![]() ![]() Medford Pioneers: The Trowbridges There
were actually three E. G. Trowbridges in Medford--Edwin Going
Trowbridge (1834-1914) of
the Medford Iron Works was the father of Edwin Guy Trowbridge
(1873-1935). Everette Going Trowbridge (1881-1943) of the
Furniture Works was the nephew of the elder Edwin, cousin of Edwin the
younger. The newspapers often didn't bother distinguishing
between them.
![]() 113 South Holly, Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927.
Mrs. Alice Flynn and family of Palouse, Wash., have
arrived at Lake Linden, where they are guests at the home of her
brother, Postmaster A. A. Guck. Mr. Flynn died some weeks ago at
Palouse, and the family will probably reside in the copper country
Copper Country Evening News, Calumet, Michigan, March 14, 1898, page 4
W. H. Hamlin has sold his residence property in West Medford to Benj.
J. Trowbridge, of Douglas County, Oregon, consideration $1050. Mr.
Trowbridge was formerly engaged in the mercantile business in Douglas
County and will probably follow a similar business here. He expects to
arrive in Medford soon with his family. The sale was made through R. T.
Lawton's real estate agency.
NEW INDUSTRY"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 7 B. J. Trowbridge came down from Medford Tuesday where he is now located. Mr. Trowbridge went to Camas Valley for his children, who are still there. "Of Local Interest," The Plaindealer, Roseburg, October 3, 1901, page 3 J. F. White, the sewing machine agent, and B. J. Trowbridge have formed a partnership for the purpose of conducting a real estate business. They have established an office in the White-Thomas block, on the West Side. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 7 A change took place in the personnel of the Medford Machine Shops last week, M. M. Gault having disposed of his interest in the concern to E. G. Trowbridge, and the members of the company now are Wm. Cook, C. P. and C. O. Danielson and E. G. Trowbridge. The new member of the firm is a thorough machinist and engineer and has already taken up his end of the work in the shop. Mr. Gault is as yet undecided as to just what he will do, further than that he will do a lot of improvement work around his residence and take life easy for a short time, at least. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 13, 1905, page 5 There has been another change in the management of the Medford Iron Works. E. G. Trowbridge, who last week purchased the interest of M. M. Gault in the business, Monday bought the interest of Wm. Cook, and now owns two-thirds of the capital stock of the concern. The Medford Iron Works and machine shop comprises the most complete and up-to-date plant of its size in Southern Oregon, and the firm is prepared to do anything in their line of work. It is the intention of the management to increase the capacity of the plant from this time on as fast as possible. Several new hands will be employed shortly. Mr. Trowbridge and the Danielson boys are energetic, lively young men, and it is their purpose to make things hum around the shops. Mr. Cook is as yet undecided as to his future movements and may seek a change of climate. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 20, 1905, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Trowbridge left Tuesday morning for a few days' stay at Portland. Mr. Trowbridge's special mission is the purchase of a considerable amount of new machinery for the Medford Iron Works, of which he is a member. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 21, 1906, page 5 Last Thursday afternoon, Florence, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Trowbridge, met with an accident which came little short of being fatal. She and her mother had returned from a drive, and Mrs. Trowbridge left the little one sitting in the buggy while she unhitched the horse. One strap was left fastened, and when Mrs. Trowbridge led the horse from the shafts he became frightened and started to run, dragging the vehicle after him. The little girl was thrown out, and it is thought struck on the step of the buggy as she fell. Her left ear was torn almost entirely from her head, and a deep gash cut near her eye. Several stitches were required to close the wounds, but, barring a close resemblance to a defeated pugilist now, she is getting along finely. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 14, 1906, page 5 IRON FALLS THROUGH ROOF
Foundry Employees at Medford Create Rain of Metal.
Or., March. 3.--(Special.)--While breaking up heavy castings with giant
powder at 6:30 this evening by employees of the Medford Iron Works was
in progress an overcharge scattered fragments of iron all over the
townsite. A piece of casting weighing 25 pounds struck the Hale
residence, several blocks from the foundry, and crashing through the
roof lodged in the chamber occupied by Mr. Hale. Other particles were
carried half a mile to the city park. As the hour was early few
pedestrians were abroad and no serious accidents are reported.
Morning Oregonian, March 4, 1907, page 22 ![]() April 20, 1907 Oregon Mining Journal Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing by
and between E. G. Trowbridge and C. P. Danielson, doing business in
Medford under the firm name and style of Medford Iron Works, is by
mutual consent this day dissolved, the interests of Mr. Danielson
having been acquired by Mr. Trowbridge. All accounts due the said firm
are payable to Mr. Trowbridge, who will continue the business, and all
accounts owed by the firm will be paid by him.
Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 10th day of July, 1907. E.
G. Trowbridge,
Medford Mail, July
19, 1907, page 4
A large erecting department, 14x35 feet in size, is being built
alongside and south of the Medford Iron Works in order to enable it to
build two bridges for the Gold Hill Canal Company and extensive
machinery for other parties.
E. G. Trowbridge, the enterprising proprietor of the iron works, has made many improvements since he became connected with that establshment, so that it is now possible to repair, if not construct, nearly anything in the line of machinery. Medford has good cause to be proud of its iron works, which draws business from many portions of Southern Oregon and Northern California. Medford Daily Tribune, November 8, 1907, page 1 Mission Furniture Works Makes Auspicious Beginning.
Medford has a new industry. It is small yet, but it is growing and
shows that Medford is a profitable field for other industries. And they
will come. Some are on their way now; others are bound to come. The
logic of the situation demands it, for where there is a big scope of
rich territory tributary to a town, manufacturing plants, wholesale
houses and other business concerns must come there as surely and
inevitably as the tides follow the moon.
