![]() ![]() Mining Notes 1906-1957 Refer also to the general news reports, and: Mining Notes 1851-1870 Mining Notes 1871-1890 Mining Notes 1891-1897 Mining Notes 1898-1905 A Good Year's Progress in
Southern Oregon Mines
The fifty-third mining season for the Southern Oregon district has
closed. In many respects it was a notable one. There have been
prosperous mining seasons for this district--prosperous in the sense of
direct benefit to the toilers over sluice and shovel. It was a poor
season for the majority of the surface miners, because of the lack of
rain, for lack of rain means a poor water supply in the hydraulic
ditches, and a necessary decrease of virgin gold output. The present
season is also opening up dry; or, rather, it has not opened up at all,
because of the dryness and the absolute absence of moisture. Two
unfavorable seasons in succession is a severe test on the surface
digger's faith. The beans and bacon are getting low in a number of
cabins, and the wolf is howling on the mountainside.By Dennis H. Stovall. Indirectly the uncommon seasons of dryness will prove of benefit to Southern Oregon. It will force attention to quartz mining, and teach less dependence upon the surface digger. For 50 years and longer this section of Oregon has been, preeminently, a placer mining district. The gold of the placer mines has been almost a necessity, and a short cleanup in the sluices is seriously felt in all lines of trade and business. There is yet much hope expressed in the tardy coming of the heavy rains. Much snow has already fell on the mountains, and two or three weeks' warm rain would give an abundant water supply. This will undoubtedly be the outcome of the present season, and a very fair run of the giants in all the diggings will yet be enjoyed before the north wind breathes its breath of summer. Increase of Stamps and Plants.
Though the season has been short on placer mining, it has been long on
quartz development and equipment. Several new properties that were only
prospects a year ago are now dropping stamps, and are numbered among
the producers of the district.There are now some 25 mines equipped with mills and treating plants in Southern Oregon. These mills represent a total of 200 stamps, an increase of 30 over the number in the district last year. Most of these mills are in operation, and have been for several years, but a number have been built this season, and some have just been placed in recent months. Some of the mills have increased their batteries since last season, because of the scattering showing of the ledges. At the present time several properties are being equipped, among them being the Gold Pick mine, of Bolan Creek district, and the Higgins mine of Chetco. Each of these properties are remote, and neither will be in shape to begin work before next spring. A five-stamp mill is being placed on the Gold Pick, and a ten-stamp mill on the Higgins. The mill and machinery for the latter property is being packed in by "cayuse freight" over a treacherous mountain trail. Mines Operating Mills.
The mines of Southern Oregon with mills
areGreenback, Grave Creek district, 40 stamps; Greenback Mining Company, New York, owner, William Breevort manager, R. N. Bishop superintendent. Granite Hill, Grants Pass or Louse Creek district, 20 stamps; American Gold Fields Company, Chicago, owner; W. J. Morphy manager, Lloyd Wickersham superintendent. Oro Fino, Jumpoff Joe district. 50-ton cyanide plant, equivalent to 15 stamps; S. Chase owner and manager, associated with Portland mining men. Baby, Jumpoff Joe district, 3 stamps; Capital City Gold Mining Company, Sacramento, Cal., owner; Rev. L. C. Adams secretary and manager. Lucky Queen, Jumpoff Joe district, 10 stamps; Lucky Queen Gold Mining and Milling Company, Spokane, owner; Frank South manager and superintendent. Hammersley, Jumpoff Joe district, 10 stamps; F. H. Osgood, Seattle, owner and manager. Yellowhorn, Placer, 5 stamps; Yellow Horn Mining Company, owner; Henry Conger manager and superintendent. Vulcan, Placer, 5 stamps: Auten & Bogue, Placer, owners and managers. Kremer, Mount Reuben district, 5 stamps; Willis Kremer, Myrtle Creek, Oregon, owner and manager. Gold Bug, Mount Reuben district, 5 stamps; 30-ton cyanide plant; Gold Bug Mining Company owners and managers. Ajax, Mount Reuben district, 5 stamps; Ajax Mining Company, Leland, owner; Colonel F. Blaisdell manager. Golden Wedge, Galice district, 5 stamps; owned by Maryland people; Georgy W. Kirkley, Galice, Oregon, manager. Eureka, Selma or Soldier Creek district, 10 stamps; Eureka Mining Company, Eureka, Cal., owner; A. F. Nelson, Selma, manager and superintendent. Bone of Contention, Williams district, 8 stamps; Williamsburg Mining Company, Portland, owner; T. F. Catterlin, manager and superintendent. Rising Star, Williams district, 5 stamps, not in operation because of litigation. Mountain Lion, Applegate or Murphy district, 5 stamps; Harmon, Jewell & Bailey Bros., Grants Pass, owners; L. L. Jewell, Grants Pass, superintendent. Alder Gulch, Murphy or Applegate district, 5 stamps; Alder Gulch Mining Company, Grants Pass, owner; W. T. Perry, Grants Pass, superintendent. Homestake, Evans Creek district, 10 stamps; Homestake Mining & Milling Company, Gold Hill, Oregon, owners and managers. Braden, Gold Hill district, 10 stamps; Dr. C. R. Ray of Condor Water & Power Company, Gold Hill, owner and manager. Bill Nye, Gold Hill district, 5 stamps; Bill Nye Mining Company, Gold Hill, Oregon, owners and managers. Shorty-Hope, Ashland district, 10 stamps; Shorty-Hope Mining & Milling Company, Ashland, owners and managers. Oregon Belle, Forest Creek district, 10 stamps; New York & Western Mines Company, Amsterdam, New York, owner; Foster & Gunnell, Grants Pass, managers. Opp, Jacksonville district, 10 stamps;: New York & Western Mines Company, owner; Foster & Gunnell, Grants Pass, managers. Electric Power for Mines.
Te the above list the Greenback, Opp and Homestake mines are operated
by electric power, and the Granite Hill and other properties are
preparing to make the change from steam to electricity. The power line
has been completed to the Granite Hill, and as soon as the transformers
and electric equipment is placed the change will be perfected. The
Greenback has been using electric power for the past two months, as has
the big dredger of Champlin & Company. on Foots Creek.Energy for this purpose is supplied by the gigantic plant of the Condor Water & Power Company at Gold Ray. This company has strung over 300 miles of aluminum wire power line this season, going south as far as Ashland, and north to the Greenback, of northern Josephine County. From Ashland to Greenback is 66 miles, which represents the distance over which this company has already stretched its wires, and between these two extremes side and sub-lines are strung into all of the districts, as well as to the towns and cities between. Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville, Central Point, Gold Hill and Grants Pass are all supplied electricity by the Condor company. The Greenback is using 200 horsepower, and the Granite Hill has contracted for the same amount. Electricity is not only more convenient but is far more economical than steam. It is more regular, is no trouble to generate, is always ready, and can be conveyed to the deepest levels of a mine without loss, or without causing the great uncomfort of extreme and smothering heat. This proves a great advantage in all properties that are required to do much pumping from the lower levels, as is the case with nearly all Southern Oregon mines. The use of electricity for power purposes also saves the fine timber on the mining claims for better purposes than that of cutting it up for fuel. If the development and growth of the Southern Oregon district for the past year was confined to the progress and accomplishment of the Condor company alone, it would be one to which every citizen of this section of the state could point with pride. Progress in Copper Mining.
This was the first really successful year in the operation of the
copper mines of Waldo district. The mines have been under development
for a number of years, but this summer witnessed the first successful
season of operation for the new Takilma smelter. The plant was blown in
the latter part of June, and though it was obliged to close down alter
three months' work, because of the impassable condition of the 45 miles
of mountain road over which the matte and coke must be hauled by wagon,
the smelter turned out in that time about 2000 tons of matte. When
refined this product gave good returns in both gold and copper; in
truth, the showing made was far above the expectations of the Takilma
Smelting Company.During the season of operation the Takilma company employed a freight train of 125 horses and mules, and these were continually on the road between Grants Pass and Takilma, hauling out the matte for shipment to Tacoma, and carrying in coke to the smelter. Manager Charles Tutt of the Takilma Smelting Company had personal charge of the plant during the greater part of the season. An average of 100 tons daily was treated in the smelter. Besides the crew employed about the smelter and on the road and in the woods, a number of men were also employed in the mines of the company, and are still at work, developing the immense body of ore. Just as the smelter closed down a large body of high-grade copper was uncovered in the Queen of Bronze, and strikes of like importance have subsequently been made in the mines of the Waldo Smelting & Mining Company, which has interests in the smelter, and whose properties are grouped in and about the smelter. The worth of the mines of the Waldo copper district is no longer a conjecture. The size and richness of the ledges is a certainty, and when the district is given a railroad (as it surely will in the not distant future), Waldo will be known to the mining world as one of the West's greatest mining centers. The Amount of Gold Produced.
The year's output of gold for this district, if accurately computed,
would easily total the $1,500,000 mark, and would probably reach
$2,000,000. This is far above the figures that will be given out by the
mint reports, but they come nearer the truth than the
documentary evidence of Uncle Sam's coinage house. The truth of this is
not far to seek. Oregon, both in its eastern and western districts, is
without methods of refining. The products of its mines comes forth in a
crude state, and must be sent to the refineries and mints of other
states to be shaped for the stamp of Uncle Sam. Those states derive the
best of credit, to which they are entitled by right of greater
enterprise along this particular line.The Greenback mine alone, of Southern Oregon, produces about $300,000 annually, which is nearly half of the entire amount credited to this state by the mint reports. And the Greenback, though a rich mine, is but one of many that are adding their quota to Oregon's total. The shortness of the placer gold output will not materially affect the general output of gold from Southern Oregon this year, since the greater development and operation of quartz mines has brought greater returns from that source. But this year, as always before, Southern Oregon, like all other mining districts of Oregon, must not expect full credit, nor half credit, for its metal output from the mint reports, and not until Oregon has its own smelters and refineries will the state derive all that is due her mines and mining districts for the output of precious metals and minerals. Production of Platinum.
Au unofficial report of the production of platinum from the placer
mines of Southern Oregon this year puts the figures at 50 ounces. This
may seem small, but when it is considered that the entire output of the
United States last year, according to the report of the United States
Geological Survey, was about 110 ounces, the figures assume an entirely
different aspect. About one third of the total amount saved in
Oregon came from the Deep Gravel hydraulic mines of Waldo district,
where Manager Wimer made an especial effort to save the metal.No serious attempt has ever been made to save the platinum sands of the old channel placer deposits of Southern Oregon. Miners have known of it for many years, but have had no inclination to save the stuff because of the tediousness of the work. But those who, this season and last, took the trouble to save the platinum have met with very flattering success, and encouragement is given others to follow their example. The method Manager Wimer of the Deep Gravel mines pursued was that of simple panning over vats or tubs of still water. Previously, undercurrents, special sluices and various devices have been tried, but were not a success, or required so much time and attention that the busy placer miner, absorbed in saving the gold, was required to give them up. The plan of Mr. Wimer, and [by] which he was able to save some 18 ounces of platinum at one cleanup, is that of leaving the metal alone till the sluices are cleaned, and gather up at that time with the gold. By the customary method of scooping the black sand and gold into piles on the sluice floor, at cleanup, and in running water, means a total loss of the platinum. The flaky particles, closely adhered to the black sand, are easily disturbed, and are washed away by the running water as soon as the miner begins scooping up the mass of metal and debris that has settled between the riffles. The method of saving, therefore, becomes the simple method of allowing no water to run in the sluices when cleaning up, but to scoop up the whole mass and pan out over vats or tubs. The first panning is for the gold, allowing the black sand and platinum to boil over. But instead of being washed away, they settle to the bottom of the vat, and are later scooped up The second panning separates the platinum from the black sand. This requires very careful panning, but is easily accomplished if the miner allows ample margin of patience and time. Gold Dredging.
Thousands of acres of placer and dredging ground have been bonded along
the Applegate and Rogue rivers this year by the Oroville and other big
dredging companies of the West. Both the Oroville and Waldo Smelting
& Mining Company have had steam drills at work prospecting the
ground bonded.The operations of the Champlin dredger on Foots Creek have been highly successful this year. The dredge was idle for several months, but it was closed down to make the change from steam to electric power. Champlin & Company have several hundred acres of good dredging ground on Foots Creek, all of which will bring excellent returns. The dredger has been making a weekly cleanup of from $1500 to $3000. In the Sucker Creek district the Sucker Creek Mining Company has this year carried on a work of investigation upon their holdings, sinking shafts down to bedrock at regular intervals across a broad valley channel, three miles in width. The tests made have been very encouraging to the company, and will no doubt result in a fleet of "gold ships" being launched on the Illinois River. Mines Enlarging Equipments.
As already hinted, much has been done this past year along the line of
mill and plant enlargement on many Southern Oregon mines. The
Greenback, aside from making the change from steam to electricity, has
also added 10 stamps to its lower mill, giving a total battery of 50
stamps. The capacity of this mine is now about 180 tons daily. The
cyanide plant is not used to its full capacity, as fully 90 percent of
the assay values of the ore are caught on the plates and concentrators,
and the small amount left to the tailings and slimes is not sufficient
to allow margin for cyaniding. The big cyanide plant of the property
will be found useful, no doubt, when a depth of 1700 or 2000 feet is
reached, as will be done in a very few seasons. The Greenback ledge is
now tapped at a depth of 1400 feet, and ore is being removed between
this deeper level and the 900-foot level. The ledge shows up strong and
firm on the 1400, and the management feels satisfied that it will not
be found lacking when the 2000-foot level is reached.The Granite Hill mill has 10 more stamps than it dropped a year ago, an additional 10 having been placed this last summer. This increase in milling capacity was found necessary because of the growth of the ore reserve and the general flattering showing of the property. The mine is now being developed by drift and stope 00 the 500-foot level, and the ledge is getting firmer and stronger with depth. The rapid growth of the Granite Hill mine hasy made a bustling mining camp about the property. It has been designated as a post office by the Postal Department, and has daily mail and stage from Grants Pass. The new mills on the Oregon Belle of Forest Creek, Bill Nye of Gold Hill district, and Homestake of Evans Creek district began operations early in the year, and have been steadily at work day and night. Each of these properties promise big things to their owners, and have attained a permanent place on the list of Oregon gold producers. This year also witnessed the first successful operation in Southern Oregon of a placer mine operated by artificial power. The Golden Drift Mining Company has proved that placer mining can be done by a pumping plant. Its battery of giants have been in constant operation, day and night, all of this year. Lack of rain has been no hindrance, as the Rogue, with its everlasting source--the snows of the Cascades--has been the source or supply both in water and power. The successful operation of the two giants employed has led the Golden Drift Company to enlarge its power supply by the addition of more turbines. Another 5-step centrifugal pump of the same capacity of the one now at work will be placed. The big pump has a capacity of 19,000 gallons per minute, and delivers this enormous volume to the giant nozzles under a pressure of 140 pounds to the square inch. It is this method of mining that will completely solve the problem of slight water supply in Southern Oregon, and overcome the embarrassment of waiting for rain. Mineral Wealth, Redding, January 1, 1906, pages 1-3 Jackson County.
Electric power has been put in at the Homestake mine near Woodville.
The electric current is to be supplied by the Condor company by a
branch line from the Gold Ray-Grants Pass main line. Josephine County.
A. C. Hoofer states that at the Mt. Pitt mine on Jumpoff Joe, near
Grants Pass, there is 1,100 ft. of tunnel on the property. A compressor
and power drills are to be put in. The power will be had from a water
wheel."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 13, 1906, page 31 This picture is that of the remains of an old-time arrastra, the pioneer quartz mill of the California and Southern Oregon mines. The Mexicans were the first inventors and makers of the arrastra. They were next introduced into California, and Southern Oregon, following the discovery of gold there during the fifties. In nearly all of the mining districts of this section are to be found the remains of one or more arrastras, relics of the gold-fevered days of half a century ago. The principal feature of the arrastra was the vertical axis and its horizontal arms. To these arms two huge stones were attached and dragged about in a circular pit, over a smooth, stone floor. The ore, broken into small bits, was fed into this pit and ground into a powder by the revolving stones, A small stream of water running through the pit turned the powder into a thin paste and washed it out through a sluice provided with riffles, into which the free gold sank. The water and waste flowed on and off. In Mexico and California the motive power for the arrastra was usually a patient mule, but in the case of the one here pictured, as in many others in Southern Oregon, a stream of water was convenient and furnished the power. The old water wheel, seen in the left of the picture, still stands, but the wooden conduit that brought the water down has long since crumbled to decay. The pit into which the ore was fed is seen in the right-hand corner of the picture, and the old wooden cog wheels all remain intact above it. Mineral Wealth, Redding, January 15, 1906, pages 1-3 Progress in Southern Oregon Mines
Heavy snows and rains have been raging for the past three weeks in
Southern Oregon, and placer mining is now on full blast ino all
districts. Even the "dry gulch" mines have a sluice-head,
and the
operators of these are hard at work washing down the gravel of the
shallow though rich diggings. In many districts snow is piled to a
depth of two and three feet. This will ensure plenty of water for late
spring and summer operation, so that, despite the tardiness of the
rains, the season will be a good one, as nearly all mines, great and
small, will work till a later date than usual. The Rogue, Applegate,
and Illinois rivers, which have been at a very low level for nearly a
year, are now on a rampage, having been brought up with a roar by the
sudden melting of the heavy snows.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. A new enterprise for the developing of power for mining and other purposes is being built on Rogue River. It is that of the Gold Hill Canal Company, and is located near Gold Hill, between the power dams of the Condor Water & Power Company, and of the Golden Drift Mining Company. The Gold Hill Canal Company is comprised of Indianapolis men, all of whom are reputed to be wealthy and fully able to back the enterprise with necessary capital. The company bought the plant and business of J. J. Houck & A. L. Houck at Gold Hill, and will completely rebuild and enlarge it. A canal, or race, similar to that of the Condor company, is being blasted out of the solid rock, and the waters of Rogue River turned into it by a concrete dam. A fall of 23 feet is attained, and 21,000 horsepower developed. This is to be distributed to the mines and mining districts of Southern Oregon. A force of men is now at work stringing poles and wires to the Millionaire and Bill Nye mines, and the first power developed by the new enterprise will be used by these two mines. Excitement and interest in copper has increased in Southern Oregon over a third rich strike made in the old Queen of Bronze mine, at Takilma, of Waldo district. The strike was made on the main Queen of Bronze lode, and in the property that supplies the bulk of copper ore for the Takilma smelter. This third strike is bigger and richer than the two previous strikes made during the past three months on the Queen of Bronze. The vein matter of the ledge consists of a black and red oxide of copper, and contains from 35 to 65 percent pure metal. Several chunks of pure copper have been removed. The opening of these two remarkably rich bodies of copper will afford the richest supply of ore for the smelter that has ever been uncovered in the Waldo district. The Cyanide Gold Mining Company of Ashland is preparing to operate its mines on an extensive and modern basis. The company owns a large body of exposed ore and gravel near Ashland. It is both a decomposed ore and a sediment deposit or cemented quartz gravel, carrying values in gold, cinnabar and platinum. The company contemplates placing a reduction plant peculiarly adapted to the treatment and reduction of the body of gravel. The plant will consist of a series of crushers to reduce the mass to proper fineness, and a system of cyanide tanks to treat the base matter by cyaniding. The tailings will be concentrated to save the platinum, and the concentrates roasted to save the quicksilver. The nature of the body of gravel and quartz, and the occurrence of the three metals, gold, cinnabar and platinum, presents a combination that is seldom found, and possibly the only one that can be put to practical use in Oregon. A promising gold ledge has been uncovered on the residence property of John Maupin, of Ashland. Mr. Maupin only recently purchased the property, and while making improvements uncovered a seven-foot ledge. The vein matter is a bluish quartz and assays prove values of from $10 to $12 a ton. The proposition will be developed sufficiently to determine its true character and value. The Oregon Klondike hydraulic placer mine, of Murphy district, near Grants Pass, has made a change in management, K. J. Kubli selling his half interest in the mine to his partner, J. E. Swinden. Mr. Swinden will improve the placers, and shape them for more extensive operation. The mines consist of a rich old channel. The mines are from 7 to 20 feet deep, and carry good values in coarse gold. Nuggets of $100 value have frequently been found. One giant is operated. The Waldo Smelting & Mining Company, which has heavy interests in the copper mines and smelter of the Waldo district, Southern Oregon, is now centering its operations in the development and equipment of the Monumental mines, as operations cannot be followed at Waldo during the winter. The Monumental is located on Shelly Creek, Del Norte County, California, but is reached from the Oregon side of the Siskiyou Mountains by way of the stage road from Grants Pass. A great amount of machinery has been taken out to the mine recently. This was brought down by steamer from San Francisco to Crescent City, and hauled by wagons over the mountains to the property. Col. T. W. M. Draper, of San Francisco, has charge of the Monumental for the Waldo Smelting & Mining Company. A large force is employed, both in the mine and on the surface. A large mill house is being built, and cyanide tanks erected. The mill is of the roller type, and in conjunction with the cyanide plant, will offer the proper method for the treatment of the character of ore supplied by the wide ledge of the Monumental. Manager Henry Booth of the Golden Standard mine of Pickett Creek district has placed a crew developing the property and getting the mine in shape to receive the vast amount of equipment that is soon to be placed. The Golden Standard was recently taken over by Metzger & Haviland, of Ohio, for $100,000, the property having been held under bond by these people since July. The new owners have agreed to place $80,000 worth of machinery on the Golden Standard this winter and next spring. In the meantime the property will be well developed. The Golden Standard is a base copper and gold proposition, and its ores is smelting. To begin with, the plant will have a capacity of 100 tons, but it will be enlarged as the showing of the mine warrants. A better wagon road is being built from the mine to Merlin, the nearest railway point, and the ore will be shipped to Tacoma till the smelter is built on the property. The Capital City Gold Mining Company of Sacramento, Calif., has placed a larger crew and begun development on a much larger scale on its property, the Baby, of Jumpoff Joe district. There is a large ore body blocked out on the Baby, and the mill will be operated continually. The work of this year will be followed on plans outlined by F. E. Wilson of Sana Francisco, the consulting engineer for the company. The stockholders of the company met in Grants Pass this week and elected officers and directors. John C. Adams was elected president: S. G. Adams, secretary and manager; George E. Beardsley, treasurer, and Calvin Cobb, J. B. Lyon Jr, and E. A. Bush, directors. The Buckeye Mining & Smelting Company, a Pennsylvania corporation, is developing a splendid copper-gold proposition, the Buckeye, on Slate Creek, near Grants Pass. The company has started in on the new year's work with a vim and enthusiasm that promises great things for the Buckeye. A better wagon road is being built from the main stage road to the mine, and a compressor is being placed. Burley drills will be installed to assist in the development of the property, and a 100-ton smelter will eventually be placed. The stockholders of this company met in Grants Pass this week and elected the following officers: J. M. James, president; W. H. Ramsey, vice-president; W. T. McCoy, secretary. The ledge of the Buckeye is opened by two tunnels. It is a wide lode, and carries values in gold and copper at the rate of from $6 to $20 a ton. The ore is smelting in character. The Martha mine, located three quarters of a mile from the Greenback, is making a splendid showing under the development given it by the Martha Mining Company. This company is composed of the same people that are interested in the Greenback with William Brevoort, of New York, manager. The property will soon begin the treatment and reduction of ore in the Greenback mill, to which it will be conveyed by gravity tram. The Martha ledge is not as wide, but is richer than that of the Greenback. Mineral Wealth, Redding, January 15, 1906, pages 1-2 THREE MEN BLOWN TO PIECES.
Jacksonville, Ore., Jan 18.--Three men
were blown to
pieces by an explosion of giant powder last night in the Opp mine.Associated Press Dispatch by Special Wire The dead: William Broad, Bert Coffman and Fred Johnson. The cause of the explosion has not been determined. Every Evening, Wilmington Daily Commercial, Wilmington, Delaware, January 18, 1906, page 5 FATAL EXPLOSION AT OPP MINE.
One of the most serious accidents in the history of Southern Oregon
mining occurred Wednesday afternoon at the Opp mine, in which three
men, Wm. Broad, Bert Coffman and Fred Johnson, lost their lives.An explosion occurred between five and six o'clock, at just what time is not known, as the first knowledge of the accident came when the night shift went on duty and found the mutilated bodies. The three men were working in the tunnel with a machine drill and had eighteen holes driven in the rock. One of these holes was loaded. It is the custom for each crew to "shoot" the holes they have driven before going off shift, and as nearly as could be judged from the circumstances, Johnson, who was chuck tender, had brought in a box of giant powder to load the rest of the holes and set it down on the floor of the tunnel some distance away from where his companions were working. What caused the explosion will never be known, probably. Whether a piece of rock from the roof of the tunnel fell upon a particularly sensitive stick of dynamite, exploding it, or whether the explosion came from the well-known predilection of the stuff to explode when least expected, cannot be made known, as there was no one left to tell the story. The box of dynamite, however, exploded with terrific force, and all three men were doubtless instantly killed. Broad's head, one arm and one leg were blown from his body. Coffman's body was terribly mutilated by flying stone and the force of the explosion. Johnson's body was found tightly jammed between two of the timber supports of the tunnel where it had been carried by the force of the powder. Wm. Broad had been a resident of Jackson County for eight or ten years, and was well known as an experienced and competent miner. He leaves a wife and family of eight children. Bert Coffman grew from childhood to manhood among the mines of Southern Oregon. Fred Johnson, the third victim, was working his first shift at the Opp, having recently come from the Greenback mine in Josephine County. The accident is the second fatal one that has occurred during the past few months in Jackson County through dynamite explosion, though there have been several others with serious results. The jury summoned by Justice Henry Dox, acting as coroner, found that the explosion was purely accidental and no blame for the matter could be attributed to anyone. Medford Mail, January 19, 1906, page 1 The Buckeye Mining & Smelting Co. has begun development work on the Buckeye mine of the Slate Creek district, near Grants Pass. The company is building a wagon road to the mine. A compressor is being placed. Manager C. Hoofer of the Mt. Pitt mine on Jumpoff Joe, near Grants Pass, states that he will put in a compressor and power drills at the mine in February.… A 5-stamp mill is being placed on the Higgins mine in the Chetco district.… S. G. Adams, general manager of the Capital City Gold Mining Co. at Sacramento, Cal., which owns the Baby mine, eight miles north of Grants Pass, is at the mine arranging for additional development work. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 20, 1906, page 46 It is reported that the Blue Ledge copper mine on Elliott Creek, in the Siskiyou Range, on the California-Oregon line, has been sold to Robert S. Towne, of New York. F. W. Carnahan has been appointed superintendent. The new owners may build a railroad 30 miles long to Medford. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 27, 1906, page 63 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
Every placer mine in Southern
Oregon began work for the season
during the first two weeks of January. The rains were late in coming,
but have been pouring steadily for the past six weeks, giving an
abundance of water for hydraulic operation. To make up for the lost
time nearly all surface mines are operated day and night, with extra
crews in the diggings during the hours of daylight. Besides the rain
much snow has also fell, piling from three to ten feet on the higher
ranges. This ensures an abundance of water until a late date, and many
of the mines will keep their giants thundering till May or June.
Despite the tardiness of the season the output of placer gold will be
nearly as large this year as usual.A new power enterprise is being placed on Rogue River, between those of the Condor Water and Power Company and the Golden Drift Mining Company. It is that of the Gold Hill Canal Company, and its site is near Gold Hill. The company is comprised of Indianapolis capitalists, all of whom are reputed to be wealthy and fully able to back the enterprise with necessary capital. The company is blasting a canal out of the solid rock on the river bank, and from this the water of the river will be turned by a concrete dam. A fall of twenty-three feet will be attained, developing 2000 horsepower, most of which will be distributed by wire to surrounding mines. A force of men is already at work stringing poles and wires to the Millionaire and Bill Nye mines, and these two properties will be the first to use power from the new enterprise. The Granite Hill mine has shut down its twenty-stamp mill for thirty days to allow the change to be made from steam to electric power. Superintendent Wickersham has all the machinery on the ground, and as the poles and wires have been strung to the camp the change will soon be perfected. When the change is made every part of the plant, from the mill to the lower level pump, will be operated by electric power. About 200 horsepower will be used by the mine, energy being supplied over the main power wire from the Condor company on Rogue River. The Greenback mine is also operated by power from the Condor enterprise. Mineral Wealth, Redding, February 1, 1906, page 7 All the main tunnels and drifts at the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, are now lighted by electricity. The company has put in an air compressor and power drills. It also plans to increase the capacity of the mill from 10 to 20 stamps early in the spring. Two shifts are taking out ore and putting in the bins for reserve. The Opp mill, near Jacksonville, has been rebuilt and new concentrators put in. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 3, 1906, page 78 Jackson County.
The Bill Nye mine, near Gold Hill, has been wired for electricity. Josephine County.
J. L. Pennington is on
Josephine Creek, superintending the development of the Gold King quartz
mine, near Kerby."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 10, 1906, page 96 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants
Pass, Ore.
The excellent returns derived from last year's operations, and the
subsequent fine showing and rich strikes on the copper mines about the
smelter have induced the Takilma Smelting Company to make plans for the
enlargement of their plant at Takilma, of Waldo district. The smelter
now has a capacity of 200 tons daily, but it is the intention of the
company to increase the capacity to 400 tons daily. Manager Chas. Tutt
believes that his company can easily haul out 4000 tons of matte during
the three or four months' run, as half that amount, and the immense
bodies of ore uncovered in the Queen of Bronze, Lyttle and Cowboy mines
fully ensures an abundance of ore for a 400-ton smelter, even though it
was able to operate every month in the year. Another thing that induces
the Takilma company to make the change is the assurance from Grants
Pass business men that a railroad will be built this year from Grants
Pass to Waldo. The railroad company, known as the Grants Pass &
Western, has been incorporated, and stock has been locally subscribed
to the amount of some $50,000, which will make the bonding of the
proposition an easy matter.All eyes are again turned to the Blue Ledge district, of Upper Applegate, on the Oregon-California line. That camp, which has been dormant for some time, has again awakened to life and activity by the recent purchase of the Blue Ledge copper proposition by Robert S. Towne and associates of New York. These people have heavy copper interests in Mexico, and are able to supply all necessary capital for the complete development and equipment of the Blue Ledge. The new owners have taken possession, and have placed a crew of 50 men. F. W. Carnahan has the management of the mine. Deep tunnels and drifts will be driven, and much improvement done in the building of mess and bunkhouses, cabins and quarters. There are some 400 claims around and about the Blue Ledge, many of them owned by Spokane miners, and these are being taken hold of again. The road to the camp is lined with men, teams and pack animals. The company will ultimately install a smelter on the property and build a line of railroad to the camp, connecting with the Southern Pacific either at Medford or Grants Pass. To Medford the distance is 38 miles. The Blue Ledge property consists of 24 claims, and it was formerly held by Del Norte County, Cal., men, and Jacksonville and Medford parties. The consideration in the recent deal is $250,000. The Blue Ledge is pronounced the biggest undeveloped copper proposition on the Pacific Slope. It is located on the divide between Joe and Elliott creeks, the two upper tributaries of Applegate River, and in Siskiyou County, Cal., a short distance from the Oregon line. The new equipment recently placed on the Opp mine is now at work, and the mine is operating on a much larger scale. Additional concentrators, a large compressor and crusher, and more machine drills have been added. The entire plant is operated by electric power, even the sawmill, which is run every day, is driven by electricity, energy for all the motors being supplied by the Condor company from Gold Ray. Manager Gunnell states that his company is highly elated with recent results from the Opp, and a continuation of the present showing will ensure the installation of 40 or 50 stamps by the end of this season. The Opp Consolidated Mining Company is making regular shipments of ore from its Sunset group of claims on Mount Reuben. The ore from this group is high grade and carries good values in both free gold and sulphides. The Sunset has been under development for some time, and is well opened up. The company will place a plant of its own on the property in the spring. The Ohio people who recently purchased the Golden Standard mine on Pickett Creek are steadily developing the property, and are also making shipments. The Golden Standard is a gold and copper proposition, the ore being smelting in character. The owners plan to have a smelter placed by the close of this season. Henry Booth, former owner of the mine, is manager of the property. There is from two to ten feet of snow on the mountain ranges of Southern Oregon--a greater depth than has been known for several years. Placer miners are happy, in that it ensures a late run of the giants. Free-milling and base quartz ore, running in value from $70 to $9000 a ton, is being taken from the Wounded Buck claim, formerly the Briggs strike, on Upper Sucker Creek. This is the find from which Briggs and his sons removed $30,000 in gold within a couple of weeks. The property is now being developed under bond by the Gold Bar Mining Company of Chicago, of which E. T. Staples is manager. The company is opening up the proposition by tunnel driven into the mountain to tap the ledge at great depth. The tunnel is now in over 200 feet and is about an equal depth on the vein. The ledge at this depth has a width of 18 feet. The great depth of snow on the Siskiyous during the winter prevents extensive operation during the cold months, but the company has employed a crew the entire season doing interior work. Manager Staples states that his people will expend $60,000 for development and equipment on the Wounded Buck this spring and summer. A five-stamp mill will be at work on the property by the close of the summer. Jackson & Company, of Merlin, Oregon, are shipping ore from the Red Jacket mine of that district to the Tacoma smelter. The Red Jacket is a new property, but is making a splendid showing. It presents an immense body of smelter ore, carrying high values in copper and gold. The Tacoma smelter pays $27 a ton for the ore at Merlin. The owners have several teams on the road, but hope to install a treating plant on the mine before the close of the year. The ledge has a width of six feet, and is opened by two tunnels, with drifts on the ledge on two levels. Manager Hoofer, of the Mount Pitt Mining Company, of Grants Pass, has a crew employed on the Mount Pitt mine, on Jumpoff Joe, removing ore for shipment, and improving the camp. This property has been under development for the past year, and though only a prospect has paid dividends on returns from ore shipped, besides paying cost of development, a record that few properties can boast. Manager Hoofer is now planning to install a stamp mill and reduction plant on the Mount Pitt. A gold and silver medal, with the representative diplomas, have been received from the jury of awards of the Lewis & Clark fair for the excellence of the display of gold ores on exhibition at the exposition from Josephine County. Nearly all the ore on display at the fair has been added to the exhibit in the mineral exhibit room maintained in Grants Pass by the Grants Pass Miners' Association. Mineral Wealth, Redding, February 15, 1906, page 6 On Saving Platinum.
During the past two years the discovery has been made that the
old-channel placer deposits of the Pacific Coast contain much platinum
as well as gold. This important truth was further demonstrated by Dr.
David T. Day, of the United States Geological Survey, in the
experiments conducted at the Lewis & Clark Fair this year. But
previous to these experiments a few managers of the larger hydraulic
mines of Southern Oregon and Northern California were at work saving
the precious sands from the mass of debris scooped from the
sluice-floors at cleanup time. One mine, the Deep Gravel, in the Waldo
district, Southern Oregon, saved nearly 20 oz. of platinum during 1905.
Considering the fact that but 110 oz. of platinum were reported as
mined in the United States during 1904, this showing of one mine is
exceptional. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press by Dennis H. Stovall. The method of saving the platinum adopted by the hydraulic miners is simplicity itself. The method was first hit upon by manager Wimer of the Deep Gravel mines, and it will be used this season by nearly all of the placer mines of the coast, the diggings of which comprise old river channels. Mr. Wimer found that cleaning the gold with a shovel, by scooping it directly from the sluices, and washing it in running water, as has been the custom since the early days of placer mining, meant a loss of all the platinum except the very heaviest particles. Only one-fourth of an ounce was saved where an ounce and three-quarters are saved now. Miners have long known that the black sand, to which the placer gold closely adheres, contains platinum, and many methods of saving the rare metal have been tried. An attempt to save it by panning in the running water of the sluice resulted in as great waste as cleaning up by shovel. Another method was to save the platinum sand by a system of undercurrents attached to the sluices; this was the method introduced by representatives of the Welsbach Gas Mantle Company, which uses platinum in the manufacture of its articles. The company supplied drawings of plans to all miners who desired them, that the saving of the rare metal might be encouraged. The same method was followed by the Waratah Minerals Company. But the undercurrent never became popular with hydraulic miners, because it was not successful. Undercurrents require close attention, and the cleaning of them is tedious, too tedious for the average placer miner, whose whole inclination is toward getting gold; moreover, the required undercurrents were different from those used for saving flour gold. So, after many experiments and repeated trials of various methods, the only feasible plan is found to be the old-time and simple way of panning in still water. The platinum occurs in thin, flat flakes. Though it is a heavy metal, its atomic weight being 195.2, and its specific gravity 21.5, the thin flakes float easily on running water, and will not settle with the gold. It is therefore impossible to save it by scooping up black sand and gold together, and washing the amalgam free of foreign particles in the sluice. As stated, the only paying method is by panning the entire mass in still water. A big tub, made for the purpose, is employed. The black sand and gold are scooped from the sluice-floor, after the riffles are lifted and rinsed, with a sharp shovel, and carefully panned over the tub. The amalgam is then freed of the black sand. A part of the platinum spills over the pan during the panning process, but it drops and settles into the tub, instead of being washed away, as would occur were the panning done in the running water of the sluice. By careful work, a great portion is saved during the first panning; that which falls into the tub is panned out later. The residue, which consists of platinum and gold particles, held as an amalgam, is then put in a blow pan and dried, after which the gold and platinum fall apart and are easily separated. The two metals are then put in separate flasks, and are ready for the refinery. Old-channel platinum has the appearance of black powder, with the exception that the flakes have a greater metallic luster than powder grains. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 17, 1906, page 109 The Briggs Gold Bar Mining Co., owning property on the California line, near Grants Pass, have purchased machinery for a 20-ton mill. A sawmill is en route to the mine. The principal tunnel of the mine is in 200 ft. and drifts are being run.… L. B. Wickersham, superintendent of the Granite Hill mines, at Grants Pass, reports that the conversion of the machinery from a steam to an electrically operated plant has been completed. Contracts have been let for the further extension of the lower tunnel, at the Mountain Lion mine, at Davidson. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 17, 1906, page 115 Coos County.
T. C. Archer states
that ho will build a 100-ton smelting plant, to cost $50,000, on Coos
Bay, near North Bend. Curry County.
E. H. Russell, of the Gold Bar Mining Co., of Illahe, says that the
company will operate two giants on its placer ground this spring. About
3,200 ft. of pipeline is being laid to carry water from the penstock to
the mine. Electric power and light will be supplied to the property.
Josephine County.
Robert O. Towns, the new owner of the Blue Ledge mine, 40 miles from
Grants Pass, states that extensive additions will be made to the plant
and that the mine will be worked on a larger scale. Jackson County.
The Homestake Enterprise Mining Co., of Woodville, has completed its
connections with the Condor Water & Power Co. and is now
a five-stamp mill by electricity."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 17, 1906, pages 132-133 Opp to Have Forty Stamps.
River Courier:A. H. Gunnell, one of the managers of the Opp mine, spent Monday in Grants Pass, returning to Jacksonville Tuesday morning. Mr. Gunnell stated that his company were so well pleased with the gold output from the ten stamps now operated at the Opp mine that they have ordered ten additional stamps. Men are now at work getting the foundations set and on their arrival next week the new stamps will be put in position with the least possible delay. These stamps, as are those now in operation, will be driven by electric power by current from the Gold Ray station of the Condor Water & Power Company. The extensive development that has been done on the Opp mine during the past two years has fully convinced the present owners, who are big New York capitalists, that the mine carries a very large ore body, and all high grade, and that its productive capacity will warrant a large equipment. To this end the mill will be enlarged until a year hence it will be dropping forty stamps. The development of the past year has put the mine in shape to produce ore for the ten additional stamps now being installed. With the further opening up of the mine ten more stamps will be installed this summer and next fall the fourth lot of ten stamps will be put in operation. The present building is for twenty stamps, but its size will be doubled this summer to give space for the new equipment. Well posted mining men predict that the Opp will become the big mine of Oregon, rivaling the famous Greenback mine, that is also owned in New York and which could not be bought for $1,000,000. Though forty miles apart, the Greenback and Opp mines, as also the Granite Hill mine, are in the same mineral zone, and they have every indication of continuing to be big gold producers for years and years to come, and to give Southern Oregon a high standing in the mining world. Medford Mail, February 23, 1906, page 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
By Dennis H. Stovall.
Very heavy rains have favored the hydraulic placer mine of Southern
Oregon during the past two weeks and operations have been carried on
day and night in all districts. Much snow has also fallen on the
mountains and the season will be good, though considerably later than
usual, as most of the larger mines will not have their final cleanup
till June or July.Considerable platinum has already been saved in several of the Southern Oregon placers, notably the Deep Gravel of Waldo and the Royal Group of Galice, the management of each of these making an especial effort to save the rare metal. Manager Wimer of the Deep Gravel expects to save a greater quantity this year than last season, during which time he cleaned up about 20 ounces by the method of careful panning. At the Royal Group mines of Galice a system of settling tanks or vats have been installed below the placer sluices for the purpose of saving the fine gold and black sand values of the "spillover," and of the tailings. The tanks were placed by J. C. Sanders and associates of Pittsburgh, iron and platinum men of that city. The plant has been operating all winter and is making a fine showing. An even greater quantity of gold has been caught in the tanks than has been cleaned up in the regular sluices of the mines, besides a great quantity of black sand with its platinum. Superintendent Carnahan this week received two carloads of machinery for the Blue Ledge mine, of Upper Applegate. The consignment consists of a compressor, hoist, 50-horsepower gasoline engine and a carload of gasoline. Several teams are now on the road with the equipment, and it will soon be installed at the mine. The company has a crew of 60 men at work on the property and the camp has become a very lively place, as all of the surrounding claims and mines are again under development. Gasoline will furnish power for the Blue Ledge till the natural power of the district can be harnessed. The mine is being opened by three tunnels, driven on as many levels, and each will be connected by winzes at great depth. Medford, Oregon is the headquarters of the management at the present time. The method on which the Sanders system of settling tanks for catching black sand and flour gold operates is a new one for this district. It consists of several settling tanks conveniently arranged over a quarter-acre tract below the sluices and dump of the Royal Group mines. The sluice water and tailings from the placers are conveyed by wooden conduits to the first tank, and from the first to the second and so on all the way round. There is but little agitation in each of the tanks and the black sand has full chance to settle together with the light flour gold. Riffles are provided on the bottom of each tank and the values are caught and held as an amalgam with quicksilver. The tanks are so arranged that one or two can be closed and cleaned up while the others are in operation, thus obviating the necessity of shutting down the entire plant once or twice each month to clean up, as must be done in hydraulic mines. The success of this plant will probably lead to the placing of others of similar type on other placer mines, as the values saved are those that are ordinarily lost. Manager Frank Fowler and his crew have completed the work of installing a milling concentrating plant on the Gold Pick mine of Bolan Creek, above Holland. As all of the machinery and equipment had to be taken over the mountains, and dragged over a road but little better than a pack trail, the task has not been boy's play. The mill is now ready to drop its stamps and the concentrators are placed. Power is supplied by waterfall. The Gold Pick has been under development for the past three years and is opened by three tunnels with drifts on the ledge. The vein is from two to three feet wide, and carries high average values, both free milling and in sulphides. There are 10,000 tons of ore ready for the mill, with an abundance in sight. The Texas owners of the Gold King mine have placed a crew and are carrying on the development of the property day and night. They have also equipped the placer ground of their claims with pipe and giant and are getting excellent returns from the diggings. The Greenback and Martha mining companies of Grave Creek this week completed the work of stringing a six-mile aerial tram from the Martha mine to the Greenback mill. A six-mule pack train carried the heavy cable up the mountain. As soon as it is in place the milling of the Martha's ore will begin. This mine has been under development by power drills and large crew for two years past, and has many thousand tons of high-grade ore blocked out. Mineral Wealth, Redding, March 1, 1906, page 6 Douglas County.
Arrangements are being made by the North
Fairview Mining Co. for a mill near Bohemia. Jackson County.
A. H. Gunnell states that the foundation for the 10 additional stamps
at the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, is completed, making 20 stamps,
which it is intended to increase to 40 by the end of the year. Josephine County.
Frank Fowler, general manager of the Gold Pick mine, on Bolan Creek,
eight miles from Holland, has completed the installation of a stamp
mill and a concentrator. The Southern Pacific Gold Co. took possession of the Grouse Mtn. mine, four miles east of Grants Pass, last week, and preparations are now under way for the installation of a cyanide plant and electric hoist. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 3, 1906, page 151 The Sterling Mining Company, which controls extensive water rights in the Siskiyous, including over twenty-five miles of ditch carrying water to the mines, is considering the matter of using the surplus water in furnishing irrigation for a portion of the valley south and east of Medford. The scheme includes the boring of a tunnel through the divide between the main valley and Sterling, and carrying the water through pipes to the different customers. Already the acreage which the company figured would be necessary in order to make the scheme a feasible and paying one has been subscribed, and more could easily have been secured, only the company wished to be certain as to the amount of water they could furnish before making additional contracts. "Irrigation Is Coming," Medford Mail, March 9, 1906, page 13 Dredging for Gold on Foots Creek.
Much of the auriferous soil of the valley is so situated that it cannot
be successfully mined by ordinary placer processes, owing to its level
character and lack of facilities for disposing of the debris.These tracts furnish ideal locations for the operation of dredges, but so far this branch of mining has not been taken up to any great extent here. However, the attention of people who have had experience in California in this line has lately been attracted to Jackson County, and negotiations for tracts of auriferous soil have been going on. Besides the sands of the river beds of the county are all rich in gold, and some efforts have been made to dredge for the precious metal. Owing to the turbulent nature of the stream these efforts have been only partially successfully. At the mouth of Foots Creek is located the plant of the Champlin Dredging Co., which has demonstrated that this class of mining can be successfully carried on. At a large expense the company has built and equipped with powerful machinery the dredging boat, Abbie J. Champlin, and is now engaged in dredging out the rich bar at the junction of Foots Creek with Rogue River. What the exact returns from these operations are is not known, except that the company is well satisfied with the investment, is running the plant on full time and contemplating further extensive additions thereto. The machinery is operated and the plant lighted by electricity from Gold Ray, the power station of the Condor Water & Power Co. Dredging is destined to become, one of these days, a leading factor in placer mining in Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, March 9, 1906, page 18 Douglas County.
The owners of the Levens Ledge mine, near Canyonville, have begun
driving a tunnel. The Crystal Consolidated Mining Co. will resume operations at Bohemia. The stockholders of the Sterling Mining Co. have decided to put in another 10-stamp mill at its mine, near Roseburg. Jackson County.
A 60-h.p. gasoline air compressor and power drills have been installed
at the Blue Ledge copper mines at Applegate, and a series of new
tunnels has been begun to cut the deposit at a lower level. The new
owners have filed claims on 8,500 in. of water. Josephine County.
The Golden Drift Mining Co. has temporarily shut down its mine near
Grants Pass. Machinery has been ordered for a new steam dredge and for
two 400-h.p. turbines. The latter will be installed immediately and
another complete unit pump will be added early in the summer. Electric
power has been attached to the Granite Hill 20-stamp mill and hoisting
plant at Granite Hill. The mine of the Michigan Mining &
Co. at Murphy will be started up soon. A. C. Hoofer, manager of the
Mount Pitt Hydraulic-Quartz Mining & Milling Co., has purchased
air-compressor drills and a stamp mill in San Francisco for the
company's mine near Merlin. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 10, 1906, page 170 Will Set Out Big Orchard.
The Champlin Dredging Co., of Foots Creek, is going to vary the
business of digging gold from the creek bottom by raising fruit. The
company controls a large area of land there which they have become
convinced will yield larger returns as an orchard than as a mine, and
to that end have ordered from L. E. Hoover 10,000 fruit trees, which
will be planted. The trees are principally apples and pears, embracing
all the leading commercial varieties, together with a few plums and
cherries, which will go to make up the family orchard.The Foots Creek section has never been fully exploited as an orchard section, but the success of the few small family orchards there fully demonstrates that it is not behind the rest of the county in productiveness nor in quality of fruit. Medford Mail, March 16, 1906, page 1 Coos County.
The placer properties
owned by the Commander Mining Co. are now equipped and two giants were
operated last week. Jackson County.
The Siskiyou Copper Co. has begun driving a 25-ft. tunnel at its mine
in the Blue Ledge district, near Ashland.… Superintendent J.
D. Heard
has been working two giants at the Sterling mine, near
Ashland.… A new
compressor has been set up at the Blue Ledge mine at Joe Bar, near
Ashland. Four winzes are being sunk.… T. W. Hill and others
purchased 40 acres of mining ground adjoining the Shorty-Hope mine,
near Ashland. Mr. Hill is opening up other ore bodies in that vicinity,
preparatory to the installation of a reduction plant.… L. B.
Chase will
resume development at the Palmer mine.… It is reported that
a cyanide
plant will be installed on the Shorty-Hope mine, 3 miles west of
Ashland.… A. reduction plant is to he installed on the Wild
mines, five miles west of Ashland.… The Cyanide Gold Mining
Co. is
having plans drawn for a reduction plant to be installed on its
property, near Ashland.… An air compressor has been
installed at the
Bill Nye mine, near Medford.… E. C. Faucett and associates
preparing to open up the Wright-Eckelson claims on Elliott Creek, near
Medford. They will put in a complete hydraulic plant, including giants
and other machinery."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 17, 1906, page 190 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The Granite Hill mine, located near Grants Pass, and owned and operated
by the American Gold Fields Company of Chicago, is now equipped with
one of the biggest and finest milling and concentrating plants in
Oregon. The new electric equipment, recently placed, is in full
operation, and the electric fluid is proving a far more positive and
more economical power than steam. Operations will be followed on a
bigger scale, both in and out of the mine. Much has been done during
the past two years in the matter of placing equipment on this property;
the end is not yet, for manager W. J. Morphy announces that his company
will immediately begin the installation of 20 more stamps. With such an
addition the new mill will have a total battery of 40, and will be
second to none on any Oregon mine. The concentrating plant of the
property is complete, consisting primarily of six Frue vanners. Another
series of six will be added when the 20 additional stamps are placed.By Dennis H. Stovall All expensive features of mining and milling have been overcome in the Granite Hill, and the system now employed is not only complete in every detail but is economical, which is fully attested [to] by the fact of the ability of the company to mine and concentrate the ore of the Granite Hill for $1.50 a ton. This is a splendid showing, made as it is in a mine where heavy pumping is required from the deep levels and in which every pound of ore must be removed by hoist. The Granite Hill has been under development by the American Gold Fields Company since the latter part of 1902. Since then the growth of the mine, which was formerly but a mere prospect, has been phenomenal. The company has expended nearly $200,000 for development and equipment, but every dollar has been well expended. There are now over 11,000 feet, or more than two miles, of underground workings, of tunnels, shafts, upraises and drifts, in the Granite Hill mine. This, aside from the several thousand feet of development work done on the Red Jacket, Ida and Golden Terry claims, all of which are well-developed mines, and form an important part of the Granite Hill holdings. The Red Jacket is equipped with hoisting machinery, and ore from it is being removed and hauled to the Granite Hill mill, a quarter mile below. The vein of the Red Jacket is making a splendid showing, and a strike recently made is now yielding ore of $100 a ton value. At a mass meeting of mining men and others at Grants Pass this week, the proposition of building a railroad from this city to the Waldo copper mines was definitely decided. The road will be built by the California & Oregon Coast Railway Company, a San Francisco corporation, at the head of which is J. O'B. Gunn. Colonel T. W. M. Draper is the chief engineer for the new railway. These people have accepted the proposition of local promoters, by which subscriptions for stock to the amount of $20,000 will be made by local capital, such stock to be turned over as a bonus. The company intends to begin construction work within the next sixty days. The main desire of those locally interested is to get a railroad into the Waldo copper district, that the smelter now built at Takilma, and others that must subsequently follow in the event of the new road being completed, may operate continually. The Takilma smelter can only operate during the summer at the present time because of the impassable condition of the wagon roads, making it impossible to haul matte and coke. The new road will cross Rogue River at Grants Pass, and Applegate River six miles from this city. It will then cross the mountain divide of the Coast Range mountains, passing through one of the finest belts of fir and pine timber in Oregon, as well as the richest copper belt, dropping down into the Illinois Valley, and crossing Illinois River at the old mining town of Kerby. The California & Oregon Coast Railway Company already has a line fully surveyed over this route, and has secured right of way and terminal grounds. The heaviest snow of the season, in truth, for several years, fell this past week in Southern Oregon. In all the mountain districts there is from two to 20 feet of snow, the greatest depth known for many years. The deep snow insures plenty of water for hydraulic mining till very late, Some of the larger properties are now calculating on all-summer runs of the giants. Mineral Wealth, Redding, California, April 1, 1906, page 6 The Wolverine & Western Development Co. was organized at Laurium, Michigan, last week, the promoters being Calumet and Laurium people. The incorporators are J. T. Fisher, F. J. Kohlhaas and J. Vivian, Jr. The company is organized under the laws of Arizona. The property is on the boundary between Douglas and Coos County, and consists of eight full claims. The calculation is that six months will be required to determine the exact conditions and outline a future policy for the undertaking. The property is opened by a tunnel penetrating two veins 60 ft. below the outcrop. "Coos County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 7, 1906, page 249 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
J. C. Sanders and associates of Pittsburgh, who installed a
platinum-saving device on the Royal Group hydraulic mines last fall,
are meeting with excellent success in the operation of the plant. They
have saved a vast quantity of black sand this season. The sand carries
high values in both platinum and flour gold. The system of saving it is
by a series of settling tanks or vats, attached to the sluices. Only
the tailings are worked, and the values saved are those that would
ordinarily be lost. The Pennsylvania men are highly pleased with the
results of the plant, and will install others of similar type in
Josephine County mines.By Dennis H. Stovall. W. J. Wimer of the Deep Gravel placer mines of Waldo district is again making an especial effort to save the black sand and platinum of his placers during the regular work of gold mining. His method of saving the rare metal is by a system of strap-iron riffles and by careful panning over vats and tubs of still water. Last year Mr. Wimer saved about 20 ounces of platinum. This season he will save an even greater quantity. All Southern Oregon placer miners are becoming much interested in the black sand values of their diggings, and this interest has been increased since the experiments of Dr. David Day begun at Portland last summer under the direction of the United States Geological Survey. Miners of this district are just beginning to realize the extent of loss that has been suffered in years past by the careless throwing away of black sand from the sluices. It is found that any method giving the sand an opportunity to settle and obviating agitation will prove satisfactory in saving platinum. Chief Engineer Draper, of the California & Oregon Coast Railway Company, has given notice to all ranchers and farmers to remove fences, barns and buildings known to be located on the right of way of the proposed railroad from Grants Pass to the Waldo copper mines to have such property removed within the next 30 days. He states that construction work will begin on the line from here before the close of April. Contracts are being let for the ties, and the building of the bridge across the Rogue and Applegate rivers will also be done by contract, and such work will begin at an early date. The new road will reach the Takilma smelter by the close of summer. In this event the big plant will be operated continually, and its capacity doubled. The Braden mine near Gold Hill was bought this month by John W. Opp, the former owner of the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, of Dr. C. R. Ray and associates. The consideration has not been given out. Mr. Opp has taken possession of the property and will equip it with more extensive machinery. He is now purchasing larger compressors, heavier battery and additional drills. The Braden is one of the oldest of Gold Hill's mines, and has been a continual producer for several years. It is developed to a depth of 500 feet and is opened up by a mile of tunnels, drifts and upraises. It is equipped with a ten-stamp mill and concentrating plant. The Bill Nye mine of Gold Hill district is now operated by electric power, connections having finally been made between the mine and the power plant of the Gold Hill Canal Company. The property is equipped with a splendid plant and is giving excellent returns from its ore. It has been under development for the past three years. There is enough ore in reserve to keep the mill pounding for a year. Two carloads of machinery arrived this week for the power dam and hydraulic mine of the Golden Drift Mining Company of Dry Diggings district. The company is placing five additional turbines, and two more pumps of the same type as that now employed. A battery of three giants, with abundant bank or bywater, will be operated in the future instead of two nozzles. While the improvements are under way the pump and giants of the mine are shut down. Manager Ament states that all summer will be required to make the additions now under way, as the tail race will needs be widened and deepened and for this purpose a huge dredge is being built. A crew of ninety men is now employed on the Blue Ledge mine of the Upper Applegate, and the entire district is enjoying a boom. Medford, Oregon, capitalists who own the Joe Creek claims, a group on Elliott Creek, adjoining the Blue Ledge, have laid plans for extensive development and will place a large crew in the immediate future. Dr. J. F. Reddy, the former manager of the Blue Ledge, is manager of the Joe Creek property. A compressing plant, drills and other equipment are being placed on the Calumet mine of Rancherie Creek. This property is owned by Spokane mining men, T. F. Hopkins being manager. The plant will be operated by water power, of which there is an abundance on the claims. The Calumet has been under development by these people for the past year and is making a splendid showing. Mineral Wealth, Redding, April 15, 1906, page 6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
Manager E. W. Walter of the Takilma Smelting & Mining
Company is
purchasing supplies, collecting a crew and getting things in shape to
begin operations at the Takilma smelter in the near future. As soon as
the roads are dry enough to allow hauling or freighting of matte and
coke between this city and Takilma the plant will start up. Mr. Walter
thinks they will be ready to start by May 15th. This will allow a much
longer run than the plant had last summer, and with the improvements
that have been made, and the better character of ore to be treated, the
output of metal will be fully twice that of last season.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. Mr. Walter is a Colorado Springs mining man, and has been connected with the smelters of the United States Reduction and Refining Company for a number of years. He succeeds C. J. Murphy, who last year had charge of the plant. E. C. McCormack of Colorado will have the management of the copper mines of the Takilma Company. Development has been pursued at these properties all winter, and there is ore enough blocked out in the Queen of Bronze alone to keep the smelter busy all this season. Aside from the Queen of Bronze, the Cowboy and other properties owned by the Waldo Smelting & Mining Company have been under development and have an abundance of fine smelting ore uncovered. The Takilma Company owns and operates its own sawmill on its claims and has been operating the plant for some time, cutting lumber for the erection of additional buildings on the mines. and for the construction of a 3000-foot tramway from the Queen of Bronze to the bins of the smelter. The plant will this year be operated to its full capacity--200 tons daily. Last summer 2000 tons of matte were shipped from the smelter, but the management expects to ship fully 4000 tons this year. The report of the sale of the old Eureka mine, on Soldier Creek, was confirmed a few days ago when a payment of $30,000 was made on the property through the First National Bank of Grants Pass. The buyers are John W. Boleau and associates of Pittsburgh, and the sale was engineered by C. L. Magnum, president of the Grants Pass Miners' Association. While the consideration is not yet made public, it is known to be up in six figures, and is the biggest sale of mining property, with one exception, ever made in this section of Oregon. The new owners have taken possession and will adequately equip and develop the mine. The Eureka property consists of eighteen claims and the main ledge is tapped to a depth of 550 feet. The mine is equipped with a ten-stamp mill and splendid auxiliary, consisting of concentrating plant, compressor, machine drills, and dynamo for electric lighting the entire property. An immense ore reserve has been created during the several years the property has been under development, and there is at present more than $200,000 worth of high-grade ore blocked out. The new owners will install 40 or 50 stamps and will use power from the Illinois River. The Blue Ledge mines of Upper Applegate district continue to show up well, and the camp is growing more rapidly than any other in Southern Oregon. A crew of 100 men is employed on the Blue Ledge alone, and fully three times that number are on other claims and mines of the district. Tom Hill sold a half interest in his Ashland claims a few days ago to Montana capitalists. The consideration was $20,000. It is understood that development operations on a large scale will soon begin on the Hill mine as a result of the sale. The new aerial tramway from the Martha mine to the Greenback mill is now in operation and is giving excellent satisfaction, nearly all ore for the 40-stamp battery being at present supplied from the reserve on the Martha. The tram is six miles long and carries 20 buckets of 1000 pounds capacity each. While the Martha ore is being milled deeper development is under way on the Greenback. The inclined shaft is now down 1500 feet on the Greenback ledge. Mineral Wealth, Redding, May 1, 1906, pages 2-3 Hydraulic Mining by Pumping.
Until one year ago hydraulic mining by pumping or forced power was
something of an experiment. It had been tried in various mining
districts without much success, the main reasons being lack of cheap
natural power, inadequate pumping equipment, and deficient working
ground. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press by Dennis H. Stovall. It remained for the Golden Drift Mining Company, operating in the Dry Diggings district of Southern Oregon, to successfully solve the problem of hydraulic mining by pumping. This company has amply demonstrated that where proper facilities exist, placer mining can be done by forced power, thus overcoming the embarrassment of long seasons of idleness through the summer months, of light rains and slack water supply for ditches and reservoirs. In the property of the Golden Drift Mining Company are included 800 acres of ground locally called "dry diggings," because the very best seasons afford but 60 or 90 days' run for the giants. Rogue River, a wild, turbulent stream, at no time flowing less than half a million miner's inches of water, flows along the eastern border of this tract; M. C. Ament, the manager, believed that the Rogue River could be harnessed, and its power utilized for hydraulic mining. He was supported in this belief by his father, C. G. Ament, and other officials of the company. Liberal financial backing was given, and the dam was begun. It was a tremendous task, and two years were required to complete it. Over 4,000,000 ft. of lumber were used, and over 3,000,000 tons of rock were filled into the monster cribs, which were first pinned to the bedrock by 40-ft. piling. The dam has a length on the crest of 265 ft.; it is 120 ft. thick on the bed of the river, and is eight feet wide on deck. It has an 80-ft. abutment, 80 ft. wide. The penstock is 120 ft. wide, and has twelve 10-ft. gates by which the water is admitted to the turbines. During the year the plant has been operated, the tailing from the flumes has been dumped into the river above the dam, and this has made a solid rock filling, which has practically raised the bed of the river up to the level of the deck, a level that is maintained for a quarter mile upstream. The fall of water over the crest of the dam is 20 ft., and this develops 6,000 h.p. At present, four turbines are operated, developing 1,200 h.p., all of which is delivered to the one pump. Two additional turbines are being installed, the power of which will also be delivered to the one pump, that it may operate to its full capacity. This summer ten additional wheels will be installed, and two more pumps added, by which three giants can be operated instead of two, besides affording abundant bank or bywater. The pump, which is the heart of the plant, is of the five-step centrifugal type. It was built by the Byron Jackson Machine Works, of San Francisco, and is said to be the biggest high-head pump in the world. Its weight is 35 tons, and its tested maximum pressure is 250 lb., the operating pressure being 185 lb. per sq. in. Its capacity is 13,000,000 gal. per 24 hr., or 9,000 gal. per min. This great volume is delivered through 1,500 feet of 22-in. steel piping, and is lifted to a height of 170 ft. before dropping into the diggings, and forking to the 11-in. giant pipes. The highest pressure attainable with the 1,200 h.p. now developed is 145 lb. per sq. in., or 40 lb. less than the pump's normal capacity. Mr. Ament believes that the addition of the two turbines now being placed will raise the pump to its full efficiency, and give greater cutting power to the giants. The monitors have three-inch nozzles, and throw a stream 460 ft. Mining is done, however, from a distance of 100 or 150 ft. The banks are from 40 to 65 ft. high, and are easily cut by the jets. The gravel lies in strata of brown and blue, with red clay capping. The coarse gold and nuggets are found in the lower layers. The finer or average gold occurs in the pipe clays occupying the layers in the center of the banks, and the flour gold is found in the clay capping. The system by which the pumping battery is operated is simple, the main purpose being to keep the giants always pointed to the gravel. Night and day they are operated, with only a 20-min. stop each evening to oil up. Two systems of sluices are employed, with block and strap iron riffles; while one riffle system is in use, the other is being cleaned up, thus obviating the necessity for a complete shutdown. When the big pump is closed down each evening, it releases the herculean force from behind 26,000 gal. of water, the volume required to fill the long pipeline. To prevent the 170-ft. head from hurling this great weight of water back upon the pump, a check valve is placed at the base of the pipeline; and the work of starting the pump against this great volume of water is made simple by first releasing the water through a sidepipe into the race, and slowly closing it, thus switching the pump to the main line by degrees, until it attains its normal working pressure. Both the speed and the pressure of the pump are registered by gauge in the power house. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 12, 1906, page 309 Click on the link for photos. The Eureka mine, on Soldier Creek, is reported sold to Pittsburgh parties, the first cash payment being $30,000. Much tunnel work had been done, and $250,000 worth of ore has been blocked out. The mine was discovered ten years ago by William H. Miller who took out $15,000, which he mortared out. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 19, 1906, page 334 C. W. Evans has been investigating the possible production of siliceous ore in the mining district adjacent to Ashland; this material is required as flux for the copper ore being treated by the smelter of the Mammoth Copper Co. from their own mine. The transportation rates from Ashland to the Kennett smelter on that class of ore is $2.40 per ton in carload lots. The smelter makes no charge for treating this siliceous ore and pays 75% of all the values contained, and cash is paid for the ore within forty-eight hours after it arrives at the smelter. Shipments as small as 10-ton lots are received. The cost of mining is from 50¢ to $2 per ton. according to the hardness of the material and the facilities for mining. The cost of hauling a distance of five miles to the railroad is $1 per ton. This makes it possible to realize a fair profit on low-grade ore. The Kennett smelter is owned and operated by the Mammoth Copper Mining Co., and has a capacity of 1,000 tons per day and the plant is being enlarged to double that capacity. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 16, 1906, page 305 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The hot weather of June brought an end to all hydraulic placer
operations in Southern Oregon. Nearly all of the mines have made their
final cleanup, and the greater part of the virgin gold has been shipped
to the mint
or passed over local banking counters for exchange. The output this
season of placer gold from Southern Oregon districts falls short of
$800,000, which is considerably below the average output. The decrease
is due to the light rains of winter, and to the tardy start, as very
few mines were able to start their giants before January, fully two
months behind time. About 50 ounces of platinum are reported saved from
the various placers. Most of the rare metal comes from the Deep Gravel
mines of Waldo, and the Royal Group of mines of Galice district.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. A very rich strike was made on an upraise from the 400-foot level of the Granite Hill mine this month. The body of ore uncovered was a. high-grade galena, carrying values in free gold and concentrates. Simultaneously with the strike, a heavier flow of water was encountered. Though the flow was conveyed safely to the sump where the new electric pump was operated, and though the pump has a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute, it was not able to keep up with the water, and the lower level was soon flooded. The men were driven out. and the skip set to work on the underground lake. Superintendent Wickersham hopes to have the mine cleared again soon, and the pump started up. In the meantime the 20-stamp mill is kept pounding on the ore from the upper levels. Manager W. J. Morphy, of the American Gold Fields Company, of Chicago, owner of the Granite Hill. has been here for several weeks making an inspection of the property and laying plans for future work. A large hydraulic property is being developed and equipped on lower Rogue River, 50 miles below Grants Pass, by the Euchre Creek Mining Company of Los Angeles, of which Chas. W. Mills is president. Mr. Mills has a number of California mining men associated with him. They made a tour of the remote and isolated lower Rogue district this past winter, and were struck with the richness of the bars and channels along the river, many of which have never been mined or prospected. Several rich claims were taken up on Euchre Creek, and it is these that are now being equipped by the Euchre Creek Mining Company. Hydraulic machinery, piping and giant, has been ordered and will be placed as soon as it arrives. Ditches are under construction to bring water from Euchre Creek, and the new mine will be ready to begin work this winter. Associated with Mr. Mills in the Euchre Creek enterprise are Harry E. Mills, E. L. Weaver, C. P. Moodie, J. D. Buckwalter, R. N. Bulls. H. F. Despars, E. J. Kennedy, E. A. Klein and C. W. Murray, all of Los Angeles. The 200-ton smelter at Takilma, on the Waldo copper mines, was blown in for the summer. The smelter will be operated as long as the conditions of the 45 miles of mountain roads between Grants Pass and Takilma will allow the freighting of matte and coke. A train of 150 horses and mules is employed hauling matte from the smelter to Grants Pass, and returning with the coke. Manager Walter, of the Takilma company, expects a good season's run from the splendid body of ore uncovered this past winter in the Queen of Bronze, one of the properties of the Takilma company, and which supplies the the bulk of the ore for the smelter. The Waldo Smelting & Mining Company also has a number of copper properties, deeply developed and in operation near the smelter. The California & Oregon Coast Railroad, which has its final surveys made and right of way secured, and which purposes to build a railroad from Grants Pass to the smelter and copper mines, states that it will, this summer, build about 15 miles of the line. With railroad facilities, the smelter and all the copper mines of Waldo would be operated continually. The old Blackwell Hill mines, of Gold Hill district, were sold recently to Colonel Pennington and associates of Fort Worth, Texas, for a large consideration. Colonel Pennington was formerly interested in the Gold King mine, on Josephine Creek, and still holds interests in that section. But he will devote all of his time in the future toward the development and equipment of the Blackwell Hill. These properties comprise 400 acres of patented ground, highly mineralized, with considerable development work done. The new owner has placed a crew, and will shape the mines for operation on a large scale. Mineral Wealth, Redding, California, July 15, 1906, page 6 One of the big advantages in quartz development and mining in this section is its cheap natural power. This has been secured by harnessing Rogue River, a wild, turbulent stream, which flows across the southern end of the state. This power is already distributed, by electric wire, to all the principal mines and camps. It is used, not alone in mining, but for every conceivable purpose. The biggest power plant yet built on Rogue River is that of the Condor Water and Power Company at Gold Ray. A concrete dam has here been built across the Rogue, lifting the water twenty feet, and developing ten thousand horsepower. At Dry Diggings, the Golden Drift Mining Company has built a similar dam and has utilized the power to drive a monster set of pumps with which the hydraulic giants are operated day and night the entire season. Rich Strikes in Southern Oregon
and Northern California
A rich strike was made a few days ago on the Wounded Buck claim, of
Upper Sucker Creek. One of the tunnels being driven to tap the ore body
on a deep level encountered a wide body of gold-bearing rock. Three
feet of marvelously rich ore is uncovered, much of it running very high
in gold. The Wounded Buck was originally the Briggs strike, from which
David Briggs and his two sons took out over $30,000 in two weeks, with
pick and shovel. The mine was subsequently sold to the Gold Bar Mining
Company, of Chicago, and is now under development by these people,
under the management of Edward Staples. A double shift crew is
employed, and the property is rapidly getting into form for a mill.By Dennis H. Stovall. Several other strikes were made this past month on Upper Sucker Creek properties and the camp is assuming a very thrifty and promising aspect. Fully a hundred claims have been located in and around the Wounded Buck, and most of them are under development. Not a few of them have made phenomenally rich showings by development. The district is more lively this summer than at any time since the famous strike of three years ago. Not only the old claims are being worked, but many parties have went in and have taken up new claims. The district is one of the most remote in Oregon, being 65 miles from Grants Pass, the nearest railway point, and is reached by wagon road and pack trail from this place. A rich strike was made a short time ago on the Gold Pick claim of Boland Creek district, owned and under development by Calhoun & Casad of Grants Pass. A ledge showing free gold was struck in the main tunnel, at a depth of some 250 feet. The vein has a width of 3 feet, and carries much ore on the hanging wall that will run into the hundreds. Nuggets, or chunks of pure gold, valued at $20 and $30 were removed from the strike. The Mount Pitt Hydraulic and Quartz Mining Company has its new mill in place on its Mount Pitt mine, near Grants Pass, and will make a test run this month. Manager A. C. Hoofer of Portland has been on the ground for some time past directing operations. The mill and auxiliary equipment is very complete, with compressor, crusher, hoist and dynamo for electrically lighting the mine and camp. Returns from the Mount Pitt for the past two years have been very flattering. The values from the free-milling ore have not only paid the cost of development, but have also allowed very fair dividends. The new plant will be equipped with concentrators to save the base values. The Deep Gravel hydraulic mines of Waldo made its final cleanup for the season this month. Manager W. J. Wimer states that the cleanup is a little short this season of what it has been in the past, but that the deficiency is due to the short run and to the fact of their having done considerable development work this year. While this cuts the present run short on returns, it has put the placer in fine shape for a big business next season. One of the features that will probably be added this next year is a link belt elevator for hoisting the tailings or gravel out of the diggings. This machine will take the place of the hydraulic elevator now used. The Deep Gravel mines saved considerable platinum this year. The Blue Ledge Mining Company is installing an electric power plant on its Upper Applegate copper property, the Blue Ledge, and will operate the machinery by electricity, also the mine and camp will be lighted by electricity. The company has purchased a large tract of land on Elliott Creek, near the Blue Ledge, for a smelter site and also for the water power it affords. A crew is running a ditch from Elliott Creek to the Blue Ledge. This ditch has a width of seven feet and a depth of five feet, and will carry all needed water for power and mining. It will have a gravity drop of 150 feet at the Blue Ledge, and the power derived will be transmitted electrically. The new plant will be ready for operation within the next sixty days. The Blue Ledge Company has a crew of 150 men constantly employed, and good progress is being made in the development of the property. The company has bought the entire holdings of the Seattle Mining Company and will begin active development upon it in the near future. The Seattle Company had planned to erect a smelter this fall, but the proposition will go over until next year and will finally be carried out in detail by the Blue Ledge Company. The entire camp is growing and prospering. The present summer has been a good one for the district. Mineral Wealth, Redding, August 15, 1906, page 3 "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 18, 1906, page 192 SOUTHERN OREGON.
One of the richest strikes of the season for Southern Oregon was made a
few days ago on the Blackwell Hill mines. A pay chute was opened on
this property with ore that runs as high as $12 a pound, or $24,000 a
ton. The richer quartz is on the hanging wall, but the entire vein is
remarkably rich. The Blackwell Hill properties are located near Gold
Hill, and were bought only a short time ago by Col. A. S. Pennington
and associates, of Fort Worth, Texas. Among the men interested in the
property is S. C. Roe, a brother of E. P. Roe, the novelist. These
gentlemen, besides being interested in the Blackwell Hill, also own the
Gold King mine, near Kerby, on Josephine Creek, and efforts [sic] on the
Blackwell Hill. Since taking possession they have had day and night
crews at work on the mine, and it has been well developed. The showing
is excellent, and the owners will place a mill and reduction plant
before another season. The Blackwell Hill mines are old properties.
They have been regular producers for the past half century, but until
the recent owners took hold of them have only been worked in a
desultory way.Billy Frakes and Ben Batty, two Grants Pass prospectors, returned a few days ago from a prospecting trip into the Siskiyou Mountain country, bringing with them samples of rich tellurium or sylvanite ore and a flask of gold mortared from a strike they made up on Elliott Creek, a tributary of Applegate River. The samples of tellurium or sylvanite brought in by them are exceptionally rich. They were removed from a three-foot ledge, all ore of high grade, with six inches on the hanging wall that runs up into the hundreds per ton. The prospectors also uncovered several rich stringers of free gold, from which they picked and mortared a quantity of the pure metal. They are highly elated over their discovery, as it gives every prospect of becoming a good thing. They are gathering supplies to return and develop the claim. They report that there is an army of gold hunters up on the Siskiyou divide this summer, and that a number of good strikes have been made. To cope with the great inflow of water that recently flooded the lower levels of the Granite Hill mine, the American Gold Fields Company has installed a large Worthington pump, of the compound type, with a capacity of over 30,000 gallons an hour. This pump is rapidly lowering the water, and superintendent Wickersham believes that normal conditions will be restored at the property in a short time. This pump, together with the big one on the lower level, now submerged, will easily keep down the water in the future, once the mine is cleared. The management has the greater part of the crew employed in the company's sawmill and in the timber of the claims, cutting lumber for new buildings and for shaft timbers. Operations will be resumed with increased vigor when the flood is lowered. Just before the water came in, a massive body of the richest ore yet encountered in the mine was struck on the lower level, and the management is anxious to continue the mining of this. Despite the recent trouble, which has been principally a matter of delay, the prospects for the Granite Hill are very bright. The Little Chieftain mine, of Myrtle Creek district, which has been under development for the past two years, is now making regular shipments of ore to the Kenner smelter. Returns on this ore are very satisfactory, and shipments will be continued all this winter. A new hydraulic mine is being developed and equipped on Myrtle Creek by the Old Channel Mining Company, of which John D. Platts, an experienced mining engineer, is general manager and superintendent. Mr. Platts has a crew at work running a ditch to bring water to the diggings from the main fork of Myrtle Creek. The claims of this mine are located on the richest of the Myrtle Creek bars. Mammoth nuggets have been found on them. One piece containing over $900 was picked up there a short time ago. The Old Channel is the first company to take up hydraulic mining on an extensive scale in the Myrtle [Creek] district. The Lee's Creek Mining Company, under the management of J. C. Lee, are doing a vast amount development work on their placer claims of the Myrtle Creek district. One of the big undertakings of this company is the driving of a 700-foot tunnel through Lee's Mountain, completing a 30-mile ditch the company has constructed to supply water for the mines. The ditch is ready for the water with the exception of that part of it that will run through Lee's Mountain, and as soon as this part is completed, three giants will be started up and kept in continuous operation. Northwest Mining Journal, September 1906, page 49 Activity in Southern Oregon Mines
Two hundred tons of machinery and equipment have went into the Lower
Rogue River district, for the quartz and placer mines, over the west
fork trail, this summer. The greater part of this was piping, giants
and placer mining machinery for the Paradise Bar and Euchre Creek
properties, being developed and equipped by Los Angeles, Cal., people.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. Because of the extreme difficulty experienced in getting mining equipment into the Lower Rogue district over the narrow mountain pack trail, the miners of that section have taken up the proposition of making the Rogue navigable to powerful light-draft boats between Grants Pass and Mule Creek, a distance of 55 miles. The mining men believe that a few tons of dynamite, properly applied, would clear the rapids and rocks of Hell Gate, Taylor Canyon and other sections of the river sufficiently to at least allow barges to float downstream. Even though a new barge was required for every trip, the cost of transporting machinery would be cheaper than by the present tedious method of carrying it in on the backs of pack animals. At a depth of 130 feet, a three-foot ledge of ore was encountered on the Maid of the Mist mine of Thompson Creek district this past week. The ore from the strike is thickly studded with free gold, and several very valuable specimens have been removed. Wright Brothers & Hawkins are the owners of the property and are giving the mine a thorough development. During the past few weeks they have removed over $10,000 worth of ore from the Maid of the Mist, and there is much more yet to come out. The mill on the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, has been closed down for the remainder of the summer on account of not having water enough for the mortars. None is needed for any other part of the equipment, as the entire plant is operated by electricity. To overcome this difficulty, the management has set about installing a long pipe line to tap upper Jackson Creek, and by a system of reservoirs create a permanent and lasting water supply. Two carloads of pipe have been received at the mine, and manager Harry Foster has crews at work laying the line. Though the mill is shut down, the development of the mine continues, and the system of ledges is making a fine showing. On one tunnel, driven in to tap the main ledge at a deep level, a body of high-grade ore, 30 feet in width, has been encountered. This strike is directly beneath the original workings of the Opp, and the management believe it will prove the bonanza of this famous old property. Despite the heroic efforts of the crews, and the continual operation of the skip, the water in the Granite Hill mine is again rising, after having been lowered to the 300-foot level. The mine was flooded nearly two months ago, by the tapping of what was believed to be an immense underground reservoir. The flood overcame the two big lower level pumps, and drove the men from the mine. It was subsequently lowered nearly 300 feet, but is again rising, making it clear that a permanent subterranean stream has been struck. Manager Morphy and superintendent Wickersham have decided to install large surface pumps at once, and clear the mine of its flood. Though the water has blocked operations for a time, it will not seriously interfere with the future development of the property, as there are a score more ledges aside from the Granite Hill, some of which are already developed, that can soon be put in shape to supply ore for the mill. A few days ago the Copper King group of claims, in the Blue Ledge district, was bought by William Purdue, a Spokane capitalist and miner. The consideration was $6000 cash. The former owners of the Copper King were E. N. Anderson of Medford, Oregon; R. T. Blackwood of Phoenix, Oregon; Frank Edwards of Hutton, Oregon. Associated with Mr. Purdue is Adam Trochy, of Pasadena, California, a railroad and mining man. The new owners have placed a crew, and will give the Copper King a thorough development. This group of claims was the first location made following the discovery of the Blue Ledge. Its main vein has a width of 80 feet, and carries values in both copper and gold. Considerable development work has already been done upon it. The character and composition of the ore body is similar to that of the Blue Ledge. Mineral Wealth, Redding, September 1, 1906, pages 1-2 Pioneer Cabin of Southern Oregon
The most enduring handiwork of the old-time miners was the picturesque
log cabin. The rocker, the ground sluice, the long tom, the arrastra
and most all of the crude implements used by the pioneer gold diggers
have crumbled with decay, or lie bramble-covered and forgotten in
abandoned diggings; but not so the sturdy log cabin. This was his den,
his refuge, his home, and the miner "built it not upon the sand."By Dennis H. Stovall. But the appropriateness and general utility of the log cabin were not confined to the pioneer days. It serves just as useful purpose on mining claims and in mining camps today as it served during the early '40s and '50s. And so the cabin is still playing an important part in the development of America's mines and mining districts for untold years yet to come. The log cabin, or a group of log cabins, give a mining camp an air of comfort, solidity and permanence. The "here today and there tomorrow" camps are those whose restless populace seek shelter in shanties, half tent, half boards, or clapboard huts. The sawmill is doing much to make the log cabin a thing of the past, since it is far easier to build a house of boards than one of logs. But the owner of a claim, or the builder of a camp, acts wisely and well when he makes the log cabin his architectural unit. The writer does not intend this as a treatise on rustic design, or a plea for more of that "simple life" that we hear and read so much about, but rather would have it a brief "how to build it" article, from an oldtimer's viewpoint. This may not seem worthwhile, not through any triteness of subject, but because every miner and would-be miner, every man who owns a claim, or who has an inclination to stake one, firmly believes he can build a cabin. Indeed, the log cabin is the simplest kind of building, yet there are a lot of smart men who "fall down hard" when they attempt to erect one. Instead of a cabin, the result of their labors is more of a cross between a pigpen and a corn crib. The first thing a builder must have to erect a cabin is logs. These should all be carefully selected and cut to proper length before the cabin is started. Some prefer to square the log. This enables them to fit more accurately to each other; also it makes the house more snug, but it makes a lot of extra work and takes all of the genuine rusticity from the cabin. For an ordinary cabin logs six inches in diameter are large enough. They will last longer than logs of 8, 10 or 12 inches, as is sometimes used. Leave the bark on, but remove protruding knots and defects. After the logs are cut the right length, provision being made for doors and windows, comes the raising. This is easy, provided there are two or three or half a dozen to assist, with a good dinner and plenty of apple cider in sight, as was the case during the "log raisings" of the early settlement days. But the miner of today must content himself with an appetite keened for bacon and beans, dutch oven biscuits, and a pot of black coffee. The logs are raised and laid crosswise in tiers to the required height, the angles being formed by a notch on each side, about one-third of the log's diameter in depth and a few inches from the extremity. The space between the logs is made water-tight and air-tight by plastering clay or stuffing small bundles of twigs; sometimes a combination of both is used. The interior is lined with split laths or slabs, the ceiling left with its low-hanging beams. There must, of course, be the wide fireplace, made of rocks and mud. Placer miners frequently use a short section of hydraulic pipe to top their chimneys, as it gives a better draft and makes the fireplace easier to construct. The scantlings for the roof are smaller logs or poles, cut to fit before they are raised. The better plan is to make them amply long that they may extend protectingly over, giving wide, cool eaves for summer; they may even be carried over 4 or 6 feet on one side, and the extra cover thus afforded made in a porch or "lean-to." The doors and windows are deeply ledged. The space left for them, especially the windows, should be accurately computed before the cabin is raised, otherwise the uneven, jagged ends of the logs must be sawed and evened when the sashes are put in. Mineral Wealth, Redding, September 15, 1906, page 5 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The mill on the Mountain Lion mine of Applegate district, near Grants
Pass, which has been shut down for some time, was started up recently,
and that old property is producing again. The mine was tied up on
account of litigation following the abandonment of the property by
Colonel J. S. Crawford. Colonel Crawford did a lot of work on the
property and equipped it with a splendid plant, but his extravagant
management made it impossible for the mine to pay under his
supervision. He was obliged to return the Mountain Lion to the owners,
who have since wrestled with creditors and unpaid workmen. But
the old
property is itself again and under the management of Wm. Bailey
promises to become one of the leading producers of the Southern Oregon
district. The mine is opened to a depth of 500 feet with tunnels,
winzes and shafts, and has a large body of high-grade ore uncovered.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass Ore. A new hydraulic mine is being developed and equipped on Myrtle Creek by the Old Channel Mining Company of which John D. Platts, an experienced mining engineer, is general manager and superintendent. Mr. Platts now has a crew at work running a long and deep ditch to bring water to the diggings from the main fork of Myrtle Creek. The claims of this new mine are located on the richest of the Myrtle Creek bars. Mammoth nuggets have been found on them. One piece containing over $900 was picked up there a short time ago. The Old Channel is the first company to take up hydraulic mining on an extensive scale in the Myrtle Creek district. The United States Copper Company is developing several rich copper prospects on the Upper Illinois River. These properties have only been worked since last May, but with the 200 feet of work done an eight-foot ledge has been uncovered. The entire eight feet is pay ore, but one-half the vein, on the hanging wall, carries exceptionally high values. The formation is chalcocite. The best of the ore from this property is being carried from the claims by pack pony and shipped to the smelter. The ore is packed 35 miles down the Illinois to the Rogue River and transported 45 miles down Rogue River to the sea, where it is put aboard steamers and shipped to Selby. Despite the long haul, the richness of the ore allows very fair profit to the owners. Billy Frakes and Ben Batty, two Grants Pass prospectors, returned here a few days ago from a prospecting trip into the Siskiyou Mountains, bringing with them samples of rich tellurium ore and a flask of gold mortared from a strike they made on Elliott Creek, a tributary of Applegate River. The samples of tellurium or sylvanite brought in by them are exceptionally rich. They were removed from a three-foot ledge, all ore of high grade, with six inches on the hanging wall that runs up into the hundreds per ton. The prospectors also uncovered several rich stringers of free gold, from which they picked and mortared a quantity of pure metal. They are highly elated over their discovery, as it is a result of three years' search and much painstaking work. The prospectors report that there is an army of gold hunters up on the Siskiyou divide this summer, and that a number of good strikes have been made. To cope with the extra inflow of water that recently flooded the lower levels of the Granite Hill mine, the American Gold Fields Company has installed a large Worthington compound pump, with a capacity of 30,000 gallons per hour. This pump is rapidly lowering the water, and superintendent Wickersham believes that normal conditions will be restored at the property in a short time. This pump, together with that on the lower level, will easily keep down the water in the future, once the mine is cleared. While work is short in the mine the management is making good the opportunity, and has a large part of the crew at work in the Granite Hill sawmill, cutting lumber for additional buildings and timbers for the shafts. Operations will be resumed with increased vigor when the flood is lowered. Just before the water came in, a massive body of the richest ore yet encountered in the mine was struck on the lower level and the management is anxious to continue the mining of this. Despite its recent trouble, which is merely a tedious delay, the prospects for this fast-growing property are very bright. The camp continues to be one of the busiest and thriftiest in Southern Oregon. Mineral Wealth, Redding, September 15, 1906, pages 5-6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The Buckeye Mining & Milling Company, which owns the Buckeye
of copper claims on Slate Creek, has placed a compressor and machine
drills. The work of development on these claims is progressing
splendidly, and the ledge is showing up to good advantage.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. The Oregon Gold Fields Company, under manager Sam Bowden, is doing good work on the Ada mine of Foots Creek, which it recently purchased. The ledge has a width of three feet and carries high values in free gold. Shipments are being made from the mine. Weekly shipments of ore are being made from the Continental mine of Myrtle Creek district, to the smelter at Tacoma. The returns are highly satisfactory and the company will place a larger and more adequate treating plant on the property. The Shorty-Hope Mining & Milling Company is preparing to do more extensive development work on its Shorty-Hope mine, of Ashland district. This is one of the oldest mines in Southern Oregon, and it has produced considerable gold. It has been idle for several months on account of unfortunate litigation. Charles Tutt of Colorado Springs, manager of the Takilma Smelting Company, was here this past week visiting his mine and smelter at Waldo. Coke is being hauled out to the smelter as fast as the long train of freight wagons can haul it, and an endeavor is being made to get enough fuel on the ground to keep the smelter running till late in the winter. Four carloads of matte are being shipped from here each week, the product of the smelter. One hundred and fifty tons of ore are treated daily. The old Hammersley mine on Jumpoff Joe Creek is again in operation. This mine is the property of F. H. Osgood and associates of Seattle, who purchased it over a year ago. At that time the mine had been abandoned for years and was flooded. But the Seattle men cleared it out, retimbered it, and drove the tunnels and drifts deeper, opening up a big body of high-grade ore. They also placed a mill with complete auxiliary equipment, and the property now gives promise of becoming one of the best and most productive mines in this section of the state. The mine is managed by Robert Glenn Smith of Grants Pass. Superintendent Kremer announces that the Granite Hill will be fully cleared of its surplus water and in shape to resume operations by the 15th of October at the latest. The big compound pump recently placed in the mine, and which has been operated day and night, has rapidly lowered the flood. It is now down to the 300-foot level. The two upper levels are being retimbered and stoping will begin at once. The lower levels will also soon be cleared and the electric pump started up. The two pumps will absolutely prevent the occurrence of the accident. The lower levels will soon be cleared and mining resumed. Aside from the delay very little damage or loss was sustained by the flood. Manager W. J. Morphy is expected out the first of October and will spend a month inspecting the mine and the properties of the American Gold Fields Company and is laying plans for the winter's work. That the Gold Ridge and Briggs districts of Upper Sucker Creek will become the richest and most productive gold sections in Oregon is the verdict of mining men who have claims up there and who are already realizing handsome returns from properties that are under operation. A number of remarkable strikes have been made, not alone on the famous Wounded Buck, which started the rush into the district, but also on other properties along the Siskiyou Divide and further down on Gold Ridge. On the Seattle, Tribune, January First, and New Year claims, good strikes have been made and wide ledges uncovered. A number of claims have been developed to good depth and small equipments have been placed on several to grind out the values from the free-milling ore. Sluices are also used, where water avails, and two-men propositions are paying from $26 to $100 a day. The ledges of the Briggs and Gold Ridge districts are permanent in character. They vary in width from one to twenty feet, the wider lodes carrying base ore principally, such ore being largely in the nature of copper-gold pyrites. The smaller veins carry free gold in nearly all cases. Though the camp is but three years old a pack train makes regular trips from Holland, carrying in mail and supplies. On the Wounded Buck claims day and night crews are employed by the Gold Bar Milling Company, under manager Ed. Staples. On these claims, as well as on others of the district, substantial cabins have been built and all preparations made to carry on operations all winter, despite the deep snows that pile the Siskiyous after the first of November. Mineral Wealth, Redding, October 1, 1906, page 6 An important mineral find has been made almost within the limits of the city of Grants Pass, the discovery consisting of an eight-foot vein of molybdenite. Development will be immediately commenced. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 20, 1906, pages 468-469 GRANTS
A box containing 120 pounds of ore, and carrying $7,000 in gold, was
brought into Grants Pass a few days ago by C. L. Mangum, president of
the Grants Pass Miners' Association, and put on display at the mineral
exhibit room of the association. The gold attracted much attention,
because of its coming from a new mine and a new district. It was
undoubtedly the richest display of quartz ever exhibited here. Many of
the chunks were half gold, and all of it was peppered with yellow
metal. In some of the pieces the gold occurred in slabs the thickness
of a man's hand. The gold shown is but a small part of the fortune
taken from a rich strike in Siskiyou County, California, near the
Oregon line.(Staff Correspondence.) The property has been under development for the past year, and the owner has removed over $100,000 of such stuff as was shown here. At the time Mr. Mangum visited the claim, the owner had $70,000 worth of ore under the bunk in his cabin. Very little is given out concerning the fabulous mine, other than it is located in Siskiyou County, near the state line, and that it was recently sold to an Eastern syndicate for $400,000. This proves that the "good things" have not all been located on the Siskiyou divide. The Blue Ledge mine and camp continues to grow, and the outlook of that part of Siskiyou County gets better and brighter every day. That it will become the leading copper camp of the Pacific Coast is fully conceded with all competent mining men acquainted with conditions. The road from Medford, Oregon, is continually lined with men, afoot and horseback, with rigs of every sort, freight wagon and teams. Two stages go out daily. The Blue Ledge Company now employs 350 men on and around its mines. The company's monthly payroll for labor alone is $15,000. Underground development. has been pushed with all possible speed, and ore worth several millions of dollars has been blocked out. Not only copper, but gold is also carried. This past week a chunk of quartz was taken from the main drift that was almost half gold. One monster piece shipped out contained $7,000. It is now a certainty that. a smelter will be built on the Blue Ledge this next summer, and that a railroad will be built connecting the mine with some point on the main line of the Southern Pacific. A boulevard has been built from Joe's Bar, the townsite and camp, to the mine, a distance of five miles. Over this boulevard a 90-ton boiler and much other ponderous equipment has been hauled. The Granite Hill mine and camp, near Grants Pass, has returned to its old-time activity, all of the water having been removed from the lower levels, and mining is now being done in the stopes and drifts. The mill has been started up again, and the 20-stamps are pounding continually. The rich body of ore, struck a short time before the flood came in, is being worked. This ore carries splendid values, and with an increased crew the property will make good the time lost during the summer while the levels were flooded. The water is easily held under control by the big electrically driven centrifugal pump, and the management has no fear of a repetition of the former trouble. John Ross, Jr., the well-known Sutter Creek miner and consulting engineer for the company, will direct operations at the Granite Hill in the future. Mr. Ross has great faith in the property and is confident it will become a big producer. W. J. Morphy, who recently visited and inspected the mines as manager for the American Gold Fields Company, has returned to Chicago. His son, Charley Morphy, will have nominal charge of the property. The outlook for the Granite Hill was never brighter than at present. The old Braden mine, near Gold Hill, which was purchased a few months ago by J. W. Opp, the former owner and manager of the Opp mine, near Jacksonville. has been completely overhauled, more deeply developed and equipped with a modern milling and concentrating plant. The new mill was built during the summer, and the recent test was highly satisfactory. Owing to the scarcity of water the mill is operated during one shift only, but will pound day and night as soon as the water supply is adequate. Two shifts are employed in the workings, and a mammoth ore reserve is blocked out. The mill has a ten-stamp battery, with a set of Johnson concentrators for each set of stamps. The mill and entire plant is operated by electricity derived over the power line of the Condor Company. Heavy rains have been falling over Southern Oregon for the past two weeks, with considerable snow on the mountains. This gives assurance of an early beginning of placer operations. The Seattle people who own and are developing the old Hammersley mine, on Jumpoff Joe, are installing a 25-ton cyanide plant to assist the five-stamp mill. Northwest Mining Journal, November 1906, page 75 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The hydraulic placer miners have completed their regular summer's work
of overhauling and repairing, and have their properties ready to begin
work. If the rains are heavy this winter, the output of virgin gold
will be exceptionally large from this section.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. The Golden Drift Mining Company is again operating its giants after being closed down for several months to allow repairs and additions to be made to the power plant. Two giants are operated by the five-step centrifugal pump. Fifteen hundred horsepower is necessary to operate this pump. W. C. Ament, president of the company, is here from Chicago, inspecting the company's properties. The giants will be operated continuously in the future. The hydraulic mines of the Galice Consolidated Mining Company will not be operated this winter because of unfortunate litigation. Manager Counsin has suspended work and will retain only such men as will be necessary to guard the properties. This company was the defendant in a lawsuit, damages being asked by the owner of a neighboring mine because of a break in the big ditch of the Galice Consolidated Company, which overflowed the rival diggings. The case is now pending in the supreme courts. Superintendent Kremer continues to meet good success in lowering the water that recently flooded the Granite Hill mine. The water is below the 300-foot level and will reach the 400-foot within the next few days, when the big electrically operated pump will be cleared and started up. With both pumps operating, no further difficulty will be encountered by the flood. The stopes and drifts have been cleared on the 200- and 300-foot levels, and mining is now being done. The mill will be started up this week. The Oregon Gold Fields Company, of which Samuel Bowden is general manager, has placed a crew on the Ada mine, of Foots Creek district, which it recently purchased, and is deeply developing the property. The ledge on this mine is from three to four feet wide, and carries good values in free gold. The mine has shipped considerable ore, and is opened up to a depth of 300 feet. A long tunnel, driven in below the old workings, will tap the ore body at great depth. The Green Brothers mine on Galice Creek, which has been under development for several years by Dan and George Green, has been bonded by Dr. J. F. Reddy. Dr. Reddy selected this property over several others inspected, and is confident it will develop into a very productive mine. He has placed a. crew and will open it up and shape it for business. The vein has a width of eight feet, and carries free-milling ore at the rate of $14 a ton. Some of the values run as high as $50. The busiest mining camp in Southern Oregon at the present time is Takilma, the site of the Takilma smelter, in the heart of the Waldo copper district. The smelter is operating day and night and is treating from 150 to 200 tons of ore daily. About four carloads of matte are being shipped from the smelter each week, and about the same amount of coke is' being consumed. The bulk of ore for the smelter comes from the Queen of Bronze mine. This is the property of the Takilma Smelting Company, owner of the smelter. The company also owns and is developing the Lyttle mine, of the same district. The Waldo Smelting & Mining Company owns several properties in the district and has men at work developing them. The Euchre Creek Mining Company, composed principally of Los Angeles mining men, has its lower Rogue River hydraulic placers almost in shape to begin operations. This company purchased a large tract of rich diggings on Half Moon and Black Bear bars, 50 miles below Grants Pass. Charles W. Mills, of Los Angeles, president and general manager of the company, has been here all summer superintending the work of development. The bars are very rich, carrying values in coarse gold, and the ground is all virgin. Ditches and flumes have been constructed bringing water from Tom East Creek. The supply will be sufficient to keep the giants in operation for a season of eight or nine months each year. The Euchre Creek mines are located in the most remote and the most isolated district of Oregon, which accounts for the ground having never been worked. As the Rogue is not navigable, and as there are no roads into the district, the task of carrying in the heavy machinery and equipment has been a strenuous one. All of the ponderous pieces of steel and iron, the giants, piping, and even a sawmill, have been packed in over the mountain trail from the West Fork on ponies and mules. The sawmill has been at work for several weeks cutting lumber from the fine timber on the claims with which to construct flumes and erect mine buildings. The company expects to have its properties in shape to begin work by January 1st. Mineral Wealth, Redding, California, November 1, 1906, page 7 MINING MACHINERY TO HIGHEST
Sheriff Jackson will sell at sheriff's sale and to the highest bidder,
at the Bowden mine, near Gold Hill, on Thursday, November 15, 1906, at
3 o'clock p.m., the following property:1 160-horsepower
A quantity of cooking utensils and all
other articles of personal property that may be upon said premises.1 24-horsepower boiler, 3 pump heads, 1 air compressor, 2 air receivers, 1 water heater, 1 2-inch drill with fittings, 2 lamps, 20 feet of rubber hose, 1 bell, 2 3½-inch drills with fittings, 3 barrels with contents, 2 sets of pipe dies, 1 bale of waste packing, 1 headlight, 1 blasting battery and electric fuse, 3 dozen lamp chimneys, 2 lanterns, 1 pipe vise, 1 set of pipe cutters, 5 bars of drill steel, Quantity of blacksmith iron, 75 cords of four-foot wood, more or less, 500 bricks more or less, 4000 feet of lumber more or less, 1 chive wheel [drive wheel?], 1 dining table, 1 pair chain tongs, 1 set of chain blocks, 1 2-inch gate valve and pipe fittings, 1 Buffalo blower, 5 shovels, 150 pounds of nails, more or less, 1 ore bucket, 1 Truax ore oar, 500 feet of T-rails, 2000 feet 2-inch pipe, more or less, 1 dump hook, 2000 feet of l-inch pipe, more or less, 1000 feet of 3-inch pipe, more or less, 22 pounds ⅞-inch drill steel, more or less, 600 feet of fuse, 40 pounds 2-inch machine drills, 40 pounds 8-inch machine drills, 1 bellows, 1 anvil and blacksmith tools, 3 vises, 1 heating stove, 3 lamps, 4 pair of scales, 1 cotton mattress, 2 water tanks, 3 picks, 75 feet of air hose, more or less, 1 man crosscut saw, 1 grindstone and frame, 2 wheelbarrows, 4 buckets, 200 fire brick, more or less. Medford Mail, November 9, 1906, page 8 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
A box containing 120 pounds of ore and carrying $7,000 in gold was
brought into Grants Pass a few days ago by C. L. Mangum, president of
the Grants Pass Miners' Association, and put on display at the mineral
exhibit room of the association. The gold attracted much attention.
because of its coming from a new mine and a new district. It was
undoubtedly the richest display of quartz ever exhibited here. Many of
the chunks were half gold, and all of it was peppered with the yellow
metal. In some of the places the gold occurred in slabs the thickness
of a man's hand. The gold shown is but a small part of the fortune
taken from a rich strike in Siskiyou County, California, near the
Oregon line.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. The property has been under development for the past year, and it is reported that the owner has removed over $100,000 of such stuff as was shown here. At the time Mr. Mangum visited the claim, the owner had $70,000 worth of ore under the bunk in his cabin according to the estimate made. Very little is given out concerning the new mine, other than it is located in Siskiyou County, near the state line, and that it was recently sold to an eastern syndicate for a large sum. This proves that the "good things" in the Siskiyous have not all been located. The Granite Hill mine and camp, near Grants Pass, has returned to its old-time activity, all of the water having been removed from the lower levels, and mining is now being done in the stopes and drifts. The mill has been started up again, and the 20 stamps are pounding continually. The rich body of ore, struck a short time before the flood came in, is being worked. The ore carries splendid values, and with an increased crew the property will make good the time lost during the summer while the levels were flooded. The water is easily held under control by the big electrically driven centrifugal pump, and the management has no fear of a repetition of the former trouble. John Ross, Jr., the well-known Sutter Creek miner and consulting engineer of the company, will direct operations at. the Granite Hill in the future. Mr. Ross has great faith in the property and is confident it will become a big producer. W. J. Morphy, who recently visited and inspected the mines as manager for the American Gold Fields Company, has returned to Chicago. His son, Charley Morphy, will have nominal charge of the property. The outlook for the Granite Hill was never brighter than at present. The old Braden mine, near Gold Hill, which was purchased a few months ago by J. W. Opp, the former owner and manager of the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, has been equipped with a modern milling and concentrating plant. The new mill was built during the summer, and the recent test was highly satisfactory. Owing to the scarcity of water the mill is operated during one shift only, but will pound day and night as soon as the water supply is adequate. Two shifts are employed in the workings, and a large ore reserve is blocked out. The mill has a ten-stamp battery, with a set of Johnson concentrators for each set of stamps. The mill and entire plant is operated by electricity derived over the power line of the Condor company. Heavy rains have been falling over Southern Oregon for the past two weeks, with considerable snow on the mountains. This gives assurance of an early beginning of placer operations. The Seattle people who owned and are developing the old Hammersley mine, on Jumpoff Joe, are installing a 25-ton cyanide plant. A five-stamp mill is in operation. Mineral Wealth, Redding, California, November 15, 1906, page 9 Activity in a New Copper District
Unusual activity is noticeable in the Blue Ledge district
located in
northern Siskiyou County, California, and in Southern Oregon, on both
sides of the state line.The principal operations, as has been the case ever since the inception of development work in this district, are the Blue Ledge, which employs inside and out upwards of 300 men. The recent completion of the wagon road to the mine has enabled the hauling contractors to deliver all the machinery on the ground necessary for the installation of a compressor which will have the capacity of twelve drills. Many other properties in the district are having much preliminary work done upon them, and together there are aver 500 men working in the district. The Joe Creek Copper Mining Company, a short distance west of the Blue Ledge, is erecting buildings and getting the old ones in serviceable shape for the winter. At the Iglo group, one mile east of the Blue, a contract has been let for driving the main tunnel another 100 feet. Two shifts are now being worked at the Sapholia group owned by Peter Larson of Spokane and Selsby & Magill of Medford. The Copper King group, owned by Frank King and partners, was recently sold to Spokane parties, E. L. Jones consummating the deal. The property is now being worked with promising prospects. Mineral Wealth, Redding, November 15, 1906, page 1 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The old Hammersley mine on Jumpoff Joe Creek is making a splendid
showing since the new cyanide plant was installed and put in operation
a few weeks ago. Manager Ed Smith brought in the amalgam for the first
cleanup this week. The returns are highly satisfactory, and prove that
the right method has been hit upon for treating the ore of this
property. The values of the Hammersley ore are such as not to be
reduced by milling and concentrating. The cyanide plant is saving
nearly all of the values not saved on the plates or tables. The three
tanks have a combined capacity of 120 tons. The mill is of five stamps,
and a set of Wilfley concentrators are operated. The owners have done a
vast amount of work and have uncovered some 15,000 tons of pay quartz.
Besides this, the entire dump and tailings pile now represents values,
and will yield fully $60,000 when reduced by the cyanide method.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. This week nearly all the leading hydraulic placer mines started their giants in the Southern Oregon surface diggings. Work is beginning a full month ahead of time. The surface miners are glad of this, as it ensures a good long season, and means that a vast amount of gravel will be moved, also that a big pile of virgin gold will be uncovered. The Simons, Cameron & Logan placers of Waldo were the first to start their giants, the Deep Gravel properties of the same district following a close second. The mines of this district are in excellent shape for business, as all have been overhauled and repaired during the summer. The Deep Gravel mines were completely made over by manager Wimer and has new equipment throughout. Mr. Wimer states that he will move fully twice as much ground this year as has ever been moved in one season during the history of this famous old property. Manager Harvey has his battery working one shift in the Royal Group placers, of Galice district. His giants will be operated day and night as soon as the water supply becomes a little heavier. The Sixes hydraulic placer, gold and platinum diggings, the most extensive in the Umpqua district, which have been owned and operated by the Sixes Mining Company for several years, were recently purchased by the Retrieve Mining Company of California. The consideration, though known to be large, is not given out. The Retrieve Mining Company, though a new organization, is composed of some of the best known mining men on the Coast. Captain S. H. Whitney, manager and superintendent for the company, was for years the manager of the properties of the Commander Mining & Milling Company near Gold Beach. The Retrieve Mining Company will make an entirely new mine of the Sixes property. All of the old equipment, most of which is worn out and antiquated, will be replaced by more extensive and more modern machinery. The water rights of the company are excellent and will be used to the limit, that the placers may operate the entire season. The diggings carry a vast amount of platinum as well as gold. A system of undercurrents, sluices and riffles, as well as settling vats and other modern appliances, will be used to separate the rare metal values from the black sands. The new company intends to have its equipment in place and the mines ready for operation within the next four or five months. To make a fabulous strike and know nothing of it till nearly a month after it occurred is something that rarely happens on a gold mine, yet that is what happened at the Mountain Lion mine near Grants Pass. A few days ago one of the owners of the property made an inspection of the mine dump. It had been raining, and the downpour had washed the top rock of the dump very clean, exposing a quantity of gold-glittering ore that had been thrown away as worthless. The startling discovery was made that a fortune had been tossed on the dump. Many of the chunks, large as water buckets, were thickly shot with free gold. A lot of the ore is now on display in Grants Pass, and is attracting much attention. It goes without saying that the dump of the Mountain Lion was given immediate attention. It was completely overhauled and the rich stuff picked out. The rich ore was not discovered when taken from the drift because of its being taken from a point in the tunnel where no pay was expected. The drift was being run on a lower level to tap the main ore body at greater depth, and encountered the strike on the way. The gold was embedded in crystallized quartz, and was not visible until washed clean by the rain. Bailey Brothers, Harmon & Jewell of this city, owners of the Mountain Lion, have done much development work on the property, and have uncovered a big body of ore. The ten-stamp mill will be started up at once and operated continuously. Over ten tons of hydraulic piping were received this past week for the Deep Gravel hydraulic mines of Waldo district. The company has a train of freight wagons at work hauling out the new equipment. Manager W. J. Wimer has a large crew of men making extensive repairs to the Deep Gravel mines, and they will be in splendid shape for a big run this winter. Manager W. J. Morphy of the American Gold Fields Company arrived here this week from Chicago and will spend several days on the Granite Hill properties laying plans for future work and operations. Continued good success is met in lowering the water and all levels down to the 400 are now clear, with day and night crews placed in the upper stopes. The mill will be grinding again in a short time. Manager Frank Fetch of the Siskiyou-Sunset Mining & Development Company is placing men on the claims of the property near the old mining town of Kerby, and will do extensive development work. The Sunset, the principal claim of the group, is quite well developed and has produced considerable gold. The property consists of a huge soft-quartz deposit carrying free gold. An arc lighting plant is being placed on the Cook & Howland hydraulic placer mine on Jumpoff Joe district. Six big arc lights will light the diggings for night work and the buildings, shops, cabins and quarters will also be lighted. The dynamo will be run by power supplied from the main pipe line. Besides the installation of a lighting plant, many other improvements have been made on these placers this past summer and the mines will be operated on a mammoth scale this winter. The Martha mine, the property of the Martha Mining Company of New York, and which has been operated in conjunction with the Greenback mine for several months, has been leased to Blalock & Howe and will be operated under their management in the future. The Martha is located one mile farther up the canyon beyond the Greenback, and its ore is conveyed to the Greenback mill by gravity tramway. The Martha has its own compressing and hoisting plant, and the new managers will retain the present crew, keeping up the same bustle and activity that has been manifest on the mine for several months past. The Martha is considered almost as good a property as its older sister, the Greenback. Captain Mclntyre hauled in the last load of copper matte from the Takilma smelter on the Waldo mines for the season, recently, and will transfer his freight teams to Klamath to assist in constructing the government ditches and irrigating reservoirs. The run of the Takilma smelter was very short this season. The plant would have operated longer, but the freight train was not large enough to keep coke on the ground, and the smelter was in danger of "freezing up," hence the necessity for shutting down much earlier than was anticipated. The run, though short, was very successful. Large crews will be maintained on the Queen of Bronze, Lyttle, Cowboy and other properties of the district all this winter to continue development. The Greenback mine, the property of the Greenback Mining Company, and one of the oldest and best producers in Oregon, has been leased to Mr. McLean and will be operated under his management in the future. R. N. Bishop, the former superintendent, has retired. W. H. Brevoort of New York remains general manager of the Greenback Mining Company. Mr. McLean will continue the development of the mine, opening up the levels and blocking out ore for future reduction in the mill. He will employ both day and night crews and the camp will remain as busy as in the past. About 300 people live in the town of Greenback, being supported directly or indirectly by the mine. During the seven years that it has been operated the Greenback has produced over $1,000,000. It started with a 5-stamp mill in the fall of 1898, increasing to ten that winter, and to fifteen by the following spring. Two years later a forty-stamp mill was built on the opposite side of the mountain after three drifts had been driven completely through the mountain, and the upper ore deposits were worked out. The old mill was then abandoned. The Greenback ledge has been worked to the 1400-foot level and is at present being developed on the 1500-foot level. The ledge is as wide on the 1500-foot level as near the surface and gives no indication of pinching out, but the values are more base than those of the upper levels. Mr. McLean, the lessee of the Greenback, was formerly foreman on the mine, and was employed there for several years, having thus had an opportunity to learn the property thoroughly. Mineral Wealth, Redding, December 1, 1906, page 6 Development work is being pushed in the Briggs mine, at the head of Sucker Creek, near Grants Pass, and up to date aggregates about 1,200 ft. of sinking and driving. Three separate lodes are exposed, running nearly parallel. The first of these is the one on which the rich strike was made in 1904, and is about eight inches wide, giving phenomenal returns in places. The second vein is large, about 20 ft. wide, giving an average assay of $8 per ton in free gold, besides concentrate. The third vein was discovered in crosscutting what was thought to be the lode-walls. This cut has been driven 70 ft. and is still in ore, assaying about $20 per ton, mostly in sulphides. A projected wagon road will facilitate development and equipment of this property, as the remoteness of the place and difficulty of transportation impede progress. In winter it is impractical under present conditions to bring in supplies for more than a small force of men. With the completion of the road, machinery will be installed for the erection of a stamp mill of large capacity. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 22, 1906, page 741 HON. H. E. ANKENY PASSES AWAY
Henry H. Ankeny died at the North Pacific Sanitarium Portland at 8
o'clock Saturday morning, Dec. 22, 1906, of Bright's disease. He had
been confined in the institution for several months, under the constant
care of physicians, having been assailed by the malady last August. He
was a pioneer, and for many years was identified with the industrial
growth of the state. He was a stepbrother of United States Senator Levi
Ankeny, of Washington.Pioneer Statebuilder Passes Away in Portland. Henry E. Ankeny was born in Virgina, May 18, 1844. He crossed the plains with his father, the late Captain A. P. Ankeny, in 1850, and settled in Yamhill County. He removed to Portland in the early '60s, where he became agent of Wells, Fargo & Co. Express. He was also engaged in the mercantile business here. With his father and stepbrother, Levi Ankeny, he moved to Lewiston, Idaho, in 1866, and operated an express line on the Upper Snake River, and also engaged in mining on his own initiative. He managed a pack train to the mining centers, and later ventured into the Fraser River country also. Mr. Ankeny moved to Marion County, Oregon, in the early '70s. There he operated a large farm near Jefferson. He also mined near Galice Creek, Josephine County. He moved to Jackson County in 1889 and operated the Sterling mine with his brother-in-law, Vin Cooke, until 1905, when the mine was sold. He was president of the Medford National Bank and vice-president of the Chamberlain-Bristow Banking Company, of Eugene, and his home was in that city. He was married in 1866 to Miss Cordelia Stryker, of Vancouver, Wash. The children are: Frank E. Ankeny, of Klamath Falls; Mrs. John S. Orth and Mrs. Frank Crump, of Jacksonville; Mrs. Roscoe Cantrell, of Klamath Falls; Mrs. Alfred H. Miller, of Medford, and Miss Gladys Ankeny, of Eugene. He was a member of Eugene Lodge, No. 11, A.F.&A.M., being a 32nd degree Mason, a Knight Templar and a Mystic Shriner. Medford Mail, December 28, 1906, page 1 The Year's Mining Progress in
Southern Oregon
It is a very natural thing for a writer to begin a resume of this sort
with the time-honored sentence, "the past year has witnessed the
greatest strides forward, the greatest development and the most
monumental progress the district has ever known, etc., etc." It is far
better to be optimistic than pessimistic. The one is a builder, while
the other is a destroyer.By Dennis H. Stovall So the writer of this, who has always tried to look upon things with an optimistic eye, must look back over the year that has passed much as the traveler gazes back upon the road that has led him upward and onward. There have been other years when greater heights have been scaled, when greater distances have been covered, but this one has, after ail, been one of progression. There are not quite as many stamps dropping now as were pounding a year ago, but they were stamps that would better have been hung up from the beginning; there are not quite as many mining men here now as there were a year ago, but those who have remained are the ones who are doing the camp the greatest good; the "knocker," too, is much less in evidence than he was this time last year, which is a matter of heartfelt thanksgiving, rather than regret. As to the number of stamps now dropping in Southern Oregon mines: There are some 22 or 23 properties equipped with mills, dropping, all told, about 200 stamps. These are the Greenback, Graves Creek district, 40 stamps; Granite Hill, Louse Creek district, 20 stamps; Oro Fino, Jumpoff Joe district, 50-ton cyanide equivalent to 15 stamps; Baby, Jumpoff Joe district, 5 stamps; Lucky Queen, Jumpoff Joe district, 10 stamps; Hammersley, Jumpoff Joe district, 25-ton cyanide plant and 5-stamp mill, equivalent to 15 stamps; Yellow Horn, Placer district, 5 stamps; Vulcan, Placer district, 5 stamps; Kremer, Mount Reuben district, 5 stamps; Ajax, Mount Reuben district, 5 stamps; Golden Wedge, Galice district, 5 stamps; Eureka, Soldier Creek district, 10 stamps; Bone of Contention, Williams district, 8 stamps; Mountain Lion, Applegate district, 10 stamps; Homestake, Evans Creek district, 10 stamps; Braden, Gold Hill district, 10 stamps; Bill Nye, Gold Hill district, 10 stamps; Gold Standard, Jacksonville district, 5 stamps; Opp, Jacksonville district, 10 stamps; Oregon Belle, Forest Creek district, 10 stamps; Shorty-Hope, Ashland district, 10 stamps. The greater number of these mills are in operation. and are in the center of thriving mining camps. Some have been closed down for two or three months during the past summer on account of litigation, but these are coming out of legal entanglement and will soon be busy again. Others have been hung up to allow of an overhauling and general improving of the mill and mine; those that have closed through any fault of the ore body are few in number, and even these have not been given up altogether, and with continued persistence on the part of the managements will again pick up the pay and join the list of busy ones. The Greenback mine. now beginning its eighth season, has been leased to M. McLean, and will be operated under his management in the future. The property remains under the ownership of the Greenback Mining Company, of which W. H. Brevoort of New York is general manager. R. N. Bishop, the former superintendent, has retired. Mr. McLean is opening up the deep levels of the property, and very recently uncovered another of the marvelous and rich bodies of free gold ore that have made this mine famous. This strike was made on the 1500-foot level, and proves that the Greenback is yet far from being a "pinched out" proposition. From all indications the Greenback will remain a busy camp for many years to come. The Martha mine, located near the Greenback, and which has been treating its ore in the Greenback mill, conveying it down the gulch over an aerial tram, has also changed managements, having been leased by the Martha Mining Company to Blalock & Howe. These gentlemen will continue the deep development of the property, and operate it on an extensive scale. The Granite Hill mine was flooded during the greater part of the summer. Early in July a subterranean cavity, or vast underground lake, was tapped, and a gigantic flood rushed in on the miners, giving them barely time to make their escape, Within a few hours, despite the heroic efforts of the miners, and the hard work of the pumps, the lower levels were flooded. The submerging of the big electrically operated pump on the lower level made it necessary to install skips, and these were operated day and night. 'The mine was emptied in September, and is again in operation. The Granite Hill remains the property of the American Gold Fields Company of Chicago. L. Y. Wickersham. the former superintendent, has resigned, and Charley Morphy, son of manager W. J. Morphy, has local charge of the property. Notable among the progressive events of the past year in Southern Oregon's mining industry has been the distribution to all of the larger mines and important mining districts [of] power by electricity. The Bill Nye mine on Blackwell Hill, some two miles from Rogue River, has installed its own power plant, by building a dam across the river by which immense power is developed and conveyed to the mine by wire. The mill and entire plant is operated by electric energy. The Condor Water & Power Company, with its immense plant at Gold Ray, is distributing the greatest amount of electric energy. This company now has about 600 miles of line strung. About half of this was put up this past year. The lines reach all the way from the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, to the Greenback, of northern Josephine County. The Greenback, Granite Hill, Homestake, Braden and Opp mines all operate their plants by electric power from the Condor enterprise. The Champlin dredger on Foots Creek is also operated by electric power. The Greenback has been using 200 horsepower. The line to this mine, which touches at several points on the way, is aluminum wire, carrying 20,000 volts and suspended to 8-inch insulators. This line not only supplies the Greenback, but the towns of Grants Pass and Gold Hill, and the Homestake, Granite Hill and other mines. It is one of the best constructed power lines on the Pacific Coast. Electricity in Southern Oregon, as in other sections of the West, is proving not only more convenient, but also more economical than steam. It is more regular, no trouble to generate, is always ready, and can be conveyed to or without causing the great uncomfort of extreme and smothering heat. This proves of great advantage in all properties that are required to do much pumping from the lower levels, as it is the case with nearly all Southern Oregon mines. The use of' electricity for this purpose also saves the fine timber on the mining claims for the better purpose of camp buildings and stulls. as well as shaft and tunnel timber. Considerable copper mining development was done in Southern Oregon this year, especially in the Waldo district, which is the principal "copper belt" of this part of Oregon. This Southern Oregon "copper belt" is really a part of the Northern California copper district, only the imaginary state line dividing the two. The Takilma smelter at Takilma was operated two months during the summer. The short run was not only due to the bad condition of the 45 miles of mountain road over which coke and matte must be hauled, but also to the inability of the Takilma Smelting Company to secure teams. During the season of operation the Takilma smelter employs a freight train of 125 horses and mules, and these are continually on the road between Grants Pass and Takilma, hauling out the matte for shipment to the refinery, and carrying in coke to the smelter. Manager Charles Tutt had personal charge of the smelter during the summer. An average of 100 tons of ore were treated daily. Though the smelter was obliged to close early, the Takilma smelter has retained a number of men to continue the development of the Queen of Bronze, Lyttle and other of their properties near the smelter. The Waldo Smelting & Mining Company is also continuing the development of its properties in the Waldo district. Southern Oregon is so widely and favorably known as a placer mining district that it seems a waste of good space and time to go to much length regarding this feature. Last season was short on rain, and the run of the monitors was cut short as a consequence. This year the rains have started early; there is already much snow on the mountains, and the placers have opened up for business a full month ahead of time, with a splendid outlook for a good season's work. During the summer many of the older and larger properties were overhauled and re-equipped, and are in shape to move a greater amount of gravel this winter than ever before. The improvements to hydraulic properties have been general. Many hundred tons of steel piping, giants and placer mining machinery arrived here during the summer, and was subsequently installed on surrounding diggings. The Deep Gravel mines of Waldo have been re-equipped entire. This mine placed over twenty tons of new piping, besides much other equipment of modern type. On lower Rogue River, 50 miles below Grants Pass, three hydraulic properties have been developed on Paradise and Half Moon bars. Los Angeles mining men and capitalists are behind each of these enterprises. The ground is all virgin and very rich. The district is remote, and difficult to reach, which accounts for its so long being overlooked. Over 200 tons of hydraulic mining equipment and machinery was taken in by pack pony over the narrow trail from West Fork to these lower Rogue River diggings this summer. The new mines will begin work with the new year. On lower Grave Creek a big hydraulic property was also developed and equipped this summer by the Mines Development Company, an eastern syndicate, of which Colonel Blaisdell is manager. Several miles of ditch and flumes were constructed, giving ample water supply for seven or eight months' run. The diggings are on Harris Flat, and carry excellent values. This mine will also begin business with the new year. The Golden Drift Mining Company's pumping hydraulic plant, in the Dry Diggings district, and on Rogue River near Grants Pass, was closed down during a great part of the past year to allow of the addition of more machinery and a general overhauling of the enterprise. This company has amply demonstrated that placer mining can be done by pumping, and solves the problem of embarrassing delays and annoyances caused by light rainfall and slack water supply. The two giants of the enterprise are operated by a five-step centrifugal pump, throwing 13,000,000 gallons every 24 hours, under pressure of 140 pounds to the square inch. Power is developed from a 20-foot dam across Rogue River. Considerable dredging development was done this year in Southern Oregon, but active operations have been confined to the big machine of Champlin & Company on Foots Creek. This dredger is one of the finest and best equipped on the Coast. The company has several hundred acres of good dredging ground on Foots Creek, all of which will bring excellent returns. The dredger has been making a weekly cleanup of from $1500 to $2500. Mineral Wealth, Redding, California, January 1, 1907, pages 5-7 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The hydraulic placers are operating full blast in all Southern Oregon
districts. From the Sterling on Forest Creek to the Vindicator on Cow
Creek the giants are thundering night and day, more than 100 of them.
