![]() ![]() Springs Search the Eagle Point Eaglets
for news about springs on the Upper Rogue.
"When my mother married Father [around 1860] she was a widow with one son. Father took down the house and moved it to what is known as Wagner's Soda Springs, 11 miles south of Ashland on the old California-Oregon stage road. Father and Mother ran a hotel there, and this hotel was used as a stage station, and later our place became a well-known summer resort. My father purchased 1000 acres of land at $1.25 an acre. They ran this hotel and resort nine years. I was only a year old when we moved there, in the fall of 1864. Father died in 1874 and Mother leased the place." Lilly Caldwell Blackwood, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, August 18, 1933, page 8 Called on Judge Tolman, and were entertained by his estimable lady, who was kind enough to chaperone us through the medical bath-rooms, where waters from the caloric springs in the vicinity flow into the cisterns in quantity sufficient for the convalescence of all the afflicted of this region. Of a tepid temperature, the water is just right for baths; their medical properties have been proved and acknowledged. The Judge would confer a favor by throwing them open for public use, or renting them out to some professional Teuton, who is entrusted with the ropes d'eau seltzer. To be on the safe side, we drink a few quarts of this water to wet down the dust and counteract the effect of the sirocco blasts of yesterday. After seeing the points of the Judge's beautiful farm (which, by the way, is quite a little principality, well appointed, furnished and governed, and he is a whole-souled monarch--long may he reign and survey!) we unroll the calico transports from their moorings, near the residence of the "contraband" aforesaid, and get under way again. "Rough Sketches of a Few Days in the Mountains," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 10, 1861, page 2 ROADS.--The citizens of Table Rock valley have constructed a good substantial wagon road from Chavner's free bridge to Sams Creek. Those wishing to visit the White Sulphur Springs in that vicinity will now find it a pleasant drive. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 28, 1863, page 2 SALT SPRING.--We are informed that Mr. W. W. Brown has discovered a salt spring on the northeast fork of Evans Creek. Mr. Brown has had, in the eastern states, considerable practice in the manufacture of salt. He tested the water of the spring, and found it so strongly impregnated that it required but comparatively little labor to make several hundred pounds of superior salt. We understand that Mr. Brown intends to put such works as will enable him to manufacture all the salt required for this part of Oregon. The success of such an enterprise will save thousands of dollars in Southern Oregon. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 5, 1863, page 7 UNION SALT WORKS.--The Union will soon be saved, if salt will do any good. Messrs. Fuller & Co. have established salt works at a salt spring upon Evans Creek in this county, and are rapidly making (for the number of kettles they have) a very fine article of salt. A sack may be seen at the store of Fisher & Bro. We are glad to chronicle such evidences of the valuable resources of our county. Let the country be more thoroughly prospected every year, and untold riches will be brought to light. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 26, 1864, page 7 By advertisement in today's paper it will be seen that a Fourth of July ball will be given at Soda Springs, in the upper part of the valley. Oregon
Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 10, 1865, page
HOME PRODUCTS.--We examined an article of salt, the past week, from the "Evans Creek Salt Works," in this county, and as far as we are able to judge, it is as nice as any shipped from below. It is very white and fine. Love & Bilger are agents for the company, and all who desire to examine the article can do so by calling at their store. Oregon
Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 22, 1865, page
[At the state fair] Next to those was a sack of Oregon-made salt by
Brown & Fuller, of the Jackson Salt Works. We presumed the
works are located at Jacksonville, but the card attached gave me no
information, and I could find neither Brown, Fuller or the
superintendent of whom to seek enlightenment.
Salem Letter," Morning
Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1866, page 2SODA SPRINGS.--These springs are distant from Jacksonville about twenty-five miles, in a southeastern direction. Dr. Caldwell has located at this point, and erected a hotel building which makes no pretensions to grandeur or magnificence, but when finished will be neat, commodious and comfortable. The Doctor and his lady set a good table and render every courtesy and attention to guests. The springs are becoming quite a place of resort in the summer season. Pleasure parties to this locality are frequent, but a still greater number of humanity's ailing ones visit the springs for the benefits derived from drinking the mineral waters, which are in a manner similar to the celebrated springs of Seltzer, Spa and Pyrmont in Europe--containing the carbonates of lime, magnesia and iron. We believe, however, that the salutary effects of a sojourn at this spot are as much due to the pure invigorating atmosphere, the cool breezes that are ever whispering among the treetops, and the general feeling of quiet and serenity that pervades it, as to the use of the mineral waters. It is well up in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains, off the main line of travel, and away from the bustle of business and toiling crowds, where the nerves may steady down and gain a more healthful tone--the pulse is not stirred so wickedly by the fashions and foibles of conventionality and the worry and vexations of business. Soda Springs is not an extraordinarily romantic or grand locality; in good truth there are many places in this county that can boast more enchantments as regards attractive scenery, but after all, one who feels worried down like a spent hound would find health and pleasure in drinking the soda water, loitering idly over the smooth, rolling slopes of the hills and among the gray, grim crags, or trouting in the waters of Emigrant Creek that lie in pools and eddies or bubble and foam swift over the stones and among the tangled roots, or in lying hour by hour under the trees, building air castles and dreaming out long vagaries, and returning always with a sharpened appetite. The road leading from the Jacksonville and Yreka road is poor enough at the best, but is made unnecessarily worse along up Emigrant Creek, by the encroachments of some settlers who have recently squatted upon the bench land along the creek, fenced up the road as it formerly ran and crowded it down to the edge of the channel, among the ruts and stones. This is a legalized county road, and the county survey calls for sixty feet in width along the middle of the flat, and to which the settlers above, and those generally who travel the road, are entitled and could claim if they chose to be obstinate. The settlers should of their own accord have grace of God and public spirit enough to leave at least twenty-five feet on the margin of the flat, next the creek, over which a good, safe road could be made at a much less outlay of labor by that road district, and which would be serviceable at all seasons of the year. Soda Springs is in a measure becoming a county institution, and it is due to the people generally that the road thereto be made as safe as possible, and not unnecessarily obstructed. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 18, 1867, page 2 Speaking of the manufacture of salt in this state, the correspondent of the San Francisco Bulletin gives the following statement. He might have added that there are salt springs in Jackson County from which about ten thousand pounds of a very superior article of salt is produced annually. "Oregon Salt," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 1, 1867, page 1 WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS.--From Mr. John Love, who visited them last week, we learn something of the White Sulphur Springs, the mere existence of which we had heard of before. This spring gushes out of the mountain to the west of Sams Valley, about eight miles from Rock Point and twenty from Jacksonville. The spring comes out of the mountainside but a short distance from the base, and affords a stream of water which Mr. L. thinks would fill about a ½-inch pipe. The hill is beautifully terraced and the surrounding scenery is magnificent. The water is very strongly impregnated with sulphur yet very pleasant to drink. This property is not owned by anyone yet, it being on government land. To one with a small capital, who would improve the place, a fine opportunity is offered for making money, as it could not fail of becoming a place of fashionable resort. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 6, 1867, page 2 "SODA
about ten miles southeast of Ashland, on Emigrant Creek. This spring is
an object of interest, and a source of health and pleasure. It belongs
to Dr. Caldwell, who is well prepared to accommodate visitors, health
and pleasure seekers. The spring is very clear, and sparkles with
myriads of little globules bubbling from the fountain. The water is
strongly tinctured with soda, and has a pleasant flavor, and is said to
contain valuable medicinal properties. We found several invalids there,
drinking its waters. Quite a number of persons go there now, in summer,
and the time is not far off when this will be a fashionable resort.P. W. Gillette, "Letters from the Interior of the State," Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 16, 1867, page 2 BOILING SPRINGS.--On the quarter section located by Dr. Greenman, in Goose Lake Valley, there are springs so hot that they will boil an egg in three minutes. The Dr. says they are strongly impregnated with sulfur. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 20, 1869, page 2
are credibly informed that one of the greatest successes of last week
was a social picnic at a soda spring on Carter Creek, at the upper end
of the valley. A party of young ladies and gentlemen from Ashland, who
delight in healthy and pleasant recreation, were the participants.
During the ramblings of the party amid the green valleys of the
Siskiyous, they had a near and interesting view of Pilot Rock.
Notes by the Way.
By way of rusticating, we took a horseback ride up the valley. Passing
through Phoenix, its former dilapidated appearance presented some
cheering signs of rising from the ashes; as we noticed a commodious
building going up and a brick store repairing and fitting up. We
learned that the building is to be used for a flouring mill under the
auspices of Mr. Wimer, who owns and has in operation in the place one
of the best flouring establishments in the valley; whose energy and
enterprise goes far towards keeping the business of the place up. In a
new store, a stock of goods will be opened soon by our wealthy
townsman, Mr. T. G. Reames, who promises to accommodate the public with
good bargains, on the principle of "quick sales and small profits."
Thomas' well-known habits of fair and square dealing may well ensure
him the patronage of the community.
A short hour's ride brought us to the Hot Sulphur Springs on the roadside about two miles below Ashland. Here we found a bath house and tub, improvised by the kind owner for the use of those visiting, or rather stopping, on the wayside, as no resort has yet been induced to its waters; the open accommodations were indulged in to our delightful refreshment. These waters are insufficiently warm to be comfortable and bracing to the system, and will doubtless one day be a favorite resort. As to the mineral properties of the water, sulphur seems to be the base, and if the alkaline properties are not too strong, it may serve as a valuable tonic; but certainly for bathing purposes it is truly delightful. Ashland presents the appearance of a live, neat little mountain town, with marks of thrift and enterprise on every hand. The many well-improved farms and beautiful residences along on the road above the town bespeak the taste and energy of the inhabitants. This is truly a desirable portion of the valley; the beautiful running streams and wooded hill slopes that shut it in closely on both sides blend the beautiful in nature with a truly romantic aspect. Leaving the main stage road just below the Mountain House, a ride of three miles drew us up at the [Wagner] Soda Springs Hotel, kept by Dr. M. Caldwell for a watering resort and wayside hotel. Here we were so struck with the immediate refreshing effects of the sparkling and effervescing waters of this remarkable spring, we concluded to stop a few days--not that we were "tormentingly unhealthy"--but just to keep from getting in that unpleasant fix. These waters are certainly of the rarest quality; boiling up through a rock fissure, they send forth a strong fountainhead, equal in taste and far superior in effect to any artificial soda fountain; after drinking a few drafts one becomes quite fond of it and craves it as the most favorite beverages. We learn that it has proved as near a panacea for disease as any mineral water ever found. We feel assured that the debilitated would run no risk in trying it, as we heard of many truthful instances of its efficacy--having reached almost hopeless cases, where artificial drugs had failed. The accommodations of the house are neat and comfortable, and the table well supplied with everything a reasonable epicurean could wish; besides, the proprietor is a thorough and skillful physician, whose services can be called to patients requiring medical attendance. We feel assured that as soon as the character of these waters are known that this will be one of the first watering places on the Coast. On our return we met many of our farmers and stock men who report this one of the most favored seasons for their interest. The fine stretch of flourishing grain fields and fat, lowing herds on green hillsides testified to our minds that we occupy a most desired spot, and all that we want to make it so is to call it make it our fixed home. We met the Hon. Jesse Applegate on his way to finish up the survey of the Klamath Basin. We also met our worthy County Surveyor, J. S. Howard, assisted by Mr. Wm. Turner, just going out on a surveying tour to sectionize the mountain country lying west of the road, which contains large belts of fine timber. The recent rush for timber lands has demanded the survey of this rough section of our county; and if the fervor on the land question rages as it has the past few months, these lands will soon find a market. And our people can congratulate themselves on this appreciation of our soil and timber, which is giving our material interest a true growth. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 29, 1871, page 2 For twenty-three miles south we followed the stage route through the lovely valley; thence four miles east to a lonely inn, kept by a quondam doctor of medicine [Dr. Matthew Caldwell of the Wagner Soda Springs Hotel], who still dispensed mineral waters to hypochondriac and ailing females from the neighboring town and hamlets. There were several mineral springs on the place, one of which was strongly impregnated with iron. Here we found the best of fare, and much we required it for the journey of the next day. "Letter from Col. David Taggart," Sunbury Gazette, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1871, page 1 POSTMASTERS APPOINTED: . . . Hot Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, Abram Tenbrook . . . "Post Office Changes," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, December 17, 1872, page 1 A letter from Hot Springs, Jackson County, says: "The winter here has been severe; the snow fell on the 1st of December, and the ground has not been bare since, and at this time the snow is from one to two feet deep all over the valley. Some stock, both cattle and sheep, have already died, and the prospects are that many more will die before warm weather comes, as feed is getting very scarce and the weather is cold and clear." "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, March 11, 1874, page 3 SODA SPRINGS.--This place is fast becoming the most popular summer resort in Southern Oregon, and the Soda Springs House, under the management of A. H. Russell and lady, afford the very best accommodations to guests. Persons in search of health or pleasure should visit them. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 16, 1876, page 3 The average Ashland hoodlum amuses himself by lying in ambush for the deer that daily come to the warm springs to drink the sulfur water, of which they are very fond. A great many are yearly slaughtered there during the warm weather. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, July 17, 1876, page 3 ANOTHER FINE MINERAL SPRING.--On the south fork of Evans Creek, in this county, near J. B. Thomas' sawmill, is one of the finest soda or mineral springs. Many invalids have for the past few years been using the water of this spring, and in every instance have received much benefit and in some cases complete relief. It is considered by persons who are acquainted with both, that this spring is similar to and contains equally as beneficial medicinal properties as the celebrated Bartlett Springs, in California. The spring is free to all who may desire to try its waters. "Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1876, page 3 A NEW WONDER.--Thanks for a ride with three entertaining companions, in Mr. Reeser's carriage on Monday evening, to the Murphy Soda Spring, only about 4 miles from Ashland. Some years ago we used to sip the sparkling chalybeate from the old spring near Mr. Murphy's house, but the new one which bursts forth in the bed of the creek only came to light a short time ago, through the caving of the bank, and is no small affair but an immense bubbling, effervescing fountain, far exceeding in volume anything we have ever seen in this line before. Be sure to go up and see and taste of this new wonder, and we assure you that the more you taste the "greater will your wonder grow." Ashland Tidings, August 17, 1877, page 3 SISKIYOU CINNABAR.
Oregonian, Portland,
August 27, 1877, page 3JACKSONVILLE,
Aug. 20, 1877.
OREGONIAN:Anyone who will travel forty miles southwest from Jacksonville in the summer season can find the original Garden of Eden and the spring which Ponce de Leon sought for so long a time, and which has the power to restore youth and vigor. This Garden of Eden is situated four or five thousand feet above the level of the sea in the Siskiyou Mountains at the cinnabar mine on Beaver Creek, and resembles the other one of old in the salubrity of its climate, the beauty of its scenery and the luxuriance of its vegetation. Whether it is an improvement on the original garden or not depends upon the temperament of the visitor. It has the serpent (with nine or ten rattles), but the Eve and the apple and the fig leaf are wanting. The reason why you must go in summer is because if you wait until winter you will have to walk on snowshoes. There is a trail leading to the mine from Jacksonville up Little Applegate Creek a few miles, then on by Little Beaver and on up by Squaw Creek, and still "Excelsior" by Chappel's spring and the Silver Fork (you see what camp furniture we have in the mountains) of Elliott's Creek to a low gap in the Siskiyous, from which Elliott Creek runs north into Oregon and Beaver Creek runs south into California, and from which you can see far down south and gaze upon Mt. Shasta from base to summit. You descend three miles and amidst gigantic sugar pines and tamarack and grass belly deep to your animal and you are on the enchanted ground. The cinnabar deposit is on a point running down from the "divide" spoken of above, and is between the Lick fork and the west fork of Beaver Creek. From underneath this hill or mountain, and on the side of the Lick fork bubble out the most delightful springs of soda and iron, two of soda at a distance of a mile or so apart, and one of iron. There is still another spring not quite so delightful, being strongly impregnated with sulfur, and going to show that the opposition establishment to our paradise may not be far off. It is impossible to imagine or describe the delights of drinking from these soda springs. The water bubbles continually, and it is just sufficiently pungent to make it pleasant, and it is so light that one can drink almost any quantity of it. Indeed, in drinking it "the appetite seems to grow by what it feeds upon." I was informed by an old hunter who camps in the neighborhood every summer that the deer come from a distance of twenty-five or thirty miles to drink this water, and any morning between daylight and sunrise you can see, by secreting yourself near the soda lick, from twenty to forty or fifty deer absolutely guzzling the nectar. They will wade the creek without drinking to get at it, and they drink till their little stomachs are swelled out like frogs. The tastes of your humble contributor may not be known, but I am fond of champagne in a goblet, and yet I would rather at any time have a quart or two of this soda water than a tumbler of Charles Heidsieck or Veuve Clicquot with ice. Whilst exploring for springs one was found which was nearly dry, not containing more than a cup full of water. Then it was that one of those wretches who infest society, an old joker, a sort of intellectual Bashi-bazouk, unimpressed by the grandeur that was about him, sillily and in bland accents remarks that he had often heard "that one swallow did not make a spring, but there was a case where one swallow would destroy a spring." The mountain men of the party looked at the perpetrator as if he had let his rifle go off by accident, and they moved on in contemptuous silence. The iron spring not at all unpalatable, and one can almost feel as he drinks it its life-giving and life-renewing qualities. This is the spring which has the most reputation medically, and indeed the cures which it has worked in some chronic cases are astonishing. It may perhaps be somewhat impregnated with mercury, as it comes right out from under the cinnabar. The whole of this cinnabar discovery is somewhat peculiar. Some years ago a tradition was floating around that the Indians had encamped somewhere and kindled a fire on some loose rocks, and that shortly afterward they lost their hair (without being scalped) and all their teeth. The story reached the ears of one of our most enterprising and persistent prospectors and miners, Mr. Henry Klippel. He did not like to acknowledge that he had been set in motion by such an airy nothing as this report until success had crowned his efforts. He succeeded in getting an Indian who would not go near the place for fear of the evil spirit that had so quickly "lifted the hair" of his brethren, but he described the locality. An examination of Beaver Creek showed float cinnabar, and for six years the search has been continued until at last the deposit has been found, and is of surpassing richness and in great abundance. A well-known miner came to grief in the claim as well as the Indians. He was a great smoker and carried his tobacco loose in his trousers pocket. When sinking a shaft some crumbs of ore must have got into his pocket and mingled in the tobacco, and when he lighted his pipe the mercury became volatilized by the heat, and he lost every tooth in his head. Some time since, 2,800 pounds of ore was shipped to Oakland in this state, where it was reduced in a large retort, and over 1,400 pounds of quicksilver was returned to the shippers. That was over 50 percent, and the ore is better now than it was then. A retort weighing 2,000 pounds is now on the ground and will be ready to go to work in two weeks. From the appearance of the ore on the dump and in the mine we predict a good return for the patience, time, labor and money which have been used in its development. BEVANS.
SULPHUR BATHS.--We learn that the warm sulphur baths near the Eagle Mills have been refitted and are now ready for the public at a nominal charge. The water is warm and pleasant, highly impregnated with sulphur, and said to be exceedingly healthful. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 29, 1879, page 3 SODA SPRINGS.--There is not in the whole [of] Southern Oregon a more delightful place of summer resort than the soda springs of Mr. Courtney above Ashland. The water is most beneficial to invalids, and has effected many cures. The water is strongly impregnated with soda and iron, is delightful to the taste and exceedingly appetizing. Ample provision is made for the accommodation of guests, and a visit there will be sure to be repeated, as the charges are very moderate. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 4, 1879, page 3 Soda Springs, on the road from Ashland to Linkville, is now a stage station, which is a great convenience to travelers. The host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, know how to make guests comfortable and set the best table in the country, making the "Springs" the most popular summer resort in this section. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 23, 1880, page 3 A PLACE FOR PLEASURE SEEKERS.--One of the best soda springs in Oregon is found near the ranch of M. Hanley on Little Butte Creek. The water is superior, the surrounding scenery grand, and fish and game plentiful, making the spot a desirable one for pleasure parties. The only drawback is the absence of a wagon road for a few miles; but an excellent trail leads directly to the spring. It is destined to become a prominent summer resort in time. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 13, 1880, page 3 There are a great many visitors at the McCallister Soda Springs. Two hundred and eighty-eight have visited it this summer. Mr. McCallister has been offered $6,000 (in property) for his claim on the spring, but refuses to take it. He asks $10,000 for it. "From Brownsboro," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1881, page 4 The Soda Springs House above Ashland, now kept by L. B. Tucker, is already crowded with guests although the weather has been such that summer resorts have hardly been thought of. It is a pleasant place for families to go during the hot spell. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 28, 1884, page 3 BUTTE CREEK SODA SPRINGS.--Attention is called to the advertisement, in another column, of S. McCallister, proprietor of these famous springs. Their health-restoring properties are said to be wonderful. As they are easy of access and accommodations are furnished at low rates, invalids or others looking for recreation should give the Butte Creek springs a trial. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1884, page 3 HEALTH-GIVING WATERS.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
July 25, 1884, page 2McCallister's Soda Springs, Situated on the North
Fork of
Butte Creek, 32 miles from Jacksonville, in a cool canyon near Mt.
McLoughlin, are a delightful resort
These waters are
highly medicinal, curing in a short time
and All Stomach Complaints,
Springs are easy of access,
and good Board and Lodging is furnished at low rates by the proprietor.
Also a few cabins for rent on the premises.As well as many CHRONIC DISEASES. S.
Soda Springs.
[The first sentence
illegible due to paper loss.]
The springs are situated on a small stream at the southeastern
extremity of the valley, near the base of the Siskiyous and about
twenty-seven miles from Jacksonville. The base of this spring is not
soda as commonly supposed, but iron, and it is therefore a natural
tonic, pleasant to the taste and most healthful and invigorating. The
hotel kept in connection with the springs by Louie B. Tucker is one of
the best, if not THE best in Southern
Oregon. The house
has recently been enlarged and very materially improved in appearance
and neatly and comfortably fitted up throughout, and the table,
presided over by Mrs. Tucker in person, is uniformly spread with the
choicest the country affords and is second to none in the state. Those
who go there during the heated term for rest and quiet and to test the
virtue of the springs, the medicinal properties of which are now
undoubted, can rest assured that every attention will be given them and
no pains spared to render their stay both pleasant and profitable.
Those who have sojourned there this summer speak in the highest terms
of the benefits derived from the use of the water, and all agree that
as a tonic and appetizer it is unsurpassed. The proprietors propose
making it a general article of commerce so soon as arrangements can be
perfected for shipping it. They think by the use of the modern soda
bottle it can be shipped to Portland and intermediate points with
little or no loss of its medical virtues and that the general public
can thus have access to the water without the necessary expense of
visiting the springs. If this should prove a success a new and
important industry will be developed in Southern Oregon which will give
employment to quite a number of hands besides being no inconsiderable
source of revenue. We hope the proprietors will be successful in their
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 9, 1884, page 3 Mr. Geo. H. Tyler of this place [Medford] has purchased the famous "Dead Indian" springs in the Cascades and proposes to make of it a summer resort. "Through Southern Oregon," Roseburg Review, September 18, 1885, page 3 Besides running the Soda Springs Hotel Jacob Wagner will also engage in stock raising. He purchased a band of cattle from Holman Peters of Grants Pass this week. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 14, 1885, page 3 Mr. J. E. Houston reports business good at the White Sulfur Springs Hotel, and says more strangers are visiting Southern Oregon than is generally supposed. Mr. Houston keeps a good house, and is not afraid to advertise and reach out for business. He deserves a good patronage. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 27, 1885, page 3 Jacob Wagner, who has purchased the famous Soda Springs property, is going to make great improvements there this summer. He proposes to build a nice, commodious two-story house over the spring, and will build several neat cottages to rent and will also greatly enlarge and improve the Soda Springs hotel, which will continue under the popular management of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Tucker, who have so successfully conducted it for the past year. Mr. Wagner is a man of enterprise, and his proposed improvements will add greatly to the comfort of health and pleasure seekers who resort there every season. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 6, 1885, page 3 Wm. Bybee proposes making a fine summer resort at his sulfur springs on Evans Creek and is making preparations to build a house there. Gus Delpey and wife are in charge at present, having purchased a complete outfit here last week. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 11, 1885, page 3 Sulfur Springs.
Bybeeville, Jackson
EDITOR REVIEW:August 4th 1885. I take this opportunity to write you a few lines, as it has been four weeks today since I arrived here and am as fat and saucy as a native of the woods with plenty of venison, grouse and squirrels, with now and then a little bacon to season the good things with, and spuds to thicken the soup. My wife is enjoying herself and the little children are happy wading the creek, climbing trees, digging for gophers, fishing for mud turtles and killing rattlesnakes! They expand their lungs also by giving vent to war whoops that would do credit to a band of Comanches. Woodville is the starting point for these springs, and the distance is about fifteen miles over a good road which can be traveled in three hours. There are about fifty-five people here and more coming every day. There are some from almost every state in the Union, there being four direct from town come in last night, and a party of Congressmen are expected shortly from Washington. Mr. Wm. Bybee, the proprietor will have a fine hotel when it is finished. There are two springs here, white and black sulfur, and I think they are excellent. Give my best love to all inquiring friends, as I cannot write to all. I will visit Ashland before returning to Roseburg. G. A. Beath.
Roseburg Review, August
7, 1885, page 3Mr. Geo. H. Tyler of this place [Medford] has purchased the famous "Dead Indian" springs in the Cascades and proposes to make of it a summer resort. "Through Southern Oregon," Roseburg Review, September 18, 1885, page 3 Jacob Wagner and family moved up to the Soda Springs last Monday, to take charge of the hotel at that place. They have resided in Ashland for more than twenty years, and their friends and neighbors regret to see them leave, even though they go so short a distance, and for a short time. They will likely return to their Ashland residence before winter. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, April 2, 1886, page 3 Among the most noted attractions is the White Sulfur Springs House, kept near the depot by Mr. T. W. Price. We would respectfully refer the invalid to this house, where they will find a most pleasant place, very reasonable charges and no doubt benefits to their health. "Up the Valley," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, June 18, 1886, page 2 ASHLAND SODA SPRINGS.
Tidings, July 2, 1886, page
Following is from a sketch of the Rogue River Valley by E. A. Swope in
the Portland World:
A ride of two hours or less from Ashland brings us to the Soda Springs, situated on the Linkville road about 10 miles from Ashland. The Soda Springs House is a most delightful abode, on the banks of Emigrant Creek, nestled in a remote valley surrounded by the Siskiyou and Cascade mountains, thirty-two hundred feet above the level of the sea. The air is pure mountain, perfumed with the fragrance of the variegated wildflowers and shrubs and grow in such voluptuous profusion on the mountainsides. The spring is about 40 yards from the house, around which resound the songs of the myriads of sweet-tuned birds that frequent these southern vales of Oregon, and which delight to drink of the health-giving waters of nature. There is a most fascinating charm about the spot. The gush of brawling waters crowding down the stream in limpid measure, the sublime view of Ashland Butte to the northwest, rearing its snow-crowned head from its "Palace where
nature thrones
to the ethereal dome of heaven, the perfect seclusion of the place,
surrounded as it is by lofty mountains on all sides, where no harsher
sound is heard than the coo of the turtledove or the musical shrill of
the lark piping its lulling notes to the bleating flocks that browse
upon the mountainsides or rest under the shade of some ancient and
expansive live oak tree--all render the springs a most delightful
retreat to those in search of rest and recreation, or the recuperative
powers of the water so palatable to the taste and invigorating and
health-giving to the system.Sublimity in icy halls" The house is owned and operated by Mr. Wagner, one of the pioneers of the Rogue River Valley and erstwhile proprietor of the Ashland Mills. For comfort, cleanliness, good table and accommodations, the place is not excelled in Oregon. Mr. Wagner has only been in possession of the hotel for about four or five months, and already the improvement and change wrought under his and his wife's superior management are very marked. In one or two seasons, these soda springs will, without doubt, be a much frequented and favorite resort with the people of the state and abroad. The medicinal properties of the water are very highly commented upon by those who have received benefit from them, and their curative powers eulogized by those who have sought the healing skill of physicians in vain. For Bright's and other diseases peculiar to the kidneys, the waters of the soda springs possesses positive curative powers. The region is particularly rich in soda and sulfur springs, both cold and thermal, and is fast becoming a resort for invalids, tourists and those in search of the healing waters of nature. The opening of through railroad communication will, in the near future, bring thousands from abroad to these fountains of life. A trip to Buck Rock tunnel, the first tunnel through the Siskiyou Mountains south of Ashland, which remains in the incomplete state that the bursting railroad boom left it, revealed a perfect botanic paradise to the lover of flowers. The camas, with its star-shaped flower and lavender hue, the orange blossom, larkspur, the Oregon lily, the field lily, the wild lily of the valley, the helianthus or sunflower, wild cucumber and honeysuckle, cleanthus, wild heliotrope and roses permeate the air with their aromatic fragrance. Soda Springs Hotel.
At Foot of Cascade Mountains, 10 MILES FROM ASHLAND. ---- JACOB WAGNER, Proprietor. ---- THIS
HOTEL, which has been for many years a favorite place of summer resort
for persons seeking health and recreation, has recently been greatly
improved by the present proprietor, who has done much to make it
pleasant and attractive to guests.
Is the most noted of Southern Oregon, and its medicinal properties have
been proven to be of great value and benefit as a tonic and aid to
digestion and as a remedy or relief in nearly all cases of kidney
trouble and kindred ailments. Following is the report of the analysis:
One standard gallon of the water contains:The Mineral Spring
Total amount of carbonic acid gas, free and combined, equals 58.4788 grains per gallon. ----
Special attention paid to the comfort and needs of invalids.Among the improvements of the hotel are the baths, fitted with all modern conveniences. ROOMS CLEAN, NEAT AND COMFORTABLE.
BOTTLED water fresh from the spring on sale at Hunsaker &
Dodge's in Ashland.Good Table Fare & Reasonable Prices. ---- Ashland Tidings, July 2, 1886, page 2 SWIMMING RINK!
--AND-- HOT AND COLD BATHS at the Ashland White Sulfur Springs.
The undersigned
has completed a large swimming rink at his warm sulfur springs north of
town, where first-class accommodations are furnished for bathers and
On Thursday and Friday afternoons of each week the rink is reserved for ladies. On Sunday open all day; other days, from 1 to 6 p.m. Water from the warm sulfur spring flows directly into the rink, which is thus kept at the proper temperature. PRICES--Baths 25¢; swimming 10¢; swim with accommodations, 15 cts. GRANT HELMAN.