A couple of months ago a young man who wasn't afraid started in to manufacture mission furniture and cabinet work right here in Medford. His friends told him that he was doomed to failure because the town was too small; but the young man could see into the future and knew that Medford was destined for greater things. So he built a small and temporary factory on rented ground--for Medford was growing so fast that he was unable to rent a building--and went to work. Already he has more work than he can get out, and his quarters are too small for his rapidly growing business. But he has shown what can be done and has put the fainthearted to shame. E. G. Trowbridge is the young man's name, and the Mission Furniture Works is the title of the new concern. It is located at Eighth and G streets. Among other jobs that the Mission Furniture Works has turned out are desks for Gaddis & Dixon, the Page wire fence men, who have recently opened an office here. The concern also made the tables and chairs for the offices of Porter J. Neff, attorney-at-law. This is but a beginning, but it shows what can be done and presages the Greater Medford when manufacturing concerns will be as common as today they are few. Medford Mail, January 15, 1909, page 1 E. G. Trowbridge, proprietor of the Mission Furniture Works, will leave Sunday for Hancock, Mich., his old home, in response to urgent telegrams from his wife and mother. He expects to return in a few days. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, January 15, 1909, page 6 E. G. Trowbridge, Sr., of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, arrived in Medford Sunday and will visit for several days with his sons, B. J. and E. G. Trowbridge, and their families. It will be no fault of the boys if the old gentleman does not remain permanently. As a matter of fact, they have promised to "rope him" should he attempt to leave. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, March 5, 1909, page 5 THAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT.
nice piece of cabinet work or mission furniture makes an ideal gift,
very appropriate and useful. We specialize in making the
"out-of-the-ordinary" pieces. In fact, anything in the mission
furniture or cabinet work lines made to your order, any finish you may
desire. Drop in and get our prices.
MISSION FURNITURE WORKS, Shop near corner Eighth and Holly streets. Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1909, page 6 MISSION FURNITURE WORKS OUTGROWS
about two years ago a young man came to Medford with the idea of
starting a mission furniture works. A great many people discouraged
him, saying that Medford was too small. After looking over the field he
decided to start a small shop. It was a success from the very first,
and in less than a year after starting three additions have been added
to the original shop.
that the present
quarters were entirely too cramped and that more room and more
machinery was required, Mr. Trowbridge decided to reorganize. In
looking around he found I. S. Tuttle of Oakland, Cal., a man of very
wide experience in the mission furniture field. Mr. Trowbridge and Mr.
Tuttle have founded a company and propose to give to Medford a
furniture works that will be a credit to a city twice the size of this.Orders New Machinery.
machinery has been ordered and
will arrive in time to go into the large, new building, plans for which
are now being prepared.Sample Rooms.
The new
building will contain
large sample rooms, showing [the] complete line of goods made by this
company, many of which will be very odd and exceptionally attractive
and desirable.House Cabinets.
This firm
will be prepared to do
all kinds of house cabinet work in a first-class manner and giving a
much more artistic effort.Many people will be glad to learn of this addition to Medford's industries and an increase in the payroll. Medford Mail Tribune, July 22, 1910, page 8 Mrs. A. H. Trowbridge, of Hancock, Michigan, mother of E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., who has been the guest of Mr. B. J. Trowbridge, left Thursday for her home via Portland, where she will be the guest of Mr. Graham Greer for a few days. Her son accompanied her as far as Portland. "Society," Medford Saturday Review, October 22, 1910, page 4 RETURN TO HEAR OF MOTHER'S DEATH
returned from a visit to their mother in Sheboygan Falls, Wis., and
happy in the thought that they had left her so much improved in health,
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Trowbridge and Ben J. Trowbridge were astounded, as
they stepped off the train here Sunday afternoon, at the receipt of a
telegram informing them of the elder Mrs. Trowbridge's sudden death.
They had made the trip to their former home upon the receipt, some time ago, of news that their mother was ailing. When they left her to return here she was apparently fully recovered. Owing to the great distance they will be unable to attend the funeral. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1911, page 1 ![]() Overland Monthly, December 1912, page xxi ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, April 6, 1914 MEDFORD YOUTH ACCIDENTALLY SHOT
WRANGEL, Alaska, May 17.--Harold accidentally shot
himself today. Wire disposition of body.
The above
telegram was received
Sunday night by E. G. Trowbridge of the Medford Iron Works, bearing the
sad news that his son Harold, employed as engineer for the gasoline
launch at the Madden & Hanley cannery, was accidentally shot
killed Sunday morning. Details are lacking, but he and Houston Ling of
this city and other friends were on a hunting trip. The first message
brought the bare news of the death. The second told meager details.Deputy U.S. Marshal. Harold, it is gathered from the second telegram, tripped while carrying a gun and the load struck him in the side, causing almost instant death. Harold would have been 18 years of age in June. He was born in Roseburg, but has resided in Medford the past ten years and was well known and popular. The news of his tragic death brought sorrow to scores and has prostrated his mother. The remains will be shipped to Medford for burial. Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1914, page 2t The body of Harold Trowbridge, who was killed in a hunting accident in Alaska last Sunday, will arrive in this city next Sunday according to present plans. The funeral announcement will be made later. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 20, 1914, page 2 The Medford Iron Works, . . . managed by B. T. Trowbridge, makes mining machinery, derricks, automobile parts and nearly everything on special order that is made of iron. *
* *
Medford also has a
furniture factory conducted by E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., known as the
Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, where tables, chairs,
davenports and chests are turned out. While this industry is still in
the primary stage, with the proper local support there is reason to
believe it will eventually become a life-sized institution, for the raw
material is here, machinery is installed, help is available and the
market is constantly growing."Medford Unites to Support Rogue River Valley Infant Industries," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1916, page 66 ![]() December 17, 1916 Medford Mail Tribune
The Trowbridge
Cabinet Works has been in operation in Medford for ten years and
recently erected a new factory on South Grape Street with 5,000 feet of
floor space, and have plans made and lumber purchased for an addition
to be built soon to add 1,000 feet more floor space. The plant has
modern equipment, does all kinds of wood work and is the home of the
famous Pacific cedar chest. E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., is owner.