The present season has opened most auspiciously and promises to be one
of the best for the surface diggers that this section of the state has
known. This is so because of the increased equipment and extensive
preparations made by nearly all the mines for larger work.By Dennis H. Stovall. The rains have not only been heavy enough to start the larger hydraulics, but have also given water to the "dry gulch" and "dry diggings," and these are in operation now for the first time in four years. Though these diggings are shallow they are all very rich, carrying heavy values in coarse gold; and being shallow are easily worked, most of the ground being moved by shovel and sluice, or by lighthead pipe and giant. As there are hundreds of these smaller placers in Southern Oregon, the operation of them will make a most appreciable increase to the state's output of gold. The Vulcan and Yellow Horn mines, located on adjoining claims in the placer district near Greenback, have been purchased from F. Clements by A. E. Shepperd and W. E. Blanton. The new owners have taken possession and will begin the development and operation of the properties at once. These mines have been worked for the past seven years. Both contain big bodies of ore. The Vulcan is equipped with a five-stamp mill in which the ore of both claims is reduced. Mr. Shepperd will have the management of the properties. He has already placed a crew. As neither claim has been worked for some time the tunnels, winzes and drifts are in bad shape by disuse. These will be retimbered. The development of the properties on the deeper levels will then be taken up, and the mill started up. A compressor and machine drills, with steam power, will be installed on the Yellow Horn in the near future. Returns of $1200 were received from a run of ten days with a five-stamp mill on the Mountain Lion mine of Applegate district. This property recently took on a new lease of life, and is now being very successfully operated by the owners, Bailey, Harmon & Jewell of this city. A heap of pure gold and very rich specimens of quartz are on display at the Grants Pass Banking Company's parlors in this city, the gold being from the recent big strike made on the Mountain Lion. The mine was tied up for over a year on account of litigation, but it has recently been removed from all legal entanglement, and is now ready to resume its place on the list of Oregon gold producers. Its ledges are from three to six feet wide, and all carry very fair values. The mine is opened by over 1200 feet of underground work. Besides the five-stamp mill there is a compressor and machine drill for mining operations. The development being done on the Briggs' mine of upper Sucker Creek by the Gold Bar Mining Company under the management of Ed Staples is every day bringing forth new surprises and producing stronger proof as to the immensity and richness of the mine. Mr. Staples has a large crew employed, and will keep men at work all winter, notwithstanding the difficulty of getting in supplies over the Siskiyou trail through the deep snow. The development work thus far aggregates nearly 1500 feet. Three separate ledges have been uncovered, running on a nearly parallel course. The first of these, the one on which the original "Briggs strike" was made, is the narrowest of them all, being but eight and ten inches in width, but its values run from $50 to $1000 a ton. The second ledge is twenty feet wide, and carries average values of $8 per ton in free gold besides considerable sulphurets. The third ledge is the larger of the three, ranging from forty to sixty feet in width. The values of this ledge are almost entirely base, averaging about $12. They are easily reduced by the ordinary method of concentration. The ore body now uncovered on the Briggs is one of the largest on any Oregon property, and fully warrants the 40- or 50-stamp mill that the company expect to build next spring. In order to haul the heavy machinery to the Briggs, and to carry in the vast amount of supplies being used on the various claims of the district now under development, a wagon road will be built from Holland to the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains. The present wagon road ends at Holland, and the remaining 20 miles has to be covered by narrow pack trail. Besides the Briggs, several other properties are being developed in the district. The Platts mine has been bonded by the Gold Bar Mining Company and is now under development. The Little Gem, owned by Barrett & Sutherland, is being developed and worked by the owners, and is making a fine showing. Hull & Matthews are developing and operating their property, the Cohen ledge, with splendid success. Mineral Wealth, Redding, January 15, 1907, page 6 World’s Largest Pump.
The biggest high-pressure pump in the world is installed in the Dry
Diggings placer fields of Southern Oregon, on Rogue River, and is used
to operate a battery of hydraulic monitors in the mines, writes Dennis
H. Stovall in the Technical
magazine. This pump is one of the largest pieces of mining machinery
ever manufactured, and could never have been installed but for the fact
that was dumped directly from the cars to the foundation prepared for
it at the mines.The pump was built by the Byron Jackson machine works of San Francisco, and was one of the last jobs done by this company before the earthquake and fire. The pump is of the five-step centrifugal type; and it weighs, aside from bearings and gears, just 70,000 pounds. Other pumps have been built that lift as great a volume of water as does this one, but they do not deliver it under such enormous pressure. This pump is tested to withstand a maximum pressure of 250 pounds to the square inch. Its capacity is 13,000,000 gallons per day of 24 hours, or 9000 gallons per minute. This enormous volume is delivered through a half mile of pipeline, the pipe being of steel, 22 inches in diameter. The water is lifted to a height of 100 feet and forced through two four-inch nozzles, hurling streams a distance of 500 feet. These powerful streams are played upon the mountain walls, to tear down the gold-bearing gravel. Sacramento Daily Union, January 27, 1907, page 17 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
For the first time in its history the old Greenback mine, of Grave
Creek district, is idle. The mine has been operated under lease for the
past nine months by M. McLain, the former foreman of the mine; but Mr.
McLain has dismissed his crew and hung up the stamps, declaring he can
no longer work the property under the existing contract. He demands new
papers with the Greenback company, but whether these will be allowed or
not remains to be seen. W. H. Brevoort, the general manager of the
company, is expected to arrive from New York before long and settle the
difficulty. In the meantime the property will be closed down, unless
operated at once by the owning company.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. Trouble is brewing in northern Josephine County between the timber "grabbers" and the miners. Several well-developed mines have been "jumped" by timbermen, on the plea that the land is more valuable for its timber than for its mineral. All the miners of northern Josephine County assembled at Golden a few days ago and signed a petition to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior protesting against the taking up of mining lands by timber locators. A representative was also selected to go to the land office at Roseburg and enter protest against the issuing of patents to certain timber claims that have been filed on, among them being one that "jumps" the Spotted Fawn mine. This mine is owned by C. H. Thompson, the former manager of the Greenback, and has at least $8000 worth of development work done upon it. The mining property of Miller & Company, with fully $10,000 worth of development and equipment, has also been "jumped." as has the Loban mine, with $1000 worth of development done. The Loban mine was located four years ago, the Spotted Fawn five years ago, and the Miller property 14 years ago. The miners believe they are being greatly imposed upon, and intend to fight the thing to a finish. A few miles northwest of Wonder, in the Slate Creek district, a mammoth ledge, carrying high values in gold, galena, copper and lead, has been uncovered. The ledge is 50 feet wide and the values it contains are distributed regularly throughout all parts of the lode. The discovery was made by W. H. Ramsey, an old prospector of this district. Mr. Ramsey has filed on several claims, and has done considerable work by tunnel on the proposition; he has also had several assays and tests made on the quartz, both by Southern Oregon assayers and by metallurgists in other districts. The quartz is of a kind and character never before found in Southern Oregon, and is almost identical with the highest grade ores of Colorado. It is peculiar in that it carries very high values in galena and lead. The galena alone is carried at the rate of $20 to $30 to the ton; besides this there is considerable gold and copper. G. R. Harms & Company, of Cincinnati, who last week purchased the Wounded Buck, Blossom and Forest Creek groups of claims for a consideration of $600,000, has taken possession of the properties and placed crews. That this company will do the most extensive development, and carry on the largest mining operations Southern Oregon has ever known, is apparent from the amount of money appropriated for development and equipment, and from the manner in which they are taking up the work. Manager Harms states that $250,000 will be spent this year in the development of these properties. The Blossom and Forest Creek groups are located in Jackson County, the Wounded Buck, is the famous Briggs mine of Upper Sucker Creek. A mill is now being placed on the Blossom group, and another will be placed on the Forest Creek group within the next month. Mr. Harms has associated with him a number of wealthy men, and is himself a man of means. He will have personal supervision of the development and equipment of the properties. The big gold dredge of Champlin & Company, operating on Foots Creek, is beginning its fourth successful season. The fact that from $2500 to $4000 is cleaned up each week on this machine is proof sufficient that the "big gold ship" is a success. This Foots Creek machine is pronounced by dredge men as one of the most powerful and best equipped on the coast. Its two electric motors develop over 200 horsepower, energy being derived from the Condor Water & Power Company. Forty buckets are operated on the crane, each with a capacity of 2000 cubic yards daily. So successful has been the operation of this machine that Champlin & Company are considering the proposition of placing another dredge of similar capacity on Foots Creek. An immense body of asbestos has been uncovered near the old mining town of Kerby. Samples from this discovery have been brought to this city and are on display at the minerals exhibit room, where they are attracting much attention. Asbestos has been found several times before in Southern Oregon, but never in such quantity as is that of the present strike near Kerby. The quality of the asbestos found is of the best. The quartz is pure white, with a splendid, silken texture of fiber. The discovery was made by Fred Moss, A. M. Wilson, W. W. Dill and J. B. David, all of Kerby, Oregon. The ledge has an average width of five feet, and has been traced on the surface for a distance of 5000 feet. The discoverers have built a trail to the find, and have gone to work with genuine vim on the proposition, intent on giving it a thorough development. Good returns are being realized this winter from the placer beach sand diggings north and south of Gold Beach, on the Southern Oregon coast. Interest in beach sand mining was revived here this season through the success of the experiments and tests conducted by Dr. David T. Day and assistants of the United States Geological Survey. The gold of these beach sand diggings is very fine, light and flaky. A very large percentage of the particles will float on water, and for this reason and the fact that they will not, or at least but scantily, adhere to mercury, makes the process of saving them very difficult. The best of the beach sands do not run over $30 a ton, while the average is but $3 and $4 a ton. Continued excellent reports are being received by interested parties from the Windy Hollow district, near Lakeview. One of the latest is that of the discovery of a rich body of ore on an extension of the Jumbo claim. While driving a tunnel on this claim a body of ore was uncovered that is literally peppered with gold. The strike is on the main ledge, 150 feet north of the original workings on which Loftus Brothers made the strike that first caused the rush to Windy Hollow. The recent strike is of a better character than any previously made in that it occurs at depth and directly on the main lode. Samples of ore sent out prove the strike to be a fabulous one. Gold is visible in all parts of the rock, and the poorest of it runs hundreds of dollars to the ton. While the uncovering of the marvelous pay streak adds to the elation of the mine owners of the district, they base their high estimation of the worth of Windy Hollow on the huge dimensions of the ledge and the stable character of the veins. Secretary Fred Briggs, of the Lakeview Mining & Milling Company, which has extensive properties in the district, and who is in Grants Pass on business connected with his mines, states that it is his honest belief that the next gold rush will be to Windy Hollow and that section of Oregon. "Everything found there is proving big," said Mr. Briggs. "Not a single stringer vein has been uncovered. There are no pockets, no blanket ledges, everything is broad, deep and permanent." The Golden Drift Mining Company has completed extensive improvements and added additional heavy equipment to its monster power and hydraulic pumping plant in the Dry Diggings. It now has one of the very largest mining pumping plants in the world. This company has amply demonstrated that where proper facilities exist, such as are afforded by the Rogue River and the Dry Diggings placer fields, surface mining can be profitably done by pumping or forced power, thus overcoming the embarrassment of long seasons of idlenesss through the summer or dry season. The company is now operating its two giants day and night, and will keep the battery busy continually in the future. M. F. Ament has the management of the mines. Mineral Wealth, Redding, February 1, 1907, page 7 The Lakeview Co. has made a new strike in the Coyote Hills. The lode, as opened, assays one ounce per ton.… The Briggs mine, together with the Forest and Blossom groups of claims, situated some 30 miles northwest of Ashland, has been taken over by a syndicate of Amsterdam. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 2, 1907, page 143 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The present mining season gives promise of being the best known in
Southern Oregon for many years. The quartz mines are being more deeply
developed, and many are being very extensively equipped for the future.
Many carloads of mining machinery have arrived at Grants Pass during
the past few weeks, and are now being hauled out to the various
districts and mines. Because of the heavy and continued rains, as well
as the great depth of snow on the mountains, the hydraulic placer mines
have an abundance of water, and the giants are thundering day and
night. The harvest of gold is already pouring in, being the first
winter cleanup. Most of the gold is exchanged at the banks for coin of
the realm, or shipped direct to the mint. From all indications the
output of virgin gold from this district of Oregon for this season will
be close to $1,000,000, and may run over that figure.The G. R. Harms Mining Company, which recently purchased the Briggs or Wounded Buck group of quartz claims on Upper Sucker Creek, has added to its purchases in Southern Oregon by taking over the Forest Creek group of mines and claims near Gold Hill. The consideration is $300,000. The work of mining and developing these properties is already under way and $250,000 worth of equipment will be placed. An appropriation of $25,000 per month for the development of these properties has already been provided for. Most of the Forest Creek claims are well developed, and have long since proved their worth as to wideness and permanence of of ore bodies. But it is the intention of the new owners to develop and operate them to the very fullest extent. To this end a mammoth mill will be constructed to treat the ores of the group. The mill will be so located as to be in reach of all the properties taken over by the company. From many of the claims ore will be conveyed to the mill by gravity tram. The G. R. Harms Company has its headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. G. R. Harms, the head of the company, is himself a very rich man, and has associated with him a number of wealthy capitalists and investors. Mr. Harms has personal supervision of the development and equipment work on the Southern Oregon properties. Continued good reports come from the new Windy Hollow mining district, near Lakeview. Though the weather is bad, and has been in that section of the state for the past two months, with considerable snow, there has been but little cessation of mining activity in and around Windy Hollow. The several claims that are under development are proving richer with depth, and every day it becomes more apparent that Windy Hollow will be as lively this coming spring and summer as many of the famous Nevada camps. Manager M. Marks, of the Lakeview Mining & Milling Company, who is developing and operating claims in the district, and who has several Seattle mining men interested with him, states that the showing of their properties is daily growing better. Mr. Marks is highly elated with the Lakeview properties and is satisfied that the next great gold rush will be to Windy Hollow. "As for my company's mine," said Mr. Marks, "I am convinced that we have one of the very biggest milling propositions on the coast. We do not claim to have a ledge that will run up into the thousands of dollars per ton, but I know we have a ledge fully 50 feet wide that carries from $6 to $20 a ton, and that it is all milling quartz with no stringers in it." The same is true of the other properties being developed over there. While several fabulous finds were made on the surface, the thing that is attracting the mining men and capitalists to the district is the great width, the stable character and the high average value of the ledges. Mineral Wealth, Redding, February 15, 1907, page 6 (Special Correspondence).--The Opp mine, at Jacksonville, has been operated intermittently since 1867. It is now owned by the Opp Consolidated Mines Co., of which H. E. Foster is superintendent. The ore chutes, which pitch to the east, are in a fissure vein that cuts through slate and diorite. The ore bodies are developed by five crosscuts, the vertical distance between the highest and lowest being 700 ft. The ore is taken out through the lowest crosscut, which is on a level with the crusher floor of the mill. The ore carries free gold, iron pyrite, and petzite, in a quartz gangue. About 40% of the gold is recovered by amalgamation. The mill is equipped with 20 stamps, tables, and vanners; 20 additional stamps are being installed. With this method serious losses have occurred, in that much of the telluride would float away in the slime. To stop these losses, a roasting furnace of the Stedtefeldt type has been built, in which the entire product of the mine will be roasted before milling, the object being to volatilize the selenides and tellurides. The experiments made prior to the erection of the roaster convinced the management that this type of furnace, which affords a thorough oxidizing roast, would put the ore in shape--to save the values by amalgamation and concentration. Wood is to be used as fuel in the furnace, which will consume six cords of wood for 20 tons of ore, at a cost of 40¢ per ton. The new roaster will be in use in a few weeks. Jacksonville,
Feb. 2.
(Special Correspondence).--C. W. Evans, the manager for the Cyanide
Gold Mining Co., of Ashland, reports the property fairly well
developed, with gold-bearing quartz in one vein and ore containing
cinnabar in the other. A cyanide plant will be erected to treat the
gold ore and an equipment will be provided to retort the
cinnabar.… The
Harms Mining Co., having offices in Ashland and New York, is developing
the Briggs property in Josephine County, having 2,000 ft. of work done.
The same company is opening a property on Forest Creek, near
Jacksonville, and one on Sardine Creek, near Gold Hill. A car of ore
shipped from the latter ran $60 per ton. It Is announced by E. T.
Staples, the superintendent, that a mill will be erected this spring at
each of the properties at Gold Hill and Jacksonville.… The
M.&M. Co., having a property three miles from Ashland, is
by C. T. Sanford. Considerable development has been done and there is
ore in the stones. It is a gold ore, partially free-milling, but the
greater part is carried in the sulphides. Experiments are being made to
determine the best method of extraction, and the company may adopt
roasting and cyanidation. Ashland,
Feb. 6.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February
16, 1907, page 201Loss
of Gold in Placer Mining.
In the placer fields of Northern California and Southern Oregon every
effort is made to make mining methods efficient. Iron and wood has been
replaced by steel, ditches have been widened and deepened, reservoirs
enlarged and set on higher ground, and the head of water employed has
been raised from 200 or 250 ft. (which was the heaviest possible with
an old-time equipment) to 450 and even 520 ft. A giant working under
such tremendous pressure as this maintains a cutting power at a
distance of 400 ft. from the foot of the gravel bank. In the Royal
Group hydraulic mine
in Southern Oregon, two giants operating under a head of 510 ft. hurl
their streams 500 ft., biting off the gravel in slabs of a thousand
tons. But the manager of the Royal Group, like other placer managers on
the Pacific Coast, is discovering the important truth that the entire
attention of the placer miner must not be confined to moving of the
gravel, to the neglect of gold saving. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By Dennis H. Stovall. The sluices and riffles are not catching the gold, and in a great majority of the mines they are saving none of the platinum. Since the bedrock race affords the best possible riffle for catching and saving the gold, the placer miner will find it to his advantage to make this race as long as possible, or at least of ample length, before discharging the water and flowing gravel into the sluices. The sluices must be provided with more efficient riffles. Sluice boxes, in their general arrangement, are but little different today from what they were fifty years ago, except that now a sort of standard is adopted. A sluice box, in placer mining parlance, means a 12-ft. section of the entire sluice. These sections are interchangeable, each box being an independent piece and made to fit, end to end, with its neighbor. This not only facilitates cleaning up, but the sluiceways can be more readily and easily shifted about, especially where the dumping ground is not deep, and a new dump must be made at intervals during the season. So, after all, the sluice box itself is not a gold-saver, it is merely the receptacle that holds the riffle, and through which the auriferous stuff flows. And the problem therefore is to make the present riffle more efficient, or replace it with a better one. Experienced placer miners state that the "non-boiling" riffle is the best for saving gold. The old idea that a riffle must offer "resistance" to the gold is not sound. Repeated practical tests and actual experience has taught a few, and will teach others in the course of time, that the riffle that saves the greatest percentage is the riffle that offers the least resistance, but which allows the gold and the platinum sand ample chance to settle. The common block riffle, which is generally used, possibly because it is the most convenient to make, is a "boiling" riffle of the worst kind. It consists of five- or six-inch blocks sawed, squared, and set in pairs on the sluice floor. The blocks are cut and set with the lower side higher than the upper, to increase agitation and "resistance," and a crevice two inches wide and the depth of the block is the receptacle in which the gold and black sand lodge. About one-half the gold and all the platinum, kept constantly on the surface of the current by the agitation of the water, fails to settle and flows over the dump. Only the heavier nuggets and pieces drop into the crevices between the blocks. Pole riffles are made of four-inch poles laid side by side the whole length of the sluice floor, which can be lifted out at cleanup, just as is done with block riffles. Pole riffles have been found to be more efficient than blocks, simply because they are laid lengthwise and do not "boil" the water. A durable and efficient riffle that is used by some of the bigger mines of Oregon and California is made of railroad rails, placed bottom side up, tilted just a little, and set an inch or more apart on the sluice floor. The sluice current flows smoothly over this riffle, giving the gold ample opportunity to settle into the crevices between the rails. While such riffles will practically wear for all time, they are a difficult thing to secure, and are heavy to handle. A riffle that has the efficiency of the railroad iron, but is cheaper and more easily handled, is made by setting 2 by 4 in. scantlings edgewise on the sluice floor, and two inches apart. Slightly bevel the top edge and bolt strap iron on it, the straps being a half inch wider than the scantling. This riffle does not produce agitation, and the gold and platinum sand settle in the crevices between the scantling. Riffles of this sort, cleated together, and made of a width and length to fit each sluice section, can be readily set into the boxes, and as readily lifted and rinsed when the time comes to clean up. The fine "flour" gold, as the miners call it, is elusive stuff, and most difficult to save. At the Royal Group mines, undercurrents are used to catch and save this "flour gold." Near the end of the sluiceway, and as close to the dump as possible, about one-fourth or one-third of the water is drawn down through an open grizzly on the sluice floor. This water is nearest the bottom and in it are nearly all the fine particles of "flour" gold. It is spread out over a set of broad riffle tables where the fine gold and sand settle. These riffle tables are covered with burlap or some such material, to arrest the gold; they are easily lifted and rinsed in vats of water, where the values settle and are later saved by scooping up and carefully panning over still water. The more careful placer miners are learning that much fine gold and platinum are lost by the time-honored custom of cleaning up and panning in the running water of the sluice. When cleanup time arrives, the riffles are lifted and carefully rinsed. The sand, containing gold and platinum, is scooped up and panned over vats of still water, instead of allowing a steady stream to flow through the sluice for this purpose. The first panning is for the gold, letting the black sand and platinum particles, which are lighter, boil over and settle in the vat. This sand is taken up later and panned separately. While this method is more tedious than the old way, it results in a far greater saving. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 23, 1907, pages 249-250 SOUTHERN OREGON MINES
The rains still continue in Southern Oregon, and all the hydraulic
properties are busy, operating from one to three giants. From all
indications the harvest of virgin gold from the Southern Oregon
district will be unusually large this year.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. Blalock & Howe, who own and operate the old Mormon mine of Grave Creek district, above Greenback, are installing a 5-stamp mill and equipment. This mine has been under development for several years, and is proving a good proposition. C. F. Clark & Son, who are operating the Martha mine under lease, are installing a mill and equipment. A recent test run gave returns of some $20 a ton on average ore. Clark & Son have had this property under development for the past year and are highly satisfied with the results. They will continue the operation and development of the property and will employ a large crew. The Capital City Mining Company, of Sacramento City, California, which owns and operates the Baby mine on Jumpoff Joe, has resumed operations on the property after a cessation of business covering a year or more. The company has adjusted its outside difficulties and will expend its future efforts and concentrate its energies on the development and operation of the Baby. This property contains a six-foot ledge of very good ore. Operations are resumed again at the Hammersley mine, of Jumpoff Joe district, after a suspension of work covering several months. This property is located at a high altitude and during the recent cold weather the cyanide plant was put out of commission by the freezing of the tanks and by the deep snow. Manager Smith expects to have everything in good working order within a short time. The Hammersley is bringing very fair returns through the agency of the cyanide plant, in conjunction with the mill. The Lee's Creek hydraulic placer holdings, and all the mineral properties formerly owned by the Lee's Creek Company, located near Myrtle Creek, have been purchased by the Common Wealth Trust Company. All outstanding obligations have been met, and the company has begun business anew. A crew is placed and the mines are running merrily. The properties of this company embrace a wide area of very rich placer ground, much of which is virgin, and the results have been highly satisfactory. The company also owns considerable quartz ground on which development has been done. The Mount Pitt Quartz Mining & Hydraulic Company, with properties on Jumpoff Joe, has begun operations anew. Captain D. F. Tozler, a man prominent on the Coast as the chief of the Life Saving Service, is president of the Mount Pitt Company, and will have general charge of operations. The company has installed a good mill and equipment, and has opened the mine to a depth of over 200 feet. The showing is excellent, the wide ledge carrying values of from $6 to $65 a ton. The company contemplates the enlargement of its plant in the near future. The Oregon Gold Fields Mining Company, which recently purchased the Harth & Ryan mine near Grants Pass, and has had it under development for the past few months, is so well pleased with the results that it is installing complete development equipment, including boiler, engine, compressor and machine drills. Samuel Bowden, manager of the mine, has charge of the work. Mr. Bowden has several prominent Seattle and Spokane men associated with him in the development of this property. With the assistance of the new development the tunnels and drifts will be driven in rapidly, and a depth of 250 or 300 feet will soon be reached. If the showing is as good on the deeper levels as it is near the surface, Mr. Bowden states that his company will install a mill of 20 stamps on the property this summer. The Harth & Ryan is not a new mine. It has been under development for several years, and has shipped considerable rich ore. At one time a consignment of 150 tons of ore from this property gave net returns of $33 a ton. The gold is principally free, and is easily separated by milling. With the approach of spring the Blue Ledge Mining Company has increased its working crew on the Blue Ledge copper mine from 150 to 250 men. Other properties in this district are also awakening to new life and activity. There are now about 1000 men in camp and district, with a probability of at least 1000 more coming in within the next two months. The Blue Ledge Copper Company is sparing no expense in the development of the property and in the general development of the district. While it may require several years, it is the intention of the owners to fully develop the Blue Ledge, equip it with an enormous smelting plant, and build a line of railroad connecting the camp with the main lines of transportation. Mineral Wealth, Redding, March 1, 1907, page 8 (Special Correspondence).--Tunneling and crosscutting continues at the Shorty-Hope mine. Development work continues on the Golden Spike tunnel, which is in 1,243 ft. The ore at this point has changed in character, showing more free gold. The rich ore chutes encountered in driving have opened some good ore. The face of the drift is now approaching the south shaft, which is down to the upper level. A raise will be run at that point for better air circulation. Ashland,
March 10.
(Special Correspondence) .--T. W. Hill has been developing a claim in
Wagner Creek Cañon, four miles west of Ashland, and reports
encountered the lode this week. The work has been done in extending a
crosscut tunnel to tap the vein on the hanging-wall side. The vein was
found 140 ft. from the mouth of the tunnel. The same vein had been
prospected by a shaft sunk on the dip, on the opposite side of the hill
from the tunnel. The shaft is 780 ft. from the end of the tunnel, and a
drift is being run on the vein, from the inner end of the tunnel, to
reach the bottom of the shaft. This drift along the vein will reach a
vertical depth of 800 ft. below the surface, and will give a depth of
1,200 ft. on the dip of the vein. The trend of the vein is north and
south, and it will average 20 ft. in width between well-defined walls.
A chute of high-grade gold ore, similar to that found in the old
Ashland mine, is known to exist between the shaft and the crosscut
tunnel. This property is a short distance southwest of the Ashland
mine, and is on the same vein. The Ashland mine, which was in operation
several years ago, was worked to a depth of 1,000 ft. on the incline,
and yielded over $1,000,000 in gold, under a costly method of mining. A
quantity of the ore contained gold as high as $6,000 per ton. The
Ashland mine has been closed down for a number of years, but it would
yet be a good paying mine if operated under proper management and with
modern machinery.… The Ashland Peak group of gold quartz
situated four miles south of Ashland, on the mountain shoulder of
Ashland Peak, is being developed by a tunnel run on the vein. The vein
averages eight feet in width between well-defined walls. It is
uncovered by surface prospect holes and shafts for three miles along
its apex. The quartz is partly decomposed, and contains free gold and
sulphides. A 10-in. stratum of the vein on each of the walls contains
$60 gold per ton. The balance of the vein will average $2.50 gold per
ton, and continues to increase in value as depth is attained. The
property can be readily worked by tunnel to the depth of 1,500 feet. Ashland,
March 2.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 16,
1907, pages 325-326The Wounded Buck, in Josephine County, and the Forest Creek, Blossom, and No Name mines of Jackson County have all been merged into a new company, capitalized at $2,000,000.… The Harms company has recently purchased several properties which will be worked under E. T. Staples, the superintendent. New York and Cincinnati parties are interested. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 23, 1907, page 359 MONTHLY
The copper mines of the Blue Ledge district, though located in Siskiyou
County, California, five miles south of the state line, are tributary
to Medford, the only means of reaching them being by wagon road from
this city, a distance of 35 miles. Though the camp is a busy one,
containing more than 1000 men, it is but a prospect of what it will be
in the future. The deposits of copper in the district have been
exploited and developed sufficiently to prove them beyond any possible
question the greatest bodies of copper in the West, not even excepting
the famous Iron Mountain mines farther north.By D. H. Stovall. The Blue Ledge district as a whole comprises an area of some 1500 square miles, occupying the upper range of the Siskiyous, with an altitude of from 3000 to 5000 feet. More than 300 claims have been located in the district, the great majority of which are under development, and not a few of them presenting ledges of great magnitude and richness. The principal lode of the district that which first attracted the attention of mining men, and from which the camp derives its name, is the Blue Ledge. This ledge was first located in 1898, and it is now owned and under development by the Blue Ledge Mining Company of New York. This company is sparing no expense or effort to fully develop the property, and intends to ultimately equip it with smelter and reduction works of a capacity commensurate with the immensity of the ore body. The company is employing a crew of 250 men and is increasing the number as development proceeds. The placing of a smelter on the Blue Ridge [sic] will necessitate the construction of a railroad connecting the camp with the main line of the Southern Pacific at Medford. The present method of reaching the camp is by wagon road from Medford by way of Jacksonville, whence the route follows a water grade up Applegate River 28 miles, to Watkins, the post office, four miles from the main camp. The Blue Ledge and adjacent properties of the district are being opened up by thousands of feet of underground work, and the quantity of ore now blocked out is almost beyond calculation. The veins of the Blue Ledge district all have a north and south course and stand nearly vertical, with a slight dip to the west. The Blue Ledge vein has a width of from 100 to 300 feet, and the formation of this, like that of most of the veins of the district, consists of chalcopyrite, azurite, iron pyrites and free gold ore. The quartz is a fine smelting product, and not only carries high values in copper but considerable gold and silver. Assays made prove values of from 18 to 37 percent copper, and from $2.50 to $5 a ton in gold. The properties of the district are located on Joe Creek and Elliott Creek, tributaries of the Applegate, both of which head on the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains. Joe Creek carries 25 miners' inches of water at low stage, and Elliott Creek 200 miners' inches, the two creeks, together with other streams in the district, affording an abundance of water for power and mining purposes. The whole region is covered with a magnificent forest of sugar pine and yellow fir, giving all needed material for building and mine timbers. Medford Coal Mines.
An immense body of coal has been uncovered. and is under development by
the Blue Ledge Mining Company within five miles of Medford.
The coal is being removed in quantity and is proving an excellent fuel
product, being widely distributed for this purpose. While the coal will
prove of great value for general distribution, its greatest local value
will be that of meeting the demands of the Blue Ledge copper mines in
the matter of smelter fuel. The immensity and worth of the coal mines
practically ensures the building of a spur connecting the properties
with the main line of the Southern Pacific at Medford. The
main coal vein of the deposit is from six to ten feet in thickness, and
is nearly free from silica and sulphur. It is a lignite of good
quality, showing the following analysis: Volatile matter, 41 to 50 percent, average, 44.46. Fixed carbon, 32.4 to 44.91 percent, average, 36.43. Moisture, 4.05 to 17.27 percent, average, 9.45. Ash. 3 to 12.81 percent, average, 7.08. Slight trace of sulphur. Building and Monumental Granite.
The hills west and south of Medford contain limitless quantities of
granite. Analysis and tests have not only proved the immense granite
ledges to be a first-grade building stone, unequalled by any other on
the coast, but they contain a class of granite peculiarly valuable for
monumental purposes. This latter class occurs in all desirable shades
and tints, susceptible of the very finest polish and finish; also, it
is of a toughness and texture that ensures its standing the weather
through extremes of heat and cold for all time. An opportunity for
investment is presented here for the equipping of immense quarries and
stone cutting plants on these deposits. The building era upon which the
entire Pacific Coast is now entering will create an enormous demand for
building material, especially for such a product as these gigantic
deposits contain.Other Minerals and Metals.
The variety and extent of the metal and mineral deposits in the
territory tributary to Medford is no less wonderful or remarkable
than the diversity and output of the soil products. Extensive
ledges of cinnabar, carrying a high percentage of mercury, are under
development by Medford mining men in the Meadows district of upper
Rogue River. Three groups of cinnabar claims are being developed in
this district, and all are making a fine showing.The rare metal platinum is also found here, occurring principally with the black sand of the placer diggings. In 1905 nearly one-fourth the entire platinum output for America, as shown by the report of the United States Geological Survey, came from the Rogue River district. Cobalt, nickel, zinc, arsenic, graphite, clays, calcite or limestone all are found here, the first four mentioned in this list being associated with other metals and minerals in quartz formation. Northwest Mining Journal, April 1907, page 55 SOUTHERN
With the arrival of summer weather and good roads, there is a rush of
gold seekers into the new Windy Hollow and Pine Creek districts of
southeastern Oregon, near Lakeview. The several rich strikes made there
last fall, and the splendid returns since derived by development, are
responsible for the rush to this field, and it is believed that there
will be 1,000 men in Windy Hollow before the middle of summer. Work is
being rushed on many of the claims, notably on the Jumbo, owned by
Loftus Brothers, and on the properties of the Lakeview Mining &
Milling Company. Very little work was done on the claims during the
winter, on account of the operators being unable to get in supplies or
mining machinery; but the roads are now open, and the camp is well
supplied with everything needed for development and prospecting
operations. This district is located fully 150 miles from the railroad,
and is reached by stage and steamer from Thrall, northern California,
from which point a branch railroad extends as far as Pokegama, a lumber
camp in the Siskiyou Mountains.By Dennis H. Stovall, Grants Pass, Ore. (Regular Correspondent.) More than 20 ounces of pure flake platinum were recently sorted and saved from the gold amalgam during the cleanup of the Deep Gravel hydraulic mines, of Waldo district. These mines, under the management of W. J. Wimer, are becoming famous as producers of platinum, notwithstanding their being among the very oldest placer gold properties in Oregon, having been operated for a half century. Mr. Wimer discovered a few years ago that the black sands of his diggings were rich in platinum, and he set about devising some means of saving these very elusive values during the regular work of mining for gold. Undercurrents, special sluices and other methods were tried, also the settling vat system, and panning the residue over tubs and vessels of still water. By giving the problem much study and attention, he has improved the methods and hit upon a means whereby nearly all of the platinum values of the diggings can be saved without interfering with the placer gold operations. For this purpose the Deep Gravel Mining Company is now having installed one of the largest and most complete platinum mining and saving plants ever built on any American property. The plant consists of many special appliances and is being set up by an expert from the Joshua Hendy Machine Works, of San Francisco, which company manufactured it. As platinum is now worth $34 an ounce, placer miners find it highly profitable to devote a little of their time and attention toward saving it. The April cleanup for the old Sterling hydraulic placer, near Jacksonville, amounted to $3,500. This old placer will clean up about $30,000 this season. Though the Sterling has been operated for nearly 50 years, it is still one of the richest and best placer properties on the Pacific Coast, and has ground enough to keep its giants busy for another 50 years. The water supply is derived through a 25-mile ditch and is sufficient to keep the mine in operation for eight or nine months each year. The copper mines of Waldo district are being overhauled and shaped for summer operations. The smelter located on these properties will be operated all summer; teams are now being secured to haul matte and coke. The Takilma Smelting & Mining Company, which owns the smelter and several of the mines, will endeavor to run the smelter for a much longer season this year than ever before. It will employ 100 men, and will require 125 horses and mules. The Mount Pitt Hydraulic & Quartz Mining Company has just closed a very successful season on its mines of Jumpoff Joe district. During the year the company has deeply developed the property, installed a 10-stamp mill, and paid dividends from the output of the rich ore. The company is comprised principally of Portland, Oregon, men. The officers recently elected for the coming year are the same as last year with the exception of secretary A. R. Brooks being elected to this position instead of R. B. Fisher. Captain D. F. Tozier, superintendent of the Life Saving Service for Oregon, was re-elected president of the company. Northwest Mining Journal, May 1907, page 69 CURRY COUNTY.
(Special Correspondence).--A vein is reported on the property of the
Chetco Company, of which A. E. Imbler is the superintendent. A crosscut
has been run 50 ft., into some good peacock-copper ore. This property
is in Curry County, within 18 miles of the coast. Ashland,
April 8.
(Special Correspondence).--The Ashland antimony property, which was
discovered last summer 11 miles south of Ashland, and on the southern
slope of Ashland Peak, has been leased and bonded to the Chapman
Smelting Co. of Oakland, which makes a specialty of treating base ores.
This property contains stibnite ore, running 60% antimony. Operations
will be commenced on this property at once, and the ore will be shipped
to Oakland for treatment.Ashland,
April 8.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 13,
1907, page 452Sluices and Riffles
in Dredging.
The best sluices ever tried on the Oregon dredging field are given a
separate barge on which to float, and besides the 120 ft. of flume
outside the dredge, a double system of grizzlies is employed inside. It
is easier and less expensive to save 90% of the gold in the gravel by
ample sluices, riffles, and flumes, than to provide more powerful
equipment with which to dig or scoop out twice as much ground but save
only 45 percent. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By Dennis H. Stovall. By mounting the outer flume and riffles on a separate barge, it can be swung from point to point and thus allow ample dump room and obviate choking. The outer flume has a width of four feet, with a drop from end to end of seven feet. It is mounted to the barge by trestle, and is perfectly balanced, so that it is easily swung by cable from the pilot house of the dredge. This flume or sluice is provided with Hungarian riffles. In working cemented ground, such as is found in Southern Oregon and in other Pacific Coast districts, much agitation and an abundance of water is necessary; otherwise a great part of the gold will be lost. It is on ground of this character that ample sluices and riffles prove effective, and, in fact, a dredge thus provided is the only machine that has proved a success. In a dredge of this type, the gravel is dropped from the buckets into a hopper on the deck. This sheer drop of from 10 to 15 ft. in itself proves effective in breaking up the cemented gravel. From the hopper it is conveyed to a revolving grizzly, with perforations five or six inches in diameter. This grizzly operates much on the principle of the "riddles"' of a threshing machine, shaking over all the coarse stuff, and dropping the smaller and lighter through the holes. The interior of this grizzly is supplied with a number of jets, by which a fresh and additional supply of water is thrown upon the gravel. The large boulders are separated from the small, and slide over the grizzlies to the side of the boat, where they are dumped, the remainder of the material passing through a funnel-shaped conduit to a settling tank. It is in this settling tank, which is provided with Hungarian and strap riffles, that a great portion of the gold finds lodgment. From the settling tank the remainder of the water and gravel is carried or elevated to the upper end of the long sluiceway outside. As already hinted, a system of sluices and riffles of this sort requires an abundance of water, and to supply this water there must be pumps of ample capacity. In the dredge using this particular system, centrifugal pumps are employed. These are two in number, the first being a six-inch pump to give water for the upper or double set of grizzlies. Water is first admitted at the hopper where the gravel is dumped from the buckets. This water assists in melting the cemented or compact ground, and also flows down and aids the grizzlies in their work of disintegration. After the sand and gravel have left the well or settling tank, which is the second step in separation, it is lifted or conveyed by a 12-in. centrifugal pump to a height of 16 ft., or to the head of the outer pontoon sluice. The riffles can be easily lifted and rinsed, and are effective in saving the gold. As is proved by the gold in the settling tank, the best method of gold-saving is one that obviates boiling as much as possible. The grizzlies and flume are given a fall of one inch in five. All are provided with replaceable linings by which the finest gold is caught. On a machine of this character, where cemented ground is handled, ample provision must not only be made for thoroughly breaking up the gravel and separating the metallic particles, but it must be built to withstand twice the strain to which a dredge is subject on average ground. The barge of the machine, as illustrated herewith, is iron-strapped and bolted, and the stud timbers, 112 ft. long, are 8 by 3 ft., and cut from whole trees of Columbia River yellow fir, a wood that has great elasticity and strength. The digging beam for this dredge is 80 ft. long, and serves the purpose also of a frame for the chain, the latter carrying 45 buckets of eight cubic feet capacity each. The alternating links are of the slug or telescope pattern, with multiple-connecting projections, and is one feature of the dredge that gives it great strength. The lifting force of the machine is 80,000 lbs., and this force is exerted principally on the digging frame, and conveyed through the machine by the stud timbers, none of the strain coming on the shell or hull of the barge, thus obviating leaks and breaks. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 4, 1907, pages 574-575 The coal mine on the Furry property, seven miles northwest of Ashland, has resumed operations. This mine is to be operated in connection with the Blue Ledge copper mine for Robert S. Towne, of New York. A new tunnel is being driven to drain the workings. It is in 100 ft. and will be driven 375 ft. farther.… Work on the coal property at Asbestos has been started. The vein is 14 ft. wide, with eight feet of good coal. The product will be hauled to Gold Hill. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 18, 1907, page 616 Work is progressing at the Alta Consolidated property, near the state line. Frank Morrin is in charge. There are six claims in the group, a shaft is down 250 ft., and several hundred feet of work has been done. A 30-ton Huntington mill and cyanide plant are in operation. Frank Blevins is mine foreman.… James Milner of Los Angeles is in Ashland, looking for black sand propositions. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 14, 1907, page 323 The
Hydraulic Equipment of the Old Channel Mines.
The Old Channel mines were first discovered in 1865. This enormous
deposit of auriferous gravel may be traced for about 15 miles, having a
general north and south direction. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By John M. Nicol. The bedrock consists of black shale and reddish-colored mica schist. The schist is much contorted and the stratification is on edge. The level of bedrock averages about 500 ft. above the Rogue River, with an elevation of about 1,100 ft. above sea level, so that the mines have magnificent facilities for dumping the tailing. The gravel banks vary from 50 up to 250 ft. in thickness, and are from 200 to 600 yd. wide. The gravel is fairly even, and although in some places a few coarse pebbles and large boulders have been found, nearly all of the material can be put through the sluice boxes. There are seven large gulches that cut through the formation at right angles, and it was in these gulches that gold was first discovered, and the early work of placer mining carried on. The gulches have been excavated clear through the gravel and through the slate bedrock, and offer a number of different points at which to commence mining and in which to dump the tailing. A good idea can be formed of the size and depth to which these gulches have been excavated by the action of running water, on referring to the photograph showing the dump at the end of the sluice box, and which gives a good idea of the age of the deposit. These mines have been worked continuously for 30 years, and are at present owned by the Old Channel Mining Co., and leased by John R. Harvey, of Grants Pass, Oregon. Mr. Harvey has been working the mines on a large scale for the last three years, and some information regarding his plant and the methods of working may be of interest The present plant consists of a ditch 12 miles long, measuring 8½ ft. wide on top, 5 ft. wide on the bottom, and with a minimum depth of 3½ ft., and a grade of half an inch per rod. The water is taken from Galice and Mill creeks, and the average flow for nine months in the year is from 4,000 to 5,000 miner's inches. There is also an extra flume, which brings in the water from Rocky Gulch, and during the early winter rains, and while the snows are melting, this gives an additional flow of 1,500 miner's inches, enough to run one giant. The ditch delivers to a small reservoir, and this in turn empties into a lower reservoir, from which the water is taken by means of two pressure boxes and delivered to two separate pipelines. The value of the additional water supply from Rocky Gulch, and the reserve of water in the two reservoirs can scarcely be exaggerated, for it will often happen during dry spells that the main ditch does not supply sufficient water to run all three giants and maintain the pipes full, in which case trouble would probably result, whereas the slight additional amount is sufficient to tide over the shortage of the main supply during the dry season. The main pipeline is 24 in. diam., and has an intake of 48 in. diam., and a total length of 2,600 ft. This supplies water under a head of 510 ft. to three No. 4 Hendy giants, using 6-in. nozzles. Mr. Harvey informs me that when work is running full blast, they are able to break down and put through the sluice boxes from 6,000 to 7,000 yd. of gravel per 24 hours, and the average cost of working the gravel from grass roots to bedrock, allowing for expenditures of all kinds for a season's run, does not exceed 3¢ per cu. yd., and averages 2½¢. I am also informed by Mr. Harvey that the company owns about 900 acres of patented land in heavy gravel and about the same amount in minor claims, and as they own the most valuable water rights available in the neighborhood, it may be roughly stated that their holdings cover the facilities for working between 3,000 and 4,000 acres in this neighborhood, which probably could not be worked by any other means, as pumping from the Rogue River to the height necessary to supply water under pressure for mining these gravels would be a serious undertaking and one involving a large outlay of capital. Until about 15 months ago the methods in use for saving the gold were identical with those used on hydraulic mines from the earliest times, and consisted of a bedrock race which discharged into a sluice box 5 ft. wide, 3 ft. deep, and having a total length of 1,200 ft. The first 90 ft. had a grade of eight inches in 12 ft., and the remainder a grade of seven inches in 12 ft. This sluice box, in turn, discharged into a bedrock race. There is a drop of 10 ft. at the end of the sluice box that serves to break up any blocks of cemented gravel and to more effectually wash and free the material. After passing through 120 ft. of race, the gravel goes into a second line of sluices, having an average grade of twelve inches in 12 ft., a width of 5 ft., and a depth of 3 ft. The gold-saving device consisted of block riffles, 10 in. thick and spaced about 3½ in. Quicksilver was used and cleanups were made at the usual intervals. This arrangement was up to the usual standard of efficiency and was considered first-class in every respect. The average hydraulic miner would certainly have stated that if any gold was being lost, it was of such a nature that it could not be saved at all. The successful working of the black sand plant eventually installed has shown the matter up in a different light. This description covers the most important points of interest with regard to the equipment of the mine. The actual operation of mining is carried on much as usual, with the difference that Mr. Harvey makes the rather exceptional practice of mining "left and right" of the nozzle and keeps a sloping nose of gravel immediately in front of the giant, thus being able to keep the giant right up to within 60 ft. of the high bank, without undue risk of a cave-in front of the work. This method also allows an efficient side-cutting action to be used with the stream when undercutting. Before giving a description of the black sand plant, I think that a few remarks on the subject may tend to give a clearer understanding of the problems to be faced, as much prominence has recently been given to the black sand question, on the one hand by careful scientific work by capable and reliable men, such as Dr. Day, and on the other hand by a lot of cheap newspaper rhetoric, written by men who have no real knowledge of the subject, and which has aroused adverse, and no doubt in some cases just, criticism. First and foremost, the general argument put forth by all old-time miners is that, if you do not catch any gold in the tail end of your sluice boxes or in your undercurrents, you are not likely to catch it by any other means that you may devise. This has always seemed to me to be an argument representative of ignorance and prejudice. Gold of all sizes and in particles of nearly every conceivable shape is found disseminated through the gravels of a placer mine. In some cases it is almost perfectly pure, has a clean surface, and will readily amalgamate. In other cases, it is so coated and foul that you may shake it in a bottle of amalgam and again separate it almost untouched. Some of the gold is flat and flaky, and if caught on its edge will travel for a considerable distance in a swiftly flowing current of water before getting a chance to settle, and I have noticed, in actual hydraulic mining and in experiments which I purposely carried out to determine the question that gold is transported for greater distances before settling, if the water is foul and muddy, than if the water is clean. I made the experiments by taking a known amount of fine gold grains and throwing them into sluice boxes carrying both clean and muddy water, making a cleanup a few minutes afterward. Using foul water, heavily charged with clay, I found that in nearly every case a considerable amount of the fine gold was carried away, although in some of the tests this gold had been caught in the same sluice boxes, using the same riffles and grade. It appears to me that the research work which Dr. Day has carried on is not really of much value to the average hydraulic miner. Dr. Day merely carried out a series of thorough tests to see if certain samples of black sands submitted to him carried valuable metals, and principally to find out if they carried any platinum. I think it is generally accepted that black sands are nearly always associated with gold, though I could show anybody who wished to see it great quantities of black sand which can be panned out from streams in which I have never been able to find the slightest trace of gold, even by an assay. The gold, platinum, and black sands are commonly associated with each other merely by virtue of their specific gravity, and I do not think that any experiments or tests have so far proved or even pretended to prove that the gold is in direct combination with the black sand, but have merely gone to show that if you wish to save the fine particles of gold and platinum it is necessary to save all the associated minerals having a high specific gravity, and subsequently to separate the gold and platinum from the less valuable iron grains. Dr. Day's work has been mostly along this line, but what the hydraulic miner chiefly requires to know is, not so much how to separate the valuable materials from the black sand (that being an after consideration and within the province of a metallurgist) as to know how to save the black sand itself with its associated gold and platinum, and separate the same from the enormous bulk of sand, clay, and gravel. The hydraulic miner's pan and sluice box are, after all, nothing more nor less than a crude wet-concentrating device, in which no attempt has been made at classification before concentration. It is the experience in nearly all concentration plants that have been erected for the successful treatment of pulp from mills, that the question of sizing is an important one, and that if the grains or particles vary by even 3 or 4 diameters it will lessen the efficiency of the concentration. How much more then must we expect this effect where quartz boulders 12 inches in diameter are bumped through a sluice box in a stream of water having a velocity of 15 ft. per second or more, and attempt, at the same time, to throw down and catch a grain of gold which can be passed through a 100-mesh screen. Furthermore, the miner's sluice box is a concentrator in which the products accumulate and are only removed at stated intervals, that is to say, the process is not continuous, and the black sand (which in some cases amounts to 30 or 40 lb. per cu. yd.) has a tendency to rapidly cover the surface of the quicksilver in the riffles, to choke the bed of the riffles, and allow the fine gold to be washed over them, and in consequence, to run to waste. At the beginning of last season's run, Sanders & Hadley in conjunction with Mr. Harvey designed a plant for experimental purposes, which has been so successful as to pay for itself and leave a considerable net profit. Sanders & Hadley certainly deserve credit for the plucky way in which they have handled this problem, and the plant, although lacking in some details, has undoubtedly solved some of the most vexing questions of the problem. The accompanying photograph will give some idea of the general arrangement of the plant. Near the lower end of the main sluice box, an undercurrent was inserted, having a grizzly built up in four sections, the first of which was a ⅜-in. stamped steel plate, the second consisting of bars placed ½ in. apart, and the third and fourth consisting of grizzlies having ½-in. slots and V-shaped bars. All of the fine product from the gravel does not pass through this grizzly, but the amount to be handled approximates, as nearly as we could estimate, 2,000 cu. yd. of material, varying from flat pieces of slate ¼ in. thick and 1 in. long, down to the finest mud. This would represent from 3,000 to 4,000 tons of material to be treated per 24 hours, and considering the low value of the product, probably not more than a few cents per cubic yard, it requires some careful and ingenious planning to handle this material at a low figure and without an undue initial expenditure, and this is the largest plant of its kind in existence for the successful concentration of low-grade material on a large scale. The product as received from the undercurrent grizzly is transported in a flume to a distributing box placed at right angles to the flume, and which forms the head of the whole plant. This distributing box serves to regulate the flow of sand to a number of different sieves, consisting of flat steel plates punched with round holes. The first lot are punched with ¼-in. holes, and the oversize passes directly to a series of tables covered with cocoa matting and expanded metal. The tailing from these tables goes directly to waste and the product cleaned up is washed down a launder to a settling tank, shown about the lower half of the photograph. All the sand and coarser material that passes through the ¼-in. screen is taken directly to a second series of screens having circular holes 3/16 in. diam., the oversize from which passes to another series of tables as before. The fine material going through is then passed through two sets of tables placed in tandem, and at a less grade than those for handling the coarser material. These are also provided with cocoa matting and expanded metal. At the commencement of operations, these tables were only cleaned up about once every 24 hours, but subsequent experience proved that to do so more frequently was advisable, and they were eventually cleaned up every 2½ hours. The entire product resulting from these various cleanups was passed by launders to settling tanks, and as these became overcharged, the water was run off, and the material dug out and stacked on the side. This material might be described as semi-concentrated, and here is where I see the greatest fault in the design of the plant. There appears to be a lack of continuity in the sizing process and also in the general plan of treatment. The whole of the material saved from these settling tanks was passed over one single homemade concentrating table, the middling from which was reconcentrated and the fine run to waste. The product from the concentrating table consisted principally of black sand. This was stacked in a settling tank and dried from time to time on flat trays, the trays being placed over a roughly built furnace. The dry product was then passed through a homemade magnetic separator, which appeared to work efficiently and satisfactorily. This removed practically all the magnetic iron, or more correctly speaking, the magnetizable iron sand, which has been stacked in a tailing dump immediately below the shed, and, judging from a rough estimate I made, there is over 100 tons of this product. The rest of the material which was delivered by the moving canvas belt consisted of the usual byproducts as shown by Dr. Day's experiments, and I am told that some of this material ran as high as $1,000 per ton. When we consider that this product, which can be shipped and easily treated, has been concentrated down from sands and clays which were originally considered as tailing and allowed to go to waste, we must certainly give Sanders & Hadley and Mr. Harvey credit for furnishing such a useful example to other hydraulic miners. The criticisms which I have to offer and the suggestions which I would like to make are as follows: First, owing to the natural topography of the country at Mr. Harvey's mine, they were fortunate in obtaining a convenient site for the plant with almost unlimited grade for the dump, and water for power and other purposes, and it must be remembered that at every mine such facilities are not to be found. Secondly, that while I think that they had the right idea when they attempted to size the product, it appears to me that they should have gone a step further and made the classification more complete and thorough. The cocoa-matting tables could then have been eliminated and the whole of the fine product less than ⅛ in. could have been treated by the table concentrators, or it could have been first passed to hydraulic classifiers, using clean water, the coarse product being sent to table concentrators and the fine to belt machines or canvas tables. The details of arrangement for different mines would have to be modified by experiment, to prove the proportions of valuable materials in the fine or medium-fine products. I think also that the table area with which they attempted to concentrate the product from the cocoa matting was inadequate for the task, and too crude and elementary in design. An attempt was made with a shaking amalgamating table but it was abandoned, as it was found that a great part of the heavy grains of gold were so coated that they refused to amalgamate, that the table was to a great extent choked by a sheet of black sand, and that there was a considerable percentage of tin, copper, and other base metals which entirely ruined the surface of the table. It therefore appears to me that if amalgamation is to be introduced for the purpose of saving gold in any part of a general process in which concentration enters, it should be applied in three separate and distinct methods, all subsequent to concentration: 1. If the gold is coarse and heavy enough to be caught by concentration, this is a more economical and rapid process than amalgamation. If the gold is so light and flaky that it readily passes over the surface and is not caught by the riffles, it is self-evident that it will be easier to amalgamate the light gold by some independent amalgamating device after the heavy concentrate has been removed. I would therefore insert an amalgamating device to treat the tailing of the concentrator, in preference to treating the pulp before concentration. 2. The coarse particles of gangue and other middling commonly to be found in the tailing of a concentrator generally carry some fine gold actually embedded, and as a general rule this fine gold is free and is not associated with base metals. While its weight, when associated with the enclosing gangue, is not sufficient to cause it to be caught by concentration, its weight, when liberated by regrinding these particles of gangue, is sufficient to enable it to be caught in any good amalgamating device, and as a rule the gold liberated by regrinding will freely amalgamate and cause no further trouble with the copper plates. I therefore recommend that the tailing from the concentrating tables be separated by hydraulic classifiers and the coarse particles, which make a small bulk, may then be conveniently reground and passed to some amalgamating device. 3. The concentrate may be treated by pan amalgamation after the removal of the black sand by means of magnetic separators, provided there is not an excessive quantity of platinum or other valuable byproducts, which may preferably be removed by other means. The above are merely suggestions, based upon the results of observation and experiment, and by such means we should be enabled to make a positive saving by amalgamation that could not be carried on as economically, simply, or efficiently by other means. I am referring more especially to the treatment of the products of a placer mine. As I am following up this question of saving gold from hydraulic mining operations, I hope soon to be able to present some further data relative to this subject, and I shall be glad to receive criticisms on the foregoing observations, and to hear of the results and experiments of other men in the same field. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 14, 1907, pages 333-336 The Rogue River M.&D. Co. is preparing to put in a long flume for the winter's run on its placer property on the Rogue River, at Blossom Bar, Paradise Bar, and Little Tommie East creeks. Edwin J. Porteous is the superintendent.… A good winter's run is expected at the placer property of the Swastika Mining Co., of which A. C. Howland is the manager. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 12, 1907, page 449 (Special Correspondence).--At present the Galice Creek district, in the western part of Josephine County, Oregon, is attracting considerable attention. For many years this district was famed for large placer mining operations; its hydraulic mines are still producing much gold. But recently large and in some cases high-grade veins of quartz have been discovered and are being developed. Until about a year ago, except in a few isolated cases, no attempt had been made to open up the extensive veins known to exist; the "pocket hunters," who roam the hills in search of surface bonanzas, would not "waste" time on low-grade veins. One of the exceptions was the well-known Sugar Pine mine, which has produced considerable high-grade ore, but which is now closed because of the quantity of water found in the lower levels. Two well-defined mineral belts cross the district in a general north and south direction. On the eastern border lies the Big Yank, a lode, or rather a mineral zone, approximately 300 ft. wide that can be traced nearly 12 miles. The ore chutes in it now developed carry gold, silver, and copper. The Alameda mine, on this belt, is now shipping copper ore to the Tacoma smelter for treatment and the company contemplates the early erection of a smelting plant to handle the output of their mine. On the western border of the district lies the Chieftain belt, which passes south into California. At the Strenuous Teddy mine the West Fork of Galice Creek has cut this great belt to a depth of 2,500 ft. Here this mineral zone has a total width of nearly 900 ft. with porphyry on its hanging wall and serpentine on its footwall. In this width are several veins of ribbon quartz, sulphide, and telluride from 2 to 44 ft. wide. Recently C. H. Smith, of Gold Hill, took samples from 12 veins on the Strenuous Teddy; these samples gave returns ranging from $2.65 to $328 per ton. This mine, which was discovered last year, is now owned by James B. Nesbit of Galice, C. H. Farmer of Gold Hill, Josephus Kester of Jackson County, and E. C. Clanton of Grants Pass. The three gentlemen first named also own a number of adjoining claims, covering the outcrop of the Chieftain belt in that vicinity. This belt both to the north and the south has been generally staked because of the reputation that the Strenuous Teddy mine is giving it.… A blanket vein, which leaves the Chieftain belt where the latter crosses Galice Creek, can be followed in an easterly direction for a mile. In places this vein has a width of 16 ft. and carries good values in gold; considerable development has been done on it at the Gold Plated mine.… The three miles of country rock between the Big Yank and the Chieftain belts is more or less intersected with veins, some of which are producing shipping ore. Among these are the Golden Wedge, the Sanders, and the Oriole mines, at which a large amount of work has been done during the past year. The Black Bear mine, owned by the Green Bros., and the Robertson group of free-gold properties on Rich Gulch, also have good ore bodies opened up. An extension of the Oriole, now under bond to Mr. Doan of Los Angeles, is being developed and a vein of high-grade ore has recently been struck. Between the west and south forks of Galice Creek the Cold Spring group, owned by John Reeves and now under bond to the Alameda company, is being developed. A wide vein carrying gold and copper has recently been discovered in this group.… Most of the gold-bearing ores of the Galice district are base, but some free-milling ore extends to considerable depth. In the Strenuous Teddy, Oriole, and Sugar Pine mines the richest ores are tellurides; calaverite and petzite occur in the Strenuous Teddy and sylvanite in the other two. Tungsten, molybdenum, and the platinum group of metals are also found in the district. Gold
Hill, Oct. 11.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October
26, 1907, page 512GRANTS PASS, ORE.
According to the
report of the United States Geological Survey, the counties of Southern
Oregon are the only districts in the state that do not show a falling
off in gold output for the past year. Josephine and Jackson counties
show an increase in placer gold. Southern Oregon, like Eastern Oregon,
suffered a general decrease through the closing down temporarily of
several of the leading quartz mines. Principally all the copper mining
for Oregon was done in the Waldo district. The ore treated at Waldo
averaged 4.75 per ton.(Our Regular Correspondent.) An unofficial report of the production of platinum from the placer mines of Southern Oregon for the past year places the figures at 50 ounces. This may seem small, yet it is about one-third the total output of platinum from the mines of America, as reported by the United States Geological Survey. But with platinum, as with all rare metals, there is much produced that is not credited in the report of the United States Geological Survey, as the miners sell the product direct to the manufacturers. Most of the platinum from Southern Oregon is bought by one Philadelphia company, which uses it in the manufacture of gas mantles. Most of the platinum from Southern Oregon this season, as for several seasons past, came from the diggings of the Deep Gravel hydraulic mines, of Waldo district. The black sands of these diggings, like the sands of Galice, Grave Creek and other districts of Southern Oregon, carry considerable platinum. Various mechanical contrivances and machines have been tried in the separation of the platinum particles from the black sand, with an attempt to accomplish a disintegration during the regular process of gold placer mining. But all of these methods have failed, and the system of successful platinum saving reduces itself to the simple matter of panning. By this method manager Wimer of the Deep Gravel mines saves from 18 to 25 ounces of pure platinum every season. Despite the heavy fall of snow on the Siskiyous, many owners have stayed by their claims up there through the winter, notably in the Upper Applegate and Sucker Creek districts. As the snow lies from 15 to 25 feet deep, the only means of getting in and out is by snowshoes. The owners of the original Wounded Buck or Briggs claims of upper Sucker Creek have a crew continuing the development of this famous property. The ledge has widened with depth, and the ore carries constant and dependable values. This ledge is directly on a contact of granite and porphyry, and is typical of the veins and general formation of the Siskiyou districts. On most all the ledges the hanging wall is porphyry--and the foot wall granite. The lodes lie almost vertical. About 20 claims and mines are being developed in the Briggs district of upper Sucker Creek. Most are on the lode contact of porphyry and granite, which extends north and south. Some are on the south slope of the Siskiyous in California, others are on the north slope in Oregon. The twelve or more claims located as extensions on the original Wounded Buck are now owned and controlled by the Harms Mining Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the leading properties are being developed by these people. The company is expending considerable money getting the camp in better shape for development; better roads and better trails are being opened into the district. Several gold districts of Siskiyou County, California, are attracting considerable attention of late on the part of mining men in Southern Oregon, across the line from Josephine and Jackson counties, of Oregon, from which side the districts are cached. Ben Neal, who located a claim on the head of Salmon Creek last spring, recently sold the claim for $5,000, and in the meantime located an extension of the same claim, for which he has refused an offer of 60,000. He has specimens from this last claim that are almost half gold, and though the snow is now too deep to allow development work, he expects to open it up in the spring. Several other rich ledges have been uncovered in this district. F. H. Osgood, a wealthy Seattle railroad and mining man, who has extensive mining interests in Southern Oregon, is also interested in Siskiyou County properties. His French Gulch property was the scene of several rich strikes this past summer. Northwest Mining Journal, January 1908, page 35 A notable increase in equipment has been made at the Simmons, Cameron & Logan placer mine in order to handle the deep gravel deposits on the property.… At the Baby mine, near Jumpoff Joe Creek, a small force of men is working; a 5-stamp mill is in operation.… At the Lucky Bart mine J. E. Kirk and son are preparing to make another mill run.… J. H. Beeman is doing development work on the Alice mine.… At the Hinkle mine Bart Carter and Fritz Hammersley are preparing for a test run of ore at the Bart mill.… The stamp mill at the Tin Pan mine has been completed.… At the Buzzard group of mines a contract has been let for a 100-stamp mill, which is to be completed within six months.… A Kent crushing mill of 100 tons daily capacity and a cyanide plant of the new Rankin type are to be installed at the Elk Creek gold mine. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 11, 1908, page 55 SOUTHERN
There is unusual interest among mining men in southern Oregon this
winter in copper properties. The preparations for the construction of a
large smelter on the Big Yank and Almeda properties of Galice district
is largely responsible for this, together with the excellent returns
that have been derived during the past four years from the operation of
the Waldo copper mines and the Takilma smelter in that district. The
Almeda Mining Company has closed a contract with a Portland
manufacturing concern for the placing of a 10-ton smelter on the Almeda
mines. The plant will be placed and in operation by midsummer. This
company has been busily at work for the past seven years in the
development of the Big Yank and Almeda mines. Several miles of
underground workings have been driven on the two properties, and an
enormous tonnage of copper-gold ore is blocked out. The smelter will be
of the standard, water-jacket type, and to begin with, will have a
capacity of 100 tons daily. It will be constructed in units or series,
so that additional units can be added as development proceeds and
necessity requires.By Dennis H. Stovall. The site of the new plant is a shelf or bench directly on Rogue River below the adit tunnel of the Almeda. All ore, both from the Almeda claim and other of the claims of the property will be removed by gravity to the bins. The company has its own sawmill in operation cutting timber from the claims into lumber for the building of the smelter house and other structures. A wagon road has been built connecting with the main wagon road from Merlin to Galice. A bridge will be placed across the river at the mine ultimately, but an aerial tram will transport ore from the Big Yank claim across the river to the smelter. Manager John Wykham, of the Almeda, has a number of men employed, both in and out of the mine, and will increase the crew when spring opens. He states there will be plenty of ore to keep the new plant busy from the start. The plant will consist both of smelting and concentrating machinery, together with crushers for reducing the ore. The values of the Almeda ore are carried both in gold and copper. They range from $2 to $4 a ton in gold, and from six to ten percent copper. The ledge is immense in size, being not less than 60 feet, and proving a width at many points of over 100 feet. The American Gold Fields Company is making preparations to unwater the Granite Hills mines. Superintendent Morphy has a crew employed getting things in readiness to begin skipping out the water. Over 200 cords of wood have been delivered at the mill, and the entire property overhauled and repaired. The company expects to have the water removed from the lower levels, the timbers replaced, and the property in shape for operating again within four months from the time skipping begins. From all indications the amount of gold produced from the placer mines of southern Oregon this season will be a record-breaker. The hydraulic placer properties have not enjoyed a better season for many years. All are operating day and night, and have an assurance of a continued water supply for several months yet. It is believed that over a million dollars in virgin gold will be produced from the surface mines of Josephine and Jackson counties this season. Several hundred thousand have already been exchanged over the banking counters and shipped to the mint. There is considerable interest in southern Oregon this winter, as a result of last summer's developments in coal properties. There are several good coal mines in Jackson County, one group near Ashland and another near Medford. The Medford mines have produced a large quantity of coal, which is used for fuel in southern Oregon towns, but the bad condition of the wagon roads in winter makes it almost impossible to get the product out after the rainy weather begins. To overcome this obstacle, and place the Medford coal mines on a paying and heavy producing basis. a railroad will be built from Medford to the mines. a distance of six miles. R. E. Doan and associates, of Los Angeles, who own the Medford mines, have made all the preliminary preparations for the building of this road. Mr. Doan intends to have the road in operation by the first of June, by which time the mine can produce 100 tons or more of coal per day. The ledges are from six to eight feet wide, carrying a lignite of good quality, and though it is a soft coal, it is good for fuel purposes. The Ashland Coal Company has made all arrangements and laid plans for the extensive development and operation of the coal properties near Ashland. Two shafts have been sunk on these coal veins, proving the existence of an immense body of lignite, similar in character to that of the Medford properties. Work will begin at once upon a shaft to connect the tunnel at the lower entrance with the main shaft, a distance of 100 feet. This will drain the water from the upper workings and enable further work to be carried on to advantage. The coal will be marketed as it is removed in the development [of] the vein system. Northwest Mining Journal, March 1908, page 54 Southern Oregon.
most important mining deal consummated here for some time was that of a
few days ago by which a syndicate of capitalists of Ohio and
Michigan have become the owners of the big Almeda group of mines,
located on the Big Yank ledge, of Galice district. The consideration
involved in the deal is $500,000. These mines have been operated for
several years by the Almeda Consolidated Mines Company, of which O. M.
Crouch is president. The new owners will at once install a 100-ton
smelter on the property and otherwise shape the mines for extensive
operation. Among the prominent men in the syndicate that has bought the
Almeda are ex-Congressman J. H. Southard, of Ohio: ex-Congressman
Jackson, of Ohio; ex-Congressman Bacon, of Michigan, and C. C. Aler, of
Columbus, Ohio. The headquarters of the company will be at Toledo, Ohio.Dennis H. Stovall. "We took several days in looking over the Almeda before purchasing," said one of the purchasers, "and we fully satisfied ourselves of its worth and importance. We were astonished at the bidden wealth of gold, silver and copper in these mines. We fully expect to have a 100-ton smelter in operation by the first of June. There is enough ore uncovered on the mine to operate a smelter steadily; in truth, our expert has been figuring up and has found that there is enough ore on the lode to operate a 500-ton plant every day for 50 years. That is certainly showing enough to suit the most skeptical. The high-grade streak of ore is 20 feet wide, and the low-grade streak is more than 200 feet wide. The main body is opened up by nine tunnels and crosscuts. The property, while far beyond the prospecting stage, has not been developed to any great extent. In the eight years since the mine was opened something like $250,000 has been expended in development." That the new cyanide plant installed recently on the Mount Pitt Mine is a success is evidenced by the returns that have been received since the plant began operation. Manager Hoofer brought in a 20-pound brick from the mine this past week, the result of the first monthly cleanup. There is an abundance of cyaniding ore on this property. and the new plant will be kept busy. Day and night crews are employed, and the number of men at work will be increased as fast as the development allows. The Mount Pitt is one of the newer properties of Southern Oregon, but has jumped at once to the top of the list. The management has in view a number of improvements, which will be made during the summer, and which will add to the milling and mining capacity of the property. George Haff, who represents the Harms Mining Company's interests in Southern Oregon, has placed a crew on the Blossom Mine, on Sardine Creek, of Gold Hill District. Besides the work on this property, the Harms Company is operating the Tin Pan and other mines of the Gold Hill District. This company is now beginning the preliminary work upon several new properties it has recently purchased, most of which are located on Sardine Creek and neighboring districts. A great deal of interest has been created of late by the uncovering of a huge mass of free milling quartz on Slate Creek, 12 miles from Grants Pass. The big ledge is on the property of the Queen Mining Company, of which W. H. Ramsey, a Southern Oregon miner, who has been operating in the district for several years, is president. The company has had a crew employed on the big lode for over a year, believing it was a base proposition. It was only a short time ago that it was found that the entire body of the mammoth vein is free milling in character, and is one of the very largest free-milling ledges ever uncovered in this state. The whole width of the lode is 200 feet, but there is a rich pay streak of 40 feet carrying especially high values. This streak carries average values of $7 per ton. Some of it runs as high as $40 and $50 a ton. But it is not the values so much as the immense size of the ledge and the free-milling character of the ore that causes the owners to feel jubilant over their discovery. Two shifts of men have been kept at work on the property all winter, and the owners intend to push development with the arrival of summer. Charles L. Tutt, manager of the Takilma Smelting & Mining Co., of Colorado Springs, has been here for several days inspecting the properties of the company at Takilma, of Waldo District. This company is interested in a large group of copper properties at Waldo. A large crew has been employed all winter, and a mammoth body of ore has been uncovered. Owing to the long haul and the bad condition of the roads between Grants Pass and Takilma, the 100-ton smelter operated on the mines is employed only during the summer. The smelter will be blown in as soon as the roads will allow heavy hauling. Considerable excitement has been occasioned by the discovery of a rich ledge near Yoncalla, Southern Oregon, in a section that has never been prospected for gold. The vein uncovered is yielding about 75 cents per pound, being thickly shot with pure gold. It is not a wide vein, but its richness leads to the belief that there is an Eldorado near the sleepy old country town of Yoncalla. A number of prospectors are now in the district, and it will be thoroughly prospected before another week. Northwest Mining Journal, April 1908, page 62 SOUTHERN OREGON.
The annual spring harvest of placer gold is now being garnered in
Southern Oregon. From all indications the output of virgin metal will
be unusually large this year. The winter season was one of continual
rains and warm snows, thus giving an abundance of water for the
operation of the hydraulic giants. Many of the hydraulic properties
have been operating day and night since the latter part of November.
Several of the larger mines will not clean up till June or July, but
the greater number are now scraping the sluices and lifting the
riffles. This past week several thousand dollars in nuggets and dust
were brought in for exchange at the banks or for shipment to the mint.
The total output of placer gold from the several Southern Oregon
districts will amount to $750,000 or more. The Sterling, Deep Gravel,
Royal Group. Columbia, Sturgis, Simmons & Cameron. and Jumpoff
Joe mines will each yield from $30,000 to $60,000. Besides its big
output of gold, the Deep Gravel mines, of Waldo district, will also
have considerable platinum.By Dennis H. Stovall. Grants Pass, Ore. The quartz mines of the Grants Pass districts are being more extensively developed and equipped this spring than for several seasons. Several carloads of machinery have arrived of late, and are now being installed on surrounding properties. The Mount Pitt has placed a new cyanide and concentrating plant in connection with its mill, and is getting excellent returns from the base ore of this property. The Lucky Queen, near the Mount Pitt, has also placed a cyanide plant. The Braden mine, near Gold Hill, is now operating its new stamp mill and concentrating plant with excellent results. The Tin Pan mine, of Sardine Creek District, has a new mill in operation, and is giving good returns to the owners. A new mill has been placed on the St. Peters mine, near the old Greenback of Grave Creek. The Almeda Mining Company, Consolidated, owner of the Almeda and Big Yank group of gold-copper mines, of Galice District, is placing a 200-ton smelter, and will have the plant ready for operation by the middle of summer. Eastern people are now backing this enterprise, which is one of the very largest in the state of Oregon. The owners of the Oriole, of Galice District, continue to ship $400 ore from this famous property. A new mill will be placed on this mine before the close of summer. Ten stamps of the Greenback mine are now being operated. The old camp is being revived, the equipment overhauled and put in repair, the mine itself cleaned out, and everything made ready for the resumption of operations. It is reported that the entire battery of 40 stamps will soon be thundering again. When the mine closed down over a year ago, it was reported by the management that the hanging up of the stamps was due to no fault of the property itself. It is the belief of those in close touch with the owners that all disagreements have been adjusted, and that the camp will soon be as lively as ever. The mine remains the property of the Greenback Mining Company, of New York, of which W. H. Brevoort, of New York, is general manager. This company is also heavily interested in several northern California properties. The main body of workable ore on the Greenback lies between the 200- and 1,500-foot levels. The ledge is as wide and rich on the deep levels as it was on the surface, and carries almost as much free gold. A work that will be of great benefit to the mining industry of Oregon in a general way, and to the mining men of Southern Oregon in particular, is that now under way by the United States Geological Survey. This is the surveying of a large area of unsurveyed mineral territory in the vicinity of Grants Pass. Congress has made an appropriation for the purpose, and the work will be completed. The particular section to be surveyed is that known as the Grants Pass Quadrangle, lying to the south and west of Grants Pass, on Applegate River. The topographical map of this quadrangle has already been completed, the engraving of which has been submitted by the engineers to the government surveyors. The completed survey will show in detail not only the exact topographical condition of this almost unknown territory, but will give in detail the amount of timber, water supply, ravines, canyons and various formations of the several districts. The Harms Mining Company is making preparations to install a full complement of machinery on its properties in the Gold Hill district. The holdings of the company consist of the Blossom, No-Name, Our Dick, Little Don, Jolly and Pedro. In addition to these claims in the Gold Hill District, the company also owns and is developing the Wounded Buck and Pay Streak claims of the Briggs district, on which Ray Briggs made the famous strike of three years ago. In the Blossom mine there was recently cut at a depth of 180 feet a vein which gives promise of becoming one of the richest pay streaks in Southern Oregon. This ledge has a width of from 12 to 14 feet, and the ore carries average values of $10 a ton. Manager Harms will arrive here from the East during May to make a personal inspection of the properties of his company, and to lay plans for the summer's work. The management is preparing to place a vast amount of equipment. It has already equipped one of its mines, and has this mine in constant operation. It expects to have four or five other mines fully equipped and operating before the close of summer. Northwest Mining Journal, May 1908, page 87 Harrison Bros. have discovered some rich pockets of virgin gold on Williams Creek. It is reported that they have cleaned up $30,000 in the last two weeks, and have more in sight. A 10-stamp mill is to be built at the American Girl and Leroy mines, near Leland.… The Jewett, the principal property in the Mt. Baldy district, will, it is reported, soon be opened.… Work at the Opp mine has been suspended and the 20-stamp mill closed. A cyanide plant is to be installed to treat the tailing. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 23, 1908, page 688 The Ashland mine, at Ashland, which has been closed for the last seven years, is to be opened again by a company of Los Angeles men. The mine is flooded below the 500-ft. level. New hoisting and pumping machinery will be installed and a mill erected near the main shaft. The Ashland was a great producer 12 years ago, and has, it is estimated, produced more than a million dollars in gold.… A wagon road is under construction from the Vesuvius mill, in the Bohemia district, to some mines owned by F. J. Hard. After its completion ores from these mines will be treated at the Vesuvius mill. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 6, 1908, page 761 SOUTHERN
GRANTS PASS, Ore.--Excitement continues over the remarkably rich strike
made by Harrison brothers, prospectors on Williams Creek, 16 miles from
Grants Pass. This is proving to be the richest find made in Southern
Oregon for several years. Bob Harrison, one of the brothers, states
that the two have taken out over $30,000 during the past three weeks,
and have $75,000 more in sight. They took out $7,000 in one day. One
pan of dirt yielded $1,300. The veins are from nine to 100 inches wide.
The ore chute is opened for a distance of 100 feet. The rich strike has
started a rush to Williams Creek. It is one of the very oldest
districts in the state, and has been scratched and mined over for the
past 50 years. The strike was made within a few yards of an abandoned
mine. A score or more of prospectors are now at work on adjoining
claims. Some of these have made good finds. One man, Henry Cooper, a
Colorado miner, has struck a rich vein, from which he took out $1,200
in one day. C. C. Jones, another prospector, has struck a good ledge,
from which he has already removed several hundred dollars in pure gold.
The scene of the strike is only two hours' ride by automobile from
Grants Pass.Dennis H. Stovall. The Amalgamated Metal & Exploration Co., which has headquarters at Urbana, Ill., and of which J. Monroe Layman is president and general manager, is preparing to install development equipment on its Southern Oregon properties, which are located near Grants Pass, and consist of the Jeter and the Comstock. Over 1,200 feet of work has been done on these claims, and the vein system is proving a large one, with unvarying values in both free gold and sulphurets. A steam power plant, hoist, compressor and machine drills will be placed on the claims. As the mine is located but a short distance from Grants Pass, the richest of the ore will be shipped till a reduction plant is installed. Mr. Layman, the manager of the company, is an experienced Southern Oregon miner, as he was identified for several years with the tellurium mines of Canyon Creek district. A bunch of claims under development on Canyon Creek near the old mining camp of Kerby, gives promise of big things in the near future. The ore is telluride, similar in character and composition to that of the famous Cripple Creek district of Colorado. Assays made on recent samples taken from these claims prove values of from $2,000 to $8,000 a ton. The samples were taken at random from the several properties of the district. They are all comparatively new properties, and until recently very little work was done on any of them. The veins range from one to three feet in width, the tellurium appearing in all portions of the ore. The quartz mines of Galice district are very active this spring. The Almeda Mining Company is placing a smelter, and has a large crew continually employed. This company has also built a new road connecting with the main highway at Galice. These mines will be producing heavily before the close of summer. The Oriole Mine, of this district, continues to produce exceptionally rich ore from the strike made on the main ledge several weeks ago. Much of this ore is giving returns of $400 a ton. Manager Mattison is making regular shipments to the smelter, the ore being hauled out by wagon to Merlin, the near railway point. Near the Oriole are several rich quartz mines under development, and all are making a good showing. R. E. Dean and associates of Los Angeles are spending a large sum of money in the development of the several claims they have taken over in the Gold Hill and Lower Rogue River districts. These consist of both quartz and placer, and also coal fields. The mines of the Gold Hill district, particularly in quartz, are unusually active this spring. The cleanups from the Lucky Bart, Tin Pan, Braden and Hammersley for the past month were reported better than usual. Considerable machinery and equipment have arrived at Gold Hill for installation on the properties of the district. The Braden, which is now operated by J. W. Opp, has its new mill and concentrating plant at work. The levels have been deepened, and the ore bodies better developed. There is ore enough in sight to keep the plant steadily at work. The Rogue River Electric Dredging Company is moving its ponderous dredging equipment from the railway station at Central Point to the Centennial Mine of the Gold Hill district. As the machinery weighs over 22 tons, its transportation over rough roads is necessarily slow, and only one mile is covered in a day. Almost every bridge has to be retimbered to allow the safe passage of the great bulk of steel and iron. Two powerful traction engines supply the motive power. The dredge is of the dry gravel type, and will be employed in working the rich gravel deposits of the company on Rogue River. Jackson County.
The Harth & Ryan group of the Consolidated Mines Co., according
to the company's report, got 9.12 oz. gold from a mine run test of
thirteen and a half tons. The report recommended the building of a
three-stamp mill.Northwest Mining Journal, July 1908, page 102 The Takilma smelter, which has been idle for the last nine months, was started last week. The company will do its own teaming this season. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 4, 1908, page 9 The Portland Gold Hill Mining Co. has been incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000, to operate the Standard, better known as the Kubli, mine. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 11, 1908, page 38 Three carloads of machinery for the Alameda mine were unloaded at Merlin last week, and it is now being put in place. The new plant will have a capacity of 100 tons per day.… The ore car and track for the electric gold dredge, on Kane Creek, arrived from the foundry recently, and is now being placed in position. As soon as this work is completed the machine will be put in operation. Much interest is manifested in the operations of the machine, as it success or failure will determine the future of the Southern Oregon gold fields as a dredging proposition. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 25, 1908, page 110 Oregon
The Windy Hollow
mining district, which has been idle for some time, is again a scene of
great activity. The most important mining claims have been purchased by
Nevada mining men and will be developed by them, These men have ample
capital behind them, and will give the claims adequate and extensive
development. J. J. Reily [sic]
came into Windy Hollow several months ago from Nevada. He prospected
the district thoroughly, and sampled the ores of the Jumbo, Butte and
other claims of the Loftus group. He liked these claims so well that he
took a working bond upon them. This past week he and his associates
purchased the claims. The consideration is not given to the public, but
it is known that the properties were held at $200,000.00. Associated
with Mr. Reiley [sic]
several other Nevada mining men, also T. H. Oliver of Spokane, M. R.
Jennings of Buffalo and Marcus Gilliam of New York. Their sinking on
the Butte is highly satisfactory. The ledge is a wide one, ranging from
twenty to fifty feet. The ore is nearly all milling. Besides the main
ledge, several narrower and richer veins have been struck. A few days
ago a strike of this character was made, uncovering very rich gold ore.Grants Pass. By Dennis H. Stovall. The Windy Hollow mining district is one of the most remote in the state of Oregon. It is located near Lakeview, southeastern Oregon. The first discovery in the district was made by Loftus brothers, cattlemen, two years ago. They took out a small fortune from the surface prospects within a few weeks. They later deeply developed the claims. The strike on the Jumbo caused a considerable rush to the district, and a number of claims were located. Subsequent development proved several of these to be splendid properties. The quartz ledges of this district are different in character from the usual run of lode veins in Southern Oregon. The ore resembles the Nevada quartz; in fact, the district is not very far away from the corner post that marks the dividing line between Oregon, Nevada and California. The men who recently purchased the Jumbo and Butte groups state emphatically that the Windy Hollow ore is as good, all things considered, as the ledges of Rawhide and other famous Nevada districts. It is evident that a number of good mines will be developed in Windy Hollow. The big bedrock mining machine, which is being built by the Gilman Mining Co., is fast nearing completion, and will be placed on Rogue River by the middle of July. The barge for the machine is being built in Grants Pass, but the main portion of the machinery and equipment is being built at Sacramento. This machine is a patent of L. F. Gilman president and manager of the company, and will introduce a new phase of mining in Southern Oregon. It is a well-known fact that the bed of Rogue River is rich in gold, but there has been no available method of obtaining it. The gold could not be dredged in the ordinary way, owing to the bedrock bottom of the river. This machine merely dries a portion of the river bed, thus exposing it for mining. There is a portable cofferdam, made of steel slides working in grooves. There is also a double dome arrangement, one working inside and independent of the other, so that it will adapt itself to all irregularities on the bottom of the river. The machine will work between two ponderous barges eighteen feet wide by eighty feet long, being hung to an overhead framework in such a way that the domes can be readily lifted from the bottom of the river and shifted from one point to another. The first operations of the company will be on a rich stretch of the river, forty miles below Grants Pass. The hydraulic placer mines of Southern Oregon have nearly all completed their annual spring cleanup. There has already been brought in for exchange at the banks, or direct shipment to the mint, almost $750,000.00. It is believed that the total output of the placer mines of Southern Oregon, for this season, will be close to $1,000,000.00. Several of the bigger properties of the district, notably the Sterling, Deep Gravel, Columbia, Royal Group, Simmons & Logan and Sturgis, will clean up from $20,000.00 to $60,000.00 each. There is also considerable platinum being cleaned up with the placer gold in Southern Oregon; in fact, three-fourths of the total output of platinum for the United States comes from Southern Oregon placer mines. The platinum is caught in the sluices with the gold, and is secured by careful panning in vats and tubs of still water. As the hydraulic placer mines of Southern Oregon are never-failing in their returns, the yield from these forms a most important source of revenue for the mining industry of this district. As it is pure gold, and passes the same as coin, it goes immediately into the channels of trade and ensures good times for this section of the state, irrespective of the financial condition of the country at large. Northwest Mining Journal, August 1908, page 15 SOUTHERN
evidence of prosperity and the resumption of good times in Southern
Oregon mining circles is the beginning of operations again on the big
Blue Ledge mines, of the Upper Applegate District. The properties are
located on the Oregon-California line, and are owned by New York
people, C. S. Towne being manager. A considerable crew has been placed
on the property, continuing the development began two years ago, and
men will be added as fast as places can be made for them. The company
intends to have the mine well developed by next spring, at which time a
large smelter will be installed. Since the present company acquired the
Blue Ledge, there has been about $600,000 expended in general
prospecting work, sinking shafts and driving tunnels and drifts. In
addition to this, the company has installed a modern water system,
which supplies plenty of mountain water for the camp, both for domestic
and fire protection purposes. A number of elegant offices and
residences have been built in the camp, and as it is located at an
altitude of almost 5,000 feet, and but a short distance from the snow
line, it has become a popular resort, as well as a mining camp. Daily
stages reach Blue Ledge from Medford, carrying passengers and mail. The
company is planning to place a smelting plant that will cost
$1,000,000. It will be located on Joe Bar, or near Joe Bar, about two
miles below the main camp, to which the ore will be conveyed by gravity
tram. Besides the building of a smelter, the company is also
contemplating the construction of a railroad connecting the camp with
the main Southern Pacific line, either at Medford or Grants Pass, the
exact route not being determined as yet.(By Dennis H. Stovall.) The big Black Butte quicksilver mines, of the Calapooia mountain district, are now in operation, and are shipping mercury. The first carload left the mines this past week, and other shipments will be made regularly. Both the new reduction plant and the mines are proving highly satisfactory. The Black Butte properties are the deepest developed and best equipped cinnabar mines on the Pacific Coast. They have been under constant development for the past ten years, and under one management all the while. W. B. Dennis, an expert metallurgist and mining engineer, has had personal charge of the properties. Over five miles of tunnels, upraises, shafts and winzes have been driven. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore are blocked out. The great smelter is completed and in operation day and night. The camp is one of the neatest, most sanitary and well-kept in Oregon. Black Butte Mountain, on which the mines are located, rises to an altitude of almost 3,000 feet. The whole mountain is practically one huge mass of cinnabar. The main vein is 400 feet wide. and has been opened for a depth of two miles into the heart of the mountain. The development of the property and its equipment with a reduction plant suited to the particular requirements of the ore has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but the company persisted, and has won out. There is no doubt but that it will soon take rank among the very largest quicksilver producing mines in the world. The reduction plant differs from all other cinnabar reducing plants in that it uses wood instead of coal for fuel. It has a capacity of 100 tons daily, but will soon be increased to 400 tons daily. Longwell & Son, Southern Oregon prospectors, after patient and persistent work in the Applegate District near Provolt, twelve miles south of Grants Pass, have uncovered a five-foot ledge that carries values of from $50 to $200 a ton. Some of the ore is thickly shot with gold, and runs up into the thousands. It is one of the richest strikes made in Southern Oregon this season. The ledge has been traced for a long distance on the surface, and though it has been opened by shallow tunnels only, the general character of the quartz and the contact prove it to be a permanent proposition. Several claims have been located, and the property will be deeply developed. The discovery is made but a short distance from Williams Creek, where Harris brothers made their rich strike last March. The Harris claims are under development and are proving very rich. Both strikes are made on old districts, and on ground that has been prospected for placer diggings since 1855. A tract of 600 acres of mineral land. located near the railroad in Douglas County, has been purchased by a Minnesota company, of which W. H. Miller and P. A. Eva are managers. The company will begin the development and equipment of the property at once. The land is desired for its placer gold and sandstone. The latter will be quarried in great quantity. Right of way for a spur track from the quarry to the main line of the Southern Pacific has already been secured. and the sandstone will be removed by the trainload. Considerable quantity of this stone has already been used for building purposes; several large structures in Portland have been constructed of the material. Northwest Mining Journal, September 1908, page 32 SOUTHERN OREGON NO. 2.
Dennis H. Stovall.)
extensive copper-gold deposits of the Pickett Creek District. on Rogue
River, some 14 miles below Grants Pass, are to be fully developed and
shaped for extensive smelting operations by the United Copper Gold
Mines Company. Though the officers of this company are principally
South Oregon mining men, the bulk of the capital will be supplied by
Seattle capitalists. The Pickett Creek copper mines have been under
development for several years, but the men who have had them in charge
were not able to give them the attention their size and richness
warranted. The new company will begin at once in driving the tunnels
deeper, and opening up the ore body, both for shipping and smelting.
Considerable ore has already been shipped from these mines, and the
returns are sufficient to prove the ledges of exceptional value. O. S.
Blanchard, of this city, is president of the new company; O. A. Thomas,
who has had charge of the mines for the past three years, is secretary
and manager.Assays made on the ore from the Pickett Creek mines give returns of $30 to $100 in gold, and from 6 to 8 percent copper. The ledges are from five to ten feet in width. The ore is of about the same character as that of the Waldo mines, where the Takilma Smelter is located. Pickett Creek has been mined for years for its placer gold, some of the richest surface diggings of Southern Oregon being located there. It has been known for several years that there were the rich ledges in the bills, but not until recently was any effort made to develop the quartz veins. There is much activity in the district this summer, and a number of claims have been located and are under development. C. B. Glover and G. L. Smith, who are developing a group of claims adjoining the properties of the United Copper-Gold Company, have uncovered a rich body of ore, with values running from $25 to $200 a ton in gold, besides the copper. The big hydraulic placer mines, on Paradise and Half Moon bars, of lower Rogue River, which have been under development for the past year, are now fully equipped and ready for operation. As soon as the fall rains bring the water of Mule Creek and supplying streams to a sufficient level the giants will be turned on and operations begin. Two placer mines were developed and equipped in this district last year, and the results from the past season's mining were highly satisfactory. It was largely the success of the first ventures that led to the recent mines being opened up down there. Los Angeles capital is behind the several enterprises, and fully $500,000 is invested in the development and equipment of the four mines. Equipping these properties was an expensive procedure, as all of the piping, giants and machinery had to be carried in by pack pony over the mountain trail from West Fork. An attempt was made by one company to float the machinery by barge down the Rogue River, but the experiment proved a failure. As the diggings are very rich, the placers will give full returns for the heavy outlay after two seasons' work. From all indications the old Greenback Mine, of Grave Creek District, will resume operations again in the near future. Five of the forty stamps have been operated of late, and it is reported that the. remainder of the battery will begin dropping before long. W. H. Vrevoort, the New York capitalist who owns the Greenback, was here recently looking over the property, and laid plans for its future operations. A few men are employed. and operations have begun in a small way, but this is but a beginning to the real work that will follow. The Greenback's suspension almost three years ago came about through no fault of the mine itself. The property was producing heavily when work stopped, and the forty stamps had been pounding day and night on good ore. Internal troubles were responsible for the shutdown. The main ledge was opened up to a depth of 1,500 feet, but the bulk of the ore came from the levels down to 900 feet. Most of the ore between the 900 and 1,500 foot levels is yet to be removed, and it is this that will supply the rock for future operations. The Greenback lode is remarkable in that it sustains its free-milling values on the deep levels. Some of the richest quartz found in the mine came from a depth of 1,000 feet. The American Gold Fields Company, of which W. J. Morphy is manager and which owns the Granite Hill Mines, of Louse Creek District, near Grants Pass, was unable to resume operations on the property this summer. The inability of the company to resume was due to lack of funds, caused by the tightening of finances in the East, and particularly among the stockholders of the company. The company, however, has cleared up all its obligations, and has a clear and clean title to the property. It has also kept everything in splendid shape on the mine, the mill being in splendid condition, and all of the machinery and equipment is ready to begin operation on a day's notice. Superintendent Charley Morphy has remained on the mine, and has employed a few men. Several hundred cords of wood has been out, new boilers installed, and the pumps set for clearing the mine of its surplus water. The company now hopes to begin work this fall, and is getting everything in readiness to begin pumping the water from the mine. Considerable interest is being manifested this summer by outside capital in the coal fields of Southern Oregon. The deposits near Medford are being fully developed, as are several of the claims on Evans Creek. near Grants Pass. Though all of these deposits are lignite, the coal is valuable for fuel and is already being used for this purpose. The coal beds of N. D. McDowell, near Eagle Point, have been leased by a California syndicate, whose headquarters are at Pasadena. The company has already brought in its equipment and will begin work at once in the development of the property. The price paid for the lease was $100 an acre. There are 200 acres in the tract, and the experts who reported upon it are of the opinion that a wealth of coal underlies the land. Northwest Mining Journal, September 1908, page 32 Southern Oregon
Journal, October 1908, page 46Dennis H. Stovall.
Ore.--Another gold strike has been made near Grants Pass as a result of
the intelligent and extensive prospecting being done in this section.
The last strike was made in Fiddler's Gulch, near the old mining camp
of Kerby, and only a short distance from the place where gold was first
discovered in Oregon in 1852. The strike was made by John Neal and Bal
Cannon. Assays made on the sacks of ore brought in give returns of from
$5,000 to $13,000 a ton. Gold is visible in all parts of the rock,
occurring in stringers, layers and wires.
The character of the ore is telluride. A considerable quantity was brought in by pack animal to Grants Pass, and has been shipped to the smelter. Other shipments will be brought in soon, and the owners are deriving handsome returns in the working of the proposition by the crude method of shovel, pick and mortar. Returns are being regularly derived. The owners have driven in a tunnel to a depth of 40 feet, following the vein. This shows up well the whole length of the tunnel. The ledge has been traced on the surface for a distance of 1,000 feet. The strike has caused a general rush of prospectors toward Fiddler's Gulch and that section of the county. Though the district was mined over 50 years ago, the old-timers overlooked everything except placer, and so but little quartz prospecting was done until recently. Besides this strike several others of lesser importance have been made in the district. Nearly all are of the same character, the ore containing tellurides. The Gilman Bedrock Mining Company, whose bedrock gold mining operations have been watched with intense interest by mining men of this section for several months, now has all the machinery and equipment on the site of the dredging field, and will soon begin active work. The first work will be done on a rich section of Rogue River, just below the confluence of Galice with the larger stream. The two barges reached this point safely from Grants Pass, being set up and a camp established. The stage of water in the river is lower than it has been for several years, and the machine will go into operation under very favorable conditions. The machine will dry about 1,000 square yards of the river bed at a time, exposing it for placering by sluice. The enterprise is backed by California and Southern Oregon capital. The Wilson & Anderson hydraulic placer mines, of Waldo District, are being greatly improved for next season's work. Several hundred feet of 24-inch steel piping, new giants, gates and machinery are now being added. The ditches are being widened and deepened and the flumes rebuilt to increase the water supply. Four giants will be operated on this mine in the future, and to increase the night capacity an electric lighting system is being placed. The Wildon is one of the oldest placer mines in Southern Oregon. It has produced good returns for almost half a century, and still has a vast acreage of diggings. W. W. Hale and J. H. McDonough, Seattle mining men. who have been inspecting the Southern Oregon Mining District for several weeks, have taken over several very promising claims in the Josephine Creek District, near Kerby, of western Josephine County. The two men are highly pleased with the district, and will back their faith by hard cash and hard work. The claims taken over will be well developed and put in shape for active operation. The ledges on the group, like those of Fiddler's Gulch and nearby districts, carry their values in tellurium. Unprecedented activity is now manifest in the Santiam Mining District. Work is being done, both in the development of the individual mines and in bettering the condition of the camp. One splendid improvement is the building of a better wagon road into the district. A force of 60 men is now at work on the highway from Gates to Elkhorn. This new road will give the miners an open exit to the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, and direct connection with be outside world. Its completion means the building of a smelter in the district at a very early date. Several of the operating companies of the camp have already united on a plan for the construction of a reduction plant. Four mines are operating on the Santiam--the Gold Creek, Freeland Consolidated, Electric and Black Eagle. (Special Correspondence).--The Pacific Coal Co., of which R. E. Doan, of Los Angeles, is the largest stockholder, has 3000 acres of coal land five miles east of Medford, on which 4000 ft. of development work has been done. The longest drift goes in 1000 ft. on the vein, the latter being 10 to 12 ft. thick. Mr. Doan states that 75% of the coal thus opened is a marketable commodity. The better quality of it contains 55% fixed carbon, 6% ash, 3% water, and the rest volatile combustibles; the average of fixed carbon is said to be 40%. The company has steel rails at Medford sufficient for five miles of railroad track and it is probable that a road will be built to the mine.… Champlin Bros. have been dredging four years on Foots Creek, near Gold Hill, and have worked out an area half a mile long 500 ft. wide and 35 ft. deep. The ground has yielded 30¢ to $1.25 per cubic yard. Their new dredge is of modern design, operated by electric power.… The Brayden mine, near Gold Hill, operated by the Condor Water Co., has been active several years, and is opened by six levels from 300 to 1000 ft. long on the strike of the vein, which stands between schist walls. This company bought the mine some time ago and has paid for it from the proceeds of operations. The 10-stamp mill, with plates and tables, is running.… Gold Hill, which originally yielded phenomenally rich pockets of free gold, the most of which was extracted from 1858 to 1860, is still being worked over on a small scale by individual miners. The Blackwell Hills, on the south side of Rogue River, covering an area of 2 by 6 miles, yielded rich ore in pockets in the early days and are still of interest to the old-time miner. The Millionaire mine, in these hills, has a hoist over a 400-ft. shaft. There is also a Nissen two-stamp mill, with plates and table, which will be run this winter. J. T. Davison is in charge.… The Shamrock, managed by W. P. Chisholm, of Gold Hill, has a vein of chalcopyrite ore in a schist country, opened by 1500 ft. of work. The ore will average 3 to 4% copper.… The Corporal G, on Sardine Creek, has ore that yields $50 to $70 per ton at the Lucky Bart mill. W. A. Pierson, superintendent of the Black Eagle, is developing and erecting a small mill. The property belongs to Portland people. Gold Hill, October 10. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 31, 1908, page 589 STAMP MILL ON PALMER CREEK
Jacksonville Post, November
21, 1908, page
The old stamp mill known as the Beekman and Huffer mill was sold to Dr.
C. R. Ray and moved to Palmer Creek. The mill is a three-stamp mill
formerly used in the Opp mine in this city.
This is
the pioneer mining district of Oregon. Gold was first discovered
on Jackson Creek in 1851, bringing thousands of fortune hunters over
the Siskiyou Mountains from California. For years Jacksonville, the
first Oregon mining camp, located five miles from the present city of
Medford, was one of the liveliest gold districts in the West. It is
still a mining center.The vast acreage of old channels, gravel bars and auriferous placer deposits, together with the abundant winter rains and numerous streams, combine to make this section one of the leading hydraulic placer districts in America. Placer mining has always been largely followed here. Fully $20,000,000 in virgin gold has been produced from the several diggings since the original discovery. Jackson Creek diggings alone have produced nearly $6,000,000. The hydraulic mines, a half hundred in number, are among the best equipped in America, with their miles of ditches and flumes, thousands of feet of iron and steel pipe, their batteries of giants and all necessary machinery for hydraulicking. The season of mining being long, the water supply and diggings abundant, the output from Jackson County's surface mines total a half million each year. There yet remains considerable unclaimed placer ground here, but the greatest opportunity along this line is in the investment of small and great capital by the purchase of undeveloped properties, giving them proper development, adequate equipment and intelligent management. Though this district has a number of producing quartz mines, this feature of the gold mining industry is in its infancy. Quartz mining has been followed here for almost as long a period as placer mining. Many notable discoveries have been made. The Gold Hill and Steamboat strikes each yielded more than $250,000. THE COPPER MINES
The copper mines of the Blue Ledge district, though located on the
California-Oregon border line, are tributary to Medford, the only means
of reaching them being by wagon road from this city, a distance of
thirty-five miles. The deposits of copper in the district have been
exploited and developed sufficiently to prove the district beyond any
possible question one of the greatest bodies of copper in the West.The Blue Ledge district, as a whole, comprises an area of 2,000 square miles, occupying the upper range of the Siskiyous, with an altitude of from 3,500 to 6,100 feet. Fully 1,000 claims have been located in the district. There are ten parallel ledges, occupying a strip ten miles wide, and with claims located continuously upon them for a distance of twenty-five miles. The principal lode of the district, that which first attracted the attention of mining men, and from which the camp derives its name, is the Blue Ledge. This ledge was first located in 1898, and is now owned and under development by the Blue Ledge Mining Company of New York. This company is sparing no expense or effort to fully develop the property, and intends to ultimately equip it with a smelter and reduction works with a capacity of at least 500 tons daily, and which, with the mine workings, will give employment for several thousand men. Medford, being the supply point and the gateway to this district, is in a most enviable position, as this city will, in a large measure, derive the full benefit of the immense payroll, not only of the Blue Ledge property itself, but of the many other properties that are under development there and which will, in due course, install smelting and reduction plants. BUILDING AND MONUMENTAL GRANITE
The hills west and south of Medford contain limitless quantities of
granite. Analyses and tests have not only proved these gigantic granite
ledges to be first grade building stone, unequaled by any on the Coast,
but they contain also a class of granite peculiarly valuable for
monumental purposes. This latter class occurs in all desirable shades
and tints, taking a very fine polish and exquisite finish; also it is
of a toughness and texture that ensures its weathering the extremes of
heat and cold through countless centuries.Marble is to be one of the chief sources of wealth. One body covering 360 acres is exceptionally fine, similar in grain to that of Vermont. In color it is from pure white to jet black. The dark blue nearly identical to dark blue Rutland. The variegated and mottled being exceptionally beautiful blends. This vast bed is still in its natural state, very little development having been done. This marble offers good investment to quarry and for the manufacture of marble products. Sandstone for building purposes is found in several localities about Medford. One fine deposit at the edge of the city is being worked, furnishing Medford with excellent, yet cheap, building material. An opportunity for investment is presented here, in equipping these great natural quarries with stonecutting plants and machinery for removing the stone in quantity. The building era upon which the whole Pacific Coast is now entering will create an enormous demand for building material, especially for such excellent stone as these deposits contain. RARE METALS AND MINERALS
The variety and extent of the metal and mineral deposits in the
territory tributary to Medford is no less wonderful or remarkable than
the diversity and output of the soil products. Extensive ledges of
cinnabar, carrying a high percentage of mercury, are under development
by Medford people in the Meadows district of upper Rogue River.The rare metal, platinum, is also found here, occurring principally with the black sand of the placer diggings. In 1905 nearly one-fourth the entire platinum output for America, as shown by the report of the United States Geological Survey, came from Southern Oregon. Cobalt, nickel, zinc, arsenic, graphite, clays, calcite or limestone, all are found here, the first four mentioned in this list being associated with other metals and minerals in quartz formation. Cement rock, clays, etc., necessary for the manufacture of cement, are in quantities here. Development of this industry is waiting the call of mine railways. "Medford, Oregon: Rogue River Valley," booster booklet published by the Medford Commercial Club, Portland, 1909. SOUTHERN
GRANTS PASS, Ore.--An event of importance for Southern Oregon was the
launching in Galice district this past week of the Bedrock gold mining
machine or dredge by the Gilman Bedrock Mining Company. The launching
"ceremony" was witnessed by all the miners of Galice Camp, and a number
of interested visitors from the outside. Miss Ruth Harlow, daughter of
a Galice mining man, christened the "gold ship," naming it the Maud G., in honor
of the wife of President Gilman of the Bedrock Company. This machine is
the first of its kind ever put in operation, and is the invention of
Mr. Gilman. It is 38 feet long, 16 feet wide, and covers 250 square
feet at one setting. It is built entirely of steel, and weighs 20 tons.
It is carried between two 80-foot barges. These barges, besides
supporting the machine, also carry the sluices, riffles and other
mining equipment. The steel slides, which are provided on both the
outer and inner domes of the machine, are jacked down to conform to the
uneven surface of the river bed. Mr. Gilman has spent six years' hard
work perfecting this machine, and has great confidence in its success.
