![]() ![]() John T. C. Nash and His Hotel It is stated that Mr. Byers and other persons are about interesting themselves in the erection of a large brick building in Medford. We don't know how true it is. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 28, 1883, page 3 A considerable amount of brick is being hauled to Medford for Byers & Co. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 4, 1884, page 3 A large brick building 50x60 feet is to be erected at Medford this winter. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 4, 1884, page 3 Byers & Jacobs will build a brick block 50x60 and another brick store 20x40. Large piles of brick are already on the ground, having been hauled from Jacksonville. The buildings will be made but one story high at first. Thos. McAndrew promises to burn a large kiln of brick and also put up one or more brick buildings during the coming season. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 4 Within a few days work on the smaller brick building of Byers & Jacobs will be commenced. It will be used as an express office. The larger building, 50x60, will be two stories high. "At Medford," Ashland Tidings, February 1, 1884, page 3 Byers & Co. will commence the building of their brick buildings at Medford as soon as the cold snap is at an end. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1884, page 3 Messrs. Byers and Jacobs will soon commence putting up a brick store building at Medford. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 16, 1884, page 3 Byers & Co. have commenced work on their fine brick buildings and expect to have them ready for occupancy in the course of a few months. They propose to make the structure opposite the depot a two-story one. "Medford Items," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 29, 1884, page 2 Work on the foundations of the two brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at Medford is now in progress. Messrs. Byers and Steadman are doing the work. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, February 29, 1884, page 3 Work on Byers and Jacobs' new brick building was commenced this week and [is] progressing finely. Two bricks, one fronting the depot and the other adjoining it on the side street, are to be erected and the plans show that they will be large and roomy structures. "Medford Notes," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1884, page 3 One of Byers & Co.'s brick buildings at Medford is nearing completion, while the foundation is being laid for the other. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1884, page 3 Mr. Byers has begun laying brick for the second brick building of Byers & Jacobs at Medford. It will be two stories high. The walls of the smaller building are up ready for the joist. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 21, 1884, page 3 Mr. Byers, the bricklayer and stone mason, came up from Medford last Monday. He has the new brick buildings of Byers & Jacobs at that place enclosed, and they will soon be entirely finished. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, April 18, 1884, page 3 The corner room in Byers & Jacobs' new brick at Medford has been rented by W. G. Kenney and H. H. Wolters, who will open a saloon at that place. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 7, 1884, page 3 Byers & Co. intend to put another story on their brick building at Medford, which will probably be used as a hotel. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 14, 1885, page 3 Byers & Co. intend to commence operations on the second story of their brick building at Medford at once. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1885, page 3 Medford will soon have a new brick hotel. A second story is being built on Byers' brick and the building will also be considerably enlarged. Kenney and Wolters' saloon will be moved to the room adjoining where they now are and their old stand on the corner changed to an office for the hotel. From the plans shown us we think it ought to make a commodious and well-arranged building for the purposes for which it is destined. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1885, page 3 The brick work of the Byers & Jacobs hotel at Medford is about completed, and the building presents a fine appearance. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, October 9, 1885, page 3 J. B. Riddle talks of leasing Byers & Jacobs' fine hotel in Medford. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 12, 1886, page 3 J. B. Riddle has leased the hotel building of Byers & Jacobs and will open a first-class hotel here immediately. "Medford Brevities," A CHANGE.--J. B. Riddle has leased Byers and Jacobs' brick hotel at Medford and will have it ready for the public three weeks hence. W. G. Kenney has sold his interest in the saloon to his partner, H. H. Wolters, and bought Mr. Lynch's interest in the livery stable there. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 3, 1886, page 3 J. B. Riddle will take possession of the large hotel at Medford as soon as it can be finished. H. H. Wolters will run the saloon or barroom, having bought out Kenney's interest last week. "Brevities," J. B. Riddle, the lessee of the new brick hotel at Medford, expects to be ready for business in about three weeks. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 24, 1886, page 3 The Riddle Hotel at Medford is the Boss. While it will not be open for business until the 5th inst. we can still say that they have excellent rooms, fine beds and even now are furnishing the best of meals. We have tried all and know whereof we speak. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 1, 1886, page 3 The Riddle House at Medford is now open and ready for business. Give it a trial when traveling that way. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 15, 1886, page 3 The Riddle House, of Medford, is open for the accommodation of the public. "Brevities," D. W. Crosby is now on the special police force of Medford besides being general manager of the Riddle House at that place. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 26, 1886, page 3 The Riddle House and Gem Saloon are two of the leading business places in Medford, each doing a good business. The best of meals and lodgings are furnished at the former, while superior liquid refreshments can be obtained at the latter. Whenever you are in this place give Bous and Ham a call, for they will treat you well. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886, page 3 THE
Medford, Oregon, J. B. RIDDLE, Prop'r. ---- THIS
HOUSE HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY fitted up with new and elegant furniture and
is second to none south of Portland.
Special pains taken in making commercial travelers feel at home. The tables are supplied with the best of everything the market affords. ----
Cigars kept on hand, and a first-class billiard table is connected with
the saloon. The leading papers of the day can also be found on the
reading tables.
The proprietors are also sole agents of Medford for the Celebrated Rogue River Whiskeys. The saloon will always be found open at the arrival of all trains. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886 et seq., page 3 H. H. Wolters has sold his interest in the Gem Saloon to his partner, J. B. Riddle, who will hereafter conduct the business. What Ham proposes engaging in is not known. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1886, page 3 M. E. Beatty is assisting Botts and Dave to attend to the wants of the numerous patrons of the Riddle House. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1887, page 2 The Riddle House is acknowledged by all to be one of the leading hotels in the State. Its rooms are neat and clean, excellent meals are served there, and no pains spared to make guests comfortable and entirely at home. The ball given by the Medford Cornet Band was a pleasant affair, but not as well attended as it should have been. The best of music had been provided, while the supper set at the Riddle House could not have been excelled. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 25, 1887, page 3 The interest of John Byers in the fine two-story brick building known as the Riddle House will be sold by Sheriff Dean in Jacksonville on April 10th. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1887, page 2 The Postal Telegraph Co. have established an office here in the Riddle House, with C. S. Jenkins as agent. "Medford Mutterings," Ashland Tidings, April 8, 1887, page 3 J. B. Riddle is constructing a sewer from the Riddle House to Bear Creek. "Medford Melange," Ashland Tidings, April 22, 1887, page 3 Medford is now one of the principal eating stations of the O.&C.R.R., and trains stop at the Riddle House for breakfast and supper. The new arrangements make quite a difference to our growing little city and will no doubt assist us in many ways. The passengers all speak in the highest terms of the fare they receive. The May Day party given at Howard's hall last Monday evening, under the auspices of Misses Genevieve Riddle and Emma Young, was one of the pleasantest and best-managed affairs which has ever taken place here. Nothing had been left undone and everybody enjoyed themselves. The music furnished by Wilson's string band was excellent, while the supper served at the Riddle House could not be surpassed. During the evening Miss Effie Merriman was crowned Queen of May. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1887, page 2 All those who stop at the Riddle House agree that they never received better treatment, more toothsome victuals or more comfortable lodgings anywhere. Bous. never leaves anything undone to please his numerous guests. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1887, page 2 J. B. Riddle has built a commodious ice house in the rear of his hotel building and is filling it with the summer luxury. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1888, page 3 Mr. Schultz, who is to build a flouring mill at this place, has purchased of A. S. Jacobs a half interest in the property known as the Riddle House. He is making a bid for the balance of this fine property, and if he can buy it will purchase adjoining buildings on D Street, and not only increase the extent of the hotel but raise the whole to two stories. Mr. Schultz will, in addition to this, erect the mill this season. Southern Oregon Transcript, Medford, March 13, 1888, page 2 A. S. Jacobs is still the owner of half of the Riddle House property. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 30, 1888, page 2 A. S. Jacobs has sold his half interest in the Riddle Hotel building to a gentleman from Portland named Drucks, for $3,000. We are informed that A. H. Sunderman negotiated the sale. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 13, 1888, page 2 A. S. Jacobs has sold his interest in the Riddle House to J. E. Drucks, from Portland, through the agency of A. H. Sunderman. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, April 13, 1888, page 2 The Riddle House has new rooms to accommodate the fast increasing business. "Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, May 15, 1888, page 7 Col. J. B. Riddle has purchased a set of Bell telephones for his hotel, and we enjoy telephonic communication with our neighbors. "Medford Items," Oregonian, Portland, June 6, 1888, page 3 Three hundred and fifty persons took meals at the Riddle House last Sunday. Pretty good for one day. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, June 22, 1888, page 3 J. B. Riddle will retire from the management of the Riddle House on July 1st, and will be succeeded by M. A. Brentano, who fully understands the business. Mr. R. and family have made numerous friends while in the valley, who will regret to hear of their departure for Douglas County. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 29, 1888, page 2 It is reported that J. B. Riddle has disposed of his hotel business here to M. A. Brentano, and will leave with his family for their old home in Douglas County in about two weeks. He is a first-class hotel man, and the people of Medford regret his leaving very much. "Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, June 29, 1888, page 3 J. B. Riddle is still in charge of the Riddle House, the Hotaling Co. of Portland having failed to come to time as yet. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1888, page 3 Medford and Jacksonville are joined by a Bell telephone, which extends between the U.S. Hotel and the Riddle House. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1888, page 3 J. B. Riddle, until lately the genial and enterprising host of the Riddle House, has transferred the management thereof, and with his family will remove to Douglas County in a few days. They have made many friends during their stay in Jackson County. We wish them prosperity in their new home. M. A. Brentano has taken charge of the Riddle House, which will retain its present name. He will thoroughly renovate it and spare no pains in keeping one of the best hotels in Southern Oregon. Mr. B. knows how to cater to the wants of the inner man, and we bespeak him a liberal share of the public patronage. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 13, 1888, page 3 John Dyar and wife have returned from southern California, and are assisting in the management of the Grand Central Hotel at Medford. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 19, 1888, page 3 A life-size portrait of Archie Hazel, in the act of climbing a forest tree, is the chief attraction in the Grand Central Hotel parlor. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1890, page 3 The Grand Central Hotel, under the excellent management of Harry McClallen, is doing a fine business. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 17, 1890, page 2 T. A. Harris and Ed. Worman have taken charge of the Grand Central Hotel, as well as the saloon in the same building. Harry McClallen will conduct the hotel for the present. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1890, page 3 Harry McClallen has retired from the management of the Grand Central Hotel, and Thos. A. Harris is in charge of that caravansary. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1890, page 3 The Grand Central Hotel Tuesday received a fine new upright piano for the parlor. "Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, September 11, 1890, page 3 J. A. Hazel, erstwhile of the Grand Central Hotel of Medford, passed through the valley last week on his way to Tacoma. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1890, page 3 Over thirty couples attended the Thanksgiving ball supper at the Grand Central Hotel. Wilson's string band supplied the music. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, December 4, 1890, page 3 ![]() P. W. Croake, The Rogue River Valley, "The Italy of Oregon," Glass & Prudhomme, Portland, Oregon. Undated, written March 1891. Harris & Purdin now fatten their own fowls for the table at the Grand Central, having last week erected a neat house in the rear of the hotel for that purpose. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 10, 1891, page 2 Some new floors have been put down this week in the Grand Central. S. W. Speas has been doing the work. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, October 28, 1892, page 3 The looks of the Grand Central Hotel bar has been greatly improved by the paperhanger and painter. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 2, 1892, page 2 Miss Lee Daniels is again employed in the dining room of the Grand Central Hotel, which is gratifying to her many friends here. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 9, 1892, page 2 A handsome brick building, with a fifty-foot front, will ornament the corner on which the old Medford Hotel formerly stood. M. Purdin has changed the name of the Grand Central Hotel to Hotel Medford, and as he has been busy in making long-needed improvements in the arrangements and management of the hotel, the traveling public will soon have to admit it to be one of the very best-managed hostelries in the southern part of the state. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1893, page 3 ![]() January 20, 1893 Southern Oregon Mail Rogue River Valley citizens are right onto themselves when it comes to realizing the value of a trust [i.e., a monopoly]. Recently managers of the Hotel Oregon at Ashland made a deal by which they consolidated that and the Ashland House management, and the consequence is both houses will do a good business, the one as a lodging house, the other as the hotel of the city. At Medford, landlord Purdin has also seen the point and has leased the Clarendon Hotel, which he will in future use as a lodging house annex of the Medford hotel, ensuring a good round profit from both buildings. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1893, page 3 Hotel Medford now blooms out with the colors of a true metropolitan hostelry. New and elegant menu cards, printed at the Mail office, adorn the dining room tables. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, March 17, 1893, page 3 Hotel Medford now uses menu cards, which add to its metropolitan features. Landlord Purdin is the right man in the right place. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 31, 1893, page 2 Weeks Bros. of this place have just finished and put in place one of the finest bars in the county for landlord Purdin, of the Medford hotel. It was nearly all of hard wood and finely finished. "Phoenix Items," Ashland Tidings, April 7, 1893, page 2 The new hardwood bar of the Hotel Medford was designed and constructed by Weeks Bros. of Phoenix, and is one of the handsomest in the state. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1893, page 2 A half interest in the Hotel Medford property is offered for sale at a bargain, and anyone wanting to invest in the very best hotel business in the southern part of the state would do well to call soon. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 19, 1893, page 3
Ira Purdin is chief clerk at Hotel Medford.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1893, page 3 ![]() A new and much larger safe has been added to the necessary office furniture of the Hotel Medford. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 3 "Glendale," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 17, 1893, page 2 Capt. J. T. C. Nash has sold his placer gold mine in Cow Creek Canyon to Col. W. H. Taylor of the International Nickel Mining Co. and associates for a consideration of $10,000 in the coin of the realm. The new owners will at once begin operation on an extensive scale, and put in a system of water works that will enable them to work all the year round. The Nash mine is probably one of the richest in Oregon and was sold dirt cheap. "The City and Vicinity," Roseburg Plaindealer, August 24, 1893, page 3 Joe Savage has severed his connections with Hotel Medford and Tuesday morning left for San Francisco. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 3 "All the Local News," Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3 HOTEL MEDFORD
After making
mention of the resources of Medford, we must turn our attention to the
accommodations which are offered the traveling public. Comfortable
quarters and generous fare are conducive of good humor, liberality and
fair dealing; a good hotel well kept and comfortably furnished actually
amounts to many thousands of dollars to the citizens of the town in
which it is situated. Such a hotel is The Medford, as conducted by
mine host Purdin. The Medford has 24 bedrooms, well
light, airy and scrupulously clean. The table, which is one of the main
features of this house, is supplied with all the delicacies of the
season, and is served by polite and attentive waiters. The traveling
public and commercial men will here find all the comforts desired.
Large sample rooms are always at the disposal of traveling men. Mr.
Purdin is a gentleman thoroughly conversant with the management of a
hotel in all its branches. He is ever courteous and attentive
to the
wants of his guests, and very popular with the traveling public.
Mail, December 1, 1893, page 1The Hotel Medford, of which M. Purdin is proprietor, is conveniently arranged for the accommodation of commercial travelers, for whom free sample rooms are provided. This popular hostelry is located directly opposite the Southern Pacific Company's depot. The building is constructed of brick, it is two stories in height, and is comparatively secure from all danger of fire. The rates per day, at the Hotel Medford, are from $1.25 to $2. Courteous treatment of guests and an excellent table service are prominent features connected with the management of this hotel. Traveling men, and tourists especially, have found Medford's hotel accommodations better than the average, probably for the reason that the location of the town is such that a large surrounding country is more accessible from this point than from any other. Edward Gardner Jones, ed., The Oregonian's Handbook of the Pacific Northwest, 1894, page 211 John Faris is the new dispenser of refreshments at the Hotel Medford. He is recently from Oroville, Cal., and is an adept and old hand at the business. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 3 Hotel
Medford Improvements.
Landlord Purdin realizes
the necessity of
giving ample room to his traveling patrons, and to better accommodate
them he is having some of the smaller rooms made larger, by removing
the partition between them and making one good-sized room from two
small ones. Mr. Purdin is fully cognizant of the fact that a traveling
man, even though he is ofttimes small in stature, requires plenty of
room in which to navigate."News of the City," Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 3 The brick building, Hotel Medford, owned by Gaines & Charles, was sold this week to Capt. J. T. C. Nash, the mining man of Canyonville, Douglas County; the consideration being $9000. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 29, 1894, page 3 I. L. Hamilton and W. P. H. Legate have purchased the furniture, fixtures, etc., of Hotel Medford from M. Purdin and took possession this week to conduct the same. David Crosby, of Riddle, is here helping them. Mr. Purdin will move to California. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 11, 1894, page 3 David Crosby, of Hotel Riddle, has accepted a position as clerk in Hotel Medford, and departed for that place Sunday. Dave, we'll miss your genial smiles.--Riddle Enterprise. Hotel Medford bar windows have been decorated in most artistic designs by A. L. Chapman, a recently arrived sign painter and all-round artisan. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 3 MEDFORD HOTEL PROPERTY SOLD.