"Medford Infant Industries Embrace Wide Field and Deserve Support of People," Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1919, page B1 A cedar chest made by this firm is in the trunk room of the C. C. Beekman house, Jacksonville. NEW FACTORY IS BEING ERECTED BY LOCAL IRON WORKS
the new latest business changes and the new concerns started in Medford
are the expansion of the Medford Iron Works and the building of its new
plant following the purchase by Harry D. Mills of a half interest in
the growing concern.
MATERIALWith the coming of Mr. Mills, manager of the Butte Falls Lumber Company, as a partner of Ed Trowbridge, the Medford Iron Works is building a fine plant at the end of North Central Avenue, beside the railroad track, which will be under cover within a week, and in use within a month. It will be equipped with the latest machinery and appliances for a concern of its kind, and will specialize in tractor and truck work, for which there is a big field in this section. In the latter regard the Medford Iron Works will be the only establishment for this purpose in southern Oregon. Among the equipment will be a traveling crane by which a tractor or truck can be carried any place on the machinery floor. Both Mr. Trowbridge and Mr. Mills are widely and favorably known throughout Jackson County. The new structure will be a frame building covered with corrugated iron, 40 by 100 feet in dimension. The machine shop in front will occupy a space of 75 by 40 feet, and the rest of the space will be occupied by the foundry. Excerpted, Medford Mail Tribune, October 8, 1920, page 6 TROWBRIDGE FACTORY A BUSY PLACE
The Trowbridge Cabinet Works is one of the most up-to-date
manufacturing plants of the valley. They recently built a new factory
and put in the latest machinery and manufacture all kinds of mill work.
They are now doing the mill work for the new Cargill apartments, Dr.
Barber's, C. A. Knight's and Crary's new residences, office fixtures
for Interurban Auto Company, in Medford and Grants Pass, Plaza
Confectionery at Ashland and several other jobs. Furniture and cedar
chests made by this company grace many of the offices, stores and
residences in the valley. Mr. Trowbridge reports a heavy business this
Medford Mail Tribune,
April 26, 1921, page 9
The Trowbridge Cabinet Works is constructing a substantial addition to its plant at the corner of West Eleventh and Grape streets, which when completed will enable the concern to increase its force from 12 to 18 men. "Spend Quarter Million New Bldgs. in City," Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1922, page 8 BEN TROWBRIDGE DIES SUDDENLY
The sad and surprising news of the unexpected death at Portland this
morning of Benjamin James Trowbridge was received here this forenoon
and threw a cloud of gloom over the city, as he was one of its best
known and most beloved citizens.
While it had been generally known that Mr. Trowbridge had been in poor health for the past year and that some time ago he went to Portland to be under the care of specialists at the Portland Surgical Hospital, word reached the city from him yesterday that he was feeling fine. It was at first thought that he had stomach trouble. Examination disclosed, however, that such was not the case, and that he only needed rest and building up. Hospital attendants on entering his room about 9 a.m. today were surprised to find that he had passed away suddenly from a heart attack. Harry G. Wortman [has] gone to Portland to take charge of the body and is expected back with it Sunday. Funeral announcement will be made later. No man in Medford had more warm friends and acquaintances than Benjamin J. Trowbridge. He was especially well known in local fraternal circles. Of a mild, genial and home-loving disposition, he was one of those rare men who seemed to be full of good will and friendship towards everybody. It is said of him that he never uttered a word detrimental to anyone. He was born in Hancock, Mich., August 19, 1864, and was 58 years old at the time of his death. His early life was spent in Hancock, where he followed the occupation of builder, carpenter and mechanic. He went to Alaska with Governor Swineford, the first governor of that territory, at the latter's behest, and built the first governor's house and the first Catholic church in Alaska. After four years spent in Alaska he returned to this country and located in Roseburg, Ore., and engaged in the general mercantile business in Camas Valley, Douglas County, for 12 years. There his first wife died. He then returned to Hancock, Mich., for a short time and there married Mrs. Alice E. Flynn, who survives him. Mr. and Mrs. Trowbridge came here from Hancock in 1902. Mr. Trowbridge and John F. White were engaged in the insurance and real estate business here for years, and after Mr. White's retirement in 1912, the former had continued the business ever since under that firm name. Mr. Trowbridge was always active in local Knights of Pythias circles, was one of the leading members of Talisman Lodge No. 31, and was one of the organizers of the local D.O.K.K. He was past grand chancellor of the lodge and at the time of his death was its treasurer. He was also a prominent officer of the D.O.K.K. organization. Mr. Trowbridge was also a member of Medford lodge No. 90, F. and A.M., and of the local camp, No. 103, of the Woodmen of the World. He is survived by his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Edgar A. Elkins of the Philippine Islands, Mrs. George Peake of Grants Pass and Miss Ione Flynn; six sons who are Ronald, Ray and Bennie Trowbridge, and Tom, Alfred and Diamond Flynn, two brothers, Edwin G. Trowbridge of Medford, and A. H. Trowbridge of Hancock, Mich.; and one sister, Mrs. H. D. Farnsworth of Hancock, Mich. Mr. Trowbridge had served two terms in the Medford city council. Medford Mail Tribune, April 15, 1922, page 1 STORES TO CLOSE TROWBRIDGE FUNERAL
The Retail Merchants Bureau requests that all stores close between the
hours of 2 to 3 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, during the funeral of Ben
The remains of Benjamin Trowbridge arrived in Medford Monday morning. The funeral service will be held at the Perl Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 p.m. under auspices of Talisman Lodge No. 31, K.P. Interment in Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune,
April 17, 1922, page 6
Medford Man's Invention Stirs
Interest of the Mining World
The Sunday Oregonian
gives E. G. Trowbridge of Medford a splendid write-up on his recent
invention, a small quartz mill, for use by small operators at small
cost. Mr. Trowbridge is making the mill at his new manufacturing plant
in the north part of the city which he and H. D. Mills are conducting
with great success. The write-up follows:
