eight miners from the Silver King Coalition mine acted as active pallbearers. Salt Lake Mining Review, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 30, 1918, pages 27-28 Mrs. Woods Funeral To Be Held in L.A.
Salt Lake Telegram, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2, 1931, page 8
Funeral services for Mrs. Lillian Keith Woods, 50, formerly of Salt
Lake, who died in Los Angeles Sunday, will be held Wednesday afternoon
in Los Angeles. The body will be cremated.
Mrs. Woods was ill for three years. She is survived by her husband, Paul M. Woods, mine owner, Kingman, Ariz.; a daughter, Miss Mary Allen; a son, Albert Cooper Allen Jr., Medford, Ore.; two sisters, Miss Margaret Keith, Palos Verdes, Cal., and Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, Los Angeles; and a brother, David Keith Jr. of Salt Lake. Mr. Keith left Salt Lake Tuesday to attend the services. UTAH HEIRESS TAKES OWN LIFE IN CALIFORNIA Margaret Keith Known a Mystery Woman of Palos Verdes
LOS ANGELES, April 29--(AP)--The so-called "mystery woman of Palos
Verdes," a wealthy recluse who for years tried to prevent anyone from
seeing her face, took her own life late yesterday with an anesthetic in
her unoccupied Beverly Hills mansion.
She was Miss Margaret Keith, 60, daughter of the late David Keith, Utah silver magnate. She left a note saying: "I don't want to live if I can't see the beautiful trees and the sea. I'm losing my sight, so I've decided to shove off. Please don't let busybodies into my house." No one ever seemed to know why Miss Keith tried to hide her face from the world. Living in a mansion which cost nearly $100,000, she had only one servant, a Japanese. To him she gave her orders only by written instructions or through a telephone system in her home atop the Palos Verdes hill overlooking the ocean, 23 miles south of here. The mansion is surrounded by 17-foot walls with heavily barred gates. Neighbors would see Miss Keith only when she would drive from her home, heavily veiled. She formerly lived in the Beverly Hills home where she committed suicide. In response to a telephone call her physician, Dr. J. C. Wood, went to the Beverly Hills house and was met by a gardener who handed him a note instructing him to enter the house alone and go to a certain room. There he found Miss Keith lying on a wicker couch with a bouquet of flowers at her head and feet and a cloth, soaked with anesthetic, on her face. Taken to a hospital, she died shortly afterward. In a note to an undertaking establishment, she left instructions that her body be cremated and the ashes strewn over the sea. Ogden Standard-Examiner, Utah, April 29, 1933, page 1 Band Plays at Bier of Elderly
LOS ANGELES, May 3.--(UPI)--The body of Margaret Keith, aged recluse
who chloroformed herself to death, lay in state today in an undertaking
parlor while a 20-piece orchestra played in the chapel. The body will
remain in the chapel for three days while the orchestra plays and a
guard stands by to bar all save attendants.Oakland Tribune, California, May 3, 1933, page 3 Last Rites for Margaret Keith
LOS ANGELES, May 5--(AP)--Without prayer or eulogy, the last rites for
Margaret Keith, 49-year-old millionaire recluse who was known in her
life as the "veiled mystery woman of the Palos Verdes hills," were to
be held today.
In accordance with the spinster's last request, her ashes will be scattered to the winds. For three days, in accordance with her wish, an orchestra played classical music at her bier. Only a woman attendant was permitted to look on the body. Miss Keith had remained apart from the world since young womanhood. She maintained two mansions, one in the Palos Verdes hills and the other in Beverly Hills. It was in the last that she took her life by self-administered anesthetic last Friday after surrounding herself with flowers. Miss Keith's fortune was estimated at $5,000,000. Letters of administration were granted yesterday to a bank pending probate of her will. Lowell Sun, Massachusetts, May 5, 1933, page 43 Recluse Leaves $5,000,000
LOS ANGELES, May 18.--(UPI)--The will of Miss Margaret Keith,
millionaire recluse, leaving a reported $5,000,000 to Albert C.
Allen, Jr., of Central Point, Ore., was scheduled to be filed
Allen, 27, is a nephew of the dead woman who, according to police, recently ended her life with chloroform when she feared blindness. The entire estate, including palatial establishments in Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes, with the exception of a few minor bequests to seven other relatives, is understood to have been left to Allen. Oakland Tribune, California, May 18, 1933, page 8 A. C. ALLEN JR. INHERITS FIVE MILLION ESTATE
LOS ANGELES. May 18.--(AP)--The $5,000,000 fortune of Miss Margaret
Keith, eccentric 49-year-old recluse, who had orchestra music played
and flowers placed beside her body for several days after her recent
suicide, will go to a 27-year-old nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., of
Central Point, Ore., it was disclosed in the 220-word will to be filed
probably today.VALLEY YOUTH IS BENEFICIARY OF ECCENTRIC AUNT The terse document, which names the Security First National Bank of Los Angeles as executor and trustee, bequeaths the entire estate to young Allen, with the exception of a few minor bequests to several other relatives, all of whom are described in the will as "in good financial condition." Heir to a large Utah mining fortune, Miss Keith hid herself from the world behind the barred gates of her Palos Verdes estate, 23 miles south of here, and finally ended her life in her Beverly Hills mansion a few weeks ago. ----
"I think the amount is way overdrawn," and "It's nothing to get excited
about," was the answer of Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Central Point, known
here as "Jim" Allen, when interviewed this afternoon concerning the
five-million-dollar estate left him by his mother's sister, Miss
Margaret Keith of Los Angeles."As far as I know, there's nothing I can do about it," young Allen said, "because it's in a trust, and I won't be able to get any of it for seven or eight years." Allen graduated from Medford High School several years ago, and since has been farming with his father, well-known Rogue River orchardist, for the past three years. "As a matter of necessity" Allen had been aiding his father on his pear orchard, "Lafalot on the Rogue." The young man, tall and quiet, who doesn't have a telephone at his ranch home, has written numerous stories, many of which have been printed in western magazines. He said he had not written anything lately. Allen has a sister, Mary Allen of Los Angeles, who he said might also have received some of the property. Young Allen married Eva Jester of Rock Point. They have a son, Albert C. Allen III, age 2½ years. Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1933, page 1 $5,000,000 LEFT TO OREGON MAN
Albert C. Allen Jr. to Get Keith Estate. TRUST FUND ESTABLISHED Central Point Orchardist Refuses to Get Excited. INCOME PAID AT FIRST Bulk of Fortune to Be Released When Heir Reaches 35, Seven Years Hence. BY EVA NEALON HAMILTON Staff Correspondent, The Oregonian ![]() Questioned by telephone regarding the fortune, the ex-basketball star appeared more concerned over the toll of the country telephone line than the sum left by his aunt, Margaret Keith, who recently committed suicide in Los Angeles. "What will you do with the money?" brought no line of forecasts from young Allen, who simply replied, "I haven't got it yet. It will be many years from now when I do, and I think the sum is greatly exaggerated." He has a wife and young son, Albert C. Allen III, 2½ years old, who will probably help him spend it. Oregon Man Notified.
Announcement of the will came as
no surprise to Allen today. He recently returned from California, where
he attended the funeral of his eccentric aunt. He was informed even
before her death that she would name him as heir, the letter coming a
short time before news of her suicide, inspired by the approaching loss
of her eyesight.The money, it is understood here, was left in a trust fund, and the estate will come to young Allen when he is 35 years old. He will, however, receive his income from the money in the meantime. Allen, who graduated from the local high school in 1924, is the son of A. C. Allen, orchardist and writer, whose first well-known book was "King of the Wilderness," published a number of years ago. His mother, sister of Margaret Keith, died about two years ago. The women were heirs to the Keith mining fortune in Salt Lake City. Jimmy Allen, as he is known here, has a sister, Mary Allen, in Los Angeles, and said today he did not know whether she would share in the estate. In high school Allen played for four years on the basketball team which won the state championship and sought the national title in Chicago. He was also a student body officer and a popular member of the organization. Following high school he joined his father in operation of his orchard, "Lafalot on the Rogue," and began writing. He has had a number of stories published in western magazines and uses as his pen name "James Cooper Allen." He is tall--six feet something--of medium complexion, and very quiet in demeanor. His lack of talk today regarding the fortune was characteristic of his general attitude, "little to say, much to do." He is fond of books and the great outdoors. A few years ago Allen married Eva Jester of Rocky Point, and they have since made their home on Rogue River, where efforts today to locate him proved they have no telephone communication with the outside world. Allen came to the country store to answer the call. ----
ANGELES, Cal., May
18.--(AP)--The $5,000,000 fortune of Miss Margaret Keith, eccentric
49-year-old recluse, who had orchestra music played and flowers placed
beside her body for several days after her recent suicide, will go to a
28-year-old nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., of Central Point, Or., it was
disclosed in the 220-word will to be filed probably today.The terse document, which names the Security First National Bank of Los Angeles as executor and trustee, bequeaths the entire estate to young Allen, with the exception of a few minor bequests to several other relatives, all of whom are described in the will as "in good financial condition." Etta K. Eskridge, Los Angeles, a sister, was bequeathed $50 and the cancellation of a $4000 debt. Ten dollars each was left to David Keith, half brother; David Keith Jr., nephew; D. K. Eskridge, brother-in-law; D. K. Eskridge Jr., nephew; M. A. Towle and Albert C. Allen III. Heir to a large Utah mining fortune, Miss Keith hid herself from the world behind the barred gates of her Palos Verdes estate, 23 miles south of here, and finally ended her life in her Beverly Hills mansion a few weeks ago. A note directed that her body be held several days before cremation, that an orchestra play classical compositions beside her body, and that fresh flowers be put in the room each day. These wishes were carried out. Oregonian, Portland, May 19, 1933, page 1 ![]() For 40 Years She Hid Her Face from the World
Seattle Daily Times, July 2, 1933, page 32By Erskine Johnson The
"man in the iron mask," celebrated character in French history, now has
a modern, feminine parallel--Los Angeles' "woman of the unseen face."
