The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Gore-Ish Notes
The Gore and Ish families played a prominent part in early Medford and in the development of the area long before Medford was thought of. See also the pages on Gold Hill, the Gore Stockade and the O&C Funds.
Gore House, circa 1890
The Gore house circa 1890, site of today's Southern Oregon Nursery on South Pacific Highway.

    Transcribed from handwritten notes by Walter Scott Gore, date unknown.  Original is in the possession of Marty Mielen Monroe--great-great- granddaughter of Walter. Bracketed notes in this document are by Monroe. Walter wrote the notes for his daughters Edna and Mary Gore. Edna passed them to her son Fred Mielen, who passed them to Marty.
    Walter's father was Elijah Emerson Gore (often called Emerson), and his mother was Mary Elizabeth Gilmore. Elijah's twin brother (Walter's uncle) was Emery Gore. Walter was born within 3 months of the train's arrival in Oregon, so Mary Elizabeth was pregnant during their 6 months on the trail.
    Robert Gilmore and his brother immigrated from North Ireland; with their two sisters, who were not permitted to leave the country but whom the brothers succeeded in getting on board the vessel as stowaways until well out to sea; were of Scotch-Irish descent and Scottish Covenanters in religious belief, fleeing from persecution to gain religious liberty in the new world, settled in Mercer County, Pa. Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Robert Gilmore, was born on the farm located by her father who soon after her birth passed away, leaving her widowed mother with the care of the family. After passing through many dangers and trials incident to frontier life among the Indians her mother passed away. Later she, with some relatives, likely her brother, decided to come west and came to Iowa where she met and married a noble young Christian man by the name of Rose, when Mary was 17 years of age. Her association with this man must have been very helpful in giving direction to her future Christian life although she had been quite a student of the Word, had read the Bible in its entirety before she was 7 years of age. He passed away within a year or so after marriage in June 1844 [Other family records indicate a marriage date of 10/02/1844.], her little boy Louis Albert Rose was born. After this she devoted her time to teaching for a livelihood (this may have had some influence in the decision of six of her children and a number of her grandchildren adopting the profession). And later attended school in Charlestown, Iowa, where she met Emerson Elijah Gore who was born in Halifax, Vermont, whose ancestors came from England at an early date and who like the Gilmores came to secure religious freedom. They were later married and December 6, 1850, Annetta Jane was born.
    The gold excitement in California attracted the attention of many towards the West. The great rush was for gold, but the government's offer of donation claims to all who would cross the plains and locate them, induced many to come west for homes and thus save the Oregon country to the U.S. In some way Father and Mother heard of Rogue River Valley, and a train was formed which they joined and one day the last of March or first of April 1852 they said a tearful goodbye to friends and relatives assembled to see them off, and the long line of covered wagons were on their way where those en route knew that six months of hardships awaited them.
    As the train moved up the Platte River day after day, camping on the plain where there was no timber they became quite accustomed to using dry buffalo chips for fuel which was a very good substitute. Albert Rose [Walter's older stepbrother], who was then a robust boy of 8 or 9 years, would ramble away and Mother feared he would be lost, especially when men were hunting; they needed to watch him closely. One evening Mother gave her consent to his going with Mr. Gates, a large, husky partner of Father and Uncle Emery, who said he would take good care of him, and while they were out some miles from camp they came upon some Indians, the chief of whom wanted the boy. Gates remonstrated but the Indian grabbed the lad and tried to make off with him, but Gates, being strong and active jerked the boy away and presented his gun, and thus succeeded in getting him back to camp unharmed, after which he was always satisfied to stay around camp.
    At one time as the train camped near the Platte River they spent many days along that river. During one night the Indians tried to stampede the stock. All the men were up and out at the signal and prevented the stampede. As Father ran through the darkness he jumped over an Indian lying in the grass. At another time, Mother and the two children were in the wagon, the cattle ran away from the men and toward the bluff overlooking the Platte. As they neared the bluff, Mother stood up in the front of the covered wagon and with all the commanding tone she could put into her voice said "Whoa, Buck," who sat back and stopped the team from going over.
    At one time they saw a great herd of buffalo moving down upon them. The plain seemed to be literally covered, a moving mass of buffalo. It took some time for the herd to pass, and it must have been very exciting. Buffaloes passed between each wagon and the team behind but I heard of no accident resulting. The herd passed on and the train was left to keep its course unmolested.
    As the train moved up the Platte it became necessary to ford the stream which was known to be dangerous. Horsemen tested the ford and found it good. The wagons chuckled [sic--trundled?] over it as though it were gravel, and being rather late in the evening when the last wagon had crossed, a train following decided to wait until morning to cross. By morning the ford was washed out; so they had to find a new ford. This exhibits a peculiar characteristic of the Platte River, quicksand beds which often caused it to quickly change its calmness.
    At Fort Bridger after cresting the summit of the Rocky Mountains a gent endeavored to persuade them to go to California instead of Oregon, but they held firmly to their purpose of going to Rogue River Valley, Oregon, so the train moved on just north of Salt Lake and Humboldt Basin traveling directly west and rounding the south end of Goose Lake where they camped. During the night the Indians stampeded the cattle, mules and the horses that were not kept up for emergency use. At daybreak all but the old men, women and children followed the stock into the hills. The Indians set fire to the grass across the lake. Mother said they feared they would come round the lake and attack the train while it was in such a helpless condition, but they did not. The Indians had driven the stock until they thought themselves safe from attack and killed a mule and were having a barbecue and were surprised and fled, leaving everything behind them, putting all on the fire. The train men took the stock and returned to camp with only the loss of the mule and a calf that had been shot with an arrow which they had to kill.
    The train then continued west through Drews Valley to Lost River where they crossed on the natural bridge long since sunk below the water level and unused. Continued a westerly course through the Klamath Valley south of Lower Klamath Lake and forded the Klamath River just above the point where the river enters the canyon at the west exit from the lower Klamath basin. From this point they passed over the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and down over a gently sloping high plateau to Kern Creek, where they cut down small trees and chained them to the wagons to get down the bluff to the creek. This completed, they pulled but a short distance and up a grassy glade to the summit of the Green Spring Mountain Pass. From this pass they had their first view of their long-sought future home, Rogue River Valley. They rejoiced together as they assembled on the summit for a partial view of the valley, though their journey was not yet complete. They had a rough, rugged mountain to descend before entering the beautiful valley but these obstacles were soon overcome and the train rested September 17, 1852 on the bosom of the grass-clad valley nestled in and surrounded by the Siskiyou Mountains.
    I don't know when the donation claim was staked.
    When the train entered Rogue River Valley Mr. [Constant], who was captain, had the train camp just above or east of Wagner Creek, September [blank space, as if he intended to fill in a date] for a short rest. One of the Wagner brothers had a cabin on Wagner Creek. The train then moved on down the valley to a point on Bear Creek where they met Samuel Colver and family, his wife Hulda and two children Louie and Isabel, who had previously located a claim and built a fort of hewn logs which now stands on the Pacific Highway in Phoenix, Oregon. Moved on down the valley and camped on Bear Creek on a point always called Central Point, where the captain purchased a donation claim that had already been located. From this camp the train dispersed, each family seeking to locate a claim, which then was difficult, as all the best land was claimed.
    Father Emerson E. and his twin brother Emery E. Gore, being unable to locate suitable claims in the main valley, were told there was good land on Dry Creek beyond Lookout Mountain [Roxy Ann?] to the east of the main valley; so they and a friend took their rifles, which was always customary in those days. The Indians of Rogue River Valley were not troublesome, only when mistreated by the whites, and crossed the mountain between Lookout and Bald Mountain [Mt. McLoughlin?] onto Dry Creek, meeting and walking up the creek some distance with an Indian and giving him to understand they had just entered the upper end of the valley the day that a battle took place at the lower end, where many Indians were driven and thrown off the Table Rocks, and the balance of the Indians men women and children fled over the desert and up Dry Creek for safety.
    Father and his companions crossed the creek while their late acquaintance the Indian went on up the stream. Having crossed the creek one of the men fired at a flock of quail. The slope of the hill was covered with bunches of scrub oak, and at the firing of the gun Indians seemed to jump from behind every bush. Very quickly they were surrounded with warriors, bows and arrows in hand, ready for action. The situation looked desperate. But just then a voice was heard and the chief called a halt until the runner came up and had evidently reported that these men had not been in the battle. Then Chief Sam of the Rogue Rivers, as he afterwards proved to be, told the intruders to go back across the creek, which invitation they very thankfully accepted. After this episode they sought no more land on Dry Creek. Returning to camp they moved to Jacksonville, where Father and, I suppose, Uncle Emery set up a turning lathe and did at least considerable work in that line.
    They may have camped on what later became Father and Mother's donation claim on their first trip down the valley, but I think it was after the above experience they discovered and staked the claims.
    I know nothing about the turning of the balls for the game of tenpins.
    Whether Father rented a house or built I only know from record that I was born December 3, 1852 in a house on the opposite corner of the same block on which the Methodist Church was afterwards built, for which Father and Uncle Emery furnished the lumber from the sawmill they built on the old donation claim. When the double log house was built, two log houses each sixteen feet square and an open space sixteen feet square between and covered by one roof [omission?] of logs set on end in the trench, I can give no date.
    When I was six months old the family moved from Jacksonville to the farm. Whether the trench was then dug I cannot say. The stockade was finished and used by settlers for miles around at times of Indian excitement. For example at one time a band of Indians came up the north bank of Rogue River killing the scattered settlers. Word came that they were crossing the river. Just at break of day next morning there was pistol firing near where Medford now stands which could be plainly heard for some miles across the valley. People hearing the shots jumped from their beds and rushed for the stockade for safety. A deputation went to investigate into the cause of the excitement and found that a couple of men on horseback had discovered a bear out in the prairie grass near the Wright Grove, now the Hill Grove, and were giving chase. Then the people went leisurely to their homes rejoicing that it was only an Indian scare.
    No booths that I heard of, as I understand the situation each family had their own cabin on their claim, as for instance Uncle Sam Van Dyke whose claim joined Father's had his own log cabin. I think the Indians never interfered with them unless it were as beggars or for turnip, rutabagas--they never to my knowledge stole them, but asked for them. I think the greatest value of the stockade in Rogue River was to induce a feeling of security. But the greatest source of security was in treating the Indians fairly. The Rogue Rivers were not wantonly savages, there were isolated cases in which it might seem they were, but in most cases it was a result of harshness on the part of the settlers. On Father's claim in a bend of Bear Creek was one camp of Chief Sam of whom I have already spoken, under the shade of the great spreading red oak trees just across from our home. There he and his people spent much time. One morning the chief came over and told my mother that his boy was going to die, very sick. In sympathy for a sick boy she went with Sam, entered the tepee and there found not a boy but a grown man, who was as Sam had said very sick. He was starving. They could prepare no food that he could assimilate. She prepared food that was suitable, gave him medicine, visited him two or three times daily for a time, and one day the chief came to express his gratitude saying that his boy was well and also saying to Father "She has a good heart." And when the war of 1854-55 broke out they killed a man who had always treated them harshly, then took up their luggage, went past Father's home, took the trail over Jacksonville hill, and the war was on. While they might have easily waylaid our people who were working near the creek, they passed them by.
    When located in the Rogue River Valley there came a starving time when provisions were very low and our folks lived for six weeks on beef without salt. The cattle were in fine pasture. Buck was the fattest of them, so he was slaughtered for beef, and Mother said he had saved her life twice. Incidentally, the first salt they were able to procure was $1 an ounce. At one time Father paid $7 for a squash.
    I have never learned of the death of a child in the stockade though there might have been such an occurrence. Will's memory is far better than mine, but I think there was never any occasion demanding such care. [Will was Walter's younger brother by 8 years.]  For as far as I know there was never a time in our part of the valley when men couldn't work in the field with reasonable safety so far as Indians [are] concerned.
    Mother did tell me that she sometimes had some fear that the Indian women might try to steal her black-haired, black-eyed baby boy. They said that he would be a good papoose (Indian baby).
    I don't know when the Burns house was built. Neither can I say where the lumber that went into it was gotten. It is quite supposable that it came from Father and Uncle Emery's mill. I have not the exact date but I conclude that Father bought the forty-acre lot of which the Burns house was built in 1858 and had the house remodeled by A. D. Helman, who was for many years a resident of Ashland, Oregon, in memory of whom the Helman Springs took their name. I conclude that Ida was the first of Father's farm-born, in the old home dwelling. [Ida was Walter's younger sister, who later married William Jacks, who was the brother of Carolita Jacks, who was Walter's wife. William and Carolita were the stepchildren of Moses A. Williams, long-time minister in the Rogue River area.] Will, I think, was born there in 1860.
    I don't know the date of the building of the sawmill. I think Father and Uncle Emery went about building the sawmill as soon as fairly settled in their new home. The family moved out to the claim when I was six months old, so 1853 was more than half gone before they had been fairly settled, thus the mill must not have been ready for use before late 1854. They sold lumber all over the valley. The great flood of December 1861 washed much of the mill and the logs away and so changed the creek channel that the mill was never rebuilt. [Twin brother Emery got out at the right time; he sold his half of the mill to Emerson in May 1860.]
    I am quite confident that Uncle Sam Van Dyke had gotten the lumber for his home at the mill when they built and moved out of the log cabin.
    Why I should have lived so many years with those who could have described minutely many occurrences that to us now are of deep interest, I cannot say, unless being pioneers ourselves these were then commonplace until those who could give accurate information have passed away. For this I am very sorry. The foregoing may not be very satisfactory, nor would anything short of the clear-cut facts; but this is the best that I can do.
    I am fully in sympathy with your wish to mark the pioneer home of where with Father and Mother we all spent the pioneer years of our early childhood.
Document forwarded by Jeannette Mullane. Italicized comments are mine.

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Territory of Oregon, Jackson County
Breach of the peace
    Personally appeared before me one of the justices of the peace in and for said county Horace Ish and confessed that he was guilty of breaking the peace by kicking one Thompson, given name not known, but did not kick him with any other intention but to kick his (ass) seat of Hanlon but did not kick one Samuel Culver [possibly Samuel Colver] who was in the house at the time and he did not kick said Thompson with any intentions of killing or shooting at or stabbing or injuring him in any other manner but to kick him once and prays that the court will acquit him with a reasonable fine for thus breaking the peace.
    In witness whereof he has set his hand and seal this May 11th 1855.
H. L. Ish
    Subscribed and sworn to before me this May 11th 1855.    Hiram Abbott, J.P.
    The decision of the court was that the said Horace Ish pay the sum of $5.00 five dollars and costs taxed at $3.75.
Hiram Abbott, J.P.
Territory of Oregon, Jackson County
Breach of the peace
    Personally appeared before me one of the justices of the peace in and for said county William Ish and acknowledged that on or about the 27 day of Feb. 1855 did break the peace by fighting with one Samuel Culver
[possibly Samuel Colver] of the same county aforesaid and one Thompson, given name not known, at the house of W. W. Fowler & Brown known as the Eldorado at Jacksonville in said county and was willing to pay his fine and after being put under oath testified as follows I did not fight with the said Samuel Culver and Thompson with any intention of killing, stabbing or shooting at or injuring them in any [way] but to give them a little drubbing but when Culver told me that he was sick I threw down the little stick I had but did not intend to use it. In witness whereof he has hereunto set his hand and seal this May 11th 1855.
William Ish
    Subscribed and sworn to before me this May 11th 1855.    Hiram Abbott, J.P.
    The court considering the case decided that the said William Ish pay the sum of $5.00 dollars fine and costs taxed at $3.75.
Hiram Abbott
Justice of the peace
Jackson County Record of Mining Claims, Blossom Family Papers, Mss 746 Oregon Historical Society Research Library

    [John Hailey] and William K. Ish went up into the Yakima country, where they cut wild hay. For the next two years they cut about 400 tons of wild hay each year and floated it down the Columbia on a flatboat 80 feet long. At Wallula or Umatilla they sold it at $30 to $40 a ton. They rigged up sails and sailed their flatboat back to where they cut the hay. While they were still operating their hay business John Hailey started a saddle train for passengers from Walla Walla to Boise. This was in the summer of 1863. Shortly thereafter he started a saddle train from Umatilla to Boise. John Hailey was the first man to take a pack train over the Blue Mountains and into the Boise Basin in winter. He used 30 horses without packs to break the trail through the snow in the Blue Mountains, and these horses were followed by 30 mules with packs. He made over $2000 on the trip. In 1864 he and his partner, W. K. Ish, started a stage line between Umatilla and Boise. In 1865 Mr. Hailey bought out his partner. They ran 14 passenger coaches, to each of which were hitched from four to six horses. In summer the stage fare from Umatilla to Boise was $40; in winter, $60. They had to maintain boats to carry the passengers over the various streams and rivers, for of course, there were no bridges at that time.

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, April 25, 1931, page 4

Jackson County, Nov. 2nd, 1862. [sic]
    MR. EDITOR--I request the use of a small space in your columns for the purpose of refuting the slanders of the Sentinel in reference to my brothers and myself. In the Sentinel of the 24th Oct. appears a leading article under the caption of "Klamath Lake Contracts," in which reference is made to my brothers and myself in a manner calculated to leave an erroneous impression upon the minds of persons unacquainted with the facts.
    The editor asserts that it so happened "that Major James T. Glenn held a mortgage on the extensive farm of the Ish brothers." This assertion is without the slightest foundation in truth, as the following certificate from the County Clerk proves:
State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ss.
    I certify that there are no mortgages on the real or personal property of M. R. Ish, recorded in my office, in favor of James T. Glenn; nor do the records show any such mortgages at any time.
    Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court, this 2nd November, 1863 [sic].
    I therefore pronounce the author of the assertions above quoted a gross, willful and corrupt slanderer, and a malicious and unscrupulous liar.
    The assertion that Mr. Glenn furnished one of my brothers money, either directly or indirectly, to join the rebel army; or to go anywhere else is equally without foundation in truth, and the author of it a mendacious scoundrel. I regret the necessity which compels me to thrust my private affairs into the public prints, but an unprovoked attack has been made upon us, and it is only for the purpose of refuting a groundless charge that this statement is made. Perhaps it was unnecessary even for this denial to be made to the charges of a sheet as notorious for the mendacity and malice which characterizes it as it is for abolitionism and cant. But when the editor of a public print will constantly descend to the ineffable meanness of assaulting private individuals and promulgating slanders in reference to private affairs, in order to attain his personal or political ends, it is well sometimes to hold him up to the contempt and execration of the public as the scoundrel deserves.
Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 2

    Nov. the 3rd, at Blackwell, to the wife of GEORGE ISH, a son.
Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 3

    Mr. Jacob Ish has rushed into print, in T'Vault's Confederate organ [the Oregon Intelligencer], to deny a statement incidentally published by us several weeks since, that Maj. Glenn had held a mortgage on the Ish farm. This statement was made in an article in which we charged that the Ish Bros., notorious secessionists, were favored by the contractor with the exclusive privilege of furnishing hay and oats for Co. "C," O.V.--"Abe Lincoln's minions"; and that that privilege was costing the government about one-third more than it would if the usual competition was allowed. We had no intention of injuring the credit of Ish Bros. by saying that Maj. Glenn held a mortgage on their farm. It would have answered as well our purpose, as stated above, to have said that Mr. Glenn had an order (as we have been informed he had) on Ish Bros. It is mere quibble; the charge we have made still stands, undeniable.
    We reassert what Mr. Jacob Ish has not denied, that Horace Ish, understood to have been interested in producing hay and oats for Co. "C," is generally believed by the loyal people in this community who best know him, to have gone to assist his friends in "fighting for their rights." And there is reasonable grounds for the belief. He is known as a generous, open-hearted man of high-strung temper. His early associations in the South, and his lifelong prejudices against the North, lead him to deeply sympathize with the South, in their grievous sufferings, and to desire to assist them in their mad designs. From our own knowledge of Horace Ish, we believe he would rather die in the front ranks of the Confederate army than live in opulence in the Northern States. In that he is to be admired over the sneaking Copperheads who, while fattening upon the bounty of our government, are covertly going all they can to embarrass it in its struggle for national unity, and pusillanimously whining of abolition tyranny.
    Mr. Ish, in his communication, uses the language and style peculiar to the "chivalry." Denunciation and invective comprises three-fourths of it. While we are perfectly careless of his personal opinion of us, we always hope to deserve and receive the fiercest anathemas from him and his Confederate kind.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 14, 1863, page 2

    ACCIDENT.--On Tuesday last, Richard Ish, while attempting to clear the feeder of his threshing machine, was wounded in the hand by the revolving cylinder. The external wound was trifling though the nervous shock was considerable. This happened on the discharge side of the cylinder. If he had been caught on he feeding side instead, he would have lost his arm.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 25, 1868, page 2

    CAMP WARNER.--Mr. Wm. K. Ish, of Portland, returned from Camp Warner this week. He went in a buggy with Mr. Cawley as far as Fort Klamath, and with a single Indian guide made the trip from thence to Camp Warner with mules. The first night out he camped on Sprague's River among the Snake Indians, and was well treated. Mr. Ish says he can ride with a buggy to within twenty-five miles of "Warner," and that the journey from Portland to that post can be made in three days less time via Jacksonville than by any other route.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 12, 1868, page 2

    NEW INVENTION.--Mr. E. E. Gore of Phoenix has made a gang plow for which he claims superior merit. He will apply for a patent immediately. We will give it an extended notice next week.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 20, 1869, page 2

    THE GORE GANG PLOW.--We made mention, in our last issue, of the Gore plow, which the inventor had in town on exhibition at that time. Our space will not admit a detailed description of this novel plow; we therefore content ourselves by giving a few of the more important points in its working. It is supported on the ground by two wheels, with a straight axle and an adjusted caster running in the furrow between the plows. All who witnessed its operations here last week express themselves much pleased at the perfect control which the driver has over the plow when running; and the ease which it can be set to any require depth, or raised out of the ground. Either plow may be set up or down while running.
    Mr. Gore, when exhibiting here, set his plows nine inches deep and, with only two horses, moved along with ease, although the two plows cut twenty-four inches.
    The plow, although somewhat complicated in its appearance on first sight, will be found on close examination to be composed of simple devices not at all liable to get out of order.
    Mr. Gore has forwarded the necessary papers and drawings for filing a caveat.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 27, 1869, page 2

    CONTRACTS LET.--The bids for flour, hams, bacon and beef were opened at Fort Klamath on Monday. The flour contract was awarded to Jacob Ish, at $3.74 per 100 pounds. Hams to same at $16.48 per 100 lbs. Bacon to Glenn, Drum & Co., at $16.48 per 100 lbs., and beef to George Nurse, at 10½ cts. per pound--all at coin rates.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 12, 1869, page 2

    THE GORE PLOW.--We have been permitted to examine the model of the gang plow, invented by [Emerson] E. Gore, of this county, and must express the opinion that this plow, for durability, easy manipulation and excellence of work, must supersede nearly every other gang in use. The plow is managed by four levers which depress or elevate the share at heel or point, or both, raise the gangs from the ground, or give them such a deflection as is necessary in plowing on "sideling" ground. The levers are of such power that they may easily be worked by a boy of twelve, and indeed any youth could manipulate this plow with facility. There are no complications, and nothing about it but could be mended by any smith in case of breakage. We are unable to present all the points of advantage of this splendid invention, but they will be at once apparent to agriculturists. Mr. Gore is assured that a patent is certain and has filed his caveat and sent forward the model. The credit of manufacturing this miniature plow is due to Mr. John Miller, and we venture say that there are few pieces of workmanship in the Patent Office that will excel it. If Mr. Gore procures a patent, of which there is no doubt, he has a fortune in store for him.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 10, 1869, page 2

