The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

The Osbornes

Olivia Osborne, circa 1920
Olivia Osborne, circa 1920.

Training School for Nurses.
    The Illinois Training School for Nurses will hold its twelfth annual graduating exercises today at the Cook County Hospital at 2:30 p.m. The institution has been one of the most successful of its kind in America, and has accomplished much good. Its graduates are in great demand and have the confidence of both the public and the medical profession. The directors invite all friends and contributors to attend these exercises.
    The names of graduates are as follows: . . . Olivia Dyre.
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, June 14, 1892, page 7

Cook County Hospital, circa 1880
Cook County Hospital, circa 1880

Diplomas Conferred on Forty-Six Young Nurses.
Many Eloquent and Encouraging Speeches Are Made.
Florence Nightingale Placed Before the Young Ladies as a Model.
    They filled five tiers of one of the lecture rooms in the Cook County Hospital yesterday afternoon.
    They wore a uniform consisting of a white and blue striped gown, broad collar, spotless apron, and a dainty muslin cap. At the corsage of each was a large bunch of sweet peas. They composed the graduating class of the Illinois Training School for Nurses, and were forty-six strong, the largest class ever graduated by the school.
    The lecture room is in the form of an amphitheater. On the floor sat the officers of the school, its friends, and those who were to address the graduates. The president, Mrs. James M. Flower, sat behind a table which was covered high with flowers. Back of her was a lot of potted plants, prettily banked. Draped high above the ferns was a huge American flag, caught up at the center. Beneath this was the class motto in smilax: "Not to Be Ministered Unto, but to Minister." It was toward this that most of the young women, with thoughtful faces, constantly looked, as though they would burn the very words into their souls and carry the memory into the hereafter.
    The class occupied the first five tiers of seats; back of them were spectators. The scene of so many difficult operations which they had witnessed was changed: instead of a suffering being below were cut flowers in profusion.
The History of the School.
    After the prayer by the Rev. J. Floyd Tomkins, Jr., Mrs. [Lucy L.] Flower, the president of the school, read her address. She said in substance:
    "Twelve years ago I was invited to confer with Mrs. C. R. Lawrence and Mrs. Edward Wright on an important matter. Mrs. Wright had just returned from New York and was determined to establish a training school for nurses. The idea seemed impossible to carry out at first glance. The first meeting for real organization was held September 4, 1880, when committees were appointed to secure a charter and permanent organization. A month later a charter was secured and a board of twenty-five managers appointed, eleven of whom still remain.
    "A field of labor had to be secured, and application was made to the county commissioners for admission to two wards of the county hospital, and little attention was paid it. The hospital was run on the basis of political patronage, for the nurses were convalescents and political appointees, without experience. When the question of giving the school two wards was voted on, it won by one vote, and on May 1, 1881 we took possession with two head nurses. June 1, 1883, the first class of six members was graduated. From this small beginning we have steadily gained the confidence of everyone, until today we have almost the entire nursing in two hospitals, and from an entire dependence on the charity of the public we are nearly self-supporting.
An Alumnae Association Formed.
    Since the last class was graduated an alumnae association has been formed, which has been a source of congratulation to the board. Everything which tends to keep up an esprit de corps among you should be encouraged. Since our last meeting the John Crerar estate has given $50,000 to maintain a number of graduate nurses, who will be attached to the school and called Crerar nurses. They will be sent, at a moderate price, to people needing their services who are not charity cases."
    The report of the superintendent, Miss Edith Draper, showed that the class of '92 had originally fifty-two in it; thirteen retired and forty-six finished the course and formed the tenth class of the school. The total number of calls from private families were 1,020. The home now accommodates 120 nurses, seventy of whom are now employed in the county and thirty in the Presbyterian hospitals, the balance being on special duty. The course is two years, and 280 applications for entrance to the school were made, sixty-three being retained. The total number of graduates is 256.
A Tribute to the Nurses.
    In his address to the class Dr. James Nevius Hyde said: "When I first entered the hospital wards I quickly learned to admire the sympathy of the nurses and have ever since done so. When I was associated with that grand, gentle woman, Louisa M. Alcott, I saw the most sympathetic nurse that ever ministered to the sick. Her sympathy was something beautiful; copy it. For you the lessons are learned, the work before you. You are not qualified to do this work if you don't begin to educate and acquire education."
    The speaker then read an account of the tenth round of the Jackson-Slavin fight and made a striking antithesis by dwelling upon the brutal spectacle and the gentle woman at the bedside. He said that the most beautiful language of the soul had always been used in praise of women. If any of the graduates did not love their work they should drop it.
    Dr. J. Suydam Knox said: "Having seen your daily work in the hospital, tested your knowledge, it gives me great pleasure to compliment the class on its worth. Standing here it would seem unnatural not to lecture to you. Love your profession; the experience that you will get daily will make you succeed. Be loyal to the family in which you work. You will see skeletons and hear many things. Remember that the family honor is your honor. Keep it and silence about what you may see and hear. Remember that physicians and hospital nurses had their origin in Christianity: Be Christians."
Miss Nightingale Their Model.
    Dr. Marie Rasner spoke of that grand woman Florence Nightingale, of her work and trials. She urged upon the class to follow her example. Also to make their standard high, to be intelligent, quiet, orderly, pure, polite, cheerful, clean, prompt and obedient. Dr. McFatrich told the class what they would experience at the side of the deathbed; how grateful the sick would be for their care, and how, when the patient recovered, the love of the whole family would go out to the nurse.
    In her brief address Dr. Rachael Hickey Carr told the nurses that the physician's right to practice was his competency, and that the nurse was the same in this respect. In asking favors of the monarch of the kitchen, it was best at all times to use diplomacy.
    Dr. Sherry said that there was a time when the most sought-after woman was the schoolmistress; now it was the trained nurse. He impressed strongly upon the nurses a need of moral character and loyalty.
    The graduates then filed down and received their diplomas from Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson, flowers from Mrs. Clinton Locks and books on invalid cooking from Mrs. George Pitkin.
    Following is the class:
Cora Merrill.
Mary Campbell.
Mary Gross.
Emilie Lutz.
F. Thompson.
Isa Mac Brien.
Rebecca Ellerbe.
Sarah Vincent.
Marietta Meach.
Edith Martin.
Stella Gardner.
Laura Thode.
Grace Watson.
Elizabeth Wetter.
Eliza Moore.
Ida Byers.
Margaret Huston.
Nina Gould.
Caroline Hedger.
Eda Cleverdon.
Ida Kincaid.
Julia Knight.
Martha Edgertin.
Olivia Dyre.
Virginia Weinhold.
Eleanor Seull.
Jessie Cramer.
Jennie Cook.
Jesse Jones.
Mary McGrail.
Annie Beaton.
Mary Barnes.
Edith Mayon.
Kate Miller.
Emma Holland.
Jean Dennis.
Etta McGregor.
Ethe Wolfe.
Kate Williams.
Annie Anderson.
Jane Duncan.
Harriet Jackson.
Anna Bryce.
Julia Sullivan.
Louisa Quarton.
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, June 15, 1892, page B9

    Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne and C. E. Osborne, brother of John, arrived in Medford last week from Chicago. They are living in the Hutchison residence, in West Medford, and are here to stop permanently. The former Mr. Osborne is a carpenter by trade and is at work with Mr. Lyon. The latter is desirous of securing a job--at anything that happens along.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 4

    JOHN OSBORNE, the carpenter, returned from Yreka, Calif. last Friday evening. The gentleman has been employed at carpentering in the above-named town for the past couple of months, and will return again in the spring.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 11, 1896, page 6

    John Osborne, the carpenter, will leave Sunday for Yreka, Calif., where he will work at his trade for a few months. Mr. Osborne is a splendid workman and deserves a good position all the time.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 20, 1898, page 7

    Mrs. J. Osborne, who has been in the city several days nursing J. W. Hays through his illness, returned to her home in Medford Monday.
"Personal and Local," Gold Hill News, October 21, 1899, page 5

The Osborne family rusticating, circa 1900.
The Osborne family rusticating (at right), circa 1900.

    Mrs. Gus Nichols, who was operated upon last week for the removal of a pelvic abscess, is reported to be doing nicely, and recovery is assured. The operation was performed by Dr. Pickel, assisted by Drs. Parsons of Ashland and Wait of Medford. Mrs. Osborne and Miss Ella Williams, both trained nurses, were also in attendance.
"Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 6

    Mrs. John Osborne is in Gold Hill this week upon a visit to Mrs. Ray.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 11, 1900, page 6

Osborne family rusticating circa 1900, detail.
Right to left: John, Eva Jane and Olivia Osborne, unidentified.

West Medford precinct, Medford, Oregon
John Osborne, 38, born March 1862 in England, came to U.S. 1883, carpenter
Olivia Osborne, 39, born May 1861 in Canada, nurse, married 5 years, one child
William F. Osborne, 14, born Dec. 1885 in Illinois
Charles L. Osborne, 12, born Sept. 1887 in Illinois
Eva J. Osborne, 3, born July 1896 in Oregon
U.S. Census, enumerated June 9, 1900

    Mrs. J. Osborne, who has been visiting relatives in Chicago several months, returned Saturday.

"Society: Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 11, 1900, page 15

    Assessor J. C. Pendleton has been quite seriously ill at Hotel Nash since Saturday of last week with pneumonia. He is now very much improved and will undoubtedly be all right again within a few days. Mrs. Pendleton has been with him continuously; Dr. Jones is his attending physician and Mrs. Osborne his nurse. Every attention possible have been given him by landlord Hamilton and his corps of accommodating hotel employees--and as well the boarders at this popular hostelry.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 7

    J. D. Heard is making numerous improvements about his recently acquired beautiful home--the A. A. Davis property. Nearly the whole interior is being remodeled, and many changes are being made on the exterior, and the grounds also are being rearranged and improved. John Osborne is doing the carpenter work, and J. L. Demmer is arranging the lawn and garden.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 6

    It is with much regret that The Mail publishes the fact that Eugene Orr, of the firm of Weeks & Orr, orchardists, is quite seriously ill with Bright's disease of the kidneys. Dr. Pickel is attending, and Mrs. Osborne is nursing. Wednesday he was somewhat improved, but at four o'clock Thursday morning a change was experienced and the symptoms were less favorable.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6

    Mrs. John Osborne came up from Gold Hill Tuesday to spend Christmas with her family in Medford. The lady is attending upon Mrs. E. C. Wells, in Gold Hill, who is quite seriously ill with blood poisoning, resulting from a carbuncle.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 4

    Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkinson were in Gold Hill Monday night enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wells, prior to the departure of these last named people for the East and England.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6

    Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkinson visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson at Gold Hill Monday.

"Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, March 9, 1902, page 20

    Miss Sadie Amann met with quite a serious accident last Monday. She was doing the family washing, and in rubbing a garment over the washboard in which a large sewing needle was sticking, the point of the needle struck the fleshy part of her right thumb and penetrated that member to quite a depth and broke in two, one part remaining in the thumb. The young lady came to Dr. Pickel's office, where the X-ray was turned on the thumb, and by it the needle was located between the bones, and three incisions were necessary to be made before the needle could be removed. The wound was dressed and the young lady is getting along all right, but it will be several weeks at best before she can use her hand. Dr. Pickel was assisted by Mrs. Osborne. It was only a short time ago that Mrs. Amann, mother of Sadie, met with an accident to her right hand, and from the effects of which she has not yet fully recovered. She was "shooing" some hens out of the yard when her hand came in contact with a sharp scythe which was hanging in a tree, making an ugly wound in the back of her hand, severing the skin for several inches.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 7

    John Osborne left for San Francisco Saturday morning, where he will seek employment at his trade as a cabinet maker. Mr. Osborne has many friends in Medford who will wish him all success in his new locality.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 6

    Mrs. John Osborne expects to leave on July 5th for San Francisco, at which place her husband has been for a couple of months and where he is employed at his trade, carpentering, at which he gets $4 for eight hours' work. Ofttimes he works over time and makes $6 and $7 a day. These people have been residents of our city for several years and have made many friends, all of whom will regret that they are to locate elsewhere. Mrs. Osborne is a trained nurse and has been almost constantly employed for the past three years. She will not follow her profession in the city.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 27, 1902, page 6

    Mrs. John Osborne, a professional nurse who has been a resident of Medford for four years, leaves Thursday morning for San Francisco to join her husband, who is employed as carpenter. Mrs. Osborne has a large circle of friends here who regret to have her leave Medford.
"Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, July 3, 1902, page 3

    The people of the M.E. Church gave Mrs. Olive Osborne a farewell reception at the home of Mrs. E. M. Rose, in West Medford, on Wednesday evening of this week. The guests were delightfully entertained with instrumental and vocal music and literary selections. The evening was filled with many pleasant features, and even to the sages present perplexing and mysterious things were revealed. The many friends of this worthy lady regret her leaving our city.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6

    Mr. Osborne, ye host of the Tolman Springs, is a very accommodating man, and makes things very pleasant for everyone, being ably seconded by Mrs. O.
"Tolman Springs News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1902, page 3    I can't confirm that this couple is John and Olivia Osborne.

The Osborne family, circa 1905
John, Olivia and Eva Jane Osborne, circa 1905

    Mayor Howard has issued an edict to the saloon keepers in Medford which is in substance that they positively must not sell or give to certain habitual tipplers liquor in any form. He has named a number of such individuals and has said to the saloon keeper that if his order is not observed their licenses will be revoked. He has others on his list whom he intends prohibiting from imbibing in the flowing bowl. There are towns and cities in the eastern states where the pictures of the inebriates are hunt on the walls of saloons--to prevent saloon men from forgetting how those look to whom no "booze" is to be sold.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 5, 1906, page 5   This is the only known reference to an alcohol "blacklist" before John Osborne's death.

    George Merritt, who has been suffering from an attack of appendicitis for some time, does not improve as rapidly as his friends could wish. Mrs. Osborne, a trained nurse of Medford, arrived Sunday evening to take charge of the case.
"Local and Personal," Central Point Herald, January 3, 1907

South Medford precinct, Medford, Oregon

Olivia Osborne, 49, head of household, home nurse, came to U.S. 1890
John Osborne, 48, house carpenter, came to U.S. 1885
Eva Osborne, 14
U.S. Census, enumerated April 23-25, 1910

    A most enjoyable dinner was given Saturday evening to the graduate nurses of this city by Mrs. Osborne and Miss Earhart at the pretty Osborne home, 512 South Oakdale. The dining room was tastefully decorated with masses of red geraniums and scarlet sage. Covers were laid for twelve. A large cut glass bowl filled with red geraniums was used as a centerpiece, while beautifully shaded red candles adorned each end of the table.
    During the evening a Jackson County Graduate Nurses' Club was organized with the following officers: President Mrs. O. E. Osborne; vice-president Miss Earhart; secretary Mrs. Coggins, R.N.; treasurer Miss Blood, R.N.
    The club planned to hold regular monthly meetings and hopes to be favored with lectures from the local medical fraternity and papers by the different nurses.
    The invited guests who enjoyed Mrs. Osborne's and Miss Earhart's hospitality were: Miss McCracken, R.N.; Miss Blood, R.N.: Miss Coggins, R.N.; Miss McDonough, Miss Ely, Miss Hisey, Miss Foot, Mis Roberts and Mrs. Hisey.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1910, page 9

    The Graduate Nurses' Association of Medford were entertained Tuesday evening in royal manner by Mrs. O. E. Osborne at her residence on South Oakdale Avenue.
    Dr. Pickel and Dr. Conroy read interesting papers in line with work of the trained nurse. Miss Julia Earhart told of the work at the noted St. Mary's Hospital at Rochester, Minnesota.
    The Medford nurses decided to establish a central nurses' directory, which will give physicians and the people generally an opportunity to get quick response when a nurse is needed.
Medford Sun, December 4, 1910, page 1    St. Mary's was the founding hospital of the Mayo Clinic, operated by William Worrall Mayo and sons.

