PORTLAND, Ore., April 20.--Dispatches from Washington, D.C., received
here today stated that orders have been given by Colonel Milton Davis
of the army air service for the airplane squadron detailed at the Rose
Festival at Portland to stop for exhibits at Ashland, Medford, Eugene
and Salem. The stops will be made on the way from Mather Field,
Sacramento, Cal., to Portland.Efforts to Be Made to Establish Bases for Planes as Forest Fire Protection. Efforts will be made to establish airplane bases in Oregon this summer for the protection of the national forests from fire Colonel Davis told Senator McNary, answering a letter from the Oregon Senator to Chief Forester Graves. The chief forester in response to Senator McNary's request for the immediate establishment of airplane basis in Oregon had indicated a willingness to act if the War Department would furnish the airships. Colonel Davis said that action this year depends on whether sufficient skilled mechanics can be obtained to take care of the machines which would be detailed to Oregon, and upon the willingness of the towns in the Willamette, Umpqua and Rogue River valleys to establish flying fields. Martin bombing planes will be used. San Jose Mercury Herald, May 1, 1919, page 9 CITY THRILLED BY FLIGHT OF 6 ARMY
Everybody was up in the air today.Entire Population of City and County Gather to See Flying Circus en Route to Portland from Mather Field--Hair-Raising Stunts Performed Over Medford. All Medford and vicinity enjoyed the visit of the army fleet of airplanes en route to Portland as a feature of the Rose Festival from Sacramento this afternoon, and from the time the first planes came in sight from the Siskiyous shortly before 10 a.m., following a two hours wait after the fire whistle was blown the first time, to the time the fleet departed at 12:20 p.m., feasted their eyes on the wonderful sight of the air machines and their evolutions. A huge crowd, gathered from all parts of the valley and estimated at 5000 persons, was gathered at Gore field, the landing place, on the Jacksonville road and immediate vicinity, while the roofs of the tall buildings of the city were lined with people and hundreds of others of the populace were in the streets, and the urban population in their yards and fields, all with upturned eyes witnessing the unusual sight. The arrival of the fleet was most interesting, though not exactly spectacular. The planes were widely separated and soared high up in the heavens at an elevation of 8000 feet or higher. In fact most of the planes were out of sight in the clouds most of the time. Gradually they circled around to lower levels and one by one descended to Gore field and landed. Had they been bunched together and at a lower level the effect would have been much more spectacular. As it was, for a long time after they were sighted they looked like birds, and they were so high that the humming of the engines could not be heard. The day was ideal for seeing the planes and their evolutions, because it was cloudy. Several of the planes in circling down performed startling stunts at a great height. At first the planes had difficulty in getting their bearings and locating Gore field, but the huge white words forming "Rialto," painted on the roof of the Palm building over the Rexall store, corner of West Main and Grape streets, greatly helped them out. The army aviators really got their bearings from this sign, and talked much about it after they had landed. It loomed up to them like a lighthouse in a fog, they said, and was the most conspicuous thing in the business district. Manager Moran of the Rialto Theater had the sign painted on the roof on Sunday, when he learned that the fleet would take photographs of Medford as they flew over the city. The sign was 100 feet in length and the big white letters were proportionate in width. Only six machines of the fleet landed here, consisting of the six 8-cylinder Curtiss biplanes. The one large plane, the heavy DeHavilland, did not stop because the planes were behind schedule. After the fleet landed the crews and local assistants got busy overhauling the engines and putting in the supply of 125 gallons of gasoline and 10 gallons of cylinder oil. Seely Hall with several assistants aided in overhauling the engines. By noon everything was in shape to continue the long journey, and word was sent to the city that the fleet was about to depart, so the fire whistle was again blown. Two of the planes arose from the field and came on to Medford where they gave a great exhibition of spectacular flying, looping the loop, sideslipping, nose spin and other startling stunts, while two other planes went through similar maneuvers over Gore field. The two remaining machines were known as baggage planes. After twenty minutes of the flying exhibition the entire fleet departed for the north. Hundreds of autos were parked along Jacksonville roads in the vicinity of Gore field, forming a great congestion which it took a long time to untangle after the planes had gone. Colonel Watson said to a Mail Tribune representative, "The trip from Grenada this morning was a very cold one, and we did not travel at the minimum height of about 10,000 feet but maintained an average height of 8200 feet. We made the trip from Grenada, about 50 miles, in 74 minutes, against a strong head of wind, and did not stop until we reached Medford. We will stay at Ashland on our return trip, probably about June 15. We are very much obliged for the courtesies shown us by the Medford Commercial Club and the people." Ten minutes after the fleet had gone Colonel Henry L. Watson, its commander, who was flying in a machine alone, found his plane was not working right and flew back to the city and to Gore field. Another of the planes in which were Lieutenant Frank Hackett and Sergeant C. A. LaJotte, noticing this and knowing that the colonel was without a mechanician, followed him in. There was nothing wrong with Colonel Hackett's machine, only the oil was not working right, and while the machinery was being again looked over and the oil replenished, the Colonel and Lieutenant Hackett came in to the Hotel Medford for dinner as guests of the Commercial Club. The two delayed machines departed again for Portland at 2 p.m. Each of the Curtiss biplanes of the fleet consumes 12 gallons of gasoline an hour when in flight. The following army men were in the fleet: Colonel Henry L. Watson, commanding officer; First Lieutenants J. S. Krull, Frank D. Hackett, Earl Neubig and William Bevan; Second Lieutenants Charles W. Schwartz, William McR. Beck and J. M. Fetters; Sergeants Thomas Stromyer, John Milkowski and Chas. A. LaJotte. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1919, page 6 Business was practically at a standstill in Medford this forenoon because of the visit of the airplane fleet, and the long wait for it to arrive and watching its departure. It is not often that Medford people have an opportunity to witness such a wonderful sight. The false alarm of the airplanes coming this morning was due innocently to Secretary Steel of the Commercial Club, who had received a wire from the fleet commander at Grenada, Cal., stating that the fleet would arrive in Medford at 9 a.m. It was then only 8:30 and Mr. Steel, thinking to give the people a half hour's time to get to Gore field, telephoned the fire department to sound the fire whistle. Instead of a half hour's wait the eager populace had a tedious wait of two hours before the excitement began. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1919, page 2 LOCK CUSTOMERS IN STORE DURING
A number of places of business were closed this forenoon to enable
proprietors and employees to view the airplanes. When the fire whistle
blew Messrs. Hutchison and Lumsden and their clerks left the store and
departed for Gore field, locking the door before their departure and
overlooking the fact a Butte Falls woman and her two children were
still in the store.The woman finally attracted the attention of passersby on the street and explained her predicament, and they summoned Chief of Police Timothy, who took a taxi and went to Gore field, obtained the key to the store and returned and released the prisoners. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1919, page 5 Monday when Colonel Watson had oil trouble with his biplane and landed, Seely Hall and Messrs. O'Grady, Gillespie and Triantfeles, who are aviation mechanicians with rank of sergeants, and who served on the Rockwell motor field for months, but are now in the employ of the Crater Lake Garage, were on the Gore field and had been assisting the fliers, immediately began examining the plane and had located the oil trouble before the other plane landed that carried a mechanician. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, June 10, 1919, page 2 Roland Bray Visits Air Circus
Roland Bray made a trip over to Medford, early this week, to drive over
a new Dodge car for Ed. McLaughlin. While in Medford. Roland witnessed
the big aerial circus of army planes which cavorted in the ether over
that city and environs before proceeding on to Portland. He also tells
of a trick the pilots played on the crowd. While warming up their
engines before taking to the air, they would ask the people to step
back of the machines to give them a complete getaway, then they would
open up their engines and the rush of air from the propellers filled
the air with hats, coats, cloaks, wigs, and any other piece of wearing
apparel that was not too securely anchored to the wearer. Had our local
motorists been aware of the possibilities of the show, no doubt there
would have been many more in attendance.Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, California, June 13, 1919, page 1 Ralph Wortman, the McMinnville banker who is here awaiting the arrival of his airplane, received a telegram from Mather Field this forenoon that the plane would not sail for Medford until Friday morning. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1919, page 2 Salem and Roseburg will be abandoned Saturday as flying bases for the army airplanes on forest patrol duty in the state, on which day the change will also be made from the Curtiss training planes to the larger and speedier DeHavillands and the flying base moved to Eugene. Lieutenant Keil and one other pilot are expected to pass through Medford tomorrow on their way to Mather Field, where they will man two of the DeHavillands and fly back Saturday in them to Eugene. The speedier DeHavillands will make it possible to concentrate the entire forest patrol squadron at one base and cut down expenses. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1919, page 2 LANDING SITES SELECTED
EUGENE, Or., May
28.--Having selected landing sites in a number of cities in Southern
Oregon for the squadron of aeroplanes that will make the flight from
Mather Field, Sacramento, to Portland during the Rose Festival,
Lieutenant Colonel Lewis P. Campbell, John F. Risley and Lieutenants
Seth T. French and L. R. Mullineaux, sent out by the Rose Festival
management, arrived in Eugene this afternoon on their way back to
Portland.Resting Fields for Rose Festival Airmen Secured in South. They selected a site at Roseburg, which is already used by the government as a rifle range, and found suitable sites at Glendale, Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford. At Medford a field of alfalfa was chosen, and the business men there promised to buy the crop if it is necessary. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 29, 1919, page 6 MEDFORD WILL BE AEROPLANE BASE,
Medford Mail Tribune,
June 22, 1920, page 6
While Hugh B.
Rankin, supervisor of the Crater National Forest, is ignorant of the
details as yet, it is known that Medford will be placed on a par with
Eugene as a base for the forestry airplane fire patrol services which
begins June 25th, and that a crew of about 18 men will be stationed in
Medford. A government airplane officer is expected here this week to
complete the local plans.
Two aerial forest patrols will be maintained out of Medford instead of one as originally planned. One of these routes will extend south to Red Bluff, Cal., while the other will cover the territory north of Medford to Eugene. Six observers have been employed to assist in the work of the patrol. Two of these, E. T. Saunders and I. E. Kerr, will be stationed at the Medford base and the other four--Jack Benefiel, Elmer Pendell, Don Davis and Jay Jacobson--will be stationed at Eugene. The observers will receive a salary of $200 per month. FOREST PATROL PLANES, TRUCK REACH
Preparations are going
on rapidly in getting the landing field and headquarters of the forest
aviation patrol of the
Medford base equipped and ready for that service which begins on July 1.Four planes, including two big De Havillands, under command of Captain L. H. Smith, arrived here at about 6:30 o'clock p.m. Monday from Mather Field, Sacramento, and landed at Gore field, as the new field on the county fairgrounds is not yet ready. The huge Liberty aviation service 8-ton motor trucks and crews arrived last evening, one of which with part of the crew left for the Eugene base this morning. William F. Osborn, Jr., of Portland, of the U.S. Forest Service, who is in charge of the details of the forestry plane patrol in the state, is here today conferring with Captain Smith, Forest Supervisor Rankin and President Walther of the Chamber of Commerce regarding the details of the service from this base. Among the men who either arrived with Captain Smith or on the motor trucks are Sergeants M. Winall, John McGinn and Frank Waskin, Master Electrician E. L. Cornish, Corporals F. Martin, H. E. Blake, F. A. March, and L. Burman, Cadet Fliers T. J. Fowler, Cecil B. Geile and John Narzon. Sergeant McGinn was the companion of Lieutenant Webb when the latter lost his life by the falling of one of the forestry patrol planes near Gold Hill last summer. The sergeant was badly injured, but soon recovered and resumed duty. Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1920, page 7 Lieutenant Goldsborough of the Medford aviation field tried out the wireless outfit last night and picked up messages all along the coast, one being a telephone wireless from Los Angeles to Cataline Island. The local field is in splendid shape now, representing a high degree of orderliness and neatness. Lieutenant Goldsborough is one of the best-known aviators on the coast, took part in the transcontinental flight last year and had a narrow escape when his plane collided with a mountaintop in the Rockies. Goldsborough escaped with a few minor injuries, but his companion was killed. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1920, page 2 AVIATION FIELD TO BE NAMED FOR
The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce have decided to have
the Medford aviation landing field known officially as the "Barber
Field" in honor of Newell Barber, a Medford boy, who lost his life in
the air service in France.
The Medford field is one of the best north of Sacramento and is closer to the center of the business district than any field on the coast, it being one mile from Main Street. It is approximately seven hundred feet to the east of the Pacific Highway, and at present four hangars for the four planes now stationed there are directly east of the take-off section. The dedication of the Barber Field and the ceremony of giving it its official name will take place on Labor Day, September 6th, at which time the citizens of Medford will be called upon to participate in a patriotic parade, which will end at the field where the ceremony will take place. The Medford post of the American Legion are cooperating, and during the evening they will furnish a part of the entertainment of the occasion. Col. Arnold, department air service officer of San Francisco, and Captain Smith of Eugene have been extended invitations to participate, and assurances are given that the department will cooperate in making the dedication a notable success. Medford Mail Tribune, August 14, 1920, page 3 Aviation Field To Be Dedicated.
Medford will be the mecca of one of the largest gatherings which this
community has seen in years on Labor Day, September 6th, as at that
time the aviation landing field will be dedicated and given its
official name.
Some time ago the air service requested the Chamber of Commerce to officially name their field in order that the same may appear upon the list now being prepared by the government of all landing fields in the United States. The board of directors have had this in hand, and within a day or two will announce the name which has been selected. Action was taken by the members of the Chamber of Commerce at the forum meeting yesterday to have the board of directors plan for the dedication of the field by cooperating with the air service and the Medford post of the American Legion. As a tentative plan, a patriotic parade in the afternoon of the 6th is scheduled which will end at the aviation landing field where the services will no doubt be held. It is anticipated that Col. Arnold and Captain Smith of the air service will be the honored guests, and before definite plans can be announced they will be consulted as to their wishes as to the part of the dedication they will participate in. The entertainment to be furnished visitors in Medford on the 6th will include a dance given by the Legion at the Natatorium in the evening, and this will undoubtedly be a feature that will attract many visitors to the city.--Mail Tribune. Jacksonville Post, August 14, 1920, page 3 TEN DE HAVILLAND PLANES HERE FOR
The executive
committee in charge of the dedication of the Newell Barber Field,
appointed by the Chamber of Commerce and consisting of P. M. Janney,
George A. Codding and C. E. Gates, have formulated
plans which it is
expected will be one of the most successful affairs of its kind ever
participated in by the air service.
The program, roughly outlined, calls for a parade of automobiles decorated in patriotic colors which will start in the city of Medford at two-thirty in the afternoon and terminate at the aviation grounds where the dedication ceremony will take place. The parade will be under the direct supervision of E. H. Janney and Ralph Cowgill. It is anticipated that there will be thousands of automobiles in Medford on Labor Day, bringing in people from every corner of Jackson County, as well as many from Josephine County, and that an orderly system of parking cars may take place on the grounds. Captain H. A. Canaday and a corps of assistants will have charge. A communication from Major Arnold advises that complete cooperation may be expected from the air service and no less than ten De Havilland planes would be here at that time and possibly several planes of lighter type. After the ceremony of dedication the planes with make flights. Medford Mail Tribune,
August 26, 1920, page 6
There has been a keen interest displayed by the officers and men
connected with [the] air service stationed here in connection with the
forest fire patrol to assist in making the program for the dedication
of the Newell Barber Landing Field a greater success of any event of
its kind heretofore participated in.
There has been a splendid spirit displayed by these men toward the committee of the Chamber of Commerce in assisting and advising them as to the best arrangement of the automobiles which will be parked at the grounds on that day, and in so doing it is going to give everyone who attends an opportunity to view the taking off and landing of the airplanes. It is natural that the automobiles which are to be decorated and that participate in the parade will be given the choice of location and not permit those who could decorate their machines crowd out the ones who have shown the proper cooperation. The rain on Friday has put out most of the fires and has left conditions such as to make fires difficult to start from now on, and therefore the planes will be relieved from patrol duty, unless the most unfavorable circumstances present themselves, which is not looked upon as possible. Planes from the local station and those of Eugene will be here. It is expected that Major Arnold will come from San Francisco with a number of them, and it may be that planes from other stations will be here at that time, conditionally upon favorable chances of no fires in their districts. It may be safely predicted that ten DeHavillands will be on the Newell Barber Field that day and two planes of lighter make. These planes will make flights immediately after the dedication ceremony, and they will be interesting to those who have never seen the planes take off and land. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1920, page 6 There is only a very short period left now before the dedication of the Newell Barber Field takes place, and therefore an intensive advertising campaign should be conducted by the citizens of this city. Every automobile owner can assist in this respect by his displaying a windshield sticker advertising the event on his car. These stickers may be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters, and their use by cars going into the country districts is especially desired. "Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1920, page 8 THRONGS AT DEDICATORY EXERCISES 2000 Autos in Labor Day Parade--P. J. Neff Delivers Eloquent Address-- Legion Commander Thanks Community--Parachute Jump Thrilling-- 10,000 in City for Dedication of Newell Barber Field--Air Circus in Feature Event.
Beautiful in its sentiment, spectacular in its thrill features and
record-breaking locally in its immense assemblage of humanity and
autos, the dedication of Medford's army aviation field and the
christening of it as Newell Barber Field yesterday afternoon was
successful beyond the most sanguine expectations.
Mail Tribune, September 7, 1920, page 1Not an accident, not a hitch and not an unpleasant feature marred the big occasion, by which the name of Medford's high school aviator here who lost his life while flying over the German trenches in France is permanently perpetuated and honored. It was a day of significance and bigness. It is estimated that from 8000 to 10,000 persons, with all parts of southern Oregon represented, were assembled at the dedication exercises on the aviation field or in the surrounding vicinity. The parade, led by a band, was over two miles long, and the first mile of it leaving the city for the aviation grounds one mile south consisted of cars decorated with flags, bunting and flowers. Parade with 2000 Cars
And parked
on Newell Barber Field
and on the roads and fields nearby were 2000 cars, the greatest number
of cars ever assembled in Jackson County and probably southern Oregon.Well may the chamber of commerce be congratulated on the planning of such a day and carrying the program out so successfully, thanks to the perfect cooperation between the chamber and people. When the auto parade started no one conceived that it would become so immense, but car after car joined in until one wondered how there could be any more--and still they kept coming. It was a spontaneous outpouring in memory of one of Medford's heroes, and in honoring him everyone felt that they were honoring all the boys who parted with their lives during the war for their country. The air circus by the army aviators of the Oregon forest patrol service which wound up the afternoon's program, with its spectacular and dangerous flying stunts, was an appropriate ending for the program much enjoyed by the thousands assembled and other thousands watching at their home in Medford and other parts of the valley. The day's events wound up with a band concert in the city park last night and the American Legion ball and midnight cabaret at the Natatorium. The Dedication Exercises
dedication exercises were
simple, and the speeches were short, snappy and full of meaning. They
were held in about the middle of the field, the members of Company D,
National Guard, under Captain H. A. Canaday, keeping the crowd back in
the safety zone and acting as guides and guards at the entrances to the
field and other strategic points.Harry L. Walther, president of the chamber of commerce, presided and in his opening speech gave something of the history of the field, how it came to be purchased, developed and named. It is the best dirt landing field on the Pacific coast, the aviators say. The band played "America," and Rev. D. E. Millard made the dedicatory prayer. The next speaker was Mayor Gates, who spoke feelingly but briefly, and created a heart thrill by his announcement that the field, which is now owned by the county, would shortly be taken over by the city to ensure its being a perpetual memorial to Newell Barber. Gus Newbury then recited that ever-heart-touching, soul-thrilling and blood-arousing World War poem, "In Flanders Field." Neff's Inspiring Address
Then came
the orator of the day,
Porter J. Neff, who has won local fame as a speaker a number of times,
but never spoke so eloquently, feelingly or more patriotic as on this
occasion.A striking feature of the exercises was the presence of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Barber, parents of Newell Barber, in an auto with friends, near the speakers' stand. They were outwardly composed, seemingly, during the program, even the tears stood in the eyes of the other occupants of that car and in many other eyes in the big throng in sympathy with the stoically repressed grief of the parents--even when Mr. Neff so feelingly called attention to the last words of their beloved soldier son written home to his mother from France in his last letter, when he wrote: "If I should go, I want you to know that I go as a true American. I am not a slacker and I am not afraid." The next speaker was George A. Codding, commander of the Medford post of the American Legion, who said in part: Legion Expresses Gratitude
"On behalf
of the American Legion,
I wish to thank you, the citizens of Jackson County, today, for two
things: First, the arrangement of this great day, a landmark in the
patriotic life of our community; it is such occasions that draw from
our people the best expression of community spirit, and a reiteration
of their love of country."Second, your desire to assist us in the preservation of the memories and incidents of our service in the great war, the dedication of this field to the memory of one of our fallen comrades." Then came the speech accepting Newell Barber field on behalf of the army air services by Captain Lowell H. Smith, commander of the army air forest patrol in Oregon. The exercises proper were then ended with the band playing the "Star Spangled Banner." Air Circus Commences
Then the
air circus began, which
consisted of maneuvers with six big DeHavilland planes by Lieutenants
Goldsborough, Kiel and Conley, Cadets Fowler and Guile, and Captain
Smith. The flying program carried out was as follows:1st. Five ship-formation. 2nd. At the finish of the formation flying Lieutenant Coney landed, and Lieut. Goldsborough led the other three ships over the air starting line for a race of four laps. 3rd. At the conclusion of the race and before the planes landed, Captain Smith and Lieut. Coney flew away up in the sky to prepare for Coney's parachute jump, and Lieut. Goldsborough after the finish of the race remained in the air and gave an imitation aerial combat with Captain Smith. Now came the parachute jump, the most daring and thrilling feature of the circus. Lieutenant Coney is known as the daredevil of the Oregon army air patrol service, and nothing seems too risky for him to undertake. Therefore his parachute jump was expected to furnish a spectacular sight. It did, and more so than anyone expected. Crowd Is Terrorized
almost up out of sight, at an
elevation of from 3500 to 5000 feet he cut loose from his plane and
dropped swiftly almost 1000 feet without the parachute opening, the
crowd gripped with horror. Even the experienced aviators thought Coney
was a "goner" and held their breaths, turning pale. Coney himself was
scared for once.But finally the parachute opened out, to the great relief of everyone, and a second or so later another parachute opened out, it was a double parachute, and Coney still rather swiftly, but gracefully, descended, buoyed up between the two parachutes until he reached the earth in the plowed ground of the old aviation field across the Pacific Highway from Newell Barber field. In landing he sprained one of his ankles but otherwise escaped without a scratch except a lacerated hand through his efforts to get the parachute loose when he first began to descend. It was the most spectacular parachute drop ever seen by anyone among thousands of onlookers. Following this event the crowd was permitted to view the airplanes of the Medford base, which were lined up on the aviation field. FOREST AIRPLANE, LANDING BARBER
first accident of the air Forest Service patrol on the Medford aviation
field occurred this noon vhen the four planes and men from the
base arrved at Barber field to depart at 2 o'clock this afternoon for
Mather Field, Sacramento, this being the last day of the forest patrol
service in Oregon.The third of the planes to arrive from the Eugene base was a big De Havilland with Cadet DeGorma as pilot and mechanic Luddy, which in making the landing because DeGorma was flying too low struck the trees at the east end of the field, took a nose dive and completely overturned, badly wrecking the plane. Fortunately neither man was hurt beyond a few minor bruises. It is a matter of congratulation that the only accident happened on the last day, which not being a serious one, makes a clean record here for the season. Included in the group from Eugene which arrived in the four De Havilland planes were W. C. Boyce, liaison officer, Captain Lowell H. Smith and Lieutenants Kiel, Miller and Batten. Mrs. Goldsborough, wife of the lieutenant who has been in command of the Medford base, left last night by train for Sacramento. The lieutenant will fly with the remainder of the squadron which expected to leave this afternoon for Mather Field. Medford Mail Tribune, September 21, 1920, page 8 The October 15th issue of the American Legion Weekly contains a good picture of the dedication exercises of Newell Barber aviation field Labor Day and a write-up by the post correspondent of the events of that day in Medford. The photo was made by John B. Palmer. "Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1920, page 2 ARMY PLANE IS WRECKED LANDING
The two army airplanes, which have been in Medford since last
Wednesday, waiting for the clouds to go away before resuming their
flight from Mather Field to Camp Lewis for target practice there made a
start this forenoon, but on reaching the Umpqua divide ran into a snow
storm and were forced to come back to the Medford aviation field.
On making the land here Lieutenant Gardner's plane was practically wrecked. It was rolling along fast over the field when one of the wheels dished, bringing the big plane to a stop so suddenly that the propeller and practically everything else about the craft was broken. It was the second plane to be disabled since leaving Mather Field last Wednesday forenoon, as when the third of the three planes making the flight was about 12 miles north of Rogue River, its engine became disabled and Sergeant Andert, the pilot, was forced to make a landing in a field where this plane has since been, and will be for some time until a new motor or engine arrives from Mather Field by auto truck. It was not known how much longer the other aviators will be delayed here by the accident of today. Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1921, page 8 FOREST PLANES TO ARRIVE MEDFORD
The airplanes to be used in the forest fire patrol will arrive at
Medford on the 20th of this month and will operate with a personnel and
equipment similar to last year with the exception that the personnel
and operations will be slightly increased. This is the advice that has
been received by the Medford Chamber of Commerce from Captain Lowell H.
Smith of the 91st Squadron, who is now located at Mather Field,
The enlisted personnel, consisting of approximately thirty men, will leave Mather Field for Medford some time between May 15th and 20th. The present plan is for the equipment and supplies to leave on the 15th and the airplanes on the 20th. According to these plans the airplanes will reach Medford on the afternoon of the 20th and the equipment and supplies, which are undoubtedly being sent by truck, will reach this city several days in advance of the airplanes. The Newell Barber Field, which will be the Medford base for forest fire patrol of this district, is on land purchased by the City of Medford. The Medford Chamber of Commerce last year spent $1,178.96 of its funds in leveling the ground and to make this field one of the best on the western coast. Very little work is necessary on the field this year and this will probably be done by the Air Service men themselves. Because of the Newell Barber Field being so close to town and because of the character of the soil, the aviators last year preferred this field to any others along the coast. Residents of Medford are anxious to see the members of the Air Service return and will give them a hearty welcome. Medford Mail Tribune, May 3, 1921, page 3 LOCAL FOREST PLANE BURNED AFTER
Within fifteen minutes after De
Havilland plane No. 25 had started up this morning on its daily mission
of searching out forest fires it was on the ground in the field
adjoining the local aviation field totally destroyed by fire.De Havilland Plane No. 25 Is Totally Destroyed at Barber Field This Morning-- Engine Trouble Forces Landing--Gas Tank Explodes. This is the second accident at the aviation field within 10 days, which leaves only two De Havilland planes at the local base. The first accident was the result of a landing, which put the other plane out of commission. With Lieutenant Carter as pilot and Sergeant Burman as observer No. 25 was just starting on the Eugene trip shortly before 9 a.m. and had only risen to a height of about 75 feet when because of engine trouble Carter decided to land at once, and succeeded in doing so in the field about 200 yards south of the aviation field. He and Burman got out of the plane and discovered that it had caught fire in some way, probably from the exhaust tank. A few minutes later the small tank exploded and the plane was enveloped in flames. The Medford fire department was summoned by phone but all the apparatus was out at the time except the chemical engine, and the informant had simply phoned that there was a fire at the aviation field. Had he phoned that a plane was on fire, D. T. Lawton, who was alone at the engine house, could probably have rushed there in time with the chemical apparatus to have extinguished the flames before the plane was totally destroyed. Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1921, page 1 AIR PATROL IN OREGON CALLED OFF
PORTLAND, Ore., July 29.--Shirley Buck, assistant district forester,
announced today the Forest Service had decided to suspend airplane
patrol in Oregon because of the difficulty in getting requisitions for
gasoline approved. These requisitions must go through departmental
routine, he explained.Forest Fire Patrol Planes Are Ordered to Stop Until Further Notice--Gas Shortage and Red Tape Given as the Cause--Medford May Be Retained as Base. “This is a particularly bad stage of the fire season for anything like this to occur,” said Mr. Buck. “Underbrush and dead logs and trees in the forests are now nearly all dry, and without patrol of the areas it will be possible for forest fires to gain great headway before being discovered.” Airplanes have been spotting on the average of two or three fires a day, said Mr. Buck, most of which have been small, and by means of wireless reports they have been quickly reached and extinguished before they could do much damage. ----
SAN FRANCISCO, Julyu 29.--The United States Forest Service air patrol
is idle throughout California today on account of the shortage of funds
to purchase gasoline for the army airplanes employed, Major H. H.
Arnold, chief of the army air service here, announced today. About
thirty airplanes are affected.Major Arnold said he did not know how soon the situation would be relieved. ----
No planes will be seen flying about
Medford and the valley for the next few days at least, as orders have
been received at the aviation sub-base here to the effect that the
daily air forest patrol service in Oregon and Washington states has
been temporarily discontinued. The reason for this discontinuance is
not known to Lieutenant Samuel Carter, in command of the local base,
nor to Lieutenant Gruever, the Forest Service liaison officer of the
local base, as the orders received here did not state the reason. It is
presumed, however, that the economy and army reduction program has
something to do with the matter.Another thing of much interest to local people is that although orders were received at the Medford base last week to have the planes and equipment removed to the Eugene base, the local base is to continue business only as an oil and gas station for the planes which would cover this territory daily from Eugene, the move has not yet been made, and no orders have been received as to the time when it will be. In fact it is understood that orders have been received here to continue the base as usual until further orders are received in regard to the removal. In this connection it is interesting to note that local influences have been at work with the Oregon senators to have the Medford base retained. Medford Mail Tribune, July
29, 1921, page 1
The roar of a De Havilland airplane was heard by Medford citizens for
the first time in several weeks yesterday morning and was heard again
this morning. It is probable that this satisfying and assuring sound
will be heard from now until September 15, if not later.
The Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, is now supplying the gasoline necessary to operate the planes until a carload of gasoline now on its way from the East arrives. Regular visits will be made to Medford from the Eugene base until the end of the forest fire season. Medford Mail Tribune, August 22, 1921, page 2 AERIAL SQUADRON REACHES MEDFORD
The remaining planes of the 91st
airplane squadron arrived here from the Eugene base this forenoon,
alighted at Barber field, where they took on oil and gas supplies, and
departed at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Mather field. The other planes
had gone on to Mather field before. The other equipment has been
shipped from the Eugene base. Thus comes to an end the airplane forest
patrol for Oregon for the 1921 season.The eight planes presented a beautiful sight as they came sailing over the valley at 11 a.m. today in battle formation, in command of Captain Lowell H. Smith. In landing at Barber field one of the planes stood on its nose and was damaged. Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1921, page 1 NO AIR PATROL FOREST FIRES ON
WASHINGTON, April 3.--Appropriations for the airplane forest patrol in
the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere definitely killed Saturday when the
senate subcommittee on appropriations, considering the agricultural
bill, concluded its work and announced that no money has been included
for the purpose.
Senator McNary, who has labored to have the forest air patrol continued, explained that he was unable to make headway because Secretary of War Weeks and the budget director are against maintaining the patrol this year in the face of a demand for reduction of [the] army. The army will cut the aviation force to a skeleton limited to performance of strictly military duty. Major General Patrick, air service chief, favors the forest patrol, but the army appropriation bill will not permit such activities, according to Secretary Weeks, and the Forest Service is dependent on the army to supply planes and aviators. In part compensation for abandonment of the airplane patrol, the commission added $80,000 to the amount the house had allowed for lookouts and rangers in the national forests. Twenty-five thousand additional will be reported for roads, trails and bridges in the forests, and $12,000 more for appraisals of timber and grazing permit expenses. The subcommittee also voted to add $7500 under an amendment by McNary to send an expert to Manchuria to investigate and report upon the area planted, varieties and general conditions of walnut culture; to study the marketing of broccoli, which is extensively produced around Roseburg, and to investigate methods of waxing and wrapping pears and apples for market. They are all purposes in which Oregon producers are interested. The subcommittee increased by $1,300,000 the sum proposed by the house for eradication of tuberculosis in cattle, and added $107,000 for collecting and publishing agricultural data, including crop and livestock estimates. McNary, chairman of the appropriation subcommittee in charge, says he is assured the full committee will accept the figures named, which will carry the bill to the senate floor with these provisions intact. Medford Mail Tribune,
April 3, 1922, page 3
Mail Tribune, July 24, 1922, page 6
Owing to the fact that no forest patrol planes have landed here since
they passed through going north two or three weeks ago, this office
wrote Capt. Lowell H. Smith, asking if any planes were to be stationed
here and if not would this be a landing base, and if one of the three
radio stations they were to establish in the state would be put in at
Medford. This is his reply:
"There will be no planes permanently stationed in Medford, nor will a radio control station be established there, during the present forest patrol season. "This year we are patrolling state forest principally, and only go over national forests during a fire crisis. We intend to use the Medford field for the purpose of taking state foresters stationed at Medford over their territory whenever desired. This, however, will be delayed somewhat pending the conditioning of the Medford landing field. At present it may be necessary for the Medford forester to go to Roseburg or Grants Pass to meet patrol planes. "Our radio stations will be established in Salem, Eugene, and Roseburg. These three stations will receive messages from planes over any part of the state forests." FLEET AIRPLANES WILL TAKE PART IN
Mail Tribune, August 24, 1922, page 3
Through the courtesy of Lowell H. Smith, in charge of the airplanes
that are patrolling the Oregon and Washington forests, arrangements
have been made to have the government airplanes here during the Jackson
County fair, September 13 to 16. This will be welcome news as it adds
another feature to the already splendid program arranged for the
entertainment of the thousands of people that will be present from all
over Oregon and California.
Capt. Smith does not say how many planes he can send here but has promised the maximum number consistent with patrol duties. Part of the credit for securing these planes is due to Senator Chas. L. McNary, who secured permission from the chief of the air service in Washington, D.C., on request of a representative of the fair board. AIRPLANE SQUADRON LANDS IN MEDFORD
flight of five army DeHavillands en route to Portland, where they will
take part in the reception to be tendered President Harding on July
4th, landed at Barber Field at one o'clock today to refuel before
continuing northward. The planes are from Crissey Field, Presidio, San
One airplane seldom attracts the attention of Medford residents since their ordinary use here on the forest patrol, but a flight of five DeHavillands with the aggregate 2000 horsepower of the motors roaring its exhaust caused considerable neck-twisting among local residents this afternoon. The five planes took off en route to Portland at 3:05 p.m., flying in formation. Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1923, page 7 NAVY D'HAVILLANDS AT BARBER FIELD
Mail Tribune, August 22, 1923, page 3
Three naval airplanes, DeHavilland 4s,
landed at Barber Field yesterday afternoon en route from Seattle to the
North Island Naval Air Base at San Diego.
The machines got on the field just in time to escape the hail storm and cloudburst which struck a few minutes before 4 o'clock. They took off at 8:30 this morning to continue their trip south. Nine more DeHavillands attached to the same squadron will land here this week en route south. Six are expected tomorrow and three Friday. Part of them are the machines that passed through Medford and landed here last month when the late President Harding was returning from Alaska. WHAT A FIRST-CLASS AIRPLANE
Experts of the Bureau of Standards of the Department of Commerce
believe that within the next ten years the United States will see an
extension of the use of aircraft for business and pleasure somewhat
similar to the extension in the use of automobiles between 1905 and
1915. Airplanes will be used more and more for carrying mails
perishable goods, while it is not impossible that people of
wealth will find them useful for commuting for business trips and for
weekend and vacation trips.The effect of the airplane, if developed as is expected, will be to extend very greatly the distance to which such trips can be made in a given period of time. They will permit commuting from distances of a hundred miles, while weekend trips can be made from New York to the Thousand Islands, from San Francisco to Yosemite, from Washington and Baltimore to the mountains of Virginia, and from Boston to the Maine woods. If the visions of the experts materialize, people whose business requires only occasional visits to the city can live almost anywhere they choose, while some of our wealthiest men can spend their winters in Florida and their summers in Nova Scotia, and still keep in touch with business interests in New York. Good Landing Field Will Get Business All of these possibilities indicate a considerable extension of the city's influence, with rise in real estate values and an increase in prosperity for many of our smaller towns. But it must be remembered that the airplane traffic will not be evenly distributed. The flying people go where landing facilities are provided. The town that first provides these facilities should become popular with aircraft and may in later years be the fashionable resort of the region. Good rail and motor roads, combined with beautiful scenery, have made our fashionable suburbs and summer resorts of today, and even so good landing fields combined with other desirable characteristics should help make the fashionable suburb and summer resorts of the future. What a Landing Field Should Have. The requisite dimensions, proportions, and equipment of landing fields have been thoroughly studied by experts and the best modern knowledge on the subject is embodied in the National Aeronautical Safety Code now being prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of Standards and the Society of Automotive Engineers. Fields rated as first class (1) will have hangar space, repair equipment, tools, etc.; supplies of fuel, oil, water, and spare parts, telephone communication; hotel near, and convenient transportation to the metropolis for passenger and freight; attendants at all times; guard to enforce field regulations; obstacle lights, course lights, and night ground wind indicator; visible beacon; radio, both beacon and communication. Second-class fields will have all of this equipment except the beacon and radio equipment. Third-class landing fields will have mooring space with some tools and repair equipment nearby; supplies of fuel, oil, and water accessible; telephone nearby; good roads to the city; attendant available upon arrangement. Fourth-class fields are those intended for emergency landings only. Any field that cannot qualify in one of the higher classes will be rated as fourth class. All of these fields are required to have certain markings. There must be a white circle one hundred feet in outside diameter and four feet wide at the center of the landing area, and a white marker three feet wide and thirty feet long to indicate the normal landing direction or directing of landing with no wind. This marker is placed over the circle and its axis passes through the center of the circle. There should also be a marker indicating the name of the field and its location. These are described in the code. There must in addition be a wind cone to tell the direction and approximate velocity of the wind, and the boundaries of the field must be plainly visible. All of the markings should be concealed when the field is not in use. Graded According to Size. The code also specifies the dimensions that landing fields of different grades must have, and the extent to which approach to them may be obstructed. Any high obstruction at the edge of the field is assumed to reduce the effective length of the field in that direction by an amount equal to seven times the height of the obstruction. Thus a grove of trees fifty feet high would reduce the length of the field by 350 feet. A grade "A" landing field shall have a firm runway of not less than 2500 feet in any direction, and all approaches shall be clear of obstructions. Its landing area should be nearly plane and shall be firm in wet weather. A grade "B" landing field may have a firm runway of 1800 feet in any direction or two runways at right angles and each 2100 feet long. These may be arranged in L, T, or X shape. In the latter cause, all approaches must be clear, but if the field is good for taxiing in any direction, a total of thirty degrees out of 360 measured from the center of the field nay be obstructed. For grade "C" the corresponding dimensions are 1200 feet if open in all directions and 1400 feet if limited to two directions. A total obstruction of ninety degrees is permitted, but the ends of the runways must be unobstructed. The surface must be such as to permit; emergency landings in wet weather. Grade "D" fields are intended for emergency landings only. They should have at least one unobstructed runway 750 feet long and 300 feet wide. Landing Fields to Be Registered. The Airways Section, Office of the Chief of Air Service, War Department, Washington, D.C., is the registering agency for landing fields in this country. Descriptions of all landing fields should be sent to this office, and they should be notified of any changes, or of the abandonment of existing fields. They are also prepared to furnish advice regarding the design and organization of landing fields. Medford Mail Tribune,
July 26, 1923, page 6
San Francisco, Oct. 2.--An accident and fog combined today to cause the
first serious interruption in the schedule of the recently established
Los Angeles-Seattle airmail service.(Associated Press Leased Wire) The northbound mail was thrown several hours behind schedule when a plane piloted by Fred Goss fell 200 feet at Bakersfield. The accident occurred when the motor stalled just after the plane had taken off. Goss escaped with minor injuries. The mail was not damaged and was carried north in a reserve machine. A stoppage in the gasoline tank had caused the engine to go dead, causing the plane to drop. The airplane, which will be removed to San Francisco for repairs, was damaged to the extent of approximately $2,500. A southbound plane was prevented from completing its run from Portland to Medford, Ore., when the pilot, Vernon Brookwalter, encountered dense fog in the Rogue River Valley. Forced to turn back near the summit of the Cascades, Brookwalter landed his machine in Klamath Falls, Ore., to await further orders. Hanford Journal, Hanford, California, October 3, 1926, page 1 AIRPORT WIRELESS ERECTED
Will Be Completed This Week for Air Mail Reports from This City--First Aerological Tests Taken Today--Christmas Air Mail Rush Starts
Taking the first practical tests at 7 o'clock this morning, the
benefits to the coast air mail of the United States aerological
station, established here this week, were clearly shown. The results
were so conclusive that the station was doubly regarded as a boon to
the air mail service, which has a terminal here. Results of the tests,
which are taken twice daily by D. M. Little, transferred to Medford
from Ithaca, N.Y., will be broadcast from the airport daily by the
means of a wireless telegraph station now being installed and which
will keep in touch with San Francisco on the south and Vancouver,
Wash., on the north.
The wireless station, which is now being installed, is similar to those used on the transcontinental line, and will be in charge of an operator who as yet has not been chosen. The installation of the equipment is in the personal charge of the air company's radio expert and is expected to be completed by Christmas Day. The new addition will do much to eliminate the sending of telegrams from this city to points up and down the coast, as the station will be powerful enough to keep in touch with the terminus at each end of the air mail route. While the weather, states Vern C. Gorst, president of the Pacific Air Mail Transport Company, who arrived in Medford yesterday from San Francisco, is ideal in Southern Oregon, north- and southbound ships were delayed somewhat today because of adverse weather beyond the Siskiyou Mountains and to the north. The Christmas rush for the air mail is getting under way, as evidenced by the fact that over 300 pounds of mail, a quantity much larger than the average, left San Francisco this morning for northern points, and the bulk is expected to materially increase before the apex of the rush has been reached and passed. "The mail system is working to perfection," said Mr. Gorst today, "and I have every reason to believe that the coast route will bring better results than we dared hope at first to expect. In fact, everything is fine." Enabled by information furnished by the station, this morning's southbound plane was able to fly to San Francisco in far less time than schedule by rising to a height of 13,500 feet, where the wind was blowing at a rate of 82 miles per hour from the north, directly in an opposite direction from the surface air currents, which came from the south. Sending up a three-foot hydrogen-filled balloon, unhampered by captive ropes, the wind was found to be flowing at a rate of four miles per hour 750 feet from the ground. Results of the tests at different heights are as follows: 1500 feet, six miles per hour from the southeast; 3000 feet, 12 miles per hour from the east; 4500 feet, 21 miles per hour from the northeast; 6000 feet, 23 miles from the same direction; 7000 feet, 41 miles from the northeast; 12,000 feet, 66 miles per hour from the north; 13,500, 82 miles from the north. Equipped with delicate instruments, Mr. Little is able to determine wind speed by the means of the angles the balloons take when blown by the air current. The exact altitude is made certain by the fact that the balloon rises at the rate of 500 feet per minute, the angles being observed at half-minute periods. When the 82-mile-per-hour gale was checked, the balloon had traveled approximately 10 miles from the airport where it had been released. Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1926, page 1 One of the busiest, though one of the smallest, fields in this section is that at Medford. This is Barber Field, in the Rogue River Valley, a little more than a mile from the center of the city. This field serves as a relay point on the Los Angeles-Seattle mail route. Its elevation is 1330 feet and its area 30 acres. It has one runway of 2000 feet and one of half that length, both ample for the light planes using that field. FOG IS DETRIMENT
Fog is a severe detriment to this field, being observed on an average
of six days a month during the winter and interfering with flying
almost as often as observed. Generally the fog is observed only in the
early mornings, clearing after a few hours so that it does not often
obstruct the mail plane, whose schedule brings them to the field
between 9 and 10 o'clock.The ground is clay and often muddy; the runways are gravel. Winds may be anything at the surface, but at flying levels usually are from the southeast. There is much rough air. There are no serious obstructions in the air approaches to the field, though pilots have to be careful of two wireless towers 200 yards to the west in high weather. [The KMED radio towers were over a mile to the northwest, at Main and Riverside.] "Airport Site Here Found Superior," Oakland Tribune, March 7, 1927, page 11 NO ARMY PLANES
PORTLAND, Ore., April 11.--(AP)--Colonel
W. B. Greeley, chief forester, here today to discuss fire prevention
with government forest officials of western states, said that while it
was doubtful whether army airplanes would be available for forest fire
patrol duty this summer, he was considering the possibility of hiring
commercial planes for the purpose.Colonel Greeley said that his service would not be crippled hopelessly by loss of airplane scouts if they could not be obtained. He said, however, that the aviators do very useful work in spotting fires just started after electric storms, and in observation when the air is so thick with smoke that ground lookouts have limited vision. In conference with his aides, Colonel Greeley today began work of preparing to protect 96,000,000 acres of timber in western states that carry high fire hazard. He expects to remain in this territory two weeks and then go to California. Among those present at the conference today were Carl Neal, supervisor of Umpqua forest, Roseburg, and John Irwin, supervisor of Umatilla forest, Pendleton. Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1927, page 1 D. M. LITTLE TO
Beginning with tomorrow, Medford and the
valley will have a regular United States Weather Bureau substation with
a government weather official in charge, in the person of Delbert M.
Little, meteorologist.Mr. Little, whose assistant is Dwight Randall, will continue to have charge of the aeronical government work here in connection with the local airplane landing field, and his scientifically equipped office will continue in its present location on the fourth floor of the Liberty Building, in the county agents' suite. Hence, from tomorrow on, Mr. Little, who is a benign, studious and unsuspecting individual, will be responsible for the weather dished out in this locality, little realizing what is in store for him. No doubt, however, as is always the case in government circles the country over, when at times of embarrassing pressure by the public makes things too hot for him he will pass the buck on to his innocent assistant. The change in handling the weather bureau matters here means that Medford and the valley will get better all-around and official weather information and knowledge--the best that Uncle Sam can afford to give to this thriving and deserving community. Mr. Little will give out daily forecasts and up-to-date official information about the weather, that will be contained in a daily table published in the Mail Tribune, containing daily and monthly temperatures, precipitation, directions of wind, humidity, etc., and comparisons with the past, so that at a glance anyone can absorb the information. This has been a boon long desired by the Rogue Valley public and was made possible through Mr. Little having been assigned here months ago to have charge of air weather matters for the guidance of the Pacific Air Transport Company planes, which carry the U.S. mail, and the fact that he can handle the general weather in addition. For years Medford has had no trained government weather bureau man, the work having been performed by the county agent's office, along with other duties, and the predictions for the valley coming from the San Francisco and Portland weather bureau offices, mainly from the latter. These predictions, which were mainly designed for the general weather over the state, often went wrong as applying to the Rogue River Valley, because of its geological location and local conditions. Now, while the predictions will continue to be sent here from the outside, they will be revised in accordance with special valley conditions. In other words, Medford and the valley will hereafter receive more accurate weather predictions, and although Mr. Little promises to dish out only nice brands of weather during his administration, it is an apt procedure to remind the local public that that the far-off region where most of the temporary heat waves come from is paved with good intentions, and where the people have often wished many a good well-meaning weather bureau man. As long as the new weather observer dishes out nice weather, the public will affectionately speak of him as Del, but when things go wrong and exceptionally bad weather temporarily prevails, the most of the populace will call him the first name they can think of. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1927, page 4 IMPROVE MEDFORD'S
If Medford is to retain her preeminence
in aviation development, as the only air mail landing station in the
state, the present flying field must be improved, and brought up to
date. The present field, experts declare, is too narrow, and portions of the runway too rough. There are no proper lights for a night landing, and other features which should be changed. According to our information, the government plans to install lights for night landing in the near future. Probably if local action were taken, this work would be hastened. Meanwhile it would be an excellent idea for the special aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce to make a complete survey of the entire situation, determine what should be done, and devise ways and means to do it. Medford was very fortunate to secure the air mail station. Air transportation is to be the most important single development in this country during the next ten years. This is no time to take chances. The opportunity is ours; now is the time to take advantage of it. The expense of placing the local air field in proper condition will be nothing compared with the material benefits involved. No time should be lost in making these necessary improvements and placing Medford's station securely in the Type A class. Medford Mail Tribune, August 18, 1927, page 4 CITY MAY LOSE AIR
Unless the county fair board cooperates
and agrees to do away with the half-mile race track inside the big race
track at the county fairgrounds, the needed improvements which Colonel
Wm. H. Britton, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, says must be made to make the
Medford airport a first-class one, that official will make out an
unfavorable report against the Medford landing field.The necessary changes cannot be made, says Secretary Baker, of the chamber of commerce, who has been giving much study to the question ever since Col. W. H. Britton, U.S. Department of Commerce, made his inspection the other day and issued his ultimatum that unless the fair association is willing to abandon the half-mile track, and two strips of land on either side of the air landing field, owned by the city of Medford, are also turned over the airport for the enlargement of the field. There seems to be no question that the city council, when the matter is brought to its attention, will donate its land adjacent the big track, but when Secretary Baker discussed the matter today with C. E. Gates, president of the fair association, the latter declared that the association would not give up the half-mile track, as it was needed for horse races. If the fair association holds to this attitude, Secretary Baker says that Medford will be up against it in making the ordered changes and avoid an averse report, as no other landing field is available in the city or immediate vicinity. However, if the space in the half-mile track is given over, the changes that could be made would make the Medford airport one of the largest and best in the United States. Secretary Baker is hopeful that president Gates and the other fair association directors will grant this boon, when they realize what a great national advertisement for the city is the Medford airport. Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1927, page B6 ORDER COWS AT
Medford has the distinction of probably
being the only airport in the United States with cows pastured on the
landing field, which have been bothering the arriving and departing
aviators.It seems that the aviators of the Pacific Air Transport have been so pestered at times to such an extent with some of the half dozen or more cows pastured on the landing field by the caretaker of the county fairgrounds, on which the airport is located, and others, that they have complained and asked to have the nuisance abolished. In heed to this complaint, orders have just been issued to have these cows more securely tied on the fairgrounds that they cannot get loose and browse along the runways. Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1927, page 8 RACE TRACK AT
The fate of Medford's airport, whether
it is to be enlarged and otherwise improved as demanded by a government
inspector last week, or another air landing field provided somewhere
else in the city or valley, or in case of neither of these events
transpiring the city and valley losing the airport station entirely and
it going to some other nearby city or town, will become known tonight
when a meeting of the directors of the Jackson County Fair Association,
the county court and local aviation officials will be held to thresh
out the matter.Abandonment for Landing Field Opposed by Some Directors-- New Field Is Favored--Discuss Matter at Meeting Tonight. Local aviators and aviation officials claim that the present airport can only be enlarged through the abandonment of the half-mile race track within the big race track at the fairgrounds, and this is conceded by the directors of the fair association. However, there is a feeling among some of the directorate of the association that the directors will never agree to abandon the half-mile track and turn it over to the airport. They argue that it would be better to find another location in the city or valley for the airport, rather than give up the present half-mile track. President C. E. Gates and H. O. Frohbach hold this attitude according to views they expressed this forenoon. It is explained that the fairgrounds site of 80 acres was purchased by the county court years ago and turned over to the fair association with the stipulation in a contract that all proceeds gained through fair exhibitions must be devoted to permanent improvements on the grounds. Therefore no change could be made in abandoning the half-mile track without the consent of the county court. It is argued by the opposing fair association directors that to abandon the half-mile track for landing field purposes would render the $12,000 grandstand at the fairgrounds useless, and also other expensive improvements made in the past. They believe that another suitable aviation site can be found in the city or vicinity for an up-to-date and first-class airport. Medford Mail Tribune, August 24, 1927, page 1 OUTLINE STEPS FOR
If the local plans are accepted and
carried out, Medford will have one of the best aviation fields on the
coast and will be on the line that will be lighted from Los Angeles to
Seattle, enabling flying at night as well as in the daytime.Local Airport to Be Enlarged--Seely Hall Off by Plane to Present New Plans to Col. Britton. At a meeting on the aviation field Wednesday afternoon of the mayor, members of the city council, county court, members of the of the fair directory, P.A.T. company and the chamber of commerce, it was decided to enlarge Medford's aviation field to meet the requirements of Colonel Wm. M. Britton, underwriter for insurance companies, who visited the field this week, and whose recommendation is also accepted by the government in permanently locating fields. In order to be sure the decision would be satisfactory in every way with Col. Britton, the committee decided to send Seely Hall, manager of the Pacific Air Transport Company in this city, by airplane to Los Angeles today to personally present the plans to him, and Mr. Hall left this morning on the regular air mail plane and will arrive in Los Angeles at 5 p.m. today. The report as to what Medford proposed to do had to reach Col. Britton today. It was decided not to impair either of the race tracks on the fairgrounds, but to level off the ground between the two tracks, which will make a landing field 600 feet wide and from 2000 to 2300 feet long that will be as large as most of the fields on the coast. Three wide landing lanes will be provided, one 2300 feet long and two 2000 feet long. These will run in different directions across the field, allowing ships to land with the wind in any direction. They will also be graveled so ships will have no trouble landing in rainy weather. There are now two landing lanes, one 1100 and one 2300 feet, but they are too narrow and one is too short. If the field as planned is recommended by Col. Britton, and there is very reason it will be, as it is ample and because the government is very favorable to Medford as one of the first municipal landing fields on the coast was made here, it is believed the government will order lighting the field to Medford. Plans for this are already on file with the government, made by three different electrical companies who make a specialty of this work. At present, lighting has been ordered by the government on this line from Los Angeles to Redding, Calif. Medford Mail Tribune, August 25, 1927, page 8 HALL RETURNS,
"Medford does not need to worry for fear
of losing the local airport," said Seely Hall, who arrived in Medford
today on the Shasta from San Francisco where he had been attending a
meeting of air transportation officials regarding the Medford landing.
"A final report will not be made on the aviation field until some time
later when more of the details have been worked out," Mr. Hall
continued.Federal Officials Anxious to Remain and Will Cooperate--Local Field Will Be Inspected Again Before Final Report. Officials of the United States Department of Commerce and the Pacific Air Transport are anxious to cooperate in every way with Medford citizens in enlarging the aviation landing. They do not see that it is necessary for any large amount to be spent in fixing up the field in the immediate future. The men have a great deal of interest in keeping the landing where it is now and seem to have Medford's interest at heart. Messrs. Curtiss and Miller of the Department of Commerce will come to Medford soon to look over the local landing, according to present plans. They would come immediately, Mr. Hall says, if it was thought necessary. He expects to hear definitely when they will arrive early this week. Sometime in the future it will be necessary to light the field, but not very soon. Airplane transportation in Oregon, or on the Pacific Coast for that matter, has not yet become so heavy that night flying is necessary. When the occasion warrants lights they will be put up, Mr. Hall says. The same applies to the removal of the race track. If it becomes necessary to enlarge the field to the extent that the track is in the way, it will have to be taken out. Colonel Britton, San Francisco insurance adjuster who judges the landing fields for the Pacific Air Transport, said at first that the track would have to be moved. Later, however, when the thing had been discussed more fully, he decided it would not be necessary in the immediate future. Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1927, page 1 MEDFORD AIRPORT A
W. T. Miller, airway extension
superintendent of the airway division of the Department of Commerce,
with headquarters in San Francisco, arrived this morning by airplane
and made a thorough inspection of the Medford airport, in company with
Seely V. Hall.Supt. Miller Makes Inspection of Local Field--Recommendations Are Accepted and Work to Start Soon--Settle Question of Permanency. At noon, at the Medford Hotel, Superintendent Miller met the aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce, representatives of city and county court, and outlined the plans for remodeling the airport in conference with government requirements, which will provide two airways 2,300 feet long and the regulation width. The committee accepted the recommendations, and work will start at an early date to fulfill them. Superintendent Miller will file an official report approving of the local airport. The field, when completed, will make the local airport one of the best on the Pacific Coast, and will forever settle the disputes of the past relative to its permanency. Owing to the present air mail schedule on the Pacific Coast, superintendent Miller stated that it would not be necessary to light the mail airway from Redding, Cal., to Medford and Portland. Arrangements have been made for the lighting of the route from Los Angeles to Redding, via San Francisco, where night flying is now necessary. Later, the way will be lighted from Seattle to Portland, and as far south as necessary to accommodate early morning flying. When it becomes time to light for air mail or commercial flying on to Medford, it will be done by the government. Superintendent Miller said that under the congressional act of 1920, $3,500,000 was appropriated for a five-year program to light 3600 miles of airways to follow the air mail routes, devoting their efforts at first to the transcontinental lines. An aerial survey is made first, over the prospective routes, and selections made of locations that furnishes the best electrical and highway facilities, and then restudy the routes in automobiles, locating what is known as intermediate fields, which are lighted and maintained by the government for army and navy and emergency field landings, but not for commercial purposes. These are located about 30 miles apart, from what is known as commercial and air mail fields, like the Medford field, the government lighting the way between all fields, but leaving the commercial to be lighted and maintained privately. One-thousand-watt lights are used, located about ten miles apart. Large arrows point the way, and arranged so dots are flashed at each station, which allows the pilot to determine the station and name by maps carried in the planes. Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1927, page 1 LOCAL AIR FIELD
Preparations for the arrival and
departure from the local landing field of the entrants in the Pacific
Coast air derby tomorrow morning are completed. A crew of six airplane
mechanics has been assembled to be on duty when the first ship arrives
around 9 o'clock for refueling and a large supply of gasoline is on
hand to fill the needs of all ships. The Medford aerological station is
also prepared to give early morning reports on wind currents at high
altitudes.At present it is thought that many of the numerous entrants will stop in Medford for refueling and inspection of ships, while others will make a non-stop flight to Portland before commencing the last lap to Spokane. Weather reports on wind currents will be received here by D. M. Little, meteorologist, and given to pilots at the field. Early tomorrow morning at 4 o'clock Mr. Little will send balloons into the air equipped with lanterns so that they may be followed in the darkness. The lanterns were made of paper by Mr. Little and each has a candle capable of burning 45 minutes, enabling the balloons to be seen by the aid of instruments for approximately 22,000 feet. Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1927, page 3 SEELY HALL AND
Seely Hall, local representative of the
Pacific Air Transport, and D. M. Little, the local meteorologist who is
also in charge of the aerological observations of the Medford airport,
yesterday visited Shasta City, Calif., formerly known as Sisson, to
make arrangements for receiving daily weather reports from there at the
local airport when a new landing field is established in that location
soon.There is no landing field in that section at present, and it is understood the new one is to be established by the Forest Service as soon as title can be obtained from the Southern Pacific railroad company which owns or controls the land. The site for the projected landing field is said to be a good one. Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1927, page 3 TO FIX UP AIR
In order that the Medford airport
landing field be placed in first-class condition, and comply with the
government specifications as to measurements, a general day of toil
will be called next week, probably Thursday. The date depends upon the
time the aviation committee can secure the equipment promised them by
the city, county and state authorities.Medford Citizens Urged to Donate Day of Work at Local Air Field-- County Court Donates Road Machinery The aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce, composed of J. D. Russell, Seely V. Hall, Howard Scheffel and Secretary C. T. Baker of the Chamber of Commerce, conferred with the county court this morning and were promised the use of the county scarifier and tractor, and other machinery. The city and state highway commission have promised to furnish machinery to aid in the work. On the general day of toil, members of the service clubs of the city will be asked to take off their coats, roll up their sleeves, and grab hold of picks and shovels. The American Legion has agreed to step forward, and the Lions, Rotarians, Kiwanians and other organizations will do likewise. The purpose of the day of effort is to smooth out the field, fill up a large gully in the path of descending planes, and remove trees that hinder hopoffs and landings. When the work is completed, planes will be able to ascend and descend readily, no matter which way the wind is blowing. It is planned that the landing field will be about 250 feet wide and the full 2300 feet long, without a bump or a hump in it. This would meet with federal aviation inspector's approval. The women's service clubs will be asked to provide coffee and sandwiches on the day of toil, and goad the menfolk to greater efforts by flattery, compliments and other feminine wiles. According to members of the committee, it is imperative that the field be placed in first-class shape without delay and, as funds are not available, a general call for volunteer and organized labor is issued. Medford Mail Tribune, October 14, 1927, page 1 MAKE MEDFORD
Medford commenced work today in response
to a decision of the chamber of commerce directors at a meeting last
night to improve the local airport to meet the requirements of the
government as outlined by Mr. Miller, who was here a few weeks ago and
who has charge of this work on the coast.This city was one of the first in the state to have a landing field, and is recognized by the government officials and others interested in aviation and mails as being progressive in this line. Medford is centrally located between Portland and San Francisco, has been the only airport in Oregon until just recently, is one of the principal cities on the Pacific Air Transport, appears on all the government and private aviation maps and is destined to be one of the principal air mail, passenger, freight and express ports on the coast. Two new companies have recently announced that Medford would be one of their main ports on their coast lines. At present the local field is not wide enough, and the new plan provided for this field to be 700 or 800 feet wide by 2300 to 3000 feet long. This necessitates grading and leveling the ground between the horse track at the fairgrounds and the present hangars of the P.A.T., the landing field now being only about 150 to 250 feet wide. A few trees on the south are to be removed, 700 feet of the 18-inch tile will be put in by the city to drain the ground, equipment of the county, city, forestry service, highway department and the Copco company will be used in the grading, including big steam shovels and trucks, all to be under the supervision of Supt. Fred Scheffel of the city, and the government and air mail interests to be in charge of Seely Hall of P.A.T. Walter Leverette, Jack Thompson, and secretary Ted Baker were appointed by President Russell for the chamber of commerce to see that work is started at once and pushed to completion. Seely Hall, representing P.A.T., S. S. Smith representing the fair association, and others attended the meeting last night, and all are enthusiastic about immediate action. Mr. Hall explained the difference in municipal and intermediate fields, and their uses, different lighting systems along the air lines and other things pertaining to work now in progress. He stated some lights will be installed on the local field as soon as practical for night flying and that a flash system would be put in whereby people flying at night can tell what cities they are flying over without landing. E. L. Curtis and H. W. Lucas, representing the government, are making their headquarters here, working with Seely Hall, leasing ground for intermediate and emergency landing fields in Oregon and California. Mr. Hall also announced last night that the P.A.T. company would no doubt establish a feeder air mail line to Klamath Falls to serve that section of the state. Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1927, page 3 AIR FIELD WORK
Improvement of the Medford airport is
progressing satisfactorily and the field, as a result of the work which
is underway, will be in a much better condition than it has been since
its establishment. The installation of drainage pipe to eliminate pools
of water in winter is underway, with 18-inch drain pipes being used.A number of trees which were a menace more or less to arriving and departing airplanes have been removed through the assistance of J. C. Thompson of the California-Oregon Power Company, making the field completely open. Further improvement activities are to take place from time to time until the field is regarded as entirely satisfactory. Beacon lights for night flying, while not needed at present, will probably be installed within a year. Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1927, page 6 NEW AIR FIELDS
7.--(Special)--Establishment of emergency landing fields
every thirty miles along the northwestern air mail routes is the
objective of H. W. Lucas and E. L. Curtis, representatives of the
airways division of the United States Department of Commerce, who are
spending two months making an exhaustive survey of this district.
Completion of this project will benefit particularly the two companies,
the Pacific Air Transport and the Varney Air Lines, serving the Pacific
Northwest states, say air mail officials.Fifteen miles will be the distance between fields in the mountainous districts of Southern Oregon, it is said. These fields will be served by resident attendants, selected from those people living near the field. The survey also includes plans for the installation of 7,500,000-candlepower beacon lights on each field, the outlining of the fields with border lights, and the placing of intermediate beacons of lesser candlepower. These innovations will make possible the night flying of mail along the lines affected. Lt. Noel B. Evans, P.A.T. pilot, is cooperating with the government men, flying them over the country surveyed and making test landings on the sites of proposed landing fields. Gains in volume of air mail carried in October averaging seven percent for the two companies are reported by the Pacific Air Transport and the Varney Air Lines. P.A.T. alone reports the handling of 10,000 pieces of mail originating in the Northwest. Despite terrific weather frequently encountered by the pilots, almost complete scheduled deliveries were completed throughout the last month. Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1927, page 6 WORK TO WIDEN
Following the inspection of the local
airport by W. T. Miller, extension superintendent of airways division
of the U.S. Department of Commerce, early yesterday morning, work on
widening the Medford aviation field began in the afternoon, under the
direction of City Superintendent Fred Scheffel.With the use of the big California Oregon Power Company steam shovel donated to the cause, the crew of workers began on a program of filling the low places in the center of the field. Aside from the steam shovel loaned by the Copco company, the Forest Service has donated the use of its trucks and Jackson County has furnished the use of the large tractors and scrapers. Superintendent Miller, who left Medford at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, spent the remainder of the day in Northern California delivering instructions for the installation of the line of intermediate aviation fields in that section, and returned last night on his way to Portland and the northern division, where intermediate fields are already under way. "There will be intermediate fields every twenty miles, from San Diego the length of the Pacific Coast, and these will take care of the work that is now being handled by the Pacific Air Transport," says Seely Hall, superintendent of this division. Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1927, page 3 HAROLD SANDER TO
Harold Sander announced today the
establishment of the Sander's Flying School, with headquarters at the
Medford airport on the county fairgrounds, where a new hangar is being
completed for his new Travel Air
plane, which will be used to teach
local students the skill of flying. Courses, said Mr. Sander this
afternoon, can be efficiently taught in from one to two months.He already has a number of students who will commence lessons as soon as the weather permits, and he advises local residents interested in flying to make applications early in order to save time on the waiting list. Mr. Sander is a licensed pilot and has had considerable flying experience. The plane which he will use was purchased new a week ago in Southern California and is equipped with the latest aviation improvements. It is a two-passenger ship, in addition to the pilot, and is capable of making a speed of over 100 miles per hour. In addition to student trips, Mr. Sander is ready for passenger flights at any time at reasonable prices for short trips and special prices for long flights covering more than an hour. Medford Mail Tribune, November 17, 1927, page B6 ASHLAND STARTS
ASHLAND, Nov. 21.--The need of a
municipal landing field has been brought to the attention of Ashland
residents, and investigations are already being made for a desirable
field for an airport. E. L. Curtiss, government representative, stated
that the time is not far distant when every town will have its landing
field just as today each town has it filling stations. Mr. Curtiss, in
company with the local committee, looked over a number of proffered
sites about Ashland. Those who were in the party with Mr. Curtiss were
F. D. Wagner, C. J. Read, Secretary E. G. Harlan and J. C. Hopper. It
is agreed that the Ashland field must be high above the fogs and must
be from 1000 to 2500 feet long and between 400 and 500 feet wide.