    HAYING AT WARNER.--We learn that Wm. K. Ish of Portland started during the week with twenty hands for Camp Warner. He has a contract to furnish the Army Department with 500 tons of hay at that place.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 31, 1869, page 2

    SHOOTING AFFRAY.--About three o'clock yesterday a serious shooting affray occurred in front of White & Martin's store. James D. Fay shot Horace Ish through the side of the head, and the latter is supposed to be mortally wounded. We abstain from attempting to give any particulars until the facts in the case can be reliably learned.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 8, 1873, page 3

    Jim Fay's pocketbook is an eminent life preserver. The Times tells us that an affray occurred in Jacksonville last Friday, between James D. Fay and Wm. K. Ish and Horace Ish, which resulted in the shooting of Horace Ish in the cheek by Fay, and the narrow escape of Fay from a bullet fired by Wm. K. Ish, which lodged in Fay's pocketbook, breaking the force of and diverting the ball, which would probably otherwise have pierced his heart. Ish is seriously, if not mortally, wounded.
Albany Democrat, March 14, 1873, page 2

    SHOOTING SCRAPE IN OREGON.--A shooting affray took place in Jacksonville, Oregon, on March 8th, between James D. Fay, William K. Ish and Horace Ish, resulting in the latter being dangerously wounded. Fay and Horace Ish had some trouble over a lawsuit, and, meeting in the street, the latter spit in the former's face, whereupon Fay drew his pistol and shot Ish twice, one ball taking effect in his head. William K. Ish then shot at Fay, the ball passing through a pocketbook in the latter' pocket, but doing him no injury.
Idaho World, Idaho City, March 20, 1873, page 2

    GRANGE ELECTION.--Jacksonville Grange No. 88, Patrons of Husbandry, at its first regular session, December 26, 1874, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: F. M. Plymale, W.M.; Conrad Mingus, O.; W. J. Plymale, L.; John W. Dollarhide, S.; H. F. Phillips, A.S.; Jesse Dollarhide, C.; Jacob Ish, Treas.; I. W. Berry, Sec.; John R. Tice, G.K.; Mrs. Josie L. Plymale, Ceres; Miss Annie Miller, Pomona; Miss Mary S. Walker, Flora; Mrs. Jane E. Plymale, L.A.S.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1875, page 3

    Matt. Ish returned from Galice Creek the other day.
"Mining Items," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1875, page 3

    PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY MILL CO.--An association of prominent Grangers have purchased the Wimer Flouring Mills of Phoenix, and they propose in a short time to assume the management thereof. They filed articles of incorporation in the County Clerk's office on the 16th instant. The association will be known as the Patrons of Husbandry Mill Company. The capital stock is placed at $12,000, divided into shares of $100 each. The objects of the company is to carry on a general milling business--buy wheat, sell flour and grind. the following gentlemen are the incorporators: John E. Ross, J. N. T. Miller, Fred Barneburg, Jacob Ish, F. M. Plymale, Conrad Mingus, John S. Herrin, N. C. Dean, John O'Brien, James D. Buckley, L. Chappel, Thos. Wright, Wm. Ray, Jesse Dollarhide, John Watson.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 30, 1875, page 3

    Wm. K. Ish and Chas. and C. P. Hogue have lately filed articles of incorporation in Multnomah County for a mining company to hold and work all kinds of mines in Oregon, Washington and Alaska, with a capital of $500,000, divided into shares of $1 each.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 2, 1877, page 3

ISH--At the family residence near Jacksonville, July 29th, J. Ellen, wife of Jacob Ish, a native of Virginia; aged 51 years, 9 months and 17 days.
    Mrs. Ish was one of our oldest and most respected residents. For several months past she suffered from a disease (cancer) from which death was inevitable, going to her fate with a Christian fortitude. She leaves a husband and daughter and a large circle of sorrowing friends to mourn her inconsolable loss. She was an honored member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry, under whose auspices her remains were deposited in their last resting place. May she rest in peace.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 3, 1877, page 3

    Richard Ish has been compelled to give up his service on the mail route from Jacksonville to Crescent city, on account of his stock being attached for debt. J. W. Manning and "Curly" Webb are now owners of the route.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 13, 1878, page 3

    Wm. Carll, division agent of the O. & C. Stage Co., last week gave Jacob Ish the contract for furnishing that company with grain for the coming season. About eight thousand bushels of barley will be required, and Mr. Ish agrees to furnish it for a little less than a cent a pound.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
August 6, 1879, page 3

    Jacob Ish, of Jackson County, got 4,000 bushels of oats from 50 acres. The grape crop in that county is fair and of superior quality.
Vancouver Independent, Vancouver, Washington, October 9, 1879, page 8

Emerson Elijah Gore and Mary Elizabeth Gilmore Gore
Emerson Elijah Gore and Mary Elizabeth Gilmore Gore, circa 1890, in a detail of the above photo.
The younger people are unidentified.

Death of Wm. K. Ish.
    Horace L. Ish, who went to Alaska about six weeks ago to see his brother Wm. K. Ish, on business, returned to Victoria on the 18th, on his way home by the steamer Eureka. The following dispatch from Victoria must have reference to Wm. K. Ish, as Horace had no other brother in Alaska. The dispatch says:
    "At Tongass Narrows the Eureka ran in and took on board H. L. Ish and party. On February 5th, Mr. James Ish, who lived at the narrows, died very suddenly, and two men who were with him at the time reported that he burst a blood vessel, but as he was known to have a considerable sum of money just before his death, and as the money could not be found afterwards, some people are of the opinion that he was foully dealt with. The body, which had been interred in a shallow grave, was disinterred by his brother, Mr. H. L. Ish, and buried in a deeper grave."
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1882, page 3

Details of Wm. K. Ish.
    From Horace L. Ish, just returned from Alaska, we learn a few unsatisfactory particulars regarding the death of his brother William. Horace had visited him in January at Wrangel, finding him in good health, transacted some business with him and returned to Portland, William leaving about the same time for Tongass Narrows, where he had located a trading post and was about starting a salmon fishery. When Horace arrived in Portland he found that William's presence was desirable there and finding that a letter would not be delivered, the steamer rarely calling at the narrows, he returned to Alaska and, landing at the narrows, was informed that Wm. K. Ish had died two days before, about Feb. 3rd, from hemorrhage, and was buried. Horace had no opportunity for investigation and therefore no "post mortem" could be held, but the evasive answers and suspicious actions of the few men he found at that point led him to believe that Mr. Ish had been foully dealt with. Although buried but two days there was nothing to sustain the statement as to the cause or manner of his death and all accounts and books of any value were missing. Horace had the coffin disinterred and put in a deeper grave, but being alone, among hard characters, and in a strange place where there is no law whatever, he deemed it imprudent to open the coffin. It seems that other parties desired Mr. Ish's location for a fishery and the theory is that they quietly put him out of the way. At all events it is likely that the whole affair will remain in mystery forever. Wm. K. Ish was an early resident of this valley, having come here in 1851. He was a man full of enterprise and energy and went to Alaska about seven years ago to engage in mining. At the time of his death he was owner of a valuable copper mine in that territory and only working for means to develop it. He was a man of great personal courage and many generous qualities, being a native of Virginia and full of the ancient Southern spirit. He was the eldest of the Ish family, being in his 58th year, and leaves a son and daughter; the latter is in the valley, who have nearly attained their majority.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 4, 1882, page 3

    Emerson E. Gore, born in Windham, Vermont, and emigrated from Lee County, Iowa, to Oregon and arrived in Rogue River Valley Sept. 22, 1852. Engaged in farming.
"Southern Oregon Pioneers," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 8, 1882, page 3

    John Hockenjos has just completed a fine new barn for Mrs. Ish, one of the finest in the valley.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 16, 1883, page 3

    The spring term of school began last Monday with Prof. W. H. Gore as principal and Misses Mollie Merriman and Sophia Wilson as assistant teachers. Under the present corps of teachers we cannot fail to have one of the best schools in the county.
"Medford Melange," Ashland Tidings, April 8, 1887, page 3

    Prof. W. H. Gore, principal of the Medford public school, spent last week in Eugene visiting friends.
"Eugene City Notes," Morning Daily Herald, Albany, January 14, 1888, page 3

    Our village and the surrounding country are excited now over a big lawsuit between Dr. R. L. Parker and Horace Ish, over a calf worth about $5. They had nineteen witnesses. The costs amount to $100, thus far, and there is a fair chance for another suit for damages.
"Eagle Point Notes," Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1889, page 3

    W. H. Gore and bride departed last week for their new home in Portland.
"Medford Notes," Valley Record, Ashland, November 13, 1890, page 3

    W. H. Gore, of Portland, and Miss Sophia Ish, of Jacksonville, were married by Rev. M. A. Williams of Medford last week. Mrs. Gore one year ago was the wealthiest lady in Southern Oregon, having inherited from her father, the late Jacob Ish, a fortune valued at $100,000. Mr. Gore was pecuniarily poor, but rich in all the attributes of honorable manhood. Mrs. Gore's relatives objected to the match on the account of the difference in the circumstances, and she deeded all of her property to her relatives and married the husband of her choice. Mr. Gore is well known in this city, where he attended school several years and graduated from the state university in 1886.

"In Lane County," Morning Daily Herald, Albany, November 14, 1890, page 1

    Miss Sophia Ish, of Jacksonville, Ore., inherited $100,000. Lately she told her relatives that she was in love with W. H. Gore, of Portland, and meant to marry him. Gore being poor, the relatives raised a rumpus, whereupon she deeded all her property to her clamorous kin and married the man of her choice.
"Around and About," Northumberland County Democrat, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, November 27, 1890, page 1

    Horace Ish met with a very painful accident a few days since, spilling a pan of hot grease on his foot, making a severe burn, so as to confine him to his room.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point News," Valley Record, Ashland, March 19, 1891, page 3

Another Pioneer Gone.
    A Boise City (Idaho) dispatch of the 14th days: "All old-time miners will remember George H. Ish, who died here today, aged 78 years. He came to California from Virginia in 1849, and along in the fifties removed to Jacksonville, Or., near where in 1860 he discovered what was known as the great Ish lead. He found a big deposit of gold-bearing quartz and after taking out thousands of dollars worth of precious metal formed a stock company for the purpose of working the mine. The company put up a fine quartz mill, Ish spending all he had. The company never realized enough to pay for the mill, for the lead was not a mine at all, but merely a pocket. Ish was disappointed, and he left Oregon for Idaho. He went into the butchering business, then started a dairy and died quite wealthy."
    There is one discrepancy in the above statement, where it refers to the quartz discovery on Gold Hill. Jimmy Hay [James Willis Hay], and not Mr. Ish, found that immensely rich pocket, although Mr. Ish was one of the number who afterward became owners of it.
Democratic Times, January 22, 1892, page 3

    Mrs. S. E. Ish and Mrs. Sophie Gore of Portland tarried awhile in Jacksonville yesterday.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1892, page 3

    Mrs. S. E. Ish and Mrs. W. H. Gore were visiting Ashland and Colestin this week and had intended remaining a week at the last-named resort, but Mr. Cole's hotel is full.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, August 18, 1892, page 3

    Milton Maule last week returned from Mrs. Ish's place, where he has been doing a large amount of painting during the last few weeks.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1893, page 2

    E. W. Starr, who has been employed out at Mrs. Ish's big farm for the past few weeks in repairing her granary, reports that this lady will commence her wheat harvest today. She has four hundred acres to cut and estimates the average yield at twenty-five bushels per acre.

"All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3

Emerson Elijah Gore
Emerson Elijah Gore

    Rufus Cox, the rustler, threshed 2700 bushels of wheat for Mrs. Ish, near Medford, last Saturday. He reports that that lady will have about 9000 bushels.
"Central Point Items," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 2

    There is being a whole lot of very swift threshing done in this locality this season. R. Cox comes to the front and announces, with becoming pride, that his machine rolled out 9000 bushels of grain for Mrs. Ish in just three and one-half days. There were 810 bushels and wheat and 900 bushels of barley.

"All the Local News," Medford Mail, August 25, 1893, page 3

    J. Nunan last week received a lot of the finest bacon we have seen this season, from the Ish ranch.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. S. E. Ish, who platted Ish's addition to Medford, has a number of choice lots for sale, as also farming land adjoining and near to Medford. Read her advertisement in another column of the Times.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    The undersigned has for sale town lots in Ish's addition to Medford, and also farming land adjoining and near to Medford, Oregon. For further particulars address me at Jacksonville post office or call on me at my residence on the Jacksonville-Medford wagon road.
MRS. S. E. ISH.           
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 6, 1893, page 3

    Died--Mrs. J. G. Gore [sic], at the farm residence three miles south of Medford, Tuesday of this week of dropsy of the heart. Funeral occurred Wednesday. A more extended notice will appear next week.

"All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 3

    We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. E. Gore of Phoenix. Mrs. Gore was one of the pioneer women of southern Oregon.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 20, 1893, page 3

In Memoriam.
    The following sketch may be interesting to the pioneers of Southern Oregon:
    In the recent death of Mrs. Mary E. Gore, the wife of Mr. E. E. Gore, of Phoenix, it is but just to record that the neighborhood has lost a noble friend, the church a wise and faithful worker, and the home a dearly beloved and trustworthy wife and mother.
    Mrs. Gore came from that sturdy, Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock, from the north of Ireland, many of whom emigrated to this country in an early day. She was a direct descendant of the family of the Gilmours and Gibsons, who hewed out their homes in the forests of Pennsylvania, and who have been so honorably identified with the religious, educational and noble enterprises of this country in those states where they have lived. Her father, Robert Gilmour, located in Mercer County, Pa., in 1798, and when he had prepared a good home, he was married in May 1804 to Miss Nancy Smith, of Indiana County, Pa., who was also a descendant of Scotch-Irish parentage. Mrs. Gore was the youngest in a family of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, and was born Feb. 5, 1827. Her father died when she was but sixteen months old. In this Pennsylvania home she was reared and educated in the midst of a pious community and under the fostering care of the school and church. To the rural scenes and joyous experiences of her childhood home she delighted to refer. From early youth she was a lover of books and became a woman of more than ordinary ability and literary tastes. The one book, however, she prized above all others was the Bible. She was familiarly conversant with its doctrines and precepts, and loved to impart a knowledge of its precious truths to others. When nearly 18 years of age she was married to Lewis A. Rose, a man of whom she speaks of as being "eminently pious," and with whom she moved to Charleston, Iowa, where he died Sept. 20, 1846, leaving her with an infant son, who is now the present L. A. Rose, of Phoenix, Or. On Sept. 20, 1849 she was married to Mr. E. E. Gore, and with him crossed the plains, coming to this coast. They left Charleston, Iowa April 27, 1852, and arrived in the Rogue River Valley Sept. 27th of the same year. For a time their residence was in Jacksonville, Or., where Dec. 3, 1852, Walter S. Gore was born; he being the first white male child born in Jackson County.
    Mrs. Gore was the mother of ten children, five sons and five daughters, nine of whom are still living to mourn her death. She was a woman of strong and positive Christian character, and with a firm reliance upon Christ, she passed away Oct. 7, 1893. Her funeral was largely attended and took place Oct. 18th from the little church of Phoenix, of which she was a worthy member and where she loved to worship and teach in the Sabbath school. The services were of an appropriate character, and were conducted by the Rev. M. A. Williams, the aged pioneer Presbyterian minister of Southern Oregon, assisted by the present pastor of the church. The interment took place in the cemetery near the church.
    In heartfelt sympathy with the bereaved family and in the language of assured hope, we unite in saying, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."
Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 3, also Democratic Times, October 27, 1893, page 2

    Mrs. S. E. Ish, who has the distinction of being the principal individual taxpayer in southern Oregon, made Jacksonville a visit a few days since.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 15, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. W. H. Gore of Portland, who is stopping at the Ish farm, visited Jacksonville on Saturday.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1894, page 3

Hay for Sale.
    I have baled and loose hay in quantities to suit the purchaser for sale at my farm on the Medford-Jacksonville road.
Mrs. S. E. Ish.           
    Jacksonville, Feb. 9, 1894.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1894, page 3

Will Build a 6000-Bushel Granary.
    Contractor E. W. Starr this week closed a contract with Mrs. Ish whereby he is to build for her a granary, 24x30 feet in size, which, when completed, will hold 6000 bushels of grain. The building will consume 25,000 feet of lumber in its construction. Work on the building will be commenced about May 1st.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. Ish is building a $1600 residence near Medford.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 15, 1895, page 3

    Mrs. S. E. Ish's health is completely restored. The lady has been in poor health for the past ten or twelve years, but is right now feeling better than at any time during all these years. Dr. Jones was the attending physician.

"News of the City," Medford Mail, October 2, 1896, page 7

    The Jacksonville hearse passed through our town on Wednesday of last week, going for the remains of the late Horace L. Ish.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, October 29, 1897, page 5

    Estate of Horace L. Ish; inventory and appraisement filed, showing the total amount of real and personal property valued at $2033.50; also an order for sale of personal property to pay expenses.
"In Probate Court," Medford Mail, December 30, 1897, page 2

    Mrs. S. E. Ish has added a fine, large hay press to the great amount of machinery already being operated on her extensive farm.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1898, page 3

    The real property belonging to the estate of H. L. Ish, situated in Eagle Point precinct, was sold at sheriff's sale last Saturday. It was bid in by the judgment creditors, Beekman & Reames.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 22, 1898, page 3

    The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder since the last report of The Times:
E. E. Gore to John G. and Edw. E. Gore; the Gore home-place in Eden precinct . . . 1940.00
Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1899, page 2

    The following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder since the last report of The Times:
Edw. E. Gore to John E. Gore; undivided one-half interest in west half of Gore dlc, etc. . . . 1350.00
John G. Gore to Edw. E. Gore; part of blk 19, Medford . . . 650.00
Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1899, page 3

    Mrs. S. E. Ish last week received four carloads of lumber from the S.P.D.&L. Co. of Grants Pass, which will be used for building a barn 100x58 feet on her farm near Jacksonville.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 13, 1899, page 3

    County Clerk Newbury has granted marriage license to Geo. M. Wright and Maria M. Alfred; also to J. G. Gore and Robin L. Warner.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 28, 1899, page 3

    Last Friday forenoon fire broke out in the hay mow of one of the large barns on the Ish farm, and in a very short time the entire structure together with its contents were in ashes. The origin of the fire is a mystery, and no theory is advanced. The barn was 48x64 feet in size and was used for a horse stable and hay barn. There were about twenty tons of hay in the barn and four driving horses, but the horses were saved by Matt Ish rushing into the barn when the flames were waxing hot, loosening them and rushing them outside, and none too soon was he, as both himself and the last horse out were compelled to dash through the flames in making their exit. There was also some farm machinery in the building, and it was burned. The loss was about $900; insurance, $500. Other buildings stood within 120 feet of the structure that was burned, but there not being any wind these were saved. The Jacksonville fire company was sent for and arrived in time to afford protection to adjoining buildings. Mr. Gore, son-in-law of Mrs. Ish, informs us that the structure will be rebuilt this fall.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 27, 1900, page 7

    Will Gore will soon commence work on his new barn, on the Ish farm. The building will be 24x64 feet in size with a 16-foot shed the full length of two sides and one end. This, while itself a very large barn, is the smallest on the place. One other is 120 feet long, another 84 feet long, and to each are added numerous sheds.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 31, 1900, page 7

    Contractor L. F. Lozier will commence work next Monday on the construction work of Mrs. Ish's new barn, which replaces the one burned a few months ago.
"Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, September 7, 1900, page 6

    Chinaman Maun, cook at the Ish ranch, left Tuesday for his old home in the Flowery Kingdom. For thirty years he has held the position of cook and laundryman on the Ish farm. Maun was employed by Mr. Jacob Ish for ten years prior to his death, and since that time his widow, Mrs. S. E. Ish, and her son-in-law, Mr. Gore, have continued him in their service, making a term of twenty-six years of actual service on the one place and in the same family. His work was that of cooking, washing and caring for the chickens. He has been a most faithful servant, and during these years he has laid up a neat little sum of money, the amount of which no one knows. His pay has been $25 per month the year 'round. He expects to return to Oregon after a winter's visit in China.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 16, 1900, page 7

    Some few weeks ago Mr. Coss, of the Coss Piano House, Medford, sold a Kimball concert grand piano to W. H. Gore--conditioned that if it was not satisfactory it was to be exchanged for any other style desired. It proved very unsatisfactory, and last week Mr. Coss took it back and gave Mr. Gore a Chickering parlor grand in its stead.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 21, 1900, page 7

    Quite a number of the orchardists hereabouts have purchased gasoline engines with which to furnish power to operate their spraying pumps. The Olwell boys experimented with one last year and found it to be a great saving in labor and added proficiency to the service. The gentlemen who have made recent purchases are Messrs. Weeks & Orr., C. E. Stewart, Capt. G. Voorhies, J. A. Whitman, John Gore and Olwell Bros.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 15, 1901, page 7

    J. L. Wilson:--"I notice you have had an item or two on the immense crops of alfalfa which are being grown around here. Those items were all good, but you ought to see the crop that Will Gore is harvesting, out on the Ish farm. It is the second crop and the shocks are so close together that it seems almost impossible to drive a team between. No, it has had no water--only what Nature gave it--and that wasn't much this year. There are thousands of acres in the valley that are not now growing much of anything which will be good alfalfa land when that Fish Lake ditch puts water on it."

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 7

Death of Mrs. Malvina Gore Clayton.
From the Ashland Tidings.
    Mrs. Malvina Gore Clayton, after a lingering illness, died at her home, on Factory Street, Friday night, the 22nd last, aged forty-six years, five months and seventeen days. The deceased, who was a native of Jackson County, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore, two of the earliest pioneers of Southern Oregon, and she was born on the old homestead near Phoenix, March 5, 1855. She received her education at the Ashland academy and the Oregon state university, and was married to N. H. Clayton July 22, 1886. Her husband and two children, Lawrence and Vera, are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and kind and affectionate mother. The funeral services were held yesterday at the home of the deceased on Factory Street at 12 o'clock and being conducted by Rev. F. G. Strange and Wm. Clyde, after which the funeral cortege was formed and wended its way to Phoenix, where additional services were held in the Presbyterian Church at that place and the interment was made in the Phoenix cemetery.

Medford Mail,
August 30, 1901, page 2

    The pupils of Mrs. E. E. Gore's class in music gave a recital at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Wortman, which proved a delightful event. The lady is gaining an enviable reputation as teacher of the higher branches of her chosen profession.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1901, page 7

    The first prize for bulls given at the state fair was awarded John G. Gore of Phoenix precinct, who exhibited a magnificent specimen.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 3, 1901, page 5

    Mrs. Ish has been making some needed improvements on the buildings on her Sticky farm. Charles Milligan, of Medford, is doing the work.

"Big Sticky Items," Medford Mail, November 22, 1901, page 3

    Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Gore are parents to a new girl baby, which came to their pleasant farm home on Friday, November 29th.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 6

    Wanted--Middle-aged lady to take care of invalid lady. Address W. S. Gore, Medford.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 6, 1901, page 9

    E. E. Gore, salesman for Warner & Wortman, is a genius as a window decorator. In one of the store windows of the above-named firm he recently manufactured, out of canned goods, a miniature representation of a battleship, and with rock salt spread about the ship a good representation of cashing ocean waves was made. In the other window with cakes of soap he made a miniature representation of the big double front of the Warner & Wortman grocery establishment. No ground is left for doubt that Ed is an artist.