The Building To Be Enlarged and Remodeled.
Friday a deal was closed by which the Hotel Medford became the property
of Capt. J. T. C. Nash, of Corvallis, Oregon. The consideration was
about $8,000, and the property included 75x100 feet on the corner of
Seventh and D streets and the large two-story brick building thereon.
Mr. Nash will enlarge the building and improve the accommodations. It is not yet decided whether another story will be added or the addition made on the ground. The new work including the renovation of the interior of the present building will cost near $4,000. Messrs. Hamilton and Legate, the genial landlords who hold a lease on the property, are much pleased with the prospects for more room and the interior improvement. For some time past the house has been crowded beyond its capacity in sleeping apartments. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, December 4, 1894, page 3 The Medford Has Changed Hands.
Many improvements have already been mapped out for this property, but only a few of them will be put into shape this winter. Those to receive immediate attention will be the repainting and papering of several rooms, among them being the office, dining room and saloon. That large tree on Seventh Street will also be cut down and an awning built along the north side. The improvements promised for the spring are the addition of another story to the main building, two stories to the barber shop and stores on the east, and on the vacant lot to the south three stories, making a solid brick building 75x104 feet in size and three stories high. [The Nash didn't become three stories until circa 1907.] In front of this building, on both sides, will be put down a solid cement walk. There will also be an elevator put in the building, which, if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will be operated by water from our city water works. The cost of the improvements to be made will fall not many dollars short of $10,000. Among the several changes to be made will be the entire remodeling of the interior of the house. A hotel, be it good or bad, shapes the stranger's opinion of the town--and Medford has had nothing to crow over in that line in the past, but thanks to good fortune, "the Medford" is now in the hands of a gentleman with modern and advanced ideas and capital sufficient at his command to carry out his every notion. Under the management of Hamilton & Legate the hotel has grown in popularity far in excess of their expectations--but what will be the new Medford under the new arrangement?--simply elegant and without a superior in Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 4 The Medford Has Changed Hands.
For weeks
past, yes, for months, the Mail
has been hunting in various different localities for a moneyed man who
could see the importance and necessity of a first-class hotel building
in our city. We have advertised for such a man and have corresponded
with many, but not until our advertisement came to the notice of Capt.
J. T. C. Nash, a Glendale, Oregon capitalist and reader of the
did we find a gentleman who had enough of confidence in our city's
future to bank his money on that confidence.Mr. Nash was in Medford last Saturday, when the deeds to the property, and the cash, in consideration therefor, changed hands. The deeds were made by James Gaines for one-half interest, consideration $4000, and by John Charles for the other half interest for $3700; total consideration $7700. The purchase includes the building known as Hotel Medford, the barber shop occupied by W. L. Townsend, the grocery store occupied by Lumsden & Berlin, and the lots upon which they stand, also the twenty-five-foot lot adjoining the hotel on the south, making in all seventy-five feet fronting on D, or Front, Street, and one hundred on Seventh, or Main, Street. Many improvements have already been mapped out for this property, but only a few of them will be put into shape this winter. Those to receive immediate attention will be the repainting and papering of several rooms, among them being the office, dining room and saloon. That large tree on Seventh Street will also be cut down and an awning built along the north side. The improvements promised for the spring are the addition of another story to the main building, two stories to the barber shop and store on the east, and on the vacant lot to the south three stories, making a solid brick building 75x100 feet in size and three stories high. In front of this building, on both sides, will be put down a solid cement walk. There will also be an elevator put in the building, which, if satisfactory arrangements can be made, will be operated by water from our city water works. The cost of the improvements to be made will fall not many dollars short of 10,0000. Among the several changes to be made will be the entire remodeling of the interior of the house. A hotel, be it good or bad, shapes the stranger's opinion of the town--and Medford has had nothing to crow over in that line in the past, but thanks to good fortune, "the Medford" is now in the hands of a gentleman with modern and advanced ideas and capital sufficient at his command to carry out his every notion. Under the management of Hamilton & Legate the hotel has grown in popularity far in excess of their expectations--but what will be the new Medford under the new arrangement?--simply elegant and without a superior in Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 4 A Hotel for Medford.
MEDFORD, Dec. 21.--Some weeks ago the Hotel Medford property, in this
city, was sold to Captain J. T. C. Nash, of Glendale. W. J. Bennet, a
prominent architect, of Roseburg, has been here to prepare plans for a
new building, which are about completed. The building will be a
three-story structure, to cost not less than $10,000. It will be built
on the latest modern plans; will be supplied with elevators, steam heat
and electric light, and, when completed, will be the finest hotel south
of Portland.
Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1894, page 3 The Hotel Medford has changed hands, and is now conducted by the popular landlords Messrs. Hamilton & Leggett. The senior member bears the suggestive sobriquet of "Shorty" among the traveling men, and it is the sentiment of the boys on the road that he has well earned the popularity he enjoys. The table service at the Hotel Medford is equal to that of any hotel in Southern Oregon, a sufficient guarantee of its excellence. Free sample rooms are provided by the management for the commercial men, and no pains are spared for their comfort, as is fully attested by the growing patronage with which this house is favored. "Medford," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1895, page 11 A GRAND HOTEL--THAT IS TO BE.
The Mail
has much to say of the new hotel building that is to replace Hotel
Medford, but having seen the plans of the new structure we conclude
that too much cannot be said for it. It is the one thing that Medford
has most needed for several long years. The hotel that now is was a
pretty good one when it was built, eight or ten years ago, but Medford
of today and Medford ten years ago are two almost entirely different
places. Those of our citizens who were the cornerstones of progress at
that time have been acting in the same capacity during the lapse of
years to the present date. To these have been added many new names, and
all have labored assiduously to the city's general good. Many of those
who thought the Grand Central was a pretty sleek affair are here still
and when they see the new hotel the expression "immense" will be the
extent of their utterance.The New Nash Will Be the Finest Hotel in Southern Oregon. What is now Hotel Medford will be known as Hotel Nash when the process of reconstruction will have been completed. The new name is given the house in honor of its present owner, Capt. J. T. C. Nash, and a fitting tribute to the gentleman it is. Mr. W. J. Bennet, the architect, has shown us the plans of the new structure, which are most convenient and grand, and credit in large lumps is due any gentleman capable of so cleverly planning a structure of this nature. The hotel, as we have stated in a previous issue, will be 75x100 feet in size and three stories high. The first two stories will be built of brick, or in fact will be the walls of the building as it now stands, and will be studded with double light windows. The entire new part at the south will be built of brick to a level with the walls now standing, and the entire third story will be built of steel, surmounted with galvanized iron cornice. The building will front toward the depot and will have three entrances from that side. One of these will be at the corner, opening into the office, the next one to the south will open into a hall leading to the elevator and stairway. Still further south will be doors opening into the sample room, or hotel bar, and still further south are doors opening into the commercial travelers' sample rooms, two in number. These latter rooms are only prospective at present. Over the office entrance, at the corner, will be a tower, seventy-eight feet in height, from sidewalk to finial. A copper weather vane of miner's pan, pick and shovel, emblematic of one of the principal resources of this valley--as well as of Mr. Nash's former vocation--will be placed at the top of this tower. The main entrance will be surmounted by a Grecian balcony, this terminating in a bay and the latter hooded with tower roof. This bay opens into the bridal chamber, which is on the third floor, and is to be 16x18 feet in size. There will be sixty-one sleeping rooms in the house--and not one of them will be dark. On the north side of the building will be two balconies, one for each second and third floor, and to run the entire length of the building. In the tower, above the roof of the main building, will be an observatory, provided with seats, and for use of guests and others about the city who care to use it. Leading to this observatory will be a walk over the roof of the main building from the top of the elevator. The building will be provided with electric lights, something like 160 in number, also electric call bells. The laundry room will be on the first floor and will be provided with the Montgomery complete laundry outfit. Each floor will be provided with patent water closets and baths. At two points on the third floor will be a hose and hose reel for use in case of fire. At the north and east sides are fire escapes--there being five points at which guests can easily escape should fire occur. There will be a twelve-foot concrete walk on two sides of the building. and a four-foot walk of like material south from Seventh Street, along the alley to the kitchen where there will be two large folding iron gates opening into a back court. The building throughout will be first class, and while any amount of credit is being bestowed upon Mr. Nash for thus giving to our city that which we have so long felt the need of, we must not forget the part which the master hand of Architect Bennet has taken in designing so beautiful a structure. The finishings of the house will be beautiful and in keeping with the general grandeur of the building itself. The bridal chamber will be a little palace--and incidentally let us mention that Capt. Nash is still an unmarried man, and let us further state that upon the opening night of this grand hotel, there is a probability of there being two events to celebrate--and one of them a wedding. Work on the new building will begin sometime in February, some 200,000 brick having already been contracted for. The first work will be that of putting up the new part. When this is up two stories the entire third story will be put up over the roof of the part now standing--thus the business of the hotel will not be interfered with. Medford Mail, January 11, 1895, page 4 Capt. Nash is in Portland and expects to open bids for his new hotel when he returns. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, February 14, 1895, page 3 Plans have been drawn for rebuilding the hotel at Medford for Captain J. T. C. Nash. The front of the first and second stories will be brick, and the third of rolled steel. The Hotel Nash will be a fine structure. "News of the Northwest: Oregon," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 13, 1895, page 4 Bids for the erection of Hotel Nash on the Hotel Medford site will be opened on the first and work will probably be commenced by the 15th of February. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1895, page 3 Shawver & Nicholson and Mrs. Bradbury had the plans last evening, figuring on the construction of the new Hotel Nash, and it is probable that other contractors will be given an opportunity in turn. Capt. Nash will stay several weeks. South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 8, 1895, page 3 Capt. Nash was over at Althouse last week superintending the putting up of hydraulic mining machinery for a big mining company, located on Althouse Creek. The Captain is very enthusiastic over the extension and very rich placer fields located in that district. "Mines and Mining," Medford Mail, April 26, 1895, page 8 The contract for the erection of another addition two stories high and alongside of the Hotel Nash was let to Fred Patterson of Roseburg for $6500. The work of erecting the same will begin at once. Capt. Nash will then have a fine piece of property. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1895, page 3 "News of the City," Medford Mail, May 24, 1895, page 5 Capt. Nash is not feeling very good over the city council's refusing to put in a proper sewerage for his new hotel and is figuring on turning the hotel into store buildings. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 30, 1895, page 3 Capt. J. T. C. Nash is standing the town of Medford on its head, though himself but a quite recent comer. He is putting an addition to his hotel and wants the city council to put in a sewerage system. The council does not want to put the town any further in debt and would rather smell the common plebeian garbage of the town than pay interest on bonds that could never be paid. Capt. Nash don't like it at all and the latest ukase issued by him is to sell all his property at cost while he leaves the town. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, June 6, 1895, page 3 The South Oregon Monitor, published June 7, 1895, is another of Mrs. [Mamie Isaacs] Riddle's prized possessions. . . . According to the Monitor the good citizens of Medford seemed to be having an argument over the building of a sewer. In an editorial, Captain J. T. C. Nash, owner of the Nash hotel (now the Allen Hotel) was bringing pressure to bear upon the city fathers over the sewage question. The editorial reads, in part, "And why, forsooth, should the City of Medford build a sewer for Capt. Nash's hotel, or for anyone else for that matter. Let Capt. Nash throw his slops it the street, even though it smell to high heaven. Our forefathers have stood as bad and who are we that we should be more holy than they." "Old Newspapers Give Sidelights on City History," Medford Mail Tribune September 24, 1940, page 2 Landlord Hamilton has added a new beauty to the Hotel Nash office. It is a beautifully made oak receptacle for letters, stationery, toothpicks, ink stand and diverse other small articles. There is a bronze statue in the center and around the outside are well arranged advertisements of business houses of the city--among those most prominent is a picture of Mackey, the photographer. Shorty has also put in a clock that plays a tune every time it strikes the hour. Among other things most noticeable about this place is the painting and penciling of the outer walls. Medford Mail, May 22, 1896, page 4 Monday morning the work of putting down the cement walk around Hotel Nash was commenced by Theo. Dunn and Adam Clinedienst, the contractors, and will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. At the corner of the hotel, leading to the main entrance of the office will be something far out of the ordinary in workmanship and beauty. This part of the walk will be laid with diamond- and half-diamond-shaped blocks, stained with the national colors, red, white, and blue, and the large curbstone will have the name of Hotel Nash cut on it in large letters. It will require about a month's steady work to complete the walk. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 8, 1897, page 7 No person has a license in saying that the new cement walk which Adam Clinedienst and Theo. Dunn are putting down in front of Hotel Nash is anything but an improvement of which the city ought to be proud. It is being so solidly and well put down that the pedestrians will not come thick and fast enough to wear it out--not in a thousand years. The walk will necessitate the outlay of nearly $500 and Captain Nash is entitled to the commendation of our whole town for the enterprise displayed. It is of such improvements as these that prosperous, solid towns are made. "News of the City," Medford Mail, January 29, 1897, page 7 Hotel Nash, Medford, is being renovated in first-class condition. "Jackson
County," Daily Capital
Journal, Salem, April 19, 1897, page 3
Capt. Nash ordinarily is not a gentleman who allows his wrath to get so far beyond him that it is not an easy matter to reach out and haul in sails, but when he appeared on the street Monday morning his wrath was waterlogged and would not respond to the rudder. He was just naturally hot, and there were grounds for this heated condition. He is the owner of a fine brick hotel and has recently had built a splendid cement walk about the building, and the captain prides himself in keeping things neat about his premises, and when he discovered, lined up against his nicely painted walls and new cement walk, a furrow, deep enough to plant sugar beets in, of old quids of tobacco, cigar stumps and thick molasses-colored expectorant, he was just riled "clean through and through." Just why people who feel they must use this vile weed have not enough of manhood left to respect and keep neat and clean things that are beautiful is past finding out--but without any exaggeration whatever that sidewalk was a disgusting sight Monday morning. An anti-spit law that would protect such places ought to be passed by our city council. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, April 30, 1897, page 7 THE NEW HOTEL NASH.
"Our Business and
Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May
28, 1897, page 3I. L. HAMILTON, PROPRIETOR.
hostelry is owned and partly managed by Mr. I. L. Hamilton, who is a
genial and clever gentleman. A good hotel is a haven of rest to weary
travelers. It is the temporary home of the many, and where comfort is
found, good fares served, courteous and polite attention given, it is
often with reluctance that the visitor or business man leaves it. Too
much praise can not be bestowed on the people who know how to keep a
hotel. Our host of the "Hotel Nash" answers this description,
and is a
successful hotel keeper, as is asserted by the numerous patrons he
accommodates. Bountiful fare is provided, the rooms are comfortable,
airy and cleanly kept, and in all its appointments "The Nash" is
strictly first class.
of the most necessary and convenient institutions of the times is a
well-conducted barber shop, and the one to which we refer here is well
known as one of the best arranged and most ably conducted
establishments of its kind in Medford. Its proprietors, Messrs. Bates
Bros., are artists of merit in this line. Their shop is handsomely
furnished with all modern improvements and appliances, and their bath
rooms are always neat, clean, and the best of service given.
BATES BROS., PROPRIETORS. A cesspool of twenty barrels capacity is being put in tihs week in the alley between J. S. Howard's store building and Hotel Nash. The cesspool will be for the use of the hotel and will be built of brick and cement. Since the above was put in type a suit for an injunction has been commenced by J. S. Howard asking that further work on the cesspool be stopped. Judge Hanna granted a temporary injunction and ordered the hole already dug filled up. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, August 13, 1897, page 7 I. L. Hamilton did not fight the injunction issued enjoining him from putting in a cesspool in the alley near Hotel Nash. He now has men at work putting in a cesspool on the hotel property. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, August 20, 1897, page 7 Capt. Nash is contemplating the erection of a brick building adjoining his hotel. The lower story will be modeled into a store room, while the upper will be divided into rooms and used in connection with the hotel. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1898, page 3 HOTEL NASH.
