The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Stages and stage roads in Jackson County, Oregon. See also the page on the Dollarhide Toll Road over the Siskiyous. Many first-person accounts of stage journeys can be found here.

    NEW PUBLIC ROAD IN SISKIYOU COUNTY.--A new field of enterprise for stage proprietors in Northern California is about being opened. A wagon road from Scottsburg to Jacksonville is nearly completed, and a line of stages is contemplated from the former place to Yreka.--[Union.
Daily Alta California,
San Francisco, October 7, 1853, page 2

    SCOTTSBURG.--A gentleman from that place informs us that they are finishing the wagon road from Scottsburg to Jacksonville, and that a line of stages is talked of from there through Jacksonville to this place. Business was quite brisk when he left. He met many large trains on the way--all bound down for goods.
Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, October 8, 1853, page 3

    A LONG STAGE ROUTE.--The Jacksonville correspondent of the Mountain Herald says Messrs. McLaughlin & McComb have been examining the road between that place and Shasta, with the view of establishing a line of coaches to connect with the stage line from this place to Sacramento. Their plan is to run coaches from Shasta to the foot of Trinity Mountains, where they will keep a supply of good horses and mules to convey passengers over Trinity and Scott mountains to Callahan's Ranch, at the head of Scott Valley, and thence coaches again from Callahan's to Yreka, and from Yreka to Jacksonville. The same writer says as soon as the wagon road is opened from Illinois Valley to Crescent City the line will be extended to that place. If Messrs. McLaughlin & McComb effect this arrangement--connecting Sacramento with Crescent City by a line of stages--it will perhaps be the longest stage route in America--the distance between the two points being considerably over four hundred miles.
Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, May 27, 1854, page 3

OF JUNE 10, 1854
    We understand that the California Combination Stage Line intend running a line of coaches from Yreka to Jacksonville. Our citizens have subscribed some $6,000 for the purpose of constructing a wagon road from this city to the latter place. Messrs. Stark & Co. intend putting on the road a line of handsome coaches to connect the road from Jacksonville to this city.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, July 23, 1892, page 1

    THE CITIZENS OF CRESCENT CITY have subscribed six thousand dollars to build a wagon road from that place to Jacksonville. A stage line is also to be established over the road.
Daily Placer Times and Transcript, San Francisco, June 15, 1854, page 15

    NEW STAGE ROUTE.--We perceive by the Commercial Advertiser that Messrs. McComb and McLaughlin, two enterprising stage men of experience in this state, have taken up to Portland, O.T., a number of splendid coaches, which they intend to place on the route from Jacksonville, O.T., to Yreka, and from thence to the foot of the Scott Mountains.
Sacramento Daily Union, June 23, 1854, page 2

    SHASTA, YREKA, AND JACKSONVILLE STAGE LINE.--Mr. McComb passed through this place last week, en route for Yreka, with a large number of fine stage horses, intended to run on the road between Callahan's ranch, at the head of Scott Valley, through Yreka to Jacksonville in Oregon. Mr. McLaughlin started to Oregon several weeks since with the coaches, and it is their intention, if possible, to run free coaches from Yreka to Jacksonville on the 3rd of July, so as to enable such citizens of the former place as may desire it to celebrate the ever glorious Fourth with their Oregon neighbors.
Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, July 1, 1854, page 2

    Messrs. McComb & Co. have established a line of stages between Yreka and Jacksonville. The citizens of Yreka are highly elated at the result. On the arrival of two of their coaches, on the 20th inst., about forty of the citizens were favored with a ride up to the saw mill and back. Upon returning, they had a grand champagne supper at the Yreka Hotel.
    The company have three large coaches which they intend running between the head of Scott Valley and Jacksonville, and one light coach to run over the Siskiyou Mountain.
"From Yreka," Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, July 29, 1854, page 3

    STAGE LINE.--We refer the traveling public to the advertisement of the "California and Oregon Mail Stage Line." They have elegant Concord coaches on the entire route from Sacramento to Jacksonville, 400 miles, with the exception of that portion of the road lying between this place and Callahan's Ranch, at the head of Scott Valley. Over this mountain stretch passengers are carried by the mule train of Messrs. Greathouse & Co., running in connection with the stages.
Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, August 26, 1854, page 2

    NEW LINE OF STAGES.--We are happy to learn, says the Gazette, that subscriptions to the stock of the new line of stages between Jacksonville and Scottsburg are rapidly coming in, more than half the shares being already taken. The stages will soon be placed on the road and, running in connection with the steamship America, will afford unsurpassed facilities for travel between San Francisco and Yreka, Jacksonville and other parts in the interior.

"Arrival of the America," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 1, 1854, page 5

OF SEPT. 2, 1854
    The regular trips of the California and Oregon Stage Company's coaches every other day to and from Yreka, both north and south, are adding considerably to the business feature of Yreka. We are happy to see that they come in loaded down. Improvement on the roads is progressing.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, October 15, 1892, page 1

    The survey of the Crescent City and Yreka Plank and Turnpike Road is steadily progressing. The cost of building it has been estimated at from $75,000 to $100,000. The importance of this road will at once be appreciated when we state that during the past six months at least 2,500 tons of goods have been transported on muleback by the present mountain trail at the rate of 7 cents per pound or $140 per ton, say 2,500 tons at $140, $350,000. It requires on an average 8 mules for one ton of goods, thus we have also 20,000 mules going and the same number coming in six months, without taking in account a considerable amount of traveling besides.
Crescent City Herald, October 4, 1854, reprinted in the Del Norte Record, Crescent City, November 19, 1892, page 1

    The military road, to build which Congress appropriated $50,000, and which, it is reported, has been nearly expended, will prove an important link in the chain, and for fear Congress may not act in the matter, would it not be advisable for the Legislature to do something towards starting the ball for this mail line and stage road? Make a reasonable appropriation, and the public will endorse by their votes the act. A direct stagecoach road from Shasta to the capital of Oregon is a matter of vital interest to the people of North California and Oregon, and we hope Senator Tilford will press its consideration.
Sacramento Daily Union, March 12, 1856, page 2

Wagon and Stage Road to Yreka.
    One day last week we published the account of a meeting held at Yreka, to consider the subject of a stage road to that place. The meeting was addressed by Mr. A. Bartol, who had gone through from Red Bluffs to Yreka in a buggy, passing by a route to the eastward of Shasta fifty miles, by the lost camp on the emigrant trail, thence north to the crossing of Pit River, where there is now a ferry, and thence northwest to Yreka. This is, we believe, the route contemplated by Col. Freaner, who was, as is supposed, killed by Indians on Pit River in its reconnaissance. It will be seen that it leaves Shasta some fifty miles to the westward; and we observe that the subject is consequently exciting a good deal of interest in that place. It is conceded that this route, which is denominated the Pit River Route, is in point of expense by far the most practicable. It is estimated that $5,000, and perhaps less, would be sufficient to remove all obstructions interposed by nature--in fact by this route there is almost a natural road from Red Bluffs to Yreka. The great object urged against it is, however, its length--which is estimated by some at not less than two hundred miles, and by others at two hundred and thirty-five miles. Some persons contend that for forty miles of this road there is snow on the ground five months in the year, and that it is about Pit River very swampy. These representations appear, however, to be somewhat prejudiced.
    There are two other routes more traveled--one to the westward from Shasta, known as the Trinity or Scott River trail, the distance by which is estimated at more than one hundred and fifteen miles; and the other from Shasta along the Sacramento River in a nearly direct line to Yreka, which is variously estimated at from ninety-five to one hundred and fifteen miles. By adding the distance from Red Bluffs to Shasta, forty-two miles, the entire distance from the latter place by either of these routes would be in the neighborhood of one hundred and fifty miles--while by the Pit River route it is not less than two hundred miles.
    The practical question then is between the greater distance by the way of Pit River, and the greater expense of opening the direct road by the Sacramento river. The one would cost $5,000, and the other $50,000. The Shasta Courier, which of course advocates the direct road, in its issue of May 31st, says:
    "We are informed that strong hopes are entertained by certain parties in this town, that a good wagon road can be constructed from here to Yreka by the way of Pittsburgh, the estimated distance of which would be about one hundred and ten miles. From here to Pittsburgh there is already a very good wagon road--distance twenty-five miles. From the Upper Soda Springs to Yreka, the distance is estimated at from forty-five to fifty miles, and is as good a natural wagon road as any in the state. This would leave only thirty-five miles to be explored between Pittsburgh and the Soda Springs.
    "We are also informed that a company will shortly be organized here, for the purpose of testing the matter. We hope they may be successful, as we are satisfied that some shorter road must be found than the one now traveled. Were there a good wagon road connecting the Sacramento Valley with Yreka, we have no doubt it would give us the greater portion of the trade now enjoyed by Crescent City in supplying Southern Oregon and a portion of Siskiyou County. This is a matter that should elicit some attention from the business men of Shasta and Red Bluffs."
Sacramento Daily Union, June 3, 1856, page 2

    Sept. 1st 1856: The stage started today to run between here and Yreka. It is to run every other day. We can now go to San Francisco in 4½ days. I think times will be better now. The dark pall that has hung over Oregon is now rising and we can see a small streak above which betokens better times for this country, and in future years the autumn of '55 and spring of '56 will be looked back to as the dark days of this beautiful valley.
Diary of Welborn Beeson, Talent News, June 1, 1893, page 3

    THE JACKSONVILLE LINE.--The California Stage Company started their first coach to Jacksonville, O.T., on Monday last. They propose to run through in twelve hours, and to make triweekly trips, leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Jacksonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays of each week. Their coaches are of the first-rate order, and are drawn by four horses. They have twelve changes of horses on the road, and make the trip through with ease in twelve hours. The line is under the superintendence of Mr. D. Nye, Jr., the popular agent of the company. The citizens of Yreka and Jacksonville will be much benefited by the establishment of a regular line of stages over a road so much traveled. We understand that some parties in Jacksonville will run from that place to Sailors' Diggings, with only one day from the coast, at Crescent City, in connection with the present arrangement.--Yreka Union.
Oroville Daily Butte Record,
Oroville, California, September 11, 1856, page 2

    STAGES TO JACKSONVILLE.--On Monday, Sept. 1st, the California Stage Company started their first stage from Yreka to Jacksonville, in Oregon Territory. They propose to make the trip in twelve hours, running tri-weekly.
Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, September 20, 1856, page 5

    TRI-WEEKLY STAGES.--The California Stage Company have commenced running a tri-weekly line of stages between this place and Yreka. This is one of the enterprises that will pay the proprietors well. It opens communication with the south--brings us San Francisco dates [i.e., newspapers] in five and Sacramento in four days. The stage arrives here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; leaving on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
    If this enterprising company will put on a tri-weekly line from Yreka to Portland next spring, they will find it will pay as well as any line on the Pacific Coast.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, October 4, 1856, page 1

    The California Stage Company will hereafter run coaches three times a week from Yreka, Cal., to Jacksonville, O.T., leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, arriving at Jacksonville same days. Leave Jacksonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arrive at Yreka same days, making the run in eleven or twelve hours.
    OFFICES--At the "Yreka Hotel," Yreka, and "Union House," Jacksonville.
Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 6, 1856, page 3

    NEW STAGE ENTERPRISE.--It is reported that a stage will soon be run from Jacksonville, to the foot of the mountain in Illinois Valley, at the point where the mail from Crescent City comes in.
Daily Globe, San Francisco, April 28, 1857, page 3

    The stages run now from Jacksonville to Yreka three times a week.
Crescent City Herald,
May 20, 1857, page 2

    Messrs. Greathouse & Slicer, of Yreka, contemplate establishing a stage line from Jacksonville to Illinois Valley. It is their intention to run stages regularly on this route, until the completion, next April, of the wagon road from Crescent City to Illinois Valley, when they will occupy the entire road.
"Southern Oregon," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 11, 1857, page 1

    A stage is now running three times a week from Jacksonville to Kerbyville.
"Del Norte County," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 22, 1857, page 1

    STAGING.--The Yreka Union says a new stage line is now in operation from Jacksonville to Crescent City, a portion of the distance being mule travel, of which Charley Slicer is the agent. Lytle & Masterson have connected themselves with the California Stage Company, and will run daily between Yreka and Shasta, via Scott Valley, Callahan's and Trinity River trail. Since the death of our respected citizen, Robt. Cranston, Jas. Long, Esq., of Shasta, has become associated with Mr. Sulloway in the Pioneer line over the new Sacramento River route to Shasta.
Daily Democrat State Journal, Sacramento, August 24, 1857, page 3

    TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION NORTH.--A tri-weekly line of stage communication has recently been established between Yreka and Crescent City, and efforts are being made to effect a regular connection with the mail steamers from San Francisco, by which passengers can make the trip from Yreka to the latter city, in two and a half days.
    With the completion of improvements now in progress upon the inland portion of the route, and the establishment of a line of steamers with regular connections, the Yreka Union thinks it reasonable to suppose that nearly all the merchandise destined for that county, as well as Southern Oregon, will be landed at Crescent City, and transported thence in wagons over the new route; thus, by a great reduction in distance, and by relief from expensive transportation on the Sacramento River, enabling northern merchants to procure their goods at greatly reduced rates.
Sacramento Daily Union, September 30, 1857, page 2

    A daily line of stages are now running from Jacksonville through this village to Illinois Valley, a distance of 68 miles, where it connects with a passenger train of animals for Crescent City. A tri-weekly line also runs from Jacksonville to Yreka, thus giving ample opportunity for all to get here who may desire it.
"Letter from Southern Oregon," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, October 8, 1857, page 1

    CRESCENT CITY.--The Herald of the 16th Dec. says the latter part of last week we experienced the severest blow we think that has been felt here since the settlement of the town. It had the effect of causing an extremely heavy sea to roll in, which came to the doors of the buildings on parts of Front Street, and on the upper part of the street did a good deal of damage by washing away sidewalks, &c. Had it been at the time of spring tides, serious loss would undoubtedly have been occasioned. We learn that the mail hence to Kerbyville and Jacksonville will probably be discontinued for the balance of the winter. The stage line has been taken off for the present.
Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, January 2, 1858, page 2

    January 29, 1858.
    Editor Sentinel:--Within the last year our citizens have taken a decided stand and have prosecuted the work of making a wagon road from Crescent City to Illinois Valley, and I think there is no doubt about the road being completed for stages to travel on by the first of June next. When this road is completed it will settle all further disputes between individuals and newspaper editors as to which is the best route for merchants to transport their goods. The Scottsburg route will answer for all the country north of the Canyon--the location naturally warrants such a conclusion; but when I hear a man say that a good road can be made through the Canyon and over the Grave Creek Hills at a comparatively small expense, it seems to me that he is either ignorant of the route or selfishly blinded and prejudiced against our Crescent City road, and wishes to instill into the minds of the uninformed portion of the community that Scottsburg, at comparatively small expense, will be the place for the citizens of Jackson County, Oregon, and Siskiyou County, California, to transact their business at. I really believe that it will take from thirty to forty thousand dollars to make a good wagon road through the Canyon, and at least ten thousand dollars more to continue it over the Grave Creek Hills. Now, if this is comparatively small expense, why has it not been done? When the money to make the road through the Canyon has to be raised by stockholders, there will be a failure. The Crescent City road is the only one that is going to benefit Southern Oregon. It will be made, and the friends and shareholders of the road remunerated for the enterprise. In writing to the Sentinel, I do so knowing that it has ever advocated the road, and is most likely to publish my letter.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 6, 1858, page 2

    INTERCOMMUNICATION.--The prospect of a telegraph to Oregon is very gratifying. There is already a line from Portland to Corvallis--50 miles; thence to Jacksonville, about 250 miles, will not cost much in proportion to the convenience to Oregon people, and the Jacksonville folks are able to build a line to Yreka. A stage road from Crescent City to Jacksonville is being built, to be traveled in 24 hours. Now the Crescent City and Jacksonville papers are two weeks old when we get them; the telegraph will put us in instant communication with the northern coast.
Weekly Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, March 6, 1858, page 3

    STAGES TO YREKA.--The California Stage Company will commence running a tri-weekly line between Yreka and this place on Monday next--leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaving Jacksonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. See advertisement.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 27, 1858, page 2

    The California Stage Company will commence running a tri-weekly line between Yreka and Jacksonville on Monday next, leaving Yreka every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
"Matters About Yreka,"
Sacramento Daily Union, March 29, 1858, page 3

California Stage Company's
Tri-Weekly Line
ON and after Monday, March 29th, 1858, the California Stage Company will run a Tri-weekly line of Coaches between Yreka and Jacksonville, leaving Yreka on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and leaving the Union Hotel at Jacksonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, connecting with the Company's Coaches at Yreka for the following places:
and all intermediate points.
    Passengers booking their names at the office of the California Stage Company, Yreka Hotel, will be furnished with through tickets for any of the above named places.
    Office Agent, Yreka.
March 24, 1858.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 3, 1858, page 3

    YREKA AND SHASTA WAGON ROAD.--We see, says the Yreka Union, that the "Shasta and Yreka Turnpike Road Company" are preparing for an energetic campaign the coming summer against the mountains lying between us and our neighboring town, Shasta. They have advertised to receive proposals, until the 20th inst., for the construction of a wagon road from the Mountain House, on Clear Creek, on the east side of Trinity Mountain (to which point there is now a good stage road from Shasta), over the mountain to the ferry on Trinity River, and thence up Trinity Valley to the New York House, immediately at the east base of Scott Mountain, and for the building of four bridges on Trinity River.
    ANOTHER.--The Shasta Republican of last Saturday says:--"The Pit River passenger route from this place to Yreka will be opened in about ten days from this time. Passengers will go by stage to Pit River, thence by saddle to Soda Springs, and thence again by stage to Yreka. Leaving this place at five o'clock a.m., passengers will reach Yreka on the evening of the same day."
    The Union adds: In a few days the road will be in a condition to run coaches twelve miles below Soda Springs, which will leave but thirty miles by way of this new route to be traveled on mules. We do not think, however, that the trip will regularly be made from Shasta to this place in a single day, the distance being rather over than under one hundred miles.
    YET ANOTHER.--We learn by the Trinity Journal, says the Union, that active measures are being adopted for the building of a good wagon road from Weaverville to Trinity Centre, which, when the road is completed over Scott Mountain and through Trinity Valley, will put us in communication with Weaverville. The Crescent City road will soon be finished; so we are soon to have a wagon road connection with Shasta, Weaverville and Crescent City. Two years ago the practicability of such a connection with any of those towns was not settled.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 3, 1858, page 4

Corner California and 3rd Streets,
KLIPPEL & WILKINSON,                    

April 2, 1858.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 10, 1858, page 3

    THE STAGE running between this place and Yreka is doing some fast traveling about these days, leaving Yreka at 5 a.m., and arriving in Jacksonville the same day, at 5 p.m., bringing Sacramento papers in 4 days. This stage line should be patronized.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 15, 1858, page 2

    The first stage over the whole length of the wagon road, to Southern Oregon, left here on the 18th.

Crescent City Herald, May 1858, reprinted in the Del Norte Record, Crescent City, December 16, 1893, page 2

From the Crescent City Herald, May, 1858.
    The first stage over the whole of the wagon road, to Southern Oregon, left here on the 18th.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, December 16, 1893, page 2

    THE NEW ROAD FROM SHASTA TO YREKA.--From the Yreka Union we learn that the wagon road from Shasta to Yreka is being rapidly pushed forward to completion. The road is being made twelve feet wide, of solid digging, rising on the outside six inches, with a culvert on the inside to drain the water off. The heaviest grading in this section has been completed, and the road to the river will be built with but little difficulty. From Fitch's ferry to the foot of Scott Mountain the road runs along Trinity Valley, and with the exception of two or three points in the neighborhood of Trinity Center, which will need some excavations, there will be but little grading to do. The entire cost of the road to the foot of the mountain will amount to about $10,000, and an addition of $25,000 will bring it to Callahan's Ranch.
    This road when completed will connect Sacramento with Jacksonville, Oregon, by a continuous wagon road of four hundred and sixty miles, and surmounting obstacles at times considered impregnable. The contract calls for the completion of the road to the foot of Scott Mountain by the 19th July next, but the contractor will endeavor to have it so far completed that stages may make the trip on the 4th of July, when the time consumed in traveling from San Francisco to Yreka will be but seventy-eight hours, being a saving of at least two, if not three, days, as it now occupies five and six days in the passage.
San Francisco Bulletin, May 20, 1858, page 3

    NEW ROADS.--A wagon road was opened a couple of weeks since between Shasta and Weaverville, and stages are now running regularly between the two places. The new wagon road between Shasta and Yreka is nearly finished. A wagon road has been made from Crescent City to Jacksonville, and the Christian Advocate says that stages have commenced running between the two places. A direct stage road is being made between Santa Cruz and San Jose. These are all great improvements, and will have much influence on the course of trade.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, May 22, 1858, page 1

    THE SHASTA AND YREKA WAGON ROAD.--Referring to this project, to which reference has been repeatedly made in the Union, a correspondent of the Fireman's Journal, writing from Scott River, says:
    "The road, when finished, will give a direct wagon road communication between Sacramento and Oregon of at least four hundred and sixty-five miles. The ultimate advantages to be derived from this road are incalculable, opening up, as it will, a rapid means of communication between the commercial metropolis of California and the great North, and will furnish the merchants of San Francisco a fine opportunity of visiting those sections of the country from which they derive their support. The time has been when the pictured fatigues of a trip over the mountains debarred them from visiting this portion of the state. In two months they will be enabled to make the trip from the Bay to Yreka, four hundred and twenty-five miles, in seventy-eight hours, without difficulty--the same trip consuming five days at the present time. This road will furnish a much safer mode of transporting freight for the Klamath and Salmon River country than by shipping on vessels, compelled to make passages of the most dangerous character on a coast famed for the severity of its seasons. From the foot of Scott's Mountain, on this side, to Portland, Oregon, there is an immense mining and agricultural interest, comprising Scott's, Shasta and Rogue rivers, and Umpqua and Willamette valleys. These are all very rich, and will afford an enormous amount of business for the new road."

Sacramento Daily Union,
May 24, 1858, page 1

JACKSONVILLE, O.T.--We find in the Jacksonville Sentinel, of May 29th, the following intelligence from Southern Oregon:
    "We understand that the Crescent City and Jacksonville road has become navigable for wagons. J. R. Peters arrived on Thursday evening, direct from Crescent City, with a buggy. Peters is the first man that rode through on the first buggy that came direct from Crescent City to Jacksonville. When the stage makes the first trip, the people shall hear of it."
Sacramento Daily Union, June 7, 1858, page

    Our enterprising fellow citizen, James Clugage, will next week start a tri-weekly stage line from this place to connect with the transportation train of Mr. Johnson, at Patrick's Ranch, 45 miles this side of Crescent City. Mr. Johnson has the mail contract for carrying the mail between this and Crescent City. The mail will be carried from this place in Mr. Clugage's coaches. The departure of the stage from this place will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, so as to connect with the Yreka stage.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 12, 1858, page 2

Crescent City!
AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 14th, 1858, JAMES CLUGAGE & JOHN DRUM will run a Tri Weekly Line of Stage Coaches between Jacksonville and Crescent City, leaving Jacksonville on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, and connecting with Geo. Johnson's Passenger Transportation Train at J. W. Patrick's at the foot of the Mountain, 45 miles from Crescent City, and returning on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, so as to connect with the California Stages at Jacksonville.
    PASSENGERS Booking their names at the Union Hotel or at the office of the Union Livery Stable will be furnished with Through Tickets for Crescent City, in 36 hours--arrangements having been made with Johnson's Passenger Train--and through from Yreka to Crescent City in 60 hours.
    U.S. Mail carried regularly.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 12, 1858, page 3   A "passenger train" carried its passengers on horseback.

