![]() ![]() Talent News Flashes 1954- Talent
News Flashes was a mimeographed newspaper and advertising shopper
started by Ray’s Market in 1934. It continued until 1989
and presents a vibrant picture of the Talent community and the
area for more than fifty years. While started by Ray’s, the
Flashes are most remembered for their longest serving editors, Mae Lowe
and Alice Burnette.
Transcribed in 2024 by Mary Tsui. Issues not transcribed below are not known to have survived; please notify me if any are discovered. Links to images of all the surviving issues can be found here. Talent
corner stone laid in 1903
Is crumbling, crumbling, crumbling away. The bright green roof Once so pretty and gay Is leaking, leaking and Falling in decay. A fine spray of water All over the plaster The plaster falls. The ceiling needs Painting, and so does the walls. The benches are full Of nails and splinters, I tear my nylons, and it Gives me the shivers. The piano is old and looks forlorn, The windows need washing And the curtains are torn. But who am I to shiver and say… Talent needs a new city Hall….SOMEDAY…. The above poem was sent in by one of our readers and signed anonymous. We usually do not publish items sent in without a name, but this little poem really has a sense of humor… WINS Talent still heads the B.B. league. After a nip and tuck game with Rogue River Tuesday night at Rogue River, Talent won by 7 points, 47 to 54. This is the first game Talent has won from R.R. since Mr. Parr was coach. The next game with R.R. will be played on the Talent gym. 4-H ELECT The 4-H Clover cooking class elected officers at their meeting held at the home of Mrs. B. Leeper. Elected to office were: Charolet Ford, Pres; Beverly Lenz, Sec.; Karon Hawley, Reporter; Local leader, Mrs. I.O. Leeper; Assistant, Mrs. Rosenbaum. TAKES OPTIONS Option to buy land for the purpose of building a new high school building and athletic field at Talent are now being drawn up by attorneys according to reports. The options were authorized by the school board of District 22 at a recent meeting and the land is located So. West of the present school. The options are now completed and an architect will be employed to draw up the plans. The board expects to inspect several plans before arriving at a decision. Financing is planned by a bond election. According to reports, it is necessary to purchase the land, as the state board of education recommends that no more buildings be erected on the present site. (Ed. Note) I agree we need a new athletic field, but with this small district and without much industry, and the trend of the times, HOW CAN WE THE TAXPAYERS AFFORD A NEW SCHOOL AT THIS TIME??? NOTICES The Lions meet the 2nd & 4th Thrs. of each month at the Talent Café. Lady Lions meet the 2nd & 4th Thrs. in their club rooms. Community Club meets the 3rd Wed. of each month in the City hall. Anyone interested in 4H work will meet in the Valley View school tonite. Alice Burnette and Elenor Lenz will attend the 4H meeting tonite in V.V. John Baldwin has returned from a three day school at Eugene. NEW HOSPITAL About 150 business men and women met with the hospital board at a breakfast and meeting Thursday morning in the Elks dining room to discuss the Valley View hospital plan. We are at the top of the priority list among critical areas in the State of Oregon. In Jackson County there is at the present time a shortage of some 110 hospital beds; the southern section of the county, our own Valley View Hospital District is the most hard put of all. The new hospital will not bring us up to the number of beds set by the U.S. Dept. of Health for an area with the population of ours but it will give us more than we have now, and more beds can be added. The cost totals $399,860.00, but if the hospital board gets one third of the above amount from the Hill-Browe fund, the one third will be deducted from the amount mentioned above. A special election will be held Feb. 23. VOTE FOR THE PLAN… Mrs. Frank Christian and Mrs. Mae Lowe attended the hospital meeting and breakfast Thursday morning in Ashland. Page 2, full-page ad for: TALENT MARKET & SNAK BAR Page 3, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 4, ads for: TALENT FEED STORE OLSON ELECTRIC SNAPPY SERVICE--RICHFIELD GAS & OIL UNION 76 TEEN AGERS NOTICE All the teen-agers interested in organizing a Community Teen-Ager Club are invited to attend a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suksdorf, Culver Apts., with Mrs. Suksdorf and Mrs. Lawrence Burnette as joint hostesses. Games, dancing & refreshments are planned. So come along and help plan your own fun, hours 8 to 12 Saturday, Feb. 6… DO YOU HAVE ANY OF THE NEW GOLD MEDAL COUPONS…IF SO AND YOU HAVE NO SPECIAL YOUTH GROUP OR CIVIC GROUP TO GIVE THEM TO...THE CAMPFIRE GIRLS WOULD APPRECIATE THEM. Contact Alice Burnette, Phyllis Christian or Eleanor Lenz. It doesn't cost you a cent to help your local clubs by giving them these new certificates being distributed in Gold Medal Flour. FOR SALE--Used refrigerator...$35. Display cases...Phone Ash 2-4265. FOR RENT--Furnished single apt. 101 W. Main… Page 5, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY PHOENIX BEAUTY SHOP ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP NORRIS GROCERY TALENT CAFÉ LES DAVIS BARBER SHOP Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 7, ads for: SHELL CHRISTIAN SERVICE ED'S MOTOR REPAIR PERL AMBULANCE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent area read News Flashes...It pays to advertise in the News Flashes…P.O. Box H. Telephone 2-3243 109 S. 2nd St. GALLATIN INSURANCE--State law
auto and property liability ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE NORTON'S LUMBER MARKET BEN'S OK NEW & SECOND[-HAND] STORE FOR RENT: 7 acres of garden ground with irrigation water for same. A small house joining to rent with the land or separate. Water for house use piped to the house. Frank Reed. Rt. 1, Box 250; ½ mile east of Skeeters Garage. FOR RENT: 2 bdrm modern house. Call 2-3939… FOR RENT: Furnished apt., 2 rooms. Electric range and ref. Call 2-3248. Culver Apts. Blue Birds will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Lenz. LAWN MOWERS AND SAWS SHARPENED: Hand or power mowers machine ground. FREE pickup & delivery. Saws filed and tools ground. Hiwy 99. 1 mile so. of Talent. Carl Suppe. Ash 2-8319. WOOD & SHAVINGS: Slabwood and shavings now at Wilkins. Call Ash 2-5983. Or call at Rt. 1 Box 308. No. of Talent sawmill. HARDWOOD: Laurel and oak. For information call E.L. Garland. East Main. Phn. Ash 2-7562. BAKERY GOODS: For all kinds of bakery goods, fresh pies, cakes, cookies, bread and other pastries including specialty cakes delivered to your door see The Quality Girls or call 2-3246 or 2-3023. The dance was well attended Sat. night, and the music was good. It is planned to have another dance Feb. 13. Fay Fluhrer, Phyllis Christian, Alice Burnette and Eleanor Lenz attended the Camp Fire leaders meeting in Ashland Wed. night. Page 8, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" MADE POSSIBLE BY OUR ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM ESTABLISHED IN 1934 FOR MARSHAL…ASH 26950 FOR NEWS FLASHES CALL ASH 23243 FOR AMBULANCE CALL MED 2-6675 VOL XV No. 14 FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 SUCCESSFUL BAND CLINIC The second annual small school band clinic for Small schools in Jackson and Josephine counties was held at Talent School last Friday. Each type of instrument was taken by one of the directors, and students from all the schools were given special instruction on their own instruments during the day. A dance was held for the attending band members with dance music played by the Directors' band. After eating, the students practiced together and at 8 pm put on a program. Included were Grandstand March and Pacific Noon Overture by the Phoenix band under their director, Harry Kansato; Pan American March and Tune In by Jacksonville with LeRoy Mauroni directing; Illinois Valley played Washington Post March and Deep River Rhapsody under J.L. Jameson, Director. A clarinet solo, Lady of the Lake, was played by Juanita Cearley of Eagle Point, accompanied by Steve Whipple. Rogue River played Trombone Triumphs and Blue Tango; Talent played A Santa Cecilia March and Two Moods Overture with Richard Dorr directing. Following the school bands was one made up of 70 students selected by the directors who played Lyceum Overture, Carnival of Roses and Waves of the Danube under the direction of Dr. E.A. Cykler from the University of Oregon, who spent part of his spring vacation helping to hold this small bands clinic. Dr. Cykler also directed the massed bands of all the schools present in Symbol of Honor March and Fort Bragg March. I looked up to see if the roof was still on the gym after the 205 students played together. It was but I'm sure there must be a few spots blown loose. I'm kidding--the performance was wonderful and all the students must be getting excellent instruction because both the select band and massed bands gave outstanding performances. Instructors helping with the clinic included besides Dr. Cykler, who should be given a special vote of thanks: Flutes & Clarinets, Mrs. Lester Simone, Myrtle Point and Richard Dorr; Saxophones, Mr. Steve Whipple, Eagle Point; Horns, Mr. John Drysdale, Medford; Cornets, Mr. LeRoy Mauroni, Jacksonville, and Mr. L.R. Michaelis, Rogue River; Trombones, Mr. Jack Laughery, Talent; Baritones, Mr. Harry Kenasto, Phoenix; Basses, Dr. Cykler, and Percussion, Mr. Charles Peters, Eugene. RECEIVES CITIZENSHIP A/1st Class Herbert L. Hoser, 26, son of Mrs. Leonard Hoser, recently became a US citizen while serving with the Air Force in Korea. He took the citizenship oath from an immigration service official during naturalization ceremonies at 8th Army headquarters. He is a mechanic with the 67th maintenance squadron and entered the service March '52. VOTE
VOTE APR. 6…2 to 8 pm SCHOOL
IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN NEWS FLASHES NOTICES The Talent Lions meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each week at the Talent Café. The Lady Lions meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the members' home. The Community Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the City Hall. The Talent Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Claude Ward on Apr. 7 at 1:30 pm. Margaret Mathes is co-hostess. There will be a plant exchange. Topic under discussion will be "Birds of Southern Oregon." Mrs. Bush of Medford will show slides. Everyone come--this is something special. BOND ISSUE VOTE UNDERWAY APRIL 6 A school bond election is due next Tuesday, April 6, at Talent school. School District 22 voters will be asked to decide on a $159,500 bond issue for the construction of a new high school and athletic field in Talent. The proposed structure would include seven classrooms, a library and administration office, teachers' workrooms. The plans provide for future growth by addition of a gymnasium, cafeteria and other facilities. If the bond issue is approved, construction would begin as soon as possible in order to have the building ready for use by the fall of 1954. The grade school would take over the present high school facilities. Editor's Note: Many comments have been made by citizens of the community that Jacksonville held 3 meetings to discuss and explain their bond issue for a new school while Talent has not held any. The citizens of Talent would like to know the true facts of this proposed building. The bond of $159,500 with the $55,000 still to be paid on the primary building would put Dist. 22 in debt to the extent of $214,500. For any information in regard to the proposed 7 classroom school call Roy Parr or Bill Bagley. NEW DRIVE-IN THEATER TO GO IN Plans were completed here today for the construction of a new drive-in theater in the Talent-Ashland area. Representatives said that the size would be around 450 cars. This, they said, was roughly the size of the existing drive-in theater in the Medford area. The name selected is to be "CREST DRIVE-IN" and this seems to fit the location, as the proposed site is directly across from the Snappy Service located on hiway 99 south of Talent. We feel that this drive-in theater will be a boon to the Talent-Ashland area, giving theater-goers both convenience and top quality pictures. The Crest will be the only home-owned theater in Southern Oregon. Information: call Ash 23243 or Ash 2-7562. Page 2, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 3, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ LES DAVIS BARBER SHOP--now open every day RAYMOND SCHMITT AUCTION--Ray Jenkins, Auctioneer--EVERY THURSDAY TALENT FEED STORE LETTER TO THE EDITOR…April 1, 1954 The Talent School Administration announced today with reference to sites for the proposed school building, property owners of all adjacent sites have been contacted. This survey showed that no adjoining property is for sale. The Administration pointed out that since existing gymnasium and cafeteria facilities must be used for several years, location of the proposed high school must be on the land now held in option. The most desirable situation would be to construct all high school facilities at this time, but the proposed bond limit of $159,500 is not sufficient to build the high school gymnasium and cafeteria; therefore, those facilities must be constructed when funds are available. School
FOR ANNA R. SCOTT, Republican candidate for nomination for COUNTY CLERK
for Jackson County. "Efficiency and Economy from Past Experience in
County Administration"
Thank You note from Talent Lions. Both Lions and Lady Lions would like to express their appreciation and sincere thanks to the following for their donations that made our basketball dinner such a grand success. Skeeters & Skeeters--Lucky Gilbreath--Carl Johnson--Lila Parker--Cedric Scharfe--Talent PTA--Kaegi's Quality Market--Ideal Market--Talent Thrift Market--Valley Locker--Tally-Ho--Talent Club--Troop 109 Girl Scouts--Jorgensen's--Snider's--Fluhrer's--A special thanks to Maxine Woods for her wonderful help. Marna
Arnold and P.J. McAbee
VISITORS--Mrs. Waggle and Mrs. Strommer of Brookings are visiting at L. Bates home. Larry Quackenbush and Gary Status spent spring vacation from U of O at home. Earl Tycksen was here from George Fox College. Music Boosters are sponsoring another rummage sale this year. If you have any rummage call Mr. Warren Jackson, Ash 2-6262 and he will pick it up… Page 4, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 5, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--Henry De Young and Sons GRABHER BROS. UNION 76--We have purchased the inventory from the Christian Shell Service--Support the Boy Scouts SNAPPY SERVICE--Dean & Elsie TALENT HARDWARE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 1st & Wagner Alice May Woolley, Pastor Sunday, April 4, 1954 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship--THE HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS WILL FURNISH SPECIAL MUSIC 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship Friday, April 9--Fellowship Supper Miss Christine Welburn has sent us word that she wishes to thank all of the students and friends who took time out during their recent trip to Salem to go out and visit her at the hospital. NEW ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Rose, 205 Old Pacific Highway on March 27, a girl, 7 lbs., at Community Hospital. Page 6, ads for: ROOFING.SIDING.WEATHER STRIPPING.INSULATION-- Ph. Med 3-1523 PERL AMBULANCE ED'S MOTOR REPAIR--Is your car doing the bunny hop? ALLEN WELDING SHOP WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read News Flashes… It pays to advertise in News Flashes...PO Box H, phone Ash 2-3243, 109 S. 2nd. GALLATIN'S INSURANCE NORTON'S LUMBER--FREE DELIVERY BEN'S OK NEW & SECOND HAND STORE FOR SALE--One Carlson 1 H gas engine $10.00. One table saw, $10.00; MW Shaper $15.00 & Pan American gas range $25.00. See at 102 Madison. WILKINS FUEL--Red fir slab wood, planer ends and shavings. Phone Ash 2-5983 or call at Rt. 1 Box 308 Talent. 2nd house across tracks from sawmill. FOR SALE--Felt handbags & hats combination or separates. Reasonable. Aslo cards of all kinds and stationery. Phone Ashland 2-6957...Betty Walch. UNFINISHED FURNITURE. Mr. & Mrs. Chests, child's wardrobes. Ellsworth Garland. LAWN MOWERS AND SAWS SHARPENED hand or power mowers machine ground. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY. Saws filed and tools ground. Hiway 99 1 mile south of Talent. Carl Suppe. Ash 2-8319. BAKERY GOODS--For all kinds of bakery goods, fresh pies, cakes, cookies, bread and other pastries including specialty cakes delivered to your door. SEE THE QUALITY GIRLS or call Ash 2-3246 or Ash 2-3023. NOW IS THE TIME to get your ground ready for garden or lawn. ROTOVATING DOES THE JOB. See Lenz. 208 W. Main Ash 2-8615 FOR SALE--Perennial flower plants--Columbine, Delphinium, Foxglove, Penstemon, Carnations, Sweet Williams, Snapdragons…Rt. 1 Box 308, Talent. 2nd house across tracks from sawmill. INTEROCEAN Insurance. PAYS OVER AND ABOVE ALL OTHER INSURANCE. For details see Betty Walch. Ash 2-6957. VOTE VOTE VOTE--APRIL 6, 2 to 8 pm. At the TALENT SCHOOL HOUSE. Any registered voter is eligible to vote. Page 7, full-page ad for: TALENT SHELL STATION--under new management-- Norman Driver, Prop. Free car-wash with every lube job! ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ESTABLISHED IN 1934 News Flashes is published through the cooperation of its advertisers. It is mimeographed and distributed each Friday in the Talent trade area. Copies are also available at the stores and business houses. Ash 2-3243. VOL XV No. 15 FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1954 TALENT VOTERS OK BONDS Voters of the Talent School District Tuesday voted overwhelmingly in favor of a $159,000 bond issue to build a new high school and athletic ground. The vote was 235 in favor, and 89 against. CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN ENJOYS OUTSTANDING SUCCESS One of the best high school plays we have seen was portrayed last Friday night by a very well chosen cast under the direction of Glen Lamb and Student Director Bob Seymour. The outstanding character without a doubt was Dad portrayed by Bill Eagle. Ernestine as played by Maudeline Marshall was very well done as was Anne by Fern Davis. John Dixon, who played the part of Frank, was also very good. In fact, the casting was so well done that I am sure whoever gets the outstanding drama awards this year will really have earned them. Others appearing in the play included Barbara Brannon, Stuart Webber, Sharon Kilburn, Russell Lindner, Frank Tycksen, Freddie Helm, Jeannie Henry, Betty Jennings, Ron Weinhold, Don Reynolds, Joyce Chapman and Ray Weinhold. The set was made by Gordon Hart and the shop classes; Don Reynolds also had charge of the sound effects. The lighting was in charge of Don Sterrett and Ray Weinhold. The stage properties were collected by Ardeth Grabher (where did she get the love seat?), makeup was done by Bonnie Leeper and Ruby Messenger. ORCHIDS TO ALL OF THEM. MINIATURE GOLF Miniature golf, so popular about 20 years ago, has returned. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Lodge opened the Tal-Pho course this weekend on Highway 99 one mile north of Talent near the county farm. The midget links built up on a 70 by 120 foot area will be open seven days a week, weather permitting. Lodge says par for the course has not yet been established. MRS. WM. BEESON DIES Death came early Tuesday morning to Mrs. Joyce Beeson in a Portland Hospital where she has been receiving treatment for leukemia. She is survived by her husband, E.W. Beeson, and two small children. Mrs. Beeson, who had just passed her 30th birthday, was active in many civic and church groups in the community. NOTICES The Talent Lions meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each [month] at the Talent Café. The Lady Lions meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at the members' homes. The Community Club meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the City Hall. HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS The high school chorus sang at the Methodist Church last Sunday and at the Friends Church the week before. BAND TO GO TO SOC The band will enter the small schools band contest at SOC Friday. CHIT+++CHAT Mrs. June Johnson returned home from a visit with relatives in Hollywood Carroll Ramsey of Nampa, Idaho is visiting with her cousin Connie Unruh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucier left Sunday for Selah, Wash., where he was called by the illness of his father, who passed away Wednesday morning. One of our outstanding young business men, who is connected with the Talent Feed Store, was seen riding the street on his young daughter's bicycle (small size, too) wobbling from side to side in a very suspicious manner. Some very interesting signs appeared on the Lowe door this week in a mysterious manner. Don't forget if you have rummage by the tonnage or even the pun I mean poundage, phone Warren Jackson, Ash 2-6262 and he will call for it. BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Leeper, 202 W. Main St. in Talent, on Sunday, April 4 in honor of Mrs. Ira Leeper, Mrs. Mildred Metz, Mrs. Geo. Metz and Mrs. Geo. Yockel, Jr. 20 guests were present and many lovely gifts received. A ham dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed by all. A huge birthday cake and ice cream were served later in the day. Page 2, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 3, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY GRABHER BROS. UNION 76 SNAPPY SERVICE TALENT HARDWARE CHURCH NEWS TALENT METHODIST CHURCH, 1st & Wagner Alice May Woolley--Pastor April 11, PALM SUNDAY 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship--Message: "A BIG DAY" 7:00 pm--MYF Leader Wilma Bench 8:00 pm--Evening Worship CAMPFIRE NEWS...The Campfire Girls who are working on their national birthday project "Let's be different together" are planning a trip through MEDCO as part of their study of housing. The girls will make the trip Tuesday, April 20. All the Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds will make the trip with their Guardians and other adults. Page 4, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ LES DAVIS BARBER SHOP RAYMOND SCHMITT AUCTION--Every Thursday-- Ray Jenkins, Auctioneer TAL-PHO MINIATURE GOLF--1 mile north of Talent TALENT FEED STORE TALENT GRADERS RECEIVE AWARDS Members of the Talent grade school basketball team, which has a record season of 20 wins and one loss, were presented letter awards at an assembly last week. Coach Gene Thanos presented awards to the following players: Bob Hoffman, Joe Teeter, Jim Ricks, Phil Combs, Ronnie Welburn, Bill Snyder, Buzz Heard, Paul Conner, Melvin Ginerich, John Butler, Dick Kerns, Jim Porter, Alvin Ainsworth, Montie Wienecke, Roger Nicholson, and Sonnie Leeper. Manager awards went to Allen King and Herman Cannon. Leland Hartwell, who recently moved to Ashland, was presented his letter before his departure. Bob Hoffman, Captain of grade school team, presented the trophy won by the team at the County Tournament to Loren Casebier. The trophy was then placed in the Grade school trophy case. Page 5, ads for: ROOFING, SIDING, WEATHER STRIPPING, INSULATION PERL AMBULANCE ALLEN WELDING ED'S MOTOR REPAIR WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read News Flashes. It pays to advertise in News Flashes… PO Box H, phone Ash 2-3243, 109 S. 2nd. GALLATIN INSURANCE
NORTON'S LUMBER BEN'S OK NEW & SECOND HAND STORE WILKINS FUEL--Red fir slab wood, planer ends and shavings. Phone Ash 2-5983 or call at Rt 1 Box 308 Talent--2nd house across track from sawmill. NOW IS THE TIME TO get your ground ready for garden or lawn. ROTOVATING DOES THE JOB. See Lenz. 208 W. Main. Phone Ash 2-8615. BUY YOUR PLANTS REASONABLE--Both vegetable and flower plants, at BOYER GREEN HOUSE. Tomato & cabbage plants ready. 229 Gibson St. FOR RENT--3 room house, unfurnished. Inquire at 102 Madison LAWN MOWERS AND SAWS SHARPENED--Hand or power mowers machine ground. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY. Saws filed and tools ground. Hiway 99 1 mile south of Talent. Carl Suppe. Ash 2-8319. BAKERY GOODS--For all kinds of bakery goods, fresh pies, cakes, cookies, bread and other pastries including specialty cakes delivered to your door. SEE THE QUALITY GIRLS or call Ash 2-3246 or Ash 2-3023. FOR SALE--Perennial flower plants--Columbine, Delphinium, Foxglove, Penstemon, Carnations, Sweet Williams, Snapdragons…Rt. 1 Box 308, Talent. 2nd house across track from mill. UNPAINTED FURNITURE--Mr. and Mrs. chests; children's wardrobes. Ellsworth Garland. FOR SALE--Large pressure cooker, almost new. Fine for canning. Jim Babb, Pumpkin Center. Old Highway, north. Page 6, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Made possible by our advertisers…Patronize Them!!! News Flashes--ph. Ash 2-3243 Ambulance: Ph. Med. 2-6675 Marshal: Ph. Ash 2-6950 Fire: Dial Operator VOL. XV No. 25 Friday June 18, 1954 GALLATIN IN SAINT PAUL Hello friends, here I am in St. Paul. This is really a big progressive and industrial country. I have visited Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and now St. Paul. We are all fine and enjoying ourselves. Hello to all. L.H.