She is Miss Margaret Keith, 59-year-old daughter of a Utah silver king,
who chose to die by her own hand. Although her identity was known,
while the name of Louis XIV's mysterious political prisoner never was
definitely ascertained, their lives, separated by two centuries, were
strangely similar.
Like the "man in the iron mask" whom writers Voltaire and Dumas popularized, Los Angeles' woman of mystery chose to keep her face hidden from the world. Although rich, and, according to relatives, fair of face, she lived secluded for 40 years in Los Angeles and wore heavy veils on the rare times that she ventured forth. Even in her own palatial homes, one by the sea and one in exclusive Beverly Hills, Miss Keith concealed herself from the eyes of others. To her many servants, she gave orders only over an intricate, room-to-room telephone system or in notes. And guards were employed solely to keep curious visitors away. She had no friends. She was lonely--by choice. Then this strange, wealthy recluse, who was "just a kindly woman afraid of the world of people," as a relative explained later, came to fear that blindness would shut out her small world of trees, books, flowers and the sea. So she took chloroform. But the anonymity she so carefully preserved through life didn't end when she died. In death, as in life, Miss Keith remained secreted from the eyes of the world. Only a lone woman attendant saw her body as it lay in state for three days, surrounded with flowers and with flowers blanketing her hands Such was the strange request for absolute isolation made by the elderly millionaire "of the unseen face." "Kindly do not allow anyone to look at me," Miss Keith wrote in a farewell note. "I didn't care to be Exhibit A when I was alive, and I do not want to be gaped at when I'm dead." Since early childhood, Margaret Keith had imprisoned herself within her own soul; had displayed a timidity and dread of contact with the outside world which defied the efforts of her late multimillionaire father, David Keith, owner of the fabulously rich Silver King mine, near Park City, Utah, and her family to counteract. This much was learned following her suicide from a sister living in Los Angeles. "She was the youngest of our family," said the sister, "and Father and the rest of us showered her with attention. We did everything in our power to defeat her shyness of the world, but we were helpless. There was no reason for her to mask her features with heavy veils. "She was a beautiful girl. She had a brilliant mind and loved books, music and flowers. Father gave her every educational advantage, and she had traveled throughout the world. But she could never overcome her aversion to meeting people and leading the full life that her wealth and culture afforded her. No, there was no unhappy love affair." At the same time, the sister told how Miss Keith put aside all of her associates in Salt Lake City, the family home, when she was a girl of 19 and went to Los Angeles to begin her existence of seclusion. Her father sent her an allowance until his death, when she was reputed to have inherited nearly $5,000,000. It was learned after her death that she had given much of this away. Her attorney revealed that she gave about $2,000,000 to orphanages and the unemployed during recent years. Her will left the bulk of her estate to a 27-year-old nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Central Point, Ore. Minor bequests were made to seven other relatives, all of whom, according to the will, are "in good financial condition." Miss Keith was a strange girl, even while attending school as a child in Salt Lake City, the sister explained. She was afraid of other children, the sister said, and preferred staying at home to playing games. But she wasn't abnormal, the sister added, except when it came to meeting people and associating with the outside world. Several trips to distant parts of the world didn't cure her of that shyness, as the father expected. Finally, when she reached the age of 16, Silver King Keith sent his daughter to school in Chicago, where he hoped she would cultivate friends. But she didn't. She was graduated from St. Mary's Academy in Chicago with an excellent scholarship record at the age of 19 and returned to Salt Lake. The shyness had not been lost during her four years away from home. Soon afterward she practically divorced herself from everyone. "We all argued with her without avail," the sister said. "But she always would reply: 'I like to be alone. I don't like other people. I want to read and be in seclusion. That is my right.'" Eventually, the young girl went to Los Angeles, where, with money furnished by her father, she built two large homes and immersed herself in a life of loneliness that lasted nearly four decades. "I only saw her three times during the eight years I have lived in Los Angeles," the sister added. "When she wanted a favor she would send me typewritten letters with the requests." The strange way in which Margaret Keith lived and the strange manner in which she ended her own life are still causes for wonder in Los Angeles, where she was a silent, unseen resident. When Miss Keith arrived in Los Angeles 40 years ago she built a home in Beverly Hills. Then, some years later, she constructed another large residence, costing $200,000, high among the hills by the Pacific Ocean. In both instances, all her business transactions with the contractors were carried out in notes and by telephone, without the contractors once seeing her. On the rare occasions when she left her big homes, guarded by high walls and heavy, barred gates, neighbors never saw her face. They would only see her at a distance, heavily veiled, as she got into her automobile, with its shades drawn, or alighted from it. Only one servant, a Japanese who had worked for her for many years, ever saw Miss Keith's face. And then, he said, he saw her features only once, when she awoke him in the outside quarters at 4 o'clock in the morning last December to drive her on a mysterious visit to her Beverly Hills mansion. She told him when he was employed, the Japanese declared, that she was "very timid" and did not like people to see her. She employed a maid and a cook, but communicated her orders only by written note or through the private telephone system. She paid salaries to her trusted servants that were almost fabulous, and she lavished costly presents on them, too, they revealed after her death. Each of Margaret Keith's homes is a labyrinth of rooms--so many that the servants never counted them. Billiard rooms, libraries, guest rooms, yet nobody enjoyed the treasures within them. Always they remained untenanted, unvisited. Around each estate are high, barbed-wire barricades and iron gates, through which nobody had ever passed except Miss Keith, her servants--and stray cats. In both homes she offered regal refuge to all homeless cats. Beneath the mansion walls are myriads of little doors, large enough for the passage of cats, but too small for dogs. To one cat, shortly before her own death, Miss Keith gave a $500 funeral. Each night, strangely enough, her mansion on the hilltop, where she spent most of her time, was brilliantly lighted up on the outside by powerful flood lights. Just why Miss Keith had this done is not known. Perhaps she thought it offered greater protection from prowlers. The tragic finale to Margaret Keith's strange life of solitude came a few weeks ago in her Beverly Hills home. Her personal physician received a mysterious phone call to come to the house "after 4 p.m." He did so, and was met by a gardener, who handed him a note instructing him to enter the house alone and go to a certain room. The doctor went to the bedroom, the door of which was blocked with a chair. He forced the door and discovered Miss Keith lying on a wicker couch in the bedroom with flowers at her head and feet, her face swathed in chloroform-soaked rags. A radio was softly playing a classical selection. She was still alive, but died soon after being rushed in an ambulance to a nearby hospital. Reasons for taking her life, and the plea for absolute isolation even in death so she would not "be gaped at," were revealed by the eccentric woman in a series of notes. "I am losing my sight," she wrote, "so I've decided to shove off. I don't want to live if I can't see the beautiful trees and the flowers and the sea, and read. Please don't let busybodies into my homes." Further instructions were that her body be kept in a private room for three days and that it be clothed in fresh garments. "An Alice blue or black shroud," she wrote. "Please cover my hands with flowers. I love flowers. Please do not insert funeral notice in the daily papers." Enclosed in the notes was a long list of compositions she wished played while her body rested in the funeral parlor. "I love music," she wrote, "so will you please get a fine orchestra? I do not want any praying or a religious ceremony. Just the beautiful music. I may be able to hear it." The orchestra she requested was composed of a 20-piece group, and true to her wishes, it played for three days in the tiny room where the body rested in a silver casket, playing the compositions she had named in her notes. When the strange, preacherless and prayerless funeral ended, Miss Keith's ashes were strewn to the winds over the ocean near her home. Before she courted death in her dramatic, deathbed scene, the wealthy recluse had written: "When I was alive, I always wanted plenty of room, so I do not want to be put in a niche." "Don't Seem Possible," Says Beneficiary
CENTRAL POINT, Ore., May 19 (INS)--"I guess she must have liked me when I was a kid."That was the only reason Albert E. Allen Jr., youthful Rogue River Valley farmer, could give today for his good fortune in being name practically sole heir to the $5,000,000 estate of Miss Margaret Keith, 66, eccentric recluse of Beverly Hills, Calif., who committed suicide recently because she feared blindness. Allen said he was "up in the air" about the future. He was puzzled at being Miss Keith's favored relative, and insisted he intended to stick with his farm. He is married and has a small son. Allen was doing his spring plowing when told of his good fortune. "Yes, I knew I was in her will, but $5,000,000 sounds like a lot of money to us. "I'm afraid that amount is just a wildcat estimate," he laughed. "Of course, if it really is that much, I guess that will be all right--but gosh, that don't seem possible. "She was my mother's sister," Allen said. "I never did visit her in California, but I knew her, in a way. She came to the Rogue River Valley for a visit when I was a small child. I guess she must have liked me when I was a kid." ALBERT ALLEN JR. FACING FIGHT FOR INHERITANCE
LOS ANGELES, June 19.--(AP)--A contest to the will of Miss Margaret
Keith, millionaire recluse of Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes, was begun
today by a niece, Mrs. Mary Allen Towle.She alleged that when Miss Keith, who committed suicide in her palatial Beverly Hills home April 28, made the testament she was of unsound mind and unduly influenced by a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., living near Medford, Ore. to whom most of the estate was left. The death of Miss Keith attracted considerable attention because of the unusual instructions she left for her funeral services, including the hiring of an orchestra to play classical music beside her bier for several days. Mrs. Towle, a sister of Allen, who is a Central Point, Ore., farmer, was bequeathed $18 by the will, which was dated September 25, 1932. She alleged that Allen and his father brought about execution of the document by influence, "device and stratagem." Remarking that she had been on the friendliest of terms with her aunt, Mrs. Towle expressed belief that Miss Keith never had seen Allen, and that he and his father communicated with Miss Keith, advising her that Mrs. Towle had inherited a fortune. Mrs. Towle alleged that Allen and his father had represented to Miss Keith that Mrs. Towle's mother had fallen into the hands of vicious persons who had dissipated the fortune and that Mrs. Towle was at the mercy of such persons. She characterized these alleged statements as false and claimed that her brother and his father had obtained and squandered about $10,000 of her money. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1933, page 1 ALLEN WINS FIRST BATTLE OVER WILL
LOS ANGELES, July 26.--(AP)--One contest over the will of Margaret
Keith, 46-year-old recluse who left the bulk of a million-dollar estate
to a nephew in Oregon, Albert C. Allen, a writer, was ended temporarily
today when the superior court sustained the demurrer of the trustee.
