Osenbrugges FOR SALE CHEAP--A second hand Meadow King mowing machine. Very light draft. Used two seasons. Apply to Edward L. Drewry, Redwood Brewery, or at F. Osenbrugge, new grocery store, Main Street. Winnipeg Free Press, July 23, 1878, page 4 ![]() May 5, 1883 Winnipeg Free Press
F. Osenbrugge, Dealer in HIDES, SKINS, FURS, PELTS, TALLOW &c. Manufacturers of Fur and Skin Rugs, Robes, Mats, GARMENTS, Etc., Etc. Furs and Skins Repaired, Cleaned, Dressed and Renovated. A full line of Native Skins and Furs always on hand. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR FURS, SKINS, HIDES, PELTS, &c. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICES: NOTRE DAME STREET EAST, WINNIPEG. The Commercial, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 29, 1885, page 7
The formation of the German Society of Winnipeg will, no doubt, be a very great power in inducing many thousands to come to this country from the overcrowded districts of the Fatherland. The society is officered by such men as Vice German Consul Osenbrugge, Mr. Louis Wertheim, Mr. Wm. Wagner, M.P.P., Mr. Gigault, M.P.P., and many others, who have earned for themselves an enviable name in this, the land of their adoption. W. C. B. Grahame, "Annual Report of Winnipeg Agent," December 31, 1885, Sessional Papers, Third Session of the Fifth Parliament, vol. 5 F. OSENBRUGGE. Buyer of Beef Hides, Furs, Wool, Seneca Root, Etc. Fur Dresser and Manufacturer. Tanner of Harness Lace and Moccasin Leather.
"Buyer's Guide for Winnipeg," Brandon Mail, Brandon, Manitoba, June 14, 1888, page 4 Heinrich Schmieder arrived in Winnipeg in February 1889. Immediately he began his ministry to German Lutherans in the city and the surrounding area, visiting Langenburg by the month of May. However, concurrently we also find him and [Wilhelm] Hespeler working together to promote German and Lutheran interests. These two, together with a local merchant, F. Osenbrugge, collaborated to found the Nordwesten newspaper, which began in April of that same year. John M. Cobb, "German Lutherans in the Prairie Provinces," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Manitoba, July 1991, page 219 A stable and three horses were cremated in Winnipeg on Friday, the property of James Flanagan and F. Osenbrugge. ![]() November 3, 1898 Winnipeg Free Press Mr.
F. Osenbrugge, the well-known and highly respected German furrier, is
removing this week, after a residence of twenty-three years in
Manitoba, to Virginia, where he intends engaging in sheep raising. His
family will remain for some time in St. Paul. Mr. Osenbrugge has, by
his industry and business ability, attained to an enviable position of
prosperity, but his health for some time past has not been good, and it
is this fact which has led to his removal from the province.
"Local Notes," Winnipeg Free Press, December 23, 1898, page 3
F. Osenbrugge, of St. Paul, Minn., has been in Medford for several days
past looking over the valley with a view to locating. The gentleman is
very much infatuated with our country and marvels greatly that eastern
people do not know more of its worth, both as to climate and the
productiveness of its soil. The gentleman left this morning for a
couple of days' stay at Ashland.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 6, 1900, page 6 HE IS WELL PLEASED.