SEIBER'S NEW SHOPPING CENTER OPEN Seiber's brand new shopping center opened its doors Wednesday morning, starting a grand 4 day opening. The store is located next to the Chuck Wagon and features plenty of parking space. Everything is completely modern with everything conveniently located. Practically everything can be purchased including the very best grade meats, a large selection of groceries, magazines, ice cream, fishing tackle, toys, watches, kitchen utensils, a very choice selection of sport shirts and other incidentals that truly make it a one stop store. Mr. & Mrs. Seiber were formerly located at Florence where they were in business. Al announces that his prices and service will be competitive with Medford. Included in the 4 day grand opening will be door prizes and refreshments for all. Spot Specials for the bargain hunter will be found all over the store. We extend our congratulations to the Seibers for a nicely planned store. HOT RODDERS HOLD HOOPLA According to information received, the Junior Hot Rod Association of Talent is back in action again. Anyone interested can contact Fred Helm for information. The Hot Rodders build their own cars and race them against the stop watch down Rapp Hill. So far no one has cracked the sound barrier or their heads! HAMILTONS SEE ROSE FESTIVAL Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hamilton & Daughter Linda & Aunt Mary Higgins returned home Tuesday from Portland where they attended the Rose Festival. They also visited with Aunt Mary's daughter and son in law, Mr. & Mrs. M. Cutforth of Portland. Harry & Margaret made the front page pictures of the Sunday Journal while watching the parade! TALENT LIONS' BREAKFAST SUNDAY Eat all you can, stuff yourself, eat, eat, eat, Ham & Eggs, that is. All for one thin buck Sunday at the City Hall. The Talent Lions are giving the breakfast to help turf the new football field. Kids can gorge themselves on 50¢!! Don't miss this, ask anyone who attended last year!!! IMPORTANT NOTICE: THE CARNIVAL WILL BE POSTPONED UNTIL AFTER SCHOOL STARTS DUE TO WEATHER DIFFICULTIES… THRU THE KEYHOLE…. Jerry Rice has a new put-put done in Red..It weighs 75 pounds--Jerry weighs 180…Hmmm.. When the City Council buys John and Jim a new power mower for the city hall, they should get one big enough for the weeds around town… Roy Parr was seen polishing his brand new Aqua-dodge… Ed Lunsford & family have returned from Washington…they didn't say whether it was D.C. or not… Bentley's shoe repair has a nice new sign saying Bentley's Shoe Service… Alpha Long, who underwent surgery, is in, out and about… Remember that Sunday is Fathers' Day...give Dad a break--how about dinner at Lilah's newly redecorated café???? …what about breakfast at the City Hall??... Parthena Terrill, our friendly postmistress, has returned from visiting in Portland… Bob Baylor & wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy… Iva Tuggle was a local visitor over the weekend…they plan to move back before long… Two local blades are considering starting a bachelors' club surrounded by a twenty foot board fence…. The Boyers still have some of those terrific plants that just grow and grow…. Forrest Jennings hath returneth empty-handed from the wet strawberry beds… Priscilla Elch was the guest of honor at an appendectomy at Ashland Hospital Friday nite… Ivan Itchkoople painted his windows last week… Heard over KBOY…a record imitation of the Army-McCarthy hearings…don't miss it, it's a scream and a farce…almost a perfect imitation!!!! Check Kaegi's new tile floor and ceiling…real nice…(no, we don't think that the ceiling is tiled too!)… Do you want your name in News Flashes? Just write, call, wire, we appreciate news items…any interesting gossip will also be considered… Attention to our readers on the new route: Your paper will be either on your mailbox or a rolled copy will be dropped in your yard. The local Boy Scouts braved the wilderness in Lithia Park Wednesday nite on a camp-out… LIONS'
Page 2, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 3, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--Remember…it doesn't matter how many glasses of milk you drink…it's still safe for you to drive… GRABHER'S UNION 76 SULLIVAN BROTHERS ROOF & PAINT CO. TALENT FEED STORE WANT ADS FRYERS & PULLETS...White Rock and Parmenter Reds...3½ months old at 208 W. Main St. Talent FOR SALE OR TRADE--For wood, eggs, milk or what have you: Iris, choice from 1500 named varieties, 25¢ ea. 108 5th street at Ashland or ph. 2-6757. See Ethel Harvey. HERE IS THE PARTIAL LIST OF MERCHANDISE WINNERS AT SEIBER'S SHOPPING CENTER GRAND OPENING: George Davis, Virginia Johnson and Mae Lowe. The list of unclaimed winning numbers will be posted for a week. Have you checked your ticket yet??? Hurry!!! THE TALENT CHURCHES WILL HAVE THEIR REGULAR SERVICES…ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY… Watch the paper next week for news of the community club…. WANTED: DUCK EGGS Call Ash 2-3243 Page 4,
full-page ad:
EXTRA EXTRA SEIBER'S GRAND OPENING A TERRIFIC SUCCESS-- Proclaimed by Hundreds Page 5, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ DAVIS BARBER SHOP SISKIYOU 2ND HAND STORE--1 mile south of Talent, Rt. 1 Box 220--Raymond Schmitt, Prop. MARIE'S--Specializes in Hamburgers…Fried prawns BENTLEY SHOE SERVICE--106 New St. Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 7, ads for: ROOFING, SIDING, WEATHER STRIPPING, INSULATION PERL AMBULANCE ALLEN WELDING ED'S MOTOR REPAIR QUALITY GIRLS BAKERY GALLATIN INSURANCE NORTON'S LUMBER MARKET BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES. PUT YOUR AD IN FOR ONLY 35¢ (up to 25 words), 70¢ 25 to 50 words. Mail to Box H or call Ash 2-3243 or bring to 109 S. Second. WILKINS FUEL. Red fir slab wood 7.50; red fir planer ends 5.00, planer shavings 6.50 also flower plants & tuberous begonias. Ph. Ash 2-5983. Rt. 1 box 308. 2nd house across tracks from sawmill. WANTED Custom Hay Baling. See LeRoy Welch, 112 Walden Lane, Talent Ph. Ash 2-3933. SHARPEN LAWNMOWERS & SAWS Hand or power mowers machine ground. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY. Saws filed & tools ground. Highway 99 1 mile south of Talent, Carl Suppe: call Ash 2-8319. I WANT A JOB--would like to do yard work or any odd job. Must be legal work, can travel in Talent area. See Terry Dufer, 108 Bain or call Ash 2-3243. ROTOVATING--Have your garden prepared the modern way…see Earl Lenz, Ash 2-8615. PLANTS We have the best plants in Oregon…all kinds, very reasonable prices…our plants are acclimated!!! BOYER GREENHOUSE on Gibson Avenue. HOUSES TO RENT CALL ASH 2-3243. Page 8, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 9, full-page ad for: TALENT THRIFT MARKET / SNAK BAR ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Made possible by your own Talent merchants and advertisers… patronize them! NEWS FLASHES phone Ash 2-3243 Delivered every Friday!!!! VOL. XV No. 26 Friday, June 25, 1954 PETERS-MILLAGE WEDDING HERE Miss Virginia Mae Peters became the bride of Donald James Millage in a double ring ceremony at the Talent Friends Church June 5. The Rev. George Bales of Dundee, Oregon performed the ceremony at 8 o'clock in the evening. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cleo B. Peters of Grants Pass and the Bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Millage, Ashland. Miss Edna Peters, the bride's sister, was maid of honor. Another sister, Miss Jane Peters, and Miss Laura Millage, a sister of the bridegroom, were bridesmaids. Candle lighters were Miss Nancy Foley and Mrs. Wanda Beebe. Delous L. Cox, a cousin of the bridegroom, was best man and ushers were Rolly Hartley and Jack Peters. FROM ENGLAND Mrs. L.G. Ray of 11 Newburgh Crescent, Warwick, announces the engagement of her daughter Beryl to S/Sgt. Harry H. Lowe, Jr. The wedding will take place June 26. COMMUNITY CLUB GUEST DAY SUCCESS The Talent Community Club held its annual guest day party June 16th at City Hall. Over 50 guests were present. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Kennedy were the oldest ladies present, being 89 and 90 years young respectively. A corsage was presented to Mrs. Edna Holdridge, who is the oldest charter member still active. An interesting program was enjoyed by all with community singing led by Mrs. John Childers with Mrs. Dorothy Suksdorf at the piano. A clarinet trio from the Talent Band and duets by the Long Sisters followed a skit by old time members of the club concerning problems of their day. Dance by Marlyn Suksdorf and solos by Mrs. Childers were also on the program for the day. Millia Flynn acted as the official reporter. COUNCILMEN APPROVE BUDGET Following Monday nite's public hearing, the city council adopted a 54-55 city budget totaling $25,600 in expenditures. This is a total of $3220 over that for the current fiscal year ending June 30. The increase is due to expanded activities in city maintenance. GALLATIN RETURNS HOME Climaxing a trip during which he visited over 20 different states, L.H. Gallatin returned to Ashland Wednesday night. He stated that he ducked all of the bad weather and storms to find that the weather had been bad here most of the time that he has been away! BURNETTE WRITES LETTER Alice Burnette, well known news-hound who is plucking strawberries, astounded all of her many friends and readers by writing a short letter to all. About all that it says is that "It has been raining. Our cabin is crowded with all 11 of us together. The roof leaks. We are having a good time." Accompanying this interesting missive was an illustrated drawing showing the location of both chairs and the door. We trust that she will write again. THRU THE KEYHOLE… Mrs. Leeper, Pneumonia victim, returned from the hospital Wednesday. STUDY IN CONTRASTS: The editors spent two fruitless days trying to get water from their well to find the TID frantically plugging a 12 inch column of water spouting a foot in the air…seems as tho an underground ditch had plugged…Hmmm Joyce & Leroy Crieton left for a 2 weeks vacation in Visalia, Cal… It was reported that Loren Casebier, Grade School Principal, has resigned recently… Kaegi's Quality Market has a newly painted vegetable display rack, new lighting fixtures, the whole works, looks right nice, too. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fluhrer & family of LA are visiting Keith's parents, the Phil Fluhrers… Eddie Joanis got banged up in a 2 car bump near Jackson Hot Springs Saturday nite… Lucky Gilbreath and Nona returned from their vacation in L.A. & the Midwest…Lucky says that all went well… Ray Burnette has been working at the Camp Fire Girls camp at Wagner Creek forks… HOLE IN ONE: Who? Ethel Hilsenhoff. Where? At the City Hall. Why? Seems as tho there was a hole in back of the fire station. Ethel has our sympathy. Frank Reed has sold his ranch & bought acreage near Hiway 99. We would suggest that Frank buy a stopwatch and time some of the low-flying space ships driving by… Have you heard about the new lawn mower that Jim & John need for the city hall lawn? Wonder if it was included in the $25,600 budget… Talent's Lions are sponsoring the PeeWee ball club. Mr. Baldwin is the coach. No, friend, not John!! Ivan Itchkoople is picking strawberries at Estacada, too… Page 2, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 3, ads for: ROOFING SIDING WEATHER STRIPPING INSULATION PERL AMBULANCE ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN WELDING WILKINS FUEL THE QUALITY GIRLS BAKERY GALLATIN'S INSURANCE NORTON'S LUMBER MARKET BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES. PUT YOUR AD IN FOR ONLY 35¢ (up to 25 words), 70¢ 25 to 50 words. Mail to Box H or call Ash 2-3243 or bring to 109 S. Second. WANTED Custom Hay Baling. See LeRoy Welch, 112 Walden Lane, Talent. Ph. Ash 2-3933. SHARPEN LAWNMOWERS & SAWS Hand or power mowers machine ground. FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY. Saws filed & tools ground. Highway 99 1 mile south of Talent, Carl Suppe. Call Ash 2-8319. I WANT A JOB. Would like to do yard work or any odd job. Must be legal work. Can travel in Talent area. See Terry Dufer, 108 Bain or call Ash 2-3243. ROTOVATING Have your garden prepared the modern way…see Earl Lenz, Ash 2-8615. PLANTS--We have the best plants in Oregon…all kinds, very reasonable prices…our plants are acclimated!!! BOYER GREENHOUSE on Gibson Avenue. HOUSES
Page 4, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 5, full-page ad for: SEIBER'S SHOPPING CENTER Page 6, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--Individual Cow Interview! over 99.8 of our cows are contented! This was shown through an individual poll of all of our cows! Here is some other vital information: EACH COW HAS 4 LEGS (one each corner) EACH COW WITH HORNS HAS HAIR (each cow without horns has hair) OUR COWS PREFER HAY TO ALL OTHER BRANDS! (+) the .2% of the cow that wasn't contented was the part left out in the rain due to the crowded barn. AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION SULLIVAN BROTHERS ROOF & PAINT CO. TALENT FEED STORE THE TALENT CHURCHES WILL HAVE THEIR REGULAR SERVICES…ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY… HAVE YOU SEEN THE CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AD? Remember, Cloverleaf Milk IS RICH with cream…Have fresh milk delivered right to your door every morning…Just call Ash 2-7711 for prompt and efficient service! GOSSIP AND CHIT CHAT: When is Al Seiber going to change the "Florence" on the side of his station wagon to "Talent"? Here is hot news: COPCO wired in the new drive-in theater Thursday. We have no other information except that NO local outfit is doing the building… Mae Lowe has a new wagon…blue. PUHLEEZE, if you have any duck eggs or even ducklets to sell, call Ash 2-3243. Archie Boyer visited Ashland Wed. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1 bedroom modern cottage partly furnished, located in Crescent City for home of equal value located in or near Talent or Ashland. Inquire at 107 Walden Lane at Talent. WANTED: To buy a small house that can be moved. See Frank Reed, Rt. 1, Talent. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modern house. Call at 314 West Main or Ph. Ash 2-3939. MARIE ROSS QUEEN Miss Marie Moss has been chosen queen of the Talent area for the Sheriff's Posse. Other queens will be Helen Robinson of Medford, Glenda Forsham of Jacksonville, Velma Hickman, Eagle Point, and Collett Perrine of Ashland. This group of young ladies along with the posse attended the Railroad Festival held in Dunsmuir Saturday and Sunday. They took 2nd . prize for street maneuvers. They will also participate in the rodeos throughout the southern part of the state. They will be seen at the Phoenix Festival and also at the Jackson County Rodeo to be held at the Posse Grounds July 31st and August 1st. BOY SCOUTS WIN Talent Boy Scouts won 2nd place at Ashland last week for achievements. Most all the Boy Scouts of Talent attended the overnite campout in Lithia Park. Beverly Lenz left this morning for Washington with Eve Prentice Accordion Band. They will play in Tacoma and Fort Lewis. Eleven young gentlemen from Ashland and parts north assisted Neil Stockebrand in moving his collection of antique and unrejuvenated cars. 40 years ago, June 15, 1914. Walter and Jim Garvin, Talent, engage in duel with thugs trying to rob the post office. The criminals escaped from the posse later. 30 years ago, June 15, 1924. Rosina Gallatin of Talent wins first prize in baking contest at Corvallis. (Rosina is the daughter of L.H. Gallatin of Ashland.) FOR RENT: 1 bedroom newly remodeled unfurnished house in heart of Talent. Call 2-7156 or inquire at Kaegi's Quality Market. Bill Kaegi & wife celebrated their wedding anniversary Thursday. Bill didn't say which one though. Ada Kirby attended the Rose Festival in Portland. Lila Parker is adding new siding to the Talent Café as well as the other extensive remodeling done recently. Looks real nice, too!!! HERE IS A PRICE COMPARISON BETWEEN MEDFORD'S LEADING STORES AND ALSO TALENT'S: Talent Medford Lettuce 2/17¢ 2/19¢ Tomatoes 17¢ lb. 25¢ lb Lemons 33¢ doz. 39¢ doz. Ground Beef 29½¢ lb. 39¢ lb. Wieners 35¢ lb. 45¢ lb. Sweet Corn 6 for 19¢ 5 for 29¢ Eggs 33¢ doz. 55¢ doz. Tuna 29¢ can 34¢ can Bacon 57¢ lb. 69¢ lb. THESE COMPARISONS WERE MADE WITH SOME OF MEDFORD'S LARGEST STORES. WE WOULD SUGGEST THAT THE RESIDENTS OF MEDFORD DO THEIR SHOPPING IN TALENT!!! Our merchants make it a practice of either beating or meeting Medford's prices on practically every consumers' item! FOR SALE: Two slightly used horse blankets. Make nice dog blanket or pillow. $10 each. See Irvin Watkins at 202 North. SLIP IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION: For sale, Chevrolet 1947 model, $3000. (Must have been a rare model!) For Sale: Engagement ring and wedding band priced disgustingly low. For Sale: Engagement and wedding ring. I don't need them. Cheap. (Ah, love!) HOT FLASH: The Talent Pee Wees were beat by Medford 14 to 6. COLD FLASH: Valley Locker has ice cold watermelon at 3½¢ lb! Breeses have a new Studebaker Conestoga. That's a station wagon in most other cars. Real nice, too! Page 8, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ DAVIS BARBER SHOP SISKIYOU 2ND HAND STORE--Raymond Schmitt, Prop. MARIE'S--Softy Cones BENTLEY SHOE SERVICE--106 New St. Page 9, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ---------------------------------------------------- July 23, 1954 Page 2, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Made possible by your own Talent merchants and advertisers… show your appreciation..patronize them! News Flashes Ph. Ash 2-3243 DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY!!!! "…Since 1936" Vol. XV No. 31 Friday, July 30, 1954 LITHIA DRIVE-IN COMPLETED…OPENS TONIGHT WITH SURPRISES GALORE!!!! Featuring a completely modern concept of exhibiting pictures, the Lithia Drive-in Theater can certainly lay claim to being the best in Southern Oregon without exception! To begin with, the screen is by far the finest; one can see a good sharp clear picture from any part of the field, the back row being comparable with the choice spots in the "chain" theaters. The snack bar is completely modern, being finished in a pale green with all new dispensing equipment. The rest rooms are conveniently located on both sides of the two story concession-projection building. Easy access is available from the county road, being over 500 feet away from the highway. One of the most outstanding features, however, is the individual green lights on each speaker post, eliminating the possibility of hitting one in the dark. When the field flood lights are extinguished, the hundreds of green lights make a striking picture. They are conveniently located out of the customer's line of vision with the screen. Another feature sure to appeal to the public is the new low admission prices, only 50 cents for adults and 20 cents for children! This, plus the easy availability of the new drive-in to the people in the Talent-Ashland area should result in a very popular theater. It will undoubtedly be a pleasure to the theater-going public to have the privilege of attending a non-chain theater for a change. We extend our hearty congratulations to Jim Selleck and Jack Putney, co-owners, who have done an outstanding job in giving this area something new and worthwhile in entertainment!....The Editors WHITEY SELLS OUT LOCKER Whitey and Norma of the Valley Locker will soon be with us no more! Climaxing 12 years in the town of Talent, Whitey sold his interest in the Valley Locker to C.O. Dukes and his partner recently. The new owners will take over the first of August, according to reports. Whitey and Norma wish to thank their many friends for their support during the past years. At the present time the Whites are living at Dark Hollow & they report that they are contemplating a long vacation! NOTICE: All of the town business houses will be closed from 10 to 12 this morning in respect to Mrs. Terrill. PARTHENA TERRILL PASSES Funeral services for Mrs. Parthena E. Terrill, postmaster at Talent, who died in her home here Tuesday were held at Litwiller's Mountain View Chapel in Ashland this morning at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Stearns cemetery up Wagner Creek. Mrs. Terrill had served as postmaster here since 1945 after the death of her husband Jay. She had recently taken a leave of absence due to failing health. Survivors include a daughter, Barbara, of Portland, two brothers, Wayland Smith, Yreka, and Fulton Smith, Seattle, and two sisters, Mrs. James R. Day, Antioch, California, and Mrs. Harold Simpson of Woodacre, Calif. She had also served as school clerk and also had engaged in teaching here in Talent. Mrs. Terrill, or Partha, as everyone knew her, had many friends in Talent who will miss her friendly courteous smile and pleasant word. NOTICE The Music Boosters' club will hold their annual picnic at the south end of Lithia Park Sunday, August 1, at 1 p.m. Parents and families of band and chorus members are invited to come. Bring potluck and service for your family. LEARN TO LAY AIR IN LAYERS! The Talent Garden Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. August 4 at the home of Margaret Spangler. Margaret Long is to be the co-hostess. The program is Air Layering. The guest speaker is Mrs. Lewis of the Phoenix garden club. ED. NOTE: No, we don't know what air layering is. From the sound of the national news, most of the air is coming from the Senate, not in layers, but in 12 hour sessions! REMINDER: O.D.O. [Our Day Out] Club will meet with Winifred Mason August 6th. WEDDING BELLS TO RING Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Brannan, Route 1, Box 64, announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Jean Brannan to William Paul Young, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young, 103 New Street, Talent. The wedding is set for August 7th. Our Congratulations… GLADYS LEOLA GAY Gladys Leola Gay of Talent died Wednesday morning at Ashland. She was a native of New York but had lived in the Talent area since 1941. Survivors include her husband Sidney, nine children, four sisters and eight grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Litwiller's Mountain View Chapel. Rev. Leo Wine officiated. Page 2, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 3, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER--Rogue River Roundup starts July 31st for two big days at Medford Posse Grounds--Sponsored by Sheriff's Posse! Page 4, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ DAVIS BARBER SHOP 2ND SISKIYOU STORE MARIE'S TALENT HARDWARE--The Chico Portable Air Cooler! The Biggest Little Cooler on the Market! Page 5, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION SULLIVAN BROS. ROOF & PAINT CO. TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES First & Wagner Ave, First Methodist Church…Alice May Woolley, Pastor… 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; Message: "Fear" 7:00--MYF 8:00--Evening Service Wed. 8:00--Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting ATTEND THE TALENT CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE WEEKLY… REMEMBER: The Lithia Drive-In opening tonight! They have the newest, best, most modern and most comfortable theater in the valley…HURRY OUT TONITE! Page 6, ads for: (MEDFORD ROOFING)--NO DOWN PAYMENT--Med 3-1523 ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN WELDING SHOP PERL AMBULANCE SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES...PUT YOUR AD IN FOR ONLY 35¢ (up to 25 words) 70¢ 25 to 50 words…send to Box H or call Ash 2-3243…at 109 South Second--Talent WILKINS FUEL--BEAT THE BAD WEATHER
QUALITY GIRLS BAKERY GALLATIN INSURANCE NORTON LUMBER MARKET BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE WANTED--Custom hay baling...see LeRoy Welch, 112 Walden Lane at Talent, Ph. 2-3933 SHARPEN LAWNMOWERS AND SAWS--Hand or power mowers machine ground; free pickup and delivery. Saws filed and tools ground. See Carl Suppe, 1 mile south Talent or call Ashland 2-8319. FOR RENT--2 bedroom duplex..call 2-3939 at 308 West Main in Talent. WE CAN RENT YOUR HOUSE…CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 FOR DETAILS! FOR SALE--Two month old red frying chickens, 75¢ each. Hurry, they won't last long at this price! Mrs. Henry Lucier--Rt. 1, box 125, south of Talent, old hiway. FOR SALE--1941 Ford formerly owned by old maid schoolteacher and part-time wino. Never driven over 90 miles an hour. Body, engine, tires, doors, battery, wheels & other extras included. This bomb actually runs. Go rustic, be like one of the boys, buy this jewel from me for 40 bucks, will consider anything. See Dave Taylor at Worthington apartments on Gibson street. LOST LOST LOST--Brown and while milk goat, strayed from my place Wednesday. If you see please call Herman Cannon Ash 2-3249. FOR SALE AND FOR FREE--wrecking out a '41 Buick, some parts free for hauling away. See Mel Dufur at 108 Baine, Talent. FOR SALE OR TRADE--Equity in a good 3 bedroom modern home, 203 Gibson St. Ph. 2-61 [cut off] FOR SALE--Brand New south wind heater for your car, originally cost 27.00, you can have this for 10.00, also have a car cooler cost 17.50, you can have for $5.00. Call Ashland 2-3243 at News Flashes. DRUNKARDS--Do you want a car that you can run over the bank, hit trees with, kick, abuse, beat and knock the heck out of? I have just the wagon, a '41 ford coupe for only $40 or will trade for 10 cases of wine. See Dave Taylor at Worthington apartments. NEWS NOTE: Ellsworth Garland is reported to be working for Tom McFadden logging on the Siskiyous. The road turns off to the right just this side of the picnic grounds. ----------------------------------------------------
Edited and published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING "Everybody reads News Flashes" Made possible by your own Talent Merchants & Advertisers! News Flashes--Ph. 2-3243 Vol. XV No. 32 Friday, August 6, 1954 NOTE OF THANX The editors received a personal note of thanks from Jack Putney & Jim Selleck (Lithia Drive-In) for our publicity we gave the boys on said drive-in. Please, fellas, that wasn't publicity, that was news! Anyhow, we like to take a dig at you-know-who whenever we get the chance! If we do enough digging, it's just possible that we can dig them completely out of their hole that they have buried themselves in (or something!) We really appreciate the thank-you note boys, it's really o.k. Incidentally, Don Lucier is doing a bang-up job as doorman at the Lithia. His motto: A friendly word & smile, etc. with each and every ticket! The
SHOWERS, SOON RING A bridal shower was given in honor of Miss Fern Davis in the First Methodist Church Annex by the ladies of the church. Attending were the Mesdames Janet Quinn, Helen Olsen, Ada Coldwell, Ruth Granby, Lola Dixon, Edna Holdridge, Vivien Johnson, Mary Branum, Nancy Gidney, Cecile Fifield, Ozella Dixon, Ila Connor, Lela Davis, Mary Furrer, Genevieve Holdridge, Delores Quinn. Also attending were the Misses Esther Quinn, Marie Furrer, Wilma Bench, Judy Holdridge, Mary Kay Olsen, Teresa Olsen, Trientja Olsen, Janet Quinn, also little Patrick Dixon and Reverend Alice May Woolley. Sending gifts were Jo Walty, Ruby Messenger, Alfreda Wheeler, Ruby Twedell, Iva Mitchell, Dorothy and Kary Ellen Suksdorf, Edith Holdridge and Kathy & Dorothy Long. Miss Davis, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John L. Davis, is the bride-elect of Byron Dixon, son of Mr. & Mrs. S.P. Dixon. The wedding is set for Friday, August 27th at 7:30 in the evening. The ceremony is to be held at the Methodist Church with Alice May Woolley performing the services. GOOD HEAVENS, BURNETTE IS BACK AGAIN! Alice Burnette, bean picker supreme, has returneth from the field of beans and the fruit of the strawberry where she has plucketh and maketh many many ducats of gold; accompanied of course, by her kiddies, Doreen, Barbara and little Thomas. Alice was working at Estacada. She & company returned home Tuesday nite. She had no car trouble. She is sporting a nice tan. She has a smile for one and all. Yes, they had a good time. No, no one got the hives. (Any more questions can be answered by Alice in person at any time.) FIRE IN THE MEADOW The Talent Fire Department got a workout late Friday morning when called to the scene of a blaze up Walden Lane. A threshing machine owned by Joe Dugan of Valley View caught on fire and the resulting blaze burned around three acres of grain stubble. Fairly extensive damage was done to the machine but repairs are now underway. RETURNEE Mrs. Chet Zediker returned home from a visit to her daughter & family who live at Rio Vista, Cal. She was introduced to her new grandson while there! VISITORS HERE Mr. & Mrs. Carl Surgart of Whittier, Cal. were the guests of Mr. & Mrs. Phil Fluhrer the past week. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Steifer and family from Corcoran, Cal. are here visiting friends & relatives. Mrs. Steifer is Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Driver's daughter. GIRL SCOUT NEWS… Talent G.S. Troop 69 held an all day picnic and swimming party Friday, July 23, at Jackson Hot Springs. The troop, accompanied by their leader Mae Turley, first went to Medford and rode the train to Ashland. They were then taken to Jackson Hot Springs where they cooked breakfast. Later they swam and closed the day's activities with a wiener roast. Girls taking part in the activities were Linda Tompkins, Royce Welch, Judy Carpenter, Sally Helm, Judy Holdridge, Betty Roberts and a guest from Troop 109, Linda Faye Turley. Opal Welch assisted. THRU THE KEYHOLE… Boyers are putting in new linoleum. Here's a preview: Watch the Valley Locker's renovation… WATER DAYS: West side ODD, East side EVEN. Talent School, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY. This is important. Help conserve water!... Seen: Lots and lots of lovely creatures in shorts, sunsuits, etc. Mmmmmm. More of this!... Do you want to rent a house in the Talent area? Call News Flashes office for listings… AT BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE: An antique lantern, dented with a funny odd red lens in one side. A real jewel…..Check Ben's for odd buys… Dave Taylor sold his car to Waldo.. Wha' hoppen…Still no power mower for the boys at the city hall…. Let's get on the ball, fellows, whassa matter, huh???? Page 2, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION SULLIVAN BROTHERS ROOF & PAINT CO. TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NEWS FIRST METHODIST CHURCH First & Wagner Ave. Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship, Theme: "You Are Invited" Wednesday 8:00--Prayer Meeting Thursday 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting Friday 6:45--Fellowship Supper All Talent Churches meet regularly ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY Page 3, ads for: NO DOWN PAYMENT--Medford 3-1523 ED'S MOTOR REPAIR PERL AMBULANCE ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING NORTON'S LUMBER MARKET ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S OK SECOND HAND STORE ETCHINGS: If you haven't anything worth advertising, you haven't got anything worth selling! SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES. PUT YOUR AD IN FOR ONLY 35¢ (up to 25 words) 70¢ 25 to 50 words…send to Box H or call Ash 2-3243..at 109 S. 2nd St. Talent… PERSONAL--Joe, bring Aunt Nellie and Sure-Bet Charlie out to the Lithia Drive-In if you want to entertain them cheap. Signed, "Lover" P.S. Good shows every nite! FRESH GARDEN VEGETABLES at 208 Main Street, Talent. Reasonable prices! PRINTING business cards, letterheads, cards, etc. Best prices in Southern Oregon. 100 business cards, special $2.00. Inquire at News Flashes Office, call 2-3243. QUALITY GIRLS BAKERY GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--announcing our new POLIO & DUAL DISEASES policy. SHARPEN LAWNMOWERS & SAWS hand or power mowers machine ground, free pickup & delivery. Saws filed & tools ground. See Carl Suppe, 1 mile south of Talent or phone Ash 2-8319. FOR SALE--Red hens, John Henry, phone Ash 4485, Old Hiway, south. FOR RENT--House, newly decorated. Inquire at KAEGI QUALITY MARKET. WANTED--good used power mower. Must be in good shape, no junk. Call Ash 2-3243. FRESH MILK--Delivered to your door…read the CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AD for details…Henry De Young, prop. ADVERTISE IN N.F. WANT ADS NOW!
Page 4, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET--Take a head of lettuce, a pepper, two cucumbers, slice & dice, season with the juice of two lemons, a little salt and pepper--look from Kaegi's specials--you have a salad fit for a king for approximately 20¢ Page 5, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 6,
ad for:
VALLEY LOCKER--Under New Management! Watch for our grand opening later and our super special specials… VALLEY LOCKER CHANGES HANDS Climaxing over twelve years in this area, Mr. & Mrs. White sold their interest in the Valley Locker to Mr. & Mrs. C.O. Dukes and Mr. Clayton Bartlett, who have taken over. The entire store will undergo an extensive facelifting with new display cases and a revamped meat department. Mr. Dukes will do his own meat cutting, which should result in an excellent selection of meats. An invitation is extended to the people of this area to come in and meet the new owners. Ed. Note: More about our new merchants in next week's paper! Watch for their ad! HIGHLITES OF L.H. GALLATIN'S TRIP TO THE EAST We flew from Boise, Idaho to Detroit in a DC-6 Mainliner which flew at a speed of 300 miles per hour at an altitude of 17,000 feet…In visiting the Ford Motor Company, we found that it took only 1½ hours to completely assemble one car! We visited the Ford Museum, and also Greenfield Village, a reproduction of an 18th century village. We visited Niagara Falls, Canada, Cornell University, the Civil War battlefield at Gettysburg where 3,654 Union soldiers are buried. In Washington, D.C. we saw many government buildings, including the Supreme Court building, the Archives building where the original copy of the Declaration of Independence and all other important documents are kept, the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, the Smithsonian Institution, the Lincoln Museum where Abraham Lincoln was shot, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the White House and also the Capitol building. We saw Arlington National Cemetery and saw the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Next on the list was North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and then over the Rockies to Salt Lake City. We then came thru Nevada and then home. We traveled a total of 6,930 miles in only 26 days and we found one thing for sure, "There's no place like home!" FOR SALE: Southwind car heater, like new, all parts, originally cost nearly 40 dollars, used for only a few weeks, you can have for only 12 dollars. Call Ash 2-3243 or see at NF office. If you want to make 11 dollars a year on each dollar invested, see Bill Kaegi. (If you want to buy a gold brick or stock in an oil well, see us.) We sell anything thru our want ad section…for 35¢ we publish YOUR ad…over a thousand families in the Talent area will read it!!! Call Ashland 2-3243 now! COW TROUBLE OR BULLogny The town of Talent had an unannounced rodeo this morning when 5 steers purchased by Jack (the Mother Goose man) Suksdorf escaped their pasture fence and wandered up to and thru the town, arriving at the home of the Frank Christians in the early hours of the morning. The Christian family en masse attempted to shoo them away but were foiled by the wily steers who refused to shoo. Finally, Frank mounted his trusty steed and Phyllis mounted her faithful hoss and amid much banging and roping the steers were steered back to their home ranch in the wilds south of town. Ah tell you all the West is still wiiiild and woooooolly. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR WINTER FUEL--SEE WILKINS FOR WOOD… WE HAVE among our readers a young man who wants a Caterpillar…when asked what kind, he said he didn't care, he wasn't proud...as long as it ran…So, if any of you folks have a Cat any size you crave to dispose of, dispose of it to Dave Taylor at the WORTHINGTON APTS. TAKEN FROM OUR FILES JUNE 29, 1951-- Everyone was being urged to go out to the softball games every Tuesday & Thursday evenings at the football fields… Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jacobs and family left for Nevada to visit relatives. Miss Martha Porter, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Porter, became the bride of James Espey….Mrs. Mary Furrer and daughter, Marie, left Sunday to attend a family reunion at Wakefield, Kansas. Rural Fire Association had a very successful dinner Saturday night, according to reports from those who were there. Over 150 people were served. Miss Erna Rose Ronsee, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Ronsee, left Monday to join her unit in Texas. Cub Scouts and families enjoyed a picnic at the Forks. July 13, 1951-- The Ernie Allens were back after spending their vacation at Lake o' the Woods. The Campfire Girls were planning to go camping for 5 days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blume and children of Portland, Oregon were guests of the "Lucky" Gilbreaths last week. ----------------------------------------------------
DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING MADE POSSIBLE BY OUR TALENT MERCHANTS AND ADVERTISERS… VOL XV No. 35 Friday, August 27, 1954 New Flashes Ph. 2-3243 VALLEY LOCKER HAS GRAND OPENING The Valley Locker's grand opening sale officially started this morning. The new owners, Dukes and Bartlett, have announced a complete revamping and modernization of the entire store. They stress low prices and courteous service. An added attraction is the special Hunts canned foods sale that they are featuring as an opening special! Free samples are to be given away Saturday of Real Gold Juice and Betty Crocker cake. Mr. Dukes also said that all beef advertised this week is the finest baby beef. Their opening 'sale' will be on today and Saturday. NEWS FLASHES STARTS FUND DRIVE This week News Flashes starts a drive to raise Ninety dollars for the purpose of buying a new power mower for the use of city employees at the city hall. The present mower has been in use since 1936 and is worn out. We are also informed that it takes a whole day to mow the city hall lawn. We have to admit John Baldwin and Jim Perdue have done an outstanding job keeping the lawn and flowers in shape with the outmoded equipment that they have! Let's show our appreciation…Look for the PINK SHEET in this week's copy of News Flashes for details!!! FOOTBALL NOTICE Talent Hi will start football practice Wednesday, Sept. 1st at 7 p.m. The practice will be from 7 to 9 until school starts. Practice will be then held after school hours. Physical exams will be given and suits issued the first nite. All boys that are interested are urged to be there for the first practice. RURAL FIRE AREA TO MEET A meeting of the rural fire association will be held at the city hall at 8 Monday nite. All who live in the rural district from the SOUTH CITY LIMITS OF PHOENIX and the NORTH CITY LIMITS OF ASHLAND, VALLEY VIEW, FERN VALLEY…WAGNER AND ANDERSON CREEK…AND ALL OF THE SURROUNDING AREA OF TALENT are urged to attend! Many new people have moved into this area and are not acquainted with the workings of the rural fire department. This is the best insurance for fire protection in the valley. During the past year the Rural department has done a good job. COME AND BRING YOUR NEIGHBOR…THERE WILL BE A BUSINESS MEETING & REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED! ADVERTISE IN WANT AD
STARLEEN WINS AT 4H'rs Starleen Wilkins, one of our 4H'rs, won a halter for youngest dairy member in Jackson County at the 4H fair recently held in Medford. She also won 4th in showmanship and 7th in judging. (We extend our congratulations to an amazing nine-year-old 4-Her! NEW CANNED GOODS STORE Ray Schmitt has announced the opening of his new store located one half mile south of Talent. The business name is Siskiyou Cannery Sales. According to Mr. Schmitt, his method of merchandising has been tried with a definite success in Northern California and Oregon. Mr. Schmitt states that his prices are good for all week and also he will have the store open every day from 10 in the morning until 9 at nite. He has a complete line of canned and packaged goods based on wholesale prices. He will sell either singly or by the case, whatever the customer desires. Ray's motto is "Retail foods at Wholesale prices." We join with the rest of the people in this area in wishing him the best of luck and congratulations. THRU THE KEYHOLE…. Here's a jewel…Jim Selleck of the Lithia Drive In was approached the other nite by a Lippert employee who incidentally didn't have the price of a ticket, but he DID have a couple of Lippert passes…Yep, Jim took the passes…but he doesn't expect to make a practice of it… Ben Furch is buying…stoves at Ye Olde K Falls…watch his ad… The phone company went in the hole this week…a ditch by the hi school…Walker's wrecker pulled them out… Rices leave…Jerry for S. Cal, and Ron in the Navy… Dave Baylor and wife have purchased the Loren Casebier home on 1st… Margaret Hamilton has returned from the Hospital…surgery… RUMOR: Talent will soon have a sporting goods store…Rumor also has it that another business is slated to open soon close to Talent… LET'S GET THIS STRAIGHT: The wedding of Fern Davis and Byron Dickson will take place at 7:30 at the Methodist Church…watch for details BEANHOLE POSTPONED…was to be at forks…postponed due to celebration at Ashland…Ashland celebrating?....What for?....Hmmmm Page 2, ads for: SEIBER'S SHOPPING CENTER--extends congratulations and best wishes for a continuing success to the Valley Locker TALENT FEED STORE--Now is the time to worm those pullets! MARIE'S--ice cream and hamburgers AL'S 76 SPECIAL: Two 7:60 by 15 tires very low mileage, reasonable, see at the 76 station now! NOTICE: O.D.O. Club will meet at the home of Mary Withrow September 3. NOTICE: Talent Garden Club will meet Sept. 1 for picnic at home of Mrs. Jackson in Ashland. For transportation, phone Eva Taylor (& directions) CHURCH NOTICES
First Methodist Church First and Wagner Ave. Alice May Woolley, Pastor Sunday, Aug. 29 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; theme: "Jesus' Advice to Us" 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship; Message: "Is God Fair?" Wed. 8:00--Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting Church of Christ Carl Suppe, Pastor New Hiway 99 next to auction Sunday Services--10:00 Church--11:00 Evening Service--7:30 Wed. Bible study at 7:30 First Baptist Church NOTICE: Dr. C.E. Hunt will hold an evangelistic meeting and Bible teaching every night at 7:30 p.m. for the next two weeks. Everyone is urged to attend. NOTICE: W.S.C.S. meets at parsonage Sept. 2, at 1:30 p.m. HELP US OUT…WE NEED A NEW POWER MOWER AT THE CITY HALL…READ THIS WEEK'S PINK SHEET…. Page 3, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION TALENT CAFÉ DAVIS BARBER SHOP Page 4, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 5, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING--call Medford 3-1523 ED'S MOTOR REPAIR SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES…INSERT YOUR AD ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words--70¢ SEND TO BOX H OR CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 or call at 109 S. Second EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
NORTON'S LUMBER GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--Polio insurance WILKINS WOOD CLOVERLEAF DAIRY ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE LET ME SHARPEN YOUR LAWNMOWER OR SAW--hand or power mowers machine ground…free pickup and delivery. Saws filed and tools ground.. Carl Suppe, next to Siskiyou Cannery Sales or call Ash 2-8319. PRINTING--We print anything except money! Business cards..letterheads, cards, etc. Best prices in Southern Oregon…inquire at News Flashes office or call 2-3243. FRYERS FOR SALE--John Henry, old hiway south or call Ash 4485. STRAYED--Red hound dog..answers to the name of Red. Anyone seeing this dog please call 2-3839 at Swatzlander's on Wagner Creek Road. FOR RENT--house located on old hiway, cheap, see Pop Silliman, ½ mile south of Talent, old hiway. CHECK AT AL'S 76 STATION FOR SUPER SPECIALS EVERY WEEK…NOW!! Page 6, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 7, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER--GRAND OPENING! NEWS NOTES AND HILITES… Kaegi's Quality Market is in the process of getting a new sidewalk installed in front of the building. We understand that Bill is doing the work… The Lithia Drive In is scheduled to have two more coats of paint..on the screen soon… The Dave Taylors have moved to 108 Baine Street in Talent… NOTE: Check Al Seiber's complimentary ad to the Valley Locker…pretty nice gesture, we would say… Harold Shindley and Wilbur Jackson were badly shaken up last Friday nite when the car in which they were riding left the road. Shindley, who was driving, said that he had swerved to miss two cows in the road and as he attempted to swing back into the road, the right front wheel came off throwing the car into a skid. As Shindley attempted to straighten the vehicle, the steering mechanism failed, flipping the car over onto its back and hitting a milk rack, spilling two cans of cream and a can of milk. Jackson was slightly injured when one of the cans came through the shattered window of the car and hit his foot. At this point one of the cows, a bull, approached the scene of the wreck and chased Shindley up a telephone pole. Jackson stayed in the wrecked car until help came. The cows and bull were rounded up, Shindley and Jackson rescued, the car towed off and the milk cans picked up. (Ed. Note: This is known as shooting the works in one wreck!) FOR SALE: Cheap bedroom set, see at 109 South Second, News Flashes office. FOR SALE: Circulating Heater, has medium size fire box, in excellent shape, $17 takes it! Call News Flashes 2-3243. FOR SALE: Goats, make nice pets, etc. Must sell out my entire stock, am moving soon, prices start at $2.00 and up! Make nice anniversary presents or buy now for Christmas! See at Frank Reed's ¼ mile out on Valley View road… CHECK THIS WEEK'S PINK
Page 8, ads for: TALENT HARDWARE--deer season doesn't open until October 2nd, but… LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER--½ mile south of Talent TONITE AND SATURDAY "CRIME WAVE," starring Sterling Hayden, Phyllis Kirk, PLUS… "DUFFY OF SAN QUENTIN"--Louis Hayward, Joanne Dru SUNDAY AND MONDAY "MERRY WIDOW" in grand and glorious TECHNICOLOR!!! Starring Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas… -plus- "WEEKEND WITH FATHER"--Van Heflin, Patricia Neal TUESDAY..WEDNESDAY..THURSDAY "ROOM FOR ONE MORE"--Cary Grant, Betsy Drake--plus-- CRIMEBUSTERS IN ACTION IN "UNION STATION" We Have the Latest News Reels Every Nite...KWIN sponsored YOUR NEWEST, MOST MODERN THEATER IN SOUTHERN OREGON! OUR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THIS WEEK KAEGI'S Frozen Peas, Corn--9¢ IDEAL: Hams, 49¢, [illegible] & 53¢ LOCKER: Ground Beef 4 lbs--[illegible] CANNERY: Tuna, solid, can 28¢ CHECK ALL OF OUR ADVERTISERS' SPECIALS..THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST WEEK'S PRICES!!! Page 9, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET LET'S DO SOMETHING!
