![]() ![]() Christopher Columbus Gall Gall's
1904-1917 journal, from the collection of the Southern Oregon
Society Research Library, MS22. Transcribed by Mary Tsui.
Abbreviated words spelled out. Much was written in a pidgin combination of Swedish and German. Biographical material at the end of the transcription. January 1904 [page 123] Jan. 1. Part cloudy, part clear. Eat dinner at Mitchell's. Jan. 2. Fair. Jan. 3. Snowed some. Jan. 4. Rained a little. Snow all gone. Jan. 5. Clear sunshine & warm. Dillia [daughter Ardilla May Gall Newland] went to Ellis's [son Ellis Eugene Gall]. Jan. 6. Foggy forenoon. Clear afternoon. Went to Gold Hill. Jan. 7. Foggy all day. Chopped wood. Jan. 8. Rain & sleet in the morning. Rain afternoon. Jan. 9. Frost in morning. Clear forenoon. Snow afternoon. Load wood. Jan. 10. Rain all last night; high water. Sunshine this morning. Jan. 11. Part cloudy. Part sunshine. No frost last night. Jan. 12. Foggy & cloudy. No frost last night. Warm sunshine afternoon. Jan. 13. Foggy. Cloudy. No frost last night. Elam here tonight. Jan. 14. Cloudy. Heavy fog. Sprinkle rain. Jan. 15. Cloudy morning. Sunshine at noon. Rain in evening. Jan. 16. Rain last night. Sprinkle rain today. Jan. 17. Rain last night. Snow on mountains. Jan. 18. Rain last night. Snowing this morning & all day. Jan. 19. Freeze last night. Sunshine today. Snow 3 inch thick. Jan. 20. Freeze last night. Cloudy. Snowing on mountain. Jan. 21. Snowed in morning. Mist balance of day. Jan. 22. Warm. Thawed last night & all day today. Jan. 23. Cloudy & cold. Chop wood. Sold 7 head hogs to Gilchrist $3675 / 2 calf to Heller [?] $2000 Jan. 24. Sunshine in A.M. & P.M. Jan. 25. Heavy frost & ground froze. Clear. Jan. 26. Clear & cold at nights. Warm days. Jan. 27. Clear & cold at nights. Jan. 28. Clear & cold at nights. Chopped wood. Warm days. Jan. 29. Clear. Warm days. Frosty nights. Jan. 30. Clear. Warm days. Chopped wood. Jan. 31. Clear. Warm days. February 1904 [page 124] Feb. 1. Fair days, warm. Cold nights. Went to Gold Hill. Feb. 2. Clear warm day. Cold frosty nights. Hauled wood. Feb. 3. No frost last night. Cloudy. Feb. 4. High wind last night. Rain this morning. Snow in morning. Feb. 5. Heavy frost last night. Clear today. Feb. 6. Snow this morning. Cold & windy. Feb. 7. Spit snow in morning & cold wind all day. Feb. 8. Snow 2 inch deep this morning. Snow all gone by noon. Feb. 9. Snow last night. Ground not covered. Cloudy & cold. Feb. 10. Heavy east wind. Showery & cold. Feb. 11. Cold east wind some rain this morning. Heavy rain P.M. Feb. 12. Stormy rain & snow. Feb. 13. Freeze last night. Clear this A.M. Feb. 14. Heavy rain all day. Water, water, all water. Feb. 15. Rain all last night & today. High water all over the valley. Feb. 16. Heavy frost last night. Part sunshine, part cloudy. Feb. 17. Heavy frost last night. Clear day. Feb. 18. Heavy frost. Cloudy & cold. Feb. 19. Part sunshine, part cloudy. Feb. 20. Cloudy forenoon, rain & snow afternoon. Feb. 21. Rain all last night & all day today. Water, water, everywhere. Feb. 22. Heavy rain afternoon. Feb. 23. Sunshine forenoon. Cloudy afternoon. Feb. 24. Rain all last night. Snow on hills. Rain all day. Feb. 25. Sunshine forenoon. Rain little last night. Feb. 26. Heavy rain all last night. Wind & rain all day today. High water. No mail today. Feb. 27. Part clear, part cloudy. Feb. 28. Frost last night. Windy, sun shining A.M. Rain & snow on mountain. Feb. 29. Rain all day. Everything wet. Jake Gabriel here today. March 1904 [page 125] Mar. 1. Rain all last night & today. Mar. 2. Chopped wood forenoon. Rain all afternoon. Mar. 3. Rain all last night & all day today. Mar. 4. Fair day. No rain. Ellis chop wood. Gilchrist haul wood. Mar. 5. Cloudy & chilly. Cold. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Mar. 6. Rain most all day. Mar. 7. Rain all last night & to [omission?] all day today. High water. No mail. Mar. 8. Sunshine some until 11 o'clock; snow, rain & wind P.M. Rain last night. Mar. 9. High, thick clouds all day. Showery on mountains. Mar. 10. Rain all last night & today. Cold & windy. Mar. 11. Rain last night. Snow this morning. Mountains all covered. Mar. 12. Cloudy & high wind forenoon. Cloudy after noon. Mar. 13. Little rain last night & cloudy & some early today. Ellis here today. Mar. 14. Regular downpour last night & today. Mar. 15. Big frost last night. Clear today. Mar. 16. Little cloudy. Sunshine most of the day. Mar. 17. Rain all last night & today. Fair afternoon. Mar. 18. Cloudy, cold, stormy on mountains. Mar. 19. Rain all last night. Wind, rain, storms all day. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 20. Rain last night. Snow 2 inches this morning. Mar. 21. Cloudy forenoon. Rain & snow afternoon. Mar. 22. Rain all last night. Snow all day. Water, snow, slush wherever. This is the stormiest day & snowiest been this winter. Mar. 23. Snow last night & this morning & all day stormy. Mar. 24. Snowed last night & cold wind most all day. 14 inches at Ellis'. Mar. 25. Snowed 3 inches last night & this morning. Mar. 26. Lite rain forenoon; heavy downpour afternoon. Mar. 27. Rain all last night & all day today. High water. Mar. 28. Rain all last night & this morning until 11 o'clock. Sunshine afternoon. Mar. 29. Rain last night & this morning. Cloudy, sunshine, windy P.M. Mar. 30. Little snow last night. Cloudy forenoon; clear afternoon. Hauled wood. Mar. 31. Frost last night. Clear & warm today. Fix fence. April 1904 [page 126] Apr. 1. Clear & warm. Apr. 2. Rain some last night. Apr. 3. Fair most of the day. William Mitchell & sons visited. Apr. 4. Fair day. No frost last night. Apr. 5. Fair A.M. Rain P.M. Went to Medford. Apr. 6. Clear & cool. Apr. 7. Fine clear day. Apr. 8. Fine clear day. Apr. 9. Fine warm day. Apr. 10. Clear & warm. Apr. 11. Clear & hot. Hot. M. A. Houston took dinner with us. Apr. 12. Hot. Hotter. Hot. Gilchrist commenced plowing for corn. Apr. 13. Not so hot. Windy. Apr. 14. Fine refreshing showers forenoon. Cool wind. Apr. 15. Light rain last night. Cool day. Apr. 16. Showery on mountain. Cloudy & cool. Apr. 17. Cloudy & cool. Apr. 18. Cloudy & cold. Apr. 19. Rain last night & heavy rain today & cold. Apr. 20. Sardine Mountain white with snow. Cold, cloudy day. Apr. 21. Stormy. Rain & cold as Blixen. Snow on mountain. Apr. 22. Snowing on mountain. Rain & cold. Apr. 23. Cloudy & cool: Jake Gabriel here for dinner today. Apr. 24. Fair. Little cloudy. Apr. 25. Sunshine. Warm. Hauled wood. Randle garden. ["Randle" may be related to German "randeln"--rambling. Puttering about?] Apr. 26. Heavy showers forenoon. Light shower afternoon. Apr. 27. Rain last night & today. Water everywhere. Apr. 28. Rain most all night. Apr. 29. Rain afternoon. Apr. 30. Warm & cloudy. May 1904 [page 129] May 1. Cloudy & cool. Showery on mountains. May 2. Beautiful day, I say, for May. May 3. Fair until 4 P.M. Cloudy afternoon. May 4. Cool this morning. Few clouds. Indication of fair day. May 5. Cloudy & warm. Light sprinkle of rain. May 6. Clear. Went to Gold Hill to Pub. convention. [Jackson County Republican convention] May 7. Fair. May 8. Fair. May 9. Fair. Warm. Dillia went to Gold Hill. May 10. Fair except for clouds. Gilchrist come; plant corn. Elam [son Rowen Gall] plowed garden. Warm. May 11. Elam plowed garden. Warm. May 12. Planted corn in garden. May 13. Elam finished plow garden & planting corn. May 14. Plant beans & other garden stuff. Finish registering [for election]. May 15. Gilchrist finished planting corn. May 16. Fair & warm. May 17. Rain afternoon. Cut hay forenoon. May 18. Sprinkle rain this morning. Heifer had calf. May 19. Clear & warm. Elam down today. May 20. Clear & warm. Sq. [Squire Griffin?] & Snap here today. May 21. Hot. Hot. Went to Gold Hill. May 22. Hot. Some clouds in south. 2 Dickeys here. Eggs 8 doz. May 23. Clear & warm. Mowed hay in orchard. May 24. Clear & warm. Mowed hay in orchard. May 25. Cut hay under tree. Windy. Assessor today. May 26. Hauled wood & hay. Windy. May 27. Warm. May 28. Warm. Set out tomatoes. May 29. Part cloudy. Grandma Pankey [Mary Hunter Pankey] of Central Point buried. May 30. Cloudy & windy. "Got the skoots, don't feel goot." May 31. Little rain. Cloudy & cool. June 1904 [page 130] June 1. Rain & cool. Dickeys emigrated. June 2. Few clouds & windy. Gilchrist commenced plow corn. June 3. Warm & clear. Went to Gold Hill. Pearl & Hattie come here. June 4. Windy. Little cloudy. June 5. Lite shower afternoon. June 6. Clear. Election Day June 7. Fair & warm. Cut hay. June 8. Fair & warm. Cut hay. Elam down today. June 9. Fair & warm. Cut hay. June 10. Fair & warm. Cut hay. June 11. Fair & warm. Cut hay. June 12. Fair & warm. Cut hay. June 13. Hoed corn. June 14. Hauled hay & wood. June 15. Fix fence. Hoed corn. June 16. Hot. June 17. Heavy wind. June 18. Went to Gold Hill. Pearl & Hattie went home. June 19. Cool last night. Cool wind today. June 20. [no entry] June 21. [no entry] June 22. [no entry] June 23. [no entry] June 24. [no entry] June 25. Light frost this morning. June 26. Warm. June 27. Hauled hay & poles. June 28. Went to Ellie's. Dillia to Medford. June 29. Thunder shower ¼ inch rain. Fix fence forenoon. June 30. Cool. O happy day, happy day. When Jesus washed my sins away. Time is like a cloud, soon passeth away Grieve not for the old when we pass away July 1904 [page 131] July 1. Hot. July 2. Warm. Elam down today. July 3. Hot. July 4. Pleasant. Went to Gold Hill horseback. July 5. Pleasant. July 6. Warm. July 7. Dillia went Gold Hill. Gilchrist comes to cut wheat. July 8. Cloudy & cool. Thundershowers 2 hours rain. Up Rogue River. Heavy rain here. July 9. Cool. Clear forenoon. Gilchrist finished cutting wheat. Dillia back from Gold Hill. July 10. 3 thundershowers afternoon. Heavy wind & rain all over the valley. July 11. Thundershower at Antioch & Sardine & on Desert. July 12. Clear with few scattering clouds. Cool in shade. Hauled wood & poles. July 13. Clear. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia to Ashland. July 14. Cool. Heavy cloudy. Showery all afternoon. July 15. Cold as Blixen this morning. Showery most all day. July 16. Cloudy forenoon. Heavy shower afternoon. July 17. Few scattering clouds forenoon. Clear afternoon. Ellis & wife here. July 18. Clear & warm forenoon. Pleasant. Wind afternoon. Elam eat supper. July 19. Hot day. Jake eat dinner here today. July 20. Hot hot hot. Thunder cloud west & south. No rain. July 21. Hot. Hot. Clear. Killed Klapper Slonger [rattlesnake] at wagon shed. July 22. Hot. Dillia back from Ashland with Pearl Hodges. July 23. Pleasant. Hancock cut foot on scythe. July 24. Hot. Hot. D & P went to Ship [neighbor Henry W. Shipley?] on Sholto [a horse]. July 25. Gilchrist commenced [to] stack grain here. Hot. 96. Dog killed another Klapper Slonger [rattlesnake] at wagon shed. July 26. Hot. July 27. Cool. Went to Counces [Kountz?]. Hunt bees. July 28. Cool. Pearl went home. Scott went [to] soldiers' home. [brother Walter Scott Gall was admitted to the Old Soldiers' Home in Roseburg on July 29.] Gilchrist finished stacking grain. July 29. Hot. July 30. Went to Gold Hill. Elam came down this evening. July 31. Hot. Hot. Dillia went to Ellis's. August 1904 [page 132] Aug. 1. Warm. Light rain at noon. Went to Jake's. Aug. 2. Put up hay in orchard. Aug. 3. Hot. Too hot. First roasting ears [of corn]. Aug. 4. Jake eat dinner here. Hot. Hot. Aug. 5. Hot. 94 degrees. Aug. 6. Hot. 98 degrees. Aug. 7. Hot. 98 degrees. Dillia went to Scott's. Aug. 8. Cool. Elam eat dinner & supper. Aug. 9. Cooler. Kind of cloudy. Aug. 10. Albert & family come home. Went to Gold Hill. Aug. 11. [no entry] Aug. 12. Hot. Aug. 13. Hot. 96 degrees in shade. Aug. 14. Elam here for dinner. Hot. Aug. 15. Thresh grain. Wheat 171. Oats 192. Aug. 16. Cool. Aug. 17. Albert & family went to Van Har [Van Hardenberg--Albert Lee Gall married Martha O'Neil Van Hardenberg in 1896] Aug. 18. Pulled beans. Aug. 19. Elam came down this evening. Aug. 20. Threshed beans. P. Smith buried [Pleasant Levi Smith]. Aug. 21. Elam & Dillia went McAllister Springs. Aug. 22. Hauled straw. Aug. 23. Hauled straw. Dillia back from McAllister Springs. Aug. 24. Hauled straw. Aug. 25. Fix fence. Aug. 26. 0-0-0 [sic--apparently a day taken off]. Aug. 27. Light thundershowers. Went to Shipley's for peach. Aug. 28. Cool. Cloudy. Aug. 29. Part clear. Part cloudy. Aug. 30. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Elam down tonight. Aug. 31. Hauled wood. September 1904 [page 133] Sept. 1. Topped corn. Sept. 2. Topped corn. Sept. 3. Went to [Ringling Brothers] circus. Sept. 4. Sunday. [doodle of face] Stayed at home. Sept. 5. Topped corn. Sept. 6. Topped corn. Sept. 7. Topped corn. Sept. 8. Topped corn. Sept. 9. Topped corn. Sept. 10. Topped corn. Sept. 11. Took Jen to Tresham pasture. Sept. 12. Topped corn. Scott Gall [brother Walter Scott Gall] died at Roseburg. Sept. 13. Sick today. Sept. 14. Half-sick today. Sept. 15. Shucked corn. Sept. 16. Shucked corn. Albert here. Nell & mother here today. Sept. 17. 0 Sept. 18. Ellis & wife stayed all night. Sept. 19. Albert went to Elam's. Sept. 20. Husked corn. Sprinkle rain. Sept. 21. Cloudy. Sold cows & calf to Gilchrist. Thundershowers. Sept. 22. Went to Jacksonville & Medford. Rain most all day. Sept. 23. Rain all day. Sept. 24. Cloudy & cool. Albert went to Elam's. Sept. 25. Clear forenoon. Thunder southwest afternoon. Sept. 26. Hauled wood. Part clear. Part cloudy. Sept. 27. Hauled hay & fodder. Sept. 28. