![]() ![]() Col. Frank H. and Dr. Charles R. Ray Click here for the story of their dam. Mrs. C. R. Ray, who has been quite sick the past week, is convalescent. "Meredosia, Illinois," Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, Illinois, August 9, 1890, page 7 Dr. C. R. Ray has bought out the grocery and dry goods establishment of E. F. Geiss. "Meredosia, Illinois," Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, Illinois, August 14, 1890, page 7 For Rent.
The City Hotel at Meredosia, Illinois. Only hotel in a town of 1,000.
Best location in the state for a hotel. Best fishing and hunting resort
in the state. To an experienced hotel keeper, this is a bonanza
opening. AddressDr. C. R. Ray,
Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy,
Illinois, May 8, 1891, page
3Meredosia, Illinois Mr. Frank B. Webber, the painter, will leave with a large force of men for Meredosia this morning to complete the work of painting Dr. Ray's new hotel and opera house. "Brevities," Quincy Daily Whig, Quincy, Illinois, September 17, 1891, page 8 Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray attended the funeral of Mr. Ray's mother at Pittsfield [sic] last Thursday. "Meredosia, Illinois," Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, Illinois, January 12, 1892, page 3 Frank H. Ray, of Chicago, was down yesterday and spent Sunday with his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray. "Meredosia, Illinois," Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, Illinois, February 9, 1892, page 3 A goodly number from this place took in the county seat yesterday. They were loaded with evidence for the suit between C. R. Ray and Charles Hudson. "Meredosia, Illinois," Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, Illinois, September 2, 1893, page 6 Domestics.
COOK--clerk, and
water for country hotel; man and wife preferred. Dr. C. R. RAY,
Groveland Flats.
Classified ad, Chicago Tribune, October 3, 1893, page 10 Bookkeepers and Clerks.
general merchandise store; town of 1,000. Dr. C. R. RAY, Groveland
Classified ad, Chicago Tribune, October 4, 1893, page 14 Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED--MANAGER for country general store; bond required. Address C. R.
RAY, Meredosia, Ill.Classified ad, The Inter Ocean, Chicago, November 28, 1893, page 11 Dr. Braden is still at his old home in Indiana, and his mining property at Gold Hill lies idle. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 17, 1893, page 3 Dr. Braden is expected to return soon from the East, and will at once commence operations at his quartz mine near Gold Hill. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 22, 1893, page 2 FOR SALE--Only drug store in live, growing town of 1,000. Easy terms. Address Dr. C. R. Ray, Meredosia, Ill. Daily Quincy Herald, Quincy, Illinois, July 23, 1894, page 3 Berlangt: Ein Apothefer-Gehülfe. Dr. Ray, 3360 State Str. [Wanted: An apothecary's assistant.] Dr. Ray, 3360 State Str.] Abendblatt, Chicago, August 8, 1895, page 3 SOMETHING NEW IN THE WORLD.
Every Day Something New Appears in the World. New Inventions! New Discoveries!
It is now known that the Liver
is the most important as well as the largest organ
in the body. The Liver transforms
digested food into pure, rich blood. The Liver acts as a
filter, removing all impurities from the blood.
The Liver secretes bile, which assists in digestion, destroys disease germs, removes all waste and poisonous matter from the system through the bowels. Liver diseases are caused by overeating improper food, alcoholic drinks, exposure, or it is inherited. When the Liver becomes infected, all the organs and tissues of the body suffer; a general lassitude, weakness and dizziness follows; headache becomes frequent, the bowels constipated, impure matter is absorbed, and waste tissues retained in the blood. The blood rapidly becomes impure; pimples, boils and sallow complexion may appear, digestion is affected, the food sours in the stomach causing belching, heartburn, sour stomach. Disease germs may now enter the system unharmed and cause bilious, malarial, typhoid or other fevers. These are but a few of the symptoms of a diseased liver which differ in different persons. We will now consider the remedy: Dr. Ray's Liver-T is a new and scientific discovery prepared solely for Liver diseases by the Mekka Medical Association, specialists, of Chicago. It has been tested daily in their practice, and so wonderful has been their success with it, that they are now placing it on the market that all may try and be convinced of its wonderful virtues. If you are troubled with boils, pimples, impure blood, and sallow complexion, blood purifiers may relieve you, but if you want to be cured, doctor the cause (Liver disease) with Dr. Ray's Liver-T. All intelligent Physicians now admit that the majority of human ailments arise from the Liver. Biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, melancholy, loss of appetite, dizziness and constipation are common ailments; don't neglect them; they indicate commencing disease of your Liver. Dr. Ray's Liver-T will relieve and cure you. It is put up in tablet and liquid form, pleasant to take, harmless, yet efficient in its action. SAMPLES FREE. For sale by H. Hinrichs and F. C. Buerstatte, Druggists. Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, January 2, 1896, page 4 This nostrum was widely advertised in Midwestern newspapers 1896. Thousands of Women Suffer
complaints. In the majority of cases it is liver disease. You can
easily prove it by trying Dr. Ray's Liver-T., celebrated liver
medicine, prepared by the Mekka Medical Association, Specialists, of
Chicago. Samples free. For sale by Woodward & Conley and Leach
& Lamb.
Telegraph-Courier, Kenosha, Wisconsin, February 2, 1896, page 2 Berlangt: Mädchen fur allgemeine hausarbeit. Dr. Ray, 3360 State Str. [Wanted: Maid for general housework. Dr. Ray, 3360 State Str.] Abendblatt, Chicago, March 27, 1896, page 3 Going to Copper River.
22.--Dr. C. R. Ray, of Chicago, who is heading a party to explore the
interior of Alaska, passed through here on the Queen bound
for Alaska. The party is well equipped and has a pioneer explorer of
Alaska by the name of L. L. Bales as a guide. This expedition will
spend two years in the vicinity of Copper River and Prince William
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 23, 1897, page 8 Dr. C. R. Ray is listed as a passenger on the City of Seattle, returning from Skagway. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 11, 1897, page 2 C. R. Ray of Skagway is listed as a guest at the Butler Hotel in Seattle. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, October 12, 1897, page 7 C. R. Ray of Duwamish is listed as taking the examination to practice medicine in Washington. Tacoma Daily Ledger, January 5, 1898, page 1 DOCTOR RAY of the Mekka Medical Association, Chicago, physician and surgeon; special attention to diseases of women and chronic ailments. Office, 916 Third Avenue, 2 to 5 p.m. Classified ad, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 15, 1898, page 13 DOCTOR RAY, physician. 902 Fifth Ave. Classified ad, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 25, 1898, page 12 Mrs. E. Ray is on the sick list. Dr. Ray, president of the Gold Hill Quartz Mining Co., has put several men to work in the Gold Hill mine. It is to be hoped that the doctor's efforts to make a paying mine of this will not be without good results. "Gold Hill Nuggets," Medford Mail, December 2, 1898, page 3 Chas. R. Ray, Frank H. Ray and Enola Ray located Dec. 12 a claim in Galls Creek district. "Mining Locations," Medford Mail, December 23, 1898, page 4 Dr. Ray of Gold Hill has gone to New York, and will spend several weeks interesting capitalists in the mines of Southern Oregon. He has made a number of investments in this class of property. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1899, page 3 Dr. C. R. Ray of Gold Hill, who is doing much for the development of our mining interests, has sent out a prospecting party, composed of six men. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1899, page 3 The old Clarenden Hotel property, on the west side of the track, was sold by the sheriff at Jacksonville Saturday, under foreclosure of the mortgage on it. It was bid in for Frank H. Ray of New York at $665. It is said that an interesting legal controversy over the property is likely to arise. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 11, 1899, page 3 Dr. Ray, who bonded the Swinden ledge in Gold Hill district, has a force of 15 men at work on the property, and the 10-stamp mill is being run to its fullest capacity. Indirect information conveys the belief that this season's output will be large, and it is also reported that Dr. Ray will take the mine under the bond.. "Southern Oregon Mining Notes," Oregonian, Portland, December 31, 1899, page 10 Dr. Jas. Braden, who bonded the Swinden mine, was up from Gold Hill Thursday. He says Dr. Ray, to whom he bonded the mine, is operating the ten-stamp mill up to its capacity, considering all the drawbacks incident to the situation and a changeable winter. The doctor is running a concentrator in connection with the mill and saving the sulphurets. Dr. Braden says there is talk of putting in a cyanide of chloridization plant at the mill. "The Mining Activity," Ashland Tidings, January 22, 1900, page 2 C. R. Ray is operating the Braden mine and mill to their greatest extent. Kellogg & Darling have taken the contract to deliver 500 cords of wood at the mill. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, March 30, 1900, page 5 F. H. Ray, a millionaire of New York City, who has purchased a long list of mining property in this vicinity through his brother, Dr. C. Ray, is expected soon on a visit to his brother and a tour of inspection and for new investments. He is president of a New York corporation capitalized at $42,000,000. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 3 Capital furnished to develop mines. Send average samples by express, prepaid, and full particulars. Dr. Ray, Gold Hill. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 7 W. P. Wright, a mining engineer of large experience, has been engaged for some time in surveying claims for Dr. C. R. Ray, near Gold Hill. According to the mining record, Dr. Ray is perhaps the largest locator of claims in the district. The Dr. is a practical man and a rustler, and evidently in the mining business to stay. In addition to holding large interests in the Gold Hill and Blackwell districts, he owns a number of valuable claims at Elk Creek. It is the opinion of many who have examined the Elk Creek discoveries that the district will prove to be another Bohemia, fully as rich and extensive, and no more difficult or expensive to work. Both are smelting districts, with large veins from three to twelve feet wide, and both carry more or less free gold from erosion and oxidation. . . . Elk Creek was discovered only a couple of years ago, yet it already gives promise of becoming one of the leading mining sections in the country. Much of the ore, though base as a Bohemia, like Bohemia is high grade, and some of it very rich. Dr. Ray intends to fully develop his holdings at Elk Creek, and is sanguine of the future of the district. Medford Mail, May 11, 1900, page 1 Dr. Ray, of Gold Hill, is by far the largest operator in quartz in Southern Oregon. He has more locations than any other man, more men at work and more ledges in course of development. He commenced to operate in quartz here something like a year and a half ago, and has spent about $40,000 in testing the veins of the district. This is not intended to mean that his experience has cost him this amount, for while he was spending largely in development work, he was at the same time taking out a lot of money. And what is encouraging to the Dr. is the conviction that he has about reached a point where he believes the field will ripen into a large paying enterprise. He has opened onto a vein of high-grade ore, 15 feet wide, at the Swinden mine, where the mill is located, and expects fine results from it. The Dr. has large, and what he believes to be valuable, quartz holdings in the Elk Creek district, and believing it similar to the Bohemia district, now attracting so much attention, visited the latter district and made a careful examination of it with a view to a comparison with the Elk Creek section. In conversation with Mr. Ray last week we were informed that the conditions, volcanic evidences, surroundings, size and general trend of ledges and vein matter of Bohemia were almost identical with the Elk Creek district. He is more encouraged than ever with Elk Creek and believes it to be the coming Southern Oregon district. The Dr. has 60 men at work with a payroll of $2,500 a month. Medford Mail, July 6, 1900, page 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. R Ray returned from San Francisco this week. He is daily expecting a cyanide plant, which will be placed in position below the Braden mill to work on the tailings of the above mill. On account of the ore containing a large percent of base metal, the fan milling process was not able to save only the fan gold. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 3 At Braden Mine.