The preliminary tests prove it to be all that was expected of it, as it
clears the river bed of water and allows the mining of the rich gravel
so easily as could be done with an exposed bar. The company is now
building similar machines to launch on other Pacific Coast streams and
Alaska waters.Dennis H. Stovall. Because of the extensive development being done in the camp, Galice continues to hold first place among all the growing districts of Southern Oregon. Many thousand dollars have been expended this past summer in the equipping and opening up of properties of this old district, particularly of the quartz mines, and the winter season will be the best the camp has ever known. The Almeda, Oriole, Golden Wedge, Sugar Pine, Cold Springs and other properties of the district are being deeply developed and equipped with reduction plants. Many of these will be in active operation before the close of this year. The Golden Wedge will soon have five stamps added to its equipment, and its concentrating and cyanide plant will be enlarged. Paul Bright is manager of this mine. The capital behind the enterprise is furnished by Eastern men, among them being W. J. Cleland, John Lantz and B. B. Tyler. The Almeda Consolidated Mines Company will place a smelter of 200 tons capacity as soon as the manufacturing company can deliver the machinery. Everything in the mine is in readiness for the reduction plant. So extensive has been the growth of the Almeda camp that a lively town has sprung up. Its location is on a broad shelf at the base of the mountains overlooking Rogue River. The mine and camp are on the south bank of the stream. The mines on the north bank will be connected to the town by a bridge, which is now under construction. The development work done on this mammoth mine is the most extensive on any Southern Oregon copper property. On the Almeda claim alone over 3,000 feet of underground workings--tunnels, crosscuts and drifts--have been driven. These workings have uncovered vast bodies of ore, carrying values in gold, silver and copper, running from $8 to $20 a ton. The richest ore in the mine is found in a vein that averages 20 feet in width, and which has been opened for a distance of 2,000 feet. Considerable mining activity is manifest in the Gold Hill district, near the town of Gold Hill. James Davis and Thomas Hagan, who recently acquired the old Bowden Mine of that district, and who have been industriously developing it, report an exceptionally rich strike on the property. On the 70-foot level they struck an entirely new body of ore. The ledge is two feet wide and carries values of from $40 to $50 a ton. They have been following this vein for two weeks, and it shows no signs of pinching. A five-stamp mill will be placed on the property before the close of the year. The Corporal G. is another Gold Hill mine that is making a good showing. L. A. Carter, manager of this mine, brought in a gold brick from the property a few days ago, the result of the regular monthly cleanup. During the run of the mill this past week, three tons of ore netted $140 as a test. The mine is more than paying for its development, and in the meantime is being shaped for operation on an extensive scale. Northwest Mining Journal, January 1909, page 13 Abe Lamb, manager of the Ashland Peak mine, situated three miles south of Ashland, states that the adit, which is being driven on the vein by machine drills, is now in 250 ft. The vein is 7 to 9 ft. wide, stands vertical, and is well-defined between clean-cut walls. After the ore bodies are well opened up a quartz mill will be installed at the mine. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 20, 1909, page 403 The shipment of 17 tons of ore from the Oriole mine at Galice brought J. C. Mattison returns at the rate of $210 per ton. This ore has come from a vein 40 ft. wide which contains a narrow streak of high-grade in the middle. Mattison will at once put up a stamp mill and a cyanide plant of sufficient capacity to take care of the low-grade ore as fast as it is mined. As a preliminary, the construction of a wagon road from Galice to the mine, a distance of two miles, is to be begun immediately. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 27, 1909, page 437 Southern Oregon
"Cleanup time," the golden harvest of the southern Oregon hydraulic
placer miner, is now on; the output is the best for many seasons. This
past week about $75,000 was shipped out of Grants Pass alone, this all
being virgin gold. and principally from one camp. It was consigned to
the mint at San Francisco. Most of the local miners prefer to ship in
this way, rather than disposing of their output to the banks.By Dennis H. Stovall Grants Pass, Oregon. The Sterling, of Jacksonville district, will clean up $60,000; the Old Channel mines, of Galice district, will product a like amount; the Columbia, of Grave Creek district, $50,000; while scores of others will come in with from $5,000 to $10,000, and some will have from $20,000 to $30,000. As has already been told in these columns, the season for placer mining has been very favorable. This was due to the copious and continued rains, and the soft snows on the mountains; in truth there still remains much snow on the higher ranges, and some of the hydraulic properties will operate from two to three giants till the latter part of May or middle of June. In southern Oregon, cleanup always comes in the spring or early summer, though a few miners clean their sluices once a month through the running season. The bedrock race is first swept down, using a high-pressure nozzle, and every particle of precious yellow gathered up. The riffles are then lifted from the sluices, thoroughly rinsed and laid aside. Most southern Oregon miners use specially prepared riffles made of steel though some still remain faithful to the old-time but always reliable "block" and "pole" riffle. The latter are desired because of the ease with which they can be made, for the material needed is always ready at hand. After the riffles are taken out, and with a small stream of water flowing through, the mass of gold and dirt on the sluice floor is swept gently to and fro with a brush-broom and shovel. The dirt and refuse is lifted and carried off over the dump by the waste water, revealing the black sand and the gold nuggets. The larger pieces are picked up and bottled, while the smaller particles and "dust" are panned out more carefully over settling vats or tubs, into which the platinum sands are caught and saved by a second or third panning. The Greenback mine, of Grave Creek district, which was idle for over a year because of litigation, is operating again. It is being worked under lease, though the original Greenback Mining Company, of New York, of which W. H. Brevoort is general manager, remains owner of the property. Ten of the 30 stamps are dropping, but more will be operated later. The cyanide plant of the property is also being operated, the tailings of the dump being the base of supply, in addition to the slimes from the mill. Only a small crew, in comparison with the number of men formerly at work, are employed, but it is believed that within a few months old Greenback camp will be as lively as ever. A few years ago, and for several seasons, it was the largest and richest mine in southern Oregon. There were over 400 people in Greenback, all supported by the mine. The ledge was opened to a depth of 1,500 feet, though but little ore was removed from below the 1100-foot level. While the values are more base, they are just as stable on the deeper levels as they were nearer the surface, and there yet remains a vast body of workable quartz to mill. C. L. Mangum, who has been identified with southern Oregon mines for a number of years, and who has opened up some of the largest properties of the district, is preparing to fully develop the great "Silver Creek lode," as it is known. This is undoubtedly one of the largest propositions of its kind on the coast. Mr. Mangum will have associated with him other western mining men with the capital and energy necessary to develop and equip the gigantic property. Though immense in size, the big ledge stands revealed on both walls of Silver Creek canyon for a height of several hundred feet. In fact, there are countless tons of milling ore in sight. In this respect the proposition is unique, as the owners feel confident that it will only be necessary for them to install a reduction plant and begin work on at producing basis at once. The ore values are carried principally in gold, and are both free and base, but not held so stubbornly but that they can easily be reduced by milling and concentration. Besides the immense ledge itself, the several claims of the property include a vast acreage of splendid timber, unexcelled water rights and all other natural advantages for cheap mining on a huge scale. The remoteness of the district and property from the railroad is alone accountable for its remaining so long overlooked. Mr. Mangum has a crew at work, and expects to have the property fully under way before the close of the coming summer season. Northwest Mining Journal, May 1909, page 12 A valuable mineral find in Southern Oregon has been reported by G. W. Morris, an old-time prospector from California. It is a vein of copper ore carrying $17 gold per ton, and outcropping for a distance of 600 ft. It was found about eight miles south of Roseburg. "Douglas County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 1, 1909, page 606 Coal occurs at many localities in the Rogue River Valley of Southwestern Oregon, between the Cascade Mountains on the east and the Klamath Mountains, locally called the Siskiyou Mountains, on the west. A long narrow coal belt stretching to the south and southeast in the Rogue River Valley east of Medford and Ashland. Oregon, and continuing through the Siskiyou Mountain divide into California, a total distance of nearly 100 miles, has been described by J. S. Diller of the U.S. Geological Survey. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 8, 1909, page 661 BLASTING
I know a mine superintendent who has made it a practice to question
every miner he employs regarding his familiarity with blasting.
Moreover, he gives them instruction when necessary in this important
matter, and he maintains a uniform system. By exercising a little care
he has had few accidents. This is a feature of practical mining to
which every superintendent and manager should give attention. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By Dennis H. Stovall. Few miners use any explosive other than dynamite, though some still cling to black powder, especially those working in soft ground. Some large companies still use black powder, believing it more economical and safer. Whether it be safer or not depends much upon the way in which it is used. It requires more tools and considerably more time to prepare a shot with black powder than with other common explosives, but the results are satisfactory if the powder be carefully set and well tamped. The tools needed are a pricker or needle, which is a slender tapering rod of copper or bronze, used for maintaining a hole in the tamping through which the charge can be fired; the tamping bar, which is a rod of iron, copper, or bronze, or of iron shod with copper, and used for ramming in dried clay or pounded slate, to hold the powder firmly; and a claying bar, used for lining wet holes with clay, to render them temporarily watertight. Where loose powder is used, the ordinary method is to set in the pricker, holding it upright in the center of the hole while a portion of the charge is poured in. Care is taken to draw out the needle as the tamping proceeds, so as to obviate too much exertion being required for its final withdrawal. The small hole left in this way serves for the insertion of the fuse, or of the quill or straw filled with powder, which is pushed down and connected with the fuse proper. The best and surest method, however, is to push the fuse itself well down into the hole. As the safety fuse burns slowly, not faster than two or three feet per minute, the miner has ample time for retreat by allowing sufficient length. It is usual to light the fuse by a candle end fixed under it by a piece of clay, considerable time being required for the candle to burn through the fuse. Most modern high explosives contain nitroglycerin in some form, the explosion being brought about through the action of a fulminating cap. Guncotton is employed extensively in western mines, and is prepared in various forms, the cotton fabric itself being always mixed with some nitrate or mixture of nitrates. Guncotton is more powerful than gunpowder, though less powerful than dynamite; it possesses an advantage over the latter, however, in that it does not have to be thawed in cold weather. It can be handled with greater safety than dynamite, but is just as dangerous when remnants are left in partly exploded charges. The miner should examine the bottoms of all holes after blasting, and destroy any remnants of powder by firing a detonator in a "socket" or missed hole which cannot with certainty be pronounced free from danger. The methods employed for firing guncotton, cotton powder, blasting gelatin, dynamite, and all explosives containing nitroglycerin, are practically the same. The explosion is induced by the detonation of a fulminating cap. This fulminating cap contains fulminate of mercury with chlorate of potash, and it is fastened into the safety fuse by squeezing with a pair of nippers. It is then inserted into a small cartridge, or primer, of the explosive, and placed above the charge proper. Some miners who use guncotton prefer to lightly tamp in a small charge of gunpowder above the cotton, firing it through this. The common stick dynamite has several advantages over other forms of explosives. It has greater power, may be used in wet holes or under water, is effective in ground which is full of cavities, and it requires no tamping. Being plastic, because of its mixture with wood pulp, it readily adjusts itself to completely fill a hole after it is placed. The greatest disadvantage of dynamite is that it must be thawed in cold weather, but where care is exercised this can be accomplished with comparatively little danger. There is also its freakishness, by which entire sticks fail to explode through the action of the fulminating cap, but may later ignite with fatal results when struck with a bar or drill. The danger is enhanced when remnants have been left in contact with water, as the liquid causes a separation of the nitroglycerin from the dope, so that even a blow upon the adjacent rock leads to an explosion. A small quantity of the nitroglycerin leaked into a crack is sufficient to cause death and destruction. Firing several holes simultaneously by electricity eliminates much danger. There has been placed upon the market an igniter by which a number of instantaneous fuses convey fire to as many separate holes. The charges are fired, either singly or simultaneously by electricity, the electric charge being obtained from a magneto dynamo or battery. The distinct advantage of this method of firing is its safety, as the miner can retire to a perfectly safe place, and all the miners can reach a place of safety before a single shot is exploded. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 15, 1909, page 699 I. K. Evans, of Philadelphia, has purchased, on behalf of a syndicate, at a sheriff's sale all the holdings of the Galice Hydraulic Mining Co., St. Helens Hydraulic Mining Co., the Galice Consolidated mines, and the T. K. Anderson properties. These corporations became involved in litigation over the right to use the waters of Galice Creek. The Philadelphia syndicate will organize a corporation to be known as the Galice Placer Mines Co., and under this name the work of mining will be carried on.… Ore has been cut on the lowest level in the Alameda mine. This now exposes ore on four levels. E. R. Crouch is foreman. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 29, 1909, page 740 A carload of oil-drilling machinery has arrived at Oakland, constituting the first lot of drilling apparatus that will soon be at work in this locality, under the direction of the Standard Oil Co., which will sink several wells near Oakland and in the Sutherlin Valley. Representatives of the company have been busy the past month in arranging details and getting the leases signed, and now have about 30,000 acres leased for from one to five years. For years this locality has shown prospects of oil, but not until now has it been possible to take up the development of them, owing to the opposition which the representatives have met with in gaining the concessions asked for. The first well will be sunk on the ranch of James Hunt, one mile east of Oakland. "Douglas County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 12, 1909, page 810 The Electrical Gold Dredging Co. has purchased the property of D. P. Blue on Kane Creek and have installed a 42-ton steam shovel. The company owns 160 acres of ground. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 19, 1909, page 842 A new corporation has been organized in Grants Pass called the Old Glory Mining Co., with C. L. Mangum as president. The property is situated on Silver Creek, 20 miles west of Galice, in the vicinity of the recent rich discovery of Brazill and Robinson on the same creek, and consists of four lode and two placer claims. The Greenback mine, 20 miles north of Grants Pass, which was shut down a year ago, is soon to be put in operation again by its old superintendent. Gary W. Thompson, who has taken a bond and lease on the property, and will work it as soon as the mine can be retimbered and some dead work done. There is a 40-stamp mill on the property and a first-class cyanide plant. This mine has paid to the shareholders $1,200,000. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 26, 1909, page 874 A water-power plant is being installed at the Oriole mine. J. C. Mattison is manager. A new mill is being erected at the Sugar Pine mine. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 3, 1909, page 9 STERLING MINE IS DISCUSSED AT
The Department of the Interior has just issued a bulletin
relating to mining in Southern Oregon, in which the mines in Jackson
County are described as the result of a geological survey. The bulletin
is replete with valuable information, giving as it does a history of
all mines in the neighborhood of Medford.
The pamphlet first deals with the gold quartz mines, from the description of which the following is taken: "The most productive gold quartz mines which were in operation in this area during the summer of 1908 were the Braden and the Opp. The Granite Hill and Mountain Lion mines, although not now being worked, have also been fairly important producers within the last few years. There are many mines and prospects on which work is not now being done, some of which have never produced, some of which have produced values of a few hundred dollars, and a few of which have produced values of several thousand dollars. At present some development is in progress on new prospects and on mines which were until recently closed. The total gold production of the gold quartz mines of the area in 1907 was about $70,000. "Many of the veins and veinlets have never produced important bodies of ore, but only 'pockets,' some of which, although filling but small spaces, were remarkably rich, the gold usually having been coarse. In general, the main part of the gold in these pockets has been taken from depths less than 25 feet from the surface. "The veins and veinlets run in all directions. However, a comparison of the more persistent of them showed that more lie in an east-west direction than in a north-south direction. The dips of the veins vary greatly; most of them are nearly flat and some are vertical. The width of the veins is usually less than one foot; a great many are considerably less, and in some places they form an intricate network of stringers. On the other hand, there are veins with widths of more than 10 feet; in such veins either 'horses' are present, separating the vein into several parts, and there is a decided brecciation of the materials." Following this introduction is a description of the Braden, Granite Hill, Mountain Lion and other mines. In regard to the placer mines, the pamphlet says: "The placer mines of Jackson and Josephine counties produced in 1907 gold to the value of $229,575, of which $107.722 came from Jackson County and $121,853 from Josephine County. More than 75 percent of the production of Jackson County and more than 30 percent of that of Josephine County came from the area described in this report. The chief districts contributing to this production are the Gold Hill, the Foots Creek, the Applegate and the Jacksonville districts, in Jackson County; and the Althouse and Sucker Creek, the Williams Creek, the Waldo and the Kerby districts in Josephine County. "The gravel deposits that are being mined in these districts vary in thickness from a few feet to more than 50 feet. The average thickness of the gravels of all the important mines is more than 20 feet. The material of the deposits ranges from fine clay with but few boulders to gravels that contain boulders weighing several tons. The boulders are, as a rule, fairly well rounded where the gradients of the stream are steep, but where the gradients are flatter, they are subangular and even angular. The predominating boulders in the gravels are greenstones, but the kinds of boulders vary in the different streambeds in accordance with the various kinds of rock in which the valleys have been cut. In many of the deposits the coarsest material is at or near the bedrock, but in some the boulders are somewhat uniformly distributed throughout the section of the gravels. "The gold content of the gravels varies greatly. In some of the best mines the average value is from 20 to 40 cents a cubic yard. The best values have usually been found at or near the base of the deposit. Much of the gold is fine, but nuggets are frequently found. "Placer mining is carried on chiefly during the first half of the year, when the supply of water is most abundant. A few mines are so equipped that there is sufficient water to operate them for a greater part of the year. Only one mine, the Champlin, on Foots Creek, is equipped for dredging; the other important mines are equipped for hydraulicking. The ground sluicing method is used only in the small mines. "In many of the mines from three to five men are employed, but as many as fifteen are employed in some of the larger mines during the mining season." Among other mines described is the Champlin mine, on Foots Creek, about two miles from its junction with Rogue River. It is owned by the Champlin Dredging Company, of Chicago, which bought the property in 1903 from Mr. Lance, of Gold Hill. In the same year the company constructed a bucket dredge equipped with steam power. In November, 1905, electric power was installed, the cost of mining being thereby reduced about one-half. Thirty-six buckets are used, each of which holds 8 cubic feet of material. The average depth of pay gravel is about 33 feet, but deposits to depths of 46 feet have been mined without reaching bedrock. Much of the material is less than five inches in diameter, but boulders of large size are numerous. The best values are to be found in a bluish gravel, which is generally reached at a depth of about 12 feet. This gravel is from 8 to 18 inches in thickness. Below it is a fine plastic clay, which is difficult to handle, and which carries practically no gold. In the present workings this clay is not being mined. The property contains more than 1200 acres of placer ground, much of which has been thoroughly prospected and found to carry gold. The Sterling mine is also described, though since the pamphlet was prepared J. D. Heard has severed his connection with the company. It says: "The Sterling mine is on Sterling Creek, a branch of Little Applegate River, and is about eight miles from Jacksonville. It is owned by the Sterling Mining Company, of which J. D. Heard is manager. The property includes about 2000 acres, extending from a point below the mouth of Sterling Creek and over the divide to Griffin Creek. The gravel bank on the west side of the present workings is more than 40 feet in thickness, but on the east side it is only about 20 feet thick. The section consists of gravel and boulders, the latter being rather uniformly distributed throughout the section. Many of the boulders are small, but some are more than two feet in diameter and few exceed eight feet. They are mainly of greenstone. "Much mining has been done on Sterling Creek by the present company. The main stream was mined up from its mouth for more than three miles, then a channel to the east of this stream was followed for about half a mile. Here a channel, which is named Boulder Channel, was struck, and this has been followed for about a quarter of a mile to the present workings. The bedrock of these workings is a little higher than the present streambed and is about 100 yards east of it. The values are found across a width of nearly 200 feet. The gold is of medium coarseness and is usually well rounded, although angular nuggets are also present. The average thickness of the gravels in the Boulder Channel is about 40 feet. It is of interest to note that in these gravels the tusks and jaws of a mammoth, as well as other mammalian bones, have been found. The bedrock at the mine is greenstone, in which are patches of slaty tuffs. These rocks have been considerably sheared and veinlets of quartz are present. The strike of the slaty rocks is north eight degrees east; the dip about 60 degrees west. In the present workings is a dike running north 20 degrees east, containing cross veins which do not extend beyond the dike. The slope of the bedrock is about 2 feet in 100 feet. In 1908 mining was in progress from March until August, during which time about one acre was mined. The value of the gravels was about 40 cents to the cubic yard. "The mine is well equipped with giants, ditches and flumes. The longest ditch is about 27 miles in length. The water enters the ditch from Little Applegate River about 12 miles above the mouth of Sterling Creek. At the mine the head of the water is now only about 80 feet. A pipeline is being planned to carry water from Squaw Lake to the mine, a distance of 17 miles. The mine has been equipped for hydraulicking for about 30 years. The Sterling Mining Company was incorporated in 1872. There were issued only 40 shares of stock, which have been held by a very few shareholders. The total production of the mine is said to exceed $3,000,000." Southern Oregonian, Medford, July 10, 1909, page 2 At the Waldo copper mine 3000 tons of ore are stored on the dump. In the mine the work is confined to blocking out the ore in anticipation of the starting of the Takilma smelter which, with the Queen of Bronze mine, is at present closed by litigation. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 24, 1909, page 108 PLACERS
In the early days the camps of Waldo and Kerby were among the most
famous of south Oregon, and apparently reliable estimates place the
output of the Waldo district at eighteen million dollars. The only
placers of importance which are still being worked are known as the
Simmonds, owned by J. T. Logan, and the Weimers, owned by the Deep
Gravel Mines.
There is also a high bench or old river channel known as Al. Adams
placer, which owing to lack of water is only worked to a limited
extent. The district is one of numerous beautiful grassy glades, and
little flat-bottomed valleys, which wind among a series of low rounded
foothills, which are in turn flanked by mountains, snow-clad late into
the summer months. These mountains form the boundary between California
and Oregon, and are the source of water supply for the mines. In the
spring, when the wild azaleas are in full bloom, the charm of the
scenery is so great that the engineer, if not the miner, is apt to
forget the problem in hand, and to regret that these beautiful green
glades must be torn up and washed away to win a few pounds of precious
metal. All the flat-bottomed valleys are placers, varying in depth,
extent, and richness, but all carrying some gold and a considerable
proportion of platinum. The problem in prospecting at Waldo is not to
find a placer, or a rich streak, there being probably several million
cubic yards of virgin gravel, which contain 20¢ per yard; the
difficulties faced are in finding methods of working the known deposits
economically and at a profit. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By John M. Nicol. The rocks which are most in evidence in the district are serpentine and slate, though there are some fairly large masses of porphyry and some intrusives. In working the low-lying placers, a so-called bedrock has been exposed at a number of places. It is a decomposed conglomerate, the remains of an underlying placer much older than those now worked. The original topography apparently consisted of wide, deep, and fairly level valleys, which as a result of some change in the drainage plane of the country gradually silted up. The thickness of the deposits varies from a few feet to 150, and the width from a hundred feet or so to several hundred yards. Practically all of the virgin gravels of the district are below the natural drainage plane, and would therefore have to be worked either by driving, by mechanical or hydraulic elevating, or by dredging. The gravel consists of boulders and pebbles from 10 in. diam. down to the finest sands and clays. A most interesting feature, and one worthy of note, is that nearly all of the coarse gravel, and in many places the so-called bedrock conglomerates, are completely decomposed and friable, so that they can be readily disintegrated with a hydraulic giant. The coarse gravel is very evenly distributed over all of the lower parts of the bedrock, and its thickness varies from a few feet up to 10 or 20. It carries the greater part of the gold and platinum. The overburden consists of finer gravels and some sand, though the bulk of the material is fine subangular grit and clay. Handling the large percentage of clay found throughout the deposit is one of the serious problems, both in mining and in gold saving. The upper and shallower part of the Weimer placer was worked to a considerable extent by a long race, which was excavated by giants, and which discharged into the west fork of Illinois River. Subsequently a considerable body of gravel was mined by Hendy hydraulic elevators until the depth of the gravel penetrated was greater than could be mined with the pressure available. J. T. Logan has taken advantage of two different ditch lines, with different heads to place two elevators in tandem, and by this means he is enabled to work the deeper gravels. One of the hydraulic elevators has a lift of 39 ft., and operating with a head of 330 ft., uses 11 cu. ft. of water per second, besides taking all the water from two No. 2 giants. The second elevator has a lift of 9 ft., a head of 125, and uses 18 cu. ft. of water per second, besides all the water from the first elevator. This makes the final discharge about 40 cu. ft. per second. The largest proportion of the gold found is fine and a great deal of it is coated with a film of what is stated to be palladium, and which effectually prevents amalgamation. When a cleanup of the sluice boxes is made a great quantity of rounded and subangular fragments of hematite are found in the riffles, varying from the size of a large pea down to the finest red mud. I collected samples of this, and after screening out the fine material below 40 mesh, and carefully hand-picking the grains to remove any small nuggets of gold, I had the residue assayed. The assays showed that all of this hematite contains considerable gold, platinum, and osmium-iridium. The samples from the small gulches and old benches were the richest. I found some that would assay from $200 to $500 per ton of included gold, platinum, and osmium-iridium. The average of several samples that I took from the sluices of the Deep Gravel Mines gave $40 per ton. Whether it would pay to save this product depends upon the proportion per cubic yard; no proper tests have been made to determine this. I made estimates from pan tests that the amount would be from 2 to 10 lb. per cubic yard of gravel. This from a placer yielding 500 yd. per day would give from ½ to 2½ tons of concentrate of hematite. These values would seem to warrant investigation as to the possibility of saving some of the concentrate. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 24, 1909, pages 122-124 The President has just signed a proclamation making a National Monument of the Oregon Caves or "Marble Halls" of Josephine County, which are situated about 30 miles south of Grants Pass. These caves were discovered in 1874 by Elija Davidson, and explored by F. M. Nickerson, of Kerby, in 1877. Five miles of openings are known to exist on the mountain and several levels have been opened. The Forest Service has rebuilt and improved the trails leading to the Caves, to make them more accessible.… The diamond-drill equipment for the National Copper Co. has arrived at Grants Pass and will be hauled to the mine at once. The drill is capable of drilling 400 ft. and is operated by a gasoline engine. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 31, 1909, page 140 Work is to be resumed shortly on the Opp mine. near Jacksonville. Some 2000 ft. of drifts and crosscuts have been run, that opened five veins of low-grade ore. There is a 20-stamp mill on the property which is in excellent condition. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 7, 1909, page 173 Some excellent ore is being opened at the Golden Wedge property in the Galice district. A lower adit is being driven to crosscut the vein on the Oriole mine. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 14, 1909, page 213 At the mill of the Greenback mine 15 stamps have been put in operation, and it is the intention of the lessees to have all 40 dropping in a short time. J. P. Anderson is in charge of the work. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 21, 1909, page 243 The United Copper-Gold Mining Co., of Salem, has completed the wagon road from Booth Ferry to its holdings on Pickett Creek, 14 miles from Grants Pass, and is hauling in machinery for its plant. The company has a compressor, machine drills, and power plant, and is planning a large amount of development work. A contract has been let to a Portland firm to erect a 50-ton smelter and if it proves successful, a larger plant will be erected. O. A. Thomas is manager. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 4, 1909, page 312 Harry Miller, of the Fitts Lumber Yards, left yesterday for Woodvllle, Jackson County, where he has mining property which he goes to look after. "Personal Mention," Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, California, September 29, 1909, page 4 There are 10 men working at the Braden mine which J. W. Dawson is operating under a lease.… At the Lucky Bart mine, in the Sardine Creek district, the owners are blocking out ore and repairing the wagon road.… The new machinery recently ordered for the Gray Eagle mine is expected to arrive any time.… The owners of the Blackhawk mine, at Drummond, are to commence operations shortly.… A 5-stamp mill will be erected at the Trustbuster mine, of W. R. Oxley. in the Sams Valley district within the next two months. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 2, 1909, page 444 (Special Correspondence).--The Grey Eagle mine, belonging to the Oregon-Gold Hill Mining Co., of Portland, has installed a 10-stamp mill and cyanide plant, which is expected to be in operation by December 1. They have a steam power plant, but electricity will be installed later. The processes will consist of amalgamation, concentration, and cyanidation. They purpose cyaniding the concentrate as well as the table tailing. J. R. Wolfe is general superintendent. The mine is six miles north of Gold Hill. Gold
Hill, October 25.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October
30, 1909, page 580The Oregon-California Consolidated Mines Co., with headquarters at Grants Pass, has installed hydraulic equipment at the former Briggs property near the Oregon-California state line, built living quarters for the men, and will work the placer ground of the group. The property has had a rather meteoric career, the outcrop of a rich vein being accidentally discovered by a hunter who sold the ground to local capitalists for $140,000, these in turn disposing of it to Eastern people, who a short time ago bonded the claims to the Oregon-California company. The company plans to erect a mill in the near future, as several adits which have been driven to cut the vein are all in good milling ore. The company has also secured properties near Gold Hill and Jacksonville. George W. Soranson will be in charge of the company's Western affairs. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 6, 1909, pages 637-638 ART OF PLACER PIPING.
Some superintendents and managers say that a good piper is half a
placer mine. To the initiated this statement will not seem far-fetched.
Without a good piper, or at least without a piper who knows a few of
the main tricks of handling a giant, an otherwise payable mine will
fail. The piper is the fellow who "gets the stuff from the
dirt," and
it is "the stuff" that counts. On the Pacific Coast, where gigantic
hydraulic mines are common, "piping" is an art. "Pipers" are
"professional men," and proud they are of their "profession," as they
have a right to be, for piping is not picked up in a day. Like
prospecting, engineering, and other phases and branches of the mining
business, piping is an art that requires years to give perfection, or
that degree of ability that men call perfection. Pipers demand and
receive excellent wages, and there are few of them but earn every
dollar that their paycheck represents. Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By Dennis H. Stovall. To the expert placer piper the roaring, singing monitor, that yields to the deflector's slightest touch, is, as it were, a living, breathing thing. A hydraulic giant is to him as a tamed lion to its master--obedient and powerful. None know better than he how best to swerve the big nozzle, to drive an avalanche of boulders down the gulch ahead of the giant's stream, scattering them like a handful of bullets shot from a catapult; or to bring that long, deep growl from the monster as it gnaws at the base of the towering red clay bank, till a great slab of a thousand tons topples and falls with a mighty crash from the mountainside. Clad from hat to boots in rubber and wool, the piper is at his post every day of the mining season, no matter how swiftly the wind may blow or how icily it may bite, or whether the rains pour, or the snows pile the diggings under a mantle of white--he is always there, directing the giant's powerful stream. Other things being equal, the piper can remove the greatest amount of dirt in those diggings supplied with ample bywater, or "bywash," as he calls it. Without plenty of bywater to assist in driving the torn-down gravel to the sluices, the piper is greatly handicapped, for as much or more of his time must be used in "driving" as in "cutting," and all the time required for the former operation robs the bank of just that much time from the attention of the giant. Rather than operate a battery of three giants, it is best to operate only two, using the third for bywater, or to increase the supply of bywater already available, unless that supply be already amply sufficient. It is not always the biggest or most powerful giants that remove the greatest amount of gravel within a given time. Too frequently the big giants must gnaw at the base of towering banks--banks so high that it is dangerous for the piper to approach closer than 300 or 400 feet--and thus the "cutting power" of the stream is lost before the gravel is reached. The "cutting power" is the main thing in the work of tearing down stubborn or cemented gravel. The "cutting distance" of a stream varies, of course, with the size and pressure, but most pipers estimate it within the range of the "unbroken section." If one will observe a hydraulic stream for a moment, it will be noticed that for a certain distance it is an unbroken shaft of white, the water being held to a direct course with scarce a curvature or downward drop. To strike the stream within this limit is almost like striking a shaft of steel; to thrust the arm into it is to have the limb torn from its socket. Beyond this limit, however, the stream is broken, and has less cutting power. The piper attempts to keep his giant close enough to the bank to be within the cutting range of the giant's stream, moving the monitor as often as necessary. The efficiency of the grizzly elevator in removing boulders from diggings which have not adequate dumping facilities depends almost entirely upon the ability and adeptness of the piper. Even where grizzlies are not employed, the diggings are kept clean by the "driving" of the piper. It is in these mines that a good piper is an absolute necessity; for otherwise the diggings would soon become hopelessly choked with debris. Where a grizzly is employed, the lead race brings all of the gravel, bywater, dirt, and boulders from the diggings to the base of the elevator; the operation to this point is automatic, so to speak, but it is the duty of the piper to complete the performance. He dexterously separates the boulders from the finer stuff, and "juggles" them up the incline, driving them like sheep up an inclined corral. Rocks, stumps, roots, and logs alike find a common dumping ground beyond the stacker. The grizzlies, used by pipers in removing boulders and debris from flat diggings, are made from 10 to 15 ft. wide, and from 24 to 40 in length, with the sides boarded up to a height of 8 or 10 ft., and the whole setting at an angle of about 18 degrees. This raises the upper end from 25 to 30 ft. from the level of the bedrock, and gives ample dumping ground for the season, the elevator being moved to another part of the diggings for the succeeding season. The floor of the grizzly is arranged with parallel steel crevices, like pole riffles, running the long way of the elevator. While the boulders and coarse rock are being shoved up and over this by the water from the giant, the black sand and the gold drop down into the crevices and slide back to the base of the grizzly and into the sluice. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 13, 1909, pages 661-662 Charles A. MacKinnon, of Grants Pass, sold his group of claims in the Sucker Creek district to Max Kuhn for $10,000. There are a number of rich properties in this district though no extensive mining has been done since early days.… A Pelton water wheel and 3-drill compressor have been installed recently at the Oriole mine in the Galice district, and electric equipment will be added in the near future. Four drifts have been run on the vein and several shipments of the high-grade ore shipped to the Tacoma smelter.… I. J. Merrill, of Portland, has taken over the Big Four, formerly known as the Judson placer mine, on Pickett Creek. The work at the mine will be in charge of C. D. Crane.… At the Mountain Lion mine, seven miles west of Murphy, the management is installing electric amalgamating apparatus in the 5-stamp mill. T. J. Brinkerhoff is superintendent. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 18, 1909, page 838 HYDRAULICKING
In the vernacular of the California and Southern Oregon hydraulic
miner, the "pipe clays" consist of those portions of the gravel banks
carrying "pay," that is, they constitute a false bedrock on which gold
lies concentrated. As a usual thing, they are found in the middle and
lower strata of the Pacific Coast old channels. The breaking up of
these clays causes some difficulty at times. Placer mines which failed
under one management are often highly profitable under another, with
the same equipment. The difference was in the manager himself; one
could not recognize "pipe clays," the other could, and knew how to deal
with them.Written for the Mining and Scientific Press By Dennis H. Stovall. The identification of these "pipe clays," these "working grounds," as some surface miners call them, is a simple matter. Practically all the old channels which form the basis of the California and Oregon placer mines are the beds of ancient rivers and streams. The geology of the property is of little or no interest to the average placer miner. Interesting as its story may be, he throws aside the ancient mortars, pestles, and other relics that his giants uncover, and occupies his mind with the getting of gold. The fact that he might be uncovering relics older than Herculaneum interests him not at all. One such channel extends all the way from Humboldt County, California, to Douglas County, Oregon. This one, no doubt, is the largest of them all, as it shows a width at several places of a half to a full mile. This ancient river was in existence before the present chains of the Siskiyou and Coast mountains were upheaved. The filling of the old bed--the gravel, boulders, and debris--comprise the "working grounds" of the hydraulic mines. How the gold came there is a matter for the geologists to explain. It is a question of erosion and concentration by the washing of floods. Today patches of the old river channels are found on the very tops of mountains. The distribution of the gold through the gravel is in many cases a matter of its being held there by these false bedrocks of "pipe clay." If the "pipe clays" lie in strata so thin that a mountain of debris must be removed to uncover them, then it were better to shut off the water and "hang up." It costs money to move mountains, even by the hydraulic method, and the wise miner will make sure of the returns before he begins. There is no branch of mining that offers better opportunity for making sure than hydraulicking. If the miner will, he can estimate the worth of his ground closely before a dollar is expended in equipping for actual operation. The accompanying photographic illustration gives a general idea of the character and formation of some of these Pacific Coast old channels, and of the general nature of the "pipe clays." The picture shows an 80-ft. bank comprising the "fill" of an ancient river channel. Bedrock is slate, in some places serpentine, and at others granite. Above the bedrock, and forming the lower strata, are the boulders and heavier rocks. These usually carry coarse gold. The "pipe clays" are easily distinguished. The strata lie in horizontal and parallel streaks of blue and gray, blending into the darker brown of the upper capping. The bank shown in the picture has only a thin capping on the surface, fully three-fourths being "pay gravel." The gravel with the "pipe clays" is small. There are some boulders, but they are never so large that the giant's stream cannot easily tear them from the parent bed, hurling them down the sluices. There is usually an entire absence of "cement." The "pipe clay" gravels yield readily, "melting" like an ash heap when the streams strike them. Blasting may be required for the lower strata. The depth of the "pipe clay " banks ranges from 10 to 250 ft., with an average of from 60 to 80. In Galice district, Southern Oregon, the banks are extremely high. One mine in that camp has a working bank over 1000 ft. long, with a height of 265. The "pipe clays" and the lower strata of this enormous gravel pile consist of three-fourths the entire content. On account of their great height, however, it is necessary to work the banks from a distance of 400 ft., with a battery of giants operating under 500-ft. head of water. A feature connected with a thick surface capping is its "flour gold." This frequently occurs in considerable quantity. It is so light and fine that it can only be saved by a system of undercurrents attached to the regular sluices. As long as the water of the sluices is in agitation, the "flour gold" will not settle. The undercurrents are arranged to draw off, or rather "draw down," the water through apertures in the bottom of the sluices, spreading it over broad riffle tables covered with burlap, into which the fine gold settles. To clean the undercurrents the burlap is lifted carefully and rinsed in vats of still water in which the fine gold particles settle. The "pipe clays" of the western channels often carry gold at the rate of from 8 to 20¢ per cubic yard. If the upper capping is not too thick, the miner can move the ground at a cost of 4 to 5¢ per cubic yard. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 22, 1910, pages 159-160 Camping with the Geologists
The Editor: Sir--The practical mining man is beginning to realize the value of the work of the United States Geological Survey. The "rock hunters," as the prospectors formerly called them, are the real sort. They are not in the forests or out in the great wilds merely to "kill time" and draw pay from a generous government. It is their work to investigate not only the manner in which the evolution of the earth's great surface features has been effected, but to discover the hidden mineral resources of the country, and present the results of their investigations to mining men in practical form. And they do work--these men of the trail, for they are, after all, half-brothers to the veterans of the pick and pan. I was with a party of the geologists for a few days, and for genuine absorption, faithfulness to the task in hand, perseverance, and earnestness, these "rock hunters" have the most gold-fevered pocket hunter badly beaten. At 5:30 they are up from beds made of pine boughs, ferns, sand, or hard earth. The early morning air is nearly always crisp, cool, and keen; very keen, in fact, if it be late fall with a heavy hoarfrost whitening the earth, or midwinter with two feet of snow on the ground. At 6 o'clock the cook's call sounds from the mess tent, and the men file in and are seated around the temporarily constructed table. The morning repast is no dainty nibble of cookies, cocoa, and toast; it is a hearty breakfast of steaming coffee, wild game, and hot biscuit. At 6:30 the chief of the party gives his orders for the day, stating in detail just what each is to do and where the next camp will be. By 7 all are hard at work. In most sections of the West, where the principal work of the Survey is carried on, there is little difficulty in finding good camping grounds. Everywhere out in the wilds is the cool delightful twilight of the forest, the tang of the fir and cedar, and the sound of babbling snow-melted streams. When camp is made, space is cleared for the sleeping tents, a wider space for the mess tent, and a trail opened to the nearest stream or spring. The party is supplied with several pack ponies and saddle horses, to move the outfit from place to place. There are also two extra ponies for the camp cook or the roustabout to use in bringing in supplies. The trails built by the rangers and patrolmen of the Forest Service are proving of great assistance to the men of the Geological Survey, as the latter are now able more easily to penetrate the isolated sections of the Far West. Camps of government surveyors and foresters can now be found near together, and the outdoor life of the two differs but little. Much of the work of the Geological Survey is the making of the contoured topographic maps, that are now so widely used by mining engineers, prospectors, and locators. These maps are made in the rougher mountain regions and thinly populated areas, on a scale of 1:125,000, or two miles to the inch; in the more valuable and thickly populated areas, they are made on a scale of 1:62,500, or one mile to the inch. Special maps for detailed representation of areas of unusual mining interest are occasionally made on still larger scales. The standard atlas sheet is 20 by 16 inches in size. Sheets made on the two-mile scale embrace an area of between 900 and 1000 square miles, while those on the one-mile scale embrace only 225 square miles. The Geological Survey intends to be practical; in truth, the results of its labors are intensely practical. The geological map in its final form is a representation of the topography and geology of the area included. The real geological map represents all that the geologist preparing it knows of the distribution of the rocks occurring within its limits, so far as the scale upon which it is made will allow. Taken in connection with the topographic base, it presents the distribution of the various rocks in the best form for the use of men interested in the mineral formations and resources of the region. To make something even more practical, and to meet the demand of mining men, a second map is prepared, upon which the rocks carrying minerals of economic value are indicated by distinct colors. These maps refer only to the areal distribution of rocks. What is known of the underground geology is graphically illustrated on a structure-section sheet and a sheet of columnar sections. With the four sheets before him. the mining engineer has at hand, in graphic form, a summary of all that the closely observing geologists who prepared it can tell him of the area. To get the data for these maps, and get them correctly and completely, is as stated the main work of the men of the Geological Survey. They must endure hardships, and content themselves with the life of men who "keep close to the soil." Half-brothers as they are to the prospector, theirs is the genuine freedom of the mountaineer. Difficult and dangerous as is their task at times, they enjoy it, not for the dangers and difficulties themselves, but for the health and vigor and the keen enjoyment of living, and, most of all, for the real love of the work itself. DENNIS
Grants Pass,
Oregon, April 25.Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 14, 1910, page 684 Click the link for photos. DROP
Almost every manager of a hydraulic mine on the Pacific Coast admits
that he loses, or fails to save, a large amount of the gold in the
ground. This loss is due to he fact that fully 25% of the gold
associated closely with black sand. This is the fine or "flour" gold.
Because of the lightness of the sand and the fineness of the gold it is
practically impossible to save them by riffle and sluice. They simply
refuse to settle and lodge, and are carried to the dump and lost.
Numerous methods have been tried, and appliances of every description
employed, in this work. Experience has proved many of them worthless;
in fact, the more complicated the machines, the less efficient they are
in saving the gold. One of the best means employed for securing the
fine gold is that of drop sluices or undercurrents. These are easily
built, require no attention save that of cleaning once a month, and can
be installed at little expense. One such system, placed on the Old
Channel mines of the Galice district, is shown in the accompanying
illustration. This saves an average of 30 oz. of gold per month during
the operating season. This is gold that would otherwise be lost, as it
is taken from the extreme end of the sluices. The undercurrents are two
in number, each taking its water and concentrate from two different
points on the line of the sluice. One is placed four box lengths from
the end of the sluice, the other, one box from the end and, being near
the dump, they give the boxes and riffles every possible chance to save
the gold before dropping into the undercurrents. These are merely
single or double riffle tables set by the main sluice, the water and
concentrate being drawn through a grizzly plate and delivered by an
adjustable gate, whence it spreads over the table. The fine gold
settles on the table, over which burlap is spread to serve as riffles.
The grizzly on the sluice bottom is made of ½-in. iron bars,
3 or 4 in.
wide, set edgewise ¾ in. apart. It should have a length of 5
ft. and a
width equal to the width of the sluice. Beneath the grizzly is placed a
cross-sluice into which the water falls and is delivered immediately to
the upper end of the undercurrent. As stated, this flow is regulated by
a drop gate. Once a month the burlap is lifted off, rinsed in vats of
still water, and replaced. A few hours' work is all the attention
required. The undercurrent tables should be at least 10 ft. wide and 15
long, with burlap coverings made to fit. A drop of 8 in., or as little
as 6 in., is ample. It should be enough to allow a smooth and even flow
of the water and sand over the riffles. If the miner does not care to
use burlap he can build the undercurrents with riffles already
provided. This is done by constructing the floor of two-by-fours,
setting them edgewise, every alternate plank being dropped down
½ in.
To clean these, the water is shut off, just enough being allowed to
flow over to assist in the work, and the concentrate collected with a
pan and broom. The amount of flow over the undercurrents can be
regulated only after several trials. The miner will soon learn,
however, ,iust how much to admit through the grizzlies to give best
results.By Dennis H. Stovall Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 28, 1910, page 801 A Brief History of the Braden Mine
The Braden mine was discovered nearly forty years ago by one of the
Swinden brothers. It afterwards passed into the hands of John Swinden,
owner of the Swinden ranch, now held in connection with the mine. To
give a full history of this property would make very interesting
reading, but would require more space than could consistently be asked
for in one issue of the News.Written for the News by H. A. Mears The original discovery was made on what is now known as the north-and-south ledge. This is a contact vein lying between slate and diorite formation, and cropping out of the surface for 2,000 feet or more. It has shown pay ore wherever opened for this entire length. One of the dumps from this vein, recently hauled into Gold Hill to pave the streets, furnished the rich specimens of ore found by many of our citizens of late. On the strength of the showing found in this vein, soon after its discovery an arrastra was erected and worked for a number of years with very satisfactory results. During the time that this work was being prosecuted, an east-and-west ledge was discovered with equally rich surface ore. The continuation of this vein would intersect the north-and-south ledge at nearly right angles. Large bodies of good-milling ore were found in this vein. The writer has been reliably informed by parties who worked on the property in its early history that $35 to the pan has been washed from the surface dirt taken from this vein. About this time sufficient money had been taken from the mine and sufficient ore opened to justify the erection of a ten-stamp mill. This was placed at the nearest water on the property on the county road between Gold Hill and Jacksonville. Soon after the placing of this mill the mine was bought by Dr. Jas. Braden, of Indianapolis, and has been known as the Braden mine ever since. This mill was run by the owner and various lessees with varying success for quite a number of years. The policy of the lessees during all this time was simply to "gut" and "gouge" the property for all there was in it, with no regard for the future of the mine. This policy, pursued for any great length of time, it is needless to say, is ruinous to the best of mines in any country. As an instance of the gross mismanagement which the Braden has suffered, and what the mine could do to recover from this mismanagement: Some outside parties procured a lease and option, worked quite a force of men for a number of months, promising them their pay when they cleaned up. After gouging out all the pay ore they thought was in sight, and cleaning up the proceeds from the mill, they quietly took their departure between two days with the amalgam, leaving an indebtedness of about $4,000 or more. The owner, seeing that the boys as well as himself had been buncoed, turned the mine over to the men to make good their pay. With a few weeks' work they realized sufficient to pay them their back wages. The merchants who had furnished supplies to the delinquent lessees then took the property and took out sufficient to reimburse them. A good record for a property supposed to have everything in sight worked out. In fact, this mine has had to make good for every dollar spent on it for a good many years, or until the present owners took possession. Now, a mine that will pay for its own development from grass roots down, pay for installing an arrastra and stamp mill, and all the attendant expenses of opening an extensive mine, is a phenomenon in the best of our mining states. Owing to the fact that the Braden has been worked by so many different parties, many of whom had reasons for not making known the output, no record has ever been kept of the production of this property. It is safe to say that its production has aggregated several hundred thousand dollars. One important fact to be taken into consideration is that with all the development, consisting of several thousand feet of tunnels, winzes, upraises and shafts, the most favorable point to look for pay ore on this property has never yet been opened. Any practical, experienced mining man will coincide with me in the statement that the most favorable place to look for pay ore is in the vicinity of the junction of two or more paying veins. This comes as near being a universal rule as any rule ever laid down in mining, and holds good in all mining districts and with all kinds and classes of ore. Now, the junction of these two paying veins on the Braden property has never been prospected. Sometime, some mining man with the courage of his convictions and the capital necessary to carry out his plans will sink a shaft five or six hundred feet deep, then prospect by drifting a few hundred feet on this junction to the four points of the compass, and open a mine that will make history for Southern Oregon. As an instance of the fertility at or near a junction of mineral-bearing veins: The Red Elephant mine at Georgetown, Colorado, consists of three veins forming a junction. Within a radius of 600 feet from this junction these three veins have produced $5,000,000. This is but one of dozens of like instances that have been brought to the attention of the writer in many different mining districts of the West. And no one can give any valid reason why the same conditions should not exist in the mines of Southern Oregon. H. A. MEARS.
Gold Hill News, June 25, 1910, page 1(Special Correspondence).--The Pleasant Creek Gold Mining Co. has had a preliminary examination of its ground by Otto L. Haese. The company owns, or controls, 700 acres of placer ground south of Battle Mountain. The mines are reached from Woodville on the Southern Pacific by a fair road of 12 miles. Wood and water for working the ground are abundant. The gravels extend from Battle Mountain to the north, to the former town of Wimer on the south, and are limited by the mountain spurs east and west. The bedrock is decomposed granite that forms natural riffles. The overburden of sandy clay averages 5 ft. and carries 10 to 30¢ per cu. yd. The gravel attains depths of 5 to 20 ft. with an average of 8 ft., and carries 35¢ per yd. The company intends to hydraulic the upper bench and to dredge the lower ground. Joseph Shebley, manager, with headquarters at Woodville, is constructing a ditch and flume to furnish water for hydraulicking under 200-lb. pressure, and intends to purchase the necessary pipe and apparatus to begin operations within two months. A sawmill is cutting lumber for the flume. Woodville, September
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 8,
1910, page 488In Galice district the Golden Wedge mine is to resume operation as soon as water for power is provided. Hydraulic work is to begin on the Old Channel mine with the commencement of the rainy season. The dredge on the Jewell & Lewis property is ready to begin work. The mining people of Galice are making a determined effort to have the National Forest boundaries so changed as to place that mining district outside of the timber reserve. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 26, 1910, page 725 Activity in placer mining is reported in the vicinity of Kerby and Waldo, in Illinois Valley. Hoisting equipment has been put in place at the Deep Gravel mine at Waldo; and in prospecting the Greenback gravel mine pay ore has been found at a lower depth than heretofore. A boiler and other equipment have been hauled out to the latter property recently.… The Alameda Mining Co., whose mine and smelting plant at Galice are on the National Forest, had to give a bond of $10,000 to cover any damage to the standing timber in that vicinity that may result from smelter fume. This bond being given, the District Forester granted a special permit whereby the smelting furnace may be operated.… The Blalock placer mine, situated near Placer, has been leased to John Willtrout and son, who have put in some new hydraulic pipe. They have commenced operating.… The Scandinavian-American Dredging Co. has been organized to dredge for gold the bars and banks of the Rogue River. P. H. Holdsworth, W. L. Hunter, Joseph Slumpf, W. Martin, and others of Seattle are the organizers. It is stated that a dredge has been purchased, and that it is being installed near Grants Pass. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 10, 1910, pages 790-791 The Alameda M. Co., which recently completed its smelting plant, has deferred blowing in its furnace until the auto-truck road is finished from Leland to Alameda, when coke can be hauled in more cheaply. Wagon roads have been made nearly impassable by heavy rains. The Allen mine, adjoining the Alameda, was sold recently to the Alameda company by the Standard Metals Co. of Portland. These mines and the smelter are in Galice district.… The Oriole mine is well developed and equipped. Adit No. 4 is being driven to cut the lode at a depth of 900 ft. It has been advanced 700 ft. and it is expected to reach the vein 200 ft. ahead. A car of ore recently shipped to Tacoma sampled $204.20 per ton. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 31, 1910, page 886 (Special Correspondence.)--The Almeda Consolidated Mines Co., operating in Galice district, has over 6000 ft. of development, whereby a strong vein of gold, silver, and copper ore has been opened 1500 ft. on its strike, and to a depth of 500 ft. The mine is opened by adit levels, and by a 500-ft. vertical shaft. The work of tapping the vein by a crosscut from each 100-ft. station is now in progress. The ore body is made up of three distinct seams: the first containing 15 ft. of first-grade ore, the second having about 35 ft. of second grade, and a third seam of low-grade stuff. The width between the walls is about 100 ft. The ore is a sulphide, and is nearly self-fluxing. The mine is well equipped with gasoline engines, for hoisting and operating an air compressor and dynamo; also one steam engine. A plant for semi-pyritic smelting was recently finished. It contains a copper-matting furnace, ore crusher, elevator, ore bins of 3000 tons and coke-bins of 500 tons capacity. The installation of a basic-lined converter is contemplated, whereby the matte may be reduced to blister copper. The furnace has not been blown in, and this will not be done until the hard-surface auto truck road is finished from Galice to Leland, a distance of 15 miles, thus enabling the company to haul in its coke supply at the cost of about $1 per ton. The property is under the management of John F. Wickham. Galice,
January 3.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January
14, 1911, page 122The Southern Oregon and Northern California Mining Congress met at Ashland on January 17. The state legislature of Oregon was asked to create and equip a mining bureau in the state agricultural college at Corvallis. The delegates protested against the "lease bills" now before Congress; also against the system of exacting fees from domestic and foreign corporations which have for their object the development of mines and other industries. The congress elected officers as follows: O. L. Young, Ashland, president; H. L. Herzinger, Grants Pass, vice president; H. L. Andrews, Grants Pass, secretary; F. J. Newman, Medford, treasurer. The next session Is to be held at Grants Pass on July 18, 1911. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 28, 1911, page 188a Gold Mining in Southern Oregon
By Arthur M. Geary
The miner is again a factor in the material progress of Southern
Oregon. The prospector, with his peculiar glint of eye and bulging
pockets, is often seen on the streets of Medford and Ashland, where he
comes for supplies or in search of financial backing in the
promulgation of his projects. But boding more towards the development
of the mineral wealth of the region than the presence of the
prospector, who has always been somewhat in evidence in Southern
Oregon, the Eastern capitalist has become interested. Mining promoters
whisper the names of noted mining men who are backing them in
development of their properties. R. A. Towne and other New York
capitalists have invested a million dollars in the improvement of the
Blue Ledge copper mine, situated 35 miles from Medford. As soon as Hill
builds his proposed railroad lines to tap the different districts,
large quantities of Eastern money will undoubtedly be spent in the
development of other properties as well.
The initiated know that Southern Oregon and the tributary district of Northern California have had a mining history. Men are yet alive who witnessed and took part in the mad struggle for gold which ensued in the '50s. The fact that on New Year's Day, 1852, the population of the Rogue River Valley numbered 28, and four months later totaled 1000, bears eloquent testimony of the genuineness of the gold rush in Southern Oregon. That $30,000,000 of gold was sent out of Jackson County between 1851 and 1883 testifies that the gold discovery in Southern Oregon was no false Eldorado. The mining of gold was a tremendous factor in the rapid settlement and development of Southern Oregon. Previous to 1852 trappers on fur-hunting expeditions and groups of travelers passing between California and Southern Oregon brought tales to the settlements of the meadows where grass grew as high as a mule's back, of the seeming fertility of soil, and of the superb climate. But the fear of the thieving Rogue River, Shasta and Klamath Indians, with their occasional massacre of the unwary traveler, struck terror into the hearts of the immigrants and caused them to choose homes in the safer precincts of the Willamette Valley, In the spring of 1851 there were only three habitations of white men in the Rogue River Valley. These were at Perkins', Long's and Evans' ferries on the Rogue River--Perkin's ferry being near the present site of Grants Pass. In the summer of '51 Governor Gaines, aroused to action by the reports of numerous murders and robberies committed by the Southern Oregon Indians, obtained federal aid in punishing them. United States soldiers and volunteers waged a short but effective campaign against the Rogue River chiefs known as Sam and Joe. In midsummer, following the campaign, a treaty was drawn, after which a few men took up donation claims in the region. The first to arrive was Judge A. A. Skinner, who had been appointed Indian agent. He took a claim near Table Rock. The Rogue River Valley, however, was too isolated to invite settlement for agricultural purposes. It necessitated the call of gold to attract white men into this dangerous and lonely valley. The discoverers of gold in Southern Oregon were James Clugage and Poole. During the winter of 1851-52 they had driven their string of mules up Jackson Creek to fatten and condition them for packing in the spring. These men chose Jackson Creek for their pasture ground because it was off the beaten trail. At this time Californians from Yreka were scouring the country in search of horse thieves, and it was safer for two men with a string of mules to be encamped in a secluded spot, as pursuers were nearly as lawless as pursued. While encamped on Jackson Creek early in January, 1852, these men discovered gold shimmering in the gravel of the creek bottom. The news of the strike spread rapidly to the partly exhausted gold fields of Northern California, and hordes of miners left their diggings to try their luck in New Eldorado. A steady stream of men poured into the Rogue River Valley and, spreading out from Jackson Creek, scattered throughout the surrounding hills. The inrush of people continued during 1853. In that year 159 wagons of immigrants, containing 400 men, 120 women and 170 children, and 2600 cattle, came north from California, and as many more arrived via Northern Oregon. The majority of the arrivals from California were miners, pure and simple, while those who came from the Willamette Valley saw possibilities in agriculture us well as in mining, Many of the Willamette Valley travelers devoted themselves wholly to farming, and found a lucrative market for their wheat and vegetables among the miners. The men who hurried from the California gold fields were of all nationalities and often of a lawless sort. After the first discovery of gold, fortunes were accumulated rapidly. Among the lucky ones was James Skinner, nephew of Judge A. A. Skinner, who mined a fortune within a week. "Old Man" Shively was another fortunate one. He gathered $50,000 worth of gold dust and left for civilization, heavily armed, determined to defend the fortune which he had acquired after a long life of prospecting. Rich strikes were reported on every hand. One hundred men were soon at work with rockers at Big Bar. Gravel, rich in gold, was found at the Cameron place on the Applegate. Forest Creek and Foots Creek were other districts where heavy-producing placers were soon being worked. The best evidence as to the amount of gold actually given up by mother earth is that furnished by C. C. Beekman, pioneer banker of Southern Oregon, who operated an express business between Yreka and Jacksonville during the early days. He carried $10,000,000 worth of gold dust out of Jackson County between 1856 and 1860, he believes, and an equal amount found other ways of exit. After 1856 the output of the mines decreased annually. Before 1860 the average amount mined every year was estimated at $1,250,000. In 1860 the mines produced $1,150,000, in 1870 two-thirds of that sum, and in 1880 less than $250,000. Between 1856 and 1880 there were 5438 mining locations filed upon. Of this number 16 were copper, one was tin, 124 were cinnabar (sulfite of mercury), and the rest gold and silver. In 1855 came Jackson County's maximum gold prosperity. That year it was said that gold dust to the value of $3,000,000 was mined. At that time Jackson County was the wealthiest and the most populous in Oregon, Multnomah County included. Jacksonville, whose essential claims upon life today are the rugged beauty of its scenery and that it is the county seat, was then in the height of its prosperity, with multitudinous saloons and gambling dens galore. Of the $30,000,000 mined in Jackson County between 1851 and 1884 only $500,000 was produced by quartz mines. Occasionally pockets of gold contained in decomposed quartz had been found on the surface of the ground, but previous to the breaking out of the quartz mining fever in California in 1850 the Jackson County miners had not explored quartz leads underground. The Hicks lead on the left fork of Jackson Creek was the first quartz lead successfully prospected. Sonora Hicks and her [sic] brother discovered a rich pocket in this lead and, according to the seeming sensational news columns of the Jacksonville Sentinel, took out $1000 in gold in two hours. The total yield of this, the first quartz mine operated in Southern Oregon, totaled $2000, only one small pocket of gold being found. In January, 1860, "Emigrant" Graham discovered the Gold Hill lode, which was the first important quartz gold discovery, The float rock on the surface yielded astounding returns to Graham and his associates. The strike was the signal for a new outburst of mining enthusiasm. The surrounding hills were quickly staked out and the outlying districts teemed with prospectors. Jacksonville, which of late years had not been so lively, prepared for the reversal of happy and prosperous tines. Two mule-power arrastras were placed on the original claim, and armed men guarded while they were operated. It is said that every Saturday night a cleanup of 1000 ounces of gold was divided among the five owners. Henry Klippel, known as the father of quartz mining in Southern Oregon, bought an interest in the mine. Klippel, in company with McLoughlin and Williams, finally sent to San Francisco for a 12-stamp steam mill, taking a contract to work the quartz for $8 a ton. The machinery, including boiler and mortars, was shipped to Scottsburg and thence carried by pack train to Gold Hill. The freight charges on the mill amounted to $2600. With this, this first steam stamp mill of Southern Oregon, in operation, the owners felt that fortune would smile upon them indeed. One hundred tons of refuse quartz, which had been considered too poor for the arrastras, were first run through the mill, yielding $100 to the ton, but here the good luck ended. The next body of ore to be worked yielded $3 a ton, and the next $2.80. When all hope of success at the Gold Hill quartz mines was finally abandoned by the owners of the mill the machinery was converted into a sawmill on Big Butte Creek. Henry Klippel estimated that the total output was $150,000. The Blackwell, Jewett, Swinden, McDonough, Schumpf, Johnson, Lyon, Peebler, Holman, and Fowler quartz ledges were worked at this time with varying degrees of success. The Steamboat lode was perhaps the most productive of these quartz ledges. During 1860 and 1861 it yielded $280,000. These two years included the early quartz mining history of Southern Oregon. No great successes were gained after that period. The gold was too scattered in pockets and methods were too primitive then to give lasting success to quartz mining, and it was abandoned for a number of years. Of late, renewed interest, however, has been taken in quartz mining. There are 52 quartz mines now in operation or in stages of development in the district, embracing Southern Oregon and Northern California. That many of the miners who rushed into Jackson County in the early '50s amassed fortunes the amount of gold sent out of the country bears witness, but that many, especially after the best strikes had been made, expended their energy in vain the thousands of little excavations scattered throughout the country and found scarring every hillside give evidence. As the supply of gold which could be mined according to the primitive methods of the day gave out, most of the miners went to other fields. The discovery of gold in Idaho caused a large exodus of miners [omission] absence was felt keenly for a time by the farmers and tradesmen, whose customers they had been. The cattlemen, who with their herds inhabited the grassy plains of Klamath County, soon took the place of the miners who had departed and the stagnation due to oversupplied market was relieved. One race of foreigners which prospered where white men failed was the Chinese. Chinamen swarmed into the county, taking possession of the worn-out placers. By 1859 the yellow face of the Mongolian was everywhere in evidence. They were peaceful and law abiding, but notwithstanding the usual racial prejudice sprang up among the disaffected miners. It was charged that the Chinamen were mining American gold and taking it to the Flowery Kingdom. As the Celestials were law abiding and absolutely refused to quarrel, there was no pretext for exterminating them or driving them from the country, as there was in the case of the redskins. Finally, in 1859 the California method of treating them was adopted. A tax of $2 a month for miners and $50 a month for merchants was levied upon them under the caption of "Foreigners' Tax." [Oregon's "poll tax" on Chinese residents was instituted in 1857 by the state legislature. In 1859 it was extended to Hawaiians, in 1862 to "Negroes and mulattoes."] Even these stringent measures had but mediocre success in stemming the tide of Chinese immigration, as the tax was difficult to collect. The Chinese were satisfied if their mines would pay wages, and in their slow but sure way amassed what was to them a fortune and left for their native country. Gradually Yellow "John" has quit this field of enterprise, and few Chinese are seen today in the Rogue River Valley. Placer mining in Southern Oregon has gone through much the same stages as in California. First the Mexican batea, or an ordinary cone-shaped pan, was used by the miners. Then the rocker or cradle came into use. After this came the tom, an apparatus with cross-riffles which permitted the play of a continual stream of water. Then sluice boxes were built across the claims where there was sufficient water. By this method miners could shovel gold-bearing gravel into running water from both sides. The gold in the gravel was caught on the quicksilver plates at the riffles. After the sluicebox, the hydraulic method was inaugurated. Water was conveyed through pipes to the workings at a high pressure and played upon the gold-bearing gravels. A whole hillside can be washed into sluiceboxes and the gold saved by this method. The greatest handicap to hydraulic mining in Southern Oregon has been the scarcity of water. Most of the mines can only be worked during the rainy season, as the majority of the smaller streams dry up in the summer. Projects have been proposed several times to bring water 60 or 70 miles to the mines from one or other of the large streams, but as yet none of them has materialized. The Jacksonville Sentinel, in 1859, referred to the possibilities of hydraulic power contained in the opening of artesian wells. The paper went on the show that the Rogue River made the proper bend at a high altitude and that the lower stratas of ground were of the proper gravelly nature to ensure the presence of these artesian wells. However, only two artesian wells have been found. These are in the Talent orchard, where their limited flow of sparkling aqua is used in stimulating the growth of the celebrated Rogue River Valley to bring a harvest as truly golden as placer mining. At present the Rogue River Canal Company is preparing to build 200 miles of ditches from the headwaters of Big Butte Creek. The water is for irrigational purposes, but there is no cause to prevent some of the flow being used in mining, as the highest ditch will run well back into the hills where the placers are situated. The heaviest producer of the hydraulic placers of Southern Oregon has been the Sterling or Ankeny mine, on Sterling Creek, a few miles from Jacksonville. This mine is said to have produced from $25,000 to $60,000 every year for the last quarter century. The equipment consists of a 25-mile ditch, carrying 3500 miner's inches, and supplying water for two and three giants nine months in the year. The mine includes 700 acres of deep red clay gravel deposit. There are many signs of awakening interest in mining throughout the coast. California for the first time since 1897 has gained first place from Colorado as the foremost gold-producing state in the Union. The increased production of gold in California has been due to the development of dredge mining. Operations of this character are being started on Foots Creek in the northern part of Jackson County. The possibilities of dredge mining in Southern Oregon where many streams with rich channels abound are just now beginning to be investigated. As a reaction from concentration of energy upon the exploitation of Oregon's horticulture possibilities, great effort is now being made toward the advertisement and development of Oregon's mineral wealth. Sumpter this year held its first mining congress--representative mining men coming from all parts of the district, which extends into Idaho. A meeting of miners of the Southern Oregon and Northern California districts has been called at Ashland for January 17. This getting together of mining men will mean much for the development of the mines of Oregon. The state miners' association, with L. D. Mahone as secretary, is showing unexpected life and is becoming a strong factor in putting mining upon a practical business basis. Gold is by no means the only mineral to be found in Southern Oregon. Quicksilver, coal and silver as well as copper mines are being developed. W. H. Jackson is developing the Mammoth quicksilver mine on the Rogue River, and cinnabar properties are also being opened on Evans Creek. A large body of coal has been found within five miles of Medford and is being sold for fuel. The coal will be of special value as fuel for the smelters of the Blue Ledge copper mines when railroad communications are built. Undeveloped deposits of lead, salt, coal and limestone exist in this region. Limestone for years was burned in kilns situated on Jackson Creek. Marble and granite quarries are being operated at Tolo and near Medford. The crushers at Tolo are able to turn out 50 carloads of crushed granite for use on roads every day when in full operation. This plant is equipped with air compressors, air drills and grinding and polishing machinery to furnish granite for building purposes and monumental work. Electric power generated at Gold Ray Dam, on the Rogue River, is used in this quarry. The tremendous water power now running unharnessed in the Rogue River, Big Butte Creek and other smaller streams will furnish all the power needed for the development of mining and quarrying for centuries to come. The mineral springs which are found scattered through Southern Oregon are another natural resource furnished by nature. Extensive bottling works are being operated at Wagner, Colestin and Shasta Springs. That the mining industry of Southern Oregon will soon come into its own, not even a pessimist can deny. The mineral wealth which has heretofore lain secluded in the mountains will soon be reached by railroads. Then the capitalistic machinery and advanced mining methods which have revolutionized mining will be given a chance. There is no rational ground for believing that the miners of the '50s could have uncovered so much treasure as they did and not leave untold wealth which their primitive methods and tools could not reach. Medford Mail Tribune, February
5, 1911, page B1
(Special Correspondence.)--A recent discovery was made at the Almeda mine upon reaching the contact at the 300-ft. level from the shaft. The ore lies on the hanging wall slate and is of the character locally known as grade No. 1, being the same as that opened by levels and adits above, having gained somewhat in value, however, with the additional depth. The increase in value is mostly in copper, the gold and silver remaining about as before. Mineral occurs mostly as gray-copper and chalcopyrite, carrying gold and silver. Drifts are being driven both ways upon the ore with gratifying results, and all possible speed will be urged in reaching the vein at the 500-ft. level. Galice,
Oregon, January 23.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February
11, 1911, page 251The Deep Gravel mines, situated in Waldo district, have been sold to Eastern people who have organized the Waldo Con. Gold M. Co., in which title to the mines is vested. O. A. Turner is president of the company; Frank M. Leland is general manager. The same company has acquired the Osgood, and the Simmons-Cameron-Logan placers. The Deep Gravel is equipped with 6000 ft. of hydraulic pipe, 4 giants, having heads of 150 and 200 ft. A shaft sunk to bedrock on the lower end of the property is 122 ft. deep, the gravel containing gold and some platinum. The Scandinavian-American Dredging Co., for which P. H. Holdsworth is manager, is moving a dredge to the Argo property, and is expected to be ready to operate in a few weeks. A carload of equipment has been received by the Rogue River Dredging Co. for use in rebuilding its dredge. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 25, 1911, page 312 Building a Mine Sluice
The term "sluice" is usually applied by the Western placer miner to the
conduit or water channel leading across the diggings; the "flume" is
that which carries the water from the head of supply to the reservoir
or penstock. The flume is built to remain, at least as long as its hard
service and the action of wind and water will allow, but the sluice is
not a permanent structure. With the cutting away of the gravel banks,
and the moving of the giants and pipelines, the sluices, too, must be
moved. For this reason the sluice must be built in
short sections.
Because of its being a "knockabout" affair, the sluice is one feature
of the placer mine too often slighted. Its construction, with some
miners, is nothing more than the nailing together of a few boards, and
the making of a trough that will carry water. As a matter of fact, the
building of a sluice is important, since upon its construction depends
the amount of gold found in the riffles at cleanup. Unless the sluice
is solidly built, and properly laid, it will not remain firm when
subjected to a constant flow, and to the thumping and pounding of the
heavy boulders which must pass through. If it does not remain in place,
the riffles will not remain intact, but will become loosened
sufficiently to allow the escape of gold, thus causing a far greater
loss than would cover the cost of a properly constructed sluice. By Dennis H. Stovall Sluices are built in sections, each section being usually 12 ft long. The width and depth depend upon the number of "giants" or the flow of water that must be accommodated. A 4-ft. sluice will care for 2 giants, with an ordinary flow of bywater. If only 1 giant is employed, a 3-ft. or even a 2½-ft. sluice is large enough, if given a depth of 2 ft. Placer miners have found by experience, however, that it is advisable not to make the sluice too narrow, as this results in a rapid current and a waste of gold, the fine particles of precious metal not having a chance to settle. Unless the water is spread thinly, or not over a depth of 6 in., the "flour gold," as the placer miner calls it, will be lost, as it is carried along in suspension in the upper portion of the current. When the width and depth of the sluice are determined, the next thing is the determination of grade or pitch. A fall of between 7 and 10 in. to each 12-ft. section is enough. The maximum is 12 in. to the section, which gives a grade of 8.35%, and the minimum is 3 in., or a grade of 2.08%. The miner should generally use a grade between these two; for the maximum causes the water to flow too swiftly, and does not allow the fine gold to settle; while the minimum causes a flow that is too sluggish, thus allowing an accumulation of mud and worthless sand in the riffles. If the sluice is to accommodate but one giant, the braces need not be larger than 2 by 4 in., and the boards for the bottom 1 by 12 in. The cross-bottom plates should extend 12 in. beyond the side of the sluice, to give ample room on which to set the braces and build a walk, provided the latter is needed. The better practice, however, is to place cross-sills on the uprights of the sluice and lay a walk of 12-in. boards on these. By having the walk directly over the sluice, the miner has a better opportunity to give it a careful inspection. One end of each sluice section is built with the boards of the floor and side extending 2 in., the other being drawn in an equal distance. This is done to allow the sections to overlap and join snugly, end to end, when placed together in the diggings. The usual practice is to use tongue-and-groove boards for sluice floors. But if the sluice is constructed of lumber that is thoroughly seasoned allowance must be made for swelling when the water is turned on. Carefully selected lumber, with planed edges, and free from knots, even though without tongue and groove, serves very well for sluice construction. Most sluice building is done in the summer when the lumber is dry, and the natural swelling that later results makes the floors and walls watertight. The final touch to the sluice construction is the placing of the false wallboard. The purpose of this is to protect the main wall from the battering of the boulders. It is nailed to the main wall, but only lightly, for it must be removed at cleanup to allow the lifting of the riffles; moreover, it is necessary to replace the boards two or three times during the season, and unnecessary nails only add to the difficulty. If the false wallboards are used as cleats for holding down block riffles, it is then necessary to nail them securely; otherwise the blocks will float. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 4, 1911, page 331 OREGON.
Southwest Districts.
A strong organization of mining men of the southern districts of Oregon
has been formed with headquarters in Grants Pass with a view to giving
accurate information about the mines of this section of the state. It
is believed that if the members will make weekly or periodical
statements of development, operation and production, this information
can be sent to all publications which give the mining news, and
wildcatting will find little chance to live.
Estimates of the gold production from the surface mines of Southern Oregon during the present season are placed at a total of $1,000,000. This includes Josephine, Jackson, Curry and Douglas counties. Mt. Lion--An electro-cyanide plant has been installed at this property to work on the tailings and low-grade ores. The mine has been idle since 1905. Construction work has started on the Grants Pass & Applegate Railway,100 men with 80 teams being employed grading. Northwest Mining News, April 1911, page 57 W. Ralph Pittock has gone to Southern Oregon to demonstrate the utility of his gold trap, which is used in connection with placer mining, saving time in cleanup and preventing loss by robbery. "Trade Notes," Northwest Mining News, April 1911, page 60 The Almeda Con. Mines Co. is making good progress in building an auto truck road from the railroad to its mine and smelter at Galice. When this is finished, coke is to be hauled in, and the smelter will be blown in. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 8, 1911, page 510 The Circuit Court for the District of Oregon has handed down a decision affirming that the United States may issue patents to mineral claims within the grant of a military road. This, by extension, would also apply to mineral claims within the lands of the Oregon and California railway grants. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 22, 1911, page 576 COOS COUNTY
The coal fields of Coos County are the most important in Oregon, and
are one of the most valuable resources of that region, as coal mining
is one of the leading industries of the county and has great
possibilities of future growth. More recently Central Oregon has been
explored for oil and it has been found in commercial quantities near
Vale, Malheur County. Coal occurs in Jackson, Josephine, and Polk
counties, and these deposits also may develop in time into steady
The Oriole mine, in the Galice district, has attracted much attention
recently, several shipments of ore to the Tacoma smelter having netted
good returns, and a recent shipment of 20½ tons netted
$3724. The
fourth tunnel is being driven into the ore body. This will be 950 ft.
in length and will open a "back" of some 600 ft. The ore zone has been
proved for a width of 40 ft. The vein is composed of quartz stringers
and nodules interbedded in soft slaty material, the gold being in the
quartz. The footwall is a metamorphic slate and the hanging wall a
quartzite. The property consists of nine claims, with attached water
rights."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 29, 1911, page 608 OREGON.
Mining News, May 1911, page 74Southwest Districts.
Kerby--C. L. Mangum, who recently visited the Higgins mine, which is
about 20 miles northwest from Kerby, reports it to be a porphyry dike
lying between serpentine and andesite and to have a total length of 350
feet which is heavily mineralized for the whole distance. Other parties
who have visited this new discovery report it to have a value in sight
of about $2,000,000 and that pans of the disintegrated mass will run as
high as $100 to the pan. The present method of mining is by sluicing,
although a considerable loss of values must result, being carried away
in the gangue. L. G. Higgins, the owner, was formerly in the assaying
business at Grants Pass.
In the same vicinity a more recent strike was made on a claim owned by Henry Brazile and John Shade, the vein being opened at surface at intervals for a distance of about 400 feet. The vein is four feet wide with an eight-inch streak of ore which shows the gold in wires and chunks, the length of this rich chute being undetermined. Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford has taken an option on the claim and already has a crew of men at work. Crowds of prospectors and others are rushing into the district, going from Grants Pass to Selma, thence over the old Copper trail. JACKSON COUNTY
Chicago investors have leased 2100 acres of the holdings of the Cascade
Coal Co. between the 401 Ranch and the summit of Roxy Ann, and the work
of pumping out the slope has begun. There are three seams, of 9, 7, and
5 ft. The coal has been tested and found of superior quality. Only the
7-ft. seam will be worked at first. JOSEPHINE COUNTY
Rich ore has been found by the lessees of the Higgins mine, 20 miles
northwest of Kerby, on the divide between Rancheria and Babyfoot
creeks. The gold is in friable material which is being washed in
sluices. Much excitement has been created and exaggerated reports have
been given out, but the existence of rich ore is indisputable."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 6, 1911, page 642 CHARGE JUGGLING OF MINING STOCK
Special to the
Union.Willows Man Sues Directors of Oregon Corporation in Woodland Court. WOODLAND (Yolo Co.), May 12.--Judge Hawkins this afternoon issued an injunction against the White-Shebley-Hunt Mining Company on the petition of J. K. Kendrick. The defendant is a corporation and owns valuable mining property near Wimer, Jackson County, Oregon. The directors, W. W. Foster, C. W. Mapes, J. C. Shebley and Henry McGuinness, are also made defendants. The plaintiff, who is a resident of Willows, alleges that the property is worth about $100,000; that he owns 10,994 shares, or more than one-third of the stock; that McGuinness is not a bona fide stockholder; that Foster and Shebley organized a corporation known as the Pleasant Creek Gold Mining and Dredge Company, and transferred all their stock in the original company except one share each to the new corporation; that the purpose of the transfer is to place the control of the old corporation in the hands of the new and deprive plaintiff of any profits from mining the claim of the old corporation; that failing in their efforts to so place the control they conceived the plan of levying assessments; that defendant cannot pay and to sell his stock for the satisfaction of the same; that the assessments of the defendants have not been paid in cash, but have been paid in alleged claims of the new corporation against the old; that the stock of the plaintiff is to be sold to pay the assessments on Tuesday, May 16. There are many other allegations of fraud. The court directs defendants to appear in the superior court in this city at 10 o'clock Monday, May 15, and show cause why the injunction should not be perpetual. The smelter of the Almeda Con. Mines Co., at Galice, is reported in operation. The plant is equipped with a 36 by 72-in. water-jacketed, copper matting furnace that was designed and built under the direction of Frederic Powell of Portland. It has the capacity of 100 to 150 tons per day. One batch of ore from this mine showed as follows, by analysis: Gold, 0.1 oz.; silver, 2.3 oz.; copper, 2.8%; iron, 14.5% ; sulfur, 20.9%; silica, 57%. Other samplings and analyses gave 16.5% barium, 26 iron, 28 sulfur, 3.5 copper, 22.9 silica. The property is managed by J. F. Wickham. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 20, 1911, page 709 The smelter of the Almeda Con. Mines Co., situated at Galice, is treating about 100 tons per day, and turning out 10 tons of matte. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 10, 1911, page 804 Jackson County
The Homestake mine, near Woodville, is to be operated by Captain Clark
and associates, who have a lease and bond on it. They are overhauling
the mill and putting the mine in condition for work. Josephine County
The Michigan mine, situated on Applegate River, near Murphy, and 8
miles south of Grants Pass, is controlled by people resident of
Charlotte, Michigan. It is in charge of Adolph Maier, who is erecting a
mill of 25 tons daily capacity. The ore, according to sampling and
assaying, runs $11 to $22 per ton. The vein is said to be in
granodiorite, strikes southeast, dips 15° northwest, and has a
width of
6 ft., the pay streak being 2 to 4 ft. wide. There is one 2-compartment
shaft, 135 ft. deep, with two crosscuts driven to the vein. Other
development is near the surface."Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 24, 1911, page 864 A mining congress is to be held at Grants Pass on July 18, at which a good attendance of mining men from Oregon and adjoining states is expected. An exhibit of ores and mineral products of Western Oregon is being prepared. The Grey Eagle mine, in Gold Hill district, has been leased by the Oregon-Gold Hill M. Co. to the Grey Eagle M. Co., for which W. B. Stevens is manager, and J. R. Wolfe consulting engineer. The property is equipped with a new mill, an air compressor, and drills. The plan of the lessee is to do 500 ft. of sinking from the 125-ft. station of the shaft. James T. Logan and Schmitt brothers, who had a 30-day option on the Higgins property, in Chetco district, declined to carry out the terms of the option, claiming the time had not been long enough to allow them to determine as to the probable merits of the ground. Higgins declined to extend the time. The price named in the option was $50,000. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 1, 1911, page 29 The Sterling Gold Quartz M. Co. is operating at Mineral Hill, 9 miles southwest of Medford, where two veins of gold and silver ore have been developed by a series of crosscuts. The work is in charge of R. L. Ray, and the company is composed of Medford people. Some of the ore is high grade. The three claims owned by W. H. Ramsey are at the head of Slate Creek, 20 miles south of Grants Pass. Adolph Maier recently examined the property and reports, according to the Rogue River Courier, that there are two veins. one 20 ft. wide, carrying heavy sulphide and some oxidized ore, and one 8 ft. wide carrying oxidized ore, the first being on the contact of serpentine with slate, while the latter is a fissure vein. The development work consists of a 20-ft. adit and a 20-ft. prospecting shaft. The general average of amalgamation tests was $24.80. The property is 1½ miles from a good wagon road. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 8, 1911, page 61 The Jewett Mining Co., recently organized with a capital of $500,000, has purchased the Jewett, four miles south of Grants Pass, and will start operations at once. It is said that a new mill will be built. The Old Channel Hydraulic Mines Co. will likely start within a few weeks, as the long litigation in the circuit court has been virtually settled by a decree in favor of the mortgagees. Some time ago the property was sold for $85,000. Fifty thousand dollars was paid in cash and the remainder of the purchase price was held in abeyance subject to notes covering the premises. The property has been operated for many years. The mine has plenty of water and machinery, and is well equipped. Before the sale the mine had been leased for nine years to J. R. Harvey. The property consists of 1500 acres, all of which has been patented. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 15, 1911, page 92 As a result of the Southern Oregon and Northern California Mining Congress, recently held here, a movement has been set on foot to obtain for mineral prospectors the right to kill buck deer for actual use at any time. Other projects urged by the convention were: a permanent organization of the Congress, in harmony with the American Mining Congress and the Oregon state association; a request for cooperation from Alaska and Washington for a square deal for Alaska and other parts of the West; opposition to the policy of the department in the arbitrary withdrawal of lands from mineral entry; the completion of the geological survey of Oregon with regard to mining districts; readjustment of railroad rates to aid mining; increased appropriation for the Federal Mining Bureau. The next session will be held at Medford January 17 and 18. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 5, 1911, page 182 L. L. Jewell has leased the Mountain Lion mine on the Applegate, sixteen miles south of Grants Pass, to C. C. Daniels of that city. The mine has been tied up by litigation, which has been settled, and for a time was a satisfactory producer. There are a 5-stamp mill and two concentrating tables on the property. The ore is a quartz. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 2, 1911, page 307 Making
Use of Hydraulic Power
Practical use can often be made of the power afforded by the gravity
head pipelines of the hydraulic placer mine. Many surface properties in
Northern California and Southern Oregon use power of this sort to
operate dynamos, by which electric energy is furnished for night work
in the diggings, as well as all the camp buildings. A small wheel,
operated by a small "tap" from the main line, does not reduce the
pressure in the giants to any appreciable degree, and the convenience
is worth many times the trouble and expense involved. A number of
placer mines use power from the pipelines, or by penstock from the
high-line ditch, to operate a sawmill, and by this means cut all the
lumber needed for repairing flume, constructing additional buildings,
and for general improvement purposes. Sawmills can be had these days
that are easily and quickly moved from one point to another, the entire
outfit, including the power wheel, being of such bulk as to allow
packing on ponies or burros. By Dennis H. Stovall A "general utility" motor, operated by water from the pipeline, is a handy contrivance. A motor of this type, built by a foreman, was seen on a Southern Oregon property, and is shown in the accompanying illustration. It is employed regularly for a variety of purposes; it hauls the steel cable connected with the derrick and crane in lifting huge boulders from the diggings, and, by attaching a flywheel, it may be used in the machine shops and everywhere else about the mine that power of any sort is demanded. This portable water motor is very simple. It consists of an undershot wheel, with connecting shafts and pinions, and operating levers, all built on a substantial wooden frame. To this frame a drum is also attached, operating a cable. The adjustment for the cable drum is the same as that employed wherever cables are used. Water to operate the movable motor is taken from the main pipeline through a fire hose, the latter being of such length as to allow several moves of the motor with only one connection on the main line. Any work around the mine that requires or needs a donkey engine and cable can be done by this motor. The power is, of course, limited by the size of the water wheel, and can be made as small or as large as the work demands. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 30, 1911, page 415 Newspaper reports state that Adolph Meier, representing the Boston-Montana Silver & Copper Co., has been investigating the Rogue River district to select a site for a concentrator. The plant is to cost between $500,000 and $750,000, and would be built to handle the output of the Rogue River Valley and Southern Oregon mines. F. E. Steffey, of the Boston-Montana company, is expected in Medford in the near future. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 30, 1911, page 430 Centennial Mine Works this Winter.
GOLD HILL, Or., Sept. 30.--(Special.)--Preparations are being made for
the operation the coming winter of the Centennial mine
on ,
one of the richest and most reliable placers in this district.
The mine was worked in pioneer days, but was allowed to lie idle for
many years, when it was bought as fruit land by D. P. Blue and put in
successful operation. It was afterward sold to an Indiana company,
which made an unsuccessful attempt to work it with an electric dredge.
It will be worked this winter under lease by H. L. McMahon and D. P.
Blue, the former owner. They will use a hydraulic, under which process
the mine has never failed to pay well. From surface to bedrock, about
25 feet, the gravel averages 30 cents per yard, and the bedrock is rich
in places.
Oregonian, Portland, October 1, 1911, page 7 Curry County
A No. 3 giant and 10-in. pipe have been ordered by the Winkle Bar M.
& D. Co. A 4-ft. ditch, about one and a half miles long, has
completed and it is believed that this will give plenty of water for
mining from January to the end of May. The property is on Rogue River
and is reached by going over a mountain trail. It is twenty miles from
Dothan. R. G. McDonald, of Seattle, is secretary and treasurer of the
company. Josephine County
George E. Sanders, manager for the Chicago-Rogue River company, has
purchased the Old Channel mine in the Galice district. The Old Channel
mine is a large low-grade placer property with valuable water rights
and many miles of ditches and flumes, according to press
reports, and
when in operation employs a large force nine months of the year. Mr.
Sanders will start work in the near future. He is now in Chicago."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 14, 1911, pages 505-506 The Greenback gold mine, twenty miles north of Grants Pass, has been bought by Robert C. Robertson and Frank C. Robertson, of Parish, New York. All claims against the property have been paid through C. H. Clements and R. G. Smith, attorneys for the purchasers. The mine is reported to have produced over $2,000,000, and in the past many men were employed there. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 21, 1911, page 537 Where the
Horse Whim Fails
Our mutual friend, the mine foreman, will tell you that the horse
is good enough for a "jackass property." By which we are to infer that
beyond mines of this class the horse whim has its limitations. After
knocking round through Western mining camps, and visiting all sorts of
mines, I am willing to state that it is an easy matter to estimate the
management of a property when you see its hoist. This prominent feature
of the mine's equipment does not always indicate the worth of the
deposit, but it is a certain indication of what results are being
obtained. Go into almost any mining district, and you will find one or
more good properties abandoned, the camp deserted, the mill turning to
rust and decay, simply because the management "made a mistake." You
soon discover the mine is filled to the collar with water, flooded
beyond hope. The "mistake" was in placing an inadequate hoist and
pumping plant. A good hoist, operating a skip, either by single or
double-compartment shaft, will keep the wettest mine dry, should the
pumps fail. By Dennis H. Stovall The horse whim is not altogether to be despised. There are times and places when it plays a most important part. Equipment of this sort costs but little, and does excellent work in prospecting when only a few men are employed. But in this day of cheap gas engine power, the horse whim is becoming more and more a useless adjunct. As a general rule, the intelligent mine manager can make a close estimate on the real worth and stability of his property when a depth of 200 ft. is attained. Then is the time to place an adequate hoist. Enlarging this feature of the equipment every time a deeper level is tapped will prove an expensive business; therefore it is better to place a large hoist at once, or install one of the unit type, which can be enlarged with each stage of development, without the removal or replacement of the original parts. At an Oregon property that was originally equipped with a horse whim, hoisting by this method cost 25¢ per ton. Then a small steam plant was installed, and hoisting was reduced to 15¢ per ton. Finally this proved inadequate, and a double-drum hoist of the latest type was erected. With this equipment the expense of lifting the ore from the mine dropped to 5 or 6¢ per ton. Had this plant been placed at the time the horse whim was thrown aside, much unnecessary expense would have been saved. A plant of this type costs between $5000 and $8000, depending upon the situation of the property, but it will serve the mine for all time. With a 150-h.p. engine, and with a lifting speed of 500 ft. per minute, operating double-decked cages, it not only removes all the ore as fast as the men break it down, but takes care of all up-and-down transportation, such as the moving of stulls, tools, powder, and men. Where the ore is low grade, every item of expense must be cut down to the lowest possible minimum. If the property is opened by vertical or inclined shaft, hoisting and pumping are two items that must be carefully calculated. Failure in this has proved to be the principal reason why a number of properties never reached the producing stage. To again quote our mutual friend the boss, "pumpin' and hoistin' are just like interest on a mortgage--grinds away day and night." Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 4, 1911, page 583 Click on the link for photos of hoists. Sunk in eighteen feet of water on Foots Creek, nine miles from here, one of the finest dredging outfits on the Pacific Coast will sustain a loss estimated at $35,000. The ladder on which revolve the giant buckets that scoop up the gold-bearing gravel broke in the middle while in operation, and the buckets and chain, weighing 70 tons, settled down on the sides of the boat. No equipment was on hand to relieve the strain thus placed on the wooden hull, and in a few hours the tremendous pressure forced the planks apart, the water came in and the dredge sank to the bottom of the pond with its precious weight of motors, transformers and gold-saving machinery. The pond in which the dredge sank will be drained, and the work of repairing the damage began in a few days. It will be necessary to rebuild the hull, and the service of an expert shipbuilder must be secured for this work, which alone will cost in the neighborhood of $14,000. The dredge and several hundred acres of the richest placer ground in Southern Oregon is owned by the Champlin family, of Chicago, and has been one of the notable mining successes of this district, although at a great expenditure. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, November 11, 1911, page 7 Chicago investors have purchased the W. H. Barr placer property, consisting of 320 acres on Briggs Creek, state recent reports from Grants Pass. A sawmill will be built and the placer equipment will be added to. Moore brothers leased the property last year, and applied for a renewal, but Mr. Barr decided to sell the property. As soon as the Commercial Club of Grants Pass will give him a site, A. J. McCorkle will erect a 200-ton sampling mill at that place. Two carloads of machinery for the mill of the Michigan mine have been delivered. The equipment delivered includes Monell concentrating tables and a Monell slimer, manufactured in Colorado. A mill may be constructed at the Jewett mine, 7 miles southeast of Grants Pass. Development will be resumed in the near future at the Granite Hill mine. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 18, 1911, page 667 A. J. McCorkle and associates have taken a bond on the Gold Drift quartz mine, owned by W. T. Turnham and S. C. Stone, state recent reports from Grants Pass. The price of the mine is said to be $10,000. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 25, 1911, page 697 The Greenback mill soon will have 20 of the 40 stamps dropping. Some new machineiy has been ordered and is on the way there, says a report from Grants Pass. New ore reserves are being mined and the property will be put again on a paying basis, according to an announcement by F. M. Leland, who is acting in an advisory capacity to the owners, Robertson & Son. The Cougar Con. Mines, with headquarters at Galice, will equip the Barr placer mine, consisting of 16 claims, with an electric light plant, sawmill, new flume, grizzlies, and 15-in. pipe. L. H. Medford is manager and Ned Heath superintendent for the company. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 9, 1911, page 758 The Cascade coal mine east of Medford, Oregon, has been taken over by Messrs. Pierce, Manley and Wallace of Seattle, who will begin extensive operations on same at once. A ten-year purchase option has been taken on the property, $300,000 being the price named in the option. The first work to be undertaken will be the sinking of a 1,000-foot incline shaft. A complete outfit of new machinery will also be installed. "Oregon," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 6, 1912, page 6 Medford, Or.: Messrs. Pierce, Manley & Wallace, of Seattle, have purchased the Cascade coal mine, east of Medford, and will sink a 1,000-ft. shaft and install new machinery. The Pacific & Eastern Ry. will probably build a spur track from the main line to the mine. "Mining," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, January 6, 1912, page 24 Gold dredging in Oregon has never met with any pronounced success. The total production of gold won from dredging operations in the state, does not, so far as can be learned from U.S. Geological Survey records, exceed $250,000. A number of years ago dredges, both bucket and suction type, were built on the Snake River, and for a while some of them, perhaps, paid operating expenses. One of these, a 5-ft. bucket dredge, was reported as being successful after working over some bars of the river and was moved to Boise Basin, Idaho, where it was shortly afterward shut down. An article written a number of years ago for the Mining and Scientific Press by W. M. H. Washburn gives an interesting account of the gold occurrence on the bars of the Snake River and describes some dredging operations at that time. A pony dredge was operated for a while near Sumpter, but was not a success. It was claimed that the machinery was too light for the character of the ground. A company has started to prepare for a dredge this season on ground near Sumpter. After considerable prospecting the dredge pit was dug 150 ft. square by 12 ft. deep, and it is expected the dredge will be built next year. It is to have 9-ft. buckets and use electric power furnished by the Olive Lake power plant, and will be the first modern dredge following California methods to be operated in Oregon. In 1905 the Western Mining & Development Co. put in commission a dredge on the south fork of the John Day River. The dredge operated during 1905 and a part of the second season, and was then dismantled. The White-Shelby Hunt dredge, which operated a short time in Southern Oregon, was originally built for reclamation work at Grays Harbor, Washington. It was afterward moved to Pleasant Valley, Josephine County, and mounted on wheels. Water interfered with its operation and it was again put on a hull. It was run a short time only; large boulders and difficult digging proved a serious handicap, and the ladder was broken. The dredge was equipped with buckets of 2-cu. ft. capacity and a gasoline engine; it is now idle. The Josephine dredge, near Waldo, Josephine County, was a 4-ft. bucket dredge, using steam and wood fuel, and was owned by an English company. It operated only one season, when, it is claimed, the company got into litigation. Repairs were not kept up, and while in charge of a watchman the dredge sank and has never been recommissioned. Recently there has been a report of another dredge to be built near Waldo, but no definite information is at hand regarding it. The only dredge operated in Oregon that seems to have made anything over operating profit, and that could be classed as even partly successful, is that of the Champlin Gold Dredging Co. on Foots Creek, Jackson County. This is a 5-ft. dredge, operated by electric power. It was operated successfully for several years and during part of the present season, but the bucket-ladder line broke a few weeks ago and the weight of the buckets, about 70 tons, sprang the hull planks and the dredge sank in about 18 ft. of water. It is said that repairs will be made at once, the loss being estimated at $35,000. While this is the only company whose dredging operations have returned a profit in Oregon, there seems to be no reason why some of the other dredges should not have proved a financial success if they had been properly designed for the ground on which they were placed. It is probable that investigations will be made of Oregon placers in the near future, and if the proposed dredge near Sumpter returns a profit, a number of other dredges of the type that has proved such a success in California will be erected. Gold dredging in Oregon produced $34,010 in 1910, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Charles Janin, "Review of Gold Dredging in 1911," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 13, 1912, page 102 Jackson County
The Southern Oregon and Northern California Mining Congress will be
held at Medford, February 2 and 3. An exhibit of ore and machinery will
be one of the features of the meeting. Among other papers on the
program will be one on "The Public Land Question" by J. F. Callbreath,
secretary of the American Mining Congress. Josephine County
A shipment of gold
recently was made from the Horsehead mine at Williams through J. H.
Miller, a merchant of that place."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 20, 1912, page 156 COL. RAY WILL IMPROVE MINE
Sets Aside $20,000 to Develop Braden Mine-- Good Values Have Been Found Throughout All of the Apartments of the Mine.
For 50 years the Braden mine, near Gold Hill, has been a gold-producing
mine. It has produced between $600,000 and $700,000 in gold and it is
still a mine, not a worked-out proposition, but a real mine possessed
of probably more gold values than have ever been taken from it.
The surface croppings have been worked out, but the real value lies lower down, and Colonel Ray, who is its present owner, is going after those values, not on the surface, but deep down on the ledges. Mr. Ray has set aside $20,000 to be expended in sinking a 200-foot shaft on one of the several ledges in the mine. When he shall have gone down 200 feet he will drift for 100 feet in several directions, and by doing this he hopes to have opened up one of the best gold quartz mines in southern Oregon. Dr. Ray is now at the mine with an engineer making surveys preparatory to a commencement of this work. Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1912, page 3 Braden Mine to Be Developed by Col. Ray
That Col. Frank H. Ray, the New York-Medford capitalist, is about to
turn his attention seriously to the development of his extensive
Southern Oregon mining interests is indicated by the fact that he will
shortly begin the sinking of a 200-foot shaft on the Braden mine on
Kanes Creek. The shaft will be 4½
by 8 feet in the clear and will be sunk on the lode at an angle of 35
degrees. The Braden has a more consistent record of production than any
mine in the Gold Hill district. It has suffered at the hands of
short-term lessees who have worked it on a get-rich-quick basis, with
the result that the mine has been badly gouged and the development
work, while extensive, is not calculated to be of permanent value.
Local mining men believe that the sinking of the 200-foot shaft means
that Col. Ray has at last decided to give the Braden a square deal and
develop the great mine, which it has every indication of being.The Medford Mail Tribune has the following to say about what may be termed the proposed emancipation of the Braden: For 50 years the Braden mine, near Gold Hill, has been a gold-producing mine. It has produced between $600,000 and $700,000 in gold and it is still a mine, not a worked-out proposition but a real mine possessed of probably more gold values than have ever been taken from it. The surface croppings have been worked out, but the real value lies lower down, and Colonel Ray, who is its present owner, is going after those values, not on the surface, but deep down on the ledges. Mr. Ray has set aside $20,000 to be expended in sinking a 200-foot shaft on one of the several ledges in the mine. When he shall have gone down 200 feet he will drift for 100 feet in several directions, and by doing this he hopes to have opened up one of the best gold quartz mines in Southern Oregon. Dr. Ray is now at the mine with an engineer making surveys preparatory to a commencement of this work. Gold Hill News, January 27, 1912, page 1 The Oriole G.M. Co. is planning to build a 50-ton mill as soon as the roads are passable, says a report from Grants Pass, where the annual meeting of the corporation recently was held. The mill is to cost, it is said, about $70,000. O. S. Blanchard, Grants Pass, is secretary of the company. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 3, 1912, page 225 PATENTS ISSUED TO 24 MINING CLAIMS
Special to the Union.Hawley Opens Way to Development of Property in Northern California. SMELTER AT MEDFORD Steam Railroad Included in Plans for Exploitation in Siskiyou County. By HARRY J. BROWN. WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.--After two months of persistent effort, Representative Hawley has succeeded in bringing about the issuance of patents to 24 mining claims in Northern California, just south of the Oregon line, which have been developed and which now will be extensively worked by the Blue Ledge Mining Company, owned by Robert S. Towne of New York. While these properties lie in California, they have their outlet into Oregon, and their development will mean the expenditure of a large amount of money in the erection of a smelter near Medford. The 24 claims in question lie up in the Siskiyou Mountains, near Applegate Creek, which flows into the Rogue River. They are reached by a road running out from Medford. Three years ago the locators of these claims applied for patent, but heard nothing from the Interior Department for two years. Finally, when their application was taken up, patent was denied, and the entries were held for cancellation on the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to show that the lands involved were primarily mineral in character. APPEAL TO HAWLEY.
During the past summer the Blue Ledge company appealed to
Representative Hawley, who made a visit to the mines to inform himself
personally as to what the conditions were. He found that the company
has from eleven to twelve thousand feet of tunnels on three different
levels. He saw enormous quantities of ore exposed, gathered specimens,
and when he left the mine saw an enormous dump on which much of the ore
had been turned as it was taken from the ground. He learned that half a
million dollars had been expended in developing the property, and that
capital stood ready to put in a smelter if patent could be secured to
the 24 claims. The work had gone ahead in good faith, the ore was
there, the mineral character of the land was established beyond all
question, and one going through the mine could see fully a million
dollars' worth of gold, copper and silver ore in sight and blocked out.TO BUILD STEAM ROAD.
So absurd was the contention of the government in view of the
development work that had been done that Hawley set about having the
decision of the department reversed. He filed vigorous protest against
the reports of special agents who had declared there was question as to
the mineral character of the land. He also protested against the
department's contention that there had been insufficient development
work, and he insisted, as a matter of justice, that patent be issued so
that the company can proceed with its project, build a smelter and
begin the shipment of ore. Now that patents have been issued, Hawley
understands that the Blue Ledge company will build a steam road to
convey the ore from its mine to the new smelter, when built, and that a
force of 1500 men will be employed regularly on their property. This
case is one that prompted Hawley to open his fight on special agents of
the land office who are abusing their privileges, and who are using
every effort to block those who are striving honestly to acquire title
to government lands under existing laws. If ever there was an
exaggerated case of abuse of power, it was in this instance, he says,
and there should be some way of curbing the operations of agents who
strive to throttle legitimate development of the West.Sacramento Daily Union, February 12, 1912, page 6 H. L. Herzinger, of Grants Pass, was elected president of the Southern Oregon and North California Mining Congress at the session recently held at Medford. Yreka, California, was chosen for the next meeting, to be held June 18. A resolution was passed condemning what is considered arbitrary interference with miners on the public domain in regard to the use of timber, and delay in granting patents. A resolution of thanks to W. B. Heyburn, United States Senator from Idaho, was passed, thanking him for his attitude toward recent bills affecting the mining industry. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 24, 1912, page 324 Douglas County
The Beaver Hill, near Anchor, owned by J. C. Olinghouse and N. G.
Chandler, has 100 tons of ore on the dump and shows assays as
high as
$60 per ton. The adit cuts the vein at a depth of 400 ft., and another
adit has been started. Jackson County
Mrs. Cora Morgan will construct a custom mill near Gold Hill,
and 2½
acres of land has already been donated for the purpose. It will be
large enough to treat all the ore of the district, and if the project
is carried out it will greatly aid the development of the many
prospects of the county. T. D. Stoner reports that a 5-ft. seam of coal
of good quality has been uncovered two miles north of Moonville. Josephine County
The 3000-lb. display of gold and copper ore from Josephine
County won
first honors at the Northwest Mining Congress held at Spokane recently.
H. G. Siskron recently cleaned up 52 oz. of bullion, worth $18 per oz.,
from a mill run of 12½ tons of ore at the January First mine
on Sucker
Creek, 4 miles from Holland. The property was located in 1905 and has
several hundred feet of development work."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 2, 1912, page 356 Rogue
River Gravel Beds
In the present search for new dredging fields, the gravel deposits
along Rogue River, in Southern Oregon, should not be overlooked, and
merit careful investigation. The Rogue is a clear mountain stream
rising in the Cascades and flowing through the valley of Medford and
Grants Pass, now famous for its apples. As compared to the physical
surroundings of most mining districts, this region is a paradise,
especially to one accustomed to desert or high-altitude mining camps.
The hills are covered with pine, fir, maple, oak, manzanita, and
laurel, while here and there along the river are orchards of apples,
pears, and peaches, and vineyards of every variety of grapes. A few
miles northwest of Merlin the river narrows to a gorge known as Hell
Gate, and from there to the coast flows through rough country. The
available dredging ground is therefore confined to Jackson and
Josephine counties. The river has a velocity of from one-half to two
miles per hour and is subject to sudden rises in the winter, the rainy
season in Oregon. By Clement H. Mace In the early days considerable gold was won by wing-damming the river and cleaning the bedrock. At Gold Ray, while constructing a large power dam, it was necessary to build a cofferdam, and from 100 sq. ft. of bedrock thus exposed $1750 in gold was obtained. A nugget worth $289 was picked up years ago in Spanish Gulch near the river. The pocket from which it came was never found, however. Below Grants Pass there is an ancient channel to the west of the present bed of Rogue River, in places adjoining it and in others a mile or so distant. In recent geological times the river has been in its eroding stage, leaving the old channel high and dry, and hydraulic mines on it are throwing their tailing into the present stream. These mines claim they are losing 40 to 50% of their gold, which of course is being added to the gravels of the present channel. In Sections 2 and 11, Township 36 S., Range 7 W., the river makes a big bend, with the ancient channel cutting across the open end of the U. At the lower side of this bend bedrock is slightly above the surface of Rogue River, and a hydraulic mine at this point has exposed 75 to 100 ft. of gravel with 10 ft. of overburden. Reposing on the upturned slate bedrock is 15 ft. of a rather stiff blue gravel. One pan (small size) taken in this blue gravel gave twenty good-sized colors weighing 0.018 gm. Estimating 135 pans to the cubic yard, the value per yard would be $1.60. The channel exposed so far is 600 to 700 ft. wide, and the back rim is not reached yet. The surface gravels were tested both by pan and rocker, and colors were always obtained wherever the gold had a chance to deposit; that is, where the sand was heavy and contained a fair sprinkling of boulders. In a few places a third or a half of a cubic yard was measured off and put through the rocker, and these tests returned an average of 25¢ per cubic yard. Owing to the selective action of running water, the richest streaks are found on the concave side of the river bends, as these points represent the region of slack water. The swift current is continually cutting out the convex side of the curves and redepositing its burden on the inside of the next bend. The gold is coarse with rough edges, which indicates that it has not traveled far. It is mostly scale and plate gold and generally melon-seed shaped. In places the colors are very large, but no nuggets are found in the gravels. For the most part the boulders are small, averaging under 6 in. diam., and there is no clay except in part of the overburden. There are places along the present channel where the gravel is only 4 ft. thick, and others where it is evidently at least 30 ft., but where the gravel in the ancient channel is exposed by hydraulic operations it varies from 75 to 150 ft. in thickness. Bedrock consists of upturned slate beds that are hard where exposed to the river action, for the running water continually wears away any disintegrated material. But under the gravel, in places where it can be observed, the slate is soft and decomposed and could be picked to a depth of a foot or two. Benches along the river have been worked in a desultory sort of manner by means of a gasoline-driven pump and sluices. The gravel was fed to the sluices with wheelbarrows and the men cleaned up from $2 to $3 per day each. The only dredge in Oregon that is working successfully and returning a profit is on Foots Creek, a tributary of the Rogue, between Gold Hill and Woodville in Jackson County. Near its junction with the river, Foots Creek spreads out in a broad fan-shaped delta, and on this tract the dredge Abbie J. Champlin, owned by the Champlin Gold Dredging Co. of Chicago, has been working for several years. Recently, however, the dredge met with a serious accident. The heavy bucket-ladder line broke and sank the boat in its pond, but it is understood that the damage will be repaired at once. The prospecting was done with Keystone drills, there being too much water in the ground for shaft-sinking. Subsequent dredging gave slightly higher results than the test holes. The boat was built by the Allis-Chalmers Co. and is equipped with 8-ft. open-connected manganese steel buckets weighing over a ton apiece, exclusive of the link. Lighter buckets were used at first, but were found inadequate to handle the heavier boulders and were replaced by the present set at a cost of $9000. Too-light construction seems to be the principal reason for the failure of several dredges in Oregon, and future undertakings should profit by the lessons of the past and erect no more monuments. Electricity from the Ray power plant operates the boat; 250 h.p. is used. Two 12-hour shifts of three men each are worked; a winchman, a pump and motor man, and a deckhand. The buckets are run at a speed of 7 per minute, the actual working capacity of the boat being 2000 yards per day. Bedrock is not reached and is supposed to be 100 ft. deep on the average, while the dredge digs but 40 ft. The gravel from the buckets is fed to a trommel and the boulders discharged through this over the side of the boat. The undersize passes over a set of riffles to a sump or well, whence it is elevated by a huge centrifugal pump to the tail riffles shown in the foreground of the illustration. These long sluices are supported in the center by an auxiliary barge. The major portion of the gold, however, is caught on the boat before reaching the tail sluices. No gold-saving tables of any kind are used, as it is claimed that the gold is all coarse enough to be saved by Hungarian riffles, though it would seem that there must be a certain amount of fine gold being lost. The gold averages 850 fine. According to the figures of the U.S. Geological Survey for 1910, $34,010 was produced in Oregon by gold dredging. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 23, 1912, pages 437-438 Mining Litigation Settled
The litigation over the possession of the famous Gold Standard mine in
Jackson County, Oregon, has been settled at last and the mine will be
opened up again. W. H. Hawkins and John Mahon are the lesses and
Hawkins will leave here for Oregon in a few days to commence
on the mine.The Gold Standard, or the Kubli mine, as it is better known, is one of the most promising properties in Southern Oregon, and has always been a good producer, in spite of bad handling. When Mahon and Hawkins took hold of it, they were compelled to put in two months in retimbering and getting the property in shape but managed to get $1000 out of it at that. Just as they had the property in shape for effective work, they were stopped by inproceedings. Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, April 12, 1912, page 1 Gold Hill, Or.: W. J. Morgan and H. H. McCarthy, of Medford, have been making an investigation regarding the establishment of a $20,000 concentrating plant here. "Mining," Pacific Builder and Engineer, Seattle, April 20, 1912, page 351 Letters from friends in South America have caused about twenty-five Medford citizens to plan a trip to Bolivia, to investigate gold properties, says a report in the Medford Sun of April 10. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 20, 1912, page 581 John Carlson, George Colvin, and Oscar Shattuck have found rich free-milling quartz on the old Victor mine, which was formerly owned by Sanders Brothers, having taken out about $900 in five days. The Minnehaha Gold Hydraulic & Dredge Co. has sold its first issue of shares and will install a $50,000 dredge on its property at Tyee Bar, on Rogue River, a mile below Whiskey Creek. Erection of a 500-ton mill at the Alameda copper mine, on Elk Creek, is contemplated. A 100-ton concentrator will be erected by the Three Lodes, which has taken in the Golden Pheasant property on Galice Creek. The concentrates, which assay as high as 12% copper, $5 to $28 in gold, and 11 oz. platinum per ton, will be shipped to Sweden for treatment. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 25, 1912, page 740 The Tennessee Gulch mine has been sold by Hasselton & Wagner to Portland people for a price said to be $40,000. This is an old mine which was worked by ground sluicing; recently three veins have been found which show promise. J. O. Gunn has shipped the fourth carload of ore from his mine near Takilma to the smelter at Kennett. At the Iron Crown, 11 miles from Grants Pass, copper ore, from 1 to 17% copper and $5.50 to $8 per ton in gold, has been found. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 15, 1912, page 843 Jackson County
Mike Womack reports the finding of a large ore body on Frog Creek, 7
miles from Ashland. Assay returns of from $4 to $18 per ton are
reported, and it is stated that outcrops of the vein can be traced for
several miles. Capital has already been proved for the sinking of a
shaft. Josephine County
The Darkes mine, near the Takilma, has been purchased by E. E.
Phillips. It is expected to begin shipment soon and the ore will be
hauled by teams to Grants Pass. Ore assaying $35 per ton is being taken
from the Red Bean mine, on Starveout Creek, owned by Riggs, Flamm
Evans. R. S. Tucker has been appointed receiver for the Alameda
Consolidated Mines Co., which owns 800 acres of land and has sold
$13,000,000 worth of stock."Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 13, 1912, pages 64-65 It is reported that the funds have been secured for the construction of a railroad from Grants Pass 52 miles up the Applegate River to the mines of the Blue Ledge district. E. M. Chester is the representative of the interests concerned. The Soule mine has been purchased by J. D. Densmore, H. McBride, and D. G. Dreger, of Salem. Arrangements are being made for the reopening of the property, which has not been worked in five years. The mining men of the district have sent 3½ tons of ore samples to the Mining Congress, held at Yreka this week. L. E. Crouch has begun suit for $100,000 damages against several Ohio people for alleged misrepresentation as to the solvency of the Almeda M. Co. The court has discharged the receiver, R. S. Tucker, who was recently appointed. The Alton mine, near Wolf Creek, has let a contract for a 100-ft. extension of the present adit. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 20, 1912, page 97 Over 3000 acres of placer ground on Grave Creek, fourteen miles from Grants Pass, has been bought by the Oro Power & Light Co., of Oroville, California. Drilling is to be started at once, and it is said that about $250,000 will be spent in prospecting and placing dredges on the property. The furnace at the Almeda mine was blown in last week, but several details are not yet completed, and these will take some 90 days. A fair quantity of smelting ore is ready for mining. Until the 200-ton concentrating plant has been erected it will be impossible to cheapen operations. The completion of the company's road from the mine to Leland should make a saving of about $7 per ton on freight. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 3, 1912, page 158 Tin at Grants Pass
The Editor: Sir--In the interest of the mining development in Southern Oregon, I feel constrained to write you concerning the alleged presence of some of the less common metals, such as tin, tungsten, and platinum. In January 1911 T. A. Rickard wrote a letter to the Southern Oregon and Northern California Mining Congress which convened at Ashland, asking that steps be taken by said congress to verify or deny the reports continually coming from the vicinity of Grants Pass with reference to the tin question. A few weeks later the Commercial Club of Grants Pass officially requested the State Bureau of Mines to make investigation of the same. This request was again repeated at the meeting of the Oregon Mining Congress at Portland in May 1911. In response to these requests, the Bureau of Mines took it upon itself to make a brief preliminary investigation. Accordingly, in the latter part of June 1911, Mr. Swartley, my assistant, and myself proceeded to Grants Pass and first interviewed some of the prominent citizens of that city, asking them to cite us to the parties who claimed to have the high tin values. We visited four different properties which were claiming the highest amounts of tin, and took samples ourselves of what was claimed to be the highest grade tin ores. These samples we brought to the laboratories at Corvallis and made a very careful investigation, both mineralogically and chemically. Our report was made at the Mining Congress held at Grants Pass July 5, 6, and 7, 1911, and was to the effect "that while it would be unscientific to state that there is no tin in the district, we, however, found no tin in the samples which we procured from these alleged tin properties." We found also, that some of the minerals claimed to be tin minerals were tourmaline, hornblende, magnetite, and chromite. We also found, while in the Grants Pass vicinity, that the tin reports originated with certain assayers in Grants Pass, who in order to make business good, appeared to give out promiscuously encouraging reports in which tin was given in very generous quantities; platinum was reported in large percentages from base ores, as well as tungsten. We had supposed that our verbal report given at the Mining Congress at Grants Pass would be sufficient to convince the truth-seeking public. However, since that time, we have found that there are certain parties in the Grants Pass vicinity who have been doing all in their power to discredit our report, and since I have noted from time to time certain articles in your periodical with reference to certain development work that is being pushed by some of these tin, platinum, tungsten (?) properties, it has seemed to me that in order to further the interest of the mining development in Southern Oregon, we should make the foregoing statement, both for your information and for publication. H.
(We are grateful to Mr. Parks for his letter. Such examinations as he
has made lie in, we believe, one of the most useful fields for state
geological surveys and mining bureaus. News of development and of
reported discoveries from many districts comes in regularly, and as Mr.
Parks says, it would be unscientific to deny them without specific
evidence. For that very reason it is all the more important to have
such information as contained in his report periodically
reprinted.--Editor.)State Bureau of Mines, Corvallis, Oregon, July 29. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 10, 1912, pages 181-182 Josephine County produced $99,363 in gold, of which $86,557 came from placer mines. Of the silver production of 45,221 oz., over two-thirds came from Baker County. Copper ores yielded the greater part of the 10,436 oz. of silver credited to Josephine County, which also produced about 90% of the 1911 output of copper in Oregon. The combined output of gold from Southwestern Oregon in 1911 was $188,971, of which $123,008 was placer gold. The placer gold production of this region decreased $7095 and the deep-mine output decreased $13,258. "Metal Mining in Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 7, 1912, page 324 TO DREDGE FOR GOLD
A deal was made Tuesday
afternoon whereby
the mines of the Jacksonville Mining & Milling Co. will be
transferred to Messrs. James McChatka & R. H. Bailey of Grants
Pass, whom it is presumed represent a wealthy syndicate. The papers
have been signed up and together with the certificates of stock have
been placed in escrow in the Bank of Jacksonville. The purchasers are
to have immediate possession and work will be commenced at once upon
the property. Mr. Bailey is a mining engineer of experience, and after
a thorough examination of the property is well pleased with the outlook
and says that it is surely a mine. This property has lately been under
lease to Mr. Rhinehart, but his lease having expired the deal above
mentioned was made this week.Bar Below Gold Hill to Be Scene of Operations by Huge Craft Costing $50,000.