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Sept. 29. Fix fence forenoon. Kind of sick afternoon. Sept. 30. Albert & Elam came down afternoon yesterday. Albert went to Gold Hill today. October 1904 [page 134] Oct. 1. Hunt for bee tree. Come by Shipley's. Oct. 2. Stayed at home. Oct. 3. Haul poles. Oct. 4. Haul fodder. Elam down tonight. Oct. 5. Haul fodder. Oct. 6. Went to Gold Hill after Minnie [Sarah Malinda Gall Eddings]. Oct. 7. Finished hauling fodder. Albert & family come home. Oct. 8. Elam hauled fodder. Light rain today. Oct. 9. Isoria [Isora Luellen Gall Hodges] & Minnie Eddings came up from Gold Hill. Heavy rain. Oct. 10. Sawed wood. Oct. 11. Chop wood. Elam down this evening. Oct. 12. Fix Gilchrist's fence. Minnie went to Grants Pass. Oct. 13. Fix Gilchrist's fence forenoon. Pick apples afternoon. Oct. 14. Rain last night & today. Oct. 15. Rain afternoon. Haul wood. Went to Shipley's. Oct. 16. Albert & family went to Elam's. Oct. 17. Big frost last night. Husk corn, hunt cow. Oct. 18. Went to Gold Hill. Oct. 19. Hauled wood & apples. Clear & warm. Oct. 20. Dillia & Minnie went to Elam's. Clear & warm. Oct. 21. Chop wood. Oct. 22. Hauled wood & apples. Oct. 23. Elam & Albert & family & Minnie went to Van Hars before Mrs. Miller buried. Oct. 24. Husk corn. Oct. 25. Haul corn & wood. Oct. 26. Elam haul 2 tier of wood. Oct. 27. Fix gate. Oct. 28. Clear. Oct. 29. Foggy forenoon. Rain afternoon & night. Oct. 30. Stayed at home. Oct. 31. Fix brush fence. November 1904 [page 135] Nov. 1. Rain last night & this morning. Nov. 2. Haul wood. Nov. 3. Fix brush fence & chop wood. Nov. 4. High wind last night. Rain today. Nov. 5. Went to Gold Hill. Gilchrist finished husking corn. Nov. 6. Elam come down today. Nov. 7. Hauled wood forenoon. Nov. 8. Election day. Nov. 9. Anna come down from Ashland. Chop wood. Nov. 10. Hauled wood & poles. Ellis & wife stayed all night. Nov. 11. Fix fence forenoon. Nov. 12. Chop wood forenoon. Nov. 13. Sunday. Stayed at home. Nov. 14. Cut wood forenoon. Ellis come after wood. Rain afternoon. Nov. 15. Went to Gold Hill. Anna start to Ashland. Albert to North Bend. Nov. 16. Dillia went home with Ellis. Cut wood afternoon. Rain afternoon. Nov. 17. Rain all night last night. Nov. 18. Elam Ped--beef ox. Nov. 19. Nov. 20. At home. Nov. 21. Ellis & Dillia come home. Haul wood. Nov. 22. Help Ellis get wood. Nov. 23. Cut wood. Nov. 24. Went to shooting match at Moon Town [Moonville]. Nov. 25. Put up 8 fat hogs to get poor. Nov. 26. Minna went to Gold Hill. Hauled wood. Nov. 27. Rain last night & today. Nov. 28. Foggy forenoon. No frost to kill yet. Nov. 29. Chop load wood. Foggy forenoon. Clear after. Nov. 30. Went to Gold Hill. Minna come home. December 1904 [page 136] Dec. 1. Warm. Sunshiny. Chop wood afternoon. Dec. 2. First killing frost this morning. Cold & foggy today. Dec. 3. Cold & foggy in morning; clear afternoon. Haul wood. Dec. 4. Cloudy & cool. Dec. 5. Cold, foggy mornings. Clear afternoon. Pension day. Dec. 6. Cold, foggy mornings. Clear afternoon. Dec. 7. Coldest day of this fall. Took Minnie to Gold Hill. Some cloudy. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Dec. 8. Somewhat cloudy. No frost last night. Dec. 9. Heavy rain last night & today. Some wind. Dec. 10. Cool & foggy. Sun invisible all day. Dec. 11. Rain all last night & today. Dec. 12. Rain all last night & today. Dec. 13. Rain most all day. Oscar Tibbetts & Ella Glover married. Dec. 14. Foggy & warm forenoon. Dec. 15. Rain last night. Clear & warm day. Dec. 16. Heavy fog in morning. Clear & warm balance of day. Dec. 17. Cloudy & cool. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Dec. 18. Heavy fog all day. Dec. 19. Heavy fog all day. Dec. 20. Went to Gold Hill. Heavy fog all day. Dec. 21. Light sprinkle of rain last night. Cloudy & foggy. Dec. 22. First snow this winter. Dec. 23. Snow 3 inches this morning. Thawing fast with rain. Dec. 24. Rained all last night & just poured down today. Ellis here last night. Dec. 25. Xmas. Took 3 hogs to Gold Hill for Dillia. Ground frozen in morning. Dec. 26. Hard freeze last night. Cloudy, thawing afternoon. Dec. 27. Elam & Geters help kill 2 hogs. Warm day. Dec. 28. Cloudy & warm. Dec. 29. Heavy rain all day. Dec. 30. Still raining. Dec. 31. Cloudy & cool. Shoot match at Moon Town. January 1905 [page 137] Jan. 1. Part cloudy, part sunshine. Squire here eat dinner. Jan. 2. Clear warm day. Elam & Gilchrist help make jury list. Jan. 3. Little showery. Chopped wood. Jan. 4. Clear & fine day. Jan. 5. Heavy frost last night. Clear & warm day. Jan. 6. Hauled wood. Clear & warm. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Jan. 7. Foggy & cool. Jan. 8. Clear. Frosty nights. Jan. 9. Heavy frost last night. Clear day. Jan. 10. Heavy frost last night. Clear day. Ellis & wife stayed overnight. Jan. 11. Cloudy & cold. Hard frost last night. Ellis went to Eddings. Jan. 12. Heavy frost this morning. Cloudy. Jan. 13. Cloudy & cool. Jan. 14. Rain last night & today. Ellis & wife here tonight. Jan. 15. Cloudy & warm for this time of year. Jan. 16. Showery last night. Jan. 17. Chop wood. Jan. 18. Chop wood. Light showers this evening. Jan. 19. Sunshine like spring. Minnie come home. Jan. 20. Clear & warm. Grandma Pankey [Fanny Strickland Pankey] died. Jan. 21. Clear & warm. Jan. 22. Some clouds. Grandma Pankey buried. Jan. 23. Heavy shower last night. Clear this morning. Jan. 24. Rain last night. Clear afternoon. Jan. 25. Went to Conleys for Kartoffeln [potatoes]. Cloudy & warm. Jan. 26. Went to show at Moon Town. Foggy day. Hauled wood. Jan. 27. Rain last night. Sunshine & warm today. Jan. 28. Cloudy & damp. Jan. 29. Fair day. Jan. 30. Rain last night. Cloudy day. Jan. 31. Heavy shower last night. Foggy & cloudy. February 1905 [page 138] Feb. 1. Cloudy & chilly. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Feb. 2. Rain. Small shower last night. Warm sunshine today. Feb. 3. Went to Gold Hill. Foggy forenoon. Clear P.M. & warm. Feb. 4. Cold, frosty night. Clear & warm day. Feb. 5. Rain today. Feb. 6. Frost this morning. Clear day. Feb. 7. Frost last night. Clear day. Killed 3 hogs. Feb. 8. Heavy freeze last night. Clear day & warm afternoon. Feb. 9. Heavy freeze last night. Clear day & warm afternoon. Feb. 10. Cold. Snowing this morning. Feb. 11. Cold, breezy night. Clear & warm afternoon. Feb. 12. Cold, breezy night. Clear & warm afternoon. Feb. 13. Cold, breezy night. Clear & warm afternoon. Feb. 14. Hard freeze last night. Warm day. Minn went to Ellis's. Feb. 15. Frosty, clear day. Chopped stove wood. Feb. 16. Frosty. Cloudy but warm. Cut wood. Minnie come back from Ellis's. Feb. 17. Fair day. Minnie went to Gold Hill. Feb. 18. Fair day. Andrew Moon is buried. Feb. 19. Stormy. Wind & rain. Feb. 20. Rain last night & today. Mrs. Stevenson [Mary Wilkinson Judd Stevenson] buried. Feb. 21. Sunshine with few clouds. Feb. 22. Sun shining. Chop wood. Jim Swedenburg sworn as Road Supervisor. Feb. 23. Sun shining. Feb. 24. Hauled wood. Warm like May. Feb. 25. Clear & warm. Feb. 26. Warm like May. Ellis & wife came over. Feb. 27. Warm like May. Ellis went home. Gilchrist sold out. Feb. 28. Warm like May. Went to Gold Hill. March 1905 [page 139] Mar. 1. Clear & warm like June. Went to Elam's. Mar. 2. Clear & warm like June. Hauled poles & wood. Almonds & apricots in full bloom. Mar. 3. Still clear & warm. Mar. 4. Clear & warm P.M., day little foggy this morning. Had light stroke of paralysis today or fell to sleep. Mar. 5. Hot like June. Mar. 6. Warm & clear. Cut out road. Mar. 7. Warm & clear. Cut out road. Mar. 8. Clear & warm. Rain is needed badly. Mar. 9. Clear. Hot. Dillia went Elam's. Mar. 10. Still clear & hot. Mar. 11. Cloudy & cool. Light shower afternoon. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 12. Cool & cloudy. High wind afternoon. Elam & Geter took dinner. Mar. 13. Cool & cloudy. Cut out road. Mar. 14. Cool & cloudy. Mar. 15. Cool & cloudy. Mar. 16. Cloudy. Elam & Geter eat dinner, [illegible] to do cut poles. Mar. 17. Cloudy. Dillia went to Gold Hill with Elam. Mar. 18. Cloudy & showery. Isoria & Min Eddings here today. Birthday. 72. Mar. 19. Rain most all night last night. Some this morning. Mar. 20. Heavy rain & wind afternoon. Mar. 21. Snow inch deep this morning. J. Pankey [James A. Pankey] died. Showery, cold all day. Mar. 22. Some cloudy. Rain in evening. Mar. 23. Rain most all day. Mar. 24. Cloudy. J. Pankey buried. Mar. 24. Heavy cloudy. Sprinkle rain. Mar. 25. Wind & rain storm. Snow & hail. Elam & Geter eat dinner. Mar. 27. Snow on Sardine Mountain. Mar. 28. Rain all last night. Elam after corn. Mar. 29. Rain all last night. Sardine white with the snow. Put up 2 sows mit pig. Mar. 30. Cloudy. Hauled wood. Fritz [Hammersley?] deed to C. L. Carter. Mar. 31. Rain & snow. Cold. Sweared appraiser on Pankey estate. April 1905 [page 140] Apr. 1. Cloudy & cool. Bond for deed from Fitz to Talbert. Apr. 2. Clear & warm. Elam & Geters eat dinner to [illegible] day. Apr. 3. Clear & warm. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Apr. 4. Little hazy this morning. Geter eat dinner here. Apr. 5. Clear & warm. Apr. 6. Clear & warm. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Apr. 7. Cloudy & cool. Apr. 8. Cold afternoon. Elam after corn. Cool & clear; heavy frost in morning. Apr. 9. Heavy frost last night. Apr. 10. Plow garden. Dillia come from Gold Hill. Apr. 11. Plow garden. Heavy frost. Ice this morning. Clear. Apr. 12. Clear & warm. Frost this morning. Apr. 13. Rain half day. Apr. 14. Clear. Hauled poles & randle garden. ["Randle" may be related to German "randeln"--rambling. Puttering about?] Apr. 15. Rain forenoon. Apr. 16. Cloudy. Light sprinkle of rain. Went to church. Apr. 17. Cut & hauled poles. Apr. 18. Fix fence forenoon. Thunderstorm afternoon. Apr. 19. Clear this morning. Apr. 20. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Warm day. Ice this morning. Apr. 21. Heavy frost this morning. Apr. 22. Light frost this morning. Clear & warm day. Apr. 23. Clear & warm. Chas. Carter & wife here today. Apr. 24. Hot. Harrowed garden. Apr. 25. Cool, cloudy. Planted corn. Apr. 26. Harrowed garden. Haul wood & manure. Clear day. Apr. 27. Finish planting corn. Apr. 28. Haul wood. Clear & warm. Apr. 29. Went to Gold Hill. P., H. & Letty Hodges come up. Apr. 30. Rain last night. May 1905 [page 141] May 1. Cool. Rain after noon. May 2. Windy & showery & cold. May 3. Cool. Showery & windy. May 4. Clear day. Cool night. May 5. Fair. May 6. Cloudy & cool. May 7. Cloudy & windy & cool. May 8. Rain last night & today. Went to Gold Hill. May 9. Cold & showery. May 10. Ice this morning. Cloudy & cool. May 11. Heavy rain last night & this morning. May 12. Part cloudy. Windy & cool. May 13. Cloudy & warm. Fix plank fence. May 14. Clear & mild. May 15. Hot. Hauled wood & poles & fix fence. Elam down today. May 16. Cloudy & windy. Thunder in east. May 17. Part cloudy. Part clear. Cool wind. Cut grass in orchard. May 18. Clear. Hot. Cut grass in orchard. May 19. Cut hay in orchard. Warm. May 20. Cold as Blixen. Windy & showery. May 21. Cold as Blixen. Went to church at [illegible]. May 22. Cloudy & cool. Went to Gold Hill. Dode come home. May 23. White frost this morning. Clear day. May 24. Clear. Cut hay at Sticky. May 25. Cloudy, windy & cool. Thunder in east. Cut grass. May 26. Rain last night & all day today. Big rain. May 27. Warm with streaks of clouds. Thunder in south. May 28. Clear this morning. May 29. Clear. Cut hay in Sticky. May 30. Some cloudy. Warm. May 31. Rain. Thunderclouds all around. Heavy rain after noon. [doodle of insect] The June Bug has the golden wing The Lightning Bug has the flame The Bed Bug has no wings at all But gets there all the same. June 1905 [page 142] June 1. Clear forenoon. 1st heavy shower after noon. Thunder shower afternoon. June 2. Thunder shower at noon. Rain all afternoon like blazes until midnight. June 3. Heavy clouds all around this morning. Rain after noon. Wet, wet, wet everywhere. June 4. Rain afternoon. Went to Meadows to wedding. June 5. Cloudy & cool. Dode & Pearl went to Elam's. Stay all night. June 6. Cloudy & cool. Put up & cut hay. E. Shipley [Edwin Shipley] eat supper. June 7. Windy, cloudy & cool. Hauled wood. Thunder in east. June 8. Cloudy in forenoon. Clear afternoon. Went to Ellis's. June 9. Clear & warm. Cut grass in orchard. June 10. Warm. Hot. Cut hay in orchard. June 11. Hot. Thunderclouds in south. June 12. Cool. Cloudy forenoon. Went to Gold Hill. June 13. Clear & warm. Hauled hay. June 14. Warm. Put up hay. Dillia went to Elam's. June 15. Hot. Hot. Squire here last night. June 16. Warm. Tresham cut hay in sticky. June 17. Cool. Hoed corn forenoon. Assessor here today. June 18. Hot. Hot. Went to church. June 19. Hot. Hoe corn. Hog Gilchrist [Gilchrist's hog?] died. June 20. Hauled hay. Warm. June 21. Warm. Dode & Hattie come up from Gold Hill. June 22. Windy. Cloudy & cool. Poison squirrels. June 23. Warm. Went after raspberries. June 24. Cool & cloudy. June 25. Warm. Went to Elam's. June 26. Warm. Fix fence & gate. Turn hogs in sticky. June 27. Light shower this morning. Took Dode to Gold Hill. June 28. Clear & warm. Went to Shipley after cherries. June 29. Clear forenoon. Few scattering clouds afternoon. Hot. June 30. Clear & cool wind. Cut hay in orchard. July 1905 [page 143] July 1. Cloudy in morning. Clear & windy P.M. July 2. Warm & clear. Elam down for dinner. July 3. Hot. Hoed corn. Pearl went home 2 times. July 4. Hot. Went to Central Point with Elam & Dillia. July 5. Hot. Hot. With few clouds. July 6. Hot. Hot. With few clouds. July 7. Clear & warm. Haul wood. Gilchrist come, cut wheat. July 8. Hot. 102 degrees in shade. July 9. Still hot & clear. Dillia & Elam went to Jim Fredenburg. July 10. Cool wind today. July 11. Windy & clear. July 12. Warm. Some clouds after noon. July 13. Cool. Cloudy. Windy. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Dillia went to Ashland. July 14. Cool. Thundercaps sticking up. July 15. Cloudy. Sprinkle rain last night. July 16. Cool. Elam here this afternoon. July 17. Hot. Hot. Hunted cow ½ day. July 18. Went to Elam's & hunt cow. July 19. Hunt cow forenoon. Hot. Hot. 102. July 20. Hot. Thundershower at Gold Hill. Squire Griffin here tonight. July 21. Went to Gold Hill. Hot. July 22. Hot. Hot. July 23. Hot. Heap hot. W. S. Mitchell & family here today, make deed. July 24. Hot. 108 degrees. Ellis & wife here. Took dinner. July 25. Hot. 104 degrees. July 26. Cool & pleasant. Hunt old Red in field. Dillia home from Ashland. July 27. Cool. Squire Griffin died. [Obituary Medford Mail 8/11/1905, page 8] July 28. Cool. Squire Griffin buried. Old Red had calf. July 29. Warm. Went to Gold Hill. Bernice went home. July 30. Dillia & Cedrick went to Elam's. July 31. Warm. August 1905 [page 144] Aug. 1. Warm. Aug. 2. Haul wood & poles. Aug. 3. Went to Gold Hill. Cedrick went to Ashland. Aug. 4. Cool. Gilchrist finished stacking wheat. Aug. 5. Warm & clear. Aug. 6. Warm & clear. Hot. Aug. 7. Jake helped mark hogs. Hot. Hot. Aug. 8. Sprinkle rain last night. Aug. 9. Hot. Hotter. Aug. 10. Cool forenoon. Hot afternoon. Aug. 11. Cool forenoon. Hot afternoon. Hunt B.F. Aug. 12. Thresher at Gilchrist's. Aug. 13. Cloudy & cool. Ellis & wife here today. Aug. 14. Cloudy & cool. Dillia went to Elam's to cook for threshers. Aug. 15. Cool A.M. Aug. 16. Warm. Ellis come over tonight. Aug. 17. Warm P.M. Ellis cut poles. Aug. 18. Cut willows. Hot. Aug. 19. Cloudy. Clean out well. Aug. 20. Warm & clear. Ellis & wife come over today after plums. Aug. 21. Smoky. Went to Elam's. Elam eat supper. Aug. 22. Cut willows A.M. Aug. 23. Thresh grain. Wheat 695. Oats 150. Aug. 24. Warm. Aug. 25. Cool. Went to Gold Hill. Aug. 26. Cool. Hauled wood & straw. Aug. 27. Cool. High wind. Aug. 28. Cool. Hauled wood, straw & manure. Aug. 29. Elam & Wash. Miller down today. Aug. 30. Top corn forenoon. Aug. 31. Top corn forenoon. Lee Mitchell here today. Hot. Hot. September 1905 [page 145] Sept. 1. Hauled straw & pick blackberry. Sept. 2. Fix orchard fence. Went to Ship's after peaches. Sept. 3. Cool forenoon. Warm & clear afternoon. Sept. 4. Top corn. Cool & clear. Elam down tonight. Sept. 5. Top corn. Sept. 6. Went to Portland. Sept. 7. At fair [Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Portland]. Sept. 8. At fair and city park & Portland heights Sept. 9. Come home. Fund de phairs [sic--an apparent reference to the fair]. Sept. 10. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Sept. 11. Went to Jim Fredenburg. Make deed. Sept. 12. Fine rain this morning. Sept. 13. Cut corn. Jake eat dinner. Ellis came over this evening. Sept. 14. Cut corn. Sept. 15. Cut corn. Sept. 16. Dillia start to Portland. Went to Gold Hill. Sept. 17. All alone today. Sept. 18. Hauled straw & corn. Sept. 19. Finish cut corn. Code come down today. Sept. 20. Hot. Hot afternoon. Sept. 21. Hot. Sept. 22. Hot afternoon. Clear & smoky. Sept. 23. Dillia home from Portland. Ellis here tonight. Sept. 24. Rain this morning. Ellis & wife went home. Sept. 25. Hauled wood & straw. Sept. 26. Went to Gold Hill. Code went home. Sept. 27. Showery today. Cool. Sept. 28. Chop wood. Elam down with deer meat. Sept. 29. Frost last night. Cool & cloudy. Ponto cremated. Sept. 30. Cool. Some cloudy. Kostes ict mitt ze phares $12.80 [Something like "It cost me $12.80 for the fair."] October 1905 [page 146] Oct. 1. Cool & clear. Oct. 2. Hot. Cut wood forenoon. Elam went to Portland. Oct. 3. Haul wood & straw forenoon. Hot & clear. Oct. 4. Warm. Oct. 5. Rain some last night & today. Oct. 6. Windy, rainy & cool. Oct. 7. Showery & cool. Oct. 8. Went to preaching. Elam home from Fair. Oct. 9. Dillia went to Elam's. Clear. Not a cloud. Oct. 10. Cut wood. Oct. 11. Hauled fodder & wood & straw. Oct. 12. Big frost this morning. Oct. 13. Went to Conleys for Kartoffeln [potatoes]. Oct. 14. Cloudy. Elam down today. Oct. 15. Sprinkle rain today. Oct. 16. Saw wood forenoon. May & J. Rowe here [probably Martha and John Rowe]. Oct. 17. Shuck corn. Elam killed mowich [Chinook jargon for "deer."] Oct. 18. Husk corn forenoon. Pick apples afternoon. Oct. 19. Haul fodder, wood & straw. Oct. 20. Haul wood & straw. May Rowe here last night. Oct. 21. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Oct. 22. Min Eddings & Ella Sutton here today. Elam asked $[illegible]. Oct. 23. Fix garden fence forenoon. Oct. 24. Chop wood. Dillia went to Elam's. Oct. 25. Rain all forenoon. Oct. 26. Chop wood. Oct. 27. Hauled wood & rails. Oct. 28. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Dillia went to Ellis'. Oct. 29. Ellis & wife here tonight. Dillia came home. Oct. 30. Rake stubble. Oct. 31. Burned stubble. McClure dined here today. November 1905 [page 147] Nov. 1. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Nov. 2. Went to Gold Hill. Huh-huy illahee copa socla dich co. [Chinook jargon for "Bargain land from socla ditch company." "Socla" is a mystery--probably a reference to the high line ditch project.] Nov. 3. Chop wood in wood pile. Nov. 4. Clear, warm days, frosty nights. Chop wood. Nov. 5. Stayed at home. Warm & dry. Nov. 6. Hauled wood. Warm & dry. Nov. 7. Went to Elam's. Hot day, cool night. Nov. 8. Made gate. Hot day, cool night. Nov. 9. Cut wood. Hot day. Roads dusty. Nov. 10. Cut wood. Warm. Nov. 11. Went to Gold Hill. Cool & cloudy. Nov. 12. Clear & warm. Nov. 13. Hauled wood. Clear, warm days. Nov. 14. Clear & warm days. Ellis here last night after hogs. Nov. 15. Saw wood forenoon. Clear & cool. Nov. 16. Cloudy forenoon. Cool. Nov. 17. Sawed wood forenoon. Light rain afternoon. Nov. 18. Foggy. Ellis here last night. Nov. 19. Heavy rain last night & this evening. Went to church. Nov. 20. Sardine Mountain white with snow. Clear this morning. Nov. 21. Went to Ship's. Acknowledge deed. Nov. 22. Hauled wood. Cold forenoon. Nov. 23. Went to Gold Hill. Clear & warm. Nov. 24. Cold nights, warm days. Nov. 25. Clear & warm. Nov. 26. Heavy rain all day. Nov. 27. Mountains white with snow. Nov. 28. Cold, raw day. Snowing on the mountain. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Nov. 29. Cold, raw day. Nov. 30. Clear & cool. Elam down today. Also Lewis Pankey. December 1905 [page 148] Dec. 1. Cool. Went to Conley's for Kartoffeln [potatoes]. Dec. 2. Cloudy & cool. Dec. 3. Foggy. Not very cold. Dec. 4. Pens day. Went to Craig's. Fix pens. Chilly day. Dec. 5. Foggy. Killed hog. Elam help clean. Dec. 6. Heavy fog. Frost last night. Cool. Dec. 7. Chop wood. Cloudy days, clear nights. Frosty & cold. Dec. 8. Chop wood. Clear, warm day. Cold nights. Ina Rowe [Ethel Iva Rowe Edington?] here. Dec. 9. Chop wood. Clear, warm day. Dec. 10. Clear, warm day. Hoar frost last night. Dec. 11. Hauled wood. Cold nights, warm days. Dec. 12. Hauled manure. Clear & cool. Dec. 13. Cloudy day. Frosty night. Elam down today. Dec. 14. Cool, cloudy, chilly day. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Dec. 15. Cold and clear nights. De grund Frusen. [Swedish for "The ground is frozen." German would be "Der Boden ist gefroren."] Dec. 16. Cloudy. Not very cold. Went to bilk show [entertainment that promised more than it delivered] last night. Dec. 17. Cloudy and warm. Road dusty. Dec. 18. Sprinkle rain last night. Fine clouds but warm. Elam down today. Dec. 19. Thunder last night with rain. Dec. 20. ½ inch snow this morning. Dec. 21. Clear & cool. 2 Rowes of girls here today. Dec. 22. Clear & cool. Heavy frost. Chop wood. Dec. 23. Cold and frosty. Mary Curry buried. Dec. 24. Cold and foggy. Ina Rowe here last night. Dec. 25. Xmas. Rain afternoon. Elam supped with us. Dec. 26. Heavy shower last night. Sunshine, bright this morning. Dec. 27. Clear forenoon. Cloudy after rain last night. Hauled wood. Dec. 28. Snowed inch this morning. Dec. 29. Snow afternoon. Dec. 30. Snow until noon today. Snow 3 inch deep. Dec. 31. Part sunshine, part cloudy. Snow melt on valley. Alt des mund bein klein wasser. [Nonsense. Translated from German literally, it reads: "Old of the mouth leg small water." He likely intended: "The whole world is covered with shallow water."] January 1906 [page 149] Jan. 1. Thawing today. Some clouds. Ellis & wife here last night. Jan. 2. Went to Gold Hill. Cloudy & chilly. Jan. 3. Foggy & cold. Elam come here to dark. Jan. 4. Foggy & cold. Jan. 5. Foggy & cold. E. Webber here today. Jan. 6. Foggy & chilly. Jan. 7. Foggy & chilly. Jan. 8. Chop wood. Light rain. Jan. 9. Slow rain all day. Jan. 10. Chop wood forenoon. Jan. 11. Chop wood forenoon. High east wind. Cloudy. Jan. 12. Rain last night. First water rising in corral. Jan. 13. Rain after noon. Jan. 14. Rain & snow all night. Snow inch deep. Jan. 15. Rain and cold and snow high on mountain. Jan. 16. Heavy rain all last night. Creek & branches overflow. Jan. 17. Clear forenoon. Cloudy afternoon. Hunt hogs. Jan. 18. Snow last night & all day today. Jan. 19. Sunshine. Warm. Jan. 20. Cloudy, alternate sunshine. Dillia went to Elam's. Hauled wood. Jan. 21. Cold and cloudy. Elam down today. Jan. 22. Cloudy and cold. Hunt swine. Jan. 23. Rain last night. Jan. 24. Sunshine. B.S. humming. Dillia gone to Elam. Help kill hog. Jan. 25. Cold and chilly. Went to Gold Hill. Jan. 26. Foggy and cold. Jan. 27. Foggy morning. Clear day & warm. Jan. 28. Foggy morning. Clear day & warm. Jan. 29. Fair day. Killed 2 hogs. Elam & Geters helped, too. Jan. 30. Clear & warm. Not a cloud in sight. Lillie Duggan supped with us. Jan. 31. Clear & warm. February 1906 [page 150] Feb. 1. Cold, frosty nights. Clear, warm day. Feb. 2. Went to Gold Hill. A few fine clouds, otherwise warm. Feb. 3. Clear & warm. Roads getting dusty. Feb. 4. Clear & warm. Slover & wife dined with us. Feb. 5. Gil got 44 bushels wheat. Clear & warm. Elam here to dine. Feb. 6. Frosty nights. Warm, clear day. Feb. 7. Clear & warm. Frosty nights. Hunt hogs. Feb. 8. Clear & warm. Frosty nights. Cut & sawed wood. Feb. 9. Cloudy. Light sprinkle of rain. Elam down tonight. Feb. 10. Cloudy & cool. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Feb. 11. Warm like May. Feb. 12. Clear. Like May. Hunt hogs. Went to Elam's. Feb. 13. Pruned grapes. Cloudy afternoon. Feb. 14. Rain at noon. Feb. 15. Cloudy. Chop wood. Feb. 16. Rain all day. Cold & chilly. Feb. 17. Rain last night and this morning. Feb. 18. Regular pour down today. Water, water, everywhere. Feb. 19. Cloudy. Hauled wood. Lucy Rowe & Lillie Duggan here today. Feb. 20. Rain all last night till noon today. Feb. 21. Rain most all day. Feb. 22. Rain half last night. Sunshine today. Feb. 23. Rain all last night. Part of today. Feb. 24. Rain all last night & today. Feb. 25. Some cloudy, some sunshine. Feb. 26. Rain all last night & this morning. Cool and damp. Feb. 27. Cloudy & little rainy afternoon. Feb. 28. Had blizzard today. Cold as Blixen. March 1906 [page 151] Mar. 1. Heavy frost this morning. Nearly clear today. Mar. 2. Went to Gold Hill. Cold & windy. Mar. 3. Cloudy. Light rain this morning. Mar. 4. Hunt hogs. Cloudy. Mar. 5. Clear & warm. Mar. 6. Chop wood. Clear & warm. Mar. 7. Hauled wood. Clear & warm. Mar. 8. Went to funeral of John Pankey's stepdaughter. Elam skin calf. Mar. 9. Clear & warm. Deed from Fitz to C. Carter. Mar. 10. Clear & warm. Windy afternoon. Went Antioch to register. Mar. 11. Rain & snow today. Cold. Mar. 12. Snow 3½ inch this morning. Clear. Sunshine forenoon. Snowed at noon. Mar. 13. Snow 4 inch this morning. Spit snow all day. William Payne dined here today. Mar. 14. Snowed 4 more inch last night. Mar. 15. Windy & cold. Spit snow. Mar. 16. Heavy freeze last night. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 17. Heavy freeze last night. Clear. Went to Ellis's. Mar. 18. Little stormy & cool. Mar. 19. Cloudy & cool. Come home from Ellis's. Mar. 20. Cloudy. Fix fence. Acknowledge deed & mortgage from Fitz Tibbetts, Schumann, &c. Mar. 21. Rain, heavy shower afternoon. Mon--Gorden here today. Mar. 22. Hazy & cool. Chop wood. Mar. 23. Warm. Hauled wood. Mar. 24. Warm forenoon. Rain at night. Mar. 25. Cloudy. Some rain. Nort Eddings & wife & Carter & wife at dinner. Mar. 26. Heavy rain last night. Mar. 27. Clear and warm. Mar. 28. Hazy. Mar. 29. Sprinkle rain afternoon. Grub in orchard. Mar. 30. Rain last night & today. Heavy shower at noon. Mar. 31. Rain last night. Cold, windy, rain. Snow on mountain. [doodles of man and owl] April 1906 [page 152] Apr. 1. Blustery, spit snow. Cold wind. Elam at supper tonight. Apr. 2. Few light clouds. Pleasant winds. Apr. 3. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Clear. Balmy. Bob Hardman ditch. Apr. 4. Clear & warm. Hauled poles & wood. Apr. 5. Clear and warm. Issued 2 warrants for Tibbetts, one for Dan Bice. Apr. 6. Clear & warm. Law suit Tibbetts vs Dan Bice. Apr. 7. Warm. Little cloudy. Apr. 8. Rain afternoon. Apr. 9. Warm. Whirlwind in wood shed. Apr. 10. Grub in orchard. Apr. 11. Clear & cool. Nort and Lorin and Kurt Miller & wife here today. Apr. 12. Clear and cool. Acknowledge deed John T. Williams & wife to Wilbur. Apr. 13. Cool & hazy. School meeting today. Apr. 14. Clear & cool. Apr. 15. Cloudy & cool. Long Tom here today. Apr. 16. Went to Gold Hill. Rain afternoon. Dillia stayed at Gold Hill. Apr. 17. Heavy frost this morning. Disked garden. Apr. 18. Clear & cool. Apr. 19. Clear and warm. Ardilla came home from Medford and Gold Hill. Apr. 20. Clear & balmy. Primary election. Apr. 21. Went to Gold Hill after meds. Windy and warm. Apr. 22. Rain last night. Not very much. Elam come down tonight. Apr. 23. Rain all last night & until noon today. Apr. 24. Cloudy & rainy. Apr. 25. Clear & cool. Apr. 26. Plow garden. Warm. Apr. 27. Rain all last night & today. Apr. 28. Cloudy and small rain this morning. Apr. 29. Clear & warm. Apr. 30. Clear & warm. Went to Gold Hill. May 1906 [page 153] May 1. Windy with some clouds. Elam, Randle garden. ["Randle" may be related to German "randeln"--rambling. Puttering about?] May 2. Clear & warm. Plant corn & potatoes. May 3. Clear & warm. Plant beans. May 4. Clear & warm. May 5. Clear & warm. May 6. Not a cloud in sight today. Warm. May 7. Not a cloud. May 8. Warm. Few skittering clouds afternoon. Went to Elam's. May 9. Warm forenoon. Windy P.M. Vaughan commenced [to] plant corn. May 10. Warm. Took 11 hogs to Pelton's. 1,113 lbs. $52.87. May 11. Light shower this morning. Cloudy & cool today. Fix orchard fence. May 12. Cool & cloudy. Went to Gold Hill. May 13. Cool & cloudy. Light sprinkle of rain. May 14. Heavy rain last night & today. May 15. Cold and snow on Sams Creek this morning. Still raining. May 16. Clear & cool. Reams spoke at Dogtown. May 17. Frost this morning. Cloudy & cold. Haul hogs to Pelton's. $31.40. May 18. Showery today. May 19. Wind & cool. May 20. Cloudy & cool. May 21. Showery most all day & cold. May 22. Cloudy & cool. Sprinkle rain. May 23. Cut hay in orchard. May 24. Went to Gold Hill. Rain afternoon. May 25. Rain most all day. Code came down to Hum [sic]. May 26. Rain last night. Showery today. May 27. Clear A.M. Thundershowers P.M. Rain all night. Elam here. May 28. Heavy rain last night & today. Plenty of mud. May 29. Rain some more today. Code went home. Dillia to Ellis's. May 30. Foggy this morning. Sunshine today. Ellis & wife came home. Not Dillia. May 31. Clear and warm. Lucy Rowe come with Ardilla to stay all night June 1906 [page 154] June 1. Clear and pleasant. Cut hay in orchard. Ugh. June 2. Cloudy & cool. Fix fence. June 3. Heavy shower this A.M. & last night. June 4. Showery & cold. June 5. Rainy & windy and cool all day. June 6. Cloudy and cold. Annie & children come home. June 7. Clear & cool. Dahl cut hay in orchard. June 8. Rain like Blixen today. Heap mud. Too much. June 9. Part clear, part cloudy. June 10. Cloudy, rain this evening. Visited J. & Min, Perry. June 11. Rain last night & today. June 12. Little rain this morning & windy. Elam went to Central Point. June 13. Clear. Went to Gold Hill. Annie went home to Ashland. June 14. Half cloudy. June 15. Rain all last night. June 16. Clear and warm. Took Hancock with Kountz [to Grants?] pass. June 17. Clear and warm. June 18. Clear & warm. Hauled wood & hay. Cedrick help me. June 19. Clear & warm. June 20. Hot. Went to Gold Hill. Cedrick went home. June 21. Clear & hot. Hoed garden. Mrs. Moon, Craws, Hays come today. June 22. Clear & hot A.M. Cool wind P.M. June 23. Hot. Hoed corn. June 24. Hot. Went to Gold Hill afternoon after Hodges kids. Elam down night. June 25. Thundercaps showing up. Hoe beans. June 26. Sprinkle rain this morning. June 27. Cloudy & cool. Pearl, Hattie & Letsy came up today. June 28. Cloudy & cold. June 29. Cut oats in garden. A few flying clouds. Warm. June 30. Clear & hot. July 1906 [page 155] July 1. Clear & hot. July 2. Hot. Too hot. Cut oats in garden. July 3. Not as hot as yesterday. Hodges kids went home. July 4. Fix fence forenoon. Went to Gold Hill afternoon. [illegible] 6 lager glasses. July 5. Cut oats in garden. Hot. Hot. July 6. Finish cut oats. Still hot. July 7. Went to Welch mill on [Pioneers Society] business. Daniel Hodges buried. July 8. Turned hogs in field. Cow got out. July 9. Cut hay. Warm. July 10. Cut hay. Warmer. July 11. Hoe corn. Much warm. July 12. Hauled hay & wood. Hotter. Fell off wagon, hurt hips. July 13. Sore all over today. Hot as yesterday. July 14. Finished hauling hay. Heavy thunder & rain at Antioch. July 15. Warm. Little cloudy. July 16. Clear & warm. Windy afternoon. Elam down tonight. July 17. Went to Gold Hill. Pleasant day. July 18. Cool day. Hoe corn forenoon. July 19. Hot day. Hoe corn forenoon. July 20. Assessor here today. $2,135. Elam after wheat. 