Why should
Jim Perdue and John Baldwin have to use an old beat-up lawn
mower that was bought 'way back in 1936??? We want to show our
appreciation for the fine job that they have been doing, so here is
what News Flashes is going to do about it with your help…The lawn at the City Hall has never looked BETTER BUT… We have located a good used heavy duty mower like new for only 90 bucks…sooooo…Next week this space that you are reading now will be for sale for any amount that YOU want to contribute toward the purchase price of the mower…you can put in a want-ad, advertise any article for sale, put in a 'personal' or even if you want, we will print a funny (?) joke!!! To top it all off, if you live in town here, a Campfire Girl will call either Monday or Tuesday at your home for your contribution and ad…if you don't have anything to advertise, contribute anyhow…it's for a doggone good cause!!! Our out-of-town readers are requested to send in their ads and contributions before next Thursday so that we can include them in next week's News Flashes… Please try to hold your ads down to thirty or forty words or less… REMEMBER--WE ONLY NEED NINETY BUCKS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THIS MOWER….IN ONE SUMMER'S USAGE THE NEW MOWER WILL MORE THAN PAY FOR ITSELF IN TIME SAVED!!! IT TAKES NEARLY A WHOLE DAY'S TIME FOR EITHER OUR MARSHAL OR FIRE CHIEF TO PUSH THE WORN OUT WRECK THAT THEY ARE USING OVER THE LAWN TO CUT IT!! THE WOODEN ROLLERS ARE SO BADLY WORN THAT THEY CAN'T EVEN ADJUST THE CONTRAPTION TO CUT PROPERLY!!! THE TIRES ARE SO WORN THAT THEY TURNED INSIDE OF THE RIMS AND HAD TO BE TIED ON!!!! MAY WE COUNT ON YOU TO HELP US TO BUY A NEW MOWER? REMEMBER…25, 50, 75 cents OR MORE WILL HELP OUT A LOT!! THE CAMPFIRE GIRLS WILL CALL MONDAY OR TUESDAY OR MAIL TO TALENT NEWS FLASHES, Box H. ----------------------------------------------------
SINCE 1934
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe "Everybody Reads News Flashes…" DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING MADE POSSIBLE BY OUR ADVERTISERS… VOL. XV No. 36 Friday, Sept. 3, 1954 News Flashes Ph. 2-3243 NEW MOWER DRIVE PROGRESSING RAPIDLY--OPINIONS VARY News Flashes' fund drive for the power mower for the city hall is progressing rapidly due to widespread cooperation of the local citizens and merchants. We have had all kinds of reactions to the drive ranging from "You have a fine civic spirit!" and "It's a wonderful idea." TO "Let the town council buy the mower" and we even had one elderly lady tell us to "Keep our noses out of the town council's business!" For the record, let's get a couple of things straight: We have one of the finest city councils that we have had for a long time! We are NOT meddling in anyone's business! Here is our attitude: Why should we depend on the city council to furnish everything…why go crying to the boys on the council every time that we turn around! Let's give them a little cooperation and help instead of criticism and complaints, so prevalent in the past. The idea of buying something for the city's use by subscription is not new by any means…a hot water tank was needed in the kitchen at the city hall a few years ago. The town could not, at the time, afford to buy it so a group of the citizens banded together and bought the new heater and had it installed! Why not have some more of cooperation…we know the boys need a new mower so let's get it without any more misguided fuss and fury! We have but one thing to suggest to some of the doubting thomases, and that is that they push "Rattling Gertie" around the city hall lawn once and then tell us whether we should buy a new mower or not! NORMAN WINS…1400th! Norman Driver was the winner of a glass fishing rod and casting reel at Hal's Sporting Goods last Sunday. Norman was customer No. 1400 in the store. DAVIS-DICKSON WEDDING Miss Fern Davis, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Davis and Mr. Byron Dickson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Penn Dickson, were married at the Methodist Church in a candlelight ceremony Friday night. The ceremony was performed by Miss Alice May Woolley. The bride, wearing a white lace gown and a finger tip veil held in place by a pearl tiara, was given in marriage by her father. She carried a white orchid and stephanotis. The bride's sister, Mrs. Arnold Ragsdale, was her attendant. Her gown was pale yellow and she carried a bouquet of lavender carnations. The groom was attended by his brother John. The bride's mother wore a gown of navy blue with white accessories. Her corsage was white gardenias. The groom's mother wore a gown of navy and white with white accessories; her corsage was rosebuds. The ushers and candlelighters were Rodger Davis and John Dickson. The church was beautifully decorated in pink and white gladiolus. Mrs. Jack Suksdorf played the wedding music, Mrs. Clarence Holdridge sang two solos, "Always" and "Oh, Promise Me." Over a hundred and fifty guests were present for the ceremony. The bride is a junior in the Talent high school, and the groom is a graduate of the class of 1954. After a brief honeymoon, Mr. & Mrs. Dickson will make their home near Talent on the Suncrest road. THRU THE KEYHOLE… Archie Boyer was hospitalized…for surgery 'tis said… It was reported that…Miss Rose Marie Sullivan and Rick Nagle were married last week…Reno… Two gals drove all the way to Talent from Jacksonville…to get their names in NF…Sorry Jeanie/Doris--we aren't allowed to do that… WHO was the lad that saw snakes in his car? …More on this next week!! Mr. & Mrs. P. Dickson left for Wash. Saturday to make their home for the winter…sunny Wash., that is… Did you know that the first answer that we had to our Pink Sheet was Don Grimes, who lives out in the rural area???... Heard over KBOY…"Wanted, used baby diapers…must be clean"…Hmmmm Harold Lashley was fishing Sunday...dropped his wallet someplace, set his basket and pole down to look for wallet…returned, no basket & no pole…swiped by someone…no wallet either…Bad day for Harold! Everybody reads News Flashes…C.P. Zachone of Portland was one of the contributors toward the new mower!! INCIDENTALLY, NEWS FLASHES WILL CONTINUE THE PINK SHEET NEXT WEEK…WE HAVE NEARLY 50 BUCKS COLLECTED…NEED 40 MORE TO GET THE MOWER…SEND THE ADS IN NOW! READ THE PINK SHEET…LET'S GET THIS BOUGHT!!! Rumors: Who is going to move into the empty Culver paint shop? We hear the new sporting goods shop will be on the new hiway… Ed Lunsford has left again...this time it's Washington…visiting… False Alarm...6:30 a.m…what's the matter with the phone company???? THE SIS-Q FOOD PRODUCTS INCORPORATE The Sis-Q Food Products Company of Talent, Oregon Cherry Processors, have now incorporated with the following officers: A.C.
Bernges, Talent, President
company will continue to pack
Maraschino cherries in glass, glace cherries for bakery use, cherries
for ice cream manufacturers and cherries for Chocolate Cordials.C. Ellison of Medford, V. President E.G. Sommers, Ashland, Secretary & Treasurer NEWS NOTES AND HIGHLIGHTS To Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Vogt, Rt. 1, born on September 2, a girl weighing 8 pounds at the Community Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. William Carrillon have bought a home at 221 Old Hiway. Mr. Carrillon is a painter by trade. The Carrillons were formerly of Stayton. Revival services are being conducted at the Baptist Church by the Dr. C.E. Hunt of Cal. Services each evening at 7:30, 11 Sunday until Sept. 8th. Know your Bible, everyone welcome. TO DATE, ALL OF THE STORES WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY EXCEPT THE SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES. This includes our advertisers only! According to word received from the Lithia Drive-In, Jim Selleck, Manager, has moved into the Ashland area from Medford. NOTICE: Cage egg laying meeting September 8th. At the Talent Feed Store. All interested are welcome to come. O.A. Johnson, 104 Fairview, has socks for sale that come in one size but stretch to fit automatically…Nylons yet, for men! You've got to see these to believe it! WANT ADS… Free Wood…several cords of hard wood for the cutting and taking off of grounds…R.L. Brantley, Old Hiway 99 Box 161 WANTED: Ironing and canning, see Eva Wright, the cottage, Worthington Apartments on Gibson Street. WANTED: We need forty bucks to buy the mower….advertise on the PINK SHEET AT YOUR PRICE! SEND IN YOUR CONTRIBUTION NOW! Send to Box H, Talent News Flashes, City. LITHIA DRIVE IN THEATER--Phone
Ash. 9-6231
TONITE AND SATURDAY "COPPER CANYON"--Ray Milland and Hedy Lamarr--One of the Year's top Western Action films! ..PLUS.. "SMUGGLER'S ISLAND" with Jeff Chandler, Evelyn Keys SUNDAY AND MONDAY IT'S THAT BOB HOPE AND HEDY LAMARR AGAIN IN "MY FAVORITE SPY," plus 2nd big hit, "CROSSWINDS"--John Payne and Rhonda Fleming TUESDAY..WED. AND THURS. "HERE COMES THE GROOM," with a star-studded cast including BING CROSBY and JANE WYMAN!!!--plus- "SUBMARINE COMMAND"--underwater action!!--William Holden EVERY NITE WE FEATURE THE VERY LATEST NEWS REELS SPONSORED BY KWIN PLUS A SUPER BIG KOLOR KARTOON FOR THE KIDDIES! YOUR LOCALLY OWNED THEATER! Page 3, ad for: TALENT HARDWARE Page 4, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 6, full-page ad for: TALENT THRIFT MARKET / SNAK BAR Page 7, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER--a note of thanks--We take this opportunity to thank Seiber's Shopping Center for their expression of good will…we wish Mr. Seiber lots of luck…Dukes and Bartlett, Valley Locker MARIE'S TALENT BARBER Page 8, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; message "Selective Hearing" 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship; message: "The Point to the Parable of the Prodigal Son" Wednesday: 8:00--Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Suppe, Pastor New Hiway 99 next to auction Sunday Services 10:00 Church 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Wed. Bible Study at 7:30 Page 9, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE--for emergency's sake...call us first! NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES…INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words--70¢. SEND TO BOX H OR CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 or call at 109 S. Second EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
Page 10, ads for: NORTON'S LUMBER GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--POLIO WILKINS WOOD CLOVERLEAF DAIRY ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE AL'S 76 STATION LET ME SHARPEN YOUR LAWNMOWER OR SAW, hand or power mowers machine ground…free pickup and delivery. Saws filed and tools ground..Carl Suppe, next to Siskiyou Cannery Sales or call Ash 2-8319. PRINTING--we print anything except money! Business cards..letterheads, cards, etc. Best prices in Southern Oregon…inquire at News Flashes office or call 2-3243. FRYERS FOR SALE--John Henry, old hiway south or call Ash 4485 STRAYED--Red hound dog...answers to the name of Red…anyone seeing this dog please call 2-3839 at Swatzlander's on Wagner Creek Road. FOR RENT--house located on old hiway, cheap, see Pop Silliman, ½ mile south of Talent, old hiway. YES! WE WILL HELP SPONSOR THE NEW MOWER! The New Valley Locker Standard Station Mobil Station Talent Feed Store Sis-Q Cherries Ideal No. 1 Talent Market Les Davis Talent Barber Talent Hardware Seiber's--Open 'til 11! Siskiyou Cannery Sales Marie's Peterson Electric Texaco Station Chuck Wagon Pancake House +JIM CLEVENBERG, Standard Oil Distributor +Robert Spayde +May Hamilton +Cecil Morris +Mrs. Ed. Taylor +C.P. Zachone (Portland) +FOR SALE Two Peke Puppies, $25 each Phone 2-4363, See Mrs. Ronald E. Angus +Mrs. Marshall
SALE--Deep Freeze in good shape…cheap if taken
at once, Joseph Harrison, end of Front Street across from Talent
+Geo. Zickefoose, Talent
sumac tree with $3.00 order for Christmas cards, ribbons, wrappings,
etc. Two tree $6.00 order. Mrs. Garland, Main Street across from City
Hall, Talent. Call 2-7562+Mr. Harper +Norman Driver +Mrs. P.A. Penneck +Mrs. John Tompkins +CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK call Don Grimes, 2-7614, Rt. 1, Box 49 Old hiway S. +Shady Brook Trailer Haven, modern, quiet, peaceful…ASK OUR PATRONS--located at 236 old hiway 99 (formerly Rick's trailer court) +MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS--phone for a complete complimentary demonstration--214 Fluhrer Building, ph. 2-9611 at Medford +For Painting see Bill Carrillon at 221 old hiway south, Talent +STOP...LOOK…LISTEN…Ladies, we have new fall and winter shades in ladies' hose..all GUARANTEED…drop a card to box 148 & I will call…I have a nice assortment of Men's hose also. O.A. Johnson, 104 Fairview +WATCH FOR MY SIGN--I am opening a new and second hand store on the corner of E. Main and John Street. If you have anything that you want to sell, see me and I will sell it for you on consignment. Ray Garland. +FOR SALE--Quart mason jars 50¢ dozen. Electric whirlpool washer and twin tubs for 20.00 or will trade for locker meat or chickens…113½ First Street or ph. 2-8761. +WANTED--Baby sitting evenings…113½ First Street, call 2-8761 +Don Lucier, your Lithia Drive-In Doorman! FOR SALE: Remington 12 gauge automatic shot-gun interchangeable full choke, ribbed barrel with extra cylinder bore barrel. All for half price of new gun! Call 2-3243 or see at 209 Gibson, O.A. Penock. SWEET CORN--The best in the valley, for sale at $2.00 for seven dozen! 208 West Main Street, evenings. SNAPPY
SINCE 1934
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Made Possible by Our Advertisers--PATRONIZE THEM… VOL. XV NO. 37 Friday, Sept. 10, 1954 News Flashes Ph. 2-3243 MOWER FUND NEARLY COMPLETE NOW! As we go to press, the total collected for the new power mower has amounted to over seventy dollars with more promised! Response has been very good out of town, nearly a hundred percent showing that you don't have to live in Talent proper to be civic minded! In addition to the generous response toward the purchase of the mower, Bill's Fixit Shop has offered to keep the new mower sharpened and in repair for absolutely free! If the promised contributions come thru, we can have the new mower purchased by next week, so we'll keep our fingers crossed! …The Editors GUSTAV SCHARFE Funeral services for Gustav A. Scharfe were held in Talent Methodist Church Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. with the Rev. Alice Mae Woolley officiating. Mr. Scharfe passed away Saturday after a short illness. He was born in Saxony, Germany, on Sept. 12, 1879 and had been associated with the Talent Hardware Store here for the past six years. Survivors include his wife Anna; a son Cedric and a granddaughter, Gail, all of Talent; three brothers, Otto, Havre, Mont., Albert, Los Angeles, and Emil, Redwood Falls, Minn., and two sisters, Mrs. Henry Raegke, Redwood Falls, and Mrs. T.H. Hanson, Dunn Center, N.D. Mr. Scharfe was well known and well liked by everyone in this area. TALENT HI CONTRACT LET The contract for the new Hi School has been awarded to Medford Contractor Frank Fairweather on a low bid of $123,774. The construction is to include a new shop building as well as the classroom building. According to Robert Keeney, architect, the building will have cost $7.10 per square foot when completed. This is a very reasonable figure. CITY COUNCIL MEETS The city council met in regular session at the city hall Tuesday nite. John Baldwin was appointed to check on the fire alarm system of Gold Hill for a possible change of our system. A letter from the Forest Service was read and discussed. Due to a change in the regulations of the forest service, the city was notified that the youth camp on Wagner Creek would be for lease or sale. Under the new ruling, no club can sponsor a project of this kind. The Community Club has been sponsoring the camp. The city will make application and inquire about the details. The Community Club asked permission to light the evergreen tree at Xmas time, permission was granted. After the regular business session, the council adjourned. THANKS! The Valley Locker wishes to thank their many customers & the people of Talent for helping to make their grand opening a success. NEWS NOTES & HIGHLIGHTS Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hilsenhoff of Salem spent the weekend with Jerry's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Hilsenhoff of the Talent Market. The Jackson County Sheriff's Posse were presented with 4 first place trophies for the best mounted group. They won at Dunsmuir, Lakeview, Klamath Falls & J'Ville. Mrs. Lillian Black returned to her home in Los Angeles after a visit with her sister & family, Mr. & Mrs. Vern Hendricks. School bells are ringing again. The kids started back to school today. Many mothers are happy, many of the kids want more vacation. The teachers? We don't know what they want!!! Probably peace & quiet. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Turner & Daughters Linda & Karen of Portland were guests of Bob & Mae Lowe. Mr. Turner is Mrs. Lowe's nephew. Doug Hotchkiss of Roseburg is visiting at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. May Hamilton. THRU THE KEYHOLE…. There is nothing like owning & renting three homes…& still having to rent a house for yourself! Just ask Howard Lockwood… 'Tis Said: Mr. Swan indicated his preference for News Flashes, says it has more news that 'tother papers…Sir, we bow to you! Geo. Davis going to a fire got mired down in farmer's field, got home at 4 a.m. sans car… Bob Gripp wants to push new mower when we get it…(You don't have to push it, Bob, power, remember?) Jones of Jones Cabinet shop gave us two Chinese coins on new mower. Closer inspection revealed them to be washers!!....Hmmmm… Ideal Staff Plans for Labor Day: Bill: "Going to get swacked and crawl under my house." Merwin: "Going to pieces." Tom & Norman: "Going to Follow Merwin." Merry Christmas, boys!.... The Steblers have been state-fairing for the past 4 days… Don Napworth reports that thieves have been in his henhouse…a setting hen with eggs is missing!! Page 2, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER--1 Free admission to the Lithia Drive-in Theater with every $2.00 order!! MARIE'S TALENT BARBER Page 3, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 4, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES…INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words--70¢. SEND TO BOX H OR CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 or call at 109 S. Second. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
NORTON'S LUMBER CARL SUPPE LAWNMOWER & SAW SHARPENING GALLATIN'S INSURANCE WILKINS' WOOD CLOVERLEAF DAIRY ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE PRINTING--we print anything except money! Business cards..letterheads, cards, etc. Best prices in Southern Oregon…inquire at News Flashes office or call 2-3243. Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 7, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES First Methodist Church Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; Message: "Great Things" 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship; Message: "The Enemy's Approach" Wed. 8:00--Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Suppe, Pastor New Hiway 99 next to Siskiyou Sunday Services 10:00 Church 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Wed. Bible Study 7:30 News from the Lithia Drive-In: Jim Selleck is a Portland visitor, he is buying films…Jack Putney was painting all of the speaker stands until too many other things came up… Incidentally, it was reported that Lippert now has a nightly checker on the Lithia. It is supposed to be a 1947 light green Mercury Coupe, with usually two young men in it. They park either by Snappy Service or up on the old hiway where they can see the entrance of the Lithia, and then they count each and every car that enters. Our snoopy little friends then supposedly go to Medford and relay the information to the District Manager who then has the bad news phoned down to Lippert's main office in San Fran. the same nite! And they thought the pony express was fast! WATCH FOR THIS GREEN COUPE THE NEXT TIME THAT YOU GO TO THE SHOW AT THE LITHIA! Elsie Blackburn of the Snappy Service says that she thinks that the snoopers were stupid parking by their place because they couldn't see the screen. Maybe that's why they moved up on the old hiway, Elsie! Here is a story told by Bill Kaegi: Whistler's mother was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor one day when Whistler walked in. He said, "Mother, you're off your rocker." (Don't say we didn't warn you!) Dean Carver in the News: Dean fell out of his car the other day when it was in motion. He had to run like blazes to catch it and stop the wandering vehicle. Dean is the same boy that saw snakes in his county truck. We suggest that he get away from it all for a while. Inspection revealed that the new school building site was in the center of Christian Street! Embarrassed officials closed the street due to obvious reasons. NOTICE: Community Club meeting will be held the 3rd Wednesday, September 15th. Mrs.
Lovella Long
WATCH REPAIRING--See Wesley Boyer, 227 Gibson Street, guaranteed work! FOR SALE--3 children coats, two size 12 cravanetted lined and interlined, only 5.00 each. One grey reefer type size 14, $5.00. Call 2-7617. Charles Barnes, Old Hiway 99 south. FOR RENT--Modern two bedroom house for rent. George Zickefoose, call Med 3-2777. Here is another story: (We feel like telling dumb ones today!) Two Mexicans were playing golf; one Mexican turned to the other and said, "Did you hear about Juan getting shot?" "Ah," replied the other, "A hole in Juan!" The Mitchell residence on Fern Valley burned to the ground late Saturday night. The local rural truck was unable to get there in time due to the fact that not enough information was given as to the location of the fire. In spite of the flurry of false alarms, several cars turned out to help. E.N. Meeker, a former Talent resident, was a visitor at the Charley Chipmann residence here last Tuesday. Mr. Meeker has been traveling extensively in Canada and Alaska. He reports that he is one of a very few white men ever to see the famous lost tribe of nomadic Indians called Uhna-Agbuu-Nokt [sic]. He also saw the Canadian hot springs where the water is constantly at 243 degrees all the time. He said that travelers threw eggs in and when they were boiled, they would float to the top of the steaming springs. Their hunting party also bagged a giant Gaar and also a white Caribou. Mr. Meeker will be a visitor in the valley for the next week. READ
LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER Phone Ash 9-6231 TONITE AND SATURDAY TWO GREAT SCIENCE-FICTION FILMS BY THE MASTER STORYTELLER, H.G. WELLS… "WAR OF THE WORLDS" and "WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE" BOTH IN TECHNICOLOR!!! SUNDAY AND MONDAY Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Fontaine and George Saunders in "IVANHOE"…plus… "JEOPARDY"--Barbara Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan TUESDAY, WED. & THURSDAY "SAMPSON AND DELILAH" starring Hedy Lamarr, Victor Mature…plus… "DOUBLE CROSSBONES" with DONALD O'CONNOR (Both Pictures are in color) WE FEATURE THE LATEST NEWS...KWIN SPONSORED PLUS A SUPER BIG CARTOON FOR THE KIDDIES!!! YOUR HOME-OWNED THEATER! HERE IS SOME MORE HELP ON THE NEW MOWER! Page 9, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER TAYLOR'S INC.--LOGGING, HAULING, Heavy Construction BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE BILL'S FIXIT SHOP TALENT AUTO WRECKERS JONES CABINET SHOP CARL SUPPE'S SAW SHOP WALKER AUTO WRECKERS TALENT LADY LIONS AUXILIARY--"Talent's Progressive Women's Club" WATCH FOR MY SIGN I am opening a new and second hand store on the corner of E. Main and John Street. If you have anything to sell, see me and I will sell it for you on consignment. Ray Garland. FOR SALE--Two Peke Puppies, $25 each, phone 2-4363, Mrs. Ronald E. Angus +Mrs. Cora Hendrickson
+Mrs. Gladys Cole +Jack Putney +Mr. & Mrs. C.G. Anderson +Jim Selleck +Mr. & Mrs. Loren E. Messenger + Mrs. H. Amos +Mr. & Mrs. Jack Suksdorf +Alma Webber +Mr. Hopkins +Ann Bergren +Mrs. Bartol +Mr. & Mrs. Swann +Bob Gripp +Mrs. Walls +Mrs. Creel +Joe Hansen +Mr. & Mrs. Karl Suppe +Mr. & Mrs. Frank Christian +Mary Higgins +COLUMBIA ORCHARDS--Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Young +Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Barret +Pop Sullivan Wesley Boyer: Clock and watch Repairing…watch for my sign on Gibson street! FOR SALE: Harrington Upright Piano--a steal at $100, see at 100 Valley View, Talent Court. Ann Sutton READERS ATTENTION: WE HAVE COLLECTED OVER SEVENTY DOLLARS TOTAL TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF THE NEW MOWER…WE HOPE TO HAVE GOOD NEWS IN NEXT WEEK'S NEWS FLASHES!!! ----------------------------------------------------
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe--DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES…" Made possible by our advertisers…patronize them! News Flashes ph. 2-3243 VOL. XV NO. 38 Friday, Sept. 17, 1954 THEY HAVE GOT IT!!! Thursday morning Jim Perdue picked up the new power mower that was purchased by individual contributions. There is still a slight unpaid balance on the mower, which was assumed by News Flashes and several other local citizens who promised to help. We are very proud of the way that our readers responded. We wish to thank the CampFire girls for their help; we are especially proud of the backing that our advertisers gave us on the project! All in all, Talent has shown that its citizens are very much civic minded, taking a personal interest in civic affairs! We wish to thank each and every one who contributed towards the purchase of the new mower. HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT UP The following figures for registration were released Thursday by R.B. Parr, superintendent of Talent Schools. Elementary: 320 (This is a decrease of 11 from last year); High School: 131, an 11% increase. The First grade totals up to 47 and according to local census it will remain at the 50 mark for several years to come. The new high school foundation has been laid and if the weather is good, the finish date will be in 127 days according to Parr. THURSDAY, 3:30 p.m., False
NOTICE: Lady Lions Food Sale Saturday at the Valley Locker. TALENT SCHOOL CALENDAR Sept.
