Klum C. K. Klum, born in New Trenton, Franklin County, Ind., Sept. 2, 1829, and emigrated from Louisa County, Iowa to Oregon in 1847. Saddler. "Southern Oregon Pioneers," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 8, 1882, page 3 The newest item we may report from this live burg is the advent of a weekly newspaper. The first issue appearing dated Jan. 5th, 1891, with Master Blaine Klum as publisher and proprietor. We predict for this enterprise--what every citizen should assist in making it--a success. Considering the age of the proprietor of the Talent Parrot (10 years) it is the enterprise of the age. "Talent Items," Ashland Tidings, January 9, 1891, page 2 The Talent Bird Eye is being issued from Blaine Klum's press every Monday. It's a live paper. Terms 5 cts. a month in advance. "Talent Items," Ashland Tidings, July 17, 1891, page 2 B. C. Goddard, Jeff Bell and sons, Waldo and Blaine Klum, of Talent, have been among the rusticators in the Dead Indian country lately. M. H. Coleman and W. J. Dean and their families are camping in the Big Butte Creek section. Ashland Tidings, August 5, 1892, page 3 ![]() Combined
Ashland Town and Normal School Teams 1897--Blaine Klum center, holding
ASHLAND, Aug. 18.--Freight agent P. B. Whitney and clerk Blaine
Klum were unloading a car of miscellaneous freight and Klum was
tumbling down a 500-pound barrel of bluestone, each looking at the
point where it was to land. It is needless to ask how they felt when
they suddenly discovered that it would land on a stick of Hercules
giant powder eight inches long and one inch in diameter, which had in
some manner broken out of a whole box of it lying alongside. The
500-pound weight landed and smashed that stick of giant powder into
several pieces. It was remarkable that the powder did not explode, as
it was quite warm and much of the nitroglycerin free.Blaine Klum, Private. "Co. B, 2nd Oregon Vol. Inf., Spanish-American-Philippine War, 1898-99," The Plaindealer, Roseburg, August 10, 1899, page 2 "Ashland," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, August 18, 1902, page 3 Blaine Klum and family of Ashland have taken up their residence in Medford, and Mr. Klum will follow his profession, that of sign and placard writing. The young man is a cripple and is unable to do manual labor of any kind, he being compelled to move about the streets in a wheeled chair. He is ambitious, however, and while his parents are amply able to supply him with his every need, he prefers to make a living for himself and family with his own hands, and that is what he is doing now. He is getting a great amount of work to do and is attending to it properly and promptly. The Mail feels that such men as he deserve every support possible for our citizens to bestow. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1907, page 5 He doesn't talk plain, but B. Klum makes signs on cardboard. Medford Daily Tribune, August 5, 1907, page 2 "Thumbs up." B. Klum will make your indoor Carnival signs. "Business Pointers," Medford Daily Tribune, August 14, 1907, page 2 ARTIST
Medford is fortunate in having so
versatile a genius as Mr. Klum. The airbrush cards which give the show
windows of Medford such a metropolitan appearance are from his studio.![]() The matter of detail and execution are not the only points in which he shows his genius, for he is an expert ad writer and an inventor of phrases and designs of more than usual professional merit. They're twins--success and Klum's cards. "Medford
and the Rogue River Valley," The
Sketch, Portland, Oregon, September 14-21, 1907
Blaine Klum, the artist, has purchased from C. W. Palm three lots at the corner of Eleventh and G streets, paying $1000 for same. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 20, 1907, page 4 B. Klum, the advertising artist, is leaving for Central Point this evening to install a handsome advertising rack in that burg. "Social and Personal," Medford Daily Tribune, October 1, 1907, page 4 Bessie Stanley Klum died in Ashland from complications arising from an attack of erysipelas. Mrs. Klum was a bride of less than two months, having been married to Charles Waldo Klum, son of one of the old pioneer families of Southern Oregon, October 25. Mrs. Klum was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stanley, of Ashland, and granddaughter of the late General John E. Ross, one of the well-known pioneers and Indian fighters of the Rogue River Valley. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 13, 1907, page 5 NEW SIGN ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION
The new sign standing on Seventh Street, representing a red Fiji
islander, is attracting considerable attention. Morgan & Klum are
the designers. It was a nifty idea.