"City Happenings,"
Medford Mail, January 31, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. E. E. Gore is planning to give another of her popular recitals. The lady has nearly fifty pupils, and when a recital is given it is an occasion that is not lost sight of by music lovers and those favored with invitations. The exact date is not yet fixed.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 14, 1902, page 7

    About April first Mrs. Gore will open a juvenile class in music into which young children who have not yet begun to take lessons, will be received. The elements of music are considered difficult for little folks, but they can be taught in classes, by using games and proper illustrative material, at an earlier age in a more interesting manner and with less expense than they can be taught alone. The aim will be to give such preparatory instructions in musical notation, natural use of the fingers, varieties of touch, car training and singing as shall lead to rapid advancement when regular lessons are begun. Terms, two dollars per term of twelve lessons.

"City Happenings,"
Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 7

    Mrs. E. E. Gore, Jr., the popular instructor of music, returned from Jacksonville yesterday, where she has quite a number of pupils. In addition to that class Mrs. Gore teaches a larger one in Medford. She is thorough in her profession, which accounts for her success.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 2

    Orchardist J. G. Gore is packing about 300 boxes of yellow Newtown pippin apples this week. The apples will be shipped. It seems really too bad that a quality of fruit suitable for shipment could not be retained at home and retailed to home consumers. Apples are scarce at this time of the year and in consequence are a luxury and good prices could be realized. Unless Mr. Gore has sold his fruit to outside parties the Mail would offer a suggestion to some of our enterprising merchants that they buy the entire lot and give home people a chance to enjoy a really good apple.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 7

    Elder E. E. Gore left Monday for New York City, whither he goes as a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly. He will visit relatives and friends in Kansas and Indiana, and will also stop for a few days in Washington, D.C. His ticket is good for nine months, and he expects to come close to using its full limit before he returns. It has been thirty-one years since he came west.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 6

    E. E. Gore, Sr. will leave soon for New York, having been elected a delegate to the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1902, page 5

    Misses Agnes Love and Florence De Bar, two of Jacksonville's most talented young misses, will give a complimentary piano recital at Medford's Presbyterian Church Saturday evening. They are pupils of Mrs. E. E. Gore, the well-known instructor in music, and have made rapid advancement. On the programme will be selections from Il Trovatore, Chopin, Beethoven, Nevin and Mendelssohn. The public is generally invited.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1902, page 5

Mrs. Gore's Recital.
    Wednesday evening Mrs. E. E. Gore's music classes in Medford and Jacksonville gave a recital at the Coss Piano House that was quite the equal of any of the musical events previously held in that hall this spring. Most of the performers were but beginners in the study of music, and quite young in age, being from ten to fourteen years, and it was for nearly all of them their first appearance before an audience, yet they carried their parts through with a self-possession and skill that was a credit to themselves and a compliment to their teacher.
    The program was carried out without the least delay, and the large audience present were given an evening's entertainment that was both interesting and pleasing, for it was a study to watch the little tots as they coyly took their places and the sprightly, easy-moving pieces which they rendered, were worth listening to by anyone having an ear for music.
    Mrs. Gore has a large class of pupils, both in this city and in Jacksonville, and such is the standing of her classes that she has all the applicants required to keep them up to the full membership. Not meaning to flatter, but there is no gainsaying the fact that Mrs. Gore thoroughly understands the art of teaching music and she has the happy faculty of being able to get her pupils to do their very best, that being one of the secrets of her success in bringing out all that there is in a pupil's musical talent.
Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 2

Religious Belief the Only Difference.
    The following item is taken from the Kansas City Journal. The E. Emerson Gore spoken of is the gentleman who lives south of Medford and father of the Gore boys of this county:
    "Over on Louisiana St. lives E. Emery Gore, and he now has a guest in the person of E. Emerson Gore, of Oregon, his twin brother. The two celebrated their seventy-eighth birthday anniversary June 20, after being separated thirty-two years. The two are so nearly alike in appearance, voice and manner that casual acquaintances cannot tell them apart. Both came to Illinois from Vermont, both helped expel the Mormons from western Illinois, both crossed the plains to the Pacific coast at a very early date, neither has ever lost a tooth or suffered serious illness, neither has ever ever tasted liquor or tobacco, and both are stalwart Republicans. The only difference that anybody can discover between them is that one is a Presbyterian while the other is a Baptist. Even the near relatives of the brothers cannot tell which is which without close scrutiny."

Medford Mail, September 5, 1902, page 2

    Mrs. E. E. Gore, of Medford, the well-known and efficient teacher of music, will relinquish her class here, her time being fully taken up with her large class in Medford.
"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 3

    Mrs. E. E. Gore, Jr., who has been teaching a class in music at Jacksonville, has been compelled to cease her labors there, as her time is monopolized by her Medford pupils, who are rapidly increasing in numbers..
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 9, 1902, page 1

    Walter Gore shipped a consignment of Southern Oregon mistletoe from Medford this week. This is rather early in the season for such shipments, but this one is to fill an order from the East.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 7

    J. G. Gore, who had several head of stock killed by a freight train some time ago, has commenced an action against the S.P. Co. to recover what he valued them at. W. I. Vawter is his attorney.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 17, 1902, page 2

    The funeral of Matt. Ish was attended by a large concourse of friends of the deceased, who was well and favorably known. The remains were interred in Jacksonville cemetery, Rev. M. L. Darby conducting the religious service.
    R. L. Ish is in this section for the first time in a number of years. He was called hither to attend the funeral of his brother Matt. Dick is a permanent fixture at U.S. Army headquarters in Vancouver, Wash., having been stationed there many years. He was a resident of Jackson and Klamath counties a long time before entering the service of the government.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1903, page 1

    M. R. Ish, one of the pioneers of Southern Oregon, died at the Ish farm Thursday. He had been ailing for some time. Matt. was an upright, industrious man, well liked by all who knew him. His many friends will be sorry to hear of his demise.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 4, 1903, page 2

Death of M. R. Ish.
    The death of Matthew R. Ish, which occurred at the Ish farm, near Jacksonville, on February 26th, adds another to the long roll of pioneers of Oregon who have passed away.
    Mr. Ish was a native of Loudoun County, Virginia, and came to Southern Oregon in 1855, remaining here several years and then returning to Virginia to bring out several other members of his family.
    He was one of the three original owners of the famous Gold Hill mine, and his death leaves but one survivor of the trio, John X. Miller, of Trail Creek, this county.
    Mr. Ish was 72 years, 11 months and 8 days of age at the time of his death, which resulted from an illness of several months' duration. He was never married and leaves a brother, Richard Ish, of Vancouver, and a sister who resides in Virginia.
Medford Mail, March 6, 1903, page 2

The E. E. Gore twins
The E. E. Gore twins

A Twin's Amusing Mistake at Medford.
    Emery E. Gore, of Lawrence, Kansas, and his niece, Mrs. Green, are here upon a visit to Mr. Gore's twin brother, Mr. Emerson E. Gore. These gentlemen were 79 years of age on the 20th of last June. Both are seemingly in exceedingly good health and are as rugged as is the average man of 60. They are very much alike in appearance, actions and speech; so much so, in fact, that it is decidedly difficult to distinguish one from the other. A story is told upon the visiting gentleman, that while trading in a Medford store a few days ago, he got mixed with his reflection in a large mirror, and thinking the reflection was his brother, called to him saying that he had finished his trading and was ready to go home if he was--and all this time his brother was sitting in a rig in front of the store awaiting his return.--Medford Mail.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 13, 1903, page 1

William Haven Gore
William Haven Gore in later years

    W. H. Gore and H. G. Wortman are making arrangements to embark in the stock business on a considerable scale. They have rented the Cox ranch, situated in the Dead Indian country, and put Charley Brophy in charge thereof. In a short time they will drive out several hundred head of cattle.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1903, page 2

Pioneers Visit Jacksonville.
    W. H. Gore, manager of the big Ish farm two miles northeast of Jacksonville, and one of the finest in all Southern Oregon, was in Jacksonville Saturday afternoon with his father, Emerson E. Gore, of Phoenix, and his uncle Emery E. Gore of Lawrence, Kan. The two old gentlemen are twins, and so near alike that strangers cannot tell them apart. Both are pioneers of Jacksonville, and their trip Saturday was to greet the few persons yet in the old town who were here 50 years ago and note the changes that have come to the town and surrounding country since the days when Jacksonville was a stirring mining town and the adjacent hills and valleys alive with hundreds of mines. The Messrs. Gore arrived at Jacob Wagner's place on the creek now known as Wagner Creek from Illinois September 20, 1852, coming by way of California, and they camped there a few days taking a look at the valley. They worked one day for Mr. Wagner and put a floor in his cabin made of slabs that Mr. Wagner had gotten at a little sawmill just started near where Ashland now is. Mr. Wagner had occupied his cabin with only an earth floor. The only pay taken from Mr. Wagner was a big squash that he had grown on his place. They arrived in Jacksonville a few days later. The day proved to be Saturday, but they did not know it, having lost their calendar reckonings, and that afternoon they borrowed a saw and frame, and early next morning they went on the hill back of where St. Mary's Academy now is and cut a large tree and began to make shakes with which to build a cabin. Soon they noticed people on the streets as though going to church, and being good Presbyterians they ceased their work and came down and found that a traveling preacher was holding services. They resumed their cabin building Monday and soon had it erected on land north of the present U.S. Hotel when Emerson Gore moved into it with his family, Emery Gore boarding with him, he not then being married. In February Emerson Gore took up as a donation claim the land upon which he now lives and to which he soon moved his family. The Gores were carpenters, and among other houses upon which they worked was the present Methodist Church in Jacksonville. They put up a carpenter shop and did all kinds of woodwork. Emery remained a year in Jacksonville when he left and worked at various places in the valley until 1860, when he went to Kansas and has lived in that state since, residing first at Atchison and later at Lawrence.
    To Mr. and Mrs. Emerson E. Gore is due the honor of being the parents of the first white baby boy born within the limits of the present town of Jacksonville, so far as records now to be had show, their son Walter Gore, now residing near Phoenix, having been born December 3, 1852, while they were residing in the little shake house in the north part of town.
Jacksonville Sentinel, October 16, 1903, page 1

William H. Gore
    WILLIAM H. GORE.  Since 1894 what is known as the Ish Ranch, two and a half miles west of Medford, has been under the capable management of William H. Gore. This statement alone suffices to place the property in the category of perfectly conducted farms, for no broader minded or more progressive tiller of the soil and student of scientific ranching has contributed to the development of Jackson County. The owners of this farm are recognized as the most extensive owners of land and stock, and growers of alfalfa in this district, and at present two hundred and forty acres are devoted to the cattle grass which has practically built up the stock industry of the West and North. Through the efforts of Mr. Gore the output of the farm has materially increased, the shipment of hogs in 1902 far exceeding that of any other dealer in the county. This is but one of the commodities which swell the yearly revenue of this productive ranch, high grade cattle, sheep, grain, and general produce taking on like proportions, excelling also in quality as well as quantity. Needless to say, the house occupied by Mr. Gore and his family is in keeping with the modern surroundings of the farm, is large and well arranged, and furnished in accordance with refined tastes and cultivated tendencies of the occupants.
    As a native son of this great state Mr. Gore's career has been watched with growing interest by the generation of pioneers, of which class his father, Emerson E. Gore, was a typical representative. The son was born on the family estate three miles south of Medford, April 23, 1860, and was educated in the district schools, and graduated from the state University of Oregon, at Eugene. A pronounced appreciation of higher education was one of the pleasing tendencies noted in Mr. Gore's boyhood days, and in order to gratify his ambition in this direction it became necessary for him to help himself. It thus happened that he began to teach school at the age of nineteen, and, through the exercise of economy and prudence, he was able to defray his expenses at the university. In 1888 he went to Portland and found employment with Page & Son, fruit and commission merchants, and at the expiration of three years, or in 1891, he branched out into a similar business on his own responsibility. Three years later, in 1894, he returned to Medford and took charge of the ranch which has since been his care, and which is twelve hundred acres in extent. In the meantime he has made his influence felt in general affairs, has taken a firm stand for clean Republican politics, for government in the interests of the people, and for the best possible educational advantages. He is specially fitted for political preferment, having a broad grasp of existing conditions, and possessing marked executive ability. For many years he has been an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and has labored zealously for the enlargement of the church charities. November 5, 1890, Mr. Gore married Sophenia J. Ish, who was born on the farm where she still makes her home, and is a daughter of Jacob and J. Eleanor (Jones) Ish, who came to Oregon in 1860 and were the owners of the Ish place. Jacob Ish, father of Mrs. Gore, was born in Virginia and was reared in the heart of the southern Democracy. He was the owner of some slaves before the war and lost considerable property through the ravages of that memorable conflict. In 1860 he came to Oregon with his four brothers, William K., Horace L., Mathew R., and Richard L., all of whom are now deceased except Robert L., who resides in Jackson County. Mr. Ish resided for twenty-one years in Jackson County, where he became one of the largest land owners in southern Oregon. He was the founder of the Ish ranch, which is known far and wide, and for many years he furnished from his broad acres supplies for the government troops stationed at Fort Klamath, and for the stage stations between Grants Pass and Yreka, Cal. He married for his first wife Miss J. Eleanor Jones, who died July 29, 1877, leaving one daughter, now Mrs. W. H. Gore. He married, October 7, 1879, for his second wife, Miss Sarah Elizabeth Jones, a sister of the first wife, who survives him and makes her home on the ranch with her stepdaughter. Mr. Ish died March 4, 1881, at the age of fifty-nine years. Jacob I. and Mary E., the two children born to Mr. and Mrs. Gore, are living at home with their parents.
    Entirely inadequate is a resume of the life of Mr. Gore without due mention of his father, Emerson E., from whom he inherits many of his forceful and admirable characteristics. He was born in Halifax, Windham County, Vt., June 20, 1824, and is a son of Ebenezer and Polly (Haven) Gore, the parents also of five other children. Of these, Sabrey is the deceased wife of Eben Stancliff, of Phoenix, Ore.; Emery E. is the twin brother of Emerson; Elizabeth is deceased; Orrin is a resident of Oregon; and Lucy A. When Emerson E. was four years of age, in 1828, his parents moved to the western reserve in Ohio, and took up government land upon which they lived until 1840. They then located near Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa, where the father died in 1848, at the age of fifty-six years. Emerson E. made himself useful around the farm, becoming his father's right-hand man, and after his death assuming the management of the property. September 20, 1849, he married Mary E. Gilmore, thereafter continuing to live in Iowa until the spring of 1852. April 27, he started with his family and brother, Emery E., for the coast, equipped with four yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows, being on the road for five months and seven days. In the fall of 1852 he located a claim of three hundred and twenty acres just across the road from where he now lives, three miles south of Medford, and between Medford and Phoenix, where he lived until removing to his present home in 1854. For many years he joined forces with his brother Emery, and with him constructed a sawmill on Bear Creek which was successfully operated until 1860. Mr. Gore then bought out his brother, the latter returning to his home an the East, finally settling in Lawrence, Kans.
    Mr. Gore has made himself an essential part of the agricultural community of Jackson County, has participated in its all-around development, and has reared capable and resourceful sons to perpetuate his honored name. His oldest son was born at Jacksonville, Ore., December 3, 1852, was christened Walter S., and was the first white male child born in that vicinity. Mr. Gore possesses marked executive ability, and from time to time has been called upon to settle estates. He is well known in fraternal circles, not only as a member, but as an organizer, for he had to do with establishing the first Masonic Lodge at Phoenix. After the delivery of that charter he joined Warren Lodge No. 10, A.F.&A.M. He also is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and like his son has been a great worker in the same. Too much cannot be said of his temperate, evenly balanced and altogether successful life, and of the admirable characteristics which have brought him honor and many friends.
Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 747

Siding for Use of Orchardists.
    MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 19.--(Special.)--J. S. Howard recently finished surveying a side track along the Southern Pacific track about three miles south of Medford. The siding is to be put in south from the county road which runs west from Samuel Van Dyke's place, and on the west side of the railroad track, and will be 760 feet long. One hundred and seventy feet by 885 feet of land has been set aside for the use of the siding and warehouses. It is for the convenience of several orchardists in the vicinity, who have previously been compelled to haul their fruit to Medford. All fruit loaded at this siding will be billed as having been loaded at Medford. It is understood that the orchardists in this section contributed and purchased the land aside from that covered by the right of way from Messrs. Gore and Van Dyke. The Southern Pacific expects to complete the work in time to accommodate the next year's fruit crop.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 20, 1904, page 12

    This week W. H. Gore received a 6-horsepower Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine, which he will use on the Ish farm, wherever power is needed. The engine is mounted upon trucks, so that it can be hauled from place to place, as the exigencies of farm work may require. All such work as pumping, sawing wood, running fanning mills and other farm machinery can be accomplished by this engine, and Mr. Gore expects to keep it busy for a greater part of the year.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5

No Hunting Will Be Allowed.
    Notice is hereby given that no hunting will be allowed upon my premises. Anyone guilty of trespassing will be dealt with as provided by law.
S. E. ISH.               
Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 8

Death of Emery E. Gore.
    At Lawrence, Kansas, on Friday, April 7th, occurred the death of Emery E. Gore, aged eighty-eight years, ten months and two days.
    Mr. Gore was the twin brother of Emerson E. Gore, the well-known pioneer resident of Medford. The deceased visited Rogue River Valley last year and so near alike were the two brothers that people who had known Emerson Gore for years frequently mistook his brother for him. The two gentlemen enjoyed the mystification of their friends concerning their identity and engaged in schemes to further deepen the mystery with all the zest of boys.
    The only difference between the brothers--as was noted by a Lawrence (Ky.) paper--was that one was a Baptist in religion and the other a Presbyterian. That didn't make any difference, however, with them as men. Emery E. Gore stood as high in the estimation of his friends in Kansas as Emerson E. Gore stands with the people of the Rogue River Valley, and that is high.
    Mr. Gore was ill but a short time, and his death was due to complications arising from a severe cold he had contracted and his advanced age.
Medford Mail, April 14, 1905, page 1

Death of R. L. Ish.
    Richard L. Ish died on Monday, March 26, 1906, at 3 o'clock a.m., at the Ish farm, three miles west of Medford; aged sixty-three years, one month and twenty-four days.
    "Uncle Dick," as he was familiarly known to his many friends, was a native of Aldie, Loudoun County, Virginia, and came to Southern Oregon in the early days of the gold excitement. He followed mining, stage driving and other pursuits, and was for many years in the service of the government at Fort Klamath and Vancouver, as ambulance driver. About three years ago he resigned his position with the government and returned to Jackson County, and has since made his home at the Ish farm.
    Honest, big-hearted, generous to a fault, Richard L. Ish leaves behind him a host of friends in Southern Oregon, whose sympathies are with the relatives who mourn his departure.
    The funeral took place Tuesday, March 27th, from the late residence, the interment being made in Jacksonville cemetery. Services at the grave were conducted by Revs. W. F. Shields and H. B. Yacoubi.
Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 1

    It is refreshing to pass the Gore orchard, south of Medford, these days, since the six-horsepower gasoline engine has been pumping the water from Bear Creek into the flume which crosses the orchard and brings the rejuvenating fluid to the heavily loaded fruit trees. It is an entire success and will double the value of the fruit from this fine orchard. Mr. Gore will have not less than six cars of as fine Bartlett pears as ever went into any market.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 3, 1906, page 5

Death of Mrs. S. E. Ish.
    Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Ish, one of the pioneer women of Jackson County, and one of the most highly respected of its citizens, died at her home near Jacksonville Sunday, September 2, 1906. Mrs. Ish was born at Hillsboro, Loudoun County, Virginia, December 29, 1830, and was aged seventy-five years, eight months and three days at the time of her death.
    Mrs. Ish came to Jackson County in 1877, having been called thither by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Ish, who died before she reached Oregon. She assumed the duties of a mother to her sister's daughter, now Mrs. W. H. Gore, and in November, 1878, was married to Jacob Ish, with whom she lived happily until his death on March 4, 1881.
    She immediately assumed the management of the large estate left by her husband and has conducted it successfully ever since.
    Mrs. Ish was a woman of the highest character, combining in herself the attributes which go to make true womanhood, and her death will be regretted by a wide circle of friends.
    Mrs. Ish leaves no children of her own, and only one close relative, a brother, Wm. R. Jones, but her stepdaughter, Mrs. Gore, had always taken the place of a daughter to her.
    The funeral took place on Tuesday, services being held at the late residence by Rev. H. B. Yacoubi, of the M. E. Church, South, of which church Mrs. Ish had long been a member. The interment was made in Jacksonville Cemetery.
Medford Mail, September 7, 1906, page 1

John G. Gore Orchard circa 1907, September 5, 1909 Sunday Oregonian
John G. Gore Orchard circa 1907, September 5, 1909 Sunday Oregonian

    For many years an old weather-beaten building has stood on the Medford-Central Point road opposite the Merriman place that was one of the first buildings erected in that part of the valley, but last week it was torn down and removed.
    It was in 1855 that Emery E. Gore, twin brother of E. E. Gore, now deceased, built the structure for the purpose of conducting a store therein. After its completion he left for the East to buy his stock of goods, but for various reasons remained there and did not return until a few years ago, when he returned here on a visit.
Excerpt, Medford Mail, December 13, 1907, page 1   This may have been near Gore Avenue in north Medford.