GOLD HILL, Ore., Aug. 26.--(Special.)--The problem of operating the small and isolated quartz mine in this region has been solved by E. G. Trowbridge, a Medford mining engineer. This problem has been the troubled dream of the small mine owner and prospector ever since gold was discovered in quartz veins on the Pacific Coast. The invention is a portable quartz mill with the capacity of an ordinary three-stamp quartz mill. Assembled it weighs 1800 pounds. Dismantled, the heaviest piece weighs only 185 pounds, which permits its transportation wherever a burro can scale a mountain trail. The inventor has recently patented this mill and is manufacturing it locally at an expense of $270, while the ordinary quartz mill weighs several tons and costs several thousand dollars. Its daily capacity is seven tons of the ordinary gold-bearing porphyry vein matter of this region, while less of the harder type of quartz. The simplicity of the mill is unique. Mounted it has the appearance of an ordinary barrel. The staves and heads are made up of cast malleable iron. The staves are one and one-half inches thick and three feet long. They are bolted on the cylinder heads, which are 30 inches in diameter. Enclosed and unmounted are two four-inch high-tempered steel rollers, the crushers, which are set in motion with the revolving of the cylinder. The staves, which also serve in the capacity of screens, are placed on a bevel, and adjustments in bolting them to the cylinder heads regulate the fineness of the mesh. The crushed ore is deposited on a concentrating table and the gold is recovered with amalgam made up of quicksilver. The shaft holding the cylinder is cast on the cylinder heads and the feed four inches in diameter is through one end of the shaft, while the gearing is attached to the other end. The jar and motion of the mill in operation are so slight that a framework of 4x4-inch timbers make a sound and sufficient bedding. A one and one-half horsepower gas engine or other motor power operates the full equipment, including a jig for the feed and concentrating table. Medford Mail Tribune,
August 29, 1922, page 5
interest in mining circles was aroused by the report published in
Sunday's Oregonian
of the invention of a practical quartz mill by E. G. Trowbridge of
Medford. The Oregonian carries a cut of the machine above the news item, bearing a date line of Gold Hill, which follows: "The problem of operating the small and isolated quartz mine in this region has been solved by E. G. Trowbridge, a Medford mining engineer. This problem has been the troubled dream of the small mine owner and prospector ever since gold was discovered in quartz veins on the Pacific Coast. The invention is a portable quartz mill with the capacity of an ordinary three-stamp quartz mill. Assembled it weighs 1800 pounds. Dismantled, the heaviest piece weighs only 185 pounds, which permits its transportation wherever a burro can scale a mountain trail. "The inventor has recently patented this mill and is manufacturing it locally at an expense of $270, while the ordinary quartz mill weighs several tons and costs several thousand dollars. Its daily capacity is seven tons of the ordinary gold-bearing porphyry vein matter of this region, while less of the harder type of quartz. "The simplicity of the mill is unique. Mounted it has the appearance of an ordinary barrel. The staves and heads are made up of cast malleable iron. The staves are one and one-half inches thick and three feet long. They are bolted on the cylinder heads, which are 30 inches in diameter. Enclosed and unmounted are two four-inch high-tempered steel rollers, the crushers, which are set in motion with the revolving of the cylinder. "The staves, which also serve in the capacity of screens, are placed on a bevel, and adjustments in bolting them to the cylinder heads regulate the fineness of the mesh. The crushed ore is deposited on a concentrating table and the gold is recovered with amalgam made up of quicksilver. "The shaft holding the cylinder is cast on the cylinder heads and the feed four inches in diameter is through one end of the shaft while the gearing is attached to the other end. The jar and motion of the mill in operation is so slight that a framework of 4x4-inch timbers make a sound and sufficient bedding. A one and one-half horsepower gas engine or other motor power operates the full equipment, including a jig for the feed and concentrating table." Medford Clarion, September 1, 1922, page 1 TROWBRIDGE QUARTZ MILL IS
The quartz mill being manufactured and put out by the Medford Iron
Works has created a sensation in the mining world in this country and
Alaska, much to the satisfaction of Edward G. Trowbridge and Harry D.
Mills, the owners of that concern which is not only receiving orders
but inquiries from all sections. The Popular Mechanics magazine,
will soon contain a large write-up of this mill, which was invented
only last August by Mr. Trowbridge.
If the orders continue to come in it will mean a big thing for Medford in the way of manufacturing, payroll and output. The mill has been given thorough tests, and orders continue to pile up. The mill is a small one designed for developing mining properties of limited financial means and can be operated by one man. It is said that three mills on one property can be operated by a single operator. Among the latest orders received is one for three mills at Telluride, Colo., which will be transported from Medford by auto truck all the way, going by way of Bend, Ore., and another for two mills to be sent to Oakland. Medford Mail Tribune,
November 22, 1922, page 3
H. Trowbridge, father of Everett G. Trowbridge, and only
brother of
Ed Trowbridge, who with his wife had resided in Medford since August
1922, died suddenly at 10 o'clock this forenoon at his home, No. 1010
West 11th Street, from a stroke of apoplexy, which was totally unlooked
for, as it is said he had never before been ill a day in his life.Mr. Trowbridge was 65 years, 7 months and 13 days old and leaves, besides his wife, the following children: Everett G. Trowbridge of Medford, who is proprietor of the Trowbridge Cabinet Works; Mrs. Edith Warmington of Escanaba, Mich., Clyde Trowbridge of Detroit, Mich., and Earl Trowbridge of Houghton, Mich. One sister, Mrs. Olive Farnsworth of Chicago, also survives him, as does his brother, Ed Trowbridge of Medford. Mr. Trowbridge was born in Sheyboygan County, Wis., and had lived most of his life in the copper country at Hancock, Mich. He was a member of the Elks lodge of Hancock, Mich. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1924, page 3 E. TROWBRIDGE COMPLETES NEW
Everett Trowbridge of the Trowbridge cabinet works has just completed a
new addition to his cabinet works 70x100 feet. The new building has a
little over 50,000 square feet of floor space and is two stories high.