    The military road to the north of us is progressing rapidly. The heaviest work on it is on the cañon through the Umpqua Mountain, which, when finished, will give good communication to the Umpqua and Willamette valleys. Congress has made liberal appropriation for this work. Another road is being made to the south of us, through a pass in the Siskiyou Mountains to Yreka, which makes quite an improvement on the old road. Stages run it daily. The road from Yreka to Shasta remains to be finished; when this is done there will be a good stage road from Bear River to the Columbia, about 1,500 miles, threading the great chain of valleys stretching coastwise; bounded by the Nevada and Cascade mountains on the east, and Coast Mountains on the west, and the latest news from the North indicates the extension of this great road from Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia River, to the Fraser River mines. Eighteen hundred miles of stage road stretching from Austral to Arctic climes, penetrating mountains, forced with resistless impulse over all impediments, to a completion in the short space of nine years, loudly commends the rawboned energy of the American frontiersman, but above all, illustrates the power of gold on the action of men.
"Southern Oregon Correspondence," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, June 19, 1858, page 1

    We understand that it is the intention of the stage company to travel the Applegate road. In that event, subscribers on Applegate and Williams Creek can be furnished with papers regularly.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 26, 1858, page 2

    Parties in the northern counties of California can reach this place or Crescent City by the stages in lightning time.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 3, 1858, page 2

    FROM CRESCENT CITY TO YREKA.--The stages are now running regularly through from this place to Yreka. From here to Sailor Diggings the route is run by McLellan & Co., and Mann, thence to Jacksonville by Clugage & Drum, and from Jacksonville to Yreka by the California Stage Company. Passengers can now be transported from Jacksonville to this place in thirty-six, and from Yreka in sixty hours, and this in daylight, giving them all night to sleep on the road. Quite an amount of freight is now being hauled from this place to Jacksonville and Rogue River Valley. The present price is four cents per pound. But when the road becomes more worn and smooth, and the proper kind of wagons and teams are placed on it, there is no doubt but that freight can be taken to Yreka for that price or even less, in which case it will unquestionably be [in] the interest of the merchants of that place to take their goods by this route.--Crescent City Herald.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, July 3, 1858, page 1

    The California Stage Company's coach leaves Yreka and Jacksonville an hour later than formerly. The road is in fine order, and the trip is very easily made in ten hours. "Dan" is kind and obliging to everybody, as many of our subscribers can testify.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 24, 1858, page 3

    Government is expending $30,000 on the Cañon between Jacksonville and Scottsburg. When completed, this will make a good stage road to Portland. The work is expected to be finished by October.
"Items from Jacksonville," San Francisco Bulletin, August 19, 1858, page 2

    The road from this place to Kerbyville, a distance of fifty miles, has been made, down Applegate, one of the best stage roads in the country.
"Jacksonville, O.T.," Sacramento Daily Union, August 27, 1858, page 4

    The California Stage Company have commenced running their stages between Yreka and Jacksonville. The snow has been deeper on Siskiyou Mountain this winter than ever before known.
Weekly Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, May 7, 1859, page 2

    CAPSIZE OF THE KERBYVILLE STAGE, AND MOST FORTUNATE ESCAPE OF THREE YOUNG LADIES.--As the Kerbyville stage was descending the hill coming into Jacksonville Wednesday evening, with Misses Julia and Emma Hoffman and Miss Sophia Harris, passengers, one of the lines extending to the leaders broke, leaving but one line and the stage rolling down a steep hill at a tremendous pace. At that time a person passed before the horses with a load of brush, causing the horses to leave the road; the excellent trusty driver, Mr. W. N. Ballard, spoke to the young ladies, telling them, if possible, to jump out and leave the stage. Miss Julia Hoffman and Miss Sophia Harris jumped out, landing on terra firma without serious injury, leaving little Miss Emma in the stage, where she remained until the stage capsized, and the horses broke loose, when she made her appearance from the rear part of the stage, receiving only a slight scratch on the arm, and was not the least frightened. This was a miraculous escape; Mr. Ballard's presence of mind and experience no doubt contributed to save the young ladies from injury.
    We cannot tell whether there was danger and romance enough to make a hero and heroine of the whole affair, yet it was a runaway, a capsize, a promenade and, much to the satisfaction of all parties, little or no injury.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 23, 1859, page 2

    ROAD AND TRAVEL TO THE INTERIOR.--The wagon road is now in first-rate order, although Mr. Hall has not, as yet, completed all the work to be done on it. Even at present, however, it is better than ever before, and said to be at least an hour faster than last year. The stages are running regularly three times a week, and the time occupied from Crescent City to Yreka is but sixty hours.--C. C. Herald.
San Francisco Bulletin,
July 25, 1859, page 3

Regular Passenger Train!
FROM CRESCENT CITY to all points in the interior, connecting at SAILOR DIGGINGS, in Illinois Valley, with
Travelers will find this the
and most accommodating line on the road.
                                        GEO. P. JOHNSON.
Crescent City Herald, August 3, 1859, page 1

Crescent City, Kerbyville, Jacksonville and Yreka.
    The relation that each of the towns mentioned in the above caption have to each other is of more importance to the inhabitants of the country surrounding each than many may imagine. That Crescent City is the nearest port at which goods can be landed to supply the demands of the counties of Josephine and Jackson in Oregon, and Del Norte, Klamath and Siskiyou counties in California, none will deny. The important question next to be solved is the landing of goods and the transporting [of] them to the interior. Up to the present time large quantities of goods have been landed without much difficulty. Only occasionally in case of a heavy blow have vessels been compelled to lay off or steamers continued their trips to the Columbia without landing their freight. In fact, few or no losses have been sustained at Crescent City in landing goods, and as the country improves and the quantity of goods necessary to meet the demand increases, the great necessity of a breakwater will become more manifest, and the states of California and Oregon, through their representatives in Congress, will unite and obtain an appropriation to erect a breakwater at Crescent City that will enable vessels to discharge their cargoes at all times.
    Next, as to the facilities for transporting the goods to and through the interior. It is no longer a question of doubt that the road to Crescent City is practicable. It is traveled daily with stages and the finest and heaviest of freight wagons, carrying four and five tons each. Our merchants at this place have [illegible line] Crescent City and by wagons. It is admitted that the arrival in our streets almost daily of six mule teams elegantly caparisoned, gently and handsomely rolling along a large two-story wagon freighted with four or five tons of the choices articles of merchandise is not so exciting as the arrival of a foreign mail steamer, particularly in time of war in Europe--but yet it has its excitement and interest. The price of freight is now so as to justify healthy competition and so low as to meet with no objections from the merchant and consumer. Goods have been brought for some time back from Crescent City to Jacksonville and vicinity for five cents per pound, but we have lately learned that only four cents is now paid; in fact, we understand the Messrs. Livingston, merchants of Yreka, have contracted for goods to be freighted from Crescent City to that place for five cents per pound. The entire distance, over a good wagon road, from Crescent City to Yreka, is about 175 miles, and most assuredly goods can be hauled that distance for five cents per pound.
    Can the merchants at Yreka get their goods as cheap any other way? We think not. A line of stages from Yreka to Crescent City will now carry passengers in three days from one place to the other, traveling the whole distance in the daytime, so that passengers can sleep and take their rest at night.
    As the country improves and the people of Southern Oregon and Northern California discuss their own interest, we are well satisfied that the merchants of Yreka and Jacksonville will ship their entire stock by way of Crescent City.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 13, 1859, page 2

    THE ROADS FROM CRESCENT CITY TO JACKSONVILLE AND YREKA.--The wagon road from Crescent City to Illinois Valley was completed about a year since. From C. City to the base of the mountain in Illinois Valley is fifty-two miles. Most of the distance is over mountains ranging as high as 10,000 feet above the level of the ocean. The road cost about $50,000. The month of June returned to the company about $1,200 toll fees. In our late trip we met wagons and merchandise, loaded as heavy as five and a half tons. The stage from Crescent City to Jacksonville, tri-weekly, makes some eight miles per hour. About sixty hours are consumed between Crescent City and Yreka. The distance is one hundred and sixty to two hundred miles. This road is wholly impassable a part of the winter season. Last winter the snow fell to an astonishing depth, and rendered travel impossible for several weeks. The merchants of C. City hoped to control the trade of Yreka, and much of Northern California, by opening this road. If this is gained, they must tap the road at some point that will make nearly a straight line between C. City to Scott Valley. The distance, by straight line, between Yreka and C. City is about the same as between C. City and Jacksonville. The building of this road was a bold undertaking, demanding enterprise and energy such as are scarcely found except in California.--Christian Advocate.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 19, 1859, page 1

From the Crescent City Herald, September, 1859.
    The price of passage from here to San Francisco is now permanently reduced to twenty dollars in the cabin, and ten in the steerage. This is not only reasonable in itself, but should bring travel from the interior this way. The stage fare from Yreka to Jacksonville is twelve dollars, from Jacksonville to Sailor Diggings twelve, and from the last place to this, ten dollars. Add four dollars for necessary expenses on the road, and the whole expense from Yreka here is thirty-eight dollars.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, February 24, 1894, page 1

Waldo and Vicinity.
    Here I am, safely settled in this valley, after one of the roughest rides over one of the roughest roads on the Pacific Coast--I mean the stage road from Crescent City to Waldo or Sailor Diggings, the first town on the route to Jacksonville. The quality of the road is very bad, but very good time is made over it by the stages, which run from Crescent City to Waldo, seventy miles in a day; the fare also is very cheap. As I have said before, Waldo is the first stopping place on the route, and, I might say, the headquarters of those intending to go to the mines at Allen's Gulch, Butcher's Gulch, Althouse, Sucker Creek or Illinois Valley.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 13, 1859, page 1

    STOPPED FOR THE SEASON.--The stage line between Jacksonville and Eugene City has been withdrawn for the winter. The mail service will meantime be performed on horseback. Until spring opens and the roads are good again, we cannot hope for speedy nor very regular mail conveyance between Lower and Upper Oregon.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 5, 1859, page 2

    DISCONTINUED.--The stage line between Jacksonville and Eugene City has been discontinued for the winter--also between Salem and Eugene City--owing to the bad state of the roads.
Oregon Argus, Oregon City, November 19, 1859, page 2

    Stages have been running all winter between Jacksonville and Yreka.…
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, March 6, 1860, page 2

    The contract to carry the mails between Jacksonville to Yreka, has been given to the California Stage Company, and hereafter the service will be tri-weekly by favor of the company.
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, March 8, 1860, page 3

    THE STAGE LINE TO OREGON.--The California Stage Company's affairs are conducted with wonderful energy. President Haworth is a man of immense enterprise and business talent. Right now, in the season of deepest snows in the mountains, the stages of the company run direct from Marysville to Jacksonville, Oregon. The coaches climb the summits of Mount Siskiyou and Mount Trinity. Scott Mountain is the only point upon the line where the stages do not run. Early in the summer, the road over that acclivity will be completed and the mule train will be dispensed with. That road finished, and an uninterrupted stage line, four hundred miles long, will be in constant operation. Should the mail contract be awarded the company, they will extend the line as far as to Portland, which city is seven hundred miles distant from Marysville. The spirit which prompts the stage company to so extend the area of their operations tends not only to add to their already extensive sources of revenue, but works an infinite benefit to the country. The great facilities of travel which they offer and the many new roads which they are constantly opening are doing more to develop the vast resources of the interior of this state than all other operations and enterprises of similar nature.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, April 12, 1860, page 2

    A PROPOSITION.--We are informed that James Hayworth, Esq, of California, and President of the California Stage Company, has proposed to the government to carry the mails daily in four-horse coaches, from San Francisco, via of Yreka, Jacksonville, Roseburg, and Eugene City, to Portland, in Oregon, for the compensation now received by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. We hope that he may be awarded the contract. Such an arrangement would prove of inestimable value to Oregon.--Oregon Dem.
Placer Herald,
Auburn, California, May 5, 1860, page 1

    FROM CRESCENT CITY.--The Herald says that the road company have sent out a gang of laborers to put the road in good condition. The stages of McLellan, Mann & Co. will soon be put upon the route.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1860, page 2

    TRI-WEEKLY MAIL.--Elsewhere in our columns [on page 2], it will be seen that at last the Postmaster General has smiled upon us, and that a tri-weekly mail from California to Jacksonville has been awarded. The contract is given, we are pleased to know, to the California Stage Company. Surely, the Company have well merited this official favor, for during the past two or three months they have accommodated the people of this valley with tri-weekly mail facilities between this and Yreka, from which point is furnished the daily mails from San Francisco and other chief cities of California. The Company performed this valuable service regularly, although required to carry simply a weekly mail. But Jas. Haworth, Esq., the President of the Company, is one who does nothing by halves, especially where the benefit or convenience of the public is concerned.
    We are thankful for the favor granted by the Department in this tri-weekly accommodation, but cannot refrain from expressing our regret that the same increased service was not extended northward from here. A tri-weekly mail to the Umpqua and Willamette is greatly needed, and while Mr. Holt had his generous fit on, he might have awarded this additional service. Will not Senator Lane and Mr. Stout endeavor to win him into granting this favor, or rather right, to our people? There should be a tri-weekly mail from this to Portland.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1860, page 3

    In the northern portion of the state the country is rough and mountainous, and road building difficult and costly. This fact, coupled with a failure to appreciate properly the immense advantages conferred upon a mountainous country by good roads, has caused the people of those counties to exhibit for several years past a backwardness in road making, comparatively speaking. From the first settlement of the state, to within two years past, the trails between Shasta and Yreka have been rough, steep, and generally in a bad condition, although from past statements it may be inferred that money enough has been expended on the various routes for temporary repairs to have built a first-class road of easy grade, had the entire amount been expended at one time and to accomplish a single object. The only road practicable for wagons, and a terrible rough one at that, was by Pit River, starting at Red Bluff. Even the trails, with the exception of the past two winters, have been closed by snow for several months during the winter.
    Until within the past two years the populous and flourishing town of Weaverville was without a road which could be traveled by wagons. Goods and passengers were packed to and from the town on mules in the primitive Mexican style. But recently a company has opened a road between Shasta and Weaverville, which has been improved until it is now one of the finest in the state. The entire receipts of the road have been expended in widening and smoothing it.
    From the first settlement of Yreka to 1856, all merchandise consumed in Siskiyou County was packed from Shasta over Trinity and Scott mountains, or by the Sacramento trail. Since '56 many teams have taken loads from Red Bluff on the old emigrant road, known as the Pit River road, to Yreka; but merchandise for Trinity and Scott valleys, Salmon and Scott rivers finds its natural route to be over Trinity and Scott mountains. The inhabitants of Shasta and those on the route to Yreka often agitated the building of a good wagon road over Trinity and Scott mountains, and several imperfect surveys were made, all ending in proving the impossibility of making a road over those rough and rocky mountains at any reasonable sum of money. The matter was thereupon allowed to sleep until February, 1858, when the citizens of Trinity and Scott valleys organized the Shasta and Yreka Turnpike Company. They received little encouragement from the citizens of Yreka, for they seemed content to receive their goods from Red Bluff via Pit River road, and selling them to the people of the valleys at a moderate profit. The Shasta people looked upon the new company as having undertaken a work that must prove a failure and quietly folded their arms, leaving the bulk of the stock to be taken by the farmers of Scott Valley. After many serious troubles they succeeded the first twelve months in making a good road over Trinity Mountain, and the California Stage Company immediately took off their mules and substituted horses and stage wagons, running through Trinity Valley to the foot of Scott Mountain, leaving only some twenty miles of mule travel between Shasta and Yreka, a distance of 110 miles. Following this, the county of Siskiyou was authorized, by special act of the legislature, to appropriate the state's portion of the poll tax of their county to improving roads; the Supervisors applied the money to building a road from Callahan's ranch to the summit of Scott Mountain, on the north, to intersect with the road of the Shasta and Yreka Turnpike Company. The work was put under contract immediately, and we learn from parties who have lately passed over it is already completed more than one-quarter the whole distance. We see by the Shasta Courier that the stockholders of the turnpike company, finding themselves unable to complete the work, have transferred their entire stock to James Haworth, president of the California Stage Company, in consideration of his improving the road already built and completing it to the summit of Scott Mountain. He was allowed one year from June 1st to finish it, but, with his usual energy and enterprise, has taken hold at once and promises to run his stage over the road on the 1st of September of the present year. The citizens of Trinity County are building a road from Weaverville to intersect the turnpike at Trinity Center. The road over the divide near Yreka is also being improved; and when Haworth has his road finished over Scott Mountain, the valleys of Trinity and Scott will take a start in developing their mining and agricultural resources, which have been retarded while they have been surrounded by almost impassable mountains.
    The vigor with which the California Stage Company has pushed its business in the northern counties may be realized from the following facts: In July, 1856, they opened the road from Red Bluff to Yreka, and run it with stages until September, 1856, when they were driven off by the Pit River and Hat Creek Indians. While they run the road they took passengers through from Sacramento to Yreka in three days, though it required three days for passengers to go through from Shasta to Yreka, by the regular trail. This route, however, as well as the Sacramento trail, from Shasta, independent of the Indians (who have been lately removed), does not seem to be a natural one for travel. The country furnishes no inducement for the miner or farmer to settle it up. It is barren and rocky, and the soil is strongly impregnated with alkali. Lately parties in Shasta Valley have commenced a road over the Sacramento trail which may ultimately be completed, but when finished does not promise to pay a large dividend, as it can command no way business.
    From the foregoing statements, which are obtained from a reliable source, it appears that a good stage road will be completed by the first of next September, from Shasta to Yreka, and of course will connect Oregon and California by lines of stage coaches running regularly between Sacramento and Portland. The California Stage Company is now running its coaches from Yreka to Jacksonville, in Oregon, sixty-one miles, and from that point to Canyonville, sixty-five miles farther, or one hundred and twenty-six miles north of Yreka. From Canyonville to Portland it is about three hundred miles, and from Sacramento to Portland seven hundred miles. The Company, therefore, is now running its stages, with the exception of about twenty miles over Scott Mountain, four hundred miles north from this city.
Sacramento Daily Union, May 22, 1860, page 2

    STAGES.--The first stage for Sailor Diggings and Jacksonville left Crescent City on Monday morning last, and the first from those places will be in this evening. From this time passengers will find them running regularly every other day.--Crescent City Herald.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, June 23, 1860, page 1

    NEW STAGE LINE.--Messrs. Daken & Cunningham have extended their line of tri-weekly stages to Kerbyville, where they connect with the Crescent City line. The trip to Kerbyville is made in fine style, in one day; to Crescent City in two days. They make stoppages at Applegate, Williamsburg, Slate Creek, and one or two smaller points. Passengers and express matter carried at low rates. Look at their advertisement.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 30, 1860, page 2

    The Stages to and from Yreka, Crescent City, Kerbyville, and Northern Oregon all arrive at and depart from the Union Hotel.
Jacksonville, November 5, 1859.
Union Hotel advertisement, Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 11, 1860, page 4

    SHASTA AND YREKA ROAD.--The road over Scotts Mountain will be completed and stages running by the 15th Sept. Mr. Haworth has gone north for the purpose of stocking the road between Jacksonville and Portland, Oregon. That done, and daily stages will traverse the route between Sacramento and the Columbia River. The line will be an important one to the people of Oregon, furnishing them with a daily instead of semi-monthly mail, as at present.
"The State," Hydraulic Press, North San Juan, California, August 11, 1860, page 2

    SACRAMENTO AND PORTLAND DAILY MAIL.--The California Stage company have already started with the required number of horses, wagons, drivers, hostlers and blacksmiths, for Jacksonville, for the purpose of putting the line in running order from that point to Portland.
    It is believed that, by the first of October, the California Stage Company will be carrying a daily mail between Sacramento and Portland. This will then be the longest stage route in the United States, with the exception of the overland stage route.
Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, August 11, 1860, page 2

    THE OREGON STAGE LINE.--Since Mr. Haworth, President of the California Stage Company, first learned that he had been awarded the contract for carrying a daily mail from Sacramento to Portland, Oregon, he has been energetically preparing to stock the road for a line of daily stages. He has just returned from San Francisco, where he has been purchasing coaches, harness, &c., for the upper end of the route, which were sent by steamer to Portland. Thirteen four-horse coaches have been started from this city within two days past, with sufficient stock to run between Jacksonville and Portland. The horses were of the lot lately brought across the plains, and bought for the Company by Wash Montgomery. They are as fine animals as any in the state. The route from here to Yreka is of course already stocked. The whole number of horses needed on the route is 250, and about thirty coaches. The distance from Sacramento to Portland is 750 miles--making this the longest stage route, except the overland, in the United States. It will be open for travel by the 10th of September, when tickets will be sold for through passage. The people of Oregon will now have what they have so long needed--a daily mail connection with all parts of California. The California Stage Company deserve to be the party entrusted with this great enterprise; and the public must regret that Congress did not long ago accept its offer to convey a daily mail across the continent. There is not the least reason to doubt that, for $1,000,000, Mr. Haworth would have taken it as swiftly, safely and regularly as he will carry a mail about half the distance from Sacramento to Oregon. But the government always lags behind the enterprise of its citizens, and we will have to "wait a little longer" for the daily mail to St. Louis.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, August 15, 1860, page 2

The Southern Oregon Mail Route.
    Time and again during the last few years has the subject of improvement of the mail facilities between Central and Northern California and Oregon been earnestly urged upon our columns. The word "improvement" is, however, scarcely appropriate in this connection, inasmuch as there have been virtually no facilities whatever until very recently in the upper counties of this state, or in that portion of Oregon bordering on the forty-second parallel. The mails for Portland from our remote northern counties must necessarily be carried either to San Francisco or to Humboldt Bay and Crescent City, and thence from the latter two places by any chance vessel which might touch at those ports. The counties of Siskiyou, Klamath and Del Norte, particularly, have suffered severely for want of some regular, speedy and safe mode of conveyance for way mails, or those destined to other states. Some two or three years ago, while dwelling in the almost inaccessible fastnesses of the Upper Klamath region, the arrival occasionally of the expressman with a few letters and fewer papers was hailed with delight, and the man was deemed exceedingly fortunate who could get either through from Sacramento or San Francisco in a month. Subsequently James Haworth, Esq., who--since the death of the lamented Jim Birch, a victim of the Central America disaster--may justly be termed the Stage King of California, visited this section of the state. Through his exertions and representations, directly and indirectly, to Congress, that body at last came to the sage conclusion that overland mail communication between California and Oregon was an "irrepressible" necessity. Accordingly, to the California Stage company, of which Mr. Haworth is president, was awarded a contract for the carrying of a daily mail from Sacramento to Portland.
    Although the news of the award did not reach the company until the first instant [August 1st], so energetic have been their agents that the road between Jacksonville and Portland will be fully stocked and in running condition by the middle of September. It is proper to remind our readers, in this connection, that the stage company has, for some time past, been running regularly to Jacksonville, and making wonderfully quick time, too, over the roughest route to be found within the borders of these states. Thus, through the indomitable enterprise of a few public-spirited citizens, and a lavish expenditure of money, the federal government has at last been forced to award this contract, which will be carried out as thoroughly and completely as if the route extended to Marysville, instead of to the chief city of our neighboring state--a distance, we believe, of eight hundred miles from Sacramento, its lower terminus.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, August 18, 1860, page 1

    THE NEW MAIL ROUTE.--Speaking of the opening of a daily mail route through to Portland, the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 18th says:
    "The road being constructed over Scott Mountain under the superintendence of Mr. Carr, for the California Stage Company, is rapidly progressing, and when finished, will be the very best and safest mountain road in California. One hundred men are at work upon it, and stages will most likely run over it by the 15th proximo. This will enable passengers to ride in coaches or wagons from Portland to Sacramento without trouble. We passed over five or six miles of the road last week, on our road home from below, and the grade was so gentle that we found no difficulty in cantering the mule all the way up the mountainside. A new road is being made over the big divide between Yreka and Scotts Valley, under charge of Mr. John Andrews, of the California Stage Company, which will be soon completed. It will obviate the unpleasant ride at present made over the mountain, and is a much safer way and easier grade than the road now traveled. In due time, a stage ride from this place to Sacramento will be little more than a pleasure trip."
Daily National Democrat, Marysville, California, August 26, 1860, page 3

    The great overland route will be in operation in about two weeks. We mean the Sacramento and Portland stage line. A few days ago eighty horses and half a dozen coaches passed up, with which the route between Jacksonville and the Columbia will be equipped. It is an expensive and venturesome enterprise, and one which we hope the people of Oregon will feel it their duty to support. Five years ago we made the trip from the Cascades to the Trinity, and then we could not have been easily persuaded that stages would be traversing the route in five years. The Calapooia Range, Grave Creek Hills, Siskiyou and Scott mountains interposed serious obstacles to such an enterprise, all of which have been overcome in five years. We heard residents of that state detail the particulars of the trip of the first emigration of fifty wagons which left Oregon City for California in 1848, on the first announcement of the gold discoveries here. Then the journey occupied nearly two months; soon it will be made in comfortable coaches in less than week.
"A Little of Everything," Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, September 1, 1860, page 3

Later from Southern Oregon.
    From the Jacksonville Sentinel of the 1st inst. we condense the following interesting items:
    THE OVERLAND MAIL.--The Sentinel rejoices that Southern Oregon is already enjoying the blessing of a daily mail from Sacramento. The advent of the California Stage Co.'s stages, wagons and horses into Jacksonville was an occasion of no ordinary interest. On Sunday morning last, about ten o'clock, in the long procession came--ten four-horse teams, dragging the vehicles to be used upon the route. The whole town turned out to witness the glad view, to greet this practical evidence of the dispatch which the company had used in preparing for the contracted service. Mr. Wash. Montgomery, one of the company, came in charge of this array of stages, wagons and horses. During the day the party camped in Clugage's pasture, and early Monday morning resumed the journey down through the country towards Eugene City, up to which point the road is being stocked by Geo. Thomas, another of the company. Wagons and teams will be left at the stations as they proceed, and as fast as the road is stocked it will be run.
    The daily line commenced running between Jacksonville and Yreka on the 28th, and between the former place and Canyonville on Thursday last and the Sentinel adds:
    "In another week we shall have it from Eugene City, then from Corvallis, Albany, Salem, and Portland, and in a little time more, al the way from the northern terminus, Olympia, W.T. But when the first stage through from Portland shall arrive, we repeat what we suggested some little time ago, that our citizens burn a bit of powder to celebrate the event. Surely the occasion is a worthy one, and to show that we appreciate it is no more than can be expected. Get the anvil artillery in readiness. Pass around the paper to purchase powder."
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 7, 1860, page 1

    OVERLAND MAIL.--The California Stage Company's coaches are now running as far north as Eugene City, and by the 15th of this month will run through to Portland. The stages arrive and depart from this place every morning and evening, for Yreka (thence to Sacramento) and Canyonville (thence to Portland) with regularity. This is a great improvement on our tri-weekly communication with the former place, and weekly communication with the latter. We can now begin to realize the advantages of a daily overland mail.--Jacksonville Sentinel.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 17, 1860, page 1

    SOUTHERN OREGON.--By the daily overland mail between Jacksonville and Sacramento, we are in receipt of the Jacksonville Sentinel. Its columns are entirely devoted to politics.
Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 21, 1860, page 1

    The first through passengers from Oregon came down on the stage Wednesday morning. Yesterday morning our Oregon exchanges came to hand by mail from the north. 
"From Oregon," Red Bluff Independent, September 21, 1860, page 2

Further Mail Facilities.
    The Crescent City Herald  calls attention to further mail facilities which are now required by the people of that vicinity, and those upon the route between Crescent City and Jacksonville. Since the extension of the overland mail line through to Olympia the ocean steamers carry no mails, and those living along the coast are made dependent upon interior communication with the overland line for all mail matter directed to them. This is undoubtedly a great hardship and injustice, for which a remedy should be granted at the earliest practicable day. The Herald publishes a petition to government which covers the case so far as the route between that point and this is concerned, but complete accommodations should be given to all interested. A daily, or at least a tri-weekly, mail is wanted and ought to be established from Jacksonville to Crescent City, via Williamsburg, Kerbyville, and Waldo, with branches to Althouse and other considerable mining camps. A semi-weekly or weekly mail is needed equally between Jacksonville and Scottsburg, and other points on or near the coast in Coos, Curry and Umpqua counties, with branch routes extending between the principal towns in each of these counties. The service over most of the routes mentioned could be adequately performed on horseback, but from this to Crescent City, it should be by stages or wagons. Our merchants, as well as all others engaged in trade in this and Josephine counties, receive almost, if not all, their goods by way of Crescent City. It is therefore essential to them that frequent communication with that port be afforded. At present, there is only a weekly mail, and those on the coast must, under the new arrangement, await their correspondence by overland service from San Francisco. This will sometimes occasion a delay to them of nearly a fortnight in the transmission of letters, when really the time of carriage ought never to exceed seven days. It is plain that a remedy against this provoking order of things should be had speedily. The matter rests with the Senators and Representatives of California and Oregon, in a great measure, for if the subject is properly presented to the notice of the Postmaster General and to Congress, it is quite impossible to conceive that the required service will be longer withheld. The attention of our representative agents at Washington is called to the matter.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1860, page 2

    ENDURANCE.--It takes a tough, hardy man to make a stage driver, we are convinced. The route between this and Canyonville is driven daily, there and back, by two men, each making the full journey. The distance is about 70 miles, over not very smooth roads, with the Big Cañon included. Since the late rains, the stages do not reach here until nearly eleven o'clock at night. The driver must start on his return trip at twelve, midnight, leaving only about an hour for rest and sleep. At the other end of the route, but five to six hours for rest are allowed. How men manage to perform this sort of fatigue and labor is incomprehensible, particularly during the inclement season of the year. Truly, stage drivers are, in powers of endurance, tough customers.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1860, page 3

    AN UPSET.--On Tuesday evening last, as the California stage came within sight of town, the horses became frightened at a drove of hogs, broke from the road down the hillside, and brought the wheel of the stage against a stump, overturning it and throwing his wheel horses. The leaders tore themselves away and came in at full speed, scattering a crowd who rushed forth to catch them, but were finally secured. There were five passengers in the stage at the time, but none received other injuries than slight bruises and cuts. The driver, Bell, was lamed and bruised, but not sufficient to prevent him from making his return trip next day. No blame is attached to Bell, as it was an accident that might happen with the most careful of drivers.--Jacksonville Sentinel, October 12th.
Sacramento Daily Union, October 16, 1861, page 3