    J. G. Gore, farmer: "It is most important that we provide the best environment for our growing families--the saloon affords the worst."
"Temperance Rally," Medford Mail, February 7, 1908, page 4

Musical Studio Opening
    Mrs. E. E. Gore announces the opening of her new studios, corner of C and Ninth streets, Monday, February 17, 1908. After completing the four-year regular course in Piano, Voice, Harmony and Theory at Gates College Conservatory of Music, Mrs. Gore took a postgraduate course of one year, carrying on work in the pipe organ department under Professor E. B. Geer of Oberlin College and studying voice under Miss Carrie Dean, a pupil of Luigi Vannuccini of Milan, Italy.
    Mrs. Gore brings to bear upon her work years of successful experience with pupils of all grades of advancement, and through a wide course of study, reading and association with musicians is in touch with progressive methods and the most up-to-date teaching material.
    Among the coast teachers with whom she has been privileged to study are Prof. Skinner, recently of Portland, now of Los Angeles, Madame Von Meyerink of San Francisco, and during a brief stay in Portland daily lessons with Mrs. Walter Reed, recognized as high authority on the voice.
Medford Mail, February 14, 1908, page 1

Medford School in Court.
Judge Hanna Asked to Mandamus Issuance of Diplomas.
    MEDFORD, Or., June 12.--To force a board of education of this city to issue a diploma to Clarence W. Gore, member of the high school graduation class of 1909, mandamus proceedings were today begun before Judge Hanna in the circuit court, Attorney Porter J. Neff representing Gore, who with two other students claims to have been unfairly dealt with at commencement. Gore and two other students failed to appear at the formal graduating exercises and the board of education refused to deliver the diploma to which each was entitled.
    The absence of the students was intended as a protest against alleged favoritism and discrimination by one of the instructors against Carl Glasgow, a member of the class, who was said by George Merritt, his instructor, to have "flunked." Glasgow had expressed exception to a certain conduct on the part of Merritt toward certain girls, members of the graduating class, also.
    The actions of Instructor Merritt were so grievous, it is stated, that Miss Warner, principal of the high school, informed Superintendent Smith of the city schools, that she could not overlook them, whereupon she was quietly asked for her resignation. Things were getting warm in education circles when Merritt tendered this resignation at suggestion of the board.  Added to the complication came to the organized effort on the part of the graduating class to rebuke the actions of the faculty, or at least a member of it, in not allowing Glasgow to pass the examination and take his diploma with the class.
    Petitions asking the board of education to reinstate Miss Warner are being signed by nearly all the students of the high school, and citizens are loudly denouncing the arbitrary methods employed in the controversy. Perhaps no case parallel to this has been recorded in the history of Oregon, particularly the actions in court, and it will be watched with interest. The school trouble has aroused public feeling generally, and promises to be fought out bitterly.
Ashland Tidings, June 14, 1909, page 1

    W. H. Gore has received a new and up-to-date acetylene gas lighting plant, which will be installed at his ranch home west of this city.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, June 18, 1909, page 8

    W. H. Gore yesterday purchased a tract of land 170x175 feet in size from A. L. Marshall. The price paid was $2500. Mr. Gore expects to erect a fine home on the property to cost $7000 or $8000. This property is on Oakdale Avenue, which is one of the prettiest residence districts in the city.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, June 25, 1909, page 2

    A type of the successful orchardist who has made his way by being first on the ground and sticking to it through thick and thin is John G. Gore, the owner of the heaviest-bearing Bartlett pear orchard in the valley. His orchard, seven acres in extent, is situated on the heavy black loam of Bear Creek bottom and is irrigated by means of a gas engine pump from Bear Creek. The orchard is part of the donation claim taken up by Emerson E. Gore, the father of John Gore, in 1852, the trees being set out by the old gentleman in 1888. The father at the time of the building of the railroad in 1884 had a three-acre orchard which during the railroad boom brought him big dividends. This led him to plant his new orchard. It was remarkable the judgment with which the varieties for the new orchard were selected. The block of apples consisted of the Yellow Newtown, Spitzenberg and Baldwin, while seven acres was planted solid to Bartlett pears. Every one of these varieties has since then proven itself good, and the son is now reaping the benefit of his father's wise selection.
    During the '80s the Gores' 3-acre tract of trees became infected with San Jose scale. As the old pioneer tells, "We did not know of sprays in those days, and when the San Jose scale infected my apple trees I dug them up, for I would not raise diseased fruit." Although with the knowledge of the spray such an action is no longer necessary, it was this spirit which made Rogue River Valley what it is, one of the cleanest fruit-growing sections of the world.
*    *    *
    The seven-acre Bartlett pear orchard now brings a princely income to its owner, the seven carloads shipped in 1907 bringing returns amounting to over a thousand dollars an acre. Last year the prices paid for pears were emphatically off color, but even then Mr. Gore's returns from his Bartletts amounted to $645 an acre. This year the prices are good and his harvest is enormous, filling ten cars.
    Mr. Gore has worked hard and used much originality in the care of his orchard and well deserves his present success. It was he who introduced smudging in the Rogue River Valley, saving his crop from the heavy frosts in the spring of 1908. His system is to build wood fires between every four trees. This, of course, takes a great deal of labor, especially if the cold snap is at all prolonged.
    Mr. Gore's methods in taking care of his orchard are original, many of them entirely at variance with scientific fruit growing. Instead of keeping the center of the tree open, he packs it full of pears. Thus by keeping his fruit-bearing limbs close to the tree instead of long and tapering, he is able to put more fruit upon them without fear of breaking the limbs. Mr. Gore does not thin to gain in size; his heavy black loam and plentiful water supply make this unnecessary. He thins just enough to keep his trees from breaking down. As stated his methods are not such as can be applied to the ordinary orchard, but the load that Mr. Gore packs into his trees is astonishing and is one of the sights that makes the eastern visitors gasp.
Arthur M. Geary, "Enormous Wealth of Rogue River Orchards," Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 5, 1909, page F2

W. H. Gore Receives Traction Machine to Pull Gang of Plows.

    A 30-horsepower gasoline traction engine is on a car at the depot here consigned to W. H. Gore. It is intended for farm work, especially plowing, being made more especially for that purpose. This machine is capable of drawing from six to ten 12-inch plows, and it will be put to work on Mr. Gore's big ranch, west of this city.
Medford Mail, October 15, 1909, page 8

    As a city whose inhabitants are up-to-date and progressive, Medford is widely reputed as well as for its phenomenal growth, and the strong demand for the best to be had in all lines of materials and supplies of everyday use has made possible the conspicuous success of the big double-front store owned and occupied by Warner, Wortman & Gore. They are purveyors of pure foods--"everything to eat"--staple and fancy groceries, fresh and cured meats. Theirs is a finely equipped and admirably arranged store and is one of the pioneer establishments of the city, Mr. E. N. Warner having been in the business here 14 years. The consolidated stores under the present management of Messrs. E. N. Warner, H. G. Wortman and E. E. Gore, Jr., has been running two years. Mr. Wortman has been in business here 25 years, and Mr. Gore is a native Oregonian; $30,000 is invested in the business, and there are fourteen employees. The meat market has its own cold storage system and offers the best in its line. Among the exclusive agencies they have the Chase and Sanborn coffee, Burnett's extracts and Blue Ribbon flour. They contemplate adding another story to their building in the spring. Mr. Wortman was a member of the city council, and all the partners are Masons and Commercial Clubbers and owners of city and ranch property.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 5

Clarence D. Gore, of Medford, Is Quick Consumption Victim.
    MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 8.--(Special.)--Clarence W. Gore, a student of the University of Oregon, died at his home in this city Sunday afternoon. The young man, it is said by some, never recovered from a cold contracted while being put through a hazing ordeal before Thanksgiving. He contracted quick consumption.
    Student Gore was forced to drop his studies at Christmas and was unable to return to the University. Young Gore last summer brought mandamus proceedings against the local school board to compel it to issue to him a diploma from the Medford High School which had been refused because he was not at the commencement exercises. This action is still pending in the Circuit Court. Without his diploma the young man entered the University of Oregon the first of last summer.
    After he had been in the university some weeks Mr. Gore, with four other freshmen, was taken out one night and for three hours was compelled to keep up a huge bonfire for the benefit of the tormentors. The work was enough to keep a score of men busy, but in their efforts to please their superior classmen the young men overexerted themselves. Later. Gore contracted a severe cold and he came home at Thanksgiving. He then returned to college against the wishes of his father and remained until Christmas. When he came home at Christmas he was weak and asserted he was unable to climb a flight of stairs without stopping to rest.
    Mr. Gore was a deep student and took an active part in local church work. His habits were exemplary, and his report cards from the university show his standing there was similar to that in this city.
    He was a native of the Rogue River Valley, being born in Ashland, 22 years ago, on February 19. His mother died three years ago. Since that time he resided with his father and two sisters in this city. Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian Church, Tuesday, Rev. W. F. Shields officiating. The remains will lie in state in the church from 10 o'clock a.m. until 12 o'clock noon.

Morning Oregonian,
Portland, February 9, 1910, page 5

President Campbell Says Gore Spoke Lightly of His Ordeal.
    UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Feb. 8.--(Special.)--Four students were dropped outright and nearly 20 other members of the sophomore class are now attending the university on probation for participating in the mild hazing of several freshmen, of whom Gore was one, last September.
    The action of the college faculty at that time was considered rather severe, as the hazing was of an extremely light variety consisting almost entirely of putting the freshmen through singing; speech-making and dancing "stunts," but it has resulted in absolutely stamping out all hazing. Young Gore attended the university until the recent Christmas holidays. Speaking of his death, president P. L. Campbell said tonight:
    "I had not known that Mr. Gore was seriously ill, although I had received a letter from his father after the Christmas holidays saying he would not be able to return to college this year owing to impaired health. A telegram received from his father yesterday announcing his death came as a very great shock to me. He had been in college up to the Christmas holidays, going along regularly with his work, and I had not known of any illness.
    "Mr. Gore was one of the freshmen who was hazed by the sophomores at thee opening of the session in September. In the inquiry which followed the hazing he spoke of the matter and interceded for leniency for the sophomores.
    "I understood from him that his part in the hazing was very light indeed. I saw him frequently up to the time when he went home a few days before Thanksgiving recess to do some work which awaited him there. I did not observe any signs of sickness, nor was any irregularity reported in his class work. He returned to college after the Thanksgiving recess and remained until Christmas. I had never at any time heard any intimation of any ill consequences following the hazing."

Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 9, 1910, page 5

Young Gore Caught Cold Packing Apples, He Said.
Medford Collegian in Writing to Senior Throws Light on Youth's Illness--
President Campbell Talks of Case.

    EUGENE, Or., Feb. 8.--(Special.)--That Clarence D. Gore, of Medford. a freshman at the University of Oregon, did not die as the result of hazing, but had contracted mortal illness in packing apples, is the light thrown on the student's death by a letter received here recently.
    The letter, which coincides with President Campbell's opinion of the case, was received by Arthur Geary, a senior, and was written by Fred L. Strang, a sophomore, from Medford. Concerning young Gore's illness the letter says:
    Poor Clarence Gore is in a very critical condition. Every other day for the last three weeks he has been having hemorrhages of the lungs. His health also has fallen rapidly, and Dr. Seely and others say they doubt it very much if he lives till spring. They thought he was dying the other night from a hemorrhage. He took a severe cold last Thanksgiving afternoon, when he was out packing apples for John Gore, and never got over it. Ed Gore told Papa today that he and Clarence's father believed that it started with the hazing at U. of O. I know that is not true for I had a long talk with Clarence soon after I came back from Eugene, and he said he caught the cold packing apples at Gore's. Ida Bishop, who works for us, packed there at the same time. She says his place to pack was next to the door in the packing-house in a draft.
    The letter is dated February 4, and here is regarded as conclusive that the hazing of young Gore did not cause his death.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 9, 1910, page 6

Cause of Clarence Gore's Untimely End a Matter of Dispute.

    Clarence W. Gore, formerly a student at the University of Oregon, died at his home in Medford Sunday afternoon, February 6. He never recovered from a cold contracted while being put through a hazing stunt before Thanksgiving, going into quick consumption. He was forced to leave the university at Christmas and was unable to return.
    Young Mr. Gore first sprang into prominence last summer when he brought mandamus proceedings against the Medford school board to compel it to issue him a diploma from the Medford high school, which had been refused him because he was not at the commencement exercises. This action is still pending in the circuit court. Although he never received the diploma, Mr. Gore entered the University of Oregon at the first of the last semester without condition.
    After he had been in the university some weeks Mr. Gore and four other freshmen were taken out one night and for three hours were compelled to keep up a huge bonfire for the benefit of their tormentors. The work was enough to keep a score of men busy, but in their efforts to obey their superior classmen, the young men overexerted themselves. Especially so was it in Gore's case, who was of slight and delicate build. He was soon in a dripping perspiration, and although he took afterwards the best care possible of himself, he contracted a heavy cold which he was unable to throw off.
    He went home at Thanksgiving and spent a week trying to build himself up again. He then returned to college against the wishes of his father and remained until Christmas. When he went home at Christmas time he was very weak and stated that he was unable to climb a flight of stairs without stopping to rest. Then for the first time he told of the hazing which had brought on the cold. A physician was immediately consulted and had since been in attendance on Mr. Gore. In spite of careful attention he died Sunday afternoon of quick consumption.
   Mr. Gore was a young man of exceptionally high character. He was a diligent student and took an active part in local church work. His habits were most exemplary, and his report cards from the university show his standing there was similar to that in his home. He leaves a host of friends.
    Mr. Gore was a native of the Rogue River Valley. He was born in Ashland 22 years ago on February 19. His mother died three years ago. Since that time he has resided with his father and two sisters in Medford.
    The young man
's father declines to discuss the subject of hazing, but it is known that he has wired President Campbell of the University in regard to the matter.
    Mr. Gore was a member of one of the pioneer families of the valley.  His grandfather came to Southern Oregon across the plains in 1853. His father, W. S. Gore, has since resided in Jackson County.
    President Campbell of the state university declares emphatically that young Gore's death was not the result of hazing last fall. He says that the cause of the young man's death was a cold contracted in January many weeks after the date of the hazing.
    "Mr. Gore told me himself," says president Campbell, "that he was subjected to no rough handling or brutal treatment by the hazers. I do not believe his untimely end can be attributed to that occurrence."
Ashland Tidings, February 10, 1910, page 3

Boy Told Parent That Treatment Received at Hands of Upper Classmen Was Not Harsh.
    UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 23.--(Special.)--Clarence W. Gore, of Medford, the University of Oregon student whose death shortly after Christmas was attributed in sensational newspaper stories to injuries received when he was hazed by other members of his class here last September, died from natural causes.
    This is the substance of a letter from Walter S. Gore, father of the young man, to President Campbell and made public today. In the letter Mr. Gore completely exonerates the university from any responsibility for his son's death. The letter follows:
    "I have kept silent thus far in regard to matters pertaining to the hazing incident late in September, and which has been given unnecessary publicity through the Medford papers, the Eugene Guard and Portland papers. The letter published in the Medford Mail and copied by others purporting to have been received from my son Clarence W. Gore and turned over by me for publication was in print before I had received from Clarence a statement of the affair.
    "In regard to the later statement that his illness was the result of ill-treatment by the hazers and compulsory work on bonfires, Clarence said he was not harshly treated in hazing, that he felt no serious ill effects from it and that on the whole he rather enjoyed it.
    "In regard to the bonfires, which I think were built some weeks later, he said it was the custom for the freshmen to build them, but on account of its not being compulsory few took part this year and he felt it his duty to do his part.
    "The cold which resulted in his final illness was not caused by the hazing or the building of bonfires, although it may have been augmented by the latter. Clarence never attributed it to that.
    "He was fully in harmony with the action of the faculty in the matter and definitely cleared the university from any blame in the case.
    "I wish to thank you, Mr. Campbell, and the faculty, for the prompt support and encouragement you gave Clarence at that time and the students of the different classes who so promptly exonerated him from all blame.
    "It was truly appreciated by him, and he was to the last a staunch friend of the university.
    "Yours very respectfully,
    (Signed) "WALTER S. GORE."
    Four students were suspended for one year by the faculty as a result of Gore's hazing, while nearly 30 others are now attending college on their good behavior. Young Gore was much liked by his fellow students, and personally asked leniency for his hazers.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 24, 1910, page 12

E. E. Gore Dies Early in the Week, Aged 87.
    E. E. Gore, who to many friends in Rogue Valley was known as "Father Gore," and a pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at the old family residence near Phoenix, last Monday afternoon. The old gentleman was eighty-seven years old. He  celebrated his eighty-seventh anniversary June 17 of this year.
    The pioneer leaves five sons, L. A. Rose of Phoenix, a stepson; W. S. Gore, J. G. Gore, W. H. Gore and E. E. Gore, Jr., of Medford; also three daughters, Mrs. Jane Gray, Mrs. W. H. Jacks of Albany and Mrs. H. G. Wortman of Medford.
    Funeral services were conducted at the late residence at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and at Presbyterian church in Phoenix at 2 o'clock. The remains were placed at rest in the Phoenix cemetery.
    The dead pioneer was a deeply religious man, and with this he had a great love for his country. A strong, yet gentle man, a man with generous and noble disposition has been gathered to his fathers.
Ashland Tidings, November 24, 1910, page 1

    Word was received at Phoenix that Grandpa [Emerson E.] Gore, father of John Gore, was sinking very fast Wednesday evening. Mr. Gore is one of the old pioneers of the valley and a member of the Presbyterian Church at Phoenix.
"Eden Precinct Items," Medford Mail Tribune, November 18, 1910, page 3

Came to Valley in 1852, First Camping at Spot Which Is Now Old Central Point.
    E. E. Gore, who to many friends in [the] Rogue Valley was known as "Father Gore," and a pioneer of Southern Oregon, died at the old family residence on the Ashland road at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon. The old gentleman was eighty-seven years old. He celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday anniversary June 17 of this year.
    The pioneer leaves five sons, L. A. Rose of Phoenix, a stepson; W. S. Gore, J. G. Gore, W. H. Gore and E. E. Gore, jr. of Medford; also three daughters, Mrs. Jane Gray, Mrs. W. H. Jacks of Albany, and Mrs. H. G. Wortman of Medford.
    Funeral services will be conducted at the late residence at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday and at the Presbyterian Church in Phoenix at 2 o'clock. The remains will be placed at rest in the Phoenix Cemetery.
Sketch of Eventful Life.
    Emerson E. Gore was born June 20, 1824, in Halifax, Vermont, and when a small boy moved with his father to Ohio, and subsequently to Iowa, where he lived for many years. In 1849 he was married to Mrs. Mary E. Rose, who died in 1893.
    Mr. and Mrs. Gore crossed the plains in 1852 and took up their residence in Jacksonville, where their oldest son, Walter S. Gore, was born December 3, 1852, being the first white male born in Jackson County. In 1853 they settled on the Gore donation claim, two and one-half miles south, where they lived continuously.
    Mr. Gore was prominently identified with early industrial enterprises incidental to pioneer life in the valley. For fifty years he was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, having been converted in 1849. He passed away sustained and comforted by the full assurance of Christian faith.
    Mr. Gore and his family were five months on the journey from Iowa to Oregon, although they started to go to California later, changing their destination. The trip was made by ox team, and the train in which they traveled was one of the longest ever to cross the plains. One night on the Platte River, when the train had halted, the men of the party heard the cattle making a disturbance. Mr. Gore ran out to see what was the matter with the stock and stumbled over two Indians lying in the grass. The Indians scrambled to their feet and fled. When the train reached Goose Lake the Indians drove off all the stock. Mrs. Gore was ill. All the able-bodied men pursued the Indians and found them encamped. The redskins had killed two of the mules and were eating them. The white routed the thieves and burned the camp. But the Indians shot arrows into the cattle before they were defeated.
    The day the party arrived in this valley the battle of Table Rock was fought, the Indians being defeated with heavy loss.
    The train encamped near Central Point, near the old town on the creek. Here the captain of the train took up a farm. As all the land was claimed, Mr. Gore and his brother Emery started for Dry Creek, where they were told that they could find good land. On the way they met a friendly Indian and in talking with the red man told him they had not been in the fight. This saved their lives, for after leaving the Indian and seeing a covey of quail one of the brothers fired at the birds. At this Indians sprang up all about them and with bows drawn advanced. These were the remaining Indians that had been defeated that day. Just then the friendly Indian ran up and told his brothers that these two men had not been in the fight. The chief then told his warriors not to shoot and said to the men, "Klatawah" [Chinook jargon for "Go"], and the two brothers lost no time in moving away from the dead line. The Indians said that no white man should ever cross Dry Creek again.
    After settling in Jacksonville, Mr. Gore bought the John G. Gore orchard. Later a hotel was erected across the road and Mr. Gore bought the land and remodeled the hotel. This is the home where he died. He erected a sawmill on the creek and the lumber for the Methodist Church at Jacksonvilory were twins, and so remarkable was the resemblance that mistakes were often made. Not only in facial features were they alike, but in voice and mannerisms. From childhood to extreme old age this resemblance continued. The children of Mr. Gore could not tell their uncle's voice from the father's.
    An incident which is related of this likeness of the two brothers occurred in 1905 when Emery Gore visited his brother. They were both in a Medford furniture store. Both were near a large mirror. E. E. Gore moved out of sight of Emery, who did not notice his movements. Emery turned to the glass, mistook it for his brother and said, "Isn't it time, Emerson, for us to go home?"
    Mr. Gore was an abstainer of liquor, and his convictions on this question were strong. Once a neighbor, early in the '80s, wished to buy apples of Mr. Gore. Mr. Gore at that time had five acres in fruit--one of the first orchards in the valley. The man offered a large price. Apples were worth only twenty cents a bushel. Mr. Gore became curious and asked the reason for the high offer. The neighbor replied that Mr. Gore's apples were much superior to others' and he wished to make them into liquor. Mr. Gore replied: "Before I would sell one apple for that purpose I would let them rot on the trees." He sold a few to others, but a large part did rot on the ground.
    The dead pioneer was a deeply religious man, and with this he had a great love for his country. A strong, yet gentle, man, a man with generous and noble disposition, has been gathered to his fathers.
Medford Sun, November 22, 1910, page 1

With Passing of Emerson E. Gore One More Representative of that Staunch
and Sturdy Stock that People Valley Is Lost to County.
    In the passing over of Emerson E. Gore at the family residence, two and one-half miles south of Medford, yesterday at 1:30 p.m., Jackson County loses another of her oldest pioneers, a representative of that staunch and sturdy stock that peopled the Rogue River Valley in the early '50s, and whose self-denying labors, dauntless courage and far-seeing eye laid the foundations for the subsequent industrial development of this section of the Pacific Northwest.
    Mr. Gore was born in Halifax, Vt., June 20, 1824, and was at the time of his death aged 86 years and 5 months. His youth and early manhood were spent in Ohio and Iowa, and in 1849 he was married to Mrs. Mary E. Rose, a young woman of rare intelligence and deep spiritual insight. Nine children were born of this union, two daughters and the loved wife having preceded Mr. Gore to the better land.
    Mr. and Mrs. Gore made the long journey across the plains with an ox team in 1852 and took up their residence in Jacksonville, Or., where their oldest son, Walter S., was born, December 3, 1852. In 1853 the family settled on the Gore donation claim, where the family has resided continuously ever since.
    Mr. Gore was converted in 1849 and has been an elder and faithful member of the Presbyterian Church for 50 years. The sands of a long and useful life have run out and, surrounded by the members of his family, he gently passed way into that sleep from which there is no earthly waking.
    A brief service will be conducted at the family residence at 12:30 on Wednesday and at 2 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church in Phoenix, the remains being laid to rest in the Phoenix Cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune,
November 22, 1910, page 1

    The impression Medford makes upon some strangers is demonstrated by a recent purchase m
ade by George E. Hart, of Los Angeles, of the old Gore property of 102 acres, one mile and a half south of the city. Mr. Hart had visited Medford, but had never seen the property in question, when a proposition was made and he accepted it.
    Coming to Medford a few weeks ago to supervise the cutting of the land into five- and 10-acre tracts, Mr. Hart further showed his confidence in Medford realty by purchasing the Medford Domestic Laundry property. . . .
"Medford Most Prosperous," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 27, 1912, page 56

    The William Gore ranch just west of Medford has been leased by J. W. Snyder, a dairyman who plans to operate extensively in that business on this large tract of land. The ranch comprises 400 acres and the rental price is $10,000 a year. Mr. Snyder has given much attention to the dairy business and is branching out in that industry. A herd of 600 to 800 cows will be kept on the ranch.
Central Point Herald, March 20, 1913, page 3

Director-Elect Proposes to Visit Italy to Study- Methods There.
    MEDFORD, Or., June 16.--(Special.)--For the first time in the history of Medford a woman was elected to the City Board of Education today, when Mrs. E. E. Gore, wife of a prominent merchant, secured 67 votes out of a total of 69.
    Mrs. Gore is president of the Greater Medford Club and an active worker in civic reform. She has made a special study of the Montessori method. To further prepare herself Mrs. Gore expects to take a trip to Italy to study educational conditions there. Mrs. Gore is a graduate of the Drain Normal School, attended Gates College and studied for a year at Columbia University, New York.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 17, 1913, page 2

Lewis A. Rose Died at Talent Last Saturday.