Medford, Nov. 26.--Arrangements have been practically completed for a
new and bigger departure in mining operations on Rogue River near Gold
Hill, the site selected being the big bar just below the Lyman ranch,
and the method of recovery to be a huge dredge, designed and built
expressly for the purpose by the Sutherlin capitalists who are
interested in the venture. These men are J. K. Moore, H. H. McLean and
C. F. Reynolds, all of whom have had wide practical experience in
dredging operations, and who will invest from $50,000 to $60,000 in the
construction of the dredge and preparations for the work.
Mr. Reynolds, representing the trio, was in Gold Hill for several days the first of the week making a final survey of the project and conferring with Henry Ray, who has been largely instrumental in directing interest toward one of the most neglected and undoubtedly profitable systems of mining in Southern Oregon. He is now in Oroville, Cal., at which point some 50 or 60 dredges of varying types are engaged in operations upon the rich sand bars of that river, and where he intends to make a final determination of the type of dredge which will be constructed for work on the Rogue. Ashland Tidings, November 28, 1912, page 5 The only dredge operating in Oregon is the Champlin boat on Foots Creek, Jackson County. This dredge was sunk in December 1911, but was raised and again put in commission. Charles Janin, "Review of Gold Dredging in 1912," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 4, 1913, page 45 During the year it was decided to build a railroad from Grants Pass in Josephine County, up the Applegate River, to the mines of the Blue Ledge district. On Grave Creek, 14 miles from Grants Pass, 3000 acres of land was bought by the Oro Power & Light Co. of California. Drilling is being done with a view to dredging. The Alameda smelter was started, and a 200-ton mill is to be built. The Oriole company erected a 50-ton mill, costing $70,000, at Grants Pass. On the Rogue River, the Minnehaha Gold Hydraulic & Dredging Co. was building a dredge to cost $50,000. The West Coast company has been producing gold from the Champion mine and mill. Ore from the Musick claim is sent to the 30-stamp mill over an electric line about one mile long. The Eureka corporation was to erect a custom mill at High Grade, in California, just over the state border. At Applegate, in Jackson County, a chlorination plant of 100-ton capacity was erected at the Oregon Strong Ledge mine. In Douglas County the Beaver Hill mine, near Anchor, cut a vein at 400 ft. in an adit, and another adit is being driven. The Oregon-Colorado mine is 900 ft. deep, and a smelter was to be erected for the copper ore. In January lectures on mining geology were begun by the mining engineering department of the Oregon Agricultural College, at Baker City. At Medford, in February, the Southern Oregon and Northern California Mining Congress held a meeting. There were exhibits of ore and machinery, and discussions on various mining topics. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 4, 1913, page 82 The Sterling mine, eight miles southwest of Jacksonville, one of the richest placer mines in Southern Oregon when in operation, is to be reopened by S. S. Bullis and his son, of New York. A ditch for hydraulic work has been surveyed, and will be constructed. The mine has been shut down for four years. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 1, 1913, page 226 (Special Correspondence.)--The affairs of the Old Channel property, which is one of the largest and best-equipped hydraulic mines in Oregon, and has produced steadily for 40 years, are now in a fair way toward settlement, J. F. Reddy. of Medford, having been appointed receiver. For four seasons this property has been in trouble. "Open weather" has arrived early in Southern Oregon this year, and machinery recently ordered for the Galice quartz mine will now be hauled to the property. The Ocean Beach Dredge Co., a Minneapolis corporation holding an extensive area of land, and which has been working at Gold Beach, near the mouth of the Rogue River, for several years, using old-type sluicing methods, is installing a new "submarine" dredge. It will be equipped with a gasoline power plant and weigh 50 tons, and is moved from place to place on wheels. Buckets carried on endless chains dip up the sand and deliver it to sluices. This system has been tested for some time past by the company. Philomath,
March 12.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 22,
1913, pages 462-463The Sterling Gold Quartz M.&M. Co. will hold an adjourned stockholders' meeting April 13 to consider financing of the company. At the regular meeting in March it was resolved to ask the stockholders to submit to a voluntary assessment to raise funds for patenting the ground and working the property. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 12, 1913, page 562 (Special Correspondence.)--The placer season is drawing to a close in Southern Oregon, and many of the smaller mines have already closed on account of shortness of water. The larger properties will keep their giants at work for a month or so yet; and some of them will have a full pipehead till late in June, but the greater part of the gold from the surface mines will be cleaned up by the end of April. Shipments of gold are already being made through the banks to the Mint at San Francisco. For the especial benefit of the miners of Galice district, lower Rogue River, the county is building a new steel bridge across the Rogue at Massie's Ferry. In addition to building the bridge, several thousand dollars will be expended on the road, thus giving much better transportation facilities for the district. New Yorkers will operate 10 or 15 of the Greenback's 30 stamps this summer, and work will probably be continued through the fall and winter. Development will be done on the Cowboy, Lyttle, Queen of Bronze, and other copper properties of the Waldo district, southern Josephine County. Ray Bros. are making good progress in overhauling the Braden mine, near Gold Hill. They will have the mine operating to full capacity by the middle of May. The Oriole Mining Co. will have its new mill and concentrating plant finished by the end of June. In the meantime, a large quantity of ore is being opened. Equipment and supplies are going over the road from Medford and Jacksonville for the mines of the Blue Ledge district. The old Jewett mine, near Grants Pass, has been completely overhauled. The Michigan Mining & Milling Co. has resumed work on its property, the Michigan mine, near Murphy, on Applegate River. This mine has been idle for the past five years. The old Mountain Lion mine, on Missouri Flat, Applegate River, is also being overhauled. Grants
Pass, April 11.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 26,
1913, page 634(Special Correspondence.)--Among the quartz mines in the Gold Hill district to receive equipment is the Nellie Wright, situated two miles east of Gold Hill. This property is being fitted with a 15-stamp mill, concentrating plant, and auxiliary electrical machinery. The management hopes to have the stamps dropping within two months. The mine is developed to a depth of 300 ft. and has a large body of ore in reserve. Mill tests on this ore give returns of from $12 to $18 per ton, mostly free gold. The mine is easily accessible, and has every facility for operation, including water, power, and timber. The Nellie Wright is owned by P. C. Donovan, of Winnipeg, Canada, who bought it only a short time ago. Henry Ray is local manager. Besides the placing of machinery on the property, the camp itself is being laid out on better lines, and larger and more commodious buildings erected. Philomath, April 26. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 3, 1913, page 670 It is reported that a fairly large deposit of ore carrying 10% nickel has been opened in this county, about 18 miles from the railway. "Coos County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 10, 1913, page 710 Oregon has appropriated $40,000 for the first two years work of its geological survey, and under the directorship of Mr. H. M. Parks plans are being laid for a vigorous and systematic study of the mineral resources of the state. "Editorial," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 10, 1913, page 681 Jackson County
Ashland, in this county, has been chosen as the meeting place for the
next annual session of the Northern California and Southern Oregon
Mining Congress, which has just concluded a four-days session at
Redding, Shasta County, California. Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.) — New York and Chicago people are
bonding 840
acres of ground in the Waldo district, on the Illinois River. This
property will be tested for hydraulicking and dredging. On the Rogue
River, 140 acres has been purchased by Washington and Oregon people for
$50,000. Prospecting has proved this ground to be valuable, and $50,000
will be spent in equipment. Los Angeles people have been testing
property on the lower Rogue River for about three
years. Philomath,
May 22.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 31,
1913, page 841B. J. Trowbridge, of Medford, accompanied by T. S. Braden, of Hamilton, Ontario, visited in this city Monday afternoon while looking after the latter's property interests in this vicinity. Mr. Braden, whose father was the original proprietor of the famous Braden mine, owns a large tract of land on the south side of the river, opposite the city. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, June 14, 1913, page 3 (Special Correspondence.)--The annual cleanup of the placer mines in this and Josephine County is now in progress, there being not sufficient water for further hydraulic work. There has been a good supply, and the season's production should be equal to the usual quantity of gold. A satisfactory cleanup was brought in from the Golden West mine, of upper Slate Creek district, western Josephine County, by W. H. Ramsey, the manager, this week. Mr. Ramsey states that there has been more mining activity in the Slate Creek region this season than ever before. As this district will be touched by the Pacific-Interior Railroad from Grants Pass, the mine owners of the district are rushing development on their properties to be ready for the new line. Several hydraulic mines are also being developed; among these being the Buster Brown, owned and operated by L. P. Brown. Philomath,
June 13.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 21,
1913, page 963(Special Correspondence.)--A 20-ton mill is being erected at the Nellie Wright mine, in the Gold Hill district. It will be driven by electric power. The ore is worth from $9 to $18 per ton. The Blossom mine, in the same district, is opening well. The Cinnabar has been opened by two adits, driven to depths of 320 and 180 ft., respectively. Drifts from these have opened a large ore body, assaying high in mercury. The property is being examined by two engineers. After an idleness of 20 years the old Alice mine, on Kane Creek, is being reworked. Philomath,
July 4.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 12,
1913, page 74(Special Correspondence.)--The old Whitney mine, on the east side of Gold Hill, is being reopened by Humphrey & Son, of Bellingham, Washington, who have it under lease. Years ago it produced a great deal of gold from its rich deposits of free-milling ore. Legal entanglements were responsible for its closing down and years of idleness. Now all points in dispute have been settled, and the new management has set to work to retimber, overhaul, and set it going again. The Braden is another Gold Hill property which is being opened. Under Mr. Horn, the manager, a new adit is being driven on a lower level to cut the main ore body, lost by a cave-in of the old workings. A new and rich discovery was made during the past week on the Lucky Bart mine, at Sardine Creek, near Gold Hill. A 3-ft. vein was found that is averaging $40 per ton in the mill. R. Bordier, of Paris, France, secretary of the French company that owns and operates the Bill Nye mine in the Gold Hill district, is inspecting the property. With the local manager of the mine, F. C. Bellamy, Mr. Bordier is planning better equipment and deeper development. The mine is equipped with a 10-stamp mill and has been one of the leading producers of the district. A deal was completed last week by which the Blue Ledge copper mine, in the upper Applegate district, and on the Oregon-California divide, was sold by Robert S. Towne and associates to a company of Michigan people, among the latter being H. C. Russell, of Marquette. Philomath,
July 15.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 9,
1913, page 243Numbers of mining men are arriving at Grants Pass in connection with mine examinations. Arthur H. Gruber and associates of Milwaukee will provide capital to equip the Old Glory mine, on Silver Creek, with modern plant. James W. Neill, of Pasadena, California, has secured an option on dredging ground on Grave Creek, near the Columbia mine, and prospecting is under way. About 1500 acres of dredging ground, situated on Pleasanton Creek, 17 miles from Grants Pass, is being tested by J. K. Kendrick of California. The Bill Nye mine is being developed by French people. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 23, 1913, page 320
Dredge Will Soon Be Shipped to City
With the ground cleared for operations upon the arrival of the dredging
machinery, the great gold-bearing bar at Dowden's Falls, three miles
upriver, awaits the experiment that will determine the future of the
mining dredge industry upon this section of Rogue River.Stockholders of the company, which has secured by option, purchase and location the right to work the big bar, are confident that the operation will pay from the first scoop of the dredge, and have the comforting results of an extensive prospect of the bar to sustain their belief. Repeated tests have shown the property to yield well over a large area, and 140 acres comprises the ground to be worked. With the holdings to be worked is included the greater portion of the well-known Lyman orchard, which, though famous for the excellence and yield of its fruit, the argonauts believed infinitely more valuable as dredging ground, and were content to pay a round figure for. The dredge, which will be of the dry-land type, operated from a car upon trackage, is an innovation among dredgers, and its employment upon the Gold Hill project will be watched with great interest by mining men. Advices to A. E. Bamber, representing the active management of the company in this city, are to the effect that the machinery will have been completed, tested and in readiness to ship within the coming month. Contract for the contraction of the dredge is with a Tacoma firm, while the concentrator will be built at Seattle. The cost of the completed equipment will total $50,000, while fully that amount has also been expended in securing the property and in preliminary work. Years ago the rich surface, easily worked, of the Rogue River sands was practically exhausted by panning and rocking, although there are still many points in this locality where good wages may be made by miners who know how. But the huge bars, boulder-strewn and interspersed with cement, though comparatively rich, presented a problem that pick and shovel have never solved. The Champlin dredge on Foots Creek, sunk and never salvaged, was a pronounced success during its ten years of operation, and there is every reason to believe that the more modern type to be installed at Dowden Falls will do equally well in the rich ground before it. Gold Hill News, September 20, 1913, page 1 Metal Production of Oregon
The value of the mine output of gold, silver, copper, and lead, in
Oregon, in 1912, according to Charles G. Yale, of the U.S. Geological
Survey, was $849,886, against $669,016 in 1911. The total yield of gold
was $770,041, an increase of $136,634 over the 1911 production. Of the
gold output, $580,945 came from placers. There was an increase in
production from hydraulic mining of $38,131, but there was a small
decrease in the yield from drift and surface mines. About 50% of the
placer gold recovered came from mines in Josephine and Jackson
counties. The gold recovered from deep mines amounted to 28,103.21 fine
ounces, valued at $580,945, of which 27,278 oz. was derived
siliceous ores, 616.40 oz. from copper ore, and 208.84 oz. from lead
ores. The southwestern counties of Oregon (Coos, Curry, Douglas,
Jackson, Josephine, and Lane), which form an extension of the
California gold belt, made a combined production of $217,565 in gold,
and of $10,343 in silver. Northeastern Oregon, comprising Baker, Crook,
Grant, Malheur, and Wheeler counties, reported a gold production of
$552,476, of which Baker County contributed $484,041, or 87.6%. The
silver production of Oregon was 57,081 fine ounces, valued at $35,105,
compared with 45,221 oz., valued at $23,967, in 1911. Of the 1912
production, 1941 oz. came from placers, 44,018 oz. from siliceous ores,
10,555 oz. from copper ores, and 567 oz. from lead ores. The copper production increased in Oregon from 93,136 lbs., valued at $11,642, in 1911, to 260,429 lbs. valued at $42,971 in 1912. All the copper except 6049 lbs. was derived from ores mined in Josephine County. The production of lead in Oregon in 1912 was 39,317 lbs., valued at $1769. The output came from a small quantity of lead ore mined in Jackson County and from concentrate shipped from Lane County. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 20, 1913, page 480 (Special Correspondence.)--The winter rains have started a number of the hydraulic placers. Thomas Wilson, of Nevada, has bought the Grand Prize placer, of Sucker Creek district, discovered by T. M. Anderson last February. The price to be paid is $100,000, of which a substantial part was handed over; Mr. Anderson to retain one-fourth the net profits of the mine till settlement is made in full. The Grand Prize is in a dry gulch well up on the Siskiyou, near the California line. There being no water available, Mr. Anderson has followed the plan of packing the dirt by burro down the mountain over a rough trail to the nearest stream. It has yielded average returns of $25 per yard. The deposit is reported 200 ft. wide and over 1500 ft. long, and has been opened to a depth of 200 ft. The new owner has already begun the placing of hydraulic equipment and will operate one or two giants with water brought from Lake Creek. The Almeda smelter, on Rogue River, near Galice, has managed to keep in operation for some time by running a line of motor trucks between the property and the Beaver cement plant, near Gold Hill. Each truck makes a round trip every day, hauling a load of lime to the smelter, and on the outward trip taking a load of matte as far as Merlin, where it is loaded on the cars for shipment. Grants
Pass, November 8.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November
15, 1913, page 788At the coal mine being developed by C. A. Smith and associates near Marshfield, the shaft is down 1200 ft. The equipment is to be operated by electric power. "Coos County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 20, 1913, page 987 (Special Correspondence).--At the Oriole mine, in the Galice district, a large number of men is busy with deep development and erecting a new 10-stamp mill. J. C. Mattison is manager. In addition to the reduction plant, concentration and cyanidation is also to be used. Power will be supplied by water and steam, and the mill will be crushing ore within 60 days. As the ore of the Oriole is soft and friable, the 10 stamps will easily reduce from 40 to 50 tons per day. The Oriole has now a mile of underground workings, and is one of the best-developed quartz mines in the Galice district. In opening the property a considerable quantity of shipping ore was extracted, and this has been shipped to Tacoma for treatment. There is enough profitable ore in reserve to keep the new plant running for a considerable time. The Silver Creek district, in the western part of the county, is showing unusual activity this season, both in quartz and placer mining. F. L. Mangum, manager of the Old Glory, is employing men on development through the winter. The Old Glory is a large low-grade proposition, containing gold, copper, and silver, gold being the predominating metal. F. V. Metts, owner and manager of the Metts hydraulic mine, of Silver Creek, reports that his property has been in steady operation for some time, and that the present season promises to be an excellent one, not only for the Metts, but for many of the placers of western and southern Josephine County. It is figured that the falling off of the surface gold yield, as shown by last year's figures, will more than be made up this season, because of the extended run and richness of ground on which many mines are operating. Deep snows are putting a check on the development of claims on the Siskiyou Range, particularly in the upper Sucker Creek districts above Holland, where a number of rich discoveries were made late in the fall. Work on these will be resumed in the spring. The snow is proving of great benefit in maintaining a steady water supply for the placers, and assure an extended run in the spring. Grants
Pass, December 20.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December
27, 1913, page 1031The Afterthought mine on Thompson Creek has been sold to Michigan and Illinois men for $12,000. A good deal of ore has been opened by adits, and assays give high returns in gold. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 17, 1914, page 157 Jackson County
(Special Correspondence.)--M. Blanchin, president and general manager
of the Bill Nye Corporation, a French company, but with American
headquarters at San Francisco, arrived this week to make an inspection
of the Bill Nye mine, near Gold Hill. M. Blanchin was pleased with the
mine. It is now worked by one shift, but has been unwatered and
overhauled, and the superintendent, Mr. Bellamy, states that an
additional shift will soon be added. The new 75-ton mill at the Nellie
Wright mine is nearly completed. It will be driven by electric power.
The mine contains a large tonnage of ore. Gold
Hill, January 15.
A. E. Smith, of San Francisco, has been visiting the hydraulic mines at
Gold Hill, and has interested the miners in saving black sand, which
contains platinum. Tacoma and Sutherlin, Oregon, people have purchased
placer ground near Dowden Falls, three miles from Gold Hill. Active
prospecting is under way. While there is plenty of water for large
hydraulic mines, the smaller properties are short, the former depending
on snow and the latter on local rainfall. Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.)--A great amount of development is being done
at the mines of Illinois Valley, surrounding the pioneer camps of Kerby
and Waldo. The hydraulic placers are making a fine showing, as the
season is an excellent one for surface mining. New workings have been
opened on the Simmons-Cameron-Logan placers. A double-lift Hendy
elevator has been installed on this line to take care of the tailing.
John Logan, owner of the mine, is also operating the Osgood, nearby,
with excellent results. The Wimer mine, known as the Deep Gravel, is
operating this year under the management of Morrison brothers. A
tubular elevator is also in operation on the Wimer, there not being
sufficient natural dump to take care of the debris. The local manager,
Mr. Wimer, reports that an exceptionally rich bank of pay gravel is
being worked this year. George W. Otterson, a prominent mining man of
Ottawa, Canada, after making a thorough investigation of the mines of
Southern Oregon, took an option on a Grants Pass placer. He has begun
work and will more extensively develop the mine, operating the present
equipment during the remainder of the season. Grants
Pass, January 15.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January
24, 1914, pages 197-198The organizing of a mining experiment station at Grants Pass is being discussed in Congress at Washington, the bill having been introduced by Mr. Hawley. It provides that the station be under the control of the Bureau of Mines, the appropriation necessary being $25,000. A survey of the Dothan quadrangle is also suggested. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 31, 1914, page 235 (Special Correspondence.)--The Beaver Portland Cement Co.'s new plant to manufacture cement from the limestone deposits near Gold Hill is making good progress. Machinery is arriving, and is being installed. The rotary kiln is 200 ft. long and 10 ft. diameter. Five large "slurry" tanks, 20 ft. high, being built from native fir, will hold the pulverized kiln feed from the crushers. Work at the quarry continues. The company has several contracts for cement highways in the state. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 21, 1914, page 350 Hydraulicking
on the Klamath River
The debris law does not affect Siskiyou County, as the drainage is
directly westward to the Pacific Ocean, hence hydraulic mining in this
county is still carried on. By J. H. Theller The River Bend mine is on the Klamath River, 25 miles west from Hornbrook, 25 miles north from Yreka, and 15 miles east from the junction of the Klamath and Scott rivers. The prevailing rocks of the country in that vicinity are granites and schists. It is the former that largely contributes so many rich pockets to the prospector. The deposit which is being mined is an ancient channel of the Klamath River, running nearly parallel to its present course, but lower than it. From the work already performed, the old channel shows a width of 100 ft. from rim to rim, although prospect drifts run at intervals of 600 ft. ahead of the work failed to reach the inner rim. The prospect work had to be discontinued owing to bad air, hence no definite results were obtained, although indications point to the widening of the channel. Character of Bedrock
The bedrock is a hard schist, very rough and water-worn, with a general
dip to the southeast. Soft streaks of black shale are encountered at
intervals. This shale is highly tilted, forming an excellent stopping
place for the gold already caught. In cleaning this shale it is found
advisable not to strip it clean with the giant, but to have men pick it
at right angles to the dip to a depth of about two feet. If it be
washed clean with the giant or taken up parallel to the dip, the gold
sinks deeper and is lost. The hard bedrock is different; it may be
piped clean, the crevices only being cleaned by hand. Where this soft
bedrock occurs, large quantities of gold are found. In the center of
the channel the bedrock is high and very hard, falling off abruptly on
either side about six or eight feet, where it again rises forming the
rims. At the contact of the hard schist and shale there is a blue clay
separating the two. This is termed "sluice robber," as any gold
contained in or picked up by it will be carried through the sluices. We
have experienced no trouble in handling it, since the clay is entirely
broken up when hit by the stream of the elevator, thus delivering any
gold contained therein to the riffles. The bedrock is, on an average, at a depth of 30 ft., the best gravel occurring within 5 ft. of the bottom, although the pay streak has an average depth of 10 ft. The gravel gold is much lighter in weight than the bedrock gold, although the former has a greater fineness than the latter. Resting on the pay streak is a gravel of finer texture, but of poorer grade. Topping this is overburden. The entire mass constitutes a bank about 30 ft. high. The pay gravel is dark blue in color, and consists of heavy, well-rounded rocks, together with much wash. It has a shingled appearance while in place, contains medium-sized boulders, the largest of which weigh from 500 to 1000 lbs. "Bulldozing" has been found more economical than moving them with a derrick. All boulders larger than 10½ in. diameter must be broken, or thrown aside on a clean strip of bedrock, as the size of the elevator throat is 10½ in. Black sand forms but a small part of the gravel. Although the degree of concentration is not definitely known it will approximate one-quarter of a pound of black sand per cubic yard of gravel. Assays of it show no platinum, and it is valueless except for the free "flour gold" which it contains. Sulphide minerals, such as cubical iron pyrite and arsenopyrite, which occur in the gravel also mineralize the bedrock. They assay $18 per ton, but no attempt is made to save them. It is chiefly due to these sulphides that the pit water, or water flowing from cracks in bedrock, is heavily charged with arsenic. This water attacks all parts of metal with which it comes in contact, so that it is found necessary to paint with asphaltum all pipelines, parts of the elevator, and other pieces of metal which are in contact with the pit water. Water Supply
The water supply is from two separate sources. The system includes 11
miles of ditch and l½ miles of flume. The ditch supplying
the two
giants and the 8-in. Evans water lift brings the water from Dogget
Creek, two miles east of the mine, and delivers it to a penstock 115
ft. above the works. The ditch carries an average of
350 miner's
inches. The pipeline at the intake is 22 in. tapering to 13 in.;
branches feeding the giants are 11 in.; the branch supplying the lift
is 11 in. tapering to 9 in. The water lift is used only in case of an
emergency, such as the choking of the elevator. The elevator water is
brought from Buckhorn Creek, ten miles to the west. The main ditch is 4
ft. on the top, 2½ ft. deep, and 2 ft. wide on the bottom.
The grade is
⅝ inch in 16½
ft. It will convey 700 miner's inches of water, but only carries 375 at
the present time. The water is delivered a distance of two miles to a
point 2000 ft. above the property. From there it is conveyed down the
mountain through a flume for one mile, discharging into a gulch which
takes the water the remaining distance. It is caught by a dam 375 ft.
above the mine, from which it flows to a penstock, and thence through a
pipeline to the elevator. The pipe at the intake of the penstock is 24
in. diameter, tapering to 11 in. at the nozzle of the elevator. The
length of the pipeline is 1040 ft. Slip-joint pipe is used until water
level is reached, and flanged pipe from that point to the elevator. There are two giants (No. 2 Joshua Hendy) in operation. They consume approximately 350 miner's inches of water, working at an effective head of 90 to 100 ft. Three and three and one-half-inch nozzles are used. One of the giants is used to cave the gravel, the other to drive it to the elevator. The elevator is one of the Campbell type, having a 3½-in. nozzle, a 10½-in. throat, and a 14-in. upcast pipe. It uses 375 in. of water under an effective head of 325 ft. It is set in a sump 10 ft. deep, in bedrock. The sump is six feet square at the collar, tapering to four feet at the bottom. The elevator is set at an inclination of 70°. The height of elevation is 46 ft. vertically from the top of the nozzle to the top of the blocks in the headblocks, ensuring sufficient dump to the river. It may be stated in passing that no trouble is experienced with the tailing after the current of the river is reached. The following table is made up from daily averages throughout the season of six months during 1912-1913:
†Elevator feed water, 375 miner's inches. The following table is the average working cost per yard throughout the season, administration charges not included:
At the beginning, after setting the elevator, the gravel bank being close, all gold is caught in the upper sluices. As the work progresses and the gravel bank becomes farther away a bedrock flume is necessary. The first box is set so that its end is 3 in. above the nozzle of the elevator. This sluice is 20 in. wide on the bottom, 24 in. deep on the sides, and is set at a grade of 7 inches in 12 ft. To overlap the joints of the bottom boards of the sluice, false bottoms are put in. Upon these rest the riffles, held down on the sides by 2 by 4-in. scantlings. The sluice boxes are built in 12-ft. lengths of 1¼-in. yellow pine boards. They are riffled longitudinally and also laterally. The longitudinal riffles are 20-lb. rails, flanged down, spaced with slip blocks, giving a 3½-in. riffle space on top. These rails give an ideal surface over which boulders can travel. The cross riffles are pine blocks 4 in. high, spaced 2 in. apart. In the second box from the head, Hungarian riffles are kept. They are taken up every three days. It is easier and quicker to handle them than the longitudinal or block riffles. Eighty percent of the gold recovered is caught in the bedrock sluice and the elevator sump. The elevator raises the gravel to the upper sluices and through them it runs to the river. The head box is 6 ft. high, 12 ft. long, tapering from 48 to 32 in. The bottom boards are l½-in. yellow pine covered with l¼-in. false bottoms of the same material. In addition, back and top are made of l¼-in. lumber, lined with ¼-in. steel plates. It is yoked on the sides every three feet with 4 by 4-in. timbers. A slightly curved hood of cast iron, 4 ft. long, 30 in. wide, and 4 in. thick, is bolted to the top of the box. This stops the upward trend of the water and gravel, directing it down the sluiceway. The sluices are built in separate units. Each box is 12 ft. long, 32 in. wide, and 24 in. high. They are set on a grade of 6 inches in 12 ft., and are built of 1½-in. yellow pine lumber, yoked every 4 ft. with 3 by 4-in. yokes. The bottom of each box is covered with a planed false bottom, down to and including the eighth box. The false bottom for the other 12 boxes are of unplaned lumber. Owing to the wear of the constantly falling boulders on the bottom of the headbox, blocks 12 by 12 by 12 in. were used. These were built close together with no riffle space between the sets (Fig. 2), no attempt being made to save gold in this box. From the headbox to the first box in the sluice there is a drop of 3 in. The blocks in this space, together with the succeeding four boxes are 9 by 9 in. Experiments showed better results by spacing the blocks 1 in. apart in each set and separating each set by 2 in. This gives a longitudinal as well as a lateral riffle. The longitudinal space between the blocks is staggered. This is accomplished by varying the widths of the first block in the set (Fig. 3). This style continues for the next three boxes. There is a drop of 3 in. to the box containing the Hungarian riffles. These are angle-iron sections running laterally across the sluice. They are bolted to iron strips which tie a set of the bars together. Each of these sets is 2 ft. long, and contain eight bars, thus producing a riffle space of 3 in. (Fig. 4). This type continues for two boxes where a drop of 2 in. brings the material onto the longitudinal rails. These are of the same kind already described in the ground sluice. The space at the top is 3½ in., nine rails to the box (Fig. 5 and Fig. 6). These continue for two boxes, where again one box of block riffles is placed. This takes us to the tenth box. From here to the end, gold becomes so scarce that it hardly pays to clean up. From the tenth box to the twentieth and last, old rails, scrap iron, and the like, are placed on the bottom of the boxes to save wear. Quicksilver is used from the fourth to the tenth box. It is an interesting fact to note that in a set of boxes, 25% of the gold is caught in the different sudden drops from one riffle to the next lower one. Most of the gold is caught in the fourth, fifth, and sixth boxes. From there on the quantity falls off rapidly. Beyond the tenth box it is not economically saved, hence attention and labor may well be directed elsewhere. The reason more gold is not caught in the first three boxes may be explained by the fact that the gravel is given such momentum by the elevator that two or three boxes are required for the separation of the different particles according to their respective specific gravities, and in order to allow the particles to fall with the riffles. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 28, 1914, pages 523-526 Mining in this state has been described in "Mineral Resources of Oregon," Vol. I, No. 1, published by the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, H. M. Parkes, director. This serial will be published regularly. The total value of all minerals in 1913 was $3,650,000, of which $1,925,000 was from gold, silver, lead, and copper. Josephine, Jackson, Lane, Douglas, Curry, and Coos counties, in the southern district, produced gold and silver worth $225,000. The ratio between placer and deep mining is over 2 to 1. In eastern Oregon the output was $1,700,000, 75% from deep mines, from Baker, Malheur, Grant, Wheeler, and Crook counties. The volume also deals with the necessity for a mineral survey, work of the bureau, "What Is the Matter with the Mining Industry?" by A. M. Swartley, coal in Oregon, and other matter. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 28, 1914, page 548 Southwestern Oregon has long been known for its widespread and varied mineral resources, among which gold, silver, copper, platinum, and coal are the most important. They have been the subject of investigation for a number of years by J. S. Diller, of the U.S. Geological Survey, and the results have just been published in Bulletin 546. The gold rush of '49 landed many a prospector in Southwestern Oregon. Placers were opened and placer mining has ever since continued to be a thriving branch of mineral industry. The gold produced in Southwestern Oregon before 1881 cannot be closely estimated, but it was many millions of dollars, while from 1881 to 1912, inclusive, the production of gold has been $11,257,772. During the 10 years 1903 to 1912, inclusive, the placer mines produced $2,014,715 and the lode mines $1,523,226. Besides the gold and a considerable amount of copper, the production of silver during the same period was valued at $63,385, platinum $15,293, and coal $2,602,122. Josephine County
A 10-day run at the placer claims of Martin and Daniels, l½
miles below
Galice, yielded 184 oz. gold. At the Anderson placer mine, owned by
"Dry Wash" Wilson of Nevada, 8 miles of ditch and pipeline was
completed recently, but a slide carried away 1500 yds. of the ditch.
Rich quartz has been found by R. Boswell, at a depth of 15 ft., on
Sucker Creek, 4 miles from Holland, and near the Anderson placer. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 4, 1914, page 591 GOLD LEDGE FOUND ON GRIZZLY PEAK
Medford Mail Tribune, April 10, 1914, page 5(Ashland Valley Record)
The uncovering of what is believed to be an extensive ledge of
gold-bearing ore on the slopes of Old Grizzly was one of the surprises
of the past week. The find was made at an altitude of 5000 feet at the
head of a big gulch that extends from the north side of the peak down
into the valley of Antelope Creek. The discoverers claim that the ledge
is plainly discernible for a distance of 3000 feet or more and that it
is 300 feet wide.
The samples brought to Ashland are highly mineralized and bear resemblance to the ore taken from the Homestake mine in South Dakota and the ore of Cripple Creek. The ore is of volcanic origin and grayish-blue in color. The locators have staked claims and contend that they have located an immense body of the ore. This week they start the sinking of a shaft fifty feet and will drift to the side walls to see what they've got. One wall is slate and the other granite. The discoverer of the ore body is J. E. Rummel, who says he has lived over in that section for years and has known of the ledge for a long time, but never had the money to work it. He has associated with him Major Wilson of Medford and the Womack brothers. Mr. Rummel states that four assays of the ore have been made and that it ranges in values from $11 to $60 per ton. Local mining men and geologists are much interested in the reports, as it has always been held that the formation of Old Grizzly and surroundings were unfavorable to the finding of the precious metals. (Special Correspondence.)--The old Braden mine, near Gold Hill, is one of the first properties in Oregon to take up the "sliding scale lease system" in its operation, by which a number of its operatives and employees derive a share of the returns. There are about 40 on the payroll, and some receive as high as $200 to $350 per month. This property is well equipped. O. A. Jackson, of Fort Worth. Texas, has purchased the old Opp mine, near Jacksonville, for $200,000. It will be further developed and ore treatment changed considerably. A 20-stamp mill is on the property. Gold
Hill, April 8.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 18,
1914, page 670(Special Correspondence.)--The Rogue River Public Service Corporation is erecting dams and power plants on the Rogue River near Grants Pass, to compete with the Oregon-California company, whose plant is at Raygold above Gold Hill. The Ament dam and works have been secured for a central station, and will develop 5000 h.p. G. E. Sanders is manager of the concern. A large hydraulic plant is being installed by the Althouse Mining Co. near the old town of Holland. Grants
Pass, April 8.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 2,
1914, page 748(Special Correspondence.)--With only a few men employed, and a small mill working a few days each month, the Lucky Bart mine, in the Sardine Creek district, is doing well. The gold output in March was $800, and the regular cleanup produced between $700 and $1000. The De Luse Mining & Dredging Co., of Sutherlin, has purchased the Lyman apple orchard, on the Rogue River near Gold Hill, for $12,000. The area will be dredged, machinery having been ordered. The orchard yielded $500 per acre last season, and the trees will be reset as soon as uprooted for the dredge. A. E. Bamber is to be in charge. Southern Oregon capital is to develop and equip the St. Albans copper-gold claims on the upper Applegate, in the Blue Ledge district. Henry Callahan and associates have been opening the property for some time past. A concentrating plant, to cost about $25,000, will probably be erected. Philomath,
April 24.
(Special Correspondence.)--Kubli Bros., owners of the Gold Standard
mine, of Galls Creek, in the Gold Hill district, announce that this old
property, which has been idle for the past seven years on account of
litigation, will soon be reopened. About 2000 ft. of underground work
has been done, and returns in the past have averaged as high as $40 per
ton. In a claim owned by Zeb Hyde, on the Applegate River, 12 in. of
rich quartz ore has been opened. Philomath,
May 10.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 23,
1914, page 868The mineral resources of Southwestern Oregon are described by J. S. Diller in Bulletin 546 of the U.S. Geological Survey. This publication of 147 pages is accompanied by illustrations and interesting maps of the various districts, and covers the geology, mineral production ($6,218,741 since 1900), gold-quartz lode mines, copper mines, and prospects (blister copper output in 1912, 260,429 lbs.), placer mines, and coal. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 6, 1914, page 946 The Northern California-Southern Oregon Mining Congress will meet at Ashland on July 9 and 10. L. J. Luce, of Etna Mills. Siskiyou County, California, will preside. Following is the official program: First day, reception at Commercial Club rooms; address of welcome by the mayor, Mr. Johnson; response, F. J. Newman, of Medford, S. J. Taylor, of Yreka; president's address, L. J. Luce; S. B. Edwards, of Grants Pass, "Placer Mining in Southern Oregon"; H. N. Lawrie, of Portland. "Mining Industries of the State"; and R. A. Watson, corporation commissioner. "Blue Sky Law, Relation to Mining Industry." On the second day the following papers are to be read: A. L. Lamb, of Ashland, "Mining in Jackson County"; J. Mangum, "Mining in Josephine County"; Henry M. Parks, "Mineral Resources of Oregon"; address by F. McN. Hamilton, state mineralogist of California; C. B. Watson, of Ashland, "Clay and Kaolin and Their Possibilities," "Iron and Copper, Their Relation to Commercial Industries"; E. P. Hopson, "Irrigation and Reclamation"; and an address by C. L. Probsted, ".Mineral Resources of Siskiyou County." "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 20, 1914, page 1031 (Special Correspondence.)--The Purkeypile mine, in the Gold Hill district, has been bonded by Southern Oregon men. A stamp mill and other equipment has been ordered from San Francisco. The mine's output to date is over $75,000. Gold Hill mines are fairly active, judging by gold receipts at the local bank. Gold
Hill, July 10.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 18,
1914, page 116(Special Correspondence.)--The Old Channel hydraulic mines, of Galice district, have been sold to Chicago people for $10,000. Of this amount, only a part has been paid down, the remainder to be handed over within the next two years. The deal was completed by J. R. Harvey, the former manager of the mine. The Old Channel is one of the best-equipped hydraulic properties in Southern Oregon. It was for years one of the largest gold producers, but during the past few seasons has been practically idle, this being due mainly to litigation and dissatisfaction among the shareholders. The property includes about 600 acres of timber and mineral lands, with fine water rights. There are over 20 miles of ditches and flumes, and many thousand feet of pipelines. Three No. 6 giants are operated when the mine is at work, these working under a head of 500 ft. The gravel is deep, occupying the fill of an ancient river bed. About 360 oz. of gold, the weekly cleanup from the Braden mine, is being shipped each week through the local banks to the mint at San Francisco. The management of the Braden is not only doing a great deal of improvement and development work on this property, but is showing also that there is a long life for it. Grants
Pass, June 24.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 1,
1914, page 195(Special Correspondence.)--The old Granite Hill mine, in the Louse Creek district, are to be reworked by the Oregon Gold Mines Co., in charge of J. M. O'Grady. The first work will be to unwater the mine by baling. Electric pumps were drowned on No. 7 level some time ago. There is said to be a good tonnage of ore developed, containing fair gold content. There is a good equipment consisting of a hoist, compressors, steam and electric power plant, 30-stamp mill and concentrators, all in good order. Several mines in Southern Oregon are backed by European capital. The Braden mine has been shut down since the war started, although making good returns. The Bill Nye is owned by French people, but is still working. Grants
Pass, August 12.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 29,
1914, page 351GRANTS PASS, OREGON
Mining in western and southern Josephine County has been greatly
stimulated by the completion of the first 12-mile unit of the municipal
railroad being built from Grants Pass toward Crescent City, California.
The copper mines of Waldo, Slate Creek, and Butcher Knife have
increased their development crews, and ore is already being hauled from
some of these to the end of the line for shipment by rail. Trains are
now making regular schedule over this first portion of the line. Ore,
logs, and other products of the district are received by the new road
at Wilderville for shipment to any point in the United States, the cars
being transferred at Grants Pass to the main Southern Pacific line.
Mining men have found that they can save considerable in both time and
money by hauling by wagon to Wilderville only and making rail shipment
from this point rather than at Grants Pass. From the amount of
shipments promised, it appears that the new line will be kept in active
operation while awaiting the building of the remaining portion. This 12
miles of the proposed road was built and equipped at the expense of the
people of Grants Pass, who voted bonds for the purpose to the amount of
$200,000. With this much built, the city hopes to meet no great
difficulty in securing capital for completing the remaining part to
Crescent City, thus giving a direct route to San Francisco. New Railway Improves Development of Josephine County.-- Work at the Old Channel Gravel Mine.--Oregon Gold Mines Co.'s Property. Extensive improvements have been made this summer on the Old Channel hydraulic mines, of Galice district, for the purpose of operating the properties on a large scale the coming season. The mines have been virtually idle during the past two years, owing to legal difficulties. But this trouble is now removed, and the recent improvements will allow the operation of the extensive diggings to their full capacity. Water is available by two long ditches from Tom East and Galice creeks for three 6-in. monitors working under 450 and 500-ft. gravity head. The banks are from 180 to 300 ft. high on slate bedrock, with coarse gold on the lower strata and finer gold above. The properties are heavily timbered, and the natural dumping facilities are of the best. James O'Grady, manager for the Oregon Gold Mines Co., states that he is meeting excellent success in the reduction of the upper level ores lately uncovered on the Granite Hill and from the Ida claim on the same property. Ten stamps of the mill will be kept in continuous operation on this low-grade though free-milling ore. In the meantime the large hoist is operating a double skip day and night in removing the water from the mine, and the level is being steadily lowered. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 3, 1914, pages 532-533 The petrology and mineral resources of the above counties are described by A. N. Winchell in The Mineral Resources of Oregon for August, published at Corvallis by the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology. The work covers 265 pages, and is well illustrated. The field work on which the report is based was done during the summer of 1913. With the author were S. W. French, L. E. Reber, Jr., C. B. Watson, and Harley Hall. Many men in the various districts visited gave generous help, also the director of the state bureau mentioned, H. M. Parks. The investigations cover the location, topography, history, development, production ($16,314,633 since 1852), geology, mineral resources, ore deposits, mineral waters, coal, placer mines, gold quartz mines, copper, and future possibilities of the nine districts examined. A good index completes a useful work on the most important mining counties of the state. "Jackson and Josephine Counties," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 21, 1914, page 824 Two mining deals were completed at Medford on December 2, whereby the Old Channel mine, on Galice Creek, has been sold to H. K. Owens, C. L. Creelman, and John C. Eaton, of Seattle, for $65,000; and a 75% interest in the R. A. Rowley mine, on Drew Creek, to DeWitt Van Ostrand, of Wisconsin, for $30,000. The former mine has been tied up by litigation for five years. It was owned by the Old Channel Hydraulic Mining Co., of Chicago. The Rowley is a copper mine, and has three short adits. A 30-ton cyanide plant is in full operation at the Queen mine near Leland. in charge of W. A. Burr. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 19, 1914, page 976 "Local News," Jacksonville Post, June 19, 1915, page 3 FAMOUS MINE AT JACKSONVILLE TO BE
The mining property of the Jacksonville Milling & Mining Co.,
mile west of Jacksonville, has been purchased by James McChatka and R.
H. Bailey of Grants Pass, Or., who will commence immediate operations
of the same.
The property was well known in the early mining days of Jacksonville, as it is the ledge from which the famous Bowden pocket was taken, which yielded over $60,000. On top of the ridge near the same property a pocket known as the Johnson pocket was also taken out, and is reported to have yielded $30,000. The property is located near and in the same mountain as the well-known Opp mine, on which stands a twenty-stamp mill and cyanide plant, but this plant is not in operation, although it is reported that plans are in progress for starting up again in the near future. Professor A. N. Winchell in the August number of the Mineral Resources of Oregon last year gives considerable space to a description of these properties. There has always been a feeling among old miners of Jacksonville that some very rich strikes would someday be discovered in this region, and much surface prospecting has been done there. Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1915, page 6 It is reported that recent development work at the old Jacksonville Mining & Milling Co.'s mine, recently purchased by McChatka & Bailey, has uncovered a vein of rich ore and that work on a large scale will be immediately begun. This property was well known in the early mining days and yielded several rich pockets of gold, one of which contained $60,000 worth of the yellow metal. Further development of the mine will be watched with interest by the miners of this vicinity. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, July 3, 1915, page 3 It is reported that molybdenite has been discovered in Ashland Creek canyon near Ashland. A local syndicate will develop the deposit. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 25, 1915, page 984 "Minerals of Oregon' is the title of a University of Oregon bulletin by Graham John Mitchell. The publication consists of 60 pages, and was prepared to give students in economic geology as complete a list as possible of the minerals found in the state, together with their situation, and to give the people generally some idea of the minerals found in Oregon. The minerals are arranged alphabetically. Prospectors and others should secure a copy of this bulletin. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 19, 1916, page 290 The establishing of a mining experiment station in Oregon, possibly at Grants Pass, is being urged in Congress by Representative Hawley. The Queen of Bronze mine at W'aldo has been sold to John F. Twohy of the firm of Twohy Brothers, and others. The sum of $78,000 has been paid as an installment. The mine contains good copper ore, some of which is hauled 45 miles to Grants Pass, and then railed to Kennett and Tacoma smelters. The Twohy railway is to be extended to Waldo. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 11, 1916, page 386 RICH GOLD STRIKE ON BIRDSEYE
If the hardy miners of pioneer days had set their stakes forty feet
either way when prospecting their claims along the banks of Birdseye
Creek, in an extensive area known to be mineralized, they would have
found gold-bearing ore yielding from $285 to $15,000 a ton. They mined
within a few feet of the ledge on each side of it, and then abandoned
the territory to look for something richer. Many of them found rich
deposits of ore in various parts of this vast mineral region, including
gold, copper, silver, iron and coal, some of which were developed as
far as it appeared to be profitable to work them in the absence of
facilities for shipping the ores to a smelter. Scores of valuable
claims are found in this condition today--still awaiting the advent of
transportation facilities to make their operation worthwhile. It is the
opinion of well-informed mining men in this region that many excellent
claims of early days have been abandoned because of the absence of
railroads in the district.
But the claim on Birdseye Creek now being worked by Swacker & McReynolds had never been disturbed until a few weeks ago, when an indifferent surface indication suggested examination. Startling Results Announced
The result is that the Swacker-McReynolds Company are taking out ore
from that claim that runs as high as $15,000 to the ton. The poorest
rock they have taken out yields $285.72 to the ton. It is rock in which
there is no gold apparent to the naked eye. Refuse accumulations
shoveled out of the way of the main dump assay over $5 to the ton.After sinking a shaft twenty-three feet, during which depth the character and value of the ore were unchanged, the company has begun to tunnel into the mountain on the ledge. The only change in the ore is that of increase in values so far. It is pockety, and the vein is enlarging as depth is attained. F. C. Elliott, who has driven out to Birdseye Creek two or three times lately, brought in some of the ore. It may be seen at The Pantorium and Dye Works, on North Fir Street. Mr. Elliott also brought in a quantity of specimens of ore from the Highland mine, on Foots Creek, now on exhibition at the Commercial Club rooms. This, too, is a very promising property, the prospect showing better results as depth is attained. An offer has been made for this property, but the deal has not yet been concluded. Whether or not it may be between the parties to it in this case depends somewhat on the success of present plans to develop it under its present management. New Life in Old Mines
The Sterling mine, owned by S. S. Bullis of Medford, the oldest and
most reliable producer in this part of the country, is being operated
day and night by the largest force and equipment of greatest capacity
ever used on it. Great electric searchlights enable the workmen to
pursue operations at night as well as during the day. It is the scene
of greater activity now than for many years. Thirty men are at work and
three giant nozzles, each throwing a five-inch stream, are constantly
washing the precious dirt from the walls of Sterling Creek.The Opp and Norling mines, also in the vicinity of Jacksonville, are being operated on full time, the ore from each being treated at the Opp mill. Work will soon be resumed on many of the mines in this district, preliminary preparation now being made for it on properties that have for years been idle. The lure of gold has again invited the prospector to search the mountains of southern Oregon and northern California as in the days when the element of chance was less promising. Many representatives of capital in the East are in this district at this time inspecting properties with a view to buying and opening them up for substantial development, much reliance being placed on the prospect of transportation facilities in the near future. Tungsten Recently Found
Tungsten, a rare metal, has been recently found in the Gold Hill
district, according to the reports of G. L. Huff and H. A. Ray, two
industrious prospectors of this region. This discovery is said to have
been made about three miles above Gold Hill. Two veins have been opened
up showing this metal, which is properly classified as scheelite and is
free from any other forms of this ore, such as huebnerite, wolframite
and ferberite. The principal vein is from eight to ten inches in width.
Four chutes have been exposed, showing workable ore of good values.
Assays from these chutes have given values per ton of $800 to $3000 at
the prevailing prices--and the prices are steadily rising.This ore is found in heavy-looking sands and will cling to the pan the same as gold. It is white or creamy in color. In certain formations it may be yellowish. Special search is being made for cinnabar wherever quicksilver may be found in the mining territory. There is no doubt that this season will develop extraordinary activity in mining matters throughout the entire southern Oregon cluster of districts.
Medford Mail Tribune, March
1916, page 2
Mr. Walsh, representing the Drexler estate of San Francisco, which is operating dredges at Oroville, Chico and other California points, has been in this district for some days investigating conditions on Foots Creek with a view to locating a dredger on that stream if optional rates are not too severe. The conclusion reached apparently puts it up to those who own the lands affected. If their rates are reasonable, a dredger will be installed on Foots Creek, involving a monthly payroll of $1600 to $1800. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1916, page 2 A large deposit of iron, with indications of manganese, has been located by W. B. Sherman and others of Grants Pass, about 8 miles from the California & Oregon Coast railway, being constructed from that town to Crescent in California. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 8, 1916, page 530 The Black Eagle property near Grants Pass has been sold by W. S. Neill and others to P. H. Walters, P. Wright, and F. Pirth of Seattle for $175,000. A 50-ton mill is to be erected. Tungsten ore has been opened three miles above Gold Hill. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 22, 1916, page 610 An election is to be held at Medford on May 23 to decide whether the town will issue bonds for $300,000 to help in constructing a railway to the Blue Ledge mines, 30 miles from the present terminal of the Bullis electric line. If carried, the road will eventually head toward the Pacific coast north of Trinidad in Humboldt County. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 13, 1916, page 725 Fred Moore is hauling lumber, brick etc. for the new retorts on the Blue Jay mine. The retort is expected Saturday next. "The Meadows," Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 1916, page 5 DOWN ROGUE RIVER FROM GRANTS PASS
GOLD BEACH, Ore., May 30.--Completing a hair-raising voyage down Rogue
River from Grants Pass in a homemade catamaran,
after shooting rushing waters, threading narrow canyons and rapids,
dodging rocks and whirlpools where the current ran white, Captain John
Aubery [John
Aubrey/Auberry] and his crew of four arrived here Friday.
The object of the trip was to deliver a stamp mill, weighing three and one-half tons, to the Blossom Bar mine, three miles below Mule Creek. The heavy stamp mill steadied the vessel in rough water, but added to the difficulties of steering. The crew was made up of volunteers who desired to get to the mouth of Rogue River and were willing to save the time and expense incident to the conventional trip overland. They were not concerned with the dangers involved. Besides the captain, they included J. G. Van Horn, Frank Stone, Commodore Fleming and C. C. Ponting, and they took Van Horn's dog along. The craft was modeled along the lines of a double Venetian gondola, but of more ample proportions, with a length of 38 feet and 9½ feet beam. Captain Aubery, who has had years of experience in navigating the Rogue, declares the boat was the largest that ever descended the river. The expedition was a succession of thrills and narrow escapes. The party left Grants Pass Saturday, May 13, and all day Sunday was spent getting the boat over Rogue River falls. At Almeda it was necessary to weigh down the boat before it could be gotten under the bridge. The country is sparsely settled, but news of the expedition was telephoned ahead, and at every accessible point along the river bank the adventurers were cheered by the settlers. Medford Mail Tribune, May 30, 1916, page 3 Reprinted without attribution from the Oregonian of May 26, 1916, page 7. The Waldo copper mine has been unwatered and is now being examined. The lower adit has been under way for several months to complete the drainage. At the same time the upper levels yielded some high-grade ore. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 3, 1916, page 839 Fred Moore hauled a couple of wagon loads of brick from Tolo for the new quicksilver retorts on the Bertelson group of mines, and then finding 700 pounds more needed, ran over Sunday morning and brought them in the Ford. "The Meadows," Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1916, page 2 On the Illinois River G. E. Anderson has a gravel mine yielding gold and platinum. A recent cleanup from about 20 days' sluicing recovered 122 oz. of gold. About 10 oz. of platinum is saved each winter. Two giants and an elevator are operated. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 10, 1916, page 879 Grants Pass people are trying to restart the Takilma smelter, which has been closed since 1908. About $4000 is required to overhaul the plant, which is of 100-ton capacity. Ample ore is available. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 1, 1916, page 30 On July 10 an election was held at Medford to decide whether the people approved of the Bullis contract for construction of a railway to the Blue Ledge mine. The voting was 1009 for and 366 against the proposal, a win for those in favor. "Jackson County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 22, 1916, page 144 The well-known Layton placer property on upper Williams Creek, near Grants Pass, has been sold to the Pacific Placer Co., headed by Austin Wilson of Boston, by the heirs of the late J. T. Layton. To the 600 acres are to be added the adjoining 400 acres. There are 38 miles of ditches, delivering water with a 300-ft. head to the giants. More plant is to be added. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 29, 1916, page 182 TAKILMA. At the Queen of Bronze mine a gravity tram is to be constructed to the bins on the new railway partly built from Grants Pass to Crescent.… The Del Norte Claims Co. of Chicago is setting up a diamond drill near Preston Peaks.… D. Van Austrand of Denver contemplates erecting a 50-ton mill, embodying flotation.… Ore shipments from mines in the Illinois Valley are increasing fast. Last week 10 carloads left Waters Creek, at the terminus of the new line. Half of this quantity was copper ore from the Queen of Bronze and Waldo mines, while the remainder was chrome ore. These ores went to Tacoma and New York, respectively. A large quantity of chrome ore is said to be available. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 19, 1916, page 291 Southern Oregon Mining Notes.
few days ago J. Willis Hay of Gold Hill sold to
Robert Spencer and associates of Boston his holdings at the head of
Sams Creek. The claims run a very good assay of cinnabar, and were
traced very definitely by Mr. Hay.
The discovery of tungsten mines about one and one-half miles east of Sterling mines by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kromitz has been announced. They also located a 12-foot ledge of galena ore that holds gold, silver, nickel, zinc and lead. Mrs. Kromitz was formerly Mrs. Crews-Carlson of Texas. The couple expect to open up their mines on the Missouri Gulch just as soon as they find a company with money enough to handle their tungsten prospect. Gold Hill News. Last week Joe Beeman reported the sale of a bunch of quicksilver claims known as the "73" group, located near the head of Sams Creek. The discovery was made by "Bill" Hay, one of the oldest miners in this section. R. H. Spencer and associates are the new owners and have taken charge and are working the property. The claims run a very good assay of cinnabar and will no doubt add quite a little to the mineral wealth of this section. Ashland Tidings, August 28, 1916, page 6 RIDDLE. The Eldorado Copper Mining Co., capitalized for 2,000,000 shares at $1 each, has been organized by Spokane and Oregon men to take over and operate the Banfield copper mine, 32 miles east of this place, on the main line of the Southern Pacific railway. The reported price is $300,000, part cash and the remainder shares in the new company. The incorporators are Andrew Laidlaw and S. W. Miller, of Spokane, and others. The Banfield mine is one of the best known copper properties in Southern Oregon, and many well-posted mining men regard it as the largest high-grade copper deposit in the state. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 16, 1916, page 889 JACKSONVILLE. Little is published concerning mining in Jackson County. The reason why so little is being done is the short-sighed non-progressive crowd that "guarded" the district and warned off would-be purchasers of properties, afraid that the mine owners would not receive their dues. The county has had rich placer mines, and there are some that will still pay to work. There is also some likely-looking ground in the ranges. A subscriber sends this news. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 30, 1916, page 959 The Powder River Dredge Co., operating two boats near Sumpter, Cracker Creek district, is the most productive placer mining enterprise in the state. In 1916 a new dredge was under construction in the John Day Valley, Grant County. The most productive hydraulic mine in Oregon is that on the property of the Columbia Mines Co., in Placer district, Josephine County. Other notably productive hydraulic mines are the Martin & Daniels, Galice district, Josephine County, and the Sterling, in Forest Creek district, Jackson County. The gold won by dredging far exceeds that obtained by all other forms of placer mining combined. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 6, 1917, page 26 In the October, 1916, "Mineral Resources of Oregon," published by the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, G. M. Butler and G. J. Mitchell give a preliminary survey of the geology and mineral resources of Curry county. The text covers 132 pages, with 41 illustrations. Curry County lies in the southwestern corner of Oregon, bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Its length is 68 and width 36 miles. The area is mountainous. Gold deposits consist of veins, stream placers, and beach placers. There are occurrences of copper, iron, chrome, platinum in the placers, coal, borax, and quicksilver. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 27, 1917, page 142 KERBY. The black sand plant of T. W. Gruetter makes it profitable for miners to save their concentrates and have them treated there for recovery of rusty gold and platinum. Some miners send their black sand without first panning or amalgamating, thus saving time for sluicing. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 17, 1917, page 248 The W.&O. Mining Co. of Seattle, has applied to the California State Water Commission in two separate applications for permission to appropriate the waters of the west fork of the east fork of the Illinois River, in Del Norte County, tributary to the Rogue River in Oregon. It is proposed to carry the water back again into Oregon where it is to be used for hydraulic mining on the Osgood claims, near Waldo, the proposed ditches and flumes being 9½ miles long. A total of 230 cu. ft. per second is asked in the two applications. It is proposed to construct two dams across the stream and these with the other works have an estimated cost of $30,000. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 31, 1917, page 459 (Special Correspondence.)--Near Takilma the Queen of Bronze mine is working 50 men, and producing a good grade of copper ore. The Waldo and Cowboy copper mines are also being worked. The Logan hydraulic mine is being prospected with churn drills. It is from 30 to 40 ft. to bedrock, and the gravel is mostly small, so good headway is being made. The hydraulic pit at this mine is 500 by 1000 ft. One elevator is in operation working under a head of about 250 ft. Ten men are employed. Chrome mines in this vicinity are active. Waldo, March 26. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 7, 1917, page 492 Recent reports that the Blue Ledge Copper Co. was planning immediate work at its mines in the northern part of this county appears to be erroneous. Until a railroad is extended into that district transportation problems heavily handicap production. A line has been surveyed to Medford, Oregon, and may be built this summer. Should this be done the Blue Ledge district promises to become one of the most active copper regions of the West, as large deposits of fair-grade ore has been discovered there. Yreka,
April 5.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 14,
1917, page 525(Special Correspondence.)--The Cheney, Simmons, Ray and Haff group of quartz claims, three miles northeast of this city, have been operated by H. A. Ray and G. L. Haff the last two years. They were the owners of these properties excepting the Simmons and Cheney claims, which they operated under a lease from the owners. This property has been sold to Sacramento, California, people, who have been represented here by J. W. Davies, of that city. The consideration is stated to be $80,000. The vein contains quartz carrying pyrite; this lode-matter contains gold and silver to the value of $3 per ton. The high-grade ore occurs in boulders, at a depth of 80 to 100 ft. Sulphide ore begins to appear at 160 ft., and the vein is 5 ft. wide at 225 ft. depth. The hanging wall is a slate, and the footwall is limestone. The greatest depth attained on this vein is 600 ft., where it is 25 ft. wide. The discovery, in March 1916, of scheelite with the gold ore in this mine was announced. The mineral is a small stringer with quartz. Samples have been taken that run as high as 40% tungstic acid, but it is claimed by the management that the vein as a whole runs less than 2%. The discoverers of this vein, William Cox and George Lyman, two local miners, in 1896 mined a pay chute that netted them $8000 in gold. This chute occurred where a fault displaced the vein at a depth of 35 ft. Two years later they disposed of the claim to Elisha Ray, of this city, who began operations by driving 16 ft. and striking the continuation of the vein and removing a pay chute containing $4800, at a depth of 25 ft. This claim has been owned and operated by the Ray family since that time, and they have realized various sums while developing the vein. Most of the permanent development work is on the Simmons and Cheney claims, which are generally known as the Sylvanite mine. The Sylvanite lessors, who were Canadians, fully equipped these two properties several years ago with a modern mill, hoists, and other machinery, all operated by electric power. Later, financial troubles caused the suspension of their operations, and the machinery was sold in the courts to satisfy their creditors. The new owners will start an adit at the foot of the hill and extend it to the vein, 1200 ft. This will give them a depth of 500 ft. Operations will begin at once with new machinery, operated by electric power. George Stone, recently of Colorado, will be general manager and G. L. Haff will be superintendent. Gold
Hill, April 3.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 14,
1917, page 527THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON. Vol. 2, No. 4. A handbook of the mining industry of the state, with a description of mining districts. By H. M. Parks, State Geologist, and A. M. Swartley. Pp. 306. Maps, Ill. Oregon Bureau of Mines, Corvallis, 1916. This work, the latest of the monthly publications of the Oregon State Bureau of Mines, is a valuable and timely compilation of the mines, quarries, and mineral-producing industries of that state, alphabetically arranged. Many of the more important mines are carefully described, and the descriptive text of some of them is illustrated by line drawings, maps, and halftones. 'The geology of the principal mining districts is also gone into, and on the whole the book will be found an acceptable addition to scientific mining and geological literature of Oregon. "Recent Publications," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 14, 1917, page 534 (Special Correspondence.)--The Nellie Wright mine is on the south slope of Blackwell Hill two miles east of Gold Hill, and consists of 40 acres of land. It is situated within half a mile of the Pacific Highway. It was recently sold to Salt Lake City people, who are now operating the mine under the management of R. M. Wilson. The former owners were Canadians with P. C. Donovan, of Winnipeg, as manager. The consideration was about $25,000, with a substantial cash payment. This mine is equipped with a 25-ton Beers mill, plates, and a Johnson concentrator. The mill is situated at the main shaft. The shaft is equipped with a modern hoist, and all the machinery is operated by electric power. The new owners are installing compressors and drill machinery. There are two shafts 130 ft. apart and 50 and 60 ft. deep, respectively. These are connected by a drift which extends 120 ft. beyond the shafts. The ore is chiefly quartz with some pyrite, chalcopyrite, and a dark sulphide that probably is galena. The vein strikes N 75° W., and dips 87° N.; it varies in thickness from 2 to 5 ft. The country rock is the Siskiyou tonalite, which is here traversed by a dike of andesite. The vein cuts both the tonalite and the dike. This vein was discovered by James F. Davis, a veteran miner of this district, in 1902. The discovery was made on the land of a homesteader who had acquired a patent for the land in the early nineties. Soon after the discovery Davis acquired the property and sold the prospect to Portland parties. The first real development was made in 1904, by Wright, a mining man from Denver, who operated under a lease and option from the Portland people. Financial troubles soon overtook Wright, and he was compelled to abandon his venture before he was able to make a mine out of the prospect. He named it for his daughter, the Nellie Wright mine. In 1911 the ownership of the property passed to the Canadians, who in 1913 equipped the mine with machinery, developed the vein by sinking and driving as described. In the meantime they operated the machinery for several months, testing the value of the mine. The next year the war came on and the property has been idle until now. Several thousand tons of ore has been treated with the present machinery. The ore is free-milling, averaging $10 per ton in free gold, and it also produces some concentrate, carrying gold. There is several thousand tons of ore in the block above the 250-ft. drift. The owners are preparing to operate the mine to its full capacity. They will sink 50 ft. deeper in the main shaft and run a new level. Gold
Hill, April 10.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 21,
1917, page 562(Special Correspondence.)--The history of quicksilver in Gold Hill district dates back to 1878, when Wm. Mayfield, Sr., an early settler in Rogue River Valley, discovered cinnabar on the property known as the Mercur claim, now owned by Dr. W. P. Chisholm, of Gold Hill. The mine is 12 miles north of Gold Hill, and comprises 20 acres. It is contiguous to the Little Jean, and the 36 claims held by the Utah Quicksilver Co., of Salt Lake City. From the time of discovery, and until he sold the property to Chisholm in 1900, Mayfield annually distilled mercury from the ore by roasting it in a crude manner. He disposed of it to the placer miners in this district, who used it in their sluices to catch the flour gold. After Chisholm purchased the Mercur claim he located the Little Jean, an extension on the Mercur vein. These two claims were inactive until two years ago when Chisholm employed H. A. Ray and G. L. Haff, the discoverers of scheelite in this district, to develop his properties. They exposed the vein at intervals by adits for 2000 ft.; the greatest depth attained was 75 ft. Since that time the Utah people, and others, have located the main vein for several miles on the north and east. The strilic of this vein is N. 5.3° W., and at an elevation of 2500 ft. It occurs along a granite-sandstone contact, where the granite is in part pegmatitic. The mineralized zone is from 100 to 200 ft. wide. It is not a well-defined vein, but is mineralized along an irregular contact. The ore, or mass, contains cinnabar, native mercury, pyrite, gold, zinc, silver, and a heavy black mineral resembling metacinnabarite. Samples taken from all of the adits assayed from $5 to $6 per ton in gold, $5 in silver, 2½% zinc, and 1% mercury. The cinnabar appears all through the rock and also in the hanging and footwalls in the form of seams and kidneys. The seams are from 6 to 20 in. thick, and average 17% mercury. This last year Chisholm has employed two miners in developing his property, and during this time they have retorted and shipped 800 lbs. of mercury, using a bench of three 6-in. retorts 4 ft. long. During this time Samuel Bertelson, of the Utah company, has retorted and marketed from 600 to 800 lbs. of quicksilver from the Rainier claim. The Mountain King quicksilver mine, situated two miles south of the Chisholm group, seems to be on the same vein. The same formation is found at both properties. The vein on the Mountain King strikes nearly west. Except in the solid quartzite, much faulting is in evidence in all directions. The Mountain King is owned by J. R. Hayes, of Detroit, Michigan, who is represented here by Alfred Lewis, of Gold Hill. This property consists of 800 acres of patented land, and is covered with valuable fir timber. This property was worked the past season under a lease and option held by J. A. Robinson, of San Francisco, who did considerable development work on the property. This property and the Chisholm group are the only two mercury properties in this district which have been extensively developed. Gold
Hill, April 16.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 28,
1917, page 597(Special Correspondence.)--In the spring of 1916, John McRunnels and Dick Swacker, miners of Gold Hill, while tracing for the source of fine gold in the soil, uncovered a promising vein, six miles southwest of Gold Hill, and west of Rogue River. It is within a mile of the river, and about 300 ft. above the bed of the stream. The discoverers uncovered the vein, and within a few feet of the surface found a pay chute, which extended for 150 ft., with a depth of from 10 to 35 ft. They recovered about $1000 in gold from this chute; the vein was from 3 to 12 in. wide. It strikes south 80° west and dips 20° north. The hanging wall is porphyry, and the footwall diorite; the vein is composed of crystal and decomposed quartz, and is free-milling. The discoverers refused several offers, and later were unable to agree as to the manner of developing the prospect. Recently McRunnels sold his interest in the property to John T. Donegan, a local miner. The present owner is preparing to sink a shaft on the vein to demonstrate the worth of the property. Gold
Hill, April 28.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 5,
1917, page 638(Special Correspondence.)--Alfred Lewis, of Gold Hill, who has charge of the development of the Mountain King quicksilver mine, north of Gold Hill, reports that the richest ore yet found in the mine has been uncovered this week. Carey Edmonds, a miner employed in the mine, while off shift, prospecting through curiosity, made the strike. He found very rich panning dirt on the surface on the strike of the main vein, 1500 ft. east of the works. Digging down two feet from the surface, he struck the main vein, 15 ft. across, which averages 35% mercury. Four additional adits extending 100 ft. from the discovery along the vein shows the same grade of ore. It is reported that J. R. Hayes, of Detroit, Michigan, owner of the property, will have buyers on the ground in the next few days, who will also buy 300 acres of adjoining patented land, making a total of 900 acres. Gold
Hill, May 4.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 19,
1917, page 712(Special Correspondence.)--H. H. Leonard, who arrived here from Coeur d'Alene last season, is operating the Bowden claims, four miles east of Gold Hill. The mine is owned by J. F. Davis, a local miner, and is situated on the southeast slope of Blackwell Hill, near the Pacific Highway. Early the present year two mill tests were made by Leonard from the upper available stopes; 9 tons averaged $7 in gold per ton, and 16 tons averaged $8.60 in gold per ton. The ore from this vein has all been free-milling, running from $7 to $300 per ton; the concentrate from the two tests referred to assayed $160 per ton. This vein was first discovered and worked by two ranchers, James McDonough and James Davis, who recovered $10,000 from $300 ore from a depth of 50 ft. Since it was first operated the vein has produced about $30,000, though always mined in a crude manner. The vein is in tonalite, strikes N. 75° E., and dips 85° N. It Is from 8 to 30 in. wide, in a 500-ft. drift at a depth of 120 ft. The main shaft west of the original works is 185 ft. deep on the vein, and the 500-ft. drift extends from this shaft. The present lessee has installed steam-power pumps and hoist, and reopened the 120-ft. level. He is preparing to join the 120-ft. level west of the main shaft with the other works, and is already down 40 ft. on the new shaft; 30 ft. more will reach the 120-ft. level. A pump with a 2-in. suction readily handles all the water. Gold
Hill, May 14.
(Special Correspondence.)--H. H. McCarthy, an old time mine operator in
this district, recently took an option on the North Pole-Lucky Boy
group of quartz mines, situated eight miles west of Gold Hill, and
south of Rogue River within a mile of the stream. It is owned by Phil
Robinson and others living in the district, who discovered the vein six
years ago. The lessee is erecting a ball mill of 15-ton capacity on the
property. The mill will be operated by electric power, which will be
available in a short time. A small force of miners is employed in
developing for an extensive run on the ore as soon as the milling
equipment is completed. The owners last year shipped three carloads of
the ore to the Selby smelter and had five carloads milled at the Opp
mill in this valley. All this ore averaged $28 per ton in gold. The
vein strikes due east and dips north at 45°. The vein is from
14 in. to
4 ft. wide. The hanging wall is andesite and the footwall is slate. The
ore is oxidized near the surface, but at a depth of 50 ft. merges into
the base ore. The strike extends up a steep hill sloping toward the
river at an angle of 45° with an elevation of 900 ft. at the
base, and
2100 ft. at the apex. The principal works on the property is a drift of
175 ft. on the vein at an elevation of 1800 ft., and a drift of 140 ft.
on the vein about 1000 ft. below the apex of the hill.Gold
Hill, May 16.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 26,
1917, pages 749-750(Special Correspondence.)--A mining deal of considerable Importance to the copper industry in Southern Oregon was closed at Grants Pass this week, when an option on the 20 claims comprising the Greyback copper group on Grayback Mountain, 13 miles east of Selma, in the Waldo district, was signed. The lessee is John Hampshire, the local representative of Twohy Bros. Company, owners of the California-Oregon Coast Railroad, which is being operated and built from Grants Pass into the Waldo district. The company has been a large buyer of mines in that district during the past three years, and are the owners of the Queen of Bronze copper mine, and the 100-ton smelter, both located at Takilma, in the Waldo district. Under the terms of the contract development work must be started on a large scale at once. The new owners announce that their first work will be the building of a six-mile road connecting the mine with the road leading up Deer Creek from Selma, and the shipment of some of the ore now on the dumps. More than 700 ft. of development has been done on the main vein, opening one of the largest copper-bearing ore bodies in the district. It lies on the north-south copper lode that extends through the Waldo district, and on down into Northern California. The property has been sold by W. L. Bat»cock, who has owned and developed the property for 16 years. It is the only property in the state where mining locations on the Oregon & California lands have been litigated through the Supreme Court and the title secured by having the patents to the railroad canceled. Grants
Pass, May 20.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 2,
1917, page 785Curry County
(Special Correspondence.)--The Blanco mine, commonly known as the
Madden property, has been taken over by L. B. Newby and associates, of
New York. This property, an old beach deposit, is about halfway between
Port Orford and Langlois, at the foot of Madden Butte. The mine was
formerly worked by Cyrus Madden and was equipped with 500 ft. of
sluices, with seven burlap-covered tables for saving fine gold and
platinum. The gold and platinum-bearing material consists of 12 to 20
ft. of sand in which are several layers of black sand. There is a
little small gravel interstratified with the sand, the metal-bearing
strata being covered with 7 or 8 ft. of worthless wind-blown detritus.
The bedrock is shale, but lies a few feet lower than the natural
drainage. It is said the mine, when worked about 6 months annually, has
paid over $1000 a year, though it operates in a small way. It is the
intention of Mr. Newby to put in a plant that will treat 500 tons per
day, which will greatly increase the output and enable the work to be
accomplished at a cost much below that heretofore obtaining. It is
believed that when suitable machinery has been provided to work the
sand below the level of the present natural drainage, the value of the
material handled will show a substantial increase in value per ton. The
property covers a large area of workable material.Bandon,
May 30.
Jackson County
(Special Correspondence.)--W. H. Gore, president of the Medford
National Bank, with several other local capitalists and a Portland
auto-truck company, have submitted a proposition to the Blue Ledge Mine
Co., by the acceptance of which it will be able to ship from three to
five carloads of ore per day, instead of three weekly, as heretofore.
The mine is situated 30 miles from Medford. The owners began shipping
ore last December, employing all the available teams and trucks in the
valley, paying as high as $10 per ton for the haul to the railroad. The
object is to put on about 50 auto-trucks and convey the ore from the
mine to the railroad as fast as it is extracted. More trucks will be
added if necessary. A feature of the plan will be to expend about
$10,000 on the road in conjunction with an equal amount furnished by
the county. The total cost to the proposed truck-company would be in
the neighborhood of $50,000. Should the development of the mines adjacent to the Blue Ledge, and in other camps of that district, as now contemplated, justify it, the new transportation company will eventually build a railroad into that region, to handle both its mine and timber output, and to use the auto-trucks on feeder lines. In this manner Mr. Gore and his associates hope to be able to solve the transportation problem, lack of a solution of which has so long retarded the development of several rich mining districts immediately tributary to railroad transportation in this valley. Gold
Hill, May 29.
Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.)--Eleven copper claims on Fall Creek, in the
Upper Illinois district, 13 miles northwest of Selma, known as the
United Copper-Gold Mines property, were sold this week to R. J. Rowen,
representing Eastern capital, by W. S. Low, Daniel Webster, and C. E.
Lebold, of Salem. The property is an old producer and is known as one
of the high-grade properties of this county. It shipped ore in the
early days by way of Crescent City, and later to Martinez and Tacoma.
Shipment was made by pack horses, wagon, and railroad. Building the new wagon road to the chrome mine, four miles this side of the property, solves the transportation problem. The new owners will begin shipments promptly upon the completion of this road on which 165 men are employed. Mr. Rowen has also closed deals for the Katy Ayers and Emerald groups of copper claims on Rancheria and Cedar creeks, smaller and less developed properties. Grants
Pass, May 28.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 9,
1917, page 818(Special Correspondence.)--Several Gold Hill miners returning from the Buzzard mine in the Elk Creek district, 40 miles northeast of Gold Hill, report that the lessee, Paul Wright, is making good progress in the development work at the mine. The new work consists of an 850-ft. drift on a stringer of sulphide ore on the opposite side of the hill from the old works. This drift will cut the main vein at a depth of 300 ft. The work is being crowded with two shifts. The old works consists of 3009 ft. of drift. The greatest depth is 170 ft. on the vein. The ore body strikes northwest. The property is owned locally by the Pearl Mining Co., of Central Point. The machinery equipment consists of a jaw-crusher, a small Huntington mill, and a Frue vanner, operated by steam power. Some of the highest grade sphalerite known in the state has been produced from this mine. The last shipment, made late in 1916, consisted of four tons, which returned $2100. Elk Creek is a new district in the northeastern part of the county; Gold Hill being the nearest and most practicable shipping point. The geology of the district consists of a series of flat-lying Cascade andesite flows. Vertical fissuring has taken place locally, producing fractured zones, which furnished opportunity for the mineralizing waters to deposit ore in the crushed or brecciated rock. It is a heavily forested area and is within the Crater National Forest. The elevation of the district varies from 2000 to over 5000 feet. Gold
Hill, June 6.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 16,
1917, page 864(Special Correspondence.)--Asbestos in limited quantities has been uncovered at times and at various points in this region, but it has been of too short fiber to prove of commercial value. Recently, however, a deposit of long-fiber asbestos has been located in the Shelly Creek mining district, below Grants Pass. The extent of the discovery has not been demonstrated. The best-developed asbestos property in Gold Hill district is situated on the south slope of Cedar Mountain, on the Umpqua divide at the headwaters of the West Fork of Evans Creek, 20 miles north of Gold Hill. It was developed by George Houck, and Irvin Ray, of Gold Hill, 10 years ago. The vein is 4 ft. wide. It is at an elevation of 4000 ft. The fiber runs from 10 to 16 in. long and is of fair commercial value. It is 12 miles to the terminal of the wagon road leading to this valley, which is the only outlet. Recently there have been many inquiries in this district regarding asbestos. Another auto-truck was added this week to those hauling copper ore from the Blue Ledge mine to Medford, making 14 to arrive from California, all of which are in service. The road is in bad condition, making the transportation of ore slow and expensive. Improvements are contemplated by the county, assisted by the mine and truck owners. In Douglas County, near the Jackson County line, a few miles from Tiller post office, a promising vein of cinnabar is being uncovered on the Webb-Hayes property. This prospect seems to be an extension of the large dike carrying cinnabar, which runs through the Ramsey Canyon and Meadows districts, north of Gold Hill. Those who have visited this district of late have found that the chrome deposits, especially those in the Waldo district, are of sufficient importance to justify development. It is assumed that for a number of years the deposits in this region will be a source of profit and a field for numerous laborers. Reorganization and refinancing of the Rogue River Public Service Corporation, of Gold Hill, was forecast last week when, upon the petition of Francis M. Fauvre, vice president of the company, Federal Judge Wolverton, at Portland, appointed J. F. Reddy and George M. Soranson, of Grants Pass, joint receivers. The Rogue River Public Service Corporation owns important water-power rights in Southern Oregon on Rogue River, including the huge Ament Dam, situated between Gold Hill and Grants Pass, and a completed wing-dam power development project at Gold Hill. The reorganization is of much local interest, as the company has been of vital importance to the mining industry in this district in the past. The company operates the municipal water plant of Gold Hill under lease. Gold
Hill, June 14.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 23,
1917, page 897(Special Correspondence.)--The Queen of Bronze mine continues to ship 500 tons of copper ore monthly, working 65 men. There is a large amount of ore in sight. Roy Clark is manager.… The Waldo copper mine is under lease to local parties. In an eight months' run last year, this mine yielded ore valued at $65,000. De Witt Van Ostrand. of Phillips, Wisconsin, and A. H. Gunnell, of Grants Pass, are interested in this property. The Maybell, Little, and Cow Boy mines are under lease to C. E. Tucker and George Fife, who are shipping high-grade ore to the Tacoma smelter. The Lilly copper mine, which adjoins the Waldo on the south, is under option to M. A. Delano, of Grants Pass, who is shipping high-grade ore to the Tacoma smelter, by way of Grants Pass. Takilma,
June 14.
(Special Correspondence.)--D. R. Morrison shipped the first car of ore
from his Pickett Creek copper mine last week. It will average 10%. The
shipment went to the Tacoma smelter. Merlin,
June 16.
(Special Correspondence.)--Another cleanup at the Simmons-Logan placer
mine yielded $7000 in gold and $1000 in platinum in a run of 26 days.
This property is owned by Mrs. Jane Simmons, of Grants Pass, and J. T.
Logan, of Waldo, and has been a dependable producer for many years. It
comprises about 1500 acres and is operated by hydraulic elevators.
Water is obtained from the branches of the Illinois River. There are 25
miles of ditches and pipeline. Waldo,
June 15.
(Special Correspondence.)--A large body of chrome ore has been opened
up near Oak Flat on the Illinois River. A motor-truck road 14 miles
long is to be finished by July 1 to connect the mines with the county
road at Selma R. J. Rowan is manager. A mining deal has just been closed on the Grayback copper mine, which is situated 13 miles east of Selma and three miles from the Oregon Caves. The property is taken by the Twohy people, represented locally by John Hampshire of Grants Pass. Development is to commence at once, and will include the building of a new road six miles long. There Is 700 ft. of development work on the property, all adits. The property was sold by W. L. Babcock, the owner, for the past 16 years, he having developed the group. The price has not been made public. Selma,
June 16.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Williams chrome property on Sexton
Mountain, consisting of 160 acres, has been leased to George S. Barton,
of Grants Pass. Arrangements have been made for a large crew of men.
This property was found by J. J. Williams, of Pacific Grove,
California, a short time ago when surveying timber. There is 250 tons
of ore in sight. It will be hauled to Threepines for shipment. The United Copper company's mine on Grave Creek is making regular shipments of high-grade concentrate to the Tacoma smelter. Some rich sulphide ore also is being shipped. Chromite mining is a comparatively new industry in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Until the war, no ore was shipped from this region. This season every ton that is available finds a ready market. Buyers have been scouring the district all winter and spring. Grants
Pass, June 17.
(Special Correspondence.)--On June 9 the Williams chrome property, on
Sexton Mountain, consisting of 160 acres, was leased to George. S.
Barton, of Grants Pass. Barton has arranged for miners and will begin
work at once, mining and shipping ore. The property has been owned by
J. J. Williams, of Pacific Grove, California. There is now over 250
tons of ore ready, which will be hauled to Threepines for shipment. The
sale of this property is but one of several recently made. Already
large investments have been made in buying and developing available
properties, which show extensive bodies of ore, and the operators are
assured of a profitable market. During the past year the first
permanent development was done on the prospects in this district, when
approximately 2000 tons of the ore was shipped to Chicago and
Pennsylvania. Chromite occurs in many places in this county. Some of it
was used at the copper furnace at Takilma, in this district, as a
refractory lining, for which it was found to be well suited. Those who have been searching this region for minerals are surprised at the richness of the placers in platinum. John Hampshire, of Grants Pass, the local representative of the Twohy Bros. Company, owners of the railroad and smelter in the Waldo district, is at Crescent City, California, investigating the company's properties in that district. All the men available are employed on the Low Divide, and other chrome properties which they have recently purchased. Shipments will soon commence. Their new purchases on Copper Creek are opening up fine, and it appears there is a large amount of high-grade ore there. Grants
Pass, June 11.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Webb copper mine seven miles southwest
from Waldo has been taken over by the interests now controlling the
Greenback mine. The option agrees to transfer the mine from D. L. and
L. R. Webb Bros, to D. R. Robinson. The property must be continuously
and vigorously developed, and the ore mined is to be sorted and
shipped. The Webb property consists of nine claims, on which 1500 ft. of development has been done. The main adit 450 ft. long cuts the main vein 390 ft. in, where it is 22 ft. wide. Driving on the vein is under way. The deal settles litigation over the ownership, which has been in progress the past two years, and prevented proper development work. A. M. Swartley, account director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, spent three days in the Waldo district in the interest of a series of experiments being conducted by the bureau in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Mines, the object being to find a commercial practicable method whereby the pyrrohtite can be separated from the chalcopyrite in the ore. A satisfactory solution of this problem would be of great value to the Southern Oregon mines. The Logan placer mine, situated near Kerby, shipped to the mint last week five gold bricks, valued at $7000, the cleanup from the run of 26 days. Along with the shipment was platinum to the value of $1000, which was included in the cleanup. The experts who have recently visited in Southern Oregon have found nothing that interested them more than the platinum found in almost all the placer deposits. There is little doubt that from the early days of placer mining in this region, a great deal of platinum went through the sluices. Grants
Pass, June 1.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 30,
1917, pages 931-932(Special Correspondence.)--John Hays of Gold Hill, Oregon, and Charles Moon, of Hornbrook, left for their gold quartz mine, 8 miles from Hornbrook. They discovered the vein several years ago and from time to time have done considerable development work, and now are preparing to erect a small mill on the property. The ore is rich and free-milling, but is only 8 to 10 in. wide, where uncovered. Mike G. Womack, of Medford, Oregon, and M. A. Carter, and L. D. Corbett of Ashland, Oregon, have a promising gold prospect, the Golden Gem, which is situated 16 miles west of Hilt on Hungry Creek. They discovered the vein last year and have done enough work to justify the further development of the property. On account of the inaccessibility of the wagon road to the mine they contemplate erecting a small mill on the property. The ore assays $70 per ton of gold and is free-milling. The vein has a width of 6 to 22 in. There is several hundred feet of work on the property, though the greatest depth attained on the vein is 70 feet. Mr. Womack and his associates will resume operation on a vein of gold, silver, and galena situated 16 miles west of Gazelle, in the Etna Mills district. The vein is in limestone and averages 10 ft. wide. On account of the distance to a shipping point the owners are contemplating erecting a mill on the property this season and reducing the ore to concentrate for shipping. Hornbrook,
June 25.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 7,
1917, page 31(Special Correspondence.)--Operations have been resumed on "The Diamond Creek" cinnabar property. 16 miles southwest of here. This property is owned and operated by W. Ehrman, John Taggert, and L. C. Cole. Preparations are being made to install machinery. The Preston Peak copper mine is under option to J. F. Reddy of Grants Pass. It is reported that an Eastern company is ready to take over the option and begin operations. This mine is opened to the depth of 1300 ft. There are many thousand tons of ore in sight showing from 3½ to 20%, copper and from $4 to $8 per ton gold. A. Justin Townsend, of Lynn, Massachusetts, owner of the Pacific placer mine, is planning to put in a dredge capable of handling 2000 yards of gravel daily. This will be used in addition to the hydraulic equipment. The Collard-Moore and Collard chrome mine is one of the largest shippers in this district. The owners have installed a concentrator, and are shipping some high-grade massive chrome ore that requires no concentration. A body of chrome ore was found 6 miles southeast of Waldo by W. Bunch and son and Walter Smith. It is only a few hundred feet from the Kerby-Holland stage road, near the old Sly ranch. Ore is being mined and shipped by way of Grants Pass. The Osgood placer mine, located in Fry Gulch, is a dependable gold producer. It is owned by F. H. Osgood, of Seattle, and has been leased by James Logan for the past four years. This property comprises about 640 acres. Three giants are in operation. Water is taken from the east fork of the Illinois River. Waldo,
June 23.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 7,
1917, pages 32-33There are two main belts of production in California, one in the Klamath Mountains and the Coast Range from Siskiyou County to San Luis Obispo County, and the other in the Sierra Nevada from Plumas to Tulare County. The larger output has come from the Klamath Mountains, because the ore bodies there are larger and railroad transportation is more convenient. The production in Oregon is increasing in both the Klamath and Blue Mountains. The ores west of Riddle are the richest yet mined in the state, in some places assaying as high as 55% chromic oxide, and much of the ore contains about 50%. Most of the Oregon ore, however, like that of California, averages about 40% chromic oxide, and ore of that grade is commonly the basis of sale. It generally contains 38 to 45% chromic oxide, 6 to 8% silica, and 17 to 25% alumina. The largest ore body and producing mine thus far developed in Oregon is owned and operated by Collard & Moore near Holland, about 20 miles southeast of Kerby, in Josephine County. Much of the ore may be improved by concentration, and a plant of 90-ton capacity for that purpose is nearly completed. It is claimed that the ore can be concentrated to a content of 55% chromic oxide. The concentration of the lower-grade ore would give it a wider market and increase its value and the demand for it. Without concentration the Pacific Coast deposits cannot furnish a dependable supply of high-grade chrome ore, but with successful concentration industries based on high-grade ore may be attracted to the Coast. The Sawyer Tanning Co., established on tidewater at Napa, California, has had great difficulty in obtaining sufficient high-grade ore for its use. T. W. Gruetter has recently established at Kerby, Oregon, a custom plant for concentrating black sand to win its gold and platinum. The black sand of the Klamath Mountains usually contains a considerable amount of chromite, and it is believed that by adding magnetic separators to Gruetter's plant to remove the other minerals from the tailing sufficient chromite may be obtained from the black sand in chromiferous serpentine areas to make the operation financially successful. J. S. Diller, "Chromite," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 21, 1917, page 92 Jackson County
(Special Correspondence.)--The cinnabar strike recently made in the
Butte Creek district is situated in the eastern part of the county 20
miles west from Mt. Pitt. This district is of recent volcanic
formation, much broken up, and where mineral has never before been
discovered. The first strike was made in basalt on the Terrill ranch
six miles southeast of Eagle Point, the nearest railroad shipping
place. The vein or dike contains cinnabar and assays high in
quicksilver. Since the first discovery the dike has been traced for
several miles north and south, and running from 100 to 200 ft. wide. It
seems to be an extension of the cinnabar dike in Ramsey Canyon, and in
Meadows district. The new strike has caused many claims to be located.
The new find extends in a heavily timbered region on the slopes of the
Cascade Mountains. F. F. Childers, manager of the Greenback mine, says that the new equipment now at the property will be installed and ready for operation this fall. Modern machinery has displaced much of the old plant, which has been electrified. Four other properties besides the Greenback are under his management; the Jim Blaine, the Elk Basin, and the Illinois River properties. Three of these are copper, the others being gold. The new truck road to the chrome deposits in western Josephine County runs within three miles of the Illinois River properties; a connecting road will be constructed. The wartime prices have given an impetus to the development of the sulfur deposits 45 miles northeast of Gold Hill, on the farm of W. T. Grieve, near Prospect. He is preparing to put it on the local market for fertilizer. It is being used extensively in this valley for that purpose. Gold
Hill, July 16.
Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.)--The Gold King mine, 6 miles west of Kerby,
after a long idleness has been relocated by T. P. Johnson and Mrs. J.
M. Finch. The mine is being unwatered. There was considerable
development done a few years ago, but it was given up. With modern
machinery the new owners believe it will pay. Kerby,
July 16.
(Special Correspondence.)--On July 7 the final payment of $60,000 cash
was made on the Queen of Bronze copper mine by John Hampshire,
representing the purchasers. Less than two years ago Hampshire saw the
property and began negotiation for its purchase. An option for 90 days
was granted in December, 1915, but the size of the property called for
longer time, and in March, 1916, a working bond was secured, expiring
January 1, 1918. Under that bond work has been in progress up to last
Saturday, when the final payment was made six months before it became due. The property is purchased by John Twohy, R. B. Miller, John Hampshire. M. S. Boss, T. F. Ryan, and Roy H. Clarke. A corporation will be formed. Hampshire will remain general manager, with R. C. Crowell, superintendent; Roy H. Clarke, consulting engineer, and Edward Strong, foreman. The full price paid for the mine was $150,000. There has been shipped out of the mine in little over a year $283,000 worth of ore. The shipments have averaged 9.48% copper, and gold, $3.50 per ton. The property has been shipping 700 tons per month. The monthly payroll is $12,000, of which $4000 goes for hauling. The expense of transportation is $4.25 per ton. This property, which had been turned down on account of the pyrrhotite in the ore, has been paid for out of the mine itself. If the experiments now being conducted by the United States Bureau of Mines jointly with the State Bureau, looking to the perfection of a flotation process of separating the pyrrhotite from the chalcopyrite, is successful, a much larger percentage of the ore can be shipped profitably. These experiments are being made at this and the Waldo mine, both companies assisting in the work. The process will be given to the public as soon as experiments have been completed. Grants
Pass, July 12.
(Special Correspondence.)--Local men who have had the Waldo copper mine
leased for some time have sold their leases to the owners of the mine,
who are repairing the concentrator and putting in new track in adit No.
4. They will soon begin operations. The Queen of Bronze copper mine now has 80 men employed and the force is being increased as rapidly as miners can be obtained. K. J. Khoeery and Chas. Johnson, who sold the Lily copper mine to M. A. Delano some time ago, received another payment on the property July 1. Takilma,
July 17.
(Special Correspondence.)--At the Boswell gold mine, three miles from
Holland, a gas engine has been installed to operate the Huntington
mill, recently placed on the property. Holland,
July 16.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 28,
1917, page 143(Special Correspondence.)--The Turk copper mine, which is owned by the Grants Pass Hardware Co., is under option and is being prospected by M. A. Delano. Takilma,
July 25.
(Special Correspondence.)--A carload of gravel has been shipped from
the Osgood placer mine, in Allen Gulch, on which a test is to be made.
The Preston Peak copper mine is being prospected with a diamond drill.
The mine is owned by a Chicago stock company. Waldo,
July 23.
(Special Correspondence.)--W. S. Baker, of Buffalo, New York, one of
the owners of the Greenback mine and other properties in this district,
which are being developed by the same interests, is here and will
remain to take personal charge. It is reported that G. W. Finch is
developing a copper property on Rogue River, in Curry County, at
Agness. Grants
Pass, July 24.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 4,
1917, page 181Jackson County
(Special Correspondence.)--W. P. Chisholm of the Mercur and Little Jean
claims, 12 miles north of Gold Hill, is installing a 12-pipe Johnson
and McKay furnace on his property. The machinery is from the Joshua
Hendy Iron Works, San Francisco. The claims are in a wooded district,
and plenty of water is available. It will be in operation in less than
30 days. R. H. Spencer and associates, of Portland, who recently
acquired the 73 group of quicksilver mines near the Chisholm group, has
a 3-pipe Johnson and McKay furnace, which is operating successfully.
They will add 9 retorts as soon as they can be had. Other owners have
ordered the same furnace, to be installed as soon as possible. The Red Hill gold quartz mine, in the Jumpoff Joe district, five miles east of the Greenback mine, and three miles from Three Pines station on the Southern Pacific railway, is being reopened. It is owned by T. N. Anderson of Gold Hill, and Lester Lord of Danbury, Nebraska. The property was originally discovered and operated by Joseph Dysert, who mined a large amount of rich ore, which he reduced with an arrastra. The vein is at contact of red porphyry and serpentine. The main drift, in 500 ft. on the vein, is being retimbered, and ore shipments will be made. The power line of the C.&O. Power Co. crosses the premises. Samuel Carpenter and Harry Hocksworth, of Medford, are shipping antimony ore regularly to New Jersey from their Applegate mine. The ore is running 50% antimony with some gold. This property is 17 miles southwest of Jacksonville. The vein is from 18 in. to 4 ft. wide, with 400 ft. of drift. The United Copper Co. has struck ore on its property that runs 35% copper. These mines are in the Greenback district in the northwest part of Jackson County at the head of Slate Creek. The ore deposit is in a fissure in andesite. The development made last season exposed in surface cuts a vein which runs 5% copper and $2 gold. The company operates a mill and concentrates the sulphides, which are shipped. The plant is being enlarged. The company is constructing a road from the mine to Evans Creek Valley leading to Rogue River, 9 miles west of Gold Hill. E. H. Richards and A. W. Bartlett, of Grants Pass, recently leased from M. G. Womack, of Medford, and M. A. Carter, of Ashland, a vein of molybdenite near Jacksonville. The lessees are developing the prospect. Gold
Hill, August 6.
Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.)--More chrome deposits have been located in
Fidlers Gulch, six miles west of Kerby, by Fred Hart and T. P. Johnson.
Dave Bauer and J. W. Bigelow also are developing chrome down the
Illinois River. The Neils Success gold mine is in operation under the management of R. J. Firth, of Seattle. Kerby,
August 8.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 18,
1917, page 254The placer mines in this district are shut down until the rainy season. The Waldo copper mine shut down August 6. It is reported a sale is pending and changes are to be made. Waldo,
August 8.
(Special Correspondence.)--During July 1600 tons of copper ore from the
Waldo district passed over the branch road, 15 miles to Grants Pass,
the nearest shipping point. This shipment was from the Queen of Bronze
group, and the Pickett Creek properties, owned and operated by the New
York & Oregon Development Co. The wagon haul from these
is from 20 to 30 miles to the railroad. The ore went to the Tacoma
smelter. The chrome tonnage from the same district and over this road was 1200 tons. Shipments of chrome will be increased during August, as the new wagon road to the deposits was not completed until after the first week in July. The chrome shipments also require a long haul to the railroad. All of the shipping chrome deposits adjacent to this new wagon road are being operated by the United States Steel Co., shipments going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Tucker and Fife, of Takilma, have taken a lease on the Cow Boy and Lyttle copper claims and are shipping. These properties are controlled by the Queen of Bronze people. The ore runs from 10 to 36% copper, and the shipments amount to two carloads per week. Collins McDougall, of Grants Pass, has taken a lease on the Meade gold prospect, situated on Jones Creek, 5 miles east of Grants Pass. This is a free-milling mine, running $5 per ton in gold. The vein is 12 ft. wide and has been prospected for 1200 ft. Mr. McDougall is negotiating for a 5-stamp mill to be operated by a gasoline engine. He expects to be able to crush 15 tons of ore per day. The output of the Logan placer mines in Waldo district, which recently closed down for the season, amounts to $40,000 in gold. The yield of platinum was said also to be large, but the figures are not available. The mine is operated by George M. Esterly of Seattle. The water supply permits mining for 8 months of the year. The gold is very fine, and accompanied by platinum, also a little osmium and iridium. The deposit is from 10 to 25 ft. in depth. There are three ditches, the water from one being used in the elevator under a head of 325 ft., another is employed in two giants, and the third is used to clear away the tailing from the end of the sluice at the head of the elevator. Grants
Pass, August 9.
Correspondence.)--Chrome mining is increasing near Adams station on the
Crescent City-Grants Pass road. A large group of chrome claims are owned or leased by R. J. Rowen, M. E. Young, and Geo. S. Barton, of Grants Pass, who are pushing development. About 40 adits on the veins have been started, in most of which chrome has been uncovered. The properties are on French Hill, seven miles from the wagon road. It is planned to haul the ore by auto trucks to Crescent City. Mike G. Womack, of Medford, and M. A. Clark, of Ashland, are developing manganese, two and a half miles west of their recent manganese strike, 10 miles west of the Josephine Caves on Buck Peak. The ore assays 50% manganese. The nearest shipping point is 22 miles at Wilderville, on the Grants Pass-Crescent City railroad. C. A. Winetrout has finished the installation of a gas engine to operate the Huntington mill on the Boswell mine three miles from Holland. Grants
Pass, July 25.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 25,
1917, pages 292-293D. D. Good and D. M. Watt of Ashland, Oregon, report a new strike at their High Grade mine located on the south slope of the Siskiyou in the Sterling district. They were opening up the second ore chute in the new 240-ft. drift and working in 2 ft. of rich ore. "Siskiyou County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 1, 1917, page 330 (Special Correspondence.)--Robert Grimmett, who located chrome deposits near Holland, is now shipping the ore to Grants Pass. Chrome deposits near Wolf Creek are being developed by Dr. Reddy of Grants Pass. The Waldo copper mine, at Takilma, is again in operation with a crew of 40 men under same management. Grants
Pass, August 13.
(Special Correspondence.)--Three motor trucks have arrived at Grants
Pass for the California Chrome Co.'s mine near Selma. Two were of 4
tons each, the third of l½-ton capacity. Four more 4-ton
trucks will
follow. The distance from the mine to the railroad is 21 miles, with
grades ranging as high as 20%. H. L. Egan accompanied the outfit. It is stated that 10,000 tons of ore is in sight, half of which the contractors expect to move before the rainy season arrives. Building of the truck road from the mine, the loading point on the Grants Pass-Coast road, 15 miles southwest of Grants Pass, cost $32,000. The loading and unloading is accomplished by gravity. The chrome tonnage over this railroad for August will be 100% over July shipments. R. L. Thompson, representing Seattle people, has taken an option on the Osgood placer mine, a mile south of Waldo. This property is owned by F. H. Osgood of Seattle. A shipment of 23 tons of the bedrock has been made to Seattle. It is said to be rich in gold and platinum. A small crew is employed at the Neil-Success group of gold quartz mines on Fidlers Gulch 7 miles west of Kerby preparing for the winter's run. The mine is operated by water power. The property is under the direction of Fred Furth of Seattle. The group consists of the Neil and Mood properties, which have been producers, the ore being ground in arrastras. The underground works are extensive. A 50-ton rotary mill was recently installed on the properties. Water furnishes power from 4 to 6 months annually. Grants
Pass, August 14.
(Special Correspondence.)--More ore bunkers are being built at Waters
Creek, the terminus of the California & Oregon Coast railroad,
accommodate the increasing ore production from the Takilma district. Grants
Pass, August 20.
(Special Correspondence.)--W. C. Williams, representing the Chemical
& Alloy Ores Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, is buying chrome ore,
tungsten, and other minerals in this region. E. A. McPherson of Grants Pass has uncovered a rich chute of copper ore at the Old Crow mine in the Monumental district, owned by F. E. Bausman of San Francisco. The vein is 3½ ft. wide on a 100-ft. drift in porphyry, assays $7 in gold, and $4 in silver. Negotiation is being made for its sale to Eastern men. It is rumored that the old Monumental, which has been idle for a number of years, will soon be operated again by Eastern capital. There is a large tonnage of ore running $10 to $40 in gold. It is reported that the Monkey Creek mine is soon to be an antimony producer again. The Diamond Creek cinnabar mine, owned by W. J. Ehrman, is being equipped with a furnace. John Griffin, of Kerby, accompanied by J. C. Kendall and Ernest Rackliff of Reno, Nevada, recently inspected the Griffin cinnabar mines on Diamond Creek, with a view to purchasing. R. R. Horner, of the United States Bureau of Mines, has been in Southern Oregon mines the past week. He is giving special attention to the black sand deposits. Grants
Pass, August 20.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September
8, 1917, pages 367-368Curry County
(Special Correspondence.)--The Chetco Mining Co. of Harbor is spending
$35,000 in erecting new machinery and building roads. The mine is
situated on the summit of Mt. Emery, 12 miles east of Harbor, at an
elevation of 3200 ft. The vein of free-milling ore is 60 ft. wide. Harbor,
September 4.
Josephine County
(Special Correspondence.)--The decline in the price of copper has
closed many of the copper properties in the Waldo district. The miners
and equipment from these properties are being diverted to the
production of chrome and other minerals. Every effort is being made to
develop the production of manganese in Josephine and Jackson counties. The Pittsburgh-Oregon M.&M. Co. was incorporated last week. The office of the company is to be at Grants Pass and a general mining and ore-marketing business is planned. With the burning of the C.-O. Power Co.'s substation in the Greenback district north of Grants Pass, the Greenback mine will suspend operation for ten days. Grants
Pass, September 4.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September
15, 1917, page 406JACKSON COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--The Blue Ledge copper mine is again an
object of inquiry. Its sale is forecasted to the English syndicate that
owns the Lady Smith smelter at Vancouver, B.C. The copper ore from this
mine with that from the Alaskan mines makes an economic flux. Sixteen
motor trucks are employed in hauling ore from the mine to the railroad
at Jacksonville. Andrew Jeldness of Medford, who has been developing the Bloomfield copper mine in the Blue Ledge district, has uncovered a body of rich ore and will start shipping. C. J. Fry of Medford is developing several promising copper veins in the Blue Ledge district. Operators are active in the Gold Hill district investigating manganese deposits. Recent tests from the Gold Hill iron mine have proved that this ore will produce a low-carbon manganese-iron alloy. Several mines in the Meadows district, north of Gold Hill, will be developed to prove the extent of their manganese deposits. Medford,
September 12.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Buzzard gold mine, two miles north of
Gold Hill, was sold yesterday to J. W. Wakefield of Medford, Oregon,
and his associates, who are Eastern people. The new owners have been
investigating the district and selected this mine. They will reopen the
old workings and expect to erect a 5-stamp mill. The vein, in a
porphyry and slate contact, contains free-milling ore, three feet wide.
Ore averaging $40 per ton was reduced in local mills when the mine was
in active operation. Another strike of specimen ore has been made on the old Elashia Ray mine, three miles north of Gold Hill. It is operated by J. W. Davies and associates of Sacramento. Gold
Hill, September 12.
(Special Correspondence.)--Five auto trucks are being used to haul ore
from the California Chrome Co.'s mine to Waters Creek. The haul is 21
miles and 50 tons is shipped per day. The destination of the ore is
Niagara Falls, N.Y. At the mine 21 men are employed. Chrome deposits are being developed by R. C. Fehely and R. W. Kitterman on Grayback Mountain. Grants
Pass, September 4.
Correspondence.)--C. Long and F. Nelson are developing a copper deposit
in the Preston Peaks district. Chrome ore is to be concentrated at the Dorothea chrome mine in Coyote Creek. Crushers, stamp batteries, classifiers and standard tables comprise the mill equipment. The ore contains 30% chrome, associated with serpentine, and it is expected that a 65% concentrate will be made. Grants
Pass, September 4.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Logan placer mine situated on the Grants
Pass-Crescent City highway, two miles northwest of Waldo, has been sold
to George M. Esterly and associates of Seattle, Washington. The
purchase price is $140,000. The mine is one of the oldest in the state.
Its early history is contemporaneous with the gold rush to
Jacksonville. An option on the property was taken by the new owners ten
months ago, and it was operated by them during the past season, the
output being $50,000 in gold and platinum. The property will be
operated on a much larger scale. The water supply permits mining for
eight months of the year. The placer gold is fine, and is accompanied
by platinum, together with osmium and iridium. Grants
Pass, September 4.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Waldo copper mine, two miles from Waldo,
has been sold to the American Exploration Co. of Grants Pass. The
purchase price was $135,000. The property has been in operation 12
years, but only during the last two years has it been worked with
modern machinery. A mill of 50-ton capacity is used to concentrate the
ore. Recent production totals $300,000 worth of copper. The ore is a
massive chalcopyrite associated with pyrrhotite and pyrite. Grants
Pass, September 7.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September
22, 1917, page 444An interesting feature of future chrome production lies in the fact that T. W. Gruetter has recently established at Kerby, Oregon, a custom plant for concentrating black sand to win its gold and platinum. The black sand of the Klamath Mountains usually contains a considerable amount of chromite, and it is believed that by adding magnetic separators to Gruetter's plant to remove the other minerals from the tailing, sufficient chromite may be obtained from the black sand in areas of chromiferous serpentine to make the operation financially successful. The process will evidently yield a high grade of chrome ore, which may be suitable for special uses. "Chromite," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 29, 1917, page 463 JACKSON COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--Marshall mine, eight miles east of Wolf
Creek station on the Southern Pacific, was operated many years for
gold. Chrome ore was recently discovered in the mine, which is now
being worked for that mineral. The ore is crushed and concentrated on
standard tables. The ore is said to contain 30% and the concentrate 65%
of chromic oxide. Medford,
October 6.
(Special Correspondence.)--John Hampshire, of Grants Pass, and
associates are considering the purchase of the Waldo copper mine, one
mile east of Takilma. The property consists of 480 acres of patented
ground and 12 unpatented claims, and 325 acres adjoining the Queen of
Bronze and the Lyttle mine, both of which are owned by the new
purchasers. Col. Draper operated this property between 1900 and 1906
and the ores were treated at the Takilma smelter. Litigation, however,
on account of the sulphurous fumes caused its closing down. The total
output has been about $300,000. The price is said to be $135,000. Grants
Pass, October 6.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October
1917, page 555DOUGLAS COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--The Elkhart quicksilver mines, nine miles
southeast of Yoncalla on the Southern Pacific railroad, on which
$75,000 was expended in development and plant fifteen years ago, was
taken over early in 1917 by E. P. Perrine and H. L. Marsters of
Roseburg. The plant has been reconstructed and the mine is being
reopened. The ore is said to run 10 to 12 lb. of quicksilver per ton. Roseburg,
October 6.
(Special Correspondence.)--J. M. Finch and T. P. Johnson are mining
chrome ore near Kerby and will begin shipping soon. Their property is
west of Kerby, across the Illinois River, and, there being no bridge at
that point, they are endeavoring to get as much ore as possible before
the rains come. Kerby,
September 26.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October
1917, page 590The Barron gold mine, nine miles east of Ashland, Oregon, has been purchased by H. J. Sallee of Redding from the Byron L. White estate. The vein is 16 ft. wide, and contains gold, silver, and antimony in paying quantities. Development consists of a 200-ft. shaft, 750 ft. of levels, and a 5-ft. winze. Sixty men are to be employed with John Kemple as superintendent. The ore will be shipped to Kennett smelters. "Siskiyou County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 27, 1917, page 625 (Special Correspondence.)--There is evidence of steady activity and increasing interest in the mining and prospecting in Jackson County. The government price on copper has served to quell the excitement about that metal, but the established price is quite sufficient to keep the present plants active. Clark & Webb, of Medford, have leased the Gold Ridge gold and silver mine on Kanes Creek, three miles south of Gold Hill, owned by T. C. Norris, of Medford. They have a crew operating a 3-stamp mill and developing a 20-ft. vein that averages $100 per ton in gold and silver.… M. G. Womack, of Medford, and M. A. Clark, of Ashland, representing Trinity County, California, people, have taken a lease on the old Red Oak gold mine, three miles southwest of Gold Hill, on Galls Creek. This property produced $40,000 from the 60-ft. level 25 years ago, but since then it has been idle owing to litigation. Recently it fell into the hands of John Ralls and Claude Lawrence, local miners, who will reopen the 300-ft. level. The vein is three feet wide. W. M. Cowley, president of the Cowley Investment Co., and Howard H. Startzman, both of Seattle, have been inspecting the Copper King copper mine on Grave Creek. 20 miles southwest of Gold Hill. They announce that their reorganization plans have been adopted. The mine is owned by the United Copper Co. of Seattle; it is fully equipped and there is a large ore body said to run 36% copper. A new wagon road from the mine to Rogue River, eight miles west of Gold Hill, is being made.… Earl M. Young, of Rogue River, has sold his manganese property near Wimer, 12 miles west of Gold Hill, to Seattle steel people, who will develop the mine. The ore occurs in small veins running through serpentine. Gold
Hill, Oregon, October 9.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October
1917, page 627JACKSON COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--Herbert Brewitt of Tacoma, Washington,
representing investors of that city, has taken a lease on the Truit
manganese deposits in the Eagle Point district, 20 miles northeast of
Gold Hill. The lessees have done considerable development work on the
property and ordered machinery for a concentration plant, and 40,000
ft. of lumber [for] a mill building. C. F. Daugherty, examiner and
buyer for the Noble Electric Steel Co. of San Francisco, has been
examining manganese properties in this district during the past
Clark & Webb of Medford have leased the Gold Ridge gold and
mine, three miles south of Gold Hill, on Kane Creek. The lessees are
operating a three-stamp mill and making further developments on a
20-ft. vein that averages $100 per ton in gold and silver. The vein Is
in a gabbro-porphyry contact and is free-milling.… The
owners of the
Copper King copper mines on Grave Creek have reorganized and operations
have been resumed at the mine. New equipment will be added and a wagon
route from the mine to Rogue River, nine miles west of Gold Hill, is
under construction. A large body of ore has been uncovered recently. Earl M. Young of Rogue River has sold his manganese property, 12 miles west of Gold Hill, on Evans Creek, to Seattle steel people, who will develop the mine. The ore occurs in small seams, running 35 to 50% manganese. Operations have been resumed on the Nellie Wright gold mine, two miles east of Gold Hill, after a closedown of two months pending reorganization. The 25-ton Beers mill will be replaced by a larger and more modern one. R. M. Wilson is the lessee, representing San Francisco investors. Development work is progressing favorably on the Cheney, Simmons, Ray, and Haff gold mines, two miles north of Gold Hill. This group is being operated by J. W. Davies for Sacramento people. Gold
Hill, October 22.
(Special Correspondence.)--The first modern quicksilver furnace has
been completed and is in operation in this county. It is
situated 12
miles north of Gold Hill, at an elevation of 2500 ft., on the slope of
the Umpqua Mountains in a heavily timbered district. The mines are
owned and operated by W. P. Chisholm of Gold Hill, and consist of 40
acres, which have been mined for cinnabar since 1878, but the ore has
been reduced in only a crude way. The vein, which strikes N. 53° W., has been exposed by adits for 2000 ft.; the greatest depth attained is 75 ft. It occurs along a granite-sandstone contact, where the granite is in part pegmatitic. The mineralized zone is from 100 to 200 ft. wide; it is not a well-defined vein, but is mineralized along an irregular contact. The ore, or mass, contains cinnabar, native mercury, pyrite, gold, zinc, silver, and a heavy black mineral resembling meta-cinnabarite. Samples taken from all the adits assay from $5 to $6 per ton in gold, 5 oz. in silver, 2.5% zinc, and 1% mercury. The cinnabar appears all through the ore and also in the hanging and footwalls in the form of seams and kidneys. The seams are from 6 to 20 in. thick and average from 17 to 70% mercury. The initial run of ten tons of ore in the new furnace produced three flasks of quicksilver; 1200 lbs. of this ore was taken from a rich seam that runs as high as 70% quicksilver. With recent developments in the mine there is 5000 tons of ore in the block. The furnace, a 12-pipe Johnson and McKay, is placed within 300 ft. of the main adit. Gold
Hill, October 25.
(Special Correspondence.)--A deposit of chrome ore has been discovered
on the old McGrew road, 15 miles southwest of Waldo, by J. H. Gregg,
and is being hauled to Waters Creek for shipment.… The
chrome claims
located on Canyon Creek, near Kerby, a few weeks ago by J. M. Finch and
T. P. Johnson have proved to contain a large deposit of high-grade
ore. The ore will be hauled to Waters Creek.… A
carload of chrome ore
has been shipped from the Falls Creek district by W. E. Gilmore of
Kerby. The ore was packed several miles on horses. Kerby,
October 26.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November
3, 1917, pages 665-666JACKSON COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--The 1000-bbl. cement factory of the Portland
Beaver Cement Co., on the outskirts of Gold Hill, began operations last
week with a crew of 85 men. This factory was recently completed at a
cost of $700,000 furnished by local and Portland investors.…
The state
lime board has taken over the J. H. Beeman limestone deposits lying on
the opposite side of Rogue River from the cement factory, and will
equip the quarry for furnishing the Oregon farmers with limestone
fertilizer at cost in excess of $20,000 at once. This property is
miles from Gold Hill, and the output will be delivered by aerial
tramway to the Southern Pacific railway.… M. G. Womack, L.