The principal and only first-class hotel in Medford is the above-named
hostelry, situated on the corner of the principal business
thoroughfares immediately across from the depot and but half a minute's
walk.This house has been established some 12 years, or almost since the founding of Medford. It was first opened by J. B. Riddle, as the "Riddle House." It passed into several hands, and finally four years ago Mr. I. L. Hamilton, the present successful hotel man, assumed the management and has built up a trade second to none among the interior towns of the state. The main building is a 2½-story brick structure, 75x100 feet, and contains 40 rooms. Further additions are contemplated during the coming summer. Hotel Nash has the finest sample rooms of any hotel south of Salem. A bar and barber shop are necessary and accommodating adjuncts. The hotel does an immense business and is run on business principles. Rates from one to two dollars a day according to location of rooms and other accommodations. The service, dining room and cuisine are of the finest class in every respect. Mr. Hamilton is a wide-awake, broad-gauge, thoroughgoing business man, and leaves no stone unturned to make hotel life pleasant for his patrons. He is a native of California, kind, social and agreeable to all with whom he comes in contact. Visitors and the transient traveling public will find mine host Hamilton well posted on their immediate wants and ever ready to serve them. "Ashland and Medford," Siskiyou News, Yreka, April 16, 1898, pages 2-3 ![]() An 1898 Nash Hotel advertising card, SOHS M44C1 Capt. Nash had the American flag fluttering on the breeze from the flag pole on Hotel Nash, Wednesday, in honor of the dead sailors of the battleship, and to rejoice a little because of the fact that their awful fate is to be avenged by our government. The graduating class of the Medford High School conferred like honors by hoisting the school flag. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 22, 1898, page 7 Capt. Nash was in Jacksonville on Saturday. He has had much experience on the high seas, and will enlist as a commander in the navy if the war with Spain continues. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1898, page 3 Hot baths at Hotel Nash barber shop. Medford Monitor-Miner, June 16, 1898, page 3 J. H. Bellinger is dispensing moist goods at Shorty's Hotel Nash thirst parlors this week--and he does it with an aptness that is a credit to the profession. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 30, 1898, page 7 Since the sewerage proposition has been decided upon by the city council, Capt. Nash has laid his plans for a thorough overhauling of Hotel Nash. The entire interior is to be rearranged. Upstairs the inside rooms are to be joined into suites of rooms, one of each to be joined with an outside room. Instead of two halls running at all angles as they do now, there will be but one hall, and it is to run from the head of the stairs through the entire length of the building. On the first floor the office desk will be arranged in the northeast corner of the office, the stairway will be widened, and a wash and cloak room will be put in where the desk now is. The dining room will also be remodeled. Next spring the captain is figuring on putting up another building on the south side of the present structure; in fact, he has already contracted for part of the work. This will be 25x100 feet in size and two stories high. The first floor will be used as an auxiliary sample room for commercial men and the upstairs for bedrooms. In reality, it will be an addition to the hotel. I. L. Hamilton, the present occupant of the hotel, has negotiated for the lease of the building for a term of years. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 7, 1898, page 7 Jas. Murray, the artist, is at Medford, embellishing the interior of Hotel Nash. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1898, page 3 Extensive improvements are being made to the Hotel Nash. The inside of the second story will be remodeled and the whole building thoroughly renovated. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1898, page 3 Capt. Nash will enlarge his hotel in a short time, so as to cover the lot adjoining on the south. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 9, 1899, page 3 Miss Lena Carter, who has been connected with Hotel Nash for some time, is stopping with her parents, who reside on Williams Creek, Josephine County. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 9, 1899, page 3 Fred Miller has been promoted to the position of Col. Hamilton's first lieutenant and is looking after the interests of the patrons of Hotel Nash in the most scientific manner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1899, page 3 Fred. Patterson of Roseburg, the well-known contractor (who enlarged Hotel Nash), has gone to Drain to begin work on a brick building for W. A. Perkins, and will probably put up one for Judge Lyons also. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1899, page 2 BORN.
Medford, May 27, 1899, to Capt. and Mrs. J. T. C. Nash, a son.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1899, page 2 S. R. Reeves, of La Grande, was in Medford this week looking over the city with a view to locating here. He is an experienced hotel man, having formerly been proprietor of the Gillman House at Portland and later engaged in a like business at La Grande. While here Mr. Reeves leased the Hotel Nash from I. L. Hamilton and will take possession thereof within a few days. Mr. Hamilton will retain the bar, Mr. Reeves having leased only the hotel proper. The rumors that Mr. Nash had sold the building and Mr. Hamilton the furniture and fixtures is wholly without foundation. Mr. Reeves and his wife are now down in California upon a brief pleasure visit. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 23, 1899, page 7 I. L. Hamilton will retire from the management of Hotel Nash, which he has graced so long, and will be succeeded by S. R. Reeves, who has had considerable experience as a landlord. Shorty will continue to conduct the saloon annex, however. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 29, 1899, page 2 Ralph Woodford is officiating as night clerk at Hotel Nash and filling the bill acceptably. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 2, 1899, page 3 The story of how the brothers learned that all three were living is told in the following paragraphs from the Rockland (Maine) Courier-Gazette: "Capt. E. R. Nash and M. H. Nash were rendered very happy this week by receiving news from a brother whom they had supposed dead many years ago. The missing relative is J. T. C. Nash, who is now located in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon. He was East in 1863, and after disposing of certain business interests, returned to the West, where it was supposed he would resume his occupation of mining. Strange to say, however, he was never heard from although his brothers wrote to him repeatedly. After 38 years of silence on his part, it is not to be wondered at that his relatives here in Rockland mourned him as dead. "A few weeks ago, Postmasters Lovejoy received a communication from a Mrs. Nash in Oregon asking if any survivors of Thomas and Rebecca (Elwell) Nash were living in this city. He forwarded the name of Capt. E. R. Nash, and the latter received a letter from Mrs. Nash explaining that J. T. C. Nash was living and wanted to hear from his relatives if any were living. Capt. Nash was a trifle skeptical, but wrote to Mrs. Nash, and a later mail brought back a letter from Mr. Nash together with photographs of himself, wife and child. This completed the identification, and the brothers here forwarded their own photographs and are waiting for a lengthy letter containing an account of the missing brother's wanderings. This will be published in The Courier-Gazette immediately upon its receipt. "In his letter Mr. Nash, of Oregon, states that he supposed all of his relatives dead. He had read of the loss of the schooner Moses Waring in which he supposed Capt. Nash was a victim, and had also understood that M. H. Nash met death in an accident. His delight at hearing the opposite knew no bounds, and he was too agitated to write collectedly. A sister of the Nashes, Mrs. Mears Orcutt, is also living, her home being in Brookline, Mass. "Capt. E. R. Nash is the commander of the schooner Morris and Cliff, and M. H. Nash is the well-known restaurant man. Both are receiving hearty congratulations." As information to those people back in Maine The Mail will say that Capt. Nash, since leaving Maine thirty-eight years ago, has traveled all over the world, both on water and land; he has dug yellow gold from the depth of Mother Earth; he has amassed a fortune of over $50,000 and is now enjoying the fruits of his labors as a retired capitalist. In '97 he married a very fine lady, Miss Ella Brown, of Columbia City, Ind., and they are now proud parents to a boy baby, which bears the name of Elwell Crawford Nash. Medford Mail, March 2, 1900, page 6 Capt. J. T. C. Nash has contracted with G. W. Priddy to put up the talked-of annex to Hotel Nash. Work on the building will be commenced about the first or sooner if Mr. Priddy can get the brick burned. The building will be 25x100 feet in size, which will give Mr. Nash a brick block 100x100 feet in size and all two stories high. The second story of the new brick will be used by the hotel while the first story will be for store purposes. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 2, 1900, page 7 "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1900, page 3 Capt. J. T. C. Nash last week received news from his old home in Maine for the first time in a number of years and thus learned that two brothers he had long thought dead were still in the land of the living. He had also been mourned by his family as dead. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 8, 1900, page 3 T. J. Goodwyn and C. E. Tull, of Bonanza, Klamath County, have purchased the Nash Livery Stables from Perry & Foster. The new proprietors arrived here with their families Wednesday. These gentlemen come here highly recommended, and if they prove themselves as worthy citizens as their predecessors there will never be reasons to regret their coming. Mr. Perry will remain in Medford and devote his attention to the warehouse and commission business. Mr. Foster will visit his old home at Albany, but will return to Medford later and undoubtedly make this place his home. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 The City of Paris Dry Goods Co. of San Francisco have on display at Nash Hotel an elegant line of millinery, tailor suits, jackets, skirts, waists, underwear, neckwear, and novelties in dress goods. Mrs. Bostwick, representing the house, invites the ladies to call. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 7 B. M. Edwards is now day clerk at Hotel Nash, he having taken Louis Warner's place. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, May 4, 1900, page 6 The foundations are being laid this week for the Hotel Nash annex and A. M. Helms' saloon building. The Nash annex will be 25x100 feet in size and one story high. The Helms building 25x60, one story high, both of brick. G. W. Priddy is doing the mason work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 25, 1900, page 7 On and after July first I. L. (Shorty) Hamilton will again have charge of Hotel Nash. Mr. Hamilton has a great many friends on the road and among the forming population of the county who have missed him from his accustomed haunts during the last twelve months--and all will extend to him the glad hand after July first. Mr. Reeves, the retiring landlord, has proven himself a host worthy of all the compliments which have been paid him. He has not decided as yet what he will do, more than that himself and wife will rest for a few weeks--and in the meantime cast about for a business opening. S. R. Reeves, having disposed of the Hotel Nash to I. L. Hamilton, will locate in Ashland. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1900, page 3 Hotel Nash Changes Management.
Saturday night, June 30th, Hotel Nash changes proprietors, S. R. Reeves
retiring as proprietor and I. L. Hamilton assuming that role.
Mr. Reeves has been in charge of this popular hostelry for the past twelve months and has proven himself to be a hotel man of ability. The house has been conducted upon plans that have been inviting and, while some may have taken exception to some of Mr. Reeves' eccentricities, none can deny the fact that he has conducted the hotel in a very praiseworthy manner. The dining room has been amply supplied with the very best of everything that could possibly be secured, and served in a manner most inviting. The sleeping apartments have been kept in splendid order--the linens scrupulously clean, no dust, no litter anywhere, and the same scrupulous cleanliness has been manifest in every nook and corner of the house. Mr. Reeves is truly a neat, tidy and painstaking hotel man. In leaving Medford both Mr. Reeves and his good wife leave behind them many warm friends whom they have made since coming to our city, and all will wish them unstinted success wherever they may decide to locate. They will go from here to Ashland, there to remain a couple of months, during which time they will probably decide upon a location. Mr. Hamilton, the gentleman who will assume the responsibility of proprietor, is too well known to need a lengthy mention by us. He is one of our most able business men, having previously conducted the Nash for a number of years. He has friends in untold numbers in the city, country and on the road--all of whom will extend him the glad hand upon his return to his old position as host. He is promising that no stone will be left unturned to make the Nash as popular as any of the best hotels in the line--one such as the traveling public will enjoy stopping at. "Shorty" is one of the most congenial fellows in the whole country, and with his other excellent traits as a hotel man he is accommodating at all times--many times greatly to his own inconvenience, but 'tis his little accommodations that have made him so popular with all classes. Almost an entire change will be made in the hotel help. The night and day clerks, C. O. Ramsey and Benj. Edwards, will turn over the office keys when the proprietors change. Harry Jackson, the cook, and his wife will leave after the Fourth for a visit with relatives in the Willamette Valley, after which they will go to California to locate. Harry is a cracking fine young man, and both himself and Mrs. Jackson have made many friends in the city. The dining room girls, Misses Tessie Saltmarsh and Emma Perry, will take a vacation for a month, the former visiting relatives in the Applegate country, and the latter relatives at Eagle Point. These are two of the best girls ever found in a dining room, and the hotel that secures their services is fortunate. L. H. Settles, "Shorty's" man Friday, who has been with the hotel for a number of years, will continue in his old capacity. He is as faithful as the days are long in summertime--and the best that's going isn't too good for Friday to get a liberal sprinkling of. Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 6 Capt. and Mrs. J. T. C. Nash and the boy, Master Elwell Crawford Nash, left Medford Tuesday evening for Rockland, Maine, where they will visit for a couple of months. The object of their visit at this particular time is to enable Mr. Nash to be present at a grand celebration which is to take place at Rockland, which is to be what is termed an "Old Home Week" for the state and is to cover the time from August 6th to August 13th. Mr. Nash was especially invited by the governor of the state and the mayor of Rockland. It is expected that all old-time residents who have moved from the state and located elsewhere will be in attendance. It was forty years ago that Mr. Nash left the state, and he has not since stepped a foot on Maine soil. Mr. Nash has acquired a fortune in his years of mining work in the West, and there is not a man in all Oregon who gets more enjoyment out of his years of leisure and rent collections than does he--and this trip to his old home with wife and baby is one of those events in his declining years which affords more pleasure than any other--and his family enjoy it as fully as does he. The Mail hopes his fullest anticipated pleasure will be realized, but he will not find the old brindle cow he "pailed" forty years ago waiting his coming beside the garden wall. There will be some solace, however, in the fact that the bumblebees will be bumbling in the same old humble place and their stingers will be just as stinging as were their ancestors'. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 7 Hotel Nash has been taking on more style this week. Messrs. Weeks Bros. have put a new and much larger counter in the office--and on it is seen more of their exquisitely beautiful handiwork. It's a beauty on all sides and is another added ornament to "Shorty" and clerks Mahoney and Carver. Other improvements are being made about the hotel, chief among them being a ventilator and skylight for the kitchen, for the construction of which a contract has been let to contractor E. W. Starr. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 20, 1900, page 7 J. T. C. Nash and family have gone to Maine, to visit the Capt.'s old home in that state. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 26, 1900, page 2
New gutters are being built along Hotel Nash.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
July 30, 1900, page 3COMES BACK RICH.
