![]() ![]() Bernice Myer Diary 1916-1917 High school diary of Frances
Bernice Myer Hicks, daughter of William
D. Myer and Anna
Laura Gall Myer,
259 High Street, Ashland, Oregon. Bernice was granddaughter of another person of interest, William Cortez Myer. The original diary is in the
collection of the Southern Oregon Historical Society, numbers
Transcribed by Mary Tsui. Diary of Bernice Myer
for 1916 Frances Bernice Myer Age 16 yrs. the 12th of March 1916 Wednesday, December 29, 1915 Coldest night in sixteen years. Thermometer 9 degrees F. froze everything. Saturday, January 1, 1916 We had a big dinner today. Aunt Nellie and uncle Ellis and aunt Nellie's mother (Mrs. Roberts) and sister and husband (Mr. and Mrs. Van Wegen). We had chicken and macaroni (cooked together), mashed potatoes, gumbo, dried corn, salad, cheese, cranberry jelly, meat pie (aunt Nellie brought), ambrosia with whip cream and apple sauce cake and a cake aunt Nellie brought. We also had some fondant, salted peanuts, A.N.'s candy, Mrs. V.'s candy oranges and apples. There is about two inches of snow on the ground but we had a quite pretty day. Mama, Gladys Applegate and I are going to see Carmen in moving pictures at Vining tonight. Geraldine Farrar plays the part. Sunday, January 2, 1916 Dr. Johnson and wife came to see us this afternoon. Grandpa, mamma and I were here alone. Papa had gone down to I.O.O.F hall to practice. I took a cramping spell and cramped all over after Johnsons left. (Edith was here.) Mamma heated water and I had the hot water bottle. I soon went to sleep but wasn't any better when I awakened. Have felt bum all the rest of the day (indigestion I guess). Mrs. Million and Cora Baldwin came up this evening and stayed until pretty nearly eleven o'clock. Monday, January 3, 1916 I went to school today. First day after vacation. We only had one week vacation. There was a letter waiting for me from Ida Virginia Mahan thanking me for the mistletoe I sent her. Tuesday, January 4, 1916 Papa took me to school today. Ed Henry was buried today. Mama and papa went and took a bouquet of carnations. The funeral was held from the Dodge Undertaking Parlors. I wrote a letter tonight to Virginia Mahan. Wednesday, January 5, 1916 I walked to school today. It has been very cold today and a little foggy this morning. We also had some frost. Priscilla Carnahan and Edith and I go to the High School every Wednesday night after supper to practice in the Quintette. We will begin to practice on Carmen tonight. After our cooking lesson today we girls had to go down to the Teacher's rest room and wash the windows. Thursday, January 6, 1916 We had a test in Cooking today. Grandpa left for Vallejo this evening. We got a letter from Cedric today. It snowed all morning but didn't stay on the ground. Mrs. Million came up from Cora Baldwin's and had supper with us and is going to stay all night. Papa went to lodge tonight and Mrs. Million, Mama and I went to the show (35¢), a vaudeville. It wasn't very good. Friday, January 7, 1916 Mrs. Million went back to Cora Baldwin's today. I got 90 in my Cooking test. We took a collateral test this morning in English. I took a test on "The Promised Land" by Mary Antin. Mamma, Priscilla C. and Edith and I are going to the show tonight (20¢). Hazel Dawn plays in "The Heart of Jennifer." It was dandy. I liked it awfully well. Edith has to go to church first and so does Priscilla. Mama and I are going to Usshers for before the show and I am going to play a march over on the piano for Mr. Ussher as he cannot read music. I met Mr. Graham there. Saturday, January 8, 1916 Mama tore and sewed carpet rags all morning (blue and white). I went out to the High School this afternoon to practice the military march for the exhibition in February. Yesterday and today it has been raining and snowing. The snow not staying on the ground, however, it stayed tonight. I cleaned a chicken before supper tonight. We are going to have fried chicken tomorrow. Mama went down to the I.O.O.F. hall to practice tonight. I finished some tatting to go on a handkerchief tonight. The A.H.S. basket ball team plays Etna Mills tonight in the High School gym tonight. Sunday, January 9, 1916 Got up kind of late today. Read a little in the papers and started a book, Dr. Latimer, by Little. It is awful good. It has been snowing most all day. Edith was over this evening and papa, mama and I played cards until ten o'clock. Papa went down to I.O.O.F. Hall this afternoon and brought some chocolates home to mama and I. Monday, January 10, 1916 It has been snowing most all day but melts quite fast. I am exempt in all my exams and am now a Junior. We are going to the Circle tonight to a little entertainment. Mama made two dozen meat sandwiches to take. I have pretty nearly finished my book. Tuesday, January 11, 1916 I didn't have to go to school today as I am exempt in the exams. I got up late, ate my breakfast, cleared the table and commenced the ironing while mama sewed carpet rags. I did most of the ironing. After the ironing was finished, I sewed carpet rags and papa cleaned horseradish and I ground some for dinner. I got dinner and papa washed the dishes while mama and I sewed carpet rags which we did until four o'clock and finished them. Papa ground horseradish all afternoon. My eyes have been sore all day. I meant to go to the doctor but didn't. Edith is going to stay all night with me as mama and papa are at lodge. I also finished my book. Wednesday, January 12, 1916 Edith and I didn't get up until 8:15 this morning. She stayed for breakfast and then went home. It snowed some last night and a little this morning. Papa had ordered a hog and it came this morning. Papa cut it up and we had spare ribs for dinner and Papa and mama made sausage after dinner. I also took a little bouquet of carnations down to the Davises as Mr. Davis died and was buried today. They are living in the Tozier House. Mrs. Million went home today (Sacramento) and we fixed up a box for her to take to Cedric. 28 eggs & chicken cleaned, 1 jar sausage, 1 jar horseradish, 1 jar peaches. We got a letter from Cedric today and he hasn't work yet. Mrs. Patrick came home with mama from the funeral and stayed here quite a little while talking. Thursday, January 13, 1916 It snowed some last night and a little this morning but is almost all melted now (5:25 P.M.) Papa and mama rendered lard this morning and finished cutting up the hog. I went to town to see the Doctor this morning but he wasn't there (eyes). It snowed a little bit this afternoon and makes it so muddy. I went to the High School to practice the Military Marching this afternoon and stayed for singing (practicing Carmen). The High School played the Klamath High a game of Basket Ball last night. Our boys winning and the girls tied. We got a letter from Peryl today and one from Mrs. Kerramans. Mama and I went to the show tonight. Vaudeville. Friday, January 14, 1916 I went to school this morning to get my report card and get ready to start school Monday on the new semester. I took my lunch as I stayed to practice singing for Carmen and practice Military Marching. My subjects for the new semester are: English, Geometry, American History, German and Physical Training. It frosted last night quite heavy and was cold all day. It hailed and snowed some in the afternoon and evening and kids are out coasting this eve. Edith and I are going over to Gladys' tonight. Klamath boys and girls play us Basket ball tonight. Saturday, January 15, 1916 The Rebecca Ladies gave a shower for Mrs. Foster (Miss Updegraff) today at our house. We cleaned the house and made some oatmeal cookies. All the ladies brought cookies and made the tea. Mrs. Perozzi and Mrs. Long both brought a quart of cream. We had Mr. and Mrs. Foster, (Dr.) Mr. and Mrs. Johnson for supper tonight. Gladys came over tonight dressed in a boy's suit. Long pants. And we went out sliding a little while on Laurel Street. It has been snowing a little all day but melts quite fast, however. It is snowing this evening and sticks pretty well. Sunday, January 16, 1916 About three inches of snow on the ground this morning and has been snowing at intervals all day. I went over to Edith's about one o'clock and she told me Leona Smith (Mrs. Saunders) died last night. She had been sick some time with pneumonia. I read all the stories in the Woman's Home Companion and was just going to read St. Elmo (2nd time) when Theta Slingerland came over and wanted me to come out and play in the snow. Edith, Alice, Carrol Homes were out. I went and we made a fort and different things, then we came up in the alley and slid a little while and then Harlie came along and slid with us. Priscilla Carnahan came and watched us a little while and then each of us went home. Monday, January 17, 1916 Wind blew hard all night last night. Today was the first day of the new semester. I got along all right. I studied a little tonight, then Edith, Mama, Papa and I played 500. Tuesday, January 18, 1916 Jim Fredenberg came just before I got downstairs this morning and left (mother says) about 9 o'clock. It snowed a little last night and a little is still on the ground. Mama went to Parent Teacher's Meeting today and she made some candy to take. Papa went to Lodge. Wednesday, January 19, 1916 It was a little cool today and it froze last night Thursday, January 20, 1916 Today was a fine day. It was a little bit warm. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Albert came up from Jacksonville this evening. He came to go to the Odd Fellows lodge. Papa and he went to lodge and mama and aunt Nellie went over to her sister's, Mrs. Hensley. Aunt Nellie brought mama a beautiful crocheted corset cover yoke. Edith is coming over to be with me. Friday, January 21, 1916 Aunt Nellie and Uncle Albert went home today. Mama went over to Elsie Christiansen's today and didn't get home until 5 o'clock. She and I went to the show to see Blanche Sweet play. It wasn't very good. Saturday, January 22, 1916 The wind has been blowing hard all day and has been raining, too. I went to the High School to practice this afternoon. Mama met me down town and we went to Johnson's. She let me have a little ecru doily with tatting on it to bring home to take the pattern off. We bought some thread down town and I have started it. Mama also got a plate for Mabel Blake. Edith was over tonight. Mr. Corbett, Mrs. Gearheart (old lady) [Mrs. Jane McClain], Mrs. Barber (old lady) and a little Snider baby died. Sunday, January 23, 1916 I finished St. Elmo today. I made some salad dressing and a fruit salad for dinner. Mama and papa went out to Uncle Ellis' and I stayed home and played the piano. When they came home mama and I went downtown to Homer B. [Billings] to see the baby. It was three months old the 12th and weighs 16 lbs. Ellen told us that Mrs. Frances Taverner Badger is dead. The sun shone a little today and rained some. There was a fire last night up on Granite Street. It was Haskins' house. Monday, January 24, 1916 Mama entertained Mrs. Christensen, Mrs. Will Dodge and mother (Mrs. Hunt). They all brought their fancy work. Mama served fruit salad and coffee and bread and butter sandwiches. I am doing some ecru tatting for a little doily. It rained today at intervals but not cold. Mild. Papa went to the Woodman Lodge tonight. They are going to have an oyster supper. I have started in on my collateral, Quentin Durward by Scott. Tuesday, January 25, 1916 It has been snowing at intervals all day but did not stay on ground until this evening and there is about 1½ inches now (6:45). It is pretty cold. Papa took me to school this morning. Edith is sick with a cold and did not go to school. Part of my lunch was taken today. I had six sandwiches and three were taken. Mama and papa are going to Lodge tonight. I started another piece of ecru tatting of coarser thread. Mama went to the Civic Improvement Club this afternoon. I went to Gladys A. and up to the Lodge about 9 o'clock. Wednesday, January 26, 1916 Papa took Edith and I to school. There is a little snow on the ground and is cold. We got a letter from Peryl today. Mrs. Caldwell phoned that Mrs. Beebe of Central Point had a 7½ lb. baby girl last Sunday and is getting along nicely. Mama and papa are over to Shoudy's tonight. Mrs. Provost died today. Thursday, January 27, 1916 It has been snowing a little all day and a great deal this afternoon and this evening. It is kind of cold. Rev. Van Fossen gave us a good talk at school today. Papa went to Lodge tonight. Mama went over to Mrs. Grant's to a little party this afternoon. Friday, January 28, 1916 It snowed quite a bit this evening. There were four inches of snow on the ground this morning and is five inches this evening. It isn't cold. The snow is dry. Mrs. Slingerland gave mama and I the use of their Lyceum course Tickets tonight. Some man gave a talk. Saturday, January 29, 1916 I went out to the High School this afternoon to practice. After practicing I started home to meet mama and I met her at Edwards'. She and I took the train for Gold Hill. There is a little snow down here. Letsy Hartie and I went to a dance and came home about ten. Mr. Beach died today. Sunday, January 30, 1916 Mama and I came home today from Gold Hill. We brought a suit case full of red apples home with us. There is still snow on the ground. Monday, January 31, 1916 It is not so very cold but still is some snow on the ground. I went sliding a little while this evening after school. Memoranda
Tuesday, February 1, 1916 It snowed a little last night and a little this morning. It has been raining all afternoon and melted the snow quite a bit. Papa went to lodge tonight. Edith is over here today. Wednesday, February 2, 1916 It rained today and melted the snow a little bit more. The wind is blowing hard tonight. Thursday, February 3, 1916 Mr. Newt Shook, age 72, was married to a young widow, 28, yesterday. The snow is all melted today. Friday, February 4, 1916 It rained most all day but isn't very cold. Mama and papa went out to a party given by the Ladies' Auxiliary and Edith is going to stay with me tonight. Saturday, February 5, 1916 We had a pretty fair day but is raining this evening. Papa went to Medford this morning and came back this evening. He went for business. Mr. Calkins gave him a picture of himself. I went to the Armory this afternoon to practice. Mama and I went to the show this evening. Mr. Vawter died yesterday afternoon (of Medford). I finished the ecru tatting this evening. Sunday, February 6, 1916 Pretty nice day. Mama, papa and I went to Whitneys' tonight. Monday, February 7, 1916 Rained hard all last night and a little this morning. This afternoon was beautiful, just like Spring. Mama went to Johnsons' this afternoon to sew carpet rags. Papa went to Medford to Mr. Vawter's funeral. Eva Walker was buried today. Tuesday, February 8, 1916 Pleasant day, wind blowing tonight. Mama went to lodge tonight. Wednesday, February 9, 1916 Wind blew hard last night and this morning. It is raining hard tonight. I had to go out to High School this evening. Thursday, February 10, 1916 We had a beautiful spring day today. We went out to a little social at the Odd Fellows' Hall tonight. Got home about 12:30. It was beginning to rain a little. Mr. Sanders was shot today but is getting along all right. Friday, February 11, 1916 Another Spring day today. Mama went to Medford and bought me two ribbons. I am going out to the High School for a party (Oregon Trail Girls). Saturday, February 12, 1916 A beautiful warm Spring day. Folks went to Medford on business (Sams Valley). I went to Armory to practice. We all went to the show tonight (The Price He Paid). It was pretty good. Bessie Wood's husband's company. Sunday, February 13, 1916. Another lovely day. Mama, papa, Edith and I went riding. Went to Lithia Springs, then up to the Park. Mama and I went to Mrs. Grant's tonight and had our fortunes told. Monday, February 14, 1916 Today was warm and a most beautiful day. Tuesday, February 15, 1916 Warm Spring day. I went to Gladys' to a little party this evening, had a pretty good time. It was her birthday. Flora Provost, Cora Divet, Ernesteen Hicks, Emma Koehler, Edith Moody and myself. We had lettuce sandwiches and meat sandwiches, stuffed eggs, pickles, candy, cake and ambrosia. Wednesday, February 16, 1916 Another beautiful warm spring day. Thursday, February 17, 1916 Today was warm and clear. I went to the basket ball game tonight. Franklin High of Portland played us. Score was: Franklin
Ashland 31 Friday, February 18, 1916 Clear warm day. We girls of the Physical Training class at High School gave an entertainment tonight at the Armory. Miss Moffat is our teacher. Saturday, February 19, 1916 Little bit cooler today. Papa put in our first garden today. I made bread which was real good. Mama and I went to town this afternoon. Sunday, February 20, 1916 Beautiful Spring day. Papa, mama and I went riding this afternoon. We went up to the Lithia Park and stayed quite awhile. There was an awful crowd there all the time. A great many cars came up from down the valley to get Lithia water. Mama and I went up to Burdics' tonight. Monday, February 21, 1916 I went out to the High School to practice chorus work for Carmen this evening after supper. Papa took Edith and me. Mama went out with us for the ride. Mama had Mrs. Will Dodge, Mrs. Charlie Christensen and Mrs. Johnson (and the little girl Mrs. Johnson takes care of) over this afternoon to sew for the little girl. Tuesday, February 22, 1916 Rained last night pretty hard. Gladys and I went to the show tonight and then I came to the Lodge and waited for mama and papa. Today was a pleasant Spring day. Wednesday, February 23, 1916 There was frost on the ground this morning, but was warm today. I went out to the High School after supper to practice in the Octette for Carmen. Papa took me out. Thursday, February 24, 1916 It was a moderate Spring day. I went after school with some other girls up to Mrs. Stuart's to practice The Minuet for the fifth Tuesday. We got a letter from Cedric today. Papa went to Lodge and Mama and I went to the picture show. Melting Pot. Mr. Newt Shook has separated from his second wife. Lived with her 21 days. Friday, February 25, 1916 Clear, moderate, beautiful Spring day. I went out to the High School tonight to practice in the tambourine dance for Carmen. Saturday, February 26, 1916 Rained today. Cool. I went down to Odd Fellows Hall this afternoon to practice for the Minuet. Sunday, February 27, 1916 It has been a beautiful sun shiny day but not very warm. Papa took mama and I to church in the car this morning (Baptist, Rev. Blackstone). We went out riding this afternoon and took the Slingerland girls with us. We went to Medford and on our way home had a blow out and after it was fixed we had another flat tire. We then went up to Lithia Park and got us a drink, then came home. Monday, February 28, 1916 It has been cold all day. Rained and hailed some this afternoon. I stayed home this evening and studied. Frost on the ground this morning. Tuesday, February 29, 1916 Cold all day. One of the girls didn't come to practice the Minuet so are not going to have it. After school this evening when I got home mama told me I had to sing for the program and Edith play for me. I sang "Starlight" and "Shadow Time" for encore. I dressed up like a woman and hardly anyone knew me. It was snowing when we came home. Memorandum
Wednesday, March 1, 1916 3 inches of snow on ground this morning. Cold all day. Papa took me to school this morning. Snow mostly melted. Thursday, March 2, 1916 Pretty cold today. All the snow melted. Friday, March 3, 1916 Went to the Basket Ball game in Medford this evening. It was between Medford and Ashland. Our boys won and the Medford girls won. The scores were Girls
4 to 5
It has
been cold today and has sprinkled a little.Boys 6 to 7 Saturday, March 4, 1916 It has rained most all day. Mama is sick today in bed. I am going to Basket Ball game out to High School tonight. Medford vs. Ashland. Boys and girls. I made some candy this morning to sell out at the game. Score Girls
