![]() ![]() William Cortez Myer TAKEN UP.
Umpqua Weekly Gazette, Scottsburg, January 27, 1855, page 3THIS
is to certify that W. C. Myer, of Ashland precinct, Jackson County,
O.T., brought before me, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said
county, a Cayuse horse, sorrel, with a bald face, and three white feet,
as an estray to be appraised; valued at $40--this 16th day of January,
Agricultural Society in Jacksonville, Oregon.
of the citizens of Jackson County was held at Jacksonville, pursuant to
adjournment, on the 22nd ult. A committee, previously appointed,
reported a constitution, consisting of eighteen articles, which was
adopted. The name adopted is the "Jackson County Agricultural
Society.'' Some thirty citizens subscribed their names, and the
following gentlemen were elected officers:President--W. C. Myer. Vice President--John E. Ross. Secretary--Jesse Robinson. Corresponding Secretary--J. H. Reed. Treasurer--R. F. Maury. Directors--James Kilgore, Isaac Constant, and J. H. Walker. The fairs of the Society are to be held between the 25th day of September and the 25th day of October, annually. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, San Francisco, March 18, 1859, page 50 A Splendid Large Stallion.
W. C. Myer, Esq., of Ashland Mills, Oregon, is the owner of a large and
splendid bay stallion, which, we believe, is the largest and heaviest
stallion on the Pacific Coast, if not in the United States. If he can
be beat, we should like to have the lucky man give us the facts and
particulars.The weight of the stallion is 2,300 pounds, when in moderate condition; his height, fair measurement, on the withers, 17½ hands--18½ the way some measure. He is a beautiful bay, without a white hair, a remarkable fine coat. He is well formed, clean nice limbs, free from that long hair usually on large horses, thus giving him more the appearance of a thoroughbred. He was brought across the plains in 1861. His sire was the large stallion imported from England called Coburg. This stallion is both kind and gentle; a lady rode him, and drove him part way across the plains. Mr. Myer has a fine mare, the dam of a colt he exhibited at the State Fair, in 1858, at Marysville, which we saw and admired very much. The colt weighed 900 pounds, at 15 months old. This colt is now in Tehama, a fine, large, and very valuable animal. The mare has now a colt by Coburg. This is the class of horses we now want on the Pacific Coast, and to this kind of breeder we would recommend the attention of those who are interested. Mr. Myer has been an attentive observer of stock for more than 30 years, and any animal that he would select we should think had the good points. We hope Mr. Myer will give to this fine animal the name of the "Ashland Chief," for he must be the chief among stallions. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, San Francisco, May 1, 1863, page 76 FINE COLTS.--Mr. W. C. Myer, of Jackson County, was in Albany on Thursday last, and we saw for the first time his far-famed Coburg colts, Franz Sigel and Jo Hooker. They are truly noble animals, and in size, form and action are pronounced by competent judges to be unequaled by anything of their age on the coast. Mr. Myer talks of taking the young Coburgs to California after our state fair is over, but we doubt whether they leave the Willamette Valley, as we understand that he offers to sell them at prices that are certainly low for such animals. Albany Journal, September 23, 1864, page 2 Splendid Horses.
We give the annexed article from Oregon papers, relative to the
splendid horse stock of W. Myer, at Ashland Mills, Jackson County. His
noble stallion, "Coburg," is one of the best animals on this coast. His
progeny is very valuable:JACKSON COUNTY AHEAD.--Heretofore Oregon horse raising has been principally confined to the rearing of 1:59 stock for the purpose of competing for some "six bits " purse, hung out by some county Jockey Club. Among the few who have turned their attention to raising draft horses, Mr. Myer, of this county, has probably arrived the nearest to perfection. His Coburg colts created quite a sensation at the state fair. They took the first and second prizes, as best for all work; the first and second, as best draft horses; first and second as best, without reference to blood. The Review, State Journal, Advocate, Oregonian and Statesman all spoke in the highest terms of these colts. We clip the following extracts, which will give a good idea of them: "About the nicest things of all were the three yearling colts, shown by Mr. Myer, of Jackson County. These were got by 'Coburg,' an English draft stallion, weighing 2,300 pounds, out of fine blooded mares, were much admired and generally considered to be the nearest to perfect for all work seen in Oregon. Good horsemen unite without dissent in thinking this will prove the best cross ever introduced into the state, and Californians modestly acknowledge this to be the only thing seen here they cannot beat at home."--[Oregonian. "W. Myer, from Jackson County, had on exhibition at the Fair three colts of the Coburg stock, two sorrels and a black. They were rising one year, and stood about fifteen hands high. They were the finest stock of the kind exhibited, and drew several premiums. They were sold for $500 each, one to Mr. Newton, of Corvallis, one to Mr. Mays, of Dayton, and the other to S. H. Miller, of Lebanon."--[Statesman. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, San Francisco, January 27, 1865, page 10 FINE STOCK.--The Scientist says W. C. Myer, of Jackson County, has a Coburg colt, 14 months old, which is 16 hands high, and weighs 1,100 lbs., and thinks he is the finest colt of the kind on the coast, if not on the continent. Mr. Myer intends to take this colt, with five others of the same stock, to the State Fair this fall. Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 17, 1865, page 3 THAT COLT QUESTION.--The following letter from W. C. Myer, of Ashland, we copy with pleasure. We judge from it that the colt referred to by the Oregonian will be eclipsed at the next State Fair by "Lookout": MR. EDITOR: In your last issue I was requested to keep a lookout for the blue ribbon at the next State Fair (you were aware that I had quite a head for ribbons, as I received three blue and three pink ribbons at the last Fair), as the Oregonian gives an account of the most "r-e-m-a-r-k-a-b-l-e piece of horseflesh ever seen in Oregon, being a colt one year and ten days old, and 13¾ hands high." I herewith send you a description of a colt I have called "Lookout" that ran on the mountains and pastured above the clouds all fall and the forepart of the winter. At 11 months and 7 days old he was 14¼ hands high; girth, 63 inches. At 14½ months, he was 15¼ hands high; girth, 71 inches. He will weigh at least 950 pounds. W.
The above is not by any means the best colt Mr. M. expects to take to
the State Fair. He will take one that it is thought by good judges of
horseflesh cannot be beat in America.--Jacksonville Reporter.Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 31, 1865, page 3 BIG COLT.--Some time ago the Oregonian gave an account of the "most remarkable piece of horseflesh ever seen in Oregon, being a colt 1 year and 10 days old and 13½ hands high." To which Mr. W. C. Myer, the great horse raiser of Jackson County, replies that he has a cold called "'Lookout' that ran on the mountains and pastured above the clouds all fall and the forepart of the winter. At 11 months and 7 days old he was 14¼ hands high; girth 63 inches. At 14½ months he was 15¼ hands high; girth 71 inches. He will weigh at least 950 pounds." Oregon State Journal, Eugene, July 29, 1865, page 3 THAT COLT QUESTION.--The following letter from W. C. Myer, of Ashland, we copy with pleasure. We judge from it that the cold referred to by the Oregonian will be eclipsed at the next state fair by "Lookout": MR. EDITOR: In your last issue I was requested to keep a lookout for the blue ribbon at the next state fair (you were aware that I had quite a head for ribbons, as I received three blue and three pink ribbons at the last fair), as the Oregonian gives an account of the most "r-e-m-a-r-k-a-b-l-e piece of horse flesh ever seen in Oregon, being a colt one year and ten days old, and 13¼ hands high." I herewith send you a description of a colt I have called "Lookout," that ran on the mountains and pastured above the clouds all fall and the forepart of the winter. At 11 months and 7 days old he was 14¼ hands high; girth, 63 inches. At 14½ months, he was 15¼ hands high; girth, 71 inches. He will weigh at least 950 pounds. W. C. MYER.
The above is not by any means the best colt Mr. M. expects to take to
the state fair. He will take one that, it is thought by good judges of
horse flesh, cannot be beat in America.--Jacksonville Reporter.Oregon Statesman, Salem, July 31, 1865, page 3 A LARGE COLT.--A colt, owned by W. C. Myer, of Ashland Mills, Oregon, now fourteen months old, measures 16 hands high, girths 6½ feet and weighs over 1,100 pounds and for form will compare with any colt from a thoroughbred horse. The sire of this colt has weighed 2,000 and eighteen hands high. Wilmington Journal, Wilmington, California, August 5, 1865, page 4 COBURG AND HIS FAMILY.--Mr. W. C. Myer, of Ashland Mills, expects to exhibit Coburg and his family of colts at the State Fair. The owner presents his challenge to horsemen on the coast in another column. Oregonian, Portland, August 9, 1865, page 3 Horsemen, Now Is Your Time!
Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1865, page 2I
Fair, Oct. 3rd, at Salem. I challenge the coast to meet me and produce
a Family, or a well-authenticated history of a Family, in America, that
will surpass them for size, form, style, coat, action, and their
adaptation to general use except sporting purposes. I will have some
yearling colts for sale.
Persons wishing to secure the services of COBURG in Northern Oregon, for the season of 1866, can do so by seeing me on my way to or at the Fair. I deem it unnecessary to give an extended description here, but would invite persons to call and see for themselves. Would say that I have reliable information that where the COBURG stock has been in use in Illinois for 18 years, at least, they give satisfaction and bring more money than any other stock of horses. Ashland Mills, Oregon, August 5th, 1865. W. C. MYER.
The Coburg Horse.
State Journal, Eugene, September 2, 1865, page 2
We have received the following from Mr. Myers, of Jackson County, in
regard to his wonderful colt, "Lost Cabin," some account of which has
been going the rounds of the newspapers:
MR. EDITOR: I herewith send you a description of a Coburg colt: Name Lost Cabin--14 months old--16 hands high--girth six and a half feet--bay. For form, style and coat, there are but few colts from thoroughbred turf horses and common mares that will surpass him. W. C. MYERS.
Ashland Mills, Ogn.,August 5th, 1865. This gentleman, as we are informed, has been for many years extensively interested in the horse raising business, and has spared neither trouble nor expense in the improvement of the stock. And from the unanimous consent of those who have seen the colts, and also from the fact that he was awarded the chief premiums upon those which he had on exhibition at the State Fair, it is but reasonable, perhaps, to conclude that his energy and enterprise has been rewarded by success; and that his stock of horses is as good as the best, if not superior to any other in Oregon. This magnificent colt was sired by Coburg, probably the largest horse on the Pacific Coast, and at the same time, in appearance one of the most elegant. In regard to his pedigree we quote the following from a letter to Mr. Myers from Mr. Thomas H. Corey, of Montgomery County, Ill., dated March 17th, 1865: "The dam of your horse was got by Imported Coburg from Europe; his grand dam was sired by a Whip from Kentucky. Coburg stock is large. Crossed with other stock they sell more readily and bring a better price than other stock; most all horses raised in this and adjoining countries are more or less Coburg. His dam is a blue roan, commonly called the 'Blue Mare'; when ten years old weighed twelve hundred pounds; some long hair on fetlock, short back, heavy set, broad loin, broad and long hips, long wind. I run her in the stage eight years; she is fifteen years old--not a windgall or blemish on her limbs; raised five colts, good as can be found in the county." The writer of this letter is an old stager and of course knows a good horse, and, also, which is the best breed for his business. If the Coburg horse can stand eight years staging in Illinois, without windgall or blemish, we should think that he might be relied upon for some of that sort of work here. Tough, large, and often magnificent in appearance, and elegant in gait and carriage, the Coburg is not a fancy breed. They combine in an eminent degree the most admirable qualities of beauty and utility--they are for business. And for this their origin is first rate, being mainly Flemish; the same, in this particular, as the celebrated Conestoga of Pennsylvania, but of a more improved, finer, clean [illegible], yet still retaining the characteristic [illegible], docility and power. Old Imported Coburg was brought to the United States about twenty years ago. Mr. Myers designs taking [illegible] Coburg, Lost Cabin and a half dozen of the [illegible] to the State Fair this summer, when all interested in [illegible] business of improving the horse stock in the country will have an opportunity of seeing them and of estimating their merits, as compared with the best the state can afford. [At the Oregon State Fair in Salem w]e were especially interested in a family of horses consisting of "Coburg" and five or six colts of a year old and upwards, owned by Mr. Myer, of Jackson County, Oregon. "Coburg" himself is a giant, weighing 2300 pounds, with a bay coat as glossy and fine as fur. At the parade he brought up the rear, his head towering far above all others, though there were many fine and large animals among them. H. K. Hines, "Editorial Correspondence," Vancouver Register, Vancouver, Washington, October 14, 1865, page 2 Mr. W. C. Myer has returned to his home at Ashland, minus his Coburg colts, which he sold in the Willamette Valley. Mr. Myer took more premiums than any other one man, which shows that Jackson County "can do some things as well as others," says the Sentinel. "State Items," Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 2, 1865, page 4 The Horse "Father" and his Family.
Oregon has not only produced fine apples, grain wool, etc., but fine
stock too, both in sheep, cattle and horses, and we often notice fine
horses brought to our market from thence.We have just been favored with a visit from W. C. Myer, Esq., of Ashland Mills, Jackson County, Oregon, who stopped at our city on his way to visit his former home in the East. Mr. Myer has been very successful the last few years as a raiser of splendid horses. It will be recollected that some year or more since we gave a sketch of his famous horse "Coburg," a large and finely built animal--as fine a horse as we ever saw for a large horse. We then prophesied for that horse a great success, and assured the owner that he would beat the state. This famous horse and his progeny was exhibited at the late Oregon Fair, held at Salem, and from the reports of committees and others, we gather the following facts: The horse "Coburg" and a family of ten colts, three two-year-olds and seven yearlings was placed on exhibition at the Salem Fair. Previous to this, Mr. Myer had issued a challenge (which appeared in a number of the Oregon papers) to the stockmen of the Coast to meet him and produce a family of horses that could equal them for size, form, style and sleekness of coat, or for action. Mr. Myer exhibited his stock, and by the reports of committees, we see that he was awarded the most honorable premiums the Society offered for a horse and family of colts that could show the greatest improvement in the horse stock of Oregon. By this exhibition Mr. Myer won the highest premium of the state. Mr. Myer also won fourteen other premiums. These were for the 1st and 2nd premiums for roadsters and other classes. This exhibition of Mr. Myer's stock shows that notwithstanding the great size of the 'Coburg' breed they are fine travelers. This class of horses were all driven in harness except one, the old horse was driven in a sulky, the colts in sulkies and carriages, and it was universally conceded that this character and breed of stock was nearest the kind of a horse needed for general use ever exhibited on this coast. We are most happy to make this report of the success of this horse, as it verifies our judgment of the animal and the character of horses wanted in California. As Mr. Myer has been so successful in raising so excellent a breed of horses, we trust he will be invited by the managers of our State Society, and our district societies, the next year, to exhibit his breed of horses with us. Mr. Myer deserves great credit for his skill and judgment in his selection of the right stamp of a horse for general use. California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, San Francisco, November 10, 1865, page 141 MORE FINE STOCK.--The San Francisco Spirit of the Times notices the arrival of Mr. Myer, of Southern Oregon, with a fine horse just out from the Atlantic States. The horse is "Captain Sligart," a half brother to Mr. Crim's trotting stallion "Captain Fisher," is over sixteen hands high and weighs when in condition upwards of fifteen hundred pounds. The Spirit says, "He is one of the finest large horses we have seen in some time." Mr. Myer now has him at home in Jackson County. Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 2, 1866, page 1 OREGON COLTS.--Mr. W. C. Myer, who is on his way from Oregon to our State Fair with some very fine stock, remained in town on Monday night and left on Tuesday for Marysville. He has six yearling colts, the largest and finest of their age we have ever seen. We had the pleasure of a buggy ride behind a pair of the beauties. These colts are all good size, being nearly sixteen hands high, and show much elegance and breeding in their movements. They are the Coburg stock. and we shall miss our guess if Mr. Myer does not excel the California stock growers in the production of valuable and serviceable stock. He has taken much pains to introduce a valuable stock on the Pacific Coast, and deserves great credit for his efforts. He will be in Marysville during fair week. Weekly Butte Record, Oroville, California, September 1, 1866, page 3 The Sentinel says: W. C. Myer, of Ashland, informs us that his valuable horse, Coburg, died of fever at Brownsville, in Linn County, on the 30th ultimo. Coburg was valued at $5,000, and his death is not only a serious pecuniary loss to the owner, but an irreparable one to the stock raisers of the state. He will not soon be replaced. "State Items," Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 20, 1867, page 1 Fine Stock.