The court gave the contestant, Mary Allen Towle, a niece, two weeks in
which to file an amended complaint.The trustee claimed the allegations in Miss Towle's complaint were not properly drawn. There was no action on another contest filed by Mrs. Etta Eskridge, a sister of Miss Keith. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1933, page 6 ALLEN EXPECTS WILL CASE ON DOCKET FOR LATE OCTOBER TRIAL
James (Jimmy) Allen, local resident, chief beneficiary of the will of
his aunt, who died at Los Angeles last spring, expects that the will
contest filed against the bequest will be docketed for hearing in a Los
Angeles court the last of October. Appraisal of the estate is now in
progress.According to Allen the first reports of the size of the bequest were exaggerated, and it will total less than a million dollars, instead of five times that amount as first reported. A considerable portion of the estate consists of Utah mining stock, now depreciated in value along with property holdings in Southern California. Allen, former high school basketball star, now an orchardist, said yesterday he hopes to procure sufficient income to enable "me to do the things I like to do, and not have to worry all the time." Allen has attained some success as an author. Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1933, page 2 Kin Battle for $300,000 Estate of
Dead Eccentric
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 11.--(UPI)--As indicated by
questions asked talesmen, a group of relatives prepared today to try to
prove that the late Miss Margaret Keith was insane when she made the
will leaving her $300,000 estate to Albert Allen, Jr., Oregon rancher.
Miss Keith, who during her lifetime was said to have given more than $2,000,000 to charity, died last spring, leaving Allen the bulk of her estate and cutting off other relatives with bequests ranging from $10 to $50. Suit to contest the will was brought by David Keith, half-brother, and other relatives. An indication of the contestants' position was contained in the question asked prospective jurors by Brigham Rose, attorney: "Would you consider that a woman who lived in a home with a dozen bedrooms, all elaborately furnished, yet slept in a hall; a woman who surrounded herself with servants who were not permitted to look at her or speak to her upon pain of dismissal; a woman who bought 100 pounds of seed weekly for two canaries; who kept the windows of her home darkened with bed sheets; who would not sit beside her sister and would not talk to other persons in the same room, but would write them notes instead; who insisted on having a cat taste all food before she ate it; would you consider such a woman sane?" The question drew various answers. Oakland Tribune, California, December 12, 1933, page 10 Attorneys Draw Weird Picture of Wealthy Recluse
Keith Heiress Listened for Voice of Spirits, Will Trial Jury Hears ![]() The attorneys pictured her as a woman of great beauty and physical attractiveness, who, nevertheless, was not interested in men, but who spent most of her time alone, with black earphones tied to her head, listening for a ghostly hum she thought was the voice of spirits. None of those who served her, or with whom she had business, saw her features, because she always wore a black veil. Few, in fact, ever were in contact with her. The counsel said testimony would be produced to show she was a woman whose mind no one could know. They said she was careless of financial matters, given to writing checks exceeding the vast amounts she had on deposit, and that she was a person of fine feeling, "a genius by birth and environment." Builds Two Homes
When she inherited a great fortune
from her father, the late David Keith, multimillionaire mining operator
of Salt Lake City, she spent great sums of money, the attorneys said,
meanwhile living in another world, according to her relatives,
unmindful of such necessities as food and shelter, unless her friends
cared for her.Later she built two beautiful homes in southern California, one in the Palos Verdes hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and the other in exclusive Beverly Hills. A will left her estate, valued at a third of a million dollars, to a nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., an Oregon farmer. Other relatives contested probate of the will. It was disclosed that before her death she had left instructions, among which was this statement: "I sincerely hope the will will not be contested, as I want my nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., to have the income and the estate when he is 35 years old. He is a fine young man. His mother was too ill to know what she was about, and in this state deeded her property to her husband. . . . I saved the life of Albert the day he was born, so I have always been interested in him. Please mention this in case the will is contested." Stunned Men
A. Brigham Rose, counsel for Miss
Keith's niece, Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, a contestant, said that even
before the death of Miss Keith's father, she shunned men, and that she
told him he was "not in accord with the rest of the universe.""Perhaps it was some shattered romance of her school days that turned her against men," Rose said. Baldwin Robertson, representing Miss Keith's sister and brother, Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge and David Keith, presented a picture of the reclusive shunning all human faces. He said that when a Japanese caretaker turned to look at her, she dismissed him instantly, but gave him a check for $1500. Robertson said she wrote a check for $285,000 to a real estate agent for the purchase of the former estate of John Torkleson, owner of large borax mines, although the agent advised her to wait for a lower price. Robertson said the agent held the check and later purchased the property for $185,000, but that Miss Keith wrote him another check for $195,000, although she had only $80,000 in the bank on which the check was drawn. L. B. Gallagher, attorney for Allen, said Miss Keith was of sound intellect, but "was misunderstood because she didn't worship money." "She had no use for money," Gallagher said. "She gave money freely to people to whom it meant more than to her. She preferred to live alone, but so have other persons highly esteemed by their fellow men." Salt Lake Tribune, December 14, 1933 ALLEN'S AUNT NOT GLIMPSED BY MAN WHO BUILT HOUSE
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 14.--(AP)--The strange story of how he
constructed an ocean view mansion for the late Miss Margaret A. Keith,
wealthy spinster who ended her life last April, without ever once
seeing the woman, was related to a jury in superior court by the
contractor, Nicholas Burns of Beverly Hills.The testimony of Burns was given in an effort to show that Miss Keith was of unsound mind when she left her estate to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., a Central Point, Ore., rancher. The will is being contested by Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, niece of Miss Keith, and Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, sister of the decedent. "I never met Miss Keith," testified Burns, "but I received more than 100 letters and notes and talked to her once over the telephone concerning plans for the home and the swimming pool." Miss Keith, so attorneys for the plaintiff claim, in addition to keeping herself from sight, went outside only at night and had her meals delivered at her door. The hearing was delayed today by illness of a juror. Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1933, page 2 STRANGE HABITS OF ALLEN'S AUNT ARE RECOUNTED
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 15.--(AP)--As strange as a bizarre fiction, the life
story of the late Margaret A. Keith, wealthy spinster who was described
as extremely beautiful by the few who were permitted to gaze upon her
in life, was being unfolded today in superior court.Embittered Woman, Extremely Beautiful, but Servants Discharged if They Looked at Her, Claim Miss Keith, who discharged her servants if she ever found them looking at her, was embittered at the world and "despised all human beings, especially men," testified Nicholas Burns, Beverly Hills contractor who built a mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean for the 49-year-old recluse, without ever once seeing her. Burns' testimony was offered in support of Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, Miss Keith's sister; Mrs. Mary Ellen Towle, her niece, and David Keith, a half-brother, all of whom are contesting Miss Keith's will which left the bulk of her estate, originally estimated at $1,000,000, to a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., Central, Point, Oregon, rancher, Miss Keith ended her life last April in her Beverly Hills mansion, after surrounding herself with flowers and tuning her radio to a classical musical program. Miss Keith was the daughter of the late David Keith, Salt Lake City mining magnate. Her reason for going into seclusion has never been revealed publicly. Other strange habits of the woman, who maintained two mansions of more than 20 rooms each, and in which no visitor was ever welcome, were that she allowed her cat to taste all food before she consumed it. The trial of the will contest will continue today. Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1933, page 1 Kin of Eccentric Heiress Relates Strange Actions
Brother-in-Law of Miss Keith Tells of Breaking in Door LOS
ANGELES, Dec. 18 (AP)--Strange incidents in the life of a stranger
woman were related today to a jury hearing the contest to the will of
Miss Margaret Keith, millionaire recluse, who committed suicide in her
Beverly Hills mansion last spring, leaving her entire estate to Albert
C. Allen Jr., an Oregon farmer.
Disregarding the wealthy spinster's prejudice against being seen by men, P. M. Woods, Kingman, Ariz. mining prospector, once pushed through the door of the room in which she shut herself against the world, forced her to see him, and talked to her for two hours. The incident occurred in 1924. Married Sister
Woods was married in 1915 to Miss
Keith's sister, Lillian. Nine years later he and his wife came to Los
Angeles from San Francisco, but found Miss Keith would not see them.