Olivia Osborne's application, registered nurse number 1. Note her photograph, upper left.

Page 2.

Page 3.

Examining Nurses Named.
    SALEM, Or., May 27.--(Special.)--Members of the State Board of Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses were named today by Governor West and are: Mrs. Olivia E. Osborne, Medford, three-year term; Mrs. Frances McLane, Portland, two-year term; Miss Helen E. Jones, Portland, one-year term. The terms of all of the members end on April 1 of the respective years. Members of this board were selected from five names prepared and transmitted to the Governor by the Trained Nurse Association.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 28, 1911, page 6

    STATE NURSE BOARD MEETS.--The Oregon state board for the examination and registration of graduate nurses held its first meeting recently. Mrs. O. E. Osborne, of 512 Oakdale Avenue, Medford, Or., is president, and Miss Helen E. Jones, of 374 Third Street, Portland, is secretary and treasurer. Graduate nurses wishing to apply for registration are required to send the names and addresses to the secretary [so] that blanks may be forwarded
"City News in Brief," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 22, 1911, page 11

    Promptly at the appointed hour, guests began to arrive on the beautiful lawn at the residence of Mrs. Osborne on South Oakdale Avenue Wednesday, and during the afternoon 60 or more gathered to enjoy the pleasures of a garden party. The lawn and vine-covered veranda were soon filled, and some resorted indoors, drawn thereto by the bewitching strains of the high school mandolin club, led by Professor Root, who entertained with their sweet music during the afternoon. There were also several readings of a high order, vocal numbers and piano duet, which afforded variety and entertainment for all. Delicious refreshments of oranges and pineapple sherbet, accompanied by various kinds of cake, served on the lawn, added to the comfort and enjoyment of the guests, and when the time of departure arrived each one was reluctant to leave and expressed themselves as extremely grateful to the hostess for so charmingly entertaining the Ladies' Aid and friends, and the occasion will not soon be forgotten by any who were present.
*   *   *
    The home of Mrs. O. E. Osborne, 512 Oakdale Avenue, South, was thrown open Wednesday afternoon to the ladies of the M. E. Church and their friends, who gave a most delightful garden party. About 69 ladies were present. Misses Eva Osborne, Marie Seely and Bernice Balcom assisted in serving ices and cake, and a pleasing musical program was rendered by Mrs. Van Scoyoc, Mrs. Bliton, Mrs. Philbrook, Mrs. Sites, Mrs. Walker and the mandolin club. Miss Carder and Miss Seely also gave recitations, and a most delightful afternoon was enjoyed by all.
"Society," Medford Mail Tribune, September 2, 1911, page 3

    The Oregon State Board for the Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses met at the Portland Hotel August 26, 17, 28 with Mrs. O. E. Osborne, Medford, president; Miss Doyle, secretary and treasurer; and Miss Frances McLane in attendance. The applications of eighty-one (81) nurses for membership were received and acted upon. One hundred sixty-five (165) nurses have been registered to date under the waiver.
    Tuesday, August 27, the superintendents of the various recognized training schools met with the board, and a course of instruction was discussed and adopted. Wednesday, August 28, the state association of nurses gave a reception at the Nurses Club, 374 Third Street, for Mrs. Osborne, the president of the state board. The reception was marked by the usual courtesies, beautiful floral decorations and light refreshments.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1912, page 6

Board Is Under Direction Supervision of Governor--
Several Portland Institutions Are Affiliated.

    The Oregon State Board for the Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses met at the Portland Hotel recently with Mrs. O. E. Osborne, of Medford, president; Miss Doyle, secretary and treasurer, and Miss Frances McLane in attendance. The applications of 81 nurses for registration were received and acted upon. To date 165 nurses have been registered under the waiver.
    Superintendents of the various recognized training schools met with the board and a course of instruction was discussed and adopted. The State Association of Nurses gave a reception at the Nurses' Club, 374 Third Street, for Mrs. Osborne, and Miss Tandy gave an interesting report of the 15th annual convention of the American Nurses' Association, which was recently held in Chicago.
    The following hospitals are affiliated with the State' Board of Nurses, and their graduates are eligible to registration: St. Vincent's, Good Samaritan, Multnomah and Sellwood Hospitals and Portland Sanitarium, Portland; St. Mary's Hospital, Astoria; The Dalles Hospital, The Dalles; Granite City Hospital, Ashland, and Salem Hospital, Salem.
    The State Board of Nurses, consisting of three members, is under the direct control of the Governor, who makes the appointments of members, and the constitution and rules are on file with the Secretary of State. The object of the organization is twofold, protection of the profession against those who are not qualified for its duties and also to furnish the public in need of expert service for the care of the sick with a certified list of those who by study and experience are competent to render such service.

Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 8, 1912, page D10

    John Osborne and daughter, Miss Eva, left Saturday for a two weeks' visit to San Francisco and other California cities.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1912, page 2

Contracting Carpenter Well Known in the City Crazed by Craving for Liquor
Which He Could Not Get Horrifies Pedestrians by Suicide.
As Noonday Crowd Is Flocking Homeward
He Climbs to Roof of Hotel and Leaps to His Death.
    John Osborne, a carpenter aged about 45 years, who has resided a number of years in Medford, leaped to his death from the roof of the Hotel Medford at noon today. He struck on the edge of the sidewalk, death being practically instantaneous. Temporary insanity induced by a craving for liquor, which he could not purchase, is believed to be responsible for his rash act.
    A score of people saw Osborne leap to [his] death. The usual noon hour crowd was making its way homeward when Osborne fell; a few were within a few feet of the spot on which he fell. They rushed to his side, but death came with the crash.
    So far as could be learned no one saw Osborne jump. When first noticed he was in mid-air. There is but little doubt, however, but that he jumped, as it would be impossible to fall from the roof, as a waist-high parapet must first be scaled. None of the hotel employees saw him climb to the roof.
    Osborne has recently been a heavy drinker. Friday his wife had him put upon the "blacklist," and when he asked for liquor today he was refused. This evidently preyed on his mind to such an extent that he decided to end his craving for liquor with death.
    Osborne is well known in this city, having been a contracting carpenter here for some time. His wife, Mrs. Olivia Osborne, is one of the leading trained nurses of the city, formerly conducting a hospital here. She is a member of the state board of examining nurses and president of the state association of nurses.
    Osborne leaves two children,  Eva J., of this city, and a son who is in California. He resided at 512 South Oakdale.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1913, page 1

John Osborne's death certificate.
John Osborne's death certificate. Note the "accidental" cause of death and the informant's name--Olivia E. Osborne.

    Temporary Insanity Caused by Drink Blamed for Rash Act--
Funeral Service To Be Held Monday
    John Osborne, a contractor, age 45 years, living in Medford for many years, committed suicide Saturday at noon by leaping from the roof of the Medford Hotel. Temporary insanity, caused by an unsatisfied craving for liquor, prompted the mad act. Death was instantaneous, and scores of people hurrying homeward at the noon hour saw the body hurl through the air and strike the Main Avenue pavement with a sound like the muffled report of a revolver.
    Recently an order of the county court was issued upon the request of relatives and friends of the dead man, asking he be forbidden the sale of liquor. This preyed upon his mind and, coupled with other worries, brought him to an irresponsible condition.
    Just before his leap, Osborne walked into Olmstead's grocery store, and immediately left without a word. He went to the Medford Hotel and asked Henry Wolf, the elevator boy, to take him to the roof, stating that he wished to see the scenery. This was done, and was the last living act of the man before he leaped to his death five stories below.
    The flying body was seen in the air by Dr. Porter, who rushed to his aid after he struck. Osborne struck upon his back, and every bone in his body was broken by the force of the impact. The only outward mark was a slight abrasion on the chin, probably caused by some other accident.
    After reaching the top of the building Osborne evidently feared that he would be stopped, for he rushed to the edge, halted for a moment, and then plunged downward. Mr. Garrison and other eyewitnesses saw the man standing on the edge, wondered what he was doing, and turned away in horror after the leap.
    After the suicide Coroner Kellogg of Gold Hill was called, and an inquest decided unnecessary, the facts of the case being strong.
    Osborne is survived by a wife, daughter and son, the latter living in California. The funeral will be held Monday at two o'clock from the late residence, 512 South Oakdale, the Rev. E. O. Eldridge officiating. The services will be under the auspices of the woodmen of the World, interment in Odd Fellows cemetery.
Medford Sun, April 20, 1913, page 1

    The funeral of John Osborne, who died in this city on Saturday last, was held yesterday from his late residence, 512 South Oakdale Avenue. The services at the house were in charge of Rev. E. O. Eldridge, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
    Mr. Osborne was born in Maidstone, England, and was 51 years of age at the time of his death. He was a man of many sterling qualities and noble traits of character, a devoted husband and father.
    He leaves to mourn him his widow, Mrs. Olivia Osborne, a daughter, Eva, and two sons living in California. His father and two brothers also survive him in England. The services at the grave were in charge of the Woodmen, a lodge of which Mr. Osborne had been a member for years.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1913, page 4

    Mrs. Osborne, who has been attending a meeting of the trained nurses' association of Oregon, of which she is president, is at home again.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1913, page 2

Hospital Graduates Eligible to Registration After Tests.
Certificates to Care for Sick Issued to 255 in September,
Making Total of 418 Since Passage of Measure in 1911.