Tidings, July 2, 1886, page
2Mr. S. McCallister, proprietor of the McCallister Soda Springs, situated on the north fork of Butte Creek, was in town this week. From him we learn that quite a number of families are camped at this place enjoying the healthy influences of this valuable spring. He has our thanks for a half dozen bottles of this health-giving beverage. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 3, 1886, page 3 O. Ganiard of this place has purchased the "White Sulfur Springs House" in Ashland, and will soon take charge of his purchase and engage in the hotel business. We dislike to think of losing Mr. G. and estimable wife, but our loss is somewhat recompensed with the assurance of great gain to the appreciable community to which they are going. "Sams Valley Notes," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 10, 1886, page 2 Simeon McAllister informs us that he will soon commence the manufacture of about 2800 brooms for Mr. Hulbert of this valley. Mr. Hulbert has two tons of the best of broom corn. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, December 24, 1886, page 3 Mr. O. Ganiard of the White Sulfur Springs House was in Gold Hill Monday. He is doing a rushing business at his hotel. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 27, 1887, page 3 "A Sure Cure for Rheumatism."
A short distance above Soda Springs, almost in the bed of Emigrant
Creek, there is a mineral spring of some sort which the Indians from
different parts of the country have long been accustomed to patronize
whenever they have been afflicted with any of the ailments to which
human flesh is heir to, and particularly in the case of rheumatic
troubles, and the water of which spring, if Indian sayings could be
believed, is poisonous to white men or anybody but Indians. The
presence of a half-dozen or more bucks and squaws, who have been
doctoring their rheumatism there during the past week, has revived some
of the notice formerly taken of this spring of alleged wonderful
mineral properties. Anyone who has wandered around in that "neck o' the
woods" where the spring is "planted," may have noticed a short distance
up the bank of the creek a hole in the ground about 5 or 6 feet in
diameter and 3 feet deep, and the bottom covered with fir boughs, while
a covering of boughs serves for a roof, too. The spring is located very
near this "sweat house." A person who the other day watched the modus operandi
at this aboriginal health resort, says that after drinking of the water
of the spring, the sick Indians, in meager clothing go into the "sweat
house" where a course of exercise is gone through with until the
effects of the water are shown, then the patients are so weakened by
the water that, climbing out of the hole with difficulty, they fall
prostrate upon the ground. This weakness is only temporary, of course,
and the recovery from the prostration brings with it restored health
and vigor. On being asked how they had known the whereabouts of this
spring, the Indians there lately, who came from the Klamath River, said
that their fathers had told them of it, and that in earlier times
Indians in great numbers from all parts of the country came to this
place to go through regulation treatment for whatever disease might be
troubling them. Although most people will doubt this story of the
Indians, to the effect that the water of the spring is poisonous to any
but people of their own kind, the people around say that the fact of
the Indians always going away cured shows that there is something more
than fiction in the reported curative properties of this "poisonous"
spring. However, there are so many mineral springs along the banks of
Emigrant Creek that it may be only the superstition of the Indians
which makes this spring so peculiarly different from the others.Ashland Tidings, June 15, 1888, page 2 The Helman Baths.
Grant Helman is preparing to make many improvements in his swimming
rink and bathing sanitarium for the coming season's run. An addition as
large as the present building will be put in, also three additional
bath rooms and two copper tanks to hold hot and cold water with a
capacity of 500 and 300 gallons. D. N. Smith and Chas. Stacy will do
the work for the contractor, H. C. Myer. Besides this the whole works
will be completely renovated, and during the summer months a free bus
will be run to the place for the accommodation of the patrons.Valley Record, Ashland, March 14, 1889, page 3 After eating a hasty meal we start for Soda Springs where we spend the Sabbath. We find the travel today worse and worse, up and down hill all day, and the last is downhill for 6 miles with a very rocky road; it finally got so steep and rough that we all got out and walked. At 8 p.m. we arrive at the Wagner Soda Springs all tired out with our ride. Wagner Soda Springs is situated or located on the bank of Bear Creek, at the foot of the mountains. It bubbles up through the solid rock; its water is very cool and pleasant to the taste. There is a hotel located here and we are told it is full of visitors the most of the summer, and this spring is becoming quite a summer resort. We spent the Sabbath lying in the shade and drinking soda water. Monday morning finds us on our roundup or last day's travel. We pass through Ashland at the head of Bear Creek Valley, stop there for dinner and take a bath at the noted White Sulfur Springs, which are nicely fitted up for bathing, either in swimming, rink or regular bath rooms. J. H. Faris, "A Trip to Wonderland," The Aurora Sun, Aurora, Nebraska, August 3, 1889, page 4 THE COLESTIN SPRINGS.
COUNTY, August 5, 1889.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE OREGONIAN:The Colestin springs, in Southern Oregon, are becoming very popular, and this season the accommodations are all taken and, besides, over 100 campers are on the grounds. The springs are situated twenty miles beyond Ashland, directly on the Oregon & California Railroad, two miles south of the Siskiyou tunnel, 4100 feet long. We are high up in the mountains here, some 4000 feet, yet there are magnificent ridges towering close at hand all about us, so that the springs are in a wonderfully cool and pleasant place. The sugar pine and other varieties, the fir and cedar, are here in their full growth. Neither forest fires or the ravages of the woodsman have yet marred the works of nature in these mountains. Byron Cole is the fortunate owner of 1100 acres, together with the springs. The guest house accommodates only twenty-five people, but his plan is to build cottages and keep this as the dining room, or house for cooking and eating. Families with children can live by themselves, and persons who are sickly or who cough at nights can then enjoy the freedom of being at home. The water has considerable iron in it and is heavily charged with carbonic acid. The people who stop here are mostly eastern people who in taking the Mount Shasta route remain here from a day or two to a week. They say the water is like the Congress water at Saratoga, and take great delight in drinking it freely in the morning before breakfast, drinking it all day and at night and then take pitchers of the water with them to their rooms or tents. Boys sell it on the trains, and trainmen and workers on the road fill their demijohns and are happy. Perhaps this explains what Leland Stanford said when he and his wife were here not long ago. When drinking the mineral water, he said it was so refreshing that he believed it was slightly intoxicating. These mineral waters only a few hundred steps from the Colestin station are destined to be famous far and near. The water flows strong and steady, and the fact that these springs have been known for forty years is a guarantee of their permanence. The deer at night come down to the springs and drink, and Mr. Cole does not allow the shooting of deer on his grounds. The air here is balmy from these forests, and its bracing influence, with the help of these Congress waters of Oregon, would start anew many an invalid as they do the few here now. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1889, page 1 White Sulphur Springs.
Mr. C. R. Van Aelstyr, of Goldendale, W.T., who was talking of leasing
the Helman sulphur spring and then went down into California to look
about, returned to Ashland last week with the decision that he could
find no place that suited him so well as Ashland and no climate so
congenial as that of Rogue River Valley. He has therefore secured a
lease of the Helman sulphur spring property, including four acres of
land about the spring, for ten years at an annual rental of $500, and
took possession last Monday.Mr. Van Aelstyr had charge of the White Sulphur Springs at Elko, Nevada, for ten years, and is thoroughly conversant with the character and needs of the business he has undertaken. In the first place, he says, many improvements are needed, so he has already begun work in that line by building a hothouse 10 by 50 feet along the south side of the bath house building. This is the beginning of a set of greenhouses, hot and cold, in which he will carry on the propagation of flowers and rare plants. The hot beds are to be heated by steam pipes running the full length of the building, beneath the soil in which cuttings are started. The business of the florist he will have under way this winter. The bathing accommodations are to be improved, and the swimming rink will be roofed in and enclosed so as to be in condition for use all winter. An engine and boiler for heating and pump the sulphur water are among the new things to be added soon. Mr. Van Aelstyr's plans contemplated the fitting up of a most attractive health and pleasure resort at the spring. Instead of a hotel, a row of cottages will be built for the occupancy of guests from a distance who may come to avail themselves of the benefits of the sulphur water. The grounds will be enclosed and improved, with arbors, shade trees and shrubbery, flower beds, etc., and the place will be made one which the people of Ashland will be proud to show to visitors from other places. The enterprise is one calculated to be of benefit to the city. Ashland Tidings, October 4, 1889, page 3 Making an Attractive Place.
C. R. Van Aelstyr, the lessee of the Helman warm sulfur
property, has begun improvements which will make the spring a much more
popular resort than it has ever been. Besides his greenhouses, which
are in themselves an attraction, with their wealth of beautiful plants
and flowers, he will have large beds of flowers, arbors of vines for
summer shade, a swing, etc. and intends to keep summer
refreshments--ice cream, soda water, lemonade--in season. A waiting
room has been added to the front of the bath house building, and there
are more bath rooms than formerly. The enclosed swimming tank is to be
improved also. A fine bus with glass windows is now being made and will
arrive soon, to be run regularly between the spring and the town. This
will be something that many bathers have felt the need of in returning
from a warm bath when a breeze happens to be blowing. The bus may be
entirely closed, and this disposes of whatever danger there has been of
catching cold in riding up from the spring immediately after the
relaxation of a bath in the warm sulfur water. Look out for a very
pleasant place at the sulfur springs the coming summer.Ashland Tidings, March 21, 1890, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Tyler have gone to Tyler's Dead Indian Soda Springs to remain for some time in recuperating Mrs. Tyler's health, while George fixes up the premises. Mrs. Tyler's photograph gallery will be closed for the next thirty days. "Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, July 17, 1890, page 3 Tolman Springs Sold.
T. E. Hill, of southwestern Minnesota, has purchased the
Tolman sulfur
springs property, near Ashland, from Dr. A. C. Helm. It is
103½ acres,
and the consideration was $10,000. Mr. Hill is a wealthy man and will
put the property in elegant shape. He will arrive with his family in
the spring.Valley Record, Ashland, February 12, 1891, page 3 The new buildings which Gen. Tolman has had erected at his vapor baths and mineral springs on Emigrant Creek above the Wagner Soda Springs were completed last week, and the baths are now ready for the use of anyone who desires to try them. They are located where a volume of gases issues from the ground--supposed to be not only carbonic acid gas but also sulfurous--and as far back as the traditions of the Indians go, the place has been a cure-all for them--[Tidings. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3 New Use for Indians.
Tolman's magic mud springs above Ashland are becoming quite popular
among those who are afflicted with rheumatism and kindred ailments. He
is having new baths constructed all around the original springs, and
with each excavation a newer and nastier variety of mineral water has
been discovered. The General has brought over several antique squaws
from the Klamath agency to instruct him in the art of using the water.
Of course, the wily general understands the ordinary saponaceous uses
of the ordinary fluid, but the thing seems to be to combine the least
cleansing properties of the viler mineral compounds with as liberal an
application of mud as possible, and the squaws are supposed to be
experts in the art. It seems passing strange that, with as many
mudslingers as have graduated with high honors at Ashland in local
politics, it should have been necessary to have called in the services
of the aborigines. However, the springs are proving all that was ever
claimed for them, and the General is happy.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1891, page 3 We now have the soda water bottled from Smith's Carter Creek soda springs, on sale, by the bottle or case. D. L. Minkler & Son. "Brevity Basket," Valley Record, Ashland, June 2, 1892, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
This property, partially opened last summer by the owner, Judge J. C.
Tolman, is located 13 miles from Ashland, from which place it is
reached by a drive through a continuation of farms and orchards at the
foothills of the Siskiyous while going through the upper Bear Creek
Valley and its tributaries until within three miles of the famous
landmark, Pilot Rock, which sits on the summit of the Siskiyous and
acts as the dividing line between California and Oregon.The New Health and Summer Resort in the Siskiyous--The Wonderful Curative Powers of the Vapor Baths, Medicated Mud and Mineral Springs. Here is where the God of nature secreted in mother earth curative properties that have, in their work of healing the sick, astonished the natives and mystified the intelligent. From Kittie Ward, an intelligent Klamath Indian who has the clearest understanding of the history and tradition of the Indian tribes that were once the masters and rulers of this whole land, it is learned that this vapor spring has been the medicine headquarters for the Indians of the Pacific Coast as far back as 200 years. In her time she has known it to cure the worst kind of diseases, the most remarkable of which was that of the chief of the McAdams Creek tribe, who was completely cured after being brought there in the last stages of consumption. During the smallpox in Jacksonville many years ago a prominent Indian of that section fell a victim to that disease and was taken to the vapor springs and cured. Since the science of medicine has developed that diseases are microbes and the celebrated Dr. Koch among others of the world's brightest minds are struggling for a remedy for the cure of the various microbes, this discovery of the vapor springs and their peculiar curative abilities shows that the wonderful mechanism of nature has already supplied that which is just dawning on man, in his infinite variety of learning and skill. The writer of this has never heard of this vapor being analyzed, but knows of many cases of cures effected within the past eighteen months, some of which have been rank cases. The vapor comes up from earth, and while everything else about the place is cool, it soon begins its work of warming up the system until the patient is in a perspiration. There is a mystery about the thing that makes one believe that somewhere underneath is located one of the main flues to the stovepipes of hell. At any rate the vapor has the "get there" point all right and gets right at the diseased portion of a man the first thing, and stays there until the disease has gone hence. Valley Record, Ashland, July 14, 1892, page 3 At Tolman's.
Mrs. Tallay of Monroe, Or. (sister of
Eugene Walrad) and Mrs. E. Walrad of Ashland are camped here.Henry Pape, postmaster of Jacksonville, is here for his health. C. K. Klum, the Talent merchant, is here to knock out his pet ailment, lumbago. Mrs. H. Eubanks, of Portland, is here to remain some time. L. N. Eklund returned Friday from Portland. Prof. James G. Clark, the distinguished poet, singer and reformer of national fame, returned home yesterday after a visit of a week at the springs, enchanted with their virtues. The press will no doubt hear of them from his gifted pen. P. W. Paulson and Jesse Houck brought their ladies out today to remain. Wm. Otto and family were among Sunday's visitors. Paulson caught 158 fish one day. Valley Record, Ashland, July 21, 1892, page 3 At Tyler's Soda Springs.
Enclosed please find list giving names
of persons camped at this
watering place at the present time: Mr. and Mrs. Nunan, Miss J. Nunan,
Fannie Nunan, Eddie Nunan, Ella Nunan, Chas. Nunan, Wm. and Emma Judge,
F. H. Stinson, S. S. Cooper, A. Thompson, Laird Thompson, Eugene
Thompson, Sarailla Thompson, G. S. Moore, Mrs. V. A. Little, Cora
Little, Bennett Little, G. M. Grainger, I. E. Vining, L. D. Minkler, W.
M. Plymale, W. L. Williams, James Linn, Wm. Booth, F. Plymale, J. E.
Ross, W. H. Bradshaw, Wm. Daily, wife and child, George and Lee
Bradshaw, Henry Christian, E. Thompson, Wm. Eaton, Monroe McKenzie, Wm.
Christian, Henry Klippel, Thos. Baily and two children, Mr. Vellett and
wife, J. Nute, Owen Keegan, P. W. Olwell, Mary Olwell, Margarette
Olwell, Edward Olwell, Francis Olwell, J. Kearny, J. E. Enyart and
wife, Dr. Adkins and wife, Dr. Pickel and wife, J. H. Whitman and wife,
S. S. Pentz and wife, Miss Ora Adkins, Mrs. Geo. Davis, J. A. Whitman,
Mr. and Mrs. Barbe, Anna and Ralph Beavenue, Sam, Jno., and Willie
DeRoboam.Some excitement was caused here a few days since by an old mountaineer who reported having seen a ghost near the camp, but upon a thorough investigation it turned out to be a very pretty young lady who had wandered away from camp in her bathing suit to a lonely spot to take a bath. Yours truly, JANUARY. Valley Record, Ashland, July 28, 1892, page 3 Smith's Springs.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 12, 1892, page 3
The number of
people who are camped at Smith's Springs, on Carter Creek, is
increasing daily. They are situated 12 miles south of Ashland and
1¼ miles from Steinman, a station on the S.P.R.R. The
is 2400 feet, away above the malaria of the lower valley and in a cool,
delightful locality. The scenery is grand, and there is an abundance of
fish and game not far away. Besides the superior medicinal qualities of
the springs, the vapor baths must be taken prominently into
consideration, as they often prove a cure for rheumatism and the many
kindred diseases that humanity is heir to. A visit to Smith's Springs
may prove beneficial.
At Smith's Soda Springs.
The following Medford people were at the above springs August 14: T. F.
West, Mrs. E. M. Denison, Miss May Crain, T. McAndrew, Geo. L. Davis,
wife and Hazel; C. I. Hutchison, wife and Fern; W. L. Grinnell, Ida
Galloway. The springs are pleasantly situated near the summit of the
Siskiyou Mountains. The beneficial effects of the spring water and
vapor baths are effecting wonderful cures, as scores can testify. The
grounds have been greatly improved, two new bath houses and several
cottages having been erected lately.
Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, August 19, 1892, page 3 The Smith Bros. spring near Steinman is coming out ahead of any other resort in the valley in the way of popularity and accommodations. The properties of the water have been proven beyond a doubt to contain medicinal qualities for bodily ailments of nearly all descriptions. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, Medford, September 2, 1892, page 3 Drs. Jones & Kirchgessner for the past few weeks have been contemplating the leasing of the Tolman vapor baths and mineral springs, but after visiting the place and learning the figure at which it could be had they decided to make different arrangements. They came pretty close to a deal, however--only $17,000 difference of opinions. The proprietor said $20,000 and they thought it was worth $3,000. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1893, page 3 Smith's Mineral Springs
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 25, 1893, page 2-- AND -- V A P O R B A T H S Will be offered at Public Sale -- ON -- Monday, September 25th, 1893.
This valuable
property contains 160 acres situated within 1¼ miles of
on the S.P.R.R. and 12 miles southeast of Ashland. The elevation is
2,460 feet above sea level. It contains valuable mineral springs and
the now celebrated Vapor Baths over the Gas Springs which are proving
so efficacious in curing Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Asthma,
Dyspepsia and Liver and Kidney Disease. The property is partly improved
as a summer resort and has done a good business for several years,
considering the accommodations. It can be made a fine paying investment.
For further particulars call at the Springs or address C. E. SMITH,
Steinman, Jackson County, Oregon. A Visit to Soda Springs.
On July 31st
Charles Turpin and family, accompanied by your humble writer and better
half, arrived at the Soda Springs on the north fork of the Little
Butte, about 2 o'clock. Found Postmaster Grieve and family holding
undisputed possession, but they generously donated us one-half
interest. On Tuesday Wm. Massoll and family joined our party to partake
of the benefits of supping soda water. On Wednesday Mr. Mims and party,
of Eagle Point, passed the springs bound for Fish Lake, on a
sightseeing tour. On Thursday Charles Marlow and company, of Salt
Creek, passed the springs, also bound for Fish Lake. M. Hanley passed
up the creek the same day driving a band of cattle in the direction of
Willow Creek. On Monday, Aug. 7, Wm. Daley and James Culverson were
pleasant callers at the springs. On the 8th, M. Bellinger and I.
Merriman and families, of Medford, arrived at the springs in pursuit of
health and recreation. Many other families from the valley are expected
to visit this beautiful resort during the present month. The only
incident happening during our ten days' sojourn happened while Mr.
Grieve and myself were returning from an extended hunt. Mr. Grieve
lost his footing and came down with such violence among the craggy
rocks and boulders as to cause us serious alarm. We thought sure
one-half of the bones in his body were fractured, and we did not feel
able to pack him into camp, but we were greatly relieved, on
examination, finding the only injuries received were a few bruises and
a genuine shaking up.
Medford Mail, August
25, 1893, page 1
Tidings from the West.
Smith's Vapor Baths and Soda Springs,
Aug. 29.--This noted summer
resort has been well patronized this season. Upon my arrival I
the cottages all occupied by families and quite a number of tents well
filled with campers. Among them are Ed. Farlow, wife, daughter and
mother, of Ashland; Johnny Reiter and the Misses Lena, Polly, Lizzie
and Dora Reiter, of Jacksonville; C. T., Amanda and Clyde Payne, of
Phoenix; also later from Phoenix, Misses Rose and Lillian Patterson;
Mrs. J. and Misses Joe and Ella Orth, of Jacksonville, and Miss Annie
Miller, of Ashland. The camps are lively and cheerful; small game in
the hills; plenty of blackberries, large and luscious; the mountain
brooks well filled with trout; the weather not insufferable hot or
smoky, all of which is fully appreciated by the campers and your
correspondent. Social evening parties are often held around the
campfires, or in the parlors of the family residence of Mr. Smith, and
lasting, sometimes, until a late hour. Upon the whole one must be of
the corps of health-seekers to fully take in the benefits of this rural
retreat.Medford Mail, September 1, 1893, page 2 C. E. Smith. of the Carter Creek soda springs, was down from the Siskiyous Saturday attending central committee meeting. He reports his club as well satisfied with the ticket and that it has the unqualified support of every populist. This is interesting, as nearly every voter in that district is a populist. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, April 19, 1894, page 4 Mrs. Nettie Harris and daughter were down this week from Tolman's Springs, the popular medical springs and summer resort in the Siskiyous, which is being conducted this summer by Mrs. Angle. The hotel has been fitted up and renovated and is a very enticing resort for summer tourists. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 7, 1894, page 3 Mrs. A. W. Angle, proprietress of the Tolman mineral springs hotel, and L. E. Bender were down from the Siskiyous last week on business. Everybody here is pleased to know that Mrs. Angle is making a success in running this resort in such a first-class manner. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 12, 1894, page 4 Mrs. Chas. Strang and Mrs. M. W. Skeel have gone to Tolman Springs for a vacation. Mrs. Geo. Davis and Mrs. Pottenger are camping at Tolman's Springs in the Siskiyous. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3 Soda Springs Sparks.
Dr. Brower and wife, of Ashland, were up
visiting friends in this locality recently.Mr. and Mrs. Kinney, of Ashland, were up visiting the springs in this locality Sunday. Rev. J. L. Jones preached an excellent sermon to a large and appreciative audience here last Sunday. He has kindly consented to be with us again this coming Sunday, and a good "turnout" is confidently expected. The Sunday school of this place has not only proven itself very profitable, but exceedingly popular of late. Last Sabbath 34 scholars were present, and the increase in number was only exceeded by the increase in interest. The soda springs of this section have proven quite an attraction of late, not only to people in all parts of the valley, but many from other sections of the state have shown their appreciation of health and pleasure, recently, by their presence. D.W.D.
Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page
3Mrs. A. W. Angle has given up the Tolman Springs and returned to Medford to live this week. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 23, 1894, page 3 THE CINNABAR SPRINGS.
Nature's Dispensary--Bubbling Fountains That Knit Up the Raveled Sleeve of Health.
The Cinnabar Springs are located on the west branch of Beaver Creek, in
Siskiyou County, Calif., and about ten miles south of the state line
between Oregon and Calif. These springs were discovered some fifteen
years ago, by a hunter, and have gained some notoriety by the
remarkable cures effected. Mineral springs are so common in Southern
Oregon and Northern Calif. that nothing more than a passing notice is
given to anything in that line. The most direct route from the railway
is from Cole's, which is about twenty miles distant. Many prefer the
"overland" trip and take passage in the stage from Jacksonville to
Watkins, thence by saddle to Cinnabar.
In traveling from Watkins to Cinnabar--about a day's ride--one encounters a diversity of scenery that prevents the journey from becoming monotonous. Here a hill and there a glade. Here a valley clothed in a luxuriant growth of pasturage breast deep, and there a mountain, about whose base daisies bloom perpetually, while its snow-capped peak kisses the clouds in the home of the blizzard and the hurricane. Here a quiet little rill, winding like a serpent through the glen and there a noisy, turbulent stream that has broken away from the frozen clasp of the glacier and comes tearing down the mountainside like a runaway horse. The journey across a range of mountains, high or low, will become irksome and you'll be tempted to inquire the distance to your destination but, gentle reader, don't do it, for none of the mountain denizens have any tangible idea of distances. Books might be written in regard to these mysterious little fountains that bubble up from the bowels of the earth so thoroughly charged with health-giving properties that a new lease of life is ensured to those who drink of the waters. Until recently the vicinity of the springs has been a deep tangled wildwood. Four years ago, however, Job Garrison, a pioneer of Northern Calif., saw the wonderful possibilities of this location and began to hew a pathway through the dense forest. Today, as a result of several years' toil and the expenditure of thousands of dollars, Mr. Garrison can offer to the public the comforts of a metropolitan hotel. Mr. Garrison is in personal appearance as old-fashioned as an ox yoke and just as plain, but he does nothing by halves, and has ample means, which he proposes expending with a lavish hand to make this a popular, all the year around resort. To chronicle the story of the wonderful cures effected here would be to cover page after page with instances that savor of the days of miracles. Suffice to say that chronic diseases, when under treatment here, vanish like a dream. A party from Jacksonville, Or. came here a few weeks ago, consisting of "Cap." Caton, S. A. D. Higgins, Bill Kinney and others. The general health of the party was good, but no place offered better opportunities for an outing, hence this locality was selected. Bill Kinney was in looks hale and stout enough to eat an ox, but looks are sometimes deceiving, and this was no exception. William has for a long time been troubled with enlarging on the truth about the peculiar and particular virtues of a quaint, crooked-legged, copper-colored hound pup. To hear him tell it, "That dog would not leave camp even in case of fire; would not touch anything unless specially invited; leave out mathematics and he knew more than any ten-year-old boy, etc., etc." Thrown off my guard by such ravishing tales of kennel virtue, I left my camp unprotected one day and in twenty-nine brief minutes this model pup had devoured my stock of bacon and had tried to "taper off" on a loaf of camp-made bread, but it was too much for him and ere the sun set behind the western hills poor "Fido" had winged his solitary way to "angel land." It is needless to add that William will return to his native heath a sadder but a wiser man, and thoroughly cured of a grievous trouble. DOUGLAS.
Mail, August 31, 1894, page 4 "Douglas" is likely S. A. D.
Higgins--Stephen A.
Douglas Higgins. T. K. Roberts is known to have reported on mines under
the name of Douglas. See the Medford Mail February 1, 1895, page 5, column
5.Postmaster Howard has gone to Ashland to indulge in the sulfur baths there and the medical qualities of Tolman's Springs. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1894, page 3 Simon McAllister, after whom the celebrated soda springs on the north fork of Little Butte were named, has returned to the Butte Creek country and settled on the Gano place. A. C. Howlett, "Butte Creek News," Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 3 Cartographers are divided over how to spell the springs' name, but the 1860 and 1870 Censuses spell Simon's last name McCallister; the 1880 Census McAllister. Son John G.'s headstone is spelled McCallister. Isaac Merriman and family, accompanied by friends, made a call in town Tuesday. They are on a trip to the McAllister soda springs. The water of these springs is quite noted for medical purposes, bringing health and strength to the weary invalids. It is also surrounded by rugged and beautiful mountain scenery and with its other natural facilities makes it a favorite resort also for pleasure seekers. "Brownsboro Items," Medford Mail, July 19, 1895, page 2 There were 50 people camped at Colestin the forepart of this week, nearly all of whom are Medfordites. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 25, 1895, page 3 Fradenburg's Summer Resort.
Messrs. Grainger, Garrett, Leach and
Yagar have completed the new
wagon road to Fradenburg's Jenny Creek summer resort, besides erecting
some buildings and making many other improvements. This is one of the
finest spots in this scenic country and is the hotbed of the fisherman
and hunter. There are twelve mineral springs of several different
varieties of water. Fradenburg has purchased a Concord stage coach and
will start the ball a-rolling in the spring by making a trip every
other day from Hotel Oregon to his springs with four spanking horses.
He will be right in it and promises to give the one-lunged tourist, the
gold-bug aristocracy of the East and the crowned heads of Europe that
stray out this way a big time next summer.Valley Record, Ashland, November 14, 1895, page 3 Pleasant Boarding House.
Mrs. C. Noonan,
who has been at Siskiyou for the past two or three years, has leased
the White Sulphur Springs House on Oak Street, near the railroad, and
is prepared to accommodate boarders and roomers with pleasant quarters
and at reasonable prices. The location of the house and the sulphur
baths in the building make it a desirable place. Special pains will be
taken to make this a homelike boarding place for students who are
attending school in Ashland.
Ashland Tidings, November 28, 1895, page 5 John Williscroft returned from the Dead Indian Soda Springs about the middle of the past week and reports about 150 persons at the springs, and Russ Moore reports that they are having a lively time there as they have a doctor to attend to their physical maladies and a minister to look after their spiritual wants. They have preaching every Sunday at 11 a.m., Sabbath school at 3 p.m., and song service at 8 p.m. Russ says that they have one of the finest choirs he ever heard. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, August 7, 1896, page 5 Mrs. E. D. Rose, while camping at the Dead Indian Springs, took several fine photographic views of the several people then camping there, as well as the springs and much of the picturesque surroundings. Miser, the photographer, has developed the pictures and now has them for sale. Mrs. Rose has had considerable experience in phtography before coming to Medford. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 14, 1896, page 7 A Picnic of a Time at Tolman's.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Taylor of Philadelphia and Will Taylor, son of the
late Hugh Taylor, are out from the East on a visit to his sister, Mrs.
John Taylor, and other relatives and friends in this section. Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Taylor start for home next Monday over the Northern
Pacific. Will Taylor will spend the winter here. A picnic among the
numerous friends was had at Tolman Springs in honor of their visit
Sunday. In the evening Misses Eva Taylor and Annie McAllister were
returning home in Robt. Taylor's buggy behind their big black horse.
Tom Scribner and Alex. McAllister, two young men, were riding behind
them on horseback. At the open flat about two miles this side of
Tolman's, Scribner's horse stumbled and fell into the Taylor rig. There
was a general collision, wreck and smashup. Miss Taylor fell out on the
uphill side and escaped without a scratch. Miss McAllister, Scriber and
his horse were thrown under the buggy. The horse in the rig ran, but
was soon overtaken. The buggy proved a costly wreck and the harness was
also damaged. Miss McAllister was bruised in the side and Scribner
received very painful injuries about the knee. All parties thought they
were killed.Valley Record, Ashland, July 29, 1897, page 3 Judge Willard Crawford of this city has bought out the lessee of the Tolman Soda Springs above Ashland. The Judge has also made arrangements with Judge Tolman that when the lease expires he will continue to hold possession. These springs are situated about 10 miles above Ashland, are 280 feet above sea level, above the smoke and fog of the valley. Judge Crawford informs us that he will immediately spend a considerable sum of money adding improvements to the place so as to make it a winter resort as well as a resort for the summer. "The Week's Jottings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 12, 1897, page 3 Helman's Natatorium.
A. D. Ferguson, the stonemason contractor, is hauling the sandstone
from his quarry to Grant Helman's White Sulphur Springs and will
immediately begin the erection for Mr. Helman of a large and extensive
natatorium on the site of the present wooden swimming rink. It will be
double the size of the present accommodations and will be constructed
entirely out of sandstone. The size will be 30x90 feet and the water
depth will be on a slant from 18 inches to seven feet deep. Big
drainage pipe will be put in so that the water in the pond can be
emptied out instantly at any time. First-class dressing room
accommodation will be put in and the premises enclosed with a fence.