3--General Faculty Meetings
Sept. 7-8--In-Service, Phoenix Sept. 9--Preparation Sept. 10--School opens ½ day Sept. 17--Mt. Shasta, There Sept. 17--Freshman Initiation, sock hop Sept. 24--St. Mary's there Oct. 1--Glendale, there; Sadie Hawkins Day Oct. 8--Jacksonville, away Oct. 15--End first 6 weeks Oct. 15--Eagle Point here Oct. 18--Institute at Medford Oct. 22--Rogue River there Oct. 27--Hi School play Oct. 29--Prospect there Nov. 10--Fall Concert Nov. 11--Armistice Day, Holiday Nov. 24--End 2nd six weeks Nov. 25-26--Thanksgiving Dec. 10--Winter Wonderland Ball Dec. 23--School closes for Christmas Jan. 3--School reopens Jan. 14--End of semester Feb. 14--Sweetheart Ball March 16, 17, 18--Spring Vacation May 22--Baccalaureate May 25--Graduation May 30--Memorial Day May 31--(Tentative)--School Closes June 1--Teachers' final reports, etc. CAMPFIRE GIRLS TO MEET The Campfire girls will meet Tuesday at the home of Alice Burnette. New girls interested are invited to attend the meeting. ADVERTISE IN N.F. WANT AD SECTION
NEWS NOTES AND HILIGHTS The Bluebirds from 2nd and 3rd grade will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Driver on 1st street South. Lions will meet Thursday evening at the Talent Café for Dinner and business. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Barrett left for Chicago Sept. 8th to make their home. Register Sept. 21st at Valley Locker (Tuesday) from 10 to 6. Girl Scout troop 69 held their first meeting at the home of their leader, Mrs. Turley. Officers were elected. President, Linda Tompkins; Secretary: Sally Helm; Treasurer: Royce Welch; Scribe: Betty Roberts. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Turley. (This article was sent to us by Betty Roberts.) Mrs. Bell Skeeters returned home from a vacation to California & Mexico. Bell was gone two weeks. Mrs. Fred Van Dyke returned from the Medford Community Hospital and is now at home. She was undergoing medical care. THRU THE KEYHOLE….. Cy Combest is drinking buttermilk. It puts that rosy glow in his cheeks…Evidently… Orchids to Roy Estes for his cooperation on the new mower…it was his mower that we bought… New T-V Set-Ites: Ray Garland. It's a Motorola… John Baldwin went to Bend to pick up Mrs. Baldwin…John was doing the cooking in her absence…The whole family will be glad to have her back… Geo. Davis was red-wooding in C. City, sunny Cal… The Mil Dufurs are now in Everett, Washington… Ellsworth Garland has a new car, a Pontiac with fuel pump trouble. Things have settled down to normal. This year's crop of students have again taken over the streets…instead of the sidewalks…Personally, we don't blame them…the sidewalks are in crummy shape…Some of them, that is… Page 2, full-page ad for: KAEGI QUALITY MARKET Page 3, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 4, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER--Deer Season will soon be open--shoot straight MARIE'S TALENT BARBER Page 5, full-page ad for: TALENT MARKET / SNAK BAR Page 6, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER 3 UNIT SHOW Tonite & Saturday--includes one solid hour of CARTOONS! LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER--Phone Ash. 9-6231 Overheard at the Talent Hi: Student: "But teacher, I don't think that I deserve a zero." Mr. ------ "Neither do I but it's the lowest mark I'm allowed to give!" We were out to the Lithia Drive-In last Saturday nite and we asked Jim Selleck how good the coffee was. He gave us a sample and we tried it. Experts in the car said that it was the best drive-in coffee that they ever tasted. Jim explained it by saying that he doesn't put any 'extender' in the coffee to make it go further. It is pure coffee. We also heard that "other drive-ins" mix their coffee and extender 50/50 to save money…Hmmm…To top it all off, we were so enthusiastic about the Lithia Coffee that we forgot to return Jim's cup… We were told this one…They were strolling in the park and the birds were circling and swooping overhead. Finally one eagle-eyed birdie scored the inevitable on her new hat. "Oh, gracious," she exclaimed, "Please give me a piece of paper quickly!" "Why worry," asked her escort, "That bird is probably a quarter-mile away by now." Joe says that the best way to wipe out a friendship is to sponge on it… MORE MOWER CONTRIBUTIONS:
Henry Lucier Mr. & Mrs. C.F. McNutt Mrs. Josephine Foss Mr. & Mrs. Chet Zediker Jess Hopkins GARDEN SURPLUS SALE--13 labeled iris only $1.00 at Lynne's Gardens, 108 5th St. at Ashland. FOR SALE--10 Chief canning corn, You Pick, $1.50 a sack. Bring your own bag or container. Ronald and Bob Lucier, Rt 1, Box 125 Old Pacific Hiway South, Talent. FOR SALE--Professional type hair dryer for home use. Only $15.00. Inquire at Rt. 1 Box 107, old hiway south of Talent. FOR RENT--House. Inquire at Kaegi's Quality Market FOR RENT--Modern house for rent, furnished. Inquire at 236 Gibson. FOR RENT--Two bedroom modern house. Inquire 314 West Main, Frank Christian. IF YOU WANT TO SELL IT--bring it in to me for consignment. I am starting a new 2nd hand store opposite the fire hall in Talent. I buy and sell everything. Ray Garland. NEWS POST SCRIPTS: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Christian and family are moving to Corvallis where Jack will attend school. They expect to leave soon. FOR SALE--TRAILER HOUSE, reasonable, see at Rick's Trailer Court, south of Talent. Karen Dorman ran a 5 inch sliver into her leg last Thursday and had to be taken to the hospital for removal of it. She is recovering nicely. FOR SALE: Used Piano keys. Make nice buttons. See at Walshes, North of Talent on New Hiway. ATTENTION STUDENTS: 200 sheets of notebook paper with your name imprinted, $2.00. Inquire at News Flashes, 109 S. Second. FOR THAT PRINTING job guaranteed to please, let News Flashes do it! Business Cards, Envelopes, Letterheads, REASONABLE PRICES!! Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 8, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ED'S MOTOR REPAIR SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES…INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words--70¢. SEND TO BOX H OR CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 or call at 109 S. Second. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
Ads for: NORTON LUMBER GALLATIN INSURANCE WILKINS' WOOD CLOVERLEAF DAIRY ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE LET ME SHARPEN YOUR LAWNMOWER OR SAW--hand or power mowers machine ground..free pickup and delivery--saws filed and tools ground..Carl Suppe, next to Siskiyou Cannery Sales or call Ash 2-8319 PRINTING--we print anything except money! Business cards, letterheads, cards, etc. Best prices in Southern Oregon…inquire at News Flashes office of call 2-3243. Page 9, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES: First Methodist Church Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; Message: "God's Demand" 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship Wed. 8:00 Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--M Y F Prayer Meeting CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Suppe, Pastor New Hiway, next to Siskiyou Mkt. Sunday Services 10:00 Church--11:00 Evening Service--7:30 Wed. Bible study at 7:30 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY… ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" SINCE 1934 Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING… Made possible by our advertisers--show your appreciation! News Flashes Ph. 2-3243 VOL. XV No. 39 Friday, Sept. 24, 1954 SOMETHING NEW AT '76 STATION Al Grabher announced this week a new profit-sharing plan, exclusive for this entire area. According to Al, customers get a card with a series of numbers around the edge. Each time that you make a purchase at the station the corresponding numbers are punched out. When the numbers are all punched, a seal on the top of the card is broken and you get the good news because each card is a winner! You may win up to $100 in cash, the least that you can win is a complete lube job. The quantity of numbers to be punched on each card is about equal to what the normal driver would travel in two to three months. In other words, you get free lube jobs if you trade at Al's plus a chance for big cash prizes! (This is something new for the Talent area and it looks like a good idea! Eds.…) NEWS NOTE A baby boy was born to Mr. & Mrs. Hilton of Eugene, formerly from Talent. Mrs. Hilton is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Grady Coldwell. The new grandfather has already popped several suspender buttons! TALENT WINS MEDAL Captain Lewis Lindstrom, son of Mr. & Mrs. William Lindstrom, has been made a member of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand, according to information received here. He received the award from the Thailand government in recognition of his work during 1951 as a forward artillery observer with the Thailand unit in Korea. The citation was written in the name of Thailand's King Brumibol Adulyadej and signed by Field Marshal P. Pibulasonggram. NEW PIANO STUDIO OPENS HERE Dorothy Suksdorf has announced the opening of piano studios at the Talent Hatchery. Mrs. Suksdorf is well known in this area for her fine playing. LIONS' BREAKFAST SUNDAY, 26th! The Talent Lions will have their annual breakfast at the city hall rain or shine Sunday, the 26th. That's this Sunday! Adults pay $1.00, all you can eat! Proceeds to help turf the football field at the new high school. HILSENHOFF READIES FOR IKE "If Walla Walla can do it, so can I!" Leonard Hilsenhoff, Talent Market, was apprehended washing his store windows Thursday. According to Leonard, he is preparing for the President's visit. No, he didn't say what president…dunno… GEO. KIRBY HAS FIRE, PLEASED The Talent Rural Fire department responded to a call from the Geo. Kirby residence Tuesday. Upon arrival they found that the blaze was confined to a gully in George's field. According to George, he had been trying all morning to get the fire to burn so he could destroy some blackberry bushes and weeds. The fire finally started burning, the wind came up, George remembered that he paid $5.00 for fire protection, his barn was in the path of the roaring blaze, the Dept. was called, the whistle blew, Bill Kaegi drove the truck, two pumper cans fell off, the fire was put out, everybody had a good time, and George was satisfied! To top it all off, the editor rode to the fire in a 1929 aircooled Franklin. (Man, what a fire!) KLUB NEWS… Girl Scout Troop 69 met at the home of Mrs. Turley. New members were Donna Hill, Jody McCallister, Nancy Seiber, and Gail Scharfe. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Turley. (Betty Roberts, scribe.) The Camp Fire Girls met at the home of Mae Lowe Tuesday. Plans were made for a food sale to be held Oct. 2, Saturday. Girls interested in CampFire are welcome to meetings. The Blue Birds met at home of Mrs. Norman Driver for their first meeting of the new year. The Lady Lions met at the Joanis home on Wagner Creek. Ethel Hilsenhoff and Alice Joanis were the hostesses. THRU THE KEYHOLE… The new Talent school band seems to be doing right well…night practice yet… The Floyd Taylors are moving down on Front Street from Wagner Creek. Sneaky Marshall and her mother, Getaway Nellie, were visitors in Talent this week… High school kids are complaining about the crop of blackberry bushes and weeds growing over the sidewalk by the Methodist Church… We advocate buying goats to clear up the wreckage and excessive shrubery…. Or is it shrubbery? How do you like the color of the front page this week? Everything looks so rosy that we thought that red [ink] would be nice…or is it simply that we are in the red on the front page… DO YOU SEE RED WHEN YOU READ NEWS FLASHES? We hope so…at least this week… Page 2, ads for: NEWS FLASHES PRINTING LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER--Visit our Snack Bar--GOOD COFFEE! BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION TALENT HARDWARE--Hunters--get your hunting equipment! SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES REMINDER: Ray Schmitt has asked us to remind you folks that he is open until 9 every night! Ray says that if you are a late shopper, why pay more…bargains every night and every day at the Siskiyou Cannery Sales. REMEMBER…LATE SHOPPERS TRADE AT THE SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES…OPEN UNTIL 9 EVERY NIGHT!!! News Note: Mary Bradley is now barbering at the Phoenix Barber Shop, with Walter Love…specializing in Women's hair cutting. SEEN AT THE TALENT BARBER SHOP: While waiting for a trim at Les Davis' shop, we were entertained by a gentleman who did a lively tap dance. Les informed us that he was his father. In the short space of time that we were being trimmed, Les's Dad beat Goldie two out of three games of checkers, and trotted over to the Ideal for a sack of candy. We really enjoy seeing someone like that getting around so well…Oh yes, in addition to being a champion fiddler, Mr. Davis is 86 years young! FOR RENT: Modern electrically heated home, see Phyllis Christian at Christian Acres. BARBERING: I am now barbering at the Phoenix barber shop with Walter Love. I specialize in Women's hair stylings.--Mary Bradley Nothing can give you that run-down feeling like jaywalking... PIANO INSTRUCTION NOW!!!--Inquire at the Talent Hatchery, Mrs. Dorothy Suksdorf Page 3, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE TALENT TRADE AREA READ NEWS FLASHES…INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words--70¢ SEND TO BOX H OR CALL ASHLAND 2-3243 or call at 109 S. Second. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES NORTON'S LUMBER
CARL SUPPE LAWNMOWER AND SAW SHARPENING NEWS FLASHES PRINTING GALLATIN INSURANCE CLOVERLEAF DAIRY BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE Page 4, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--ENERGY PLUS ! AL GRABHER'S UNION 76 STATION--Profit-sharing Dividend Card Now! TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES: First Methodist Church Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship; Theme: "Misplaced Saints" 7:00--M Y F 8:00--Evening Worship--Theme: "God Bless You Wed. 8:00--M Y F Prayer mtg. CHURCH OF CHRIST Carl Suppe, Pastor New Hiway, next to Siskiyou Mkt. Sunday Services 10:00 Church 11:00 Evening Service 7:30 Wed. Bible study at 7:30 NOTICE: Talent
O.D.O. Club will meet at the home of Grace Galbraith at 1165 Morrow
Road, Medford, on Oct. 1, 1:30 p.m.
ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY. Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES-- Hunters! Men, don't starve on that hunting trip Page 6, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET--We have the full line of pink lady, blue lady, golden lady--as advertised on T-V Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 8, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER MARIE'S TALENT BARBER ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Made possible by our advertisers…show your appreciation!! Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe--DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY!!! VOL. XV No. 40 Friday, Oct. 1, 1954 JOSEPHINE TEETER, NEW POSTMASTER Talent's city recorder, Mrs. Josephine Teeter, has been appointed acting postmaster for Talent. Mrs. Teeter took over her duties as postmaster Thursday replacing Mrs. Parthena Terrill who passed away several weeks ago. Alice Thoreson has been conducting the business until Mrs. Teeter's appointment. Mrs. Teeter will submit her resignation to the city council from her recorder's job October the 5th. The council is expected to appoint a replacement. UNITED FUNDS MEETING Monday and Tuesday evening meetings were called by Mrs. Charles Barnes for the purpose of raising funds under the UF campaign for the youth organizations of the Talent and Ashland areas which include the Y.M.C.A., Campfire Girls, Blue Birds, and Boy and Girl Scouts. Mr. Sam Davis, Chairman of Ashland Youth Drive outlined their plans at this time. Dr. & Mrs. Elmo Stevenson and Allen Patteson outlined the youth organizations, showing the reason for such a drive. It was decided by the representatives of all civic organizations of Talent to cooperate and put forth all efforts to make the Ashland-Talent drive a success for the benefit of the youth groups in this area. Committees appointed for the Talent area were: Mrs. Charles Barnes, Chairman; Mrs. Frank Christian; Publicity; Frank Christian, Special Gifts; Al Grabher, Solicitations; Jo Joanis, Special Activities. The drive is to start October 16th. Our quota is $1000.00. MRS. JESS FRANCIS INJURED SATURDAY Mrs. Jess Francis, daughter of Mrs. Mae Lowe, was injured Sunday morning on the Fish Lake road above Butte Falls. Mrs. Francis suffered facial lacerations and several fractures and at the present time she is at the Sacred Heart Hospital. Her husband was with her at the time of the accident and he sustained slight facial lacerations. Mrs. Francis attended the Talent High School several years ago. TO HOSPITAL Charles Troupe of Talent was taken to the Sacred Heart Hospital Wednesday for medical attention. No word has been received of his condition. ST. MARY'S DEFEATS TALENT Talent Hi was defeated Saturday nite by St. Mary's of Medford on the Phoenix field. The final score was 27-14 at the end of the game. FLASH: Lions breakfast success…138 people were fed..watch for more! P.T.A. LET'S GET ACQUAINTED!!! There will be a P.T.A. potluck dinner Monday, October 11th at 7:00 pm at the Talent school cafeteria. Please bring your own table service. Bring a hot dish and dessert of your choice. Senior Mothers are to be the hostesses. COLLECTORS HOLD REUNION The West Coast Affiliated Garbage Collectors and Plasterers held their annual reunion at TouVelle Park last Tuesday nite. Attending the affair were Horace Clapwink of Wagner Creek and R.P. Schwatzhunt of Talent. The boys report a good time. (Refreshments were served!) GARDEN CLUB MEETS OCT. 6 Talent Garden Club will meet at home of Edna Hill October 6th at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Ward will be co-hostess. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Corthell of Ashland. Topic: "Mums" AL PLEASED In an exclusive statement to News Flashes, Al Grabher of the Union 76 station reported that he was very happy about last week's response to his new "Bonus-Card" giveaway plan. Al says that he still has plenty of cards left and that anyone can still win the hundred dollars, fifty dollars, twenty-five, ten, five, etc. etc. etc. (He asked us to remind you folks that everyone who has a card wins at least a free lube job!) THRU THE KEYHOLE… We hear that you can go to the Aleutian Islands and for five bucks get a divorce and married in the same day…we wonder if you can get married and then divorced…in the same day of course! QUESTION: What Talent couple is planning on this?.... Hi school kids have been reaping harvest at Marie's…seems as tho some brite lad figured that she had to clean out the ice cream freezer every nite…sooo…now when she freezer-cleans, the place is packed….this younger generation!!! Lucky Gilbreath will soon be getting a pay phone installed in front of the station…sounds like a good deal… Madam Marino…past...present…future…love...marriage...business...All of this for half a buck!! Check her ad this week in NF…She is located next to Ben's O.K. Ben's the jovial gent who has everything…but everything…for sale… Page 2, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 3, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION--cards free! Every card is a winner! TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NEWS FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Alice May Woolley, Pastor Friday, Oct. 1--8:00 pm Special Meeting, Rev. Andrew Gih, Speaker SUNDAY, Oct. 3 WORLDWIDE COMMUNION 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship: COMMUNION 6:30 pm--MYF 7:30 pm--Evening Service: Speaker Rev. Gih. WEDNESDAY, 7:30 pm--Prayer Meeting Thursday, 7:00 pm--MYF Prayer Meeting Afternoon Bible Clubs begin Monday, Oct. 4. Phone Ash 9-5265 for more information. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Morris L. Nylander, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship 6:30 pm--Christ Ambassadors 7:45 pm--Evangelistic Service WEDNESDAY 7:45 pm--Deeper Life Serv. Everyone is welcome to attend these (cut off) Page 4, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 5, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER MARIE'S TALENT BARBER Page 6, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 7, ads for: MADAM MARINO--Tell your past, present and future…advice in all matters, love, marriage, and business…Tell you what you are best fitted for…answer all questions. Special readings only 50¢. Open from 9 am to 11 pm, next to Ben's O.K. Second Hand store, open seven days a week… LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER--Another cartoon bonus FOR RENT: 4 room duplex with electric stove and oil heat. Inquire 314 W. Main. FOR RENT: 3 room modern furnished home, everything but bedding. Inquire 239 Gibson. Music Boosters Club will hold their month meeting at the Music room in the school Thursday evening, Oct. 7th, 8:00. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Nicholson have as their guest their daughter and her son of Gooding, Idaho. Mrs. Frank Christian was surprised Sunday nite with a party to celebrate her birthday. Present were Mr. & Mrs. Bearden, Mr. & Mrs. Vern Hendrickson and son, Mrs. Clarence Dodge, and Mrs. Berdi Swernger. She received many gifts and a lovely cake… HUNTERS; In the Oregon Journal recently there was good advice to the hunters, especially the new ones, as it stated there would be plenty of red hats and the woods would be full of men. And every year some one gets shot…and killed…Take this into consideration…THAT A MAN resembles not a DEER… It Pays to Advertise…Advertise in the Talent News Flashes… The Lithia Drive-In is having another of those special 3 unit shows…this time it is two top color features plus a big hour-long Bugs Bunny Cartoon Jamboree!! This is at their regular low price of 50¢ per person!!! PATRONIZE YOUR HOME OWNED THEATER… PERSONAL: Aunt Minnie has taken the cure. Allan. ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes Since 1934 Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe--DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY!!! "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Made possible by our advertisers…show your appreciation… patronize them. News Flashes Ph. 2-3243 Vol. XV No. 41 Friday, Oct. 9, 1954 ELLSWORTH GARLAND HURT IN PILE-UP Ellsworth Garland suffered facial lacerations and undetermined injuries when the truck in which he was riding left the road and turned over several times. Garland, who is directing a large logging operation in the Dead Indian area, was a passenger in the ill-fated logging truck when the rear trailer slid off the road and plunged the truck to the bottom of the canyon. During the wild ride to the bottom, Garland restrained the driver from jumping; had he jumped, he would have undoubtedly been killed or seriously injured. The interior of the vehicle was a shambles when rescuers reached the scene, with parts strewn all over the mountainside. Dave Taylor, one of the employees, said that he had never seen such a mess. Taylor said that it was a wonder that anyone survived the wild plunge. Garland and the driver were rushed to the Community Hospital, where they underwent treatment for their injuries. Injured earlier in the week in the same logging operation was Ray Garland, father of Ellsworth. Ray was loading logs on a truck when one of the decked logs slipped loose and rolled over his leg. He suffered a badly sprained and bruised leg. TALENT MAN HUNTING FATALITY Reported to be the first fatality in Oregon's deer season this year was Warren Jackson of Talent. Jackson, his wife and Mr. & Mrs. John Baldwin were hunting south of Bly. Jackson left the camp area early in the morning and his body was found around 9:30 by John Baldwin. Mr. Jackson was reported to be the victim of a heart attack. Survivors include his wife Lucille and two sons, Warren and David. NEW ARRIVALS HERE Born to Mr. & Mrs. Don Axel September 29th, a baby girl. James Alan Young arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Young, Jr. Sept. 29th, weighing in at 8 lbs., 9 ounces. BUNNELLS BACK IN TALENT Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Bunnell returned to Talent from a trip that included Canada and Alaska. They traveled over the Alcan Hiway, Alaska, and returned by the same route, stopping in Montana and in Yellowstone National Park. They saw Indian celebrations in Montana and witnessed a tribal dance. They report a fine trip and they are glad to be back with their many friends in Talent. GIVE TO YOUTH DRIVE STARTING 16TH The Talent Youth Drive will begin on Oct. 16th. The Talent area within the city limits will be canvassed from door to door by the Boy Scouts and CampFire Girls. Personal letters will be mailed to those living outside the city limits. Your donation will be appreciated. There will also be a dance for the youth benefit Oct. 23rd at the city hall. Adults, 75¢, students 50¢ with free refreshments and good music. 3 door prizes will be given. NEWS NOTES & HILITES Word was received by Mr. & Mrs. Frank Christian that their son Glen was severely injured while playing professional football in Canada. Mrs. May Hamilton was taken to the Sacred Heart Hospital for medical attention when she suffered injuries in a fall at her home. Her son Earl from Seattle was a visitor here shortly after the accident. Mr. Troupe was taken to the hospital Friday for treatment. Mr. & Mrs. Gail Woodsite of Anchorage, Alaska were weekend guests of Mary and Marie Furrer and Dick Kruger. It is reported that Mary and Marie Furrer and Dick Kruger will leave for Abilene, Kansas for a month's visit with relatives. THRU THE KEYHOLE… 'Tis said…there are over 40 deer in the Valley Locker The old girl is fixed up…yep, the city hall now has a new roof… A big blow hit the Ideal…the glass in the front door was blown out by the wind Wed… Ray Schmitt says that he will keep the Siskiyou Cannery Sales open on Sunday and closed on Monday henceforth… Heard over KBOY this morning…For Sale, fruit jars, 50¢ dozen, Rt. 1, Box 15, old hiway south…of Talent…we think that Ben sold all of hisn'…That's Ben's O.K…. If you go to the address on the old hiway for the fruit jars, tell them that News Flashes sent you… Seen: A clunk parked by the road with an elderly couple standing beside it…the woman had a Tidings box and she was industriously scooping gravel and dirt into it with her hands…probably tourists… We've got a lost dog listed…it is a lil' gal-dog, looks like a labrador…it's the kid's pet…anyone seeing this dog get in touch with Dorothy Meadows, 2-4095. GIVE TO THE YOUTH
Page 2, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER--bring in your deer, we will skin, cut and wrap for locker! MARIE'S TALENT BARBER Page 3, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 4, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES--"Every can is guaranteed!!!" Page 6, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Alice May Woolley, pastor Sun., Oct. 10 9:45--Sunday School 11:00--Morning Worship "Children in the Kingdom of God" Baptismal Service. 6:30--M Y F 7:30--Evening Worship Thurs. 7:00--M Y F prayer meeting. Children's bible clubs in the afternoon as usual. FRIENDS CHURCH Sunday School 10 am, Rally day Dr. Roberts, speaker Morning worship 11 am message by the pastor, Christian Endeavor 6:30 pm--evening worship 7:30--Missionary pictures will be shown with guest speakers Page 7, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER NEW FLASHES PRINTING WANT ADS FOR SALE: 1941 Chev. Coupe, good condition, good rubber, very reasonable, 244 Gibson, 2-9674. FOR SALE: For a billy goat, see E.L. Bunnell, Route 1, Box 573, Wagner Creek. WANTED: Young woman, single, 20 or so, to work 3 to 4 hours Saturday morning to clean up trailer. F. LaCourse, Trailer No. 2, Trailer Haven, Old Hiway. FOR SALE: 1933 Dodge pickup with 1947 motor in perfect shape, needs bearing in differential, this is a minor repair job. Steal this at $50…GOOD RUBBER! See at 108 Bain, Talent. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom duplex, modern, 314 West Main, Ash 2-3939 FOR RENT: Completely furnished home, 236 Gibson Street, Talent. Pearl Foster. SAVE $200 easy! I have a 1933 Dodge pickup with a top shape 1947 Dodge motor. See this for nothing, drive it away for $50. Why pay $250 for a '47 model when you can have this for $200 less! 108 Bain, city. TEA Mothers of Bludbirds met with Blue Bird & Camp Fire leaders at a lovely afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Frank Christian on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Elmo Stevenson, President of the Rogue Area Campfire Girls, explained what the organization stands for and how they operate. Attending were Mrs. Wayne Thomas, Executive Secretary of Ashland, Mrs. John Lybrand, Mrs. Neil Stockebrand, Mrs. Norman Driver, Mrs. Clarence Barrett, Mrs. Phillip Fluhrer, Mrs. Donald Green, Mrs. Ray Burnette, Mrs. Jack Suksdorf, Mrs. Macy Critten, Mrs. Mae Lowe and the Hostess, Mrs. Frank Christian. CAMP FIRE LEADERS MEET The Ashland-Talent CampFire leaders association met at the home of Gwen Thomas in Ashland Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Christian of Talent was elected President and Mrs. Glen Revel of Ashland was elected Secretary. The regional director, Mrs. Evelyn Plumber of Seattle, Washington, and of Dist. 5 of Camp-Fire will meet with the leaders and sponsors for an all day meeting to be held at the YMCA in Ashland, Oct. 19th. Miss Plumber will be in the Valley for 4 days. There will be a sack lunch at noon. CAMP FIRE GIRLS MEET TOO The CampFire girls had a joint meeting at the city hall which included the two groups, Owesa and Che-he-lo. The meeting was well attended with 18 members being present. The girls came with enthusiasm and ideas which will mean a successful year. The Girls met their new leader of Owesia group, Mrs. Macy Critten. A food sales is planned for Bluebirds and Campfire girls to be held Saturday, Oct. 16th. The girls will go on a nature hike Saturday morning. ADVERTISE IN TALENT NEWS
Have you caught those super three unit shows that the Lithia has been showing? The next time that Jim has one booked, don't miss it!! You get to set thru an hour of cartoons, uninterrupted by any commercial, etc. In this old troubled world, it's wonderful to be able to slip into fantasy-land for a few precious moments… Would you rather do business with a friend or a stranger? Most of us prefer our friends. Your Talent Merchants are YOUR friends…patronize them…they help support your town thru taxes!!! SHOP AT HOME!!! BUY IN TALENT. ----------------------------------------------------
"SINCE 1934" "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe Made possible by our advertisers…patronize them… Volume XV No. 41 Friday, Oct. 22, 1954 S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. The Rogue Valley Chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.) is having its annual show at Medford Senior High Auditorium Oct. 30, 1954 at 8 o'clock PM. The four top quartets of the Pacific Northwest Region, the Roseburg chorus, and the Medford Chorus will be in the show. This show will give you a good two hours of old fashioned Barbershop Quartet singing. An ad elsewhere in the paper will tell where you can buy your tickets. All seats are reserved. YOUTH DRIVE TO END WITH DANCE Ending the week of concerted effort on the part of the youth drive committees will be a big dance at the Talent City Hall with really good music. Dancing will be from 9 till 1 with free eats and free door prizes. Admission will be 75¢ for adults and 50¢ for teenagers. Parents wishing to come bring the kiddies, there will be movies for the children not interested in dancing...Come one come all and have a good time. If you were not home or did not receive a card in the mails for your donation, there will be booths in all the Talent stores Saturday for your convenience. Remember OUR quota is $700. TALENT TAX LEVY Talent, with a total tax of $11,416.34, has the highest tax levy of any town in the county--123.8 mils. This includes county tax, rural school district tax, schools, bonds and special tax, city, water, sanitary and rural fire districts, fire patrol, irrigation and penalty (down $12,612.65 in the county) and reforest fees (down 45¢ in the county), all others up in the county as a whole, $624,041.25 over 1953-54. COUNCIL HOLDS SPECIAL SESSION At the special session Tuesday evening the council passed a requirement for any future new streets. The street must have a 60' right of way with a 40 ft. roadbed with 30 ft. covered by 6 inches rock base. This would leave 10 ft. on each side of the roadbed. They also asked for bids on a new car. Because of the election Nov. 2, the next regular meeting of the council will be held Nov. 9. THREE FIRE ALARMS The first of a series of fires upon which the Rural fire dept. was called this week was a barn fire at the Newton place in Valley View. The barn was completely ablaze when the alarm came thru. Destroyed in the blaze was a truck and hay grinder as well as a large amount of hay. The second fire was a brush fire behind Ben's OK (due to a run down battery the truck had to be pushed to start it) but they arrived before the fire got out of control and put it out. Wednesday evening the truck was again called out for a fire up Anderson Creek at the home of Lindley's about 2 miles beyond the old Anderson Creek schoolhouse. The fire was confined to a cabin behind the main house where a candle had been left burning. It was completely destroyed, but the fire was confined to the one building. A trash fire behind the Valley Locker flared up after dark Wednesday evening and caused some alarm among the neighbors. Mr. Perdue put it out with a garden hose. CITY POSTS The following candidates will run for city offices. Keith Thoreson, Mayor; and four council incumbents, Richard Bradford, Leo Jacogs, Wayne Reichstein and Rudy Conner. For Recorder, Nona McAbee and for treasurer to succeed himself, Cedric Scharfe. Filing deadline is Oct. 25 and if two more [omission] EDWARD WALLS DIES Private funeral services for Ed C. Walls, 64, were held Oct. 18 in Conger Morris chapel with Rev. R.W. Hohn officiating. Committal was at Loma Vista, California. The deceased was born Dec. 11, 1889, in Bentonville, Ark. He had lived in Sou. Oregon for the past 16 years, where he engaged in the real estate business until becoming ill a year ago. Survivors include Edward D., Talent and Billy L., Fontana, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Hass, San Bernardino, Calif. and Mrs. Barbara Clark, Medford. TALENT HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER WINS TOP RATING FOR 2ND YEAR Talent Hi-Life has won the All-American rating of the National Scholastic Press Association, the highest award made, for the 2nd consecutive year. Page 2, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 3, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR WANT ADS… Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES. INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words 70¢; Send to Box H, Phone Ash 2-3243 or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