The outside is all corrugated iron and is fireproof. The upper story .
. . is used for a drying room for 7 carloads of lumber at one time.
On the lower floor Mr. Trowbridge has a modern finishing room which is electrically heated throughout and is said to have the largest stock of doors and window glass between Portland and Northern California. This door factory is also the largest plant of its kind in this part of the state. At the present time Mr. Trowbridge employs 20 men with a monthly payroll of $2700. All his men are experienced in their line of work. Mr. Trowbridge recently installed three new machines and has a large stock of moldings and finishing material at all times. Medford Mail Tribune, February
25, 1925, page 3
Announcement was made today that the Medford Iron Works, an
incorporated concern, had been dissolved recently, E. G. Trowbridge,
its founder, having purchased the interest of Harry D. Mills, the other
owner in the concern, and that Mr. Mills has purchased Mr. Trowbridge's
patented quartz mill.
Mr. Trowbridge will continue to operate the Medford Iron Works as [he did] before Mr. Mills became actively identified with it, except that the quartz mill, which has been meeting with wonderful success, will no longer be manufactured here. Mr. Mills, who recently returned from his old home in Michigan, has organized a company at Carson City, Nevada, of which he is the head, to manufacture the quartz mill. He will retain his home here, running back and forth between Medford and Carson City, but presumably will spend most of the time in the latter city. His family will continue to reside here. The reason for the change and dissolving of the partnership is that the business of the Medford Iron Works had so grown, particularly in the making of the quartz mills, that it was deemed best for business reasons that the mills be manufactured by a separate concern and in Carson City, the center of the Northwest mining district in which the mills are so much in demand. In the delivery of the quartz mills to the mines purchasing them a big sum will be saved in freight rates alone. Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1926, page 6 Modern Planing Mill and Cabinet
Eighteen years ago E. G. Trowbridge came
to Medford and started in
a small building at 113 South Holly Street what is known as the
Trowbridge Cabinet Works. That Mr. Trowbridge is an expert in his line
is exemplified by the fact that his business has steadily grown, and he
has enlarged and improved the plant to meet that growth until he now
has one of the largest and best equipped planing mills and cabinet
works in Oregon or Northern California, employing seventeen men with a
payroll of a thousand dollars a week.In 1918, at the beginning of Mr. Trowbrdge's business enterprise his company consisted of himself, one small bandsaw, one planer and one small homemade sander. Today he has the most modern equipment to be found on the Pacific Coast, enabling the company to manufacture everything in their line, and receives orders from all over this territory. The company specializes on show cases and counters and other store equipment, and their products are to be found in many of the leading business houses in Medford and other cities. Mr. Trowbridge has personal charge of the plant and is very careful in looking after all the details of the same. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page F7 E. G. TROWBRIDGE TO BUILD NEW
The sum of $12,000 will be expended by E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., for the
construction of six dwellings on West Eleventh Street at a cost of
$2000 each, according to building permits issued today.
A permit was also issued to S. M. Scott to construct a rabbitry on his home place on Capitol Hill at a cost of $200. Medford Mail Tribune, October
21, 1927, page 3
The contract for the construction of the pews for the new Lutheran
church on West Fourth Street was let this week to the Trowbridge
Cabinet Works, which will commence the construction of the pews
immediately, assuring their completion before the church, which will
soon be completed, is ready. The cabinet works has had a number of such
contracts for church work and has machinery especially adapted to turn
out such products.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 23, 1927, page 6 BUSINESS MAN MARKED SUCCESS
is always a pleasure to note the success of a citizen who enjoys the
good will of all and who has materialized his plans to a degree of
community importance.
E. G. Trowbridge, Jr., owner of the Trowbridge Cabinet Works, came to Medford in 1908 from the state of Michigan and with a heart full of self-confidence, and a willingness to work, started into business for himself in the vicinity where now stands the First Presbyterian Church. That was nearly twenty years ago. From the beginning his close application to business fidelity to the merits of the quality of his manufactured products and by prompt service his business has continued to expand until he now has one of the largest and best-equipped plants in his line in Oregon. Mr. Trowbridge has gathered into his working organization some of the most skillful artisans available. He operates the year 'round, and has played a big part in the building and interior finishing of business houses and residences. He specializes in store fixtures, built-in supplies and pews for churches. Ably assisting Mr. Trowbridge constantly in the office is Mrs. Trowbridge, who is among the exceptionally capable business women of Medford. During 1927 Mr. Trowbridge erected a large building to house his new lumber yard and building materials headquarters in the city. This annex to the cabinet works business affords facilities to supply a customer with everything he needs in home building, from foundation to chimney top. Nationally known brands of materials are carried in stock and in sufficient quantities to take care of any and all orders. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page F3
beautiful Robert Kyle model home on the corner of Rose Avenue and West
4th Street, opened yesterday to the public for inspection, and which
will continue throughout today, is to a great extent a product of the
Trowbridge Lumber Company.
All of the lumber and building material for the exterior of the building was furnished by this concern. The interior cabinets, trimmings, windows, doors, glass and glazing was supplied by the Trowbridge Cabinet Works. The local building company is one of the pioneer industries of Medford, having been established here in 1908. Medford Mail Tribune, November 11, 1928, page 3 TROWBRIDGE MAKES POSTAL FIXTURES
Medford Mail Tribune,
May 6, 1929, page 6
The Trowbridge Cabinet Works is now completing the installation of the
quarter-sawn oak fixtures for the new office of the Postal Telegraph
Cable Company in this city. These hardwood fixtures are finished in the
natural color, forming a pleasing contrast with the green marble base
of the counter and the special green linoleum desk tops.