It has been our boast, and a just one too, that Jackson County was a
little ahead of any county in this state in the matter of fine horses.
The boast is not an idle one. There are, at a rough calculation, sixty
or seventy stallions in our county, that, for fine points, speed,
beauty and service, will compare favorably with a like number in any
county on this coast; but our people are beginning to ask if blooded
stock is a profitable investment. It is well enough for millionaires to
indulge in the possession of fast and beautiful horses; but in a
community like ours, where there is but little surplus capital to
spare, and where the great object of life is to make money, people
naturally seek the most profitable investment. It is well enough to
feel proud of our fine stock, but as a marketable commodity what are
they worth? Who wants them or, in wanting, will give in dollars and
cents what they have actually cost? These questions are presenting
themselves in a serious light to the people of this valley, and it is
quite obvious that horse raising has been somewhat overdone and more
profitable pursuits somewhat neglected. At present there is a great
demand for beef cattle, and no inquiries are made as to beauty, blood,
or points, other than those of size and weight. Buyers with well-filled
money bags are passing our valley in search of beef for California and
Nevada markets, and finding it in localities where people have talked
less "horse," but evidently had more "horse sense" than those of Rogue
River Valley. About twelve hundred head of cattle have been driven
across the mountains this spring, only about two hundred of which were
purchased in this country; and it is the opinion of the best judges
that there are not at present over three hundred marketable cattle in
this locality, that formerly supplied thousands. We think there is no
danger than cattle raising will again be overdone in this part of the
country, for the reason that the wild grasses on the stock ranges of
California have been so completely eaten out that that state must
certainly continue to offer a good market for our beef for many years
to come; and with an almost unlimited extent of unoccupied grazing
lands, we see no reason why we should not successfully compete in that
market. If anyone doubts that cattle raising is much more profitable
than raising fine horse flesh, let them make a calculation of the first
cost of colts, taking into consideration the care and attention
absolutely necessary to their development--compare it with the cost of
raising calves; and the relative cash value of each animal when fit for
market will be convincing proof that our views are correct.--Jacksonville Sentinel.Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 6, 1867, page 4 W. C. Myer, of Ashland, Jackson County, will start about the 20th with a band of about 200 fine horses, for which he is seeking a market. He will go overland, and expects to meet with sale for some of them at Elko. "State Items," Oregonian, Portland, April 9, 1869, page 2 W. C. Myer, for many years a citizen of Jackson County, and well known as a stock grower, has started across the plains, taking along with him a band of horses numbering between two and three hundred. Mr. M. expects to find a market for his large band of horses in Missouri, if fortunate in reaching there with them. "Oregon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 12, 1869, page 2 Terrible Accident.
Stockton Independent, October 25, 1869, page 3
JACKSONVILLE (Or.), October 23.--While Walter Myer, son of B. F. Myer,
of this county, was crossing the bridge across Rogue River at Rock
Point, this evening, in a buggy, accompanied by his sister and Miss
Emma Beach, his team became unmanageable and backed off the bridge,
falling upon the rocks below. Myer and Miss Beach saved themslves by
springing from the vehicle. Miss Myer is reported fatally injured. Both
horses were killed and the buggy almost demolished.
STARTLING ACCIDENT.--On last Saturday evening, as young Walter Myer, Miss Beach, and Miss Sarah Beeson, all residents of this section of country, were driving together in a two-horse buggy over the bridge at Rock Point, they met with quite a serious accident, and yet may well be thankful that it was no worse. It seems they had got nearly to this end of the bridge when the horses became unmanageable, and backed off with the buggy--falling some 16 feet on the rocks below. Myer and Miss Beach saved themselves by jumping out before the vehicle went over; but Miss Beeson went over with the buggy and team. She was but slightly injured, although one of the horses was killed; the other badly crippled; and the buggy smashed into a complete wreck. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 30, 1869, page 3 Apparently the inaccuracy of the earlier version can be blamed on the Rock Point telegrapher. OREGON HORSES IN MISSOURI.--W. C. Myer, of Jackson County, Oregon, drove a band of nearly three hundred horses to Missouri last year, and writes back that he sold the lot at an average of $75 in greenbacks per head. He says the venture paid him well. Weekly Pacific Tribune, Olympia, Washington, February 12, 1870, page 2 FINE HORSES FOR OREGON.--The Chico (Cal.) Enterprise, of November 30th, says: Our attention was called to some fine stock which had arrived on Wednesday evening at Weed & Waste's livery stable, consisting of four fine Norman horses and mares brought from Marysville, Ohio, by W. C. Myer, of Ashland Mills, Oregon. His fine Norman stallion, imported from Havre, France, last August, was his choice from among seventeen imported Norman stallions he had looked at in Illinois and Ohio, and he is considered by the most competent judges among the very finest specimens of his celebrated stock of horses, also, a full-blooded Norman mare from Sanclair, which has for three successive years taken the first premium at the Ohio State Fair, and her colts have taken premiums at all the fairs they have been exhibited. It is said by well-informed horse men that there are but three full-blooded mares of this stock in the United States, and this is one of them. He also purchased two three-quarters Norman mares--one from J. R. Boerger, and one from J. Leonard--which are pronounced the best specimens of this stock in the country. These are with foal by imported Clydesdales, and the first by Norman Prince Albert. We have known Mr. Myer for many years, and he has made fine stock a specialty. The present enterprise will cost him in the neighborhood of $8,000. Oregonian, Portland, December 17, 1870, page 3 THE PERCHERON HORSE.
The Willamette Farmer
notes the fact that Mr. W. C. Myer, of Rogue River Valley, Oregon, has
recently brought out, for breeding purposes, several head of the Norman
or Percheron horse, a representative illustration
of which is herewith given. Somewhat coarse in its execution; but
nevertheless sufficiently distinctive to give an idea of the principal
characteristics of this valuable animal. If we are not mistaken this is
the first instance of the importation of this valuable farm horse to
the Pacific Coast. Whether this is so or not, Mr. Myer has done a
sensible thing; for there is need that more attention should be paid,
upon this coast, to the rearing of work horses. Cattle, in the yoke,
are almost ignored here--they are too slow for California and for
Oregon too.Its Introduction into Oregon. The importance of securing a superior breed of horses for work on the farm, and for draft, is recognized everywhere. We are in more need of a superior business horse than of one for pleasure and fancy; although the latter should not be neglected, and indeed has not been, in this state, so much as the former. The horse is eminently qualified to meet various and quite diverse wants of man, when properly bred for his various needs, and the breeding of horses for special purposes has long engaged the attention of enterprising agriculturists in various parts of this country and Europe. The turf, the field, the army, the road, the horse rail-track, the dray and the farm have each their special requirements, and each of them may be better met by some one breed of this noble and useful animal than any other. The efforts to breed in accordance with these various wants are attended by numerous difficulties, not the least among which is the effect which climate and soil seems to exert upon the physical organization of this animal, often almost entirely changing the character of any given type. For instance, when the sharp, active and medium-sized horse of Vermont is transferred from the hardy grass of its native granite hills to the herbage grown upon tho rich limestone regions of Kentucky, he becomes in a few generations lymphatic, being increased in size and somewhat sluggish, and vice versa. Origin of the Percheron.
While this circumstance has, too often, a tendency to degenerate, it
may also, by proper selections and removals, be made to improve any
given breed. It is to this law that the world is probably indebted for
the valuable Percheron horse, which has come within a few years to
claim a large share of attention among those who are raising horses for
all work. The best authority seems to assign Arabia as the place of
origin of this horse; but when bred in its native country it lacked the
important characteristics which it now possesses, and which it seems to
have accidentally acquired by its change of location. This transfer
took place after the defeat of the Saracens by Charles Martel--that
famous conqueror bringing home a large number of the choice war horses
of his defeated enemies. From this importation it is supposed the more
famous Percheron has been finally derived.This animal originally possessed the most essential qualities of a war horse--which combine fleetness with endurance, strength and nobleness of carriage. The change of climate, soil and interbreeding has still further brought out the qualities of endurance and strength, until we now have the remarkably strong and muscular development represented in the accompanying engraving. French writers claim that there are three kinds of Percherons--the first suited more especially for a post-horse and horse for private use; the second seems to be peculiarly adapted for omnibus use, and for which, previous to the late disastrous war, he was largely employed in the city of Paris; the third seems to be more particularly fitted for heavy farm work, and is largely used in Paris and other large French cities by contractors, builders, etc., and for drayage. The general characteristics of the Percheron race, a few generations back, are given as follows: "It has style, though the head is rather large and long; nostril well open and well dilated; eye large and expressive; forehead broad; ear fine; neck rather short, but well filled out; withers high; shoulders pretty long and sloping; breast rather flat; but high and deep; a well-rounded body; back rather long; the croup horizontal and muscular; tail attached high; short and strong joints; and the tendons generally weak; a foot always excellent, though rather flat in the low countries; a gray coat; fine skin; silky and abundant mane. This animal as now developed possesses a sharp, clean head, a graceful, muscular neck, a strong shoulder, a short back, a long rump, low and strong quarter, a well-developed leg, a good, but somewhat flattened foot, muscles low on the shoulder. The changes noticed seem to be just those needed to fill the new wants which have latterly sprung up in human industry--involving heavy work on the farm with the dray, on the road, etc. The enthusiastic Frenchman, Charles Du Huys, in referring to this unexpected and timely development of an animal so much needed, calls it "a munificent gift of Providence to this favored region." M. Dillon, of Normal, Ill., we believe, was the first to introduce the Percheron into the United States, as long ago as 1851, and has used them largely in that state. He feels confident that they are profitable, and that they will improve the horses of the West. The Trustees of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture have more recently introduced the horse into New England and are earnestly engaged in encouraging their propagation. We trust the efforts of Mr. Myer will prove not only profitable to himself, but beneficial to the entire Pacific Coast. A correspondent of the Willamette Farmer would like to see the Percheron crossed with the blooded horse, with the expectation of giving size to the foal, and increasing the style, action and symmetry of his progeny. Such a system of breeding he thinks would develop a good horse for all work. We cannot forbear to express the opinion that a general introduction of the pure Percheron on this coast would be productive of most excellent results; although we have yet to learn what effect may come from the change of climate and soil. Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, March 18, 1871, page 1 THE PERCHERON HORSE IN OREGON.--Mr. W. C. Myer, of Rogue River Valley, has recently introduced upon his ranch several head of this valuable farm or draft horse, the first, we believe, which have been seen in that state. Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, March 18, 1871, page 165 More Fine Stock for Oregon.
From the Marysville (Cal.) Appeal of Jan. 23rd we take this:Yesterday W. C. Myer passed through this city en route from the East to his home in Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon. He had with him four full-blooded Durhams, four Alderney, or Jersey, cattle, as they are frequently called, five thoroughbred Cotswold sheep, three Brahma fowls, one Percheron stallion and one Maltese cat. Myer is a noted importer and breeder of stock, including Scotch terriers, Maltese cats and white Brahma fowls. He attended the fair at this place seven years since, and also other fairs in the state. He is well known as an importer of thoroughbred stock, having crossed the continent seven times in pursuit of his business. This trip has been a very uncomfortable one--the stock having been twenty-one days on the road, owing to the terrific storms in the Rocky Mountains, where they were snowed in for several days. The stock brought by Mr. Myer is in good condition and has stood the trip well. The Durhams, of which two are bulls, look better than the Alderney, which are a more delicate breed. Three of the latter are heifers, and as beautiful specimens of thoroughbreds as one could wish to see. One of the heifers was raised by Mr. Colt of Connecticut, and is a beauty. The cows of this breed are celebrated milkers, though they do not rank high as beef cattle. This importation is the first for Oregon, and Mr. Myer will be entitled to the credit of introducing the stock into the state. The Cotswolds were bred in Philadelphia. The lot consists of three ewes and two bucks. The chief feature of attraction in the lot of stock is the Percheron stallion, a beautiful dapple grey, about six years old. This animal weighs 1,600 pounds, and was imported direct from France. The breed is highly prized in that country, and the animals are famous for their strength, docility, speed (considering their great size), and power of endurance. Oregonian, Portland, February 7, 1872, page 1 W. C. Myer has brought his imported horse "Napoleon," which he purchased while East last winter, from Red Bluff, to Jackson County. He is a large, beautiful dapple gray, with good action, square, compact, solid form, the peculiarities of the Percheron stock. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, June 18, 1872, page 2 Death of White Prince.
A letter from W. C. Myer, dated Ashland, Aug. 17th, says: White
Prince died this morning. A post mortem examination of his stomach
showed near two-thirds of the inner coating gone, plainly indicating
that he had been poisoned while in the valley by a slow and subtle
poison. I had thought until the past day or two that he might recover,
but the condition of his stomach upon examination showed that no course
of treatment could have saved him. He did not rally from his last
attack at Salem, as he did from the attacks in Albany and Corvallis in
July and August. Notwithstanding his loss to the stock interest of the
state, it is now being demonstrated that his stock or produce are the
most uniform of any ever bred in Oregon, as will be shown in the next
several years when his colts arrive at maturity and are set to work
upon the farms of the Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon. I shall
bury him with due honors, put a picket fence around his resting place
and erect a suitable monument, recording his age, together with his
pedigree and the fact of his being the first princely representative of
his race ever in Oregon.The Independent, Roseburg, August 24, 1878, page 3 White Prince was a Percheron. THE WHITE PRINCE.