The work will soon be completed, and everything will be in readiness
for business as soon as the weather warms up in the spring. In the fall
a fine new building is to enclose the place. The improvements when
completed will cost about $2500. Mr. Helman has been keeping a bath
house and swimming rink for the past 13 years, and the fine white
sulphur water has become famous as a cleanser of human flesh up and
down the Pacific Coast. With the new facilities his patronage will be
materially increased.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 9, 1899, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
Mrs. Max Pracht and daughter Lottie have
taken a cottage for the season.Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and daughter from Roseburg, who are on an extended camping trip, drove in here last night to try the soda water and the fresh air for a few days after taking in Klamath Falls and Shovel Creek Springs. Miss Eliza Jane Moore and Mrs. Grace Houston and son from near Medford have been occupying a cottage for two weeks. Mrs. Nora Roberts and son spent a week here. Her husband came up yesterday and they left for home near Phoenix this morning. Chas. Houston from near Medford came up yesterday for a short visit with his wife and son, Mr. Jack Bright and wife accompanying him. Mrs. Mingus from Ashland and Mrs. N. Fisher of San Antonio spent a few hours here Monday. Valley Record, Ashland, June 14, 1900, page 3 Helman's Natatorium Opened.
Grant Helman has opened his new natatorium and baths at the white
sulfur springs in Helman's field, the waters of which have a wide and
popular reputation as affording the finest and cleanest bath of any
waters on earth. The new building covering the swimming rink is 40x95
feet; running around on the side are 30 neat dressing rooms, and a
lunch room 16x24 feet. The rink is 30 feet wide and
80 feet long and
the depth of the water runs from two feet steadily to seven feet. The
rink is all made of gray sandstone from A. D. Ferguson's quarry and the
work, which is first-class, was done by him. The rink is fitted with
the necessary equipment and a five-foot stone walk runs all round the
water pond. Connecting with this part of the building is a reception
room 20x20 and six bath rooms 20x24, above which are five sleeping
rooms. The boiler room, suit counter, etc., occupies 14x20 feet. The
bathing suits are black knit jersey cloth.The handsome grounds of shrubbery and flowers look well with the new buildings and rink and the whole makes a very creditable showing for Ashland in its new era of development and progress. Valley Record, Ashland, June 28, 1900, page 1 TOLMAN'S.
Mrs. Young is stopping at the Pracht
cottage for a short time.One departure and three arrivals at the Houston cottage this week. Mrs. Cole and Chester Tolman drove up to the Springs one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mills and party spent Tuesday at the Pracht cottage. Hattie Blount, Harry Cole and little Crit Tolman arrived last Thursday during a heavy rain storm. Mr. and Mrs. Welshons of Missouri, the former a brother of Mrs. Cole of Ashland, are spending the summer here. Several hack loads of young folks drove in on the grounds and enjoyed themselves drinking soda water, etc., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and son, recently from Ft. Wayne, Ind., who are now located at Medford, were camping a week at the Springs. Mr. Brown is a brother of Mrs. Nash of the Nash Hotel. Valley Record, Ashland, June 28, 1900, page 3 There never has been any sort of convenience up at McAllister Springs for the accommodation of the people who drink of the waters of the springs. Several people down this way have fixed things--handier by several degrees. Uncle Jerry True, out on Griffin Creek, donated a very large, flat stone and hauled it to Medford to lay over the spring, and the good people of Medford, some of them, chipped in and hired Charley Pheister to cut a hole in the center of the rock, where the mountain water can bubble all it wants to bubble. He also made a basin in the rock from which water can be dipped with a cup or small pail. Upon the rock is inscribed the following: "Presented by the city of Medford, 1900." Mayor Howser is looking after the matter at this end of the line, and Mr. McAllister is coming in this week after the rock and will put it in its place over the spring. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 7 TOLMAN'S.
J. Y. Freeman and wife of Latrobe, Cal.,
occupy a cottage.J. M. Cofer and family of Jacksonville occupy a cottage. Mr. Failing and family of Jacksonville made a short stay here. C. E. Nininger and family and Miss Churchman are up from Ashland camping. Miss Grace Slocum and Mansfield Sonnichson of Ashland Sundayed at the springs. Mrs. Max Pracht and Mrs. and Mrs. W. B. Pracht of Ashland are occupying their cottage. A. W. Silsby and family of Grants Pass have pitched a lovely tent near the Iron Springs. J. T. Welchons and wife of Taylor, Mo., have opened up the hotel and baths and are ready for patronage. Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Thornton drove a party of friends from Klamathon to the springs one day last week. Among the visitors are Mr. Boman and wife, Portland; Wm. Marshal, Sacramento; Mr. Carl and family, Talent. Mrs. O. O. Helman, Ida Tolman and Mrs. Hattie Blount are spending a few days with their father at the springs. J. B. Kirkland of the Southern Pacific office in Portland and John P. Jones, traveling passenger agent of the same road, were here last week gathering information about the mineral springs of this part of Jackson County for advertising summer resorts along their lines of travel. Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1900, page 3 A Night Out.
A jolly crowd of young people went to Kingsbury's soda springs Tuesday
evening in a hay wagon. The party was in honor of Miss Grace Morey, who
left next day for her home at Oakland, Cal. A bonfire was started under
a big oak tree at the springs, and a program consisting of recitations,
singing, cakewalks, etc., was reeled off. The party became thoroughly
charged with mineral water, but as there were several fish horns
in the crowd all were tapped before they exploded. Those who have
recovered are as follows: Misses Mabel and Kittie Million, Hattie
Martin, Lillie Storm, Jessie Wagner, Laura Judge, Grace Morey, Fannie
Ralph, Edith Gregory, Minnie Walrad, Mae Grainger, Gertrude Sutton,
Anna Judge, Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, and Messrs. Sylvain Provost,
Thad McHatton, Will Judge, I. E. Vining, Otto Miller, E. A. Fronk, C.
E. Chilcott, Fred Engle, C. L. Lounsbury, Fred Neil, A. C. Roth.Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1900, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
Everything is lovely--there is a bride
at the springs.Dan Conner is a guest of Hotel Tolman, to spend several weeks for the rheumatism. James Elliott of Jacksonville, who is stopping at Wagner's, visited friends here Monday. Misses Ethel and Minnie Walrad, Blanche Patterson and Geo. Churchman, Elmer Patrick and A. C. Roth were up from Ashland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Satchwell, Hattie Satchwell, O. A. Johannsen, N. Dahlstrom, Walter Sant and H. A. Seeley visited the Springs last Wednesday. Mrs. W. B. Pracht has returned to her home in Ashland for a week's visit and Misses Charlotte Pracht and Hattie Martin and Mrs. Humboldt Pracht are occupying the Pracht cottage this week. Misses Pracht and Martin entertained the guests of Hotel Tolman and the campers at a large bonfire Saturday evening. Mrs. J. Willard Denison sang several solos. Games and other amusements were indulged in. Valley Record, Ashland, August 2, 1900, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
Fifty people are at the springs.Mrs. W. K. Price and two nieces are here from Tolo. Miss Florence Dodge yesterday joined the Ira Dodge and Chas. Loomis camp. Mrs. Max Pracht, W. B. Pracht and Mrs. Chas. Brady returned to Ashland Wednesday. A jolly crowd of girls--Lulu and Nellie Briggs, Mabel Goodyear, Lutie Holberg, Mary Rogers, Helen Silsby, Beryl Eliason, Bessie Stanley, Maud Barnes, Lou Cambers, Helen Churchman, Ethel Standard, Bertha Rose and Gertrude Engel were here Saturday. Valley Record, Ashland, August 16, 1900, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
C. E. Nininger and family are camped
here now.Bart Chapman and two gentlemen were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gurnea of Medford are camping here. Blaine Klum was a visitor here the past two Sundays. Ernest Hicks and family and Mrs. Sarah Myer picnicked here Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Myer and two children, Mrs. Andre, child and mother, Mrs. Barnes, have a cottage here now. Hon. W. K. Price was up from Tolo this week visiting his wife and two nieces. He will vote for W. J. Bryan this year. A party of young people ascended Mt. Tolman Monday and planted an American flag on a pole. They returned in a hurry on account of a storm. Valley Record, Ashland, August 23, 1900, page 3 TOLMAN'S.
J. Poley, wife and daughters, Wilmer
Poley and
bride, W. N. Grubb, wife, son and daughter picnicked here Monday.Wm. Myer and Miss Cora Gall of Ashland spent Sunday at the Myer-Andre cottage. Miss Lizzie High and B. D. Heberlie of Ashland visited the Pracht cottage Sunday. Misses Lottie Pracht and Mollie High arrived Saturday and Mrs. W. B. Pracht Sunday to remain several weeks. Henry Judge, Rev. J. T. Abbott and G. F. Billings took dinner at the hotel Friday. Mr. Gurnea drove to Medford and returned Saturday with his daughter and Miss Bertha Davis. Jesse Plymire came up from Central Point Saturday and returned next day with his mother, Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson, his sister Cassie and his cousin Mrs. Chas. McGinnis, and grandfather, Mr. Gage. Ira Dodge and family, Chas. L. Loomis and family moved back to town last week. Mrs. Bowers returned with her son-in-law, Mr. Andre of Eagle Mills. Ed. A. Fronk, the railroad man, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Henrickson of Albany, who is out visiting him, and Mrs. Ella Million and Miss Elsie Patterson spent Saturday here. Valley Record, Ashland, August 30, 1900, page 3 Mrs. Jas. Mills tells us she was present at the laying of the rock over the McAllister springs on July 22nd. Quite a large crowd assembled, and after a short speech by D. Roberts, of Medford, and some other ceremonies, the rock was laid. The rock was marked U.S. property. Medford Mail, August 31, 1900, page 5 Leased Tolman Springs.
A. H. Osborne, accompanied by his wife and daughters, Mrs. Alice
McInnis, Frances, Inez and Irma, arrived from Leland Monday and left
for Tolman Springs, the well-known health resort 14 miles east of
Ashland. Mr. Osborne and family have been keeping a railroad boarding
house at Tunnel 9 ever since the railroad came to this country and know
their business. They have leased the hotel and baths and are prepared
to entertain the health-seeking public. The hotel rates are $1 per day,
mud baths 50 cents each and vapor baths free.Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1900, page 1 TOLMAN'S.
We are having quite a refreshing shower.A. H. Osborne and family arrived Monday. Uncle Harry Coe returned from Ashland last Wednesday. Mrs. Blount of Ashland made a trip up here last Tuesday. A crowd of our young folks took a trip to Wagner's Saturday. Mr. Stein of Evans Creek arrived today to take treatment for rheumatism. Mrs. Wilkinson of Medford and her father are expected to arrive Monday. Mr. Shoemake of Grants Pass, who has been taking mud baths for paralysis, has gone home. A party of pleasure seekers came up from Ashland Sunday, viz., Thos. Herbig, James Asher, James Sayles and Misses Alice Asher, Cora and Maud Davidson. Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1900, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
The house has opened for the season.L. Copple spent a few days here last week. The weather is fine and the roads are good. Mrs. Hattie Blount came up Sunday to see her father. Joe Anderson of Colorado, nephew of John Welchon, was among the visitors this week. Hon. J. C. Scott of Salem drove out from Ashland to take a vapor bath. The judge declares it was the most novel experience of his life. Mrs. Young of Jacksonville is among the boarders. She came from Arizona a few weeks ago in search of health. She has asthmas very bad and is taking the vapor treatment. Mrs. W. A. McInnis, daughter of A. H. Osborn, has come to the springs for the summer. Mrs. Mc. is in very poor health, but we expect her to improve after a few days here. Mrs. James Tyler of Tyler's ranch on the Klamath Falls stage line made us a pleasant call Sunday, and she being an old settler here we enjoyed her visit very much. There was a jolly crowd here Sunday. They arrived about noon and had their dinner in picnic style about one o'clock .After dinner they strolled around awhile and finally assembled in the reception room, where they entertained themselves as well as everyone else for about two hours. Mrs. J. C. Hill had her autoharp, which she played in accompaniment to the many songs she sang for us. Between the songs Miss Lillian Patterson, leading lady of the Ashland Home Talent company, gave us some recitations long to be remembered. Miss Barron, also an elocutionist, recited "Paul Revere's Ride" and "The Hired Girl," the latter being the "hit" and bringing the house down. At 4 o'clock they started home well satisfied with their day's outing. The crowd consisted of: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Barron, Mrs. Homer Barron and baby, and Miss Austie Barron of Barron P.O., Misses Isabel and Jemima Ross of Clawson, and Misses Rosa and Lillian Patterson of Ashland. Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1901, page 3 OREGON'S GRAND OLD MEN.
Ashland, May 9.--General James Clarke Tolman, probably the oldest of
the living pioneers of this district, and for many years among the
foremost representative men of Oregon, reached his 88th birthday, March
12. He has always been remarkably vigorous, but has recently become
much enfeebled. He lives at Tolman Springs, 12 miles south of Ashland.
General Tolman was born in Washington County, Ohio. He apprenticed
himself at the age of 17 years to a leather manufacturer, and learned
that trade. Hie education was obtained at the university at Athens, O.
He was an enthusiastic Whig from his earliest years, and was an earnest
supporter of General Harrison for President in the unsuccessful
campaign of 1836. He moved to Iowa in 1839 with his family, and engaged
in farming. He emigrated to the Pacific Coast in 1849, lured by the
discovery of gold in California. He returned to Iowa in good fortune in
1851. April 27, 1852, he married Elizabeth E. Coe, and 48 hours
afterward was on the way with his bride to Oregon, piloting a train of
emigrants across the plains. He settled near Ashland, which has since
been his home. General Tolman served as county judge of Jackson County
from 1858 to 1866 with much ability. In 1874 he was the Republican
candidate for governor of Oregon. In 1878 he was appointed
surveyor-general of Oregon by President Hayes, and was reappointed in
1882 by President Arthur. General Tolman has lived a useful life, and
commands the universal respect of his fellow citizens.From the Portland Oregonian's Gallery, May 12th. Valley Record, Ashland, May 16, 1901, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
Are bubbling and sparkling as of old.Two cottages are occupied, and the others will be soon. Hillrey Parker of Ashland came out on his wheel and spent Sunday. Guert McCall came up Sunday and spent the day with us. A. H. Osborn, wife and daughter returned from Medford Friday. Grandpa Gage, who spent the winter here, is very ill at Medford. Judge Tolman has had his 88th birthday and is enjoying his usual good health. Mr. Ulam of Riddle came this week with his wife's brother, Hiram Butler of Grants Pass. Valley Record, Ashland, May 16, 1901, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
Thunder and lightning this week.Hubert Dyer of Sampson was one of our Sunday visitors. Miss Jessie Center of Roseburg spent last week at the hotel. Fred Sanderson of Coos County arrived at the springs this week. Pete Ulam, who has been here three weeks, has returned to his home at Riddle. Mrs. Hattie Blount came up Saturday with her two nephews to spend the summer. Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson came Saturday and took her father, Jesse Gage, down to Medford. Mr. Brown, a well-known mining man of Josephine County, came up Sunday to take a vapor bath. Miss Nora Kennedy, whose home is near this place, has gone to spend a few weeks near Ashland. Riley Kennedy, who has spent the winter near here, has gone to California to work for Will Grow. Joe Anderson and his cousin Miss Mollie Cole spent Thursday afternoon with us, from Ashland. Frank Tyler, a prominent young man of this vicinity, left this week for Klamathon with a band of cattle. James Sayles and wife of Ashland accompanied by James Asher and his mother of Glendale drove out Sunday. Mrs. Young, who has been taking the vapor baths for asthmas, has returned to her home in Jacksonville greatly improved. When we see all of the girls "limping" on the same arm we remember that Dr. Jones was up with his vaccine points this week. For rheumatism, stomach trouble, neuralgia, catarrh, asthma, and all other throat and lung infections the medical properties of the Tolman Springs and baths are unexcelled. Valley Record, Ashland, May 30, 1901, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
Joe Anderson of Ashland is spending a
few days at the springs.John Lindsay of Grants Pass is one of the guests at Hotel Tolman. Mrs. Geo. Simpkins of Grants Pass is spending a few days here. Fred Parsons and Dr. Burnett of Ashland drove out with their ladies Sunday. Tom Tolman of the springs is spending a few days in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Hull of Barron were up on a fishing excursion Friday. Hillary Parker of Ashland sent Friday at the hotel. Mrs. Mellis of Ashland drove up Sunday to make arrangements for the coming of a lady from Sacramento. Mr. Britt of Portland, agent for the S.P. Co., was here a couple of days looking after the interest of the co. in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Landerson, who have been spending a few weeks at the springs, have returned to their home at Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brown of Napavine, Wash., are at the hotel, where Mr. Brown is taking mud baths for rheumatism. Fox and Good of Ashland are seen at the springs almost daily. The tourists seem to know good rigs when they see them. Dr. Clive Major of Grants Pass came up on the stage Saturday. The Dr. is not in very good health and will remain a few days. There was a jolly crowd out from Ashland Sunday, viz: Messrs. Wm. and John Aitken, J. H. Dutton, Mrs. Lakin and two children and Miss Frances Tozier. Valley Record, Ashland, June 13, 1901, page 1 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
Pleasant days, cool nights.
No smoke here to make your head ache. Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson of Medford, who has been here several days, has returned home. Judge Abe Axtell of Grants Pass spent one day last week at the springs. Postmaster W. F. Horn of Grants Pass was also one of our many visitors last week. Hon. J. J. Houck of Gold Hill spent a few days with his family here last week. Mrs. Rose Wood of Sawyers Bar, Calif. arrived Sunday to spend a few weeks here. Miss Wanda Wood, who has been attending school at Astoria, Ore., joined her mother here and will remain through vacation. We are pleased to say that Mr. Osburn of Corvallis, who has been taking treatment for asthma for the past two weeks, has improved wonderfully. Misses Loelah and Cassie Plymire of Medford arrived Sunday and will remain for an indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and two daughters drove out Monday to engage a cottage for a month or so. Mr. S. O. Furry of Ashland came up Sunday and brought his little son, who took a mud bath. The little fellow is unfortunately a victim of rheumatism. Train dispatcher G. C. Morris and his wife and father-in-law made us a pleasant call Sunday, and being old acquaintances their visit was much appreciated. Among the others who were here Sunday we noticed the smiling countenance of Geo. Calhoun, formerly a Grants Pass business man. He was accompanied by his wife and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Norris of Ashland and their children. Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, July 25, 1901, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
Mrs. Ralph and her son Johnnie of Ashland have taken a cottage for the
Mrs. J. J. Houck and her father, who have been here for a month, have returned to their home at Gold Hill. Miss Marcella Carter of Ashland is at the hotel and will remain through the hot part of the summer. The family of S. O. Furry of Ashland are comfortably located in their cottage, and will remain until September 1st. Master Crit Tolman has been at the hotel for a couple of weeks, his auntie, Mrs. Blount, having been in San Francisco. Messrs. Blanton and Dyer came up Thursday to get some mud for an invalid lady in Ashland. The lady, being unable to get to the springs, is going to try the mud bath at home. The coming attraction is a big dance in Tolman hall, Aug. 3rd. A grand time is anticipated, and everybody is invited to attend. The music will be furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Satchwell of Ashland orchestra. A number of our young ladies went on a mountain climbing excursion Saturday. They left the hotel at 6 o'clock a.m. and went to Buck Rock, and from there to the large structure on the S.P. line known as the Dollarhide trestle; from there they walked to Steinman station, hence across the country to the Carter Creek soda springs, where they were cordially entertained. From there they went to Wagner Springs, and after a rest of a few minutes they started for Tolman's, arriving at 4 p.m. Valley Record, Ashland, Oregon, August 1, 1901, page 3 TOLMAN SPRINGS.
John Acres of Ashland is at the hotel
for a few weeks.Geo. W. Vanderpool of Ashland is seen among our boarders. D. H. Jackson is stopping at the hotel taking mud baths for rheumatism. S. O. Furry of Ashland spent Sunday with his family here. P. Murray spent the latter part of last week here. Miss Marcia Carter has returned to her home in Ashland. Mrs. Sutton of Ashland has engaged a cottage and will be up Wednesday. The family of D. H. Jackson will be up soon to spend a few weeks with him. Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson of Medford joined her daughters here this week. Mrs. P. H. Tynan of Portland, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Dickey of Ashland, drove out one day last week and spent the afternoon. A. H. Osborn, wife and daughter and Mrs. Rose Wood spent Monday in Ashland. Mr. Good drove out with them in the cool part of the morning. Messrs. Dutton, Aitken, Neil and Kaiser of Ashland drove out and spent Sunday with us. They climbed to the tops of the highest hills with a number of young ladies as guides. The editor could not sing Goo-Goo Eyes, but the girls say he produced them in pantomime. This week's excursion consisted of several young ladies and gentlemen who went on horseback to Siskiyou and Colestin. They all declare they had a fine time notwithstanding the rough mountain trail. The dance Saturday night was a decided success. There were 44 numbers sold. The crowds were mostly from Ashland and Medford, though there were some from Sampson, Barron, Jenny Creek and Hornbrook. 120 people ate supper. There will be another dance at Tolman Saturday, Aug. 17th. The music will be furnished by the Ashland orchestra, and on account of the high price that has to be paid for the music the tickets will be $1.50 including a first-class supper. Valley Record, Ashland, August 8, 1901, page 3 Colestin News Items.
Hammocks seem to be in demand.The Misses Galey, of Ashland, arrived Monday to camp. Mr. Watson and Kate Emery, of Ashland, spent Sunday here. A. S. Bliton and family, of Medford, spent Sunday at the springs. Mrs. Olwell, of Central Point came on Monday to stay at the hotel. Misses Virginia Woodford and Edith Cranfill, of Medford, are here for a two weeks' outing. Attorney Hartson and family, of Medford, pitched their tents Monday, preparatory to several weeks' stay. Miss Allen, of Fort Jones, who has been teaching near Hornbrook, is spending part of her vacation here. Mrs. K. K. Kubli and Misses Jo Orth and Jo Donegan, of Jacksonville, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. I. A. Merriman and son spent Sunday here visiting her mother, Mrs. Bellinger, who is camping. Mrs. R. W. Clark and daughters Marian and Helen, left for their home in Grants Pass Monday evening after a ten days' outing. Editor Voorhies and family, of Grants Pass, arrived Tuesday morning and will remain for an indefinite period of time for the benefit of their little son's health. Merchant Truax and Robert Eberle came up Saturday from Grants Pass and returned Sunday with their families, who have been spending several weeks at the hotel. Open-air concerts are held frequently on the hotel veranda. At the concert held Sunday evening, Mr. Watson, one of Ashland's favorite singers, entertained the crowd with several vocal selections. Messrs. Lloyd Collar and Buffalo Ackerman, of Yreka, Calif. came up Saturday for a two weeks' outing, and they seem to have "collared" everything in sight from the steam shovel to the "Dead Beat Camp." D. T. Lawton and daughters left Monday for their home in Medford, having spent a delightful month rusticating. Mrs. R. T. Lawton will remain a few weeks longer and on Friday expects to be joined by her son, West, and his family. A crowd of Ashland people came up Saturday night, but finding the hotel full they spent the hours till morning on the benches and in the spring house drinking soda water. A soda water drinking contest was held by them in which one young lady broke the record by drinking fifteen cupfuls. Medford Mail, August 9, 1901, page 3 The Great Health Resort.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 15, 1901, page 1
The Bybee Springs on Evans Creek are coming to be recognized as one of
the best health and pleasure resorts of Southern Oregon. A new and
commodious hotel was built during the past year and accommodations for
visitors are now first-class. If you are contemplating a visit to some
mineral springs health resort why not try the Bybee Springs this year
where so many others have found both health and pleasure. The following
people have been stopping at this delightful resort already this spring:
Mrs. Turner, Cathlamette. Mr. Carter, Woodville. Mr. Butler, Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Ashland. Mr. Cummings, Grants Pass. Mr. Jackson, Grants Pass. Mr. Brown, Grants Pass. Mr. Daniel Slitz, Williams Co., Penn. Geo. Hoult, Rockland, Mich. J. P. Hoult, Rockland, Mich. John Vera, Rockland, Mich. E. J. Stripe, Rockland, Mich. W. H. Hunt, Rockland, Mich. W. F. Emmons, Rockland, Mich. P. H. Daily, Jacksonville. Carter Creek Springs.
1½ miles from Steinman station or 12 miles south of Ashland.
accommodations for campers, fine mineral water and vapor baths.
Rates--50 cents per person per week for camping, including use of vapor
baths. Special rates for families.
Address JOSEPH ZURCHER, Siskiyou, Oregon. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1901, page 7 McCallister's Soda Springs
As a Summer Resort,
is one of the
best in the country. Parties desiring to camp at the spring can secure
good pasturage and hay for their stock; also a stock of groceries will
be kept at the springs for the accommodation of visitors. Camping
grounds free.
Mail, August 16, 1901, page 2Colestin News Items.
New campers arriving daily.Fred Roper, of Ashland, is registered at the hotel. Mrs. A. J. Collar, of Yreka, Calif. came up last week and will remain for some time. Postmaster Miller, of Jacksonville, spent Saturday and Sunday at the springs. Mrs. Clarence Reames and sister, Miss Mary Colvig, of Jacksonville, are enjoying an outing here. Lee Jacobs and family, of Medford, came up yesterday and will enjoy a few weeks' camping. F. B. Ackerman returned to his home in Yreka Sunday, after a week's enjoyment at the springs. Miss Rosa Chapman and Fred Roper walked to Coles, Calif. Tuesday and returned on the afternoon train. Mesdames Iunker, Jr., Eugene Dowling and Miss Nellie Dowling, of Yreka, Calif., are registered at Hotel Colestin. Fred Luy, E. N. Warner and J. W. Lawton, of Medford, came up Saturday night and remained until Monday evening. Miss Julia Fielder, of Central Point, who has been in camp here for the past month, returned to her home last Friday evening, much improved in health. Misses Mae Merriman and Blanche Toft, accompanied by C. O. Ramsey, of Medford, came up on Sunday morning's early train and spent the day drinking soda water and visiting friends. Miss Ruth Williams and Miss Bertha Prunty, of Hornbrook, Calif. arrived Tuesday evening for a few days' visit with their friend, Miss Mary Davison, who is camping here. A crowd from here consisting of Mesdames Dowling, Iunker, Collar, Misses Julia and Daisy Olwell, Mary Colvig, Edith Cranfill, Virginia Woodford and Messrs. Chas. Telford and Lloyd Collar went to Siskiyou Tuesday afternoon and walked back through the tunnel. They succeeded in getting some very fine kodak views of the tunnel and the trestles. Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 3 J. G. McAllister was in from the springs Tuesday. He reports that his camping grounds have been heavily taxed this season and the grounds are still full of tents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith and daughter, Miss Marie, returned Sunday from the Anderson Creek springs. Miss Marie's health was materially improved by the trip. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 6 Colestin News Items.
R. B. Lawton, of Medford, spent Thursday
here.Mrs. Hull, of Hornbrook, came up Friday for a few weeks' outing. J. W. Lawton, of Medford, visited with his family here over Sunday. Mrs. Fred Luy and sons, of Medford, arrived here Thursday to camp several weeks. Messrs. Ray McKinney and Leon Howard, of Medford, spent Sunday at the springs. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawter came up from Medford Saturday for a few weeks' stay. Mrs. A. P. Elmer, of Jacksonville, is visiting here, the guest of Mrs. M. Bellinger. Miss Laura Bennett, of Medford, visited with Miss Jessie Macauley a few days this week. Mrs. A. J. Collar returned to her home in Yreka Sunday, after a ten days' sojourn at the springs. Misses Virgie Woodford and Edith Cranfill returned to their homes in Medford Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Reames and sister, Mary Colvig, returned to their home in Jacksonville Saturday. Miss Juanita Day, of Fairmont, Minn., is here visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Lawton, for a few days. Attorney Frank A. Huffer and sisters, Ollie and Daisy, of Jacksonville, arrived here Friday for a few days' outing. Jos. Kelley and family, of Medford, came up Sunday. Mr. Kelley returned the same evening, but the family will remain several weeks. S. E. Cole stopped off here Wednesday on his way home from Klamathon for a few days. He returned to his home in Medford Saturday. Misses Mary Davison and Bertha Prunty, of Klamathon, and Miss Ruth Williams, of Hornbrook, left for their homes Friday after several weeks' stay. Mrs. John Miller, of Jacksonville, and son, Harry, of San Jose, Calif., spent a few days here the first of the week, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson. Mrs. Eugene Dowling, of Yreka, who has been here for some time, was called to Hornbrook last Friday to attend the bedside of her brother, who is quite ill. Last Wednesday evening Masters Telford, Sutherland and Harrison gave a bonfire party near the cold water spring to about fifty of their friends. Music was the principal feature of the evening and the company were treated to some very pretty selections, among which was a solo by Mrs. Chas. Iunker, with guitar accompaniment. At a late hour the crowd dispersed, voting the young men royal entertainers. There was quite a pleasant party gathered at the camp of Miss Mary Davison on Thursday night. Music and games of various kinds were indulged in after which refreshments were served and so adjourned, voting it one of the most pleasant occasions of the season. Those present were Misses Annie Beeson, Rosa Chapman, Edith Cranfill, Virgie Woodford, Maggie Bellinger, Jessie Macauley, Lelah Wilson, Ethel Macauley, Eva Myers, Bertha Prunty, Ruth Williams, Edmonia Davison, Sadie Powell, Annie Towne, Messrs. Chas. and Ray Telford, Sidney Cole and Robert Lawton. Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 3 An Interesting Communication
celebration at Bybee Springs. Sunrise salute at 5:30 o'clock, 13 yells
by Mr. Jack .The program was as follows: First, music by the Mule
Orchestra, entitled Hay! Hay! Hay! Miss Bell Cow in her most graceful
and charming manner next read the Declaration of Independence. Trio by
the three celebrated Guinea
sisters entitled "Give Me Three Grains of Corn." Oration by Miss Polly
Parrot, subject, "Polly Wants a Cracker." The Swinette band rendered
beautifully "Several Buckets of Lard." Song, Robin Quartet, "Cherries
Are Ripe." Address by master of ceremonies, Mr. Thomas Cat, The
Midnight Marauders. The morning program was ended by a solo by Madam
Calf, "Less Water and More Milk."from Our Correspondent at Bybee Springs. Afternoon sports: First was a four-legged race by Mr. Jack and Miss Jennie, the first half Jack was in the lead a length, but on the home stretch Jennie won by four feet. Next came the jumping contest by the frogs, won by Warty Toad, followed by high diving by the Turtle family in which Mrs. Mud won by a snap. Then came a close swimming race won by Crab Craw fish by a pinch. After this was a milking contest by seven puppies, won by the Yellow Kid by seven laps. The last race was between Mr. Road and Miss Creek. In the first quarter the first felt so rocky and bolted and ran straight up through the canyon where he lost himself in a lonely trail while the latter lost her head and with foaming mouth threw herself upon the bosom of the Roguish river and won the race by a mill. General Maltese Dewey had charge of the sunset gun and fired several salutes of rats, mice, and lizards down his throat to the violent satisfaction of the participant. The fireworks consisted of falling meteors, shooting stars and comets, each member of the planetary tribe adding his own streak of red, white, and blue. While the old man in the moon from his lofty perch threw roman candles, skyrockets, pinwheels and torpedoes until the maid coming down the path spilled her milk until at last becoming tired he hung his weary head upon a moonbeam and fell asleep. This ended the 4th at Bybee Springs, where we drink and drink again. M.B.Y.
and M.C.M.