ROCKLAND, Me., Aug. 2.--One of the most interesting and distinguished
of Rockland's old home week visitors is Capt. John T. C. Nash of
Medford, Or., a wealthy mine owner, who recently learned of the
existence of his two brothers in this city, through the medium of his
young and charming wife.Romance of a Former Resident of Rockland. Life Story of Capt. John T. C. Nash of Medford, Oregon. Left Maine a Poor Boy, But Found Wealth. Believed for Years His Relatives Were Dead. Having a Reunion Now, After 38 Years, with His Brothers. When Capt. Nash left Rockland in September, 1862, his brothers, Ezekiel R. and Myrick H., were mere youngsters in knee breeches. Capt. Nash roved through California, Nevada, Idaho and British Columbia in pursuit of the metal which blinded men's eyes in '49, and his pursuit did not leave him empty handed. Finally he went to Valparaiso, Chile, and sailed from that port for China in command of the clipper ship Silver Sea Wings. He made another trip to Australia in this ship, and then became captain of a passenger steamer on the South American coast. His sea experiences were devoid of any particularly thrilling adventures, although once the three topmasts of the Sea Wing were carried away, and he made port under lower sails after a venturesome voyage. Capt. Nash left the sea 18 years ago, and went back to his first love--mining. The same fortune which had smiled on him during his earlier experiences continued to regard him benignly, and the accumulating gold dust placed him beyond fear of want forevermore. From a quartz mine in Idaho he made about $30,000 in two years. He bought a mine in Southern Oregon for $8000, and four years later disposed of it for $50,000. On another occasion Capt. Nash and two comrades had stripped a flat which gave promise of a fair yield of dust, and struck his pick against something which felt like stone, but which yielded to the force of the blow. The second blow of the pick turned the earth loose, and there rolled from it a lump of shining gold the size of a small cabbage. With a cry of joy which astonished his comrades, Capt. Nash seized the big nugget, running until he reached the nearest store. Folks who saw him coming thought he was certainly crazy, but they appreciated his excited state a little more fully when they learned that Nash luck and the Nash pick had turned up with two strokes a $3000 prize. From the same spot where the nugget was mined the men panned $300 worth of dust, and as a result of that day's work the three pocketed $1100 apiece. When he quit mining seven years ago Capt. Nash was the owner of a placer mine which yielded him $5000 a year, clear of all operating expenses. Oregon is still rich in deposits of the shining metal, although not more than one miner in 50 may make the coveted strike. Eighteen miles from Medford, on the side of a hill which had been prospected again and again, an especially rich vein of gold was discovered only a short time before Capt. Nash left for the East. The man who discovered it was a young tenderfoot from the East, and the Oregonians looked upon him with contempt when he inquired if there was any good digging thereabouts. Undismayed by their open ridicule, the tenderfoot took a pick, selected a spot at random, and struck a vein of ore valued not far from $60 an ounce. Today the youngster is worth $40,000, and the real extent of this rich find is just becoming apparent. Capt. Nash brought east with him a watch worth $150 made from this ore. The life of the miner, even in modern years and in a civilized country, is not all that the poetic fancy pictures it. A few years ago Capt. Nash was one of a party of six prospecting on the Green River in Colorado, when a band of not less than 100 Indians swooped down upon them. The prospectors had barely time to leap on their horses before they were surrounded, and in the fight which followed one of their number fell victim to an Indian bullet. Seven years ago the failure of a number of Oregon banks caused heavy losses to many of the miners, not a few of whom saw the bulk of their fortunes disappear as a bubble. One of the heavy losers from this cause was Capt. Rockwell, an intimate friend of Capt. Nash's, and for some years engaged in the work of coast survey on the Maine coast. Capt. Nash foresaw the impending trouble and gave timely warning to those of his friends whom he knew to be interested. They were skeptical of his advice, but a few months later, when the turn of fortune's wheel had left them impoverished, they had good cause to remember his words. Capt. Nash withdrew his deposits a few months before the crash came and bought some extensive real estate in Medford, Or. He owns a large hotel, which is even now receiving an extensive addition, a livery stable and one of the finest residences in Medford. The property is daily increasing in value, and Capt. Nash is looked upon as one of the big men of a growing western city. While in Valparaiso Capt. Nash was told that his brother Myrick had fallen from the crosstrees of a vessel and been killed. A little later he read in an English paper of the loss of the schooner Moses Waring with all on board, and had good reason for believing his brother Ezekiel was one of the crew. Thus he mourned the loss of both brothers, and having had previous knowledge of his mother's death, felt that the last of home ties had been severed, and did not allow himself to dream of coming east again. He would have written home for a verification of the news had he been long enough in one place to receive a reply, but feeling reasonably certain that his relatives were all dead, he never made the attempt. Meantime, not having heard from John for 38 years, the family on this side of the continent, in turn, mourned him as dead. Shortly after his marriage Capt. Nash's thoughts reverted to his old home, and he told the story of his former days to his wife. She advised him to write for more definite information, and when he failed to comply she wrote, unknown to him, to the postmaster of Rockland, Me. asking for particulars concerning the Nash family. In due season she was delighted to receive a reply from postmaster Lovejoy, stating that Capt. Ezekiel R. and Myrick H. Nash were both living, the former a mariner and the latter proprietor of a hotel. Then followed the correspondence which led to the present reunion of the three brothers in this city. Capt. Nash is delighted at finding his brothers alive and well, and will spend most of the summer among the scenes of his boyhood days. He finds but few who remember him, for 38 years have wrought wonderful changes in the town and its people, even as they have bronzed and bearded Capt. Nash's open and manly countenance. Boston Globe, August 3, 1900, page 19 The city of Rockland [Maine] was astonished by the return of Captain John T. C. Nash, of Medford, Ore. He had not been heard from in his town for thirty-eight years, and he returned to meet two brothers who have been keeping the old home. He had been supposed to be dead for many years, and he in his turn believed that his brothers had been lost at sea. During the time that he has been in the West he has moved through all the gold-producing states and is now said to be the wealthiest man in his town. He owns the principal blocks and controls large interests. Now that he has found his people again he will spend most of the summer at the old home. "Old Homes Revisited," The New York Tribune, August 12, 1900, page 13 Among the contemplated improvements for Medford is the probability of a third story being added to Hotel Nash. The building with its present capacity is inadequate for the demands. The rooms are full every night, and many rooms in various parts of the city are used by landlord Hamilton. This is an inconvenience to patrons, as they prefer to eat and sleep under the same roof. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 28, 1900, page 6 Capt. J. T. C. Nash and family returned Saturday from their extended trip to Maine and other eastern states. The captain reports having had a delightful trip and a most enjoyable visit with relatives and friends whom he has not seen in forty years, but his delight at reaching home tells plainly of his preference for the Pacific Coast as an abiding place. Speaking of the return to Medford of Mr. Nash and his family the Rockland, Maine Courier says: "Myrick H. Nash returned Tuesday from Boston, where he was present at a farewell reception given to his brother, John T. C. Nash, and family, previous to their departure for their home in Medford, Oregon. The happy reunion took place at the home of Capt. E. R. Nash's daughter, Mrs. Alex B. Smith, in Quincy, Mass." "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 12, 1900, page 6 Capt. J. T. C. Nash is now contemplating the construction of another story to Hotel Nash. This will make the building three stories high and will add forty additional sleeping rooms to the hotel, making seventy in all. The work would have been done this fall but for the fact that we weather has set in too soon to admit it. However, the addition will be made as early as possible in the spring. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 7 Capt. J. T. C. Nash has sold his brick livery stable, but to whom is not written. There is a little rivalry on between two would-be buyers. R. S. Lane, of Roseburg, is one of the gentlemen who wants to buy it, and York & Wortman as well have a buyer for it. The price paid, or to be paid, is $2600. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1900, page 7 Hotel Nash is crowded, and landlord Hamilton is often compelled to engage rooms elsewhere for some of his customers. Another story will probably be added to the building next year. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1900, page 3 Capt. Nash was presented with a Christmas gift that was a genuine New England treat, the same being several mince pies, direct from Massachusetts, and ready for the table. No housewife, unless she was born and raised in the old New England states, can put up mince pies equal to the Puritan article of early days. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 7 Cal. Slagle is officiating as night clerk at Hotel Nash, vice B. L. Stoner, who has taken the road for Palm, Whitman & Palm. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1901, page 3 Sherman Orton, formerly cook at Hotel Nash, has returned to Medford and accepted that position again. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1901, page 2 York & Wortman, real estate dealers, last week brought action against Capt. J. T. C. Nash to recover $100, the alleged price they were to have received as commission in the sale of the Nash livery stable. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1901, page 3 Ed. Pottenger has opened a butcher shop in the Nash Hotel block in the room formerly occupied by Warner & Wortman. "Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1901, page 3 Cal. Slagle, for several months past night clerk at Hotel Nash, has resigned his position and will soon leave for Coquille City, where his brother, F. S. Slagle, is engaged in the merchant tailoring business. He has been succeeded as night clerk by Bert Miller, of this city. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 17, 1901, page 7 Jas. Eaton has resigned his position as wine clerk at the Nash Hotel bar and has been succeeded by Chas. Gay, an experienced mixologist, until recently engaged in a similar capacity for a Portland home club. Mr. Eaton expects to leave Medford soon, and will probably go to Mankato, Minnesota. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6 Charley Gay is chief mixologist at the Hotel Nash bar, which position none can fill better than he. He always gives satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 5 Capt. J. T. C. Nash returned Wednesday morning from his mining property, near Leland. He has recently purchased 120 acres of railroad land and 160 acres of government land and is opening up an immense placer mine. The land is about five miles from Leland and is near the celebrated mine which Mr. Nash sold a few years ago for a fabulous sum. Mr. Nash has had five miles of ditch surveyed and expects soon to commence work on its construction. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6 Capt. Nash returned Tuesday from his mine on Grave Creek. The Captain is pushing the work in order to get ready for the season run this winter and now has under way 8 miles of ditch from Poorman Creek where he gets his water supply. At present he has 18 men at work.--Medford Enquirer. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 15, 1901, page 3 C. O. Ramsey, the always courteous day clerk at Hotel Nash, spent Sunday at Colestin. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 16, 1901, page 6 Capt. J. T. C. Nash left Monday evening for his mining property, near Leland. He has let a contract for digging eight miles of ditch and the construction of a wagon road, also has lumber ordered for buildings at the mine. He expects to have water on the ground and washing dirt by the middle of January. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 J. B. Sell, of Ashland, has purchased the horses and rigs of the Nash Livery Stables from D. T. Cox and has taken possession of the same. Mr. Sell is a young man of pleasant address and seemingly is a hustler for business. He says he will keep everything in good shape about the stables and promises to treat everybody strictly on the square. As two Ashland people have but recently purchased livery stables in Medford, the indications are pointing in one of two ways--either Ashland is endeavoring to absorb Medford, or her people are becoming weary of inertia and are launching out in a locality where there's "something' doin'." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 7 Judge James Stewart has taken a position as night clerk at Hotel Nash. Legal and office business requiring his attention will be looked after during the afternoon of each day. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 7 Capt. J. T. C. Nash left Tuesday morning for his mine near Leland. He started with [a] team, taking a full complement of housekeeping necessities--evidently intending to remain several weeks. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6 E. W. Carver has taken a position as wine clerk at the Hotel Nash bar. W. F. Taggart has taken a similar position with the Medford Distilling and Refining Company and Chas. Hay is performing like duties in W. J. King's Turf Exchange. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 6 Capt. Nash is at his mines in Grave Creek district. Dr. Carver is doing the grand mixologist act at the Hotel Nash bar. He is always a winner. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 2 It costs no more to patronize a first-class laundry than it does one of the fourth-class order. The Grants Pass Laundry is strictly first-class and up-to-date in all its work. Bates Bros. at Hotel Nash barber shop are our Medford agents. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 1, 1901, page 7 Mrs. J. T. C. Nash returned Monday from a visit to the mine near Leland. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 8, 1901, page 6 Capt. Nash is in Grave Creek district, looking after a big mining enterprise he is inaugurating. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1902, page 4 Mrs. J. T. C. Nash will leave next week for her old home at Denver, Ind., to visit her mother, who is quite ill. She will be accompanied by her brother, who resides in California. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Settles left Medford Wednesday for their new home in Ashland, which they purchased a few months ago. Mr. Settles, better known as "Shorty's man Friday," has been an attache of Hotel Nash for several years and has made a great many friends, all of whom will wish himself and most estimable wife success in their new home. Mr. Settles will do gardening in Ashland. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6 ![]() Nash Hotel 1902 Capt. J. T. C. Nash, owner of Hotel Nash, is contemplating making several changes about the hotel this spring. Plans are not as yet fully completed, but it is assured that a third story will be built to the structure. The third story will be for sleeping rooms exclusively and will give about four additional rooms. The changes in the general arrangement of the building are now undergoing consideration. It is quite probable that the office, dining room and kitchen will be moved to the second story. This will give an opportunity to get light and air to the kitchen, a condition which does not not now exist. The space now occupied by the dining room and kitchen and part of the office will be for rent, under the new arrangements, for store purposes, making three good rooms. The hotel bar will be moved to the present office, and the card room will be where the bar now is. There will also be an elevator put in. Landlord Hamilton is handicapped many times by not having sufficient room, and at all times he is handicapped by the inconvenience of the kitchen arrangements. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 7 Many of our citizens are feeling unkindly towards members of the city council who were instrumental in causing the electric wires connecting Hotel Nash to be cut, and this at a time when Mr. Hamilton, the proprietor, was in Portland. Before leaving for Portland Mr. Hamilton asked Councilman Deuel, chairman of the light and water committee, to permit the lights to remain in the hotel until he returned, and he was given to understand that they would remain undisturbed until that time, but Mr. Ulrich, another member of the council, disregarded the commitments made by Mr. Deuel and on April first by his (Ulrich's) orders the wires were cut, and the hotel was left without means of lighting save by coal oil lamps. It was this act which caused Mr. Deuel to tender his resignation as councilman. Inasmuch as Mr. Ulrich is not a member of the light and water committee, his act seems to have taken on a spirit which could hardly be termed one of fairness and justice. It is hardly the mode of procedure usually adopted by men possessed with a desire to deal fairly, one with another. In view of the further fact that Mr. Hamilton has been a monthly contributor to the city fund to the extent of $27 for a number of years it would seem but right that his wishes be respected, notwithstanding the fact that he had declared his intention to remove the lights. This cutting of the wires grew out of an order made a few weeks ago requiring all owners or renters of buildings to pay for the wiring in said buildings, and the payment of the amount assessed to him was refused by Mr. Hamilton. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 11, 1902, page 7 Landlord Hamilton has put in a new coal oil gas generator lamp in the bar room of Hotel Nash. He will also put a lamp of similar make in the office and dining room. These lamps give our a splendid light, and one of them is equal to several electric lights in lighting power. One coal oil generator will afford lights for all the lower story of the hotel. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 6 Capt. J. T. C. Nash has found a receipt from J. C. Baird for $123, which amount was paid Mr. Baird for placing the electric light wires in Hotel Nash--and the city does not, nor never has, owned the wires in this hotel--but a councilman ordered the wires cut just the same. Mr. Hamilton has redress in this matter--he could sue the city for damages--but he will not do it. He realizes that while the city is liable for the acts of a councilman, the citizens and taxpayers are not directly responsible for mistakes they may have made or honors they have undeservedly bestowed, and he does not propose heaping upon them the expense of a law suit. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 18, 1902, page 7 I. L. Hamilton of Hotel Nash has put in a coal oil gas generator for lighting the hotel. It makes a fine light. Medford Enquirer, April 19, 1902, page 5 Charlie Gay has taken a position as dispenser of liquid refreshments behind the Hotel Nash bar. Charlie is one of the best in the land in his line. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 7 Chas. Gay, the expert mixologist, officiates at Hotel Nash bar again. He succeeds E. B. Hamilton, who will go to Portland soon. Capt. Nash has been in Josephine County for several days, looking after the mining enterprise he inaugurated some time ago. He has been quite successful [in] this line, but feels that his latest venture will prove the best of them all. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 2, 1902, page 5 George Porter is now temporary night clerk at Hotel Nash--doing service while the regular clerk--Judge James Stewart--is doing some campaign work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 7 Mrs. J. T. C. Nash and son returned Monday from a two months' visit with her parents in Denver, Ind. "Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 11, 1902, page 21 Bert Miller has taken a position as night clerk at Hotel Nash. Judge Jas. Stewart has been switched from night to day clerk at this popular hostelry. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 30, 1902, page 7 Capt. Nash has returned from his Josephine County mines, which he is developing on a large scale. They will be ready for operation when the rainy season comes. Miss Tessie Saltmarsh will leave this week on an extended visit east. She has been employed at the Nash Hotel for over two years, and during that time made many friends, who will wish her a pleasant time. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 12, 1902, page 8 Hotel Nash will probably be remodeled and enlarged in the near future. Architect Palmer is drawing the plans. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 31, 1902, page 2
Mrs. J. T. C. Nash received telegraphic information on Tuesday of the
death at her home in Denver, Indiana, of her mother, Mrs. Rebecca
Brown. The cause of her death was cancer of the stomach.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 7 Frank Bassett is acceptably filling the position of clerk at Hotel Nash. Lester Child is doing likewise at night. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1902, page 2 Tuesday night landlord Hamilton again installed electric lights in his hostelry after having done without them for several months. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 D. W. Crosby arrived from Riddle the forepart of the week and assumed the position of first assistant to I. L. Hamilton at Hotel Nash. Dave has had a great deal of experience in this line, and will doubtless give general satisfaction. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1902, page 3 It is reported that the Hotel Nash will change proprietors, and I. L. Hamilton will retire to a farm soon. A party from California is negotiating for the furniture, etc. of the caravansary. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1902, page 2 C. C. Ragsdale of Williams, Calif., who was in Medford for several days, has returned home. He had entered into negotiations to purchase the furniture and lease of Hotel Nash from I. L. Hamilton, but they could not agree on the price. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1902, page 4 Hotel Changes Hands.
L. Hamilton, who has been the landlord of Hotel Nash for a number of
years, concluded to retire from the business some time ago, and this
week sold the lease, furniture, etc. to C. C. Ragsdale. Possession has
already been given, and M. Purdin is acting as manager, assisted by D.
W. Crosby. Mr. Ragsdale was for a number of years a resident of this
county, but lately has been operating in stock and wheat at Williams,
Colusa County, Calif. He will arrive in Medford during the next
fortnight. Mr. Hamilton has numerous other interests, to which he will
now give more attention to.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 1 Hotel Nash Changes Hands.
C. Ragsdale, of Williams, Calif., Tuesday purchased the furniture and
lease of Hotel Nash of I. L. Hamilton, and placed M. Purdin in charge.
Mr. Ragsdale will close up his business in Williams and move up about
the 15th of January, and during that time Mr. Purdin will have charge
of the hotel and make it pleasant for the traveling public. Mr.
Hamilton will devote his time this winter to the affairs of the Fish
Lake Water Co.
Medford Enquirer, December 13, 1902, page 5 Judge Mahlon Purdin, charge d'affaires Hotel Nash, has made different arrangements all 'round. A new cook, S. L. Hampton, has been secured from San Francisco and is now in charge with Dave Gibson as helper, and Mrs. Hampton, wife of the cook, has been duly installed as head waitress. Both are experienced in their respective lines and are serving the patrons of that house in a manner most pleasing--and creditable to themselves. The hotel office has been repapered and repainted and presents a very cheerful appearance. J. W. Ling is the gentleman who has thus artistically adorned this particular part of the hotel. D. W. Crosby, as day clerk at this hostelry, is doing everything possible to make the guests comfortable--and he is succeeding admirably in his undertaking. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 7 C. C. Ragsdale, the new proprietor of Hotel Nash, arrived from California a few days since, accompanied by his family. They received a hearty welcome. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1902, page 4 D. W. Crosby returned from Riddle a few days ago, where he spent the holidays with his family. He is again officiating as chief clerk at Hotel Nash, in his usual clever manner, and giving general satisfaction. He is being assisted by "Little Davy," an unadulterated descendant of Ham, who is an apt pupil, and in his handsome and appropriate uniform attracts the attention of all. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1903, page 2 W. F. Taggart is acting as mixologist at the Hotel Nash bar during the absence of John Soliss, who is afflicted with rheumatism. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 6, 1903, page 4 Landlord Ragsdale is doing some improving at the Hotel Nash. He has torn out the partition between the room formerly occupied by Bates Bros. and the other sample room next door, and intends making a billiard and pool parlor thereof. Only two tables, one billiard and one pool table, will be put in now, but there will be room enough for another as the business demands it. The new room will be handsomely painted and papered and will be second to none in their appointments. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 25, 1903, page 7 SHOOTING AT MEDFORD
Saloon Row at Medford Sunday Night.