We give herewith a portrait of the celebrated Percheron horse, White
Prince, imported into Ohio, from France, in July, 1870. He was
purchased in November following by Mr. W. C. Myer, of Ashland Mills,
Oregon, and shipped in company with one full blood, and two
three-quarter blood Percheron mares, by rail to Chico, in this state,
from whence he traveled to Ashland Mills.The White Prince is a light dapple gray, five years old the coming spring, and weighed, when shipped from Ohio, I,680 pounds. He has large, broad, fleet limbs, good disposition, pleasing countenance and fine style, and possesses the square, compact, solid form, with the good action of the Percheron race. The small cut represents the White Prince and the full blood Percheron mare, which accompanied him to Oregon, and her filly foal. This picture is said to be a good representation of the family. The mare was bred in Ohio from imported Percheron stock, and has been awarded three premiums at state fairs in Ohio (as often as she could compete) as the best brood mare in the State. The filly weighed 431 pounds when 2½ months old, and presents the square, compact form peculiar to his race. A lengthy article, by owner of White Prince, will be found on another page in reference to the color of the true Percheron horse; also explaining how and for what reasons tho color has been varied. Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, September 2, 1871, page 1 Click the link for engravings of White Prince and his family. EXPLANATORY.--W. Cortez Myer informs us that the names, weights and ages of the span of sucking colts, which attracted so much notice on the fairgrounds by their beauty and docility in harness, are named as follows: The black weighs 600 pounds, is 4½ months old, and is named "Reliance." The gray is 5½ months old, weighs 750 pounds, and called "Louisa." Their beauty and kindness attracted universal admiration, and induced several of our ladies to decorate the handsome animals with flowers. The decoration won by his animals from those fair hands is as highly prized by Mr. Myer as the premiums his colts deservedly gained. "Louisa" is descended from a full-bred Percheron mare, now owned by Mr. Myer. She was awarded several premiums at state fairs in Ohio, and so has her colts. "Reliance" descends from a three-quarter Percheron mare, purchased in Ohio, and now in this county, also owned by Mr. Myer. His Percheron stallion, "White Prince," is the only imported stallion of the blood on the Coast. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 14, 1871, page 3 SLIGART COLT.--Mr. E. F. Walker's three-year-old stallion, "Jake," who attracted considerable attention at the late fair, is by "Capt. Sligart," imported into this state by W. Cortez Myers in 1865. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1871, page 3 IMPORTATION OF STOCK.--Mr. W. C. Myer of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, importer and breeder of fine stock, writes us from St. Louis that he has purchased in that city an imported Percheron stallion and mare. The mare took the first premium at the St. Louis fair, and is reported to be the finest Percheron mare in the country. Mr. Myer will also bring with him to Oregon from the East some Jersey or Alderney and short-horn cattle, white Brahma fowls, Cotswold sheep, etc. This stock will be sent through as soon as travel opens on the transcontinental railroad. Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, January 6, 1872, page 9 FINE STOCK.--Mr. W. C. Myer. of Ashland, Oregon, passed through town last Thursday en route for home. Mr. Myer is a noted importer of fine stock. He brings with him this time one Percheron stallion, four thoroughbred Durhams, four thoroughbred Alderney, or Jersey cattle, five full-blood Cotswold sheep, three Brahma fowls, two Maltese cats and a Scotch terrier dog. The Percheron stallion, Napoleon II, fills our conception for a serviceable farm horse; while he is large, solid and compact in form, he is nimble and speedy. M. J. Parrott, the gentleman who imported the above stallion from France, secured the services of one of the best judges of the Percheron horse to make the selection. Mr. H. A. Rawson has made arrangements with Mr. Myer to keep this valuable horse for the accommodation of stock men until the first of May next. All parties desiring to breed from this celebrated horse are requested to call at the ranch of the Rawson Brothers, in Ide's Bottom, where they can see and examine him, and learn terms. Mr. Myer intends to issue shortly an illustrated work, giving a full description of his entire importations of horses, cattle, sheep, etc. He has now a large picture for framing, containing a group of horse, mares, colts, etc. "Local Items," The Sentinel, Red Bluff, January 27, 1872, page 3 The Imported Percheron Stallion
Purchased by me the present winter in Kansas and brought to this place
by rail, January 23rd, 1872, will stand at the Ranch of H. A. RAWSON, on Ide's Bottom, till about the First of May, 1872.Napoleon the Second. ----
is a beautiful dapple gray, five years old, with good action, square,
compact, solid form--the peculiarities of the Percheron race. He
was imported from France during the summer of 1870, by Hon. M. J.
Parrott of Kansas, and selected by one of the best judges of that stock
in France for him. The Horse can be seen and terms learned by
calling at Rawson's Ranch.W. C. MYER,
Red Bluff, Jan. 25th, 1872.of Ashland, Oregon. Red Bluff Independent, February 22, 1872, page 2
A number of splendid specimens of the equine race are on their way to
the State Fair grounds from Jackson County. They are of the Percheron
stock, introduced into this state by Myer, and are well worth seeing.
Items," Sacramento
Daily Union, September 27, 1873, page 5W. C. Myer, of Jacksonville, will bring most of his blooded stock to the State Fair. "Oregon Briefs," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, October 8, 1873, page 2 HORSE MEN,
I HAVE LATELY BROUGHT OUT from the East two pureblood imported Percheron stallions, the best I could find. LOOK TO YOUR BEST INTERESTS!! PRIDE OF PERCHE
out from France to Ohio in 1874, and made the season of '75 in
Wisconsin. He is a dark dapple gray, well formed, fine style, good
disposition, with a graceful, free, easy action that I have never seen
equaled in any horse of his size.FLEURY
in Ohio last August from France. He is a dark iron gray, a young horse
of great promise, of immense power, as is shown by his general makeup,
action and life.These stallions will be larger than White Prince at maturity. Together with White Prince, Pride of Perche and Fleury will be found at my stables for the accommodation of the public till March 26th. After that, Fleury will remain here for the coming season. White Prince and Pride of Perche will go to Albany and Salem, returning about the last of July. While in the East on my last trip I made it an object to see and learn how the Percheron stock was filling the wants or expectations of the public, and how the colts from White Prince would compare with those of other stallions of this stock. It is now 25 years since its introduction in Ohio and 19 years since first introduced in Illinois. The one-fourth and one-half bloods make fine, valuable animals, bringing at least double the price of good common stock, the supply being not equal to the demand at that. The colts from White Prince bred in Oregon equal any of this stock I saw while East. I have not learned of a single person that has bred or bought a Prince colt but is well pleased with them and regret that they do not have more of them. I do not wish to be understood as claiming that this stock of horses is the only one that all breeders should patronize exclusively; but that there is no breed or family of large horses known that cross so well with the common stock of the country, and their produce will equal them for solid form, size, style and action, which is no doubt from the fact that the Percheron has descended from the Arab, as will be seen by the following: There was a Percheron stallion imported from France by Jeff. R. Clark, of St. Louis, Mo., weighing 1,700 pounds, who trotted on the St. Louis Fair Grounds, with two men in a barouche, a mile in 3:42, I have seen this horse. The Germantown Telegraph states that at the Norfolk County Fair a pair of stallions of the Percheron breed, attached to an omnibus containing six people, drew it one mile in four minutes. This, I think, is better time than most of horses bred from celebrated trotters could make with the same load. The sire of Lulu, who is designated by sporting men as the "Queen of the Turf," having made the three best mile heats on record, was a half-blood Norman. TERMS.
Twenty-five dollars, U.S. gold coin, the season—excepting White Prince
fillies, who will only be bred by special agreement, which should be
made before I leave for the Willamette.Pasturage for mares from a distance, 62½ cents per week; but no accountability assumed for accidents or escapes. W. C. MYER.
Ashland, Feb. 10, 1876.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1876, page 2 IMPORTANT TO HORSEMEN.--Attention is called to the advertisement of W. C. Myer elsewhere. He has lately imported a valuable addition to his stock farm, including a couple of fine Percheron stallions, a description of which is given. Mr. Myer will be in Jacksonville with his last importations on the 16th and 17th of this month, when those desiring to see them can do so. For further particulars, see advertisement. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1876, page 3 PERCHERON STOCK.
Near Ashland, in Jackson County, is the residence and farm (containing
600 acres) of Mr. W. C. Myer, whose name is now so well known
throughout the state as being the introducer of the celebrated
Percheron horses.This gentleman has been engaged for the last thirty years in the business of stock raising, and for the last seven he has applied all his energies to the improvement of draft horses in Oregon. From careful and continuous examination he became convinced that for that purpose, the Percherons were better adapted than the Clydesdale or any other of the breeds generally used. He imported several full-blooded Percherons, and the results of his experiments have fully satisfied him of the correctness of his opinion. His beautiful white horses excited general admiration when they appeared at Portland, during Centennial Week, and also when exhibited at the last State Fair, held at Salem. Like P.T. Barnum and Montgomery Queen, his creed is "have good articles, ADVERTISE FREELY,
pay the printer's bills," so he is now having a pamphlet printed by Mr.
E. M. Waite, of Salem, which will contain all the information he has
collected with regard to stock raising. This will be ready for
distribution shortly, and will be embellished with engravings of his
Percheron horses, copied from photographs. In addition to this he will
have prepared, in a short time, a large sheet engraving, which will
present the following subject:1st, White Prince. 2nd, Pride of Perche. 3rd, Gen. Fleury. All these are full-blooded or thoroughbred Percheron stallions. Turfmen claim that the term "thoroughbred" is only applicable to horses of pure Arabian descent, but the term is applied to the before-mentioned stallions to signify the purity of their Percheron pedigree. 4th, White Rose, a full-blooded Percheron mare. 5th, An Indian or Cayuse pony with her foal, sired by White Prince. This engraving is intended to show plainly the immense improvement caused in any kind of horse stock by the infusion of Percheron blood. 6th, His barn at Ashland with stables, etc., and a group of stock in the foreground. This barn and stables are built in the best style and are fitted up with all the latest improvements, among which is an elevator to hoist up feed of all kinds; this runs on a railroad track or tramway inside the barn, and is the only one of the kind in Oregon. The engraving containing all these illustrations will be finished in the highest style of art, almost equal to line engraving. It will be executed on the best quality of paper and will form a useful ornament to the walls of any department. It is Mr. Myer's intention to distribute this also GRATUITOUSLY
any persons who will engage to frame it in a suitable manner. White
Prince and Gen. Fleury are now standing at Salem and Albany
alternately, and Pride of Perche is at Ashland.Mr. Myer intends to be present at the next State Fair in Salem with several of his full-blooded Percherons and also with a number of Alderny or Jersey cattle, which he has imported at considerable expense and which he selected himself when he visited the Atlantic States in 1872. He states that the Alderny or Jersey cows are noted in Europe and the East as being the best adapted for dairy purposes, as they give unusually great quantities of rich, cream-producing milk and that a marked improvement will result by breeding with Alderny bulls to the common cows of Oregon. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1877, page 1 We soon came to the former fine residences of Frank and W. C. Myer, where some years ago we were wont to be welcomed with kindness and hospitality. Now they are vacated and are going to ruin, the abode of digger squirrels innumerable. Their owners, having become wealthy in the stock business, have removed nearer to the Granite City for the purpose of educating their children. "A Trip on the Rogue River Foothills," Ashland Tidings, August 17, 1877, page 1 W. C. Myer and son Willie returned on Saturday from the State Fair. As usual, Mr. Myer's Percheron horses were all the rage, and he pocketed a number of premiums, among them the $200 dollar one, for the best family of draft horses on exhibition. In this there was no opposition. The committee having this matter in charge have published their award, in which they recommend Mr. Myer's Percherons to the farming community in the highest terms. Ashland Tidings, October 26, 1877, page 3 W. C. Myer, of Ashland, exhibited his family of Percherons and a host of other half-breed progeny to good advantage. These horses will introduce the French strain of work horses among us, and the prospect is that we shall have thousands of gigantic equines on hand in a few years. "Letter from [Salem,] Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, October 27, 1877, page 2 WESTERN ENTERPRISE--"ARABIAN BOY" SOLD.--W. C. Myer, of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, the pioneer importer of Percherons on the Pacific Coast, and owner of a valuable stable of this stock at his ranch in Southern Oregon, visited Chester County recently and purchased of our neighbor, J. J. Parker, importer of Percheron horses, "Arabian Boy," son of imported Rosa Bonheur and Jenifer Arabian, and we believe the only cross between the pure desert horse and the pure Percheron, in America. Mr. Myer was induced to make this purchase on account of the many valuable qualities in the Percheron, being derived from the Arabian, and believing that a fresh infusion of the Arab blood would be a valuable acquisition to his stable and the horse stock of the Northwest Pacific Coast. Learning of him through the Centennial Commission from Oregon, who had seen "Arabian Boy" at the Centennial show, and the Jenifer Arabian, his sires, and seeing also a notice of them in the American Agriculturist, he resolved to add this valuable colt to his stud, at "cost what it would," so he wrote to Mr. Parker, requesting him to telegraph to him immediately if "Arabian Boy" was alive and well, and that he would come and see him. Accordingly he made the journey of over 3,000 miles principally to get him. He succeeded in purchasing him of Mr. Parker, and we feel assured that Oregon farmers will in due time reap the benefit in the improvement of their stock by this expensive but creditable enterprise of Mr. Myer. "Arabian Boy" shows the Arab in a marked degree about the head, neck and shoulders, and in the body and quarters the pure Percheron. He is a yearling past and a perfect beauty. Mr. Myer visited the stable of Colin Cameron, Marietta, Pa., the present owner of the Jenifer Arabian, and purchased a pure Percheron filly, which he will also take west with him together with several imported Shetland ponies from the stable of A. J. Alexander & D. Swigert, Kentucky. He left Oakland on Friday last for Pittsburgh and will then take the steamer down the Ohio for Cincinnati, where he will take on the ponies. From thence, he goes direct to Omaha, then to Redding, California, the terminus of the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific. He will then make the remainder of his journey, 180 miles overland, over two ranges of the Siskiyou Mountains, the northern continuation of the Sierra Nevadas, to Ashland, in Rogue River Valley, his home.--From the Village Record, West Chester, Pa., Dec. 1st. Ashland Tidings, December 28, 1877, page 2 FINE HORSES.--W. C. Myer arrived at his home in Ashland, on Wednesday last, with his new importation of blooded horses. The most highly valued of these are the "Arabian Boy," a finely formed two-year-old, said to be the only cross between the pure desert horse and the Percheron in America, and "Juniata," the two-year-old Percheron filly, weight 1,400 lbs., a finely formed and perfect animal. The four Shetland ponies "Bobby Burns," "Mollie," "Nettie" and "Kittie" are the first of their kind imported into Oregon and, although so extremely small, are almost perfect in form. The average weight of the ponies is about 223 lbs., average height 38 inches. We feel confident that Mr. Myer will find his new investment equally as good if not better than any previous one. Success he certainly deserves, for no other man has done so much towards furnishing the people of Oregon with what they need in the horse line. Ashland Tidings, January 4, 1878, page 2 W. C. Myer, of Ashland, has four Shetland ponies, the largest weighing about 400 pounds. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, April 4, 1878, page 1 LETTER FROM W. C. MYER.