NORTON'S LUMBER CARL SUPPE'S LAWNMOWER & SAW SHARPENING WILKINS WOOD GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--Polio insurance BEN'S OK SECOND HAND STORE NEWS FLASHES PRINTING WATCH & CLOCK repairing. See Wesley Boyer. 229 Gibson St. CHRISTMAS CARDS, GIFTS & WRAPPING Archie Boyer, 229 Gibson St. FOR SALE--Baby's Teeterbabe $3.50. See Mary Milhoan. WID-MAR KENNELS. Ash 2-6576 FOOD SALE at Valley Locker sponsored by Lady Lions. For home cooked food stop in Saturday morning. Mrs. Cleone Flesher, who is living with her parents at Ben's OK 2nd Hand Store 1 mile south of Talent Junction, will be the new representative for Avon Products, replacing Mrs. J. Fowler. Phone Ash 25439. DO YOU WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING Loyal Bates is giving away rabbit hutches. Loyal lives on S. Front St. WANT ADS, cont. WANTED--to take care of children during day in my home. 127 Front St. FOR RENT--Newly remodeled house for rent. Call Ash 2-7156 CABINS FOR RENT--See us about our winter rates. Talent Auto Court. If you plan to apply for examination for Postmaster, Applications must be in by Nov. 2. NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ronsee have returned to their home on Wagner Cr. The Ronsees were at Lemolo Falls for the past year. They are living in the guest house while remodeling their big house. Garland to marry? Rumor has it that one of Talent's young notables, Ellsworth Garland, has selected a bride-to-be. 'Tis said that she works at one of the Local theatres. According to Garland, the date has not been set. The young lady was not available for comment at this time. Mrs. Curly Milhoan wishes to thank all the people who hunted for her dog. Tippy was returned to her Tuesday. LADY LIONS FOOD SALE The Lady Lions will hold a FOOD SALE Saturday starting at 10 am at the Valley Locker. Lots of food… YOU ARE NEEDED Looking for a soft job, short hours, be the envy of all your friends, make new enemies, learn public speaking by getting into hot arguments, be accused of graft while helping to build a model community, help the needy, foil the greedy, have people look up to you and say, quote, ' there goes the dirty bum' unquote, broaden your outlook, widen your interests, Enlist now…Run for Talent councilman...all work and NO Pay. Throw your hat in the ring before Oct. 25. When you next desire to cuss out the city dads remember how much of Their time they spend on your city business. Page 5, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER MARIE'S TALENT BARBER SHOP Page 6, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NOTICES CHURCH OF CHRIST, New Hiway Carl Suppe, Pastor 10:00 am--Sunday Services 11:00 am--Church 7:30 pm--Evening Service Wednesday 7:30 pm--Bible Study ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Morris L. Nylander, Pastor Sunday Service 9:45 am--Sunday School classes 11:00 am--Morning Worship 6:30--Christ Ambassadors 7:45 pm--Evangelistic Service Wednesday, 7:45 pm--Deeper Life Service FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 1st & (Wagner) Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship "We Need to See" 6:30 pm--M Y F 7:30 pm--Evening Worship--"The Help of the Holy Spirit" Wednesday, 7:30 pm--Prayer Meeting Thurs. 7:00--MYF Prayer Meeting Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 8, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes "SINCE 1934" EVERYBODY READS "NEWS FLASHES" Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING HALLOWEEN ISSUE VOL XV No. 40 Oct 29, 1954 WATCH FOR GHOSTS & GOBLINS….SUNDAY NIGHT… ELECTION….NOV. 2 The following men are on the ballot for Councilmen: R. Conner, Richard Bradford, Leo Jacobs, Wayne Reichstein, James J. Henry, Clarence W. Cooper, Jr.; for Mayor Keith Thoreson, incumbent and Ellsworth Garland; for treasurer, Cedric Scharfe and for Recorder, Nona McAbee. Voters will find the polls open at the School Gym for Precinct 62, Talent West; and at the City Hall for 63, Talent East. GARLAND CLAIMS IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED In an exclusive interview with News Flashes, E.L. Garland, well known young man-about-town, has announced that he has thrown his hat into Talent's political ring for the office of Mayor. E.L. or "Lee" as he prefers, is running on a platform of "Lower taxes, civic improvements, top-level administration, and more for our youths." Garland said, "It's a disgrace that we don't have a youth center for our teenagers and if I am elected, that is the first thing on my list." When queried about his stand on local taxes, Garland said, "Talent has the highest tax rate in Southern Oregon, one of the highest in the whole state. I am convinced that, with the proper administration, the taxes can be substantially decreased." In the line of civic improvements Garland said that "We need new sidewalks, the present ones look like cow paths." He also said "There are too many alleys that are little more than mud holes, they should have been fixed years ago. Gibson Street is a prize example of laxity and poor planning, why hasn't it been fixed? I propose an extensive survey of every street in Talent and immediate action towards making the necessary improvements." In closing, Garland said "We have the makings of one of the finest cities in Southern Oregon, we have a progressive group of citizens, let's all take an interest in this election and vote. A vote for me is a vote for progress." (News Flashes is entirely impartial in this election. Mr. Garland's comments are his own, but we definitely agree that everyone should turn out and vote.) SPECIAL NOTICE…HALLOWE'EN...OCT. 31 Trick or Treat night will be Sunday, Oct. 31. Several people have called in to ask what night to look for kids trick or treating. After consulting our City Marshal, it was suggested that since Sunday is the regular night for Trick & Treat--that will be the night. So kids going out on Saturday night might be disappointed. As two nights in a row is too much to expect treats from the housewife. …Ralph Conner reported that 5 shots were fired Sunday morning into his livestock…Large economy size pheasant???? The fire truck was called out to a chimney fire at the Stockebrand home Tuesday. …ODO CLUB will meet Nov. 5 at home of Linnie Rapp. VOTE NO ON FISH BILL, NUMBER SEVEN (7) News Flashes received an urgent letter from the brother-in-law of Mrs. Lowe, Capt. Charles Turner of Depot Bay. In his letter, Captain Turner said that if the bill is passed it will ruin fishing from the mouth of the Columbia River south to the California line. If passed, the bill will in effect prohibit fishing up to three miles off shore. If any boat ventures into the prohibited zone, whether it is fishing or not, it is subject to seizure and confiscation. To the editors of News Flashes, this smacks of the "commie" tactics used by the red Chinese. We agree with Captain Turner and the rest of the state's newspapers that the bill should be voted down, vote NO on the fish bill, number seven, vote NO! DRUMS OF DEATH "Drums of Death" a three act mystery play will be presented in the Talent High Gym Friday, Nov. 5. Curtain time is 8 pm. The play concerns a group of oddly contrasting people who arrive at midnight at a half-ruined mansion in a desolate lagoon. They have been summoned by false telegrams but are unable to leave in time to escape from the place where weird forces and evil people threaten their very lives. Cast in the play are Russell Lindner as the lead character in charge of the estate, Cora Mae Gleim as Celeste, an octoroon, who has strange trances; Bill Carter as Jules, a menacing Negro servant; Doreen Burnette as a visitor who intends to put up with no voodoo nonsense; Maxine Carter as the half-mad housekeeper; Stuart Webber as the stupid sheriff; Priscilla Welch, Douglas Hotchkiss, Ethel Culver & Sharon Kilburn, who round out the cast as the worried visitors who wonder at the meaning of the throbbing drums. Maudelene Marshall is student director and Bill Dailey is stage manager. In charge of properties are Barbara Burnette and Lianis Burnette. The audience will find enough laughs and will get their money's worth of thrills according to Director Glen Lamb. TALENT GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Talent Garden Club will meet in the City Hall, Nov. 3 at 10 am for winter corsage workshop. Bring any material that can be used for corsages (winter). Pot-luck luncheon at noon. Note change of meeting place. Page 2, full-page ad for: TALENT THRIFT MARKET / SNAK BAR Page 3, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 4, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NEWS FIRST METHODIST CHURCH FIRST & WAGNER AVE Alice May Woolley--Pastor Sunday, Oct. 31, 1954 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship; Guest speaker, Dr. Meredith Groves 6:30 pm--M Y F 7:30 pm--Evening Worship; Message: "How Superstitious are You?" SPECIAL MEETINGS will be held at the Talent Methodist Church every evening except Saturday, Nov. 3 through 12 at 7:30 pm. The speaker will be the Rev. Edgar Nelson of the Methodist Church of Sonora, Calif. Come and share with us these times of blessings from the Lord. CHURCH OF CHRIST, New Hiway Carl Suppe, pastor 10:00 am--Sunday Services 11:00 am--Church 7:30 pm--Evening Services Wednesday 7:30 pm--Bible Study WANTED--Part time maid. Apply PARADICE MOTEL….TALENT… Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES Page 6, ad for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER--the best coffee in southern Oregon is served at our snack bar. HI-LIFE GETS "ALL AMERICAN" AGAIN "All-American" is the rating awarded the Talent High school newspaper, the HI-LIFE, for the 2nd consecutive year by the National Scholastic Press Association. Entered in the monthly publication classification, for schools with less than 200 enrollment, the HI-LIFE is among 8 other school papers in the nation receiving such as classification, and the only school of its size in the state. 584 commercially printed hi school publications were entered in the critical service. In making the award, the judge made these comments: "I believe that this paper would rate All-American in any enrollment classification. The Hi-Life not only entertains, it informs, and instructs whenever necessary. My heartiest congratulations to the advisor, editors and staff for a job well done and a most highly deserved honor--"All-American rating again." Papers are rated in all categories including coverage, content, make-up, typography and headlines. In explaining the various ratings available, the association pointed out that "All-American papers are decidedly superior and should be regarded as among the finest school publications in the nation…" Other ratings available in the critical service are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class. Minimum points necessary for the All-American tag was 1600; the HI-LIFE scored 1760. Editor in chief of the 2 time All American was Bob Carter, son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carter. Carter is a freshman at Yale University this year. Managing Editor was Susan Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barnes. Miss Barnes is now a Senior and Editor in Chief. Advisor was Mrs. Irma Parr. The paper was printed by the Iverson Printing Co. FREDERICKA FURCH SERVICES WEDNESDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Fredricka Grace Furch, 59, who died at her home, Rt. 1, Talent, Saturday, was held at Litwiller's Mountain View chapel in Ashland Wednesday with the Rev. Wm. Tillman of the First Baptist church affiliation. Cremation was in Siskiyou Memorial crematorium at Medford. The deceased was born at Otsego, Mich., on Feb. 10, 1895, and had been a Talent resident for the past four years. Survivors include her husband, Ben, Talent; two daughters, Mrs. Donna Anderson, Portland, and Mrs. Cleone Flesher, Talent; two sons, George Hamilton, Ashland, and Robert Hamilton, Medford; two sisters, Mrs. Nell Nichols, Medford, and Mrs. Mildred Gower, San Francisco; her stepfather, Roy Beaver, Hoquiam, Wash., and 17 grandchildren. C.A. TROOP BURIED TUESDAY Final rites for Charles A. Troop, 60, who died in a Medford hospital Sunday, were held at Litwiller's Mountain View chapel in Ashland Tuesday at 2 pm under the auspices of the Ashland Masonic Lodge. Interment was in Mountain View Cemetery, Ashland. The deceased, who came to Talent in 1949, was born at Nacona, Texas on April 29, 1894. He was married on Sept. 17, 1916, at Watumka, Okla. His wife, Ida, survives. He was a member of the Masonic lodge at Brea, Calif. Other survivors include two sons, Clifford, Eugene, and Derial, Carson City, Nev., two daughters, Mrs. Juanita Hazelton, Eugene, and Mrs. Wanda Collins, Shady Cove; two brothers, Oliver, Huntington Beach, Calif., and Frank, Arlington, Calif; four sisters, Mrs. Jessie Leath, Wichita, Kan., Mrs. Fannie Leath, Santa Ana, Calif., Mrs. Minnie Brewer, Hoisington, Kan., and Gertrude Thomas, Oklahoma City, Okla. TRICK OR TREAT FOR CHRISTMAS OVERSEAS The Talent Campfire Girls will have their annual Trick or Treat, for Christmas Overseas on Monday, Nov. 8, after school. This will be the 6th year that the Talent Camp Fire Girls have with the help of the towns people collected items to make a happier Christmas for children less fortunate than themselves. This year the girls plan to collect clothing as well as combs, color crayons, candy (individually wrapped), gum, small toys, etc. The girls are proud that they were among the first organized all over the country. REMEMBER MONDAY NOV. 8 IS THE DATE AFTER SCHOOL. THE NEWS FLASH IS CELEBRATING THE HALLOWE'EN HOLIDAY BY APPEARING AGAIN ON YELLOW PAPER…. YOUTH DRIVE COMMITTEE WISH TO THANK EVERYONE WHO HELPED IN THEIR RECENT DRIVE AND ALL WHO MADE DONATIONS TO THE DANCE. Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 8, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE NOW DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING & SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--Polio insurance BEN'S OK SECOND HAND STORE NORTON'S LUMBER WILKINS' WOOD WANT ADS….. Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES. INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…25 to 50 words 70¢; Send to Box H. Phone Ash 2-3243 or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES
WATCH & CLOCK repairing. See Wesley Boyer. 229 Gibson St. CHRISTMAS CARDS, GIFTS & WRAPPING FOR RENT--Modern, furnished 3 room house. Inquire 236 Gibson St. FOR RENT--in country, nice, clean 3 room house--very reasonable--on Wagner Cr. Rd. Inquire at 109 S. 2nd. Phone Ash 2-0192 or 2-3243. FOR RENT--Modern house, newly redecorated. Inquire at Kaegi's Quality Market. FOR SALE--One cabinet shower with trimmings. $15.00. See after Saturday at 117 Walden Lane. W.A. Coffee. 2 reliable girls want to do housework and ironing. Also baby-sitting in our home or yours. 231 Gibson. PERSONAL COLUMN Relax, Myrna, you won't be mentioned. Signed, The Informer. What about it Shannon; give me your answer. Signed Anxious Lover. VOTING BOOTHS WILL BE OPEN FROM 8 am till 8 pm NOT TOO LATE TO GET YOUR TICKETS FOR THE S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Concert from Weyburn Kenyon. If you have a woodsaw to sell, or a buzz saw, see T.B. Blevins, located at the first Wagner Creek crossing past the Wagner Creek school building. Hurry, this family might freeze if a buzz saw isn't found soon! If you don't like the councilmen as slated, Dean Carver's name may be written in… ----------------------------------------------------
"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ESTABLISHED IN 1934 Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe News Flashes is delivered to readers with the compliments of our advertisers…PATRONIZE THEM Vol. XVI No. 2 Friday, January 14th, 1955 NAVY DROPS IN ON TALENT MONDAY A Navy helicopter made an emergency landing at Talent late Monday nite and found that they had landed in…Paradise!!! Lt. Ruch, the pilot, received instructions from the Medford airport to land beside the highway at Talent so, picking a likely spot, he carefully landed the large craft to find that he had landed in the parking area in front of the Par-A-Dice Motel! The Medford Air Service truck was on hand with a hundred gallons of fuel and most of the local citizens were on hand to watch the proceedings! This is one of the few times that we have ever seen the Ideal deserted--and with over fifty cars parked out in front!! The localites had a rare opportunity to see one of the Navy's helicopters up close. We cordially extend greetings to the visitors & we hope that they drop in again! ANNOUNCING BETROTHAL Mr. & Mrs. Jack Suksdorf announced the engagement of their daughter Kary Ellen to Terry Burnette, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Burnette. Kary Ellen is a student at Talent Hi and Terry is a student at SOC. To date no wedding date has been set. EDWIN C. GARDNER Edwin Chase Gardner, longtime Talent resident and owner of the Golden Crest Orchard, died Tuesday at Ashland. Gardner had been active in valley affairs, having come to Talent from Kansas in 1909. He was born September 10, 1882 in Rooks County, Kansas, and graduated from Kansas State Agricultural college at Manhattan. Surviving are his wife Gladys; a daughter, Barbara Jean, and two sisters, Mrs. F.F. Burk of Medford and Mrs. W.C. Sellers, Downs, Kansas. Chase was well known in this area and was well liked by everyone that had the pleasure of knowing him. INVITATION FROM ASHLAND The new Provost furniture store is having a gala three-day grand opening which will extend through Saturday, tomorrow! There will be three wonderful free prizes, including a tank type Hoover vacuum cleaner, a floor lamp and a Cosco stool as third prize. Drawings will be at 5, Saturday. You should register before then but you need not be present to win. The store is now under the management of Ray Hamilton and Bill Slack of Talent. Congratulations!!! LETTER FROM LINCOLN, NEBRASKA To News Flashes: Please send me your paper for 3 or four days. Thank you. A. Bellore, 4705 S. 48th, Lincoln, Nebraska. (We publish once a week, Mr. Bellore, and we'll be glad to send you as many copies as you want. Attention Merchants: We now include part of Nebraska in our coverage at no extra cost to you!) PETERSON ELECTRIC CHANGES HANDS Tony Georgianna has taken over the Peterson Electric business under the new name of Tony's Electric. Tony wished to announce that the same low rates for all repair and maintenance will continue and anyone wishing service can call either the Harvey Peterson residence or Ashland 9-1199 at his shop. If you have any problems in commercial or residential wiring, call Tony's Electric. NOTICE The Talent PTA will meet at the Talent School in Mrs. Messenger's room January 16th at 7:30. Freshman mothers will be hostesses and the Girl Scouts will assume charge of the smaller children. CAMPFIRE BOARD MEETS The Rogue Area CampFire Board and Leaders held their annual dinner and election of officers in the Talent school cafeteria, on Monday night. THRU THE KEYHOLE… Seen at the gala bank opening…The Jason Ottingers, Nell Young, Mae Lowe, Alice Burnette and mother accompanied by children, the Joe Harrisons, Emeritus K. Hardwater and many others, all decorated with orchids and donuts…That was one time you could go to the bank and get something for nothing…Al Grabher's dog was poisoned…News Flashes announces a new weather forecast service starting this week. We have a straight wire to the farmer's weather service for accurate observations… A big wind is coming in from the coast, Silas Jones reported that his misery returned to his left knee, so the forecast is: Monday through Saturday, Blizzards accompanied by high winds also with high temperatures thru the 80's and 90's…Sunday will be clear and stormy. Marijuana growers will probably smudge. Have you joined the Left Handed Club yet this month…your only chance for the year 1955 is NOW…Sun is beautiful after the morning fog…This is March of Dimes month…Chairman for this area is Virginia Gleim…half of the membership and dues from Left Handed Club goes to March of Dimes, other half to Shrine Hospital for Crippled Children…in this club there is NO overhead… Page 3, ads for: PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING/SIDING ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP ED'S MOTOR REPAIR TONY'S ELECTRIC (Formerly Peterson's Electric) GALLATIN'S INSURANCE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE NORTON'S LUMBER SUPPE'S SAW AND MOWER SHARPENING BEN'S OK NEW & SECOND-HAND STORE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent Trade Area read NEWS FLASHES. INSERT YOUR AD FOR ONLY 35¢…for 25 to 50 words it only costs you 70¢. Send to Box H…Phone Ash 2-3243, or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES WILL TRADE Litrumpet [sic] for 5 string banjo…good tone. See at 109 S. 2nd. 27 Foot TRAILER HOUSE--Excellent shape $368.00 BEN'S OK 2ND HAND STORE. Ash 2-5439… WILL TAKE SUITABLE LOT OR LOTS in Talent as part down payment on home in Ashland. Phone Ash 2-6950. FOR SALE--1941 Plymouth. Good shape. Body excellent. Very reasonable…Wesley Boyer, Boyer Greenhouse on Gibson St. CURTAINS…WASHED…STRETCHED…IRONED…All types…55¢ pair and up. Ash 2-6573. WE SELL PROPANE--Also have CHOICE trailer spaces to rent…rates reasonable…high…dry…well-drained…SHADY BROOK TRAILER HAVEN, 236 Old Highway, South. Ash 2-7619. Page 4, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 5, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ UNION 76 CLOVERLEAF DAIRY TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NEWS TALENT FRIENDS CHURCH 10:00 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship 6:30 pm--Christian Endeavor 7:30 pm--Evening Worship Hobby Night Monday 7-9 pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 1st & Wagner Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship 6:30 pm--MYF 7:30 pm--Evening Worship ASSEMBLY OF GOD Morris Nylander, Pastor 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship 6:00 pm--Young Peoples Meeting 7:30 pm--Evening Service Page 6, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES ----------------------------------------------------
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Phone Ash 2-3243 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of OUR ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM. VOL XVI No. 19 Friday, May 6, 1955 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION--MAY 25 The Talent High School graduation exercises will be Wednesday, May 25 at 8:00 p.m. in the gymnasium. Susan Barnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnes, with a GPA of 3.85, will be valedictorian. Irene Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Johnson, will be salutatorian, with a GPA of 3.62. The graduation address will be given by Dr. Arthur S. Taylor, of Southern Oregon College. His topic: "Oregon of Today." Baccalaureate will be held Sunday, May 22nd, in the high school gym. Rev. Leroy F. Neifert, Friends Church, will give the invocation and benediction. Rev. Alice May Woolley, Talent Methodist Church, will deliver the baccalaureate. Members of the graduating class are: Susan Barnes, Sally Ann Boyd, Doreen Burnette, Valerie Jean Carmen, Fern Dixon, Bernice Lodge, Irene Johnson, Bonnie Leeper, Katherine Long, Beverly Murray, Marie Ross, Joanne Seaver, Shirley Smith, Myra Phelps, Donald Coghill, Leo Hoser, Jim McAbee, Don Reynolds, Don Sweet, Dale Walter, Stuart Webber, J. Lloyd Wood, George Zickefoose, Jim Wallace, Lyio Tycksen, William Dailey, George Williams. TALENT MARKET TO HOLD GRAND OPENING The Hilsenhoffs have moved, have straightened up their new store and so they want all their friends and customers to come in and see them in their beautiful new store, which was completely repainted for them. Come in Saturday for coffee and cake any time during the day. The Talent Market has a NEW PHONE NUMBER ASH. 2-7156 in case you want to call them…SEE THE TALENT MARKET AD…FOR SPECIAL GRAND OPENING PRICES. AROUND TOWN S/A Cornelius Eugene Lane, son of Mrs. Josie Lane, is home on leave from the Navy. S. Lane will return to San Diego, where he is stationed, on May 16. Mrs. Keith Thoreson is back at work in the post office after being confined to her home by the flu the 1st part of the week. Friends who have inquired into the fate of last week's doodle will be glad to hear that it was only held up by the bad weather and will appear this week along with this week's doodle. NOTICES The Talent PTA will hold a special meeting Monday evening in the music room at 8:00 o'clock. Pre-school mothers are requested to attend. New officers will be installed by Mrs. Curtis Stockstill of Phoenix. Mrs. Georgia, Phoenix PTA President, will give a report on the convention held in Portland recently. A musical program will be presented by the students. First and second grade mothers will be the hostesses. EVERYONE WELCOME. THANK YOU NOTE I wish to thank all my friends and customers for helping me celebrate MARIE'S birthday and opening of my new dining room. A special thank you to the friends who sent the lovely flowers.--Marie Randahl… PRE-SCHOOL CLINIC There will be a pre-school clinic on May 16 at the Primary Building. All pre-school children have to have a physical check-up before entering school this fall. For an appointment phone Ash 2-3838 between 8 am and 1 pm starting Monday. TALENT KEEPS B LOOP SLATE CLEAN Talent High held lone unblemished leadership in Jackson County B League baseball conflicts. The Bulldogs beat St. Mary's with a 4 to 3 score. The Bulldogs will play Prospect here today. And will play Eagle Point May 10 here. Our weather forecasts seldom static
The outlook for the weather, Just like this one that you've read, You're confused, confounded and feather! EDITORS' NOTE Ye olde forecaster could only think of one word to rhyme with weather…hence feather! Don't ask us, we just don't know… The trees are blooming
Any resemblance to poetry is purely coincidental.The grass is growing The birds are tuning and Our lawn needs grooming… Page 2, ads for: TALENT FEED STORE PROVOST FURNITURE PANCAKE HOUSE--Rachel Dankworth…Janell Miller L.H. GALLATIN, local agent for FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP TONY'S ELECTRIC CHURCH NEWS CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 mile south on Highway 99 10 am Bible Study 11 am and 7:30 pm Special Bible Study 7:30 pm Thursday Special Bible Study FIRST METHODIST 1st and Wagner…Ash 9-5265 Alice May Woolley, Pastor 9:45 am--Sunday School 10:45 am--Morning Worship 6:30 pm--M Y F 7:30 pm--Evening Service This Sunday is MOTHERS DAY Have you seen the flower earrings some of the young matrons are wearing these days…very pretty…We wonder if Little Daisy has had the flu…at least we haven't noticed any interesting remarks in her column lately…Don't forget to attend the PTA meeting Monday evening. Mothers of children starting school next year are especially urged to attend… SEEN IN TOWN… Marie Williams was riding around town enjoying the spring sunshine Thursday… Lillie Burnette has been visiting friends and relatives in Talent this week. Terry Burnette returned to his station in Texas Monday. Stop in to the Pancake House and get acquainted with Janell Miller and Rachel Dankworth, who have purchased the business from Mrs. Terrill. The Pancake House specializes in pancakes but serves meals and short orders as well. An alumni banquet and dance has been planned for alumni of Talent High School on June 10 at the Elks Temple in Ashland. In order to contact all alumni of Talent High School, it is requested that anyone knowing the address of the following persons please phone Ash 9-4966 or write P.O. Box 252, Talent: Wayne Holdridge, Otis Johnson, Byron Johnson, Emerick Jones, Yvonne and Virginia Keith, Myrtle Kelty, Jerry Klimek, Agnes and Lloyd Lacey, Abby and Edward Leaming, Iris Long Frazier, Marguerite McDowell, Robert Marquess, Walter Marquess, Mozelle and Modell Marshall, Marvin Mershong, M. Millin, Juanita and Willette Miller, Kenneth Robinette, George Rowley. Watch next week for additional names. If you are an alumnus of Talent High School and haven't received an invitation to the alumni banquet…call or write the above numbers… Fire Dept. made it out in 7 minutes to the fire Sunday morning…Garland driving…WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING NEXT WEEK…The Firemen met last Monday night…several very good plans were discussed…Another meeting will be held next Monday night. The town needs more Volunteer Firemen…come down and help the boys… John Baldwin was put in as Asst. Fire Chief. Editors' Note…We feel that our town marshal and John Perdue have enough to do without taking over the Volunteer Fire Dept. Page 4, full-page ad for: TALENT THRIFT MARKET--GRAND OPENING! OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY--Free Cake and Coffee! All day Saturday… Page 5, full-page ad for: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES--cartoon by SMITTY Page 6, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE IN THEATER--"Southern Oregon's only independently operated drive-in theater" TALENT BARBER--Local agent for College Cleaners MARIE'S [DOODLES--small, abstract cartoons] 1. Angry husband with wife watching women's program on TV 2. Angle worm lost in spaghetti factory (dedicated to Joe) Do you want a doodle dedicated to you? We will be happy to do anyone who wishes it this singular honor. WELL THERE YOU ARE AND HERE I AM…Tom Burnette and Linda Gleim celebrated birthdays Thursday…Ted Welburn on Friday. SPECIAL NOTICE Will any of the following persons phone Ash 9-4966 or drop a card to P.O. Box 252, Talent: Irene Alcock, Albert Anderson, Keith Hargraves, Ron Bickerdike, Aletha Birdsall, Juanita, Betty or Junior Boardman, Earl Bogard, Glen Bond, Aleck Bowan [Bowman?], Ruth Bowman, Melba Breese, Martha Breese, Clarence Byrd, Beulah Balderstone, Gladys Barton, Grace and Roy Chapin, Juanita Cross, Doris Curry White, Almena Dobbins, Ruby Dobbins Minear, Dale Dobbins, Mary Doyle, May Dry, Earl Edmondson, James Engberg, Katherine Estes, Anna Evans, Pat Franklin, Robert Frink, Jean and Helen Galbraith, Helen Gunderson, Kenneth Grace, Madge and Ada Hackler, Doris and Sam Hamilton, Alta Hart Spitzer, Ira and Ollie Hart, Darrell Hanna, Kenneth Haw, Margaret Higgins, L.C. Hill, Opal Hill, Tharon Hill, Wanda Lou Hill, Cornelia and Myrtle Hilkey, Jean Hoffman, Clarence and Esther Holdridge. Cont. on another page. Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 8, ads for: ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE BEN'S OK NEW & 2ND HAND STORE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE WANT AD PAGE… Several hundred families in the Talent Trade Area read News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for up to 25 words…for 25 to 50 words it only costs you 70¢. Send to Box 217, phone Ash 2-3243 or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" FOR SALE--Half collie and shepherd puppies. Also good Guernsey milk. 60¢ per gal. Want steady customers. 115 Valleyview St. Phone Ash 9-5268. Otto King. LOST…LOST…LOST…LOST Purse--brown leather--Tuesday evening somewhere between Ideal Market and Rt. 1 Box 388, Talent. Identification in purse. Anyone finding please return money. Reward. Jessie I. Niswanger, c/o Ray Burnette, Rt. 1, Box 388, Talent, Oregon. FOR SALE--Vegetable and flower plants, extra fine pansy plants. Reasonable. BOYER GREENHOUSE. 229 Gibson St. FOR SALE--2 buff cochin banty hens. Phone Ash 2-5762. 209 E. Main St. READ NEWS FLASHES FOR REAL BARGAINS RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME TOWN…DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL…DO YOU NEED SOMETHING…ADVERTISE IN NEWS FLASHES…IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE AND ESPECIALLY IN NEWS FLASHES… ROTOTILLING--Get your ground ready now…Earl Lenz. Ash 2-8615 FOR SALE--Planer ends and planer shavings. WILKINS. ASH 2-5983. FOR SALE--KAISER automatic dish washer--PERFECT like-new built-in type--only $38. 109 S. Second. NEWS FLASHES WANT TO TRADE POWER MOWER GOODYEAR, 24" blade, plus three new dispensing machines, gum, peanuts, etc. For 1941 or older model pick-up. Call Ash 2-3243 NEWS FLASHES BRAND NEW 9x12 linoleum rug--beautiful green--sells for $12 or more--$7.00. 109 S. 2nd. NEWS FLASHES. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING…Call 2-7562 for information…ROGUE AUCTION COMPANY or call 2-3243. News Flashes. FOR SALE--Gallon thermos--perfect $1.00. Bunk beds--solid but need re-painting (less springs & mattress)--$8.00. Modern table model radio--plays perfectly--$5.00--old cabinet style--plays good, $3.00--electric broiler--works OK $4.00--109 S. 2nd NEWS FLASHES. FOR SALE--36 Chev. And all kinds of Chev parts. Phone Ash 2-7613. This Chev is reasonable and has license and runs good. RAY JOHNSON, Old Highway, south… Bob sold his washing machines and his girdle…IT REALLY PAYS TO ADVERTISE. ABOUT TOWN & COUNTRY While driving around the route last Friday we were hailed down by the driver of the QUALITY GIRLS truck and given a cream puff apiece. MMMMMmmmmm were they good…. WHY not take your mother or wife to the TALENT CAFÉ Sunday for a real MOTHER'S DAY. Give Mother a rest from cooking…and at the same time get a real home cooked meal. The Boyers made up 83 bouquets of pansies for some pansy club. If you're giving Mother flowers this Sunday, why not stop at the Boyer GREENHOUSE on Gibson and see their cut flowers and plants. Senior girls are going job hunting. FOR SALE--6 spools of barbwire 2 pt. 14 gauge. 80 rods, $5.00 each. Al Forsythe. Rt. 1 Box 198, Talent, Oregon. CHIT CHAT…. Spotted at Christian's fire, E.L. Garland with an ax poised in his hands looking wistfully at the windows…More on Christian's fire: a crowd of (the boys) were spotted in Norm Driver's new car looking very bleary-eyed at the 8:15 am proceedings. When polled, each replied that due to very late hours the nite before, they definitely were not in favor of fires that early in the morning. We extend our sympathy. ----------------------------------------------------
"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe Ash 2-3243 Friday, May 13, 1955 VOL XVI No. 20 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to readers with the compliments of OUR ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM… HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Student body and class elections were completed recently at Talent High School, and the following students will be the leaders of student government for the coming year. Student body officers are: Ray Weinhold, president; Gordon Thoreson, vice-president; Maxine Johnson, sec. and Deanis Snelson, business manager. Class officers are: Maxine Carter, senior class president; Terry Hazelton, junior class president; Joe Teeter, sophomore class president. The student council is composed of the student body officers and class officers. All student body officers at Talent High School must have a grade point average of "B" and 3 faculty recommendations. The students also selected Carol Coghill, Maudalene Marshall, and Shirley Meeder as yell leaders for next year. Outgoing student council members are Jim McAbee, President; Don Coghill, vice-president; Bonnie Leeper, secretary; Susan Barnes, business manager; Dale Walter, senior class president; Maxine Johnson, junior class president; Mel Wallace, sophomore class president; and Joe Teeter, freshman class president. ABOUT TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hilsenhoff of Madison, Wisconsin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hilsenhoff for several days last week….Mr. and Mrs. James Grear from California are visiting Mr. Grear's sister, Mrs. Watson, at Goldencrest. Mr. and Mrs. Grear are spending part of their honeymoon here….The following boys are home on furlough: Bob Seymour, Les Walker and Monty Lutz. The boys are due to report at Camp Gordon, Georgia on May 19. William Mitchell joined the Air Force last week and is stationed at Parks Field….Mrs. Dale Reed has returned from Idaho, where she has been living until her husband received his overseas orders… NEW ARRIVAL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Taylor, 108 Bain St. on May 11, a baby boy, at Sacred Heart Hospital. WEDDING BELLS Christine Welburn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welburn, and Monte Lutz were married at Reno, Nevada on May 9. Any resemblance to poetry in this week's weather report? Is soggy and foggy or else dry. NEW WATER HOURS!
WEST SIDE OF TRACKS TUESDAY and THURSDAY AFTERNOON from 1 PM to 7 PM EAST SIDE OF TRACKS WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOON from 1 PM to 7 PM NO OPEN HOSE…. THERE WILL BE A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION GARDEN CLUB FOOD & PLANT SALE The Garden Club will hold a plant and food sale at the Valley Locker SATURDAY starting at 10:00 am. SPECIAL SERVICES FOR EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES The Talent Methodist Church is inviting the 8th grade graduates to a special service in their honor on Sunday, May 15 at 11 AM. The public is welcome. SHELL STATION NOW OPEN Roy Miller and Bruce Hagerman, both formerly of Klamath Falls, are the managers of the new Shell Station, which is now open for business. They plan to have a grand opening in the near future. The boys have all of the latest equipment including a special new quick change tire machine and equipment for handling tubeless tires and new type plug cleaner that makes your plugs look like new, plus equipment for complete lubrication and servicing of cars, including automatic transmission. They are also going to install a machine to balance your wheels while on the car. One of the service features will be free pickup and delivery of your car for either oil change or lube job, any day except Saturday or Sunday. (Saturday and Sunday are their busy days and they don't have time to leave the station). Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hagerman live in the new duplex on 2nd St. N. Foster Seaver, Jr. is helping them. WHETHER OR NO
OOIE- Gooey was a worm Upon the railroad track, The Choo-Choo train came puffing by OOIE-GOOEY! SENSE OR no cents Little Jack Horner sat in a corner, Eating gooseberry pie, He stuck in his thumb & pulled out a plum, And said "What a mess! Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION CHURCH NEWS CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 mile south on Highway 99 10 am Bible Study 11 am and 7:30 pm--Special Bible Study 7:00 pm Thursday--Special Bible Study FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 1st and Wagner…Ash 9-5265 Alice May Woolley 9:45 am--Sunday School 10:45 am--Morning Worship 6:30 pm--M Y F 7:30 pm--Evening Service GIRL SCOUT NEWS Girl Scout Troop 69 of Talent, led by Mrs. Leroy Turley, held a Flyup and Investiture Ceremony Friday, May 9, at the home of Mrs. J.H. Helm. Two girls were invested and received pins from their leader. Starlene Wilkins was welcomed into the troop by Royce Welch. Nancy Seiber was the other Scout to be invested and was greeted by Judy Holdridge. Two Brownies, Donna Hill and Gail Scharfe, members of the same troop, participated in the Flyup Ceremony. Met at the door by Mrs. Leroy Welch, Asst. Leader, the girls received their wings. Hand in hand they walked slowly down an imaginary pathway, formed by troop mates holding cards bearing the Girl Scout laws. As the tenth law was read they were met by their leader Mrs. Turley and repeated to her the Scout Promise and received their pin. The other troop members came forward and joined the new Scouts in singing "Girl Scouts Together." Mrs. Turley received a miniature Scout pin as a token of appreciation. Other Scouts participating were Betty Roberts, Sally Helm, Linda Sue Tompkins and Linda May Davis. Guests were Mrs. C. Holdridge, Mrs. C.G. Scharfe, Mrs. J. Tompkins and Mrs. W.E. Roberts and son Byron. DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO ADVERTISE….