F. Osenbrugge, of St. Paul, Minn., has been in Medford for several
days past looking over the valley with a view to locating. The
gentleman is very much infatuated with our country and marvels greatly
that eastern people do not know more of its worth, both as to climate
and the productiveness of its soil. The gentleman left this morning for
a couple of days' stay at Ashland.--Medford Mail.--The same gentleman spent several days here in Gold Hill and expressed a determination of coming back here, and locating.Gold Hill News, April 14, 1900, page 1 F. Osenbrugge, of S. Paul, Minn., who has been stopping in Medford for a couple or three weeks, left Tuesday for his home. The gentleman is very favorably impressed with our country--so much so that he promised to return within a few weeks and make this his future home. He is a gentleman of means, and his object in coming here is wholly of an enjoyment of our unexcelled climate. He will undoubtedly purchase a good-sized farm near this place and will follow agricultural pursuits as a pastime. He is of the kind which is always given a hearty welcome by our people. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. F. Osenbrugge, son and daughter of St. Paul, Minnesota, arrived in Medford this week and will make this locality their future home. Mr. Osenbrugge was here last spring and remained several weeks--during which time he became very much infatuated with the country--and he promised then that he would be back again. Mr. Osenbrugge is a very fine gentleman, and the Mail extends to himself and family a hearty welcome with the hope that they each and all may live long to enjoy the pleasures of Southern Oregon life. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 27, 1900, page 7
F. Osenbrugge, a gentleman who arrived in Medford with his
family a few weeks ago from St. Paul, Minn., has purchased J. A.
Whitman's warehouse, together with the agency for Studebaker Bros.
wagons and carriages and the Rambler bicycles, and is now in possession
thereof. Mr. Osenbrugge is a very fine-appearing gentleman and
apparently a thorough man of business--and The Mail wishes
him success in his new venture. Mr. Whitman's disposal of this business
will enable him to give more of his attention to buying and packing
fruit and to the advertising novelty business and cigar manufacturing,
he being the centerpiece in the Palm-Whitman-Palm Company, which is
engaged in the above-named novelty and cigar business.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 10, 1900, page 7 J. A. Whitman has sold his buildings and carriage business to F. Osenbrugge, a newcomer, who has had considerable experience in that line. Bert will engage in the handling of fruit on an extensive scale. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 13, 1900, page 3 F. Osenbrugge, the gentleman who recently purchased the J. A. Whitman business in Medford, has a large Studebaker Bros. wagon and carriage as in today's Mail. The Rambler bicycle is also being advertised. You can hardly miss seeing the ad--don't miss reading it. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 17, 1900, page 7 F. Osenbrugge has been making many improvements about his place of business--the new Studebaker wagon warehouse. A new shed has been built, the interior of the building has been lined, making it dustproof, city water has been added--and a multiple of other improvements of minor importance made. "City
Happenings," Medford
Mail, August 31, 1900, page 7
F. Osenbrugge and family have moved to the A. A. Davis residence, south of the school house. "Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, September 7, 1900, page 6 F. Osenbrugge received a carload of Studebaker wagons and carriages this week--which he will tell you about in his advertising space in these columns next week. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 7 F. Osenbrugge is having a 16x48 lean-to built to the south side of his carriage repository. He will also build a 12x48 lean-to at the west end of the building. These will be used for shelter for his Studebaker wagons. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 5, 1900, page 7 Buying Petite Prunes.
Osenbrugge is doing a little business in buying dried fruits in
Medford. He has already purchased 40,000 pounds and is still buying.
Mr. Osenbrugge is but recently from St. Paul, Minnesota, and having
seen and tasted the quality of prunes in the markets there, he has
concluded that the choice varieties of prunes of the Rogue River
Valley, especially the petite, will find a ready and profitable sale in
the cities of Minnesota, and he is arranging to supply them with
several carloads. In each box packed he is having placed several
printed slips, of which the following is a copy:
are petite prunes of French origin, but were awakened to life through
the influence of the benevolent warm rays of old King Sol in the lovely
valley of the Rogue River, Southern Oregon, and we drew our first
breath for existence out of the invigorating, delicious, cool breezes
coming from the snow-tipped mountain peaks surrounding us.