ALBANY, June 10, 1878.
your paper, a short time since, an allusion was made of the attempt to
poison my horses, at this place. There is no question in the minds of
those who witnessed the condition of my horses that they had been
tampered with. It was a deep-laid plan, well carried out. The design
was, evidently, not to kill them at once, for then an examination would
reveal the manner of their death, but to disable them for use. There
have been for some time parties industriously publishing that the
Percheron horses were a short-lived race; that too many of the colts
die young; that they have no stamina or endurance.This charge is not true, either in France, or the United States. Old Louis Napoleon, grandsire to my three-fourths mare Maggie, lived to be twenty-three years old. The Baker horse, sire of White Rose, died twenty-six years old. There have been some colts and fillies died, here and in Jackson County, whose deaths could be accounted for, while others have died very mysteriously, and had evidently been tampered with. I doubt not that some of the parties who have so much to say about the constitutional weakness of the Percheron stock, know whereof they speak. These are the plain facts in the case, and are so considered by all candid persons who have given the matter a thought. I introduced this valuable stock on this coast that I might do a public good, and thereby advance my own interests. I have invested my capital, and used my best exertions, and given my undivided attention to procure the very best stock to be found in America, and I am pleased to know that they are giving undivided satisfaction for the purposes to which they are adapted. This is the fourth season I have had my horses here, and the first that they have been molested. They have now both fully recovered. W. C. MYER.
Ashland Tidings, June 28, 1878, page 1Death of White Prince.
The famous Percheron stallion, White Prince, belonging to W. C. Myer,
died at the stables of his owner, one mile from Ashland, on the morning
of the 17th instant. Mr. Myer arrived home with his horse from the
Willamette Valley, where he had been during the season just closed, on
Monday previous to his death.White Prince was foaled in France, in 1866, and was purchased near Havre by Fullington & Co., of Union County, Ohio, in 1870, when he was just four years old. He was imported to the United States, and sold to W. C. Myer in November of the same year, who brought him to Oregon, arriving in Ashland in the latter part of December. The enormous size, action and symmetry of the horse at once recommended him to the most successful breeders of fine stock in Southern Oregon and Northern California. He was kept by his owner in this part of the state until 1873, when, together with a number of his colts, he was taken to the State Fair at Salem. There both he and his colts were the center of attraction. Since 1873, White Prince has appeared three times, with a number of his progeny, at state fairs, and each time their merit secured them first premiums. The demand for the stock was such in the Willamette Valley that Mr. Myer was induced to make the season with him at Salem, and Albany in 1873, and he has done the same four seasons since. Last March he left his stall at the stable of W. C. Myer, in charge of a competent man, and in the very best condition. He arrived at Albany to all appearances as well as ever, and remained so for some weeks. Suddenly he showed signs of colic, as was at first supposed, but by the manner in which he was affected, it became evident that there had been foul play practiced upon him. In a short time, he, to all appearance, recovered his usual health. On July 24, he had another attack like the first, but not so severe. From this he also recovered in a short time to full life and animation. Again, in the latter part of July, he was taken very much like the first attacks, from which he never fully recovered, but gradually declined. From the repeated attacks, and the apparent rapid decline of each attack, the opinion that foul play had been used was strengthened. When Mr. Myer started from Salem, a short time since, to bring the horse home, he had but faint hopes of his final recovery, and was therefore not surprised when on last Saturday the noble animal breathed his last. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that the inner lining or membrane or the stomach was entirely gone. To such an extent had the slow poison, which it now seems evident was the cause of his death, done its work, that in many places but the thin, transparent, outer membrane of the stomach remained. The loss of this noble, pure-blooded animal is not only a serious one to Mr. Myer, but it is a decided public calamity. His descendants to eight bloods are now to be seen in almost all parts of Oregon and adjacent territories, and without a single exception they partake of the size, disposition and other excellent qualities of their sire and predecessor. It will be long before an animal, in every respect equal to White Prince, will appear in Oregon. His cash value was, at least, $8,000. Ashland Tidings, August 23, 1878, page 3 ARABIAN BOY.--On Monday last, Eugene Walrad drove into town with Arabian Boy, Mr. Myer's two-year-old Arabian-Percheron, harnessed with a fine White Prince yearling. The "Boy" is an elegantly formed animal, combining the powerful physique of the Percheron with the symmetry of the most beautiful of his kind--the pure desert horse. He weighs already 980 pounds, equaling his sire in weight and many of his measurements, and many of our best horsemen consider him the most valuable for stock purposes of any horse ever imported by our leading horseman, Mr. W. C. Myer. Ashland Tidings, September 20, 1878, page 3 MR. WILLIAM MUNKS, of Fidalgo, arrived here last evening on the Libby with his fine young draft horse in charge. The horse is now at Mr. Bow's stable, and from here will be taken to Olympia where Mr. Munks proposes to enter him at the fair, as a contestant for the first prize offered for the best draft colt, three years old and over. He is of the Percheron strain; stands seventeen and a half hands high and weighs 1,600 pounds. He is by all odds the finest colt in this portion of the Territory. Those who want to see something handsome in this line would do well to drop around to Mr. Bow's and take a look at him. He was sired by W. C. Myer's White Prince, of Rogue River, Oregon, imported from France some eight years ago. Weekly Pacific Tribune, Seattle, Washington, October 3, 1878, page 3 The Ashland (Or.) Academy building was sold on the 8th instant by the Sheriff, by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court, foreclosing a mortgage held by W. C. Myer. Mr. Myer was the purchaser at $3,700. The sale will not interfere with the present term of school. "Pacific Coast Items," Sacramento Daily Union, February 25, 1879, page 4 Loss of a Valuable Horse.
Mr. W. C. Myer met with a heavy loss last Monday morning in the
death of his fine Percheron horse, "Pride of Perche." This was one of
the finest Percheron horses in the country, and sold at public auction
just after landing from the ocean voyage for $3,070. He was then
untried, and the purchaser would, of course, run some risk in investing
his money. Consequently, after he had proven his worth, his value must
have been greatly increased, and he was probably worth to Mr. Myer
nearly twice the price mentioned above. Mr. Myer has expended a large
amount of money in his efforts to introduce improved stock in Oregon
and has met with serious losses which were enough to dishearten any man
of ordinary persistence and hope, but the most discouraging feature of
the matter is the evidence that there is a persistent effort to injure
Mr. Myer and his stock, which does not stop short of the dastardly
crime of killing the horses. Doctors Chitwood and Royal were called and
made an examination of the body of the horse immediately after death,
and agree in the conclusion that his death was caused by the effects of
poison, which was administered some time previously in a dose
sufficient to cause sure, but not immediate, death.We have before alluded to this continued determination to disparage this stock in Oregon, and the evidence we have heard proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a number of colts from Mr. Myer's horses, owned by himself and others, have been stealthily killed for the purpose of creating the impression that the stock is not hardy. Anyone who will take the trouble to look beyond the limits of Oregon in investigating the matter, to where the stock had had long years of trial, will be convinced that any attempt to discredit the stock in this particular can meet with but temporary success, as the testimony upon the matter which we published from the Live Stock Journal, a short time since, abundantly proves. Ashland Tidings, August 22, 1879, page 3 Percheron Horses.
On Monday next W. C. Myer will start for the Sound country with
seven head of young Percheron stock and his Shetland pony, "Bobby
Burns." The Shetland will not be for sale, but the others will
doubtless be disposed of before Mr. M. returns. They are all well-bred,
fine animals, are a credit to the section of country which raised them.
There are three young stallions, one a yearling and two of them two
years old, the latter weighing respectively 1,260 and 1,440; an extra
fine match of bay mares, weighing together 2,935 lbs., which will
undoubtedly attract much attention wherever they may be taken, and a
pair of gray fillies, one and two years old, respectively. Mr. Myer
will stop a short time in Portland, and then proceed to the Sound,
visiting Olympia and Seattle. His reputation and that of his stock have
preceded him to that section, and we feel sure he will be well received.That the Percheron stock is gaining popularity and giving satisfaction in the eastern states may be seen from the importations mentioned by the eastern papers. In the New York Tribune of the 20th ult., we are told that 36 head of Percheron stock, horses, mares and colts have just been brought from France by one importer, Mr. W. H. Dunham. In the same paper we find an allusion to a noted public sale of young trotting stock in New York City last spring, at which it is said many of the colts brought much less than half the cost of rearing them, while a short time since heavy draft horses were sold from $200 to $325 per head, and Norman, Percheron and Clydesdales brought still higher prices, the first being preferable and best proportioned in every particular. The Tribune says, in comment: "It has been often urged in these columns that farmers have no encouragement to make speed the objective point in horse-breeding. It is a lottery with rarely a prize, demoralizing withal, and should be monopolized by those who can, perhaps, afford the double loss which is pretty sure to come sooner or later." Ashland Tidings, September 5, 1879, page 3 Mr. W. C. Myer, of Jackson County, Oregon, is in town, with his band of horses, and their fine points are attracting a good deal of attention. Conspicuous among his valuable animals may be noted a five-year-old bay mare whose weight exceeds fourteen hundred pounds; a gray stallion only two years old, of about the same weight, a number of two-year-olds of lesser merit, and a beautiful Shetland pony. Mr. Myer is on his way to the King County Fair, and promises, on his return to stop at this place and give our people a further display of such of his stock as he may have with him. Our farmers may congratulate themselves on the prospect of a marked improvement in the stock of our Territory. Washington Standard, Olympia, September 26, 1879, page 1 The fine display of Percheron horses and Shetland pony, by Mr. W. C. Myer, of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, attracted universal attention and opened the eyes of our horse and stock men to the importance of securing new blood to improve our stock. "King County Industrial Fair Awards," Daily Intelligencer, Seattle, September 28, 1879, page 2 PERCHERON HORSES IN OREGON.
The North Pacific Rural Spirit,
of Portland, in its issue of the 14th, has a long article upon Mr.
Myer's experience in the introduction of the Percheron stock in Oregon.
Giving a careful history of the enterprise and the mysterious death of
some of the best horses, followed by the reports,
industriously circulated, that the stock is not healthy, the editor of
the Spirit arrives at the
conclusion that certain enemies of the Percherons have actually
poisoned some of the finest horses for the purpose of bringing the
stock into disrepute. It will be remembered that in an article upon
this subject, some months ago, we gave the circumstances in detail of
the sudden death of a number of very promising horses belonging to Mr.
Myer, or which had been sold by him to other persons, and that in a
careful review of the facts in the premises we also were forced to the
conclusion that there had been foul play. If, as Mr. Myer has good
reason to believe, certain persons interested in rival breeds of horses
have been so villainous as to employ such dastardly and criminal
methods of opposition, it is high time that the public should know it,
and we are glad to see the subject so plainly treated in the Rural Spirit. It
is bad enough that Mr. Myer should lose the valuable animals, which
cost him thousands of dollars, without being compelled to bear the
greater loss which his enemies have sought to bring about--the loss of
the reputation of the stock. This, we consider, would be not only a
heavy loss to him, but an injury to the stock interests of the state
which the people can ill afford. But, from what we know of Mr. Myer, we
feel confident that he will succeed in baffling their attempt to
destroy confidence in the value of the Percherons by the circulation of
the false reports in question. His only way to deal with the matter is
to oppose falsehood with fact, and by so doing he will, with his
unyielding perseverance and pluck, finally succeed in placing his stock
in its true light before the people.The National Live Stock Journal, which will be conceded by all as high authority, has an article on this point, in which the editor says, after expressing his surprise that a rumor of such a nature should have gained credence: "Turning to the first volume of the Percheron-Norman Stud-Book for data with which to satisfy ourselves as to the facts in the case, we found that, of the six importations made to Ohio prior to 1860, the average term of life has been 24 years, with one still living. The earliest age at which any of them died was in the case of Rollin (418 of the Stud-Book), foaled in 1852, imported 1856, who died June, 1869, aged 17 years. Old Louis Napoleon (No. 281 of the Stud-Book), foaled 1848, imported 1851, died August, 1871, in his 24th year. All the others lived to be over 25, and one mare is yet living in her 28th year. (This is the dam of Myer's White Rose and Doll, 18 and 20 in the spring.) When it is considered that those French draft horses are almost universally kept in a state of obesity, peculiarly unfavorable to health, this showing of longevity is very remarkable and speaks volumes in favor of their constitutional vigor. The editor of the Spirit adds: The above article so clearly established the reputation of the Percheron breed of horses that there need be no more quibble as to their being healthy and long-lived. But few horses, if any, in this or other countries have more clearly established their own reputation than White Prince and Pride of Perche as purebloods. They have so generally stamped the progeny with their own "color, kith and kin," that we are not wondering from due justice to the memory of these truly celebrated stallions to say that they have established a well-pronounced family in the Northwest. The circumstance of crossing the blood on the Indian pony mare weighing 800 pounds and producing colts at two years weighing 1,200 pounds, is well known here and so important an event that we now see cuts of Indian dam and Percheron colt in the Percheron Stud-Book. We feel satisfied of two things, that with this explanation prejudices, if there has been any against Mr. Myer's stock, will be removed and that to Mr. Myer belongs the credit of introducing the first and as pure blood as has ever crossed the Rocky Mountains. His love for good stock is praiseworthy, and in order to benefit the public of Oregon, he went to the purest fountain for his supply. And in closing this article we say, may the good judgment of the people say, as we have said, "let no guilty animal murderer escape." Evidence points, as we are informed, to certain things and places, but many a dark deed has gone unpunished for the want of positive proof. Ashland Tidings, February 27, 1880, page 3 HORSEMEN
--GEN. FLEURY and BOBBY BURNS will be kept at my stable near Ashland the coming season.Look to Your Interests! ---- The Imported Percheron, GEN. FLEURY, ---- ARABIAN BOY, -- A N D -- BOBBY BURNS, -- THE SHETLAND -- ----- --ARABIAN BOY until the 28th of April and return the first week in July. Within the past few years there has been a desperate effort in this and Marion counties to prejudice the minds of the public against my Percheron stock; and in order to give their slander some appearance of being so, have destroyed two of as fine draft stallions as ever came to Oregon, with several colts and young horses. That the public may not be deceived by these base slanders I will soon publish a circular giving some of the facts in the case with the high estimation this stock is held in at other places, which will be sent free on application. The people of this section well know of the valuable animals for farm and team use that were raised from the two French horses brought here by Mr. S. Colver some years ago (they were ½ bloods), but when breeders can secure the service of a pure blood horse for a reasonable price they should avail themselves of the privilege. Some of the finest draft colts at the last State Fair were sired by Gen. Fleury. TERMS.
