![]() ![]() Gold Ray Dam The dam across the Rogue River--and its mysterious predecessors. The wing dam of Keaton and Klippel on Rogue River, below Fort Lane, is completed. About an acre of the river bed has been shut out from the flowing waters, and work on the bedrock will soon commence. "The Northwest," Oregonian, Portland, September 3, 1880, page 1 The dam at Tolo will be completed this week. "Items from Medford," Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1888, page 3 Surveyor J. S. Howard has been at Gold Hill for some time surveying a four-mile ditch for C. R. Ray, the mining man. The ditch, which will commence at a point near the old dam four miles above Gold Hill, will carry 30,000 inches of water, and will give 4300 horsepower, which will be used for an electric light power and for irrigating, when constructed. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 7 This project was known as the High Line Ditch and was never completed. We are informed that according to contract the Condor Water & Power Co.'s dam, near Tolo, is to be completed within sixty days. A $15,000 bond had been put up which binds the contractors to have the work finished within the sixty days limit. Mr. Rogers, an experienced hydraulic engineer, of San Francisco, will be in charge of the work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 5, 1901, page 6 EDITORIAL.
What may prove of vast importance to Gold Hill is the project that Dr.
Ray and those associated with him in the construction of a dam across
Rogue River above town some 3 miles at what is known as the Chadwick
Butte. The Dr. and his company could by building this dam divert the
water in a ditch above where it would be endangered by high water on
ground where a large ditch could be dug with little expense, as no rock
of consequence would be encountered for miles. This ditch would cover
many thousands of acres of good placer ground by the time it was
completed opposite Gold Hill.TO DAM ROGUE RIVER. At the point opposite town about 60 feet fall would be gained which would furnish thousands of horsepower for mechanical purposes. Then again another ditch could be dug on the east side of the river from the same dam that would cover a like amount of placer ground. The west side ditch would be much shorter and would therefore be of little expense to construct, and these same ditches could be carried on down the river indefinitely, all the time covering good placer ground; even the Dry Diggings mines that Mr. Ament is taking water on could be supplied from his west side ditch at small expense and Grants Pass then would have a water system that would be unsurpassed anywhere. Either of these ditches would cover many thousands of farming and fruit lands that could be irrigated and made profitable to the owners where now they are of little or no value. If this enterprise should be undertaken and completed it will make Jackson and Josephine counties the garden spot of Oregon; lands will double in value when the dam is completed and the first mile of ditch is finished. Dr. Ray will be the greatest benefactor that this part of Oregon has ever known and not only will the production of gold be quadrupled and the farm and orchard lands will produce enough food to sustain ten times the population that they now do. Garden and farm lands will be in demand as well as the miners. The small farms lying below these ditches will be the most sought after of any lands in the country. Gold Hill News, July 19, 1902, page 3 DAMMING ROGUE RIVER.
Now that Dr. C. R. Ray has the Company's big enterprise started, it is
to the interest of Gold Hill and this vicinity to help along all all
they can.A GREAT INDUSTRIAL MOVEMENT HAS BEEN INAUGURATED IN THIS COUNTRY. The company has sufficient capital to undertake and complete any enterprise which they may desire to promote. The dam across Rogue River, four miles from the town of Gold Hill, is now under construction and when completed will furnish ample power to install electric plants, saw mills, and manufacturing establishments, all of which will be put in operation as fast as labor and money can complete them. It will make Gold Hill the best town in Jackson County, with hundreds of laborers employed during the entire year. The farmer, merchant, mechanic, laborer, doctor, lawyer, in fact everyone in the community, will be benefited by this company's enterprise. These men, who will perhaps invest a million dollars within the year in this country, need encouragement; they need the friendly cooperation of all, and we believe they will get it. No one can afford to antagonize the upbuilding of our town and country, as it assures the enhancement of property, besides the wealth they bring here, our families who must have houses to live in and schools to educate their children. We confidently predict that Dr. C. R. Ray, who is the main promoter of this enterprise, will carry it through, if the businesslike methods used in the past and present are any criterion. Gold Hill owes a great deal to Dr. Ray. He has done more to bring our mining and timber resources before Eastern capital than any other man in Southern Oregon. The News stands firmly for progress and prosperity. Ready at all times to denounce every effort or measure to obstruct or discourage any legitimate industry that may be inaugurated in this vicinity. Gold Hill News, August 9, 1902, page 3 A Visit to the Dam.
A News representative made the Dr. Ray dam a short visit Tuesdayand found a crew of about 60 men at work--drilling by hand and by Burleighs. There are two engines and two boilers of 50 horsepower each that furnish the power to run the Burleigh drills, pumps and a large rock crusher which has a capacity of one hundred tons per day. The crusher will prepare the material that will be mixed with the cement. The company have all of their timbers out, and teams are hauling them to the south bank of the river. The lumber for the construction of the dam was purchased of Mr. Welch, who has a number of teams busy hauling it to the dam site. A cofferdam, 30x40 feet, reaching to the center of the river, is now completed. The pump was started last Tuesday to drain it, but it was found to be too small, so a very large pump was ordered, one that will raise 1,000 barrels per hour. The Doctor informs us that the dam will be completed by October 15th. In the solid granite, at a point above the dam a few yards, the ditch is commenced, 30 feet wide by 30 feet deep. From this granite that is blasted out, a 24-ton derrick raises these large cubes of rock and places them aboard a car, where they are rolled to the place needed on the dam. Among the noted ones found at the busy workings of this enterprise were; J. S. Howard, Ed. Perham, Henry Yinger, D. Horn, E. Vroman, Fred Burke, R. Walker, N. Eddings, George Snudden, Clint Wilcox and S. P. Gross. To accommodate this large crew of workmen there are tents, shacks and houses of nearly every description. The cook house is situated a quarter of a mile down the river from the dam, where Mrs. Lee Vincent is in charge, and well it is that the cook house is out of reach of the flying rock, weighing hundreds of pounds, which are thrown by the explosives used to blast the hard granite. Gold Hill News Supplement, August 30, 1902, page 2 Wanted.
Twenty wood choppers at Gold Hill, Oregon. Also two carpenters, one
engineer, one machine drill man.
C. R. Ray,
Mail, July 11-September 12, 1902, page 6Gold Hill, Oregon. ANOTHER ROGUE RIVER DAM.
Ray, of Gold Hill, who owns the Braden and other mines of that
district, is preparing to put in a dam across the Rogue River near Gold
Hill similar to the one being put in by the Golden Drift Mining
Company, near Grants Pass. He has already had the site for the dam
surveyed and will put men to work at once on its construction.
The purpose of the new dam will be to supply power for the several mines in that vicinity, and to irrigate the farms and orchards of that section. For enterprises of this nature the Rogue and the country through which it passes offer unlimited opportunities. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 7, 1902, page 2 Ed Swinden, who has been engaged to work for Dr. Ray on the dam, is now working at the old Braden mine for the doctor. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, August 15, 1902, page 5 GREAT POWER PLANT ON ROGUE RIVER
Industrial Center Where Jo Lane Fought Indians Fifty Years Ago. How a Rapid Running Stream Was Harnessed to Serve Manufacturing Needs.
As the Southern
Pacific train slowly zigzags its way through the beautiful Rogue River
Valley, in Southern Oregon, thousands view the huge dam across the
Rogue at Gold Ray, a short distance north of Medford, and admire the
falls of that great, surging mass of water. But few know that here is
situated one of the largest electrical generating plants in the state,
exceeded in size only by those in Oregon City and Portland.
For miles around the precious energy is distributed over the longest transmission line in Oregon. Ten years ago the idea of a large power plant which could distribute the power all over the valley was considered hopeless, and the pessimists of Southern Oregon predicted a complete failure for the enterprise. Today every available unit of power is utilized, and the capacity of the plant is to be doubled in a short time. The entire Southern Oregon received a wonderful stimulus through the introduction of cheap electrical power and light, and there is hardly a farmhouse in the valley now which does not have "the current." And how few associate the site of the power plant and the dam with one of the notable landmarks of Oregon--the old battlefield where "Jo" Lane, the great Indian fighter, met Chief Joseph, of the Rogue Rivers? Little did General "Jo" imagine that almost on the very spot where his memorable treaty of Table Rock was signed by Chief Joseph over 50 years ago there would now stand a mammoth electrical plant and that the swift waters of the Rogue River would be harnessed by man at this place to produce over 5000 horsepower of energy. The wonderful evolution of the country since that time has been a marvel to all. Where 50 years ago an oil lamp was a curiosity, in Southern Oregon there are now thousands of electric lights in the most remote villages and farms. Miles from the nearest railroad station farmers operate all their machinery by electricity, and with the aid of the power for irrigating purposes thousands of acres of arid land were transformed into veritable gardens of Eden. Where Peace Treaty Was Signed.
Table Rock, at whose foot the power
plant is
located, is a magnificent, imposing flat-topped mountain, which boldly
rises from the waters of the river below. The rock was the watchtower
of the Indians when immigrants were pouring into Southern Oregon in the
early fifties, and many a white man who strayed from his party, espied
by the alert savages, found his death in the surrounding brush. From
their lofty outlook the Rogue Rivers would watch for their prey and
pounce upon the whites when least expected. It was here that Lane by
his undaunted courage obtained Chief Joseph's treaty of peace in 1850,
and it was here again only a few years later that the same "Jo" Lane
was wounded by the treacherous Rogues after the terrible massacres in
the valley.And as though in memory of the man who was so instrumental in opening the land to white settlers, there now stands the power plant. The war cry of the Indian is almost forgotten, and in its place can be heard the constant "purring" of the dynamos, as Kipling describes it, bent on their peaceful mission of industrial development. Nothing now remains of the old battlefield but the reminiscences of the old settlers. Occasionally an arrow point is picked up, a few beads or an old shell. The lands where the redskin roamed are now yielding millions of bushels of choice fruit; the mountains are being developed for their mineral wealth, and even the free waters of the rivers have been conquered by the palefaces and turned to benefit their fellow men. Back in 1898 Colonel F. H. Ray, a prominent capitalist of New York, saw the possibilities of electric power in Southern Oregon, and with his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, of Medford, proceeded to formulate the plans. A company was formed shortly afterwards and over $500,000 of New York capital was placed at the disposal of the engineers in charge of the construction. The site for the dam was chosen only after a careful consideration and survey of all available sites on the river for a distance of nearly 50 miles. The place finally selected was an ideal one for developing water power. At this point there was a series of rapids, and the river bank on each side was of solid granite bedrock with no gravel or loose soil to wash away or undermine the foundation of the dam after it was completed. There was also a natural basin for storage of the immense quantity of water which would naturally be formed above the dam. Hundreds of acres of choice farming land had to be purchased from farmers along the river, as for over a mile up the river the land on both banks would be under water the year round. The portion of the dam under water is built of heavy timber cribs filled with rock, starting from a concrete foundation which is held by heavy anchor bolts, drilled directly into the bedrock at the bottom of the river. The dam is in the form of a segment of a circle with the curve facing upstream, to withstand the tremendous pressure of the water on its downward path. The dam is 420 feet long, one of the largest artificial dams in the state. At one side of the dam is the opening through which the water flows into the canal and from there into the powerful turbines in the power house, located at the foot of the canal. The canal was blasted out of solid rock on one side of the river, and a heavy masonry wall, six feet thick, was built to hold the water in place. The walls of the canal as well as of the power house are built of solid masonry and concrete, a construction that is almost as enduring as the granite bluffs which crop out of the hill on the opposite bank of the Rogue After entering the canal the water passes through screens and gates and then with a terrific force falls into the water wheels, which drive the dynamos above in the power house. After passing through the water wheels the water is discharged below the power house and carried away in the tailrace. Worked Waist Deep in Water.
Construction of the dam in the swift
Rogue River and
through a narrow canyon presented a formidable engineering problem. The
canal was first blasted out and then by building a temporary coffer dam
above the present site the water was diverted from the main channel,
which was left comparatively dry. Then the real work of building the
present dam commenced. Over 200 laborers were employed during the
entire time of the construction of the dam, but the question of
supplying sufficient labor was a difficult one. Although the
water was diverted into another channel, there was still enough of it
in the river bed to seriously impede the workmen. As the bulk of the
work was done during the rainy season the men had to work waist deep in
the icy cold water. It was impossible to stay in the water more than 15
minutes, and while one gang, exhausted and chilled, was warming itself
on the bank, another gang would go in and continue the work. It was
impossible to keep the men more than a few days, and some of the old
men express it: "There were three crews working all the time; one
coming, one working and one going."When the main river bed became dry it was discovered that the numerous crevices in the rock, filled with gravel, were literally filled with gold dust and nuggets. It was no uncommon thing for laborers to pick up several nuggets in one hour's work, worth all the way from $5 to $20 each. Combined with the work of building the dam the company immediately commenced placer mining on a small scale, and the dry river bed was gone over very thoroughly. The officers of the company refused to state the exact amount of gold taken out, but it is known that the figure ran far into the thousands. It always was known that the bed of the Rogue River is very rich in gold, but on account of the rocky formation and the swift current the treasure could never be extracted. At the foot of the canal stands the power house. It has room for four large dynamos and water wheels of 1000 horsepower each, or a total capacity of 4000 horsepower. As all of these machines usually carry an overload in case of emergency, the electrical equipment of the plant may be figured to be 5000 horsepower. Two of these monster dynamos are already installed and operating, while the other two are already on their way from the East and will be placed in position in a few months. These dynamos generate the electric current at a pressure of 2300 volts, and the current after leaving the machines passes through the switchboard and then through lead-covered cables, laid in specially constructed conduits, to the transformer house, about 60 feet away. Transforming the Current.
Here the current passes through six huge
transformers, of 330 horsepower each, which covert the current to a
voltage of 25,000 volts, when it is ready for transmission over the
main line. The switchboard in the power house, through which the
generated current passes before entering the transformers, is of the
latest and most modern pattern. No expense has been spared by the
builders to make the plant thoroughly up to date, from the designs of
the foremost electrical engineers in the country. Each circuit has its
measuring instruments, where the voltage, the kilowatts and the
amperage are registered and where is also placed the large automatic
oil switch for controlling the current. Entering the transformers, the
coils of wires are submerged in oil, kept at an even temperature by
coils of water pipes through which cold water constantly circulates.
From the transformer house six large aluminum cables span the river to
a 60-foot tower built of cedar poles on the opposite bank of the river.
This span is 650 feet between supports, and the wires are held in
position by large insulators of a special type, 12 inches high.From this tower two main lines are run. One of them passes Gold Hill, Woodville, Grants Pass, and the Greenback mine, a total distance of about 45 miles. The other line runs through Central Point, Medford and Ashland, with a branch line to Jacksonville. The whole length of the main line is a little over 80 miles, by far the longest transmission line in the state. This does not include the numerous branches and distributing lines to the small settlements and farms, which receive the energy. In all, the company operates over 200 miles of pole lines, which penetrate the most remote nooks in Southern Oregon. Grants Pass, Ashland, Medford, Jacksonville, Central Point, Gold Hill and Gold Ray are lighted by this company, and use a great amount of energy for power for the different industrial establishments in those cities. At different points on the line are likewise numerous large consumers of electric power. The Greenback mine alone uses about 200 horsepower for its stamp mills, compressors and lights. At Foots Creek, seven miles from Gold Hill, the gold dredge of Champlin & Co. uses over 300 horsepower day and night for operating the huge chain of digging buckets and lights. The Granite Hill mine, near Grants Pass, the Homestake mine, near Woodville, the Opp mine, near Jacksonville, and the Braden mine, near Gold Hill, the largest mining enterprises in the state, are all large consumers of the Condor electric power. Water for Irrigation.
But not alone in industrial development
has Southern
Oregon benefited from the cheap electrical power. Its most important
use is in irrigating. Although the land in Rogue River
Valley is
naturally very rich, the dry seasons, which last nearly four months
every year, have always been a menace to successful farming and
fruit-growing. It has been demonstrated many times that crops in the
valley can be doubled and in many cases quadrupled with the help of
irrigation. Although reluctant at first, the farmers have taken up the
subject earnestly now, and there are at the present time hundreds of
farms on the waiting list, ready to be fitted out with pumps for
irrigation. The Gold Ray power plant is unable to supply the demand
until the two new dynamos arrive and it is seen now [sic],
and these are at the present time confined to irrigating purposes. It
is a fact that the choicest fruit in Rogue River Valley is now grown on
irrigated soil, and the fruit growers who installed irrigating outfits
in their orchards last year are now reaping a bountiful harvest on
their foresight. The direct outcome was the marked increase in farming
lands in the whole valley.Not only in the obstruction of their dam and power plant but also in the transmission line have the builders used the best material and the most skilled labor. The large, heavy, straight poles, in perfect alignment, thoroughly braced at all corners, with the heavy insulators and stranded aluminum cables, makes an example of modern line construction. In many places the pole had to be set in solid rock, run through thick forests and brush and over high mountains, but so thorough were the plans that not one casualty occurred during the whole construction of both the plant and the dam. Great precautions had to be taken against the possibility of crossed circuits through coming in contact with the telephone wires and also against fires, which would endanger the pole line. The brush and trees on both sides of the pole line were cut down or burnt, and so far, over a year since the lines were constructed, not a single serious break occurred. J. D. Alsup, a prominent engineer of New York, had the entire charge of the construction of the dam and power plant. The installation of the electrical machinery and the construction of the pole lines was under the direct supervision of H. C. Stoddard, who some time ago reconstructed the Salem electrical plant. In a year of its existence the power plant demonstrated its use and the great benefits it brings to the industries of Southern Oregon. Many new enterprises are planned, due to the ability of obtaining cheap and convenient power. The people of Southern Oregon have shown more than once their progressive spirit and their willingness to adopt modern methods, and they now proudly point to their farming products, their fruit, their industries, their mining and timber as the natural resources of a rich and prosperous country. Oregonian, Portland, August 19, 1906, page 38 ROGUE RIVER'S POWER TO BE
The first
power plant to be put in Rogue
River in
this county is now being built at a point on the river 11 miles north
of Medford and between Tolo and Gold Hill, by the Gold Hill Mining
Company, a strong organization of New York capitalists, of which Dr. C.
R. Ray is president and manager and Orris Crawford is secretary. The
dam will be 446 feet top measure, and 26 feet high from [the] bed of
the river. It is located where the river passes through a narrow gorge,
both banks and the bed being solid granite, giving a perfect foundation
for the dam. For the present only an electric power station will be put
in, the machinery for which is now on the way from the East, and which
is to develop 1000 horsepower. The race from the dam to the station
will be twenty feet wide and six feet deep. Electric wires will be run
from the station to the Gold Hill and the Braden mines, supplying them
with both light and power, the latter to be used in operating stamps,
drills, etc. Work on the station is to be commenced at once, so as to
have it completed by the time the dam is put in. About 40 men are now
being employed, and the number will be increased as soon as the work is
further advanced. J. S. Howard of Medford is the engineer in charge,
also of the several matters under contemplation by the company. Mr.
Howard after careful surveys chose the one where the dam is being put
in, and his judgment has been fully sustained by his expert engineers
brought by the company from San Francisco and the East to consult with
of Southern Oregon's Principal Stream.
ages past an almost unlimited quantity of power has been running to
waste in Rogue River; but so great a wealth producer will no longer be
allowed to lie in idleness, for the time has come in the industrial
development of Southern Oregon when this immense power will all be
required in operating the many industries that are now being
established in various parts of the valley.Just above the dam the river becomes slack and the bottom widens out to nearly a half mile in width, so that the backwater from the dam will form a lake of nearly a section in extent, affording a perfect place for booming logs. To handle logs, of which immense quantities can be had in the fine forests on the upper waters of Rogue River, and which can be run down the river to the boom with no difficulty at all, is a part of the plans of the company. Later on a sawmill and a box and a match factory will be put in at the dam, and a switch will be run from the Southern Pacific track, which is but a few hundred feet distant, to the factories, giving easy transportation facilities for shipments by train. This power project is but the forerunner of many similar plants that will be put in to utilize the vast water power of Rogue River. And such is the descent of the river that dams could be put in every mile or two and not interfere with each other. By means of electric transmission all the thousands of horsepower to be had from Rogue River can be brought to Medford and other transportation centers, and used in running factories and other establishments. This power will also be used for operating electric railroads, of which there will be a road from Medford to Crater Lake and from Jacksonville to Applegate. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1902, page 4 J. S. Howard, the veteran civil engineer, has returned to the vicinity of Gold Hill, where he is engaged in surveying for Dr. Ray and others. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1902, page 5 ROGUE RIVER DAM.
Machinery is on the ground for the new dam and electric power supply
plant which will be built on the Rogue River, one mile below Tolo near
Gold Hill. The dam, the width of which will be from one-half to
three-quarters of a mile [sic],
will be built with a framework of timber, filled in with rock, and will
be about 20 feet in depth. Its primary purpose is to develop electric
power to supply the Ray group of mines in the vicinity and also to
furnish power to those who will put in motors and use it for
irrigation. There are now on the cars at that point, waiting to be
unloaded, two hoisting derricks and a stationary engine to be used in
the construction work, and a force of 40 men is already at work on the
enterprise. It is estimated that the construction work will require
about three months. Dr. C. R. Ray of Gold Hill, who is the
representative of eastern capitalists, is at the head of the
enterprise, and it is said that there are ample funds back of it. A
sawmill will be erected near the dam, and a match factory is also said
to be one of the industries contemplated there.--Observer.
Medford Enquirer, August 23, 1902, page 3 Don't fail to attend the dedication of the Ray dam and ditch enterprise on Rogue River Monday. Bring your lunch baskets well filled, prepared to enjoy yourself. The Condor Water and Power Co., which is operating on a large scale near Tolo, will probably make Medford's authorities a proposition to furnish the city with water and light, which they will soon be in first-class position to do. The dedication of the dam and ditch enterprise inaugurated by Dr. C. R. Ray, the representative of New York capitalists, next Monday, will be the grandest event of the kind ever attempted in Southern Oregon. A general invitation is extended. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 28, 1902, page 5 A GREAT OCCASION ON THE TAPIS.
Dedication of Ray's Great Enterprise Sept. 1st.-- Extensive Preparations Under Way.
magnificent dam and ditch enterprise which has been inaugurated by Dr.
C. R. Ray and his associates will be dedicated in grand style on
Monday, Sept. 1st, which is also a public holiday--Labor Day.
Extensive preparations are being made for the event, and it will be one that will long be remembered. Everybody favorable to public prosperity and progress and the upbuilding of Southern Oregon is invited to participate. The exercises will take place on the Kesterson & Waite ranch, one mile north of Tolo, and will include a basket picnic, addresses by prominent speakers, including A. E. Reames, W. I. Vawter, W. M. Colvig, R. G. Smith, C. B. Watson. The Medford High School Band will furnish music for the occasion. A grand ball at night will end the festivities. The S.P. Co. will grant reduced rates. It is intended simply as a demonstration of good will toward the great enterprise by the people of Southern Oregon and the occasion of a social reunion. The company has no stock for sale; no axe to grind. Col. F. H. Ray of New York, who is at the head, is expected to be present, accompanied by other prominent citizens of the metropolis of the United States. No intoxicating liquors nor games of chance will be permitted on the premises. The managing committee consists of W. I. Vawter, Dr. J. M. Keene, Hon. E. V. Carter. The general committee is A. E. Reames and W. M. Colvig of Jacksonville; A. S. Hammond and R. G. Smith of Grants Pass; Dr. J. E. Shearer of Medford; M. Stewart of Talent; J. D. Olwell of Central Point; Geo. Brown of Eagle Point; W. A. Carter and J. L. Hammersley of Gold Hill. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 28, 1902, page 6 A GREAT ENTERPRISE. The Inauguration of a Scheme Which, Completed, Will Mean Much for Southern Oregon.
The dedicatory exercises of the dam of
the Condor Water & Power Co., at Tolo, which will take place on
Monday, September 1st, bids fair to make a new era in the development
of Southern Oregon, if the enterprise as planned reaches completion.