Ashland's location at the foot of the Siskiyous makes it a desirable
point for a landing station. Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1927, page 10 Rapid Seeding
Harold Saunders, a rancher and airplane owner in Southern Oregon near
Medford, recently planted ten acres of land to winter bluegrass, using
his airplane. This grass, peculiar to this country, grows from a bulb
and it is tossed on the ground and left to mature in the winter and
spring. The land was seeded in a few minutes.Big Pine Citizen, Big Pine, California, December 10, 1927, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, September 15, 1926. Medford Airport Is Important Station on Pacific Coast Air Lines
day when the drone of an airplane motor high in the air over Rogue
River Valley will attract as little attention as the put-putting of the
one-lung motorcycles on Main Street in Medford is fast approaching, and
indeed in some parts of the valley is already here. The future of
aviation in Oregon, like its past history, will be largely written in
the sunny skies of Rogue River Valley.
At the beginning of the war, nearly a decade and a half ago, when the government became active in linking its land and sky forces up and down the Pacific coast, was the beginning of aircraft in our midst. The government recognized the unsurpassed advantages of Rogue River Valley for the use of the airplane, and laid the foundation for present and prospective aerial supremacy. Medford, being situated favorably between the government's base of supply at San Francisco and Vancouver, logically became the airport of aircraft [sic] in the flight between these two points. Thus, the great van has served to bring Medford into its remarkable position in the forefront of the aerial world. ![]() Medford Airport, 1928 Copco Volt Annual It was on September 15th, 1926 that a speedy airplane of the Pacific Air Transport, then a new concern, glided down from the northern skies on the Newell Barber air field at Medford carrying the first cargo of the United States mail on the new Los Angeles-Seattle air mail route. With a capacity load of letters bearing greetings and letters sent by stamp collectors, the plane from the south soon joined the first arrival at the hangars of the P.A.T., exchanged mail with the plane from the north, and both planes were soon off on their way to respective terminals. On September 15, 1927, the day of Medford's Jubilee of Visions Realized, the people celebrated, among scores of noteworthy achievements, the first birthday of the "PAT," the completion of a year of the Pacific Air Transport's successful air mail service which has linked Medford more closely than ever before with the other cities of the Pacific Coast and the East. Everything considered, the initial year of the PAT organization was a success to a marked degree. In spite of the fact that the route traveled daily by these mail planes is over the Siskiyou, Umpqua and Calapooya mountains, said to be the most dangerous on the coast, scheduled flights for the company are declared by the government officials to be 98 percent perfect, the only trouble encountered in the winter in these mountains due to storms and fogs. During the summer months flights were given credit for being 100 percent perfect. During the first year, the volume of mail carried by the planes has doubled, and passenger and express business increased to such an extent that it is an important factor of the company. The records of the PAT show a consistent increase in business which evidence the success of the coastal air mail venture. The accompanying table of mail and passenger cargo is imperative for part of the years 1926 and 1927: September, 32,021 pounds, no passengers. October, 5,523 pounds, no passengers. November, 4,924 pounds, no passengers. December, 5,925 pounds, no passengers. January, 5,161 pounds, 2 passengers. February, 4,380 pounds, 13 passengers. March, 5,317 pounds, no passengers. April, 5,330 pounds, 46 passengers. May, 5,317 pounds, 75 passengers. June, 5,152 pounds, 178 passengers. July, 6,179 pounds, 208 passengers. August, 6,477 pounds, 216 passengers. September, 7,372 pounds, 213 passengers. October, 7,759 pounds, 170 passengers. November, 7,223 pounds, 47 passengers. Vern C. Gorst of Marshfield, Oregon, formerly of Medford, organized and is the president of the Pacific Air Transport. A. K. Humphries of San Francisco is the vice president. The company operates several planes on the route between Los Angeles and Seattle, and has five men on the payroll at Medford including two pilots, Ralph Virden and Russell Cunningham, one radio operator, George Johnson, one mechanic, William Rosenbalm, a traffic agent and a director of the company, Seely Hall, all popular with the public. The airport at Medford is undergoing changes to enlarge it to meet growing demands and requirements of the government. It is being lengthened from 2300 feet to 3000 feet and its width being enlarged from 150 feet to 600 feet. There are 50 acres in the tract. In addition to these improvements the government is establishing auxiliary landing ports every thirty miles along the Los Angeles and Seattle route for safety in case of a forced landing in flight by the mail airplanes. The local airport also affords service to transient airplanes as well as for the local companies who are training pilots and are doing a cross-country flight service for hire. The Pacific Air Transport operates nine planes, two of which are Ryan monoplanes, constructed by the firm that built Lindbergh's famous "Spirit of St. Louis," and the most recent two planes added to the fleet are Fokker five-place cabin jobs. All planes are equipped with the famous Wright Whirlwind motor, which performed so creditably in the transoceanic flights of this year. Two companies have recently announced passenger and express airplane routes from Seattle to Los Angeles and will make Medford an important part on their lines. The Newell Barber field was named in honor of Newell Barber, a Medford boy who lost his life early in the war in the service of his country. He was among the 13 Medford youths who enlisted in the aviation service for three years, 30 days before this country joined the allies by declaring war. Rogue River Valley itself is probably the most thoroughly mapped and photographed region on the Pacific Coast as far as airplanes go. This is due to the fact that the valley is surrounded by high-forested mountains, and this service is done by the fliers in the Forest Service in protecting the forests from summer forest fires, which use the Medford airway as a base. One of Rogue River Valley's chief missions in the future would seem to be that of a training ground for fliers. The climatic conditions are such that the piloting of an airplane over the valley is no feat at all. Thousands of square miles of level land with the accompanying splendid emergency landing places, provided by nature, only add to the convenience and safety of this country for the purpose of training. The additional feature of a year-round climate free from snow and wintry blasts makes Rogue River Valley specially adapted to the use of the airplane. While eastern centers of aviation are smothered under snow and slush, hail, sleet and thunderstorms, making air unsafe for flying and the cold weather cracking radiators and interfering seriously with the work of the motor, our balmy climate from January to December urges aviators and airplanes to greater and better efforts every day. The exact future of aviation no one can guess, for the reason [of] the marvelous advances made in aerial transportation since the war which have brought the airplane from a "stunt" machine, in which foolish exhibition fliers risked their lives, to a "ship" of consistent usefulness and safety. Just what will happen when the minds and hands which have conceived and built the marvelous battle planes of the war period are turned to the production of peacetime aircraft no person can well foretell. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page B6 AIR MAIL IS DELIVERED IN SPITE OF
The fall and winter season had been practically free from fog until
about two weeks ago, since which time there has been almost continuous
fog, varying from light to dense, with the past two days characterized
by a dense wet fog. Inquiry this noon developed that the fog has not
seriously inconvenienced the air mail planes, beyond being a trifle
delayed from their usual scheduled time of arrival and departure here.While the local weather bureau cannot say how long this foggy spell will continue, probable rain is predicted for tonight and Tuesday and a moderate temperature. The fog makes chilly weather, and yesterday's maximum of 42 was only 10 degrees warmer than this morning's minimum of 32. The precipitation of yesterday was .01 of an inch. Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1928, page 3 NEW AIR LINE GIVEN USE OF LOCAL
At a meeting of the executive committee of the Jackson County Fair
Association held this forenoon permission was granted to the West Coast
Air Transport Company to use the municipal airport field at Medford,
located on the fair grounds, for their new passenger and express air
line to be started March 5th.Standard Oil Granted Permission to Erect Oil Tank--Seely Hall Named Aviation Chief--Executives Fair Board Name Frohbach Secretary. Medford is to be a division point for this new line. The same company owns and operates the Pickwick Auto Bus Line from Los Angeles to Seattle, with Medford as a division point. Permission to put in a 1000-gallon gas tank on the field was granted the Standard Oil Company for four years, and work will commence at once. This is being done owing to the large amount of gas being used by airplanes and at present is all delivered by truck to the field. This is the first tank being installed on an air field, which shows Medford is one of the leading airports on the coast. Medford had the only aerological weather bureau on the coast until recently, when another was established at Oakland. There are only 26 of these stations in the United States. Last year 316 airplanes landed at the Medford airport that had never been here before. This does not include the air mail planes, private, commercial and army planes flying up and down the coast that land here. It is estimated 5000 gallons of special airplane gas was used a the local airport in 1927. Seely Hall was designated aviation superintendent by the fair board and will have charge of the field, subject to the board, and all things pertaining to the field will be handled by Mr. Hall. He was instructed to prepare a plat of the field and a schedule of rates to be charged commercial and private parties for erecting hangars and using the field. Mr. Hall was also instructed to confer with Harold Sanders and Jack Evans, who want to establish a flying school and use the local field. The American Legion was granted use of the fair grounds for the three days of their state convention free of charge. H. O. Frohbach was elected secretary of the fair association and stated he would accept, with the understanding he could not attend to the details during the fair. It was decided to circulate the petitions and ask for a levy at the primary in May to complete the buildings on the grounds to put them in shape for the fair this fall. It is absolutely necessary, however, to have this millage tax carry to hold a county fair this year. The executive committee went before the county court and they agreed to assist in getting the buildings on the fair grounds painted soon, as they are badly in need of the same. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1928, page 1 Rogue River Valley Airport
To the Editor:May I be permitted to say that now is the time for Medford and Rogue River Valley to secure an airport that will have no equal on the Pacific Coast. On what is called the "desert"--situated between Medford and Eagle Point-- may be secured a level tract of land fit for no other purpose, but which is exactly suited for an airport. It is level, the surface is solid, no trees surround it and it is near the center of the valley. Besides, it is approached by excellent highways. Someone may say that it is too far from Medford. I do not think that five or six miles make any difference. It is 31 miles from Broadway, New York City to the nearest airport. I had the pleasure of flying from Medford to Los Angeles in 1926. I noticed that Crissy Field, San Francisco, was six or seven miles from the business center of the city. That at Fresno it is five miles from the landing field to the post office in that city, and at Los Angeles it is from eight to ten miles from the airport to the business part of the city. We live in a fast age. Five miles is close in to a growing city--especially when we have automobiles and good roads. Air transportation has passed the experimental stage. It has come to stay, and we should be ready to accommodate its many activities. I notice that the city of Roseburg is submitting a bond proposition of $25,000 to secure and prepare a landing field. Yreka, Cal., to the south of us, is raising money for the same purpose. I heard the matter discussed there last week and took some part in it myself. Lindbergh says that the best landing field in North America is at the City of Mexico, that it is one-half mile wide, and has a runway a mile and one-half long. We have the opportunity to equal it. We can get such a tract on the "desert," and yet have miles of open space all about it. We can surround the field with electric lights. We can build steel towers 100 feet high at each end of the runway and have powerful red lights thereon, to shine through the fog. A smaller field, though closer in, will be a costly mistake. Now, all together, for the biggest, best and safest airport in America! WM.
"Ye Letter Box," Medford Mail Tribune, February
Medford is to become the home office of the Sander Aeronautical School,
which was incorporated on last Wednesday at Salem with the following
incorporators: Fred C. Sander and Harold Sander of Medford, president
and vice president, respectively, and Noel B. Evans,
secretary-treasurer, who was a World War flier, and recently resigned
from the position of northwest division superintendent of Pacific Air
Transport Company to join the new concern.While the plans of the Sander school have not yet been announced, the Medford airport field will be used by the Medford branch of that institution, it is said, and Travel Air planes will be used by the concern, which also may have branches in Klamath Falls, Grants Pass and adjacent Northern California points. Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1928, page 6 AVIATION GROWTH WILL SOON NEED
Members of the Copco Forum, the employees club of the California Oregon
Power Company, enjoyed an excellent talk on the development of
aeronautics at their regular Thursday luncheon. Seely Hall of the
Pacific Air Transport Co., and chairman of the state committee on
aeronautics of the American Legion, was the speaker of the day and
covered not only the development of aviation in the past year, but also
outlined plans for 1928.In presenting a brief resume of aerial activities in this country for 1927, the speaker stated that the Boeing Co., in operating their east-west line from Chicago to San Francisco, had completed over a million miles of flying with only one accident. The Pacific Air Transport Co. has also found it necessary to put on larger planes and have ordered several new 4-passenger cabin ships, which will be placed in service here about April 1. Greater efficiency and service in air mail delivery may be expected soon, according to Hall, who stated that air mail for the East would leave San Francisco at night in the near future, making it possible to give practically one-day service from here to Chicago. This will mean that a letter mailed here one morning will arrive in Chicago and be delivered the next morning, which will assure wonderfully efficient service from the Medford airport. Some interesting facts concerning the new passenger service just inaugurated by the West Coast Air Transport Co. were also brought out, among them being the statement that this line is the first line of its kind in America to depend upon passenger traffic alone. In forecasting the development which may be expected during 1928, Mr. Hall called attention to the order recently placed with Germany by Japan for two new 100-passenger planes, each of which will be equipped with 12 500-horsepower motors and will have a cruising radius of 500 miles. In touching upon the local situation Mr. Hall stated that it had been found necessary to enlarge and improve the local field to take care of the large cabin ships, which require much more room for landing and taking off. This work is now being done through the cooperation of the county court and the Medford Chamber of Commerce, to take care of immediate needs. "However," the speaker stated, "in the near future it will be found necessary to move to a much larger field, and this step must be carefully considered right now if Medford is to keep abreast of the times." Much more room is needed at present to allow for the many requests of hangar space which are being received. There have also been applications for a gas station, hotel, hot dog stand and whatnot, all of which go to show the rapidly increasing popularity of the Medford airport. In closing Hall admonished his hearers to study aviation, to read up on new developments, use the air mail to further present progress and, in short, to become "air-minded." Horace Bromley, who acted as chairman of the meeting, expressed the thanks of the forum for the splendid talk which was of particular interest to the Copco group, several of whom were in the air service during the recent World War. Guests at today's luncheon included Louis B. Humphreys and Seely Hall. Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1928, page 5 SEELY HALL IN AIR TALK THRILLS
Members of the Medford Rotary Club have no doubt all become
"air-minded" after hearing the splendid address on the subject of "The
Air Mail and Commercial Aviation" by Seely Hall, state chairman of the
American Legion board of aeronautics. Mr. Hall, who is also a director
of the P.A.T. Company, covered his subject in a comprehensive manner,
reviewing briefly the early history of the air mail on the Pacific
Coast. Since the air mail contract was secured by Vern Gorst about a
year and a half ago it has been necessary to make many necessary
improvements to take care of the increased business. The first planes
used by the P.A.T. Company were the Ryan monoplane, which is a similar
airship to that which Lindbergh used on his famous transatlantic
flight. These planes, however, soon became inadequate and it was
necessary to replace them with the new Travel Air biplanes which
provided more power and better opportunity for maneuvering in the air.
It has now been found necessary to place orders for a fleet of the new
Boeing planes similar to those now in use on the transcontinental air
service. These planes will be of the latest cabin type and will carry
four passengers and 600 pounds of mail, and it is expected to have them
ready for service on this line by April 1. Mr. Hall spoke of the
splendid type of plane being put out by the Boeing factory, which is
located in Seattle, and is the largest aircraft manufacturing plant in
the entire United States. What is being done to improve air
transportation along the coast was mentioned by the speaker, who told
of the government plan to establish intermediate landing fields for
emergency use every 30 miles. These new fields will be established only
where there is no municipal field and will be used for emergency
landings rather than for commercial use. Several of these fields are
now in course of construction in Northern California and Southern
Oregon. Each of these fields will be equipped eventually with a
7,500,000-candlepower beacon, which will prove a boon to night flying.
They also will be equipped with the new radio beacons which will permit
flying in any kind of weather, fog being no longer considered a serious
handicap. With the use of these beacons it will be possible for a pilot
to fly directly to his destination and land upon any given field
without seeing land, it being entirely possible to maintain his
direction by the use of instruments. In speaking of the Medford
airport, which was the first air field in the state of Oregon, Mr. Hall
stated that the present facilities will no doubt prove inadequate
within the next two or three years. It has already been found
to greatly enlarge the field in order to provide sufficient landing and
takeoff facilities for the large cabin planes which are now being used
by the West Coast Air Transport Company. Several large hangars have
already been installed at the field, and enough applications for
additional hangars have been received to utilize practically all of the
present available space."It will be only a short time," stated the speaker, "until such applications will have to be turned down, due to lack of room." The remarkable progress which is being made in passenger service was brought out by the speaker, who predicted that where cabin ships are now carrying eight or ten passengers, within a year's time new and larger planes will carry twenty-five passengers on regular schedule through this territory. Mr. Hall, in closing, admonished his hearers to become "air-minded" and study the progress of aviation and to keep abreast of the times in order that Medford's air facilities might keep pace with the present trend of commercial aviation. To do this will require the securing of a new and larger airport within the near future, and it is hoped that every Medford citizen will lend his best efforts toward the accomplishment of this worthy purpose. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1928, page 6 RUSH WORK ON LOCAL AIRPORT FOR
With the arrival of brighter weather, improvement work at the Medford
airport is being speeded feverishly ahead in order to make the landing
field, on which heavy airplanes have become stuck during the past
winter, suitable for any size ship. The Medford Chamber of Commerce has
donated $500 to make the work possible and will include new gravel and
the services of a heavy steam roller to make the field perfectly level.
The runway will also be enlarged somewhat in length and especially in
width.The ten-passenger West Coast Transit Company plane arrived and departed on schedule yesterday, but on the day before was mired four times on the field which, because of recent rains, had become muddy. The graveled runway is satisfactory for smaller ships, but was found to be inadequate for the heavier ships of the new coast passenger line. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1928, page 3 IMPROVEMENTS AT AIR FIELD RUSHED
The Chamber of Commerce aviation committee and several others
interested in aviation held a meeting last evening and discussed
improvements on the local field which includes rushing work on
graveling the present runway, making it 1600 feet long, and grading and
graveling the new runway parallel with the present one. The new runway
will be 2300 feet long. Both are 200 feet wide.Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1928, page 3 TEST MONOPLANE ON WAY NORTH
The four-passenger Ryan monoplane, in which Tex Rankin of Portland will
attempt to break the world's endurance record, left the Medford airport
at 12:59 this afternoon for Portland, after having arrived here last
evening from the Ryan airplane factory at San Diego piloted by Frank
Anderline.Noel Evans, business manager for the Sander aeronautical school of this city, left with the ship to obtain information on its operation inasmuch as the school is planning to purchase a similar plane this summer for long-distance trips. Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1928, page 4 NAME MEDFORD PORT FOR AIR EXPRESS
Medford will be made one of the official points on the transcontinental
air express route which now reaches from Boston, Mass. to San
Francisco, and will be extended as far as Seattle on April 15. Medford
and Portland are the only two points chosen in the state of Oregon, and
will be the only landing place north of San Francisco. This
announcement was made yesterday to the Mail Tribune by
W. E. Carpenter, superintendent of the American Railway Express Company
at San Francisco, and G. H. Campbell, route agent at Eugene, who spent
yesterday here making preliminary arrangements for the establishment of
the local post. H. H. Smith, superintendent of this division, will be
here from Portland during the week to round out the plans.Portland, Other City in State Designated by American Railway Express in Extension of Transcontinental Service April 15. In view of the fact that the transcontinental air express is in its extreme infancy, having been established for the first time by the American Railway Express Company only last September 1, local officials are elated over the fact that Medford has been singled out as one of the important points in the extension from San Francisco to Seattle, and the only other point in Oregon beside Portland. That the choice of Medford as the only point in Southern Oregon will mean thousands of dollars a year added to the local payroll and will materially help every industry in the valley, was the comment made by Superintendent Carpenter yesterday. The air express will supplement the railroad service offered by the American Railway Express Company, and will handle all general express where expedience is the factor. Shipments up to $5,000 in value, including money and jewelry, may be sent by plane, as well as wearing apparel, mercantile commodities, sporting goods, retailers' supplies, machine parts, moving picture films and perishables, when packed according to express regulations. The new points to be added to the air express route April 15 will include Medford, Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Seely Hall, head of the Pacific Air Transport, which is to be used by the American Railway Express Company in their new project, in explaining the new service said that express placed on the planes at Medford at nine o'clock in the morning would reach Seattle by two o'clock in the afternoon, and express put on at Los Angeles shortly after midnight would reach Medford at nine o'clock in the morning, illustrating the speed with which express shipments can be sent. Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1928, page 1 LOCAL SENTIMENT FAVORS SECURING
Sentiment in favor of a new and larger airport in Medford, sufficiently
adequate to meet the growing demands for landing field facilities, is
growing at a rapid rate, and people of this city are anxiously awaiting
definite action by a special committee which is now at work on the
proposition. With the gigantic strides in aviation and growing use of
aviation and growing use of airplanes for passenger and mail
transportation, Medford's present airport, the first of its kind in
Oregon, is now inadequate to accommodate coastwise air traffic.Three fields are now under consideration by the special committee, and when the final selection is made and the ratification of the people secured, work will be rushed to place the field in condition for use early in 1929. The new field, according to members of the committee, will have graveled runways from 5,000 to 6,000 feet long and approximately 300 feet wide to accommodate the largest passenger cabin planes now built or to be built for years to come. Space also will be provided for hangars, machine shops, restaurants, depots for air passenger lines, radio station and aerological observatory tower. The very last-minute system of lighting will also be employed in Medford's new airport. The announcement in this paper Friday that Medford would keep pace with the progress of Pacific Coast air development by the establishment of a first-class airport has caused much favorable comment locally. It is the consensus of opinion in this city that the completion of the new proposed landing field is the one outstanding paramount project this year. Because of her location, between San Francisco and Portland, this city is ideally situated to become one of the coast's important airports, and all that is necessary to assure this distinction is the establishment of a modern and adequate landing field. That other cities are awake to the importance and future of aviation is evidenced by the extensive improvements Oakland and Alameda have recently made on the Alameda airport on San Francisco Bay and Portland has made on her fine new Sand Island field. Smaller cities, too, are looking for a place in the air map of the future, and Roseburg has recently set aside $25,000 for a new landing field. Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1928, page 8 PERMIT GRANTED FOR RADIO STATION
WASHINGTON, April 9.--(AP)--The federal radio commission today granted
construction permits to the Boeing Aircraft Transport, Inc. of Seattle,
Wash., for radio stations at 119 landing stations in the states of
California, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Oregon, Nevada, Nebraska and
Illinois.The company plans to keep in direct contact with its passenger, freight and mail carrying ships over the airways connected by the field and has also asked license for telephone transmitters from 25 planes. Three wavelengths of 53.7, 71.8 and 131.8 meters length and not exceeding 1000 watts power will be utilized. Among the stations will be Sacramento, Oakland, Redding, Concordia, Los Angeles and Fresno, Cal.; Seattle, Wash., and Portland and Medford, Ore. ----
The granting of the permits will mean no change in the Medford station
now located at the airport, according to George Johnson, radio
operator. The construction will take place in other cities, the local
station having been completed some time ago.Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1928, page 1 MEDFORD YOUTH FLYING STUDENT
Robt. McLean, 113 Tripp Street, Medford, Oregon, has enrolled in the
Rankin School of Flying here. He is a member of the largest class of
flying students in America, since 113 cadets signed up in March.McLean will receive his instruction in flying from the large corps of licensed instructors under the personal direction of Tex Rankin, the pioneer aviator in the Northwest. The complete course which McLean will take will include every phase of aviation and will extend over a period of three and a half months. This will include navigation, meteorology, air traffic laws, theory of flight, and laboratory work in all. Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1928, page 5 MEDFORD IS AGAIN A REGULAR PORT
that Medford, for the ensuing summer at least, will be a regular
stopping place of the West
Coast Transit Company, the big ten-passenger planes of the company
began making regular landings here last Friday and Saturday. The
regular southbound plane arrived and departed on schedule this morning
with a capacity load of passengers and express.Service of the company had been discontinued for some time due to unfavorable weather and before the discontinuance of service, planes had failed to land here for several weeks because of a muddy and soggy landing field. The ships attempted to make landings at Eugene and Roseburg, but found conditions similar at those two cities. However, considerable improvement work has been completed at the Medford airport, including leveling and graveling of the field, making the Medford airport one of the best in the state. Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1928, page 2 GORE TRACT IS SELECTED FOR LOCAL
The air
port committee of the Chamber of Commerce has reported the selection of
the property owned by W.
H. Gore, adjoining Medford on the north and across the
Southern Pacific railroad from the lumber mills, for the new aviation
field.This property is nearly a mile long and a half-mile wide and contains about 225 acres. It has been examined by a number of government officials of the air service and pronounced one of the best locations on the coast for an air port in many ways. It will be possible to get runways 5000 feet long, which are only excelled on the coast by two or three air ports and will be ample for many years to come. The location of the runways, administration building, hangars, lights, aerial weather bureau station office for the Department of commerce and other necessary buildings and parking space for ships has been sanctioned and approved by W. T. Miller, superintendent in charge of airways extensions in the western division. The committee will now get estimates on the cost of the buildings and grounds and will have a definite proposition to present to the people of Medford in a very short time. It is hoped by the airport committee that an election can be held soon and the people will vote to continue Medford on the map as a leader in aviation. This field will make Medford the only Class A air port between Oakland and Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, May 21, 1928, page 3 MEDFORD MUST HAVE A NEW AIRPORT
The announcement that an air armada of 40 planes will land in Medford
this summer is an item of unusual news importance. On that day Medford
will be placed on the air map of this country as one of the important
aerial centers of the Pacific Coast.But ten years from now such an announcement will be merely a routine item in the regular grist of airplane travel schedules. For when another decade has rolled around, the skies above will be full of planes, and travel in the air will be taken as a matter of course. Now is the time for Medford to prepare to reap the full benefits of this aerial development. And the first necessary step in this program is to secure an adequate airport at the earliest possible moment. The proposed airport site has been selected and the Chamber of Commerce committee is now preparing data regarding the probable expense and the best methods of raising the money. That a large investment will be necessary is certain. But that such an investment will pay large dividends is also certain, not only in increased business locally, but in country-wide publicity of a most favorable sort. Medford has a deserved reputation for "doing things." It is to be hoped that no "penny wise and pound foolish" policy will be allowed to prevent the establishment of such an airport or seriously delay the progress of the forward-looking program which the airport committee has mapped out. Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1928, page 4 PROPOSED AIR FIELD SUITABLE
Ore., June 1.--(AP)--Ray Cooper, manager of the National
Reliability Air Tour, arrived here today in a hop from
Medford.National Air Tour Manager and Party Inspect Site--City Praised for its Aviation Enterprise--Armada to Land Here--Fokker Is Sister Ship of 'Southern Cross.' ----
trimotored Fokker plane, Pathfinder,
the National Reliability Air Tour, comprising twenty-five planes
scheduled to arrive in this city Saturday, June 16, left this morning
for Portland at 8:45 o'clock. The Pathfinder
is a sister ship to the Southern Cross, now
engaged in a flight to Australia over the Pacific, is the private plane
of Secretary Davis and has been flown by Colonel Lindbergh.The plane landed at the Medford airport yesterday afternoon and spent the night here, members of the party conferring with the air committee of the Chamber of Commerce on local airport conditions. Ray Cooper, manager of the national air tour, stated that although the Medford airport was entirely too small to suit the purposes of the tour, it would be necessary to land here with the 25 or more ships expected to participate in the tour. "Medford has always been in the lead in aviation matters on the Pacific Coast, and shows a spirit of willingness to keep pace with the rapid development of aviation. It is for this reason, and also for the reason that Medford occupies a strategic position with regard to its location, that the national air tour will stop in this city," stated Mr. Cooper. Both Mr. Cooper and Ray Collins, who will be the official referee of the tour, were enthusiastic over the proposed new airport. In company with the aviation committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Alenderfer, the entire party visited the proposed site and commented upon its suitability for airport purposes. The visitors were astounded when told of the low cost of purchasing and improving the field, remarking that the city of Detroit had recently bonded itself for $2,000,000 for its airport, and that a like amount additional would be needed before the field was completed. Mr. Collins, in a conference with Chamber of Commerce officials, outlined the duties of the local committee in connection with the landing of the tour in Medford. It will be the duty of the Medford committee to make all arrangements for the landing and handling of the ships, as well as care for the passengers during their stay here. Details of the entertainment will be in the hands of the airport committee, composed of Seely V. Hall, Clyde Eakin, Larry Mann, Floyd Hart, Bert Thierolf, M. N. Hogan, Frank Dillard and J. C. Thompson. Definite plans will be announced later. The plane party is as follows: Ray Cooper, tour manager; Ray Collins, tour referee; Carl Keller, member of aircraft events committee; Frank Bogart, Detroit Times; James Piersol, Detroit News; Hugh White, Detroit Free Press; Lieutenant Peter Skanse, pilot; Sergeant John Cardon, mechanic, and Lieutenant George Schulgen, who is accompanying the party east, where his mother is ill. Schulgen arrived in San Francisco from the Philippines in time to join the plane. Medford Mail Tribune, June 1, 1928, page 8 "AIRMINDEDNESS" OF CITY TOLD IN
air activities received comment in the June edition of the Pacific Airport News, a
publication devoted to aviation edited by M. F. Wright and published in
Portland. In an article on "Airport Development at Medford, Oregon,"
written by C. T. Baker, the growth of this city as an air center is
reviewed and pictures appear of the local airport, Seely V. Hall,
manager of the field, Harold Sanders and Noel B. Evans of the Sanders
Aeronautical School, W. E. "Rosie" Rosenbalm, P.A.T. mechanic, George
Johnson, wireless operator, J. R. Cunningham, Art Starbuck, Miller and
Ralph Virden, P.A.T. pilots."Aviation interest in Southern Oregon had its beginning soon after the close of the World War, when the Medford Aircraft Corporation was organized, having as its moving spirits some of the men who served in the air forces of the allied armies," according to Mr. Baker's article. This group of aviation enthusiasts brought the first airplane over the Siskiyou Mountains into the Rogue River Valley. The ship was an old-style "Jenny," but it was the first that most of the people of this valley had ever seen and was received with great enthusiasm. "At that time, no landing fields were available, and the plane was forced to use open fields, wherever available, and it was this same group of men who started the agitation for adequate landing facilities, and who have done most of the work in bringing Medford to its present position as an aviation center. The interest in aviation and landing fields soon made itself felt in business circles, and the Medford Chamber of Commerce began to interest itself in the development of an airport at Medford. "The two years following 1919 saw the awakening of 'airmindedness' in the Medford district, and the selection of Medford as a landing place for the Forest Patrol planes brought the problem squarely before the people of Medford, and it was not long before steps were taken to acquire land for an airport. The site selected was at the Jackson County fair ground, where ample ground was available, although unimproved. This land was owned jointly by the city of Medford and Jackson County and was under the control of the Jackson County Industrial Fair Board, and these bodies were willing that it be utilized as a landing field." After outlining the improvements made on Barber Field, Mr. Baker's article says: "These improvements paved the way for the real recognition of the Medford airport by making possible the establishment of this city as stopping place and supply base for the first air mail contract route on the Pacific Coast, the Pacific Air Transport, headed by Vern C. Gorst. At the time of the inauguration of the air mail on the Pacific Coast, Medford was the only regular landing fielding field in the state of Oregon, and gained much favorable publicity through its aviation activities. "The year 1927 saw the greatest improvement and the most widespread recognition of the Medford airport since its inception. During that year, over 300 different airplanes landed on the Medford field, among whom were many renowned aviators, including Eddie Rickenbacker, world-renowned ace; Lieutenant Oakley G. Kelly, of Pearson Field, Vancouver, one of the first transcontinental fliers; Eddie Stinson, who recently broke the world's endurance flight record, and his famous Stinson-Detroiter, and numerous others. The Medford airport was also used as a landing field for the San Francisco-Spokane Air Derby in September, 1927." Further in his article, Mr. Baker comments upon the establishment of a new, more adequate airport in Medford to meet the requirements of increasing air traffic along the Pacific Coast. "Recognizing that Medford occupies a strategic position in the aviation development of the Pacific Coast, being just halfway between Portland and San Francisco, and the logical base for a division point in passenger, mail, and express lines, the Medford Chamber of Commerce, through its aviation committee, headed by Seely V. Hall, who is also superintendent of the Medford airport, is making extensive plans for future development in this city. The present field is being made adequate to care for the coming year, and it is hoped that a new field will be in condition for 1929. "The aviation committee, after months of intensive work and study, has finally selected a site of approximately 250 acres, immediately adjoining the city of Medford, for immediate development for airport purposes. This site has been examined by Department of Commerce officials, and when the work is completed will be one of the finest in the country. The new field will be 5,400 feet long and 3,000 feet wide, with the most modern equipment known to airport engineers. It will be equipped with lights, hangars, administration building, graveled highways, radio station, aerological station, etc. The Medford Chamber of Commerce has committed itself to undertake the carrying out of this program, and it will be assisted by the American Legion and the various service clubs of the city. "The citizens of this city realize that the present field will be inadequate to care for the large ships that will, within the next year, be plying the airways of the Pacific Coast, and are making these preparations in order that this community may be prepared to take its proper place as one of the aviation centers of the Pacific Coast." In another article in the same issue of the Pacific Airport News, Medford's weather bureau service is described in an interesting article by L. Walter Dick, meteorologist. Mr. Dick outlined the service the local bureau affords pilots in a section of his article which says: "The official in charge of the Medford office endeavors to keep in close touch with the pilots using the local airport, by personally posting the upper air records for Medford, Seattle and San Francisco on a bulletin board at the airport and discussing the general conditions with the fliers who are about to leave, and also with those just in from a run. Other information also posted on the blackboard consists of general conditions such as weather, condition of sky, height of ceiling, visibility, and any exceptional conditions which may prevail, as reported from a number of important points along the airway from Seattle to San Francisco. The pilots are also furnished with the regular Flying Weather Forecasts and with a copy of the weather map, showing the distribution of barometric pressure." Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1928, page 4 ED ANDREWS IS BACK AGAIN, AN
Ed Andrews,
well-known opera comedian nationally, and a former resident of Medford
for years having first come here 24 years ago, arrived here today from
New York City for an extended visit at the home of his brother, George."There's one thing that I would like to impress on the people of this town, and that is the importance of the airport here," the actor said in telling of reading in the New York Times about the possibilities of Medford as a landing place for planes. Although he has played "Coco" in "Mikado" approximately 2200 times during the 40 years of his stage career, Mr. Andrews claims it still is his favorite role. He is also said to have played the sheriff in "Robin Hood" better than anyone on the stage today. Carolyn Andrews Werner, famous coloratura soprano radio star with her daughter, will join her father here sometime this month after completing engagements at Mankato, Minnesota, and Portland. She is with the National Broadcasting Company. Next year she is to be under the same management as Marion Talley and Schumann-Heink. An opera company is being formed at Portland under the direction of John Britts, formerly of New York. Mr. Andrews and his nephew, James Stevens, will probably appear in it there during the summer. "No single factor has put Medford on the map, has made this city so nationally known, as its airport and the fact that it is an air mail station," said Ed Andrews, the widely known light opera comedian, and always a booster for Medford since he first arrived in the city and with his relatives purchased an orchard 24 years ago, but who has been making New York City his headquarters for the past year, who arrived in the city last night to spend the summer here. His daughter, Mrs. Dorien Werner of New York (Caroline Andrews), who has become one of the country's famous singers, and whose husband is the leader of one of the metropolitan city's largest theater orchestras, and her four-year-old daughter, are on the way to Medford, also to spend the summer here, having stopped off at Mankato, Minn., the former Andrews home, where she will give a concert and will arrive next week. No sooner had Ed greeted brother George and Mrs. Andrews and the other relatives and retired for a few hours of good sleep, than he was up early this morning, slicked up and came downtown to greet his many friends, look the city over generally to note the many changes since his last visit here. Running across a Mail Tribune reporter on the street, after the usual greeting and small talk Ed felt the urge coming on him and began to dilate on the national prominence Medford had attained through its present airport and the necessity of retaining that port. He knew nothing of the port except the impressions he had gained through reading the national magazines and the New York papers, but it was sufficient to fire his enthusiasm to boost his home town and to warn its people that they must go on with their airport and keep Medford on the national publicity map. He was agreeably surprised when told that the natives here realized this importance, and that at the city council meeting last night it was decided to place a bond issue of $110,000 before the voters for a new and modern airport. Gathering momentum from this conversation, Ed a short time later visited the Chamber of Commerce office to dilate on his ardent airmindedness and the national prominence the city had attained through being one of the air mail stops. He gave Secretary Ted Baker, whom he had never met before, quite an earful of this. "Why, you simply must keep up your airport," he said. "The airplane developments nationally and internationally are the leading topic of conversation everywhere, and most people in any section of the country--anyhow, those who read--know Medford is one of the cities on a prominent airplane line, and an airport. "Soon passengers on airplanes from all sections will pass through or stop at the Medford airport, and go back home and spread the news about the enterprising little city out in the Far West, on the airplane traveling schedules. Then, too, most of these passengers, in preparing for their plane trips to the coast will look up the scheduled beforehand and learn that Medford is one of the important air stations. "I first learned of the Medford airport through reading the national magazines in New York, as Medford is shown in every published map as one of the stations. Why, I even read about it in the newspapers of New York City. Isn't that astounding? You simply must keep that port. It gives Medford national publicity. "Why, you ask any New York hotel clerk or post office clerk, and he will tell you of his knowing Medford as an air mail station." Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1928, page 6 Flying "Ain't What it Used to Be"
"ain't what it used to be." We took our first flight
eight or nine years ago with Floyd Hart, in a plane that had water on
the knee and the blind staggers. It was a windy day, and we missed the
roof of St. Mary's Academy by about six feet. Over Roxy Ann there were
various air holes, and we were convinced the old DeHavilland (or
whatever it was) was determined to kill a few rattlesnakes by dropping
on them.Coming back, with the air whizzing through the old boat's whiskers and a hard pavement looming a few thousand feet below, we had a vivid reminder of a dream in which "your hero" was walking a single two-by-four, a few miles in the air, above Niagara Falls, all enjoyment of the magnificent view afforded being eclipsed by the consciousness that, pray as one might, the law of gravity was still working. Well, finally we landed, and we were never so glad to get out of anything in our life as that aerial clothes basket. However, we thanked our gallant host for the buggy ride, and as soon as our teeth stopped chattering wrote an account of that trip in which we admitted we were properly terrified, but would like to try again and see if we couldn't do better. Later we were complimented by a local aviator, who said that was the only near-truthful account of a first airplane trip he had ever seen. It was the accepted custom then--as it is now--to maintain that air flying is perfectly delightful, and the initiate only regrets he could not go up in the air all the time. Flying, in fact, has produced almost as many liars as politics. ----
But that was eight or nine years ago. Yesterday we took our second
flight with 11 other Medford citizens, which with the pilot, Captain Frank Hawks,
made the lucky number of 13. What a difference just
a few
years make. Not only does such a crowd give one a surprising sense of
security, but enclosed in a roomy cabin, reclining in a wicker easy
chair, without a jar or even a slight swoop, the flight over the valley
was indeed delightful.We admit we did not entirely forget that the law of gravity never takes a vacation, but the nonchalant manner in which Mayor Alenderfer in front of us twirled his watch chain and blinked his eyes removed the apprehensions we had expected entirely. We could have played cutthroat bridge in that cabin as well as not if the scenery had not been so enticing, while one could walk down the aisle, as readily as in an S.P. Pullman--although one didn't. Yes, flying ain't what it used to be--fortunately, as far as we are concerned. When we fly to Honolulu, we shall insist upon a plane like that trimotored Ford and a pilot like Hawks. He took things as easily as if he were running a gasoline truck on an open highway--easier, in fact, for most of the time he had his head turned toward Bill Allen sitting in the other pilot's seat, who carried on a rapid conversation, and at one time took his grip on the hand rail to look at the roof of the Chevrolet agency and see if everyone below was working. Needless to say, "Horse" Bromley didn't even know he was up in the air, so busy was he grinding his movie camera through the open window. But then "Horse" hasn't known he was up in the air for a long time! Other members of the "Lucky 13" were Scott Davis, Jackson County Bank; O. O. Alenderfer, mayor; J J. Skinner, Copco; Seely Hall, airport manager; George [sic] Gates, Gates Auto Company; E. M. Mitchell, local manager of the Texaco Company, and E. L. Scott of the Daily News. R.W.R.
[Robert W. Ruhl]
Mail Tribune, June 12, 1928, page 4MEDFORD, OREG.
Name: Barber Field.Class: Municipal. Rating, ------. Owner, city and Jackson County; operator, city. Position: Lat. 42° 21', long. 122° 53'; alt. above sea level, 1,380'; mag. var., 20° 37' 12'' E., 1927; annual decrease, 1' 24''. Distance and direction from city, 1½ miles SE. Description: Size, 2,400' x 1,100'; acres, 41; shape, L. Surface, free soil; gradient, natural slope ; drainage, tile and natural. Landing strips, two, 2,400 x 400' and 1,100' x 200'. Marking thereof, graded with gravel top; T at N. and S. Obstructions: Hangar and office building at NE.; small race track along W. side; fairground buildings 500' W.; surrounded by fence; grand stands to W.; R.R. and telephone line along W.; buildings on NW.; trees to E. and S.; telephone line to S. Marking (day), none. Lighting, none. Marking and identification: Standard 50' white circle, at intersection of landing strips. Name painted on hangar or in field, none. Other marking, BARBER FIELD on grand stand and circle on hangar. Wind-direction indicator, cone on hangar. Lighting: Beacon, none. Boundary lights, none. Approach lights, none. Flood lights for landing, none. Other lighting, none. Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, yes. Landing fee, none; storage rates, none; mechanic's charge, $1.50 per hour. Hangars, two, 50' x 40' x 12' clearance; none for public use. Repair facilities, yes; spares, none. Fuel and oil, yes. Guard, yes; fire apparatus, yes. Quarters, in city; meals, in city. Transportation to city, by auto. First aid, yes. Mooring, mast, none. Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, yes; telegraph, by phone. Radio, KGE; frequency and wavelength, 46 meters. Transmitting set with power in watts, 150. Radio stations operated with daily, Concord Airport and Crissy Field. Meteorological data: Prevailing winds, summer NW. and N., winter NW. and SE., annual NW. and SE. Heaviest winds usually from NW. Winds of 40 m.p.h. or over are recorded very rarely. Highest recorded velocity is about 45 m.p.h. Dense fog occurs about 4 or 5 d.p.m. Oct.-Mar., incl., and 1 day or less per month Apr.-Sept., incl. Light fog occurs about 5 or 6 d.p.m. Oct.-Mar., incl. and 1 or 2 d.p.m. Apr.-Sept., incl. Most fogs occur during early morning hours, ending about 10 a.m. Precipitation as heavy as 1" or more in 24 hours is recorded only occasionally during the winter months. Average monthly snowfall, Dec., Jan., and Feb., is about 3". Weather map and display board, yes. Nearest weather bureau, Medford. Nearest upper-air observer, Medford (W.B.). Remarks: MEDFORD on roof of oil company in city. Airway Bulletin, U.S. Department of Commerce, June 12, 1928, page 2 2 MEDFORDITES GIVEN GRUESOME
William J. Lydiard,
local business man, and Bob Crooks, the Mt. Shasta, Calif., fruit and
produce dealer, pale of face, and with trembling hands and knees, were
passengers on the air mail plane leaving here for the south this
morning, the former to spend a week in visiting in Los Angeles and
vicinity, and the latter for a business visit in San Francisco, because
of the unkindly offices of a group of business men in the Sixth
Street-Central Avenue corner neighborhood [location of the Groceteria]
and other friends gathering at the air field to see that they got away
properly.These big-hearted fellows, with downcast faces and bogus tears streaming down their cheeks, shook hands with them repeatedly as they repeated farewells over and over, and told them they wished they could live to see the further growth and advancement of Medford. Prior to this, Bill Gates had taken Mr. Lydiard to one side, asked him if he knew that if he were killed in an airplane accident all his insurance policies were void, and said he also hoped that his partner had made his will carefully, for he (Gates) did not want his relatives and heirs balling up the store management if anything serious happened. Soon Bill Lydiard showed by his nervousness and white face that he was fully cognizant of the dangerous journey ahead, as did Crooks. Then Fred McPherson pinned a piece of black crepe on Lydiard's coat lapel, while M. N. Hogan, lest Lydiard and Crooks should not have money enough with them, presented them with a large roll, while Bill Gates gave Lydiard some other utensils which come in handy in great stages of fright. Just as the big plane was about ready to start, the crowd began to march slowly around and sing dirges. On hearing this, Lydiard and Crooks decided that they would rather take their chances in the air than remain to be tortured to death by such slovenly singing, jumped into the plane, shouted "Let 'er go," and were soon speeding southward. Just before they boarded the plane, Crooks staggered over to Lydiard and jerked the black crepe from his coat and threw it to the ground, saying, "We're hoodooed enough now, without that." Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1928, page 8 NOT YET DECIDED ON NEW AIRPORT
Four possible sites for Medford's proposed new airport were inspected
yesterday by the local committee of nine men, who came to no definite
conclusion as to the best location. Grover Tyler, general
superintendent of the Pacific Air Transport of San Francisco, spent
Wednesday in this city looking over the air field situation. He also
visited the various sites and left this morning by plane for Seattle.Medford Mail Tribune, June 21, 1928, page 3 WANT VOLUNTEERS TO CLEAN UP ON
In preparation for the landing of 26 planes on the national air tour,
which will arrive here Monday, July 16, at 11:30 o'clock, volunteers
are needed to clean up the local air field, which is reported to be in
rather poor condition.Members of the American Legion, Crater Club and Chamber of Commerce especially are asked to help with the work tomorrow evening, Wednesday, at 6:30. Final instructions to all committee men who will have charge of the entertainment of national air tourists to arrive here Monday, July 16, at 11:30 were mailed today. They are asked to report at the local air field at 10 o"clock Monday morning. Ray Collins of Detroit, Mich., will be here to referee the planes, which, after leaving here, will go to Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1928, page 6 MEDFORD HOST TO NATL. AIR TOUR
At press
time mystery still surrounded the whereabouts of plane No. 5, the Curtiss
monoplane piloted by D. Robertson. Attaches at the airport believe it
made a forced landing on some emergency field, because of motor
trouble. Plane No. 9, entered by the Cleveland, O., Tool Company, was
unable to leave Medford because of a broken starter plate, and
indications this afternoon were that it will not be able to depart
until tomorrow morning. Mechanics had planned to have this ship ready
for this evening for a late takeoff for Portland.ONE PLANE IN DERBY IS MISSING Curtiss Robin No. 5 Fails to Report and May Have Been Forced Down--Air Tour Armada Delayed by Forest Fire Smoke--All Leave on Time for Portland. ----
With the arrival of 22 airplanes of the National Reliability Air Tour
at the local airport this forenoon, Medford today witnessed the
greatest event in Southern Oregon aviation history. The planes, which
are making a 6300-mile air tour of the United States from Detroit
Mich., began arriving at 11:54:06, when the Lockheed
Vega plane, piloted by Lee Schoenhair, landed, following the
arrival of the pilot plane at 11:20.The pilot plane, a United States army Curtiss Falcon biplane, was piloted by Captain Roy Collins, the chief referee, and carried Captain R. G. Breene as chief scorer. This ship left the local field shortly before 1:30 to give instructions to field officials at the Portland field the next stop. Up until press time this afternoon one plane, No. 5, the Curtiss Robin, had not arrived and may have been forced down by the pall of smoke in North California from forest fires. With still a good share of the 4000 people who were present to view the arrival of the ships, the planes began leaving the airport at 2 o'clock, with the Lockheed Vega ship the first to leave, followed by the remaining ships at one-minute intervals. All the ships were late to arrive, caused by the smoke haze, the aviators explained. The order of the arrival of the ships is as follows: No. 23, Lockheed Vega, 11:54:06; No. 6, Stearman biplane, 12:04:18; No. 25, Bellanca monoplane, piloted by George Halderman, 12:04:46; No. 17, the Swallow, 12:05:52; No. 19, Crosley Waco biplane, 12:07:01; No. 8, Buhl Airsedan, 12:10:17; No. 10, Ryan Brougham, 12:10:55; No. 1, Bellanca monoplane, piloted by William Brock, 12:15:21; No. 8, Baby Ruth, biplane, 12:15:57; No. 24, Fairchild monoplane, 12:16:53; No. 20, Stinson Detroiter monoplane, piloted by Eddie Stinson, 12:20:48; No. 9, Ryan Brougham monoplane, 12:21:11; No. 22, the Stinson Detroiter monoplane, 12:21:48; No. 16, Ryan Brougham, 12:29:32; No. 12, Eaglerock biplane, 12:29:33; No. 2, Texaco Ford ship, piloted by Frank Hawks, 12:31:50; No. 7, Monarch Coffee biplane, 12:34:08; Fokker army ship, carrying press representatives, 11:35; No. 21, 12:37:50; No. 28, 12:4:6; No. 3, 12:48:11; No. 29, monocoupe, 1:34; No. 26, monocoupe piloted by Phoebe Omlie, 1:50. The ships departed in one-minute intervals in the following order: Nos. 23, 6, 17, 19, 8, 10, 1, 18, 24, 20, 9, 22, 16, 12, 2, 7, 21, 28, 3, 29, 26. Thousands View Armada
Following the arrival of ship No. 3, the crowd of several thousand
people, who had been watching the arrival of the planes from the inside
of the race track of the fair grounds, were allowed to inspect the
array of 22 planes while the pilots and passengers, numbering
approximately 75 people, were given lunches in the fair grounds
agricultural building as guests of Medford, with the local American
Legion auxiliary members in charge. At the time of departure, the
people were ordered back in order to avoid the possibility of accidents.The difficult task of timing and checking the arrival and departure of the airplanes was carried through without a hitch and with a businesslike efficiency, the time of each plane being taken down to even fractions of a minute. Instructions were given the local officials immediately upon the arrival of the referee and chief scorer, Captains Collins and Breene, who spent 10 or 15 minutes telling them the details of their duties. Air Field Too Small
The clear impression was left by the visiting pilots that the Medford
airport, which by all who were broached on the subject was declared to
be too small and rough to take care of such a large proposition as the
air tour. George Halderman, who flew with Ruth Elder on a transatlantic
hop which ended near the Azores Islands, declared the field to be the
smallest the tour had visited and expressed the hope that Medford would
have a larger field should the tour come to the Pacific Coast again.
The same sentiment was borne out by William Brock, who flew to England
and thence to Japan, and by Harvey Campbell, president of the Detroit
board of commerce and originator of the air tours, of which this is the
fourth.Free Lunch Enjoyed
However, another impression of a more pleasant nature was the report by
many of the pilots and passengers that Medford was one of the few
places to provide free lunches. Captain Collins, flight referee,
declared at the majority of the noon stop promises were made to provide
a light lunch, but the promises were not kept, forcing the pilots and
passengers to miss eating their noonday meal.Coffee for the luncheon was served through the courtesy of Reid, Murdoch & Company, which had a plane entered in the tour flying for the Monarch Coffee. A coffee filling station was also established at the airport under the charge of Robert Boyl, local Monarch representative, with the Salvation Army of this city in charge of making the beverage and filling the specially constructed thermos bottles that had been supplied each pilot. Woods Leads Tour
Although it was impossible to figure out points credited to each pilot
of the tour, Chief Scorer Breene reported this forenoon that John
Woods, pilot of plane No. 18, a Waco biplane, was leading the tour and
so far holds first place for the trophy cup offered by Edsel Ford, and
cash prizes. Frank Hawks, piloting the Texaco Ford ship, is holding
second place, while Randolph Page, piloting a Stinson Detroiter, No.
20, is in third position. Charles Myers, piloting the Crosley Waco
plane, is in fourth place, and Eddie Stinson, piloting a Stinson
Detroiter, in fifth place.Vega Plane Is Fast
The Lockheed Vega plane, of which Schoenhair is pilot and which is a
duplicate of the ship in which Wilkins recently flew over the North
Pole, is the fastest ship in the tour, but despite that fact is holding
tenth place. The ship this forenoon left Corning, Cal., after 15 others
had gone and arrived here first, nearly ten minutes ahead of the next
arrival. It has a cruising speed of 115 miles per hour and a high speed
of 140 miles. Technical matters and the fact that proper preparations
for the flight were not made is holding the ship back in its present
place, according to report.The tour is scheduled to end in Detroit, Mich., July 28, and with the exception of one ship, which was forced out by motor trouble in crossing the continent, the tour is expected to finish with the same number of ships which left Detroit June 30. Twenty-six ships were originally scheduled to leave Detroit, but two arrived too late. The two army planes accompanying the tour and the Standard Oil ship of 16-passenger capacity now makes a total of 26 in the tour. Not a Joyride
Asked whether or not the tour would come through Medford next year,
Harvey Campbell, tour chief, explained that there is a possibility, but
as yet no definite plans have been made. He indicated that the tour
might be made one of an international nature, the ships visiting Mexico
and Canada in addition to the Middle West and Pacific Coast of the
United States."I want the people to understand," said Mr. Campbell, "that this tour is not being made for a joyride. It is a business proposition, to see how airplanes can be improved, and also to make the public better acquainted with aviation. These tours can be likened to the Glidden auto tours of years ago when automobiles in their pioneer days made fairly long trips in order to develop a better machine. You see what resulted, for today we have a nearly perfect automobile. The same applies to airplanes. We hope to improve the motors and general construction of the ships." The radio program that was to have been broadcast from the Crosley Waco plane was not broadcast, due to trouble that developed in the plane's broadcasting equipment. The program was to have been re-broadcast from the plane's low wavelength over KMED, through the courtesy of the Music Box radio establishment of this city. The value of the planes entered in the tour ranged from $2600 to $50,000. Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1928, page 1 GOVERNMENT TO PUT NIGHT LIGHTS IN
The entire Los Angeles to Seattle air mail route will be lighted for
night flying within the next few weeks, according to Stanhope Boggs,
government aviation official who was in Medford Saturday. He indicated
the work of illuminating the route would commence almost immediately,
the equipment having already been purchased.The route will be lighted through Southern Oregon with the exception of the Medford airport, which must be equipped with lights by the city, it being against the policy of the government to light municipal fields. Agitation has been in progress for some time to have the local field lighted, and now with the government taking an active step in lighting the entire mail route, the city is expected to take prompt action. The coast air route is being equipped with lights upon the completion of lighting the transcontinental route this month. According to present plans, high-powered searchlights will be placed every seven miles through the Siskiyou Mountains, and where power from electric lines is not available, each searchlight will have its own power plant. Emergency landing fields, one of which is located near Ashland, and others in other sections of the valley, will be lighted in order that pilots may land there when necessary. Upon the completion of lighting the coast route, Boggs indicated to Seely V. Hall, local air mail official, that radio beacons would next be installed by the government, making it impossible for ships to lose their way in fog or when they were not near the searchlights at night. Boggs was in Medford Saturday en route from San Francisco to Seattle, and was in the city only a short time. Efforts are now being made by the government, according to Mr. Hall, to lease ground on which to place the lights and other equipment. Medford Mail Tribune, July 16, 1928, page 3 Hall Thanks People
To the Editor:The fine spirit of cooperation which exists between the various organizations in the community was forcefully brought out when Medford entertained the national air tour last Monday, and the thanks of those in charge of the tour should be publicly expressed to those who made Medford's part in the tour so successful. To Company A, Oregon National Guard, under Captain Tengwald, praise should be given for their efficient police service, which prevented any possible accident to the spectators; to the auxiliary of the American Legion for the fine luncheon served our guests, and to the Craters, who acted as checkers for the individual planes, is also due much commendation. Prior to the arrival of the tour, the force of the city engineer, Fred Scheffel, was most generous in its assistance in leveling and marking the field, and the local post of the American Legion assisted materially in clearing the field for the visiting planes. The planes in the tour were most efficiently serviced by the field crew, under Bill Rosenbalm, and planes were given gasoline and oil with the utmost dispatch, the serving of gasoline being handled principally by the Standard Oil Company. Traffic to and from the fair grounds was moved speedily and safely by the state traffic force, under Captain Bloom, and the public cooperated most heartily in every department. It is the hope of this committee that general satisfaction prevails over the visit of the tour, and that there may be a more general interest in aviation in this community as a result. AIRPORT
Mail Tribune, July 18, 1928, page 4Medford Chamber of Commerce, SEELY V. HALL, Chairman. MEDFORD TO HAVE A FLYING SCHOOL
Tex Rankin of the Rankin Flying Service, Inc., of Portland will open a
flying school here early next week, with H. C. Anders in charge, and
Harold Sanders, local flier, as instructor. Classes will be held every
evening for amateurs and beginners in flying.A Travel Air biplane will be used at first, but later it is the intention to secure two Ryan Broughams and use them in instruction and interurban and Southern Oregon and Northern California passenger service. The two men flew here in Harold Sanders' plane, accompanied by Fred C. Sanders, the pilot's father. Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1928, page 6 Airplane Flares to Illuminate Convention
A new type of illumination in the form of huge airplane flares which
will light up the countryside for miles around will be a novel feature
of the American Legion convention at Medford, August 2, 3, and 4. These
big flares will be released by aircraft during the night parade which
is scheduled for Thursday, August 2nd, and will provide brilliant
illumination all over the city and the surrounding territory.The flares to be used are known as the airways parachute flares and have a lighting capacity of 400,000 candlepower. They are released by means of special equipment which drops the flare and parachute, the latter opening at about 50 feet below the plane. Each flare will burn for a period of nearly four minutes. Aircraft will play an important part in the Medford convention, not only in the "air circus" which is one of the big features of the three-day program, but in many other events. One noteworthy feature will be the aerial parade of from 30 to 40 planes which will precede the Patriotic Pageant which is scheduled for Saturday afternoon, August 4th. Air transportation will also be used by many of the convention visitors due to the fact that the Medford airport is on the Pacific Airway and enjoys regular passenger, air mail and express service. Gold Hill News, July 26, 1928, page 1 MEDFORD AIRPORT WILL SOON BE A
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 5.--(AP)--Work of lighting the airway between
Seattle and San Francisco will be started immediately, and within four
or five months pilots will be able to fly by night and hold the course
easily by means of beacon lights placed at intervals of not more than
ten miles. Such was the announcement made yesterday by S. S. Boggs of
Washington, D.C., airway extension superintendent for the United States
Department of Commerce. He is in Portland to supervise the work.The aim of the commerce department is to aid every element of safety to commercial flying, he said. Besides establishing the beacons, the department is surveying the airway and will make sure that intermediate landing fields are available at least every 25 miles. Where the fields are not provided by towns along the way, the government will lease land and establish the landing places. Standard beacons used are the 24-inch revolving type, 3,000,000 candlepower. Towers are 51 feet high. The beacons are established every ten miles in country flat enough to afford reasonable visibility. In mountainous country a beacon with 500,000 candlepower is placed every three miles. In country where trees abound towers are built as high as 100 feet. The same amount of precaution is taken in placing of landing fields. A field every 25 miles is sufficient in comparatively safe country, but in mountainous country or other regions where conditions are difficult, landing fields are laid out as little as five miles apart. To facilitate night landings a standard beacon is placed at every field, even the intermediate ones, and a boundary light is placed every 300 feet around the entire field. The first stage of the work will be a survey of the airway between Portland and Seattle. Landing field locations will be determined, and where necessary the government will lease sufficient ground for the fields. Then beacon sites will be determined and the beacons installed. Mr. Boggs said that the route between Portland and Seattle will probably be lighted completely before winter. He anticipates that landing fields will not have to be established closer to each other than 25 miles between Seattle and Medford, but just south of Medford fields will be closer, and the range lanterns, or 500,000-candlepower beacons, will be placed at three-mile intervals. Lighting of the transcontinental airway between New York and San Francisco has just been completed. Mr. Boggs is confident that the lighting of the various airways will greatly stimulate commercial flying and particularly passenger travel. In fact, he reports, passenger travel has developed almost unbelievably in the East during the past year. Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1928, page D8 'LONE EAGLE' PAYS UNEXPECTED VISIT
Indicating that Colonel Lindbergh is probably on an all-day fishing
trip today, five lunches were prepared for the party this morning by R.
Maru, steward at the University Club, and were picked up here this
morning by Captain Brock of San Francisco, a friend of Harry Scott, at
whose cabin along the Rogue River near Trail the Colonel is believed to
have spent last night.LINDBERGH LANDS HERE ON A TRIP Famous Flier Thought Fishing in Rogue River, with 3 Companions--Coming Is Unheralded, and Plans Shrouded with Secrecy. The lunches were ordered by Mr. Scott last Saturday, and Colonel Lindbergh is believed to have been with the party when they were procured at the University Club. The party was met in a new green Pierce-Arrow automobile, the same one which met him at the air field yesterday afternoon. ----
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, first transatlantic flier and idol of the
world, in his silvery Wright monoplane, landed at the Medford airport
yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and is now sequestered, according
to the best information available, at the summer home of Harry H. Scott
of San Francisco on Rogue River, above McLeod.This afternoon Mr. Scott refused to confirm that Col. Lindbergh was his guest. The coming of the "Lone Eagle" was unheralded. Ten minutes before his arrival, William Rosenbalm, chief mechanician, was notified of his coming, and about the same time a Pierce-Arrow car, believed to belong to Harry Scott of San Francisco, parked at the edge of the landing field. Colonel Lindbergh circled the business district of the city once, and then came to a graceful landing. Colonel Lindbergh, attired in a rumpled gray suit, and without a tie, crawled from the cabin of the plane, followed by three companions. Colonel Lindbergh greeted Rosenbalm and left instructions that his plane be reserviced and kept under lock and key. The famous flier's only other words were: "There's a car waiting for me." Colonel Lindbergh immediately joined his three companions and was whisked away at a high rate of speed. Before departing Colonel Lindbergh announced that he would return Tuesday or Wednesday. The auto-in-waiting for Lindbergh bore a California license and was identified as belonging to Harry Scott, a San Franciscan with a summer home on Rogue River. All queries as to his destination, and the identity of his companions, were dismissed by the distinguished visitor with a smile. Col. Lindbergh maintained the usual secrecy that attends all his movements. The flight of Lindbergh over the city attracted hardly passing attention, and there were less than a dozen people at the airport when he landed. Among these were Morris Leonard and his family. He was attracted by the size and beauty of the plane, and strolled towards it. He immediately recognized Colonel Lindbergh as he alighted, and said this morning he was so taken by surprise that he could do nothing. The "Lone Eagle" hurried away as soon as he had issued instructions. The news that Colonel Lindbergh had landed spread like lightning, and soon the highway was dotted with autos rushing to the field. An attempt was made to follow the Lindbergh car, but it was lost in the traffic. There was not the slightest intimation of the visit from Colonel Lindbergh until he dropped out of the sky from the south, flying high. Colonel Lindbergh flew over this city a year ago during the "Jubilee of Visions Realized," on his air tour of the land. On that occasion he was at the control of "The Spirit of St. Louis." He soared over the valley for ten minutes, and then headed south. It is a safe conjecture that Colonel Lindbergh and his party are on a fishing trip and seeking seclusion from the public--and getting it. It is not known when Colonel Lindbergh will depart, or his destination. Colonel Lindbergh is presumed to now be engaged in a survey of Pacific Coast airports, and collecting data for the Pennsylvania Railroad, in connection with its plans to establish a transcontinental rail and air service, passengers traveling in planes by day and in trains at night, cutting the time between San Francisco and New York to two days and two nights. Many Medford people visited the airfield today to see the Lindbergh plane. Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1928, page 1 LINDBERGH ENDS VISIT TO VALLEY
SEATTLE, Wn., Aug. 28.--(AP)--A small monoplane, believed to be that of
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, who was to fly here from Medford, Ore.,
today, passed over the city at 2:50 p.m. A crowd gathered to meet the
noted flier at Boeing municipal field saw the plane shoot past through
the hazy air, headed northward.HOPS OFF FOR NORTH THIS MORN Lone Eagle Attends Business Conference at Harry Scott Cabin--Does No Fishing--Will Fly Over City on Return Trip Thursday or Friday--Many View Plane A few minutes later the plane was seen heading southward again. ----
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 28.--(AP)--Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh landed at
the Port of Portland airport here today at 12:18 p.m., en route from
Medford to Seattle. His plane was taxied to the hangars and Lindbergh
called from a window of the cabin that he wanted to "gas up."He then prepared to dismount from the plane, but a crowd had gathered and he closed the door of the cabin plane. To a reporter who knocked on the door of the cabin, Lindbergh said he had no information to give out. He declined to say whether he had been successful in his brief fishing trip on the Rogue River near Medford, and said he would not divulge the names of passengers in the plane. It was understood here that the flier had an appointment to meet officials of the Boeing airplane works in Seattle at 2 p.m. Lindbergh hopped off again at 12:35 p.m., pointing his machine northward. He took on 40 gallons of gasoline here. ----
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, America's lone eagle, left the local
airport in his Ryan monoplane at 9:20 this morning for Seattle,
following his unexpected arrival on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 and will
be in Southern Oregon again next Thursday or Friday en route to San
Francisco. Colonel Lindbergh did not stop here for a fishing trip but
with five other members of the new transcontinental air line, which
will begin operations next May, held a business conference yesterday at
the mountain summer home of Nion Tucker and Harry Scott of San
Francisco.As unaffected by his fame as an ordinary citizen, Colonel Lindbergh arrived at the airport this morning from the Tucker and Scott cabin near Prospect and prepared the silvery monoplane, a replica of the famous Spirit of St. Louis, for its northward journey. Ropes held back a small crowd from entering the hangar and disturbing his work in which he was assisted by William Rosenbalm, airport mechanic, and other airport attaches. When approached by a Mail Tribune reporter, the Colonel was unscrewing an oil connection preparatory to draining old oil from the plane. He stopped his work for a moment and warmly shook hands with the reporter. "I am very glad to see you," he said, "but I am afraid I cannot say much," his ruddy face beaming in smiles as he finished. "Are you going north--to Portland or Seattle," he was asked. "Don't know. It's all indefinite in regard to my plans, but I may possibly stop in Portland. I'm just out on a trip, that's all." Asked a short time later if he had been fishing, the Colonel was noncommittal and smiled in a knowing way as he continued his work on the ship, which by this time had witnessed the completion of draining the oil, which was made useless because of gasoline having become mixed in with it. The plane holds five gallons of oil and must be changed regularly, he said in answer to a query. When his work was nearly completed, he paused long enough to listen to plans that have been formulated for Medford's new airport and declared he was glad that such a step had been taken. "Well, that's fine that you are doing such work," he said, "and I know your efforts will be repaid in preparing a new landing field. However, I am not commenting on the present field because the aviators who are using it are in a much better position than I to express any opinion. "Yes, I flew over Crater Lake last year. I remember it very clearly as one of the scenic spots of the Pacific Coast, but I have never been there on the ground," he said as he started to walk away. The Colonel was invited to return to Southern Oregon and spend a longer vacation to better enjoy the recreational advantages. His soft, good-natured voice made no reply and his mouth was turned in a smile as he listened, indicating to the speaker that the invitation was attractive if he could only find it possible to accept. "The ship is in pretty good shape," he volunteered as he was inspecting one of the wings, saying that the ship had given him exceptionally good service since he had received it last spring. In his inspection of the plane he overlooked no details, assuring himself that the ship was in perfect condition for its 500-mile jump to Seattle. Unable to hold a director's meeting in peace and quiet in San Francisco or Los Angeles, Colonel Lindbergh was persuaded to come to Southern Oregon for the meeting in order that more might be accomplished. Thomas B. Eastland of San Francisco, a director of the new transcontinental company, accompanied the Colonel to Medford, where they were met at the airport by Nion Tucker, also a company director, and Harry Scott, who took their distinguished visitor immediately to the summer home on the banks of the river. At that place a two-hour business session was held in the morning and a session of similar length was held in the afternoon with C. Hill of Los Angeles, H. Reed of Portland, Bernard Ford of San Francisco, Nion Tucker, Thomas B. Eastland and Colonel Lindbergh in attendance. Plans were discussed for the opening of the transcontinental line next May from Los Angeles to New York City in regard to numerous preparatory details. The Colonel is the technical director of the new company and holds a responsible position with the organization. If a similar meeting were to have been held in either San Francisco or Los Angeles, no quiet would have been found, it was explained, and the meeting yesterday was an unqualified success in regard to the amount of plans completed and formulated. Upon reaching Seattle this afternoon Colonel Lindbergh and Mr. Eastland will confer with the heads of the Boeing Airplane Company and controllers of the Pacific Air Transport in regard to exchange of passengers and traffic regulations. He will probably spend tomorrow there and return south on Thursday. He plans to fly right over the Rogue River Valley without stopping. The Colonel did not even take a fishing pole in hands during his stay here and has never done much fishing. He was content yesterday at the Scott cabin away from the crowds and hero worshipers, with whom he has had much trouble. He was thoroughly relaxed. He enjoyed playing with the two children of Mr. Eastland who were at the cabin and who left last evening by train for their home in San Francisco. He spent some time at play and seemed to be having a remarkably good time. Once yesterday afternoon, a stranger came into the Scott summer home domain to see how muddy the river was and caught Colonel Lindbergh unaware that others were near. However, upon seeing the stranger walking toward him, the Colonel arose from a reclining position and slipped into the woods out of sight to avoid him. In speaking with the Colonel alone for a short time last evening, Mr. Scott was told a few of the troubles of being famous, one of which was in connection with the Lone Eagle's laundry. Upon sending his clothes to a laundry, the Colonel as a rule expects to miss many of the pieces and sometimes all, being taken by souvenir-hunting laundry workers and possibly others. This practice has caused the Colonel much worry, and he indicated it to be one of his major minor troubles that fame has brought to him. Once in New York City, Colonel Lindbergh told Mr. Scott, a woman slipped behind him with a pair of scissors and cut off a good-sized lock of hair. If his plane is left unprotected, he expects parts of it to be gone through the efforts of souvenir hunters. It is troubles of this kind that caused the famous flier to seek peace and quiet away from jamming crowds that gather wherever he goes. He cannot announce his destination or future movements without the fear of many people. He is reluctant to give out interviews, as he has already given out so many and wishes to keep out of the limelight as much as possible. At the airport this morning he was clad in a dark grey suit, wore a cap and pointed black shoes. He did not pose for pictures, but several were taken by those who were fortunate enough to bring cameras with them. Just before he took off from the field, he got out of his ship and shook hands with a small group of airport attaches, which also included a Mail Tribune reporter. He grasped the hand of each warmly and in his soft, friendly voice said "Goodbye." When he was in the air, the Colonel and Mr. Eastland, his passenger, waved enthusiastically to the crowd below. The ship rapidly gained altitude and in a short time disappeared above the northern horizon. It was scheduled to arrive in Seattle before 3 o'clock this afternoon, giving time for a short stop in Portland. The ship itself is a wonderful piece of work. Its cabin is upholstered in blue velvet and is large enough to carry five passengers. The pilot's seat is in front of two double seats and faces a confusing array of instruments. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1928, page 1 LINDY'S PLANE IS GREAT ATTRACTION
"Yes, sir, that's sure Lindy's plane. Wait a minute till I see the
license number. Golly, it is Lindy's!" It was 12-year-old Dick Sleeter
talking to his brother Bob at the flying field Sunday evening at six
Early in the afternoon the two sons of Dr. R. W. Sleeter asked their mother if she cared if they took an airplane ride. She had argued the matter with them dozens of times before. So at last she consented, telling them that they could go provided that they didn't tell her just what time they would be going up so that she wouldn't know when to be worried. With the necessary money in their pockets they journeyed out to the field only to find that the pilots had left for the day. Being much interested in the subject of aviation, the two boys explored the place and discussed various matters, when suddenly Dick walked over to the hangar and looked through the cracks at a strange plane. It was then that he informed his brother that it belonged to the famous Lindy. At 6 o'clock yesterday morning Dick was at the field waiting for the return of his hero. He stayed there until time for lunch. Probably he was among those at the airport to see him take off this morning. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1928, page 6 LINDY HERE AN HOUR ON WAY SOUTH
Lands This Afternoon at Local Airport for Gas and Oil--Comes Uptown--Leaves Seattle This Forenoon and Eludes Crowd.