        Lewis Albert A. Rose, one of the best known pioneers of Rogue River Valley, died Sunday, June 22, 1913, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Rader, of Phoenix, aged 67 years and ten days.
    Mr. Rose had been seriously ill of gangrenous diabetes for several months, and his death was not unexpected
    Born at Charleston, Lee County, Iowa, June 12, 1846, Mr. Rose was the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rose, Sr., who came from eastern Pennsylvania, and were of Scotch Irish descent. His father died when he was a few months old. Two years later his mother became the wife of Emerson E. Gore. When Mr. Rose was six years old, in company with his mother and stepfather he crossed the plains, reaching Rogue River Valley in 1852. Mr. Gore settled on what is now known as the John Gore orchard on Pacific Highway and it was here that Mr. Rose grew to manhood.
    In 1871 Mr. Rose was married to Miss Isabelle Colver, only daughter of the late Samuel and Huldah Colver, distinguished pioneers of southern Oregon. Four children were born to this union--Mrs. Effie L. Taylor, Medford; Mrs. W. A. Jones, wife of ex-Sheriff Jones of Ross Lane; Mrs. J. M. Rader, wife of ex-Sheriff J. M. Rader, of Phoenix, and L. A. Rose, Jr., of Phoenix.
    In 1885 Mrs. Rose died, leaving Mr. Rose with a little motherless brood of four children to rear and educate. Mr. Rose gave himself with unselfish devotion to the task and has successfully raised his children to become useful citizens.
    In 1888 Mr. Rose was again married to Mrs. Jemima Dollarhide Colver, widow of the late Louie Colver. One child was born to this union, Mrs. Claude Cate of Brownsville, Ore.
    In 1873 Mr. Rose moved to what is known as the Rose home on Pacific Highway, just north of Phoenix. Here he made his home for over 40 years.
    Mr. Rose was known as a man of unquestioned integrity and sound judgment. He was generous to a fault, always considering the welfare of others before that of his own. He would share his last penny with a needy stranger and was always a friend to the friendless, possessing to a marked degree the pioneer spirit which was ever ready to extend hospitality and a helping hand.
    Mr. Rose always took an active interest in all enterprises for the upbuilding of his own community and the county at large as well.
    Besides his children, Mr. Rose is survived by six grandchildren--Mr. Armond Taylor, Miss Maude Newbury, Donald Newbury, Carl Newbury, the last three being children of Mrs. W. A. Jones, and two infant sons of Mrs. Claude Cate. Messrs. W. H. Gore, W. S. Gore, J. G. Gore and E. E. Gore are half-brothers. Mrs. H. G. Wortman of Medford and Mrs. W. H. Jacks of Albany are half-sisters.
Ashland Tidings, July 3, 1913, page 3

Faulty Lights Cause Accident
    The failure of Prestolite on one car and no lights on another caused a head-on collision on the Jacksonville road Thursday night between W. H. Gore's car and a car driven by August Lawrentz. The force of the crash knocked Mr. Lawrentz against the wheel, and he sustained severe bruises. Mrs. Gore suffered considerably from the nervous shock, but was resting easily last night. Both cars were injured, the Lawrentz car being practically demolished. The Gore machine sustained a broken radiator and windshield.--Sun
Jacksonville Post,
November 8, 1913, page 2

    August Lawrentz, 53, who was struck by an auto driven by W. H. Gore on the Jacksonville road Thursday night, died Monday morning at 5 o'clock. The dead man absolved all others of blame, he running without any lights. The funeral services will be held Wednesday. Lawrentz was a juror at the present term of court.
Excerpt, "Injuries Prove Fatal,"
Jacksonville Post, November 15, 1913, page 1
W. H. Gore, November 5, 1916 Medford Sun

Car Rolls Over Embankment
    W. H. Gore, president of the Medford National Bank, was apparently the "goat" last Sunday. In the morning 150 tons of hay on his ranch north of Medford burned and in the afternoon his Packard touring car rolled over the embankment of the Siskiyou grade and suffered damages to the extent of several hundred dollars.
    The Gore family motored to the Siskiyous Monday for an outing and left the auto standing, with brakes set, while they walked up the road to eat their lunch. When about 100 yards from the car the brakes released and the car plunged down the road and off the embankment, falling about 100 ft.--Tidings.
Jacksonville Post, July 10, 1915, page 3

    "I am innocent of the charge and it will have to be proven against me in court before I will pay a fine," said W. H. Gore today in explaining why he entered a plea of not guilty before Justice Taylor following his arrest by county prosecutor Roberts' motorcycle cop on the Pacific Highway because of not having his auto lights dimmed, in compliance with the state law, as the cop claims.
    The motorcycle cop had just arrested a Portland auto dealer on the same charge, and the two were standing by the car at the side of the road, engaged in a loud word wrangle when Mr. Gore and his son Jay came driving by. The cop ordered Jay, who was at the wheel, to stop, but Mr. Gore, who was in the rear seat, thinking that the motorcycle cop and the other man were returning from Hornbrook, ordered Jay to speed up.
    The cop then speeded after them on his motorcycle and rode beside their car, calling upon them to stop, without showing his badge or telling them that he was an officer. They also claim that he swore at them repeatedly and was otherwise abusive. Finally, when he showed his badge, they stopped the car and submitted to arrest.
    "The law says that the front lights shall be dimmed when the safety and convenience of the public demand," said Mr. Gore today, "and there was certainly no occasion for us to dim our lights that night, as there was no one on the highway ahead of us except these two, who were standing by the car at the side of the road and wrangling."
    Otto Schneider, the Portland auto dealer arrested that same night, pleaded guilty before Justice Taylor yesterday and was fined $5 and court costs.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1917, page 4

January 4, 1919 Oregonian
January 4, 1919 Oregonian

    Last Wednesday I made a trip to Medford and when I had attended to what business I had, while standing on the sidewalk, I heard my name called and on looking around found that it was Mr. John Gore and wife, who are living on the old Gore farm near Phoenix and they invited me to ride out to my home with then, as they were going out to the Fred Pelouze place, so I gladly accepted the invitation and started and had a fine visit with them, talking over the incidents of the past fifty years, and recalled incidents that passed when we were all young, and in the prime of life.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, August 22, 1921, page 3

    Jay I. Gore, a well-known and popular young man of this city and valley, and Miss Dorothy Dial of Seattle, Wash., were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Maurine in Portland at high noon, Sunday, November 12, 1922, in the presence of friends and relatives. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. F. Shields of Wallowa, Oregon, former pastor of the Medford Presbyterian Church, and an old friend of the Gore family. He came to Portland for the occasion.
    The wedding came as a surprise to the many friends of the groom, who told no one of his matrimonial plans, except his relatives. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon and the Medford high school, an ex-service man, a magician of no exceptional skill [sic], and superintendent of the Gore farming interests in this valley.
    Miss Dial has resided in Seattle, Wash., for a number of years, is a talented musician and vocalist and an attractive young lady of marked talents.
    The newlyweds will make their home in a new bungalow recently erected on the Gore ranch, west of this city.
    After a short honeymoon in the north, Mr. and Mrs. Gore will return here.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 14, 1922, page 3

    W. H. Gore is still busy receiving congratulations on the success of his indefatigable work before Congress against great odds for the passage of the Oregon and California [railroad] land grant tax refund bill, following the great reception tendered him at the depot Saturday on his arrival home from Washington.
    He was at his desk again at the Medford National Bank this forenoon, for the first time in months, but his efforts to attend to business were useless because of so many citizens dropping in to greet and congratulate him.
    In speaking of his Saturday reception, of which he had no inkling until he stepped from the train, was seized by the reception committee and saw the big crowd of 1500 to 2000 people assembled, Mr. Gore chidingly remarked this forenoon: "Why on earth didn't someone tip me off to what was going on? If I had known I could have prepared a speech for the occasion."
    The lobbyist par excellence evidently did not realize that his improvised speech from the depot truck could not have been improved upon. In his ignorance as to the coming reception, as the train was coming to a stop Saturday forenoon and the noise of the fire siren was heard in his coach, Mr. Gore turned to a couple in the seat opposite him and remarked:
    "I seem to be getting home again just in time for another big fire. Once before here a big fire was starting when my train was coming in at the depot."
    This noon at the Kiwanis Club luncheon Mr. Gore delivered an address on his experiences in behalf of the Stanfield bill at Washington.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1926, page 2

A Correction Is Offered.
To the Editor:
    Being a member of two of the oldest pioneer families of Jackson County, the Colver and Gore families, pioneers of 1850 and 1852 respectively, I am interested in keeping the pioneer records correct so far as possible. In the splendid report of the 50th annual reunion of the pioneers of Southern Oregon, found on page 6 of the Medford Mail Tribune, Sunday, October 10, 1926, I read the following:
    "The first child born in Jacksonville was Cornelius Armstrong, son of Robert and Minerva Armstrong, born February 24, 1853."
    I have before me the obituary notice of my grandmother, the late Mrs. Emerson E. Gore, who died in October, 1893, from which I quote the following:
    "Mr. and Mrs. Gore left Charleston, Iowa, April 27, 1852, and arrived in Rogue River Valley September 27th of the same year. For a time their residence was in Jacksonville, where, on December 3, 1852, Walter S. Gore was born, he being the first white male child born in Jackson County."
    Walter Gore, my father's half-brother, still resides in Medford, Oregon. He is the brother of Will Gore, Ed Gore and Mrs. Harry Wortman of Medford, Oregon.
    I am glad to be able to make this correction in the interest of reliable pioneer records.
Mrs. Wilbur Jones,
    203 High Ave.,
    Klamath Falls, Ore.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, October 14, 1926, page 4

Jackson County Not to Pay Gore
    Denial that they had signed an order definitely binding themselves to pay W. H. Gore one percent of the land grant tax refund is made by all members of the county court in a signed statement received here today. Members of the court state that the suggestion of this payment came from Mr. Gore and that they thereupon communicated with other county courts, asking if they were favorable to the plan. If other counties agreed, the Jackson County Court members said they were willing to pay the same amount.
Ashland Daily Tidings, October 21, 1926, page 2

    J. Frank Wortman desires to express his hearty appreciation and gratitude to those neighbors and friends and all others, including the Medford fire department, for their efficacious work last Thursday in extinguishing the flames at his ranch, the old John Gore place on the Pacific Highway, and preventing the fire from spreading to the house, barn and other buildings.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1927, page 2

A Word to Jim and Bill.
To the Editor:
    I see by your paper that Bill Gore and Jim Owen are going back to Washington to get six million or so iron men.
    I wish Bill would fix up the rural telephone line before he goes. They tell me Bill is president of the company, and if he could get Jim, who can't be very busy, to sell him some poles cheap and peel them, then Bill could get someone out of work to help him put the poles up and string a little cheap wire. We might get, say, service three days a week. Living in the country is no fun without a phone--sort of furnishes the house, and you miss all the news on the party line when it's out, which is always.
    I feel sure if Bill would fix up things so we could get service say on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, nobody would kick. The way it is now, you can't plan a thing. Say, for instance, you planned to have a baby on Monday and you couldn't get the doctor till Saturday, it's hard on the baby and spoils the whole week.
    I think Bill ought to do something about this before he goes away. If Bill and Jim get $6,000,000 it's no cinch they will ever come back, and living out here without any phone is h--l!
    R.F.D. No. 1.
P.S.--Don't get fresh; I am not planning anything.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1932, page 6

Our New Courthouse.
To the Editor:
    It is reported that about the first day of September we shall dedicate the new $250,000 courthouse, and we wonder whether it is generally known that this courthouse has not cost the taxpayers of Jackson County a dollar? The fact that it has not cost the tax payers of Jackson County any money is due to the genius of W. H. Gore.
    We believe it is not generally known by these tax payers that Mr. Gore worked many years formulating a plan and measure to be presented to Congress with reference to the California-Oregon land grant, which, by reason of the action of the United States court, had been canceled.
    Prior to the cancellation of the grant, the people of Jackson County, together with most of the other counties in the first congressional district, received large payment of taxes from the California-Oregon company for the lands included in this land grant. The cancellation of the grant abruptly cut off this revenue to these various counties. and Jackson County was one of the largest sufferers by reason of that act of cancellation. This threw a great burden of taxation upon all other taxpayers, a burden that heretofore had been largely borne by this California-Oregon land grant in the taxes which it paid. This vast territory was undeveloped, and a great injustice was done to the said taxpayers which, in the mind of Mr. Gore, should be remedied.
    Mr. Gore went to Washington, D.C., expending some $15,000 of his own money in putting through Congress a measure which resulted in a refund to the taxpayers in this congressional district of something in excess of $18,000,000, and $1,081,000 of that amount in one lump sum came to Jackson County, and since that time Jackson County has received several hundred thousand dollars in addition, as well as did the other counties in this congressional district.
    Out of this sum there has been put away as a sinking fund the money necessary to retire the bonded indebtedness of Jackson County, and out of this fund $250,000 was appropriated to construct a new courthouse.
    Suffice it to say that of the expenditures made by Mr. Gore out of his own funds, there has been reimbursed to him by Jackson County the sum of $5000!
    Jackson County, and all the other counties affected by this land grant, would have been tickled to make a contract to pay unto Mr. Gore 10 percent of any sums that might be recovered, for no one, excepting Mr. Gore, believed that the matter could be put over--and he put it over. And he should be compensated by the several other counties of the state for this service which he performed.
    And now, as we contemplate this magnificent structure, the taxpayers of Jackson County can thank Mr. Gore for the construction of this building that has cost the taxpayer nothing, and can also thank Mr. Gore for the fact that it has enough money in the sinking fund to retire the bonded indebtedness of Jackson County, when it falls due--something like $400,000.
    In the dedication ceremonies, we believe Mr. Gore ought to have a place on the platform. At least, he ought to have a complimentary ticket to be permitted to sit in the audience.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1932, page 6

    Articles for business names for two concerns were filed with the county clerk yesterday.
    Jay G. Gore of this city and Everyl G. Paulserud of Ashland flied notice that the "Magic Art Company" wag the name of a business organized for "art for entertainment." Gore is well known throughout the Pacific Coast area as a magician.
    E. C. Jones, 1117 West 11th Street, this city, filed notice that the name of his new business would be the "Refrigerator Service Company," with headquarters in this city.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1932, page 2

First White Child.
To the Editor:
    As items of pioneer history are usually of interest, I am sending in the following:
    Eighty years ago this month, December 3, 1852, Walter E.  Gore, my brother, was born in Jacksonville, Rogue River Valley, Oregon, being the first white male child born in Rogue River Valley, unless someone has an earlier date.
    He lived almost continuously in his native Southern Oregon until about six years ago, when he moved to California. He now lives in San Bernardino.
    His birth occurred between two or three months after Father and Mother, with the two older children, arrived at Jacksonville, about five months out from Iowa, having crossed the plains using the customary ox team and covered wagon for the trip west.
His brother,
Junction City, Ore., Dec. 26, 1932.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1932, page 4

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    Copy of a certified copy of the notes written by my grandmother, Mary Elizabeth (Rose) Gore, a few weeks before her death, for her children. These notes are dated September 20, 1893 A.D. The original of these notes is in the possession of my aunt, Mrs. Ella (Gore) Wortman.
Dedicated to my children.
    A memoir of my ancestry, who are all [of] north of Ireland extraction. My father, Robert Gilmore, came with his father's family from the north of Ireland to eastern Pennsylvania when he was ten years old. The Gilmore and Gibsons intermarried and are still represented in Ireland. While they have been migrating to all parts of the United States, some have change the "o" to "e" and others have dropped the final "e," yet upon inquiry they all originated in the north of Ireland.
    They were of my father's family, six boys and two girls who came over with their parents, but two married daughters remained in the old country. These grew up and in the course of time all crossed the Alleghenies. One of the older men settled on Cole Hill, [Pennsylvania,] married, and in the course of nature died, leaving two sons. One of them remained in Pittsburgh and the other bought a farm near Meadville, Pennsylvania, fought in the War of 1812, holding the rank of major. He was highly esteemed and left a large family to bear his name to posterity.
    Three brothers and one sister (Aunt Charity Vincent) settled in Butler County, my father and one sister (Aunt Peggy Smith) in Mercer County. They all raised large families. My father, in company with four other men, came to Mercer County in the winter of 1798 and 1799, and they selected their land which the government gave them for settling on it (440 to 445 acres), and one night in January, 1799, took what they called their "ground sweat" on their claims, then built their cabins and my father built his shop, for he was a blacksmith. In May, 1804, he was married to Nancy Smith of Indiana County. Her father came from the north of Ireland at 21 years old and served in the War of the Revolution. His wife was Molly Templeton, also born in Ireland, all originally of Scotch Presbyterian stock. My mother had two sisters. Betsy was older and married Alex Black. Mattie was younger and married Alex White. My father was forty-four and Mother was twenty-two when they were married. Six weeks after they came to the little cabin, while raising the new house which he had prepared, he got his leg broken by a sliding timber, but I think they had no inconvenience for want of means for he was the only blacksmith in a circuit of twenty miles. Grandmother Gilmore came to help nurse her son, being then a very old lady, but a very pious woman. The year was 1804. In March, 1805, their first child was born, and when her baby was six weeks old Mother took her on a pillow before her on a horse and returned for her first visit to her mother, distant 40 miles, crossing the Allegheny River [at] Kittanning, where she stayed overnight both ways with an uncle who lived there.
    Their house was a very respectable one for the times. Father kept his forge but had a nice farm opened up in the timber with nice timothy meadows, and a beautiful orchard containing a good variety of fruit. House, orchard, garden, field and meadows where I gathered the luscious strawberries are still beloved scenes to me. Although the forge had long been silent at my first remembrance of it, I being the youngest child and my father dying when I was sixteen months old. My parents' second child, Jane, was born Jan. 12, 1807. Keziah was born Feb. 6, 1809. Then Sally and Peggy. Robert, their first son, in 1815. John S. born Jan. 1, 1817. Eliza in 1819. Joseph born Jan. 15, 1822, and Mary Elizabeth born Feb. 6, 1827. Peggy's birthday was Feb. 6.
    Polly died at the age of 16, having been a member of what since became a branch of the United Presbyterian Church for two years evidencing fully her faith in Christ. Jane was married at 17, to Abraham Williams, raised a family of six boys and four girls. Her husband died in 1847. She lived until August 20, 1893, only one month before this writing. She moved with her husband and family to Iowa and in advanced years came to her children in Nevada, and finally died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Selina Pettigrew, in Carson Valley.
    Keziah was married to S. D. Van Dyke in Feb. 1834. In 1845 removed to Iowa and during the summer of 1852 she, her husband and son John crossed the plains with an ox team, being five months on the trip, coming from Lee County, Iowa, to Jackson County, Oregon. Settled on what is known as the Van Dyke farm, where she lived 'til called by death, Nov. 5, 1876, having been a member of the visible body of Christ from her early youth.
    Sally was married to David Cook in 1833 and died one year later, leaving an infant daughter one week old. She with Father and three others of their children were buried in Center Cemetery, Pennsylvania. Peggy died of croup at six months old.
    Robert Jr. left home and set south, even to New Orleans. Was working on a steamer between Little Rock, Arkansas, and that place when he was taken with dysentery, taken to a hospital at New Orleans and died in his twentieth year. (Note: Had it not been for the chance meeting of a man from down there, who had told Robert Jr. if he ever went to Penn. he would tell the Gilmores of his illness and death, none of his people would ever have known of the cause of his illness or place of his death. G.)
    John S. became afflicted with epilepsy at seventeen years old, which continued until he was between forty-five and fifty. He married and had three daughters, but only one, Mrs. Mary Kinney, is living at this time. He came to Iowa in the spring of 1846, where Mother had preceded him with the Vincents the fall previous. Mother and John kept house until her death, which occurred in August 1851; her disease was typhoid dysentery. The next April, 1852, we, the Van Dykes and us, started to cross the plains to California, but in the end turned into Oregon, landing in Rogue River Valley September 27, 1852. John S. remained in Iowa until his death, which occurred in 1876, being run over by a train while driving across a railroad, his young mules refusing to move his wagon off the track. He was a noble brother and for a long time an active member of the Presbyterian Church.
    Eliza died at six years old. Said to be a very sweet child and beautiful. My father named me for Polly and Eliza, calling me Mary Elizabeth.
    Brother Joseph remained in Pennsylvania until his death. He was married to Mary Ann Rose in April 1843. They had five children. Two died. Afterward they started for Iowa, but in Ohio all were, excepting the older boy, taken down with typhoid fever. His wife and two children died, and he barely escaped with his life. After weeks of delirium, and among strangers, when he crept back to life all was gone--wife--children--money. He returned to Pennsylvania with his one little boy, left him with our cousin, Alex Black, and went into the then-opening oil mines, remaining there with varying success until the War of the Rebellion broke out, when he entered the Union army and served throughout the war, occupying positions of trust and rising to the rank of major. During the war he married again, by which marriage he had two sons; the older, Geary, is now in Sacramento, California. The younger, Joseph, in Meadville, Pennsylvania, with his mother, Adelia Adeline Stackpole Gilmore. Robert, his oldest son, lives in Kansas City, Arkansas, or Arkansas City, Kansas. He also served in the Union army during the Rebellion.
    Mary Elizabeth Gilmore, the youngest by five years, lived and grew up amid the scenes of my rural childhood home. Shall I once attempt to describe the joys of such a childhood and youth? My chief enjoyment, books--my recreation, wandering in the woods with or without my mother. In the spring tapping the sugar trees, gathering the sweet sap, digging the young sassafras or gathering the tender wintergreen. The summer with its variety of fruits and flowers cannot be told of, but autumn with its ripening fruits and nuts, walnuts, hickory nuts, hazel nuts, but above all the chestnuts, the beautiful brown chestnuts--how I would like to fly to the forest now and gather them from under the sear and fallen leaves.
    At the age of seventeen and eight months, I was married to Lewis A. Rose, who only lived two years. When he died, he left me with a little son four months old who grew to be the present L. A  Rose of Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon. My husband was eminently a Christian man, and from him I derived many of the lessons of life that have helped me all along in performing the duties of life. During his life we moved to Iowa, and he died in Charleston, Lee County, Iowa, and was buried east of Charleston on the point of rolling ground where the prairie breaks into the timber two miles from town where several of his family and friends are buried.
    I was married to L. A. Rose October 2, 1844. United with the Church in the fall of 1845, just before starting for Iowa. Lived in Iowa from that time until the spring of 1852. My husband died on the 20th of September, 1846. Was married to E. E. Gore on Sept. 20th, 1849, just three years afterwards. Crossed the plains with him during the summer of 1852. Starting from Charleston on the 20th of April, and land here on the 27th of September. In 1857--
    (As Grandmother wrote the preceding little history during the last few weeks of her life, her strength permitted her to write only a few words at a time, this with pencil. It has been difficult to transcribe it, this thirty-three years later. We are only glad that she was able to leave this much. This was written in the presence of her daughters, Ida Gore Jacks and Ella Gore Wortman, and given to her daughter Ella, for her sons and daughters to refer to, if necessary. G. W. Mc.)
Lewis Albert Rose June 12, 1846
Anneta Jane (Gore) Grey Dec. 6, 1850
Walter Scott Gore Dec. 3, 1852
Melvina (Gore) Clayton March 5, 1855
Ida (Gore) Jacks April 5, 1857
William Haven Gore April 23, 1860
John Gilmore Gore October 30, 1861
Mary Elizabeth Gore October 30, 1863
Ella Gore Wortman Dec. 11, 1866
Edward Emerson Gore June 5, 1869
    Mary Elizabeth (Gilmore) Gore passed away at her home near Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon, October 17, 1893. Was laid to rest in the little cemetery back of the little church (Presbyterian) she had helped to found, October 18, 1893. The paper said of her many wonderful things and closed with, "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth, Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them."
    Almost her last words were in answer to her son John, "John, we are not given sight and faith at the same time."
    (According to her son John, these words were spoken within the last few days of her life. Later as her son John supported her against himself with the entire family gathered around, she became very quiet, apparently relieved from her suffering. When she opened her eyes, she was surprised to see the family all present and asked, "What happened? Did anything happen?" As the family quietly withdrew without answering, John said, "Mother, did you have any extraordinary experience?" and she answered, "John, while we live we must live by faith." She knew to what he referred. This was possibly a week before her death.
    John Gilmore Gore made the above correction to his daughters, Liberta Gore Lenox and Jeanette Gore, on August 1st, 1939.)