For GEN. FLEURY and ARABIAN BOY $20 the Season----$30 to Insure. BOBBY BURNS $10 the Season----$15 to Insure. ---- Good pasturage 50 cents per week--will use due care but will not be responsible for accidents or escapes. W. C. MYER,
Ashland Tidings, April 2, 1880, page 3ASHLAND, OGN., March 29, 1880. W. C. Myer was in town this week and reports his new style farming machinery taking well with the farmers of this valley. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 2, 1882, page 3 WILL GO EAST.--With the pioneer excursion to the eastern states to leave Portland October 1st we learn of the following from Jackson County who will join the party: Wm. Kahler and wife, James McDonough and wife, Wm. Bybee, John Tice, and Cortez Myer of Ashland. Special arrangements and rates have been made, and going in a crowd together they will no doubt have a good time. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 22, 1883, page 3 A. G. Walling, History of Southern Oregon, 1884, pages 534-535 FINE BLOODED STOCK.
One mile north of Ashland is the farm of W. C. Myer, who has handled
purebred stock for many years and whose numerous customers have been
more than satisfied with stock bought of him. At present he has one of
the best studs of horses to be found in the United States. As draft
horses he finds there are no equals to the Percheron family, combining,
as they do, size, action, form, docility, and finding ready buyers at
good prices. His Arabian Boy needs only to be seen to be admired. In
striking contrast to these large Percherons are the Shetland ponies--a
great favorite with all children. Doubtless Mr. Myer has the finest
herd of Jerseys (all A.J.C.C.H.R.) on the Pacific Coast. As a family
cow the Jersey has no equal. Mr. M. bases his success on three things:
Extra quality of stock, low prices and representing, when selling, each
animal's true merits.--Oregonian."The City of Ashland," Ashland Tidings, June 3, 1887, page 2 Pottery Fields Near Ashland.
In the Oregonian of the 12th inst. [on page 5] I see there is a Mr. Joseph Sants
looking for a location to establish a pottery, and wants to find where
suitable clay can be obtained. I will say that we have a mountain of
material near Ashland that will make tableware, firebrick, assayer's
crucibles (the latter superior to the best French make). The above
material is on government land principally. We have good water power on
Ashland Creek and plenty of wood for fuel.It may be inquired how I know the clay mentioned above will make tableware, etc. In 1883 I visited a pottery at Wellsville, Ohio, where they were making fine tableware. When I came home, having understood that the above material would do for pottery and firebrick, I sent two small pieces to a friend to have the pottery test it. He wrote that they first tried a piece by fire and glazing and that it would stand glazing well, and said they would make a dish out of the other piece to further test it. I wrote for them to send me the dish when made, which they did, and I now have it. If Mr. Sants will come out here I have no doubt he will find just what he is looking for, viz: valuable material to work and as fine location for a pottery as can be found on this coast, like climate, productions of fruit, vegetables, grain, fuel, power, etc. W. C. MYER.
Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1889, page 1Ashland, Or. The Best
Draft Horse. ---- Forty Years' Experience with Draft Horses. BY W. C. MYER. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON. A Little Horse Sense.
Many think, talk and write that as in
the cities where the horses were used for street cars by the thousand,
and are now, especially in the United States, superseded by steam, the
cable and trolley, and so many bicycles being used, that this has
knocked the bottom out, for all time to come, of the horse-breeding
business.Let us philosophize a little on this matter: It is true there is no present or prospective market or demand for common, medium-sized horses, such as were used for street cars. When the other means of propelling them were put into use it not only stopped the demand, but put thousands that had been in active use on a market where there was no use for them. While this is the case of the above class of horses, and the general depression in most all kinds of business, nearly every product of the farm, except hogs and cattle, has depreciated in the last three years from 30 to 40 per cent; especially is this so in wheat and wool. Large, well-formed draft horses have not suffered any larger reduction in price in the leading markets of the East. But the reduction that has been made in the price has greatly stopped the breeding of horses I might say all over the United States for the past two or three years, as is shown by the statements lately published by the Chicago dealers in horses who handle over 100,000 per year. Please notice what they all say in favor of the Percheron stock. A card from a Chicago horseman of February 4, 1896, says: "Foreigners are increasing in numbers daily and buying good, sound, smooth chunks, 1150 to 1300 pounds. The demand for these chunks is so large, and the supply so small, that the few that arrive are picked up almost immediately, and four times as could be sold daily. Prices on these have improved since the first of the year at least $15 per head." And he reports it is difficult to procure as many 1500- to 1700-pound horses as are called for. It is self-evident, when this condition of the horse-breeding business is considered, that by the time horses of the right kind can be bred and grown for market (which cannot be accomplished under five years), there will be a great deficiency and they will bring a good paying price. Steam and electricity cannot fill the place of the large draft or family driving horse. And the bicycle is a FAD that for a time may amuse the young, but is not suited for a young man to have a social time with his best girl, or a man with a wife and family to take an outdoor airing for business or pleasure. The improved light breeds are suited for this use. The Horse, Man's Best Friend.
M. T. Grattan, the Minnesota breeder and
writer, speaks in an exchange of the so-called horseless age, that
is not here and never will be. We quote two paragraphs:"The horseless age is not here. It never will be here until man regains his sovereignty over the earth. A horseless age means an emasculated race of dudes, who, lacking virility, will not even be able to perpetuate their own weakness, and the race will die. The love of the horse and his companionship is inimical to vice. A man may walk and plot deviltry; he may ride a wheel and see the physician. The horse occupies his hands, his mind and stimulates torpid faculties. The great masters of men have been masters of the horse. He scatters care to the winds; he brings the bloom of health to the cheek, he makes a race of men who use and master him virile, combative, strong. The nations that have excelled in horsemanship have ruled the world; they will always rule the world, and in the great catastrophe the grand brute whose neck 'is clothed with thunder,' who 'smelleth the battle afar off,' will go into oblivion with man, and not before. "What fleeing, panic-stricken soldier would have vouchsafed a second glance or thought to a monkey-like form on a wheel? His big, black steed, furious with energy and power, inspired courage as well as the dare-devil rider. A horseless age, indeed! Wait 'til war comes again to the nations of the earth, as it surely must as long as earth lasts, and man's best friend will quickly find his place again." In order to breed large, No. 1 draft horses, the best full-blood Percheron stallion should be used, and the produce kept growing in thrifty form, especially the first two years. The best stock, sire and dam full blood, if their produce are half fed the first two years, will never make as valuable animals as others properly cared for. Formerly 1200 to 1500 pounds answered for heavy draft, now in the cities they want them 1500 to 1800 pounds, and the chunky form. Some farmers and breeders say they do not want a horse over 1200 to 1300 pounds for their use. This is a mistake. Their use ought not to be the question, as their use of the horse should principally be while he is maturing for market, and when this time comes the fine, extra large one will be specially sought for, while his less brother will not be wanted for half the money the other brings. This fact I have never seen fail in the past 60 years of my observation of horse matters. A breeder may use good judgment in breeding and care with grade mares; there will be enough of medium-sized ones to supply the demand for such. Future of Draft Horse Breeding.
A visit to one of the great horse
markets, particularly that of Chicago, will prove of marked benefit to
anyone who is now raising horses or expects to begin breeding them.
Here six firms practically control the sales of a hundred thousand
horses a year, and these men will all be found of one opinion as to the
kind of horse, which it will always pay to breed. They are unanimous in
the belief that well-formed, heavy, weighty draft horses and stylish,
breedy-looking coach horses of symmetrical build, with plenty of
endurance and action, are going to be the highest price horses of the
future. They all say that the best types of draft horses are already
hard to find and that the supply of high-class coach horses has never
equaled the demand, even when the flood of horse-breeding was at its
height.Mr. Newgass, who handles about 25,000 horses per year at the stock-yards in Chicago, recently told me that he had sold during the past year 800 coach horses at an average of $350 each; that he had a large retail trade in heavy draft horses which demands the best type of Percherons and would have no other breed, and that 75 percent of the draft horses sold by him to the trade were Percherons. He said further: "Tell your customers to breed all the heavy Percherons they can, and at the same time not to forget the coach horse." Mr. Jacob Koehler, who sells 15,000 horses a year at the stock-yards, Chicago, says: "There are only two kinds of horses which farmers can breed that will be sure to make them money--good Percheron horses and smooth stylish-acting coachers. There is only one draft horse for this country, and that is the Percheron. Even the English and Scotch buyers take them in preference to the horses produced from English and Clydesdale stallions." This statement was corroborated by Messrs. Blair & Evans, large operators in horses at the yards. Mr. Blair, who formerly was extensively engaged in the importation of English Shire and Clydesdale stallions, said that the best-selling horses on the market were grade Percherons, and that the English and Scotch buyers preferred them to the Clyde and Shire crosses; the farmers have stopped breeding, geldings are few, mostly mares are now coming--they will not last long--and then the man who has a good draft horse will get his own price for him. Everybody has been wild to sell; a reaction will come which will astonish the people." F. J. Berry will handle 27,000 horses this year. He is the pioneer in the auction sales at the stock yards that have grown to such immense proportions. He sells exclusively on commission. All kinds of horses come to him, mostly from country dealers and farmers, through whom he is kept in touch with the breeding industry. He says: "Breeding has never been at so complete a standstill. What few stallions that remain in the country are not paying expenses. Thousands have been altered and sent to this market, and we are getting at least one stag to a carload on an average, that is about 5000 per year, and other markets show similar receipts. And what is worse, all the good mares are being sold. Formerly there were two or three mares to a car of draft horses, now the mares greatly outnumber the geldings, just at the time when the farmers ought to be breeding good large horses that will command a price as high ax ever they brought before. They can get them on the market if they begin now. For a draft horse the Percheron is the horse. Our cities all want them in preference to any other breed, and the foreigners are equally prejudiced in their favor. The English and Scotch were anxious to sell us their hairy-legged horses, but they don't care to buy them. The Clydesdales have had their day. "The coach horses that come onto our market find a ready sale. Two good ones are wanted where one is found. They have had a boom in the last twelve months. These two kinds--good heavy drafters and coachers--are the best to breed." J. S. Cooper is among the largest dealers in horses at the stock yards. He says: "We handle horses on commission only. We do not advance money or send out buyers, Our trade comes very largely from the breeders themselves. We therefore cannot control the quality of horses we sell. We do not get as many good ones as we would like. Good ones keep up the average price and makes people better satisfied with their returns. BUT NO ONE GETS MANY GOOD ONES NOW. There is a perceptible falling off in quality from month to month, showing plainly that the supply of desirable horses is growing less. ANOTHER MARKED FEATURE IS THE INCREASING PERCENTAGE OF MARES ON THE MARKET. Many of them should be kept for breeding, but it seems that the farmers now sell anything they can sell. IF IT KEEPS ON THIS WAY WE WON'T HAVE ANY GOOD DRAFT HORSES IN A SHORT TIME. People complain of low prices, but for really good ones the price is not so bad. WE SOLD A CARLOAD OF PERCHERONS LAST WEEK FOR $148 PER HEAD, AND I AM SURE INSIDE OF TWO YEARS SUCH A LOT WILL BRING $500 PER PAIR. WE RECENTLY SENT OUT 25,000 CIRCULARS GIVING A SUMMARY OF THE MARKET AND ITS DEMANDS AND URGING UPON FARMERS THE NECESSITY OF BREEDING GOOD COACH AND DRAFT HORSES. IN MY OPINION THERE HAS NEVER BEEN SUCH AN OPPORTUNE TIME TO BEGIN BREEDING THESE TWO CLASSES. "For DRAFTERS THE PERCHERONS ARE THE BEST OF ALL BREEDS, and in our circular we recommend the use of stallions of this breed by stating: 'As foreigners prefer the Percheron breed and our own people at least are very partial to them, it will be well for the breeder to give them the preference.' "The foreign demand has become an important factor in this market. The exportation of horses will reach 17,000 for 1895. These foreign buyers pay good prices and their trade is worth catering to. Stylish, breedy-looking coachers of smooth form and good high action attract their attention, and command a good price, and always will. Too many of that kind cannot be bred." [Correspondence in Breeders Gazette. ----
During the eleven months ended Dec. 1,
1895, there were 18,441 head of horses valued at $2,770,960 exported
from this country, as against 6,919 head valued at $1,219,761 exported
during the same period in 1894.--[Breeders
Gazette.England Takes Six Thousand Horses.
For the past two months Mr. A. D. Cronk,
managing partner of the well-known firm of Crandall & Co., East
Buffalo horse commission dealers, has been in Europe on business,
visiting the leading horse dealers of England, Scotland and France,
with a view of bringing buyers of horses for export to these countries
to Buffalo market, and the success of his trip has been extremely
gratifying and of the greatest importance to the horse interests of
America. Mr. Cronk has returned, and while in England engaged to supply
four of the largest bus and cab companies in London with 6000
horses, to be shipped during the year 1896. This and other contracts
entered into abroad by Mr. Cronk aggregate shipments of horses that
will be made from Buffalo market during the year, amounting to over
$1,000,000. This is the largest contract that has ever been made with
one firm for horses, and no other country in the world than America
could fill the order.In addition to the above most extensive contract, Mr. Cronk also arranged to ship to Liverpool 100 horses each week to be sold at auction under English supervision on thoroughly American principles. On February 1st a gentleman from England will arrive at Buffalo to get thoroughly initiated into the mode of conducting horse auction sales in America and be thoroughly qualified to handle them similarly at the big sales on the other side. A guarantee is given of the attendance of buyers from Germany, France and Scotland, as well as England, at these weekly sales. ----
The interest shown by the French
government in horse-breeding is shown by the fact that 152 stallions
have just been purchased to occupy places in the government studs
throughout that country. These stallions cost $192,000 to $1,440.78 each,
and breeders are granted their service for a nominal rate. If the
horse-breeding industry is worthy of so much encouragement in France, it would seem as though it would be worthy of some slight
encouragement, at least, by the government in this country.----
l wrote Mr J. S. Cooper for one of his
J. S. COOPER. ----
I wrote Messrs. F. J. Berry &
Co. of Chicago, who sell on commission 20,000 to 25,000 horses
annually, to know what breed of horses were used by the fire
departments of Chicago. They replied:Chicago, January 2,
W. C. MYER, Ashland, Oregon, Dear
Sir:Your letter received. Our market is quite strong now. Our fire department uses horses weighing from 1400 to 1500 pounds, if anything a little on the rangy order. Good bone, plenty of substance, strong backs and lots of action, that look as though they could run fast. MOSTLY GRADE PERCHERONS. Yours truly,
From the foregoing it. is evident that
now is the time to breed the first-class registered
Percheron stallions, registered in the Percheron Stud Book. There is
the same difference with these as with the registry of Jersey cattle.