Ashland 7--Medford 7
It rained
awfully hard when we were coming home from game then began to
snow hard.Boys Gladys Applegate came home with me to stay all night with me. Sunday, March 5, 1916 Snow melted today. Kind of cold. Mama is better today. We went down to the Billings for dinner today. It was Uncle Frank's birthday (66 yrs.). We took him a book and some candy. Ralph B. and wife were there, and Homer B. and wife and two children. Monday, March 6, 1916 It was kind of cold today. I went out to the High School to practice for Carmen this evening. Tuesday, March 7, 1916 Moderate weather. Mama and I went to an entertainment down at the Methodist church this evening. Last number on Lyceum Course. Wednesday, March 8, 1916 It wasn't cold today. Sun shone all day. Aunt Nellie (Ellis) and her sister, Mrs. Van Wegen, were here this afternoon. Today is Edith's birthday. She is 17 years. Thursday, March 9, 1916 It was a beautiful Spring day. Edith was over this evening. I got a pair of shoes today. They are black patent lowers with black cloth tops, white soles and heels and white laces. First laces I have had for a long, long time. Friday, March 10, 1916 Another warm Spring day. Edith and I made fondant to sell at the Ball game tomorrow night. Edith stayed for supper. Saturday, March 11, 1916 Beautiful day. Edith and I went out to the High School to sack candy. Mama got me some goods (blue) French serge to make a skirt for me. We went up to Lithia Park to get a drink. Pearl and Cedric sent me six little leather bound classics as: Hamlet, MacBeth, Merchant of Venice, King Lear, Fifty Best Poems of America, and the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and a German-English and English-German dictionary. Tomorrow is my birthday. Sunday, March 12, 1916 I am sixteen today. It has been a beautiful day. Mama is having trouble with her teeth. I had Edith, Gladys and Helen Cunningham here for dinner. Mama gave me a beautiful sterling silver spoon, Edith a pair of silk stockings, Aunty a nut cake. Edith took my picture six times today. Papa took us out riding this afternoon. Monday, March 13, 1916 It was a warm day. Grandpa came home from Vallejo today. I went out to the High School to practice Carmen after supper. Tuesday, March 14, 1916 Warm day. Edith, Louise Gillette, Ruth Hadley and I went to school early this morning and played tennis. Mama went to Lodge tonight. Wednesday, March 15, 1916 Lovely warm day. I went to Carmen practice this evening after supper. We had dress rehearsal. Thursday, March 16, 1916 Beautiful day. I played tennis today. I stayed home this evening. Friday, March 17, 1916 Warm but little cloudy. Gladys took me to the picture show this evening. Saturday, March 18, 1916 Grandpa's birthday. Rained most all night and a little today. Grandpa has been very sick today. He had chills and coughed awful hard. We had Dr. Boslough. He is better this evening. Aunt Isora and Uncle Albert are here. They came this afternoon. Sunday, March 19, 1916 Rained a great part of the day. Uncle Elam came up today and went back this evening. Uncle Albert also went home. Mr. Stephen [George W. Stephenson] was buried today. Grandpa is about the same. Monday, March 20, 1916 Rained hard this morning but warm this afternoon I went out to the High School to practice Carmen. Uncle Ellis and Aunt Nellie were in this afternoon. Tuesday, March 21, 1916 Rained today. Uncle Ellis came in and got Aunt Isora and took her out to his place. He is going to sit up with Grandpa tonight. Wednesday, March 22, 1916 Rained today. Snowed awful hard tonight. Aunt Isora went home. Practiced Carmen at High School. Thursday, March 23, 1916 Snowed most all day but does not stick on the ground. Friday, March 24, 1916 Rained and snowed most all day. We gave Carmen tonight and everything went off well. Saturday, March 25, 1916 Sun shone a little. I went to Jacksonville today. Mrs. John Hart met me at the car at the Poor Farm and went with me. Today was Ekron's birthday and Aunt Nellie was surprising her. I missed my car back home so had to stay all night. I took Ekron [Ekron Gall] a silver spoon and a plate. Sunday, March 26, 1916 Rained a little in Jacksonville. I left J. at 3:30 and arrived at Medford about 4. I went to Klums' to wait for a car out of M. to Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Applegate were there. Monday, March 27, 1916 It rained very hard this morning and has been cool all day. Aunt Isora came up today to take treatments of Dr. Boslough. Grandpa is feeling pretty well but isn't out of bed yet. Mama is going out tonight. Tuesday, March 28, 1916 Beautiful Spring day. I played tennis this evening with Louise Gillette. Wednesday, March 29, 1916 Sun shone most all day. It has been lovely. Thursday, March 30, 1916 Lovely day. I played tennis this evening after school Friday, March 31, 1916 Nice day. Papa and I went to a social given by the Odd Fellows. Memoranda
Saturday, April 1, 1916 Edith and I went up in the park this afternoon and played tennis. Eunice Grubb, Miss Moffat, Louise Gillette also were there. It has been real nice today. I washed my hair this afternoon. Mama finished my blue serge skirt. Sunday, April 2, 1916 Lovely, sun shiny warm day. Edith, Ernesteen, Emma, Gladys, Cora and I went up in the park to take pictures. Harley Holmes and Raymond Badger came along and went with us. We went up to lower intake and up on the drive. The boys, Edith and Gladys all had cameras or kodaks. We took thirty-one pictures. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ellis were in today. Monday, April 3, 1916 Fine day. I went over to Harley's this evening and helped print pictures. Aunt Isora came up today. Tuesday, April 4, 1916 Beautiful day wind blew a little. I played tennis after school this evening. Wednesday, April 5, 1916 Grand day. Thursday, April 6, 1916 This has been a beautiful day. I played tennis after school I went to the Armory this evening and was in Military Marching and a little dance. It was an art exhibit. Friday, April 7, 1916 Warm, sun shone all day. Grand day. I went with Gladys and Pearl Wilshire to the dance at Armory given by band and came home with mama. Saturday, April 8, 1916 Perfectly grand warm day. A[n] auto truck full of the younger people of Gold Hill came up to the Lithia Park today to have lunch and asked me to lunch with them, which I did. At five we Oregon Trail Girls went down on Bear Creek and had supper. We had beefsteak (roasted on a stick), doughnuts, sandwiches, coffee, marshmallows. Sunday, April 9, 1916 Fair day. Raining this evening. Aunt Isora, mama, papa, grandpa and I went up in park then out to Uncle Ellis' but they weren't home. We then rode down to Billings and back home again. Uncle Ellis and Aunt Nellie came to see us. They had been out riding in their buggy all afternoon. Monday, April 10, 1916 Rained all day. Kind of cold. One year ago today I promised mama I would wear my hair down my back for one year if at the end she would give me anything I most wanted then. I chose to go to Summer school this summer in order to avoid graduating at Christmas time. My wish is granted if there is to be a school. Tuesday, April 11, 1916 Rained (and hailed some) most all day. Sun shone a very little. Snow on hills this morning. Last night was pretty cold. I wore my hair in braids wrapped around my head. I went to the show tonight. Marguerite Clark in The Prince and The Pauper. Wednesday, April 12, 1916 Perfectly lovely day. Thursday, April 13, 1916 Rather warm today. A simply glorious day. I played tennis after school Friday, April 14, 1916 Rained this afternoon. There was a track Meet at school today. We prepared my costume to wear tomorrow night when I dance the Highland Fling at Gold Hill. Saturday, April 15, 1916 Fine day. I went to Gold Hill on 7:50 train A.M. Hattie, Millie, Letsy, Mr. Flint, Mr. Wharton and I went across the bridge and had our lunch. I danced Highland Fling at Comus Theater under the name of Jeanie Wallace. I went to the dance down at Pavilion, danced every dance but three. Cook brought me home. Aunt Isora came down this evening. Sunday, April 16, 1916 Fine day except about four o'clock began raining. In G.H. Hattie and I went up and played tennis at school. I beat her 6 to 4. Cook came to see me and we went for a walk. Ball game in G.H. between G.H. and Medford. I didn't get to see it. Aunt Isora and I came home on train, leaves G.H. at 3:15. Monday, April 17, 1916 A fair day. I played tennis after school with Ashcraft and against Edith and Furry. Mama and Aunt Isora went to a musical at Methodist Church given by Miss Young's pupils. Tuesday, April 18, 1916 It rained good share of the day. Is quite cold this evening. Wednesday, April 19, 1916 It was a fair day. I played tennis today. Went to Library after supper to look up a talk for English next Friday morning. Thursday, April 20, 1916 Rained a little. I played tennis. Gladys and I went to the show at Vining. It was very good. Billie Burke in "Peggy." After the show I made my talk for tomorrow. Friday, April 21, 1916 Fair day. Played tennis after school. I went up to Gillettes' after supper tonight to make favors for the Junior Senior banquet. Saturday, April 22, 1916 Fine day. I cleaned my Panama and felt hats this morn. Washed and ironed two middies and a silk waist. Mama and I went to Medford this afternoon. I got me some pongee to make a waist for myself and some pink stuff to make an evening dress for Junior-Senior banquet. Mama got some goods to make her a dress. She bought her a white coat at McGee's. Sunday, April 23, 1916 A beautiful day, not hot nor cold nor warm but medium. Today is Easter. Edith and I went to the park this afternoon. Mama and I went to the church at the Chautauqua today. The meetings are held by Mathis and Vessey, the former the preacher the latter the singer. It was a fine sermon. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ellis were in to supper tonight. Edith was over this evening. Monday, April 24, 1916 A beautiful warm day. It was simply glorious. We play tennis instead of having Gym class now. I played today. Edith and I went over to Gladys' tonight. She was up to Park when we went and so we went up and I got a drink of Lithia. Then we came back to her house. I played some of her new pieces on piano. We made candy and danced. Tuesday, April 25, 1916 Fine day. I played tennis today. I went over to Gillettes' tonight to make favors. Wednesday, April 26, 1916 Beautiful day. Edith, Louise and I went early and played tennis. I wrote a letter to George tonight. Thursday, April 27, 1916 Sun shone brightly this morning but rained this afternoon. Edith, Ernesteen and I went up to Gillettes' tonight. Friday, April 28, 1916 Rained a great deal today. Sun shone at intervals. Rather cool tonight. Aunt Isora is still here. I started some white tatting this evening. Saturday, April 29, 1916 Grand, beautiful warm day. Margaret Hodson, Edith and I went up in the park and played tennis this afternoon. Mama and I went to the show tonight. Got a crate of strawberries from Cedric today. Aunt Isora went home today. Sunday, April 30, 1916 A beautiful day. Mama and I went to church (Mathis and Vessey Meetings) this morning and up in park this afternoon. Papa not feeling well today, lame back. Gladys, Uncle Ellis, Aunt Nellie were here for supper. Gladys, Pearl Wilshire and I went to church tonight. Memoranda