There was a shooting scrape in the bar room of the Hotel Nash, at
Medford, Sunday the principals being Walter Wyland, a young man with a
recent rather unsavory record, who was intoxicated and defiant, and
Chas. Gay, the barkeeper. Four shots were fired by Wyland but all
missed their mark, two of them lodging in a door casing and another
crashing through the mirror behind the bar. Wyland immediately
disappeared and it is claimed by some that he was wounded by a bullet
from the barkeeper's pistol, but nothing definite has been learned of
the truth of this report. There have as yet been no arrests made.--Tidings.
Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 15, 1903, page 1 Sheriff Hits Five Times.
Or., Oct. 15.--Word was received by telephone late Wednesday evening
that Walter Wyland was shot five times by Sheriff Rader and E. E.
Carver, while resisting arrest at Wyland's uncle's ranch, situated on
Antelope Creek, 15 miles east of Medford. None of the wounds are
thought to be serious.
Wyland, while under the influence of liquor, last Sunday evening, drew his pistol on a son of Justice of the Peace Purdin for some fancied grievance, and finally brought up at the Hotel Nash bar with the intention of doing [harm to] Charles Gay, the night barkeeper. They exchanged a few words, and both drew pistols and began shooting. Gay fired but one shot, which took effect near the thigh, making a slight flesh wound, while Wyland fired five shots, none taking effect. Wyland then left town, a warrant was sworn out for his arrest, and Sheriff Rader has been on the lookout for him. He was taken to Jacksonville tonight, and will be brought here for preliminary examination tomorrow. Wyland generally is considered a desperate character. The Daily Journal, Salem, October 15, 1903, page 5 SHOOTING AFFRAY IN MEDFORD
Glass and bullets flew--and so did those present--in the barroom of the
Hotel Nash on Sunday night about eleven o'clock. A mirror and one of
the glass panels of the partition between the bar and the club room
were perforated, and a salt shaker on the back bar was mortally
wounded. The cause of it all was a difference of opinion between Walter
Wyland and Charlie Gay as to who was running the house. Wyland had been
drunk and quarrelsome all day; fact is he gained a reputation as a
fighter on circus day by throwing a special policeman through a window,
and later by beating up a boy about half his size--and he had to
maintain it. He came into the barroom and commenced abusing Gay, the
barkeeper, and finally drew his gun. Gay immediately took a shot at him
over the bar, firing low, and then his revolver refused to work. Wyland
dodged behind the partition and commenced shooting through it in the
direction where Gay was supposed to be. Five shots were fired by
Wyland, two of them passing through the glass, one breaking a mirror,
and the other perforating the saltcellar. The other three struck the
woodwork of the partition. In the meantime Gay and everybody else who
could find a door had gone outside to get some fresh air. Wyland,
having emptied his gun, left town without any particular effort being
made to stop him.Walter Wyland Flourishes a Gun in a Barroom and is Shot by Chas. Gay, a Bartender-- Wyland Escaped but Was Subsequently Caught by Sheriff Rader, on Antelope Creek. Wyland went to Childers Bros.' barn and took a horse and buggy, with which, in company with one G. W Koontz, he left the city. Koontz returned the rig the next day. On Tuesday Wyland was reported to be located on Wagner Creek, and Sheriff Rader made a trip out there, but without result. On Wednesday, however, the sheriff and E. W. Carver found Wyland on Antelope, east of Medford, at the home of his uncle, Aaron Wyland, where he had been since Monday night. The sheriff sent the fugitive's uncle in to tell him what the officers were there for and what he might expect in case of resistance. Wyland then came out and submitted to arrest. He was brought to Jacksonville and was kept in jail Wednesday night and on Thursday was brought to Medford for examination before Justice Purdin. The shot fired by Gay had taken effect on the inside of the right thigh, passing through the flesh and then on through the back of the left leg. Both wounds were merely flesh wounds and not serious. Wyland was arraigned on a charge of "assault with a dangerous weapon, having been at that time armed with a dangerous weapon." A plea of not guilty was entered. After the examination of several of the witnesses to the affray, Justice Purdin bound the defendant over to appear at the next term of circuit court, with bonds fixed at $2000. In default of bonds Wyland was remanded to the custody of the sheriff. District Attorney Reames appeared for the state, and M. G. Hoge for the defense. Medford Mail, October 16, 1903, page 5 ![]() Captain Nash was born in Knox County, Me., March 31, 1833, and when ten years old put to sea as a cabin boy on the ship of his father, Capt. Thomas Nash. The latter was also a native of Maine, as was also his wife, Rebecca (Elwell) Nash, the mother of four sons and three daughters, of whom John T. C. was the second. Capt. Thomas Nash began at the bottom round of the ladder in a sailing vessel, advancing to the position of able seaman, finally assuming command of the ship, upon which his death occurred when his son John T. C. was eighteen years old. True to teaching and example, the latter also advanced in nautical lore, took kindly to the freedom-loving existence, and courted rather than shunned danger and adventure. In 1848 he became mate of the William Jarvis, and in 1849 was quartermaster on the steamer Philadelphia. Some time prior to coming to the Pacific coast Captain Nash was employed on the Mississippi River, sailing the steamer Lyon until it was blown up. Later he sailed the steamer New Guatemala between New Orleans and Havana, Cuba. For a time thereafter he mined in California, but soon returned to his former business and had charge of the steamer Patagonia, plying between Valparaiso and London, England. This was followed by a return to California, where he was employed in the mines until placed in command of the clipper ship Silver Sea Wing, running from Valparaiso to Manila. He made two voyages. The captain has had many narrow escapes from a watery grave. At one time he was off Cape Horn in a terrible storm, during which the ship was [dismasted] and the rudder lost. Later the ship came into port with nothing but her lower sails and a jury rudder, which had been improvised from a barrel of water. Another narrow escape occurred off Cape Hatteras, when everything above deck was swept into the sea, and but for the timely arrival of another ship everyone would have been drowned. In 1850 Captain Nash first touched western shores as quartermaster of the sailing bark Illinois, having rounded the Horn and reached San Francisco just as the mining excitement was at its highest point. Quitting his ship, he engaged in placer mining on the Yuba River, and in 1852 took advantage of the exodus to Minnesota, Cal., where fortunes were supposed to await all who journeyed hither. A year later he went with renewed confidence in golden reports to Gold Lake, but for a year looked in vain for the wealth he had so fondly hoped for. These disappointments caused renewed faith in the occupation of sailing, and the year 1855 found him again in Maine, where he purchased a sailing craft called the Shenandoah, of which he became commander, and contracted to carry rock for the government to Staten Island. In 1857 he sold his vessel and came to the West by way of the Isthmus, engaging in mining at Monte Cristo, the following year going to La Porte, Cal., and later to Bald Mountain, at that time yielding large amounts of gold, but which has since then been phenomenally remunerative. He was the fortunate discoverer of the Yankee mine in 1859, upon which he erected a mill, but finally sold it, becoming identified in a similar capacity with the Black Bear mine in Siskiyou County, which he also sold, but which is still being operated. During 1859 Captain Nash returned to the East via the Isthmus of Panama and in 1860 was again in California, mining there and in the Boise Basin, Idaho, in the Caribou district, and in other parts of the Northwest. During the early days of the mining excitement in Idaho, Captain Nash, with a party of five other men, went on a prospecting tour, and while in the Green River country a band of one hundred wild Indians attacked them. When the Indians were within two hundred yards the men opened fire upon them, causing a lively retreat on the part of the Indians. About thirty Indians and horses were killed, and this so incensed the Indians that they renewed their attack upon the white men, who were saved with one exception, owing to the fleetness of their American horses. Picking up their dead comrade they carried him on a pack horse until they were out of danger, and then buried him. In his mining experiences Captain Nash was successful beyond his expectations, and in 1865 returned to California and mined in Trinity County until 1886. Near Riddles, Douglas County, he engaged in farming on four hundred acres of land for one year, during which time he continued to mine and prospect on Cow Creek, where he opened and developed the Victory mine, which has proved quite remunerative. Retiring from the farm, he located in Medford, as heretofore stated, and has since made this place his home. October 14, 1897, Captain Nash was united in marriage with Miss Ella Brown, a native of Columbia City, Ind., and a daughter of Daniel Brown, who lived and died in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Nash have one son, Elwell Crawford, born May 27, 1899. Fraternally the captain is widely known and is associated with Blue Lodge No. 103, A.F.&A.M., and the Royal Arch Chapter of Jacksonville. In national politics he is a Republican, and in religion is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Hale and hearty and good-natured, Captain Nash is a typical pioneer, broad-minded, liberal and humane, and with a fine capacity for making and keeping friends. In his travels Captain Nash has been around the world once by water, has visited all the large cities in the world, and been in all the seaports from Alaska to Cape Horn on the Pacific, and from Cape Horn to Prince Edward Island on the Atlantic. The last ship which he sailed on was the clipper ship Pride of the Ocean, in the service of the East India trade. Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, page 735. The Pride of the Ocean, a 1,400-ton clipper, in 1854 was one of the five ships that carried England's 17th Lancers from Portsmouth to the Crimea--and the Charge of the Light Brigade. The Hotel Nash is now conducted by Reddy & Ragsdale. In our account of the change in management last week it was stated that the matter of future management was still undecided, as quite a number of rumors were afloat as to what would be done in this regard. Mr. Ragsdale, however, now retains an interest in the business, and the hotel and its accessories will be carried on the same as of yore. During Mr. Ragsdale's management of the hotel he has made so many and such warm friends among our people that the majority of the citizens of this town will be glad to know that he will remain among us. Dr. Reddy's prominence in business affairs for the development of Southern Oregon are too well known to need comment here. It will suffice to say that he is in touch with large capitalists all over the country and believes in investing capital in developing favorable enterprises. That he has found such investments in Southern Oregon is shown by the interests he already has acquired. The firm of Reddy & Ragsdale has the best wishes of the Mail. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 4, 1904, page 5 HOTEL NASH IMPROVEMENTS
can now boast of a first-class hotel in every respect, just as good a
stopping place as there is anywhere between Portland and San Francisco.
When Dr. J. F. Reddy took charge of the hotel he inaugurated a campaign
of general cleaning up and refurnishing, the results of which are
manifest at the present writing.
Every bedroom in the house has been repapered, repainted and refurnished. The floors of the halls have been covered with heavy matting and the walls all cleaned and papered. Every bit of old furniture has been removed from the rooms, and new iron bedsteads, of the most approved modern pattern, take the place of the old wooden bedsteads. New springs, new mattresses and new bedding have been placed in every room. The chairs, dressers, washstands, wash bowls, etc., are all new, and a general air of newness prevails all over the house. The furniture for the parlor has not arrived yet, it having been necessary to have it made to order. It will be of antique oak of the "Old Mission" style, as will also be the five dozen rockers ordered for the rooms. Every outside room in the house, except two, has a stove in it. They are large, light and airy and good for anyone. The inside rooms have received the same care and attention as the outside ones, and are just as neat, comfortable and pleasant as it is possible to make them. In the "annex," in the Wilkinson building on D Street, Dr. Reddy, has fitted up ten rooms, which are furnished on the same general plan of the main hotel. The building has been generally renovated and so improved as to be almost unrecognizable to people who knew it in days gone by. On the lower floor of the annex a sample room is being fitted, and this will give the hotel three large and commodious sample rooms for the accommodation of commercial men. Dr. Reddy is deserving of great credit for his efforts toward giving Medford a first-class hotel. The amount expended in these improvements has been considerable, but the result is one to be proud of. Medford Mail, February 10, 1905, page 1 Jos. Duhamel now has charge of the desk at the Hotel Nash. Miss Mamie Ragsdale, who has had charge of that part of the hostelry during the past several months, has made a host of friends, who will miss her as day clerk, but the genial Joseph will fill the place acceptably to all. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 3 New Livery Firm.
Last week the entire interest of Cockerline Bros. in the Nash Livery
Stables were disposed of to A. W. Walker, of Eugene, and on Saturday
the latter gentleman took charge of the business. Mr. Walker had been
in the same business in Eugene and brought with him on his removal here
part of the stock he had used there, consisting of several fine new
rigs, including two rubber-tired buggies and a large wagonette,
besides others. Also sixteen head of good livery horses, together with
harness, etc., appertaining thereto. This stock, with that of
Cockerline Bros., makes this stable one of the best equipped in
Southern Oregon. There are thirty-six head of horses and any kind of a
rig you may need. Mr. Walker has been making quite a number of changes
in the interior of the building, one of which and the most important,
is the stabling of all the horses upon the second floor of the
building. An inclined plane has been built, up which the animals are
led, and the upper story is being fitted up with stalls for their
accommodation. There will be a line of stalls on each side of the
center of the building, affording room for forty-two horses. The stalls
face inward, with a passageway behind, making a very convenient
arrangement. The lower floor will be used entirely for the rigs,
excepting space occupied by a couple of box stalls. Facilities for
watering, etc., will be placed in the second story, and it will not be
necessary to bring a horse down unless he is going out.Medford Mail, April 21, 1905, page 1 Buys into Medford Hotel.
Or., Aug. 11.--(Special.)--C. H. Edmonds, a well-known cigar salesman
of Portland, today purchased a half interest in the Hotel Nash Company,
and will assume the management. The consideration was $10,000.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 12, 1905, page 5 This week the Hotel Nash changed hands, C. H. Edmunds having purchased the interest of Dr. J. F. Reddy, comprising a majority of the stock of the Hotel Nash Co. Mr. Edmunds will conduct the hotel in person and intends making it a first-class hostelry in everything the name implies. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 18, 1905, page 5 The new barroom of the Hotel Nash was formally opened Thursday afternoon. This department of the hostelry has been moved to the room formerly used as a billiard room, which room has been entirely refitted in the "Old Mission" style, giving it a handsome and unique appearance. The room formerly occupied by the bar will be fitted up in the same style as an office and lobby and will be connected with the present office by a large archway, throwing the two rooms into one. The "Mission" style will be followed throughout the first floor of the hotel. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 22, 1905, page 5 Among the prospective improvements which are booked for commencement early next spring it may be mentioned, authoritatively, that two additional stories will be built to the Hotel Nash. Capt. Nash, who is now here, has made a statement to the effect that this work will surely be done and that it is only the inclement weather which may be expected at this season of the year which prevents him from going ahead with the project this fall. It is also currently rumored, and authoritatively told, that three of Medford's men with money and a Portland capitalist have perfected arrangements for the erection of a $40,000 hotel in this city in the spring. The site for this structure has not as yet been decided upon, but there are said to be a number from which to select. Should all these additional hotel accommodations be given Medford there surely ought not to be reason for complaint from visitors because there is not room to properly house them. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 13, 1905, page 5 C. H. Edmonds:--"You keep your eye on Hotel Nash. Just watch her grow next spring. Capt. Nash, the owner, has promised Dr. Reddy and myself that he will make all kinds of additions to the building another season. Here is the plan as the Captain has it mapped out: What are now inside rooms on the ground floor are to be removed entirely, and all this center made into a large sitting room. Two more stories will be added and a four-story electric elevator will be put in. There will be no inside rooms in these two stories, as the entire center will be an open court. The rooms will be in suites, and each suite will have a bath in connection. This change above will in no way interfere with the improvements now being made about the office and lobby.You will notice, if you look, that all the improvements and changes which are now being made are very substantial and indicate a permanency--especially pleasing to Dr. Reddy and myself--which have a time lease on the building. Yes, business is good--first class--and when we get straightened a little we will be in better shape to give proper attention to our many guests." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1 A FINE OFFICE
J. F. Reddy, one of the members of the hotel company, has a
well-equipped office, centrally situated, in [which] he will conduct a
mining business and general brokerage. Mining is Dr. Reddy's long suit,
and he is never quite happy or content unless he has from one to a
dozen big mining deals in hand.
In another part of the hotel lobby, Mrs. Updike has a stenographer's office, in which she is busy almost constantly, taking notes and doing typewriting for the guests of the house and for any others who may need such work. She is said to be very accurate and thorough in both these branches of office work. The recent improvements made in the interior of the Hotel Nash have added greatly to its convenience and appearance. The enlargement of the office has particularly helped in this. There is now ample office room for all purposes, made by throwing the old office and what was formerly the barroom into one large room connected by an archway. The Mission style of architecture has been followed here, as in other parts of the house--the chairs, desks and wainscoting of the room being finished in the plain, dark wood effects peculiar to the Mission designs. Landlord Edmunds is determined that he will have as comfortable and up-to-date a hostelry as there is in any city of Medford's size in the state, and he seems to be going at things in a way that gives assurance of his success. When other contemplated improvements are made, this city will have a hotel to be proud of. In mentioning the interior furnishings of the office the matter of the manufacture of the desk and other furnishings should not be omitted. All the office and bar fixtures were manufactured by Weeks Bros., at their factory in Phoenix, most of it from Oregon woods. It is a piece of work that will pass muster in any country, and one of which the builders may justly be proud. The carpenter and reconstruction work generally was done by the Iowa Lumber & Box Company, G. L. Schermerhorn, superintendent. Medford Mail, November 17, 1905, page 1 It is again being talked around that the Nash Hotel is to be enlarged some more. As it is impossible for the building to spread out any more on the ground, this time the expansion is going to be upward--and two stories will be put on this spring unless street talk has again been mistaken. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 26, 1906, page 5 A change took place in the management of the Hotel Nash on Friday last. P. J. McMahon, of Spokane, took over the interest of Harry Edmunds in the Hotel Nash Co. and will assume charge of the hotel on his return from Spokane, where he has gone to settle some business affairs. Mr. McMahon has had long experience in the hotel business. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 13, 1906, page 5 Capt. Nash, who is in Medford from Berkeley, Calif., is figuring on building a third story to Hotel Nash. The addition will be made if a sale of the property which is now contemplated should not be perfected. Should the sale not be made Mr. Nash will improve the property in several ways and will then take it off of the market. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 8, 1906, page 5 ADDITIONS TO HOTEL NASH
Definite plans have been drawn and arrangements made for substantial
and long-needed additions to the Hotel Nash building. The additions
will take the form of a third story of brick, complete with all modern
improvements, and will give Medford a hotel somewhat commensurate with
its size and importance.