The dam which will be dedicated crosses Rogue River and is designed primarily to create a lake covering low ground above, comprising some 600 acres. By means of a ditch leading from this dam the company expects to develop immense power. It is estimated that 6000 horsepower could be had if needed. To start with the company will put in a plant capable of developing 1000 horsepower for immediate use. From this plant electric light and power can be furnished to every town in the valley at probably less expense than it is now furnished. Besides this it is intended to erect a large box factory and sawmill which is likely to become the main part of the enterprise. Combining the nearest railway point to the vast timber belt of upper Rogue River with the immense power capable of being generated by the waters of that stream, which will also be made to furnish transportation for the logs, the project looks like a feasible one, if sufficient capital is behind it to make it a success. It is claimed that the company has all the funds necessary. They have no stock for sale and are asking no local assistance. The formal dedication of the dam is held merely to allow the people to be acquainted with the magnitude of the undertaking. Every preparation has been made for the comfort and enjoyment of those attending, and as the day is Labor Day and a state holiday everyone who possibly can should attend. Mrs. C. R. Ray, of Gold Hill, was in the city this week .The lady informs us that the doctor and the whole family have moved from Gold Hill to the dam, near Tolo, where they will reside, for a time at least. Mrs. Ray is desirous of renting residence property in Medford for occupancy for herself and children during the next school year. Their oldest daughter will attend school at St. Helen's Hall, Portland, and the three younger children will attend the Medford high school. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 29, 1902, page 6 A Grand Success.
Ray must have been highly gratified over the expression of endorsement
and good will manifested last Monday by the people of Southern Oregon
toward the magnificent dam and ditch enterprise inaugurated by the
Condor Water & Power Co. An immense crowd from every portion of
Jackson and Josephine counties witnessed the dedication exercises. The
excellent program that had been arranged for the occasion was well
carried out and proved highly interesting. Several good speeches were
made. The music was furnished by Medford's high school band and is well
spoken of. Labor Day could not have been more pleasantly observed. We
will have more to say about this matter in our next issue.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1902, page 5 MEN AND TEAMS WANTED.
tool sharpeners and carpenters, wood choppers and day laborers, also a
number of teams, can obtain employment at good wages by applying to,
R. RAY, Tolo, Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
September 4, 1902, page 5
Dr. C. R. Ray was in Medford Thursday. He has located near Tolo, with his family, so that he can be close to the dam and ditch enterprise he has inaugurated. "Medford
Squibs," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1902, page 6
Over 1000 people attended the dedication exercises of the big dam across Rogue River one mile north of Tolo, which work was inaugurated by Dr. C. R. Ray and his eastern associates. Special train was run from Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford and Central Point, and the crowd attending were mostly made up of the business people. The excellent program arranged for the occasion by Dr. Ray, Hons. E. V. Carter, W. I. Vawter and Dr. J. M. Keene, was carried out to the letter. The addresses by the Hons. Wm. M. Colvig, C. B. Watson, A. S. Hammond, J. L. Hammersley and W. A. Carter, was largely given to extolling the great advantage the country would derive from the use of this power in the development of the many natural resources of Jackson County. Miss Mae Merriman, of Medford, gave a pleasing recitation, and the Medford High School Band furnished excellent music, which kept the crowd in a good frame of mind all the while. There was plenty of well-filled lunch baskets, which played an important part in keeping the people in a good humor. If there was anything that could be said against the pleasure of the day's entertainment, it would be that the weather was just a little too tropical, and a lack of shade. The proposed water power will be of great value to this section of the country. The preparatory work on the dam is well advanced, but it will take about two months longer to complete the work. When completed, Dr. Ray says, they will develop 6000 horsepower. The dam is located in a most natural place and will be 426 feet across and 20 feet in depth, forming a basin of water above of about a quarter of a mile across, and extending some distance up the river. Great credit is due Dr. Ray for the effort put forth upon this occasion to property entertain his guests, while no small amount of credit is due the doctor's good wife for the general hospitality extended. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 5, 1902, page 7 The Picnic at the Ray Dam.
is conservatively estimated that fully twelve or fourteen hundred
people attended the Labor Day picnic at the works of the Condor Water
& Power Co. on Rogue River Monday last. Special trains from
north and south were run and many more people came by vehicles. Dr. Ray
and his assistants had done much work to arrange for the reception of
the people, and had the day not been exceedingly warm would have been
greatly enjoyed. Dr. Keene, of Medford, acted as master of ceremonies
in a very creditable manner, and good speeches were made by Wm.
of Jacksonville, C. B. Watson, of Ashland, and others, and the picnic
in the pavilion passed off very pleasantly. The big power plant will be
a great thing for the Rogue River Valley when completed.
Medford Enquirer, September 6, 1902, page 5 Frank Loder, who has been assistant electrician and engineer at the city water and light plant for the past two years, has accepted a position as engineer with Dr. C. R. Ray at the Tolo dam--at $75 per month. He commenced work Wednesday morning. Frank is a cracking good fellow and is quite an adept in engineering and electrical work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 12, 1902, page 7 Dr. C. R. Ray was in Medford Monday. He is still hunting for more men to put to work on his dam. He is advertising elsewhere in these columns for all kinds of laborers. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6 October 1st can be seen to advantage the largest enterprise and most interesting sight in the county--the Ray Works, which are employing 110 men. In the evening there will be a dancing party in the pavilion on the ground. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 1 A grand ball and oyster supper will be given at the Ray Works, one mile north of Tolo, Oct. 1st. The dam and ditch are now nearing completion, and by coming early in the afternoon an opportunity will be given to see this important work. A first-class orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. The managing committee consists of J. B. Hammersley, Jos. M. Rader, John S. Orth, John D. Olwell, Clint. Wilcox. All are invited to attend. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 1 Invitations have been received here for the grand ball and oyster supper to be given by the Condor Water and Power Co. at Tolo on October 1st. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, September 26, 1902, page 3 Many of our citizens do not as yet realize the magnitude of the undertaking of the Condor Water & Power Co. in the construction of the dam and ditch near Tolo. The company is going right ahead with the work, in a way that shows they mean business. The possibilities of the undertaking are vast--practically limitless. Sufficient power can be generated at this point to furnish power for all the machinery in the valley and light for all the towns. Visitors to the works are always welcome. The Ray Works--dam and ditch--are now nearing completion. The public is cordially invited and are welcome at all times to call and see what is being done. Grand Ball and Oyster Supper at the Ray Works, October 1st. Everybody cordially invited. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 26, 1902, page 7 A large crowd from here attended the ball at Ray's dam Wednesday night and report a very pleasant time. "Gold Hill Items," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 3 Horace Nicholson has had on exhibition lately some very fine photographs of the Ray dam near Tolo with historic Table Rock as a background. The pictures are finely finished and show a complete mastery of the photographic art. They are the work of R. Vinton Beall, of the Wayside Studio. Mr. Beall's work is all high class, and his studio is equipped with everything in the way of modern facilities for the making of fine photographs, and the operator knows how to handle them so as to get the best results. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 3, 1902, page 7 ![]() Medford Mail, October 3, 1902
The Condor Water and
Power Co., a corporation, having applied to the court for an order
declaring Rogue River and its tributaries within Jackson County to be
public highways for the purpose of floating and transporting logs,
lumber, wood, etc., and it appearing to the court that said streams are
not navigable within said county for commercial purposes, it was
ordered that Rogue River and its tributaries within said county be
declared public highways for the purpose above specified.
"County Commissioners' Court," Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 6 It is reported that John Vincent is lying very ill at the new dam on Rogue River. We are not certain as to the nature of his disease, but rumor calls it diphtheria. J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 3 Surveyor J. S. Howard returned Monday evening to his work as engineer and superintendent of construction at the Ray works, near Tolo. He reports that on Saturday last an electric light plant was installed and is operating finely. There are twelve arc lights used, and these are scattered about the works, making the place as light as day, thus enabling the night shift of workmen to accomplish as good results as those working in the daytime. Gasoline torches were formerly used. The sawmill at the works has also been started. The grade stakes have been driven for a wagon road directly across the hills from the works to Mr. Ray's Braden mine. Mr. Howard has been able to establish a grade, the steepest part of which is only one foot of a rise in eleven. As soon as the fall rains come grading work will commence. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 17, 1902, page 7 Henry Nutt, who is engaged at work for Dr. Ray, at the dam, is spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Miner were visiting the works at Dr. Ray's dam near Tolo last Friday. They report that the Dr. intends to get it completed by November 1st. "Kanes Creek Items," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 3 Dr. C. R. Ray, of Tolo, was in Medford Monday. The big dam and ditch which the Condor Water Company is building at Tolo is progressing very well. The doctor has a large crew of men, but he wants more. The size of the crew may be imagined from the fact that every other day half a beef and a sheep are shipped by Pottenger & Cox, of Medford, to Tolo, for use in the boarding house. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 6 Dr. Ray has installed an electric light plant of twelve arc lights to better facilitate the night work at the big dam across Rogue River, below Tolo. Gasoline torches were formerly used. The sawmill at the works has also been started. The grade stakes have been driven for a wagon road directly across the hills from the works to Mr. Ray's Braden mine. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1902, page 1 THE RAY DAM.
A Great Enterprise--200 Men at Work--Will Generate 600 Horsepower.
A Grants Pass Observer's
representative visited the working of the great enterprise near Tolo.
The enterprise consists in the damming of Rogue River, with the object
of deriving power and irrigating Rogue River Valley. The big work is
being done by the Condor Water & Power Company, of which Dr. C.
Ray, the well-known Gold Hill miner and capitalist, is president and
general manager.
There is no doubt but that this is the greatest enterprise of its kind on the coast. The benefit to be derived from this by the mines, mills, farms, orchards and gardens of Southern Oregon is beyond one's power to estimate. It will make rich mines where otherwise there would be nothing but scabby mountainsides. It will make a blooming Eden of what is now a barren waste, parched and dried for want of water. Dr. Ray has from 175 to 200 men employed in the day and night shifts. The river and works are brilliantly illuminated by a score of large arc lights suspended high above, making night work a comparatively easy matter. The work of putting in the dam is being rushed with the utmost speed, and will be beyond danger of freshet or flood in 30 days' time. The site of the dam is ideal in every respect, and seems to have been endowed by nature for this very purpose. Aside from its usefulness from the standpoint of its adaptability to its purpose, the site is a beautiful and picturesque one. Moreover it is historical ground, every foot of it, for there is Table Rock, the headquarters of all the Rogue River tribes of 50 years ago; there stood the largest Indian village in all Southern Oregon; there was the red man's fording place and fishing ground; there later stood the barricade of the whites and old Fort Lane when the Indians were forced to move their wigwams farther back toward the hills; and there was fought some of the bloodiest battles of the war of 1855-56. [The Battle of Table Rock is a myth.] The dam itself is crescent-shaped, with the bow of the crescent upstream, the circle having a radius of 400 feet. The huge timbers of which the dam is constructed are bolted firmly to the bedrock, and bolted to each other so that the dam is as solid and firm as one piece. In this way the pressure of the water against it presses it more firmly to either bank. The bottom filling is of large stone, with smaller ones on top, and above this a thick coating of cement, which makes it water-tight. Three large boilers and five engineers are employed, and five employed, and five steam drills are operated in the construction of the dam. The object of the enterprise is to furnish light and power for all Southern Oregon, or that portion of it within a radius of many miles at least from the dam, and to develop the mining and agricultural interest of that section. Doctor Ray owns some 100 quartz claims and mines, aside from several hundred acres of good placer ground, and the 4000 acres covered by the dam site and the territory near it, all of which has been purchased by the Condor Water & Power Co. One of the prime objects of the enterprise is the development of the properties of the company constructing it. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1902, page 1 Dr. Ray and Alex Orme, his superintendent, spent a few hours in Medford Sunday. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1902, page 4 Dr. C. R. Ray of Tolo has contracted with the Pacific States Telephone Co. for the maintenance of a public station at the Ray dam on Rogue River, near Tolo. The name of the station will be Golden Ray. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 13, 1902, page 3 Damage to Ray Dam.
The recent rains in the mountains have raised the water in the river to
quite an extent, and as a result of the rise in Rogue River the dam of
the Condor Water and Power Company, near Tolo, was damaged to quite an
extent. Up to Sunday the water in the river had risen fourteen inches,
and as a result one section of the cofferdam was wrecked and with it
were carried the engines and pumps, which were carried down the river
about 600 feet, where they were caught and hauled ashore. These were
fastened to a large platform--and the whole thing was carried away [by
the water].
The accident occurred at the noon hour Sunday when the men were at their dinner, and it is considered most fortunate that it occurred at this time, as had the men been at work several lives would have undoubtedly been lost. Dr. C. R. Ray, president and general manager for the company, is not discouraged a little bit by this mishap, and with the indomitable courage of his successful convictions which has predominated his every act since the project was undertaken he has buckled himself into the harness with renewed energy, and on Monday a full force of men was put to work repairing the damage, and other work is being pushed with the same vim which has prevailed at the works from the start. Medford Mail, November 14, 1902, page 2 The S.P. Co. is building a side track near Tolo, to convenience Dr. Ray in his work of developing the water power of Rogue River. Dr. C. R. Ray, who was in Medford Saturday, informs us that little damage has been done to his works by the raising of the waters of Rogue River, and that operations are progressing satisfactorily. He discharged a large number of his employees, as no work will be done at night for the present, but a big force is still employed. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1902, page 1 The Force Reduced.
late rain storm raised Rogue River several feet, causing considerable
damage to the dam being built near Tolo by Dr. Ray and his associates.
The pumps and engines were carried downstream some distance, but
fortunately they were recovered. Repairs were commenced at once. Since
then about eighty men who were employed on the works have been
discharged, for what reason we have been unable to ascertain..Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 19, 1902, page 2 Rains Wash Out Mining Dam.
Or., Nov. 19.--(Special.)--The heavy rains and high water of Rogue
River have washed out a large portion of the dam of the Condor Water
& Power Company, at Tolo. Eighty men of the crew have been laid
off, and work is practically abandoned for the winter.
Oregonian, Portland, November 20, 1902, page 6 Prof. J. A. Peoples is engaged this week at the Ray works at Tolo--experting the books and getting them in proper running order. Mr. Peoples is a thoroughly competent accountant, and his work cannot fail to be satisfactory. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 6 The force at work on the Ray dam at Tolo was reduced about 50 men last week. Most of the men laid off were those employed in getting out timbers and materials for the dam, as that portion of the work was about completed. Unfavorable weather and a rise in the river also made it expedient to reduce the force to a certain extent. There are still about 75 men employed on the construction of the dam and ditch, and work will be pushed as fast as weather conditions will permit. Of the total length of 419 feet of dam 370 feet have been completed, and all that is completed is built in such a manner that it will stand any ordinary flood of the river. It is expected that more or less work can be done on the dam during the winter, but there is no danger that any of the completed portion will be carried away. The accident which occurred last week consisted simply in the carrying away of some of the falsework and was not as serious as reports indicated. A portion of the cofferdam at the Ray works, near Tolo, was blown out Tuesday night by dynamite. This was done that the rising water in the river could have more of a passageway and would be less liable to damage the permanently constructed dam. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 21, 1902, page 7 Ray Dam News.
Dr. C. R. Ray left for San Francisco last Friday on business.
The telephone line to the dam is being put in this week and will probably be completed by the last of the week. School opened in Gold Ray district last Friday (21st) under the instruction of Prof. R. S. Barr. About twenty-five pupils are enrolled. Chief Engineer Robt. Lawton is taking a few days' layoff this week, awaiting the arrival of some new machinery which is to be installed. He is visiting relatives and friends in Medford. Robert is a prime favorite with all the boys at the dam, and while he is being a "good fellow" with all of them, he is not forgetful of any one of his many duties about the works. Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 3 Contract Let to Complete Dam.
The Mail is
credibly informed that a contract has been let to San Francisco parties
to complete the job of constructing the dam being put in by the Condor
Water and Power Company, at Tolo, of which Dr. Ray is president. Dr.
Ray is now in San Francisco, and the report is that the gentleman who
has taken the contract is here and will commence work on the dam at
Medford Mail, November 28, 1902, page 6 Mr. Harris, bookkeeper at the Ray dam, spent Thanksgiving with Table Rock friends. J. C. Pendleton, "Table Rock Items," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 3 J. S. Howard left Tuesday to resume work as civil engineer at Dr. Ray's dam, near Tolo. Dr. C. R. Ray, of the Condor Water and Power Co., was on Tuesday's southbound morning train, en route to San Francisco on a business trip. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 6 We are informed that according to contract the Condor Water & Power Co.'s dam, near Tolo, is to be completed within sixty days. A $15,000 bond has been put up which binds the contractors to have the work finished within the sixty days limit. Mr. Rogers, an experienced hydraulic engineer, of San Francisco, will be in charge of the work. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, December 5, 1902, page 6 Rogue River is a raging torrent. The stream is higher than it has been for years. Considerable damage is reported from the lowland farms in Josephine County. Cattle and horses were caught and drowned before they could be driven to places of safety, as the water raised six feet in four hours. The dam of the Condor Water & Power Co., at Tolo, and of the Golden Drift Co., at the Dry Diggings, have each been damaged and portions washed away. The dam of the New Water, Light & Power Co. at Grants Pass was badly injured. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 1 Dr. C. R. Ray's great work in damming Rogue River for power purposes has not retarded his efforts in developing the mines in Southern Oregon. The doctor has investments from the Mount Reuben district to the head of Elk Creek in Jackson County, and at various points intervening. About two years ago he purchased the Braden mine and mill from Dr. Jas. Braden on Kanes Creek, and since that time has had men at work opening the property in new places. During the past few months work on this particular mine has gone steadily ahead under the supervision of ex-Sheriff Alex Orme, who is superintendent of all of Dr. Ray's mines. This week Mr. Orme reports to Dr. Ray that there was enough high-grade ore blocked out in the Braden mine to pay for all the other mines he owned. That this statement is undoubtedly correct is evidenced from the fact that a new forty-stamp mill has been ordered to replace the old ten-stamp mill now on the property and the further fact that a right-of-way has been cleared across the mountains from the mill to the dam at Tolo for transmission of power to the mine. In addition to that a number of men, in charge of Charles Meirs, are at work on a new tunnel to tap the old Hicks ledge on Foots Creek, at a depth of 350 feet. That is a property Dr. Ray purchased from H. J. Hobbs, H. L. White and John Noe about three years ago. Considerable money has been taken from this property. On Galls Creek, William Blackert is doing assessment work with a crew upon several of Dr. Ray's properties. Up in the Elk Creek district work has been suspended for the winter with sufficient development to warrant going ahead in the spring. "Jackson County Mines," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 1 J. M. Harris, who has filled the position of bookkeeper at the Ray dam for several months, was a passenger for San Francisco Monday. He resigned from the services of Dr. Ray in order to accept a detail in the auditing department of the Southern Pacific. He expects to be placed on the traveling list. A. A. Hall, of Trail, was in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. Hall had the contract from Mr. Hume to place 100,000 feet of lots in Rogue River during the fall. He cut and hauled 75,000 feet, which were dumped into the river near his home at the ferry. The majority of the logs were pine, having been cut with the idea in view to ascertain whether they would float to the mouth of the river. The recent rise of the river cleared the bank of all the timbers placed there, but many of them landed on the bars from Trail to Grants Pass. Mr. Hall expects to put the other 25,000 feet into the river as soon as the mountainside is dry enough to do any hauling. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 6 Rogue River went on a rampage last week and again on Sunday. The first high water picked up the bulk of the debris left on the bars by the fall freshet and carried it down the stream in such quantities that parties at Gold Hill, Rock Point, Woodville and Grants Pass were organized to "pike" the lumber and logs headed for the sea. Quite a little lumber that had been used on the cofferdam at Tolo was secured at Gold Hill, and many of the logs which had been put in the temporary cribs at the Ray dam were gathered in at the other points. It has been customary for years for residents along the river to gather the greater percentage of their firewood while the river is "up." This year they have had such an abundance of drift that many of the cabins along the lower portions of the stream have greatly improved. A report was circulated that several sections of the Ray dam had gone out Sunday. This was a mistake, as the only portion of the work to be affected was the footpath across the river. The loss of that particular structure had been expected, as it was only fastened down temporarily. No part of the permanent work was damaged in the least, although the river rose over ten feet within five hours. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 12, 1902, page 7 Work on the dam Dr. Ray and his associates are building across Rogue River, near Tolo, has been suspended during the winter season. The weather is quite unpropitious for the completion of this important enterprise, and it was deemed best to suspend operations for the present. They will be resumed with renewed energy in the spring. Last Saturday, at the Ray dam, while Leo Williams was cleaning a pistol of .38 caliber, the weapon was accidentally discharged. The bullet took effect on Charley Akers of Medford, who stood nearby, passing through one of his legs and hands, inflicting a painful though fortunately not a dangerous wound. The wounded man was taken home and is doing nicely. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1902, page 1 The Ray Dam Solid.
thing has been demonstrated during the late high water which has been a
matter of doubt among the people of this section for many years, and
that is the successful damming of Rogue River.
Last September work was commenced on a dam across the river near Tolo, known locally as the Ray dam, under the supervision of the Condor Water & Power Co. The wiseacres predicted that the company would be unable to complete the dam before the high water came, and that, even if completed, it would not stand the rush of the waters of that turbulent stream. In a measure they were right. The dam was not completed before the first rise in the river came. Indeed, the rise came before expected, and considerable damage resulted to the temporary work. The reported damage, however, was greater than the actual loss suffered, and it was freely predicted that when the river did "get on a rampage" the dam would go out. But every bit of the dam had been constructed with a view to permanency, and when the unexpected and unexampled (since 1890) rise occurred last week there was not a timber or a stone in the permanent work that was moved. The dam stood. Although but a little over half completed, the mighty current of Rogue River was unable to do anything except take off loose timbers, not part of the permanent work, and flowed over the completed part of the dam without doing it any injury. This demonstrates that Rogue River can be dammed, and that the dam of the Condor Water & Power Co. is built to stand and will stand the full power of the river. The Braden dam, about a mile and a half below this dam, was taken out, as was also the Houck dam at Gold Hill. The dam of the Golden Drift Co., a few miles this side of Grants Pass, stood better than the last-mentioned two, but was somewhat damaged. Medford Mail, February 6, 1903, page 2 The Pacific States Telephone Co. has opened offices at Ray's dam and Siskiyou, which will prove quite a convenience. Work has been resumed at Ray's dam on a small scale. It will not be long before operations will be proceeding in earnest, giving employment to a large number of men. The works stood the high water nicely, being comparatively unharmed. This enterprise promises very much for Southern Oregon, and we hope to see it completed at an early day. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1903, page 2 Work has been resumed at the big power dam being built across Rogue River at Tolo by the Condor Water & Power Company, of which Dr. C. R. Ray is manager. The floods of the past winter succeeded in washing away some of the machinery, but did no harm to the dam itself. The first work to be done will be the reinstallation of the engines and boiler for the hoists and derricks and for the saw mill. In about three or four weeks work will be resumed on the dam itself. Dr. Ray intends to have the power plant ready for business by the close of the summer. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1903, page 1 Dr. C. R. Ray, a resident of Gold Hill for the past six years, has been quietly buying up everything that seemed to be a good purchase in the way of mining property and water rights until he now owns, so I am told, half the mining territory just around the town. His brother, C. P. Ray [sic], of New York, and associates became largely interested with him and as a consequence a great deal of money has been invested here and much more is to follow. The scope of operations which this company intends to carry on include the damming of Rogue River at Gold Ray, about three miles from here, and using the water for power purposes on a large scale. This dam has been in course of construction during the past year, and will probably be completed this coming summer, and when completed will give an aggregate of 6000 horsepower. This enterprise will cost about $300,000, and the capital employed all comes from New York. The Condor Water & Power Company has its head office in Gold Hill, with C. R. Ray president and W. T. Hunter secretary. Between solid rock walls heavy cribs of timber have been bolted and filled with cemented gravel. The total height of the dam will [be] 20 feet, and its length 432 feet. At present only two turbine wheels will be put in, of 500 horsepower each, and as the turbines arrived here this week, by August 1 next it is expected the 1000 horsepower will be developed. One wheel's power will be electrified and carried to the several mines in the vicinity, one in particular being owned by the Ray Brothers, known as the Braden mine, and the stamp capacity will be increased, making 20 stamps. Ten stamps will also be operated at the power dam. The other wheel will be used for elevating water by means of large centrifugal pumps to an altitude of 300 to 400 feet and carried in ditches for mining and irrigation. As soon as the power of the first two wheels is all used more wheels will be installed. I asked Dr. Ray what would probably be his scale of prices, and he said the company had not adopted any scale yet, but it would be cheaper than steam power. The railroad station at the power dam has been named "Gold Ray," and is now a flag station of the Southern Pacific Railroad and has a telephone office there. "Gold Hill, Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, March 27, 1903, page 14 Gold Ray News.
Miss Ina Ray, who has been visiting her parents for a couple of weeks,
returned to Portland Monday evening, where she will attend school.A comical accident occurred here Monday afternoon. Tom Yocum, of Central Point, while prying a rock off the car, out on the end of the track behind the dam, got the bar in such a shape that when the rock was moved from the car he was thrown backwards into about twelve feet of water. The track was about fifteen feet above the water. Medford Mail, May 8, 1903, page 3 Gold Ray News.