This local factory has also recently installed fixtures and show cases in the new Pig Tail market, and also in the Ethelwyn Hoffman shop. The Unique Cleaners, whose modern establishment will open for business in a few days, are completely equipped with new desks, counters and garment cases made in the Trowbridge shops. These fixtures are made of fir and are finished in the natural color of the wood. The California Oregon Power Co.'s new store in Glendale, Oregon, the Trowbridge Cabinet Works made all the fixtures. Philippine mahogany was used in the construction of the counters and show cases which were installed in this store. This wood has a very beautiful ribbon grain, which makes it very popular for store fixture and residence work. Box of Boscs Renews Friendship of
Local Woman
Medford Mail Tribune,
October 15, 1929, page B3and Wealthy J. D. Ryan
An old-time friendship between Mrs. Alice Guck Trowbridge of Medford
and John
D. Ryan, billionaire finance baron of New York City, was
renewed recently through a box of golden Bosc pears sent by the former
from a local packing house. An immediate reply, in the simple,
appreciative language of a truly big man, was received by the local
resident yesterday.
Although J. D. Ryan is often referred to as the "richest man in the world," whose wealth, according to Mrs. Trowbridge, even surpasses that of Henry Ford, he never forgets an old friend, and enjoys nothing better than to return to the haunts of his early youth and the folks who knew him when he was a struggling young man on a salary. "It was his personality and brains that lifted him to the position he now holds in the world of finance--not pull, nor luck, nor any of the other elements which have helped other powerful men up the ladder," said his local friend. Mrs. Trowbridge knew "John D." when he was a young boy, back in Hancock, Mich. In those days she ran what was considered the largest dressmaking and millinery establishment in the northern part of the state. She had 30 girls in her employ at that time, and her place of business was patronized by the most prominent families in northern Michigan. She designed and made the garments worn by all the women of the Ryan family. There came a day when the announcement of the engagement of young John D. Ryan caused quite a stir in the city of Hancock, and receptions and parties for the young couple were in order. No place in the town was more affected by the news than was the dressmaking and millinery establishment of the present Mrs. Trowbridge, which not only had to turn out the reception frocks for the Ryans and their feminine friends, but the trousseau for the bride herself. In the meantime, John D. Ryan had gone out to Butte, Montana, where, according to Mrs. Trowbridge, his clever mind and his lovable personality won him his first success in a large measure. From his activities in the Anaconda Copper Mining Company, of which he now is president and holds a controlling interest, he branched out into other mining projects, accumulating fabulous wealth and prestige throughout the country. He now is interested in rich mines, not only in every section of the United States, but in Africa and other foreign countries. During the World War, John D. Ryan was appointed director of aircraft production by President Wilson, also chairman of the aircraft board, and second assistant secretary of war. He was a member of the war council, and an active worker and contributor to the Red Cross. He is now 65 years old. TROWBRIDGE, Everett Going, manufacturer; b. Hancock, Michigan December 20, 1881; to Oregon 1908; Michigan College of Mines; m. Katherine Esther Semon. Mason, B.P.O.E., K.P. Republican. Protestant. Address: 10th & Grape Streets; home: 907 West 11th Street, Medford, Oregon. Who's Who in Oregon 1929-1930, Oregon City Enterprise, page 220 TROWBRIDGE IS MAKER OF FINE NEW
Local Industry 22 Years Old--18 Men on Payroll-- McPherson's Fixtures Show Workmanship.
The Trowbridge Cabinet Works, which
is largely responsible for the smart appearance of the new home of
McPherson's Men's Clothing Store, has a history showing rapid
development since 1908.
Twenty-two years ago Ed Trowbridge came to Medford from northern Michigan and started a furniture-making business with headquarters on Holly Street. For several years Mission furniture was the only type in demand for homes in this part of the valley, so that was the only kind made by Mr. Trowbridge and his one assistant. In 1911 there was sale for other types of furniture and the plant was enlarged. Following the end of the World War the Trowbridge Cabinet Works was moved to its present location, at the corner of Tenth and Grape streets. Eighteen men are now employed to turn out an increasing amount of high-grade furniture and fixtures work. McPherson's store is the latest job to be completed by Trowbridge Cabinet Works. Philippine mahogany was used for all of the fixtures and woodwork throughout this large establishment, which covers a floor space of 25 feet by 92 feet. Designs for plans and arrangements were made by Trowbridge, in addition to manufacturing all of the attractive equipment. The six movable wrapping counters are novel features which add much to the appearance of the store. Those who attend the opening of McPherson's tomorrow will be interested in inspecting these Medford-made fixtures which reflect the excellence of products of this well-known home industrial concern. Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1930, page B1 Medford Iron Works
G. Trowbridge bought the Medford Iron Works in 1903 and was located
where Hall's cafeteria now is until 1920 when he patented the Medford
Quartz Mill and moved to his present location to secure more room.
Before selling his patent in 1926 he sold over 300 of these mills to
customers all over the West.
Mr. Trowbridge says that due to high labor costs mining has fallen off in the last 27 years but that the company has recently received more inquiries from all over the country than they have for many years. The iron works has grown with the city and now has a complete foundry and modern equipment. Mr. Trowbridge is an expert in his line. "Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8 Trowbridge Cabinet Works
G. Trowbridge, Jr., started in 1908 to make "Mission furniture" and has
gradually grown into the cabinet and millwork business.