338 lbs. July 21. Cool this morning. July 22. Cool this morning. July 23. Cool this morning. July 24. Hot afternoon. July 25. Cool this morning. July 26. Cool this morning. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia to Ashland. July 27. Took Hancock to Counces [Kountz?], also cows. July 28. Warm. July 29. Warm afternoon. Went to Antioch church. July 30. Warm. Not a cloud in sight. July 31. Cool. Went to Elam's help haul hay. August 1906 [page 156] Aug. 1. Cool this morning. Aug. 2. Clear forenoon. Cloudy after noon. Aug. 3. Went to Gold Hill. Aug. 4. Ellis & wife came over this evening. Aug. 5. Ellis & wife went home. Warm & clear. Aug. 6. Warm. Dillia back from Ashland. Aug. 7. Clear & hot. Aug. 8. Clear & hot. First roasting ears. Aug. 9. Clear & hot. Aug. 10. Hot with a few scattering clouds in east. Aug. 11. Clear & hot. Dance at Dogtown tonight. Aug. 12. Not so hot. Windy & cloudy. Aug. 13. Cloudy morning. Hot & clear afternoon. Aug. 14. Not a cloud in sight. Windy. Haul wood & manure. Aug. 15. Cool with some wind. No clouds. Aug. 16. Cool with some wind. Aug. 17. Pick blackberries. Cool. Aug. 18. Cool. Aug. 19. Went to Ellis's. Stay all night. Aug. 20. Went Central Point. Aug. 21. Went Central Point after Bug. Aug. 22. Some clouds. Cool. Aug. 23. Cool and clear. Aug. 24. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Elam down tonight. Aug. 25. Clear & cool. Aug. 26. Clear & hot. Went to L. E. Bean's, fix mortgage. Aug. 27. Went to Gold Hill. Hot. Aug. 28. Cool this morning. Aug. 29. Went to Ellis's. Warm. Aug. 30. Went to Jacksonville to [Pioneers Society] meeting. Warm. Aug. 31. Cool & cloudy. September 1906 [page 165] Sept. 1. Hot. Cut corn. Elam here with venison. Sept. 2. Hot. Ellis & wife after fruit. Sept. 3. Some clouds. Cut corn. Sept. 4. Hot afternoon. Went to Gold Hill. Sept. 5. Cut corn. Cool. Hunt hog. Sept. 6. Went to Gold Hill for med for Dillia. Sept. 7. Cloudy. Sept. 8. Sprinkle rain on mountain. Sept. 9. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Sept. 10. Cut corn. Sept. 11. Cut corn. Elam down this evening. Sept. 12. Rain today like fury. Sept. 13. Cloudy and misty and cold. Sept. 14. Rain like the Blixen today. Sept. 15. Went to Ship after peaches. Fine clear day. Sept. 16. Clear & warm. Went by Talent. Sept. 17. Clear & warm. Cut corn. Sept. 18. Cut corn. Hot. Sept. 19. Cut corn. Heap hot. Sept. 20. Cut corn. Sept. 21. Went to the fish hatchery. No fish. Hot. Sept. 22. Went to the fish hatchery. Got six fish. Cloudy. Sept. 23. Light showers this morning. Sept. 24. Cloudy. Rain on mountain. Cut corn. Sept. 25. Warm. Went to Gold Hill. Sept. 26. Cut corn. Hot. Sept. 27. Hauled wood & manure. Heap hot. Sept. 28. Pick apples forenoon. Sick afternoon. H. H. Mitchell's wife here last night. Sept. 29. Warm. Sept. 30. Min & Fred Eddings here today. October 1906 [page 166] Oct. 1. Dillia went to Ellis's. Warm. Oct. 2. Cloudy. Rain afternoon. Dillia came home. Oct. 3. Sprinkle rain today. Cool. Oct. 4. Haul fodder & wood. Oct. 5. Top corn. Oct. 6. Went to Gold Hill. Warm day. Oct. 7. Nort Eddings & boys put on shoot today. Oct. 8. Hunt hogs. Put up 2 to fat. Dillia went after fish. Elam down today. Oct. 9. Sold Red to Hulbert. Cut stove wood. Oct. 10. Cut corn. Cloudy & warm. Oct. 11. Cut wood forenoon. Rain after noon. Oct. 12. Hauled wood, apples & fodder. Oct. 13. Gather corn & apples. Oct. 14. Rain last night. Oct. 15. Chop wood forenoon. Rain afternoon. Oct. 16. Rain last night & today. Oct. 17. Hunt hogs. Oct. 18. Hauled wood forenoon. Rain afternoon. Cold. Oct. 19. Cloudy. Oct. 20. Warm & clear. Marked 28 pigs. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Oct. 21. Eat chicken. Hoar frost. (Put up sow to fat.) Oct. 22. Hauled apples & fodder. Cold nights. Oct. 23. Went to Gold Hill. Oct. 24. Chop wood. Oct. 25. Chop wood. Oct. 26. Chop wood. Hot. Oct. 27. Chop wood. Heavy fog this morning. Hot day. Red had calf. Cough. Cough. Oct. 28. Took buggy ride. Ellis came over tonight. Hot day. Oct. 29. Hunt hogs. No findum. Warm day. Oct. 30. Chop wood forenoon. Hunt hogs afternoon. Oct. 31. Haul wood forenoon. Dillia went to Ellis's. Deed: Bob Allen to E. W. Allen. November 1906 [page 167] Nov. 1. Made wood shed. Nov. 2. Dillia home from Medford. Cloudy. Sprinkle rain. Nov. 3. Ellis here last night. Got 7 hogs today. Rain last night. Nov. 4. Went to Gold Hill. Rain like Blixen. Nov. 5. Some cloudy. Warm sunshine. Nov. 6. Chop wood forenoon. Rain afternoon. Nov. 7. Rain last night & today. Nov. 8. Chop wood. Nov. 9. Haul wood & manure. Nov. 10. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Rain last night. Nov. 11. [no entry] Nov. 12. Warm & cloudy. Hunt pigs. Nov. 13. Warm & cloudy. Fix orchard fence. Nov. 14. Part cloudy. Part clear. Sprinkle rain on mountain. Warm. Nov. 15. Part cloudy. Nov. 16. Rainy. H. H. Mitchell & wife here last night. Nov. 17. Stormy & cold. Nov. 18. Sunshine today. Frost this morning. Nov. 19. Heavy frost this morning. Cloudy day. Nov. 20. Rain all day. Nov. 21. Rain last night and today. Nov. 22. Started to Elam's. Big frost this morning. Nov. 23. Clear. Big frost. Nov. 24. Freeze last night. Clear today. Nov. 25. [no entry] Nov. 26. Kill 2 hogs. Nov. 27. Cook greens. Mitchells here for dinner. Corn. Nov. 28. Went to Gold Hill. Nov. 29. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Nov. 30. Haul wood & manure. Frost nights. Clear days. December 1906 [page 168] Dec. 1. Warm day. Frosty nights. No clouds. Dec. 2. Isoria & Min Eddings come to stay all night. Elam come down. Dec. 3. Frosty nights. Warm clear day. Isoria & Min & Ed went home. Dec. 4. Pension day. Warm. Dec. 5. Heavy mist this morning. Foggy. Dec. 6. Went to J. J. S. to acknowledge deed. Dec. 7. Heavy rain last night. Dec. 8. Heavy frost last night. Cloud & cool. Rain afternoon. Dec. 9. Frost. Snow on Sardine Mountain. Rain today. Dec. 10. Strong east wind with rain. Big wind storm. Dec. 11. Stormy. Dec. 12. Rain afternoon. Dec. 13. Snow all day. Dec. 14. Snow all gone off the valley. Foggy morning. Dec. 15. Heavy rain this morning. Dec. 16. Cloudy. Not much cold. Dec. 17. Went to Gold Hill. Cold. Dec. 18. Rainy today. Dec. 19. Foggy & cloudy. Dec. 20. Foggy & cloudy. Warm. Elam came down today. Dec. 21. Foggy & chilly. Dec. 22. Sunshiny & warm. Tobacco. Dec. 23. Cloudy. Dec. 24. Rain last night & today. Dec. 25. Rain today (heavy). Stayed at home. Dec. 26. Rain last night. Dec. 27. Clear, like spring today. Dec. 28. Went to Elam's. Foggy. Elam killed 5 hogs. Dec. 29. Ellis came over with 3½ porkers. Cloudy, light rain. Dec. 30. Heavy rain last night & today. Mountain white with snow. Dec. 31. Last of 1906. 2 inch snow this morning. All off after noon. January 1907 [page 169] Jan. 1. 3 inch snow this morning. Elam after hogs. Jan. 2. Cloudy. Not very cold. Jan. 3. Heavy rain last night. Regular flood today. Jan. 4. Rained most all night. Sunshine some today. Water heap plenty. Jan. 5. Half sunshine, half cloudy. Jan. 6. 3 inch snow this morning. Jan. 7. Cloud nights. Warm days. Made jury list. $300. Jan. 8. Cold night. Warm day. Jan. 9. Cold night. Warm day. Acknowledge chattel mortgage J. O. Talent to William Scott. 50¢ Jan. 10. Cloudy. Thawing today. Jan. 11. Cold & chilly. Jan. 12. Some snow this morning and cold. Jan. 13. Cold and cloudy. Freeze last night. Jan. 14. Hard freeze this morning. Clear day. Jan. 15. Hard freeze this morning. Killed 1 hog. Jan. 16. Went to George Stacy. Fix bond. 75¢ Jan. 17. Clear and cool. Acknowledge 2 deeds for Pomeroy. 75¢ Jan. 18. Rain today. Jan. 19. Went to Gold Hill. Sold out old home $4,000 $5,600. Jan. 20. Kurt Miller & wife, Elam & Millie Carter here today. Jan. 21. Went to Gold Hill. Bought out Bob Fleming $425.00 Jan. 22. Heavy freeze last night. Clear warm day. Deed from Fleming. Jan. 23. Cold as Blixen. Heavy freeze this morning. Jan. 24. Light shower. Jan. 25. Foggy. Jan. 26. Rainy today. Jan. 27. Rainy today. Elam down today. Jan. 28. Rain all last night and today. Jan. 29. Went to Gold Hill. Heavy fog this morning. Jan. 30. Rain all day & last night. Jan. 31. Cold day. North wind. Rain this evening. February 1907 [page 170] Feb. 1. Rain all last night until 10 o'clock today. Snow on mountains. Ellis & wife here last night. Feb. 2. Rain like fury last night & this morning. Too much water. Feb. 3. Still raining like fury. Water, water everywhere. Feb. 4. Rain all last night until noon today. Feb. 5. Heavy rain until noon today. Feb. 6. Clear, sunshine today. Feb. 7. Went to Gold Hill. Fair day. Feb. 8. Clear and warm. Haul wood to Moontown. Feb. 9. Part cloudy, part clear. Hauled fodder & apples to Moontown. Feb. 10. Clear but foggy morning. Feb. 11. Moved to Moontown. Fair app for J. W. Cox. 25¢ Feb. 12. Clear sunshiny day. Feb. 13. Clear sunshiny day. Foggy in morning. Feb. 14. Clear. Still moving. Feb. 15. Clear and hot. Haul hay to Moontown. Feb. 16. Clear and warm. Feb. 17. Clear and warm. Feb. 18. Clear and warm. Feb. 19. Dahl plow garden. Warm. Feb. 20. Dahl plow garden. Warm. Acknowledge chattel mortgage for Zand [?]. 50¢ Feb. 21. Cloudy. Sowed oats. Feb. 22. Rain most all night last night. Feb. 23. Cloudy. Feb. 24. Rainy today. Feb. 25. Fair. Feb. 26. Fair. Feb. 27. Rain. Feb. 28. Rain, windy & cold. Rain all day the day I left, the day I left the weather being dry. March 1907 [page 171] Mar. 1. Windy & cold. Mar. 2. Fair day. Went to Gold Hill. Frosty morning. Mar. 3. Clear & warm. Heavy frost this morning. Mar. 4. Clear & warm. Mar. 5. Clear. Went to Gold Hill & mill. Fair day. Mar. 6. Cloudy. Sprinkle rain. Hauled wood & fodder. Jake eat dinner here. Mar. 7. [no entry] Mar. 8. Hauled fodder. Mar. 9. Cold wind. Mar. 10. Cool. Mar. 11. Rain last night. Mar. 12. Nox nix [probably a day taken off]. Mar. 13. Fine weather and warm. Mar. 14. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 15. Fair day. Mar. 16. Isoria & Letsy stayed all night. Married to G. Wilson & Cora Rice. Mar. 17. Rain all day hard. Mar. 18. Light rain all day. Went to Gold Hill. (Birthday 74 years.) Mar. 19. Heavy clouds. Sprinkle rain. Heavy rain this evening. Mar. 20. Flying clouds. Cold as Blixen today. No mail; mired the cart. Mar. 21. Cold as Blixen. Cold wind all day. Mar. 22. Clear this morning. Heavy frost. Cold snow & rain after. High wind. More come tomorrow. Mar. 23. Mountains white with snow this morning. Mar. 24. Rain & snow. Mar. 25. Rain & snow. Mar. 26. Rain & snow. Mar. 27. Rain & snow. Mar. 28. Rain & snow. Mar. 29. Rain & snow. Mar. 30. Fair day. Ellis & wife here tonight. Mar. 31. Fair day. Elam down today. L. L. Dufield Hotel Belvedere Portland April 1907 [page 172] Apr. 1. Pleasant and fair. Went to I. J. Stacy's. Swear appraisers. Apr. 2. Morning fair. Evening stormy with rain. Apr. 3. Fair. Sun shining. Hauled wood. Apr. 4. Cold and stormy. Heavy rain. Minn & Dillia went to Ellis's. Apr. 5. Rain & snow most all day. Mountains white with snow. Apr. 6. No mail today. Sams Creek too high. The highest this winter. Minn & Dillia home from Ellis's. Apr. 7. Raining. Apr. 8. [no entry] Apr. 9. [no entry] Apr. 10. [no entry] Apr. 11. Went to Elam's. Warmer. Apr. 12. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia & Minn to Central Point. Apr. 13. [no entry] Apr. 14. Warm. Minnie went home with Elam. Apr. 15. Warm. Randle garden. ["Randle" may be related to German "randeln"--rambling. Puttering about?] Cool this morning. Inlow acknowledged deed. 50¢ Apr. 16. [no entry] Apr. 17. Warm. Apr. 18. Went to Gold Hill. Apr. 19. Warm. Apr. 20. Warm. Apr. 21. Hot. Apr. 22. Hot. Plant corn. Apr. 23. Warm. Minnie went to Prospect. Elam ate supper. Apr. 24. Heavy frost this morning. Sowed alfalfa. Apr. 25. Warm. Apr. 26. Cool morning. Apr. 27. Cool morning. Apr. 28. Went to Gold Hill for medicine for Ardilla. Apr. 29. Heavy frost this morning. Sold Sholto to West $175. Apr. 30. Cold. Frosty morning. May 1. Heavy frost this morning. May 2. Heavy frost this morning. May 3. Heavy frost. Went to Gold Hill. Cold day. May 4. Hoar frost this morning. May 5. Went to Elam's, I and Minn. May 6. Terrible hail storm in Sams Valley. Dode come home. May 1907 [page 173] May 7. Do nothing. May 8. Chop wood & plant squashes May 9. Went to Ellis's & Medford I & Minn. May 10. Come home from Ellis's I & Minn. Rain today. May 11. [no entry] May 12. Elam down today. May 13. Minnie went to Gold Hill with Ad. Sisemore. May 14. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia to Ashland. Hot day. May 15. Ad Sisemore migrated to California. May 16. [no entry] May 17. Warm May 18. Rain afternoon. Cold. May 19. Rain all day. Lots of hay spoiled. May 20. Went to Medford. Dode started home. May 21. Rain all afternoon. May 22. Dillia home from Ashland. Cloudy. Sprinkle rain. May 23. Went to Gold Hill. Minnie went home. Elam & Jake ate dinner. May 24. Went to Hayes, Moon to acknowledge deed. Cloudy. Paid 50¢. May 25. Clear & cool. May 26. Warm. Nort Eddings & wife supped here today. May 27. Warm. May 28. Elam down this evening for supper. May 29. Isoria & children here all night. Hot. 95 degrees. May 30. Went to Gold Hill. Cloudy. June 1907 June 16. Cedrick & Bernice came down. Went to Gold Hill. June 25. Cedrick & Bern went home on Otto [or auto]. June 27. Went to Gold Hill. Met Sam. June 30. Elam, Howell & Ellis & wife here for dinner & supper. July 1907 July 1. Tom P. delivered load of Neck [sic]. July 4. Went to Jacksonville. July 7. Heavy thunder & rain storm. July 10. Finish cut oats. July 13. Nell & children came over with Ellis. July 14. I & Elam went to Ellis's. July 18. O. Nell went to Van Hardenburg. July 1907 [page 174] July 29. Heavy thunder shower. August 1907 Aug. 7. Dillia went to Medford. Aug. 9. Rain all day & last night. Plenty grain spoiled. Aug. 21. Went to Elam's. Roy Code Cedrick Jackson Pearl. Aug. 22. Roy & Code went to Ellis'. Aug. 23. 4 thunder storms today & tonight. Lots of rain. Aug. 24. [no entry] Aug. 31. Went to [Ringling Bros.] circus. Rain afternoon & night. September 1907 Sept. 5. Thunder shower. Went to Gold Hill. Sept. 14. Went to Gold Hill with Phil Loosley. Sept. 15. Went to Antioch to church. Sept. 16. Rain this morning. Cool. October 1907 Oct. 12. Jake Gabriel died & buried on Oct. 13th. Oct. 17. Went to Gold Hill. Oct. 19. Dance at Cooper's Hall[, Sams Valley]. Oct. 21. Hot & dry this month. No rain. Plenty dust. Went to Ellis's. Oct. 23. Acknowledged deed Hayes to Hayes. 75¢ paid. Oct. 24. Jim Rowe killed [in hunting accident]. Oct. 27. Put up 3 hogs to fat. Oct. 29. Rain all last night & this morning. November 1907 Nov. 1. Heavy rain afternoon. No frost yet. Elam with fruit. Nov. 2. First killing frost. Went to Gold Hill. Nov. 13. Put one hog to fat. Rain today. Nov. 14. Showery afternoon. December 1907 Dec. 9. Killed 4 hogs. Dec. 13. First snow on Sardine Mountains. Rain all night. Dec. 15. Old Lady Dungan [Eliza Emily Matlock Dungan] died. Dec. 16. Went to Ellis's & Medford. Back from Medford. Dec. 19. Rain. Dec. 23. Went to Gold Hill. January 1908 [page 175] Jan. 1. Went to Gold Hill. Light rain. Jan. 2. Hung up meat for bacon. Foggy. Jan. 3. Rain. Jan. 4. [no entry] Jan. 5. [no entry] Jan. 6. [no entry] Jan. 7. [no entry] Jan. 8. [no entry] Jan. 9. Chop wood. Jan. 10. Hauled wood. Jan. 11. Rain, foggy. Jan. 12. Went to church & to Shipley's. Miller's for dinner. Jan. 13. Rain all day. Jan. 14. Chop wood. Jan. 16. Went to Gold Hill. Jan. 17. Went to Medford with Sam Hodges. Jan. 18. [no entry] Jan. 19. Heavy rain today & night. Jan. 21. Hauled wood. No snow in the valley yet. Jan. 26. Went to church at Pankey school house. Jan. 27. Cut wood. Clear day. Cold frosty nights. Jan. 29. Hauled wood. Clear day. Cold, frosty nights. Heavy frost. Sprinkled snow last night. The first in the valley this winter. Jan. 30. Coldest night this winter. Ground froze 2 inches this morning. February 1908 Feb. 5. Went to Gold Hill. Feb. 6. Rain all last night & today. Deed from Vinegar to Sauer. 50¢. Feb. 10. Chopped wood. Feb. 11. Snow this morning. Cold and windy. Mortgage from Mercer to H. Hibbs 50¢. Deed from H. Hibbs to A. D. Mercer 50¢. Feb. 12. Hauled wood. Feb. 13. Rain. Feb. 16. Ellis & wife came over for the night. Feb. 17. Pleasant & warm. Feb. 18. Chop wood. Cool. Feb. 19. Chop wood. Feb. 20. Haul wood. Warm day, cold, frosty nights. Feb. 21. Went to Gold Hill. Cold. Frosty night. Warm days. Red had calf. Feb. 22. Cold nights. Warm days. February 1908 [page 176] Feb. 24. Chop wood. Feb. 25. Went to Gold Hill. Deed from Dungan to Jones & Strong. 50¢. Feb. 26. Heavy frost this morning. Feb. 27. Chop wood. Warm. Feb. 28. Mountains white with snow this morning. Feb. 29. Mountains white with snow this morning. Cold & chilly. March 1908 Mar. 2. Hauled wood. Mar. 3. Snow 2 inches deep this morning. All gone by noon. Mar. 4. Snowing like fury today. Plenty cold. Mar. 5. Chopped wood. Cold day. Mar. 9. Hauled wood. Mar. 12. Chopped wood. Warm. Mar. 13. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 14. Warm. Mar. 15. Warm. Went to church. Mar. 16. Rain most all day. Mar. 17. Cold and cloudy. Mar. 18. Hauled wood & went to Gold Hill. (75 years old today. Went to Gold Hill.) Mar. 19. Hauled wood. Warm. Mar. 20. Frosty night. Warm & clear days. Mar. 24. Heavy wind. Small rain. Mar. 30. Mountains white with snow. Mar. 31. Chop wood. Heavy frost & ice this morning. April 1908 Apr. 1. Hauled wood. Heavy frost & ice this morning. Apr. 2. Heavy frost. Clear, warm day. Apr. 9. Chop wood. Apr. 10. Chop wood. Hot. Apr. 11. Chop wood. Hot. Apr. 12. Baseball. Apr. 13. Went to Gold Hill. Apr. 14. Hauled wood. Thunder showers afternoon. Apr. 15. Rain all last night & today. Apr. 16. Hauled hay from J. J. Fredenburg's. $5.50. Apr. 17. J. B. Dungan left Sams Valley for California. Apr. 20. Dillia went to Medford. May 1908 [page 177] May 4. Plant corn & squash May 6. Hauled wood. May 7. Cold & windy. May 8. Heavy frost this morning. May 9. Heavy frost this morning. May 10. Heavy frost & ice this morning. May 11. Heavy frost & ice this morning. Cold & windy. May 12. Cold & windy. Hauled hog schall den [the skull?] tule & orchard. May 13. Cool this morning & cloudy. May 14. Showery & cold. May 15. Rain some today. May 16. Hauled wood. May 17. Cloudy & cool. May 18. Probish show at Gardner's. [Anti-saloon meeting at Postmaster L. F. Gardner's hall in Sams Valley.] May 19. Went to Gold Hill to hear Governor Chamberlain. Come home in the rain. May 20. Rain today. Social at Moontown. May 21. Warm. May 22. Went to Gold Hill. Clear & warm. May 23. Clear and warm. May 24. Carl buried baby at Sams Valley. May 25. Hauled wood. Windy & cool. May 26. Cut foxtail. Cool. June 1908 June 20. Rain all day. June 22. Hot. Dillia went to Medford. June 23. Went Ellis's. June 24. Went to Medford. July 1908 July 12. W. H. Shipley [Henry W. Shipley] died. July 17. Went to Gold Hill. July 20. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia to Ashland. July 26. Went Antioch. Wm. Davis [William A. Davis] funeral. July 29. Went to Gold Hill. Hot. 108 degrees at springs. July 30. Ellis came over today. Sam & Applegate family Crater Lake. August 1908 Aug. 8. Went to Gold Hill. Aug. 20. Went to Gold Hill. Aug. 21. Swap Jen's calf. August 1908 [page 178] Aug. 26. Went to Ellis's. Stayed all night. Aug. 27. Elam went to Bandon. Went to Jacksonville to Pioneer meeting. Stayed at Albert's. Aug. 28. Went to Albert's. Stayed two nights. Aug. 29. Back to Ellis's. Stayed all night. Aug. 30. Back home. September 1908 Sept. 2. Anna & children & Pearl & Hattie Hodges came up home & stayed 3 nights. Sept. 6. Emmett Sutton, wife & 3 kids & Isoria Hodges & Lettsey come up and all had dinner & went home after 4 o'clock to Gold Hill. Sept. 7. Went to Gold Hill. Anna & children took 2:30 train home. Sept. 8. Hauled wood. Hot. Sept. 10. Top corn. Hot. 96 degrees. Sept. 11. Top corn. Cooler. Sept. 15. First rain since June. Sept. 17. Went to Gold Hill. Elam & Fate Rowe got back from Bandon. Sept. 28. Went to Gold Hill & Medford to see Buffalo Bill. Sept. 29. Came home from Gold Hill. October 1908 Oct. 1. Cold. Cloudy mist of rain. Oct. 2. Cold. Cloudy. Oct. 8. Went to Gold hill. Hot afternoon. Oct. 9. Killed 3 gray squirrels. Hot afternoon. Oct. 12. Light rain last night. Elam down yesterday. Oct. 13. Good shower last night. Same this morning. Oct. 14. Heavy rain last night & today. Started all the creeks. Oct. 17. Killed one gray squirrel. Elam called from Gold Hill. Oct. 18. Sam H. & family came up today. Had dinner. Oct. 19. Rain last night & this morning. Oct. 20. First snow on Sardine Mountain. Oct. 21. Ice plenty this morning. Clear day. Oct. 22. Stayed at Elam's last night. Come home this morning. Oct. 24. Went to Gold Hill. Warm & clear day. Got bottle whiskey. Oct. 25. Clear & warm. Oct. 26. Went to Ellis's. Oct. 27. Come home from Ellis's. Oct. 28. Dillia come home. Oct. 29. Heavy rain last night. November 1908 [page 179] Nov. 2. Went to Gold Hill. Nov. 3. Election. Elam & Ad Sisemore ate dinner. Nov. 4. Hauled wood. C.C. Me ate breakfast here. Nov. 10. Hauled wood. Heavy frost. Nov. 11. Went to Gold Hill. Heavy frost. Nov. 22. Warm, sunshiny. Nov. 23. Went to Gold Hill. Rain most of the day. 4 dozen eggs $1.80. Nov. 24. Rain last night & today. Nov. 26. Went to Elam's to Thanksgiving dinner. Nov. 27. Cold, frosty. Nov. 29. Elam down for dinner. December 1908 Dec. 1. Cloudy & cold. Went to H.P. for bones $125. Dec. 4. Went Rodgers. Fix pension. Dec. 5. Went to Gold Hill. Dec. 6. Went to church. Dec. 7. Hauled wood. Showery & cold. Dec. 11. Hauled wood. Cold, frosty day. Dec. 12. Rain & cold. Dec. 13. Cold & frosty. Elam down today. Dec. 14. Clear & frosty. Dec. 15. Clear & frosty. Dec. 21. Went to Gold Hill. Heavy rain afternoon. Dec. 22. Clear & cold. Elam down today. Dec. 23. Heavy rain & snow. Dec. 24. Foggy & cold. Dec. 25. Went to Gold Hill. Cold & chilly. Dec. 26. Rain. Dec. 28. Chop wood. Showery. Dec. 29. Hauled wood. Fair. Dec. 30. Cold & foggy. January 1909 [page 180] Jan. 1. Fine weather. Jan. 2. Fine weather. Jan. 3. Rainy. Jan. 4. Fair. Jan. 5. Heavy [rain] last night & today. Highest water this winter. Jan. 6. Still raining. Been no snow yet in the valley this winter. Jan. 7. Shower rain & first snow in the valley. Jan. 8. Cold freeze. Jan. 9. Cold freeze. Hauled wood. Jan. 10. Freezing weather. Hauled wood by Wilson. Jan. 12. Three inches snow this morning. Jan. 14. High water. Most all snow gone. Jan. 15. Still showery. Snow about all gone. Jan. 25. Went to Gold Hill. Jan. 27. Dillia went to Gold Hill & Medford. Storm in morning, clear PM. Jan. 28. Heavy frost this morning. Clear sunshiny. Jan. 30. Went to Gold Hill. Stayed all night. De Moss show [the musical De Moss family]. February 1909 Feb. 1. Hauled wood. Windy. Ellis & wife came over & stayed all night. Heavy wind. Feb. 2. Heavy wind forenoon. Rain afternoon & night. Feb. 3. Heavy shower PM Feb. 4. Cold and rain. Feb. 5. Rain & snow last night. Mountains all white. Clear today. Feb. 6. Rain most all day. Snow at night. Feb. 7. Snow 2 inches this morning. Dillia back from Gold Hill. Feb. 8. Snow 1 inch last night. Had row with old Rafe. Old Rafe dug ditch in my enclosure. Feb. 9. Snow 4 inches this morning. Feb. 10. Sprinkle rain. Snow most all gone in valley. Feb. 11. Hauled wood. Foggy & cloudy. Feb. 12. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia to Grants Pass. Rain P.M. Feb. 13. Cloudy & cold. Rain at night. Feb. 14. Rain forenoon & at night. Feb. 15. Part sunshine, part cloudy. Feb. 16. Heavy rain all day and last night. Water, water, everywhere. Feb. 17. Went to Gold Hill. Clear & warm until 4 pm, then cloudy & cold. Feb. 18. Heavy rain last night. Clear today. February 1909 [page 181] Feb. 19. Cold wind & rain. Snow on the mountains. Feb. 20. Snow & rain last night & today. Cold as Blixen. 6 inch snow on Sardine Mountain. Feb. 21. Clear & warm forenoon. Feb. 22. Part clear, part cloudy. Chilly. Feb. 23. Clear forenoon. Cloudy P.M. Hauled wood. Feb. 24. Heavy rain last night. Some today. Cold. Feb. 25. Rain last night. Cold & cloudy. Feb. 26. Clear forenoon. Cloudy P.M. Feb. 27. Cloudy. Light sprinkle of rain this morning. Feb. 28. Clear & warm after 10 o'clock A.P. This is the wettest spell for 10 years. More continual rain. March 1909 Mar. 1. Sprinkle rain forenoon. Hauled wood. Dillia come home. Mar. 2. Clear & warm. Mar. 3. Hauled wood forenoon. Heavy wind & rain afternoon. Mar. 4. Snow last night. Went to Gold Hill. Sprinkle rain. Mar. 5. Clear today. Mar. 6. Cloudy & cool. Elam went to Medford. Mow centers. Mar. 7. Cloudy & cool. Elam eat dinner from Medford. Mar. 8. Rain & cold. Went to Rodgers & Dave's. Fix pens. Mar. 9. Clear. Mar. 11. Clear & warm. Mar. 12. Not a cloud in sight. Hot. Mar. 13. Clear. Mar. 14. Cloudy & cool. Mar. 15. Clear & warm. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 16. Clear & warm. Mar. 17. Hauled wood. Rain afternoon. Mar. 18. Birthday. 76. Went to Gold Hill. Mar. 19. Went to Beagle. Cold, windy & rain afternoon. Mar. 20. Cold as Blixen. High wind. Snow on Sardine Mountains. Mar. 21. Fair. Isoria & kids up from Gold Hill. Mar. 22. Hauled wood & went to Rabbitville. Mar. 23. Went to Gold Hill. Stayed all night. Rain in evening & night. Mar. 24. Fair. Mar. 25. Carol plow garden. Clear. Fees $1.50. Mar. 29. Heavy rain last night. Snow on Sardine Mountain. April 1909 [page 182] Apr. 4. Spit snow this morning. Cold. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Apr. 5. Hauled wood. Some rain. Apr. 6. Clear & cold. Apr. 7. Went to Gold Hill. Dillia came home. Apr. 8. Dillia took the measles. Warm & clear. Apr. 9. Isoria came up to wait on Dillia. Apr. 10. Dillia broke out with measles. Apr. 11. Warm & clear. Apr. 12. Warm & clear. Need rain. Apr. 13. [no entry] Apr. 16. Dillia went to Gold Hill. Isoria went home. Apr. 20. Went to Gold Hill. Cold day. Apr. 22. No rain. Clear & cool. Apr. 17. Went to Beagle. Apr. 21. Plant sugar corn. Apr. 23. Went to Ellis's. Apr. 24. Went to Medford & Albert's. Stayed 2 nights. Apr. 26. Went to Jacksonville & Code's. Stayed 2 nights. Apr. 28. Came home. May 1909 May 16. Went to Ellis's. May 17. Went to [Sells-Floto] circus & back to Ellis's. May 18. Came home. May 20. Cut alfalfa. The old Sisemore house burned down. May 21. Cut alfalfa. Dillia went to Gold Hill. May 22. Went to Code's. Stayed all night. May 24. Came back from Code's. May 25. Cut hay & hauled wood. Cloudy. No rain. July 1909 [page 183] July 1. Hot. July 2. Hot. July 3. Hot. Minnie & Dick went to Rabbitville dance. July 4. Windy & cold. July 5. Rain & cold. Min & Dillia went to Gold Hill. Min to Medford.. July 6. Cloudy. Sprinkle rain. Cool. November 14, 1912 C.C. Gall, William Myer, Anna Myer, Bernie Myer, Ollie Smith all ate supper at E. E. Gall's. February 8, 1914 C. C. Gall, Will & Anna Myer, Bernice Myer, Ollie Smith call & all eat & eat dinner with Ellis & Nella today [feminine hand] and grandpa stuck his foot in the air and papa slept on the lounge all day. This is a very pretty and sunshiny day. Cedric went fishing today. July 1915 [page 184] July 7. Come up to Ellis's. Will Myer 6 oz. cans. July 8. Rain most all day. July 9. Clear. July 10. [no entry] February 1917 [page 185] Feb. 16. Came up to E. E. Gall's. Cold, bluster day. Feb. 17. Anna went to Sacramento. Feb. 19. Snow 8 inches. Feb. 20. Still snowing. Feb. 21. Snow melted some. Feb. 22. Snow 5 inches last night. Feb. 23. Snow today 4 inches. Feb. 24. Still snowing. 