G. H. McDonald of the Ashland mine has accepted the position of
foreman of Dr. C. R. Ray's mining properties at Gold Hill and goes
there this week to take charge. Dr. Ray is having the lumber and
timbers hauled on the ground for an additional five stamps to be added
to his 10-stamp quartz mill and concentrates [sic] and
has also ordered and will have in operation in due time a fine
60-ton-per-day-capacity cyanide plant. This is the old Braden
properties and Dr. Ray is developing them into great producers.Valley Record, Ashland, May 2, 1901, page 3 Dr. C. R. Ray requests us to say through the columns of the News that he has in his employ Mr. C. E. Smith of San Francisco, a reliable assayer and mineralogist, and he will assay any gold-bearing rock prospectors may bring in, free of charge. Dr. Ray also states that he will furnish money to develop prospects for an interest in the same. Gold Hill News, May 25, 1901, page 1 Dr. C. R. Ray's quartz mill has closed down waiting for repairs. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 5 Mrs. Dr. Ray and daughters came out from Gold Hill Friday to visit the Roaring Gimlet mine, which Dr. Ray has purchased. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 5 The Roaring Gimlet mine, situated near Gold Hill, which in recent months has been one of the most talked-of mines in Oregon, and which has created a mild sensation in mining circles in Jackson County, has been purchased by Dr. C. R. Ray for $10,000; $8000 cash in hand and the balance in monthly installments. The history of the Roaring Gimlet mine is quite interesting. Several years ago a pocket of about $1000 was found on the surface of what is now known as the Roaring Gimlet. No further development work was done on the claim until this spring, when two Germans from California became interested in the property and commenced working it. When a depth of thirty-five feet had been reached another pocket was discovered, which in two days yielded the fortunate owners $3200. Since then the history of the Roaring Gimlet has been one continued story of rich pockets, which netted the two German miners about $15,000, $5000 of which was taken out a few days before the sale of the property to Dr. Ray. The Germans believe they have got all there is in it, but it is not at all unlikely that under a systematic development the property will yet be made to yield the present owner many times the money paid for it. It is stated that the prospect has every appearance of outrivaling the historic Gold Hill pocket, from which $150,000 was taken in a few days. Much interest is now being centered in the old abandoned claims in the various mining districts in Southern Oregon, and it is not unlikely that the near future will witness an activity in the mines of this section such as has not been seen since the early days of the gold discovery near Jacksonville. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 14, 1901, page 7 Wanted
and wife (no children) to work on small ranch, 40 acres. Man handy with
horses and about ranch and garden; woman to do general housework for
small family. Address
C. R. RAY,
Medford Mail, June
21, 1901, page 5Gold Hill, Ore. The Roaring Gimlet mine continues to show up well. As high as $50 to the pan has been taken out several times within the last few days. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, July 5, 1901, page 3 ![]() Frank H. Ray in the early 1900s, from the September 1, 1963 Medford Mail Tribune Frank H. Ray of New York, a brother of Dr. C. R. Ray of Gold Hill, has acquired the Braden mine, located in Kanes Creek district, together with 320 acres of land contiguous. The deed, which shows a consideration of $7500, was recorded last week. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1901, page 7 C. R. Ray, with several mining experts, left for Elk Creek district Monday, on a tour of inspection. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, July 12, 1901, page 3 It is reported that Col. Frank H. Ray of New York, who was a large stockholder in the Seventh National Bank of that city, which recently collapsed, has instructed his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, who represents him here, to suspend all of his operations in southern Oregon. His misfortune is to be regretted, in more ways than one. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1901, page 7 Dr. C. R. Ray left Tuesday for New York City on a business trip. Mr. Blakely, the mining expert of New York City, has been looking over the Ray company's properties in this district for the past few days. He left Seattle Tuesday and will return here in about ten days. Engineer J. S. Howard has located his camp at Maple Spring, just below Tolo, in surveying the Ray canal. It is to be of large dimension, crossing Bear Creek at Tolo, tapping the desert and Eagle Point, and heading at the falls near Prospect. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, August 2, 1901, page 3 Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray, of Gold Hill, were in Medford Wednesday. The doctor has but recently returned from quite an extended visit to New York City, where he went upon mining business connected with his extensive interests around Gold Hill. He also visited the exposition. The weather, he says, was extremely tropical, and he was right glad to get back to the land where the cauldron is not always at a boiling temperature. During his absence Mrs. Ray and the children visited in Seattle. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 30, 1901, page 6 J. S. Howard came in from his surveying party Tuesday morning. The party, with C. J. Howard in charge, is now at work on Rogue River, near the Trail Creek post office. This is the enterprise in which Dr. Ray of Gold Hill, is interested and which has for its intended purpose the floating of logs from upper Rogue River to points along that stream--possibly to salt water. The survey is being made preliminary to dredging and rock blasting which will be necessary at many points. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 27, 1901, page 7 Dr. Ray's brother has arrived from the East, and work will probably commence at the mines in a few weeks. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, October 11, 1901, page 5 Col. Frank H. Ray, of New York City, who is in Gold Hill upon a visit to his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, was in Medford Tuesday upon business. Mr. Ray is several times a millionaire and is vice president of the Continental Tobacco trust. He has quite extensive interests here in company with his brother, many of which promise big returns to their promoters and of general good to Southern Oregon. J. C. Lewis, of Bluffs, Ill., is in Southern Oregon upon a visit to his brother-in-law, Dr. C. R. Ray, and family. Mr. Lewis is very favorably impressed with our country and, if he can dispose of his Illinois property to an advantage, he will move here and invest in Southern Oregon's unequalled fruit land and grow red and yellow apples from the pattern upon which Southern Oregon has a copyright. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 18, 1901, page 6 The Braden mine and mill will begin operations again the first of the month with a force of about 40 men. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, October 25, 1901, page 3 C. R. Ray has purchased the Kesterson farm on Rogue River, four miles above here, consideration $7000. He intends to stock it up with thoroughbred stock of all kinds. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 3 W. F. Hunter, the civil engineer and draftsman who is in Medford at work upon maps for Dr. Ray's Gold Hill mining company, is turning out some very fine work .The gentleman was detailed last fall to make a correct map of Rogue River from its source to its mouth. He started out upon his trip in a small boat with one assistant, and in thirty-two days he had made the entire trip. While en route his assistant quit, and he was compelled to pick up another man for the remainder of the trip, which change of help gives Mr. Hunter the distinction of having been the first man who ever traversed the entire length of the stream. In making the trip he took account of all rapids and falls, crooks and bends, all obstructions in the river channels and as well the topography of the country for some distance on either side of the river. The trip has given to Oregon map makers many facts regarding the Rogue River which have heretofore been unknown, as a good part of the river had never before been mapped. For instance, the only perpendicular falls on the river are near Mt. Reuben [Rainie Falls], where the water falls twelve feet; the narrowest place is ten miles above the confluence of Mule Creek, where the river is but fifteen feet wide; at Horseshoe Bend, which does not show on any map previously made, the river makes a loop, and so sharp is it that at one point a stone can easily be thrown across the land around which the river runs, while by the river the distance is fully a mile. The Devil's Stairs, which are on the old pack trail, are indeed a curious bit of early-day crude engineering. Here the trail doubles upon itself in climbing the mountain, and so close are the trails, one above the other, that a horseman could easily step from the trail above onto a horse on the trail below. It is right in here where the river narrows to about thirty feet and passes between mountain walls fully 3000 feet high. So dark is it in this passage that during the early forenoon a person in a boat on the water can, by looking upwards, see the stars as plainly as at midnight. All of these facts were noted by Mr. Hunter upon the trip he made, and the fact that nearly all of them are inside of the forty miles of the unexplored portion of the river makes his map just that much more valuable. Another peculiar fact exists regarding the river, and that is that the volume of water does not increase to any perceptible degree from the source of the river until the Illinois River empties into it. The evaporation seems to take up the added supply from the main river's tributaries. Mr. Hunter found in the forty miles of unexplored distance not more than half a dozen people, and these were miners. Further down he found a great number of settlers--all very nice people--who were anxiously awaiting the coming of some enterprise which would happen their way and better their conditions. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 7, 1902, page 7 Frank H. Ray, the New York capitalist, through his brother, Dr. Ray, has bonded the Waite or Kesterson place, situated near Gold Hill, for $12,000. It contains several hundred acres of land, which are supposed to be rich in mineral. "Mining News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1902, page 1 Dr. Ray is making some substantial improvements on the Braden farm in the line of fencing, which when done will add greatly to the appearance of the place. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 5 Mr. Hunter, the civil engineer and draftsman for Dr. C. R. Ray, has moved his office from Medford to Gold Hill. He's a fine fellow, and a splendid workman, that man Hunter, and the Mail regrets that his temporary stay among us could not have been made permanent. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 6 For Rent.
Small and large farms. Address Dr. C. R. Ray, Gold Hill, Oregon.Medford Mail, March 14, 1902, page 6 Mrs. C. R. Ray of Gold Hill has returned from Portland, accompanied by her daughter Ida, who has been attending St. Helen's Hall. "Southern Oregon News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1902, page 1 Surveyors J. S. Howard and W. F. Hunter have been engaged with a crew of men running lines and platting the Braden mining property for C. R. Ray. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, April 25, 1902, page 3 Elmer Higinbotham is working for Dr. Ray at the Braden mine. Quite a force of men are now engaged at work in the mine. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 5 J. S. Howard, after a short visit at home, has resumed surveying for Dr. Ray, in the vicinity of Gold Hill. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1902, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, who have been engaged cooking for Dr. Ray at the Braden mine, have moved back to Gold Hill. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, August 8, 1902, page 5 Wanted--
Man and wife; man to drive and take care of horses, woman to cook and
do general housework. AddressDR.
C. R. RAY,
Mail, August 29, 1902, page 2Tolo, Oregon. It is reported that C. A. Pankey has sold his lower Table Rock farm to C. R. Ray, but we cannot verify the report. J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 3 Mrs. C. R. Ray, of Gold Hill, was in the city this week .The lady informs us that the doctor and the whole family have moved from Gold Hill to the dam, near Tolo, where they will reside, for a time at least. Mrs. Ray is desirous of renting residence property in Medford for occupancy for herself and children during the next school year. Their oldest daughter will attend school at St. Helen's Hall, Portland, and the three younger children will attend the Medford high school. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 6 Mrs. C. R. Ray of Tolo went to Portland this week, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Inez, who will attend St. Helen's Hall during the coming year. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 2 Ex-Sheriff Orme and family have removed to Gold Hill, Mr. Orme having been appointed general superintendent of all mines owned by Dr. C. R. Ray and associates. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 3 Ex-Sheriff Orme has been tendered and has accepted the position of general superintendent of the mines owned and controlled by Dr. C. R. Ray, of Gold Hill, which properties are located at various points in Jackson and Josephine counties. Both Dr. Ray and Mr. Orme are to be congratulated in this connection--Alex, because he has secured a position for which he is so well fitted by experience and inclination, and the doctor because he has found a superintendent who combines thirty years of experience in mining in Southern Oregon with the ability and integrity needful in a superintendent of the various important enterprises which will be under his control. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 7 Mrs. Jennings sold her farm of four hundred acres last week to Dr. Ray. We have not learned to just what use the doctor proposes to put it, but Richard Jennings will have charge of it for a time, at least. J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 3 Mr. Smith, the assayer, who has been in the employ of C. R. Ray the past year, left Wednesday for Arizona to spend the winter. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 3 A millionaire--Ray--is building a dam at Tolo, ten miles distant, with which he will irrigate fifteen hundred acres and operate all the machinery in this valley with a huge dynamo. He gave a grand barbecue and ball last month. Labor is in demand in all directions. Dr. Ray, who is building the big dam in Rogue River, wants ten wood choppers at $1.25 per cord. Reese P. Kendall, "Oregon,"Beloit Weekly Times, Beloit, Kansas, October 23, 1902, page 8 I. E. DeBoy of Gold Hill was in Medford Friday. He is now in charge of Dr. Ray's store and restaurant at Tolo. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 23, 1902, page 3 R. H. Jennings of Table Rock spent a few hours in town Thursday. He is in charge of the farm bought of his mother by Dr. Ray. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1902, page 2 Dr. C. R. Ray, of the Condor Water and Power Co., was on Tuesday's southbound morning train, en route to San Francisco on a business trip. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 6 Mrs. Dr. Ray came up from the power site Wednesday and spent the day shopping. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 6 Testimony Was Taken Wednesday.
Testimony in the case of Ray vs. Griffin was taken Wednesday and
argument will be heard as soon as the reporters' notes have been
extended. This is a suit growing out of the purchase of the Griffin
property at Tolo by Dr. C. R. Ray and was brought originally to
restrain Mr. Griffin from removing a certain amount of hay from the
premises. In connection with this comes the question of other land at
Tolo, which Dr. Ray contends he bought or at least should have been
included in the purchase of the property. Mr. Griffin's contention is
that when he sold the property to Dr. Ray last summer he reserved, or
told, of certain lots sold in Tolo during the "boom days" of that
proposed city. A number of deeds, both warranty and bond, had been
given for lots in the townsite, and it is for these Dr. Ray says he
should have received at the time of his purchase. This question will
come before the court in the near future.
Medford Mail, December 19, 1902, page 2 Sheriff After Stolen Horse.