Thinking her unable to care for herself, her relatives often sent her
food, Woods said."I remember that I used to carry trays of food to her door," Woods testified. "She would admit no one. Finally, I got tired of leaving the trays there for the cats to lick on. I shoved in the door, and walked into the room. "The room was dark, lit only by a small blue light. Margaret was dressed in black, and was veiled. She rushed into a far corner of the room, hysterical. I told her not to run, that it wouldn't do any good, and that I'd catch her. She stopped muttering. Tired of Mystery
"I told her I was tired of all the mystery she threw about herself and asked her to act like a human being."Finally, she calmed down and talked to me for about two hours." Several months later, Woods said, his sister-in-law shot at him through the door of her room, explaining she thought he was a stranger who had come "to get my body." The jury was told of an automobile trip Miss Keith made to San Francisco in 1926 to have dental work done. Woods said Miss Keith dressed herself in a heavy black silk "shroud" so that no one would recognize her. Sat on Floor
"All the way up she squatted on
the floor in the back of the car," Woods said. "I don't think she
looked out of the window all during the trip."Asked if he could describe the woman, Woods said she was a brunette, "with pale gray eyes and a pallid complexion." Miss Etta Keith Eskridge and David Keith, sister and brother of the decedent, and Mrs. Mary Ellen Towle, Allen's sister, are contesting the will on the grounds Miss Keith was of unsound mind. Allen is a nephew of Miss Keith, who was the daughter of a multimillionaire Salt Lake City mining man. Salt Lake Tribune, December 19, 1933, page 5 ALLEN DOGGED BY INVESTIGATOR, HE CHARGES IN COURT
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20.--(AP)--A story of how an "investigator" pursued
him was related in superior court today by Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon
orchardist, whose inheritance of the $500,000 estate of Miss Margaret
Keith, Palos Verdes recluse, is being contested by three other
relatives.Allen said that the incident occurred last night as he was en route to the home of friends, where he is staying. He said the man, pointing out his automobile to a taxicab driver, jumped in the cab and started after him. "I twisted through the streets of South Pasadena and San Marino but I couldn't shake him off," Allen said. "Finally I stopped a policeman on Colorado Street in Pasadena and asked him to arrest the man in the taxicab. He did so and took the man to the police station, where he identified himself as an investigator. "The man refused to say what he was investigating, however, nor would he tell us whom he was working for." The court assured Allen protection if kidnapping was feared but pointed out that it was not against the law to chase an automobile through the streets and that investigators or attorneys sometimes took that means to locate the residences of litigants. Later it was said that the man was a process server. With Allen's fears calmed, resumption of the trial, in recess over the Tuesday election holiday, was ordered. Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1933, page 1 Allens Aunt Heedless of Money Is Testimony
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21.--(AP)--Aimee Semple McPherson, the evangelist,
was one of the recipients of the generosity of Margaret Keith, wealthy
recluse, who gave away thousands of dollars on the spur of the moment,
her brother-in-law, P. M. Woods, testified today in the contest of her
will to a $500,000 estate.Mention of the preacher's name came as Woods, who was one of the few men ever to see Miss Keith, recounted in superior court stories of her eccentricities, such as her isolation from all persons in a Palos Verdes mansion, where she committed suicide last spring, fearing blindness. Woods said she gave $6200 to his wife, Lilyan, who was Miss Keith's sister and who also is dead. The gift was accompanied by a statement that she could have a million dollars if she wanted it. Miss Keith was the granddaughter of David Keith, multimillionaire Utah mining magnate. "Did she have a million?" asked counsel for one of the group of relatives contesting the bequest of the bulk of the estate to Albert C. Allen, Jr. nephew and Central Point, Oregon orchardist. "I don't think so, but she said she was worth $50,000,000 easy," Woods replied. "In my opinion she didn't know $50,000.000 from $15." "What made you think so?" "Well, she would write checks for anybody for one thing." "Just on a suggestion?" "Oh, yes. She even gave money to Aimee Semple McPherson." Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1933, page 1 KIN ACCUSED OF KIDNAPPING
Woman Files $225,000 Suit Against Father, Brother
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23 (AP)--A suit for $225,000 damages, charging her
father and her brother with kidnapping, threats and intimidation, was
filed here today by Mrs. Mary Allen Towle.
The defendants are Albert C. Allen, senior and junior, of Medford, Ore. Mrs. Towle is one of the contestants in the legal fight over the estate of the strange wealthy recluse, the late Margaret Keith, whose will named junior Allen as sole heir. She alleges that her father and brother, by threats and intimidation, took her share in the estate of her mother, the late Mrs. Lillian Keith Allen-Woods, who was Mrs. Keith's sister. She sets forth that her mother first married Albert C. Allen, senior, and divorced him in 1915, later marrying P. H. Woods. She died May 31, 1931. On the day of her mother's death, Mrs. Towle charges, her father and brother "by threats, force and intimidation," took her against her will to Medford, Ore., and induced her to sign a power of attorney which gave them control of her inheritance from her mother. She charges that they deprived her of $25.00 [sic] worth of bonds and properties worth $100,000. She asks, in addition to the reimbursement for such property, damages of $100,000 because of "humiliation and embarrassment." "They threatened to have me placed in an insane asylum unless I signed those papers," she alleges. She alleges she was held in Oregon against her will for more than 30 days. Salt Lake Tribune, December 24, 1933, page 3 CHECK FOR $300 REWARDS KISSER OF ALLEN'S AUNT
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 26.--(AP)--Margaret Keith, who in her life shielded
herself from other persons, particularly men, once wrote out a check
for $300 when P. M. Woods, her brother-in-law, kissed her and gave it
to him, he said today in discussing the eccentricities of the wealthy
recluse, whose will to her $500,000 estate is being contested.Brother-in-Law Tells of Tender Episode--Rumor of Suit Settlement Heard As Trial Is Resumed Woods disclosed the incident casually when testifying in the trial and later elaborated upon it during a court recess. "As far as I know this was the only time Margaret ever was kissed by a man," Woods related. "She continuously went veiled and I was the only man she ever saw and much of the time she kept the veil down on me. Gave Her Kiss
"But one day when she was living at the Ambassador Hotel for a week
while she was having four teeth pulled my wife, Lilyan, and I went into
her apartment to bid her goodbye. We were going on a trip to Europe."My wife had just kissed her and as she reclined on a couch I leaned over and kissed her--right on the mouth. Instead of being mad, as I half expected, she smiled all over. She got right up, went to a writing table nearby and wrote me a check for $300. "Here," she said, "take this and buy yourself something nice in Paris.' "' Claim Mind Unsound
A brother, David Keith, and a sister, Mrs. Etta Eskridge, and Mary
Towle, a niece and sister of Albert C. Allen, Jr., to whom Miss Keith
gave most of her property, brought the contest, claiming she was of
unsound mind. She was the granddaughter of David Keith,
multi-millionaire Utah miner.During cross-examination Woods was asked what he did with some money he had deposited according to Miss Keith's instructions. After haggling between attorneys, counsel for the contestants claiming it was irrelevant because the question had nothing to do with the matter of Miss Keith's sanity, Woods replied that he did so many things and spent so much money for "that crazy woman" that he could not recall details. Although reports were current that a settlement might be reached out of court, attorneys said there was no immediate prospect for such an agreement. Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1933, page 1 ALLENS DISLIKED BY AUNT, CLAIMS WITNESS IN CASE
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 27.--(AP)--The name of Albert C. Allen, Jr., Central
Point, Ore., farmer, who was left the bulk of the estate of Miss
Margaret Keith, millionaire Los Angeles recluse, was not mentioned by
the eccentric spinster for six years, her brother-in-law, P. M. Woods,
told a jury trying the contest of her will today.'Had No Use for Jim,' Says Ex-Stepfather--Name Not Mentioned for Years-- Spite Fence Is Related. "She had no use for 'Jim' Allen, as we called him," Woods testified. "This was because his father divorced his mother. She sided with her sister, of course. She never mentioned the Allens' name again--had no use for them." Allen's mother married Woods four years later, in 1919. She died in 1931. Built Spite Fence
Woods related to the jury the incident of her building an eight-foot fence around her home in Venice."I told her the neighbors would complain, but she insisted on the fence," Woods said. "She said she didn't want to be on exhibition like a stuffed bird. Well, the neighbors did complain and the police came and told her to take the fence down. She told them she'd move out of their town. She moved to Santa Monica, just to spite Venice." Woods said his sister-in-law built a house in Hollywood in 1916. On the day she was to occupy it she smelled gas as she entered the door. "'Someone is trying to poison me,'" Woods said she shouted. "'I'll never live in a house they can fill with poison gas.'" She never occupied the residence. The witness said Miss Keith never allowed mail to be delivered to her home because she was afraid to have a postman on the grounds. She rented a post office box and sent her Japanese servants for the mail. Miss Keith's brother and sister, David Keith and Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, and Allen's sister, Mary Allen Towle, are contesting the will, contending the woman, who committed suicide last spring, was mentally incompetent. The estate is valued at about $500,000. ----
"A fair face is fairer viewed beneath a veil"--such was the late Miss
Margaret Keith's reason for wearing the heavy veil, much mentioned of
late in the California trial contesting her will--is the belief of a
number of Medford folk, who remember her appearances in this city."Full-face veils were being worn at that time," one merchant recalled this morning. "Hers was always a little thick, but you could see through it without difficulty, and it always revealed an exceptionally beautiful face." Miss Keith came to Medford to visit her sister, who was then Mrs. A. C. Allen, residing at Hollywood Orchard, neighboring Medford. Her appearances here caused no small flutter on Main Street, because of her beauty and attractive apparel as well as the knowledge that she had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. No one thought of her as "insane" but as fastidious and a bit "uppish," [as] one local person expressed the sentiment today. The belief was prevalent, several oldtimers added, that the Keiths had impressed upon the minds of their children for many years that they belonged in realm far above that of the layman. They had obviously also warned them against social advances from the layman in the belief that their money was the thing desired, so friendships were not sought.