Dropping out of the skies this afternoon while en route from Seattle to
San Francisco, Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, following a visit of
nearly an hour, left Medford this afternoon at 3:10 in his silvery Ryan
monoplane, accompanied by Thomas B. Eastman of San Francisco, a
director of the new transcontinental air line to begin operations next
May between Los Angeles and New York City.
The Colonel was as mysterious as ever in regard to his destination when asked shortly after he landed at the airport. "Glad to see you. How are you?" he said upon greeting the reporter, who then introduced Miss Margaret Hensley, also a member of the reportorial staff. He shook hands with her as he said: "I am very glad to meet you." "Where are you going, Colonel," he was asked. "It's all indefinite, I can't tell you," he answered as his face was lighted with a friendly smile. "Would you mind posing for a picture?" "No, I won't pose, but go ahead and take your picture," he said as he started to walk toward his plane, where he held a short consultation with his passenger, Mr. Eastland. The two then left the airport in the Pacific Air Transport Ford roadster with Art Starbuck, air mail pilot, for the Community Hospital to call upon Harry Reed of Portland, who is confined there with a broken leg received Sunday at the Harry Scott cabin, where Lindbergh spent two days this week. Upon returning to the field, he went to his ship and climbed in. After being inside, in response to a question he replied: "Yes, I hope I can come back here some time in the future, perhaps soon. I don't know." His passenger then got into the plane, the door was closed and the engine was started preparatory to leaving. However, before he took off, he reopened the door and shook hands with three or four aviators, giving each a cordial shake. He closed the door, however, when others pressed forward to grip his hand. His smile turned into a scowl as he shut the door and took off for San Francisco, ending his second visit to Medford in a week. He did not stop at Portland en route here, passing over that city at a fairly high altitude. Moving pictures of his visit were taken by H. L. Bromley and will be shown soon. ----
SEATTLE, Aug. 30.--(AP)--Col. Charles A. Lindbergh hopped off at 9:20
a.m. today for an unannounced destination. Lindbergh had been in
conference here with W. E. Boeing, airplane manufacturer. The noted
flier went to Sand Point naval aviation field and was out of the city
before anyone but his closest friends knew about it.Lindbergh was accompanied by Thomas B. Eastland, official of the Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc., of which the noted flier is consulting expert. Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1928, page 1 COL. LINDBERGH STOPS OVER AT MEDFORD AIRPORT
En route from Seattle, Wash. to San Francisco, Colonel Chas. Lindbergh,
America's Lone Eagle, was in Medford Thursday afternoon, stopping there
for gas and oil, His arrival was unannounced, and less than a dozen
people were at the airport to greet him.Giving those present a general salutation, the colonel immediately began his customary inspection of his silvery Ryan monoplane and later took on a supply of gasoline and oil. He refused to be interviewed by a Medford reporter, declaring that he had nothing to say and that plans were indefinite in regard to his destination. "I won't pose for a picture," he said in response to a request for a snapshot, "but go ahead and take it." However, when the picture was taken, the colonel turned his face away from the camera, as did his companion, Thomas B. Eastland of San Francisco, a director in the new transcontinental air line which is scheduled to begin operations next May between Los Angeles and New York City. Mr. Eastland accompanied Colonel Lindbergh from Medford to Seattle last Tuesday morning and left him yesterday afternoon at 3:10. While in Medford, the famous flier accompanied by Mr. Eastland called on Harry Reed of Portland at the Community Hospital, where he is suffering from a broken leg sustained at the Harry Scott cabin on the Rogue River last Sunday, when the colonel was also at the cabin in connection with a business meeting which was carried on there in order to be away from the noise and many people of the city. Immediately upon returning from the hospital, Colonel Lindbergh left for the south, ending his second visit to Southern Oregon in one week. Just before departing, he expressed his desire of returning here again in the comparatively near future. While at the field he was friendly and far different from what reports from Portland indicated him to be when he stopped there Tuesday noon and refused to get out of his plane or even [be] questioned by newspaper men, in whose face he slammed the cabin door. Upon coming to Medford, he did not stop in the state metropolis. Moving pictures of his visit were taken by Horace Bromley of the California-Oregon Power Company and may be shown here in a short time if they are desired. Gold Hill News, August 30, 1928, page 4 26 LICENSED TO PILOT AIRPLANES IN
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30.--(AP)--Directory issued by the Department of
Commerce today shows 2678 airplane pilots to have been licensed by the
department to July 31 in 47 states, District of Columbia and the
possessions. California, with 417, led the list, and New Mexico was the
only state not represented.
The directory does not include army and navy pilots as such, but only whose army and navy men who have been granted licenses under the department classifications as transport pilot, limited commercial pilot, industrial pilot or private pilot. Neither does the list include the 2000 or more pilots operating at present under letters of authority by the department pending an opportunity to take the department's test for a pilot license. The list of licenses by states included: Arizona, 5; California, 417; Colorado, 66; Idaho, 5; Illinois, 161; Kansas, 66; Michigan, 124; Missouri, 107; Montana, 6; Nevada, 4; New York, 238; Ohio, 132; Oregon, 26; Pennsylvania, 130; Texas, 109; Utah, 18; Washington, 41; Wyoming, 25; District of Columbia, 147; Alaska, 9; Hawaiian Islands, 29. Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1928, page 4 LOCAL CITIZENS STRIVING FOR
There are an even dozen residents of the Rogue River Valley taking
flying lessons at the Sanders Aeronautical School, and one is aviating
under the condition that his name be kept from the public eye.
The list is as follows: Henry Fluhrer, Moose Muirhead, Henry Frost of Ashland, Leo Reed of Ashland, Bumps Franklyn of Ashland, Delbert Clifford of Medford, Melvin Larsen, Medford, Guy Corleis, Medford, Fred McPherson, Medford, Aubrey Sanders, Medford and William Reed, Phoenix. According to Prof. Harold Sanders they are all likely students, in various stages of instruction. Moose Muirhead has flown alone a couple of times, and according to his instructor and airport attaches has an "unusual amount of bird-sense." Muirhead has 15 hours of flying to his credit. Twenty hours is considered sufficient time for the granting of a pilot's license. The Ivan McKivor monoplane, which was forced down near Myrtle Point the first of the week, has returned to the local airport. It sustained a broken propeller in landing. Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1928, page 3 WILL INSTALL SEARCHLIGHTS
Two powerful searchlights, each 15 inches in diameter, were received at
the local weather bureau headquarters today and will be installed in
substations at Wolf Creek and on Sexton Mountain this week.
The lights are run by electricity and are for the purpose of determining height of clouds by projecting the light against the clouds and from the point directly below approximating the distance from one to the other. There are few stations on the northern coast which use the electric light system for airway information. Medford Mail Tribune, October 9, 1928, page 3 AIRPORT EXPERT VISITS PROPOSED
Thomas Gale of the Department of Commerce, who is touring the Pacific
Coast assisting in locating sites for airports and radio stations in
connection therewith, is in Medford for the remainder of the week while
engaged in the work of looking after matters pertaining to the proposed
new airport, bonds for which the Medford voters will within the next
two or three months be called upon to vote.
Mr. Gale conferred with Seely Hall, chairman of the new airport committee, and Secretary C. T. Baker of the chamber of commerce this forenoon, following which, accompanied by Mr. Hall he visited the present airport and possible sites for a new airport. As a result of this visit it was decided to ask the city council to set the date for the bond election as soon as possible, and incidentally to call a conference on the subject of the mayor and city councilmen late this afternoon, preliminary to tonight's council meeting. Medford Mail Tribune, November 20, 1928, page 3 LAKE HIGHWAY SITE SELECTED
Government Radio Station to Be Located Crater Lake Highway Near Proposed Airport Site--Ground Leased.
Following out plans which had been made and tentatively announced
several months ago, a government radio airways station is to be
established within the next six months near Medford on ground leased
along the Crater Lake Highway, in proximity to the site of the proposed
new municipal airport. Arrangements for the station were completed
yesterday by Thomas Gale of Washington, D.C., connected with the
aeronautical department of the Department of Commerce.
The station is similar to several to be established in California and Oregon and which will be located at Portland, Redding, Fresno, Bakersfield and Los Angeles. These stations will not duplicate the work now carried on by the private radio stations operated by the Pacific Air Transport Company for several years past, and in Medford will not alter the work of the local United States Weather Bureau, which has been furnishing reports to the local air station since its establishment. One of the main purposes of the new government station, which will be constructed at an approximate cost of $30,000, is to keep in constant touch with air mail planes through the use of wireless telephony broadcast on a wavelength of 900 meters. Each plane will be equipped with a receiving as well as a transmitting set, and it will be possible for pilots to converse with those on the ground. In order to keep away from interference caused by the ignition system of the airplane motor, which goes into the ether on a wavelength of 15 to 20 meters, the 900-meter length is used. The stations up and down the coast will keep in touch with each other 24 hours daily on airway information, giving air mail fliers as well as other aviators information at any time. The local station will include two steel towers of 128 feet in height and 375 feet apart. Four men will be required as operators, according to present plans. The possible establishment of the new station was announced in Medford last summer by D. W. Little of Oakland, formerly of Medford, but now in charge of airway weather service for the western states, when he was here while en route to Portland and Seattle. At that time, Mr. Little told of plans made for the Pacific Coast air service and of a continuous string of air beacons from San Diego to Seattle for the benefit of night fliers. The new station will be operated under the direction of the local United States Weather Bureau, and it is possible that weather reports may be broadcast by remote control directly from the bureau offices. The department will be in charge of the mechanical end of the station, and is to operate 24 hours daily in benefit of night flying. If the 24-hour operation goes into effect, it will mean that the weather bureau must do the same and require added help. However, this feature is not yet fully decided. Any change in weather will be immediately broadcast by the bureaus, keeping pilots in constant touch with weather conditions, according to L. W. Dick, in charge of the bureau in Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1928, page 1 DENSE FOG HINDERS AIR MAIL FROM
The dense cold of today, which began to somewhat dissipate shortly
after noon, came up during the night in a light form, which gradually
increased until it had grown to be the most dense of the season.
Coldness accompanied the fog, which at 5 a.m. had a minimum temperature
of 27 degrees.Fortunately the northbound air mail plane from San Francisco reached Medford on time at 9 a.m. and had proceeded on north before the fog became so dense, but the southbound plane from Portland, arriving late, about 9:30 a.m. found the fog so dense as to be unable to land here and went on and alighted at the emergency landing field on the Barron ranch near Ashland. Fair weather with slowly rising temperature is forecast for tonight and Wednesday. Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1928, page 3 EMERGENCY FIELD USED BY PLANES
Because of the dense fog in the valley the air mail planes today again
landed at the Barron ranch emergency landing field eight or ten miles
south of Ashland, due to inability to land at the Medford airport. The
northbound plane from San Francisco was a little late, but the
southbound plane from Portland arrived practically on schedule time, 9
a.m. The pilots of the planes report that they had little difficulty in
flying through the valley beyond that of locating the local airport.The method of getting the air mail to the Medford post office when the planes land at the Barron emergency field is that it is quickly loaded onto the Pacific Air Transport motor truck and hurried to the Medford airport, where it is turned over to the air mail messenger of the local post office, who rushes it to the post office. Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1928, page 3 WILL INVESTIGATE LANDING SITE FOR
Advices come from Washington that the Bureau of Aeronautics is planning
for a location site for dirigibles on the Pacific Coast and will
investigate Medford with other cities.While no appropriation has been made for this purpose as yet, it no doubt will be authorized within a short time. Medford, being air-minded and having many other advantages, may have a chance to land this dirigible site, which would be a big proposition. Medford Mail Tribune, December 12, 1928, page 3 DAILY AIRPLANES FOR PASSENGERS
Inauguration of daily service of the West Coast Air Transport Company
passenger planes between Portland, Medford and San Francisco and a
round-trip run each day between Portland and Seattle will be made
Monday, December 31, Dick Bollam of the Portland office announced
yesterday.Under the new arrangements, a plane will leave Seattle at 8 a.m., arriving Portland shortly after 9 o'clock. It will be held at the Swan Island field until the arrival of the San Francisco plane, which will be due at 2:15 p.m. Passengers booked for Seattle will be transferred to the waiting plane and carried north. The southbound ship will leave Portland every morning at 8:00 o'clock. Heretofore the company has been flying south only on a three-day schedule, planes leaving Portland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and but one trip to Seattle daily. The daily schedule was made necessary, however, when negotiations for transporting freight for the United Parcel Service was completed. The contract will go into effect January 1. According to Mr. Bollam, the Crusader will be used on the Seattle route, with Al French as pilot. The Cascadian and the Cherokee will be used on the Medford-San Francisco runs with pilots Case, Goldsmith, Parshal and Loughlin in charge of the machines. Small one-motor planes will be kept in reserve, to be used for flying in bad weather. Medford Mail Tribune, December 28, 1928, page 7 TWELVE-PASSENGER PLANE VISITS
A Boeing
12-passenger cabin plane, arriving from the
south this forenoon at 2:45, attracted a large crowd of local citizens
to the airport to view the giant machine, which is one of the largest
ever to land in Medford. It has a wingspread of 80 feet, is 65 feet
long and is powered by three motors, having a combined strength of
approximately 1200 horsepower. It is in charge of pilots Lewis and
Little and will leave tomorrow for Seattle.Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1929, page 1 WEATHER HOLDING BIG PLANE TODAY
The huge
Boeing tri-motored,
12-passenger biplane,
which arrived yesterday from San Francisco en route to Seattle, was
still at the local airport this afternoon with the possibility that it
may be here until tomorrow because of adverse weather conditions. The
ship, which has three motors of 460 horsepower each, was inspected by
many local residents yesterday afternoon, and a large number of people
were still viewing it today.The ship has a wider wingspread than the giant Ford monoplane here several times last summer and has exceptional cabin furnishings. In time cabin planes of a similar type will be placed on regular passenger schedule by the Boeing company between Seattle and Southern California. Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1929, page 2 MOVE FOR AIR FIELD UNDERWAY
approval of the state supreme court stamped on
the $25,000 bond issue voted by the city of Roseburg for the
construction of a municipal airport, the proposed $100,000 airport for
the city of Medford has clear sailing ahead if the bond issue for its
construction meets with the approval of the people. The United States
Department of Commerce has approved the site for the air field, the
ground and building plans of which have already been completed.Approval of Roseburg Bond Issue by Supreme Court Clears Track for Local Improvement--Site on Biddle Road Desired--Time Limit for Completion This afternoon Mayor Pipes and the members of the Chamber of Commerce were scheduled to hold a meeting to discuss arrangements for calling a special election in the near future to vote bonds for a new airport. The site is located on the Biddle Road, one and one-half miles from the point it leaves the Pacific Highway near the Owen-Oregon mill, making a total distance of three miles from the airport administration buildings to the corner of Main and Riverside. The landing field will be over one mile long and a half mile wide, enabling planes to land in any direction, with the main runways hard surfaced and the entire field suitable for landing. The site has a frontage of a mile along the P.&E. or Owen-Oregon logging railroad tracks and adjoins the Biddle orchards on the northwest corner. According to present plans, the city will construct one hangar and hangars will also be constructed by private airplane interests, including buildings by the Pacific Air Transport company and air passenger lines. Lease Applications
applications have been received to lease
sites for hangars by individuals and to lease sites for oil filling
stations, returning a revenue sufficient to pay operating costs and
also interest on the bond issue. Other buildings on the field
will include the administration buildings, housing the Department of
Commerce officials and the weather bureau. Plans include a structure
for a restaurant, comfort stations, fire equipment building and
possibly a supply store.The field, which must be completed by June of this year to be of use to air mail planes which will inaugurate a night schedule at that time, will be lighted with flood, border and beacon lights, bringing it up to the standard required by the government for illuminated landing fields. Radio Built Soon
Department of Commerce radio station, to be
constructed within the next few months, will be located a half mile
from the airport, towers of the station being 128 feet high, making a
hazard for airplanes if the station was located on the airport itself.The airport question has been in the hands of the airport committee of the Medford Chamber of Commerce and has been thoroughly investigated, with a number of the members inspecting fields at Oakland, San Francisco, Portland and Los Angeles to embody the latest ideas in the local port. The station committee is composed of Seely Hall, chairman, J. C. Thompson, Bert Thierolf, Clyde Eakin, Larry Mann, S. M. Hogan and F. C. Dillard. Appoint Committee
The city
council is expected to appoint an airport
committee of its own from its membership to go into the matter further,
with a special committee to be chosen from the Chamber of Commerce
membership. The matter of establishing a new airport is looked upon as
of prime importance to Medford, as those in charge of the matter fear
this city may lose the prestige it has won in the Pacific Coast
aviation world unless better accommodations are secured.Realizing the importance of aviation, other Oregon cities are cited as striving to establish airports, and it is declared Medford must keep abreast of the movement in this respect. Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1929, page 1 ELECTION CALL NEXT STEP IN
The next
important step in the movement to provide
an adequate airport for Medford will come Tuesday night when the
Chamber of Commerce committee will present plans and specifications,
detailed cost figures and other data as prepared in anticipation of
requesting the city government body to call a special election to vote
bonds for the project.Action Speeded by News Mail Planes to Discontinue Use of Fairground Field--C. of C. Committee to Meet Tuesday--Larger Field Imperatively Needed. Action on the part of the committee was hastened somewhat by advices received yesterday from the West Coast Air Transport Company that their planes would discontinue further scheduled stops in Medford, supposedly due to the condition of the fairgrounds field. The ships will use the field at Montague, Calif., to break the hop between Portland and San Francisco, according to the notice of the change. Attitude of the council members toward the project is as yet a matter of conjecture. Mayor A. W. Pipes and the finance committee have been apprised of the work of the Chamber of Commerce but have expressed no official opinion, preferring to have the subject come before the council in concrete form and that body passing on the question to the citizens of the city for decision as to authorization of the bonds. Withdrawal of the West Coast schedule for Medford is the climax of long-continued complaint from pilots of the larger machines who bring their ships down on the cramped and soft, uneven runways of the present airport. The field measures 2100 by 600 feet with no possible expansion as it is bordered on the west by the small race track, on the north by creek bottom and on the south by the Pacific Highway. With the trend toward big planes capable of carrying many passengers, the fairgrounds runways are now looked upon by aviation officials as hazardous landing places; will soon become utterly impossible, it is declared. Another factor in hastening the action of the airport committee is the inauguration on June 1 of night flying by mail planes over this route. A two-million-candlepower revolving beacon will be in vicinity of the proposed field, erected with a 51-foot tower in the near future, site selection and other arrangements for installation having been completed Saturday by S. S. Boggs, construction engineer of the government bureau of airways of the lighthouse department. Night travel is said to be comparatively easy and safe with adequate beacons and landing fields; however, the use of small or uneven levels such as prevail at the fairgrounds renders landing difficult and dangerous, it is claimed. The ground plans for the new airport would call for a runway over a mile in length and half that in width. Due to the strategic situation of Medford between two large air centers--Portland and San Francisco--each capable of handling any size ship, it is pointed out by the committee that a stop in this vicinity for refueling and other purposes by coastal air traffic is necessary. Such being the case, a field meeting government Class "A" requirements as provided by the proposed Biddle Road site must be provided if this city is to keep step with progressive requirements in aviation. Installation of the new radio station authorized by the government for construction on a site within half a mile of the proposed airport will necessitate a crew of four men, the apparatus being kept constantly in operation, and the weather bureau personnel will also be increased to four it the new field is placed in use. According to the Chamber of Commerce committee, which includes Seely Hall as chairman, J. C. Thompson, Bert Thierolf, Clyde Eakin, Larry Mann, M. N. Hogan and F. C. Dillard, the purchase of land, erection of buildings, preparation of runways, drainage and other major items will entail an expenditure of approximately $120,000. This sum has been arrived at after careful and close figuring and is said to be the minimum amount for which an airport meeting government requirements and capable of handling any plane in present or contemplated service can be provided. Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1929, page 8 AIRPORT PLANS UNDER WAY IN OREGON
Medford is
not alone in its effort
to establish a new and modern municipal airport, assuring the
permanence of the United States air mail stop here. In Oregon, Salem,
Roseburg and Klamath Falls are endeavoring to establish airports up to
government standards, and each city has hopes of being made a permanent
air mail stop in the event that the proposed airport in Medford fails.Salem, Roseburg and Klamath Falls Have Visions of Government Approved Air Fields--Washington D.C. Problem Is Parallel. Although many miles distant, a parallel is seen in airport matters of the city of Washington, D.C., now occupying the attention of a municipal port large enough to provide for the needs of airmail and passenger planes flying between Washington and other eastern centers. The seriousness of the airport matter in Washington, and it is regarded equally as serious in Medford, is shown in the fact that the subject has been the topic of many special meetings of government officials, aeronautic authorities, civic and industrial bodies, and of numerous editorials in Washington papers. Reference has been made to it in a presidential message, and during December was the cause of a mass meeting at which over 2000 people, including United States senators and representatives, were present. Runways Needed
faces a serious
situation, in the words of Hon. Roy O. Woodruff, representative from
Michigan, on account of insufficient space to afford adequate runways
for the large liners of the air, certain to come in the not distant
future. The same holds true for Medford, which, in time and in the
failure to establish a new airport will be forgotten as far as the
aviation world is concerned, it is claimed by experts.Medford made a valiant beginning in establishing the first airport in Oregon and for many years was recognized as the only suitable landing field in the state. Its progressiveness in the aviation world was the talk of cities throughout the state, and they in time followed Medford's example. However, in the past two years, aviation has shown so many developments and such extraordinary progress, the matter of airports has become a serious topic for cities of Oregon which would rank high in aviation on the Pacific Coast. In several places local bond issues have already been passed for the construction of landing fields and airport facilities, and Medford is now attempting to bring its airport out of a third-class into a class set by government standards. The sum of $120,000 has been set as sufficient to give Medford one of the best airports on the coast, and if the proposed bond issue, to come up for election this spring, carries, the city can rest assured, according to aviation authorities, of being a permanent stop for mail and passenger planes. Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1929, page B1 PROPOSED SITE LOCAL AIRPORT
S. S. Boggs of Washington, D.C.,
superintendent of airway extension, and E. L. Curtis of San Francisco,
airway engineer, federal officials connected with the Department of
Commerce, are in the city today, consulting with local airport heads,
collecting data and statistics, and inspecting the new proposed airport
site, for which a bond election will be held April 2 next.Government Air Officials Inspect New Location--Power for Beacons Being Contracted--Marking of Landings Provided Engineer Curtis pronounced the proposed site as admirably suited for aerial needs and held that it would be a vital factor in the coast airway system. The federal officials are also negotiating contracts with the California Oregon Power Company for the furnishing of power, for the lighting of the airway beacons between Portland, Ore., and Redding, Cal., for the radio stations, the lighting of fields--man and emergency--and such power as is necessary for the aerological weather bureau station to be located in the administration building on the airport. Installation of the electric beacon lights will start at an early date and will be in operation by June 1. The beacons will simplify night flying and will be established every 30 miles. There will be in the neighborhood of 50 beacons installed on the Oregon unit of the airway. The visiting officials are also making provisions for the day marking of the air fields. They expect to spend three or four days in this city attending to the business in hand. Both Mr. Curtis and Mr. Boggs spent considerable time today going over the proposed airport site with Seely V. Hall and others, and conferring with local airport enthusiasts. Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1929, page 1 FRUIT MEN URGE PLAN OF AIRPORT
Resolutions endorsing the proposed new Medford airport and the issuance
of $120,000 bonds for the construction thereof, to be decided at a
special election April 2, next, were adopted by the Rogue River Valley
Traffic Association at a meeting held this noon.Rogue River Valley Traffic Association Resolves in Favor of Improvement--May Tells Fruit Distribution System in Europe--Bosc Ad Plan Revealed. The resolutions set forth that the present airport facilities are inadequate; that it is imperative that Medford maintain her position as one of the leading airports of the Pacific Coast area; that the failure of the airport bonds to carry would result in a loss of prestige and commercial advantage, and that a modern, up-to-date airport is paramount to future growth. Jack E. F. May, junior member of the firm of S. B. Moomaw of London, England, one of the largest fruit importing and exporting concerns of Europe, told the association of the system of his firm in distributing fruits to the leading points of Europe, and further stated "that agitation over the arsenate of lead situation in Great Britain had died down," in response to a question by Secretary C. T. Laker. Ad Plan
David Rosenberg told the gathering of a Bosc advertising campaign that
was under consideration. The plan is to advertise in newspapers in the
leading cities, that by clipping and presenting a coupon attached to
the ad the bearer would be given a Bosc pear by a leading fruiterer.Mr. Rosenberg stated that, in his opinion, "one Bosc pear in the mouth was worth a page that told about them." It is figured that this advertising campaign will cost in the neighborhood of $25,000. After some discussion on the nail situation, the purchasing committee was instructed to proceed and buy the nails for the coming season without further argument, and at the price it thought best. Text of Resolution
The full text of the airport resolution adopted by the meeting is as follows:"Whereas, the city of Medford and the Rogue River Valley is a logical stopping point for airplane travel north and south on the Pacific Coast, and since a temporary landing field was first established near the city of Medford the growth of airplane transportation into and out of this district has been enormous; and "Whereas, transportation of passengers, mail and freight by airplane continues to increase throughout the United States at an unprecedented rate, and doubtless will grow in greater proportion from year to year; and "Whereas, advantages to the city of Medford and the Rogue River Valley in maintaining this locality as one of the principal Pacific Coast airports are many, and are of a nature which further the commercial development of the city and surrounding country; and "Whereas, the present landing field has been found utterly inadequate, even for the present use of the air traffic into and out of Medford, and unless a more suitable permanent landing field is obtained within the immediate future, Medford and the Rogue River Valley may lose its prestige as an airport, and consequently lose the commercial and like advantages now enjoyed by it; and "Whereas, plans have been made by the city of Medford to procure land adjacent to the city and develop the same into a modern, up-to-date airport, and in furtherance of this plan there will be submitted to the voters of the city in April a proposition for the issue of bonds of the city in the sum of $120,000, which are to be used in establishing such a new airport; "Now, therefore, the Rogue River Valley Traffic Association, being satisfied that the establishment of such landing field is of paramount commercial importance to Medford and the Rogue River Valley, endorses such plans of the city council for the permanent airport, and endorses the issue of such bonds by the city." Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1929, page 1 WILL EXPAND AERIAL EXPRESS
1..--(Special to Mail
Tribune.)--From the offices of United Parcel
Service, with branches in eight Pacific Coast cities, comes the
announcement of the expansion of their service to cover aerial express
to be known as United Air Express.United Parcel Service To Use Air at Reduced Rates--Starts February 15--Intermediate Stops When Fields Available. J. E. Casey, president of United Parcel Service, states that charges for shipment by United Air Express will be 50 to 75 percent lower than previous air mail and air express rates. He stated a five-pound package by air mail between Los Angeles and San Francisco now costs $7.96. Present air express rates are approximately the same. But by United Air Express the cost will be only $2.00 for five pounds. Rates correspondingly low will be in effect between other coast cities, and eventually, to all points in the United States. The new air express service will begin about February 15, reaching all important Pacific Coast points from San Diego, via Medford, to Seattle, including Fresno, Sacramento and other inland cities. In discussing the new service, Mr. Casey said, "The question naturally arises in the minds of business men; 'How can a new firm enter the air express field with such radical reductions in rates on an economically sound basis?' The answer is that it would not be possible under ordinary conditions, because landing fields are usually located far from city business districts. Such an enterprise by a new firm would ordinarily require a very large investment in equipment for collecting and carrying express to and from airports. "But," Casey continued, "United Air Express is a development for United Parcel Service, that has for many years been providing an extensive parcel delivery service on the Pacific Coast. The new low rates for air express are possible only because of the widespread facilities of United Parcel Service. In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and other cities we maintain a complete specialized delivery service. This complete equipment is immediately available for the additional work of servicing air express. We will contract with present air carriers to transport our express. Our company is the largest of its kind in the world, better fitted than any other kind of business to enter the field of air express. "Contracts have been signed with leading air transportation firms of the Coast. All parcels for transportation will be delivered by United Parcel Service trucks to landing fields and will be carried by planes at contract rates. Other United Parcel Service trucks will meet planes at their destination and make immediate delivery to consignee." Many kinds of business are already using the air mail for package shipments, even at the present high rates, including film companies, advertising agencies, newspapers, jewelry houses and banks. Because of the new low rates, these present users are expected to take advantage of air express to a much greater extent. In addition, the low rates will make it possible for many other types of business to use air transportation, such as blueprints, patterns, correspondence, dental and optical houses, druggists, parts manufacturers of all kinds of machinery, and others. When United Air Express service starts about February 15, they state they will begin serving not only every Pacific Coast point that is equipped with an airport, but will give daily air express transportation to Arizona, New Mexico and Texas cities. Contracts have already been signed with many air transportation and air mail lines including the lines between San Francisco, Medford, Oregon, Portland and Seattle. The cities above mentioned are main points on the line. In addition, the company expects to handle air express at correspondingly low rates to all cities and towns on the route where landing ports are available. Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1929, page 1 Another Reason Why Medford Should
Vote Airplane Bonds
Oakland airport for the week
ending January 26 reports 14 Boeing planes arriving and leaving that
port, carrying 13 passengers; 14 Western Air Express planes, with 39
passengers, and 44 Pacific Air Transport planes, on the Medford line,
with 15 passengers.In addition to these regular transport line activities, taxiplane landings at the municipal airport totaled 1285; 692 passengers were carried on short flights and 159 student flights were made. Western Air Transport planes make Medford a "zooming station"--a city where planes pass by--because the present field will not accommodate their big planes. If Medford votes the bonds for the new port, these planes will stop here, as formerly, on their regular daily trips, it is said. Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1929, page B5 BEACON LIGHT TO BE PLACED BARRON
2.--(Special)--An emergency airport covering an area of about
15 acres is to be equipped on the Ed Barron ranch about 10 miles east
of Ashland adjacent to the Pacific Highway, where planes have been
landing during the foggy weather farther down the valley in the last
few months.It is to be known and listed as an intermediate government landing field and will be equipped with one beacon light and boundary lights. C. S. Boggs, superintendent of the federal airway extension service between Seattle and San Francisco, was in Ashland Friday, making arrangements to have the improvements started in the spring. On the Gallatin ranch in the Valley View section about two miles from Ashland is to be erected one of the 24-inch lights with two million candlepower. It is to be on top a tower 51 feet high and, under ordinary circumstances, is presumed to be visible for 50 miles. Another beacon of the same type will be placed on Dunn's Peak about four miles east of town on the McCallister ranch at some point near the summit of the Siskiyou mountain range, Mr. Boggs stated. Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1929, page 1 MEDFORD WILL MAKE BID FOR BLIMP
Establishment of a dirigible base
in the Rogue River Valley adjacent to this city is among the
possibilities of the immediate future, and a meeting of the directors
of the Chamber of Commerce has been called this afternoon at 4
o'clock for the purpose of selecting a representative or
representatives to attend a meeting Friday in Portland of delegates of
various Oregon communities.Congress recently appropriated $5,000,000 for the establishment of a dirigible base on the Pacific Coast. The communities interested in the state of Washington recently united upon Camp Lewis, near Tacoma, Wash., as their choice. Medford representatives will endeavor to have the Portland meeting unite upon this city as the choice of this state. This valley is admirably located, climatically and geographically, for a dirigible. It has a minimum of wind velocity, is situated midway of the Pacific Coast states, and is a sufficient distance from the sea to ensure avoidance of seashore weather, yet within easy reach. It is understood that the government is seeking a site in the interior, and climate is one of the main requisites. It is also understood that local aviation workers have an option on a site, and that their cause has considerable official and private backing, due to the airmindedness of the city in the past. A dirigible base employs from 300 to 500 men, with a vast amount of equipment and quarters and hangars. Medford Mail Tribune, February 5, 1929, page 1 CONCESSION REVENUE AT AIRPORT
The revenue from concessionaires already
for leases on the proposed new $120,000 airport will not only take
care of the interest after the first five years of operation, but will
provide a sinking fund which can be used to pay off the bond issue
itself, according to Seely Hall, chairman of the airport committee of
the chamber of commerce, who with W. A. Gates, another member, spoke
before the Lions Club Wednesday.The leases already applied for amount to over $4900, which will be paid into the airport fund the first year of its operation. This sum will be received from shop leases, gas and oil concessions, restaurants, pilot's quarters, hangar and outside storages and other sources. It is anticipated, according to members of the committee, that this revenue will be increased many times during the next 10 years with the development of aviation and the further use of planes as a medium of travel and transportation. Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1929, page 9 DOES MEDFORD NEED A MODERN NEW
It is highly important to the future
development of
every community that at least one centrally located airport be
available for general use, and this can best be accomplished by testing
its ownership in the municipality, according to William P. MacCracken,
Jr., Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics.Speaking before the American Society of Civil Engineers at its fall meeting in San Diego, Calif., Mr. MacCracken carefully weighed the advantages of municipal ownership of a public airport in each community as against dependence upon private controlled air terminals. Due to the fact that aviation has been largely dependent from the beginning on publicly owned airports for terminals, there has developed a strong sentiment in favor of such a policy, the assistant secretary stated. Although undoubtedly born of necessity, this idea of public ownership of air terminal facilities has gained support today for several sounder reasons, he contended: "If any community is to get the best transportation service, it must be in a position to assure equal opportunity for terminal facilities to the various operators. But frequently there is only one site available for an airport that will adequately serve the business district of a large community. Should this be acquired by an air transport company, that community would, in a large measure, be wholly dependent upon the one operating company for its air transportation services. It would be like turning over its harbor, or the entire waterfront, to a single steamship line. Such a policy would be regarded as contrary to public policy, if not altogether ridiculous. "In addition, the city has a definite obligation to its citizens and the traveling public to provide an adequate landing field for aircraft. There are intangible returns from the construction of an airport which cannot be expressed in terms of profit. Vast sums are spent annually in parks, water and sewage systems, and in pavement, against which no direct return can be figured. Suitable municipal airport facilities may be the means of attracting new enterprises, the payrolls of which add to the general prosperity of the city. An airport provides for the crop-dusting machine, the photographer, the taxiplane, the private air yacht, the regular transport plane and the private owner. In short, the city becomes a part of the transportation net that is taking shape in the skies. "It is not my purpose in this paper to discuss the question of airport management. But certain it is that it is the duty of every municipality to own an airport, just as much as it is its duty to own and maintain the streets, parks, and harbor facilities within its limits." Secretary MacCracken, when he visited Medford in August last year, was pleased with the proposition of the new airport here and promised to cooperate in every way possible should the new port be built. A municipal airport, in order to serve its purpose well and be a credit to the community, should be landscaped and made otherwise attractive, sanitary, and serviceable to a high degree. The real needs of the public in the proper use of the field must be provided and protected, and the service to the people properly arranged for and controlled. This is provided for in the proposition to be submitted to Medford people April 2nd. The initial expense of providing a field and putting it into serviceable condition must naturally be incurred by the city, but in time the revenues derived from the use of the field should be sufficient to defray the cost of operation and maintenance. Medford Mail Tribune, February 9, 1929, page 6 RADIO STATION WORKERS HERE
Actual construction of the new
government radio
station to be located near Medford, announced some time ago, will begin
the latter part of this week with the arrival of equipment, according
to R. A. Martin, who arrived last evening from Reno, Nev., to be in
charge of construction. The new station will entail an approximate
expenditure ranging from $50,000 to $75,000 and will be the most
complete of its kind on the Pacific Coast, as well as the nation.$50,000 Plant to Rise Near Proposed Airport Site--R. A. Martin Arrives to Take Charge of Construction Work. The site is located near the proposed new municipal airport on Biddle Lane and is only a short distance from the Crater Lake Highway, two miles north of this city. A crew of five or six men will be employed in the construction of the station, including two steel towers, each 128 feet high, and two smaller towers of 50 feet in height and 375 feet apart. An office building of approximately 30 feet square will be constructed and will shelter the transmitting apparatus, including only the latest in radio equipment. The station will operate on five kilowatts or 500 watts on interchangeable wavelengths of 50, 88 and 900 meters. The latter length will be used for the transmission of wireless telephony in sending weather reports to pilots while in the air. The short wavelengths will be used principally for telegraph, with 88 meters to be used in the transmission of night messages. The wavelengths are so arranged to avoid possible interference in local reception of programs from KMED and other coast stations, being both above and below the receiving range of local sets. To Aid Planes
The sole purpose of the station is to
keep in touch
with mail and passenger planes while in the air, to broadcast weather
and other information, and will be used for official purposes only. It
will be operated on a 24-hour basis, divided into three eight hour
shifts, using three operators, with Mr. Martin as chief operator.The local station is one of six on which construction is beginning this month, at Los Angeles, Fresno, Oakland, Portland and Seattle, and is similar to those which have been in use on the transcontinental air mail route. Other stations may be constructed later at intermediary points, such as Redding, Chico, Eugene and Olympia. Upon its completion the station which has been in use at the local airport by the Pacific Air Transport company will be abandoned, according to Mr. Martin, who also added that a printer telegraph service, of similar type used by newspapers in receiving telegraphic reports, will connect the radio station, the airport and the local United States Weather Bureau into one chain. Medford Mail Tribune, February 11, 1929, page 1 KIWANIS CLUB ENDORSES NEW AIRPORT
The Kiwanis Club, following talks given
today's meeting by W. A. Gates, Seely Hall and S. S. Smith, went
on record as unanimously endorsing the new proposed airport.Information Given Members on Need of New Site--Gates and Hall Make Strong Plea--Letter Read from Eakin. Mr. Gates stressed the advantageous geographical position which has made Medford a logical landing terminal, and the aid the Department of Commerce is ready to give here in case the local voters put the necessary bond issue across. That the new airport will mean more to the future of Medford and to local taxpayers than any problem that has come before the voters in the past was also stated by the speaker. Seely Hall, chairman of the chamber of commerce committee on aviation, traced the history of the local airport and the developments in aviation that have brought Medford to the present issue of voting for a suitable landing field. Mr. Hall showed why, bounded as it is by the Pacific Highway and power lines, the fairgrounds and the creek, the idea of enlarging the present field is impossible. The new airport, with its radio communication station, administration and various concessions, will bring Medford an annual payroll of over $81,000, said Mr. Hall. Letter Is Read.
S. S. Smith read a letter from E. V.
Eakin, president
and general manager of the Union Air Lines, Inc., formerly the West
Coast Air Transport Co., stating they had to transfer their operation
from Medford to Montague, Calif., because the field is inadequate for
large planes like theirs and they could not afford to endanger the
lives of passengers and pilots and risk wrecking their planes.Mr. Eakin said Medford is recognized by the government and all air lines as a key city for both mail, passengers and express lines and would, with an adequate airport, be a clearing house for the territory north, south, east and west and if the new airport is established their company would resume the operations here, and it would be one of the greatest benefits to the city that has occurred in years. He also read a report of the landing and taking off of airplanes at the Oakland airport for the week ending February 2, showing the P.A.T. line through Medford has more than both the other lines. Medford Mail Tribune, February 11, 1929, page 1 FLUHRER MAKES SOLO FOR FLYING
It won't be long until Heinie Fluhrer
will be
a full-fledged aviator, as yesterday he made his first "solo" flight,
after having taken flying lessons at the
Sandler Aeronautical School for several weeks past. Heinie is reported
to be an apt pupil and is expected to develop into a first-class pilot.
W. H. (Moose) Muirhead, another student of Harold Sander, has completed
his course and has received his license from the United States
government.Both men expect to purchase their own airplanes sometime in the near future. Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1929, page 4 RICHFIELD WILL SPEND BIG SUM
PORTLAND, Feb. 16.--(AP)--Geo. H. Gage,
Portland manager for Richfield Oil Company, said today that more than
three million dollars will be expended in Oregon by the company in the
construction of six large units for combining aviation beacons and
better distribution facilities for the company's products.The first of the units will be constructed one mile west of Crown Point on the Columbia River Highway. Other sites selected are Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Grants Pass and Hood River. Work on the first unit will begin as soon as permission is secured from Multnomah County commissioners. The general contract has been let to a Los Angeles firm, Gage said, although subcontractors will be used on each unit. Each plant will be of Spanish architecture with a 125-foot beacon tower. Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1929, page 2 BIG AIRPLANE TO VISIT CITY SOON
What is said to be the largest airplane
in the
United States will visit Medford within the next month, according to a
letter received today by the Medford Chamber of Commerce from the
Keystone Aircraft Corporation of Bristol, Pa. The ship has capacity for
20 passengers, has wingspread of 90 feet, a length of 63 feet and
includes kitchen and refrigeration service, as well as a private
drawing room compartment. It has a high speed of 155 miles per hour and
a cruising speed of 135 miles, receiving power from three Wright motors
of 535 horsepower. Further details of ship's arrival will be
announced later.Medford Mail Tribune, February 18, 1929, page 3 COUNCIL CREATES CODE COMMITTEE
In addition to creating a new department
of the city
administration in an airport committee of the city council, that body
last night created a committee of representative citizens in the trades
to revise the building code, and Mayor A. W. Pipes appointed Jack
Coffeen as city plumbing inspector.The airport committee, as explained by Mayor Pipes, is in connection with the new airport project on which the voters will pass judgment April 2 next. The mayor pointed out that many matters would come before the council pertaining to the projected new airfield and recommended that a special committee should be created to which all such matters should be referred for investigation, this committee to report back its recommendations for action by the whole councilman body. The councilmen approved the plan and also the mayor's appointees on that committee as follows: E. M. Wilson, E. H. Janney and J. O. Grey. Mayor Pipes also called attention to the fact that there was much sentiment for the revision of the city building code, about which there have been many complaints, and said that more teeth should be put into it in spots, to bring about desired reforms. The councilmen also agreed unanimously on the necessity of revising the building code. Thereupon the mayor appointed a committee from the architects, builders, electricians, plumbers, etc., whom he said were willing to serve, as follows: Frank Clark, O. O. Alenderfer, Wm. A. Aitken, L. B. Humphreys, M. B. Merritt and H. D. Turner, with City Superintendent and Building Inspector Fred Scheffel and Fire Chief Roy Elliot as ex-officio members. Medford Mail Tribune, February 20, 1929, page 3 WOULD USE PEAR TO IDENTIFY AIR
While no definite steps in regard to
having the
proposed new Medford airport decorated by some large significant symbol
of the city, which would be illuminated at night, can be undertaken
until after the airport bond election on April 2nd next, the matter has
been quietly discussed among themselves by quite a number of the
leaders of the air-minded in the city.Therefore when W. F. Caldwell of Portland ventured the suggestion recently to the chamber of commerce of that city that Swan Island, the Portland landing field, be identified for the benefit of the aviators by a large rose symbol to be illuminated at night, and further that other cities in the state with airports could use their own particular trademarks for similar purposes, the idea was welcomed. The talk of some such symbol at the Medford airport has only been in the talking stage, of course with a number of suggested symbols for adoption, but in this talk the majority of opinion favored a huge pear as most significant in identifying Medford day or night with the aviators and their passengers. Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1929, page 2 OUTLOOK GOOD DIRIGIBLE BASE NEAR
As far as the state of Oregon is
concerned, Medford
is believed to have the best outlook for the proposed $5,000,000
dirigible base to be established somewhere on the Pacific Coast,
according to C. T. Baker, secretary of the Medford Chamber of Commerce,
who returned yesterday from Portland, where he had attended a
conference with the Portland Chamber of Commerce.Baker Returns from Conference with Optimistic Report--Medford Has Only Complete Survey--Local Site Meets Needs. He reported today Medford was the only section in Oregon which was in a position to provide a complete brief on its site. Dissension has broken out in the Willamette Valley, as well as in the Columbia Basin and Eastern Oregon. None of the three sections has been able to decide upon a site within their own districts. The brief presented at Portland was regarded perfect with the exception of two points, concerning the health standards of Southern Oregon and a topographical map of Jackson County. With these two points included, the brief will be revised and sent to naval authorities in Washington, D.C., and it is probable a committee of naval experts will visit the Medford site and other proposed sites on the coast some time next summer to investigate the feasibility of each site. It is also probable the interests of Medford may have to be represented by some local citizen who will go to Washington, D.C., to speak for the establishment of the dirigible base here. The local site meets every requirement requested by the government and is located on the Agate Desert, seven or eight miles from Medford along the Crater Lake Highway. One of the main requirements requested is freedom from high winds, electrical storms and excessive foggy weather. Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1929, page 1 ARRANGE SECURE AIRPORT EXPERT IF
The air committee of the city council,
the members
of which will have absolute charge of the construction of
Medford's new proposed airport if the bond issue to be voted on
April 2 carries, is making arrangements to secure the services of an
expert airport engineer who laid out the Oakland, Calif., airport, the
most up to date in the West, to come to Medford, make definite plans
and supervise the airport construction here if the people of the city
vote favorably on the bond issue next month.This announcement was made today and gives assurance that Medford is in line for one of the best airports on the coast, depending on the will of the people. Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1929, page 4 Importance of New Airport in
The weekly report of the Oakland airport
shows 44
planes of the Pacific Air Transport, the line through Medford, arrived
and took off from that port last week. This was 18 more planes that the
total arrivals and departures of the Boeing Air Port and Western Air
Express at Oakland and shows the importance of the line through Medford.These were air mail planes only. The Union Air Line planes do not stop at Medford because they cannot land on the present field. If Medford votes the bonds on April 2nd and puts in an adequate field, the Union Air and the United Air Express planes and all large types of planes will stop in Medford. If not, this city will continue to be a "zooming" station. Medford Mail Tribune, March 7, 1929, page 2 ANOTHER AIR LINE WANTS TO KNOW
The Maddox Air Lines, that now operate
ships out of Los Angeles, will establish a line from Los Angeles to
Seattle about June 1st and will make Medford an important stop on the
route, provided the city puts in an adequate airport where passenger
planes carrying ten or more passengers can land. This is impossible on
the present field, as it is too small.Believing that Medford people realizing the importance of being a "key city" on the skywards will vote the bonds to erect the new port, the airport committee are asking the new company to place Medford on their line. It's another evidence that this city must do something or get off the air map. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1929, page 2 MEDFORD WILL HAVE A SUPER RADIO
T. H. Chapman of the airways extension
department of
the Department of Commerce from Washington, D.C., and E. L. Curtis,
federal airways engineer, whose territory is from San Francisco to
Medford, were in the city today inspecting the site for the proposed
new airport and conferring with the committee of the city council
regarding the same; also completing arrangements for the installation
of the complete aerological weather bureau on a 24-hour basis, and
looking over the site on which the new $75,000 upper air radio station
is to be erected. The steel towers, building and other apparatus for
construction of this station have been ordered shipped.The upper air radio station located here is one of the 17 superstations in the United States and one of the five on the Pacific Coast. No other city in the United States the size of Medford has one of these stations located therein. There are 27 other smaller radio stations throughout the country. These 44 combined stations will be able to make daily airway forecasts so pilots all over the United States whose planes are equipped with receiving apparatus can tell the exact weather conditions in the air. Both Mr. Chapman and Mr. Curtis say the location for the proposed airport here is ideal and if built will make Medford one of the "key" airport cities of the United States. Mr. Chapman was here last summer with W. R. Gregg, who has charge of the aerological department of the United States Weather Bureau. Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1929, page 1 MEDFORD GETS ONE OF SEVEN
PORTLAND, Ore., March 12.--(AP)--A
powerful radio station, one of a chain of seven to be built on the
Pacific Coast Airways, will be ready for operation on Rocky Butte, near
here, within two months, W. A. Cutting, in charge of operation,
announced today.The station is to cost $20,000 and will be in direct communication by code and the spoken word, with planes in flight. The stations are being built by the airways division of the Department of Commerce. Six other stations will be located at Medford, Los Angeles, Fresno, Oakland, Redding and Seattle. From the coast chain movements of planes will be directed by broadcasting of weather reports and movements of other ships. A 24-hour service will be maintained by the Rocky Butte station. Automatic printer telegraphs similar to those used by the Associated Press will keep the municipal airport here in touch with all information issued. There will be a microphone at the municipal airport so either government operators or airport officials may talk to the planes in flight. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1929, page 1 SIGN BOARDS WILL MARK WAY TO NEW
The two routes to the proposed airport
along the Biddle
road and the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company railroad will be marked with
sign boards after tomorrow, and everybody in Medford is requested to
drive out and view the location.One of the routes leaves the Crater Lake Highway at the south line of the property where the National Guard held their encampment two years ago. Turn to the left at the sign board and follow the signs to the proposed site, 2.7 miles from Medford. The other route leaves the Pacific Highway just after crossing the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company railroad. See sign board and follow the Biddle road to the proposed location 1.7 miles from the highway. The field will be marked on the corners by white flags, so it can be easily located. It is almost a mile long and a half mile wide, comprising 280 acres, will cost $29,500. The report that there is 140 acres in the tract that cost $25,000 is erroneous. Government and airport officials have pronounced the location ideal and say Medford, if it puts in the new port, will be a "key" city on airways. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1929, page 2 MEDFORD CITIZENS SHOULD
Headquarters for information regarding
the proposed
airport have been established in the chamber of commerce, and it will
a pleasure to furnish all information desired and to answer all
questions regarding the port, according to the airport committee, which
has at hand data showing what the airport means to every citizen of
Medford, the small increase in taxes that would be required to pay for
the same, the payroll of $80,000 in salaries yearly it will bring to
Medford, besides the net returns from the port itself, the expenditure
of over $100,000 by the government in radio station, weather bureau
office and equipment and beacon lights already located
here--provide the new airport is established--and other
general information should be studied by everyone interested in
Medford's welfare before they vote on the bonds on April 2nd.(Contributed) It this port is authorized by the people, Medford will be a "key city" on the Pacific Coast airways. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1929, page 7 BEACON CONTRACT MEDFORD SECTION
PORTLAND, Ore., March 16.--(AP)--Robert
Warrack, superintendent of Portland district, United States Lighthouse
Service, said today that the contract to construct 15 beacons and light
one emergency landing field on the Portland-Seattle airway has been
awarded by the Department of Commerce to Sutton & Frazier of
Neb.The field to be lighted is at Scappoose, Ore. Sites of the beacons are: Burlington, Columbia City and Goble, Oregon; Kelso, Longview, Castle Rock, Vader, Winlock, Chehalis, Tenino, Olympia, Fort Lewis, Milton and Kent, Washington. Survey of the Pacific airway between Portland and Redding, Cal., is practically complete, S. S. Boggs, airways extension superintendent, announced in Medford last night. The coast airway is now lighted as far north as Redding. The Medford-Portland section contract will probably be let within the next week or two, and the entire airway is to be lighted by June 1, when air mail planes are to go on a night schedule. Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1929, page 3 High Aviation Official Hopes
Medford Establishes Airport
Wm. P. MacCracken, Jr., Assistant Secretary of
Commerce for Aeronautics, hopes Medford people will vote the bonds on
April 2nd to establish a thoroughly first-class airport. His letter to
the airport committee says:Washington,
D.C., March 12, 1929
I am glad the city of Medford is preparing to vote
on a bond issue for the purpose of establishing a thoroughly modern
airport, and I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my
appreciation of the interest your city is taking in this project.Air transportation has emerged from the experimental stage and is taking its place in the commercial and industrial life of the world; and before we hardly realize it, swift aerial carriers will be bearing their cargoes to every corner of the land, with a degree of safety and reliability rivaling the best of our surface carriers. The importance of the development of municipal airports cannot be emphasized too strongly. Every city should possess one or more public airports. In this way only can the permanence of these developments be definitely assured. Progressive cities throughout the United States are realizing the importance of this matter and are providing themselves with suitable airports in order that they may have a place in the far-flung transportation system that is rapidly spreading over the country. With best wishes for the passage of your bond issue and the development of a thoroughly first-class airport. WM.
Secretary MacCracken visited Medford
during the
American Legion convention last year, when the National
Air Tourney
planes landed here, and well knows the absolute need of a new modern
municipal airport here if Medford is to have a place in airways
transportation.Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aeronautics. Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1929, page 1 President Union Air Lines
Predicts Medford Key City
Chas. V. Eakin, president and general manager of the
Union Air Lines, who own and operate West Coast Air Transport planes,
with daily through passenger service from Los Angeles via San
Francisco, Portland and Tacoma to Seattle, in writing to the airport
publicity committee of the Chamber of Commerce, says:Portland,
Ore., Feb. 8, 1929
We have transferred our operation from Medford to Montague on account
of the field conditions in your city.The present field in Medford is adequate for a small plane, but for a large transport plane it is dangerous to the lives of passengers and to the ship itself. It seems to me that Medford being a "key city" in Oregon on both the mail and transport air lines, it should be possible in some way to have a field in Medford or vicinity where it will be possible to set down and take off without endangering the lives of passengers, pilots or the condition of the ship itself. The city of Medford, for both the mail and transport service, would be, under proper conditions, a clearing house for the entire territory as far north as Roseburg and as far south as Eureka and also over into Klamath Falls. I think the government has recognized this fact when it established a large radio station there, also beacon lights, etc., and I believe that it will only be a short time before the city of Medford will wake up and install a class "A" airport. Until that time, I am sorry to say, it will be impossible for us to take our chances on endangering the lives of our passengers or wrecking our planes by trying to give service in and out of Medford. UNION
Medford Mail Tribune,
March 19, 1929, page 1By Chas. V. Eakin, President. AIRPORT NEEDS TO BE TOLD AT
A meeting of utmost importance to every resident of
Medford wishing to see Medford keep her place as a key city in Pacific
Coast aviation is the regular March forum of the Medford Chamber of
Commerce tomorrow, where A. O. Willoughby of San Francisco, assistant
superintendent in charge of air mail on the Pacific Coast, will be the
main speaker. In this speech he will stress the importance of Medford
improving its present position in the aviation world as a civic duty.The meeting will begin promptly at 12:15 and will adjourn exactly one hour later. Members of the Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs will be present, and an invitation to every public-spirited citizen to be present has been made. It is also probable some speaker from Oakland, Calif., will be present to speak of airport development in that city, describing the airport and advancing information to local residents why an airport is important to a city, in view of the rapid strides of development that have taken place in the industry and which promise to continue with even more rapidity. Tomorrow's session will be important in view of the subject matter to be discussed and the nearness of the special election to be held April 2 to vote on a bond issue of $120,000 for the construction of a municipal airport. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1929, page 6 CITY URGED TO RETAIN AIR PLACE
"With the steady growth of civil aeronautics
and the establishment of important airways across the United States,
the necessity for suitable airports becomes apparent. As air traffic
increases the city without an airport will be in the same situation as
a town without a railroad," said W. O. Willoughby, assistant
superintendent in charge of air mail on the Pacific Coast, at the
Medford chamber of commerce forum today, as part of his speech,
delivered before approximately 125 local citizens.Fresno Cited As Example of City That Failed to Hold Prestige, by Air Mail Chief--C. of C. Forum Attendance Large. Mr. Willoughby, well versed in his subject matter, stressed the importance of present-day aviation and delved into what the future holds in the aviation world. "Gentlemen," continued the speaker, "whether you realize it or not, you are at the junction of the roads. At the election, April 2, you are to decide whether or not you intend to take your place among the cities that have the foresight to prepare for the future or to give up the advantage you already have by being located on an air mail route. The advertising value of your city on that account cannot be reckoned in dollars and cents. The city of Oakland, Calif., has enjoyed wonderful advertising because of its airport. "Not long ago the city of Fresno had an election for the purpose to float bonds for airport construction to build a port suitable for present-day needs. The bond issue failed, and the very next day three cities were seeking to be embraced in the air mail route instead of Fresno. The same thing can happen here. Cities must keep pace with other cities around them or be left behind." In closing his speech, of which only a small part is herewith reproduced, Mr. Willoughby said: "How can I impress you with the importance of providing an adequate airport? Are you to give up to your neighbors the thing you have already in your possession? Are you going to serve notice to the world that you are a back number--that you have no faith in the future of aviation? That is what you will do if the bond issue for the airport fails of passage. I appeal most earnestly to the voters of this city to vote the bonds for the Medford airport." William Bolger of the chamber airport committee was in charge of today's luncheon and introduced Mr. Willoughby, whose timely information was also broadcast over radio station KMED for the benefit of all radio listeners in Medford. Interesting facts were also brought out in a few remarks made by S. S. Smith of the airport publicity committee. He read several letters from Pacific Coast aviation interests favoring the construction of the new airport. One letter from an airplane corporation in Ohio was also read and indicated an aviation company was interested in locating a factory in Medford capable of turning out 50 planes daily, if the facilities here were suitable. Guests of honor at today's forum, held during the regular Lions Club meeting hour, were members of Medford's state championship basketball team. Each member was introduced, following a short speech by their coach, Prink Callison. Plans were also formulated in greater detail for the airport publicity campaign to be carried on until election day, April 2. Mr. Willoughby's speech, of vital interest to every resident of Medford, will be published in full tomorrow. Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1929, page 1 ISSUE STATEMENT UPON EXPENDING
To set at rest false rumors extant for some time
past as to how the money would be spent for the new airport if the
$120,000 bond issue carries at the special election on April 2, and to
show that the city government is unitedly in favor of the bond issue,
the mayor and councilmen of the city last night addressed a signed
communication, straight from the shoulder, to the chamber of commerce.The chief points set out in this communication are that the spending of the money for a new airport will be done by the city council through its special airport committee consisting of E. M. Wilson, Joseph O. Grey and E. H. Janney, and that the city government will not build the new airport from city funds, in case the bond issue is defeated, as has been rumored. In fact, the communication sets forth explicitly that the city has no funds to build such an airport except by the issuance of bonds, nor has it any plans to raise an airport building fund except by the issuance of bonds. The communication also sets forth that if the bond issue is favored by the voters, the bonds will only be sold as the bonds are needed, and should the construction cost of the airport be less than the estimate, only sufficient bonds will be sold to complete the project. Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1929, page 5 BOEING HAS FAITH CITY BACKS PORT
President P. G. Johnson of the Boeing Air Transport
Inc., the largest manufacturing and operation company in the airplane
industry on the coast, who operate the Pacific Air Transport mail route
on the coast, through Medford, realizing the prospective growth of the
industry and the need for adequate airports, writes:Medford Aerially Progressive Says President of Plane Company--No Time to Lag in Development for Future--Airport Needs Reviewed. Seattle,
March 11, 1929.
Medford, by being air-minded a few years ago, helped
put itself on the air mail network and at the election April 2 will
have another opportunity to demonstrate its airmindedness and its
desire to keep abreast of the rapid development which is now taking
place in commercial aviation.Medford had one of the first--if not the first--air fields in Oregon, the first aerological weather bureau, and for a long time it was the only air mail port in the state. When the schedules for the coastwise airmail service were drawn up, Medford was designated as the intermediate stop between Portland and Oakland, not only because it was a logical division point, but because it had established an airport. However, the adequate airports of the immediate future will be terminals quite different from those of yesterday and today, and Medford by voting this $120,000 bond issue will keep pace with other progressive cities. Citizens of Medford will appreciate the importance of providing this new airport when they are acquainted with some facts about the growth of aviation. In 1928, military and civil planes in the United States flew 60,000,000 miles. At the present time there are approximately 30 air transport companies flying over 21,000 miles of charted airways, and the total mileage which will be flown this year by mail, express, and non-mail services will be approximately eight tons of mail every 24 hours. There are now approximately 9,000 miles of lighted airways, and by July 1 there will be 12,000 miles, and one of the airways on which lighting is being completed is the Los Angeles-Seattle route, which includes Medford as a station point. The Wright brothers' original investment was a few thousand dollars. The aeronautical industry in the United States now represents a capital in excess of $100,000,000 in airplane factories, commercial air transport equipment, and lighted airways, exclusive of the cost and improvements of airports. Capital is being made available by powerful financial groups which are prepared to finance the logical expansion of the industry. A great transcontinental system of air mail, express and passenger service, rapidly growing, has been in actual operation for several years; air service operators are operating in hundreds of cities; executives are flying their own airplanes in the conduct of daily business, and the manufacturing industry is steadily growing. While the public is most familiar with the airplane as a mail, express and passenger carrier, it is used in a wide variety of pursuits such as aerial photography, airplane dusting of crops, forest patrol work, scientific studies, aerial advertising, geological study, spotting schools of fish, observing traffic congestion, searching for lost persons, surveying, map making, representation of properties, engineering surveys, carrying supplies to inaccessible regions, first aid to devastated cities, and in many other ways. Airports are needed for planes engaged in these services. Progressive cities in all parts of the country recognize that funds put into well-planned adequate terminals are an investment and not merely an expenditure. It is estimated that more than $94,000,000 will be spent by approximately 1,200 airports for equipment, land and supplies in 1929, and the great majority of these expenditures are for municipal landing fields. The Pacific Air Transport company, the pioneer in the coastwise service, which has made Medford its division point between the Columbia River and San Francisco Bay, is prepared to assume the responsibility of increasing its service as demand warrants. It, with others interested in aeronautics, believes that the people of Medford will enroll their city with the list of progressive communities which recognize what is just ahead in the field of commercial aviation and appreciate what this expansion will mean to the cities which provide proper terminals. P.