HOTEL NASH OF THE PRESENT.The third story will contain a central court, twenty-two rooms and six bathrooms, and will bring the total of rooms in the hotel up to sixty. There has been a crying need for adequate hotel facilities in Medford for some time, but with the improvements on the Nash and the completion of the Moore building, on the west side, the shortage will be relieved for a time, at least. The contract has been awarded to G. L. Schermerhorn, which fact is a guarantee of first-class work. Medford Mail, September 21, 1906, page 1 Contractor G. L. Schermerhorn is getting along finely with his work of putting a third story on Hotel Nash. This was a big undertaking, especially as it was necessary to build up the walls, put in the floors and ceilings of the third story and at the same time be in a position to at all times make sure that there was a roof over the two lower stories. He has successfully accompanied this, and during the rain showers a few days since no water went below the third story. The job is unquestionably praiseworthy, and Mr. Schermerhorn is entitled to all kinds of credit--as it also his able band of workmen. The outside work on the building is nearing completion, and it will not be many weeks until the capacity of the Nash will be nearly doubled. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 19, 1906, page 4 P. W. Waschau is again in charge of the Hotel Nash Cafe. As a caterer to the tastes and fancies of the traveling public there is no person better qualified than is Mr. Waschau. He has had years of experience in this work in Chicago and other eastern cities, and it is this experience and his own natural turn in preparing dainty and tempting viands which so well fits him for the position he now has. The cafe will hereafter be run on the European plan. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1907, page 5 ![]() Nash Hotel, March 18, 1907 Oregonian Mayor J. F. Reddy: "Yes, sir: I guess Medford is going some, and the Hotel Nash is not far behind the bandwagon. You may not believe me when I tell you that a 'stock ticker' has been installed in the Nash, but such is the case. There is getting to be so much dealing in stocks--Joe Bar, Bodger, Bloomfield, Crater Lake Railroad, and many other kinds of dope--that it became necessary to institute the 'ticker' system in order to keep tab on the rise and fall of stocks. I'll tell you it's going to be a great thing, especially when we get a street railway system, a railroad to the coal mine and have all these enterprises incorporated and the stocks on the market. I'll be there is not another town the size of Medford that gets the stock quotations right from the wire. No sir. How long have we had the 'ticker'? Well, we put it in on the first of April." "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 5, 1907, page 5 ![]() Nash Hotel circa 1907
the Hotel Nash the city of Medford can boast of one of the best
hostelries to be found in the state of Oregon, outside of Portland.
This popular hotel has recently received quite an addition to its
already fine equipment, in the shape of another story, which gives the
hotel fifty fine rooms for guests, in addition to a number for the help
Landlord P. J. McMahon piloted a Mail representative through the big establishment Tuesday, pointing out the extensive improvements which had been made, and the said representative found everything as neat and attractive as could be desired. Mr. McMahon, assisted by Mrs. McMahon, went to much pains and trouble to furnish the new part of the hotel in a very neat and comfortable manner. They studied the color scheme, fitting each room or suite with elegant Brussels carpet, with the tinting on the walls and ceiling to match, making the rooms present a most pleasing sight to the guests. Each room has substantial furnishings, the iron bedsteads, quartered oak or birdseye maple furniture adding much to the appearance. Neat, well-appointed toilet rooms are conveniently arranged, and hot and cold water are to be had in each room. Several suites are connected with individual bathrooms. Each room is on the outside, thus ensuring plenty of light and ventilation, and each has elegant lace curtains, while the tired guests will greatly appreciate comfortable thirty-pound mattresses and the strong steel bedsprings. Call bells are to be found in each room, and nothing is lacking to add to the comfort and convenience of the fortunate guests. ![]() On the top of the big hotel is an ideal spot for one of those "roof gardens," the arrangement of the structure being such as to afford ample room for such a pleasure resort. Landlord McMahon may conclude to inaugurate such an innovation. Then, too, one obtains a magnificent view of the scenery roundabout this favored valley from the top of the hotel. This is to be found in few other places. This promises to be a popular retreat for sightseeing guests. The news-gatherer found nothing wanting in the large hotel that might add to the comforts of its many guests, and he could easily perceive why the patronage of this place has been constantly on the increase, under its present efficient management. Certain it is that Medford has in the Hotel Nash a hostelry of which it may well be proud, and one which will reflect much credit upon this entire community. Medford Mail, April 19, 1907, page 1 Captain Nash is up from Berkeley on a business trip. He will be in Medford for several days. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, June 5, 1907, page 4 New Craft for the Captain.
townsman, Capt. Nash, for many years of his life trod the quarterdeck
of an ocean "greyhound." He became such an expert at the helm that he
could dash into port with a full head of steam under "4 bells," and
amid the various crafts about him, bring his boat "up a-standing"
beside the wharf without the slightest jar. A few days ago he undertook
to manage his new automobile. He was returning home from a country
tour. As several neighbor ladies were standing on the C Street side,
admiring the captain's skill of management, he felt justified in
exceeding the speed limit. He passed them swiftly just where the road
turns into his barn, and in attempting to give them a graceful salute
the "helm" slipped in his hand, the machine made a straight dive for a
20-inch pine tree on the road side--the captain tells best, but he
says--"I pulled her hard aport, but got hold of the wrong rigging, and
she veered most heavily--I tried to shut off steam, but again pulled
the wrong lever, and she struck that tree 'cher bim' [sic] and up she
until she stood on her beam end, and left me setting just abaft the
binnacle, wondering what had happened. In my excitement, and forgetting
what kind of a craft I had in charge, I cried out 'down with the top
mast! yare lower! lower! Bring her to try the main course! Heh fly the
jib sheets! Take in the top sail etc. to etc.' Then I realized that I
was on land. My auto was standing on end with her nose sticking up in
that tree--give me a ship for safety, every time."
Medford Mail, October 18, 1907, page 4 When we stepped off the Pullman car at Medford [in 1908], we had only to cross the street in the mud in the rain to reach the old three-story Nash Hotel (now the Robinson building) with its flossy bar, the most attractive room in the hostelry. Seeing twenty-dollar gold pieces being tossed on the bar for drinks was a sight for a twelve-year-old boy to remember. Cowboys and other ranch hands, who received the current monthly wage of $30 per month with board and bunk, would tie their horses to the hitching rack in front and saunter into the hotel bar or one of several others in a two-block area on Front Street, known as "Saloon Row." Payday was the one night of the month for them to howl, and they would ride out of town the next day dead broke and with a hangover. Some of them went so far as to sell their horses and gear for as little as $25 for one more night in town. They would walk back to the ranch sadder but wiser after a gay weekend of drinking, dancing and getting acquainted with some of the girls in the brothels. Let it be said that it took the town officials ten more years to get around to the closing of those places of business in the white slave traffic. Medford appeared to us to be an up and coming town after our quiet, dying Wisconsin village. [pages 15-16] So many eastern college dropouts hit our town during the boom that even with double prices they kept the old Nash Hotel filled to capacity. These gay young blades would appear about noontime for a light breakfast and usually spent their afternoons leaning on the hotel bar getting oiled up for all sorts of hijinks at night. One of them drove a red Stutz Bearcat roadster, and a playmate drove a blue Mercer roadster. Luckily for these two young alcoholics, there was no suitable road for them to have a race. Just viewing these sports cars parked near the hotel made us drool with envy. "Peaches," the gorgeous, buxom, blonde cigar counter girl, and the two young women who were the Hotel Nash dining room orchestra, did right well by marrying sons of wealthy eastern parents, who were among the numerous playboys. Some of the parents, for reasons unknown, seemed to prefer sending monthly checks to their wild offspring to keep them well away from home. They were truly a devil-may-care group, these "young remittance men on the Rogue." In some cases the social-climbing parents had objected to the girl they left behind. [page 29] George W. Vilas, Tales of a Rogue Valley Rogue, 1974 One of the first things the Medford boosters did was to get a first-class hotel service. They got a new owner to renovate the old Hotel Nash. They tore out the old partitions full of vermin, took up the old carpets that had been put down on top of each other seven deep and sometimes more, tore out the old unsanitary, disease-breeding plumbing, and put in some baths. The first step toward arousing a community out of its Rip Van Winkle sleep is to get a hotel where a civilized man with money who is not afraid to spend it can telegraph for a suite of rooms with a bath and closet attached. Such a telegram creates surprise at Salem, but cannot be answered in the affirmative. . . . I was delighted with the hotel service at Ashland--where the Hotel Oregon is up to date--with the service at Hotel Nash and Hotel Moore. The Nash has suites of rooms with baths on all the floors, and a grill room where everything is the finest. Where oysters are served in the shells, and game is on the bill of fare every day. A hotel register at Medford reads like a register at New York or Seattle. Medford is the Seattle of Southern Oregon, and the state knows it. "An Editor Stung by Medford Enterprise," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, October 31, 1908, page 11 The room formerly occupied by Miller & Ewbank as a meat market, in the Nash block, is being fitted up for a restaurant. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, March 19, 1909, page 6 The Bates brothers yesterday sold to Clarence Noe and Homer Woods their barber shop at the Nash Hotel. The new owners will taken possession on or about the first of October. Medford Mail, October 1, 1909, page 5 Captain Nash has under consideration the matter of adding an additional two stories over the south portion of the Nash Hotel building. whether or not this work will be done at once will depend upon certain matters that have not yet been decided. This will make a five-story building of that portion of the hotel, and shows the trend of activity and development in Medford. Medford Mail, October 8, 1909, page 1 The extra stories were never added. TO REMODEL HOTEL NASH AT ONCE
Johnson Buys Half Interest for $15,000-- Will Enlarge Building and Install Latest Conveniences
E. Johnson of Spokane and Goldfield, Nev. has purchased from Dr. J. P.
Reddy a half interest in the Hotel Nash, famed up and down the coast as
one of the best hostelries outside the larger cities. The price paid
was $15,000. Extensive improvements and alterations are planned for the
immediate future, and every effort will be made to give Medford the
finest hotel that any city of its size can boast of.
IS DONEMr. Johnson is a well-known hotel man and will have absolute control of the property. He has conducted hotels in Ritzville, Sprague, Spokane and other northwest cities and brings to his new task a ripened experience and qualifications possessed by few, for the successful hotel man is born not made. It is said that more money can be lost in a hotel than any other business, and the successful innkeeper is a rare bird. Among the improvements that will be made in time for the spring rush is the enlargement of the cafe, which will be extended to include the present kitchen. A modern kitchen, equipped in up-to-date manner, with latest appliances for the practice of the culinary art in its perfection, will be added on ground recently leased, adjoining the present kitchen, which will include pantry, refrigerator plant, etc. To Add Sixteen Rooms.
present hotel building is
L-shaped above the first floor. This vacant space will be built up
solid, providing 16 additional suites of rooms, which will be equipped
with baths, toilets and modern furniture. A false roof above the
present roof providing an air chamber between will probably be
constructed to cool the upper rooms during the summer months.When completed the cafe will have the finest dining room south of Portland. Music will be a regular feature for dinners, and the cafe will be kept open until midnight. Many other improvements are contemplated, which will keep the hotel as much in advance of the city as it has been in the past. It has been for several years a most desirable feature and advertisement for the community and has been the means of keeping in Medford many people who otherwise would have invested elsewhere, for nothing disgusts the man of means as much as poor hotel accommodations. With the new Nash and the Moore, Medford can continue to boast of its hotel accommodations, ahead of every city in Oregon outside of Portland. Mr. Johnson leaves for San Francisco to discuss improvements with Captain Nash, owner of the building, as soon as the road is open for traffic. Mr. Johnson has been in charge of the hotel for the past month and is satisfied that Medford is to be the metropolis of southern Oregon. Medford Daily Tribune, January 21, 1909, page 1 During Breakfast Hours Hotel Nash Can Now Supply 10,800 Hotcakes or Enough for 3600 Guests
hundred and forty-four hotcakes at one time, on the same stove, done to
a crisp at the same moment! Or enough in two minutes to supply 48
people their breakfast dish. Now how would you like to mix the batter
for all the hotcakes this range could supply during the breakfast hour
at the Nash--from 6:30 to 9 a.m.? Two minutes to a batch, and one has
time to cook 75 batches. To a batch 144 cakes, or a total of 10,800
hotcakes, or enough for 3600 people. Now how would you like to eat 'em
Yet this is what could happen in the Hotel Nash by using their large new range. It is 12 feet long and three feet wide, giving a total of 36 square feet of cooking surface, thus making it possible to cook 144 hotcakes at one time. Manager Johnson of the hotel, as one of the first steps towards improving the hostelry, ordered this immense range from manager Bigham of the Medford Hardware Company. It arrived on Tuesday morning and will be installed immediately. The new range is a Grand Niagara. It has three fireboxes and weighs 2060 pounds. It is the most complete and modern range in the city. Increased business at the Nash has made it a necessity. The hood to carry off the heat and smoke is a tremendous affair and was built in the tin shop of the Medford Hardware Company. Medford Daily Tribune, February 23, 1909, page 1 The Hotel Nash yesterday installed a new 12-foot Joesting & Schilling cooking range, which was secured for them from St. Paul by the Medford Hardware Company. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, February 26, 1909, page 5 Medford's hotels, rooming houses and the like were never before so crowded with newcomers as they are at the present time. The Moore, the Nash and a host of rooming houses never before were doing as great a business. People have been turned away often or rooms found for them on the outside. The restaurants in the city are filled each day, and everything indicates that the present rate of business will increase as the summer comes on with the influx of people from the East. "I only wish that the Nash was twice its present size," states manager Johnson. "We are crowded every day and are forced to send people to other places because we have not the accommodations for them." All the other men in this line of business have the same story to tell. People are coming by every train and must be cared for. The local business men are reaping a harvest. The Nash some time since planned the erection of an addition [to] the "L" in the interior, providing 16 additional suites, with baths, but there has been no sign of building as yet. Neither has the Hotel Moore extended to the corner as once contemplated, the owner holding it more valuable for business purposes than for hotel. Mr. Moore, however, will provide a suitable site for a fine hotel on the West Side, and is understood to be figuring along these lines with capitalists. Excerpt, "Hotels Jammed with Newcomers," Medford Daily Tribune, April 1, 1909, page 1 ![]() A January 1910 visitor reports "good music in the living room" of the Nash. THE NASH GRILL WINDOWS.
new and strikingly artistic effect in window decorations has been ably
executed and designed by Cuthbert & Co. for the windows of "The
Nash Grill."
The design is a beautiful empire wreath, in the center of which is worked the monogram "N" on a field of plain ecru French net with linen borders stretched on frames and fitted close to the window. It affords us great pleasure to call the attention of our readers and especially our patrons of the fair sex to work which is only another evidence of the growth and development in our midst of a demand for as high-class decorative standards as are to be found in any city of the country. Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1910, page 8 Hotel Changes Hands.
I. L. Hamilton, who has been the landlord of Hotel Nash for a number of
years, concluded to retire from the business some time ago, and this
week sold the lease, furniture, etc. to C. C. Ragsdale. Possession has
already been given, and M. Purdin is acting as manager, assisted by D.