Or., Jan. 15.--(Special.)--Deputy Sheriff John Humphrey, who has been
acting as special officer at the Ray dam, was in Medford today in
search of a horse, saddle and bridle stolen from the barn on Kesterson
ranch, owned by Dr. C. R. Ray. The horse was placed in the barn
Wednesday and was missed at daylight this morning. The news was
telephoned along the line, but nothing has been heard of the animal. An
employee at the dam is suspected, and as officers cannot locate him
they think the suspicion is well founded. This is probably one of the
gang that has been operated between Washington and Redding, Cal., the
past five months.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 16, 1903, page 3 Dr. C. R. Ray, a resident of Gold Hill for the past six years, has been quietly buying up everything that seemed to be a good purchase in the way of mining property and water rights until he now owns, so I am told, half the mining territory just around the town. His brother, C. P. Ray [sic], of New York, and associates became largely interested with him and as a consequence a great deal of money has been invested here and much more is to follow. The scope of operations which this company intends to carry on include the damming of Rogue River at Gold Ray, about three miles from here, and using the water for power purposes on a large scale. This dam has been in course of construction during the past year, and will probably be completed this coming summer, and when completed will give an aggregate of 6000 horsepower. This enterprise will cost about $300,000, and the capital employed all comes from New York. The Condor Water & Power Company has its head office in Gold Hill, with C. R. Ray president and W. T. Hunter secretary. Between solid rock walls heavy cribs of timber have been bolted and filled with cemented gravel. The total height of the dam will [be] 20 feet, and its length 432 feet. At present only two turbine wheels will be put in, of 500 horsepower each, and as the turbines arrived here this week, by August 1 next it is expected the 1000 horsepower will be developed. One wheel's power will be electrified and carried to the several mines in the vicinity, one in particular being owned by the Ray Brothers, known as the Braden mine, and the stamp capacity will be increased, making 20 stamps. Ten stamps will also be operated at the power dam. The other wheel will be used for elevating water by means of large centrifugal pumps to an altitude of 300 to 400 feet and carried in ditches for mining and irrigation. As soon as the power of the first two wheels is all used more wheels will be installed. I asked Dr. Ray what would probably be his scale of prices, and he said the company had not adopted any scale yet, but it would be cheaper than steam power. The railroad station at the power dam has been named "Gold Ray," and is now a flag station of the Southern Pacific Railroad and has a telephone office there. "Gold Hill, Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, March 27, 1903, page 14 FORMED OF SPORT-LOVERS.
Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club Is Organized in Southern Oregon.
Or., Sept. 25.--(Special.)--Dr. C. R. Ray invited about 50 Jackson and
Josephine county gentlemen who are interested in hunting and fishing to
his apartments near the Gold Ray Dam, 12 miles from Medford, for the
purpose of organizing a rod and gun club, the object of which would be
the advancement of sport on the fields and streams of the two counties.
The party assembled in the banquet hall, and temporary organization was effected by the election of A. E. Reames, of Jacksonville, as chairman, and J. L. Hammersley, of Gold Hill, as secretary. It was resolved to form an incorporation, with a capital stock of $5000, divided into shares of $25 each. It is the purpose of the organization to build and equip a clubhouse and boathouse on the lake formed by the dam of the Condor Water & Power Company, and to place boats upon the lake, the club to have exclusive right to hunting and fishing on its waters. John S. Orth, of Jacksonville, A. S. Hammond, of Grants Pass, [and] J. Court Hall, of Medford, were appointed a committee to secure members. Up to the present time they have secured about 40. The club will be known as the Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 26, 1903, page 4 Mine Operated by Electricity.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 12.--(Special.)--The Condor Water & Power
Company, of Gold Ray, is preparing to install a 20-stamp mill at the
Braden mine. The mill will be operated from electric power from the
Gold Ray plant, conducted over a line four miles in length. Drills,
hoists and other machinery about the mine will be operated by
electricity. This will be the only mine in the state whose machinery
will be operated by electricity.
The Braden mine, which is located near Gold Hill, has been a good producer in the past, and there are now several thousand tons of ore blocked out, ready to be mined when the new equipment is in place, which is expected to be in a few weeks. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1904, page 7 Good Cheer at Gold Ray.
RAY, Or., July 31.--(Special.)--Good cheer reigned supreme at Gold Ray
last night, it being the first meeting of the Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club
for the season. Members from Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville, Gold Hill,
Grants Pass and Eagle Point were present, to the number of 50.
The broad verandas, the full moon and the roaring Rogue River all tended to add pleasure to the evening. After a sumptuous banquet, singing and cards were indulged in. A business session was held, at which plans were made for keeping the clubhouse open continuously during the summer and employing a chef regularly. Many of the members come to Gold Ray regularly to spend a day in trout fishing or boating on the lake above the dam. Oregonian, Portland, August 1, 1904, page 4 ![]() August
19, 1904 Medford Mail
![]() August 19, 1904 Medford Mail The eleventh birthday of Frank Ray, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Ray, was celebrated last Thursday evening by a party given to a number of his young friends. The guests on their arrival were met by the young host and after removing their wraps escorted to the parlors which were handsomely decorated in red and white. When the company had assembled games, music, etc., were indulged in until the supper hour arrived, when the young folks sat down to a dainty repast, to which they did full justice, as is the youthful custom. Each little guest was presented with a handsome and appropriate favor as a souvenir of the occasion, which all join in saying was one of the most enjoyable of the season. Those present were: Masters William Vawter, Cary Bundy, Vernon Vawter, Seely Hall, Loyd Elwood, Chas. Boydon, Merrill Kellogg, Sterling Rothermel, Justine Eifert, Fred Deuel, Frank Bay; Misses Fern Hutchison, Pansy Carney, Helen Coss, Hazel Davis, Loraine Bliton, Freda Hockenjos, Gertrude Fay, Zela White, Lucine Magill, Agnes Isaacs, Eula Jacobs, Gladys Curry. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 5 Tuesday morning Hon. W. I. Vawter and Dr. C. R. Ray came near having a serious accident. They had started for Jacksonville in a buggy, when one of the front wheels of the vehicle ran off and the horse ran away. In front of the Globe Saloon, on D Street, the buggy collided with a sign post, throwing both gentlemen out. Although pretty severely bruised and shaken up, it is not thought that they are seriously injured, still both are confined to their homes and Dr. Pickel is in attendance. Mr. Vawter's chest came in contact with the post and he is suffering considerably, and has some fever. Dr. Ray is improving and will undoubtedly be all right within a few days. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 6, 1905, page 5 Dr. Ray:--"I have a duck story I want to tell you. No, it isn't any fish story like some of those that are painted occasionally, but the actual, frozen truth. Below the dam at Gold Ray, just beneath the spray of the falling water, a great number of ducks have collected. I don't know how many, but there is a lot of them. The peculiar part of it is that they refuse to be driven away. You may shoot at them, throw rocks and disturb them in any way you mind to, but they will not fly nor leave the spot. They act just as the fish do when they are running. The only way I can account for it is that they are young ducks and are unable to rise high enough in the air to get over the dam. Whatever the reason there is no dodging the fact that the ducks are there." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, November 10, 1905, page 1 Found by Means of Photograph.
Miss Mabel Ray,
who was in the San Francisco disaster, was found at a hotel in Oakland.
The manner in which she was discovered shows the value of organization.
On the train upon which her father, Dr. C. R. Ray, went in search or
her were some forty people hastening to the stricken city, seeking
tidings of lost relatives. They got together, passed photographs of the
missing ones, together with descriptions, from hand to hand and agreed
to look out for these persons. As a result a few hours after the
arrival of the train in Oakland, Miss Ray was found at the hotel.
Medford Mail, April 27, 1906, page 1 ![]() From The Sketch, Sept. 14, 1907 FIVE HURT IN RUNAWAY
Colonel Frank Ray is expected to arrive here about the 15th of this
month and will occupy his clubhouse during his stay, which
probably be several weeks.Medford Family Has Accident in Crater Lake Park.
Or., Sept. 2.--(Special.)--Dr. C. R. Ray, his wife, two sons and one
daughter, of Medford, were victims of a runaway accident at Crater Lake
National Park Saturday. Mrs. Ray suffered injuries to her hip, Miss
Mabel sustained a fractured jaw, and other members of the party escaped
with slight injuries.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 3, 1908, page 6 "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, September 11, 1908, page 5 ![]()
Dr. C. R. Ray has the framework of his new residence up, and the
carpenters will soon have it enclosed. The dwelling will be 42x61 feet
in size and two stories high. There will be ten rooms, not including
bath and closets. There will be a double-decked porch across the front
and part way on two sides. These porches will each be 9x76 [sic]
feet in size, and the second story will be screened in and used for
summer sleeping apartments. There will also be a 12x20-foot screened-in
porch at the rear of the house.
The interior will be finished in Oregon fir and this stained. The interior will be very conveniently arranged, and the rooms will all be large, with large, massive stairs leading to the second story from both the living and dining rooms. The cost of the building will be about $4500 and the site chosen for it is on what is known as the Crowell tract, on West Seventh Street. C. D. Lyons is the architect. Medford Mail, October 9, 1908, page 1 WILL
Several Thousand Fruit Trees Ordered by the Gold Ray Realty Co.
The Gold Ray
Realty Company is planning to plant many thousands of fruit trees out
this fall and as a primary order they have ordered 2500 Spitzenberg
trees, 2500 Newtowns, 1000 Bartletts, 334 Comice, 334 d'Anjous and 334
Howell trees, in all 5000 apples and 2000 pears.
This is but the first step taken by this company to improve many acres of its land in the valley by setting out fruit. The project as planned by the company is an immense one, and one that will tend to build up the valley rapidly. After a large acreage has been set out to fruit it is planned to bring settlers from the East. The trees were purchased from L. E. Hover of the Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Medford Daily Tribune, October 15, 1908, page 1 IMMENSE COLONY IS PLANNED
Scheme to Set Out 10,000 Acres in Trees in Jackson County.
Or., Dec. 9.--(Special.)--A huge colonization scheme for Jackson County
lands has been planned by Colonel Ray, of New York City. Mr. Ray is
owner of the Condor Water & Power plant and various other
properties in this county. It is his intention to have planted on one
of the large tracts held by his company 75,000 fruit trees annually and
continue until 10,000 acres have been planted.
He plans to place the land under irrigation, the facilities for which he now controls. The project has long been a favorite with Colonel Ray, who is doing it not from a desire to enrich himself so much as a desire to furnish small tracts for employees of the American Tobacco Company, of which he is vice-president. Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 10, 1908, page 10 Another elaborate country home is that of Colonel F. H. Ray, of New York, built originally as a clubhouse, above the dam across Rogue River, at Gold Ray, but since remodeled and made into one of the most attractive homes of the valley. The house overlooks the falls of the dam, and the music of the falling waters can be heard constantly. Over the dam can be seen the lake and the wide stretch of the valley, with Mt. McLoughlin in the distance. The house is most elaborately equipped with electrical devices of all kinds; also a complete refrigerator plant. This home is also tastefully and elaborately furnished: a unique feature is the bathroom, which is studded on side walls and ceiling with incandescent lights, over 2000 bulbs being used. "Beautiful Homes in Rogue River Valley," Oregonian, Portland, May 9, 1909, page F4 COLONEL RAY TO IMPROVE CENTRAL
CENTRAL POINT, Now. 5.--(Special.)--Announcement has been made that
Colonel F. Ray, owner of the Central Point hotel, will soon commence a
number of improvements upon the property. At present the building is
wholly inadequate to accommodate the business, and much money leaves
the town every month on no other account than lack of hotel
accommodations. It is understood that about ten more rooms will be
added, converting the old theater and dance hall, which is a part of
the building, into sleeping apartments. New porches will be built
around the building and a generally improved appearance made.Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1909, page 3 ![]() THE RAY BROTHERS
Col. Frank Ray, of New York City, vice-president of the American
Tobacco Company, chairman of the Western Power Company, and a power in
Wall Street, was the pioneer booster of the Rogue River Valley in the
East and the first New York man to show his confidence in the future by
making a large investment. His attention was called to the water power
possibilities of the Rogue by his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, who fell in
love with the valley at first sight over a decade ago, and the brothers
have together since invested over two millions in the valley. Besides
the Rogue River Electric Company, Gold Ray Dam and power houses and
several hundred miles of power lines, they own a number of mines and
several thousand acres of land as well as much choice realty in the
various cities of the valley.
Their latest undertaking was the formation of the Orchard Home Company, the planing, subdivision, caring for and selling on easy terms of choice orchard tracts for the purpose of enabling men of small means in the East to acquire fruit holdings. The Ray brothers are developers on a large scale. They have recently opened a granite quarry at Gold Ray and ship fine building and monumental granite to San Francisco, Portland and other cities, as well as supply crushed rock for road building. They have also just established a large sawmill and cut into lumber timber they float down the Rogue from their timber holdings on the upper stream. They expect to cut up several million feet of logs the coming summer. The Ray brothers own what is probably the greatest water power site in the world. By means of a conduit less than a mile long, they can divert the waters of the upper Rogue and secure a perpendicular drop of 700 feet, which will guarantee 100,000 horsepower, many times the amount now developed in all of Oregon. Colonel Ray has fitted up the spacious and elegant club house overlooking the Gold Ray Dam as a summer residence and spends his spring and summer there, returning to New York for the winter. Dr. Ray has an ideal home in Medford where his general offices are located. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page 10 ![]() February 6, 1910 Sunday Oregonian TOLO IS FAST BECOMING AN INDUSTRIAL CENTER Fast Getting in Shape To Manufacture All Kinds of Building Material, Which Includes Lumber, Brick, Granite and Sand-- For First Time in Valley Systematic Attempt Is Being To Develop Latent Resources of Valley-- Development Due to Enterprise of Ray Brothers.
long the butt of theatrical companies and a joke among the towns of the
Rogue River Valley, bids fair to become the construction city of
Southern Oregon, the city with the steady payrolls, the city where
things are made that make other cities.