Mr. Trowbridge's father taught him the cabinet building when he was just big enough to stand up to a bench, and he is the only one in the business who has stayed here more than 20 years. Now he has a modern-equipped mill and instead of only one or two employees has from 16 to 20. He has furnished a large number of the homes and business buildings in the valley with all their mill work, including modern showcases and enjoys a large business in northern California. Three years ago he added a lumber yard which carries everything in lumber and building materials. "Brief History of Old-Time Medford Firms Given," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 8 Celebrates Birthday--Mrs. A. E. Trowbridge of Medford, who celebrated her birthday Monday, was surprised Sunday when her son, D. L. Flynn, also of Medford, brought her to Grants Pass to spend the day with her daughter, Mrs. George T. Peake. The following enjoyed a dinner and visited for the afternoon: Mrs. A. E. Trowbridge, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Flynn and daughters Dorothy and Jacqueline, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Peake, and Patricia, Hollister and Betty.--Grants Pass Courier. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1931, page 7
invention which promises to be
very beneficial to the Southern Oregon mining industry has been
perfected by Ed Trowbridge and C. C. Clark, and will be demonstrated
Monday afternoon at the Garfield used car lot on North Riverside, at 2
o'clock. It is an amalgamating pan which saves the fine gold, separates
it from the pulp, discharges the pulp, and eliminates the
concentrates, which are also saved.The pan is operated by a small half-horsepower motor and will care for 25 tons of tailings a day. It makes 100 revolutions a minute; each shake making a breadth of 10 inches. It works on the same principle devised by early miners in their panning of gold, the engine this time doing all the work. The tailings are placed in the pan, which is 36 inches in diameter, from the outside. The light material goes out through the center opening and the quartz stays in the pan, always in the outer edge. The concentrates are poured out the faucets opened in the sides of the pan. A special advantage of the pan is that it saves the fine gold, Mr. Clark, who has mined for 25 years, stated yesterday. The pan to be demonstrated is 86 inches in diameter, but one 56 inches in size, which will care for 50 tons of tailings a day, is also being made at the Trowbridge Iron Works. The machines will be sold by Mr. Clark, according to the plan, and if they meet with the popularity anticipated their manufacture will employ several men. Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1932, page 7 ![]() Small Shop Grows to Big Industry Trowbridge Cabinet Works, Founded by Everett G. Trowbridge 25 Years Ago, Is One of Largest and Most Complete in Oregon; Business Founded on Enduring Policy Is Responsible for Continued Success.
"one-horse" shop started in Medford back in 1908 for the manufacturing
of mission furniture has grown into the largest and most modern cabinet
works between Salem, Ore., on the north, and Weed, Cal., on the south.
The man who founded the small mission furniture shop, who nurtured it through the years of its infancy and gradually developed it into one of the leading industries of this city, and who has been its directing head through all of the quarter of a century of its existence, is Everett G. Trowbridge, whose name the firm bears today. Of the veteran businessmen who have been heads of firms in this city continuously for 20 years or more, Trowbridge is the first one noted as having come from Michigan, in which state he was born in 1881. Needless to say, he was quite a young man when he arrived in Medford 25 years ago and engaged in business, and is yet a young man, being only 52. It was the ambition of young Trowbridge to become a mining engineer. To that end he enrolled in the Michigan College of Mines, where he studied until sustaining a serious injury to his eyes. While awaiting a complete recovery from that injury, Trowbridge started work in his father's cabinet factory. "I always possessed a desire to create things of wood," said Trowbridge, "and my interest for mining soon centered in cabinet making." Comes Here for Visit
Some time
before Trowbridge
entered his father's cabinet shop his uncles, Ed and Ben, left Michigan
and made the long trip out to Oregon, locating here in Medford. The
desire to visit his uncles and to get a glimpse of the West induced the
younger nephew to start for Medford."I had no idea of remaining in Medford when I arrived here in 1908," said Trowbridge. "I intended only to visit Ed and Ben, and then return home. In fact, Medford looked none too good to me at that time. There was no pavement and the streets were either dusty or muddy, as the case might be. People, or some of them, were drinking water from Bear Creek, and altogether the town did not attract me. As the days passed, however, the town and valley grew on me, and it was not long until I decided to remain." Opens Furniture Shop
Trowbridge relates that there
was a marked demand for mission furniture, particularly mission
electric fixtures. He rented a small structure on South Holly and
opened for business under the name of the Mission Furniture Works.Trowbridge recalls that his products sold quite readily and soon he was forced to hire a man. Soon after another employee was added and he launched into the cabinetmaking business. Business Grows Rapidly
attention to business, and
following the never-failing policy of turning out high-quality work,
resulted in a constant and all but rapid growth of Trowbridge's
business. The small shop started in 1908, and in which he was the only
workman for a time, expanded until 1919, when Trowbridge erected the
plant that is now located on South Grape, and which occupies one-half
of a block of ground.Upon completion of the new plant Trowbridge changed the name of the firm to the Trowbridge Cabinet works, under which it is operated today. Plant Is Modern
When the
Depression swept over the country the Trowbridge Cabinet Works . . .[remainder of article not on microfilm; original newspapers lost] Medford News, August
18, 1933, page 1
Guy Trowbridge, a resident of Medford for the past 33 years,
away at his home Tuesday evening at the age of 63. He was born at
Hancock, Michigan and in 1902 came to Oregon, settling in Medford,
where he was united in marriage to Esabelle Boyden. Besides his widow
he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Elbert Farlow, and one grandson,
Bobby Farlow, both of Ashland.
Private funeral services will be held from the Conger funeral parlors Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev. W. H. Eaton will have charge of services and interment will be made in the Jacksonville cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, October 23, 1935, page 5 TROWBRIDGE, EVERETT GOING President, Trowbridge Cabinet Works b. Hancock, Mich., Dec. 20, 1881; educ., Mich. College of Mines, 1901. Married Katherine Esther Semon, Jan. 27, 1919. Resident of Ore. since 1908. Established and pres., Trowbridge Cabinet Works, Medford. Member, Medford Chamber Commerce. Elk. Pythian. Kiwanian. Mason. Republican. Protestant. Home: Jacksonville Star Route. Office: 10th & Grape Sts., Medford, Oregon. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 549 MRS. TROWBRIDGE FUNERAL SUNDAY
Boyden Trowbridge passed away at her home, 328 North Central
Avenue, early Friday evening at the age of 65 years.