R. Bigham,
and George Thrasher, of Medford, are developing a promising quartz gold
deposit three miles south of Jacksonville in the Poormans Creek, which
is a rich placer district. The vein is in a greestone-porphyry contact,
and 10 ft. wide. The Manganese Metal Co., of Tacoma, has purchased the J. H. Tyrell ranch in the Lake Creek district for $18,000 cash. This ranch contains the most extensive and promising manganese deposits in this new mining district, 20 miles east of Gold Hill. The new owners have taken options on two adjoining ranches. Three carloads of mining machinery are on the way from Tacoma to equip the mines. Charles W. Scott, representing the company, is at Lake Creek, and is hiring men and teams preparatory to moving the machinery from Eagle Point.… W. F. Sears of Gold Hill, who recently imrchased the Larsen ranch on Kane Creek three miles south of Gold Hill, is preparing to reopen an old gold-quartz vein on the property, and equip it with a small stamp mill and pumping plant. Gold
Hill, October 29.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Kerby Queen copper mine in Hanfort gulch
five miles northeast of Waldo is to be reopened at once. The property
is owned by D. W. Collard of Kerby and is developed by a 900-ft. adit
on the lower level and a 300-ft. on the upper level. There are many
thousand tons of 4% copper ore on the dumps. The high-grade ore being
shipped averages $6 per ton gold.… The Collard, Moore
& Collard
chrome mine, near Kerby, will begin to concentrate ore next week. The
concentrator was erected last spring. Over 2500 tons of chrome ore has
been shipped from this mine and there are many thousand tons of
high-grade ore in sight. A two-stamp mill has been erected at the Abbott and Williams gold mine on the Illinois River near Selma. The ore runs $17 gold.… I. L. Thompson of Seattle has made the second payment on the Osgood placer mine, one mile south of Waldo. Preparations are being made for extensive development work. The bedrock in this mine carries platinum.… The Del Norte Claimholders Association has commenced to grade eight miles of wagon road between Waldo and its copper claims in the Preston Peak district. Supplies have arrived and work is being directed by J. T. Gilmore and A. C. Hoffman. Grants
Pass, November 1.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November
10, 1917, page 703In Southwestern Oregon the old Blanco, a beach sand deposit in Curry County, between Port Orford and Langlois, is being equipped with new machinery to treat 500 tons of gold-platinum sand daily. The Nellie Wright mine, near Gold Hill, Jackson County, was recently sold to Salt Lake people, who are installing compressors and drills. The mine has a 25-ton Beers mill. The Cheney, Simmons, Ray, and Half group of quartz claims, in the same county, has been sold to Californian capitalists, who are starting a new 1200-ft. adit. In Josephine County the Grayback copper group has been leased to owners of the California-Oregon Coast Ry., who also own the Queen of Bronze and the smelter at Takilma. Development on a large scale has been commenced. The Queen of Bronze is working 60 men and producing a good grade of copper ore. "Oregon Mines in 1917," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 24, 1917, page 757 (Special Correspondence.)--Mine operators in this district anticipated a relief from the shortage of help as soon as the miners working in the lumber camps returned for the winter, but the new supply is insufficient to meet the loss of the miners of the draft age who are enlisting in the service of their own choice before the second draft is called. The Blue Ledge mine lost seven men in one day last week.… H. H. Leonard, lessee of the Bowden mine, three miles south of Gold Hill, is now operating in the 120-ft. level on a 3-ft. vein of rich ore. He also has taken a lease on the Yellow Jacket, an adjoining property, owned by Thomas Hagen, who is now his superintendent.… W. A. Douglas, a local mine operator, has taken a lease on the G. Danielson quartz gold mine on Galls Creek, three miles west of Gold Hill. This property is an old producer, but has been idle for a number of years. The lessee will reopen the old drift and extend it on the vein into adjoining property owned by himself and Thomas Dungey.… R. M. Wilson is equipping and will operate the Nellie Wright mine and mill, three miles south of Gold Hill, which has been closed down the past 90 days.… The Manganese Metal Co. of Tacoma has received three cars of machinery for its manganese property in the Lake Creek district, 20 miles east of Gold Hill. Shipments will be made from Eagle Point. Gold
Hill, November 24.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December
8, 1917, page 843(Special Correspondence.)--Concentrating machinery is being erected at the Golconda chrome mine. The mine has been producing steadily during the summer.… The Oak Flat mine, leased by the California Chrome Co., has developed 2000 tons of ore, which will be ready for shipping next spring.… G. S. Barton has 400 tons of chrome ore ready for shipment at his mine 14 miles from Grants Pass.… In this county there are a number of deposits, isolated by lack of roads, which would be opened if chrome prices attained a higher level. Grants
Pass, December 17.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December
29, 1917, page 945(Special Correspondence.)--Harvey J. Sallee. who recently bonded the Barron gold mine east of Ashland from the Alton Mining Co. of Ashland, has closed down the mine for the winter and left for his Reed mine in Shasta County, California. He has spent $6000 in reopening the Barron mine, but the late heavy rains have made the roads impassable between the mine and railroad. During the operation five carloads of ore were shipped to the Mammoth Copper Co. smelter at Kennett, which assayed 1 oz. of gold to 20 oz. of silver, with some zinc and lead. The high-grade ore assayed $75 per ton in gold and silver, while the low-grade $10 to $15. There is 1000 ft. of drift in the mine, one main drift and some prospects. The lessee thinks well of the property, although it presents some difficulty in the way of economical operation. Under the conditions this fall the haul to the railroad, a distance of seven miles, cost $5 per ton, while the difficulty of placing a mill at the mine is that water is only available six months in the year.… Much progress is being made in developing and operating the Chisholm cinnabar mines, 12 miles north of Gold Hill. W. P. Chisholm, the owner, reports that he will put in crushers and concentrating machinery next spring to operate with his 12-pipe furnace.… L. P. McConiche, of Tacoma, representing people of that city, is developing the Buena Vista group of cinnabar mines, recently purchased from W. S. Webb of Medford. This property is just over the Jackson County line in Douglas County, and is an extension of the mercury-bearing dike that extends through Jackson County from California. The property will be fully equipped with furnaces next spring.… Extensive work is being done at the Greenback gold mine in the north end of this county. The old equipment is being dismantled in order to erect new machinery during the coming season. The 7000-ft. aerial tramway has been sold and is being removed to equip the State limestone fertilizer plant at Gold Hill.… The late rains have set the placer mines through Southern Oregon and Northern California in operation, and from present indications the coming season will be a successful one. Considerable attention will be given by the operators to save platinum, which formerly went to waste. Gold
Hill, December 27.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 5,
1918, page 35Oregon Metal Production in 1917
A preliminary estimate of the production of metals from Oregon mines in
1917, compiled by Charles G. Yale, of the San Francisco office of the
U.S. Geological Survey, shows a material decrease from that of 1916.
The output of gold in 1916 was $1,902,149, and the estimated output in
1917 is $1,466,419, a decrease of $435,760. The output of silver in
1916 was 231,342 oz., valued at $152,223, and the estimated output in
1917 is 115,697 oz., a decrease of 115,645 oz. in quantity and $58,046
in value. The output of copper in 1916 was 3,501,886 lb., valued at
$881,144, and the estimated output in 1917 is 1,508,639 lb., valued at
$410,349. A small quantity of lead was produced in 1916, but no
production of this metal has been reported for 1917. There are about a hundred productive mines in Oregon, and although two-thirds of them are placer mines, the larger part of the output of gold comes from the deep mines, and, of course, virtually all the output of the other metals. There were no important discoveries in any of the mining districts of Oregon in 1917, and no great increase in the output of any of the more productive properties. The entire output of ore from all the deep mines combined does not exceed 160,000 tons. Most of the placer mines are worked by the hydraulic system, but the three dredges now in use produce far more gold than all the other placer operations combined. The largest output of gold and other metals in 1917 came, as usual, from Baker County, which produces annually about 90% of all the gold mined in the state. Josephine County is next in production. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 19, 1918, page 96 (Special Correspondence.)--Since the winter rains have set in, the copper mines in Southern Oregon, which have long wagon hauls, are reducing their shipments of ore and are developing for record shipments next season. The Blue Ledge has 60 men employed and is shipping 1000 tons per month, while the Queen of Bronze has 40 men employed and is shipping 1200 tons per month, and the Waldo has quit shipping and has 10 men employed developing.… O. C. Runnels of Seattle, representing people of that city, has purchased the Utah group of quicksilver mines, 12 miles north of Gold Hill, as well as the Samuel Bertelson group of adjoining claims, and intends to combine these properties. These mines are contiguous to the Chisholm group of mercury mines, which is equipped with furnaces. Machinery is being ordered to equip these new mines and representatives of several machinery companies are on the ground to arrange the final details.… Tony Ross and Lawrence Witsette of Gold Hill, who have a lease on the Reynolds copper mine six miles west of Waldo, are making considerable progress in development work. Recent assays show that the copper ore near the surface runs 10 oz. in silver per ton and some gold. This property is eight miles west of the Queen of Bronze copper mines and within half a mile of the Grants Pass-Crescent City highway. Five veins, from 5 to 20 ft. wide, run through the property at an elevation of 2000 feet. Gold
Hill, December 31.
(Special Correspondence.)--O. C. Runnells of Seattle, who recently
acquired the Utah and Bertelson groups of cinnabar mines, 12 miles
north of Gold Hill, for Seattle investors, will incorporate a company
with a capital of $600,000 and equip the properties with a mercury
reduction plant of 100 to 200 tons capacity. A power line will be
erected from the C-O Power Co.'s line in the Beagle district, five
miles from the mine, and electric power will be used in operating.
Samuel Bertelson of Beagle will be the local manager temporarily. Gold
Hill, January 5.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January
19, 1918, page 105(Special Correspondence.)--W. A. Sharp of Grants Pass, Oregon, and his brother, L. C. Sharp, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, have purchased the placer land known as the Hydraulic mine, on upper Jumpoff Joe Creek in the north end of Jackson County, from Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Ashland. It is the intention of the new owners to erect a hydroelectric precipitating plant.… A new find of cinnabar has been reported uncovered in the Trail Creek district, between the Elk Creek and Meadows districts north of Gold Hill, and north of the Lake Creek district.… Much progress is being made on the 900 and 1200-ft. drifts at the Ray & Haff gold mines, two miles north of Gold Hill, which is being operated by J. W. Davies of Sacramento. The 900-ft. drift will open up a large body of ore on a new level, while the 1200-ft. drift will connect with a 1200-ft. drift into the vein from the opposite side of the hill. Gold
Hill, January 15.
(Special Correspondence.)--The Golconda chrome mine at Takilma. owned
by Collard, Moore & Collard, which has been idle since
will resume operation at once under the management of R. J. Rowen, who
has been operating in the Gold Hill district for the past two years. He
has had a contract for the ore output, but difficulties in production
by the owners caused delay and complications which resulted in
litigation. Mr. Rowen is being financed in the construction of a mill
by the Atlantic Ore & Alloys Co. of Philadelphia, which has
purchased the entire output of the mines. This company is to make an
advance on ore of $20,000, which is to be used to erect the plant.
Under the present plans the property will be operated with a
prospective production of 5000 tons of concentrate annually; this will
require the mining of 100 tons of ore per day. The ore, which is all
under contract to the government, will be shipped to Canto, Pittsburgh,
and Jersey City. Gold
Hill, January 17.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January
26, 1918, page 140JACKSON COUNTY
(Special Correspondence.)--L. H. Van Horn of Kerby and
associates have
taken a lease and bond for two years on the Copper King copper mine in
the Blue Ledge district, with the stipulation that work must begin at
the mine within 60 days. The mine property consists of eight claims, or
160 acres.… The machinery for the State 200-ton limestone
plant at Gold Hill has arrived from the East. The 7000-ft. aerial
tramway at the Greenback mine has been dismantled and shipped to equip
the plant, which will be operated by electric power. Contracts call for
the completion of the plant by April 1. The Rogue River Public Service
Corporation, operators of power plants at Gold Hill and Grants Pass,
which went into the hands of a receiver last June, has gone into
involuntary bankruptcy, with liabilities of $650,000. Since the
corporation's financial troubles last year most of its contracts have
been taken over by the California-Oregon Power Co., with plants on
Rogue and Klamath rivers.… Much progress is being made in
development and equipment of the cinnabar mines in the Meadows and Lake
Creek districts, north of Gold Hill, with a view to a record production
in the coming year. Gold
Hill, January 26.
(Special Correspondence.)--George S. Barton is opening a new chromite
deposit on the Waldo Corporation property that is giving considerable
promise. Mr. Barton will operate continuously through the winter. Grants
Pass, January 20.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February
2, 1918, page 177Oregon Gold in 1917.
There are about a hundred productive mines in Oregon, and although
two-thirds of them are placer mines, the larger part of the output of
gold comes from the deep mines, and, of course, virtually all the
output of the other metals. There were no important discoveries in any
of the mining districts of Oregon in 1917, and no great increase in the
output of any of the more productive properties. The entire output of
ore from all the deep mines combined does not exceed 160,000 tons. Most
of the placer mines are worked by the hydraulic system, but the three
dredges now in use produce far more gold than all the other placer
operations combined. The largest output of gold and other metals in
1917 came, as usual, from Baker County, which produces annually about
90 percent of all the gold mined in the state, Josephine County is next
in production.The output in gold in 1917 is estimated at $1,466,419 a decrease of nearly half a million from 1916. Jacksonville Post, February 9, 1918, page 1 (Special Correspondence.)--The Gold Hill Manganese Co. has been incorporated with a capital of $1,000,000 and headquarters at Grants Pass. The property is known as the Manganese Consolidated, was located in 1909, and recently sold by McCallister & Britten to L. F. McConiche of Tacoma. It consists of four claims on Shan Creek, six miles from Rogue River. Recent assays show 24 to 44% manganese, with gold-bearing quartz running as high as $724 per ton. The mine will be equipped with jigs, water motor, crushers, rolls, sawmill, and stamp mill, and $5000 will be spent on the road leading to the mine. Gold
Hill, January 30.
(Special Correspondence.)--Allen Davis and W. A. Patrick, of Ashland,
are developing a chrome deposit 10 miles west of that city. Talent is
the nearest shipping point with a downgrade haul. Croppings of
asphaltum and dried oil, which can be traced for half a mile, have been
uncovered on government land six miles east of Ashland. M. G. Womack of
Medford, associated with men of that city, and H. J. Barton, of
California, have located claims on the deposits. The ground will be
explored at once to determine the advisability of exploiting for oil by
drilling. Gold
Hill, January 31.
County," Mining
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February
9, 1918, page 212GOLD HILL.--Herbert Brewitt and C. W. Scott of Tacoma, Washington, officials of the Manganese Mining Co. of that city, are here inspecting the new plant at their Lake Creek manganese mine east of here. Twenty men are employed. The company has recently spent $30,000, and development promises to have an important bearing on this region. The poor condition of the road is hampering haulage to shipping point. The McKinley copper mine, consisting of 12 claims lying 12 miles east of Gold Beach, has been sold by Delmer Colegrove and associates of Gold Beach, Oregon, to the owners of the Takilma Smelting Co. at Takilma, Oregon. These mines have long been known for their rich ore, and it is reported that the new owners will commence operating at once. Hauling chrome and copper ore from the Waldo district to shipping at Water Creek on the Grants Pass-Crescent City railway continues only in a small way, on account of bad roads. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 2, 1918, page 314 GALICE.--Gold Bar placer mines on Rogue River, below Galice, have been sold to Hayes Temple, Gust Fisher, and Alfred Eubanks, of Seattle, Washington. New owners are operating with three giants and a steam shovel. GOLD HILL.--J. W. Davies and associates, lessees of the Cheney, Simmons, Haff, and Ray gold claims, 3 miles north, have opened rich ore at 400 ft. depth, enough to repay development and purchase price--$100,000. The new chute was found at end of a 900-ft. drift. Three years ago, Ray and Haff, lessees, discovered scheelite in the gold ore, the vein averaging 2% tungstic acid. Most work on the group is in the Cheney and Simmons claims, generally known as the Sylvanite mines, developed by the Sylvanite Mining Co. The lode contains quartz with pyrite, carrying gold and silver valued at $3 to $5 per ton. High-grade ore occurs in boulders, at a depth of 80 to 100 ft. Sulphide ore begins to appear at 160 ft., and the vein is 5 ft. wide at 225 ft. depth. The hanging wall is slate, and footwall limestone. Greatest depth attained on this lode is 600 ft., where it is 25 ft. wide. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 9, 1918, page 351 GOLD HILL.--Decision of considerable importance to miners in this region was given this week at the United States Land Office at Roseburg, in a contest for government land between J. H. Beeman and E. J. Jamison. Judgment was in favor of Beeman, the mineral claimant, and against Jamison, the agricultural claimant. Several years ago Jamison located a homestead of 160 acres on government land, which includes the quarry tract selected for the State limestone plant at Gold Hill. Later, Beeman and others discovered the lime deposits on the homestead, and located three claims of 60 acres thereon, and on the recent application of Jamison for a patent for his homestead. Beeman filed a contest, claiming the land more valuable for mineral than agricultural purposes. The decree gives Jamison a patent for the homestead, saving and excepting the mineral land of 60 acres, which is given to Beeman. MEDFORD.--Lee Devenport of Portland has arrived here with oil-drilling machinery to exploit the recently reported discovery of asphaltum deposits east of Ashland, in the hills at the head of Antelope Valley. It appears that large deposits of high-grade asphaltum have been uncovered in carbonaceous shale, with evidences of petroleum. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 16, 1918, page 388 Placer Platinum
Platinum, osmium, iridium, palladium, ruthenium, and rhodium form a
group of closely related metals, which are generally found as native
metals more or less alloyed with each other. They are rarer than gold,
and some of them, especially platinum, iridium, and palladium, are now
more valuable and in greater demand than gold. Because of their
difficult solubility, their fusibility only at very high temperatures,
and their extreme hardness, they are especially suitable for use in the
chemical and electrical industries. One of its most important present
uses is in making sulphuric acid, for through catalytic action it
brings about the combination of materials required to form that acid,
which is needed for making fertilizers and explosives and is thus
essential to sustain the feeding and fighting powers of our nation. Under normal conditions the United States requires about 165,000 oz. of the platinum metals per year. It produces only a few thousand ounces and is meeting increasing difficulties in importing sufficient quantities. In this emergency we find that we have not utilized all our natural resources and that we have lacked the imagination to foresee the value of some of these resources. Henry G. Hanks, a former state mineralogist of California, as far back as 1884 made the following statement: "If the miners could be persuaded to collect the platinum minerals an industry might be established of considerable importance. There is no reason why platinum should not be manufactured in San Francisco and the American demand in part or wholly supplied by this state." A comprehensive survey of our platinum resources was begun by the U.S. Geological Survey during the field season of 1917, the work in California being done in cooperation with the California State Mining Bureau. The problem of increasing the production of the platinum metals is closely involved in the production of placer gold. The modern dredge, which is capable of handling as much as 200,000 cu. yd. of gravel per month, has become a highly efficient tool, but it is capable of still further improvement. If the gravel is clean and comparatively free from sediment, the dredge recovers most of the gold and platinum from the gravel that is handled, but if a large amount of fine mud or sediment is mixed with the gravel, it is not so effective. Over 30 dredges were at work in 1916 in California and Oregon, and during that year 710 oz. of crude platinum was produced. By careful experiment one dredge operator estimated that his dredge has been losing 4¾ oz. of platinum per month. More efficient methods may yield some increase in the quantity of platinum recovered. Old stream channels buried beneath the lava on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada formed the feeders of the gravels in the areas along the foothills that are now being dredged. These buried channels are mined by driving or tunneling under the lavas, bringing the gravels to the surface, and recovering the placer gold. Some of these old channels carry considerable platinum aside from the gold, and at a few places attempts are being made to mine them more extensively. The hydraulic mines in Northern California and Southern Oregon are producing some platinum along with the gold. The proportion of the value of the platinum to that of the gold produced at some of these mines is about 1 to 20. Unmined gravel deposits along streams in this area contain platinum and should yield a considerable quantity of the platinum metals. The main problem at most of these deposits is to get sufficient water for mining. Large reserves of the platinum metals are probably locked up in these gravels, to be recovered when the cost of mining is reduced by more favorable conditions. The beach sands along the coast of Oregon and California have long yielded gold and platinum. The sands mined include not only those of the present beaches, but of old beaches that now stand about 200 ft. higher. The sands of the present beaches were in places so rich that in the early days they caused one of the great stampedes recorded in the history of California. The problem of Mining the black sands of the beaches has been an alluring one, and many attempts have been made to mine on a large scale. A successful method must be based on a thorough prospecting of the material, which varies in richness not only vertically, but horizontally. No reliable method has yet been found to handle these beach sands, though during the season of 1917 preparations were being made at several places for working them on a large scale. Some platinum is recovered by small sluicing operations that are in progress near the headwaters of many streams, where the gravels are shallow and where the gold and platinum are close to their source in the bedrock. The platinum metals are generally supposed to be derived from the serpentine that occurs in many areas in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Wherever platinum seems to have been traced nearly to its source this rock is found. A roughness of the platinum and in some specimens a black or brownish coating, which is apparently iron oxide, indicates proximity to its source, but it has not yet been traced directly to the serpentine, although it is probably derived from this rock. Streams that drain areas of serpentine would seem to be particularly favorable for prospecting. At no place are the platinum metals concentrated in large quantities. Being rarer than gold, they are harder to find than gold. Iridium is in great demand, and the fact that it forms 10 to 40% of the platinum metals in nearly all the placer deposits in the United States is a special incentive to the search for more. The elimination of litigation and the equitable settlement of questions regarding surface rights and underground rights in drift mining and regarding the distribution of water for irrigation, power plants, and mining might also increase the output. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 23, 1918, page 416 Ashland.--M. G. Womack, H. H. McCarthy, and Carl Jeschke, of Medford, are developing a promising asbestos deposit in Siskiyou Mountains south of Ashland, which is within 5 miles of shipping. Samples show a high-grade long-fiber asbestos. Grants Pass.--Contract has been let for erection of reduction plant at Almeda copper-gold mine on Rogue River, 27 miles below Grants Pass. Concentrator is to be 200-ton capacity, and blast furnace of 150-ton capacity. Cost will total $200,000. About 500 h.p. will be required to operate machinery, which will be furnished by the local electric power company. Almeda mine is said to be better developed than any mine in Southern Oregon, due partly to its favorable situation, being in a narrow canyon of the river, giving a natural transverse section of lode to depth of 500 ft. Development consists of 8000 ft. of underground working, consisting of 5 levels, supplemented by a 500-ft. vertical shaft. These open ore for 1000 ft. horizontally and 800 ft. vertically. Reserves are estimated to be worth $6,000,000. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 23, 1918, page 426 Gold Hill.--Millionaire gold mine, three miles east of this place, closed for a number of years, has been sold by the McKeen National Bank, of Terre Haute, Indiana, to Charles Knight and associates of that city. The new owner has arrived at Gold Hill and taken charge. He reports that much new machinery is in transit to the mine. This mine is on level ground at an elevation of 1730 ft., and is opened by two vertical shafts 400 ft. deep, with several hundred feet of levels opened both ways. There are three parallel veins, which strike east and dip 60°. All contain quartz with pyrite, with some galena and chalcopyrite. Country rock consists of dark argillate, with bands of andesitic material. Shafts are well equipped with electrically driven machinery. Mill includes two Nissen 1500-lb. stamps, with amalgamating plates, crushers, and standard concentrating tables, which have never operated. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 30, 1918, page 459 Grants Pass.--Mountain Lion gold mine, 12 miles southwest of Grants Pass, has been acquired by J. P. Sinnott of Portland and C. G. Murphy of Grants Pass. They have erected a 30-ton Lane mill. This mine has been extensively opened during the past 25 years, there being 8000 ft. of workings done on two veins that are in greenstone and slate, and close to contact of these rocks within an area of granodiorite. The slate occurs as narrow lenses in the greenstone and the best ore of the veins has been obtained near the contact of the two rocks. The veins are 12 in. wide and are faulted at many places. The vein filling consists chiefly of quartz, calcite, and sulphides, the last constituting 1%. The new equipment is driven by gasoline power. Takilma.--Golconda chrome mine, six miles northeast of Takilma, has made an initial shipment of two cars of ore at Water Creek under the new lessee, R. J. Rowen. Thirty-five miners are employed, and on arrival full equipment of auto trucks ordered, production will be 1200 tons of ore per month. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 6, 1918, page 496 Gold Hill.--Rainier Mercury Co. of Seattle has been organized in Jackson County, with T. H. Ellis, president and general manager, and headquarters at Beagle, Oregon. This new corporation takes over the Utah Quicksilver Co.'s 35 claims in the Meadows district, 12 miles north of Gold Hill, also the Samuel Bertelson group adjoining. These properties are contiguous to the Chisholm group, which have been producers since 1878, and are now operated with a 12-pipe furnace to reduce the ore mined during development, and pending the arrival of a 200-ton plant to be selected. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 20, 1918, page 562 Gold Hill.--Shortage of skilled miners and millmen prevents resumption of work at the Millionaire, Nellie Wright, and other smaller gold mines in this district. Rich ore has been uncovered from an 80-ft. raise, 400 ft. below the surface, in the Ray and Haff mines three miles north of Gold Hill. This is operated by J. W. Davies of Sacramento, California. Grants Pass.--The 13 chrome deposits in the Waldo district controlled by R. J. Rowen and associates have 27 auto trucks employed hauling ore. Five cars daily are sent from the shipping point at Waterville. This quantity is to be increased. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 4, 1918, page 632 Medford.--The Blue Ledge copper mines, which suspended shipments late last winter, will resume. It is probable that 40 motor trucks will be engaged in carrying 300 tons of ore each day from the mine to railroad this summer. Seventy-five miners have been employed all winter opening ore for these increased shipments. The Copper King, Bloomfield, and other groups being operated from the Blue Ledge district will also be heavy shippers. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 11, 1918, page 666 . . . I am now at this time at the home of my old friend and ministerial brother, Rev. M. C. Davis, four miles from Wolf Creek. On my arrival at the Wolf Creek station, I was met by Mr. Davis and was soon on the way in his Maxwell car, for his home, where I was met by his wife, son Bertie, daughter Miss Esther, and little granddaughter, Inez Howard. After partaking of a bountiful dinner, Mr. Davis then took us in his car for a trip up to the reservoir, where they store their supply of water for mining. On the route we passed through the little village of Golden, that at one time was quite a flourishing mining camp, before the different mining claims passed into the hands of the few capitalists. The reader will remember that while an individual may have a good mining claim where there is good-paying dirt, or if it happens to be a quartz mine, good prospect for gold, that that one person, unless he has the capital to develop the mine is not much better off than he was before, for it takes money to make money. And that is almost invariably the case, for instance, the mine of which I am writing, which is situated .on Society Creek, before it could be worked successfully had to have two ditches dug and one of them is some five or six miles long, and the other is about half that length, and then they have made a large reservoir where they store the water so as to give a pressure sufficient to do the work, and then in addition to the ditch and reservoir there is some five thousand feet of heavy steel pipe from 16 to 24 inches in diameter through which the water is forced by gravity pressure and comes out of a discharge pipe six inches in diameter, and all this has to be done before the gold can be taken out of the dirt, and the result is that the poor man is forced to sell out to the man or men who can command the capital to do all this work. Passing on through Golden we went on up, up the mountainside until we finally reached the reservoir, where we found Mr. Nias Layman, the man who attends to shutting off and turning on the water as it is ordered by telephone and who goes over the entire length of the ditches every day. He lives in a beautiful little cove on the side of the mountain and seemed to be as "happy as a clam at high tide." After spending an hour or so looking over his neat new house, garden and flower garden, we began to retrace our steps, and on the way left the car and walked a few hundred yards to the part of the mine where they are working at this time. Owing to the scarcity of water, for there is no snow in the hills this season, and consequently a shortage of water, they can run the hydraulic only a part of the time, a few hours each day. But since I was here a few years ago they have washed off and cleared up several acres of land. The way they clear up the land is to first cut and roll together the timber and burn it to get it out of the way. They then set their elevators and that is an incline built of heavy timbers and plank. It is made on about a 25 percent grade, 12 feet wide and runs to an elevation of about 20 feet. The first part of the floor is made of heavy steel bars two inches wide and one inch thick and a space between the bars of two inches. This extends up for about 12 feet and is so arranged that all of the gold and fine gravel passes through onto a heavy plate of steel and that is so constructed that all the dirt, gold, etc., goes from that into a sluice box containing apartments to catch the gold. The rest of the floor of the elevator is made of heavy plank and extends on up until it reaches the required height, generally about 20 or 25 feet, and as the dirt is washed up by the force of the water the racks are forced onto the elevator and pushed over it. When the rocks get up even with the top they will sometimes put on an extension of 16 feet so that they pile the rock up to a height of 30 feet, and they will roll a boulder over the elevator that will weigh five or six hundred pounds simply by the force of the water. By the use of the two elevators they will clean off an acre of two of land at a time without moving the elevator. When the fine gravel and dirt accumulates so as to interfere with the flow of dirt from the flumes the man who directs the hydraulic simply turns loose the water on that and drives it into a pile to itself and now they have some six or eight of these mammoth piles of rock and gravel. At one setting they will clear off over an acre and half of ground, down to the bedrock, and in many instances the dirt is as much as 12 to 15 feet deep. After they get the dirt and rock all sluiced off they then go over the whole of the bedrock and clean up the gold. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 13, 1918, page 5 In my last I spoke of the amount of dirt they moved in the mine and of the manner of taking care of the rock, etc. But the most interesting part is the cleaning up the "bedrock." The debris is all washed up into piles, as before stated, and then the bedrock is left bare with the exception of a little dirt and what gold naturally settles in the crevices of the rock. Then the hydraulic man turns the pipe onto that and all of the remaining dirt is washed into the lowest part of the channel and carefully gathered up and put into the flume; and then the tedious part of the work begins. For every foot if not every inch of that bedrock has to be gone over with a steel scraper and pick, and often they have to go down as much as a foot where they find a soft place, where the gold accumulates and all has to be gone over with a brush specially prepared for the work until they can find no gold. This is attended to after the water fails so that they cannot clean off the surface. But in this mine it seems to pay, but how well remains to be seen. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1918, page 5 MANGANESE ORE HERE SUFFICIENT TO
H. M. Parks, director of the state
bureau of mines,
at the request of the federal government, recently made an extended
examination of the manganese deposits in the vicinity of Lake Creek,and
his report made to Secretary Lane is most favorable. He says: "If
this low grade manganese ore is distributed throughout the entire depth
of the tuff, they will soon have demonstrated a very large tonnage of
ore. In fact, if this be the case, it can be demonstrated within a few
weeks that ore sufficient to supply the entire needs of the government
will be here available, provided proper equipment is installed of
sufficient capacity."Director Parks of the State Bureau of Mines Makes Favorable Report Upon Manganese Deposits in Lake Creek Section-- Deposits of Vast Extent and Outlook Favorable. The report in full follows, and will be followed by supplementary reports, and Mr. Parks is now again examining the deposits. The Manganese Metal Company's property is situated in Jackson County, Oregon, about 17 miles southeast of the railroad at Eagle Point, a station on the P.&E. railway, connecting with the Southern Pacific railway, near Medford. It is about five miles southeast of Lake Creek post office and near the confluence of Lost Creek with the south fork of Little Butte Creek at about latitude 40 degrees, 20 minutes, longitude 122 degrees, 35 minutes. (See Ashland topographic sheet, U.S. Geological Survey.) The manganese ore is found as psilomelane and pyrolusite disseminated through a flat bed of volcanic tuft breccia. The thickness of this bed of tuff in the vicinity where the development is taking place has not been fully determined, but will probably exceed 100 feet. The bottom of this tuff bed outcrops 400 feet above Lost Creek at an altitude of about 2,400 feet. Development Work.
The development work thus far is mostly
confined to
the outcrop of the bed on the nose of the hill, lying between Lost
Creek and the south fork of Little Butte Creek and consists of a large
open cut on the west side of the hill, some views of which are seen in
the accompanying photographs, numbers 1 and 2. This open cut exposes a
face about 40 feet vertically in the deepest place and 75 feet
horizontally, in addition to this there are five or six other surface
cuts farther to the north along the hillside, following the outcrop of
the tuff bed for a distance of about 400 yards. In each case these
surface cuts penetrate the mantle of weathered overburden, exposing
the manganese-bearing tuff in place.A churn drill of approximately 100 feet capacity is being used on the north point of the hill which is about 400 yards, north from the large open cut first mentioned. The first drill holes in this vicinity were located at points almost too far down the hill to catch the tuff at all, most of them showing a depth of tuff only 10 to 15 feet thick, the last one being located further up the hill, penetrating 30 feet of manganese-bearing tuff. Character of Ore.
The ore is largely psilomelane, with
some pyrolusite
very widely distributed throughout the tuff and occurs in varying-sized
grains and rounded nodules, sometimes in butyroidal masses. A few
of these individual masses have been found weighing from 25 to 50
pounds, but most of them occur as smaller pieces or grains from the
size of a bean down to mustard seed. These grains of manganese oxide,
when clearly separated from the tuff gangue material, are quite pure,
running from 53 to 58 percent manganese. All of the open cuts above
described were sampled, running from 2.13 percent to 14.86 percent
manganese, the smaller percentages coming from the shallow cuts, the
higher one from the main open cut. Here a 12-foot vertical channel
sample taken from the face of the open cut, beginning at about six feet
below the surface, contained 14.86 percent manganese. On the face of
the cut in the deepest part there is exposed an area 12 feet vertically
by 30 feet horizontally, that will average from 12 to 15 percent
manganese. The development thus far indicates that the manganese
content improves materially eight or 10 feet below the surface. Development Work.
This company has secured options also on
holdings about two miles farther north on the ridge, lying between the
south fork of Little Butte Creek and the north fork of Little Butte
Creek. Some very good-looking manganese ore is found, outcropping in
the same formation, and is probably a continuation of the same volcanic
tuff bed. The development work here is confined to eight or 10 surface
cuts, exposing in most cases ore which appears to be of concentrating
grade.The volcanic tuff bed in which the ore is found lies between flows of basalt, the overlying rocks of which on this particular hill have been very largely removed by erosion. A glance at the topographic sheet above referred to will show that at least 2,000 to 3,000 feet of these rocks have been removed by erosion in the tributaries of the Little Butte Creek. To have not as yet had the opportunity to particularly study the local conditions, in order to suggest a theory of the origin of these ores, but it seems probable from my hurried study of the situation that the manganese ore described will be found to be the product of weathering and rock decay of the overlying rocks and that they were concentrated in these very porous tuff beds largely, if not entirely, by the action of descending surface waters. Prospecting Drill.
Very good use is being made of the
prospecting drill
at the present time and it seems probable that the development work
which is now in progress will show that the manganese ore is
distributed or disseminated through this tuff bed in sufficient
quantity and quality to make it possible to mine a very large portion
it. If this low-grade manganese ore is distributed throughout the
entire depth of the tuff, they will soon have demonstrated no very
large tonnage of ore; in fact, if this be the case, it can be
demonstrated within a few weeks that ore sufficient to supply the
entire needs of the government will be here available, provided proper
equipment is installed of sufficient capacity.Although the milling of manganese ores is comparatively a new field and has been many times attempted with unsatisfactory results, it seems reasonable to expect, owing to the peculiar texture and the occurrence of these hard, rich grains of manganese oxide in a comparatively soft tuff gangue, that the ordinary processes of water concentration would be successful. A small experimental mill was built last winter about 150 feet below the large open pit on the west side of the hill. The mill consists of a gyratory crusher of about 550 tons daily capacity, two sets of rolls and two Faust jigs. They also have a Faust table which to date has not been used, owing to a lack of proper adjustment. This machinery has been installed under the direction of the Faust Concentrator Company of Seattle. Some details of the mill are not well arranged and on this account they have been operating under difficulties. Notwithstanding these difficulties they have produced recently about 200 tons of 60 percent concentrates from the two jigs, containing from 10 to 14 percent silica. At my suggestion, Mr. C. W. Scott, the manager, shipped to the mining experiment station at Seattle a few hundred pounds of this ore so that we can assist them in working out the very best scheme of concentration possible. A study of the topographic sheet shows plainly that Lost Creek at the property is only 200 feet higher than Eagle Point, the railway station 17 miles away. The wagon road follows the stream on an even grade through an agricultural valley. The road is a fair earth road, certain sections of which, however, are poorly drained. For heavy, all-year road hauling this road will require macadamizing or graveling. Railroad construction from Eagle Point to the property would be comparatively simple and of low cost, there being no rock work and no heavy cuts or fills and only a few small bridges. The manganese company is backed by business men of Tacoma. Both President Brewitt and manager Scott have expressed their desire to cooperate with the government and seem to be concerned more about government needs than personal gain. They are receptive and appreciative of technical advice and are extremely anxious to avoid mistakes. The services of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology, in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Mines, has been tendered and accepted. HENRY M. PARKS,
Medford Mail Tribune, May
20, 1918, page 1Director, Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology. Gold Hill.--Three extensive deposits of manganese have been uncovered on the Pacific & Eastern railway in the Butte Creek district, at the east end of Jackson County. Two are within two miles ot a shipping point, and are on the same strike of the Lake Creek deposits a few miles south. The Tacoma, Washington, company, operating on Lake Creek, is making regular shipments of concentrate and is erecting an additional unit to its plant. The company is drill prospecting its adjoining holdings, which are said to show a large tonnage of good-quality ore. The new owners of the defunct Rogue River Public Service Corporation properties, consisting of power plants at Gold Hill and Grants Pass on Rogue River, have incorporated under the name of the Irrigation & Power Co., with headquarters at Grants Pass. The new company is composed of Indianapolis, Indiana, citizens, with Frank M. Fauvre at the head. Rehabilitation and operation of the properties will be resumed at once. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 25, 1918, page 735 Gold Hill.--J. G. Davies of Sacramento, lessee of the Sylvanite gold mine, has purchased the electrically driven 10-stamp mill formerly operated on the Gray Eagle mine north of Gold Hill on Sardine Creek, and will place the equipment on the Sylvanite. This mine has been a steady producer of rich ore since the first of the year. The mill will treat the present output until contemplated development is completed, when a larger plant will be erected. Harbor.--Theo. R. Heintz, manager for the Chetco Mining Co.. operating the Mt. Emery gold mine 12 miles east of this place in Curry County, reports that operation has been suspended due to trouble in securing supplies, principally gasoline. Rogue River.--Recent developments have uncovered a large deposit of 17 to 42% manganese ore 11 miles from this place on Evans Creek. The property is under lease to M. S. Johnson of Gold Hill, who will ship some ore and dress the lower grade ore. Selma.--Daily brothers and John Casey of Selma are operating chrome mines on the Illinois River. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 1, 1918, page 770 MEDFORD, OREGON
The director of the Oregon State Bureau of Mines, H. M. Parks, at the
request of the federal government, has made an examination of the
manganese deposits in the Lake Creek district in the east end of
Jackson County. His report is favorable. He says: "If this low-grade
manganese ore is distributed throughout the entire depth of the tuff,
they will soon have demonstrated a very large tonnage of ore. In fact,
if this be the case, it can be demonstrated within a few weeks that ore
sufficient to supply the entire needs of the government will be
available, providing proper equipment is installed of sufficient
capacity." The report states that the Manganese Metal Co.'s property is
17 miles southeast of the railroad at Eagle Point, connecting with the
Southern Pacific near Medford. It is five miles southeast of Lake
Creek, near the confluence of Lost Creek with the south fork of Little
Butte Creek. The ore is a psilomelane and pyrolusite disseminated
through a flat bed of volcanic tuff breccia. The thickness of this bed
of tuff near where development is under way has not been fully
determined, but will probably exceed 100 ft. The bottom of this tuff
bed outcrops 400 ft. above Lost Creek at an altitude of 2400 ft. All
the open cuts sampled assay from 2.13 to 14.86% Mn, the lowest coming
from shallow openings. A 12-ft. vertical channel sample taken from a
face of the open cut, beginning 6 ft. below the surface, contained
14.86% manganese. Development so far indicates that the manganese
contents improve materially 8 or 10 ft. below the surface. The volcanic
tuff bed in which the ore is found lies between flows of basalt; the
overlying rocks of the hills have been largely removed by erosion. It
seems that the ore will be found to be the product of weathering and
rock decay of the overlying rocks, and that they were concentrated in
these porous tuff beds, largely if not entirely by the action of
descending surface waters. The Manganese Metal Co. last winter built an
experimental mill 150 ft. below a large open pit on the west side of
the hill. It consisted of a gyratory crusher of 550 tons capacity, two
sets of rolls, and two Faust jigs. There is also a Faust table which
has not been operated owing to lack of proper adjustment. Some details
of the plant are not well arranged, and on this account they are
operated under difficulties. Under these conditions there was produced
recently 200 tons of 50% concentrate, containing 10 to 14% silica.Manganese Possibilities of Jackson County. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 15, 1918, pages 834-835 Gold Hill.--The Rainier Mercury Co. has found a large vein of good cinnabar in the Meadows district, 12 miles north of Gold Hill. They have a 12-pipe furnace at work, and shipped 40 flasks last week. Jacksonville.--The Blue Ledge copper mine is employing 65 men, shipping 150 tons of ore per week. This assays 12%. The haulage charge is $10 per ton. Waldo.--The California Chrome Co. has purchased from George S. Barton and associates of Grants Pass 24 chrome claims on Smith River near the Josephine County-California state line. Much development has been done, and a large tonnage is available for shipment by way of Crescent City, California. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 22, 1918, page 869 Old Jackson County Mines Being
Gold Hill, Dec. 21.--The Alice quartz gold mine, three miles south of
Gold Hill, an old-time producer and closed down for several years, will
be reopened by H. F. McClellan, W. S. Webb and C. C. Clark of Medford,
under a lease and option to buy. The lessees propose to reopen the old
works and do extensive improvements at once. With the reopening of this
property, the Whitney group and the Nellie Wright group, both three
miles east of Gold Hill, and several other important quartz mines in
the Gold Hill district, all old-time producers, the gold industry in
this region has a splendid outlook.
Oregon Journal, Portland, December 22, 1918, page 21 OREGON QUICKSILVER OUTPUT
Oregon produced 673 flasks of quicksilver in 1918, chiefly from the
Black Butte mine, but also from the Rainier mine, in Jackson County,
which was not in operation in 1917. No production was reported from
Arizona or Washington. San Francisco Call, January 22, 1919, page 19 Oregon produced 673 flasks [of quicksilver] in 1918, chiefly from the Black Butte mine, but also from the Rainier mine, in Jackson County, which was not in operation in 1917. "Quicksilver Production in 1918," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 25, 1919, page 135 PLATINUM on the Pacific Coast is associated with chromite, ilmenite, magnetite, and various siliceous minerals, the aggregate constituting what is known as "black sands." The U.S. Bureau of Mines, through one of its staff, Mr. K. H. Hornor, has recently investigated some of the more promising localities in Coos, Curry, and Josephine counties of Oregon, and in Del Norte County, California, to ascertain whether the deposits were valuable enough to exploit for platinum and gold. The Bureau now reports, in Technical Paper 196, that "in general the black sand deposits are disappointing in both value and quantity; they rarely contain enough gold and platinum or occur in adequate quantity to be exploited at a profit. There are, it is true, a few favored places where small areas of the black sand show some precious metal content, and these may become the site of small operations.… The chief difficulties in the profitable exploitation of these deposits are: first, lack of uniformity in occurrence and metallic content, and, second, the high cost of mining and treating the material...." This conclusion should once and for all settle--pace Dr. David T. Day--the many reports of rich black sand along the coast of California and Oregon. "Editorial," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 1, 1919, page 137 GOLD HILL, OREGON
Chrome miners in this region, who all suspended work in November, are
still inactive, not taking up the mining of other minerals. They were
all heavy losers and are collecting proofs of their losses in hopes of
recovering from the appropriation made recently by Congress. Many, if
successful in obtaining repayment, will be able to resume gold mining,
in which they were engaged before the war. But little gold mining will
be done in this district under the present high prices for machinery,
supplies, and labor. A few fully equipped properties will be operated
in the coming season, but no new development will be undertaken. The
manganese properties are closed. The Rainier Mercury Co. and several
small properties in the Meadows district north of Gold Hill are still
operating their furnaces at the reduced price for quicksilver, and
claim that they can produce at a good profit with the metal at $50 per
flask. Status of Mining in Southern Oregon. The Nellie Wright group, under lease to R. M. Wilson of Gold Hill, and the Ray & Haff group, under the management of J. G. Davies, of Sacramento, are the only gold properties being operated at present in this district. Several leases have been made recently for important gold properties based on future operations; among them are the Alice quartz mine, an old producer, three miles south of Gold Hill, leased to H. F. McClellan, W. S. Webb, and C. C. Clark of Medford. Benjamin Hays and Horten Beeman, experienced local miners, recently took a lease on the Lucky Bart gold mine six miles north, and after two months work extending an old drift uncovered a large body of $35 ore 100 ft. below an old pay chute which produced $150,000. This property is well equipped with a 10-stamp mill, and has yielded $250,000 since the early 'nineties. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 29, 1919, page 434 Hutton.--At the Blue Ledge copper mine, in the Elliott district of Siskiyou County, near the Oregon border, the winter's accumulation of 1000 tons of sulphide ore is now being moved over the Rogue River Valley Railway and Southern Pacific at Medford, Oregon. The 34-miIe haul by teams and trucks costs $10 per ton. Twenty-seven miles of standard crushed rock highway, extending to the California state line, is to be completed by the state of Oregon at a cost of $50,000. A moderate reduction in transportation costs will render available for shipment several hundred thousand tons of developed ore. Gold and silver are important metals in this ore. This district includes the Gray Eagle mines at Happy Camp, and is one of the most promising copper areas in California. "California," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 17, 1919, page 680 MEDFORD, OREGON
The superintendent, Jerome A. Hilbert, of the Blue Ledge mine at
Copper, California, was a visitor at Medford last week, and reports
that everything is moving well at the mine, where they have 25 men
employed mining and shipping 500 tons of ore per month, which is
shipped to the Tacoma smelter, Washington. This ore averages 14.5%
copper, 6 oz. silver, and $2 gold per ton. Copper at 15 cents and
silver at $1 per ounce brings the value to $51.50 per ton. This is a
good grade of ore, but the first 30 miles of its journey to
smelter--mine to Jacksonville, Oregon, the railhead--it is conveyed by
team 7 miles, auto truck 23 miles, which costs $12 per ton, and runs
into $6000 per month, that this mine alone pays out for freight on ore,
besides the supplies and passenger traffic that is carried. This is an
attractive item for any railroad to consider when it is remembered that
it is claimed by those familiar with the district that there is a
number of undeveloped properties with exposures fully as good as the
Blue Ledge was at the same stage of development, but are handicapped by
want of capital for development and wagon roads. Among the good
properties are the Bloomfield, Blue Canyon, Copper King, St. Albans,
and Great Northern groups. NOTES ON THE COPPER MINES. John Dixon and associates have met with good results at the Buck and Sullivan copper claims, which are situated on Squaw Lake Creek, 6 miles north of the Blue Ledge mine. O. F. Tainer and associates have just discovered and located a deposit of 9% copper ore, besides gold and silver. This is in the head of the Elliott Creek region northeast from the Blue Ledge mine. E. W. Cooper of Sams Valley, 15 miles north of Medford, is reported to be making good progress in driving the new tunnel on the Gold Wedge mine. This is intended to cut the vein at considerable depth, as milling ore of satisfactory grade in upper workings is all worked out. The management of the Copper Lode Association announces its intention to resume work soon. They have an attractive copper prospect, equipped with a 30-h.p. gasoline engine, air compressor, and hoist. This property is 12 miles south of Jacksonville and is reached by a good auto road. The improving metal and mineral markets are shown by an increased amount of assaying, as reported by Campbell & Liljegran, of Medford. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 14, 1919, page 824 GOLD
Gold mining companies in this region that took up the extraction of
chrome, copper, manganese, and mercury during the war, and expected to
resume the mining of gold afterward, are now fully convinced that the
scarcity and high prices of labor and machinery will cause a prolonged
suspension of a general resumption of gold mining in this region and in
Northern California. COPPER, QUICKSILVER, AND GOLD MINING, AND CONTEM- PLATED EXTENSIONS; ALSO ROAD CONSTRUCTION. The only copper property operating at present in Southern Oregon is the Blue Ledge group on the Oregon-California boundary in the upper Applegate district. Its weekly output is three cars of ore carrying over 12%. The wagon haul to shipping at Jacksonville is 35 miles, at a cost of $11 per ton. The Tacoma, Washington, smelter, which is treating the ore, recently had officials at the mine and propose to double the output by handling lower-grade ore. The Rainier Mercury Co., of Tacoma, has been operating two 12-pipe furnaces on rich cinnabar, with a daily output of three flasks during the past two years from the Utah group of 35 claims, north of Gold Hill. The new organization, the War Eagle Mining Co., recently organized at Medford, and composed principally of local men, has taken the property over, doing some development and operating the present plant. They propose to erect a 500-ton furnace during the coming season to calcine lower-grade ore, and claim that they can produce mercury at $55 per flask at a profit. The original old channel or bed of the ancient river, recently uncovered in the Esterly placer mine in the Waldo district, west of Gold Hill, is being successfully developed, operating in gravel carrying coarse gold. After passing through a barren zone on the bedrock sluiced off years ago, a pit to the depth of 25 ft. has been piped below the level of the former workings, at a point between two benches of bedrock. This pit opens a bed of gravel entirely different in character from the clay banks that were so profitable during the past 50 years. The depth of this gravel has not yet been determined, neither has any cleanup been made on which to show high gold content. Heretofore, the gold recovered at this mine has been fine and flour gold, and evenly distributed through the clay banks, which are from 10 to 40 ft. deep. This property, formerly known as the Logan mine, and the Simmons mine, has been worked at a large profit during the past 50 years, and consists of 4200 acres, practically all profitable placer ground. Water right consists of 14,000 inches, and is supplied by a system of ditches 25 miles in length. It was purchased in 1916 at a cost of $140,000 by Seattle people, with George M. Esterly at the head as manager and superintendent, and has been yielding for some years $40,000 in gold dust and $10,000 in platinum annually. The lack of grade for the dumping of tailing led to the erection of a hydraulic elevator system, the residue being lifted 73 ft. by two elevators. With the opening of the new pit an additional elevator has been erected, making a total lift of 89 ft. above the pit. All the standard placer gold-saving devices are in use, but due to the fineness of the gold much is lost and carried over in the tailing. It is proposed to dispense with this system this coming season at a cost estimated from $40,000 to $50,000, by opening a race through a 700-ft. tunnel through serpentine to the west fork of the Illinois River. The daily capacity of the mine at present is 1000 cu. yd., at an average cost of 6 cents per yard, but with the new system the capacity will be greatly increased, with a reduction of operating cost. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 21, 1919, pages 856-857 GOLD HILL, OREGON
The director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines, Henry M. Parks, has
announced that the Bureau expects to do considerable field work in
Southern Oregon during the present season. The auto-truck engineer crew
of the Bureau left Portland on June 3 for this region, and will be
operating during the coming few weeks in the Jacksonville district
south of Gold Hill. This outfit is an auto-truck upon which is mounted
a complete sampling, crushing, pulverizing, and assaying plant. The
power is operated by the motor of the truck. There will be four or five
men in the crew, and they will make detailed examination of a number of
partly developed mines, most of which are now idle. Mr. Parks expects
to be there during the preliminary work. STATE BUREAU OF MINES RESUMES INVESTIGATIONS. During the war, the State Bureau suspended all field operations, likewise its publications, but with an appropriation of $50,000 by the recent Legislature, the Bureau will resume field work throughout the state and publish results. There will be also a systematic investigation of oil and gas possibilities. The field work in Eastern Oregon is being done jointly with the U.S. Geological Survey, while the western part of the state is being investigated solely by the state department. The Bureau has contracted with a well-known firm of consulting oil geologists to do the work in Western Oregon. The War Minerals Relief Commission will probably hold a public meeting at Medford early in August to hear any further evidence in support of the claims filed for relief in Southern Oregon and Northern California. The lessee of the Nellie Wright gold mine, R. M. Wilson, three miles east of Gold Hill, who recently undertook to unwater the mine preparatory to resuming operations, found that the present electric power line and service were not sufficient to operate the mine and mill. The property is less than 1 mile from the main transmission line passing down the valley on the Pacific Highway, but due to the lapse of this service during the 24-hour period, he will be forced to put in an independent wire to the substation at Gold Ray, a distance of 5 miles, at an expense of $1500. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 5, 1919, page 23 Medford.--The War Eagle Mining Co. was recently incorporated and taken over by local people, who are: C. M. Kidd, president; A. L. Hill, secretary and treasurer; Sam Bertelson and Ed Skewis, directors. The property consists of a group of quicksilver claims on upper Evans Creek, 25 miles north of Medford. It has been known for many years that cinnabar existed in a considerable area in this region. Some prospecting was done with variable results until Mr. Bertelson and associates opened a vein that, according to the management, has been tapped with a crosscut tunnel 75 ft. long, driven east and west 275 ft. and raised to the surface 85 ft., and is now sinking to a depth of 280 ft. The vein averages 5½ ft. In width, and carries 3.5 to 4% mercury. There are two batteries of 12 Johnson and McKey retorts. During 1918, August 1 to January 15, they produced 17,425 lbs. of metal. At present one battery of retorts is treating three tons of ore daily, saving a little over 100 lbs. of mercury. This is not satisfactory, and a change to other methods of extraction is contemplated. The Dr. Chisholm group adjoins the War Eagle on the south and the Mountain King mine is still farther south by three miles; these have some good exposures of cinnabar. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 12, 1919, page 69 Medford.--We have received a letter from A. E. Kellogg, of Gold Hill, entering a friendly protest against the statement appearing in this column in our issue of July 12, that the War Eagle mine carried 3½ to 4% mercury over a width of 5½ ft. Mr. Kellogg further states that he has recently inspected this property, and that he is moved to protest in the interest of the district, which can only be injured by such extravagant reports. We are glad to make this correction here.--News Editor. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 19, 1919, page 102 OREGON
Medford.--The War Minerals Relief Commission arrived in Medford from
San Francisco on July 27 and began its session in the federal building
the next day. The session consumed the entire week in taking the
testimony in the cases of the 174 applicants for relief in the Medford
district, which includes the whole of Southern Oregon and Northern
California. The commission consists of three members: Philip N. Moore,
of St. Louis, Past President of the A.I.M.&M.E., John F.
ex-Governor, Congressman, and Senator from Colorado, and M. D. Foster,
ex-Congressman from Illinois. The commission was accompanied by Paul S.
Black of Washington. D.C., their counselor, and H. E. Meyer of
Washington, secretary, and several clerks and stenographers. The
largest claim to come before the commission in Medford was that of J.
F. Reddy, who filed his claim to recover $80,000 losses in chrome
mining in Siskiyou County, California. The next largest claim was that
of the Manganese Metal Company of Tacoma, Washington, for
which it expended in its manganese deposits at Lake creek east of
Medford. In his testimony, Herbert Brewitt, president of the company,
alleges that the money was spent in erecting machinery, reduction
works, building roads, ditches, and dams, and in purchasing property in
which the ore was located. Two other large claimants heard were Maine
& Reichman, chrome operators in the Fort Jones district in
County, California, for $29,435.66, and the Suffern company of Coos
County, Oregon, for $27,516.WAR MINERALS RELIEF COMMISSION AT MEDFORD. STATEMENT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE OREGON BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY. The following communication was presented to the commission while in session here by Henry M. Parks, Director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines: "As Director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology I am appearing before you to make clear the part taken by the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology and the members of its staff in encouraging and stimulating the developments of new properties and increase of production of war minerals during certain periods of the years 1917 and 1918. "In October 1917 I received a letter from George Otis Smith, Director of the U.S. Geological Survey, a copy of which is enclosed, in which he requests me to exert every effort to increase the domestic production of chrome ore, as per following quotation from his letter, being the last paragraph on the first page: "'With difficulties limiting the importation of chromite multiplying, it is necessary to exert every effort to increase domestic production of chrome ore and to this end the hearty cooperation of your organization with the U.S. Geological Survey is earnestly invoked.' "During the month of May 1918 I had occasion to visit Washington, D.C. and called upon Dr. C. K. Leith of the War Import and Export Committee, who called my attention to the impending crisis in war minerals, due to the shortage of ships for importing such materials from foreign countries, and requested me to push with the greatest speed the development of all manganese and chrome properties in Oregon. "On account of this critical situation in connection with the war minerals demand I ordered the field staff of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology to do everything possible to encourage new development, and speed up the production of manganese and chrome. "To this end the staff of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology visited many manganese and chrome properties in Oregon and came in direct touch with the miners and prospectors by correspondence and personal conferences. In all cases where in our judgment an extra effort was warranted, we requested on behalf of the government the speeding up of the production of development. "This activity on the part of the staff of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology caused many prospectors and miners to engage in an effort to produce these war minerals, as is shown by the fact that Oregon's production of chromite in 1918 over 1917 increased from 7000 tons to 22,500 tons, and the number of producers increased from 26 to 59. Many others engaged in development work, but did not have sufficient time before November 11, 1918 to bring their properties to production." Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 16, 1919, pages 241-242 GOLD HILL.--The field party of the engineers and geologists of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology is making its headquarters at Gold Hill for the next few weeks. The party has spent two months in the mining districts north and south of Gold Hill and during that time has examined, by request, a number of mines and prospects that are being developed and operated. Surveying, mapping, assaying, geologic study or whatever was required to assist the development of Southern Oregon mines was done. Some of the better known deposits that have been thus examined in detail are the Blue Ledge (copper), the Opp (gold), the Sterling (placer gold), and the War Eagle (mercury). Several Gold Hill mines are slated for examination, after which the party will make its headquarters at Grants Pass, and later in the Waldo district. The field party is in charge of G. E. Stowell, assistant mining engineer, under the direction of H. M. Parks, director of the Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology. It is likely that the party will return to Medford late this season. A mining deal involving a purchase price of $50,000 was closed and filed in Josephine County recently, when a group of copper claims in the Grave Creek district, west of Gold Hill, was sold to the International Copper Co., an Arizona corporation. The payments extend, in installments, to January 1920. The proposed extensive improvements on the Almeda copper and gold mine on Rogue River, west of Grants Pass, have been suspended by reason of the revival of the litigation between rival stockholders and directors of the Almeda Mines Co. and the Almeda Consolidated Mines Co. Suit was recently started in the federal court of Portland, when one stockholder brought the suit against the other stockholders, as well as the directors and state officials, for a complete accounting of all affairs of the two concerns. The amount involved runs high into the millions. The same litigation has been before the same court on former occasions after passing through the courts of Josephine, Douglas, and Multnomah counties in Oregon. The plaintiff asks that the federal court nullify the proceedings now pending in the circuit court of Josephine County, and that the entire property involved be awarded to the Almeda Consolidated Mines Co. against the Almeda Mines Co. The plaintiff charges many of the officials with fraud and deception, and alleges that the original litigation, dating several years back, was commenced as a means by which the opposing parties could procure control of the property. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 30, 1919, page 309 OREGON
Jackson and Josephine Counties.--But little attention was
paid to the
production of platinum in Southern Oregon until the war. With the
interruption of the normal importation from the Ural Mountains, the
government made a special effort to discover and develop the deposits
in Jackson and Josephine counties. To this end L. M. Prindle and H. G.
Ferguson, geologists of the U.S. Geological Survey, early in the war
spent over three months in an inspection of the region, including
practically every hydraulic placer mining district in Southern Oregon
and Northern California. In nearly every district visited by these
geologists they found that, prior to their coming, practically no
attention had been paid to the recovery of platinum by the hydraulic
miners. The miners had often discarded it without recognition, or,
after keeping it some time as a curiosity, threw it away when a ready
local market was not available. The geologists, however, found that
platinum occurred in small amounts in almost all the placer diggings,
and started interested investigations on the amount that it was
possible to recover. PLATINUM IN PLACER MINES. AN INTERESTING OCCURRENCE IN THE HIGHLAND QUARTZ MINE. Platinum, like chrome in this region, is closely associated with serpentine. It occurs as an alloy of platinum, iridium, and osmium, as in the Ural Mountains. Although it is believed that the source of the gold placers, like those of California, was in the serpentine and olivine-bearing rocks of the Sierra Nevada and tributary ranges, the source of the platinum has not been traced to lode deposits containing the metal in the native form, nor, except in one instance, have lode deposits been discovered. A roughness of the platinum and in some specimens a black or brownish coating, which is apparently iron oxide, occasionally indicate proximity to a source. In the Riddle Quadrangle the serpentines have resulted chiefly from the decomposition of the peridotites and the pyroxenites, but some areas of the serpentine are probably the result of the decomposition of basic phases of the greenstone. Many of the miners in prospecting for platinum have difficulty in determining whether or not the black sands of the region contained the metal, and at other times confused it with silver. In some placer deposits the grains of the platinum are coated with a dark film and somewhat resemble the grains of chromite, magnetite, or ilmenite, which in panning was confusing to the miners. During the visit of the geologists to the region they showed the difference to the miners, and now most of them are able to detect the presence of platinum. The sodium-mercury amalgam is the principal agent used for collecting jointly the gold and platinum. Late in 1916 the owners of the Highland quartz mine in the Gold Hill district were surprised, on receiving from the smelting company a report of a mill run, to find that the shipment in addition to the gold and silver contained 0.032 oz. platinum. The ore was mined at a depth of 100 ft. The footwall of the vein is mingled schist and granite, and the hanging wall is made up of serpentine, schist, and granite. The Highland claim lies 12 miles southwest of Gold Hill, on the right fork of Foots Creek, at an elevation of 2600 ft. It was first worked about 20 years ago, the present workings are confined to the oxidized zone; the old workings were more extensive. The vein strikes NE and dips about 35° SE; the country rock is a micaceous sandstone. The owners of the mine, in an attempt to discover the source of the platinum found in the shipment, gave the walls of the vein a thorough test by both pan and assay but found no trace of platinum. They then looked to the vein-matter for the source. The vein-matter contains quartz of three colors: rose, amber, and blue. The blue quartz, which is quite dense, is pitted throughout with small cavities, which are lined with a black, sooty mineral, and filled with a decomposed irony matter. In crushing and panning this quartz it gave results high in platinum. The mine is equipped with a 3-stamp mill, amalgam plates, and one 4½ by 16-ft. Frue vanner. The ordinary sodium-mercury amalgam was used, which saved the platinum. The field survey of the Oregon Bureau of Mines was informed of this discovery, which occurred since the former survey in 1916, and while in this district the past summer it intended to make a thorough survey of this deposit. A forest fire, however, swept over the mine before the survey was made, destroying some of the underground work and making it unsafe, so that the work was left for another visit. The accompanying illustration shows the Old Channel hydraulic placer mine in the Galice district in Josephine County. This is a typical placer mine in Southern Oregon; since the investigations on the occurrence of platinum in these gravels its recovery has received careful attention, with the result that mines of this sort are now producing some platinum. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 11, 1919, pages 541-542 OREGON
Gold Hill.--The purchase of the Medford-Jacksonville railway by the
Gagnon Lumber Co., of Medford, Oregon, is a matter of importance to the
development of the copper deposits in the Blue Ledge district in the
southern part of this county and Northern California. The lumber
company has a large holding of sawmills and box factories in Medford
and Jacksonville, and this road already extends into the timber of the
Applegate district supplying these plants. The new owners have already
taken steps to organize a company to extend the railway from
Jacksonville a distance of 35 miles to the Blue Ledge mine, California,
and from there on to the coast at Crescent City. During the war this
region was a heavy shipper of high-grade copper ore to the Puget Sound
smelters. During that time the smelters found these ores essential in
fluxing with the Alaskan ores from the north, and the result is that
they are now in the market for all the available ores from this region.
POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF THE MEDFORD-JACKSONVILLE RAILWAY. GEOLOGY OF THE BLUE LEDGE MINE. This has been an impetus for the Blue Ledge mine to continue operations since the war under the high cost of mining. The mine is operated with 40 miners and has a weekly output of three cars of ore. It is under lease to the Mexican S.&R. Co., of New York. Jerome A. Hilbert is engineer in charge at Copper, California. Only ore running 12% or more is shipped, while the lower grades are being dumped to await future reduction at the mine or a lower shipping rate to the smelters. The present wagon haul to the shipping point at Jacksonville from the mine costs $11 per ton, which is done by wagons the first six miles from the mine and thence by 5-ton-capacity auto trucks. The ore of the Blue Ledge mine consists of nearly solid pyrite and chalcopyrite with a little pyrrhotite and sphalerite or galena. The deposit is opened by a series of adits on the face of a cliff at different elevations; with the winzes and raises this gives a vertical exposure of ore for about 800 ft., and a horizontal exposure for about 2000 ft. The elevation of the mine is 4000 ft. The first fissures were cemented by coarse vein quartz; after shearing the second fissures were filled with calcite, chlorite, and sulphides. The veins average 2 ft. in thickness, and are narrower and lower grade in the lower levels. The veins strike nearly due north and dip about 65 degrees west; they are parallel with the banding of the schist country rock, but locally cut across it. There are three veins which are roughly lenticular in form; one lens succeeds another along the strike, usually with a small offset. The hanging wall is a soft white schist near the vein, but elsewhere it is a mineralized quartzite containing some muscovite. The footwall is a bluish-black hornblende schist. The position of the bedding and rock cleavage seems to indicate that the mine is on the east side of an anticline (overturned to the east ) which pitches to the south. Faults are common in the workings, but usually the offset is only 1 to 5 ft., so that there is no difficulty in following the veins. Pyrite in big cubes occurs in the wall rocks, especially in the hanging walls. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 15, 1919, pages 721-722 OREGON
Grants Pass.--During the war period gold mining declined in Josephine
County and the operators took up the mining of the war metals, and
since the war the high cost of mining has prevented a general
resumption of gold mining. Now, however, the operators are reaching a
point where many of them, heavily encumbered with equipment, have no
choice but to resume gold mining with present costs. Nearly all the old
hydraulic placer mines in the county are ready for the season's run,
and many operators are preparing to resume quartz mining. The early
September rains were an impetus to the placer miners to prepare their
properties in anticipation of an earlier season than usual,
and the
production of gold from this source the coming season promises to be
the largest in the history of Josephine County. OPERATORS PREPARING TO RESUME GOLD MINING. Holland.--W. R. Burner and associates of Holland, in the western part of Josephine County, have purchased the McCourt placer ground in that district and are employing a large force of men in developing the property. This ground for a number of years has been known to be rich, but on account of the depth and water the old-time equipment was useless. The new owners, however, are placing modern engines, pumps, hoists, etc., on this ground and by driving propose to be washing gravel by the first of the year. In this same region the old Hansen property is being prospected by Michigan people, by sinking shafts to bedrock with a view to eventually using a dredge. The ground averages 35 ft. to bedrock and if equipped with a dredge a hydroelectric power plant will be erected nearby on the Althouse. Pickett Creek.--The Big Four placer mine, 10 miles west-northwest of Grants Pass on Pickett Creek, near the junction of Rogue River, which has been idle for several years, is ready to resume operations. This property is owned by M. J. Merrill, of Portland, Oregon, and covers 200 acres, chiefly on a bedrock of slate. The gravel ranges from 30 to 70 ft. in thickness, and is in part clearly stratified. The 14 ft. of red earthy sand and clay overburden is said to contain fine gold that can be saved, but the large pieces are in the bottom of the gravel. The lower 12 ft. of gravel contains well-rounded cobblestones, the largest being 6 inches in diameter. At the bottom a few boulders, generally slate, rest on bedrock, and from 2 to 4 ft. of the bottom gravel is partly cemented. The rimrock rises abruptly and the slates are much crushed and faulted, forming a terrace on the northwest toward the creek. The old channel is 250 ft. in width and 30 ft. in depth below the slate-rim terrace, from which the gravel capping has in part been mined away. The water is supplied from Pickett Creek at a head of 200 ft., two giants being operated for a large portion of the year. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 6, 1919, page 827 Medford.--The Bolan Creek Mining Co., in which a number of Medford people are interested, has been organized under the laws of Arizona and capitalized at $150,000. The office of the company is in Medford with Porter J. Neff as attorney-in-fact for the concern. Its gold placer mine is located on Sucker Creek in the Holland district of Josephine County, 30 miles west of Medford. The mine is now being equipped for operation. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 6, 1919, page 832 OREGON
Sixes River District.--An important recent development in this district
is the opening of placer mines by the Inman Mines Co. The company
recently completed a dam on Sixes River, 35 ft. high and 135 ft. long,
which will retain about 6,000,000 cu. ft. of water. A 34-in. wood-stave
pipeline has been built with a vertical fall of 147 ft., and three
hydraulic giants with 6-in. nozzles are now at work. According to the
estimate of the company's engineer the project will develop 3000 hydro
horsepower. The company proposes to erect an electric power plant for
mining and lighting purposes. This district is situated in the northern
part of Curry County and occupies the area drained by the Sixes River.
The climate is mild, and the annual rainfall varies from 65 to 70 in.
Snow rarely remains in the lower altitudes, while in the higher parts
it may fall to a depth of 3 or 4 ft., and last for a few weeks. The
rocks are predominantly shale, sandstone, and conglomerates of the
Bothan and Myrtle formations, which are often intruded with
igneous rocks. A considerable area of greenstone is found in the
headwaters of the Sixes River near the Rusty and Salmon mountains,
while a large area of basalt occurs in the north-central part of the
district. Placer mining has been done for over thirty years, in later
years leading to considerable activity in quartz mining. These placer
deposits contain besides gold, some platinum and iridium. The beach
sands at the mouth of the river have been successfully worked for gold
and platinum for a number of years past.PLACER MINING IN SIXES RIVER DISTRICT. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 10, 1920, page 60 Gold Hill.--F. H. Van Horn, representing Victor W. Brown and associates of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has taken a lease and option to buy the old Sylvanite group of quartz-gold mines two miles northeast of Gold Hill. The property was recently operated by the Gold Hill Mines Co., of which J. W. Davies of Sacramento, California, is the head. It was closed down last summer, due to the scarcity of labor and the high cost of mining. Davies is now on the ground and announces that the lessees propose to resume as soon as they can repair the mine and mill equipment. The property has a 10-stamp mill and other machinery, driven by electric power. Considerable interest has been attached to this property since the discovery, in March 1916, of tungsten in the form of scheelite along with the gold ores. The mineral occurs in small stringers of quartz. Samples have been taken from these quartz veins which run as high as 40% tungstic acid, but it is said by the management that the vein as a whole runs less than 2%. The veins carrying the best grade of tungsten have been developed to only a small extent, but more work will be done. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 24, 1920, page 136 OREGON
Waldo.--A general resumption of copper mining in this district seems
probable. Several producing copper mines, which closed down on the
suspension of hostilities last November, had shipped ore containing
more than 12% copper to the Tacoma smelters, while lower-grade material
accumulated on the dumps. It was during the war period that the smelter
operators discovered that the Southern Oregon copper ores could be used
to advantage as a flux for Alaskan copper ores, and with the smelter in
the market for such ore several companies are planning to resume
operations. The Blue Ledge copper mine in the upper Applegate district,
just over the line in California, was the only mine in this region to
continue shipments after the Armistice. This mine has been operating
steadily with a crew of 25 miners, shipping three cars of ore per week.
OPERATIONS RESUMED AT QUEEN OF BRONZE PROPERTY. Work at the Queen of Bronze and associated properties has recently been resumed under lease, and regular shipments are being made. This property is 2½ miles east and south of Waldo and is equipped with a 100-ton smelter. The ore is hauled a short distance to the smelter. This plant has a 125-ton water-jacketed blast furnace operated semi-pyritically, making matte averaging 45% copper, 2.5 oz. silver, and $2.50 gold per ton, that is shipped to the Tacoma smelter for converting. Up to 1910 more than $150,000 was spent on the property, including the building of the smelter, and more than 20,000 tons of ore was smelted, the average content being 8½% copper and the usual amount of gold and silver. The ore contains massive chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and some pyrite, together with some oxidized minerals. It occurs in a brecciated zone of variable width, in which chunks of massive copper and iron sulphides are found. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 14, 1920, page 240 OREGON
Gold Hill.--The placer miners of Southwest Oregon are feeling blue just
now because the dry weather and the lack of snow in the mountains has
lowered the water in the streams to such an extent that all placer
mining is coming to a standstill. REPORTED DISCOVERY OF PLATINUM IN SIXES RIVER DISTRICT. Curry County.--Platinum ore, according to report, has been uncovered along the Sixes River in the western part of the county. The deposits have been traced for nearly twenty miles in a northeasterly direction, ending near the mouth of the Sixes River, and some of the assays run as high as 18 oz. per ton. Many claims are being staked along the line of discovery by locations from Marshfield and Bandon. Mining men of the region doubt the character of the find, although platinum ore was found in the Highland gold-quartz mine in the Gold Hill district in Jackson County as early as 1916. Placer mining has been carried on for more than thirty years in this district, and in later years led to considerable activity in quartz mining and the recovery of platinum from hydraulic placer operations. The country rock of the district is predominantly shale, sandstone, and conglomerate of the Dothan and Myrtle formations, with frequent intrusions of basic igneous rocks, which are altered in numerous places to serpentine. A considerable area of greenstone is found in the headwaters of the Sixes River near Rusty Butte in the Salmon Mountains and an area of basalt is found in the north-central part of the district. Wagon roads are confined to regions near the coast, and trails are the only means of transportation in the main part of the district. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 13, 1920, pages 390-391 OREGON
Gold Hill.--David Force of Beagle, who has been driving a 200-ft. drift
on his mercury mine in the Meadow district, 12 miles north of Gold
Hill, has uncovered a large body of cinnabar ore assaying 60% mercury.
The new find is a typical chute found in the mercury-bearing lode
extending through this district. This vein occurs along a
granite-sandstone contact, where the granite is in part pegmatitic.
Most of the workings of the mine are less than 100 ft. deep. The
mineralized zone is from 100 to 200 ft. wide. The ore contains
cinnabar, native quicksilver, pyrite, gold, zinc, silver, and a heavy
black mineral resembling meta-cinnabarite. Samples taken from several
adits assay from $5 to $6 per ton in gold, 5 oz. silver, 2.5% zinc, and
1% mercury. The rich cinnabar ore appears all through the mass in the
form of seams and kidneys. The seams are from 1 to 20 in. thick and
average from 17 to 70% mercury. The Force mine is equipped with a
12-pipe mercury furnace and has been a producer since 1916.
Considerable development work is under way and much rich ore has been
uncovered in the War Eagle group, adjoining. MERCURY MINING IS PROGRESSING. Medford.--John Sullivan, a pioneer mine operator in the Upper Applegate district, has uncovered a rich gold-copper-silver vein eight miles north of the Blue Ledge copper mine and in a practically undeveloped part of the district. The vein is 12 in. wide and assays $16 gold per ton; it is rich in silver and is the highest-grade copper ore ever discovered in the district. The Upper Applegate district is occupied in large part by old Paleozoic sedimentary rocks with interbedded sills or flows of andesite character. In places these bedded rocks are penetrated by dikes of dark igneous rocks and also by larger irregular masses of tonalite. The sediments in general strike about N. 20° E. and dip at a high angle to the eastward. As elsewhere shown for this entire region they have perhaps both overturned so that the oldest beds now lie above the younger. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 27, 1920, page 465 Josephine County.--The Almeda Mines, whose property is in the Galice mining district, has a crew of men at work cleaning up tunnels, crosscut, and raises and retimbering. The work is being done under the supervision of Harry Sordy, who took charge of the property last October. He has opened several good veins of gold-silver ore. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 10, 1920, page 548 OREGON
Josephine County.--A. Walker and H. P. Campbell are associated in
developing the California mine 18 miles from Glendale. The property is
situated near the Gold Bug and Copper Stain properties, and is equipped
with a two-stamp sampling mill. The vein averages four feet in width
and runs $23 in free gold. They have spent $50,000 in development work
and have run a crosscut 651 ft. long at a depth of 300 ft. There are
also drifts totaling 230 ft. on each side of the crosscut. Work on the
property was discontinued during the war, but was resumed last winter.
The elevation of the mine is about 2500 ft. Aside from small deposits
of stream gravel the rocks of the area are either Jurassic sediments or
igneous intrusives. The general strike of the sediments and also of the
contact between the sediments and igneous rocks is about N. 20°
E.; the
sediments dip steeply to the east. The ore is white quartz containing
some pyrite. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CALIFORNIA MINE. Gold Hill.--It is reported that William Piggott, of Seattle, who several years ago acquired control of the Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s Oswego plant near Portland, has recently purchased the iron mine owned by the Garfield Iron & Lime Co., situated two miles north of Gold Hill, and that he will reopen the old workings and ship the ore to the Oswego plant. This iron deposit is within a mile of the main line of the Southern Pacific railway at an elevation of from 1850 to 2250 ft. The deposit consists of limonite, hematite, and magnetite, occurring in lenses in Paleozoic sediments, which include some limestone and abundant argellite. The sediments are cut by a dike of granite. The history of the deposits dates back to the year 1870, when the locators, practical iron ore experts, hauled several tons to Sacramento, the nearest rail point, and shipped it to Wales. The report on this test shipment demonstrated that the ore was a high-grade hematite. During the early '80s two iron experts, Burgess and Pomeroy, acquired the property, did some development, and made shipments, but on account of the low price of ore and the high transportation charges they abandoned the project. Later the property fell into the hands of the Garfield Iron & Lime Co., a Portland concern, that has let it lay idle since. Jacksonville.--The Blue Ledge copper mines in the Upper Applegate district, 40 miles out from Jacksonville, have resumed the shipment of three cars per week to the Tacoma smelters. The mine employed about 30 miners during the winter, while shipments were suspended, developing new ore. The scarcity of auto trucks and teams this season will cause an increase in the cost of the haul to Jacksonville over last season's price of $10 per ton. The shipments consist of ore running better than 12% copper and $7.50 in gold and silver, while the lower grade ore is dumped at the mine for future reduction. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 15, 1920, pages 723-724 Gold Hill.--The War Eagle Mining Co. has let a contract to W. H. Stickel of Gold Hill to burn 200,000 brick at the mine, 12 miles north of Gold Hill, to be used in the construction of a 30-ton Scott mercury furnace. The property, consisting of 36 claims, known as the Utah group of mercury mines, was purchased by Salt Lake City men in 1915 from the original locators and later sold to the Seattle men who developed the property. The mine is equipped with two 12-pipe mercury furnaces with 10-ton capacity and has been a steady producer since 1915. The present equipment has been used only on high-grade ore, running better than 17%, but with the completion of the Scott furnace ore running as low as 2% can be reduced at a profit, with mercury selling at present prices of from $80 to $90 per flask of 75 pounds. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 24, 1920, page 141 Gold Hill.--It is reported that the Chisholm group of mercury mines, adjoining the War Eagle property, that has been worked in a crude manner since 1878, will soon change hands and a large Scott furnace will be erected at the works. This mine is equipped with a 12-pipe furnace operating on high-grade ore. The Force group, owned by David Force of Beagle, is likewise equipped with the pipe-type furnace, but recently developed rich ore warrants the purchase of a large-capacity furnace. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, July 31, 1920, page 178 RICH GOLD BODY FOUND
PROMISING ORE IS UNCOVERED NEAR GOLD HILL. Strike Said to Ensure Future Stability of Sylvanite Mines Now Under Lease.
GOLD HILL, Or., July 31.--(Special.)--The uncovering of a large body of
rich ore in the Sylvanite group of gold mines two miles north of Gold
Hill, under lease to Victor W. Brown and associates of Pittsburgh, Pa.,
and owned by J. W. Davies and local people, ensures the future
stability of these mines. This property is the only quartz mine at
present in active operation in this region. Gold mining has been almost
wholly suspended in this district since 1914, excepting the large
hydraulic placer mines which have extensive water rights.
The new find was made in the lower level of the old works, at a depth of more than 500 feet, running in value from $26 to $50 a ton in gold and silver, and compares favorably with the rich galena ores of the southwest states. The several mines constituting the group, known as the Simmons, Cheney, Haff and Ray mines, have been extensive gold producers for 30 years, but worked in a crude way until the present owners and lessees began development. There has been considerable interest in this property since the discovery in 1916 of tungsten along with the gold ores by Ray & Haff of Gold Hill, who were operating the mine. The mineral occurs in small stringers with quartz, and ore running from 2 to 40 percent tungsten was extracted. The veins carrying the best grade of tungsten have been developed only to a small extent, and the tungsten resources of the mine, therefore, have not yet been determined. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, August 1, 1920, page 18 Gold Hill.--Rich ore has been discovered in the Sylvanite group of gold mines by Victor W. Brown and associates of Pittsburgh, lessees. This property is the only quartz mine among those in operation in this region. Gold mining has been almost wholly suspended in this region since 1914, excepting the hydraulic placer mines which have extensive water rights. The new find was made in the old workings at a depth of more than 600 ft., and contains ore worth from $20 to $50 per ton in gold and silver. The several mines constituting the group, known as the Simmons, Cheney, Haff, and Ray mines, have been gold producers for 30 years. Tungsten was discovered in this property in 1916 by Ray & Haff of Gold Hill, who were operating the mine. The tungsten occurs in small stringers with quartz, and ore containing from 2 to 40% tungsten was extracted. The veins carrying the best grade of tungsten have been developed only to a small extent, and the tungsten resources of the mine, therefore, have not yet been determined. The increased amount of this metal required for tool steel and incandescent lamps has kept up the interest of prospectors in the district. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 18, 1920, page 432 Gold Hill.--Charles A. Knight, who three years ago acquired the Millionaire gold mine, an old-time producer situated three miles east of Gold Hill in the Blackwell Hill district, is preparing to resume operations. He has spent a large sum of money in reopening the old works, rebuilding the shaft houses, remodeling the mill, and rebuilding the electric power line to the mine, which was dismantled early in the war period. The mill has two 1500-lb. Nissen stamps with circular discharge and two 10-ft. amalgamating plates; it has a rock crusher and a Standard concentrating table.… Among the large hydraulic placer properties which control large flows of water and are not affected by dry seasons is the Sterling mine, in the Jacksonville district, controlled by R. S. Bullis, of Medford. A large electric-power pump has recently been added to the equipment, by means of which pressure at the nozzle has been increased to the equivalent of a head of 200 ft. The gravel is so thoroughly cemented that much of it must be broken with powder before using the giants. The deposit is 20 to 40 ft. thick and about 400 ft. wide. The slope of the bed is about 2 ft. in 100. The value of the gravel is about 40¢ per cu. yd., and the total production of the mine is said to exceed $3,000,000. The length of the working season varies from 7 to 10 months. Waldo.--The Esterly mine, generally known as the Logan placer, is owned and operated by George M. Esterly and associates of Seattle. Forty miles of ditches carry water from the higher portions of the east and west branches of the Illinois River to supply the mine. The head is 325 ft. The gold is generally iine, running about 15¢ per cubic yard; it is accompanied by some platinum, as well as a little osmium and iridium. The output of this mine is about $60,000 annually. The area mined varies greatly in width, averaging an eight of a mile. Formerly a hydraulic elevator was used to remove the tailing from the pit, with a lift of a maximum of 15 ft., but recently a tail race tunneled through solid rock at a cost of $60,000 has been completed which will double the output of the mine. The other important hydraulic placer mines in the Waldo district are the Deep Gravel or Wimer mine, and the High Gravel or Osgood mine. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, December 25, 1920, pages 925-926 Grants Pass.--The recent sale of the Boswell mine to Thomas Norden and associates of Seattle has resulted in the incorporation of the Boswell Mining Co. The new owners will erect modern equipment on the property at once. This mine is situated 30 miles south of Grants Pass in the Sucker Creek district, a comparatively new gold-producing area in this region. From the present working, which is not over 20 ft. in depth, $46,000 in gold has been taken. A decree in the circuit court of this county in the suit of Rowan vs. Barton is in favor of Barton and associates. Two years ago a receiver was appointed for certain chrome mining properties and the personal property held by the Bartons, upon the petition of Rowan, who alleged that a partnership existed between the Bartons and himself and that he was entitled to a portion of the proceeds from the chrome mines. By order of the court appointing a receiver assets totaling some $50,000 were tied up. The decree released all of this property and holds that a partnership never existed, that Rowan has no interest in the proceeds from the wartime mining operations of the Barton brothers, and that the appointment of a receiver was wrongful. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 22, 1921, page 140 Rogue River.--The Ancient River Gold Mining Co. is operating in the old channel of the Rogue River, about half a mile south of the town of Rogue River. The company has put in a 6-in. Byron Jackson centrifugal and a 6-in. S-type Allis-Chalmers pump, direct connected to a 75-h.p. motor and delivering direct into a No. 1 giant. The bank of the river was worked for miles 30 years ago with good results. The bottom of the present river is conglomerate which runs up at a low angle under the bank, then lays flat for a few feet, when it dips steeply into the old channel. Great wealth is reputed to lie in this old channel, but the present workings are not sufficiently advanced to estimate values beyond showing that gold and platinum are present, and the gravel ranges to over 20 ft. in thickness, with a loose sand overburden, averaging about 6 ft. The usual difficulty of separating the fine gold from black sand is present. J. S. Taylor is manager. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 5, 1921, page 208 Medford--Under the initiation of Henry M. Parks, of the Oregon State Bureau of Mines, a meeting of mining men from the Blue Ledge district in Northwestern California and Southwestern Oregon, Gold Hill, Jacksonville. and the Applegate districts in Oregon, was held on February 11. The meeting was devoted to an open discussion of ways and means for continuing the existence in a revised form of the War Minerals Relief Commission, which under present rulings will terminate with the current administration. With this in view, resolutions were adopted favoring prompt action on a bill passed by the Senate and awaiting action of the House of Representatives, which provides for continuance of the War Minerals Relief Commission with revised scope of authority which would allow appeals from the action of the commission to be made to the United States Court of Claims. The meeting went on record as opposed to the dilatory and entirely unsatisfactory methods by which the present War Minerals Relief Commission handled the claims presented from this particular section. An informal discussion on the possibilities for a protective tariff on manganese and chrome minerals brought out the fact that the local mining opinion was strongly in favor of such legislation. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 26, 1921, page 306 Gold Hill.--The outlook for gold mining is more favorable than at any time since 1914. The only quartz mines in operation in Southern Oregon at present are the Sylvanite group, the Millionaire, and the Gold Ridge, all within a radius of three miles from Gold Hill. A number of the old producers, including the Ashland, Opp, Braden, Bill Nye, Greenback, Almeda, and many smaller properties have been kept in repair with a view to resuming operation. Many of these will resume with the dropping of the price of mining machinery, supplies, and labor. In spite of the falling price of quicksilver there is activity in the development of cinnabar deposits in Southern Oregon and in Siskiyou County, California. The War Eagle Mining Co., operating the Utah group of mercury mines 12 miles north of Gold Hill, has operated steadily since the war. It has a full crew in the mine and is reducing the ore with a 25-ton Scott furnace and is also operating several units of 12-pipe mercury furnaces on rich ore. The Chisholm and Force groups, adjoining mines, are being developed. Each has furnaces for reducing the ores. The Blue Ledge and the Queen of the Bronze, copper mines that suspended shipping of ore during the winter months, are preparing to resume shipments to the Tacoma smelter. During the shipping season the Blue Ledge's shipment averages 200 tons weekly of ore averaging 12% copper. It is an excellent flux for the Alaskan copper ores. The Blue Ledge company is planning an electric power plant at a cost of $50,000. The proposed plant will be situated at Seattle Bar on Elliott Creek, eight miles from the mine, and will develop 200 h.p. At this point the water will have a drop of 200 ft. The plant will double the present output of the mine. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, March 2, 1921, pages 434-435 Gold Hill.--The Roaring Gimlet mine, on Kane Creek, under lease to M. A. Applegate, A. J. Armstrong, and E. W. Moore, of Medford, Oregon, has been reopened. This mine, an old producer of rich free-milling ore, has been idle since 1906. The lessees propose to sink a deeper shaft near the old one, which is less than 100 ft. in depth and open a new level on the ore body. This property adjoins the Gold Ridge mine, where a large body of high-grade ore was recently uncovered.… The Gold Ridge Mining Co.. of Medford, Oregon, is developing. The company has purchased the 10-stamp mill and equipment on the Bill Nye in the Gold Hill district. The new equipment will be operated by electric power.… It is reported that the Revenue Pocket and Alice groups, two old producers, and adjoining properties on the east of the Gold Ridge, will be leased.… Work at the Millionaire group, two miles east of the Gold Ridge, has been resumed by C. A. Knight, who purchased the mine two years ago. The mine is well equipped. Ore from the upper levels is being milled. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, April 30, 1921, page 614 Grants Pass.--A cleanup of the plant of the Boswell Mining Co., after 24 days' operation, has resulted in the recovery of 1805 oz. gold. The ore is milled in a Huntington mill; plates and a Pierce amalgamator are used. A cyanide plant went into operation on May 5, the vats being made of redwood, constructed by the Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. Twenty-five men are employed in the mine. The west drift has a vein of ore that is 4½ ft. wide and averages $250 to the ton. The ore treated by the mill averaged over $800 per ton. The property consists of 108 acres. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 7, 1921, page 649 Gold Hill.--The War Eagle Mining Co., producer of mercury, has closed down its Scott furnace, but is going ahead with development work in the mine. The closing down of the furnace is not due to the low price of mercury, but to the refractory nature of the ores in the lower levels, which contain arsenic and other refractory minerals. Metallurgical tests are to be made. The old Bertha gold-quartz mine on Foots Creek has been acquired by Kellogg & Donegan of Gold Hill, who are reopening the old workings.… Chester Kubli, of Jacksonville, a part owner in the old Kubli gold-quartz mine five miles south of Gold Hill, is reopening the mine for operations.… Carter & Rawles, who recently acquired the Red Oak gold-quartz mine adjoining the Kubli, are reopening and developing. Jacksonville.--The Blue Ledge Mining Co. that has been mining copper ore without interruption since the war has closed down. The proposed construction of the $50,000 electric power plant has been indefinitely postponed. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 28, 1921, page 761 Gold in Black Sand
The Editor : Sir--Probably a treatment suitable to one locality would be unsatisfactory when applied in another. The richness of black sand is as variable as its components. In working vein-ore the results from the mill and from the concentrates are not a constant, and the richness of black sand differs materially even in a few feet. I have carried out a number of perhaps rather crude experiments, but believe the results may be useful to some of your readers. I have concentrated down to the nearly clean black sand, and I found much less gold in it than when a considerable proportion of the heavy gray and brown sand was left in. After amalgamation, I separated the concentrate magnetically--the non-magnetic averaging 35 to 40% of the original. By grinding the magnetic, I find it releases about 10% more of the non-magnetic--by various tests, which need not be specified. I obtained practically no value out of the magnetic material. By roasting the non-magnetic portion to cherry red and then grinding it, I get values in gold ranging from roughly $50 to $800 per ton that can be amalgamated. Grinding alone without roasting gives a good return, but roasting increases it. I find that by grinding a sample without magnetic separation, extraction is considerably reduced, and is reduced by about 80% if the non-separated sample is roasted. I speak, of course, of recovery by amalgamation. As about 20 lbs. of this non-magnetic sand can be recovered here per cubic yard of gravel it is an important asset. My conclusion is that every large placer proposition "contaminated" with black sand should have a concentrator, an electromagnetic separator, and a ball mill as part of its plant, and where platinum is present, a complete chemical outfit may also be necessary. J.
and Scientific Press, San Francisco, June 18,
1921, page 833Rogue River, Oregon, May 24. FIND RICH ORE AT NORLING MINE,
Discoveries of rich ore upon the properties formerly known as the
Norling mine on Jackson Creek has caused a stir among local mining men.
Assays taken of ore from various places show values running from $9 to
$18 per ton.An engineers' survey of the four ledges show that they will intersect at a given point upon the property, and a tunnel is now being driven upon one of the veins that will cut this intersection at about 300-foot depth. Numerous pockets have been taken from the surface and shallow workings, yet considerable ore has been staged and shipped with excellent returns, netting from $50 to $100.00 per ton. The mine is situated about three miles by good road from Jacksonville, a little over one mile from the railroad and is easily accessible. A company has been organized by C. C. Clark and Etna Wall, known as the Medford Mining and Milling Association. The officers and trustees of the association are C. C. Clark, president; Etna Wall, vice-president; M. P. Schmitt, secretary; F. J. Newman, G. A. Childers, L. J. Miksche, H. E. Childers and E. R. Wall, trustees. P. X. Johnson of Portland, Oregon, who is deeply interested, has been appointed business manager. Mr. Walter B. Robinson, the mining engineer formerly connected with the Blue Ledge mine, has made a preliminary report substantiating the foregoing statements and is now at the property completing his final examination and report. ENGINEER'S REPORT ON
Medford Mail Tribune, July
28, 1921, page 4This Mine Is Now Owned by the Medford Mining, Milling & Developing Association Medford Oregon,
Mr. P. X. Johnson,July 19th, 1921. Medford, Ore. Dear Sir: In compliance with your request, I am glad to hand you herewith a preliminary report on the mining property of the Medford, Mining, Milling and Development Association. This is, of course, based upon a rather hurried preliminary inspection and I have not yet had time to thoroughly sample and map the property, so that if 1 err at all in any of my statements, I will try to be sure that it is on the side of conservatism. Location
The property consists of nine quartz lode claims situated in Sections
26, 27 and 34; Twp. 37 S.; R. 3 W. W.M., on the watershed at the
headwaters of the west fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon.
The property includes the Norling Mine and several claims since added
by location. Title is held by the company by location and by a
consolidation of vested interests, and are free from encumbrance.History
I could not ascertain the date of discovery of these veins nor much of
their older history, but evidently a number of pockets were taken from
the surface a good many years ago, and judging by the number of pits
and local report, pockets have been taken out practically every year
since. These have all been taken from shallow workings or open cuts in
the surface and by figures given me by some of the lessees have run in
size from a few dollars to a few thousand.Comparatively little work has been done underground of a real exploratory nature, there being less than a thousand feet of drifts on the whole property, I feel safe in estimating. From these tunnels, however, considerable ore has been stoped and shipped with excellent returns. I believe you have the smelter certificates for some of these shipments, but all that I have before me is the record of 120 tons shipped from one of these small stopes and netting $6400.00 or about $53.00 per ton above all marketing costs. I understand a good deal of this ore was packed to Medford on horses and shipped to San Francisco at a net profit above all costs for marketing and transportation, or from $50.00 to $100.00 or more per ton. Some ore was milled on the property in a small mill with what success I do not know, but I am inclined to believe that they only recovered the smaller part of their values in the type of mill they had. The property is credited with having produced a good deal of money in pockets and in shipments of ore from small stopes, and my conclusion from the size of the stones is that the ore must have been of very good grade. There is now sacked in one of the stopes some 25 sacks of ore which pans exceedingly well and is said to assay very high. Some of it is reported to go $1,800.00 per ton. Geology
The country rock is the dark andesitic rock with intrusions of porphyry
which is typical of this gold-bearing belt, and in one place I observed
a small outcrop of granite.Veins
The veins, of which I observed four large veins and innumerable smaller
veins and stringers, appear to be true fissure veins roughly following
the fracturing made by the intrusive porphyry.Their general strike is a little north of west and their dips are only a few degrees from vertical. It appears that at least three of the large veins and several of the stringers are converging toward a point on the Extension Claim where, judging from compass readings on strike and dip, they should all meet within a very small area. The surface shows a number of pockets have been taken out around this point, but no underground work has been done here at all. The veins vary in width from one or two to four and five feet in width and are remarkably persistent and regular in their character. The gold is free in all the outcrops and in places was in large pieces, in places associated with hematite and limonite. In the lower stopes of the tunnels the sulphites are beginning to appear but the gold still appears free in the pan, and I would consider that although the gold is intimately associated with the sulphides at depth, the mixture is mechanical and should be largely freed by the proper stage of fine grinding. In the sulphide ore I observed principally iron pyrite. a little galena, a little chalcopyrite and some small metallics which I took to be tellurides. The veins have been traced and the outcrops practically uncovered by the great number of pocket diggings on them for a distance of about 3000 feet on this property. Sampling
As I stated before, the only sampling which I have as yet had time to
do has been by panning, but an incomplete assay map of a portion of the
ground gives the average of nineteen channel samples cut at intervals
of from 10 to 20 feet along about 300 feet of the Norling tunnel of
$20.00 per ton. Two samples are shown from the upper Norling tunnel as
$22.80 and $103.20 respectively.Development Work
Development consists of the Norling tunnel, about 300 feet on the vein;
a 60-foot raise.on the ore and connecting with a 125-foot upper tunnel,
all in ore.A 300-foot adit crosscut has been driven to the east of the Norling tunnel to intercept the vein at a point some 400 feet further east. It is my impression that this crosscut stops at least 50 feet short of cutting the Norling vein, although there is a vein showing in the face. At a point in about 125 feet from the portal this crosscut intercepted the "Cave" vein and some ore was extracted from this point to the surface above and milled. Judging from pannings of the old dump on the surface above, the dump is excellent milling ore under present methods. At 150 and 200 feet in the adit cuts two small veins which prospect excellently. On the southern vein, a 125-foot drift has been run; this connects by a 30-foot raise with a 60-foot drift above all in ore averaging 2 to 3 feet in width, and considerable shipping ore has been taken from these workings. There are two or three short tunnels--25 or 30 feet--and two or three short shafts sunk at various places on the veins, all showing good widths and values, but aside from the surface digging after pockets, the rest of the property is undeveloped. Natural Advantages
The mine is situated about three miles by good road from Jacksonville;
a little over a mile from the railroad, and is very accessible. The
hills rise rather steeply on both sides of the creek which bisects the
property. offering every opportunity to develop the ground entirely by
tunnels.The hills are covered with excellent timber, and the small stream will furnish ample water for all mining, milling or domestic purposes. Electric power is available at Jacksonville, or perhaps a little nearer. Climatic conditions are ideal for all year operations, as there are no heavy snows to contend with. Conclusions
I believe this to be an excellent
property and
showing great mining possibilities with small development costs.I would recommend that a complete sampling be made of the property showing ore widths and values and defining as well as possible the ore chutes. That the crosscut adit be continued to intercept the Norling vein and drifts be run east and west on this vein. That a tunnel be driven on the Norling vein on the west side of the creek and run west on the vein to eventually get under the point where the several veins meet. That the tunnel on the south vein be continued to determine the extent of that ore chute and to block out as large ore reserves ready for milling as possible. That liberal samples of the most representative ore be sent to a testing plant and thorough tests as to the proper milling methods be made. Summary
I have no hesitancy in saying that this appears to be an excellent
property and in recommending it to your attention, as I have seldom
seen such a concentration of a large number of veins and all with such
a wide distribution of values.It has all the natural advantages that could be asked for and geographically is near the center of the source of the gold of six of the richest placer creeks of the Southern Oregon district, which all seem to radiate from near this particular point. I would say that with proper management and intelligent mining it has every prospect of making a successful producer. Respectfully
WALTER .B. ROBINSON, Engineer. Gold
Hill, Ore.,
August. 6,1921.
The recent sale of the Sylvanite group of gold mines near Gold Hill to
the Oregon-Pittsburgh Mining Co. and the reopening of other old-time
producing mines is evidence of a general resumption of the industry.
Local lumbermen are looking hopefully to this industry for demand for
lumber and timbers. Other mines now operating and resuming are the
Braden, the Millionaire, Gold Ridge, Roaring Gimlet and Centennial.
"Jackson County, Ore.," The Timberman, Portland, August 1921, page 124 Gold Hill.--The recent purchase of the Sylvanite group of gold mines three miles from Gold Hill, by the Oregon-Pittsburgh mining company, indicates the increased activity in gold mining in this district. This is a new concern organized recently under the laws of Arizona with a capital stock of $3,000,000; its headquarters are at Gold Hill and its main office at 307 Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The purchase price of the mine is announced to be $180,000. Gold was first discovered on the Sylvanite vein, or, as it is known locally, the Big vein, 40 years ago when it produced high-grade ore near the surface. Later, in 1916, tungsten was discovered in the mine and since that time considerable importance has been attached to the property, due to that find. The tungsten is found with the gold ore in the form of scheelite. The mineral occurs in small stringers with quartz. Samples have been taken from these stringers which assay as high as 40% tungstic acid, but the veins as a whole average less than 2%. The veins carrying the best grade of tungsten have been developed to a small extent, but the tungsten resources of the mine have not yet been determined. It was later in 1916 that J. G. Davies and associates of Sacramento, California, took over the property, and in two years operation recovered about $60,000, which was spent in developing and equipping the property. The mill equipment erected on the mine consisted of a 10-stamp mill with all auxiliary equipment for milling free ore. Early in 1919, Victor W. Brown and associates of Pittsburgh took an option on the property and have continued development with good results. The engineer in charge of the property, L. H. Van Horn of Gold Hill announces that the first unit of equipment for the reduction of the ores will be of at least 100 tons per day capacity. This applies to the treatment of both free-milling and base ores that are refractory and will require several processes. The Doan adit was driven on the vein at a depth of several hundred feet in the early history of the mine. It is advanced a distance of 1330 ft. This disclosed several bodies of high-grade ore. Work is now progressing through the Haff tunnel, which is a crosscut tapping the Big vein at 650 ft. from the portal, and 65 ft. higher than the Doan level and 350 ft. below the surface. Several crosscuts from the Haff level have opened good bodies of rich ore. About 120 ft. from the portal of the Haff adit a crosscut was run north which at 28 ft. struck the Blind vein. A drift on the new find uncovered a body of rich ore. Continuing, this drift cut the Scheelite vein, so called because at the surface It yielded scheelite ore. At this point, however, it developed into a well-defined quartz with high-grade gold ore with the scheelite but little in evidence. The accompanying photograph shows the mine and mill on the hill beyond the river. Two miles south of the town of Gold Hill is the Braden mine. This property has been worked intermittently since the early 'sixties. Just south and east of the Braden mine are the Centennial, Millionaire, Roaring Gimlet, and Gold Ridge mines, all of which have passed through the same experience as the Sylvanite, but are now being put in operation again with the idea of mining deeper. Just across the ridge from the Braden on the west are the Bill Nye, Kubli, Red Oak, Tin Pan, and other smaller mines which have been the principal producers of this district and are still closed. The recent reported uncovering of a large body of cinnabar ore, in the David Force quicksilver mine, which assays from 40 to 60% mercury is reported.… The War Eagle company has developed ore containing, in addition to mercury, large quantities of arsenic, some gold, silver, nickel, and zinc. Before resuming the company purposes to install equipment in its plant to recover several of the byproducts. Jacksonville.--The old Norling gold-quartz mine three miles west of Jacksonville on Jackson Creek has been acquired by the Medford Mining & Milling Association, recently incorporated under the laws of Oregon. Recent work in the mine has uncovered a large body of ore assaying $9 to $18 per ton. During the first development of the mine in 1905-'07 it is reported to have produced 120 tons of ore worth $6400. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, August 6, 1921, page 208 Kerby.--Some high-grade gold ore has been found by Mansfield and Lofland, of Williams, Oregon, on the headwaters of Lightning Creek, 15 miles west of Kerby. A 35-ft. shaft has been sunk showing gold all the way down. In early-day mining more gold was taken out of the Lightning Gulch diggings than any other district in this region. This new property is about 25 miles west of the famous Boswell mine recently reopened. Selma.--The Myrtle gold mine nine miles below Selma, owned by Frank Hobart and B. W. Fowler, has been reopened. Over 100 tons of ore running $50 in gold is on the dump ready for milling. A 3-ft. vein is opened with 400 ft. of drifts. New equipment will be added. Talent.--A large body of ore has been uncovered in the Shorty Hope mine, an old-time producer recently reopened.… The uncovering of a large body of ore, rich in platinum, on Anderson Creek six miles out from Talent is also reported. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, September 17, 1921, page 411 PLATINUM IN GOLD
Theodore C. Wicks has returned from a three weeks' business trip to
Medford, Southern Oregon, where he says he was surprised to find great
activity in mining and lumbering industries, which for the past several
years had been dormant.T. C. Wicks Finds White Metal Eclipses Gold in Oregon Mines At Medford two large saw mills have been completed in the past year, and a third, which will be one of the largest in Oregon, employing 500 men, is now under construction. These mills obtain much of their raw material from California forests, says Mr. Wicks. "They are mining for platinum rather than gold in Southern Oregon," says Mr. Wicks, "although they take care of all the gold they get. When the tailings of a gold mine, which had been producing for 18 years, were assayed last fall, platinum was found in large quantities. The approximate price of gold is $18 an ounce, and that of platinum about $120. They are not only resuming work at the old mines but are opening up and developing new ones. In the western part of Jackson County, just over the Siskiyou Mountains, Clark and Childers are developing a paying mine which, until recently, had only been worked for pockets. Los Angeles interests have obtained gold and platinum property west of Grants Pass and, it is said, extensive development will be done there in the near future. The lack of transportation is a handicap to the mining interests of Southern Oregon, but as the Southern Pacific runs within from 10 to 20 miles from these holdings, it is expected that a branch will eventually be run into the mines." Mr. Wicks, with his wife, has made Stockton his home now for four years, coming here from Oregon. They have recently purchased an attractive two-story home at 153 West Ash Street, where they now will reside. Stockton Daily Independent, Stockton, California, September 30, 1921, page 8 Gold Hill.--In spite of the low price of quicksilver, ore bodies in several quicksilver mines in this district are being developed. No furnaces are being operated, however. The War Eagle company, with headquarters at Medford, the largest quicksilver mine in this district, has a crew opening a large body of cinnabar ore, while it is also preparing to spend $15,000 in building a new water system to supply its plant. Heretofore the mine has furnished the water to operate the mill and furnaces. The War Eagle mine is equipped with a 25-ton Scott furnace and two 12-pipe retorts for auxiliary purposes. The Millionaire gold mine, three miles south of here, which was reopened last season, is operating its mill steadily on a large body of rich ore which was stored for milling some years ago. Ore from a large body in the new works is also being reduced. The main shaft on the mine has been abandoned for the present, and the shaft house and equipment has been rebuilt a few hundred feet east on the vein. The new shaft has been driven to a depth of 200 ft., and drifting both ways on the vein is under way, but principally toward the old shaft which has a depth of 450 ft. On the completion of the new level connection will be made and the old works will be unwatered and mined. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, October 8, 1921, pages 517-518 Gold Hill.--The Millionaire and Gold Ridge groups, both three miles south from Gold Hill, are producing, each with 10-stamp mills. Other mines within a radius of five miles from Gold Hill, which are being reopened and re-equipped, that will soon be producing, are the Sylvanite, Red Oak, Blossom, Lucky Bart, Roaring Gimlet, Corporal G, Braden, Bill Nye, Kubli, Nellie Wright, Alice, and Gold Hill Pocket groups.… The Sylvanite group two miles above Gold Hill on Rogue River, which was recently acquired by the Oregon-Pittsburgh Mining Co., is in charge of L. H. Van Horn. Plans for a 100-ton mill, a power plant on the Rogue River, and heavier mine equipment are being made. Material is being assembled to erect a large number of cottages and quarters for the employees at the mine. The Manganese Ore Mining Co., of Terre Haute, Indiana, has just spent $100,000 in erecting a modern electrically driven dredge of the drag type. The company has laid a 3-in. pipeline from Rogue River at Gold Hill, which is to deliver water pumped to the plant. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, November 19, 1921, page 717 Gold Hill.--The Gold Coin Quartz and Placer Association, a local concern organized in the early part of the year, is developing mines in this vicinity. The association has been incorporated as the Gold Coin Mining Co. A. M. Knapp, of Medford, is at the head. The original Gold Coin group of mines, the Mohawk, the Alice, the Pearce groups, and the Red Ribbon have been acquired. In the Alice mine recent work on the vein has uncovered three ore chutes of high-grade ore. The Gold Coin group is in the Jacksonville district; it is being further developed with a crew of 15 miners. This property has a contact vein approximately 15 ft. wide carrying gold. The Pearce group is rich placer ground on Poormans Creek, four miles out from Jacksonville, consisting of 240 acres of virgin ground. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 7, 1922, page 29 Gold Hill.--At the Gold Ridge mine, where operations were commenced last summer, mill runs are averaging from $1500 to $1700 in gold per week. The plant is a modern 5-stamp amalgamating mill with a Wilfley concentrating table; the tailing is being stored for cyanide treatment. A new ore chute is being opened up at the south end of the slopes and a raise is being driven from the 500- to the 400-ft. level. The vein follows the top of a steep ridge, giving an opportunity to reach it with short crosscut adits. The Roaring Gimlet mine just below the Gold Ridge is being reopened under lease by Mark Applegate and associates of Medford, Oregon. This mine is an old-time producer; it has been idle for nearly 20 years, and is considered richer than the Gold Ridge. The lessees have driven a new shaft on the vein to a depth of 100 ft. and are drifting at that depth under the old workings to open a new ore body. The Millionaire mine two miles north of the Gold Ridge, which was reopened two years ago by C. A. Knight and S. E. Heberline, has a crew of 20 miners employed. The mill is operated periodically. The old works are to be reopened through the new 200-ft. shaft. About $100,000 has been spent on the mine in remodeling the plant and in development. The mill has two 1500-lb. Nissen stamps with circular discharge and two 10-ft. amalgamating plates, with a crusher and a Standard concentrating table, all driven by electric power. The Centennial placer diggings, a mile northeast of the Gold Ridge, has been re-equipped at an expense of $100,000 and after an idleness of 15 years. Production has commenced. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, January 14, 1922, pages 65-66 In Southwestern Oregon there was a decided midsummer revival of activity in the region tributary to Jackson and Gold Hill. The old Sylvanite mine is being reopened by the Oregon-Pittsburgh Mining Co., and the Boswell mine, in the Holland district, by the Boswell Mining Co. The Opp mine, near Jackson, was reopened in July, and the Millionaire, which has been under development for more than a year, has been milling steadily. In addition to these mines a number of others not so well known were under development, and since the middle of 1921 several of them have been making shipments. Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 4, 1922, page 166 In Oregon, the War Eagle Mining Co., operating what was formerly known as the Rainier mine, in Jackson County, completed a 25-ton Scott furnace in 1920 but is not known to have produced any quicksilver in 1921. "Quicksilver in 1921," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 11, 1922, page 196 Gold Hill.--P. X. Johnson and associates of Portland, with headquarters at Gold Hill, are developing the Clausen property. This tract adjoins the Kubli and Red Oak groups on the east, and is situated between these two mines and the Bill Nye group. The present work is driving the lowest level, which will cut the three parallel veins 410 ft. from the adit. Three upper adits, consisting of 500 ft. of drift, have uncovered 2000 tons of gold ore assaying from $9 to $34 per ton. The average width of the veins is 24 in. The works are at an elevation of 2700 ft. and in a heavily forested area. Power, compressor, drills, trackage, and other mine equipment have been purchased.… The recent find of rich free-milling ore on the 350-ft. level of the North Pole mine, 9 miles west of Gold Hill, is important. It is being operated by the owner, P. H. Robinson. The present equipment on the mine is a 2-stamp mill with 10 tons capacity. Jacksonville.--The Opp mine, owned and operated by J. W. Opp, has purchased the Medford-Jacksonville electric and steam railroad; it will be operated in conjunction with the mine. This road extends from Medford on the main line of the Southern Pacific to Jacksonville and three miles out from Jacksonville into the timber past the Opp mine. This deal will result in new life in the mining district west of Jacksonville. The Opp mine will enlarge its stamp mill to handle the output of smaller mines. The mill has a crusher, a Dorr classifier, one Wilfley and six Johnson concentrators, and four plates. "Oregon," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, February 25, 1922, page 275 Quicksilver
in Southern Oregon
That quicksilver existed in Southern Oregon was only known before the
war by a few local operators, by the scientific mining bureaus of
Oregon, and by the Geological Survey at Washington. It was during the
early days of the war that the government, in dire need of quicksilver
as a war metal, ransacked this region for new deposits. The
investigation demonstrated fully that the quicksilver zone in
California extended into Oregon; this discovery disclosed large and
rich deposits, which, as shown by state and federal mining bureau
reports, outclass anything that as yet have been uncovered in the
United States. By A. E. Kellogg The history of the quicksilver industry in Southern Oregon dates to 1878. At that time an early settler in Rogue River Valley uncovered croppings in an area known as the Meadows, twelve miles north of Gold Hill--the nearest shipping point. The Meadows is now the center of the quicksilver area in this region. The settlers have always distilled the quicksilver; they found a ready market for the product among the local miners, who used it for recovering flour gold in the placers of the region. The crude open process used in roasting the ores usually resulted in the recovery of about 50% of the metal only, the remainder escaping as vapor and causing mercurial poisoning. The Gold Hill district is a region occupied chiefly by Paleozoic sediments, interbedded with sills or flows of andesite and greenstone. The sedimentary rocks strike north, usually about N. 15° E. and dip east at 65° to nearly 90°. Dillar has shown that the Jurassic beds west of the Gold Hill district have been overturned so that the oldest strata now overlie the younger formations. It seems probable that the Paleozoic sediments are also overturned; the limestone found in the south part of the district is probably of early Paleozoic times; fossils in the limestone lenses indicate that they are Silurian rather than Carboniferous in age. Accordingly the Paleozoic sediments in the Gold Hill district are referred to as of Devonian or Carboniferous, or as of both periods. Long after the formation of these Paleozoic sedimentary rocks the region was intruded from below by a mass of molten igneous rock; at about the same time and perhaps by the same agency the bedded rocks were closely folded and overturned to the west. The intrusive rocks solidified beneath a considerable thickness of sediments or other rocks, which have since been removed in some places. Thus, the igneous mass is now exposed to view in the mountains in the southern part of the district, extending northward to the Meadows; and it probably underlies at considerable depth a large part or all of the Gold Hill district. This igneous intrusion and intense folding seems to have elevated the region sufficiently to cause a new cycle of erosion and the formation of coarse sediments, which could not be transported far by ordinary agencies. Therefore conglomerates were produced, and these were succeeded by feldspathic sandstones during part of Cretaceous times. Rocks produced in this way are now found there. Along Evans Creek, from the Meadows northward, those Cretaceous sandstones are overlain by a considerable thickness of Tertiary sandstones that contain thin beds of coal. The latest rocks in the district consist of stream deposits. some of which are variable on account of the gold they contain. They are found along the streams, but are not abundant along Rogue River, which, in this region, runs in a narrow cut in the rock channel. The Meadows is at an elevation of 2500 ft., on the south slope of the Umpqua Mountains, in a heavily timbered and well-watered area. The quicksilver deposit occurs along a granite-sandstone contact, where the granite is in part pegmatitic. It strikes N. 53° W.; most of the mines are less than 100 ft. deep. The mineralized zone is from 100 to 200 ft. wide; it is not a well-defined vein, but is a mineralized dike along an irregular contact. The ore contains cinnabar, native quicksilver, pyrite, gold, silver, zinc, nickel, arsenic, cobalt, and a heavy black mineral resembling metacinnabarite. Samples assay about $5 gold, 5 oz. silver, 2.5% zinc, traces of the other minerals mentioned, and 1% quicksilver. The cinnabar appears through the ore, in the hanging and footwalls in seams and in kidneys. The seams vary in width up to 20 in., and average from 17 to 70% quicksilver. The larger bodies of rich ore are found in chimneys and in pay chutes. which are generally in the faults of the main dike, or appear as veins and stringers. This description, as to formation and contents, is equally applicable to the dike that extends north from California into and through Jackson, Josephine, and Douglas counties, in Oregon. This dike makes its first appearance in Oregon in the bedrock of the famous '49 placer diggings, four miles northwest of Ashland. Other dikes, which have been considerably faulted, appear as laterals from the main dike--on the west in the Applegate district and extending into Josephine County; on the east into the Butte Creek district. The main vein or dike makes its next appearance north in the Mountain King mine, eight miles north of Gold Hill, then in the Meadows, afterward extending through the Umpqua Mountains into Douglas County, where cinnabar deposits are still in evidence. The Mountain King mine, which has been idle since 1916, is considered the richest and most extensive quicksilver mine in the region. It was due to the consistent efforts of Samuel Bertelson, at present engineer in charge of the Rainier group of quicksilver mines in the Meadows, that the industry was successfully developed. He went there in 1916, representing Salt Lake City investors, and instructed to uncover new war metal deposits. The company was known as the Utah Quicksilver Co. and it acquired 36 mining claims in the producing area of the Meadows. That same year Bertelson organized the Rainier Quicksilver Co., composed of Puget Sound investors. They took over the Utah group, and in 1917 were producing quicksilver with two 12-pipe furnaces. In 1918, being unable to interest his investors in the possibilities of a more extensive plant, he organized the War Eagle Mining Co., composed of local investors, with headquarters at Medford, Oregon. The company's holdings consist of 520 acres of mining land; up to the present $175,000 has been spent in developing and equipping the property. The adjoining properties, which are heavy producers, are the Chisholm group, owned and operated by Dr. Wm. P. Chisholm, and the Force group, owned and operated by David Force, both of Gold Hill, Oregon. In August 1920 Clifford G. Dennis, a mining engineer of California, examined the mine. The property had produced 565 flasks or 42,375 lbs. quicksilver, which was sold for $59,325. This engineer advised the building of a 35-ton Scott furnace, which the company at once erected at a cost of $45,000. The ore in the War Eagle group is in a true fissure vein, averaging 5 ft. wide; it comes in contact with the main dike a few hundred feet away. The general geologic conditions existing in this and in the adjoining properties are unlike any others on the Pacific Coast, but they are similar in some respects to those that characterize the deposits at Almaden, Spain. In the War Eagle mine the cinnabar occurs in a breccia and stockwork structure along an open fissure in quartzite. Underlying the quartzite is some bituminous shale of an extent undetermined; there is some evidence of a shaly formation overlying the quartzite. The fissure occurs 60 to 100 ft. south of the north limits of the quartzite area. The width of the quartzite is at least 400 ft. and the length fully 3000 ft. The fissure has a slight dip to the north, again following the indicated dip of the quartzite. A dike-like intrusion of Tertiary or Quaternary age cuts the quartzite east of the ore. It trends north and south, and it is probable that the transportation of the solution from which quicksilver minerals were derived was along this dike. The fissure in the quartzite is a persistent fracture and contains a gouge or salvage, usually on both walls. The cinnabar occurs between fragments of quartzite and by replacement in quartz associated with pyrite. The grade of the ore is in proportion to the amount of quartzite breccia present. Hence the ore is erratic in occurrence. The mine is opened by two crosscut adits; the first is about 80 ft. in a southwest direction. A drift about 120 ft. east exposes several pockets of ore. A drift about 110 ft. west shows high-grade ore for 45 ft. The ore chute became slightly longer as it was stoped upward, lengthening to about 60 ft. at the surface and 85 ft. above the drift. The average width of ore stoped from this chute was about 4½ ft. A winze was sunk under this chute to a depth of 70 ft. and the ore was stoped. The best ore has been taken for reduction in the retorts, and all the faces show a decrease in width and grade. The nature of this deposit indicates erratic occurrence; it is reasonable to suppose that the mine was impoverished of high-grade ore, the work being stopped only when the faces were unpayable, both as to quantity and grade. The lower adit was driven several hundred feet east of the upper adit, and about 187 ft. lower, to the southwest. It crossed the fissure at approximately 200 ft.; at about 55 ft. east it exposed traces of ore that are likely to develop into small deposits. To the west low-grade cinnabar was exposed for 55 ft., then bunches of ore for 60 ft., of a width varying from 3.3 to 6.2 ft. The ore assayed from 9.1% to 1.75% mercury. Streaks of almost pure cinnabar lead into the north wall. The 42,375 lbs. of quicksilver was produced evidently by mining about 1500 tons of ore. The exposures in the upper and lower workings are favorable to a more extensive occurrence of ore; in three places more favorable than where ore has already been extracted. The ore showing at the bottom of the winze in the upper workings is rich. The east drift or upper workings have exposed ore of normal grade. The lower workings contain ore several hundred feet west of the upper workings; exposures on the surface indicate chutes of ore occurring along the fissure for over 900 feet. The cost of production per ton recently given by the War Eagle company with present equipment was as follows:
Medford Man's Invention Stirs
Interest of the Mining World
The Sunday Oregonian
gives E. G. Trowbridge
of Medford a splendid write-up on his recent
invention, a small quartz mill, for use by small operators at small
cost. Mr. Trowbridge is making the mill at his new manufacturing plant
in the north part of the city which he and H. D. Mills are conducting
with great success. The write-up follows:
GOLD HILL, Ore., Aug. 26.--(Special.)--The problem of operating the small and isolated quartz mine in this region has been solved by E. G. Trowbridge, a Medford mining engineer. This problem has been the troubled dream of the small mine owner and prospector ever since gold was discovered in quartz veins on the Pacific Coast. The invention is a portable quartz mill with the capacity of an ordinary three-stamp quartz mill. Assembled it weighs 1800 pounds. Dismantled, the heaviest piece weighs only 185 pounds, which permits its transportation wherever a burro can scale a mountain trail. The inventor has recently patented this mill and is manufacturing it locally at an expense of $270, while the ordinary quartz mill weighs several tons and costs several thousand dollars. Its daily capacity is seven tons of the ordinary gold-bearing porphyry vein matter of this region, while less of the harder type of quartz. The simplicity of the mill is unique. Mounted it has the appearance of an ordinary barrel. The staves and heads are made up of cast malleable iron. The staves are one and one-half inches thick and three feet long. They are bolted on the cylinder heads, which are 30 inches in diameter. Enclosed and unmounted are two four-inch high-tempered steel rollers, the crushers, which are set in motion with the revolving of the cylinder. The staves, which also serve in the capacity of screens, are placed on a bevel, and adjustments in bolting them to the cylinder heads regulate the fineness of the mesh. The crushed ore is deposited on a concentrating table and the gold is recovered with amalgam made up of quicksilver. The shaft holding the cylinder is cast on the cylinder heads and the feed four inches in diameter is through one end of the shaft, while the gearing is attached to the other end. The jar and motion of the mill in operation are so slight that a framework of 4x4-inch timbers make a sound and sufficient bedding. A one and one-half horsepower gas engine or other motor power operates the full equipment, including a jig for the feed and concentrating table. Medford Mail Tribune,
August 29, 1922, page 5
The quartz mill being manufactured and put out by the Medford Iron
Works has created a sensation in the mining world in this
country and
Alaska, much to the satisfaction of Edward G. Trowbridge and Harry D.