We were not raised on the bottle (i.e., by irrigation), but grew and matured resting at the breast of Mother Earth, drawing our sweet juices and rich flavor out of Nature's own laboratory; this has made us the sweetest of all the sweet little things that grow. To prepare us properly for the palate, first give us a warm bath, then cover us with cold water and let us stand for twelve hours, then add a little sliced lemon and a stick of cinnamon to ameliorate our rich sweetness with the harshness of the former and the fragrance of the latter. Do not add sugar to increase our sweetness. (Herein we are economical.) Then put us on to boil, but slowly, very slowly, and as we swell in our pride add a little more boiling water from time to time until we are done. Then eat us for breakfast or any other meal, not by the teaspoonful but by the plateful, and we will invigorate your nervous system and build up your muscular structure. We are put up and shipped by F. OSENBRUGGE,
Medford Mail, October 5, 1900, page 7 Dealer in Southern Oregon Fruit, Medford, Ore. L. F. Lozier has ten tons of prunes evaporated and is now boxing them for shipment to the East. His dryer is situated about a mile and a half west of Medford, and it has been running on full time for several weeks past. He is now running on apples. His prunes he has sold to F. Osenbrugge of this city. The price paid was five cents per pound. Henry Pohlman is now packing his crop of evaporated prunes, all of which, seventeen tons, he has sold to F. Osenbrugge at five cents a pound. Mr. Osenbrugge will ship this fruit to eastern cities, in which he has secured a good market. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 12, 1900, page 7 G. A. Hover is now engaged in boxing about ten tons of dried prunes which he this year harvested from his place in Eden precinct. He has sold his crop to Salem parties at five cents per pound. For the first time in years prunes are bringing a good price at home. Heretofore growers have been compelled to ship on consignment or have gone east with them and peddled them out at whatever price they could get. In many instances where the fruit has been shipped on consignment the growers have not only lost their fruit but have been compelled to pay freight charges. Mr. Osenbrugge, a resident of Medford, who has established a price for this fruit at home, is entitled to every encouragement it is possible for the growers to extend. It must be remembered that in other years buyers have come buyers have come into the valley from other localities and offered to buy, but there were always conditions connected with the sales which made it impossible for growers to sell unless, as above cited, they were willing to take chances on the price and on the probability of being required to put up for freight charges. This year they get a check when the fruit is delivered. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 26, 1900, page 7 J. D. Heard has purchased the A. A. Davis residence property, in West Medford, paying $8000 therefor. The property is among the most desirable in the city, and Mr. Heard is to be congratulated upon having become its possessor--and Medford is to be congratulated that these good people have decided to make permanent their heretofore temporary residence. The residence is now occupied by F. Osenbrugge, and possession will be given in March, at which time his lease expires. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 7 Mrs. W. V. Lippincott left Medford last Saturday morning for Pasadena, Calif., where she goes to reside for some time with Mr. Lippincott's aged parents. Mr. Lippincott has given up his residence in this city, which will be occupied by F. Osenbrugge. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, April 19, 1901, page 6 F. Osenbrugge shipped a carload of dried prunes to St. Louis this week. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 26, 1901, page 6 J. D. Heard has moved to his fine residence in West Medford, which he purchased from A. A. Davis several months ago. Mr. Osenbrugge, who has been occupying the premises, has moved to H. L. Gilkey's residence. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 7, 1901, page 6 Miss Edith Osenbrugge, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Osenbrugge, entertained a party of friends very pleasantly at their beautiful home in West Medford last Friday evening. The lawn was beautifully lighted with Chinese lanterns while many pieces of the house furniture had been moved to the lawn and large porches for the occasion, among which was the elegant piano, which occupied a prominent place on the porch. Music was plentiful, games were indulged in, and none the least of the amusements was the dancing indulged in on the porches and lawn. Refreshments of iced lemonade and cake were served. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. Darrin, Mrs. I. L. Hamilton, Mrs. McCray, Misses Nettie Ross, Fern Norris, Lulu Porter, Ethyl England, Johnnie Little, Tessie Saltmarsh, Carrie George, Myrtle Hurst, Jessie Cole, Mabel Jones, Messrs. Geo. Porter, Carl Narregan, Charlie Ramsey, Walla Mahoney, Herbert McCarthy, Geo. E. Kelley. Every member of the party declared Miss Osenbrugge and her parents very clever and interesting entertainers. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7 Miss C. Osenbrugge, of Winnipeg, who has been visiting her brother, F. Osenbrugge, and family for several weeks, left Wednesday for several California points, after which she will go to New York and from there to Germany, her old home, which she has not visited for nineteen years. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 4, 1901, page 6 Miss C. Osenbrugge, of Winnipeg, Ont., who has been visiting her brother, F. Osenbrugge, several weeks, left Wednesday en route for Germany, her old home, which she has not seen for 19 years. "Medford," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 6, 1901, page 18 ![]() October 25, 1901 Medford Mail F. Osenbrugge, the clever dealer in wagons, implements, etc., is on upper Rogue River, hunting. He is accompanied by his son. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1901, page 2 F. Osenbrugge was at Grants Pass this week making a shipment of dried prunes. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, March 28, 1902, page 6 F. Osenbrugge, the genial dealer in agricultural implements, wagons, etc., who has been buying a large quantity of fruit during the past season, was at Grants Pass a few days ago, looking after the shipment of a carload of dried prunes. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1902, page 5 Miss Edith Osenbrugge has taken a position as office clerk and typewriter in City Recorder York's office. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 4, 1902, page 6 F. Osenbrugge, the enterprising merchant, during the week shipped a carload of dried prunes to eastern markets. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1902, page 5 F. Osenbrugge, the enterprising dealer in wagons and farming implements, has lately received a carload of machinery, which our farmers will do well to inspect. His goods and prices are right. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 12, 1902, page 5 W. V. Lippincott and F. Osenbrugge, accompanied by Mr. Osenbrugge's son, drove about thirty miles up Rogue River last Saturday afternoon to one of the many quiet retreats to be found on that stream, where they camped until Sunday evening, when they returned. They had a very pleasant time and report a fine catch of fish but just how many and how large the fish were the Mail was unable to learn, owing to natural modesty and the truthfulness of the two gentlemen. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 4, 1902, page 6 Would like to close out my stock of White sewing machines and some ladies' and gents' bicycles. Who wants one of these articles in exchange for alfalfa or grain hay? F. Osenbrugge, Medford. Studebaker Bros. & Co.'s warehouse. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 7 CLOSING OUT SALE.
I would like to close out my stock of White sewing machines, and some ladies' and gents' bicycles.
Who wants one of these articles in exchange for grain, alfalfa or hay? F. OSENBRUGGE,
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 23, 1902, page 3Studebaker Bros. Co.'s Warehouse, Medford, Ore. F. Osenbrugge has been at his homestead in Trail Creek precinct. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 31, 1902, page 6 Miss Edythe Osenbrugge is confined to her room with typhoid fever.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 4 Miss Edith Osenbrugge, who has been seriously ill for a couple of weeks with typhoid fever, was reported yesterday to be improving, and her chances for recovery at that time seemed good. Dr. Jones is in attendance. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, September 26, 1902, page 6 Misses Edith Osenbrugge and Pearl Beckett, who have been quite ill with typhoid fever, are somewhat improved. Dr. Jones is in attending them. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 2, 1902, page 2 F. Osenbrugge and J. A. Perry have returned from a visit to their homestead [sic] in Flounce Rock precinct. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1902, page 2 Miss Edyth Osenbrugge, who has been confined to her room during the past three months with a severe attack of typhoid fever, is able to be about again. Dr. Jones was in attendance. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1902, page 4 Miss Edith Osenbrugge went to Jacksonville today, accompanying an aunt, who arrived from the East lately. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 31, 1902, page 4 Miss Edith Osenbrugge has purchased an interest in the H. A. Medynski & Co. millinery establishment. The style of the firm will not be changed. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 17, 1905, page 3 F. Osenbrugge, the Studebaker implement dealer, has purchased nine acres of land from the heirs of the W. B. Roberts estate, paying $4500 therefor. The tract embraces all the buildings on the original Napoleon B. Evans donation land claim and extends north to the residence of Dee Roberts. It is on the east side of A Street, or the county road, and is a very desirable piece of property. Mr. Osenbrugge is now occupying the residence, and has been for a couple of years. He will undoubtedly cut the tract into residence property and will offer it for sale. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 10, 1905, page 5 F. Osenbrugge is having erected a fine two-story residence on property he owns just north from his home, on South A Street. R. W. Gray is doing the carpenter work. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 14, 1905, page 5 Here is an institution which for ten years has been selling to the farmers and orchardists of the Rogue River Valley all kinds of farming implements and vehicles. The reader has no doubt already had his mind impressed with the identity of this house, but to make identification doubly sure will say that this establishment has the exclusive agency in this city for the Studebaker vehicles and wagons, and the Canton plows and farm implements. These are known the world over as the most perfect and the most economical manufactured. None can explain their merits to better satisfaction than this well-known gentleman. F. Osenbrugge, bet. S.P. siding and S. Fir St. "What Do You Know About This?" Medford Mail, December 9, 1909, page 6 Popular Couple Married.
Sadie Sturgis, one of Medford's popular young ladies, and a daughter of
the locator of the Sturgis mine, was united in marriage on Saturday to
John J. Osenbrugge, who is associated with his father in business in
this city. Mr. Osenbrugge is one of Medford's popular young business
The young couple will reside in Medford. They have a host of friends who wish them well. Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1910, page 1 MRS. OSENBRUGGE HAS PASSED AWAY
Mrs. Mary Jane Osenbrugge died at the family residence on Riverside
Avenue at 11:45 p.m. Friday of rheumatism. She was aged 65 years, 1
month and 27 days.
Mrs. Osenbrugge was a native of Northfleet, England, and came to Medford with her husband and children 12 years ago from St. Paul, Minn. She leaves to mourn her demise a husband and one daughter, Edith M. Osenbrugge, and one son, Johanas J. Osenbrugge. Funeral services will be held at the late residence on Monday, November 27, at 2 o'clock. Medford Mail Tribune, November 26, 1911, page 6 ![]() PIONEER IN FIT OF DESPONDENCY TAKES OWN LIFE
F. Osenbrugge, a
pioneer of Medford, former city councilman and treasurer of the
Commercial Club, and large property owner, committed suicide this
morning at his home, 401 South Riverside, by shooting himself in the
head with a revolver. The act was committed between 5:00 and 7:00
o'clock. Notes left behind indicate that worry over business affairs,
failing health, and the fortunes of the German army in the great
struggle prompted the deed.F. Osenbrugge Worried Over Business, Health and European War Commits Suicide at Home--Left Farewell Notes to Friends-- Prominent in Medford's Affairs. Osenbrugge was about 70 years of age, and well known throughout the city and valley where he had lived for 20 years. There will be no inquest. The news came as a shock to the city, but intimate friends said that owing to recent despondency it did not surprise them. The body was found by Dr. Barber about 7:00 o'clock, when he went to make his regular call. Osenbrugge has been under a physician's care for some time. Failing to secure a response to his knock at the front door, Dr. Barber went to a window on the side and peering through saw the outstretched body on the floor, with one hand poised. It was evident that standing before a mirror, the fatal shot was fired. Death was instantaneous. None of the neighbors heard the report. An investigation brought to light farewell letters written to friends and relatives. In some the thought was expressed that he was tired of life. In others were written the hope that "enemies of the Fatherland would be punished." The European war was closely followed by the dead man, and he took an intense interest in the rising and falling fortunes of the belligerents. Osenbrugge had been a resident of the Rogue River Valley for 20 years, during which time he had been engaged in the feed and implement business. He retired from these pursuits five or six years ago, and devoted his time to his property interests. He was treasurer of the Commercial Club for a number of years and also city councilman for several terms. A daughter, Mrs. Walter Antle, and a son living at Ruch survive. The funeral announcement will be made later. Medford Mail Tribune, July 28, 1915, page 1 Fred Osenbrugge Dead.--Dejected over the ill fortunes of the Germany army, his failing health and business difficulties, Fred Osenbrugge, a former resident of Winnipeg, shot and killed himself at Medford, Ore. on July 28. The deceased was well known in Winnipeg, having kept a fur store on Main Street opposite the spot where the Industrial Bureau now stands. He was of German nationality and was 70 years old. He has resided in Medford for the past 15 years, and had been a member of the Medford city council and treasurer of the Commercial Club. In Medford he ran a feed and implement business. "City and General," Winnipeg Free Press, August 31, 1915, page 10 ![]() May 18, 1918 Medford Mail Tribune. The spelling was corrected the next day. BURNED HOMES WERE INSURED
Medford people were aroused from their slumbers last night by the fire
whistle, many with anxiety for their own homes. The realization that
your own home is insured is always a satisfaction when the whistle
calls out the fire engine.