    The Oregon State Board for the Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses, after thorough investigation of the various hospitals and training schools for nurses, has announced the names of the institutions that have complied with the rules of the examining board. Graduates of these hospitals are eligible for examination by the state board, and if a creditable record is shown the students will receive certificates as registered nurses. The accepted schools are:
    Good Samaritan, St. Vincent's, Multnomah County, Sellwood, Portland Sanitarium, of Portland; Mercy Allied Hospitals, St. Mary's, Astoria; St. Elizabeth's, Baker; Grand Ronde, La Grande; The Dalles: Willamette Sanitarium, Salem.
    At the annual meeting of the State Board of Nurse Examiners, held in Portland September 2 to 6, certificates of registration were issued to 255 nurses, making a total of 418 registered since the law was passed February, 1911, appointing a board to register those nurses whose hospital training meets a standard, the requirements of which are set by the Board. All applicants now are required to pass examinations on subjects pertaining to nursing.
    A feature of the Board meeting was an informal meeting of the superintendents of training schools for nurses in Oregon, one object of which was to form a superintendents' society to promote mutual help in the work of training nurses, to have as nearly as possible a uniform curriculum, and, perhaps, in time to work out a plan for affiliation by which the nurses will receive a more complete education in the smaller schools.
    The members of the state board are: Mrs. O. E. Osborne, president, Medford; Miss Jane V. Doyle, secretary and treasurer, Portland; Miss Frances McLane, Portland.

Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 15, 1913, page 10

    [At the hospital fundraiser in the Cuthbert building, a] wonderfully attractive booth will be the one presided over by Mrs. O. E. Osborne, R.N. Here everything for babies will be displayed, and a model baby will be used to demonstrate the care and dressing of an infant. This booth will be draped in blue and white, with kewpies for decorations.
"Women's Club Notes," Medford Mail Tribune, November 22, 1913, page 3

    Mrs. O. E. Osborne, president Oregon State Board [of] Registered Nurses, has returned from an inspection tour of the nurse training schools.
    Progress is reported along many lines, hospitals and nurses homes being built, teaching equipment improved, special teachers of dietetics, massage and social service engaged.
    Only registered nurses are eligible for hospital positions, Red Cross service, visiting nurse work and social service.
    A list of accredited schools for nurses may be found in the library.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1914, page 6

    The graduating exercises of the Sacred Heart Hospital were held at the St. Mark's Hall last evening. Dr. E. B. Pickel gave the opening address, which proved a most appropriate one. The diplomas were presented by Dr. Emmens, and the presentation of the medals was made by Dr. R. J. Conroy. Followed by a varied musical program, the closing address was made by the Right Rev. Alexander Christie. A song by Herbert Alford was much enjoyed. Two hundred people attended the exercises. The graduating nurses are: Misses Angelina Provost of Ashland, Miss Adalyn Hamlin of this city and Miss Mary K. Barba of Little Shasta, Cal.
Medford Sun, June 9, 1915, page 6

    W. F. Osborne Has Guest--Miss Eva Osborne of Medford, Oregon, is in Santa Clara on a visit to her brother, William F. Osborne.
San Jose Mercury News, January 10, 1916, page 7

    Lecture at the library building at 3 o'clock this afternoon on "Expectant Mothers," by Mrs. Osborne. It was first published that this lecture would be given at the Holland Hotel, but it was subsequently changed to the library hall.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1916, page 2

    Miss Marion Palmer and Miss Eva Osborne have returned to their homes to spend the summer. They have been attending the state normal school at San Jose, California.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1917, page 2

    Miss Eva Osborne spent Easter with her mother, Mrs. Osborne, in Medford, returning to her school on Elk Creek Monday.
"Trail Items," Medford Mail Tribune, April 3, 1918, page 5

    Mrs. O. F. Osborne, who is secretary and treasurer of the state board of nurse examiners, left today for Eugene, Salem, Portland and Astoria to hold examinations for 60 graduate nurses who have applied for enrollment in Red Cross work.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1918, page 2

    Mrs. O. E. Osborne arrived home today from Glacier Park, Mont., where she attended the northwest conference of nurses and visited other parts of the Northwest.

"Local Briefs," Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1919, page 2

    Miss Eva Jane Osborne and Nelson E. Bohall were married Thursday evening, Oct. 16th, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. O. E. Osborne, 512 South Oakdale Ave., by Rev. E. E. Gilbert, a few intimate friends being present.
    The rooms were tastefully decorated in chrysanthemums, the color pink predominating in the living room, while yellow was used in the dining room.
    The bride, who was unattended, wore a beautiful gown of Brittany lace and net made over a foundation of white silk, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and fern.
    The bride is a native daughter of Medford, and was one of the most popular and charming girls of her set.
    Mr. Bohall has recently arrived from Germany, where he was with the American army of occupation, serving there with the 4th engineers.
    Mr. and Mrs. Bohall left soon after the ceremony for Berkeley, Cal., where they will make their home.
"Society," Medford Sun, October 19, 1919, page 6

512 South Oakdale, Medford, Oregon
Olivia Osborne, 59, widow, married 1890, nurse employed at a hospital
Born in Canada, parents born in Canada, naturalized 1898
U.S. Census, enumerated January 12, 1920

    With the reorganization of the Oregon State Graduate Nurses' Association, District No. 4, which includes Jackson and Josephine counties and has its headquarters in Medford, is the establishment of an official registry.
    All nurses, both graduate and practical, whose references and qualifications have been carefully investigated will be privileged to register.
    These nurses will be available by calling Nurses' Registry, telephone number 3494. Mrs. O. E. Osborne, 512 Oakdale Ave. is the registrar.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1930, page 8