Medford, Oregon
    October 28, 1926
To Whom It May Concern:
    I hereby certify that the copy of the diary of Mary Elizabeth (Gilmore) Gore, herewith affixed, is copied correctly, and that the statements contained are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
    Genevieve (Wortman) McCorkle
State of Oregon
County of Jackson;
    On this 28th day of October, A.D. 1926, before me, a Notary Public, within and for said county and state, personally appeared Genevieve (Wortman) McCorkle, to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same as of her free act and deed.
    J. W. Wakefield
        Notary Public for Oregon
            (My commission expires Dec. 6, 1927)
Department of Public Instruction
Pennsylvania State Library and Museum
January 12, 1925
To Whom It May Concern:
    I hereby certify that one Robert Gilmore was a Private, August 28, 1776, in Captain Robert Mullan's Company of Marines, War of the Revolution.
    See page 871, volume 2, Pennsylvania Archives, 6th series.
    H. H. Schenk
    This is to certify that the above is a true copy of affidavit affixed with the State Seal of the State of Pennsylvania, dated January 12, 1925.
    In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 28th day of October, 1926.
    J. W. Wakefield
        Notary Public for Oregon
            My commission expires Dec. 6, 1927

Died. Mary Elizabeth Gore, lovely daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gore, about thirteen years of age, died at the family residence, near Phoenix, Jackson County, Oregon, on Saturday, April 20, 1878, after a lingering illness.

Born. Clayton. In Ashland, Nov. 15, 1887, to Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Clayton, a son, Lawrence Edgar Clayton.

Born. Clayton. In Central Point, Oregon, January 19, 1893, to Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Clayton, a daughter, Vera.

Married. Wortman-Gore. At the residence of the officiating minister near Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, by the Rev. M. A. Williams, Mr. Harry G. Wortman and Miss Ella Gore, all of Medford precinct, April 13, 1890.
(The following letter was written by Mary Elizabeth Gore to her sister, Ella, who was attending the Ashland Academy.)
Phoenix, Oregon, Feb. 3, 1877
Miss Ella Gore--
    I now sit down to write you a few lines. I received your letter with gladness. Denis Crowley is here. He did not know me. We were surprised to see him. We are all home today. Ida has just come. She is well as usual. We have had two meetings here. Ella, I want to see you so bad. Aunt is well. I was up there last night. Tell Mother I am getting pretty bad with rheumatism. When I lay down at night I can hardly get my breath. I am about five minutes that way. We are going to Lodge tonight. The fields are getting green. Two of our plants are getting ready to bloom. Netta wants to go up to see you. My comb is not broken yet. Wing is pretty well now. Father thinks you write pretty good, but he says you put a capital letter when you write the letter I instead of a small one. The folks are getting so noisy talking I can hardly write, so I will close by saying goodbye.
Yours truly,
    Mary E. Gore
Little stories told by Grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Gilmore Gore
    When her father, Robert Gilmore, and her mother, Nancy Smith, left Indiana County, Pennsylvania, to go to their new home in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, it was their wedding journey, made on horseback. Forty miles from her home they came to a little clearing, and here the groom told her he had built their little home. She looked in vain for any house, but it was not visible until they rode around a little stump, and there it stood on a little rise of ground. Accustomed to more in both size and comfort in her home, this bride of a much older man could not help a feeling of dismay. Almost immediately they began the building of a larger house, and it was in this that our grandmother spent so many happy hours.
    During the War of 1812, Aunt Jane was about four years old. She could read very well, and a great many of the pioneers could not. Also many could not take a newspaper. Little Jane sat on a bench in her father's blacksmith shop every day and read the paper to the men who came to the shop with work for her father.
    Because Grandmother was so many years younger than the rest of her family, she was her mother's constant companion. Some of her sweetest memories were of the little excursions into the woods with her mother. Her earliest textbooks were a single spelling book and the Bible, which she had read through before she was eight years old. In her little history she mentions her nut gathering. In the yard of her home stood an unusually splendid chestnut tree, which was so very large that she had no way of obtaining the nuts. She used to sit beneath it and watch the squirrels drop the nuts down, and then she would run and pick them up. This was her only way of getting these especially fine nuts.
    Grandmother taught school in Mercer County to secure money for her wedding. She had a number of very lovely calico dresses, and spun and wove her household linens. As a bride of Lewis A. Rose she went west to Iowa, Lee County. Following his death, she again taught school to support herself and her infant son, Lewis A. Rose Jr. Her mother lived with Aunt Keziah, and every morning she took her little son and left him with them, calling for him again after school.

Polly Gilmore March, 1805 1812
Jane Gilmore Jan. 12, 1807 1824 to Aug. 20, 1893
     (1) Abraham Williams (1848)
     (2) W. L. Hargrave (1883)
Keziah Gilmore Feb. 6, 1809 1834 to Nov. 5, 1876
    S. D. Van Dyke (Aug. 13, 1880)
Sally Gilmore 1833 to 1834
    David Cook
Peggy Gilmore Feb. 6? at 6 months
Robert Gilmore 1815 1835
John S. Gilmore Jan. 1, 1817 1876
Eliza Gilmore 1819 1823
Joseph C. Gilmore Jan. 15, 1822 April, 1843 to Sept., 1876
    (1) Mary Ann Rose
    (2) Adelia Adeline Stackpole
Mary Elizabeth Feb. 6, 1827 Oct. 2, 1844 to Oct. 17, 1893
    (1) Lewis A. Rose (Sept. 20, 1846)
    (2) Emerson E. Gore (Nov. 18, 1910)
           Sept. 20, 1849
Memoranda obtained from Jane Gilmore Williams-Hargrove
(Sent by Roy Templeton Williams, Minden, Nevada.)
    John and Janet Gilmore, grandparents of Jane W. Hargrove, emigrated from the north of Ireland. He had seven boys, William and Thomas by a former wife, then Robert, James John, Hugh and Joseph, and two girls, Peggy and Charity.
    William G. died in Ohio, near Beaver. Thomas died in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, and both left families. Robert married Nancy Smith (our branch), James died single. Hugh married Nellie French, a stepsister of Nancy Smith. John married Polly Mortimer. Joseph married Polly [blank]. Peggy married William Smith. Charity married James Vincent, and their daughter, Jane, married Robert Allen, moved to Ohio, and from there to Washington County, Iowa. (Jane W. Hargrove thinks that it is from this family that William Vincent Allen, Senator from Nebraska, spring 1893.) (There was always strong love between herself and her cousins, the children of Charity Vincent.) Ann, daughter of Peggy and William Smith, married George Gordon and moved to northern Iowa. Her brother remained in Pennsylvania.
    Nancy Smith, who married Robert Gilmore, was born in eastern Pennsylvania, as was her mother, Molly Templeton. John Smith, her father, came from Ireland before the Revolutionary War. He served on the side of the colonists with a brother who was killed in one of the early battles, and at its close married Molly Templeton. After a few years they moved across the mountains to Westmoreland County (now divided and called Indiana County). John Smith was hurt while falling a tree and died fourteen days later. The widow with her three little girls stayed on the farm. Had fear of the Indians at that time. On one occasion she was awakened by hearing a sound at the gate and felt sure that it was the Indians. A low tap and call of "Aunt" reassured her and her nephew, Sam Calhoun, whispered that he had been sent to take her to the fort nearby. She got ready hurriedly and was at the fort three years, during the time of St. Clair's defeat and until after Wayne's campaign. She married a widower by the name of French and lived on her farm until her death. Her eldest girl, Betsy, married Alex Black. The youngest, Mattie, married Alex White. Both sisters died in Mercer Co., Penn. The second sister, Nancy, married Robert Gilmore, May 1, 1804. (These are my great-grandparents. Nellie Rose Jones, Nov. 18, 1926.) They moved to Mercer County, Penn., where they had ten children, eight of whom grew to be men and women, Polly, Jane, Keziah, Sally, Peggy, Robert, John, Eliza, Joseph and Mary Elizabeth. The father, Robert Gilmore, died of cancer in the face, in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, June 14, 1828. Mother Gilmore moved to Iowa with her married daughters, and lived there (Lee County) until her death, Sept. 1851.
    Jane Gilmore Williams-Hargrove died August 20, 1893.

The following notes of the Gilmore family were sent to Nellie Rose Newbury-Jones by Geary Gilmore, son of Joseph Gilmore and Adelia Stackpole Gilmore, his second wife. The notes were sent July 15, 1923, and the address given was G. S. Gilmore, 812½ 15th Street, Sacramento, Calif.
    John and Jane (probably Gibson) Gilmore, grandparents of J. C. Gilmore, came from Londonderry, Ireland. They had five sons, Robert James, Hugh, John and Joseph, and two daughters, Peggy and Charity, and two sons by a former wife, Will and Thomas. Will died in Beaver County, Penn., and Thomas in Crawford County, Penn., both left families of children.
    Robert married Nancy Smith (our branch). James died single. Hugh married Nellie French, a stepsister of Nancy Smith. John married Peggy Mortimer. Joseph married Polly [blank]. Peggy married William Smith. Charity married James Vincent; their daughter, Jane, married Robert Allen; they moved to Ohio, then to Washington Co., Iowa. Ann, daughter of William and Peggy Smith, married to George Gordon and moved to northern Iowa. Nancy Smith was born in Penn., also her mother, Molly Templeton. John Smith, her father, came from Ireland before the Revolutionary War. He married Molly Templeton and moved to Westmoreland County, Penn. He was killed by a falling tree. His widow married a widower named French, and lived on her farm until her death.
    Her oldest daughter, Betsy, married Alex Black. The youngest daughter married Alex White. Both daughters died in Mercer Co., Penn. The second daughter, Nancy, married Robert Gilmore, May 1, 1804, and lived in Mercer County, Penn.
    They had ten children, eight growing to be men and women: Jane, Sally, Robert, John, Eliza, Joseph, Mary Elizabeth, Keziah, Polly and Peggy. The father, Robert Gilmore, died of cancer in Mercer Co., Penn., June 14, 1828. Mother Gilmore, Robert's wife, moved to Iowa, and lived with her married daughters, and died there, in Lee County, Sept. 1851.
    Joseph Gilmore died in Penn., Sept., 1876.
    John Gilmore died in Iowa.
    Mary Gore died in Oregon.
    Jane Hargrove died in Nevada.

Copied from a copy belonging to Bertha Rose Rader-Soliss on August 1, 1939, by Jeanette Gilmore Gore, youngest daughter of John Gilmore Gore, son of Mary Elizabeth Gilmore Rose Gore.
Transcribed from a typescript in the collection of the Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library.

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    The wheat crop on the 40 acres of the W. H. Gore ranch, adjoining the Jacksonville Highway, has been threshed, and ran 70 bushels to the acre, one of the best yields in the history of the Rogue River Valley. The previous high mark was 65 bushels to the acre.
    Right in the middle of the rejoicing over the bounteousness of nature, and the productivity of the soil, a pet monkey, belonging to Jay I. Gore, superintendent of the farm, broke loose from his moorings, and went over to W. E. (Bill) Brayton's place, causing a ripple of excitement to roll over that rural section.
    Before the simian was recaptured, he created havoc. Among his depredations at the Brayton home were:
    Tearing a furrow of shingles off the roof;
    Pruning and uprooting vines on the side of the house;
    Throwing a pail of cooking apples in the kitchen at the birds;
    Entering the said kitchen without the formality of opening the screen door;
    Mistreating Bill's Sunday britches;
    Rending asunder a nice-looking hat belonging to Mrs. Brayton;
    Chasing the family cat under the barn, where puss remains in spite of no milk for two days.
    The simian escaped when his cage door was opened to give him his lunch, and his master went after him as soon as he was apprised of the getaway.
    Mr. Brayton has a record crop of pears, but nothing that can do anything to the Gore collection of Persian rugs.
    The monkey is believed to be the only one in the valley and is a member of the rhesus genus. It was given Jay Gore by a friend living in Wyoming, is two years old and worth $50 as he stands.
    The creature kicked over the traces once before, but his bump of destructiveness was not exorcised then. After an absence of three weeks, and all hope for his return had vanished, he was sighted one afternoon perched on the ridgepole of the tool shed at the Gore place, making faces at a hired man. He was recaptured without the aid of peanuts.
    As a result of the latest outbreak an ultimatum has been issued that the next time Mr. Monkey has a tantrum, back to Wyoming he goes.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 12, 1925, page 3


    EDEN PRECINCT, Nov. 12.--We are sorry to announce that John Gore and family have gone to the Willamette Valley to make their home. The Gores are one of the first of the pioneer families in the valley, and the Gore homestead is associated with all we love of the early pioneers. Everyone regrets to lose these good neighbors and friends from our midst.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1925, page 10

    If you want to listen to a most interesting narrative some day, ask W. H. Gore, president of the Medford National Bank, about his work in securing the millions of dollars returned to Oregon by the government on the O.&C. land grant tax relief. He was chairman of the Oregon delegation which went to Washington, D.C., on what looked like a hopeless quest, but which proved to be successful. When I interviewed Mr. Gore recently, he said:
    "I was born about three miles from where this bank stands. Our house was on the old California-Oregon stage road. I was born April 23, 1860. My father, Emerson E. Gore, was born in Vermont. My mother, whose maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Gilmore, was born in Pennsylvania. My father, with his wife and one child, crossed the plains to Oregon in 1852. In Iowa he was a cabinetmaker, but when he moved to Jacksonville, in 1852, he ran a jewelry shop. He took up a donation land claim, on which we lived. The first money I ever earned was shocking wheat at 50 cents a day. Later I worked in the hayfields and still later I rode the range. When I was 19 years old I landed a job selling Singer sewing machines on a commission. I made $25 on a machine that I sold for $65. I would trade a machine in for cash, lumber, grain, livestock, or whatever the purchaser had that could be turned into money. I made so much money on a commission basis that the company put me on a regular salary.
    "I graduated from the University of Oregon in 1886. I went to Colfax and worked in the auditor's office there. C. F. Adams and A. L. Mills, both of whom are now with the First National Bank of Portland, were bankers in Colfax at that time. From Colfax I went to Spokane, and from Spokane I moved to Medford, where I taught school for a while. After two years as a teacher I went to Portland, in 1889, to learn the commission business. In 1891 I started a commission house of my own on Front Street and ran it till 1894. I returned to Medford and went into the livestock business, raising cattle, sheep and hogs. In addition to my four ranches I had abundant summer range. I became president of this bank in 1911. On November 5, 1891, I was married to Sophenia J. Ish. My son Jay is superintendent of my ranches. My daughter Mary is married and lives in Ashland. The suggestion for bonding for public roads originated in my office. The suggestion for bonding this county for building the Pacific Highway and the method of financing the bonds also originated in my office. The only reason I went to the legislature was to help put over the program for highways and highway legislation. The story of my efforts to have the government reimburse the counties for the O.&C. grant lands is too long a story to tell you now. Someday when we both have lots of time, I will tell you all about it."

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, May 10, 1927, page 16

Hattie Gore.
    Hattie Gore, a well-known Medford musician, has a wide reputation here as a fully accredited piano instructor. With a studio in the Sparta Building, Mrs. Gore is actively engaged in the instruction of piano and is prominently identified with the state musicians' organization of Oregon. It was, in a great measure, through her influence that Medford has secured the state convention for 1928.
"Business and Professional Women Achieve Much During the Past Year," Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page F4

    Jay Gore & Company, an organization of entertainers of proven worth, will open the Albany College entertainment course at the Rameseum Theater at 8:15 o'clock this evening, with a varied program of magic, cartoons and music. The company comes to Albany from Salem, where it appeared with great success before the Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church, and from Corvallis, where it made an extremely favorable impression.
    Mr. Gore, who gives with the assistance of Mrs. Gore "An Evening of Mystery," began his training as a magician when he was eight years old, and has followed it ever since. For ten years he has been making professional appearances and has established a wide reputation. He is a member of the Society of American Magicians. The Gores have elaborate and expensive equipment, and they produce the most startling effects and illusions seen on the stage today. They entertain both the child and the adult, using the simpler tricks and the illusions in which livestock appear for the former and the deeper and more scientific illusions for the older folk.
    Then there is the novelty art number in which Mr. Gore presents "smoke pictures" and comedy cartoons with the assistance of his wife. The program opens with a number of these topics of the day, which are drawn with lightning rapidity, as well as stunt drawings. Cartoons are followed by "paper tearing," a novelty seldom seen in America but prevalent in Europe, in which clever designs are executed with rapidity. Then comes the "rag pictures," and finally the "smoke pictures," both of which are beautiful in their effects.
    Mrs. Gore and Miss Dorothy Reynolds follow the art numbers with a fine musical program. Mrs. Gore plays the cello and sings and Miss Reynolds accompanies her at the piano and also gives a whistling program. Then follows Mr. Gore with his magic.
    The program is said to be a delightful one, an hour and a half in all of sheer entertainment.
    Single tickets and season tickets as well will be on sale at the box office tonight.
    Inasmuch as the proceeds will go toward building the proposed women's building of Albany College, the sponsors of the entertainment urge a large attendance. They feel that they are justified in doing so because of the known merit of the entertainment.--Albany Herald.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1928, page 3

    The air port committee of the Chamber of Commerce has reported the selection of the property owned by W. H. Gore, adjoining Medford on the north and across the Southern Pacific railroad from the lumber mills, for the new aviation field.
    This property is nearly a mile long and a half-mile wide and contains about 225 acres.
    It has been examined by a number of government officials of the air service and pronounced one of the best locations on the coast for an air port in many ways.
    It will be possible to get runways 5000 feet long, which are only excelled on the coast by two or three air ports and will be ample for many years to come.
    The location of the runways, administration building, hangars, lights, aerial weather bureau station office for the Department of commerce and other necessary buildings and parking space for ships has been sanctioned and approved by W. T. Miller, superintendent in charge of airways extensions in the western division.
    The committee will now get estimates on the cost of the buildings and grounds and will have a definite proposition to present to the people of Medford in a very short time.
    It is hoped by the airport committee that an election can be held soon and the people will vote to continue Medford on the map as a leader in aviation. This field will make Medford the only Class A air port between Oakland and Portland.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 21, 1928, page 3

'Let Them Come' Instead of Warning Signs, Is Word from Mrs. Gore--
Mrs. Andrews Shares Views.
    There are at least two women in Medford who will not tack upon the steps or doors of their homes the "No Agents Wanted" signs now being sent around by the merchants' committee of the Chamber of Commerce as part of the campaign against house-to-house peddlers, outlined in the Merchants' Association meeting last Monday night. These women are Mrs. E. E. Gore and Mrs. George Andrews, whose music studios adjoin in the Sparta building.
    When offered one of the signs yesterday, Mrs. Gore shook her head and answered simply:
    "No--I always let them come." Later in the day she was sought out in her studio and questioned further on the subject. She told her views with convincing logic, citing specific examples here and there to support her attitude.
    "Perhaps the season has something to do with it," she said. "By taking such a harsh step at Christmas time, we may be taking the bread and butter out of the mouths of some self-respecting persons who are depending upon the money they derive from the little articles they sell to tide them over. I know of many such cases locally.
    "Peddling is a self-respecting business, and in numerous instances does away with the problem of indigence, which confronts the county officials and taxpayers, especially at this time of year. It is generally the man or woman who is too proud to beg or to accept charity, or to make himself or herself a burden upon society, who gets out and canvasses from door to door."
    Mrs. Gore told of one Medford mother with a crippled daughter to support. She goes out into the hills and gets ferns and Christmas greens, which she takes home and allows her daughter to weave into wreaths for holiday decorations, while she herself goes from door to door, taking orders for them and delivering them to customers. Neither the mother nor the daughter would dream of accepting help from the county or from individuals. And when the Christmas season is over, the mother has planned on making other articles to sell.
    "The majority of peddlers nowadays are either World War veterans who have been incapacitated for harder work, or the widows of veterans, who must turn to some means of livelihood. It seems a heartless thing to turn them away with a 'No Peddlers Wanted' sign, and to make it utterly impossible for them to exist in a community in a self-respecting manner."
Views Shared.
    About this time, Mrs. Andrews dropped into the Gore studio for a visit, and was found to share the sentiments of her neighbor upon the subject. When the discussion centered for a brief instant upon the action taken by the Merchants' Association, she smiled and remarked, with a twinkle in her eye:
    "Every merchant at one time was a peddler. I should think they would show a more kindred spirit than to take such an action." Then she entered into the subject a little more seriously and told of several instances of local people who depended upon this line of work for their livelihood.
    "In fact, most of the peddlers or agents who come to our door are local people who are prompted in their work by some serious personal handicap or some tragic condition at home. I know of one mother who has been deserted with three or four children to support, and will not accept help from anyone. Between taking in washing and cleaning houses, she supports her family by selling handmade flowers for coats and dresses, the orders for which she solicits from door to door."
Children Aid.
    She also told of a young man who cares for his invalid father by soliciting for Christmas cards, magazines and books for a few hours each day, and one or two children who were helping to earn money for the families by peddling articles through the city.
    "This doesn't mean," concluded Mrs. Gore, "that we believe in buying from everyone who comes along. In fact I, for one, could not do that. But I do believe that many of our peddlers need more encouragement than discouragement. You never know, when a woman comes to your door, what tragedy she is carrying beneath that forced smile of hers, which she puts on for the sake of salesmanship.
    "If you cannot use the wares of the peddler, perhaps a good Christmas wish, or a cheery word of encouragement will make that burden a lot easier to bear, and will enable him or her to make a sale at the next house, and bring home a few extra nickels to a family who need it far worse than you do."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1928, page 3

    In the circuit court today, a motion filed by Gertrude M. Gore, asking that the answer of her husband, Jay I. Gore, be stricken, was disallowed, the court ruling that the only issue in the case now was the amount of separate maintenance, and the ability of the defendant to pay.
    In a ruling handed down in the circuit court today by Judge H. D. Norton, a demurrer filed by W. H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore in the $50,000 alienation suit of their daughter-in-law, Gertrude M. Gore, was overruled. The defendants were given an additional ten days in which to file an answer to the original complaint.
    In the separate maintenance suit of Gertrude M. Gore against her husband, Jay I. Gore, his answer is placed under legal fire by a motion to strike, filed late yesterday by attorney M. O. Wilkins of Ashland.
    It is charged that the answer is "sham, frivolous, immaterial, redundant, exuberant, argumentative and pleads fixed opinions of defendant."
    Jay Gore, in his answer, admitted inability of the two to abide together, and offers a maintenance fee of $75 for the care of three minor children, whose custody rests with the mother, with the proviso of visiting privileges to the father.
    Mrs. Gore is suing for $150 a month maintenance and a separate roof.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1930, page 8

    Circuit Judge H. D. Norton this afternoon set the date for the trial of the separate maintenance suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against Jay I. Gore for Wednesday, March 5, and the trial of her $50,000 damage suit against the parents of Jay I. Gore, for alleged alienation of affections, for Monday, March 17.
    A hearing was held this afternoon to reveal facts concerning the personal and financial affairs of the defendants in the two actions, the defense calling for checks and records.
    W. H. Gore was called for questioning. He testified that he knew little of the personal affairs of his son, and had no idea of the value of gifts he had given to him and other children.
    "I am not in the habit of keeping a book account of my gifts" was his reply to insistent questioning by defense counsel.
    He estimated they were between $100 and $1000.
    A question involving the financial worth of the Gores was held in abeyance, pending submission of legal authorities by counsel for both sides.
    The court cautioned Mr. Gore and attorney Wilkins to modulate their voices in answering and asking questions.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1930, page 2

    "Discovery proceedings" were continued this morning in the circuit court in the Gore maintenance and alienation suits before Circuit Judge H. D. Norton with Mrs. Sophia Ish Gore on the witness stand. Jay I. Gore is scheduled to be a witness at another hearing, to be held this evening at five o'clock.
    The plaintiff, Mrs. Gertrude Gore, through her attorney, M. O. Wilkins, is endeavoring by questioning and depositions to establish the financial worth of the parents of her husband.
    Mrs. Sophia Ish Gore testified that she had kept no records of the amount of money she had advanced to her son, and could name no definite sums, but stated that she had given him gifts and small amounts of money for passing needs.
    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore alleges in her legal filings that substantial sums were advanced, and in the original complaints alleged that the elder Gores were worth $400,000. She is suing the elder Gores for $50,000 for alleged alienation of affections, and her husband, Jay I. Gore, for $150 separate maintenance for the three minor children.
    The alienation suit is set for March 21, and the separate maintenance suit for March 5.
    Owing to the pressure of petit jury trials, the court speeded up proceedings by hearing witnesses today, before and after regular session hours.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 5, 1930, page 2