Medford Mail Tribune,
March 20, 1929, page 5President of the Boeing companies, including Boeing Airplane Company, Boeing Air Transport, Inc., and Pacific Air Transport. Chief of Weather Bureau Gratified
by Airport Plan
The chief of the weather bureau at Washington, C. F.
Marvin, recognizes the need of a new airport at Medford and suitable
quarters for the 24-hour service to be installed here, provided the
people vote the bonds April 2 for the port. Mr. Marvin writes:Washington,
D.C., March 13, 1929.
It is noted with much satisfaction that plans are
under way for developing a satisfactory airport in Medford
and that these plans include the furnishing of quarters for Weather
Bureau service. In this connection I may say that the need for 24-hour
service at Medford, since flying is to be done regularly both day and
night, is recognized. For such service the Weather Bureau will require
a floor space of several hundred square feet.C.
Medford Mail Tribune,
March 21, 1929, page 1Chief of Weather Bureau. Importance of an Adequate Airport
for Rapidly Advancing New Industry Told by Federal Air Mail Official.
As delivered yesterday noon before the Chamber of
Commerce forum at the Hotel Medford, the speech on airports by W. O.
Willoughby, assistant superintendent of air mail on the Pacific Coast,
is in part, as follows:"I have read that 'It is more important to make people think than to educate them,' and that is my ambition today--to impress upon you the importance of providing an adequate airport for the city of Medford. "During the last 25 years man has been flying, experimenting, and designing until it may be said commercial aviation is a safe, dependable and necessary fact in our lives; that we have, at last, evolved a new and better means of eliminating time and space. "The romance of this greatest achievement in transportation is stirring the hearts and minds of thousands and thousands of the finest youth in America. Stirring them not only to wonder, but to action. Stirring them to such a degree that every American youth pictures himself a Lindbergh. "On a corner of the post office building in Washington is this inscription by Charles V. Elliott: 'Carrier of News and Knowledge, Instrument of Trade and Industry, Promoter of Mutual Acquaintance, of Peace and Good Will Among Men and Nations.' How symbolic of the position our postal service occupies in the complex civilization of today. The postal service is indeed the basic cornerstone, which has enabled us to form the close ties of friendship and of industry; and that has worked toward the establishment of good will throughout all the states of America. "Occasionally one meets the mentally ossified standpatters, who are content with the 'good old ways' of doing and being. Only once, as far as I know, has the federal government held back the fastest means of transportation of the mail. That was in 1834. Congress passed a law prohibiting the Post Office Department from sending mail on the new 'iron horse' railroad for the reason that it was too fast, too unsafe, too dangerous to life and property; and Congress was not going to be a party to any such criminal experiment. Seek Fastest Service
"However, since that time, it has been the
policy of the Post Office Department to adopt the fastest means of
transportation available to carry the mail. This policy giving the best
possible service at a minimum cost has been instrumental in building
our postal department into the largest single business in the world.
Largest, both from the amount of money handled and from the number of
employees."In 1862 the first transcontinental train service was established, and it required 240 hours or 10 days for the trip from San Francisco to New York. "Today our fastest train service requires about 100 hours, while planes make the trip in less than 32 hours. "During 1919 and 1920 the Post Office Department initiated the transcontinental air mail route between New York and San Francisco and later established a number of other routes between the more important centers. After having demonstrated the practicability and usefulness of this air service the operation of these lines was contracted to private companies. "Today there are 23 privately operated air mail routes in the United States, scheduled to fly over 30,000 miles daily and which serve over one-half of our entire population. Almost 9000 miles of that distance is flown at night. During February, 1929, 435,581 pounds of air mail were carried on air routes. "The aeronautical research division of the Bureau of Standards has established radio directive beacons and radio telephones at several points on the transcontinental route. As a result of these experiments, it is planned to establish radio telephone stations and radio signal range beacons at intervals of 200 miles over all airways in the United States. Field Most
"There is probably nothing that plays a more
important part in aviation than the fields. There is little danger
connected with the plane taking off from the ground, but the safety of
landing depends a great deal on the field. With planes, it is very
similar to a man falling or jumping from a high place. It is not the
falling that hurts, but the reception when he hits the ground. That is
exactly the way it is with a plane. If the field is in good condition,
the plane can make a safe landing, but if the field is rough and has
ditches or growth that might interfere with the running gear of the
plane, a disaster is likely to occur."More and more importance is being attached to landing fields as aviation is growing, and cities and municipalities are becoming aware of the necessity of providing safe and suitable fields, not only for emergency landings, but also for the convenience of transient planes and passenger planes. "With the steady growth of civil aeronautics and the establishment of important airways across the United States, the necessity for suitable airports becomes apparent. As air traffic increases the city without an airport will be in the same situation as a town without a railroad. "Cities possessing good landing fields will naturally attract air commerce, and those cities having short vision of future development will find themselves in the same class as several cities that failed to look ahead. Leavenworth, Kansas, in the early days of railroading, was chosen to be a railroad center, but the people of that city refused to participate in the railroads' bridge building program and Kansas City became the railroad center instead. St. Louis felt that its geographical location ensured its future development, and as a result of failing to cooperate with the railroads, the railroads built Chicago. There are numerous other examples where cities and towns have frightened away industries which were their very own life. Grow with Aviation
"It is reasonable to suppose that cities that
have a broad vision of the future and who early provide landing fields
and airports will grow with aviation."It is predicted by Post Office Department officials and others that within five years practically all first-class mail in the United States will be transported by airplane whenever feasible, whether it is so directed by the sender or not, and it will go for the regular 2¢ rate. Imagine what commercial aviation will be like when that time comes. There will be perhaps 20 or 30 large multimotored ships leaving daily from San Francisco for Chicago and New York and hundreds of smaller aircraft plying between the smaller towns. We will think no more of riding in a plane than we do now of riding in an automobile. And, gentlemen, that time will be upon us before we know it, unless each community starts preparing for the developments that are coming. To the advance guards will come the profits. "Gentlemen, whether you realize it or not, you are at the junction of the roads. At the election on April 2, you are to determine whether or not you intend to take your place among the cities that have the foresight to prepare for the future or to give up the advantage you already have by being located on air mail and passenger routes. Think of the distinction of being on an air mail route. The advertising value to your city on that account cannot be reckoned in dollars and cents. When looking at the air mail route map and seeing the name of Medford as a stop, people think, and rightfully so, that Medford must be a good city to be selected as an exchange office. The city of Oakland in California has enjoyed wonderful advertising because of its airport. The port commission of the city of Oakland, without bluster or much comment, went ahead with the construction of an airport. Naturally when pilots became interested in the Dole flight, they looked around for a suitable field from which to take off and Oakland airport, with its 7200-foot runway, was the place selected. Fresno Was Foolish
"Not long ago the city of Fresno had an
election for the purpose of providing means with which to construct an
airport. The one now in use is not suitable and is merely a field under
lease. The bond issue failed to carry and the very next day telegrams
were received from three cities near Fresno asking to be embraced on
the air mail route in lieu of Fresno. Fortunately for Fresno, a
public-spirited citizen donated a site for an airport."When the transcontinental route was being planned, Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, were both anxious to be selected as a stop on the route. Salt Lake City apparently was a little more aggressive and became an exchange office on the route. Later on other routes were established and now Salt Lake City ranks next to Chicago in importance as a air mail route junction. "I had the pleasure yesterday of visiting the site of the proposed airport, and while I can easily see the possibilities of that field, such matters do not come under my department. I understand, however, that three Department of Commerce men, namely W. T. Miller, E. L. Curtis and S. S. Boggs, have expressed their approval of the site. I know of none more competent to judge the merits of a landing field and airport that those three men. "In last night's paper there was quoted a letter from the president and general manager of the Union Air Lines, stating that because of the inadequacy of the present field at Medford, his company had found it necessary to move to Hornbrook. The present field, it was said, is too small for large planes. This is a local illustration of what can happen. Undoubtedly if a modern airport is provided here, the Union Air Lines will move back to Medford. "How can I impress you with the importance of providing an adequate airport? Are you to give up to your neighbors the thing you have already in your possession? Are you going to serve notice on the world that you are a back number, that you have no faith in the future of aviation? That is what you will do if the bond issue for the airport fails of passage. "I appeal most earnestly to the voters of this city to vote the bonds for the Medford airport." Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1929, page B6 Bond Issue Only Method for
Airport Says Council
March 18, 1929
To Chamber of Commerce, Medford.Gentlemen: Due to various misleading reports which have come to our attention regarding the proposed new airport for the city of Medford, the undersigned Mayor and City Council of the city of Medford desire to make the following statement: First: The City Council has no other method whereby the city may build an airport except by the issuance of bonds to cover the cost of the airport, no other funds being available for this purpose. Second: It is the plan of the city that all expenditures necessary in connection with the airport will be made under the supervision of the City Council represented by the airport committee consisting of Messrs. E. H. Janney, E. M. Wilson and J. O. Grey. Third: Bonds will only be sold as funds are needed and only up to the amount which is actually required for the construction of the airport. Should the airport be constructed for a less amount than the estimate, the city will only issue bonds for the amount needed. A. W. Pipes, Mayor;
Mail Tribune, March 22, 1929, page 1E. H. Janney, R. B. Hammond, J. J. Buchter, E. M. Wilson, R. E. McElhose, Charles A. Wing, Joseph O. Grey. PEOPLE'S ELECTRIC BUILDS
If anyone is in doubt as to what the proposed new airport will look
like when finished, he has but to look in the window of the People's
Electric Store, where Ben Trowbridge and others of the electric store
staff have designed and built a complete miniature of the landing field
and the various features to be carried out in the local project.A model hangar, in which a plane is parked, a wind indicator, a radio station with tall broadcasting towers, topped by beacon lights, pilot quarters, passenger depots and other buildings are represented in the miniature setting. Such details as the flood lights for the field, flags at the top of the towers and service automobiles are carried out with faithful exactitude, and the set is being studied by local residents who will vote for the new airport in the coming election. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1929, page 8 IN DOLLARS AND CENTS
Dollars and cents will be the deciding factor in the minds of those
visiting the polls on April 2 to register their wishes regarding the
issuance of bonds for a new Class "A" airport. It is a clear-cut
proposition, and dollars and cents SHOULD be the paramount factor.The Mail Tribune advocates a businesslike investigation of the necessity for the new field and the benefits which will accrue from its establishment. The voter who wants to know will find that the present site, established in 1922 as the first landing field in the state, has already been rendered entirely inadequate through the rapid growth of aviation. At present it stands condemned by both Army and Navy for the landing of larger aircraft. The Aviation Insurance Underwriters refuse to sanction the landing of planes on the field and the Union Air Lines now visit Montague, Calif., instead of the local field because the small runways here present too great a risk for the large passenger ships. Flanked by Bear Creek on the east and by the fairgrounds, tracks and buildings on the west, Newell Barber Field cannot be widened nor can it be lengthened because of equally insurmountable barriers north and south. As to benefits to come from the proposed expenditure for a new field, the voter has reasonable expectation that Medford will be able to keep pace with the requirements for large planes used over the coast route. Medford is a key city in aerial traffic between Portland and the Bay district. Flight must be broken at or near Medford, and if no effort is made here to provide facilities for landing, we will surely enjoy the doubtful privilege of seeing the big ships fly over our city to some neighboring point. The United States Department of Commerce recognizes the strategical location of Medford for a terminal airport. This approval has been shown beyond question by the plan to establish a $75,000 super-radio and enlarged weather station here. These plants would furnish complete meteorological and aerological service on a 24-hour basis for aerial navigators, and the two, with the large personnel required, would add considerably to Medford's payroll. The department has also planned the installation of a great beacon light at a cost of many thousand dollars. These facilities are not meant, however, for a city without a modern airport where any or all ships of the air may land--they are planned as component parts of a Class "A" airport. Investigation of probable returns from the proposed landing field will prove to voters that from its inception the plant will provide considerable income. Leases to air mail contract lines, passenger and express lines, oil companies, private airplanes, hangars, plane storage, pilot quarters, shops, restaurants, and other concessions will return a gross revenue estimated at $4500 for the first year and increasing thereafter. In addition to this sum is the payroll for workers of the air transport lines, government employees and others pertaining to the industry, of approximately $80,000 per year. These are among the principal items which should engage the attention of the voter who wishes to be informed on the airport question as a business proposition. The information is easily obtainable, and apart from the sentimental question of keeping Medford in the forefront in aviation as well as in other respects, are convincing enough to carry the bond issue without question on April 2.--(E.C.F.) Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1929, page B4 Medford One Best Natural Airport
Cities of Country
When the United Air Express inaugurated its air schedule on the Pacific
Coast, February 15, one of the principal cities selected on its route
was Medford. Many reasons have entered into the choice. Principally the
officials of the company considered the importance of Medford in the
commercial and industrial life of Southern Oregon, and Oregon as a
whole. Another important
consideration was the fact that the people are "air-minded."Offering the most favorable wind and landing conditions, Medford presents one of the best natural airport cities in the country. For this reason, it was chosen as a station for air mail planes and for the air transportation of many private companies, and by the United Air Express. With the increase of plane arrivals and transportation, Medford would experience a stimulation of business activity in all lines. One difficulty, however, presents itself in the situation, and that is Medford's present limited and inefficient airport facilities. Increased air transportation demands increased provision for landing planes and caring for them at the port. Air travel is advantageous only because of its speed. This speed is seriously impaired by improper or inadequate airport equipment. At present, there is before the people of Medford the consideration of a bond issue for the purpose of establishing a new and modern airport to safeguard the lives of passengers and pilots and to handle the increased air traffic. The proposition is a big thing for Medford. Its passage will mean the necessary impetus for a great future growth and progress. Its passage will mean the inclusion of Medford on the schedule of every large air transport company operating over Northwest territory. Its passage will mean the accompanying recognition of Medford by the government and the entire United States as one of the country's most important air capitals. As the center of Southern Oregon's agricultural and business activity, Medford indeed occupies a unique position in the Northwest. Medford's enterprise and foresight in aerial matters has placed it in the esteem and respect of all who are acquainted with aviation affairs. There can be no doubt that the people of Medford will continue to occupy that position and pass the bond issue now before them for the construction of an efficient and modern airport to care for their city's present and future air traffic requirements. UNITED AIR EXPRESS.
The United Air Express is using Union Air Lines planes that do not stop
in Medford, owing to the inefficient field, and packages sent now by
this company have to come from Montague, Calif., by mail. If the bonds
are voted and the new field is constructed, these planes will establish
Medford as a terminal, and the packages sent over Pacific Air Express
will not only greatly reduce present charges, but will mean rapid
delivery of packages.Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1929, page 6 MAKE MEDFORD A NATIONAL AIRPORT
There is really no valid argument against the passage of the airport
bonds on April 2nd. As a result the only danger lies in public
indifference, the feeling that the bonds will pass anyway, so there is
no need for you--and you--and you--to go to the polls.Our recent experience, however, has so clearly demonstrated the dangers of such overconfidence that we feel a large majority of the qualified voters will see that nothing interferes with the exercise of their franchise on the first Tuesday of next month. If this is true, then the $120,000 bond issue will be voted, as it should be. There are no valid arguments on the negative side of this proposition for the simple reason that the conditions which might justify opposition to municipal bond issues in general do not exist, regarding this particular one. The construction of this new airport will be not a temporary, but a permanent, improvement. It will be of even more value to future generations than the present one. It is, therefore, only right that it should be paid for, not by this generation only, but by future generations. The airport will benefit no one line of business, no particular class or group, but every property owner within the municipality. The financial burden, therefore, should be borne, not by any group, but by the city as a whole--a condition which can only be realized by the system of general taxation--which by the nature of things must eventually liquidate these bonds. In fact, when one carefully studies the local situation, regarding aviation, it becomes perfectly plain that the only real issue involved in the election of April 2nd is this: Shall Medford remain on the air map of the United States or get off? It would be very nice if someone else would build the airport for us, but no one else will--neither Uncle Sam nor some benevolent airplane manufacturer. It would also be very nice if Medford could retain her place in the air without a new airport. But Medford can't. True, Medford has the strategic position. But the history of American transportation is full of places which had the strategic position, and then fell off the transportation map into oblivion, because they thought that was enough. Not so many years ago Jacksonville had the strategic position and decided "we need do nothing, the railroad must come to us." But the railroad never came. And the railroad of the future, which is the railroad of the air, will never come to Medford unless the conditions which are demanded, and only a new airport can supply, are provided. So we repeat, the big issue, and the only real one, is whether Medford wishes to remain on the national air map, and realize its present and future opportunities, or throw them into the ash heap and get off. MEDFORD has faced similar opportunities in the past, and never has failed to take advantage of them. In all its history, in matters of equal importance, it has never failed to step forward. It has invariably refused to step backward. We are confident the people of Medford will do the same thing on April 2nd and approve the $120,000 bond issue by an overwhelming majority. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1929, page 4 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1929 ![]() ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1929 Medford Airport Outstanding One,
Says Oil Official
W. H.
Cotrel, of the Richfield Oil Co., writing the
airport publicity committee, under date of March 5, 1929, says:"We appreciate the fact that the new Medford airport, if authorized by the people, will be an outstanding one in the state of Oregon, because of the plans and developments as outlined by your community. "You and the city of Medford are to be congratulated on making the rapid strides you are for aiding aviation so thoroughly." Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1929, page 1 Medford Can Become a Main Link
Coast Airways
C. Eugene
Johnson, operations manager for the
Pacific Air Transport, compliments Medford on its endeavor to keep pace
with aerial progress, as follows:Oakland,
Cal., March 11, 1929.
We wish to
compliment Medford on their foresight in
the proposed establishment of a first-class airport. Many cities have
shelved airport negotiations for the present, feeling the time was not
yet ripe for such action on the part of municipalities. Those cities
now on regularly established mail and passenger routes have been
favored with a closeup view of what is to come in the matter of air
transportation, and for the most part are rapidly rounding into shape
splendid airport programs.There can be no question in the minds of those close to aviation as to its ultimate development. The rapid strides of the industry in the past couple of years should convince the skeptical that the possibilities are limitless. Coast travel and cargo movement via air has a definite future. Medford is fortunately situated in this picture in having so strategic a location. It is virtually a "key city," and we can see no reason for anything otherwise, even from a most pessimistic viewpoint. To go ahead as Medford has outlined on their airport program will play a big part in hastening airways development on the coast, because, strange as it may seem, airplanes cannot be efficiently operated without adequate airways. For instance, at the present time, our plans call for certain developments on our coast line, but same cannot and will not be fulfilled until the airway facilities are complete. Medford should be proud to be considered one of the main links in the coast airway chain, and the future unquestionably will prove the wiseness of the decision of the city to provide an adequate airport. PACIFIC
Medford Mail Tribune,
March 25, 1929, page 1C. Eugene Johnson, Operations Manager. AVIATION HISTORY OF CITY IS TOLD
history of the Medford airport, told in moving
pictures, was exhibited to the meeting of the Royal Neighbors and
Modern Woodmen Thursday night. The film, which was arranged by the
Copco advertising department, showed the rapid development of local
aviation from the time the first air mail planes arrived here in
September, 1926, up to date. The first P.A.T. cabin plane, the first
West Coast cabin plane, the visit of Col. Lindbergh, Eddie Stinson and
other famous fliers were included as well as pictures of the big
trimotored Ford and Boeing cabin ships which recently visited the local
port.A short talk on the need for a new airport was made by Mr. Bromley, Copco advertising manager, who also answered questions regarding the port. Other films were shown, including Hoover's visit to Medford, Lake of the Woods scenes, raising turkeys electrically and President Hoover's inauguration. A blackface sketch by Mr. Johnson featured a clever song on the new airport and was enjoyed by those present. Miss Johnson also sang a group of soprano solos, after which refreshments were served. Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1929, page 5 BEACON LIGHT OF AIRPORT SHOWN
A brief
demonstration of airport lighting equipment
was made last night at the Medford Chamber of Commerce when a big B.B.T.
airport floodlight was turned on for a short time. This new lighting
equipment which carries a 5000-watt lamp and has a wide range, lit up
the downtown district for a considerable distance and made a decided
impression on all who saw it. The big floodlight was secured from
Portland by J. C. Thompson, division manager of the California-Oregon
Power Company for demonstration purposes during the next few days and
will be on again next week.A General Electric twin floodlight of 20,000-watt capacity will also be on exhibition during the coming week. Both of these big lights were recently used for demonstration at the Swan Island airport in Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, March 25, 1929, page 6 GREATER MEDFORD CLUB FAVORS NEW
A 100
percent endorsement of the proposed new
airport was registered in the large meeting of the Greater Medford Club
held at Hotel Holland yesterday afternoon, following a luncheon and
regular business session.C. T. Baker was the invited guest of the organization and gave a splendid talk on the airport, presenting all the important data and information concerning the future activity here in case the bonds are voted in the election April 2. Following his talk the 25 or more members and their guests asked questions that have arisen in the minds of the many voters who have been making a careful study of the local situation. When a final vote was taken, the organization went on record as endorsing the project 100 percent and pledged their solid vote in favor of the measure. The local women will also work actively in support of the new airport among their outside friends from now until election day, according to the president, Mrs. R. V. Williams. Mrs. Mable Mack, county demonstration agent, gave a talk on "Better Homes, Better Health and Better Citizenship," bringing out in her theme also the duty of getting out to vote upon issues like the new airport, which so vitally affects the progress of the community. The Greater Medford Club is now planning on attending the Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs district meeting which will be held in Ashland, the home of the state president, Miss Grace Chamberlain, April 26-27. More than 12 clubs throughout the state will be present. Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1929, page B1 WHAT THE PROPOSED NEW AIRPORT IN
citizen and taxpayer in Medford is interested
in seeing Medford continue to grow and is willing, or should be, to do
his or her part to bring this about. It has long ago been demonstrated
that anything that is worth having must be paid for, and it behooves
every legal voter of Medford to investigate the airport proposition, if
possible, to visit the site, and then vote his or her sentiments.It is the opinion of the airport committee that if this is done the bonds will carry by an overwhelming majority next Tuesday, and every citizen will then be proud to know that Medford will retain her enviable position on the national airways and will become a key city and air government terminal. But what is it to cost is the question often asked. In order to get an official opinion the committee asked J. B. Coleman, county assessor, in whom the people have reposed confidence by electing him for several consecutive terms, to make a statement, which we give herewith. It shows the tax is infinitely small in comparison with what the airport means to Medford: Office
of the
Oregon, March 18, 1929
To the Taxpayers:There seems to be some apprehension among the taxpayers of Medford as to what it is going to cost them if the airport bonds are voted. If a property owner of Medford has property assessed for $1,000.00 he will pay not to exceed $2.00 per year for the port, and if the city continues to grow, as in the past four years, the extra tax would be less than $1.50 per year. The valuation of Medford is $7,608,925.00, and if the city continues its growth it should reach a valuation of ten million dollars within the next three or four years. If the valuation should make an increase of two and a half million, then the average taxpayer would contribute not over $1.50 per year in support of the airport. J.
In addition to the above, Mr. Coleman says the average taxpayer of
Medford does not pay on a valuation of over $1,000.00, which means that
the average tax would only be $1.50 a year if the city valuation
continues to
increase as it has, and everybody believes it will, or $2.00 a year on
present valuation.County Assessor. Medford has more than doubled in population in eight years, and everyone hopes and believes it will repeat this growth in the next eight years. But it cannot grow and prosper unless every citizen and taxpayer does his or her part. Many smaller homes are only assessed at $300.00 to $500.00, which means a tax of 75 cents to $1.00 per year. Every citizen, whether in business or not, will be benefited by the airport because it means increased population and property values, which will affect every day laborer, mechanic, business and professional man, as well as all property owners. Assessor Coleman calls attention to the decreased tax rate in Medford, owing to increase in valuation, and says on the present valuation of the city if the tax rate of 1927 were in force today, the amount necessary for the principal and interest on the $120,000.00 bond issue would be raised without any increase in taxes whatever. These figures do not take into consideration any returns from the airport. The committee is reliably informed that the estimate for revenue for the first year from air mail, passenger and express lines, aviation schools, air companies, shops, restaurants, private hangars, fees from planes using the municipal hangars, pilots' quarters, etc., many of which have already been applied for, would amount to $4,500.00, with estimated operating expenses the first year of $3,000.00, leaving a net income of $1,500.00 to help pay interest and principal. Cities that have responded to progressive movements in the past and have prepared therefor have profited. The greatest progress of the age today is air transportation. Medford responded a few years ago by putting in the first airport in Oregon. This was recognized by the air mail service and Medford had the first air mail port in the state. The government recognized this fact also and established the first upper air meteorological weather bureau on the coast here. It now wants to locate one of the 17 super-radio stations in the United States, with a 24-hour full weather bureau and one of the large beacon lights, at a total cost of $100,000, and all it asks is that Medford put in an adequate port here for the safe landing of all sizes of planes, without which a radio station, weather bureau or beacon lights will not be needed. Medford has stood for forward movements and progress in the past, and this committee believes, with the people generally, as well as government officials, that Medford will roll up a good majority for the bonds. AIRPORT
Medford Mail Tribune,
The Rogue
River Valley without a suitable airport to
accommodate the huge commercial planes and with an airport which will
fail to meet the demands of the ever-growing air travel will be as dead
and as much removed from the main paths of commerce as the village of
Jacksonville, once the most thriving business center in Oregon, became
without a railroad.This was the picture painted by Bill Gates, Medford man, who spoke briefly to Kiwanians recently asking the moral support of Ashland in the effort being made by Medford to secure the passage of a bond issue to build an airport second to none on the Pacific Coast And the speaker was right. Already the huge commercial planes, which are rapidly becoming more and more common, have been forced to discontinue their stops in Medford, landing in Montague, Cal., instead. The Medford field, they explained, was too small--insufficient to accommodate the planes--and, while they had no desire to cut the Rogue River Valley off their route, they must be provided with a suitable and safe landing field. The evolution in modes of travel has been interesting, and always communities which failed to be progressive in means of transportation have paid dearly for their lack of progress. Medford is taking the right step in her efforts toward becoming the metropolis of Southern Oregon in seeking to provide for the fast-developing air transportation. It is not merely Medford but the entire Rogue River Valley that aviation development will benefit. For as Medford prospers so will Ashland prosper, and vice versa. This is without a doubt an air-minded age, and the communities which get in on the ground floor of the aerial development will be the cities which will reap the greatest benefit from this vast development which is certain to come within the next few years.--Ashland Tidings. Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1929, page 3 INTEREST IN LIGHTS FOR AIR
interesting displays of modern airport
lighting equipment are on exhibit locally, having been secured by the
airport publicity committee from the General Electric Company through
J. C. Thompson, Copco division manager. A big 1000-watt "taxi" light,
now used in airports, is to be seen in the
People's Electric Store window, and in the Copco building is
found a huge lamp of 10,000 watts, of the type used in the General
Electric twin floodlight. A B.B.T. flood for airports is on exhibit at
the Medford Chamber of Commerce, and will soon be joined by a G.E.
revolving beacon and a 20-kilowatt G.E. twin floodlight. These modern
appliances were recently used for demonstration purposes at the Swan
Island airport and were sent here through the courtesy of C. R. Braley,
local representative of the General Electric Company.It is planned to have several night demonstrations of the above equipment at the Chamber of Commerce and also at the present Medford airport, with perhaps night flying by the Sanders School of Aviation as an added attraction. Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1929, page 3 UP TO MEDFORD FOR AIRPORT OR RUT
It is up
to the citizens of Medford whether Medford
will take its place as the key city on the Pacific Coast air route or
slide into a rut and let neighboring cities take the lead in airport
development, said William Gates speaking before the California-Oregon
Power Company forum at noon at the Hotel Medford today. Mr. Gates spoke
at short length on the possibilities of the future for Medford if the
airport bond issue passes at the special election April 2. He was
followed by Seely Hall, who disclosed interesting information on the
proposed port.Mr. Gates compared the situation between Astoria and Portland to what might happen at Medford. Astoria had a wonderful harbor facility, he said, and should have been a large city, but due to the initiative of Portland, the latter city took greater steps in developing its harbor. Today Astoria is still a small city and Portland is the metropolis of the state. If Medford fails in the present airport development, a like situation can take place locally. A comparison was also made in connection with Jacksonville, which remained a small town after it had refused to give concessions to the railroad company, which constructed its line through Jackson County in 1884. It is Mr. Gates' belief that 25 years will witness such great development in aviation that railroads will no longer be important in the transportation of passengers and will be used mainly to haul heavy freight. Medford will be a large airport center, with planes flying in all directions, and will be the distributing point for the mid-Pacific empire, which is bound to see great development in a similar length of time. Medford will take its rightful place in the aviation world if based on good foundation, seen in the construction of the new municipal airport. Seely Hall explained the meaning of the airport, describing it as a landing field having all the present-day aviation facilities, including administration buildings, adequate runways, emergency hospital, radio station, weather bureau, hangars and other things found necessary for modern flying. The Boeing airplane interests are planning a big program for the ensuing year, and a portion of this program cannot be carried out, said Mr. Hall, unless citizens of Medford cooperate in the new airport construction. Large 20-passenger ships will be operated over the coast daily on regular schedule, and night flying will be a feature of the company in carrying express and mail. Outside of the sum of money to be used for the purchase of the field and lights, the latter to cost $7000 complete, 70 percent of the remainder will be spent for labor in preparing the airport for use. If the bond issue carries, it will probably be July when it is expected to be complete, but it will be in a condition to be used earlier. Moving pictures of airport development in Medford since the first air mail survey plane arrived here in 1926 were shown by Horace Bromley, and the change in type of planes from that time to the present day could be easily seen. The program shown in the last two years is only an inkling, it was pointed out, in comparison to the aircraft development that will take place in the future. While the forum was held by the California-Oregon Power Company, a good-sized delegation of others, not employees of the company, were present. Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1929, page 6 FRUIT MEN TO BENEFIT THROUGH
The Rogue
River Traffic Association was informed at
its meeting today that the government intends to open a night mail
service from the local airport June 1. The departure hour from here
will be about one o'clock a.m., and the association moved to take
the necessary steps to ask the postal department to provide facilities
for the handling of this mail.At the height of the fruit season, in the neighborhood of 1000 letters daily are dispatched to eastern fruit centers, and with the air mail service installed, a large percentage of this volume would be sent aerially. A letter would reach New York in two and one-half days and arrive in San Francisco for the first morning delivery. It would expedite local fruit correspondence immensely. Earl Coe reported that no headway had been made in the effort launched two years ago for the installment of mail boxes at both ends of the depot platform so mail could be sent on trains without waiting for the trains to arrive. It was stated that the chief trouble with the installation of the boxes was that the train mail clerks were too busy to make collections, and that considerable governmental red tape would have to be unraveled before the mail boxes would be established, if ever. The association voted to continue their efforts along this line. It was also announced that the local post office had put on an extra clerk for the distribution of the evening mail, and that from now on it would be in the boxes by 9:30 o'clock. The post office front door will be locked at 10:30 o'clock as a result of this change. Harry Rosenberg reported that eight packing houses and growers had signed up for box-making machines, and that the zero hour for ordering the machines was April 1. The machines will be delivered by June 1, and will be ready to make boxes upon installation. Mr. Rosenberg told his fellow fruitmen that the machines had proven satisfactory; that they never wearied or went on a strike or failed to come to work, or argued during the height of a rush and were capable of driving eight nails at one lick. It was urged upon the association members to get out and vote at the airport bond election next Tuesday and do some campaigning in the meantime among their friends and neighbors. Medford Mail Tribune, March 28, 1929, page 6 TRY NIGHT FLYING LOCAL AIR FIELD
flying with an illuminated field will be tried
in Medford tomorrow night for the first time when the Sanders
Aeronautical School will make night flights from the local landing
field at the fairgrounds. The field will be illuminated with a
20,000-watt twin floodlight, furnishing sufficient light to illuminate
an area
one-half mile square.Local citizens wishing to see Medford from the air at night may make flights with Harold Sanders tomorrow evening. Flying will begin promptly at 7:30. Electricity for the huge floodlight will be furnished by the California-Oregon Power Company. A successful demonstration of the 8,000,000-candlepower beacon was held last evening from the Chamber of Commerce building. The beacon operated for most of the evening and was visible from all parts of the valley. It will again be demonstrated tomorrow evening and may be placed on top of some local building. Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1929, page 5 AIR TRAFFIC HEAVY AT LOCAL
The local
airplane landing field was a busy place
yesterday and today with the arrival and departure of several north-
southbound planes, the largest number this year so far, and regarded as
only an inkling to what future air travel will be, making a new airport
for Medford necessary.Among the ships arriving and departing was a Stinson-Detroiter, bound for Seattle; Tex Rankin cabin plane, en route to Los Angeles from Portland; new Boeing mail plane en route to Oakland from Seattle; army plane en route to Seattle from San Antonio; private plane en route to Santa Cruz from Portland; Associated Oil plane en route to Seattle; Fokker cabin plane en route to Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1929, page 2 COURT HALL HAS TOUCH OF POETRY
J. Court Hall, orchardist and sport authority, baseball magnate and
fisherman, is suffering from his annual touch of the rheumatism, and
while applying poultices and liniment evolved the following snappy poem
on the airport election, entitled: Medford's a Go-Getter":
If airships over
Medford sailed
Mail Tribune, March 30, 1929, page 2With no landing place to stop, Other towns would say we failed And laugh about our flop! The Medford spirit always wins In business, athletics, and all-- So let the airships spin Around the field this fall. Want it? Of course we do; Business and working men and all Will help to build one new-- The old one is too small! Fruit mail all goes by air The fastest it can be tote; Tuesday we will all be there In the little booth to vote. Vote to get the airfield through-- Don't mind about the dollar; When finding it makes you two, You'll never make a holler! Then our little town will grow, And business will be better For all the world will know MEDFORD'S A GO-GET-TER! FAMED AVIATRIX HERE SHORT TIME ON
Thaden, 23-year-old aviatrix from San
Francisco, who holds the world's endurance and altitude records
for women, stepped out of the Associated Oil single-motor plane onto
the Medford field at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and smilingly
greeted a committee of local people gathered to meet her. They hopped
off 15 minutes later for Eugene.Mrs. Thaden, who is making an air tour of the Northwest, appearing before civic groups and women's clubs, interesting them in the future development of aviation, is accompanied on this trip by Emory Bronte, who with Ernie Smith navigated the first civilian ship to cross the Pacific from San Francisco to Honolulu; George Nixon, special aviation representative, and D. D. Durr, assistant advertising manager for the Associated Oil Company. Born and raised in Bentonville, Ark., and coming west only two years ago, when she embarked on a career of aviation for the first time, the young aviatrix has the decided drawl of the southern state. It was a year ago in February when Mrs. Thaden received her private pilot's license, and last December 7 her first ambition was realized when she set a new altitude record for women by ascending to an official 20,270 feet. On March 16 and 17, this year, she established a new endurance record for women by remaining in the air 22 hours, 3 minutes, 12 seconds. That setting a speed record for women will be her next attempt was stated by the young flier, when the question was put up to her. Her takeoff in this endeavor will be from the Oakland airport, probably a week from today. A special plane will be built for Mrs. Thaden by a California company, she said, for this stunt. It will be a Travel Air, one-motor 180-horsepower plane. Enthusiasm over the possibility of Medford building the proposed new airport was expressed by both Mrs. Thaden and Emory Bronte, who were emphatic in their statements that such a step is necessary if Medford is to be classed with the other important points along the coast. Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1929, page 8 NIGHT FLIGHT AT LOCAL FIELD IS
The fact
that Medford citizens are "air-minded" was forcibly brought out last
night when
hundreds of local people gathered at the present air field to witness a
demonstration of airport illumination and night flying. Although the
large 20-kilowatt twin floodlight was not in commission last night, the
field was brightly illuminated by the smaller floodlight of only
five-kilowatt capacity, which gave plenty of light for the interesting
demonstrations. Harold Sanders of the Sanders Aeronautical School made
nearly a dozen flights, carrying passengers on most of them, and his
takeoffs and landings caused much favorable comment by all present.
Among the local citizens who saw Medford at night for the first time by
air were Ted Baker, Jack Thompson, Doc Lageson, Horace Bromley, Heinie
Fluhrer, "Moose" Muirhead and many others. All were
enthused over the beautiful view of the city by night and claimed the
sight was well worth seeing. By popular request this interesting
demonstration will be repeated again tonight from 7:30 o'clock
on, for the benefit of those who did not see it last night. Passenger
flights will be made by pilot Sanders.Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1929, page 8 Visit Airport Location Today
of people have visited the site for the new
airport, and all who have not are asked to do so today. Sign boards
the course off the Crater Lake and Pacific highways. White flags mark
the location.Someone will be on the proposed site from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today to explain the same to visitors. Drive out and see what will be one of the largest airports and government air terminals on the coast, if you vote for the bonds next Tuesday and they carry. Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1929, page B6 NEXT MOVE IN PORT QUESTION UP TO
imperative need of a Class A airport in Medford
that will accommodate any make of aircraft for many years, that will
be officially recognized and used by passenger, express and air mail
lines, has been proven beyond doubt.Committee Makes Final Review of Need and Possibilities New Air Traffic Facilities--Rely on Medford Spirit. The reasons for abandonment of the present field, because it is too small, with no chance for enlargement owing to the lay of the land, the high-powered electric telephone and telegraph lines in close proximity and because it has been condemned by the government, have been explained. The location of the proposed new site, three miles north of the city, after careful investigation of all sites by the airport committee and government experts and its being pronounced as ideal by those officials, has been set forth. The cost of the port has been shown, over the official signature of County Assessor Coleman, to be infinitely small to all taxpayers, especially in comparison with the benefits to be derived by the city and everyone. The receipts of the port, from companies and all kinds of concessions, rentals for buildings and hangars and storage of planes have been estimated by reliable sources to be $1500 in excess of expenditures for the first year. The estimated payroll of government employees who will be stationed here, if the port is established, salaries of pilots, mechanics and other employees (not of the port itself) for the first year is $80,000. It has been shown that the government will expend in the neighborhood of $100,000 on a super radio station, upper air weather bureau and beacon lights, all of which have been ordered installed, provided the city builds the airport. The mayor and city council members have stated over their signatures that the council committee will secure the services of an expert airport engineer, will superintend the construction and will only issue bonds in the amount necessary for the actual expenditures. The proposition is now up to the citizens of Medford to decide, by their votes tomorrow, whether they are going to maintain the enviable position the city has acquired all over the country for being "air-minded" and progressive and are going to keep pace with the rapid onward march of air development, or whether they are going to give up to their neighbors--who are waiting anxiously for the opportunity--that which is already in their possession. We believe Medford people will respond tomorrow, as they always have in the past when propositions of equal import have confronted them, and will roll up a good majority for the bonds, thereby serving notice to the world that Medford is to remain on the national air map and become one of the most important airport cities and government terminals on the Pacific Coast. AIRPORT
Medford Mail Tribune,
April 1, 1929, page 1Chamber of Commerce. MANY WITNESS NIGHT AVIATION
of local people witnessed the second
demonstration of airport night lighting and night flying put on through
the courtesy of the California-Oregon Power Company and the Sanders
Aeronautical School last night.The efficiency of modern lighting equipment for airports was forcibly impressed on those who saw the demonstration in which only a 5000-watt floodlight was used. Plans for the illumination of the new airport will probably call for a 20,000-watt installation which would give ample light for landing the large three-motor ships. A number of local people took advantage of the opportunity to see Medford by air again last evening and were well pleased with their experiences. The city shows up beautifully from the air, and the street lights and electric signs present an impressive spectacle. Main Street glitters like the "great white way," according to those who made the trip. It is anticipated that sightseeing trips over Medford by night will be very popular after the new airport is completed and illuminated. Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1929, page 2 PORT VOTE VIRTUALLY IN ACCORD
At a
special meeting of the city council this
afternoon, steps for the issuance of the airport bonds, approved by the
people of the city yesterday, and a canvass of the votes was made. The
official count is:Polls Besieged by Air-Minded--2243 Cast Ballot for Class A Port--182 Opposed--Work to Start Soon As Possible--City to Retain Place As Key on Air Routes.
The airport committee of the city council, composed of E. H. Janney, chairman, and E. M. Wilson and J. O. Grey, will take immediate steps for the issuance of the air bonds and the securing of an expert airport engineer for the survey of the field. He will probably be assigned from the Oakland, Calif. airport. Work will start as quickly as possible on the construction of a 5000-foot runway, and it is hoped to have it ready for use by June 1st, when night flying of the air mail starts between Seattle, Washington via Medford and Los Angeles, Calif. The site, which will comprise 280 acres, is located between the Biddle road and the Owen-Oregon company tracks, about a mile from the Pacific Highway, and lies three miles north of this city. Most of the land has been purchased by the city from its revolving fund, to meet the requirements of the government that a deed be on hand before work would start for the installation of a super radio station. It is the largest, and the first, of the type to be erected on the Pacific Coast. The concrete bases to the huge steel tower, now in transit, are already in. The land already purchased is as follows: 196 acres from W. H. Gore, 14 acres of the Chartrow place upon which is located a house and barn; 18 acres of the Mann place, also improved, and 32 acres purchased through J. W. Wakefield, upon which a barn sits. Removal of these structures will start at an early date. There is 60 acres more in the proposed port, part or all of which may be purchased yet. The airport site was formally approved by government officials. Building Plans
Among the
chief buildings and improvements to be constructed at the airport, and
the approximate costs, are:The administration building to cost $12,000, the upper floor to be used as an "upper air" weather bureau with a 24-hour service. Through this and the super-radio service it will be possible for a plane flying any of the established air routes of the land to receive weather condition data at any hour of the night and day. An immense hangar, dimensions 110 by 85 feet, to cost $15,000. Rest room and depot, to cost $1500. The grading and clearing of the site will cost $12,400; the seeding $1875; graveling and rolling the runways $15,680, and oiling and macadamizing the field $10,000. The boundary, flood and beacon lights and the installation thereof will cost $7000, it is estimated. Heavy Vote
From the
opening of the polls yesterday afternoon at
one o'clock, until they closed at eight o'clock last
evening, there was a steady stream of voters to the voting places.
Never before in the history of the city was so much interest
manifested in a bond election. The women voters of the city took a keen
interest and comprised close to fifty percent of the vote cast.Vote Almost Unanimous
Medford airport will be one of the largest on
the Pacific Coast, and the amount of the bond issue is the largest ever
voted for a similar purpose in this state. By the verdict of the
electorate, this city retains its place as a "key city" in
aviation, retains the prestige it gained when it pioneered aviation in
Oregon, and will become a government terminal.The result of the election was watched closely by government aviation officials, aerial transportation companies, and many other cities and individuals throughout the state, as well as people all over the country. Many telegrams of congratulations upon the victory were received today from all over the nation. The airport publicity committee and associates for a month have worked unceasingly to present the facts clearly and fairly before the voters, and the thoroughness of their task is fully attested by the size of the vote. Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1929, page 1 OFFICIALS OF P.A.T. AUTHORIZES
C. E. Johnson, operations manager for
Pacific Air
Transport, under Boeing Transport, Inc., was in Medford Wednesday en
route by plane to Oakland.He was not surprised because the people of this city had voted for the airport bonds, as he recognized their progressive spirit, but he was surprised at the 12-to-1 majority. He was loud in his praises of the same and said he would like to take a bunch of the fellows from here to Seattle, where they are considering a like proposition, to tell them how "to put it over." Mr. Johnson authorized Seely Hall to immediately secure a lease for the Boeing company on the airport, and they would soon proceed with the erection of their own administration building, mechanical shop and hangar. On his arrival in Oakland last evening, Mr. Johnson wired as follows to the publicity committee: Oakland, Calif.
April 3.
Congratulations to the citizens of
Medford on voting
the airport bond issue, thus maintaining their present position as a
key city on the Pacific Coast airway. Aeronautical development of the
future will bring increased benefit to Medford through its airport.C. E. JOHNSON,
Mail Tribune, April 4, 1929, page 5Operations Manager, P.T.A. PORT COMMITTEE LEAVES TO STUDY
The airport committee of the city
consisting of E. H. Janney, chairman, Joseph O. Grey and E. M. Wilson,
accompanied by City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, left by train this
noon to visit the airport at Oakland, Cal., over the weekend for the
purpose of studying that reputed model port, how it is laid out and
operated, what the concessions there pay, and in fact to study
everything pertaining to that port. They may also visit the Mills
flying field in San Francisco before returning.The members of the committee feel the grave responsibility resting on them in spending the $120,000 bond issue so overwhelmingly passed by the voters last Tuesday and therefore plan to move very carefully in building the new airport, despite the need for comparative haste in order to have the new airport sufficiently developed by June 1st, when the night flying begins on the Pacific Coast. Hence this trip of investigation to Oakland. At present, according to City Attorney John H. Carkin, this noon, the committee does not want the bonds sold for six weeks yet, but Mr. Carkin is already at work preparing the legal steps necessary for the advertising of the bonds, etc., to have all in readiness whenever the committee gives the word to go ahead with the sale. The members of the committee may change their minds on their return from the Oakland trip the first of next week. While no information could be gained on the subject, it is thought possible that the committee may do some preliminary work while away towards the engagement later of one of the foremost airport engineers to have charge of the laying out and building of the new airport. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1929, page 6 CITY COUNCILMEN HOME FROM VIEW
Loaded down with valuable information
gained during
their visit over the weekend at the large and generally regarded as
model airport of Oakland, Calif., the city council airport committee,
which will have charge of the construction of Medford's new
airport and the expenditure of the $120,000 bond issue voted last
Tuesday for building it, arrived home on the Shasta train this noon.The members of the committee, Messrs. E. H. Janney, J. O. Grey and E. M. Wilson, and City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, who accompanied them, had nothing to say this afternoon about this trip of investigation and study of the Oakland airport to gather ideas for use in building the new airport here, except to state that their journey was well worthwhile and very successful, as they gained much important and valuable information, and that they would make a complete report of their findings to the city council at that body's special meeting tomorrow night. The party left Medford by train last Friday morning for Oakland, spent all day Saturday in looking over the Oakland airport, and yesterday consulted airport engineers and had a consultation with Oakland's municipal airport committee. Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1929, page 8 WEATHER BUREAU AT AIRPORT WILL BE
The Medford weather bureau, to be
installed on the
new airport with the completion of that project, will be every bit as
well equipped as is the Oakland station, and perhaps more fully
equipped than it so far as instruments are concerned, according to
Walter Dick, head of the local weather bureau, who was a guest speaker
before the Lions Club this noon.Mr. Dick gave an interesting review of the work and methods employed by the weather office here, and expressed a hope that classes in general science in the high school and other visitors might receive valuable practical instruction in the proposed new weather office here. Lions J. O. Grey, Fred Scheffel and E. M. Wilson, who with Ed Janney compose the city council airport committee, and were recently sent to the Oakland airport on a tour of investigation, gave short talks on data they accumulated there. The Oakland port is considered one of the most important and best equipped landing fields in the United States and is being studied by all communities anticipating building or improving their facilities. With only $120,000 to expend upon the local airport, the distribution of funds will require careful calculation and the maximum amount of careful planning, according to the local committeemen. Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1929, page 8 AIRPORT BODY MAKES REPORT CITY
It developed at last night's special
council meeting for the main purpose of hearing the report of the
council's airport committee of their visit to Oakland, Calif.,
airport, that the bond issue of $120,000 voted last week will be
inadequate to build a modern Class A airport, which fact was generally
known, but after much discussion the mayor and councilmen were of the
unanimous opinion that the sum would provide a creditable port
beginning, far more than sufficient to meet with the
government's stipulated requirements for two years or so.Creditable Port to Be Established--Enlarge Project As Funds Available--Remove Buildings on Field at Once. It was the consensus of opinion that the city administration build from the start an airport as well equipped and large as possible, within the bond issue of $120,000, and laid out as the first unit of the project, to be added to from year to year as funds could be obtained, until the entire project could be completed. It was brought out by the report of the airport committee consisting of E. H. Janney, E. M. Wilson and J. O. Grey, and which was read by Chairman Janney, with side explanations and comments by himself and the other two members, that the council was facing a huge task in the building of this new airport, as it was a very expensive proposition, more so than any of the city officials had hitherto known, and that many of the features would require expert technical superintendence, planning and installing of equipment. Need Expert
One fact brought out prominently was
that the
services of a skilled airport engineer must be employed to lay out the
plan of the new airport in conformance with the fact that only $120,000
could be spent on it for a year or so, and it must be built on a plan
for future enlargement from time to time, as money was available.It was decided to seek all the advice and information possible from reputable airport engineers, and also government engineers and the Boeing Air Line Corporation, which is building new airports of its own in various sections, and only recently let the contract for a $200,000 one. Invite Study
To this end, and also to bring about
possible healthy
competitive bidding for the job, the airport committee was instructed
to invite various airport engineering firms to send representatives to
study over the situation and present their views before the city
council and mayor, as soon as possible.In the meantime, in order to gain time and save as much expense as possible, the city administration decided to have City Supt. Scheffel at once begin the work of removing the old buildings, fences and irrigation ditch, have the new airport site plowed with a tractor, and do such other work that can just as well be done without employing the services of an airport engineer. It is absolutely necessary also to have it plowed up now while the ground is soft, as later on the plowing and harrowing of the desert soil would be an almost impossible and very costly task. When that is done, the city administration will probably let a contract locally for the leveling of the field. J. H. Dennison and J. C. Barnes, citizens who happened to be in attendance at the meeting, also took part in the discussion and gave a number of helpful suggestions. Mr. Dennison has long been much interested in aviation and airport developments and has for the past five or six years taken all the leading aviation and airport journals to keep himself well posted. Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1929, page 1 START SOON ON ELECTRIC LINES FOR
Work will start at once on the
construction of power
lines to the sites for 35 airway beacon lights, between Delta,
California and Drain, Oregon, on the Medford division of the coast
airway system, according to an announcement made today, following a
visit here Saturday and Sunday of C. G. Miller, aeronautic engineer of
the Department of Commerce. He was in conference with California-Oregon
Power Company officials, and it is understood a tentative agreement was
reached. Miller left Sunday night for Boise, Idaho.The beacon lights are, for the most part, located in isolated areas, and their installation and the preliminary work thereto will entail an estimated expenditure of close to $250,000. Until the beacon lights are installed there will be no night flying, originally scheduled to begin June 1. The work of erecting the 50-foot towers and building of power lines to them is expected to take six weeks or two months, under the most favorable conditions. The beacon lights are of the circulating type and are set at an angle of two degrees. The 35 beacon lights are located in the territory served by the California-Oregon Power Company, and that company will furnish the power for the lights. Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1929, page 1 AIRPORT CREW AT WORK PREPARING
Under City Superintendent Scheffel, five
men were
busy at the new airport today tearing down the old buildings and fences
on the property preparatory of having the ground plowed and harrowed
and otherwise got in readiness for leveling later on, before the actual
airport construction is begun.City Superintendent Scheffel has made arrangements with the county court to use the county's large scarifier in this plowing work, and the plowing will be begun as soon as possible, within 30 days, as the city officials fear that after that time the operation would be more difficult and costly. It was intended at first to use ordinary plows, but on learning that the county would loan the city its scarifier the plan was changed, as the scarifier would not only do the work faster but penetrate the ground much deeper. Because only five of the councilmen were present at last night's meeting, new airport plans were not discussed, except that the officials present urged the city superintendent to rush the work of plowing the site before the ground got hard. The city has already received over 100 applications for employment, and a large number more are expected before airport operations are fully under way. Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1929, page 2 BEACON
Selection of sites for the 35 beacon
lights between Delta, Cal., and Drain, Ore., for air mail flying,
scheduled to begin June 1, have been made by aeronautical engineers of
the Department of Commerce, as follows:Copco to Connect Locations, Including Barron Ranch, Dunn's Butte, Valley View, Medford, Gold Hill and Others. For the Medford division, between the state line and Drain, on Barron emergency field, at the foot of the Siskiyous, Dunn's Butte, Valley View, Medford airport, Gold Hill, Grants Pass, atop Sexton Mountain, Grave Creek, Wolf Creek, Stagecoach Pass, Cow Creek field, John's ranch, Canyon Mountain, Missouri Bottoms near Riddle, Weaver Hill near Myrtle Creek, Nebo Mountain near Roseburg, Roseburg airfield, Wilbur, Sutherlin, Rice Hill, Oakland, Yoncalla and Drain. The Northern California sites are: Delta, Lamoine, Flume Creek, Dunsmuir, Shasta, Weed, Weed airport, Gazelle, Montague, Hornbrook, Yreka, Siskiyou and Steinman. This is exclusive of seven gas lights, gasoline operated, to be installed at isolated points. The work of installing the lines will be started at once by the California-Oregon Power Company, who will also furnish the power and maintain the lines. The estimated cost is between $50,000 and $60,000. It is expected that the beacon lights will be ready for operation close to the scheduled date for night flying. Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1929, page 1 AIRPORT
William E. Arthur, representative of the
Austin Company, airport engineers and builders with central offices in
New York and headquarters all along the Pacific Coast, will arrive in
Medford on the Shasta tonight to consult with Mayor A.W. Pipes and the
city airport committee on the work to be done on the new local airport.Mr. Arthur will inspect the location here and explain his recommendations in the way of equipment, buildings and general plans for the airport. That he will appear before the city council before he leaves the city, to further present his ideas, was stated by Mayor Pipes this noon. The city is receiving the representatives and experts from various large companies throughout the country before proceeding with the actual construction program on the new port. Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1929, page 3 AIRPORT
In line with their policy of moving
carefully and obtaining all the expert and practical information
possible relating to the laying out and construction of the new
airport, despite their desire to rush the matter as fast as
consistently possible while holding to this policy, the city officials
last night at a special meeting of the council for this sole purpose
listened to the ideas of airport construction work expressed by F. C.
Whiting, consulting engineer of the Airport Engineering Corporation of
San Francisco, and asked him questions.City Council Hears Ideas of F. C. Whiting, Airport Engineer--Ralph Cowgill Protests Calling in Outside Talent. It is understood that the representative of a large Pacific Coast contracting firm, which has had work in connection with the building of new airports, will arrive here today and also go over the ground with the council airport committee and Mayor A. W. Pipes. Representatives of other firms or companies may be heard if they so wish. The city administration is not yet ready to act in the way of deciding on the airport engineering question and letting of contracts for the construction of the new airport but, in view of the fact that the cleaning up work of the site, which is being rushed by double crews, and the plowing and harrowing of the site will in all probability be finished inside of two weeks, the council may take final action at its next regular meeting the first Tuesday in May, which would be the evening of May 8. Nothing was done at last night's meeting beyond hearing Mr. Whiting and asking him questions. Although his engineering firm will enter a bid on the airport work, Mr. Whiting did not give any definite answers to questions asked him about probable construction costs of various departments of the airports, since it was his contention that construction work cost would depend on how completely the city desired to construct the new airport at the beginning. Councilmen Chas. A. Wing, R. E. McElhose and J. J. Buchter were unable to be present at last night's meeting, which was arranged for in the afternoon, but it was learned from the councilmen and other city officials who were there that Mr. Whiting and his ideas and the information he expressed made a very favorable impression. Mr. Whiting's company is a widely known airport building concern of the Pacific Coast. He contended that his concern and himself were more competent to do the Medford job than local engineers who have never laid out airways. That the drainage problem was one of the most important to be met in constructing the new airport was the consensus of opinion of all present at last night's meeting, and it was also felt by them that the $120,000 bond issue would not be sufficient to drain the entire airport site and at the same time do the other necessary construction work for the beginning of a Class A port. Ralph Cowgill expressed the opinion of other local engineers, two of whom, F. C. Dillard and Fred Scheffel, were present, that local engineers were just as competent as Mr. Whiting and other professional airport engineers to lay out the Medford airport job. When E. H. Janney, chairman of the city council airport committee, asked Mr. Cowgill if he felt that he was as capable of handling all phases of the engineering work necessary in the construction of the new airport, the answer was: "Yes, with the advice of other engineers, which Mr. Whiting has stated he would ask for." In his remarks contending that local engineers were capable of laying out the airport, Mr. Cowgill stated that he himself had been an engineer since 1909, had done much engineering work in this county on desert land that presented similar problems to the ones that would be met on the laying out of the new air field. Mr. Cowgill stated that he had always employed home labor, patronized home trade all these years, and that local engineers should be given first consideration in the building of the new airport. Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1929, page 6 EXPERTS
W. E. Arthur, manager of the airport
division of the
Austin Company, airport engineers and builders, and W. R. Engstrom,
engineer of the northwest division of the company, with headquarters at
Seattle, are now in the city conferring with the mayor and city council
regarding the new airport to be built here. This company has offices
all over the country and has recently constructed 17 airports.Both men speak in the highest terms of the local location and say that owing to Medford's strategic position and its becoming air minded early, it is highly spoken of all over the country. They predict that with a Class A airport Medford will have a wonderful future in the progress of aviation. A recent ruling of the Department of Commerce at Washington is that a Class A airport must eventually have a main runway not less than 500 feet wide and 2640 feet long. This ruling was made since Medford started their bond issue. The idea at the local port was a runway 100 feet wide and 5000 feet long, the length being to accommodate all sizes of planes for years to come. It is not necessary, however, to construct the 500-foot wide runway here the first year, but the plans when made will provide for this width, part of which will be constructed this year. Dr. W. L. Powers, head of the engineering and drainage divisions of O.S.C., and W. R. Lewis, soil expert from that college, are in Medford to assist with the drainage proposition at the airport and have commenced their surveys. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1929, page 6 P.A.T.
As soon as the Medford airport is made
ready for
building, the Pacific Air Transport will start construction of a $5000
administration building, according to an announcement made today by
Seely V. Hall, superintendent of the Medford division of the air line.Hall Announces Plan for Administration Structure--To House Office, Waiting Rooms and Depot Facilities. The new building will consist of division offices, waiting rooms and depot space, and will conform architecturally with the administration building to be erected by the city. The Pacific Air Transport will lease their hangars from the city for the present but will eventually build their own. Mr. Hall returned yesterday afternoon from California, where he conferred with P.A.T. officials on local building operations. Hall visited thirty airports in the vicinity of Los Angeles, getting points on the latest construction and flying methods. He left here last Friday and after a day in San Francisco and Oakland flew to Los Angeles. He left Bakersfield, Calif., Monday night and flew over the lighted night route, stopping at Fresno and Oakland fields and arriving here yesterday afternoon. Medford Mail Tribune, April 30, 1929, page 1 BARDWELL
The necessity of a new airport in
Medford was brought into sharp relief today when Ralph Bardwell,
well-known local fruit broker, landed at the present Medford field,
after a flight from San Francisco."I bought a ticket for Medford," said Mr. Bardwell, "but when I got in the plane the pilot told me he couldn't stop here. He said he could stop at Roseburg or Montague, but the conditions at the local field were so bad that he couldn't risk the lives of the passengers by trying to make a stop. "I had to talk long and loud before the pilot finally agreed to give me the ride I had paid for. He shut off the gas over Ashland and certainly landed after careful maneuvering. He was plainly nervous. Certainly this shows how much we need a new landing field." Mr. Bardwell is becoming an enthusiastic air traveler, this being his third or fourth long air trip. He flew down to San Francisco in the record time of two hours and three-quarters. Medford Mail Tribune, May 1, 1929, page 6 CITY
The work of plowing, grading and
leveling of the big new airport site, on which much progress has been
made in the past week or so, with two weeks or more of such work yet
ahead, is being done under the city council through its airport
committee auspices with City Superintendent Fred Scheffel in charge of
local labor. Immediately that work is finished, it is the plan of the
city administration to have Mr. Scheffel also construct the airport
runway and drain it with local labor.Plowing, Grading and Other Preliminary Work Carried on by Local Labor--Runway and Drainage Will Also Be Handled by City Crew--Scheffel Makes Report. This field work already accomplished on the airport has been done with the city not spending a nickel of money for outside help. Also, when the rough field work is completed, the city official will go no further without seeking expert airport engineering or aeronautical advice on the laying out of the first unit in the way of location of buildings, runways and the like, with a view to future expansion by establishing other units from year to year as they are needed. The city officials spent hours in discussion of the new airport problem at last night's city council meeting, and it was finally decided that Mayor Pipes would within the next day or two appoint two members of the chamber of commerce airport committee to work in a cooperative capacity with the council's airport committee, and also appoint a new member on the latter committee to take the place of E. H. Janney, recently resigned from the council. These two committees will then, as soon as possible, decide whether it would be best to employ an expert airport engineer on a per diem basis, or at a flat stipulated sum, to lay out the airport, and also whether the airport field should be circular in form, which form would save considerable money in the way of building, equipping and maintenance, and submit their decision to the whole council for approval. The city officials also last night had a discussion as to the best time to sell the $120,000 airport bond issue so as to bring about the best sale obtainable in the bond market. Up to the present the cost has been borne by money borrowed from city funds temporarily until the bonds are sold, and it was decided to continue under this plan for several weeks yet, when the airport building expense will have approached the stage when money must be paid out in large chunks. So far, or rather up to May 6, only a little less than $30,000 has been paid out on airport expense, including the cost of the land. Seely Hall, member of the chamber of commerce airport committee, met with the council and aided City Superintendent Scheffel in explaining matters pertaining to the work already done and that contemplated in the future. The city administration has already saved much money in having the cleaning up of the airport site and rough field work done under its own supervision with local labor and City Superintendent Scheffel in charge, over what would have been paid if an airport expert or airport building concern had been given this job. Of course, much practically free advice on this rough field work has been obtained so far from competent authorities. The formal report of City Superintendent Scheffel to the city council of the progress of the work and the like, made to the council last night, was as follows: Airport Progress Outlined
We have had the use of the county
equipment for scarifying the field, and to date have broken up 25 acres
with the county equipment and 12 acres with a 20-horsepower Cletractor
and three-way plow. This equipment was also used for pulling the trees.
We found that in using a small tractor and three-way plow we could not
break the ground deep enough to be of much benefit, and therefore this
equipment has been discontinued. In scarifying with the large county
equipment, the ground is sufficiently broken so that by using the "tumblebug"
scraper very little additional plowing is necessary and we
find in using the Killefer
subsoiler, we are able to break the hummocks.A crew of men has been employed cutting up the trees and removing the brush. This is practically completed. We are sawing the trees into four-foot lengths, which can be sold, and have cut the butts of the large pines into 16-foot lengths which can be sold for logs. One acre of ground has been rough graded with the light equipment, and we believe this is the most economical way to carry on the leveling. The estimated cost for rough grading is $45 an acre plus $15 for fine grading and rolling, which makes a total cost of $60 an acre to place the land in proper shape for the hard surface. Relative to the drainage system, we have followed the suggestions of Prof. Powers and designed the system for one inch of rainfall per hour. The estimated cost of drainage of the runway 200 feet wide and 2700 feet long is as follows:
We have computed the above estimates to give you an idea as to the probable cost, from which you can determine the estimate of the improvements you desire to undertake at this time. The cost for the various items to date are as follows:
Expenditures at Airport
For months February, March and April and May 1 to 6.
Public Election
Publishing, printing, U.S. postage,
judges, etc., $373.44 Administration
Medford Mail
Tribune, May 8, 1929, page B1
Construction of the new government radio
near this city is practically three-fourths completed, according to
R. A. Martin, superintendent in charge of construction, who reported
today preparations are complete for the actual erection of the steel
towers, 128 feet high, 400 feet apart and on concrete bases of 150 feet
The building in which the equipment will be located has been constructed and has dimensions of 22 feet by 28, and includes a basement, one story and an attic. The furnace and storerooms will be located in the basement, while the radio apparatus, including generating room for the motors, will be on the main floor. All the apparatus, with the exception of the transmitting equipment, has already been received. The new power line to the station, as well as a gravel road from the Crater Lake Highway, has also been completed. G. D. Barr, United States Inspector of Airways, with headquarters at Oakland, was a visitor at the station yesterday and expressed satisfaction with the progress to date. Crews to erect the towers and install the equipment are expected to arrive any day, and it is expected the station will be in operation by June 1. Medford Mail Tribune, May 9, 1929, page 3 SIX TRACTORS HASTEN WORK ON NEW
The work of preparing the site for the
new airport,
in the way of plowing, harrowing, grading and leveling, continues to
progress fast, and now there are six tractors working in two eight-hour
shifts, under direction of City Engineer Fred Scheffel, at scarifying,
etc., in the effort to rush this work, which may take two weeks yet
before the leveling work is completed.
Mayor Pipes has not yet made his appointment of another member of the city council airport committee to take the place of Councilman E. H. Janney, recently resigned, or of two members of the chamber of commerce airport committee to act in an advisory capacity with the council airport committee, but such appointments are expected any time now. Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1929, page 2 AIRPORT BONDS WILL BE SOLD SOON
City Council Decides on Sale of $100,000 Issue--Hold Balance for Modernizing Requirements--Economics Outlined.
The Medford and valley public is
fortunate in that the work of installing the new airport is progressing
so fast and satisfactorily, and also because this airport will become
one of the main airports in the Pacific Coast region, in view of its
advantageous location, nestled in between two mountain ranges, which
will cause every airplane going over the route to stop for weather
reports on flying conditions.