    Mrs. O. E. Osborne of 512 South Oakdale, a resident of Medford for the past 28 years, was one of the most feted graduate nurses at the institute in Portland last week, honoring the 25th anniversary of the State Nurses Association, according to reports from the Rose City.
    Introduced as the first member of the examining board in the state of Oregon, and former president for a period of 12 years, as well as the pioneer nurse of Southern Oregon, Mrs. Osborne's participation in the program of the northern city brought much attention to Medford.
    At the pioneer night festivities, she was called upon as the first graduate nurse of Southern Oregon. Dr. Andrew J. Smith, who addressed the state nurses' association 25 years ago, was also called upon for a second address.
    At the banquet at the Heathman Hotel Thursday night, Mrs. Osborne, with Miss Mae Kennedy of the Dunning Institute of Chicago, was initiated into the Mystic Order of the Rose. Each was presented a beautiful bouquet of crimson roses in appreciation of their participation in health work.
    Medford invitation to the association to meet here for the 1933 convention was presented at the same banquet, by Mayor E. M. Wilson. The invitation was first introduced by a stunt prepared in the lobby of the hotel, where an Austin car was placed. The car carried a banner inviting the association to the "biggest little city in the West," and a review of Medford's attractions was listed, with especial attention given to Crater Lake and the pear industry.
    No choice of meeting place for the 1933 convention was made, but will be announced later.
    Other nurses attending the institute with Mrs. Osborne, registrar for the local district, were: Misses Thelma Kent, Blanch Runnels, Phyllis Swearingen, Mabel Coffeen, Martha Hanley and Sister Theresa Agnes.

Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1932, page 10

    The first graduate nurse in Southern Oregon, and a member of the first state nurses' examining board, Mrs. O. E. Osborne of 512 South Oakdale, Medford, will greet graduate nurses today when they assemble from all over Oregon for the annual state convention here.
    Mrs. Osborne came to Southern Oregon 30 years ago, when the hiring of a graduate nurse meant that the patient was very ill indeed. Most of Jackson County's oldest families have called Mrs. Osborne to "tend" their ills, and many owe their lives to her skill.
    "Present-day nurses would laugh at the equipment we used to work with," she said yesterday, as she remembered the trying times they used to have. "We didn't have any hospital here when I first came, and we used kitchen tables for operating tables many times. We used to do all of our operating either in the home or the doctor's office," she said.
    "Dr. Pickel and Dr. Geary both used to work with me," she said, "and we have been in nearly every old home in the valley. Nursing is a wonderful work, and I keep posted on it all the time."
    Mrs. Osborne was graduated from the Illinois Training School, in Chicago, and came to Medford soon afterwards. She was appointed to the first state examining board when that board was created in 1911, and served on the board for 12 years. She is now registrar of both graduate and practical nurses in the Medford district, comprising Jackson and Josephine counties.
Medford News, May 26, 1933, page 1

    Nurse Registrar South--Mrs. O. E. Osborne, registrar here for graduate nurses, will leave tonight for San Francisco. She will remain the bay city until after the holidays, visiting with her daughter, Mrs. N. E. Bohall. During her absence anyone requiring a graduate nurse should call either the Sacred Heart or the Community Hospital.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1935, page 13

    The Medford Hotel was the scene of a banquet held in honor of Mrs. O. E. Osborne, First President of the Oregon Board for Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses. Mrs. Helen Fisher, President of the Oregon State Graduate Nurses' Association, was guest speaker. About forty graduate nurses attended.
"State News," The Oregon Nurse, February 1936, page 10

    The eight-hour schedule for private duty nursing has been in effect for the past three months, and is proving very satisfactory.
    Mrs. Olivia Osborne recently attended a meeting with nurses in Grants Pass, at which time plans were discussed in the interest of reorganizing the district in that vicinity.
    A great loss to the nursing profession, and to the community, was felt in the death of Dr. R. W. Sleeter.

The Oregon Nurse, April 1938, page 3

    On November 14 a silver tea was given at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Hayes honoring Mrs. O. E. Osborne, who is the Number One registered nurse in Oregon. Mrs. Linnie Laird was the guest speaker. The proceeds will go to the OSNA Educational Loan Fund. A special district meeting was held at the Community Hospital in the evening.

"District No. 4--Medford," The Oregon Nurse, December 1938, page 10

    Visiting in the District on November 23 were Miss Templin and Mrs. Laird, at which time a special meeting was held at the home of Mrs. O. E. Osborne. The discussions on registration and organization were both interesting and informative.