Formerly, I understand, but few horse colts were castrated in France
(this is not the case of any other draft breed). This made a huge
number of stallions in the country, and when the "boom was on" a few
years ago a large number of inferior stallions were imported from
France to the U.S. and some of them afterwards to this coast, many of
which would not be called No. 1 geldings if castrated when young.F. J. BERRY & CO. The draft horse is the best for the farmer for several reasons. He works more satisfactorily and at less expense and worry; he sells more readily and at better prices than any other; it costs less to raise and break him and get him ready for market, because of docility; he will pay for his keep after two years old, and is fully broken when matured. Bear in mind that the Percherons are the only draft breed that trace in their breeding to Arabian ancestry. This accounts for their kind disposition, action and symmetry of form. It is also a fact that the most noted runners in the civilized world are descendants of the ORIENTAL HORSE. The same of the American trotter, for some noted ones are direct descendants of the Arabian. While Brother Jonathan has equaled the old world, and in instances surpassed her in developing the runner, America leads the entire world in breeding and developing her trotters. And France is the only nation that for hundreds of years have been successfully using the Arabian horse as an improver of their draft breeds. A French professor of zoology says, "The rest of Europe envies France the possession of this breed; and this can be said in speaking of the Percherons without national vanity." The following registered Percheron stallions will be at the Myer ranch the coming season if not sold, VIZ: Gambetta No. 2822, imported from France. This horse has proved the equal if not the best Percheron brought to this coast. Hector No. 6916, bred in the East by Caesar 3526; awarded first premium wherever exhibited in France, and at the WORLD'S FAIR at New Orleans, '84-'85. Cost when two years old in France $3000.00, and sold at three years old in the U.S. for $5000.00. Dam of Hector, Rosette 3661, imported from France. The sire and dam of Hector are descendants of the most celebrated Percherons in France and the United States. I.X.L. No. 15,019, Oregon bred, by Gambetta 2822; dam, Rose Ann 1648, by Gen. Fleury 846; 2nd dam, White Rose No. 613; Gustave No. 19,620, foaled April 10, '91, Oregon bred; Grey by Hector No. 6916; dam, Juanita 816. ----
I am just in receipt of a letter from
Northern Oregon in which the writer says: "I am much pleased with the
two (Jersey) heifers I bought from you. I have been all over the Jersey
islands and have owned some very pretty Jerseys, but I think one of the
two beats all I have ever owned or ever seen for beauty, and they show
a good size also. You must have taken great pains in selecting your
animals. * * * Our people are beginning to use Jerseys, as they have
found out that those having the most Jerseys in their herds get the
highest butterfat tests and, of course, the largest check from our
creamery."In addition to the folders which were recently issued by W. C. Myer describing the good qualities of Jersey cattle and his 25 years' experience with that breed of stock, Mr. Myer has now prepared another folder giving his 40 years' experience with draft horses, the merits of the Percheron horse, market reports of sales of large horses in 1895 at good prices, the growing demand and prospects for such horses and much similar information of interest to growers and others. Mr. Myer has devoted the larger part of his lifetime to the business of fine stock growing, and as a judge of stock has attained a reputation much more than local. In his importations, which have been considerable during his experience, he has always secured the best to be had regardless of cost, and to him is due great credit for first introducing to the people of the northwest coast as good stock as could be found anywhere. Percheron stock from his farm has been the standard for three states for years, and buyers have come to understand that they can depend upon the stock from his farm being actually as it is represented to them to be and that the prices are fair.--[Ashland Tidings. W. C. Myer, 1896 sales brochure. Oregon Historical Society Library CFR0728 Obituary of B. F. Myer.
B. Frank Myer, notice of whose sudden death was published in last week's Advertiser,
was born August 18, 1821, in Jefferson County, Iowa, where he spent the
first twenty-two years of his life. In the spring of 1843, he moved to
Bonaparte, Van Buren County. February 14, 1849, he was married to
Dorotha Perkins, and shortly after moved with his bride to Lee County,
where four years were spent on a prairie farm. In company with
relatives, they crossed the plains in the spring of '53, arriving in
Southern Oregon September 3rd of that year. Mr. Myer took up a timber
claim three miles north of Ashland with his father and brother. Living
there until 1872, he removed to a farm somewhat nearer Ashland, and in
1883 he and his family moved into town. Shortly after, the sunshine of
the home was turned to gloom by the death of the devoted wife and
mother. Since that time Mr. Myer had lived a quiet, retired life,
seeking occupation and forgetfulness in reading. He was a member of the
Southern Oregon Pioneer Society, in which organization he had served as
president. He died January 19, 1897, at the age of 75 years, 5 months
and 1 day.Present relatives of the deceased are three sons, H. C., O. R., and E. B. Myer, one brother, W. C. Myer, and four sisters, Mrs. E. K. Anderson, Mrs. J. P. Walker, Mrs. A. G. Rockfellow, and Mrs. Z. Scott Funeral services were held Friday, January 21, at 10:30 o'clock, from the residence of H. C. Myer. Rev. E. P. Childs conducted the services. Ashland Advertiser, January 27, 1897, page 1 An Early Lesson.--W. C. Myer of Jackson County tells an interesting story. In the early forties I left Ohio for Iowa and took with me one medium-sized mare worth $60 in Ohio (good brood mares for farm work were worth $100 each). This mare had stamina and action. When I arrived in Iowa I made a location with little improvement on it, as my finances were limited, and after I got some land in cultivation so I could grow feed I concluded to breed the mare. There was a neighbor who had quite a pretty two-year-old stud colt, but evidently of small stock. I received the service of this colt free, as I did not think I could pay the small sum of $8 for the service of a large horse in the neighborhood that came from Ohio. The mare proved with foal in due time and brought a horse colt. The next three years I bred the mare to the large horse mentioned above and raised two fillies and one horse colt. I brought the two fillies with their dam, then sixteen years old, to Oregon in 1853. The first colt at maturity was worth $30, the others by the large horse $80 to $100 each in Iowa. This began to show me the advantage of breeding to No. 1 sires. An Early Experience in California.--When I arrived in Oregon (in 1853) it was thought the best market would be for good saddle horses and fair-sized work horses. The heavy draft horses were not thought of. One of the above fillies proved in foal to a well-bred race horse that was in our train and brought a colt. I used him for breeding and exhibited him at the California State Fair held in Marysville in 1858 and was awarded first prize on him for all work. By this time I noticed that the young stock bred in the above line did not equal their dams in size and value, and that there would soon be a market for a larger class of horses to do farm and freight business. So to fill this expected want I secured a large stallion brought from the East, said to have been sired by a stallion imported from England. This horse was different in his makeup from any of the established European breeds. With his large size he had some of the characteristics of the thoroughbred horse--fine coat, clean limbs and fine action. He transmitted these qualities to his stock. I bred the above Ohio mares and their produce to the stallion colts from this union. I exhibited two years at the Oregon State Fair and one year at the California State Fair at Sacramento, and was awarded first premiums for draft. Breed to Good Sires.--The point I wish to impress upon young breeders is to breed to the very best sires in all stock in whatever line your fancy or interest leads. I started in, as you see, with a second- or third-class mare with limited means and knowledge of the principles of breeding, and by following the above lines from the second and third cross produced some of the best animals on this coast at that time. I think many breeders of large horses in selecting their breeding stallions make size their principal object to the sacrifice of other valued requirements. My object has been to have fair size with all the action and stamina (and the mechanical form and makeup to bring this about) possible to be found in a large animal. Breeders' Gazette, quoted in "Views of Oregon Breeders," Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, June 19, 1897, page 396 W. C. Myer, of Ashland.
One of the early pioneers of Oregon who has been prominently identified
with the development of the state for nearly half a century is W. C.
Myer, of Ashland. He was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, April 22,
1818. In 1853 Mr. Myer, with his wife, who died several years ago, and
other members of the family took up the line of march from Iowa,
whither they had moved from Ohio, to the Pacific Coast, arriving in the
Rogue River Valley September 3, and settling near Ashland. Mr. Myer
engaged in the stock business, and became widely known over the state
as an importer of purebred horses and cattle. He was the first to
introduce purebred Percheron horses on the Pacific Coast. The names of
White Prince, Doll, Maggie and Perche, Napoleon, Pride of Perche, Gen.
Fleury, White Rose, Jennie and Arabian Boy, which are found in the list
of Percherons imported by him, are familiar to the horse world, and
made his stock farm near Ashland well known over the coast. Mr. Myer
was also the first man in Oregon to introduce the Shetland ponies for
breeding purposes, and the first in Southern Oregon to introduce Jersey
cattle, of which he has long maintained a fine herd. Mr. Myer enjoys
the distinction of having brought the first gang plow to Southern
Oregon, as well as the first one of the hay carriers, now so common in
farm barns. Mr. Myer is now in his 82nd year, but is still more active
and energetic than many men 30 years his junior.Oregonian, Portland, September 8, 1899, page 6 BROME GRASS.
What a Well-Known Stockman of This Locality Thinks of This Grass for Pasture Purposes.
For many years I have been on the lookout for a pasture grass that will
successfully grow on our mountainsides that was originally set with the
natural bunchgrass, and now covered with the small poverty grass (that
only produces a scant supply of feed for a limited time in the early
summer) and weeds.
Bromus inermis (or brome grass) as it is called for short, seems to fill this long-felt want. It was introduced first by the California Experimental Station from Russia in 1884. Since that time it has been introduced by the experiment stations of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, the two Dakotas, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, the Canadian experiment stations and others; also by the farmers in the states mentioned. In the manner of its growth it has much in common with Kentucky grass, but is very much larger and coarser. It has an extensive system of underground stems which cause it to be somewhat difficult to eradicate and makes it form a very compact sod. This shows it will stand close pasturing and tramping, like Kentucky bluegrass east of the Missouri River. (Our summers here are too dry for the Kentucky bluegrass.) It has been grown successfully as far north in Canada as agriculture is carried on; it also resists extreme drought. From a party in the Umatilla County in Western Oregon that has been growing it for some years mentioned in the Tidings lately, and the subjoined statement of Mr. Smith, of the Hazelwood Dairy, county of Spokane, Wash., regarding the culture of the Bromus grass, I have selected these statements, as their localities are quite similar to ours here, only we no doubt have a greater annual rainfall, which I think will be in our favor. Mr. Smith says "It cannot be obtained too soon by farmers of the Northwest. "1st. It stands the most severe weather. In a mixture of Italian and English rye grass and Bromus inermis the two former, however, were killed out during the winter, but the Bromus inermis came out all right. 2nd. We always sow in the spring, but that is not necessary, as it will do well for fall sowing. 3rd. We get good pasture after August 1st for light stock and later for cows. "4th. To obtain the best results for hay we would advise a rolling harrow to cut up the sod well. "5th. As a pasture grass it has no equal in this part of the country. Stock are very fond of it. It fattens quickly. "We have cut hay for two years from ours; the first year we got as high as five tons per acre of choice hay. All the stock like it better than timothy. It is very easy to cure and matures early. Two years ago we cut it on June 17th, and put it in the barn on June 20th and 21st. We figured the growth was nearly 1 inch per day. "6th. I think if the only profitable grass for us to raise. I tried 50 varieties and it was by far the best of them. "Bromus inermis requires a dry soil and never gets too dry for it in the spring; it starts about two weeks earlier than any of our native grasses. It is a good rooter, makes a good hog pasture, and young pigs do finely on it. "Yours respectfully, M. D. Smith, Mgr." Brome grass should be sown early in the spring or fall; it requires to be covered deeper than other grasses; about 20 lbs. per acre; it will not make a crop the first year, not getting over 6 inches high. The second year on good ground is said will produce 500 pounds seed per acre. The seed can be bought of Buell Lamberson, Portland, Ore., for 18 cents per pound. I learn that it has been sown with fair success on lands that had never been plowed. I think it would be well if our land owners and stockmen would give the brome grass a thorough test. If it only doubles the feed supply on our outside pastures it will be a paying matter, and likely do more than this. W. C. MYER.
Ashland Tidings, March 12, 1900, page 1A NEW HYBRID.
W. C. Myer of Ashland. Oregon, a well-known stockman and Shetland pony
fancier, proposes to experiment with an interesting hybrid to learn its
possibilities and utility. The ambitious scheme is nothing less than to
breed a hybrid which shall be a cross between a zebra and a horse.From the Department of Agriculture at Washington Mr. Myer has learned that such experiments in the United States have been of very limited character. He was referred to Prof. J. Cosar Ewart of the Edinburgh University, who owns the only male Burchall zebra in Europe which has been successfully mated with mares. Prof. Ewart says that in his native state the zebra will never be tamed, as out of 1000 not more than two or three can be broken to ride or drive, but that the hybrid zebra is more docile and more serviceable than the ordinary mule. Following is the description of a couple of colts: "Both are of the usual striped coloring, handsome and smart, showing more of the horse side of the family than some and possessing the clean, hard-wearing legs common to this cross, and promising a happy immunity from unsoundness. The feet, as those who have seen the animals are aware, are much more like those of the horse than is common in the ordinary mule, but hard and in harness they trotted smartly, with long, low action, with little bend in knee or hock. When in regular work they were fairly fast and their movement should make them pleasant, easy mounts." Chico Daily Record, June 19, 1901, page 2 Oregon Methods of Gentling Horses.