Mail Tribune, December 27, 1933, page 1
Wilson McCarthy Says Spinster Entrusted him with $700,000
ANGELES, Jan. 2 (AP)--A Salt Lake and Oakland lawyer, Wilson McCarthy,
told in court today of a peculiar custom observed by the late Miss
Margaret Keith, millionaire spinster recluse, in welcoming guests to
her home.
Testifying in a suit contesting Miss Keith's will, leaving most of her estate to an Oregon nephew, Albert C. Allen Jr., the lawyer said he believed himself to be one of the [few] men who ever saw his client's face unveiled. He said he had been given $700,000 worth of securities to negotiate for her. "She told me to come right out to her home and I would find the door partly ajar," McCarthy testified. "She expected me to walk in without knocking, she said. I did as I was instructed and Miss Keith soon appeared, but once I had a wait [of] an hour." When he called, Miss Keith always wore a long, black gown, almost to the floor, McCarthy testified. He said she told him he and her banker were the only men she could trust. "She said her brother-in-law, Paul Woods, was going to kill her, or try to kill her, I forget which," the lawyer said. Miss Keith, he related, gave him $700,000 worth of bonds to take to Salt Lake, but a week later he was ordered to send them back. After objections of counsel, McCarthy was not allowed to explain these actions further. Salt Lake Tribune, January 3, 1934, page 3 DANCING SPOOK ONE OBSESSION OF ALLEN'S AUNT
Mary Allen Towle Tells of Alleged Hallucination of Rich Aunt--
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4.--(AP)--A "pet spook" that danced along the sill of
a window in the form of a "blue flame" was one of the obsessions of
Margaret Keith, wealthy spinster, her niece, Mary Allen Towle,
testified in superior court, where a contest to the million-dollar
estate of Miss Keith is being prosecuted.Allen Denies Seeking Will Favor Mrs. Towle, one of the contestants in the case which has been on trial for several weeks, said she heard about the ghost when she went to live with Miss Keith in her Venice home in 1922. Mrs. Towle, with a brother and sister of Miss Keith, claims she was of unsound mind when she bequeathed the bulk of her estate to Albert C. Allen, Jr., Central Point, Oregon, orchardist and brother of Mrs. Towle. Allen denied that he had written affectionate letters to his aunt in seeking her favor in her will. She committed suicide last spring in her Palos Verdes mansion, presumably in fear over approaching blindness. ----
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4.--(AP)--The antipathy of Miss Margaret Keith toward
a movie director neighbor's children and his chauffeur, and her
suspicion of sea gulls, were described today in trial on the suit to
break the late millionaire recluse's will.Mary Allen Towle, niece of Miss Keith, who killed herself with an anesthetic several months ago, testified that the middle-aged spinster described as "noisy brats" the children of "a movie director named Ray" who was a beach neighbor of hers at Venice, Calif., in 1923. Mrs. Towle testified that her aunt once said "I would give $5000 if someone would beat up" the Ray chauffeur for her, because "he's after my body." Miss Keith also objected to sea gulls flying about her house, considering them manifestations of evil spirits, the witness said. An unusual admiration for Japanese also was attributed to Miss Keith by her niece, who told of an Oriental trip the former made in 1917. "After she returned," said Mrs. Towle, "she told us she did not travel in rickshaws while in Japan because she said it was not fitting that such a fine spiritual people as the Japanese should be employed to drag 'white trash' around." Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1934, page 1 Writer Denies Using Talent to Win Keith Riches
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 4, 1934, page 5 LOS
ANGELES, Jan. 3 (AP)--A young Oregon writer, Albert C. Allen Jr.,
denied from the witness stand today that he had used his literary
ability in composing affectionate letters to induce his wealthy aunt,
the late Margaret A. Keith, to bequeath the bulk of her estate to him.
In refutation of the charge that he had besieged the eccentric spinster with numerous letters about his misfortunes and need for money, young Allen, of Medford, Ore., produced a letter written to him by his aunt in March, 1931. His testimony was offered at the contest over Miss Keith's will. She ended her life in her palatial Beverly Hills home last April. In the letter she expressed admiration of her "favorite" nephew's literary ability. Earlier in the day an attorney representing Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, sister of young Allen and one of the contestants who are seeking to set aside the will on grounds that Miss Keith was insane, drew from Allen the admission that the writer had been given $5000 in bonds, a $1500 automobile and had been enabled to pay off a $4200 mortgage by Mrs. Towle. MILLIONAIRE AUNT WANTED TO BURN WEALTH AT DEATH
Strange Wish Told at Trial of Will Case--
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5.--(AP)--The jury hearing the contest of Miss
Margaret Keith's will heard today that the millionaire recluse wanted
her entire estate, estimated at more than $1,000,000, converted into
currency after her death and burned with her in a crematory.Didn't Want to Be 'Exhibit A' at Funeral She Declared This strange wish was communicated to Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, she told the jury, six months before her aunt committed suicide last April in her Beverly Hills mansion, leaving her estate to Albert C. Allen, Jr., brother of Mrs. Towle. "It was in November, 1932, that Aunt Margaret called me at a hotel to make that wish," Mrs. Towle testified. "She said she desired that after her death her body be cremated and all her property turned into money and then burned with her. "She said she wished that no one look on her because she didn't want to be 'Exhibit A' when she was dead." Mrs. Towle said that in another telephone call that month her aunt told her she had heard that Mrs. Towle and her brother were in the hands of an "infamous fiend," and wanted to warn her against the plot. Miss Keith's brother and sister, Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge and David Keith, and Mrs. Towle are contesting the will on the charge that Miss Keith was of unsound mind. Her rage when an astrologer predicted she would be married within two years to a nice man was pictured among other evidence given by Mrs. Towle. She said Mrs. Keith gave her a note in 1930 to deliver to an astrologer. Mrs. Towle returned with an answer and said Miss Keith flew into a rage. "Miss Keith tore up the note and accused me of playing a joke on her. Then she chased me out of the house. She had a gun in her hand," Mrs. Towle related. Later she said Miss Keith called her and gave her an envelope containing a check for $200 for herself. Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1934, page 1 CROSS-EXAMINE SISTER OF ALLEN
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 8.--(AP)--Cross-examination of Mary Allen Towle, who
is contesting with other relatives the award of the estate of Margaret
Keith, wealthy spinster, to her brother, Albert Allen, Medford, Ore.,
orchardist, will begin in superior court today.Mrs. Towle had charged that her aunt's mind was unsound when she gave the bulk of her estate, variously estimated to be worth from $300,000 and $1,500,000, to Albert, a nephew. Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1934, page 1 FACE OF RECLUSE SHOWN IN COURT
Los Angeles, January 9.--Margaret Keith's
often-expressed fear--"I'd hate to be 'Exhibit A'"--was justified
today. Her face, unseen by man for 20 years, was unveiled in Superior
Court.Photographs of Margaret Keith Produced in Will Case A jury of seven women and five men, hearing the contestation of her $1,000,000 will, gazed curiously at photographs--two of the few known to exist--of the eccentric veiled heiress and saw a dark-eyed beauty of the 1910 period, hair pompadoured high, chin out-thrust imperiously. Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, her sister and one of the contestants of the will, produced the photographs of the woman who committed suicide by inhaling an anesthetic in a flower-bedecked room in one of her two pretentious mansions. "Margaret never had a picture taken since she was 19 or 20 years old," Mrs. Eskridge testified. "I had vowed to uphold Margaret's idea of not being exhibited to to the public view, but--" the witness vowed her head--"I think it proper to show the photographs now." Mrs. Eskridge described many eccentricities of Miss Keith's life, a life dedicated to the ideal of solitude. "Margaret was an unusual child," the witness said. "She exhibited strong passions." Miss Keith left her fortune, inherited from her father, a Utah silver magnate, to a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Medford, Ore. The Gazette, Montreal, Canada, January 10, 1934, page 9 ALLEN'S AUNT HID BIG SUMS ABOUT HOUSE IS CLAIM
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11.--(AP)--Miss Margaret Keith, eccentric millionaire
spinster, whose will is being contested here, habitually secreted large
sums of money in odd places about her home, her sister, Mrs. Etta Keith
Eskridge, testified at the trial today."She had a chamois bag she usually kept full of money," said Mrs. Eskridge, one of the contestants, "and she hid bundles of currency in an ice box, and in the backs of her six or seven radios. Books in her library also were hiding places for money." The witness told how about $500 in bills left in a wastebasket once was partially burned by mistake. By testimony as to strange acts of Miss Keith, the contestants are trying to break the will which left most of her fortune to a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Medford, Ore. Counsel for Allen today introduced photographs of Miss Keith at the wheel of a brass-mounted automobile of some 20 years ago in efforts to show that she was not as averse to appearing in public as the other side has tried to make out. Mrs. Eskridge testified her sister owned one of the first touring cars driven in Los Angeles County and contracted her habit of wearing veils while riding in it. Previous testimony has been that Miss Keith went about heavily veiled even until the time she killed herself with an anesthetic last April. Miss Keith, said her sister, was arrested three times for "speeding." That was in 1910 and 1911, when the speed limit was 25 miles an hour. Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1934, page 1 PARANOIA SEEN IN KEITH CASE
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 18.--(AP)--A second opinion that Margaret Keith was
insane also brought a statement today from a psychiatrist, Dr. A. D.