"District No. 4--Medford," The Oregon Nurse, January 1940, page 4

    Mrs. Olivia Dyre Osborne, one of Oregon's first trained nurses, passed away at a local hospital Friday afternoon following six weeks' illness. Mrs. Osborne, the first registered nurse in the state, was for many years an active member of the Oregon state examining board for nurses, having been appointed upon formation of that body by Governor Ben Olcott. She was an honorary member of the Oregon State Nurses Association and well known in nursing and medical circles throughout the state.
    She came to Medford in 1895, before the city had any hospitals, and until her death conducted the official District 4 registry for graduate nurses. Her home was at 512 South Oakdale Avenue.
    During Mrs. Osborne's long connection with nursing and the healing art she had seen great development and many changes in techniques. She retained a keen interest in her profession throughout the years, and during her long and active career she gave unstintingly both to her work, her sister nurses and her community.
    Mrs. Osborne was a graduate of the Illinois Training School connected with the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. For a number of years she was assistant superintendent of the Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago.
    A lifelong member of the Methodist Church and daughter of a Methodist minister, Olivia Dyre was born in South Hampton, Ontario, Canada. She was united in marriage to John Osborne in 1895, coming to Medford as a bride in that year. Mr. Osborne passed away here in 1913.
    Mrs. Osborne is survived by a brother, Milton Dyre, Calgary, Alberta, one daughter, Mrs. Eva Jane Bohall, and four grandchildren, all of San Francisco.
    Funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. L. F. Belknap in the Conger chapel, at 10:30 a.m. Monday. Interment will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery.
    Pall bearers will be William Warner, H. C. Best, Frank Van Dyke, C. H. Paske, Berthold Barnum and C. H. Gile.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1942, page 12

    Mrs. Olivia Dyre Osborne died Friday, March 27, in Medford, Oregon. Mrs. Osborne, the first registered nurse in the state, was for many years an active member of the Oregon State Board for Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses, having been appointed by Governor Ben Olcott when that group was first formed.
    It was through her untiring efforts that the law governing the registration of nurses was passed. Subsequently, on October, 19, 1911 she became the first registered nurse in Oregon. She served on the Board from 1911 to 1923 and was elected the first president, serving in that capacity until 1918; later she was elected secretary, serving for a period of five years.
    During these early years much was accomplished, the curriculum was revised, and entrance requirements raised, thus all applicants had to be high school graduates. It was through state legislation that the period of training was raised from two years to three years, and all schools not meeting the new requirements were closed.
    Not only was Mrs. Osborne interested in creating a high educational standard for nursing, she was also interested in the nurse as an individual. Mrs. Osborne's fine contribution to nursing was given recognition at the silver anniversary of the State Nurses convention in 1927, and the same year she was made an honorary member of District Number Four in Medford. It was through Mrs. Osborne's initiative that the nurses registration at Medford was established, which she directed until the time of her last illness. So with her passing we have lost a staunch friend who gave unstintingly of her time and energy for the advancement of nursing.
    Mrs. Osborne, who was Olivia Dyre, was born in South Hampton, Ontario, Canada. She was the daughter of a Methodist minister and was a lifelong member of that church.
    Mrs. Osborne was a graduate of the Illinois Training School connected with the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. The first year after her graduation she held the position of night supervisor at the Cook County Hospital. The year following was spent as head nurse at the Presbyterian Hospital in Chicago. After this time she devoted her time to caring for private patients for fifteen years.
    In 1895 she came to Medford, Oregon as a bride of John Osborne.
    Mrs. Osborne is survived by a brother, Milton Dyre, Calgary, Alberta, one daughter, Mrs. Eva Jane Bohall, and four grandchildren, all of San Francisco.
The Oregon Nurse, April 1942, page 2

Pioneer Nurse Called Beyond
    Mrs. Olivia Dyre Osborne, first registered nurse to locate in the state of Oregon, died in a Medford hospital Friday following a six weeks' illness. She had made her home in Medford since 1895, coming here before the city had any hospitals. Until her death she operated the official District 4 registry for graduate nurses and had recently conducted the doctors exchange. She was an honorary member of the Oregon State Nurses Association and was for many years an active member of the Oregon state examining board for nurses, having been appointed by Governor Ben Olcott.
    Mrs. Osborne obtained her training in the Presbyterian Hospital of Chicago, of which she was for a number of years assistant superintendent.
    As Olivia Dyre she was united in marriage to John Osborne in 1895, coming with him to Medford that same year. Mr. Osborne preceded her in death in 1913. She is survived by a brother, Milton Dyre of Calgary, Canada, and one daughter, Mrs. Eva Jane Bohall, and four grandchildren in San Francisco.
    Funeral services were held at the Conger chapel here Monday morning with the following friends acting as pall bearers: William Warner, H. C. Best, Frank Van Dyke, Dr. C. H. Paske, Berthold Barnum and C. H. Gile. The Rev. L. F. Belknap conducted the service. Mrs. Osborne was a lifelong member of the Methodist Church and the daughter of a Methodist minister.
Medford News, April 3, 1942, page 1

Mrs. Olivia Dyre Osborne (class of 1892, Illinois Training School for Nurses, Chicago, Illinois) on March 27 at the Community Hospital, Medford, Oregon. For fifteen years Mrs. Osborne did private duty nursing. In 1895, as a bride, she went to Medford, Oregon, and it was through her untiring efforts that the law governing the registration of nurses in that state was passed. Subsequently, in 1911, she became the first registered nurse in Oregon. She served on the Board of Nurse Examiners from 1911 and 1923 and was elected its first president, serving in that capacity until 1918. Later, a selected secretary, she served the Board for five years.
    Mrs. Osborne was interested not only in creating a high educational standard for nursing but also in the nurse as an individual. Her fine contribution to nursing was given recognition at the silver anniversary of the Oregon State Nurses Association in 1927, and the same year she was made an honorary member of District 4 of the state association. It was through her initiative that the nurses registration at Medford was established which she directed until the time of her last illness.
American Journal of Nursing, June 1942, page 718

Last revised August 13, 2024