More and more the importance of the future new Medford airport is growing in the aviation world. All the big flying companies and the government aviation department are eagerly watching the building and equipping of this air field, and because of this importance are willing to help along the building of it. These facts developed at the lengthy meeting of the city council last night, with the city officials and councilmen all present, including J. C. Collins, the new councilman from the first ward. It was finally decided to advertise for bids to sell $100,000 worth of the $120,000 airport bond issue, leaving $20,000 of that issue to be sold next year or later. It developed at the meeting also that, according to all the figures and advice obtainable, through economies to be effected over the original estimates before the council airport committee began its investigation of other airports and seeking advice of well known aviation authorities, that $100,000 will build a well-equipped airport sufficient for present needs. Mayor Pipes, City Superintendent Scheffel and Seely Hall, on their recent trip to airports of Portland and Seattle, were warned to hold back as much of the $120,000 airport bond issue as possible, as the development of aviation was just in its infancy, with new ideas and discoveries coming so fast that almost any time might come a necessary radical change or changes in airport construction and to have as much as possible of the $120,000 bond issue as a reserve emergency fund to keep the new airport modern. Hence the council voted to instruct City Attorney Carkin to take steps to advertise for sale only $100,000 of the issue. The council has assurances that bids will be submitted to take these bonds at par, drawing 5 percent interest. The bidders, according to these assurances, will be the State Industrial Accident Commission and the State Soldiers' Loan Commission. Although it will be two weeks yet before the plowing, grading and leveling of the big airport site will be finished, City Superintendent Scheffel, in charge of this work, informed the council last night that the time was about here to ask for bids on tiling, graveling, and the building of the lean-tos attached to the hangar. Up to date, $4,400 has been spent in the plowing, grading, harrowing and leveling work, Superintendent Scheffel reported, and from now on money will be spent in large amounts. In the next 60 days $40,000 will be needed, and inside of 30 days $20,000 will be needed. In accordance with economy ideas brought back by the city delegation and suggested by the Boeing airport and aviation officials, the administration building and its various features will be combined with the one big hangar for the present, by the use of two-story lean-tos. This would house the United States Weather Bureau, which will require 1,000 square feet of space. The total estimated cost of this combined structure under one roof will be $19,000, a saving of $9,000 over the original estimated cost of the two separate structures. Every phase of the new airport question was discussed, together with the reports made by Messrs. Pipes, Scheffel and Hall on the knowledge they had gained on their recent trip. The Boeing concern volunteered free use of its airport building experts, both from the Seattle and Oakland airports, and they will come here as soon as the preliminary work has reached the stage where they are needed. Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1929, page 1 AIRWAY RADIO PLANT NEARING
Work is progressing rapidly on the
government airway
radio station at Medford, and all that remains now is to erect the
towers and install the transmitters, which will only take a few days
when the crew arrives.
The "counterpoise," or ground system, which consists of 2000 feet of copper wire buried under the ground, connected to the bases of the aerials and transmitters that serve the same purpose of the ground wires to air or ordinary radio, has been completed. Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1929, page 5 AIRPORT BODY CONFERS UPON HANGAR
Architect Drafting Layout for Quarters, Shops and Plane Housing--Grading and Drain Contracts to Be Let Friday.
The airport committee met this morning
with M.
Dickinson of Eugene, representative of the LaMella Roofing Company, and
discussed plans for the building of the first unit of the hangars to be
erected at the airport. This hangar will be 100 feet by 140 feet in
dimensions and according to standard aviation specifications. The
airport committee is composed of Seely V. Hall, Councilmen R. B.
Hammond and Joseph O. Grey and City Engineer Fred Scheffel.
The committee expected to be in session most of the day before it reaches a final decision. Frank C. Clark, architect for the airport, is busy drawing the plans for quarters, offices, shops and the superstructure of the hangar. Contracts for the grading of the airport and the laying of the drain pipe will be let Friday, according to City Engineer Scheffel. The bids will be opened at that time. Work on the hangar is expected to start within a very short time. The California-Oregon Power Company has completed its estimates of cost for the building of power lines to the beacon lights between Delta, Cal., and Drain, Ore. The estimates will be forwarded to S. G. Miller, Boise, Idaho, in charge of federal aviation activity for this district, and early decision is expected. Eugene Johnson, operating manager for the Boeing company, spent Saturday in the city and approved of the airport plans. Medford Mail Tribune, May 27, 1929, page 8 MUIRHEAD MAKES INITIAL LANDING ON
That Medford's new airport has already
christened became known today when Mayor Pipes was informed that
several days ago Moose Muirhead, the local amateur pilot, made a
landing there in the evening and also a take off. Although most of the
field was plowed and little of it had been rolled, Moose made an easy
arrival and getaway.
That the field will be officially tested in a few days by a test airplane landing was announced by the mayor today. Work has progressed rapidly the past few days under the direction of Fred Scheffel, and with seven tractors working 15 hours per day, the long runway is as level as a race track. Although it will be September before the airport is entirely completed, it is now planned to use the field for airplane landing in June when the newspaper airplane caravan from the northwest is scheduled to arrive, en route south. Although the work of draining the field will then be in progress, local aviation experts declare landing will be perfectly safe and continue so throughout the summer. Today Fred Scheffel sold the timber taken from the airport property to the Tomlin Box Company at a good profit to the city. Thus far it is estimated the Pipes "efficiency system" has saved the city five or six thousand dollars over the original estimates of construction costs. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1929, page 3 AIRPORT CONTRACTS WILL BE LET
Contracts for the grading and laying of
drain pipe
at the Medford airport will be let tomorrow by the airport committee.
Specifications for bids for this work were sent to contractors early in
the week by City Engineer Fred Scheffel.
Frank C. Clark, architect, is working on plans for the first hangar unit. Besides the hangar with a 100-foot opening, there will be office space rented by the Boeing company and quarters for weather observation and radio. Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1929, page 2 OPEN BIDS FOR AIRPORT BONDS ON
City Council Orders Action to Secure Funds--Curb on Used Car Lots in Fire Limits Is Adopted and Penalty Provided.
At a special meeting last night the city
council passed an ordinance to sell the $120.000 new airport bond
issue, also an ordinance to become effective immediately to curb the
establishment of more used car lots in the inner fire limits of the
city, and discussed at some length informally the proposed furnishing
water from the city's supply to adjoining districts and municipalities.
According to the ordinance passed, bids for the entire airport bond issue sale will be received and opened on June 25. These bonds are to be sold "to obtain the necessary funds to purchase an aviation field, level and otherwise improve same, and to build hangars and make other improvements in connection therewith." The bonds will be in denominations of $1000 each, numbered 1 to 120, inclusive, to be dated July 1, 1929, to mature serially in numerical order at the rate of $12,000 per annum on the first day of July in each of the years 1931 to 1940, inclusive, the bonds to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum payable semiannually on the first days of January and July of each year. The ordinance prohibiting the location of any further used car lots in the inner fire limits without the consent of the council provides a penalty of $100 for violation, and was passed as an emergency measure, which means that it goes into effect at once. The preamble to the ordinance sets forth that "whereas the increased use of vacant lots or premises in the inner fire limits is unsightly and interferes with parking space and constitutes a serious fire hazard and will make it difficult if not impossible in many cases for the fire department to get access to adjoining buildings in the inner fire limits in case of fire." Features of the ordinance provide that from and after its taking effect, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use any lot or premises within the inner fire limits of the city for a used car lot without first having obtained permission therefor from the city council. The ordinance shall not be construed to affect premises now used for used car lots, provided, however, that when any of said premises now used for a used car lot cease to be used for said purpose, the premises cannot be used again for a used car lot without obtaining permission from the council. The ordinance further says that the increase in number of used car lots in the inner fire limits is creating a bad fire hazard, which hazard should be done away with as quickly as possible, and it is necessary for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of the city of Medford that immediate steps be taken to abate said fire hazard. Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1929, page 1 AD CLUB PLANES TO LAND ON NEW
The first official landing on Medford's
new city airport, under construction north of the city, will be made
tomorrow forenoon with the arrival of four Bach trimotored cabin
planes from Portland, carrying members of the Advertising Club of that
city en route to Oakland, Calif. The planes are expected to arrive
between 10:30 and 11 o'clock, and a good-sized delegation of local
residents and business men are urged to be present.
The visitors will be brought to Medford for a joint luncheon with the chamber of commerce board of directors, publicity committee and airport committee. The luncheon will also be open to the general public, and a good attendance is urged. The Portland delegation is under the leadership of William P. Merry and James Richardson. The party has 20 members. Cars for transporting the visitors to Medford will be donated by the Scherer Motor Company. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1929, page 5 RECEPTION GIVEN AERIAL CARAVAN
"We'll carry away a memory of Medford,
and of the wonderful reception accorded us here, long after we have
returned to our respective homes." Said W. P. Merry, past president of
the Advertising Club of Portland and general chairman of the "On to
Oakland" committee, who with seven other passengers arrived in the
first plane of the caravan, which stopped over here Saturday noon for
luncheon, sponsored by the local chamber of commerce. There were 12 in
the entire airplane caravan.
Considerable regret was expressed by the delegation over the inability of James Stevens, local singer, to join the caravan. Plans had been made by the committee to include "Jim," who is a member of the Portland club, in the party, as the official entertainer during the convention. Miss Anna Keil, dark eyed, petite executive secretary of the Ad Club of Portland, was enthusiastic about over the welcome extended the caravan by Medford people. She said that they had planned on landing at Medford's new airport, but that the pilot did not care to take the risk until it was more nearly completed. "There are only five clubs in the state of Oregon that are branches of the Pacific Advertising Clubs Association," she said. "We are reluctant about extending them into cities that will not maintain the progressive spirit of the association in their local activities." Miss Keil added that Medford was not only the type of city that could support such a club, but that this city had proved itself an inspiration to the rest of the state with the manner in which the local airport had been put over. Considerable concern and not too much publicity was given to the fact that one member of the caravan had gotten "sea sick," and had no desire to leave the plane for public inspection. A number of his "fraternity" stood guard at the door of the cabin, administered what discreet aid they could, and loyally diverted the attention of local onlookers. Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1929, page 4 PLAN CELEBRATION UPON COMPLETION
A two-day celebration and dedication of
the new Medford airport is now being planned by the chamber of commerce
airport committee to be held either in September or October, when the
project is entirely completed, according to Seely Hall, chairman of the
In addition to a number of notable representatives of aeronautics who have already offered their cooperation in such a celebration and will be present at that time, participation in the affair will be shared by representatives of the army, navy, Pacific Air Transport company, Maddux Air Lines, Rankin school, Standard Oil Company, Union Oil Company, Associated Oil and many other companies and private concerns. Among the features planned are an army and navy rally, an aerial circus, drum corps drills, band and orchestra music and numerous other specialties. The airport will be flooded with light in the evenings, and dancings will be held in the hangar on either one or both nights. All of Medford will be asked to cooperate in the celebration, and news of the official dedication will be sent out over the wire and broadcast over exchange radio program all along the Pacific Coast. Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1929, page 8 RICHFIELD TO INSTALL BEACON TOP
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Norris, proprietors
of the Summit Ranch lodge and service station on the Pacific Highway
on the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains, have leased the service
station and garage to the Richfield Oil Company of California. They
will install improvements at once. A steel tower, 125 feet high, will
be erected, electrically lighted and display a huge beacon on its top
and illuminations on the sides advertising the company.
The old service station and garage will be torn down, and in their stead attractive, up-to-date buildings will be erected. The new station will be one of the finest and best equipped on the Pacific Highway between Canada and Mexico. Across the highway from the station, Mr. Norris will operate a confectionery store, lunch counter and tea room for the accommodation of tourists. Medford Mail Tribune, June 20, 1929, page B5 EXPECT AIRPORT TO BE FINISHED
Matters in the way of construction of
the new airport have been progressing fast for some time past and still
are, but the task is such a huge one that it will probably be 70 days
before the task is finished.
The work of digging the ditches and laying the tile for drainage of the huge field was begun yesterday, as was also the work of laying the foundation for the hangar and administration building, both of which jobs are being done by the city itself, with City Engineer Fred Scheffel in charge of the work. It will take about 30 days to complete the drainage work, and about two weeks for the foundation work. Architect Frank Clark will have his plans and specifications for the administration and hangar structure completed the first of this week, and bids will then be advertised for the carpentry, plumbing and other work on these structures. Medford Mail Tribune, June 23, 1929, page 3 DEDICATE NEW AIRPORT LABOR DAY IS
Labor Day will be set aside for the
dedication of the new airport, in case the work is all completed upon
the project by that time, according to a decision reached by the board
of directors of the local chamber of commerce, who met last night. A
committee, headed by O. O. Alenderfer, was appointed by the president
to work with the city council in perfecting plans for the extensive
two-day celebration to be held.
Instructions were given to the agricultural committee, headed by Paul Scherer, to work out plans for the possible assistance of the Farmers' Exchange Cooperative in the marketing of local produce. The board of directors expressed itself as not particularly interested in the distribution functions--just in the marketing phase. The Western Oregon Traffic Association has called upon the Chamber of Commerce for an assessment of $750 to supplement the hearing here last March on the short haul rate case by sending an attorney before the Interstate Commerce Commission at Washington, D.C., July 26, when further action will be taken. The request was referred to the finance committee, which will bring in a special report in the near future. Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1929, page 4 Air Mail Two Years Old
To the Editor:
June 30 the Boeing System, the air mail contractor serving Medford, will serve its second birthday with the completion of flying 5,750,000 miles, or 230 time around the world. This proof of the dependability of this form of transport of mail, express and passengers is an evidence of the growing importance of air transport to Medford. The planes have carried 1300 tons of mail, or more than 100,000,000 letters, thousands of express shipments and 6000 passengers on the transcontinental and Pacific Coast routes. The Boeing companies have flown for two years and five and three-quarter million miles with only three fatalities. They have made distant cities neighbors. The Boeing System is composed of Boeing Air Transport, Inc., and Pacific Air Transport, flying air mail, express and passenger routes between Chicago, Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles and Seattle. These are the two longest air mail routes in the United States, while the Chicago-California route is the longest regularly operated airline in the world. The movement of air mail over these routes has called for daily flying from sea level to 12,000 feet, and ground temperatures have ranged from 35 degrees below zero to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Nearly three million miles of these five and three-quarter million miles was flown at night, much of it over the western mountains. Despite the length of the routes, the extremes of climate and altitude, and the larger percentage of night flying, air mail, express and passengers have been moved on schedules which are as fixed as those of railroads. We believe that the flying of five and three-quarter million miles in twenty-four months, with such a performance record, is proof of the dependability of air transport and an indication that the airplane is to assume an increasingly important status in our national scheme of transportation and communication. The Boeing System, on its birthday, wishes to express appreciation to the press, chambers of commerce, service clubs, and other organizations in the twenty-two states it serves in the United States, for their cooperation. Very truly yours, A. K. HUMPHRIES,
"Communications," Medford
Mail Tribune, June 29, 1929, page 4Vice President, Boeing Air Transport, Inc., Pacific Air Transport, Seattle, June 28. NEW AIRPORT TO BE READY THIS WEEK
The new
Medford airport will be available for the
use of larger planes after next Monday, according to City Engineer Fred
Scheffel, who has arranged to install the proper boundary markers on
the field.Ships will be serviced by tank truck from Medford, as was done during the early days of the present fairground aviation field. Evacuation for the footings of the administration building is complete and the work of pouring concrete will be started Monday. It is expected the project will be completed within 70 days. The building, which measures 100 by 150 feet, faces the circular portion of the field with visibility of approximately one-half mile in all directions on the field. The hangar is located in the center of the building with a two-story lean-to on the north side. The north portion will house the administration office, radio room, mail room, superintendent's office, waiting room, restaurant, pilot's room, weather bureau and an unalloted space which will probably be used for class purposes in connection with the aviation school. The south portion, a one-story lean-to, will house the shops and hospital. Bids are yet to be called for construction carpentry work and material for the lean-tos and lighting for the hangar. Many visitors are seen daily at the new airport, and the field presents a busy appearance with the workmen engaged in laying the tile for drain trenches and other activities in connection with preparing the field for use. Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1929, page 3 INCREASE
To meet
the increased demand for airways weather
service, the personnel and work of numerous Weather Bureau offices will
be materially increased July 1.The Medford station is one of the list which will render frequent reports to the Oakland and Salt Lake City centers for use in connection with an intensive weather service program centered about the Transcontinental Airway. In this connection the work of the local office will be extended to cover most of the 24 hours of the day. Observations will be telegraphed to Oakland and Salt Lake City at three-hour intervals, reporting on conditions affecting flying. One more man will be added to the station personnel in order to handle the increased service. Dwight L. Randall, former minor observer in the Medford office is to be reinstated, effective July 1. He had been employed in this office for somewhat more than a year, resigning last September. Since that time he had been attending the state teachers college at Chico, Calif. The personnel of the Medford station of the Weather Bureau will then consist of L. Walter Dick, meteorologist in charge and Claire W. Ahlborn, O. Kenneth Anderson and Dwight L. Randall, assistants. Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1929, page 3 INCLUDE
That the
U.S. naval board has accepted the
invitation extended by Senator Charles L. McNary on behalf of Medford,
to include Medford in their consideration of possible sites for the
proposed five-million-dollar navy dirigible base, was the gist of a
telegram received here today and presented before the Kiwanis Club at
the Hotel Medford this noon. The navy committee will probably visit
Medford sometime this summer.Capt. Carl Tengwald gave a brief resume of the national guard encampment, which came to an end last week at Camp Clatsop. W. J. Warner spoke on the new airmail service schedule, which now makes it possible to send a letter to from here to New York City in 46 hours. Brief remarks were made by the following other members and guests: Kiwanian Foss and Kiwanian Stone of Bend, Harvey Ling of Burbank, California; N. R. Ellis of San Francisco, Gus Newbury and Al Solinsky, superintendent of Crater Lake park. That the rim road to the park is almost entirely cleared was a statement made by Mr. Solinsky, who said that over 300 cars visited the resort yesterday. Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1929, page 8 WORK AT
satisfactory progress continues to be made in
the building of the new $120,000 airport under the supervision of
Councilman Joseph O. Gray, chairman of the council airport committee
and with City Superintendent Fred Scheffel in active charge of the
work, as is shown in the report of Mr. Scheffel submitted to the city
council last night.At this meeting the council voted to add J. C. Collins, Chas. A. Wing and R. E. McElhose of its own membership to act with the airport committee in cooperation with the chamber of commerce in the work of preparing the airport dedication celebration program. Superintendent Scheffel's report on airport progress up to July 1 was as follows: The work of plowing, grading, and leveling is practically completed with the exception of four acres to be rough graded, and the balance of the field outside of the runway to be fine graded and dragged. Trenching work for the drainage was started and we now have five thousand linear feet of the trenches excavated, and eighteen hundred feet of the tile laid ready for the gravel to cover the pipe. The foundation for the hangar is completed and forms for the concrete are being built and we should start pouring concrete within a day or two. We have also laid the tile lines for the drainage around the hangar and aprons. The pipe is in place, and just as soon as Stuart & Sons can deliver the gravel, the trenches will be filled. The barrels we are using for the boundary markers have been placed and spaced on the field so that should anyone desire to use the field, there will be ample room for landing and take off. The road from the Biddle road to the hangar is graded and ready for gravel. All hired equipment for leveling has been disposed of, and the city's own equipment will finish the work of leveling. We are also using our own compressor roller and concrete mixer on the footings of the hangar. The following is the total expenditures to July 1, 1929:
following telegram was received this afternoon
from J. C. Allen, attached to Senator Charles L. McNary's staff,
dated at Washington, D.C.:"Senator McNary has just been advised by Admiral Moffett of the airship base board that Medford will be included in the itinerary of the airship base board, and proposed site at Medford will be considered by the board." The date of the arrival of the airship board here is indefinite. The message assures this city that its application as a dirigible base will be accorded official recognition. Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1929, page 2 Medford
Showered with Praise in Literary Digest Advertisement by Ford Motor Co.
for Air-Mindedness
current issue of the Literary
Digest (page 49)
contains an advertisement [see below] by the Ford Motor Company, showering
publicity and praise upon this city for its "air-mindedness" and
pioneering of aviation in this state.
A full page is used, and at the advertising rates of the nationally
known periodical would cost a staggering sum for the exchequer of the
Chamber of Commerce.The chief virtue of the advertisement is that it was unsolicited and came as a pleasant surprise to aviation betterment workers and citizens in general. The advertisement, captioned, "Are We Air-Minded?" in full, is as follows: "You might never have heard of Medford if the people of Medford had not seen a vision in the sky above the mountains of Oregon, west of Lake Klamath…That was the day they realized a new map of the world is being drawn in invisible lines across the heavens!…That was the day they determined that Medford should be known in the skies as a harbor…open to the world! "Medford established the first municipal airport in the state of Oregon in 1922. By 1926 it was a regular port of call for the Pacific Air Transport. In 1928 a fleet of 26 ships arrived, including three great tri-motored Ford planes. Medford began to feel cramped! "When a vote was taken on a bond issue of $120,000 for a Class A airport, it was the largest ever polled at a special election in Medford, and the bond issue was carried by a majority of 2248 to 182! "This awareness of the small towns and cities of the West to the great significance of commercial aviation is worthy of serious consideration. For the town that ignores the world through the sky is deaf to the call of real opportunity. "In the course of the next few months you will see new names come into prominence, names that are little known today. You will hear of Waynoka as an air-rail junction…of Clovis as a terminal of importance…of others, north, east, south and west… "From an economic viewpoint, this year will be one of the most important in the development of the new transportation. Great transportation lines will be inaugurated, tying city to city, ocean to ocean, continent to continent, by routes that will be measured not in miles, but in terms of time. Already it is possible for an airplane to take off in St. Louis and reach any part of the United States within 24 hours. Already planes have kept aloft for more than a week of continuous flying. "As the development of the automobile depended upon the extension of good roads, so the general usefulness of the airplane depends now upon the establishment of landing fields, lighted routes and markers visible from the sky. "It is noteworthy that over 5000 cities and towns with population from 1000 to 50,000 have placed aerial guides upon their roofs, both to identify themselves and to assist in the navigation of the air. Some face the sky conspicuously, some vaguely. But the great majority of American towns and cities are virtually blank spaces from the sky! "With cities like Oakland, Miami, Cleveland and a score of others actually operating and profiting by air terminals, just as they do by railroad stations and shipping wharves, it seems extraordinary that there are still so many neglecting their opportunities. "Many great corporations like Ford and Standard Oil make it a practice to mark their properties, to be clearly identified from above. For the ships of the air are already vital factors of commerce, looking always for new harbors and new markets." Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1929, page 8 "ARE WE AIR-MINDED? . . ."
You might never have heard of Medford, if the people of Medford had not
seen a vision in the sky above the mountains of Oregon, west of Lake
Klamath.… That was the day they realized a new map of the world is being drawn in invisible lines across the heavens!… That was the day they determined that Medford should be known in the skies as a harbor…open to the commerce of the world.Medford established the first municipal airport in the state of Oregon in 1922. By 1926 it was a regular port of call for the Pacific Air Transport. In 1928 a fleet of twenty-six ships arrived, including three great tri-motored Ford planes. Medford began to feel cramped! When a vote was taken on a bond issue of $120,000 for a Class A airport, it was the largest ever polled at a special election in Medford, and the bond issue carried by a majority of 2248 to 182! This awareness of the small towns and cities of the West to the great significance of commercial aviation is worthy of serious consideration. For the town that ignores the possibilities of reaching the world through the sky is deaf to the call of real opportunity. In the course of the next few months you will see new names come into prominence, names that are little known today. You will hear of Waynoka as an air-rail junction…of Clovis as a terminal of importance…of others north, east, south and west.… From an economic viewpoint, this year will be one of the most important in the development of the new transportation. Great transportation lines will be inaugurated, tying city to city, ocean to ocean, continent to continent, by routes that will be measured not in miles, but in terms of time. Already it is possible for an airplane to take off in St. Louis and reach any part of the United States within twenty-four hours. Already planes have kept aloft for more than a week of continuous flying. As the development of the automobile depended upon the extension of good roads, so the general usefulness of the airplane depends now upon the establishment of adequate landing fields, lighted routes, and town-markers visible from the sky. It is noteworthy that over 5000 cities and towns with population from 1000 to 50,000 have placed aerial guides upon their roofs, both to identify themselves and to assist in the navigation of the air. Some face the sky conspicuously. Some vaguely. But the great majority of American towns and cities are virtually blank spaces from the sky! Many great corporations like Ford and Standard Oil make it a practice to mark their properties, to be clearly identified from above. For the ships of the air are already vital factors of commerce, looking always for new harbors and new markets! FORD MOTOR COMPANY
Advertisement, Literary Digest and National Geographic, August 1929AIR
distinguished officials visited Medford's
airport yesterday. One was C. E. Johnson, operating superintendent of
P.A.T., who arrived on the mail plane from his home in Oakland, spent
the day and last night here and continued north by mail plane this
morning.The other was Lieutenant George E. Henry of Rockwell Field, Riverside, who stopped over for a visit with local airport officials on his way home from a trip through Idaho and the northwest. Accompanied by his sergeant mechanic, the officer made the entire trip in a Douglas 92H army plane Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1929, page 6 TRY OUT
The work
of installing the Department of Commerce
radio station, to be used in connection with the dissemination of
information upon flying conditions and weather reports, is under way
and will be completed by July 20, superintendent of construction R. A.
Martin said today.Two 125-foot towers were erected today, and transformers and other electrical equipment is on the ground and will be put in place this coming week. Tests of the equipment will be made the latter part of next week. The station is located on the Crater Lake Highway, a short distance from the Medford airport. Its broadcasts will be available to private, commercial and government planes over a wide range. Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1929, page 2 CALL BIDS
Plans for
the administration building to be erected
at the Medford airport, at a cost of $26,000, have been completed by
Frank C. Clark, architect. A call for bids for construction thereof
will probably be issued tomorrow. Separate bids will be asked for the
wiring, and the contract for the roof has been let to the La Mella
Roofing Company. Work on the building will start as soon as possible.
The drawings have met with approval of the Boeing company.The building will be 100 by 150 feet, will face to the north, and be located at the airport, about one-eighth of a mile from the Biddle road. It will be of the modified Colonial type, and administrative in character. The exterior will be covered with large red [cedar] shingle shakes. The color of the building will be light gray, with white trimmings. The hangar will be located in the center of the structure, with an entrance facing east. It will be approached by a concrete curtain 100 by 110 feet. The entrance doors will be 100 feet wide and 20 feet high. The ground floor, on the sides, will be occupied by the superintendent's office, reading room, waiting room, restrooms, kitchen, and café. The other side will be occupied by machine shops and storage rooms. The entire ground floor will have a concrete floor. The second story will be devoted to pilot's rooms, lockers, showers, day room, private and public offices and the weather bureau offices. A stairway will lead therefrom to a tower atop the building, where meteorological instruments will be placed. It will also be used in sending up balloons for weather and wind observations. Two offices on the second floor have not been allotted. The tower will also be used as a bearing point for fliers by day and night and will contain green and red lights. The remainder of the roof will be similarly equipped. In order to comply with government regulations, a hospital room will be installed. The radio room will be soundproof. The roof will be of a trussless type with 12 large skylights. Medford Mail Tribune, July 17, 1929, page 5 PAGEANT OF AIR AND JUBILEE TO
An aerial
pageant and jubilee, national in scope,
will formally christen the opening of the Medford Municipal Airport,
Wednesday, October 2, it was determined at a meeting held
evening at the Hotel Medford. Citizens and business men will be asked
to underwrite the celebration in a sum not to exceed $25,000.Determine on Big Celebration for October 2--Night and Day Plane Races--Plan Queen Contest with Valuable Prizes. A two-night pageant showing the growth of aviation, with the flight of Lindbergh playing an important part, will be one of the spectacular features. Night plane racing--the first to be held in the land--will be another outstanding event. There will also be day racing and stunts, and some of the leading birdmen of the day are expected to take part. The air celebration will attract national attention and be the largest event of its kind ever staged in the state, according to present plans. The expenses of staging the affair will be defrayed by sale of concessions, queen contest and admissions. The prize for the winner of the queen contest has not been determined, but it will be worth the winning, and be out of the ordinary. The aerial celebration will bring visitors from all sections of the Pacific Coast. At the meeting last night, the jubilee question was argued from all angles by a representative group of business men and citizens, and it was voted unanimously to stage the affair. Considerable concern was expressed by some that the October rains would be falling on the festive date, but a harvest moon, and a full one, will be aloft. Committees will be assigned at an early date, it is expected, to work out details and make preparations. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1929, page 1 FIRST
July 10 at the Oakland airport from
Seattle, Wash., at 11 p.m., Emory Bronte, manager of the aviation
department of the Associated Oil Company, proved to be the first
commercial pilot to fly the new Department of Commerce lighted airway
from Redding to Oakland.Bronte flew the course from Redding solely with the aid and guidance of the light beacons, this leg of the journey being made from 8:30 to 11 p.m. Bronte has been in the Northwest for the last three weeks supervising the reconditioning of the Associated Oil Company Boeing plane "Motormates." The flight from Boeing field, Seattle, via Medford to Oakland airport took exactly seven hours and 40 minutes, a distance of 740 miles, or an average of 100 miles per hour. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1929, page 3 BEACON
Construction work on the installation of power lines
to sites for beacon lights for air mail night flying, between Delta,
Calif., and Drain, Oregon, will start Monday, J. C. Thompson, district
manager of the California Oregon Power Company, said today.A telegram from the Department of Commerce received today confirmed and approved the estimates of the power company for line installation and the furnishing of power for a five-year period. The work will take six weeks, and for the most part is in mountainous country. The government will install electric beacons on the summit of the Siskiyous, instead of gas beacons, as originally intended. The Richfield Oil Company has installed a beacon there, and the government beacons will be supplied from a power line installed and paid for by the oil company. The sites of beacons in California are: Delta, La Moine, Flume Creek, Dunsmuir, Shasta (Black Butte), Weed airport, (Edgewood), Gazelle, Yreka, Black Mountain, Hornbrook. The Oregon sites are: Siskiyou summit, Steinman, Barron ranch, Dunn Butte, Valley View, Gold Hill, Grants Pass, Sexton Mountain, Grave Creek, Wolf Creek, Stage Coach Pass, Cow Creek, Canyon Mountain, Missouri Bottom, Weaver Hill (Myrtle Creek), Roberts Mountain, Mt. Nebo (Roseburg), Wilbur, Sutherlin, Rice Hill, (Oakland), Yoncalla, Drain. The beacons for the Medford municipal airport will be installed by the city. Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1929, page 1 Eugene
Guard Turns Green with Envy When Ford's Boost for Medford Airport Is
Scanned in Digest Advertisement.
Under the
caption "Nice for Medford,"
the Eugene Guard
of recent date makes editorial comment as follows,
upon the recent advertisement of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit
giving worldwide publicity to the Medford Municipal Airport:"If you will turn the pages of various current magazines, you will find a full-page ad by the Ford Motor Co., advertising not the excellent Model A, but aviation and the excellent town of Medford. We congratulate Medford, but we don't mind saying that as we look upon that page, we turn green with envy. How many times have we heard civic committees debate by the hour on ways and means of getting a few pages of national advertising, with cost always as the big barrier. Now comes Henry Ford, who can afford to be generous, and donates by the page to Medford. "Why? Because Medford had the vision and the courage to build itself a Class A municipal airport. The Ford company, which hopes very soon to do in aviation as much as it has done in automobiles, points to Medford as the outstanding example of a city that by vision and courage has put itself in the way of being one of the big terminals in the new field of transportation. It mentions a number of other towns, Clovis, N.M., and Waynoka, Okla., that are beginning to be heard of daily all over the nation because they have made themselves part of the new air-rail systems. Ford says Medford was the first city in Oregon to have a real port. We might dispute that, but the fact is that Medford has gone ahead much faster than we have. After much discussion of boundary lights to guide night fliers, the city council was held back on the expenditure because it wasn't certain that we are going to get air mail for some time. We'll never get it if we fail to be prepared for it. Salem is preparing for it, and even without air mail we are getting a plane a day because fliers like to stop here. "Between Portland and San Francisco, Medford is a logical first stop. Between Seattle and San Francisco, many fliers say they prefer to make Eugene the midway point. Some of these days there will undoubtedly be a fast air-rail service between Seattle and San Francisco. It is just a good fast sleeper run from Seattle into Eugene. It is an easy morning flight from here to San Francisco, saving the slower rail movement over the mountains. These facts ought to mean something. We need action on the boundary lights. We need action on a great many other improvements at the airport. Aviation will go to some cities because it must. It will go to others because it is welcomed." Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1929, page 7 MONSTER
Owen-Oregon Lumber Company will start work soon
upon the painting of a sign bearing the words Medford Airport upon
the roof of the crane shed of the local plant. The sign will be one of
the largest of its kind on the Pacific Coast, being 30 feet high and
300 feet long. A huge pointer will show the way to the airport. The
sign will be visible for miles in all directions, and at more than the
ordinary flying heights.The work will be under the supervision of City Engineer Fred Scheffel. The expense will be borne by the Owen-Oregon company. The sign will be painted in the official aviation colors--chrome yellow and black. The sign is the suggestion of Ben Alexander, an aviation enthusiast, and a director of the Owen-Oregon company. On a visit here last spring, he said he intended to fly to this valley as soon as the sign was painted. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1929, page 5 NEW FLYING
One of the
new institutions located here as a result
of the new airport is the Copper King Flying Service, established last
week with C. D. Purinton, chief pilot and instructor and W. J. Brown,
pilot and manager, both of whom as well as their plane are licensed by
the Department of Commerce.The new company will do taxi service and make cross-country flights, as well as teach flying, and will be located at Barber Field until the new airport is completed. Both Mr. Brown and Mr. Purinton have had considerable experience in flying and instructing and were located on the Oakland port for some time. They are using a Travel Air plane. Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1929, page 3 DRY LAKE
W. H.
Fluhrer and W. H. (Moose) Muirhead of this city
late yesterday piloted their privately owned plane from the Medford
airport to Lake of the Woods, located way up in the mountains, making a
landing on a dry lake bed.It was the first visit of a plane to the resort country, and in commemoration of the event all visitors at the lake wrote air mail letters, which were brought to this city and sent out on the north- and southbound mail planes. The trip up to Lake of the Woods was made in 39 minutes, and the flight back was made in 28 minutes. The distance is about 45 miles. Fluhrer, who owns a summer home at the lake, made arrangements for the flight last Sunday. The dry lake bed was marked off with sawdust and a wind sock hoisted at both ends. When the plane landed, the aviators were greeted by the entire summer colony and were escorted by the reception committee to the store, where the two airmen refused to make a speech. Fluhrer says that the lake bed "is large enough to start an Atlantic flight," and no difficulty was experienced in landing or taking off. The bed has a few potholes which can be easily avoided. The flight was made for the purpose of determining if a flying route to the lake was feasible, and next year the birdmen plan to make regular trips to the lake. They will ask that some improvements be made to the dry lake bed landing field, and the Lake of the Woods concessionaires will probably do it. Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1929, page 1 GOVT. TO IMPROVE BARRON AIRPORT
ASHLAND, Ore., July 30.--(Special.)--The Barron emergency airport is to
be developed by the government. Several acres have been leased on the
ranch south of Ashland, in a level field near the Barron home. The
leased acres will be improved this fall when beacon lights will be
placed on Steinman Butte and Dunn Butte. Lights will also be installed
on the Barron field, and other necessary devices will be added to make
landing safe.
The field will be a small one, but it is the purpose of the government to make it available when the lower part of the valley lies in fog and landing is impracticable. The Barron field, just at the base of the Siskiyous, is practically free from fog. Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1929, page 5 NAME MEDFORD FOR AIR RADIO
SEATTLE, Wash., July 31.--(AP)--Nine ground radio stations will be
installed by the Boeing system on the Seattle-Los Angeles air mail
express and passenger route in the near future, company officials said
here today. Pilots of the radiophone-equipped ships then will be in
communication with ground stations during flights over the entire route.
Sites selected for ground stations include Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Medford, Redding, Oakland, Fresno, Bakersfield and Los Angeles. ----
According to a report from the P.A.T. company here, the station will be
separate from the government radio, and installation will be started on
it as soon as the airport buildings are completed. It is expected that
the stations will be in operation before the bad weather sets in next
fall.Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1929, page 1 AIRPORT BUILDING CONTRACT IS LET;
The city council gained time in the construction of the buildings for
the new airport when at a special informal meeting called by the mayor
yesterday afternoon that body last night let the general contract for
the hangar building to Sig Ash at $800 lower than the original bid
submitted by Mr. Ash last week.
This was done only after architect Frank Clark had eliminated various details included in his original specifications, which were accepted by the council airport committee and enabled Mr. Ash to lower his original bid. He will begin the work of construction as soon as the material and equipment can be assembled. The superstructure to be completed in 10 days and the entire contract in 90 days. The La Mella Roof Company of Eugene and Portland is now engaged in putting on the arched skeleton for the roof of the hangar, in accordance with a separate contract let some time ago. It will be remembered that the city itself, with City Superintendent Fred Scheffel in charge, built the basement and foundation. Following the rejection also last week of the bids submitted for the wiring, roofing and painting of the building, entirely new bids will be asked for these features, and architect Clark is now working on big changes in the specifications, which will enable contractors to submit lower bits at next Tuesday night's council meeting, so as to keep the building cost within the estimate of $28,361 allowed for that structure, and the total cost of the new airport within the $120,000 bond issue. Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1929, page 3 Inaugurate
New Flying Service
The Copper
King Flying Service, the new organization
located on the Barber field, will inaugurate their new business
tomorrow and Sunday.The company does taxi services, short of long distance scenic trips and teaches flying, the pilots and planes being licensed by the government. They have a new 200-horsepower Travel Air biplane. The members of the company are C. G. (Jimmie) Purinton and W. J. Brown, both of whom are pilots. Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1929, page B1 FORD'S
The Mail Tribune is in
receipt of a letter from Geo.
H. Thornley of the N. W. Ayer & Co. Advertising Agency of
Philadelphia, acknowledging receipt of clippings of the story and
editorial from recent issues of this paper regarding the full-page ad
of the Ford Motor Company, prepared by that agency, regarding the
air-minded people of Medford and their vision of the future of aviation.Mr. Thornley stated in addition to the ads in the Literary Digest last month, the Geographic magazine for August and the Saturday Evening Post, August 3rd, ads would appear in the September issues of American Boy, World's Work, Town and Country, Vanity Fair, Review of Reviews, Sportsman and Spur. The circulation of these magazines is 6,000,000, and the advertising that will be received by this community from these magazines is worth vastly more than the entire bond issue of $120,000 voted by this city. Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1929, page B5 AIRPORT WORK WILL TAKE ALL OF
Hangar and Administration Building Contract Expected to About Clean Up Available Funds--Cost Report Rendered
Up to August 1, out of the $120,000 bond issue, $56,568.43 had been
expended on the construction of the new airport, and when the remaining
contracts are let for building the hangar and administration structure
next Friday night the remainder will practically all have been expended
or contracted for. The report of the airport committee, Councilman J.
O. Grey, chairman, and City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, submitted to
the city council last night, as to the progress of the work during
July, and the costs to August 1, is as follows:
The drain tile trenches have been excavated along the entire runway, the pipe has been laid and the trench is filled with gravel. Manholes have also been set in place and concreted. Surplus dirt from the trenches was used to level the runway. The runways were then sprinkled and rolled and the first course of gravel is now being placed. The work yet remaining to be done on trenches consists of excavating the main trunk drain across the northeast portion of the field, and when this is completed, which should not be later than 10 days, the entire drainage system will be finished. The drainage for the taxi strip is completed, together with the drainage around the hangar building. The foundation and concrete work for the basement is all complete, posts and buttresses are in place and the contractor for the lamella roof has the first 20-foot section on the west side of the building in place. It is their intention to complete their part of the roof by the 10th of August. Concrete for the apron on the east side of the hangar is now being poured. This work will be finished in about seven days. Mr. Ash, who has the general contract, has his material ordered and expects to start work on his portion of the building on Thursday, August 8. Summary of Airport Cost.
August 1, 1929.
Medford Mail Tribune,
August 8, 1929, page 4
SALEM, Ore., Aug. 9.--(AP)--Adoption of
the program outlined by the aeronautics committee of the State
Department will place Oregon first in the United States to have a
definite established and marked airway system throughout the state,
Seely V. Hall, chairman, of Medford, reported to the eleventh annual
convention of the American Legion this morning. Hall was unable to
attend the convention, the second he has missed.Seely Hall Presents Program to State Legion Convention Which Gives Oregon First Marked Airways. All posts are urged to see that fields are properly marked and the name of the city is painted on a building so as to be visible from an altitude of 3000 feet, and that the emergency aeronautical committee of each post be made a permanent major committee. Division of Oregon into six divisions or airways was recommended. Those outlined in the report were: Coast Airway--Marshfield, North Bend, Gold Beach, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Reedsport, Seaside, Tillamook and Astoria. Pacific Skyway--Medford, Eugene, Salem, Portland, Grants Pass, Roseburg, Corvallis, McMinnville, Albany, Silverton, Oregon City, Ashland, Cottage Grove, Junction City, Dallas and Vernonia. The Dalles-California Route--Klamath Falls, Bend, Prineville, Redmond, Crescent, Madras, Grass Valley and The Dalles. Central Oregon Route--Burns, Condon, Heppner, Lakeview, Canyon City and Enterprise. Columbia River Route--Hood River, Arlington, Hermiston, Wasco, St. Helens and Clatskanie. Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1929, page 1 NEW
The Copper
King Flying Service, which was recently
organized in Medford and is now located at the old airport, will add
another training plane to their equipment as soon as the move to the
new airport, according to C. C. "Jimmie" Purinton, chief
pilot and instructor. They now have a new model Travel Air biplane
powered with a 200-horsepower Wright motor.Taxi service, scenic hops, cross-country flights and a complete ground and flying school are features of the new firm. They also have the Southern Oregon agency for the Travel Air and Stearman planes. The company is headed by W. J. Brown, who is a licensed pilot and was formerly at the Oakland airport. Mr. Purinton, who is better known on the coast as "Jimmie," has nearly 1000 flying hours as instructor and general commercial work to his credit. He formerly conducted a school of aviation at Oakland airport and has been chief pilot and instructor for the following companies: Interstate Air Lines, Inc., of Oakland, Cal.; Consolidated Aircraft Company, Inc., and Mountain View Air Service of Redding, Cal. Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1929, page 3 INSTALLATION
California Oregon Power Company has crews at
work in the Siskiyous installing air mail beacon lights between Delta,
Calif., and Drain, Ore., and are rushing the work to beat winter to the
mountainous areas. Right of way for the power lines have all been
secured, J. C. Thompson, division manager said today, with the
of a few in the Grants Pass sector. The power lines will all be
installed and ready for operation by the last week in September.The aeronautical division of the Department of Commerce has notified the Richfield Oil Company that their private beacon on the summit of the Siskiyous, at present unlighted, constitutes a flying hazard. It is on the direct air route, entirely surrounded by trees, and the power company is rushing the extension of power lines so it will no longer constitute a hazard. The clearing for the power lines is slow, as they run through a veritable jungle in the isolated areas. The Owen-Oregon Lumber Company is holding in abeyance the painting of a huge sign on its crane shed, upon orders of the aviation department that it would be misleading to fliers before the opening of the airport. The sign will be about 300 feet long, in chrome and yellow and ebony black, on a white background, the official aviation sign colors, and will consist of the word "Medford," and a huge arrow pointing the way to the airport. It will be installed at the suggestion of Ben Alexander, a director of the lumber company, an aviation enthusiast, who is much interested in the local airport. Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1929, page 3 LOCAL FLIER IS SLIGHTLY HURT IN
W. E.
Rosenbaum, 35, local aviation mechanic, driving
a Curtiss Jenny plane from Santa Rosa, Calif. to this city, sustained
injuries near Hornbrook, Calif. this morning, when he encountered a
"downdraft," and was forced to land in a rocky field when
unable to attain altitude to cross the Siskiyou Mountains.W. E. Rosenbaum Lands Among Rocks Near Hornbrook--Bringing Curtiss Jenny Here from Santa Rosa for Own Use. Rosenbaum was brought to the Community Hospital here in a Copper King passenger service plane. He sustained minor bruises and contusions. Landing gear of the plane was demolished. The accident occurred about 9 o'clock this morning. According to Seely V. Hall, superintendent of the Pacific Air Transport, both plane and pilot were unlicensed. Rosenbaum purchased the plane for his private use, and flew it from Santa Rosa Sunday, stopping overnight at Redding, Calif. Hospital authorities said Rosenbaum would be discharged tomorrow. Rosenbaum flew without incident until he reached the Siskiyous. There he experienced difficulty in rising, and after circling he picked the rocky field where he lost control among the boulders. He sustained a cut on the right shin and numerous bruises about the head and body. News of the mishap was telephoned to this city, and a Copper King plane left at once, and brought Rosenbaum here for medical treatment. He was able to walk into the hospital. Rosenbaum is well known in this city, and for many months has been attached as a mechanic to the local airport. Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1929, page 1 AIRPORT
landing field of the new Medford municipal
airport will be in shape for landing next Monday, according to City
Engineer Scheffel.The framework for the hangar is nearly completed, as is the sheeting for the roof. The material and equipment for gasoline stations of the Standard Oil Company and Shell Oil Company are being erected. These companies expect to have the stations in operation by September 5. Three other companies having concessions expect to be in operation in a couple of weeks. Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1929, page 5 FIRST MAIL
The first
air mail flight from the new Medford
airport will take place on Wednesday, October 2, according to an
announcement made at the local Chamber of Commerce this morning. A
and distinctive stamp will be placed on all outgoing mail, and those
wishing to send their letters on that day are asked to hand in
addressed airmail envelopes between now and that time.Local business houses are asked to cooperate with the local airport committee in sending air mail letters to their outside connections on that day, and in putting over the largest poundage possible to celebrate the occasion. A five-cent air mail stamp will take a letter to any point in the United States, and with the new stamp to be affixed at the Chamber of Commerce, a wholehearted cooperation by local residents in the effort will do considerable toward advertising the opening of Medford's new airport. Each person may send as many letters as he wishes on that day. Those who wish to receive such a letter themselves will be able to send self-addressed envelopes to certain points with return addresses written upon them and instructions to return after a specified time. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1929, page 3 USE WELL FOR AIRPORT WATER IN
as it may take at least two months before
city water mains can be laid to the new airport, and it is expected
the latter will be in full use early in October, with planes landing
and flying, necessitating the use of much water, a temporary water
supply, piped from the old well on the Mann residence part of the port,
also owned by the city, will be used until the city water can be had,
as the city council at its meeting last night approved the
recommendation of this temporary water supply plan by the council
airport committee.Temporary Pumping Plant Authorized Until City Mains Laid to Field--Bid Let for Pipe--Expense to Date Listed. In fact work is already underway to establish the temporary water pressure system, which with the necessary equipment, will cost $700. The equipment will consist of a 2-inch centrifugal pump with a 500-gallon pressure tank. When this temporary system is no longer required, it will have a several-hundred-dollar salvage value, and this will make the cost much less. City Water Board Also Acts
Independent of this action by the city council, the
city water board, which also met last night, voted to immediately begin
the work of extending the city water to the new airport, at its own
expense, neither municipal body knowing until today what the other had
at its meeting. Thus the airport is certain to have a water supply by
the time it begins operation in a few weeks, following months of
discussion on the subject.The city water board in deciding to install city water at the airport at its own expense accepted the bid of the Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company of Provo, Utah, for the necessary six-inch cast iron pipe, and instructed water engineer Dillard to at once make arrangements for the water extension. The company has this pipe in stock and will ship it at once, and the water board expects to rush the work and have it completed in a few weeks. When Mayor Pipes learned this today he called a conference with councilmen to discuss whether it would be advisable to continue with the council's work of installing a temporary water system. It was decided to continue, as through unexpected delays the city water might not be extended to the airport for a month or more, and the transport companies, administration building, restaurant and other facilities at the port must have water before the port is operated. The temporary water system will be ready for use inside of two weeks. Expenditures Listed
The total
expenditures for the general airport work
during the month of August were $66,191.05, and itemized reports of the
progress of the work during that month was submitted to the council
last night by Joseph O. Grey, chairman of the city council airport
committee, and City Superintendent Fred Scheffel, in charge of the
as follows:Drainage--The entire drainage system is completed with the exception of covering about 600 feet of the 15-inch concrete tile with the coarse layer of gravel. This work should be finished not later than September 5th. Runways--The base course of gravel has been spread over the entire runway; this has been sprinkled and rolled, and about 20 percent of the second course is placed. Taxi strip--Base course of gravel has been spread over the entire strip, the clay binder placed on top, the gravel and binder were then harrowed and we are now sprinkling and rolling this area, preparing it for the oiling process. Lighting--The trenches to receive the border light cable are excavated and ready for the laying of the cable. The cable was shipped from the factory at Bridgeport, Conn., on the 28th of August, and we should receive the order on the 9th of September. Fencing--The wire mesh Page fence in front of the hangar is complete and the fence posts placed to enclose the car parking area. Hangar--Sig Ash, general contractor on the hangar and administration building, has all the exterior wall finished, the roof sheeted and will start lathing the middle of the coming week. The People's Electric Company have completed 90 percent of their wiring contract. The Hawk Plumbing Company have 50 percent of their contract completed. Oil stations--The Standard and Shell Oil companies are both on the field with workmen erecting their stations and fueling pits. It is their intention to complete their plans by September 5th.
official stamp to be used on the first airmail
letters to be sent from Medford's new municipal airport October 2
was received by Secretary Ted Baker of the chamber of commerce today. A
winged circle is a feature of the stamp, on which are the words "First
Flight, October 2, 1929, Medford, Oregon, Municipal Dedication July
3, 4, 5, 1929."The stamp is attractive and will be placed on each airmail envelope with a suitable color of ink. So far over 3000 letters have been received at the chamber of commerce for the first flight and local and Southern Oregon residents wishing to send letters are urged to leave them as early as possible at the chamber. Several eastern stamp collectors have already ordered a large number of letters to be sent. Medford Mail Tribune, September 9, 1929, page 3 COMPLETE
The new
airport will be entirely completed by
October 15, if present indications hold true, according to Fred
Scheffel, city engineer, who spoke at the Lions Club this noon. The
grading, one of the most difficult pieces of work, is finished, the
hangar is receiving the finishing touches and the various concessions
are taking possession at this time, he said.Lion J. O. Grey, member of the Chamber of Commerce airport committee, contributed to the subject with a brief talk following that given by Lion Scheffel. That the Standard and Shell Oil companies, which have concessions already installed, together with four other oil companies to build soon, will pay a minimum monthly fee of $10 to the city, together with 2 cents a gallon on gasoline and 5 cents on oil, was one of the interesting statements made by Mr. Grey. This is only part of the steady revenue to be received by the local airport and which will go toward defraying the expense of its building and upkeep. Two delightful piano duets were contributed by Misses Beulah Gore and Alice Holmbeck on the musical program for the day. Dr. Bunch was in charge of the program. Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1929, page 3 FINAL WORK ON AIRPORT BUILDINGS
and departing by airplane Tuesday, Thorpe
Hiscock, chief of communication for the Boeing airplane company, and
Kenneth Humphreys, assistant to the president, both of Seattle, were
visitors at Medford's new municipal airport now under
construction, north of the city. The visiting plane made an easy
landing and takeoff on the nearly completed runways.Boeing Executives Land on New Field for Inspection Visit--Entire Project Is Praised--Vancouver Port Chief Says Best Planned Field Seen--First Mail October 2. The two men made a general inspection of the field and expressed satisfaction with the entire project. Mr. Hiscock, one of the highest salaried men in the Pacific Northwest, paid particular attention to smaller details and to wiring which possibly might cause interference with radio reception and transmission. Another visitor at the field this week was William Templeton, head of the Vancouver, B.C., airport, accompanied by his wife. He was en route home from the Cleveland air show and had visited 29 airports throughout the country. He related to City Engineer Fred Scheffel that he had not seen an air field as well planned as the local port, and he was particularly anxious to purchase a set of photographic plans. For $120,000 Medford received more for its money than some eastern cities have received for a million, he said. Near Completion
A visit at
the large administration building
yesterday revealed that structure to be in the last stages of
completion, with floors being laid and fixtures installed in the office
rooms, which will house the superintendent of the field, weather
bureau, Pacific Air Transport offices, mail room, ticket office, rest
rooms, restaurant, pilot lockers and shower baths. The hangar,
adjoining the offices, is also in the last stages of completion and
when ready will be sufficiently large to hold four 18-passenger planes,
each with a wingspread of 80 feet, or 16 small planes, similar to the
type owned by W. H. Muirhead.Gravel trucks are still dumping loads on the main runway, several thousand feet long, and large enough for the largest airplane built. The taxi runway has been oiled and is now in perfect condition. Gasoline companies are also busy installing service units to be operated by the Texas Company, Associated Oil Company, Standard Oil Company and Shell. Small service station buildings have already been erected by the Shell and Standard companies. The first air mail flight will leave the new field October 2, and Medford and Southern Oregon residents who would send first flight mail to friends and relatives are urged to leave letters at the chamber of commerce as early as possible. Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1929, page 3 FIRST AIR
for a city of its size, is in a class by
itself and is second to none in the air world because of the lead it
has taken in the construction of a Class A airport, said E. B. Harvey
Seattle, connected with the publicity department of the Boeing Aircraft
Company, when he was in Medford yesterday, shortly after he had
inspected the new field.Mr. Harvey is a frequent speaker before various clubs and luncheon bodies on the Pacific Coast, and he declared yesterday that Medford will always come in for a strong mention when referring to airport work being done in the aviation world. Mr. Harvey will leave today for Oakland and other California points, and probably will not be here for the first air mail flight from the new field next Wednesday. The first mail out of Medford will reach Los Angeles at five o'clock a.m., the mail connecting with trains for delivery in Arizona. Eastbound mail will make connections at Oakland on Boeing night planes for transcontinental transportation. Mail will be delivered at Cheyenne, Wyo., the next morning. The next day the mail will arrive on the eastern coast, thereby losing only one and one-half days in transit from Medford to New York City. Mail will be received at the Chamber of Commerce for the flight until 7 o'clock Wednesday morning, and all local residents, especially businessmen, are urged to leave mail at the Chamber as early as possible. Mail left at the Chamber will be given a special stamp and the letter, already written, will be in the form of a greeting in recognition of the first flight. Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1929, page 8 INITIAL HOP WITH MAIL FROM PORT
businesslike precision, devoid of any undue
formality, air mail planes made their first flight this morning from
Medford's new municipal airport loaded with 225 pounds and 13
ounces of north- and southbound mail. Watched by a fair-sized crowd,
first ship left the airport exactly at 8 o'clock, piloted by H. Miller,
and the second ship, southbound, left at 9:30, piloted by Harry
Crandall, ex-movie stunt flier bearing a resemblance to Colonel Charles
Lindbergh.North, South Planes Leave Municipal Field with 225 Pounds--Postal Workers Busy Until Midnight on 15,000 letters--Mayor, Postmaster in Brief Ceremony. This morning's flights recalled the first air mail to leave Medford, September 16, 1926, from Barber Field. Mail from Medford for that flight had a total of 155 pounds and included 10,040 pieces of mail, as compared with over 15,000 pieces sent out today. Approximately one-fourth of the mail was sent to satisfy desires of stamp collectors from every part of the United States. The post office employed five extra men to take care of the mail rush and had ten working up until midnight last night. Medford business houses and citizens sent air mail greetings to all parts of the country, and hundreds made last-minute mailings this morning. One business organization alone sent out 500 letters, and this is believed to be the largest single block. To make eastern connections at San Francisco, the largest amount of today's mail, 174 pounds, was on the southbound ship, and 51 pounds went north. C. E. Johnson of Seattle, operating chief for the Boeing Aircraft Company, operators of the Pacific Air Transport Company, was present at the new airport for the northbound flight and was a passenger on the southbound ship en route to Burbank, Calif., where the Boeing company is constructing a $1,500,000 airport. Ideal Airport
"I had anticipated a wonderful
field," said Mr. Johnson this morning, "but I never
expected to see such an ideal airport as I find you have here. It is
such an improvement over the old field, and I am sure the people of
Medford will never regret its building, but will feel in it a cause for
just pride for years to come."Moving and camera pictures were taken of the departure of the planes and of Postmaster W. J. Warner and Mayor A. W. Pipes standing beside the several pouches of southbound mail. Neither of these two men made speeches and the ceremony was confined to wishes of a good trip to Pilot Crandall and Mr. Johnson in the passenger cabin of the ship. The moving pictures, of which 200 feet were taken, will be exhibited in a short time by the California Oregon Power Company. There are now six air mail pilots working out of Medford and they include only one, Arthur Starbuck, of the original crew that began duties with the first flight. The others are H. Miller, J. R. Cunningham, Grover Tyler, Ralph Virdon and Harry Crandall. The airplane "Medford," which made the first Medford-San Francisco flight, is no longer in use and gave way some time ago to the new high-powered Boeing cabin planes, capable of reaching a top speed of 150 miles per hour, as compared to the 120 miles of the early Ryan ships. The airplane "Medford" was sold a year ago, and much of it has been relegated to the junk heap. The Boeing ships now flying out of Medford have been named "McKinley" and "Adams." Regular flight from the field may not be made for another week due to offices and equipment still being in a state of incompletion. Mrs. Pipes Flies
In addition to the first mail flight from the
new airport, the first commercial passenger trip was also made this
morning when Mayor and Mrs. A. W. Pipes rode with the Copper King
Service, managed by W. J. Brown. It was Mrs. Pipes' first ride, and she
was quickly won over as another aviation enthusiast.The chamber of commerce played an important part in today's first flight, as all letters were mailed and prepared at the chamber headquarters, where the special cachet was also placed on the envelopes. The letter was printed in the form of a greeting, presenting an invitation to the reader to attend the formal dedication of the airport next July. Several members of the American Legion Auxiliary assisted yesterday afternoon in preparing the mail, inserting the letters and two sheets showing Southern Oregon scenery. Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1929, page 1 $81,135 SPENT TO DATE ON NEW
The cost
of the work done in building Medford's new airport up to
Sept. 15th was $81,135.50, thus leaving a substantial balance from the
$120,000 bond issue for that purpose, to be expended on finishing
touches of completion and equipment, as was shown in the itemized
financial report and progress of work done submitted to the city
council last night by its airport committee through City Superintendent
Fred Scheffel.Report Shows Neat Sum on Hand for Finishing Touches--Major Portion of Work Completed on Field and Buildings. The part of the report pertaining to progress, follows: Drainage: The entire drainage system is completed. Runways: The last course of aggregate is being placed on the runways. This work should be completed by the end of the week; we are not attempting to finish the runway until sufficient rain has fallen to settle the drainage trenches and gravel. Taxi strip: The state highway maintenance crew applied 6500 gallons of road oil to the taxi strip. This oil was applied to the base course of gravel, which was 3 inches in thickness and bound with red clay. After the oil was applied, a one-inch course of ¼-inch coarse aggregate was spread and rolled for four days. This base should be ample for the winter months. A seal coat of bitumen should be applied to this area in the spring. Lighting: The parkway cable for the border lights is all in place with the exception of 500 feet on the south end of the field. The trench is backfilled, and connections completed to 30 of the lights. This work is 75 percent complete and should be finished in a week's time. The flood lights and revolving beacon were ordered through the People's Electric Co., delivery to be made by the end of the present week. All rough wiring in the hangar is finished. Fencing: The fencing is completed. Hangar and administration building: All concrete is poured, including the concrete floor; Mr. Ash has the finish work to complete in the administration quarters, and the boxing in of the shops on the south side of the building. The Hawk Plumbing Co. are installing the plumbing fixtures. This work should not take over four days. The heating plant is finished with the exception of installing the radiators and automatic oil burner. The entire building will be ready for occupancy in two weeks. The Pacific Air Transport Co. quarters will be available for their use on Wednesday morning. Oil stations: The oil stations and fueling pits for the Standard and Shell Oil companies are ready to dispense gas and oil. Plans for the Richfield oil stations were approved the past week. They contemplate starting their installation the coming week. Water: The temporary water system is in use. The water department have the pipe on the ground for the city supply; they are working on this line, and Mr. Dillard informs us we can expect city water within a few weeks. Medford Mail Tribune, October 2, 1929, page B1 FIRST
Photographic views of the first air mail flight from
Medford's new municipal airport yesterday are on display today by
several local photographers in different parts of the business section.
At the Chamber of Commerce views are on display by B. R. Harwood and
A. J. Anderson, showing one of the Boeing ships which made the first
flight out.In the Shangle studio display case are other views, one showing Mayor and Mrs. A. W. Pipes about to take an airplane ride with Jimmie Purinton of the Copper King Flying Service of this city. W. J. Brown, head of the service, is also shown in the picture. Postmaster W. J. Warner and Mayor Pipes, in pictures taken by all three photographers, are shown standing beside the mail cargo, one view also including Harry Crandall, air mail pilot. Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1929, page 3 AIRWAY
pictures and photographs were taken yesterday
of the first airways beacon in Southern Oregon, which has been
practically completed and will probably be lighted tonight for the
first time. This new beacon, which is number 32, is well located in the
Valley View district northeast of Talent, where it occupies a
view of the surrounding territory from a prominent hilltop on the
Gallatin ranch. It is equipped with a standard beacon light of
approximately two million candlepower mounted on a sturdy steel tower.
The beacon, which is mounted at 1½ degrees above level, has
carrying power of over 10 miles which is the interval at which these
new airways beacons are spaced up and down the coast air route. There
are approximately 95 of these beacons to be located on the San
Francisco-Seattle air route, and about 35 of these huge lights are
installed in "Copcoland," the territory served by the
California Oregon Power Company in Southern Oregon and Northern
California. The local power company has made splendid progress in
building extensions to existing power lines to serve the air beacons
and is ready to hook up the new installations as soon as they are made
by the contractors.It is interesting to note that each beacon tower will have a cement base in the form of a huge arrow which points to the next beacon or airport. These will be painted in chrome yellow with the beacon number in large black numerals. The next beacon to be finished in this territory is located at Gold Hill and is expected to be ready for service in the next few days. As soon as each unit is completed it will be placed in active service according to Messrs. Worthington and LeRoy of the Dept. of Commerce, who are supervising the work. There will also be nine emergency landing fields with beacons and border lights located in the territory served by the California Oregon Power Company in Southern Oregon and Northern California. Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1929, page 5 HARWOOD
picture of the first air mail plane to leave
Medford's new municipal airport, as published last week, was
taken by the Harwood Photo Service, the credit line being under the
picture having been accidentally omitted. B. R. Harwood, head of the
service, took several good views of the first flight which are on
display at the Chamber of Commerce.Medford Mail Tribune, October 9, 1929, page 6 AIR MAIL
The storm
of last Sunday night and rainy period
since, and the first fog of the fall season early this forenoon,
followed by sunshine and the forecast of fair weather for tonight and
unsettled weather with rain for Friday is evidence that the time of
year has come when most anything in the weather line can happen.This morning opened bright and clear, but at 6 a.m. telephone reports received from the airway weather stations along the line by the airways department of the local weather station showed that between Medford and Portland there was a solid fog bank of quite heavy fog. The south end of this fog finally rolled into the valley about 8 a.m., and the most of it had disappeared here by 10 a.m. During the fog the southbound air mail plane arrived in the valley, intending to land at the old airport, but did not do so because the pilot could not locate the landing field in the fog. The plane circled around a few times above the old airport where Superintendent Seely Hall, the post office air mail messenger and O. Kenneth Anderson of the weather bureau were awaiting it. They could not see the plane but could hear it plainly, and the pilot could not see the airport, and doubtless did not hear Superintendent Hall's shouts in an endeavor to give him his location. Hence the plane retraced its way north to the new airport over three miles from the city and landed at that port. Telephonic communication between the old and new airports soon established the suspected fact that the plane had landed at the latter port, whereupon the air mail messenger and others hurried there. After fueling, etc., at the new airport the plane continued on its journey southward. Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1929, page 2 Hugo Lange of Table Rock Fame
Says Top of Plateau Admirably Suited for Emergency Air Field
A more ideal emergency landing field in Southern Oregon could not be
found than on top of Table
Rock is the contention of Hugo Lange of this
city, who has been inspired by the idea for several months, ever since
he made a record auto run to the summit of the famous bluff. Mr. Lange
has studied the situation from various angles and yesterday declared he
could see no reason why the plan was not feasible.
The top of the rock, covering acres and acres of perfectly level ground, is several hundred feet above the floor of the valley and is always in sunshine when heavy winter fogs arrive, making flying difficult. The broad expanse of the rock can be easily found, said Mr. Lange, and would do much to add to the safety of winter flying. While there is no auto road to the top, one could be built at a comparatively small amount in comparison to the good that would be derived from its construction. Though the present road is hardly anything but a trail, having once been used by teams of a farmer who had a small ranch on top, Mr. Lange found but little trouble in driving a stock model machine of the Essex type its entire length. Mr. Lange relates further that water can be found on top by digging less than 20 feet in the seemingly arid soil. With water easy to obtain and an automobile road constructed, Table Rock could also be made one of Rogue River Valley's scenic spots, as the view from the top is unsurpassed in seeing the wide expanse of the valley, with Medford, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and Ashland easy to discern in the distance on a clear day. The Rogue River, threading its way, a shimmering silver ribbon, hundreds of feet below, adds to the beauty of the scene. Although at the present time to gain the top of the rock requires a long walk over a mountain trail, there are many visitors to the top during favorable weather, and it is often the attraction of hikers in wintertime. The popularity of the trip is shown by the well-worn trail, showing evidences of hundreds of feet annually. Residents of the Table Rock section are interested in the project, and it is probable some definite move may be taken in the near future to take advantage of the benefits offered by the historic bluff, which played an important part in the early history of Jackson County and Southern Oregon. Indian battles were fought on its sides and at its base nearly a century ago, and not far from its base now stands the monument where the Indian peace treaty was signed September 10, 1853, with General Joseph Lane, Colonel John E. Ross, Colonel William Martin and other well-known Southern Oregon pioneers present. [The monument is not located on the site of the signing.] Medford Mail Tribune, October 10, 1929, page B3 STATION
While it
was not originally intended to begin the
service until October 15, the Medford airways radio communication
station of the Department of Commerce today began to give hourly
broadcasts daily of the weather between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. to all the
airways radio stations north and south of the city for the benefit of
the airplanes. These reports are obtained from the Medford station of
the U.S. Weather Bureau service.The airways radio communication station out on Crater Lake Highway, which is not yet completed in all its appointments and will not be for some time yet, is sufficiently advanced to furnish the limited broadcast service mentioned above, but will begin to give a 24 hours' broadcast of the weather as soon as another man is added to its personnel. This station now has only two employees. Medford Mail Tribune, October 11, 1929, page 5 MOUNT
RIVER, Ore., Oct. 16.--(Special.)--A
beacon light for airplanes has been installed on Mt. Fielder, north of
Rogue River.Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1929, page 10 SOVIET PLANE CIRCLES CITY STAYS
"Spirit of the Soviet," Russian
plane en route from Moscow
to New York, passed over Medford at 3000
feet shortly before 11:30, circling the city once. The Russians were
escorted 30 miles by Floyd Hart and Seely Hall, flying the Copper King
biplane. The local men met the large ship some distance north of
Medford and flew with it to Phoenix, where they turned back to Medford.Russians Fail to Land Here En Route to Oakland--Local War Veterans Escort Big Ship Short Distance Over Valley. This was the first time that the two men have flown together for 10 years, shortly after the world war, when they purchased a Curtiss ship and toured the coast. Mr. Hart had discontinued flying for a time, but has taken it up again with renewed enthusiasm and is flying just as good as ever, according to Seely Hall. Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1929, page 1 SEELY'S
When M.