ADVERTISE IT IN NEWS FLASHES Page 3, ads for: ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE BEN'S OK NEW & 2ND HAND STORE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE WANT AD PAGE… FOR SALE--Raw milk; tested cows, delivered in Talent. 65¢ per gallon. Call Ash 2-3510, Rt. 1 Box 562 Talent. Byron Bushnell. FOR SALE--Gallon thermos, perfect, $1.00; bunk beds, solid but need repainting (less springs & mattresses) $8.00; modern table model radio, plays perfectly, $5.00; old cabinet style radio, plays good, $3.00; electric broiler, works OK, $4.00. 109 S. 2nd St. Bob Lowe News Flashes. FOR SALE--vegetable and flower plants. Extra fine pansy plants, reasonable. BOYER GREENHOUSE 229 Gibson St. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Johnson outboard motor, De Laval Magnetic Milker, single unit. WANT Garden tractor or gas engine. G.M. House, Rt. 1 Box 546 Talent, Oregon. Wagner Creek Road. BRAND NEW 9x12 linoleum rug, beautiful green, sells for $12 or more, now $7. 109 S. 2nd St. NEWS FLASHES. ROTOTILLING--Get your ground ready now…Earl Lenz. Ash 2-8615. FOR SALE--Planer ends and planer shavings. WILKINS ASH 2-5983. FOR SALE KAISER automatic dish washer--PERFECT like new built-in type--only $38. 109 S. Second NEWS FLASHES. WANT TO TRADE POWER MOWER GOODYEAR, 24" blade, plus three new dispensing machines, gum, peanuts, etc. For 1941 or older model pickup. Call Ash 2-3243 NEWS FLASHES. LAWN MOWERS--Machine ground. Saws filed and tools ground. PICK-UP & DELIVERY 25¢ extra. One mile south of Talent on Highway 99 or phone Ash 2-9319. Carl Suppe. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING…CALL 2-7562 for information. ROGUE AUCTION COMPANY or call 2-3243. FOUND--Baby stroller. Owner may have by identifying and paying for ad. Call Ash. 2-5761. WANTED--Yard work, lawn mowing after school and during vacation. Bob Burnette, Rt. 1 Box 388 or call Ash 2-3243. FOR SALE--Baby scales, work good, good shape, $1.00. 109 S. 2nd. FOR SALE--2 pair logger boots. Sizes 7½ and 11. Ben's OK New and 2nd Hand. Phone Ash 2-5439. Page 4, ads for: TALENT MARKET-- We want to thank all our friends and customers who helped to make our open house such a success--Leonard and Ethel SNACK BAR TALENT BARBER VISITORS TO ASHLAND… Mrs. Lucky Gilbreath, Marie Long and Lilah Parker were business visitors to Ashland Wednesday… Mrs. Ray Redmon towned Thursday. SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO THE COLLEGE CLEANERS IN ASHLAND. Their Talent representative is Les the Barber. Their work is guaranteed and they do moth proofing. Phone Ash 2-3911. Pd. Adv.
9-4966 or write to P.O. Box 252, Talent.Geraldine Stansell, Frank Stephens, Joan Swatzlander, James or Marylou Thanos, Walter Harvey Thayer, Lois Thompson, Donald Tryor, William Vimont, Edward Walter, Arliss Williams, Ruth Williams, Violet Winkleman, Alice and Betty Wooton, Mildred Works, Davis Young, or Pat Haney. According to a local Lion member there are some tickets being sold by local Lions which have some very fine fishing gear attached to certain numbers which are a deep mystery. Articles include a spinning reel and rod, a pair of hip boots and a willow creel. Why not ask a Lion member for a ticket--donate a little money and help the Lions help our town. AS YOU GO DOWN THE HIGHWAY,
NOTICE THE TULIP YELLOW PAINT JOB ON MARIE'S. Page 5, ads for: TALENT HARDWARE PANCAKE HOUSE TALENT FEED STORE PROVOST FURNITURE L.H. GALLATIN--FARMERS INSURANCE TONY'S ELECTRIC What young man about town escorted his girl friend (a nurse) around with him on his job Wednesday? Nice going there, boy…. According to Disastrous …Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holt made a trip up Anderson Creek one day last week. VISITORS TO THE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. John Galardo of Yuma, Arizona and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Albesata of Vacaville, California are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonzales on Walden Lane. Mrs. Galardo is Joe's sister. Two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales entertained friends from North Dakota. Several Trail Riders including the drill team spent Sunday afternoon at the Gonzales Ranch. They practiced drills and ended up with a coffee party. Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 7, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER H&M SHELL SERVICE--at the Talent Junction MURDERS We have some more electric ranges at $5.00. These were stolen from southern California and are HOT!!! Sooo…hurry before we get caught!! Every stove was removed in a hurry from the owner's home so some still have pots and pans in the oven. One even has buckshot embedded in back…see these at 200 E. Main, across from the fire hall or call 2-7562 now!! WE HEAR That Robison and Rapp heart interest has moved to Southern Cal. Dave Robison has taken up horseback riding as a cure for a broken heart. Will Chester also find riding a solution to his problems? Mrs. Watson of Goldencrest Orchard is scheduled for a trip to Community Hospital May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stebler arrived back Thursday after spending 3½ weeks visiting friends and relatives in the Midwest. They decided that home is the best place after all. Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Wilson of Horse Creek, Calif. will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ole Carver over the weekend. Page 8, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER MARIE'S QUICK SERVICE [Doodle:] "A nail that can be driven either direction" ODDS AND ENDS…. The Lithia Drive-In is really having a super deal on Saturday nite…six full-length pictures…all good pictures…for the regular price!!! By the way…did you notice the ads in last Sunday's Mail Trib? On one side of the page was the Medford theater's ads saying that mothers over sixty would be admitted free and right next to this grand announcement was the Lithia ad saying "All Mothers Free"!!! Hmmm…Well, boys, live and learn. By the way…what's that blah about our friends up at Salem banning ladies' wrestling? Personally, we think that the fatheads that inaugurated such a law should be moved across the street and locked up! Or re-locked up…. If some of these jerks would spend more time on the whys and why-nots of our local farce the "Talent Project" we are quite sure that everyone would be better off…but that's something worthwhile, so that's out! Speaking of the Talent project…the city well was pumped dry the other nite…do you realize what would happen if we had a fire with the well in that condition? Before anyone squawks about our new water restrictions, just let 'em think the old fire angle over…it might be your house and the well might be dry…if we aren't careful with the water we have… What was the question??? Who won??? Anyone can see we're listening to Groucho while we try to figure out what to put on this gab bag…. Colleen tells us that she is getting along very well in her attempts to organize a Talent Alumni Association and she wants to get in touch with all Talent High graduates…Notice the color of the new high school, which was painted a beautiful shade of green by the Sullivan Bros…Eighth graders got a preview of high school this week when class members and their parents were interviewed concerning courses they will take this fall….Talent High will play Eagle Point this afternoon…Better plan on seeing our championship team…According to the advertisements it's time to get your suntan lotion…but tonight it looks like we'll have another siege of rain…For a thousand laughs attend the auctions in Medford…The Editors. ----------------------------------------------------
ESTABLISHED IN 1934 Friday, June 10, 1955 VOL XVI No. 24 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of OUR ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM WATER SITUATION DRASTIC The city spent $30,000.00 some years back to dig an underground reservoir below Herman Cannon's place; but it looks from here as though the $30,000 has gone down the drain. The dry season, July, August and September, is yet to come. What in the heck are we going to do. The supply in summer is usually dependent on the TID, and their water will probably be ended this year because of short supply during August. Mr. Trent on Walden Lane drilled a well last week which it is reported is flowing at a rate of better than 2700 gallons per hour. Mr. Trent drilled 125 feet through a 47 ft. layer of dry clay into a shale formation before getting a good run of water. Perhaps the City could afford to go deeper on their well so that the people in Talent could have enough water for a garden and lawns. Several calls have come in asking about the water coolers; if there is a restriction on their use. At least if you have a water cooler you can run your surplus on your lawn or flowers. What about businesses who have to have water to carry on their business. The water situation in Talent is at a low ebb. The ration has again been cut to 3 hours a day. WEST SIDE. Tuesday & Thursday, 5 to 8 pm. EAST SIDE. Wednesday & Friday…5 to 8 pm. Violations of the new restrictions will be taken care of according to the rule set up by the City Council. EDITOR'S NOTE…(Why not everyone dig their own well?)
AROUND TOWN Charlie Schuler, who recently sold his partnership in the Talent Club to Jack Burdell, is going to take it easy until fall. Charlie is making his home and yard more attractive. He didn't like the looks of his back yard, so he is rearranging it. He has dug a well and will have plenty of water of his own. John Butler has been named new custodian of the grade school. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nicholson and family are visiting relatives in Idaho. The Ed Lunsfords are visiting relatives in Yakima, Wash. SCHOOL ELECTION JUNE 20 School board election is coming up June 20 at which 3 new directors will be elected, one for each of 3, 4, and 5 year terms. Anyone who has a candidate to serve on the school board must have a petition into the Jackson County school superintendent's office 5 days before the election. The board will consist of 5 members. (Don't say we didn't tell you.) ANNUAL GUEST DAY The Community Club will hold their annual guest day at the City Hall on Wednesday afternoon, June 15th. New ladies of the community and elderly ladies have a special invitation to attend. All ladies of the community are invited. There will be bouquets for the elderly ladies and refreshments will be served. Mrs. Lovella Long, president of the club, will welcome the guests. GARDEN CLUB INSTALLS Mrs. Charles O. Long was installed president of the Talent Garden Club on June 1st at the City Hall. The ceremony followed a pot luck luncheon with the executive board serving as hostesses. Mrs. A. Lewis and Mrs. T. Carter of the Phoenix Garden Club were the installing officers. Others installed were Mrs. Gilbert Hill, Vice-Pres, Mrs. E.E. Taylor, Sect. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Treas. CORRECTION Marshall John Badwin's new phone number is 2-4268. THE TALENT CAFÉ Will open Monday, June 12 after being closed two weeks for redecorating and remodeling. Lilah serves real home-cooked meals that you will enjoy and her home-made pies are delicious. Mrs. Dale Reed left for San Francisco Saturday to visit with relatives. WEATHER REPORT
"Look at Henry," cried dear Hattie "He's falling in the well!" But slow Hattie was a fattie And down poor Henry fell! Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 TALENT HARDWARE CHURCH NEWS TALENT METHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY, June 5 9:45 am--Sunday School 11:00 am--Morning Worship 7:00 pm--M Y F 8:00 pm--Evening Worship CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 mile south on Highway 99 10 am--Bible Study 11 am--Special Bible Study 7:30 pm--Special Bible Study THURSDAY 7:30 pm--Special Bible Study Carl Suppe, Pastor Page 3, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER MARIE'S QUICK SERVICE [Doodle:] "Front view of porcupine with Mohawk quill cut" NEWS NOTES AND HILIGHTS… In talking to Jim Selleck about their terrific billing for this week, the subject of the film "Conquest of Everest" was naturally brought up. No kidding, this is wonderful…Mount Everest, 29,002 ft. high, being climbed for the first time…the viewers of the picture will see the highlights of the climb as the members of the expedition saw it…we recommend this picture to everyone!!! A local businessman suggested to us, before the new and tighter water restrictions, that the town cut the water hours in half and let everyone water every other day, weekends the exception. The explanation was that it would do more good to water less, more often. His idea had merits but with the present state of affairs it would hardly be practical…We realize the harried town fathers are quite concerned about the water situation but may we gently remind them that a cure such as a new well is just as important right now as more restrictions and dire prophecies! Orchids to Jim Perdue and John Baldwin for their round-the-clock watch on the city pumps and water system…As you can see due to the truck strike, News Flashes is coming out again in a coat of many colors. We couldn't get paper from our regular supplier so had to take what we could get. Thinning has started in some orchards and others will be starting in the near future…If you've never seen a porcupine with a Mohawk quill cut you now have an opportunity that will never come again…Look at this week's doodle…Paul and David Conners' cousins are visiting them…Leola Connor and children visited in Calif. this week…Bob has the alarm set for 5 pm so he can start watering right on the minute…There goes the alarm and away we go…The airlines lead the railroads for safety per 500 miles by one point…QUOTE The most difficult operation for the average doctor is getting his fee out of the patient.--Joe Ryan…FEED STORE WILL HAVE INDIAN RIVERS, straight run and turkeys…next week. Page 4, full-page ad for: TALENT'S BRAND-NEW SHELL STATION--grand opening next week! Page 5, ads for: TALENT FEED STORE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS OLSON ELECTRIC PROVOST FURNITURE NEWS NOTES …Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellison and family and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harris and family of Phoenix spent the weekend at Crescent City….Grandma Cook returned home from the hospital Saturday. … Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Welburn a baby boy… …Watch for an interesting surprise on the front page of NEWS FLASHES next week… …Beverly Lenz will leave next Monday for Los Angeles with Eve Prentice Accordion Band; they will be guests of Trailways. …The Lady Lions entertained their husbands at a spaghetti dinner at the City Hall Thursday evening….Marie and Kenny Reynolds and sons went up to Emigrant Lake Monday to try out their new boat. Genevieve Taylor held down the fort while they were gone. …The blank space below the weather report expresses our opinion of the weather…not printable. CAMPFIRE DAY CAMP The Talent and Ashland Campfire Girls and Bluebirds will have Day Camp at the Lithia Park from June 14 through the 17th. There will be a charge of $1.00 for supplies for the four days. Girls are asked to bring a sack lunch the first day. Contact leaders for more information. A FEW GRIPES AROUND TOWN We hear quite a few gripes from residents of Gibson St. concerning the number of chuck holes thereon. Seems as though now there aren't enough smooth spots left on the road to dodge the chuckholes….There's another doozy off the pavement across from the post office and also across from the City Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Leeper and family have moved to Medford… Betty and Sharon Bergren have gone to Colorado to visit relatives for the summer….We have a new beauty product being manufactured here in the area. The Eileen Hand Cream is being manufactured and sold by Mr. P.D. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoser, who is based in Montana in the Air Force, is home on furlough visiting his mother and brother. The proprietors of the Pancake House are now residents of Talent, having moved into the Bunnell small house. Eleanor Lenz won three caps at the recent bowling tourney. WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF THE SHELL NEXT FRIDAY & SATURDAY…SURPRISES FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD….May and I read a very interesting writeup in the Oregonian this morning concerning the crowning of the Rose Festival Queen, which gave all the details of the affair except the name of the new queen. Probably forecasting the future as the paper came out before 10 pm when the queen was crowned. ENTERTAINING POSSE Members of the Ladies Mounted Troop entertained their husbands Sunday at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonzales on Walden Lane with a steak fry. Each wife brought steak for her family and Joe broiled (the steak, we mean) from 3 to 6 pm on the Gonzales outdoor fireplace. We hear rumors to the effect that Mr. Gonzales did a really professional job. About 50 people spent a pleasant afternoon at the beautiful covered patio of the ranch house. Page 7, ads for: ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S OK NEW & 2ND HAND STORE GALLATIN'S INSURANCE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for up to 25 words…for 25 to 50 words it only costs you 70¢. Send to P.O. Box 217. Phone Ash 2-3243 or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ROTOTILLING--Get your ground ready now. Earl Lenz. Ash 2-8615 FOR SALE--Automatic dishwasher, Kaiser, perfect shape, built-in model, $39. Bob Lowe, 109 S. 2nd St. Ash 2-3243. FOR SALE--Vegetable and flower plants. Get your garden in now--BOYER GREENHOUSE--229 Gibson. Mrs. Warren Jackson is open for business every day except Thursday and Sunday. If you have clean clothing you would like to buy or sell, see Mrs. Jackson, across the highway from Snappy Service. Another new advertiser is Mr. Olson, of Olson's Electric, 671 B St. in Ashland. He deals in commercial, industrial and residential wiring. He also does appliance repair. The next time you are in need of electrical needs, give Mr. Olson a try, he is reasonable and you will be satisfied. The Marshalls' new phone number is Ash 2-4268. Hazel Carver at the Snak Bar is featuring a cold plate this week. When ordering milk, order from the Cloverleaf Dairy. 84¢ per gallon delivered to your door. Mr. Dukes of the Valley Locker suffered a heart attack last Friday but is back at work now. LAWN MOWERS--Machine ground, saws filed and tools ground. PICK-UP & DELIVERY 25¢ extra. One mile south of Talent on Highway 99 or phone Ash 2-8319. Carl Suppe. SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO THE COLLEGE CLEANERS (Our Talent representative is the Talent Barbershop). Our work is guaranteed and we do mothproofing. For information phone Ash 2-3911. FOR SUMMER WEAR--Real leather beanie caps in kit form, only 50¢ each. BENTLEY'S SHOE SERVICE. WANT RELIABLE WOMAN or high school girl to care for 4 children, ages from 8 to 3, 101 Fairview. Mrs. Margie Carver. Call Ash 2-3243. FOR SALE--Bedroom suite; daveno & chair; dinette suite; refrigerator; stove; two wool rugs, 1 7x9 and 1 4x7, all nearly new. Mrs. Annie Mae Greer, 1657 Kings Hiway, Medford, Oregon Med 3-2454. Last year at this time Talent was also low on water… Most Talent stores and business houses are air conditioned…No parking problem in comparison to larger nearby towns. Why not shop in Talent and stay cool…Both temperamentally and physically, WATCH FOR INTERESTING DEVELOPMENTS IN NEAR FUTURE. Page 8, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
ESTABLISHED IN 1934"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" Friday, June 24, 1955 VOL XVI NO.26 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of OUR ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM!! Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe PUBLIC MEETING There will be a public meeting for the town people for the reading of the 1955-56 budget for the town of Talent. This meeting will be held at the City Hall, June 28, 1955. Everybody interested in the reading of said budget is invited. Time 8 o'clock.
Nona McAbee, Recorder
Dated June 8, 1955 NOTICES The Talent ODO Club will meet with Bertha Hayman on July 1. Edna Holdridge will be co-hostess. RETURNS ON SCHOOL BOARD AND 1½ MILLAGE TAX School board members elected June 20 were Gilbert Hill, 3 yrs. Mrs. Nona McAbee, 4 years; Lindel Newbry, 5 years. The measure to raise the tax levy 1½ mills for the purpose of increasing teachers' salaries passed by a vote of 21 for and 11 against. The arrests of the boys last week was made by our Chief of Police, John Baldwin and a Deputy Sheriff instead of by the Ashland Police as was stated in the Mail Tribune. We believe in giving credit where credit is due. GRAND OPENING--SHELL STATION The beautiful new Shell Station's grand opening was a huge success last Friday and Saturday. Roy Miller and Bruce Hammering appreciated the support that the People of Talent and surrounding area gave them and they say thanks. Mr. Henry Franklin of Old Hiway 99 S was the winner of the baby beef. Mr. Dodge of Eugene and Mr. Smith of Medford, District Managers, were on hand to help make the opening a success. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1955-56 1954-55 1955-56 Interest & water bond $2,000.00 $1,960.00 Sewer bond & interest $1,080.00 $1,040.00 Marshal's salary $3,600.00 $3,900.00 Water Superintendent Salary $3,600.00 $3,900.00 Recorder's Salary $ 480.00 $ 480.00 Judge's Salary $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Treasurer's Salary $ 240.00 $ 240.00 Water Clerk Salary $ 480.00 $ 480.00 Librarian's Salary $ 120.00 $ 120.00 Lights & Power $3,200.00 $3,600.00 Sewer supplies & maintenance $1,200.00 $ 800.00 Water supplies & maintenance $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Fire truck & Equipment $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Street Improvements $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Building repair & Equipment $ 750.00 $1,000.00 Auto expense $1,450.00 $1,450.00 Emergency fund $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Legal & Accounting $ 300.00 $ 300.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 1954-55 1955-56 Estimated balance on hand $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Water & Sewer $9,500.00 $10,000.00 Other sources $ 720.00 Machine tax 50.00 Building permits 65.00 Liquor control 850.00 Business Licenses 170.00 Liquor permits 40.00 Miscellaneous 25.00 Total estimated receipts $14,220.00 $15,200.00 Proposed budget $25,600.00 $26,170.00 Established receipts $14,220.00 $15,200.00 $11,380.00 $10,970.00 Less Bonds & Interest 3,080.00 3,000.00 $ 8,300.00 $ 7,970.00 Our tax base $9,000.00 FIRE DEPT. CALLED OUT The Talent Volunteers answered a call to a grass fire on the Geo. Davis property Tuesday morning. There was a false alarm Monday….The George Holt family are moving to Jacksonville….Mrs. Harvey Peterson is visiting her sister in Calif. this week. Mrs. Hunsley and her two grandchildren, Pat and Gary Childress, have gone to the Coast….Marie Ross placed first as individual woman rider in the Dunsmuir, Calif. Railroad Days parade Sunday. Marie is also Queen of the Jackson County Mounted Sheriff's Posse roundup court this year. WEATHER REPORT
Box of Berries,
(Them's really the berries…you can't hardly get them kind no more.)Big fat man, Down went his foot… Strawberry Jam! (NEWS FLASHES phone 2-3243) Page 2, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER TWILA'S PIES--Buy them at Valley Locker or order at Marie's or Seibers--Twila Block MARIE'S QUICK SERVICE [DOODLE:] " Two mice playing cards under a soup bowl" THINGS AND ODDITIES… Sound travels through gold 5,717 feet per second…certain playboys move much faster. Admiral Peary reached the North Pole in April 6th, 1909. The Saskatchewan River is 1,205 miles long. 2,360 pounds of heroin was seized in 1953 by federal narcotics agents. The maximum speed of the B-36 is over 435 miles per hour. The Soviet Union has installed a microphone at the North Pole. There have been 21 lynchings in Oregon since 1882. 1,517 passengers lost their lives when the Titanic sank in 1912. Alabama annually produces over 500,000 bales of cotton lint. Cyrus W. Field started the trans-Atlantic cable in Ireland, August 5, 1865. In 1737, Calcutta, India was the center of an earthquake causing 300,000 deaths. Twila gave us a pie to try…we tried the pie…my oh my…what a pie! We heartily recommend Twila's pies on sale at the Valley Locker, Marie's and Seibers…News Flashes was also the recipient of coffee and sugar gifts from the H&M Shell Service's Grand Opening via Mr. Hill, one of the District managers present for the opening….Thanks a million to YOU… CORRECTION--WE MADE A BOO-BOO ON ERNIE'S IDEAL AD…IT READS: CORN 6 dozen ears for 29¢. IT SHOULD BE SIX EARS FOR 29¢!! RELAX GIRLS!!!! Page 3, ads for: VALLEY LOCKER SNACK BAR TALENT BARBER--Here is the home of the famous Talent Mohawk…Be different, men--amaze your friends and shock people…drop in and try a mohawk hair-cut! TALENT HARDWARE Page 4, ads for: ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING S HOP PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S OK NEW & 2ND HAND STORE COLLEGE CLEANERS GALLATIN'S INSURANCE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for up to 25 words…for 25 to 50 words it only costs you 70¢. Send to P.O. Box 217, phone Ash 2-3243 or drop around to 109 S. 2nd St. "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ROTOTILLING--Get your ground ready now. Earl Lenz. Ash 2-8615 LAWN MOWERS--Machine ground, saws filed and tools ground. PICK-UP & DELIVERY 25¢ extra. One mile south of Talent on Highway 99 or phone Ash 2-8319. Carl Suppe. FOR SALE--or will trade for 1½ inch aluminum pipe, 5 HP Johnson motor boat engine in case. Ash 2-3243. May be seen at 109 S. 2nd St. QUALITY BAKERY GOODS delivered to your door. Cakes for special occasions. Call Ash. 9-5266. FOR RENT--One bedroom house…located at 127 North Front. Howard Lockwood. Call Big Pines Lumber, Medford. FOR SALE--Good gentle second calf. Golden Guernsey cow. Easy to handle, giving over four gallons. 115 Valleyview St., Talent. See Otto King. FOR RENT--Two bedroom duplex. See Mrs. Frank Christian at Christian Acres, Talent. AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER--works perfectly…$38 or will trade. Ash. 2-3243. HOUSES FOR RENT? ADVERTISE IN NEWS FLASHES…JUST ASK ANY ONE WHO HAS!! FOR SALE--or trade for 1½ inch aluminum irrigation pipe, a five horse Johnson outboard motor, runs good…may be seen at 109 South Second, Talent. NEWS FLASHES WANT ADS GET RESULTS QUICKLY…ONLY 35¢ FOR THE AVERAGE SIZE AD…EVERYONE READS THEM!!! GIRL SCOUT DAY CAMP CLOSES Saturday afternoon marked the closing of Talent's first Girl Scout Day Camp. Fifty-nine Brownies, Scouts and non-scouts enjoyed six days of fun in the out-of-doors. Highlights of the closing program presented before visiting parents and friends were the Indian songs and dances by Brownie Units, songs by Intermediate units and a court of awards by Troop 69. Seven girls received My Troop and Second Class badges from their leader, Mae Turley. The day camp staff wish to express their thanks to the following: The campers, for their good behavior and cooperation; Elrods, for the campsite; Mae Lowe for the free publicity; the camp aides, Nila Cooper, Gloria Quackenbush, Priscilla Welch, Mary Kay Olsen, Julie Hanson, Jeanne Henry and Sandy Snelson; Cloverleaf Dairy; Jeanette Groves; Mr. Hitt and grade school teachers; Ideal Market; New Shell Station; Mrs. Shepherd of Ashland; Those who donated transportation and the many people who helped make the camp a success. Many thanks to a local manufacturer…P.D. HILL, who gave us a sample of his hand cream, a preparation that is marketed under the name of "EILEEN" hand cream. Mr. Hill manufactures the preparation right here in Talent…We tried it out and it's good stuff…it should be terrific for prevention of sunburn and wind chapping…try some!! SNACK BAR….Lunches…breakfast…good eats at prices that are rite! Neil Stockebrand had a load on Thursday…A load of hay, that is…Bound for G. Pass and points north….Alice Burnette is thinning in the boondocks…her helper and partner is Eleanor Lenz…Alice gets a nose bleed every time she steps up on a curb…what about those high ladders, Al??? How is Joe? How is Sis? How is the weather? Page 6, ads for: H&M SHELL SERVICE--Thanks a Million! Our grand opening was a huge success… TALENT FEED STORE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS OLSON ELECTRIC NEWS NOTES Jim Engberg and Norm Driver drove to Hyatt Lake for a bit of fishing…they brought back seventy-some-odd crappies, etc…Norm said that they're just not biting good this year….Flying Disks? Sure…at the Feed Store…They are for the birds…(in the Cherry Trees!!) Wes Boyer blew a fuse 'tother nite…he just about blew another trying to replace the first one!!!! AMATEUR POETS….ARISE!! Are you a frustrated lyricist? A ruined rhymist or perhaps a disgusted dabblist!! Send in your four line poems to News Flashes…we need snappy poems…(Please, no farmer's daughter odes!) What happened to that deep chuck hole across from the post office? It's deeper now. Probably a disgruntled tax payer digging for water….Garland did the honors on the grass fire by the Talent Feed Store…he's still digging foxtails out of his sox….Let 'em burn, men…. Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
Made possible by your own Talent merchants and advertisers…PATRONIZE THEM!!"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" News Flashes Phone Ash. 2-3243 DELIVERED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING!! Vol. XV No. 28 Friday, July 9, 1955 FROM BOISE TO TALENT Mr. and Mrs. Howard Terrell of Boise, Idaho and family are visitors at the Mel Dufers of Talent. Mr. Terrell is Mrs. Dufer's brother. They expect to stay for several days. BORN THE 4TH BORN: To Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Driver, a baby girl, 7½ lbs., 4 of July at Ashland Community Hospital in Medford. ACCIDENT IN TALENT Bill Daily and Bill Eagle were involved in a car wreck near the Talent junction during the weekend. No one was reported to be seriously injured. WHITE TO IMNAHA One of the West's leading cowhands and ranchers participated in a cattle drive that ended in Imnaha, near Mount McLoughlin in Southern Oregon. Ernest White, or Whitey, as his friends call him, suffered only a slight loss of voice as a result of the harrowing trip. The drive, which involved cows, took nearly two days to complete and ended in a blaze of dust and perspiring cows in the scenic Cascade Mountains. The rest of the cowhands suffered no obvious ill effects as they all seemed to be in perfect health. When the roving reporter saw them they were all standing around eating dinner.
A WORD OF THANKS Ray Burnette has been doing extensive work the past week at the Camp Fire Girls' camp at Wagner Forks. Ray has made a lot of improvements in the camp, donating all of his work. The Camp Fire Girls all wish to thank Ray for his interest and help. The girls will hold their annual camp out at the end of this month. WILKINS INJURED W.G. Wilkins was taken to the hospital Friday for treatment of an injured ankle. HELEN HAS RETURNED Helen Cole has returned from Gresham where she was picking strawberries. Helen didn't say whether she saw any Talentites up there or not. ROOSTER TRADED Shortly after advertising a $50 rooster for sale or trade Friday, the Editors were approached by Archie Boyer with a hen in a bag. We traded, we are happy, Archie is happy, and probably the chickens are happy! …THRU THE KEYHOLE!!! The Dave Taylors spent the 4th at Fish Lake…They went fishing and celebrating… The Leo Jacobs spent the 4th at Union Creek picnicking… We wonder who the orange speeder belongs to that has been sitting by the tracks in Talent for the past two weeks…. Do you know of any interesting news, gossip, chit chat, garbage, baloney, secrets, or anything that might make interesting reading? Drop a card to News Flashes…Anyone sending in news receives a free year's subscription to NF…. Overheard: Norma White and a local lady discussing gray hair… The Earl Sommers spent the 4th at Lake of the Woods fighting dust… Marie of "Marie's" café spent the 4th making hamburgers…good ones too, from what we hear… Parthena Terrill, our postmaster, reports a quiet 4th at home… QUESTION: Is a lady postmaster a postmaster or postmistress or is a lady postmistress actually a postmaster? The Frank Christians spent the 4th at K Falls Posse-ing… The Harry Hamiltons stayed home & made hay while the sun was shining over the 4th… Who was it that took care of the Fifth on the Fourth?…. It has been reported that Miss Alice May Woolley, pastor of the Methodist Church, will be with us again for another year. Miss Woolley has done a wonderful job here in Talent. We are lucky to have her services for another year. Lucky and Nona Gilbreath went up to Griffin Creek over the 4th…Just visiting friends… Still no power mower for the lads at the City Hall…we wonder… It was reported that Mr. Heller who lives at 2nd Street is seriously ill… The Editors were visited Friday by an employee of Lippert Theaters…The Lithia Drive-in is progressing rapidly…looks right nice… Harry Glockenschmitt is planning on moving his goat farm closer to Talent…easy Harry, not too close!!!
NOTICE: I will not be responsible for debts other than my own.
Wallace B. Goney IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN NEWS FLASHES… THE PAPER THAT YOU READ!!! Page 2, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 3, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ DAVIS BARBER SHOP 2ND SISKIYOU STORE, Raymont Schmitt, Prop. BENTLEY SHOE SERVICE--106 New Street MARIE'S IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN TALENT NEWS FLASHES… Since 1934 in Talent Page 4, full-page ad for: KAEGI'S QUALITY MARKET Page 5, ads for: NO DOWN PAYMENT ROOFING & SIDING ED'S MOTOR REPAIR ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP PERL AMBULANCE QUALITY GIRLS BAKERY L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE NORTON'S LUMBER MARKET BEN'S O.K. STORE ADVERTISE IN NEWS FLASHES! SEVERAL HUNDRED FAMILIES IN THE Talent trade area READ NEWS FLASHES. PUT YOUR AD IN FOR ONLY 35¢ (up to 25 words) 70¢ 25 to 50 words. Mail to Box H or call Ash. 2-3243 or bring to 109 S. Second. WILKINS FUEL--Red fir slab wood 7.50; Red fir planer ends 5.00, planer shavings 6.50. Also flower plants & tuberous begonias. Ph. Ash. 2-5983, Rt. 1, Box 308, 2nd house across tracks from sawmill. WANTED--Custom hay baling. See LeRoy Welch--112 Walden Lane, Talent. Ph. 2-3933 SHARPEN LAWNMOWERS & SAWS--hand or power mowers machine ground, free pickup and delivery, saws filed & tools ground, see Carl Suppe, 1 mile south Talent call Ash. 2-8319. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom modern furnished house across from Snappy Service. See Mrs. Kellogg. FOR RENT: Modern 2 bedroom home. See Howard Lockwood at Big Pines Lumber Co. or call Ash. 2-3243. FRYERS FOR SALE: call at 208 W. Main. FOR SALE: Kerr's wide mouth jars, both quarts and pints; these are clean. At 209 E. Main. Page 6, full-page ad for: SEIBERS MARKET--open every nite until 11 Page 7, ads for: CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION SULLIVAN BROTHERS ROOF & PAINT CO. TALENT FEED STORE TO THE EDITOR: In regard to Mr. Dorr's resignation. The article in last week's NF stated that the local school board had offered Dorr "a substantial increase in salary" but he had planned to make the move. This would lead one to think that he was leaving because of the salary offered. His resignation to the school board reads, "As I stated in my recommendations as of June 23rd, I feel that the allowance you have been able to budget for the next school year is not sufficient to cover the needs of the music department. I do not feel that I can successfully keep the department at the present level on the allowance." As we now understand, his resignation was not to attend the University of Oregon or because of salary, but solely of the reason stated above. ED. NOTE: This should clear up any misconceptions in regard to Mr. Dorr's projected move.