Gold Hill News,
July 12, 1902, page
2Mrs. H. U. Lumsden and Mrs. C. I. Hutchison left for Colestin Sunday for a few weeks' stay--where cool, fresh mountain air, mineral water and Medford people predominate. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 6 OPENING OF HELMAN'S NATATORIUM.
Helman's Natatorium and Sulfur Baths will open for the season Saturday,
April 18th, ready for the reception at all times of patrons and
visitors. Improvements to the splendid, commodious and ever popular
swimming pools have been made while the tub bath has been entirely
refitted with the newest and best porcelain equipment. If you haven't
been to this popular resort yet, you haven't been to Ashland.
Record, Ashland, April 16, 1903, page
S. L. Bennett and daughter, Miss Artie, left yesterday morning for the
Bybee springs, on Evans Creek. Mr. Bennett has been afflicted for some
time with stomach trouble, and he goes to these springs in hopes that
the water thereof may prove beneficial. It was the water from these
springs which restored Wm. Bybee to good health, over thirty years ago.
Mr. Bybee was a sufferer from stomach trouble and had taken treatment
from many of the most prominent physicians in eastern cities, but no
relief was given him until he accidentally discovered the merits of the
water from these springs.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 10, 1903, page 6 News from Cinnabar Springs.
A. B. Saltmarsh came in Monday evening
from his ranch on Little
Applegate and remained over until Tuesday morning, when he left for his
home with a load of goods that he is to pack over the mountains to the
Jacksonville colony now camping at Cinnabar Springs. Mr. Saltmarsh
makes two to three trips a week to the springs taking in passengers and
freight. He says the trail is very good at present and easy to ride
over, the ladies making the ride of 22 miles easily in a day. The snow
is all gone from the divide and there is fine grass at all the camping
places.At the springs the weather is delightfully cool, and the Jacksonville contingent are enjoying life to the fullest extent. Mr. Saltmarsh reports that Mr. Nunan is getting as brown and rugged as a prospector. Capt. Kubli is gaining in health rapidly and using the mineral water of the springs to inhale in his nostrils his catarrh is not so troublesome to him as it was, and he expects to fully regain his health. Harry Luy, Robert Armstrong, Arthur Baxter and T. (Sharkey) Cooper have a camp fitted with all modern conveniences, as they say of hotels, and are growing fat, sassy, and brown. Mr. Deisch and his little boys are getting along well, and the boy who is the invalid is gaining in strength. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Humason, of Medford, are getting themselves a comfortable cabin fixed up at the cinnabar mine, across the creek from the hotel, the distance being about a quarter of a mile in a direct line. Mr. Humason and Mr. Cowgill are getting their claim opened up, and it is very promising and they feel certain that it will be one of the rich cinnabar mines of the Coast. The hotel accommodations are quite good this season, Mr. and Mrs. Dunkin making every effort to make their guests comfortable and contented. On his way out Saturday from the springs Mr. Saltmarsh passed Walter and Robert Freshour and herders with a band of nearly 400 cattle, bringing them up into the Siskiyous, where they already have a band on the summer range. The cattle belong to the boys' father and their uncle, Joseph F. Freshour and ex-sheriff Marian Freshour of Yreka. Mr. Saltmarsh states that the cattle in the mountains look fine, and the grass is good. Jacksonville Sentinel, July 31, 1903, page 5 New Trail to Fish Lake.
A new government trail has been laid out
McAllister Springs to Fish Lake, and work will be commenced upon it
early in the spring. Forest Supervisor S. C. Bartrum was up
Roseburg last week and personally superintended the laying out and
surveying of the new route.The old trail wound about on the ridges and was very rough and steep. The new route will be at least one-third shorter and have a better grade; in fact the grade will be better than that of the upper portion of the wagon road to McAllister Springs. Three miles of this trail is as straight as a section line, not a curve in it. The trail when completed will be eight feet wide and will, in connection with other trails, form the shortest and easiest route to Klamath County. It is the intention of the government to fence a pasture at Fish Lake for the accommodation of the rangers' horses, as has already been done at other stations. This pasture will also be large enough to permit its use by campers also. Mr. Bartrum is making a good record for himself as a forest officer. Besides being an energetic and competent official, he is a very pleasant man to meet, and is always courteous and obliging to those with whom he is brought in contact in the discharge of his duty. Medford Mail, November 10, 1905, page 1 TO DEVELOP THE JACKSON SPRINGS.
Tidings, November 23, 1905, page 3Portland Man Has Leased Property and Will Improve Fine Sulfur Springs.
C. Wilson, a gentleman who became interested in the thermal mineral
springs on D. H. Jackson's place through an acquaintance made with Mr.
Jackson at the Lewis
and Clark Exposition,
has effected a lease of the springs and will erect a bath house and
small hotel there this winter. Mr. Wilson is now engaged in prospecting
the springs, of which there are a series, with the object of utilizing
the largest and warmest spring at the normal temperature at which the
water issues from its subterranean depths. By the diversion of a colder
spring he thinks he can raise the temperature of the water nearest the
road, which now registers 105º Fahrenheit, to 110º.
spring, which has been devoted to private use in a small way for many
years, has a temperature of 95º. The plans of Mr. Wilson
contemplate a larger exploitation of these springs at a later date with
a view to turning their well-known therapeutic properties to
maintaining a commercial project of some magnitude. These springs and
the Helman Springs, inside the city, are the most noted of this region,
which has been so bounteously favored with mineral springs within a
radius of fifteen miles from Ashland. The fine potable waters of the
so-called soda springs of the upper valley have become quite well
known, but the healing virtues of others have already given the country
considerable repute as a resort for persons seeking relief from
rheumatism and gout ailments.
Only yesterday a gentleman passing through to California made inquiries at the exhibit building [at the Ashland railroad depot] as to the accommodations to be had at the Tolman Springs, stating that he had been there once and that the mud baths and the waters there possessed wonderful curative properties for rheumatic troubles with which he had been afflicted. Someday Ashland's mineral springs will become as widely known as the famous hot springs of Arkansas. R. C. Wilson, a gentleman who became interested in the thermal mineral springs on D. H. Jackson's place, near Ashland, through an acquaintance made with Mr. Jackson at the Lewis and Clark exposition, has effected a lease of the springs and will erect a bath house and small hotel there this winter. Mr. Wilson is now engaged in prospecting the springs, of which there are a series, with the object of utilizing the largest and warmest spring at the normal temperature at which the water issues from its subterranean depths. By the diversion of a colder spring he thinks he can raise the temperature of the water nearest the road, which now registers 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 110 degrees. The spring, which has been devoted to private use in a small way for many years, has a temperature of 95 degrees. The plans of Mr. Wilson contemplate a larger exploitation of these springs at a later date with a view to turning their well-known therapeutic properties to maintaining a commercial value. "Jackson County," Medford Mail, December 1, 1905, page 1 The Jackson and Helman springs of Ashland were not affected by the [San Francisco] earthquake, contrary to report, but the Hosley spring, within the city limits, has increased its flow materially. "Jackson County," Medford Mail, April 27, 1906, page 1 The government trail from McAllister Springs to Fish Lake is now finished. The trail is built on a wagon road grade, is eight feet wide and could easily be converted into a good road. Indeed, it is passable right now for a mountain buckboard and a light load. This is the easiest and most direct route to Klamath County. A good road could be constructed at very little expense to Pelican, and with the boats now being constructed for traffic on the lake, a direct line to Klamath Falls could be established. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 13, 1906, page 5 Fred Luy and family had all kinds of trouble on the first start of their camping trip last week. The wagon carrying their bedding, etc., passed too close to the engine running the county road roller and a spark set the bedding on fire, and it took some lively work on the part of the driver and young Fred Luy to extinguish the flames. Then the baggage wagon took the road to Dead Indian Springs instead of that to McAllister Springs, and as a consequence the Luy party had to borrow "sleeping tools" from the other campers until the lost wagon could be located. Then about the time the party had settled down to rest a messenger came to announce the death of Fred Luy, Sr., at Jacksonville, causing Fred to repeat the thirty-mile ride he had just finished. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1906, page 5 Jolly Times at Tolman's.
Wednesday evening, ice cream and cake,
music and games. The songs
by Misses Edith Kelsey and Vivian Allen and Mr. Ray Roe were much
appreciated by all.The following afternoon everybody enjoyed a treat to watermelon given by Mr. Allen, proprietor of the springs, and Mr. Kimball of Roseburg. A contest for melon eating was engaged in which created no end of fun and laughter and was won by Miss Edith Kelsey of Marshfield. A large bonfire, games and various amusements are enjoyed every evening by the campers, and pitching horseshoes takes a conspicuous place among the many games. Ray Roe, a popular young man of Medford, is quite a favorite with the young ladies. The kind hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Allen of "The Springs" is greatly appreciated by everyone, and we know that there will be many regrets at leaving at the season's close. Those at the springs are: G. W. Kimball, Roseburg; Mrs. L. M. Rideout and children and Miss Edith Kelsey, Marshfield; Mr. Pollock and son Ecelus and wife, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. McLean and son, Grants Pass; Mrs. Fordney and daughter, Mrs. Phipps and children and Miss Iona Lasater, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buckman, Mrs. G. T. Salsbury and children, and Lloyd Casebeer, Ashland; J. W. Ingram, Mr. and Mr.s Bursell and sons, Miss Lula Gardner, Miss Rissue, sister and brothers, Central Point; Mrs. Tom Collins, Ray Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Judy and family, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun, Mr. and Mr.s Ship, Phoenix; Mrs. Clement, Iowa. ONE
Tolman Springs, Aug. 24.Valley Record, Ashland, August 29, 1906, page 3 Charles Randles and family spent a week at the Kinney home at McAllister [sic] Springs. Mrs. Randles was quite ill. She has greatly improved. The visit was generally enjoyed by all. Come again, Charles. J. G. McCallister [sic] made a business trip to Brownsboro last week, moving his family down from his ranch at the Soda Springs to his homestead near the Lake Creek school house to send his children to school. W. T. Kinney, "Lake Creek Items," Medford Mail, August 31, 1906, page 3 ASHLAND TO EXPLOIT MINERAL WATER
Feb. 14--Considerable interest has recently been manifested by several
persons in the exploitation of some of the mineral springs about
Ashland. The city is surrounded on three sides by some of the finest
natural soda water springs that exist in any part of the West.
The famous Wagner soda springs, whose waters have been in popular use since the earliest pioneers came into the country, have brought back the vigor of health to many people, and this may be said also of the Tolman mineral springs, ten miles southeast of Ashland. The Wagner Springs are eight miles southeast of Ashland, Kingsbury Springs seven miles and Murphy Springs only five miles from the city. The Ashland lithia spring is regarded as possessing therapeutic qualities in a high degree. This spring was recently discovered, and a government analysis lately made shows it to possess a greater amount of lithia than any of the other springs. There are also numerous sulfur springs, all of which have great medicinal value. Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1908, page 1 PROFESSOR DOMA ON WASSON SPRINGS
Medford Daily Tribune, April
6, 1908, page
At the request of a number of prominent citizens, Professor Doma has
made the following exhaustive tests of the superior quality of
Medford's new water supply. Being a very practical man, as I have said
before, the professor's tests were somewhat out of the ordinary
analysis, but prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Wasson Springs water
is pure.
A 22⅛-gallon tin vessel was punctured at the bottom right-hand corner with a 3/32-inch hole and allowed to stand tightly covered in a dry room for 24 hours. At the end of that time the cover was removed and the water was found to have all leaked out, which proves that it is a liquid and very thin and free from solid matter. Second test: An inebriated toper with an iron constitution was closely confined in an alfalfa barn, 22x32½ feet, without food or drink, except 10 gallons of Wasson Spring water. At the end of the allotted time he was examined. Results: Water all gone; constitution unrusted, 20 pounds of alfalfa missing; man thoroughly sober. This proves that the water is appetizing and free from adulteration or contamination by fermented leaves, roots or grains. Third test: An ordinary hat was fitted as well as possible to a thoughtless person's head and Professor Doma threw five wash basins of Wasson Spring water out of a barrel from the second-story window down upon him. Results: The hat was ruined; his long hair was "soaked" (and as he afterward confided to Toggery Bill, he himself was, too, when he had paid $5.00 for it). Conclusion: The water is wet. The fourth test was an accident and befell one of the judges of the fairness of the tests. He was a gentleman of refined appearance and noted for his taste in dress. The professor was leaning out of the window noting the effect of the water on the careless man's hat when, by mistake, he tipped the whole barrel, water and all, down on the judge's head. Results: The gentleman was very angry, and while he was uninjured he remarked "that the professor of physics was a blithering cone-headed blunderer." The hat, which was a "No Name," quickly resumed its original "snappy" shape and the dampness failed to penetrate its superior felt, which proves conclusively that the water is, in this one particular only, no better than ordinary rainwater, as neither can soak through a "No Name." Result: Many wise people who wish to look their best go to The Toggery and buy "No Names." They are of the "first water." The hat is admittedly the best hat in America today for the price, $3, $4, $5. Jas. Zurcher, who formerly owned the Smith Springs, located on Carter Creek, not far from Steinman, has returned from California, after an absence of several years, and is stopping at Ashland. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, July 7, 1908, page 4 TO DEAD INDIAN [sic] SPRINGS.
C. I. Hutchison of this city started
early last Sunday morning with
his family and his father for Colestin Springs in his Thomas 40
automobile. It took the party just two hours and 15 minutes to make the
trip from Medford to the hotel at Colestin, although they had
considerable trouble in finding the proper place to leave the
Portland-San Francisco wagon road to get to the springs. It was
necessary to about a mile past the springs to find a road leading
there. However, they reached the hotel in the time given in first-class
shape, and it was the first automobile ever driven up to the door of
the hotel. Mr. Hutchison reports that the roads are in first-class
condition, except between here and Ashland and for a short distance on
top of the mountains.Medford Mail, August 7, 1908, page 1 DEAD INDIAN SPRINGS.
T. E. Pottenger and G. P. Lindley came in last evening from Dead Indian
Springs. They report that there are about 60 or 70 people from this
locality camped there, and that all are enjoying themselves in great
shape. They have not had much experience in mountain outings, so failed
to supply themselves with a requisite quantity of provisions, hence the
necessity of this trip in. They will stock up today and again hike out
for the cool shade and mineral waters of that region, where they expect
to remain several weeks yet.
Medford Mail, August 7, 1908, page 5 DEAD INDIAN SPRINGS.
Nature's Medicine Chest Always Open and Free to Everybody.
Among the various resources near Medford are the mineral springs near
the source of Little Butte Creek. A recent visit to this noted place
calls forth an expression of interest from the tourist.
First, these springs are in sanitary surroundings; second, the waters issue from a crevice in lime rock, free from contamination of soil; third, the medicinal properties have been assayed by government chemists and contain the salts of lime, soda, potassium, iron, magnesium and traces of lithium and free acid. We note the free acid as it escapes from the sparkling waters issuing from the stone fountain. I met about 75 tourists at the beautiful camping grounds. All were happy, especially the merry children. A new name was proposed for this beautiful nature scene. The Indian is forgotten. His campfires have long ago died out on the mountains and the wild love song of the dusky-hued maiden is hushed in the valley. Let the school children of Medford give an appropriate name through the columns of the Morning Mail, one which will show due respect to Oregon and the pioneers. DR.
Medford Mail Tribune, August
27, 1908, page 5A. J. Daley and wife returned from the Cinnabar Springs last Sunday, where they had been for their health. Mr. Daley reports that Mrs. Wamsley, who is in a very critical condition, was to have started from there last Saturday, but would be several days on the road, as she is unable to travel far at a time. S. H. Harnish also returned from there last Friday night. He says that it is the most wonderful place he ever saw--down in a canyon five miles from the summit of the hill, and the mud that the patients use is dug out of a tunnel in the side of the mountain, about 20 feet deep. But he speaks well for the place as a resort A..C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, August 28, 1908, page 7 WEALTH OF MINERAL SPRINGS. Various Kinds of Potable and Medicinal Waters-- A Few Analyzed for this Issue. By C. Bradley, Chemist, Oregon Experiment Station. All natural waters may be conveniently divided into three divisions, namely rain water, surface waters and ground or deep waters. Rainwater when collected in the open air is the purest of all the natural waters, being free from dissolved mineral salts. It, however, contains dissolved gases obtained from the air by its passage through it. When collected from roofs, rainwater is often contaminated with dust and other impurities. Surface waters, lakes and streams, and especially ground waters, wells and deep springs, are often more or less charged with different mineral constituents taken up from the soils and formations through which they pass. When the salinity of the water is more than ordinary the water is commonly termed "mineral" water. Mineral waters are characterized by a salty taste and are quite often associated with a flow of gas as they emerge from the ground. Carbonic acid, hydrogen sulphide, recognized by its odor, and nitrogen are gases commonly noted in mineral waters. The character of the mineral matter which a water contains is determined by the deposits of salts in the earth with which it may come in contact. Old sea beds for example, furnish the salts ordinarily contained in sea water. If the water becomes charged with carbonic acid, which is often true of deep waters, it is then capable of dissolving limestone and becomes laden with carbonates of lime, magnesia or iron. The constituents of mineral waters vary greatly both in regard to the kind and amounts. Commonly such waters contain chlorides, sulphates and carbonates of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. More rarely elements like lithium, boron, iodine and bromine are present. The therapeutic value of these waters depends upon these various salts which they contain. The Southern Oregon district furnishes a number of excellent mineral waters, both from the standpoint of palatability as well as of medicinal value. The following analyses of waters from this section have been made at the Chemical Laboratory of the State Experiment Station. All results are reported in "parts per million"; these values may be converted, if desired, into "grains per gallon" by dividing by 17.12: ASHLAND LITHIA SPRINGS
Parts per
given off from the water is carbon dioxide.
SODA SPRINGS (Jackson County)
given off from the water is nitrogen.
Valley Record, Ashland,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.--The production of mineral water in Oregon is still
to be listed as an infant industry, but one which brings handsome
revenues for those engaged in its bottling. At prevailing rates, not a
few enterprising Oregonians should be able to amass neat fortunes out
of the bottling and sale of mineral water, provided they can find the
necessary mineral springs.Five Commercial Establishments Now Market Output for Medical Purposes. During the past year, according to the geological survey, 25,350 gallons of Oregon mineral water were bottled and sold at an average price of 35 cents a gallon. The total output brought in $8830. The industry, it is shown, is slowly expanding, for in the previous year was put out 1125 gallons less, and the average selling price during 1907 was only 23 cents a gallon. Water, which costs virtually nothing to produce and very little to market, must necessarily net a neat profit when sold at 35 cents a gallon. That is way above the market price of refined kerosene. About half the Oregon mineral water marketed is used for medical purposes. Some of it is purely for table use and some is used in the manufacture of soft drinks. Only six springs in the state are being developed commercially at this time. These are located at the following points respectively: Boswell, Douglas County; Cascadia, Linn County; Colestin, Jackson County; Seneca, Grant County; Soda Springs, Jackson County, and Hubbard, Marion County. Over in Washington, where Oregon prices prevailed last year, the total sales amounted to 38,900 gallons. The production in that state is declining, showing a decrease of 43 percent from 1907. The price, however, jumped from 16 to 35 cents a gallon, and the total output for 1908 sold for $2830 more than the larger output of the year previous. There are five commercial medical springs in Washington. Medford Daily Tribune, October 5, 1909, page 2 BIG PLUNGE BATHS OPENED AT ASHLAND
Oregon Journal, Portland,
October 31, 1909, page 19(Special Dispatch to the Journal)
Ashland, Or., Oct. 30.--Two thousand sight and pleasure seekers visited
the Ashland Mineral Springs natatorium this evening, the occasion being
the formal opening of what is said to be the largest plunge bath
establishment north of San Francisco.
Jordan's orchestra furnished the music for the evening and the large dance pavilion was crowded, as was the two mineral swimming pools. The pools are supplied with white sulfur water from springs that bubble up directly under the natatorium, and the utilizing of these famous waters as a source of profit and pleasure on such an extensive scale is an indication that capital is at last taking cognizance of some of Ashland's remarkable natural resources. Jackson County Springs: In general, it may be said that Jackson County is the Southern Oregon springs region. At Tolman Springs there are mud baths, vapor baths, hot and cold mineral baths, an excellent hotel, fine fishing, beautiful scenery and mountain air. These springs, on Emigrant Creek, are reached by a ten-mile drive from Ashland. Murphy Springs, Lithia Springs, Carter Springs, Wagner Springs are all on Emigrant Creek; White Sulfur Springs, Jackson Springs, Helman's Hot Springs and Natatorium, all immediately in Ashland; Dead Indian Springs, McAllister Springs, most readily reached from Medford; Cinnabar Springs, in the Siskiyou Mountains (the equal of Hot Springs of Arkansas for rheumatic relief); Soda Springs, with a good hotel. Outings in Oregon, OWR&N Co. and Southern Pacific, 1911, page 53 Many Go to Colestin
A large number of local people took advantage of the Elks' excursion
Sunday to make the trip to the Colestin Springs up in the Siskiyou
Mountains and spent a very pleasant day at that popular resort,
imbibing in the mineral waters of the springs and enjoying the
beautiful scenery of the hills and timber. A train of twelve coaches
was not sufficient to accommodate comfortably all who purchased tickets
from the different points along the route from Grants Pass to Ashland,
and many found it necessary to stand while making the trip up the hill
while the excursion train was somewhat behind its schedule time in
making the trip occasioned in picking up the passengers and the large
assortment of paraphernalia which the Elks took from Medford. Two large
engines pulled the excursionists up the mountain and deposited them at
their destination at just about the dinner hour. Some dissatisfaction
was felt over the necessary wait for refreshments, as most everyone was
ready for lunch upon arrival and a majority of the visitors had brought
no refreshments with them. However, this difficulty was soon overcome
and the guests served. Different forms of amusements were offered by
the Elks to interest the visitors during the hours spent at the springs
but by far the best attraction of the trip was the excellent spring of
mineral water and the grandeur of the rugged mountain scenery with its
pure, bracing breezes which is well worth a trip and a day spent there.
The excursion tickets were accepted on the local trains which reached
this city about six o'clock and some of the picnickers took advantage
of the opportunity to get home in time for dinner but the majority
stuck for their money's worth and waited for the special which left the
springs promptly at 8:00 and arrived here at 10:30 p.m. The Medford
band accompanied the excursion as far as Ashland on the trip up but at
that point they disorganized for the day. The Elks' "Whang-doodle
band'' was on the job, however, and an orchestra furnished music most
of the afternoon. Altogether it was a most pleasant excursion and
carried out with credit to the Elks and the Espee company and officials
in charge. Sixty-three tickets were sold from the local station.Central Point Herald, July 24, 1913, page 1 Smith Springs Are To Be Developed
M. C. Bressler and C. J. Coburn have some big plans for the development
of the Smith Springs, near Wagner Soda Springs, as a health resort. The
principal features of the spring is plenty of soda water, besides a
natural gas that is deemed to be good for sweating treatments. Water
has been sent to Portland for an analysis, and at present operations
are withheld until the judgment of the water is returned.Bressler and Coburn have an option on the land, given by Mr. Hendricks, the present owner. There is a wide range of land available for the resort. The promoters plan to build a fine sanitarium, to have the place landscaped, and to make a small lake, on which boats can run. The lay of the land is such that the latter can be easily done. Mr. Bressler will interest eastern capital in the project, and, if the water analysis turns out as good as expected, will start development work as soon as possible. Ashland Tidings, September 24, 1914, page 1 Mineral Springs Organization
For more than sixty years the presence of mineral springs in the
vicinity of Ashland was known. There had been from time to time
indifferent attempts at cheap development. The old lithia spring,
located on Emigrant Creek, about four miles from Ashland, was uncovered
by a tremendous freshet which occurred about forty years ago. After
that for years the spring bubbled forth from the bottom of the creek so
intermixed with surface waters that its contents were unknown. It was
called the Salt Spring. Some seven years ago the creek channel was
diverted and the spring slightly developed. It was encased in cement
and was found to produce large volumes of both water and carbon dioxide
gas. Analyses of the water disclosed its splendid mineral contents, at
that time the second highest in lithia contents in America. Nearby a
little spring called the Murphy soda was uncovered. Farther up the same
creek the Shepherd soda, the Siskiyou mineral and the Tolman gas
springs had been somewhat developed, while in the city limits the
Helman yellow sulfur and the Natatorium white sulfur springs had been
harnessed and converted into splendid bathing pools. One and a half
miles below Ashland the Jackson hot sulfur spring produced a large
volume, but was left undeveloped in a cattle pasture. The waters of
Cinnabar spring had been tested out and found par excellent in the
treatment of scrofulous diseases. From time to time remarkable cures of
rheumatism were reported by the Helman, the Natatorium and Jackson
hot sulfur. Many had found relief in the Siskiyou water for kidney
troubles and the old Lithia water was being used with splendid results
in the treatment of stomach and kidney troubles. The old Tolman gas
spring was equipped with tub for gas baths and heart trouble, and skin
diseases were being successfully treated.Plans Inaugurated by the Commercial Club and Backed by Loyal Individuals with Cash. (By Bert R. Greer.) But no systematic effort had ever been put forth to exploit the region as a watering resort. The oldest inhabitants had the greatest faith in the curative powers of the waters. They had seen it tried. Some of them had been cured of kidney infection by the use of the waters, others of chronic stomach trouble, and others of rheumatism. The virtues of the waters had gone abroad to the extent of attracting some from afar to try their curative powers. And in every case the waters proved beneficial. In the summer of 1913 an agitation arose for the effective development of these mineral springs, and the Commercial Club began to think on plans for its accomplishment. It was finally determined to try and secure the title to the main springs and develop them as a municipal enterprise. This proved futile, however, for the already proven value of the waters had put the cost of the springs above the power of the city. Alone to develop them and transform Ashland into a suitable watering resort would tax the financial and bonding ability of the city, and unless the original springs could be secured at a low cost the plan would not prove feasible. It was found that to purchase the old springs required for the enterprise would cost about $100,000. This was out of the question, but the Commercial Club was not dismayed. Ashland's mineral waters were her big asset, worth more, if properly utilized, than all the crops of Southern Oregon, so it was determined to raise a fund for the work and enter upon an attempt to develop springs which should be the property of the city. A committee of the club was appointed to solicit funds for the preliminary development work. In a week's time more than five thousand dollars had been subscribed for the purpose, and a committee composed of J. P. Dodge, R. A. Minkler and Bert R. Greer was selected to take charge of the work. Contracts were secured from land owners of ground in the mineral springs district whereby the city should develop the waters and have an interest in them if discovered in sufficient quantities for the enterprise. The springs development work commenced on December 23, 1913, the first work being done on the Cunningham place, where a carbon dioxide spring of great volume was uncovered at a depth of 22 feet. The next development work was in the neighborhood of the old lithia spring and on February 14, 1914, was uncovered a tremendous flow of lithia water which proved to be the second highest in lithia contents in the world, besides being heavily charged with carbon dioxide gas. This spring is called the new lithia, the analyses of which will be found on page [omission] and flows about twenty gallons per minute. As soon as the lithia spring was finished work was begun on the Berkley place, where an old warm sulfur spring had been known before the white settlement of the valley. Development here proved successful and hot sulfur, 100 degrees thermal and flowing 70 gallons per minute, was encountered at a depth of 15 feet, flowing out of an aperture in the solid rock. From this work was begun drilling for artesian mineral water on the Dodge place, and at a depth of 130 feet a strong vein of water, sodium and lithia, heavily charged with gas, was encountered. The Shepherd spring, analyzing strong in magnesium, iron and sodium, was brought forth, and in March samples of water from all of the newly developed springs were taken for analyses. These analyses, by comparison with other mineral waters, were found to outrank all other American springs in curative power and to equal the famous European springs such as Carlsbad, Bad Nauheim and Kissingen, resembling them much in mineral content and more especially in carbon dioxide gases. These waters the Commercial Club determined to have mobilized in the Ashland Canyon park, one of the most delightful and picturesque spots on the coast, starting in the business heart of the city and stretching away into the mountain solitudes. Preliminary plans for the enterprise were put in the hands of Smith, Emery & Co. of San Francisco, chemical engineers, and in May they reported a physical plant to cost about $100,000. Seventy-five thousand dollars was estimated for fountains and park development, and on June 9, 1914, the people of Ashland voted a bond issue of $175,000 for the purpose by a majority of four to one. Mention is due the Southern Pacific Company in this connection. From the start that company has evinced a profound interest in the enterprise, at all times lending the committee every aid and assistance from the use of the engineering department for consultation and checking to the influence of its head officials and the free use of its entire advertising system for exploiting Ashland as a watering resort. On June 4 a number of S.P. officials appeared before a largely attended mass meeting of citizens and expressed their confidence in the enterprise. The moral and advertising influence of the Southern Pacific Company is behind the project. On June 21, 1914, an election was held at which a springs water commission was created and elected, composed of J. P. Dodge, R. A. Minkler and Bert R. Greer, who are now engaged in carrying out the development plans. The resort will be organized along the plan employed at Carlsbad, Austria, and the project will eventually be made self-supporting. Tourist hotels, apartment houses and a water cure sanatorium under scientific medical direction are being planned and will be constructed during this year. Plans are being drawn for the finest water temple in America--a work of art and beauty--and the park is being worked out for the entertainment of the great crowds. It is hoped to have the resort ready for visitors on or before July 1, 1915. Ashland Tidings, December 31, 1914, page 6 Jackson Hot Sulfur Springs
These springs are situated in the well-known springs region of Southern
Oregon, directly on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railway,
about midway between San Francisco and Portland, Ore. About one mile
north of the city limits of Ashland, on the northern slope of the
Siskiyou Mountains, at an altitude of 1,700 feet, the immediate
surrounding mountain peaks rising to a height of 7,000 feet, where
snowbanks feed the mountain streams throughout the year, in the midst
of the everchanging coloring of the hills, these springs send forth
their vapor in summer and winter with unvarying persistency.The temperature of these waters will range in the different springs from 75 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit, from which they will not vary during the warmer or colder months of the year. The combined flow from all the springs will exceed seventy gallons per minute, and this does not vary to an appreciable extent during the longest periods of wet or dry weather, the quantity and temperature of the water remaining unchanged since their discovery, gives ample proof of their reliability. In their mineral ingredients are combined sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate, potassium chloride, iron and magnesium salts, are pleasant to drink at their natural heat at the springs, and are highly medicinal in their use, in the peculiar action whereby the purification of and the changes in the blood condition is affected. The combined use of these waters for drinking and bathing is of the utmost importance in a large number of cases, and when properly placed at the command of the tourist public, with drink halls, baths, hotel facilities, walks, drives, golf links, pleasure grounds and every convenience attending such conditions, these springs will rival those of any land. The only springs of this nature on the Southern Pacific Railway in Oregon, located in a region where climatic conditions are similar to those at Cairo, Italy and Southern France, and conducive to long sojourns in the vicinity by those seeking the curative qualities of the spring waters, where outdoor life may be enjoyed at its uttermost, combined with the influence of the altitude and favorable surroundings, these springs are destined to become widely and favorably known and will add materially to the future of Ashland as a health resort, when the many advantages of the locality are condensed to one slogan, Develop the mineral spring resources. Nature never furnished any spot with more abundance of raw material, needing but the molding to supply the world in a proper manner; located in the famous Rogue River Valley, where the air and soil drainage give almost perfect healthy climatic conditions; at the gateway to Crater Lake, a scenic wonder of the world; nearby the growing famous Marble Halls of Oregon, of Josephine County; accessible to the finest trout and salmon fishing grounds of any region; on the Pacific Highway, which in a few short years will carry a continuous stream of automobile life, the Jackson hot sulfur springs, together with the other fine springs of this vicinity, will make a large and permanent foundation for a health resort and watering place, rarely equaled, not easily excelled. Ashland Tidings, December 31, 1914, page 6 The Indian Legends of the Springs
before white men came to this country, so long ago, in fact, that
Indian tradition does not fix the date, that wonderful collection of
mineral springs, that promises to make Ashland famous, was known and
valued by the aborigines for their medicinal properties.By C. B. Watson, Ashland I first visited these springs forty-four years ago, and more than forty years ago published a prophecy that sometime a great health and watering resort would be built up here. I had then only recently arrived from my home in the prairies of Illinois, and everything I saw was new to me and wonderfully interesting. The mountains, forests, game and Indians were a source of delightful study for me. I went among the Indians east and west of the Cascade Mountains and learned many things not published in newspapers nor books. When I came Jackson County embraced all that area known now as Jackson, Klamath and Lake counties, and did not contain as many white people by one-third as the city of Ashland now has. The country now comprising Klamath and Lake counties was known as the "Lake country" and by the Indians as the "Land of Many Lakes." It was inhabited mainly by the Klamath and Modoc Indians, two powerful and warlike tribes, often engaged in war with each other, but sometimes by treaty combining to fight with the tribes west of the Cascades, also a warlike people, later known as the Rogue River Indians. These last were, however, so depleted by the wars with the whites in 1855 and '56 that they ceased to be a menace to the Lake tribes. When I first came, there were stories told of the aboriginals' use of the mineral springs, especially those known as the Tolman Springs, now owned by Mr. Lawrence and known as "Buckhorn Lodge," the escaping gases of which were prized by the redskins as "hyas skookum [very powerful] medicine." I visited them and verified some of the stories told. There were the places hollowed out on the banks of the stream where the gases escaped through fractures in the underlying rocks excavated by the Indians and in which they treated their patients. Dead birds, squirrels, snakes, rats and other small animals and reptiles lying in these pits told of the deadly quality of this carbonic acid gas [i.e., carbon dioxide] when not used with caution. In fact, the same thing may still be seen about these gas vents. From these facts the early settlers called them poison springs. The Indians, however, had learned how to use them and to value them accordingly. Their method was to find a spot where this gas escaped, hollow out a sufficient space, spread fir boughs in it for comfort and place the patient on the boughs, where he remained under watchful care until unconscious. He was then taken into a "wickiup" or tent made of skins and boughs and there put through a course of manipulation and teas until he recovered consciousness. Then would follow a day or two of sweating and incantations by a medicine man. This treatment was repeated until the patient was declared to be cured, or incurable. All this time they drank the water from the springs and used it for vapor baths in their sweat house. The Modocs and Klamaths were very skillful in the manufacture of baskets. Many of them were made for cooking in and holding water. These watertight baskets were filled and hot stones put into them, filling the sweat house with steam almost to the point of suffocation. The treatment was heroic, but the Indians insisted that it seldom failed to cure the most obstinate case of rheumatism, asthma, kidney disease and stomach trouble. It was not unusual for patients to be strapped onto ponies and brought from distant parts of the "Land of Many Lakes" to be treated. Forty years ago the old warriors, those that possessed the most wisdom, could seldom be induced to talk on such matters, but I became acquainted with Frank Riddle, who came among these Indians nearly seventy years go, took a wife among them and remained until he died a few years ago. Riddle was a man of much intelligence and grew to be a man of great influence among them. During the Modoc War of 1872 and 1873 he and his wife Toby did great service for the government troops, acting as interpreters and messengers of mediation. Riddle wanted me to write his history, and I agreed to do it if he would prepare the data for me. This he promised to do but never did. Our acquaintance ran through twenty years, and he often related his experiences and adventures to me. It goes without saying that his tales were thrilling. I asked him how long the Modocs and Klamaths had used the mineral springs of the Upper Rogue River Valley [i.e., the Upper Bear Creek Valley]. He said he did not know and that the oldest men of the tribes when he first came among them did not know. They were in use then and appeared to have been for ages. The people had a superstition about them and attributed them and their virtues to the "Great Spirit." The escaping gas was the breath of the "Great Spirit," and was a guarantee of sure cure if the patient had led a worthy life, but sure death if he had not. The place where the "Great Spirit" chose to administer the benefits of his healing breath was considered sacred and for ages was supervised by a great medicine man. Even when the tribes of the "Land of Many Lakes" were at war with the tribes in whose territory these springs were situated, if pilgrims from east of the mountains succeeded in reaching the springs for medical treatment, they were not molested while there, but if they could intercept them before they had passed the great forest they were driven back or killed. In this connection he told me a beautiful romance of two lovers of the dim past. They sought the springs in hope that the maiden might be cured of a malady that threatened her life. This story would be too long for this article, and I may give it at another time. I asked my friend why the people of the Land of Many Lakes always stopped at this one cluster of springs, why they did not go to the others where there were so many farther down in the valley; where the grass was better and no rugged canyon to hedge them in. He said that in the early time, of which, in their superstition, they spoked with bated breath, this one cluster of springs had by treaty been granted for their use and they were prohibited from visiting any other. The Wagner Soda Spring was taken up more than fifty years ago by an old hunter who took a fancy to the water as an antidote for some ailment he had. Another man by the name of Samuel Whitmore, who doubtless he remembered as one of the early school teachers of Ashland, visited this spring, and being himself afflicted got permission from the old hunter to stop with him and try the water. After a time the hunter got restless and sold his interests to Whitmore, who afterwards sold to a Dr. Caldwell. The doctor occupied the place when I first saw it in 1871. He had a comfortable house and other improvements and furnished accommodations to travelers crossing the mountains and entertainment for those who visited the springs for health and pleasure. Even at that time this spring was quite a resort, considering the dearth of population then in the valley. Even then it was not infrequent to have visitors from Portland, Salem and other places outside of the valley. The old doctor conducted a sanitarium on a modest scale, and the therapeutical value of these waters was then recognized and discussed. Splendid meals were set, and from that time to the present the Wagner Soda Spring has grown in popularity. Ashland Tidings, December 31, 1914, page 10 WAGNER SPRINGS
Ashland Tidings, December
31, 1914, page
15Historic Spring Home of Oldest Resort in Southern Oregon.