After a long period of lethargy, which followed the completion of the power plant at Gold Ray, Tolo has taken on a new lease of life, extensive civic improvements are planned, the town rebuilt, streets macadamized and water and sewer systems installed. Tolo owes its awakening to Colonel Frank Ray and Dr. C. R. Ray, who have started out to make it an industrial center. They have established in the last few months three industries, each of which will give employment to from 50 to 150 men, and each of which represents an investment exceeding $50,000. For the first time in the history of the valley a systematic effort is being made to develop the latent resources which have been gazed on since time began, without an effort to utilize. Three Great Industries.
initial one of these
enterprises, which are to be followed by others of similar nature, was
the opening up of a large granite quarry, which will furnish fine
building rock for the cities of the country as well as supplying a
limitless quantity of crushed rock for street and road improvement.Second on the list is a lumber mill housing $40,000 worth of machinery for cutting up the logs which are floated downstream from the forests of the upper Rogue into lumber for use in building up the cities of the valley. Third and latest of the enterprises is the establishment of a large brick and tile manufactory, which will have a capacity of 100,000 bricks per day and which will go far to relieve the shortage in building materials caused by the building boom in Medford. This factory will be ready for business about July 1. The Granite Quarry.
All three
of the enterprises are
located along the line of the Southern Pacific between Tolo and Gold
Ray. Power is furnished by the power plant at Gold Ray, which also
pumps the necessary water. The 150 workmen employed at present are
housed in a tent city at Tolo or at Gold Ray.A year or so ago the Rays began the development, in a small way, of the quarry on the hill south and west of the dam, just above the curve of the railroad track. Since then development has shown the existence of a practically limitless quantity of the finest building stone. Thousands of dollars' worth of the latest quarrying machinery has been installed, and a large force of men are kept busy cutting stone, drilling and quarrying the rock. The most improved crushing machinery has recently been installed, and several carloads of fine crushed rock are being shipped daily. Practically a thousand cars of crushed rock have already been contracted for--700 for Medford, 200 for Grants Pass and 100 miscellaneous. In addition, it is expected to supply Ashland and the county. Building stone from the quarry is being used in the new Episcopal church and block at Medford, as well as in the new Ray building, under construction. The rock also finds a market in San Francisco and Portland. Logging Operations Begin.
This week
logging operations begin
on a large scale on the upper Rogue, and between 4,000,000 and
5,000,000 feet of logs will be floated down to the river to the mill.
Lumbermen for years past pronounced logging impractical on the Rogue,
but experimental drives made by the Ray Bros. during the past two years
have proved it feasible. Rock have been blasted from the river channel,
and contractor Pankey expects to have little trouble in bringing down
the present drive.The mill is situated between the railroad and the lake, formed by the dam. The logs are driven to the mill in water; here they are cut up and placed aboard cars and the lumber distributed throughout Southern Oregon. The mill was erected late last fall, and all the machinery is most modern and up to date. It has a capacity of 100,000 feet per day. Brick and Tile Worked.
The brick and tile works are located a quarter of a mile south along
the edge of the lake. The Southern Pacific is now building a side track
to the works. Clay, of which a large deposit exists at the site of the
kilns, will also be brought from the old Price ranch by means of an
electric trolley line, which will be constructed for the purpose. Tests
show that both these deposits of clay make excellent brick and tiling.In addition to supplying lumber, brick, cut stone and crushed rock for cement work, it is the intention also to supply sand for building purposes, and a large pump is being installed to pump sand from the sandbar in the lake into cars at the quarry side track. Thus nearly all essentials for building will be manufactured at Tolo. Macadamized Roads.
The road
between Tolo and Gold Ray
is being macadamized, considerable stretches having already been
permanently improved. The surplus power at the dam is used to pump
water for irrigating several thousand acres of orchard which is being
planted on the foothills west of Tolo. Some eight miles of eight- and
six-inch pipe have been laid, and it is the intention to extend this
system south toward Central Point, making it possible to irrigate this
section of the valley. The water from this system will supply the town
of Tolo, which is to be rebuilt on modern lines.Pioneers in Development.
The Ray
brothers are pioneers in
the development of the resources of the country. They are showing what
can be done with the native materials, and their example will
undoubtedly be followed by others, for no section of the world offers
more opportunity along these lines of development than the Rogue River
Valley. They are also setting a good example in building macadamized
roads and will be able to furnish crushed rock sufficient for all the
roads in the county.Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1910, page 4 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910 THE RAY BROTHERS
Col. Frank Ray, of New York City, vice-president of the American
Tobacco Company, chairman of the Western Power Company, and a power in
Wall Street, was the pioneer booster of the Rogue River Valley in the
East and the first New York man to show his confidence in the future of
the valley by making a large investment. His attention was called to
the water power possibilities of the Rogue by his brother, Dr. C. R.
Ray, who fell in love with the valley at first sight, over a decade
ago, and the brothers have together since invested over two millions in
the valley. Beside the Rogue River Electric Company, Gold Ray Dam and
power houses and several hundred miles of power lines, they own a
number of mines and several thousand acres of land as well as much
choice realty in the various cities of the valley.
Ray and Frazier to Start Cat FarmTheir latest undertaking was the formation of the Orchard Home Company, the planting, subdivision, caring for and selling on easy terms of choice orchard tracts, for the purpose of enabling men of small means in the East to acquire fruit holdings. The Ray Brothers are developers on a large scale. They have recently opened a granite quarry at Gold Ray and ship fine building and monumental granite to San Francisco, Portland and other cities, as well as supply crushed rock for road building. They have also just established a large sawmill and cut into lumber timber they float down the Rogue from their timber holdings on the upper stream. They expect to cut up several million feet of logs the coming summer. The Ray Brothers own what is probably the greatest water power site in the world. By means of a conduit, less than a mile long, they can divert the waters of the upper Rogue and secure a perpendicular drop of 700 feet, which will guarantee 100,000 horsepower, many times the amount now developed in all of Oregon. Colonel Ray has fitted up the spacious and elegant club house overlooking the Gold Ray Dam as a summer residence and spends his spring and summer there, returning to New York for the winter. Dr. Ray has an ideal home in Medford, where his general offices are located. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1910, page B10 ![]() September 1, 1963 Medford Mail Tribune "Tolo Is Fast Becoming an Industrial Center," Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1910, page 4 BANGS BANGED; RAY IS LOCKLESS
As the
result of an
encounter with a band
of high school "hazers" last night, Frank Ray sat through the last two
acts of "A Man's World" at the Medford theater with his pompadour
brushed stiffly back from his classic brow toward the crown of his head.Unhappy Youth Now Nurses Bald Spot where "Cowlicks" Once Grew in Luxuriant Profusion--Hazers and Clippers Cause the Change. The curtain fell on the first act, and, during the intermission, Ray betook himself to the outer air, the better to cogitate upon the weighty problems continued within the play's plot. No sooner into the shadows of the building, however, than: An avalanche of humanity fell upon him from behind. His arms were pinioned to his side, and while one of the miscreants held closed his eyes another deftly amputated a furrow of silken lock from the top of his head by means of a pair of clippers. Immediately upon his release, Ray rustled up a hairbrush, deftly pasted his remaining hirsute adornment over the clipped spots in the same manner that a bald-headed man makes three or four hairs serve the purpose of an entire toupee, and resumed his seat in the theater. Up to a late hour last night he had not made up his mind whether to prosecute the vandals or not. Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1911, page 4
Before leaving for San Francisco, Col. Frank H. Ray left with Frank
Frazier plans for establishing a cat farm, which promises to be a
fortune maker for the promoters. A limited amount of stock is offered
for a few days by Mr. Frazier.
Colonel Ray's plan for this great money coiner shows his Wall Street training. It is as follows: The object of this company is to operate a large cat ranch near Tolo where land can be purchased cheaply. To start with, we will collect about, say, 100,000 cats. Each cat will average twelve kittens a year. The skins will sell for from 10 cents for the white ones to 75 cents for the pure black. We will have about 12,000,000 to sell, at an average of 30 cents apiece, making our revenue about $10,000 a day. A man can skin fifty cats a day. He will charge $2 a day for his labor. It will take about 100 men to operate the ranch, therefore the profit will be about $9,800 a day. We will feed the cats on rats, and will start a rat ranch adjoining the cat ranch. The rats will multiply four times as fast as the cats, and if we start with 100,000 rats we will have four rats a day for each cat, which is plenty. We will feed the cats on rats, and in turn will feed the rats on the stripped carcasses of the cats, thus giving each rat one-fourth of a cat. It will be seen by these figures that the business will be self-acting and automatic. The cats will eat the rats and the rats will eat the cats, and we will get the skins. Medford Mail Tribune weekly, November 30, 1911, page 3 Due to repeated inquiries, it's apparently necessary to point out that this is a joke. Ray and Frazier had no intent to actually begin a cat farm. COL. RAY WILL IMPROVE MINE
Sets Aside $20,000 to Develop Braden Mine-- Good Values Have Been Found Throughout All of the Apartments of the Mine.
For 50 years the Braden mine, near Gold Hill, has been a gold-producing
mine. It has produced between $600,000 and $700,000 in gold and it is
still a mine, not a worked-out proposition, but a real mine possessed
of probably more gold values than have ever been taken from it.
The surface croppings have been worked out, but the real value lies lower down, and Colonel Ray, who is its present owner, is going after those values, not on the surface, but deep down on the ledges. Mr. Ray has set aside $20,000 to be expended in sinking a 200-foot shaft on one of the several ledges in the mine. When he shall have gone down 200 feet he will drift for 100 feet in several directions, and by doing this he hopes to have opened up one of the best gold quartz mines in southern Oregon. Dr. Ray is now at the mine with an engineer making surveys preparatory to a commencement of this work. Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1912, page 3
C. R. Ray of Medford,
Ore. is at the
Bellevue with his brother, Frank H. Ray. The Rays are interested in hop
culture in the southern Oregon and northern California sections, and
are large owners of real estate.
"News from the Hotels," San Francisco Call, February 13, 1913, page 7 MAN WHO "GRUBSTAKED" MANY
Dr. C. R. Ray, who has "grubstaked" more prospectors than any man in
Southern Oregon and Northern California, is at the Multnomah,
registered from Medford, where he is connected with the
Oregon-California Power Company.Dr. C. R. Ray, of Medford, Says Outlook for Production in Southern Oregon Gold Fields Greater Than in Years. Dr. Ray reports more mining activity in Southern Oregon than for many years, although he has forsworn the genial habit of grubstaking every fellow who said he "knew where he could find it." With his brother, Colonel Frank Ray, the doctor owns more mining properties than anyone else in Southern Oregon, and one of their most promising holdings is the Braden mine, on Kanes Creek, about three miles from Gold Hill, where they have a crew of 30 men at work. The Braden mine is equipped with a ten-stamp mill, and has a handsome record of production. Dr. Ray expects it to become one of the big producers again. "Development work is being pushed on the Bill Nye and the Purkeypile mine on Galls Creek, the Revenue mine on Kanes Creek, the Lucky Bart on Sardine Creek, the Nellie Wright and other properties," said Dr. Ray. "We have a crew of men at work at the Gold Hill mine, there are 60 men employed in the construction of the cement plant at Gold Hill, preparations are being made to take out rock at our granite quarry at Gold Ray for the construction of the Pacific Highway through Jackson County, and altogether the mining prospects have never been better, particularly, in the Gold Hill district." Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 16, 1914, page 7 Col. Frank H. Ray, father of electrical development in the Rogue River Valley, constructor of the Gold Ray and Prospect dams, as well as vice president and director of the American Tobacco Co., is visiting the Braden mine at Gold Hill, which he owns jointly with his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray. Extensive improvements are being made at the mine, new equipment installed and a macadamized highway being built from Gold Hill. As a developer, Colonel Ray is without a rival in Southern Oregon. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1915, page 2 A. M. Berdan has just completed one of the most difficult undertakings that he has had for several years in the valley. It was the moving of several pieces of heavy machinery for Dr. Ray of this city from Gold Hill to the Braden mine. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, April 24, 1915, page 6 Frank H. Ray, Jr., a wood dealer of this city, has taken over the local agency for the C. W. Todd Protectograph, an article for the protection of checks. Mr. Ray still retains his wood business, but will sell this article as a sideline and will travel on the road for the company this summer. "Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 9, 1915, page 5 The Braden mine is in the S.E. ¼ Sec. 27, T. 36 S., R. 3 W., at an elevation of 1350 feet, about 2 miles south of Gold Hill. It is at present (1913) one of the important mines of Jackson County. It has a 10-stamp mill equipped with a crusher, two 10-foot plates, 4 Johnson vanners, and electric motors, one of 85 horsepower being used to operate the air compressor. According to E. W. Liljegran, of Medford, the mine was located about 30 years ago by B. A. Knott, of Gold Hill, who began development, treating the ores with an arrastra. After several transfers the mine passed to Dr. James Braden, after whom it has since been called. It was sold to Dr. C. R. Ray, of Medford, in 1900; seven years later it was leased to the Opp Mining Company; it is now operated by Dr. Ray. In 1907 the mine produced more than $30,000. Mineral Resources of Oregon, May 1916, page 41 DR. RAY OFFERS 17 ACRES ON ROGUE
When the United States entered the war the Grizzlies remitted the dues
for the period of the war and with the exception of war work, adjourned
until peace, in consequence of which there has been nothing doing in
club matters for a long time. Sunday, however, a party of 35 members
and friends visited the old Connor summer home on the south slope of
lower Table Rock, where a meeting was held and fourteen new members
were elected and qualified. Dr. Ray suggested that he was willing to
give to the Commercial Club 17 acres on the river a mile or so below
the Connor property, for one dollar per annum, subject to sale, with
the understanding that the Grizzlies should also have use of it, which
proposition was accepted in as far as the Grizzlies are concerned, and
Porter J. Neff was appointed as a committee of one to arrange the
matter with Dr. Ray for submission to the Commercial Club, after which
the club adjourned to meet again on the tract mentioned Sunday, May 11.Medford Mail Tribune, May 5, 1919, page 8 DR. C. R. RAY SELLS 428-ACRE
TABLE ROCK, July 14.--One of the largest real estate deals to be made
in our
district in many years was concluded last week when Stanley Lydiard, of
this place, and his uncle, Charles Dunlay, of Lakeview, became the
of the property commonly known as the Jennings ranch belonging to C. R.