W. C. Myer of Jackson County, Oregon, writes to the Breeders' Gazette
about methods of curing horses from kicking in the stable, etc., and
gives a plan he has used with satisfaction for thirty-five years. We
all know, he says, that it is the hind end of the horse that requires
taming, so that it will not be startled and kick when anything touches
it there. I have paid from $5 to $50 for lessons in taming and handling
horses, have read Rockwell's, Magner's and Berry's systems of horse
culture, and have had many personal interviews with well-informed noted
horsemen whom I would meet in my travels.OTHER METHODS.--The idea of a high-strung, nervous animal in a stall and having a bag of straw or sawdust or a block of wood hung behind him so it will about come to his hocks, or below, or of tying a piece of chain to one hind pastern, is certainly cruel and foolish, for by this the animal is terribly frightened and wears itself out kicking at the ever-present new thing different from any former experience, sometimes hitting it, at others not, but always a great tax on the physical as well as mental strength. The Rarey plan for taming an unbroken horse was by strapping up a forefoot, and if he could not then be handled to draw up the other forefoot and throw the animal. At least this was the way I was instructed. The animal confined in this way would exert every nerve and muscle and be wet with perspiration till quite exhausted, and no doubt wondered why all this cruelty was inflicted. MR. MYER'S METHOD.--My plan is as follows: It is not advisable to put a halter on a young colt or a three- or four-year-old that has never been haltered and tied up--that is, to put a halter on and immediately tie him to some strong, solid place, especially a tree or post he can run around and hang himself on, as he is sure to pull back, wrench his neck or kill himself outright. For this have a strong leather headstall with about 25 feet of ½-inch cotton rope. This is more pleasant to handle. Put one end of this around the girth place and tie a bowline knot which will not slip. Do not make the rope around the body too tight. Pass the rope between the forelegs, through the halter ring to the manger or feed trough, and back to the halter ring and tie. Do not give too much play or slack. Another way of teaching the horse to stand and not pull back is to take the rope and double it so that one end will be about 10 feet longer than the other. Tie a knot on the doubled rope so that this double knot when put on the horse will come over his rump and down about where the breeching works, and the knot on the back about the center. Take rope on each side of the neck and tie pretty close up to the breast. Take one end through the halter ring to manger, once back to halter ring and fasten. After they have tightened a few times on the rope and found it is there, take a sack and move it about the shoulders and body and about the head--not too roughly at first. They will soon quit pulling. Do this both ways of putting on the rope. This done a few times, they are not likely to pull back afterward. Putting the rope on the hind foot is thus effected: Have a strong leather strap 1½ inch wide, with buckle and 2-inch ring, long enough to go around the hind pastern. Pass the end of the rope around the neck at the collar place, tie a bowline snugly, pass the rope down on the off side and through the ring on the foot strap and up through the collar on the neck; draw this and fasten so that the foot when down will be about halfway between its right place and that of the forefoot. Let the animal try itself a short time, then begin to handle or touch the quarters and leg not confined with the hand or light, short stick, gently. If quite restless, draw up the foot some more. Be quiet in these manipulations, so as not unnecessarily to excite the animal. Have a rope and draw it about the rump between the hind legs, around the body at the flank, gently, so that the horse will get used to being touched in different places. Fasten a 1½-inch ring well up in the tail. Get a round stick about 1½ inch in diameter, 18 inches long; fasten a rope or strap in the center with a snap on the end, which when snapped in the ring in the tail will make the stick when down hit about the hocks. This is where the single tree comes at work and will not scare. After they stand quietly with this for some time, slacken the foot rope by degrees. Later it can be quite slack, and then lead the animal outside. After getting used to the stick, get about a gallon camp kettle or lard can, put a few rocks in it and fasten to the tail in place of the stick. It is best to tighten the foot rope when this is first put on. In a short time the animal will not mind it and allow it to come between the legs and not scare at it when the foot is free. It is a good plan to change to the other foot occasionally. This makes the horse easy and safe to groom, harness, hitch up or shoe. It is best to have an open stable or wide double stall, with a heavy pole, so that the animal cannot crowd you when excited. With the Rarey plan of tying up the forefoot, the animal is liable to get so sullen and terribly excited that it hardly sees what it is doing. Another plan for taming a horse is to tie his head and tail together and make him run around till he gets dizzy, and then rub him with a pole, but this does not gentle the hind end as well as by the hind foot plan, which can be tried without wetting a hair or exhausting the horse in any way. A few days of this treatment will do more in gentling a horse than weeks in the ordinary way. I have let a horse stand in the stable overnight with the rope on his foot, not too tight, and a stick or bucket on his tail. He will soon learn that by putting his head down he gets more liberty for his foot. Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, March 21, 1903, page 181 METHODS OF GENTLING HORSES.
Mr. W. C. Myer, living near Ashland, is a great horse fancier, and a
breeder of blooded stock. The gentleman is an enthusiastic advocate of
kindness toward the dumb animal.In the Breeder's Gazette of February 25th, Mr. Myer, after telling of several dangerous and inhuman methods of gentling horses, gives the methods which he has adopted, and as there is at the present time considerable interest manifest in the horse throughout the Rogue River Valley, we print below excerpts from Mr. Myer's letter: My plan is as follows: It is not advisable to put a halter on a young colt or a three- or four-year-old that has never been haltered and tied up; that is, to put a halter on and immediately tie him to some strong solid place (especially a tree or post he can run around and hang himself on), as he is sure to pull back, wrench the neck or kill himself outright. For this have a strong leather headstall with about twenty-five feet of three-quarter-inch cotton rope (this is more pleasant to handle), put one end of this around the girth place, tie a bowline knot which will not slip. Do not make the rope around the body too tight. Pass the rope between the forelegs, through the halter ring to the manger or feed trough, and back to the halter ring and tie; do not give too much play or slack. Another way of teaching the horse to stand and not pull back is to take the rope and double it up that one end will be about ten feet longer than the other; tie a knot on the doubled rope so that this double knot when put on the horse will come over his rump and down about where the breeching works, and the knot on the back about the center; take rope on each side of the neck and tie pretty close up to the breast. Take one end through the halter ring to manger, once back to the halter ring and fasten. After they have tightened a few times on the rope and found it is there, take a sack and move it about the shoulders and body and about the head, not too roughly at first; they will soon quit pulling. Do this with both ways of putting on the rope. This done a few times, they are not likely to pull back afterward. Putting the rope on the hind foot is thus effected: Have a strong leather strap one and one quarter inches wide (with buckle and two-inch ring), long enough to go around the hind pastern. Pass the end of the rope around the neck at the collar place, tie a bowline snugly, pass the rope down on the off side and through the ring on the foot-strap and up through the collar on the neck; draw this and fasten so the foot when down will be about halfway between its right place and that of the forefoot. Let the animal try itself a short time, then begin to handle or touch the quarters and legs not confined with the hand or light short stick gently. If quite restless, draw up the foot some more. Be quiet in the manipulations so as not unnecessarily to excite the animal. Have a rope and draw it about the ramp between the hind legs around the body at the flank gently, so the horse will get used to being touched in different places. Fasten a one and one-half ring well up in the tail. Get a round stick about one and one-half inches in diameter, eighteen inches long; fasten a rope or strap in the center with a snap on end, which, when snapped in the ring in the tail, will make the stick when down hit about the hocks. This is where the singletree comes at work and will not scare. After they stand quietly with this for some time, slacken the foot rope by degrees; later it can be quite slack, and lead the animal outside. After getting used to the stick, get about a gallon camp kettle or lard can, put a few rocks in it, and fasten to the tail in place of the stick. It is best to tighten the foot rope when this is first put on; in a short time the animal will not mind it, and allow it to come between the legs and not scare at it when foot is free. It is a good plan to change to the other foot occasionally. This makes the horse easy and safe to groom, harness, hitch up or shoe. It is best to have an open stable or wide double stall, with a heavy pole, so the animal cannot crowd you when excited. With the Rarey plan of tying up the forefoot, the animal is liable to get sullen and terribly excited that it hardly sees what it is doing. Another plan for taming a horse is to tie his head and tail together, and make him run around till he gets dizzy, and then rub him with a pole, but this does not gentle the hind end as well as by the hind foot plan, which can be tried without wetting a hair or exhausting the horse in any way. A few days of this treatment will do more in gentling a horse than weeks in the ordinary way. I have let a horse stand in the stable overnight with the rope on his foot, not too tight, and stick or bucket on his tail. He will soon learn that by putting his head down he gets more liberty for his foot. Jackson Co., Ore. W.C. MYER. Medford Mail, April 3, 1903, page 1 PIONEER OF 1853 DEAD.
ASHLAND, Or., May 21.--(Special.)--W. C. Myer, an Oregon pioneer of
1853, and one of the best-known importers and breeders of fine stock in
Oregon, died here this afternoon, after a severe illness growing out of
the grippe. He was 86 years of age.W. C. Myer, Who Was Also Well Known as a Breeder of Stock. Mr. Myer first settled in Jackson County, near Ashland, in September, 1853, coming across the plains from Iowa by ox team with his wife, who died a number of years ago, and numerous members of the Myer family, who all settled in this valley. Engaging in the stock business, he began, in 1863, the importation of fine horses from the East. His first importation of Lionheart horses was followed in succeeding years by full-blooded Percherons, Shetland ponies and Jersey cattle, until he became famed throughout the Northwest in these lines. Fine stock bred from Mr. Myer's importations found its way from British Columbia at the north to Southern California in the south, and he came to be recognized as a benefactor to the stock interests of the Coast. He also earned the distinction of being the first to introduce gang plows, improved headers and other labor-saving farm machinery in the Rogue River Valley. He had maintained his active life until within a few weeks of the time he was stricken with the grippe, and, although advanced in years, he was still possessed of great vitality, battling for weeks with the grim reaper. Mr. Myer was a native of Jefferson County, Ohio. Although for a great many years prominent in every movement for the advancement of the material interests of the state and the county, he never held public office. He is survived by one daughter, Frances, wife of G. F. Billings, of Ashland, and one son, William, of Ashland. Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 22, 1903, page 4 Death of a Well-Known Pioneer.
W. C. Myer, one of our earliest pioneers, died at Ashland Thursday,
aged 86 years. He first settled in Jackson County, near Ashland, in
September, 1863, coming across the plains from Iowa by ox team with his
wife, who died a number of years ago. Engaging in the stock business he
began, in 1865, the importation of fine horses from the East. His first
importation of Lionhart horses was followed by Percherons, Shetland
ponies and Jersey cattle, until he became famed throughout the Coast in
these lines. Mr. M. also earned the distinction of being the first to
introduce gang plows, improved headers and other labor-saving farm
machinery in the Rogue River Valley. He had maintained his active life
until within a few weeks of the time he was stricken with the grip. Mr.
Myer was a native of Jefferson County, Ohio. He is survived by one
daughter, Frances, wife of G. F. Billings of Ashland, and one son,
William.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 27, 1903, page 1 W. C. Myer, one of the oldest and most respected pioneers of Southern Oregon, died at his home near Ashland on May 21st, aged 85 years. Mr. Myer was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, and came to Oregon in 1853. As an importer of blooded stock Mr. Myer was best known, it having been he who first introduced the Percheron and Lionheart stock of horses, and Shetland ponies into Oregon, in the early '70s, and he also was the first importer and breeder of pureblood Jersey cattle. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 29, 1903, page 7 WILLIAM MYER. Occupying a place of prominence among the native-born citizens of Jackson County is William Myer, of Ashland, whose birth occurred August 15, 1857, on the parental donation claim, about three miles north of this city. He has succeeded to the business of his father, the late William C. Myer, who, for nearly half a century, was one of the foremost agriculturists and stockmen of this part of the state, having an extended reputation, and being a trustworthy authority on all questions relating to the breeding of fine horses. A close student of all things pertaining to his special line of industry, progressive and enterprising, he did more than any other one man to improve the blooded stock of the county, being the first to import thoroughbred Percheron horses and Jersey cattle. Nathaniel Myer, Mr. Myer's paternal grandfather, was born and reared in Lancaster County, Pa., being a millwright and surveyor by trade. He later settled in Jefferson County, Ohio, from there removing to Van Buren County, Iowa, where he cleared and improved a farm. In 1853, with his wife and numerous members of the Myer family, he came to Oregon, locating in Jackson County. Taking up a donation claim near Ashland, he resided here until his death, January 13, 1870, at the advanced age of four score and one years. His wife, whose maiden name was Mona Ridinger, survived him, dying April 25, 1882, at the age of ninety years. Of their union the following children were born, and all came to Oregon with their parents in 1853: William Cortez, father of William Myer; Benjamin F., who died in Ashland, Jackson County, in 1896; Mrs. Eli K. Anderson, living near Talent, this county; Mrs. Fowler, who died in Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. John P. Walker, residing near Ashland; Mrs. A. G. Rockfellow, of San Diego, Cal., and Mrs. Sarada M. Scott, of Pennsylvania. Born in Jefferson County, Ohio, April 22, 1818, William Cortez Myer was a pioneer settler of Jackson County, and died in Ashland, May 21, 1903. With his parents, he removed to Iowa in 1843, and ten years later, with his own and his father's family, he crossed the plains to Oregon, arriving in the Rogue River Valley September 3, 1853. Very soon afterward he took up land near Ashland and embarked in agricultural pursuits. Having a large range, he made a specialty of stock-raising, being particularly interested in the raising of horses. In 1865, going back to Ohio, he bought the noted horse Captain Sligart, which he placed at the head of his herd. Deciding to again take up his residence in the Middle West he took two hundred head of horses across the plains, going by the southern route, and being five months on the road. Locating in Franklin County, Kans., six miles from Ottawa, he sold his horses and engaged in farming. A year later, not pleased with that country or climate, he came again to Oregon, settling on land that he had previously purchased, about one mile from Ashland. As interested as ever in the breeding of good stock, he brought with him four full-blooded Percheron horses, the first introduced on the Pacific coast, namely: White Prince, Doll, Maggie and Perche. Establishing a successful stock business, he soon found it necessary to add to his stock on hand, and again went east, returning in 1872 with Napoleon, a superb Percheron stallion, four Jerseys, the first brought to Oregon, and some Cotswold sheep for J. P. Walker, the first brought into Jackson County, and a few Durham cattle for E. F. Walker. In 1876 he brought from Wisconsin a Percheron stallion, Pride Perch, and General Fleury and two mares, White Rose and Jennie. In 1883 he again added imported horses to his herd, buying the fine stallion Gambetta, and a noted Shetland stallion, King Kole. In the breeding of a superior grade of horses and ponies he was one of the foremost in the state, making large shipments from his ranch to all the important points of the great Northwest. As an agriculturist he employed all modern methods, being the first in the valley to use a gang plow, an improved Haines header, and the screw pulverizer. In his efforts to have a pottery established in Ashland he was the first to attempt to make use of the kaolin beds of this locality. In his various importations of cattle and horses, Mr. Myer had some very noted animals, which attracted much attention, and will long be remembered. Among the finest of these imported to Oregon in 1878 was an Arabian Percheron, named Arabian Boy, which was sired by the Jenifer Arabian, imported from Arabia by Colonel Jenifer, an American officer in the Egyptian cavalry, and a handsome filly, Juanita, raised by Colon Cameron, of Pennsylvania. April 3, 1849, in Ohio, where he returned from Iowa for his bride, William C. Myer married Elizabeth Nessley, who was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, June 17, 1820, and died in Ashland, Ore., November 6, 1887. Two children were born of their union, namely: Frances M., a native of Iowa, the wife of G. F. Billings, of Ashland; and William, the special subject of this sketch. Politically Mr. Myer was a staunch Republican, and religiously he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Brought up on the homestead, William Myer obtained a practical education in the public schools, and in the old Ashland Academy. Endowed by nature with mechanical ability, he has always been interested in machinery, and has shown considerable aptitude for mechanical pursuits. From early manhood he assisted his father in his agricultural industries, later assuming the entire charge of the home farm, which originally comprised four hundred and sixty acres. Twenty-five acres of this land has been laid out as the W. C. Myer addition to the city of Ashland, and Mr. Myer now owns three hundred and two acres. He carries on general farming most successfully, raising large quantities of hay, and continuing the stock business established by his father, his Jersey cattle, Percheron horses and Shetland ponies being celebrated throughout the county and state. September 27, 1893, in Ashland, Mr. Myer married Annie L. Gall, who was born in Sams Valley, Jackson County, a daughter of C. C. and Sarah J. (Pankey) Gall, the former a pioneer ranchman of that locality, who crossed the plains from Iowa in 1852, settled in Jackson County and subsequently served in the Rogue River Indian War. Mr. and Mrs. Myer are the parents of two children, namely: Cedric Nessley and Frances Bernice. True to the political faith in which he was reared, Mr. Myer is a straightforward Republican. Fraternally he belongs to Ashland Lodge No. 45, I.O.O.F., and to the Woodmen of the World. Mrs. Myer is a member of Elizabeth Applegate Cabin, Native Daughters of Oregon, and both Mr. and Mrs. Myer are members of Acorn Circle No. 54, Women of Woodcraft, of Ashland. In 1903 they removed to their beautiful residence on High Street in Ashland. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, pages 676-677 IN EARLIER DAYS