Ruffaceod, a representative of the Soviet
flying plane, passed through here the other day, looking over the lay
the land, or air rather, which the Russian plane would follow on its
way south, he was met at the old airport by Seely V. Hall,
superintendent of the port, who desired to make an agreeable impression
on the advance representative so that he would use his influence to
have the foreign plane stop here.Advancing with a wide smile and whistling the "Volga Boat Song," Seely reached for the right hand of the visitor, and cordially remarked, "Fine dayski, signor, is it notski? Welcome to our burgoff. Have some vodka?" The reply was a loud grunt and a few foreign-sounding words. Then Seely launched forth in an eloquent plea for the Russian ship to stop here on its way south, using a mixture of what he thought was pidgin Russian, winding up with "pleasky, whadyesayski?" The visitor from Russia calmly looked over his questioner and then ejaculated, "Oh hellsky!" which is a foreign word used to express surprise and embarrassment. Anyhow, the Russian plane did not stop here, but flew straight through the valley this noon en route to San Francisco. Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1929, page 8 NEW AIRPORT
new airport is practically completed
except a few finishing touches on the administration building and
several other places and is now in use daily by the planes.Good news to the taxpayers and citizens generally was contained in the announcement by Joseph O. Grey, chairman of the city council airport committee, made to the city council last week that the cost of the new airport, when all finishing touches have been made, will have been kept within the $120,000 bond issue the people voted for that purpose. The news is especially gratifying to the city administration. Councilman Grey will probably feel like a fish out of water for a time after the new airport is a finished job, as he has practically lived with the project day and night ever since the work was started, even to the extent of sometimes neglecting his own business affairs; with City Superintendent Fred Scheffel in constant cooperation with him. The new airport will in a way be a monument to both because of the hard work and study they put on it during the construction. The entire council membership and Mayor Pipes have also cooperated in every way during the time of building--changing plans here and there to cut down the cost wherever possible, and at the same time provide as good an airport as possible within the $120,000 bond issue--and always with the slogan in mind, "It must be built for $120,000; not a cent of city money otherwise to go into it." The result has been a remarkably fine airport of which the city is proud and which has drawn many admiring comments from aviation experts. This is all the more remarkable, for after the bonds were voted and the city administration began to delve deeply into the subject, the outlook was that the $120,000 bond issue was not nearly sufficient. But the city officials then buckled down to earnest airport-building business, and as a result of many conferences and meetings saved on estimated cost here and there, until finally they came under the wire with what is regarded as a splendid airport. Medford Mail Tribune, October 20, 1929, page 7 RUSH FINISH OF AIRPORT FOR NOV. 1
Only a
few details remain before Medford's new
municipal airport will have been entirely completed, a visit there
yesterday by a Mail
Tribune reporter revealed. City Engineer Fred
Scheffel has a small force of men rushing the completion, and by the
first of November the airport is expected to stand as finished.Last of 3600-Foot Runway Being Graveled--Border Lights Installed--Flood and Beacon Lights Arrive Soon--Weather Bureau Will Move In on First of Month. The last 300 feet of the main runway is being graveled this week, and when completed this runway will be graveled 120 feet wide by 3600 feet long, sufficient to allow any ships now flying, or that will be built for several years, to land and take off. Field Being Lighted
Seventy-five border lights of 25 watts each have
been installed 300 feet apart entirely around the field. Red lights
have been placed at the approaches. Although they have been in
operation for several nights, there have been no airplane arrivals by
night as yet.Floodlights for the field and the beacon light for the top of the administration building are expected this week. The government has completed the installation of a ceiling light near one corner of the field, and the alidade, set in front of the main entrance of the administration building, has also been installed. The alidade is used in conjunction with the light to determine the height of the clouds. Doors were being placed on the hangar that are 20 feet high and 100 feet wide. The hangar will hold 16 ships. Weather Bureau Quarters
weather bureau will occupy three rooms on the
second floor of the administration building and one on the third floor.
They will move Nov. 1st and will be in continuous operation, using
three shifts, furnishing weather reports for day and night fliers.The furniture is being installed in the main waiting room of the administration building, where Seely Hall, superintendent of the field, will have his office. On this floor is also located the Pacific Air Transport office and pilot's quarters. Also the restaurant that will be leased to one of three applicants this week. In front of the hangar and around the gasoline pits is a cement apron 200 feet wide and 1000 feet long, used in warming up ships and taking on gas. The Standard and Shell Oil companies have gas-filling stations in, and the Union Texaco Associated and Richfield Oil companies have leases for stations to be put in soon. Plans are also being made for the construction of pilot's quarters on the field and the temporary office is being remodeled and enlarged to provide the quarters. While the field lights will be ready for use in a short time, night flying is not expected to begin until next spring. Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1929, page B1 MEDFORD FIELD TO HAVE RADIO PHONE
has been chosen by the Boeing airmail system
as one of the nine cities on the Pacific Coast and as one of the 22 in
the nation for the installation of radiophone ground stations,
preparatory to use of the radiophone on its planes, whose pilots will
then be able to talk to ground stations as far distant as 200 miles,
from an altitude of 12,000 feet. Pilots of planes can also talk to each
other. The information was received today by Seely Hall, director of
the Pacific Air Transport Company.Boeing Company Names Local Airport As One of Nine on Coast for New Equipment--Talk with Planes Is Object. Pacific Coast stations will be located at Burbank, Bakersfield, Fresno, Oakland and Redding, Cal., Medford and Portland, Ore., and Tacoma and Seattle, Wash. Transcontinental stations will be placed at Oakland and Sacramento, Cal., Reno and Elko, Nev., Salt Lake City, Utah, Rock Springs and Cheyenne Wyo., North Platte, Lincoln and Omaha, Neb., Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, Iowa, and Chicago, Ill. The transcontinental stations will be in operation before the first of the year, those on the coast after that date. The ground stations, which will contain equipment weighing 1500 pounds, will be stations of 400 watts and will operate on a frequency of 3142 kilocycles at night and 5660 during the daytime. Available to All
Under the
permit granted for construction of these
stations, the Boeing system, owners and builders of all stations, must
make its service available to other transport lines and to the
itinerant flier. They will also be prepared to receive on 3106, the
national calling frequency. A flier wishing to talk to a ground
station will only have to dial in to that frequency and automatically
converse with that station.The plane and ground radio equipment is being manufactured by the Western Electric Company in its Philadelphia plant and is to be delivered within 30 days. The equipment is built under designs developed by radio engineers of the Boeing system who, in collaboration with equipment companies and Department of Commerce representatives, supervised the research and test work required to bring radiophone to everyday workability. Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1929, page B1 SCHOOL REPORTER LOSES TIMIDITY ON
Her first
airplane ride was a big
revelation how the world looks from above to Irva Fewell, high school
reporter for the Mail
Tribune, when she went aloft yesterday with W. J. Brown,
manager of the Copper King Aircraft Service, and she has become
so enthused she is planning to take up aviation as soon as possible.
She had been timid about flying but was coaxed and finally inveigled
into taking her first ride.She had fears at first her heart would not stand the high altitude, but a doctor's certificate revealed she was in sound healthy condition; unable to think of any other excuse for refusing, she went out to the Medford airport in a trembling condition yesterday, supported by a girlfriend, Miss Gladys Murphy. Several times at the field she nearly thought of giving up the idea, but finally had sufficient courage to trust herself away from the support of the earth. When aloft, she lost her direction but was interested in the landscape below, guessing at the location of landmarks only to discover later she was totally wrong. Mr. Brown, thinking of his passenger's safety, did not go into stunts, which he is capable of doing, but skimmed through the air at the pace of 110 miles per hour, only to hear Irva tell him to get a bit faster--the scenery was going by too slowly. But as all good things must end, she finally came to earth, and aviation had found another enthusiast. She left the old airport and landed at the new port, where Copper King service is to take up permanent headquarters next week. The Copper King company has been located in Medford for several months, and during the past few weeks has been especially busy taking up local residents for short and long rides about the valley. Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1929, page 3 BEACONS LIGHT NORTH AIRWAY
airmail beacons, located
north of this city, are now in operation and six beacons located south
of this city, and in Northern California, are ready for operation,
Department of Commerce, aviation branch, announced today.Work was recently completed on the distribution of airmail beacons for the 60 sites between Redding, Calif., and Portland, Oregon. Towers for 10 beacons, located on the Delta-Drain unit, have been installed. Each of the beacons is of 2,000,000 candlepower, and tests were conducted last week for same. Work on the installing of the beacons is being rushed to complete the task in the mountainous areas before winter sets in. Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1929, page 2 WEATHER
The local
weather station was being moved today from
its quarters on the fourth floor of the Liberty building to its fine
new quarters in the administration building at the new airport.
Everything pertaining to the office--delicate instruments, office
furniture, records and the like was being moved. The moving process
began this morning.The change is being made without any interruption of service today or tomorrow, new phones and some of the new instruments having being been placed in the new quarters, while the old phones and some of the old apparatus were the last things disconnected in the old quarters. But to do this W. J. Hutchinson, meteorologist in charge, and his assistants, Messrs. Ahlborn, Randall and Anderson, were kept on the jump all day and will be busy most of tonight. As a farewell shot to the old quarters, Mr. Hutchinson put up an especially fine brand of weather today. From today on, all mail for the weather bureau will be received at the new quarters, and all telephone communication will be with it there. The weather station retains its old number, 612. Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1929, page 5 COPPER KING
The Copper
King Aircraft Service is now located at
Medford's new municipal airport, taking up quarters there this
week. The company is managed by W. J. Brown and has been located in
Medford for several months.Mr. Brown acts as pilot, as well as manager, and has had many hours of flying experience, and during the past few weeks has been taking up a number of Medford residents who have never been in the air before and has also instructed several in taking up flying instruction. The Copper King company will be located in Medford permanently and has one of the latest Travel Air type ships. Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1929, page 2 RADIOPHONE
Crandall, veteran of the coast airways,
believes the Boeing radiophone, providing communication between pilots
and the ground, shortly to be installed in Medford and eight cities
between Los Angeles and Seattle by Pacific Air Transport, will be a
great benefit to commercial air transport operations.Crandall, who is familiar with the Boeing radio ship now in operation on the western division, gives this description of how it feels to talk to someone 150 miles away and several thousand feet "down." "Hello Harry!" It is the voice of Boeing superintendent in my ear phones. "We have 1100-foot ceiling over the airport. Visibility five miles, barometer slightly below normal, but steady, no change in 30 minutes. Where are you?" "Thirty miles out and making 115 miles per hour, ground speed. How's the weather half way between here and there?" "Same as here," he answers. "Fog begins at Summit and ceiling rises as mountains drop away. What is the altitude at the top of the cloud layer?" "Eighty-eight hundred," I tell him. "That gives 1500 feet thickness. Will arrive about 9:13. Where is the southbound?" "P.A.T. southbound 20 minutes away. You are still a little south of the course. Five degrees more to the left ought to bring you right over us, etc., etc." Pacific Air Transport has just announced it will establish radiophone stations, which will permit pilots to talk from an altitude of 2,000 feet to ground stations 150 to 200 miles distant, at Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Medford, Redding, Oakland, Fresno, Bakersfield and the new united airport at Burbank. Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1929, page 6
Now that over 150 people of Medford have been given
rides in the "City of Portland," cabin plane of the Breese
Aircraft Company of Portland, in the last two days, and since the big
ship left today, local residents are reminded that there is still
passenger-carrying service at the new airport in the form of the Copper
King Company, operating an open cockpit plane.Over 75 per cent of the 150 passengers enjoyed their first ride with the Breese company this week and are urged by W. J. Brown of the Copper King company to become better acquainted with flying by also taking a ride in an open ship, which has a different effect on its passengers than a cabin plane. Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1929, page 2 PORT CHIEF AND DANCE MATRON ARE
Mayor A.
W. Pipes at last night's council
meeting appointed the new dance hall matron and the superintendent of
the new airport, and the appointments were unanimously confirmed. Mrs.
Vivian Norman Barto of 837 West Second Street, a resident here for many
years, is the dance hall matron, and Seely V. Hall, who has been
filling the position for some time past, unofficially, is the new
superintendent.Seely Hall Becomes Official Czar at New Air Field by Action of City Council--Mrs. Barto to Eye Dance Halls. Mrs. Barto, who will act under police supervision and attend each public dance, will receive her remuneration from public dances, receiving $2.50 a dance for each public dance at which she officiates, Superintendent Hall's salary is $125 a month. No time limit is set as to the duration of each appointment, and both appointments take effect at once. Will Be Czar
Superintendent Hall will be absolute czar at the
airport in the way of enforcing the rules and regulations for the
conduct of the latter, which were also adopted by the council last
night. Mayor Pipes and the city councilmen feel that Medford is very
fortunate in procuring such a competent superintendent at such a low
salary.This feature was only possible through the fact that Mr. Hall is able to perform duties there in conjunction with being local representative of the Boeing airplane company. He had a recent offer at a large salary to accept an airport or aviation company position in California, but would prefer to remain in Medford as long as the monetary consideration remained the same; therefore the salary as Medford airport superintendent, $125 a month, will only make up the difference in salary which he would have received had he taken the California position. Medford Mail Tribune, November 20, 1929, page 3 AIRWAY
A progress
report on the installation of airmail
beacon lights between Delta, California and Drain, Oregon made today
shows that eight beacons are now in operation. Ten will be placed in
operation between this city and Redding, Calif., within the next three
days and that all the towers for the beacon lights have been erected on
the route but three.The long dry fall with ideal weather conditions has aided the work, enabling construction activities in the mountainous areas to proceed without delay. No date has been set for the beginning of night flying of the air mail, but it is expected to start between San Francisco and Seattle by May 1 next. Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1929, page 3 RADIO BEACON INSTALLATION AT PORT
Of the
forty additional radio range beacon
transmitters that were recently ordered by the government, one will be
ready for installation at Medford in a short time. The transmitters
have been found to be of great benefit in reducing the delayed and
interrupted schedules of the airmail planes by more than 30 percent.
The record of safety on the Cleveland-New York airway is pointed out as
being even more gratifying.New Device Will Guide Air Mail Fliers in Dark and Fog--Location of Field Made Easy by Continuous Signal System. The radio range beacon system has now been installed and extended west on the transcontinental airway as far as Omaha. The Chicago-Boston beacons will go on the air within the next few weeks. The system has the advantage of serving pilots throughout the 24-hour day and, unlike lighted aids to navigation, are not affected by "thick" weather. The most important feature of this type of beacon is in serving as a homing device, making it possible to fly to the exact location of the beacon and thereby locating the landing field. Used with Radiophone
The radio
range beacon is operated in conjunction
with radiotelephone stations. It is stopped every 15 minutes and
identified by station announcement, followed by correct time and
weather reports; then, on completion of the broadcast, the operation of
the beacon is resumed. This system has a number of advantages in that
the pilot does not have to change the tuning of his receiver and is
listening at all times for either radio range-beacon signals or weather
broadcasts. In this way it is possible to interrupt the beacon at any
time and communicate emergency messages to the pilot in flight. A
simple receiver aboard the airplane is all that is required to take
advantage of these radio aids.The receiver is tuned by use of remote control apparatus and can be used by the one-man airplane in flying the mail as well as by the largest passenger-type airplane. The antenna system of the radio range beacon consists of two directional loops supported by poles. In a small building at the foot of the center pole a radio transmitter, goniometer and characteristic signal device are located, together with other apparatus required for the operation of the beacon. The radio range beacon transmits a characteristic signal alternatively from the equivalent loops sending the letters A and N, which interlock, marking the radio course along the points of equal signal strength. The interlock signal is the letter T. Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1929, page 3 ECKERSON WILL TEACH FLYING AT
Major C.
H. Eckerson and James C. Stovall of the
Eckerson Flying Service have accepted an offer to take charge of the
flying school, ground school, local aerial taxi service and repair shop
on the Medford municipal airport. They will also conduct other ventures
for the promotion of aviation, such as a flying club, glider club and a
chapter of the American Air Cadets. Members of this organization,
consisting of boys, build scale models and flying models of airplanes
to compete for ratings and prizes at local, state, national and
international meets.Major of Army Air Reserve and James C. Stovall Will Conduct School and Repair Shop--Aerial Maps to Be Made. The Eckerson Flying Service is distributor in Oregon for Arrow planes and dealer for Waco planes. The corporation at present has equipment consisting of one Arrow Sport training plane for primary instruction and one Waco Taperwing 220 for advanced work. Both of these ships are licensed by the Department of Commerce. Eckerson War Teacher
instructor for the flying school is Major
Eckerson, who holds a transport license and airplane and engine
license. He received his training at Kelly Field, where he was
instructed during the war. He is a major in the army air reserve.
During his 14 years of flying experience he has not had even a minor
crash while in the capacity of a pilot.James C. Stovall, who is financial backer of the organization, has just completed eight hours of solo instruction and will receive his limited commercial license early in the spring. He recently took his master's degree in geology from the University of Oregon and plans to do extensive aerial mapping from his Arrow plane of the southern part of Oregon. Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1929, page 5 MEDFORD'S AIRPORT IS COMPLETED
Cost of Project to Date is $114,000--Local Airport One of Finest on Coast-- Aviation School To Open During January.
the first mail flight taking place October 2, 1929 [omission] witnessed
the completion of Medford's new municipal airport, a $120,000 bond
issue for which was voted April 2 by a majority of nearly 13 to one.
The completion of the field is the realization of one of Medford's
fondest ambitions and ensures the position of the city as the leader of
aviation in the state.
The Medford Chamber of Commerce, acting with the city council in the early part of 1928, appointed a committee for the location of an adequate airport for Medford. The committee worked with the United States Department of Commerce, the aviation department, the United States Army and the air transport lines operating through the valley, and finally unanimously decided on a site three miles from the center of Medford north on the Biddle Road. It has in the neighborhood of 280 acres and is not surrounded by obstructions. A mile of the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company railroad tracks are on one side of the site, easily accessible to Medford. Radio Station Established
the latter part of 1928 the government also announced that Medford had
been selected as a site for a high-powered radio station, which was
completed in 1929 along the Crater Lake Highway not far from the air
field. The station is under the direction of R. A. Martin and has
constant 24-hour service. It was constructed at an approximate cost of
To date, the airport, the construction of which was directed by the airport committee of the city council, composed of J. O. Grey, chairman, E. M. Wilson, Robert Hammond and Mayor A. W. Pipes, has cost the city $114,000, with practically all items of construction completed. The cost included the installation of a 2,550,000-candlepower airplane beacon, which was to have been installed by the government. ![]() Medford Airport, circa 1930. Hangar Is Described
beacon is located on the roof of the administration and hangar
building, housing administration officers, the United States weather
[bureau] and local headquarters of the Pacific Air Transport Company.
The building is 110 feet wide and 150 feet long, has a cement floor and is sufficiently large to house 16 small ships and four large cabin planes. It includes repair shops, waiting rooms, a room destined to be a restaurant. A building for the pilots' quarters is the last to have been completed and provides quarters for air mail pilots who fly north and south out of Medford. Several oil companies have also completed the construction of service station facilities at the port and have the stations so arranged to serve airplanes with but little trouble. Water Piped to Field
from Medford's new million-dollar system has also been piped to the
airport and has been in use for several months. Fire hydrants have also
been placed conveniently about the hangar building.
The airport runway has been completely graveled, and a drainage system, engineered by City Engineer Fred Scheffel, eliminates the question of surplus water on the field, making landing an easy matter at any time of the year. At the old Barber Field at the fairgrounds, it had been a common occurrence for ships to become mired in the mud, and because of that, one passenger line began to make its landings in northern California, but it expected to resume its schedule here in a short time. Hall Is Superintendent
Medford Mail Tribune, December
31, 1929, page B8
Seely Hall,
local representative of the Pacific Air Transport Company, is field
superintendent and is on constant duty at the airport. Mr. Hall is
southern Oregon's aviation pioneer, and with Floyd Hart over ten years
ago brought the first home-owned airplane to Medford.
During the past year, the government has completed the installation of airplane beacons through southern Oregon and northern California, and has several located in Jackson County to aid pilots engaged in night flying, which so far has not been done often. Regular night flying with mail is expected to begin next spring or summer. The beacons can be seen for 15 or 20 miles and, together with radio range beacons, one of which is to be installed here this year, are expected to make night flying comparatively safe in southern Oregon. Aviation School To Open
A new aviation
school, under the direction of Major Gilbert Eckerson, well-known army
flier who has spent 25,000 hours in the air, is to be opened this month
at the airport. The school will accept students desiring to learn
flying or the mechanical end of aviation. Major Eckerson has two planes
for student fliers, and for the past year had been located at
Springfield, near Eugene. He will replace the Copper King Flying
Service, which had been located here since last summer under the
direction of W. J. Brown of Oakland, Calif.
Aviation has a big following in Southern Oregon, and the next year is expected to witness several enthusiasts purchase their own planes, keeping them at the airport for use when desired. W. H. Muirhead and Henry Fluhrer already have their ship, and during favorable weather make many long trips. Visiting aviators are numerous at the airport, and it was only last month that so many ships arrived that the large hangar was unable to provide ample space. Three ships were forced to be set outside. Several of the planes were owned privately, while the remainder were the property of flying companies operating up and down the Pacific coast. ![]() Grey Heads Committee
The fact that
the construction of the airport will be kept within the $120,000 bond
issue is gratifying to the people of Medford who voted the bond issue
by such [a] large majority. The accomplishment of keeping the
construction to such [a low] figure reflects credit on the airport
committee, headed by Mr. Grey, who has practically lived with the
project, at times even forgetting his own business affairs in paying
attention to the construction of the port. City Engineer Fred Scheffel,
in charge of the actual construction, was in constant cooperation with
Mr. Grey.
Shortly after the bond issue was voted, developments came indicating the airport could not be constructed within the bond issue, but city officials held numerous conferences, cutting down on expenses here and there, saving considerable money and easily coming within the limits of the issue. Medford now has a Class A airport and is one of the very few cities on the Pacific coast that is so recognized. Its port is considered better than those maintained by several larger coast cities and places Medford on the aviation map.
The flying school being established here by Major
G. H. Eckerson, army flier, and James C. Stovall is rapidly reaching a
settled business basis and is ready at any time to confer with
prospective students wishing to learn aviation. Major Eckerson, one of
the best-known aviation instructors in the Northwest, arrived in
Medford from Springfield, where he has been operating a successful
school for some time.He has two ships, an Arrow Sport and Waco Sport, both of which are of the latest types. The Arrow Sport does not have dual seats and makes it possible for the instructor and student to sit in the same seat, taking only one-half the time required if a dual seat or tandem plane is used. The school will present two courses of 25 and 70 hours each. The first will equip the student with a private pilot's license and the second a limited commercial license. A ground course is also included, taking up navigation, business administration, meteorology and mechanics. The school is located at the new airport, and Mrs. James Stovall is in charge of the office, where further information may be obtained. Major Eckerson will also specialize in aerial photography, taxi trips and aerial exhibitions. Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1930, page 3
Thrilling Medford people at noon today, Major
Gilbert Eckerson of the Eckerson flying school of this city presented a
stunt program extraordinary over the city. He went through a series of
slow rolls, upside down flying and rolling on top of the loop, making a
breathtaking exhibition. He also went through several true Immelman
turns. He used a three-place Waco plane, one of two he operates at the
airport.Today's program was not scheduled and was almost presented on the spur of the moment but, despite that fact, the stunts were seen by hundreds of local citizens. However, every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Major Eckerson will present a similar program east of the airport. Preparations for the opening of a complete flying school are progressing satisfactorily, he said this afternoon, and present indications point toward it being a greater success than was expected. Much of this is due to the fact that 1930 airplane prices have been reduced several hundred dollars. An air-cooled plane is now as cheap as the former water-cooled ship, and this fact is encouraging the popularity of aviation. Major Eckerson also does taxi flying work and makes flights at 1 cent per pound per person or 2½ cents and 36 cents per pound, according to the length of the flight. In 1929 he won the first prize for stunting at the national air shows at Cleveland, Ohio, and took fifth place in the national air race. He is a flier of army experience and has several thousand hours to his credit. He maintains offices at the administration building at the airport. Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1930, page 2
Of interest to Medford users of air mail is the
announcement made today by the Boeing System, holders of the Pacific
Coast air mail contract, that it is now permissible for air mail pilots
to accept a letter or package at the airport just as late mail can be
deposited in a railway mail car.The post office ruling is as follows: It occasionally happens that a late mailer will rush out to the air field after the mails have been closed at the post office or air mail transfer office and attempt to hand the pilot an air mail letter or package. In order to take care of these occasional mailings, it is permissible for the pilot to accept such letter or package and turn it in at the office of address. These pieces can be canceled at the office of address or at the proper stop where delivered. Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1930, page 2 ECKERSON PRAISES MEDFORD AIRPORT IN LIONS ADDRESS
"Stunting should be taught in every aviation
school," declared Maj. G. H. Eckerson, one of the guest speakers
on the Lions Club program at the Hotel Medford this noon. "Then
when the pilot is caught in an emergency he will know what to
do," he concluded.Major Eckerson was emphatic in his statement that the Medford airport has every possibility of being the finest and most important station on the Pacific Coast. Cooperation, he said, was the keynote to its future success. He urged that an organized local effort be put forth to get the West Coast company to consider Medford as a stopping point. That there were better facilities here than in some of their present landing points was one argument he suggested. That company, he said, will put on their 32-passenger planes in the spring, and would subsequently bring a great amount of lucrative trade into the valley if persuaded to stop here. Milton M. Miller, U.S. Public Health Service milk inspector from Washington D.C., who is spending a week in the city, gave an interesting talk on the new program being inaugurated throughout the United States in regard to raising the standard of this industry. Four grades, A, B, C and D, are being awarded dairymen to describe to the public their conformity to sanitation and requirements. That the program assumes the complexion of a voluntary law which the public, by its patronage, enforces was an interesting fact brought out by the speaker. The lower grades of milk may be obtained by patrons at a cheaper price. Miss Lucile Crews, playing her own accompaniment on the piano with her left hand, sang two vocal numbers, "Picking Cotton" and "That Lonesome Road," the latter from "Showboat." Jack McDaniels, tenor of Grants Pass, was a guest of the day and was also pressed into service musically and sang "When You and I Were Young, Maggie," accompanied at the piano by Jeunesse Butler. A reel of Copco pictures, showing scenes from the famous DeAutremont trial, was shown on the program. Earl Davis was in charge of the day's entertainment. Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1930, page 2
Medford and Southern Oregon flying enthusiasts will
be given an opportunity of going aloft next Saturday and Sunday as
guests of the Standard Oil Company when that organization will bring it
big tri-motored Ford cabin plane to this city in connection with the
opening of its new district offices in the Liberty building. The ship
will be flown several hours on each day of those two days.The expected crowds at the airport will be handled in a businesslike manner, and no rushing will be tolerated. People wishing to fly will be given numbered tickets corresponding with the number of the flight they are to take. Eight passengers will be taken at a time and there will be no special invitations, as first come will be first served. The big ship has been in the service of the company for the past year and has taken up over 15,000 passengers without a single mishap. Up until December 31, 1929, the plane had flown 103,040 miles, of which 41,730 miles were flown in 1928. It has been in the air 1194.14 hours. The ship is well furnished and is operated with safety first the outstanding idea of its performance. The airplane will probably arrive here Friday afternoon with a group of company executives and will take up passengers during the forenoons of Saturday and Sunday. Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1930, page 5 My First Trip Aloft
The first
flight in an airplane is certainly the
thrill of a lifetime, especially for a landlubber, one who could never
ride in a Ferris wheel, climb a high ladder, shoot the chutes without
getting dizzy-headed.I have been enthusiastic about aviation from its first inception, have had the privilege of being connected with its progress in this city, being one of the active supporters of the movement to secure the new municipal airport and one of those who early graduated from the air "minded" to the air "conscious" class. I have had many invitations to "take a spin" but had always been a "piker" until I accepted Mr. Travis' invitation to be his guest Saturday afternoon on the Standard of California No. 1 Ford trimotored plane. I must confess I was a little nervous as I approached the ship but as the door opened and my host said "step in," I obeyed, as did the other guests, and sat down holding firmly to the seat. The door closed, the giant plane taxied down the graveled runway, skimmed along for a few seconds then rose gradually and gracefully into space--"What a thrill!" It is needless to say I experienced an indescribable sensation as we left mother earth, and any person who claims not to experience that sensation on the first flight has his fingers crossed. I looked straight ahead of me for a few seconds but after getting my bearings my heart rose from my knees to its normal position and from that time on I did not experience the least fear, feeling perfectly safe with Pilot Al French at the controls and Bob Allen as copilot and enjoyed the trip immensely. The landscape below, partially decked in a mantle of snow, with its cushion of green and brown, presented a scene that far surpassed expectations. We were soon over the city that I have so often admired from Reservoir Hill, and other points surrounding Medford, in daytime and at night as it presented a beautiful picture with its myriads of electric lights, but on this occasion it looked like a toy city, with its narrow streets, tiny buildings and dwarf-like people, tiny buildings and one of the most beautiful valleys in all the world, surrounded entirely by blue mountains, many of which were artistically decorated with snow caps. I have stood on the peak of a mountain several thousand feet high and on the rim of Crater Lake and felt that I was almost in the presence of God himself, but to soar around thousands of feet up in space, with seemingly nothing to sustain the ship or its human cargo, gazing at the busy world below, with all its trifling affairs, made me truly feel there is a Guiding Hand that rules this great universe we enjoy so much--but I did not start out to give a sermonette. I have often wondered if there wasn't considerable danger, as well as a lot of science, in landing, but the ease with which pilot French "sat the ship down" on the runway removed all fear and proved beyond doubt that landing is truly a matter of science. "How did it feel?" You will have to take the whirl yourself to really know. I can't describe it, but I do know that from now on I will be enthusiastic about the reality of flying. I have always sang the praises of Medford and the Rogue River Valley wherever I have been and at all times, but my appreciation of both was never so great or so far-reaching until I had seen them from the air. If you have never "been up" I advise you to make the trip at the first opportunity and get a lofty view of "The Garden of Eden." The other members of the party, guests of the Standard Oil Company, were Mrs. Smith, Joan Maxine DeLosh, Mrs. Dalton Cox and Mrs. R. D. Semon, all of whom say the trip was "marvelous." S. SUMPTER SMITH Medford Mail Tribune, January 26, 1930, page 3 REX PROPRIETORS LEASE PORT
The city administration has leased the
restaurant quarters at the airport to Messrs. Singleton and Blake,
proprietors of the Rex restaurant, who will begin operating the airport
eating house on February 15. The terms of the lease are as follows: $20
a month for the first six months, and $30 a month for the next two
years, at the end of which period the lease will be readjusted.The airport restaurant is located in the hangar building, the city having had constructed in that structure, when built, a kitchen and small dining room. Hence the new restaurant can be operated as soon as the culinary equipment is moved in by the operators. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1930, page 3 Airport
Dedication Has Been Abandoned
Upon the
report of a Chamber of Commerce committee
that made a partial survey of the business houses of the city, that
they believed it would be impossible to get the airport dedication and
pageant underwritten, the airport committee, at a meeting Monday
afternoon, decided to abandon the proposition and there will be no
dedication or celebration here July 3, 4 and 5.Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1930, page 6 Airport Views on Display
Photographs of Medford's new airport, taken from the air by J. Verne
Shangle, local photographer, upon request of city officials, are now on
display in the window on North Central at the entrance of the Medford
Center building."Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1930, page 2 MEDFORD, OREG.
Name: Medford Municipal Airport..Class: Municipal. Rating, ------. Owner and operator, city. Position: Lat. 42° 20' 42", long. 122° 51' 21"; alt. above sea level, 1,313'; mag. var., 20° 26' E., 1930; annual decrease, 1' 30''. Distance and direction from city, 3 miles N. of center; 2 miles NE. of sawmill. Description: Size, see sketch; acres, 280; shape, irregular. Surface, sod; gradient, level; drainage, tile. Runways, one gravel, 3,300' x 100' NW./S.; one landing strip 2,850' W./SE.; oiled taxi strip 750' x 125' and concrete apron in front of hangar. Marking thereof, T at each end of runway. Obstructions: Power line to W.; fence surrounds field; hangar and buildings in SW. corner; trees to SW.; radio towers 1½ miles E. Marking (day), power poles painted chrome yellow and black. Lighting, red on poles and hangar, also on radio towers. Marking and identification: Standard 100' white circle, in center of field. Name on hangar, yes. Other marking, none. Wind-direction indicator, illuminated cone on W. end of hangar. Lighting: Beacon, 24" rotating, 6 r.p.m., 8,000,000 c.p., sunset to sunrise, on hangar. Boundary lights, white, surround field. Approach lights, four green at each end of runway. Flood lights for landing, five on W. Other lighting, apron and buildings flood lighted; ceiling projector; auxiliary flood light to be used in case of emergency. Accommodations: Personnel for servicing, yes. Landing fee, none; storage rates, yes. Hangar, one wood, 110' x 100' x 20' clearance. Repair facilities, shop; spares, none. Specification fuel and oil, yes. Guard, yes; fire apparatus, hand extinguishers and cart. Quarters, yes; meals, yes. Transportation to city, automobiles. First aid, yes. Mooring, mast, none. Communication and signal equipment: Telephone, yes; telegraph, yes. Radio, none. Meteorological data: Prevailing winds, summer NW. and N., winter NW. and SE., annual NW. and SE. Heaviest winds usually from NW. Winds of 40 m.p.h. or over are recorded very rarely. Highest recorded velocity is about 45 m.p.h. Dense fog occurs about 4 or 5 d.p.m. Oct.-Mar., incl., and 1 day or less per month Apr.-Sept., incl. Light fog occurs about 5 or 6 d.p.m. Oct.-Mar., incl. and 1 or 2 d.p.m. Apr.-Sept., incl. Most fogs occur during early morning hours, ending about 10 a.m. Precipitation as heavy as 1" or more in 24 hours is recorded only occasionally during the winter months. Average monthly snowfall, Dec., Jan., and Feb., is about 3". Weather map and display board, yes. Weather instruments, yes. Nearest weather bureau, Medford. Nearest upper-air observer, Medford (W.B.). Remarks: MEDFORD on grandstand at fairgrounds 1 mile SE. of city; MEDFORD with arrow pointing to field on roof 1 mile S. of city. Radio-telephone station 1½ miles E. of field, operated by Department of Commerce. Air mail stop and passenger terminal for West Coast passenger and express line. Airway Bulletin, U.S. Department of Commerce, March 19, 1930, page 2 AIRPORT
Owned and
operated by Seth Blake and Wallace W.
Singleton, the Airport Cafe was opened for business
Mr. Blake announced today. The cafe, located in the
administration building at Medford's new airport, is
with new equipment throughout and will be open from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
daily.Visitors are invited to inspect the new establishment, opened as a convenience for airplane passengers coming through Medford, aviation officials and others. It is probable that the cafe will be open on a longer schedule during the summer months. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1930, page 8 GIANT ARROWS WILL POINT TO
Owen-Oregon Lumber Company will paint at
once on the roof of its shipping shed a huge arrow pointing the way to
the Medford municipal airport, James H. Owen, general manager of the
company, said this morning. The lumber sign will be 75 feet long, in
black and yellow colors, and in accordance with government aviation
sign specifications. Owing to the size of the shipping shed, it has
aerial prominence, and can be seen aloft at average height for a
distance of from seven to ten miles.Seventy-Five-Foot Guide on Owen-Oregon Roof to Aid Airmen--Will Distribute Circular. Through the efforts of Ben Alexander, a director of the Owen company and aviation enthusiast, the concern offered a year ago to paint the sign at their own expense and asked for details. The airport officials did not want the sign until the new field was in service, and there the matter rested. City Engineer Fred Scheffel and manager Owen held a conference this morning with the understanding that the painters would paint the sign as soon as the federal specifications could be secured. To Issue Circular
The airport committee will issue a
circular at once,
for distribution throughout the aviation fields of the land, giving
full details and particulars for reaching the local airport, and also
note local landmarks on the map to aid lone pilots.During the past fortnight, aviators have experienced difficulty in locating the new field, and instead have landed at the fairgrounds field. Yesterday afternoon a fleet of five army planes circled the valley several times in an effort to find the airport and finally landed at the former field. An effort will also be made to have arrows pointing in the general direction of the airport, painted on the roofs of downtown buildings as further aids to aerial navigation. Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1930, page 1 WEST COAST
It may not
be long until the West Coast Air
Transport Company will begin making regular stops in Medford, following
a test stop here yesterday when a ship, loaded with 21 passengers,
stopped at the airport for luncheon at the new Airport Cafe.
landing was so successful that it is the general opinion about the
airport that a regular schedule may soon be begun.In addition to the West Coast passengers, the Boeing ships were also loaded, and eight of these passengers took advantage of the airport restaurant facilities. The West Coast company has been making its stops at Montague, after the schedule had been discontinued here because of the poor condition of the fairgrounds landing field, abandoned when the new municipal air field was completed last autumn. Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1930, page 3 Rosenberg
Likes Air Travel Best with Multiple-Motored Airplane; Not a Ryan Wasp
After Mexican Flight
in a big trimotored Ford plane is good
fun, but traveling in a small Ryan Wasp isn't such good fun,
as far as he is concerned, Harry Rosenberg, who returned from an air
trip to Mexico City yesterday, doesn't intend to try the
mode of travel again."I flew to Mexico City in a Ford cabin plane from Brownsville, Texas, in less than seven hours and enjoyed every minute of it. The plane was large, roomy and steady as a big ocean liner. I was alone, except for the two pilots, and felt comfortable and secure all the time. When I got tired of reading I looked at the scenery, and when I got tired of the scenery, I read. In no time it seemed we were in Mexico City, where I stayed a week and saw the sights with friends. I enjoyed Mexico City very much, but don't think I would care to go again. The poverty, sickness and squalor of the people got me--I was glad to get out of it. "There are two airplane routes from Mexico City to Los Angeles; one is by the way of Guadalajara and Mazatlán up the west coast, with an overnight stop at Tepic; the other is by plane to El Paso, Texas, and by train to Los Angeles. "I decided to try the latter, as it was a shorter air flight, and made about the same time to destination. But never again. We left Mexico City at 6:30 a.m. and arrived at El Paso at 5:30 p.m. with a stop at Torreon. The little monoplane, with its narrow wingspread, was speedy, making as high as 130 miles an hour, but bobbed about like a cork on a stormy sea. This was particularly true over the mountains, which in the middle of the day are merely masses of hot rock and sent up gales of hot air that shoot the plane miles in the air, and then when a cool valley is crossed, down she goes. There was no danger, but it certainly was not comfortable. There was only 1 pilot and 1 motor--after the Ford plane that wasn't very reassuring. I don't think travel to Mexico City will ever be heavy until they either get faster and better train service (it takes three nights and two days by train from Mexico City to El Paso) or they have an airplane service on the west equal to the one they have on the east." Mr. Rosenberg took the Mexican trip after a business trip in the East, visiting Chicago and New York City, and looking over the fruit marketing situation there. Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1930, page 6 SEELY HALL
appointment of Seely Hall to the board of
directors of the National Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America
and as secretary of the Pacific Northwest district, is regarded as a
big honor for Mr. Hall and a credit to Medford and Southern Oregon.
Only three men of the Pacific Coast are members of the board. The
appointment was announced today. It pertains to the executive committee
of the airport section of the chamber.Mr. Hall is also a member of the board of directors of the National Aeronautics Association. He has been active in aviation for a number of years and headed the airport committee of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, instrumental in the construction of the new municipal airport. He is the superintendent of the Medford airport and is known along the entire coast for his aviation activities. Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1930, page 2 DON'T
of lighted cigars or cigarettes from
airplanes is a violation of the air commerce regulations, according to
a recent notice received by District Forester C. J. Buck, Portland, Ore.Attention of pilots was called to this regulation as the result of a letter written by Acting Secretary of Agriculture R. W. Dunlap, which called attention to the hazards to which forests, grain fields, grass lands and property are exposed through lighted cigarettes dropped from airplanes. Tests made by the aerial forest patrol in Idaho, during 1929, showed that lighted cigars or cigarettes dropped from planes at high altitudes continued to burn after reaching the ground. Medford Mail Tribune, April 22, 1930, page 3
Painters have about completed the installation of a
huge orange colored sign on the roof of the shipping shed of the
Owen-Oregon Lumber Company, and henceforth strange aviators will not
fly aimlessly over the city looking for the airport. The sign is to be
noted on all aviation maps of the air service and private air lines. It
is the largest sign of its kind in the state.The sign is visible for 15 miles aloft, and half that distance from elevated portions of the valley. It was painted so as to leave a flat impression, and no birdman will have difficulty in deciphering the writing on the roof. An arrow points to the airport with the legend "2 miles." If government regulations will permit, arrows will be painted at each end, denoting the general direction of Portland and San Francisco. Some aviation experts locally hold too much matter in the sign is apt to be confusing. Government regulations provide that signs be brief and simple, with no advertising near. The sign was painted through the courtesy of Ben Alexander of Los Angeles, an aviation enthusiast, and director of the Owen-Oregon Lumber Company. Alexander expects to fly in his own plane to this city the coming summer and view the sign from on high. Medford Mail Tribune, April 22, 1930, page 3 DEDICATION OF LOCAL AIRPORT IS
connection with the Pacific Northwest air tour,
starting at Seattle, plans for which are now being made for June or
July, Medford post, American Legion, last evening discussed feasibility
of arranging for a stopover here of the 60 or75 planes, the occasion to
be marked by official designation of this city's new $120,000
airport.May Secure Stopover of Pacific Northwest Air Tour for Gala Event-- 75 Planes Listed. If the proposal meets with approval of the city council airport committee and sufficient revenue seems possible to take at least part of the financial burden from the veterans' organization, it was indicated that the project would be carried through on a scale which although not as ambitious as the dedication contemplated by the city some time ago and which was given up owing to excessive cost, nevertheless would provide a gala event attracting thousands to the city. Commander W. S. Bolger appointed Seely V. Hall, Cole Holmes, Henry Fluhrer and C. T. Baker as a committee to discuss the project with city officials, determine appropriate costs and feasibility of the plan and meet with the executive committee of the post on Wednesday when it was believed final action might be taken. The air tour will include a number of army and navy planes which will give stunt and formation exhibitions wherever the tour schedules a stop. Private planes of many different makes, types and sizes will be part of the expedition, whose main purpose is to promote "air-mindedness" among citizens of the Northwest. An interesting feature of the visit would be gliding exhibitions, which sport is now attracting attention of Lindbergh and other famous airmen. Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1930, page 1 NIGHT
inauguration of a midnight-to-noon passenger
schedule between Los Angeles and Seattle over the coast mail-passenger
airway by the Pacific Air Transport Company, a Boeing system unit,
makes it possible for passengers to leave Los Angeles at midnight and
reach Seattle the following day by noon. The new service makes no
difference in the arrival or departure of ships from Medford, the plane
arriving here on schedule at 7 a.m.This airway, 1100 miles long, is the second longest mail passenger line in the United States, the longest being the Chicago-San Francisco route of 2000 miles, also Boeing operated. Air mail has been flown over this route for three years, and passengers have been carried on all divisions except the northbound night flight between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Now, due to improved lighting, passengers can leave Los Angeles at midnight on the Boeing system, reach San Francisco Bay at 3:30, Portland at 9:30 and have lunch in Seattle or Tacoma. This is one of the fastest airplane schedules in the United States. Now it is only one-half a business day from the orange groves of Southern California to the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Puget Sound country. Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1930, page 6 AVIATOR
Back in
Medford today greeting old friends, W. J.
Brown, former proprietor of the local Copper King Flying Service,
announced this afternoon that he will be in Medford until next Monday,
accompanied by John Waage, well-known Oakland, Cal., pilot, and will
give short airplane and scenic trips at reasonable rates.Mr. Waage and Mr. Brown both have their own planes and arrived this forenoon from Redding, to be here over the Decoration Day holidays. "Brownie," as he is familiarly known, is flying a Travel Air ship of late construction and is a pilot who became well known here last year for his aviation ability. He operated a flying service and airplane school here until the arrival of Major Gilbert Eckerson, who left several months ago. Since his departure, there has been no airplane service of a local nature at the field. The arrival of the two pilots is good news to local residents who have been craving airplane enjoyment. Mr. Waage is flying a Curtiss Robin, powered with a Challenger motor, a sister ship to the famous St. Louis Robin, holder of the world's endurance record of 420 hours and 20 minutes. The sight of this ship will be sought by many, and a ride in it will be regarded as a treat. Messrs. Waage and Brown plan to tour the country together, and Medford is one of their first stops. Charles Gibson, also here, has been named as their business manager. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1930, page 5 FREE AIRPLANE RIDES MEDFORD,
The airplane "Fuller
'49er" will visit Medford about June 20th and give
free rides to all who purchase lumber to the amount of $10 or over at
the Rogue Lumber Company, local representatives of the Fuller Paint
Co., between now and that date.Harvy Lemeke, pilot of the plane, has been flying since 1917. He served as a navy pilot during the World War, being stationed in England as a channel patrol on lookout for submarines. Pilot Lemeke left the navy service in 1922, later seeing four years' flying service in the Hawaiian Islands, entering commercial flying service. He delivered two planes to Alaska for miners, and served as transport pilot. He has to his credit over 4800 flying hours. Pilot Lemeke is a member of the Quiet Birdmen, an organization which includes in its membership the most famous of America's aviators. Since entering the service of W. P. Fuller & Company, he has carried over 3000 passengers. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1930, page 6 BOEING PLANE IN INITIAL LANDING
The first Boeing trimotored passenger
transport plane to land at Medford's airport reached the
terminal yesterday noon, after a two-hour flight from Portland. The
flying time from Seattle to Portland was one hour and five minutes.After gassing up, the big plane, which was in charge of Erik Nelson, round the world flier and sales manager of the Boeing Airplane Company, with Jack Sharpnack, veteran transcontinental air mail pilot, assisting at the controls, took off for Oakland. Later the plane will be flown by Nelson to Dayton, Ohio, where it will be demonstrated to the Army Air Corps. Passengers were flown on the ship when an "overflow" turned away when the Pacific Air Transport's southbound ship was sold out, asked for transportation to Oakland. The big plane weighs eight and three-quarter tons when fully loaded, and its three 525 Hornet engines give it a high speed of 138 miles per hour. Included among the southbound passengers were Thorp Hiscock, in charge of communications on Boeing System, and Harold Crary, advertising manager. The passengers were lavish in their praise of Medford's airport. Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1930, page 3 NEW TYPE PLANE WILL MAKE LOCAL
A new type high-winged monoplane, flown
to the Medford airport by Earl J. Williams from Kansas City, Mo., has
been attracting considerable attention here since its arrival last
week. The monoplane, known as the Inland Sport, manufactured by the
Inland Aviation Company of Kansas City, features side-by-side seating
and boasts of five other features not generally found in other
airplanes. A ride in the ship yesterday afternoon at a height of 2,000
feet gave every assurance of security while in the air.The cockpit of the plane is exceptionally roomy and the luggage compartment is large enough to accommodate two traveling rolls. The Inland Sport, said Mr. Williams while flying the ship yesterday, his speech being easily heard over the motor noise, is built for safety largely due to its inherently stable design. The adjustable stabilizer permits trimming of the ship for any load so that it can be flown with hands off indefinitely. The ship has a speed of 132 miles per hour and cruises at 100 miles with a small consumption of gasoline, entailing an operating cost of 13 cents a mile. The fuselage is made of all welded chrome molybdenum steel, and spruce supplies the main structural material for the wings. Tail surfaces are made of all welded steel tubing. The ship can be used for training purposes, pleasure and business and is especially suited for each, Mr. Williams said yesterday. The airplane will be at the Medford airport indefinitely between hops Mr. Williams plans to take to various parts of Oregon and to Washington and Idaho. He is factory representative for these three states and will make Medford his headquarters for some time, being here usually over the weekends. He has issued a general invitation to the public to inspect the plane at any time. Mr. Williams is well-known in Medford and was formerly in the auto business here. Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1930, page 3 AERIAL JOY RIDE PROVES POPULAR AT
The popularity of airplane riding was
proven again
last Sunday when pilots John Waage and W. J. Brown made over 100 flights
from the Medford airport at rates of one cent per pound for passengers.
The two aviators will have the same rates in effect this weekend,
beginning Saturday morning. In addition to the low rates, the ships
will also be available for special scenic and charter trips over any
part of the valley.The two pilots, flying the latest type of open and cabin planes, have been located at the airport several weeks and are becoming well known to the Southern Oregon public. Mr. Brown was formerly located in Medford and plans to be here indefinitely with Mr. Waage. The latter is planning a Crater Lake scenic flight service and will make his first passenger flight either this week or next. He plans to have a regular schedule in a short time, using a Curtiss Robin cabin plane, at reasonable rates. He is also planning on making timber cruises and is in a position to do photographic work. A local orchardist is to make a flight in a few days with Mr. Waage with which he plans to determine the effect of irrigation on orchard land by the color of the trees in irrigated and unirrigated sections. This will be the first time such experiment has been attempted in the valley and is being awaited with general interest. Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1930, page 4 DEDICATION OF AIRPORT IS ASSURED
PORTLAND, Ore., June 27.--(AP)--Russell Lawson,
aeronautical governor for Oregon of the National Aeronautical Society,
and member of the Aero Club, said today plans for the Northwest Pacific
air tour will be completed in a week. Eighteen cities in Oregon and
Washington have asked to participate and others are expected to offer
facilities of their airports. The tour will start in the last week in
July and continue through August.Announcement of Visit by Northwest Pacific Air Tour Expected to Complete Plans Legion Post--Come in August. More than 50 types of planes will be represented. Lawson said the purpose of the tour is to demonstrate airworthiness of present-day equipment, test emergency airfield facilities and prove the reliability of planes in the hands of competent pilots. Stunt teams will accompany the tour and will stage shows over each field. Sanctions of the National Aeronautical Society will be asked for the event. Cities included in the itinerary to date are: Tacoma, Kelso, Vancouver, Wash., Silverton, Springfield, Tillamook, Eugene, Salem, Medford, Klamath Falls, Baker, La Grande, Burns, Pendleton, Pasco, Yakima, Wenatchee and Portland. Announcement of the definite formation of plans for the Northwest Pacific air tour means that Medford post of the American Legion will go ahead with their proposal to dedicate the new $120,000 airport upon the arrival of the aerial armada here, according to Legion officials today. Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1930, page 1 PLANE SERVICE AT LOCAL PORT AIM
A new aviation venture, incorporated for
the capital stock of which has all been subscribed by local men, has
been organized following months of effort on the part of Clyde Cook and
others and will be known as the Oregon Flying Service, Inc., with the
Medford airport as its contemplated headquarters.Oregon Flying Service, Inc., Will Ask for Lease of Facilities at Medford's New Field. The incorporators are the following: Dr. R. W. Clancy, Floyd Hart, Glenn Fabrick, Clyde Cook, E. A. Littrell, H. S. Deuel, Harry Crandall, B. E. Harder and A. E. Reames. Mr. Reames is the attorney for the company, which has not yet elected officers, but it is understood that it is about ready to begin operation with three ships and other equipment already acquired, and a snug cash balance left as soon as it obtains a lease to use part of the airport as its headquarters. The company, which will make application at the city council meeting tonight for such a lease, plans to conduct a local passenger flight business and an aviation instruction school. Among the persons who have subscribed to the capital stock, in addition to the nine directors named above, are a number of well-known men of Medford and vicinity. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1930, page 1 AIRPORT DANCE IS PLAN FOR LEGION
A big "airport
dance" will be staged by
Medford post No. 15 on Friday, July 25th, as a benefit for the Legion
drum corps convention fund, according to plans outlined at last
night's meeting. The dance will be held in the new hangar at
Medford airport where ample room is available to accommodate the large
crowd which is expected to attend. The hangar building has a fine
concrete floor with a "waterglass" finish, which
provide an unusually smooth surface for the dancers. Dom Provost and
his well-known "Pep Peddlers" will furnish the
latest in
dance music.As a special attraction, plans are being arranged for night flying and air stunts during the evening of July 25th. The new airport will be brilliantly illuminated with floodlights and border lights and all indications point to one of the biggest events of the summer season. Seely Hall will be in charge of the committee to handle the affair, assisted by a committee of five Legionnaires. Commander Bolger paid a fine tribute to Fred Scheffel last night for the efficient manner in which he conducted the Legion junior baseball activity this year. Although the Medford team got away to a late start, they showed some real class in the district championship battle at Roseburg, holding their strong opponents scoreless for five innings and losing only by one run. Scheffel reported that his boys would continue practice in an effort to build up a real team for next year. Cole Holmes made a report on the civic affairs committee and advised that the post is financing and building a croquet court for the kiddies at the Legion playground. Funds received from the recent Edison Marshall lecture are being employed for this worthy civic endeavor. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1930, page 8 DEDICATION IS SET FOR AUGUST 4TH
The official schedule of the Pacific
Northwest air
tour, sponsored by the National Aeronautical Association, brought to
this city today by Russell Lawson, vice president of the association,
names Monday, August 4th, as date for the Medford stop, it was
announced this morning, following a meeting of representatives of the
chamber of commerce, city council airport and American Legion
committees with Mr. Lawson. The celebration to be given under auspices
of the Medford post, American Legion, following official dedication of
Medford's new airport, will be held on the same day. The
will open with the arrival of the fleet at 3:00 o'clock
afternoon.Air Tour Due 3 p.m., to Open Program at Port--Committees Named-- City Council, C. of C. and Legion Cooperating.
Name Committees
Committees appointed today to handle the
and dedication arrangements are: Seely Hall, chairman; ticket
committee, Hob Deuel; traffic, Lt. O. O. Nichols; publicity, Horace
Bromley, C. T. Baker, Herb Gray, Sam Friedman and Earl Fehl; police and
parking, C. Y. Tengwald; dance, W. H. Fluhrer; ceremonies, J. O. Grey,
E. M. Wilson, R. B. Hammond, Mayor A. W. Pipes, J. C. Thompson and Seely
Hall; field, Fred Scheffel; hospitality, W. H. (Moose) Muirhead.
Aerial Stunts
Stunt shows and all types of exhibition
flying will
follow arrival of the largest single fleet of airplanes ever banded
together in one troupe in the Pacific Northwest. Funds for financing
the Medford stop will be partially raised from the dance to be given in
the hangar building on the preceding Saturday by the local post of the
American Legion.The program will be in charge of the Legion and the dedication in charge of the city council and chamber of commerce committees. The fleet will stop at 22 cities in Oregon, Washington and Idaho between the date of July 29th and August 8th. There will be ten night stops and eleven noon stops in the 10-day jaunt. Medford is fortunate in being chosen as one of the cities for night stops. The planes will arrive here at 3:00 o'clock, giving plenty of time for the three-hour show. The complete lineup is: July 29--Vancouver, Wash., leaving at 10 a.m.; Yakima, Wn., for the night stop. July 30--Pasco, Wash., noon stop; Spokane, Wash., night stop. July 31--Moscow, Idaho, noon stop; Clarkson, Wash., and Lewiston, Idaho, night stop, arriving at 3:00 p.m. August 1--La Grande, Ore., noon stop; Baker, Oregon, night stop. August 2--Pendleton, Ore., noon stop; Portland, Ore., night stop. August 3--Tillamook, Ore., noon stop; Salem Ore., night stop. August 4--Springfield, Ore., noon stop; Medford, Ore., night stop. August 5--Silverton, Ore., noon stop; Corvallis, Ore., night stop. August 6--Kelso, Wash. noon stop; Tacoma, Wash., night stop. August 7--Chehalis, Wash., noon stop; Seattle, Wash., night stop. August 8--Port Angeles, Wash., noon stop and finish of the tour.
Will Incorporate
The Pacific Northwest Air Tour Association will be
incorporated under the laws of Oregon as a perpetual body to handle the
air tours of the future, Mr. Lawson stated today. Each representative
from the different cities will serve on the board of directors of the
association.Dave Logg, manager of the Boeing field, Seattle, will be president of the association for this year. Curtiss L. Hill of Tacoma, vice president; C. E. Seavey of Baker, secretary; Charles Reynolds, Silverton, treasurer, Russell Lawson, chairman of the board of directors and Maurice F. Wright, executive secretary. Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1930, page 8 NORTHWEST AIR TOUR TO VISIT SO. OREGON
Southern Oregon will play host to a fleet of over 30 airplanes Monday,
August 4th, when the Pacific Northwest Air Tour arrives at the new
Medford Airport to spend the night. Famous pilots with speedy aircraft
of every kind and description will take part in the tour, which is
scheduled to start from Vancouver, Washington, July 29. A big afternoon
and night program of aerial stunts by noted fliers will be sponsored by
Medford Post No. 15 of the American Legion, and everyone in Southern
Oregon is urged to see this spectacular "air circus." Among the
featured stunt artists in the tour will be the following:Miss Dorothy Hester, 19-year-old girl student of Tex Rankin's, who was the first woman in the history of aviation to do the dangerous outside loop and the upside-down outside spin, will be one of the chief attractions of the show. Edith Foltz, one of the seven women pilots in the United States to hold transport licenses, and winner in important ale races last year, will pilot a light plane and give a short exhibition of stunting. There will be Nick Mamer from Spokane, famous for his refueling flight around the country in the "Sun God." He will fly a giant Ford monoplane in the tour. Tex Rankin, known best for his Texas drawl and three-flag flight from Canada to Mexico, his cross-country derbies, outside loops and work on national committees for promotion of aviation, will fly his own ship and will be one of the star performers in the commercial stunting team. Gordon Mounce, California pilot, who recently set a world's record for outside loops with 22 in one flight, has been signed to do outside loops over the airport, along with Tex Rankin. Walter Case, Varney air mail pilot, whose blind flying exhibition recently created so much interest in aeronautical circles, will also fly a plane. One of the most colorful spectacles of the program outlined for entertainment of Southern Oregon people is the night parade of planes, which will be the first event of its kind featured in this part of the state. The brilliantly lighted fleet will parade through the skies following the stunt program. In connection with the Northwest Air Tour the official dedication of the new $120,000.00 Medford Airport will be held the evening of August 4th. There will also be a big dance to be staged by the American Legion in the hangar building, which will be elaborately decorated for the occasion. People from all parts of Southern Oregon plan to attend the big airport event in Medford August 4, and plans are being made to take care of a record crowd. Gold Hill News, July 24, 1930,
page 6
Legion Dance at Medford Airport
Much interest is being shown in the "Airport Dance" to be staged at the
Medford Airport Friday July 25th. The affair is being given to help
raise funds to send the Medford drum corps to the state convention at
Baker City next month.Final plans for the big airport dance have been completed and all is in readiness to take care of a record crowd. As a special attraction, a night parachute drop and night flying will be featured Friday night at the Medford Airport, which will be brilliantly illuminated for the occasion.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July
airplanes representing 30 types, assembled here today from many
northwestern points for final inspection and squadron assignment for
the Northwest air tour, which will start from here tomorrow. The planes
will visit 22 cities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia
during the 10-day tour, including Medford, Ore. More than 1700 air
miles will be flown. Air shows and stunts will be part of the program
in each city.Medford Program Arranged for Air Squadron to Arrive August 4-- Fliers Leave Vancouver Tuesday--Publicity Sent Out. After the show here tomorrow, the squadron will fly to Yakima, arriving about 3 p.m.
Definite arrangements for the program to
sponsored in this city by the local post of the American Legion as
official dedication of Medford's airport following arrival
Monday, August 4, of the Pacific Northwest air tour, which will leave
Vancouver, Wash., tomorrow, were completed today noon at the joint
meeting of committees heading the celebration.The attractive mats portraying views of the airport, including a photograph of "Miss Medford," assembled by Herb Grey of the Mail Tribune, who also did the art work and layout, have been sent to all newspapers of Oregon and California. The photographs in the display were furnished by Anderson and Shangle, local photographers. The display has been sent out as a part of the American Legion publicity campaign preceding the program. Program at 3 p.m.
The program at the field will start at 3
o'clock Monday afternoon, upon arrival of the fleet from the
north. Stunts, formation flying, parachute jumps and other interesting
air features will continue for two and a half hours. At 6
o'clock, visitors and local citizens will gather at the Hotel
Medford for a banquet to be given under the auspices of the convention
committee with T. G. Travis presiding. Short addresses will be given by
the expert fliers, local officials and out-of-town visitors. Gov. A. W.
Norblad is expected to participate in the program.At 8 o'clock the airport will again become the scene of festivities. The formal dedication program will lead the events of the evening there. The dedication will be in charge of the city airport committee, composed of J. O. Grey, A. W. Pipes, E. M. Wilson, Seely Hall and J. C. Thompson. The dedication services will end at 9 o'clock, and the remainder of the evening will be devoted to dancing in the hangar and night flying and stunts. The entire day's program is being handled by the Medford post of the American Legion, with Mr. Hall as general chairman. Tickets will go on sale Wednesday. The whole program will be presented, with the exception of the dance, for 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1930, page 8 Brief History of Medford Airport
after the close of the World War, and with the return of those world
war veterans who had served in the flying service, the people of
Medford began to see the desirability of establishing facilities for
the handling of aircraft, and realized that the industry was certain to
take a prominent place in the advancement and growth of this community.
The strategic location of Medford being almost halfway between San
Francisco and Portland, and which was to be a vital factor in the
development of air transportation on the Pacific coast, convinced the
people of this district that in order to keep pace with aviation
development, adequate landing and handling facilities must be provided.