Ray. This property contains 428 acres, there being more than 300 acres
in cultivation, all of which can be irrigated. The new owners will make
many improvements, including new buildings, and expect to make a model
stock and dairy farm of their new holdings. Of the two purchasers, we
know Stanley Lydiard the best, who during his residence here has proved
himself a far-sighted practical farmer who is not afraid of work and is
always on the job, and we know of no one that we had rather see succeed
or would chance a bet as to making good.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 14, 1919, page 5 Dr. C. R. Ray Sells 428-Acre Tract Near Table Rock.
Table Rock, July 14.--One of the largest real estate deals to be made
in our district in many years was concluded last week when Stanley
Lydiard, of this place, and his uncle, Charles Dunlap, of Lakeview,
became the owners of the property commonly known as the Jennings ranch
belonging to C. R. Ray. This property contains 428 acres, there being
more than 300 acres in cultivation, all of which can be irrigated. The
new owners will make many improvements, including new buildings, and
expect to make a model stock and dairy farm of their new holdings. Of
the two purchasers we know Stanley Lydiard the best who, during his
residence here, has proved himself a far-sighted practical farmer, who
is not afraid of work and is always on the job, and we know of no one
that we had rather see succeed or would chance a bet as to making good.Jacksonville Post, July 19, 1919, page 1 I met Frank Johnson and wife and the younger members of his family Friday afternoon in our town on their way to Medford but he was in considerable of a hurry, but he did stop long enough to tell of an auto wreck that occurred on the Crater Lake Highway between his place and Eagle Point. He said that he did not know the parties, that there was one man and three or four women and it appeared as though one of the girls was driving, but he did not think that anyone was hurt, although the car seemed to be badly smashed up. On inquiry I was told that it was Dr. Ray of Medford and his party. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1923, page 3 Dr. C. R. Ray will be at 15 North Grape Street for a few days selling out Gold Ray Realty Co. property. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1923, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray, who have for some time resided in Chico, Calif., have returned to Medford and will remain here. Mr. Ray will join his father, Dr. C. R. Ray, becoming a member of the Gold Ray Realty Company. "In the Local Domain," Medford Clarion, December 14, 1923, page 7 COL. F. H. RAY, WELL KNOWN
Colonel Frank
H. Ray, well known in this city and valley, and a pioneer in
development of electric power in southern Oregon, died at his home in
Huntington, N.Y., near New York City, last Saturday, April 11, 1925,
according to a telegraph received by relatives in this city. Colonel
Ray was a brother of Dr. Charles R. Ray, of this city, who was called
east to be at his bedside.
Colonel Ray was the principal owner of the Rogue River Electric Company, which was formerly the Condor Water and Power Company. He disposed of his interest to the California-Oregon Power Company in 1912. Colonel Ray made his home in this city for several months during the years of 1910 and 1912, and was a frequent visitor from 1901 to 1912. At one time he was vice-president of the Continental Tobacco Company, which was absorbed by the American Tobacco Company, and was a man of high financial standing. Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1925, page 5 LATE COLONEL RAY GREAT FACTOR
Frank H. Ray, who died at his home at Huntington, N.Y. near New York
City last Saturday, was widely known throughout southern Oregon, and
scores of local people remember him well for his geniality and
friendliness, and sincerely mourn his passing.
He spent considerable time in this valley during the "boom days," and gave liberally to scores of civic movements at the time, and was a crony of George Putnam, now editor of the Salem Capital-Journal, Evan Reames, Dr. J. F. Reddy, Mose Barkdull and dozens of others identified with Medford activities 15 years ago. Colonel Ray, at the time of his death, was a very wealthy man, having retired from active business life several years ago. He was the owner of a patent used in the Raycycle bicycle, and he delighted to tell of the financial hardships encountered by himself and partner in placing their invention upon the market. It afterwards formed the foundation of his start in the business world. The master achievement of his life was the formation of the Consolidated Tobacco Company, afterwards absorbed by the American Tobacco Company. Colonel Ray worked nine months on the project, and was apparently confronted with failure. He and his wife went to Europe for a rest and vacation. When he returned to New York City the deal was closed in three days. His business ability won him recognition throughout the East, and in the early days he probably did more for the development of Medford and the Rogue River Valley than any other one man. Medford Mail Tribune, April
15, 1925, page 5
HUNTINGTON, L.I.--Col. Frank H. Ray,
owner of one of the large
estates on East Neck, in the Halesite section, died Saturday after an
illness of about two weeks.
He was a prominent man in the tobacco business and was interested in mining. Many young men have him to thank for their start in business. One incident was the start in the bicycle business of a young man who later placed the "Raycycle" on the market, naming it after his benefactor. Col. Ray received his title in the state militia, of Illinois, in which he served for years. He was 69 years of age, having been born near Chicago in July, 1856. In his early life he saw possibilities in the tobacco business and first affiliated with the E. J. Sorg Tobacco Company, of which he was later vice-president. He was later interested in the Continental Tobacco Company and was finally one of the organizers and vice-president of the American Tobacco Company. He had many other interests. He was organizer of the Great Western Power Company of California which supplied power to a great part of the Pacific Coast, and for years was its president. He also formed another large power plant in Oregon. His interest also turned toward mining properties, and he was one of the directors of the Dolores Espirinda Gold and Silver Mining Corporation. In club life he was a member of the Bankers, Metropolitan, Auto of America and Huntington Bay clubs and the Huntington Association. He had a large estate, Glen Chest, near London, at which place he passed several months each year until his health failed. He had traveled extensively in Europe and his large home here is filled with curios that he had gathered on those travels. The funeral services were held this morning at 10 o'clock at St. Patrick's Catholic church, the Rev. Thomas Murray officiating. Interment was in the West Neck Cemetery. A widow and two daughters survive.--Brooklyn Eagle, April 13. Medford Mail Tribune, April
20, 1925, page 3
Medford Mail Tribune, July
22, 1925, page 1
NEW YORK, July 22.--(Special.)--The schedule of assets of the estate of
Col. Frank H. Ray of Huntington and New York City, who died April 11th
last, was filed recently in probate court, and shows a gross value of
$2,502,268.47, with debts and administration expenses of $1,540,832.92,
leaving a net estate of $961,424.55, to be divided among the heirs,
including Charles R. Ray of Medford, Oregon, who by the terms of the
will is left a one-third interest.
Colonel Ray was well known in this city and valley, and formerly was a
yearly visitor. His brother, C. R. Ray, is a resident of this city, and
returned recently from New York, where he was called by the last
illness of his kin. According to the above message, Dr. Ray apparently
will receive slightly over $300,000 as his share of the estate.COL. RAY'S ESTATE $961,424
Will Provides Property Is To Stay Intact for 5 Years After Death. Special to the New York Times.
L.I., Aug. 3.--The estate of the late Colonel Frank
Huber Ray of
Manhattan and Huntington, L.I., must pay a state transfer tax of
$35,073.61, according to a decree entered in the Suffolk
Surrogate's Court here today. The gross value of the estate was
appraised at $2,502,268.47. Debts, cost of administration, &c.,
amounted to $1,540,843.92, leaving a net estate of $961,424.55.
According to the will the estate is to be held intact until five years after the death of Colonel Ray. When the estate is divided, the widow, Mrs. Minnie G. Ray, will receive $322,836.67. A brother, Charles [Reginald] Ray of Medford, Ore., will receive $416,601.38, and the same amount is to be paid to a sister, Fanny Lewis of Bluffs, Ill. Chris McKeever, and employee of Colonel Ray, is to get $10,000. During the five-year period, the widow, brother and sister are to receive such income as is necessary to support them and McKeever is to receive his salary. Colonel Ray died on April 11, 1925. The largest debt of the estate was $1,250,000 owed to a New York brokerage house. New York Times, August 4, 1925, page 38 DOCTOR C. R. RAY DIES
Medford Mail Tribune, January
27, 1926, page 1Well-Known Medford Pioneer and Power Developer Is Victim of Pneumonia in Southern California--Taken Ill En Route Home.
Word was received here today from Los Angeles that Dr. Charles R. Ray,
for many years a resident of this county, died on the night of January
26, while en route to Medford.
Colonel Frank H. Ray of New York City, a brother of the doctor, passed away in that city on April 11, 1925. Since that time the doctor, with his son, Frank, and Mrs. Frank Ray, have been East caring for the business interests of the estate of Frank H. Ray. They were on the return trip to Medford and near Los Angeles, Cal., when the doctor was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia, from which he died last evening. At the time of his death both Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray were with him. Dr. Charles Reginald Ray was born at Florence, Ill., January 26, 1859, and was 67 years old at the time of his death. He graduated from the high schools at Pittsburg [sic], Ill., and in 1882 from the St. Louis medical college; afterwards he practiced medicine in Chicago and at Seattle, Wash. Married in 1881.
On February 28, 1881, he was married to Enola Williams at Time, Ill.,
and he left surviving him Ina R. Olwell, wife of John D. Olwell, New
York City; Miss Mabel R. Ray of Medford, Frank H. and Charles R. Ray of
Medford. He is also survived by Enola Ray and his sister, Mrs. J. C.
Lewis of Bluffs, Ill.Dr. Ray came to Jackson County, Oregon, for the purpose of engaging in mining in the year 1897. At that time he was accompanied by his family and they located at Gold Hill, where the doctor opened and conducted a mining and assay office for the handling entirely of his own mining business, and where he employed competent mining engineers in his research work. He was a great believer in the mining possibilities of this section and expended intelligently a large amount of money in the development of several quartz properties in the Gold Hill section. In the very early mining days approximately $365,000 was taken out of the property, commonly known as the Old Gold Hill property, situated a few miles from the town of Gold Hill and on the mountain overlooking the present site of the Gold Ray power plant. This property had been mined in the very early '60s by the Gold Hill Quartz Mining Company. Its great richness had caused it to find its way into the supreme court of the state in litigation over its property and its output. The mine was perhaps one of the best known of the Southern Oregon quartz producers. After the extraction of this money from practically the surface of the mountain, and after the many troubles incident to such operations had passed, many mining people attempted to strike this paying ore chute at greater depths, and much money was expended in these efforts. Following many of these, Dr. Ray acquired title to the property and began in a careful, systematic manner to successfully develop it, but he was never able to make the mountain give up its secret, although he had never parted with the property or lost hope in it and in again finding the ore chute. Developed Braden Mine.