Medford Daily Tribune, January 27, 1909, page 4 The plat of the Summit addition, dedicated by Dr. E. B. Pickel, B. Klum and C. W. Murphy, located between Seventh and Fourth streets, and on the other side of the Wolverton addition, was accepted. "Petitions for Paving Killed," Medford Mail, March 19, 1909, page 4 BASEBALL GAME TURNS OUT BIG
ball game on Friday afternoon, for which all of the business houses of
the city closed up so that all could attend, turned out to be a cross
between a prize fight and the great American game. Hard names, fists,
autos, policemen, recorders and a few other parties took a hand in the
melee, and when it was all over the city of Medford won by a score of
15 bucks to 0. Phil Cooney, shortstop, was the fall guy.Phil Cooney Loses His Head and Calls Fans Some Hard Names-- B. Klum Took Exception and Cleaned Cooney. SHORTSTOP STOPPED SHORT IN CENTRAL POINT; RETURNED Recorder Takes Hand in Game and Annexes 15 Bucks for City Treasury--Game Tomorrow. The applying of epithets started in the first spasms. The Medford fans were out in force and decided that if rooting would annex the game that there would be nothing to it. Cooney came in for the heaviest brunt of the hard ones, and in the eighth he walked up and down in front of the bleachers and proceeded to say some very nasty things. B. Klum, the local artist, took some of the remarks to heart and when invited to "come out" by Cooney he didn't stop to see, but he conquered. Klum was unmercifully getting the best of Cooney when the scrap became a free-for-all. Garibaldi, a Portland boy, measured with one and came off on top. The rest of the crowd interfered, and the fight was over. Then manager MacRae of the Colts took a hand in the matter and thought that it would be better for Cooney to get out of town, as popular feeling was very much against him. He obtained an auto and started the boy to Central Point. Here the police were brought into the affair, and Chief Shearer started after Cooney and brought him back. He was taken before Recorder Collins, and there was fined 15 bucks and costs. Feeling ran high against him during the afternoon, and had it not been for some of the larger men of the crowd holding the fans in check things would have gone hard with Cooney. The boy escaped from them, however, and this morning left for Portland. Thus ended the affair. Oh yes, the score was in favor of Portland--7-4. The boys will play another game on Sunday afternoon. No more fights are on tap. Medford Daily Tribune, April 10, 1909, page 1 The trouble started as soon as the game. A number of rooters in the grandstand began calling Cooney names, and had they taken lessons in "baiting" they could not have been more insulting. Cooney held his temper until the last of the eighth inning, then he walked up and down cursing the bleachers. B. Klum drew Cooney's fire, and the insults flew until finally Klum jumped over the screen and started to mix it with Cooney. Peace was finally restored and the game finished. The visitors attempted to have Cooney spirited away when they learned that a mob threatened Cooney and did succeed in getting him as far as Central Point. Here Mayor M. H. Canon took a hand in the affair and urged Klum to swear out a warrant for Cooney. Cooney was taken before the Recorder and fined $15. He left for Portland this morning. "Cooney Charged by Medford Mob," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, April 10, 1909, page 7 FANS RUSH FIELD; PLAYER ARRESTED
B. Klum, a bleacherite, jumped through the wire screen followed by a crowd, and attacked Cooney.Phil Cooney Center of Storm at Medford. HOT MIXUP ON DIAMOND Mayor Causes Warrant to Issue for Arrest. FLIGHT IN AUTO FOLLOWS Marshal Pursues in Another Car and Brings Back Cooney from Central Point, Whereupon Casey's Man Pays Fine.
MEDFORD, Or., April 9.--(Special.)--Roysterers on the bleachers at the
game between Casey's Colts and the locals here today enlivened the
occasion by persistently "baiting" Phil Cooney, Casey's shortstop. Finally in the eighth inning Cooney retaliated in kind and most vociferously. This is what followed:
A larger man attempted to take the fight off Klum's hands, when Garibaldi interfered and pummeled the interloper until he was pulled off by others, leaving the big man with a burst lip and various contusions. Cooney and Klum agreed to settle their differences after the game, and mutual friends began negotiations to avert further violence. Mayor W. H. Canon intervened and caused a warrant to issue for Cooney's arrest on a charge of using profane language. Flight and Pursuit by Auto.
Cooney's friends
spirited the shortstop away to Central Point in an automobile in an
effort to avert his arrest.The city marshal of Medford learned of Cooney's destination and gave chase in a second automobile and arrived at Central Point in time to arrest Cooney before the northbound train on which he intended to depart had arrived. Cooney was brought back to Medford and fined $15. Mayor Canon's son was in the crowd watching the game today. It is alleged by Cooney's friends that the young man was among those who were baiting the shortstop, and that he therefore was one of the targets of Cooney's sulfurous remarks when the latter began to retaliate. Because of these facts, Cooney's friends say the Mayor took up the case and refused to permit the amicable adjustment which seemed to be imminent. Klum and Cooney were brought together after it was all over and the matter ended in mutual apologies. Cooney will leave this morning for Portland. Game Easily Portland's.
Of the game, there isn't much to tell; Portland again gave Gardner a
beating, and won the game in the opening inning. Bassey walked, stole
second and scored on Mullen's single, Mullen going to second on the
return throw. Garibaldi's long single to left scored Mullen. Garry
stole second and third, but died there.Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 10, 1909, page 1 ALL QUIET AT MEDFORD
COONEY LEAVES TOWN AND SORE SPOTS HEAL. Casey's Colts Will Cross Bats This Afternoon in Last Game with Medford Team. BY WILL G. MacRAE.
MEDFORD, Or., April 10.--(Special.)--Quiet prevails here after the
storm of yesterday, and tomorrow morning Casey's Colts will play their
last game. While the feeling here is still strong, the fact that Cooney
has left town has in a measure done much to still the bitter feeling.
During the apology which followed between Cooney and B. Klum, the newspaper artist who jumped over the screen and resented the names Cooney called him, it developed that he was not one of those who had been baiting Cooney. Klum was a former student of the University of Oregon and served with the Second Oregon in the Philippines. He is a quiet man and popular here, and the fact that he had only recently fully recovered from an illness resulting from his campaign against the Filipinos had as much as anything to do with his intense feeling against the Portland shortstop. "I am charitable enough," said Klum today, "to say that I think Cooney mistook me for someone else, but he called me names that I could not but resent. Cooney was under the impression I had insulted him. I had not, and I don't want the impression to get abroad that I am given to disorderly acts." The game tomorrow will be between teams made up of the Medford players and of Casey's recruits. Chief Pinnance will pitch for Medford and perhaps Casey will play second base for the locals. Pitcher Guyn will be given his first chance to work out. Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 11, 1909, page 10 Dr. E. B. Pickel, B. Klum and W. C. Murphy have purchased from Dr. J. F. Reddy the half block on the [northwest] corner of Central Avenue and Eighth Street, where the bakery and blacksmith shop are located at present. The price paid was $8700. "Dr. Reddy Sells Property at C and 8th, $8700," Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1909, page 1 Dr. J. F. Reddy sells half block, corner of Eighth and Central, to Dr. E. B. Pickel, Blaine Klum and W. C. Murphy for $8700. "Twenty Years Ago Today: November 1, 1909," Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1929, page 12 BLAINE KLUM PATENTS ADVERTISING
Klum has received letters patent for an unique advertising contrivance,
and will leave shortly for San Francisco to confer with manufacturers
and agents for the proper placing of the apparatus.