Mills, the owners of that concern which is not only receiving orders
but inquiries from all sections. The Popular Mechanics magazine,
will soon contain a large write-up of this mill, which was invented
only last August by Mr. Trowbridge.
If the orders continue to come in it will mean a big thing for Medford in the way of manufacturing, payroll and output. The mill has been given thorough tests, and orders continue to pile up. The mill is a small one designed for developing mining properties of limited financial means and can be operated by one man. It is said that three mills on one property can be operated by a single operator. Among the latest orders received is one for three mills at Telluride, Colo., which will be transported from Medford by auto truck all the way, going by way of Bend, Ore., and another for two mills to be sent to Oakland. Medford Mail Tribune,
November 22, 1922, page 3
CHUTES PRODUCING 70 PERCENT ROCK History of Industry in State Dates Back to 1878, When Cinnabar Ore Was Discovered Twelve Miles from Gold Hill by Early Settler--War Lends Stimulus to Owners of Deposits. BY A. E. KELLOGG.
The history of
the quicksilver industry in Southern Oregon dates back to 1878, when an
early settler in Rogue River Valley, well versed in the industry,
discovered cinnabar ore in an area known as the Meadows, 12 miles out
from Gold Hill. The Meadows is now the center of the
quicksilver-producing area in this region. Since 1878, up to the recent
development of the industry, the early settlers distilled quicksilver
from the Meadows ore and disposed of it to the local miners, who used
the metal in the recovery of flour gold and platinum in the placer
diggings of the region. By the crude process of roasting these ores in
open furnaces usually about 50 percent of the metal was recovered,
while the other 50 percent escaped in the fumes, causing the deadly
mercurial poisoning to the operator.
It was due to the consistent efforts of Dr. William P. Chisholm of Gold Hill that the industry was successfully launched. He acquired the claims where the original strike was made in 1878, about 20 years ago, and in 1912 erected a 12-pipe mercury furnace on the property, which was the first commercial furnace installed in the region. Deposits
Are Examined.
Through his effort an examination of the
ore deposits in the Gold Hill district was made in 1913 by A. N.
Winchell, in charge of the field work of the Oregon Bureau of Mines. H.
M. Parks and A. M. Swartley of the same bureau made mention of these
deposits in their 1916 "Handbook of Oregon Mines," and are jointly
responsible for the development of the industry in this region.That quicksilver existed in Southern Oregon up to the beginning of the war was known only to a few local operators and the scientific mining bureaus of the state of Oregon and the geological survey at Washington. It was during the early days of the war that the government, in its dire need of quicksilver as a war metal, and in ransacking for new deposits, fully demonstrated that the quicksilver zone in California extended into Oregon. This discovery disclosed large and rich deposits of the metal, which the state and federal mining bureau experts reported outclassed anything yet uncovered in the United States. Up to the time of the war California contributed more than half the quicksilver produced in the United States. Nevada had a few producing deposits, while Texas produced about a quarter of the domestic production. The average grades in the three states named above are less than .01 percent, or less than 20 pounds to the ton of ore. The Spanish carries 14 percent, and subsidiary ore bodies .02½ percent; the Italian about .01 percent, and the Austrian .85 percent. The greatest cinnabar dikes extending through Southern Oregon average less than .01 percent, but these dikes are rich in chimneys, or pay chutes, which produce large bodies of ore that reduce to as high as 70 percent quicksilver. Three furnaces in the Gold Hill district operated during the war on ore that averaged 17 percent, while in Douglas County the operators found conditions there about the same as in the Gold Hill district, but less rich in pay chutes. The largest produced during the war period was the War Eagle mine, which produced 565 flasks of 75 pounds each, or 42,375 pounds of quicksilver, which was sold on the open market for $59,325. Elevation
is 2500 Feet.
The Meadows is at an elevation of 2500
feet, on the
south slope of the Umpqua Mountains, in a heavily forested and
well-watered area. The quicksilver-bearing deposits extending through
the district occur along a granite-sandstone contact, where the granite
is in part pegmatic. It strikes north 53 degrees west, and most of the
mines on this deposit are less than 100 feet in depth. The mineralized
zone is from 100 to 200 feet wide. It is not a well-defined vein, but
is a mineralized dike along an irregular contact.The ore or mass contains cinnabar, native quicksilver, pyrite, gold, silver, zinc, nickel, arsenic, cobalt and a heavy, black mineral resembling metacinnabarite. Samples as a whole taken from along this dike assayed about $5 in gold to the ton, 5 ounces of silver, 2½ percent zinc, 1 percent quicksilver and traces of these other minerals. The cinnabar appears all through the ore, in the hanging and foot walls, in the forms of seams and kidneys. The seams are from a well-watered trace up to 20 inches in thickness and average from 17 to 70 percent quicksilver. The larger bodies of this rich ore are found chiefly in chimneys and pay chutes, which are in the faults of the main dike, or veins and stringers of the main dike. This dike makes its first appearance in Oregon extending from California in the bedrock of the famous "49" placer diggings four miles northwest of Ashland. There it is in a calcite formation. These dikes, which are very faulty, appear as laterals or stringers from the main strike through the country; on the west in the Applegate district;, extending down into Josephine County; and on the east in the Butte Creek Mountain King mine, six miles north of Gold Hill, next in the Meadows, thence extending through the Umpqua Mountains into Douglas and Lane counties, still holding its rich values in cinnabar ores. Geologically, the Gold Hill district is an area chiefly occupied by old Paleozoic sediments interbedded with sills or flows of andesite and greenstone, the sedimentary rock striking northerly, usually about N. 15 degrees E., and dipping eastward at angles ranging from 65 degrees W. upward. Diller has shown that Jurassic beds west of this district have been overturned so that the oldest strata now overlie the younger formations. It seems possible that the Paleozoic sediments are also overturned, and that the limestone found in the southern part of the district probably is of early Paleozoic age, and fossils found in limestone lenses in the district indicate that they are not Devonian. Diller suggests that they are Silurian rather than Carboniferous in age. Accordingly, the Paleozoic sediments in this district are referred to as the Devonian or Carboniferous or to both periods. Long after the formation of the sedimentary rocks, the region was intruded from below by a mass of molten igneous formation which is now exposed to view in the mountains by the same agency, the bedded rock solidified beneath a considerable thickness of sediments or other rocks which have since been removed in some places. The igneous mass is now exposed to view in the mountains, and it seems probable it underlies, at considerable depth, the major part of the Gold Hill district. This igneous intrusion and intense folding appear to have elevated the region sufficiently to cause a new cycle of erosion and the formation of coarse sediment which could not be transported far by ordinary agencies. Therefore conglomerates were produced, and these were succeeded by feldspathic sandstone during part of the Cretaceous period. The greatest menaces to the quicksilver industry in this country are the Almaden mines in Spain, which yield mercury from ore averaging 11 percent, at a cost of $16 a flask of 75 pounds. The ore reserves at Almaden are good for 40 years on a basis of an output of 1000 tons of metal annually. These deposits are owned by the Spanish government and operated with convict labor. The entire output of the mine is contracted to the Rothschilds in London at £7 sterling for a flask of 75 pounds, and this concern has the privilege of regulating the output of the mine. Oregonian, Portland, November 19, 1922, page D10 Seek
Eastern Capital for Gold Hill Smelter
Victor M. Brown of the Pittsburgh-Oregon Mining Company left last week
for Pittsburgh and other eastern points in connection with the
financing of the proposed smelter at Gold Hill.The survey of the smelter side track and building site has been completed, and the company is now awaiting the approval of the side track survey on the part of the Southern Pacific Company before starting the building of the spur. The new construction work will require a change in the highway leading to Sams Valley, and the matter is now before the Jackson County court for adjustment. The proposed smelter is to be of 100 tons daily capacity to start with, provision being made so that additional capacity may be had with minimum amount of cost and time. A custom mill for handling the ores that do not require smelting and a refinery and modern laboratory are included in the construction plans. It is expected the smelter will be ready to blow before the end of 1924. Gold Hill, being advertised as "The Largest Town of Its Size in the World," is the scene of much activity. A large number of mining claims have been staked out, and the outlook is for considerable development work this season. Every man in the town is an ardent booster for the mining industry. Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, March 21, 1924, page B4 DESCRIPTION OF GOLD HILL AS A
(Arrangements have been made by the Bureau to publish information
regarding the various mining districts in Southwestern Oregon, giving
brief description of the more important mines and prospects. A
different district will be covered each week.)The rich pocket from which the town of Gold Hill takes its name was discovered in 1859, and it is recorded that $400,000 was taken out of this strike during the first year. During the seventies placer mining continued somewhat less actively, about half of the miners being Chinese. In 1884 placers on Galls Creek were notably successful, while gold-bearing gravels on Foots Creek were profitable throughout the decade. During the nineties the output of the placers decreased, but work continued on many creeks of the district. During the first decade of the twentieth century placer mining continued on Foots Creek, Galls Creek, Sams Creek and Pleasant Creek. On the whole the production of the placer mines has maintained for a long time, but is slowly decreasing. Among the more important quartz mines are: Sylvanite Mine
The Sylvanite mine is located three miles northeast of Gold Hill and is
owned by the Oregon-Pittsburg Mining. Company, of which L. H.
Van Horne
is superintendent. Over 3000 feet of workings, including tunnels,
drifts, crosscuts, shafts, etc. Elevation 1360. Hanging wall slate;
footwall limestone. Several thousand tons of ore are blocked out with
average value of $9.65 in gold, 16 ounces silver, and about
7½ percent
nickel. The property is equipped with a ten-stamp mill and accessories.Gold Ridge Mine
The Gold Ridge mine is located in the NE ¼ section 3, T. 37
S., R. 3
W., at an elevation of 2100 feet above sea level. The property is
equipped with a two-stamp mill, plates 2½x8 feet, and 7-h.p.
engine. The work of further development of the property is now being
done. The average value of the ore is $10 in gold. The mill is in
operation. Owned by the Gold Ridge Mining Company.Millionaire Mine
This mine is located in the SW ¼ of sec. 30, T. 36 S., R. 2
W., at an
elevation of 1730 feet above sea level. It is opened up by two vertical
shafts to a depth of several hundred feet with levels opened each way
at each 100-foot depth. The property is equipped with two Nissen
1500-lb. stamps and two 10-foot amalgamating plates, rock crusher, and
Standard concentrating table. Development work has been carried on for
some time past and several thousand tons of ore with an average value
of $15 have been blocked out. The property is owned by the Millionaire
Mining Company, of which S. E. Heberling is superintendent.Gray Eagle Mine
The Gray Eagle is located in SE ¼ sec. 29, T. 35
S., R. 3 W., on the
east side of Sardine Creek at an elevation of 1850 feet above sea
level. The vein is opened up by three adits on the hillside,
the main
adit being nearly 400 feet in length with over 300 feet of that
distance on the vein, which is chiefly quartz and varies from 9 to 12
feet in thickness. Beneath a fault which strikes north 60 degrees W.
and dips 34 degrees NE., but produces but little offset, the vein is
locally 35 feet wide. It is said to carry $22 in gold at this point
where a winze has been sunk 85 feet deep and a raise extended to the
surface. The property is equipped with aerial tramway from the main
adit to a ten-stamp mill on Sardine Creek which has a 30-h.p.
and 10-h.p. gas engines, two amalgamating plates each
4½x10 feet, rock
crusher, and two concentrating tables.The property is being developed by the Millionaire Mining Company in connection with the work at the Millionaire mine. Chisholm Copper Mine
Located in SE ¼ sec. 19, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. at an elevation
approximately 1700 feet above sea level. A crosscut entry is in about
200 feet. A total of approximately one mile of underground development
work has been done, and several thousand tons of ore are blocked out.
Owned by W. P. Chisholm.Bowden Mine
On southeast slope of Blackwell Hill near top of grade on Pacific
Highway. Has a quartz vein shown by an adit opened by approximately 350
feet of tunnel, and a shaft 185 feet deep which yielded free gold at a
depth of 100 feet. Vein from two to three feet wide where stopped.
Values run in neighborhood of $62 according to the owner, Elmer Davis.Blossom Mine
In secs. 19 and 20, T. 35 S., R. 3 W., on the left fork of Sardine
Creek at an elevation of 2400 feet. Approximately 500 feet of tunnel
work done, with active development now being carried on. Vein varies
from 15 to 20 feet in width, and it is said the average value is $20.
Property in hands of Wilvan Mining Company, with L. R. Van Der Bogart
as superintendent.Corporal G Mine
Located in see. 19, T. 3 S., R. 3 W., at elevation of 2600 feet.
Discovered in 1904 by J. R. McKay. Operated under lease 1907 by J. E.
K. Kirk. Property opened up by approximately 500 feet of tunnel work.
Average value of the ore $7.00. Owned by W. P. Chisholm of Gold Hill.Iron King Mine
Located 1½ miles southwest of Gold Hill; 400 feet of
development work;
average assay on vein $7.95 per ton in gold. C. E. Barges and
Tom Cook,
Gold Hill, owners.Western American Mine
This property is located 2 miles north of Gold Hill; 200 feet of work
done, all in ore. Average value $19.45 in gold. Tom Cook,
C. E. Barges
and E. Derwent, owners, Gold Hill.Sunbeam Mine
Located two miles east of Gold Hill; 150 feet of work done; gold values
$2.80 per ton, copper 2½ percent. T. Cook and E.
Derwent, owners.Black Wolf Mine
Located 3½ miles NE of Gold Hill. Not developed; prospected
by open
cuts and drifts. Nickel and tungsten values. Owned by Mrs. C. M.
Crocker and Nicholas Addington.Black Jack Mine
Located 2½ miles north of
Gold Hill; 150 feet
of work; high-grade shipping ore; owned by Harris and Son.Aurum Mine
8 miles north of Gold Hill; 150 feet of
prospecting work; owned by Grey, Norton, Myers and Derwent.Golden Cross Mine
Five miles north of Gold Hill. Developed by 500 feet of tunnels and
crosscuts. Said to carry gold, silver, nickel, copper, palladium and
platinum.Ida and Margaret Mine
See. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 500 feet
development work; owned by Tom Lawrence.Wanda Mine
Sec. 24. T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 300 feet work
done; owned by J. H. Gribble.May Belle
Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W.; opened up by
tunnel 276 feet long, owned by Guy D. Kenney.Little Henery and Francis Mine
Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W.; opened by
550 feet of development work. Owned by B. F. Groves.Gold Hill Pocket
The famous Gold Hill pocket is near the top of the hill of that name in
SW ¼ of NE ¼ sec. 14, T. 36 S., R. 3 W., at an
elevation of 2000 feet,
about 2 miles from the city of Gold Hill. The outcropping rock was so
full of gold that it could scarcely be broken by sledging. The gold in
the pocket went down only 15 feet and occurred in a fissure vein. It is
said that this pocket produced at least $700,000.00.Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1924, page 3 Local Mining News
Frank H. Osgood, mining capitalist of Seattle, who has been interested
in mining in Southern Oregon in the Takilma district for many years
past, owning the Osgood placer mine, has been spending several days in
the valley looking after his interests.E. Stephens of Portland has leased mining property of L. U. Stenger at Canyonville and is installing a crusher and a Medford quartz mill. C. W. Martin of the Beaver Portland Cement Company at Gold Hill visited here the forepart of the week. William Applegate, who owns and operates the Buzzard mine in the Trail district, struck a very rich chimney last week. This property has produced considerable gold in past years. C. C. Wortley, Los Angeles mining capitalist, who has spent the past ten days at the Legal Tender mine on the Lower Rogue River, returned to his home Friday. A. J. Henneke has taken a bond and lease on the Amalgamated Manganese group of claims on Shan Creek and has started a crew of men at work clearing out the old workings and retimbering the tunnels, preparatory to active development of the property. Mr. Henneke states this is one of the largest bodies of manganese in Southwestern Oregon and carries good values, twelve samples showing a general average of $8.50 in gold per ton and that a face of sixteen feet shows manganese running 47 percent. E. Derwent, H. E. Wharton and M. M. Johnson of Gold Hill attended the bureau meeting last Saturday, and reported that satisfactory progress was being made in working out the program for the Roaring Camp of '52 celebration at Gold Hill on June 2 and 3. The Sylvanite mine at Gold Hill, owned by the Oregon-Pittsburg Mining Company, has been financed by its Pittsburgh stockholders to carry on the development of the property, in the amount of $150,000. L. H. Van Horne is superintendent of the property. P. M. Johnson of the West Coast Finance Company reported at the bureau meeting Saturday that a preliminary test of the Mace smelter--the kind proposed for installation at Gold Hill--is being carried on at Rawlinsville, Colorado, and that the financing of the project is proceeding satisfactorily, with the probability of actual construction work being started by the time of the celebration at Gold Hill. Mr. Johnson also stated that the name of the smelting company would be the Rogue River Smelting Company, and that the control of the affairs of the company would rest locally with a director from Medford, one from Grants Pass and one or two from Gold Hill, thus ensuring mine owners of facilities for the custom treatment of their ores. Kerby Thomas of New York is to be consulting engineer for the company. Work on the Highway mine stamp mill in the town of Rogue River is progressing rapidly, and it is expected the mill will be ready for operation in about six weeks. The mill will do some custom work, and already applications have been received from as far north as Wolf Creek and as far south as Ashland. John Breeding has contracted to run a tunnel on the Swacker-Julian property at Rogue River, recently taken over by Frank Silver of Corvallis. A two-stamp mill is being assembled for installing on this property. The North Pole at Rogue River is now in the producing class. The Ancient River mine at Rogue River is running a crew of five men, with engineer Reed in charge. The present capacity of the plant is six cars of crushed gravel per day, and plans are being perfected to add additional rolls to the crusher to increase the output. Three stamps are dropping at the Black Jack in the Galice district with P. B. Wickham in charge. The Western Metals Company and the Golden Wedge are joining hands in constructing about three miles of road to their properties. The Esterly placer mine at Waldo is still operating one giant. The water is about gone in the upper ditches, but the lower ditches will furnish a supply for some time to come. Geo. M. Esterly was in the city the forepart of the week. Plans are being perfected to install two stamps, of the triple discharge Hendy type, weight 1000 pounds each, as first unit of a battery of six stamps at the Siskron mine in the Holland district, to replace the old three 350-pound stamps now in service. J. E. Kilduff, manager of the property, visited the city this week in connection with the proposed change. Medford Mail Tribune, May 24, 1924, page 3 RIDDLE-CANYONVILLE MINING
In giving a summary of the mining
activities in the
Riddle-Canyonville district, it will be best to first speak of the
mines adjacent to the town of Riddle, which is the distributing point
for the whole district.The foremost mine is the Silver Peak mine, owned by the Oregon Exploration Company of Portland. This company has a force of some ten miners and helpers, and have about 1000 to 1200 feet of underground workings, showing a vein, or workable zone, about 50 feet wide, of which some four feet is very high grade, in many instances yielding as high as $2.50 per pound; the balance of the vein is a chalcopyrite, concentrating about one to 20, making a very attractive shipping proposition. The company is now building a road from Riddle to the mine so as to begin trucking the ore to the railroad, and a good-sized crew is thus employed to be ready before the wet weather sets in. The success of the Silver Peak has been an incentive for much activity along the strike of the vein and many locations have been made, and in every case the development work has shown most promising results. Among the most prominent I would mention the properties owned by Frank Cain, Mr. Logsdon and Mr. Ash, which lay to the south of the Silver Peak property. There is another vein lying about one-half mile west of the Silver Peak vein showing high values in gold, silver and copper. The best developed property is owned by William Bradfield, being on the Wilson Creek side of the ridge, and a most flattering prospect. On the south side of the ridge--the Middle Creek side--are found the gold properties of William Horn, producing very fine ore. Leaving Riddle on the way to Canyonville, we pass the old Levens Ledge mine owned by the Canyonville Mining Company of Portland. This old mine is well known and has always been good, negotiations now being under way with a view of again putting the property into the producing column with its gold, platinum and palladium ores. We now reach Canyonville, and continuing up the highway some three miles up the canyon we come to what is locally known as the Stenger properties. This is a vast mineralized zone carrying gold and platinum and is being extensively developed. Mr. Stenger has leased two of the claims--one is now being worked by A. O. Thomas, who has a concentrating plant and is shipping his concentrates; the other is leased to Stevens and McHolland of Portland, who are installing a Medford quartz mill and concentration plant. Across the way Mr. Conway is producing some very high-grade ore. Next in line, leaving Canyonville and going up the Umpqua River toward Tiller and some 14 miles beyond, we come to the Palladium Gold Mining Company, owned by Clark and Tainer. This property is too vast to go into details here, but it is being developed extensively. The writer considers this property the wonder of the Northwest, and values of $1000 per ton are frequently found. And finally, between Silver Peak and Tiller, there are many prospectors in the field, and many high-grade samples of ore are being exhibited, giving the district a very flattering position, and we look for more great properties in the near future. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1924, page 3 MOUNT REUBEN DISTRICT HAS MANY
The Mount Reuben mining district lies in
northwestern part of Josephine County, not far from the Douglas County
line, and its principal supply points are Leland, in Josephine County,
and Glendale, in Douglas County.Among the more important properties are: Gold Bug Mine.
This property is located in township 33
south, range
8 west, on Whiskey Creek, at an elevation of from 2400 to 2600 feet
above sea level. About twenty years ago the property was owned and
operated by Senator John P. Jones of Nevada and associates, and was
classed with the three or four largest producers in Southern Oregon.
The road from Glendale to the property was constructed on account of
this mine, and production from the property is estimated at $1,425,000.
The workings consist of a shaft to a depth of approximately 750 feet
with drifts on the vein in both directions. Property is now owned by
John C. Neal of Portland and E. E. Romig of Grants Pass, and all claims
have been patented.Benton Mine.
The Benton property is located on Drain
Creek, a
branch of Whiskey Creek, in township 33 south, range 8 west, near Mount
Reuben, and consists of eight patented claims. There is a good wagon
road from Glendale.The main adit is a drift following a vein 600 feet to a fault which strikes north 70 degrees west and dips 85 degrees south; about 100 feet farther on the adit picks up a vein which it follows for 500 feet. The vein is also opened up by an upper adit for about 800 feet. The ore has not been removed. The Texas adit of the Benton group crosscuts 300 feet to the vein, which is opened by a drift each way; to the south about 150 feet and to the north about 50 feet. In place the vein is from one to three feet wide of solid quartz. The property is owned by the Lewis Investment Company of Portland, and it is estimated that there is over one-half million tons of ore blocked out. California Mine.
This property is owned by the Mount
Reuben Mining
Company and is under lease and bond to M. Bailey, who is carrying on
extensive development work. The old workings consist of about 1600 feet
of tunnels and drifts, while the new workings done under the lease
consists of a tunnel 3500 feet, cutting several veins ranging from two
and a half to eight feet wide, and several hundred feet of drifting on
the veins. The depth obtained is approximately 1600 feet, and the
average value of the ore is around $20 per ton in gold. The lessee has
constructed a new road from Leland at a cost of about $40,000.Ajax Mine.
The Ajax mine adjoins the California
property and is
owned by the Ajax Mining Company of Grants Pass. There is about 1200
feet of tunnel and drift work, and the vein averages eight feet wide,
with average values in gold of around $20.Copper Stain Mine.
The Copper Stain mine is not far from
the Gold Bug
and consists of seven patented claims owned by Mrs. S. L. German of
Springfield, Illinois. Ore is white quartz with free gold, and
development work consists of a shaft 400 feet in depth and drifting on
the vein. The vein is five feet wide, and it is claimed that values
will average $40 per ton. Considerable ore blocked out.Elwilda or Kramer Mine.
This property is located about 8 miles
from the
Almeda mine on Rogue River, and consists of eleven claims extending
from Rogue River up Whiskey Creek. Quartz vein about 3 feet wide. The
property has produced upwards of $40,000 in the past, and is now owned
by M. C. Page, of Eugene, Oregon.Lawrence Mine.
On Reuben Creek, owned by John Mitchell
of Grants
Pass, Ore. Has produced around $115,000 in gold. Development work
consists of from 700 to 800 feet of tunnels and drifts; good-sized vein
of high-grade ore. Equipped with ball mill, but not at present in
operation.Goff Mine.
On Hungry Hill, owned by the Goff
Brothers and the
Fetwell Brothers of Leland, Ore. This property is now being developed,
the vein being very wide and carrying considerable copper, gold and
silver.Novotny Mine
Owned by Frank Novotny of Leland, Ore.,
and located
on Whiskey Creek. Development work consists of 1300 feet of tunnels and
drifts. The vein is wide and has good showing in gold. Work is being
carried on at the present time.J. C. L. Mine.
On southwest slope of Mount Reuben;
owned by the
Lewis Investment Co. of Portland. This property has produced upwards of
$75,000 in the past; claims patented. Workings consist of over 1000
feet of tunnels and drifts. Vein is about two feet wide and of very
high-grade ore.Sunrise Mine.
Owned by Montgomery Brothers, Sheridan,
Property has been developed by several hundred feet of tunnels and
drifts, and has a vein about 18 feet wide carrying from $6 to $8 in
gold. Assessment work now being done.Picks and Premo Mine.
Owned by J. C. Neal of Portland and E.
E. Romig of
Grants Pass. Good showing of high-grade ore. Development work is now
being carried on.Mars Mine.
Owned by Mars Mining Co. of Grants Pass,
and located
on top of Mount Reuben, adjoining the California mine on the north.
Approximately 500 feet of drifts, tunnels and drifts. Vein is about 5
feet wide and values run from $5 to $50 per ton in gold.Looney & Son Property.
Located on northwest slope of Mount
Reuben, and
owned by Looney & Son of Glendale, Ore. Vein in 4½
feet wide
and carries an average of $14 per ton in gold. Several hundred feet of
development work in way of tunnels and drifts, and further development
work is now being done.Peerless Claim.
Owned by A. B. Cornell and associates of
Pass; about 60 feet of tunnel work; ledge about 8 feet and carries gold
value of from $10 to $14.Brown Bear Claim.
Owned by Mrs. Anna M. Berry of Orenco,
Ore.; about
100 feet of tunnel and drift work; 3½-foot ledge of good
values.Anderson Claim.
A. Anderson of Glendale has a good
prospect at the head of Reuben Creek.Gibson Mine.
On Upper Reuben Creek; has over 1200
feet of
development work with a vein approximately 4 feet wide carrying good
gold value. Owned by William Barnett of California.On the south side of Rogue River are found the Keystone Group of claims owned by the Akron Gold Mining and Milling Company, and the Legal Tender property. Placer Mines.
The Whiteneck placer property is located
on Whiskey
Creek and is equipped with ditches, pipe lines, giants, flumes, etc.,
and operates every winter.Metals Extraction Company
The placer mine of the Metals Extraction
consists of large holdings of placer ground on Grave Creek
just above the point where it empties into the Rogue River. C.
Sutter is president, O. J. Catherman, secretary, and F. B. Sanford,
manager. Work of equipping the property is being pushed forward so that
the mine will be in readiness to operate with the coming of the rainy
season.Chrome Ore Wanted.
The bureau is in receipt of a letter
from J. W.
Flannery, 855 East 32nd St. North, Portland, Ore., asking for two-pound
samples of high-grade chrome ore.Arsenic Ore in Demand.
J. F. Thorn, mining engineer, 647 Mills
Bldg., San
Francisco, left for home the forepart of the week after scouting around
Southwestern Oregon for arsenical ores, which are now in demand.Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1924, page 3 Local Mining News
Roy Willis. formerly connected with the
service in the Coos County section, but now turning his attention to
placer mining the Rogue River near Gold Hill, visited here Sunday.Frank Silver, who is installing a two-stamp mill on the Julia and Swacker mine near Rogue River, and who is also prospecting the bottom of Rogue River through the use of a power boat, was in town this week having some analytical work done. E. N. Crawford, a mining man of Boise, Idaho, who has traveled pretty well over the United States in having his ores tested, finally came to Southwestern Oregon for the same purpose. After the work was completed he acknowledged his complete satisfaction and stated that he had been unable in other places to receive a satisfactory test. His only criticism of Southern Oregon was the fact that certain street corners in Grants Pass appear to be devoted wholly to a knockers club, who knock every person and every industry, no matter of what kind or nature. A knowledge of the personnel of the knocker club on the particular corners in question shows the organization composed almost wholly of the Can't Do It Boys, who do nothing themselves and criticize the efforts of everyone else no matter how well intentioned or successful. The knocker serves no useful purpose, either to the community or to himself, and the wasted energy should be directed toward assisting in the development of the community he has selected as his home instead of attempting to make the efforts of genuine men abortive. J. A. Perry of Medford spent some time in Grants Pass this week in connection with mining matters. At the regular monthly meeting of the bureau last Saturday F. Dale Wyatt of Cottage Grove was elected vice president for Lane County, C. C. Inman of Sixes, vice president for Curry County, and Steve Gallier of Bandon, vice president for Coos County. The final passage of the Oddie bill for the appropriation of $2,500,000 additional funds for the War Relief mineral adjustments meets with great favor among the mining men of Southwestern Oregon, whose pending claims aggregate approximately $150,000. Only claims with merit will be allowed finally, but such claims should bring a good many thousand dollars to this part of the state within the near future. The Oregon delegation in Congress are entitled to considerable credit for their work in behalf of this measure. William N. Caven, mining engineer of Los Angeles, who has been spending several days with Messrs. Butler and Happel in connection with their investigation of mining matters in Southwestern Oregon, returned home the forepart of the week. H. C. Diers, engineer, who has spent a great deal of time in connection with the proposed smelter at Gold Hill, is in Portland completing the details of the smelter organization, and it is expected that this project will be under way within the very near future. T. F. McNamara of the Jumpoff Joe district was in town Monday on matters relating to his property. G. M. Esterly of the Esterly placer mine at Waldo visited Grants Pass this week. Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1924, page 3 REPORT OF MINE ACTIVITY IN
The Jumpoff Joe district includes the territory tributary to Jumpoff
Joe and Louse creeks in [the] northern part of Josephine County, and
northwestern part of Jackson County. Gold mining, particularly
placering, has been carried on fairly continuously since the early days
of mining in Southwestern Oregon. The streams yielded bountifully of
placer gold in the early days, $20 per man with pick and shovel ground
sluicing being considered average yield. While there are no statistics
available for this district separate from the county as a whole, those
who have first-hand information as to the output estimate several
millions of dollars.Jumpoff Joe District The more important quartz mines are: Gopher Mine
Located on the northeast side of Walker Mountain at elevation of 2300
feet, in section 8, T. 35 S. R. 5 W. Owned by Gopher Gold Mining
Company, of which T. R. Dean of Grants Pass is manager. This property
has over 600 feet of underground development, with a vein 90
feet wide
averaging $5 per ton in gold. General development work is now being
carried on in a small way.Baby Mine
Located in northwest quarter section 16, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., on east
side of Walker Mountain. Owned by Capital City Gold Mining Company, of
which T. F. Lacey of Grants Pass is the manager. Property was located
in 1897 and is said to have produced more than $20,000 in gold. Has
about 1500 feet of underground development work. The most important
vein averages four feet wide and carries an average of $10 to the ton
in gold. General development work in small way carried on.Oak Mine
Located in section 4, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., at elevation of about 1535
feet. Owned by George A. Baker and George Buell of Grants Pass. Has
about 1000 feet of underground development work, with two veins. The
gold vein is about 30 feet wide and averages $6 to $10 in gold--the
copper vein is 8 feet wide and three tests made by smelters--the
Kenneth smelter, the Tacoma smelter and the smelter at Bingham,
Utah--show values of from $42 to $53 per ton.Gold Drift
Located in southeast corner section 3, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., south of
Jumpoff Joe Creek at elevation of 2800 feet. Equipped with five-stamp
mill, having 10-foot amalgamating plate, concentrating table and
engine. About 1300 feet of crosscuts and drifts on veins which are
fairly regular in their course. Property is owned by S. Stone of Grants
Pass, and only annual assessment work is being done. Four-foot vein
running from $5 to $20 in gold values.Lucky Queen Mine
Located on ridge between Jacks Creek and Shorthorn Gulch near the north
line of section 31, T. 34 S., R. 5 W. Owned by J. R. Rush of Grants
Pass. Has about 1000 feet of underground work, consisting
of tunnels. Vein averages about 40 feet and gold values run from $5 to
$16 per ton. Work is being carried on in extending tunnels and in a
general way.Mountain Treasure Mine
Located in section 34, T. 35, R. 5 W., north of Jumpoff Joe Creek.
Owned by Ralph Bennett of Grants Pass. Has tunnel about 150 feet long
showing vein four feet wide with gold values running up to $40 per ton.
Ground is patented and no work is going on at this time.Dick Mine
Located in northeast quarter section 8, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., on northeast
side of Walker Mountain at elevation of 2400 feet. Owned by Fetch and
Long. About 200 feet of underground work, showing vein
about 25 feet
wide running from $4 to $20 in gold values. Only assessment and
metallurgical work being done at this time.Daisy or Hammersley Mine
Located just east of divide between Jacks Creek and Bummer Gulch at
elevation of 3800 feet. Discovered in 1890 and has produced, according
to one authority, from $75,000 to $100,000; according to another
authority, the production is as high as $200,000. About 400 feet of
underground work consisting of tunnels. Property is owned by George
Pease of Grants Pass.Handy Mine
Located in section 5, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., and owned by J. R. Rush and
George A. Baker of Grants Pass. Has two tunnels--one 125 feet in
length, the other 165 feet. Vein varies from 4 to 15 feet, and gold
values run from $5 to $20. Development work on the lower tunnel is now
being pushed forward by the owners.Klondike Mine
Located on south side of Louse Creek; owned by W. A. Sharp of Grants
Pass and his North Dakota associates. About 200 feet of tunnel work,
opening up vein with good values. Owners contemplate the installation
of milling equipment in the near future.Ida Mine
Located on Louse Creek above the old Granite Hill. Owned by C. W.
Edwards of Grants Pass; vein averages four feet and gold values run
from $12 to $15 per ton. Has about 300 feet of development work. Owner
anticipates equipping the property in the near future.Among other mining properties in this district on which considerable work has been done in the past are the Eagle mine, located on east side of Walker Mountain, the Creamer mine, located in section 18, T. 35 S., R. 5 W., on Walker Mountain, the Mount Pitt, located in section 31, T. 34 S., R. 4 W., on the line between Jackson and Josephine counties, and the Granite Hill located on the north side of Louse Creek. No description of this district is complete without a brief statement of the Granite Hill property. After the rich placer ground on the Granite Hill property was well worked out, development of the several quartz veins was begun. A well-equipped shaft about 400 feet in depth was sunk, with modern hoist, pumps, etc., and a large and complete stamp mill was installed. Considerable ore of high grade was blocked out in the various drifts running from the shaft and different levels, and the prospects were very encouraging for the property to be placed on a profitable basis. In fact, considerable production has already been had. The development work opened up a heavy flow of water from an underground source--a flow too strong for the equipment then known--and the property was abandoned. With more modern equipment of this day it is believed that the water problem at this property can be economically solved, and the property again placed in the producing class. Among the placer mines in this district are: Swastika Mine
Located on Jumpoff Joe Creek and owned by eastern people who are
represented on the ground by E. A. Rathtone of Grants Pass. The
property was worked last season by Arthur Fitzpatrick under lease, and
while he had but 12 days' run with only half a pipe head, he states the
cleanup was satisfactory.Forest Queen
The Forest Queen property is located on Louse Creek and is
owned by
Captain Cage of San Francisco. Property is equipped with ditches, water
rights, flumes, pipe line, giants, etc., and good house. About 20 acres
of gravel from four to ten feet deep that is said to be rich in gold.Sexton Mine
The Sexton mine, owned by Charles Sexton, is located close to the
headwaters of Jumpoff Joe Creek. Property has paid good returns in past
years. Now worked under leases.Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1924, page 5 Ashland's Mining District
The Ashland district is situated near the town of that name about
twelve miles north of the California boundary in Jackson County, and
the elevation varies from about 1900 feet to 4000 feet above sea level.
The earliest mining was done about 1858 and consisted of placering in
the Fortynine Diggings. Placering was continued for about twenty-five
years quite extensively and in 1880 attention was turned to the quartz
ledges. In the ten years following 1890 the Ashland, the Shorty Hope
and the Mattern mines were productive, the former producing about
$150,000 during 1892 to 1899.The more important quartz mines are: Barron Mine
Located on Sampson Creek about three miles from Soda Springs, and owned
by George Barron of Ashland. The property is opened up by several
hundred feet of tunnels and drifts and a depth of approximately 300
feet has been reached. The vein material is about 16 feet wide and
contains copper, zinc, lead, silver and some gold. A selected sample of
ore is reported to have yielded 44 percent zinc, 29 percent sulfur, 14
percent silica, 5 percent lead, 1.5 percent copper, 1.4 percent iron, 1
percent alumina, 0.6 percent manganese, 2.68 ounces of silver, 14.20
ounces of gold, and a trace of antimony. Sixty tons of the ore is
reported to have sold for $530.00. It is understood this property has
recently been bonded by outside mining interests, and it is hoped that
the near future will see it placed in the producing class. It has
approximately 160,000 tons of ore blocked out.Skyline Mine
Located on the top of the ridge southwest of Ashland and owned by Tom
Anderson. Considerable development work done on a small but very rich
vein of gold ore. Property bonded during past ten days to Portland
people at a price understood to be $60,000. The new management is now
preparing to put in [a] small mill and hope to be in active operation
this fall.Ashland Mine
Located near Ashland and owned by Briggs & Butler. Has several
thousand feet of development work and during years 1892 to 1899
produced around $150,000. The property is idle at this time.Among other properties are noted the Golden Fleece mine owned by Mrs. L. A. Phillips of Ashland, the ore of which runs from 1 to 7 percent in quicksilver; the Ruth, the Burdic, the Little Pittsburgh, the Snapshot, the Shorty Hope, the Columbine, the Pilgrim, the Crackerjack, and the Buela. Non-metal deposits are varied and include oil shale, granite, mineral waters of commercial value, carbonic acid gas, clay and building stone. Blair Granite Quarry
Located on Neil Creek south of Ashland, and owned by Walter Blair.
Large quantity of exceptionally fine granite of a quality equal to that
of the famous Barre granite of Vermont. This property is under bond and
option to eastern people, who propose to open it up on a large scale
and install adequate equipment for the handling of the product. With no
competition west of the Mississippi in quality of product, this quarry,
when properly handled, will be one of the leading industries of the
state.Ashland Granite Works
The Ashland Granite Works has a granite quarry on Tolman Creek about
three miles from Ashland. The company is installing equipment for the
manufacture of granite-faced concrete building blocks, grinding the
waste granite to various sizes for this purpose. These blocks, or
bricks, are made under 18,000 pounds pressure and when dried, or
seasoned, will stand a pressure of better than 2000 pounds per square
inch. These bricks are made in different sizes and designs.Three distinct grades of granite are found on the property of the company. One its practically identical with the Barre granite of Vermont--known as the standard granite of the world. Another is a very fine-grained granite comparing favorably with the silver-gray granite of Southern California, and the third is a black granite of high grade. Natural Carbonic Gas
The natural carbonic gas wells are the third to be developed in the
United States, the others being at Saratoga, N.Y., and Manitou,
Colorado. The gas produced at Ashland wells uniformly holds up to 99.8
percent pure--a very high standard. The gas is compressed into liquid
form under a pressure of from 800 to 1100 pounds and placed in steel
cylinders for shipment which are tested to 3300 pounds per square inch.The geyser recently brought in by the Natural Carbonic Company flows heavily in natural lithia water and natural carbonic gas, and 24-hour continuous run resulted in the compressing and placing in cylinders ready for shipment of 6000 pounds of liquid gas. The gas is sold under a term contract to the Liquid Carbonic Company, Chicago, the largest concern of its kind in the United States, which distributes it over the entire Northwest, maintaining warehouses and distributing stations at Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Salt Lake. It is used in soda fountains, by bottlers for carbonating beverages, and in the manufacture of ice cream and butter, and its purity and uniformity make it much more desirable than the artificial gas. Mineral Waters
The mineral waters of the Ashland district are of a wide variety,
including the soda waters, the cold and hot sulfur waters, the cinnabar
waters, and the natural lithia waters, and while the development of the
waters,other than the natural lithia waters, must be for local purposes, the wide variety will eventually make Ashland the leading health resort of the western portion of the United States. The sulfur and cinnabar waters are now being used for bathing purposes at the Jackson Springs and the Cinnabar Springs. The natural lithia waters are in a class by themselves and are unique in that they are both a medicinal and a table water, unsurpassed by any mineral water in the world so far developed. These waters, bottled with their own natural carbonic gas, stand shipment anywhere, and the field for their sale is worldwide. Coal
Coal occurs in seams more or less continuous from Evans Creek southeast
to the vicinity of Ager, California--a distance of about 50 miles. The
central portion of this distance for about 20 miles is within the
Ashland district. Veins have been opened up at various places, but none
of the properties have been placed on a commercial basis. With the
development of the extensive mineral resources of Southwestern Oregon
the coal deposits of this section will undoubtedly receive the
attention necessary to demonstrate their worth.Oil
While off has not been discovered in commercial quantities in Southern
Oregon, the renewed financing of the Trigonia well, situated between
Ashland and Medford, for the continuing of the drilling to a depth of
3000 feet is being watched with great interest.Oil Shale
The Hartman Syndicate is developing a large oil shale deposit east of
Ashland, and plan on placing the first retort in operation shortly.
This development is being watched with a great deal of interest, as its
successful consummation means much to the industrial life of
Southwestern Oregon.Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1924, page 3 Local Mining News
A. G. Williams of Messrs. Warner, Williams, Dodd and Sparks, owners of
the Last Chance placer mine on Sailors Gulch in the Bohemia district,
visited the Rogue River Valley cities last week in connection with the
purchase of equipment for their property. They are installing a Mora
pump, manufactured at Ashland, and expect to have the plant in
operation within the next ten days. Mr. Williams reports that there is
considerable activity in the Bohemia district, and that the Knott mine
made a strike of high-grade ore last week, the ledge being
three feet
wide. The Knott is equipped with a mill which is in operation. Mr.
Williams states that the Evening Star and the Noonday are operating
their mills, and that the Oregon-Ohio is pushing its tunnel development.Dr. Byron Bailey of Wauneta, Neb., interested in the Glengary mine on Jumpoff Joe, of which T. F. McNamara is manager, is visiting at the nine, and attended the mining bureau meeting Saturday. P. S. Woodin, president of the Mining Bureau, made a hurried trip to Salem last Friday. J. F. Page of Eureka, Illinois is in the district, interested in placer mining. A. E. Kilduff took a party of local men out to [the] Holland mine last Thursday. They were considerably surprised at the extent of the work and values shown. Too few of our local financiers are aware of what is going on in the mining here. The old Neill mine has been relocated and four men are now employed there. Practical work will doubtless make a real mine of this property. The elevator for the Highway mine has arrived, and will be installed. The work on the custom mill they are building will be resumed, and it is expected that they will be ready for operation in a few weeks. Sam Salverson, in charge of the Legal Tender mine, has returned from the south with two men and a diving outfit. He is going to test the bottom of the river. Messrs. Hayter and Clark are experienced divers, and are well equipped to do this work. Messrs. Clark and Tainor of Hilt, Calif., spent a few days in the Pass looking up mining equipment. They have a large tonnage of ore blocked out and ready for working. Dr. Bailey of Wauneta, Neb., has been spending some days here, and has developed much enthusiasm for the mining possibilities of this district. Frank Silver of Rogue River has decided to place his mill on the river, and do custom work. This is the logical place for mill erection all along the Rogue. Mr. Diers and Johnson of the Gold Hill Smelter have spent several days in going over the district. The outlook gets brighter every trip. Messrs. Vande Bogart, Fraten and Hardy are steadily developing the Wilvan holdings on Sardine Creek. They report about ten thousand tons blocked out by present workings. J. C. Edwards of the Ida mine has his equipment delivered for his flotation system. Much interest has been shown in working out of this plan of recovery. Ore samples are arriving daily at the Mine and Mill Supply store of P. S. Woodin, where the bureau is planning on making an exhibit for display. This display will be for the benefit of those who come to town and wish to see the minerals and rock of the district. There is a great need for something of this sort, and all are welcome to bring in their samples. Be sure that they are well marked, and that they are good, fair samples, and leave all data with them. Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1924, page 3 WALDO DISTRICT ONE OF RICHEST IN
The Waldo district includes the area in Josephine County south of Kerby
and east of the west fork of the Illinois River. It includes districts
locally known as Sucker Creek, Althouse, Browntown, Holland, Sailor
Diggings, Takilma, Bolton Creek, and Indian Creek. It is about 25 miles
long east and west and about 10 miles wide from north to south, and the
elevation varies from 1400 to 6000 feet above sea level.Mining began in the Waldo district in the spring of 1853 when a placer miners' stampede to Althouse Creek occurred. At about the same time sailors are said to have abandoned a ship on the coast and traveled over land to the "Sailor Diggings" near Waldo where a ditch costing $75,000 is reported to have paid for itself in one year. The gravels on Sucker Creek were extensively mined from 1854 to 1860. In 1860 the Waldo copper mine was discovered by Mr. Hawes, and quartz veins on Althouse Creek were opened soon afterward. Work in the gravel on Scott's Gulch near Waldo began in 1861 and continued for about 35 years. The Waldo Hydraulic Company began work in 1877, and the ground is not yet exhausted. Simmons Brothers opened the Deep Gravel mine more than 50 years ago; in 1878 Wimer and Sons bought a half interest, and in 1888 they secured the remaining half of the property. Placer operations are carried on in a small way on Sucker Creek and on the Althouse. The copper mines of this district are of sufficient importance to describe in detail, and they will be treated in a subsequent article. The mineral resources of this district include limestone and shale, chromium, iron, manganese, gold, silver and copper. In general, they lie approximately 35 miles from Grants Pass on the Redwoods Highway. Limestone is found in abundance, one deposit located about three miles east of Kerby, being a very pure calcium carbonate. The largest and most interesting limestone formation is on and near Cave Creek, known as the Oregon Caves--a national monument, noted for its extensive and beautiful caverns. Among the more important placer mines are: Llano del Oro Mine.
Located at Waldo and owned and managed by George M. Easterly. This
property was formerly owned by Simmon and Logan and has been a heavy
producer for years. It has excellent water rights, heading far back
into the mountains, some 25 miles of ditches, and is fully equipped
with pipe lines, giants, hydraulic elevators, etc. It is operated every
season and when in full operation employs about 12 men, the daily
capacity being about 2000 yards.Deep Gravel Mine.
Located near Waldo adjoining the Llano del Oro and owned by A.
Reames of Medford, Oregon. This property has good water supply and many
hundreds of acres of ground carrying good values. It has not been
operated for several years.Osgood, or High Gravel Mine.
Located in sections 33 and 34, T. 40 S., R. 5 W., about one mile from
Waldo. The principal workings are on Allen Gulch. Property has good
water supply and is owned by F. H. Osgood, Seattle, Wash. It
is fairly
well equipped and is operated nearly every season under lease.The principal quartz mine of the district, other than copper mines, is the Siskron property located on Sucker Creek about three miles from Holland. The property is now owned by J. E. Kilduff and associates under the corporate name of Associate Development Company. Harry Siskron, the former owner, found and developed the property several years ago, first using an arrastra to reduce his ores, and later installing a three-stamp mill. Under the management of Mr. Kilduff a large body of high-grade ore has been opened up, and the owners are now preparing to equip the property to triple the present capacity. There is about 600 feet of underground work. Other properties are the Little Gem, the Brooklyn and the Camp Bird. Medford Mail Tribune, August 9, 1924, page 3 MINING CONDITIONS LOWER APPLEGATE
The lower Applegate district includes all the territory in Josephine
County which is drained by the Applegate River and northward- and
southward-flowing tributaries. This district is about 20 miles long and
slightly less than that distance from north to south. The altitude
varies from 1150 to 1650 in the valley, while the mountains rise to
heights of 5200 feet above sea level.Mining began in this district very soon after the discovery of gold on Josephine Creek in 1852, and has continued with a great degree of regularity since. Williams Creek gravels first received attention, and were worked for upwards of thirty years. Attention was paid to quartz mining in the eighties, the Mountain Lion being discovered in 1889. The mineral resources of the district are building stone, marble, limestone and shale, chromium, iron, copper, silver and gold. Building Stone
Aside from the marble and limestone, which may be used for building,
there are large deposits of granite in this district,
northwest of Murphy, near the sources of Powell Creek, and both
northwest of Williams. Lack of transportation has heretofore prevented
their use to any degree, but with modern auto truck transportation
these deposits should receive the attention they deserve.Marble
The Jones marble quarry is located four miles west of Williams in
Section 31, T38S, R5W, at an elevation of 2650 feet. Where opened up
the marble is variegated, being white and blue. The deposit is about
2000 feet long and about 300 feet wide. Analysis of the marble by Mr.
R. C. Wells of the U.S. Geological Survey shows that it is over 99
percent pure calcite.This marble has not been used to any great extent, owing to lack of transportation, but with modern auto truck service available at a reasonable cost, it is believed that a ready market will be found for the product. Limestone
The most important limestone deposit in the district is on Cheney
Creek, although other deposits are known on Oscar Creek and Williams
Creek. The Cheney Creek deposits form a cliff, the base of which is at
an elevation of 2660. It is of massive formation and of a very high
quality. Analysis shows the limestone to be remarkably pure, well
suited with suitable shale in the manufacture of Portland cement.The Cheney Creek limestone quarry is owned and operated by the Beaver Portland Cement Co., the limestone being shipped to the company's cement plant at Gold Hill, Oregon, where it is manufactured into cement at the rate of 1200 barrels per day, employing upwards of 100 men. The more important metal mines are: Layton Mine
The Layton mine, now owned by the Pacific Placer Company of
Austin Wilson is general manager, is located on Farris Gulch, a
tributary of the Applegate. This property has been placered almost
continuously each year for upwards of 40 years and produced a large
amount of gold. The mine is equipped with long ditches which head far
back in the mountains, giving an ample flow of water the year around
for mining operations, save the current year, during the severe water
shortage of which the mine has been forced to remain idle. This
property is one of the standbys in the mineral production of
Southwestern Oregon.Mount Hood Mine
Located on the ridge between Thompson Creek and Farris Gulch and owned
by Corbiere and McDonald of Red Bluff, California. Has a vein of 10
feet of clear ore with assays running from a few cents to $20 per ton
in gold. The development work consists of shafts and tunnels
aggregating about 250 feet in length. The property has all the earmarks
of making a mine and the owners contemplate the erection of a mill in
the near future.William Wright Mine
Located on Hinkle Gulch, a tributary of Thompson Creek, and about
one-half mile due east from the Mount Hood mine, in Section
28, T38S,
R4W, at elevation of about 1500 feet. Owned by William Wright. A
125-foot tunnel shows a somewhat broken vein varying from a few inches
to 2 feet in width. There is a three-stamp mill on
the property and
several mill runs show values ranging from $15 to $20 in gold per ton.
Owing to the severe water shortage the mill is not in operation at this
time.Star Mine
Located on Thompson Creek about 4½ miles from the Applegate
office. Development work consists of a number of tunnels, also a shaft,
or "glory hole," where considerable gold was taken out. Average width
of vein two feet. Since death of the owner only assessment work done.
Ed Hawkins is superintendent of the property. The stamps and battery of
a five-stamp mill are on the property.Afterthought Mine
Located in Section 27, T38S, R4W, and owned by J. R. Bailey
and Son of
Grants Pass. Work on the property consists of discovery shaft 35 feet
in depth, tunnel No. 1 one hundred feet in length, tunnel No. 2, 160
feet, and tunnel No. 3, 186 feet. Tunnels one and two are driven on the
ore their full length, while tunnel No. 3 is a crosscut tunnel cutting
the vein 160 feet in depth. Vein varies from few inches in width to 6
feet. Ore is high grade and mill run tests show values from fifty cents
to $70 per ton. Development work is in progress and several hundred
feet of ore ready to mine; no stoping has been done. Elevation 2800
feet.Shattuck Mine
Located on Quartz Gulch, a tributary of Thompson Creek, about three
miles from Applegate post office. About 1875 rich ore was discovered
and the property was worked for some time, the ore being ground in an
arrastra. Width of vein three feet and assay value figured at $15 per
ton. Development work consists of a number of tunnels all on ore.
Several hundred tons now on dump.Merritt Mine
Located on Thompson Creek near the
Wright mine, in sec. 27, T38S, R4S [sic],
owned by J. R. Merritt of Seattle. Tunnel 125 feet in length shows a
three-foot vein the full length of the tunnel with assay values running
from $6 to $10 per ton. Elevation 2500 feet. The owner is now in
Seattle arranging for the erection of a mill on the property.Maid of the Mist Mine
Located on Thompson Creek 4 miles from Applegate post office and owned
by J. R. Hoffman. Discovered about 1882 and worked to a
extent by means of an arrastra. Development work consists of several
tunnels, and an incline shaft 150 feet in depth. In drifting easterly a
fault was encountered and the vein lost. Mr. Hoffman has
discovered the
vein some distance beyond the fault, showing good ore.Wilkens Mine
Located on Farris Gulch, a tributary of the Applegate, and about one
mile above the old Layton placer mine. Equipped with small mill which
was operated almost continuously during 1923, but, owing to water
shortage, property is idle at this time. Width of vein about 2 feet
Average value of ore by mill run tests $30. Formation porphyry and
slate. Owned by Harry Wilkens of Grants Pass.Big Four Mine
Located 3 miles from Thompson Creek divide on the Applegate slope and
about one-half mile from the famous old Steamboat mine. Property being
developed by the owners and continuous work has been carried on for
over one year. Over 100 tons of good ore on dump, and owners are
figuring on installing mill.Mountain Lion Mine
Located in sec. 25, T37S, R5W, near Davidson. Has several hundred feet
of development work, and is equipped with five-stamp mill. Work being
carried on to further develop the property by R. U. McNutt and
associates.Other gold properties worthy of mention in this district are the Ingram mine on Oscar Creek, the Michigan mine on Board Shanty Creek, the Golconda mine near Provolt, the Oregon Bonanza, the Rising Star, and the Humdinger. Medford Mail Tribune, August 16, 1924, page 3 COPPER BELT IN TAKILMA DISTRICT
The copper belt in the Takilma district in southern Josephine County
lies between Althouse Creek and the east fork of the Illinois River and
extends southwards into California. A large part of this area is
included in the Siskiyou National Forest.Individual copper mines: Queen of Bronze
Located in NW¼ of sec. 36, T40S, R8W, about one mile east of
and two and one-half miles east and south of Waldo. This property has
furnished the greatest production of any in the district. It is owned
by John Hampshire and associates of Grants Pass, and during the high
prices for copper in 1916, 1917 and 1918 the property was operated
extensively, the ore being mined and hauled by truck to Waters Creek,
the end of the C.&O.C. railroad, and shipped from that point by
rail to the smelters, several hundred miles distant.Waldo Copper Mine
Located in sec. 36, T40S, R8W, near the west quarter corner. The
property is owned by the Waldo Smelting & Mining Company, and
considerable ore has been shipped via Waters Creek to the smelters.Lytle, Copper King and Cowboy
The Lytle mine is located on the east slope of a small spur of Elder
Peak in the SW¼ of sec. 1, T41S, R8W. The Copper King, or
Mabel mine,
is located on Grave Creek south of the northeast corner of sec. 11,
T41S, R8W. The Cowboy mine is located in the NE¼ of sec. 11,
T41S, R8W.
Together these three mines comprise several thousand feet of
They are controlled by the owners of the Queen of Bronze, and their
ores are similar in character to those of the Queen of Bronze.Horseshoe Mine
Located in NE¼ of sec. 17,
T40S, R7W. There
are several hundred feet of development work on this property.Kerby or Sowell Mine
Located in the SE¼ of sec. 17, T40S, R7W. There are several
feet of development work on this property. Some 20 years ago a ten-ton
smelter was installed in connection with the property and operated for
26 days, producing 32 tons of matte carrying copper and gold to the
value of $2000.Spence Copper Mine
Located in sec. 19, T40S, R7W.
Has several hundred feet of development work.Other copper properties in the district are the Elephant, the Continental, and the Daisy. The copper production of Josephine County during the past ten years, practically all of which came from the Takilma district from the Queen of Bronze and the Waldo copper mines, follows:
Dr. Ray came to Jackson County, Oregon, for the purpose of engaging in mining in the year 1897. At that time he was accompanied by his family and they located at Gold Hill, where the doctor opened and conducted a mining and assay office for the handling entirely of his own mining business, and where he employed competent mining engineers in his research work. He was a great believer in the mining possibilities of this section and expended intelligently a large amount of money in the development of several quartz properties in the Gold Hill section. In the very early mining days approximately $365,000 was taken out of the property, commonly known as the Old Gold Hill property, situated a few miles from the town of Gold Hill and on the mountain overlooking the present site of the Gold Ray power plant. This property had been mined in the very early '60s by the Gold Hill Quartz Mining Company. Its great richness had caused it to find its way into the supreme court of the state in litigation over its property and its output. The mine was perhaps one of the best known of the Southern Oregon quartz producers. After the extraction of this money from practically the surface of the mountain, and after the many troubles incident to such operations had passed, many mining people attempted to strike this paying ore chute at greater depths, and much money was expended in these efforts. Following many of these, Dr. Ray acquired title to the property and began in a careful, systematic manner to successfully develop it, but he was never able to make the mountain give up its secret, although he had never parted with the property or lost hope in it and in again finding the ore chute. He also developed the Braden mine in the Kanes Creek section and the development was carried on under the direction of very competent engineers, and a force of some 40 to 50 men operated there for a considerable time. A ten-stamp quartz mill was erected upon the property and electric power was taken there from Gold Ray to operate it. He did not confine his mining operations to the working of mines, but kept men in the mountains prospecting, hunting pockets that might lead to other larger developments. "Doctor C. R. Ray Dies Suddenly in Los Angeles," Medford Mail Tribune, January 27, 1926, page 1 Gold Mining in Gold Hill Area
An item appearing In the Medford Tribune about a week past is a week or so old, but still a good piece of interest matter in the activities at the Kel-Mar-Pet mine.The item in credited to A. E. Kellogg by us and speaks for itself. GOLD HILL, March 5--That a general resumption of gold mining industry in the Gold Hill district is at hand is evidenced by the present activities of the several mining companies in the field pushing mine development and construction works with a view of putting properties into production. The Kel-Mar-Pet Mining Company has increased its capitalization from the $25,000 mark to $150,000 and announce the immediate construction of a reduction plant at a cost of $50,000, all to be driven by electric power. This small capitalized and closed corporation, composed of several local mining men and Vernonia, Oregon business men, began last summer to drive an 800-foot mine tunnel into the mountain back of Gold Hill to crosscut the iron dike and sylvanite vein running north-south through the Gold Hill district, and have astonished the mining world by crosscutting large bodies of valuable ore unknown to the tunnel projectors at the commencement of the work. The tunnel has already been driven in 600 feet into the mountain, and it is several hundred feet yet to the known vein system on the property. In the meantime the work has been pushed to the terminal point and in boring the tunnel eight veins of an aggregate width of 78 feet have been crosscut at a depth of 300 feet. The ore from these veins is running from $10 to $60 per ton in gold alone, while the other metal values are silver, nickel, copper, and iron. In addition to these veins, crosscut, the tunnel is being driven on a parallel east-west vein of an average width of three feet and running in gold values $12 per ton. The Kel-Mar-Pet reduction plant building will be 44 feet by 116 feet in dimension and will be erected close to the portal of the grinding, roasting, regrinding and flotation separation in recovering the values which are principally gold, silver, nickel, copper and platinum, which will all respond to the flotation or chlorination system of separation. Mr. E. Derwent, chemist and metallurgical engineer, who has had charge of the Gold Hill technical laboratory for the past two years, will have full charge of the construction and installation and operation of the reduction plant for the company under a long-term contract. ●
The Happy Thought Mining Co., composed of local men, has been recently
incorporated for the purpose of driving a tunnel into the mountain on a
tract adjoining the Kel-Mar-Pet property on the south. This company is
lessee of a mining tract belonging to the City of Gold Hill on which
the tunnel will be driven and a royalty paid to the city on all the
metal values recovered from the property. The company will erect its
reduction plant and mills on the north end of the smelter site near the
city limits of Gold Hill.HAPPY THOUGHT MINING CO. ●
A new company composed of Salem and Willamette Valley people is being
organized for the purpose of running a tunnel into the mountain on a
tract just north of the Kel-Mar-Pet property, and it is reported that a
tunnel will likewise be driven the coming season from the opposite side
of the mountain from the Kel-Mar-Pet property, on a tract in the city
limits adjoining the local cement plant just north of Dekum's addition.NEW MINING COMPANIES ●
The Gold Cross Mining Company of Bend, Oregon, business men has been
recently incorporated, and have mining equipment on the ground to drive
a tunnel into the mountain just north of the Sylvanite mine for the
purpose of crosscutting the large vein system extending through the
Kel-Mar-Pet property. Their initial expense will be the construction of
a road up the mountainside to the property at a cost of $5000.GOLD CROSS MINE COMPANY ●
The other mines in the district being developed to uncover mass ore are
the Tin Pan and Red Oak groups of old-time producers on Galls Creek,
three miles south of Gold Hill, by the Carter brothers, railroad men of
Ashland; the Bill Nye, an old and famous producer two miles south of
Gold Hill, by George Manchin, recently arrived from Paris, France; the
Lucky Bart group on Sardine Creek, a well-remembered past producer by
Glen Sperling; the Apex (Gold Ridge), three miles south of Gold Hill by
a corporation of Portland men. J. Pickard and Sam Dresbach are
developing a new property on Galls Creek four miles out of Gold Hill
that is considered by mining men as one of the coming mines in the
district.OTHER ACTIVE MINES HERE The big "spud" formerly used by the Champlin dredger on Foots Creek has been moved down Rogue River by J. H. Cockran, who will use the big timber for a houseboat. This piece of timber is 23 inches by 27 inches and 30 feet long and required eight horses to move. "This Week," Gold Hill News, March 25, 1926, page 4 Rogue River,
In the early days, when gold was first discovered on Wards Creek, there
was a ferry across Rogue River about one-fourth mile downstream from
the mouth of the creek. Near the northern ferry landing a trading post
was established and flourished by the name of "Tail Holt." At this
landing many historic events took place and many of the "tourists"
(gold seekers) of the "fifties" imbibed the hospitality of the camp
together with native brew and berry wine as well as homemade whiskey
and wines. The camp became famous for its fertile surrounding country
as well as its spirit of friendliness toward the passing stranger who
was bid linger and no questions asked. However such conditions in so
fertile and resourceful a country were short lived, and progress pushed
out the trading post, and the town of Woodville, taking its name from
the then principal land owner, M. Woods, and later, really in 1912,
when the railroad had brought civilization to the Rogue Valley and a
newspaper was a substantial fact of the community, the town was
incorporated and through the progressive activity of Fritz Hammersley
was named Rogue River. Hammersley was the founder of the first and only
newspaper published in Rogue River, by the title of the Argus.Scene of Considerable Mining Activity, Looks Like Boom The little city of Rogue River is the trading center for the valley of Wards Creek. We owe much to Chas. M. Warren of Rogue River in compilation of the facts and dates herein and find that he is enthusiastic in his belief in the value of the resources of the community. Noah Bowers and Ned Darbin came to Wards Creek in 1867. They were not the first mining men to visit the community, but the first to do any permanent work and make the vicinity their home. They mined exclusively with a "rocker" and stayed at their operations for 29 years, taking out considerable gold. Archie Goldsmith was another old-timer, but was less fortunate in his search for gold and finally died at the county hospital in 1895. The entire length of the creek is about nine miles and has been prospected from one end to the other in search for nugget deposits by the early settlers. N. R. Parsons, better known as "Doc," came to the creek in the early '80s and also was a "rocker" miner, paying no attention to the source of the supply. He also died at the county hospital. Alexander Wilson, arrival of 1888, was one of the picturesque miner characters who cleaned up several thousand dollars in nuggets with a rocker. He died on Sykes Creek in 1924, and he estimated that he had taken from the gravel of Wards Creek at least $5000. He died at the age of about 90 years and his career was illustrated with many interesting and historic events among which numbered many interesting brushes with Indians in the Indian wars in this part of the West. The early-day mining on the creek was all "grass-root" method or by "rocker" and was slow and laborious. No great yardage was possible and only rich ground could be worked with any degree of success. The "rocker ground" soon became a thing of the past. Tunnels to follow up the pay streaks soon became uneconomical and were abandoned and the characteristic sunshine miner became a memory. The acreage of gold-bearing soil on the creek was considerable, and even the ground skimmed over by the rocker operators was far from barren, if methods of mining that would handle large quantities of gravel were employed. In the early '90s the first pipe and hydraulic mining was conducted on the creek by Wimer & Wilson and their efforts were crowned with fair success. This attempt set an example to others and in 1894 Chas. M. Warren came to the creek and operated hydraulic mining for a short time. Shortly after, John Bagley and Tony Olson undertook placer mining with pipe and "giant" and "piped-out" old Ned Darbin's "buried treasure," a pot containing two thousand and five hundred dollars worth of coarse gold nuggets. When the coarse gold began to show up in their "riffle-boxes" considerable excitement was created as the news of a very rich strike was spread over the country, but when the pot was found, the excitement died, and after spasmodic "ground-sluicing" the location was finally abandoned. For many years very little has been done in the way of placer operation on the creek. The comparison between the old "sunshine miner" of the early days and the later operators with pipe and improved equipment was great. The ground passed up by the first was worked by the second with marked success. The comparison between the second stage of activity and the available modern scientific equipment is far more distinct, and where ground sluicing and "piping-out" practices were nonproductive, the newer practices make good profits. Although the surface of the valley along Wards Creek has been pretty well covered for nine miles, the pay dirt has by no means been exhausted and time will show many thousands of dollars more taken out of this little valley in nuggets and gold dust. While thousands of dollars have been removed from the gravel in this valley, the attempts to locate the source of supply has not been equal to the supply. The rich finds of nuggets indicate that mother lodes of considerable extent have been opened by erosion, and the attempts to locate these rich veins and ledges is all told in a short paragraph. Numerous prospects in quartz bid fair to develop into mines of value. No large producing mine has as yet been developed. At one time a rich quartz mine caused great excitement when the Davidson brothers discovered the Gold Chloride mine about 1900, but the excitement was of short duration and the property was finally sold and patented. The only quartz mine in the valley in operation at this time is owned by Burke Leach, and looks very promising. The "Shamrock" ledge found by Warren & Kissinger, in March 1925, shows good pay ore, but owing to illness of both owners has not been developed to any great extent. A man by the name of Sam Morris discovered a rich "pocket-chute" three miles up the valley from Rogue River several years past, but no extensive attempt was made to sink very far on it. The land is now patented and the mine dormant. One of the old-time mining men who still has the faith of the valley at heart and the ambition to continue the search for gold is Alexander Kyle. A Captain in the Union Army during the Civil War, now an old man, but hale and hearty and a very "well met" citizen is still boosting for recognition by the mining industry. The fertility of the land in the Rogue River country was the one redeeming feature of all. The miner came and went. The food supply of the mining population of the district opened the door of a means of permanent profit after the nugget hunter had passed. Farming gained a foothold and flourished. Among the early homesteaders on Wards Creek we find the name of John H. Breeding and his son Henry, who took up 160 acres each. Fred Smithline followed Breeding's example, and this group of farms was purchased by Elmer Bagley in 1900 during the first Rogue Valley Fruit Boom. One of the early-day mining men to turn to agriculture for profit was a Mr. Hale, well-remembered Grave Creek mining man ,who took up a homestead on the creek, owned now by Henry Diess, owner of an exclusive water right to the waters of Wards Creek for irrigation. The present owner of the Bagley estate is a Mr. Hartly, an up-to-date farmer. The late "Doc" Ray purchased 440 acres of school land on Wards Creek at $2.50 per acre and still holds the title. The state of Oregon owns about 640 acres of land in the valley taken over on a school loan note, some of which is valuable as agricultural land, but most of it is grazing and mineral land and can be bought outright for the taxes. Like all other parts of Southern Oregon, Wards Creek is a beautiful stream from one end to the other. The timber is spotted, or rather in clumps, and not extensive enough to tempt large logging operators. A county road extends up the valley for five miles, with a logging road extending still farther up. A well-defined "fire trail" runs from the county and logging road clear up the valley and brings the climber into the Sardine Valley. The lands near the mouth of the creek are irrigated from a large, well-organized irrigation system. Bert Kissinger, who just returned from his forty-acre ranch two miles due south of Rogue River, located in what is known as Schieffelin Gulch, named thus after the famous prospector and discoverer of the Tombstone mine in Arizona, reports the following mining activities in the Rogue River community: Schef Gulch, as it is familiarly called, is in the midst of the only producing mine group in this end of the county. The Wedge mine, recently taken over and at present operated by Seattle people. The Burnt Pine mine is being worked by a Mr. Borg of Grants Pass, who has spent eleven thousand dollars in developing a large body of low-grade ore in the property during the past two years. The Morningside mine, being worked, and some old works being "caught up" by Al Love and Chas. M. Warren, both of Rogue River. The Love & Thompson quartz lead is attracting considerable attention, owned by Central Point men. Besides several recent discoveries made by Perry Ringgold which bid fair to develop into paying propositions, no new excitement is recorded. The North Pole mine, only one mile distant, is being prospected under a lease by experienced California mining men. All this activity is within a distance of one mile of town, and the mining boom, though restricted to that particular district, is the greatest in the history of the community. Many new arrivals are examining the various properties and many more will follow. This stir means a great opportunity for the mines and mine owners which have waited so long for recognition by the outside world. Ed Schieffelin, the famous "pocket hunter" and prospector, was born and raised on the old Schieffelin donation claim of 320 acres and his prophecies always indicated that "someday this would be one of the greatest mining districts in the state." NEW GOLD STRIKES IN JOSEPHINE ADD
Press Leased Wire)
GRANTS PASS, July 2.--Following the recent gold strike in the Robertson
claim near here, two new rich gold strikes are causing the gold fever
in Southern Oregon to assume new proportions.From the hills on the Fiddler's Gulch, associated with early Josephine County mining activity, came word yesterday of another strike which may rival that of the Robertson's in the Galice district. Specimens of the gold brought in from the Brittany mine, eight miles west of Kerby, shows free gold in every rock. Rich free-milling ore was also broken into at the Afterthought Mine on Thompson Creek. A five-foot vein of the Brittany mine has been cut in seven places at a depth of 65 feet, at which point the rich ore was struck with a crosscut. One sample of 20 pounds sent to the Selby Smelter returned $140.19, after charges had been deducted. The ore also runs 262 ounces of silver per ton. Local mining men believe the new developments are a continuation of the Robertson body of ore and believe new deposits will be discovered. The Afterthought Mine strike is in a property that has been worked for 20 years. Ore has been taken out valued at $20 per ton in the past. Mining men believe the new strike will run as high as $200 per ton. News-Review, Roseburg, July 2, 1926, page 5 Quicksilver Strike
Special Dispatch to The Chronicle
largest and richest deposits of quicksilver ever discovered in the
United States recently have been uncovered by the Medford Reducing and
Refining Company in the Rogue River Valley, in the Meadows district,
near Medford, Or., according to a statement by Draper, Stevens
Co. of Chicago. Samples of cinnabar ore taken from this area assayed
from 1.75 percent to 9.1 percent mercury. Considering that mines in
California have been operated successfully for many years on ore
assaying ½ of 1 percent and less of quicksilver, the
deposits in
the Meadows district offer a peculiarly favorable field for development.
San Francisco Chronicle, October 18, 1926, page 15
GOLD HILL, Or., April 3.--(Special.)--The route of the Pacific Highway
through Southern Oregon, along which prospectors in pioneer days packed
in to the placer diggings on many a stream bursting from the mountain
gulches, is again becoming a trail of gold. Recent strikes have been
reported from points near the highway in Josephine and Jackson
counties. And now, within 5½
miles of this town on the lower highway at the crossing of the
Rogue, and scarcely 16 miles from Medford by road, Kaspar K. (Kap)
Kubli, Portland business man and ex-speaker of the Oregon house of
representatives, has struck it rich.Fortune in Gold May Lie Hidden There. OREGON MOUNTAIN SCENE Crumbling Quartz Parts to Reveal Riches. FABULOUS TALE VERIFIED 25-Pound Hunk of Rock Contains Around $500; Big Ledge Hope of Miners. BY L. H. GREGORY. The story of Kap Kubli's gold strike in an old mine that belonged to his father, and which he had not worked for 25 years, sounded too fabulous to believe when news of it leaked out a few days ago. Mine Out-Weepahs Weepah.
It was said that small borings 30 inches deep into an accidentally
discovered ledge had panned $20 in free gold, and that Kubli had taken
out $1000 worth of ore in an hour's work on the vein.Your correspondent is just back from a trip to the Kubli mine, with full verification of the strike. Kap Kubli has indeed struck gold, apparently in such quantities and richness as to out-Weepah Weepah. The extent of the lode uncovered by one of those lucky accidents that sometimes befall the seeker after gold can, of course, be determined only by development, but there is every indication that this is no mere pocket strike. Kap Kubli and Sam Sandry, the veteran miner in charge of operations in the mine, after showing your correspondent buckets and sacks filled with ore already taken from the strike, conducted him 130 feet back in the old tunnel dug on the property 30 years ago, to where a shaft 47 feet deep was sunk last year when Kubli yielded to a "hunch" to begin working the mine again. Quartz Mined Easily.
On a wooden platform built over the shaft, five feet below the tunnel
level, Sandry turned his miner's lamp against the back wall of the
shaft. Its glimmer revealed a vertical vein of quartz and a
bluish-black ore, about eight inches wide. With an ordinary hand drill
and maul Sandry dug out enough of the crumbly stuff in ten minutes to
fill a miner's pan. One big chunk came off intact. This, weighing
perhaps 25 pounds, and composed mostly of the bluish ore, he carried
out in his hands.Seen in the light, streaks and splatters of gold were plainly visible in the quartz specimens chiseled off the ledge into the pan. But to a tenderfoot in the exciting game of mining the astonishing thing was the richness of the bluish ore, which looked something like caked mud and was not much harder. Casual inspection revealed no gold in this, though pieces of it were very heavy for their size. But under a magnifying glass this bluish substance was seen literally to be permeated with gold. Sandry took a little chip of this ore about three inches across, flat like one of the "sailing" pebbles boys skip across water and weighing perhaps 2½ ounces avoirdupois. He ground it up with a pestle, then weighed the particles in a miner's pan. This one piece panned enough free gold to fill the hollow of one's palm. Sandry estimated the gold dust as worth at least $1. Another piece of seven or eight ounces weight panned approximately $5 in dust. Chunk Proves Bonanza.
But the big 25-pound chunk Sandry had carried out in his hands proved a
baby bonanza. It was almost entirely of the bluish ore, and the glass
showed it alive with gold. Pannings from small specimens were so rich
that the two men shook their heads and stared at each other.Any statement as to the richness of that chunk would sound too wild to utter. There were no scales in the mine "dog house" for weighing either ore or gold dust--but that specimen would match Weepah's claims of ore discoveries running $4000 to $20,000 to the ton. How deep this vein is and whether it is the intersection of a north-and-south vein with the east-and-west vein, development work must determine. But borings 30 inches deep have not pierced the ledge, and it extends all the way down the shaft. This particular ledge tuns east and west and dips slightly to the north. All the ledges so far uncovered on this mountain run east and west except a large north-and-south ledge which is encountered in the back end of another tunnel at the No. 3 or 400-foot level--the level on which the present strike has been made is the No. 1 level of the mine. It is the belief of Sandry, an experienced miner, that the present strike and other veins in the mountain are feeders to the north-and-south ledge. If this is so, the possibilities of the mine are stupendous. The crumbly, dark-bluish ore, by the way, in which this strike has been made is telluride shot through with quartz. The sulfides are galena, copper and iron. Romance Found Here, Too.
There is romance in all mining for gold, and the story of Kap Kubli's
gold strike, 2200 feet up the sides of a mountain called Pike's Peak,
which motor tourists driving through the town of Gold Hill may see as a
timbered knob 3300 feet high if they peer across the Rogue through a
gap in the hills to the south, yields in romantic fancy to no tale of
gold hunting which has been penned.There can be no Weepah stampede to stake claims alongside this strike, for Kap Kubli owns the whole top of the mountain. Five claims here were long ago patented by his father, the late Kaspar Kubli, who located the mine in 1889. There were five claims in his original location, the Yellow Jacket, Pike's Peak--on which the present strike has been made--West Extension, Dexter and Bonanza, all adjoining. They comprise 160 acres, an entire section in all. Lower down the mountain is another 40 acres on which stands an ancient two-stamp mill erected in the '90s. Seeker Has Little Chance.
Originally this was an odd section in the Oregon and California land
grant. Kaspar Kubli, the father, protested the right of the railroad to
the five claims on the ground that they were mineral land, and his
contention was upheld in court. After the necessary development work on
each claim, patents were issued him. He then obtained the additional 40
acres by purchase from the railroad company, making 200 acres in all.
So there is no spot near this strike for the gold seeker to drive his
stakes, nor is a dollar's worth of stock in the mine for sale.In the early '90s, after the father's death, Kap Kubli and his brother Henry worked the mine several winters. They took out $52,000. Then Kap became ill and the mine was closed. It had not been opened in 25 years. In the meantime, however, Kubli had acquired all the original stock. Last year, at the insistence of Sandry, Kubli went 130 feet back into the 30-year-old Pike's Peak tunnel and began sinking a shaft down a ledge of fairly promising ore. Five tons of this yielded $60 in free gold, concentrates assayed $86 and slimes and tailings showed losses of $6 to $8 a ton, the ore thus averaging $80 a ton. They sank this shaft 47 feet before stopping for the winter. Then came the lucky break of Kap Kubli's life. It came in the guise of anything but luck--the great storm of last February, which flooded streams and shed rain in torrents. Seepage through the mountain filled the 47-foot shaft with water to the top. When operations were begun two weeks ago, the 2½-ton air compressor in the "dog house" outside the tunnel gave up and quit after reducing this water to a depth of 10 feet. Try as they would, they couldn't get rid of that last 10 feet of water. The air from the compressor leaked through it and they had no pump, so it couldn't be done. Kap Strikes It Rich.
This tunnel had been sunk along what they supposed to be the wall of
the ledge they were working. This wall was bluish-black in color. When
the failure of the compressor caused suspension of operations in the
shaft, Kubli and Sandry had an idea. They had found the richest ore
near the top of the shaft. So just to be doing something, Sandry built
a wooden platform over the shaft here, and standing on this platform,
over 47 feet of nothing, began drilling into the supposed wall. They
drilled in 30 inches and panned the drillings. To their amazement they
produced $10 in free gold.This was last Monday. Excitedly they drilled another hole. It yielded the same total in free gold. Then they put in a "shot" of powder to open up their find and could hardly wait until Tuesday morning to explode it. When they did, behold the ledge of gold! Kap Kubli, after 30 years, had struck it rich. Oregonian, Portland, April 4, 1927, page 1
GOLD HILL, Or., April 9.--(Special.)--The story in the Oregonian
last Monday [above] of Kap Kubli's gold strike at Gold Hill in an old mine that
belonged to his father and had not been worked for 25 years is not an
exception, but the rule with the old-time producing gold mines in this
region.WHEN OWNERS RESUME WORK Kap Kubli Not Only Southern Oregonian Who Has Returned To Take Yellow Metal from Ancient Holes in Ground. The passing generation has forgotten these old-time properties, which 25 years ago stabilized the annual production of the stream of gold that poured from the mines of southwestern Oregon and made Rogue River Valley famous by its production of over $20,000,000 of virgin metal by the pioneer miners up to the close of the last century. That these properties are not exhausted by long production and will produce again with the resumption of mining is evidenced by the many new strikes announced in these old diggings in the Gold Hill district the last few months. These strikes do not startle the old-time miner in this region, and many of these new rich finds are scarcely announced in the home towns. He knows that the old mine will respond again with new ore bodies on being drained and drifting and crosscutting commenced. Kellogg and Donegan, old-time mine operators of Gold Hill, owners of the Bertha mine, situated on the opposite side of the Foots Creek canyon from the Kubli, knew 25 years ago that there was still much wealth untouched in the Bertha. Many years were lost in correcting a doubtful title. Since the first of the present year, however, after a few hours' work in cutting into a wall in the lower workings, a large body of rich ore has been uncovered. The Bertha was a heavy producer during the late '90s, and made the discoverer, Alex Orme, ex-sheriff of Jackson County, now deceased, wealthy overnight. The Bertha in after years was the apple of the eye of Ed Schieffelin of Tombstone fame, who died on his way back to Gold Hill, his boyhood home, avowing that he would spend a portion of his fortune in sinking a shaft 3000 feet deep on the pay shoot of the old mine and recover another Tombstone fortune. Just across the canyon on Galls Creek, opposite the Kubli, is situated the Bill Nye mine that made a fortune each for several of its owners. Only last year the present owner of this property, George Blanchin of Paris, France, came back after an absence of nearly 20 years to live again on his property, and in retimbering and cleaning out the caved drifts uncovered a large body of rich ore in cross-cutting through a wall in the lower works. The owner of the property has done his best to keep the richness of the mine a secret until he shall be able to reopen it again. South of the Bill Nye on the same ridge is the Revenue Pocket diggings, which gave up many thousands 30 years ago to the discoverers, the Rhoten brothers, famous pocket hunters in this region. H. A. Ray, an old-time miner of Gold Hill, now a resident of Medford, recently reopened the Revenue Pocket and milled 40 tons of an old dump on the mine which netted better than $100 per ton. Just over the hill from the Bill Nye south of Gold Hill on Kanes Creek and the Blackwell districts are the Gold Ridge, Braden, Roaring Gimlet, Millionaire and the Gold Hill pocket, all formerly producers. The Gold Hill "pocket," two miles northeast of Gold Hill, is near the top of the hill of that name, at an elevation of about 2000 feet. It was discovered in [1860]. The outcropping rock was so full of gold that it could scarcely be broken by sledging. The crystallized quartz associated with the gold was not honeycombed, as it generally is where sulphites have leached out of the rock, leaving sprays of gold in the cavity. The free gold in this pocket went down only 15 feet and occurred in a fissure vein, striking about south 20 degrees east, dipping about 80 degrees east, with a gash vein cutting the fissure nearly due east and west and dipping vertically. Pocket Heavy Producer.
The fissure vein averages fully five feet between walls, with one to two feet of gangue
on the footwall, which contains some calcite and quartz, mixed with a
little sulphide of iron, in spots containing free gold. A mass of
micaless granite, about five feet wide by possibly 200 feet long,
outcrops in the footwall side of the fissure. The country rock is
pyroxenite.This pocket produced at least $700,000 the first several years after its discovery. That the ore bodies of this famous mine are not exhausted is evidenced by the fact that it was only last year that the owners, the Rays of Medford, with Sam Sandry, engineer, now in charge of the Kubli, drifting on a new level of the Gold Hill pocket, cut a large body of rich telluride ore. Such is the character of a long list of old-time producing mines in this vast region of Southern Oregon, as has been just cited in the Gold Hill district, which will be numbered in the producing list on the general resumption of the gold mining industry in this part of the state. Oregonian, Portland, April 10, 1927, reprinted in the Gold Hill News, April 14, 1927, page 1 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
Has tin ore been found on Evans Creek, 14 miles northeast of Grants
Pass? Ask that question almost anywhere in Southern Oregon where a
group of men are gathered, and you have started an argument. I have
just come from the headquarters of the Southwestern Mining Bureau, and
after talking with a number of intelligent and trustworthy men, I don't
know whether it has or not. P. S. Woodin, secretary of the Oregon State
Mine Survey and president of the Southwestern Mining Bureau, an
organization having 365 members, showed me samples of the ore from
which the "mystery" metal is extracted, and also showed me a button
about the size of a 22-caliber bullet flattened, which, it is claimed,
was extracted from the Evans Creek ore. The metal is bright,
does not
tarnish and is soft--as much so as lead.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "The belief that tin is to be found here is no new thing," said Mr. Woodin. "Way back in 1861 a party of miners on Evans Creek boiled some water from a salt spring there to get salt. They used the nearest available rock on which to place the kettle in which they were boiling the salt water. Later they noticed bright pellets, like shot, in the ashes. Being miners, their curiosity was stirred by those metal pellets. They panned the ashes and saved the metallic pellets. The miners made rings from this metal. How many they made I do not know, but I do know that six of the rings made in 1861 from the metal from Evans Creek are still to be seen in Grants Pass. No further attention was paid to this 'mystery' metal, as no miner would waste his time on tin or lead or zinc when gold was to be found in the country. "Some years ago Earl N. Young and his brother George got hold of one of these rings, and they began hunting for the ore from which the metal had been extracted. It was so obvious that it was almost like going down on the seashore and hunting for the ocean. In other words, they finally discovered that this metal came from rock that looked like ordinary country rock that occurred in vast dikes in almost inexhaustible quantities. From an open fire and at a low temperature they secured enough metal to make a good-sized button. This was sent to Abbott Hanks, an assayer, at San Francisco. He certified that the metal was 99.86 percent tin, a practically pure tin. His report caused no particular excitement, as it was not known whether tin could be secured in commercial quantities, but the report did stimulate much interest and speculation as to the commercial possibilities of working the vast deposits of similar ore in that section. "For the next eight months an ever-increasing group of men conducted experiments, with varying success. To my own personal knowledge, at least 50 men have succeeded, through the crude methods of roasting the ore in camp fires or on cook stoves, in procuring sufficient metal to form buttons of the mystery metal. It has been proved that to secure the metal the ore must be roasted in a reducing atmosphere, and by this I mean, in an atmosphere free of oxygen, so hot the metal will not be oxidized or vaporized. At our last meeting there were about 400 men present. They were more than conservative about the possibilities of the new metal. Some men testified that they had been able to secure a white metal that did not tarnish, from the ore. Others equally reliable said they were unable to secure any trace of metal. Still others said that sometimes they would secure the metal, while at other times, using the same kind of ore and using identical methods of treatment of the ore, they had secured no results. Some of the buttons, when assayed, in place of being pure tin are found to contain ordinary lead, tin, zinc and bismuth in varying quantities. All chemists who have analyzed the buttons agree that there is an elusive element or metal in the button with which they are not familiar. It is not platinum, nor is it any other of the known metals; hence they term this the 'mystery' metal. The proportion of tin varies widely and it is as yet undetermined as to whether the metal has any commercial value. "Any exploitation of this discovery in its present condition of uncertainty is deplored by our bureau. We trust that the public will not get the impression that this district is endeavoring to exploit a discovery whose value is as yet undetermined. Of this I am absolutely certain--metal of some kind is gotten out of this Evans Creek ore. What it is is yet to be determined. Inasmuch as it contains a certain percentage of tin, we are hoping, in view of the vast deposits of the ore, that it may prove of commercial value. We have sent the ore itself to a large number of reputable assayers and smelters, and have not received in a single instance a favorable report. A local chemist, who is more than anxious to establish that tin is to be found here, has so far met with negative results. On the other hand, without furnaces or retorts, or other expensive equipment, many of our members have smelted the metal from the ore in an open camp fire. "Grants Pass has passed through the era when gold was worked out abundantly, as in the early days of our placer development. It has passed through the era of abortive attempts to mine when failure was due to economic conditions. It has passed through the era when our pay streaks were found in the savings of credulous investors. We have passed through the ensuing period of depression, and we are now in the period when we are more anxious to develop a permanent industry than to separate a sucker from his money. In fact, we recently secured seven indictments against a Washington firm that was selling stock in a worthless mine here. We also saved three men who came here from investing $40,000 which they had brought with them for the purchase of a played-out prospect which had been 'salted' to unload on them. We want the mining industry to be as reputable and as honest as any other legitimate industry, and we are bending every effort to protect the innocent investor from local or foreign mining sharks. Mining is to be our future industry in this section, and we cannot afford to get the reputation of being wildcatters or promoters." Oregon Journal, Portland, April 12, 1927, page 20 PIONEER MINE IN APPLEGATE TO BE
GOLD HILL, Ore., April 21.--After a lapse of nearly three-fourths of a
century, old-time Million Dollar camp, situated on a spur of the
Siskiyou Mountains, and towering above the famous Sterling placer
diggings sixteen miles southwest out from Medford, will soon again be a
scene of mining activity.Historic Million Dollar Diggings Discovered in 1852, and Basis of Gold Rush, Will Be Operated by Tacoma, Wn. and Local Company. Frank M. Lane and Dr. S. W. Simpson, of Tacoma, were in the valley the first of the week consulting with A. E. Kellogg, local geologist and attorney at Gold Hill, with a view of launching the Barnhart Mining Company, Inc., a new million-dollar corporation to mine a large holding which covers the old historical camp grounds. Early last season Kellogg & Lane, financed by Tacoma associates, began the work of assembling 40 claims or 800 acres of mining ground extending from the crest to other holdings on the stream. The original holdings of this tract consisting of a small group of claims and covering the old camp site has been held by the Rev. Wm. D. Barnhart, formerly pastor of the M.E. church at Gold Hill, and low located at Jacksonville. The history of the Barnhart holdings dates back to 1852, when gold was discovered and the big rush of miners came that simultaneously established the mining camps at Jacksonville, Sterling, and Million Dollar camps. Million Dollar camp for many years following was the distributing point for the pioneer miners on Little Applegate. Hence the camp stream was designated as Grub Creek. The camp took its name from the reputed million dollars picked up from the bed of the stream. After many years and after the passing generations had forgotten the old camp ground, an old prospector went back to the well-trodden site of the old camp and uncovered massive veins of gold-bearing quartz, which probably for thousands of years have fed the Sterling, Anderson and Coleman creeks with placer gold. These massive veins, deep seated at the crest of the mountain, were considered low-grade base ore, and besides it would take a small fortune to build a road up the mountain to the ore. In the meantime these valuable diggings were kicked from pillar to post as to ownership, and it was not until 1918 that the local preacher, himself an old-time miner in his early Colorado days, came to Rogue River Valley and acquired the property. He saw the real value of this mining ground and held on, hopeful for the day of the resumption of the gold mining industry in this region. This property is situated in the Crater National Forest reserve, unsurveyed, well watered, and forested with the Pacific Coast varieties of woods. These veins are remarkably well located for systematic development and working. This is due to the fact that the property is cut by narrow, but traversable, canyons, which gives a natural transverse access to the veins to a depth of many hundred feet in numerous places. Messrs. Lane, Barnhart, Simpson and Kellogg visited the property during the stay of the visitor and found that the late freshet had done much damage to the road up Grub Creek. Repairs on the road will commence next week, and camp will be reestablished with a view of opening and operating the property. Medford Mail Tribune, April 21, 1927, page 6 Southern
Oregon a Treasure Mine
Nature's treasure house in Southern Oregon is about to be rifled for
gold, copper, quicksilver and tin. That section of Oregon is on the eve
of the greatest mining development it has experienced in its history.
There is a tremendous revival of interest in the mineral possibilities,
especially in Josephine County, and outside capital is being poured in
for experimentation, prospecting, testing and development.
Leases and options are becoming common; mining engineers are as numerous in the district as traffic officers in the retail zone of Portland. Properties are being operated or being prepared for operation within a few weeks. Above all, there is an abundance of water for mining. Not since the '50s, when hordes of prospectors swarmed the mountain region and panned the creeks, have the mineral resources of the district attracted so much outside attention and capital. Mining Activities Boom
Activities at present include placer and quartz gold mining, copper,
tin and quicksilver; steam shovels, dredging and hydraulics are after
the gold, for the operations are on an extensive scale, gigantic
compared with the pygmy efforts of the lone prospector with his pick,
shovel and pan.So important are the developments that the Southern Pacific railroad has reduced the freight rate on concentrates from Grants Pass to Denver from $9.20 a ton to $4.50 a ton. The railroad has also had its field metallurgist in the district over the past three weeks looking over the various mineral deposits of Southern Oregon. The company appears to be much pleased with the possibilities, as shown by the reduced rate on concentrates. The mines have been in existence a long time, and so has the railroad, but it is said that this is the first time that the Southern Pacific has dispatched such competent mining engineers into the territory. The mines mean tonnage. Many Creeks Worked
Foots Creek, the Applegate, Little Applegate, Galls Creek, Elliott
Creek and other gold-bearing streams are scenes of activities. Millions
of dollars in gold have been taken from these waters, yet other
millions can be recovered by modern methods. The gold came down from
some mother lode and the ledge has never been found. Someday it will be
the capital prize.The Ludlum Engineering Company of New York City, a company that has taken over all of the Guggenheim dredging interests in America, has recently taken an option on the Champlin dredging property on Foots Creek. They have also optioned the John Short property, the Hosmer, the Grant Matthews, the Matis and the Lance. The company is now drilling the property and has an experienced crew brought in from the outside. The concern is one of the largest of the kind in the United States, owns many good dredges and has been in the engineering game for a long time. The same company has also taken an option on the Ancient Channel property at the town of Rogue River. This property was sampled last summer in a preliminary way with very good results, and the Ludlum company is now drilling in a systematic fashion. The company is now negotiating for other properties. Other Options Taken
The Natomus Dredging Company, of California, one of the oldest, best
known and largest operating companies in America, has taken an option
on the Cameron place, at the mouth of the Little Applegate in Applegate
Valley. Drilling has been in progress for a month. Frank Griffith,
president of the company, has been on the ground most of the time
during the last six months. If the results of the drilling were not
satisfactory up to date, Griffith would not have made such an extensive
visit. The company is also figuring on other properties.The old Sterling mine is under option to two different parties, Fred J. Blakeley of Portland and a Mr. Saunders of Seattle. The two factions are in a quarrel over the purchase of the property, an unusual thing for Oregon to have two men fighting for control of one Oregon mine. The Sterling has produced more money, it is claimed, than any other property in the state and has more unworked gravel than any other mine in Oregon, and it will probably be working when most others are all in. Much Money Spent
Adjoining the Sterling mine is the Federal Mining Company, operating
very successfully and taking out nice pay when the floods or high water
took out all the workings, ditches, flumes and pipes. Some concern from
Seattle is taking over the property and preparing to resume operations.On Elliott Creek, J. W. Rattle, a well-known mining engineer, who is associated with Sieberling the tire manufacturer, has equipped the placer mine on this tributary to the Applegate. Within the past two weeks Rattle has finished development and is now mining. He has probably spent $100,000. Only one ton of ore has been taken out of the Robinson mine, in the Galice country, but that ton produced $28,000. As soon as the snows are out of the way the mine will resume. That is perhaps the richest mine in the West and is operated by John Robinson and his sons. The Kubli mine, owned by K. K. Kubli of Portland, will be operating June 15. It is on Galls Creek, half way between Medford and Grants Pass, and five miles from Gold Hill. Bunkhouse, cookhouse and equipment are now being installed and some very rich ore is in sight. Valued Vein Found
Golden Mary, owned by a Portland company, has been supplied with a
complete equipment costing roughly $100,000. The mine is on the
triangle between the Pacific and Redwood highways, near Grants Pass.Portland people have struck the old Greenback ledge on three levels and have a vein worth $2000 to the ton. On Foots Creek a man named Olson is trying to uncover the gravel within three feet of bedrock. He is operating a steam shovel in a channel 30 yards wide and 100 yards long. This is the same district in which the Ludlum company is drilling. The Olson operation is said to be unique and effective. Another operation on Foots Creek is hydraulic, under the direction of a man named Bates. Up Rogue River from Gold Hill, the Sylvanite mine is under operation. And the foregoing are only a partial list of the gold mining developments. Queen Mine Valuable
In the copper activities, the Queen of Bronze and Cowboy mines have
been leased for operation from John Hampshire, trustee, by Spokane
capitalists. The arrangement calls for operation not later than June 1,
with concentration plant by November 1. Prior to the installation of
the plant the high-grade ore will be shipped. The Queen of Bronze has
produced more than $1,500,000. It is considered one of the most
valuable, if not the best, copper property in Southern Oregon.Quicksilver is commanding a higher price and this has centered interest in cinnabar. On Squaw Creek a nine-foot vein of cinnabar has been recently discovered. The quicksilver mine a few miles from Yoncalla is installing more equipment and the Black Butte quicksilver mine, 17 miles from Cottage Grove in Lane County, has been optioned by New York people, who have placed Earl G. Crane, a mining engineer of Portland, in charge. A 75-ton Gould furnace is to be erected, and the hydroelectric power developed for the mine. Tin Controversy Recalled
Then there is the tin. Since the Oregonian
of the "mystery white metal" around Grants Pass, and the controversy
which raged as to whether or not it is tin, the American Smelter
Company, otherwise the Guggenheims, has optioned an extensive area and
is making a careful research. The company is still optioning property.
Following the Grants Pass controversy over the mystery white metal,
claims have been made in Baker and Klamath that similar white metal,
believed to be tin, has been found in those sections. Anyway, if
Josephine County has tin the metal will be given adequate attention by
the smelter people.No attempt has been made in this article to index all the scores of mining properties now working or about to be worked, but enough has been told to show that the mining industry in Southern Oregon is coming back.--John W. Kelley, in the Portland Oregonian. Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1927, page B4
Much importance is attached to the announcement of the exercising of
the options of the Ludlum Engineering Corporation, of New York City,
whereby the famous Champlin and adjoining gold dredging property on
Foots Creek twenty miles west of Medford are taken over by the
corporation. It really means more to Southwestern Oregon in a mining
way and to a general resumption of the industry than anything which has
transpired since the general suspension of gold mining throughout the
country at the commencement of the war. It will be the beginning of an
actual production of a stream of gold, which will be an impetus to
reopen the old-time producing quartz mines, and the rapid development
of new properties in quartz, placer and dredging projects.Ludlum Company of N.Y. Initiates Most Important Operation in Recent Mining History--Means Great Stimulus to Real Development. (By A. E. Kellogg) It is now definitely stated by the management that all the plans in detail of the equipping of the newly acquired property with one of the most modern electrically driven dredges in the country is fully completed. They have spent approximately $30,000 the past year in prospecting the premises with a view of dredging, and the equipping of the diggings with such a dredge outfit as they have planned will call for an additional expenditure of nearly half a million dollars. Nearly 2000 Acres
The properties acquired by the new owners consist of the Champlin,
Black Channel, Lance and Matt's placer diggings, and the Short, Hosmer,
and Matthews virgin placer ground, making a total of nearly 2000 acres.
All of these tracts are contiguous ground, extending from the junction
of Rogue River and Foots Creek, up both forks of the creek several
miles, all rich dredging ground.The first mining on Foots Creek commenced in the winter of 1851-2 on gold being discovered in Rogue River Valley. Simultaneously with the establishment of a mining camp at Jacksonville, a camp was started on the left-hand fork of the creek, which soon afforded a population of several thousand. The mute evidence of the old camp at present is the old tumbled-down rock fireplaces, mounds, excavations, and occasional apple tree or rosebush growing among a new hillside forest above the bed of the creek. Like many other streams in the region, millions of virgin gold was scooped up from the bed of the creek or recovered from shallow diggings. While the Champlin ground a few years ago afforded dredges, and these other placer diggings have been employed for many years, the real wealth in virgin gold on these properties, in the deep and ancient channels, which can only be reached with dredges, have scarcely been scratched. The former and first dredging operation on the Champlin ground dates back a quarter of a century ago, when the Champlins of Chicago, the pioneer gold dredge people of Montana, entered this field. The Champlins were composed of Abbie B. Champlin, one of Chicago's most efficient and wealthy women financiers, and her two sons, Fred L. Champlin and Charles Champlin. They purchased the recent Champlin holdings on Foots Creek at a fabulous price from the late G. W. Lance, a pioneer miner on the creek, consisting of 1200 acres, and erected the first steam dredge in Oregon on the premises. While this dredge, planned and erected by Messrs. Robert W. Christsen [sic], and Malcom McDonald, two of America's foremost dredge engineers, was not a modern dredge, [it] served its purpose well and after several years of hard usage was worn out, yet enriched the coffers of the Champlins well. Dredge Used Before
In the meantime the Champlins erected a new, electrical-driven dredge,
electric power from the Ray Gold plant, recently completed, was
installed, the cost of mining thereby reduced one-half. The new dredge
afforded thirty-six 8-foot buckets, which ran at a speed of seven a
minute, and the capacity of the dredge was about 2000 yards a day. The
gravel from the buckets was fed to a trommel and the boulders
discharged through this over the side of the boat. The undersized
material passed over a set of riffles to a sump where it was elevated
by huge centrifugal pumps to the tail riffles. The major part of the
gold, however, was caught on the boat before reaching the tail sluices.The average depth of the pay gravel is about 35 feet, but deposits to the depth of 46 feet have been mined without reaching bedrock, which is supposed to lie at an average depth of 100 feet. Much of the material is less than 5 inches in diameter, but boulders of large size are numerous. The Champlins have done considerable prospecting with Keystone drills, but subsequent dredging is said to have given better results than the test holes. The new electrically driven dredge, a new venture, and not planned by their former engineers, who by death and otherwise were not available, was not strong enough with sufficient timbering to stand the quick and mighty action of the electric power and came to grief. After several years operation the bucket ladder line broke, and the weight of the buckets, weighing about 70 tons, sprang the hull planks and the dredge sank in about 20 feet of water. While it was a loss of $35,000, the Champlins had found, including this loss, a very remunerative operation with this boat. Unable to procure competent dredging engineers to rebuild proper equipment, the Champlins abandoned further operations. Champlins Well Known
The Champlin family, infatuated by Rogue River Valley and its climate,
abandoned their Chicago home and lived in retirement in very
comfortable homes on the Champlin holdings on Foots Creek for a number
of years, the family consisting of the mother, two sons, and two
widowed daughters, Mesdames Kettle and Jones. Several years ago the
mother and son Charles passed away and Fred L. Champlin and two sisters
have still continued to live on the home property. The Champlins took a
very prominent part in the late war by financing large bond investments
at the first and subsequent calls and a personal service to the Gold
Hill community.Fred L. Champlin in an interview with the writer since the announcement of the sale of his property explained that during the suspension of operation on the property in a mining way, he has been presented with many liberal offers for the property, but has never seen fit to sell until the new owners presented themselves, piloted by D. H. Ferry, engineer in charge of the company's affairs. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page 27 Recent Strike at Bill Nye Mine
Recalls History of Famous Paying Property
That the old-time producing gold mines
in this
region which have been closed for several years were not exhausted, but
closed due to the general decline of the gold mining industry preceding
the war, is evidenced by the recent uncovering of a new body of rich
ore in the Bill Nye mine twelve miles west of Medford on Galls Creek.
While this strike was reported several weeks ago, it was not confirmed
by the owner, George P. Blanchin, of Paris, France, until a recent
visit by the owner to Medford. The new body of ore was discovered in
the same manner as the new strikes were made at the Kubli, Purkeypile,
Bertha and several other mines in the same district since being
reopened, by the simple process of crosscutting the old workings and
cutting blind parallel veins, in each case proving richer than the old
workings.By A. E. Kellogg The Bill Nye group consists of four mining claims, situated on a rather steep ridge which strikes north and south to Galls Creek, a tributary of Rogue River. There are two vein systems on the property, the Bliss and Bill Nye, which contact at nearly right angles. The Bliss vein has a north and south course while the Bill Nye courses east and west. Both veins are remarkable for the importance of their rich pay chutes. These pay chutes paid from the grass roots down, and the veins became richer as their width increased. The Nye vein is three to five feet wide in the present, working about 100 feet in depth, while the Bliss vein system is much wider at the same depth, is made up of two parallel veins which, in several instances, give an ore body 16 feet wide. The present working on the property amounts to about 4000 feet made up of tunnels, drifts, raises and winzes. The mine has a record of producing from a quarter to a half million dollars. The history of the Bliss vein, originally known as the Lawrence strike, dates back to 1904 when Sam Lawrence, a neighboring rancher, and his two sons accidentally uncovered a pay chute on this vein near the surface of the ground which netted them several thousand dollars in gold. Two mining men from San Francisco, the Bliss brothers, attracted by the Lawrence strike, paid the father and son a neat sum for the diggings. Mining below the discovery, the new owners uncovered a comfortable fortune from the pay chute in a short season. About 1900, H. B. Nye, at present a resident of Talent, arrived from the mines in Montana, where he had been engaged in mining. The new arrival located a mining claim adjoining the Bliss property and opened up the famous Bill Nye vein which paid huge sums from the start. He added the "Montana," an adjoining claim, to his holdings, which proved to be very rich ground. Nye later took in a bunch of investors and incorporated the Bill Nye Mining Company and acquired the Bliss property. He commenced a systematic development of the whole property and equipped it with a five-stamp mill, which reduced much rich ore from the Bliss and Bill Nye veins. After making good profits for himself and associates from the mine, Nye retired several years before the war, and the property passed into the hands of the present owner. He spent about $20,000 in further developing the property and equipping it with a modern electrical-driven mill, and was at the point of beginning extensive operations on the property when the war broke out. Mr. Blanchin, a man of considerable mining experience, was in charge of the property, and, being a reserve officer in the French army, was immediately called to his command on the front. Hastily arranging with caretakers for the property, he left for Europe. As the war and years went on, it was not until late in 1926 that Mr. Blanchin was able to return to this country and recover his property. In the meantime all communications were cut off between the caretakers and the owner, and the caretakers were compelled to dismantle the new electric line from the main line to the mine and the newly installed equipment and dispose of it for a livelihood, and on the return of the owner to the property the mine was nearly bare of equipment. Since Mr. Blanchin's return to this country he has expended many thousands of dollars in rehabilitating the property with a view of operating the mine, in spite of the fact that the exchange has run as high as fifteen to one in converting French money into the coin of this country. After Nye made his pile from the Bill Nye strike, it is reported by Frank Lawrence of Gold Hill, one of the Lawrence boys, that Nye in his first operations on the Bliss vein recovered 20 sacks of selected ore from the vein weighing 2000 pounds which was so rich that it was all reduced by hand mortaring, while from the same pay chute six tons of ore was reduced at a custom mill that produced $12,000 per ton. A demonstrative exhibit of ore from the contact pay chute of the Bliss and Bill Nye veins was shown in the Medford National Bank in Medford several years ago, when Jesse E. Enyart was president of the bank. It consisted of eight sacks of specimen ore weighing 640 pounds, having a value of $12,000 in gold. These specimens were taken from ore that averaged $16,000 per ton. The Bill Nye mine took first prize at the seventh industrial exposition in Spokane for rich ore, where five states were in competition: Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and British Columbia. Perhaps there is no gold mine on the Pacific Coast offering greater facilities for the economical extraction and milling of ore. The fortunate topographical and geological location of the Bill Nye and the fact that there are several vein systems, and an immense body of ore blocked out in the present workings, the property is a meritorious mining proposition that will yet be a great producer. Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1928, page 6 MODERN DREDGE TO BE INSTALLED BY
The Ludlum Engineering Corporation of
New York City,
the well-known dredging concern of this country, which took options on
the Champlin and other dredge grounds amounting to nearly 2000 acres
on Foots Creek, twenty miles below Medford, early last year and
recently took over the holdings, have commenced active operation to
equip the property with a modern electrical-driven dredge. The company
spent about $30,000 the past year in prospecting the ground with a view
of dredging, and the total expense in equipping the property with the
dredge will be approximately a half million dollars, exclusive of the
preliminary work and the purchase price of the land.(By A. E. Kellogg) While the type of dredge which will be constructed has not yet been announced by D. H. Ferry, engineer in charge, yet commodious warehouses have been erected recently on the premises to house a 1000-ton rail shipment of machinery and dredge equipment, which has already commenced to arrive at Gold Hill. The local California Oregon Power Company have already surveyed the branch power line to the diggings from its main line between Gold Hill and Grants Pass and will commence the immediate construction of this branch line. The contract for moving their rail shipment from Gold Hill to the mine has been let to the Davis Transfer Company of this city, who will commence this week. The report that went out recently of the immediate construction of the dredge has caused many men to apply at the diggings for work, and [they] have been turned away with no definite knowledge of when the operation will commence on the booking of their application for work. Mr. Ferry announces that the construction of the dredge will not commence until the first of May. In the meantime active operations will be confined to the assembling of the machinery and material for building the dredge and erection of power lines, which will all be done by contract. The friends of the Champlins will be pleased to hear that in disposing of their holdings to the dredge company, they retained their commodious home building tract and will continue to reside and make it their permanent home, having recently closed their former Chicago residence. The Champlins also retained all the agricultural and orchard land lying east of Foots Creek and expanding along the Rogue River as far as the bridge at the Miller Gulch Creek. This tract of several hundred acres has been cut up into acreage tracts, and quite a number of the tracts are now occupied by newcomers who have built homes. The surviving members of the Champlin family are Fred L. Champlin and his two widowed sisters, Mesdames Kettle and Jones. Fred says, "Rogue River Valley is the best country in the world, and I am going to spend the rest of my days here." Medford Mail Tribune, January 15, 1928, page B4 MACHINERY ARRIVES FOR DREDGE OPERATION ON FOOTS CREEK
The first consignment of freight for the Ludlum Dredging Company
arrived at the local yards last week and was transferred to the
company's operations on Foots Creek.The shipment consisted of a carload of parts from Pritchard, Idaho in the upper Coeur d'Alene country. A Medford transfer company has the contract for the hauling and had three trucks on the job for two days placing the machinery on the ground on Foots Creek. The Ludlum Co. has had their operators on the ground for many months and have thoroughly prospected the entire creek bottom for the precious metal and not only thoroughly drilled the ground with two huge diamond drills but at several places sank shafts to better determine the richness of the operation. Included in the ground to be mined is about seventeen hundred acres and takes in several of the best farms in that part of the country. The Foots Creek country has long been known to be rich ground, and there have been several good mines located on that creek, as well as some good placer operations, but the present development is the largest yet experienced in that quarter. Just what the outcome of the opening of the Foots Creek will be is but a matter of conjecture although in local mining circles it is looked upon with much optimism. Local mining men believe that with the opening of one large mining operation such as this one promises to be that capital will be directed this way and will result in the further exploitation of our mineral resources. This is altogether a logical conclusion, for there is one thing certain--there is a great deal of wealth stored away in these hills and only awaits capital to develop it. In many cases the grade of ore is low and must be handled by a special process and the present owners, most of whom are men of small means, cannot supply the needed machinery and equipment to make the mines a big paying proposition. Conditions, from all we have been able to determine, point to an early revival in the mining interest of this valley. If the "sharks" and wildcat promoters will just stand by and let some real mining companies come in and open up a few good projects, the success of the country as a mining center is assured. That seems to be the greatest deterrent to the Gold Hill and Southern Oregon district, the wildcatter has sold out so many alleged mines that the country has received a bad name which it really does not deserve, as we believe will be found out when our hills are properly prospected and exploited. FOOTS CRK. DREDGE OPERATIONS BOON
"Gold mining in Southern Oregon promises
take on a new aspect with the installation of a giant dredge on Foots
Creek for the Ludlum Engineering Corporation. The dredges have been
tried here in the past, but none has met with the success that was
hoped. The new venture represents a
distinct departure
from the usual method of mining, however," says the Grants Pass Courier."A year has been spent in improving the ground. Drills have been used to sink holes by the hundreds over the several thousand acres held by the concern as dredging ground. Shafts have been sunk to test the character of the underlying gravel and bedrock. All possible precautions have been taken to foresee the difficulties which may arise during the life of the dredge and to overcome them before and not after they are encountered. It is not known how much gold the company may expect to recover. The cost of the project has been ascertained. Such methods have eliminated the element of chance that popular belief has fastened on the mining industry. Such a concern as the Ludlum company is not going to invest in a half million dollars without being certain that their money will be returned. "The new dredge means the start of a giant industry on Foots Creek. It may mean the influx of new capital into the country to invest in other mining propositions, because a successful mining venture is the best advertisement for a mining section, and we, of Southern Oregon, sincerely believe that this part of the state qualifies as one of the great mineral belts of the West." Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1928, page 3 FRED CHAMPLIN OF FOOTS CREEK PAYS
Fred S. Champlin returned to his home in the Foots Creek district near
Gold Hill late yesterday afternoon from his first overnight visit here
in over two years, after having enjoyed meeting many friends, playing a
billiard game or so, seeing the first afternoon performance of "The
First Auto"
at the Rialto Theater Tuesday afternoon, and the vaudeville matinee at
the Craterian yesterday afternoon. To make the enjoyment of his visit
complete he planned to polish Court Hall in a billiard game, feeling
confident that he needed no practice to accomplish this.Of course Mr. Champlin made his old haunt, the Hotel Medford, his headquarters during his stay in the city. His long absence from the city is explained by the fact that his health has been very poor, although much improved to what it has been; and the fact that since the death of his mother and his brother he was compelled to give what energy he possessed, with his sisters, to settling the large Champlin estate. Even at that it probably would have been a longer time yet before Fred would have visited Medford, had it not been for the fact that he had been reading so much for months past that his eyes began to give out on him--hence his decision to come to Medford and consult an oculist about having his glasses changed. He looks well and declared yesterday that he was feeling like a colt in pasture. Mr. Champlin expects a continued improvement in his health, and if this happens and when the estate is settled and improvements made in connection with it he expects to visit here more frequently. The large Champlin property is being cut up into small tracts which will be placed on the market. Medford Mail Tribune, February 23, 1928, page 3 The Sterling Mine,
Near Jacksonville, Oregon
While the
recent entering of the Ludlum Engineering Corporation of New York in
the mining field of Southern Oregon and its active operation in the
construction of a $500,000 gold dredge at Foots Creek, 20 miles below
Medford, is a very important event in the resumption of mining in this
region, yet the entry of Fred J. Blakeley and associates of Portland in
this district in the recent operations in the reopening of the famous
Sterling placers, twelve miles out from Medford, also marks a new era
of mining in this region.