Houghton, that the long-accepted belief in the immunity of the brain
from infectious diseases was incorrect.Dr. Houghton was called as a witness for relative-contestants to the will of the wealthy Palos Verdes recluse, daughter of the late David Keith, multi-millionaire Utah mining man, who contend her mind was unsound when she willed the bulk of her $1,500,000 estate to a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon orchardist. Reviewing the behavior of Miss Keith, such as her reluctance to be seen by human beings, sleeping in the hallways of a 30-room mansion, and hiring and firing 300 gardeners in four years, Dr. Houghton said he believed she suffered from paranoia and schizophrenia. Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1934, page 3 MISS KEITH HAD FEAR OF PUBLIC, HINTS ATTORNEY
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 19.--(AP)--A theory that Miss Margaret Keith, wealthy
spinster recluse, may have committed suicide last April in abhorrence
at the thought of appearing publicly in a court action, was hinted
today at trial of relatives' suit to break her will, which leaves most
of her million-dollar estate to Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon nephew.Lawyers for the contesting relatives, who have testified Miss Keith had an abnormal fear of crowds and public places, and hated men, attempted to draw testimony from her lawyer, Myron W. Silverton, that he told her on the day she committed suicide she would either have to appear in court or make a deposition before strangers in a suit against her. Allen's counsel objected, however, that the matter was one confidential between lawyer and client, therefore inadmissible, and Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny took the issue under advisement while other testimony proceeded. Medford Mail Tribune, January 19, 1934, page 1 KILLS SELF IN FEAR OF ORDEAL IN PUBLIC
Los Angeles, Jan. 19--(AP)--A theory that Miss Margaret Keith, wealthy
spinster recluse, may have committed suicide last April in abhorrence
at the thought of appearing publicly in a court action, was hinted
today at trial of relatives' suit to break her will, which leaves most
of her million-dollar estate to Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon nephew.
Lawyers for the contesting relatives, who have testified Miss Keith had an abnormal fear of crowds and public places, and hated men, attempted to draw testimony from her lawyer, Myron W. Silverton, that he told her on the day she committed suicide she would either have to appear in court or make a deposition before strangers in a suit against her. Daily Independent, Helena, Montana, January 20, 1934, page 2 MISS KEITH'S KIN CLOSE EVIDENCE IN WILL CONTEST
LOS ANGELES Jan. 22.--(AP)--After six weeks of evidence and spirited
argument among counsel on the admissibility of testimony, contestants
to the will of Miss Margaret Keith, eccentric recluse who committed
suicide last year, closed their case.As soon as the evidence was completed attorneys for a Los Angeles bank, trustee of the estate, moved for a non-suit on the ground Miss Keith was sane when she made her will, leaving all her property, valued at more than $1,000,000, to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, Oregon farmer living near Medford. Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny granted the motion, but as it was not jointly moved by Allen's attorney the case continues solely on the grounds of Miss Keith's sanity, and that consideration will be the only one before the jury. In granting the non-suit motion the court held, in effect, that Miss Keith's weird design for living did not interfere with her legal rights to bequeath her fortune in its entirety to her nephew and to ignore her brother and sister, Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge and David Keith, and her niece, Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, who are contesting the will. Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1934, page 1 MISS KEITH SANE, SAYS RETAINER
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 25.--(AP)--A milk and butter salesman, who rose to
the position of majordomo at Miss Margaret Keith's menage of mystery in
Beverly Hills, testified today in the court contest of her
million-dollar will that he considered her sane.The witness, Ralph Thurman, said Miss Keith, eccentric recluse who committed suicide last year, was paying him $75 weekly salary when she discharged him and all her other employees in 1929. Thurman said he "played post office" with his employer, whom he spoke to only once a month, and left newspapers and letters for Miss Keith in a wire basket on her back porch. From the basket he took letters and notes of instructions, many of which counsel for Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Medford, Ore., to whom Miss Keith left her entire fortune, introduced as evidence of her sanity. Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1934, page 1 WITNESSES DEFEND SPINSTER'S SANITY
Salt Lake Telegram, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 27, 1934, page 3Nephew Seeks to Tear Away Some of Mystery
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27 (AP)--In defense of the sanity of Margaret Keith,
daughter of the late multimillionaire Utah miner David Keith, counsel
for the majority beneficiary in her estate, Albert C. Allen Jr.,
nephew, of Medford, Or., sought to tear away some of the mystery
ascribed to her by contesting relatives.
Testimony of witnesses for the contestants who alleged her mind was unsound was attacked in relation to the assertion that she veiled her features from those she was forced to meet. Carlos H. Hiddings, 70-year-old caretaker of the Palos Verdes mansion of the wealthy spinster, said he talked with her many times and never saw her wearing a veil. He also said she once told him she intended leaving her fortune to Allen. The case, in its seventh week, was adjourned today until Monday. RICH AUNT TOLD CARETAKER YOUNG ALLEN TO PROFIT
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27.--(AP)--In defense of the sanity of Margaret
Keith, daughter of the late multi-millionaire Utah miner, David Keith,
counsel for the major beneficiary of her estate, Albert C. Allen, Jr.,
nephew, of Medford, Ore., sought to tear away some of the mystery
ascribed to her by contesting relatives.Testimony of witnesses for the contestants who alleged her mind was unsound was attacked in relation to the assertion that she veiled her features from those she was forced to meet. Carlos H. Giddings, 70-year-old caretaker of the Palos Verdes mansion of the wealthy spinster, said he talked with her many times and never saw her wearing a veil. He also said she once told him she intended leaving her fortune to Allen. The case, in its seventh week, was adjourned today until Monday. Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1934, page 10 MISS KEITH FOUND CHATS WITH MEN MORE ENJOYABLE
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31.--(AP)--Letters in which Miss Margaret Keith wrote
that she liked "to talk to men because they have brains" and was
"soured on stupid, uninteresting people and will not waste my time on
them" were read today at trial of a suit contesting her million-dollar
will, leaving her estate to Albert Allen of Medford, Ore., a nephew.The letters were written by the eccentric recluse to Charles V. Hatter, a private detective she had hired to investigate certain matters. "But I think the Amazons had the right idea," she wrote. "They made all the men stay out in the sheds with the cattle." Much previous testimony has indicated Miss Keith was a "man hater," but this she specifically denied in one of her letters to Hatter. "I have exiled myself," she wrote, "so I won't have to come in contact with morons like…I think this fellow should be made to swallow some of his ugly, spiteful remarks.… There are no street lights near my house so it is very, very dark up here. That is the reason the floodlights were installed. I do not ask any of the white trash in Redondo to pay my electric bills." Miss Keith's mansion in the Palos Verdes hills near Redondo Beach was surrounded by large floodlights. She had another palatial home in Beverly Hills. Miss Keith never impressed Willena Trowbridge, a San Francisco nurse, as being "balmy," the letter said in a deposition introduced in evidence. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1934, page 1 KEITH WILL MADE IN 1931 IS SHOWN
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2.--(AP)--Another will, executed just one year
previous to the time she made one leaving her entire estate to Albert
C. Allen, Jr., Medford, Oregon, rancher, was introduced today in the
trial of the contest of the will of late Margaret A. Keith, wealthy
spinster. The will introduced today also left practically the entire
estate to young Allen, a nephew of Miss Keith.