It is designated as an advertising hat rack. The contrivance has the appearance of an ordinary hat and coat rack, but with the difference that when the garment is hung on the hook a bell is rung and an advertising card appears above. Mr. Klum applied for a patent several months ago, and during part of the time the contrivance has been used in some of the public places of this city. Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1909, page 4 ![]() December
12, 1909 Trenton
Evening Times
Throws Out Cards When Overcoats and Hats Are Hung Upon It.
seems to be no limit to the means which advertisers will adopt to
distribute their cards or literature. In some places associations have
been formed to check the desecration of landscapes by unsightly
boardings, but whatever the merits of the dispute may be, there is no
denying the progressiveness of the advertiser. Now comes an Oregon man
with an advertising hat rack that projects the business cards of the
firm using it into the hats of its patrons. Above the hook of the rack
is an opening, and behind this a pack of cards and a lever that picks
up the topmost card. This lever is operated by movement of the hook,
and when the hook is depressed, as when a hat or coat is hung upon it,
the card is projected through the opening and into the hat or the
visitor's hands. Such an apparatus is particularly designed for use in
restaurants or other places where patrons hang up their hats and coats.
Trenton Evening Times, New Jersey, December 12, 1909, page 9 Bids Wanted on Sewer and Water
Connections on Summit Avenue.
laying and connecting 720 feet 6-in. sewer tile, 12 6-inch to 4-inch
Ys. 720 feet 1-in. water pipe. Bids opened at noon February 5. For
particulars call on B. Klum, office near Commercial Club rooms.
Bids Wanted on Concrete Walks and
Curbs on Summit Avenue.
Medford Mail Tribune, January
31, 1910, page 5
1800 feet 5-foot concrete walks, 1650 feet curb walk..
Bids opened at noon February 5. For
particulars call on B. Klum, office near Commercial Club rooms.
WANTED--A bright boy from 15 to 17 years old, for apprenticing in the show card business. See B. Klum, upstairs in the Hutchison & Lumsden store. Classified ad, Medford Mail Tribune, March 27, 1910, page 7 "High Jinks Is Plan of Club," Medford Mail Tribune, April 7, 1910, page 1 Ed Wilkinson and Blaine Klum missed a Medford [baseball] game yesterday for the first time in years, which gives George Merriman the premium as the most constant fan. "Medford As Yet Leads with 1000," Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1910, page 5 Vice-President Pickel today named the committee to take charge of the movement to secure a railroad to Crescent City from Medford. [Blaine Klum is one of those named.] "Committee Is To Work for a Road to Coast," Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1910, page 1 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1910 Blaine Klum et al. to E. B. Pickel, lot 3, block 1, Summit addition to Medford . . . 10 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page B5 C. K. KLUM, 82, DIES AT ASHLAND
Ashland, Or., April 26.--C. K. Klum, one of the pioneers of Southern
Oregon, dropped dead at his home in this city last night, aged 82. Mr.
Klum came to this section in the early '60s and started the first paper
in Ashland. He was first city recorder at Ashland.City's First Newspaper Man and First Recorder Falls Dead at Home. (Special Dispatch to the Journal.) Oregon Journal, Portland, April 26, 1911, page 4 Rogue River Pioneer Dies.
ASHLAND, Or., April 25.--(Special.)--C.K. Klum, one of the oldest pioneers in Rogue River Valley and veteran
of Indian wars, died suddenly tonight from heart failure. He was 82
years old. He leaves two sons, one living here and the other in Medford.Morning Oregonian, Portland, April 26, 1911, page 11 FOR RENT--Business building, corner Eighth and Central Avenue, suitable for garage or other purposes. See B. Klum, 216 East Main. Classified ad, Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1911, page 5 ROGUE RIVER VALLEY PIONEER DIES AT 81
The Ashland Valley Record contains the following account of C. K. Klum, father of Blaine Klum, of Medford, who died at Ashland, Tuesday:
Mr. Klum was one of the earliest pioneers now living in Oregon, having come across the plains from Missouri to Sodaville, Linn County, with his father's family in the year 1847. Upon hearing of the Whitman massacre near Fort Walla Walla in 1848, Mr. Klum walked 75 miles to Oregon City to join a company of pioneer settlers who went to the scene to assist in relieving the disastrous situation wrought by the breaking out of the Cayuse War and served for a considerable period in guarding the emigrant trains from the hostile Indians. He joined in the early rush consequent upon the discovery of gold in California and passed through Rogue River Valley twice before there was a single white settlement in this valley. Mr. Klum was the first Recorder of Ashland at its incorporation and was on the school board that located the old South School building. He went east in 1884 and after a visit in Ohio returned with the first Polled Angus calves brought to Southern Oregon. About this period he moved to Talent and for nine years conducted a store at that place, after which the family moved back to Ashland. In moving from the Willamette Valley to Jackson County the pioneer sold a farm there for a few stands of bees, which were the first colonies brought to this county. While engaged in mining in the Sterling district near Jacksonville he met Miss Lucinda Finley, and they were married at Jacksonville June 12, 1875. Of this union four sons and one daughter survive, as follows: Mrs. Hypatia McKendree, of Berkeley, Cal.; Blaine Klum, of Medford, and Waldo and Otto Klum of Ashland. C. D. Rifner, of Shake, is a nephew and Mrs. Ella Cooke, of Jacksonville, is a niece. Albert Rockfellow, aged 84, is a cousin. He is survived by a brother, George Klum, two years his senior, living at Sodaville, where also resides his stepmother and also a stepbrother, Henry Klum. Another stepbrother, Lyman Klum, resides at Glendale. Had he lived until September 2, Mr. Klum would have been 82 years old. He was elected president of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Society at its annual meeting last fall. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 5, 1911, page 3 A signboard placed at the corner of Fir and Main streets and showing a view of the Roguelands tract is attracting much attention. Mr. Klum executed the design. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 7, 1911, page 2 [Blaine Klum named director of the Medford Commercial Club.] "Judge Colvig Is Named Head of Booster Club," Medford Mail Tribune, November 7, 1911, page 1 WANTED--A first-class sign painter; must be good gold man; profitable position for right man. B. Klum, Medford, Or. Classified ad, Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 14, 1911, page 13 [Blaine Klum is included in a list of University of Oregon alumni.] "Former Students of University To Hold Reunion," Medford Mail Tribune, August 30, 1912, page 6 BLAINE KLUM LOSES EYE IN ACCIDENT AT MEDFORD
(Special to The Journal.) Medford, Or.,
Sept. 14.--Blaine Klum, formerly of Portland and an advertising man of
this city, was blinded today when a piece of wire on the back of an
electric sign pierced his right eye. He has been hastened to San
Francisco for an operation, but it is thought there is no chance to
save the sight. Klum is the inventor of many advertising devices and is
widely acquainted in Southern Oregon.
Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, September 15, 1912, page 4 BLAINE KLUM LOSES SIGHT OF ONE EYE
twisting a piece of galvanized wire from a sign Friday night Blaine
Klum, the well-known sign painter, sustained an injury to his right eye
which may result in the loss of that member. After examining the injury
Dr. E. B. Pickel advised immediate consultation with a specialist, and
Mr. and Mrs. Klum left for San Francisco Saturday. Only an immediate
operation can save the eye, and even then the sight will be permanently
When twisting the wire the end band came off suddenly, and the loose end of the wire swung around striking the eyeball and cutting the pupil. Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1912, page 4 BLAINE KLUM IS INJURED
MAY LOSE SIGHT OF EYE BECAUSE OF ACCIDENT CUTS EYEBALL WITH SHARP WIRE Former Ashland Boy Injured in Medford Friday Night and Taken to San Francisco for Surgical Operation.
twisting a piece of galvanized wire from a sign at Medford Friday
night, Blaine
Klum, the well-known sign painter, sustained an injury to his right eye
which may result in the loss of that member. After examining the injury
Dr. E. B. Pickel advised immediate consultation with a specialist, and
Mr. and Mrs. Klum left for San Francisco last night. Only an immediate
operation can save the eye, and even then the sight will be permanently
When twisting the wire the end band came off suddenly, and the loose end of the wire swung around, striking the eyeball and cutting the pupil. Although the wound was very painful, it was not thought dangerous until Saturday, when Dr. Pickel made a thorough examination and advised operation by an eye specialist. Blaine Klum is one of the best-known residents of the city and county and is acquainted throughout the city. His many friends will be sorry to hear of the painful accident he has sustained. Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1912, page 4 Mrs. B. Klum has returned from San Francisco, whither she accompanied her husband, whose eye was seriously hurt in a recent accident. Mr. Klum is recovering steadily and will not be permanently injured.. Medford Mail Tribune, October 12, 1912, page 5 Mrs. Blaine Klum has returned from San Francisco, where she accompanied her husband, who had his eye severely injured by a wire striking it a few weeks ago. Mrs. Klum reports Mr. Klum recovering rapidly, with no danger of losing his eyesight. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, October 14, 1912, page 5 Blaine Klum returned from San Francisco Wednesday. Mr. Klum had been in San Francisco for several weeks receiving surgical treatment for an injury to one of his eyes which he sustained several weeks ago. The injured eye is in fairly good shape--so good in fact that he will not lose the eye and may not lose all its vision. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1912, page 2 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1912 ELECTRIC
A made-in-Medford industry that is justly assuming large proportions is
the electric sign business conducted by Blaine Klum. Mr. Klum has made
most of the electric signs in Medford, and his work has put this city
well up in the average class in respect to electric display appeals.
Many people here have thought that the handsome signs Klum has hung
were imported and have overlooked one of the important industries at
home. On another page in this paper Mr. Klum has a message for the
business men of the city--a message that is deserving attention.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1912, page 2 NOTICE.
is to show that I, B. Klum, have purchased the bill posting and
distributing business formerly conducted by V. T. Canon, and I will not
be responsible for bills contracted by Mr. Canon.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 6, 1912, page 2
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1913 M O V E D
I wish to call the attention of the public to the change in location of
my sign and outdoor advertising establishment. We are now located in
the Boyden Warehouse, on paved alley, between South Central and South
Electric Signs and All Other Kinds. Bill Posting and Distributing. Medford Mail Tribune, January 6, 1913, page 3
Klum has moved to the Boyden alley, between South Central and South
Bartlett. Mr. Klum thinks that he will be better located there and will
conduct his sign business with the same promptness and good work.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, January 8, 1913, page 6 WOULD REPAIR BILLBOARDS.
Blaine Klum Gets Possession of Local Plant.
Blaine Klum, formerly of Ashland, but now of Medford, has purchased the
billboard business in this city from Mr. Canon of Medford, and came
before the city council Tuesday evening asking permission to replace
the wooden boards with up-to-date galvanized iron structures. The
matter was referred to the street committee with power to act, and
after considerable discussion by the members of the committee and other
councilmen the request was granted.
Ashland Tidings, January 9, 1913, page 8 B. Klum has moved his sign business to the Boyden alley between S. Central and S. Bartlett. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1913, page 2 WILL BUILD BILLBOARD.
One to Adorn Site of Burned Building on Main Street.