Isabel Loring was born in Chicago, Illinois, February 16, 1871. In 1890 she was united in marriage to Henry E. Boyden at Sheffield, Illinois. In 1986 the family moved to Medford from Illinois where her home for the past forty years has been made. Mr. Boyden preceded her in death in 1918. October 21, 1920, she was united in marriage to Edwin O. Trowbridge, who passed away in October, 1935. She was an ardent worker in civic affairs, besides being a lovable Christian wife and mother. She leaves to mourn her passing a son, C. Z. Boyden, and three grandchildren, of Medford; two sisters, Mrs. W. A. Sebolt, Mrs. Geo. H. Martin, and one brother, Will Loring, of Davenport, Iowa. At her request, strictly private services were held Sunday from the Conger funeral parlors at 1 p.m. Rev. W. H. Eaton conducted the services and interment was made in the Medford I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1936, page 7 News of Mrs.
Guck of Interest Here
Medford Mail Tribune,
June 21, 1939, page 3
The many Medford friends of Mrs. Emma Guck will be interested to learn
of her latest travels.
Mrs. Guck is the sister-in-law of Mrs. Alice Trowbridge of 905 West Tenth Street in this city, and has visited here frequently. Until a short time ago she was making her home with a daughter in Sacramento, Cal., and recently went to Detroit to visit friends. A letter from Mrs. Guck today says that this week she traveled by plane from Detroit to Calumet, Mich., to visit friends. She is 86 years old and often travels by plane. Her son, Homer Guck, who will also be remembered here, is an official of the William Randolph Hearst interests. Trowbridge to Start Sash
& Door Factory
Trowbridge, owner and operator of Trowbridge Cabinet Works for [the]
past 32 years, announced in Medford that he will open the Trowbridge
Sash and Door Factory located at Tenth and Grape streets, Medford.
The new factory will engage in the manufacture of windows and doors and will carry a complete stock of glass and wallboard. The concern does not plan to do cabinet work but will offer reglazing work, Mr. Trowbridge stated. Mr. Trowbridge's original concern, known as the Trowbridge Cabinet Works, played an important role in the building of this city, as many homes have been erected in and near Medford since the establishment of the company in 1909. Everett Trowbridge is active in business and club circles here and has taken an active part in civic work during the past many years.--Mail Tribune. Central Point American, January 9, 1941, page 2 V. J. NAMITZ BUYS CABINET FACTORY
Trowbridge Cabinet Works, located at 10th and Grape streets, has been
sold to V. J. Namitz, well-known Medford resident, according to an
announcement today by E. G. Trowbridge, who has owned and operated the
plant for the past 33 years.
Mr. Namitz, who has lived here seven years, has been representative of W. P. Fuller & Co. in this territory. Prior to coming here he had twenty years experience in mill work and building supply business. He has changed the name of the pioneer business to the Medford Millwork Co. Mrs. Namitz will have charge of the office. The plant is equipped to manufacture all kinds of mill work, sash and doors. Mr. Namitz will continue to carry a large stock of glass. Mr. Trowbridge says he is not retiring, although he has made no future business plans. He says he has plenty of work which needs attention, but first he is going to catch up on some of the fishing and resting he missed during the years he operated the mill works. Medford Mail Tribune, July 15, 1941, page 3 ALICE TROWBRIDGE RITES WEDNESDAY,
Medford Mail Tribune,
August 12, 1941, page 10
Funeral services for Mrs. Alice E. Trowbridge, long-time Medford
resident who died in a local hospital Monday afternoon, will be held at
the Perl funeral home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, the Rev. R. W. Coleman of
the First Christian Church officiating. Interment will be in
Jacksonville cemetery.
Mrs. Trowbridge was born in Hancock, Mich., where she spent her early life. For the past 41 years she had made her home in Medford, where she acquired hundreds of friends who will mourn her departure. She is survived by five children, Ben J. Trowbridge, Thomas K. Flynn and Diamond L. Flynn, all of Medford; Alfred A. Flynn of Portland and Ione Peake of Grants Pass, and by three of her late husband's children, Ronald Trowbridge of Yakima, Wash., Raymond Trowbridge of Medford and Mary Elkins of Van Nuys, Calif. Active pallbearers will be C. C. Howard, E. Gore, H. W. Hamlin, Ed Mann, Wallace Woods and Ed Robinson. E. G. TROWBRIDGE DIES OF SUDDEN
Mr. Trowbridge, who was born December 20, 1881, in Hancock, Mich., had been failing in health for the past three years and had retired from the business in July, 1941. He was in his rose garden this morning when stricken, and passed away a short time later in his home. Mr. Trowbridge was a longtime member of the Presbyterian Church and was affiliated with the Medford Elks lodge, the K. of P., Crater Lake Chapter 32, Royal Arch Masons and No. 13 A.F. and A.M., Hillah Temple of the Shrine, Malta Commandery No. 4 and was a charter member of the Kiwanis Club with a record of 100 percent attendance. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Catherine Trowbridge; two brothers, Clyde B., of Royal Oak, Mich., and Earl L., of Lansing, Mich., and one sister, Mrs. William Warmington of Escanaba, Mich. Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1943, page 3 MILLWORK FIRM ON COURT STREET
new building at 1105 Court Street housing the factory and
department of the Medford Millwork Company is finished and ready for
inspection by the public, according to an announcement today by V. J.
Namitz, owner.The building covers 25,000 square feet of floor space and 30 employees are required for full operation. Equipment has been installed to handle any job of general millwork. The complete line of Dutch Boy paints and painting sundries and the builders hardware department is under the management of Garth Johnson. He has had 22 years experience in merchandising paint and hardware. Namitz purchased the Trowbridge Cabinet Works in 1941. The fire of June, 1946, completely destroyed that plant, and the firm has been operating in a temporary location at the Bruce Bauer Lumber Company since then. Namitz has been in the millwork manufacturing business for the past 25 years. We are better equipped to give better and faster service," Namitz said in describing the work being done by the various machines. A large stock of doors, windows and millwork will be carried at all times and the firm is now equipped to take care of every window and plate glass need with the exception of auto glass, according to Namitz. Medford Mail Tribune, May 19, 1948, page 8 Last revised August 17, 2024 |