Contestants of the will have claimed Miss Keith wrote still another will, just a few days before her death, which they contend contained a revocatory clause revoking any and all former wills. The will introduced today was dated December 25, 1931. Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1934, page 1 Salesman-Tenor Warbles During Keith Will Trial
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 8.--(AP)--Arias from the opera "La Forza del
Destino," sung by an automatic hot water tank salesman, today
enthralled the jury that for two months has been listening to the
contest of the will of Miss Margaret Keith, millionaire recluse, who
committed suicide here last April.J. W. Crowhurst, called as a witness for Albert C. Allen, Jr., to whom Miss Keith left her entire fortune, said he went to the eccentric spinster's home to repair a hot water heater and was singing "Solene in Quest'ora," when she approached him and saluted him in French with "Tenor a la bouche," meaning robust tenor. The witness said he gave up music for the more lucrative occupation of salesmanship, but spectators in the court room were so pleased with the songs Allen's attorney had him sing, with the permission of Judge Robert Kenny, that they broke into applause when he finished and the bailiff had to rap for order. Medford Mail Tribune, February 8, 1934, page 1 COMIC INTERLUDES ROCK COURT ROOM
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 21.--(AP)--The contest of Miss Margaret Keith's
will, now in its eleventh week and still playing to good-sized crowds
in Judge Robert Kenny's court, is making up in comedy what it lacks in
brevity.KEITH WILL TRIAL Last week a steamfitter sang operatic arias for the jury and the court room spectators applauded, much to the consternation and indignation of the bailiff. Today a bit of pantomime literally "rocked" judge, jury and spectators. It followed a long argument on the word "visnomy" [physiognomy] which even the judge admitted was unknown to him. Baldwin Robinson, who had asked a witness to describe Miss Keith's visnomy [sic], leaped for a dictionary and in so doting knocked over a water-filled vase of almond blossoms. The water spilled over the clerk's desk and surged over a transcript and record of opposing lawyers. Robinson won his point, proving by the dictionary that visnomy means countenance or visage, but Robinson's associate, A. Brigham Rose, got an even bigger hand when, to demonstrate the neckline of a pink house dress Miss Keith wore shortly before she committed suicide last April, he removed his coat and put on the dress. Rose stands more than six feet tall and weighs more than 200 pounds. The bailiff almost cracked his gavel. Miss Keith left her million-dollar estate to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, young farmer of Medford, Ore. Other relatives are contesting the will on the grounds the wealthy spinster was of unsound mind. The Keith fortune was made in Utah silver mines. Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1934, page 1 AUNT'S SECLUSION DUE TO CHIN SCAR IS ALLEN'S CLAIM
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 28.--(AP)--Two police photos of the body of
Margaret Keith, wealthy spinster recluse, taken at the scene of her
bizarre suicide last April, were sent for today as evidence in the
trial of a relatives' suit to break the will in which Miss Keith left
most of her estate to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., of Medford, Ore.Counsel for Allen sought the pictures to show Miss Keith had a scar on her chin--a disfigurement that would account for her habitual seclusion and distaste for meeting people. Counsel for the other relatives contend her seclusion was one evidence of insanity which they attribute to her. The photos were taken by police detectives shortly after the body of Miss Keith was found on a couch in her Beverly Hills mansion. She had placed flowers at the head and foot of the couch and tuned in a classical music program on her radio before inhaling an overdose of anesthetic. Roland Rich Woolley, a lawyer, testified some days ago on behalf of Allen that Miss Keith had a scar on her chin in 1931 and told him she had withdrawn from the outer world because she feared this scar marred her features. The will contestants introduced other testimony that Miss Keith had no such scar. Medford Mail Tribune, February 28, 1934, page 1 PARANOIA PLAIN IN MISS KEITH'S LIFE IS CLAIM
Attorney for Kin Contesting Will of Rich Spinster, Says Woman Wholly Incompetent--Case Near End
LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 2.--(AP)--Charging that Miss Margaret Keith
was so completely insane as to be wholly incompetent, attorney Baldwin
Robertson today appealed to the jury weighing the evidence in the
contest over the will of the woman to return a verdict invalidating the
will.Miss Keith, wealthy spinster, ended her life in her Beverly Hills mansion last April after leaving her estate to a nephew, Albert Allen, Jr., Medford, Ore., rancher. A sister of Miss Keith, Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge, of Los Angeles; a brother, David Keith, of Salt Lake City, and a niece, Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, of Los Angeles, filed suit to break the will. Attorney Robertson, in his argument to the jury, held that every act relating to Miss Keith's mode of living and doing business reflected paranoia. After four months' trial, lawyers' arguments started yesterday, and the case was expected to be in the hands of the jury late today. "No normal person," said contestants' attorney, Baldwin Robertson, "would carry out all of her contacts with the outside world with letters and notes--dozens of them in a single day--or would have built a magnificent home in Palos Verdes, as she did, without once seeing it before it was completed." As counsel for two of the principal contestants, Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge and David Keith, sister and brother of the eccentric spinster, Robertson also attacked the credibility of witnesses for the other side. He said testimony of other witnesses had not supported that of Roland Rich Woolley that Miss Keith had a scar on her chin which caused her to seclude herself from the public gaze for years before she killed herself in her Beverly Hills mansion last April. Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1934, page 1 KEITH WILL TRIAL ENTERS 13TH WEEK
LOS ANGELES, March 5.--(AP)--The trial of the contest of the will of
the late Margaret A. Keith, wealthy spinster who ended her life last
April, entered its thirteenth week today.Attorney Lasher B. Gallagher, representing Albert C. Allen Jr., young Oregon rancher, who was made the principal beneficiary of Miss Keith's will, argued that Miss Keith was sane when she made the will. Using a blackboard and chalk, Gallagher drew in graphic form "the chart of life" of Miss Keith, jotting down the high points in the life of the wealthy recluse. The will is being contested by a brother, a sister and a niece of Miss Keith, all of whom alleged she was of unsound mind at the time the will was drawn. Indications were that the arguments would continue for another two days. Medford Mail Tribune, March 5, 1934, page 1 JURY DEADLOCKED, 7 TO 5, IN ALLEN WILL FIGHT CASE
LOS ANGELES, March 10.--(AP)--The jury of seven women and five men
deliberating the question of whether the late Margaret A. Keith,
wealthy spinster, was mentally competent to execute a valid will
disposing of her million-dollar estate, was still deadlocked tonight
after nearly two full days of discussions.----
LOS ANGELES, March 10.--(AP)--A million words or so of testimony and
three months of court session resulted today in a deadlocked trial
jury, standing seven to five on the question of whether Margaret Keith,
mystery spinster, was sane enough to make her will disposing of her
estate of a million dollars or so.In the probate court this morning the jury foreman, Julius Krieger, told Judge Robert W. Kenny that after deliberations since 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the ballot stood seven to five. He asked the court's permission for the jury to go to Palos Verdes, one of the two mansions of the late Miss Keith. The court held that he could not permit the jury to do this after it had started deliberations. Then he met the jury's request that he reread all his instructions. It was not disclosed whether the majority of the jury felt that the woman who ended her own life was sane or not when the will was made leaving her entire estate to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., an Oregon farmer. Three other relatives contested the will. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1934, page 1 RETRIAL OF KEITH WILL CASE TO SEE MORE SENSATIONS
LOS ANGELES, March 12.--(AP)--Lawyers for both sides in the contest of
Miss Margaret Keith's million-dollar will indicated today there would
be evidence of a sensational nature in a retrial of the case which
caused a jury to disagree last Saturday.The jury, hopelessly deadlocked, was discharged by Superior Judge Robert Kenny. A. Brigham Rose, counsel for the contestants of the will, said he intended to prove through handwriting experts that two wills introduced as evidence in the case were both executed the same day but not Dec. 15, 1932, the date on the will claimed by the proponents to be the final, authentic will of the wealthy recluse. Lasher B. Gallagher, attorney for Albert C. Allen, Jr., to whom Miss Keith left her entire estate, went to San Francisco to interview new witnesses he said would be able to give "sensational testimony, if there is to be another trial." Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1934, page 1 KEITH WILL CASE RETRIAL SLATED
LOS ANGELES, March 19.--(AP)--Contest of the million-dollar will of
Miss Margaret Keith, who committed suicide last April, leaving all her
property to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, of Medford, Ore., was reset
today by Superior Judge M. F. McComb for May 7.The first trial, lasting three months, resulted in a jury disagreement. The sole issue was whether the eccentric spinster was sane or insane when she made her last will. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1934, page 1 ALLEN FACES NEW FIGHT FOR ESTATE
LOS ANGELES, May 2.--(AP)--Additional contests to the will of Miss
Margaret A. Keith, millionaire recluse and daughter of the late David
Keith, pioneer Utah silver mining developer, were filed today in
superior court.The contests allege Miss Keith, who committed suicide April 28, 1933, was of unsound mind. They were filed by Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, a niece, who are opposing a will dated December 25, 1931. Miss Keith left her entire estate to her nephew, Albert C. Allen, Medford, Oregon, farmer. Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1934, page 1 Million-Dollar Mystery of the Spooky
The huge, rambling mansion surrounded by a thick garden and a high
barbed-wire fence was no mean mystery in the neighborhood. It was among
the finest estates in Beverly Hills, near Los Angeles--but the little