Klum of Medford appeared before the city council Tuesday night and
asked permission to erect a billboard on the ground, or rather on the
floor of the building on Main Street owned by George Stephenson and
damaged by fire and recently torn down. Mr. Klum offered to put the
billboard back four feet from the street, burn all paper coming off the
board and to put a railing along the property line. The permission was
granted, the council believing that the board would improve rather than
disfigure the street, as it would hide a very unpleasant backyard
Ashland Tidings, April 17, 1913, page 1 The burned building was the Ashland Theater building--the former Ganiard Opera House--burned August 6, 1912. Blaine Klum, '00, was toastmaster for the social session which accompanied the banquet. "High School Alumni Banquet," Ashland Tidings, June 2, 1913, page 4 ![]() A Klum billboard, July 1913 At the request of Blaine Klum the ordinance committee was requested to draw an ordinance governing bill posting and distributing, with the intention of preventing circuses and other transients coming in and posting bills on barns, etc., which afterwards come off and litter the streets. "Meeting Is Harmonious," Ashland Tidings, June 19, 1913, page 1 Blaine Klum has returned from San Francisco. He states that his wife, who underwent an operation, is improving steadily. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1913, page 2 Blaine Klum was up from Medford Thursday evening, combining business with a visit to his mother. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, August 18, 1913, page 5 Fire at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday morning, caused by the igniting of a pot of grease left standing behind a stove in the A. Jorgenson bakery on South Central Avenue, gutted the bakery and caused damage by water and smoke to the Fouts Grocery company stock, the Palace rooming house and the Blaine Klum sign and paint shop, estimated at between $2000 and $2500. "Bakery Blaze Damages Store and Paint Shop," Medford Mail Tribune, June 2, 1914, page 3 Fire in Medford Bakery.
Medford, Or., June 2.--Fire at 2:30 this morning scorched the Blaine
Klum paint shop and burned the Jorgenson bakery on North Central
Avenue, causing damage estimated at $2500, covered by $1200 insurance.
The origin is believed to have been in the bake ovens.
The fire for a time threatened a serious conflagration in the business district. A general alarm was turned in, and in an hour the fire was under control. "Brief News of Northwest," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, June 2, 1914, page 2 Blaine Klum of Medford was in town a couple of days this week erecting billboards, which later on he expects to fill with signs. "Local News," Jacksonville Post, September 26, 1914, page 3 Blaine Klum is considering assuming the management of the appearance in this city of the all-star teams of the American and National league teams in this city, Monday, Nov. 2. The ball players ask a guarantee of $500. Klum will wire them tonight that he will guarantee them this amount on the gate receipts. "Twenty Years Ago Today: September 30, 1914," Medford Mail Tribune, September 30, 1934, page 6 Blaine Klum, who made an offer to the all star ball team composed of American and National league stars to appear here Nov. 2, has received no reply. He offered a guarantee of $500 and 50 percent of the gate receipts. The All Stars want the guarantee and 60 percent. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1914, page 2 The chief sporting attraction for the year in Southern Oregon will be the appearance in Medford next Monday, November 2, of the All Star baseball team, composed of stars of the last season in the American and National leagues, headed by Connie Mack, the most beloved man in baseball. The game will be called at 1 o'clock, and in case of rain all money paid for tickets will be refunded. The coming of these two great teams is under the local direction of Blaine Klum of Medford, and indications point to a record crowd. "Famous Ball Players in Medford Monday," Ashland Tidings, October 29, 1914, page 1 Stores of the city will be closed Monday afternoon from 1 to 3 o'clock to attend the All Star baseball game in this city upon that date. This action was decided upon this morning after a visit by Blaine Klum, who is manager of the Medford end of the coming of the great diamond stars. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1914, page 2 Last year brought to Medford few changes in its municipal organization, the official changes being the retirement of Water Superintendent George Tranna and Fire Chief Eugene Amy. An auxiliary fire truck was added to the fire protection facilities. There were two fires during the year in the business district, one in the Blaine Klum paint shop, and the other in the attic of the Diamond lodging house, both of North Central Avenue. The fire calls during the year totaled 186, a large percentage of which were for grass fires in the summer months. Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1915, page 4 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum and daughter visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. Klum is a brother of Professor Klum of the high school and is the proprietor of the Klum Advertising Company of Medford. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, February 4, 1915, page 5 Big "H" Causes Much Conjecture
mystification has been caused by a gigantic white "H" which has adorned
the brow of Prospect Point, formerly vulgarly called Roper's Bunion,
during the past few days. The explanation of the big white letter is as
follows: Some time ago the ladies of the Civic Improvement Club
suggested that a big sign which would be visible from all parts of the
city, and the depot especially, be placed upon some prominent place,
either on the hill back of Ashland or across Bear Creek. The matter was
taken up with the Commercial Club and Blaine Klum, the outdoor
advertising man of Medford, was up the last of the week with the big
"H," which was placed in various positions to determine the feasibility
of the plan. Its present location seemed, after much shifting around,
to be the best possible location. The letter is plainly visible from
almost any part of the city. At night it was illuminated with a
150-candlepower lamp with good effect. The letter is eight feet high,
and a sign of letters this height would be plainly visible from any
part of the city either by day or by night with proper illumination.
The committee from the club who had the matter under advisement are
well satisfied with the results of the experiments, and a permanent
sign may be erected. The wording of the sign would be a matter to be
determined later, should the club decide to have it erected. "Ashland
the Lithia City," "Ashland the Carlsbad of America," "Ashland Grows
While Lithia Flows" are a few of the suggestions which have been
offered for the wording. Such a sign would attract much attention from
all passengers who pass through on the S.P. trains, especially those
who will pass through on the new trains which will go through Ashland
in the early evening, and also from auto tourists.