    Louis Tucker, a stage driver on the route between Jacksonville and Yreka, was seriously injured at Phoenix on the 7th inst. He had dismounted from the box to unload some baggage when the horses started to run. In attempting to get hold of the horses, he was thrown under the stage, breaking his left thigh.
'Domestic Items,' Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 13, 1863, page 3

    The Jacksonville Sentinel says that a stage driver named George Barnum has been arrested on charge of robbing the mails.
Washington Standard, Olympia, July 25, 1863, page 4

    BULLY FOR BELL.--Last Tuesday, while James Bell, one of the best "whips" in the employ of the California stage company, while on his way from Jacksonville, Oregon, to this city, he met the stage bound north near Siskiyou Mountain, on board of which was Postal Agent Baker, who demanded of Bell the mail bags, desiring to overhaul them. Bell refused. The agent told Bell who he was, and offered to show his papers. "Can't help it, may be all right," replied Bell, but as Artemus Ward says, "if you were J.C. or Abraham Lincoln, you could not handle any mail bags in my charge." "All right," replied the agent, "drive on." "Jim" says he didn't know whether the postal agent was trying to "sell" him or not; one thing he is certain of, that he did right in refusing his request.--Yreka Union.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 8, 1863, page 2

    David Winfield, a teamster on the Crescent City and Jacksonville road, was, a few days ago, run over and seriously injured. The accident occurred by the breaking of the "brake" to the wagon.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, November 9, 1863, page 3

    SNOW IN THE SISKIYOU.--On Monday morning last, snow commenced falling fast in the Siskiyou Mountains, on the line of the stage road between this place and Yreka, and by twelve o'clock of that night four or five feet of snow lay upon the road. As a consequence, the stage due here from Yreka on Tuesday evening did not arrive until the following night. Mr. Louis Tucker, the driver, tells us that he was eleven hours struggling through the snow on the mountain. Mr. John Anderson, the energetic stage agent, has put an extra driver and teams on the route, and it is not probable that the stages will again fail to connect at this place this winter. Tucker drives to Cole's Mountain House and back each day, while Bell and King drive to and from Cole's and Yreka.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 12, 1863, page 2

    Wm. Goff, the hostler who has been attending for the California Stage Company, at Rock Point, for some time past, was kicked by a horse one day last week, and his under jaw horribly mangled.--Sentinel, July 16th.
"Domestic Items," Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 18, 1864, page 3

    CASUALTY.--The Jacksonville (Oregon) Sentinel relates the following:
    "Wm. Goff, the hostler who has been attending for the California Stage Company at Rock Point for some time past, was kicked by a horse one day last week, and his under jaw horribly mangled. On Wednesday he was brought to this place. On the night of his arrival, he by some means got hold of a bottle of laudanum, and drank so large a dose that he died from its effects."
Daily Bee, Sacramento, July 22, 1864, page 4

    The California Stage Company have reduced the fare from Portland to Sacramento to 50. They before charged $60.
"State and Coast Items," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, August 21, 1865, page 3

    It is stated that the postal agent of California has arranged with the California Stage Company to carry the daily mail between Sacramento and Portland until the Department makes other arrangements. The company receive $1,250 per day for the service.
"State and Coast Items," State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, August 28, 1865, page 3

    WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS.--We are under many obligations to the above named company for carrying our exchanges, the stage drivers driving from this place for their politeness in carrying our papers to subscribers on their routes. We have always found them ready and willing to oblige, ofttimes seriously inconveniencing themselves for the accommodation of others.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 1, 1865, page 2

    QUESTIONABLE POLICY.--The California Stage Company seem to be using every possible means for a reduction of their expenses. Last winter the wages of drivers were cut down from seventy-five to sixty-five dollars per month. This winter the Company have reduced the salaries of their office agents, in some instances, to about one-half the former rates. Heretofore, drivers have been allowed to carry small "way packages"--collect what they chose and put it in their own pockets, as a perquisite with which to furnish themselves with gloves, whips, or other necessary articles. This is now stopped, and the carrying of anything not on the "waybill" positively forbidden. The Company have an undoubted right to make and enforce such regulations as they choose; but we doubt the policy of reducing driver's wages to starvation rates. It is a matter of importance to the traveling public that drivers should be steady, skillful and reliable men; and the only way to secure that kind of service is to pay a living price for it. We doubt whether there is any class of men among us who endure the hardships inseparable from stage driving, and who, at the same time, assume so much responsibility for so small a requitance. But a month or two since, a careless driver upset the stage in Shasta County, and the consequence was that the stage company paid a little bill of $8,000 to save themselves from a damaging lawsuit. Plenty of just such drivers can be had at the same wages, or, perhaps, at less rates; but the bills for broken bones would probably increase in an inverse ratio, and the axiom proved "that the best is always the cheapest."
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 23, 1867, page 2

    SURGICAL OPERATION.--Mr. Hymen Abraham, of Canyonville, who had his leg so badly broken by the upsetting of the stage on the 10th inst., submitted to amputation on Thursday morning. Dr. Grube of this place had been telegraphed for, who, after making thorough provision, took the injured limb off just below the calf. He was assisted by Dr. Ralston, of Oakland. Mr. Abraham's friends are sanguine as to his recovery, but a heavy suit for damages is spoken of. From what we can learn, it is probable that the stage co. will compromise the matter in a very liberal way, as they invariably have done, and save the annoyance and expense of a suit.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 22, 1868, page 3

    ACCIDENT.--Daniel Cawley, well known all along the stage route as a gentlemanly and accommodating driver, met with a serious mishap last Monday morning, while driving his coach from Casey's Station to Yreka. Going through the canyon between Byron Cole's and Rufus Cole's he had to drive over an old bridge, which he feared was insecure. Allowing his passengers to alight, he drove on the old bridge which went down with a crash just as his leaders cleared it. The lead bars broke off and the wheel horses fell into the chasm, upsetting the stage. Cawley got an ankle jammed so badly that it is feared he may lose the leg, though we hope otherwise. One of the wheel horses was killed and the other completely ruined. The injured man lies at Rufus Cole's, where he is receiving the best of care from his wife, who had just returned from the East a few days before. Everything is provided for his comfort and Dr. Ream, of Yreka, is his surgical adviser. We hope to see him speedily restored to health.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 25, 1870, page 3

New Line of Stages.
    It is rumored that Ben Holladay designs putting on a line of six-horse stages between the terminus of the railroad in California and Oregon, so as to transport passengers from Portland to San Francisco in four days. One of the stages has already arrived. This is good news, for the Oregon and California Stage Co. has of late years become one of the meanest of mean monopolies. The same rates of fare are charged now that were charged in 1859-60, when the line was first put on, and when provender was fifty percent higher than it is now. Fare from San Francisco to Portland is $45, while $40 is charged from this place to Sacramento or Portland; at the same time the wages of employees are ground down to the lowest possible figure, and the best drivers have in consequence been driven from their boxes. The coaches heretofore in use seem to have been invented with special reference to the greatest possible amount of inconvenience to be obtained, and are a triumph of ingenuity in this respect. The comfort of passengers has been totally disregarded, their baggage limited to a mere trifle, and exorbitant charges made for any extra weight. In short, the whole system is a nuisance and an outrage. If the new arrangement will result in a reduction of fare to something like a reasonable figure instead of the swindle is vague at present; if it will promote the comfort of passengers and facilitate the travel, we shall hail the emancipation of the traveling public from the thralldom it endures now. But if it is intended to assist the present company in keeping up the prices of travel and freight, we shall regret the introduction of a new breed of locusts, who perhaps will be a thousand times more ravenous than those who are already gorged with prey.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1871, page 2

    STAGE TIMETABLE.--Last week we chronicled the fact that the stages made close connections here every day at 7 o'clock p.m. This week "we take it all back"; the stages have gone to changing time again; a performance, by the way, to which they have been constantly treating the traveling public for the past six months. We are happy to announce, however, that we have made arrangement whereby we are enabled to place before the public a correct time schedule, to which, we are assured by competent authority, the stages will hereafter run till further notice.
O. & C. Co.'s stages arrive daily from 1 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
O. & C. Co.'s stages depart daily from 1 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
O. & C. Co.'s stages arrive daily from 1 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
O. & C. Co.'s stages depart daily from 1 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
    We hope the above timetable will be of some slight assistance in guiding the weary traveler on his way. Any further change will be duly noticed.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1871, page 3  Long experience has taught me that 21st-century readers are unable to recognize humor in 19th-century newspapers. This is a joke.

    CHANGING TIME.--We are informed that the enterprising monopoly, commonly known as the O.&C. Stage Co., have gone back on their fast time--so called. Hereafter stages will lay over in Jacksonville every night. The stage time has changed so often lately that everybody has got bewildered, and the stages have to lay over in order to have the time come round, as the inebriated cuss swung onto the doorknob waiting for his bed to "swing round the circle." There's enterprise in this new management--you bet there is. The closer the railroad approaches the longer it will take you to reach it by stage. See it?
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1871, page 3

    STAGE OFFICE.--The stage office has been changed from the post office to the U.S. Hotel. Mr. Louis Horne has been appointed stage agent, and will attend to the business.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 4, 1871, page 3

    STAGE STABLE BURNED.--The Oregon and California Stage Company's stable at Cottonwood, Shasta County, California, was burned to the ground last Sunday, in which twelve horses and harnesses were consumed, together with a large amount of hay and grain. Loss not learned, but heavy.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 8, 1872, page 3

    Messrs. Sanderson and Hooker, two proprietors of the O.&C. Stage Company, and W. S. Stone, the new superintendent, were in Yreka last week, and have effected new arrangements for winter. From Redding to Roseburg, stages leave the railroad at 6 o'clock a.m., after breakfast; arrive at Sacramento Ferry for dinner, leaving at 4 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Castle Rock for breakfast, leaving at 2 o'clock a.m.; arrive at Yreka for supper, leaving at 4 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Casey's for breakfast, leaving at four o'clock a.m.; arrive at Grants Pass for supper, leaving at 4 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Canyonville for breakfast, leaving at 6 o'clock a.m.; arrive at the railroad at Roseburg on the fourth day, at two o'clock p.m. Leaving Roseburg for the south, stages leave after breakfast at six o'clock a.m.; arrive at Canyonville for dinner, and leave at 2 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Grants Pass for breakfast, leaving at 2 o'clock a.m.; arrive at Casey's for dinner, leaving at 4 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Yreka for breakfast, leaving at 6 o'clock a.m.; arrive at Castle Rock for supper, leaving at 8 o'clock p.m.; arrive at Sacramento Ferry for breakfast, leaving at 6 o'clock a.m.; arrive at the railroad at Redding at 4 o'clock p.m. on the fourth day. Mr. Stone intends keeping up this time during the winter, if the roads will permit. Division agents are required to have the stock ready when the stage is due, be it day or night. Drivers are not allowed to run ahead of time, but are required to be as regular as possible. Half an hour is allowed at home stations and ten minutes at swing stations.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 18, 1873, page 3

    The O. & C. Stage Co. will commence running on summer time on the 1st of May, making the trip from railroad to railroad in 52 hours.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1874, page 3

    STAGE STOPPED.--About the first attempt ever made to rob the stage between this place and Yreka was attempted one night this week. Rubbish had on other occasions been placed on the road between Barron and Rufus Cole's, and had been removed by the driver without molestation. Last Monday night, however, the rubbish again obstructed the road, and when Assistant Superintendent Raymond, who was a passenger, went out to remove it, some person in the brush called to the driver, Mathews, to throw out the express box. Milo politely informed the fellow to "go to h--l," and left the scene at a lively gait. Nothing more has been seen or heard of the would-be stage robber.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1874, page 3

    IN BAD LUCK.--The robber who attempted to make a raid on the Oregon stage, which we mentioned last week, was a man who worked a short time for Rufus Cole, and after being discharged took a gun of Cole's with him. He had been waiting a number of trips, says the Yreka Journal, hoping to see no one but the driver aboard, being afraid to board the stage all alone, with two or three passengers besides the driver to resist him. On the other trip when he blocked the road, Col. Stone and the company's blacksmith were on board, and the last time he thought he could scare the assistant superintendent of W.F. & Co., the only passenger with the driver, to throw out the express box, and skedaddle in a hurry, but neither the superintendent nor driver would scare worth a cent. As soon as the Coles heard of it, they knew the customer, and with officers watched for the scoundrel about the time the stage was expected, but the rascal, finding he was wanted, made tracks for some safer region of the country, probably Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1874, page 3

    REDUCTION OF FARE.--An important reduction has lately been made by the Oregon and California Stage Company. The fare from Portland to San Francisco has been reduced from $50 to $40, and the local rates from 15 to 10 cents a mile. The fare from Roseburg to Redding is $27.50, instead of $41.50; from Jacksonville to Roseburg $9.80, instead of $14.75; from this place to Redding $17.60, instead of $26.50. This is no doubt done to catch a good deal of travel that goes by ocean instead of overland. The reduction cannot but be acceptable to the traveling public.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1874, page 3

     Ben Holladay and wife, formerly Miss Esther Campbell, passed through town the other night in their own conveyance, but drawn by the stage company's horses. Consequence--stage late, no mails and everybody disgusted, as usual.
"Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 27, 1874, page 3

    CHANGE.--C. W. Savage now holds forth at the Eagle Sample Rooms, vice M. J. Spaulding [now] drives the stage between Rock Point and Simpkins'.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, November 27, 1874, page 3

    FATAL ACCIDENT.--Louis Tucker, route agent of the O. & C. Stage Co., yesterday received a telegram stating that the stage had upset that morning near Myrtle Creek, killing the driver, Asher F. Wall, formerly of this place. No further particulars at present.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 18, 1874, page 3

    THE MAILS.--Stages arrive several hours behind time at present. So much rain and snow has fallen in Northern California that the streams have raised so as to render crossing often impossible. The railroad has also been washed away in various places, which renders the mail very irregular.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1875, page 3

    We learn that the California & Oregon Stage Co. have received a renewal of contract to carry the daily mail between Redding and Roseburg.
    The Oregon & California stage line will commence running on summer schedule time on the 1st of May, making the trip from railroad to railroad in 52 hours.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 9, 1875, page 3

    James Lynch, an old stage driver, is now confined in the county hospital with dropsy. He is in a critical condition.
    The mails delayed by the breaking of the Union Pacific railroad by floods in Utah are now coming along, and the stages are heavily loaded in consequence.
    We learn that the stage company will not commence running on summer time for a week or ten days yet, as the roads in some portions of this state are rather rough.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 30, 1875, page 3

    FAST TIME.--The C.&O. Stage Co. will commence on fast time tomorrow, 15th inst. The stages leave Roseburg half an hour earlier than last year, and make an hour and a half faster time on the trip from Roseburg to Redding, so as to reach the cars before their new time for starting.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 14, 1875, page 3

    CHANGE OF TIME.--The stage company has revised its schedule, and summer time will be made thereafter. The stages will arrive in Jacksonville from the south at 8:30 a.m., and from the north at 2:30 p.m. The stage going north will stop here for breakfast, while the other will remain long enough to change mails.

Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 4, 1875, page 3

    OATS CONTRACTS.--Through the courtesy of Max Muller, stage agent at this place, we are enabled to give the names of those who secured the contracts for oats, advertised by the O. & C. Stage Company, and also the prices, to wit:
    Jacksonville Station--Alex. Martin; 1,500 bushels, at 23½ cents per bushel.
    Casey's--Alex. Martin; 2,500 bushels, at 29 cents a bushel.
    Cole's--Alex. Martin and P. Donegan; 2,000 bushels, at 38 cents a bushel.
    Grave Creek--Jacob Ish and John E. Ross; 3,000 bushels, at 39 cents a bushel.
    Those at Ammerman's, Rock Point and Grants Pass are let by the month to the proprietors of the stations.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 20, 1875, page 3

    The late rains have made the stages very irregular again.
    The Josephine stage did not arrive Wednesday evening, as usual, owing to high water.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1875, page 3

    STAGES.--The first stage from the north since Monday arrived yesterday, having been detained by the high waters of the various streams, Cow Creek especially. No stage from the south has arrived since Tuesday.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1875, page 3

ON AND AFTER the fifteenth day of January 1876, the rates of fare charged by the Oregon and California Stage Company will be 15 cents per mile.
W. S. STONE, Superintendent.
MAX MULLER, Agent, Jacksonville.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 14, 1876, page 3

    He who in winter or early spring would undertake a stage ride to Southern Oregon, or through to California, must be sure that he possesses ample patience, and a fair share of physical endurance. With both these qualities he may make the trip once, but only some urgent necessity would cause him to repeat the journey.
    At 6 p.m., April 13, we got in the stage for Jacksonville, one hundred miles south of Roseburg. The fare is fifteen cents a mile, and only forty pounds of baggage allowed, all above that weight being charged twenty cents a pound for each one hundred miles it is carried. There are two hundred and seventy-five miles of staging connecting Roseburg with a railroad at Redding, California. During the summer the running time between the two points is fifty-one hours, but during the winter it is get through when you can, and eight or ten days are not infrequently consumed in the trip. It is reported that during the past winter each passenger, after paying his fare, was obliged to sign an agreement to walk all the way and to carry a rail, if necessary, so as to help pry the stage out of the mud whenever it stuck fast. When we asked the agent for this agreement, expressing ourselves quite willing to sign it, we were told that the roads had so improved that carrying a rail could be dispensed with, but as for the walking there would be plenty of it.
    Our entire load was probably less than six hundred pounds, and yet with six good horses we were not able to make over three miles an hour including the necessary time spent in changing horses.

    We got out of the canon about dark, and four miles further on took supper, changed horses for the third time and fixed for a night in the stage, over the worst part of the road along the whole route. We wrapped our blankets around us, piled up all the straw in the stage between a trunk and one of the seats, and sat down so as to be closely wedged in. But even that long, rainy and dark night had three events to relieve its monotony. Once when the even depth of the mud had so checked the bumping of the stage that we began to sleep, the driver called us out to walk over a piece of road so bad that the team must be relieved of our 145 pounds before the attempt could be made. The team got through at last, and so did we, but just how we are not able to tell.
Erastus Test, "Letter from Oregon," Richmond Telegram, Richmond, Indiana, June 9, 1876, page 1

    STAGE ACCIDENT.--The stage going south was capsized last Monday near Tolman's tannery, three or four miles south of Ashland. We learn that at that place the stage met a wagon and in passing the horses became frightened and shied, pulling the wheels of the stage over a brace supporting a telegraph pole, which caused it to upset. Although there were several passengers, no one was hurt except the driver, Louis B. Tucker, who was badly bruised up, but not severely injured. The tongue was broken and the stage otherwise injured.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1876, page 3

    Our friend, Louis Tucker, met with another accident last evening. When near Judge Tolman's his team became frightened at a wagon near the road and ran the stage against a telegraph post, capsizing it, and throwing Louis to the ground with such force as to render him insensible for the time being. The stage was slightly damaged by the collision.
"Ashland Items," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 30, 1876, page 3

    Stage robberies, which were unknown for years in this section, are becoming frequent now. A short time ago the stage was stopped near Cottonwood, Cal.; and last Thursday evening it was again halted by two men on the Siskiyou Mountains, while on its way to Yreka, and the express box and mails taken. Milo Mathews, the driver, observed the men just ahead of him, while slowly ascending the mountain, but supposed they were tramps. On nearing the summit they got off on the side of the road and, as the stage came up, halted it and demanded the express box and mail sacks of the driver. Milo attempted to parley with them, but they gave him to understand that they mean business by threatening to shoot him. There being no chance of resistance, he accordingly forked over and passed on. At Cottonwood the authorities of Siskiyou were telegraphed to, but took no action in the premises. When the news got here the next morning, Sheriff Manning and Marshal McDaniel started immediately for the scene; but, after a careful search, could find no clue of the whereabouts of the robbers. Tracks were found, but could not be traced any distance. Deputy Sheriff Coates and Deputy U.S. Marshals W. A. Owen and N. Langell resumed the pursuit on Sunday, but discovered nothing further except the supposition that the robbers got into the road again a distance from where the robbery was committed. Officers are yet on the track, and a vigorous search will be prosecuted. Postal Agent Underwood, who is here assisting in working up the case, has received a telegram from Washington, in which the Postmaster General authorizes a reward of $200 each for the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrators of the robbery, which, in connection with the standing reward of $300 each offered by Wells, Fargo & Co., makes the amount $500 for each.
    The robbers made a very good haul. Mr. Underwood estimates that they got about $7,000 in all. The express box contained only $45, but a large quantity of gold dust, amounting to about $5,000, had been sent by registered letters from Kerbyville and Waldo, which they captured, together with some greenbacks and gold notes. The fellows seemed to have some idea that the gold dust was aboard, as they desisted from cutting the sacks when they had secured it. The only passengers were four ladies, and they were not molested.
    The driver, on returning the next morning, found the six sacks and express box lying in the road, and brought them back to this place. Four of the sacks had been cut open with a sharp knife, and their contents strewn along the road. The box was broken open and everything taken from it.
    Various conjectures are made as to the whereabouts of the culprits. Some seem to think that they have made their way to the Coast; others believe they have escaped by way of Lake County, while there are still others who surmise they are yet secreted in the mountains. Of course it is yet impossible to tell which is correct. However, the chances are considerably in favor of the thieves. We trust that they may be speedily captured and the property recovered.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1876, page 3

    The C. & O. Stage Co. has changed to winter time, arriving here from Redding at 2:15 in the afternoon, and leaving for Redding at 6 a.m.; also arriving from Oregon at 4:30 a.m.. and leaving for Oregon at 2:45 in the afternoon.
"Yreka Notes," Ashland Tidings, November 11, 1876, page 3

    STAGE RUNAWAY.--On Sunday night, as the stage was descending the Siskiyou Mountains, the brake failed to hold the wagon and the horses, becoming unmanageable, ran away in spite of the best efforts of Joe Goodwin, the driver. One animal was killed and the stage badly demoralized. Luckily no one was aboard. The driver escaped unhurt.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1877, page 3

    Ed. Caton has taken charge of the Jacksonville stage station.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1877, page 3

    REDUCTIONS MADE.--In anticipation of its contract expiring next year, we learn that the Oregon and California Stage Company has been making changes and reductions in various matters connected with its business. All six-horse stock has been hauled off excepting between Cole's station and the Mountain House and running out of Roseburg. The drivers' wages have all been cut down from $5 to $10 a month each, besides which other reductions with a view to lightening expenses have been made. The company does not seem to entertain any hopes of getting the next mail contract at a price that will justify them.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1877, page 3

    The O.&C. Stage Company has removed its station from Casey's to the Mountain House, kept by James Tyler, a short distance further south. The change took place Saturday.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1877, page 3

    STAGE UPSET.--As the stage was coming this way from California Sunday morning last, it upset on the first pitch north of the toll gate. Although a large number of passengers were aboard none were hurt, except one man who had his finger badly bruised, and no damage was done except the breaking of a lantern. We learn that the cause of the accident was owing to there being too much of a load on top.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 27, 1876, page 3

    The Clerk was ordered to notify the supervisor of Road District No. 10 to procure lumber and put new flooring on the bridge across Galls Creek, where the stage crosses the same.
"County Commissioners' Court," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1877, page 3

    STAGE ACCIDENT.--On Saturday last as Mr. J. D. Hanks was driving the stage down the Siskiyou, one of the horses became fractious and ran off the grade, upsetting the stage. Mr. Hanks was caught under the coach in such a way that he could not extricate himself. He called loudly for help, but he was so far from the toll house that his cries were not heard for some time--not until the dogs attracted attention by barking and running up the road. When at last help came, it was with no little difficulty that he was extricated from his perilous situation, as it was all four men could do to lift the stage, which was bottom side up. Although considerably injured he was able to go on to Rock Point, driving the greater part of the way himself. He writes us from that place under date of Oct. 28 that he is so badly hurt that he cannot hope to be out again for a week or ten days.
Ashland Tidings, November 2, 1877, page 3

    John Green, formerly connected with the Oregon and California Stage Company as driver, is back from Arizona. He will return.
    The stages travel the valley road now, thus avoiding the Herrin lane and the rough roads between this place and Willow Springs.
    The stage coming this way upset in the Canyon last Friday night. Although some passengers were aboard nothing serious happened.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 30, 1877, page 3

    These are the days of heroic stage driving [due to heavy rains] and have proven that Ab. Giddings, Joe Clough, Milo Matthews and the irrepressible Garrett are not the individuals to "throw up the sponge" as long as there is a possibility of making time.
"Local Intelligence," Ashland Tidings, February 1, 1878, page 3

    COMMUNICATION OPEN.--On Sunday last the first stage for nearly a week arrived from the north, since which time regular trips have been made each way, bringing the mails. Handcars are operating between Redding and Tehama at present, but the heavy mails have all been delayed. It may be some time before the railroad south will be in condition again for transportation.

Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 8, 1878, page 3

    Some of the mail from California and the East has been shipped by steamer and is now arriving by stage from the north.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1878, page 3

    ON FAST TIME.--The O. & C. Stage Company commenced running on summer time last Monday and will hereafter arrive in Jacksonville at half past eight o'clock from the south and at half past two o'clock from the north.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, June 14, 1878, page 3

    Joe Clough denies that he is the driver who was stopped by highwaymen the other night. He has given up driving and was only on the stage in the capacity of a tourist.
"Brief Mention" Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1878, page 3

    ANOTHER STAGE ROBBERY.--The stage going south last Tuesday night was stopped on the summit of the Siskiyou Mountain at about nine o'clock by two masked men, who demanded Wells, Fargo & Co.'s box and the mails. There was nothing for the driver (Nort. Eddings) to do but disgorge, after doing which he was allowed to proceed. The express box contained about $400, which the robbers secured. The mail sacks were also cut open and the contents rifled, but how much was obtained from them is not known. It so happened that the registered letters had been put into the Yreka sack, which was unmolested, and they escaped. There were seven passengers aboard at the time, but they were not disturbed. Had the highwaymen searched them, they would have made a big cleanup. J. Nunan, who was on the inside of the stage, alone had a few thousand dollars in his valise. The box, sacks and other such matter as could be gathered up were brought to Ashland the next morning. We learn that several parties have gone in pursuit of the criminals.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1878, page 3

Bold Stage Robbery.
    The south-going stage was robbed on the Siskiyou, near the summit, at about eight o'clock on last Tuesday evening, by two men. The express box was broken open and contents taken. It was known to contain $300 from Ashland and $400 from Jacksonville. The mail was also robbed. In the Ashland sack were two registered packages, one from Yainax and the other from Bonanza. As yet, no clue to the robbers.
Ashland Tidings, June 14, 1878, page 3

Stage Robbery.
    The stage of the California and Oregon Stage Company was robbed on Siskiyou Mountain by two highwaymen, on the 10th. From reliable sources we learn the following particulars: Nort. Eddings was driving and there were six passengers on the stage, among them Jerry Nunan, of Jacksonville, and Jesse Dryer, of Camas Valley. The highwaymen called to the driver to halt, and as he showed no inclination to do so, they raised their shotguns and threatened to shoot him off the box; then the stage stopped. At once Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express box and the brass lock mail pouch were demanded, and passed out, and the stage ordered to proceed on its way. None of the passengers were molested. Had the highwaymen "went through" then they would have got $4,000 or $5,000 out of Jerry Nunan's valise, and Joe Clough would have lost the nice little sum of $300. It is not known how much treasure the brass lock pouch contained, but there was at least $500 dollars in the express box, and probably $700.
Douglas Independent, Roseburg, June 15, 1878, page 3

    THE STAGE ROBBERY.--Geo. A Steel, Postal Agent, has been in this section investigating the recent stage robbery on the Siskiyou Mountain. In company with Deputy Sheriff Hendricks of Yreka and Deputy Sheriff Seybert he spent some days working up the affair, with indifferent success. The robbers were tracked for a distance into the mountains, but all trace of them was soon lost. It is supposed that they are making their way to the coast; and as they have a considerable start, it is hardly probable that they will be overhauled. Three men supposed to be them were halted in Josephine County one day this week, but a thorough examination revealed that they were not the persons wanted. Wells, Fargo & Co., having lost but a small amount, are doing nothing in the premises, leaving Mr. Steel to prosecute the search single-handed and alone. Several rumors as to their whereabouts are afloat, generally varying considerably. The mountainous character of the country makes it almost impossible to effect the capture of anyone connected with stage robberies in this section.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 21, 1878, page 3

    Our old friend Jerry Nunan, who was on the stage at the time of the robbery, enjoyed the extreme suspense of seeing the bandits push back his satchel, containing $4,000, while searching for valuables in the front boot, and froze onto a package of beef.
"Local Intelligence," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1878, page 3

    A sage prophet predicted the stage would be robbed several days previous to the occurrence of that event. He said a certain party were seen in the Siskiyou Mountains, and whenever they visit this section, look out. People think many such transactions are written down in their category, which will be revealed somewhere in the "book of time."
    The highwaymen were traced from the scene where the stage was intercepted to Wagner Gap, and are supposed to be now in the vicinity of this valley, apparently innocent as sheep.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1878, page 3

    THE STAGE ROBBERY.--Postal Agent Steel has returned to Portland and the search for the highwaymen who attacked the stage on the 11th will be discontinued for the present. Several suspicious-looking persons have been subjected to an examination, but no clue has as yet been found. The hunt has been made under difficulties and Mr. Steel's failure to secure the culprits is not surprising.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1878, page 3

    The team attached to the stage going north on the 15th became unmanageable and attempted to run away while going down Roberts Hill, but was checked by one of the wheel horses falling down and the forewheel passing over him, causing his death.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1878, page 3

    STAGE UPSET.--The stage going north on the 17th upset about four miles this side of Roseburg. The tongue of the vehicle had previously been broken near Myrtle Creek and a rail substituted, which was the cause of the accident, as the stage could not be well managed rigged up thus. Several passengers were aboard, but fortunately none were seriously injured. A. Baird was driving at the time, but no blame can be attached to him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1878, page 3

    Lieut. Geo. S. Hoyle was aboard the stage when it capsized the other day and received some severe injuries, in consequence of which he has been relieved from reporting at Walla Walla and ordered to join his company at Fort Klamath. He passed through town en route yesterday.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1878, page 3

    It is a fact long since demonstrated that everything has two sides to it, the very antipodes of each other. Even a jug has its inside, enshrouded in perpetual darkness, while its outside glitters in radiant light.
    The dangers and hardships we have encountered in other days give back some of our most pleasing reminiscences. We point with pride to the scar on our body that proves how near some terrible accident came to shutting off our supply of oxygen. In fact, the contemplation of these subjects supplies, in the aggregate, far more than an equivalent for the suffering they originally produced.
    The foregoing remarks were suggested on hearing Gen. J. C. Tolman relate the circumstances attending the late stage robbery on the Siskiyou Mountain, of which he was an eyewitness.
    When the General shall have long since passed in his checks, his grandchildren, having learned the story from their parents, will relate, with animated gusto, the incidents of the General's adventure with the two masked highwaymen, on the summit of the Siskiyous.
    We will endeavor to give it as near in the General's own words as our memory serves us.
    We left the Toll House after dark. The stage, containing seven passengers and the driver, was wheeling slowly up the mountain. The evening was quite warm, and five of the passengers were basking in the brilliant rays of the full moon, as it broke its scattered beams through the deep shade of the tall fir trees that, in many places, arched the road. Two of us, however, for want of accommodations outside, were compelled to take seats inside. Among the passengers on the outside was a somewhat garrulous individual from New Jersey, an excellent representative of that class known as lightning rod men in his native state. That is to say, he was a traveling agent for some commercial house. This being his first trip beyond the hail of the farmhouse or city, he was eagerly dilating on the wildness of the surroundings, and seemed vividly to anticipate the astonishment he would produce on the minds of his friends, three thousand miles away, when he should return and relate the adventures of an overland trip from Roseburg to Redding [the gap between the termini of the railroad in 1878].
    Nort Eddings, the driver, read his subject at a glance and determined to entertain his adventurous passenger as only drivers can. He began by calling attention to the dangers of the Siskiyous. He pointed out place after place of historical note. There, some hog drivers were attacked by Indians; here, some packers were murdered near the middle of the present right of way; there the stage was upset, and there it was robbed. "New Jersey" was observed to became painfully silent, with an occasional glance to the right and left. Some minutes had passed when our adventurer, with a forced air of indifference, inquired if there had been any Indian depredations or stage robberies of late years.
    The stage was then just approaching the summit, and the driver assured him that we were near the place where the stage had been robbed in less than one year, and was just pointing to a spot where the act was perpetrated, when a hoarse voice from the spot called out, "Halt!" A glance revealed two double-barreled shotguns glistening in the moonshine, held by two masked ruffians.
    Being on the inside, I did not understand what was the trouble, but supposed it to be a collision with the wagon of some belated teamster, and when the stage stopped, I started to get out, and had succeeded in getting my head and one foot out, when I discovered the cause of our trouble. Something like a violent shock of electricity came up from the ground, entered my toes and passed out at the top of my head. I next found myself back on the seat, trying to detach my watch from my vest, but totally failed to do so. I thrust it in my clothes and trusted that the robbers would not find it. I next threw my money under the seat. On a second thought I took back $20, lest it might be considered too thin to be traveling on the stage without money. My valuables being disposed of, and the electric shock over, I ventured to peep out and see how matters stood. I found everything passing very quietly; driver very accommodating; two veritable robbers of more formidable aspect than any my childish imagination had pictured, while crouching beside my grandfather, on some wintry evening, listening to his stories of Jno. A. Murrell and his confreres. Two double-barreled shotguns pointed recklessly at the trembling passengers on the outside completed the picture.
    From my position, I could observe everything going on. The driver, with lines in one hand, was silently throwing out the mail bags--the express box had already been thrown down.
    When the driver stopped throwing the bags out, the horses started, and the voice of the robber rang out on the dismal scene.
    "Is that all?"
    The driver, in a more affable tone, replied, "That is all."
    One of the robbers, to make sure, set the gun down and mounted the wheel to examine for himself. Right here, I made up my mind never to travel on the stage again, without a revolver. Had I one then, I could have killed both of the robbers. The one on the wheel, I could have touched with a walking stick.
    Soon the welcome orders came from the robbers for us to drive on. We were soon wheeling down the mountain at a good gait, with not a sound to be heard, save the beat of the horses' hoofs and the rattle of the couch over the gravel and corduroy road. Not a word was spoken--not even by our bold adventurer from New Jersey--until several miles had been placed between us and the spot of our discomfiture. The silence was finally broken by our drummer friend, who expressed himself in words of amazement that he, who had been raised away down East in the midst of New Jersey civilization, should actually encounter highway robbers and be compelled to look down a double-barreled shotgun. He congratulated himself, however, on having so civil a lot of traveling companions. "For," said he, "if anyone aboard had been rude enough to have resisted the scoundrels, we would all have been killed."
Ashland Tidings, June 28, 1878, page 1

    J. M. Strauser is again connected with the Oregon and California Stage Company as driver between Rock Point and Levins'. Joe Clough now manipulates the reins between the former place and Cole's.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 28, 1878, page 3

    Contracts were last week let for furnishing barley to the different stage stations in this vicinity by Wm. Carll, division agent of the O.&C. Stage Co., as follows:
    Jacksonville, 1,500 bushels, to Alex. Martin; Grave Creek, 2,000 bushels, to G. Karewski; Ammerman's, 1,500 bushels, to Alex. Martin; Grants Pass, 1,500 bushels, to G. Karewski; Mountain House, 1,500 bushels, to Alex. Martin.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 25, 1878, page 3

    W. H. Williams and C. C. Huntley, the new and old contractors on the overland mail route, passed through town last Wednesday on their way north, and the former is now engaged in making arrangements for taking charge of the stage line on October 1st. Wm. Carll, division agent, accompanied them to Roseburg, where negotiations are now pending for the transfer of the stock and stages belonging to the old company to the new management.
"Random Jottings," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 25, 1878, page 3

    EXTRA SERVICE.--The additional tri-weekly service for the transportation of third-class [mail] matter on the Roseburg and Redding route is now being performed. An extra stage runs from Roseburg to Canyonville three times a week. From the latter place to Yreka the regular stages afford ample accommodations for the carrying of all kinds of mail matter, and from Yreka to Redding the extra stage is again brought into use. This plan is said to work successfully.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1879, page 3

    AN OLD TIMER.--Last week the California and Oregon Stage Co. sold to an Oakland farmer an old stage horse, known as Quimby, and named after the old Portland hotel keeper. This horse helped to pull the first stage on the overland that left Portland, and since then has seen constant service in the traces. He must be at least 27 years of age.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1879, page 3

    STAGE ACCIDENT.--On Wednesday evening last, says the Yreka Journal of the 22nd, Ed. Cawley, of the Scott Valley stage line, stopped his team at a small hill about a mile this side of Callahan's, for the purpose of adjusting the rough lock before going down, the brake being useless during the recent icy and slippery condition of grades in descending. Ed. had fastened the lines to the staff of the brake and unbuckled the apron of the stage, when the team made a start. He caught the lines and kept them in the road until reaching a sharp turn, where the stage slid off the grade, and all piled in a heap. Ed. was severely bruised, but managed to return to Callahan's. The stage was considerably damaged, but the horses escaped without injury, although they could hardly keep their feet on the slippery road. Ed.'s wife started for Callahan's by the stage of the same evening to take care of him until his recovery, which we are pleased to learn will not be far off.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1879, page 3

    NO MAILS.--The stage from the north failed to arrive on Wednesday last, being unable to cross Cow Creek, which is very high. The recent rains have also swollen other creeks in the northern portion of the county. We are liable to be without the mails from either way until the high waters subside, as both stages are north of us.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1879, page 3

    Roads rough and stage travel light.
    The northward-bound stage met with several mishaps one night this week while traveling on the Grave Creek hills. It mired down twice, upset once, besides being otherwise unfortunate. No particular damage was done, however.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1879, page 3

    We learn that the stage company will soon erect a residence for the use of their hostler at this place. It will be built near the stage barn and is done for the purpose of having him near at hand when the stages arrive after night.
"Brevities," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 19, 1879, page 3

    The stages of the O. & C. Stage Company changed time on Saturday. They will now remain overnight at Galesville and Yreka so as to travel over the worst roads by daylight.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 26, 1879, page 3

    CHANGED TIME.--The stages of the O.&C.S. Co. changed time on Monday. They will not be detained at Yreka or Galesville overnight, which will shorten the time between Roseburg and Redding one day. They will now pass through Jacksonville in daylight instead of at night as heretofore.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 16, 1879, page 3

    RECEIVED WITH REJOICING.--Walter Phillips, who brought the Linkville stage in on time Tuesday afternoon, informs us that the first arrival of the stage at Linkville, on Monday evening, was greeted with public demonstrations of joy. Twenty-seven anvil charges were fired, hats were tossed, cheers rent the air, and later in the evening a ball was given in honor of the event.
Ashland Tidings, June 6, 1879, page 3

    LINKVILLE STAGE LINE.--The first trip of Phillips' four-horse stage to Linkville was made last Monday morning, with five passengers aboard. The roads are bad, but Mr. Phillips will do some repairing at once. Hereafter the stage will leave Ashland on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and leave Linkville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. A buckboard will be run every alternate day. Walter Phillips drives the stage and Frank Smith the buckboard. See the advertisement in another column.
Ashland Tidings, June 6, 1879, page 3

    The roads are improving to such an extent that the stage company proposes to commence running on fast time on the 1st prox.
    We are informed that some work is being done on the stage road leading into Roseburg and that there is a decided improvement in its condition. The people of Douglas County will work to their best interests if they will repair this thoroughfare to the Josephine County line forthwith.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 27, 1879, page 3

    TIME CHANGED.--The stage company commenced running its stages on summer time Sunday, which are making the distance between Roseburg and Redding in fifty-two hours. The stage from the south now arrives in Jacksonville at about 10 o'clock a.m. and then one from the north at half-past two p.m.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 4, 1879, page 3

    Carll & Clough started the stages over the Coos Bay mail route for the first time Monday. The trip from Roseburg to the Bay will be made in twenty-four hours, which is quite an improvement on affairs as they existed formerly.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 4, 1879, page 3

    Messrs. Clough & Carll have reduced the fare on their stage line from Roseburg to Coos Bay to $6, and are selling through tickets from Roseburg to San Francisco at $14.50.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 16, 1879, page 3

    The stage stock will be removed to the new Grave Creek station today.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1879, page 3

    Wm. Carll, the genial division agent of the O.&C. Stage Co., was in town this week on his way north. He will take charge of the new stage station at Grave Creek, whither he will remove his family soon.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1879, page 3

    Wm. Carll, division agent of the O. & C. Stage Co., last week gave Jacob Ish the contract for furnishing that company with grain for the coming season. About eight thousand bushels of barley will be required, and Mr. Ish agrees to furnish it for a little less than a cent a pound.
    P. G. Strickland, of Yreka, has gone to Roseburg to act as agent for the O. & C. Stage Co. and Clough and Carll's Coos Bay line. Jesse Davis of Little Shasta has been elected to succeed him as president of the Siskiyou Agricultural Society. We wish him success in his new business.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
August 6, 1879, page 3

    NEW ROUTE.--Carll & Clough, of the Roseburg and Coos Bay stage line, advertise to give passengers through tickets from Roseburg to San Francisco for $14.50. The fare by stage from this place to Roseburg, by the O.&C. line, is the same, which would make $29 in all--less than it costs to go by way of Redding. Good, substantial steamers ply between Coos Bay and San Francisco, and there is no failure in stage time between this place and Coos Bay.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 27, 1879, page 3

THE UNDERSIGNED are now running a daily line of four-horse stages between Roseburg and Coos City, making the through trip in twenty-four hours. Stages leave Roseburg every morning, Sundays excepted, at 6 a.m., and make close connection with San Francisco steamer twice a week. The time from Roseburg to San Francisco will be three days, and through fare has been fixed at $14.50. Fare from Roseburg to Coos Bay $6.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 27, 1879, page 3

    STAGE DELAYED.--The C. & O. stage did not arrive last Monday from the south until six hours after time. The cause was a runaway near Bass' station in which the stage was upset and a general smashup occurred. There were four passengers on board, but no one was seriously hurt.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 3, 1879, page 3

    Today Nort Eddings, the gentlemanly driver on the O. & C. stage line between Rock Point and the Mountain House and Miss Minnie Gall, of this county, are to be married, at the residence of the bride's father. We extend congratulations in advance.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1879, page 3

    Mr. Rufus Cole, proprietor of the stage station just over the Siskiyous, was in town this week for supplies. His wife, who has been very sick for the past summer, is slowly recovering.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 26, 1879, page 3

    SIX-HORSE TEAMS FOR OREGON.--While at Roseburg, Messrs. Sanderson and Stone of the O. & C. Stage Company informed the Independent that, owing to the rapid increase in the mails and in fast freight, six-horse teams will be immediately attached to all stages running in Oregon, and the stock so employed will be first class in every respect. The stages go out very often with a goodly number of passengers and with heavy freights, and they are not so comfortable as the company desires. The bad roads to Jacksonville make traveling laborious and slow. With the increase proposed there will be no detention along the entire line from Roseburg to Redding. Upon the subject of improvement of roads, Mr. Sanderson expressed a willingness on the part of his company to always and at any time lend and willing and generous aid.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1879, page 3

    Billy Thompson has gone to Yreka to take charge of the O. & C. Stage Co.'s barn at that place.
    Wm. Carll, who was in town this week, seems to think that the stages will be able to keep up in the vicinity of schedule time when six-horse teams are put on the road from the California line.
    Col. W. S. Stone, superintendent of the O. C. Stage Line, and J. L. Sanderson of St. Louis, one of the proprietors, passed through town Monday, on their way south. They have been inspecting the road, and Mr. Sanderson seems well pleased with the manner in which it has been managed by Col. Stone and his division agents, Wm. Carll and Wm. T. Smith.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1879, page 3

    MIRED.--On Thursday night last Geo. Chase discovered that the stone culvert across the "run" in the Herrin lane had washed out, and in attempting to cross at the side of the road got his leaders mired. It was with difficulty that he saved them from drowning until help arrived, and he utilized W.F. and Co.'s box by propping up the stage to keep it from capsizing until things were righted. Who wouldn't be a stage driver, out in the chilly night?
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 14, 1880, page 3

    WORSE AND MORE OF IT.--A. Davison, lately returned from Yreka, says the late storm was heavier in Siskiyou County than here; snow was three feet deep on the summit of the stage road pass. He thinks the loss of stock across the state line will be even heavier than here, as there is less feed provided. Since Mr. Davison's return it has stormed all the time, and our latest advices are that the snow was seven feet deep on the highest points of the road. Sleighs are now run instead of stages between Barron's and Cole's. This is the first time in ten years that the mails had to be carried in sleighs across the Siskiyou Mountains.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 14, 1880, page 3

    The stages now lay over at night at Levens' and Yreka when running on regular time. This enables drivers to make the mountain routes during the daytime and also gives passengers ample opportunity to rest.
    The Yreka Journal says that Jos. Strauser, who drives stage on the Sacramento River road between Slate Creek and Strawberry Valley, was so badly hurt in the thigh by being thrown on the seat brace, when the wheels dropped down into a deep rut a few days ago, that he has been obliged to lay off ever since.
    So great has the snowfall been on the Siskiyou Mountains that sleighs have been brought into service by the stage company on the route from Cole's to Barron's, something that has not happened for many years. The stage from the south was over two days and nights the latter part of last week making the transit from Yreka to the Mountain House, a distance of 43 miles, owing to the snow, which was fully six feet deep, and as much as ten feet in depth in places. This winter is proving the severest known here in eighteen years.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1880, page 3

    MORE SCOWS NEEDED.--The Sentinel says the last heard of Beggs, the teamster who left Roseburg for Jacksonville with a load sometime back in the past, was that he was engaged in building a scow with which to navigate Roberts Hill. We have no doubt that the roads in Douglas County are bad enough to satisfy "Old Nick" himself, but the stage drivers between Barron's and Rock Point have suggested to us that "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." They tell us of a sinkhole, where a bridge is broken down, at this end of the newly graveled portion of Herrin's lane, which is almost impassable, and where the stage horses mire down and make trouble at every attempt to cross. Ab. Giddings tell us that two or three loads of lumber and a very little work would fix the bridge up in good shape, yet it has been allowed to remain in its present disgraceful condition for some time.
Ashland Tidings, January 16, 1880, page 3

    THE OVERLAND ROADS.--When Ab. Giddings arrived with the stage from the south last Sunday he reported that on the other side of the Siskiyou Mountains the snow was drifted to the depth of ten or fifteen feet in many places on the road. The mail from Yreka was brought over the mountains either on a bobsled or on horseback, and the carrier was two days and a half and two nights in making the distance from Yreka to Barron's, about 40 miles. No mail from a greater distance than Yreka was brought. Although the terrible roads made slow time necessary, there was no impassable barrier to the stage travel in the Oregon portion of the route, and the mails came with tolerable regularity from the north.
Ashland Tidings, January 16, 1880, page 3

    STAGE ACCIDENT.--On Friday night the stage coming south went through a bridge about two miles north of Willow Springs. The driver, Geo. Chase, was thrown from his seat and slightly bruised and the pole was broken out of the stage and its arrival here somewhat delayed.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 28, 1880, page 3

    Since stages from the south come and go by the "valley" road the long lane at Justus' farm has become an intolerable quagmire of mud and water. The weary traveler in vain looks for a sign where a lick of work has ever been done, and thanks his stars that he ever got though measuring the mud of this miry "slough of despond." It is the opinion of the teaming public that this stretch of the road discounts the famous Herrin lane "all hollow."
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 28, 1880, page 3

    The young man, Thos. Paul, who fled from Douglas County to escape arrest upon charge of stage robbery in California, has been captured by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s detective and taken to Ukiah for trial.
    The Yreka Union says: The Cal. & Ogn. Stage Co. sent below last week two of their eastern-made stages. They go to Denver, Colorado, where they will be used on one of the company's lines there. Jos. Strauser took them down.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 13, 1880, page 3

    CHANGE OF TIME.--Division Agent Carll expects to have orders to change stage time during the present week. When the change is made stages will be due here during the forenoon, which will be a great relief to postmasters, assistants and expressmen.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 24, 1880, page 3

    H. F. Phillips has been compelled to put in extra teams on the Linkville stage route, on account of the miserable condition of the roads. Sleighs are still run over the mountains.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, April 9, 1880, page 3

    A. Umphlet intends to start a stage line between Crescent City and Waldo as soon as the snow is sufficiently melted on the mountains.
    Stages are now running on fast time. The northbound stage passes through Ashland about 7 a.m., the southbound stage about 4 p.m.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 18, 1880, page 3

    Stages coming in from the south bring in enormous quantities of mail. Twenty-five hundred pounds per day is a common occurrence.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 18, 1880, page 3

    President Hayes and company, twelve in all, are expected to make the trip overland from California to this state this month. The O. & C. stage company will furnish the coaches, the trip from Redding to Roseburg consuming about six days, the traveling being done in the daytime.
Albany Register, September 3, 1880, page 2

    HIGHWAY ROBBERY.--The O. & C. stage, which left Jacksonville on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 19th, in charge of Nort. Eddings, was stopped by highwaymen near the top of Siskiyou Mountain, at 11 o'clock at night. The express box was broken open without unfastening from the stage. The mail sacks were taken and rifled. There was only one passenger--a lady--who saw only one robber, but heard others talking. In the express box he got $1000 sent by George Grotz of Kerbyville, but it is thought that it was the mail which he wanted, for a good deal of treasure is now sent that way, but it so happened there were only three registered packages in the mail on this trip, two of which he overlooked. The highwayman who robbed this stage the last time got $2,000 in the mail.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 22, 1880, page 3

    Travel is on the increase. The stage which left here for the south on Monday afternoon had on 14 passengers.
    One of the stages taking the Jacksonville Hancock glee club to Ashland on Saturday upset when near Eagle Mills. The singers were badly scared but fortunately no one got hurt. Bad omen for Hancock.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 22, 1880, page 3

    COMING.--It is now definitely settled that Mr. Hayes and party will come to Oregon overland, arriving at this place about the 28th, or next Tuesday. The S.F. Chronicle gives as a reason for this that the Constitution of the United States forbids a President going beyond the boundaries of the country during his term of office. "To go to Oregon by sea he would get three leagues from shore, and out of the limits of the United States." According to this they may be expected to pass through Jacksonville both going and returning. The Yreka Journal says the party will come by the Sacramento River road, and be put through by the C. & O. Stage Co., per special conveyance. Mr. Hayes and General Sherman, with six others, will leave Redding tomorrow morning, and stop overnight at Sim Sothern's, halfway, reaching Yreka in the evening sometime before 9 o'clock at the latest, of the following day, to remain overnight. Four others of the Presidential party will take the regular stage, there being twelve persons in the entire lot. So the curious will not be disappointed after all.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 24, 1880, page 3

    STAGE ROBBERY.--As Nort. Eddings was ascending the Siskiyou Mountains Thursday night he was stopped at the last turn near the summit by a road agent and ordered to deliver the mail. The highwayman emphasized his proclamation by the display of a dangerous-looking gun, and Nort. saw no other alternative than to obey. Having complied with this, the robber called upon him to throw out the express box, but, upon being informed that it was fastened in the boot, commanded Nort. to stand at the heads of the leaders, while he knocked in the box with an ax he had previously secreted in the brush. Having secured his booty, with all the nonchalance possible he informed Nort. that he might now proceed. There was only one passenger aboard--a lady--and she was not molested. It is supposed that the express box contained gold dust, etc., to the amount of about $1,000. Registered packages were few, and he could not have derived much benefit from that source, as he overlooked some. Nort. telegraphed to Al. Burrows, the stage agent at Yreka, from Cottonwood as soon as possible, and John Reynolds, messenger, and John Hendricks came over some time afterward to look after the matter. There were three robbers, judging from the tracks which were followed into the Siskiyous, toward Beaver Creek, and then lost. Different parties are now out, hoping to gain the large reward offered for their apprehension. Eddings was stopped near the same place last year and says he is getting tired of the sport.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 24, 1880, page 3

    STAGE ROBBED ON THE SISKIYOU.--The southbound stage, Nort Eddings driving, which went through Ashland last Thursday evening, was robbed by highwaymen about half a mile above the toll house in the Siskiyou Mountains. One masked man stepped into the road, presented a gun at the driver and ordered him to stop, and one or two other men were concealed in the brush nearby. As the express box was chained to the boot, the masked robber climbed up into the boot, broke it open and took out the contents. He also took out the letter sacks of the mail and then told Nort to drive on. It is reported that about $1,000 was obtained from the express box and perhaps an equal amount from registered letters. But one passenger was on the stage, a lady who was inside and was not disturbed. The next morning the mail sacks, which had been cut open, were found near the road, and some of the registered letters were not taken, a package sent from Ashland being unopened. The tracks of two or three men were traced some distance from the place of the robbery, when it was evident that the men had taken off their boots and tied rags about their feet to keep from leaving a trail by which they might be followed. The robbery was at the point where the stage was frequently stopped in former times, whence escape is easy through the thick chaparral either toward the coast or the Klamath Lake country.
Ashland Tidings, September 24, 1880, page 3

    Hon. Ben. Simpson, General Postal Agent of Oregon, was in Ashland this week, and visited the scene of the recent stage robbery on the Siskiyous.