5 inches more. Feb. 25. Snow 2 inches last night. Feb. 26. Snow 2 inches last night. Feb. 27. Clear. Sunshiny today. Went back to Anna's (maybe). Feb. 28. Ousker speel ["Aus der spiel"? Out of the game?] March 1917 [feminine hand] Mar. 8. Began snowing again. Mar. 9. Snowed some more. Mar. 10. Snowed some more. Mar. 11. Snowed 2 inches again last night. Births and Deaths [page 203] Christopher Columbus Gall was born in Franklin County, Missouri March 18th 1833 and crossed the Plains in 1851. Sarah Jane Pankey was born in Illinois August 13th 1846 and crossed the Plains in 1853. C. C. Gall and Sarah J. Pankey was married in Jacksonville, Oregon October the 9th 1861 by U. S. Hayden, J.P. Albert Lee Gall was born November 5th, 1863. Elam Rowan Gall was born December 18th, 1864. Carrie Isabell Gall was born January 26th 1866. Isoria Luellen Gall was born December 29th 1867. Ellis Eugene Gall was born January 7th, 1870. Minnie Alice Gall was born December 26th, 1871. Annie Lauria Gall was born October 25, 1873. Yancy Gall was born March 3rd 1876. Doria Viola Gall was born March 7th 1877. Ardilla May Gall was born April 17th 1880. Coria Ellena Gall was born February 19th 1882. Virgil Cleveland Gall was born May 29th, 1884. Yancy Gall died June 3rd, 1876, age 3 months. Virgil Cleveland Gall died June 29th 1889, age 5 years, one month. Sarah Jane Gall died January 5th 1891, age 44 years, 4 months and 23 days. Satisfaction of Mortgage [page 214] Know all men by these presents That I or we __________ of the County of __________ and state of _______ hereby certify that I have received full and complete satisfaction of a certain ____ mortgage executed by ___________ to ________ for sum of ______ dollars, recorded on the ___ day ____ 1908 on Page __, Book __ Record of mortgages for ______ County in the state of ______ and I hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said mortgage in full. In witness whereof I have herewith set our hand and official signature this __ day of May, 19__ Done in Presence of ________ State of Oregon County of Jackson Be it remembered that on this day of ____ before me ____ in and for said County and State personally appeared the above named ____ to me personally known to be the identical person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that ____ executed the same for the uses and purposes above. Witness my hand and official signature this ___ day of O. Schuman and wife to O. Tibbetts $200.25 two hundred twenty-five dollars Recorded on the 27 day of March, 1906 on page 327, book 20. Assigned to S. S. Duffield by O. Tibbetts at page 562 of book 20 of mortgages. Wheat Sold & Milled in the Year 1888 [page 355] August 16. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 40 bushels, 51 pounds [no date] 29 bushels, 25 pounds November 5. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 12 bushels, 10 pounds. November 21. Hauled to Gold Hill mill December 28. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 11 bushels. March 6, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 26 bushels. May 24, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 29 bushels, 20 pounds. May 25, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 61 bushels, 10 pounds. May 27, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 31 bushels, 5 pounds. May 28, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 31 bushels, 45 pounds. July 22, 1889. Hauled to Gold Hill mill 24 bushels. [Total] 296 bushels, 46 pounds. A Description of the Village of Woodville, by Gentleman Jack [pages 356-357] Oh, it was down in Sams Valley In a snug little spot Where Bob of the greasy coat opened a shop. He was sad-eyed and silent But with such smiles did he greet Such proper galoots that had stink on their feet. Now Bob he kept a variety store Nuts, crackers and candies, whiskey galore. He'd treat all his friends, men, women and child Till their brains from the bad whiskey would go nearly wild And the Devil could want for no better feast Than a pot of Bob's mustard and axle grease. Now one horrid bad customer Bob would stop No bummer should bum a Drop in the shop So he bought him a barrel of greased lighting straight To treat the poor cusses who couldn't pay freight And he said to the boys with a wriggle and a grin This soothing material cost me the tin. Now Bob had some queer habits as I must relate He swore he'd sell goods for cost and freight But if you bought many pounds you'd find to your cost That another poor sinner had got badly joshed For he kept his tongue oiled so limber and slick The very dogs howled aloud greasy Bob is a brick Now the village merchant I must cease to praise Else with traffic and barter your minds will all blaze To compete in the purchase of butter and eggs And things that crawl round without any legs But there is one thing about him else call me a fool One sniff at his feet would physic a mule. Now there is the professor as in days of yore Who pounds on his rocks till his fingers is sore Cinnabar, tin, zinc, antimony and lead And the dust of such truck has whitened his head And I've oft heard it said by a big Irish Pat That his head is as bald as the tail of a rat And there is the smith with his old hat and clothes His rubicund countenance and jolly big nose Who whittles and pares horses' hoofs with such skill That the Devil I'm sure will give him his fill For the gentleman in black as I've often heard tell Finds a lodgement for pounders of cold iron in hell Now good Dr. S. in this village resides Whose skill has been often and many times tried And if stories be true as sure as the sun sits He is a deadly old viper on colic and fits But these constant visits on foot as you see Makes him lame in the back and weak in the knee. And good Dr. S. whose professional skill Makes him trot first to the store and then to the hill But it does not appear that he makes a big bill Or give to his patients a powder or pill But doctors with roots whose virtues are known To none but his parts--costs patients alone. Now I am done with the merchant, Professor Smith, and man of the pill And bequeath my grist to the 10-cents society's mill Hoping to cause you to laugh and banish dull care Is all the payment I ask and 'tis nothing but fair And as ever all drawn round on nature's grand car My wish is success to the young rising star. [page 358] J. W. Cox 6 bushels 36 lbs. Wheat milled 1880 28 bushels 49 lbs. Wheat milled 1880 29 bushels 38 lbs. Wheat milled 1880 29 bushels 26 lbs. Wheat milled 1880 29 bushels 55 lbs. Wheat milled 1880 29 bushels 12 lbs. Wheat milled 1881 31 bushels Wheat milled 1881 14 bushels 48 lbs. Wheat milled 1881 20 bushels 40 lbs. Wheat milled 1881 28 bushels 40 lbs. [page 359] August 1875 C. C. Gall August 27. J. W. Stanley sworn Assistant Postmaster August 28. Threshed grain wheat 92 bushels. Oats 1.86 bushels. August 10. Wheat 50. Oats 150. 1876 August 24, 1877. Wheat 210 bushels. Oats 235. Barley 71. August 29, 1878. Wheat 246 bushels. Oats 51. Barley 114. August 26, 1879. Wheat 155. Oats 178. Barley 77. Corn 200. August 11, 1880. Wheat 147. Oats 104. Barley 77. August 13, 1881. Wheat 131. Oats 158. August 10, 1882. Wheat 18½ of 93. Oats 243. Barley 46. August 8, 1883. Oats 361. Wheat 219. Barley 32½. August 20, 1884. Oats 142. Wheat 377. Barley 12½. Corn 400. August 14, 1885. Oats 132. Wheat 314. July 25, 1886. Oats 101. Barley 28. Wheat 300. Wood August 5, 1887. Oats 206. Wheat 492. Rodgers August 11, 1888. Oats 395. Wheat 388. Corn 206. Hammond August 29, 1889. Oats 376. Wheat 537. Cox $51.50 August 11, 1880. O. Pankey Wheat 402. Oats 95. September 3, 1881. O. Pankey Wheat 376. Oats 334. August 15 and 16, 1890. Wheat 231. Oats 261. Vincent $17.05. September 9, 1891. Wheat 518. Oats 620. Turpin $53.80. August 16, 1892. Wheat 736. Oats 317. Savage $49.50. Wheat delivered in mill in 1877 Butte Creek mill first 24 bushels 32 lbs. Received 26 bushels 20 lbs. Flour got at Butte Creek Mill 686 lbs. To McKenzies 12 bushels. Received 25 bushels To McKenzies 6 bushels 7 lbs. Flour got at Butte mill 111 & 575 May 15, 1878. Wheat to McKelvey [?] mill. 20 bushels. August 11, 1880. Rent of O.P. [Obediah Thomas Pankey?] Wheat 134. Oats 32. September 3, 1881. Rent of O.P. Wheat 125. Oats 111½. Grain Threshed & By Who, &c. [page 360] August 19, 1893. Wheat 6.74 Oats 3.89 Barley .17 By Jeff Linville & Company. Cash $39.14 August 10, 1894. Wheat Bushels 3.28 Oats 5.80 Barley .39 By George Stacy. Cash $31.69 Corn bushels 2.75 August 13, 1895. Wheat 3.82. Oats 3.81. Barley 2.03. Threshed by Savage. August 4, 1896. Wheat 263. Oats 140. Barley 225. (my oats 3¢ bushel) Threshed by Stacy & Rodgers August 28th, 1897. Wheat 227 bushels. Oats 137. Barley 50. Stacey & Company. August 29, 1898. Wheat 4.43. Oats 213. Stacey & Company. August 29, 1898. R. Morrison Wheat 66. Oats 50. Barley 12. August 8th, 1899. Oats 214. Wheat 329. Stacey & Company. $1904 August 8th, 1900. Oats 402. Wheat 404. Gloss August 10th & 12th, 1901. Wheat 11.56 Bushels. Pelton. Third 385. August 11, 1902. Wheat 168. Oats 72/ Pelton. Half. August 22 & 23, 1903. Wheat 37. Oats 147. Pelton. 3rd 49. August 15, 1904. Wheat 1.71. Oats 192. Corn 400. Pelton. Third 231. August 23, 1905. Wheat 6.95. Oats 150. Pelton. Siwash Wawa [page 104--mostly Chinook jargon] la gum--pitch la gum--stick [sticky?] pict--wood laguin--saw mamoke laguin--saw wood la lim--file tecope--white lemachen--medicine lemarteen--glove lematis--mountain inate--on the other side la mole--sheep lip lip--boil luck luck--to swallow lo lo--to carry leepayah--leg teowit--foot leema--finger lapoosha--fork la plum--apple lamora--wild nica momoke la lim nica canim--I paddle my own canoe cuitan--horse tolo--to win laco--neck lasell--saddle labred--bridle lope--rope lasebo--spur la mola--mill lagrape--burn la mil--mule la sap--egg pil pil--blood la pooyee--frying pan la ling--tongue la port--door lockaset--box inapoo-louse tip soo-hair skub you--skunk la tate--head klatawa--go off charco--come here wooahut--road kosa--sun hiack cora--run fast kow moot--dog moos moos--cow, ox &c. poo--shoot kaliton--head polala--powder kal a been--gun sock la--up mimo--down nika--me mika--you cuiton--horse wapato--potato koo shaw--hog kulakula--chicken, bird, &c., &c. till--tired o lo--hungry kinuso--tobacco hi aso till--very tired tim tim--fiddle kill a py--fall down mesach a--mean sup a lil--flour lo lo--carry, pack &c. mow ich--deer ich wet--bear skoo kum--strong or big &c. wake cumtux--don't understand nica till a cum--my people nico six--my friend moosum--sleep kalum no wit--lie, tell a lie &c. kuchara nika kow mook--kick my dog quanisham--always an cu ti--language nito--now Rogue River Indian Names [page 105] chickquash--Chief Jo castole--American dog chickee--Indian dog um up--come here end--go off kal hap ta--gun kal--pistol up ship--let us go kalum--Rogue River puk kee--fire tail--yellowjacket wy o wee--white woman take un chape--iskum speach [sic] hi cut a hi wil a homty hi--howdydo - - - - - - - - - -
- -
John Gall the first was born in Germany and came to the U.S. at the age of 2 years, his father settling in Pennsylvania. He was married in Pennsylvania to Betsy Fullenwider and moved to Greenbrier County, Virginia, where David, John, Jacob, and Betsy was born then moved to Franklin County, Missouri, where Jacob was married to Roxana Hurt where LaFayette, Francis, C. Columbus, Scott and Amando was born. LaFayette and Francis started to California in 1849, Francis dying on Sweetwater on the Plains in 1849. My grandmother's maiden name on Mother's side was Runyon. Written by C. C. Gall
Mother was born in Kentucky. My mother's grandfather Littleberry Hurt was wounded in the foot [fort?] at the Battle of Cowpens, fought under Gen. Greene. Mother's father Littleberry Hurt married Polly Runyon. My mother was its oldest child. Then Gilhard, Permela, Elvira, Eliza, Martha, Hisaki P. Hurt. Jacob Gall & Lanley [family?] crossed the plains in 1851, left Kansas City, Missouri the 2nd of May 1851, landed at Philip Foster's 20th of September. Wintered at Salem, raised a crop of wheat on Pollard's farm. Moved to Jackson County in September 1852. Father took up a donation claim on Galls Creek of 320 acres and died in April 7th, 1856. Mother married again in the fall of 1857 to William King, who left in the spring of 1859 and never came back. In 1860 married Thomas Whitworth, left him same year. In 1861 married Charles Martin, who died next year. Next, 1862, married Thomas Larrier, then she died 2 years after. Christopher Columbus Gall Journal, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS22, page 66 Trouble We Had on the Plains
Columbus Gall Journal, Southern Oregon Historical Society