Ashland Tidings, May 24, 1915, page 1 The Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Bowmer Theatre sits at the foot of Roper's Bunion. Blaine Klum and Frank Amy of Medford and D. D. Norris autoed to the summit of the Siskiyous Wednesday, where they looked over the ground preparatory to erecting a big sign. Blaine Klum of Medford, the outdoor advertising man, is spending a great deal of his time in the city lately planning with Commercial Club officials in regard to campground signs and other advertising. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 3, 1915, page 5 Big Signboards Direct Tourists
Tuesday evening's council meeting it was decided to enter into contract
with Blaine Klum for the erection of two monster signboards, one at the
intersection of the Boulevard and county road near the Holmes place
east of the city and other at the foot of the Eagle Mill hill. Both
signs will face the tourist squarely at the turn and cannot miss being
seen. The Commercial Club has already ordered two like signs, one at
the summit of the Siskiyous and one at Tolo. The monster sign is of an
artistic and most striking nature. The lettering reads: "Ashland, the
Carlsbad of America" (then the number of miles to the city), "Lithia
and Sulphur Springs, Auto Campgrounds, Campgrounds for Teams."
Additional wording may be added. The contract entered into provides for
erection of the signs and maintenance.
Ashland Tidings, June 7, 1915, page 1 Miss Lael Klum, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum, left Saturday evening for Berkeley, where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. McKendree. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, June 21, 1915, page 7 Picnic and Swim.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum of Medford, Postmaster
Ulrich and wife, Mr. Bennett, Dr. Golden and wife, Fred Fisk and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nunan and daughter and Miss Lewis of Jacksonville
motored up Wednesday evening and enjoyed a picnic dinner at the [Lithia
Park] auto camp grounds, after which a swim at Helman's filled out the
Ashland Tidings, July 8, 1915, page 4 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum and daughter of Medford have returned from San Francisco, where they visited the exposition. They made the trip by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Van Gasser of San Francisco returned with them and went with them on a trip to Crater Lake. Blaine says: "We have looked upon the greatest works of mankind and of nature and only deplore the fact that life is so short." The party were visitors in Ashland yesterday. Mrs. Van Gasser was formerly Miss Verna Force of this city. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, August 12, 1915, page 4 B. Klum, Medford sign artist and owner of the system of outdoor signboards in Ashland, was up Saturday looking after business interests. Blaine has a cute little two-wheeled trailer hitched onto the rear end of his car. The trailer he uses for transporting paint, ladders and other miscellaneous articles. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, September 27, 1915, page 5 B. Klum, the advertising man of Jackson County, came out with two other men and erected a frame on the corner of the lot facing Main Street and Hamilton Avenue, and later he intends to cover the frame with a metal covering, and the structure is to be used for general advertising. The billboard will not add much to the beauty of the place, but Mr. Klum says that he has so arranged the structure that there will be no paste drop on the sidewalk and that he intends to clean up the entire lot and try as much as possible to improve its appearance. A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, November 9, 1915, page 3 Through the courtesy of Blaine Klum of Medford, owner of the signboard system in Ashland, artistic and beautifully lithographed posters of immense size, depicting biblical scenes, are posted on the signboards. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 3, 1916, page 13 The Medford high school basketball team will play the Roseburg high school in this city next Thursday and Friday, and the whole-souled support of the city is solicited by the local team for the two games. Coach Klum has succeeded in injecting the fighting spirit into the team, and today [they] have shown the most class of any team representing the local school. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1916, page 2 Friday evening the last basketball game of the season will be played at the Nat, when Ashland and Medford meet in the third game of the series. Coach Klum has re-marked his floor here and made it the size of Ashland['s] and placed an auxiliary basket at one end. This floor is eighteen feet shorter and eight feet narrower than the original, that being the size of Ashland's, which is almost the minimum floor allowed in basketball. "Last Game of Season Played Friday at Nat," Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1916, page 2 Blaine Klum and family are spending a few days at "Camp Nick" on Big Butte fishing. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1916, page 2 Blaine Klum of Medford is rusticating at Camp Nick. "Butte Falls," Medford Mail Tribune, June 15, 1916, page 5 Blaine Klum, who now runs an outdoor sign advertising business of rather large proportions in the valley and owns a Ford, in 1891 was getting out "The Talent Bird's Eye," subscription price for which was 5 cents a month, paid in advance. Ashland Tidings, July 17, 1916, page 2 Blaine Klum was a visitor in the city Sunday with relatives and friends. He returned the last of the week from San Francisco, where he spent some time attending to business affairs. Mrs. Klum remained at Berkeley for a visit. The Klums make their home in Medford. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 29, 1917, page 5 On account of the grave emergency water situation in the city and fearing the danger of fire while the water pressure is low, Mayor Gates today called upon Captain Freeman Newport to summon as many of the Medford Home Guard Company as was necessary to patrol the city and stop all people irrigating lawns, gardens and lots. The Captain, Lieutenant H. B. Clark and Sergeants Blaine Klum and M. C. Wright and six privates of the Home Guard, in five automobiles, then began the work of patrolling the city and stopping all irrigation. "Water Supply Guarded," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 7, 1917, page 4 First Sergeant Blaine Klum was elected first lieutenant in place of E. E. Kelly, and Sergeant "Doc" Wright was elected first sergeant in Klum's place. "Home Guards Will Recruit to 100; New Lieutenant," Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1917, page 4 WATER SUPPLY GUARDED
MEDFORD HOME GUARD PATRONS STREETS TO STOP WASTE. Citizens Compelled to Resort to Well Water and Soft Drinks Until Dam Is Repaired.
Or., June 6.--(Special.)--On account of the grave emergency water
situation in the city and fearing the danger of fire while the water
pressure is low, Mayor Gates today called upon Captain Freeman Newport
to summon as many of the Medford Home Guard Company as was necessary to
patrol the city and stop all people irrigating lawns, gardens and lots.
The captain, Lieutenant H. B. Clark and sergeants Blaine Klum and M. C.
Wright and six privates of the Home Guard, in five automobiles, then
began the work of patrolling the city and stopping all irrigation.