    Verbal rulings made late yesterday by Circuit Judge H. D. Norton in the separate maintenance suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against Jay I. Gore hold that the sole issue in the case concerns the financial ability of the defendant and that other evidence bearing on the other phases of the case is not at issue. Mrs. Gore asks for $150 per month, separate maintenance for the three minor children. Gore agrees to pay $75 per month, which, he alleges, is the extent of his financial ability.
    Attorney M. O. Wilkins, for Mrs. Gore, made a series of insistent attempts to have the evidence other than that concerning financial ability introduced but was thwarted by the court's rulings.
    The hearing yesterday evening, with Jay Gore as a witness, was the last of the "discovery" efforts made by the plaintiff to secure data on the wealth of the Gore family, and highly personal documents of the elder Gores.
    The trial of the separate maintenance case is set for March 5.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 6, 1930, page 3

    Jay I. Gore, called as a witness in the separate maintenance suit of his wife, Gertrude M. Gore, offered $75 per month, and present his estranged mate with the furniture of their home, valued at between $800 and $1000. Use of the Jay I. Gore home on the Gore ranch was also offered.
    Gore subdmitted a statement showing that in the last six months he had expended for self the sum of $23.04, the balance of his wages being devoted to alimony payments and the payment of old debts.
    During his cross-examination by attorney M. O. Wilkins, several sharp interchanges occurred between the defendant and his wife's counsel, Gore at one point saying:
    "I refuse to answer, unless you make your questions more explicit."
    Hearing testimony in the separate maintenance suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore was underway in the circuit court today before Judge H. D. Norton, with indications that the hearing would be short.
    Under previous rulings of the court, the sole matter for adjudication is the financial ability of Jay I. Gore. Mrs. Gore contends that with salary and gratuities from his parents, his monthly wage amounts to approximately $275.
    Mrs. Gore, in her suit, asks for $150 per month for maintenance of self and three minor children. Jay I. Gore in a statement filed in the case offers to pay not in excess of $75 per month. The court allowed Mrs. Gore $60 per month temporary separate maintenance.
    Mrs. Gore was called to the stand as a witness, but her testimony was restricted to financial aspects. The court instructed both sides that this was the sole phase upon which he would base his findings.
    Under cross-examination, Mrs. Gore testified that since her allegation last fall that the potatoes provided "were sun-burnt and culls," the potatoes had improved.
Forced to Walk
    She also testified that since the filing of the suit, she had been forced to walk back and forth from the Gore ranch, a distance of three miles, or slightly more, "hauling groceries in Willie's wagon."
    Under cross-examination, she admitted that Jay I. Gore had invited his wife and flock to ride with him to town, "but was refused."
    Mrs. Gore said: "I had very good reasons for the refusal." Her attorney blocked a recital of the reasons.
    Attorney Charles Reames for the defendant asked, "You did not expect him to ask you a second time, did you?"
    A packet of checks, made payable to Jay I. Gore from his parents, was introduced. The checks amounted to $1801.
Cannot Live in House
    Mrs. Gore testified that it would be impossible for her to live in the Jay Gore house on the Gore ranch, "as I cannot live near my husband or his parents." She testified that the same house in the city would rent for $45 or $50 per month.
    The defense attempted to introduce a number of depositions.
    Mrs. Gore denied that she had written a letter to Mrs. Charles Hazelrigg of Oakland, Calif., saying that she was able to save money on her husband's salary of $120 per month. She further declared that she had never written a letter to Mrs. Hazelrigg.
    The hearing was attended by a score of people, mostly women.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 10, 1930, page 8

    By a ruling handed down at the conclusion of the testimony late yesterday by Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, in the separate maintenance suit of Gertrude M. Gore against her husband Jay I. Gore, she is awarded $100 per month for the maintenance of self and three minor children. Mrs. Gore asked for $150 per month. Gore offered to pay $75 per month and give his estranged mate the furniture of the home.
    The testimony in the case was confined solely to the financial ability of Jay I. Gore to pay. It was shown that Gore received a salary of $30 per week.
    The hearing of the $50,000 alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude Gore against W. H. Gore and wife has been set for March 31.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1930, page 2

    To show cause why three witnesses, Dorothy Reynolds and Maude Moore, students at the University of Oregon, and Margaret Engleman of Portland, should be subpoenaed as witnesses in the alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude Gore against W. H. and Sophia Ish Gore, a request, giving portions of the testimony of the witnesses would give, was filed in circuit court today to have the three women appear at the trial.
    A portion of the testimony that would be given by Miss Reynolds was set forth as follows:
    "That she was present in the home of W. H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore on or about April 23, 1929, and heard and participated in conversations with the defendants, W. H. and Sophia Gore, and Melba Williams and Jay I. Gore; that J. I. Gore and Melba Williams were in said room and talked about their trip to Portland to Montgomery Ward and Company store where he, J. I. Gore, purchased a piano accordion for $175, depositing $25 on the purchase price; from the conversation, there in the presence of the defendants, J. I. Gore and defendant had selected the instrument together, at said time of this conversation Melba Williams was leaning towards J. I. Gore's head and shoulders and brushing her hair upon portions of J. I. Gore's neck and shoulder; that there was also conversation between Melba Williams and J. I. Gore in the presence and hearing of the defendant, W. H. and Sophia Gore, about the purchase of some dolls in Portland by Jay when she, Melba, had accompanied him to Meier and Frank's store in Portland, the said dolls to be a present to Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore."
    Maude Moore would testify that "she was present and observed, heard and participated in 4th of July fireworks in front of the W. H. Gore residence on July 4th, 1929; that the defendants were present; that a cold, haughty, better-than-thou attitude was maintained by the defendants toward the plaintiff; no word of cordiality was spoken and the J. I. Gore children were treated the same, while Mary Gore's child, present, was the object of much grandfatherly and grandmotherly attention. This witness was also present at the time in August, 1929, when two hired men of the defendant and J. I. Gore forcibly removed three valuable oriental rugs from the J. I. Gore residence; that at said time the said hired men came with a note in the writing of the defendant, Sophia Gore, demanding the rugs and when the same was refused, the men took the rugs by main strength, shoving and by force of their hands and arms, put the plaintiff and this witness in another room and stood guard over the entrance while said rugs were taken out of the J. I. Gore house and placed in the W. H. Gore house. The said J. I. Gore swore, cursed and abused the plaintiff, details of which are related by this witness."
    They also request that Margaret Engleman be called to testify she was housekeeper and knew of dearth of clothing though family was apparently supplied with money.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 17, 1930, page 8

    The $50,000 damage suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, against William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, for alleged alienation of the affections of her husband, J. I. Gore, will be called in the circuit court tomorrow morning, before a jury, with Circuit Judge H. D. Norton presiding.
    Gertrude M. Gore, in her suit, alleges that the parents of her husband, by gifts and other means, caused him to turn from her and further alleges that the parents encouraged an affair with Melba Williams, a former local teacher, who is also named in the action.
    Owing to the prominence of W. H. Gore, and the wide acquaintance of himself and Sophia Ish Gore throughout Jackson County through long residence, the case has attracted wide attention.
    In a separate maintenance suit against her husband, Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore was recently awarded $75 per month.
    The defense in the alienation suit will be represented by attorney A. E. Reames and George M. Roberts, and the plaintiff by attorney M. O. Wilkins of Ashland.
    Among the witnesses scheduled to be called by the defense are three University of Oregon coeds, and the defense is also expected to introduce as evidence hotel registers and letters.
    The trial will last the major portion of two days.
    A special venire for the trial has been drawn, as follows:
    Miles Cantrall, Ruch.
    W. E. Pierson, Ashland.
    Elizabeth Burger, Central Point.
    Floyd  F. Whittle, Ashland.
    Harold D. Grey, Medford.
    R. E. Koozer, Medford.
    Jas. H. Cook, Ashland.
    James O. Rigg, Ashland.
    Jesse Neil, Ashland.
    Henry A. Meyer, Lake Creek.
    J. Frank Hendricks, Ashland.
    Minnie Bell Bellinger, Medford.
    E. R. Santo, Medford.
    J. J. Steiger, Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1930, page 8

    Opening statements were completed and the taking of testimony started in the $50,000 alienation of affections suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against William H. Gore, pioneer banker and farmer, and Mrs. Sopia Ish Gore, this afternoon in the circuit court before a packed court room.
    Mrs. Ella Hanley Bush, named by the defense as financial backer of the action, was the first witness called by the plaintiff.
    In his opening statement to the jury, composed mostly of middle-aged men residing in districts outside of Medford, attorney A. E. Reames charged:
    "If there has been any alienation of affections, it has been by the wife of Jay Gore, and not by his parents."
    He further told the jury; "The evidence will show that the acts of the plaintiff (Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore) were enough to drive away the love of any man." He also charged that the plaintiff sought publicity in the local press, "as her life sparkled about it."
    Attorney Reames also declared: "The plaintiff, before her marriage, was a chorus girl and not an opera singer, as claimed by her attorney. She met Jay Gore and she inquired into the financial standing of the parents, and if she had found out different than what she did, this marriage would never have been consummated."
    The defense counsel also said that "Melba Williams was introduced into the Gore family as her friend, and not by the defendants, with the malice charged."
Charge Conspiracy
    Attorney M. O. Wilkins for the plaintiff said it would be shown by the evidence that the elder Gores "wickedly and wantonly conspired to break up the family life of their son; that in 1929 and 1928 they told others the home must be broken up," and "we will fix her," and Melba Williams, named as a side of the alleged triangle, "was used by the parents as a lure, to estrange Jay Gore and his wife." Most of his statement was devoted to the reading of legal documents.
    He charged that the parents sowed discontent in the mind of their son, and to this end encouraged visits with Melba Williams. Attorney Wilkins also claimed that Jay Gore, unbeknownst to his parents, had clandestine meetings with his wife.
    The jury, as selected, is as follows: Harold D. Gray, Medford, auto salesman; John Niedermeyer, Jacksonville, farmer; J. E. Stowell, Eagle Point, farmer; T. J. Parsons, Phoenix, farmer; C. H. Hanscom, Eagle Point, farmer; N. E. Bonds, Medford, apartment house owner; Don Collier, Medford, telegrapher; R. E. Cook, Gold Hill, welder; R. A. Settlemeier, Medford, retired; J. H. Cook, Ashland, merchant; William H. Fluhrer, Jr., Medford, baker, and H. A. Mayer, Lake Creek, farmer.
    Witnesses for the plaintiff scheduled to testify were: Ella Hanley Bush; Miss Dorothy Reynolds; Miss Maude Moore; Miss Margaret Ingleman, Eugene Seeley, E. H. Hedrick, city school superintendent; County Assessor J. B. Coleman, Miss Mary Gore and George Bowman of Ashland. They will also introduce a half dozen depositions from Willamette Valley residents.
    Partial list of witnesses to be called by the defense are: Dr. E. B. Pickel, Miss Alice Hanley, Miss Claire Hanley, Mrs. Murl Merriman, Mrs. Everett Brayton, Mrs. Pardee, and others.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1930, page 1

    Cross-examination of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore was delayed this afternoon when the court ruled that this procedure by the defense was not compulsory until all her testimony had been completed. Attorney Wilkins for the plaintiff requested that Mrs. Gore be recalled.
    "The defense will not start cross-examining anybody until their testimony has been completed," was the ultimatum of attorney Evan Reames.
    Testimony of the plaintiff relative to alleged conduct of Jay Gore, the wealth of the elder Gores, and depositions from Willamette Valley hotel keepers and others were ruled out by the court, on "the ground they are foreign to the matter at issue."
    The court said in explanation: "The court has allowed a wide latitude in the testimony, and we have arrived at the point where it is necessary to draw the line."
    Mrs. Gertrude Gore left the witness stand at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, subject to recall later, and Eugene Seeley, a farm hand, was called to testify regarding the "oriental rug episode."
    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, plaintiff in a suit against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, pioneer Jackson County residents, for alleged alienation of the affections of her mate, occupied the witness stand in the circuit court in her own behalf this morning, with prospects that the cross-examination by the defense would take the remainder of the day.
    Under direct question, Mrs. Gore recited the troubled events of her married life, and her protestations against the alleged invasion of Melba Williams, former local music teacher, into her home life.
    Much of her testimony was permitted, with the instructions of the court to the jury that it should not be taken as binding upon the defendants, but simply as showing the state of mind of her husband.
    The plaintiff told of asserted beatings administered to her by her mate. She declared they were frequent.
    She testified Jay Gore said, in these violent scenes:
    "Honey, I hate to do this, but Mama and Papa say it is the only way to get rid of you, and you've got to go." Then, she said, she would be felled with blows, and kicked as she lay upon the floor.
Kind at Times
    She also testified that at times her husband was kind and gentle, and testified by inference, that after visits with his parents he was abusive, and "struck and beat and kicked and pounded me."
    For the most part, the younger Mrs. Gore sat facing the jury, speaking in a low, calm voice, but several times her voice rose, and she nearly shouted. On another occasion she wept for a moment.
    She testified that Melba Williams was the favored guest at the birthday party for Jay Gore, held Saturday, April 27 last, and that the attitude of the elder Gores toward herself was cold.
    "Mr. W. H. Gore grunted at me, and curled his lip when I entered, and Mrs. Gore approved his attitude," the witness declared.
    She testified that she objected to her husband, to the attentions, she averred, he was paying Melba Williams, but received scant consolation. She said the charms and talents of Miss Williams were praised, and her own belittled.
    At the birthday party, Miss Williams sat on one edge of the bed where Jay Gore was convalescing, which "hurt" the witness. She testified the elder Mrs. Gore invited Miss Williams "to come when you feel like it, as Jay likes to have you come, and so do I, you sing so lovely."
Attended Convention
    She testified that when her husband went to the American Legion convention at Salem last August, when she asked to go along, Jay Gore said:
    "You can't go. You'll stay home with the kids. Mama says I need the rest and you don't."
    Mrs. Gertrude Gore alleged her husband met Melba Williams upon this trip and when accused, admitted it, with the words: "It's none of your business," and "I have an alibi for every move I made." She alleged that her husband often told her, "I have another sweetie now."
    W. H. Gore was the only defendant in court this morning. A well-filled court room, chiefly women, was present.
    At the present slow progress, the trial will not be concluded before Friday.
    At the session yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Ella Hanley Bush was the chief witness. She told of her conversations with the elder Mrs. Gore, and visits to Jay when he was taking the "rest cure," and that she saw Melba Williams in the home of the elder Gores. She said Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore came to her home after the "break," in a hysterical state, and that she had signed notes for the prosecution of the present case.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1930, page 3

    Granting of an involuntary non-suit in the alienation of affections suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against her husband's parents, W. H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, brought to a close nearly three days of testimony and legal skirmishing, and left two lines of procedure open for further action and continuation of the case.
    The plaintiff, at law, can appeal to the state supreme court, or file a motion for a new trial.
    Attorney M. O. Wilkins of Ashland, attorney for Mrs. Gore, was granted twenty days in which to decide upon a future legal course, if any.
    Mrs. Gore asked for $10,000 punitive damages and $40,000 compensatory damages.
    The court in granting the involuntary non-suit declared there was an insufficiency of evidence upon which to base a damage suit, and that no malice had been shown upon the part of the two defendants.
    A dozen or so depositions and copies of hotel registers were offered by the plaintiff, but their introduction as evidence was denied by rulings of the court. The plaintiff attorney held inability to place this line of evidence in the records crippled his case.
    The trial attracted wide attention throughout the county.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1930, page 6

    Advantages of group instruction for children are emphasized by Mrs. E. E. Gore, local music teacher, in announcing a new class in piano for Medford pupils.
    "The piano, being an instrument of absolute pitch, is the logical instrument for early music lessons. The most novel development of recent years in the piano teaching field has been the introduction of the class method of teaching piano to very young beginners," Mrs. Gore states. "The method has survived the experimental stage and has established itself firmly in the musical educational field."
    Listing advantages of group instruction, Mrs. Gore places considerable emphasis on the spirit of good-natured emulation and rivalry which results.
    "Children like to work with other children. They are more alert and receptive when others are doing the same thing. They like to excel, they like to please the teacher, they like to measure themselves by others. Hence the basis of class instruction is the spirit of emulation, the socializing influence of mutual endeavor," she explains.
    "A beautiful touch being essential to interpretation of beautiful music, great stress is laid on developing the ear, and pupils are constantly urged to 'never touch the piano without making music.'"
Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1930, page 6

    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore late yesterday filed in the circuit court a new suit for alleged alienation of affection against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, for $100,000 damages. This is twice the amount sought in the first suit, which ended with an involuntary non-suit, and withdrawal of the case from the jury. The suit filed through her attorneys, M. O. Wilkins of Ashland, and L. M. Bacon, a new counselor.
    An affidavit of prejudice against Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, presiding at the first trial, and application for the appointment of another judge to hear the new damage suit, was also filed by Mrs. Gore, who alleges that Judge Norton is prejudiced, and she is unable to secure a fair trial before him. It is asked that the new judge be appointed either by the court or by the state supreme court. An affidavit of prejudice, in legal procedure, is customarily followed by the voluntary withdrawal of the judge complained against.
    In the third item of the renewal of the legal controversy, Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, through her attorney, files objections to items in the cost bill of the first trial the plaintiff was directed to pay by court order. It amounted to $146.11.
Objections Cited
    The objections set forth that Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore is willing to pay the witness fees of Mary Gore, and routine expenses amounting to $30.40. Protest is made against the payment of fees and mileage to Mrs. Sophia Ish Gore, who was in court "but one day," and Etta Robinson, L. H. Mayberry, Merle Merriman and Mrs. Earle Davis, on the grounds they were not called to testify.
    Costs for depositions of Ed M. Andrews and Mrs. Charles Hazelrigg are also protested. The Andrews deposition, unread, is listed as costing $30; the deposition by Mrs. Hazelrigg, $33.58. The plaintiff asserts they are "immaterial, incompetent, and exorbitant." The Andrews deposition consisted of 300 words.
    The $100,000 alienation suit is based upon the allegation that in October or November 1929, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore maliciously and wrongfully acted together to deprive her of her husband's affections, resulting in the alleged "loss of love, society, consortium, conjugal relations, parental aid, support for her natural expectancy, loss of estate, and loss of services."   
Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1930, page 4

    A motion to make more definite and certain allegations in the $100,000 alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, has been filed in the circuit court by the defendants, through their attorneys, A. E. Reames and George M. Roberts.
    "Malice and wrongful intent" are alleged by Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, upon the part of the elder Gores, and it is asked that the acts be specified, and further that "it be set out how the defendants William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore did coax, entice, encourage and aid her husband to separate, abandon, and desert her."
    The first alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, against the elder Gores sought $50,000 alleged damages, and was non-suited, the case being taken from the jury.
    No action has been taken upon the application of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore for the appointment of a new trial judge. In an affidavit filed by the plaintiff, it is alleged Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, who heard the first suit, is unfair. The court can call in another jurist or the supreme court appoint one.
    In the ordinary course of legal procedure, the present suit will come to trial at the fall term of the circuit court.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1930, page 3

    J. T. Brand of Marshfield, circuit judge of Coos County, will be named by the state supreme court to hear the alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude Gore against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore. $100,000 is sought in the present action.
    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore filed an affidavit of prejudice against Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, alleging she would be unable to secure a fair trial. The first suit for the same cause, for $50,000 alleged damages, was heard by Judge Norton, the case being taken from the jury on an involuntary non-suit, on the grounds of insufficiency of evidence.
    Judge Brand, one of the best known jurists in the state, is the only judge available for transfer at this time. He will open court here Tuesday to hear the arguments on the motion of the defense, that the plaintiff make her complaint more specific. It is also expected that Judge Brand will set the date for the trial of the action.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 9, 1930, page 6

    A motion to make the complaint in the $100,000 alienation suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, "more definite and certain," was denied this afternoon in a decision handed down from the bench by Circuit Judge J. T. Brand of Coos County, presiding.
    The motion was filed by the defendants, through their attorneys, George M. Roberts and A. E. Reames. Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore was represented by attorney M. O. Wilkins of Ashland.
    The court held that granting of the motion, in view of statements of attorneys for both sides, and the fact that the case had been tried before, would entail pleadings and revealment of evidence.
    The defense endeavored to have the plaintiff set forth "specific acts, correspondence and communications" alleged to constitute malice and alienation of affections over a period of nearly eight years.
    The morning session of the court was devoted to the hearing of arguments by both sides, by Judge J. T. Brand, called into the case when an affidavit of prejudice was filed against Judge H. D. Norton.
    The defense served notice that tomorrow they would file a demurrer to the complaint. The court granted ten days for the submission of briefs.
    Judge Brand indicated from the bench that he desired an early trial, and this was agreeable to both sides. The case, however, cannot be tried until after the decision on the demurrer.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1930, page 2

    Settlement of the legal disputes of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against her husband, Jay I. Gore, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gore, pioneer residents, was effected yesterday, and by the terms and stipulations a pending $100,000 suit of Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore against the parents for alleged alienation of affections is dismissed.
    In the circuit court late yesterday, Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore was granted a divorce from Jay I. Gore, on the grounds of desertion, in the record time of 12 minutes. No contest was offered. The decree awards Mrs. Gore the custody of three children and $100 per month maintenance money.
    A settlement was effected, through attorney George M. Roberts, and without the presence of attorney M. O. Wilkins, for Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, or attorney Charles W. Reames, representing Jay I. Gore.
    The terms of the settlement were not made public but were characterized as "satisfactory to all concerned."
    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore previously did not ask for a divorce but sought separate maintenance.
    She also filed suit against Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gore, seeking $75,000 for alleged alienation of affections. Midway of the trial, the court ordered a non-suit. A short time later she filed the similar suit above mentioned.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1930, page 6

b. Roseburg, Ore., April 23, 1860; son of E. E. and Mary (Gilmore) G.; educ., public schools, Ore.; Ashland Academy; Univ. of Ore. Married Sophrenia Ish, Medford, Nov. 5, 1891; one son and one daughter. Taught school, Medford, 1886-89. With Page & Son, Portland, 1889-94. Owner and operator of ranches; dealer in livestock. Served as representative, Jackson and Douglas counties, Oregon Legislature. Former Oregon State Highway Commissioner. Member, school board, several years. President, Medford Nat'l. Bank, many years. Secured passage of Oregon-California Land Grant Tax Refund Bill. Member, Commercial Club. Elk. Republican. Address: Medford, Oregon.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 223

Ex-Banker Indicates May Take Like Action
Against Other Counties Benefited by Federal Measure