W. Crosby. Mr. Ragsdale was for a number of years a resident of this
county, but lately has been operating in stock and wheat at Williams,
Colusa County, Calif. He will arrive in Medford during the next
fortnight. Mr. Hamilton has numerous other interests, to which he will
now give more attention to.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 1 E. J. Harrington has just completed the steam heat system at the Nash Hotel, and all the guests are rejoicing at the comfort the new system is affording. The steam was turned on Monday evening, and there was not a hitch in the entire system. With this addition of steam heat, the Nash is one of the most modern hotels in the state, and the management is to be commended for the public spirit exhibited in making such modern improvements. "Personal and Local," Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1910, page 7 CAPTAIN NASH IS ON VISIT TO
J. T. C. Nash is here from his home in Berkeley, California. Captain
Nash is well known in Medford. He is the owner of Hotel Nash, and he is
here on one of his twice-a-year visits in the interests of his
property. While here he will consult with the hotel people and several
contractors regarding coming improvements and embellishments in the
hotel lobby.Captain Nash is an interesting personality, and is full of reminiscences of the West and the sea. He was long a sea captain, where he won his title. Medford Sun, December 27, 1910, page 1 George Carstens is the latest man to enter the lists as a "white hope." The popular night clerk of the Nash took on his first in the lobby Friday night. A right hook to the jaw did the work. His opponent was left on the sidewalk. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1911, page 2 Jevver go around looking for misspelled signs? Take a trip along Main Street and in five minutes you may see sandwiches spelled "sandwitches," "commercial" spelled with one "m," and the "N" in the sidewalk in front of the Nash upside down. Somebody ought to appoint a municipal proofreader. "Jolts and Jingles by Ad Brown," Medford Mail Tribune, September 14, 1911, page 4 McKinley Mine Purchased
Captain J. C. Nash of Medford, Ore. has purchased the McKinley mill and
mine on Humbug Creek, and the following noted mines, the Yellow Jacket
and Sanbourn groups. All of these mines have produced and are now
showing up well. The captain is acquainted with the mines in Siskiyou,
having mined in his country years ago. He has also been looking over
different properties for the last six weeks, finally purchasing the
above property. In olden days Humbug was one of the great producers of
Siskiyou. Within the last few years several mining men have
reprospected the hills and have opened ledges that indicate great
returns for the developer.
San Francisco Call, November 26, 1911, page 55 Hotel Nash
Hotel Nash, the pioneer hotel of the city, continues to hold its own
with the trade, despite the fact that larger and new hotels have been
erected during the year in the city. The Nash for many years was the
leading hotel of the city, and its lobby was a favorite gathering place
for the business men of Medford. It was widely known over the Pacific
coast. This hotel continues to attract a large amount of trade as it
has recently been remodeled throughout, its interior being redecorated.
A large modern heating plant has been arranged.
The Nash is operated by J. D. Bell and J. T. Sheridan, both experienced hotel men. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1912, page B4 Medford Hotel Acquired.
Or., May 3.--(Special.)--Arrangements were completed today whereby the
Hotel Holland, one of Medford's newest and finest hotels, will be taken
over on a two-year lease by E. Mohr, manager of the Hotel Medford, and
Sheridan and Bell, proprietors of the Hotel Nash. The Holland will be
closed for the present to allow inventory, after which it will be
thrown open for the I.O.O.F. convention in this city the latter part of
May. By this arrangement all four hotels in Medford, the Nash, Medford,
Moore and Holland, will be under the control of Messrs. Bell, Mohr and
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 4, 1913, page 2 The Hotel Nash lobby is being remodeled. A beam ceiling and tapestry panels are transforming the pioneer hostelry. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1913, page 2 A. W. Walker, of Medford, who announces himself as a Republican candidate for the nomination for sheriff at the May primaries, was in this city the first of the week interviewing his constituency of old friends, of whom there are many. Mr. Walker is widely known as the proprietor of the Nash livery, of Medford, one of the most modernly equipped and operated livery establishments in the state. While the political field which he has entered is not without opposing aspirants, Mr. Walker's apparent genius for making new friends and his lasting popularity with the old ones should furnish a vigorous and interesting opposition to the other contenders for the nomination. He was accompanied by Charles Tull, also of Medford, upon his visit to this city. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, February 28, 1914, page 3 Medford papers state that the Nash Grill of that place has closed its doors owing to lack of business. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, March 21, 1914, page 3 FOUNDER OF RIDDLE CROSSES DIVIDE
J. B.
Riddle, Southern Oregon's first landlord of the Nash Hotel in this
city, and founder of the town of Riddle, whose family name has been a
household word in Southern Oregon for half a century, died at his home
at Riddle Saturday night, aged 70 years. Among the old pioneers of this
section, he was well known. Two sisters, Mrs. A. Merriman, mother of
George Merriman of this city, and Mrs. R. B. Beall, living near Central
Point, are sisters. He is an uncle of Mrs. Charles Strang.It was in the early '80's that Mr. Riddle managed the Nash Hotel. He was prominent with two brothers in the political affairs of the state. At the time of his death he owned large business interests at Riddle and was a member of the Elks, Masons, Pythians and other fraternal organizations. Mr. Riddle was born in Sangamon County, Illinois, November 9, 1844. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1851 with ox teams, locating in the Cow Creek Valley, the first white family to settle in that section. At the age of 19 he became owner of a farm on which the town of Riddle was afterwards platted. When the railroad was being constructed Riddle followed the construction camps, conducting small eating houses along the way, among them the Nash Hotel at Medford, which he conducted for three years. He then returned to Riddle, built the first hotel there and operated it for twenty-five years. Mr. Riddle's business career was active and varied. He founded the Riddle State Bank and was its first president. He erected many of the best buildings in Riddle. He was twice married, the first wife being drowned in the Umpqua with her child in 1865. Two years later he married Miss Mary F. Catching, the first white child born in this section of Oregon. Five children survive Mr. Riddle--Jennie, wife of D. W. Crosby of Riddle; Millie, wife of Charles Stauffer of Riddle; Minnie, now Mrs. Geo. T. Frater of Riddle; Ira B., court reporter at Roseburg, and Edward of Riddle. Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1914, page 2 Painters are at work on the exterior of the Nash Hotel. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 21, 1915, page 2 A LITTLE PAINT
A wonderful transformation can be made at small cost with a little
paint. As an example, the appearance of the historic Nash Hotel has
been improved a hundred percent by its new coat of white. The paint has
not only improved the appearance of [the] building, but the appearance
of the city.
The example set by Captain Nash should be followed by the other property owners, especially those of Main Street. The old red brick structures should be painted white, for a red brick face in an business block is obsolete. If the buildings on each side of Main Street were thus transformed. it would modernize the appearance of both street and city and make it one of the most attractive streets in the Northwest. It would add to its cleanliness and beauty. The cost would be slight, the improvement so marked that one would scarcely recognize the street as the same thoroughfare, now lined with a miscellaneous assortment of structures of various colors. The Commercial Club and ladies of the Greater Medford Club should take the subject up at once and see if a concerted effort cannot induce the owners to cooperate in really creating a city beautiful. Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1915, page 4 The exterior painting of the Nash Hotel has been completed. The changed appearance will result in other property owners applying paint to business blocks. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1915, page 2 Beginning June 1st the Nash Cafeteria will run a regular delicatessen in connection with the place, homemade pies, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, salads, roasts, roast chickens, fried chicken [and] boiled ham will be prepared for picnic parties by phoning orders ahead. Don't cook at home in hot weather, but get things ready prepared. A 25¢ merchant's lunch is being served at the Nash Cafeteria that is fine. Have you tried one of them? If not, try one. We know you will come again. Either service or cafeteria style. "Local and General," Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1916, page 2 ![]() June
15, 1916 Medford
Captain John
T. Nash, aged 85 years, former well-known prominent
citizen of Medford, pioneer sea captain, California and Oregon miner,
builder of the Nash Hotel, died at his home in Berkeley, Calif. Sunday
evening. News of his death came to Medford Monday morning in the shape
of a telegram to L. H. Brown, brother-in-law of the captain, from his
sister, Ella B. Nash, the widow, who stated that the remains will
arrive in Medford Tuesday evening and requested that Mr. Brown make
arrangements for the funeral here Wednesday afternoon.
Captain Nash only returned home to Berkeley last Friday after two weeks spent in Medford. He seemed exceptionally hale and hearty for one of his years while here, though close friends observed that his health was failing. At the depot last week while waiting for his train to return to Berkeley, Captain Nash was seized with a bad heart attack, and had to be assisted on board the train. At that time he thought he would be all right after leaving this climate. Career of Adventure.
The life of Captain Nash was one of robust action and adventure, both
on land and sea, until recent years. During his hardy career he had had
many narrow escapes from death on the ocean and on land. He was a
pioneer miner of the 'fifties and had been an Oregonian since 1886.
Through his successes in mining ventures he accumulated much wealth. A
man of Democratic tendencies, a genial personality and possessed of
public spirit, he had legions of friends in Medford and Southern
Oregon, California, the Pacific coast, and in fact scattered over the
whole world, who will mourn his passing away.About 1887 Captain Nash located in Medford, coming from Riddle, Douglas County, where he had resided about a year. He purchased the original Nash Hotel structure shortly after his arrival and enlarged and improved it as it stands at present. He still owned the building at the time of his death. It was he who had the miner's pick and shovel design mounted on the cupola of the building, which has attracted so much attention for years. The original shovel and pick were ones used by himself to dig the gold that built the structure. On October 14, 1897, he married Miss Ella Brown, sister of L. B. Brown. A son, Elwell Crawford, was born to them on May 27, 1899, who also survives the captain. The family home was on South Oakdale Avenue, in what is now known as the old Sturgis property. About 12 or 15 years ago Captain Nash and family removed to Berkeley, but since that time he made frequent trips to Medford. He was affiliated with A.F. and A.M. No. 103, and the Royal Arch chapter of Jacksonville. Native of Maine.
Captain Nash was born in Knox County, Maine, March 11, 1833. When but
ten years of age he put to sea as a cabin boy on the sailing ship of
his father, Captain Thomas Nash. When 18 years old he became captain of
the craft and followed the sea for many years, alternating with short
periods of prospecting in California. He sailed in all parts of the
world. In 1850 his vessel reached San Francisco at the height of the
mining excitement, and again he quit the sea and took to mining,
prospecting in various parts of California, without much success until
in 1859 he discovered the Yankee mine. He sold this and became
identified with the Black Bear mine in Siskiyou County. In 1869 while
on a prospecting tour in Idaho in the Green River country with five
other men, they were attacked by 100 Indians but succeeded in fighting
them off with the loss of only one man, and escaped on their fleeter
horses. Thirty of the Indians were killed. From 1865 Captain Nash mined
in Trinity County, California until 1886. Then he engaged in operating
a farm of 400 acres near Riddle, in Douglas County, Ore., at the same
time continuing to mine and prospect in that vicinity. He opened and
developed the Victory mine. Then in 1887 he retired from the farm and
active mining work and located in Medford.Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1917, page 6 Elwell Nash, 18 years old, who came to Medford to attend the funeral of his father, the late Captain John T. Nash, left Friday for the Volmers ranch near Delta, Calif., to resume a visit there with an old friend of his father's, the visit having been interrupted by his father's death. Mrs. John T. Nash will remain in the city two weeks before returning to her home at Berkeley. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1917, page 2 John T. Nash Passes Away
Captain John
T. Nash, aged 85 years, former well-known prominent citizen
Medford, pioneer sea captain, California miner, builder of the Nash
Hotel, died at his home in Berkeley, Calif. Sunday evening. News of his
death came to Medford Monday morning in the shape of a telegram to L.
B. Brown, brother-in-law of the captain, from his sister Ella B. Nash,
the widow, who stated that the remains would arrive in Medford Tuesday
evening and requested that Mr. Brown make arrangements for the funeral
here Wednesday afternoon.
Captain Nash only returned home to Berkeley last Friday, after two weeks spent in Medford. He seemed exceptionally hale and hearty for one of his years while here, though close friends observed that his health was failing. At the depot last week while waiting for his train to return to Berkeley, Captain Nash was seized with a bad heart attack and had to be assisted on board the train. At that time he thought he would be all right after leaving this climate. Captain Nash was a member of the Masonic fraternity and was affiliated with the Royal Arch chapter of this city. Jacksonville Post, May 19, 1917, page 1 PAGE-DRESSLER CO. IN NEW QUARTERS
A deal has just been completed by which the Page-Dressler Realty
Company closed a lease on the former Nash Hotel dining room fronting on
112 East Main Street between the hotel barber shop and the Postal
Telegraph Company office and is remodeling the quarters into one of the
finest real estate offices in Southern Oregon. The company will move
into its new quarters Sept. 1st from its old location at 320 East Main
Street.This change was rendered necessary by the constantly growing business of the Page-Dressler Company, which has been in business here continuously for the past twelve years, being one of the two Medford realty concerns which has been in business all this time. The company does a general real estate, insurance and loan business and will be better able in the new quarters to meet the needs of its fast increasing patronage. Medford Mail Tribune, August 22, 1919, page 3 NASH HOTEL IS
Smallpox Scare Vanishes with Vaccination of Employees and Lodgers, and Hostelry Kept Open for Business by Precautionary Move.
Due to the county and city health authorities discovering that M. M.
Whitsett, an erstwhile employee at odd jobs about the Nash Hotel, was
ill with a well-developed case of smallpox, Dr. L. Inskeep, county
health officer, and Dr. E. B. Pickel, city health officer, both of whom
are deputy state health officers, after taking up the matter over
long-distance telephone, decided to take effective action to prevent
further spread of the disease among guests and employees of the hotels [sic].
Whitsett, who is a well-known shoe shiner of Medford known by the
nickname of "Deke," had been ill with the disease for several days.
Therefore at 1 o'clock this afternoon Drs. Inskeep and Pickel, accompanied by Chief of Police Adams and Traffic Officer Preston and with their vaccinating material and instruments, swooped down on the hotel, closing its entrance doors, and allowing no one to enter or come out, with the plan in view of either vaccinating every guest, employee or attache, or if anyone refused to be vaccinated to put the hotel and all the above mentioned under a three weeks' quarantine inside. If everyone caught inside would consent to undergo vaccination, then after performing such vaccination and thoroughly fumigating every room in the hotel building the doors would be opened again and the hotel allowed to operate as usual. The above-mentioned plan to handle an awkward situation and cause as little inconvenience to the hotel as possible, and at the same time protect the public health, was reached by the local health officers and the state health board in cooperation, and worked out nicely as all the persons caught inside at 1 p.m. when the police officers closed and guarded the doors consented to undergo vaccination. Then Drs. Pickel and Inskeep at once began the vaccination of the 35 hotel attaches and guests, following which the rooms were fumigated and the hotel again thrown open for business late this afternoon. Of course, Whitsett had been removed from the hotel to the isolation ward of Sacred Heart Hospital as soon as the case was discovered. When the health officer's contingent closed in on the hotel at 1 p.m. there was some little excitement outside, during which a little crowd congregated outside the Main Street hotel entrance until the situation became understood. On learning that vaccination was in progress inside, it is said that one man in the crowd voluntarily went inside so as to get a free vaccination performed. Medford Mail Tribune, December
28, 1926, page 1
E. T. Allen of Portland Buys Pioneer Hostelry in Deal Completed Yesterday-- Largest Local Realty Deal of Months in Downtown Property--Plan Improvements.
the largest local real estate deal for 1927, negotiations were
completed yesterday for the purchase of the Nash Hotel by E. T. Allen
of Portland from Elwell B. Nash of Berkeley, Calif., son of Mrs. Ella
B. Nash of this city. While the purchase price was not made public, the
amount is said to be in the neighborhood of $75,000.
The building, constructed of brick and 100 feet by 100 in dimensions, is located on one of the best business corners in the city at the intersection of East Main Street and South Front Street, a short distance east of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks. Located in the large structure, facing Front and Main, in addition to the hotel, which is under the proprietorship of J. H. Goswick, are the Nash Barber Shop, Brown and White real estate office, O'Hara's Card Room, Stewart Cigar Store, William Holmes insurance and real estate office, Postal Telegraph Company and the Gusher Cafe. The hotel, which has been operated for two years by Mr. Goswick, will continue to be under the same management, a long lease being held by the proprietor. Mr. Allen, the new owner, owned the Ashland Hotel, which he sold a year ago and at present has property in Portland, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, Fla., and Ashland. While no definite plans have been made for the future, it is thought extensive improvements will be made in the early spring. Mr. Allen may make Medford his home in keeping with his belief that Medford and Southern Oregon offer more to the investor than any other section of the Union, coming to this belief, he said today, after investigating the real estate situation. He had been watching the situation here for some time before making the purchase, sincerely believing that a great future awaits Medford. W. W. Allen of the Pierce-Harrison Motor Company is a brother of the purchaser and has been a Medford resident for some time. The building was constructed over 40 years ago by J. T. C. Nash, who died nine years ago in Berkeley, Calif., where Mrs. Nash continued to reside until her home was destroyed in the conflagration which caused such widespread damage in Berkeley in 1923. Since then she has had no established home and is at present living with her niece, Mrs. Carol H. Parker, 1207 West Main Street. The hotel itself was never operated by Mr. Nash, having always been leased. Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1927, page 1 NASH
Wm. L. Miller of Miller-Bennett Co. Buys Five-Year Lease and Furnishings of Pioneer Hostelry for $18,000 from J. H. Goswick.
The lease on the Nash Hotel was purchased this morning from J. H.
Goswick, who has operated the hostelry for the past two years, by Wm.
L. Miller of the Miller-Bennett real estate firm. The lease covers a
period of five years and the sale involved a sum near $18,000, taking
effect immediately.