The Sterling mine, which has lain idle for some time, is now being worked. This will be welcome news to the mining interests of Southern Oregon, as the Sterling was always shown to visitors, and when in operation it showed what quantities of gravel can be moved by water. In the early days of mining of Southern Oregon, Sterling Creek was the scene of the most active mining operations in and around Jacksonville. There was a large camp on Sterling Creek; in fact, it was a real live mining town. It was reported that 600 votes were cast at the time Lincoln ran for President the second time. Early in the '70s an ancient river channel was discovered. It was very rich in gold values. The find was reported all over the country. A syndicate of Portland capitalists, M. S. Burrell, Governor Grover and Levi Ankeny, afterwards U.S. Senator from Washington, became interested in the proposition. A ditch line to convey the waters of the Little Applegate River to a point of sufficient height to mine this newly discovered channel by hydraulicking was surveyed. The survey showed it would take a ditch 27 miles in length to answer this purpose. In those days a ditch of this length, and a large portion to be cut through solid rock, was a stupendous undertaking. The Portland men had made a thorough test of the ground, which showed the gold values were about 45 cents to the yard. So the ditch was constructed, giants installed, and mining operations on a larger scale than ever before known in that section of the country was started. For nearly a half a century the mine was operated, more than $2,500,000 in gold being taken from the mine during this period. Those conversant with the property declare that not one-third of the values have been taken from the ground. Mr. Mathews, or as he is familiarly known and called in Alaska, Jack Mathews, believes that the Sterling property is one of the richest placer properties on the Pacific Coast. He backs up this by taking an interest in the property. New mining equipment has been installed, and it will be interesting to the miners of Southern Oregon to see how the gold was saved in Alaska. In Mr. Mathews' opinion, a great deal of the gold, especially the finer gold, in the old Sterling operations was not recovered by the system that was used at that time for saving gold. If under Mr. Mathews' management, and his plans for handling the gravel, the Sterling mine lives up to its own record as a producer, it will do much to stimulate and revive mining in Southern Oregon. Mr. Blakeley recently in Medford said: "At the time gold was discovered in Alaska, mining men from Oregon, as well as from all over the United States, flocked to the northern country. Then later, when the Goldfield and other camps were discovered, it was another rush to these camps; practically all of them are things of the past, with the exception of some mining that is still being done in Alaska, but the records show that the production of gold in the Alaska region has fallen off greatly in the last few years. "From some of those who take the boats to Alaska every spring, this report has come that few people are now going into that country, and business is on the ebb in that northern territory. The great gold-producing states are now California and Colorado, both of them far outdistancing Alaska. "The time is now opportune for bringing to the attention of the people throughout the country the vast riches that are to be found in Southern Oregon. Not only has this section shown that gold is to be found along all the streams that flow into Rogue River, but there is also great deposits of gold and other precious metals in the hills and mountains, where numerous quartz mines are constantly being opened up. "If the people of the country, especially those interested in mining, would visit this territory, they would be surprised at its richness. In Alaska they were able to mine only about sixty to ninety days in a season, then the cold set in, and it was everything but pleasant to live there. Where these Goldfield and other camps have been discovered, they were in a bleak and barren country, where no one cared to reside. Many of the Rogue River Valley's best citizens are the descendants of the early miners who located in this country, and there is no doubt that if people came to the Rogue River country now to investigate the mining possibilities, they would eventually decide to become citizens of Southern Oregon. "For many years past, a great deal of money has been spent in advertising Rogue River pears, apples and other fruits. It has brought many people from many parts of the country who have located here. It is now in order for the people to start an advertising campaign in which the mineral products of this section should do more to bring in outside capital and new people than any other plan that could be devised. "With the Sterling going, the giants knocking down the gravel and which has been mined on this property, it is a sight sure to impress anyone." An editorial in the Oregonian of the issue of May 17, 1905, recites: "The Sterling mine in Southern Oregon, which is reported sold at a high figure, was well named. There are a great many other mines in that part of the state, as well as in eastern Oregon, which possess 'Sterling' qualities and which are appreciated at their true worth because their merits have not been noised abroad. There has been such conservation in operation as well as exploiting our mine, and they have kept right on producing, not spasmodically, but regularly for many years. There has never been a mining boom in the state such as have drawn thousands of people to camps like the Black Hills, Leadville, Klondike and Tonopah; but the mining industry in Oregon is on a much more legitimate basis than it was in most of the boom camps. There has been a vast amount of exaggeration regarding the wealth-producing qualities of some of the camps, especially those in Alaska. "The output from Alaska this season is estimated as high as $25,000,000, but this is believed to be considerably in excess of the amount that will be in evidence at the final cleanup. From estimates submitted to the director of the mint by officers of the several mints and assay offices, it is shown that the 1904 gold production of Alaska was $9,000,000, while Colorado produced $26,000,000 and California $19,000,000. These figures are somewhat surprising, considering the extensive advertising that has been given the Alaska country. No gold strike ever made was more thoroughly exploited and boomed than those of the Klondike, Nome and Tanana. The frozen north has for a number of years been producing great quantities of gold, and it has turned out many millionaires as well as a few thousand bankrupt miners who were not so lucky. And yet the mint returns shown that the Alaska country last year produced only about one-third as much gold as was produced in Colorado, and less than one-half as much as was secured from the mines of California. "Neither of these states enjoy anything like a mining boom, nor did either of them attract crowds of gold seekers as rushed to the Far North from all parts of the world. The discovery of gold in Alaska has been one of the greatest factors in the rapid growth of the Puget Sound cities, and the entire Pacific Coast has shared in a degree of the benefits arising from this discovery, but the returns per capita in comparison with what has been spent in getting in and out of the country will not make a favorable showing. There is but little doubt that if all the toil and money expended in the Alaska mines had been used in the mining camps of some of the western states the result would have been much more satisfactory. "The Sterling mine in Southern Oregon has never made any such remarkable cleanups as were made on the Klondike, but its regular annual output, in the many years since its discovery, aggregated a vast sum of money, equal to, if not exceeding, that of the best mines in Alaska." Pacific Coast Miner, March 1, 1928, page 1 Newly Discovered
Process Produces
6½ Percent Tin
entirely new process for the recovery of tin and other metals from the
tin-bearing ores of Southern Oregon has been announced by members of
the research committee of the Mine Owner's Association of Grants Pass,
which will definitely prove the oft-disputed claim that tin is to be
found in commercial quantities in the large deposits of mineral-bearing
rock which abound in Southern Oregon and other sections of the Coast.
Dozens of experiments have been made with tin recovery by this process,
and in each instance the results have checked or showed an increased
recovery as the chemists became more accustomed to the use of the
Just what this process involves has not been divulged by the committee nor by Charles Lull, the local assayer who was largely responsible for its discovery, nor will it be divulged except by legitimate operators who can convince the holders of the secret that they intend to develop the tin industry in this section. While the process has only been tried in the laboratory, the sponsors claim that they are convinced that its use on a larger scale assures a simple and profitable manner to make the tin recoveries commercially. In addition to recovering high percentages of the tin in the ore, the process is also said to make recoveries of the gold and other metals with but little additional handling of the pulp. Recent tests of this process in the process of Mr. John Beede, a prominent Portland chemist, are said to have shown the presence of six and one-half percent tin in samples of ore gathered by Mr. Beede from properly located on Iron Creek in Josephine County. Subsequent tests are said to have increased this already high percentage of tin in the ore. Pacific Coast Miner, March 1, 1928, page 2 THE WESTERN MINING COMPANY
Western Mining Company of Grants Pass, Oregon, which is operating a
bench placer property near Hell Gate on Rogue River, is just completing
the installation of additional equipment to handle the gravel which is
carrying rich gold values. The operation has been under way with but
one oil-operated shovel, but it has been found that additional
equipment will materially increase the production and profit in the
operation of the mine. The Western Mining Company's property has long
been known as the Flannagan mine.
Pacific Coast Miner, March 1, 1928, page 2 SHOWING OF ORE FROM FEDERAL MINE
The exhibit of what was claimed to be a thousand dollars worth of gold
dust at Medford and Jacksonville recently from the Federal mine on the
Applegate recalls the palmy days of this famous diggings when owned and
operated by a wealthy local Chinese
merchant and miner of Jacksonville a half century ago.By A. E. Kellogg Those were the days of the late C. C. Beekman, deceased, the venerable pioneer banker of the camp at Jacksonville, and when gold dust was the only circulated medium of the region. He saw Jacksonville grow from a wild mining camp of tents and huts in the early '50s into a modern city and metropolis of southwestern Oregon. While custodian of the gold dust of the lone miner of the hills, which he kept well, he saw transportation, while the trusted employee of Wells-Fargo express company, grow from the company's pony express to a more modern stage coach, and later when the railroad came the strongbox of the company was carried in a modern express car. In those pioneer days the cleanup from the mine was carried on the back of a burro and well guarded until it was delivered at Jacksonville to the express company, which conveyed the dust to the mint at San Francisco, while today the gold dust from the mine is whisked over the paved hills of Jacksonville in an auto to a local refinery where it is reduced to gold bars and placed in the strongbox of the local banks. This Chinese miner more than 50 years ago conceived the idea of miles of ditches from the headwaters of the little Applegate cut principally in solid rock on the mountainsides to the massive rock bluffs above the Federal mine. After many years of gold gathering, the ancient gravel channel below the present gravel channel below the present diggings of the Federal mine and owned by the Chinese became exhausted. His main object during his mining operations on his portion of the channel was to buy the adjoining channel on the exhaustion of his own ground, and he could afford to pay a good sum for the premises. In the meantime, over seventy years ago, a pioneer by the name of Thompson had located the upper channel of the ancient stream and adjoining ground as a donation claim. He, as well as the Chinese, knew secretly that the old ancient channel cut through the donation claim. The American with curious eyes looked forward to the day when the Chinaman's diggings would be exhausted, feeling that the Chinese would be glad to sell when the time came. However, when the time did come, neither would the owner of the ground land [sic], or owner of the water sell. Litigation followed from year to year, and these two valuable properties have been idle for these many years, until two years ago E. R. Kirkland and associates of Seattle came into possession of the properties. These people spent $25,000 on the ditches and putting the ground in shape for mining. Actual mining did not commence with present ownership until late in December 1926, when $7,500 is claimed was taken from the sluice boxes in the first six weeks. In February 1927 the mine suffered a heavy loss in the flood of last winter. The Federal mine is located directly south of and adjoining the Sterling mine, at the confluence of Sterling Creek and Little Applegate River. The Federal diggings extend nearly two miles along the Little Applegate, and consists of 265 acres of placer ground. The mine is modernly equipped and has electric lights for night operations. There are excellent housing buildings for the manager and employees. The mine has been in active operation since the first heavy rains last fall, operating day and night, piping on the old Boulder channel. The recent exhibit of gold dust was the result of a five-day run taken from the sluice boxes, while it is estimated the major part of the gold dust of the season's run will be found on the bedrock at the close of the piping season. Medford Mail Tribune, March 6, 1928, page 7 The Cleanest Kind of Mining
Rogue River Valley, for seventy years the stronghold of "lode" and
"placer" mining, for seventy years the stamping ground of the "hard
rock" and "hydraulic" miners, who by labor have wrested from the rugged
hills and the stream beds hundreds of thousands of dollars in precious
and useful metals, will soon witness the advent of a new and radically
different type of mining.(By A. E. Kellogg) Sixteen miles below Medford, at the confluence of Rogue River and Foots Creek, is situated the old Lance farm and placer grounds consisting of 15,000 acres of land. These holdings in recent years are known as the "Champlin" dredging grounds. There are two big ranch homes, a big barn, a huddle of outbuildings, a stack of hay, produced under irrigation on black river soil on the eastern portion of the holdings, consisting of several hundred acres, while on the western part of the tract flow the waters of Foots Creek over miles of pebble stone. Only recently one of the big ranch houses became known as the office of the Ludlum Engineering Corporation of New York City; the outbuildings are being converted into store rooms for repair parts, new warehouses have been constructed for like purposes, mess and bunk houses have been erected and on the stream excavations and diversion works are taking form for the laying of the keel of a massive electrical-driven dredge. Soon this massive mine equipment will be tearing away the gravels of Foots Creek at the rate of several thousand yards per day. This floating giant gold dredge will wring its treasure from the surface, not from the bowels of the earth. The ore car and shaft cage are replaced by massive steel buckets operated on an endless belt; a bunch of waste and an oil can will supplant the time-honored "single jack and drill" in the hands of miners; the new type of mining will soon be in full swing. Dredge mining, its supporters declare, is the cleanest and surest of all mining. Cleanest because the entire operation, from dipping gravel to gold bar, is complete within the company's own plant, surest because it is possible before spending a dollar in plant to foresee, with far greater certainty than in any other kind of mining, what the returns will be. The principle of dredge mining is very old, its application very new. The Champlins, the recent owners of the Foots Creek placers, were the pioneers in dredge building in this country, having built the first steam dredge in the country and operated it in Montana thirty years ago. The dredge is a lineal descendant of the "pan" grown to gigantic proportions, modernized and equipped with powerful machinery. Its enormous capacity enables it to handle dirt running as low as six cents per cubic yard, and by extracting a tiny profit from each yard. As the early miner had to make a long and weary search for a favorable spot to use his pan, so the dredge engineer, as his first step, must find a promising location. Having found such a spot, he ascertains, by sinking of small shafts, or, where the formation will permit, the drilling of holes with a deep well outfit, the depth and extent of the gold-bearing area. From the dirt brought to the surface, the extreme depth of the pay dirt and the average yield per foot of boring is determined, and the approximate value of gold per cubic yard is calculated. With the presence of gold assured, the proposition resolves itself into a consideration of the size, cost and daily capacity of the dredge, depending on the depth and area of the ground to be excavated, the cost of the land itself, operating costs and profits. The building of a dredge, or "boat" as dredging men term it, is unlike that of any other vessel. Giant timbers are laid down for the hull, the masts for supporting hog chains, cables and tackles are erected and the superstructure are built around them. A creek must be dammed, a spring impounded, or a convenient duck pond pressed into service to provide an ocean for the new craft. Once launched and the dredging machinery aboard, the dredge makes its own rivers and harbors, as there is always plenty of water under the surface. Constantly uncovered, it constantly flows in, and the dredge is surrounded with plenty of water at all times for navigation and for its pumps. A large-capacity electric motor placed amidship of the vessel, and fed by flexible insulated cables connected to the power line on shore, supplies the energy for operating the buckets and pumps and for agitating the gold-saving devices. The digging apparatus proper consists of nearly 100 huge steel buckets, costing several hundred dollars each and mounted on an endless belt of heavy steel links. The belt revolves on a swinging steel girder at the bow of the boat, where the buckets, eating into the gravel bank or tearing away the surface from 30 to 50 feet below the water line, at bedrock, bring up great quantities of gravel and boulders of every size. The fact that boulders weighing more than a ton are scooped up and carried aboard gives a fair idea of the size and power of the machinery. At a point near the center of the dredge the contents of the buckets are dumped into a revolving steel hopper, somewhat resembling an overgrown concrete mixer, where the big stones are separated from the fine gravel and sand which carries the gold. Another endless belt catches up the stones as they emerge from the hopper and carries them to the stern of the boat, and dumped as tailings on a big gray pile on the ground previously worked. The pay dirt, dropping through a screen in the hopper, deposits itself on inclined, agitated tables with riffles about a foot apart extending across their surface. Quicksilver, deposited in the riffles, catches and holds the gold, while rushing streams of water, pumped from the dredge's private lake, pours over the tables and wash away the residue. Twice a day the tables are cleaned and the gold, or, more accurately, a slimy mass containing gold, iso carried to the refining room. By an exceedingly simple reduction process, involving only the use of a furnace, a retort, and a flux, the yellow metal is separated from the dross, run into bars, brought to town and expressed to the United States Mint. The dredging company has spent $30,000 in prospecting this ground, and it will cost additional to build the dredge, besides the cost of the property, claimed to be about $500,000. In a year's operation it is hoped sufficient gold will be recovered from the diggings to cover all the initial expenses and to pay the stockholders a substantial dividend. D. R. Ferry is the engineer in charge of the property. Gold dredges are being used in nearly all the Pacific Coast states. The use of electric power to operate dredges makes the ideal combination for modern mining enterprises. The power can be transmitted to placer dredging ground where no fuel or other power can be made available. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1928, page 10 GEORGE ESTERLY'S LLANO DE ORO IS
The recent completion of tunnel and gravity sluicing system for the
Llano de Oro gold placer diggings in Josephine County on the Redwood
Highway near Waldo, at a cost of approximately $750,000, makes this
old-time property the biggest mine of its kind in the world. The work
of installing this new system has been under way for the past several
years, and in the meantime little actual mining has been done on the
premises, yet nearly $250,000 was recovered during the construction
period.By A. E. KELLOGG The property was mined for nearly half a century by the late owners, Logan, Simmons and Cameron, who in 1916 sold the property to George M. Esterly and associates of Seattle, who paid the sum of $200,000 for the property. L. A. Lecensaler, a Tacoma mining engineer, spent a year and $30,000 in prospecting the diggings for the new owners before they made the purchase. Since the Seattle people took over the mine, Mr. Esterly has been engineer in charge, and at this time he and G. W. Hales, a wealthy timber man of Chicago, are the sole owners of the property. When the present owners went into possession of the property, pit mining was practiced on the diggings and the tailings were removed from the pit a distance of 20 to 50 feet from bedrock by a hydraulic elevator which stacked the tailings on adjoining ground. Three ditches were employed in supplying the premises, one being used on the hydraulic elevator under a head of 400 feet, that from another being employed in two giants, and that of the third being used to ground the sluices supplied by the elevator. While the pit mining was expensive, yet it was very profitable. After two years mining, Mr. Esterly conceived the idea of constructing a tunnel 2000 feet in length through a mountain, giving the diggings a gravity sluiceway, and commenced the boring of the tunnel. The mountain was composed principally of serpentine, very treacherous ground, and proved to be quite an engineering feat to timber and hold the ground. War period wages were paid the men, as well as war prices for supplies and equipment, and the construction was very expensive. After completion of the tunnel the big end of the job was yet to be done in completing the sluiceway from the tunnel to the digging above, a distance of nearly a mile. The entire cut through the ancient channel a depth of from 20 to 50 feet was made by piping the gravel with giants. Two giants were employed, one being employed in hoisting the gravel from the pit and stacking it along the way, while the sediment was sluiced with the other giant through the tunnel sluices. As fast as the bedrock was cleared it was followed up with extending the sluices from the tunnel way. An additional giant was stationed on the other side of the hill to stack the tailings as they were released from the tunnel sluices, which emptied into a large tributary of the Illinois River. A fourth giant was employed in making a pit crosscutting the ancient channel and joining it with the open cut affording the way for the sluices on bedrock. This pit was emptied with a hydraulic elevator and the tailings dumped on adjoining ground. The importance of the future production of these diggings can hardly be calculated. While the examining engineer reported 17,000,000 cubic yards of these gravels would average 18 cents per cubic foot, yet in mining two years on this ground the engineer in charge reports that it went better than 40 cents per cubic yard. With the three ditches employed carrying a total of 13,131 miner's inches of water playing on these gravels, it is estimated that from 12,000 to 15,000 cubic yards of gravel will be washed down daily. The high line ditch is 12 miles long carrying 8,801 inches of water with a head of 460 feet at the diggings, while the lower ditch is nine miles long carrying 1330 inches of water with a head of 160 feet at the diggings. The lower ditch is used exclusively for ground sluicing and carries 11,000 inches of water. These three waterways afford a good head for at least eight months in the year. The property is perhaps the best-equipped mine in the whole country, consisting of mine buildings, electrical power, saw mills, blacksmith shops, machine shops and telephone equipment. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1928, page 5 Ludlum Company Work Progresses in Fine Order
Your reporter had the pleasure of accompanying D. H. Ferry, manager and
resident engineer of the Ludlum dredging company, over the property
owned by this company on Foots Creek.We find the company placing their grounds in good order preparatory to the thorough execution of the work they have to do. The present offices are maintained in a dwelling next door to the Champlin residence about a half mile from the Pacific Highway. The offices are equipped as thoroughly as many city offices, and Mr. Ferry has two assistants in the office taking care of incidentals which are not important enough to require his executive attention. Moving up Foots Creek from the offices we find two well-built warehouses neatly painted in blue with green roofs which will be used to store the equipment of the company. A force of men are busy clearing land where the dredge is to pass over, and the underbrush and dead limbs and other refuse along the county road is being raked up and burned in order to make the driveway more sightly, all of which goes to show the thoroughness with which the company does things. A fine high-tension line has been built up Foots Creek to deliver power to the company. About a mile from the highway there is a pair of transformers which reduce the voltage from 44,000 to 2300, and from this point on the Ludlum company has charge of the power line which continues on to the base of operations on the south fork of the creek where another set of transformers are built and the voltage is separated into three more units, 440, 220 and 110, which in addition to the 2300 gives the dredging company the services of four more units with which they operate the different functions of their work. A huge air compressor is being installed at this point and a machine shop is now under construction preparatory to the actual building work. A huge welding machine has been purchased for the machine shop and will be installed shortly, as has also a heavy shipment of heavy timbers which will be used for the constructing of a barge upon which the dredge is built. A huge crane is being prepared on the site of the construction which will be completed within the next several weeks, and this will be used to swing the pieces of the dredge into position. Many tons of parts have already been placed upon the ground but the principal parts of the dredge have not arrived. The dredging of Foots Creek requires a special machine, and the biggest portion of this huge dredge will be built from special plans. A huge power shovel is operating on the creek making fills along the creek to check the water at the sites where the Hanson operations were being conducted last winter. After attending to this detail the shovel will move on up to the furthermost portion of the dredging ground, where it will dig a channel to divert the creek through while the building of the dredge pond is being completed. A pond 150 feet square and as deep as bedrock will be built where the huge dredge will start operations. A force of about twenty men are at work at present on the project, and many more will be used later when the actual construction has commenced. Insofar as most of the work is technical, specially trained men will be necessary and Mr. Ferry seems to have many applications on his list and many more than he will probably be able to use. Last week the company completed a phone connection with Gold Hill. Due to the great amount of work necessary to be done over the phone Mr. Ferry found it necessary to have a private line so that work can be expedited. A modern well-equipped phone line was built from the office of the company to the Rock Point bridge, and from there on the service will be over the Rock Point line into the city. Eventually this line will be a very necessary as well as important asset to the settlement along the river, where the phone service has always been rather limited. Mr. Ferry expects to commence the construction of a home at a point between the Champlin home and the highway sometime soon. He expects to be here for many years, he says, and expects to live at this point so that he will be near his work. Gold Hill News, March 22, 1928, page 1 Company Rushes Work on Giant Ludlum Dredge
With the arrival of spring weather increasing activity is seen at the
Ludlum Engineering Corporation's dredge site on Foots Creek, says the Grants Pass Courier.
Digging of the pit in which the huge dredge will be constructed is
under way, a giant derrick has been built, clearing is under way and
many buildings are rising. Under the supervision of D. H. Ferry the
work is progressing rapidly and actual construction work on the dredge
will be started by the first of the month.Yesterday the derrick, which is 100 feet high and has a boom of equal length, was put into service for the first time in handling the big pieces of machinery. It picked up a five-ton cog wheel with no trouble. It is being used to clear the place for the framing yard, where timbers will be shaped for the dredge. The lumber will be on the ground the first of the week and framing will be under way simultaneously with the digging of the pit. Swartley Bros. have the contract for digging the pit in which the dredge will be built and floated. The bed of the creek was changed so that this work might be continued without being hampered by the water. This work will be done by the first of May, at which time the actual construction of the huge boat will be put under way. This pit is 200 feet square and is being dug to bedrock. The dredge will be of extra heavy construction because of the two- and three-ton boulders that are encountered in the bed of the creek. A cook house is now about complete and is 30 feet square. A bunk house, 60x18, is to be built to quarter 30 men. A machine shop, 50x18, will be erected and will include complete equipment. A compressor house has been built and air is furnished for the riveters who now are engaged in putting together the huge spud, which will hold the dredge in place. The substation has been installed furnishing electric power to the derrick and the other points where the power is now being used. Oscar Wicks, for 25 years associated with Mr. Ferry in building dredges, has arrived from San Francisco to supervise the work. Materials to be used in the construction will begin arriving this month and will continue until August. It is expected now that the dredge will be in operation by the first of September. Mr. Ferry states that no one need apply for work, as he already has a greater number of applicants than can be used. One of the features of Mr. Ferry's work most noticeable to the visitor is his care in preserving the trees especially along the county roads and highway, wherever they make for beauty and can be enjoyed by the tourist or local motorist. All along the company's property, the right-of-way along the county road has been brushed out, the trees trimmed and leaves and debris raked up and burned, making a parking that not only beautifies the drive but also is a safety protection against fires starting from cigarettes and matches thrown from passing cars. Similarly in building his four miles of standard construction telephone line along the Pacific Highway from Foots Creek to Rock Point, Mr. Ferry issued strict orders to his contractors to prevent the cutting down or mutilating of any trees regardless of extra trouble or expense, with the result that not a single tree was cut down in the entire distance. Because of this care, resolutions were sent to the state highway commission by the Gold Hill Chamber of Commerce commending its members for issuing the permit for the line, which not only benefits the whole district served by making telephone service available but also detracts nothing from the beauty of the scenic drive. Gold Hill News, April 12, 1928, page 5 WORK PROGRESSES LUDLUM DREDGE ON
The Ludlum dredging company's operations
Foots Creek are now progressing with rapidity. The work on the dredge
itself has not yet been finished, but in the near future the real
dredging operations will begin. Several carloads of choice fir lumber
have been unloaded in Gold Hill, and several trucks have been kept busy
hauling this to the dredge.The site where the dredge will first start working is upon the mining grounds known to early residents of this valley as the Black Channel mine, which is situated about four miles up the creek from the Riviera Auto Park. This ground has in its time been a producer of colors but has been idle for several years. The reopening of this ground together with other mining operations which are now afoot in the valley will start employment and the wealth of the country as a whole on the incline. The mining operations of Southern Oregon have long been looked forward to as a remunerative asset to the people. The flush of the recent holdings into paying propositions is now only in its incipient stage and only preparatory work is being done. As soon as all plans previous to starting actual work are carried out, this section will witness the highest peak of the mining industry ever before reached in Southern Oregon. Several houses have been erected at the dredge and it now appears as an old-time mining boom. A number of men are being employed now, and later on, as soon as the dredge is built, probably more men will be employed. Medford Mail Tribune, May 1, 1928, page 3 OPP MINE IS SOLD; PLAN BIG
According to an announcement made today
by C. C.
Clark, the Opp mine near Jacksonville has been sold to himself and E.
L. Childers, and they will be associated with R.S. Griffin of San
Francisco, a prominent and wealthy mining man of California. Mr. Clark
gave no figures on the sum involved in the transaction but stated "it
totaled several hundred thousand dollars."R. S. Griffin of San Francisco, Associated with C. C. Clark and E. L. Childers, Takes Over Old-Time Property--Custom Ore to Be Handled. "The Opp mine, up to 1900, has produced $100,000," said Mr. Clark, "and we will put in a 100-ton mill at once, and will run it to full capacity. "We have sent the tailings to the Sand Lime Brick Company of New York," continued Mr. Clark. "They make wonderful brick, selling at from $3 to $5 the thousand. The sulfides from the ore will be used as fertilizer, running 52 percent sulfur. "The ore in sight is now near 100,000 tons and we hope to develop a million tons by cross-cuttings," Mr. Clark further stated. Pockets on the property have yielded $14,000, $18,000, $50,000, $20,000 and $12,000, according to Clark, and he expects to find more pockets, equally rich. The mine will be able to handle custom ore work for local miners, and result in a price-saving, as heretofore they have been forced to send their samples away. The Opp mine is one of the best-known gold properties in the state and yielded a fortune to its early owners. The new owners are confident that by the application of modern methods, its former returns can be equaled, it not surpassed. Mr. Griffin will arrive in Medford next week and plans to make his permanent home here. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1928, page 1 FERRY RESIDENCE NEAR COMPLETION
GOLD HILL, June 21.--The work of
installing the
machinery and equipment for actual work of the dredge on Foots Creek is
now in progress. The carload of machinery which was removed from Gold
Hill to the dredge last week is now gradually being put in place. Piece
by piece it will build the giant ship until she is ready to scrape the
bedrock of the Foots Creek channel, long known because of its richness
in Southern Oregon's great metal--gold.The click of machinery, the building of the boat and the clearing of the land all revive the senses of bygone mining days upon this creek. To the person who knows this gold-producing section it will revive the scene of the dredge built and put into operation by Champlin. Although this dredge did not do much toward making itself a paying proposition, it proved the gold was there. From the site directly where the boat is now being built to a bridge which crosses the creek, a distance of 100 yards at the most, and 50 yards wide, a man by the name of Latimer mined out $30,000 in gold. Farther up the creek a large amount of ore was taken from the old Black Channel mine. It is now a thing of the past, but nevertheless, it cannot be lost from the minds of the earliest settlers whose prize was gold. The ground which the new dredge will cover has not previously been mined. It has been "skimmed" over, but at the depth it will dig no gold has ever been taken. The work of the Ludlum dredging operations will last about six or seven years. A fair-sized crew of men is now being employed. The new residence of D. H. Ferry, manager of the company's operation upon Foots Creek, is rapidly nearing completion. It is a large Spanish-type home and is being built about half a mile from the mouth of the creek. At present Mr. Ferry and family are living in the Champlin home but will in the near future occupy their new residence. Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1928, page B1 DR. J. F. REDDY TO OPERATE MINE
Dr. J. F. Reddy, one of Southern
Oregon's best
known mining enthusiasts, yesterday opened offices at the corner of
South Central and Main streets for his new business to be known as the
Reddy company, brokers in mines, real estate and timber land. His
son-in-law, Edward Moore, will be in charge at the office which was
formerly the location of the Reddy jewelry store.A collection of minerals found in Southern Oregon and California is exhibited in the windows. Gold and copper from the Blue Ledge country, two varieties of jasper from Greenspring Mountain and mica from Evans Creek are a few of the ores. Dr. Reddy plans to have a case filled with specimens secured during the past 20 years displayed in glass cases in the office as soon as he gets the articles classified. Ever since Mr. Reddy came to Medford 26 years ago, his two chief hobbies have been mining and railroading. When mining men from out of the state come to town they usually call on him, for he is reputed to know more about mining than most miners. The only chrome mine in the United States where the mineral is found in ledges has been owned by Dr. Reddy since 1917 and is located between the east and west forks of Seiad Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River, 67 miles from Hornbrook, Cal. The property consists of eight claims of 20 acres each, and was said to be the biggest deposit of chrome found on this continent during the World War. The material is used primarily for hardening steel and it was for this reason that the demand increased during the war when offers were made to buy the mine for $500,000, according to Dr. Reddy. Dr. Reddy said this morning that he believes that there is a great future in mining as an industry in Southern Oregon and California. Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1928, page 5 Huge Dredge on Foots Creek Floated, Will Soon Operate
After several months of hard labor upon the part of D. H. Ferry and his
crew of men on Foots Creek the mammoth gold dredge now floats, and with
the ensuing month actual operations will probably be under way.At present the dredge looks much like it will when in operation. The superstructure has been for the greater part put in place, and soon the huge buckets will be bringing their precious load from the bedrock of Foots Creek into the coffers of the Ludlum Dredging Co. As soon as the bucket ladder with its seventy buckets, the spud used to hold the weight of the dredge against the digging of the buckets, the giant screen and the gold tables are put in place the huge dredge will be ready for its ten-year cruise down the right fork and up the left of Foots Creek, recovering the hidden treasure which lies hidden on the bedrock of the creek. Completion is set for the end of this month or the first of next. There have been several important occasions connected with the Foots Creek operations, and the launching was one of the most significant, only to be surpassed when actual digging starts. When the construction of the hull was started about the first of May, the big pit was dry. The hull was constructed upon huge timbers placed as standards upon which to place the hull of many hundreds of tons, leaving beneath space enough to permit the workmen to labor. Then the hull was built and caulked and considerable of the steel placed in position. Considerable effort was necessary to conserve all the water in the creek so that the big ship could be floated, necessitating considerable ingenuity on the part of superintendent Ferry, whose careful engineering and keen foresight made it possible to corral enough water. There was so little water left in the stream that it was evident that there would not be enough to raise the boat from its supports, necessitating the use of other methods. All the standards had been tied together with strong cables so that all would be removed when the ship floated, but when the water supply proved insufficient they were pulled from beneath, letting the barge into the water. Consistent with the policy of the company there was no gala affair connected with the launching, as the company places all possible restraint upon publicity connected with its operation. It was merely another step in the great work that has been going on so near us, and one which is destined to mean much to this country in a mining way. To the outside world the gold dredge appears to be a huge boat encumbered with a mass of hoists, motors and steel framework. One man runs all of the machinery from more than a dozen levers. There are huge pumps to force water under great pressure into the huge cylindrical screen where the gold is washed from the gravel and rock. Everything will be run by electricity. At the bow of the dredge is a 75-foot bucket ladder, which plows into the earth and carries it into the screens. Each bucket weighs a ton and carries a load of eight cubic feet of earth. Every minute 20 of these buckets dump their burden into the hopper and thence into the huge screen, which is large enough for a man to walk through upright. Holes in the screen are graduated, and the plates are of manganese steel made to stand the heavy, constant wear. Each plate was cast according to specifications, and an idea of the cost may be gained when it is known that these plates alone cost $2100. From the screen the smaller gravel and gold go into the gold tables, where the recovery of the gold is made by the use of mercury. The smaller gravel and dirt is disposed of through a sluiceway and the larger rock is carried by a conveyor and dumped into the lake behind the dredge. It is an endless process, the buckets picking the gold-bearing gravel from the front. Gravity takes the rock and gravel on through the dredge leaving the gold on the tables, and the conveyor leaves the rejected rock behind as the dredge continues its slow progress over the course that has been laid out for it. The enormous dredge will weigh about 1000 tons when completed. It will draw 9 feet of water. It is estimated that the cost of the project by the time the first bucket dumps will be a half million dollars. It has the greatest investment outlay of any industry in Southern Oregon excepting public service corporations and the Beaver Portland Cement Company of Gold Hill. It is estimated that the dredging operation will cover a period of ten years, and it is expected that when it starts to pour its golden flood into the mints that the interest in mining in Southern Oregon will receive considerable impetus, for this is the greatest legitimate gold mining operation yet to come to this part of the state. Gold Hill News, August 9, 1928, page 1 DREDGE RUNNING DAY AND NIGHT ON
FOOTS CREEK, Oct. 6.--(Special)--The
dredge on the left fork of Foots Creek is now running day and night.
All equipment used in construction is being cleared away. The
blacksmith shop is now on the dredge itself. Most of the men have now
been dismissed, as a small crew is needed to handle the dredge.Dale Norton has built himself a den in the yard to be used for sleeping purposes when he works on night shift. Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1928, page 6 ACTIVITY AT HUGE GOLD DREDGE ON
The curiosity of many of the people of the valley has been satisfied of
one thing, at least, the past week. They have seen the huge dredge on
upper Foots Creek in operation. As soon as word was circulated that the
ship was launched people have flocked to the dredge site to watch it
work. Late last week the first actual dredging took place, and now the
work is going at capacity. The writer is not a dredge man and will not
endeavor to give a technical story of what we saw at the dredge.LUDLUM CO. DREDGE STARTS ON TEN YEAR CRUISE DOWN FOOTS CREEK VALLEY IN SEARCH OF TREASURE MANY PEOPLE VISIT Operation of Great Interest to All People of Southern Oregon The machinery was placed upon a huge barge, 100 by 50 feet, built of strong, clear lumber. This is braced inside and out with massive timbers and steel plates and rods. The entire hull was caulked by experts and placed in shape for its ten-year journey. On the barge is built the superstructure which houses the machinery which does the work, all driven with electricity. At the front of the dredge is the bucket ladder composed of seventy huge buckets which dig the soil and rocks from the stream bed and carry it onto the boat where the larger rocks are separated from the finer gravel and carried on a long conveyor and dumped at the rear of the ship while the finer gravel is washed and the precious mineral separated and the tailings carried away to be once more deposited in the creek bottom. The ship is steered from one side to the other by means of cables anchored to either side of the pond upon which the dredge floats. The water is held in the lake and the huge shovels gradually dig their course downstream. The work of building and operating the dredge has been in charge of D. H. Ferry, and every detail is carefully checked and studied by him in order to ensure the greatest degree of efficiency possible. This huge mining operation is by far the greatest development Southern Oregon has yet seen and the progress of the company is being watched by everyone interested in the industry. Several hundred cars carried curious people to the Foots Creek operation Sunday and many through the week to see the huge dredge in operation. GOLD DREDGE IS OPERATION FULL
GOLD HILL, Ore., Nov.
big dredge upon Foots Creek, about eight miles from Gold Hill, is now
in full operation.The dredge at present has moved about 150 yards of earth down the creek. It is taking a scoop of earth about 50 to 75 yards wide at present. The dredge is now several feet below the cook house, which was built before work upon the dredge was started. The dredge first started its work at the end of the ground which was formerly mined by a man by the name of Latimer. It is running steadily night and day and never ceases it operation of scooping the earth, gnawing away the bank. The tailings which have been left by the dredge seem to indicate that the ground now being dredged did not have many large boulders. The tailings left farther up the creek from where the dredge is located have a large quantity of rocks among them. The large buckets which convey the earth are nearly always full of good-looking gravel. From the time a fair-sized rock enters the dredge it is about five minutes before it comes out upon a belt and is left up the creek. At present the earth is being dug away from about 10 to 30 feet deep. A bank which was cut away by the dredge on its left-hand side was about 30 feet thick, but the average depth it is covering will fall below that figure. The dredge at present is about two and a half miles from the forks of the creek. It has since the beginning of its operations covered a good-sized territory in a small amount of time. The land is being cleared for a large distance below where the dredge is now working. This land was heavily forested, and since a large number of good trees for wood have been cut down, they are being cut up and there is one line of cordwood below the dredge nearly 100 yards long. All the brush is being heaped into one pile and will be burned later on. At present, land is cleared for about 250 yards below and the dredge is expected to work to that line by the first of the year. It will be in operation for several years. As soon as it has covered the land specified, on the left-hand fork of the creek, it will start to dredge up the right-hand side of the Lance property. To one who has never seen a dredge in operation, this one presents a marvelous attraction. It is a master of operation, and each piece of machinery upon it plays its part in the sifting of the gold from the ore taken in. When it encounters some large rocks and hard gravel its machinery sends out a roar and always gets the earth. Medford Mail Tribune, November 27, 1928, page 8 ASHLAND
Ore., Mar. 8.--(Spl.)--Ashland
has received with interest the news that there is a possibility that
the Ashland mine may be reopened after being closed for a good many
years. Many of the older residents recall the days, 30 years ago, when
a trail of ore wagons traveled through the streets of the city and the
hum of the stamp mill was added to the song of industry. 'Twas a
glad sight, too, when the gold bricks were placed on display at the old
Bank of Ashland before being sent by express to the mint at San
Francisco. Many had thought those days gone forever, but it is possible
that the property may be opened up in the near future.P. R. Wickham of Grants Pass, an experienced miner, has taken on the old Ashland mine and the Shorty Hope holdings. The lease has been taken with an option to buy from E. D. Briggs, the present owner. Mr. Wickham expects to begin at once on a general survey and cleaning campaign and hopes at the end of 90 days to be able to announce just what course he will follow in the development plan. The deal was made through Ed Staples, local real estate agent, who has been well acquainted with the history of the mine. He says that the Ashland mine has produced nearly a million dollars. Unfortunately, litigation and reported poor management have prevented working on the holdings for many years. The quartz mill was located on the site now occupied by the Ashland Foundry. The chief problem in getting the mine into shape for operation is one of drainage, for the main shaft contains some 500 feet of water. Fire destroyed a fine new Essex roadster belonging to M. S. Centers recently. Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1929, page B2 OLD LOCATION OF MINE ON WAGNER
Ore., Mar. 8.--(Special)--P. B.
Wickham of Grants Pass spent Sunday in Talent and visited the old
location of the Shorty Hope mine with a view to commencing preliminary
work in a short time. Mr. Wickham has leased this mine, which is
about four miles from Talent up Wagner Creek together with the Ashland
mine, which is located about two and a half miles further up the
mountain from the Shorty Hope. These mines are two of the oldest mines
in Southern Oregon. The Shorty Hope mine has not been in operation for
the past 20 years, and it will require some time to get it in shape for
actual mining operation. Mr. Wickham has leased these mines with the
privilege of buying if the present assay proves satisfactory.(By Mrs. M.E. Tryer) Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1929, page B2 Rich and
Historic Sterling Mine Once More Gives Gold Under Urge of Newly
Installed Water Supply
Once again the mountains and valleys of the quiet
Little Applegate River are resounding with the roar of water rushing
through the hydrant giants of the old and historic Sterling mine. Back
in the '50s and early '60s this same quiet valley was the scene of
the greatest gold mining activity ever known in the state of Oregon.
Thousands of miners and prospectors seeking gold were scattered over
these hills and valleys. The Applegate River and its tributaries were
alive with gold seekers. Sterling Creek alone gave up to those
early-day miners over $6,000,000 in gold dust. Poormans Creek and
Forest Creek gave up another handsome pile of gold, estimated from one
and a
half to two millions. Every small creek and gulch in this section was
mined by the old-time method of those days, the pick, pan, shovel and
rocker.When the miners reached a point where water was not obtainable, they were compelled to quit and seek other fields. Then followed a long period when there was little activity in jumping. Find River Channel
An ancient river channel was discovered on Sterling Creek, Portland
capitalists were interested and a mammoth ditch 27
miles in length was built and hydraulic mining started. For nearly 40
years these Sterling giants plowed a great cut up and along the creek,
and during that period two and a half more millions of dollars were
extracted from the Sterling diggings, bringing the total output from
this creek to approximately $8,500,000. About the same time the
Sterling work was inaugurated, Captain Sturgis installed hydraulic
operations on Forest Creek, and this mine operated for a period
covering over 20 years. Sturgis then sold his mine and retired. It has
been operated off and on in a small way up the present time. Owing,
however, to the little water available, but a small amount of gold has
been recovered. There has also been considerable mining on Poormans
Creek. However, it has only been possible to work on these diggings
during exceedingly rainy seasons.Blakeley Takes Hold
over a year ago, Fred Blakeley of Portland
acquired the Sterling holdings, comprising approximately 2000 acres. He
reorganized the Sterling company.Having secured the service of one of the most successful Alaska miners, J. F. Matthews, the new company proceeded to clear the land of trees and brush on the lower end of the Sterling property, about two miles below where hydraulic operations were started. A complete and up-to-date hydraulic plant was installed. Early last fall a ditch was surveyed in order to get a better water supply. This ditch is one of the largest and most expensive mining ditches constructed in Southern Oregon during recent years. Over a mile of the work was through solid rock, which required drilling and blasting. Compressors were used in the drilling. Two large power shovels worked constantly and a large force of men was also employed on the work. The cost of this ditch was approximately $25,000. Giants at Work
giants are now belching forth their great
streams of water against the rich gravel banks of Sterling Creek,
starting a new era in the mining industry in Jackson County.The old pioneer miners will be highly gratified to see mining activities again opened up. Ask any of these old-timers about the gold lying in the valleys of the Applegate, Sterling, Forest, Poormans and Jackson creeks, and they will at once say, "This territory has only been scratched over. If water was available, there is many times greater values remaining in the ground than have ever been taken out." One of the old boys, in giving some reminiscences of the early days, said: "Lookee here, mister, if you will just take a Jackson County map, stick a pin in old Cap Ruch's place, then draw a circle six and a half miles from the center, inside that ring, which takes in old Jacksonville, you will find it has produced over $19,000,000 of gold, and that's not a marker to what's left in these diggings." Once Showplace
In bygone days, when Ankeny and Cook were operating
the Sterling, it was one of the great showplaces of Southern Oregon.
It was one of the places all visitors were taken to. In those days
there were no automobiles, so the trip required the biggest part of a
day by horses. Sundays it was a regular picnicking ground. When the
weather permitted, there were always a score or more rigs lining the
banks of this old mine. Today the drive to the present scene of
operations can easily be made in 45 minutes by taking the Applegate
River road. It is one of the most beautiful and historic drives out of
Medford, as all along the road one sees evidences of the early-day
mining activities, and one wonders how men in those olden days could
have moved such vast quantities of gravel and monster piles of rock
with the primitive tools they then employed.Associated with Mr. Blakeley in the rejuvenation of the Sterling are several Eugene and San Francisco capitalists, also the well-known host of the Hotel Medford, Harry Hutton. Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1929, page 6 PLANS BEING MADE TO CLEAR ROGUE RIVER
Steps to eliminate the muddy water from the Rogue in time for the
spring fishing are being taken by D. H. Ferry, manager of the Rogue
River Gold Company's dredge at Foots Creek, according to Rainbow
Gibson, of Weasku Inn.Until more satisfactory arrangements can be made the muddy water will be impounded and released during the night, which will leave the Rogue clear during the daylight hours. Mr. Ferry is also planning to install a pump with which water will be pumped from the dredge pond through a gravel bed to settle it. OREGON
A recent strike made
in the Continental mine, near Myrtle Creek, Oregon, is said to show
values as high as $327 per ton in gold and silver. By weight, these two
metals exist in about the same amounts, but this high grade will not
prevail throughout the mine. It is understood that a shipment is being
prepared for consignment to the Tacoma smelter.P. B. Wickham of Grants Pass, Oregon, has taken a lease with option to purchase the Ashland and Shorty Hope mines, near Ashland, Oregon, from E. D. Briggs, owner. A general survey is to be made at once and the property placed in shape for systematic development and mining. The principal problem will be draining the main shaft, which holds about 500 feet of water. The Edwards Mining Company, near Grants Pass, Oregon, has been remodeling its flotation mill and plans putting in an additional flotation unit, according to general manager D. Potter. New stopes have been opened up, and a shaft is to be sunk to provide a new haulage way. James P. Noonan and S. E. Heberling of Central Point, Oregon, will start about April 1 to complete the tunnel in the Red Ribbon group of gold claims, near Gold Hill, to intersect an ore chute at greater depth. This tunnel has already been driven 345 feet. A 25-foot tunnel has been driven in the Union claim and a 45-foot tunnel has been made in the Eureka property. Some time ago the operators built a trail to the mine about one and one-half miles, installed a Fairbanks-Morse compressor and a building to cover the same. K. Dean Butler of the Robertson Gold Mine, Inc. has placed 18 men at work at his property in the Galice district in Oregon. A road is to be built to the mine so that heavy machinery can be taken in next spring. Some of the recent finds in the mine have carried particularly high values and have attracted considerable attention. Mr. Butler makes his headquarters at Grants Pass, Oregon. Zane Grey, noted western author, is said to be planning the development of the mining claim on his property on the Rogue River in Oregon, according to B. B. Irving, United States mineral surveyor, Roseburg. The property was worked several years ago and can be reached from West Fork, Douglas County. A domestic water system is to be put in and about 20 cabins built. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, March 30, 1929 ASBESTOS
Following the war,
requests of the manufacturers addressed to the Oregon Bureau of Mines
for asbestos properties aroused holders of asbestos deposits in the
Gold Hill district to activity in renewing work at abandoned deposits
in which, before the war, they saw possibilities. The Gold Hill
deposits are said to be the most important in the region.By A. E. Kellogg Asbestos is found on Upper Evans Creek in the Umpqua Mountains in the Gold Hill district and other points in Jackson County, also in the Galice district in Josephine County. It occurs in serpentine areas in close proximity to diabase. Amphibole asbestos in the Gold Hill region has been exploited, while the chrysolite exists, but has been lightly reported. Notwithstanding these known occurrences, the state bureau of mines, during its existence, now defunct, was not aware that a single asbestos property in the Gold Hill district had been sufficiently developed that the bureau could recommend for examination by a prospective operator. It is now believed that the increasing uses for asbestos, together with favorable prices, which prevail at the present time, warrant development of some of the southwestern Oregon deposits. Samples of the local deposits have been submitted and stood the usual test as to fireproofness, ample in length of textile, but the staple lacks the elasticity and flexibility when it comes to spinning qualities, which the Canadian and other foreign deposits possess. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, March 30, 1929 OREGON
Arrangements are being
made to continue the 60-foot crosscut tunnel in the Alta Vista claims,
near Galice, Oregon, according to L. S. Hansen, who is the sole owner
of the property. This tunnel will cut several ledges of ore, which have
been traced on the surface. Mr. Hansen is financing the work himself,
and during the last 23 months he has built a two-room house, woodshed,
blacksmith shop, etc., and has graded 2,000 feet of trail.Any machinery that is taken to the property will have to be packed in on mule-back, as the mine is about 10 miles from any road. Three other claims will probably be added to the property this summer. The Bonanza Quicksilver Mining Company plans the early erection of a 5 x 72-foot rotary furnace, according to manager J. W. Wenzel of Sutherlin, Oregon. Tunnel No. 9 has recently encountered the vein at a distance of 25 feet from its portal. This is the main working tunnel for the south end of the property. An electric transmission line crosses the property about 500 feet south of the No. 6 tunnel, but it is said that the power company prefers extending a line from the Sutherlin substation instead of tapping the line near the property. The new line will cost approximately $3,500. Water is available at the mine nine months out of the year and during the remaining three months will have to be pumped into tanks at an elevation of 100 feet to ensure a gravity flow. Fuel oil for the furnace can be delivered at the mine at not more than 5½ cents a gallon. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, April 15, 1929 Southern Oregon Mining Industry
to Gain Ground with Reopening Large Placer Operations in This Region
announcement that the Sylvanite gold quartz mine
at Gold Hill will be reopened at once marks the beginning of a general
resumption of the gold mining industry in Southern Oregon, as indicated
by other mining activities in this region. This follows closely on the
heels of the recent reopening of three gold placer diggings in this
region, which will boost the production in Southern Oregon from nothing
for the past 10 years to more than a million dollars the coming year.
The placers referred to are the Foots Creek dredging grounds, the
famous Sterling, but a few miles out from Medford, and the famous Llano
de Oro placers at Waldo, or better known to old timers as the Logan and
later the Esterly diggings.By A. E. Kellogg The Foots Creek diggings are equipped with a massive modern dredge, which with the installing of this equipment has cost the operators approximately $50,000. The dredge commenced operation the first of last September, and it is estimated that it will require from 10 to 20 years with present equipment to exhaust these diggings. Sterling a Producer.
Sterling placer has a total production to its
credit of nearly $4,000,000, extending over a period of 60 years and,
according to recent surveys, this vast deposit of gold bearing gravels
have hardly been scratched. In former years the annual production of
the Sterling, with limited water supply, was approximately $50,000 per
season of about eight months in the year. After an idleness of 16
years, due to litigation, this old-time producer resumed the past
winter with additional ditches and water heads that will triple the
former annual production of the mine.The prodigy of all the resourceful placer diggings in Southern Oregon is the Llano de Oro mine, consisting of 5000 acres of rich gold-bearing gravels, supplied with 22,000 miner's inches of water for hydraulic and sluicing. After an idleness of 10 years in developing a gravity sluice system, which cost $750,000, this famous producer of gold and platinum resumed last winter. Under the old system of pit mining formerly practiced in this mine, from 800 to 1000 cubic yards were mined a day, while under the new gravity sluice system now in use at the mine from 12,000 to 15,000 cubic yards of pay gravel will be mined each day for about eight months in the year during the water supply. The experts who prospected this 5000 acres for the present owners reported that the ground would average 18 cents per cubic yard, while all former operations in the mine have produced an average of 10 cents per cubic yard. Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1929, page 3 PORTABLE MILL WILL BE USED IN
A portable
sawmill to cut timbers for the $200,000
flotation mill to be built at Joe Bar by the syndicate of Los Angeles
oil and mining capitalists holding an option for development on the
Blue Ledge mine will be erected at an early date and is expected to be
in operation within a month. The flotation mill will have a 200-ton
capacity. The process method is the latest mode in copper mining. It
removes all the base material and brings out the copper ready for the
smelter.Cut Timber for Flotation Plant with Own Outfit--Road Crew on Job--Road to Blue Ledge Camp Requires Burros. The sawmill will also be used in cutting timber for the repairs to the mine, building cabins and for bridge timbers. A Forest Service road crew is now working on the road from Copper to the Blue Ledge camp, and Erick Anderson has a force of men fixing up the cabins and draining the mine tunnels of water. The supervisors of Siskiyou County are expected to take some action at an early date regarding repairing the road, and the Jackson County court has under advisement a request for $1500 to put the road in shape for heavy hauling. The county court says it will journey over the road as soon as the weather clears, which it has done. Frank Mingus and John Blitch of Jacksonville, pioneer miners, journeyed to Joe Bar Wednesday and reported the road "was like a pavement" to Seattle Bar, a level spot bought originally by the Towne interests for a smelter that was never built. The road to the Blue Ledge camp is in bad shape, and food is being packed in by burros, which have a hard time making it. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1929, page 3 AS TO THE MUD
There has been some complaint about the mud which is allowed to flow
into the Rogue River from the Foots Creek section, where the huge gold
dredge is operating. Anglers claim that it spoils the fishing below
that point and they become quite angry. However, the company which is
in charge of the gold dredge, through their superintendent, D. H.
Ferry, is spending a considerable amount of money each day in an honest
endeavor to make the river a better fishing ground. We feel that the
sportsmen are a trifle unfair in their criticisms when we consider the
extensive efforts which are being made to protect the river fishing
when it is not necessary. The company cannot be compelled to control
the mud. The sportsmen should feel kindly towards them for the splendid
cooperation which they are giving. After all, the greatest menace to
fishing in the immediate vicinity is the fish death trap maintained at
Savage Rapids, where an inadequate fish ladder is located and hundreds
of fish plunge to their death every year in an attempt to get over the
dam. If the company which controls the Savage dam would place their
fish ladder where it should be placed, then the salmon and steelhead
could pass over it. If the company is not able to finance such a
project we have no doubt but that the sportsmen of the valley would
subscribe enough capital to see the proper fishway constructed over the
obstruction.Gold Hill News, May 23, 1929, page 2 FREAK BOLT OF LIGHTNING SHOCKS MINERS AT SYLVANITE
During the thunder storm which passed over the country Monday a bolt of
lightning played a freak trick upon George Hammersly and Henry Ray,
miners employed 500 feet back in the Sylvanite mine. It appears that
Hammersly was driving a spike and was resting his wrist upon an iron
rail in the shaft, not knowing there was a thunder storm outside, when
of a sudden he received a shock which caused him to throw his hammer
and become weak in the ankles. The same bolt tingled the fingers of
Henry Ray, who too was holding the rail. Geo. carries the scar of a
small burn on his arm just above the wrist as a result of the
experience. It was not learned where the bolt hit which found its way
into the shaft.Gold Hill News, June 6, 1929, page 1 OREGON
The Columbia Mine on
Grave Creek, near Grants Pass, Oregon, has been taken over by a new
company, known as the Bullion Mountain, Inc. Twenty men are putting in
a ditch and dam to give ample water with a 650-foot fall. The Bullion
people have also taken over 70 percent of the holdings of the Oregon
Metals Corporation, A. W. Yount, manager, Grants Pass, and George
Bouton of Victoria is president of the Bullion company. Through the persistent efforts of D. H. Ferry, manager of the Rogue River Gold Company, there will be no more mud deposited into the Rogue River from the dredge, which is being operated by the company on Foots Creek. From October to December 10 last year the river was kept clean by means of settling basins, but these have filled, and other means were necessary. Several devices are combined in the new system, including the disposition of the mud and clay from the dredge back into the tailings, instead of running it into the pond, and the building of a large basin below the dredge, which will capture any overflow and filter the mud. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, June 30, 1929 LACK OF
CREEK, Ore., Aug.
30.--(Special)--The long drought has forced discontinuance of
dredging operations on Foots Creek.The crew has been reduced to a small number, mainly employed in repair work to place the big dredge in top shape for resumption of gold dredging as soon as water supply is obtained. Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1929, page B4 DREDGE OPERATIONS ARE
Tribune, September 5, 1929, page 3
Denying the report of August 30 that dredging operations had ceased in
the Foots Creek district, D. H. Ferry, manager of the dredge concern,
said today that dredging had not ceased and was going ahead as usual.
There have been no reductions in the crew, Mr. Ferry states, and operations have in no way been curtailed. The dredge was set in operation on Foots Creek October 1, 1928, and has been in practically constant operation since. REDDY TELLS
mining is coming to the
fore in Southern Oregon, and there are prospects of big development
along this line,
according to Dr. J. F. Reddy, who is registered at the Imperial from
Grants Pass. "Some Spokane people have brought the Queen of
Bronze and Cowboy mines near Waldo. They intend installing a 100-ton
flotation mill. The properties are owned by the Twohy brothers, John
Hampshire, George Bosche, R. B. Miller and Frank Ryan. These properties
have produced $1,500,000, being taken out by truck and wagons. The
mines have scarcely been scratched, for the deepest penetration is only
300 feet. What I consider even more important for the mining industry
of Southern Oregon is that Edgar Wallace, W. H. Thompson and Mark
Gilliam of Los Angeles and Pasadena have bought the Preston Peak mine,
located on Preston Mountain, 50 miles from Crescent City, Cal., and 50
miles from Grants Pass. It is near Waldo, like the Queen of Bronze and
the Cowboy. The Preston mine was owned by a New York estate, which
spent $100,000 on it 20 years ago. It is one of the richest copper
properties in the West but has been inaccessible on account of the
topography of the country. The new owners plan constructing a new wagon
road for 20 miles, from Takilma, Ore., to connect with the Redwood
Highway. All the property has needed heretofore has been
transportation, and now, thanks to the Redwood Highway and modern
trucks, it will be possible to operate the property, and perhaps
copper may have something to do with it. This is a 'grass
root' proposition, the values being right now on the surface. The
new owners have operated in Mexico, have had an abundance of practical
mining experience, are successful and well financed. When men like
these have looked over the country from one end of the coast to the
other and then select Oregon as a place for operating, it is a great
encouragement for other outsiders to come into the
state."--Portland Oregonian.Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1929, page 3 OREGON
Pat Jennings and his
son, George, have purchased the Crystal Mine in the Bohemia District,
Lane County, Oregon, from George McQueen, and have organized the Lead
Crystal Mining Company. A crew has been engaged to begin development on
a 2,000-foot tunnel, and the work is expected to start soon. The Millionaire gold mine, four miles east of Gold Hill, Oregon, which has been closed down due to litigation for a number of years, and sold last year by the court to the lien holders with M. S. Johnson of Gold Hill at the head, has been sold to Alexander Moe and associates of Los Angeles, California. Engineer Knotts, R.F.D. Central Point, Oregon, is in charge, and is unwavering the 400-foot working shaft to the 200-foot level. This property is equipped with electrically driven machinery, including two 1,500-pound stamp mills. A new type mill will be installed when the mine is in readiness. It will be manufactured by Moe, featuring a stamp mill and oil flotation. The ore bodies are large and of low grade. The new owner announced that he will spend a large sum in developing the mine. Thomas A. Sweeney of Portland, Oregon, hydraulic contractor, has been awarded the contract for the construction and installation of a 600-horsepower power plant, dams, and canals, at the Blue Ledge Copper Mine, near Copper, California. The cost is said to be approximately $100,000. The Consolidated Copper Company is operating the mine and maintains headquarters at Medford, Oregon. George F. Hughes is local manager. The road from the mine to Medford, the shipping point, and which is 45 miles distant, is being repaired at an expense of $9,000, to resume shipping copper ore to the Tacoma smelter. Plans are to build a 100-ton reduction plant at the mine and a power plant for its operation. Initial shipments will be from ore mined and placed on the dump that runs less than 15 percent copper. A crew of 12 men has been employed for some time. It is understood that a new ledge of ore has been cut in the Randall Group mining claims in the Mormon Basin in Oregon, operated under lease by G. F. Bodfish of Rogue River. Development work on this and other properties is progressing favorably and indicates that the Mormon Basin is coming back into prominence. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, September 30, 1929 CONSOLIDATED COPPER HAS ACQUIRED
Consummation of the
sale of the Blue Ledge copper mine, 45 miles from Medford, Oregon, has
resulted in the organization of the Consolidated Copper Company, which
will reopen and operate the property. The new concern is made up of
eastern, and middle western investors, with George F. Hughes, local
manager, Liberty Building, Medford, Oregon. While the Blue Ledge is
four miles south of the Oregon-California state line, in Siskiyou
County, California, the outlet to shipping is through the Oregon
country. The property was formerly owned by the American Smelting and Refining Company, which acquired the property late in 1928 from the Mexican Smelting and Refining Company, a subsidiary of the Compañia Metalúrgica Mexicana. Dr. J. F. Reddy of Medford, representing a syndicate who made the recent deal involving nearly $750,000, took an option on the property from the late owners about the first of the year. A Los Angeles group headed by J. B. Root and B. F. Miller, Jr. were bidding on the property for several months and it had been reported that they had exercised their option, but recent developments indicate that they have pooled their interests with the eastern and middle western investors. The Blue Ledge was a heavy shipper of copper ore to the American Smelting and Refining Company's smelter at Tacoma during the war period, and continued until the total suspension of the copper industry in 1920. It has been closed ever since. The new owners have incorporated a subsidiary Oregon company, the Consolidated Light and Power Company, to supply the mine with electric lights and power. Waters of Elliott Creek and the middle fork of the Applegate River, in California, and Carberry Creek, in Oregon, will be utilized to develop the power. Siskiyou County in California, Jackson County in Oregon, and the national Forest Service are spending approximately $30,000 in rebuilding the road from the mine to the shipping point at Medford. Many new hotels and office buildings are being equipped not only with brass piping, but copper radiators as well. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, October 15, 1929 OREGON
It is understood that
the War Eagle Mine in the Meadows District, near Gold Hill, Oregon, is
being cleaned up, under the direction of George Schumacher of Medford,
Oregon. The Chicago Trust Company recently acquired the property by
mortgage foreclosure proceedings. The Oregon Exploration Company, William Cavanagh, president, 531 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon, has appointed a committee to estimate the money needed to develop its property near Riddle to the point where the work can be financed through the shipments of ore. F. Reed McBride of Portland is one of the shareholders. He recently visited the mine accompanied by a Spokane engineer. The Preston Peak copper mine, lying just over the California line and accessible only through Waldo, Oregon, 20 miles from the mine, has been sold to Mark Killiam of Santa Barbara, William H. Thompson of Pasadena, and Edgar Wallace of Los Angeles, all California mine operators. Twenty years ago the mine was a heavy producer, but has been idle since and owned by a New York estate. Sixty miles to shipping has proved prohibitive, but the recent completion of the Redwood Highway within 20 miles of the property, and modern trucking facilities, have made reopening possible. The new owners will reopen the mine at once and ship ore to the Tacoma smelter. Waters Creek, 15 miles out from Grants Pass, Oregon, is the nearest shipping point. Four suits have been filed against the Wearea Mining Corporation and C. M. Huddle, one of the largest stockholders and former manager of the Almeda Mine, near Grants Pass, Oregon, to restrain operations on the Riverside placer extension claim, and the Fraser placer claim. The Wearea Company recently announced the reopening of the Almeda Mine, which has been closed since 1916. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, October 15, 1929 OREGON
A permit has been
granted to the Lucky Boy Mining Company to sell 25,000 shares of its
stock at $1 par value. Funds will be used in equipping the mine and
bringing it into production. The officers of the company are: W. N.
Long, president; J. S. Miller, vice-president and engineer in charge;
C. G. Larsen, secretary and treasurer. Headquarters are in the Tiffany
Building, Eugene, Oregon. Two carloads of machinery, including a 120-horsepower diesel engine and an air compressor, have arrived at the Reeves mine, in the Silver Peak district, near Riddle, Oregon. Lotz and Larson own the mine and have made several shipments of ore, carrying silver and gold values. H. C. Wilmot and associates of Vancouver, British Columbia, have purchased the Bonanza quicksilver mine, east of Sutherlin, Oregon. The sum of $200,000 is said to have changed hands in the deal. The same interests are said to have taken an option on the Shirley Ranch of 117 acres, adjoining the Bonanza property on the north. Tentative plans are to install a furnace of about 100 tons capacity and some other equipment. Col. Frank M. Leland has been purchasing machinery in San Francisco for the Lone Star Mine in Star Gulch, about five miles from Grants Pass, Oregon, where tests have been made of the gravel during the last six months and average $1.25 per yard. Richard M. Reeves is in charge at the mine, and as soon as there is enough water mining will be started. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, October 30, 1929 INSTALL
A force of
men are engaged at the Blue Ledge mine in
building a tramway from the mine to the ore dump, and upon its
completion the mining of copper from the tunnels will
start--probably early next week.Copper ore shipped to date has been hand-picked from the dump, and operations at this point will continue. The copper ore from the mine proper will be of a better grade and higher value. Dr. J. F. Reddy estimates there is sufficient ore on the dump to keep 50 men busy for three years. Medford Mail Tribune, November 22, 1929, page 6 The Ashland Mine, 4 miles from Ashland, Oregon, has been sold. The property consists of about 430 acres that has produced over $1,000,000 from $15 to $50 ore. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, June 15, 1930 SETTLING PONDS CLEAR WATER IN
No more muddy water will be entering the Rogue from the scene of
operations of the Rogue River Gold Company, Foots Creek, it was
announced this morning. Large settling ponds are being constructed by
the company to catch the water coming down the creek. Here it will be
held until the mud has settled to the bottom and allowed to go on into
the river when it has reached its natural clear state.This construction work is following completion of arrangements made at a recent meeting of representatives of the Izaak Walton League of Josephine County and the Jackson County Game Protective Association with D. H. Ferry of the Rogue River Gold Company. The building of the ponds has been made possible by owners of the adjoining lands, who have granted the company permission to construct them. The members of the Izaak Walton League and the Jackson County Game Protective Association were expressing their appreciation of the project through the Rogue River committee today. They have been assured by Mr. Ferry that no more muddy water will enter the Rogue after the ponds are completed as a result of the operation of the gold dredge. HUGE SMELTER OPERATES SOON NEAR
The 110,000-pound electric smelter, to be installed near Gold Hill,
arrived this morning, and after remaining in the local railroad yards
for several hours was hauled to the site and unloaded from the main
tracks of the Southern Pacific railroad, an unusual concession. Other
shipments of equipment are scheduled to arrive this week, and it is
expected that the plant will be in operation within a month or six
Through Dee Williams, mining engineer, quarters for the company have been rented on the fourth floor of the Liberty Building. It is planned to open the offices the first of next week. The office will be in charge of Al Smith, an executive. It is also understood that arrangements have been completed for the securing of electric power from the California-Oregon Power Company, and that the Southern Pacific will build a spur to the plant. No one connected with the operation would make a statement on the purposes and plans of the company, except to state that it was an industrial and manufacturing proposition, and that a complete and detailed statement would be made as soon as all the equipment was on the ground. Mr. Williams said that the plant would employ "at least 60 workmen." It is understood that the concern will smelt a large body of iron and other metal located in the Gold Hill district on a large commercial basis, and that articles of incorporation for the company will be filed the first of next week. Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1930, page 1 The West Coast Metals Company has started production on its property in Southern Oregon, near Althouse Creek. A five-mile road has been built to the property, supplies and equipment hauled in, ditches repaired, and hydraulic plants built, with enough water to power two giants up to mid-July. The streambed of the Althouse will be mined out first, then bench ground, and then the Old Blue Channel, which parallels the Upper Althouse. Frank Meyers, new operator of the Argo Mine, near Galice, Oregon, is to start production again in a few days. This property has produced gold profitably in the past, and is equipped with a 16-ton rotary ball and tube mill. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, July 15, 1930 GOLD SPOT OF JOSEPHINE IS GOAT
The Glory of 'Dry Diggins' Has
Departed, and Ghost Town Attracts No Attention from Cushion-Calloused
GRANTS PASS, July 26.--(AP)--When the afternoon sun casts its shining
shadows upon the ore-locked hills of Josephine County there comes from
beneath the shade-colored pines a herd of goats to crop the scrub oaks
in a gully-washed clearing.To the transcontinental tourist, cushion-calloused and mile-mad, the presence of the goats means nothing; the scrub-oaks mean nothing; the gullies mean nothing; the neat piles of rock mean nothing. But to the old sourdoughs of this region who can vividly recall the time when the mining camps belonged to the quick and the dead, the little old sun-baked spot means much. For the place is Dry Diggins. When the old sourdoughs knew it, talked of it, loved it, it produced gold. Today as the tourist sees it, it produces mohair. Back of the sun-baked present, hidden in the roots of the scrub oaks and madrones, Dry Diggins has a record of wealth. Each gully is a grave of a Chinaman, each cluster of gathered granite a hand-tooled monument to those yellow workmen who greatly assisted in writing western romance into the hilly and rills of Southern Oregon. Dry Diggins got its name, like Grave Creek, Louse Creek, Starvation Creek, Butcher-Knife Creek, and a number of other points, because the name best told what it represents. Dry Diggins was given its name simply because it was dry digging. In its dry state the hillside represents nothing more than clay and granite. Saturated with water it glistened like acres of diamonds. It has been said it can trace its discovery to the fact children of miners in the neighborhood used to go to the hillsides after a rain to gather gold. Once the sun blasted away on the clay and granite for an hour the pan would yield nothing. Once miners gained the secret of its wealth water was piped to it and there was washed from its sides thousands upon thousands of dollars. Observations made in the washes of the place reveal the mute handiwork of workmen flown. Every crevice in the soft crumbling rocks has been followed, every trail left by winter streams panned and repanned. Tons upon tons of granite and clay were moved in the era of gold-glimmering days. Even though its history is filled with adventure, realization of wealth, disappointment of failures, the same fate that blazed mining camp fame in Browntown, Waldo, Kerbyville, and a score of other wide-open places passed by Dry Diggins with a nod. The miners toiled upon its hillsides for the gold, but they went other places to ponder in the alcoholic mists of such dives as Billy Nagel's joint or the place kept by old Dutch Bachellor. Praying Ryan, a character who used to work on the railroad and preach in the purple twilights of the summer days, used to make regular calls to Dry Diggins. Like a meteor in the western sky Dry Diggins showered its gold-tinted light across the mining world then slowly dimmed in the horizon of mankind's memory. For years the place that once resounded to the tune of picks and pans slept in the silence of a ghost town. Then came Rob Jackson and his goats with their golden fleece. A 100-ton flotation plant is to be built at the Queen of Bronze mine, near Takilma, Oregon, after 185,000 tons of moderate-value grade gold and copper ore has been blocked out for milling. Values are stated to be around $41/ton. A crew of 10 men is working the Llano de Oro mines, near Waldo, Oregon. On behalf of the drainage is cut, 50 feet deep and 2 miles long, is now completed. Regular operations consist of open-cut hydraulic placer mining work to recover values in gold and platinum. 1500 tons of gravel are handled daily. The company owns 4300 acres. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, August 15, 1930 Henry H. Kramer has lived at Myrtle Creek, Or., nearly 40 years. When I interviewed him recently at Myrtle Creek he said: "I hauled ore in Nevada before the Civil War broke out. In 1860 I began freighting from Sacramento, taking supplies into Virginia City, Carson and Washoe. I freighted for about five years. "I was married at Benicia, Cal., to Katherine Short. She lived with her mother and her stepfather, James Howarth. Her stepfather was an Englishman. After I was married I quit freighting to the Nevada mines and did trucking and hauling in Benicia. My brother, Willis Kramer, owned a grist and flour mill here at Myrtle Creek, so I came up to Roseburg and was agent for my brother's flour. If you had happened to come to Myrtle Creek a week sooner you could have seen the old mill, but they have just torn it down. "From Douglas County I went down into Josephine and Jackson counties and mined. For three years I ran the Golden Wedge mine on Galice Creek. Young & Co. did some mining on Galice Creek in the late '50s. Along about 1876 an English company put in a ditch and piped water to Rich Gulch. They ran four giants. D. C. Courtney was operating the old Titus diggings. Bybee also was hydraulicking on Galice Creek. I ran from five to 10 men on the Golden Wedge claim on Galice Creek. We struck a good body of quartz that ran as high as $300 to the ton. "Galice Creek was named for Lewis Galice, a Frenchman, who discovered gold on this creek in 1852. Quite a settlement sprang up there called Galiceburg, Wills & McCully ran a hotel there. When the white miners left they were followed by Chinamen, who reworked the diggings. "Along about 1874 two good gold-bearing ledges were struck. One was called the Mammoth, the other the Yank ledge. You never hear of Quartzville or Yankville any more." Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, June 9, 1930, page 10 The Marion-Bell gold mine on Poorman's Creek, five miles from Jacksonville, Oregon, is reporting ore worth $120/ton. The mining claim comprises 160 acres. $400 worth of gold has been mined from a hole 20 feet deep at the Big Six mine, three miles west of Jacksonville, Oregon. The gold was reduced from 2½ tons of ore. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, October 30, 1930 EMPLOY 25 EXTRA MEN AT MINE IN
APPLEGATE, Ore., Nov. 28.--(Spl.)--Little Applegate Mining Company will
finish enlarging the China ditch this week. A crew of about 25 extra
men were given employment this week to hurry things along, as there is
much work to be done in preparation of mining the Buncom field. It is
hoped everything will be ready to begin mining as soon as there is
enough water to run the hydraulic.T. E. Meachem, J. F. Dagget and Carl Galespe of Seattle, who are interested in the Little Applegate Mining Company, were in this section Sunday. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1930, page 16 OLD TOWN MINE JACKSONVILLE IN NEW
Extensive mineral development near Jacksonville was indicated today in
the announcement that the Midas Gold Mines, Inc., has completed
negotiations in taking over the Old Town mining property, adjoining the
Opp mine a short distance from the former county seat. Plans are under
way for the installation of a 100-ton custom mill which would receive
ore from all parts of the county, in addition to a large supply of ore
from the corporation's mine.Midas Gold Mines, Inc., to Develop Property Is Assertion-- Custom Mill to Be Installed. The mill will use several processes and will be capable of working over mine tailings. The Town mine was opened in 1852 and is estimated to have produced $250,000 since that time, with most of the gold sluiced out from near the surface of the ground. A miner, named Bowden, is credited with taking out $60,000, and over $30,000 is said to have been taken out during the '80s. Much Ore Ready.
In the neighborhood of 3000 tons of ore
are now on the mine dumps and 25,000 tons are said to be ready for
removal from a quartz vein four feet wide. The ore is claimed to assay
$20 per ton.Financing of the project is complete and work will be carried on under the direction of C. C. Mark, superintendent of the Pacific State Mines, Inc., and John M. Price, Napa, Ida., engineer in charge. These men have had considerable experience in the mining world and are credited with the success of the project so far. Equipment valued at $5000 has been installed during the past 10 days, and 12 men are now on the payroll. Present improvement work includes the installation of new steel tracks in the tunnels, replacing tracks that had outlived their usefulness, air compressor and other mine apparatus. The property has over 2000 feet of tunnels. George Schrump, Jacksonville mining man, took possession of the mine two years ago by acquiring the tax title and transferred his holdings to the new corporation, the capitalization of which is announced at one million dollars. H. E. Elsworth, formerly with the Sylvanite mine at Gold Hill, is connected with the new company as mineralogist and is establishing a laboratory on the property. Medford Mail Tribune, December 4, 1930, page 3 LEASE OLD OPP MILL NEAR
JACKSONVILLE, Ore., Dec. 20.--(Special.)--The Pacific States Mining and
Development Company have leased the old stamp mill at the mine owned by
John Opp and will put up their mills as soon as the building can be
repaired. They are planning now to tram the ore over to the mill from
the mines.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1930, page 3 MINING FIRM BUYS APPLEGATE RANCH
APPLEGATE, Ore., Dec. 31.--(Special.)--A land sale of much interest to
the Applegate people is that of the Kleinhammer ranch owned by the
First National Bank of Ashland to the Little Applegate Mining Company,
which was closed Dec. 17 by Leonard Meacham and Floyd Steel of Seattle.
The mining company is making preparations to mine the Buncom place with
the water through the Gin Lin ditch, which was owned by the bank, and
in order to obtain full possession of the ditch it was necessary to buy
the ranch which may at some time in the near future be partly mined
off. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Kleinhammer will have possession of the ranch
for the next year.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 31, 1930, page 2 APPLEGATE TO YIELD GOLD IN NEW
Seattle and Alaska Men Install
Hydraulics in Buncom District--
Preparations for a mining development, one of the largest in Southern
Oregon, are nearing completion in the Buncom district where the
Applegate Mines, Inc., composed of Seattle and Alaska mining men, will
operate a hydraulic gold mine, opening up new ground. The mine is
practically ready to begin operations, governed by the supply of water.Work 24-Hour Shifts. In the neighborhood of 15 men will be employed, making their headquarters at Buncom Corners, near the meadows where three hydraulics will be operated on 24-hour shifts. Water will be taken from the Little Applegate River. The reconditioning of the old China or Gin Lin ditch, used by a Chinaman 60 years ago to mine a short distance below the meadows, has been completed. He is credited with taking out two million dollars and employed a large number of Chinese. The ditch is eight miles long and averages four feet deep. Pipe of 30 inches diameter leads from the ditch to the scene of operations, a dropoff of 220 feet in 2,000 feet. The nozzle is 11 inches, sending forth a stream of water at high pressure. Make Own "Juice."
An electric plant is to be constructed, furnishing electricity to
illuminate the scene of operations at night and also the
and cook-house, the construction of which has been completed. More
buildings to house mine laborers are to be constructed in a short time.The mine and scene of contemplated operations were shown by Floyd T. Steele, vice-president and manager, to Ed White and Joe Brown of Medford, and a representative of the Mail Tribune a few days ago. Mr. Steele has had 30 years of experience in the Alaska gold fields and surveyed the local possibilities carefully before making plans for development in the Buncom district. The property adjoins the Federal mine. Other officers of the corporation are F. M. Lewis, Seattle, president, and James E. Bradford, secretary and treasurer. This development adds materially to mining activity in the county and is expected to lead to more. Mr. Steele has just purchased the Kleinhammer ranch for mining purposes. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1931, page 5 The Deep Channel gold placers, better known as the old Sailor Diggings, has been reopened in the Waldo District, with new ownership. Applegate Mines, Inc., are about to operate three hydraulic mines in the Buncom District, not far from Medford, Oregon. The old China Ditch from the Little Applegate River has been reconditioned with new 30-inch pipe, connecting with the scene of operations. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, January 30, 1931 C. A. Hartley of Medford, Oregon, has recently opened valuable gold quartz property on Foots Creek, out from Gold Hill. This property is located over the hill from the famous Kubli gold mine on Galls Creek, rich in high-grade telluride ore. Considerable free-milling gold ore has been blocked out in the J. C. L. Mine near Glendale, Oregon. The ground is being reopened and operated by the Lewis family of Portland, who own valuable gold and copper mines in the Glendale, Galice and Grants Pass districts. Principals have made the final payment on 1300 acres, known as the Osgood and Fry Gulch placers, in the Waldo Mining District in Oregon. The famous Black Channel gold placers on Foots Creek, 7 miles from Gold Hill, Oregon, have been leased to L. L. Smith. This property adjoins other rich placers in the area. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, February 15, 1931 Free-milling ore, running $500/ton in gold, has been opened on the west fork of Mule Creek, not far from Gold Beach, Oregon. The discovery was made in a drift tunnel, not far below the surface. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, February 28, 1931 GOLD MINING IN SOUTHERN OREGON
OLD PROPERTIES BEING DEVELOPED Eastern Concern Has Extensive Project Under Way; Heavy Pay Lode Discovered in Back Yard of Jacksonville's Mayor.
Convinced that
beneath the mountainous and green-clad terrain of the Rogue River
country there reposes a vast treasure of wealth in gold, copper,
chrome, cinnabar and coal, men of vision in Southern Oregon at last
have arrived at some realization of the great future that will come
from proper development of these resources.
Doubtless it will be a revelation to many to hear that at present gold mining in Southern Oregon is in a stage of development such as it has never known before, and the fact is that before long gold mining activity in the Rogue River Valley will be at its height. Southern Oregon, with its placer mines, is destined to rank as one of the foremost gold mining regions in the West. Jacksonville, once the seat of government for the old Oregon Territory [not true], where that well-known cry, "Thar's gold in them thar hills" was a familiar one, today is witnessing a revival of gold mining, and many an old-timer has returned to the task with a will, wielding a pick and shovel in his own back yard. Backyard mining is nothing new in Jacksonville, but since the discovery only a few weeks ago of a heavy pay lode just off the main street, behind the frame house of John R. MacIntosh, mayor of the town, digging has been well under way in the yard, and MacIntosh and two of his pals have been hard at work, and making excellent wages. Gold
Mine in Back Yard.
Although the yard is littered with empty
bean and
milk cans and little chicks hop hither and yon, while sleek, snub-nosed
porkers create their share of excitement, it's a gold mine just the
same, and the drift on which the men are working 12 feet down on
bedrock is four feet thick, containing an extremely rich ore.The men are using the same old rockers which were so widely utilized in California and Oregon during gold rush days. Even with this crude equipment, the three are able to pull out $10 or $12 apiece each day. They are saving up to buy equipment which will enable them to operate with a net profit of approximately $20 a day, on a larger scale. A piece of mining equipment known as a "long tom" would do the trick, they say. However, the Jacksonville backyard miners provide only a very small view of the entire picture. Mining men who know declare that the numerous creeks in the Rogue River Valley are fairly choked with gold, and with dredging operations would yield approximately $50,000 a month as regularly as clockwork. Such operations in a comparatively small acreage would provide eight or ten years of work for a powerful dredge. There are many mines in the Jacksonville, Applegate and Myrtle Creek areas of Southern Oregon, and these mines have never been worked, although their owners dream dreams of untold wealth someday when the big boom comes. And this boom, it is indicated, is not far off. The mere fact that powerful eastern interests with unlimited capital are backing one of the greatest mining projects in the West, and that the importance of this project is being minimized to keep the value of Southern Oregon mines at a lower level, is one indication of the mining possibilities in that region. These possibilities are far more vast than mining men in the past have ever dreamed they could be. But the perfection of mining equipment now makes it possible to derive the utmost from a good-producing property. Take the Rogue River Gold Company, for example, operating a 100,000-ton dredge on Foots Creek near Gold Hill, a famous gold mining center. This dredge operates at full capacity for 24 hours a day, halted by no obstacle, eating its way stubbornly into the loamy soil to bedrock, digesting the gold from the rich deposits in the Foots Creek area in its ponderous and complicated maws. Whole forests must be leveled to make way for this monster of steel and electricity. The dredge has been there for two years, but few people who have known that the dredge even existed have no more regard for it than they would have for a mud scow. Project
Little Publicized.
The reason for this ignorance of what is
going on in
the Foots Creek district is doubtless that the operators of the dredge
have succeeded in carefully preventing any information from emanating
to the public or the newspaper concerning its operations. Big-scale
gold miners do not care to permit the knowledge of their operations to
become general, because of the fear of gold robberies and other
troubles.Newspaper men who have endeavored to obtain details of the operations, such as data on costs and profits, have been rebuffed in every attempt. Furthermore, when the state bureau of mines recently issued the figures for gold production in Oregon during the last year the yield taken from Foots Creek by the Rogue River Gold Company was not listed and the figures given, according to mining men, fell far short of what they actually should have been. Of course, that is the way of big business. And the gold mining industry of Southern Oregon is big business, indeed, if it is what the Foots Creek dredging project indicates. The fact is that publicity enhances the value of mining property, and when the worth of certain diggings becomes known the sum which eastern capital must pay for such mining property is considerably more than it would be otherwise. Recently the Medford Daily News carried a front-page story under an eight-column headline in which it was stated that the same capital financing the Foots Creek dredge was planning to construct two large stamping mills, one in the lower Applegate country at the Humdinger mine, which, by the way, is a famous old producer, the surface of which has hardly been scratched as yet. The other property is the old Continental mine in the Myrtle Creek sector between Grants Pass and Roseburg, another famous producer. Both mines have been shut down for many years, due to lack of capital and lack of interest in the dormant gold mining industry. The Humdinger, according to the story which appeared in the Medford newspaper, was purchased at a cost of $20,000, but the ore which is already blocked out there for milling is said by mining men who know the property to be worth $1,000,000, and contains an unknown quantity of ore as yet unblocked. The eastern interests financing the Foots Creek operations paid $400,000 for the dredge which is now in operation there, and purchased the land on which the project is being carried out for $200,000. Nearly a year was spent by the company in sinking shafts and prospecting. When engineers reported the creek was worth working, capital literally was poured into the venture, and the project has been steadily functioning ever since. It is estimated that the dredge will operate at tremendous profits for the next eight or ten years in the same vicinity. There is little money in the Rogue River country for mining purposes, although the banks are amply able to finance them. The fruit industry, however, has detracted from interest in the mines. It is for this reason that the profits taken from Southern Oregon's chief mine developments are sent to eastern interests, while the people who live next door to this gold field have the privilege of selling their mines for a mere pittance, and of working in the mines for $5 a day. Oregonian, Portland, March 15, 1931, page 48 P. B. Wickham, owner of the Ashland Mine, Ashland, Oregon, has purchased the Wagner Ranch, which adjoins the Ashland Mine in the north, and which covers the continuation of the Ashland vein system for ½ of a mile. This brings the entire holding up to 600 acres. A 10-stamp mill is on the property, and with the acquisition, the workings will be dewatered and developed further after the south shaft is reopened. Three veins, the Nutshell, Rogers, and the Roach, will be further explored, and the vein intersection exploited. The Osgood placer mine, under the supervision of J. T. Logan, Takilma, Oregon, has completed the installation of elevators and has started working three shifts of miners. The property is operated by the Plateureke Mining Company. The Western Metals Mines Company is resuming work on its Black Jack and Sugar Pine claims, near Grants Pass, Oregon. The company is stockpiling sufficient ore to continue operations during the coming fall and winter. The property is equipped with a 10-stamp mill, amalgamating plates, and Wilfley tables, driven by water power. An additional battery is to be built on the site, doubling reduction efforts. J. J. Siedel of Grants Pass, Oregon, reports a strike of high grade free-milling gold ore running $4000/ton in gold, on the Victor Mine. Excessive water flowing into the mine is hindering full development of the stope. The Victor Mine is located on Birch Creek, one of the pioneer bonanza diggings in southwest Oregon. Much of the 1000 feet of underground workings in the mine were done by hand methods, though overall production is a history of strikes on rich ore. For the first time in 50 years of production, the Medford Water, Power, and Development Company, Medford, Oregon, is idle at present for lack of water for placer mining. Fred Voit of Agness, Oregon, is pushing two tunnels on his Indigo gold property, and on the Gold Ridge property. Higher grade gold ore is more consistent on the Indigo, while the Gold Ridge produces alternating milling grade and high-grade pocket gold. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, March 30, 1931 Charles S. Klingaman and J. W. Light have taken a lease on the famous granite deposit carrying gold and platinum on Pleasant Creek, six miles from Rogue River, Oregon, owned by J. D. French and W. E. Mosby, local men. The property is several hundred acres of mining ground, formerly operated and deeded by John C. Haynes of Pontiac, Mich., and several Michigan mining investors. Ore production is to start on May 1, 1931. Sixty placer gold claims have been filed on a new find in the extreme northeast corner of Jackson County, Oregon, seven miles from Prospect, on a plateau of the basalt Cascade Mountains, at an elevation of 5000 feet. Due to its geological formation, the area was always considered to be devoid of gold and other metals. C. W. West, of Portland, Oregon, decided to test ground that others ridiculed him over wanting to test, and made a rich find in virgin ground, carrying large and coarse gold nuggets. West has 56 of the claims that were filed. Robert Pepper and his brother are testing the mouth of China Creek on the South Fork of the Coquille River, for gold. The property is owned by the Coos Bay Lumber Company, and a deal to lease a portion of the ground near the Gant place is being worked out after favorable test results. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, April 15, 1931 The South Umpqua Mining Company announces reopening of the Banfield gold-copper mine in Douglas County, Oregon, four miles south of Drew. The Banfield and several other prominent old-time mines in the Trail-Tiller District were discovered by the Umpqua Indians, and developed into production in the late 1890s. Due to isolation and lack of roads to Riddle, 35 miles away, also the nearest shipping point, mining in the district has been unsuccessful. However the recent completion of the Trail-Tiller cutoff road from the Pacific Highway is helping the resumption of mining in the district. Count George Hay DuBarry has purchased control of the Empire Mining and Development Company, which controls the Mule Mountain and Keystone groups of 21 mining claims in Curry County, Oregon. The main office of the company will be at Gold Beach, where DuBarry will spend most of his time. Paul G. Bischoff, metallurgical engineer, will be resident engineer on the project. The mine machinery at Keystone is to be repaired, along with the construction of an assay office, and the mill is to be reconditioned and enlarged so as to handle about 100 tons of ore per day. Company employees have blasted large rocks in the Rogue River, which has rendered the river more navigable from Gold Beach. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, June 30, 1931 COUNTY duBARRY STARTS DREDGING OPERATIONS
The large scow fitted up by Count George Hay duBarry for dredging the
Rogue River was placed in operation on the Canfield ripple on Tuesday
and is now cutting a channel 12 feet wide and two feet deep right over
the riffle. The scow is equipped with an engine and a dragline
equipment.It is the plan of the count to move from one riffle to another as rapidly as possible upstream as far as Blossom Bar. When big boulders are encountered, they will be dynamited from the stream. The count plans to have the channel open for navigation of motor boats by time of the first heavy rains so that he can move mining machinery upstream for his mines at Mule Creek.--Curry County Reporter. Gold Hill News, September 10, 1931, page 1 MINE
A. C. Clark, who recently secured control of the Braden mine in the
Gold Hill district, appeared before the county court this morning, and
asked that steps be taken to secure the right to use a road leading to
the mine, through the Ray properties, which is the sole means of
communication. Another meeting is scheduled for Monday, between parties
concerned, to reach an agreement.Clark told the county court that he had already 'grubstaked' four men, would employ seven to start, and intended to hire a total force of 18 men when the work was enlarged, and more from time to time if conditions justified. He plans to rework and develop the property for gold and other valuable metals. The Braden mine, once one of the best known "diggings" in Southern Oregon, has been idle for several years. Medford Mail Tribune,
September 25, 1931, page 4
Following a conference with the county court yesterday, A. C. Clark,
who recently started plans for the resumption of operations at the
Braden mine in the Gold Hill district, and Frank H. Ray, of the Ray
Gold Realty Company, agreed to meet today and work out a plan whereby
the road to the mine could be used. It crosses land controlled by the
Ray interests, and is the only ingress. Ray told the county court he is
willing to permit the use of the road, but there are certain details to
be arranged.Clark intends to operate the mine and employ 18 men, or more, if conditions warrant. He has four men working at the property now. Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1931, page 10 MINING REVIVED NEAR LOGTOWN CEMETERY SITE, JACKSONVILLE
JACKSONVILLE, Ore., Nov. 24.--(Spl.)--During the early mining days of
Southern Oregon it is said there were in the neighborhood of 100 mining
cabins located near the spot where the Logtown Cemetery is now located,
between Jacksonville and Ruch. There have been no cabins standing for a
number of years until within the past few months five new cabins have
been erected and mining there is again going on, on a small scale.
John McKee gave two acres of his old homestead in the early sixties for the location of the Logtown Cemetery. The first man buried in the cemetery, according to Anna Coffman, who now lives in Jacksonville, was her grandfather, James Dunlap, in 1862. Several who have relatives and friends buried there are very anxious to have a deed for this cemetery recorded and are working with this aim in view. Medford Mail Tribune, November 24, 1931, page 7 A Gold Rush
A "gold rush" is planned for Jackson County. It is to be a project to
supply jobs to the jobless.
County-owned land near Jacksonville will be worked under expert direction, with the county supplying lumber for "rockers" and a steam shovel for gouging out a channel. Wages or better have been made this autumn and winter by many who have mined in the Jacksonville area. In December $978 in gold dust and nuggets was cashed in one store in Jacksonville. What about gold, anyhow? What about deposits of gold in the many old mining camps in Oregon mountains and in many districts in which new mines might be opened? All the world is grasping for gold, clamoring for it and clinging to it whenever possible. There is anxiety in every nation about gold and the gold supply. The gold supply has become so scarce that a dozen nations have abandoned the gold standard. Who knows what might come of a "gold rush" planned in Jackson County for the unemployed? Lost so long ago that it came to be regarded as a myth, the famous "lost mine" of Little Applegate was recently found. For more than 60 years it was sought. Hundreds of gold hunters had vainly scoured the district. When nature created Jackson and Josephine counties they were literally underlain with gold. Rogue River from its source to its mouth was apparently lined with the yellow metal. Hidden deep in the gulches and hillsides are undoubtedly lodes and veins of ore from which time and the elements have strewn free gold through gravel on almost every stream in Josephine and Jackson counties. Someday the hidden sources of gold that filtered out in the many rich placer diggings in the two counties will be found. Who knows but the "gold rush" of the unemployed may uncover some of them.--Oregon Journal. "Press Comment," Medford Mail Tribune, January 15, 1932, page 8
An invention which promises to be
very beneficial to the Southern Oregon mining industry has been
perfected by Ed Trowbridge and C. C. Clark, and will be demonstrated
Monday afternoon at the Garfield used car lot on North Riverside, at 2
o'clock. It is an amalgamating pan which saves the fine gold, separates
it from the pulp, discharges the pulp, and eliminates the
concentrates, which are also saved.The pan is operated by a small half-horsepower motor and will care for 25 tons of tailings a day. It makes 100 revolutions a minute; each shake making a breadth of 10 inches. It works on the same principle devised by early miners in their panning of gold, the engine this time doing all the work. The tailings are placed in the pan, which is 36 inches in diameter, from the outside. The light material goes out through the center opening and the quartz stays in the pan, always in the outer edge. The concentrates are poured out the faucets opened in the sides of the pan. A special advantage of the pan is that it saves the fine gold, Mr. Clark, who has mined for 25 years, stated yesterday. The pan to be demonstrated is 86 inches in diameter, but one 56 inches in size, which will care for 50 tons of tailings a day, is also being made at the Trowbridge Iron Works. The machines will be sold by Mr. Clark, according to the plan, and if they meet with the popularity anticipated their manufacture will employ several men. Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1932, page 7 OPP MINE GETS NEW EQUIPMENT FOR OPERATION
Movement of a 150-ton capacity rod mill
from Union Creek to Jacksonville is under way, and it is understood
other equipment is being made up in an eastern foundry to complete
installation at the Opp property located on Jackson Creek. When present
plans for construction of newer units are completed, it is expected the
well-known Opp mine will again be the scene of intensive development
work, possibly approaching that of years back when it first came into
coast-wide prominence.J. W. Opp, owner and lessor of the holding, has been at the helm of the property for more than 30 years and at one time had one of the largest active quartz operations in Southern Oregon. The Pacific States Mining Company, which has a lease and bond on the mine, has been gradually expanding work and carrying on exploration, and it appears that the company, with John Price as general manager, will soon be milling ore and producing gold from the extensive holding. J. W. Opp returned last week from a trip to Portland, where he went in connection with details of the expansion program. Mrs. Opp, who has been nursing in the northern city, is now here with her husband and is living on the mine property at the edge of town. Besides the many huge buildings skirting the reservoir road, Opp also is owner of the phantom city of Oppville, at one time a rip-roaring, thickly populated camp.--Jacksonville Miner. Medford Mail Tribune, June 13, 1932, page 7 JACKSON CO. IS LEADER IN GOLD
In the statistical and economic surveys of minerals for the state of
Oregon, as just released by the United States Bureau of Mines, Jackson
County leads the state in the number of mines producing, the amount of
gold, and the total value of the minerals recovered or recoverable.
Josephine County is rated second, with Grant County third.$95,000 Worth of Various Metals Produced in County Last Year Sixty-one mines were reported producing in this county during 1931, 50 in Josephine, 35 in Baker, 14 in Douglas, 14 in Grant, 7 in Malheur, 6 in Curry, 2 in Coos, 2 in Lane, 2 in Linn, 1 in Marion, 1 in Union and 1 in Wheeler. Although 4583.96 fine ounces of gold were recovered here during the year in comparison to 3383.45 from Josephine County, only 356 tons of ore were treated in this county, with 4697 listed for the neighboring area of Josephine County. Grant County is given third place with 3160.05 fine ounces of gold taken, with 2266.59 from Baker County. Grant County led in 1931 in the mining of silver, 4276 fine ounces, with Jackson County second, showing a total of 902 fine ounces. Douglas County listings was 766 fine ounces, and Josephine County took out 625 fine ounces, with Baker 375. Only two counties were listed for lead production, Jackson leading with 1786 pounds. Grant had 1711 pounds during the year. A total of 1392 pounds of copper was reported in Douglas County, and 308 pounds from Grant. Values of the metal, the total including all kinds of metal, gave Jackson County as the highest, with $95,087 total for last year. Josephine County followed with $73,348; Grant $66,655; Baker $46,964; Malheur $15,932; Douglas $13,465; and Lane $5629. The average value of metals in the report just issued shows gold, $20.671835 per ounce; silver $0.385 per ounce; copper $0.13 per pound; lead, $0.05 per pound; and zinc $0.048 per pound. Gold Hill News, July 21, 1932, page 1 GOLD SALES ON INCREASE OVER FORMER YEARS
G. W. Godward, manager of the Jacksonville Mercantile Company and the
Rogue River Valley's only gold buyer, announced this week that already
gold receipts have far exceeded those for the entire year of 1931.
First five months of 1932 saw more gold weighed up in this city than
any like season in this section since the last great rush remembered by
the oldest of pioneers. More than $10,000 worth of the mineral has been
recovered by small operators nearby and delivered to the local store
already this year.As was estimated earlier in the season, Godward receives probably one-third of the gold produced in the neighboring hills, and the aggregate, coming in from 50-cent amounts up into the hundreds and in a few reported cases even greater, represents a large chunk of new wealth for Southern Oregon. As has been commented by Delroy Getchell, president of the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank of Medford, each ounce of gold produced is like finding that much money in the district. It represents added buying power, foodstuffs and clothing that would have shown up missing had it not been for the natural mineral assets of the region. In addition to the Jacksonville gauge of gold produced, which already the first five months approximates $30,000, John Pernoll has been busy all spring and early summer buying lesser amounts of the mineral while Grants Pass banks are reported as handling huge quantities of the precious metal. Mining represents this part of the state's heaviest back-to-the-soil movement and, although many eke but the barest of necessities through the search for the standard of nations, the merest pittance recovered invariably represents that much which otherwise would have remained useless and of no value to humanity. Despite the growing shortage of water in the hills prospectors are busy as swarms of ants combing the surrounding mountains, and the back yards of Jacksonville continue to reverberate with the ceaseless putt-putt of gasoline engines as the search continues. And trim waistlines among the miners continue to be the vogue, no doubt caused in part by the eager bending process of ascertaining whether all that glitters is not gold. Jacksonville Miner, July 1, 1932, page 1 Amateur Gold Seekers Learn Secrets of Mining
A unique vocational course is being offered this week at Grants Pass--a
course in prospecting and panning for gold. It is sponsored by the
state and federal boards of vocational education, and "Missouri" W. D.
George, champion gold panner of the world, is conducting the classes,
which began Monday afternoon with 27 men enrolled.at Grants Pass School The objective of the course is to help men who have tried to prospect and pan for gold to more successfully work their claims in the Grants Pass territory. No tuition is charged, but everyone that attends brings their own pan, small pick, shovel and quartz glass. Twelve lessons are given which cover staking out claims, panning different types of quartz, examinations of formations, location of mineral deposits, demonstration of pick and shovel, sluicebox work, rocker work, tracing, sampling and testing of ores, use of mortar and pestle, and reclaiming of metal. "Missouri" George has lived near Kerby since 1880, with the exception of time that he has been employed by mining companies that have sent him all over the United States to do special mining work for them. He will conduct his classes in a practical manner, all but the first meeting being held in the hills so that the men may have experience under actual working conditions. Bert Barnett of the Electric Welding Works and W. W. Morse of the vocational department of the Grants Pass schools are cooperating in the work. According to a news dispatch Monday, no more members will be admitted to the class of 27, but another one will be formed as soon as enough registrations have been made. Registrations are being taken at the Electric Welding and Machinery Company office at 611 K Street. Gold Hill News, September 1, 1932, page 1 Gold Panning Class Works at Lance Claim
The gold panning school being conducted by "Missouri" George of Kerby
in Grants Pass held a class Monday on the Lance Brothers placer claim
on Foots Creek, where they practiced panning and obtained a number of
large colors.The group also visited the gold dredge being operated on Foots Creek by the Rogue River Gold Company under the management of D. H. Ferry. The class, which is composed of 27 men, is visiting many properties where they study different conditions and receive practical instruction, and they are becoming quite proficient in handling their pans. Monday, some excitement was caused when "Missouri" panned out an $8 slug, but this had been dropped into his pan by Tom Brinkerhoff while "Missouri" was scraping bedrock for pay dirt. All the gold panned that day was given to the men by their hosts, and they spent an industrious afternoon working in the shade along the riverbed. The class is sponsored by the state and federal boards for vocational education, and the men are learning the difference between success and failure in their work. The series of twelve lessons teaches them the all-important subject of formations and how the different ground should be handled; the art of panning to save the colors, and the building of rockers, sluice boxes and special riffles. Samples the men bring from various mines will also be panned out. It is understood that men are still enrolling for the course, and another class will probably be conducted when this series of lessons has been completed. Gold Hill News, September 8, 1932, page 8 Mining ventures in Jackson County, Oregon run into numbers although their net values may not be startling. There are sixty-one producing mines, with a production value of $95,087, last year in the county. Mineral production included gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc. "Here and There," Niagara Falls Gazette, October 26, 1932, page 6 Fifteen men are working at the Black Channel Property on Foots Creek, working placer gravels to depth of 20 feet.. The Mining Journal, Phoenix, Arizona, November 15, 1932
Thirty enthusiastic mining men of the Rogue River Valley met at the
Chamber of Commerce building last night and organized a permanent
mining association with articles of incorporation drawn up and signed,
by-laws adopted, and officers elected for the ensuing year. They are
Dr. J. F. Reddy, president; L. R. Shurtleff, secretary and H. B.
Fleming, treasurer.These officers, together with C. C. Clark, J. T. Dradenstott, Bert Newman, A. E. Kellogg, W. E. Liljegran and George Barton constitute the executive committee. Mining districts in Jackson, Josephine, Siskiyou and Del Norte counties will be represented by vice-presidents to be appointed by president Reddy. Attention was called last night to the gold mining activities rapidly gaining in Jacksonville and vicinity. The need for an organization to aid the unemployed in such activities was stressed and the officers pledged themselves to give this need their immediate attention. Medford Mail Tribune, December 13, 1932, page 1 Prepare Old Opp Mine for Renewed Production
Oppville, that phantom town of 50 years ago, has been rehabilitated.on Big Scale in Spring Hundreds of Tons Milling Ore Uncovered, Hope to Place 100-Ton Unit in Operation Coming Spring Once again nearby hills, which have silently and patiently witnessed the coming and going of hundreds of men lured on by their search for gold, witness blue streams of smoke curl from scattered chimneys which dot the hillside. People once again come and go with the apparent hustle and bustle of men in search of some treasure. For laying of a foundation for a modern gold mining and milling operation has commenced--on the decaying remnants of activity and mistakes of other years. The Pacific States Mines, Inc., lessees of the John Opp property on the right fork of Jackson Creek, has been pushing work as rapidly as possible in the hope of being able to start actual operation of a 100-ton mill unit in late spring, according to John M. Price, superintendent in charge of local development. Discovered in '60s.
Discovered in the early '60s by pocket hunters, the Opp mine produced,
according to official records, the tidy sum of $14,000 in one
small stope. C. C. Beekman, one of Jacksonville's most famous men, was
attracted to the property and purchased it as a school section. Under
his ownership it had produced by 1900 about $100,000 in gold.It was about this time that John Opp, present owner, purchased the workings for $35,000 cash, according to public record, and in 1905 erected a 10-stamp mill. Four months later Opp turned the mine to a New York company for $125,000. The new owners installed a 20-stamp mill, developed 4000 feet of tunnel and operated until 1908 with a milling process which was not adapted to the ore, resulting in debt and seven years of litigation. Much of the values had been deposited with tailings. Opp again recovered the mine with a clear title, and succeeded in recovering about $125,000 from 35,000 tons of ore. Tailings from this operation still show $1.80 values in assays, indicating about $5 gold values to each ton of ore worked. Much Ore in Sight.
Since that time considerable random development has taken place on the
property, acknowledged by all local experts to be worthwhile value for
a large operation, and much ore has been placed in sight. Developers of
more recent years evidently were after rich pockets and not interested
in milling ore.According to official geology of the mine, the Opp property consists of a series of parallel quartz fissure veins varying in width from three to 80 feet. Secondary veins cross these fissures at several points. Development has been carried [out] on three veins, and three more have been exposed by surface work. Country rock in the property is diorite, with slate formation on the footwall and argillite on the hanging wall. Surface deposits of ore are oxidized and produce free gold--when such huge pockets came--while at lower depths values run to base and become associated with iron pyrite. Present exploration would indicate there is no depreciation of values with depth. Better ore is found in swells of quartz seams than in pinched fissures. Ore chutes uncovered have never been bottomed, and values appear consistent from the surface down. Rich Pockets Found.
Pockets officially listed as valued at $14,000, $18,000, $50,000,
$20,000 and $12,000, respectively, have been uncovered in the Opp mine
up to this point, and milling costs for low-grade ore have been
estimated at about $2 a ton.Topography of Opp's 360 acres of patented ground lends itself to an economical and practicable handling of ore, and Clifford Higgins, foreman of the company, has been busy for several months drilling a crosscut tunnel in No. 11 to a point about 200 feet below an upper level, tunnel No. 2, where a quantity of telluride ore has been uncovered. It is planned to stope this ore chute to the lower level, where track has been laid, and move ore to a tramway at the opening, which will conduct milling ore down a 1000-foot incline to crushing bins. Present plans include reopening of No. 13 tunnel, lowest level of the property, and repetition of the process of stoping when all ore above the tramway has been removed. The latter opening is situated on a level with, and tributary to, ore bins and mill site. Crushers Operate Soon.
Already a 400-ton daily capacity gyratory crusher is in place, and
another jaw crusher is on the way, which will aid in reducing ore for
the first mill unit, now partly in place, which will reduce about 100
tons of ore daily for a combination flotation, amalgamation and
concentrating table system which will be worked out to suit
characteristics of the ore, which resembles closely those of ore
produced in Juneau, Alaska, and Grass Valley, Cal. gold fields.Mill shed large enough to house several hundred-ton mill units has been completed and construction has been started on the surface tramway which will connect present ore bodies being developed with mill bins. About two miles of tunnel, 10,560 feet, honeycomb the Opp property at present, and a pneumatic drill is being kept busy on the crosscut development. Present workings include about 6600 feet of vertical exploration. Officers of the Pacific States Mines, Inc., which holds other properties in western states, are John M. Price, superintendent; William R. Price, president, and Alfred Wolff, secretary. Clifford Higgins, John Sutherland, Axel Lundgren and Arthur Curry are other employees of the company, and several others are working on the property under individual subleases. Big Development Impends.