Research Library MS22, page 67 It wasn't continued.First day after leaving Kansas City we took in Joe Bassett to draw our team. He was a Yankee and, we found out afterwards, a Mormon, and he run over a stump about 4 feet high and turned the wagon over and spilt everything out. He claimed he had crossed the plains before and they got out of grub and he lived on rosebuds 4 days. We found out he lied and we shipped him. In crossing the Big Blue in two canoes lashed together the same wagon broke loose from the men that was holding the rope that we had stretched across the stream. The canoe floated down about 100 yards. The men on the canoe threw out a rope and a man caught it just in time before it got in the middle of the river, else we would have lost it. It was the one we had all of our provisions in & etcetera. We left that wagon on Snake River with the sheet on in the road and gave Mrs. Ogle a cow for her light wagon. After we got to Oregon we sold the wagon in cascades for $40.00 to Cyrus Bitney. He was to haul it to Salem with its contents before delivery. We wouldn't have sold it but our oxen was almost give out. We turned loose the weakest one and put the strongest to our other wagon. We swapped one yoke of oxen to Cayuse for a bucking pony, sold the pony in Willamette for $60 & only had 6 yoke left. To Be Continued.
(in next issue & anon) July 20th 1915 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Today Nort Eddings,
the gentlemanly driver on the O. & C. stage
line between Rock Point and the Mountain House and Miss Minnie Gall, of
this county, are to be married, at the residence of the bride's father.
We extend congratulations in advance.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1879, page 3 Lafayette Gall, an old and respected citizen of Willow Springs precinct, died at the family residence Tuesday, October 12th. J. R. Hardin, a nephew of the deceased, was telephoned for, but could not go, on account of the illness of his wife. Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3 CHRISTOPHER C. GALL. In the front ranks of every business and in every community we find men whose success has been independent of another's assistance, and an example of this kind is found in the person of Mr. Gall, who has met with flattering success in the prosecution of his chosen calling as a tiller of the soil in Jackson County, Ore., whose interests have been identified with his own ever since the spring of 1852, when he accompanied his parents to that section. Mr. Gall is a native of Franklin County, Mo., having been born March 18, 1833, near Washington, where he received his scholastic training in the public school and grew to manhood. During the gold excitement of 1849 two of his brothers, Lafayette and Francis, started west, and the latter died on the plains while en route. The elder brother, however, proceeded on his way, and in time sent back favorable reports to his parents, which induced them, in 1851, to take their remaining family and follow him to this new country, which was then little more than one vast wilderness. The trip overland consumed six months' time, and the fall of that year found them in the beautiful Willamette Valley. After passing the winter in that vicinity, they proceeded to look up a location the following spring, and being attracted by the fertile land and natural resources in Jackson County, the father took a donation claim there in the neighborhood of Gold Hill. This claim contained three hundred and twenty acres finely located along a creek, which now bears the family name, but it was entirely unimproved, and thereafter the father was engaged in clearing the land and tilling the soil until cut off by death in 1857. He was a very industrious man, even when compared to the sturdy pioneers of those days, and grew to be quite prosperous. Christopher C. Gall was his father's able assistant on the home place until death removed that beloved parent, and for several years afterward affairs on the farm were entrusted to his care and management. Taking up a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres in 1859, in Sams Valley, eight miles east of the old home place and four miles from Table Rock, he began to improve and clear it, and the following year took up his residence there. All the intervening years, between that time and the present, have found Mr. Gall busily engaged in farming pursuits and in the stock business, and his efforts have been crowned with success. Additional purchases were made and his farm was increased in size to two hundred and eighty acres, two hundred acres being rich alluvial bottom land, utilized in general farming. The balance is used for grazing purposes and is well stocked with fine cattle, the whole place possessing an air of prosperity and thrift. October 9, 1861, Mr. Gall was united in marriage with Miss Sarah J. Pankey, an accomplished lady, and they have reared a large and interesting family, which consists of three sons and seven daughters, all of whom are living. The religious belief of the family inclines toward the Christian Church, which they attend, and of which Mr. Gall is an active member. In his political views he is entirely independent, and during his long term of service as justice of the peace, since 1868, his dealings and decisions have been characteristic of his fairness and impartiality, at the same time always marked by justice. His patriotism to our country was shown by his active service in the Rogue River Indian War, which caused the early settlers of Oregon so much loss of life and property. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 835 C. C. Gall and Mrs. William Myer and daughter, Bernice, left for their homes at Ashland this morning after a few days spent in Roseburg visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Newland. Mr. Gall is Mrs. Newland's father, and is quite well known in this vicinity. "Local News," Evening News, Roseburg, August 21, 1911, page 3 Judge C. C. Gall, Sams Valley pioneer and ever-welcome visitor to Gold Hill, is spending the present week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. T. Hodges, and family. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, November 29, 1913, page 3 SAW RUGGED LIFE IN THE
Gold Hill, Or., Dec. 6.--One of the most venerable and honored of the
pioneers of Jackson County is Judge C. C. Gall, now living in Gold
Hill. Some 25 years ago the judge had one foot amputated as a result of
an accident, and of recent years rheumatism has so crippled him that he
uses a wheeled chair to get around.EARLY DAYS OF STATE DEVELOPMENT Judge Gall of Gold Hill Came Across Plains with an Ox Team in 1852. By A. D. Cridge. Judge Gall was born in Franklin County, Missouri, in 1833, so celebrated his eightieth birthday anniversary last March. He came to Oregon in 1851, crossing the plains with ox teams. His father, Jacob Gall, settled on what is now known as Galls Creek, a tributary of the Rogue River, in 1852. He filed on a donation claim and lived the life of a pioneer on a beautifully situated farm until his death a few years ago. The town of Gold Hill was started many years after, about two miles from the old homestead. Young C. C. Gall served in the Indian wars of 1853 for 35 days. "It was a case of just grab your gun in those days," said the old pioneer. "We had few officers and no uniforms. There was mighty little red tape or military proceedings. It didn't last long." Files on Homestead.
The next year the young man filed on a homestead in Sams Valley and
married Sarah Jane Pankey, a daughter of a pioneer who crossed the
plains in 1853 with his family. To this union was born 10 children,
seven girls and three boys, of whom five are now living. Around this
cheerful pioneer could now be gathered 17 grandchildren and one
great-grandchild. His wife died many years ago.One of the early needs of Sams Valley was a justice of the peace, and in that capacity C. C. Gall served for 35 years. In the old days of conventions he used to get from one to three nominations at every election, frequently having no opposition. His principal duties were marrying couples, as the neighborhood was orderly inclined and remote from the centers of civilization. However, some cases of litigation arose from time to time, and some now more or less noted lawyers pleaded their first cases before him. Among the Portland legal lights who practiced in his court were Clarence Reames, W. A. Carter, Joe Hammersley and Ed Watson. On All Tickets.
"I guess I ran for office on all the tickets," said the Judge. "It was
a case of non-partisan judiciary, you see. Sometimes they tried
somebody else, and sometimes they would make no nomination on the party
ticket if they knew I had one or two nominations already. I have no
doubt I would have been serving yet if I hadn't come to Gold Hill to
live with my children. There was no railroad in those days, and
Jacksonville was the only town in this part of the territory when we
came in on the ox-wagon express. There was a time when we were not
quite sure whether we were in Oregon or California.''The judge is now living with his daughter, Mrs. Isora Hodges, wife of Sam Hodges, the well-known liveryman of Gold Hill. Oregon Journal, Portland, December 7, 1913, page 1 Mrs. S. T. Hodges visited her father, Judge C. C. Gall, in Ashland, on Monday. The Judge, who has been seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myer, is happily convalescent. His many friends here are anxiously awaiting a visit from Judge Gall, whose illness caused them much concern. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, January 10, 1914, page 3 Injun Girls Were Not Peaches
weeks ago the News
published an account of the finding of Indian graves on
the Sleepy
Hollow ranch, near Gold Hill. At least one historical inaccuracy was
perpetrated--and promptly challenged by C. C. McClendon, aged Indian
fighter and repository of ancient fact and tradition. Of this, more
later, with appropriate correction.Says C. C. Gall's Recollection Father of Sams Valley Fires at Historian in Hot Retort; Sam Was "Squash-Headed" Stories of the war-whooping '50s were recirculated upon the publication of the article, and, gratified at the general interest shown, the News ventured to recount the reminiscence of "Sid" Montgomery, in its last issue. Montgomery fought in the Rogue Indian war, and was well known to C. C. McClendon, who used to buy meat from him at the first shop in Dardanelles, just across the river from the present city of Gold Hill. "A squarer man never lived," says Mr. McClendon, "than Sid Montgomery." Judge C. C. Gall, father of Sams Valley and veteran of the Rogue Indian war, writes the News from Ashland to disagree with Montgomery upon the wealth of color with which his narrative shone. The Judge, cynical and equally certain, takes issue with the narrator in the following fashion: "I was born in Franklin County, Missouri, in 1833, where people was taught to tell the truth. I saw in the News a man says he was born in Missouri. He meant 'misery,' the way he talks, when he says he was shot in the hand with an arrow that made a scar in his head at the battle of the Meadows, in 1855 or '56. It must of been one of those pretty girls he speaks about that gave a wound in his head. I never saw a pretty girl among the Rogue River Indians. "I enlisted in Capt. J. K. Lamerick's company in 1853, and some of my company was in the battle at the Meadows, and no one got shot with an arrow, for I knew them all. There was five--Schutz, J. Albin, J. Carroll, Lieutenant Ely, all that got wounded, and I knew A. C. Colburn that got killed. He was the only one that had a breech-loading Sharps rifle, and the Indian give that up saying: 'Oke, Oke, calaben hiase copit wake, closh halo, poo!' ["This gun stopped working; good for nothing!" Gall's list of casualties corresponds with T'Vault's August 26, 1853 letter to the Oregon Statesman. Placing Montgomery's wounding on Evans Creek was probably Lockley's reporting error.] "I have lived in Jackson County ever since 1852, four miles of Fort Lane, and never heard of a battle on Table Rock. It takes someone like Cy Mulkey to ka lin na whit ["lie"] when he says Chief Jo's daughter Sally had a voice like a lion. I knew Jo's daughter Mary; he had no daughter Sally. Mary was a tall, slim and very dark-skinned squaw, and not more loud-voiced than other squaws, and Jo's Indian name was Chick-a-quash. "Now about that log cabin episode. This was the story at that time. A man was out hunting--I have forgotten his name now--and got lost, and late in the evening he espied a log cabin and smoke. He went to the cabin, not two cabins, and found four or five Indians, and they met him friendly and took him in for the night, and they didn't want to fight. So next morning they sent two Indians as an escort; said some of their tribe was out hunting and they might kill him. So they did meet them and wanted to kill him to keep him from telling the whites where they was. So he promised he'd not tell the whites. But the first thing he told was where his rescuers was. That showed he was a traitor and a liar. So a company of volunteers and a few regulars, with a mountain howitzer, fired and the first shot went through the top of the cabin, and all of the other shots went over. Never heard about the log rolling. I guess they rolled it like tumble-bugs, one on each side. There were nine Indians altogether; they found one dead Injun in the cabin. I don't how to multiply nine to make thirty. I leave that for 'misery.' "As for Chief Sam looking like a thoroughbred; he had a head like a squash and a mouth like a frog and a voice like a lion.--C. C. Gall." The Montgomery narrative to which Judge Gall employs such caustic comment was written by Fred Lockley in the Oregon Journal of Sunday, June [19th], and partially reprinted in the News of June 26th. Gold Hill News, July
3, 1915, page
Gold Hill News: Judge C. C. Gall of Ashland arrived on Tuesday for a several days' visit with his daughter, Mrs. S. T. Hodges, and family. Sometime within the near future the judge has promised to write a history of the Rogue River Valley, from 1852 to recent years, from his personal recollection. The feature will be published serially in the News, and will doubtless be of interest to the many who are alive to the real romance and adventure of the golden days. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, August 2, 1915, page 8 Judge C. C. Gall, father of Mrs. Wm. Myer, left the last of the week for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. C. B. Rowe, at Vallejo, Cal. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 13, 1916, page 5 A. L. Gall of Jacksonville and E. R. Gall of Sams Valley were Ashland visitors last week, having been called here by the illness of their father, C. C. Gall. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, March 27, 1916, page 5 OBITUARY.