For nearly fifty years W. C. Myer was engaged in the dairy industry
in Ashland. Some years ago I visited his ranch, which is a mile and a
half from Ashland.By Fred Lockley "Oregon can thank me for the introduction of purebred Percheron horses and also for the introduction of the foundation of many of our best Jersey herds in the state," said Mr. Myer. "I came here in 1853. In those days the Jacksonville mines and the mines in Northern California were booming. There was constant travel between Oregon and the California mines, as there was a big demand at good prices for all the butter that I could produce. You will know that our trade was good when I tell you that we milked 70 cows. In those days we kept shorthorn and Devon stock. "In 1870 we went back to Illinois to look up the matter of purchasing some Percheron horses. While on this trip I visited a farm where they had some pure-blood Jerseys, but they looked so small compared to the cows I had been used to that I decided not to buy any. "I went back east the next year, going to St. Louis. I visited at the farm of T. J. Clark, a breeder of Percheron horses. Mr. Clark made my visit very pleasant and did all he could for me because I had come from Oregon. " 'I always feel like doing everything I can for anyone from Oregon,' he said to me, 'because my father was one of the first white men that ever visited your state. He, with Lewis, was in command of the Lewis and Clark expedition which President Jefferson sent out in 1804 to explore that territory.' "Mr. Clark went with me to select a Jersey cow, which I decided to ship back to Oregon. I bought a Jersey cow and calf and also a fawn-colored Jersey heifer. I named the heifer 'Gracie of Ashland.' I never have seen a Jersey give as much rich milk as hers. I have often filled a glass tube eight inches high with her milk and had three inches of cream rise on the milk. "Senator Nesmith was very much interested in purebred stock, so I let him have Gracie of Ashland. She had twin calves when Senator Nesmith exhibited her at the Oregon state fair. She won the blue ribbon. The regulations governing the exhibition of a herd of Jerseys for a prize required the exhibition of four cows and one bull owned by the exhibitor. "In 1883 there was no one in Oregon who had a herd of registered J.C.C.H. Jerseys. I went east and purchased six fawn-colored Jerseys, paying as high as $450 apiece for them. It was from this lot that Dave Looney and also Charles Miller started their herds. In 1885, J. T. Apperson of Oregon City exhibited a herd of A.J.C. Jerseys which took the blue ribbon. Mr. Looney, of Jefferson, was very anxious to be in the blue ribbon class, so he came down to Ashland and secured from me a number of my best A.J.C. Jerseys, and with these animals he won the prize next year. "The first Percherons that were brought to Oregon, to my knowledge, were two that I brought here in 1870. I secured them in Iowa and shipped them to Marysville, Cal., by rail. From there I drove them to Ashland. White Prince was the name of the first stallion I brought to Oregon. Four years later I brought four more thoroughbred Percherons, two stallions and two mares. "If you are interested in events of early days, it will be of interest to you to learn that the first yearlings ever driven on the state fair track were two yearling colts of mine, and that Governor A. C. Gibbs was in the rig on that occasion." Oregon Journal, Portland, May 5, 1913, page 7 Mrs. S. T. Hodges visited her father, Judge C. C. Gall, in Ashland, on Monday. The Judge, who has been seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Myer, is happily convalescent. His many friends here are anxiously awaiting a visit from Judge Gall, whose illness caused them much concern. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, January 10, 1914, page 3 Miss Millie Hodges returned Tuesday morning from Ashland, where she attended her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Myer, who has been critically ill during the past fortnight. Local friends will rejoice to learn that Mrs. Myer is fast recovering. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, November 21, 1914, page 3 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
When in
Ashland recently I interviewed William Myer, one of the pioneer
residents of Jackson County.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I was born three miles north of Ashland on August 13, 1857," said Mr. Myer. "My father, William Cortez Myer, was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, on April 22, 1818. My mother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Nessly, was also born in Ohio, on June 17, 1820. Father and Mother were married on April 3, 1849. Father and Mother went for their wedding journey to Iowa, where they settled and remained till the spring of 1853. Father and Mother had three children. Their first child, a boy, died before they started across the plains. My sister Frances was born in Iowa on November 22, 1852. She was about 6 months old when they started across the plains. I was the third child and was born here in Jackson County. My sister Frances married G. F. Billings of this city. My people came to Oregon by way of the southern route, arriving in the Rogue River Valley on September 3, 1853. They left Farmington township in Iowa on March 21, 1853. "The members of our immediate family were my grandfather Nathaniel Myer, my father and mother, their boy Cortez and my baby sister Frances. My grandfather had with him his wife and two daughters, Elizabeth, who later married E. K. Anderson of Talent, and Sarah who married A. G. Rockfellow of Talent. My father's brother Franklin Myer, his wife and their two sons and a daughter were also members of the train as was also my father's sister, Temperance Myer Gass. She was a widow at the time and had with her her son and four daughters. My Aunt Temperance later married W. W. Fowler, the first alcalde of Jacksonville. "I suppose there never was a wagon train that came across the plains without friction. Frequently the wagon trains broke up into several smaller trains. On July 29 a controversy occurred in the wagon train of which my parents were members. Fruit Walker had hired a man named Johns to drive one of his teams. Johns resented Walker's telling him what to do. This led to constant friction, so on July 29 Johns attacked Walker with a large knife. Walker was unarmed, but he overpowered Johns and took the knife away from him. Johns drew an old-fashioned pepperbox revolver from his hip pocket and shot Walker twice, one bullet entering Walker's groin. Walker died at sunrise, two days later. They buried him on a rocky knoll eight miles west of Ripple Creek. They piled stones over the grave so the coyotes would not dig up his body. Fruit Walker left a widow and a small child. The widow married Fruit's brother, John P. Walker. "The second house the members of the wagon train came to as they came up the valley was the home of Isaac Hill. Mr. Hill's daughter, Mrs. Russell, now over 90 years old, still lives in Ashland. The next house was the Asa Fordyce place on Emigrant Creek, just about where the Klamath Falls road comes into the Ashland road. Mr. Fordyce had been shot by the Indians a few days before their arrival. He had two bullet wounds and one wound from an arrow. In this same skirmish Hugh Smith had been killed and one of his men wounded. "My grandfather, Nathaniel Myer, took up a 320-acre claim 10 miles east of Jacksonville. My father and mother took up a claim adjoining theirs and my uncle, Benjamin Franklin Myer, and his wife took up 320 acres adjoining my father's. Mrs. Fruit Walker also took up a place nearby. She had to make the regular declaration made by a woman who had become a widow while on the road to Oregon, to secure a home in Oregon Territory. Among the questions to be answered was the object her husband had in view in emigrating to Oregon. She had to also give full particulars attending his death, when and how he died, how many days' travel from the states they were when his death occurred, the number and names of her children, and the time when she entered Oregon west of the Cascade Mountains, and this declaration had to be sustained by witnesses under oath. "In 1865 my father went East and purchased a stallion to breed up his herd of horses. In 1869, when I was nearly 12 years old, Father sold our place and we started for Kansas with a band of 200 horses to sell. Father had seven hired men to help drive the horses, and I also took a man's place in standing guard and driving the stock. We drove our band of horses to Ottawa, Kan. We sold them at auction between Christmas and New Year's. The farmers in Kansas didn't have much cash, so Father took notes. Father turned the notes over to a lawyer for collection. The lawyer collected most of the notes but kept the money. He had nothing to attach and was judgment-proof. He acknowledged the debt and was willing to give a note for it, but his note was of no value. Father stayed around Kansas for nearly a year, but he never got any money from that lawyer, so he gave it up as a bad job and we came back to Oregon. "Father purchased White Prince, a Percheron stallion, and Doll, Maggie and Perchy, three Percheron mares, and we came back to Jackson County. When we came back Father bought a place consisting of 180 acres, on the edge of town. Part of it was cleared and part in brush. Part of the residence section at Ashland is now located on our farm. The people who attended the Fourth of July celebration in Portland in 1876 will remember White Prince and White Rose, our big Percheron horses, hitched to the Albany fire engine in the Fourth of July parade. Father sold his blooded stock all up and down the coast, from Southern California to British Columbia. He shipped horses and Jerseys to Montana, Washington, Idaho and elsewhere. Father brought in the first gang plow used in the Rogue River Valley, also the first Haines header, the first screw pulverizer and the first fork operated by horsepower for hoisting and stacking hay. "I attended Ashland academy under Professor J. H. Skidmore. Father put up the money for building the academy. They were unable to pay, so the mortgage was foreclosed. Later the Methodist church bought the academy from Father. Rev. Royal ran it for a while. Later it was used for a high school. "I was married on September 27, 1893, to Annie L. Gall. Our son, William Cedric, is a fireman for the Southern Pacific Company and lives at Klamath Falls. Our daughter, Bernice, married Arthur Hicks, an instructor in the University of Oregon. My father-in-law, Christopher Columbus Gall, settled at Salem, Or., in 1851. In 1852 he moved to Galls Creek, north of Gold Hill." Oregon Journal, Portland, April 25, 1928, page 8 "I remember many years ago reading an article you wrote about Cort Myer. Everyone called him Cort Myer, but his name was W. C. Myer. He had the first Percheron horses brought to Southern Oregon and also some very fine blooded Jerseys as well as Shetland ponies." It was while I [Fred Lockley] was field editor of the Pacific Homestead, 30 years or more ago, that I interviewed W. C. Myer of Ashland. He was born in Ohio in 1818. His wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Nessly, was also born in Ohio. They were married the year of the great gold rush to California--1849. He crossed the plains to Southern Oregon in 1853. In 1865 he went East and brought out the first of a line of horses that became famous in Southern Oregon. He brought his first Percherons to Southern Oregon in 1870, and in 1872 he again made a trip, bringing back a Percheron stallion and some purebred Jersey cattle. He made trips to the East every few years, bringing out blooded horses, cattle and Cotswold sheep. He sold his horses not only all over Southern Oregon but throughout the entire Northwest. His daughter Frances married Mr. Billings, one of the pioneer residents of Ashland. Interview with John J. Murphy. Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, November 11, 1930, page 10 William Myer Pioneer in Breeding Fine Livestock
One of the pioneers to settle in the Ashland area was a native Ohioan,
William Cortez Myer, who was one of the first producers of grain in the
Rogue River Valley and who became famous for his breeding of fine
cattle and horses. Ralph and Homer Billings of Ashland are grandsons of
this pioneer.
Mr. Myer was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, April 22, 1818. The family moved to Iowa in 1843, and in 1849 he married Elizabeth Nessly, whose home was in Port Huron, Ohio. The pioneers started for Oregon with the Myer emigrant train, which consisted besides themselves and their daughter his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Myer; his brother Franklin, wife and son, a widowed sister with three children, and two sisters. Several hired men also made the trip. The train consisted of a light wagon drawn by horses for the older folks to ride in; 100 oxen to pull the heavy wagons and a large herd of stock cattle and saddle horses. The season before leaving Iowa Mrs. Myer spent some time in gathering seeds and cuttings for her first home orchard in Oregon. Her collection included apple, peach, black walnut, pear, plum and even peony roots and Concord grapes, some of which are still in existence. The wagon train reached the Rogue River Valley early in September of 1853, having been en route from Iowa nearly six months. The first few years in Oregon were devoted largely to grain raising and dairying. In the summer season, Mr. Myer and his brother Franklin would milk as many as 70 cows, mostly Durham and Devons, making butter and cheese which was sold to the miners of Jacksonville and Yreka for as much as $1 a pound. It was as a stock grower, importer and breeder of fine horses and cattle that Mr. Myer gained a name and fame throughout the Pacific Slope. He exhibited some of his horses at the Northern California district fair as early as 1866 and at the Oregon state fair. The first imported stallion was "Capt. Sligart," a general purpose breed from the East. Later, after a brief residence in Kansas, he returned in 1870 with the registered Percherons White Prince, Doll, Maggie and Perche. So successful was he with this importation that he returned to the East and brought out another stallion, Napoleon. While on this trip he purchased the first family of registered Jersey cattle to come to the Northwest, one bull and two young cows. To meet the demands coming to him throughout the West, stock Percherons, Jerseys and Shetland ponies were brought from the East and even France. Among these were the stallions Arabian Boy for the horses and Rampo, Duke and Aguinaldo with Muriel Clermont and Stella Whiting for the Jerseys. Mr. and Mrs. Myer were two of the 14 charter members of the Ashland Methodist church as well as supporters of the Ashland Academy. He is given credit for having the first gang plow, header and screw pulverizer in this section. He established some of the earliest irrigation systems and was a grower of alfalfa, timothy and red clover. Mr. Myer's activities were not all centered in cattle and horses, for he brought in the first Maltese cats, collie and Scotch terrier dogs and Wyandotte chickens. For years he read the Oregonian, Breeders' Gazette, the Ashland Tidings and the Christian Advocate. Possessed of an intensely active mind, with an industrious disposition, he was ever occupied throughout his long life in work that made for the betterment of his country and fellow man. During May, 1903, Mr. Myer passed away. Later the farm was divided. His son, William, who had been in charge for several years, took the north part, which included most of the farms and pasture, and his daughter, Mrs. G. F. Billings, took the south portion where Ralph Billings now resides. Ashland Tidings, September 24, 1952, page 7 |