As a consequence, Medford established the first airport in the state of Oregon in the year 1922, acting in conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service, which used the field as a landing place for forest patrol planes operating in Southern Oregon. This field was located at the Jackson County fair grounds, and was considered adequate for that period. In 1926, the Pacific coast air mail route was established by the Pacific Air Transport Company, and Medford was selected as one of the intermediate landing fields on that route--being the only one in the state at that time. From the time of the establishment of the air mail up to October 1, 1929, this field was used by the Pacific Air Transport and by practically all of the coastwise airplane travel plying the Pacific coast airways. The first intimation that the Medford airport was not adequate to serve the purpose for which it was intended was in 1927 when the Ford Reliability Tour visited this city. The 28 ships comprising this tour had considerable difficulty in landing and taking off, as well as the difficulty of securing adequate service and parking facilities. Thousands of Medford citizens were at the airport at the time the tour landed, and saw how difficult it was to handle this tour, and there was implanted in their minds the information that improvements in airport facilities were vitally needed. In cooperation with the Medford post of the American Legion a Medford Chamber of Commerce airport committee immediately started a survey for the purpose of locating a field which would serve this community in its future aviation development, and after completing this survey, a site was found which it was believed by the committee would provide a field which would merit an A-1-A rating by the Department of Commerce, when improved. The entire plan was worked out by the airport committee in conjunction with the city council, and on April 2, 1929, a proposition was presented to the people of this community providing a bond issue of $120,000 for the purchase and improvement of the site selected. Following a strenuous publicity and educational campaign, the people of this community voted this issue by a ratio of nearly thirteen to one, demonstrating conclusively their confidence in the future aviation development in this community. Construction work was immediately started on the new airport. On October 1, 1929, the field was ready for landing, and the first flight of the air mail was made from the new port on October 2, and carried 226 pounds of air mail--the largest poundage ever to leave the city of Medford. The new Medford municipal airport is completely equipped both for day and night flying. It also has excellent service and hangar facilities, radio, weather bureau, and all of the other necessary equipment which constitutes a modern airport. The area of the field itself comprises 290 acres, and is rectangular in shape. The long runway is at present 3300 feet long, into the prevailing wind, which is north-northwest; this runway is graveled, rolled, and bound with oil; it is expected to increase the length of this runway to 5200 feet as soon as practicable. The center of this field contains a landing circle 2600 feet in diameter which will allow for all-way landing. This circle is graded, drained and rolled, and can be utilized in any direction. There is a graveled taxi strip extending from the center of the field to the hangar and past the stations established by the various oil companies for gas and oil service. A combination hangar and administration building has been constructed, the hangar proper being 110 ft. by 100 ft., with an opening 100 ft. by 20 ft. The hangar is of wood construction, with a lamella-type roof and concrete floor. Shop and service facilities have been provided in the hangar, and hangar space is available for all ships for overnight parking. The administration building, which is a part of the hangar building, contains a waiting room, rest rooms, restaurant and kitchen, pilots' quarters, administrative office, mail room, emergency hospital, Weather Bureau quarters, and a room which will be used for school purposes. The U.S. Weather Bureau has established a completely equipped weather department at Medford's municipal airport, with a 24-hour service and an upper-air observatory; in conjunction with this weather bureau, the Light House Service has established one of the seventeen airways radio stations in the United States adjacent to the Medford field, which broadcasts weather information hourly to airplanes flying in this vicinity. From this radio station, weather information is broadcast which has been gathered from the weather bureaus between Roseburg and Dunsmuir. The lighting equipment of the Medford municipal airport includes border and obstruction lights completely surrounding the field, a battery of flood lights for night landing, hangar flood lights, ceiling light and projector, and a standard airway beacon which is installed on top of the hangar building. Gas and oil service is furnished by six of the leading companies operating in this district from remote control stations, all of which have been constructed according to plans laid out by the airport committee. The field is administered by a special committee of the Medford city council, and is under the direct control of a manager, whose office is in the administration building. The present manager of the field is Mr. Seely V. Hall. There is no charge for landing on the field, but a nominal rental is assessed for all ships remaining on the field overnight. Pacific Record Herald, July 31, 1930, page 8 FINAL TOUCHES PUT ON FOR BIG AIR
Medford's $120,000 airport is being marked
today for parking of autos and planes, which will visit the field
Monday in the celebration, to be sponsored by Medford Post No. 15,
American Legion, honoring the arrival here of the Pacific Northwest Air
Tour and official dedication of the airport. The hangar building is
being decorated by Bliss Heine and company with flags and festoons in
preparation for the program and dedication ball, which will climax the
day's celebration.Air Field Being Decorated Today for Monday's Celebration-- Final Meeting of Committees Tonight--Programs Out. W. H. Muirhead, chairman of the hospitality committee, is contacting all members of his group to complete plans for entertaining the fliers while they are not entertaining the public. Souvenir programs with attractive colored covers have been printed by the Medford Printing Company for the event. Final details of the celebration will be completed tonight and the following day spent anticipating the arrival of the fleet from the north Monday afternoon, which will mark the opening of the air circus, outstanding event of the day's program. Considerable interest is being shown in the special air mail shipments which will be dispatched from the Medford airport over the lines of the Pacific Air Transport on Monday morning on the occasion of the dedication flight from the Medford airport. A special air mail cachet is being applied to all letters leaving on these flights by the Medford Chamber of Commerce, and Medford residents wishing to send air mail letters to their friends are asked to drop letters in the box in front of the Chamber of Commerce building, as those mailed at the post office will not be given the special stamp. On the occasion of the first flight from the new field, last October, a total of over 17,000 letters were mailed and given special cachet markings by the local chamber. These letters were sent all over the country, many of them going to stamp collectors who are interested in air mail stamps. About 5000 such letters have already been received by the chamber for dispatch on the Dedication Flight, and it is expected that those mailed locally will increase this number to at least 10,000. Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1930, page 6 BIG CROWD WITNESSES DEDICATION
arrival yesterday afternoon at 2:25,
approximately 30 airplanes comprising the Pacific Northwest Air tour,
which left Vancouver last Tuesday on a tour of Washington and Oregon,
took off at 8:30 this morning for Silverton and Corvallis, to be
followed by a stop in Portland. The coming of the air fleet was a
feature of the dedication of the Medford airport, held under the
auspices of the Medford American Legion post. At ceremonies in the
evening, Governor A. W. Norblad delivered the main address before a
crowd of several hundred people. A conservatively estimated crowd of
5000 saw the arrival of the ships in the afternoon and witnessed the
stunt program.Air Tour and Ceremony Lures Throng to Airport--Governor Cites Progress in Air--Port Chiefs Address Gathering. In his speech of the evening, Governor Norblad reviewed the history of aviation from its inception 25 years ago and viewed air transportation as the method that will in time supplant the slower methods of rail and motor. He is looking forward to the day when it will not be uncommon to fly to any point in Asia or Europe. Growth Cited
The speaker declared "skyways" have
already reached a value of greater importance than highways and
emphasized his claim with the growth of air transportation by 1000 percent in the past three years.In comparison to motor and train travel, aviation carries a degree of safety more pronounced than in other transport methods. In 1928 there were three and one-half million people carried in the air, and only 384 lost their lives as a result. In the same year 6144 were killed in train travel and 27,000 by motor. So far this year, government figures reveal that only 13 fatalities resulted out of 52,934 passengers carried on a number of regularly established transport lines, giving a safety percentage of 4000 to 1, he said. Air mail was first established as a convenience and now it is deemed a necessity, largely due to cheap rates, Governor Norblad continued, and compared the development of aviation with the growth in the number of radio sets from 5000 in 1920 to over 30 million at the present time. He also compared it with the development of motor transportation, reaching a total of 27 million, coming up from a few thousand cars a decade or two ago. Band Entertains
The evening's ceremonies were
opened by music
by the Elks' band, followed by opening remarks by Seely V.
chairman of the Medford Chamber of Commerce aviation committee and also
the American Legion committee, thanking the people of Medford, the
airport committee of the city council and all others connected with the
construction of Medford's $120,000 airport, regarded as one
the best on the Pacific Coast and the best for any city of similar size
as Medford.J. O. Grey, chairman of the city council airport committee, chairman of the evening program, spoke on the airport development and introduced Mayor A. W. Pipes, who gave the address of welcome, in which he set forth that the Medford airport represented an approximate investment of $175,000, including the cost of the field construction, buildings and other improvements at the airport not financed by the city. Floral Tribute
A floral horseshoe with the words "Happy
Landings" was presented by T. G. Travis, district manager of
Standard Oil Company, to the City of Medford, making a few remarks
before making the presentation. The horseshoe, over eight feet high,
was received by winsome "Miss Medford," Miss Elnora
Hulander, responding with a few words of thanks.A short resume of the history of the airport was given by City Attorney Frank Farrell, followed by the unveiling of the bronze airport plaque to be secured on a concrete base north of the administration building. The plaque gives the date of the dedication and the name of those city officials, builders and others connected with the airport construction. The official dedication flight was made shortly before the program and included as its passengers, Governor A. W. Norblad, Mayor Pipes, O. O. Alenderfer, president of the Medford Chamber of Commerce, Miss Elnora Hulander (Miss Medford), T. G. Travis, E. M. Wilson, R. B. Hammond and J. O. Grey, airport committee members. The flight was made in the big trimotored Standard Oil ship, coming to Medford from San Francisco for the dedication. Honored Guests
Honored guests on the
speakers' platform
during the program included Governor Norblad, Mayor Pipes, E. M.
R. B. Hammond, J. O. Grey, P. M. Kershaw, James Collins, C. A. Wing,
Thorndyke, C. A. Meeker, Ace Hubbard, R. E. McElhose, E. M. Janney,
Scheffel, County Judge Alex Sparrow, C. E. Gates, O. O. Alenderfer,
Seely Hall, Larry Mann, Floyd Hart, Clyde Eakin, H. A. Thierolf, J. C.
Thompson, M. N. Hogan, F. C. Dillard, J. W. Wakefield, S. S. Smith, W.
Warner, E. C. Corn, C. S. Butterfield, E. R. White, W. S. Bolger, Larry
Schade, E. C. Gaddis, A. L. Hill, Olen Arnspiger, Dr. F. G. Thayer, Ed
White and representatives of the Medford press.Despite efforts of the county court, the city and other agencies to forestall promiscuous parking outside the airport property, enabling car drivers and occupants to witness the afternoon arrival of planes and witness the air circus, there were hundreds of cars parked outside the airport in vacant fields, side roads and in some cases on roads over a half mile from the scene of action. Signs prohibiting parking on the roads had been placed, but apparently yesterday's spectators did not believe in signs. Many at Port.
Some time before the ships were
scheduled to make
their appearance, hundreds of spectators had arrived, with many from
Northern California, Klamath and Josephine counties, in addition to
large delegations from cities and rural areas of Jackson County. Dudley
R. Steele, Los Angeles, flying a Stearman plane for the Richfield
company, accompanied by Russell Lawson, tour manager and northwestern
aviation representative for the Richfield company, were first to
arrive. They made a perfect landing at 2:25. Medford's entry
the air tour, John Waage, accompanied by Southern Oregon's
veteran aviation mechanic, William Rosenbalm of the Pacific Air
Transport headquarters here, landed in second position.Lyman Destaffny, Eli Greenwood, E. L. Adair, F. Keadle and Lester Meadows arrived within a period of five minutes. Cecil Graul, one of the more recent entries in the tour, piloting the Mutual Benefit Health and Accident ship, was next to arrive, closely followed by Miss Edith Foltz, Portland. Welcome Fair Flier.
Miss Foltz is one of the few women in
the United
States to have ever received a United States air transport license, and
was welcomed when she landed by Mrs. Maud Chapman, president of the
Business and Professional Women's Club, of which the aviatrix
a member. Mrs. Chapman was accompanied by two members of the club and
presented her with a floral offering.Lee Eyerly, Salem, Major L. French, and Gordon Mounce soon arrived in their ships. Mounce is the holder of the world's record for outside loops with a total of 22, recently made to outdo Tex Rankin, Portland, who had held the record of 16. Mounce later gave a thrilling exhibition of outside looping at a height of 5000 feet. These loops entail considerable danger and are regarded as the most hazardous of aviation stunting. The plane drops at estimated speed of 300 miles per hour for a distance of over 2000 feet and then flies upward, the lower part of the loop being flown in reverse position. He also presented other stunts, for which he was applauded upon landing. Other planes that followed were piloted by W. N. Young, Cecil Pounder, I. Iverson, Dr. Hidley, Jack Dalton, Lee Inman, Herbert Boroker, Tex Rankin, Aurthur Hately, Dorothy Hester and Richard Rankin. One or two planes, not with the air tour, also arrived from Klamath Falls. Girl Stunt Features.
Miss Hester, 19-year-old Portland high
student and a protege of Tex Rankin, well-known
instructor, was the feature of the afternoon show with a clever
exhibition of stunts.Other aviators entertained the crowd with stunts, including Tex Rankin, well known to southern aviation fans and a frequent visitor in this section. To aid in defraying tour expenses, a number of ships were busy most of the afternoon and part of the evening taking up passengers. In the evening, Lee Inman's ship was an attraction in the air with electric lights burning on the struts and wings. Among local residents who went aloft was an ex-Portland resident, Miss Arvilla Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burns, who made her first flight yesterday to celebrate her 18th birthday. Floyd Keadle, Varney air mail pilot, who attracted attention from the crowd because of a plug hat he was wearing, was among the stunting pilots. He made a power dive of 1500 feet. A parachute jump of 1800 feet by Walter Hall, Oakland, Cal., ended the air circus. No Accidents.
In speaking of the success of the tour
to date,
Dudley Steele, associated with Russell Lawson, tour manager, said no
accident had occurred to mar the perfect schedule that has been kept.
Miss Foltz was the only member to suffer any inconvenience from a
forced landing, breaking the propeller on her ship. The trouble,
however, was repaired in a short time and she was able to continue the
tour. The tour has attracted thousands of people, with 40,000 estimated
at Salem. At Pendleton, 17 small cities and towns in the surrounding
country declared a half holiday to see the arrival of the ships.The tour carries with it a loudspeaking apparatus, traveling by truck and making its moves at night, to keep up with the planes. The truck was forced to leave late last night to arrive at Silverton and be on hand when the ships arrived there this forenoon. A big dance in the hangar building ended the day's festivities, with Miss Elnora Hulander as the presiding queen. The dance attracted crowds from all parts of the county and was such a success that it is likely there may be more dances in the future. Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1930, page 6 ![]() ![]() ![]()
7.--(AP)--The Coos Bay-Corvallis-Portland-Tacoma air passenger route, being inaugurated by
the Bennett Air Transport Company, will be officially opened December
10, officials of the company announced here today. The flight to
outline the route was made last Saturday. The company announced it
would open a service from Coos Bay to Medford, and to Eastern Oregon
later in the spring.A hangar is being constructed on the North Bend landing field for the company. Six-passenger, 450-horsepower Zenith Wasp cabin planes will be used in the service. Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1930, page 1
The Medford airport, which of course is an airmail
port, has as yet no special airmail port flag, nor has
superintendent Seely Hall of the port heard anything
about when it is to be provided with such, along with the other 150
airports of the nation at which airplanes land.It was recently announced at Portland by C. O. Loveaas, superintendent of the Portland port and Lee B. Jamison, traffic agent for the Boeing system, contract carriers for the airmail, that all such ports will fly an airmail flag. The flag is pure white with red, white and blue cross bars, arranged similar to the face of an air mail envelope. Huge gold wings with a disc carrying the words "U.S. Airmail" are sewn in the face of the flag. The wings are like the insignia which was adopted by the federal government last year as the official badge of airmail pilots. It was announced that the flag was to be made available at cost to the 150 airmail ports of the nation. Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1930, page 2 ENGLISH AVIATRIX DUE HERE TODAY
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 3.--(AP)--Mrs. Victor Bruce, English aviatrix,
arrived here today from Seattle where her airplane, damaged in landing
at Medford about two weeks ago, had been rebuilt.Mrs. Bruce said her plane performed well on her flight from Seattle. The round-the-world aviatrix plans to leave for Medford tomorrow, but after that her plans are indefinite except that she intends to arrive in San Francisco next Wednesday. Medford Mail Tribune, January 4, 1931, page 2 WOMAN FLIER HERE EN ROUTE ON SOUTH HOP
EUGENE, Ore., Jan. 6.--(AP)--With half of her 30,000-mile journey
around the world completed, Mrs. Victor Bruce, British aviatrix, landed
at the Eugene airport today for a few minutes' chat.Mrs. Bruce Returns to Local Field from North-- Perfect Landing Is Made this Time. After a half hour she hopped off in her little biplane, expecting to be in San Francisco by 3 p.m. tomorrow. "I'll stop in Medford, too," she said, "but not like I did before." She overturned her plane while landing at Medford recently and had to send it to Seattle for repairs. "Everything is going beautifully," she smiled, as she left here, "but such cold--and those mountains!" ----
The Hon. Mrs. Victor Bruce, English aviatrix, on a Tokyo to London
flight, landed this afternoon at 3:10 at the Medford airport.Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1931, page 1 PHOENIX BOY HURT IN GLIDER FLIGHT
Cecil Hartley, 22, who crashed into a barbed wire fence yesterday in
his first flight with a glider of his own manufacture, at his father's
ranch near Phoenix, is reported to be getting along nicely this
afternoon at the Sacred Heart Hospital, where he is receiving
treatment. He suffered five broken bones in his right ankle and foot
and several bruises.The glider had reached an altitude of 50 feet when Hartley attempted to land it and crashed into the fence. He was rushed to the Sacred Heart Hospital, where he was found to have several broken bones. Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1931, page 3 SHARP SCHEDULED AS MANAGER OF MEDFORD AIRPORT
It is expected that the city council at its meeting next Tuesday night
will decide on Seely Hall's successor as superintendent of the
municipal airport, which position has been filled temporarily since by
Phil Sharp, the new local manager for the Pacific Air Transport, since
Hall's departure to take his new position in Southern California a week
ago.While nothing definite has been given out as to the identity of the new superintendent, the rumor is strong that the city council airport committee, consisting of C. C. Furnas, chairman; D. R. Terrett and J. O. Grey, will recommend that Sharp will be elected to fill that job permanently. It is also rumored that the airport committee has effected a reduction of $900 in the expenses of operating the airport, gained mostly through operating the port beacon less hours at night than previously, and some reductions in salary of the superintendent over what was paid Seely Hall. The beacon, it is said, by this new rule will only be operated whenever necessary to guide the planes arriving in the city. Medford Mail Tribune, March 1, 1931, page 6 MANY AIRPLANES HALT AT AIRPORT IN COAST FLIGHTS
A fleet of six United States army airplanes, en route from Seattle to
San Francisco, arrived at the Medford airport last evening and departed
this forenoon for the south. Two Standard Oil ships also arrived last
evening and departed today. A Zenith cabin ship, with pilot and three
passengers, arrived at the airport early this afternoon, en route from
Los Angeles to Seattle.The army planes, all new ships recently completed by the Boeing company in Seattle, were in charge of Captain Hunter, accompanied by Lieutenants Robbins, Howard, Robinson, Stone and Steel of Rockwell Field, Calif. Quite a number of spectators watched the ships leave for the south in formation. One Standard Oil ship, arriving yesterday, was piloted by B. Shirley and is making a tour taking in Portland, Spokane, Walla Walla, Seattle, Tacoma and then back to Medford and south to Montague. The other oil ship came from San Francisco and made no northward flight. The Zenith cabin plane was piloted by L. C. Sullivan and was making a special flight to Portland. The cabin ship had as its passengers Sterling Price, president of the Zenith Aircraft Corporation, Glenn McWilliams, a former Medford resident, and Gerald Price, son of the aircraft president. The latter has made quite a number of visits in Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1931, page 5 MANY ENJOY RIDE IN CLOUDS FROM
Lewis, veteran pilot, who will conduct a complete air service at the
Medford municipal airport, was agreeably surprised with the enthusiasm
of "air-minded" Medfordites who visited the airport yesterday. The
opening day of Lewis' activities at the local port was a busy one, and
many people of this city soared aloft in the fine 3-passenger Stearman
plane, despite the occasional showers.
The Stearman plane proved to be an unusually smooth one in the air, and Sunday's breezes caused no discomfort for those who enjoyed an air trip yesterday. Al Gilhausen and Heber Miller, Pacific Air Transport fliers, also took their friends aloft in the Stearman. A trim little single-seater known as the "Bull Pup" was also at the Medford airport yesterday, piloted by Roger Batheldes [Batchelder?]. This little plane attracted considerable attention because of its diminutive size. The "Bull Pup" is a monoplane with a three-cylinder, 45-horsepower motor manufactured by the Buhl Aircraft Corporation. Joe Lewis will begin enrolling for flying instruction at once, and lessons will be given in the dependable Stearman plane, according to his announcement. Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1931, page 2 36 ARMY PLANES TO ARRIVE HERE ON 7TH OF JUNE
Word was received here today that 36 army airplanes of the 55th and
77th air pursuit squadrons of the United States army will be at the
Medford airport on June 7.These planes are making the tour of the coast as a part of the program outlined for the army practices, which include mimic aerial battles. Preparations are being made so that the planes may refuel here. A total of 670 army planes will travel throughout the United States starting May 20, and Medford is one of the 20 stops designated on this practice tour. The planes that will stop at the local port are to arrive from Portland at midday, and from here will continue on to San Francisco. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1931, page 7 TRI-MOTOR PLANES TO STOP HERE
Medford assumes new importance on the air network today, as Pacific Air
Transport announces it has purchased the equipment of West Coast Air
Transport and has made Medford a port of call on a new Seattle-Oakland
tri-motored plane daylight service. The planes carry ten passengers and
two pilots.Purchase of West Coast Air Transport by P.A.T. Shifts Landing from Montague to Medford--Carry 10 Passengers Pacific Air Transport, whose night mail-passenger planes on the Seattle-San Diego run have called at Medford for four years, is eliminating Montague as a stop and substituting Medford, effective today. It is the first regular tri-motored passenger plane service Medford has had. Phil Sharp, resident manager of Pacific Air Transport, announced that the tri-motored passenger planes will require only two hours fifty minutes from Medford to San Francisco Bay; two hours five minutes to Portland; three hours forty-five minutes to Seattle, including a twenty-minute stop in Portland. Mr. Sharp states that the new schedule effective today gives Medford two trips southbound and two trips northbound daily. Four-Plane Schedule
The schedule includes daily stops here by the southbound tri-motor
passenger carrier at 12:25 p.m. and the mail-passenger plane at 11:05
p.m. Northbound passenger plane leaves at 12:20 p.m. and the
mail-passenger ships at 7 a.m.Purchase of equipment of the West Coast Air Transport by Pacific Air Transport, a unit of Boeing Systems, makes Pacific Air Transport the only operator between Oakland and Seattle and, in addition, it will continue to fly the "Overnight Limited" air mail-passenger planes between Seattle and San Diego via Medford. "Pacific Air Transport, which has been flying mail-passenger planes for four years, is the pioneer coastwise operator and is now in a position to substantially expand its activities. In addition to the new passenger service offered, the company has plans for still further expansion of its passenger-carrying activities on the coast," said Mr. Sharp. See Good Business
"The wisdom of Medford in providing a splendid airport is evidenced by
its being made a regular division point on Boeing System's de luxe
Pacific Coast passenger transport service. We anticipate a splendid
business from the Rogue River Valley, as frequently we have been unable
to offer sufficient space for the travelers who wanted to board our
planes here. Now, with two planes daily each way, and one of them a
large passenger transport, we will be able to give the valley excellent
service."Pacific Air Transport has flown mail-passenger planes three and one-half million miles on the coast airways since its first flight in 1926. Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1931, page 3 AIRPORT SALE IS RECOMMENDED BY BUDGETERS
In addition to is previous recommendations including ones for a new
Main Street lighting system and sewage disposal plant, made some time
ago, the city budget committee consisting of Eugene Thorndyke, John
Orth, Scott Davis, E. W. Janney, Fred Wahl, John C. Mann and Ted
GeBauer handed in a new bunch of recommendations for Medford's welfare
to the city council last night, relating to additional revenues,
sidewalk warrants, expenditures, and the airport, which were referred
to various council committees for further consideration.Report to City Council Points Out Need of Action to Reduce Cost to Taxpayers--Urge City Lot Sale The budget committee's airport recommendation reads as follows. Recommend Sale
"The present status of the Medford municipal airport calls for an
immediate action by our city council to try to increase revenue to
offset present deficit in operation. It is also the recommendation of
this committee that the city council endeavor to lease or sell said
airport to private ownership in order that the burden of maintenance,
operation and the payment of the present bond issue against said
airport be lifted from the tax payer."The recommendation report on various other features of the city government reads in part as follows: "The citizens budget committee, after a study of the receipts and disbursements of the city of Medford, respectfully submit the following recommendations and suggestions covering these departments, believing that if carried out they will increase the revenue and decrease the expenditures of these departments in the future. "A special effort to be made to dispose of city lots in order to get them on the tax roll. Safety committee investigate the matter of increase of revenue from police court. "Street openings--The proper financial arrangements should be made first and particularly all property owners interested should be signed up before starting work. We refer particularly to the Eighth Street opening. Bonds and Sidewalks
"Bonds--Under present and anticipated income by the water department,
it is anticipated they will fall short $25,000 of having sufficient
money to retire the old water bond issue of $88,000 maturing in 1938.
Additional revenue should be secured to see these bonds are retired,
and not have to be refunded."That the city council instruct the city attorney to draw up a contract between property owners and the city of Medford, permitting the property owner to pay off sidewalk liens on the monthly payment plan, total amount to be paid by property owner before expiration of two years. Amounts to be paid each month to be left to the property owner. Contract to bear 7 percent interest on deferred payments, the money so collected to be placed in a special account to take up outstanding sidewalk warrants." Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1931, page 6 AIRPORT LURES SUNDAY THRONG
Due to the mild weather and sunshine of yesterday, quite a crowd of
local and other valley residents was attracted to the Medford airport
and spent most of the afternoon there.The Medford Air Service Company made several flights with passengers and Henry Fluhrer was up flying his Lockheed Vega plane, owned jointly with Floyd Hart and W. H. Muirhead. The ship recently underwent repairs and improvements. The arrival of the tri-motored passenger ships of the Pacific Air Transport was also an attraction. Medford Mail Tribune, March 23, 1931, page 4 COMPANY FORMED FOR AIR SERVICE AT AIRPORT HERE
Organization of the Medford Air Service at the airport by John Waage
and Tommy Culbertson has been completed and is ready for business,
providing student instruction, special taxi trips and short joy hops
over the valley. The rates have been reduced from former prices, and
considerable interest is being developed in the new company.Mr. Waage is well known in Southern Oregon and has been making his headquarters here for the past year. His flying experience covers several years, and he is regarded as one of the most adept fliers in this section, thoroughly familiar with all angles of aviation. He flies a Curtiss Robin plane of a late type, recently placed in first-class condition. In addition to that ship, the company has two other planes to be used for student instruction. They are of the open Travel Air type and are especially adapted for student work. The Curtiss Robin is a cabin plane and will be used exclusively for passenger work. Mr. Culbertson, manager of the concern, is also a pilot, but will take no part in actual flying. This will be in complete charge of Mr. Waage. Quite a number of passengers were taken aloft last Sunday over the valley, and a ride in the cabin ship revealed all the comfort of an auto ride but with a view no auto could ever duplicate. Further information on the school is available at the airport. Medford Mail Tribune, March 24, 1931, page 12 AIRPORT BUSY PLACE; NINE AIRSHIPS STOP
The arrival and departure of nine airplanes at the Medford airport the
past 24 hours resulted in one of the busiest days for the airport for
the past month. Five of the ships were Pacific Air Transport mail and
passenger planes. Three were United States army Boeing fighters, en
route south, and one en route north contained N. B. Boggs and H. L.
Yuravitch of the United States Department of Commerce en route north.Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1931, page 3 AIRPLANE SPOTS PICNIC RETREAT OF SENIOR CLASS
The airplane, which is just coming into its own as a device to use on
man-hunts or to trace lost fliers, was put to a new use today.Seniors at Medford High School left early on their annual spring picnic, to some unknown part of Southern Oregon. They went in the conventional automobile. Rumors flew around the ranks of their arch-enemies for the day, the juniors, as to the location of the senior picnic, but no one knew for certain where it was to be. So the enterprising juniors hired an airplane at the Medford airport to track down the seniors from the air. Anticipating that they would encounter difficulties in trailing the graduating class, the juniors painted the tops of several cars white so they could be spotted by their spy from the air, one of their class members who flew with an aviator. It is traditional that the juniors always will find the seniors and engage in a lively battle, to be followed with a picnic dinner and dance. Just how successful the aerial "eye" was in spotting the white-topped cars is not known. Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1931, page 5 ROTARIANS ENJOY HANGAR BANQUET AT CITY AIRPORT
A new and original type of Rotary meeting was held Tuesday noon at the
Medford airport with a large number of Rotarians and guests present.
Luncheon was served in the huge hangar building by the airport café
concession after which a tour of the administration building was
conducted by Phil Sharp, local manager of the Pacific Air Transport
system.The meeting was in the nature of a celebration in honor of the new "Border-to-Border" daylight service recently instituted by the P.A.T. air lines. The program was in charge of two "air-minded' Rotarians--Chas. Wing and Henry Fluhrer--and the entire session revealed that all present were very much "air-conscious." Among distinguished guests called upon for talks were A. W. Pipes, who was Medford's mayor at the time the new airport was built, and councilman Jos. Grey, who was chairman of the airport committee at the time. Mr. Pipes congratulated the Medford Rotarians upon being the first local service club to hold a luncheon meeting at the airport and reviewed briefly the early history of the port. The fact that the Medford airport was able to pay operating expenses within six months after being completed should be a source of satisfaction to local citizens, according to the speaker, who told of the splendid advertising this city is receiving. He called attention to the new posters put out by the P.A.T. lines which show Medford in the same size type as San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and other large cities. Incidentally, Medford is the only small city from Seattle to San Diego represented on this poster, which is being distributed all over the coast. Councilman Grey told of some of the early construction problems encountered by the airport committee and spoke of the nationwide advertising Medford is getting as a result of the new port. The interest charges paid by the city on the bond issue represent a small investment in proportion to the advertising benefits we are receiving, according to the speaker. Ted Baker told of the national and Pacific Coast air tours which will visit Medford this year and announced the army tour, which will bring 60 planes here next Monday. Rotarian Chas. Furnas, chairman of the local airport committee, stated that the Medford airport had put Medford "on the map" just as the railroads had put various cities on the map in former years. He also predicted that Medford would soon have two air-mail services north and south each day. Manager Phil Sharp and Observer Hutchins gave short talks of greeting to the Rotarians after which they conducted the group through the various departments of the administration building, explaining the radio, weather reports and other details so necessary to successful air transportation. Jack Carle announced the Home Products dinner Thursday night and Chas. Hoover called upon the Rotarians to provide cars for the state Grange convention to be held here next week. Visiting Rotarians were C. M. Coffey of Portland and P. A. Brainerd of Grants Pass. Guests included A. W. Pipes, J. O. Grey, Phil Sharp, Herb Grey, Ted Baker, J. O. Hutchins and George Wing of Banning, Calif. Moving pictures of the unique luncheon and the inspection of the airport were taken by Rotarian Horace Bromley, for the Copco news reel. Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1931, page 7 HANGAR DANCE WEDNESDAY NIGHT
Arrangements are being made to take care of a large attendance at the
American Legion airport dance which is scheduled for Wednesday night at
the Medford airport. The affair is being staged by Medford post No. 15,
in conjunction with the visit here of the big squadron of U.S. army
planes which will attract thousands of visitors from near and far.A fine program has been arranged for the Legion dance with several surprise features which promise to prove popular with those who attend. Dancing will start at 9 p.m. and continue until a late hour. Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1931, page 1 ARMY PLANES PLAN TO HALT ON WEDNESDAY
The fleet of army planes, originally scheduled to arrive at the Medford
airport today, are due at noon Wednesday, according to announcement
from the chamber of commerce. The planes were delayed by a day's
stopover in Spokane and Vancouver.Group of 45 to Reach Airport at 12 Noon--Pilots Lunch in City--Public Invited View Air Armada They will be greeted by members of the aviation committee of the chamber of commerce here Wednesday. In the fleet will be 38 pursuit planes, six transport planes and one photographic. Extensive plans for entertainment of the pilots are being completed by the aviation committee. They will be brought into Medford for lunch and their planes serviced at the airport, where the public is invited to inspect them. They will take off from the local field between 2 and 3 o'clock to continue their flight south. In celebration of their landing, the Medford post, American Legion, will continue the festivities at the airport through the evening with a dance in the hangar building. Music for the event will be furnished by Dom Provost's orchestra, and a record crowd is anticipated for the event. ----
SPOKANE, Wash., June 8.--(AP)--A total of 59 planes, under command of
Major C. L. Tinker, are expected to leave here tomorrow morning,
stopping for lunch at Seattle, and proceeding to Vancouver Barracks,
where they will join the transport planes for the trip to California.Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1931, page 1 ARMY AIRPLANES SPEEDILY FILLED WITH UNION GAS
When the 34 speedy army planes swooped down into the Rogue River Valley
today and landed at the Medford airport, a crew of nattily clad members
of the Union Oil Company's local organization were right on hand to
fill the motors with Union Aero oil. The Medford branch of the Union
Oil Company has a supply always on hand to supply army and navy planes
with Aero oil under the regular contract the United States army and
navy has with the Union Oil Company.T. E. Williams, district manager for the Union Oil Company, personally supervised the crew that distributed the well known wax-free Union Aero oil to the government "ships." Many commercial air lines throughout the United States are also users of this well-known product, perfected for the lubrication of airplanes. Union wax-free Aero oil is extensively used by the United States government because this remarkable oil withstands the rigid tests in government laboratories and in flying under various conditions. Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1931, page 6 AIRMAIL SERVICE VIA MEDFORD ON FAST SCHEDULES
There has been a wonderful pickup in speed in the transcontinental air
mail service inaugurated last Monday incidental to day and night air
mail service being inaugurated that day, as noted by air mail received
in Medford yesterday afternoon from the East that had been mailed
Monday. And the same quicker corresponding speed was noted by the
Medford post office in air mail received from the west and coast points.While there has been no noticeable increase as yet in the receipts of outgoing mail matter from Medford to the eastern and other sections, Postmaster Warner and Assistant Postmaster Beach declare that when Medford and other valley residents awake to the fact of this increased speed in air mail transportation, they will undoubtedly make increased use of the service in sending letters long distances. This speed is indicated by the fact that a letter addressed to a Medford man and postmarked at Washington, D.C., at 8 p.m. on Monday arrived at the Medford post office at 3 p.m. yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, having made the plane trip to Medford in three hours less than two days. The letter would have arrived much quicker at that had the plane connections been closer, as it had to lay over at San Francisco six hours, and at Chicago one hour to make such connections. Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1931, page 3 MACK SENNETT IS AIRPORT VISITOR
Mack Sennett, famous producer and comedian of the movies, was a visitor
at the local airport at 6:45 this morning when he arrived on the
Pacific Air Transport mail plane en route to Portland from his home in
Los Angeles.The actor took the northbound plane from here. During his brief stay, he talked with Phil Sharp, field manager for the P.A.T., and commented on the attractiveness of the Medford port. It is thought that Sennett is en route to Astoria, from which place he will take a boat for Alaska. Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1931, page 2 TEN PLANES OF AIR TOUR HERE EN ROUTE NORTH
Braving the clouds which hung over the Green Springs Mountains this
morning, about ten planes of the Pacific Northwest States air tour
stopped at the Medford airport before noon to refuel before continuing
to Albany. The other forty planes in the tour flew directly to the
northern city.Mr. and Mrs. Rankin Stop for Visit with Children-- Clouds Bar Main Fleet from Crossing Mountains R. H. Lawson, district governor of aviation for Oregon, flew to Medford from Klamath Falls early today, and after a brief stay continued to Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Tex Rankin of Portland spent the morning here with their children, who are guests of friends while the tour is in progress. Rankin was piloting the Stinson which the three Rankin brothers used last year to make their endurance flight in Portland. Miss Dorothy Hester, well-known stunt flier of Portland, flying her Great Lakes biplane, left the Klamath Falls airport at 10:20 and landed at the Medford port at 11:20. She is accompanied by her sister, Miss Helen Hester. Clouds Broken
"The trip wasn't so bad across the mountains, although there were a
number of clouds," Miss Hester said this noon while eating her lunch,
"but they were broken, so we were able to come right through."Miss Hester said that she plans to fly south to Los Angeles and other southern cities at the completion of the tour, and in August she will take her Great Lakes plane to Cleveland to put on a regular stunt program at the International Air Races in August. Steve Mills of Seattle, piloting a Davis monoplane, flew to Montague and then to Medford today from Klamath. Virginia Ogden and Major French in an Arrow sports model stopped at Medford to refuel, as did Robert Hofer of Portland, who is also flying a Great Lakes biplane. Take Lunch Here
Two Bird planes belonging to the Pounder Flying Service of Portland,
one piloted by Cecil Pounder and the other by Carl Forstran, Jr.,
landed here about 11:30. Cy Perkins, C. E. Hanst, Edna Christofferson,
Jack Cox, and Happy Roundtree also landed here and had lunch at the
airport as guests of the chamber of commerce.The fliers were greeted at the airport by Henry Fluhrer, chairman of the aviation committee of the chamber of commerce, Floyd Hart, and Phil Sharp, field manager for the Pacific Air Transport. Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1931, page 3 WAAGE LANDS PLANE SAMS VALLEY FIELD
SAMS VALLEY, Ore., July 11.--(Spl.)--John Waage, an instructor at the
Medford airport, created some excitement among Sams Valley neighbors
when he, in company with his friend, John Day, made a successful
landing with his plane in the west alfalfa field on the E. B. Day ranch.Those seeing the plane go down supposed engine trouble to the cause, but upon investigation found it to be a result of a long desire John Waage has had to attempt landing in the Day field. Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1931, page 3 HARTLEY WILL GLIDE AT AIRPORT SUNDAY
Cecil Hartley, local glider enthusiast, will give a demonstration of
flying at the municipal airport Sunday morning, he announced today.
Hartley has been the leader of valley glider builders and operators for
some time and has considerable flying experience.Flights will be made between 8 and 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Everyone interested in seeing the glider will be welcomed at the field. Hartley, it will be remembered, crashed into a fence near Phoenix several months ago when flying one of his gliders and sustained injuries which stopped his gliding for a while. Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1931, page 3 U.S. TO INSTALL RADIO BEACON AT MEDFORD AIRPORT
Medford is one of the six cities of the Pacific Coast chosen as a
location for a directive radio beacon service station in the new system
being installed by the Department of Commerce, it was announced today.Work on installation of the new station, to be situated northwest of the present station airways radio station, will start in the immediate future. Under the new system pilots flying mail-passenger planes on the Seattle-San Diego airway of the Boeing System subsidiary of United Air Lines will be guided the entire length of the 1206-mile route by directive radio beacon service. The department has authorized the installation of 30 radio beacons on the nation's network. Five will be on the coast air line. They will be located at Seattle, Portland, Medford, Shasta City, Gilroy and San Diego. They will be installed and maintained by the Department of Commerce, the local station to be under the direction and control of the present airways station on the Crater Lake Highway. The function of the directive radio beacon service is to provide a continuous series of radio signals by means of which the pilot is enabled to determine whether or not he is flying on his true course. When the pilot hears "dot-dash" in his radio receiver, he knows he is bearing to the left of his designated route, while if he hears "dash-dot" he knows he is deviating to the right. When the signals blend into a continuous stream of dashes, the pilot is assured that his plane is on the correct line of flight. This government service will complement the plane-ground voice radio telephone communication system which is operated by the company. Radio stations are located at Seattle, Portland, Medford, Redding, Oakland, Fresno, Bakersfield, Los Angeles and San Diego. Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1931, page 10 Hangar Dance Will Be Big Fall Affair
One of the best Legion dances of the fall season is anticipated when
the annual Labor Day ball takes place at the Medford airport next
Monday night. The big hangar with its specially finished cement floor
affords a fine, cool place to dance, and there is ample space to take
care of a record crowd. Special music and novelties will be provided
and a big time is assured all who attend.Proceeds of the affair will be used to help defray expenses of the American Legion junior baseball season, sponsored by Medford post No. 15. The following committee has charge of the dance: Elmer Wilson, chairman; Fred Scheffel, Horace Bromley, Dr. Johnson, Lew Corbett, Walter Olmscheid, Lloyd Williamson, Phil Sharp, John Holmer and Earl York. Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1931, page 3 LOCAL BOYS FEEL URGE FOR FLIGHT; ONE PLANS PLANE
Two youths of the valley have their fingers in aviation and are doing something about it besides talking.They are Clyde Hartley, 22, who lives on the Pacific Highway near Phoenix and George Edward Andrews who lives in the Oak Grove district. Hartley, a tall youth of the Lindbergh type, but with less to say than that silent hero, has manufactured a glider and flown it and is now taking steps towards securing an airplane. He has flown the glider successfully several times by towing it with a Ford truck. His first flight ended when he landed in a fence and hurt his foot. When the injury healed, he was back at it again. Hartley has ordered the plans and specifications for an airplane, which he will build, and plans to secure the engine afterwards. The putting together of the plane will take several weeks, and the builder expects to gain some practical knowledge of airplane construction by the time he is through. Young Andrews, son of the late George Andrews, baritone singer of beloved memory locally, is building a glider from plans and specifications, and is doing a workmanlike job. He expects to make a flight when it is completed. He is a student in the senior high school. Both youths are close students of aviation. Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1931, page 4 FIRST PLANE IN HISTORY LANDS ON FACE CRATER LAKE
CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK, Ore., Oct. 8.--Braving the dangers of high
altitude and precipitous cliffs of the crater walls, the first airplane
in history landed on the wind-blown waters of Crater Lake this
afternoon. The ship, a yellow-winged amphibian with crimson fuselage,
was piloted by Clayton L. Scott of Seattle, accompanied by George
Dahlberg, mechanic, Seattle.The feat of landing a plane on the lake had heretofore been considered foolhardy, and it was thought that if once landed, the ship would be unable to gain sufficient altitude to climb from the confines of the surrounding walls, averaging 1000 feet in height and reaching nearly 2000 at some points. The ship approached the lake from the Anna Springs checking station and was flying fairly low when it reached the brink of the rim. With little hesitancy, the big amphibian circled gracefully around Wizard Island and landed easily near the shores of the island, despite heavy waves lashed into whitecaps by a strong mountain wind. Soon after it landed, the ship taxied toward the east shore and slowly raised from the water and gradually gained altitude until it was high above the rim. The amphibian circled low over the information building while Pilot Scott tossed out pictures of the ship and identification of its passengers. The ship barely missed tree tops but soon pointed its nose skyward and disappeared over the eastern horizon. Medford Mail Tribune, October 9, 1931, page 8 MEDFORD AIRPORT BUSINESS GROWTH SEEN DURING 1931
Since the new concrete apron has been placed in front of the hangar at
the Medford municipal airport, small ships, as well as massive
passenger craft, now taxi up to the front of the structure and at night
an impressive view is before them--huge floodlights casting a brilliant
light reveal the fine architecture of the building.New Concrete Apron and Other Improvements Are Made-- Many Notables Visit Field During Year The construction of the apron, graveling an additional width of 40 feet on the runway east of the hangar, redecorating and adding furniture to the waiting room and the installation of a new septic tank are only a few of the many improvements and changes made during the past 12 months, according to Phil Sharp, airport superintendent. Popular Air Point
The aforementioned progressive moves, however, have all contributed to
the main factor--that of making the Medford airport one of the most
popular stops on the Pacific Coast.Many passengers on the Pacific Air Transport lines travel to and through Medford by plane, taking advantage of the schedules which have been worked out in a practical way by United Air Lines officials, of which the P.A.T. is a subsidiary. Two Ford Trimotors, with capacity of 14 people, including the crew, and two Boeing 40-B planes run to Medford each day. All carry mail. At 6:45 a.m. a Boeing 40-B is due at the local port from Oakland, Calif. and leaves here at 7 a.m. for Seattle. From the north a Ford Trimotor is due at 12:20 p.m. The other Ford flies north, arriving here from Oakland at 3 p.m., and continuing north at 3:20. Ground Crew of Five
The last plane to check at the airport each day is the Boeing 40-B en
route south. The plane is scheduled here at 10:35 and booked for
departure at 10:50 p.m. A ground crew of five takes charge of the
planes immediately upon arrival and lunches are prepared for pilots and
passengers at the airport café, operated by Dean Dow.All of the mail and passenger planes are equipped with two-way radio communication and the operators at the airport radio station are constantly in communication with the pilots, to furnish weather and other information necessary. Three operators conduct the radios, each working eight-hour shifts. Nine Pilots Serve
Nine pilots take the planes north and south from Medford. Those making
the southern trip to and from Oakland are Ralph Virden, Grover Tyler,
Al Gillhausen and Herschel Laughlin. Flying to and from Seattle are
Heber Miller, Harold Adams, Alfred Davis, Charles Stead and Frank
Anderline.The registry shows an increase in commercial planes stopping here, as well as numerous private craft. Adding bits of interest in the lists during recent months are the names of Mack Sennett and Will Rogers. William Randolph Hearst, Jr., who flies a tri-motored Stinson, is a frequent visitor at the port when on business trips up and down the coast. Activities stepped up a notch the latter part of June when Medford was host to 32 army planes, en route to coast stations, following maneuvers in the East. Logical Stop on Route
Because Medford is the logical stop between Portland and Oakland, many
planes land here, and impressed with the natural beauties of the
country, the passengers return here on hunting and fishing trips, Mr.
Sharps stated.Aviation enthusiasts of the valley are launching a new project for the coming year, which will be the stationing of an amphibian at the port to be used for trips to Lake o' the Woods, Diamond Lake and Crater Lake during the summer seasons. The erection of six radio beams along the coast route, with Oakland, Medford and Seattle having the three main constructions, is a government improvement which is expected to be made during the new year. Beams would also be put at Willows and Shasta, Calif., and Portland. Local Men Fly
W. H. Muirhead, W. H. Fluhrer and
Floyd Hart, local business men, use their Lockheed monoplane to make
numerous trips.Several commercial planes and instructors had headquarters here during the past season. Tom Culbertson, the Waage brothers, Nolan F. Banister and Marshal Seagrave were instructors. The United States Weather Bureau is located on the second floor of the airport building, and reports are furnished the radio operators hourly. Fueling stations on the landing field are operated by the Standard, Richfield, Union, Texaco, Shell and Associated Oil companies. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1932, page 3 15 BATTLE PLANES LAND IN MEDFORD EN ROUTE TO EAST
With the first three planes landing at one o'clock, a fleet of fifteen Boeing P-12-E
standard fighting biplanes were set down at Medford airport this
afternoon, in charge of Captain R. C. W. Blesseley of the United States
army.Having left the Boeing factory Sunday, the machines are en route to Selfridge Field, Michigan, where the new army planes will be equipped for fighting. The trip is being made by the southern route, with Mather Field, Sacramento, as the next stop. Bad flying weather caused the planes to remain overnight at Vancouver, Wash., from which port they took off today at 11:10 a.m. The monocoque fuselage is dark green, with the wings a bright yellow, on which are the army insignia. The wings are of a linen construction. Besides guns and other fighting apparatus, radios will be installed in the ships at Michigan. The speed of the planes is approximately 200 miles per hour. After circling the city and then the field several times, Captain Blessley, Lt. George F. Smith and Lt. F. H. Griswold landed in the first three ships. They were followed shortly by Lt. J. Auton, Lt. John Kirby, Lt. Carl Selvam, Lt. John Egan, Capt. Vincent J. Melloy, Lt. Harry Wilson, Lt. L.W. Ryan, Lt. N. B. Olsen, Lt. Louis Vaupre, Lt. Clarence Hagey, Captain Ennis C. Whitehead, and Lt. P. M. Jacobs. All of the pilots were from Selfridge Field. They were feeling the cold especially today, as they failed to bring winter flying togs from the East with them. The pilots found their summer suits rather cool. If weather conditions permit, the ships will continue to Mather Field today, otherwise they will remain here overnight. Under the supervision of A. F. West, special agent for the Standard Oil Company, the fleet was reserviced by a crew of men and trucks. Stanavo Ethylized aviation gasoline and Stanavo aviation engine oil were used for refueling. These two products are prepared by the company under government specifications, and are used for army and navy ships. Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1932, page 1 MEDFORD AIRPORT IS POPULAR STOP
Frequently trim-appearing single-seater pursuit planes flying in groups
of from three to fifteen land at the Medford airport and refuel before
continuing south. These planes are new Boeing Wasp-powered pursuits
produced for the Army Air Corps by the Boeing Airplane Company of
Seattle, and their passage through Medford signifies the delivery of
more planes by the Boeing plant to the air corps.
The pursuits, which are designated as P-12E's, represent the "fastest standard air-cooled pursuit planes in the world," according to a statement by Army Air Corps officials. Last summer a contract was awarded to the Boeing Airplane Company of Seattle for the construction of 135 P-12E airplanes, for a total value of approximately a million and a half dollars. The P-12E marked an improvement over previous P-12 series pursuits in that its fuselage is of all-metal monocoque construction, a departure from the previous metal frame fabric-covered bodies. A more powerful Wasp engine also enhanced the performance of the new P-12E model. The plane is a single-seater built simply for the offensive and defensive maneuverings of small fighting aircraft. The Boeing P-12E is only twenty feet in length and has an upper wing span of thirty feet. It weighs approximately 2750 pounds fully loaded, including fuel and pilot. The plane is equipped with two machine guns mounted in the fuselage directly ahead of the windshield, which are synchronized to fire through the whirling propeller blades. The guns are stationary and are aimed by the pilot in controlling the direction of flight. The performance of the P-12E is featured not only by high speed by also by high rate of climb and high maneuverability. It is capable of climbing at a rate of approximately 2,000 feet per minute, and it is so sturdy that it can withstand the unusual strain of aerial maneuvers without difficulty. Evidence of the stamina of the Boeing pursuit can be found in the vertical power dive of 10,000 feet to which these planes are subjected in flight tests. During these dives, with the nose of the plane pointing directly earthward and the engine turning at full throttle, the small ship attains a speed in excess of 350 miles per hour. At the end of the dive the plane is pulled out and zooms back up into the sky, its unusually strong wing construction having withstood the strain imposed on the aircraft as the pilot brings it out of the steep, speedy dive. Deliveries of the 135-plane contract were begun the latter part of 1931 by the Boeing Airplane Company, and since that time planes of this type have been seen frequently at the Medford airport. With the exception of thirteen planes, eight of which were shipped to Honolulu and five to the Philippine Islands, the entire 135 planes will have landed at Medford when the contract has been completed. The bulk of the planes are being flight delivered to March Field, Riverside, Calif.; Mather Field, Sacramento, Calif., and Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich. When traveling to the latter air base the pilots fly south through Medford to Rockwell Air Depot, San Diego, and then east over the southern transcontinental route. The largest number of planes to be delivered in a single group was made the first of February when fifteen pilots from Selfridge Field, under the leadership of Capt. R. C. W. Blessley, squadron commander, took delivery of an aerial armada of new Boeings. In addition to Capt. Blessley this group of officers included: Capt. Ennis. C. Whitehead, Capt. Vincent J. Meloy and Lieuts. John W. Kirby, John F. Egan, Geo. F. Smith, Harry E. Wilson, Paul M. Jacobs, L. O. Ryan, Louis A. Vaupre, Jesse Auton, F. H. Griswold, C. F. Hegy, N. B. Olsen and Carl R. Feldmann. Deliveries on the current army contract will continue until the order is completed around May 1. These planes, as they visit the Medford airport, are serviced by the Medford staff of the Standard Oil Company, under the supervision of A. F. West. Under a contract with the army and navy, the Standard Oil Company produce Stanavo gasoline, engine oil and rocker arm grease which exactly meet the rigid requirements for all types of aircraft motors. These petroleum products for aircraft are made to specification for the government, assuring the maximum efficiency of aviation motors in extreme variations of temperature. The Standard Oil companies of California, Indiana and New Jersey produce Stanavo products which are used by the United Aircraft Corporation, the Pacific Air Transport and other nationally known companies engaged in the commercial transportation of passengers, mail and express. "The same exacting care is taken in the production of Standard gasolines and motor oils for automobiles as in the manufacture of famous Stanavo aircraft gasoline, oil and grease," A. F. West said Saturday. "Motorists enjoy the same protection and maximum motor efficiency in using Standard products sold at red, white and blue stations as pilots require for army, navy and commercial aircraft." Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1932, page 10 New Red Beacons To Replace Green Lights on Airways
Red course lights are to replace green course lights for the guidance
of aviators at six beacon sites on the Portland-Medford airway,
according to a notice issued by R. R. Tinkham, district superintendent
of lighthouses on the airways.The red lights will be installed within 10 days at site 35, near Grants Pass; site 36-C, near Grave Creek intermediate landing field; site 39-A, north of Myrtle Creek intermediate field; site 41-A near Roseburg; site 46 near Eugene, and site 49-A, near Brownsville intermediate field. Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1932, page 9 MEDFORD AIRPORT IS POPULAR STOP WITH WAR BIRDS
Frequently trim-appearing single-seater pursuit planes flying in groups
of from three to fifteen land at the Medford airport and refuel before
continuing south. These planes are new Boeing Wasp-powered pursuits
produced for the army air corps by the Boeing Airplane Company of
Seattle, and their passage through Medford signifies the delivery of
more planes by the Boeing plant to the air corps.The pursuits, which are designated as P-12E's, represent the "fastest standard air-cooled pursuit planes in the world," according to a statement by army air corps officials. Last summer a contract was awarded to the Boeing Airplane Company of Seattle for the construction of 135 P-12E airplanes at a total value of approximately a million and a half dollars. The P-12E marked an improvement over previous P-12 series pursuits in that its fuselage is of all-metal monocoque construction, a departure from the previous metal frame fabric-covered bodies. A more powerful Wasp engine also enhanced the performance of the new P-12E model. The plane is a single-seater built simply for the offensive and defensive maneuverings of small fighting aircraft. The Boeing P-12E is only twenty feet in length and has an upper wing span of thirty feet. It weighs approximately 2750 pounds fully loaded, including fuel and pilot. The plane is equipped with two machine guns mounted in the fuselage directly ahead of the windshield, which are synchronized to fire through the whirling propeller blades. The guns are stationary and are aimed by the pilot in controlling the direction of flight. The performance of the P-12E is featured not only by high speed but also by high rate of climb and high maneuverability. It is capable of climbing at a rate of approximately 2,000 feet per minute, and it is so sturdy that it can withstand the unusual strain of aerial maneuvers without difficulty. Evidence of the stamina of the Boeing pursuit can be found in the vertical power dive of 10,000 feet to which these planes are subjected in flight tests. During these dives, with the nose of the plane pointing directly earthward and the engine turning at full throttle, the small ship attains a speed in excess of 350 miles per hour. At the end of the dive the plane is pulled out and zooms back up into the sky, its unusually strong wing construction having withstood the strain imposed on the aircraft as the pilot brings it out of the steep, speedy dive. Deliveries of the 135-plane contract were begun the latter part of 1931 by the Boeing Airplane Company, and since that time planes of this type have been seen frequently at the Medford airport. With the exception of thirteen planes, eight of which were shipped to Honolulu and five to the Philippine Islands, the entire 135 planes will have landed at Medford when the contract has been completed. The bulk of the planes are being flight delivered to March Field, Riverside, Calif.; Mather Field, Sacramento, Calif., and Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, Mich. When traveling to the latter air base the pilots fly south through Medford to Rockwell air depot, San Diego, and then east over the southern transcontinental route. The largest number of planes to be delivered in a single group was made the first of February when fifteen pilots from Selfridge Field, under the leadership of Capt. R. C. W. Blessley, squadron commander, took delivery of an aerial armada of new Boeings. In addition to Capt. Blessley this group of officers included: Capt. Ennis C. Whitehead, Capt. Vincent J. Meloy, and Lieuts. John W. Kirby, John F. Egan, Geo. F. Smith, Harry E. Wilson, Paul M. Jacobs, L. O. Ryan, Louis A. Vaupre, Jesse Auton, F. H. Griswold, C. F. Hegy, N. B. Olsen and Carl R. Feldmann. Deliveries on the current army contract will continue until the order is completed around May 1. These planes, as they visit the Medford airport, are serviced by the Medford staff of the Standard Oil Company, under the supervision of A. F. West. Under a contract with the army and navy, the Standard Oil Company produce Stanavo gasoline, engine oil and rocker arm grease which exactly meet the rigid requirements for all types of aircraft motors. These petroleum products for aircraft are made to specifications for the government, assuring the maximum efficiency of aviation motors in extreme variations of temperature. The Standard Oil companies of California, Indiana and New Jersey produce Stanavo products which are used by the United Aircraft Corporation, the Pacific Air Transport and other nationally known companies engaged in the commercial transportation of passengers, mail and express. "The same exacting care is taken in the production of Standard gasoline and motor oils for automobiles as in the manufacture of famous Stanavo aircraft gasoline, oil and grease," A. F. West said Saturday. "Motorists enjoy the same protection and maximum motor efficiency in using Standard products sold at red, white and blue stations as pilots require for army, navy and commercial aircraft." Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1932, page 10 11 FIGHTING SHIPS REFUEL AT PORT
Seven U.S. army Douglas planes and one Fokker army transport, the same
ships which were in Medford Friday, en route to Portland, stopped at
the Medford port today, on their return flight to Crissy Field. They
arrived at 11:25 a.m. and left for the south at 12:30 this afternoon.
Captain G. Williams was in charge of the fleet.Three Boeing P12-E pursuit ships, en route to Mather Field from Seattle, spent some time at the local port this afternoon, landing here at 1:25 p.m. Piloting the planes were Lt. W. E. Richards, leader of the trio, Lt. M. Steensen and Lt. K. E. Maumeister. Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1932, page 1 AIRPORT MASCOT LOST IN TABLE ROCK AREA
Medford airport's mascot, a little yellow dog belonging to Phil Sharp,
local United Air Lines superintendent, is lost. Sandy went hunting
yesterday with Pilot C. B. Stead and became lost in the vicinity of the
Modoc orchards.A reward for the little hound is being offered, as the airport staff is quite lonely without the pet, the group said today. Medford Mail Tribune, February 29, 1932, page 2 RADIO BEACON ON MEDFORD AIRWAY
The Northwest's system of radio ranges, by means of which aviators will
be guided along by invisible directive radio beams, will be in and
operating in less than 30 days, according to the office of district
superintendent of light houses and airways.Radio range stations at Portland and Tacoma should be completed in about a week, according to S. S. Boggs, associate airways engineer of the district, while stations at Medford and The Dalles will be ready in approximately three weeks. Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1932, page 7 GOVERNMENT INSTALLS AURAL RADIO RANGE IN AIRWAY STATION HERE
Through the U.S. Department of Commerce, aeronautics branch, airways
division, announcement has been made that the Medford Airways Radio
station began operation of an aural radio range March 4, with one
course directed south over Barron's
ranch field, and the reciprocal direct north over Eugene. The station
is located approximately 1¾ miles north of the local municipal airport.R. A. Martin of the Airways Radio station is in charge of the operations and the characteristic [omission?] is sent out every twelve seconds, in order that the station may be identified, with the exception of the time for regular broadcasting. A series of radio beacons is being constructed on the coast, according to airways officials, enabling pilots to follow their course, as the signal lets them know if they are on the course, or to the right or left, and is a decided aid during stormy weather or for night flying. According to the Portland office, hereafter radio marker beacons of the Airways division will operate continuously, transmitting characteristic code signals when ceiling in the area is less than 500 feet, or when visibility is less than 2 miles. Medford Mail Tribune, March 13, 1932, page 6 PORTLAND PILOTS MEDFORD VISITORS
Portland's aerial stunters, Tex Rankin and Miss Dorothy Hester,
spent about a half hour at the Medford airport yesterday afternoon, en
route to New Orleans, La., where they will be featured in the first
annual New Orleans air festival being staged by Famous Fliers, Inc.,
April 8, 9 and 10.The two were flying in Miss Hesters' Great Lakes biplane, and expected to reach Sacramento last evening. Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, famous round-the-world fliers, will join Miss Hester and Rankin in Los Angeles. They will be traveling in the Winnie Mae. The Portland couple carried invitations for the national American Legion convention in Portland this summer. Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1932, page 5 Medford Airport Important Stop
Cutting through the horizon's blue, to light like a bird at a marked
airfield--later to rise slowly and disappear in the misty haze of an
ethereal world--upon these actions of mechanical craft hinge hundreds
of duties daily at the Medford municipal airport.GROWING TRAFFIC KEEPS BIG STAFF BUSY ALL HOURS (By Irva Fewell) Since establishment of the Medford airport an increasing traffic of planes on United Air Lines schedules, private craft and army and navy machines are making use of the facilities. At sunrise Saturday preparations were made at the port to greet the first passenger and mail plane, a 40B-4, to arrive here from Oakland at 6:45 a.m., having left Los Angeles Friday night at 10:45 o'clock. From the post office, where the mail was weighed, D. M. McDannels took it to the airport at 6 a.m., and placed it in the mail room until the arrival of the ship. Reservations on the plane were checked by the United Air Lines local superintendent, Phil Sharp, and reports of the mail made by him. When the plane was within a hundred-mile radius of Medford, the operator in the dispatch rooms sent out a weather report of conditions in the valley. Each 20 minutes the plane reported its position and the dispatcher communicated, according to time allotments on the schedule clock. The mail was exchanged when the ship arrived, while the plane was refueled. In keeping with government regulations, a weather report was made out for the pilots by the U.S. Weather Bureau located on the second floor of the airport building and given the fliers by Mr. Sharp. Department of Commerce rules make it necessary for reports to be compiled on hourly information received on the teletype. The United Air Lines pilot who flew the plane to Medford, Grover Tyler, registered before leaving the airport, so that he might be located at any time if an emergency flight became necessary. While waiting for the plane to be refueled, the four passengers sat in the reception room, walked around the hangar and enjoyed the sunshine and lawn in front of the building. The plane was taken out by Charles Stead. Routine work about the port, with the dispatch operators keeping in touch with the ships and ground stations of the lines, as well as keeping a station log of all radio activities, kept the dispatchers busy until time for the 12:20 tri-motor mail and passenger craft from Portland. Weather records and obtaining necessary data occupy the major part of the time of W. J. Hutchison, meteorologist, and his assistants, Kenneth Anderson, C. W. Ahlborn, C. F. Penfield and W. R. Crum. A 24-hour service is furnished from this office. A telephone system between the dispatcher's room and the weather department makes it possible for the dispatchers to furnish the planes and ground stations with any data concerning weather. At noon the mail arrived for the big ship and the radio departments obtained information from pilot Al Davis as to the number of passengers, the amount of mail and the destination of the travelers. Lunches were prepared by Dean Dow of the airport café for 10 passengers continuing south. Other aviators taking planes north, who are stationed in Medford, H. C. Miller, Harold Adams and Frank Anderline, and going south are H. V. Lofland and Ralph Verdin. Continual service is given in the dispatch room by Ken Williams, Bill Rosenbaum, Phil Showalter and Cliff Hannum. In the hangar, assisting Mr. Clarkson with the refueling of private planes making frequent sojourns, is Tom Culbertson, who flies his own ship. Marshall Seagrave has his J-6-7 Travel Air at the port and W. H. Fluhrer, W. H. Muirhead and Floyd Hart also station their plane in the city hangar. Throughout the morning, William Clarkson, city superintendent of the airport, was busy yesterday making repairs on the U.S.S. [sic] Loening amphibian, en route to Alaska, where the navy lieutenants will make an air photographic study of Kodiak Island. The ships left Saturday afternoon for the north. Lieuts. R. H. Harrell, J. R. W. Vest and J. C. Tafforty, E. O. Roger and A. C. Shafer made up the crews of two pilots and a radio technician in each amphibian. E. L. Yuravich of Washington, D.C., federal airways inspector, flying a five-place Bellanca with a Wright J-6-9 300-horsepower engine, took off yesterday from the Medford airport for Redding and Oakland, Cal., to inspect the federal radio beams, having checked the one about a mile and a half from the Medford airport. As the amphibian disappeared northward, three army P12-F planes en route to Crissy Field from Seattle and stopped at the Medford airport to refuel before continuing southward. Pilots were Capt. Wm. Morris, Capt. C. E. Duncan and Lieut. E. W. Anderson. They took off about 3 o'clock. The tri-motor from the south was set down at the port at 3 p.m. Saturday and was refueled, with the ground crew aiding in placing the mail in the ship. A copilot and stewardess travel on each of the tri-motors, the stewardesses being graduate nurses. Beacons about the valley and the airport cast their lights for miles to guide the 40B-4 stopping at Medford at 10:35 p.m., when lunches for passengers are placed on the ship and the mail transferred. Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1932, page 4 VALLEY IN BLOOM BEAUTIFUL SCENE FROM GIRO PLANE
Orchards in full bloom, contrasted with green field and black soil
checkers under a warm, noonday sun, presented an intriguing map today,
viewed from the cockpit of the Pitcairn autogiro, flown by King Baird of Seattle.The ship, issued from the factory July 9, 1931, for special exhibition, with a 360-horsepower Wright J-6 motor, costing $15,000, was the second commercial Pitcairn autogiro delivered in the United States, Mr. Baird said. Although in normal air conditions (at sea level) the ship can rise at a vertical angle, local atmosphere and wind velocity made it necessary for the ship to run 20 or 25 feet to take off, and between 50 and 75 feet to land. The motor on the rotor section is used only while the plane is on the ground, and the weight of the ship keeps the four blades in action when in the air. Centrifugal force hold the blades horizontally, and they make about 140 revolutions a minute in local atmospheric conditions. Cruising speed of the low-winged bird is 105 miles per hour, and 130 miles is the high speed. The plane climbs 1700 feet per minute. The small, short wings support only 5 percent of the weight of the ship during flight, according to pilot Baird. Mr. Baird, who will be in Medford until tomorrow morning, when he will return to Portland, brought the autogiro to the coast from Philadelphia last summer and has been making numerous flights throughout the country and participating in races. About 250 passengers were taken up at Eugene by him last week. Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1932, page 2 GIRO AT AIRPORT ATTRACTS LOCAL CROWDS SUNDAY
When King Baird of Seattle flew over Medford yesterday afternoon about
3 o'clock in his Pitcairn autogiro, he started a general exodus of
Medford people to the municipal airport. City Airport Superintendent
William Clarkson estimated that approximately 1800 visited the port
during the afternoon and early evening.A number of local people took trips in the autogiro, as well as in the airplanes piloted by Marshall Seagrave and Tom Culbertson, Sunday. H. H. Hobi of the Hobi Airways, Eugene, and Harold Sander arrived from Grants Pass yesterday afternoon in a Travelair and took passengers for flights over the valley. They were accompanied here from Eugene by Bill Morgan. King Baird, accompanied by Oak Myers and Les Anderson, also of Seattle, is on a barnstorming tour of the coast, and arrived in Medford from Grants Pass. He plans to leave in the morning for Portland. The Pitcairn, a low-winged monoplane with a rotor extending above the cockpit, makes it possible for the ship to rise in an exceptionally small area and to land in an almost vertical line. Baird's giro was the first to visit the Medford airport and attracted an unusual amount of attention. Warm, sunny weather made ideal flying conditions, and the many fruit trees in bloom throughout the valley made a wonderful picture from the air. Roads to the airport were lined throughout the afternoon by motorists visiting the landing field. Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1932, page 10 Valley People See Autogiro at Medford Sunday
Rogue River Valley people crowded the airports at Grants Pass and Medford Saturday and Sunday to view the Pitcairn autogiro, or flying windmill, as it is called.The ship, piloted by King Baird of Seattle, arrived at the Grants Pass municipal airport Saturday afternoon in a two hour and 20 minute flight from Portland for the purpose of giving exhibition and passenger flights. Shortly after noon Sunday the ship took off for Medford, where a crowd of 1800 people watched its maneuvers and took rides. The airship is a special exhibition job, Baird reported, with a 360-horsepower Wright J6 engine. It is six months old and cost $15,000. This is the first time an autogiro has ever been on the coast for commercial purposes. Early this week Baird returned to Portland, where he is making his headquarters while on the West Coast. Gold Hill News, April 14, 1932, page 1 NEW FAST PLANES ON MEDFORD RUN TO SPEED SERVICE
Construction has commenced at the Boeing Airplane Company of Seattle on
a large fleet of new twin-engined monoplane transports which will be
placed in service on United Air Lines' routes between Medford and
Seattle, California and the East, it was announced here yesterday by P.