Monday, May 1, 1916 A beautiful hot day. I played tennis today. Aunt Isora came up today. Tuesday, May 2, 1916 Beautiful day. It was very hot. Mama, papa, and aunt Isora were all in Medford today. Mama stayed for tonight. I went to Gillettes' tonight. Mrs. Gillette made waffles and we ate them with watermelon preserves, syrup and preserved spices. She also served some cookies. We all then went down to depot and got some Lithia water (Edith, Ernesteen, Louise, Marjorie, Mrs. Gillette and myself). Wednesday, May 3, 1916 Grand, beautiful hot day. We got the Annuals today. We Oregon Trail girls went up into the park and had a big supper this evening. I came back by Gladys' and stopped in a while. Thursday, May 4, 1916 Rained a great deal today. Mama and I went to the Senior play at High School tonight. It was very good (Miss Hobbs). Friday, May 5, 1916 Rained today. Mama and I went to the May day dance to look on. Saturday, May 6, 1916 It has been awful cold today. Letsy came up today. Mama, papa, Aunt Isora, Letsy and I went out to Aunt Nellie's and back by Walker's and got some mustard to make greens. Sunday, May 7, 1916 It has been very cold today. Sun shone but was very cold. Letsy and Aunt Isora went home. Mama and I went up in park. We met Gladys and Pearl Wilshire and then we went up to Crowsons' and had refreshments. There were seventeen auto loads of Gypsies went through today. Mama and I went up to Danfords' this evening. Monday, May 8, 1916 Another cold day but rained a great deal. I got a letter from George today. Edith and I went down to Ernesteen's and helped make place cards for Junior-Senior banquet. Tuesday, May 9, 1916 Cold and rainy today. I went to Ernesteen's tonight. Wednesday, May 10, 1916 Sun shone today but was kind of cold. Edith and I went up in park this evening to band concert. Thursday, May 11, 1916 Fine day but kind of cold. Ollie sent us a picture of her children. Friday, May 12, 1916 Beautiful day. I went to the Junior-Senior Banquet tonight. We had Salted
I do not
have to take any examinations.1st course: Fruit Cocktail 2nd course: Roast chicken, Radish, Scalloped potatoes, Parker House rolls, Butter, Jelly, Asparagus. 3rd course: Grape Juice 4th course: Tomato gelatin, salad 5th course: Ice cream cake 6th course: Coffee and mints Saturday, May 13, 1916 Grand warm day. Edith, Mrs. Moody and I went up in park to see the Pageant put on by Miss Moffat. Sunday, May 14, 1916 Beautiful warm day. Gladys, Edith and I went down to Sanders' this afternoon. We had a fine time, went to see Maimie Sander. She showed us her house that is very cute and nice. We watched them milk, saw two little kids (goats) only a week old. Monday, May 15, 1916 Very pretty day but very warm. I went out to High School this afternoon. Played tennis. Tuesday, May 16, 1916 Warm bright day. I helped iron this morning. Aunt Isora went home this afternoon, as Letsy is to graduate tomorrow night. I was over to the Jarvis' most all afternoon. Wednesday, May 17, 1916 Rainy today and cool. Mama, Gladys and I went to see "Making Over Mrs. Matt," May Robson playing the part. It certainly was good. Thursday, May 18, 1916 Rained hard this afternoon and is quite cool. I went to Mrs. McQuilkin and had a treatment this morning. Mama and papa came along in the car and we went out to Uncle Ellis'. Graduation Exercises were held in the Armory this evening. I arranged the flowers on the stage and there sure were a bunch. Friday, May 19, 1916 Beautiful warm day. Edith, Marion Summers, Clement Summers and I played tennis up at Briggs this afternoon. Saturday, May 20, 1916 Beautiful today. Edith, Marion, Howard Land and I played tennis up at Briggs' this afternoon. Ed Hatfield was married this afternoon. He married Violet Hersey. Mama, papa and I had supper at Dr. Johnson's. Sunday, May 21, 1916 Beautiful today until about four when it just rained awful hard and has been keeping it up pretty well. I went to Park today with Gladys, Ernesteen and Edith. Monday, May 22, 1916 Sun shone the greater part of the day but it was cool. It is raining very hard tonight. I went to Dr. Johnson's this morning to see about my finger. I had a thorn in it and mama took it out but it swelled up and got so bad I went to him. It was the beginning of blood poison. It is better tonight. I went to see Mrs. McGavern about taking summer school. I begin next Monday. Tuesday, May 23, 1916 Rained and hailed hard most all day cold. Edith and I went to Gladys' this evening. I got a letter from George. Wednesday, May 24, 1916 Cool, sun shone a little. Rained hard. Letsy and mother came up today. I took a treatment of Mrs. McQuilkin today. Thursday, May 25, 1916 Fair day. Letsy, Edith, Ernesteen, Cora and I walked up to five mile falls today. Friday, Mary 26, 1916 Warm but a beautiful day. I came home with Letsy. Dorothy Smith had a party and I went up there with the girls. We danced and had a good time. Saturday, May 27, 1916 Beautiful but hot day. Eight of us girls went out on picnic. We took a few pictures and had a dandy time. The girls gave a party tonight. After refreshments Horton Beeman and I went to the dance. Some of the others went also. Sunday, May 28, 1916 Grand beautiful day. Letsy, Lloyd Miller and I went up and played tennis at the school. I got home today. Monday, May 29, 1916 Rather cool today. I started in summer school today. Tuesday, May 30, 1916 We went to Sams Valley to clean and decorate the graves and back by Gold Hill. Beautiful but cool day. Learned today that Ellis Neil committed suicide by inhaling gas. It was done Sunday evening. Wednesday, May 31, 1916 Cool this morning. Warm this afternoon. Ellis Neil was buried today. I attended summer school this morning. Memoranda
Thursday, June 1, 1916 Fair day. Rained this afternoon. Mrs. Ed Thornton died yesterday in Eugene. Friday, June 2, 1916 Warm today. Folks, uncle Ellis and Aunt Nellie went to Sams Valley. Mr. Clyde died this morning in Phoenix. Saturday, June 3, 1916 Warm all day. Beautiful. Sunday, June 4, 1916 Beautiful day. Dr. Johnson and wife, Mrs. McQuilkin, Mr. and Mrs. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Holibough, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Caldwell and Mary, mama, papa and I went up Wagner Creek today and had our dinner and supper. Had a fine time. Monday, June 5, 1916 Rather cool. Tuesday, June 6, 1916 Warm beautiful day. Wednesday, June 7, 1916 Lovely day. Mama and I went to town this afternoon and went in to the matinee. Thursday, June 8, 1916 Beautiful and warm. Friday, June 9, 1916 Fair day. Cold this evening. I went to the Pageant in the Park tonight. Grandpa came today. Saturday, June 10, 1916 Lovely warm day. Marian Summers and I played tennis this afternoon. Mama and I went to the show this evening. "Owen Moore" and "Dorothy Gish" played. Sunday, June 11, 1916 Hot day. Edith, Ernesteen, Cora, Louise, Gladys and I walked up the canyon and had our lunch this morning. I got home about six. Uncle Albert, Aunt Nellie, Cecil, Rowan and a boy friend of theirs were here for supper tonight. Monday, June 12, 1916 Hot day. Aunt Isora came up today. I got a letter from George. Tuesday, June 13, 1916 Hot day. Wednesday, June 14, 1916 Hot day. Gladys, Peryl Wilshire and I went to park to the band concert. Thursday, June 15, 1916 Hot day. Mama, Edith, Gladys and I went to the Park tonight to get some Lithia water. Friday, June 16, 1916 Hot day. Saturday, June 17, 1916 Rained and we had thunder and lightning. Mama and I went to the show. Sunday, June 18, 1916 Warm this morning. Mama, papa, Aunt Isora and I went to the park this afternoon. Dorothy Smith and father and mother, Verne Milam and father were up in the Milam car. Monday, June 19, 1916 Rather cold today and rained some. Tuesday, June 20, 1916 Cool today. Rained. Mrs. Farrar was buried today. Cherry (Ethel) Starkey died four o'clock this morning. Mama and I went to the show tonight, "He Fell In Love With His Wife." Wednesday, June 21, 1916 Warm today. Mama and I went to Band Concert. Thursday, June 22, 1916 Warm. Edith and I went to Armory to practice for Military Marching as we girls are to all be in the parade the fourth. Friday, June 23, 1916 Fair day. Saturday, June 24, 1916 Fair day, rained some. Mama and I went to the show tonight. Sunday, June 25, 1916 Warm, rained some. Marian Summers and I went up to the park. Mama and I went to Mrs. Grant's in the evening. Papa went out this afternoon to the Moore Ranch with the Grubb boys to help hay. Monday, June 26, 1916 Cool, rained. Edith and I went to Armory to practice. Tuesday, June 27, 1916 Cool. Rained some. I went to Armory tonight and came to the Lodge and waited for mama. Wednesday, June 28, 1916 Cool. Rained some. I went to Armory tonight. Thursday, June 29, 1916 Warm. Mama and I went to Presbyterian Church to the Musicale tonight. Papa came home tonight. Friday, June 30, 1916 Cool. Rain. Memoranda