    William H. Gore, pioneer and former banker of this city, this morning filed suit in circuit court against Jackson County for $88,684.10 for services performed in connection with passage of the Oregon-California land grant tax refund bill, resulting in the payment by the federal government to Jackson County and 17 other western Oregon counties of approximately $10,000,000.
    While no definite statement was made, it was indicated that similar action might be instituted against other western Oregon counties.
    The suit is based upon the contention of Gore that in November 1925 the then Jackson County Court "hired and employed" him to prepare bills to Congress and collect evidence and data "whereby the government . . . would pay to Jackson County" the amount of taxes which had theretofore accrued upon Oregon-California land grant lands, revested in the government through a supreme court decision. Gore holds that Jackson County agreed to pay him "a reasonable compensation or percentage of all monies received."
Student of Taxation.
    Gore stated that for many years he had been a student of taxation, and particularly the Oregon-California grant problems and history, and by reason thereof was fitted to present the matter to federal officials and Congress.
    In accordance with the contract, Gore went to Washington, D.C., and conferred with federal authorities and aides in connection with the passage of the Oregon-California tax refund bill. As a condition of the contract, the complaint cites, he was "not to engage in any lobbying therefor," and fully complied with all conditions of his employment. He assisted in drawing up the bill, paying his own expenses during a prolonged stay in the national capital.
    Acting with various federal officials and representatives, the complaint asserts, Gore "worked out a scheme and method whereby Jackson County was paid" O.-C. tax refunds.
Received $8,750.
    For this service Gore states he received $8750 from Jackson County, in two payments, and a $500 payment by all the O.-C. counties, from which he disbursed the sum of $989. The county has declined further reimbursement.
    The complaint holds there is due the plaintiff $57,598.13 for the 1916-1925 O.-C. payment, $5,815 for the 1926 payment, $4,933.95 for the 1927 payment; $4,656.04 for the 1928 payment; $4,254.33 for the 1929 payment; $4,646.93 for the 1930 payment; $3,009.14 for the 1931 payment; $3,458.70 for the 1932 payment; $4,620.94 for the 1933 payment, and $4,301.69 for the 1934 payment.
Cites Present Need.
    George M. Roberts, attorney for Gore, issued the following statement regarding the suit:
    "In connection with the action filed by William H. Gore against Jackson County, Mr. Gore stated that his friends had insisted for a number of years that he take legal steps to enforce his claim against the various land grant counties in the state of Oregon for the services which he had rendered in obtaining approximately $10,000,000 for these counties from the federal government, but that he had hesitated in so doing because he did not want to proceed against his neighbors, although he felt his claim was entirely justifiable.
    "However, circumstances having changed and he and Mrs. Gore having been forced into bankruptcy and having lost everything, he deemed it only fair, equitable, just and right that he be repaid to a more or less degree for the very valuable services which he had rendered to these several counties. The county court of Jackson County, while recognizing the tremendous value of these services rendered by Mr. Gore, nevertheless, felt that from a legal standpoint it could not do anything. Hence, Mr. Gore was forced to bring this action."
Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1936, page 1

    The California Joint Stock and Land Bank of San Francisco today filed in circuit court a motion for an order to show cause why a writ of assistance should not be issued, directing the sheriff to remove W. H. Gore and Sophenia Ish Gore from the farm property on the Jacksonville Highway, upon which the bank holds a foreclosed mortgage.
    The bank seeks "complete possession" of the property. Setting of the date for the hearing rests with the court. The present action is eviction proceedings.
    The bank came into possession of the property upon foreclosure of a mortgage for approximately $75,000 and leased the farm property to Thorsen Bros., who have been cultivating the land this season, but permitted the Gores to occupy the house, attorneys for Gore said.
    The property has been in the Gore family since pioneer days, and is regarded as one of the best farm properties in southern Oregon.
    The land has been involved in civil litigation the past five years.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 18, 1936, page 8

Second Civil Action Seeking Payment by County Gets Under Way--
Guy Cordon Takes Part in Defense
    Civil action of William H. Gore against Jackson County for $3446.66, assertedly due for services rendered in behalf of the passage in 1926 by Congress of the California-Oregon land grant tax refund bill, was under way in circuit court today with selection of a jury. It was anticipated a special venire would have to be drawn to complete the jury.
    A similar action instituted by Gore a year ago, seeking approximately $88,000 on a basis of 5 percent of all monies collected by the county, resulted in no award for Gore by the jury.
Claims Agreement
    In the present action Gore asserts that under an agreement with the 1926 Jackson County court he was to receive 1 percent of all monies collected. The complaint further cites that under the statute of limitations the agreement does not apply to O.C. payments before April 1932.
    Gore seeks $929.39 for 1932 payments; $601.83 for 1933, also $345.87 for 1933; $345.87 for 1934 [sic], and $923.70 for 1936, all with interest.
    Jackson County in its answer denies existence of any 1926 county court agreement with Gore, and if such did exist it is illegal as an alleged "lobbying service or contract."
Paid $5000
    Gore claims that in pursuance of the contract he was paid $5000. The county holds this payment was "a donation in gratitude" for services rendered, and not under any agreement.
    Guy W. Cordon of Roseburg, counsel for the Oregon-California land grant counties, is associated with the district attorney in the case. Gore is represented by attorneys George M. Roberts and William M. McAllister.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 27, 1937, page 3

    Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore late yesterday filed in the circuit court a new suit for alleged alienation of affection against her husband's parents, William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore, for $100,000 damages. This is twice the amount sought in the first suit, which ended with an involuntary non-suit and withdrawal of the case from the jury. The suit is filed through her attorneys, M. O. Wilkins of Ashland and L. M. Bacon, a new counselor.
    An affidavit of prejudice against Circuit Judge H. D. Norton, presiding at the first trial, and application for the appointment of another judge to hear the new damage suit was also filed by Mrs. Gore, who alleges that Judge Norton is prejudiced, and she is unable to secure a fair trial before him. It is asked that the new judge be appointed either by the court or by the state supreme court. An affidavit of prejudice, in legal procedure, is customarily followed by the voluntary withdrawal of the judge complained against.
    In the third term of the renewal of the legal controversy, Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore, through her attorney, files objections to items in the cost bill of the first trial the plaintiff was directed to pay by court order. It amounted to $146.11.
Objections Cited
    The objections set forth that Mrs. Gertrude M. Gore is willing to pay the witness fees of Mary Gore, and routine expenses amounting to $30.40. Protest is made against the payment of fees and mileage to Mrs. Sophia Ish Gore, who was in court "but one day," and Etta Robinson, L. H. Mayberry, Merle Merriman and Mrs. Earle Davis on the grounds they were not called to testify.
    Costs for depositions of Ed M. Andrews and Mrs. Charles Hazelrigg are also protested. The Andrews deposition, unread, is listed and costing $30; the deposition by Mrs. Hazelrigg $33.58. The plaintiff asserts they are "immaterial, incompetent and exorbitant." The Andrews deposition consisted of 300 words.
    The $100,000 alienation suit is based upon the allegation that in October or November 1929 William H. Gore and Sophia Ish Gore maliciously and wrongfully acted together to deprive her of her husband's affections, resulting in the alleged "loss of love, society, consortium, conjugal relations, parental aid, support for her natural expectancy, loss of estate and loss of services."
Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1940, page 4

    Walter S. Gore, member of one of Jackson County's earliest pioneer families and the first white male child born in the Rogue River Valley, celebrated his 90th birthday December 3 at his home, 1999 F Street, San Bernardino, Calif.
    Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Sandlin, of the same address; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mielen and son Fred; Mr. and Mrs. John Gore and Miss Jeanette Gore. Mrs. Sandlin and Mrs. Mielen are Mr. Gore's daughters, and Fred Mielen is his only grandchild.
    Many friends called during the day to extend congratulations, and at the close of the evening Dr. John B. Cavitt, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino, made appropriate remarks concerning Mr. Gore's life in the community.
    Mr. Gore, who was born in Jacksonville on December 3, 1852, married Carolita Jacks, stepdaughter of the Rev. M. A. Williams, first Presbyterian missionary in the valley. He reared his family in and near Medford, and in 1926 moved to Southern California, where has made his home since.
    He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Emerson E. Gore, who came across the plains to Jacksonville from Lee County, Iowa, in 1852. In the party, which left in an ox-drawn train of 40 wagons on April 27 of that year, were Mr. and Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Gore's son, Lewis Albert Gore, nearly six, and Anneta Gore, almost two and a half, and Mr. Gore's twin brother Emery.
    The emigrant train had many experiences along the way, encountering several Indian parties, but avoided serious trouble. After leaving Salt Lake part of the train headed for California, but since the Rogue River Valley in the Oregon country was the planned destination of the train a large part of the company continued on that road under the leadership of Captain Constant. They arrived here September 27, 1852.
    The Gore family spent the winter of 1852-53 in Jacksonville, where Walter was born, and in the spring of 1853 moved to Mr. Gore's donation land claim on the main highway south of where Medford now is located. Later, during the Indian trouble in the valley, people of the community found protection in a stockade on the Gore place.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1942, page 6

Oregon Pioneer Death's Victim
    Walter S. Gore, who was the first white boy born in Southern Oregon, died Thursday at St. Bernardine's hospital. He was 90 years old, a native of Jacksonville, Ore., and had resided in San Bernardino with a daughter, Mrs. A. F. Sandlin, of 1999 F Street, for 15 years.
    Mr. Gore's parents came across the plains in 1852 and reached Oregon in September of that year, his birth occurring on Dec. 3. He and his three brothers made up a singing quartet that was famous in the early days of that area. He was a farmer most of his life.
    His wife died in 1907 and Mr. Gore came to California 17 years ago. He was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church, having been a charter member of the church at Medford, Ore.
    Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Sandlin and Mrs. Walter Mielen of Big Bear; three brothers, William John and Ed Gore, all of Medford, Ore.; a sister, Mrs. Ella Wortman, also of Medford, and one grandson, Fred Walter Mielen, of Big Bear.
    Funeral services will be held today at 11 a.m. at the Presbyterian church. Interment will be made at Mountain View cemetery, with Stephens & Bobbitt in charge.
San Bernardino County Sun, San Bernardino, California, November 27, 1943, page 6

    Walter S. Gore, 90, pioneer Jackson County resident, died in San Bernardino, Cal., Nov. 25 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Sandlin.
    Born in Jacksonville, Ore. Dec. 3, 1852, Mr. Gore was the eldest son of Elijah Emerson Gore and Mary Elizabeth Gore, pioneers in the valley. He is believed to have been the first white child born in Jackson County.
    Mr. Gore lived in Medford and vicinity until about ten years ago, when he left to make his home with his daughter in Southern California. For many years he owned and operated a ranch on the property where Jackson County fairgrounds are now located.
    Funeral services were held Saturday in the Presbyterian church at San Bernardino.
    Immediate survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Sandlin and Mrs. Edna Miellen of Big Bear Lake, Cal.; three brothers, W. H. Gore, J. G. Gore and E. E. Gore, all of Medford, and a sister, Mrs. H. G. Wortman of Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1943, page 10

GORE, HATTIE W. (Mrs. Edwd. E. Gore)
Music Teacher.
b. Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, daughter of Lyman B. and Harriett Nye Warner; educated public schools Champaign, Illinois, Neligh, Nebraska; Gates College (now Doane College), Crete, Nebraska, B.S. in Science and Music; studied at Metropolitan College of Music, N.Y.; studied under Albert Ross Parsons (N.Y.); John Williams (Chicago); Bernard Wagness (Los Angeles); courses at Pomona College, California; m. Edward E. Gore, Medford, Oregon; children Beulah Lucretia (Mrs. S. A. Mushen Jr.), Rosa Louise (Mrs. Harold B. Cooke), Dorothy Elizabeth (Mrs. Victor R. Davis); began as teacher of music, Nebraska, Illinois and many years teaching in Medford; frequent contributor, music publications and daily newspapers; member Greater Medford Club, past president; Wednesday Study Club (charter member), College Women's Club, Medford Music Society; first woman to serve on Medford School Board, three terms; member State Federation of Music Clubs (several years local representative); has one of largest collections of music and concert programs, dating to 1882, of various leading artists and students showing development and progress of music in America; Republican; Presbyterian (member); home 116 Geneva, Medford.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, page 222

    Mrs. Sophenia Ish Gore, 85, well-known resident of Jackson County, passed away in Medford on Wednesday. She was born in Jackson County on January 20, 1864. She was united in marriage to William H. Gore on November 5, 1890, and they lived in Portland until 1894.
    Except for one year in public school, Mrs. Gore's early education was gained at the Sisters academy in Jacksonville. She sang in the choir in the Presbyterian Church there for many years, and later she became affiliated with the First Presbyterian Church, Medford, where she sang in the choir and devoted many years in church work.
    She was born on what has been known for many years as the Ish Ranch and lived most of her life there and in Medford. Mr. Gore passed away in 1946.
    She is survived by one son, Jacob Ish Gore; one daughter, Mrs. Mary Stallcup; four grandchildren, William Eleanor and James Gore and Mrs. Mary Hamilton, and one great-grandchild.
    Funeral services will be held at the Perl funeral home Monday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Harry Hansen, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiating. Interment will take place in [the] family plot in [the] Jacksonville Cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1949, page 1

GORE, HATTIE W. (Mrs. Edwd. E.)
    Music Teacher
b Grand Rapids, Wisc; dau of Lyman B and Harriett Nye Warner; educ, public schs, Champaign, Ill, Neligh, Neb; Gates College, Crete, Neb, BS; studied at Metropolitan Coll of Music, NY; studied under Albert Ross Parsons (NY); John Williams (Chicago); Bernard Wagness (Los Angeles); m Edwd E Gore Medford, Oreg; ch, Beulah Lucretia (Mrs S A Mushen Jr), Rosa Louise (Mrs Harold B Cook), Dorothy Elizabeth (Mrs Victor R Davis); began as music teacher, Neb, Ill, Medford, several yrs; contributor, music publications, newspapers; mem, Greater Medford Club (past pres), Wednesday Study Club (charter mem), Coll Women's Club, Medford Music Society; first woman to serve on Medford Sch Bd, three terms; member, State Federation of Music Clubs (several yrs local representative); has one of largest collections of music and concert programs, dating to 1882; Republican; Presbyterian; home, 116 Geneva, Medford, Oreg.
Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 341

Family of Emerson E. Gore Arrived in Valley in 1852
    Emerson E. Gore and Mary Elizabeth Gore were among the pioneer families to settle in the valley. They arrived here Sept. 27, 1852.
    In the family group was Emery Gore, twin brother of Emerson, and two children, Lewis Albert Rose, six-year-old son of Mrs. Gore by a former marriage, and Annette Jane, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gore.
    The Gores lived the first winter in Jacksonville, where the brothers built a small house and shop, putting in a lathe and making chairs and other things necessary in the newly settled community. It was there that Walter Gore was born Dec. 3, 1852.
Built Near Phoenix
    In 1853 Emerson E. Gore built a cabin on his donation land claim two miles north of Phoenix on what is now Highway 99. Here he moved his family. Emery stayed in Jacksonville to run the shop that year.
    In 1854 or 1855 the brothers built a sawmill on Bear Creek at Emerson Gore's farm, which they operated until it was destroyed by the flood of 1862. The sawmill was used as a point of description in establishing boundary lines, which are recorded in the Jackson County Courthouse. M. A. Williams, known as "Father Williams," a Presbyterian missionary, wrote in his diary in 1857 of visiting Gore at his sawmill.
    Mr. and Mrs. Gore always were on friendly terms with the Indians who lived near them, Mrs. Gore often caring for their sick and Gore frequently playing his violin for them.
    At one time when the Indians were camping on the Gore farm there was much unrest, and all the settlers feared open violence. One day the Gore family saw a single file of Indians coming up the path to the Gore house, all carrying their weapons. They gathered around Gore, then squatted on their heels, and the chief made the motion of playing the violin. Gore played for them until he was exhausted, but he did not dare stop before the chief gave him permission. Finally the chief got up, grunted, and he and the Indians went peacefully back to their camp.
Family of 10
    Mr. and Mrs. Gore had a family of 10 children, five boys and five girls, of whom only the youngest, Edward Emerson, now lives. Mrs. Gore died in 1893 at the age of 66 and Gore in 1910 at the age of 86, both of them having worked many years for the Christian and cultural development of the Rogue Valley. The Gore family was active in establishing the Jacksonville and Phoenix Presbyterian churches.
    The Gore family was also active in the musical development of the valley. The sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gore had a quartet and furnished music for many occasions, and were active in all church music. William Gore directed many church choirs.
    Mr. and Mrs. Gore were determined that their children should have an education, and the family read a great deal together. Mrs. Gore would read a chapter of a book to the family while the family ate their noon meal, she eating after the family had gone back to their work.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 20, 1954, page 6

Mrs. E. E. Gore Among First White Women in Valley
    Mrs. Emerson E. Gore, who for many years lived on the Gore donation land claim near Phoenix, Oregon, is credited, in many history books, with having been one of the first four white women to settle permanently in the Rogue Valley.
    Mary Gore was born Feb. 6, 1827, the daughter of Robert Gilmour and Nancy Smith, and was the youngest of 10 children. When nearly 18 years of age, she married Lewis A. Rose, and moved from Pennsylvania to Charleston, Iowa, where Rose died on Sept. 20, 1846. Mrs. Rose was left with an infant son, Lewis A. Rose, who was the father of Art Rose, of Medford.
    In 1849, Mary Gilmour Rose married Emerson E. Gore and they left for Oregon on April 27, 1852. They made the trip with a yoke of oxen and a yoke of cows and reached the Rogue Valley Sept. 27, 1852.
    Mary Gore was the mother of five boys and five girls. When the children were little, Mrs. Gore would occasionally spend some time in the vegetable garden, which was a little way from the house.
    While she was gone, the Indians would steal up to the house and look in the windows to tease the children, who would scream and cry and push furniture up against the door, much to the amusement of the Indians, who would laugh and finally go away without harming the children.
    Mrs. Gore was a woman of great education for that day. She died Oct. 17, 1893 and her funeral was next day in the Presbyterian Church at Phoenix, where she taught Sunday school. The Rev. M. A. Williams conducted the funeral, and she was buried in the Phoenix Cemetery.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 20, 1954, page C3

Edward E. Gore, Businessman, Dies in Hospital
    Edward Emerson Gore, 92, of 116 Geneva Ave., lifelong valley resident and longtime businessman, died Tuesday at a Medford hospital. He was born June 5, 1869 on the Gore donation land claim, which is near Phoenix.
    He had been in farming and cattle ranching, was a partner in the mercantile firm of Warner, Wortman and Gore Inc., and was an insurance salesman prior to his retirement in 1925.
    He also was closely associated with cultural and educational movements in the valley. For more than 25 years Mr. Gore and his brothers, Walter, William and John, comprised a quartet which sang at many valley functions.
    He was the youngest of 10 children of Mary E. and Elijah Emerson Gore, pioneers who came to the valley in 1852. He received his education at the Phoenix subscription school, the Ashland academy and the University of Oregon in 1885-1886.
Joins Church
    He joined Phoenix Presbyterian Church in October 1879, transferring his membership to the Medford First Presbyterian Church in 1901. In later years he was a member of the mother church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass.
    Mr. Gore was a member of Medford AF&AM, serving as worshipful master in 1913 and 1914; Talisman lodge, Knights of Pythias; and Dramatic Order of Knights of Korasan, Fuhat Burkan Temple, serving as royal vizier. He received his 50-year membership pin in the Knights of Pythias lodge recently.
    Funeral services will be Friday, Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. at Perl Funeral Home with Dr. D. Kirkland West of First Presbyterian Church officiating. Honorary pallbearers will be Carl Fichtner, LeRoy Cline, Earl Locke, Rollie Beach, Ora Meyers, Max Hawks, Joe Fritsch and Fred Snedicor.
    Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Hattie Warner Gore, Medford; daughters Mrs. Samuel A. Mushen, Portland; Mrs. Harold C. Book, Medford; Mrs. Dorothy G. Davis, Tacoma, Wash.; and two grandsons, Robert Linton Mushen and Alan Edward Mushen, Portland.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 4, 1961, page 1

Services Set Thursday for Hattie Gore,
Prominent in Medford for Many Years
    Memorial services for Mrs. Hattie Warner Gore, 92, a leader in Medford's musical life for more than 43 years, will be held in the First Presbyterian Church at 2 p.m. Thursday, with Dr. D. Kirkland West officiating. Mrs. Gore died Monday at a Portland hospital.
    An Oregonian from her early childhood, Mrs. Gore was born in Grand Rapids, Wis., Oct. 31, 1873, and came with her parents to Albany, Ore. She attended the State Normal School at Drain and taught in the Albany public school.
    On Dec. 14, 1899, as Hattie Warner, she married Edward E. Gore, member of a Jackson County pioneer family. Mr. Gore preceded her in death.
    She became a piano teacher in Medford and continued this career for 43 years, contributing to music publications while teaching. She also wrote the concert reviews for the Mail Tribune over a period of 20 years.
    Mrs. Gore's graduate work included study at Metropolitan College of Music, New York; Sherwood School of Music, Chicago; Claremont College; University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of California at Berkeley.
    She served as a member of the Medford School Board for three terms during the early 1900s and was president of the Oregon Mothers Club, University of Oregon. She was past president of the Rogue River Valley College Women's Club and a member of Reames Chapter, O.E.S.
    Mrs. Gore, a member of the State Federation of Music Clubs, had one of the largest collections of music and concert programs in the country, showing the development and progress of music in America from 1882.
    Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Samuel (Beulah) Mushen, Portland, Mrs. Harold B. (Rose) Cook, Redding, Calif., and Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Tacoma, Wash.; two grandsons, Robert L. Mushen and Alan E. Mushen, Portland; a sister, Miss Beulah Warner, and a brother, William J. Warner, both of Medford.
    Interment will be Siskiyou Memorial Park under direction of Perl Funeral Home.
    Those who wish may make donations to the Mu Phi Epsilon Portland Alumnae Achievement Fund in memory of Hattie Warner Gore. These may be sent in care of Mrs. Donald Coogan, 3829 N.E. 66th Ave., Portland.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 10, 1966, page 1

Gore Brothers Were Early-Day Musicians
    Among the musical entertainers of the valley at the turn of the century were the brothers Gore.
    They formed a quartet that sang at valley churches and at special occasions such as Fourth of July celebrations and recitals of other musicians.
    The four were John, Walter, Will and Ed, the sons of Emerson Gore, who came to the valley in 1852 and raised 10 children.
    "When I was a little girl I stayed up and listened to them practice," says Liberta Lenox, daughter of John, a farmer who raised cattle on the home ranch. She says her father was the first orchardist in the valley to protect the crop by building fires.
    Walter was Medford's first school principal. He helped on the farm and had a store in Ashland. Will also served as Medford school principal. He became a banker and served in the Oregon Legislature.
    Ed was a partner in the grocery and meat firm Warner, Wortman & Gore.
    The home where the Gore brothers were raised stood where the Southern Oregon Nursery is now located.
    Mrs. Lenox says the quartet broke up after her father's hearing deteriorated to the point he felt he couldn't stay on pitch.
    Without radio, let alone television, music was a big part of the early entertainment, she notes. She said the Gore family had one of the first organs in the valley. Like many things brought to the West, the instrument was shipped around Cape Horn.
    Mrs. Lenox says her grandfather played the violin, which fascinated the Indians, who lived in a nearby village. In those days the white settlers were interlopers. Emerson Gore told his grandchildren he played at length to maintain rapport. The Indians insisted.
    The Gore property included part of Barneburg Hill. on which she used to play as a child, Mrs. Lenox says. She now lives in Rogue Valley Manor on the hill. Her apartment window overlooks what was once the family land.
    Her parents were interested in their children getting a knowledge of the better music, Mrs. Lenox says. "Anything that was musical, we'd try to go to."
    Mrs. Lenox remembers that many fine musicians came through Medford in the early part of the 20th century. Her memory is a little hazy when it comes to naming the various shows and entertainers. Still she remembers Madam Ernestine Schumann-Heink and orchestra conductor Walter Damrosch.
    "Medford always has been very cultural minded," she says.
    Mrs. Lenox, an alto, sang with the Medford Choral Society while still in high school, under the direction of Ella Andrews. Mrs. Andrews had some to Medford with her husband, George, and brother-in-law, Ed, who came to the Medford area after the Andrews Opera Company disbanded.
    "We always admired the Andrews brothers," says Mrs. Lenox. "They brought an awful lot of music here."
    She says she missed many of the operatic productions of the early 1920s, directed by the Andrews. She had been seriously injured in an auto accident and was wheelchair bound.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1985, page 15

Last revised August 17, 2024