Artie Armstrong, of Gold Hill, was the
guest of Frank and Charles Ray a couple of days last week.We have a foot bridge now, which is a great improvement over the old rowboat system of transportation. S. J. Sandry, who is employed on the dam, moved his family from the Braden mine to Gold Ray last week. There is at present between twenty-five and thirty men working on the dam. The work is going on rapidly and in first-class style. President Roosevelt was greeted in true patriotic style as he passed Gold Ray. A fifty-pound box of giant powder was exploded as the train came around the curve at the dam, and a number of six-shooters aided in arousing his interest so that he came out on the back platform, where we got a passing glimpse of him. Medford Mail, May 29, 1903, page 3 Gold Ray News.
The crew on the dam were laid off last
Monday for the election.Mrs. C. R. Ray and daughter, Mabel, were Medford visitors Saturday. Wallace Woods and Asahel Hubbard and families were Gold Ray visitors Sunday. The river has raised several inches in the last few warm days, and is steadily rising. It has been decided to widen the cut which will lead from the dam to the power house, and a new derrick has been erected to facilitate the operation. Medford Mail, June 5, 1903, page 5 Gold Ray News.
The river is now probably the highest it
will be this summer.Most every day there is an addition to the crew at the dam; there are now between forty and fifty men at work. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Howard, Miss Macauley, Mrs., Miss and Mr. McMurtrey were visitors at Gold Ray Sunday. The last couple of weeks warm weather has been playing havoc with the snow in the mountains, and the river has been rising rapidly until within the last few days. Work on the ditch will now proceed faster than ever before, there now being three derricks and steam hoists in operation. Medford Mail, June 12, 1903, page 3 Gold Ray News.
The work on the dam is progressing with
its usual speed.Frank and Charles Ray were quite ill last week, but are recovering nicely. Miss Ina Ray has returned to her Gold Ray home from Portland, where she has been attending school. W. F. Isaacs, the "Toggery" man, and Ted Kelso, of Medford, were down last week. The "Toggery" man is doing a land office business with the boys, too. Medford Mail, June 19, 1903, page 3 "Golden Ray" is the name of the picturesque spot on the Rogue River, near Tolo, the site of the big power dam being built by the Condor Water & Power Company, of which Doctor C. R. Ray is general manager. It is directly on the line of the Southern Pacific, and in time a station and depot will be placed there by the road. At the present time Golden Ray is a busy place. Nearly 100 men are at work, and more than that number will be employed during the summer in completing the big work the Condor company has before it. A mammoth ditch is being cut on the opposite side of the river from the railroad, into which the water will be diverted by the dam and which will carry the life-giving moisture to the vast arid region of that section, and which will make productive thousands of acres that are at present useless. Aside from irrigating, 6000 horsepower will be generated by the dam and distributed to the surrounding towns and mines. Roseburg Plaindealer, June 25, 1903, page 2 Gold Ray News.
The river is falling nowadays, and work
on the dam proper is expected to begin soon.The rocks on the back of the dam are getting pretty well across the river, backing it up quite noticeably. A little excitement was occasioned last Wednesday afternoon, when a pulley on one of the derricks came loose while lifting a heavy rock, letting the boom fall. No one was hurt, however. Medford Mail, June 26, 1903, page 3 Gold Ray News.
Work on the dam is progressing as
rapidly as possible.Work on the dam was suspended on the Fourth to give the boys a chance to celebrate. Ira Greninger, while celebrating, got one of his hands painfully hurt with a toy pistol. This is one more case of where the gun was loaded. Medford Mail, July 3, 1903, page 11 Gold Ray News.
Fish are quite lively. The back water
makes a nice place for them.The dam is now working a night crew. One derrick is now in use night and day. A rock crusher is being put up and will soon be in operation. The crushed rock is mixed with cement and used in the first row of cribs on the face of the dam. A purse of between $70 and $80 was gotten up among the boys at the dam for the benefit of Ira Greninger. He was very popular among the crew and it somewhat shows the good feeling toward him by all. Medford Mail, July 24, 1903, page 5 Gold Ray News.
C. T. and H. G. Nicholson and Dr. Bundy,
of Medford, were visitors at the dam Sunday.Dr. Ray is having a new warehouse built at Tolo to receive machinery, etc. The building is 40x100 feet. In a few days water will be running through the ditch at the dam. The level of water back of the dam is within six inches of the bottom of the ditch at present. Medford Mail, July 31, 1903, page 3 Gold Ray News.
F. M. Wilson and family, of Medford,
were visitors at the dam Sunday.Part of the electrical machinery for the dam is here, but will not be installed for some time yet. Ira Greninger, who has been in the Medford hospital, suffering with blood poison, was down Sunday. Medford Mail, August 7, 1903, page 3 A BIG INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKING
The possibilities that may come of the water power of Rogue River by
the Condor Water & Power Company are likely to prove far
in their effects on the industrial and commercial development of the
Rogue River Valley. While no definite announcement as to the plans of
the company has been made by Dr. C. R. Ray, the resident manager, yet
enough has been given out to make it certain that Golden Ray, the name
of the proposed town at the dam, will be one of the greatest industrial
centers in Oregon. Now that the dam and the race are practically
completed, work will be begun on a big electric power station that will
develop over 8000 horsepower. This power will be carried to various
parts of the valley to operate mills, railroads and mines.Of the other industrial enterprises that are said to be projected by this company or by companies that are to be organized for the purpose is that of an electric railroad up Rogue River. A big sawmill, a pulp mill, a paper mill, furniture factory and other smaller industries at Golden Ray. An electrically operated ore furnace at the iron mine three miles northeast of Golden Ray. Of these enterprises the electric railroad would be one of the most profitable and one that would have a far-reaching effect on the trade conditions of Southern Oregon. This road would bring into market one of the finest and largest bodies of timber in Southern Oregon. Extended on to Crater Lake, it would be the scenic route of the West, for no prettier bits of scenery are to be found in Oregon than along the Rogue River. And Crater Lake, a wonder that has no equal in all the world, is an attraction that would bring an immense tourist traffic to the road. This road extended on in Eastern Oregon would divert from San Francisco and bring to Oregon and to Portland the trade of a now almost undeveloped region that is rich in natural resources, and is but awaiting transportation facilities to make it one of the wealthy sections of Oregon. Locally this railroad would make a very great change in the trade centers in Jackson County, for it would prove an advantage to some towns and serious obstacle to other towns. The railroad together with the various factories would build up a town at Golden Ray that would be a serious competitor to Gold Hill and to Medford, for the big payroll would bring large stores, professional people and others that would draw trade and business from the adjoining towns to their loss and to the gain of the new town. Skilled workmen are always large buyers, and the farmers of the county would soon find the factory town their most profitable market. Then the upper Rogue River trade would all be cut off from the other towns and taken to the new town. It would be no improbability for a town of 5000 inhabitants to build up at Golden Ray within the next six or eight years. The timber resources would make the building, at Golden Ray, of a big sawmill employing 150 to 200 men a profitable venture. The waste from the mill would afford a large quantity of cheap fuel that would be a large factor in drawing other factories to that place. As a location for pulp and paper mills there is none better in Oregon, for there can be had at a low cost immense quantities of the best of pulpwood, and the Rogue River would supply all the pure water required in making a high grade of paper. The iron deposits in the vicinity of Golden Ray are among the largest and the richest on the coast, and their development would mean employment of a large number of men. Within easy transportation distance of the new town are large veins of a good quality of coal that would afford a cheap fuel. Almost within sight of the town are great ledges of lime rock and marble that are now being developed in a small way. But the most important of the mineral wealth that is tributary to this new factory center is the gold mines. Worked now in a limited way, with the cheap electric power that will be available from the big power plant these mines will become great wealth producers and the means of employment for hundreds of men. That the Condor Power & Water Company is preparing to carry out all these great undertakings is further proven by their quietly acquiring during the past two years an immense holding of land along Rogue River and especially in the vicinity of their proposed town where they hold the ownership of all the land, thus giving them full control of their townsite. There is a strong probability that now that their dam is practically completed that the company will take up their other enterprises and push them to completion. The report is that 500 or more men will be given employment this winter by the company, for during that season of the year there are plenty of idle men to be had in the North where the rainy season shuts down much of outdoor work. As to the effect on Jacksonville of the building up of another large town in the county, the new town will be a help rather than a hindrance to this place. It will bring into the county a very large amount of taxable property and increase the home market for farm products and the employment for labor. Jacksonville has only the best of wishes for the prosperity of the new town of Golden Ray, as it has for all the other towns in Jackson County. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 14, 1903, page 3 POWER FROM RAY DAM.
At a special meeting of the city council held on Thursday evening of
last week to discuss the proposition of securing electric light and
power from the Condor Water and Power Co., for city purposes, J. D.
Alsup, representing the company, explained the plan upon which it was
expected to work.
The company did not wish to purchase the present electric and water system belonging to the city, but did want to sell to the city electricity for lighting and pumping purposes, through a local corporation to be organized among the citizens of the town, to sell this power to the city, and the city in turn to retail lights and water to the consumers, as is done under the present system. The Condor company simply proposes to sell the electricity at the dam, and it is not their purpose to extend their plant to the amount required to run the wires into Medford, which it is estimated will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000, hence the need of a separate local corporation which would stretch the wires from the dam to Medford and afterward dispose of the current to the city for light and power purposes. Again a local corporation would give wider scope in the matter of furnishing light and power. Should the Condor company sell to the city direct the electricity could not be disposed of only for use within the corporate limits of the town, whereas the independent corporation could dispose of it to anyone in reach of the wires between here and the dam. It is desired to have as much of the stock as possible taken here, and, if successful negotiations with the city council are concluded, the books will be open for anyone who wishes to take stock. At the meeting last week, Mr. Alsup was not prepared to state at what price he would be able to furnish the electricity, as he had no data regarding the number of lights furnished by the present plan, the amount of power required to run the pumping station and the probable increase--which was necessary in order to make an estimate on the strength of the current and cost thereof necessary to carry on the work. He stated that if such data were placed in his hands he would be able within a short time to make a rate at which power could be furnished. Acting Mayor Wilson, on motion of Councilman Pickel, appointed the following committee to secure the required data: Pickel, Willeke, York. As yet the committee has made no report and the matter is still in abeyance. Medford Mail, August 14, 1903, page 1 OFFER MADE TO MEDFORD.
Electric Company Wants to Sell Power to the City.
Or., Aug. 14.--(Special.)--At a special meeting of the city council,
held last Thursday evening, in order to discuss the proposition of
securing electric light
and power
from the Ray dam, owned by the Condor Water Power Company, located near
Tolo, about ten miles from Medford, for city purposes, J. D. Alsup,
representing the company, explained the plan upon which it was expected
to work.
The company did not wish to purchase the present electric and water system belonging to Medford, but wanted to sell the city electricity for lighting and pumping purposes through a local corporation to be organized among the citizens of the town, to sell this power to the city and the city in turn to retail light and water to the consumers, as is done under the present system. The Condor Water & Power Company proposes to sell the electricity at the dam, and it is not their purpose to extend their plant to the amount required to run the wires to Medford, which it is estimated will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000, hence the need of a separate local corporation which would stretch the wires from the dam to Medford and afterward dispose of the current to the city for light and power purposes. A local corporation would give wider scope in the matter of furnishing light and power. Should the Condor Company sell to the city direct the electricity could not be disposed of only for use within the corporate limits of the town, whereas the independent corporation could dispose of it to anyone within reach of the wires between here and the dam. It is desired to have as much of the stock as possible taken here, and it is hoped that successful negotiations with the city council will be concluded. At the meeting Mr. Alsup was not prepared to state at what price he would be able to furnish the electricity, as he had no data regarding the number of lights furnished by the present plant, the amount of power required to run the pumping station and the probable increase which was necessary in order to make an estimate on the strength of the current and cost necessary to carry on the work. He stated that if such data were placed in his hands he would be able within a short time to make a rate at which power could be furnished. Acting Mayor Wilson, on motion of Councilman E. B. Pickel, appointed the following committee to secure the required data: Dr. E. B. Pickel, J. U. Willeke, W. T. York. No reports have been made yet, and the matter is still in abeyance. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 15, 1903, page 4 Gold Ray News.
Mr. F. K. Deuel and family, of Medford,
were Gold Ray visitors Sunday.The river now practically runs through the cut. It is about fifty feet wide and ten feet deep. Quite a bit of excitement was occasioned Sunday evening, when the river was found to be washing over the cofferdam. The crew was aroused and the break repaired. Medford Mail, August 21, 1903, page 8 THE RAY DAM A BIG ENTERPRISE
No person can form any idea of the magnitude of the enterprise
undertaken by Dr. C. R. Ray and his company in damming Rogue River
until they have been on the ground and personally inspected the work.
It is a gigantic affair and at this time it is taking on proportions
which picture to all eyes its immensity. Even the most untutored eye in
mechanical engineering can now see vividly the intent of the promoter
and the enormity of his undertaking.
All the water of the river, save a small part which seeps through the cofferdam, now passes through the canal. This canal is 600 feet in length, thirty feet wide, and the water now flowing in it is twelve feet deep. The walls of this canal are formed on the land side by solid rock, in the position which nature placed it, and on the river side by solid concrete and rock six feet in width. At the lower end of the canal, where the water goes tumbling madly over rock into the river bed, from which it was diverted above the dam, is where the large turbine wheels will be put in where power sufficient to operate all the machinery of the valley can be had. It is here also that the fish ladder will be put in. The work of putting in the artificial dam is now nearly completed and when this is done the work of completing the permanent dam structure will be vigorously pushed. For the purpose of pumping the water from the cofferdam three large pumps are being put in. Two large rock crushers are now in place and with these rock will be crushed for use in cementing the cribbing of the dam. Above the dam the water has been backed considerably and a good-sized lake has been formed. This backwater has inundated many acres of good land, but Mr. Ray had precluded the possibility of damage suits by purchasing about a thousand acres of land on either side of the river before he commenced the dam. A garden was put out on part of this last spring and had grown to a producing point when the water overflowed it--and now the vegetables therefrom are gathered from a boat. A visit to the dam is well worth anyone's time and a few hours spent in inspection cannot but be of profit. Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 1 Gold Ray News.
Chas. Dickison, of Table Rock, was at
the dam Sunday.A. S. Bliton and W. T. York and families were Gold Ray visitors Sunday. John Humphreys, the night watch, left Monday evening for a few days visit with relatives in Portland. The pumping machinery is now being installed, also a new sixty-horsepower boiler. These will be used in the construction of the middle section of the dam. Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 7 DAM BUILDERS DISCOVER GOLD IN ROGUE RIVER
JACKSONVILLE, Or., Sept. 11.--The Gold Hill dam across the Rogue River,
built to conserve the water for power purposes, has revealed a bar of
placer gold in the bed of the stream which is believed to contain
$250,000. Alexander Orme, foreman of dam construction, was discoverer
of the gold-bearing gravel. He panned out $100 in two and a half hours,
but as soon as the fact that gold existed in the bar became known the
Condor Power Company, to whom the dam belongs, refused to allow further
mining operations. Extensive preparations are being made to work the
property. The dam, which holds back the waters of Rogue River at this
point, caused the formation of a gravel bar, and it is in this that the
placer gold has been found. It evidently came down the river and lodged
within easy reach of those who have spent thousands of dollars in
perfecting the dam in order that electrical power might be supplied to
the surrounding country.Special Dispatch to The Call. The bed of Rogue River adjacent to the dam is being thoroughly prospected, and other large gold deposits are expected to be found. San Francisco Call, September 12, 1903, page 6 Gold Ray News.
A gasoline engine of 22 horsepower was
installed last week to run the rock crushers.The main dam is now under good headway, and the timber work is expected to be up in a week or less. Last Sunday was a general visiting day at the dam; an exceptionally large number of people were down. Medford Mail, September 18, 1903, page 7 RAY DAM NEARING COMPLETION.
The dam of the Condor Water & Power Co., on Rogue River, two
from Tolo, is rapidly nearing completion, and those wiseacres who have
said all along that the turbulent waters of the Rogue could not be
controlled are sidestepping when questions are asked concerning their
former opinion.Nearly the whole river is now carried around by the race--blasted out of the living rock which forms one bank, while the other is built up of masonry as solid as the natural rock itself and as enduring as the everlasting hills. The last cribbing on the main dam was being put in Sunday when a Mail reporter, together with at least 149 other people from all over the county, visited the works, and the work of filling in and cementing the face of the dam will be commenced as soon as this is finished. When completed the dam will be practically a solid rock wall extending across the river and barring its course. Back of the dam a lake three miles long and nearly that wide will be created, making a reserve force for power excelled nowhere on the Pacific Coast. At the end of the race immense wheels will be placed in a pit blasted twenty-two feet into the solid rock, which will furnish power for dynamos strong enough to furnish electric power enough to run the machinery of the whole valley--and then some. The undertaking is a stupendous one, and the question arises--what is to be done with this immense power? There isn't manufacturing interests enough at present in this section to use one-third of the power that can be generated by the mighty current of Rogue River--all of which can be used here--and one is forced to believe that there are projects in contemplation by the people who have undertaken this work of which we outsiders have no knowledge or realization, and which will increase the business and wealth of this valley manyfold. The men who are back of this enterprise are not spending the large sums of money necessary to bring it to completion without some idea of what they are going to do to receive substantial returns. A small fortune has already been expended in purchasing lands along the river--good alfalfa fields, many of them--which will be covered with water and ruined for the purposes for which they are now used when the dam is finally completed. There is certainly going to be "something doing" within the next few months in Jackson County. One thing has turned up since the water was turned from the channel of the river which might have been in contemplation at the inception of the enterprise but which in itself is not sufficient reason for its undertaking, and that is that a very rich deposit of gold has been found in the crevices below the bedrock of the dam. The famous Gold Hill is just about opposite this place, and the hills on the south side of the river are full of gold. It is estimated by some parties that enough of the virgin gold will be taken from the bed of the river to reimburse the Condor Company for the money expended in building the dam. However this may be, it is evident that the mining of the river bed was not the first object of the company, as about the same results could have been accomplished at less cost. There is something more back of this enterprise, and we are pretty certain that it will prove of great and lasting benefit to Jackson County and Southern Oregon. Medford Mail, September 25, 1903, page 1 Gold Ray News.
A part of the crew were laid off during
the last few days.With last Sunday came over a hundred visitors to the dam. The timbers are all in, there remaining the concrete and filling to be put in. A new pump has been installed in the mine on the riverbed below the dam. A small cofferdam was built and the pump will be used to pump the water therefrom in order to get at the bed, where the gold is in the crevices. Medford Mail, September 25, 1903, page 10 FORMED OF SPORT-LOVERS.
Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club Is Organized in Southern Oregon.
MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 25.--(Special.)--Dr. C. R. Ray invited about 50
Jackson and Josephine County gentlemen who are interested in hunting
and fishing, to his apartments near the Gold Ray Dam, 12 miles from
Medford, for the purpose of organizing a rod and gun club, the object
of which would be the advancement of sport on the fields and streams of
the two counties.
The party assembled in the banquet hall, and temporary organization was effected by the election of A. E. Reames, of Jacksonville, as chairman, and J. L. Hammersley, of Gold Hill, as secretary. It was resolved to form an incorporation, with a capital stock of $5000, divided into shares of $25 each. It is the purpose of the organization to build and equip a clubhouse and boathouse on the lake formed by the dam of the Condor Water & Power company, and to place boats upon the lake, the club to have exclusive right to hunting and fishing on its waters. John S. Orth, of Jacksonville, A. S. Hammond, of Grants Pass, [and] J. Court Hall, of Medford, were appointed to a committee to secure members. Up to the present time they have secured about 40. The club will be known as the Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club. Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 26, 1903, page 4 C. W. Palm:--"I was down at the Ray dam Sunday, and I want to tell you right now that if Dr. Ray would let me have what gold there is on the bedrock just below the dam, I would be satisfied, and wouldn't care whether I ever sold another piece of real estate or not. If they don't get gold enough cut out of that hole to run 'way up in five figures, I'm no guesser at all. They are taking it out right along, and no small quantity of it either." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, October 2, 1903, page 1 A grand ball will be given at Gold Ray on Saturday evening, October 10th, for the benefit of the Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club. A fine oyster supper will be served and the best of music will be had, and no effort will be spared to make the event an enjoyable one to all who attend. The following committee has charge of the arrangements: G. E. Neuber, E. A. Reames and J. L. Rader, Jacksonville; J. L. Hammersley, C. F. Young, Gold Hill; J. E. Enyart, J. C. Hall, Medford; A. S. Hammond, Roy Bartlett, Grants Pass; O. O. Helman, Ashland. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 2, 1903, page 5 A New Club Organization.
Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club, the temporary organization of which was made
last Sunday week, is to give a grand ball at the club's new
headquarters in Gold Ray on Saturday evening, October 10th. The best
orchestra in Southern Oregon will be employed and the best prompter and
the best floor manager, and a fine oyster supper is to be served, all
together making the evening's amusement such as will be sure to please
all who attend. The lumber for the club house is being furnished by the
Iowa Lumber Company, and teams are delivering it, hauling it by way of
Gold Hill to the club's grounds on the east side of the river and about
40 rods above the dam. The building is to be 40x80, two stories high.
For the present the building will not be finished fully, but that will
be done in the near future.
A meeting of the club will be held this Sunday, at which time permanent organization will be effected. Of the temporary organization A. E. Reames of this place is chairman and J. L. Hammersley of Gold Hill secretary. The capital stock of the club is $5000 in shares of $25 each. The committee on membership is John S. Orth, Jacksonville, Court Hall, Medford, and A. S. Hammond, Grants Pass, to whom persons wishing to join should apply. Dr. C. R. Ray, for the Condor Power and Water Company, has donated the lease to the club of the fishing privileges of the pond formed by the dam across Rogue River, which is more than a mile long and in places nearly a quarter of a mile wide, the water having overflowed much of the bottom land, and also the hunting privileges of the company's lands which embrace several thousand acres along Rogue River. The club will stock the pond and upper Rogue River with all kinds of fish and import game birds to add to those now in the valley. The club will also see to it that the state fish and game laws are strictly enforced. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 2, 1903, page 5 Gold Ray News.
A new 5-inch pulsometer, a pumping
apparatus, was installed last week.Mrs. Horace Pelton and Mrs. Dr. Jameson were down visiting Mrs. Ray Sunday. An apron is being built on the lower side of the dam; the timber work is now all completed. Attorney and Mrs. W. I. Vawter were at the dam Sunday and spent a pleasant afternoon looking over the works and visiting Dr. and Mrs. Ray. Medford Mail, October 2, 1903, page 8 LOTS OF GOLD IN ROGUE RIVER.
Much has been said and written regarding the amount of gold which lies
hidden beneath and in the gravel of Rogue River, at a point below the
Ray dam, but no person has until now been able to arrive at the amount
therein contained. Enough work has been performed in panning this
gravel to give the promoters of the dam project the assurance that
there is enough of the yellow metal there to more than pay for the
construction of the dam. When it is stated, authoritatively, that the
dam will cost when completed fully $200,000, an idea can be gained as
to the amount of gold in the river bed at that point.This covers only a distance of about 600 feet of the river, and up to the present time only a few men have been engaged in mining the gold, and these by the slow process of hand panning, but some pans of the gravel have produced $25 in gold. This amount to the single pan, however, is an exception rather than a rule. When the dam is completed and more attention can be given to the mining, sluice boxes, gravel and rock elevators and a complete mining outfit will be put in operation and it is then that the yellow metal is expected to show itself. So rich it is expected the river bed will be found that plans are now being made with the object of extending the canal further down the river, thus diverting the water from the river channel and enabling the mining of the river bed for a greater distance than is now possible. Dr. Ray and his company own the land on both sides of the river from the dam to Gold Hill, a distance of fully four miles, and it is expected that the river will be mined for all this distance. Another feature in connection with the extension of the canal is that should it be proven by actual test that not enough power can be secured at a point where the machinery is now being put in, the water can be used again for power purposes at other points lower down n the canal--thus giving the company an almost unlimited power supply. Medford Mail, October 9, 1903, page 1 Gold Ray News.
Part of the Rod & Gun Club was
down Sunday.Hon. R. D. Hume was visiting Dr. Ray Sunday. E. L. Gurnea and family, of Medford, were down Sunday. Miss Ina Ray returned to Portland to continue her school work. Mrs. Ray and family have moved to Medford, where they will stay this winter. The night crew, after being discontinued for a few days, has been put on again. A crew of carpenters from Medford came down last week to begin work on the dance hall, which is to be 40x80 feet. Medford Mail, October 9, 1903, page 8 Gold Ray News.