    The Yreka Journal of Saturday says: Ed Hess started below yesterday with a special stage, fitted up expressly for the President's party, at the stage company's shop. It is one of the largest size.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 24, 1880, page 3

The United States Mail and Well Fargo & Co.'s Treasure Box Taken.
    A week ago last Wednesday night as one of the California and Oregon stages was crossing the Siskiyou Mountains, about seven miles from the dividing line of Oregon and California, the driver, Mr. Nort. Eddings, was stopped by a robber, who pointed a gun at him and demanded Wells Fargo & Co.'s treasure box, which contained at the time $1000, and also the mail. Mr. Eddings told him that he could not give him the express box, as it was chained to the stage. He then ordered Mr. Eddings to hold his horses. The robber then went into the brush, and was heard to whisper to someone therein. When he returned from the brush he brought with him an axe, and proceeded to chop the chain away that held the treasure box, and took the mail sacks also. Then he fired his gun into the air, and ordered the driver to proceed on his journey.
    We learn that the sheriff of Jackson County, Mr. Bybee, immediately started in pursuit of the robbers, and has been successful in tracking them to Lakeview. The supposition is that there are three connected with the robbery, although only one was seen by the driver.
    Two or three years ago a stage was robbed very near the same locality.
    This stage robbing is getting very monotonous for the people of Southern Oregon. If the robbers are caught this time a little "hemp diet" would be a mild medicine.
Douglas Independent, Roseburg, September 25, 1880, page 3  
See Eddings' 1909 reminiscence, below.

Oregon Stage Robbed in the Siskiyou Mountains.
    YREKA, Sept. 17.--The Oregon stage coming south was stopped by a highwayman near the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon side, last night about 11 o'clock. The express box [was] broken open without unfastening from the stage; one mail sack was taken off and rifled. There was only one robber, but [they] heard others talking. The amount stolen is unknown.
Grant County News, Canyon City, Oregon, October 2, 1880, page 2

The Stage Robbery.
    The Ashland Tidings, in giving an account of the late stage robbery, says: The tracks of two or three men were traced some distance from the place of the robbery, when it was evident that the men had taken off their boots and tied rags about their feet to keep from leaving a trail by which they might be followed. The robbery was at the point where the stage was frequently stopped in former times, whence escape is easy through the thick chaparral either toward the coast or the Klamath Lake country.
Douglas Independent, Roseburg, October 2, 1880, page 4

Ashland and Linkville
H. F. PHILLIPS, Prop'r.
    A line of stages are now being run daily between Ashland and Linkville, leaving each place at 4 o'clock a.m.
Fare each way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00
    From Ashland stages connect with hacks to Fort Klamath and Lakeview.
    Passage can be secured at Manning & Webb's Stable, the office of the Stage Line at Linkville, direct to either
    Or other points on the C. & O. stage route. Hacks can also be secured at the same place for all portions of the country. Conveyances of any kind can also be secured at the
Ashland Livery Stable.
H. F. PHILLIPS, Prop'r.
Ashland Tidings, October 22, 1880, page 2

    The Yreka Journal says the sleighs of the C. & O. Stage Co., for winter use on Scott Mountain, have been fitted up with regular stage covers, bow frame, and will be very comfortable during the winter, and much better than heretofore.
"Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, October 22, 1880, page 3

    A lot of mail matter which at the time of the stage robbery was lost on the Siskiyou Mountains in September was found a few days ago was returned to the postal authorities. Some delayed letters will now reach their destination.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 3, 1880, page 3

    CHANGE OF TIME.--On Monday a new timetable went into effect on the O. & C. stage route. The stage from the south now arrives at Jacksonville at 7:30 a.m.; and from the north at 10:30 a.m.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 17, 1880, page 3

    By arrangement with the company the stages for Redding and Roseburg will hereafter stop at the New State Hotel, instead of the Franco American as heretofore.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 17, 1880, page 3

    A CHANGE.--The O. & C. Stage Company's vehicles will hereafter stop at the New State Hotel, instead of at the Franco-American, as formerly. The new arrangement went into effect on Tuesday morning.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1880, page 3

    TIME CHANGED.--The late storms in the country north of us having made it impossible for the stages to run longer on summer time, the winter schedule was put into effect last Sunday, since when the stage from the south arrives at about six o'clock a.m. and the other about three hours later. When regular time is made, the former will arrive here in time for breakfast and the other for dinner. Several new drivers have been put on the line for this season.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1880, page 3

    ANOTHER STAGE ROBBERY.--On Saturday night, the 29th inst., the stage coming north with Jos. Mason as driver was stopped by a robber on the road between Cottonwood and Cole's. The robber demanded the express box and the registered mail bag. There being an up-grade in the road where the stage was stopped, the horses commenced backing, and the driver told the robber that as the team wouldn't stand at this point he would drive a short distance ahead to a flat, to which proposition the robber consented. Upon reaching the so-called flat the driver whipped up his horses and left the highwayman in the rear. But the robber had already secured one of the mail bags, which lay on top of the express box and contained all the registered packages for Jacksonville and other points. The packages were mostly of the bulky order, among them a $400 package of postage stamps for the Jacksonville office. The mail sack was found cut open and left on the roadside, but the next day when it was found none of its contents seemed to be missing. The southern-bound stage picked it up, returning it to Yreka.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1880, page 3

    COVERED SLEIGHS.--The Tribune says that the C. & O. Stage Co. have just completed at their shops in Yreka two fine sleighs for use on Scott Mountain this coming winter. Coverings like those used on their coaches have been attached which will amply protect the traveler from violent storms and chilling blasts. Last winter a simple canvas covering secured on both sides of the sleigh and raised in the center was used, but the company's agents, studying the wants and convenience of the traveling public, have at last hit upon the proper thing for making travel over Scott Mountain in this winter time more comfortable for passengers than it has ever been heretofore. Their enterprise is commendable, and will fully be appreciated by those who have occasion to make the trip.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 24, 1880, page 3

    THE C. & O. Stage Company have petitioned the P.O. Department at Washington for the remission of fines paid, on account of missing regular trips on the Sacramento River road, by reason of the impossibility to cross Pit River last winter. There never has been a company staging through Northern California fulfilling contracts so promptly and energetically, and to enforce the penalties for impossibilities is not just nor within the spirit of the law. The company never never failed to carry the mail through each trip, whenever it was possible to get through, and have expended thousands of dollars extra every year, both in California and Oregon, to render the roads passable, but could not prevent the rivers getting too high to make them impossible to cross, by even skiffs or canoes a portion of the time, to form a connection.
    We think it only justice to the stage company to add our approval to the above from the Yreka Journal and to say that if it had not been for their energy and their expenditures on the road north of here the road would have been nearly impassable. It must be added that their service has really been more than at times could have been expected.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 29, 1880, page 3

Madame Holt and the President.
    Madame Holt, having conceived the idea that the travel of the O. & C. Stage Co. was diverted from her hotel on account of an overexorbitant charge for entertaining the Presidential party, induced Capt. Sprague, formerly of Jacksonville, to write to the President in her behalf. The following reply was received by Mr. Sprague, now Judge of Delaware County, O., and indicates the kind and charitable feelings of the President:
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 1880.
My dear Colonel:
    I received Mrs. Holt's letter. Nothing to injure her was ever done by me or any of the party. We enjoyed our trip very much, and retain no unpleasant recollections of Jacksonville. I trust the patriotic old lady will regain what she has lost.
    R. B. HAYES.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 15, 1881, page 3

    Stage drivers are having a hard time. On Thursday night the stage going north from Rock Point was badly mired, a pole being broken out in the struggle to get out of the mud. The driver was eleven hours in going from Rock Point to Grants Pass, a distance of fifteen miles.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 5, 1881, page 3

    SERIOUS STAGE ACCIDENT.--Yesterday morning as the northbound stage was coming down the Siskiyou Mountain at a rapid rate of speed, it upset on the turn just above the toll house. There were three passengers on board besides Joe Mason, who was driving, and Nort Eddings, one of the regular drivers, who had been "doubled up" with Mason on the first day's change of time and was returning with him. Capt. A. P. Ankeny and another gentleman were inside, E. C. Robinson of Oakland and Eddings outside with the driver and when the stage upset those on the outside were thrown quite a distance but all escaped with slight bruises except Eddings, who received a fracture of both bones of the left leg below the knee. The injured driver was taken to the toll house and Dr. Aitken immediate telegraphed for and the stage brought through by div. agent Carll, arriving here about an hour behind time. This accident is very severe on Mr. Eddings, who is a steady and competent driver, dependent on his wages for the support of a family and aged parents, one of whom is blind, and it will be several months before he can resume his duties, but as the accident was no fault of his, no doubt the company will see that he is well cared for.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 28, 1881, page 3

    MAIL SACKS FOUND.--At last, all of the three mail sacks which were lost with the Linkville stage in Emigrant Creek at the time of the drowning of the team last winter have been found. Some portions of the stage have never been seen since. The large paper sack was found by Danl. Chapman in his field two or three months ago, and the little Pioneer sack was also brought in a good while since, but the large letter bag was returned to the office just last Friday. P. Powell had found it in the creek bottom about half a mile below his house. The bag had been robbed, and was completely cut in two. There were about $60 in greenbacks known to have been in the mail, but the notes were probably destroyed by the water and friction.--Tidings.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 5, 1881, page 1

    PAYING OFF.--Col. W. S. Stone and Wm. Carll of the O. & C. Stage Co. were in town this week paying off the employees of that company and also making arrangements for the change to summer time, which took place on Thursday last. The new company takes charge on the 1st of July, but as they have purchased all the property owned by the old one no particular changes will be made. Wm. Carll, we are glad to hear, will continue in his position as division agent, while Col. Stone will be superseded as general superintendent by John Hailey. Col. Stone has made a most efficient superintendent, and his many friends will be sorry to hear of his leaving us. He will go to Southern California to superintend one of the stage lines owned by Barlow, Sanderson & Co., so we are informed.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1882, page 3

    The Oregon & California Stage Co. changed to fast time on Thursday, the 15th inst.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1882, page 3

    Hank Giddings of Ashland now drives the O. & C. stage between Yreka and Cole's station.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1882, page 3

    As soon as the railroad company runs trains a short distance this side of Roseburg, Jacksonville will be made a "home station" for the drivers on the O. & C. Stage Co.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 1, 1882, page 3

    TAKEN CHARGE.--John Hailey, one of the old-time residents of this place, arrived here last Thursday to take charge of the overland stage line from Roseburg to Redding as general superintendent. Nearly all the old employees occupying subordinate positions will be retained and the change will hardly be noticeable. Mr. Hailey, we are informed, will make his headquarters in this valley, but the main headquarters of the company will be at Yreka, as usual.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 1, 1882, page 3

    STAGE ACCIDENT.--The southbound stage that left here last Sunday met with an accident while going down the Siskiyou Mountains by upsetting and throwing all the passengers over the grade. Mr. and Mrs. Baum were passengers on the stage at the time and the latter had an arm broken by the fall. No blame can be attached to the driver, as the accident was caused by a wild and fractious team.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 8, 1882, page 3

    NARROW ESCAPE.--Last Monday morning while Nort Eddings was driving the stage across the Siskiyou Mountains on his way north, and while crossing a bridge just this side of the summit, the bridge broke through, letting the stage down about five feet. Luckily the horses had got across the bridge when the accident occurred, and they were thus enabled to pull the stage out without doing any damage. A number of passengers were on board at the time, and it can be called a lucky escape.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 22, 1882, page 3

    Another stage accident occurred near Slate Creek last Sunday night, causing injuries to three stage passengers, but none are considered serious. The cause as usual was on account of the stage being so heavily loaded with mail and passengers, making it top-heavy and upsetting, and it does seem that arrangements could be made by which mails for points north of Portland could be carried by steamer instead of stage. Drivers are not to blame for these accidents, as they do the best possible with the loads they are forced to haul.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 22, 1882, page 3

    Stages continue bringing large loads of mail from the south to the exclusion of passengers, etc., that are in waiting along the route. Supt. Hailey has gone to Washington to try and make some other arrangements for carrying the mails for points north of Portland and we earnestly hope that he will be successful.
    The mail from the East to Idaho passes through Yreka and Jacksonville, which is the cause of such heavy mails on the stages. A letter mailed from here to Idaho goes quicker via Ogden, and the matter of sending Idaho mail over the Oregon route looks as though the postal authorities are badly posted, or else the railroad company is trying to make as many miles of mail carrying as possible.--Yreka Journal.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 29, 1882, page 3

    An extra stage passed through town last Wednesday loaded with mail for points north of here.
    Wm. Little has gone to the Cole's station, Cal., to take charge of the stage company's stables.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 5, 1882, page 3

    Stages are again coming in on time from both directions--the one from the south at 8:30 a.m. and the northern at 3 p.m.
    Congress adjourned this week, and the O. & C. Stage Co. will thus be enabled to make time once more, as the supply of pub. docs. will decrease with the adjournment of that body.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 12, 1882, page 3

    STAGE CHANGE.--The O. & C. Stage Co. made a change in their home stations yesterday and hereafter the drives will be from Myrtle Creek to Grave Creek, from Grave Creek to Ammerman's station [above Phoenix] and from Ammerman's station to Yreka. The same number of drivers will be employed on this end of the route, and no other change will be made until the railroad comes farther south.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 26, 1882, page 3

    Through stages to Crescent City sometime this month.
    John Hailey is having the Coos Bay wagon road repaired so that he can put on a line of stages on that route.
    Nort Eddings has resigned his position as stage driver and Geo. A. King has taken his place on the drive through town. The former will locate at Canyonville.
    Max Muller started for San Francisco last Sunday to buy goods for the post office store. Dave Crosby officiates as stage agent during his absence and Wm. Jacobi has charge of the post office.
    During 30 days in July and August 111,958 pounds of mail matter passed over the railroad from Sacramento to Redding, 77,000 pounds more than in April last. Nearly all of this must be carried northward by the stages.
    Pat McMahon has appointed D. W. Crosby local agent for the Jacksonville-Crescent City stage line. The new wagon road will be finished about the 15th of this month, when a line of stages will be put on between Waldo and Crescent City. When ready for travel this will be the cheapest and most desirable route from here to San Francisco.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 2, 1882, page 3

    The O. & C. Stage Co. are now using common Schuttler wagons for stage coaches for winter purposes. They are covered and fitted up with spring seats, and those who have rode in them say they ride easier than the other stage coaches, besides being over 1,000 pounds lighter.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 2, 1882, page 3  The "common Schuttler wagon" when covered would have resembled the familiar covered wagons that crossed the plains.

    Another change in the "home stations" on the stage line will soon be made. The short rest given to drivers on the southern end of this drive is the cause of the change.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 16, 1882, page 3

    Having quit stage driving Geo. A. King will soon commence an express business between here and the railroad.
    Ellis Beggs is driving stage for Geo. Chase temporarily while the latter has been assisting in taking stock at the store of Little & Chase.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 20, 1883, page 3

    C.C.W.R.--Pat McMahon, who has just returned from a trip to Crescent City, informs us that the new route is the finest mountain wagon road he has ever seen. After the first of April L. Umphlett of Smith River Corners will put on a weekly line of stages between Waldo and Crescent City, when parties leaving here on each Monday morning will make through connections. The steamer Hume will leave Smith River for San Francisco every ten days, and with the Hobbs, Wall & Co.'s steamer connections will be made every five days. The fare will be $22--$6 from here to Waldo, $6 from Waldo to Crescent City and $10 on the steamer to San Francisco, making it the cheapest route to the Bay City.
Oregon Sentinel, 
Jacksonville, March 17, 1883, page 3

    This place is now the breakfast station for stage passengers coming from the south. Improvement in the roads will bring the stages here about eight o'clock a.m. from now on.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 17, 1883, page 3

    At Riddles the alleged town is more than half a mile from the station. It consists of the farm house of Mr. Riddle, on whose farm the place is located, and several new and roughly constructed buildings. A stay all night is something like the policeman's life--"not a happy one." The trouble is this, only, that Riddles is a temporary place of importance, and will be left behind as the railroad advances. From this on there is great trouble by reason of the limited capacity of the alleged stages. The regular six-horse coaches are not now running, and the canvas-covered four-horse wagons, which are doing duty as stages, will carry five grown persons only besides the driver. It is often that a person from Portland is compelled to stay at Riddles one or two days waiting his turn, or else, at a large expense, hire a private conveyance. Now that the railroad is building, the stage company should provide conveyances for more travelers, even if they had to put on another wagon or two. At present the stage must travel slow, not alone on account of the bad roads, but because of the large amount of mail and express matter. It is a question which at present concerns the inhabitants of this whole southern country, as well as the general traveling public.
    The roads at present for many miles from Riddles, except a part of the canyon toll road, are in a horrific condition. Notwithstanding we had a very careful driver, the stage nearly upset before we reached Canyonville, six miles from Riddles. As we came out of the canyon I doubt if there is a piece of road in worse condition anywhere. The road supervisors are greatly to blame in allowing the roads to get in this condition, for careful attention and very little work would make them very good. It requires draining the water off the road and an occasional filling in of ruts. At one place, although the horses were walking slowly and the driver used the greatest care, one of the leaders fell on his side, and nearly rolled over the bank. The horse was unable to rise. Fortunately there were three men in the stage familiar with the management of horses, and after loosening him and rolling him over we escaped from very serious danger. I must commend the skill and caution of the driver, called Jack Bartel, who is a young man, and has driven about six months only. This route is over the most dangerous part of the road.
    The greatest pleasure of the ride was after we left Grave Creek station, where we had stopped for supper. It was dusk as we left the station. The first fifteen miles of the road from there was across high mountains.Well, soon after we started we came to a place where the road was tipped up on one side, as it were, so much so that the stage was in great danger of turning over. We utilized a drummer. At the command of the driver, and after much grumbling, the heaviest of the pair--weight 210 pounds--stood on the outside of the brake bar and kept the center of gravity in place. I honor that driver for his discovery that there is some use for drummers traveling. We had a fresh team--four fine horses, all white--and the road for many miles was uphill. Our progress was somewhat slow. Everywhere the woods had a weird appearance from the light thrown by the reflectors of the stage. At length when we had reached the summit it was about midnight. The night was dark, without moon or stars in sight; the lower clouds scudding along before the fresh south wind gave promise of rain. The next station was about four miles away. I noticed the driver settle himself firmly in his seat and gather his reins securely in his hands. He spoke a few words of cheering and appropriate profanity to the horses, then placed his foot securely in the brake for a case of emergency. There was a crack of the whip and the horses quickened their pace. Never before had I truly known the pleasure of a stage ride. At first it was a sharp trot and then it was a run. In and out amongst the bushes, seemingly going on a ride to death we went, guided by the skill of the driver and the intelligence of the horses. No road could I distinguish. Here it seemed that we must run into a tree, but the stage turned on a curve and darted between the young trees and chaparral; there two trees stood so close together that it seemed certain destruction to go between them, but there was a foot of space on either side of the stage, and the driver confident in his skill thought no more of it, nor slackened the pace of the horses on that account than if it had been a mile. As the light shone out on the manzanita bushes, their light green leaves seen but for a moment seemed the most beautiful shrubs, with every leaf a full-blown flower, and the pines were as black as the night. The dark night, the white horses, the occasional flashes of fire as the iron shoes stuck the sharp gravel, the swaying of the stage and the rapid run of the horses, with the spice of danger to flavor, all these gave me a pleasure I never before had experienced. It was exhilarating--a kind of intoxication in fact, but it gave no headache in the morning.
Frederick V. Holman, "Through to Jacksonville," Oregonian, Portland, April 21, 1883, page 6

    We are very sorry to learn of an accident which befell Mr. Linn while on his way to San Francisco. He and his daughter Cora occupied the outside seat, and while the stage was going through Strawberry Valley one of the wheels struck some obstruction in the road, and Mr. Linn was thrown from his seat to the ground. The stage passed over his feet, inflicting very painful injuries upon both, and especially the right one. He was placed on the inside, propped up with pillows and continued his journey. The injury, though quite severe, is much less serious than would ordinarily be the result of such a fall. Good fortune seems to have favored him to that extent, at least.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1883, page 3

    By the new time schedule of stages via Sacramento River, the departure from Redding will be 11 p.m., and at the same hour from Glendale at Oregon connection with the railroad. The stage from south will arrive here at 11:30 and at Glendale at 12 midnight. The stage from Oregon will reach here at midnight, and also at midnight in Redding. Meal stations northward will be at Slate Creek, Castle Rock, Butteville, Barron's, Rock Point, and Grave Creek. Going south, at Grants Pass, Jacksonville, Cole's, Strawberry Valley, Southern's and another station above Redding.--Journal.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 9, 1883, page 1

    The C. & O. Stage Co. have sent out a large number of circulars describing the advantages of a journey overland, between California and Oregon, the trip between San Francisco and Portland being now made in 75 hours, with only 48 hours and 230 miles of staging. Close connection is made by fine new 14-passenger coaches with railroad at Redding, 260 miles north of San Francisco, and also at Glendale, 270 miles south of Portland. Nearly all the railroad travel between cities above named is by daylight, with but 16 hours of night travel by stage, and every effort is made, together with reduction of rates, to please the traveling public, as an inducement to secure patronage. The stage route traverses the beautiful valleys of Sacramento, Shasta, Klamath and Rogue rivers, all of which are studded with fine views, together with the grand awe-inspiring scenes of Mount Shasta and Castle Rock. Numerous points of interest are reached, and the hotel accommodations are good and cheaper than living at home. Tourists and pleasure-seekers will find abundant opportunities to spend their leisure hours, and sportsmen can take their choice from half a dozen first-class hunting and fishing grounds. The McCloud and upper Sacramento rivers, numerous streams in Shasta Valley, and Rogue River in Southern Oregon teem with the finest trout, while there are a dozen places where deer and bear abound within from two to ten miles of the route. The finest kind of clear cold soda springs are to be found at Bailey's and Uncle Dick's on the Sacramento River, at Byron Cole's on the southern side of the Siskiyou and at Barron's on the northern side, while several noted springs, such as Shovel Creek on the Klamath, and others in this county and around Linkville, are within a day or two drive from the route. At all these places are to be found good hotel accommodations and every convenience for hunting and fishing. Strawberry Valley or Berryvale, 77 miles from Redding, is the headquarters for all who wish to do Mt. Shasta and the beautiful McCloud River. Parties desiring to stop at this point will find everything in readiness for them in the line of guides, horses, hunting and fishing apparatus, etc. We anticipate during the coming summer that a greatly increased travel will come overland through this section between California and Oregon, and the stage company, under the energetic management of the general agent, Mr. A. H. Burrows, is sparing no effort in providing new and commodious stages and splendid stock to make the staging equal in comfort to the finest staging in any section, in which effort he is ably assisted by the division agents Messrs. W. L. Smith and Wm. Carll.--Yreka Journal.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 9, 1883, page 3

    David Linn has nearly recovered from the injuries received in getting thrown from the stage while on his way to San Francisco.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 9, 1883, page 3

    An order has again been made at Washington compelling the O. & C. Stage Co. to carry all the mails for Oregon and Washington Territory over their stage line through this place. We can look for heavy loads from now on. The following is the timetable going south: Leave Glendale (terminus), O. & C. extension, 11 p.m.; arrive at Jacksonville 10:15 a.m.; Yreka 12 midnight; Redding 12 midnight of the second day. Fare from Portland to San Francisco is $45.85.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 16, 1883, page 3

    Mr. Wm. Carll, division agent for the O.&C. Stage Company, has been in this valley trying to negotiate for grain for the winter's supply. He finds prices asked to be of quite a fancy character and feels justifiable in waiting. The days is fast coming when farmers will no longer find a market for grain, hay and horses from the stage company that has, for so many long years, treated the public with so much fairness and courtesy, and their retirement for railroad transportation will be a matter of regret to many who now don't think of it. They will find that the "iron horse" eats only wood, and Chinese will cut its fodder.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 21, 1883, page 3

    TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC.--The completion of the N.P.R.R. has relieved the C. & O. stage line of the transportation of an enormous quantity of mail, and the company are now prepared to carry all who apply to them for passage, north or south, and put them over the road in good shape.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 22, 1883, page 3

    Stages are crowded with passengers each day on the overland route, and quite often some get left.
    The Crescent City stage arrived here at noon last Thursday--about six hours ahead of time. A Chinaman who had lost his woman and numerous pieces of silver was a passenger on the stage who made it an object for Pat McMahon to drive through on time to catch the stage going north. The woman got away with several thousand dollars and was still at large at last accounts.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 22, 1883, page 3

    NEW TOWN.--J. S. and Chas. J. Howard, with a party of men, left here last Wednesday to survey and locate the new town of Grants Pass at the railroad station. This will be about one mile from Dimmick's place, the old stage station, and it is expected to be considerable of a trading point in the near future.