Twenty or thirty years ago the mention of "soda springs" immediately
suggested to the average resident of Jackson County and Southern Oregon
the place now known as Wagner's Springs, where "Siskiyou Natural
Mineral Water" comes from, located ten miles southeast of Ashland on
the Ashland-Klamath Falls route across the Cascades. But its history
dates far back of that. and it can be modestly claimed for this spring
that it is the historic mineral spring of this section of Oregon. For
more than sixty years people have traveled to it and drunk of its
sparkling waters. Before the days of commercial bottling of this water
hundreds of people from Southern Oregon and other sections of Oregon
and California made their annual summer pilgrimages to these springs,
took a few weeks' course of treatment and returned to their homes as
well satisfied with the results obtained in rejuvenated stomachs and
kidneys as if they had made a trip to Carlsbad.
Tradition tells us that these springs were first discovered, as far as white men are concerned, along in the forties by one of the Applegate parties engaged in an exploration trip through Southern Oregon and Northern California, the party, it is related, camping overnight at the springs. With the first real settlement of Rogue River Valley and the southern end of it in the vicinity of Ashland in the early fifties, the fame of the waters of these springs grew. There are several Oregon pioneers now residing in Ashland who recall the springs and partaking of the waters as early as 1853. At that early date settlers were yet few and far between throughout the entire Rogue River Valley, but the "soda springs above Ashland" were well known, and indeed practically the only known mineral springs in this section. The United States patent to the land on which the Wagner Springs are located was issued in the name of Samuel D. Whitmore, who had located upon the property as a homestead presumably in 1859. The patent was dated in 1864, but in 1862 Whitmore had given a quitclaim deed to Matthew Caldwell, according to the records, and Caldwell located additional lands adjoining. Caldwell was a practicing physician at Phoenix, of first-class professional reputation. He removed to the springs, built the first hotel, and practiced medicine successfully, with the aid of the mineral waters, in which he had much faith. He lived at the place for a number of years, conducting a hotel and in a way a sanitarium, with a more or less widespread reputation. Later Dr. Caldwell died. His widow became Mrs. Courtney and removed back to Phoenix. The property reverted to his daughter, Mrs. Lillie Caldwell Blackwood, now living at Phoenix, who with her husband, the late R. T. Blackwood, resided upon the place, which now embraced some fifteen hundred acres or more of land. However, they leased the hotel and springs portion and for three years, beginning with 1875, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Russell (the latter of whom is now a resident of Ashland, Mrs. A. H. Russell), and their family conducted the resort, and the place held a high reputation for the culinary excellence of the hotel under their regime as well as for the mineral springs. They were followed by L. B. Tucker and family, and during their term the stage traffic across the mountains between Ashland and Klamath Falls was an important factor, Soda Springs being a station for both man and beast traversing the route. In 1885 the Blackwoods sold the Soda Springs property to the late Jacob Wagner, who, retiring from a long term of service in the milling business in Ashland in impaired health, was attracted by the health-giving possibilities of the waters and always attributed a new lease of life in his own case to their liberal use. He made extensive improvements upon the hotel and the ranch in general, charge of which was after a short time assumed by J. M. Wagner, his son, who has ever since been the managing owner of the property. Since early days visitors to the springs had carried away its waters in jugs and bottles to their homes, but it was under J. M. Wagner's direction that the commercial bottling of the water began. With up-to-date equipment and under the suggestive name he gave it, the fame of "Siskiyou Natural Mineral Water" became widespread, and demands for it extended from Portland on the north to San Francisco on the south. He has recently been developing and has demonstrated successfully within a few weeks a new process of bottling the water without in the slightest impairing its medicinal or pleasant, potable qualities, that now promises to revolutionize the demand and sale for it. Death from scalds received while taking a bath was the fate of Henry Thompson, a resident of Ashland. He was taking the Helman baths for rheumatism. After turning on the hot water he was stricken with weakness and was unable to turn it off or arise from the tub. Attendants found him with scalding water flowing over his body. Death followed within a week. "News Notes of Valley Hamlets," Gold Hill News, June 12, 1915, page 1 Mineral Springs of Ashland, Ore.,
to Be Developed.
Ashland, Ore., whose mineral springs have been known and used since the
earliest settlement in Jackson County, has recognized them as a civic
asset worth exploitation and has undertaken a new role as the spa of
Southern Oregon. Bonds have been voted in the sum of $175,000 to carry
out a project of springs development and civic improvement. The waters
of lithia, soda and sulfur springs will be piped into the heart of the
city and distributed to the various places where they will be consumed.
In addition to piping water, provision will be made to pipe carbon
dioxide gas, with which the lithia and soda springs of the Ashland
district are heavily charged. This gas will be used in the sanatorium
in administering gas baths under similar methods in the water cures of
Europe. Ashland is on the main line of the Southern Pacific and
attention of patrons should be called to its springs.Southern Pacific Western Pacific Bulletin, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, August 1, 1915, page 1 OREGON'S MINERAL
Oregon Journal, Portland,
August 29, 1915, page 20AMONG HER NATURAL RESOURCES All Parts of State Rich in Springs of Various Kinds Soon to Be Better Known. NOW MORE ACCESSIBLE The Automobile Has Brought These Refreshing Places Closer to the People; Popularity Increases. By Fred Lockley.
An automobile is the magic key that unlocks the treasure chest of
Oregon's scenic wonders. During the last few years it has been my good
fortune to visit most of Oregon's beauty spots, and I have been struck
with one of our assets about which little is said, and that is our
wealth of mineral springs.
There is no need for the Oregonian to go to Carlsbad or even to Hot Springs, Ark., to secure the curative effects of those famous springs. We have right here in Oregon springs equally as good, though not equally well known. In Eastern Oregon you will find excellent springs at Wright's mineral springs, McDuffey's springs, Radium springs at Haines, Wenaha springs, or Bingham springs, as they were called by oldtimers, Hot lake, Lehman springs and Hidawny springs on Camas Prairie in southern Umatilla County. At Lakeview and at Klamath Falls there are hot mineral springs of ample flow and of curative power. There are many other mineral springs east of the mountains, but these are probably best known. Springs Abound on West Slope.
On the coast side of the Cascades we have a large number of springs
that deserve to be better known than they now are. Shipperd's springs
is easily accessible and is well patronized by Portlanders. Wolfer's
springs, near Hubbard, is a spring that someday will be taken hold of
by some capitalist or by the railroad and develop Wilholt springs, 20
miles distant from Portland, is another attractive nearby resort.
Carey's hot springs, above Estacada, will someday be better known and
better appreciated. Fairdale springs, 12 miles from North Yamhill, is
within easy automobile distance of Portland.From Albany one can go to Breitenbush hot springs near the foot of Mount Jefferson and get health, fish and venison all on the same trip. From Lebanon it is but a short distance to Sodaville and Waterloo springs, and farther up in the mountains you come to Cascadia springs, a beauty spot in the foothills of the Cascades. Calapooia springs, or London springs, are only 12 miles from Cottage Grove, and nature has done much to make the vicinity attractive. From Eugene an excellent road leads eastward to Belknap springs and Foley springs. Foley springs has some remarkable cures to its credit, and, being in the heart of the famous McKenzie River country, you can have plenty of sport with the redsides and the Dolly Vardens. Ashland Appreciates Her Springs.
Ashland is the one city in Oregon that has the vision to realize the
importance of the springs at her very door. Within a hundred yards of
the heart of the business district can be seen the green lawns and the
playing fountains of her city park. Ashland Creek is a joy and a
delight. It is spanned by numerous artistic rustic bridges, and for
miles--in fact, as far as the Hanging Rocks--it is a succession of
beauty spots. It is shaded by rugged old trees which are kept free from
underbrush. Springs have been opened out and rocked up in artistic
manner. Camping grounds have been arranged so that automobile tourists
can camp in comfort and safety without charge. To B. R. Greer of
Oklahoma is given the credit of initiating the work of making Ashland
beautiful. B. R. Greer, Chester Stevenson and J. B. Dodge are the
committee that has given Ashland a new vision. M. J. Duryea has been
employed as director of publicity and D. D. Norris, the secretary of
the Commercial Club, is always on the job to make the stranger welcome.In company with M. J. Duryea and Chester Stevenson I recently took an automobile trip around the Skyline Boulevard. We visited the Berkley sulfur spring, recently acquired by the city from the money raised by its bond issue to purchase, improve and utilize their mineral springs. Many Springs Visited.
We next went to the Dodge well, also owned by the city, and from which
the city will secure its supply of soda water for its bubbling
fountains. We next visited the Cunningham spring, from which the city
will secure a supply of gas to charge the water with natural gas. We
stopped at the Kingsbury soda spring and drank all we could hold of the
bubbling and refreshing soda water. We next went to the Gillette
spring, where for dozens of yards the water seethes and bubbles like
the witches' cauldron. We went to the Silver spring and from there to
the Murphy lithia spring, controlled by the spring water commission for
the city. Ashland has seven acres in Chautauqua Park and 51 acres in
Lithia Park.Great Curative Properties
Possessed by Ashland Mineral Springs.
The people of Ashland, Oregon, have spent $100,000 in the development
of the wonderful mineral springs in the canyon back of the city. Lithia
Park, recently completed, is fitted with fountain connected with the
springs, and the health-giving waters will be dispensed free to those
seeking relief from bodily ailments. Lithia, soda and sulfur are found
in them, naturally carbonated as to be very palatable. Their curative
properties are widely attested by prominent physicians. Chemically they
resemble the famous springs of the Stanislaw near Karlsdorf, Galicia.Southern Pacific Western Pacific Bulletin, Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, August 1, 1916, page 5 Dr. E. Kirchgessner has bought out Geo. H. Tyler's interest in the famous Dead Indian soda springs and he has filed upon the same and is putting in some improvements as well as protecting the property from destruction as a camping place. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1916, page 3 DEAD INDIAN SPRINGS
One of the most beautiful
resorts of Jackson County is found thirty-five miles east of Central
Point. Following the beautiful stream of Little Butte, passing through
Eagle Point, Brownsboro and Lake Creek and fording the creek seven
times in the last mile, you arrive at the beautiful camp ground of Dead
Indian Soda Springs, where the hunting and fishing is fine, and the
pure cold spring water is unequaled in the county, and the mineral
springs are known far and wide and speak for themselves. This camp
ground is in charge of Charles Wilkerson.Sunday, July 30, bright and early, I. C. Robinett and family, accompanied by Mrs. Herminghouse and Wm. Owens, arrived in their new car, the first car to come into the camp ground this year. They were pleasant guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hoagland. Robert Lindley went to Medford in his Ford car Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Among the recently in camp are Chas. Wilkinson, James and Thos. Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Telfer, George Lindley and family, Miss Helen Pierce, Ralph Balkin, Mrs. Olivia Osborne and daughter Miss Eva, Miss Helen Lydiard and J. P. Hoagland. Thursday George Lindley and two sons, Robert and Nolo, and Ralph Balkin left for their home in Medford after spending two pleasant weeks at Dead Indian Springs. Nolo was very much improved in health. Mrs. Hugh Porter and little daughter of Central Point and Mrs. Floyd Eddings of Gold Hill spent the weekend with Mrs. Porter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hoagland. Mrs. Osborne and party left for their home in Medford Friday. The camp seemed very quiet after the Lindley family left in their little Ford car for their home in Medford Saturday morning, but soon livened up in the afternoon when E. C. Hamilton of Agate came in driving Mr. Beebe's big mules and bringing supplies, and in the evening D. W. Beebe of Agate arrived in his big car, with the rest of both families and Miss Fern Beebe of Central Point. Gus Stinson was the first one to bring in a deer. Mr. Marshall and family of Salt Creek came to Dead Indian Springs to camp for some time. The visitors to our pleasant camp ground on Sunday were Frank Benson and family and Mrs. Burville in their little Ford car. Wm. Freeman and family, accompanied by Miss Goldie Owens in their big automobile, Russ Moore and family in their Ford car and Mrs. Wm. Cowley, two sons, John and William, and daughter Miss Dorris, and Merritt Hoagland in Mr. Cowley's Ford. In the evening Benton Eddington and family of Central Point arrived and will camp for a couple of weeks and enjoy the pure mountain air and water, and to hunt and fish. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Mattock of Medford arrived on Thursday to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Miller arrived Saturday evening and will camp for some time. The ladies of the camp got the cleanup fever last Thursday and headed by Mrs. Hoagland all got their dust caps on and rakes in hand proceeded to get busy. They gathered up all the rocks and trash into piles and the next day everyone got busy and hauled it off and now our camp ground is beautiful, with its lovely big moss-covered mounds with beautiful ferns growing in the center of each, scattered throughout the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland left for their home in Central Point on Sunday for a few days, returning Tuesday in their Ford, accompanied by their son Merritt. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Robinett and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Meyers of Central Point spent the day at the Dead Indian Soda Springs. Frank Benson of Central Point brought his mother-in-law, Mrs. Burselle, and her daughter Enta up to camp for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Benson spent a few days camping at the springs. Ernest Scott and family of Central Point arrived Sunday evening in his Ford car and will camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Stinson of Medford came up to camp and hunt for a few days. F. Boe and family of Sams Valley arrived in his little Ford and will camp and hunt for a week. Robert Lindley brought a load of young men from Medford up to fish and hunt for a few days. Mr. Kay and family from Yankee Creek are camping at Dead Indian Springs. There are between sixty and sixty-five persons camped at the Dead Indian Soda Springs at the present time. Mrs. Charles Wilkinson joined her husband at Dead Indian Soda Springs last Wednesday after spending two months in California. Medford Mail Tribune, August 21, 1916, page 4 Some day, and not distant, either, Ashland is going to be one of the greatest watering places in America. There are 40--counted 'em--lithia and soda springs in and around the picturesque place. There's hot and warm sulfur water. If I wrote all I learned about mineral springs right here, it would sound like a page out of a chemistry book. This I must tell, however. The lithia springs and the mineral springs in Ashland have the largest lithia contents of any known springs in the world. The lithia and soda waters are heavily charged with carbon dioxide gas, which makes them extremely palatable. They sparkle like champagne used to do. There's two splendid natatoriums in Ashland, fed by living springs of sulfur water, and if you don't want to drink the water you can bathe in it. Or you can do both. It's a sure cure for whatever ails you. Leone Cass Baker, "Southern Oregon, Rich in Nature's Bounties, Moves Visitor to Sound Praises Abroad," Oregonian, Portland, March 4, 1917, page C11 ASHLAND GETS HALF MILLION HEALTH
ASHLAND, Ore., May 26.--Announcement was
made here last night of the closing of a contract between the city of
Ashland and a syndicate headed by Mr. Jessie Winburn, New York
millionaire and head of the Car Advertising Company of New York,
whereby the surplus lithia, sulfur and soda waters and carbon dioxide
gas from the municipally owned springs are made available to the
syndicate for sanitarium and marketing purposes. The contract calls for
the expenditure of at least two hundred thousand dollars in sanitarium
and allied development. The syndicate has purchased the Hotel Austin,
which will be practically rebuilt as a modern hotel with mineral water
bath establishment in connection.Eastern Syndicate Purchases Municipally Owned Springs and Hotel Austin--Will Put Up Big Sanitarium and Conduct $250,000 Advertising Campaign--Vining Engineers The easterners have taken options on the Siskiyou mineral springs owned by J. M. Wagner, the mineral springs owned by J. J. Murphy and various other properties in and near the city and contemplate resort development on an immense scale. Plans are being considered which will involve the immediate expenditure of at least a half million with later development involving millions. A national advertising campaign is included in the plans with a quarter of a million-dollar budget for this purpose. The various lithia, soda and other waters will be advertised and marketed throughout the country and the resort advantages of Ashland widely heralded. Prof. Irving Vining, Ashland lecturer whose winters are spent in and around New York where he is much in demand, is responsible for the interesting of the New Yorkers who are behind the new development. Ashland in the municipal park and springs development laid the foundation for a real mineral water resort, and the caliber of the men behind the hotel and mineral water projects now contemplated assure the development of the leading mineral water resort of the coast in the Rogue River Valley. Medford Mail Tribune,
May 26, 1920, page 1
A number of people in this vicinity have been worried about a report
that the Jackson hot spring is going dry. According to their statement,
the spring will fill for a time, after which the waters will recede.
The explanation of this phenomenon was explained by a resident, who has
lived here for a number of years, and is well acquainted with the
vagaries of the Jackson spring. According to his statement the young
lads of the city have been in the habit of damming up the stream to the
spring in order to improve the swimming facilities there. The owner of
the spring, when he discovers the dam, will tear it out, causing the
water to recede. This, he claims, is the explanation to the rise and
fall of the water in Jackson spring. This body of water has never been
known to go dry.Ashland Tidings, July 7, 1920, page 3 There was a vast number of autos passed through here Sunday morning and later in the week Mrs. Charles Wilkinson of Dead Indian Soda Springs, and her daughter-in-law Mrs. Clyde Plymire, of Portland, called and reported that there were 150 names registered at the Dead Indian Soda Springs that day and besides that there were a large number scattered along the banks of our little Butte Creek and Rogue River besides a host of sightseers went to Prospect and Crater Lake, and still we had here for dinner Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Clay, Medford, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rawley, Galva, Illinois, J. S. K. James and wife, Miss Lizzie Ranter, Miss Mollie Britt and Mr. E. Britt of Jacksonville, Carl Jackson of Butte Falls, C. H. Natwick and Harold Van Scoy from Union Creek, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham and son William of Medford, and Miss Roxie Helen of Sacramento, Mr. and Mrs. Alenderfer of Medford, C. J. Rickert, Joe Clements, transients, and J. D. Welch of Portland, Coast Livestock Company, who were passing through with a band of sheep taking them to Ben Brophy's to pasture, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Shady and son, jeweler in the Martin Reddy shop in Medford, Miss Lillian Noben and Everett Nash, Medford. Quite a number of those who were here for dinner remained the most of the afternoon enjoying the cool veranda. Later in the day James Juland, Portland, came in and remained overnight, also Captain A. J. Vance and wife, Ralph Hayman, Rock Point, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Merriman and son Francis of Medford, Miss Margaret Mansfield and Miss Edith Creede of Medford. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1920, page 5 ASHLAND STARTS IMPROVEMENT OF
ASHLAND, July 25.--The nude in nature is being eliminated at Jackson
Hot Springs, near town, by the erection of a bath house on the
premises, which it is hoped is the precursor of [omission?]
that vicinity. The springs, located directly on the line of the Pacific
Highway, constitute an asset well worth developing on a scale
commensurate with their importance. The banks of Bear Creek nearby
afford shady camping spots for tourists who would be eager to avail
themselves of privileges which the springs afford, providing they were
developed on a commercial basis, and this implies bathing and
sanitarium facilities. Tolman and other springs are practically in the
discard, due to their being off the main lines of travel. Jackson
Springs, however, are ideally located, and moreover are
self-advertised. All that they lack are accommodations for the army of
tourists who pass to and fro daily. Ashland has a surfeit of
spring/resorts, coupled with the natatoriums and plunges, consequently
no attention has been paid to developing the Jackson project, except
recently and that on a minor scale. Heretofore the pond has been
monopolized by a lot of kids, minus bathing suits, whose attitude is
that of the quiet, peaceful and undisturbed in nature, unless a touring
car happens to pass that way, when there is a mad scramble for the
breakers and the high dive is in order. If the Jackson Spring was
located as near Medford as it is Ashland, permanent development would
follow to an extent meriting the opportunities so readily available. At
Kingsbury Springs, east of Ashland, Ad Helms is installing improvements
on a big scale. A large, substantial building is being erected of
pavilion proportions, which will include a dance hall and guest rooms.
Light refreshments and the more substantial supplies will be available,
in fact it will be a service station on a generous scale. This
commodious resort center at Kingsbury's is also located directly on the
Pacific Highway.
Medford Mail Tribune,
July 25, 1921, page 8
In Jackson County, permits have been issued to G. C. McAllister, of
Central Point, covering the appropriation of water from McAllister
Spring for domestic use and for irrigation of a ten-acre tract, at an
estimated cost of construction amounting to $500.00.
"Gets Water from McAllister Springs," Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1922, page 8 Near Ashland is a lithia spring where the water is bottled. Then, 30 miles from Medford, is Dead Indian Soda Springs, where the water comes from the earth already carbonated, the great gas bubbles popping when it strikes the air and throwing foam for several feet. Right on the California state line in the watershed of the Klamath River is Cinnabar mineral springs, and in the Butte Creek district nearby are several soda springs and one poison spring. There are several poison springs in the Crater National Forest, and these are carefully marked and guarded. DeWitt Harry, "Mineral Springs of Oregon Possess Curative Properties," Oregonian, Portland, April 16, 1922, page 6 MEDFORD MAN TO BUILD PAVILION AT
J. C. Ottinger of Medford has leased the Jackson Hot Springs this side
of Ashland on the Pacific Highway, and work will start at once on the
construction of a swimming pool, a dance pavilion, a bathhouse and an
auto camp ground.
Work has already started on the construction of a concrete wall around the spring so that the water will rise to a level high enough to allow it to flow across the Pacific Highway to the land on the east side of the road, where all of the buildings and the pool will be situated. The swimming pool is to be an open air pool for this summer and will most likely be housed by next year. It is to be 45 by 90 feet and will be built of concrete. If housed it will be kept open all winter, as the water is exceedingly warm and will be comfortable at all times of the year. The house surrounding the pool will have removable sections to allow free circulation of air in the summer season. The bathhouse will be equipped with sulfur water showers, the water for which will be piped from the four small springs on the hillside west of the large spring. The dancing pavilion will be 60 by 100 feet and will be arranged so that open air dancing in the summer season may be enjoyed. It will also be capable of being closed on the sides in the winter season to exclude the cold and moisture. This new resort promises to enjoy much popularity, and if the present outlook is verified a baseball diamond, good tennis courts and a golf course may be installed at a future date. Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1922, page 5 Charley Wilkinson of Dead Indian Soda Springs passed through here Monday on his way home. He says that he has a concession from the U.S. government to keep a supply store at the springs and that it, the government, plans to make a good road through that country on to Lake of the Woods and that will be a near route to Klamath County. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1922, page 3 JACKSON HOT SPRINGS PAVILION
Mail Tribune, June 30, 1922, page 7
The Jackson Hot Springs open air pavilion, two miles north of Ashland,
the largest open air pavilion in Southern Oregon, will be formally
opened Saturday evening, July 1st, with a big dance beginning at 9 a.m.
Work on the new structure is being pushed to completion, a splendid floor for dancing has been put in and excellent music will be furnished. There will be dancing Monday and Tuesday evenings beginning at 6 p.m. The company hopes to have their bathing pool ready by August 1 or before and will have plenty of fresh sulfur water for the same. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Nichols, pioneer residents of this section, returned Saturday from their trip to the noted health resort, the Willows Mud Springs, where they went some three weeks ago so as to have her try the virtue of that remedy for rheumatism. They make a very favorable report although she is not entirely healed but greatly improved. They expect to return in about another week or ten days, as that seems to be the place to take the treatment, for two weeks, and then lay off about the same length of time, then try it for two weeks more. We are all delighted to know that she is relieved to a certain extent at least. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, August 26, 1922, page 3 Dead Indian Soda Springs.
"Crater Lake Area Enchanting
Region," Oregonian, Portland,
June 24, 1923, page 78
Dead Indian soda springs, on the Crater national forest, is an
increasingly popular recreation ground, reached over 30 miles of
automobile road from Medford. The water at these springs is highly
carbonated and agreeable to the taste. The cool, shady woods, the
fishing, the deer hunting and the added attraction of the soda water
make this one of the more important resorts tributary to the Rogue
River Valley. A free forest camp is provided by the Forest Service, and
summer homesite building lots have been surveyed for lease. For maps
and information apply to the forest supervisor, Medford, Or.