Saturday, July 1, 1916 Cool. Sunday, July 2, 1916 Cool. Mr. and Mrs. Million came this morning. We took them out riding this afternoon in the Park and down to the depot and out around to the Round-Up Grounds. Marie Weisenburger was elected queen and Mr. Bergner King. Monday, July 3, 1916 Grand day. Warm. Went to the Armory this evening. I am at Cunningham's tonight and am going to stay all night. Tuesday, July 4, 1916 Beautiful, warm day. Town is crowded, just thousands of people here. I worked for Mr. Keene this morning. I was one of the Military Marching Girls and we got along fine. The Parade was beautiful. We went to see the fireworks tonight. They were just grand beautiful. [The m]an that gave them at the fair had charge here. Wednesday, July 5, 1916 Warm, grand day. Worked again this morning until 2 o'clock. Went to see day fireworks this evening. Saw Queen crowned (Marie Weisenburger). Thursday, July 6, 1916 Warm. Worked until 2 o'clock. Friday, July 7, 1916 Warm. Worked until 12 o'clock. Went to the Chautauqua this evening. Saturday, July 8, 1916 Warm. Went to Chautauqua this evening. Millions went home today, took Mildred with them. Sunday, July 9, 1916 Warm, pleasant day. We went to Park and train. Monday, July 10, 1916 Hot. Went to Chautauqua afternoon and evening. Tuesday, July 11, 1916 Hot. Attended Chautauqua. Wednesday, July 12, 1916 Hot. Took part of my English exam today. Attended Chautauqua. Attended Larimore's class. Mr. Tozier was up for dinner today. Thursday, July 13, 1916 Hot. The Edington girls here for dinner. We went to Uncle Ellis' and then to Chautauqua. Friday, July 14, 1916 Hot. Attended Chautauqua. Saturday, July 15, 1916 Cool. Sunday, July 16, 1916 Cool. Rained hard last night. Rained most all day. I went down to the Hodges' Camp in the park. Dorothy Smith, Hattie and Letsy are going to stay all night with me. Monday, July 17, 1916 Warm. Went to Chautauqua tonight. Went with Hodges kids, Dorothy Smith and Newtons to Helman's but did not go in as Larimore's class of boys were in. Tuesday, July 18, 1916 Warm. Mr. Root was elected President of the Chautauqua for next term and Mr. Smith Vice President. Wednesday, July 19, 1916 Hot. My cousins Hattie, Letsy and Millie Hodges, Nora Newton and Bessie Newton and Homer Elhart and myself started out for Mt. Ashland at seven o'clock this morning in Mr. Storey's big wagon. He took [us] to the end of the government road, we ate dinner and walked on up to Gribble's Cabin for the night. Some people we had met on the road had fixed up a dandy fir bed. 5 deer in camp all night kept everyone awake but me. Thursday, July 20, 1916 Hot. Got up 3 o'clock this morning. Started at 3:35 for top. Arrived at top of Mt. Ashland at 5 o'clock. Ate breakfast at 6. The sunrise on the mountains and valleys certainly was beautiful. Very clear, could see at great distances. Coming back we slid down large snow banks (Lots of fun). Came back to Gribble's camp, packed bedding and eats, walked down to a spring on Gov't. Road, ate dinner. Walked to Long's Cabin, rested an hour then walked home. We all had a fine time. Heard Mr. Danford died Tuesday evening. Friday, July 21, 1916 Warm. The bunch that went to Mr. Ashland (with Mr. Flint added) and myself went in swimming at Helman's after supper. Had a splendid time. Saturday, July 22, 1916 Went to East Side school to take a collateral test. Sunday, July 23, 1916 Mama and I went to church this morning. Mama, papa, Grandpa and I went to Aunt Isora's camp in Park and had dinner. Hattie and I walked up to get some Lithia water and hear the band play. Monday, July 24, 1916 Warm. Papa went to work up on the mountain for Uncle Frank. I found out I passed my test I took Saturday. So I am a Senior now. Tuesday, July 25, 1916 Cool. Millie and aunt Isora were up a little while this evening. Mama went to lodge this evening. Wednesday, July 26, 1916 Cool. I went to the Park to hear band concert with Edith and Mrs. Moody. Thursday, July 27, 1916 Fair day. Gladys and I had our lunch in Park then went to Helman's to watch the people swim. Friday, July 28, 1916 Fair day. Aunt Isora and girls went home this morning. Saturday, July 29, 1916 Fair day. Warm. We went to Medford in our car to see "The Birth of a Nation." The Slingerland girls went with us. It sure was fine and the orchestra was grand. Sunday, July 30, 1916 Hot. Have an awful cold. Went to Lithia Park in our car this afternoon then drove down to the depot. Monday, July 31, 1916 Fair day. Memoranda
Tuesday, August 1, 1916 Medium day. Wednesday, August 2, 1916 Warm. Went to Gold Hill in car. Papa had to go on business. Gladys, Edith, Pearl Wil-- and myself went in swimming at Helman's this evening. Thursday, August 3, 1916 Cool. Getting ready to go to Sacramento in car. Millie is going with us. Friday, August 4, 1916 Warm. Still busy fixing for trip. Went to Park to Band Concert. The band from Oakland, Cal. Played. Saturday, August 5, 1916 Warm. Went to Mrs. Wineland's and had my corn taken out. Sunday, August 6, 1916 Warm. Went to depot this afternoon and met Millie. Monday, August 7, 1916 Warm. Left Ashland at 6 o'clock this morn in car (Millie, Mama, papa and I). Got about 4 mi. out of Yreka and the ox [sic--axle?] broke. Wonder hadn't broken before as it was hanging as it were by one thread (figure of speech). Towed back into Yreka. Ate dinner in a shady little nook, just off a bridge in town. Mr. Peters, whom we got acquainted with, took us out riding in his Overland car this afternoon, taking us out to the gold dredger which we climbed on and went all over. Took us to the Court House and Jail and all over town. Had our lunch in a room at the Clarendon Hotel where we have 2 rooms. Went out walking afterwards and met Ernesteen Hicks and her brother and wife whom she is visiting. Tuesday, August 8, 1916 Warm. Left Yreka today about half past five and arrived at Dunsmuir at nine. Secured a double room at [omission] with private bath and toilet at Palm Hotel. It is a beautiful room. We ate supper in a little restaurant downtown. Wednesday, August 9, 1916 Warm. Left Dunsmuir about six this morning; ate our breakfast before we left. We ate our lunch in a Garage at Redding. Rode all day and reached a little town called Germantown where we secured two rooms. We ate our supper at a restaurant. Thursday, August 10, 1916 Warm. Left Germantown early this morning and ate our breakfast at a café in Willows. Reached Sacramento at twelve. No one was at home but we got into the house and Peryl and her mother came presently. Cedric was up to Roseville firing for the S.P. We ate our dinner then took a sponge bath then Mille and I went to town. Friday, August 11, 1916 Sacramento, Calif. Warm. Mama, papa, Millie and I went to town and shopped. We bought some things for lunch and went up to the Capitol grounds and ate it. Afterwards we walked all around the grounds, then Millie and papa and I went up to the Capitol dome. All of us then went to the matinee then mama, Millie and I went shopping again. Got home about five. After supper we all (except Peryl's mother) went up to Roseville in car to see Cedric. Saturday, August 12, 1916 Sacramento, Calif. Warm. I was sick in bed all morning. We (mama, papa, Millie and myself) went out to Sutter's Fort then to Millions' then thru the flour mill five stories high. All of us except Mr. Holgate but with Bonnie Roper added went out to Joyland and spent the evening. Sunday, August 13, 1916 Sacramento, Calif. Cool. All of us except Mrs. Holgate went to the Theater this afternoon. Monday, August 14, 1916 Sacramento. Cool. All of us except Mrs. Holgate went to Roseville this evening to see Cedric. Tuesday, August 15, 1916 Vallejo. Cool. Millie, mama, papa and I came over here today. We started from Sacramento at a little after ten and got here after five. We had one blowout. This evening I played the piano and Uncle Bert played the violin. Wednesday, August 16, 1916 Vallejo. Warm. Mama, papa, aunt Minnie, Millie and I went to Mare Island this afternoon. Thursday, August 17, 1916 Vallejo. Warm. Millie, mama and I went to San Francisco today this morning and came back late this evening. We went out to Cliff House, Fair grounds and all over the city. Friday, August 18, 1916 Vallejo. Warm. Mama, papa, aunt Minnie, Millie and I went over to Petaluma this morning and got back about half past six. We went to see Mr. Job Tozer, his son and wife and children. We went on over to see the Helmans. There are the most beautiful white chickens in that country. Saturday, August 19, 1916 Vallejo. Warm. Folks all went to town this afternoon except myself. Aunt Minnie, mama, Millie and I went to the dance here tonight. I was the only one who danced and I had most every dance. I sure had a swell time. Sunday, August 20, 1916 Sacramento. Hot. We came over here today, got here about half past four. Madame Stewart, Peryl's French teacher, was here for supper. Kenneth Cummings came to visit but would not stay for supper. All of us except the Madame and Mrs. Holgate went out riding after supper. Cedric came in just before supper. Monday, August 21, 1916 Sacramento. Hot. Cedric went home today. I slept all afternoon. Tuesday, August 22, 1916 [Sacramento.] Hot. All went to Strand Theater [in] evening. Mama, Millie and I went to Empress this afternoon. All went down to Purity Paper Bottle Company. I weigh 98¾. I saw Earl Mix in the Neve Drug Store where he works. Wednesday, August 23, 1916 [Sacramento.] Went to Market this morning. Went to Empress this afternoon. Drove up to Roseville in evening to see Cedric. Hot. Thursday, August 24, 1916 Red Bluff. Hot--Hotter--Hottest. Left Sacramento in car (going home) at six o'clock. Had a little tire trouble. Stopped in the shade of eucalyptus grove to rest. Met a family there who were returning to southern California after traveling all thru Canada. Rested for about four hours. It was dreadfully hot--not a breeze even. Went on our way. Bought some grapes at a farm house the other side of Corning. Were informed that it was 115° in the shade in afternoon. Reached Red Bluff at 8:30. Going to stay all night. Friday, August 25, 1916 Dunsmuir. Warm. Left Red Bluff about five. Arrived here at six. Have same room as we did when we went down. Ate supper & went down to depot to see train come in. Saturday, August 26, 1916 Ashland. Warm. Left Dunsmuir about seven. Stopped at Shasta Springs and got drink. It was sprinkling and wind blowing terrible this side of Hornbrook. Warm over here. Reached home 5:30. Sunday, August 27, 1916 Hot night last night. Hot today. Thunder and lightning, some rain. Tozer was here all day--had dinner and supper here. Brought us a box of candy. Beulah, Bob, Mary and Mrs. Caldwell spent the evening here. Monday, August 28, 1916 Warm--cloudy--wind blew hard this evening, thundered and some lightning. Millie went home on evening train. Went to the depot in car. Edith was over this evening. Tuesday, August 29, 1916 Warm. Went to Rebekah Fifth Tuesday doings. Danced and had a fine time. Wednesday, August 30, 1916 Warm, kinda hot. Edith and Louise Gillette were over this afternoon. I went to town in afternoon. Thursday, August 31, 1916 Warm. Went to town this afternoon to mail a letter and two cards. Got a letter from Cedric. Went over to Edith's for a little while this evening. Memoranda