Columbus Gall was born near Washington, Franklin
County, Missouri, March 18, 1833, and died in Gold Hill, Ore., November
5, 1917, at the age of 84 years 7 months and 18 days. In the year 1851
Mr. Gall, with his father, mother, one sister and two brothers, crossed
the plains and settled at Salem, where they spent the winter and then
moved to Jackson County the following September, 1852, and settled near
Gold Hill on the creek that bears the family name. In 1859 he took up a
homestead claim in Sams Valley, where he held the office of justice of
the peace from 1868 until a few years ago, when he resigned and sold
the old home place and since made his home with his children.
On October 9, 1861, C. C. Gall and Sarah Jane Pankey were married in Jacksonville, Ore., by U. S. Hayden, justice of the peace. The following children survive: Albert L. Gall, Phoenix, Ore., R. Gall, Sams Valley, Ore., Mrs. Carrie I. Smith, Pilot Rock, Umatilla County, Ore.; Mrs. Isora L. Hodges, Gold Hill, Ore.; Ellis E. Gall, Ashland; Mrs. Minnie A. Rowe, Vallejo, Calif.; Mrs. Anna L. Myer, Ashland, Ore.; Mrs. Dora V. Collos, Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. Ardilla M. Newland, Roseburg, Ore.; Mrs. Cora E. Hargrave, Perma, Mont. Mrs. Gall passed away January 5, 1891. The funeral services were held in Gold Hill Tuesday, November 8, 1917, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hodges, and were conducted by Rev. Samuel March of Central Point, who also conducted the services over the remains of Mr. Gall's late wife, Mrs. Sarah J. Gall. Mr. Gall has been making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myer, in Ashland, since 1911. He went to Gold Hill a few weeks ago to visit a daughter, and passed away there, his ailment being dropsy. Medford Mail Tribune, November 10, 1917, page 2 JACKSON PIONEER DEAD
Letters received by friends in this city announce the death of Judge C.
C. Gall, pioneer of Oregon and Jackson County, who passed away on
Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Isora Hodges, of Gold
Hill.JUDGE C. C. GALL PASSES IN HIS 85TH YEAR AT GOLD HILL. Life Linked Actively with District Since 1852 and Tales of Indian War Brought Many Thrills. Judge Gall was a veteran of the Rogue River Indian War, and his tales of the stirring early days in Southern Oregon will long be remembered. Few men have enjoyed the general and affectionate respect which was given to him, and his visits to any of the Southern Oregon towns, where he was equally well known, were always welcomed with genuine pleasure. Judge Gall was nearing the close of his 85th year and had been a resident of Jackson County since 1852, when he pitched his first camp on the banks of the Rogue River, near Gold Hill. He was born in Franklin County, Missouri, and was the son of Jacob Gall, of Virginia, and Roxana H. Gall, of Kentucky. He is survived by the following children: Albert L. Gall, Medford, Or.; R. Gall, Sams Valley, Or.; Mrs. Carrie I. Smith, Pilot Rock, Or.; Mrs. Isora Hodges, Gold Hill, Or.; Ellis E. Gall, Ashland, Or.; Mrs. Minnie A. Rowe, Vallejo, Cal.; Mrs. Anna L. Myer, Ashland, Or.; Mrs. Dora V. Callor, Sacramento, Cal.; Mrs. Ardilla M. Newland, Roseburg, Or., and Mrs. Cora E. Hargrave, Parma, Mont. Judge Gall was one of the first settlers of Sams Valley, which derived its name from Chief Sam, of the Rogue River tribe of Indians, who was Judge Gall's personal friend. Galls Creek, a small tributary of the Rogue, was named in honor of Judge Gall. Funeral services for the pioneer were held yesterday at Gold Hill, with interment in Sams Valley Cemetery. Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 7, 1917, page 18 AGED PIONEER DEAD
Judge Gall Held Marriage Record in Southern Oregon. PLAINS CROSSED IN 1851 During Last Years of His Life Veteran Delighted to Recount Many Thrilling Incidents Connected with Early Days in Oregon. In the death of Judge
C. C. Gall, who passed away at Gold Hill, Or., on November 5, 1917,
Southern Oregon lost one of its oldest and most honored pioneers.
Christopher Columbus
Gall was born in Washington, Franklin County, Missouri, March 18, 1833,
and had lived to celebrate his 84th anniversary.
He was the last
surviving member of the family of Jacob and Roxanna Hurt Gall, his
parents, who crossed the plains with ox teams in 1851, accompanied by
their three sons and one daughter. One son died while crossing
the Sweetwater and was buried there. The other members of the
family passed away a number of years ago.
Western Trip Eventful.
That eventful trip
across the great plains, peopled with nomadic Indians and roamed by
great herds of buffalo, was always fresh in Judge Gall's memory. The
crossing was arduous and the party suffered many hardships and
privations. In a skirmish with Indians, which surrounded the camp, the
war party was beaten off and a number of the Indians wounded.
The father, Jacob Gall,
after spending the winter at Salem, moved to Jackson County, and
settled on what is now known as Galls Creek, a tributary of the Rogue
Christopher C. Gall
served in the Rogue River Indian war in 1853, and was held to be an
unimpeachable local historian of the campaign that quelled the
turbulent reds and made Southern Oregon safe for the settlers.
In 1859 he filed on a
homestead in Sams Valley, where he resided until 1909, when he disposed
of the farm and lived with his daughters at Ashland and Gold Hill.
Many Marriages Performed.
During his residence in Sams Valley he
was elected Justice of the Peace, and held that office from 1868 to
1909, when he resigned. He was known throughout Southern
Oregon as Judge Gall, and had performed more marriage ceremonies than
any other Justice in the southern counties. It was Judge
Gall's pleasant boast that he had married many settlers in the early
days, and had tied the wedding knot for their sons and daughters long
years afterwards. Men now high in the
legal profession pleaded their first cases before Judge Gall, as he sat
as Justice of the Peace in the little country hamlet of Sams
Valley. Among Portland attorneys who practiced in his court
in the early days of their careers are United States District Attorney
Reames, Deputy District Attorney Hammersley, W. A. Carter and Edward
Large Family Survives.
On October 9, 1861, Mr.
Gall was married to Sarah Jane Pankey, daughter of James A. and Fannie
Strickland Pankey, at Jacksonville. Mrs. Gall crossed the
plains with her parents in 1852 [sic]. Her
death occurred January 5,
1891. Fourteen children were born to their union, 10 of whom are living.
The surviving children
are Albert L. Gall, Phoenix, Or.; R. Gall, Sams Valley, Or.;
Carrie I. Smith, Pilot Rock, Or.; Isora L. Hodges, Gold Hill, Or.;
Ellis E. Gall, Ashland, Or.; Mrs. Minnie A. Rowe, Vallejo, Cal.; Mrs.
Anna L. Myer, Ashland, Or.; Mrs. Dora V. Collos, Sacramento, Cal.; Mrs.
Ardilla Newland, Roseburg, Or., and Mrs. Cora E. Hargrave, Perma,
Mont. There are 17 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Judge Gall was a member
of the Christian Church, and services at his funeral were conducted by
Rev. Samuel March, of Central Point, Or., a lifelong friend of the
family, and who, nearly 27 years ago, conducted the funeral rites of
Mrs. Gall.
Many paid tribute to
the beloved old pioneer by beautiful floral offerings and their
attendance at the funeral. Interment was in the family plot at
the Sams Valley Cemetery.
Oregonian, Portland, December 2, 1917, page 11 OLD STAGE DRIVER OF PIONEER DAYS
Eddings, pioneer stage
driver of the California-Oregon stage
line, passed away at his home on Pacific Highway one-half mile north of
Gold Hill this morning at the age of 72 years. He was born on the
Oregon Trail in the Cascade Mountains en route to Oregon by team on
October 28, 1852, and in 1879 he was married at Rock Point to Minnie
Gall, to which union were born five children, three surviving, Fred N.
Eddings, Gold Hill, Floyd L., Grants Pass, and Glenn W., of Roseburg.Mr. Eddings served for 20 years as stage driver and is survived by only one of the old California-Oregon drivers; he is George Chase of Yreka, Cal. Deceased drove the greater part of his service between Yreka and Rock Point, Ore. and encountered two holdups, one of which occurred near the scene of the famous Siskiyou tunnel holdup of the Southern Pacific. Upon coming to Oregon the family settled on a homestead near Eugene, where after five years they came to Rogue River Valley, where he had spent practically all his life. After the construction of the Southern Pacific railroad he was employed as bridge watcher for seven years near Roseburg, after which he again drove stage from Roseburg to Myrtle Point. Mr. Eddings was well known In the vicinity of Gold Hill, where he has resided constantly for the past 26 years and will be greatly missed as one of Oregon's most sturdy pioneers. He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Armpriest and William Carll, both of Jacksonville, and one nephew, M. F. Wright of Portland. Funeral services in charge of Conger Funeral Parlors will be held at the late residence Sunday at 10 a.m., after which the body will be taken by auto to Canyonville for interment. Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1925, page 4 PIONEER OF SAMS VALLEY PASSES
R. Gall,
a pioneer of this part of the country, born and raised in Sams Valley
and Jackson County, passed away in Portland Sunday morning at the age
of 62 years.The remains were brought to Gold Hill on the 10 o'clock train Tuesday morning, and the services were held from the Odd Fellows hall at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Burial was in the Sams Valley cemetery, not far from the deceased's birthplace. Rev. E. P. Lawrence of Medford officiated. Mr. Gall was a member of the Gold Hill lodge of the I.O.O.F., having been a member for many years. Besides a host of friends, Mr. Gall is survived by six sisters, Mrs. Wm. Myer of Ashland; Mrs. Dora Collos, Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. C. B. Rowe, Vallejo, Calif.; Mrs. Roy Hargrave, Ronan, Mont.; Mrs. Marion Smith, Pilot Rock, Ore.; Mrs. Wesley Newland of Roseburg, Ore.; and two brothers, A. L. Gall of Medford and E. E. Gall of Ashland, Ore. HOW SARDINE WAS NAMED
How Sardine Creek received its rather unpoetic name has been the
subject of considerable conjecture. No fish resembling the common
commercial article that is caught in cans at the grocery are
to be
found in its laughing waters. Most of the creeks of Southern Oregon are
named from persons--generally old settlers who took contiguous
homesteads--but no one answering to the cognomen of Sardine has ever
invaded this section.A satisfactory explanation of the origin of the creek's title is provided by Judge C. C. Gall, a former resident of this section. The year 1852 found him settled with his father's family on Galls Creek, which stream was named for the elder Gall. At the mouth of Kanes Creek a small store was kept by Andrew Jackson Kane, for whose father, Dr. Kane, the creek was named. He kept whiskey and other miners' supplies. His line was especially long on sardines, which he sold for a dollar a box. In 1854 the store-keeper decided to make a prospecting trip up the then-nameless stream now known as Sardine Creek. His camps were marked by the empty tins of the embalmed fish. The christening was accomplished, for the next prospectors who visited the creek adopted the suggestion made by the cans whose expensive contents, profit and all, Kane had consumed, and Sardine Creek it is, as stories of how things came to be called so-and-so should, and--"to this very day." Sardine Creek furnished rich placer diggings in the early fifties, as the orderly piles of rock along its banks still attest. Judge Gall, his brother Scott, Wm. Runnels and Wm. Ewing were among the first to discover this fact, but they were prevented from profiting by their find. The present site of Gold Hill, and up and down the river for some distance, was a great Indian camp ground, and at the time the party of four found that Sardine Creek would yield an ounce a day to the man, the aborigines were in bad humor toward the paleface interlopers. So when Scott Gall shot one of the several dogs owned by the Indians a party of ill-natured red men visited the prospectors' camp and expressed their displeasure in rude but unmistakable language. The Gall brothers, placing a proper value on discretion, collected their share of the camp outfit, and with their rifles held handily trekked toward the parental homestead on the other side of Rogue River, up Galls Creek. Runnels and Ewing declared that they would stay and harvest the treasure they had found, Indians to the contrary regardless. A day later, however, they too descended Sardine Creek in some haste with their rifles ready. Two weeks later the war of fifty-three broke out, and every prospector abandoned his pick and shovel and became a volunteer soldier. Months of hard fighting intervened before Sardine or any other creek in Southern Oregon was again roiled by the wash from a miner's pan. [The 1853 war only lasted a few weeks.] There is another Sardine Creek near Clifton, Arizona, in the copper country. It may have received its name in much the same way as the brook which probably witnessed in the slaughter of a prowling Indian dog, one of the hastening causes of a bitter war between the original owners of the Rogue River Valley and a band of straight-shooting settlers, mostly from Missouri, 'way back in fifty-three. Gold Hill News, January 21, 1937, page 1 Funeral services were held Saturday at Rock Point cemetery for Mrs. Minnie Eddings, former long-time resident of Gold Hill, who passed away April 10 at Oakridge, Ore., and who had spent the past few days at the home of her son Fred Eddings. Mrs. Eddings was 84 years old at the time of her passing, and her husband passed away on the same date, 15 years ago. She is survived by her sons, Fred and Glen, of Oakridge, Dot Eddings of Eugene, and a niece, Mrs. Emmett Sutton, of Gold Hill. D. E. Millard conducted services at the grave. "Gold Hill," Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1940, page 5 |