Oregon Sentinel,
Jacksonville, October 6, 1883, page 3

    Pat McMahon is having his winter stage coach fitted for use and Henry Judge, the saddler, is fixing it up in good shape.
    Stages from the south have been getting in several hours late the last few days, late rains having made the roads so slippery over the Siskiyou Mountains.
    Milo Mathews is driving stage while Geo. L. Chase is attending the Yreka fair. Ab. Giddings has nearly recovered from his accident and will take his seat on the box again in another week.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 6, 1883, page 3

    Report says that sometime next week George Engle will move to Grants Pass from Glendale, making that the terminus of the O. & C. Stage co., arrangements having been made to that effect between the stage and railroad companies. Stage swill then arrive here in the morning from the north.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 1, 1883, page 3

    CHANGE OF TIME.--Satisfactory arrangements having been effected between the O.&C. Stage Company and the railroad, the latter will hereafter carry mail and passengers through to Grants Pass, where connection will be made. By this arrangement stages from both ways are due here at nine o'clock a.m. of each day. A swing drive has been put on between Rock Point and Grants Pass, with Ab Giddings as driver.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 22, 1883, page 3

    Superintendent Carll went south this week on stage business. He says the company will put on a daily line of two-horse stages between this place and Phoenix.
    George Engle will move to Phoenix next week and Miller & Co. are to succeed him as agents for W.F. & Co. at Grants Pass. Mr. Engle will continue as stage and express agent at the new terminus of Phoenix.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 16, 1884, page 3

    No less than six stage drivers and about as many more hostlers were in town this week, making their last visit to this place in that capacity.
    The road having opened again between Waldo and Crescent City, the first through connection with stages will be made next Monday. This is the easiest and cheapest route to San Francisco.
    The last stage has left us, to return no more. While we used to "cuss" them lots when late or failing to make connection, they will be sadly missed now that they are to be seen no more. Ab. Giddings, Nort Eddings, John Singletary, George W. Brown and Ed. Caton took all the stages, stock and supplies to Yreka this week, where they will be kept until the railroad crowds them out there.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1884, page 3

    Henry Mensor will commence driving four in hand on the Medford route after Sunday next, the travel having increased so of late that two horses are unable to haul the loads. Travel has more than doubled since overland stages quit running through here.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 14, 1884, page 3

    George Engle and Ab. Giddings of Ashland, H. W. Stevenson, M. Van Winkle, H. A. Grigsby, Newt Yocum and George R. Justus of Grants Pass have been here this week attending court as witnesses in the stage robbery cases.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 28, 1884, page 3

    The O. & C. Stage Co. recently settled with David Linn for injuries received some time since by the upsetting of one of their stages. The amount received was $600.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 17, 1885, page 3

A Frightful Stage Accident.
    A special to the Portland Or., News says an accident occurred on the mail line Thursday between Grants Pass and Wilderville. While crossing Applegate Creek the stage was upset by the force of the current, and Alex. Jones, the driver, McClung, Mrs. Gibson and her two children were drowned. The body of one child was recovered a mile below the place of accident. It is probable that the others were washed into Rogue River.
Chico Enterprise, Chico, California, February 13, 1885, page 1

    ALDEN, of the New York Times, is responsible for many things. There was only one man in the United States besides Alden that knew as much about matters and things as Alden does. That man fell down a shaft in Calaveras Co., Cal., in the winter of '82 and is no more. In a recent effort to tell what he knows about salmon Alden perpetrates the following:
    The recent frightful accident which happened to a stage in Southern Oregon cannot fail to call the attention of the state authorities to the necessity of protecting settlers against the attacks of salmon. The stage in question was crossing Applegate Creek when it was suddenly attacked by a drove of salmon. The stage was instantly overturned, and the hungry fish swarmed over it, while the stage driver, with great presence of mind, cut the traces of his horses and, throwing himself across the off-wheel horse--a powerful animal, formerly the property of Dr. Goodrich, of Olympia--managed to escape. The dispatch which conveys to us this painful story says nothing of the fate of the stage passengers, but, unfortunately, there is every reason to believe that they fell victims to the salmon.
    The Oregon salmon has long been regarded by experienced western hunters as the moat dangerous animal infesting the continent. It is much larger than the salmon of the Atlantic coast, and. unlike the latter, which is a timid and inoffensive fish, it is fearless, aggressive, and cruel. There is scarcely a river in Oregon which is free from salmon, and many of the streams are rendered practically impassable by the numbers and ferocity of the salmon inhabiting them.
    To hunt the Oregon salmon requires iron nerves and great skill in the use of the rifle. The usual practice of the hunter is to hide himself on the bank of a stream and to send in his dog to arouse the salmon from their lair. When the fish come within gunshot the hunter fires, and unless he kills or disables the game at the first shot his chances for life are small. The infuriated fish will, in most eases, turn upon the hunter whose shot has been ineffective. One blow of the salmon's tail almost invariably proves fatal, and if he can once set his teeth in the flesh of the hunter be cannot be shaken off. The only chance of escape is for the hunter to drive his knife into the fish's heart, but such a blow to be effective must be delivered immediately behind the pectoral fin, and it requires the utmost coolness for a man to face the rush of a maddened salmon and wait until he can stab him in the most vulnerable part. Scores of hunters who have successfully fought the grizzly bear have fallen victims to the Oregon salmon and scores of others, crippled and maimed, survive to tell the story of their blood-curding experience while in the very jaws of a monster fish.
    Were the salmon to confine themselves wholly to the water they would be comparatively harmless, for no man would be in danger unless he ventured into a salmon pool. But unlike most of our American fishes, the Oregon salmon is in the habit of leaving the water and wandering through the forest in search of prey. Men, women, and children have often been chased for long distances by salmon on the lonely Oregon roads, and an enormous number of sheep and cattle have been killed and devoured. Two years ago the forest in the neighborhood of East Melville, in Southern Oregon, was infested by a pair of salmon of unusual size and ferocity. Hardly a night passed that some settler did not lose a valuable domestic animal, and no less than five human lives were sacrificed almost within sight of the Methodist meeting house. The people of the town never went out of their houses unarmed, and they lost so much sleep in consequence of the nightly and incessant roaring of the fish that life was really a burden to them. The town authorities offered a reward of $1,000 for the head of either of the two salmon, but no local hunter was bold enough to make the attempt to gain it. These formidable fish were finally killed by a party of hunters, nine in number, who, assisted by a pack of well-trained fish hounds, tracked the fish to their lair in a small pool of stagnant water and shot them with a Gatling gun. Twenty-two bullets were found in the body of the male and seventy-four in that of the female. The former fell dead at the first fire, but the latter, although severely wounded, rushed on the hunters and succeeded in killing one and disabling eight dogs before she was finally conquered.
    In winter, the Oregon salmon, rendered more fearless than ever by want of food, roam over the country in packs and droves of from twenty-five to a thousand fish. No exact statistics as to the annual loss of life by salmon in Oregon are at present accessible, but it is believed that in proportion to its population Oregon loses as many inhabitants yearly by salmon as India loses by tigers.
    The only way in which to meet this great evil is for the state government to offer a reward of, say, $100 for every salmon killed within its borders. Such an offer would cause an instant emigration of thousands of fearless hunters from every state in the Union to Oregon. Some lives would, of course, be lost, but the salmon would soon be practically exterminated, and it would become possible for a stage to pass even Applegate Creek without being attacked and destroyed by salmon.
Morning Astorian, Astoria, Oregon, March 20, 1885, page 2  This article was reprinted in Jacksonville by the Oregon Sentinel on May 30, page 4

    Owing to the railroad company changing time, by running through to Delta, without laying overnight at Redding, the stages will arrive here every morning between 2 and 4 o'clock, making closer connection with Ashland stage. Heretofore the stage arrived about noon, the passengers and mail laying overnight in this place to take stage for Ashland next morning. The time of departure from Yreka for Delta and Ashland will be the same as heretofore, going south after supper, on arrival of stage from Oregon, and going north each morning about 4 o'clock, or as soon as Delta stage arrives. This will make one day's quicker time from San Francisco.--Yreka Journal.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 28, 1885, page 3

(Written for the Tidings by A. Soares, Esq., of London, Eng.)
Half a foot, half a foot,
Half a foot onward:
Down in an awful hole,
Shaking one's very soul,
Wonder we came out whole;
On, the stage lumbered!
Chasms to right of it,
Ditches to left of it;
Pitch dark in front of it,
Onward it thundered.

Oh! that confounded blow,
When with an upward throw,
My head is made to go;
Where next? I wondered!
Creaked all the old stage gear,
As through the ruts we tear,
Going we scarce know where,
Where have we wandered?
Ours not to reason why,
Ours to sit still and sigh,
And most penitently cry
Staging, we'd blundered.
Chasms to right of it,
Ditches to left of it,
Pitch dark in front of it,
On, the stage lumbered.
Sick was my traveling mate,
Cursed he his hapless fate,
Each time he rubbed his pate
Stars saw a hundred.
Loud German oaths he swore,
Tufts of his hair he tore,
Thrown nearly through the door,
Well nigh had foundered.
Vain the attempt to steep
In stage-forgetting sleep
Sense of our injuries deep
While the stage floundered.
Down come the snow and hail,
Fiercely now blows the gale,
Nought now of horrors fail,
It lightened and thundered.
Chasms to right of it,
Ditches to left of it;
Pitch dark in front of it,
Onward it blundered.
On does it plunge again,
Onward with might and main,
Respite at last we gain;
The stage-pole has sundered!
Ashland Tidings, March 19, 1886, page 1

    Overland travel is good, but the hotel men complain that the time schedule of the stages and trains rushes the travelers right through town without allowing them to either eat or sleep in Ashland.
    The stage time from Slate Creek to Ashland will be somewhat faster than published in our last, especially going north. The stages from Slate Creek north will leave the railroad at 8:30 p.m., and reach Yreka at 9:15 a.m. next day, connecting with railroad in Ashland at 7:45 p.m. The stages southward will run on time as in last issue, leaving Ashland at 5 a.m., reaching Yreka at 3:15 p.m., and Slate Creek next morning at 4:30 a.m.--[Journal.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 14, 1886, page 3

    Thos. Gravenor of Albany, Wisconsin, agent of the Western Stage Co., arrived here the first of the week to take charge of the stage line and mail contract between Ashland and Fort Klamath. On Wednesday he went out over the line to Linkville and the Fort. Mr. Gravenor will make Ashland his home for a year or more.
"Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 26, 1886, page 3

    The C. & O. Stage Co. will run two and possibly three extra six-horse stages over the road from Ashland to Gibson's next Thursday and Friday, to haul the extensive minstrel troupe of 22 performers and other travelers, in excess of what the regular stage takes. The minstrel troupe has also 4,500 lbs. of baggage. The stable keepers of Ashland and Yreka, as well as parties along the road, will furnish the company with extra horses, and from now on extras will be put on whenever there are more passengers than one stage can carry, arrangements having been made to procure the extra horses at short notice by means of telegraph communication, whenever a larger number than the reserves of the company are needed.--[Journal.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 2, 1886, page 3

Fine Passenger Coach.
    Mr. Gravenor, the resident agent of the Western Stage Co., has stocked the Linkville stage line in good style, and will offer passengers better accommodations than have been maintained heretofore. He has bought the fine passenger coach owned by Martin at Yreka, and will run it through from Ashland to Linkville with four horses every alternate day. It made the first trip out from Ashland yesterday, and will return this evening. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays it will leave Ashland for Linkville, and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings will leave Linkville for Ashland. The alternate trips will be made with two-horse wagons, as heretofore.
Ashland Tidings,
July 9, 1886, page 3

    The first station out on the Linkville stage route now is Soda Springs, where the passengers breakfast going east. The other stations are Naylor's, Parker's and Cooper's.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 9, 1886, page 3

    The evenings at Sisson's were always cool. An open fire of logs burned in the office, and at midnight the heavy stages, each with its lamps and team of six horses, rolled noisily up to the door with freight and passengers. By November the railroad is expected, and then farewell to the present quiet and novelty. No more will the rumble of the stages be heard, and the well-known  drivers will be forgotten.
    The present gap between the Central Pacific and the Oregon and California [Railroad] is about 100 miles. The stage makes the distance between the hours of 10:30 p.m. one day and 7 p.m. the next, or in about twenty-one hours. Fresh horses are used at intervals of every twelve miles, and there is a two hours' rest at Yreka, where breakfast is eaten. Between Dunsmuir and Shasta the road is badly cut up by construction teams, but beyond is still in excellent condition. By stopping over at Sisson's the journey can be made without fatigue, and the ride by daylight from Yreka over the Siskiyou Range to Ashland is incomparably fine. The road climbs the mountains by winding in zigzag course up their steep slopes, and upon nearing the summit enters a forest of pine, fir and oak. Here the giant trees cover every headland and isolate one from the world around; and again there are extended views in every direction, and one can look far over the tops of the forests to Mount Shasta and into the various valleys that have been followed earlier in the day. I have taken many a stage ride over mountain roads, and am sure that no other one possessed the picturesque features of this over the great natural barriers separating the two Pacific states. Especially beautiful is that portion of the route lying north of the summit. For miles the road is through unbroken forests and by the side of deep ravines, and at frequent intervals there are glimpses of the Rogue River Valley and the low, dimly outlined hills of Oregon. If one is a lover of nature, of what is picturesque, he should take the overland to Oregon before the stages are supplanted by the railroad. He will never be able to see from a Pullman that which is visible from the old box seat; nor will the future guides have the good old stories, tough but interesting, with which the drivers of today help one forget the few discomforts of the journey. They are jovial companions, these master whips, who handle their teams of six horses with such ease and confidence. They know every foot of the road, are familiar with every legend of the country, and can tell offhand the names of all the trees, the history of every mountain camp. They are full of whims and eccentricities; old Smith despises a trunk and Jack Curtis never wants more than two on the seat beside him. But the memories of the men are remarkable. The commissions they are given along the road by farmers and by their wives and daughters would drive most men insane. One wants Jack to get her two pounds of soda at Ashland; another asks him to get two yards of cloth, and still another gives him a verbal message to some friend in town. Every request is remembered, and besides that work the master of the horses must think to ease the off wheeler, for she strained a leg last week, or deal gently with that nigh leader for he did double duty the day before. He knows the name of every horse in every team, and answers more questions in a day than one can suggest in a week. The stages carry the overland mail and accommodate from twelve to fifteen passengers. Ample time is given for meals, and altogether the ride from one railroad to the other is an experience full of most pleasurable excitement.
Edwards Roberts, "Overland to Oregon," Ashland Tidings, October 29, 1886, page 1

    DECLINE OF THE ROAD AGENT.--Road agents get a very poor living nowadays. Stage-robbing is a very impecunious business. "I'm thinking of lecturing to young men, advising them not to enter upon the profession, as there's nothing in it." These were the sage remarks of Special Agent Hume of the Wells, Fargo Express Company, and they were occasioned by reviewing the stage-robbing record of the company for the year 1886. .During that time there were only fifteen robberies of stages on the entire line of the company, which extends through all the western states and territories and includes Mexico. Of these robberies, nine were in California, two in Arizona and one each in Nebraska, Montana, New Mexico and Oregon. Altogether, eleven of the knights of the road engaged in the work in California were captured; nine now have time for repentance in the state prisons and two are awaiting trial. In the nine robberies only $1,025 was secured and of this amount all but $235.31 was recovered by detectives, Special Agents Hume and Thacker. Three of the robberies were on stage lines in Mendocino County, two in Calaveras and one each in San Joaquin, Sierra, Butte and Monterey counties. Besides these there were three unsuccessful attempts to rob stages and eight express offices were robbed. All but $319.71 was recovered of the coin taken from offices. The year's record is much smaller, both in number and losses, than any previous year. The usual average since 1870 has been about thirty robberies a year, and by reason of the road agent the company has lost from that time to the present not quite a million dollars. Of this sum a large proportion was for salaries of guards and special officers, in fourteen years $326,517 being paid for that purpose. Since the incarceration of C. E. Bolton, "Black Bart," in November, 1883, there has been a noticeable diminution in the number of robberies. His term of imprisonment will expire in about a year.--Bulletin.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1887, page 1

Portland Oregonian.

    The gap between Ashland, the southern terminus of the Oregon road, and Montague,the northern terminus of the California line, is now less than fifty miles. The company has an immense force at work, and daily the number of laborers are increased. Last Saturday an employment agency here received orders from Sisson, Crocker & Co., to secure all the men, white and Chinese, that were to be had, and send them to the front. Good weather has set in, and there is every probability that the gap will be reduced to ten or twelve miles by the middle of June. This gap will be the summit of the Siskiyous, and stages can make the trip in two hours. The stage ride would be the feature of the journey, and few would hesitate to take it. Except, perhaps, the Yosemite Valley, no better view of the magnificent in nature can be had anywhere on the coast than from the summit of the Siskiyous. One can see the entire Rogue River Valley, the Salmon and Scott mountain ranges, and Mount Shasta, towering nearly three miles high. Whether the company will build an overland road, pending the construction of the numerous tunnels, is not known, but so far as tourists are concerned a ride in Concord coaches is far preferable to a ride through tunnels in a Pullman.
Merced Star, April 7, 1887, page 3

    MONTAGUE.--Montague is the present northern terminus of the California & Oregon railroad, from which point to Ashland is forty-five miles. Sleeping and dining cars are run from San Francisco to this point. The reporter learns from ex-Governor Moody, who came home via this route, that the car service is all that could be desired. The stage route from Montague to Ashland is over the mountains, and although the snow has entirely disappeared from the road bed and vicinity, the road is very lumpy, although rapidly drying up. The forty-five miles staging took eighteen hours of travel, about 2½ miles an hour. In a very short time, unless an April snow comes, which is not anticipated on that route, the distance to be traversed by the stages will be materially reduced, and with better roads the stage ride will be an all-daylight one. Governor Moody found the trip a pleasant one, although the 2½-mile-an-hour stage ride was a trifle tedious.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 15, 1887, page 1

    Yesterday the stage terminus of the C.&O.R.R. was moved northward from Hornbrook to Cole's, reducing the staging distance about eight miles of heavy mountain grade.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 3, 1887, page 3

Overland Stage Travel.
    Joel Million, who has charge of the stage stock of the C. & O. & I. Stage Co. in Ashland, has kept a close record of the travel on the stage between Ashland and the C.&O.R.R. terminus since the first of March, and from him the following has been learned: On March 1st the terminus was at Gazelle, on the 10th it was moved to Montague. During the month of March 248 passengers were carried on the stages both ways between Ashland and the terminus. During the month of April 401 passengers were carried. May 1st the terminus was moved to Hornbrook, and during May 978 passengers were carried. The number will no doubt reach 1200 to 1500 during the present month.
Ashland Tidings,
June 3, 1887, page 3

    W. J. Plymale's stage has come to stay. He makes regular trips twice a day [to Medford] to connect with the morning and evening trains, and he asks a liberal share of public patronage.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 17, 1887, page 3

Only Thirteen Miles of Staging.
    It is expected that before next week trains over the California & Oregon road, instead of stopping at Cole's, will run ten miles farther into the mountains, right up to the south end of Summit tunnel. Cole's will still remain a dining station, but stages will start from the new station, which is to be called Siskiyou. This extension reduces staging to about thirteen miles, there being a good road the whole distance. The change makes necessary a few trifling alterations in the timetable of the Oregon express, the time of leaving San Francisco and reaching Portland remaining as before. Trains going north will arrive at Cole's at 12:35 p.m., instead of 12:15 and will leave there at 1 p.m., arriving at Siskiyou at 1:45. Ashland will be reached at 5 p.m., instead of 5:40. Going south the train leaves Portland at 4 p.m., reaching Ashland at 9 a.m., Siskiyou at 12:15 a.m., Cole's at 1:25, Sissons at 5:15 p.m., and San Francisco at 7:40 a.m.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 7, 1887, page 3

    W. J. Plymale is running a daily stage from Jacksonville to Medford to connect with the trains both north and south. His stage leaves Jacksonville promptly at 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. A liberal share of the patronage is solicited.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 12, 1888, page 3

Staging in Early Days.
EUGENE, Jan. 10, 1888.
    EDITOR GUARD:--In an item appearing in the Guard of December 31st, copied from the Ashland Tidings, in regard to the first stage and driver thereof across the Siskiyou Mountains, which I think is wrong in date. In 1851-2 there were about twelve stage companies in California running to all parts of the state. In 1853 they held a meeting in Sacramento and joined in a joint stock company under the name of the C.S.C. Co., which was to commence the 1st of January, 1854, with Jas. Beach president, Chas. McCaulin vice president, and Warren Hall general manager. In the summer of 1854 Chas. McCaulin sent his brother and a driver named Little Sam, by way of Portland, with two Concord coaches to take them to Yreka to run coaches between that point and Callahan's ranch, to connect with the Greathouse saddle train that ran from Shasta. In taking them from Oregon City to Aurora Mr. McCaulin was thrown from the box, the wheel running over his head, killing him. Sam had the remains buried and hired another man to help him through. When they got to Yreka Hugh Silicer, a nephew of McCaulin's, took charge of the stock and as superintendent ran a daily stage line to Callahan's and put on a tri-weekly stage across the Siskiyous to Jacksonville with Little Sam as driver, and not Dan Cawley as stated in the Tidings. This was in 1854 and not in 1856 as the Tidings states. In 1855 the president of the company started to New York but was lost with the steamer Yankee Blade, when James Hayworth was elected. In 1856 they stocked the Pit River route from Red Bluff to Yreka, by way of Pit River, McCloud Valley and Shasta Valley. This route was run but four months, when the Pit River Indians compelled them to abandon the line on account of their hostilities. In those days staging was good in California. I have seen twenty stages leave Marysville every day and the same number out of Sacramento, besides what ran out of San Francisco, Stockton and other places in the mountains, carrying twenty passengers to the coach and thirty on the six-horse coaches. In 1860 they obtained a mail contract from Sacramento to Portland for $95,000 per year, which was a small sum for so long a route, especially when they were paid in greenbacks. In 1864 a party from Texas got the mail contract but failed to come to time, when the old company took it for two years at a large price. In 1866 Senator Corbett of Portland got the contract for four years, when Barlow & Sanderson took it and held control I believe, until crowded off by the steam horse.
Ashland Tidings, January 20, 1888, page 2

Stages Ordered Out.
    The stage coaches kept at Dollarhide's for the railroad company since the completion of the through line were ordered out yesterday for the first time, to transfer the passengers and baggage from Siskiyou, at the mouth of the tunnel, to the water tank station, a mile and a half this side of Dollarhide's. Numerous slides between the latter point and the tunnel made it impossible to get the trains through. The stages will probably be used there for several days.
Ashland Tidings, January 27, 1888, page 3

Early Siskiyou Staging.
    A writer in the Eugene Guard recently stated that the first stages were run over the Siskiyous in 1854 [see above], instead of 1856 as reported in the Tidings. The Yreka Journal, reprinting the communication to the Guard, adds the following: If a stage line was in operation from Yreka to Jacksonville in 1854, it must have been hauled off as a non-payment enterprise, from the fact that no stages crossed the Siskiyou during 1855. In 1856, when the California Stage Co. received the contract to Jacksonville, stages were put on again, when Dan Cawley drove over as the pioneer driver of that year. It was some years after that before stages ran through to Portland, and up to 1860 saddle mules took passengers from Callahan's to Shasta, with opposition from 1858 to 1860 on the railroad route, saddle mules connecting at Soda Springs to Shasta. In 1860 wagon roads were completed on both stage routes, the travel being principally by way of Callahan's until 1871, when the daily mail was changed to present railroad route, at which time the railroad was started northward from Sesma, just below Red Bluff, with the expectation that it would be continued onward to completion, to shorten the stage connection all the way. After reaching Redding, the railroad company started work, and did not commence again until 1883.
Ashland Tidings, February 10, 1888, page 3

    The veteran stage man, Dan Cawley, is in town, and says positively that he did drive the first stage over the Siskiyou Mountain, when the old California Stage Co. commenced running north of Yreka in 1856. The coaches used between Yreka and Callahan's were shipped over that mountain a couple of years previous, as the only way to get here on wheels. Dan does not care particularly about the credit of being the pioneer driver over the Siskiyou Mountain, but does not like the idea of his veracity being doubted, or what his friends have claimed in his behalf.--[Journal.
"Here and There," Ashland Tidings, February 24, 1888, page 3

    GROWN GRAY IN THE SERVICE.--Dan. Cawley, the veteran stage driver of the Siskiyous, passed through the valley last week, bound for Eastern Oregon; he was accompanied by W. L. Smith, better known as "Smithy." These gentlemen are both old landmarks. Dan drove the first stage over the Siskiyous. "When was that, Mr. Cawley," we queried. "In 1856," said the gray-whiskered man. "When that stage came down through Rogue River Valley it was as great a surprise to the people as these cars were when they came through. People would quit their plowing to look at the stage-coach; women and children would run to the doors just as they do now when the train passes. I have driven stage ever since 1856, excepting about seven years of the time, and never had an accident that cost a life, or the company a cent. I also drove the last stage-coach over the Siskiyous recently. That man sitting over there," said Dan, "is Smith, who carried the first mail out of Jacksonville bound northward; that was in 1857, and he carried it on a pack mule." Both look young yet and are as jolly and jovial as men can be. They are surely worthy of a place in Oregon's history.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 27, 1888, page 1

Linkville Stage Line.
    Beginning next Monday, April 22nd, a semi-weekly stage and express line will be operated by W. B. Grubb and Capt. D. J. Ferree between Ashland and Linkville, via Keno. The stages will leave Ashland every Monday and Thursday, after the arrival of the north train, and will leave Linkville for Ashland at 6 a.m. of the same days. Express packages will be carried at low rates. Office in Ashland will be at The Oregon. The new line will be a great accommodation to the public, as many people greatly prefer this route to that around by Ager.
Ashland Tidings, April 19, 1889, page 3

    Henry Wendt, the popular stage man on the Williams route, is winning golden opinions from all sorts of people, by his regularity, promptness and attention to every charge entrusted to him. His stage moves with the precision of clockwork and is generally loaded to the guards.
    Louden, the stage line proprietor, like Banquo's ghost, "will not down," and has finally succeeded in securing a biweekly mail to Watkins, with flattering prospects of a triweekly mail in the near future. The people who are to enjoy this special mail service should not overlook the fact that this change is due to Mr. Louden's untiring efforts, and should embrace every opportunity to reward their benefactor by throwing business to him when it can be done. Mr. Louden has purchased a spanking fine team and has a first-class conveyance for carrying mail, freight and passengers to and from Watkins and the Elliott Creek mining district. The stage will hereafter leave Jacksonville Mondays and Fridays, returning the following days. Freight and passengers will be carried promptly and all business attended to with the greatest care.
"News from Uniontown," Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 2

    Ab. Giddings, the veteran stage driver who had a rib broken by being pushed off of the stage at Ager while he and another man were loading on a trunk, came over Tuesday to visit his family.
"Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, February 21, 1895, page 3

    The Ashland-Klamath Falls stage contractor, Grant Ames, was arrested Sunday, for cruelty to animals, in driving horses on the line which were unfit to be taken out of the stable or pasture. He pleaded guilty; sentence was suspended pending the doing of certain things proper for the welfare of the stage stock.
"State News Notes," Gold Hill News, November 26, 1898, page 1

    The schedule of Ashland and Klamath Falls stage line has been recently changed so that the stage now leaves Ashland at 6 a.m. instead of 1 p.m. and reaches Klamath Falls at 9 p.m. of the same day.
"Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1900, page 1

    The severest snow storm for 15 years, at this place, continued its fury for about 48 hours, with telling effect. Snow was drifted 5 feet high most all along the main street, and business suspended three days. All the stage lines were stopped more or less. Some of the lines are now carrying the mail on horseback.
    Knowing from personal experience that several false reports have been widely circulated throughout Southern Oregon about the Ashland-Klamath Falls stage line causes me to warn the traveling public to not be deceived by those who are not doing "as they would be done by." I passed over the line, as a passenger, Jan. 1st, and found their fare to be very reasonable; also the company's drivers are very careful in handling teams so as to avoid accidents while passing over the mountain. The supt., Robert Garrett of Ashland, intends soon to furnish foot-warmers for the comfort and convenience of travelers on this line in midwinter. Stage leaves Ashland each day at 5 o'clock p.m. The line is equipped with first-class stock and coaches.
"Storm in Klamath County," Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1901, page 3

    A runaway took place Thursday morning on the Steamboat-Applegate stage line that ended in a total wreck of the stage and the badly bruising of the driver, O. E. Rose, and of a passenger, J. A. Burkart, a prospector who was coming out from the mines on his way to his home at Lebanon, Oregon. Neither of the men were seriously hurt, but had a close call for they were dragged some distance in the wreck of the stage. The cause of the trouble was the neck yoke coming down at which the team began to run and they got beyond the control of the driver and plunged down the road leaving the hack in pieces by the roadside.
"Local Notes," Jacksonville Sentinel, May 22, 1903, page 5

    Jim Wright, one of the all-around Southern Oregon pioneer characters, arrived in Jacksonville Wednesday afternoon and remained until Thursday afternoon, renewing memories of the days gone by with the old-timers, though he was the guest of S. P. Jones, who like himself was a driver on the Oregon and California stages in the '50s and '60s. Mr. Wright is now living at Roseburg, and he is yet a hearty, well-preserved man. In addition to his being one of the most expert and popular stage drivers that ever guided a team over the track, by courtesy called a road, that traversed the mountains and forded the streams of Southern Oregon, Mr. Wright served as sheriff of Douglas County and he also kept a saloon at Central Point, Grants Pass and Roseburg.
"Local Notes," Jacksonville Sentinel, July 10, 1903, page 3