Dead Indian Springs As a Health
Mail Tribune, July 9, 1923, page 2
Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson, of the Dead Indian Soda Springs health resort,
was in Medford Monday purchasing supplies for the resort.
Mrs. Wilkinson says the recent rains made the roads quite rough but they will be in good shape the last of the week. The resort is located 35 miles from Medford at the forks of the Dead Indian and Butte creeks, near the famous soda and iron springs. With good fishing and hiking, it is an ideal place for a vacation. They have recently erected tent houses for rent, with or without board, and they also sell all kinds of campers' supplies. The post office is Lake Creek. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson of Lake Creek were in Medford today. Mr. Wilkinson left for California for the winter. They are owners of the Dead Indian Soda Springs and report splendid business this season. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1923, page 2 JACKSON HOT SPRINGS CARNIVAL
Medford Mail Tribune, December
14, 1923, page 14
The carnival dance at Jackson Hot Springs Thursday night was well
attended and the crowd enjoyed one of the biggest times of the year.
Snack's 8-piece jazz orchestra furnished the music and everybody voted
it the snappiest orchestra ever heard in Jackson County.
There will be another dance Saturday night, December 15. Music by this orchestra, and the management announces that there will be one dance a week held here for the balance of the winter. The Lithia Geyser will spout at the Pompadour Lithia Springs promptly at 4:15 next Sunday for the benefit of anyone who wishes to view the spectacle. This geyser was recently discovered, and through very strenuous efforts on the part of the men who are in charge at the Pompadour Lithia Springs the flow was capped after it had thrown away gallons of lithia water into the air. The geyser has been controlled now, and it is very seldom that it is allowed to shoot in the air. It now shoots a six-inch stream of water into the air 40 feet and over. The strength is enough to run the machinery necessary to tube the carbonic gas there, which eliminates all the expense of a power plant and electricity. Harry Silver, owner of the springs, states that the company have been trying for some time to locate a similar geyser, but the one found was beyond all expectations. This was let loose several weeks ago for the first time, and anyone who wishes to see it is invited to be at the springs at 4 o'clock Sunday. Special out-of-town guests are also expected to be in Ashland Sunday for the purpose of viewing the geyser. "Final Drive for Tourist Hotel," Medford Mail Tribune, July 11, 1924, page 8 Natural Carbonic Gas
The natural carbonic gas wells are the third to be developed in the
United States, the others being at Saratoga, N.Y., and Manitou,
Colorado. The gas produced at Ashland wells uniformly holds up to 99.8
percent pure--a very high standard. The gas is compressed into liquid
form under a pressure of from 800 to 1100 pounds and placed in steel
cylinders for shipment which are tested to 3300 pounds per square inch.The geyser recently brought in by the Natural Carbonic Company flows heavily in natural lithia water and natural carbonic gas, and 24-hour continuous run resulted in the compressing and placing in cylinders ready for shipment of 6000 pounds of liquid gas. The gas is sold under a term contract to the Liquid Carbonic Company, Chicago, the largest concern of its kind in the United States, which distributes it over the entire Northwest, maintaining warehouses and distributing stations at Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Salt Lake. It is used in soda fountains, by bottlers for carbonating beverages, and in the manufacture of ice cream and butter, and its purity and uniformity make it much more desirable than the artificial gas. Mineral Waters
The mineral waters of the Ashland district are of a wide variety,
including the soda waters, the cold and hot sulfur waters, the cinnabar
waters, and the natural lithia waters, and while the development of the
waters,other than the natural lithia waters, must be for local purposes, the wide variety will eventually make Ashland the leading health resort of the western portion of the United States. The sulfur and cinnabar waters are now being used for bathing purposes at the Jackson Springs and the Cinnabar Springs. The natural lithia waters are in a class by themselves and are unique in that they are both a medicinal and a table water, unsurpassed by any mineral water in the world so far developed. These waters, bottled with their own natural carbonic gas, stand shipment anywhere, and the field for their sale is worldwide. "Ashland's Mining District," Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1924, page 3 POMPADOUR SPRING IS IMPROVED
Mail Tribune, August 30, 1924, page 3
Improvements completed this week in the handling of the natural
carbonic gas and natural lithia water flows from the Silver geyser on
the Pompadour Springs property near Ashland has resulted in doing away
with all pumping of mineral water and gas, the natural flow of the
geyser providing an ample supply of natural carbonic gas for the
compressing plant, and abundant cold mineral water from a depth of 180
feet for bottling purposes and for cooling purposes in the compressing
plant. These improvements not only effect a considerable saving, but
also demonstrate the perfect control of the geyser, and it has also
resulted in the Pompadour Chief spring being made available to the
public at all times for drinking purposes.
The management has extended an invitation to the public to visit the springs on weekdays during ordinary business hours, and on Sunday, Aug. 31st, at 4:15 p.m. especially, to witness the geyser spout. PORTLAND FIRM SUES FOR CASH
M. Seller and Co., of
Portland, today filed a civil suit in the circuit court against Mary
Chase and J. C. Ottinger, for the collection of $809.14, and $250
damages. The $809.14 is alleged to be due on merchandise, and $250 for
failure to return the goods.The complaint sets forth that on April 25 last, equipment for use at the Jackson Hot Springs was purchased at Portland by Mary Chase, $319 down and the balance at $200 per month until paid for. No payments, it is asserted, have been made. Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1925, page 3 PLAN TO SPEND $10,000 ON HOT
ASHLAND, Oct. 7.--Jackson's Hot Springs will have an overhauling at the
hands of the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton. The new owners plan
to spend $10,000 in remodeling the place and will make it a popular
health and recreation resort. Cottages will be built to take care of
next year's tourist trade. The fine flow of sulfur water has been
almost doubled by means of new pipe line and by clearing away of debris
and vegetable growth in the spring. A substantial fence will be built
and lawns and shrubbery will be planted. Such improvements have been
impossible in the past as cars have been allowed to drive in at all
points. The dance hall will be remodeled and a gasoline station will be
erected on the property.
Medford Mail Tribune, October
8, 1925, page 12
The lease on the Jackson Hot Springs health and pleasure resort was
sold this week to D. H. Jackson, owner of the property, by Mr. and Mrs.
Jessie Milton and will be re-leased, possibly to Otto H. Dongus. The
resort will continue in operation as before and they are expecting a
big time July 4 and 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton have operated the resort about nine months, have added new cottages, lockers, an oil station and a ball park, have fenced the property and painted the buildings. It is now one of the popular places on the Pacific Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Milton will continue to live in the home in Ashland and will take a rest. Medford Mail Tribune, July
3, 1926, page 4
Over $3000 damage is estimated to have been sustained at the Wagner Springs place, totally destroyed this morning, following futile fire fighting attempts. A 100-ton stack of hay, in the path of a high wind blowing the flames from the blazing structure, was also destroyed. Barns and other buildings on the ranch were saved from damage because of wind blowing in the wrong direction. The house was one of the valley's landmarks and is said to have been built over 50 years ago. It had been tenanted for years by Fred and Marsh Wagner of Ashland until several years ago, when it was rented. The building, while not actually classed as a hotel, had often been used as a stopping place in pioneer days by travelers. It contained eight rooms. At the time of the fire it was occupied by two families, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wallace. The furniture is known to have been covered by insurance, while nothing is known at present here concerning the loss on the house. The inability of a newly installed pump to work on the place is blamed for the fire spreading so quickly. The house was the property of Marsh Wagner. "Tomlin
Plant Fire Damaged, Loss is $2500," Medford Mail Tribune, September
24, 1926, page 1
Old Landmark Is Destroyed in Big
A noted landmark of pioneer days in Southern Oregon was wiped out
shortly after 7 o'clock this morning when the 25-room dwelling at
Wagner Springs on the old Klamath road was completely destroyed by fire.The blaze was caused from sparks falling on the dry roof, it was thought, and because of the shortage of water the big frame building was quickly wiped away. The building was more than a half a century old, and in the early days Wagner Springs was the most popular mineral and health resort in Southern Oregon. It had been operated as a summer resort up until about 10 years ago. HOT SPRINGS IS UNDER WATER
ASHLAND, Feb. 21.--Ashland is suffering
the same flood conditions
that persist at present throughout the valley. Fortunately the city
stands on high ground with sufficient natural drainage to carry off the
flood waters, so conditions are not so bad in the streets. The rainfall
has been excessive within the last three days; it has amounted to 3.75
inches. This added to the fact to the fact that the ground was already
saturated with water from the previous rains accounts for the unusual
conditions. The highway near Jackson Hot Springs is under water for a
half mile and the low ground where the buildings stand is a lake, while
muddy water pours into the swimming tank and tourist houses stand
submerged several feet in the water. O. M. Franklin, the local baker,
took his boat down Sunday afternoon and is reported to have assisted
people who were marooned on an island in the flood district.Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1927, page 1 MINERAL SPRINGS IN SAMS VALLEY
The mineral springs on the Holcomb homestead property is being fitted
with cabins and bath houses for the accommodation of sojourners who
wish to benefit their health by the use of this valuable mineral water.
Pete Myers of Gold Hill is helping to finance and construct at the new
improvement work.Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1927, page B5 HOT SPRINGS
Saturday the hot springs pool was filled
in the afternoon with high
school students on a picnic tour from Grants Pass, stopping at
Applegate for a barbecue picnic.In the evening the Grangers had another of their popular dances. A joyful crowd was in attendance. On the committee sponsoring these semi-monthly dances is Ross Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Harvey Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Throt Miller. Although the weather was chilly Easter, many people took a swim. Girls stand the cool air better than the boys. Charles Hoyt of Kirk, prominent stockman, stopped at the springs last week. J. C. Berrang of Phoenix called Sunday during the Hot Springs Barbecue. Ray Offenbacher of Medford was a visitor Saturday. Sunday the hills close by the springs were well carded for mushrooms. Among those registered during the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deardorff of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Banshears of Sacramento, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barthwick and children of Seattle, C. D. Brown of Harris, Idaho; Godfred Maroff of Los Angeles, C. D. Baldwin of Crescent City, Cal.; Wm. Pyncheon of Seattle, Lee Moody of Zillah, Washington and Henry Hirsch of Limon, Colo. Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1927, page 3 The "Hot Springs" column was written by a correspondent from Jackson Hot Springs.
Cinnabar Found at the Holcomb Mineral Spring
Reports of a new find in the Gold Hill district were brought to the
city last week from the Holcomb Mineral Spring camp, owned and operated
by G. W. Holcomb and P. H. Myers.Mr. Myers has just retired from the Beaver Portland Co., with whom he has been affiliated in the capacity of storekeeper for several years. He resigned his position with the intention of spending all his time at the spring. It was while men were at work at the spring, making excavations for a large sump, that the strike was made. Examination of the ore by several of the mining men in that vicinity brought forth the intelligence that it was high grade of cinnabar. In interviewing Mr. Myers, he stated that he didn't care much what was in the ore. If it turned out to be high-grade cinnabar he would still think more of the spring and its wonderful health-giving properties than he would of the ore. His only anxiety seemed to be that should the ore prove to be as good as some believe it to be, that it would mean the spring would have to take a "second fiddle" position. Holcomb and Myers had their plans all outlined to erect bath houses and cabins at the spring and improve the camp to where the people could partake of the health qualities which are contained in the water from the Holcomb spring. Gold Hill News, April 21, 1927, page 1 HOT SPRINGS
L. H. Clark and Guy Everett of Eugene
have been stopping over for
the past week, making trips through the valley and Northern California.
Both like this valley, and believe it superior to the Eugene territory.
They take a daily plunge in the pool.Doctor Stuart and family of Klamath Falls were swimming Sunday evening. Mr. L. Walker and party, also from Klamath Falls, enjoyed a picnic in the grove Monday. The manager of the Ashland Y.M.C.A. brought 20 boys down for a plunge and they all enjoyed a picnic. Among those at the Springs Sunday were Mr. C. E. Bolds and Edward Bolds of Central Point; Mr. Ackley, Mr. and Mrs. Coats and family of Phoenix. Monday evening Ella, Mabel Grace and Mr. Glover were visitors. Although the tank was not yet filled with water, a good many were in swimming. Mr. Dan H. Snider and Mrs. Goldie Snider, organist of the Grants Pass theater, are visiting their cousins, Mrs. Ottinger and Mrs. Parker, for several days at the springs. Those registered are Miss Emma McCarthie, Los Angeles; L. H. Clark, Eugene; C. H. Daltgren, Portland; O. Carter, Redding; A. T. Campbell, Seattle. Medford Mail Tribune, April 28, 1927, page 6 HOT SPRINGS
HOT SPRINGS, Apr. 27.--A surprise party
for Mrs. J. C. Ottinger of
the Hot Springs was staged here. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Ottinger, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker and daughter Aileen, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Walters of Talent, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Snider of Grants Pass, Mr. and
Mrs. I. C. Williams of Talent and Arthur Keenan.Thursday afternoon a crowd of 75 Jackson Street school children were here and after a swim they had a picnic. Miss Aileen Parker was taken ill after the birthday dinner with violent gastric disturbances, but is now improving. Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1927, page B2 HOT SPRINGS
HOT SPRINGS, May 5.--Events lag here
somewhat and bad weather
predominates; the cloudy days have their bad points at the springs for
Mr. J. C. Ottinger, but so do the sunny, as their business is rushing,
and the glimmering, dazzling reflections of the sun on the swimming
pool blinds him, or whoever is passing out bathing suits, so Mr.
Ottinger by his own assertions and his wife's says he has lain awake
nights trying to solve it, that is, to keep the water from reflecting
the sun, thinks he has it worked out now, but is calmly waiting for the
sun.Last week students from the Douglas County normal school hiked out from Ashland and enjoyed themselves by swimming and later had a picnic. Those in the group were: Thelma Bartholmy, Frederica Sabley, Lois Wells, Faye Harrell, Mary Talbot, Velma Harrell, C. Alfred, V. Davis, Ruth McNeil, Claire Merle, Bernice Merle, and Miss Dorothy Slack, accompanied by Mrs. R. R. Wells and daughters. The two senior high school classes from Grants Pass were here Friday, and all took a swim, and while some were leaving the rest discovered the dance hall, so between the ukulele and the piano they were all able to dance. Muriel McCutchen, Bonnie Pollard, and Martha Bash of the Ashland normal hiked out from Ashland Friday afternoon and after a swim started walking back in the rain (and it was raining) to gain their points, as they were to walk five miles. The boys are getting the baseball diamond in shape here and if the weather turns warm expect a fair crowd at the game Sunday. Mr. Allie Kenworthy, and Mr. J. H. O'Rourke and Miss Pat Walker of the J. N. Collins company stopped off for a short visit with Mr. Kenworthy's aunt, Mrs. E. Parker of the springs. The party left at 9 o'clock in the evening intending to drive to Eureka (in the company's Graham truck) before stopping. Mr. A. Kennon of the Barbecue left Monday on a business trip to Red Bluff, Calif. Those registered during the past week were O. B. Walker, Phoenix, Ariz.; D. Snell and wife, Seattle; E. P. Minto, Yakima, Wash.; J. Kubriki, Los Angeles; G. Rainey and son, Stockton; W. E. Smith, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Booth, Los Angeles; A. R. Sester, Oakland; G. F. Bowdish, Bayles, Calif., destination Talent; C. A. Darro, Mrs. C. A. Darro, Mrs. Fannie MacGill, C. W. Williams, Monterey, Calif.; W. Z. Wrig and A. Doson, Stockton, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Jackson, Los Angeles; John Brigmkols, Louis Fink, Oakland. Medford Mail Tribune, May 9, 1927, page 5 HOT SPRINGS
The past week has turned the tourists'
minds and spirits into more
cheerful molds, and by the many that stop here and boast of the Rogue
River Valley, there will no doubt be a good crop of visitors in the
valley this season.Senator Hawley stopped here several times last week and drank some of the mineral water and looked the springs over. J. C. Ottinger had a crew down at his home place adjoining Talent, cleaning ditches, etc. An extra large crowd was in attendance at the dance here Saturday night. It was estimated that about 500 people were here. Quite a few people were swimming while the dance was on. After a busy night Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. J. C. Ottinger and Frank G. Ewing tackled the swimming pool with wire brushes and gave it a good cleaning. Monday morning before the pool had three feet of water in it there were several people in swimming. H. Thompson of the Holt & Best Caterpillar Company visited Arthur Keenan of the Hot Springs Barbecue. Mrs. A. Hollopeter of Medford and two daughters were here Sunday with four of Mrs. Hollopeter's cousins, who are from Washington. Mr. Eastman of the P.O. Super brought some children down to go in swimming. He said he could swim but didn't want to empty it. Those who registered the past week are Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bell and daughter, a banker of Portland, stopped over here three days; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. O'Connell of San Jose, Calif.; E. B. Lowry of Los Angeles, John Barbarica of San Francisco, Robert McGarrigle, W. H. Varice, Mrs. M. and daughter, Miss M. McDonald, stayed over three days, making trips to the valley's outlying towns after making a trip through the Klamath Falls territory they contemplate staying here for several weeks; A. L. Pierce of Arlington, Wash.; C. T. Kellogg of Pasadena, Calif.; G. W. Klemensen and wife of Oregon City, W. A. Whitmae of Pomeroy, Wash.; G. P. Beck and A. B. Lindley of Longview, Wash.; Mrs. C. J. Shea and daughters Grace and Ruth of Oakland, Calif.; W. P. Allen is stopping over for a week in one of the cabins and taking mineral baths; Hugh Quigley and family of Los Angeles have three cabins and are stopping over for the week; Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead of Venice, Calif.; Lee Case, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Carmack of Clear Lake, Calif. are stopping over for several days. L. Gilbert of Marshfield, a cousin of F. G. Ewing of the Barbecue, has returned to Marshfield now that the DeAutremont trial is postponed. Mr. Gilbert and party have been down several times and contemplate staying here when the trial is resumed. Medford Mail Tribune, May 17, 1927, page 8 ROGUE RIVER HI HOLDS PICNIC AT
River high school held its
annual picnic here Wednesday and all apparently were having a good
time. Those in the group were E. W. Oliver, principal; Miss Elizabeth
Pennington and Miss Gladys Sandry, teachers, and the following
students: Louise Blankenship, Martha Laws, Doris Sandry, Mary Laws,
Esther Spiers, Ethel Redifer, Harriet Pickering, Nola LeMoine, Faye
LeMoine, Neva Todd, Shirley Jones, Roy Moore, Walter Wakeman, Herman
Wakeman, Norma Brashear, Edward Hillis, Leland Harter, Lowell Miller,
Harold Laws, Estella Bradley and Mr. Evensizer, driver.On Tuesday a group of students from the Ashland high school featured this place in their picnic program. The past week has shown a great increase in tourist travel, cars stopping here from virtually all of the states. A good many are returning to their homes after spending the winter in the South. While summer is advancing the spring flowers are in profuse bloom in the hills here, and nature's beauty still remains supreme, with the California poppies blooming in memory of the departed. Many people stop here and comment on the taste of the mineral water. It is certainly surprising what some say. Mrs. E. Nelson of Klamath Falls stopped at the springs Sunday to order a barbecue machine to be installed at Klamath Falls. Those registered are Artra Mullens, Clive, Tenn.; Hugh Quigley and family, Los Angeles; C. M. Stewart, L. L. Case, C. T. Kellogg, Pasadena; Ray Ault, Spokane, Wash.; R. R. Jackson, Riverside, Calif.; R. H. Culbertson, Tacoma; Dr. Snell and wife, Seattle; T. M. Edwards, Oakland, Calif.; H. F. Mournier, Merriman, Neb.; M. C. Dilley, U. I. Hamlilen, Pasadena, Calif.; Peter Driedger and wife, Reedley, Calif.; Mrs. and Miss M. McDonald, Klamath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bussert, Leucadia, Calif.; James Wilson, G. M. Gregory, Wonder, Ore.; Vene Bloomer, W. W. Bangs, Stony Beach; W. J. Westlin, Rio Linda, Calif.; F. Aaron, San Pedro, Calif.; Mr. and Miss A. Godding, Chicago, Ill.; W. R. Burget and wife, Seattle; W. P. Allen, E. J. Krenz, Silverton, Ore.; V. F. Smith, Juneau, Alaska; R. T. Gray, James Butt, Marshfield; G. T. Larema, Yuma, Ariz.; Mrs. B. F. Tilsbey, Spokane, Wash.; Glenn Gimmey. Medford Mail Tribune, May 27, 1927, page B1 HOT SPRINGS
Sharkey Moore and his versatile nine
Oregon university college boys
are practicing at the Hot Springs pavilion, which they call their home
stamping grounds. This orchestra is booked way ahead and are filling
engagements in Northern California and throughout Southern Oregon.
Under the management of Dom Provost this orchestra will play every
Wednesday and second Saturday at the Hot Springs. Their opening dance
will be Saturday, the 18th.The ladies' auxiliary of the American legion had a good crowd last Thursday night, and hardly giving the floor a chance to cool off, the grange staged one of their semi-monthly dances. The Dynge brothers rapped out hot jazz with plenty of moonlight waltzes. (Why is it the electric cos. haven't spread propaganda against the moonlight waltzes?) Well, anyway, there was more than a crowd here. Tourists are filling the camp ground here, but they all beef about the weather throughout the country, as well as brag on the Hot Springs. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1927, page 8 Sharkey Moore's U. of O.
Orchestra to Play at Hot Springs
"Sharkey Moore's" nine-piece orchestra
will make its first
appearance in this vicinity tonight at the Jackson Hot Springs pavilion
and will play for dances there every other Saturday night for the
remainder of the summer months. All of the members of the orchestra are
students of the University of Oregon, and the majority of them are
students of the school of music there and have been appearing every
night at the McDonald Theater in Eugene for the past winter. A large
number of the boys reside in Southern Oregon and are well known in this
vicinity.Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1927, page 2 HOT SPRINGS
The tourists are getting thicker, and
many notables stop here.
Captain O. J. Planysith, owner of the famous horse "Red Head," holder
of international records, was one of the notables that stopped and
exercised in the tank.Happy Harrington, formerly of Medford, but now holding the wheel as chief of police of Berkeley Hills, accompanied by Ed Roth of Universal City, formerly of Medford, were visiting their friends Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ottinger here last week. Picnics have been numerous in the grove, and the Southern Oregon Dyers and Cleaners held one Sunday. Monday evening Medford Chrysanthemum Circle No. 84 of the Woodcraft held a picnic for their children and it was the largest aggregation of children that ever attended the picnics. A good time was enjoyed by all. Many of the children swam while the larger folks danced in the pavilion. Sharkey Moore's gang is getting in better shape and is able to throw the hot stuff out now. A large crowd was in attendance at their opening dance Saturday. They also played for the B.O.A. benefit dance Wednesday night. Fischer Scheffel Electric Co. held a party and picnic here. C. W. Werner of the Jantzen Knitting Mills took a plunge in the pool and pronounced it absolutely sanitary. Mr. Donart of Klamath Falls is stopping at the springs. Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1927, page 4 Pete Myers was down from Holcomb Spring one day last week. He reports that business is very brisk at that popular mineral spring and the demands for cabins are becoming quite numerous. "Local Happenings," Gold Hill News, June 30, 1927, page 5 SWIMMING MEET AT HOT SPRINGS
Much interest is being taken in the
Labor Day swimming meet, which
will be held at the Jackson Hot Springs next Monday at 2:30. Many
Medford swimmers are expected to be present to take part in the events
in hope of bringing home some of the prizes.Fifteen events in all will be run off during the afternoon for men, women and children. Twelve prizes will be awarded the winners. The meet is being arranged by T. B. Orr. Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1927, page 4 RADIUM SPRING
WILLOW SPRINGS, Sept. 30.--the J. W.
Elden and J. W. Birkholz
families visited the radium spring in Sams Valley last Sunday and
brought home a good supply of the water. This spring is becoming quite
famous, and they claim great medical power in the water.Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1927, page 6 1300 VISITORS REGISTERED AT
TABLE ROCK, Oct. 6.--According to Mr.
Holcomb of the famous Sams
Valley radium springs 46 people registered there last Sunday and 1300
have visited the springs so far this season. This number does not
include the return trips made by the same people, but are only the
initial visits of people coming to sample the water and signing the
register. Besides the people who have visited the springs from Oregon
and many other states of the Union, there are many campers near the
spring who are drinking the water in the hope of curing some chronic
ailment, and who claim to be receiving much benefit and in many cases
complete cures are credited to the water.Medford Mail Tribune, October 7, 1927, page B6 MINERAL SPRINGS OF ROGUE RIVER
As Rogue River Valley's fame as a resort for tourists increases, her
medical springs arouse more and more attention, and some of them may
eventually become [as] famous as the celebrated springs of Europe.
Among the most important, which are accessible, and the transportation
question is settled for exporting the bottled water, are the Ashland
lithia, soda, and sulfur springs. There are numerous soda springs in
the Ashland district and this water has been an article of export since
the coming of the railroad in the early eighties. There are numerous
other soda springs just as important, such as the Jackson Hot Springs,
just north of Medford, the Dead Indian and the McCallister springs
resorts in the Cascade Range of mountains east of Medford. There are
numerous hot sulfur, magnesia, saline, iron and cinnabar springs of
great medical properties throughout the Siskiyou and Umpqua mountains,
where resorts have sprung up and attract many local people who have
come here for their health as well as tourists who come this way.
Medford Mail Tribune,
January 1, 1928, page H7
Six years ago while Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Ottinger were driving
through Yellowstone park on an eastern automobile trip, they noticed
the group of hot water springs--the geysers of Yellowstone National
Park. Returning to their Oregon home they saw the possibilities of the
Jackson Hot Springs, ten miles south of Medford, on the Pacific
Highway, two miles north of Ashland. They acquired a title to the
20-acre property, with its hot sulfur springs forever flowing. This was
the beginning of what is now known as Jackson Hot Springs Resort with
its many attractive features.There is a fine swimming pool 45x90 feet, and two and one-half to seven feet deep, fed with continually changing sulfur water of natural heat registering 90 degrees. This is a popular place for Medford and Southern Oregon people and tourists. Among the other attractions are a large dance hall, store, refreshment stand, lunch counter, service station, ball park, picnic grounds and a splendid auto park, located on Bear Creek with a number of tourist cabins. It is a regular place for holding parties, private dances and banquets. Another feature in the summer season is their wonderful chicken dinners. Although the eight hot springs in the group have wonderful medicinal powers, especially for rheumatism, they are used principally for recreational purposes and are profitable to their enterprising owners, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ottinger. Jackson Hot Springs Resort is known all over the United States, its popularity being spread by the tourists. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page C2 JACKSON HOT SPRINGS TO OPEN
Another indication that spring is here is the announcement of the
formal opening of the Jackson Hot Springs resort, which will take place
with a dance scheduled to begin at 9:30 Saturday night, March 24. The
opening this year is in charge of the Jackson Springs Dancing Club.A special program of lively dance music has been arranged for the occasion by Domino Provost and his "pep orchestra," and special novelty features will be scattered throughout the evening. A large crowd of local dance lovers is expected to attend. Medford Mail Tribune, March 22, 1928, page 2 LOCAL MEN BUY HOLCOMB SPG., WILL
Ned Slusser and Fay Diamond to Take Charge of Sams Valley Property June 1--Water Said to Possess Medical Properties of High Value.
The Holcomb Mineral Springs, situated in Sams Valley, 19 miles from
Medford, and said to possess miraculous medicinal properties, were
purchased from their former owner this week by Fay Diamond, local
jeweler, and N. W. Slusser, owner of the Slusser barber shop on Main
Street, who will take possession of the 40 acres upon which the springs
are situated, June 1. Other property in the same district and said to
possess water containing the same elements was recently purchased by
George E. Ferguson, a world war veteran, who claims to have found it
beneficial to his health.
The Holcomb Springs are said to have effected an absolute cure on three abandoned cases of tuberculosis in the last two years, several cases of ulcerated stomach, one hopeless case of tuberculosis of the bowels, and several cases of kidney trouble, as well as countless other ailments. Following an analysis of the water in the Corvallis laboratory, it was approved by the U.S. Board of Health, which group broadcast a detailed statement of its properties and health-giving qualities over one of the large Portland broadcast stations. The water is said to possess, besides other elements, magnesia, lithia, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, silica and mercury. The spring bubbles out of a solid rock, which is said to be rich in cinnabar. Mr. Diamond and Mr. Slusser are concerned now with plans for improving the road to the Holcomb Springs, and are contemplating the establishing of an extensive resort and camp ground for the accommodation of local residents and tourists attracted here during the summer months. An offer from a group of medical men, to purchase the property and establish a sanitarium in that locality, was rejected by the new owners on account of the possibility of commercializing the water to such an extent that it would be put out of the reach of poor people who came in search of cures. "We want everyone to have an equal chance, and will conduct it in such a way that rich and poor alike can be benefited by its wonderful properties," said Mr. Slusser this morning. "We are going to do what we can to improve the roads to the springs and develop the project into a real asset for the city of Medford." Medford Mail Tribune,
April 13, 1928, page 8
Holcomb Springs Sold to Medford People
The Holcomb Mineral Springs [are] in Sams Valley, several miles from
Gold Hill. These springs have long been known to have very rare mineral
contents which are very valuable to health. Fay Diamond and N. W.
Slusser, both Medford business men, are the purchasers and will take
possession of the 40 acres upon which the spring is located on June
1st. They expect to establish a health resort at this place.Other property in the same locality said to possess water containing the same values was purchased by Geo. E. Ferguson, a World War veteran. The Holcomb springs were the property of Geo. Holcomb and Pete H. Meyers of this city, and the water is known to be valuable in medicinal properties among the natives of this part of the county. Only last summer several improvements were made and others anticipated soon. With the investment of new capital these springs should be advertised in such a way as to draw many people to them who are in need of its health-giving qualities. Last summer a good body of cinnabar ore was discovered on the property, but the owners preferred to preserve the spring rather than to take out the ore. GOLD HILL NUGGETS
A mineral spring has been opened up back
of the place owned by Mr.
Fitzgerald just east of Gold Hill. The spring is similar to that known
as the Holcomb Spring, which was recently purchased by two Medford men.
It is owned by Mr. Ferguson and as a suitable name he calls it the
Ferguson Mineral Springs. It is just three-quarters of a mile from the
Gold Hill to Crater Lake Highway. The spring is situated in a shady
gulch and is about three by four feet in size. Near the spring is an
old tunnel which has in bygone years been abandoned. In this tunnel a
quantity of the ore from which the mineral in the water is produced can
be found. A majority of the ore is coated with magnesia of a whitish
color. The ore itself when examined looks like lime rock, except for
the magnesia. The water tests very high in minerals, especially
magnesia, which is recognized as being one of the minerals containing
the most curative properties. Anyone who is troubled with ill health
should visit the spring, as it has proven its worth in health building.