There are now between fifty and sixty
men on the works.Tuesday at noon the water was turned into the dam. G. S. Lahey, the genial foreman of the works, returned to his home in Winchester Monday. Last Saturday was the day of the completion of the dam. On that day the crews were put to work clearing the works, and in the evening the dance was in the height of favor. Over fifty couples were here, and a joyous time was had by all. Medford Mail, October 16, 1903, page 8 Rogue River Ran Dry.
PASS, Or., Oct. 19.--(Special.)--Early this morning the bed of Rogue
River at Grants Pass was nearly dry, caused by the closing of the
Condor dam at Gold Ray. At 12 o'clock at night the water in the
electric power company's race was too low to run the machinery, and
Grants Pass was in darkness the remainder of the night. At 4 o'clock
the race was perfectly dry, and trout and salmon were flopping on the
mud. At 8 o'clock the overflow from the dam, which is 20 miles up the
river, began to raise the water, and it continued to rise to its normal
condition. Scores of people visited the river to witness the unusual
sight, and fishermen were out in full force. The fish that were left on
dry land for the short time were none the worse for their experience,
as the water flowed again before the sun was high. Tonight the race of
the electric light company is full of water, and Grants Pass is lighted
as usual.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1903, page 5 The Ray dam is completed, and the waters of the Rogue now flow over it. All the artificial work used in the construction of the dam has been removed, and the water is now permitted to flow unobstructed over the entire length of the dam. The power house is now being built, the water wheels and dynamos are on the ground, and just as soon as the power house is completed these will be placed in position--and then the wheels will turn--and Dr. Ray's object shall have been accomplished. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 4 Gold Ray News.
A new derrick is being set up and will
be in operation in a few days.A boiler is being installed near where the power house will be. The headgates are being put in, and the pit for the turbines is being dug; it will be the canal extended out into the river and considerable deeper than the cut. Medford Mail, October 23, 1903, page 8 The Ray dam is completed, and the waters of the Rogue now flow over it. All the artificial work used in the construction of the dam has been removed and the water is now permitted to flow unobstructed over the entire length of the dam. The power house is now being built, the water wheels and dynamos are on the ground, and just as soon as the power house is completed these will be placed in position--and then the wheels will turn--and Mr. Ray's object shall have been accomplished.--Medford Mail. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 29, 1903, page 1 Gold Ray News.
R. S. Barr, the bookkeeper, was in
Medford Monday.Mrs. Ray and daughter, Mabel, came down to the dam Tuesday. The wheel pit is now well under way. It is to be nineteen feet deeper than the race and will extend out into the river. The rock crusher is now in place at the end of the race, where the power house will be erected. An engine and boiler are also being set up to run it. The boiler will furnish steam for the derrick which will be used in the construction of the power house. Medford Mail, October 30, 1903, page 8 Gold Ray News.
Sheriff Rader was down last week.Dr. Ray returned Tuesday from a business trip to Portland. The rock crusher is in operation and the concrete work is progressing nicely. Ducks are quite plentiful, for the short time they have had to take possession of the place, and come quite close to the dam. Medford Mail, November 6, 1903, page 8 While the bed of Rogue River at Tolo, Or. was exposed during the construction of a dam by the Condor Water & Power Company, workmen accidentally discovered that the gravel at the bottom of the river was wonderfully rich in gold. Much of the gravel is said to yield from $5 to $20 a pan. The power company owns all of the land on each side of the river for five miles below the dam, and it is preparing for active mining on this large section of the bed. Judging from the prospecting already done, it is estimated that the old Rogue will yield several million dollars to the company. "Mining Interests," Boston Herald, November 8, 1903, page 21 Gold Ray News.
One of the derricks was started up again
Monday, making two in operation at present.Part of the Rod and Gun Club was down Sunday. The clubhouse is beginning to make a pleasing appearance, although it is not nearly completed yet. In the past few weeks a crew has been clearing off the underbrush in the vicinity of the dam, which adds greatly to the appearance of the place. Medford Mail, November 13, 1903, page 8 Gold Ray News.
The old boat system of traffic is in use
again at
the dam, the high water having taken the foot bridge down the river.Work was suspended Saturday on account of high water. On Friday evening it rose four feet, overflowing the wall and headgates of the ditch. The club house of the Rod and Gun Club is being rushed along toward completion at a good rate now. In the center of the building is a dome 16 feet in diameter. When completed the building will be first class in every respect. What came nearly being another addition to the Rogue's victims happened last Saturday morning with Samuel Sandry and Earl Young, employees at the dam, attempted to cross in a boat just above the fall. They were caught in a current when near this side and narrowly escaped being drawn over the dam. Medford Mail, November 20, 1903, page 7 Gold Ray News.
Mrs. Ray and family returned to the dam
Friday evening.Dr. Ray is having some carpenters at work on his residence at the dam, preparatory to the cold weather. John Humphreys, who has been night watchman for the past year, left last Saturday. His home is in Troutdale, east of Portland, where he expects to return soon. A ferry was put up across the river last week, just above the dam. The boat is 8x20, but the establishment of this ferry will prevent any danger of accidents, such as nearly occurred last week. Medford Mail, November 27, 1903, page 7 Gold Ray News.
Dr. Ray and family and J. D. Alsup came
down from Medford Thursday evening.Miss Ina Ray returned from Portland Thursday, where she has been for the past few months. The work has had an excellent test since the dam has been completed. The water has flooded the entire [illegible] and not injured anything in the least. The whole structure is built in a thorough workmanlike manner and is as solid as the granite itself almost, and there is no possibility of anything short of an earthquake doing any harm. The work on the wheel pit at the end of the race is progressing nicely. It is now down twenty feet and will be worked out toward the river. The last high water prevented work in the pit for a day, but it soon went down, when work was resumed. The ferry has been improved during the last week to the extent of a half-inch steel cable, which will make it perfectly safe, under all circumstances of high water or drift, which is so plentiful during the rises. The single cable in use before was three-fourths inch steel. Medford Mail, December 4, 1903, page 7 Gold Ray News.
Dr. and Miss Ina Ray made a hurried trip to their Medford home last
Friday evening, the occasion being the sudden illness of Miss Mabel.
The Grants Pass photographer has been at the dam for the past few days, and has some beautiful views of the dam, with Table Rock and Mt. Pitt in the background. They are masterpieces of art, the size being 8x10. The ferry boat has been put to quite a novel use lately. It was fitted up with row locks and oars that were about "second growth" and propelled up the river by a half-dozen men to Tolo, where the cement is stored. It will hold about four tons, which is loaded on and floated down the river instead of hauling by team as before. Medford Mail, December 11, 1903, page 7 Gold Ray News.
M. Lawton, one of the engineers, left on the excursion for San
Francisco and vicinity, where he will spend a few days vacation among
his relatives and friends.Gold Ray undoubtedly has the youngest engineer in the country. Frank Ray, at the age of nine, handles the throttle in a way that would do credit to many old "professionals." Dr. Ray and J. D. Alsup are in San Francisco for a few days. The clubhouse of the Rod and Gun Club is rapidly nearing completion, and a more ideal place to spend a few days hunting and fishing could not be found. The draft tubes for the wheels are in and the cement penstocks are being put up as fast as possible. The work is being especially rushed on account of the possibility of high water before they are up, which might damage the fresh cement. Medford Mail, January 1, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
Mrs. Smith and family and Miss May Noe left for their homes in Gold
Hill last week. Mrs. Smith and Miss Noe were the cooks at the dam for
several months past.
The machinery is now being moved from Tolo to the works where it will be handy to install in a short time. Three carloads of cement came to Tolo for the Condor Water and Power Co. last week, which is being scowed down to the dam. Dr. Ray returned from San Francisco Sunday evening. Medford Mail, January 8, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
The crew now numbers about fifteen men.The power house walls are being built now. They are to be a foot thick and twelve feet high. The machinery is being brought down the river from Tolo, where it has been stored for some time. R. B. Lawton left Wednesday for a short stay among relatives and friends in Portland vicinity. Medford Mail, January 22, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
Several of the stockholders were down
last week, looking over the works.Mrs. S. L. Sandry moved to Medford last week. She expected to reside there for some weeks. Mrs. Ray and children came down from Medford Friday evening and remained until Saturday. The turbines are set, and the power house is being rapidly finished. There was some delay in putting the turbines in, but in a short time the plant will be ready for use. Medford Mail, January 29, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
The concrete work on the power house is
the turbines and shafts are set and the roof is being rapidly put on.The river has, so far this winter, kept within its limits. With the exception of two or three rises there has been no high water this season. An engine and centrifugal pump is being set up to pump the water out of the tail race. It will extend from the turbines out into the river. Work on it will begin at once. Medford Mail, February 12, 1904, page 8 Mine Operated by Electricity.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 12.--(Special.)--The Condor Water & Power
Company, of Gold Ray, is preparing to install a 20-stamp mill at the
Braden mine. The mill will be operated from electric power from the
Gold Ray plant, conducted over a line four miles in length. Drills,
hoists and other machinery about the mine will be operated by
electricity. This will be the only mine in the state whose machinery
will be operated by electricity.
The Braden mine, which is located near Gold Hill, has been a good producer in the past, and there are now several thousand tons of ore blocked out, ready to be mined when the new equipment is in place, which is expected to be in a few weeks. Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 13, 1904, page 7 Gold Ray News.
During the rise the carpenter crew on
the power house and the miners in the tunnels are all that are working.The turbines were started up Sunday and ran till Monday evening. This is the first trial run, and the machines worked perfectly. The generator is not set up yet. Last Sunday the river began to rise and continued till Monday night, when it had reached the high water mark of last year. It washed away three or four bents of car tracks, and badly racked one of the hoist sheds, but otherwise did no damage. Medford Mail, February 19, 1904, page 8
Dr. C. R. Ray
was up from Gold Ray Tuesday. He tells that the recent high water did
not do a particle of damage at his place, other than the stopping of
work for a day or two. The water was fully eight feet deep as it flowed
over the dam. The water, during the recent storm, was not as high in
Rogue River within six inches as it was during the storm of a couple of
weeks ago. Above the dam the water was higher this year by four inches
than it was at any time last winter, but this may be accounted for by
the fact that there was last winter one section of the dam which was
not completed. Mr. Ray says the power house is about completed; the
flood gates have been put in; the water wheels are in place, and have
been tested and found to run all right.
Advertisement, Medford Mail, March
18-August 26, 1904, page 1"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 26, 1904, page 4 Gold Ray News.
The river is still raging high. It
recedes some but rises again, and is now almost as high as last week.The high water has been washing the grade on the S.P. track at the dam. A special car came through Wednesday and inspected it. The log-way is being cut out now. It runs from the power house to the river, and will be used for a fish-way until the river gets low again. It is twenty feet wide and will carry a large amount of water. Medford Mail, February 26, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
The river is quite high yet.Guy Childers came down Monday to do the finishing work on the power house walls. The log-way is rapidly nearing completion. It is to be lined with concrete, and a gate is being put in at the head. The work on the power house is progressing as rapidly as possible; the gates are in and the walls are being plastered with a coast of cement. Medford Mail, March 4, 1904, page 8 Almost Ready for Business.
Dr. C. R. Ray has been granted authority by the County Court to place
poles and fixtures for the transmission of electricity from his dam at
Gold Ray to Ashland on the south and the Josephine County boundary line
on the north. It will thus be seen that he will soon be ready to supply
light and power to nearly all of the towns in Jackson County.Dr. Ray gives the information that the power house is about completed, the flood gates have been put in, the water wheels are in place and have been tested and found to run all right. He states that the high water did not damage his works in the least. The water was fully eight feet deep as it flowed over the dam. During the last storm it was not as high in Rogue River within six inches as it was during the flood of a couple of weeks before. Above the dam the water was higher this year by four inches than it was at any time last winter; but this may be accounted for by the fact that last winter one section of the dam was not completed. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 9, 1904, page 1 Gold Ray News.
J. D. Alsup left for New York last
Monday evening on business.The river is still raging high. Monday evening it was almost as high as it has been this season. The entire crew at the dam, with the exception of a few carpenters, was laid off last week, on account of high water. The carpenters are putting in the floor of the power house. It is of two thicknesses, one thickness being three-inch plank and the flooring laid on top of that. Medford Mail, March 11, 1904, page 8 ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PUBLIC.
We are pleased to announce that our power plant is now completed, and
we are now letting contracts for a transmission line to extend from
Ashland to Grants Pass.We are now ready for business to furnish power, light and water to towns and farms, placer mines and quartz mines along our transmission line. We will devote special attention to the irrigation of farms by a system of electric pumps, which are being used with great success in Southern California and other arid regions. Our rates will be fair and reasonable, commensurate with good service; correspondence solicited. All inquiries will receive prompt attention. DR.
C. R. RAY,
Manager Condor Water & Power Co., Tolo, Oregon. Gold Ray News.
The river is falling very rapidly, and
work on the tailrace is expected to be commenced soon.The power house floor is being rapidly put in, and the finishing work will soon be completed. The fish ladder is now completed. It is twenty feet wide and extends from the cut at the power house to the river. A net will be put across the river just above the outlet from the fish-way. The wind was something fierce in this section last week, and on account of it the club house suffered quite severely. A section of the porch roofing was torn loose and blown over the top of the house, accidentally knocking the top off the double fireplace flue, and landed on the sidehill above the house. Medford Mail, March 18, 1904, page 8 Gold Ray News.
The river has fallen some, but is pretty
well up yet.The snow is falling very fast and steady, and at the present rate there will be between two or three inches by morning. A crew is working on the outlet of the fish-way and the tailrace for the turbines, but were laid off Tuesday noon on account of the stormy weather. Medford Mail, March 25, 1904, page 8 Dr. Ray, who is manager of the Condor Water and Power Co., denies the report of the suspension of operations by that corporation, and that the failure of Daniel Sully, the cotton king, interferes with that enterprise in any way. He says that his brother, Frank Ray of New York, the heaviest stockholder in the corporation, has not become involved by Sully's failure. Dr. Ray also gives the information that the company owes nobody and will begin disposing of electricity in the near future, being now engaged in completing arrangements with that end in view. During the recent visit of Mr. Alsop, superintendent of the company's mechanical department, he purchased considerable quantity of machinery, which will soon be installed. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 27, 1904, page 1 The Condor Power & Mining Company is placing a new steel wagon bridge across Rogue River just below the Ray dam at Gold Ray. "Mining Near Gold Hill," Oregonian, Portland, July 11, 1904, page 4 SALMON AT THE RAY DAM
Fish Now Going Up the River by the Thousand.
A representative of the Medford
Mail visited
the Ray dam last Thursday evening for the purpose of ascertaining the
exact condition of affairs as appertains to fish passing the big dam.
Men were busily engaged in constructing a rack across the river, nearly
opposite the fish ladder. The object of this rack is to prevent the
fish from passing up the river to the dam and past the ladder--and it
surely will do the work for which it is intended, and the fish ought to
have no trouble in passing the dam by way of this ladder.
There are a great many fish lying just below the dam which are, of course, unable to get over, but these, Dr. Ray says, he will take from the river with a seine and place them in the water again above the dam. He is also contemplating the construction of a fishway right at the dam, which will, without a doubt, give passage for all fish that do not get up over the regularly established fishway. There were tons and tons of fish in the river last week endeavoring to get over the dam. These ranged in size from six inches to four feet--and the water was black with them--in fact so think were they at they were wedged in in great piles--all struggling to go up the river.--Mail. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 21, 1904, page 3 POWER AND LIGHT FOR MEDFORD.
This city will soon have electric light and power furnished by the
Condor Water & Power Co., of Gold Ray. At a meeting of the city
council held Friday evening a proposition was made by the company and
accepted and a check for $2500 was deposited by the company's
representative, Dr. C. R. Ray,
as a guarantee of good faith. Following
is the text of the proposal:
The Condor Water & Power Company, an Oregon corporation, makes to the city of Medford the following proposition in the matter of furnishing electricity for light and power for pumping and water purposes. 1.--The said company will furnish unto the city electricity for lighting purposes and all household purposes at the rate of three cents per kilowatt hour and will furnish power for all pumping purposes at the rate of $5 a horsepower per month, twenty-four hour service. All of the power and electricity to be metered out to the city at their central power station and the company to furnish two transformers and two meters. 2.--The city to extend the light and water system whenever a sufficient earning power can be shown to justify said extensions and shall be based upon an income of ten percent net per year on the cost of said extensions. 3.--If the Condor Water & Power Company at its own expense will develop and furnish for the city and the inhabitants thereof water sufficiently pure for domestic use and for drinking purposes, then said company, in that event, is to receive for the power used in pumping three cents per kilowatt hour. 4.--If the city does not make the necessary extensions to its lighting and water system as stated in Section 2 of this proposition, then the said company is to have the right and privilege to make such extensions at its own expense and receive 95 percent of the gross revenue derived from said extensions. At the expiration of ten years, all such extensions made by said company to become the property of the city. 5.--The company is to have the right to employ a representative to solicit business, both for lighting and for water system. In the event that the city makes the extensions in accordance with the second conditions of this proposal then the city is to pay for the service of said representative, but in the event that the extensions are made under the fourth condition of this proposal, then the expenses of said representative are to be paid by the company. 6.--The company is to have a franchise to plant its poles and run its lines through all the streets and alleys of the city, and is to have the right and privilege to sell power to all consumers of power over and above one horsepower per consumer. 7.--Settlement for all power and light used to be made monthly unto the company, and the company to receive its payment in cash or its equivalent. 8.--This proposal is made on the basis of the company receiving from the city a ten-year contract, said company within one day from the acceptance of this proposal to deposit with the city recorder of the city its certificate check, or a good and valid undertaking in the sum of $2,500 for the faithful performance of said contract, and the city to enter into a good and valid contract with the company and pass all ordinances and parts of ordinances necessary to its validity. 9.--Exclusive franchise to be given to said company, so far as it is possible under the laws of the state and the interest of said company to be safeguarded at all times by said council so far as it can be legally done. Respectfully submitted, CONDOR WATER & POWER CO., C. R. Ray, President. The committee from the city council and Dr. Ray's representatives have been arranging a contract in accordance with the provisions of the above proposal. Just a few minor details remained to be settled at the time the Mail went to press, and no doubt the contract will be signed this week. Work will be commenced at once, and it is expected that within ninety days the electric current from the Ray dam will be supplying our citizens with power and light. The action of the city council in accepting the above proposition we think is universally approved by the citizens of the town. It will eliminate a big item from the expense account, and is expected to change a deficit in the light and water system to a profit. Medford Mail, July 22, 1904, page 1 In his report submitted to the Board of Fish Commissioners today, [Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen] relates his investigation of many complaints that have been made concerning the Ray dam across Rogue River. The fish find difficulty in getting above the dam and sometimes congregate in such large numbers just below the obstruction that the water is literally "alive with salmon." This condition led to the believe that salmon cannot get above the dam, but Mr. Van Dusen says that after investigation he finds that, although they are stopped and interfered with to a considerable extent, the salmon are getting through the fishways without being injured. "Must Protect Salmon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 3, 1904, page 4 The Gold Ray Rod and Gun Club held a meeting Saturday night at the club rooms, overlooking the Gold Ray Dam, which was attended by nearly 50 members from Jackson and Josephine county. An effort is being made to provide a way for keeping the club rooms open continuously so members and their friends can have entertainment at all times. "The Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 4, 1904, page 3 SALMON ARE NOT DYING AT RAY DAM
The Report That Fish Are Dying by Thousands Is Without Foundation. Personal Investigation of Courier Proprietor Shows That Salmon Are Passing Dam.
their noses pointed steadily upstream, every muscle strained and
quivering in every nerve are thousands of lordly salmon working their
way up through the rapid waters of Rogue River, now and then meeting
obstructions but never long delayed. At the dam of the Condor Water
& Power Co. at Gold Ray, they are to be seen in black masses
congregated in schools until the river current is literally packed with
fish, at times their jagged fins protruding from the water resembling a
miniature mosquito fleet with blackened sails. Here they lie for hours
and sometimes for days, swimming back and forth, studying the situation
before making a final dash to regain the higher waters above the dam.
Many of them make frantic leaps upward in a vain endeavor to rise above
the 20 feet of falling water as it plows over the brink of the dam,
only to fall backward and seek another way over.
These fish are plainly seen from the passing overland trains, and many are the remarks passed back and forth among the passengers as to the probabilities of the salmon ever passing the dam. Many commented on the awful destruction of salmon and predicted a speedy extermination of all food and game fish in Rogue River, and others reported them dying by the thousand. Having heard many tales of the destruction of fish and read of the thousands that are dying at this dam, and with a feeling of hostility toward a corporation that would rain the fishing industry of Rogue River and deprive sportsmen who come from all over the country to cast their flies in the riffles of their sport, the Courier proprietor [Amos E. Voorhies] made a trip to Gold Ray to satisfy himself on the fish question, and spent the entire day there watching the great big fellows lying at the bed of the river or crowding up under the falls. All day long the fish were there--just as many at night as were there in the morning. A temporary fishway or ladder is placed at the north end of the dam, and there was the interesting point. Salmon of all sizes, many of them, many of them three and four feet in length, were working their way upward through the swift water flowing over the rocks and then entered the ladder, an inclined trough or flume about four feet wide and reaching from the top of the dam to a pool of water below. Within the flume are crosspieces or rests above which the salmon can stop and rest if necessary in their upward way. In the early hours of the morning the fish can be seen emerging from the upper end of the fishway at the rate of from 100 to 200 per hour. This continues until the heat of the day when the salmon run in fewer numbers. The place of those that go up the ladder is filled by the continuous stream which comes up from below. The greater number of fish go up the regular fishway which is fed by the water flowing through the power canal and mingles with the waters of the river at 600 or 800 feet below the dam. Here the fish have been counted, 300 an hour going up the canal. During the early days of the salmon run the fish kept pushing steadily up the main stream and on past the regular fish ladder and would not turn back. A picket fence was built in the water at the entrance of the fishway to compel them to turn aside and ascend the regular place provided for them. Something then, of course, had to be done for the fish already past this point, and men were employed to scoop them up with a dip net and carry them up over the dam. This is hard work, and I can testify that a salmon which when dead will weigh 30 pounds will when caught in a net plunge about until his weight seems double or treble. This process was also too slow, and an extra fish ladder was constructed for temporary use. The company is now engaged in blasting out a fishway in the bedrock which will lead up to the wooden fish ladder, and this will be replaced with concrete work. Everything possible has been done to assist the salmon in their journey to the spawning grounds and that the reports that fish are dying are circulated by either people who pass by on the trains and see the schools of salmon or by fishermen who have a desire to retaliate because they are made to observe the law prohibiting fishing within 600 feet of a dam. Any hostility I might have had toward the company was changed to admiration for the enterprise they have exhibited and the splendid work they have done. The dam, which has taken two years to complete, is a handsome piece of work and as solid and abiding as the historic Table Rock which overshadows it. The dam is about 400 feet in length, built in a semicircle with the bow extending upstream and is constructed of solid concrete masonry and logs bolted to the bedrock. The water falls over the iron-covered brink of the dam in a solid mass 20 feet tall and is churned into foam as it dashes against the rocks below. From the north side of the dam runs a canal 50 feet wide with solid rock for one side and a six-foot concrete masonry wall on the river side which conveys a stream of water 10 feet deep to the turbines in the power house, which is also constructed of concrete with six-foot walls and is as solid as the bedrock of the stream. The power to be generated by the dam is equal to 10,000 horsepower. Turbines developing 1000 horsepower have already been installed, and electrical generators are now in running order, a trial of which was made some time ago. The Condor company has already spent over $400,000, half that amount in the purchase of land for their plant, faming land and mining claims. At least $100,000 has been distributed among the laboring men. Can you imagine that a company like this would allow tons of fish to die right under their very noses and the carcasses be left to breed pestilence among their own families? Personal investigation along both banks of the river for some distance below the dam failed to reveal the remains of even a half dozen salmon that had met their death where thousands have been reported to die daily. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, August 11, 1904, page 2 FOR MORE FISH LADDERS.
Gold Hill Citizens Ask for Better Salmon Protection at Ray Dam.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 12.--(Special.)--The obstruction of the Rogue River by
the Ray dam, near Gold Hill, has been the cause of further protests,
and today Governor Chamberlain received a petition for the removal of
the dam or the construction of additional fish ladders.