Mr. Miller was in the hotel business in Saskatchewan, Canada, previous to locating in Medford. He has lived in this city for six months and has been active in business during that time. The new owner does not plan to make any immediate changes around the hotel, and the personnel at the desk will remain the same. Mr. and Mrs. Goswick plan to leave soon on a prolonged vacation of several months which will take them south into California. They will return to Medford, however, and will probably enter business here again, according to their present plans. Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1927, page 5 NASH HOTEL IS SOLD TO W. L. MILLER
L. Miller, Medford baseball manager and realtor, bought the Nash Hotel
yesterday from J. W. Goswick for a cash consideration reported to be
The Nash is one of Southern Oregon's best-known hotels and has been in business ever since it was built back in 1886. Its pick, shovel and prospector's pan weather vane has seen Medford grow from almost nothing and has passed through many different hands. Goswick bought it from Jim Bell, who managed it for many years but was forced to sell on account of ill health and will go to Arizona. Mr. Miller will continue in the real estate business with the firm of Bennett and Miller. No changes will be made in the management of the hostelry, he says. Medford Daily News, July 28, 1927, page 1 BARNUM HOTEL SOLD; $65,000 PRICE
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Goswick Purchasers--New Owners Plan Alterations and New Name--Deal Pending for Week.
a week or more of negotiations, the Barnum Hotel and apartments on
North Front Street was sold today by W. S. Barnum to Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Goswick for a consideration made public at $65,000. The new owners have
taken possession and, according to present plans, will make
improvements within a year, with the purpose of eventually changing the
apartment house into a hotel, for which it was originally constructed.
The house contains 67 rooms, divided into 27 apartments, all of which are rented. It was constructed in 1915 by Mr. Barnum for a hotel, and at present has numerous hotel improvements. It is four stories high [and] is constructed of high-grade brick, making an attractive building, and is located directly across from the Southern Pacific railroad depot. Up until a month ago, Mr. and Mrs. Goswick were the proprietors of the Hotel Nash, the lease of which they sold to L. W. Miller, who is now managing it, and had been thinking of purchasing the Barnum building for some time. Both are veterans in the hotel business, having owned and operated hotels in Portland, The Dalles and Roseburg before coming to Medford. They plan to change the name of the business, but will continue to run under the present name until the establishment has been changed into a hotel. Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1927, page 1 PIONEER WOMAN MARY RIDDLE IS
A worthy pioneer woman, well known to
everyone in Medford in the
early days, passed away Thursday at Riddle, Ore., when Mrs. Mary
Francis Riddle succumbed to a short illness in the little town which
was founded and named after her grandfather.Mrs. Riddle lived in Medford before the Southern Pacific was built, and during the construction of that railroad she conducted the old Riddle Eating House, which was at the corner of Main and Front where the Nash Hotel now stands. Later she and her family moved to Riddle, Ore., where she lived a useful and active life until her death. Beside her husband she leaves four children, Edward Riddle of Roseburg, Mrs. Minnie Frater of Longview, Wash., and Mrs. Millie Stanfer of Taft, California. Her nephew, D. B. Crosby, is a well-known resident of Medford. She is also related to Vinton Beall and Mrs. Charles Strang of this city. The funeral services will be held at the Riddle home in Riddle tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 p.m. Medford Mail Tribune, October 25, 1930, page 3 NASH HOTEL WILL SPEND $20,000 IN
Pioneer Hostelry Will Be Improved
from Top to Bottom, Starting February 1--
E. T. Allen, owner of the Nash Hotel building at the corner of
Main and
Front streets, announced yesterday that improvements and remodeling of
the structure, to cost approximately $20,000, would start
February 1,
or shortly thereafter, when all leases of space in the building with
the exception of the Postal Telegraph Company expire.Local Labor to Be Used The contract for the changes has been awarded to Sig Ash of this city, and plans for the remodeling were designed by Louis B. Humphrys of this city. First Floor Changes
Changes on the first floor call for the enlargement of the lobby and
utilizing of the space now occupied by a lunch counter and a second
hand store. The main entrance will be at the corner of Main and Front
streets. The space now occupied by Jack Stuart as a cigar store will be
rebuilt into two store rooms.The upper floor changes include the installation of modern conveniences with hot and cold water in every room, shower baths, and entire refurnishing of the room section with new furniture and carpets and drapes. The exterior appearance of the building will be changed, with tile ornamentation. Steel girders will be placed in the building and it will be renovated and remodeled from basement to ridgepole. May Change Name
Mr. Allen said that he contemplated changing the name of the hotel, but
had made no definite decision. The shovel and gold pan, used by Capt.
Nash in his operations, and used as a weather vane atop the building
since its construction, will be retained because of sentimental and
historical value. The bay window and tower of the building will be
removed. A marquee will be erected over the main entrance.Use Local Labor
Mr. Allen said that he would employ only local labor, and that
preference would be given to married men with dependents, and that the
work would be rotated so as to aid as many as possible. He said the
wage scale would be 70 cents per hour for skilled labor, and 45 cents
per hour for ordinary labor.The changes, Mr. Allen said, would make the Nash Hotel a first-class hostelry in every respect, and modern throughout. He said he hoped in a few years to erect an entire modern hotel on the site, one of the best in the business district. He said he was heartily in favor of new ornamental street lights for Main Street at an early date. Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1931, page 1
T. Allen, owner of the Nash Hotel, at Main and Front streets, said that
plans for the $20,000 remodeling and improvement to the pioneer
hostelry were proceeding apace, and that work would start about
February 1, as previously announced.Blueprints for the steel girders to be used in the structure have been forwarded to the steel concerns, and the designer will have the plans for the changes ready early this week. Mr. Allen said that the work would be done by day labor, and that insofar as it was possible, local labor would be employed and alternated to give as much employment as possible, particularly those with dependents and families. The general plans call for new fronts of store rooms on Main and Front streets, with the exception of the Postal Telegraph office, ornamental tiling on the face of the structure, erection of a marquee over the main entrance at Front and Main streets and the addition of new furnishings and baths. It is also intended to provide sample room space. New flooring will probably be laid and the building given a general overhauling and modernized. Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1932, page 10
E. T. Allen, owner of the Hotel Nash property, said yesterday that
progress was being made in the preliminary plans for the $20,000
remodeling of the pioneer hostelry, and that work would start about
February 1. Bids on the steel girders, received yesterday, were much
lower than expected, Allen said. The installation of the girders will
be the main building problem. It is expected that the improvements will
be completed by April 1, depending on weather conditions.Allen said that he viewed the future of Medford with confidence, despite the fact that he has been advised by many not to build at this time, and that his object was to be "ready for prosperity in the valley when it does come." Sig. Ash, local contractor, who constructed one of the grade school buildings last year, has been retained as superintendent of construction. Allen plans to hire focal labor, chiefly men with families, and to rotate the work so as many as possible will benefit. Allen said he would enlarge the store buildings facing on Main Street and install new fronts, and further modernize the structure. Two of the present tenants have announced intention of moving. Blueprints for the remodeling have been completed. Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1932, page 3
The Hotel Allen, formerly the Nash Hotel, will open Saturday with
completely remodeled lobby and rooms and added facilities to
accommodate the traveling public. according to an announcement made
today by E. T. Allen, veteran hotel man and also owner of the Hotel
Ashland. A colorful neon sign will direct tourists to this newly
renovated hostelry, which occupies a central location in Medford's
business district at the corner of Main and Front streets.For the past two months a corps of workmen has been engaged in repapering all of the rooms in the Hotel Allen, laying new linoleum on floors and hallways, installing new electric fixtures and improved telephone service equipment and completely changing the lobby which faces on Main Street. Comfortable beds will be used in all rooms and spring-filled mattresses used throughout, according to Mr. Allen. The third floor has all outside rooms because of the central court, assuring ample light in top-story rooms. All rooms will be equipped with telephones and many will have attached baths. The lobby of the Hotel Allen is light and comfortable with smart new linoleum floor coverings, new upholstered furniture and improved lighting facilities. From the top of the remodeled hotel, surmounted by the original gold pan, pick and shovel used by old Captain Nash in the early Southern Oregon days, to the main floor, the Hotel Allen is spic and span with new paint and paper. Ralph Kirk, experienced hotel man, will manage the hotel. Medford Mail Tribune, April 29, 1932, page 9
After several months of preparation, the Allen Hotel, formerly the Nash
Hotel, is officially open to patrons under the management of E. T.
Allen, who is well known in Southern Oregon through his connection with
the Ashland Hotel, which he has operated for a number of years.
Visitors wishing to inspect the remodeled hostelry will be welcome,
according to Mr. Allen.Ralph Kirk, formerly of San Francisco, Cal., will be the resident manager, and Bert Wright, of Ashland, Ore., has been employed as night manager of the new Allen. Completely renovated and remodeled from the main entrance to the roof, the Allen presents an attractive appearance, and every effort has been made to transform the former Nash into one of the most comfortable popular-priced hotels on the Pacific Highway, Mr. Allen stated yesterday. Local firms which participated in the extensive improvements include City Cabinet Works; Medford Electric Construction Company, F. G. Runyon, painting and papering contractor, and C. T. Holloway, painter and decorator. Medford Mail Tribune, May 1, 1932, page 7 NEW
The Allen Hotel, formerly known as the Nash Hotel and one of the
landmarks of southern Oregon, was opened Sunday under the new personal
management of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Allen. The famous old building has
been extensively improved, and is due for even more complete renovation
in the near future.
A beautiful marquee, illuminated with neon, is being constructed, and will be supplemented in the front by an awning. A new hot water heater has also been installed, with shower baths in nearly every suite, and the old skylights will be replaced by new fireproof lights. Fire warnings on both floors and safety locks on every door are parts of the remodeling project. Telephones will be installed in every room, and a seventy-foot aerial will be installed for radio service. The lounges will be improved, and many of the rooms will be redecorated. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, who owned and operated the Ashland Hotel for the past several years, disposing of it last year, need no introduction in southern Oregon. Mr. Allen, who is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Elks, the Masonic bodies and the Shrine, is a booster for the community and is trying to make the site one of the most attractive corners in Medford. The hotel will still be identified by the age-old pick and shovel weather vane surmounting the building's cornerpiece. Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1935, page 6 HOTEL RENOVATION PLANNED BY ALLEN
that the Hotel Allen had been or was about to be sold were spiked today
by E. T. Allen, proprietor, who stated that he not only had no
intention of selling but was contemplating additional improvements.
"This is no time to sell, and besides I'm entirely satisfied with Medford," Mr. Allen said. "I've lived in Florida and many other parts of the country, and so far as year-round climate is concerned Medford is supreme. "I was recently approached regarding sale of the hotel but I have no intention of selling. I have made many improvements here, and business has practically doubled in the year I have managed the hotel myself. I have other improvements in mind but I am not ready to discuss them yet." Medford Mail Tribune, September 8, 1936, page 3 The Nash Hotel building has been extensively remodeled during the past few months, and the Schuss Vintage, in taking over the corner location, has completed the remodeling. There are new fixtures throughout the new shop, making the shop one of the most modern in the city. "Schuss Vintage Adds Services," Medford News, May 7, 1937, page 3 HOTEL ALLEN SOLD TO L. M.
of the Hotel Allen at the southeast corner of Main and Front streets to
L. M. Hamilton of Bend was announced today by Edward T. Allen.
Ownership of the hotel building is retained by Mr. Allen, only the
hotel business being involved in the transfer.
Mr. Hamilton owns and operates the Cozy Hotel in Bend. He will continue to operate the Bend hotel but, with Mrs. Hamilton and their daughter, will make his home in the Hotel Allen here. Mr. Allen said he would continue to reside in Medford, as he considered this an ideal city for residence. He said he had no immediate business plans and indicated he would rest for a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Allen plan to leave here tomorrow for Portland to be with their daughter, Miss Winifred Ayers, who was injured recently by an intruder as she lay asleep in her dormitory at Reed College where she is a teacher of history. Miss Ayers was to be discharged from the hospital today or tomorrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen will remain with her in Portland until after the holidays, Mr. Allen related. Mr. Allen has owned the Hotel Allen building for 10 years. A little more than two years ago he took over personal management of the hotel, having previously operated the Ashland Hotel in Ashland. During the past year, Mr. Allen has made extensive improvements at the hotel. The building was remodeled completely inside and out, an elevator was installed and the hotel was newly furnished and decorated throughout, bringing it to first-class standards. Sale of the hotel became effective November 1 and Mr. Hamilton is now here in charge. Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1937, page 10 That Unique Weathervane
To the Editor: How many have observed the unusual weathervane atop the
Allen Hotel,
104 East Main Street? The combination represents a miner's pick, pan
and shovel. Presumably significant of some interesting past episode, we
would like for someone to unravel the enigma in a true story for the Mail Tribune. Perhaps
someone recalls the strange off-record history of the unique design.One source of information has it that a small creek once flowed nearby and was sluiced by early day prospectors for the gold dust it produced. Bert
Mail Tribune, September 6, 1953, page 4 The
weathervane was installed in 1895 by Capt. J. T. C. Nash, the new owner
of the hotel, to commemorate the gold mine that made him wealthy.520 Boardman St. Medford, Ore. Much interest has been shown in letters to the editor concerning how, when and where the Allen Hotel weathervane came about. It was learned this week that the daughter of the man who shaped the weathervane lives in Medford. She is Mrs. Rosalee N. Davis, 149 North Ivy St. Mrs. Davis states that her father made the weathervane about 1900. From 1893 until his death in 1902 her father, Daniel Brooks, operated a sheet metal shop and hardware store on the corner now the site of the Montgomery Ward and Company store. The weathervane is designed with a miner's pick, shovel and a gold pan. The idea for it perhaps stemmed from the fact that the hotel owner at that time, Capt. J. C. Nash, had been a miner, in addition to being an old sea captain, Mrs. Davis explained. 'Potluck," Medford Mail Tribune, September 15, 1953, page 4 Bert Kissinger's recent letter to the editor asking how come that gold pan-miner's-pick-and-shovel weathervane atop the Allen Hotel continues to bring forth reminiscent comment from old-timers here. C. Z. "Pete" Boyden, who has been deputy surveyor here since 1923, remembers that on his arrival in August, 1896, as a six-year-old lad, the hotel weathervane was the first thing to catch his eye when he got off the train at the depot, which then stood in the center of the Main and Front street intersection. With his mother he had come out to join his father, H. E. Boyden, who had preceded the family from Illinois to make a home in the West. The father for many years operated a hardware store, plumbing and tin shop about where the M.M. Store is now located on East Main Street. Pete recalls that the village fire alarm bell hung on timbers across an alley which separated the hotel from its nearest neighbor building on the east. He also recalls that his father bought a home site on Third and Central Avenue where he planted the first lawn to grace a Medford residence and surrounded it with the first painted picket fence seen in the town. Another Medford first for the Boyden family was a bathtub with hot and cold water. The father being a plumber probably accounted for the hot water innovation, Pete admits. 'Potluck," Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1953, page 4 Name of Medford's Oldest Hotel
For Third Time Since 1894 Construction
Medford's oldest hotel has again changed names.
Fred Robinson, owner of the former Allen Hotel, officially changed the name on March 23 to the Robinson Hotel. This is the third change in names for the building since it was constructed at 104 East Main St. in 1894 by Elwell B. Nash. [The building was built in 1884 by Byers and Jacobs; it was bought in 1894 by Elwell's father, J. T. C. Nash.] For 62 years after its construction, the building was known as the Nash Hotel. In 1927, E. T. Allen bought the establishment, and until last week it was known as the Allen Hotel. Remodeling Program Along with the change in name Robinson and his wife, Donna Carol, who bought the building in 1946, have completed the third segment of a long-range remodeling program. Robinson started the first section of the remodeling plan in 1947 when Robinson Brothers men's store was moved into the building from its previous location across the street. Second phase of the project took place in 1952 when the remainder of the street floor was remodeled. Grabow's Jewelers and Pick's Apparel moved to a different location in the building and the Western Union office moved out of the building. Weather Vane Removed Also at the time the historic prospector's pick and gold pan, that for years stood on top of the building mounted as a weather vane, was removed because it was badly rusted. The more recent renovations to the hotel section have included new windows, new fixtures, new floor covering, redecoration of the room interiors and installation of new furniture. The first brick ever used for construction in Medford is believed to have been used in the historically significant building. Nash originally built it as a two-story structure, then in 1910 added a floor. [Byers and Jacobs originally built the structure as one story in 1884; another story was added in 1885. J. T. C. Nash added the third story in 1906.] A souvenir of the 19th century still intact is an old benchmark located on the front of the building. The benchmark was once used for such purposes as setting barometers. Tenants in the modernized building are Robinson Brothers Men's Store, Pick's Apparel owned by Ralph Pickell, Medford Shoe Service owned by Ray Kelley and Coy Bailey, Grabow's Jewelry owned by George Grabow, the new Robinson Hotel leased and managed by Harry Nordwick and Hal Schmidt, Fry's Barber Shop, Crystal White Laundry and Dry Cleaners and Frohnmayer's Real Estate, owned by William Frohnmayer. Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1956, page 2 ![]() May 18, 1978 Medford Mail Tribune Last revised March 14, 2025