He also developed the Braden mine in the Kanes Creek section and the
development was carried on under the direction of very competent
engineers, and a force of some 40 to 50 men operated there for a
considerable time. A ten-stamp quartz mill was erected upon the
property and electric power was taken there from Gold Ray to operate
it. He did not confine his mining operations to the working of mines,
but kept men in the mountains prospecting, hunting pockets that might
lead to other larger developments.Shortly after arriving here he became impressed with the great value of the Rogue River power, not only to the mining and other industries, but as an investment. He acquired the rights at Gold Ray, and with the assistance of his brother, Frank H. Ray, who was abundantly able to make the investment, harnessed the power at Gold Ray, build the Gold Ray Dam, built its power plant, and began the construction of its power lines through the valley. He realized that the valley was not ready to utilize all of its power, but that the power would have to be available before industry would demand it, and he therefore pioneered in the power development of the Rogue River. The public responded more rapidly than most investors would have expected it to do, and so after the installation of the Gold Ray plant and the power lines had been extended into Ashland, Medford and Jacksonville, and these cities, with Central Point, Gold Hill and Grants Pass, had been lighted, and many mines had been supplied with power, he organized the Prospect Construction Company, which acquired the power rights of the upper river at Prospect. It installed and developed the Prospect power plant. During these operations certain people in Indianapolis became interested in the extension of the power and organized the Rogue River Electric Company to take over these power holdings, which were then held by the Condor Water & Power Company, which corporation Dr. Ray had organized. The Rogue River Electric Company put very little money into the industries, excepting what Colonel Ray had invested, but the plant was operated under its name. Subsequently largely through the effort of Dr. Ray, the corporation was amalgamated with the Siskiyou Light & Power Company, a California concern operating out of Yreka, Cal., and which had invaded the Ashland territory. Eventually the California Oregon Power Company was organized and took over all of these holdings and extended and developed the power operations to their present magnitude. This institution today has one of the largest power operations of any power company on the coast. Consistent Optimist.
It may be justly said of Dr. Ray that he was always the most consistent
optimist for the future of the Rogue River Valley and its industrial
development of any of its citizens or investors. It was prophetic
vision upon his part that grasped the power possibilities of this
section, and the power market possibilities, long before any electric
power had been manufactured or used in this section of the state. He
was very full of optimism and hopeful confidence in the resources and
business success of this section. And to him, more than to any other
one person who has been active in the industrial development of the
county, is due its growth and progress which is traceable to and allied
with its power developments. There was never any more enthusiastic good
roads advocate than Dr. Ray. He was always foremost in the
promotion of
the organizations that first advocated and put forth good roads
movements in the state.He was a very kindly, true friend, and those who knew him best appreciated that he had endearing qualities that made him very valuable, both to his family and to his friends. In his death the community has lost a valuable asset. He was a member of the Masonic orders here, including the Blue Lodge; Royal Arch chapter No. 4 at Jacksonville, member of the Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Medford Lodge No. 1168, B.P.O.E. No definite arrangements for the funeral have yet been made. BODY OF DR. RAY ARRIVES IN CITY,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Ray arrived here from the south at 2:30 o'clock
this morning with the body of Mr. Ray's father, Dr. Charles Reginald
Ray, whose death last Sunday occurred in a general hospital at
Hollywood, Calif., at which place the trio stopped off while en route
home from New York because of Dr. Ray's sudden illness.
At the depot here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray were met by the widow; a daughter, Miss Mabel Ray; Charles R. Ray, a son. Mrs. John Olwell, another daughter, has left New York City for Medford and will arrive here next Tuesday evening. For that reason the funeral services will not be held until next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, from the Perl Funeral Home, and with Rev. E. P. Lawrence of the Presbyterian Church officiating. Full details for the funeral have not yet been completed. Dr. Ray's body is now resting in a solid bronze casket at the Perl Funeral Home, awaiting the funeral and interment. Greatly fatigued from their long journey from the East and the trying experience and worry they had passed through at Hollywood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray spent today in rest and retirement. Frank, between whom and his father there was a deep attachment, was especially worn out. It seems that Dr. Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray returned home via the New Orleans route, that when they left New York City the former was in good health and spirits, and also when they left New Orleans for the North. But sometime later he contracted a cold which became especially pronounced when passing through Arizona. His condition became steadily worse, so much so that when the train reached Hollywood he was at once rushed to the hospital in that city, where he died at 5:20 p.m. on the same day. The cause of death was bronchial pneumonia. Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1926, page 2 ![]() En route home the doctor contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia as they neared Los Angeles, where he was rushed to a hospital in Hollywood where he died that night. Dr. Ray came to Jackson County, Ore., in 1897 for the purpose of engaging in mining. He was accompanied by his family and located at Gold Hill, where he opened and conducted a mining and assay office for the handling entirely of his own mining business and employed competent mining engineers in his research work. Approximately $365,000 was taken from the property commonly known as the old Gold Hill property in the early mining days. This property is on the mountain overlooking the present site of the Gold Ray power plant. Dr. Ray expended intelligently a large amount of money in the development of several quartz properties in the Gold Hill section. He also developed the Braden Mine in the Kanes Creek section. He was greatly impressed with the Rogue River from a power standpoint and used electric power from Gold Ray to run his mines on that mountain with. He acquired the rights at Gold Ray, and, with the assistance of his brother, Frank H. Ray, harnessed the power at Gold Ray, built the Gold Ray Dam, built its power plant, and began the construction of its power lines through the valley. Realizing the future possibilities for power, he pioneered in the power development of the Rogue River. The public responded very rapidly. After the installation of the Gold Ray plant and the power lines had been extended into Medford, Jacksonville and Ashland, and these cities with Central Point, Gold Hill and Grants Pass had been lighted, and many mines had been supplied with power, he organized the Prospect Construction Company which acquired the power rights of the upper river at Prospect. It installed and developed the Prospect power plant. Certain people in Indianapolis then became interested in the extension of the power and organized the Rogue River Electric Company to take over these power holdings. Later, through the efforts of Dr. Ray, this company was amalgamated with the Siskiyou Light and Power Company, a California concern operating out of Yreka and invading the Ashland territory. Eventually the California Oregon Power Company was organized and took over all these holdings and extended and developed the power operations to their present magnitude, which is today one of the largest power operations of any power concern on the coast. Dr. Ray was a member of the local Masonic orders including the Blue Lodge Boys, Arch Chapter No. 4 at Jacksonville, Knights of Pythias; Woodmen of the World, Medford Lodge No. 1168 B.P.O.E. Bliss
Heine, "Medford News," Central
Point American, February 4, 1926, page 3
amended complaint in the suit of Ina E. Olwell against the executors of
the estate of the late Charles R. Ray was filed in the circuit court
yesterday. The latest document in the will action recites the same
general facts, as outlined in the original complaint, and further sets
forth that the alleged contract between Mrs. Olwell and her father, Dr.
C. R. Ray, was made in writing in New York, and that the said contract
is now in the possession of the executors of the will.
FINAL PLEAS HEARD IN RAY CASEMrs. Olwell is suing on a claim for $73,000 against the estate, which the executors disallowed last February. She claims that an agreement was made by herself and father, that in return for her remaining in New York City during the life of Frank H. Ray, she was to receive one-fourth of the bequest to his brother Charles R. Ray. After the death of Col. Ray, she asserts she made a contract with her father, Dr. Ray, that in lieu of one-fourth of the bequest, she would receive $75,000, and that $1000 was paid when the contract was made, in writing, and that another $1000 was paid in allotments of $100 per month. Mrs. Olwell claims that this contract was later turned over to her father, with the understanding that the balance was to be paid when the estate was settled. The validity of the contract is one of the main issues in the suit. Col. Ray died in New York in 1925, and Dr. Ray died in Los Angeles early in 1926. Both were well-known Southern Oregon residents. The trial of the suit will probably be at the fall term, which because all the figures involved are well known, has attracted wide local attention. It was scheduled for the present term of the circuit court, but owing to the early setting of the retrial of the Hugh DeAutremont case, will probably be held over until September. The appraisement of the estate of Dr. Ray places its value at $387,028.73. Included in this was $97,722.09 on deposit in New York and San Francisco banks. The executors of the will are Frank H. Ray, John S. Orth and attorney T. W. Miles, who are represented in the suit by attorneys Cunningham and Robnett of San Francisco, and Frank DeSouza of this city. Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1927, page 3 CHARLES RAY WEDS DOROTHY HARRISON
Chas. Ray, son of Mr. Enola Ray
of Medford, and Dorothy Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
T. Harrison of
Seven Oaks, were married in Medford Sunday afternoon at the home of
Frank Ray. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. P. Lawrence of the
Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock. The bride and groom left Medford
immediately after the ceremony for a motor trip through Southern
California. They will return to Medford the last of this month to make
their home, where Mr. Ray is known as one of the city's leading
realtors.The bride is well known and well liked in the Rogue River Valley, where she attended the Central Point high school. The Harrisons came to Southern Oregon from Santa Rosa, California, and located on a ranch near Seven Oaks two years ago.
An answer and petition to the suit of Mrs. Ina Enola
Olwell, contesting the last will of her mother, Mrs. Charles R. Ray,
Sr., was filed in the circuit court today by attorney Charles R.
Reames. It is asked that the will and all its bequests be declared
invalid, and that the suit of Mrs. Olwell, in which she alleges "undue influences," be dismissed. The answer alleges that
the family paid Mrs. Olwell $35,000 as a compromise in the suit filed
by her against the terms of her father's will.Allege $35,000 Paid As Compromise--Ask Dismissal 'Undue Influence' Charge--Action Is Hit. The mother bequeathed the major portion of her estate, of the estimated value of $40,000, to her daughter, Mabel R. Ray, and her son, Charles R. Ray, named as executor without bonds. Frank R. Ray, a son, and Mrs. Olwell were bequeathed $1 each. Mrs. Olwell seeks in her suit to have the will of her mother declared intestate and divided equally among the four children. As part of the answer, it is alleged that Mrs. Olwell "for many years prior to the death of her mother . . . was an undutiful daughter, and caused them worry, annoyance and humiliation." It is also asserted that the settlement of the estate was delayed 15 months by her course in the courts. It is further alleged and charged that through legal actions and threats Mrs. Olwell received from the estate of her father, C. R. Ray, $35,000 more than her sister, Mabel R. Ray, and her brother, Charles R. Ray, and that this sum was paid "as a compromise, so that Ina Olwell would not further worry and harass her mother." Her legal action is declared "uncalled for," and filed for the purpose of causing worry. A copy of the last will of Mrs. Ray is attached to the answer, with Dr. R. W. Sleeter and Charles A. Wing as witnesses. It was made February 9, 1929. Mrs. Olwell, a former well-known resident of this city, is now a resident of Oakland, California. Medford Mail Tribune, May 9, 1930, page 1
Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell, seeking to break the will of
her mother, Mrs. Enola R. Ray, deceased, was the chief witness at this
morning's hearing before County Judge Alex Sparrow, in probate.In her testimony, marked by sharp interchanges between opposing counsel, she alleged that following the death of her father, the late Dr. Charles R. Ray, when she came to attend the last rites, she was treated with cruel coolness," and studied shabbiness, "while I longed for their love and affection, which they denied me." She further charged that during this period Miss Mabel Ray, a sister, said to her: "You have your nerve coming here at this time with your sealskin sacques and diamond bracelets, while we have none." Mrs. Olwell also alleged that she was snubbed, and "when I went for breakfast found the food had been hidden," and that when friends telephoned she was not apprised of the call. Mother in Daze
She described the condition of her mother, following
the death of Dr. Ray, and gave it as her opinion that she "seemed to be in a sort of daze--as if she was
suppressed." Mrs. Olwell declared that she was never allowed to
be alone with her mother during this period. She also described the
reading of the will of Dr. Ray, the father, and the family gathering.Mrs. Olwell flatly denied the testimony of Frank Ray and Charles Ray that harmony prevailed in the Ray family. "I hate to say it, but there was almost constant quarreling in the Ray family," At another stage of her testimony, she declared, "Frank did the thinking for the family." Part of the time Mrs. Olwell testified with tear-dimmed eyes, and at other periods flashed defiance and bitterness. She also made spirited retorts to Charles W. Reames, attorney for the defense. Letters exchanged between members of the family were identified by Mrs. Olwell. The contested will of Mrs. Enola R. Ray bequeathed the major portion of the estate, of an estimated value of $40,000, to Mabel Ray and Charles Ray, and left $1 each to Frank Ray and Mrs. Olwell. Mrs. Olwell seeks an even division. Mrs. Olwell is expected to be on the stand the remainder of the day, after which she will be subjected to cross-examination by the defense. Medford Mail Tribune, September 18, 1930, page 5
The Ray will contest hearing continued today before
County Judge Alex Sparrow, with Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell on the stand,
reciting more intimate details of the Ray family life, and sharp
interchanges between opposing counsel and the witness.At one stage of the hearing, Mrs. Olwell and two lawyers were all talking at the same time. Said Judge Sparrow: "Let's take it easy. We have consumed about three weeks with this case, and there is no rush now that necessitates everybody talking at once. Beside the stenographer has only one hand to write with." The admonition temporarily calmed the legal storm. Mrs. Olwell testified, among other things, that she exacted a promise from her brothers, "on their word of honor and with handshakes," that, in the event of a serious turn in the health of the other they would advise her promptly, at her San Francisco residence. Blame Brothers
She charged the brother never kept the promise, and
alleged that Frank Ray wrote her saying the mother was afflicted with
nothing more serious than a slight cold, when "at the very
time," Dr. William P. House, Portland, mental specialist, was in
attendance.In order to obtain information about her mother's health, Mrs. Olwell alleged she was forced to write old friends in this city, and had also appealed to the Rev. E. P. Lawrence of the Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Ray was a member, for tidings. The cross-examination of Mrs. Olwell is slated to start next week. On the stand this morning, Mrs. Olwell was composed and frank in her answers, but was apparently nettled by the frequent objections of attorney Charles W. Reames. During the course of the hearing, 200 exhibits have been introduced, and the stenographic report, up to noon today, consisted of 1160 pages. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1930, page 7
Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell continued on the witness stand
this morning in the suit to break the last will of Mrs. Enola R. Ray.