No arrests were made, but several people were warned and a second infraction will result in their water being shut off. Reports from Fish Lake tonight indicated the break in the dam, which yesterday endangered the city intake, would be fixed tomorrow, and normal conditions would return by the end of the week. Owing to the roily condition of the water today the people of Medford had to depend largely upon wells and soft drink parlors for their drinking water. Oregonian, Portland, June 7, 1917, page 4 Blaine Klum has returned to Medford from a meeting of the Outdoor Bill Posters' Association in Atlantic City, which he attended as a delegate from the Pacific Coast. Blaine says you can smell the gunpowder along the Atlantic coast. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, July 26, 1917, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum are here from Medford on business. "Personal,"
Klamath Falls Evening
Herald, June 20, 1918, page 4
Enthusiasm was the marked feature of the first meeting of the Medford unit of the University of Oregon officers training school, held in the Knights of Pythias hall Friday evening. . . . The members responded with a hearty approval of all the university proposed for their benefit and guidance, and joined in the election of an executive committee, constituted as follows: T. W. Miles, chairman; George T. Collins, vice chairman; Vernon T. Vawter, secretary-treasurer; Blaine Klum, Glenn Taylor, Jonas Wold, Geo. A. Gardner. "Medford Unit Officers Training School Organizes," Medford Mail Tribune, August 24, 1918, page 3 Blaine Klum left this morning for Roseburg to look after business matters in that city. The billboards of the Klum advertising company, built for and devoted to government uses, in large painted letters now call attention to the coming draft registration. The Klum company donates its billboards and services free to the government. All over the United States in accordance with Provost Marshal General Crowder's request the billboards are being devoted to advertising the draft registration. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 7, 1918, page 2 EVERYBODY TO PICK APPLES FOR A
[MEDFORD, Or.--A] proclamation was issued yesterday by acting mayor E.
C. Gaddis, Blaine Klum, president of the Jackson County Merchants'
Association, and George Treichler, president of the Commercial Club,
announcing an apple picking week, and requesting every able-bodied man,
woman and child not essentially employed to volunteer for service.
The board of education has been requested to close the schools for a week. Medford has the largest apple crop in its history, estimated at 800 cars, which has matured at least two weeks earlier than usual, and there is no labor available to pick it. It is believed that this action will save the valley a loss of over a million dollars. Salt Lake Telegram, October 1, 1919, page 9 Blaine Klum is here for a short business visit from Medford, Oregon. "Personal
Mention," Klamath Falls Evening
Herald, August 4, 1920, page 8
The sign of fresh paint is in the air around the warehouse home of the Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange. Blaine Klum is showing his handiwork in placing the bureau's name in bold letters on their large building. When completed this sign will be visible to people from all parts of the city and with its orange and black background will make a sightly appearance to passengers traveling through on the Southern Pacific, as the building is located on the railroad track at Fourth and Fir streets, at a point which presents a good view to travelers on southbound trains while trains are stopping at the depot. "Improvements Are Made in Farm Bureau Building," Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1920, page 5 Advertising Holdings Merged.
Or., July 8.--(Special.)--Announcement has been made that the Klum
Advertising Company of Medford has combined its holdings with those of
the Foster & Kleiser company, another large Pacific coast
advertising company, with headquarters at San Francisco. Blaine Klum,
head of the local company, will continue his work in this territory,
but with headquarters at San Francisco. Joseph Shockley, vice-president
of the local company, will move his family here from Roseburg and
become manager of the company.
Oregonian, Portland, July 9, 1921, page 10 ADVERTISING COMPANIES MERGE
Medford, Or., July 13.--The Foster & Kleiser Company of San
Francisco and the Klum Advertising Company of Medford have combined
their interest, making one of the largest billboard advertising
concerns on the Pacific Coast, it was announced here Friday. Blaine
Klum will continue his work in this territory but will move to San
Francisco with his family. Joseph Shockley, vice president of the local
company, will move from Roseburg to Medford with his family.
Oregon Journal, Portland, July 13, 1921, page 14 Will Tour Country-- Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum will make an extensive motoring tour of the country this fall following the recent sale of Mr. Klum's string of signboards along the highway from Roseburg to Klamath Falls to the Foster and Kleiser company of San Francisco. Mr. Klum has sold his home in Ashland and has accepted a position with the Foster and Kleiser company. In his new position he will have charge of a territory extending from the Mexican border to British Columbia. Miss Lael Klum will enter Mills College this coming fall. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, August 17, 1921, page 3 The Bend Hardware Company, with headquarters at Bend, and the Klum Advertising Company, with offices in Portland, have filed notices of dissolution. "Auto Company Formed," Oregonian, Portland, December 31, 1921, page 1 OUTDOOR SIGN COMPANY MAY BUILD IN CITY
F. Thompson of San Francisco, assistant general manager of the Foster
and Kleiser Advertising Company, was the principal speaker at the
Chamber of Commerce forum luncheon at the Hotel Medford this noon.