old lady who lived there alone was seldom seen.'VEILED LADY of the CATS' Like a Strange Character Straight from a Page of Dickens Is the Story of This Lonely, Rich Old Woman Who Lived with "John," a Friendly Ghost Strange tales were afloat about her. She always wore a heavy veil, spoke to no one, and had innumerable cats. Stray cats--not a pedigree in a parlorful. Neighbors called her "The Veiled Lady of the Cats." Servants found her dead one day--self-chloroformed, lying in an overstuffed chair, with the radio playing a Beethoven symphony and a letter at her side giving explicit instructions about the musical funeral she was to have. She died at 60. She willed her whole estate, $1,000,000 in value, to a young farmer, who was her nephew; other nephews and nieces contested the will, saying she was of unsound mind; and so the facts about Miss Margaret Keith, "The Veiled Lady," came out. She was a character straight out of the pages of Dickens. According to testimony brought out at the six-weeks' hearing of the will contest--she hadn't lived in that great, richly furnished house alone. There was also a ghost! A ghost named "John." A friendly, harmless spook, he was, and very shy. "John" lived in a shadowed corner of the big music-room, where Miss Keith played the piano night after night. As long as he liked the music, all was well, but-- If "John" didn't like the way Miss Keith was playing, he'd float out of his corner, get up on the huge window pane that faced her as she sat at the grand piano, and do a war dance in sizzling blue flame! And when this music-critic ghost did that, it was up to the lonely old lady to change her tune, or stop playing. "John" would then come down off his window pane and retire to his dark corner, satisfied. This was but one of the numerous anecdotes brought out at a six-weeks' court hearing in Los Angeles, by the relatives who contested Miss Keith's will. It was Mrs. Mary Allen Towle, her niece, who told about "John," saying Miss Keith had described the ghost to her in great detail. Mrs. Towle's 28-year-old farmer-author brother, Albert C. Allen, was out plowing his field for spring planting when a telegram was brought him saying he was heir to his eccentric aunt's entire fortune. Miss Keith had inherited $5,000,000 from her father, the late David Keith, owner of the fabulously rich Silver King mine in Utah. Joining with Mrs. Towle in the contest were David Keith of Salt Lake City and the socially prominent Mrs. Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. Miss Keith gave large sums to charity. She built two mansions. "Everyone may have some eccentricities--there probably isn't a perfectly sane person in the world," acknowledged Dr. Frank Mikels, well-known alienist who testified for the plaintiffs, under cross-examination. And the jury, after long debate, was unable to agree whether Miss Keith's will should be broken or not, on the ground of insanity. Here were some of her eccentricities, as revealed by testimony: As a girl of about 20, for no known reason she had retired from the world, put on a thick veil, and become a recluse. Her only photo, taken at 19--it is reproduced on this page--shows her as an attractive, apparently normal girl at this time. If she ever did have a love affair, no one knew of it. Besides the veil that hid her features, she always dressed in somber black and, on her rare visits from her Beverly Hills estate to her other magnificent mansion at Palos Verdes. she wore long black gloves and a black hat. Her business manager, N. W. Burns, testified he had handled her affairs for six years--and had never seen her. "I was employed by telephone," he said, "and always received my instruction by phone or mail." Once, he said, she phoned him that "she hated all human beings, particularly me." But not long afterward she sent Burns' wife, whom also she had never seen, a check for $5,000 as a gift. Her imagination, it was evident, peopled the huge lonely house with spirits. Besides "John," the music-critic spook, there were the ghosts who used to chat with her by radio earphone. Servants told how Miss Keith used to put on the earphones, sit at a table and ask questions about her dead father. Bums testified: "She phoned me one night and said she was hearing voices at her windows and wanted the windows protected by heavy spikes. She said 'they' might come and get her body " She had an inordinate fondness for stray cats--richly furnished as her house was, and beautiful in every detail, dozens of alley cats were all over the place. Once, when the cats needed bathing, she wrote to a night watchman: "Will you please ask the doctor if there is any way to dry-clean cats? They are terrified of water and I don't see any use in terrifying them half out of their wits." Burns had built Miss Keith a swimming pool--a magnificent glass-enclosed affair, open to the sky. But, said the servants, she used it only at night, and in the dark--true to her hatred of being seen. Why she had constructed and furnished the two splendid mansions was a mystery in itself. No one, beyond a semi-occasional relative, ever entered them. Once when she visited San Francisco she ran out of stamps. She wrote to a Japanese servant to go to a corner drug store, buy some stamps, and mail them to her. There was a touch of pathos in the story of Paul W. Woods, a relative, who came to say goodbye when he and his wife were going to Europe. He unexpectedly kissed the old lady. Instead of becoming angry, as he had anticipated, he said she beamed with joy. She went over to a table and wrote him a check for $300. J. W. Crowhurst, a repair man, said he had sung while puttering about his work on her place. She had spoken to him in French, and he understood it to be "tenor la bouche," meaning he had a robust voice--he took it as a compliment. Crowhurst was asked to sing in court, and after he had done so an attorney commented: "She probably said 'Tenez la bouche'--'Shut your mouth!'" When Miss Keith decided to end her life, at 60, she wrote out detailed instructions to her undertaker. She demanded a secret funeral, saying: "I didn't care to be gaped at when I was alive, and I don't care to be gaped at when I'm dead.'' She ordered that her body should lie three days in a room kept filled with fresh flowers--and that an orchestra should play a program of 27 pieces which she listed. They included the "Moonlight Sonata," some Beethoven symphonies, "Danny Boy," Schubert's "Ave Maria" and "Still wie die Nacht." She ordered that her body be cremated without religious rites, and her ashes scattered over the sea. All this was scrupulously done. Miss Keith took her own life, with chloroform, lying in a luxurious day bed. The jury couldn't say the "Veiled Lady of the Cats" was insane. The will contest will probably be re-tried. Decatur Daily, Decatur, Alabama, June 2, 1934, page 5 ALLEN TO SETTLE SUIT OVER ESTATE OF WEALTHY AUNT
Medford Beneficiary of Margaret Keith Agrees to Out-of-Court Action--
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14.--(AP)--A basis of settlement out of court of the
estate of Miss Margaret Keith, millionaire recluse who committed
suicide in her Beverly Hills mansion April 28, 1933, was announced
today by attorneys in the contest of her will which left nearly all the
estate of a nephew, Albert C. Allen, Jr., Medford, Ore., farmer.Terms Are Not Yet Announced The lawyers would not discuss the terms of the settlement and explained the final details are yet to be accepted, but they said negotiations probably would be completed before the trial of the will contest is called next Monday. The first trial lasted three months and ended in a jury disagreement. Contests to the aged spinster's will were filed by Etta Keith Eskridge, a sister, and Mary A. Towle, niece, who contended Miss Keith, daughter of the late David Keith, multi-millionaire Utah silver mining man, was of unsound mind when the will was written. In the trial of the contest, testimony was given that Miss Keith led a mysterious and secluded life, rarely seeing anyone, including her servants, and wearing a heavy veil when she left either of her estates, one a large home in Beverly Hills, the other a mansion in the Palos Verdes region, overlooking the ocean. Miss Keith ended her life by placing baskets of flowers about her couch and then inhaling an anesthetic. It was estimated she contributed $2,000,000 or more to charitable enterprises in the two years before her death. Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1934, page 1 ALLEN ESTATE BATTLE SETTLED
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1.--(AP)--Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny today
approved a settlement effected out of court in the estate of the
millionaire recluse, Miss Margaret A. Keith, who committed suicide last
year in her Beverly Hills mansion.Compromise Reached Out of Court Given Judge's Sanction-- Must Settle $50,000 Fund on Son. The compromise, reached after 18 months of litigation, and a jury disagreement after several weeks of testimony, specifies the Beverly Hills mansion of the wealthy spinster shall go to a brother and sister, David Keith of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. They also will get 4,600 shares of Silver King mining stock. Mary Allen Towle, a niece, receives 4,000 shares of the stock. Albert C. Allen, Jr., Oregon farmer, living near Medford, who was bequeathed practically all the estate under Miss Keith's two wills, will receive the remainder of the estate, with the provision he shall provide a trust fund of $50,000 for the benefit of his son Albert C. Allen III, who is four years old. Judge Kenny was informed by lawyers the inheritance tax on the estate will amount to $31,000. The court insisted the tax be paid on the basis of the provisions in the will, which gave the property to Allen. If the brother and sister had been considered legatees in determining the inheritance, the tax would have been about half that which a nephew would be required to pay. As part of the settlement announced today Mrs. Towle withdraws a $225,000 damages suit against her father, Albert C. Allen Sr., and her brother, charging kidnapping threats and intimidation as a result of a property disagreement several years ago. Medford Mail Tribune, October 1, 1934, page 1 RECLUSE'S ESTATE FINALLY SETTLED
ANGELES, Oct. 1 (A.P.)--Superior Judge Robert W. Kenny today approved a
settlement effected out of court in the estate of the millionaire
recluse Miss Margaret A. Keith, who committed suicide last year in her
Beverly Hills mansion. The Beverly Hills mansion of the wealthy
spinster will go to a brother and sister, David Keith, of Salt Lake
City, Utah, and Etta Keith Eskridge of Los Angeles. They also will get
4600 shares of Silver King mining stock. Mary Allen Towle, a niece,
receives 4000 shares of the stock. Albert C. Allen Jr., Oregon farmer,
who was bequeathed virtually all the estate under Miss Keith's two
wills, will receive the remainder of the estate, with the provision he
shall provide a trust fund of $50,000 for the benefit of his son,
Albert C. Allen III. Kenny was informed by lawyers the inheritance tax
on the estate will amount to $31,000.
San Diego Union, October 2, 1934, page 7 Compromise Sought in Estate Settlement
Salt Lake Telegram, Salt Lake City, Utah, December 5, 1935, page 14
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5.--Court approval was being sought Thursday for the
compromise settlement agreed to by Albert C. Allen Jr., principal
beneficiary to the $337,271 estate of Margaret Keith, and Mary Allen
The agreement provided that Mrs. Towle, niece of the woman, receive interest for life on 4000 shares of stock in the Silver King Coalition Mines Company of Salt Lake City, which is part of the estate. Mrs. Towle contested the will, which left the entire estate to Allen, an Oregon rancher, but a jury disagreed after a three-month trial. Miss Keith ended her life in her palatial Beverly Hills home in 1932. Last revised January 27, 2025 |