Page 8, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
ESTABLISHED IN 1934"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of our advertisers…show your appreciation by patronizing them!! Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe Friday, July 22, 1955 Vol. XVI No. 30 TALENT STREET PAVING CONTINUING Paving of three principal Talent streets is underway by Rogue River Paving Company crews. Shoulders were completed after paving of Main St. between Old Pacific Highway and Second St., and paving was completed Monday on a new street to the new Talent High School and on Gibson St. Paving on Main St. was financed from a $15,000 grant from the state street fund which is allotted to towns with less than 1,000 population upon request for highly traveled streets. Paving of Gibson St. and the new high school street was financed from state tax refunds to the Talent street fund. COUNCILMAN RESIGNS Rudy Conner, who has been a member of the Talent city council for several different terms, has resigned from the City Council. At the present time, no one has been appointed to replace Mr. Conner. Next council meeting will be Aug. 2, when it is expected a new member will be appointed. NEW MANAGER PANCAKE HOUSE Mrs. Ethel Walker is the new manager of the Pancake House. She plans to serve specialty pancakes as well as short orders and meals. We welcome Mrs. Walker to the community. AROUND TOWN Clyde Obett, who has been visiting friends in the area, has returned to his station. Aunt Mary Higgins' family was enlarged this past week with 11 new members. Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell and grandchildren left Monday for Twin Falls, Ida, where they were called by the illness of Mrs. Yarnell's mother. The Misses Betty Bergren and Sharon Bergren returned from Colorado where they visited their aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Bradford of Calif. are moving to Talent. Phil is a brother of Richard Bradford. Helen Cole was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Lively and Billy on a recent trip to Grants Pass and Crescent City. Mrs. Don Mullins, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thoreson, left Monday to rejoin her husband at 29 Palms, Calif. Dave Taylor and his father Floyd Taylor made a trip to Willits, Calif. this week to look over some timber. CARRIAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dealous Cox have a brand-new baby girl.
TALENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FAMILY PICNIC WHEN--Sunday, July 24th WHERE--Jackson Hot Springs TIME--Noon--Games, races, etc. 2 o'clock lunch. BRING--Service for your family and a hot dish, salad, cake or whatever you'd like to contribute to the lunch. A good chance to visit with old friends and classmates. Hope to see you there. CAMPFIRE GIRLS TO CAMP The Campfire Girls and Blue Birds will leave Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mae Lowe. Any girl wishing to go phone Mae Lowe, Ash. 2-3243 before Saturday morning. The week-long camp will be under the supervision of Mae Lowe and Alice Burnett and other adult leaders. BALL GAME WELL ATTENDED The baseball game between the Music Boosters and the Talent Lions was well attended with the Music Boosters winning by a score of 19 to 11. No collection was taken and both groups have been urged to have more games in the near future. SCHOOLS TO OPEN LATE Mr. Roy Parr has announced that school will open a little late this year because of the lateness of the fruit season. Grade school will open the 12 of Sept. and high school the 19. Loren Casebier, former principal of the grade school, will be grade school principal at Rogue River this year. ATTEND PTA TRAINING SESSION The Mesdames Mattie Bartol, A.P. King, Iva Tuggle, Lida Childers, Esther Newcome and Betty Reichstein. Mrs. Becker of Missouri was in charge of the training class, which was attended by about 75 members from Sou. Ore. Any recent news items concerning me in this newspaper are purely the results of Bob Lowe's imagination and any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.--Alice Burnette. WEATHER REPORT Heat waves alternating with sprinkles on opposite days on opposite sides of the tracks. Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION--Al Grabher, Prop. TALENT FEED STORE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS OLSON ELECTRIC Miss Ruth Ann Peterson left Sunday to visit her aunt in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hilsenhoff visited Jerry's parents this week. They are spending the weekend at Horse Creek, Calif. Page 3, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER PANCAKE HOUSE TWILA'S PIES--Buy them at the Valley Locker or Seibers LITTLE SUSIE DRESS SHOP--585 East Main, Ashland, Oregon [Doodle:] "Doodle for the Noodle"--Members of pygmy tribe stealing war canoe of rival tribe. Orchids and a very Happy Birthday to Jim Selleck and Jack Putney, co-owners of the Lithia Drive-In Theater on their first anniversary of operation! Mr. & Mrs. Everett Hunt of Denver, Colorado have purchased Marie's Café. The Hunts have five children. Welcome to Talent! FOR SALE: Franklin car, accordion, Organ, Lawn Table & Breakfast table, all reasonable. 229 Gibson St., call Sunday or Monday. HILL TOP T-V SERVICE…service calls $4.00. Call 9-6031 for quick and efficient service…experienced technician…guaranteed work!! Page 4, ads for: ED'S MOTORS--Let Ed Fix It Up! PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP WANT AD SECTION Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES…Insert your ad for only 35¢ for up to 25 words…for over 25 words up to 50 words the cost is only 70¢…Send to PO Box 217 or phone Ashland 2-3243 or call at 109 South Second in Talent. "EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES"….everybody will read your ad!!!
ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE COLLEGE CLEANERS BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE CARL SUPPE'S TOOL GRINDING BOYER'S GREENHOUSE ROTOTILLING--Get your ground ready now…this is garden time!! Call Earl Lenz, Ash. 2-8615. QUALITY BAKERY GOODS delivered to your door…cakes for special occasions…call Ashland 9-5266. FOR SALE or trade for 1½" aluminum pipe, a 5 h.p. Johnson outboard motor, runs good. Ash. 2-3243 or may be seen at 109 South Second. WANTED--Boy wants work, lawn or gardening. Call 2-3243. WANTED--Junk radio chassis or parts, old tubes, etc. Call 2-3243. FOR SALE--genuine 1923 antique snuff press, two bacon stretchers, 200 used dixie cups. B.J. Joyce, Valley View Drive by Wilson's. FOR SALE--Cedar posts only 30¢ each. 215 Old Hiway North, Jim Babb at Pumpkin Center (in back of the Ideal). FOR SUMMER WEAR--Real leather beanie caps in kit form, only 50¢ each. BENTLEY'S SHOE SERVICE, Talent. WANTED--Old junk radio chassis, parts, tubes, etc. Turn your junk into cash if it is old radio parts! (We're building an atom smasher and we need some parts!) Phone 2-3243, for information. HOUSES TO RENT? Just run an ad in NEWS FLASHES…we have rented over a hundred houses this year!!! NEWS AROUND AND ABOUT… Charlie Tuggle was busy the first of the week chasing bees…he says that they were last headed for Arkansas! Neil Stockebrand and Co. is moving to Ashland whilst his new home is being glued and nailed together…Located on 1st Street… Mr. & Mrs. Dwain Davis are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Les Davis. Dwain was recently discharged from the service. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Christian will leave Saturday for Eugene to attend a Posse meeting… Mrs. Fern Kelley and children Jerry and Lois, from Grass Valley, are visiting relatives and friends the past week… Alice Burnette is in charge of the front page this week…beware! Guests at the John Henry home are Mr. & Mrs. R.F. Stites and children Dick and Ron, Sgt. and Mrs. Dale Vernon and son Robbie. Sgt. Vernon is on a 30-day furlough before reporting to Camp Pendleton where he will be sent overseas. Mrs. Stites and Mrs. Vernon are daughters of the Henrys. The Jackson County Rodeo sponsored by the Jackson County Sheriff's Posse will be held July 29th, 30th and 31st at the Posse grounds in Medford. This promises to be one of the best rodeos yet… Bronc riding, roping and all of the thrills that go with a rodeo. The Ladies Mounted Troop will also be on hand to present some of their famous drills on horseback! Page 6, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE, INC.--127 No. Central--across from Penneys RADIO REPAIR SERVICING--Phone 2-3243 TALENT BARBER / COLLEGE CLEANERS SNACK BAR SOUTHERN OREGON MANUFACTURING-- Remember, only 156 more shopping days until Christmas!! TALENT HARDWARE--The Chico Portable Air Cooler; the new Presto Steam Iron Dave Taylor punched a hole in his pan Thursday, losing all of his oil. He came home on fumes, etc. The "Shampoo Delight" ad tells about quite a gadget…invented by the owner of Little Susie Dress Shop in Ashland, the "Shampoo Delight" effectively prevents soapy water in irritating detergents from getting into your eyes while washing your hair…only 50¢…different colors and different sizes…made right in Ashland…585 East Main!! Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ESTABLISHED IN 1934 Vol. XVI No. 31 Friday, July 29, 1955 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of our advertisers…show your appreciation by patronizing them!! GARLAND TURNS CAR UPSIDE DOWN--UNHURT Ellsworth Lee Garland, 29, of Talent, turned his 1946 Buick upside down Tuesday night by the corner of Main and Front. When the car came to a halt, it was lying on its side in between a pile of lumber and an old car motor. Dave Taylor, who was in the back of the car with an unidentified friend, said that "The car turned over slowly, I was surprised!" The owner of the car, Ellsworth Garland, took an ax and attempted to chop through the floorboard of the automobile but finally had to force open a door to get out. The other passenger, who declined to give his name, drove off in a light-colored sedan. There was no fire but the car made quite a lot of noise in going over and several passersby were attracted to the scene. Several fragments of the ill-fated automobile were scattered about the scene. According to Garland, the reason the car went over was due to a logging cable that wrapped around a door post, pulling the car up and over. Garland said that the car was uninsured. SWITZERS BACK FROM TRIP Mr. & Mrs. Switzer and grandchildren Eddie and Evelyn were listed among the first Talent visitors at the Disneyland Park near Los Angeles. The Switzers reported that they were thrilled at the sights of Disneyland and that there was tremendous crowds present. Included in their trip was Reno, Mt. Lassen, Virginia City, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Joe's Chili Joint. According to one of the members of the family, they returned with red eyes from looking, a can of sour chili (genuine Mexican) and sore seats from sitting. They had a wonderful time, the weather was hot, and the best part of the trip was getting back home to Talent! TEXACO STATION CHANGES HANDS Art Dedrick, formerly of Selma, is the new owner of the Texaco Station located at the Talent Junction. Mr. Dedrick has had several years of experience in the service station business and he invites everyone to drop in and get acquainted. Art is also giving green stamps with every purchase. THANK YOU Mr. Beadle of the Texaco station wishes to thank all of his friends and customers for their business. FORMER MARSHALL VISITS HERE Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nicholson are Talent visitors this week along with their family. Bill is a former marshal of Talent and at the present time he is living in Idaho. Bill said that he is now studying law and selling cars! UNION 76 CONTEST According to Al Grabher, the Firestone tire and rubber company is sponsoring a $100,000.00 super contest…the first prize to be $25,000.00!!! There is nothing to buy, you can get your blank at the Union 76 station. Al also gave us his latest list of bonus card winners…Bill Jackson won a lube job and oil change, Bruce Hoy also won a lube job and oil change and Florence Guyton won a free lube job. CAMPFIRE GIRLS NEWS Among the latest bits of news from camp Ya-Ie-Wha-Noh and the camping CampFire Girls is the following: 21 girls are enjoying camp life immensely…3 girls from the Medford groups are with the Talent groups…they have had dozens of guests including Neil Stockebrand, a full report on their adventures and activities will be published next week!! NEWS NOTES… Dick Studebaker of the U.S. Navy is visiting the Cole family. Henry Bechtold of Long View, Wash. is the new owner of the Paradise. Mr. Bechtold is a new Lions Club member having transferred from Long View. NOTICE: Talent Garden club will meet in Ashland Park for picnic dinner and a conducted tour of the park by Mr. Correy, Aug. 3. All come! O.D.O. Club will meet at the home of Belle LeVander Aug. 5. All come. WANT ADS FOR RENT: Single furnished apartment. 101 West Main, Carmen Beeson. FOR RENT: One bedroom modern home. Max Acuff, Rt. 1, Box 368 Walden Lane (2nd on left past corner) FOR RENT: Two houses, inquire at 236 Gibson. FOR SALE: Apples, early June & Transparent. Phone 2-4092. AROUND TOWN… The local youngsters are building soapbox racers again…running them down the street--two wheels hit a ramp…up one side goes for five or ten feet…just like the big boys in the circus…just for the books, they tip over once in a while… The screen at the Lithia Drive-In is being repainted this week by Western Decorating…should really look nice… Switzers' trip thru Disneyland was a lulu…they were nickeled, dimed, quartered and four-bitted all over the place…according to one of the members of the party… The Valley Lockers are celebrating their first anniversary in Talent this week…they extend their thanks to everyone for their patronage and invite everyone to inspect their modern locker facilities any time!! Marie Randahl, former owner of Marie's restaurant, wishes to thank her many friends and customers for their friendly patronage…It is always a pleasure to go into Marie's 'cause they always have a nice smile… The old town looks a little better since the weeds were mowed and burnt… Anyone who has a house to rent, contact News Flashes…we can rent it! Cucumbers are really cool, according to scientists…the average cucumber is around 20 degrees cooler than the surrounding air! This comes under the heading of useless facts… According to Ethel Walker of the Pancake House, her ad last week in News Flashes really helped their business out…this we like to hear!!! WEATHER REPORT:
Little bug upon the wall,
Came to a big crack… Up he stepped and out he fell, And landed on his back. (So what?….we should worry? Do flies do a half roll or a half loop when they land on the ceiling?) The only thing that goes as far today as it did ten years ago is the dime that rolls under the couch. Overheard downtown: "I had a date with my boyfriend and on the way home he said 'Let's get married or something.' I told him let's get married or nothing!" Although they are usually composed of stupid husbands, smug wives and ill-mannered brats, you have to admire the fact that families on T-V never spend their time watching T-V!!
Page 3, ads for: H&M SHELL SERVICE PROVOST FURNITURE RADIO REPAIR AND SERVICE Page 4, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS OLSON ELECTRIC Page 5, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER PANCAKE HOUSE TWILA'S PIES A&M TEXACO STATION HILL-TOP SERVICE--723 North Main, Ashland "Doodle for the Noodle"--"One of Twila's pies as seen by a gooney bird after Little Jack Horner stuck in his thumb." Page 6, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 7, ads for: ED'S MOTORS--REWARD for apprehension of dirty motor…last seen in family bus… PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ALLEN REPAIR AND WELDING SHOP COLLEGE CLEANERS L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BEN'S O.K. SECOND HAND STORE WANT AD SECTION Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read NEWS FLASHES…insert your ad for only 35¢ for up to 25 words…for over 25 words up to 50 words the cost is only 70¢…send to PO Box 217 or phone Ash. 2-3243 or call at 109 South Second in Talent…"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES"….everybody will read your ad!!! ROTOTILLING--Keeps the weeds down…this is garden time!! Call Earl Lenz, Ash. 2-8615 FOR SALE or will trade for 1½" aluminum irrigation pipe. A good 5 h.p. Johnson outboard motor…runs like a top…Ash. 2-3243 or may be seen at 109 South Second, Talent. BAKERY GOODS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR--fresh from the oven…cakes for special occasions…call Ash. 9-5266. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING at 229 Gibson Street, Wesley Boyer LOCKER BEEF--Young whiteface locker beef…very reasonable…call Ash. 5748. Merle Cook, Suncrest Road. CHILD CARE WANTED--Reliable lady would care for children during the fruit season. Nice fenced yard and play equipment, ¼ mile north of Talent Junction on 99. Phone Medford 3-1340 for arrangements. WANT TO RENT YOUR HOUSE?? News Flashes can do it for you…Call 2-3243 for information. FOR RENT--Nice house, clean. Very reasonable. 236 Gibson St. RADIO REPAIR--109 South Second or call 2-3243 anytime. WANTED--Boy wants work…lawn or gardening…Tom Burnette. Call 2-3243. NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts other than those contracted by myself. Harold K. Dinskettle. FOR SALE OR TRADE--Kaiser automatic dishwasher. Will trade for good cabinet or modern table model radio. 109 South Second. 2-3243. CHILD'S FURNITURE--made to order. 202 East Main, Talent. E.L. Garland. RESULTS from News Flashes want ads…35¢ puts your ad in this space!!! 2-3243. Page 8, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE, INC.-- 127 No. Central, across from Penneys, Medford TALENT BARBER SNACK BAR TALENT THRIFT MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe"EVERYBODY READS NEWS FLASHES" ESTABLISHED IN 1934 NEWS FLASHES is delivered to the readers with the compliments of our advertisers. Friday, August 5, 1955 Vol. XVI No. 32 CAMPFIRE GIRLS RETURN The Campfire Girls and Bluebirds returned home Sunday afternoon from Camp Ya-Ie-Wah-Noah at Wagner Creek Forks after being gone 8 days. One of the highlights was an overnight camping trip by 7 girls and 2 counselors at the TID cabin at the Gap. The girls packed their food & bedrolls up and stayed all night. The next day they hiked over to the historic Brickpile Homestead and back to the Forks Monday. The girls taking this hike were Linda Hamilton, April Burnette, Joan Cole, Norma Jean Driver, Helen Cole and Donna Unger and Jean Hays of Medford. The girls were accompanied by Mae Lowe and Alice Burnette. The girls left in camp were under care of Doreen Burnette and Mrs. Floyd Taylor. Another interesting hike which all the girls took was to Hidden Hills Ranch where Mrs. Hanson treated them to cold watermelon. Many interesting short hikes including PJ night was also enjoyed. The girls did the cooking, wood gathering and camp cleanup. Friday night the girls dressed up and put on a variety show and Saturday night was the Ceremonial with the firelighting ceremony of the torch at which time the girls received their awards. Seven girls received their 4 year camp award, nine special awards for hiking, 4 Bluebird awards and awards for most improved camper, best KP and best camper. The girls had many visitors from Talent and Medford and lots of treats. Girls attending camp this year were Norma Jean and Hazel Driver, April Burnette, Linda Hamilton, Joan Cole, Marlyn and Joanna Suksdorf, Carolyn Bergren, Sheila Taylor, Janet Stockebrand, Nancy Carver, Hannalura Christian and Joyce Critten of Talent, and Donna Unger, Joan Seitz and Jean Hays of Medford. Counselors were Alice Burnette, Mae Lowe, Genevieve Taylor, Doreen Burnette and Helen Cole, Jr. Counselor. Special thanks to the following people who helped make our camp a success: Harry and Margaret Hamilton who brought up fresh milk each evening and helped take us up and bring us back in their pickup; Henry Enders of Ashland, the Ideal Market, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suksdorf, Norman Driver and Bob Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cannon, who loaned us their old fashioned Dutch oven, Mrs. Chas. Tuggle and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonzales who helped take our supplies up to camp and gave us straw to use under our bedrolls. THANK YOU from the Campfire Girls and Bluebirds. AROUND TOWN Jim McAbee has been selected to play football in the Shriners Allstar game in Pendleton in October…Beverly Lenz left Monday with the Eve Prentice band for Bakersfield, Calif. to play for Trailways. The group will be gone 17 days and will include a trip to Vancouver, Washington. Thelma Cole is planning to attend the Salvation Army Camp at Lake o' the Woods next week. About 10 Talent Boy Scouts will leave Sunday for Scout Camp at Lake o' the Woods. Marriage license was issued to John Newton and Helen Ruann Chrisman Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bunnell plan to move to Medford this fall. Mrs. B. Benton of California is a house guest of Mrs. M. Orton this week. Vera Rice reports that she met her son, Ron, who is in the Navy upon his recent return from Japan at Long Beach. She says he is well and wants to say hello to all his friends. He now sports a mustache. Waldo Green is convalescing at his home after the removal of his leg. Gordie Thoreson is in the Sacred Heart Hospital. He injured his knee while playing ball. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams a baby girl. Mrs. Jack Suksdorf and daughters Marlyn and Joanna left for Portland Thursday night to visit relatives. OBITUARY. Mrs. Wm. Hart. Mrs. Wm. Hart passed away Tuesday evening in Medford. Mrs. Hart, who has been in ill health for the past 10 years, has been a resident of Talent for many years. The Harts celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last November. Mrs. Hart is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Joe Spitzer and one grandchild. Mrs. Ivan Olson received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Lillian Busey, in Hawaii recently.
In memory of summer picnics.
A man sat down on an ant hill
Up he danced Now there's a man With ants in his prance.
What this country needs is a good 5¢ anticounter
Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION TALENT FEED STORE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S OLSON ELECTRIC WANT ADS…cont. WANTED--One bedroom house, unfurnished, must have fenced yard. We are willing to make improvements at owner's expense. Box 423, Talent, Ore. NOW IS THE TIME to order your socks for children and grownups. 8 pair for the price of 6. ALSO stretchy socks guaranteed for 1 year. Eva Wright at cottage. Worthington Apartments. Bob Lowe and Jim Engberg went to Roseburg Tuesday. Page 3, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 4, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 5, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE, INC. TALENT BARBER / COLLEGE CLEANERS SNACK BAR H&M SHELL STATION--Roy or Bruce MARIE'S--Under new management Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnell of California are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gonzales at Rancho Del Oro. …RUMORS THAT…Wedding bells will be ringing in the near future…Gilbert Wright was served pasteurized water lately in Hornbrook…That the truck ordinance is being held up in hopes that the county will repair Rapp Lane…that several Talent ladies learned about men from Jay Clarke and that a new councilman will be appointed in the near future ARE BEING HEARD AROUND OUR FAIR CITY… Doodle for the Noodle: A pair of spectacles for a peeping tom or a hotel detective. AROUND TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wright spent the weekend at Hornbrook, Calif. visiting with Mr. Wright's brother….Karen and Richard Francis of Butte Falls are visiting with Bob and Mae Lowe this week. The Chuckwagon Café changed hands this week. Page 7, ad for: [handwritten note] Chuckwagon Café under new management. Come in & get acquainted. Good Food. 24 hrs a day ----------------------------------------------------
TRICK OR TREAT MONDAY NIGHTEST. IN 1934. Friday, Oct. 28, 1955 No. 44, Vol. XV News Flashes is delivered to the readers with compliments of our advertisers…SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION BY YOUR PATRONAGE PHN. ASH. 2-3243… SCHOOL NEWS Mr. H.A. Vinckel, principal of the Talent High School, reports that the elementary and high school teachers of the Talent schools were guests at a "silver coffee" served by the Florence Allen Club, a chapter of the Future Teachers of America. The proceeds of the event will be used to pay state membership dues. The Future Teachers of America is a state and national organization that has as its objective the encouragement of promising young people who may be interested in making a career of teaching. The officers of the local organization of Talent High School are: President, Julie Hansen; secty., Kathleen Kerns, faculty advisor, Miss Ina Freeman. One of the activities of the organization this year will be observing the work of the teachers of the elementary school. This should enable the young people to decide whether their interest in teaching is a realistic one and to make selections as to the area in which they may wish to teach. The cooperation of Bruce Hitt, Elementary Principal, in arranging a schedule of observation has made this program possible. DONALD SOMMER Funeral services for Donald Archie Sommer, age 14, who died in a hunting accident Friday, was held Tuesday afternoon at Litwiller funeral chapel. The Rev. Maurice Tisdel of the West Side Church of Christ officiated, and interment was in the Stearns Cemetery. Donald was born in Ashland on Nov. 14, 1940, and was a freshman in the Phoenix schools. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sommer, he is survived by a brother, Dean; a sister, Linda; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Estes and Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Sommer of Talent; two aunts, Mrs. Leon Lockwood and Mrs. Glenn Abbott, an uncle, Earl Sommer and four cousins, Debby and Ronnie Sommer, and Betty and Glenda Simmons of Fortuna. The entire community of Talent express their sympathy. Thanks from the Camp Fire Girls to the people of Talent who gave so generously for the Xmas Pkgs for the children's Xmas stockings. If you have been missed, leave your donation at any of the stores… NOTICES The W.S.C.S. will meet at the M.E. parsonage Nov. 3, at 1:30 PM. O.D.O. Club will meet at the home of Linnie Rapp Nov. 4th. Talent Garden Club will meet at the home of Elfa Long Nov. 2. Margaret Long will be hostess. Program, hints on Xmas packages. The Methodist Y.P. will hold a food sale at the Valley Locker Sat. Agnes Horstman of Talent and recently of Roseburg, is now proprietor of the Snak-Bar. Agnes Horstman took possession Monday from Hazel Carver. She likes to be called Aggie and says come in and get acquainted. She caters to all trade and will serve home-cooked food. Students will find fine food here. Linda Hamilton celebrated her birthday with a party Sat. afternoon. The guests came from far and near, first came the hobo from jungle town near Casabla, Norma Driver; the Sea Nymph from the South Seas, April Burnette; Princess White Feather from Okla, Connie Unruh; Mammy Yokum from Dogpatch, Beverly Lenz; Co-ed, from U.O.H., Virginia Johnson; housewife of the gay '90s, Hazel Driver; the Spanish dancer hailed from Bazoo, Spain, Linda Hamilton; the flapper of the '20s came from Bolaboo, Alice Burnette; from the Georgia chain gang, a convict No. 2727, Mae Lowe; farmer Joe and wife, Margaret and Harry Hamilton. The afternoon was spent in playing games and apple bobbing. Refreshments of ice cream and cake and cider. Linda received many lovely gifts. A good time was enjoyed. The Fire Dept. was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cook Tuesday night on the Colver Road. The house and contents were burned to the ground. The Cooks were not at home at the time. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brumback of Los Angeles visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roma Rice, the past week. Aunt Mary Higgins is spending the week at Eagle Point with friends. Eddie Taylor celebrated his 4th birthday Wed. at the home of his Aunt Billy Hagart. Seven children were present. Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--Henry De Young and Sons UNION 76 STATION L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S OLSON ELECTRIC TALENT FEED STORE CHURCH NEWS METHODIST CHURCH… ALICE MAY WOOLLEY…PASTOR WAGNER AVE. SUNDAY SCHOOL….9:45 MORNING SERVICES…11:00 YOUNG PEOPLE….6:30 EVENING SERVICES…8:00 Life doesn't begin at 40 for those who went 60 when they were 20. Page 3, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE, INC.--Enter the OLD STOVE Contest TALENT BARBER / COLLEGE CLEANERS SNACK BAR--Agnes Horstman, Prop. H&M SHELL STATION--"Fast Service" CHUCKWAGON--R.A. & Rene Isam, Props. PETERSON ELECTRIC CRISSCROSSED. A small town is usually a place that is divided by a railroad, a main street, two churches and a lot of opinions. Googleheim, a distant relative of Barney Google, visited recently… Page 4, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER ETHEL'S PANCAKE HOUSE PROVOST FURNITURE TALENT HARDWARE-Get your shotgun shells NOW!! THE PRICE WILL GO UP ON ALL AMMUNITION SOON!!! "Doodle for the Noodle"--"T-bag in cup as seen by friendly spoon" YOUR WEATHER REPORT--A CHANGE IS DUE… SOME OF THE MERCHANTS are having trouble with "sticky" fingers…Better watch your step… Marjorie Carver threw a piece of frozen meat at her husband Dean Tuesday. It missed him and fell in the sink, which broke the sink, busted the dishes, and the price of a new sink and installation…cost $25 bucks. Crime does not pay… It always pays to buy all your needs from our advertising merchants…TRADE WITH THEM…
It pays to advertise…
Page 5, ads for: ED'S MOTORS A&M TEXACO SERVICE (formerly Beadle's) PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE FOOD SALE AT VALLEY LOCKER SAT. L.H. GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--FARMER'S BEN'S O.K. NEW & SECOND HAND STORE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read the Talent News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for the first 25 words, or 70¢ for 50 words. Send your ads to Talent News Flashes or call Ash 2-3243. RADIO REPAIR at 109 S. Second St. BAKERY GOODS--Fresh to your door. All kinds of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, rolls and everything that is good. CAKES FOR SPECIAL OCCASION. CALL Ash. 2-5266. PRESTO LOGS--For a good hot fire and one that holds, why not try Presto Logs, the Talent Feed Store have a nice supply. XMAS is just around the corner; why not get an automatic dishwasher; a very nice one can be seen at 109 S. Second St. Reasonable. FOR SALE: Wedgewood Gas range with built in trash burner--good shape. Very reasonable. Call 2-7964 between hours 2 to 5 pm. FOR SALE: 2 formals, one pale yellow, size 11. Ballerina length. Also one in orchid, size 13. See them at Rt. 1, Box 272, Suncrest Road. FOR SALE: Chef Master wood range, all white, with water coils, copper. Call 5743. Golden Crest Orchard. Priced at $20.00. NEW 99 BARBER SHOP in Phoenix is now open for business. We also do hair styling for women. Mary Bradley, Prop. and barber. FOR RENT: Large 1 room apt. with garage, private bath and entrance. Also for lease 20x30 shop. 212 Gibson. Phn 2-6574. Page 6, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
EST. IN 1934FRIDAY, NOV. 4, 1955. NO. 45…VOL…XV… NEWS FLASHES IS DELIVERED TO THE READERS WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF OUR ADVERTISING MERCHANTS…SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION BY YOUR PATRONAGE… PHN. ASH. 2-3243 BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Sally Boyd was hostess at a shower party last Thursday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boyd, honoring Miss Joanne Seaver whose marriage will take place November 5th at the First Nazarene Church in Ashland at 8:00 in the evening. Miss Seaver is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Foster Seaver, Sr. of Talent, and was a graduate of Talent High School with the class of 55. Games were played and refreshments of ice cream, cake, and punch were served. Miss Seaver received many lovely gifts for her home. Attending were: Doreen and Barbara Burnette, Valerie Carmen, Jeanne Kerns, Myra Phelps, Beverly Murry, Ruth Ann Peterson, Susan Boyd, Alice Young, Lois Gage, Mesdames Fern Dixon and Joyce Reynold, the honored guest and the hostess. HALLOWEEN Halloween pranks around town this year were scattered, street signs were damaged to some extent, but in general the town was quiet. All the windows in the business area were soaped, which is to be expected. The Valley Locker staff played "Good Neighbors" when they had their windows washed Tuesday, they had the windows of the post office done at the same time. Postmaster Smoot and Alice Thoreson were very appreciative. FIRE The Rural Fire Dep't. was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lushbough Tuesday night on Highway 99 south. The house and contents were destroyed. A false alarm was turned in later in the evening. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gripp, a baby boy, wt. 6 lbs. and 6 oz. Sat. at the Ashland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ellis and daughter Mrs. Charles Lodge returned from a week's visit with their son and wife, Cpl. and Mrs. Richard Ellis at Camp Pendleton, Vista, Cal. The Cpl. is with the U.S. Marines. Charles Lodge has re-enlisted in the Army. Charles and wife left for Ft. Ord where he will be stationed. Mrs. Runsley attended the funeral of her brother at Bend last Sat. How about some speed signs on the new highway? NOTICES The City Council will meet Tuesday night at the city hall, Nov. 8th. The Crater Lake Camp Fire Girls had a slumber party Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton. The girls slept in the barn in the hayloft. Attending were Joan Cole, Roselie Callieson, April Burnette, Joyce Critten, Linda Hamilton, Norma Jean and Hazel Driver, and Susan Thompson. Saturday morning they went on a hike to the TV tower with Helen Cole as leader. A good time was enjoyed by all the girls. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lushbough, who lost their home and contents Tuesday night, wish to thank the firemen and all those who assisted. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Fluhrer of Horse Creek, Calif. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hilsenhoff. Mrs. Jessie Niswanger left for Madras to visit with her son and family. She will be gone a month. Vane Luts was returned from the Ashland hospital where he received surgery. The Talent High School students staged a pep rally last Thurs; anyway, some people think the town is dead, but one thing is certain, the high school isn't. A huge fire closed the evening. Rogue River defeated Talent 6 to 0 to close the football season. The Talent Lions building fund now totals $1,020. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burnette of Rt. 1, Box 388 announce the engagement of their daughter Patrena Doreen, to Cpl. Herbert R. Fealer, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Forsythe of Ashland, Ore. The young couple are to be married in the near future. There will be a benefit dance Sat. night at the city hall for the Floyd Lushbough family, who lost their home and all contents in a fire Tuesday. The dance is sponsored by the Talent Lions. Ed Lunsford Modern Westerns will furnish the music. Adm. 50¢ for students, $1.00 for adults. Lunch will be served. All proceeds will be turned in for the benefit…EVERONE COME… Doodle for the Noodle: "Telephone designed for party-line listen-inner" YOUR WEATHER REPORT Freddie Fumble drank a fifth of Rye Whiskey if you please, When asked about it, Freddie said, "Just call if Freddie's anti-freeze" Jim Selleck of the Lithia Drive-In has a sure-fire weather indicator…his cat sticks its head out the door and if it's raining, Pussy stays in! Frankly, we think that some of these weather-blahs should do the same…they would be more accurate! Ellsworth's beard is a sure sign of a hard winter! Alice has the miseries of the neck. (Pain, that is…) Page 3, ads for: ED'S MOTORS--Ed's tonic can make your car run right… A&M TEXACO SERVICE STATION PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE BENEFIT DANCE AT CITY HALL SAT. NITE. L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S BEN'S O.K. NEW & SECOND HAND STORE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read the Talent News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for the first 25 words, or 70¢ for 50 words. Send your ads to Talent News Flashes or call Ash. RADIO REPAIR at 109 S. Second St. BAKERY GOODS--Fresh to your door. All kinds of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, rolls and everything that is good. CAKES FOR SPECIAL OCCASION. CALL Ash. 2-5266. PRESTO LOGS--For a good hot fire and one that holds, why not try Presto Logs; the Talent Feed Store have a nice supply. XMAS is just around the corner; why not get an automatic dishwasher; a very nice one can be seen at 109 S. Second St. Reasonable. FOR SALE: Edgewood Gas Range with built in trash burner--good shape. Very reasonable. Call 2-7964. FOR SALE: Chef Master Wood Range, all white, with copper water coils. Call 5743. Golden Crest Orchard. Priced at only $20.00. I still have a tan glove. If you call at the Talent News Flashes you may have same. A glove on the hand is worth two in the envelope… NEW 99 BARBER SHOP in Phoenix is now open for business. Mary Bradley, prop. And barber. WANTED: a good family milk cow. Must have freshened recently. John Davis. Phn. Ash. 2-6267.