In beginning his address Mr. Thompson brought in the appropriate subject of the life of George Washington, the modern convenience, the luxuries, the amusements and labor-saving devices, the advantages of which our first president was unable to enjoy. He spoke of the numerous inventions since the time of the death of Washington and of the education of the public in the intelligent use of these inventions through the medium of advertising. Aside from religion, he declared, advertising produces the most vivid impression upon the human mind. Mr. Thompson, before accepting his position in the San Francisco office of the company, was a resident of this state for 12 years. He declared that the Foster and Kleiser company had its origination in this state, in that Mr. Kleiser is an Oregon man. Since its institution 17 years ago the company has grown from a $10,000 capitalization to a capitalization of $6,000,000. It has recently purchased the business of Blaine Klum, of this city and the company will soon start in the improvement of its equipment in this district and soon hopes to own its own offices here. Mr. Thompson, on behalf of his company, proffered assistance to the Chamber of Commerce in the improvement of the city and stated that the company would be glad to assist in any way possible in any movement of advancement. Medford Mail Tribune, February 22, 1922, page 6 Makes Short Visit Here-- Blaine Klum, of the Foster and Kleiser Advertising Company, arrived in Ashland yesterday from Tacoma and Walla Walla, Wash., and stopped to visit relatives between trains. He left last night for his home in Oakland, Calif. Ashland Weekly Tidings, March 29, 1922, page 4 Blaine Klum left last evening for Oakland, where he will resume business, having been in Europe since last April. Mrs. Klum and daughter Lael will remain in Medford and Ashland visiting friends and relatives for two or three weeks before returning to their home in Oakland. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 23, 1923, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum and daughter, Lael, arrived in Ashland Monday evening and are expecting to stay here for several weeks. They are former residents of Medford, and Mr. Klum is now engaged with the Foster and Kleiser Advertising Company in Oakland. They are at present visiting with Mrs. Klum of the Boulevard and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Loomis, but will probably visit with friends in Medford and expect to take a short trip to the Lake of the Woods. Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1924, page 3 Mrs. C. K. Klum Called.
Mrs. C. K. Klum
died at her home on the Boulevard about ten o'clock last night. Mrs.
Klum had been ill for several weeks, and owing to this Blaine Klum and
wife of Oakland and San Francisco have been in Ashland for the past
month. Surviving Mrs. Klum are her sons Blaine, Otto of Honolulu, Waldo
of Ashland, and Mrs. Hypathia McKendree of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Blaine
Klum is a sister of Mrs. C. L. Loomis, which makes her unhappiness at
this time double. Blaine Klum was for many years a resident of Medford,
as also was Otto Klum. Mr. C. K. Klum died several years ago. The Klums
are pioneers of Ashland and are well known over the valley.
"Death Comes to Ashland Mayor, Pioneer Woman," Medford Mail Tribune, August 27, 1924, page 5
Miss Lael Klum entertained at tea Saturday afternoon at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum, in Sunnyhills Road. Cards were sent
out to seventy-five for the tea, at which many of the guests were Mills
College classmates of the hostess, who is to receive her diploma the
latter part of the month.
"Mills Student Is Tea Hostess at Home of Mother," Oakland Tribune, May 4, 1926, page 18 TACKLING DUMMY NOT SO DUMB IN
April 11. (AP)--The stationary tackling dummy, long a fixture of
college football, has been banished forever from [the] training field
of the University of Hawaii.
In its place is a movable dummy, which through a clever mechanism produces for the practicing footballer all the elements encountered in scrimmage except the straight arm. The new device is operated from a center pivot by a man who makes it his business to see that the dummy is not where the tackler thinks it is. The long arm from which the dummy hangs moves easily on a ball-bearing pivot. A patent device drops it to the ground when tackled, and a spring hauls it back into position when the tackler releases it. Blaine Klum, Oakland, Calif., brother of Coach Klum of the University of Hawaii, is the inventor. States Times Advocate, Baton Rouge, April 11, 1928, page 4 FRIENDS, FANS GREET KLUM IN ASHLAND
Medford Mail Tribune, November 20, 1929, page 2
A number of local football fans and friends of Otto (Prock) Klum,
former Medford High School coach, journeyed to Ashland this afternoon
to see the University of Hawaii football team go through a light
workout. They disembarked from the Shasta Limited this morning and will
entrain again this evening for Portland, where they play the University
of Oregon next Saturday.
A number of Southern Oregon football fans will attend this game. Returning from Lake. Mrs. Lewis Ulrich and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Klum are expected to return today from Diamond Lake, where they have been spending the week. Mr. and Mrs. Klum will remain here this week before returning to their home in Oakland, Cal. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1931, page 2 University of Hawaii football team, coached by Blaine Klum, former Medford High School coach, defeats Denver university before largest football crowd in Hawaii's history. "20 Years Ago: Dec. 15, 1934," Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1954, page 4 ![]() Popular Science Home &
Workshop, January 1943
Ashland, Nov. 1.--Funeral services for Blaine Klum, Oakland, Cal., who
succumbed to a heart attack while demonstrating football training
equipment at Southern Oregon College Friday afternoon, will be held
Monday at 10:30 a.m. at Litwiller Funeral Home in Ashland. Cremation
will be at Grants Pass.
Born in Ashland, where he spent his youth, Klum operated an advertising agency in Medford for about 15 years. He moved to Oakland in 1921 and was associated with [the] Foster and Kleiser company until he retired about a year ago. Klum is survived by his widow, Florence; a daughter, Lael Klum Antz, Piedmont, Cal.; a sister, Mrs. Owen McKendree, Merrill; and grandson, Robert Blaine Antz, Piedmont, Cal. Medford Mail Tribune, November 2, 1947, page 3 OAKLAND RESIDENT DIES ON VISIT TO OREGON BIRTHPLACE
Blaine Klum, a resident of Oakland for 25 years, died recently while on
a visit to Ashland, Ore., his birthplace, according to word received
here today.
Klum, who attended the University of Oregon at Eugene, was a veteran of the Spanish American War. He operated a business in Medford until 1922, when he became affiliated with a Bay Area advertising firm, with which he was associated until his retirement two years ago. He was a member of the Commonwealth Club. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Florence Klum, 1029 Sunnyhills Road, Oakland; a daughter, Mrs. Charles Robert Antz of Piedmont, and a grandson, Robert Blaine Antz. Funeral services were held at Ashland; interment will take place here. Oakland Tribune, November 13, 1947, page 25 Death Reported--Friends here have received word of the death of Mrs. Blaine Klum, former resident, who died recently in Palo Alto, Calif. The Klums lived here for several years while Mr. Klum was manager of the Foster-Kleiser company. Mrs. Klum is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Robert Antz, and one grandchild. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1958, page 13 |