Wolff, who recently came here from Idaho, stated that Southern Oregon
to date has produced more gold than Alaska, and that only surface
outcroppings have been washed off here so far.Although development has been gradual of necessity, because of scarcity of money for financing, the company leasing the Opp property has gained the reputation of paying its way, and is not given to glowing promises and exaggerated claims. Successful completion of the present plans, as expressed by John Price, would indicate one of the coast's largest gold mine operations would eventually be inaugurated here. Underlying scheme of the entire project, as observed after several days' inspection of the grounds, is based on the principle of quantity production and milling of comparatively low-grade ore which, it is believed, can be made to show a consistent margin over operating expenses when proper recovery methods are employed.--Jacksonville Miner. Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1932, page 8 Reprinted from the Jacksonville Miner of December 16. Foots Creek Mine District Leading Entire County
Not since the general business depression in the early '90s have
conditions been so propitious as now for intensive prospecting and
development of gold-mining properties in Jackson County--for the
production of the yellow metal on an increasing scale. Commodity prices
are low. Labor is abundant. Highly efficient mine equipment is to be
had at short notice and at a reasonable cost. However, there is a local
drought of finances for this mine development.in Production of Gold (By A. E. Kellogg.) The Foots Creek district now leads in the production of gold in Jackson County with its gold dredge, hydraulic placer mines and quartz vein projects under way. The history of gold mining on the creek dates back to the early '50s when the pioneer placers on the stream produced many millions of dollars in virgin gold. In recent years many more millions in gold have been produced by two dredge companies, the hydraulic placers, the quartz mines, and the numerous small placer and quartz diggings, and the district is billed to produce many millions more before these diggings are exhausted. The creek boasted of a mining camp of more than 2,000 inhabitants in the late '50s and early '60s, on the slope of the hill between the famous Black Channel placers and the Bertha quartz property. The old mining town (Draper), like historic Jacksonville, was underlaid with gold and its former site, including several hundred acres of deep soil adjoining has since been stripped to bedrock, and the old camp site is now monumented with huge piles of boulders overgrown with timber and brush. The big gold producer on the stream at present is the Rogue River Gold Co., Inc., which has been operating a big-capacity electrically driven gold dredge for a number of years. They succeeded the Champlin Dredge Company, which operated two different dredges on the ground a number of years in the '10s of this century. The dredge company owns about 2,000 acres of rich dredge ground on the two forks of Foots Creek, and it will take them a number of years to exhaust this diggings. The Black Channel placer diggings, a holding of about 1,000 acres on the left-hand fork of the creek, is now owned and operated by L. A. Banks of Medford, Dr. F. G. Swedenburg of Ashland and A. H. Clements, mining engineer of Central Point. This property controls most of the hydraulic placer water on this fork of the creek which feeds several hydraulic pipes by two high-line ditches. Extensive steam-shovel dredge equipment has just been installed on these diggings, which will handle a large yardage of gravel throughout the year with a limited amount of water for washing. This property is also developed with prospect tunnel more than a half mile in length on the rich bedrock of an ancient channel independent of the old-time diggings on the present streambed. This development on one of several ancient channels awaits a large production of gold when active mining begins on these ancient waterways. The Black Channel placers have produced many millions since the early '50s, and the production is limited to winter snows and rains for water supply. The water on the right-hand fork of the creek, devoted to hydraulic mining, is controlled by the famous Lance placers, consisting of several hundred acres of rich diggings on the head of the stream, owned and operated by the Lance brothers, G. W. and Marion, of the Gold Hill district. The Lance family formerly owned the 1200-acre Champlin tract at the mouth of the creek and part of the present dredge company's holdings. Below the Lance placers there were quite a number of smaller placer diggings, old-time producers, now controlled by the dredge company, and will be dredged as the dredge plant ascends the streambed. On the right-hand fork are a number of small quartz properties, equipped with small mills and under operation the past two years. The Highland, owned by R. E. Cook of Gold Hill and J. L. Rowe of Sams Valley, is mill-equipped and a producer more than 30 years ago. It was in 1916 in the Highland diggings that platinum was found in quartz, which revolutionized the world's theory on the origin and occurrence of platinum. Other producers under development on the right-hand fork are the Red Ribbon group and the Coster and Cotton claim. On the left-hand fork of the stream are about a score of old-timers, producing under development the last two years and several under production, as well as a number of small placer diggings operated during the winter rains. Two important quartz properties on the left fork, which have produced large sums of gold and closed for more than 30 years, were reopened last year and now ready for operation as soon as milling is provided. One is the famous "Big Buck" or "Hicks'' mine, now owned by Ed Prefountain, who also owns and operates the old-time "Chip Carr" placers on the creek, as well as the "Red Ochre'' quartz property near the Hicks mine, under lease to Young brothers of Medford. The other is the Bertha quartz property, owned by Kellogg brothers of Medford, now under lease to H. C. Galey of Ashland. The Bertha was discovered in the '90s by the late Alex Orme, ex-sheriff of Jackson County, and was owned and under operation by Ed Schieffelin of Tombstone fame at the time of his sudden death on a prospecting trip on the headwaters of Cow Creek in the Umpqua Mountains. The Bertha adjoins the Black Channel placers, and is situated on the hill between the two forks of the creek. The extension of the Bertha vein on the north is owned and operated by Sam Chisholm, an old-time Mexico miner, and his holdings are proving as rich as the original Orme strike. The south extension of the Bertha vein is owned by Dole and Son, which has very rich prospects. They also own placer diggings on the creek adjoining their quartz holdings. The old "Tom Cook" placers on the creek just above the Dole holdings have been recently sold to the Black Channel people. Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1932, page 6
Ashland Mine, Old-Time Producer of Gold, Will Again Give Up Treasure
The Ashland gold mine, an old-time producer, which has been closed for
more than 30 years due to litigation, has been the bright star added to
the mining firmament of Southern Oregon the past year. Apparently it is
destined to attract much interest during the coming year and for many
years to come, with a large production of high-grade gold ore. If ore
counts for anything, the Ashland is on the map to stay as a permanent
mining institution.Shafts Closed for Years by Litigation Are Being Reopened; Machinery Installed to Recover Gold (By A. E. Kellogg.) The writer has not inspected the Ashland diggings recently, but was well acquainted with its workings during its palmy productive days in the late '90s. The Ashland is already a "big" mine, and that it is well on the way to a much higher plane cannot be doubted after an inspection of the great ore bodies that have been opened and yielded more than a half million dollars, while the ground was in the "prospect" stage, and which are now being opened for production at deeper levels under a comprehensive development on the 900-foot and deeper levels. Foremost mining men of the West have been attracted to the Ashland mine by the ore discoveries. Only last year a group of non-resident mining engineers, all familiar with the mining resources of this region, in discussing the mining possibilities of the Medford area, said with the reopening and operation of three old-time producing gold properties in this immediate vicinity, naming the Ashland, out from Ashland and Talent, the Opp at Jacksonville, and the Braden at Gold Hill, these three gold mines alone would yield annually for many years to come an amount equal to the banner 1929 pear yield of the Rogue Valley--in the neighborhood of $4,000,000. These three properties are perhaps of less importance than hundreds of others in this region that will eventually be developed and operated with a general resumption of gold mining. The history of the Ashland mine, like many other good substantial gold quartz properties in Southern Oregon, dates back to the late '50s when gold was discovered in quartz and the pioneer placer miners were attracted by this great wealth and started the industry of pocket hunting along the big vein systems running through the country. Along the surface of the Ashland vein, near the saddle of the mountain, at an elevation of several thousand feet, many shallow diggings were made by pocket hunters, with large yields. The work on the hillsides extended over a period of 40 years. Miners with little means worked for a short time, took out rich payshoot of gold and quit. The Ashland diggings came into its greatest production by practical underground mining for a period of 10 years during the '90s. The workings attained a depth of 1600 feet and the ore averaged $40 of gold on the plates, and the concentrates carried values of $525 a ton. The first mill of the mine, a five-stamp mill, was operated by water power afforded by Ashland Creek and located just below the city of Ashland. The ore was hauled by wagon from the mine a distance of four miles. Later a 10-stamp mill with more modern equipment was installed at the mine. Litigation over adjoining mining ground came, following the '90s, and it was only several years ago that the title passed to attorney E. B. Briggs and associates, lien holders, of Ashland. It was during 1916 that A. W. Bartlett of Ashland and associates reopened the Ashland mine. At the commencement of operation fire destroyed the mill and much of the mine equipment. The modern 10-stamp mill equipment at the Braden, out from Gold Hill, was removed and installed at the Ashland. Another fire occurred soon, destroying this equipment, and a total suspension of the gold mining industry worldwide, due to war conditions, closed all the gold mining in this region. During 1929, P. B. Wickham, former operator of the Almeda, Copper Queen, Victoria and several other gold-copper mines in this region, took an option to buy and lease on the Ashland mine, and started operations on the property. Although the purchase price was not given, it is understood that more than $50,000 was involved in the deal. Consisting of about 430 acres of patent land and mining claims, the Ashland has been opened by 10,000 feet of underground work, which proved the vein for a distance of 1,500 feet and levels to the depth of 900 feet, and winzes to a depth of 1,600 feet. The veins in size vary from two to 10 feet in width. Near the surface and to a depth of 100 feet or more the veins are oxidized, and the sulphides have been removed by leaching. Below this depth, however, the ore is still free-milling, showing that the gold is mechanically associated with the pyrite instead of occurring in such an intimate admixture or combination that the ore is refractory and only to be treated by some chemical process. The vein filling is quartz and pyrite with more or less country rock. The walls are very smooth and well defined, and there is always gangue or selvage that makes easy mining or stoping of the ore. The veins vary only gently in strike and dip to the east and is not faulted as far as open to inspection. It is a country rock of coarse tonalite, fine-grained diorite, hornblendite and mice schist cut by a few dikes of aplite. During 1930-31 the new owner reopened the workings, cleared the camp and mill sites and erected the necessary buildings and installed a five-stamp mill, recovering the values by amalgamation, concentration and flotation. Distillate engines furnished the power, and water was piped in from the head of Bear Gulch. A contract was let for driving the main crosscut west across the vein system to the footwall beneath the original workings not previously reached on this level. According to Mr. Wickham, another five-stamp battery is being added to the mill, additional mine buildings are under construction and the south shaft is being unwatered. Since the latter part of last April five stamps have been kept under operation, in spite of the fact that they are handicapped by a shortage of water. Considering that the ores are coming from depth, the stamping capacity is unusually high, crushing at an average of five tons per 1,000-pound stamp through 40-mesh screen. The treatment process is simple amalgamation and concentration and with practice results are very satisfactory. Concentrates are being produced in three grades, which assay $400, $250 and $75 per ton, respectively. The value of the ore that has been milled has been very irregular, running from $5 to as high as $100 per ton, due to the fact that much of it was removed in development work and taken from various parts of the mine. Plans are under way to utilize the water pumped from the south shaft, and together with the surface flow there should be enough water to operate 10 stamps most of the year and possibly all of it. Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1933, page 7
Owner of Ashland Mine Gives Intimate Details Development and Operation of Big Producer
An article on the Ashland mine by A. B. Kellogg [above] appearing
in your issue of January 5th has come to my attention as the owner of
that property, and, considering that your correspondent had neither
visited the mine of late or interviewed the owner, the article was very
good and unusually correct, but since this amount of publicity has been
had on the subject it may be fitting to offer a little supplementary
information toward more recent facts and to cover some points of error.MANY EMPLOYED AT BIG WORKING WAGNER GREEK By P. B. WICKHAM. Production, previous to present operations of the Ashland mine, is reputed to be $1,300,000. There is no litigation of record affecting the property as relating to adjoining ground, but an injunction against operation of the old milling plant in the city of Ashland led to closing of the mine some 30 years ago at the height of production. The original 430 acres was purchased by the undersigned in May, 1930. Adjoining land, formerly known as the Wagner ranch, have since been purchased, bringing the total holding to some 600 acres. Operation since the beginning of 1931 has been continuous. Several thousand feet of underground workings have been reopened. More than 15,000 feet of pipe has gone into water and air lines. More than 6000 feet of track rail into car tracks. More than 20,000 running feet of round timber has gone into the mine and more than 100,000 board-feet of sawed timber, planking and lumber into the milling plant and other buildings, together with more than 8000 square feet of iron roofing. Operation of the new ten-stamp milling plant began in April, 1932, and continued throughout the year with excellent efficiency. All production, together with a large additional sum, was returned to further improvement and equipment of the mine, which practice will continue through the present year. This program has provided continuous employment to many for the past two years, has distributed large sums of money among the merchants and others of Jackson County during that time, and, from the standpoint of new improvement and continuous operation, may modestly be regarded as the outstanding industrial project of the county for the time stated. It may be proper to add that the foregoing program has been financed without the sale of stock or other interest in the mine, and the property is now owned exclusively by the undersigned. I gladly make acknowledgment for the valuable assistance of Jackson County toward rebuilding of the Ashland mine road, for the material cooperation of many business men of the city of Ashland and for the fair policy of local banks toward myself, with due appreciation to the California-Oregon Power Company for extension of their power line to the mine. Perhaps it will be of further interest to know that the undersigned is also the owner of the Shorty-Hope mine, located on Wagner Creek in Jackson County, and also of the Standard Metal mine and Standard Placers, located on Rogue River, in the Galice district of Josephine County. The Shorty-Hope mine, like the Ashland mine, was prominent in early-day operations of this district and is reported to have a past production of roundly $500,000. These operations continued until the oxidized ores had been taken for a length of several hundred feet above and to the level of the old workings when milling was suspended. This was followed in later years by the driving of a lower working level, which was carried to a length of 1500 feet. This work was suspended about the beginning of the world war and the mine lay idle until acquired by the present owner late in 1930. Subsequent reopening of the main working level under the present ownership has disclosed during the past year ore reserves which justify resumption of operations, and a program is being started this month to repair and equip the main working level, which will be followed by mining of the exposed ores and further development of the property. There are 3000 feet of track rail, ore cars and other necessary equipment for the purpose now on hand. Delivery to the property has started and actual operations will be under way this month. Ore for the present will probably be taken to the Ashland mill by truck for treatment, with the idea of carrying out a comprehensive program of development and blocking of ores before the building of a separate plant at the Shorty-Hope mine. The Standard Placers on Rogue River have also gone into operation this season. Waters of Bailey Creek were brought in during the fall by ditch and flume under a head of 150 feet, hydraulic equipment was installed and the property is now running with one giant. This property is under lease to J. H. Harker of Ashland, who is conducting the operations. Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1933, page 5
Present Mining Boom in Jackson County Is Greatest Since Nineties
Just walk up to some old-time miner in any of the mining districts of
this region today and ask him how gold mining is looking, and if he has
time to answer he'll undoubtedly inform you that more men are working
and more mines are being opened in this particular district right now
than he has been since the '90s.Old-Time Producing Properties Opened for Renewal of Rich Gold Stream Capital Awaits Promotion By A. E. KELLOGG It is a condition during this general depression of all industries, that is peculiar to no one mining camp of Oregon, because go where you may, you will find old-time producing properties being reopened, new properties being developed and a general air of activity and business that means just one thing--gold mining is one of the most profitable of undertakings. Talk to the financial men of the East or on the coast, or in the South, coming here, and they will tell you that those who have money to put into mining projects are eager to hear about any new deal in our midst that looks like a chance to make good. They say at present hundreds of millions of dollars are being assembled from all over the United States and the rest of the world to put into mining in the western states. They are talking of new smelters and reduction plants in districts which formerly had reduction plants but where the war and other interferences resulted in dismantling the original units, junking them for war materials. Huge flotation reduction plants are being constructed on the coast, southwest and Alaska; many displacing smelters, many to treat low-grade ores that have been blocked out in properties owned by the same interests. The marvelous flotation process is largely responsible for this mining activity. Perhaps the greatest activity is in the Cripple Creek district in Colorado, the home of the famous telluride gold-bearing ores. In Boulder County the tungsten mills are running full blast, while flotation mills are operating on the gold-silver ores. In the Leadville area in Colorado, the general mining outlook is much brighter after a long, tough period, and the smelters are operating steadily there on ores shipped to them from other districts. The old-timers themselves are surprised at the intense activity in Colorado. New organizations are entering mining districts everywhere, opening up old mines in some instances that were previously operated in a crude way before scientific methods were known. They have proven that what was taken out of the ground before was just a starter and that untold millions more and other metals will be found and recovered by modern means. Flotation mills are being constructed everywhere, replacing old methods. Among the mine investors coming to Southern Oregon and other mining regions are many men who have been prominently established in other businesses all over the United States, recently giving that business up entirely and now seeking out likely properties for themselves and others in the East that want to put money into mine development and operation. These men, prominent in public life for many years, in some cases have traveled thousands of miles to this district and other districts, isolated, picking out what they consider to be desirable prospects. These groups are sending out their own engineers to check over prospects, and out of it will undoubtedly result several new large-scale operations locally which will return to their sponsors handsome profits and permanently develop the industry in our midst. Invest in gold mining and you will be following the same policy that most of the wealthiest men of the country and world have followed and are following today. And it is safe to say that in the next year or two Southern Oregon and our neighbor, Northern California, will more than contribute their quota of the new mineral wealth of the world. Medford Mail Tribune, January 13, 1933, page 8
Benefit of Mining Boom Shown in Many Branches Business and Industry
We have been frequently asked the question: "To what do you ascribe the
sudden and widespread interest in the gold mining industry?"By A. E. Kellogg We wish that we could honestly say that we believe it was due to a sudden though belated realization of the outstanding importance in our modern civilization of the metal mining industry, instead of the worldwide depression which has closed down our industries. We have to admit, however, that the evidence of any such appreciation are lacking at least in the United States. As regards Canada we are not sure. That country has heretofore had three predominating industries, namely farming, lumbering and fishing, while its mining industry slumbered. It is only of late years that Canada has begun to take an important place among the nations of the world as a producer of either precious or base metals. Recent rapid development of the mining industry in Ontario and Quebec has multiplied enormously the number of Canadian millionaires, at the same time that it has brought prosperity to a host of its citizens and has enormously increased the earnings of its railroad systems and industrial enterprises. The tremendous expansion of general business which has been such a dramatic appeal to the imagination of the people of that country and has so forcefully impressed them with possibilities of raising the status of their country among the nations of the earth from the position of hewer of wood and drawer of water to a substantial equality with countries which have heretofore taken the lead as industrialists and capitalists that there exist throughout Canada a higher appreciation of the importance of the mineral industry to modern nations than is perhaps apprehended by any other people. This is, we think, the basic cause of the great mining boom which has swept over Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In its course that boom has revived the mining industry in British Columbia, so closely associated with the mines of Southern Oregon, with the consequence that many languishing mining enterprises in that province have been and are now being adequately financed to enable them to work out their destinies and prove their productive possibilities. The boom has had one remarkable feature from the American standpoint. It has been, as it ought to have been, but it is not in the United States, fostered and encouraged by the heads of the great banking institutions, railroads, public utilities, industrial and merchandising establishments throughout the Dominion, in grateful recognition of the enormous service [it] already has rendered Canada and the promise that it holds forth a future rapid growth and great prosperity for that country. It may be that the influence of the mining boom of Canada has extended in some degree to the United States, but it seems in mining securities is due not so much to any creative impulse as to a broadening of the speculative interest which has long vested itself in the big markets of New York and Chicago for stocks and grains. But a short time ago the speculative proclivities of the American public, which did not find an outlet through the big markets in question, mainly concerned themselves with development of the oil industry. The sudden fortunes and tremendous wealth resulting from the discovery and development of new oil fields made an extraordinary appeal to the general public. This approval was cultivated and encouraged by a host of oil promoters. For a while everything went swimming in oil, but of late, largely due to overproduction, the oil industry has been in a precarious condition and investors in oil stock have experienced little but losses. It is probable that many of these investors are now turning hopefully to the mining industry in expectation of recouping the losses they have incurred due to the overenthusiasm regarding oil development. However that may be, it is to be hoped that the newly awakened interest of the investing public in the mineral industry will not be abused in the same way as it was by those who pretended to sponsor and direct the development of new oil fields. If that can be productive of great and lasting good, not only to the individual investors or the operations which their investments render possible, but the mining communities and the whole United States. Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1933, page 4
Gold Hill Quartz Mill Hauled from Seacoast in 1860 First in State
The first quartz mill introduced in Oregon was during 1860. The rich
gold diggings in quartz which gave up $700,000 practically on top of
the ground two miles from the town of Gold Hill on the Rogue, known as
the "Gold Hill Pocket," had but recently been found, and the owners of
the diggings were operating an arrastra reducing the quartz which was
worth $1 per pound.By A. E. Kellogg. The old mode of reducing ore, with its cumbersome drags, lazy mules and primitive makeup generally, was not modern enough for the wealthy mine owners, although they were dividing 1000 ounces of virgin gold per week, so they let a milling contract to the late Henry Klippel, one of the mine owners, who took two partners and left for San Francisco to order modern mill equipment. The equipment consisted of a 12-stamp mill of the design then in vogue, which had low iron mortars. It was shipped by water from San Francisco to Scottsburg, at the mouth of the Umpqua River, and hauled by team to Gold Hill. The shipment included steam boiler and engine. The freight and hauling cost $2,000, and the total cost of the plant equipment was $12,000 f.o.b. San Francisco. The first run of the mill was on 100 tons of ore not rich enough to be reduced by the arrastra, and it yielded $100 per ton. The next mill run, taken down deeper on the vein, to the surprise of the mill operators, yielded only $3 per ton, probably due to the baseness of the ore and poor amalgamation. Another run was made which lasted six weeks on this rich base ore, and being carefully conducted yielded but $2.40, and mine and mill suspended operations. The mill had been set up and operated on the river opposite Gold Hill where the railroad bridge spans the stream, and on the outskirts of the mining camp, Dardanelles and rival town of Gold Hill, when the railroad was built through this valley during the early '80s. After the work ceased the mill was leased to Yreka miners who again attempted to mill the rich base ores of the Gold Hill diggings, but failed. Later in 1863, the mill and power equipment was sold for $5,000 to Jewett Brothers and Douthitt and removed to the famous Jewett mine out from Grants Pass. The mill proved a failure at its new stand, and later the boiler and engine for a number of years were used in operating the Parker sawmill out on Big Butte Creek, owned by the late pioneer physician, Dr. Joseph Parker, and sons. Henry Pape came over from Yreka in 1860 and erected an 8-stamp quartz mill at the forks of Jackson Creek out from Jacksonville, and crushed ore from the newly discovered Davenport pocket mine and several other rich quartz veins nearby. He was to have $8 per ton for crushing the quartz. About 100 tons of ore was reduced from the Davenport diggings which yielded from $45 to $75 per ton. These rich free-milling ores of the neighborhood after a few months were exhausted. Pape soon after sold an interest in his mill to a company by whom it was operated some months longer on rich ore hauled from other mines in the district. In less than a year after its inception the boiler and engine went the sawmill route, which the mill battery was removed to Wagner Creek out from Talent and saw service at the Anderson and Rockfellow diggings operated by water power. The steam equipment saw service for many years in saw mills operated on Forest Creek timber. Several years later Charles Drew and Samuel Bowden put up the third quartz mill introduced into the region on the right fork of Jackson Creek out from Jacksonville to crush ore on the vein of the famous Old Town mine. This mine was reopened two years ago and made more famous when the strike of rich telluride on the 250-foot level was made, which will probably result in making this old-time diggings one of the richest and largest yielders of gold in this region again. While the Town mine, now known as the Midas, was first located as a placer in the spring of 1852 by a pioneer miner named Town, following the discovery of gold at Jacksonville in the winter of 1851-2, it became a quartz diggings in the early '60s when Bowden uncovered a pay shoot on the vein which yielded $60,000 not deeper than 30 feet from the surface of the ground. Later Johnson, a prospector, uncovered another pay shoot near the surface of the ground farther down the hill, which gave up $30,000. After several years operation with the Drew and Bowden quartz mill, with more or less success crushing surface ores, the boiler and engine were installed in the Karewski flour mill at Jacksonville, while the stamp mill was later installed and operated at the Klippel and Baumle quartz mine on Jackson Creek operated by water power. These three mills were the forerunners of the thousands and thousands of stamps which pounded and banged the ores of southwestern Oregon in later years. The height of the industry was reached from the early '90s to about 1906 with a decline which was verging to a general resumption at the beginning of the world war in 1914, when there was nearly a total suspension of the gold industry, world wide, with all the mighty mining energies of the region turned to the production of copper, chrome, manganese, quicksilver and other war metals. Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1933, page 4
There is more gold mining going on in Oregon now than at any time since
1908 is the announcement made here Saturday by Archy B. Carter, mining
engineer of Portland, in Southern Oregon representing the state board
of engineering examiners, of which he is secretary."The people in general now realize that gold is one of the important resources of this state,'' Mr. Carter stated. "I have never seen anything comparable to the number making money now here and in Northern California from mining. All of them are making enough to keep them out of the bread lines, and many of them are making real money. Gold mining is the only thing which offers a lucrative investment here at the present time." Mr. Carter, who is now located in Portland, has spent three years in Eastern Oregon, he said yesterday, and is very partial to the Southern Oregon section. He is here now looking up practicing engineers who are not registered as the state law requires. He will remain in Southern Oregon until March 1. Medford Mail Tribune, February 20, 1933, page 2 M. S. JOHNSON DISCUSSES LOCAL MINING, OR 'PORK AND BEANS, SECURED AND UNSECURED'
"Pork and Beans, Secured and Unsecured" should be the Southern Oregon
columnist's heading today, says M. S. Johnson, local hardware merchant
and experienced mining man, who recalls the days when Ben Hur Lampman
was editor of the Gold Hill News and wrote under the heading "Overdrafts, Secured and Unsecured."Mr. Johnson, who is in close touch with miners in this vicinity, says that every creek and nook has an overcrowded population trying to secure pork and beans by mining. Every old cabin and tumble-down shed has been patched up and made into a makeshift shelter. About the only uninhabited building in these parts is W. L. Van Houten's Crazy House on Sardine Creek, and the only reason it is vacant is it makes one so dizzy they can't stay in it. Mr. Johnson buys much of the gold obtained by these people and purchases range from 7¢ to $18.00. A fine collection of nuggets, some of which are valued as high as $5, have been brought in from time to time. Five dollars--all in one chunk! Then it's not pork and beans but perhaps a piece of boiling beef and potatoes that comes home in the grub bag. Most of the individual miners, says Johnson, are amateurs and they have the crudest way of getting their little pittance, but they are gamely trying to keep out of the bread line, and deserve a lot of credit. Some families do not get over $2.00 a week. Mining is the salvation of Southern Oregon, Mr. Johnson firmly believes, and in a recent letter to Mr. Lampman, now editorial and feature writer on the Oregonian, he gives a brief resume of mining in this section. Among the larger operations he names the Foots Creek dredge of the Guggenheim interests, and the large shovel project on the rich placer ground at the mouth of Sardine Creek. About 25 men are employed there. The Sylvanite has put eight men to work, several are working on Kap Kubli mine, and a mill has been installed with four or five men working on the old Fredenburg mine near the old Charley Johnson place. Placers are also operating on Sams and Galls creeks. Quite a lot of people are looking for mining investments, Mr. Johnson reports, but real good properties are hard to find, and many mines which have been abandoned during the boom time have caved tunnels and shafts and are in no condition to show prospective buyers. A fine deal was completed by Mr. Johnson late in February for the sale of a well-developed property just across the Oregon line in Siskiyou County, California, for over $50,000. The property is known as the Corbett group consisting of 8½ claims and about 20,000 tons of $10.00 ore has been blocked out. Chas. Hopper Brown, mining engineer of San Diego, plans to examine the property and if satisfactory a 50-ton mill will be erected and considerable employment will be given. Mr. Brown was responsible for the locating of the gas shovel operation on Sardine Creek by the Skeels & Graham company last fall after a three months trial run. Faith in the mines of this territory will eventually dispel the depression here, Mr. Johnson believes. Gold Hill News, March 16, 1933, page 1 Organize Mine School in Medford This Week
A letter just received at the headquarters of the Southern Oregon
Mining Association in Medford says that Mr. Adams, of the state board
for vocational education, was to arrive in Medford yesterday to arrange
for the organization of a mining class there.By L. R. SHURTLEFF This course includes free instruction in the use of the rocker and pan, actual work and instruction in the proper way to sample a piece of ground for values, as well as many other valuable bits of instruction that will enable the man or woman contemplating doing this sort of work to proceed with a much greater degree of confidence. All persons contemplating this course of instruction should register their names with the secretary of the Southern Oregon Mining Association at the chamber of commerce in Medford, just as soon as possible. Following this period of instruction, which will be completed some time during the coming week, the mining association will hold another field day on the Southern Pacific lot opposite the chamber of commerce in Medford, in which a number of rockers, long toms and gold saving machines will be demonstrated, together with panning contests and probably a packing contest. An attempt will be made to so arrange these contests that everybody will get a chance to see every event. A number of good prizes in merchandise will be given to the contestants. These contests will be held Saturday afternoon, March 25, and will follow the hog-calling contest put on by the Medford chamber of commerce. Jacksonville Miner, March 17, 1933, page 3 Miner School to Open Soon as Aid to Unemployment Problem
O. D. Adams of Salem, state director of vocational education, arrived
in Medford last week to complete arrangements for opening of a school
in mining instruction in the county. He appointed a committee to enroll
members in a free course in placer mining, panning and recovery of
gold. Registrations are being received at the Medford Chamber of
Commerce, where the Southern Oregon Mining Association has its
headquarters, and the class is expected to open this week.Giving of instructions to the 1000 persons now seeking their living in the mountain regions is expected to enable many more of them to become self-sustaining and thus to lessen the unemployment problem facing this county. There are at this time 900 persons out of 1000 mining who are making enough money to avoid asking aid from the county. They are mining for the most part in a very crude manner, the association members stated yesterday, and even then making money. If they are instructed in the easier processes of locating and recovering gold, the earning power of these men will be greatly increased, statistics available from other regions, where classes have been conducted, show. Classes were held in Baker and Grants Pass last year and it is well known here that quantities of gold are coming in from the hills neighboring the two towns, practically solving the unemployment problem Many inquiries have come to the Southern Oregon Mining Association regarding mining instruction. Those entering the classes will not be asked to pay any entrance or other fees but to furnish their own pans and transportation to the mining sections. Gold Hill News, March 23, 1933, page 3 Gold Mining Classes Organized in Medford
Classes in which amateur gold seekers may receive instruction have been
organized in Medford this week, with 28 men reporting in a class held
Monday. A second class will start work Thursday.The work is sponsored by the department of vocational education, headed by Superintendent E. H. Hedrick and being conducted by the Southern Oregon Mining Association. The classes are meeting for their preliminary instruction on the Southern Pacific lot near Main Street. The first work given Monday was in the use and care of the gold pan. Many of the men tried out their first pan of dirt. One was lucky and got 25 cents in gold on his first try. Tuesday the class was given field instruction on Forest Creek, working on property of the McDonough brothers, who have consented to let the students operate on their property. Field work includes the actual process of rocking, panning and sluicing gold. They will also be taught how to build and operate a sluice box and rocker and the use of quicksilver in the amalgamation of gold. How to trace and locate quartz gold and how to make a valid location of mining property is included in the course. Ages of the men in the first class ranged from 17 to 75. The work is new to most of them, but they are enthusiastic about the work, all are intensely interested, and the instructors, Barton, Clark and Neff, report the work to be highly valuable for all concerned. Gold Hill News, March 30, 1933, page 6 Mining School to Start Monday in Medford
That classes in placer mining for small operation will begin Monday,
April 3, at 9 a.m. on the Southern Pacific lot adjacent to the Medford
chamber of commerce was the announcement of School Superintendent E. H.
Hedrick of Medford.The present plan is to hold classes from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 2 to 6 p.m. Each man enrolling in the classes will be entitled to 18 hours of instruction. No charge will be made, and all desiring to take the course are asked to enroll with L. R. Shurtleff at the chamber of commerce in Medford as soon as possible. Each man is to furnish his own gold pan. After the men have taken the course an effort will be made to locate them on pay dirt in this county where at least a sustenance can be made. The mining school is made possible through federal funds from the vocational education department together with $150 appropriated by Jackson County. The school is sponsored by the Medford school system in cooperation with the Jackson County Mining Association. Instructors will be George Barton, J. V. Neff and C. C. Clark. Classes will be conducted in a businesslike fashion, with definite assignments of work to be covered each day. A general outline of the entire 18-hour course is as follows: 1.--The mining pan, how to care for it. 2.--How to use the mining pan. 3.--How to trace and locate placer gold. 4--How to trace and locate quartz gold. 5.--How to build and operate a sluice box. 6.--How to build and operate a rocker. 7.--How to make a valid location of a mining claim on a public domain, both quartz and placer. Jacksonville Miner, March 31, 1933, page 4 MINING CLASS WORKING HERE
Field work for one of the gold mining classes sponsored by the Southern
Oregon Mining Association and the state vocational education department
is being obtained on the C. E. Gray ranch near this city, where a crew
of ten to fifteen men are employed.FIFTEEN MEN GET FIELD WORK IN OLD COLVIG GULCH ON C. E. GRAY RANCH The men are working under the direction of J. V. Neff, an experienced miner, and are placering in what is known as the old Colvig Gulch. All but two of the men are novices at mining, but they are taking hold of the work with remarkable enthusiasm. Beginning the work last Friday, they have already cleared a good space along the creek that runs through the gulch, and the first of the week constructed a fifty-foot sluice box, after diverting the water with a small dam. The ground is considered as reasonably rich placer ground, and as it has never been worked by the many transient miners because it has been deeded property for many years, the group hopes to make a good showing with their project. A test pan Wednesday morning yielded fifteen cents in fine gold. The mining association has taken the right to work the property until July 3 of this year, and will use it for field work for many of the men who desire to learn the art of placering gold. Mr, Gray has also given the men permission to sink test holes in his field below the irrigation ditch which is thought to be the old river channel, and where the bedrock should yield rich deposits of gold. The work of the association is being done with the hope that every idle man in Jackson County will be put to work profitably working the known placer deposits in the county. It is an established fact, men in charge state, that there is plenty of this ground that is rich enough to yield a living, if the men have a reasonable knowledge of how to work it. The men, as a group, seem to be very much interested in their lessons, and are glad of the opportunity to be able to do something which will enable them to become self-supporting. Many of them have received aid from the county this winter, and are now anxious to get out and work for their supplies. Gold Hill News, April 6, 1933, page 1 Mining Then and Now.
To the Editor:Fifty-five years ago I drove a butcher wagon from Jacksonville over the Applegate road, by Union Town, where the Camerons lived, and around by the Sterling mine, where Gilson, Saltmarsh, Towne, Klinehammer and others were mining, and sold them meat once a week. They were good customers and always had the money to pay their bills. They used to show me nuggets that would make your heart beat faster even today, nuggets like big marbles that I used to play with when a boy. It took a whole day to make this trip with a span of horses and wagon, and today the same trip can be made in one hour. In the old days the miners used a wood flume or sluice box and large fir blocks for riffles. Now they use a steel-bottomed flume and steel rail iron riffles, which are comparatively easy to take up and easy to clean and also save all the gold. Today, George Barton, H. L. Bromley of the Copco, Mr. Shurtleff and myself were invited by Mr. Blakeley, the owner of the Sterling mine, to be at the mine at 2:00 o'clock to witness the cleanup which was to be made after a short run. Well, we went and I'll tell the world that we saw a sight that was worth going many miles to see. Did you ever see gold scooped up with a shovel? Not a large shovel, of course, but a shovel just the same. If you never did, and you have the opportunity just visit the Sterling mine sometime after a good run and you will see a wonderful sight. You will see a mass of gold the full width of a large sluice box slowly moving along behind the sand and gravel and then you will see Mr. Pierce scoop it up with a shovel. All of this came from a comparatively small area, and there are acres and acres of virgin ground farther up the creek that has never been touched, nor can be mined successfully until the ditch that carries the water out of Little Applegate has been extended, which Mr. Blakeley tells me will be done this summer. It will be a mighty young person now living that will live long enough to see the Sterling mine worked out. We were met near the workings by Mr. Blakeley, and, after Mr. Bromley took our pictures, we proceeded down to the flume where the cleanup was going on and stayed until they had several hundred dollars recovered so that Mr. Bromley could get pictures of it, and then had to leave, as our time was limited. The records of this mine show that this mine produced an average of $60,000 a year over a period of 30 years, one cleanup alone being more than $120,000. A commendable feature of the trip was the knowledge that Mr. Blakeley has permitted some two hundred men and women to operate by a slow hand method on this property all during the past winter and by this method make a living, without payment to him of any royalty. JOHN
April 20, 1933. "Communications,"
Mail Tribune, April 21, 1933, page 8
To the Editor: A few days ago I visited the historic town of
Jacksonville, where I was born in 1853, and I found the good old town
being literally turned upside down by miners. Buildings are being
removed and dwellings left standing alone with mines being developed
all around them. One mine is being opened up right alongside of the
famous United States Hotel, where President Hayes and party put up away
back in the '70s.Gold Hunters Remove or Excavate Around Jacksonville Buildings. The old brewery is another landmark that is giving way to the rush for gold where the miners of early days used to stop for a glass of beer on their way into town. There is also a new quartz mill crushing ore right on the edge of town. The miners are having varied success, all the way from $1 to $30 per day. There are miners scattered out all over the county and taking out gold where there has been no mining done for years and years. The chamber of commerce at Medford and the mining association are doing everything in their power to aid them in the work. Owners of mining property are letting them mine without royalty and it has helped many a family to buy their eats. I had the privilege a short time ago of witnessing the cleanup at the celebrated Sterling mine, which was made only after a short run on account of lack of water. It was a great sight, after they removed the riffles, to see the gold as it moved along behind the sand and gravel and see the foreman scoop it up with a small shovel--only a short run, but probably $2000. Mr. Blakeley, the owner, told me that the Sterling mine made an average cleanup of $60,000 for thirty years. He said they were going to extend the ditch this summer and would own enough ground to run them another 50 years. Over 200 men have been allowed to mine along the creek on Mr. Blakeley's ground free. No royalty, which is certainly very kind of Mr. Blakeley, and kept many of them off the bread line. Well, things are looking up and we sure have a great President. JOHN
Oregonian, Portland,
May 16, 1933, page 6 Click here for more about backyard mining.Medford, Or. Gold Dredge to Be Operated on Old Jacksonville Hill
Plans for the operation of a large gold dredge on the old Jacksonville
hill were announced yesterday by P. E. Lattner of Seattle, who, with a
crew of men, has been prospecting the property since February to
determine values of the ground. Associated with Mr. Lattner in the
dredge project are John Larson and Chas. Huber, both well-known
residents of Portland.Present plans call for the operation of the dredge by early January with the return of winter moisture and is to have a capacity of 500 yards daily. A large amount of ground to be worked is in sight and is said to be in the region of an old channel, possibly flowing with water unknown years ago when the world was still in the making. This channel, Mr. Lattner believes, is the source of much of the wealth found when Jacksonville was a thriving mining town over 70 years ago. He states the channel cuts through the land to be worked for some distance and indications are that the use of a dredge will be warranted, as a result of very systematic prospecting. The property, acquired first from the government in 1883 by C. B. Rostel, deceased for several years, was fruitful for gold panners during the early gold rush. The equipment to be used on the hill will consist mainly of a dryland dredge and will employ approximately 12 men. The dredge itself will not float on water, but will move about on tracks. Mr. Lattner states further no stock is being offered for sale in the project, being entirely privately financed, and was not definitely planned until the value of the ground was determined. A small crew, composed of Mr. Lattner, his son Paul Jr., and John Stombaugh, the latter a former University of Washington football star, is still working on the property. The men expect to leave the camp in a few days, returning next fall. Earlier in the season a large crew was kept busy and for a time worked day and night. Mr. Lattner is a mining man of long experience, having spent much of his time in Montana, Colorado and Eastern Oregon. He is optimistic over mining possibilities in this region and looks forward to a greater development of the natural resources of Jackson County. His associate, Mr. Huber, is well known along the entire coast as an outstanding bridge contractor, while the third member of the group, Mr. Larson, is a mining man of long experience, particularly in Colorado. Gold Hill News, June 8, 1933, page 4
Gold Dredge to Be Operated Atop Hill
Plans for the operation of a large gold dredge on the old Jacksonville
hill were announced Saturday by P. E. Lattner of Seattle, who, with a
crew of men, has been prospecting the property since February to
determine values of the ground. Associated with Mr. Lattner in the
dredge project are John Larson and Charles Huber, both of Portland.Present plans call for the operation of the dredge by early January with the return of winter moisture and is to have a capacity of 500 yards daily. A large amount of ground to be worked is in sight and is said to be in the region of an old channel, possibly flowing with water unknown years ago when the world was still in the making. This channel, Mr. Lattner believes, is the source of much of the wealth found when Jacksonville was a thriving mining town over 70 years ago. He states the channel cuts through the land to be worked for some distance, and indications are that the use of a dredge will be warranted. The property, acquired first from the government in 1883 by C. B. Rostel, deceased for several years, was fruitful for gold panners during the early gold rush. The equipment to be used on the hill will consist mainly of a dry land dredge and will employ approximately 12 men. The dredge itself will not float on water, but will move about on tracks. A small crew, composed of Mr. Lattner, his son, Paul Jr., and John Stombaugh, the latter a former University of Washington football star, is still working on the property. The men expect to leave the camp in a few days, returning next fall. Earlier in the season a large crew was kept busy and for a time worked day and night. Mr. Lattner is a mining man of long experience, having spent much of his time in Montana, Colorado and Eastern Oregon. He is optimistic over mining possibilities in this region and looks forward to a greater development of the natural resources of Jackson County. His associate, Mr. Huber, is well known along the entire coast as a bridge contractor, while the third member of the group, Mr. Larson, is a mining man of long experience, particularly in Colorado. Jacksonville Miner, June 9, 1933, page 4 Pumping gold out of the Rogue River is an experiment to be tried by Seattle men who are assembling equipment at Almeda. The most modern gold-saving devices will be used, and the plant will be equipped to handle 75 yards of gravel per hour. "Town Briefs," The Tattler, Medford, July 7, 1933, page 1
Plans for the operation of a large gold dredge on the old Jacksonville
hill were announced yesterday by P. E. Lattner of Seattle who, with a
crew of men, has been prospecting the property since February to
determine values of the ground. Associated with Mr. Lattner in the
dredge project are John Larson and Charles Huber, both well-known
residents of Portland.Present plans call for the operation of the dredge by early January with the return of winter moisture and is to have a capacity of 500 yards daily. A large amount of ground to be worked is in sight and is said to be in the region of an old channel, possibly flowing with water unknown years ago when the world was still in the making. This channel, Mr. Lattner believes, is the source of much of the wealth found when Jacksonville was a thriving mining town over 70 years ago. He states the channel cuts through the land to be worked for some distance, and indications are that the use of a dredge will be warranted, as a result of very systematic prospecting. The property, acquired first from the government in 1883 by C. B. Rostel, deceased for several years, was fruitful for gold panners during the early gold rush. The equipment to be used on the hill will consist mainly of a dry-land dredge and will employ approximately 12 men. The dredge itself will not float on water, but will move about on tracks. Mr. Lattner states further no stock is being offered for sale in the project, being entirely privately financed, and was not definitely planned until the value of the ground was determined. A small crew, composed of Mr. Lattner, his son Paul, Jr., and John Stombaugh, the latter a former University of Washington football star, is still working on the property. The men expect to leave the camp in a few days, returning next fall. Earlier in the season a large crew was kept busy and for a time worked day and night. Mr. Lattner is a mining man of long experience, having spent much of his time in Montana, Colorado and eastern Oregon. He is optimistic over mining possibilities in this region and looks forward to a greater development of the natural resources of Jackson County. His associate, Mr. Huber, is well known along the entire coast as an outstanding bridge contractor, while the third member of the group, Mr. Larson, is a mining man of long experience, particularly in Colorado. Medford Mail Tribune, June 4, 1933, page 10 Banks Will Buy Raw Gold from Oregon Miners
Banks in this territory are now in the field to buy raw gold from
miners of the adjacent streams and hills outright at a price to be in
nominal comparison to the world price, according to information
received from bank officials.Only Bank Affidavit Required for Marketing of Raw Metal-- Banks Will Purchase at $25 per Oz. This action is in accordance with President Roosevelt's executive order of October 25. Gold will be bought from miners on a basis of $25 per ounce outright and in any quantity, officials said, it being only necessary to procure the name and address of the miner, the name of the mine and information as to whether placer or quartz gold. No affidavit is required of the miner, this buying move carried on just as it was when banks bought the gold outright at $17. The price has been set at present at $25, since the government price on gold, 1000 fine, is ranging around $31 and $32 per ounce. This difference is made to make up for the non-purities to be found in nearly all raw gold. The same difference was used before the price of gold soared, banks buying at $17 when the market price was $21. Local bank officials report gold of this district is from 700 to 850 fine on an average. Only one affidavit is required in shipping the gold, which is made out by the bank and sent together with a complete list of names of miners whose gold is included in the shipment to the mint, or Federal Reserve, to which the gold is sent. The new ruling greatly simplifies marketing new gold, and still enables the miner to profit by the recent increase in price. Gold Hill News, November 9, 1933, page 1 GOLD HOARDERS SHOW UP AMONG J'VILLE MINERS
The muchly publicized gold hoarder is back again.$40 Gold Prospect Tempts to Hold Back Shipment; Production Up At least, that is the report emanating from gold-buying headquarters in Southern Oregon, for the sourdough producers have been hearing over the radio and reading in the newspapers that the price of the yellow metal likely will increase till it is double the former price, or more than $40 per ounce for 1000 fine metal. The greater part of the mining fraternity, however, is finding it necessary to market gold at regular intervals due to small capital--for which the average miner is famous. They are content to receive the $25 or $26 from local gold buyers and use the silver and currency rather than to watch an accumulation of gold gather in their glass bottles for any length of time. It is thought the larger producers, with several thousand dollars worth of the metal on hand, are the ones who figure to profit most by "hoarding" their metal for a month or so. There is another angle to waiting for a higher price that the gold accumulators in this section may be overlooking, however. The increase in the value of gold is intended, very obviously, as a means by which prices may be boosted on other commodities, and of lessening the purchasing power of the silver dollar. If miners should await the ultimate high of gold, they at the same time would await the dollar's weakest buying strength. It is thought by many that to market newly mined gold at current prices would result in as great, or greater, actual buying power, although the total sum of dollars received might be somewhat less. There still is some confusion in many quarters as to why such a great gap exists between the RFC price for gold and the sums miners receive. It has been explained on many occasions that this spread is made necessary in several ways, most prominent among which is the fact that raw mined gold is seldom more than about four-fifths pure gold. Then there are smelting, transportation and insurance charges, as well as a small margin retained by buyers when gold is shipped through them. Like in the marketing of any other commodity, handling and refining or milling charges are deducted from the product. Although unemployment added much impetus to the mining situation in Southern Oregon last year, this winter is expected to see even greater concentration in the mineral belt due to the higher price now offered, which is in excess of 50 percent increase. Gold returns, despite the holdouts, have been increasing steadily during the last few weeks, and with more rains an even greater gain in production is anticipated. Hardware stores report heavy increase in sales of miners' equipment and accessories. Jacksonville Miner, November 24, 1933, page 1 GOLD PRICE RISE ADDS IMPETUS TO OREGON DELVING
SALEM, Ore., May 18.--(UP)--Mining operations--large and small--today
dotted the Oregon scene as steeply rising gold prices, low production
costs and unemployment combined to bring a boom to Oregon gold-seeking
activity.Operations, Large and Small, Dot State’s Mineral Areas-- 57 Corporations Now Operating, Survey Shows By WILFRED BROWN (United Press Staff Corespondent.) It was revealed in a United Press survey today which showed 57 mining corporations with a combined capitalization of over $5,000,000, have been formed since January 1, 1933. Five corporations with stock of no par value also have filed. Jobless Make Work.
Additionally, hundreds of jobless men and women have encamped along
rushing Oregon rivers and streams in an effort to separate the heavier
gold particles from sand and gravel. Their earnings in most instances
pay their expenses and leave them spending money.The Oregon gold rush of 1933-34--greatest since those of the '50s and '60s--is also evident in a perusal of water filings. Water is essential in carrying away sand and gravel in nearly all operations. The state engineer issued permits for appropriation of 994.30 second-feet of water from Oregon streams for gold mining in the last 16 months. A second-foot of water amounts to about 27,200 gallons in an hour. This means permits would result in aggregate use for mining of nearly 28,044,960 gallons of water hourly. Lane County Has Boom
Lane County has experienced a mining boom particularly in the Blue
River, Winberry and Bohemia districts. Water permits for appropriations
of 17 second-feet from Lane County streams were issued, and nine mining
corporations with an aggregate capitalization of $1,200,000 have been
organized.The Rogue River Valley in Josephine County is perhaps the center of most mining activity. Leavings of old mines, bars once worked decades ago during one of the West's greatest gold rushes, and near strikes are being combed thoroughly for "color." Mining is being carried on principally in southwest and northeast sections and in Lane County. Water permits were issued in 14 counties and incorporations in 15. Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1934, page 11 Mining Source of Wealth in Medford Area
Mining, which in the beginning gave birth to the development of
Southern Oregon, continues to be one of Jackson County's leading
industries, and promises with the increase in price of gold and
anticipated gain in silver to justify a much greater settlement of the
inland empire through realization of the wealth hidden within the
mountains and river beds, which now provide scenic beauty for the Rogue
River Valley.For the resources within the streams and mountains, in the words of mining men, "haven't been scratched yet." Mining in a commercial way is still to be realized in Jackson County, they maintain, interpreting the visits here by numerous mining authorities during the past year, as a definite sign that the realization is not far distant. Over 100 Ores Found
There are more than 100 commercial ores located in Jackson County,
leading among them: gold-bearing ores, copper, chrome, manganese,
silver-bearing ores, barite, magnesite, lime, bentonite and antimony
and many others of lesser tonnage.The leading gold areas are to be found on the Applegate, which waters the beautiful valleys in the mountains beyond Jacksonville; the Ashland, Gold Hill and Rogue River territories. Mining is already on the increase in these sections, stimulated by the new gold prices and the lack of money realized in other endeavors during the past several years. Mining Supports Many
A survey made this spring of Jackson and Josephine counties showed
8,000 people making their living through mining, most of them on small
placer operations. A Grants Pass bank early in April announced that
purchases of gold indicated an increase of 80 percent in mining over
last year, in spite of the exceptionally dry season.The largest mining operations are to be found on Foots Creek, where the Rogue River Gold Mining Company is operating a dredge; at Jacksonville, where the Pacific States Company is now treating 26 tons of ore with each eight-hour shift at the famed old Opp property. The Ashland mine, under management of P. B. Wickham, has in operation a stamp mill, amalgamation, cyanide plants and table concentration. Concentrates have already been shipped to the smelter as have zinc precipitates. From the Barron mine three carloads of ore have gone to the Tacoma smelter this year. Several properties are transporting ore to the custom mill at Jacksonville for treatment. Few Placers Operating
On Humble Creek in the Applegate territory a stamp mill, belonging to
Graham and Summers, is now producing. Other operations in quartz mining
on the production list are located in the Gold Hill district.Placer operations are practically over for the summer except on Ferris Gulch at the old Layton mine. There are also a few men still working on the Upper Applegate. The cement plant at Gold Hill, which constitutes one of the county's leading industries, is now operating with a full shift, bringing in a large tonnage of lime from Wilderville. Cinnabar, which is found in large quantities in the hill regions of this county, mining men believe, will someday be mined for quicksilver in an extensive way, providing Southern Oregon with another important industry in the mineral field. The cinnabar, they maintain, is available in important amounts and will be taken from the ground as soon as the quicksilver market warrants its mining. Granite Produced
The large granite quarry in Ashland also holds an important place in the mineral story of Southern Oregon.Large quantities of these Southern Oregon ores, mining men claim, are blocked from markets due to transportation facilities, and followers of the industry are now concentrating on plans for further development of the Crescent City harbor, through which hundreds of thousands of tons of mineral products would become available which are now procured from foreign countries. Medford Mail Tribune, June 4, 1934, page B8 PRODUCTION OF GOLD HERE NEAR '80 HIGH
An interesting comparison of gold production in
Southern Oregon now with 30 years ago was found this week in a manual, The Mineral Resources of Oregon,
published by the Oregon Bureau of Mines in 1914. The book gave a resume
of all gold production in Jackson and Josephine counties, and figures
compiled show that one Jacksonville quartz mine is now producing and
treating ore at an annual rate almost equal to that of all quartz ore
treated from all mines of Jackson County for the entire nine-year
period from 1904 through 1912.Single Jacksonville Mine Treating More Ore Than County's All in 1912 Average yearly tonnage for an average of eight producing mines for the nine years was 5891 tons, while Pacific States mine near Jacksonville alone is treating ore at the rate of 25,200 tons per year, with production soon expected to be stepped up to 36,500 tons per year. Figures for more recent years are not readily available, as the treatise prepared in 1914 was one of the last ever attempted by the state mineral bureau. Another interesting fact brought out by the book is in that total production of gold from its discovery in 1852 through to 1912 was only $7,110,333, although it is thought some of the early-day gold was shipped to mint and credited as California production. Annual production of this wealth soon tapered off to an average of about $200,000 per year, while 1909 saw the last of totals running into six figures. It is enlightening to know that G. W. Godward, Jacksonville grocer, now is buying approximately $36,000 worth of placer gold himself every year, while a dredge, several producing quartz mines and dozens of placer miners ship their gold direct. Godward estimates he receives about one-third of the placer gold produced in the immediate Jacksonville vicinity, which would indicate a production of near $100,000 annually from this source alone. According to figures in the pamphlet, compiled by A. H. Winchell, Josephine County trails Jackson County closely in the production of gold, and the area immediately adjacent to the city of Jacksonville has consistently been the state's richest gold-producing section. "Sailor Diggings," says the book, "was a famous placer region which had a ditch about 15 miles long, built at a cost of about $75,000, which paid for itself in one year." Sailor Diggings is located directly over the hill from Pacific States property, referred to in the pamphlet by its former name, the Opp mine. One paragraph contained in an explanation of the development of gold mining near Jacksonville is of special interest, inasmuch as the region's first real exploration and development to any appreciable depth is now underway at Pacific States mine, with indications of at least reasonable success. It follows: "Soon after the discovery of gold-bearing gravels the source of the precious metal of the placers was found to be, in Southern Oregon as elsewhere, in quartz veins and other gold deposits in the solid country rocks. The white quartz deposits carrying free gold at Gold Hill were not discovered until 1859, but the ore was so rich that $400,000 is said to have been taken out during 1860. The rich deposit at Steamboat was found about the same time and gold worth $350,000 was quickly obtained. These and similar extremely rich 'strikes' of bonanza ore which was quickly exhausted gave the region the reputation of being a 'pockety' country, that is, of containing small bodies of very rich ore, but no larger bodies of valuable ore. Southern Oregon is still suffering from this reputation. It is very truly a region where many very rich deposits have been found to be quite small, but recent developments indicate that it also contains large bodies of lower grade but still very valuable ore." The above paragraph, written in 1914, could now be elaborated on somewhat, following recent discoveries and work at Pacific States mine, and it is thought that the Jacksonville gold mining region, as a quartz country, is just getting a foothold. It is for these reasons that special interest and significance accompanied all development and production at Pacific States near this city, for the mine probably will show Southern Oregon the way to new sources of wealth. At a future date. when figures have been gathered from governmental sources, the Miner will publish a comprehensive, accurate and dependable survey of Oregon's present gold production. Jacksonville Miner, January 4, 1935, page 1 STREETS CAVE IN AT JACKSONVILLE
Rogue River Valley farms benefited
yesterday by the most substantial soaking in two years, but at
Jacksonville "backyard mines" and a portion of California Street
MEDFORD, Jan. 26. (Special.)--As the result of backyard mines causing
the streets to settle, the Jacksonville city government is
contemplating damage action against property owners held responsible
for tunneling under the city streets.
Caution signs were placed today around one or two places on [California] Street that were starting to settle. It is feared tunnels underneath may develop holes. Several spots are sagging on Fourth Street, and caution is being taken in traveling over it, Mayor Wesley Hartman said. The Dave Dorn residence on East [California] Street and his woodshed suffered most from a tunnel cave-in. Thirty-two truckloads of dirt were used to bring his house to a normal position from a dangerous angle. A corner of the Johnson dwelling sank badly. One light pole was a victim of a cave-in. The city council in an attempt to stop street tunneling learned from the state highway commission that property owners possessed ground halfway across the street. Oregonian, Portland, January 27, 1935, page 1 Dave Dorn lives on East [California] Street in Jacksonville, Southern Oregon's history-wrapped mining capital of early days. Last week when the walls of Dave's house started to crack he was mildly interested. When the domicile commenced to tip and the woodshed assumed a crazy angle he began to suspect that something might be wrong. Dave dashed outside, took one look and hollered for help. After 32 truckloads of dirt had been hauled to his lot and tamped down the perpendicular lines of his abode again became what the builder intended them to be. Dorn was not the only Jacksonville resident who got a big surprise last week, for the pioneer town was literally falling into itself as water from recent heavy rains percolated through the surface and carried the soil into the honeycomb of tunnels which underlies the city. STREETS
Had the caving-in been confined to back yards, where the phenomenon was
most pronounced, little notice would have been taken. But when chunks
started to fall out of the streets the council and citizenry in general
grew perturbed.Fourth Street had several dips in it, and signs warning the public were placed on [California] Street, where similar manifestations were indicated. The bottom fell away from light poles, leaving them suspended by the wires on the cross arms. The Chinese, who burrowed like rabbits under a section of San Francisco, as the earthquake--pardon--fire revealed, also had a part in making Jacksonville porous, according to pioneers. One whole street in the Oregon town has been settling since the '80s, but so gradually that it caused little comment. A tunnel dug by sons of Cathay 30 feet under the surface in their search for gold is held responsible for this settling. Local historians report that scores of tunnels, some of them crisscrossing, some of them diving under or zooming above when they met a crosscut, underlie Jacksonville. For years small sections of these have been caving in. GOLD
Gold worth millions has been taken out of Jacksonville and nearby
districts, and new strikes worth millions more may be made any day.
Several concerns are now engaged in large-scale operations with modern
equipment.The most glamorous attractions, however, are the backyard mines manned by a couple of men equipped with pick and shovel, hand windlass and bucket. When hard times hit, dozens of men went to work in an effort to make "ham-and" wages. Then official ukase made gold worth $35 an ounce, and for many of these primitive operators "ham-and" became chicken. Some backyard diggings are said to produce from an ounce up in dust daily with a few, whose owners maintain the greatest secrecy, reported producing as much as five ounces daily on occasion. Meanwhile Jacksonville is becoming a big molehill. Sensing the situation, the town council made an effort to stop tunneling under the streets, but was informed that property owners' rights extended halfway across the streets. Now the council is considering possible damage actions as the result of the cave-ins. Arthur Jones, "The Week in the Northwest," Oregonian, Portland, February 10, 1935, page B1 Sturgis Mine Is Silent Monument
to Past
By Maude Pool
Out in the pine-clad hits of Forest Creek, a few miles west of historic
Jacksonville, is a bunkhouse half a century old. This weather-beaten
hut stands a silent monument to the husky miners who built it, and to
the others who sought their living from the gold-strewn soil of this
creek 40 years ago--when gold was worth $17 an ounce.This shack was the bunkhouse at the Al Sturgis placer mine, and still is in a good state of preservation, resting through the years on its cornerstone of flat bedrock. The porch floor consists of the same old boards notched in the outer ends to serve the miners as bootjacks, and the porch shelf, though slightly warped, reminds one of the wash pans where many a grimy hand and face were splashed. The old Sturgis home, a large weather-beaten rustic structure, still houses a family today, and the old barn shelters horses even as it did in the '80s. The imposing banks of red clay, with the creek running at their base, tell a silent story of the sway of powerful hydraulic giants and the steady flow of the bywashes. The mine laid claim to a water right dating to the early '60s. One husky miner with a kindly face, who long will be remembered by the "oldtimers," is Bill Banister, now of Yreka, California, who was a familiar figure at the giants, and who "piped" with as much accuracy as he displayed in debating. In later years the Sturgis was the scene of tragedy, when Claud Comstock, on guard in the watch house, accidentally killed himself with his revolver one Fourth of July night. Work in mines 40 or 50 years ago was without benefit of present-day machinery. Derricks for removal of debris were not in use then, and the workers moved the huge boulders in wheelbarrows on a two-by-eight plank. The miners worked 10 or 12 hours a day, often longer, with pay at $1.50 and board. Yet, when each day's work was done, there was something ahead--a rollicking time at the old bunkhouse, where the crew of from 12 to 20 men was welcomed by the roaring blaze in the crude fireplace made of clay and rocks with a hydraulic pipe flue. The fireplace still is there. Removing boots with the stationary bootjack in the porch floor, the men hung their dripping footwear to dry by the fire, and then, in the yellow glow of a kerosene lamp, with a fiddle and two or three harmonicas, spent the evening until bedtime in music and song. Or, perhaps, for some of them there were more important matters demanding attention--grooming a pompadour to a shining slickness before a thumb-printed mirror, adjusting a tie, or waxing a stubborn mustache, for the cook down at the kitchen may have assured some young man an evening's lesson in dish drying. More than one romance of the hills blossomed first in the old mine kitchen. Near the old bunkhouse a slight depression in the ground, made green by the spring rains, marks the location of the old mine store, long since torn down. The store not only served the miners, but was a trading place for the entire community 'round about. Familiar figures around this store were John Broad and Tom Reed, who came to take in supplies to the Oregon Belle mine which they operated further back in the hills. The Oregon Belle mine was one of the largest and best quartz mines west of Jacksonville. The lone white oak tree, which served as a hitching post at the end of the Sturgis store, still stands. It now supports a radio aerial. All arrivals at the store welcomed their privilege of crossing to the bunkhouse, where they would replenish the fire, and, perhaps, pull up the little homemade table and play poker until bedtime. The men always made use of the ample supply of wood and pitch piled by the fireplace, probably not appreciating the patient efforts of the chore boy whose duty it was to carry the wood and water, and care for the horses. There was nothing in those old days quite like a dance, and it was not unusual for the boys from the mine to walk two miles to the Wash Dunlap or Hub Russel homes to swing the gals 'til the peep of dawn. Some lumbered along in their boots and looked on. Rose's Hall, owned by Orlando Rose, was a popular place then, advertisements in the Jacksonville Democratic Times reading thus: "Tickets including supper and horse feed--$2.00." The mine crew went to the dining room of the family home for their meals, which were prepared by the cook, usually some girl of the neighborhood, who was paid $2.50 to $3.00 a week. Mrs. Sturgis was a fine cook, and often when the hired girl was away she would, to the delight of all, serve her own idea of chicken dinner with dumplings. Most of the provisions came from the cellar, the shelves of which were lined with pickles, fruits, barrels of butter, etc. The family kept its own hogs and cows, and Mrs. Sturgis owned the finest flock of Brahma chickens on the creek. The mutton supply came from the Esquire farm a few miles distant. Al Sturgis, father of Mrs. J. J. Osenbrugge, of Medford, was a generous and patient man who had plenty of faith in his fellow miners. He extended the Chinese, who mined nearby, as much courtesy as other men. He grubstaked many prospectors. Old John, Al Sturgis' little mongrel dog, followed him to the mine almost every day, and would bark continually at the water as it shot from the hydraulic pipe nozzle. Old John lived to a goodly age for a dog, and was given affectionate interment when he passed out. The Sturgis place now is owned and operated by Pearce Brothers. Oregon Journal, Portland, June 14, 1936, page 79 "Blizzards Rake Central Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, February 5, 1937, page 2
Mud Story Resented
To the Editor:Many of your readers noted with regret the story carried on the front page of your edition of February 19 regarding "MUD IN ROGUE RIVER." They have urged me to write a few of the true facts of the case. Of course that mud story was out-and-out propaganda dished out by a minority group at Gold Beach who profit by the expenditures of visiting fishermen, and who therefore desire that the Rogue River be kept clear of any discoloration from mining operations. The W. M. Hunter who gave this interview now rents to visiting sports fishermen his fleet of boats formerly used for commercial fishing before the sportsmen of Jackson and Josephine counties closed the river to commercial fishing. Yet now some of our upriver sportsmen are joining hands with their former downriver enemies in order to kill the second most important industry of Jackson and Josephine counties, namely mining, and for the sake of giving two months extra work to 12 professional fishing guides at Gold Beach, destroy the livelihood of 2200 families here whose breadwinners actually work at mining. I understand that it is difficult sometimes to distinguish between news and propaganda, especially when it goes over the A.P. wire as "news." However, that mud story was so full of misrepresentations that it has misinformed many of your readers and slandered my company and its dredging operations. Therefore, it would appear fair for you to correct the misapprehension, especially at a time when this Gold Beach commercial element is seeking enactment of drastic anti-mining laws which may rob the business men of your county of $1,000,000 of mining money spent annually with your merchants. On the other hand, the passage of the Gold Beach anti-muddy-water legislation will not help your tourist business or fishing conditions in the slightest. There is no muddying of the Rogue River in Jackson County whatsoever that affects your fishing. The mud story quotes Hunter as claiming that Gold Beach "is smothered with mud" and that the dredges of Josephine County are responsible. Furthermore, that the year of 1936 was the most prosperous season in history at Gold Beach because of tourists, but when "the dredges started on October 20, down came the mud" and drove the tourists out of Gold Beach. Note the true facts: Until late this winter, my company's dredge was the only dredge operating in Josephine or Jackson County; it operated steadily and daily throughout the year including the summer when the Rogue River was perfectly clear and when Gold Beach enjoyed "the most prosperous tourist season in its history." Hunter also refers to my company's dredging operations on Foots Creek as responsible for "fish life and food destroyed and farm lands bought by the dredger gone from the tax rolls forever." The truth is that all the sportsmen of Josephine and Jackson counties declare that our operations had no adverse effect on fish life or even fishing. Furthermore, of our ownership of 1204 acres, we dredged only 19 acres of tillable farm land; also we offset that by creating more than 13 acres of rich new agricultural land where only barren rocky waste existed previously. Moreover, since the dredge finished on Foots Creek, we ourselves are farming more land than was farmed by the previous owners before the "dredge bought the lands." Nor are the lands "gone from the tax rolls forever." We are now paying exactly the same taxes assessed before we bought the lands, whereas during our dredging operations we paid into Jackson County more taxes than it would have received in 100 years from the farm owners. Why this presumption of selfish interests at Gold Beach to dictate to Josephine and Jackson counties how to handle and protect their lands and taxes? Nor is it fair to paint such a false picture of a mining company which has kept the Rogue River clear for fishermen while expending $1,215,116 in seven years in Jackson County or an average of $173,588 per year--which new money was circulated widely to the advantage of thousands of local citizens. D. H. FERRY, ROGUE RIVER GOLD CO. Rogue River, Ore., Feb. 21, 1937. "Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1937, page 4 Colonel Fred J. Blakeley of 223 N.E. Glisan Street purchased the famous Sterling mine, on Sterling Creek, in the Upper Applegate district, in Jackson County, in 1901, and sold it to a New Jersey syndicate three years ago. Millions of dollars have been taken out of the Sterling mine. The bedrock is greenstone with patches of slaty tuffs. The bedrock slopes about two feet in each 100. The gravel contains boulders of andesite, and some quartz. Those who attended the Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland will remember the exhibit of nuggets from the Sterling mine. Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, March 5, 1937, page 12 "After I had disposed of my holdings at Roseburg I bought the Sterling mine, on Sterling Creek, in the Upper Applegate district, not far from Jacksonville. C. C. Beekman, pioneer banker of Jacksonville, showed me a nugget worth $1500, taken out of the Sterling mine. The largest nugget found on this property when I owned it was worth about $500. We employed 20 men in two shifts, and used the hydraulic process. "Two prospectors discovered an ancient channel some distance above where Sterling Creek runs into Little Applegate River. The gravel was cemented and hard to work. It averaged about 40 cents to the cubic yard. It was too big a proposition for them to handle, so they interested Captain A. P. Ankeny. Ankeny sold the Sterling property to David Thompson and M. S. Burrell. A ditch 27 miles long had been built from the Little Applegate, by hand labor, with Chinese to do the digging. Burrell and Thompson were dissatisfied with results. They thought a white elephant had been unloaded on them. Captain Ankeny owned a building on Front Street, Portland. The Wells Fargo company and the Western Union company occupied it. It was one of the most profitable, from the standpoint of rent, in town. Ankeny said to Burrell and Thompson, 'You have spent considerable money in development work at the Sterling mine. If you're dissatisfied I'll take over your interest in exchange for my building in Portland.' They accepted. Ankeny made a lot of money on the Sterling mine and then turned it over to his son Henry and his son-in-law, Vincent Cook. I bought the property from them in 1905.” F. J. Blakeley, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, March 11, 1937, page 14 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
In 1905
Colonel F. J. Blakeley of Portland bought the
Sterling mine from Henry B. Ankeny and Vincent Cook. Cook and his
brother, J. W. Cook, were passengers on the Star of the West
in 1854 from New York to Graytown, on the Nicaragua route.
They came to
Portland and Vincent built a salmon cannery and later became interested
in the American Can Company. He was born in Chicago. His father,
Horatio Cook, came with his wife from England to New York in 1818. They
moved to Chicago in 1838, where for many years Cook had a furniture
store. Two sons, George and Horatio, crossed the plains to Oregon in
1852. He followed them in 1853 and the three started a
furniture store
in Portland. Two more sons, Vincent and J.W., came in 1854. Vincent ran
his father's farm, seven miles west of Portland, some years. He then
went to work for his brother J.W., who was manufacturing tents and
bags. In 1863 Vincent became a member of the firm. In 1868 he was in
the mercantile business at 1st and Washington streets. Selling his
interest in 1874, he and J.W. built a salmon cannery. In 1890, with
Captain A. P. Ankeny and his son Henry E., Vincent bought the Sterling
mine, in Jackson County. A 27-mile ditch had been built in 1879 to
furnish water, succeeding a ditch installed in 1854 and used till 1861.
From 1862 to 1877 no work was done in the Sterling mine. Vincent Cook
married Orinoco L. Ankeny, daughter of Captain Ankeny.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley Henry E. Ankeny was born in Western Virginia in 1844. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P. Ankeny, were born in Pennsylvania. Alexander, with his family, crossed the plains to Oregon in the late '40s. Captain Ankeny secured an interest in the Wells Fargo Company and for many years was in the real estate business in Portland. Henry E. Ankeny bought and operated a 4500-acre farm near Salem. He operated a dairy and a cheese factory on this farm, on the Santiam, and when his father died, in 1890, he took over the management of the Sterling mine. He moved to Eugene in the fall of 1896. He died on December 21, 1906, at age 63. I knew Mr. Ankeny well, and many years ago he gave me a most interesting interview on early days in Southern Oregon, particularly about mining. He was married on June 10, 1866, to Cordelia L. Stryker, whose father, Dr. Henry F. Stryker, with his family crossed the plains in 1852 and located at Portland. Later he had a store at Vancouver, Wash., where he died on December 31, 1861. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ankeny had nine children. "I had a rather peculiar experience," said Colonel Blakeley, "when I bought the Sterling mine. I had agreed to pay a man $10,000 to negotiate the deal. I paid Vincent Cook cash for his interest. I agreed to meet the agent at the bank. I was in the office with A. L. Mills, president of the bank, when the agent came. I suggested giving him a check for the $10,000. We said, 'You agreed to pay me $10,000 in gold, and I want my money in gold.' "He put his 500 20-dollar gold pieces into his grip. The gold weighed over 30 pounds. Mr. Mills and I went to the window to see what he was going to do. The bottom of the grip was stretched till we wondered if it wouldn't break. He took the streetcar, and that's the last we saw of him. "I paid over $100,000 for the Sterling mine and bought a number of claims adjoining. When I sold this property, three years ago, to a New Jersey syndicate I told them approximately the amount of values they would find in the mine. The company drilled holes in the channel across its width, and for its full length, and found more than double the values claimed. They have already spent over $125,000 in development work, and have put in a concentrating machine and will spend a good deal, but the values are there and in the next few years they will take out a lot of gold. "I was oldest of four children. My sister, Minnie, died when she was a girl. My two brothers are lawyers. The youngest, William, while an attorney at Pittsburgh, Pa., was appointed district attorney and was given the job of cleaning up the corrupt conditions in the city. He made a good job of it. Later, he was nominated for governor but declined, as it would involve giving up his practice, which was yielding him around $100,000 a year. "I was married in 1882 to Ada Jones of Toledo, Ohio. My son, William J., is a lawyer at Pittsburgh. My daughter Grace married H. J. Hildebun of Roseburg, a contractor. My other daughter, Adeo, was drowned in the North Umpqua at the time I owned and operated the Umpqua Light and Power Company at Roseburg. After the death of my first wife I married my present wife, Florence Rymal, in 1918." Oregon Journal, Portland, March 15, 1937, page 12 Gold Fever Rises in Oregon Town:
Historic Church May Hide Nuggets Building Will Be Razed if Sold to Private Interests; More Than $1,000,000 in Ore Still Available. By United Press.
Ore., April 3.--The Methodist Church here, built in 1853 and said to be
the oldest Protestant church west of the Rocky Mountains, may be razed
to make way for another of Jacksonville's "backyard" mines.
During the Depression almost every resident of Jacksonville, the second oldest city in Oregon, sank a shaft in his yard and went into gold mining on a small scale. Some made as high as $500 in a single day working over territory that had been combed 50 years before. It has been estimated that more than $1,000,000 in gold nuggets rests in the three unexploited spots in Jacksonville--the site of the old church, the old courthouse grounds now abandoned since the county seat moved five miles east to Medford, and California Street, the main thoroughfare. The county court has rejected hundreds of applications to mine the courthouse grounds, the church had refused mining rights, and the city council had vigorously protested all efforts to mine under California Street, which in 1850 [sic] rang to the boots of miners at one of Oregon's richest gold strikes. Two rich creek beds run through the town--Daisy and Jackson creeks--carrying placer gold. The church and the courthouse are near these creek beds, but their grounds are as yet unworked and a mystery as far as the yellow metal content is known. A few years ago, despite the efforts of the city council, amateur miners "drifted" their tunnels under California Street and a large block of paving caved in. Cave-ins over abandoned mines are not uncommon. If the church is sold to private interests--and the Methodist council has announced it is on the block--the building probably will be razed and several shafts sunk. Residents hope to retain the building as an historic landmark and make a museum of it. It is said gamblers helped to build it. The Repository, Canton, Ohio, April 4, 1937, page 15 New Mining Operation East of
Jacksonville Works Virgin Ground
Jacksonville and gold mining--they're
The old town has been panned and sluiced and tunneled for almost 90
years.By Maude Pool, Mail Tribune Special Writer. But this week a new note rang out in its mineralogical history. The first dredge moved in and is tearing its way through the virgin soil of Rich Gulch (Daisy Creek). It was in Rich Gulch that Jacksonville's first gold was discovered in the grass roots in 1852. The dredge operations are centered on farm land owned by George Wendt, and located east of Jacksonville and only four miles from Medford. The Jackson Mining Company has taken an option on 30 acres of the Wendt property. It is the intention of the concern to dredge other ground in the vicinity approximating 50 acres, according to E. B. Skeels of Auburn, Cal., who, with W. A. Kettlewell and W. S. Mead of Oakland has formed the Jackson company. Never Mined Before.
This project varies from some other dredge operations hereabouts, Wendt
explained, in that the ground being worked never has been mined before.
The conclusion of geologists is that the territory once was a lake
bottom, and Indian corn bowls and other relics found recently reveal
that the area once was an Indian camping ground.Excessive amounts of gravel exist in the formations, which extend for 32 feet to bedrock, with eight feet of soil on top. The earth layers are shot through with veins of blue gravel running north and south and thought to be part of an original gravel flow extending from Canada to Mexico. Wendt, who is a well-known valley dairyman and musician, has prospected the ground for the last ten years, and isn't at all averse to seeing his farm uprooted, since the soil will be replaced as the dry land dredge works its way back and forth across the channel. His theory is that the present surface is worn out as far as farming is concerned, and that removal by the dredge will revive the neutral minerals and otherwise improve the soil. Drilling was done on the area by Kettlewell and Mead in 1939 and 1940. Large Operation.
The dredge began actual work underneath is then dug and is in the
preliminary stages. Twelve to 14 men will be employed, working in three
eight-hour shifts. The equipment used consists of a drag line excavator
of two-yard capacity with a 70-foot boom, and an Ainlay
plant for washing, screening and stacking the gravel, it was explained
by Skeels. The gold is recovered by means of 36-inch diameter bowls
revolving approximately 100 revolutions a minute. These bowls have
rubber riffles for an inside lining. The fines containing the gold are
discharged at the bottom of the bowls with water, and travel up the
inside of the bowl and out over the edge so that by means of water and
centrifugal action the gold is deposited in the riffles.Heavier Recovery.
By actual test in comparison with sluice boxes, it has been ascertained
that the bowls have a higher percentage of recovery approximating 95
percent of values, Skeels said.Both drag line and washing plant are mounted on caterpillar-type treads and sit on top of the ground surface. The topsoil is removed and windrowed by the excavator, and gravel underneath is then dug and put through the plant. By means of a conveyor the cobbles are redeposited on the bedrock, and the sand and water are pumped to a chosen location, usually between windrows and topsoil. The excavated pit is kept dry by means of self-priming centrifugal pumps. This water is sufficient for use in washing gravel by impounding and reusing. Can Mine Deep.
In digging from a dry pit, deeper
gold-bearing gravels can [omission]
by means of self-priming digging under water to feed a floating plant,
the owner explained. He added that in this particular section the
ground is so deep that a drag line-type floating plant is not feasible.
The gravel channels carry plenty of water (the source of Jacksonville's
many wells), thus providing for continuation of the dredging through
dry seasons.The Ainlay bowl plant is diesel powered and has an auxiliary light plant. Skeels is not a new operator in Southern Oregon, having worked on Sardine Creek in 1932 with a shovel and washing plant. Several of the crew employed there are working on the Jacksonville setup, one of whom is Calvin Dusenberry of Gold Hill, cleanup man, who worked with Skeels in California and British Columbia. Kettlewell and Mead, the other members of the partnership, have a bucket line dredge at Etna, Cal. Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1941, page 12 Rogue River Valley's
Early History Reviewed
Gold was first discovered
in Oregon on Canyon and Josephine creeks in Illinois Valley,
southwest of Rogue River Valley. [Gold
was discovered
in Southern Oregon previously, but not extensively mined.]
It was found there in 1851 by several
prospectors coming north over the mountains from the Klamath River in
California. Even so, the actual development of the Rogue River Valley
preceded that of the Illinois Valley by about four years. Daniel
Fisher, John E. Ross, Nathaniel Mitchell and James Tuffs were among the
very first to mine in the Illinois Valley, and very shortly they all
came into the Rogue River Valley to settle.By VENITA DALEY Part V The Gold Rushes and Developments Therefrom During Indian troubles in June 1851 Major Kearny dispatched a subordinate officer to the Illinois Valley. A number of miners there responded to the call and proceeded to Camp Stuart on Bear Creek, where they served until released by the Gaines Peace Treaty. Gold Found Here in '52
In January
1852, James Clugage and J. R. Pool, owners of a mule pack train
carrying supplies between Willamette Valley and Yreka, stopped to rest
their animals a few days near Bear Creek. Clugage, familiar with gold
prospecting in Northern California, wandered into the foothills on the
west side of the valley to Jackson Creek and there, in Rich Gulch, struck gold.
The first mining claims were taken up by Clugage, Pool
and their associates, Sykes, James Skinner and Wilson.The news traveled fast. Miners poured in from the Willamette Valley and from the gold fields in California. Emigrant wagon trains, fresh from the East, halted and the menfolks rushed to stake claims. Many, already settled on farms, left their holdings to try their luck in the gravel bars. In February every foot of Rich Gulch had been claimed and staked out. By March there were a hundred or a hundred and fifty men working in Jackson Creek. Young Skinner took out a decent fortune in a few weeks' work. Later "Old Man Shively" took $50,000 from the gulch that bears his name. The mining effort soon spread out, and all nearby creeks, gulches and hillsides were prospected. More strikes were made including one on the Cameron place at Forest Creek [then called Jackass Creek], which was invaded by a small army of miners. Other strikes were made on Big and Little Applegate forks and on Palmer and Sterling creeks. By midsummer not less than a thousand miners were engaged. Althouse Rich Find
In the spring of 1852
immigration had set entirely towards Jacksonville. Then, in the fall,
Althouse Diggings were discovered and ten miles or more were worked,
with pay dirt surpassing any in Jacksonville district. Hundreds of
claims were staked there. Gold was then discovered in Democrat Gulch,
separated from Althouse by a divide; and at Sailor's Diggings (Waldo),
between east and west forks of the Illinois River. Sailor's Diggings
was named for its discoverers who are said to have deserted their ship
in Crescent City port, in their excitement for gold. [Luther Hasbrouck
recalls the sailors were aboard a schooner wrecked at Crescent City.]
A large amount of
gold was taken from both localities.More new strikes were made that year in Rogue River Valley where a big one occurred at Willow Springs. Gold was discovered also on Galice Creek in northeastern Josephine County. During the summer the valley population was greatly increased by the Snelling train of 159 wagons, coming via the "Southern Pass Route" [sic--the "Southern Route"] and escorted into Yreka and on to Jacksonville by Captain Ross and the Jacksonville volunteers. This large group consisted of 400 men, 120 women, 170 children, 2600 cattle, 1300 sheep, 140 loose horses and 40 mules, with agriculture and household implements. The hard winter of 1852 and 1853 caused many miners to leave the Illinois Valley in search of food, until pack trains carrying provisions from Crescent City arrived in the spring, But in the summer of 1853 nearly a thousand men were mining there again. Every spot where gold was likely to be found was prospected in the Illinois and Rogue River valleys, and a steady stream of miners continued to pour in via the Siskiyou route, from the Willamette Valley and from Crescent City. Trade Flourishes
With such an influx of
miners and emigrants there sprung up a great demand for the necessaries
of life, from whence packers and merchants entered upon their
occupations and trade took root and flourished. Jacksonville, the
center of activities and trade, mushroomed first in Rogue River Valley.
Kerbyville followed the next year in the Illinois Valley.About ten miles west of Jacksonville, Uniontown (Logtown) sprang up as a miners' supply base. Its buildings were built of heavy logs for protection against the elements and the Indians, whence its name. [It was more likely named after resident Francis Logg.] That community was at the junction of Forest and Poorman's creeks, from which rich deposits were being taken. Near Althouse, Browntown and "Hogtown"; and near Waldo, Frenchtown served the same purpose. Later Buncom was built for Sterling's supply base. More placer discoveries were made on Foots Creek, Big Bar on Rogue River, , Sardine Creek, Wards Creek, Evans Creek, Pheasant Creek and Galls Creek. They produced coarse placer gold. Then rich strikes were made on Grave Creek, Jumpoff Joe, Louse and Coyote creeks in northern Josephine County, and at Cow Creek near the Douglas County line. In the upper Bear Creek Valley, gold was discovered on Wagner Creek and at the Forty-Nine Diggings near Phoenix. In all these rich placer grounds all the earliest work was done with pick, shovel, pan and rocker (cradle). Then sluice boxes were made, using the water from the gulches and streams to wash the pay dirt. Indians Busy, Too
During the Indian
wars, all of which took place during the gold rush, most of the miners
came into Jacksonville or to the nearest fortified settlements, and
returned to work just as soon as the disturbance was quelled in their
particular locality. [Indian
wars usually took place when there was no water available for sluicing.]
Some miners who were caught alone or in small
groups were brutally murdered by the Indians and their camps or cabins
were set fire to. Yet, there are several tales about miners who braved
a surprise attack and survived, including nearly a hundred men who
persisted in working the gravels of Big Bar on Rogue River at intervals
between distinguishing themselves as Capt. Lamerick's volunteers.By 1853 nearly all the fertile lands along Bear Creek and Rogue River had been claimed, mainly by Oregon farmers who had come down from Willamette Valley. The larger portion of the mining camp population were Californians. Many men engaged in both occupations, farming in the summer and mining in winter while the streams were high. Rapid development was taking place throughout the valleys. The communities and small towns included: Jacksonville, Ashland Mills, Wagner (Talent), Phoenix, Willow Springs. The Dardanelles, Woodville (Rogue River), Brownsboro, Eagle Point, Ruch, Williams Creek, Murphy; and in the Illinois Valley: Pearsoll Bar and Deer Creek and near Cow Creek, Galesville, and Leland on Grave Creek. In 1856 the gravel bars were being worked with renewed vigor and improved methods. The output of gold had then risen to $3,000,000 annually, including the Jacksonville, Althouse, Cow and Grave creeks and ocean beach districts. Chinese Come
Oriental miners began
to come into the mining districts. The Marysville newspaper, dated
Sept. 9, 1856, reported: "The Chinese are going to Jacksonville from
Yreka to avoid the foreign miner's tax imposed in California."Cheap labor in experienced miners had been imported from China during the California gold rush. The Chinese had been shipped to the United States in large numbers. They worked under Chinese leaders, going quietly to the mining districts. They moved from one "worked-out" locality to another, reworking each with considerable profit and sending their gains back to China. So, John Chinaman came to Oregon, dog-trotting or trudging along the roadsides, avoiding stages, emigrant and freight wagons, and clearing the trail for mule pack trains, horseback riders and white men on foot. They came in picturesque native costume, each with a pole slung across his shoulders, pendant from either end of which was about fifty pounds or more weight of provisions, clothes and tools. Great numbers crowded the mining areas before their presence was realized. They worked everywhere--in Jacksonville district, in Applegate district, on Canyon and Josephine creeks, in Althouse district and on Cow Creek. Their contracts belied their numbers; for example 20 Chinese leased the "worked-out" Cameron mine on the Applegate and, under the leadership of Jim Ling [Gin Lin], a hundred Chinese worked it and took out $500,000. They piled boulders, dug long water ditches to convey water to the mines, scraped tiny fissures in bedrock with a Chinese knife made for such a purpose, brushed the bedrock with their "Chinese miner's broom," and used both placer and hydraulic methods of mining. The later method of mining was coming into general usage here then. It was later estimated that 1800 Chinese worked in the Jacksonville district and nearly 3000 at one time worked in the Illinois Valley. Some Hawaiian laborers also came, but in much smaller numbers. A camp near Jacksonville bore the name "Kanaka Flat" in recognition of their presence. Districts Divided
The mining districts
became somewhat divided when Josephine County was set aside from
Jackson County on January 22, 1856. Then, in 1857 and 1858, Josephine
County mines lost to the Fraser
River excitement.Hydraulic method of mining way extensively used here by 1859. Expensive hydraulic equipment capable of handling more ore in a day than the old prospector could handle in a season was a great improvement. Ditches carried the water to the mining area and to a reservoir. From there it was piped to the "giant head" and forced out at great pressure. With the sway of the powerful "giant" and a steady flow of backwash, hills were washed down to bedrock, and the gold-bearing gravel was washed into sluice boxes. The gold particles, being heaviest, lodged against riffles in the bottom of the boxes. The fine gold was often gathered by the use of quicksilver. Nearly all of the early placer mines have been reworked by hydraulic methods. First Quartz Mine
The valley's first
quartz mine was [the] Hicks Lead on the left fork of Jackson Creek,
Farmer's Flat. It was discovered in 1859 by Sonora Hicks and his
brother. It yielded $1,000 in two hours.The second quartz locality was the famous Gold Hill Lode, discovered the same year by Mr. Graham, who took George Ish, James Hayes, Thomas Chavner and John Long as partners. The first quartz mill in the valley was built there. It was purchased in San Francisco and shipped to the mine by the firm of Klippel, McLaughlin and Williams at a cost of $12,000, including the freight; $400,000 was taken out the next year. Henry Klippel, who was called "The Father of Quartz Mining in Southern Oregon," found a piece of quartz mixed with gold weighing 13 ounces which yielded $100. Swinden Ledge on John Swinden's donation claim near Gold Hill was discovered in 1859. A shaft was dug and the quartz was reduced by arrastra. The McDonough and Slump claims were nearby. The Foots Creek mines of Johnson, Lyons and Peebler were discovered that year also. In Shively's Gulch on Jackson Creek a quartz ledge was discovered and called Holman Ledge, after its discoverer. It was worked by a mill erected by Henry Pape, and yielded $10,000. At Davenport Claim on the right branch of Jackson Creek, $75 per ton was obtained by an 8-stamp mill. It was exhausted within a year and the engine was used in a sawmill on Forest Creek. The stamp battery was used on Wagner Creek where Anderson and Rockfellow were working a quartz lead. The boiler of another smaller mill with an amalgamating pan and settler, that first worked Timber and Shively's Gulch, was converted to use at Karewski's flour mill in Jacksonville. Steamboat Largest
The largest quartz
mine in Jacksonville and Applegate districts was Fowler Ledge or
Applegate Quartz Mine, later called Steamboat. It is on Carberry (right
fork) of Big Applegate, was discovered by Frank Fitterman and William
Billings, and yielded $18,500 in one week. Its owners included Captain
Barnes, John Ely, William P. Ferris, W. W. Fowler. G. W. Keeler, D. L.
Hopkins. McKay and O'Brien, Anderson and James T. Glenn. Its total
yield was $350,000.An 8-stamp free gold mill was installed at Grants Pass in 1860. A 12-stamp mill, amalgamating in the battery and crushing wet, was located at The Dardanelles. It was later sold to Jewett Bros. and Douthitt and removed to Jewett mine near Vannoy's, and still later the engine powered a sawmill at Parker's on Big Butte Creek. There were many larger plants later, including the Greenback Mine that had 40 stamps. Total Yield Huge
The gold yield of the
entire area between 1852 and 1870 has been estimated at between
$15,000,000 and $18,000,000 [around
half a billion dollars in today's purchasing power].The Ester Mine of Grave Creek was discovered by Browning and Son in 1876. The rock yielded $12 and $14 per ton. The Blackwell Lead was discovered near Gold Hill, and a rotary quartz crusher was installed in 1882. Its yield was from $10,000 to $12,000. Jewett Ledge yielded $40,000 and exhausted itself in 1874. Then Klippel and Beekman possessed it and installed an engine, boiler and two steam arrastras. After more profit it became exhausted again. Placer and hydraulic methods are still in use today near old Waldo district. In later years many of the earliest mines were remined a third time by dredge methods. Such is the case at old Logtown district (dredged out), Foots Creek (dredged out), Althouse (dredged out), and Evans Creek, where a dredge is now working. So different are the modern methods from the old--in recent years huge diesel bulldozers cleared ground at Sterling for a diesel shovel which scooped dirt into 5-yard trucks at a rate of 3,000 cubic feet a day, and worked day and night, excepting Sundays and holidays. The dirt was then put through the mill and sluice boxes, leaving the gold in the boxes. The bedrock was then gone over by a crew of men and the fine dirt shoveled into smaller sluice boxes. Fossils Also Found
Besides their wealth
in gold, the mines of this area have produced many valuable specimens
of prehistoric life.During hydraulic operations, the fossiliferous sandstones of Grave Creek revealed perfect shells of the giant mollusk and tiny gastropods of ancient marine life. In the Logtown and Sterling mines many tusks and bones of the woolly mammoth (ancient cousin to the elephant), were washed out. A perfect specimen of the skull and horns of an ancient broad-faced water oxen was unearthed more recently near the early Logtown district. Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1948, page 7 Quartz and granite were quarried steadily during 1949 by the Bristol Silica Company of Rogue River. The output was used for poultry grit and foundry furnace linings. Reporting on exploratory operations, in this part of the state [director of the state Department of of Geology and Mineral Industries F. W.] Libbey said development work was undertaken in the area of the Gold Hill "pocket," where a lenticular body of molybdenite was uncovered in bulldozing. A nickel deposit at the Shamrock mine in northern Jackson County was explored on the surface and by underground work by the United States Bureau of Mines. The bureau's work at this property was a continuation of work started in 1948 following an investigation by the state Department of of Geology and Mineral Industries. Ore there is said to consist of pyrrhotite carrying nickel, copper and a small quantity of cobalt. Early in 1949 scheelite was found in the granite area near Ashland. Two shipments of the ore were made to a tungsten concentrating mill in California. Libbey said his department is making an investigation of the area including topographic and geologic mapping designed to obtain a structural pattern of the occurrences in order to assist prospecting. Oil prospecting was carried on during 1949 in the Harney Valley near Burns, where Weed and Poteet No. 1 was drilled by the United Company of Oregon, a Medford firm, to a depth of 6,480 feet and abandoned. A fire destroyed equipment at this test early in December 1949. Previously the United Company had drilled to a depth of 4,500 feet in Fay No. 1 and suspended drilling in favor of Weed and Poteet No. 1. Commenting on Oregon's waning gold mining industry, Libbey says there are only a few remnants of what was once the backbone of the state's metal production. He said the decline was caused partly by the ill effects of the war production board order which closed gold operations down without recourse in 1942, and partly by the fixed price of gold in relation to the low value of the dollar measured by what it will buy in labor and supplies. "Lack of Incentive Chokes Off Production of Metals in State; County Mine Development Cited," Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1950, page 17 GOLD HILL MINING AREA
1. ALICE GROUP (gold) NW¼ Sec. 11, T. 37 S., R. 3
W. El. 2300 to 2400 ft.Contact zone between argillite and andesitic intrusive. 2. ARGONAUT MINE (gold) Secs. 1 and 2, T. 35 S, R. 4 W.; Secs. 35 and 36, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 1300 to 2800 ft. Eastern side of property is in slates and schists with a small area of greenstone. Western part is quartz diorite. Veins are in schist and slate and roughly parallel to the contact line. 3. ASH PROSPECT (mercury) Secs. 35 and 36, T. 33 S., R. 1 W.; and Sec. 1, T. 34 S., R. 1 W. South side of Rogue River, across river. Altered volcanic flows. Irregular iron ribs cut the rock (1½ inches at times in width). 4. BAILEY PROPERTY (gold, manganese) SE¼ Sec. 1, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Country rocks: old metamorphics. Four-foot fracture zone contains manganite and psilomelane with traces of rhodonite. 5. BAXTER LIMESTONE (limestone) SE¼ Sec. 2 and SW¼ Sec. 1, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Metasediment of Triassic age. 97 percent CaCO3. The rock is crystalline and could be classified as marble. Bluish color, alternating bands of dark and light limestone. 6. BEEMAN LIMESTONE (limestone) NE¼ NE¼ Sec. 11, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Several gold pockets have been removed from contact zone of argillite and limestone. The mine on this property has been known as the Alice group. Country rock: metasediments. 96+ percent CaCO3. Silica content too high for the production of paper rock. 7. BERTHA CLAIM (gold) SE¼ Sec. 12, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. Country rock: Schistose quartzite. Some limestone, small andesitic intrusions. 8. BIG BUCK CLAIM (gold) Center of Sec. 1, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. Country rock is massive blue quartzite containing some vein quartz and sulphide of iron. 9. BIG CHIEF PROPERTY (gold?) SE¼ Sec. 19, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1200 ft. No production record. Dacite porphyry country rock. 10. BILL NYE MINE (gold) Sec. 4, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Production, 1907-09: $12,000. Gold in metallic form between porphyry walls in quartz vein. Impure quartzite. Mine idle, since August, 1914. One pocket taken out in 1940. 11. BIRDSEYE CLAIM (gold) East of Rogue River, small vein, not active. 12. BLACK GOLD CHANNEL MINE (gold, placer) Sec. 12, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. 13. BLANCHE OF MAY BELLE CLAIM (gold) Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Adjoins the Schaffer. Part of the Millionaire group. 14. BLOSSOM MINE (gold, copper, lead) Sec. 19, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 2400 ft. Near head of the left fork of Sardine Creek. Andesitic greenstone country rock. Production since 1928: $2,000 (1943 figures). 15. BONANZA PROSPECT (gold) Sec. 22, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. 16. BONITA MINE (mercury) Sec. 13, T. 33 S., R. 3 W. 17. BOWDEN CLAIM (gold) Sec. 19, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. Southeast slope of Blackwell Hill, quartz vein in tonalite. 18. BRADEN EXTENSION (gold) SE¼ Sec. 27, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 19. BRADEN MINE (gold) SE¼ Sec. 27, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. In 1907 the mine produced more than $30,000. Country rocks: Paleozoic sediments and interbedded andesites. 20. BRISTOL LIMESTONE (limestone) NW¼ Sec. 6, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. and SW¼ Sec. 31, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. El. 1800 to 2200 ft. Country rock: Mesozoic (Triassic?) metasediments and metavolcanics. 21. BRISTOL SILICA COMPANY (silica) SE¼ Sec. 30, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Discovered 1930. Elongated body of creamy white quartz. Exposed surface is roughly 1000 ft. in length; width, approximately 350 ft. Flanked by limestone, greenstone. Miller Gulch. Uses: chicken grit, metallurgical flux. 22. BUCKSKIN MINE (gold) SW¼ Sec. 7, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. Reported to be the old May Belle mine. 23. BULL FROG PLACER (gold, placer) Sec. 22, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Mined in 1939. Between railroad and the river. Inactive, April, 1942. 24. BULL OF THE WOODS (gold) NE¼ Sec. 15, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. El. 1200 ft. Country rock: diorite. 1934-36 production: $5000. 25. BUNCE PROSPECT (gold) Sec. 9, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. 26. CARBONATE MINE (gold) Sec. 17, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 2100 ft. Quartz vein in altered diorite. 27. CARTINELL MINE (copper) Center of Sec. 9, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1250 ft. Country rock: andesite. 28. CASCADE VIEW MINE (gold) Sec. 35, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 1700 ft. 1936 Production: $215. Country rocks: slate and metavolcanics. 29. CHISHOLM CLAIMS (mercury) Secs. 17 and 20, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. Country rocks: Umpqua formation, although the May Creek schists are a short distance west. 30. CHISHOLM COPPER (copper) SE¼ Sec. 19, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. Country rock: quartzitic rock. Ore is partly the primary constituent of a basic igneous rock, partly as vein filling. Rock is a norite. "It seems clear that the copper at this place was derived from the norite magma." 31. CHROME KING PROSPECT (chromite) NE¼ NW¼ Sec. 3, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 2500 ft. Production during World War I: 100 tons of chromite. Located near edge of serpentine belt that traverses an area of greenstone. 32. CONDOR LODE (gold) Sec. 18, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. 33. COOK MINE (placer gold) S½ Sec. 13, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. Stream bed mined for ½ mile. Bedrock: greenstone and slates cut by numerous greenstone dikes. 34. CORPORAL G. MINE (gold) S½ Sec. 19, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 2600 ft. Country rock: micaceous slaty quartzite cut by andesite and spessarite. Some galena found. 35. COSTER AND CATTON'S CLAIM (gold) SW¼ Sec. 21, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 2550 ft. Aplite intrusion near N½ corner Sec. 22. 36. C.R.C. COMPANY INC. (placer gold) Sec. 13, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 1550 ft. Dredged in 1939. Bedrock: blue diorite, some slate. 37. DAVE FORCE MINE (mercury) NE¼ Sec. 20, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. South of War Eagle. Umpqua-quartz diorite contact zone. Colors of cinnabar. The croppings on the surface are in a greatly decomposed and altered rock and, to judge by pannings, may constitute low-grade ore. 38. DAVIS LEDGE (gold) Sec. 13, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. 39. DIXIE QUEEN MINE (gold) NW¼ Sec. 18, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 1850 ft. Country rock: calcareous argillite. 40. DORIS LEDGE (gold) Sec. 13, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. 41. DUNCAN AND WILLIAMS WASHING PLANT (placer gold) Sec. 12, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Metasediments and metavolcanics. 42. DUNROMIN MINE (gold) SW¼ corner Sec. 36, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. El. 1500 ft. Production: 1937, $200; 1935, $900; 1897, $4000. Wall rock, quartz diorite. Besides the gold the mine exhibits small amounts of galena and a trace of silver. 43. EAGLE MINE (gold) Sec. 25, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Adjoins Millionaire on west. Country rock: black argillite and andesitic material. Said to have produced very high-grade ore. 44. ENTERPRISE MINE (gold) W½ Sec. 16, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. 45. FAIRVIEW CLAIM (gold) NW¼ Sec. 5, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 2950 ft. Some galena observed in mine. 46. FIRST HOPE (gold) SW¼ Sec. 7, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 3000 ft. Discovered in 1934. $1700 pocket taken out in 1934. 1935 production: $500 pocket. Since 1935 to 1943: $100. Country rock: andesitic porphyry. 47. FLYING SQUIRREL (gold) Sec. 7, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. 48. GALLS CREEK PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 4, T. 37 S., R, 3 W. 49. GLEN DITCH PLACER (placer gold) Near head of the Right Fork of Foots Creek. Property may be the same as the Boling and Koster placer previously reported. 50. GOLD CHLORIDE PROSPECT (gold) NE¼ Sec. 25, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. El. 3000 ft. Diller and Kay call country rock May Creek schist. USGS has mapped similar rock mile south as part of the Applegate (Paleozoic) metasedimentaries. 51. GOLDEN CROSS MINE Sec. 35, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. Country rocks: metasediments and diorite. 52. GOLD HILL PLACER (gold, dry land dredge) Secs. 5, 7, 17 T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Sardine Creek channel from highway bridge upstream. 53. GOLD HILL PLACERS (gold, placer) SE¼ Sec. 36, T. 36 S., R. 3 W, Kane Creek. Bedrock: altered slate. 54. GOLD HILL "POCKET" (gold) SW¼ NE¼ Sec. 14, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. El. 2000 ft. Discovered in 1857 [sic]. Outcropping rock was so full of gold that it could scarcely be broken by sledging. Country rock: pryroxenite. A mass of micaless granite about 5 ft. wide and possibly 200 ft. long outcrops in the footwall. It is said that the pocket produced at least $700,000. 55. GOLD NOTE (mineral rights only) Sec. 30, T. 33 S., R. 3 W. 56. GOLD RAY GRANITE COMPANY (granite, brick) Sec. 18, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. Plagioclase rock. Petrologically the rock is a tonalite or quartz diorite. The alluvial clay deposits have been used to make bricks. 57. GOLD RIDGE MINE (gold) NE¼ Sec. 3, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 2100 ft. Country rock: schistose. Fissure: andesitic rock. 58. GRANT POWELL PROSPECT (gold) SW¼ Sec. 32, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. 59. GREENLEAF RANCH PLACER (placer) Lot 14, Sec. 35, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: metavolcanics and metasedirnents. It is presumed that the placers of the locality were derived from the breakdown of gold pockets. 60. GREENS PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 20, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. Bedrock: slate and diorite. 61. HANCOCK CLAIMS (gold) Sec. 9, T. 37 S., R. 4 W., on Little Birdseye Creek. Gabbro outcrops on ridge north of the creek. 62. HARTH AND RYAN MINE (gold) Sec. 33, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 2350-2600 ft. Country rock: greenstone. 63. HAZEL GROUP (gold) South center of Sec. 27 and north center of Sec. 34, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Production: 1916-1924; $2000. 1924-1942; $1000. Andesite-porphyry contact. Limestone-porphyry contact. Andesitic dike. Limestone is 50 ft. thick. 64. HIDDEN TREASURE (gold) NW¼ Sec. 16, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1600 ft. Country rock belongs to the metavolcanic series. Small amounts of galena and chalcopyrite in bluish quartz vein. Sphalerite and tellurides are reported. Country rock: impure quartzites and argillites. 65. HIGHLAND CLAIM SW¼ Sec. 22, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 2600 ft. Country rock: micaceous sandstone. 66. HOGAN PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 20 or 28, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. Upper Grave Creek. 67. HOLCOMB MINERAL SPRING (magnesia and lithia) NW¼ SE¼ Sec. 23, T. 35 S., R. 3 W., El. 1800 ft. Small amount of gas given off that has the odor of strong hydrogen sulphide. 68. HUGHES GROUP (limestone) Sec. 2, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. on Kane Creek. 69. IRON MOUNTAIN PLACER (placer gold) On Sams Creek. 70. IRWIN MOLYBDENUM PROSPECT (molybdenum) NE¼ Sec. 16, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Country rock: metavolcanic. Quartz in vein is glassy and brittle. Molybdenite is found in plates that range from ⅛ to 1½ inches across. Copper stain is abundant. Tellurides of gold are reported. 71. JOHNSON PLACER Sec. 15, T. 34 S., R. 4 W., on Pleasant Creek. Water rights from 1862. Production: 1943 owners report $4500. 72. JUDSON CLAIM (gold) SE¼ NE¼ Sec. 25, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Contact zone between greenstone and limestone. Some silver. 73. KUBLI MINE (gold) NW¼ Sec. 5, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 2700 ft. Tonalite and contact hornblende in nearby gulch. 74. LANCE (placer gold) SE¼ Sec. 22, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 1800 ft. Bedrock: Limestone in slates, cut by dikes of greenstone. Some medium hard porphyry. 75. LAST CHANCE GROUP (placer gold) Secs. 11 and 15, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. Upper Grave Cr. 76. LAST CHANCE MINE (gold) Sec. 17, T. 33 S., R. 4 W., on Last Chance Creek. Veins occur between limestone, porphyry and serpentine contacts. 77. LEE MANGANESE (manganese) NW¼ Sec. 6, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 2700-3000 ft. Manganese is replacement in quartzite, and was derived from rhodonite. Schists. Highly combined with silica. Part of Applegate series? May Creek schists. 78. LENHERT PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 7 or 8, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. 79. LIBERTY ASBESTOS (asbestos) Sec. 36, T. 32 S., R. 4 W. El. 4500 ft. Amphibole asbestos. Some shipments made during World War II. All country rock is serpentine. Some of the localized areas exposed would be classified as metavolcanics; on Cedar Springs Mountain. 80. LIKEN'S PROSPECT (gold) SW¼ Sec. 26, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1850 ft. Country rock: greenstones. Possible tellurides. 81. LILLIE GROUP (gold) Sec. 33, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. 82. LITTLE JOHNNY (gold) Sec. 28, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Country rocks: granite and metaigneous rock. Tellurides present. Possible ore connection with nearby Braden mine. 83. LONE EAGLE MINE (gold) SE¼ Sec. 29, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 1850 ft. Vein associated with an andesite dike in recrystallized quartzite. 84. LONE STAR PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 10, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 1600 ft. Bedrock: granite. 85. LONG BRANCH (mercury) Sec. 24, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. 86. LOST CABIN MINE (gold) Sec. 18 (?), T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 87. LUCKY BART GROUP (gold, silver) Secs. 29, 30, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 2200-2900 ft. Country rock: argillite and quartzite; metamorphosed sediments, mainly slates and micaceous quartzite. Small outcrop of granite observed just north of the point where the Lucky Bart vein seems to cross Sardine Creek. 88. LUCKY TOVELL (copper) Sec. 28, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. Small masses of copper sulphide in serpentine. Small shipment: 1915. 89. MAGERLE PLACER (gold placer) Sec. 36, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. Bedrock: metasediments. 90. MAMMOTH LODE (copper) NW¼ Sec. 28, NE¼ Sec. 29, T. 32 S., R. 2 E. Country rock: May Creek schists, metavolcanic series. Mainly hornblende schist. Small red garnets available in one place. Some gold is reported. Ore is a chlorite mica schist in which occur sulphides, principally chalcopyrite. classes of solid chalcopyrite up to 2 inches in diameter have been found in knots. Some silver. Further development warranted. 91. MANSFIELD MINE (placer gold) Center of Sec. 30, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. Famous pocket country, Bedrock: metavolcanic; Granodiorite outcrops ½ mile to the northwest. Production: $5000 have been taken from pocket miner shafts. Property has never been placered (1943 statement). Millionaire mine just over hill to southwest. 92. MAPLE GULCH PROPERTY (gold) Sec. 27, T. 34 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: Granite with quartz vein, 93. McLEMORE AND HAMPSON'S CLAIMS (gold) SE¼ Sec. 7, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Quartz vein carrying free gold, pyrite, pyrolusite, and galena. 94. McMAHON'S CLAIM (gold) NW¼ SW¼ Sec. 6, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 1850 ft. 95. MILLIONAIRE MINE (gold) W½ Sec. 31, and the SW¼ SW¼, NW¼ SW¼, SW¼ NW¼ Sec. 30, T. 36 S., R. 2 W., and E½ Sec. 36, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: argillite with bands of andesitic material. Some manganese. Tonalite outcrops about a mile northward. 96. McTIMMONS PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 19, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. 97. MOUNTAIN KING MINE (mercury) Sec. 36, T. 34 S., R. 3 W. El. 2500 ft. Ore occurs along a granite-sandstone contact where the granite is in part represented by pegmatite. Ore contains cinnabar, native mercury, and a heavy black rock resembling metacinnabarite. Principal country rock is a metasediment which has been altered to a rock that contains considerable hornblende, pyroxene and some mica, and a little quartz. 98. MOUNTAIN VIEW MINE (gold) SE¼ SE¼ Sec. 17, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 4600 ft. Formerly called the Copper King mine. Country rock: diorite and serpentine. Well-defined fissure vein in andesite. Quartz vein with chalcopyrite and gold. 99. NEATHAMER PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 28, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. 100. NELLIE WRIGHT (gold) SW¼ Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W., South slope of Blackwell Hill. Country rock: Siskiyou tonalite which is cut by a dike of andesite. Pyrite, chalcopyrite and possible galena sulphide mineral. 101. NO NAME MANGANESE (manganese) Sec. 25, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. and Sec. 30, T. 35 S., R. 3 W., on Ward Creek. Country rock: Applegate series of metavolcanics or sediments. May Creek schists. Quartzite and cherts. Ore: weathered rhodonite. 102. NO NAME PROSPECT (gold) SW¼ NW¼ Sec. 23, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. 103. NORTH STAR GROUP (gold) Sec. 9, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. El. 2500 ft. Country rock: Gabbro mineralized at fractures. 104. OLD FORT LANE (gold) Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 2 W. 105. OREGON PLACER MINES, INC. (dredge, gold) Secs. or parts thereof of 21, 28, 33, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. and Sec. 4, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. 106. OWL HOLLOW MINE (gold) Sec. 32, T. 36 S., R. 2 W., near source of Little Savage Cr. 107. PACIFIC SYNDICATE MINE (mercury) NW¼ Sec. 34, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. North-trending fault in Umpqua sandstone is mineralized. 108. PURKEYPILE MINE (gold) SW¼ Sec. 5, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. 109. PLEASANT CREEK MINING CORPORATION (placer gold) Secs. 21, 22, 27, 28, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. Bedrock: decomposed granite. 110. POOLE PROSPECT (mercury) SE¼ Sec. 25, and NE¼ Sec. 36, T. 33 S., R. 1 W. El. 1500 ft. 111. PORCUPINE MINE (placer gold) Sec. 22, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 1400 ft. Property worked periodically for 75 years (1943). Bedrock: decomposed granitic rock. 112. RATTLESNAKE MINE (gold) SW¼ Sec. 5, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: metavolcanic material. Small dioritic masses. Some breccia. 113. RED OAK MINE (gold) Sec. 34, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 114. RED OAK MINE (placer) 3 miles north Golden on Sardine Creek. 115. REDFERN MINE (gold) Sec. 17, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1100-1300 ft. Country rock: strongly altered greenstone. 116. REED MINE (gold) SE¼ NE¼ and NE¼ SE¼ Sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. 117. REVENUE POCKET (gold) NE¼ and E½ SE¼ Sec. 11, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. El. 2570 ft. Pocket is located 100 feet east of an outcrop of limestone, interbedded with argillite. Production: said to have produced $100,000. 118. ROGUE RIVER GOLD MINING COMPANY (dredge gold) Secs. 1, 2, 11, 12, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. 119. ROSE PLACER MINE (placer gold) W½ Sec. 13, T. 36 S., R. 4 W. El. 1500 ft. 120. ROXANA GROUP (mercury) E½ Sec. 5, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. North of War Eagle property. Ore occurs in fractures of May Creek schists. Cinnabar in heavy crystalline variety. Production: 7 flasks in 1942. 121. SCHAFFER CLAIM (gold) Sec. 24, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: tonalite. 122. SCHMIDT MINE (unknown) NE¼ NW¼ Sec. 5, T. 37 S., R. 3 W. 123. SCOTT'S PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 15, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. 124. SEAMAN BAR (placer gold) Sec. 20, T. 36 S., R. 4 W., south of railroad track. 125. SEVENTY-THREE CINNABAR GROUP (mercury) Sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. 126. SMUGGLER MINE (gold) Sec. 2, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. 127. SPARKS MINE (gold, feldspar) NE¼ and SE¼ Sec. 2, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. El. 1700 ft. Contact between pegmatite dike and gabbro. Uncomfirmed presence of tin in gabbro reported. 128. SPRAGUE PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 6, T. 37 S., R. 2 W. 129. SUNSET MINE (gold) SE¼ Sec. 3, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 2050 ft. Country rock: serpentine. 130. SWACKER FLAT MINE (placer gold) NE¼ Sec. 12, T. 37 S., R. 4 W. 131. SYKES CREEK MINING COMPANY (placer gold) Sec. 1, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. 132. SYLVANITE MINE (gold) Sec. 2, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. El. 1360 ft. Country rock: metavolcanic and metasedimentary. Partly altered argillite, near chlorite and serpentine. Some galena and pyrite in quartz. Scheelite: some samples run as high as 40 percent tungstenic acid. Tungsten resources not as yet determined. Granitoid outcrop 1 mile north. 133. TELKAMP PLACERS (placer gold) SE¼ Sec. 21, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. Bedrock: smooth granite. 134. TIN PAN MINE (gold) SW¼ Sec. 31, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: andesite porphyry. Slates, limestones, and greenstones also present. Greenstones are apparently intrusive in sediments. Some pyrite and galena. 135. TOLMAN IRON PROPERTY (iron) SW¼ Sec. 3, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Contact between limestone and basic igneous intrusion on east. Iron mineral is chiefly magnetite, mixed with some hematite. Rock has schistose appearance. Almost mica schist. Serpentine intrusive. 136. TRUST BUSTER MINE (gold) NW¼ Sec. 36, T. 35 S., R. 3 W. El. 1700 ft. Country rock: Tonalite with quartz vein. 137. UNITED COPPER COMPANY (copper) Head of Slate Creek, 18 miles east of Leland. Country rock: andesite with fissure vein. Chalcopyrite and gold. 138. UTAH QUICKSILVER COMPANY (mercury) May be what is known as War Eagle claim. Cinnabar in shear zone of andesite. Vein in black quartz. Chief showing on Rainier claim. 139. VROMAN PLACER (placer gold) Sardine Creek. 1901. 140. WARD CREEK MANGANESE (manganese) SE¼ Sec. 36, T. 35 S., R. 4 W. El. 2000 ft. Quartz dike cuts May Creek formation, carrying associated manganese minerals. Small amounts of manganese oxides and rhodonite. Highly siliceous. 141. WARD CREEK PLACER (placer gold) T. 36 S., R. 4 W. Ed. Baerlocker Placer: Sec. l Duncan Placer: Lower Ward Creek Old Placer: 2 miles below Magerle property. No gold above Gold Chloride Mine in NE½ Sec. 25 142. WAR EAGLE MINE (mercury) Sec. 17, W½ Sec. 16, W½ SW½ Sec. 9, S½ Sec. 7 and 8, NE¼ NE¼ Sec. 20, and NW¼ NW¼ Sec. 21, T. 34 S., R. 2 W. Country rock: May Creek schists. Coal seam located, lignite. Coal with cinnabar content. Located in Eocene-Umpqua formation siltstone and sandstone. Ore is the only arsenitic cinnabar ore in the United States. Total production to 1937: 640 flasks. Mine's total output equals about $69,000. 143. WARNER PROSPECT (gold) Sec. 4, T. 33 S., R. 4 W. El. 4000 ft. Vein in contact between porphyry and serpentine. 144. WHITE HORSE MINING COMPANY (lode and placer gold) SW¼ Sec. 3, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. Country rock: metavolcanic; some limestone observed on dump. 145. WHITNEY MINE (gold) NE¼ SW¼ Sec. 13, T. 36 S., R. 3 W. El. 1375 ft. Located in subsiliceous rock not far west of the tonalite border. Some chalcopyrite. 146. WILLIAMS PLACER (placer gold) Sec. 32, T. 34 S., R. 4 W. El. 1500 ft. Bedrock: granite. Unattributed typescript dated 1956, Southern Oregon Historical Society. Explorations Start in Illinois
Cave Junction--Gold, which in the 1800s was mined in the Illinois
Valley, may again enter the mining picture here if explorations at
historic old Browntown and other portions of the once-rich Althouse
area prove successful.
Virgil Peck, president of the Peck Publishing Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Barr Smedley, a Utah engineer, have joined with Elwood Hussey, former mayor of Cave Junction, to start a development company in the Illinois Valley. With gold as their first objective, they have brought in a shovel, truck, compressor drills and pumps to the Browntown location, and exploration work will start as soon as revolving screens are in place. Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1957, page 11 Last revised February 11, 2025 |