Several letters have been received at the executive office recently on this subject, and Governor Chamberlain referred the communications to Fish Warden Van Dusen. In answer to this, Mr. Van Dusen wrote that although there are many fish below the Ray dam, there are but few being killed in their effort to get above the obstruction. Today, however, a petition was received from a large number of citizens of Gold Hill, in which they protest against existing conditions at Ray's dam. They say: "We do not aver that the present fish ladder is entirely worthless, but we claim that it is wholly inadequate to allow more than a very small number of the salmon to proceed up the Rogue River to their spawning grounds. Thousands of fish are daily killed at this point, and their decomposed carcasses float down the river, polluting the water to a very serious extent, especially for this town, whose supply for drinking and domestic purposes is taken from the river, and thus the health of this community is greatly endangered. Either additional fish ladders should be provided at once or the obstruction removed, and your petitioners will ever pray." Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 13, 1904, page 4 The Ray dam in Rogue River is causing a good many Jackson County men to say it. "Oregon Sidelights," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, August 19, 1904, page 4 ![]() August
19, 1904 Medford Mail
![]() August 19, 1904 Medford Mail The stringing of wires for electric light and power through the valley has caused a great many farmers to commence figuring upon power for pumping water to be used for purposes of irrigation. Those living contiguous to the electric lines projected estimate that they can pump their own water for irrigating and other purposes, provided a sufficient supply can be secured, and that is usually to be found at no great depth throughout the main part of the valley. Aside from power for pumping there are various uses to which electricity can be put on a modern farm, and we are willing to predict that within the next few years Rogue River Valley will be electrified from one end to the other and not one farm out of ten will be found that is not using the electric fluid in one form or another. The Condor Water & Power Co. on Saturday of last week distributed three carloads of poles along the proposed route of the power and light line to be built into Medford. The poles reach a mile or more this side of Central Point, and the work of setting them will be commenced within a few days. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 19, 1904, page 5 A BIG MEETING HELD AT GOLD RAY.
Strong Resolutions Adopted and Ordered Sent to the Governor.
A meeting of considerable importance to the people of Jackson County
was held on Saturday, August 20, 1904, at Gold Ray. At the invitation
of Dr. Ray, a large number of representative citizens of the county
from Medford, Jacksonville and Gold Hill met at Gold Ray for the
purpose of investigating the conditions existing there in relation to
the provision made for the passage of fish over the dam at that point.
The invitation was extended on account of the protest made by some of
the people of Gold Hill, and was intended to afford an opportunity to
all to see the actual state of affairs, and to enable these people to
make an unbiased report as to the existing conditions and to settle
once for all the question as to whether adequate provision had been
made for this purpose or not.
After a careful inspection of the fishways provided by Dr. Ray, the entire number, consisting of about a hundred of the representative men of the county, met for consideration of the question, and after the election of Dr. Adkins as chairman and J. L. Hammersley as secretary of the meeting, Master Fishwarden Van Dusen was invited to address the meeting, and responded with a complete explanation of the conditions existing at the dam. He stated that the problem to be solved at that point was a serious one, and one which occurred whenever such an improvement was contemplated, but which presented a totally different aspect in each case, the conditions varying on every salmon stream in the state. He volunteered the information that all of his suggestions had been cheerfully complied with by Dr. Ray, but that the Doctor had, and he thought with justice, asked that such provision be made that he should be enabled to make the necessary provisions once for all and should be relieved of further disturbance on this account. Mr. Van Dusen further stated that better provision than he required had been made, and that further improvement was in progress and would be soon completed, and that there would then be as complete provision made for the passage of the fish as could be demanded, or as could be devised, according to the latest theories relating to such matters. After his statement of the conditions existing Dr. Ray made a brief statement of his position, saying that he was only desirous of having his duties in the matter settled, and was entirely willing to do whatever should be found proper. He further outlined the extent of the new work in progress, showing that he was constructing a new fishway of concrete, much better than the one required by the authorities and much better equipped to take care of the salmon than the original way provided or the temporary one now in use. He further explained that every available means had been used to prevent damage being done this season, and that he was open to suggestions as to how to better the situation. D. H. Miller, the county treasurer, then explained that he had taken considerable interest in this matter from the beginning, and had on several occasions made careful inspection of the situation, with a view, at first, of suggesting improvements, but that at the present time his suggestions had been carried out in large part and that the present condition of affairs was satisfactory. He compared, with considerable detail, the state of affairs before the present improvements had been made and the present, and showed that the improvement consisted of a change from total stoppage of the fish to a comparatively uninterrupted passage over the dam. He substantiated his remarks by giving figures which he had obtained by personal observation. He also explained several of the characteristics of the salmon which operated to relieve the situation as soon as the fish should become familiar with the existence of the dam. The most interesting portion of his remarks, however, consisted of his explanation of the abandonment of the proposed hatchery at the dam. He explained that the representatives of the U.S. Fish Commission had contemplated the establishment of a hatchery at the dam, and to that end had ordered the fishways closed and racks erected at that point, but that, realizing that the operation of a hatchery at that point wold result in thousands of dead fish being sent down the river from that place, he had suggested to Dr. Ray that such a course would result in great hardship for everyone living on the river for miles below the dam, and Dr. Ray had thereupon refused to allow the establishment of the hatchery at that point, and had reopened the fishways and compelled the hatchery to be abandoned at that point. His explanation of this matter met with great applause, particularly from the people of Gold Hill who were present. On behalf of Gold Hill J. H. Beeman, a capitalist of that place, informed the meeting that he had been considerably interested in the matter, as he had financial interests in the city and made his home there, and was therefore concerned in all that affected its welfare. He announced that he had been interested in the presentation of Gold Hill's protest to the Governor, and had signed the same, and stated that he had done so with the idea that the situation was very different from what he found on his arrival at Gold Ray. He explained that the facts as to the completion of a permanent fishway as the corner of the dam were not known to him or to the others in Gold Hill at the time of the circulation of the protest, and that the conditions actually existing were a great surprise to him and his associates. He further announced that, on behalf of himself and those who had been associated with him in the forwarding of the protest to the Governor, he had no hesitation in saying that the arrangements made and in course of construction at the dam would be satisfactory to anyone who was fully conversant with the true state of affairs. His remarks were freely endorsed by others from Gold Hill, among whom were C. F. Young, J. L. Hammersley and H. A. Mears, and it was then suggested that a committee be appointed to formulate resolutions to be acted upon by the meeting. D. H. Miller then asked the attention of the meeting while he gave them a few additional figures as to the passage of fish over the dam, saying that he had carefully counted the fish going through the fishways, at the hour when the movement was the lightest, and had found by actual count that fish were passing over the temporary fishway at the corner of the dam at the rate of 140 per hour and over the original fishway at the rate of 250 per hour, or 2500 per day of ten hours, this estimate being based on the passage of the fish during the heat of the day when the movement was at its lowest point. In connection with the number of fish killed at this point, he stated that he had made 18 visits to the dam for the purpose of inspection, and had at no time found more than a few dead fish, and never had found more than had always been found in the river in various places at this season. He was followed by Mr. Hammersley, who stated that he was a resident of Gold Hill, was postmaster there and had the interests of the place at heart, and had followed this matter with interest, that the majority of the signers of the Gold Hill protest had never visited the dam and were not familiar with conditions there, and that practically none of them were aware that the upper fishway was but a temporary structure, but that all imagined it to be a permanent improvement, and that no further provision for the fish was to be made. He further stated that the inspection made in the afternoon had satisfied all of them, that the complaint was ill-advised, and that all were satisfied with the arrangements made and in course of construction. The matter of adoption of resolutions was then considered, and upon motion, seconded by many of those present, the chair appointed a committee of seven, consisting of D. H. Miller, A. A. Davis and J. S. Howard, of Medford, J. H. Beeman and C. F. Young, of Gold Hill, and John Miller and T. J. Kenney, of Jacksonville, to draft resolutions and submit them to the meeting. The committee shortly reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted by the meeting and signed by a majority of those present, the balance having already left for home. After the signing of the resolutions the meeting adjourned, all of those present saying that they greatly appreciated the opportunity given them to see for themselves what the state of affairs really was, and expressing complete satisfaction with conditions as they found them. The resolutions follow: WHEREAS, Certain complaints have been made in regard to the condition of affairs at Gold Ray, in Jackson County, Oregon, in respect to the passage of fish over the dam at that place; and WHEREAS, Such complaints have been made under a misapprehension of the facts, and the parties making the same and others, including the undersigned, have, at the invitation of Dr. Ray, made a thorough investigation of the situation, and have found the facts to warrant the following resolution; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the undersigned hereby respectfully represent to His Excellency, the Governor, that the means provided at the dam at Gold Ray for the passage of fish, together with the further improvements in contemplation and in course of construction, will be as complete an arrangement for that purpose as can be devised, and that those of the undersigned who have heretofore made complaints in regard thereto hereby rescind such complaints and show that the same were made under a misapprehension of the facts and without thorough knowledge of the situation. Signed: J. H. Beeman, capitalist, Gold Hill. C. F. Young, merchant, Gold Hill. J. L. Hammersley, postmaster, Gold Hill. H. A. Mears, mining operator, Gold hill. W. A. Carter, ex-representative and merchant, Gold Hill. L. L. Duffield, merchant, Gold Hill. G. A. Fisher, Gold Hill. W. M. Groos, Gold Hill. W. I. Vawter, pres. Jackson County Bank, Medford. B. F. Adkins, vice pres. Jackson County Bank, Medford. Dr. H. P. Hargrave, physician, Medford. Dr. E. B. Pickel, member State Board of Health, Medford. Dr. W. L. Cameron, coroner, Medford. E. N. Warner, merchant, Medford. Geo. F. King, merchant, Medford. Capt. J. T. C. Nash, capitalist, Medford. T. E. Pottenger, merchant, Medford. L. B. Brown, merchant, Medford. D. H. Miller, county treasurer and merchant, Medford. A. S. Bliton, editor Medford Mail, Medford. A. A. Davis, capitalist, Medford. L. C. Coleman, capitalist, Medford. J. S. Howard, U.S. Mineral Surveyor, Medford. Holbrook Withington, lawyer, Medford. M. Purdin, lawyer, Medford. M. S. McCown, capitalist, Medford. J. E. Bodge, merchant, Medford. W. J. Mahoney, R.R. agent, Medford. P. W. Olwell, orchardist, Central Point. J. S. Orth, county clerk, Jacksonville. R. B. Dow, county recorder, Jacksonville. J. F. Miller, merchant, Jacksonville. T. J. Kenney, merchant, Jacksonville. J. Cronemiller, merchant, Jacksonville. W. H. Miller, merchant, Jacksonville. E. Britt, capitalist, Jacksonville. G. E. Neuber, merchant, Jacksonville. C. Ulrich, merchant, Jacksonville. C. W. Conklin, merchant, Jacksonville S. P. DeRoboam, U.S. Hotel, Jacksonville. W. M. Puhl, barber, Jacksonville. J. H. Huffer, capitalist, Jacksonville. Will Plening, Medford. Fred Burk, carpenter, Medford. B. F. ADKINS, Chairman.
Attest:J. L. HAMMERSLEY, Secretary. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 24, 1904, page 4 WANTED--To contract the cutting and floating down Rogue River to Ray's dam, 500,000 feet fir and pine logs. Address Dr. C. R. Ray, Tolo, Oregon. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 8, 1904, page 2 ELECTRIC POWER IS ASSURED OPP MINE
Condor Water & Power Company, which is completing the great
River dam at Gold Ray, to supply towns and mines with electrical
energy, has asked the county court of Jackson County for permission to
use Rogue River for booming and storing logs. A franchise has also been
asked by the company to light Jacksonville, the terms of which are
under consideration by the council. A survey has been made for a pole
line to this city, and work is well progressed on the line to Medford.
A survey has been made for a pole line to the Opp mine near
Jacksonville, as the management of this concern has contracted for
electrical energy for the 10-stamp mill. This is the first mine of
southern Oregon to use electricity from a custom plant, and is the
pioneer of the extensive patronage expected to be built up by the
Condor and the Golden Drift companies.
Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, October 12, 1904, page 10 To Improve Rogue River.
Under the terms of the franchise granted the Condor Water &
Co. by the county court, that corporation will be obliged to clear
Rogue River of obstructions above the dam of the company at Gold Ray so
that logs may be floated down from the forest-clad sides of the
The clearing away of such obstructions will solve in part the problem of marketing the vast forests of fir, sugar and yellow pine on the upper river. It is the intention of the company to construct a large mill at Gold Ray, with a capacity of 500,000 feet per day, and doubtless other mills will be constructed as the river can be used by other parties at a rate of compensation fixed by the county court, which in this instance is $1.50 per thousand per month and 50 cents for booming. The Condor company is now making an experimental drive of 400,000 feet of logs to determine the places where the principal obstructions to log driving will be. These points determined, the work of clearing the river will be commenced. Not a great deal of difficulty is apprehended in this work. Medford Mail, November 11, 1904, page 1 Lights Made at Gold Ray.
On Wednesday evening the business houses and residents of Medford were
lighted by electricity generated at the Ray dam, about twelve miles
north of here. The transformers arrived Tuesday and were quickly put
into use and the current turned on. The lights are a little brighter
than the old ones, owing to the fact that the wires are carrying 120
volts, whereas, under the old system, 108 was as high as they ever ran.
The dynamo transformer will not be here for several days yet.Medford Mail, December 9, 1904, page 5 ![]() Gold Ray Dam, August 1906 Sunset magazine, page 141 Drowning at Gold Ray.
Friday night about 7 o'clock H. R. Moses, employed as a carpenter at
Gold Ray, was drowned in the race leading to the power house. The
drowned man has been working but a few days at the dam, and when he
failed to appear Saturday morning each of the two gangs of carpenters
thought he was working with the other. Saturday evening it developed
that he was missing and a search resulted in his tracks being found
leading to the bank of the race and traces showed that he had slipped
on he brink and slid into the water. The supposition is that, being
unfamiliar with the ground and blinded by the lights in the power
house, he discovered his proximity to the race too late to save
himself. Sunday morning the body was recovered almost opposite the spot
where he had fallen into the water. Dr. Cameron held an inquest on the
remains and the jury found a verdict in accordance with the above
facts. Mr. Moore recently came from Sacramento, Calif., and leaves a
wife and child.
Medford Mail, January 13, 1905, page 4 DR. RAY ORDERS MORE POWER AT NEW PLANT (Special Dispatch to The Journal)
Hill, Or., March 25.--Manager C. R. Ray, of the Condor Water &
Power Company, at Gold Ray, six miles from this place, gives the
assurance that another addition is to be made to his plant immediately.
He has just completed the work of raising the horsepower from 750 to
about 3,000, and says that within the next 60 or 70 days a further
increase to 3,200 will have been made. Orders have been placed for
installing this additional machinery, and the work is to proceed as
rapidly as possible.
Development of power at Gold Ray has been rapid since Dr. Ray completed the big dam across Rogue River, which raises the stream until its entire volume is given a drop of 22 feet. The foundations for a 10,000-horsepower plant were laid at the beginning, and subsequent work has been on a scale according to the power requirements of the district served. As the pole lines penetrate the country and various concerns commence using electric energy, the demand grows faster than was expected, until the management is rushing enlargement orders to the factory. In the past the principal demand has been by the mining companies and for lighting cities, but this spring Dr. Ray intends to develop the irrigation project outlined earlier, furnishing electricity to pump water. When he persuades the farmers of the economy of this method of farming, he has a vast field before him, Rogue River Valley stretching on either side of Gold Ray for many miles. Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, March 25, 1905, page B11 Gold Ray Items.
Mail, April 14, 1905, page 8
Mrs. Ray and family are down for a few days.
Colonel Frank Ray arrived from the East Wednesday, to look over his interests here. The C.W.P. Co. now has a number of centrifugal pumps on hand in all sizes suitable for irrigation, etc. One of the derricks is being moved this week to a position where it will be more convenient to use in installing the turbines when they come. Last Saturday the power station shut down at midnight and remained so till Sunday afternoon, made necessary on account of some work to be done incidental to installing the new power. Gold Ray Items.
Mr. Steel, of the Siskiyou Power Co., spent one day at Gold Ray this
R. Bishop, manager of the Greenback mine, was down on business one day this week. The fish are jumping quite lively now. The season is a little early for them to be running much yet. J. D. Olwell was down Tuesday. A crew of carpenters and painters are at work on the club house; also a goodly number of shade trees, etc., have been started. Medford Mail, April 21, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Mrs. Barkdull was down last week.
W. I. Vawter and J. E. Enyart were down last week. Dr. C. R. and Mrs. Ray are in San Francisco for a few days. Col. Frank Ray, accompanied by J. D. Alsup, left last Wednesday for the East. E. W. Liljegran is out from Gold Hill, doing some assaying for the C.W.P. Co. Last Saturday the public school students of Gold Hill, accompanied by their teacher, Miss Flossie Briscoe, and some of the older folk, took a very pleasant afternoon's vacation at Gold Ray. Medford Mail, April 28, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Mr. Rotermund, the druggist from Grants Pass, was down last week.
With Sunday the usual large crowd of visitors, among them being Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pelton. J. D. Alsup returned last Wednesday from Portland, where he went with Col. Ray on his return east. The club house is being painted and the yards graded and a very pretty banister adornment will in a day or so materially add to the beauty of the place. Medford Mail, May 5, 1905, page 8 The longest electric power wire for Oregon is that to be strung from the power plant of the Condor Water & Power Co. at Gold Ray to the Greenback and Martha mines on Grave creek. The distance from Gold Ray to Greenback is 45 miles. It is reported that arrangements have been made between the Condor Co. and the Greenback and Martha mining companies to supply all necessary power for the operation of these mines by electricity. "Josephine County," Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, May 6, 1905, page 291 Gold Ray Items.
J. D. Olwell was down Monday evening.
Dr. Ray was in Medford Monday, on business. Mrs. Ray and family were down a couple of days last week. Last Sunday afternoon the Willow Creek Sunday school came down, sightseeing. E. W. Liljegran returned to Gold Hill last week. He has been assaying for the C.W.P. Co. Quite a number of large fish are being caught now near the dam. They bite flies readily. Mrs. C. E. Hoefft, who has been visiting relatives and friends in California, returned last Monday. Medford Mail, May 12, 1905, page 3 Gold Ray Items.
Dr. Ray returned Tuesday from San Francisco.
Miss May Haskins was down from Medford last week, visiting with Misses Mabel and Ina May. One of the most pleasant sights that one could well wish to see is the fish coming up the fishway. The upper end of the ladder affords an excellent view of them, and there are some beauties now, too. Tuesday evening the Tolo meat market, managed by Mansfield & Anderson, was destroyed by fire. It started from the explosion of a kerosene lamp. The building belonged to M. P. Jacobs, the postmaster, and was not insured. The loss is about $500. Medford Mail, May 19, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Miss Ina and Mabel Ray left for Portland last week.
Mr. Steel, of the Siskiyou Power Co., was down last week. The experimental garden is beginning to show signs of prosperous growth and will doubtless be a splendid success. The club house is taking on a pleasant appearance now. The work of the carpenters and painters is making a great improvement in the last week or two. The new power plant is rapidly nearing the time to start things rolling. The turbines for one unit are set and will be ready for trial in a short time. The new generator has not come yet. Medford Mail, May 26, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Jess Enyart, of Medford, was down Sunday.
The head officials of the American Mining & Milling Co. were down last week. The new one thousand horsepower generator is now on the grounds and will be set up in a short time. When the new power is working the line will be changed to 20,000 volts. The pressure is now 6600. A new tank is being built on the sidehill above the club house to furnish water for that building, lawn, garden, etc. The water is pumped from the power house by a motor-driven centrifugal pump. It forces the water through a four main against a 200-foot head. Medford Mail, June 2, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Mrs. Ray and family came down last week.
Sam Murray, of Central Point, was down Sunday. Mrs. Mansfield left for Portland last week, where her relatives live. While working on the new generator, which was being set up last Friday, Walter Bailey in some manner got his foot on some wires carrying a current of 6000 volts that ran behind a transformer in the station and was severely shocked. Fortunately he was thrown to the floor by the shock and away from the wires. His shoe was burned off and he sustained a severe burn on the foot. He was unconscious for only a few moments, however. The wires had been arranged the night before in order to make them safe. Considering the amount of work being done on the line, accidents have been exceedingly rare. Medford Mail, June 9, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Misses Ina and Mabel Ray returned from Portland last Monday.
Col. Frank Ray arrived Monday evening and will probably stay some time. The club house, being now finished, will be a very beautiful residence for him during the summer. Last Sunday the usual large number of visitors visited Gold Ray, among them being I. A. Merriman, Frank Bellinger and family, of Medford, [and] Mr. and Mrs. Ellison, of Gold Hill. Medford Mail, June 16, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
The party to Prospect, consisting of Col. Ray, Dr. C. R. Ray and
family, Mrs. Boyd and daughter and J. D. Alsup returned last Sunday
evening, somewhat tired, but well repaid for the trip.
The transformer room will soon be ready for current. It is here that the current is changed from 23,000 volts to 20,000 for transmission and is a very important part of the installation. The new generator is now making its first run. Last Sunday Mr. Hartley and family, accompanied by a party of friends, came down from Griffin Creek. Also Mr. and Mrs. Hemstreet, of Medford, Gordon and King, the electricians from Medford. The total number of visitors during the day would probably reach 150. Medford Mail, June 30, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
W. I. Vawter was down last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoefft and Mrs. Sandy were visiting Medford last Monday. A. T. Link, the bookkeeper, is taking a trip in the hills, looking up a timber claim. J. D. Alsup starts for the East next Sunday. He will return in two or three months. E. G. Perham was at the dam last Saturday. He will have charge of the canal work at Prospect. Col. Ray and his friends, who have been visiting Gold Ray, left last week for Portland on their way home. The work at Prospect will now begin in earnest. A large crew is working on the canal for the power site, and the crew from the dam will also be sent there. Sandry and Seligo, of Gold Ray, went to Grants Pass to enter the drilling contest July 4th. They are both expert hammermen and will doubtless win the contest. The new generator is now running steadily. It is at present supplying Gold Hill with light. The current is taken direct from the generator, the step-up transformers not being ready for operation yet. Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Dr. and Mrs. Ray left for Prospect Monday.
Mort Lawton spent Sunday in Grants Pass and vicinity. Fred Burke, who has been employed at the dam for the last two years, left for Prospect last week. J. D. Alsup left for San Francisco last Friday to have the new parts made for the rope drive on the new generator. The bridge across the river at the dam is to be rebuilt. Concrete piers will be put under each, and it will be made stronger in every way; also to resist the high water this coming winter. Last Friday morning the jack shaft driving the new 1000-horsepower generator in the power house broke, wrecking the pulley and bearings and so damaging the rope drive that it will be discarded. The cause of the accident was a flaw in the shaft, which gave way. It will be perhaps three weeks before repairs can be made. Medford Mail, July 14, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Dr. and Mrs. Ray returned from their trip to Prospect last Monday.
Will Vincent and wife were in Gold Hill Tuesday evening, attending lodge. Mesdames Chamberlain and Shouck were down from Tolo one evening last week. J. F. Mansfield, who has been off for a few weeks, returned to work last Tuesday. J. D. Alsup returned from San Francisco and left for New York last Tuesday evening. Misses Katie and Bernice Angle were down visiting Misses Ina and Mabel Ray this week. The repairs for the new generator are expected this week, and it will be going again in a few days. Wm. Rolsmau and Walter Gray, of Gold Hill, will enter the drilling contest at the log rolling at Gold Hill this 21st. Medford Mail, July 21, 1905, page 8 Gold Ray Items.
Johnny Olwell was down one day last week.
Mrs. C. R. Ray and Miss Ina Ray were visiting Gold Hill last Tuesday. Louis Bennett, Misses Artie and Laura Bennett were down last Sunday. Mrs. H. C. Stoddard is spending a few days in Gold Ray during her vacation. The new rope wire is now in place, and the new unit is once more in operation. As soon as possible the load will be put on and it will be doing regular service. Medford Mail, August 4, 1905, page 8 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC POWER.
The Forces of Nature Have Been Chained To Do the Bidding of Man.