Friday, September 1, 1916 Warm. Hattie, Millie, Letsy, Lloyd Miller, Deacon Walker and Mr. Wood came up here last night and rousted us out of bed and we came down and talked to them. Mama and I went down to see Mrs. Wineland this evening, then we went to the show. Saturday, September 2, 1916 Warm. I went to Mrs. Wineland's and had my corn taken out. Went to Ernesteen's this evening. Sunday, September 3, 1916 Fair day. Cool in latter part of afternoon. Went with the girls to the Park to hear the Band concert given by The Dunsmuir Band. We all (5 of us) rode down to the depot with mama and papa. Then mama and papa went to Uncle Ellis' and the girls came home with me for supper. We girls went to the show in the evening. Monday, September 4, 1916 Fair. Went to school this morning to prepare for the beginning of school. I am a Senior now. Went to Helen Cunningham's to a little farewell party for Marguerite Hammond this afternoon. Edith and Gladys were over a little while this evening. Grandpa came home today. Tuesday, September 8, 1916 Fair. Went to Odd Fellows social in evening. Wednesday, September 6, 1916 Fair. Went to Band Concert in Park this evening. Thursday, September 7, 1916 Fair. Cool in evening. Priscilla Carnahan was up here this evening to study German. Friday, September 8, 1916 Fair, rained hard from about 4:30 on. Mama, papa and grandpa went to Rogue River to the Venison Barbecue. Did not get home until after eight. Edith was over this evening. Saturday, September 9, 1916 Fair. Cool. Mama and I went to the show tonight. Sunday, September 10, 1916 Warm, beautiful clear day. Mama, papa, grandpa and I went to Baptist church this morning to hear Preacher Hicks. I went to the park with Edith, Gladys and Emma. The concert was fine. Not many people out. Monday, September 11, 1916 Warm. Edith was over here a little while this evening. I observed in the Third grade of the East School today. Tuesday, September 12, 1916 Warm. Mama went to lodge tonight. I wrote a theme for Teacher's Training this evening. Wednesday, September 12, 1916 Hot. I went to the Band Concert in park this evening. Thursday, September 14, 1916 Very hot. Mama and I went to the Park to get Lithia water about nine o'clock tonight. Papa went to work for Mr. Van Dyke out on a farm today. Friday, September 15, 1916 Very hot. Mama and I went to Medford to the County Fair this afternoon. School was dismissed early. Isolene Campbell and Zelda Heer were with us all day and came home with us. We all went on the special train. Aunt Isora came up this morning. We also went up to the dance in Medford. I danced twice. Saturday, September 16, 1916 Hot. Laid around sick all day. Wrote my lesson plans for Teacher's Training in afternoon. Aunt Isora went home today. Sunday, September 17, 1916 Hot. All of us went to church this morning to hear Preacher Hicks. Went to hear Band Concert in Park in afternoon. Studied my lessons until late in evening. Monday, September 18, 1916 Quite warm. Did my first practice teaching in third grade. Got a letter from George. Tuesday, September 19, 1916 Hot. Received a letter from Virginia M. Wednesday, September 20, 1916 Hot. Went to park with mama, Peryl W. and Gladys. Thursday, September 21, 1916 Warm. Went to park this evening to Band Concert. Friday, September 22, 1916 Warm. Folks made strawberry ice cream this evening. Mama made a cake. Gladys and Edith were over after supper. Saturday, September 23, 1916 Cool. Studied some this afternoon. Washed this morning. Washed my hair this afternoon. Studied this evening. Sunday, September 24, 1916 Fair. Mama and I went to church. Rev. Haynes preached. Fine sermon. Studied all afternoon and evening. Uncle Ellis and aunt Nellie were here for dinner. Edith came over in afternoon. Monday, September 25, 1916 Cool. Studied in evening. Tuesday, September 26, 1916 Fair. Studied this evening. Aunt Isora sent us some venison by Mary Young. Had it for supper. Was dandy. Went to town after supper to mail letter and see Dr. [omission] Wednesday, September 27, 1916 Warm. I weigh 97 pounds. Studied this evening until late. Mama went to show. Thursday, September 28, 1916 Hot. Went to Mrs. Wineland's after school to have my scalp treated. Studied this evening. Friday, September 29, 1916 Warm. The McGilvrays were here this evening. Saturday, September 30, 1916 Warm. Mama and I went to show this evening. Memorandum
Sunday, October 1, 1916 Cold. Mr. and Mrs. Heberlie were here for dinner. We took them and Mrs. Heberlie's sister, Mrs. Leathers, out for a ride this afternoon. Monday, October 2, 1916 Cold. Papa went to work for Billings digging ditch. Tuesday, October 3, 1916 Cold. Frost last night. Wednesday, October 4, 1916 Warm. Fair day. Thursday, October 5, 1916 Fair day. We Oregon Trail Girls went up to Fern's Glen and had a picnic after school this evening. There were only seven of us. Many of them could not go. Studied this evening. Folks and grandpa went to Jacksonville to the Pioneers' Reunion. Friday, October 6, 1916 Fair day. Our German class gave Miss Kennard a surprise party after school. She is going to Virginia to live. We had the lunch up in the lunch room. We had the table decorated with flowers. Our menu was: salad, sandwiches, pickles, tea, bologna, and cake. Priscilla played the victrola all the time we were eating. After the first piece, I presented Miss Kennard with an A.H.S. spoon with this speech: Wir, ihre dritte Klasse auf Deutsch geben Sie diesen kleinen Geschenk so Sie will uns nich vergessen wenn Sie sind weit und weit ab. [We, your third class in German, give you this little gift so you won't forget us when you're far away.] Saturday, October 7, 1916 Warm beautiful day. I went to town this afternoon. Mama, Gladys and I went to the show this evening. Sunday, October 8, 1916 Friday. Mama and I went to church this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins were up this afternoon. Monday, October 9, 1916 Warm, very nice. Went to Mrs. Wineland's this eve. after school Tuesday, October 10, 1916 Warm. Do not have to go to school tomorrow on account of Teachers' Institute. Go back to school next Monday. Got a letter from George today. Wednesday, October 11, 1916 Fair day, almost warm. Mama and I went to Medford this morning and back about 2 o'clock. Went down to look for shoes for me and suits for mama. Did not get either. Shoes are $4. and up. Very, very expensive this year on account of lack of leather. Suits are very very expensive also. Cheap suit is $35. Vivian Greer was married today to Harvey Ling. Thursday, October 12, 1916 Warm. Gladys was over this evening. Friday, October 13, 1916 Warm. Mama and I went to Mrs. Wineland's for shampoos. Slingerland girls were here all evening, also Mrs. Caldwell. Grandpa went over to McGilvrays' to play cards. Saturday, October 14, 1916 Warm. Went to town this morning and took Mrs. Wineland some peaches, pears and some chicken. Went to town again this afternoon. Went to see Miss Johnson about lesson plans. Mr. and Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. Driscol were up to get water this afternoon to take home with them because water in Medford is horrible. Papa got home this eve. Sunday, October 15, 1916 Warm. Mama and I went down to Lithia Park to see and hear the Ladies of the Hughes Golden Special speak. Mary Antin was one of them to speak. She was great. Papa is for Hughes, mama and grandpa and I for Wilson. I studied tonight. Monday, October 16, 1916 Warm. I studied tonight. Tuesday, October 17, 1916 Warm. Mama went to Medford to lodge tonight. Mr. and Mrs. McGilvray were over this evening. He came to play crib and she had her embroidery. I tatted. Wednesday, October 18, 1916 Fair day. I studied late tonight. Thursday, October 19, 1916 Fair day, quite warm. Studied late this evening. Friday, October 20, 1916 Warm. Went to show tonight with Priscilla and Amy Leswith. Saturday, October 21, 1916 Fair day. Went to town twice today. Papa came home this evening. Sunday, October 22, 1916 Fair day. Papa and mama went out to Granite City Hospital to see Mrs. Heberlie, who was operated on for appendicitis by Dr. Swedenberg. It was done Friday. She is getting along nicely. Wrote to George this evening. Monday, October 23, 1916 Warm. Gladys was over. Tuesday, October 24, 1916 Fair. Studied tonight. Mama went to lodge. Wednesday, October 25, 1916 Fair. Went to show at Vining. High School had a big rally after. We yelled, marched up and down the streets and had a bonfire below the Vining. Thursday, October 26, 1916 Fair day. Went to Foot-Ball game on High School grounds. A.H.S. played Klamath Falls High. Dandy game. A.H.S.