OSENBRUGGE BUYS RIVERSIDE PLACEBoth the Osenbrugge dwelling on South Riverside, which burned last night, and the house in the immediate vicinity belonging to A. F. Stennett, which was damaged by smoke and heat, were adequately covered by insurance with the L. A. Holmes insurance agency. Those who are not fully aware that an insurance policy is a wise precaution and a profitable investment in the long run may have it fully explained without any obligation on their part by phoning 444. There is no telling which Medford home will be next in line for fire loss. Medford Mail Tribune, June 9, 1922, page 3 At present the Eads Transfer Company has two warehouses under erection near railroad right-of-way off North Central Avenue, and another is being built by F. Osenbrugge on North Front. "Building Under Way Index to Medford's Prosperity," Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1926, page C1 One
of the larger sales of business buildings has just been completed by
the Charles A. Wing Agency, Inc., the one-story concrete building
located on South Riverside being sold to J. J. Osenbrugge of this city.
The property, owned by the Union Savings and Loan Association, has been
occupied by Mr. Osenbrugge for several years. The new owner plans
improvements and modernizing of the building within the next few months.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 16, 1935, page 5 FIRE DESTROYS HAY BUILDING; LOSS IS $800
last night destroyed the small building at the southwest corner of Fir
and 10th streets and its contents of 45 tons of baled hay and straw.
Damage was estimated at about $800.
The building and 40 tons of the hay and straw were owned by J. J. Osenbrugge of 335 South Riverside Avenue. Five tons of straw were owned by the Monarch Seed & Feed Company, whose warehouse was directly opposite the scene of the fire. The loss was covered by insurance. Mr. Osenbrugge was in Portland and was not expected back until tonight. Cause of the fire was undetermined today, but Chief Roy Elliott believed that one of the transients who have used the building as a shelter accidentally dropped a lighted match or cigarette stub in the hay. The fire department was notified at 6:25 p.m., and the hay and straw were still smoldering this morning, one fireman remaining on duty all night with a hose line. The fire was in the center of several lumber yards and packing houses. Hundreds of persons witnessed the fire, attracted by great billows of smoke that was tinged with an ominous red by the city lights as it drifted northward over the business section. The building was a small frame structure with a corrugated iron roof. Most of the structure had to be torn down so that the firemen could get at the burning hay and straw. Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1935, page 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS
OF THE ESTATE OF FERDINAND OSENBRUGGE, late of the county of Jackson,
in the state of Oregon, in the United States of America. Retired
ALL CLAIMS against the above estate duly verified by statutory declaration must be filed with the undersigned at their offices, 213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg 2, Manitoba, on or before the 15th day of August, 1968. DATED at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this ninth day of July, 1968. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY,
Winnipeg Tribune, July 13, 1968, page 12Administrator. Last revised June 7, 2024 |