Even the forces
of nature have been chained to do man's bidding here, and the
enthusiast sees the day approaching when by touching an electric
button, the grubs can be wound out from the resting places of years on
the mountainsides, and the capstan and the cable, run by an electric
motor, will indeed clear the ground for the modern farmer, and when
even the boulders in the channels of the creeks and rivers will be will
be crushed where they lie by electric rock crushers, and the product
used to redeem the roads from present conditions to the most modern
highways in the West. These mighty forces are now available, and the
great Condor Water & Power Company plant, for a very moderate
furnishes power on the ground for any purpose needed. Can any other
portion of the earth furnish equal advantages to the modern farmer or
fruit grower? The mere fact that the dweller in the country can have
lights and power for pumping and all other farm uses, equal to the best
facilities of dwellers in cities and towns elsewhere, is one of the
greatest additions to nature's bounty which the present generation has
seen. The extremely light cost at which power and lights are furnished
by the company, the extensive area covered by their wire system, the
almost incalculable amount of power which they can generate, the divers
uses to which it can be applied in a section where the water-bearing
gravel lies so closely to the surface, make it apparent that the price
of realty situated in a region where climate and scenic surroundings
alone attract those who wish to live in one of the most highly favored
countries known, that present prices, we say, must generally appreciate
in a very few years. One who invests now can rest assured that as he
develops his property, the demand for same will increase in a greater
proportion than any expenditure that he can possibly make. There are
estates which today are simply resting in the beauty in which nature
placed them and on which orchards are gradually coming into bearing age
where the expenditure of a very small amount of capital in installing
lights, waterworks, motors for household and farm uses, will create a
veritable paradise, for which those who can afford to invest will be
willing to pay a fortune. NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME TO INVEST HERE.
The plant of the Condor Water & Power Co. is situated on Rogue River, some ten miles north of Medford, beneath the shadow of Table Rock. Here for the first time in its history the waters of the Rogue have been successfully controlled. A mighty dam is built across the stream, so solid it will stand for all time. Here are the mighty wheels and dynamos which generate the electric current which furnishes light and power to the whole valley. Medford was the first city to enter into contract with this company. Since then substations have been established at Central Point, Talent and Jacksonville, and Ashland in the extreme southern end of the valley, over twenty miles from the source of supply, is lighted by electricity from this plant. Besides, lines have been run into Josephine County to the Granite Hill and Greenback mines, and the motive power which moves the machinery of these mines comes from the Condor Water & Power Co.'s plant. The Opp Mine, near Jacksonville, was the first to adopt electric power, to be closely followed by the Oregon Belle. Forty miles farther up Rogue River, just below the falls of Rogue River, the Condor Company is establishing a second electric plant. Here the water is taken from Rogue River above the falls, carried a mile or more through ditches and then drops over a precipice to the power house 250 feet below. The enormous power this system is capable of generating is almost incalculable, and indications point to the conclusion that the power will be used to operate not only such machinery as is now run by electricity, but electric car lines all over the valley. In Medford, where heretofore gasoline or steam engines were used, electricity is the motive power. Housewives may run their sewing machines, washing machines, etc., by the electric current. The day when the small boy turned the grindstone until his back ached is gone by. A little electric motor will do that work, besides pumping water for household purposes and for the stock, grinding feed and a thousand and one other things. Nowhere in the country is there a community so well equipped with electric power and light. At Gold Hill, five miles below the Condor Water & Power Co.'s plant, is that of the Gold Hill Canal Co., which while not so extensive as the first named, is still a good-sized plant, and its promoters purpose increasing it as the business justifies. They also furnish power and light for several mines. Medford Mail, March 9, 1906, page C1 An electric launch arrived in this city yesterday and will be taken to Gold Ray for Dr. C. R. Ray. It is a very neat little affair and will be used in the lake formed by the backwater of the dam. Gold Hill News, August 10, 1906, quoted in Gold Hill News, August 11, 1932, page 4
a result of the heavy rains of the past week . . . the bridge
across Rogue River at Gold Ray . . . was carried out.
"A Brief Record of Local Events," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 11, 1907, page 5 Rogue River Bridge Repaired.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Gold Ray, Or., Jan. 12.--The bridge across the Rogue River at this
point, which was badly damaged and partially washed away by the recent
floods, is being repaired by the Condor Water & Power Company,
will soon be in condition to allow the passage of teams.
Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, January 13, 1907, page 50 POWER PLANT
Condor Company Duplicates Capacity with New Transforming Plants ITS WIRES RADIATE NEARLY FIFTY MILES It Has Harnessed Fifteen Thousand Horsepower of Rogue River's Waters-- Description of the Works and History of a Great Enterprise.
Ray, Or., Jan. 18.--The Condor Water & Power Company, which has
mammoth power plant at this place, whence it distributes electric
energy to all sections of Jackson and Josephine counties, is placing at
its various distributing points transforming plants by which the
carrying capacity of the aluminum wire lines will be increased from
20,000 to 40,000 volts.
When these new transformers are in and other improvements now under way are completed the Condor company enterprise will be second to none as a general power supply plant on the Pacific coast. It is working wonders in the development of the mines and agricultural districts and in the building up of the cities and towns of southern Oregon. Its power lines have been strung in every important mine or mining district within a radius of 45 miles of Gold Ray. Over 500 miles of aluminum wire lines have been strung, running in every direction from the point of supply. The dam across Rogue River at the base of Table Rock, which develops the power for the enterprise, raises the water to a height of 20 feet and develops over 15,000 horsepower. Aluminum wire lines are used instead of copper, the metal being lighter and allowing the wires to be strung tighter, hence there is less sagging and less danger of being torn down by heavy winds. Eight-inch insulators are used. These are large enough to allow the carrying of 40,000 volts without loss or danger. The Condor Water & Power Company, owner of the Gold Ray plant, is a close corporation with headquarters at New York City. Colonel Frank Ray, a New York millionaire and one of the big men of the tobacco trust, is president of the company. His brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, is local manager. Dr. Ray came to southern Oregon several years ago, representing his brother's capital, and took up mining properties near Gold Hill, the old Braden mine being among them. It was while developing and operating these properties that the idea of harnessing Rogue River occurred to Dr. Ray, and he laid the proposition before his rich brother. The proposition was taken up at once. It was a mammoth undertaking, as it required two years with a day and night crew of 100 men, with engines, machine drills, hoists and excavating equipment. Millions of tons of rock, as well as a vast amount of cement work and steel, were required to make the dam secure against the mighty force of the Rogue. It was a remarkable engineering feat, and the fact that it has already withstood three heavy winter freshets without a quiver or the misplacement of a single stone, is proof sufficient of the stability of the Condor dam. Gold Ray has been made a regular stopping station for trains, and because of the falls, the broad lake and the magnificent mountain scenery, promises to become as widely known as a resort as it has already become as a power supply. Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, January 17, 1907, page 15 Notice has been served on the Condor Water and Power Co., at Gold Ray, to repair their fishway. There is a leakage in the dam that created a big flow of water, in the current of which the fish attempt to go over the dam and as a result many of them are killed on the rocks. The break can easily be repaired and no doubt will be, as Dr. Ray, the manager of the company has always showed his willingness to do everything that will help the run of salmon in Rogue River. Gold Hill News, August 30, 1907, quoted in Gold Hill News, August 31, 1933, page 2 IOWA LUMBER COMPANY TO SAW GOLD
Manager Hafer of the Iowa
Lumber & Box Company
has made a contract with Dr. C. R. Ray to purchase the logs now in the
pond at Gold Ray, over half a million feet. Preparations are being made
to saw them into lumber immediately. The contract was released by Mr.
Pankey, who was unable to secure workmen. The work will be done at Gold
Medford Daily Tribune, September 25, 1907, page 1 REPAIRS OF GOLD RAY BRIDGE ARE
Charles Pagel is in Medford again, having completed the repairs of the
bridge at Gold Ray, which was damaged some time ago. He states that a
large quantity of lumber is now being manufactured. The repair of this
bridge is of great importance to those living in the neighborhood.
Medford Daily Tribune, September 25, 1907, page 1 The flood in the Rogue River did not reach as high as the flood a year ago by six inches at the Gold Ray Dam. It was feared that the Gold Ray bridge would go out, and use of the structure was forbidden. "All Bridges Endangered by Floods," Medford Daily Tribune, December 27, 1907, page 1 It is well known that the bed of Rogue River is rich in fine and coarse gold, and the exposing of bedrock by any means has meant rich returns. The diverting of the water from the river bed at the Gold Ray Dam while it was under construction uncovered an immense amount of gold, which was quite an item in helping the expense account. "Work on Bedrock Machine Commenced," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 3, 1908, page 1 McALLISTER INSPECTS FISHWAYS
Visits Rogue River at Request of Various Anglers-- Improvements Are to Be Made at Once
Master Fish Warden H. C. McAllister, in response to requests from the
Rogue River section, spent Saturday and Sunday at the various dams
across the stream and as a result of his visit work is now under way
remedying the defects in the fishways, so that in a few days fish will
be able to ascend the river to their natural spawning grounds. The
publication of conditions as they have existed in the Tribune is
responsible for the official's visit, for angling in the Rogue was
threatened with extermination. Having secured good fishways at the
dams, the next move will be to secure legislation stopping all seining
above tidewater and an organization for this purpose is under way.
Improvements Agreed Upon.
McAllister arrived at Grants
Pass Saturday and was met by Representative D. H. Miller, Fish Warden
Edward Clanton and Game Warden Harry Messler. The Grants Pass dam and
the Ament Dam were inspected. At the former a new fish ladder, on
approved plans, is to be constructed at once. At the Ament Dam racks
are to be built to steer the fish to the fishway and prevent their
collecting in the holes under the cribbing and beating themselves to
pieces against the dam. Repairs are to be made to the fishway to render
the ascent of salmon and steelhead easier.Sunday morning Mr. McAllister was taken to Gold Ray in an auto by Dr. C. R. Ray and Superintendent Stoddard of the Condor Water & Power Company. Here he was met by a large delegation of Medford and Gold Hill citizens interested in angling, among them being Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Enyart, D. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hussey, John Reed and Jack Astbury of Gold Hill and wardens Clanton and Messler. Members of the Jackson County Press Association were also present, including President S. A. Pattison of the Central Point Herald, E. J. Kaiser of the Ashland Valley Record, Lynn Purdin of the Gold Hill News and George Putnam of the Medford Tribune. Work Now Under Way.
Work on
remedying the defects in
the fishway had already commenced at the Ray dam fishway. The bedrock
in front of the ladder is being blasted out so as to make a deep
channel from the main channel of the river to the ladder. The cement
sides of the fishway are to be extended and raised and several new
steps put in the ladder. The intake from the lake is to be widened."When these changes and additions are completed," said Mr. McAllister, "this will be the best fish ladder at any dam in Oregon. It will be easy for any fish to pass the dam. I wish to thank Dr. Ray for his courtesy and willingness to do everything suggested, for this is purely voluntary on his part, as the fishway had already been accepted by my predecessor, and I have no authority to force further improvement." Ray Alone Enforces Law.
Dr. Ray
has rigidly enforced the
law regarding fishing, preventing fishing within 600 feet of the dam,
and does not allow employees or visitors to break the law. Mr. Ament,
on the contrary, refuses to aid in the enforcement of the law in any
way at his dam, or to cooperate with the wardens in protecting the fish.Mr. McAllister promised that he will detail a special man to protect the fish on the Rogue, and more especially to watch the two lower dams and prevent the fish hogs from making their big hauls at the toes of the dams, as they have done in the past. Lawbreakers are to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Entertained at Gold Hill.
After an
inspection of the
improvements under way at the clubhouse, which consist of a
refrigerator and ice plant, remodeling and repainting and constructing
an auto road, Mr. McAllister accompanied Dr. Ray, Mr. Stoddard and the
newspapermen to Gold Hill, where they were the guests of Joe L.
Hammersley, editor Lynn Purdin and John Reed at a most enjoyable dinner
at the Gold Hill Hotel. An elaborate menu was discussed and the most
successful meeting the press association has yet held followed.After dinner the Medford contingent returned on the afternoon train, while the Gold Hill entertainers took Mr. McAllister to visit the Champion dredge at Foots Creek. Medford Daily Tribune, November 2, 1908, page 1 DOUBLING THE SIZE OF POWER PLANT
Daily Tribune, December 22, 1908, page 1THREE CARLOADS OF MACHINERY HAVE ARRIVED Over Fifty Men Are Employed in Making Improvements--New Shafting is Supported by Concrete Bases--Other Changes Are Being Made.
Three carloads of electric and water wheel machinery have been unloaded
at Gold Ray within the last 30 days, and the work of installing them is
being rapidly pushed to completion.
The new machinery consists of two water wheels of 350 horsepower each and a 700-horsepower general electric dynamo. This dynamo with its fittings weighs 40,000 pounds, and the base alone weighs 20,000 pounds. The accompanying illustration shows the manner in which this base was lowered by a powerful hoisting crane near the railroad track to the flatboat on which it was ferried across the river and from which it was pulled into the power house up heavy skids. All the new shafting being installed will be supported on concrete or steel "I" beams, making an absolutely permanent installation which will never settle or get out of alignment. The power will be transmitted from the water wheels to the dynamo by a rope drive. 20 turns of one and one-half inch manila rope, having a total length of nearly one-fourth mile, will be used on the dynamo and water wheel pulleys. This rope will travel at a speed of 4500 feet a minute or nearly 51 miles an hour and in a year will travel 450,000 miles. Among other new improvements being constructed is a large circle gate to let the water out of the canal for cleaning purposes and to carry off the surplus water in the flood season. A number of other improvements are being made, among which is the cutting down of the grade on the wagon road across the river from the plant, making an easy grade out of what was a steep hill. About 50 men are employed in making these improvements, and Gold Ray presents the appearance of a busy and growing place. NEW PUMPING PLANT.
Work has commenced on a pumping plant at the great dam on Rogue River
at Gold Ray. The pumping plant is being built for the Rogue River
Electric Company by B. M. McMahon, one of Medford's stonemasons.Work Has Commenced at the Gold Ray Dam. The plant will be used to pump water to a reservoir located on one of the hills across the river. The plant will be mounted on six pillars, seven feet thick at the base and 20 feet in height. The spaces between the pillars may be filled in later, making a solid foundation. The pumping plant will be 20 feet square. Mr. McMahon has a crew of 25 men at work on the plant, and the work will be pushed vigorously until it is finished. Medford Mail, February 5, 1909, page 7 BIG SIGN FOR VALLEY.
Large One to Be Put Up at Gold Ray Dam.
That people may know when they have entered the Rogue River Valley, the
Commercial Club at its meeting last evening ordered that a sign, 8 by
40 feet in size, on which the words "This Is the Rogue River Valley"
will be painted in letters four feet high, be erected at the dam at
Gold Ray.
In the discussion that this matter caused it was pointed out that people who have heard of the Rogue River Valley frequently pass through it without being aware of the fact. People on the trains crowd to the windows to see the big dam, and in that way it will be impossible for them to miss seeing the sign which will be on the same side of the railroad. An offer to paint the sign, furnish the material and erect it at the dam was made by Morgan & Klum for the sum of $30 [sic], and their offer was accepted. They will proceed at once to have it in place. Some favored a bigger sign, but it was thought that a larger one would be more apt to be blown down by the winds, and it was decided to try the smaller one as an experiment. It is hoped that Ashland will erect a similar sign on the mountain at the south end of the valley. Medford Mail, January 29, 1909, page 7 The sign disappeared sometime previous to a series of photos taken in October 1914. Another elaborate country home is that of Colonel F. H. Ray, of New York, built originally as a clubhouse, above the dam across Rogue River, at Gold Ray, but since remodeled and made into one of the most attractive homes of the valley. The house overlooks the falls of the dam, and the music of the falling waters can be heard constantly. Over the dam can be seen the lake and the wide stretch of the valley with Mt. McLoughlin in the distance. The house is most elaborately equipped with electrical devices of all kinds, also a complete refrigerator plant. This home is also tastefully and elaborately furnished; a unique feature is the bathroom, which is studded on side walls and ceiling with incandescent lights, over 200 bulbs being used. "Beautiful Homes in Rogue River Valley," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 9, 1909, page 4 ELECTRICITY IN THE ROGUE RIVER
Oregon suggests apples--great, juicy, crisp, red apples. The finest of
them come from the valley of the Rogue River, whose tumbling torrent
heads in the high Cascades close to the blue placid waters of Crater
Lake, that weird body with its phantom ship which reincarnates the
skeleton of Mazama's ancient volcano. The contrast wrought by time in
quenching the misdirected energy of this youthful giant has been
duplicated on a smaller scale in the history of this valley whose
exuberant spirits in "the days of old, the days of gold" have been
succeeded by the steady progressive spirit of horticultural success.
Gold was the lure spread by Nature to attract the hardy pioneer of the 'Fifties. Many stayed to enjoy the more lasting and more productive results of developing the soil. Blessed with all the bounties of Nature, a beneficent climate, a fertile soil, and beautiful scenery, this valley is already supporting 25,000 people, "and not half trying." "Apple and peach trees, fruited deep," are flanked by luscious pears, plums and cherries, with increasing acreage to vineyards. This fruit, because of fine flavor and excellent keeping qualities, commands the highest market price, so that the yearly profit often exceeds one thousand dollars per acre. All this has been accomplished without the helping hand of irrigation, except where attention has been turned to raising melons, corn and alfalfa. The far-sighted are just realizing the wonderful possibilities of undeveloped water resources to further increase crop production. An unfailing supply of water can be pumped from wells 20 to 30 feet deep and surrounding streams, and here it is that the greatest use is to be found for the abundant hydroelectric power being generated by the Rogue River Electric Company. For eighty miles up and down the valley a network of wires bring the power to the work to be done. This power, how and where generated, how and where distributed and used, it is our purpose to describe. HYDRAULIC.
The main power plant of the Rogue River Electric Company is at Gold Ray
on the bank of the Rogue River just beneath the brow of Table Rock
where the Indians made their last futile stand against the white man,
finally casting themselves over its great cliffs to death [not true].
Here the river has been dammed by a rock-filled timber crib with
concrete core anchored to bedrock by means of heavy steel drift bolts
cemented in place. The accompanying drawing
shows its section. The dam is crescent shaped, arched upstream and is
420 feet long and 20 feet high, giving an effective head of the same
amount to the water wheels. A granite-masonry retaining wall, 4 feet
wide on top with 6-foot base, extends 300 feet upstream from the first
forebay, forming one side of a diverting canal 60 feet wide and 12 feet
deep, which carries to the turbines a fractional part of the 5,000
second-feet available at times of high water.At the foot of the canal near the penstock approach are two waste gates to carry off flood and surplus water. One is of the usual rack and pinion type, 6 feet wide and 12 feet high, but the other is of such novel design as to merit detailed description. As shown in the drawing the face of the gate is a segment of a circle 8 feet wide and 12 feet high. Its great advantage lies in the ease with which one man can handle it, whereas the other requires several, working with crowbars. This gate was designed by Mr. H. C. Stoddard, superintendent of the plant. GENERATION.
Motive power in the Gold Ray plant is furnished by ten McCormick water
wheels, two 45-inch vertical and eight 42-inch horizontal, the latter
comprising two sets of fou,. each set furnishing 1000 horsepower. Water
admission through wicket gates is regulated by Lombard governors. Rope
drive is employed throughout. Main drive pulleys 10 feet in diameter
are mounted on extensions from the horizontal water wheel shafts.
Twenty turns of 1¾-inch manila rope join with 29-foot
centers the
4-foot pulleys of the generators, thus converting 145 r.p.m. of the
turbines to 360 r.p.m. for the generators. Each turbine unit drives a
750-k.w. General Electric 3-phase, 60-cycle alternator, type ATB,
delivering current at 2200 volts. The generators are connected to the
rope drive shaft by flexible leather couplings and are equipped with
tachometers. These two units have been in continuous service since 1904.In 1908 increased current consumption made necessary the installation of a 450-k.w. generator of similar type. This is operated through rope drive and bevel mortised gears by the two vertical wheels already described. Belted to the other end of the line shaft operated by these wheels is a 10-inch two-stage Worthington centrifugal pump having a capacity of 2000 gallons per minute against a 300-foot head. This supplies water for 3000 acres of land owned by the power company, who will also sell water for irrigation to any rancher along the line desiring such service. The water is supplied through two and one-half miles of 12-inch mains and four miles of 8- and 6-inch branch lines. This system will probably be extended to the town of Central Point and outlying ranches next season. Current for the generator fields is furnished by belted exciters, 11 k.w. for the 750-k.w. machines and 7½ k.w. for the 450 k.w., giving a total of 1950 equipped with three ammeters, a watt meter, a voltmeter, and field ammeter, as well as field and disconnecting switches, synchronizing plugs and control k.w., or over 2,600 horsepower. Provision has been made for two additional generators as soon as the current consumption warrants. The switchboard consists of three machine panels and an exciter panel. Each of the machine panels is switches for the Lombard governors. On the exciter panel are mounted the exciter switches, voltmeter, Tirrill regulator and curve-drawing voltmeter, together with pilot and synchronizing lamps and a synchronizing bracket at the end of the board. All these instruments and apparatus were made by the General Electric Company. The switchboard and all machinery are so arranged that the station operator's desk commands a view of practically the entire power plant. This has an important economic bearing, for except during periods of heavy load, when the machines are to be paralleled, the entire station is operated by one man. From the switchboards two lines of lead-covered No. 0000 copper cables run to the transformer house. This contains six 250-k.w., 2,300- to 22,500-volt step-up transformers, oil insulated and water cooled. The cooling water is furnished from a water system which supplies the various buildings and residences on the works. There is also a small two-inch centrifugal pump which can be used to supply cooling water direct to the transformers in event of accident to the usual system. TRANSMISSION.
From this plant a 22,500-volt transmission line extends for a total
length of eighty miles to the several substations. No. 1 7-strand
aluminum wire is used throughout the transmission system. In the course
of five years' operation there has been no shutdown due to trouble with
the aluminum wire or the insulators. The three wires are spaced in a
48-inch triangle on the top of 40-foot cedar poles placed forty to the
mile. The insulators are of porcelain, 9 and 11 inches, petticoat type,
and are fastened to the poles by means of eucalyptus pins. Referring to
the map
of Southern Oregon, it will be seen that one line extends north from
Gold Ray to Grants Pass and nearby mines, while the other
extends south
to Ashland through Medford and intermediate towns.From the power plant there is a 675-foot span across the Rogue River. The river is also spanned at Rock Point and at Grants Pass, distances of 600 and 725 feet respectively. In each case the spans are supported on Locke strain insulators mounted on wooden towers consisting of four cedar poles placed 14 feet apart. DISTRIBUTION.
Substations are located at Central Point, Jacksonville, Medford, Gold
Hill, Grants Pass, Ashland and Talent. At the last two stations power
is sold at wholesale to a subcontractor owning the distributing lines
and handling the retail business. In all the other localities the Rogue
River Electric Company distributes and sells the current.The standard substation equipment consists of three GE type H oil-cooled transformers equipped with oil switch and ammeter on the 2,200-volt side, this being the distributing voltage. Protection is provided by a bank of General Electric 20,000-volt multigap lightning arresters and line disconnecting switches. Galvanized iron buildings house all this equipment. These substations have required but little attention and are often left locked for a month at a time. Current is distributed at 2,200 volts up to five miles from the substations, extending into the country so that many ranchers can use it for lighting, pumping, sawing wood, grinding feed, etc. The power circuits are 440 volts and the lighting 110 volts, reduction being made by pole transformers. UTILIZATION.
Nearly all power is sold on the meter basis, there being a minimum rate
of $1.00 with a 25-cent meter charge. A sliding scale provides 20
kilowatts or less at 10 cents, and 2,000 kilowatts or more at 4 cents,
with corresponding intermediate rates. It is stated that almost without
exception electricity is consumed for some purpose other than lighting.