Bitterness flared at times against her opposing relatives and their
counsel, Charles W. Reames, as Mrs. Olwell recited details of the
decline in the health and fortune of her husband, John D. Olwell,
member of a pioneer southern Oregon family, well known locally.At one stage she cried at attorney Reames: "It is most unkind to make stock of one's affliction," and at another point said: "You can't cut any deeper into my heart." Mrs. Olwell was called upon to identify letters she was purported to have written her mother dealing with her financial and domestic affairs, the purpose being to show they described a different condition than indicated by her testimony in the present case. She testified that Olwell had lost thousands of dollars in his New York operations. "I know what it is to be broke, and to work, and that it is more than I can say for my two big strong brothers, who have always lived on their parents, and the bounty of their Uncle Frank." The hearing is now in its third week before County Judge Alex Sparrow, and from present indications, it will be another week ere the case is concluded. Medford Mail Tribune, September 20, 1930, page 2
Letters that Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell wrote to her
mother, father, brothers and sisters formed the main portion of the
evidence in the hearing today of the contest to break the will of her
mother, the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray.Woman Suing for Money Left by Mother, Declares Cloud on Her Parentage Cause of Hopeless Grief--Letters Are Read. The epistles--many of them written on a typewriter--pleaded for family harmony, funds, and "the love and affection that has been denied me and my family." Missives written after Mrs. Olwell learned, from a Jackson County woman, of the cloud upon her parentage, and later had it confirmed by Dr. Charles W. Ray, were the storm center of questioning by the defense. Mrs. Olwell refused to admit the contention that the letters were "hysterical," but declared "I was grief-stricken by the knowledge that the man I had always thought was my father was not, and instead my father was my Uncle Frank." She testified she asked Dr. Charles Ray for the truth when he was visiting in New York City. Later she wrote in a letter to Dr. Ray: "Please, please, don't kick me when I am down. The world has no use for the broken-hearted. I feel that something will snap in my mind." Financial reverses came to the Olwells during their New York City residence, and in a 15-page typewritten letter to her sister, Mabel, Mrs. Olwell begged for sympathy and "to let bygones be bygones." Discussing her own family troubles, Mrs. Olwell wrote: "I am too old-fashioned and loyal. I would have been happier had I left, when I was implored to get a divorce by those who wanted to marry me." The conspiracy charge in Mrs. Olwell's petition, wherein she alleges that Charles Ray, Frank Ray and Mabel Ray conspired to influence the mother in the making of her will, was broached in the questions of attorney Reames. "The conspiracy started, in my opinion," Mrs. Olwell testified, "when I completed my settlement with my father for his share of the will of Uncle Frank. That was the sore spot." Once during cross examination by attorney Reames, Mrs. Olwell replied: "That is a lie!" There were frequent hectic interchanges between opposing counsel during questionings. The end of the case is not in sight, though now in its fourth week of half-day sessions before County Judge Alex Sparrow. The case in the ordinary course of legal procedure will be heard in the circuit court and thence, by appeal, to the state supreme court. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1930, page 6
The hearing of the Ray will contest was resumed this morning
before County Judge Alex Sparrow, with Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell on the
witness stand under redirect cross-examination by her own and
opposing counsel. The session was marked with clashes between the
witness and attorney Charles W. Reames and attorney T. J. Enright.In a stormy exchange over whether a check had been paid to Dr. House of Portland for professional services to Mrs. Enola R. Ray, attorney Reames acted as witness, and testified that no check had been paid, but admitted this was hearsay. Demands were made by the contestant's counsel for production of a telegram and a statement of finances from the Wells Fargo Bank of San Francisco. Attorney Reames declared they had no knowledge of the telegram, and that the bank statement would be produced in due time, from the witness stand. At one stage the proceedings became so heated the court ordered a cessation of questioning. Mrs. Olwell several times accused attorney Reames of "placing wrong meanings and misconstruing my words for your own benefit." As a climax, she charged: "I heard that you said 'I don't like that Olwell woman, and I am going to put her over a barrel.'" Court Calls Halt.
When attorney Reames asked who told her, the court called a halt
with: "That'll be enough of that."The examination of Mrs. Olwell was confined chiefly to previous testimony, and upon letters and telegrams already introduced. She was also questioned upon points she made during the five days she has been on the witness stand, her knowledge of her mother's illness, and the agreements she made with Dr. Ray for a share of Col. Frank Ray's estate. It was brought out that Mrs. Olwell's hospital bill in this city, when she was suffering from a broken arm sustained in an auto accident, had been paid by Frank H. Ray. Attorney Enright contended that the bill was afterwards collected. Mrs. Olwell said: "I appreciated this and thanked my brother Frank for it." In order to expedite the hearing, which has lasted nearly a month, the court will hold an afternoon session today. The defense will introduce three or four witnesses in rebuttal. Medford Mail Tribune, September 25, 1930, page 3
A decision in the will contest hearing, which concluded Friday
noon after a month of half-day sessions, is not likely in less than
a month, according to attorneys. The transposition and typewriting
of more than 1600 pages of shorthand is expected to take at least
two weeks.Arguments before Probate Judge Alex Sparrow are expected to be made within the next ten days. The issue before Judge Sparrow is to decide if the contested will has been legally and properly probated. Whatever the decision of Judge Sparrow, the case will go to the circuit court, and thence to the state supreme court on appeal, it is expected. In the circuit court, the reading of the records of the case will constitute the procedure, with arguments by counsel for both sides. The action, one of the bitterest in the history of Jackson County jurisprudence, involves the will of the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray, whose estate is approximated at $40,000. By the terms of the will the bulk of the estate was bequeathed to Charles Ray and Miss Mabel Ray. Frank H. Ray and Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell were left $1 each. Mrs. Olwell contested the terms of the will on the grounds her mother was not competent to make a will, and that she was unduly influenced. Medford Mail Tribune, September 28, 1930, page 8
Arguments on the facts in the Ray will contest are scheduled to
be made within the next two weeks, before County Judge Alex Sparrow,
sitting in probate. The arguments will be made upon a day designated
by Judge Sparrow. Attorney Charles W. Reames, representing Frank,
Charles and Miss Mabel Ray, offered to waive the right to argue. The
court declined the offer.Decision in the case by the probate judge will be made at his pleasure. Close to 1700 pages of stenographic reports will have to be transcribed ere the arguments can be made. The exhibits in the case, all documentary, numbered close to 200. Whatever the decision of the probate court, an appeal will be taken to the circuit court. The hearings there will be confined to the reading of the testimony given in the probate court. Appeal Looms.
The next step will be an appeal to the state supreme court. In
the ordinary court of legal procedure it will take at least two
years ere a final decision is handed down by the courts.The case, which attracted considerable local attention, is the suit of Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell seeking to void the will of her mother, the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray, on the grounds of undue influence and incompetency to make a will. Mrs. Olwell and Frank Ray were left $1 each and the remainder of the estate, estimated at $40,000, left to Miss Mabel Ray and Charles Ray. Mrs. Olwell seeks an equal division of the estate. She is represented by attorney Herbert K. Hanna and T. J. Enright. Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1930, page 3
Arguments in the Ray will contest are scheduled to start this
afternoon before County Judge Alex Sparrow, sitting in probate.The will contest was filed by Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell against the will of her mother, the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray, and seeks to break the instrument on the grounds of alleged incompetency to make a will, and undue influence. Mrs. Enola R. Ray left the bulk of her estate, estimated at close to $40,000, to her son Charles and her daughter Mabel. Frank Ray, a son, and Mrs. Olwell were bequeathed $1 by its terms. Mrs. Olwell is represented by attorney Thomas J. Enright and the Ray family by attorney Charles Reames. Mrs. Olwell, in a telegram to the probate court, asked that the date of the argument be postponed until December 19, on the grounds that she would be unable to attend the present session. The request was denied by the court. Long Hearing
Hearing of the testimony in the case--often sensational and
bitter--last September required the better part of a month and
aroused considerable local interest.No date can be forecast for a decision. Probate Judge Sparrow said he had given considerable thought to the case and expected to give considerable more. No new evidence will be heard, and in the event of an appeal to the circuit court it will be presented on a transcript of the testimony in the probate court. The testimony and exhibits, chiefly letters, were voluminous. Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1930, page 3
by counsel in the Ray estate contest matter were held yesterday before
County Judge Alex Sparrow, sitting in probate. Mrs. Ina Olwell,
contestant, was represented by attorney T. J. Enright, while the other
Ray heirs were represented by attorney Charles Reames.
The will contest action has lasted many months, and at times has been both sensational and bitter. In the event of an appeal the evidence introduced in lower court deliberations will be offered before the higher court in the form of a transcript. Mrs. Olwell seeks to break the will of her mother, Enola R. Ray, on the grounds of incompetency at the time the final will was signed. Mrs. Ray left the bulk of a large estate to other Ray family heirs. By the terms of the will Mrs. Olwell was left one dollar, as was Frank Ray, another heir. The vast part of the estate went to Charles and Mabel Ray, it is said. Judge Sparrow will consider the vast amount of testimony, and it is expected to be some time before a verdict is reached, attorneys say. Medford Daily News, December 10, 1930, page 6
In a decree handed down today by County Judge Alex
Sparrow of the probate court, the will of the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray,
pioneer resident of this city, contested by her daughter, Mrs. Ina Ray
Olwell, is held valid, and it is expected that the will's
bequests be distributed as provided.Effort by Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell to Show Undue Influence and Incompetency Fails. The findings also hold that Mrs. Ray was of sound mind and subjected to no undue influence in the making of the will. Mrs. Olwell in her suit to break the will set forth these allegations. The probate court decision also provides that the will be admitted to probate and that Charles R. Ray, a son, continue as administrator and executor. Costs to Plaintiff
The costs of the probate hearing are assessed, by the decree, to Mrs. Olwell.The estate of Mrs. Enola R. Ray is appraised at $25,544 for personal property and $6700 for real property. By the terms of the will, $1 each was left to Mrs. Ina Olwell and Frank H. Ray. The balance of the estate was distributed between Miss Mabel Ray and Charles R. Ray. Dr. R. W. Sleeter and Charles A. Wing of this city were witnesses. In the conclusions and findings of the decree it is set forth that Mrs. Olwell, by legal action to break the will of her father, the late Dr. C. R. Ray, "caused much worry" to the mother who was in poor health, and that by the will of Dr. Ray, Mrs. Ina Olwell received much more than her brothers and sisters and mother and that the mother, the evidence showed, did not believe she was entitled to it. It is set forth also that a compromise was effected to end the worry. May Appeal
It is probable that the case will be appealed to the
circuit court. Attorney Charles Reames represented Charles R. Ray, and attorney T. J. Enright Mrs. Olwell in the probate.The probate court hearing was exhaustive, and a great mass of oral and documentary evidence was introduced. The hearing lasted six weeks of half-day sessions. The probate judge has had the matter under consideration for two months. Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1931, page 4 Summons for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County.C. W. Palm, John R. Tomlin, B. E. Harder and George E. Ferguson, Plaintiffs, vs.
. . . Frank H. Ray and Marie Ray, his wife; Charles R. Ray and Dorothy
Ray, his wife; Mabel Ray; Ina E. Olwell and John D. Olwell, her
husband; Charles R. Ray, as Executor of the Will of Enola R. Ray,
deceased; also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described
in the complaint herein, Defendants.To each, every and all of the above named defendants; In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear before the and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in their complaint, succinctly stated as follows, to wit: That a decree be entered adjudicating any and al right, title, estate, lien or claim which you or any of you hvae or claim to hvae in, to, or upon the real property situated in Jackson County, Oregon, described as follows, to wit: The Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-five (35); and the South half of the Southwest quarter of Section Thirty-six (36) in Township Forty (40) South of Range Three (3) West of the Willamette Meridian; also Lots 1, 2 and 3 and the South half of the Northeast quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Two (2) in Township Forty-one (41) South, of Range Three (3) West of the Willamette Meridian, and declaring any and all such claims to be null and void; and decreeing that the said Plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of said premises, and of the whole thereof, free and clear of any and all right, title, estate, lien or interest of said defendants, or any of them, and that each and all of the defendants herein, and each and all persons claiming, or to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, be forever enjoined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempting to establish, or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to said property, or any portion thereof, and that Plaintiffs' title to said premises be forever quieted and set at rest. The date of the order for publication of this summons is March 2nd, 1931. The time prescribed for publication of this summons is once each week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is March 2nd, 1931. HARRY C. SKYRMAN,
Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1931, page 7Attorney for Plaintiffs, Whose Post Office address is Medford, Oregon.