K.F.H.S. 6 Friday, October 27, 1916 Fair day. Cloudy, looked like rain. Mama and I went down to Natatorium and watched them dance tonight. It was a costume dance. Saturday, October 28, 1916 Cool. Went to town today and bought me a pair of shoes. Went to the Woodman Circle social tonight. Papa came home. Sunday, October 29, 1916 Cool. Cloudy, sprinkled some. Mama and papa went to Gold Hill to get some apples. I got up late this morning so Grandpa and I had dinner late. Monday, October 30, 1916 Fair day. Studied tonight. Tuesday, October 31, 1916 Halloween. Fair day. Mama and papa went to Medford to Rebekah convention. Went early this morning. I went up to Summers' to a little party. I dressed up in Cedric's military dress suit. Those there were: Edith Moody, Flora Provost, Amy Leavitt, Alda Heer, Mac Cracken, Marian Summers and myself. We pulled taffy. We had popcorn, cider, cookies, doughnuts and apples to eat. Had a dandy time. Fred Dodge had both arms cut off last night when joining two cars that had pulled apart. He died today about 3:30. Leaves a wife and baby. Memoranda
Wednesday, November 1, 1916 Fair day. Edith, Gladys and I went to Vining tonight to see Jose and hear him sing. He is one of the world's best tenor singers. He was the man who made "Silver Threads Among the Gold" famous. This was the picture they had tonight and he was one of the actors in it. He is tall and very fat and has gray hair. He used to be a blacksmith. It was a dandy show. Thursday, November 2, 1916 Fair day. Studied until 11 o'clock tonight. Mama went down to Auntie's for dinner today. Aunt Elizabeth Nessley is here (85 yrs). Aunty had Mrs. Kellogg of Medford, Ralph and Myrtle, Ellen, Aunt and mama and Ellen's children Ruth and Frank. Friday, November 3, 1916 Fair day. Sprinkled some this eve. Wind blowing. Mama had Mrs. Kellog, Aunty and Aunt Elizabeth up for dinner. Mama and Mrs. Caldwell went down to a house near Billings' to see some second-hand goods, etc. tonight. Saturday, November 4, 1916 Cool, hailed some. Went to town this afternoon, came home and read all the rest time and have been reading all this evening. Lorna Doone, a collateral. Sunday, November 5, 1916 Cool, rained. Read "Lorna Doone" more all day. Monday, November 6, 1916 Cool, rained most all day. Got out of school 2:30 this afternoon on account of the unveiling of the Lincoln monument in the park. Tomorrow is national election day. Presidential election. I do not have to go to school tomorrow. Tuesday, November 7, 1916 Sun shone most all day but was very cold. We had Homer, wife, and children (2), Aunt Elizabeth and auntie here for dinner. Today is election. Candidates for Pres. and Vice Pres. Mama and grandpa voted for Wilson, and papa for Hughes. [Oregon women won the right to vote in 1912, but the right to vote in federal elections did not occur until 1919.] Wednesday, November 8, 1916 Fair day. Heavy frost last night. Cold today. Votes are coming in from some of the states. Wilson seems to be ahead. Hurrah! It is very exciting. Thursday, November 9, 1916 Heavy frost this morning. Cold most all day. Sky clear tonight. Foggy most part of day--very light out tonight. Edith and Mrs. Caldwell were here this evening. Mrs. Blue and mother were here to see mama today. Wilson is still ahead. Friday, November 10, 1916 Fair day. Frost this morn. Sun shone brightly but was cold. We invited Mrs. Million for supper. Mama, Mrs. Million and I went to show after supper. Mrs. Million is to stay all night. Woodrow Wilson is elected President of the United States. Saturday, November 11, 1916 Fair day. Heavy frost this morn. Sun shown brightly all day but was cold. Mama and I went to the sale at Art Shop this morning. We bought a few Christmas cards and booklets and some writing material. I went to town this afternoon to get a book for school. Went to creamery for buttermilk this eve. Papa came home this evening. Mama went to Medford tonight to attend the Democratic rally. Sunday, November 12, 1916 Cold--wind blew hard all day--frost this morning. We all went to Slingerlands' for dinner. Had a fine dinner and a good time. Edith and Gladys were over this evening. We played and sang. Mama made a little lunch of coffee and sandwiches and served it. We had apples and nuts to eat also. Monday, November 13, 1916 Cold--frost this morn. Wind blew all day. Studied this evening. Tuesday, November 14, 1916 Cold--frost this morning. Wind blew most all day. Studied this evening. Mama went to lodge. Wednesday, November 15, 1916 Cool. Studied tonight. Received a letter and box of candy from George (Sewell). I didn't bet with him but just because I was for Wilson and he for Hughes and Wilson won he sent me the box. Thursday, November 16, 1916 Cool this evening. Quite pleasant today. Cold tonight. Studied tonight. Friday, November 17, 1916 Fair day, rather cool. Went to A.H.S. Rally downtown tonight. Went to the show first. Saturday, November 18, 1916 Fair day. Rained some, rather cool. Medford beat Ashland in game of foot ball 7 to 0. I went. It was a fine game, just pure luck that Med. made a touch down. Ashland made all the yardage. Sunday, November 19, 1916 Fair day. Went to Sunday School, M.E. church with Gertrude Barber. Monday, November 20, 1916 Cool but fair day. Commenced practice teaching in Mr. McGavern's room today. Edith and mother were over this evening and I was trying to study. Tuesday, November 21, 1916 Warm this afternoon--cold this morning and evening. Studied this eve. Have been suffering with a strained Achilles tendon for about a week. Not much better yet. Very painful. Wednesday, November 22, 1916 Cool. Went to Doctor Boslough today to see about my foot. Mama and I went to the Wednesday Club Bazaar this evening. Then went to Vining. "Seven Sisters," Marguerite Clark. Fine show. Thursday, November 23, 1916 Cool. Mrs. Million was here for supper. Mama went to Lodge social tonight. I stayed home and studied. Friday, November 24, 1916 Mighty heavy frost on ground this morning. Foggy most all day. I went to box social at High School Gym tonight. My box sold the highest ($2.95). Harlie Holmes bought it. [Sketch of box with ribbon]
Mama made
the box. I did not have time. Covered with white crepe paper
napkins which were bordered with pink flowers. Had a pink ribbon on it.Saturday, November 25, 1916 Rained last night. Rained most all day. We girls of the O.M.C.C. are trying to revise the club. I had them over here this afternoon. Gertrude Moore could not come. The others were Edith Moody, Louise Gillette, Ruth Brown, Helen Cunningham and myself. Millie Hodges came just [as] the girls were about to leave (my cousin). Mama and papa went to lodge this eve. Sunday, November 26, 1916 Beautiful sun shiny day. Turned cool towards 4 o'clock. Warm the forepart of day. Mama and Millie went to Library this afternoon. Papa went up in Mts. again. Monday, November 27, 1916 Cool. Studied tonight. Tuesday, November 28, 1916 Fair day. Cool. Gladys & Edith were over this evening. Mama and Millie went up to Bosloughs' to see some baby clothes she had to sell. Mama bought a little nightgown for Mrs. Andy Payne. Mama went to lodge and Millie came. Wednesday, November 29, 1916 Cool. Owing to Miss Mathews' sickness, I taught her grade all day. I never had even observed in there. 1st grade. After school I hurried home and got ready to come to Gold Hill. Millie and I came to Medford in a Ford. Train was late so we went to see Saito who keeps Jap. Store, then went to see Mrs. Applegate. Took the train and came to G. H. Deacon and Aunt Isora met us about 8:30. Thursday, November 30, 1916 Thanksgiving. Gold Hill. Cool, rained some. Mrs. Upton was over for dinner. Mr. Upton had to stay home and fix his car. We had a fine dinner. Hattie and Letsy went with Mr. and Mrs. Upton up to Medford to see football game between Ashland and Med. Medford won 10 to 0. Millie and I fixed our costumes for the dance (masquerade) up at Sams Valley tonight. I am going to dress in my gypsy costume. Hattie is going to dress in my Dutch cos. Millie in Japanese cos. Letsy in Indian. Deacon in Clown. Dean Dilly in Charlie Chase. Memoranda