A Veteran Stage Driver.
    The Roseburg Review gives the subjoined mention of George Roberts, one of the old-time stage drivers who drove on the Oregon and California stages in the '60s and '70s before the present railroad was built. Mr. Roberts is well known to all the old residents of Jacksonville and of the valley. He is a brother of the late Mrs. W. J. Plymale of this place.
    Geo. Roberts, the well-known stage driver, was in Roseburg last week greeting old-time friends. For sixteen years he drove a six-horse team to the stages running between Roseburg and Yreka, and only laid off 30 days during that period. He had charge of the famous team of six white horses which was the pride of the stage line and worked in and out of Roseburg regularly. Since the railroad was completed through to California in 1881 he has been driving stage on various routes in California, including the famous Yosemite Valley. With but one exception Mr. Roberts has done longer service than any other of the noted six-horse stage drivers now living, and ranks in the class of the famous Hank Monk. He is still an active man and expects to drive at the centennial exposition in Portland next year. Roberts Hill, in this county, was named after Jesse Roberts, father of the noted stage driver, who came to Oregon in 1845. Mrs. John Arzner and Mrs. Amanda Russell, of Canyonville, are sisters of Mr. Roberts.
Jacksonville Sentinel, January 29, 1904, page 1

    George N. Lewis has been given contract for carrying the mail from Jacksonville to Watkins, the service to be a continuation of the present schedule, which calls for two round trips each week. Mr. Lewis will continue to run his stage as at present leaving Jacksonville on Mondays and Fridays at 8 a.m. for Watkins and Joes Bar, returning Tuesdays and Fridays. Should the travel to the Applegate copper district continue to increase as it has of late Mr. Lewis will make three trips a week with his stage, and if the traffic warrants he will put on a daily stage. Mr. Lewism having the Jacksonville livery stable, is able to give a first-class and regular service in the Applegate both for the mails and for passenger and freight traffic. Prospectors and others bound for the Upper Applegate will find Lewis' stage a comfortable vehicle to ride in, and his charges for both passengers and freight are quite reasonable. He also supplies special conveyances to parties who wish to make the trip at their own convenience as to time and destination.
"Local Notes," Jacksonville Sentinel, July 8, 1904, page 1

    Tom Burnett, one of the veteran stage drivers of the old California and Oregon Stage Company, that in pioneer days ran stages from Portland to San Francisco, shortening the run as the railroad was built out from each of those cities until the two sections of railroad were closed in the Siskiyou Mountains south of Ashland, is here on a visit to his cousins, M. J. Hanley, E. F. Hanley and Miss Alice Hanley. Thursday Mr. Burnett was in Jacksonville, where he and W. G. Kenney and S. P. Jones, two other C. and O. stage drivers, had a reunion and spent an hour in recalling incidents of the days they handled the ribbons and the whip and swung their teams along the roads of Southern Oregon, in daylight and darkness, in storms and winter snows, nothing stopping them but the bottomless mud holes that each winter put sections of the road all but out of use. Mr. Burnett drove the last stage out of Roseburg, and which was drawn by the famous six-horse gray team that was on the Roseburg section for so many years. The railroad had been completed on to Myrtle Creek, and the day following the mail train was run onto that place. The next extension was to Riddle, then to Glendale and then to Grants Pass, reaching Medford January 17, 1884, and Ashland soon after, where a long halt was made while the railroad was built across the Siskiyou Mountains to a connection with the railroad that was being built north from San Francisco. Mr. Burnett was considered the crack whip of the road, and so expert was he in handling the long lash that he could pick a fly off a leader and never disturb a hair of the horse. On that eventful morning, that Roseburg was to bid goodbye to the stage, a big crowd was out to weep at the passing of the old order of things and to cheer at the new order that the railroad would bring. A brass band added to the excitement of the occasion and Mr. Burnett, when all was ready to start, swung his whip to give a gentle touch to the leaders, but instead of doing that with the artistic touch of a Hank Monk as was his wont, he knocked his hat off instead, like the veriest green hand on the road. It so upset Mr. Burnett's pride that he came near falling off his seat, and all that trip his whip hung limp in his hand, so disgusted was he with his ignominious failure of the morning when he intended to go out of Roseburg with a grand flourish as became the crack driver and the crack team of the road. Mr. Burnett now lives on the donation land claim that his father took up in the early fifties at Roberts Hill near Roseburg, where his home overlooks the old stage road, the railroad, the Umpqua River where Mr. Burnett is spending his days in quiet.
"Additional Locals," Jacksonville Sentinel, July 15, 1904, page 8

    Several Medford business men, E. N. Warner, A. H. Platt, Dr. J. F. Reddy, H. M. Coss and Mr. Clark, made a trip to the Blue Ledge last week, with a view to establishing a private stage line running direct from Medford to the copper mines. They found the roads in fairly good condition considering the time of year, and upon their return Mr. Coss took up the matter of starting the stage line and on Wednesday the first stage on the new line left Medford. Four horses will be used on the stages whenever necessary. The establishment of this line will not only prove a source of convenience to those wishing to go to or come from the mine, but it should be a paying investment for its promoters. The line will run through Jacksonville, following the old Applegate road, and regular tri-weekly trips will be made carrying passengers and freight. There will likely be a great amount of travel between Medford and the Blue Ledge this year and there is no doubt but that the new line will do a good business.
    At the Blue Ledge the party found work being pushed as rapidly as possible. Some sixty men are now employed--as many as there is bunk room for. Additional men will be employed as soon as more bunk houses can be erected for their accommodation.
    Within the next few months there will be a couple of hundred men in the camp.
    Four-horse stages will leave Medford on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, and oftener if the business of the line makes it necessary. Good time will be made each way.
    Wednesday morning the first stage line left Medford, carrying seven passengers and a considerable amount of baggage and freight.
Medford Mail, March 2, 1906, page 1

    Burel Miller came over from Montague Tuesday. He brought over with him two stage coaches for liveryman Lewis, of Jacksonville, for use on the Blue Ledge stage line.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 20, 1906, page 5

Blue Ledge Stage Robbed.
    Last Friday evening as the second section of the Jacksonville-Blue Ledge stage was slowly crawling up the hill near the summit, two miles west from Jacksonville, a lone bandit, heavily armed, stepped from the brush near the roadside and, leveling a couple of automatic six-shooters at the driver, commended him to halt. The driver halted. "Pile out, there, you fellows," commanded the gentleman behind the guns. The ten passengers piled out. "Line up and turn your pockets inside out and be quick about it," commanded the robber, who had thus so unceremoniously assumed the directorship of the occasion. The passengers lined up and did exactly as Mr. Robber directed. While he was engaged gathering up the assortment of valuables which fell from the pockets of the passengers Warren Mee and family, of Applegate, who had been in Central Point that day on business, drove up and stopped to see what was going on, and the accommodating bandit quickly let Mr. Mee into the deal on the same terms as the original stockholders, relieving him of $55 in hard cash. The robber then permitted the party to disperse, himself disappearing in the brush. It is estimated that the robber secured some $200 all told by his few moments' work.
    The stage hurried into Jacksonville and gave the alarm and in a short time Sheriff Jackson and a posse of deputies started on the trail, but up to this writing no trace of the robber has been found.
    A report reached here Saturday that four strangers who had been hanging around Jacksonville for several days disappeared that day and it is surmised that they may be the guilty parties.
    The first stage, carrying the mail and express and a number of passengers, was not molested, but a couple of dogs following this stage barked furiously at some object in the brush at the point where the holdup of the second stage occurred and some of the passengers say they saw two men on the hillside above the road.
    It was also reported Saturday that four men tried to catch a freight train at Medford Saturday afternoon and one of them got aboard and the other three missed the train, but started after it on foot going south. Many are of the opinion that these were the men who did the job.
    Magnus Hall was the driver of the stage, and among the passengers were A. G. Turner, Albert Lee, Robt. Vennum, Fred Armstrong, W. T. Moulton, Arthur Jones and C. C. Bryant. Mr. Bryant was the only real lucky individual in the bunch excepting the robber. Bryant dropped his purse, containing $27, as per instructions, but while the robber was attending to Mr. Mee's case he slyly covered his purse with dirt and it was overlooked. He went back next day and recovered it.
    The robber was said to show earmarks of having been an adept at the business, and all agree that he executed the job with neatness and dispatch.
Central Point Herald, February 28, 1907, page 1

    Dick Besse, the veteran stage driver, has quit the Butte Falls line and is spending a few days in town looking around for a business opening in which to invest. There are rumors afloat that Cupid, the little rascal, has been aiming his arrows in Mr. Besse's direction and that wedding bells may ring in the near future out towards Eagle Point.
    Mrs. Jane E. White and Mrs. Dunham, of Ashland, visited their sister, Mrs. J. H. Gay, this week. Mrs. White is one of the old pioneers of Jackson County, and in the early days she and her husband conducted the stage station at Woodville. They were at the station from the time the first stage coach passed over the road between Oregon and California until that mode of travel was superseded by the railroad. Mrs. White is proud of the fact that she cooked the first meal eaten by stage passengers at the Woodville stage station.
"Local and Personal," Central Point Herald, October 3, 1907, page 1

    The stage to the Blue Ledge went over an embankment near McKee's ranch last Monday. None of the passengers were hurt, but the horses were badly crippled. The stage rolled about 125 feet. The accident was caused by the team becoming unmanageable.
"Local Notes," Jacksonville Post, October 5, 1907, page 3

Blue Ledge Stage Off.
    J. L. Helms states that the Medford & Blue Ledge stage will be discontinued, as business does not justify any but the mail stage being run at present. Later in the season, when mining opens, the stage will be put into operation again.
Medford Daily Tribune, February 4, 1908, page 1

    KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 20.--Robert Garrett, who drove the first stage from Ashland to Linkville, now Klamath Falls, and also held the reins on the final trip between this city and the railroad, is now planning to be a passenger on the first train that comes to the local depot. Garrett began staging to Klamath Falls in 1874 and ever since has been connected with Southern Oregon staging. When the last coach of the Oregon and California Stage Company started for Klamath Falls Garrett was one of the members of the company, but replaced the regular driver and delivered the mail here on schedule time.
Medford Daily Tribune, May 20, 1909, page 7

Formerly Only Communication with Klamath
Was Sacramento-Roseburg Stage Line.

(James D. Fay)
    The passing of the last real stage line between Oregon and California in the extension of the railroad to Klamath Falls naturally suggests reminiscences of the days when the only means of land communication between Portland and San Francisco was by stage from Sacramento to Roseburg. In the history of these times are interwoven tales of holdups, washouts, perilous drives and adventures, and nothing is more entertaining to the lover of early history of Oregon than to get one of the old drivers of the stages through Southern Oregon in a reminiscent vein and have him tell you some of the incidents and adventures of the days when "Black Bart," the poet stage robber, and big grizzlies roamed at will in the fastnesses of the Siskiyous.
    Such an old driver and in such a vein it was the good fortune of the editor of the News to find this week in the person of Nort Eddings, who began driving stage when a slender lad of 20 or thereabouts in the early '70s and only retired just before the connecting link was made which made a continuous belt of steel across the continent and forever made staging as it was in the early days a thing of the past.
    But it is not of early-day staging nor history that this article was intended to be, but simply a recital of a couple of holdups in which Mr. Eddings was a passive but deeply interested participant. The first one of these occurred just at the summit of the Siskiyous one evening in June, 1878, when two gentlemen of the road disguised with sacks over their heads requested him to stop and "throw out the box." This was done with precision and dispatch. One of the robbers was evidently a new one at the game and his shotgun wobbled to such an alarming extent that Nort feared the thing would go off and hurt somebody or perhaps kill one of his pet team of six he drove over the mountain, so he requested the robber to "point that gun a little higher." The older and cooler of the two highwaymen ordered his companion to be careful, while he ransacked the mail pouch and the Wells Fargo box. At the end he asked if that was all. Eddings replied that it was, but the bandit was unbelieving and, climbing on the wheel of the stage, peered into the front boot. There he saw a package of beef bound for Cole's station, just over the summit. "Just hand that out, young man; I'll probably need that," he said. "Get it out yourself," said the driver, "I'm busy," as indeed he was with six restive horses made still more restive by the unaccustomed stoppage of the stage. The robber took the meat and departed. Subsequently they were traced down the Applegate River toward the coast, but were never overhauled nor was any of the booty ever recovered. Judge Tolman, now dead, Joe Clough, a resident of Douglas County now and an employee of the stage company at that time; J. Nunan of Jacksonville and several others were on the stage at the time. Mr. Nunan was on his way to San Francisco to buy goods and had a bunch of money in a valise, which lay under his and the driver's feet. Clough took several hundred dollars in bills out of his pocket (both were sitting outside) and shoved it under the "dicky seat." "Put those hands up or I'll fill you full of holes," was the command, and Joe immediately commenced reaching for a higher atmosphere. The passengers were not molested, however, and beyond the tribulations of a Jewish drummer who was scared so bad he couldn't control himself, the rest of the crowd rather enjoyed themselves.
    The second holdup occurred just beyond the old toll house and according to the bandit's own statement was accomplished by "Black Bart," the most poetic outlaw and "gentlest thief that ever robbed a purse or slit a throat." J. E. Hogan, sheriff of Douglas County in the '80s and something of a thief-catcher himself, visited Black Bart in San Quentin after his capture and from him learned the story of the holdup. This time there was only one passenger, a woman, on board, and the Wells Fargo [box] was chained down to the front boot. The driver couldn't let go of his team, so the robber ordered him to get down and go to the head of the team while he took an ax and broke open the box. This operation was described in detail by the famous robber to Sheriff Hogan, and "Bart" expressed a desire to once more meet "that youngster who wasn't scared by being held up so bad but he couldn't look out for his team." This last holdup happened in September or October, 1880, and was one of the last of Bart's achievements.
Medford Daily Tribune, May 29, 1909, page 4

Jack Montgomery, Pioneer Stage Driver, Lays Down Reins.
    Jack Montgomery, a pioneer citizen of this county, and one of the best known old-time stage drivers on the Pacific Coast, died at Eagle Point last Friday at the advanced age of 80 years.
    Jack Montgomery was one of the first drivers to bring a stage over the old California-Oregon route into Jacksonville away back in the '50s, and since that time he has been a picturesque figure in this section of the state. He lived for several years at Agate, leaving there for Eagle Point less than two years ago. He was a striking figure in the early Indian wars of of this valley, and when occasion arose it was not necessary for the aggressor on his rights to be an Indian to quickly get a fight with regular frontier weapons.
Central Point Herald, September 8, 1910, page 1

Auto Replaces Venerable Vehicle That Has
Traveled Siskiyous for Over 25 Years.

    A modern 40-horsepower automobile is to replace the old stage coach which has traveled through the Siskiyous from Ager to Klamath Springs daily for 25 years, according to a dispatch in the San Francisco Call.
    The Klamath Hot Springs stage line has been one of the state's institutions. Originally the road between the railroad and the springs, 22 miles up Klamath River, where the celebrated Shovel Creek flows in, was part of the overland stage route between San Francisco and Portland. Both before and after the railroad superseded the stage line as the most rapid means of travel, many noted stage drivers handled the ribbons on the Klamath Hot Springs road. When the overland stages were discontinued a daily service had to be maintained between Ager and the springs because of the popularity of the springs. Then the "old Bills" of the
Democratic Party in California made Klamath Hot Springs their annual rendezvous, and, led by Bill Foote, Billy English, Jim Budd and others, the party strong men used to gather to play in the mud and to play the big rainbow trout at the end of a silk line.
    Beyond all doubt more large rainbow trout have been caught in Shovel Creek and in the river near where the creek flows in than at any other point in the whole West. The children of the first fishermen who knew and loved the place go there year after year. They seem never to be disappointed.
    Thus the stage line remained one of importance after overland stage days were ended forever. The noted drivers remaining sought the privilege of driving the Klamath Hot Springs, of conveying the passengers and hauling the mail. Last year the fame of Klamath River and the improvement of the roads of Siskiyou County started an auto pilgrimage to hitherto unvisited Klamath Hot Springs. More than 60 machines reached the wonderfully beautiful spot during the season. They showed the practicability of automobiles on the Klamath Springs stage road, and they sealed the doom of the six-horse stage.

Ashland Tidings, April 3, 1911, page 3

Pioneer Woman Passes.
    Mrs. Jane P. White, one of the best known pioneer women of this section of Oregon, passed away at her home at Ashland Tuesday, March 21st, at the advanced age of 84 years, 7 months and 5 days.
    Deceased was a native of New York state but came to Michigan when a child, where she grew to womanhood and was married to Lytle J. White in 1848. In 1858 the couple came to Oregon via the Isthmus of Panama and Crescent City. Soon after arriving here they started a hotel and stage station at Rock Point, remaining there until the stage business was abandoned. It is said Mrs. White cooked the first and the last meal ever served to stage passengers at that station.
    Mrs. White is survived by three sons, Lester P. White, of Chico, California, Henry M. and C. L. White, of Ashland. Three sisters and a brother also survive her, as follows: Mrs. J. H. Gay, of Central Point; Mrs. O. C. Tiffany and Mrs. Maria Dunham, of Ashland, and A. B. Ganiard, of Stockton, California.
    The funeral was held Thursday, interment being in the Pioneer Cemetery at Rock Point.
Central Point Herald, April 6, 1911, page 4

Old-Time Driver Shoots One of the Runaway Horses, but Is Injured.

    MEDFORD, Ore., May 12.--Max Louden, one of the last of the old-time stage drivers, was fatally injured yesterday at Idaho Hill, on the Crescent City road fifteen miles from Grants Pass, while driving a four-horse team, which had become frightened.
    Knowing he was approaching a high cliff and a sharp curve, Louden drew his revolver and shot one of the leaders dead in its tracks. This failed to stop the team, however, which dragged the dead horse several yards and over the embankment. Louden's skull was fractured. His two passengers jumped and escaped with slight injuries.
San Antonio Express, May 13, 1911, page 1

    Two old cronies of stagecoach times got together on Wednesday when Ellis Beggs, of Baker city, ran up from Grants Pass where he was visiting, to spend a few hours with his old friend, Nort Eddings. Away back in the '70s Ellis Beggs drove stage from Rock Point west to Levens' while Nort Eddings had the east route across the Siskiyous to Cole's. Mr. Beggs is now a prominent stockman of Baker County.
"Local News Notes,"
Gold Hill News, December 21, 1912, page 3


    In the columns of an eastern publication of current circulation among Sunday schools appears a tale of early Oregon days, entitled "a true story of the West." With the veracity of the events therein set forth the residents of this section, who bore an active part in the history-making of early days, find ample cause for dissatisfaction.
    In 1879, during the month of September, President Hayes and the first lady of the land, then upon a tour of the Pacific Coast states, paid their respects to the hustling young commonwealth of Oregon. From Redding to Roseburg they traveled by stage, the only convenience obtainable, and each city and hamlet by the old trail turned out its populace to welcome the chief executive. Jacksonville was gay with flags and bunting on the morning of the President's arrival, and Southern Oregon was assembled to do him honor. This much is history, but the manner in which the story of that trip is told by the eastern paper does not correspond with the recollections of men who greeted the executive stage during its progress through the district, nor does it tally with the natural character of the country.
    According to the eastern romancer, Ted Buckley, the fourteen-year-old son of driver Buckley, then lying ill at Jacksonville, drove the famous six-horse stage from that city with its presidential passenger. At Table Rock--a properly picturesque site for old romance--young Buckley is said to have disembarked the distinguished party, driving bravely into the racing waters of the Rogue, to test the safety of the ford. He then returned for President Hayes and his party, whom he gallantly conveyed to the opposite shore. The President was deeply touched by the lad's simple devotion. So much for romance.
    No ford exists at Table Rock. No necessity existed on the stage road for crossing the river at that point. The current flows deep and grim today--holding the selfsame course that antedated the earliest pioneer; perhaps, the first Indian as well. At no time in history has it been forded by a wheeled vehicle, much less so by a heavily laden stage coach. Furthermore, though the romance is a delightful one, in the memory of men who were actively associated with the stage service and the early days of the district, Ted Buckley and his invalid parent, as stage drivers at least, are purely fictitious characters.
    Nort Eddings, of this city, who in those days was driver from Rock Point to Cole's Station, just over the California boundary, greeted the President as the executive coach swung up before the former station that September afternoon, thirty-odd years ago. William Carll, division agent of the California & Oregon stage company, handled the ribbons with consummate skill in honor of the noted passenger.
    When questioned as to the truth of the Buckley tale, the old driver spat contemptuously and observed: "The whole story is absurd. There never was a driver on the old stage route known as Buckley. Dozens of we old fellows know better. There is Louis Tucker, of Ashland, James Wright, of Roseburg, Joe Clough, of Canyonville, or George Chase, of Klamath--all of them men who handled the reins or worked for the company in those days. Any one of them will tell you that Buckley never existed, that there never was a ford at Table Rock. The whole story is a--what d'you call it?--pipe dream!"
    As a driver, in the good old days, Nort Eddings snuffed deeply of the spice of adventure. At the summit of the Siskiyous, on a balmy evening in June, 1878, "Black Bart," the poetical desperado of the period, thrust a six-gun into the young driver's face and commanded him to "throw the box." Eddings replied that he was busy with his horses, and warmly instructed the bandit to "point that gun a little higher."
    Again at the old toll house the gentle ruffian relieved Eddings' passengers of their valuables. When "Black Bart" reposed in San Quentin prison, recounting his exploits as he awaited sentence, he expressed a desire to again meet "the youngster who wasn't so scared by being held up that he couldn't look after his team."
    But the wish was never granted. The law placed a terminus to the career of this whimsical gentleman of the road--who relaxed into meter upon the slightest provocation--and his "stand and deliver" became merely an uneasy memory of the old California-Oregon road. 
Gold Hill News, September 27, 1913, page 1   Contemporary accounts do not mention Black Bart as one of the June 1878 robbers--see above. And Bart worked alone.

Pioneer Stage Driver at Pass
    M. J. Luark, the pioneer stage driver through the Rogue River Valley, is in the city taking a look at the country which he carried the mail in 1858, or fifty-five years ago. Mr. Luark was only a young man those days, and he has interesting tales to tell of the pioneer times, as well as of his experiences since. His route was between Oakland, Oregon, [and] Yreka, California, and he drove a two-horse wagon from Oakland to Grants Pass, and from here continued on with pack horses, the wagon road ending at this point. The Grants Pass of that time, however, was located somewhat further up the river than it is at the present time.--Rogue River Courier.
Jacksonville Post, December 20, 1913, page 1

Stage Holdup Near Yreka.
    An old-fashioned stage holdup occurred on the mountain road between Yreka and Walker last week. Two masked men in ragged overalls sprang out from a clump of bushes, covered the driver and ordered him from his seat. They rifled his pockets, securing forty-five dollars, tied his hands together and placed him inside the coach. There were no passengers, and the mail was untouched. Before leaving the bandits started the horses down the mountain, but the driver got his hands free in time to prevent an accident. There is no clue to the highwaymen.
Ashland Tidings, January 22, 1914, page 8

Old Stage Drivers Meet After Years
    George Roberts of Roseburg, eldest of living Oregon stage drivers of the old days, is the guest of his former comrades of the ribbons, Nort Eddings, and of his boyhood playmate, Marshal Jim Hutson, the present week at Gold Hill, says the News. Roberts, who missed but few days in a period of sixteen years upon the California-Oregon stage line, carries with him the peculiar credentials of his calling. The third and fourth fingers on each hand are permanently crooked and bent inward, a heavy ridge of flesh transversing the palm at the juncture of the digits. It is so that sixteen years of four-horse staging, with the reins gripped on up and down grades for long hours each day, permanently marks Roberts as one of the picturesque and passing fraternity of stage drivers. He has been solicited by the management of the San Francisco exposition to appear in 1915 in an historically accurate reproduction of Oregon stage days, and will doubtless accept. The Roberts and Hutson families were pioneer neighbors near Roseburg, to which vicinity the parents emigrated in the late '40s. Marshal Jim Hutson of this city, although some years younger, was playmate of the youthful Roberts, and both have recollections of the stockade built on the Roberts place to repel Indian attacks. Anyone wishing to hear the story of how "Indian John"--a savage henchman of old man Roberts'--foiled a plot to burn the ranch buildings and incidentally shot a marauding tribesman, may have the yarn for the asking. George Roberts is now in the seventies, but hale, hearty and keenly interested in life--particularly as to the 1915 exposition.
Ashland Tidings, July 16, 1914, page 6

Old-Time Stage Driver Here
    Frank Giddings, an old-time stage driver, who drove over the Siskiyous before the days of the train, is in Ashland visiting his mother, Mrs. Ellen Giddings, who resides at 107 North Main Street.
    Mr. Giddings drove on the Oregon-California stage line five years before the golden spike was set, being then a very young man. He has many friends in and around Ashland who have not seen him for many years and who will be glad to know of his presence here. He still follows the old occupation and is now driving a stage in Del Norte County, California, the route being from Crescent City to Requa, at the mouth of the Klamath.
Ashland Tidings, July 23, 1914, page 4

    In 1857 the first regular stage company began operations in Oregon, running between Portland and Salem. Two years later a mail stage was put on between Salem and Eugene. Soon it was running between Salem and Jacksonville. In June, 1860, a stage was put on the route between Red Bluffs in California and Oakland in Southern Oregon. At Oakland the California stages made connections with Chase & Co.'s stage which ran from Oakland to Corvallis, where it connected with the Oregon Stage Co.'s stage to Portland. Mr. Martin was made superintendent of mail service, his district being from Sacramento to Portland.
    "Many a time I have ridden right through from Sacramento to Portland, traveling night and day and making the trip in six days," said Mr. Martin. As the distance by stage road was 650 miles, you will see we averaged more than a hundred miles a day. At first the fare was $600 for the trip, but later the fare was reduced. We came through Oroville and Chico and on through Red Bluffs, Shasta and Yreka to Jacksonville and by way of the Rogue River Valley, Umpqua Valley and the Willamette Valley to Portland. During the Salmon River gold excitement we put on eight stages and they were loaded to the guards on every trip. We received $180,000 a year for carrying the mail, so that it was important to see that it reached its destination safely and speedily.
    "We also carried the Wells Fargo treasure chest, and as Jacksonville alone shipped between $25,000,000 and $30,000,000 in gold dust up to the time the stage line was discontinued, you will see there was a rich harvest for highwaymen and road agents. It was my job to see that the mail and treasure should not be taken. There had been a good many holdups when I took hold and I was anxious to put a stop to the holdup industry. Usually two road agents operated together. One held his gun on the express guard and driver while the other secured the treasure box and the registered mail sack. One of my drivers called 'Rattling Jack' made the suggestion that broke up the business. He said to me: 'I have been held up a time or two and I notice the road agents always get the drop on the express guard who is riding on top. Why not let the guard ride on the back seat inside like a passenger and have a dummy guard ride in his place? The robbers will not expect trouble from inside the coach.'
    "I instructed the guard to ride on the back seat and I told Rattling Jack if he was told to halt and stop, and holding the reins with one hand, to use the other hand to put the treasure box on the edge of the boot so the robber could reach up and get it. I told him as soon as he had placed the Wells Fargo box where the robber could get it to at once hold up his hands so as to avert all suspicion of resistance. Rattling Jack was held up shortly afterwards. He stopped at the command 'Halt!' and when told to throw out the treasure box he set it up on edge on the boot and said, 'There it is, help yourself.' The robber stepped over to the side of the stage and reached up to get it when the guard, who was inside on the back seat, let him have it with both barrels from his sawed-off shotgun. It blew a hole clear through the robber. The guard then jumped out on the opposite side and with his six-shooter shot the road agent who was standing at the horses' heads covering the driver and the dummy guard. Shortly afterwards in the same way the guard killed a holdup man near Redding and later got another on Scotts Mountain near Yreka. That put a stop for some time to holding up the stage.
Alexander Martin, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, August 14, 1915, page 4