For the resident or tourist who cares to stay at the spring any length
of time Mr. Ferguson has erected several cabins and has improved the
beauty of the location. The location is one of the finest assets to the
spring, as it is ideally situated in the heart of the firs and oaks
with no underbrush except the small green trees. The spring is located
near the cabins and everything is handy. Mr. Ferguson intends to
install a heater before summer and then accommodate people with mineral
baths. The healthful climate of Southern Oregon, together with the
mineral curative powers, makes our country the ideal place for those
who have poor health.Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1928, page 9 Holcomb Radium Springs
Mineral Water from these famous health-giving springs, all you want for fifty cents by going after it. Or, if you wish to leave your cases and caps at Fay E. Diamond's store, we will bring water on to you for fifty cents a case, as we drive in each day; and now they are working on the road to Sams Valley, which will be closed at times from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cottages for fifty cents a day, and up. We have the only spring of its kind that has been approved by the State Board of Health. It's pure, always fresh. Come and see what a great spring we have. Nothing new. It has cured people for over six years. No charge made for driving in. Advertisement, Medford Mail Tribune, June 13, 1928, page 10 MINERAL SPRINGS AT SAMS VALLEY
An extensive improvement program is
planned for the Ferguson
Mineral Springs in the Sams Valley district, according to their owner,
G. E. Ferguson, who was in Medford yesterday. He recently purchased the
carbonating apparatus formerly in use at the Ashland Lithia Springs
bottling works, and has installed it at Sams Valley to give the bottled
mineral water an added "kick."If present plans materialize, auto camp cabins will be constructed for use this summer, including all the present-day conveniences. The cabins would be built by Medford interests and are expected to fill a long-felt need at the springs, the popularity of which has shown a steady increase. Mr. Ferguson owns 160 acres surrounding the five springs, and a large share of it is in timber and on level ground. The mineral water, he claims, has proven beneficial as a remedy for a variety of human ailments, and has effected cures for quite a number of Southern Oregon residents, he said. The water contains the following minerals: Lithial chloride, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, silica carbonate, magnesia chloride, iron sulphide, carbon dioxide and a trace of cinnabar. Medford Mail Tribune, April 18, 1929, page 7 SPECIAL FEATURES AT HOT SPRINGS
Special features will mark the regular weekly dance at the Jackson Hot
Springs tomorrow night, the nature of which cannot be announced until
tomorrow evening. Preparations for the big feature of the night have
been in progress for several weeks and is being eagerly awaited by the
usual Medford delegation of dancers at that pavilion.
The music will be furnished by Dom Provost's orchestra, which has been developing a large following during the past winter. A lunch will be served at midnight, and will be followed by dancing until 2 o'clock. The pavilion has been especially decorated, and one of the largest crowds of the season is expected to be present. Medford
Mail Tribune, April 26, 1929, page 5
The Jackson Hot Springs swimming pool was officially opened for
business this week, and with the arrival of warmer weather is expected
to be a popular attraction for local swimmers. Several improvements
have been made at the tank, including a new Jack Cody
regulation-size diving board, a big improvement over the board in use
last year.
The swimming pool is regarded as one of the most sanitary in Southern Oregon and is given regular scrubbings. Fresh sulfur water runs into the pool continually, bringing about a continuous change of water. Medford Mail Tribune, April 30, 1929, page 5 OPEN HELMAN BATHS AT ASHLAND
Helman Baths, known throughout Southern Oregon for years, will open for
the season next Saturday, ready for the yearly growing crowds of
Southern Oregon swimming parties and tourists. The management prides
itself on the special pains taken in cleaning the two tanks in the
large bath house and in the pure white sulfur water running into the
tank at all times.
There have been extensive improvements in the building as well as on the grounds, the latter providing cool, shady spots for picnics, with tables and benches furnished. Medford Mail Tribune, May 1, 1929, page 3 MARATHON DANCE AT HOT SPRINGS
A big marathon dance, declared to be something new and something
different for Southern Oregon, is announced for next Saturday night at
the Hot Springs dance pavilion near Ashland. The dance embodies a new
idea of continuous music and continuous dancing that has been worked
satisfactorily in the larger centers of population.
A feature of the evening will be the presence of two seven-piece orchestras, one orchestra beginning a number immediately upon the completion of a number by the first orchestra, doing away with the usual long intermissions between numbers. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock, and to take advantage of the new program, one of the largest dance crowds in Southern Oregon is expected to be present. Medford Mail Tribune, June 11, 1929, page 5 STAGE 'BATTLE DANCE' HOT SPRINGS
Cap Hagerman and his Moonlight Garden Orchestra of Colorado Springs
will be at the Jackson Hot Springs Saturday night, June 29, and will
introduce a new feature, a "battle dance." The Moonlight Dance
Orchestra and the Pep Peddlers, Jackson Hot Springs orchestra, will
play alternately during the evening, giving the dancers continual music.
The "Battle Dance" will be concluded by the dancers voting for the orchestra they enjoyed most. Cap Hagerman's orchestra, famed throughout the West, has taken part in a number of "battle dances," and has generally won the laurels. Dom Provost, director of the Pep Peddlers, is planning to have Cap Hagerman and his orchestra at the dance pavilion July 3 and 4, so that continual dancing may be featured. The Moonlight Garden Orchestra will give a concert at the Palmer Music House Saturday evening, from 7 to 8 o'clock. Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1929, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of the Ferguson mineral springs of Sams Valley were business visitors in the city Saturday. They were making deliveries on their wonderful health-giving water. The Fergusons are now marketing a ginger ale made of the water from their springs and which is very good both in quality and taste. They have secured some very large orders for the new drink which is destined through the progressiveness of Mr. Ferguson to rival the noted White Rock and other nationally known drinks. The camp grounds at the springs are rapidly filling up with people who care to enjoy the lovely surroundings of this popular resort. Gold Hill News, July 4, 1929, page 4 DIAMOND AND SLUSSER PLAN TO
The cabins at the mineral springs in Sams Valley, owned by Fay Diamond
and N. W. Slusser, are full every night, and many persons visit the
place every day, says Mr. Diamond. Large quantities of the mineral
water, which is said to have unusual medical properties, are being
shipped to points in Washington and California. A new road is expected
to be constructed to the springs soon, and they also expect to put in
electric lights and power, as well as make many other improvements.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1929, page 2 CABIN BURNS AT HOLCOMB MINERAL SPRING TUESDAY
A fire, thought
to have started from a flue at a cabin at the Holcomb mineral spring in
Sams Valley, completely destroyed the cabin and spread into the brush
nearby before it could be corralled. The flames were soon brought under
control and the damage held to a minimum.The Holcomb spring is owned by Medford interests. Gold Hill News, August 22, 1929, page 1 JACKSON DANCE HALL OPEN SATURDAY
The Jackson Hot Springs, recently redecorated and remodeled, will make
its bow before the Southern Oregon dancing public Saturday night with a
big carnival party. The pavilion has undergone a marked change, and
dancers, it is said, will hardly recognize it. A ceiling has been
installed, new lighting effects, an interior awning and many other
pleasing effects will greet the Saturday crowds. The Pep Peddlers will
furnish the music.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1929, page 5 HOT SPRINGS DANCES OPENED FOR
The Jackson Hot Springs dance pavilion, which held its first dance of
the season two weeks ago, will hold its next dancing party Saturday
night and has been drawing large crowds regularly. The pavilion was
recently redecorated and given a number of improvements, making the
hall one of the most attractive in Southern Oregon. The dances are
being held weekly with a special dance scheduled at intervals. The
well-known Pep Peddlers supply the music.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 20, 1929, page 2 SWIG OF ELK CREEK WONDER WATER
Water," a mineral concoction
that is said to be able to cure everything from bunions to insomnia,
has been discovered up Elk Creek, according to H. B. Cady, who brought
container of it into the Chamber of Commerce headquarters yesterday.(By Mary Greiner) Wonder Water--so called because after one drink of it one wonders why he did it. It's terrible what that water does to the aesthetic appreciation. But then there are diseases that it is alleged to cure. According to Mr. Cady, one week of daily foot baths in the liquid will not only cure calluses, corns, bunions, ingrowing toenails and other ailments of the pedal extremities, but it will reduce the feet to one-half their regular size. He claims to have seen it done. Think what the Elk Creek creation could do toward hurrying on the civilization of China! One hundred tanks of it shipped to the Orient, and the old-fashioned Chinese women would have such a binding affection for America that they’d stop worrying about their feet and concentrate on politics. And what a solution to the American problems of reducing the unwelcome avoirdupois that has become such a burden to the club room! Taken internally, the same liquid is apt to reduce almost anything--from the solar plexus to the high cost of living. Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1929, page B3 SULFUR WATER MAY RUN AGAIN IN
Medford residents, who until a year ago never failed to drink a glass
or so of sulfur water in the grotto while in Lithia Park in Ashland,
will wish success to the movement now before the Ashland council to
restore this mineral water to the grotto. A lot of our folks fairly
dote on taking alternate swigs of lithia water along with the
antiquated-smelling and sulfur-tasting fluid when in Ashland.
"With the sulfur water gone from 'Satan's Grotto' in Lithia Park there isn't even a sulfur odor left," Frank Jordan, member of the park commission, informed the city council last night in requesting that repairs be made to the sulfur spring pipeline and the water be turned in again, says the Ashland Tidings. "Sulfur water is the most important of all the mineral waters we have, and if Ashland is ever developed as a health resort sulfur water will play a most important part in that development," Mr. Jordan declared. "The sulfur water was turned off more than a year ago when the old wooden pipeline installed in 1916 became defective and the sulfur water, which comes from a spring near the Fred Homes ranch, lost its sulfur odor and taste before it reached the grotto. "City Water Department Superintendent Earl Hosler said practical rebuilding of the entire line would be necessary if the water was to be brought to the grotto in good condition. The matter was referred to the water committee and water superintendent for further investigation. "Mr. Jordan requested that some action be taken as soon as possible in order that the water might be returned to the grotto before next summer." Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1930, page B1 W. W. Loveless, who has charge of the Ferguson mineral springs in Sams Valley, was calling here Sunday and is a very enthusiastic booster for the mineral water there. "Sardine Creek," Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1930, page 11 NEW SWIM POOL AT DEAD INDIAN
A new swimming pond is being installed this week at the Dead Indian
Soda Springs resort, it was reported in Medford yesterday.
Plans for additional cabins are also under consideration. There are at the present time just four available. There were 110 cars at the springs over the recent holiday and 30 Sunday. The addition of the swimming pond is expected to bring increased crowds to the resort. The roads are reported to be in good condition. Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1930, page 3 ROUNDUP ORCHESTRA AT HOT SPRINGS
A feature of this week's dancing activities will be the presence
Saturday night of Bob Fletcher and his Pendleton Roundup Orchestra at
the Hot Springs dance pavilion. The orchestra brings with it a
beautiful trophy in the form of a silver loving cup won as first prize
in the RKO orchestra contest in Portland a short time ago.
While in the Rose City the Roundup Orchestra broadcast over KGW, played at the Multnomah Hotel, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce and entertained the "kiddies" at the Portland Shrine Hospital and Pythian Home in Vancouver, Washington. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1930, page 2 Fountain of Dioxide Gas Near
Thar's gas in them hills!May Yield Riches by New Discovery (By Paul Luy) And it's gas that may soon turn to the proverbial gold that is usually associated with hills, too. Figuratively speaking, of course. But up at Buckhorn Lodge, in the mountains south of Ashland a short distance, the carbon dioxide gas is so plentiful that it oozes up through the ground and bubbles out of Emigrant Creek. It has been doing that as far back as anyone knows, but not until recently did it have so great a value as is now placed upon it. Recent scientific discoveries have brought forth a product known as "dry ice." It is being manufactured throughout the world in quantities far below the demand. The carbon dioxide gas which is so plentiful at Buckhorn Lodge is one of the chief elements used in manufacturing the product. Captain H. J. Thompson of New York, an authority upon the subject, recently visited the springs and told the owners, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McGrew, that more than $2000 worth of the gas was escaping each day. Pioneer Landmark.
Buckhorn Lodge is one of the few remaining pioneer landmarks in this
section of the country today. The lodge was built more than 50 years
ago, and for many years was known far and wide as a resort and health
center. When first established, it was known as Tolman Springs,
deriving the name from Judge Tolman, who purchased the land upon which
the mineral springs are located from the government.Judge Tolman, so pioneers tell us, learned of the place from the Indian tribes of Southern Oregon and Northern California. For many years before the coming of white man to this section, the springs had been used by the Indians. It was neutral ground at all times as members of the several tribes came there to bathe in the mineral waters and mud when they were sick. Indians still come there each year, Mr. McGrew says, but in decreasing numbers. Mrs. Empter, only surviving member of the Shasta tribe, is a regular visitor. Mrs. Empter tells interesting tales handed down by her forefathers of how the Rogue River, Modoc, Klamath and other tribes came to the springs for the curative powers. Four Mineral Springs.
There are four different kinds of mineral waters on the grounds in
addition to the gas springs. The waters are mostly soda in varying
degrees, and are deemed of high medicinal value.The lodge is located on the bank of Emigrant Creek in a beautiful grove of oak trees. A large fountain built of native rock gushes forth a cool stream of water which runs through the grounds. The picnic grove nearby has long been a favorite spot. The lodge is a low, rambling structure typical of pioneer dwellings and mountain inns. Shady porches surround it on almost all sides. Pioneer relics gathered throughout the years catch the eye of the visitor. The United States government, it is said, is becoming interested in the gas springs at Buckhorn. The spring is reported to be the largest of its kind in the country. The discovery of the dry ice is obviously the cause for the sudden interest. At present most of the ice is manufactured from dioxide gas derived from the burning of lime and coke in factories. Production of the product is largely dependent upon the output of these plants, for as yet no gas springs have been developed. Uses of the dry ice are many. Chief among these, of course, is that of refrigeration. Dry ice looks like ordinary water ice, but has a temperature of 110 degrees below zero, and has the great advantage over ordinary ice in that a much smaller quantity is needed and therefore requires less space; that it evaporates without leaving any moisture, and can be put directly in contact with any foodstuffs. Would Aid Fruit.
Dry ice would mean a great saving to fruit shipments. At present 520
boxes of pears are loaded into a refrigerator car. Both ends
of the car
must be used for ice and freight must be paid. of course, on the space,
in addition to the charges made for icing the cars. In using dry ice,
the Department of Commerce calculates a saving of 50 percent in
refrigerating cost. Others have estimated it at about $100 per car.
Plans are being made here to experiment with several carloads of fruit
shipped with the dry ice.Meat packers in the East are now using it for shipping meat. For example, steaks are cut in the factory, thin sheets of dry ice are placed between them and they may be mailed to any destination. It is also being used in cooling and ventilating systems. And it is rapidly becoming valuable as a surgical aid. It in used in much the same way as radium for removing skin growths and such diseases. But its extremely low temperature is its most appealing factor on these warm days. How would you like to have a little piece to put in your home or office and lower the temperature about 20 degrees. That's possible, too! Medford Mail Tribune,
July 24, 1930, page B1
The Jackson Hot Springs dance pavilion is no longer a public dance hall
and will henceforth be operated as a strictly private club dance,
according to an announcement made today by Dom Provost, who with Mrs.
Provost and Mrs. J. C. Ottinger filed articles for the incorporation of
the club at Salem yesterday. A petition was filed with the county court
yesterday to cancel its public dance license.
The club will hold its first social affair tomorrow night, when a number of special features will be presented. A decision by the attorney general of Oregon indicates that the private club will be well within the law and will not come under the state law, closing all dance halls in cities under 500 population and halls not in cities at midnight. In keeping with the privilege, Jackson Hot Springs will remain open until 2 a.m., with a special surprise slated to come after midnight. Memberships will be solicited at the opening dance and cards will identify club members, who will not be admitted unless the card is presented at the door. Membership will entail a cost of 25 cents per year. The Hot Springs is a popular attraction for the Southern Oregon dancing public and has been in operation for some time, developing a high-class following. Members for the newly organized club will be hand picked and will give it a complete air of exclusiveness not found elsewhere. Applicants for membership will be received tomorrow night at the door. Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1930, page 6 NEW STORM LOOMS O'ER DANCE LAW
Right of 'Social Club' Affairs Continuing After Midnight Questioned by District Attorney--Ruling by Van Winkle Asked.
After midnight dancing in Jackson County bids fair to again be a legal
controversy, with the Jackson Hot Springs terpsichorean events as a
storm center. The district attorney has written to the attorney general
of the state, seeking a ruling on the state law covering the operation
of dances after midnight, on the "social club" plan, as now employed by
the Ashland resort.
Attorney W. M. Briggs, Jr., attorney for the Jackson Hot Springs, has a ruling from the attorney general, giving the opinion that the "social club" plan is within the state dance law. The sheriff, county court, and district attorney hold the club is operated for profit, and has no restrictions on memberships, and therefore comes within the dance law. The club was formed under the title of the "Jackson Hot Springs Swimming and Dancing Club," with a membership fee of 25 cents, plus the regular admission fee to dance. The membership card is alleged to be a subterfuge. The hot springs is not now operating under a county license, being a social club and no time limit. Ruling Sought.
The district attorney's office said this morning it had asked for a
complete and full ruling from the attorney general and would take
action in conformity with it, when received. The county court can take
no action, as the "club" angle is outside their jurisdiction. It is
feared that with the operation of the Jackson Hot Springs, "social
dance clubs" will be quite plentiful in the county.The district attorney's office said its chief interest was "to get girls between the ages of 12 and 18 years home before midnight, as somebody must look after them. "If they are old enough to vote, we figure they are old enough to be out as long as they please," said Deputy District Attorney Neilson this morning. The Gold Hill dance, operated by Luke Kincaid, stays open until two o'clock and has enjoyed a monopoly of late dancing in this county, since a supreme court decision overruled a court verdict, and held that Gold Hill came under the 500 population provisions of the dance law. The Gold Hill population is an uncertain quantity, according to county officials, and the federal census figures range from 488 to 502. The district attorney's office holds this is so close a figure "it would be necessary to take a census every Saturday night." They hold it is a matter for the city of Gold Hill, rather than the county or state. The latest ruling of the district attorney on the dance law is expected early next week. Medford Mail Tribune, August
29, 1930, page 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tyrrell have
purchased from Mrs. L. A. Wilkinson the government concession at the
Dead Indian Soda Springs.
The purchase includes the store, lunch room and cottages. Mr. and Mrs. Tyrrell, who are teachers in the Oak Grove school, will take possession at the close of the current school year and are planning extensive improvements. Medford Mail Tribune, October 21, 1930, page 5 MINERAL SPRING REDISCOVERED
APPLEGATE, Ore., Nov. 14.--(Special.)--A mineral spring that is being
used for medical purposes was discovered recently by Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Arant on their land a few hundred yards from their house on Little
Billy Snow of Klamath Falls, who was a prospector in this community about 20 years ago, came to Mr. Arant a few weeks ago and told him there was a mineral spring on his ranch that might be of some value to him and to the world. Mr. Snow discovered the spring years ago and had been thinking of it lately, so came back to see if it was being used. He faintly remembered something about the location of the spring, and it was soon discovered. It comes bubbling out of the mountainside along with other springs. Mr. Arant at once sent a sample of the water to New York for analysis, but no word has yet been received. Mr. Arant ships 20 gallons of the water to Klamath Falls every week, where it is used in the hospitals. Medford Mail Tribune, November 14, 1930, page 16 PROVOST WILL OPEN HOT SPRINGS
There will be no more Saturday night dances at the Oriental Gardens due
to the opening next Saturday night of the Jackson Hot Springs pavilion
near Ashland, Dom Provost of the well-known Pep Peddlers orchestra
announced today. Mr. Provost had conducted dances in Medford for the
past autumn and is planning on an extraordinarily big dance to mark the
reopening of the hot springs pavilion.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1930, page 3 HOT SPRINGS DANCE OPEN TOMORROW EVE Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1931, page 6 HOT SPRINGS DANCE FEATURE SATURDAY Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1931, page 9 VALENTINE DANCE AT SPRINGS
A Valentine dance at the Jackson Hot Springs Saturday is one of the the
dance events in the county Saturday night and is expected to attract
the usual delegation from Medford. Dom Provost, manager,
today he is arranging special dance novelties for the pleasure of all
present. The pavilion was opened several weeks ago by Mr. Provost after
having operated the Oriental Gardens for a portion of this winter and
the past fall.Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1931, page 5 DANCE TO 2 A.M. AT HOT SPRINGS Patronage will be solicited in the restaurant, and if patrons then care to dance, they may step back into the ballroom and do so without charge. The management pointed out this is in keeping with its interpretation of the recent decision of the circuit court in connection with a dance case in another part of the county. The decision had to do with determining whether a dance was public or not after the regular closing hour when patrons of a restaurant danced to the music of a phonograph. The case will be appeared to the supreme court, the district attorney's office said this afternoon. Medford Mail Tribune, March 14, 1931, page 2 OPEN SPRING DANCE SEASON AT SPRINGS The affair will be in the form of a balloon dance. There will also be several novelty entertainment features in which all dancers will compete for prizes. The music will be furnished by the Pep Peddlers as usual. Medford Mail Tribune, April 30, 1931, page 5 PAJAMA PAGEANT AT JACKSON HOT SPRINGS Prizes will be awarded wearers of the cleverest pajama creations, and after several hours of dancing the party will progress to the swimming pool. Music for the event will be furnished by Dom Provost's Pep Peddlers. Medford Mail Tribune, June 11, 1931, page 3 ASHLAND PLUNGE TO OPEN FRIDAY Major J. Edward Thornton of Ashland will be master of ceremonies at the official dedication of the beautiful playground. Swimming and diving exhibitions by the Klamath Falls Hot Springs Athletic Club will initiate the warm and cold plunges. At nine o'clock Dom Provost's Pep Peddlers are scheduled to furnish music for dancing on the outdoor dance platform. Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1931, page 9 ASHLAND SEEKS COURT WRIT ON SULFUR WATER The complaint alleges that defendants have diverted the sulfur waters where they cross Tolman Creek, causing the water pipe to dry and effect a leak, and impair the service. The city of Ashland several years ago built a pipe line from the sulfur springs to Lithia Park, at a cost of $17,000, and the municipality now claims an option to purchase the surrounding land, which lies three and one-half miles from Ashland. Both defendants are pioneers of the county, and widely known. Fred C. Homes was recently named a member of Governor Meier's tax commission. Mrs. Carter is county school superintendent. Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1931, page 6 RECREATION CLUB HAS JOLLY PARTY AT SODA SPRINGS More than 50 people, representing Rogue River, Central Point, Eagle Point, Talent, Oak Grove, Jacksonville, Lake Creek and Sams Valley arrived before 8 o'clock Saturday evening, when supper was served before the huge bonfire. Following supper the crowd was entertained with a program of stunts to which each community contributed. H. W. Ward of Eagle Point was program manager. Leaders from each community were Mabel Mack, Central Point; Henry Conger, Jacksonville; Lela Shepard, Rogue River; Mrs. Brockaway, Oak Grove; Reed Charley, Lake Creek; Mrs. E. C. Gardner, Talent; Harry Ward, Eagle Point and Mrs. O. T. Wilson, Sams Valley. The loving cup as prize for the best stunt was won for Eagle Point by little June Stowell. Before midnight all members of the crowd joined in the dancing of quadrilles and Virginia reels, with violin music by Jack Tyrrell. Sunday morning the club members arose early to watch Harry Ward make the biscuits for breakfast. At noon the soda fountain was visited and lemonade made with the delicious mineral water served. Judge and Mrs. Alex Sparrow joined the party for Sunday afternoon. The picnickers returned to the valley in the evening after expressing their appreciation of the hospitality extended them by the Tyrrells. Medford Mail Tribune, August 13, 1931, page 3
Extensive improvements to meet the regulations of the state board of
health are being made at Helman Baths, which will be opened to the
public for the new season Saturday, the management, which will continue
the same, announced here yesterday,Hot showers and foot baths are being installed. The water is changed daily in the small tank, and the large tank will continue to be fed by a continuous flow of fresh water from underground springs. The baths are located 12 miles from Medford in a beautiful natural park, which affords an ideal picnic ground. Tables and benches are provided. Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1932, page 6
Dance Carnival at Hot Springs Is Holiday Plan
A dance carnival--for three nights--July 2, 3, and 4 at the Jackson Hot
Springs is the announcement made by Dom Provost for the celebration of
Independence Day.On July 2 a "balloon night" is scheduled, with free balloons for the guests. A leap year dance is booked for Sunday night, with free photos for future mates. The main night of the carnival, free balloons, horns, hats and confetti will be distributed, and many novelty numbers are planned for the three-day fiesta. Snappy dance music is promised for the three evenings. Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1932, page 3
Fire, that started in the women's dressing room of the Jackson Hot
Spring resort on the Pacific Highway, near Ashland, late yesterday
afternoon completely destroyed the plant, entailing a loss of between
$20,000 and $22,000.Fire Chief Cliff Baughman of Ashland said today that the fire was caused either by defective wiring or a carelessly thrown cigarette. The insurance carried on the buildings will aggregate about $5000. Owing to a lack of fire protection, this was the maximum amount of insurance that could be carried. The blaze, thought to have started in the women’s dressing room section, was first discovered about 6:15 o'clock. The flames spread with lightning rapidity through the store, dance pavilion, and other parts of the resort. The Ashland fire department responded to calls for help. The Medford department also offered to come. The structures were in ruins when the Ashland department arrived, so rapid was the spread of the flames in the powder-like building material. Swimmers in the pool lost their street clothing, so rapid was the fire. A. E. Mansfield, an insurance adjuster of this city, when the alarm was given rushed into the building in an attempt to save his belongings and sustained burns and scalds. Street clothes of Mesdames A. E. Mansfield, H. R. Sinclair, R. Wise and Mason were destroyed. Practically nothing was saved. The Dom Provost orchestra sustained the loss of musical instruments stored in the place. A fine stand of cottonwood trees at the resort was sadly singed and burned. The service station and tourist cabins on the grounds were spared. Future plans are still indefinite as to whether or not the resort will be rebuilt. Dom Provost, whose orchestra was scheduled to hold a Fourth of July dance there, contemplated the erection of an open-air pavilion for the holiday. The swimming pool is intact. The Jackson Hot Springs has been in operation for a number of years, and the hot springs are one of the pioneer landmarks of the county. The fire attracted the attention of passing motorists, the state police preventing traffic congestion. Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1932, page 1
Dance Carnival Is Transferred to Twin Plunges
According to word from Dom Provost, orchestra leader, the dance
carnival billed for Jackson Hot Springs over the Fourth of July will be
transferred to the Twin Plunges at Ashland, on account of the fire
which Monday night destroyed the Hot Springs dance pavilion.The Twin Plunges will be the scene of dances Saturday, July 2, and Monday, July 4, under management of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ottinger, former managers of the Hot Springs, and Mr. and Mrs. Dom Provost. The dances are expected to draw large crowds, as they will tie in with the annual celebration at Ashland. Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1932, page 9
Development of Dry Ice from
Valley Gas Spout May Bring Big Industry
across a little log footbridge over Emigrant Creek, pausing
a moment to see the carbon dioxide gas bubbling incessantly
from the tumbling stream, may in time--not too distant--become a mere
memory to the hundreds who have visited Buckhorn lodge near the foot of
the Greensprings Mountain. Human power will probably harness the gas
beds beneath the stream and its banks, necessarily removing the quaint
bridge and its familiar surroundings.Well Drilled at Buckhorn Lodge Supplies Large Flow of Carbon Dioxide; Experiments Successful (By Irva Fewell.) Wealth, estimated at $2000 per 24 hours, that has been escaping in the form of gas, may be realized materially if plans are completed for establishing a dry ice plant at the resort. Active development was started about a month ago, although tests have been made over a two-year period. Due to the exceptional value of such a product, action has been taken by Medford people interested in the development. A well has been drilled down 100 feet at the side of the creek for "mining" the product to be made into commercial ice. Plans have been completed, however, for sinking the well 25 feet deeper, according to those in charge, whereby the supply of gas available is expected to be doubled, increasing the daily output from five tons, as now shown by tests, to 10 tons. Dry ice is compressed or solid carbon dioxide 109.3 degrees below zero, Fahrenheit, said to be 15 times more efficient than ordinary ice. When the gas is "not flowing" it registers about 60 degrees F., but when "flowing," due to expansion from enormous compression in the ground, a sub-zero condition is created. From the springs at Buckhorn lodge, which is operated by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McGrew, tests have been made by the natural gas investigations division of the federal bureau of mines, chemists, chemical engineers, and dry ice company officials, showing favorable reports from the samples. The well, sunk 100 feet, is filled within five feet of the top with water, but the gas bubbles constantly above the opening. Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. McGrew bailed the water down 20 feet and the blue gas shot several feet above the ground, making a roaring noise, audible throughout the resort, they reported. Parties in charge of the work stated that if the water could be removed to a lower depth, the pressure from the gas would probably keep the well free from water. The opening is stopped by an eight-inch gate. The greatest expense in converting the gas supply into the dry ice product would be the cost of erecting a compressor, Mr. McGrew stated. Last Tuesday tests were made in compressing the gas into dry ice, and the experiment proved successful, even though the tests were made with the 95 feet of water in the well. The flow of gas registered by the meter was 23,000 cubic feet in 24 hours. Between 10 and 11 cubic feet of the CO2 gas are required to make one cubic foot of the dry ice, which is now obtained in Medford at a cost of 20 cents per pound from Portland. Mr. McGrew expressed the belief that after the compressor had been installed, the ice could be supplied in Medford at approximately a cent a pound. Development of such a project in Southern Oregon would revolutionize many industries, for so many uses have already been discovered for the gas. As such a small piece of the product (which does not melt, but evaporates) is required to cool a comparatively large area, the new ice has been considered ideal for the shipping of fruit across the continent. Mr. McGrew related an incident when one carload of pears was shipped from Medford to New York last season, packed in the dry ice, and a saving of 18 hours in transit was recorded, as there were no delays necessitated by icing. Only 600 pounds of the dry ice was used, where ordinarily 3600 pounds of common ice is required, he said. The lesser amount of ice increased the space available for fruit tonnage. Mr. McGrew carried out a similar test on a smaller scale, whereby six ripe Bartlett pears were placed in the gas for a six months period. He reported them as being in as solid a condition at the end of that time as when stored. The Associated Press recently carried a dispatch from Worcester, Mass., telling of a discovery whereby "carbon dioxide gas introduced into clear glass tubes under proper electric current produces a steady white light having all the qualities of daylight so much desired by mercantile houses selling clothing or textiles." As compressed gas expands, its cooling qualities are noticeable in the room, experiments have proved. Test, whereby a cube of the product has been placed in radiation systems in homes and buildings, and the gas sent through the ventilators, have shown the rooms were cooled by the process, taking a small slice of the ice for lengthy refrigeration. Although a large number of such gas supplies as found at Buckhorn lodge are not available, the majority of those already discovered are located in the southwestern territory of the United States, according to the Associated Press science department. They report that in most instances, drilling 30000 feet is required to reach the supply. Concerning the "ice mines," the Associated Press says: "All those carbon dioxide wells are found in the 'domes' or the 'anticlines' of oil fields. They have been located in Carbonera Dome, western Colorado, Harley Dome near Westwater, Utah, and also in the same state in the Last Chance, the Willow Springs and the Farnham structures. They are found in the Wagon Mound area in New Mexico, and in large quantities near Tampico, Mexico. "One commercial well is in operation near Price, Utah. Another is under construction in western Colorado. The Utah well yields 98 percent pure carbon dioxide. It is purified in absorbing towers and compressed three times, finally becoming a liquid. "This liquid is sprayed through nozzles. Part of the spray expands into gas, thereby producing additional cold that solidifies the rest of the spray into snow. Hydraulic presses squeeze the snow into commercial size ice cakes. These are stored in an insulated pit underground." Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1932, page 8