G. Johnson, United Air Lines president.The new planes, embodying principles employed successfully in the recently constructed Boeing bomber and the Boeing Monomail, will have a cruising speed fully loaded of 155 miles per hour and a top speed of between 168 and 175 miles per hour. They will carry 10 passengers, 500 pounds of mail and express and will have retractable landing gear, which increases the speed approximately 20 miles per hour. Mr. Johnson indicated that the new Boeing monoplane will mark a radical departure from present types of commercial ships and will be faster than any multi-motored transport plane now in service in this or other countries. The plane is said to approximate the principle of the flying wing and is completely streamlined. It will be powered by two supercharged Wasp engines, each developing approximately 550 horsepower. The speed of the plane means that flying schedules of United Air Lines to the north and south will be substantially speeded up when the new planes are placed in service. Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1932, page 7 ARMY FLEET COMES THURSDAY EN ROUTE NORTH
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 8.--(AP)--Thirty-five army planes of the 20th
Pursuit Group will drop in on Pearson Field here tomorrow at 2:30 p.m.,
after a one-stop flight from Mather Field, Sacramento, in the annual
maneuver tour.The ships will take off from Mather Field at 6 p.m. and will stop for refueling at the Medford Airport. Circling several cities en route, the army fliers will reach Portland and Vancouver during the afternoon for an exhibition of formation flying and maneuvers. The fliers will remain here all day Friday and on Saturday morning will go direct to Spokane, according to information received by Lieut. Carlton F. Bond, commandant of Pearson Field. Earlier reports said the army men would fly to Wenatchee. The planes will remain at Felts Field, Spokane, Saturday and Sunday and on Monday will return to Vancouver. The return south will start Tuesday morning, with stops at Eugene and Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1932, page 1 Army Air Fleet Lures Huge Crowd to Airport
Flying in military formation from the south, through a cloudless blue
sky, 33 army ships comprising the Twentieth Pursuit Group in command of
Major C. L. Tinker arrived here at 9:30 o'clock this morning from
Mather Field to be greeted by more than 1000 air-minded residents of
Medford, drawn to the field a few minutes earlier by arrival of the
advance plane, a transport carrying mechanics to care for the fleet.The two divisions, the 77th and 55th, flying independently from Mather Field, met at Yreka, Cal., to assume military formation 15 minutes before setting down at the Medford field in three long lines of glittering yellow, brown, red and blue. Each time the group, flying as a great bird with wings extended behind him, circled the local field, a plane or two dropped out of line to swoop down to the landing, lined with eager crowds. The trip from Mather Field to Medford was completed in two hours and 45 minutes, the two divisions flying in "rambling time," the 77th by the coast route and the 55th taking the line east of the Sierras. They arrived at the local airport 30 minutes before schedule. Major Tinker, flying in the headquarters element, accompanied by Lieutenants Wasser and Deerwester, led the army fleet into the field and was greeted by local officials before escorting the fliers into the café to dine, while planes were refueled for the trip north to Vancouver, B.C. "Out for field exercise," the major, a man of weathered complexion and dark, piercing eyes, which light up his heavily lined face as he flashes answers to questions, explained the trip. He placed his hands in leisurely gesture beneath his loaded Sam Browne belt to assume a position of ease as he described the demonstration to be given for the Third Division upon arrival at Fort Lewis but was soon urged back into military posture as a large police dog bounded into the line of planes in pursuit of a jackrabbit. Filled with the spirit of war, apparently aroused by the arrival of the fleet, the dog refused to give up the chase as shouts sounded through the line of ships. Spectators joined the campaign to save the rabbit from the aggressor and prevent both from landing in the tail of a plane, but the dog continued his maneuvers until the rabbit was captured in the corner of an oil station and devoured. As soon as the planes were refueled with Stanavo aviation gasoline and serviced by the Standard Oil Company of California, the fleet too off again at 11 o'clock for the north, the first planes up circling the field until all were gathered into the flock in the same manner adopted for landing. Major Tinker and his lieutenants then joined the ships, roaring above, and all took off for Vancouver, Lieutenant Crumrine in command of the 55th division flying with Lieutenant Whatley, led the following second lieutenants: Steensen, Berger, Saville, Kroeger, McCarty, Ellison, Schmidt, Cootlee, Gilger, M. C. Williams, Roth, Shroyer, Smith, Hunter, Woodworth and Sergeant Dorsett. Flying with Lieutenant Wittkop in command of the 77th division were second Lieutenants Phillips, Lee, Baumeister, Kingham, Fraim, Losey, Holtzer, L. M. Williams, twin brother of S. M. [Williams], Rasmussen, Ferrin, Kelly and Reed. Lieutenant Hopkins went ahead to make arrangements for the arrival of the fleet in Vancouver and Warrant Officer Bradshaw preceded with the transport. The fleet will return to Medford en route south Monday or Tuesday of next week. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1932, page 1 GIRO PAYS VISIT TO CRATER LAKE FOR CAMERAMAN
Its large motors whirling ceaselessly, the first autogiro to visit
Crater Lake paid its respects yesterday to the scenic wonder with
Captain Yancey of trans-Atlantic flights fame at the controls. The
machine settled far down within the crater walls of the silent sea of
blue, while groups of lake visitors watched.By Ernest Rostel The lake trip was another outstanding event in a tour Captain Yancey began a year ago under the auspices of the Champion Spark Plug Company, visiting every state in the union and strange places in foreign lands. Moving pictures of the event were taken by the Universal news reel for distribution throughout the nation, further publicizing this well-known scenic attraction. Rising easily from the Medford airport, the autogiro, of which there are only a few in operation in the United States, quickly gained altitude on its journey to Crater Lake. Familiar landmarks of the valley soon gave way to the green wooded slopes of the foothill country as the 300-horsepower ship rose higher and higher into the clouds. The hill country was superseded by majestic forest-clad mountains, rushing stream-studded vales in their region and far-off meadows where browsing cattle betrayed the proximity of man. Mt. McLoughlin was seen piercing the heavens with its snowy crest, its white-pointed summit adding enchantment to the scene, and far to the south, ever-majestic Mt. Shasta loomed. Ahead, Mt. Thielsen, the "Matterhorn of the Cascades," indicated the proximity of Crater Lake resting peacefully in the caldera of old Mt. Mazama, the slopes of which, easy to discern, were drawing nearer and nearer as the roaring ship speeded on. The powerful motor roared and grotesque rotors whirled as the ship sailed over towering cliffs into the region where ages ago fire gods held sway. To the stolid gray lava battlements of Llao Rock Captain Yancey piloted his sturdy craft, only to leave it in a moment, soaring by the Devil's Backbone, volcanic dike of ancient origin, and around Wizard Island. Daring the dangers of air currents sweeping down the sides of Hillman Peak, highest of the rim points, Captain Yancey swept lower and lower, skirting the island on all sides and the slopes of the Watchman, where John Wesley Hillman in 1853 struggled upward on a surefooted mule for the first time to view the sublime scene, known only until then to aborigines sincere in their belief that the lake was the dwelling place of evil spirits. Toward the impregnable heights of Dutton Cliff came the craft, almost touching its age-old walls not far above Phantom Ship, strangely anchored at its base. Around and around circled Captain Yancey, paying flying visits to Garfield Peak, Sun Notch, Kerr Notch, Cloudcap, the Wineglass and all points outstanding among attractions of the rim. A dip and a rise and then higher came the ship as it bid farewell to the lake, flying directly over the lodge, still snow-covered and over the cafeteria with its canyons of snow leading to its doors. Back at the Medford airport from a flight that had never been made before by autogiro, Captain Yancey had added another accomplishment to his list of feats, which include his trail-blazing flight to Rome in 1929. Many feet of moving picture film were taken of his lake visit, as well as views taken from the place destined for national distribution. From Medford, accompanied by Mrs. Yancey, who always flies with him, Captain Yancey will visit Portland, Ranier National Park and other scenic points of the Northwest before leaving for Colorado, where he plans to make the first autogiro landing on Pikes Peak. Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1932, page 9 GIRLS ENJOY DUTY AS STEWARDESSES MEDFORD AIR RUN
As veterans in the new women's
business of being sky stewardesses, Miss Clara Johnson, 23, and Miss
Maye Eastman, 24, have just completed 200,000 miles each of flying up
and down the Pacific coast airway. In that 200,000 miles, they have
become intimate with virtually every hill, stream and hamlet between
Seattle, Medford and San Diego.The two young women, employed on the coastwise tri-motored planes of United Air Lines, entered service March 25, 1931, as the first stewardesses of United on the Seattle-Medford-San Diego run. In common with the more than a score of other stewardesses on the various routes of United Air Lines, it is their duty to add to the enjoyment for the traveler by serving luncheons, passing out reading material, pointing out interesting scenic spots and otherwise making themselves helpful. It's all a very fascinating business, as Miss Johnson described it while halting at Medford on her last coastwise flight. She has catered to passengers ranging in age from three months to 84 years, has met air travelers from virtually all parts of the world, and has become a friend of many who make frequent trips along the coast. She has observed, among other things, that the attitude of people toward flying has undergone a distinct change. Whereas they used to more or less "sit on edge" at the start of the trip, they now take it all in the most matter-of-fact way. She believes that both men and women have found their "sky legs." With their first 200,000 miles behind them, the young women are off on their next 200,000. And, judging from their talk, they are enjoying every mile of it, too. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1932, page 12 Hartley Airplanes Near Completion
EDEN PRECINCT, June 24.--(Spl.)--Cecil Hartley, "Lindy" of this part of
Southern Oregon, has his plane nearly completed. We have been told he
will soon apply for a patent on the machine. This community is justly
proud of the young man.Medford Mail Tribune, June 24, 1932, page 2 LOCAL MEN ORGANIZE CRATER FLYING CLUB
Several local men have organized the Crater Flying Club and made arrangements for the purchase of a new Waco
training ship. The Waco is declared one of the best training ships on
the market and is capable of cross-country flights at any time the
members wish to take a trip. It is equipped with self-starter, air
wheels and brakes.The club still lacks three members of having the desired number. Anyone interested in becoming a member can get in touch with Dan Howland of the E. R. White Machinery Company, or Archie Pierce at the Pierce Auto Freight Lines. Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1932, page 1 ARMY PLANES TO BE STATIONED AT MEDFORD AIRPORT
While in the valley on a fishing trip, Major C. L. Tinker, commander of
the twentieth pursuit squadron of the United States army, stationed at
Mather Field, announced the plans to make arrangements for sending two
units to the Rogue River Valley in September, to be stationed here for
two weeks. One unit will be headquartered at the Medford municipal
airport, and the other within a distance of 10 miles of the city, Major
Tinker informed William Clarkson, city superintendent of the airport.Another unit might possibly be located in the vicinity of Roseburg, Major Tinker stated. Plans are only tentative for the units to come here, Mr. Clarkson said, but the Major plans to send them if at all possible. Approximately 15 planes would comprise the two units. Arriving here Saturday morning in his army plane from Mather Field, with Lieutenant Gordon Saville also flying his army ship, the two left for Diamond Lake shortly after placing their planes in the hangar. They were accompanied on their fishing trip by Mr. Clarkson, who said today they had a wonderful trip, with the Major landing two large trout while at the lake. Although fishing at the lake has been poor for the past two weeks, they were able to get four trout. Fishing the Rogue on the return journey, the party was also successful in catching a number of fine fish. Lieutenant Saville flew south last evening, leaving the local airport at 5 o'clock. Major Tinker remained overnight as the guest of Mr. Clarkson, and left at 5 a.m. today, reporting for duty at 7 a.m. at Mather Field. The squadron is being transferred from Mather Field to Shreveport, La. Last evening Charles Stead and Al Davis, pilots for the United Air Lines, visited the Major. Stead was formerly stationed under Major Tinker, whom he had not seen for 10 years. The army officers were quite impressed with the valley and their fishing trip, and promised Mr. Clarkson they would visit here again soon. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1932, page 5 Fighting Airplanes Coming to the Rogue River Valley
Aerial maneuvers, including combat and formation flying, will be
features of interest to Rogue River Valley residents when a half dozen
planes of the Twentieth Squadron under Major C. H. Tinker are stationed
at the Medford airport in September.Major Tinker was at the airport early this week and announced that two sets of fast pursuit planes will come, one group making its headquarters at the Medford airport and the others at some landing field in the valley. The two will engage in maneuvers as a part of their summer schedule of training. Major Tinker, together with Lt. Gordon Saville and Bill Clarkson, manager of the airport, spent the weekend fishing at Diamond Lake and reported fair catches. While in the valley he visited with Charles Stead and Al Davis, airmail pilots, who were acquainted with him through wartime experience. Gold Hill News, July 21, 1932, page 4 ARMY AIR SQUAD MAY BASE HERE
An invitation for the 55th and 77the Army Aero Squadrons to make the
Medford airport the base of their operations for squadron maneuvers
this summer was extended this morning by W. H. Fluhrer, chairman of the
aviation committee of the Medford chamber of commerce, in a letter to
Major R. F. Tinker, commanding these units at Mather Field, Calif.The invitation was prompted by a remark made by Major Tinker on a previous visit to Medford, when he stated that the Medford airport would offer an ideal location for field maneuvers. If the invitation is accepted, it will mark the first time that the new Medford airport has been used as a base for extended aviation maneuvers by a unit of the army air corps. Mr. Fluhrer stated today that an answer is expected within a few days, and if the invitation is accepted, steps will immediately be taken looking toward the proper reception and entertainment of the visiting aviators. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1932, page 4 PLANS MADE FOR BUILDING NEW FEDERAL STATION
Definite plans have been formulated by the United States Department of
Commerce for construction of a new government station, neighboring
Medford, which will combine the two radio stations now established
several miles north of the city, it was learned here today.The new station will combine the automatic signals station, now situated at the Four Corners, and the station for broadcasting of weather instructions to fliers. The latter is now located on the Crater Lake Highway. The Department of Commerce has requested definite information regarding a suitable location for such a station, and it is understood it will be established one half mile south of Stewart Avenue on the Pacific Highway. Considerable expense will be involved in the change and erection of the new station, which will modernize the broadcasting system and dispensing of information to pilots of planes traversing this territory. Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1932, page 1 The Medford Airport
The securing of Major Yates-Brown, whose itinerary is confined almost
exclusively to the larger cities, emphasizes the value of a local asset
which isn't as generally recognized as it should be.This asset is Medford airport, and the fact that Medford is an important station on the regular transcontinental air route. An aviator in the war, the famous British author and lecturer travels almost exclusively by air. The only reason the local University Club was able to secure him for this address was the fact that he had to fly through Medford from Portland, to keep a speaking date in Pasadena. ----
Some years ago the building of the Natron Cutoff put Medford off the
main line of railroad travel, and as a result, Klamath Falls took
Medford's place as the stopping-off place for important theatrical and
musical attractions.Securing Major Yates-Brown suggests that eventually Medford will gain far more by being a regular stop on the coast airline than it lost through the Natron Cutoff. The travel of the future will be by air. Medford enjoys certain climatic and geographical advantages which undoubtedly will render its strategic place on that air route a PERMANENT ONE. Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1932, page 6 Airways Division Installs Stronger Beacon Here
Vic Winkler and Bill Freeman, employees of the airways division,
Department of Commerce, were business visitors in Gold Hill this week,
installing a new 8,000,000-candlepower beacon on the hill north of
town [Nugget Butte]. This replaces the old 2,000,000-candlepower light.The men report that the airways division is installing five new beacons in Southern Oregon. One has already been installed on the Siskiyous, and following the completion of the work here, the other three will be installed on Sexton Mountain, Canyon Mountain and near Cottage Grove, the men stated. Gold Hill News, November 3, 1932, page 1 LOCAL AIRWAYS RADIO STATION KEEPS BUSY THROUGHOUT 24 HOURS
Radio station KGE, United Air Lines' short wave aircraft transmitter
and receiving unit at Medford, was reported today to be one of the
busiest airway radio stations on the nation's network of air routes. An
average of 180 calls are made every 24 hours by KGE, contacting pilots
of planes flying on the Seattle-Medford-San Diego mail and passenger
express airway of United Air Lines.In addition to providing pilots in flight with latest weather information and traffic dispatches, the radiophone station can communicate with several of United Air Lines' 37 transmitting and receiving stations every 200 miles along the company's nationwide system of air lines. All of United's fleet of more than 100 airplanes are completely equipped with radio transmitters and receivers to make possible voice communication between pilots and the ground station operators. Medford Mail Tribune, November 16, 1932, page 7 MEDFORD ENJOYS AIRWAY TRAFFIC GROWTH IN YEAR
Medford shared with other cities of the country in 1932 in handling the
steadily increasing volume of commerce moving over the nation's air
network, according to figures released today by Phil Sharp, field
manager of United Air Lines.The air passage business on United planes operating between this city, California and Seattle increased approximately 100 percent over that for 1931. Air express showed a high percent gain, with a good number of pounds moving. Air mail registered a loss due to generally decreased postal business in the year, although approximately 14,720 pounds moved in and out of here. Passengers carried on all United's routes totaled approximately 88,000, as compared to 43,000 in 1931; miles flown aggregated 13,400,000, as compared to 11,115,141, and mail carried totaled 3,350,000 pounds, as compared with 4,840,000 pounds last year. Air express figures for the year are not yet available, but this phase of the industry is known to have shown a substantial gain. In the year Medford strengthened its place of importance on United's mail, passenger and express system which now reaches forty-six cities in twenty states and which has direct air and rail connections to scores of other points. Service from here included two daily round trips to California and two daily round trips to Seattle, bringing this city within seven and one-half hours of San Diego and within four hours of Seattle. As a stimulus to the air express business, rates on such shipments were materially reduced late in the year. In many instances they are now approximately one-third of what they were two years ago. An active bid for air express business is being made by United, which is allied with the air express division of the Railway Express Agency in a nationwide air and air-rail express setup. In 1932, planes of United Air Lines scored higher records for performance than any time in the history of the five subsidiary companies which now are being operated as United's divisions. These are Pacific Air Transport (Seattle-Medford-San Diego), Varney Air Lines (Seattle-Salt Lake City), Boeing Air Transport (San Francisco-Chicago), and National Air Transport (Chicago-New York and Chicago-Dallas.) New things are coming to the routes of United Air Lines in 1933 when a fleet of all-metal, low wing, twin-engine monoplanes are placed in United's service as the fastest multi-motored commercial transports in the world. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1933, page 5 SMALLEST RADIO STATION IS USED TO GUIDE PLANES
Most of Medford's radio fans, as much as they turn their dials and
follow the radio programs, probably are unacquainted with one of the
smallest but busiest stations in the city, known as KGE. This station
broadcasts no program, presents no entertainment features, does nothing
to attract the attention of radio listeners--yet it is at work day and
night and is part of the radio network which extends over the country.Station KGE is located in United Air Lines' hangar-depot at municipal airport. Its job is to keep in touch by two-way radio telephone with the passenger-mail-express tri-motored planes flying on its Seattle-Medford-San Diego route. A visit to this United Air lines' radio station will convince even the skeptic how dependable air transport has become. For instance, one can hear the conversation of a pilot in flight 2,000 miles away. This station makes approximately 120 contacts daily with planes in flight, and KGE talks every 20 minutes with planes while they are within its radius. This station is one of 35 United Air Lines maintains over the country, located at intervals of approximately 200 miles. At the majority of these stations 24-hour shifts are observed since United Air Lines flies approximately 6,000,000 miles a year at night. The range of the Medford station is around 250 miles, but under United's plan of operation planes are never more distant than 130 miles from a ground station. Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1933, page 12 Radio Reveals Aviators Battle Above Siskiyous
The following graphic description of radio conversation between Al
Gilhausen and airway operators, just prior to his forced landing near
Redding ten days ago, was published by the Grants Pass Courier:As Ice Weighs Airplane It was a night swept by wind with dashes of rain. The boys in a dozen cities from Seattle to San Diego were worried about Al. Their voices didn't reveal it to the casual radio listener. It wouldn't have been reassuring to the man they were worried about if he could have heard uncertainty in their tones, and he certainly would have heard it, for the earphones were clamped to his head inside his helmet as he hazed his mail plane northward through the night. Where was Al? San Francisco and more distant points kept asking: "What do you hear from Al?" Medford, or was it Sacramento, answered: "Al's all right. He called in just a minute or so ago, and he's right on the beam. He's being delayed. He'll call again pretty soon. I'll let you know when he does." "O.K." from the first speaker. In and out, as the airplanes and their land stations talk on the short-waves. One transmitter slamming in as another cuts out. All of them tuned to the same wave, with the power on only when one is talking. If two come in together it's just a meaningless howl. There were few such conflicts that night. They were listening for Al, talking on the weakest wave of the lot. Here he was again: "I'm right on the beam, but I'm making it pretty slow. Air speed about 60, and I guess the radio wire is covered with ice so I can't reach out very strong. I'm right on the beam, but the ship is picking up lots of ice. Can't make much headway. I'll call back in a minute. Anything later on the weather?" So they called him back with more weather reports, and none of them reassuring. Winds dead against him. Rain, and poor visibility. And they listened. Someone asked his elevation. Said Al, "About forty-five hundred. She's slowing down." Then there was silence on the ether wave and everyone listened. Suddenly Al's voice again. "I can't hold it," he called. "I can't hold it. I can't hold it. I can't hold it." They listened in consternation this time, and a minute rolled around, someone called, "Al what's your elevation now?" Said Al, "Just about twenty-six hundred. Between twenty-five and twenty-six hundred." And then his voice wavered a little. Said Al, "I'm down. I cracked up. I'm up here on top of a mountain and I can't see 10 feet any direction. You ought to see the load of ice on these wings! I hit doing 60 and the wind coming back at about 50. I'm right on the beam but I don't know where I am. I'll go down the hill a ways and call you back." Good old Al. From 4500 of 2600 feet while he was calling out "I can't hold it" five times, and when he called back what do you suppose bothered him? He had looked under the front and he had looked under the back seat, and somebody had forgotten to pack the emergency rations, and he was hungry. Well, the highway patrols went out sounding their sirens so Al could hear them go by and fire his pistol to stop them, and a good many hours later the patrols and Al got together and the mechanics looked the plane over while Al tied into some rations. Next day the press wire ticked out a story about Al's plane being damaged when forced down by the storm near Redding. Long before that the talk on the air-line radio had quit mentioning Al. Other planes were in the air, other aviators were fighting it out with the night, new weather reports were going out to guide them into the airports. And we sat back in a comfortable living room and tuned out one of the commercial world, the day-and-night, mechanical and human wonders of the radio-guided air transport, for a dance orchestra! Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1933, page 6 MEDFORD AIRPORT GETS HIGH RATING
High rating for the Medford airport was reported here today in receipt
of the first official listing from Washington, D.C. The rating for the
local airport is A1B, which is among the highest listed on the Pacific
Coast, City Superintendent Fred Scheffel announced following receipt of
the rating.The "A," which is the highest ranking obtainable, applies to the affected landing area. The 1 pertains to the accommodations offered by administration and hangar and the "B" pertains to the lighting. Medford ranks first in the landing area requirements and in accommodations. The "B" listing for lighting is not the highest rating possible but is exceptionally high for an airport the size of Medford's, Mr. Scheffel stated today. For a class "A" rating on landing area, Mr. Scheffel said, the government places the basic requirement at 2500 feet in all directions. The Medford port conforms to this requirement without any difficulty. The highest rating possible for an airport would be A1A, Mr. Scheffel stated. The rating received today is the first to be made by the government, and the outcome of the listing has been eagerly awaited by those persons who knew it was being made. Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1933, page 3 AMELIA EARHART HERE ON AIR HOP
America's queen of the air, Miss Amelia Earhart, who is on a lecture
tour, having appeared in Portland last week, was a visitor in Medford
yesterday, stopping over for lunch before continuing her journey to San
Francisco on the United Air Lines plane.Phil Sharp, United Air Lines field superintendent at Medford, who had been on a business trip to Portland, returned here on the same ship Sunday, and stated that Miss Earhart was impressed by the Oregon scenery, and spoke highly of the Rogue River Valley. Before leaving here, Miss Earhart made an inspection tour of the municipal building at the airport and was quite pleased with the structure, as well as the landing field, Mr. Sharp said. Medford Mail Tribune, February 6, 1933, page 3 MEDFORD RADIO STATION CHANGED FOR EFFICIENCY
Erection of a new radio range station by the federal government on
property leased from Suncrest Orchards a short distance southwest of
the city is underway, it was learned late yesterday afternoon.
Announcement was made through Frank P. Fischer, Jr., contractor.The station will replace the one now located on the Crater Lake Highway and will increase greatly the communication service offered pilots, enabling them to bring their planes through during all types of weather. Completion of the project is anticipated about March 18, Mr. Fischer stated yesterday. His contract is just one of three to be carried out in the construction and installation of the station. Fifty-seven such stations are being erected in the United States for airways communications service. Medford and Portland are the only points favored in Oregon. The system will enable the department of commerce, aeronautics branch, to locate the communication station with its personnel on the airport, handling the teletype service directly at the airport and operating the radio transmitters by means of remote control and microphone lines. The delivery and installation of the control switches, relays and other electrical equipment required for the installation of distant control throughout the nation will take several months, according to notice from Frederick R. Neely, chief of aeronautic information division, but upon completion of the project there will be the advantage of receiving the maps and receiving and sending all other airways communications directly at the airport. It is also planned to install an airways division bulletin board in the airport operations office where maps and other airway notices will be posted immediately upon receipt, and to provide supply of additional copies of the maps sufficient to meet the requirements of everyone engaged in flying. Medford Mail Tribune, March 3, 1933, page 5 RADIO BEACON OF TINY PROPORTIONS WILL AID LANDING
A miniature radio range beacon, which makes it possible for United Air
Lines pilots to bring their mail-passenger-express planes directly in
over an airport, regardless of weather conditions, has proved its merit
in tests just completed by company engineers, according to
announcement. The equipment already has been installed at Seattle and
will be provided at other stations along United's routes between the
Pacific Northwest, California and the East.The airport localizer, as it is known, operates in the same way as do the large radio range beacons which provide invisible radio lines for pilots to follow along the country's airways. Its beam, however, extends only about 15 miles from the airport, intersecting the regular airway beam. Like the airway radio range beacons, the localizer sends out "A" and "N" signals. If a pilot hears a steady dash tone in the earphones of his two-way radio telephone equipment, he knows he is on course. If he hears an "A" signal he knows he is to one side of his course, and if he hears an "N" signal he knows he is to the other side. As the pilot nears a city he advises the ground operator of his position, whereupon the operator turns the localizer's movable beam in the proper direction and switches on the transmitter. By following the signals it is possible for the pilot to know exactly when he flies over the airport hangar. Equipment of the device includes a 15-watt transmitter, loop antenna and a key tuning instrument. In addition to its use for sending out guiding signals, the transmitter can be employed for voice communication in advising whether the field is clear for landings. It thus promises to be a factor in improved airport traffic control. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1933, page 8 New Plane Here Thursday
Medford's citizens will have their first opportunity to see the new high-speed, all-metal Boeing transport,
a fleet of which soon are to go into the service of United Air Lines on
the Pacific Coast route, when it arrives in this city at 12:10 p.m. or
earlier Thursday.The big silver-gray air liner, bound from Seattle to Oakland, will be at the Medford airport for 20 minutes. Those visiting the field will be able to see all the various exterior features which rate the plane as the last word in commercial aircraft design and construction. Sixty of the Boeing monoplanes are under construction at Seattle for the various routes of United Air Lines, with these being placed in service as rapidly as they can be turned out. The production schedule of the Boeing Airplane Company calls for delivery of 18 of the planes by May 1. Having a top speed of 182 miles an hour and cruising speed of 165 miles an hour, carrying a full load of ten passengers, two pilots, a stewardess and cargo, the transport is rated as the fastest of its class in the world. Also embodied in it are the maximum factors of strength, comfort and operating economy. Streamlined throughout, the plane has speed spelled into its every line. It is equipped with two 550-horsepower Wasp motors and has retractable landing gear. Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1933, page 1 NEW TYPE PLANE ON MEDFORD RUN ATTRACTS CROWD
The new all-metal, high-speed Boeing transport plane
which soon will be clipping time off present air schedules between
Medford and other cities of the country was exhibited here for the
first time today as it halted briefly en route from Seattle to Oakland.
For twenty minutes Medford citizens had an opportunity to inspect the
radically new features of the transport as it was serviced at the local
airport.According to Phil Sharp, Medford representative of United Air Lines, the plane is one of 60 being built by the Boeing Airplane Company for the Pacific Coast, coast-to-coast and other routes of United. It has been operating on the Portland-Seattle section of the Pacific Coast route, to which it will return after several days at Oakland. The ship, without any passengers, arrived in Medford in an hour and 22 minutes from Portland, piloted by John Hodgson and his co-pilot, William Sherman. The plane traveled at a rate of 170 miles an hour, against headwinds. In 55 minutes, the twin-engined ship cruised from the Boeing port in Seattle to Portland, an average of 160 miles per hour. The Boeing is being taken to Oakland, to be transferred to the Transcontinental lines. A beautiful steel gray, with low-swung wings, the twin-engined monoplane made a perfect three-point landing as it glided down the Medford runway. A large crowd of local people visited the port to inspect this new ship, the first of its kind to travel this line. Another plane of the same model made the regular run through Medford at noon, on the southern flight. The plane is the fastest of its class in the world, with a high speed of 182 miles an hour and cruising speed of 165 miles an hour, carrying ten passengers, two pilots, a stewardess and cargo. Contrasted with its top speed is a landing speed of only 58 miles an hour--declared to be exceptional for commercial planes of its size. It has a gross weight of 12,650 pounds, wing span of 74 feet and length of 51 feet, 4 inches. Of all-metal construction, it is streamlined throughout, is equipped with retractable landing gear and is powered with two 550-horsepower supercharged Pratt & Whitney Wasp engines. Message received later from Oakland gave the plane's time between cities as 1 hour, 55 minutes. Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1933, page 6 Valley Beautiful As Seen from Air in Morrell Plane
Freshly washed by April showers, the Rogue River Valley presented an
impressive picture for the party of Medford guests who enjoyed rides
this morning in a new green Wasp Lockheed Vega
plane, chartered on a goodwill tour for John Morrell & Co. Sioux
Falls, S.D., and Topeka, Kansas, are homes of the Morrell plants while
the home offices are located in Ottumwa, Iowa.J. H. Deering, northwest district manager with headquarters at Spokane, Wash., was in charge of the scenic trips today, inviting local dealers for Morrell's meat, and members of the press. The plane was piloted by Cliff Kysor. Six fifteen-minute flights were made with the following passengers included: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Luman and son David; Mrs. Herbert Thomas, Geraldine Thomas, Iris Thomas, Mildred Berwert, A. J. Anderson, Jack Bickler, P. M. Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Monroe, E. A. Turnquist, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fliegel and Joe Jr., C. N. Culy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herbert, Miss Margaret Hensley and Tom Ginn. Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1933, page 2 HOMEMADE PLANE FLIES WELL FOR PHOENIX BUILDER
Cecil Hartley, well-known resident of the Phoenix-Talent farming
district, has taken to the air again--this time in a plane of his own
making, with which he completed a 17-minute flight, it was announced
today.Hartly, who a few years ago was successful in completing a glider which would work, started construction of a plane two years ago. It is now completed and a flight from the fairgrounds field yesterday proved it, too, will work. It is a high-winged monoplane, and Hartley has been seen several times this week transporting it from his home to the fairgrounds, where there is no hangar in which to house it. A four-cylinder motorcycle engine is used to furnish the plane with power, and from the exterior it has all the appearances of a factory job. Since Hartley is color blind, he has been unable to obtain student instruction from licensed pilots and was forced to learn the art of flying on his own. It is also impossible for him to fly from the Medford airport, a licensed field, because of his failure to qualify for the license. His plane is eligible for government identification number, however, it was pointed out today, so he is enabled to fly from an unlicensed port. Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1933, page 8 ARMY AIRPLANES WILL VISIT CITY EN ROUTE NORTH
Medford's municipal airport will be busy for the next few days, with
the arrival of over forty army ships, en route from March Field,
Riverside, Calif., to Seattle, it was announced today from Tom
Culbertson, city superintendent for the Medford airport.Thirty-six enlisted men and nine army officers will remain in Medford tonight, following their arrival here in nine bombers, the first six of which will be set down at the port about four o'clock. Three other bombers are scheduled here at 5:40 o'clock. The fleet, which is flying north for maneuvers in Seattle, is in charge of Captain Johnson of the Seventh Bombardment Squadron. Major McNarney, in command of the Second Bombardment Squadron, will also remain overnight in Medford. Nineteen observation ships will refuel here Memorial Day, before continuing north. Five will arrive at 9:45 a.m., and will take off at 11:45 a.m., according to present plans. Five observation ships and one transport will be here at 11:30 a.m., and will be followed shortly by another transport. Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock, three observation ships are to arrive. Captain Ballard and Captain Cannon, flying a Douglas observation, left here this afternoon for the north. They stopped over in Medford for a few hours to make preliminary arrangements for the fleet's arrival. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1933, page 5 LOCAL AIRPORT IMPORTANT IN ARMY FLYING
That the Medford airport occupies a strategic place in the air map of
the U.S. army air corps, and because of its location midway between San
Francisco and Portland, and at the north end of the Siskiyous, will be
of increasing importance as time goes on, was the word brought today by
Brigadier General Oscar Westover, in command of the army air fleet
which landed here today, en route from March Field, California, to
Seattle, for five days maneuvers.General Westover and his staff were tendered a luncheon at the Hotel Medford at noon today by the chamber of commerce, attended by about fifty representative business men. General Westover gave a very interesting explanation of the present trip and its purposes, which are essentially to give his staff practical knowledge of the air routes along the Pacific Coast, to determine proper places for airdromes, concentration points, and general atmospheric as well as ground conditions. The speaker was high in his praise of Medford and its airport, as well as the courtesies extended, and in elaborating upon local advantages mentioned the present excellent airport, the freedom for severe storms, the convenient altitude, and other natural advantages to air transportation. He also said that the army air corps is particularly interested in the Pacific Coast, and is studying this region constantly, not in expectation of war soon, but to be prepared in every way whenever war should come. He left no doubt in his hearers' minds that not only in war flying, but in peace flying, not only from a military standpoint, but from an industrial standpoint, Medford was bound to occupy an important place in future aviation. Floyd Hart, World War flying ace [sic], presided, and introduced President Bolger of the chamber of commerce, who gave the visitors a welcoming address on behalf of the chamber of commerce. The fleet had three weeks mass maneuvers in California and will have five days in the Puget Sound area. They will fly back to their eastern headquarters via Pasco and Salt Lake City. Three hundred and thirty planes took part in the California maneuvers, but only the commanders and their staffs are taking part in the flight to Seattle. Major Armstrong of the civilian conservation corps was also a guest of honor at the speakers' table. The commanders and their staffs present at the luncheon were: Brig. General Oscar Westover, Lt. Colonel Glenn I. Jones, Major Ralph Royce, Major J. C. Rudolph, Major J. W. Jones, Captain Theisen, Captain Murphy, Captain McDaniel, Lieutenant Owens, Lieutenant Conrad, Lieutenant Birnn. Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1933, page 1 Army Airplanes Visit Rogue River Valley
Many local people visited the Medford airport Monday and Tuesday to see
the army planes which stopped there en route to Seattle from San
Francisco.Forty planes were in the fleet which included the big bombers and several observation ships, as well as transports. Visitors at the port had good opportunity to see the big ships, some of which were there for two hours at a time, and thousands more saw them fly in their various formations on their trip north. The planes had been at San Francisco last week, where they maneuvered with a fleet of 330 ships. Brigadier General Oscar Westover was in charge, and while at Medford he explained that the trip was to give the men practical knowledge of the air routes along the Pacific Coast, to determine proper places for airdromes, concentration points, and general atmospheric as well as ground conditions. He stressed the fact that Medford is an important point in coast air travel, situated as it is half way between San Francisco and Portland, and at the north end of the Siskiyous. The army air corps is studying the coast region constantly as a strategic point of defense in case of war--not that they expect war soon, but as a matter of preparedness when and if war should come. Gold Hill News, June 1, 1933, page 1 MULTI-MOTORED PLANES TO MAKE NIGHT RUN SOON
Inauguration of overnight multi-motored, 11 passenger plane service by
United Air Lines on its 1231-mile airway between the Pacific Northwest
and San Diego, effective Saturday, was announced today by P. G.
Johnson, president of the air transport firm, as one more move
providing this section with the utmost in air transport facilities.The change means retirement for the single-engined, four-passenger and cargo planes which regularly have been plying up and down the Pacific Coast route on the night schedules for a number of years. It also means a stepping up in speed for air mail, passengers and express. With the inauguration it will be possible to leave the Northwest after dinner and be in San Diego by 6:50 next morning. Northbound, the plane leaving San Diego at 8:15 will arrive here the following morning. The planes used will be identical with those now operating on the daylight schedules--all-metal, Wasp-powered Fords, carrying two pilots and a stewardess. They are equipped with two-way radio telephones and the latest navigation instruments, directional gyro, artificial horizon and sensitive altimeter. "United Air Lines is replacing the single-engined equipment with tri-motored planes flown with two pilots and stewardess service on its Pacific Northwest-San Diego route because the patronage warrants it and in line with our policy of flying multi-motored equipment on all passenger schedules," said Mr. Johnson. "Use of multi-motored planes at night on this route, supplementing our present daylight service, gives Pacific Coast cities a type of service not surpassed in any section of the country." The Pacific Coast subsidiary of the United Air Lines has maintained night passenger service on its Pacific Northwest-San Diego route for five of the seven years during which it has been operating on the airway. Like other airways, the line is equipped with 2,000,000-candlepower beacons every ten miles, lighted intermediate fields approximately forty miles apart and the directional radio beam. On all its routes, United Air Lines flies approximately 6,000,000 miles annually at night with multi-motored equipment. The new schedule effective Saturday on the night trip follows: Leave Seattle, 6:45 p.m.; Tacoma, 7:10 p.m.; Portland, 8:30 p.m.; Medford, 10:40 p.m.; Oakland, 1:40 a.m.; San Francisco, 2:05 a.m. [sic]; Fresno, 5:30 a.m.; Bakersfield, 4:35 a.m.; arrive Los Angeles, 5:30 a.m.; and San Diego, 6:50 a.m. Northbound, leave San Diego 8:15 p.m.; Los Angeles, 11:45 p.m.; Bakersfield, 12:10 a.m.; Fresno, 1:45 a.m.; San Francisco, 3:20 a.m.; Oakland, 3:50 a.m., Medford, 6:50 a.m.; Portland, 9 a.m.; arrive Tacoma, 10:10 a.m. and Seattle, 10:30 a.m. Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1933, page 12 TRI-MOTOR SHIPS PLACED ON NIGHT RUN VIA MEDFORD
Medford and other Pacific Coast cities Saturday night were given
another improvement in the air transport facilities connecting them,
when 11-passenger transport planes were placed on the coastwise night
schedule of United Air Lines, supplementing the same type of service
already being given on the daylight schedule.Coming of the Ford tri-motored planes to the night run spells honorable retirement for the fleet of single-engined four-passenger and mail planes which have been operating up and down the coast for years. Some of these have recorded a total of almost 5000 hours in the air, or approximately 575,000 miles of flying. The new equipment for the night schedule means a similar deluxe service as that operated on the daylight schedule and an increase in speed. Substantial increases in the volume of passengers, mail and express handled along the Pacific Coast are expected to result. Under the revised schedules it is possible to leave Medford at 10:40 p.m. and be in San Diego at 6:50 a.m. the next morning. Northbound, the plane leaving San Diego at 8:15 p.m. arrives here at 6:35 a.m. Thus, the entire length of the Pacific Coast may be flown overnight and without loss of business hours. The tri-motored, Wasp-powered, all-metal Fords, carrying two pilots and a stewardess, are equipped with the latest navigation instruments and two-way radio telephone. On their inaugural flight they carried letters of congratulation between the mayors of the cities served. Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1933, page 5 Multi-Motored Planes Make First Night Run
Inauguration of overnight multi-motored United Air Lines on its
1231-mile airway between the Pacific Northwest and San Diego, effective
last Saturday, was announced by P. G. Johnson, president of the air
transport firm, as one more move providing this section with the utmost
in air transport facilities.The change means retirement for the single-engined, four-passenger and cargo planes which regularly have been plying up and down the Pacific Coast route on the night schedules for a number of years. It also means a stepping up in speed of air mail, passengers and express. With the inauguration it is possible to leave the Northwest after dinner and be in San Diego by 6:50 next morning. Northbound, the plane leaving San Diego at 8:15 arrives at Medford the following morning. The planes used will be identical with those now operating on the daylight schedules--all-metal, Wasp-powered Fords, carrying two pilots and a stewardess. They are equipped with two-way radio telephones and the latest navigation instruments, directional gyro, artificial horizon and sensitive altimeter. "United Air Lines is replacing the single-engined equipment with tri-motored planes flown with two pilots and stewardess service on its Pacific Northwest-San Diego route because the patronage warrants it and in line with our policy of flying multi-motored equipment on all passenger schedules," said Mr. Johnson. "Use of multi-motored planes at night on this route, supplementing our present daylight service, gives Pacific Coast cities a type of service not surpassed in any section of the country." The Pacific Coast subsidiary of the United Air Lines has maintained night passenger service on its Pacific Northwest-San Diego route for five of the seven years during which it has been operating on the airway. Like other airways, the line is equipped with 2,000,000-candlepower beacons every ten miles, lighted intermediate fields approximately forty miles apart and the directional radio beam. On all its routes, United Air Lines flies approximately 6,000,000 miles annually at night with multi-motored equipment. The new schedules effective Saturday on the night trip follows: Leave Seattle, 6:45 p.m.; Tacoma, 7:10 p.m.; Portland, 8:30 p.m.; Medford, 10:40 p.m.; Oakland, 1:40 a.m.; San Francisco, 2:05 a.m.; Fresno, 5:30 a.m.; Bakersfield, 4:35 a.m.; arrive Los Angeles, 5:30 a.m.; and San Diego, 6:50 a.m. Northbound, leave San Diego, 8:15 p.m.; Los Angeles, 11:45 p.m.; Bakersfield, 12:40 a.m.; Fresno, 1:45 a.m.; San Francisco, 3:20 a.m.; Oakland, 3:50 a.m.; Medford, 6:50 a.m.; Portland, 9 a.m.; arrive Tacoma, 10:10 a.m. and Seattle, 10:30 a.m. Gold Hill News, July 6, 1933, page 3 COAST ROUTE PLANES NEAR PERFECT RECORD
Another near-perfect performance record was chalked up by United Air
Lines planes flying the Pacific Coast route between Seattle, Medford
and San Diego in June, according to figures released today by Phil
Sharp, field manager.These figures show that the mail-passenger-cargo carriers completed 99.93 percent of the 178,980 miles scheduled for them in the month, actually flying 178,857 miles. In addition to a large volume of passengers and express, 31,600 pounds of mail were carried on the daylight and overnight schedules. Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1933, page 7 BARNES INVENTS DIVINING DEVICE
Curtis Barnes, young inventor of this city, and son of J. C. Barnes, is
now perfecting a machine which is demanding the attention of Southern
Oregon miners, members of the association reported today.It is aimed to detect the type of minerals located in an area 40 feet square and 35 feet deep. The machine, as now perfected, will locate minerals over that area without difficulty, but will not detect the kind of ore deposited, the mining men stated, expressing confidence in Mr. Barnes' device. He has been working on the mining invention for the past year and a half. Barnes is remembered here as the youthful inventor of Medford's first homemade airplane. His product was displayed by the chamber of commerce a number of years ago. Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1933, page 4 MEDFORD AIR TRAFFIC SETS NEW HIGH MARK
An all-time record for airplane passenger travel out of the Medford
airport was announced yesterday by Phil Sharp, field manager for United
Air Lines, for last month, when a total of 94 passengers were flown by
United Air Lines on its planes from the Medford airport to Portland,
Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles. In addition to heavy coast
travel, there was a heavy movement of air travelers to Chicago and the
world's fair and eastern points.Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1933, page 1 NEW RADIO BEACON EXPLAINED
In an informal talk to the Amateur Radio Club of Southern Oregon Friday
night at the city hall, George Johnson, operator at KCX, the government
airways radio station on the Crater Lake Highway, told of the increased
safety for aircraft which will be afforded by the new antennae system.
The transmission line system will probably be in use by October 1, Mr.
Johnson said.BEFORE AMATEURS' MEETING "A few degrees shifting of the beam at night caused the change to be made in the local equipment," he stated. "The new vertical antennas will be fed by underground transmission lines. If the pilot varies off his course to the east, for example, he will hear an 'a' in code. If he gets off the path to the west, an 'n' in code will be heard. When the plane is on the course the beam is steady, a straight dash, and the closer to the range station the sharper the beam becomes. The signal disappears entirely when the craft is over the station, a feature of the new apparatus which will be valuable in stormy weather as the pilot may locate the station by the cone of silence, in spite of fog and other hazardous weather conditions," he pointed out. Mr. Johnson told how the operator at KCX will have complete control over the new radio range by a dial system similar to a telephone dial, although the radio range is located at Voorhies Crossing, about four miles distant. The radio meeting held Friday was attended by about thirty amateur radio fans, including two men from Gold Hill, Charles Ross, whose station call is W7BYI, and C. L. Cook, W7CZJ. New regulations regarding amateur licenses were outlined by Harold DeVoe, president of the local club. Hamilton Howell urged that steps be taken to hold a picnic this month jointly with Eugene, Roseburg and Coos Bay "hams," and the club secretary was instructed to write letters to the clubs mentioned. Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1933, page 6 AIR TRANSPORT CRACKS UP HERE
Seven passengers in the United Air Lines passenger ship escaped injury
at midnight Sunday when the large plane, being piloted by Grover Tyler
of Seattle and Co-pilot C. J. Dunbar, slid off the landing gear in an
attempt to light at the Medford municipal airport in a slight ground
fog.PASSENGERS ARE UNHURT WHEN FOG CAUSES ACCIDENT Southbound Plane Loses Landing Gear and Wrecks Propellers-- Pilot Dunbar Has Slight Cut Over Eye The ship landed at 12 o'clock, according to the pilots and airport officials, and the ground was obscured by the light fog to a depth of about 16 feet. The plane, southbound from Seattle, struck the ground with the left wing and when the ship stopped, after running nearly 150 yards, was facing in a northerly direction. Co-Pilot's Head Cut.
Co-Pilot Dunbar suffered a slight
cut above the right eye as he was getting out of the plane. The
propellers on the twin-motored Boeing
were curls of steel, and where they had struck rocks imbedded in the
ground had splintered off, some pieces being several hundred feet from
the plane. One piece broken from the left section went through the side
of the ship.The plane did not turn over, but the frame was badly twisted. The landing gear was lying at the left side of the tail, and the left wing was shattered. To Dismantle Ship.
According to W. L. Campbell, field superintendent for the United Air
Lines here, the plane will be dismantled and shipped to the Boeing
factory at Seattle.The passengers were taken to a local hotel and they continued the trip south by motor as far as Montague. The southbound plane, which set down at the Medford airport today at 9:30 a.m., stopped at Montague and took the six passengers on to San Francisco, Mr. Campbell said. Mrs. Westline, one of the passengers booked from Portland to Medford, planned to continue by motor from Medford with friends to Montague, her destination, co-pilot Dunbar said. The six who went south from here were M. D. Moore, en route from Seattle to San Francisco; M. Stixrood, Seattle to San Francisco, H. W. McCurdy, Seattle to Los Angeles; Shelley White, Tacoma to San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. H. Phelps, Portland to San Francisco. The accident was the first at the Medford airport during five years' daily commercial use. A state police officer was placed in charge of the wreckage in order that none of the pieces might be moved until photographs were taken and an investigation made of the surrounding field and broken parts of the ship. Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1933, page 1 CWA APPLICATION FOR IMPROVEMENT AIRPORT APPROVED
Applications prepared by City Superintendent Fred Scheffel for Civil Works Administration
funds for four improvement projects at the Medford airport were
approved by the city council last night in regular session. They call
for construction of a cross runway, widening of the present runway,
repainting of the hangar and administration building, installation of
two additional floodlights and improvement of runway lighting.The applications were prepared following advice from Basil B. Smith of the airway division of the CWA program, stating that funds would be available for improvement of airports of federal importance. The letter stated that the Medford port was considered one of the most important in the state, and that funds would probably be allocated for necessary improvements. An immediate survey of the situation was made by Superintendent Scheffel and the city council aviation committee, headed by Frederick Heath. The four projects were then recommended and applications for funds prepared. Mr. Smith stopped in Medford the first of the week en route to Klamath Falls to look over the airport and consider the projects desired. He expressed the belief that at least two of them would be granted, but was a little doubtful of immediate action on the painting and lighting programs. The four applications are going to the local and state CWA committees. Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1933, page 4 $17,000 APPROVED FOR CHANGES AT MEDFORD AIRPORT
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23.--(AP)--Approval of airport improvement work in
Salem, Albany and Medford, to cost more than $32,000 and to give
employment to about 200 men, was given today by Lieutenant Basil B.
Smith, department of commerce aeronautics representative on the staff
of the Oregon supervisor of civil works.Grading and drainage facilities on the Salem airport will cost about $10,000, and additional development plans were being studied for that field today. Two new runways will be constructed at Albany airport at an estimated expenditure of $5,500, employing 44 men for six weeks. Provisions for drainage will be made there, too. The Medford work, to cost $17,000 and give employment to 98 men for six weeks, will consist of field surfacing, drainage, extension and a new runway. It is planned to get the work at the three points underway immediately. Projects for other fields were being considered today. Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1933, page 1 PLANE CYLINDER DROPS ON HOME OF POSTMASTER
With a cylinder falling 2000 feet from the engine of the monocoupe he
was piloting shortly after 5 o'clock last evening, Aubrey Sander of
this city successfully landed the small plane in Chris Gottlieb's wheat
field southwest of Medford, without injury to himself or passenger.The cylinder whistled down to nick the roof of the home of Postmaster Frank DeSouza, 324 South Orange Street, burying itself, smoking, in the yard just outside the front window. Martha DeSouza, sitting near the window, heard the noise, and seeing the smoking object in the ground, thought someone had thrown a bomb at the house. Only the landing gear, damaged when the cylinder fell from the motor, was broken on the ship. Sander glided down to the field after the motor stopped in mid-air. The name of Sander's passenger could not be learned today, but was said to be a man employed at the Sander ranch. The plane was dismantled this morning, and returned to the hangar at the Sander place. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1934, page 1 BOMBERS TO PRACTICE WEEK IN MEDFORD AREA
MEDFORD, Aug. 9 (Special)--A bombing squadron of 27 planes, 30 officers
and 100 men, will be stationed at the Medford airport for one week,
starting August 18, for intensive bombing practice and maneuvers,
according to word received by Tom Culbertson, manager of the airport,
today. Planes will come from Hamilton Field.Major D. L. Myers will be in command here and Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Tinker will be here for part of the maneuvers. Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1935, page 14 Improvement on the municipal airport, for which WPA has provided $32,340, will be started Wednesday with a force of 100 men, Kenneth S. Perry, WPA engineer, said. "Bear Creek Job Gets Under Way," Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1935, page 12 BEACON HILL IS FINALLY SCALED
Beacon Hill [Nugget Butte]
near Gold Hill, unconquered by scores of motorcyclists who had been
trying for years to send their mechanical steeds roaring up its steep
and treacherous slopes, finally yielded to two young men Saturday
afternoon.Emmett Woods and Dick Twyman, both of the old Pacific Highway, rode their Harley-Davidsons to the top of the mountain in a three-hour battle to become the first ones to ever accomplish the feat. It took them three hours to do it, but they descended in five minutes. Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1941, page 1 LEASE SIGNED TO TURN AIRPORT OVER
months of negotiation, and after numerous revisions, the contract
leasing the Medford airport to the U.S. Army was signed at a special
meeting of the city council last night. The lease will be completed
after it is signed by government officials in Washington.
The lease provides that the army will maintain the airport expenses while it has the airport, and will turn it back to the city six months after the end of the war in as good a condition as it was when the army took it over several months ago. Medford News, May 28, 1943, page 2
Again referring to markers, the POOREST marked highway is the one
leading from Medford to its airport. Met a stranger at the airport the
other day and he had completely lost his way, en route, and cursed the
City and airport and everyone in Jackson County. When one curves around
the Big Y he comes to a fork in the road. Right there is where a good
big sign pointing the way to the airport should be placed. There is
none now and strangers certainly are not mind readers and how are they
going to know whether to drive straight ahead or swing to the right.
Why not two or three markers on the way there? The C of C and
others of
our community have been crying for tourists and telling us how we
should address them and treat them to make them feel at home and
WELCOME. Well let's put in plenty of highway signs.
The city has taken away their "restroom" facilities and a free parking space, which certainly should be a part of that "welcome" that we PRETEND to be interested in. So let’s give them "signs." ASHLAND TO HAVE A NEW AIRPORT;
Private flying was given another boost in Jackson County last week with
announcement in Ashland that an airport will be constructed there by
Art Schneider and Elmer V. Ayres, fliers from Grants Pass. The new airport, on which work has already started, will be on the Hamby property at the foot of Oak Street, the site considered by the city last year when the voters turned down the proposal for a municipal field. The new enterprise, will provide flight instruction under the Veterans Administration education program, will sell planes and make chartered flights. The new firm will distribute Taylorcraft planes. ENGINEER, ARCHITECT TO WORK ON
Engagement of S. C. Watkins, consulting engineer, and Frank Clark,
architect, to work on preliminary plans for development of the Medford
municipal airport was announced today by Bill Hurst, airport manager.
Hurst stated that Watkins will work up a master plan for the airport
and make preliminary sketches while Clark will draw preliminary plans
for a new administration building. It is thought these first plans will
take about a month's preparation, Hurst said.Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1948, page 1 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 29, 1956. Photo taken in 1953. AIR-MINDED MEDFORD WAITING AIR SHOW NEXT WEEK 50th Anniversary of Powered Flight, Dedication Slated Event Recalls Early Aviation Progress
Medford traditionally is the air-minded city in Oregon.
A Link to the WorldNext Sunday it will again have a chance to prove this to be true, when the spanking new airport administration building is dedicated and an air show held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of powered flight. It was only a few years after the Wright brothers made their historic flight at Kitty Hawk that the first barnstormers began appearing in Medford, and in the early '20s sentiment grew for the establishment of an airport here. Largely through the efforts of a few dedicated air enthusiasts, Barber Field was opened at the fairgrounds south of Medford. Noteworthy Events Oldtimers in Medford remember other noteworthy events in the history of southern Oregon aviation: --Inauguration of airmail flights in the fall of 1926 from Barber Field (the first airmail flights in Oregon, incidentally, were made from the Medford field; airmail for Portland landed at Vancouver, Wash.). --Campaign for a $120,000 bond issue to build a new, bigger airport north of the city, a campaign sparked by Seely V. Hall, now a United Air Lines executive, James Collins, Jack Thompson Sr., J. O. Grey and the Medford American Legion post. --Opening of the airport and a big hangar-administration building after it was constructed with the bond issue funds, and an air show and dedication July 3, 4 and 5, 1930, which drew hundreds of "flying machines" to the airport. --Gradual growth and improvement of air services to Medford during the '30s. Use During War --Use of the airport by the Army Air Corps during the war, and a postwar expansion of service by the three airlines serving this area. --A gigantic air show in 1949, which drew crowds estimated at upward of 15,000 people, and which served as a preface for another bond issue election, in 1951, at which Medford voters approved $250,000 in bonds. --Construction of the new $150,000 terminal building, which will be dedicated Sunday. Medford, which had the first regular airport in Oregon, still is Oregon's second aviation city, topped only by Portland, which by virtue of population is a major terminal and has an "international" airport. First in Interest But Medford, served by United, Southwest and West Coast air lines; with one of the Pacific Coast's major weather bureaus; with a Civil Aeronautics Administration facility which is a major link in the coastwide communication system; with frequent landings by Air Force and Navy planes; with Mercy Flights in two air ambulance planes, and a top-flight Civil Air Patrol squadron, with crop-dusting and cloud-seeding pilots, and many sportsmen pilots--with all this, Medford certainly ranks first in air interest on a per-capita basis. Almost any Sunday, hundreds of cars can be seen parked along the roads at the airport, watching the planes come and go. And if a jet fighter, or a bomber, or some other type of unusual craft lands at any time of day, crowds are on hand at the airport within minutes. This is the setting, the background for the events at the airport Sunday. Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1953, page 12 Work
Progressing on Enlargement of CAP Airport Home
Renovation and enlargement of the Civil Air Patrol building at the
airport is progressing rapidly, despite delays caused by unfavorable
weather, it was reported Saturday.Though work may not be completed in time for the air show and airport dedication next Sunday, it will be in shape for inspection by the public. Two old Air Force buildings, one of them recently used by the weather bureau, have been joined together to provide more space, and will be finished in yellow stucco and red roofing to conform in appearance with the general airport plan. Work Done Free Most of the work so far has been done by CAP members, cadets and senior members, with the assistance of loaned labor. The Sarcap (Search and Rescue, CAP) room is nearly finished, and work is now under way in the large assembly room. Rafters have been placed, and roofing is now going on. Netting material is being placed on the outer walls this week, in preparation for work by members of the local plasterers' union who will do the stuccoing later in the week. The CAP squadron started the job with no funds, and local merchants and individuals have donated most of the necessary materials and labor. Still needed to complete the job are roofing, stucco and netting. Anyone wishing to help with these materials may telephone 3-1216 or 2-5700. Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1953, page 12 Seely Hall, Medford Airport
Recalls Early History
The Medford Municipal Airport is a vital part of the valley's economy,
and a part of the lives of all its citizens, Seely V. Hall told the
Medford Chamber of Commerce Roundtable yesterday.
"If you were to take air service out of this valley, it would really hurt," Hall, former vice president of United Air Lines, and a founder of the airport, stated emphatically. Air transportation in Oregon was established first in Medford, it was noted. And through personal reflection, Hall related the story of a group of "air-minded" citizens who, through sheer intestinal fortitude and desire, obtained the post office air mail contract and succeeded in getting a $120,000 bond issue passed. Hall was informed by Vern C. Gorst in 1925 that the federal government was opening bids for an air mail run from Los Angeles to Seattle. The cost of the basic investment was estimated at $62,000. Medford Stop Arranged
had been designated as the natural midpoint stop for refueling, but
through a special effort, Medford was designated as the site.Gorst's bid was accepted, and, needing a corporation with names, subscriptions were taken from local citizens and from the people of Marshfield, Gorst's home. Jackson County and the city of Medford agreed to lease the fairgrounds property for four years at a fee of $1 to the Pacific Air Transport Company, formed Sept. 15, 1926. The first hangar and administration building were constructed on the Newell Barber Field. The runway was 1,500 feet long with a graveled surface, 25 feet wide. The Weather Bureau installed facilities for the first upper-air balloon readings on the Pacific Coast, through, in part, the efforts of Del Little. Little later became a top official of the U.S. Weather Bureau in Washington, D.C. Two years after Barber Field was constructed, the increased traffic and aircraft development necessitated more adequate facilities than the 1,500-foot runway. Two sites were proposed, one across from Timber Products' present location, and the existing airport. The latter was selected because it had less smoke in the air. Bond Issue Passes
citizens of Medford, on Seely Hall's birthday, April 2, 1929, voted an
airport bond issue for $20,000 by a 12½-to-one margin, 2,248
182, in the largest turnout for a special election ever recorded to
that time.The airport site was 280 acres and cost about $28,000. The Department of Commerce designated Medford as a terminal airport, and the government installed a two and one-half million candlepower beacon there. Jackson County participated in the initial expense by providing heavy equipment to grade the runway and surface area. Hall estimated the contributed cost at $37,500. Hall was an avid pilot, and in 1919 he formed the Medford Aircraft Corporation, along with Floyd Hart, Frank Farrell, Bert Thierolf and others. Hart and Hall flew the first aircraft purchased by the company from Sacramento to Medford. They flew from an old stubble field carrying individuals on sightseeing tours of the valley for $5 and $10 each and "did very well." They flew the Jenny north, stopping in Eugene and Salem and landing at the Portland golf course, as Portland had no landing strip at the time. National Recognition
The efforts of the Medford group were recognized in a national
magazine, The Literary
Digest, July 13, 1929, by the Ford Motor Company, Hall
said.The full-page commentary included, "You might never have heard of Medford, if the people of Medford had not seen a vision in the sky above the mountains of Oregon, west of Lake Klamath. . . .That was the day they realized a new map of the world is being drawn in invisible lines across the heavens! . . . That was the day they determined that Medford should be known in the skies as a harbor . . . open to the world!! "Medford established the first municipal airport in the state of Oregon in 1922. By 1926 it was a regular port of call for the Pacific Air Transport. In 1928 a fleet of twenty-six ships arrived, including three great tri-motored Ford planes. . . . " Asked to comment on the coming Civil Aeronautics Board hearing concerning West Coast Airlines' petition to delete air service of United Air Lines, Hall had little to say. "I consider that to be the business of West Coast and United," he replied. Medford Mail Tribune, February 2, 1965, page 14 Medford Airport Name Is Changed
The name of the Medford airport was changed by the
Medford City Council last night to Medford-Jackson County Airport.
The council voted the change based upon a recommendation made by the City Of Medford, Jackson County Airport Advisory Committee. Since Jackson County is now participating in administration of the airport and in financing of improvements, the change of name was proposed. Medford Mail Tribune, August 5, 1966, page 1
"The Medford-Jackson County Airport is a vital link to
the outside (world)," insists Gunther Katzmar, who directs its
"The airport is one of the biggest assets the Rogue River Valley has," says Col. Tom Culbertson, who served through the 1930s as the airport's second superintendent and has watched it develop for more than half of Medford's 100 years. "I'd do anything I could to help the airport," he says. Local aviation and airport facilities indeed have come a long way since the first airmail and U.S. Forest Service flights from a community field south of town. Medford was just being established as a vital West Coast airways link when Culbertson was an air-minded schoolboy in the 1920s. Katzmar says the self-sufficient modern-day airport north of the city returns almost $1 million in revenue annually and serves almost 500,000 people in seven southern Oregon and northern California counties. With approximately 200 people working in airport operation for various businesses and for federal agencies at the 980-acre installation, Katzmar says the airport is "almost like a small city." and with 260,000 people per year flying in and out of the field, the installation has a multi-million-dollar impact on the region that is hard to measure exactly, he maintains. Oldtimers tell of seeing their first plane here in 1909. The then-recognized landing field was on the Gore Ranch west of Medford. Culbertson's photo album shows a frame-like pusher plane flown from the Cox Ranch at the first aviation meet in southern Oregon in June of 1910. Up to 1919, however, few valley residents had seen airplanes in flight except at county fairs. Those planes, capable only of short flights, were brought in by rail that year, says the Aug. 3, 1930 Mail Tribune. Six government craft, being flown from California to the Rose Festival in Portland, landed at the Gore alfalfa field west of town. The flight aroused valley interest in aviation and attracted residents by the thousands. In 1919 Seely Hall and Floyd Hart, just back from Army Air Service duty in World War I, financed purchase of a Curtiss Jenny plane by selling $100 shares. It was the first airplane owned in Medford, and Hart did a brisk business flying people over the valley. In 1920 Hart, a wartime ace, and Hall established the Medford Aircraft Corporation. Prompted by the Army's need for a base from which to patrol for forest fires in the area, Medford and the county purchased land adjacent to the fairgrounds south of town in 1925. The strip was named Newell Barber Field after an Air Service man from Medford who died in the war. Hall and Vern Gorst obtained a contract to fly airmail between Los Angeles and Seattle, and Pat Patterson flew the first mail out of Medford on Sept. 15, 1926. This was the beginning of Pacific Air Transport. The Postal Service questioned the financial status of PAT, so Hall sold stock to numerous downtown merchants. Medford was the first Oregon city with official airmail service. But Newell Barber Field, squeezed between Bear Creek and the fairgrounds, had no room for expansion. Early in 1928 the Medford Chamber of Commerce and City Council appointed a committee to recommend a new airport site. These men met with the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Aviation Department of the Army and air transport lines. Then they proposed a 280-acre site three miles north of Medford on Biddle Road. A $120,000 bond issue received almost unanimous approval from Medford residents. The municipal airport was completed on Oct. 2, 1929, and officially dedicated on August [omission] 1930. Famed stunt flier Tex Rankin and his troupe were on hand for the occasion, along with a fly-in group of a large number of planes and pilots. City Superintendent Fred Scheffel's staff did much of the construction. Hall was the first superintendent of the new field. The pilots of PAT flew only mail out of Barber Field. From the new airport they began flying passengers as well. Culbertson says the firm flew Boeing 40-B4 biplanes. The four passengers sat in [the] cabin and the pilot in an open cockpit behind them. Culbertson says airport traffic and activities provided much news for the Mail Tribune. He says he received daily calls from reporter Lester Fox during the '30s. Interest in the airport continued high. In Medford's earlier years, the comings and goings of railroad passenger trains occupied the curiosity of residents. But when rail service dropped to a couple of trains a day, members of the community became airport watchers. The airport still is part of the City of Medford. However, the city transferred ownership, operation and maintenance to Jackson County in 1971. No tax money has been required for operation and maintenance over the past three years. Usage of the field has varied yet grown over the years. Presently three airlines serve southern Oregon out of the installation. They are United, Horizon and Cascade. The field is one of the busiest general use airports in the state and continues to serve military craft passing through. In 1984 the airport recorded 8,833 air carrier (United and Horizon) flights in and out of Medford plus 5,989 air taxi (including Cascade and smaller Horizon planes and Federal Express) flights. Four fixed-base operators offer air taxi and charter service, air patrol, flight instruction and aircraft sales and rental. Mercy Flights air ambulance service also is based at the field. The National Weather Service, Forest Service and Federal Aviation Administration have operations at the field. Katzmar says the airport leases air hangars, and additional hangars are needed to replace outdoor tiedowns. Under a present plan, aircraft owners would finance construction. Much of the expansion has occurred in recent years. A larger terminal building replaced the original and outdated hangar and has since been expanded. The main north-south runway was lengthened to 6,700 [feet] to accommodate jet airliners. Katzmar says the long-range master plan includes lengthening the main runway to 9,000 feet and constructing another runway parallel to it. While Culbertson acknowledges that Medford is fortunate to have an airport of the caliber it has--"one of the nicest on the West Coast"--he says there's room for improvements. He says automobile traffic flow into and away from the terminal building is confusing and needs improvement. He says airline service needs upgrading, with United again providing through flights from California points north to Portland. The traffic flow issue is now being addressed. Culbertson says he agrees with the expansion plans for the airport. Both he and Katzmar agree that, as southern Oregon grows, the airport needs to grow. Medford Mail Tribune, June
6, 1985, page 28
Grounded Jet Finds Medford Home
An F-16 that last few at the Medford Air Show in
August will return here for permanent display.
The fighter is one of two Air National Guard planes which developed stress fractures during the course of the air show. Both were airlifted back to Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, where it was hoped they could be repaired. However, only one plane was judged repairable. "As soon as we learned that they might not be repaired, we were hearing from people in the community, saying, 'You know, we ought to try and get one of those for display,'" airport director Bern Case said Friday. "They have one mounted beautifully at Kingsley." Case said officials immediately applied to Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center, which mothballs military aircraft at the Davis Monthan Air Base in Tucson, Ariz. "We'd hoped to get it done quick enough that we could get the plane before it left for Klamath Falls, but with the bureaucracy things always take time," Case said. "We were lucky to get it before it left the region." Case said the airport was exploring options for transporting the plane back to the Rogue Valley. It could be trucked with the wings removed, but there's also a possibility that it could fly back the same way it went out--dangling from a heavy-lift helicopter. "We're hoping [the Air National Guard] can do it as part of a training mission," Case said. If so, the F-16 may be the first plane to make a round-trip flight between Medford and Klamath Falls not under its own power. Lt. Col. Bill Eaton, vice-commander of the 173rd fighter squadron at Kingsley Field, chuckled at the thought. "That's not likely," he said when contacted Friday. "It's considered the property of the airport now." The plane, which had been recently painted prior to the air show, should make a beautiful display, Eaton said. It will bear the eagle emblem and other insignia of the Oregon Air National Guard. However, it has yet to be determined which Guard pilot will be honored by having his name on the plane. Case said it would be mounted on a post 10 to 15 feet high across from the terminal near the flagpole. Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1998, page 3 Last revised March 15, 2025 |