The company sells supplies and cooperates with the consumer in every
way to give maximum results at minimum cost. Full directions are given
customers so that they may check their bills. This includes an
interesting summary of what 5 cents worth of electricity will do:It will warm a woman's curling iron every day in the year for 3 minutes and twice on Sunday. It will warm a man's shaving water every morning for a month. It will fry four eggs every morning for a month. It will boil four eggs every morning for one-half month. It will warm your bed and prevent cold feet. It will brew the morning coffee in an average household for more than two weeks. It will run a sewing machine for 21 hours. It will do the average family ironing. It will pump 960 gallons of water. It will light 5 16-candlepower lamps over two hours in one evening. Of the 500 consumers in the town of Medford, over 250 have electric irons. Many electric heating devices are in use and much manual labor is saved by small motor installations. Electric power is also furnished to the Champlin gold dredge at Foots Creek, near Gold Hill, which has been in successful operation for over four years and takes 300 horsepower. It is claimed that with electric power gravel running 20 cents per cubic yard can be worked at a profit and that the cost is one-half the former expense when working with wood for fuel. The Braden mine and 10-stamp mill at Gold Hill takes 175 horsepower and the Opp mine at Jacksonville 200 horsepower. A dipper dredge operated by the Electric Gold Dredging Company consumes 150 horsepower. Other mines such as the Greenback and Enterprise use considerable power when operating. Electric power has made possible the working of some mines that did not pay expenses when using wood as fuel. Should development of the Blue Ledge Copper Mines, 35 miles southwest of Medford, warrant the construction of a smelter, it will require horsepower for operation. The history of almost all western mining camps shows that many producing mines are overlooked in the first rush for gold. Jacksonville, five miles from Medford, was the scene of Oregon's first mining excitement in 1851 [sic], and since that time has been a steady producer by placer, hydraulic and quartz mining with an aggregate production of over $20,000,000. There are also many undeveloped prospects in the vast country tributary to the Rogue River Valley, and with their operation will ensue a further demand for electric power. The three most thriving towns in the valley are Medford, Ashland and Grants Pass, as can be judged from the accompanying street scenes. Enclosed arcs light the principal streets, and incandescent lamps are used in almost all the residences. The company has pushed the sale of tungsten lamps, thus lowering the peak load and keeping within transformer capacity as well as giving satisfaction to the consumers. The rich agricultural and mining districts adjoining these towns are the substantial basis upon which has been built an enduring prosperity. The equable climate has attracted a most desirable population whose permanency is ensured by excellent social and educational facilities. The general prosperity is indicated by the fact that there are over one hundred and fifty automobiles in the single town of Medford. The bank deposits per capita are stated to be higher than in any other section of the country, this strength being evidenced in the financial flurry of 1907 when the banks in the Rogue River Valley paid cash on demand to all depositors. But the great, and as yet undeveloped, field for power consumption lies in the application of electricity to pumping water for irrigation. Thousands of acres of the most fertile land requires but the quickening touch of dependable water to spring into bloom. Heretofore the four months' dry season has sometimes prevented the best results, especially when it has been demonstrated that crops can be doubled and even quadrupled with the aid of irrigation. An inexhaustible supply of water stands from 16 to 50 feet below the surface and electric power for pumping costs only $30 per horsepower for the irrigating season, which gives an average cost of $1.25 per acre for the season. In the past four years the Rogue River Electric Company, under the progressive administration of Dr. C. R. Ray, president and general manager, and Mr. H. C. Stoddard, secretary and superintendent, has become an integral part of one of the most prosperous communities in the West. The company controls ample power for any possible future demand from the agricultural, mining, lumbering and industrial interests of the rapidly growing section. Journal of Electricity, Power and Gas, June 5, 1909, pages 443-453
Colonel Frank Ray's handsome club house at Gold Ray was nearly
destroyed by fire at the end of the week owing to the carelessness of
one of the employees, who was at work refitting the building, placing
some bed clothes where they came in contact with an electric heater.
Prompt measures saved the structure, although one corner was badly
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail, February 28, 1910, page 5 GOLD RAY FISHWAY IS IN GOOD
No Large Runs of Salmon or Steelheads Have Been Seen at Gold Ray This Year, Although Runs Have Been Reported at the Pass.
H. C.
McAllister, master fish warden, will be in Medford Monday for the
purpose of investigating fishing conditions and inspecting Rogue River
fishways and dams.
Considerable complaint has been made regarding the fishways at the dams. Stories have been brought in that hundreds of fish were congested below the dams and that they found it impossible to locate the ladders and were pounding themselves to pieces leaping against the structures. A close inspection of conditions at Gold Ray shows that the fishway is in good working order, and that fish can readily ascend the ladder. The great flow of water over the dam, however, renders it hard for the fish to locate the ladder. Once located, they have no difficulty in going through. Logs Were Used.
Last year logs were placed along the
crest of the
dam, shutting off the water from the two sides and making it
comparatively easy for the fish to locate the ladder. The floods of the
winter, however, took these logs off the west side of the dam, as well
as a portion of the dam itself. As a result, a large quantity of water,
with the river unusually high, is pouring over the western side of the
dam. As soon as the water subsides sufficiently for repair work, the
dam will be repaired and the logs again spiked along the crest,
remedying present conditions. At present, however, the depth of water
makes it impossible to make the repairs.Fish Are Seen.
Fish can be seen daily leaping into the
cascades and
trying to ascend at the west end of the dam. These fish, however, will
work around to the only available outlet--the ladder--and make up the
river in course of a short time.There have been no large runs of salmon or steelhead at Gold Ray so far this year, though a run was reported at Grants Pass a fortnight ago. The probabilities are that the fish cannot get above the seines of the Grants Pass fishermen, or if they do escape them, have difficulty in getting above the Ament Dam, which was badly damaged by the floods of last winter, which practically rendered useless the new fishway, though the old one is still in working order. Most of the fish congregated at the base of Gold Ray Dam prove upon investigation to be carp--some of which have attained enormous size. There are, of course, some salmon and some steelhead, but nothing like as many as there are carp and suckers. Deputy Fish Warden Edward Clanton caught two fishermen at the base of the Ament Dam last Saturday night and arrested them. They were fined $100 each. Reports of the mouth of the Rogue state that there are no salmon there, though the freshet, it is presumed, will bring them up. Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1910, page 2 DEVELOP NATURAL RESOURCES.
Within a day or two the manufacture of brick upon a large scale will be
commenced at the new plant nearing completion near Tolo.
As soon as the logs being driven down the Rogue reach the new lumber mill recently erected near the brick and tile works, the manufacture of lumber will be under way. A large amount of finest building granite is being quarried at the Gold Ray quarries near the lumber mill, and the capacity of the plant is being trebled owing to the practically unlimited market. Two additional rock crushers are being installed, and even with these in place, the demand for crushed rock from paving concerns in Rogue River Valley will exceed the output. A large pump pumps sand for building purposes from the sand bars above the dam into cars on the siding, so that with the exception of lime and cement, all the building materials will be furnished by the industries being established by Colonel Frank Ray and his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, between Gold Ray and Tolo. In the neighborhood of two hundred men are now and will be steadily employed in these enterprises, which include power plants, irrigation enterprises, mines, granite quarries, brick and tile kilns, lumber mills and logging operations as well as orchard tracts, all of which mean payrolls for the county. To house and accommodate these workmen, fifty or more cottages will be erected at Tolo, hotels, stores, etc. provided, materials for the construction being manufactured on the ground. The surplus power of Gold Ray Dam is utilized to pump water for domestic and irrigation purposes, and several thousand acres watered. The roads and streets are being macadamized with crushed rock, also supplied at home. In building up a self-sustaining industrial community the Rays have set the capitalists of the Rogue River Valley an excellent example, and one that should be followed in utilizing some of the many resources which nature has showered upon this favored region. Immense quantities of lime and all the materials for the manufacture of cement, as well as coal and iron and gold, exist in large quantities, all awaiting the magic touch of capital. With the completion of the Pacific & Eastern, manufacture of lumber should begin upon a large scale, giving employment to thousands of men. With the completion of the Gold Hill railroad, the manufacture of lime will be undertaken as well as lumber. Hitherto the efforts of capitalists in the Rogue River Valley have been confined largely to the development of horticultural resources, or to speculative purposes. There should be and will be no letup in horticultural development, but the time is ripe for industrial development, for making some of the things we buy at home, as well as supplying neighbors. Medford Mail Tribune, July 12, 1910, page 4 Marble and granite quarries are being operated at Tolo and near Medford. The crushers at Tolo are able to turn out 50 carloads of crushed granite for use on roads every day when in full operation. This plant is equipped with air compressors, air drills and grinding and polishing machinery to furnish granite for building purposes and monumental work. Electric power generated at Gold Ray Dam, on the Rogue River, is used in this quarry. "Gold Mining in Southern Oregon," Medford Mail Tribune, February 5, 1911, page 13 A decree making permanent the temporary injunction restraining the Gold Hill Canal Company from building a dam across Rogue River on the property of the Condor Water & Power Co. was entered by Judge Bean in the United States circuit court this morning. The original dam on the property was built in the early eighties, and recently, it was claimed, the defendants tried to extend it to a point about 200 feet farther up than the old crib. Judge Bean's decision limits the old dam to the site of the old crib and enjoins the defendants from constructing on the lands of the plaintiff.--Portland Journal. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, March 4, 1911, page 5 NEW FISHWAY SOON GOLD RAY
Mail Tribune, April 30, 1911, page 4Col. Ray Offers to Furnish Materials for New Fish Ladder Over Gold Ray Dam--Sandry Will Start Construction in Near Future.
Colonel Frank H. Ray has offered to furnish materials for the
construction of a new fishway at Gold Ray, and Deputy Fish Warden
Sandry will start construction in the near future.
The new fishway will be constructed at this end of the dam and will greatly improve present conditions. FREE ELECTRIC POWER
campaign for manufactories in Medford was started yesterday when C. R.
Ray, president of the Rogue River Electric company, announced that his
company will donate free electric power for one year to any factory
which would establish itself in Medford, in a line not conflicting with
any industry now in operation.IN MEDFORD OFFER OF ROGUE RIVER CO. "We need to increase our payrolls," said Mr. Ray, "and to increase them we must have permanent industries which will bring workmen here not for a month or two months, but permanently to bring their families and make their homes. The work on our new plant at Prospect will be finished in October. The paving work being done here will be completed in the near future, as will the sewer work and many other improvements which are at present maintaining payrolls. We should prepare to continue these payrolls in other lines. With the completion of our new plant there will be almost unlimited electric power for manufacturing purposes in the valley." Excerpt, Medford Sun, June 24, 1911, page 1 LADDER IS HELP TO TROUT
Death-Dealing Fishway at Gold Hill Day Is Made Safe.
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 22.--(Special.)--Thousands of gamey trout that would
have been dashed to death on the makeshift of a fish ladder at Gold Ray
Dam but for the construction of a new fishway can now make their way
upstream and lay their eggs. At a cost of several thousand dollars the
pools at the foot of the dam have been deepened, obstructing stones
have been removed and a good fish ladder, that the fish will have no
trouble ascending, has been built.
The work was done under the direction of Chief Deputy Sandry, of Gold Hill. "It does little good to provide hatcheries for fish if they are to be allowed to kill themselves, beating against three or four dams," he says, "and for this reason all the dams in Rogue River must be provided with good fish ladders." Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 23, 1911, page 5 Gigantic Power Merger
The power plants of the Rogue River Electric Company and the Prospect
Construction Company have been sold to the Siskiyou Power and Light
Company. The deal includes the power plants at Gold Ray and Prospect
and several hundred miles of high-tension wire. The two plants are
placed at a valuation of $3,500,000 for the plant now under
construction at Prospect and $800,000 for the plant at Gold Ray. The
sale gives the Siskiyou company entire control of the water power
resources of Northern California and Southern Oregon and makes theirs
the longest transmission line in the world.A total of 80,000 horsepower can be developed when the construction work now under way is completed, and over 800 miles of high-tension wire will carry a voltage upwards of 20,000, extending from Grants Pass to Redding, California, by way of Klamath Falls. Gold Hill News, August 26, 1911, page 5 POWER PLANTS OF TWO STATES ARE
Churchills Turn Over to Central Corporation All Plants in Northern California and Southern Oregon--Part of Ray's Power Trust Scheme.
consolidation of 24 electric light and power companies controlled by
the Siskiyou Light and Power Company, and comprising all power plants
and lines from Grants Pass to Dunsmuir and Klamath Falls to Yreka, has
been perfected under the name of the California and Oregon Power
Company, with a capital stock of $10,000,000.
The new corporation will take over the holdings of the Siskiyou, Rogue River, Klamath, Ashland, Dunsmuir and other concerns, control of which has been secured during the past few months by the Churchill syndicate of Yreka. The directors of the new corporation are J. M. Churchill, president; J. P. Churchill, vice president; Alex J. Rosborough, secretary. Main offices will be at San Francisco with branch offices at Medford, Yreka and Klamath Falls. The deal was consummated by Col. Frank H. Ray, former owner of the Rogue River Electric Company, and it is currently reported to be a move in his plan of uniting under one corporation or trust all power plans on the coast, from San Diego to Grants Pass. Medford Mail Tribune, February 7, 1912, page 1 The high water in the Rogue carried away the temporary fish ladder at the Ament Dam at Gold Ray, and the Pacific & Eastern Railroad did not run their heavy engine over Butte Creek bridge because of the threatening waters. "Flood Threatens City of Medford," Oregonian, Portland, February 18, 1912 page 1 The Ament Dam, also called the Golden Drift Dam, was at Grants Pass. FULLY equipped granite quarry on main line railroad, supplying crushed granite and building and monumental granite said to be equal to Vermont granite; might lease on percentage basis to reliable party; value $100,000. Address Gold Ray Realty Company, Medford, Or. Oregonian, Portland, April 7, 1912, page 13 Water Out of Gold Ray Dam.
The California-Oregon Power Company began Tuesday letting the water out
of the big dam at Gold Ray for the purpose of cleaning the reservoir
and making some repairs to the dam where the timbers have been damaged
by driftwood during the winter floods. It will take about ten hours to
empty the big reservoir and a week or more to make the necessary
repairs.It has been seven years since the dam was first filled with water, and during this time the power supply of the valley was dependent on the plant at Gold Ray, but with the completion of the plant at Prospect and the connection with the plants of the power company in California it will be possible to make the needed repairs at Gold Ray. A number of repairs to the fishway are to be made and the crest of the dam is to be raised so that at low water the entire flow will be over the center of the dam opposite the fishway, giving a deep channel which will guide all fish ascending the stream into the fish ladder.--Tribune. Jacksonville Post, October 26, 1912, page 1 The water in Gold Ray Dam on Rogue River was let out last week, so that repairs could be made. It was first filled seven years ago. "The Round-Up," Daily Capital Journal, Salem, October 29, 1912, page 2 According to district game warden Sam L. Sandry, of Rogue River, the next high water is very apt to remove the Ament dam at Grants Pass. The structure is said to be rapidly weakening, and a portion has already been carried away. Although conditions have been materially improved by the placing of fishways, the Ament dam has always been a serious barrier to the passage of fish upstream, and sportsmen would shed few tears at its departure in the next freshet. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, February 1, 1913, page 3 New fishway recently completed on south side of river at Gold Ray Dam. Cost $3000, was designed by engineer Harry Foster and constructed by California-Oregon Power Co. There is now a fish ladder on either side of [the] dam. Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1913, page 1
'Nother Fish Ladder to Be Installed at Gold Ray
The California-Oregon Power Company has received notice from the state
game commission to construct at once an additional fish ladder at Gold
Ray Dam, to be located on the opposite side of the dam from the present
fishway.The plans for the fishway as designed by the master fish warden have been approved by the commission, and under the law the company has no alternative but to construct it. Gold Hill News, August 16, 1913, page 1 Fred and Floyd Eddings, local linemen for the California-Oregon Power Company, are employed at the Gold Ray plant this week, where the voltage capacity is being increased from 2,000 to 3,400. The work is under supervision of C. W. Martin, the company's construction superintendent. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, February 28, 1914, page 3 New Fish Ladder.
The new fish ladder at the Gold Ray Dam is now completed and water was
turned into the new runway recently so that the fish may now get to the
upper river at either side of the power company's dam at that station.
The game and fish commission, urged by sportsmen interested, have for
several years been working for a fishway on the south side of the river
on the contention that the north side ladder was not sufficient to
accommodate the fish during the spring runs, and at last the desired
improvement has been made. It is believed that the new ladder will make
it a great deal easier for the fish to get up over the dam and
consequently mean better fishing in the river above the backwater from
the dam.
Ashland Tidings, March 2, 1914, page 1 WATER TURNED INTO GOLD RAY FISHWAY
Water will be turned into the new $3000 fishway at Gold Ray on this
side of the river this afternoon by Deputy Game Warden Sam Sandry. The
fishway was built by the California-Oregon Power Company under state
supervision, Harry Foster having charge of the work. The work is held
to be a model and able to withstand the floods and high waters.
Medford Mail Tribune, March
4, 1914, page
Improvement at Gold Ray Attracts Southern Oregon Anglers.
Or., March 4.--(Special.)--Southern Oregon sportsmen are interested in
the installation of the new fishway at Gold Ray, on the Rogue River,
the waters of which were turned in today. Deputy Game Warden Sandry did
the official honors. The Oregon-California Power Company built this
improvement. The state supervised the work.
Local anglers plan to visit the waters above the dam oftener than ever. Oregonian, Portland, March 5, 1914, page 7 [Harry Hosler, Joe Hurt and Amos Nininger] autoed to Ray Gold vicinity, twenty-three miles from Ashland, at early dawn, by four in the afternoon they had sixty-three steelhead and cutthroat and several big chinook salmon. At four Hosler started across the cable footbridge for the other shore. Here the river is 300 feet wide. Midway he dropped his line over "just for instance," he says. "Bang!" went his rod against the bridge railing and "Whirr!" went his reel. And from that on for exactly forty-six minutes there was the prettiest fight ever seen in the Northwest between man and trout. Hosler knew it was a steelhead, and he knew it was a monster. He also knew he couldn't land it from the bridge. It was fighting every second. The bridge was swaying from side to side. The bridge floor is supported by rods to overhead cables. To pass his rod around these and work his way fifty yards to the end of the bridge--at the same time combating the desperate lunges of his prey--was the problem Hosler was up against. "Harry Hosler Lands Big Steelhead Trout," Ashland Tidings, April 16, 1914, page 8 Linemen Fred Eddings and Dick Robinson, assisted by Roy Cameron, made daily trips to Gold Ray the past week, working upon the installation of a substation at the rock quarry. It is understood that the quarry will reopen within a few weeks to provide material for work upon further extension of the Pacific Highway, from Central Point toward Gold Hill. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, March 6, 1915, page 3 The employees of the power plant at Gold Hill have recently been annoyed by a colony of beavers that has undertaken to establish an abode on the canal leading from the dam to the power house. When unmolested the little animals cut the alders from one to three inches in diameter and stick them into the soft mud on the bottom of the waterway with the tops downstream for a foundation of their dam. It is thought the new arrivals come from above the Gold Ray Dam at Tolo, where many of their colonies are flourishing. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, November 15, 1917, page 8 SIGHT FOR SPORTSMEN NOW AT GOLD
A sight that is worth the time of any sportsman may be seen at the Gold
Ray Dam these days, according to R. E. McElhose, who reports that the
salmon are endeavoring to run the dam, now that the fish ladder is
closed, and that it looks like a solid stream of fish, so closely are
they packed up against the falling water.
Many people are visiting the dam each day and spend hours watching the efforts of the fish to gain the upper part of the river. Ashland Weekly Tidings, June 14, 1922, page 2 WANT CHANGES IN FISH LADDER AT
A trip to the Gold Ray and Savage Rapids dams was made yesterday by
deputy state game warden W. R. Coleman, accompanied by Frank Miller, W.