Page 4, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE TALENT BARBER SNACK BAR CHUCKWAGON--Open 24 hours! PETERSON ELECTRIC DANCE…DANCE…DANCE…DANCE…DANCE STUDENTS--50¢ ADULTS--$1.00 LUNCH SERVED ED LUNSFORD…MODERN WESTERN MUSIC CITY HALL… BENEFIT SPONSORED BY TALENT LIONS Ed Lunsford is to be commended for the job he is doing on the BENEFIT dance. Ed and his MODERN WESTERN MUSIC WILL BE ON STATION T.V. KBES-TV TODAY FROM 12:00 TO 1:00. SO BE SURE AND TURN ON YOUR TV TODAY AT 12:00 AND SEE TALENT'S TALENT PERFORM… LIBBY'S CANNED FOOD SALE IS ON SAT. AND SUNDAY AT THE IDEAL MARKET Anyone who has any clothing, furniture, dishes or anything that can be used for the house, will you please call Ed Lunsford, Ash. 2-7152. All articles donated will be turned over to the Lushbough family. REMEMBER…YOU HAVE A DATE SAT. NITE AT THE CITY HALL. LOTS OF FUN…GOOD MUSIC… FOR SALE: BOXED SPRINGS AND MATTRESS INNER SPRINGS. BOTH FOR $35.00. Phn. ASH. 2-7348. Afternoons or evenings. The Talent Lions will sponsor a dance at the city hall Nov. 12 for the benefit of the Youth Clubs. 25¢ for students. 50¢ for adults and 75¢ for couples. There will be refreshments. The Horizon Club will have a skating party Friday. On November 17th the Horizon Club will entertain at the County Farm. At this time each member will adopt a patient. These girls will see that each adopted member is remembered on all special occasions and will take them gifts and favors during the year… The Talent Lions are in charge of the Youth Drive in Talent. Get in touch with any Lion or Lady Lion if you have a donation. You may win an award. It has been reported that some of the students had a 5 gal. can of gas Monday night, and that they were really going to blow the town up. Well, my friends…I can assure you it was not gas at all maybe…only a can of water to put out a fire. In case someone set a fire… Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET (page 1 of 2) Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET (page 2) Page 8, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER ----------------------------------------------------
ESTABLISHED IN 1934No. 48, Vol. XV Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1955 Published by Mrs. E.M. Lowe; phone 2-3243 NEWS FLASHES IS DELIVERED TO ITS READERS THROUGH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE ADVERTISERS…PATRONIZE THEM FOR FAIR DEALINGS! …The turkey's in the oven… It's the day of good cheer Give thanks and be merry For Thanksgiving is here! THANKSGIVING…1955 We respectfully dedicate this issue of News Flashes to the Thanksgiving Spirit which we, as a free nation, are so fortunate to have… The first Thanksgiving proclamation in America was issued by Governor Bradford of the Plymouth colony in 1621, in gratitude for the first harvest in the New World. The Pilgrims invited 90 Indian guests, who not only accepted, but brought five succulent deer as their contribution. For three days, differences were forgotten while white man and red counted their blessings together. It was in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln issued the first national Thanksgiving proclamation. FIRST PLACE Elenore Lenz, captain of the bowling team sponsored by the Talent H&M Shell service station, attended the Roseburg Timber Capital Bowl bowling tournament at Roseburg Sat. and Sunday. Mrs. Lenz placed first in singles and 2nd in doubles and singles. Congratulations… FLUE FIRES The town truck and the rural fire truck was called out Friday night to extinguish two flue fires. The first one was on So. First St. and the second call was on Creel Rd. next to the Lithia Drive-In Theater. No damage was reported. GOBLIN STOLEN Who stole the Goblin from the Ideal Market? Not I said Merwin, Not I said Joe, Not I said Tom, Not I said Carl… Well! Who did take it? No one knows but the two black crows. TO BE OPEN Places of business to be open Thanksgiving Day will be the Chuckwagon, Snak Bar, Union 76, Texaco and Shell. All other advertising businesses will be closed. Sam Welburn was presented with a T.V. set by several of his friends several days ago. A&M Texaco service have sent out Courtesy Discount Cards to their customers on tires. You can save up to 33⅓ on all tires. Mrs. Terry Burnette arrived in Talent to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suksdorf. Terry, who is with the U.S. Air Force, will be stationed at Williams Field the first of the year. Here is a chance to get a new Wedgewood gas apt. size range for your wife for Xmas…Call at the Talent Café for information. The merchants of Talent wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. School is out today until Monday, Nov. 28th. The teachers are attending teachers' institute. The Chuckwagon and the Snak Bar will serve delicious turkey dinners will all the trimmings, and at a very reasonable price. Take the whole family…
Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY UNION 76 STATION L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S TALENT FEED STORE Audiovisual education at the Talent Elementary School is now operating under a completely revised program. The school has purchased two new pieces of equipment to supplement that acquired in the past. The new pieces include an Ampro Premium 40 16-millimeter movie projector and a 35-millimeter School Master S.V.E. Filmstrip Projector. Talent is a member of J.C. school film file. Talent has its own film strip library and is selecting and ordering strips as teaching aids. Page 3, ads for: ED'S MOTORS A & M TEXACO SERVICE PERL AMBULANCE SERVICE SNACK BAR ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S BEN'S O.K. NEW & SECOND HAND STORE WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent trade area read the Talent News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for the first 25 words, or 70¢ for 50 words. Send your ads to Talent News Flashes for results. Call Ashland 2-3243. RADIO REPAIR at 109 S. Second St. BAKERY GOODS--Fresh to your door--all kinds of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, rolls, and everything that is fresh and good. For all special occasions, cakes for special occasion. Order your Thanksgiving cake NOW…Call Ash. 9-5266. Automatic dishwasher--Very nice, and very reasonable. Call Ash. 2-3243. FOR SALE: '39 Dodge 4-door sedan fair condition, new Nic-ole Silver battery, 3 year guarantee. Good work car. $30.00. Hank Lucier. Rt. 1 Box 125, Talent, Old Pcf. Hiwy. So. It always pays to advertise in the Talent News Flashes… Someone may want what you don't so advertise it. If you only have a five-cent business, it pays to advertise. Page 4, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKER Page 5, ads for: CITY APPLIANCE-- 127 No. Central, Medford & 137 East Main, Ashland TALENT BARBER / COLLEGE CLEANERS PETERSON ELECTRIC CHUCKWAGON H&M SHELL DO YOUR THANKSGIVING WITH YOUR TALENT MERCHANTS… WATCH FOR NEWS FLASHES TUESDAY T.B. SEALS ARE NOW OUT… FREE TURKEYS AT PROVOST FURNITURE STORE IN ASHLAND… DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY… Page 6, ads for: LITHIA DRIVE-IN THEATER PROVOST FURNITURE TALENT HARDWARE--a small down payment will hold any item until Xmas. Doodle for the Noodle: "Back view of midget in tub wearing water wings"
Lazy Louie felt a tack In the bottom of his shoe, A steamroller came rolling 'long Without a thing to do. Lazy Louie stuck his foot out, He thought the tack to smash, Now Louie's just a spot Of grease and a smashed tack-sh! Fnf… 'smatter? Oh yes, the weather…For the next twenty-four hours we will have high cool weather with changing conditions existing in varying elevations with barometer readings hovering between 80 and 90 proof. Sidearm Falls, N. Dakota, reported a low reading of two hundred degrees below zero with freezing temperatures predicted. Until tomorrow nite, this is Carbuncle Morse saying if it rains, don't call me, I'll call you, PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: All members of the septic tank and sewer workers association, local number 9090, are requested to bring a covered dish for a potluck dinner at cesspool number 5 this Tuesday. A talk and discussion of air pollution will be given by Sam Gass with a movie titled, "Down the Sewer in a Flatboat." Page 7, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes PHN. ASH. 2-3243. ESTABLISHED IN 1934 FRI. DEC. 16, 1955 VOL. XV. NO. 51 NEWS FLASHES IS DELIVERED TO ITS READERS THROUGH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE ADVERTISING MERCHANTS, PATRONIZE THEM FOR FAIR DEALINGS! ONLY 8 SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE XMAS. SCHOOL NEWS NEW MEMBERS OF THE Florence Allen Future Teachers Club were initiated Wednesday evening, November 30. The ceremony was held at the home of Mrs. L.E. Messenger. Julie Hanson, president of the club, conducted the initiation, assisted by Priscilla Welch, past president. New members initiated were: Kathleen Kerns, Doris Bench, Frank Long, Dwight Schmelzer, Robert Messenger and William Grant. Pins were presented to the new members by Miss Ina Freeman; Sponsor Mrs. Inch, assistant county school superintendent, presented the club with a new book, "Kathie, a New Teacher." The program consisted of a discussion of the members in their observation of the elementary grades of the Talent schools. Agreement was reached concerning the great value of such an observation program for those who plan to make a career of teaching. Tentative plans for a second silver coffee were also discussed. All faculty members of the Talent schools are entertained at this event. APPREHENDED Three people were taken in custody Monday for entering the Valley Locker and the Ideal Market two weeks ago and [taking] groceries, beer and other articles. One of Talent's service station operators was suspicious when he noticed the car was loaded with groceries. They were arrested by Chief of Police John Baldwin Monday. Two of the suspects lived on Highway 99 So. One was a woman… Al Grabher, who has been absent from his station 76, has returned home and is now back on the job at his station. Al has been in Klamath Falls doing survey work. Chuck Roswell and family have moved to Dillard. Herbert Hoser of the U.S. Air Force is home for the holidays. He is stationed in Washington. Leo, who is in the Air Force, is also expected to arrive home for the holidays. TWINS According to the Sunday Mail Tribune, identical twins only 163 years of age had an identical operation last week. NOTICES The Talent Boy Scouts will meet every Tuesday night at the city hall. Al Grabher, Scout Master. The elementary school program will be held Dec. 22 at 8:00 pm. The community program and tree will be held 23rd at the city hall. Free treats for the children. The Camp Fire Girls and the Horizon Girls met at the home of Mrs. Macy Critten Friday night for a buffet supper and to make favors for the Soroptimist Club in Ashland who will distribute them to the hospitals for Xmas. The girls popped corn later. John T. Goddard, 3/G of the U.S. Navy, and son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Goddard, is home on furlough. He is just returned from the Far East. WINS TROPHY The H. and M. Shell Service is mighty proud to announce that the H. and M. bowling team, consisting of Capt. Eleanore Lenz, Del Christianson, Marguerite Rone, Gertie Blind, Elsie Baker and Anna Bohannon, won for us a very beautiful sponsor's trophy for first place at the Roseburg, Oregon Timber Capital Fall Handicap Tournament, competing in a series of 15 teams from the state of Oregon. The trophy was presented December 8th at Medford by Mr. Jack Sigman, manager of the Roseburg Bowling Center. Mrs. Eleanore Lenz and partner won third place honors in women's couples in 20-team competition. The high score in all women's events went to Anna Bohannon of the H and M Shell Service team, was presented with a large, beautiful trophy for this honor. We thank them and are very proud of their fine work.
Roy and Bruce.
Next week the Christmas edition of the Talent News Flash will be published. This edition will [bring] you greetings from our advertising merchants to you. This will be their way of wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Tell them you appreciate it. We are glad to see Ethel's smiling face back at the Pancake House. Page 2, ads for: TALENT CAFÉ CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--84¢ a gallon delivered to you!! UNION 76 L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMER'S TALENT FEED STORE SPECIAL 2x4 STOVE WOOD…RED FIR…BIG DOUBLE LOADS--3 LOADS for $25.00. McGINTY FUEL CO. MEDFORD. PHN. MED. 2-8277. FOR SALE: 3-600x16 HEAVY DUTY TUBES. $1.50. EACH. Phn. Ash. 4480. TO GIVE AWAY: Golden SPANIEL MALE PUP. GOOD STOCK. Call at 128 N. First. Hoser. For this Cocker Spaniel. WANTED: Ladies to fill sacks for community tree. 21st. City Hall. 10:00. Page 3, ads for: H&M SHELL SERVICE TALENT BARBER / COLLEGE CLEANERS DINETTE CAFÉ-- Located next to Ben's O.K. on Hiway 99. Troy White, Prop. PETERSON ELECTRIC CHUCKWAGON--Rena Isom, Prop. FOR CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parr will be in their new home on Olson Hill by Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Parr sold their home on Main St. this fall, and have been living in one of the Frank Christian apts. Curt McGrew is seriously ill at the Sacred Heart Hospital. The pole yard is seeing activity again. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carver and family are spending the Xmas holiday in Iowa with Mrs. Carver's mother. T.B. seals can be purchased at the post office or at the home of Edna Holdridge. Charlie Holdridge opened his mouth and put his foot in it Wed. Now, due to circumstances beyond control, Charlie must bake for Les Davis, our Talent Barber. How about it, Charlie? If anyone wants to know more about the Lonely Hearts Club, see Troy White at the Dinette on Hiwy 99 next door to Ben's O.K…And while you are there, get a bowl of his homemade chili. The best in S.O. FOR SALE: 9x9 Aluminum overhead door complete with hardware. See at the Talent High shop. A good buy this… FOR SALE: Xmas cards and gifts. Call at the Cottage at Worthington apts. 226½. Eva Wright. For that late Xmas gift, Mrs. Wright might have just the thing you are looking for… FOR SALE: Xmas trees. Call at Ed's Motor and repair on Main St. next door to the Talent Café. Here are some mighty fine trees…why go up in the mtns. and get a tree when you can get a nice one here at Ed's. To the ladies who are going to help fill the candy bags at the city hall, will they please bring a sack lunch. The Community Club will furnish the coffee. All ladies of the community are invited to help. According to reports the toll on telephones to call to Medford and surrounding area will be free. If maybe we can phone to Medford without toll…It's about time… Lyle Tycksen and Loretta Sloper were married at the Friends Church Sunday. The Rev. Neifert performed the ceremony. A reception was held after the ceremony. Floyd Young, Jr. is having his home remodeled on Bain St. Have you been to the Talent hardware store lately? The Scharfes have a host of gifts for every member of the family. Before shopping in Medford or Ashland, why not try the Talent Hardware store first? You will also find some nice gifts at the Talent Thrift, too. And all the Talent merchants carry cards, wrapping paper, cards and ribbon. Mrs. Floyd Taylor underwent a minor operation Monday. Doodle for the Noodle: "Soda cracker designed for eating in bed with whisk broom attached for removing crumbs"
Pot, oh pot under the stead, How do I know you're there? Why, it's simple, familiar friend, It's something in the air!
(Carbuncle Morse has the miseries this week & couldn't be with us!)
Page 6, full-page ad for: IDEAL MARKET Page 7, ads for: ED'S MOTORS A&M TEXACO SERVICE PERL AMBULANCE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE COLLEGE CLEANERS L.H. GALLATIN INSURANCE--FARMERS BEN'S O.K. NEW & 2ND HAND STORE CHURCH NEWS Methodist Church…Alice May Woolley, Pastor Sunday School--9:45 Morning Worship--11:00 Evening Worship--8:00 Young People--7:00 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent area read the Talent News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for the first 25 words, or 70¢ for 50 words. Send your ad to the Talent News Flashes for results. Call Ash. 2-3243. RADIO REPAIRS AT 109 S. Second St. BAKERY GOODS Fresh to your door…All kinds of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, rolls and everything in the bakery line. It is fresh and tasty. Cakes for all special occasions. Order your Xmas FRUIT CAKE now. Call Ash. 9-5266 and delivery will be made right to your door. AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER--call Ash. 2-3243…109 S. 2nd St. FOR SALE: 1937 International 1½ ton Flat rack truck, 3 ft. grain side boards, 7 fair tires, signal lights and good running condition. $175.00. 212 Gibson St. Phn. Ash. 2-6574. FOR SALE: Hand made throw rugs, 2 new pillows, Brownie movie camera 8mm, RCA 45 record player and records. Call at cabin 2, Talent Court. FOR SALE: Young whiteface locker beef, 32¢ per lb. dressed. Merle Cook, Suncrest Rd. Phn. Ash. 5748. WANT TO TRADE: Good 2 year old buck rabbit for good 1 or 1½ year old doe, or will sell him for 42.00. Call Ash. 2-5760 or see John Seymour at 104 S. 2nd St. Talent. FOR SALE: New Apt. size Wedgewood gas range. Call at the Snack Bar. Talent. FOR SALE: 1951 Gibson Electric Range, like new. Used very little, reasonable. Call Ash. 2-5029. Page 8, full-page ad for: VALLEY LOCKERS ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes CHRISTMAS 1955 "Closer to our hearts be the Christmas Spirit"--Dickens It was different back in Grandfather's time! No decorated avenues, no bulging display windows with animated scenes, no radios blasting out "Silent Night" on one corner, record players blasting out "Good Will to Men" on the next! No bundle-laden pedestrians jumping for safety at the crossing! No "office parties." Nor all the rest of it that goes to make up the present Holiday Scramble. Yes, it was different back in Grandfather's time! Here is a few excerpts from a little reminder of what it was like in those "Good Old Days." Maybe we wouldn't care to go back to 'em at that! LET'S SEE, -- But, whether it was then or now, "Merry Christmas," "Happy New Year," it's the same warm greeting, and the staff of NEWS FLASHES send it your way with our Best Wishes for a most pleasant holiday season. ONE CHRISTMAS BACK IN GRANDFATHER'S TIME Then, as now, preparations for Christmas began in the fall! The children went into the woods, down beyond the "back pasture" and gathered nuts. Grandfather saw to it that "Ol' Tom" began to get a little extra in the way of feed! Grandmother had been cannin' and preservin' and picklin' 'til the cellar shelves were filled. One day in December, on their weekly trip to the village to trade and pick up the mail, they got a letter sayin' the "city folks" would be home for Christmas. Back at the farm there was wood to split and carry to the back porch where it was piled just outside the kitchen door. The parlor was opened up (the first time since Thanksgiving). The wick of the hanging lamp was trimmed. AND Grandmother made sure that everything in the spare room was in order. The "city folks" arrived on the morning train the day before Christmas. The Christmas tree was brought in and set up in the parlor and hung with strings of cranberries and popcorn. COMPANY DINNER FOR WINTER: Mulligatawny soup, venison pie, boiled ham, roast turkey, with cranberry sauce, smoked tongue, onion custard, potato, snow turnips, parsnips, stewed red cabbage, oyster pie, winter squash, calf's foot jelly, apple pie, floating island, orange flummery, coffee, tea, milk (right off his farm! This was Grandfather's idea of Social Security.) Menu from Mister Godey's Lady's Book. After a supper of "leftovers" there were songs around the organ and charades. As Grandfather wound the clock that night, he said to Grandmother, "Well, nobody could ask for a better Christmas than we have had…AND that's our wish to you--THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER. Greeting Page 2, ads for: GILBREATH'S--LUCKY AND NONA--YULETIDE GREETINGS--With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year TALENT CAFÉ--With best wishes for CHRISTMAS and the coming year--Lilah & Marie ED'S MOTORS--NOEL--Let our good wishes for your holiday happiness light your path to peace and happiness.--Annabelle, Ed, Larry and Jerry PERL AMBULANCE--Seasons Greetings
When it comes to Christmas wishes
That are friendly and sincere-- When it comes to New Year wishes For your happiness all year-- When it comes to any wishes That are warm and fond and true – There aren't any finer ones Than those we wish for you! This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.--Psalm 118:24 Greeting ads for: NORRIS GROCERY--Sends Greetings to everyone! A&M TEXACO--sends warm wishes for a happy holiday season--Mary and Art BENTLEY SHOE SERVICE--Joyous Christmas to one and all--Clyde Bentley and family PANCAKE HOUSE--Happy Holidays--from Ethel TALENT BARBER--To greet our friends--old and new--Les Davis & Family SNAPPY SERVICE--To wish you all of the season's joys!--Elsie, Dean and Donis
by Eleanor Farjeon GOD bless your house this holy night And all within GOD bless the candle that you light To midnight's minute: The board at which you break your bread, The cup you drink of: And as you raise it, the unsaid Name you think of: The warming fire, the bed of rest, The ringing laughter: These things, and all things else be blest: From floor to rafter This holy night, from dark to light, Even more than others: And, if you have no house tonight God bless you, brother. A PRAYER FOR TODAY While the star rains its fire and the beautiful sing, we turn our faces to Thee, O Father God. Let the spirit of Him who was born this day put a song upon our lips and bring joy to our hearts. May the fire He brought from heaven set love aflame in our lives; through the Christ Child. Amen. By Emory Hartman, Minister, Bexley Methodist Church, Columbus, Ohio. Full page greeting ad for: TALENT THRIFT MARKET--Merry Christmas to all our many friends and customers! From Ethel and Leonard Greeting ads from: TALENT NEWS FLASHES--Merry Xmas-- Mae, Alice, Bob, Tom & Bob CHEVRON STATION--Howdy Folks! May your Yuletide glow brightly with the good old fashioned Christmas cheer that makes every heart lighter, every friendship warmer, every hour richer in happiness and contentment--Coldwell and Son THE DINETTE--Joyful Greetings SIS-Q FOOD PRODUCTS--Holiday Greetings! PROVOST FURNITURE--We're singing a glad Yuletide Song…with cheery harmony that rings out MERRY CHRISTMAS CLOVERLEAF DAIRY--Season's Greetings to our friends and customers throughout the valley--Henry DeYoung & Sons THE LITHIA DRIVE-IN--Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone! Full page greeting ad for: THE IDEAL MARKET--May all the spirit of Christmas, and all its joy and good cheer, Be with you in golden promise, Through the glad New Year!--Merwyn & Vivian, Joe, Tom & Carl Full page greeting ad for: VALLEY LOCKERS--To our many friends…A Joyous Christmas and Happiness for the New Year--from Mr. & Mrs. Dukes and Clayton Bartlett Greeting ads from: AGGIE HORSTMAN, ESTHER CORY--It is a pleasure to extend to you the greetings of the season and best wishes for a happy new year. THE SCHARFES--Greetings THE GALLATINS--a Christmas Wish TALENT CLUB--sends Season's Greetings--Jake & Eleanor BOYER'S WATCH REPAIR--Merry Christmas--The Boyers--Green house, Watch repair It is better to give than to receive. For unto you is born this day a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 Full page greeting ad from: H&M SHELL SERVICE--Holiday Greetings from Roy, Bruce & Foster Greeting ads from: SISKIYOU CANNERY SALES--wishes you joy and happiness at Christmastime and every day of the New Year!--"Smitty" AL GRABHER'S UNION 76--Holiday Greetings BEN'S O.K.--Merry Christmas--Nettie & Ben Furch TALENT FEED STORE--Greetings of the Season from the Steblers, Blanche & Harry ----------------------------------------------------
Talent News Flashes ESTABLISHED IN 1934 FRIDAY, DEC. 30, 1955 VOL. XV NO 53 NEWS FLASHES IS DELIVERED TO ITS READERS THROUGH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE ADVERTISING MERCHANTS…PATRONIZE THEM… PHN. ASH. 2-3243 COMMUNITY TREE The Christmas tree on the city lawn shone in all its glory Thrs. Night which was a welcome sight to those attending the community Christmas tree in the city hall. The program, under the direction of Marie Critten and presented by the Blue Birds, Camp Fire Girls and the Horizon Girls, was well rendered. After the program, Santa with bells jingling bounded on the stage with a Merry Christmas to all. While children were getting their Xmas treats from Santa, everyone sang Jingle Bells. About 250 were in attendance and all received treats of oranges, popcorn balls and a generous amount of candy packed in a cellophane bag. Mrs. Elfa Long, the new president of the community club, distributed 150 bags of treats to the communities of Shady Cove and Rogue River in the flood area. This was a fine gesture and was well appreciated by the flooded communities. The tree in the hall was decorated by the Horizon Girls. Mrs. Long wishes to thank the Garden Club, Lady Lions, Lions, Horizon Club, Camp Fire Girls, Blue Birds and everyone who helped to make this annual community tree a success. Talent has the Lions and the Lady Lions to thank for our town being all dressed in Christmas regalia. The Lions were assisted by Peterson's Electric in Ashland who helped with Peterson's Electric compliments. The stores and places of business are well decorated, too. The Crater Lake Camp Fire Girls held their Christmas party at the home of Susan Thompson Friday afternoon at 3:00. Games were played and there was an exchange of gifts. 11 girls were present with their guardian Marie Critten and guests were: Alice Burnette, Mrs. Thompson and Mae Lowe. Lovely refreshments were served by the hostess Susan Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood, who were seriously injured in a car accident several weeks ago, are now home from the hospital. Howard is able to be out, but Marie is still confined to the house. NOTICE Schools will open Tuesday, Jan. 3. Mrs. Lovella Long is spending the holidays in Portland with her daughter and family. Mrs. Elizabeth Citsforth of Portland is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mary Higgins. Mrs. Higgins and Elizabeth spent Tuesday with friends at Eagle Point. Leo Hoser of the U.S. Air Force is home on holiday furlough. Mrs. Ray Feeler (nee Doreene Burnette) arrived home from S. Calif.; Mrs. Feeler will stay in the valley until her husband returns from overseas duty with the Marines. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Taylor were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevenson in Medford for Xmas dinner. We wish to apologize to Aggie Horstman of the Snack Bar for omitting the name Snack Bar on her Christmas greeting. Aggie has a new year wish and greeting in this issue and I am sure it will say SNACK BAR…Why not tell your merchants that you enjoyed the Xmas greetings in the special edition that was published last week. We have had a lot of compliments from our readers. It is reported that three engagements were announced during the Xmas holiday. Miss Eva Ruth Tuggle, Connie Cutburth and Valerie Carmen…After looking at the Loretta Young Show Sunday night, these girls were lucky or ???? The false fire alarm called out a host of volunteer firemen Mon. Taking a chance to get through the flooded areas and the snow, Lucky and Nona Gilbreath and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lenz and family took off for Los Angeles last Friday to spend the holiday with their families…Well, we hope they have a safe returning. Page 2, ads for: ED'S MOTORS A&M TEXACO SERVICE PERL AMBULANCE ETHEL'S PANCAKE HOUSE ASHLAND SANITARY SERVICE GALLATIN'S INSURANCE--FARMER'S BEN'S O.K. NEW & 2ND HAND STORE CHURCH NEWS Methodist Church…Alice May Woolley, Pastor Sunday School--9:45 Morning Worship--11:00 Evening Worship--8:00 Young People--7:00 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS SUNDAY WANT ADS Several hundred families in the Talent area read the Talent News Flashes. Insert your ad for only 35¢ for the first 25 words, or 70¢ for 50 words. Send your ad to the Talent News Flashes for results. Call Ash. 2-3243. RADIO REPAIRS AT 109 S. Second St. BAKERY GOODS Fresh to your door…All kinds of delicious cakes, pies, cookies, rolls and everything in the bakery line. It is fresh and tasty. Cakes for all special occasions. Order your Xmas FRUIT CAKE now…Call Ash. 9-5266 and delivery will be made right to your door. AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER--Call Ash. 2-3243…109 S. 2nd St. WANTED--To do washing. Will do good work ready for ironing. Contact Lura Jo Walty on Beeson Lane or phone Ash. 2-4090. FOR RENT--1 bedroom home--partly furnished--garage. At 127 N. Front St. See H.R. Lockwood. Ash 2-4361. FOR RENT--2 bedroom house, modern, reasonable. 214 W. Main. Frank Christian. FOR RENT--Furnished duplex; electric heat. Inquire at duplex behind Chuckwagon Café. Wm. R. Moberly. Page 3, ads for: THE SNACK BAR--Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous New Year--Aggie Horstman & Esther Cory HAPPY 1956 from the following merchants…. VALLEY LOCKER ED'S MOTORS TALENT CAFÉ MOBIL STATION SIS-Q FOODS TALENT CLUB TALENT THRIFT SNACK BAR PANCAKE HOUSE TALENT FEED IDEAL MARKET SHELL STATION TALENT HARDWARE TEXACO STATION CHUCKWAGON BENTLEY SHOE LES THE BARBER UNION 76 SNAPPY SERVICE CHEVRON STATION LITHIA DRIVE-IN NORRIS GROCERY SMITTY'S FOOD MKT. PROVOST FURNITURE CLOVERLEAF DAIRY L.H. GALLATIN BEN'S OK PERL'S AMBULANCE PETERSON'S ELECTRIC THE DINETTE WANT ADS, cont. FOR SALE--Apt. size Wedgewood range. Call at the Talent Café FOR SALE SPECIAL--2x4 Stove wood. Red fir…big double loads. THREE for $25. Phone 2-8277, McGinty Fuel Co. Medford, Oregon FOR TRADE--Kaiser automatic dishwasher, perfect for good 3 speed portable phonograph or radios/parts, etc… Call 2-3243, 109 S. 2nd , City. NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!!! When asked we thought we heard the Talent merchants make the following resolutions… Leonard H. resolved to get in more fishing this year. Bentley is going to learn to tap those shoes to boogie woogie time. Merwyn says he's going to install lifeboats in case of another deluge. Lucky is resolving to do more traveling especially during floods. The Dukes say they're going to take more holidays and not travel during floods. Our Post Office staff is all fully resolved to petition the government not to have any more floods arrive during the Christmas mail rush. Al Grabher has resolved not to make any wild resolutions. Smitty has resolved to change the name of his store to Smitty's Food Market. Eleanor and Jack resolve to raise more doggone dogs in '56. The Drive-In crew resolves to show more and better shows under water & to resist all flood attempts by Bear Creek and Medford competitors.
The following merchants will be CLOSED SUNDAY AND MONDAY…
VALLEY LOCKER…TALENT THRIFT MKT…TALENT FEED STORE… The SNACK BAR will be closed Sunday and OPEN MONDAY. Merchants intending to be open Sunday and CLOSED MONDAY are: THE IDEAL MKT. and TALENT CAFÉ. NOTICES The Music Boosters will meet in the Band Room Jan. 5. Election of officers. EVERYBODY COME. The Talent Garden Club will meet at the home of Florence Hartley Jan. 4 at 1:30 pm, Sylvia Bates co-hostess. Hints on care of Christmas house plants. Roll call. Program--"Garden Games." The O.D.O. Club will meet at the home of Belle LeVander on Jan. 6. The W.S.C.S. will meet Jan. 5 at the Parsonage. Time yet to pay for TB Seals. Money needed to stamp out TB. SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN: THE HOWARD WEBBER HOME LOCATED UP WAGNER CREEK WAS DESTROYED BY FIRE THURSDAY NOON. The fire was discovered when one of the Webber children went upstairs and found the upper story aflame. The Talent Fire Department responded to the call and were able with neighbors to help save most of the appliances and furniture downstairs but no clothing or bedding was saved. When the fire department arrived the whole upper story was aflame as well as the living room on the lower floor and they had to confine their efforts to saving a shed and keeping the fire from spreading. LITHIA DRIVE-IN SPECIAL: As a special New Year Eve attraction, the Lithia is offering FIVE shows for the price of two. There will be three regular shows and then at midnite there will be a special sneak preview of Sunday's two pictures, one starring James Cagney and the other Loretta Young.
The rains came…the water rose. Now I have trouble breathing thru my nose. But if we wait until it freezes I can knock the ice off with my kneeses. "DOODLE FOR THE NOODLE"--Pair of horn-rimmed glasses. My suggested title for the week's doodle for the noodle was "Pair of spectacles that joined the Elks." Happy Nu Year….etc. Last
revised November 29, 2024