By an order of the circuit court issued late
yesterday, the intention of appeal of Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell, former
well-known resident of this section, from the decision in her contest
to break the will of her mother, is ordered vacated with the right to
file another appeal at a later date. The county judge in a decision
ruled that the will of the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray was valid and legal.
Intention to appeal was filed by Mrs. Olwell but no further action was
taken.In the will, Mrs. Olwell was bequeathed $1 of an estate valued at approximately $40,000. She sought an equal division among the four children. Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1931, page 3
An order was signed in the circuit court today
dismissing the will contest of Ina Olwell against the will of her
mother, the late Mrs. Enola R. Ray, pioneer Medford woman. The action
is the final chapter in the litigation which attracted considerable
local attention.In the will, Mabel Ray and Charles Ray were left the bulk of the estate and Frank Ray and Mrs. Olwell were left $1 each. Mrs. Olwell filed a contest alleging undue influence. The probate court held that the will was legal. Hearing of the testimony in the first hearing required three weeks, and the case has been hanging fire in the local courts for many months. Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1931, page 2 OLD RAY RESIDENCE ON GRAPE ST. RAZED
Another old landmark is disappearing from the Medford scene today. Work
started this morning on the razing of the old Colonel Ray house on
North Grape Street, located a short distance from the Farmers and
Fruitgrowers Bank. The wrecking is in charge of the fire department,
Chief Roy Elliott announced this morning, expressing appreciation of
the cooperation extended by Frank Ray, present owner, in making razing
of the building possible.
The frame structure had been cited frequently as a fire hazard, and had been used of late only by roomers. Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1934, page 3
Frank H. Ray, Retired Stockman, Succumbs at Home
Frank H. Ray, 1013 East Main Street, a retired
cattleman and resident of Medford for 54 years, died at his home last
night. He was 59.A native of Illinois, Mr. Ray moved here with his parents when he was a child. He was a member of Masonic Lodge 103, A.F. and A.M.., Medford, and was a 35-year member of Medford Elks Lodge 1168. He was a veteran of World War I and belonged to the American Legion's Post 15. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marie E. Ray, Medford; one daughter, Mrs. Delores Ford, Medford; one brother, Charles R. Ray, Medford, and two sisters, Miss Mabel R. Ray, Medford, and Mrs. Ina R. Olwell, in New Jersey. Funeral Friday Funeral services will be conducted from Perl funeral home at 3 p.m. tomorrow, with the Rev. D. Kirkland West, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, officiating and the Masonic lodge assisting. Active pallbearers will be Allan Perry, John C. Deaver, Elbert Lennox, Aubrey Norris, Elton Waldron and Vernon Turpin. Honorary pallbearers will be Ralph Sweeney, George Porter, Vern Brophy, Charles Boyden, Vern Johnston and William Gates. Interment will follow in the IOOF cemetery. Medford Mail Tribune, January 31, 1952, page 1
Mrs. Ina Ray Olwell, former Medford resident, died at Ft. Lee, N.J. yesterday.She is survived by a sister, Mabel R. Ray, and a brother, Charles R. Ray, both of Medford, and several nieces. Funeral services will be held at Hunt Funeral Home, Palisades Ave., Ft. Lee, N.J., at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 11. Memorial services will be held in Medford with arrangements to be announced later. Medford Mail Tribune, September 9, 1959, page 9 ![]() 'The Light House'
By EVA HAMILTON Mail Tribune Staff Writer
It is sad to see a once-grand old house going down
shingle by shingle, board by board.
Watching its rafters and beams bared to the world seems almost indecent. It is like glimpsing a once-beautiful actress in a state of deshabille minus her makeup in the early morning light. For there is a definite similarity between old houses and former actresses. Each in her time has played many parts. This is so of the old Ray house now being razed at the corner of West Main and Quince sts. in Medford. The house was built by Dr. C. R. Ray in about 1907. [It was built in 1908.] It was purchased by the Assembly of God Church in 1950, and it is now going down to make way for a parking lot. Howard Commons is directing the razing, and the lumber is to be converted into a business building. The Story of Light The story of the Ray family is the story of light--the kind that comes on with the pull of a switch--and its advent in the Rogue River Valley. The house, now dark except for the occasional reflection of a shingle fire in one of its many windows as the demolition continues, was once ablaze with light upstairs and down, inside and out. It was, with admiration, called "the light house" by many. For Dr. Ray and his brother, Col. Frank H. Ray, built Gold Ray Dam and developed the power company, which is today serving southern Oregon as Pacific Power and Light. They used their own product. Even the bathrooms, upstairs and down, were heated as well as illuminated with electric lights. There were eight or 10 rows of lights in the bathrooms and 12 lights to the row to generate heat. There were lights in handsome fixtures on the veranda which encircled the front and two sides of the house. There were many lights on the balcony, which was a second-floor replica of the veranda. There was a fireplace heated by electricity. The first electric home heating known to the valley was found in the Ray house. Electric power, however, was just one of the many industrial projects brought to the Rogue River Valley by the Rays. The dam was built to satisfy a need for power to operate the Ray mines. Mining brought the Rays to the Rogue River Valley. Dr. Ray left his practice in Chicago, lured to Alaska by the gold rush. It wasn't what he expected, and he decided to practice medicine in Seattle. He remained there about a year, then with his family decided to return east. His brother, Colonel Ray, convinced him he should stop off in southern Oregon and investigate the mines he had purchased in the Gold Hill area. Stop Off and Stay Dr. Ray and his family stopped off and they stayed. He decided to direct the operation of the mines. Colonel Ray of New York was one of the vice presidents and organizers of the American Tobacco Company and had access to adequate capital for launching the Ray industrial projects. Dr. Ray furnished the creativity. He was operating the Braden mine with steam when he got the idea of putting an electric plant in the river. Bonds were sold on the New York market to raise additional capital for the electric plant. The stretch of water up the river from Gold Hill, now known as Gold Ray, was chosen as place for the dam when the city of Gold Hill wanted too much money for a site. The Rays, with their daughters Ina and Mabel and sons Frank and Charles, were then living in Gold Hill. When installation started, the Rays decided to enlarge the plant and furnish electricity to Medford, Jacksonville, Central Point, Grants Pass and Ashland. The plant was known as Condor Water and Power Company. Coffer Dams Constructed Coffer dams were constructed first, to pull the water away from the area to permit construction of the permanent dam. High water and other problems beset the project. Several times the logs of the coffer dam went floating down the river. The project, hiring about 100 men, had to start all over again. Hay was sometimes dumped into the water to slow the washouts, and the investors began to believe the taunts of the people who declared early in the game that the Rogue would never be harnessed. Excitement occurred when someone, obviously opposed to the project (and there were many such people), planted dynamite at the dam site. It was found before any damage occurred, and patrols were placed on 24-hour duty. The men were again called off the job when fire broke out in the heavy timber then growing between the dam site and the lower Table Rock. Dr. Ray sent all the workmen to fight the forest fire. The late Chase R. Masters of Portland was contractor for installation of the coffer dams. H. C. Stoddard was the electrical engineer, and civil engineer Perm is also remembered for participation in the installation. When the water was cleared from the river bed another opportunity to mine presented itself and Dr. Ray was quick to recognize the potential. Gold Panned, Sluiced Gold was panned and sluiced, and Miss Mabel Ray of Medford remembers well going to visit in the home of Dr. Joseph Hill, operator of Hill's Military Academy in Portland, with a bottle of gold nuggets from the riverbed to show the Hill stepdaughters, who were friends. The main dam also was constructed of logs, Charles Ray of the Ray Real Estate and Insurance agency in Medford relates. The logs were bolted down to the bedrock and the spaces were filled with concrete. There were no cement mixers then, and six or seven men would line up with shovels and mix the cement and gravel. Equipment for installation of the plant was taken across the river on barges. One unit of the dam was operated with what was called a rope drive, Ray said. When it broke down it was necessary to find a rope splicer quickly. Extensive Timber Holdings The Rays also had extensive timber holdings in southern Oregon, and a sawmill was established in the backwater at Gold Ray to care for this timber. Logs were floated down the river from the Prospect domain and shoved along by boatmen to the log boom. After building the power plant at Gold Ray, the Ray interests decided to construct Prospect No. 1 plant, and the new power source was joined with Gold Ray by line 6. The Prospect venture was a difficult undertaking. Equipment was hauled from Medford, 45 miles down the valley, by three- and four-horse teams and wagons. There was a 200-foot drop down into the river canyon to negotiate. There are still persons in the valley who worked on the project and remember the period as the most exciting one in the industrial development of Jackson County. Live Near Gold Ray Dam The Rays for a number of years lived in a lodge near the Gold Ray Dam, constructed by Colonel Ray as quarters for a hunting and fishing club that never quite materialized. The whole family made trips to Portland and San Francisco for shopping and later for schooling. Ina attended St. Helen's Hall in Portland, and Mabel went to Anna Head and to Miss West's in San Francisco. It was quite common to flag the train with a lantern at the dam and climb aboard the train. There are those who insinuate that the generosity of the Southern Pacific in this matter was perhaps precipitated by consideration then being given to electrifying the railroads. Anyway, a miniature depot was set up at the dam for the Ray family. Dr. Ray served on a rivers and harbors committee and made frequent trips by train to Washington, D.C. In about 1907 the Condor Water and Power Company became known as the Rogue River Electric [It was in November 1907.], which continued to operate in Oregon with a sister organization, so to speak, operated in northern California as Siskiyou Light and Power. It was the merger of the two in 1913 that created the California-Oregon Power Company (Copco), recent predecessor of Pacific Power and Light. Mine Closed Down World War I took its toll from the Ray empire. Colonel Ray was in London when the war broke out. He had the Braden mine closed down and all the machinery taken out. It had been "one of the most important mines in Jackson County," according to the Oregon Metal Mines handbook. The mine got its name from Dr. James Braden. It was sold to Colonel Ray in 1900, but he continued to call it the Braden mine. In 1907 the mine produced more than $30,000, according to the mineral industries report of the state of Oregon. It was the Gold Hill mine, however, about which the fabulous mining tales were told. It was commonly called the Gold Hill pocket, and production reports vary from $400,000 to $500,000. Brick Plant Included A brick plant at Tolo was another Ray enterprise. The bricks in the Alex Sparrow house on Kirtland Rd., now home of the James Firths, came from the Ray kilns. An electric train was operated to carry clay to the plant. The Ray family often rode on this train and on the electric car, which went down into the Prospect canyon. The Prospect Hotel, now operated by the James Heston Grieves, was Ray property and housed guests from many corners of the nation, brought to southern Oregon by the Rays. The family owned 10,000 acres of farm land in the Tolo-Gold Hill vicinity. Some of it was purchased to avoid damage suits which might develop from mining tailings or the overflow of water from the dam region. A 12-inch pipe was installed to carry irrigation water from the dam area to the McDonough farm about 1½ miles away. All the farms continued under the names of the owners from whom Ray purchased the acreages, most of which are now included in the Cal-Ore holdings. Also in the Gold Ray Dam area was a granite quarry operated by the Rays. The granite in the Copco building and in the Masonic building, both on Medford's Main St., came from that quarry. Frequently Recalled Memories Trips to the mines are among the most frequently and intentionally recalled memories of Miss Ray and her brother, Charles. There was a French chef at the gold mine, and both Rays remember the festive meals and the table where the family and crew dined. It was a table with a revolving center (lazy Susan style), and its store of fruits and vegetables "turning 'round and 'round" gave a carnival atmosphere to dining, particularly inviting to former Chicago children. From Gold Ray, the Rays moved into a rented house where the Hotel Medford now stands, then to a Newtown St. residence while awaiting completion of the West Main St. house. A small planer was brought to the site to provide the right finish to the lumber going into the house, which became the family dwelling for many years. Then Dr. Ray died while traveling home from New York. Mrs. Ray lived only three more years. Miss Ray, alone, called the place home, but another war soon brought new faces to the house. The first architect-engineers for construction of Camp White and their families rented rooms. The camp was organized and five army couples rented rooms. Real Estate Office Opened A real estate office was opened in the home by H. L. Cook. Miss Ray became a notary public, and the house became polling place for the county precinct. Then it was sold to the Assembly of God Church next door. It was used for various church classes and for wedding receptions. Its varied career came to a sudden end this summer when it was sold. It is now being torn down for the lumber that is in it, good solid lumber, sawed and planed in the mills of its original owner. It is probably necessary that the old house come down in just the manner it does today. But it would seem more fitting if one of the sonic booms that occasionally makes its windows clatter, as a plane goes over from Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, could raze it with one final blast. Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1963, page B1 Last revised June 30, 2024 |