E. Brayton and a representative of the Mail Tribune."The fish ladder at Savage Rapids is the best ladder on the coast," said Mr. Coleman, "and I'll prove it to you." Upon arrival at Gold Ray the party went down through the power house to the ladder. A big run of Chinook salmon was on and hundreds of fish could be seen lying in the riffle about 30 feet below the lower lead wall beyond the end of the ladder. Every now and then one of the big fellows would take a tremendous rush against the current in an attempt to get over the wall and into the channel of the ladder. The current at this point must flow ten miles per hour, yet the fish with fins and tails vibrating make torpedo-like speed against it. The spattering and sizzling of their fins can be heard above the roar of the water pouring over the dam. They shoot like torpedoes at the wall. Then spat! They butt their noses against the wall and fall back stunned. The wall is too high. Only about one out of five fish that attempt to get into the ladder get over the wall and into the channel. The majority waste their wonderful energy, battering their bodies against the wall, and fall back into slower water to rest for another attempt. "Now that you have seen this," said Coleman. "I want to tell you that these fish don't come down the river or up the highway. They're going up the river and they come over the ladder at Savage Rapids. Now let's watch 'em go up this ladder." The party climbed along the side of the Gold Ray ladder to the top. The top pool had a number of beautiful big salmon in it that had conquered the wall at the bottom. Many of them were badly battered and few had made the climb unscathed. The final rush from the top pool of the ladder, where the water fizzes and bubbles like a giant Seidletz powder, to the still water beyond the dam is the hardest step of the ladder with the exception of the leap over the bottom lead wall. The pool is too small for the big fellows to get a flying start in. Following the visit to the Gold Ray Dam the party drove down the highway to Savage Rapids Dam and walked across the top of the structure to the fish ladder. No difficulty is experienced by the fish at the bottom of this ladder, which is exceptionally easy to enter. The water in the pools is deep; the ladder is not as steep as that at Gold Ray and the fish mount it easily. In addition the bottom of the ladder is much easier to find. Although many of the big fellows fight the current at the other side of the river, the same as they do at Gold Ray, the fish that start toward the bottom of the ladder enter it with ease and make the trip up in a few minutes. Coleman advocates alterations in the lead wall at the Gold Ray ladder that will make it easy to enter from downstream. By enlarging a hole a considerable distance up the ladder, entrance from the upstream side can also be made much easier. "The proof that the Savage Rapids ladder is working can be had by looking at the number of fish that have come over it and that are fighting to get into the Gold Ray ladder," says Coleman. "The Gold Ray ladder is the one that needs improvement and needs it badly." The fighting power of the salmon is wonderful. Yesterday early the middle gate of the great Savage Rapids Dam was open and more than five hundred thousand gallons of water per minute were dropping forty or fifty feet into the river with a continuous crashing roar. Spray was flying thirty feet in the air and every few minutes a salmon could be seen ten feet in the air, in the midst of the white spray, attempting to mount the falling column of tons upon tons. It is the hope of the majority of local sportsmen that the game commission and the organizations with the power to do so will make the necessary improvements at Gold Ray to make the trip of the salmon to the spawning beds easier. Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1923, page 8 DIVING SUIT MINER IN ROGUE
Guy Kirkpatrick was drowned at Ray Gold dam and Loyal Burkhardt
encountered a thrilling escape from death this forenoon, while dredging
for gold with diving suits on the bottom of Rogue River. Burkhardt, a
one-armed man, saved himself by cutting off the lead-soled shoes he
wore with a knife. Kirkpatrick was suffocated when his air tube became
Both the men came to this section from Long Beach, Calif. As soon as Burkhardt reached the surface he ran two miles to the California Oregon power company plant, and a phone message was sent to this city for help. Fire Chief Elliott and three men were rushed to the scene and assisted in the hunt for Kirkpatrick's body. Coroner Perl is in charge of the search. Details of the accident, which occurred at 11 o'clock this forenoon, are lacking. Medford Mail Tribune,
April 28, 1924, page 1
The ill-fated placer gold prospecting expedition in the Rogue
River of
Guy Kirkpatrick, 32 years old, and Loyal Burghart, about 38 years old,
oil field workers of Long Beach, Calif., who with their wives arrived
at Ray Gold in two Ford cars last Sunday, ended yesterday forenoon with
the tragic drowning of Kirkpatrick, and a thrilling fight for life by
Burghart, who is a one-armed man and was rescued by fishermen when
almost exhausted, after the two women had been unable to do so despite
their heroic efforts. Mrs. Burghart also had a very trying experience.Both men were encased in heavy diving suits at the time, without the helmets on, and the weight of these rubber suits caused the death of Kirkpatrick and the narrow escape from the same fate of Burghart, who owes his life to his presence of mind, pluck, use of his teeth in place of hands, dexterity with his one hand and arm, together with the efforts of the two women and other rescuers. The men had heard that good money could be made by gathering gravel out of the bed of the Rogue River and panning gold out of this gravel, so they with their wives left Long Beach in their cars, fully equipped with regulation divers' suits, other placer mining paraphernalia, and camping outfit, and reached Ray Gold on Sunday. They did no prospecting that day. Monday morning, however, leaving their wives at the camp, they started out to explore the river a distance away, and finally stopped near the so-called Hardy dam in the river, which they decided was a good place to take paying gravel from. First they decided to wade around and explore the river's depth. They were garbed in the heavy diving suits, with the exception of the helmets, hence leaving these suits open at the neck or shoulders. They were wading in water up to their hips about 10:30 a.m. when both unsuspectingly stepped into a big wide hole 14 feet deep, at once sinking over their heads in water and their diving suits filling with water. Kirkpatrick, who was a large and very powerfully built man, when he came to the surface in his struggles tried to flounder ahead, thus bucking the current, while Burghart, on succeeding in bringing his head above water started floundering the opposite direction. It was each man for himself in the deep water, either being powerless to aid the other. Burghart, however, was not too busy with his own fight for life to see Kirkpatrick sink out of sight four times. The last time he never came up. Burghart, with his one arm, from the first saw that his only salvation was to get his knife out of the pocket of his diving suit and cut the suit open to let the water out. With his teeth in some miraculous manner, he contrived to loosen up the tight rubber sleeve at the wrist band and open it. Then with the knife he ripped open the right leg of the diving suit lengthwise, and cut a hole in the back of the suit, thus letting much of the water out and enabling him to move ahead with great difficulty. Burghart shouted for help and finally succeeded in making some shallow water when in an almost complete state of exhaustion. The two women at the camp some distance away had heard his shouts and hurrying to the scene at once waded in the river and tried to drag him out to safety, but were unable to do so. Finally Mrs. Burghart, who herself was greatly weakened, and her husband urged Mrs. Kirkpatrick to go ashore and hurry in the Ford car to the dam at Ray Gold and bring back help. The latter, not knowing at this time that she was really a widow, but surmising such as Kirkpatrick [omission] the river and tried to drag him out quickly back with several men from the dam. But in the meantime some fishermen had discovered the plight of Burghart and wife and rescued them. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burghart were so bewildered and exhausted for hours afterwards, especially the former, that he could give no coherent account of just what had happened and could not point out where Kirkpatrick had drowned. The place of the drowning was a short distance below the electric power house at Gold Ray, and the rescue party at once phoned to Medford for more help. Coroner John Perl, Fire Chief Roy Elliott and several other men from this city hastened to the scene, although the chance of rescuing Kirkpatrick was regarded as a forlorn one. His body was finally located at 2:30 p.m. in the deep pool in which he had gone down. The body was brought to this city late Monday afternoon, and the widow and Mr. and Mrs. Burghart were also brought here and are stopping at the Nash Hotel. Mrs. Kirkpatrick's father, Mr. Sussensy of Springfield, Ore., who had been wired for shortly after the drowning, arrived last night to be with his bereaved daughter. Medford Mail Tribune,
April 29, 1924, page 1
"Sonny" Gleason and "Tip" Collins had a thrilling escapade at Gold Ray Dam on Sunday afternoon. These two enterprising gentlemen had decided to go for a boat ride on the river. They thereupon climbed into a boat and shoved off from shore and safety, but before "Sonny" could get the oars in the locks, the stream's current carried them with great rapidity toward the dam. As luck would have it, in some miraculous way they managed to stop with a foot of the boat over the dam's edge. "Central Pointers in Near Plunge Over Rogue Dam," Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1927, page B1 The Rogue River at Gold Ray Dam, where is situated a power plant of the California-Oregon Power Company, is still high, 96 inches of water recorded as flowing over the top. This is a fall of about four feet in two days. The power plant was flooded and the rope drive wet. There was no material damage, but the plant will be out of commission for a week. "Road Loss in County Flood High," Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1927, page 1 The Rogue River was running level over Ray Gold Dam, and the Bybee bridge district was a lake. "Rain and Floods Rage in Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, February 22, 1927, page 4 At the Gold Ray Dam an electric fish stop is in operation, and Warden [Harold] Clifford reports that the device is turning the salmon and steelheads from the turbine race to the ladder without any harmful effects to the fish. "Device Protects Fish," Oregonian, Portland, June 9, 1928, page 5
Southern Oregon scenery has again broken into moving
pictures which will probably soon be shown all over the country. The
General Electric Company, internationally known manufacturers of
electrical equipment, in the preparation of one of their new
educational films, needed some "shots" of a plant
constructed in the early days of the industry and also a typically
ultramodern plant. On the system of the California Oregon Power
Company were two such plants within easy reach of Medford--Gold Ray
and the new up-to-date Prospect No. 2 station.During the past week, H. J. Loch of the "Jam Handy" Picture Service, Chicago, and J. McHenry, Jr. and C. B. Van Kirk, San Francisco cameramen, have been taking pictures of these generating plants and the scenery surrounding them. Table Rock and the river in that vicinity were duly recorded on film, and one "shot" of several feet shows a fisherman very prominently in the foreground casting for the sporty steelhead. The river and canyon at Prospect with the heavily timbered sides were also taken. Due mention in the completed film will be made of the location of the scenes, and because of the scenery and outdoor possibilities shown, some excellent publicity for Medford and Southern Oregon should result. The picture will be shown time after time all over the nation and will be viewed by many people. It is hoped to have it scheduled for Medford when it comes to the Pacific Coast. Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1929, page 3
Construction of dams in the main channel of the Rogue River below the
mouth of Big Butte Creek is now prohibited by law. Senate bill 154,
which specified the portion of the river to be withdrawn from
appropriation, was signed by the governor Tuesday.Tributary streams are eliminated under the provisions of the law, while appropriation of water from the restricted area may be made for domestic or irrigation [uses], without interfering with the free passage up and down of migratory fish. Senators Edward Miller, Grants Pass, and George Dunn, Ashland, and Representatives John H. Carkin, Medford, and William Briggs, Ashland, were sponsors of the measure. Gold Hill News, March 7, 1929,
page 1
Plans are under way to close one of the oldest county roads in the
valley. The road extends on the south side of the Rogue River from Gold
Hill to the Gold Ray Dam at Tolo. It traverses the property of the Gold
Ray Realty company.The county never does any work on the old road, and it is not used except by anglers and picnickers on the river. However, it is passable for autos. No families live on the road. It was the intention of the county court to close the road in 1873, when the old Fisher ferry across the Rogue River was abandoned and the main highway was diverted over Blackwell Hill, but due to an error in the proceedings, the road was left open. Now, after 59 years, it is proposed to close the road. Gold Hill News, May 16, 1929, page 1 ELECTRIC FISH DIVERTED INSTALLED AT GOLD RAY
An electric fish diverter, placed in operation at the Gold Ray Dam on
the Rogue River for the purpose of sending salmon upstream, has been
reported to Harold Clifford, state game warden, by Shirley Baker,
engineer, as being a pronounced success. The salmon previously flocked
in great numbers to a tail race which went around the dam and failed to
go upstream. The diverter was installed at the confluence of the stream
and the race, and now the salmon are going over the dam. The
installation was made May 12, with the federal government, the state
game department and the California-Oregon Power Company cooperating.Gold Hill News, May 23, 1929, page 1 To the Editor:
For three years I have been watching the slaughter of fish at the electric screen of Gold Ray Dam. Complaints have been made here, there and everywhere, Humane Society included, and no results. I will state a few facts I know are absolutely true and can produce witnesses to back them up if necessary. Thursday, May 21 I counted up to 200 salmon going down over the riffle tail first--backs broken plenty. Three trips to the river Friday, Saturday and Sunday, conditions not quite so bad. Yesterday they were slaughtered by the thousands. One man in a boat made the statement that he could easily have gaffed 200 fish. I saw seven boats and they were plenty busy salvaging them and am sorry there weren't more boats out there. We all know that the electric screen is absolutely a failure as steelhead, fingerling trout and silversides all get the same dose--haven't seen any dead carp yet. Wooden racks such as they have at Elk Creek hatchery can sure plug the river so no big ones and mighty few small ones go by. Why not put them in down there, or put some chicken wire across the channel? Could keep this up indefinitely, but . . . Charles E. Rose, Medford
R.F.D. 3, Box 28A "Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1931, page 9
Contrivance Held Ineffective--Tail Race Will Be Barred to Ascending Salmon by Regular Wooden Racks
Current was turned off the electric fish screen at the Gold Ray Dam
Saturday morning and the experiment discontinued indefinitely after a
thorough investigation by engineers of the United States Bureau of
Fisheries and officials of the Jackson County Game Protective
Association, it was announced this morning.The investigation was made at the request of local anglers, who believe that damage resulted to the fish from the use of the electric current in the water. Workmen have been busy the past two days in removing the electrodes, cables, wires and other apparatus from the river, and the electric screens are now entirely dismantled. Numerous salmon and jack salmon are in evidence in the vicinity of the Gold Ray Dam, and many of these fish are ascending the fish ladder daily due to the full flow of water being maintained in the ladder at all times. In former years before electric screening was tried a number of salmon have found their way up the tail race and are lying under or near the power house, the officials report. It is believed by many pioneer fishermen that these fish will either drop back to the spawning beds below the dam or work their way to the fish ladder above. In the meantime plans are being perfected to screen the tail race from the dam by wooden racks or other effective method. Medford Mail Tribune, June 3, 1931, page 6
Current was turned off the electric fish screen at the Gold Ray Dam
Saturday morning and the experiment discontinued indefinitely after a
thorough investigation by engineers of the United States Bureau of
Fisheries and officials of the Jackson County Game Protective
Association, it was announced this morning.The investigation was made at the request of local anglers, who believe that damage resulted to the fish from the use of the electric current in the water. Workmen have been busy the past two days in removing the electrodes, cables, wires and other apparatus from the river, and the electric screens are now entirely dismantled. Numerous salmon and jacks salmon are in evidence in the vicinity of the Gold Ray Dam, and many of these fish are ascending the fish ladder daily due to the full flow of water being maintained in the ladder at all times. In former years before electric screening was tried a number of salmon have found their way up the trail race and are lying under or near the power house, the officials report. It is believed by many pioneer fishermen that these fish will either drop back to the spawning beds below the dam or work their way to the fish ladder above. In the meantime plans are being perfected to screen the tail race from the dam by wooden racks or other effective method. Gold Hill News, June 4, 1931, page 1 FISH SHOCKED BY SHORTED CIRCUIT AT DAM, IS IDEA
A letter mailed to the state fish commission, which
obviously inspired the front page story in this morning's Oregonian,
maintaining that thousands of Chinook salmon and steelhead trout have
been killed by the "short circuits" at Gold Ray Dam, was released this
morning by the local office of the California Oregon Power Company with
the letter received from M. T. Hoy, master fish warden, requesting data
regarding the situation.While 141 short circuits have been found in the Gold Ray plant during the past four years, in accordance with the Oregonian story, there have been only three in which questions of fish disturbance arose, according to the power company. Quotations carried in the Oregonian from the company report are correct but frequently incomplete, leaving much room for deductions. "Outdoor construction at Gold Ray is the usual type for hydroelectric plants of this size and age and conforms to requirements of the state public service commission. All equipment is well grounded, and a test of the ground resistance has recently been made. For an average of two readings measurement gave 4 ohms, which we consider to be a low value," the power company report reads. The letter ends with assuring the fish commission that the.company is very "interested in the fish situation at Gold Ray." It is believed, the fish commissioner reports, according to a dispatch from Portland, that the short circuits, loosing 66,000 volts of electricity at a time, killed thousands of fish. Master Fish Warden Hoy asked the power company for a report in response to several incidents reported by observers. Witnesses had reported seeing countless fish leap from the electrically charged water, turn over on their backs and float downstream. The California Oregon Power Company report, which lists the causes and time of each line interruption for the past four years, is being considered today by the state fish commission. Medford Mail Tribune, July 21, 1931, page 2 GOLD RAY FISH LADDER REBUILT
at Gold Ray dam has been rebuilt on the south side, and will be opened
in about two weeks when the concrete has had time to set, Ralph
Cowgill, engineer for the state game commission, stated last night
before leaving for the north.A meeting of sportsmen is expected to be held there in the near future, Mr. Cowgill said, with an address by Professor Irving Vining, and representative sportsmen and officials of the California-Oregon Power Company in attendance. Medford Mail Tribune, November 11, 1932, page 1
By special permission of the state game commission, under the
supervision of three district game wardens, Malcolm, Roach and Walker,
the undertaking of seining carp out of Kelly Slough will start tomorrow
morning.Those who have cars, and others who wish to go, either to help or watch, can meet at Al Piche's store at 9 a.m. and go direct to the fishing grounds. They should wear old clothes, boots and bring a few sandwiches, as it will be past dinner hour before the first drift will be landed. The fish will be put on ice, and anyone that knows of families who want some fresh fish can call at Piche's store or Hubbard Bros. Everyone is urged to cooperate in this move, as it will save many a game fish, which will mean better fishing to the sportsman in future years. If this proves a success, it is planned to seine out the inlets around and above Gold Ray Dam, where the carp are numerous, and a pest to other fish life. Medford Mail Tribune, May 23, 1933, page 1
They couldn't carry home all the fish they got when they went seining
with Al Piche! That's the story game wardens and sportsmen who visited
Kelly Slough Wednesday 200 strong are telling. (The one little sun
perch which got caught was too slippery for the river reformists.)With an official state permit, and a gallery of spectators, the delegation left Medford in the morning to clean the slough of carp, considered detrimental to the healthy progress of other fish life. Notified of the project through the press, sportsmen and fish-hungry folk from all sections of the valley gathered on the banks of the slough and in canoes at an early hour to await developments. Arrangements for icing the fish had been completed in advance at the local storage house. Game Wardens Rodney Roach of this city and Officer Malcolm of Grants Pass were present to see that the law was not disregarded in any detail. Following much maneuvering by experienced seiners, who assured Mr. Piche that they knew how to handle the nets, they were lowered into the high waters. The proper time was allowed for the fish to enter, then all hands were put to the lines. Much tugging brought the net to shore and a little sun perch, its only cargo, flipped from the net to return to water, but was grasped by an ambitious photographer, who held it captive long enough for Horace Bromley of the California Oregon Power Company to grind out a motion picture. Additional instructions were passed about and a second drift was attempted. The seine was lowered ''way down low." It became very heavy without delay and the faces of the seiners brightened. A second beaching was accomplished and some fisherman's boat, long waterlogged, was turned out of the net. Two young men in a canoe, startled by the find, which had all the appearances of a whale as it first became visible, turned over and went to the bottom with their craft. They came up a few minutes later, blowing bubbles, but with no carp in their pockets. So Al Piche and his seiners came home! But far from discouraged, Mr. Piche insisted today. He's going to get another permit in July or August, when the water is low, and he's going to bring the carp to the surface, seines or no seines, and furthermore, he added today in defense of his party, "Wednesday was the best day of the year, and we had a good crowd." Medford Mail Tribune, May 26, 1933, page 8
Visitors to the fishways at the Ray Gold dam can behold a queer
phenomenon of fish life, by the simple process of washing their hands
in the churned waters as they tumble over the power dam. The result is
something for wonderment, and to cause Ripley to draw a ''Believe It or Not" picture.The exhibition was staged yesterday by Ralph Cowgill, engineer for the state game commission, while a thousand or more salmon were endeavoring to make their way up the fish ladder. They were milling around in rapids and pools within an area of 100 feet, intent on gaining the calm waters above the dam. Cowgill ordered a Mail Tribune reporter to wash his hands in the fishway, and himself did the same. In about a minute, the scores of salmon started to act crazily, leap in the water, rush into pools and lash the water into foam, and decamp for the other side of Rogue River in great haste. In two minutes, where before there had been hundreds of fish, not a fin nor a tail was in sight. Cowgill said he did not know what made the salmon act the way they did, thought it might be instinct, and said it was a job for scientists. It was all very strange and interesting. Cowgill declared that "If the washing of hands causes such a commotion, what happens when a poacher enters the fishway with boots and pants." He said this was one reason why the fish of late had been away from the fishways. A special state police guard is being maintained at the Ray Gold dam to prevent poaching. Recently three men--E. Hogue of Medford, W. H. Penninger of Central Point, and J. H. Sawyer of Medford--were arrested by Officer Walker for poaching at the Ray Gold dam and fined $100 by Justice of the Peace W. R. Coleman. It was also reported that another poacher last week slipped while in the fishway and nearly drowned before hauled ashore by his companions. Medford Mail Tribune, June 8, 1933, page 5 Copco is repairing the river bridge at Gold Ray Dam. "Tolo," Medford Mail Tribune, September 12, 1933, page 4 GOLD RAY PLANS RENEW HOPE FOR
T. E. Daniels Cites Long Effort to Secure Adequate Fishways at Power Site
"Announcement by the California-Oregon Power Company that the Gold Ray
Dam will be rebuilt this year is the first encouragement for fish and
wildlife conservationists in many years that there is yet a possibility
of perpetuating some of the long-lost fame of Rogue River as a
migratory watercourse for the famous sea-run steelhead trout," it was
stated today by T. E. Daniels, well-known Medford sportsman.
"For many years the present dam at Gold Ray has been responsible for the destruction of millions of fish, both steelhead trout and salmon, in their effort to ascend and descend the river at that point," Mr. Daniels explained. Promises Cited
"The announced construction of the dam,
or its
rebuilding," he pointed out, "reminds the sportsmen of the power
company's oft-repeated promise in the past that a new fishway with its
outlet below the power house, in the spillway, would be built when the
dam was rebuilt. Only at the spillway, where the power house will
discharge practically the entire flow of the river at low-water
seasons, will there be enough water to attract the fish ascending the
river. For many years the badly leaking Gold Ray Dam has furnished some
water above the spillway in low-water seasons to attract fish. With a
new practically watertight dam, the amount of water the present
fishways will discharge at their outlets, even though they be kept full
of water at all times, will be useless to attract the ascending fish,
which will vainly fight their lives away, as they have for
many past years, below the power house.Depression Delay
"Conservationists, sportsmen, state game
and United States Bureau of Fisheries officials were promised the new
fishway by the power company year after year, in connection with the
proposed rebuilding of the dam. With the depression the expenditure of
money for a new dam was said to be impossible."Failure now to build the new fish ladder with the new dam will be the final blow to Rogue River's future possibilities of being rehabilitated as a sea-run steelhead trout fishing stream. "Brown and Cox Webb, Zane Grey, Fred Burnham and hundreds of other anglers of worldwide reputation, who once sang the praises of Rogue River steelhead fishing from Australia to Maine, deserted the stream years ago," Daniels said. "Wherever one travels, from California to Canada, is heard the lament of the commercial despoliation of Rogue River as an angler's paradise. Situation Known
"The state game commission is fully
aware of the
Gold Ray Dam situation and chamber of commerce wildlife conservation
committees in Grants Pass, Ashland and Medford likewise appreciate the
situation. They have an opportunity to justify their existence by
insisting that there be no new dam construction at Gold Ray that does
not incorporate, at the same time the dam is rebuilt, the construction
of a ladder from the top of the dam to the spillway below the power
house. Anything less will be a useless gesture," Daniels stated."The power company has the opportunity to do a real service for Oregon, one which will receive the plaudits of every thinking conservationist in the West, by the construction of the promised fish ladder. It will be a successful model for future dam construction plans in other places in the country. "A fish ladder of this type, carrying ample water, is acknowledged by all authorities on the subject to be absolutely efficient and successful. An easily accessible fish ladder at Gold Ray is of more importance to the Southern Oregon community than the small amount of power to be developed there. If a restored Rogue River steelhead fishing stream can be accomplished it will pay unrealized dividends in attracting thousands of people to Southern Oregon in the years to come." Medford Mail Tribune, January 9, 1940, page 6 FISH LADDERS AT GOLD RAY DAM ON
Sportsmen of the Rogue River Valley will be interested to know that two
new fish ladders are in the process of construction at Gold Ray Dam on
the Rogue River. This construction is preceding the rebuilding of the
present dam at Gold Ray. One of the ladders will replace the north
ladder and the other one will be an entirely new feature and will empty
into the river in the tailrace below the power house. The state game
commission has surveyed the matter and approved the plans, and from all
indications the migration of fish will be taken care of
satisfactorily when such ladders are completed. The
California-Oregon Power Company is cooperating and constructing the
Because of the present stage of construction, it has been necessary to shut the water out of both old fish ladders at the dam. Much discussion and speculation have arisen among the sportsmen because of the shutdown of these ladders. However, the same has been approved by the state game commission since, at the present time, there is no substantial amount of steelhead at Gold Ray. Also, from all information available, and as furnished by the power company, such shutdown will not continue more than a week or 10 days, at the end of which time it is anticipated that at least one of the ladders will be finished and the water turned back into the river. Every effort is being made to complete one ladder as soon as possible so as to not cause any greater delay than is necessary. From all information available, the summer run of steelhead has not yet appeared in large numbers in the upper river, and for that reason it is hoped that there will be no serious stoppage of fish. It has also been pointed out by the power company that if a substantial run of steelhead appears at Gold Ray, it will be possible to shut off the power house and run the water through a bypass channel through which the steelhead could make their way up the river. A meeting of the board of directors of the Rogue River Sportsmen Club was held August 1 at the home of Kenneth G. Denman, president, and it was the consensus that the construction of these new ladders was vital to the conservation program in the Rogue River and that the sportsmen should cooperate and not become impatient on account of a short delay in the operation of the fish ladders. Medford Mail Tribune, August 3, 1941, page 2 WILL BUILD LADDERS
(Ore.), Aug. 12.--The Oregon State Game Commission has approved the
action of the California Oregon Power Company in constructing two new
fish ladders in the Rogue River at the Gold Ray Dam, preceding the
rebuilding of the present dam at Gold Ray. Sportsmen also have approved
the new ladders.
Sacramento Bee, August 12, 1941, page 14 NEW FISH LADDERS AT GOLD RAY DAM
Sportsmen Delegation Inspects Recent Installation--Power Co. Lauded.
new fish ladder at Gold Ray Dam, which has been under construction by
the California-Oregon Power Company, is now finished and in operation.
This ladder is the second built recently by the power company at Gold
Ray, and takes out of the river on the north side of the dam and
empties into the tailrace which comes out immediately under the power
house. The ladder formerly constructed empties into the river
immediately below the dam and was finished this spring.
In times past the migrating fish have accumulated in the tailrace, and with this newest ladder emptying immediately into the race, the fish will find their way over the dam quickly and easily and no delay should be experienced in future fish migrations over Gold Ray Dam. Commission Designer
ladders were designed by the
state game commission and are of the latest type. When the water was
put into the tailrace ladder, it was noted by observers that the fish
immediately left the tailrace and made their way up the ladder and over
the dam. The construction of this ladder has long been a hope of the
sportsmen in this valley.A group of sportsmen including the leaders of the Rogue River Sportsman's Club and the Central Point Sportsman's Club, together with other persons interested, visited Gold Ray Dam September 8 and observed the operation of the newest ladder. Everyone present expressed himself as well pleased with its operation. The ladder is designed to operate in both high- and low-water stages. The first ladder built this summer operates best at higher stages of the water. It is the belief of the sportsmen present at the time of inspection that there will be no cause for complaint in the future in regards to the migration of fish over Gold Ray Dam. The sportsman's clubs feel that the California-Oregon Power Company is entitled to a great deal of credit for building the two new fish ladders. It was observed that the power company has cooperated fully and done everything in its power to make the new fish ladders successful, and it is believe that such has been accomplished. Medford Mail Tribune, September 10, 1942, page 10 John Boyle, vice president and general manager of California-Oregon Power Company, said Crescent City is without power. Worst of the flooding in the Copco area was there. But elsewhere service was maintained, despite the fact that several power plants went out of service, Boyle said. The Gold Ray Dam power house had water up to its windows, and "the backwater is almost as high as the headwater," the Copco official said. In the 1927 flood, the water was slightly higher, he reported, but how much is unknown, as the flood gauges were washed out. Both approaches to the Gold Ray bridge were washed out. "Swollen Streams Menace Area," Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1955, page 1 The facts told to this writer by miners around Gold Hill that in a six- to eight-hour waiting period for the reservoir to fill with water after completion, a dozen or so men with gold pans would wash out from $5 to $18 from each pan of gravel taken just below the Ray dam. Bert Kissinger, letter to the editor, Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1956, page 4 After the dam was completed no fish ladder of any kind [was] put in. Later at spawning time salmon trying to reach the spawning grounds were halted here, where they accumulated by the thousands. Now and then a husky salmon would try to leap over the dam, but would be thrown back by the swift falling water. Complaints began to pour in, and pressure from Salem caused the company to put in a makeshift ladder. Some years later an adequate ladder was put in. At one time, salmon were so thick below the dam that some said, "One could walk across the river on the backs of salmon." Thousands of salmon were destroyed between the dam's completion and the putting in of fish ladders. R. E. Nealon, "Tablets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 16, 1962, page B5 The Pacific Power and Light Company's Gold Ray Bridge is gone. . . . "Rampaging River Destroys Bridges; Others Impassable," Medford Mail Tribune, December 23, 1964, page 1 As the rains let up Thursday a.m., Jackson County counted its bridges. On the Rogue River: McLeod bridge . . . washed out, Shady Cove bridge . . . washed out, Dodge bridge . . . approaches gone, Bybee bridge . . . north approach gone, Gold Ray bridge . . . washed out. "Rogue River Areas Staggered by Flood," Oregonian, Portland, December 26, 1964, page 21 Last revised November 17, 2024 |