The annual outing of the Jackson County Recreation Club will be held
July 16 and 17 at the Dead Indian Soda Springs, it was announced today
by Mabel C. Mack, county home demonstration agent. An invitation was
extended the organization by its president, Jack Tyrrell, who operates
the Dead Indian resort.DEAD INDIAN SPRINGS About 12 communities are expected to be represented, Mrs. Mack said. Last year there were 65 in attendance. The group will gather at the springs early Saturday evening for supper, after which a program of stunts, folk dances and games will be given. Prizes are to be awarded in the competitive events. Sunday's program will consist of calisthenics, hiking and a baseball game. Mrs. Mack stated that all club members, their families and invited guests are urged to attend. Medford Mail Tribune, July 13, 1932, page 8
Seventy-six members of the Jackson County Recreation Club and their
guests enjoyed the outing at the Dead Indian Soda Springs over the
weekend, according to reports brought back by Medford members. The
group started their festivities with a supper Saturday evening,
followed by a program.Races, games and other events were on the Sunday schedule. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1932, page 1 HOLCOMB SPRINGS PROVING POPULAR
Holcomb Springs, about 20 miles north of Medford, via Bybee bridge, is
becoming quite a popular place for Medford people in search of complete
rest and the benefits of natural mineral waters and warm springs.James Taylor and F. W. Payne, well-known local residents, have been going to this resort for many years, and claim great physical benefits. The former plans to establish a summer camp near the springs, and spend a large part of the warm weather there. Among the people who spent the weekend at the Springs were; Samuel Darby of Denver, Colorado; Fisher brothers, of Sams Valley; F. C. Anderson, Palacios, Texas; and the following from Medford and vicinity: C. A. Whitney, F. C. Prater, James Taylor, F. W. Payne, B. McKenzie, I. Nugent, Tinnie Nugent and Phelon Benford. George H. Holcomb is manager and general superintendent. Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1933, page 3 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, July 7.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beebe and family
of Klamath Falls spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Caton of the Sams
Valley store.Walter and Frank Fitzgerald and family have returned from Crescent City, after spending a week there. They report the weather fine. Mrs. Ed Morgan has just returned from an extended visit in Klamath Falls and vicinity. Mr. McGinty of Holcomb Springs spent the Fourth with friends at Dead Indian Springs. Among the many who visited the springs the last few days were: Mr. and Mrs. Snively and family of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ferns and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chord of Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Jones of Salida, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLoak and family of Sams Valley, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Diess of Rogue River, Mrs. L. C. Cingcade and party of Eagle Point and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ping, Mr and Mrs. George Phythian, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston, Mrs. Ellen Dodge and Mrs. R. Singler and children. Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1933, page 2 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, July 18.--(Spl.)--Mrs. W. E. Fulton of the Crater Lake
Highway has just returned from a two weeks' visit with friends in
Santiago, Calif.The continuous dry hot weather is doing a lot of damage to corn and grain fields here. Haying is nearly over and the farmers report a fair crop. Among the many that visited the springs last week were Mrs. W. E. Fulton, Mrs. Everett Evensizer of Eagle Point, W. E. Wadsworth, Harrisburg, Ore.; J. Knask, Portland; C. F. Fitzsimmons, Tacoma, and Mrs. W. J. Martin, W. C. Wise, David Cretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Lea Cook and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker, R. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Weed and Mr. and Mrs. R. Caulder, all of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1933, page 7 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS. July 22.--(Spl.)--Sam Darby of Denver, Colo., who
spent a few days here last spring, has taken a cottage for the summer
and is busy climbing the mountains with the same determination he used
in the Colorado Rockies 70 years ago.Fred Anderson, caretaker, has made great improvements on the road leading to the springs and is now constructing paths through the valleys and mountains of the Holcomb park, making a view of the surrounding valley that cannot be surpassed. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker and her mother, Mrs. Love of Gold Hill, have a cottage. Mrs. Walker has been in poor health, but is improving as well as can be expected. Among visitors of the week were Wm. Fitzpatrick, Foots Creek; Mrs. Greer, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holst, Sams Valley; Mrs. W. C. McDowell, O. N. Wilson, Fred Payne, J. A. McLeod and A. E. Johnson of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1933, page 10 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, July 31.--(Spl.)--Geo. Holcomb, manager and owner of
the springs, was in Medford and Gold Hill last week on business.Camping and taking cottages last week at the springs are Mrs. Frank D. Yarbough of Ashland, Mrs. Goldie Frazier of Talent, J. A. McLeod and Mary and Arleta Brown of Medford. Others include: Chas. Spindler and Frank D. Yarbrough of Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. French and Lloyd French of Trail, Perry Foster and Alec Betz of Eagle Point, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Davis of Trail, Agnes and Floyd Colvin and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wright of Phoenix, M. V. Pomeroy and Robert Pomeroy of Gold Hill, Aug. Johnston, John G. and Elsie Ematt, Linna B. Looker, Mr. and Mrs. H. Price, Mrs. B. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Schulz, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore, Mrs. S. E. Glover, Lester D. Lowe of Medford. Wm. J. Rogers, Mrs. Lola Bates, Miss Juanita Bates and Mrs. Grace Reed of Medford were here Thursday. Medford Mail Tribune, July 31, 1933, page 4 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Aug. 7.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones of Vallejo,
Calif., who are touring the country en route to the Chicago fair and to
spend the winter in Florida, spent a few days at the springs.Mr. and Mrs. Ira Patrick of North Bend and Mrs. Yarbrough of Ashland left yesterday for their homes after spending several days here. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor of Medford, who are staying here, spent part of last week at Klamath Falls at the Fehl trial. Among guests last week were J. E. Weaver, Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodgson, Crescent City, T. J. Shire, Gold Hill; L. Whitsett, Irene Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Belour, Mrs. Herb Height, Central Point; Miss Lante Swinden, Jacksonville; J. D. Culbertson, Miss Lavida Culbertson, Hazel Chitwood, Mrs. Culbertson of Central Point; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne, Mrs. W. W. Bailey, Mrs. George Turner, Gordon Turner, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Stowell, Geo. M. Lofland, D. M. Brown of Medford. Large flocks of wild geese were heard passing over the springs Friday night, flying low. Farmers in this vicinity report grain crops turning out better than expected. Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1933, page 7 BROTHER CUTS OFF SISTER'S FINGER
It was all in fun, the father said, but little Aubrey Ladine Walters,
6, daughter of R. E. Walters of Antelope Creek, is minus her first
finger of her right hand, which her brother, Daniel, 8, cut off with an
ax yesterday when Aubrey held her hand on the chopping block.The second finger was almost cut off also, according to Dr. W. W. P. Holt. who was called. The children were playing with the ax, their father said, and after the accident first aid was administered by applying Climax mineral water, which flows from a spring at the Walters ranch. "I want it emphasized that first aid was given by applying the mineral water," Walters said, "and that Climax mineral water is a very beneficent disinfectant." Medford Mail Tribune, August 20, 1933, page 10 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Aug. 23.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Salida, Colo.,
will leave for their home in a few days, very much improved in health
after spending part of the summer here.Mr. and Mrs. Merkle Johnston and son of Los Angeles were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor last week on their tour of Oregon and Washington. They left for their home via the Roosevelt Highway. Mrs. J. D. Brown of Medford, after spending several days at her home, has returned, bringing with her Mrs. Brown, Sr. Mr. South of Central Point has moved into the neighborhood, and has a contract cutting wood for the Rowe brothers of Sams Valley. Mrs. J. R. Cruse of Medford has taken a cottage here. Mrs. Walker of Gold Hill has spent some time here and is gaining in health. Mrs. Minnie Byerly of Gold Hill received a telegram stating that her son was murdered August 20, in Old Mexico. No further information was given. Among visitors here last week were Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Montgomery, Phoenix; J. R. Ruff, Arkansas; Mr. and Mrs. F. Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. H. Morley, Grants Pass; Mrs. Ray Ahart, M. S. Ruff, Mrs. W. M. Bryant, Rev. Larose, Marion Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Weed, Mr. and Mrs. Bergman of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1933, page 4 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Aug. 28.--(Spl.)--Mr. and Mrs. Naylor of Ashland have taken a cottage for a time.Mr. Darby of Denver, Colo., who has spent the summer here, has engaged a home for the winter in Ashland, and expects his wife in a few days. Mr. Darby says he plans to locate here. Visitors last week at the springs were: Mrs. Preston Ireland, Eleanor Witt, Lebanon, Ore., Mr. John Linke, San Francisco, V. E. Ross, Gold Hill, Frank and Florence Scherer, Phoenix, Mrs. V. E. Daugherty, Ora Lester, Mrs. A. McBee, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cruse, Mr. and Mrs. Sutton and family, Mrs. J. A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Payne, Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1933, page 7 Holcomb Springs
The Fitzgerald brothers are busy with a force, picking peaches, and
claim that the quality is the best they have had for years. But their
figs are a failure owing to the heavy frosts of last winter nearly
destroying their trees.W. W. Edington has just completed his third cutting of alfalfa and reports a good crop with no irrigation. Coyotes are plentiful and very bold for this time of year, coming very close to camp every night with their music. Among visitors at the Springs last week were H. R. Johnson, mother and son of Lake Creek; M. A. Kennon, Jacksonville; Mrs. John Rader, Eagle Point; Nick Young, Eagle Point; Miss Mary and Luella Edington, Sams Valley, and the following from Medford: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owen, D. L. Rummel, J. H. Stanley, Mrs. Stanley, Jerry Bellout, David Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Mell Collins, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hague, Howard Hague, Charles Franks, Miss Viola Scherer, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baker, Mathew Baker, Mrs. Sophenia Baker. Medford Mail Tribune, September 13, 1933, page 2 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Sept. 18.--(Spl.)--George Holcomb spent part of last week in Medford attending to business.Fate Roune is very busy in the woods, cutting and hauling wood. Fred Anderson had the misfortune last week of cutting his hand while repairing a stove. Visitors at the springs last week included H. R. Johnston, Mrs. Shaw and son and Mrs. Carl Esch of Lake Creek; Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Schultz, Gold Hill; Mrs. C. F. Roasch, Miss Lanora Buchholt, Goodhue, Minn.; Mrs. Gus Johnston, Los Angeles; Mrs. E. Ousterhout, Riverbank, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Heckenberger and William and Lizzie Perry, Eagle Point; Mrs. G. C. Lankley, Modoc Point; Lawrence T. Grant, Oakland, Cal., and Pete Ingram, Lillian M. Roberts, Maggie Grant, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Eber Weed of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1933, page 7 Holcomb Springs
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Sept. 28.--(Spl.)--Glen Koger has returned from Crater
Lake, where he is employed on the rim road. He reports about 200 men at
work on the job, and the weather cold and windy.H. Van Hoevenberg is busy with a large force, picking, packing and shipping carload lots of fruit. He reports a heavy crop of peaches, and fine quality. W. W. Edington had the misfortune of having one of his valuable horses badly crippled last week. Fred Anderson, caretaker of the springs, had a very pleasant surprise on the 15th, when his friends called to celebrate his birthday. Lunch was served in the park. Present were: Mrs. Clint Walker, Mrs. Lowe, Dick Walker of Gold Hill; Mr. Webster, Los Angeles; Sam Darby, Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. George Holcomb. Among visitors at the springs last week were: Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Gunderman., S. H. Harnish, Eagle Point; O. R. Gunderman, Klamath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Olsen, Mrs. Bruce Bauer, Mrs. Fred Dutton, W. D. Welch, T. H. Smith, A. G. Bishop and Mrs. Carrie Thomason, Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1933, page 9 WOLF CHASES TURKEYS AT HOLCOMB SPRINGS
HOLCOMB SPRINGS, Oct. 14.--(Spl.)--Mr. Koger reports seeing a large
timber wolf for two mornings in his barnyard, chasing his turkeys. He
is laying for him with his rifle but so far has not succeeded in
getting him. Wolves and coyotes seem to be very bold here for this time
of year.Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1933, page 10 PLAN NEW LODGE NEAR HOT SPRINGS
ASHLAND, Nov. 22.--(Spl.)--Construction of a new lodge to be located on
the Pacific Highway, just north of Jackson's Hot Springs, has recently
been started.B. de Cathelineau, the owner, formerly of San Francisco, after a search up and down the Pacific Highway from Vancouver, B.C., to Los Angeles, chose the site as being one of the most suitable and attractive for this enterprise. The plans call for an attractive lodge, where accommodations for dining and dancing will be available. The building will be constructed of knotty pine in rustic style, and present plans include the enclosure of seven growing trees within the building proper. A large central room for dining and dancing will be flanked by several smaller rooms suitable for private dinner parties. Mr. de Cathelineau is making attractive landscape plans for the project. The lodge will probably be open by Christmas and will be welcomed by pleasure seekers in this region. Medford Mail Tribune, November 22, 1933, page 7 Dead Indian Land Wanted for Camp
The county court yesterday filed an application with the U.S. land
office at Roseburg requesting that a section of land near Dead Indian
Soda Springs be withdrawn from the public land lists, under the
"recreational purpose" provisions of the land laws. It is planned to
use the land as a Girl Scout camp.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1934, page 2 SHORTENING ROAD TO DEAD INDIAN SPRINGS
The Forest Service lookout station at Pool Hill, near Dead Indian Soda
Springs, is nearing completion and will provide a new point of interest
for hikers from that resort.
The new road from Big Elk ranger station to Dead Indian Soda Springs, which will cut several miles from the trip to Lake of the Woods from Medford, is progressing rapidly. Work has begun also on the road from the Owens ranch to the Dead Indian road to Dead Indian Soda Springs. Medford Mail Tribune, August 22, 1934, page 11 WAHL WILL OPEN BUCKHORN RESORT
Formal opening of the Buckhorn Mineral
Springs resort is planned
for March 15, Sunday, one week from today, it has been announced by F.
E. Wahl, manager of the company. The mineral springs resort, formerly
known as Tolman Springs, has been completely remodeled and renovated
and now offers the most complete service of its kind in this part of
the country, Wahl said.Buckhorn Mineral Springs are located 25 miles north of Medford on Emigrant Creek. The springs are reached by turning left at the Klamath junction, following the Greenspring Highway exactly three miles, and then turning right down the old road. Signs mark the route. Included in the setup are the ample lodge, bath houses, springs with sulfur, oatmeal, soda and mineral water baths, hot medicated baths said to be good for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and similar ailments. Carbon dioxide gas vapor baths are also offered, beneficial in the treatment of asthma, catarrh, colds, sinus trouble, eczema and other skin diseases. The staff includes Mrs. Amelia F. Toft, hostess; Dora Payne, nurse, and Clarence W. Finn, masseur in charge of baths. A graduate of St. Mary's College in California, Finn has had two years experience in hydrotherapy at the veterans hospital in Palo Alto, California, five years experience at the General Hospital in Los Angeles, and has had considerable experience as masseur at Wilbur Hot Springs at Williams, California, and is considered of outstanding ability, Wahl said. Finn follows the baths with mineral oil or alcohol massages and manipulations, as the case may indicate. Mud baths are also offered at the resort. The mud, of a talc nature, is used for giving facials in many Southern Oregon beauty parlors at the present time. The mud is also said to be beneficial in treatment of various skin eruptions when applied in packs. The recently remodeled lodge includes the dining room and recreational quarters for guests, and there are 11 completely furnished apartments, including several which have been equipped for housekeeping. A pamphlet now being prepared by the corporation headed by Wahl will be released soon, giving detailed information regarding the medicinal and curative values of the springs. The springs have an interesting history, having been discovered by the Chetco [sic] Indians hundreds of years ago, according to an interesting legend that has been handed down. The first white man to visit the place was Judge Tolman, Southern Oregon pioneer, after whom the springs were named. Since their discovery by the white race, they have been visited by thousands from all parts of the country. Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1936, page 9 Dead Indian Soda Springs Is
Suggested for Delightful Sunday Drive
Mail Tribune, August 4, 1940, page
10PICNIC GROUNDS POPULAR; WATERS ARE BENEFICIAL Modern Accommodations for Visitors--History of Area Is Outlined By Karl Janouch
Dead Indian Soda Springs is a recreational area in the Rogue River
national forest which combines many of the attractions that are sought
by the lover of the out-of-doors. Visitors marvel at its beauty.
Picnickers prefer this area because of its beauty, facilities for
camping, scenic foot and auto trips, good fishing, mineral springs, and
the solitude of the great out-of-doors. Many health seekers make
extended visits to the resort where a store, dining room, sleeping and
housekeeping cabins, and an artificial swimming pool are maintained.
The Dead Indian Soda Springs recreation area is different from those
areas usually found in Southwestern Oregon and Medford's Rogue
Start east from Riverside on Main Street and follow the Crater Lake Highway from Medford to Eagle Point, 10.7 miles. Here a turn to the right onto the Lake Creek Highway takes you through the town of Eagle Point. Keep straight ahead on the main road. Beyond Eagle Point the highway parallels Little Butte Creek and winds up this beautiful valley where there is an endless chain of farms which contribute to the wealth of the community through the production of dairy produce and beef cattle. In a short time the Brownsboro store and post office are reached, but continue straight ahead. Here you are traveling almost directly east toward majestic Mt. McLoughlin, which is seen rising high above the horizon in the distance. Notice the low foothills, which are covered with scattered oak trees and which extend to the valley floor. This may appear to be waste land, but actually it is not. It provides spring feed for range cattle from the time they leave winter feed lots until they go onto the national forest summer range sometime in June, and is needed to round out the cattleman's operation. Later the Fish Lake Road junction is reached, and here turn right, cross the Little Butte Creek bridge and pass through the small town of Lake Creek. Just a short distance above this point, Little Butte Creek forks, and from here on follow up the south fork of this creek, keeping the main traveled road to Dead Indian Soda Springs. At 35 miles you arrive at the rustic recreational area sign, turn right across the bridge, immediately across the bridge turn left and you are in the Dead Indian Soda Springs campground. Here there are a number of individual camp spots with stoves, tables, and sanitation facilities which were constructed by the Forest Service, and which are free to any who may wish to use them. Continuing on through the campground, cross a small bridge over Dead Indian Creek and enter the Forest Service picnic area. Here there is a community kitchen and numerous rustic tables, conveniently arranged so that ideal accommodations are presented either for individual parties or picnic groups. Plenty of parking space is available. For those who do not wish to camp out, just beyond the picnic area is the Dead Indian Soda Springs resort, which features home-cooked meals, cabins, and swimming facilities. The resort owners make this their home all year, and are perfect hosts and a veritable information bureau on subjects pertaining to local fishing, hiking, and saddle horse trips, as well as wildlife. The beauty of this entire recreational center is unique and has an individuality all its own. The timber cover of Douglas fir, incense cedar, broadleaf maple, alder, and hazel offers an interesting mixture of green colors, and provides a shady retreat that is cool even during the hottest summer days. A green blanket of grass almost completely covers the ground. The two beautiful small streams--Dead Indian Creek and the South Fork of Little Butte, which flow through the area--contribute their charm to make a perfect setting for the camper or vacationist. A good trail leads to the spring which has made this spot famous. From the resort this path winds up the east bank of Dead Indian Creek, 2,400 feet to the mineral spring, which is known far and near for the medicinal properties of its water. The Forest Service has constructed a bridge across the creek, which makes the spring easily accessible. The mineral water bubbles up through a fissure in a solid rock bed. Many people take containers and carry water from the spring back to their homes. It is not known who discovered the spring, but it was visited as long ago as 1871 by J. H. Tyrrell, father of the present owner of the resort. Why was it named Dead Indian? This is an interesting chapter in Southern Oregon history and involves some prominent pioneer families of the Rogue River valley. Here's the story as it is related: In 1854, the first wheat crop of any moment was grown in the valley. As settlers were short of funds necessary for financing the preparation and marketing of the crop thus was taken over by Henry Ammerman, early day financier. The wheat was ground into flour in Ashland, the mill having been located under a large oak tree near the present entrance to Lithia Park. Three wagons and eighteen oxen were secured to transport the flour to Yreka, the nearest market. Harvey Oatman--(father of the late Elmer Oatman--for many years Jackson County fruit inspector and grandfather of Mrs. R. O. Stephenson, who now lives on the Jacksonville highway) was put in charge of the train and drove the lead wagon. The other two wagons were driven by Daniel P. Brittain, who later lived for many years on Wagner Creek, and a Mr. Livingston. [The incident was in 1855; Livingston is otherwise unknown to history. The flour had been ground in Phoenix.] The wagons were heavy, and as there were no roads through the Siskiyous it was a laborious task, even though six heavy oxen were hitched to each load. It is not known exactly the route taken over the Siskiyous, but it is probable that the train followed approximately the route afterward known as the Dollarhide Toll Road. Somewhere near the summit of the mountains they were attacked by a party of renegade Indians from the Klamath country. Oatman escaped and went on to Yreka where he sold his load of flour. Brittain escaped with his life, but his wagon and that of Livingston were burned after the Indians had emptied the flour from the sacks, the latter being apparently the only article of value to the tribesmen. [They were unprepared to haul away several tons of flour.] Upon the return of Oatman and Brittain to the valley the attack was reported and a force immediately recruited by Wm. Rockfellow, one of the leading men of the Wagner Creek community, to track down the marauders. Not only after they had picked up the trail they found three of the renegades dead--apparently victims of another Indian band. The spot where these Indians were found was known thereafter as Dead Indian. Later the name "Dead Indian" was applied to the creek on the headwaters of which the Indians were found and still later to the soda spring which is located on the creek. An interesting side trip may be taken by car from this recreation area to the Forest Service fire lookout station on Poole Hill, three miles distant, by following the road which goes directly through the resort area. Here on Poole Hill all through the fire season you will find a lookout man on duty who welcomes visitors and who will gladly acquaint you with the features of the surrounding country, explain how a fire lookout actually functions, and tell you of the importance of protecting these timbered slopes from fire. Because of the exceedingly dry summer weather, a very dangerous fire season usually exists. In this area there are some glaring examples of the damage that fire can do to timber, recreational and other resources. It is an established fact that many tourists do not come to Oregon during forest fires because they were afraid of these fires while burning. Most of these disastrous fires have been man caused and could have been prevented. Whenever a fire rages through the forest it represents a loss of dollars to the community either directly or indirectly. Everyone should help prevent fires by being careful and cautioning others of the danger. Mention must also be made of the wildlife which is plentiful in this area. Usually one may see blacktail deer feeding unafraid on the hillsides near the resort. The gracefulness of these creatures is always inspiring and goes far toward completing the forest picture. This locality is noted as a favorite winter feeding ground for deer, and it is not at all uncommon to see 15 or 20 even more in a band during the late fall and winter months. Hiyu Skookum Medicine in Bear
By Bertha M. Borden
Chief Tipsu Tyee and his wandering Rogues, from their home in the
nearby Siskiyous, may have sought the "medicine waters" along Emigrant
Creek in Bear Valley.It is certain that the friendly Klamaths and their peace chief, Lalake, came from the shores of the great Klamath Lakes to partake of the "hiyu skookum medicine" of the springs. The rugged, mountainous terrain of their high country was no barrier to the Klamaths, who patiently trekked the long miles, over dangerous trails, to the numerous mineral springs at the foot of the Cascades in the southeastern corner of the Rogue River Valley. How they learned of the medicinal qualities of the water is not known. Who taught them the dangers and the uses of the seductive gases emanating from the rocky fissures along the creek is still a mystery. Perhaps by trial and error came the methods they employed to heal the sick. They built their flimsy wickiups of fir boughs over the rocky crannies and placed the patient in a comfortable position to inhale the gaseous vapors. When he became unconscious he was removed to a safe distance to regain consciousness. His circulation was restored by rubbing, and in a day or two the rite was repeated and thus continued until his malady subsided. "Poison Water," the first white settlers of the valley dubbed one of the springs. They saw dead reptiles, birds, insects and small animals around it. Later, by observing the Indians, they too, learned the secret of the spring. The water was good to drink, highly palatable and healthful. It was the carbon dioxide gas that caused death when inhaled too long. Some years later, in the early 1890s, James Clark Tolman, U.S. surveyor general of Oregon and a much-esteemed citizen of Ashland, purchased the spring and some of the surrounding area. The Tolman Springs became famous as a health resort, with a modest hotel and several cottages to accommodate its patrons. On the death of Tolman the place fell into decay, but the resort had acquired a wide reputation for beneficial qualities of its mineral waters. Through the years, the place has changed names and hands many times, but still continues to serve the people. At present it is named Buckhorn Springs. Before the Tolman Spring resort came into prominence, another mineral spring on the bank of Emigrant Creek was offering its benefits to the people who came from near and distant places to enjoy its excellent properties. In 1885 the famous Soda Springs ranch and hotel became the property of Jacob Wagner, Oregon state representative from Jackson County, and a pioneer of 1852. He was a resident of Ashland, and a progressive, public-spirited man. There was a pretentious 24-room hotel located directly opposite the Soda Springs. The elite from Ashland and vicinity made the place a social center as well as a health resort. In addition, a thriving bottling works was developed by Mr. Wagner. The effervescence of the water made it popular in mixing fancy beverages before carbonated water was obtainable. Those were the days before the coming of the railroad to Ashland, and the bottled water was sent out, north, south and east, in the picturesque freight wagons of that period. The only remainder of that heyday is a time-worn wooden pavilion, sun-silvered, its roof partly denuded of shingles, hovering over the once-famous spring. The shaky structure gives little hint of its past glory, but the water continues to flow and bubble from its subterranean channels, its medicinal qualities as potent as in the days of yore. Above the spring, on the worn plank platform, are wooden benches solidly carved with the initials of the patrons of the place. Coupled initials, with the inevitable heart outline carved around them, suggest that romance played a part there in that lovely spot in the shadow of the ancient Siskiyous. Not a vestige of the old hotel remains; the "bottling works" are but a memory, but the old rustic bridge, quaint and rickety, still spans the creek. A hand-printed sign warns the visitor of the hazards of a careless step. South of Ashland about four miles, with the basaltic peaks of the Cascades forming a picturesque backdrop, another cluster of mineral springs have come into more recent focus. In these springs, a larger percentage of lithium has been shown, by the analysis, than in almost any of the most famous springs in the country. Some years ago the water from these springs was piped into Ashland terminating in the lithia fountain in the Plaza block at the entrance of beautiful Lithia Park. An interesting development in connection with these springs is the Gas Ice Corporation plant, situated at their source. The plant was established two years ago, and produces a large block of dry ice every six minutes, and seven tons of ice every 24 hours. The carbon dioxide gas from the spring is converted into liquid, the liquid into snow, and by hydraulic pressure of 1200 pounds per square inch, the snow is pressed into ice. The ice will keep, in its heavy wrappings, for six days. Most of it is shipped to Oregon markets for the purpose of refrigeration, medical use and "to put the sparkle in soda pop." Not the least of the mineral springs are the white sulfur springs located almost in the heart of the business section of Ashland. One early writer states, "The white sulfur springs flow within the corporate limits of Ashland. It was noted that one of these springs increased its flow perhaps fiftyfold immediately following the earthquake in San Francisco, April of 1906, and continued so augmented for several days, but finally returned to normal." The normal flow is 61 gallons per minute. The water is stored in a reservoir of 300,000-gallon capacity; it supplies natural spring water for the two large swimming pools known as the Twin Plunges. Other white sulfur springs are situated on the outskirts of the city and are a part of the Helman donation land claim of 1858. "The Helman Hot Sulfur Baths and Swimming Pool" has been popular for the last 40 years. Two miles north of Ashland are the Jackson Hot Sulfur Springs, with a varying temperature of from 77 to 86 degrees. The flow is 3000 gallons per hour. The water is turned into the outdoor swimming pool of the resort which has a capacity of 170,000 gallons. Bear Valley is the southeastern arm of the Rogue River Valley. It is rich in beauty, its mineral springs and natural resources. The valley derives its name from Bear Creek, which flows from the granite heights of the Siskiyous. The creek moves in a northerly direction, through a mere canyon, to the wider stretches of the valley floor lying between the Siskiyous and the Cascades. Emigrant Creek flows westerly into the valley from its source in the Cascades, losing itself in Bear Creek near the Lithia Springs. Oregon Journal, Portland, March 21, 1948, page 85. Reprinted in the Mail Tribune of March 26, on page 6. SMITHS PURCHASE HOT SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith, formerly of Portland, where Mr. Smith was a lawyer for 41 years, have purchased the Jackson Hot Springs. Extensive repairs, painting and remodeling have been done and the pool area is now very gay with bright colors. The snack bar has been completely renovated. There is a lifeguard on duty at all times. Mrs. Smith is herself a registered life guard. The Smiths plan to install a playground and tables in the picnic area in the near future. We wish to take this opportunity to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Smith to our community. Talent News Flashes, June 9, 1950, page 2 Dr. Wexler Dies of Heart Attack
ASHLAND--Dr. Herman Wexler, chiropractic physician and owner and
operator of Buckhorn Mineral Springs since 1942, died Tuesday afternoon
of a heart attack at the Ashland Elks Club.Dr. Wexler, a native of Bremen, Germany, where he was born April 25, 1898, had practiced in the city of Ashland as well as operating the Buckhorn Mineral Springs for the past 20 years. He received his education in Baden, Germany, where he studied medicine and got his degree as a medical doctor. Coming to the United States in 1918, he entered Western States Chiropractic College and after graduation practiced in Portland and later in Lakeview before moving to Ashland. He was an officer in the Allied army during World War I. In Ashland, Dr. Wexler was a longtime member of Lodge No. 944, BPOE, and the Lions Club. He is survived by a son, Paul G. Wexler, Eugene, a daughter, Mrs. Marsha Williams, Long Beach, Calif.; three grandchildren; two sisters, one residing in Odessa, Russia, and the other in South America. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. in Litwiller's Mountain View Chapel. Medford Mail Tribune, November 27, 1963, page 9 Last revised January 26, 2025 |