A. Martin Was Superintendent of California-Oregon Line.

Special to the Union.
    KLAMATH FALLS (Ore.), Jan. 17.--The funeral of Alexander Martin Sr., who was superintendent of the old California and Oregon stage line operating between Sacramento and Portland, and pioneer resident of California and Oregon, took place this afternoon in Oakland, where he died at the age of 80 years.
    Mr. Martin was a native of Illinois, and after learning the trade of blacksmith came to Oregon in the early '50s, crossing Lost River and fording the Klamath on their way to Jacksonville, then the metropolis of Southern Oregon. He worked at his trade and then took a position as a traveling salesman. He obtained a government contract and selected the site of old Fort Klamath.
    After holding the position of superintendent of the old California and Oregon stage line he sold his interests in Jacksonville and removed to Oakland. At the outbreak of the Modoc War in 1873 he returned to Oregon and took a contract for carrying army supplies into the lava beds.
    Martin opened a store in Klamath Falls, then Linkville, in 1881. He organized the Klamath County Bank, of which he continued to be president until his death.
    He leaves a wife, Mrs. Elvira Martin, two sons, Alex Martin Jr. of Eugene, Ore.; George M. Martin of Berlin, Germany, and two daughters, Mrs. Elvira Woodard of Oakland and Mrs. Ida M. Aiken of Fresno, Cal.
Sacramento Daily Union, January 28, 1916, page 6

Oregon Pioneer of 1854 Is Dead in California.
    Klamath Falls, Or., Jan. 35.--Alex Martin, a pioneer who died last night at Oakland, [California,] was 81 years old and came to the Jacksonville gold diggings in 1854. He engaged in blacksmithing and later in merchandising with a pioneer firm. He was agent for the old Portland-Sacramento overland stage line until the railroad retired this concern. During the Modoc War he transported supplies for the troops from the end of the railway in the Umpqua Valley to the lava beds. He engaged in merchandising in a Klamath County town in 1881, running the town's only store. The store retired from business in 1900, after which Martin with a son, Alex Jr., now of Eugene, and E. R. Reames organized the Klamath County Bank, the first bank in this section. This was later merged with the First National, of which Mr. Martin has since been president. Interment will be at Oakland Thursday.
Jacksonville Post, January 29, 1916, page 1

    George Roberts and wife of Roseburg are in Ashland visiting relatives this week. This is an old stamping ground of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, and if they follow their inclination they may remain here permanently. Mr. Roberts is probably the oldest living stage driver in the Northwest, having driven a six-horse stage line continuously for 16 years in the early days from Rock Point below Gold Hill to the Barron place southeast of Ashland. This was 40 years ago, and during that entire 16 years there were only 30 days when Mr. Roberts was not holding the reins in the trip through Ashland. He also drove stage for 15 years in California after leaving his Oregon route. Mr. Roberts has many interesting tales to relate of the country about here in the early days, when travel over the Siskiyous was not the comfortable and luxurious trip it now is. During his long term as stage driver Mr. Roberts' hands became drawn and hardened from the continual holding of the reins, until they cannot be straightened out.
"Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, March 10, 1921, page 4

    Norton Eddings, pioneer stage driver of the California-Oregon stage line, passed away at his home on Pacific Highway one-half mile north of Gold Hill this morning at the age of 72 years. He was born on the Oregon Trail in the Cascade Mountains en route to Oregon by team on October 28, 1852, and in 1879 he was married at Rock Point to Minnie Gall, to which union were born five children, three surviving, Fred N. Eddings, Gold Hill, Floyd L., Grants Pass, and Glenn W., of Roseburg.
    Mr. Eddings served for 20 years as stage driver and is survived by only one of the old California-Oregon drivers; he is George Chase of Yreka, Cal. Deceased drove the greater part of his service between Yreka and Rock Point, Ore. and encountered two holdups, one of which occurred near the scene of the famous Siskiyou tunnel holdup of the Southern Pacific.
    Upon coming to Oregon the family settled on a homestead near Eugene, where after five years they came to Rogue River Valley, where he had spent practically all his life. After the construction of the Southern Pacific railroad he was employed as bridge watcher for seven years near Roseburg, after which he again drove stage from Roseburg to Myrtle Point.
    Mr. Eddings was well known In the vicinity of Gold Hill, where he has resided constantly for the past 26 years and will be greatly missed as one of Oregon's most sturdy pioneers.
    He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Armpriest and William Carll, both of Jacksonville, and one nephew, M. F. Wright of Portland.
    Funeral services in charge of Conger Funeral Parlors will be held at the late residence Sunday at 10 a.m., after which the body will be taken by auto to Canyonville for interment.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1925, page 4

    The county court has officially designated the foothills highway from Jacksonville north as the "Old Stage Road."
    This action was taken in answer to a petition signed by every resident on this beautiful and historic thoroughfare.
    For some reason. not altogether clear, this highway had become known, in popular parlance, as the "Millionaire Road,"--perhaps because along its borders some of the most attractive ranch homes in Southern Oregon have been built.
    The property owners regarded this appellation with immediate disfavor. They termed it as both inappropriate and in poor taste. But as the title persisted, a movement was started to have it officially blotted out, and the highway returned to its original name, "The Old Stage Road."
    This has now been done and, needless to say, the people of Jackson County should now designate this thoroughfare by its proper cognomen.
    Incidentally, it would be an excellent idea to have this highway marked with appropriate signs. It was along its rolling surface that the first settlers to the Rogue River Valley came on the regular stage from Roseburg south to Jacksonville, then the metropolis of Southern Oregon. It is the oldest and most picturesque highway in Southern Oregon.
    It now has its proper title. Why not let the visiting tourists and the local motorists know about it?
Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1927, page 5

A Good Idea.
To the Editor:
    I read your editorial on the action of the county court in officially designating the California-Oregon stage road as the "Stage Road," and I am glad to know that it has been so officially designated.
    But there is something additional that should be done by the citizenship of this country to preserve the history of some of the men who were drivers on this "Stage Road."
    George Chase was one of the drivers who took the lines at Cole Station in California and piloted the stage coach over the Siskiyou Mountains and as far north as Rock Point, where it was turned over to Nort Eddings, who drove from there to Canyonville.
    The old stage road crossed Rogue River at Rock Point at the identical spot where the new bridge is, and it seems to me as though this bridge should be named the "George Chase Bridge" and that a bronze tablet should be placed thereon with a little history of the connection that Chase had as a driver of the Oregon-California stage coach.
    There is also a bridge in the canyon very close to the place where Nort Eddings, while driving the stage, was held up and the passengers and the mail robbed; this bridge should be called the "Nort Eddings Bridge" and a bronze tablet placed on this bridge with a little history of Nort Eddings' connection as a driver for the California-Oregon Stage Coach Company.
    Nort Eddings and George Chase were the last of the old stage drivers; Nort Eddings died two or three years ago; George Chase still lives at Yreka, Cal. and regularly visits Jackson County every time a Jackson County fair is held and many people here are acquainted with him.
    As a mark of distinction to these men who piloted these stage coaches over the mountains, this tribute should be paid to them and the Commercial Club of this city should see to it that something of this character is done.
Medford, November 4.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1927, page 13

To the Editor:
    In answer to a communication by Gus Newbury in regard to the county court in officially designating the California and Oregon stage road as the Stage Road, it was headed as a good idea that is all right, I think. He says George Chase drove over the Siskiyous to Rock Point and Nort Eddings took the stage from there to Canyonville. I am the man that took the stage at Rock Point and drove it to Levens station. Galesville was the post office, 40 miles from Rock Point, and George Roberts drove it on to Roseburg to the end of the railroad. The oldest driver on the road then, he drove north, night drive, while a driver we called Colusa Bill drove south to me at 3 o'clock in the morning; then I drove back to Rock Point by noon and Chase drove back to Cole's, while Nort Eddings drove north from Cole's. It took two drivers to each 40 or 50 miles. Ed Calery drove alongside of myself. You see, it took six drivers from Roseburg to Cole's and 100 horses. He said all the old drivers were gone.
    I was born here close where Medford is now, in 1857, and I have been living ever since in March 24th [sic].
    I drowned a six-horse stage team in Cow Creek close to Levens station. The old-timers will remember that.
    Mr. Newbury says Rock Point bridge is in the same spot where it was then. So it is, and it was a toll bridge then, and so was the Gold Hill bridge.
    The road over the Siskiyous was a toll road. The stage company paid $600 a year. He says there is another bridge this side of Canyonville where Nort Eddings was robbed and it ought to be called Eddings bridge. Nort Eddings was robbed on the Siskiyou Mountains about half a mile west of where the DeAutremonts robbed the train, on a steep corduroy pitch. I drove the same team over there a while after he was robbed.
    I can give more information if necessary.
Medford, Nov. 11.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, November 12, 1927, page 5

Fred Tice, Last of Pioneer Stage Drivers,
Views from Plane the Routes and Scenes
He Traveled Years Ago with 6-Horse Team
    From stage coach to airplane! A long, long trail in the minds of the present generation. A shortcut through "memory lane" to Fred Tice, 72, of Medford.
    Mr. Tice, who is one of the few remaining professional stage coach drivers left in the country, enjoyed his first airplane ride over the valley this week, through the courtesy of Harold Sanders, owner of the Sanders Aeronautical School. Piloted by Mr. Sanders, the white-haired pioneer of Jackson County retraced  much of the route he traveled through this county, 50 years ago.  
    No suggestion of nervousness marked the conduct of the ruddy-faced man of 72 as he climbed into a passenger plane for the first time in his life. Rather, there was a gleam of eagerness in his eyes as the motor began to hum and the prospect of actually leaving the earth approached.
    "It's something like being born again--into a new age--and a new life," he observed to his companion on the trip, as the plane lifted from the field and began soaring. Leaning over the side of the ship so as not to miss any of the details of the flight, he traced out with his finger the course over which he drove his six-horse teams half a century ago.
    "There it is--the old stage road. It was nothing but brush in those days--not much of a road to it." And he pointed out the avenue to which Medford pioneer residents point with most pride. "I've watched the old road changing through the years--but I never thought I'd ever see it look like this," he added, with a note of humor as the plane climbed still higher and the road dissolved into a thin fringy thread.
    The earth below became a colorful rug with a predominance of green in its patterns. Square pear orchards tipped with white--triangular patches of green, gold and red--irregular bits of gray and black threads weaving themselves in and out. Here and there a dot of blue and winding its way through the whole beautiful picture, a gleaming band of silver--the Rogue!
    The detail grew less marked, and the colors began to blend and melt into one another as the plane winged its way still higher. The pioneer stage coach driver leaned back in the seat and studied the clouds. Heaven seemed a friendly distance from there--the atmosphere was fine and light, and the sun was a cordial host.
    "I don't think I ever want to go down--unless of course they'd bring back my six-horse team and stage coach," sighed the veteran driver.
    Fred Tice was born near Jacksonville in 1857. He attended the Oak Grove School along with a number of the other well-known older residents of the county. He began driving a team at an early age, and when but 17 years old was considered one of the most adept horsters in the county.
    "It was quite a trick to pick up six lines and drive over some of the tricky passes we had in those days," he said, "and in that day it was a skill to be proud of."
    Mr. Tice was 21 years old when he received the responsible position of stage driver for the Oregon California Stage Company, which ran from Roseburg, Ore., to Redding, Calif. From 10 to 12 drivers covered this stretch of 275 miles, changing teams every 15 miles and using 180 horses on the entire trip; 100 through this state and 80 through the California section.
    The drivers in Oregon were paid $55 a month, room and board, while those south of the border received $50, room and board; the difference being explained by the fact that six-horse teams were necessary here, instead of the four-horse teams used in the southern state. 
    The stage was due in Jacksonville daily northbound 9:30 a.m., and southbound at 2:30 p.m. Jacksonville at that time was the center of mining activity, and gold dust was shipped from the town in large quantities. Medford was a prairie, unborn and unnamed.
    There were two strings of stages going each way to maintain the daily schedule. Carrying express and mail as well as passengers, it was necessary for the stages to arrive on time so as to meet the trains in both the north and south. Nothing was considered unavoidable except high water, and missing the train meant a fine of $600 to the stage company.
    Mr. Tice drove stage from Rock Point to the station on Cow Creek, a distance of 45 miles, for the first two years. With no visible road over which to travel, the feat of handling a six-horse team over the mountains and streams was dangerous and difficult.
    It was in the winter of '78 when the local man encountered a terrific storm near Cow Creek, and found it impossible to control the panic-stricken horses of his coach. After a considerable struggle, in which the team plunged down into the rising water, the driver rescued the express box and barely saved himself from death. The horses were lost, but the wagon weathered the storm and was pulled to the nearest station next day. Fortunately there were no passengers on that coach.
    Among other dangers which lurked along the way in those days were the Indians, holdup men and wild animals. The local man recalls one incident when for a certain distance along an edge of high brush and trees, the horses shied away from the trail over which he guided them.
    Finally annoyed by their actions, he jumped down from the seat and walked along the edge of the brush, looking through it to discover what the animal had sensed. All of a sudden he peered into the face of a large grizzly bear, which had been prowling along through the brush and had stopped simultaneously with the stage coach. Unarmed, the driver returned to his seat and made a hasty getaway with the horses now in a mood for cooperation.
    Although there were frequent Indian attacks in those days, Mr. Tice was spared this misfortune on any of his routes. [I've found NO suggestions that natives ever attacked stage coaches. Fred Tice began his career 22 years after tribes on his route had been removed to a reservation on the Oregon coast.] It was but a few years before this, however, when the Modoc War took place, and the stage driver; then a boy of 15 or 16, was impressed and not a little thrilled over his memory of some of the details. At this time Fort Klamath was an army post, and the pioneer lad was attracted by their colorful activity with the Indians.
    When he was 17 years old he once drove through Fort Klamath, arriving just in time to see the soldiers locking a number of Indians in a corral covering an acre of ground, as the result of their capture after an attack on the white settlers. Women and children were herded into the pen along with their Indian husbands, and guards were stationed around the outside wall.
    These Indians were kept at Fort Klamath for several months, after which they were taken in small groups to distant points and released. During their imprisonment they apparently enjoyed life, the squaws cooking the meals within the acre square.
    In 1880, Mr. Tice was transferred from Rock Point south and 
drove over the Siskiyous. At that time this was a toll road, the stage company paying $700 a year to go over the mountain. George Chase, now of Yreka, covered the same route as did Mr. Tice.
    In the summer of 1880 another driver, Nort Eddings, was robbed on the mountains, a short distance from where the DeAutremont holdup took place. The stage driver was slowing his team on a steep pass when a group of bandits emerged from the timber, fired some shots past the stage and commanded Eddings to throw down the express box, carrying a large quantity of gold dust from the mines. They then commanded the driver and passengers to get out of the coach, and while they were covered, one of the bandits robbed them of everything they had.
    Mr. Tice was put on the route covered by Eddings, driving the same team, immediately after the robbery. Officials accompanied the driver keeping a sharp lookout for the holdup men in case of a second attempt, but they did not reappear.
    The local man derives a great deal of pleasure in reminiscing over the old days on the stage route--days which he considers the happiest of his life. He remembers, with a smile, that the women generally wanted to sit in the driver's seat, while most of the men passengers seemed contented to sit inside.
    He admits, however, that there was one lovely bit of femininity for whom all the others had to take a back seat when she decided to go on one of her frequent trips through the county to visit friends. This was Martha Dodge. She is now Mrs. Fred Tice of Medford. And when the 72-year-old man, who even now views the world daily from astride a bay-colored horse, decides to take his next airplane ride, Martha Dodge Tice is going with him.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1929, page B3

    Memories of the old stage days in Ashland were revived when late in the week Tom Burnett, one of the last of the stage coach drivers on the road from Redding to Roseburg, stopped in Ashland for a visit with a few old acquaintances, and for a chance to visit some of the old familiar places on the old stage line. Mr. Burnett paid a visit to his old friend, John Murphy, whom he knew in the old stage coach days.
    Tom Burnett began his career as a stage driver back in 1877 and drove until in 1887 the last spike was driven, which marked the completion of the railroad connections in Southern Oregon, making it possible for the town to have daily mail from both the north and the south. Occasional stretches of the old road were recognized by Mr. Burnett, who is thrilled by the memories of bygone days, when the stage coach carried passengers over the Southern Oregon route at the terrible speed of seven miles an hour, [and] admits that present-day facilities really are too marvelous to even be compared with the transportation facilities of the old days.
Medford Daily News, August 26, 1930, page 8

Fred Tice Drives Old Stage Again
    Among old-time stage drivers who attended the bridge dedication at Yreka Saturday was Fred Tice of Medford, about whom the Yreka Journal has the following to say:
    "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tice of Medford arrived in Yreka this morning to attend the Pioneer Bridge dedication. Mr. Tice drove the 6-horse Concord stage at the celebration today. Mr. Tice drove stage in '78 and '80 from Rock Point to Levens Station, a 45-mile drive on the old stage route in Southern Oregon, and the old stage road was closely aligned to the present highway. It was at Levens Station that Mr. Tice lost a six-horse team by spring flood waters in Cow Creek March 4, 1879, in the night. Bridges were scarce in those days, and fording was the common method. Mr. Tice was about 21 in those days and when his horses got in a whirlpool he kept a cool head and saved the express box and its contents. Later Mr. Tice was transferred to the Siskiyou Mountains and drove to Cole Station above Hilt.
    "Cole Station at that time was a home station where the stages met. Yreka was the next home station and headquarters at this time. Col. Stone of Yreka was superintendent and paymaster of the line from Roseburg, Oregon, to Redding. Men were paid with gold coin, as there were no checks, and little paper money. Drivers were paid $50, board and lodging. In Oregon $55. Oregon had six-horse teams and California only four-horse teams.
    "The fare for passengers was 10 cents per mile. Each passenger was allowed 40 pounds of baggage.
    "About 200 head of good horses were used on the stage division from Roseburg to Redding. It took 12 drivers on that division. There were 26 hostlers who cared for the horses and stages and were paid $35, lodge and board. These were considered fine wages in those days.
    "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tice are past 70 years young, hale and hearty. Mr. Tice still has a heavy head of hair and all his teeth and is wonderfully well preserved for a man who had so much early-day hardship.
    "Such pioneers as Mr. and Mrs. Tice are a real pleasure to meet.
    "Tom Burnett of Roseburg is also here today. He drove out of Roseburg, and like Fred Tice, had many harsh early-day experiences that read like fiction.
    "Tom Burnett is well known up and down the line, and it is a real joy to have him and all the old-time men and women in our midst today."
Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1931, page 14

    "After freighting for three or four years [in the late 1880s] I drove stage between Ashland and Linkville and later between Ager, Cal., and Linkville, One night as I was driving the stage from Ager to Linkville, just as I got to the foot of the grade at a place known as Robbers' Roost a man stepped out in the middle of the road and I saw the glint of moonlight on his gun barrel. It was about 10 o'clock at night. Did he say 'Throw up your hands'? No. Stage agents and holdup men never give such a command to a stage driver. Handling four horses, you are in no position to throw up your hands. Your horses might bolt and run away. He said, 'Throw off your mail and express.' I had only one passenger--Mrs. N. S. Buckner, wife of a minister. I threw off the mail and Wells Fargo treasure box and while he stood at the head of my leaders he told me to get my ax, which stage drivers carry in the boot of the stage, and break open the express box. When I had done so he said, 'Now cut open the leather pouch and get me the registered mail.' The stage agent then turned to my passenger, Mrs. Buckner, and said, 'Shell out what you've got.' She was carrying some gold dust. She handed it to him and said, 'My brother, who is now dead, gave me those nuggets and gold dust. I shouldn't think you'd have the heart to take them away from me.' He handed back the buckskin pouch she had given him and said, 'You win. Keep them.'
    "Not long after that I was driving from Linkville to Ager. Jack Buckmaster, who was driving the stage from Ager to Linkville, was held up on the top of the grade. He had only one passenger with him--H. B. Gates of Hillsboro. The holdup man made Buckmaster throw his Wells Fargo express chest and the mail out by the side of the road. He then took what money H. B. Gates, the passenger, had on him and while the stage driver was breaking open the treasure chest the robber said to Gates, 'Make yourself useful; cut open the mail pouch and give me the registered mail.'
    "While this holdup was going on I drove up. The holdup man stepped back a little and covered me with his gun and said to Buckmaster, 'I'm through with you; get to hell out of here.' So Buckmaster and his passenger drove on, while the holdup man took what money I had and made me cut open the pouch so he could get the registered mail. I had no Wells Fargo chest aboard on that trip.
    "The holdup man had no mask on. I thought I recognized him as a man I had seen before, so with an officer I went to Davis, where I found him in a saloon. The officer arrested him and he was tried. He produced as a witness a man who swore that they had slept together in Davis the night of the holdup, so the soft-hearted and soft-headed jury turned him loose on the strength of this alibi. A little later I was held up again at this same place--the head of the grade. The robber took the registered mail. I recognized his voice. He was a man I had met at Ager, but it was his word against mine, so nothing was done with him."
George L. Humphrey, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man,"
Oregon Journal, Portland, January 12, 1932, page 10

Most Recent Line Owned by George Lewis; Route Was to Blue Ledge Mine
    The accompanying reproduction of an early-day poster will recall to many old natives both here and abroad of the fame that once was Jacksonville's.
    It will bring back memories of long, dusty rides over the nearby mountains, of thrilling races with time behind several span of sleek, curried horses and of the always present danger of Indian uprisings and holdups because of the usual cargo of gold bullion.
    Today Jacksonville still has standing its old stage terminal, built of hand-shaped square nails. The last active livery stable and stage terminal, however, operated by George Lewis and later by W. R. Tucker, has been torn down. It stood on the northwest corner of the intersection of California and Fourth streets, where today several backyard mines are flourishing.
    The stage line, which boasted a real Concord stage similar to the one shown on the poster, ran from Jacksonville to Medford, thence back and on to the California line to Blue Ledge mine, which was at its height in the early 1900s. Lewis, who journeyed to Yreka to buy his Concord stage after the railroad had reached that point, operated 22 head of horses and as many as five stages at one time. Even for several years after the Jacksonville railroad was built and operated by George Barnum the stages continued to run in competition with the iron horse, and business to the copper mine was flourishing.
    Lewis, however, possessed a bit of financial wisdom, and when the horseless carriage began to make its appearance in greater numbers than ever, he grasped an opportunity to sell out equipment to W. R. Tucker, who operated the line following the 1907 sale. At the time five stages were kept busy on the all-day route, Jacksonville was at her prime. There was almost no Medford, the courthouse was the scene of bustling activity and the local stores were jammed with customers with heavy pouches of gold dust. Roads were just one big mud hole after another along about this time of year, women wore hoop skirts and circus tent hats, and horsewhips were used on the horses.
    The property which housed the equipment acquired by Tucker was sold to a man named Bailey, and today Clinton Dunnington owns the old livery site and stage terminal corner, which has been reduced to a vacant lot with several mine holes being worked on it. Lewis is bailiff of the circuit court and still resides here.
    Such has been the fate of many pioneer strongholds, and where once this city was the queen of Southern Oregon, it now has taken a back seat in modern activity to the newer Medford, but those who know well the glamorous and historic past of the old town will always regard it as the greatest monument to a colorful and brave pioneer spirit, and the coast's most illustrious mining camp.
    The simple word "Jacksonville" will always hold volumes of life and experience to those who helped make it Oregon's second city, regardless of the present trend of humans and their modes of travel.
    The pioneer stages still come in behind a panting, eager array of horseflesh to those who know and love the old town.

Jacksonville Miner, March 24, 1933, page 4

Bits for Breakfast

    Before 1857 there was no line of passenger coaches anywhere in Oregon. One Concord coach owned by Charles Rae was the only stage in the Willamette Valley from 1853 to 1855. A stage line from Portland to Salem was put on the road in 1857, making the journey in one day. In 1859 a mail and passenger coach ran once a week from Salem to Eugene and from Eugene to Jacksonville. Weekly and semi-weekly mails had been carried to the towns on the west side, Hillsboro, Lafayette, Dallas and Corvallis, but the Post Office Department in 1860 ordered this service to be reduced to a bimonthly one, and that the mail should be carried but once a week to Jacksonville and the towns along the way.
    "If Lane keeps on helping us," said the Oregon City Argus, "we shall soon have a monthly mail carried on foot or in a canoe."
    The people were clamoring for a daily mail from Portland to Jacksonville, with no prospect of getting it until the California Stage Company interposed with an offer to the postal department to carry the mail overland daily to Oregon. This company, formed in 1853, a consolidation of the various stage lines in California, began with a $1,000,000 capital, had 750 horses and covered 450 miles of road.
    In June 1860, the California company placed its stock on the road as far as Oakland, Oregon (of course, "old Oakland," not the present Oakland), connecting there with Chase's line to Corvallis, which again connected with the Oregon Stage company's line to Portland. Came the great flood of '61-2, carrying away nearly all the bridges on the line. For many weeks no mails were carried. But, undaunted, business was resumed. The great overland stage days followed. There were several successive owners. Frank Stevens and Louis McLane bought the property in 1866; soon sold it to H. W. Corbett, E. Corbett, Wm. Hall, A. O. Thomas and Jesse D. Carr. It was operated under the name of H. W. Corbett & Co. until 1869, when Carr bought out his partners and operated the lines until 1870, when he sold to the California & Oregon Coast Overland Mail Company.
    This company operated the lines until the early fall of 1885, when the last spike was driven in Southern Oregon on the railroad connecting California with this state. [It was 1887, in December.]
    The last stage for the south left Salem Dec. 7, 1870, taking all horses, wagons, hacks and stages. As the railroad was extended south, until the fall of 1872, successive removals following the front were made, stopping then at Roseburg for 10 years. The front began removals south in the fall of 1882, when the last one went out of Roseburg, accompanied by a brass band. The writer of these lines, being present in a newspaper capacity, wrote up that big news.
Statesman Journal, Salem, January 21, 1934, page 4

    "I drove stage from Grants Pass to Rock Point on Rogue River. In those days the stages had four horses. I was paid $55 a month and keep. I carried the first mail and express taken to Medford. I also drove stage from Kerbyville to Crescent City. No, I never was held up, never was in a runaway; in fact, I never had an accident of any kind during all the years I drove stage."
William Little, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man,"
Oregon Journal, Portland, September 28, 1935, page 4

Last revised October 26, 2024