Friday, December 1, 1916 Cool. Sun shone little bit. Had a splendid time at dance, didn't get home until 4 o'clock this morning. Millie, Hattie, Deacon, Dean, Owen Wood (driver) and myself rode in Ford car up and back. Deacon hired it from stable. Didn't get up until 9 o'clock. Came home tonight on evening train. Ate supper, pressed my pongee, put it on and went to Parish House dance and didn't get home till 12 o'clock. Cecil Norton brought me home. Had a fine time. Saturday, December 2, 1916 Cold, raining. Papa came home. I studied this evening. Sunday, December 3, 1916 Cool, rained some. Went to Sunday School and church. Sat in church with Miss Blair of Portland. She is a young girl I met at the dance at P.H. the other night. Went over to Gillettes' this afternoon to write a Brief for a debate. Mama went to Elks Memorial this afternoon. Ekron came in this evening for a little while then went back to Hensleys'. Monday, December 4, 1916 Warm in afternoon. Sunshine--cold this evening--rained. I studied this eve. Tuesday, December 5, 1916 Cool--cold--snowed some this afternoon. Studied this evening. Wednesday, December 6, 1916 Snowed some last night. Melted by this evening--cold. Mr. Vining spoke before the A.H.S. assembly this morning. Fine lecture. Edith and Gladys were over tonight. Thursday, December 7, 1916 Cold. Studied hard this eve. Ekron and Edith were over little while. Friday, December 8, 1916 Cool--snowed some today. Mama, Ekron and I went to A.H.S. gym to see anniversary play tonight. It was fine. "Elopement of Ellen." Aunt Isora came up today. Saturday, December 9, 1916 Cool. Some snow still on ground. Went to town with Ekron this afternoon. Ekron is going to stay all night here. Aunt Isora went home. Sunday, December 10, 1916 Cool--snow still on ground--frozen hard. Went to Sunday school and church. Ekron went home. Monday, December 11, 1916 Cool. Froze last night. Studied some tonight. Wrote three letters. Tuesday, December 12, 1916 Cool. Snow still on ground. Edith was over tonight and we studied. Wednesday, December 13, 1916 Cool. Studied tonight. Miss Ringheim gave us a talk in Gym on Yellowstone Park this morning. There were pictures thrown on screen to illustrate. Thursday, December 14, 1916 very cold night last night. Sun shone brightly today. Just a beautiful day. Ernestine, Edith, Rosie and Miriam Banks were here tonight to study Civics. Mrs. Caldwell and Beulah also were here. Went to town about 9 o'clock to see big fire. Allen Cunningham block. Wasn't out yet when we came in, 11 o'clock. Awful fire. Millie and Deacon were married today. Friday, December 15, 1916 Cool. Priscilla Carnahan and I went to picture show tonight. Marguerite Clark. Fine. Saturday, December 16, 1916 Warm but had to wear heavy clothes. Mama and I went to town and library this afternoon. I went to Ernie's to party tonight. Tomorrow she will be 18. Those there were: Flora Provost, Grace Buck, Aileen Walker, Gladys Applegate, Edith Moody, Emma Koehler, Ernesteen Hicks, Cora Divet, Louise Gillette, Helen Cunningham and myself. Sunday, December 17, 1916 Fair day. Went to Sunday School. Auntie and Uncle Frank here for dinner. All folks except grandpa and I went out to Walkers' this afternoon to see Aunt Mary Ann, who will be 90 tomorrow. I rode down to express office with them and sent my box of mistletoe etc. to George. All of us "kids" that were at Ernie's with exception of Flora and Grace, who could not go, went out to Aileen Walker's tonight. Had a fine time. Monday, December 18, 1916 Fair day. Studied tonight. Mama went to Auxiliary Club. Tuesday, December 19, 1916 Fair day. I met mama down town when I was coming home from school so she and I went all over town shopping. George sent me a green silk umbrella for Christmas. Received it today. It is a beauty and I sure needed one and I dearly love green. Edith was over this eve. to hear me give my side (negative) of the debate for tomorrow. "Capital Pun. should be abolished." Affirm. Wednesday, December 20, 1916 Cool. Edith was over this eve. She and I studied for Teacher's training quiz for tomorrow. Grace Bess came up for a few minutes in the forepart of the evening to practice a German song which I am going to play for her to sing. Thursday, December 21, 1916 Fair day. Rained some. Priscilla Carnahan was up here for little while to practice for our German program at school Friday. I played for her to sing by. Grace Bess was also up again. I studied tonight making out my lesson plan for tomorrow. I am practice teaching in the second grade. Friday, December 22, 1916 Cool. Snowed at intervals all day but only a little at a time, but tonight it just poured down and there is about three inches on ground. Mama and I went to town after supper to buy a few Christmas things. Bought some plates and post cards which we wrote and mailed. Have two weeks' vacation. Saturday, December 23, 1916 Snowed almost all last night, about 5 inches on ground this morning. Snowed most all day. Lot of snow tonight. Worked all day, making candy and doing one thing and another. Went to town three times. Received package from Aunt Ardilla. A beautiful bag for me and a wash rag for grandpa. Received another pkg. from Uncle Albert, etc. Something for each of us. Crocheted cap for me--it is a beauty. Sunday, December 24, 1916 Snowed some last night. Cool today. Went to Sunday School and church (M.E. Church). Made some candy. Mae Skeen gave me a sprig of holly, Gladys Applegate gave me a bunch of violets and Edith gave me an A.H.S. ring. I took Edith an A.H.S. ring. Took Mrs. Wineland a box of candy. Opened Peryl and Cedric's box. A cut glass hair receiver for me, something for mother and father also. Beulah Newman brought me a bag and mama a crocheted basket. Monday, December 25, 1916 Snowed a little. Aunt Isora, Hattie, Millie and husband, aunt Nellie and Uncle Ellis were here for dinner. Letsy stayed home to be with Lloyd. Lloyd stayed home because his sister was home from U. of O. I went with Hattie, Deacon, and papa to the depot to see Aunt Isora and Hattie put on train. Millie and her mother had gone to the Doctor's first. Millie and Deacon are going to stay the night here. Edith and Gladys were here a little while this eve. We went to Edith's to see her presents. I ate supper there. We went to Gladys' to see her presents. Tuesday, December 26, 1916 Cool out--not bad for snow being on ground. 6 inches still on. Edith and I went coasting this afternoon. I also went to town. In the evening I coasted with a bunch of young people until 9:30 o'clock. We coast on Manzanita Street. Turned cold in the [illegible]. Wednesday, December 27, 1916 Cooler today. Had some awful snow storms. Went to town once. Papa made hominy today. I did some studying tonight. Thursday, December 28, 1916 Cool. Priscilla Carnahan, Edith and I went to Wimer Street to slide. Stayed a little while then persuaded the [boys?] to come to Manzanita Street. After coasting, we went into Edith's and played "Pit." There were Priscilla, Edith, myself and Archie Eubanks, Harlie Holmes, Carroll Holmes. I went to Amy Leavitt's this aft. to a Sunday School class party. Mrs. Jack read fortunes. We played games, etc. Had cake and Jello mixture, candy to eat. Had a good time. Friday, December 29, 1916 Cool. Coldest night last night in 17 years. [illegible] above zero. Went to club over at Ruth Brown's this afternoon. All were there except Helen Cunningham. Had Cake and Cider, apples, candy and candied orange peel. After supper, a bunch of we young folks went coasting on Wimer Street. There were three "Bobs." After coasting we went to Maria Caldwell's and had [illegible]. "Eats" were: Chocolate, cider, [illegible], mince pie. Afterwards we divided into bunches and played different games such as Flinch. Saturday, December 30, 1916 Cool. Snowed some more tonight. Papa went to Medford. Got back about 4. Mama and I went to show tonight. Met Mrs. Moore down town and she went with us. Sunday, December 31, 1916 Cool. Fair. Went to Sunday School and church. Read a collateral most all day "Blue Flower." Mama and I went to the Slingerlands' and Danfords' this afternoon. [illegible] is sick in bed. This is the last day of the year 1916. I want to thank God for this year. It has been a happy one for me. Also we have had no severe illness in our family [illegible] very thankful too. The
End of 1916
Memoranda My Teachers
7th and 8th Grades
1st 2nd 3rd 4th years 1st Semester 1914
1st Semester (Feb.)
1st Semester (Feb. 1916)
1st Semester
Diary of Bernice Myer
for 1917 Age 17 yrs. the 12th of March 1917 Monday, January 1, 1917 Cool. Snowed lots--rained tonight. I went coasting this morning with Edith and Marian Summers. Finished my collateral this morn. Did some studying. Tuesday, January 2, 1917 Cool. Several hard snow storms--turned to rain then part rain and snow. About six inches of snow on ground until it began raining. Awful slushy and wet. All of us except grandpa went to Odd Fellow social tonight. Grand Patriarch was here. Wednesday, January 3, 1917 Fair day. Snow still on ground but very wet and slushy. Pressed my blue skirt and ironed a waist. Studied a good part of the afternoon. I am going to Medford tomorrow with a bunch of girls to visit High School. Went to town to get some oil paper. Thursday, January 4, 1917 Cool. Alda Heer, Priscilla Carnahan, Maria Caldwell, Amy Leavitt, Marian Summers and myself went to Medford to visit the High School. We took our lunches and some of our girl friends in Medford ordered a dessert and salmon loaf from the M.H.S. Cafeteria to go with them. We had a fine time. Was introduced to lots of people. One was Delbert Jones and he said he remembered me. Friday, January 5, 1917 Fair day. Mama fixed the neck of my green dress and I have been making some yellow and white tatting (all day) for a white collar to go on it. [sketch of tatted leaf]
Papa went
to Talent to see Mr.
Beeson who has been sick with a cancer
since June.pattern of tatting rings-yellows; spool thread white I set bread tonight. Saturday, January 6, 1917 Fair day, not so awful cold. Snow most all gone. Finished my tatting. It is over a yard. Ironed some this morn. Cleaned my room. Baked bread. Papa went to Gold Hill on early morning train. Grandpa not feeling well. Had Everett Acklin take him to Dr. Boslough's this afternoon. Dr. came here this eve. to give him a hypo. He said Grandpa was in awful condition--not be surprised if he went at any time. Sunday, January 7, 1917 Sun shone most all day. Went to Sunday School and church this morn. Grandpa about the same. Uncle Ellis and aunt Nellie were in awhile this afternoon. Edith was over a little while this eve. Doctor Boslough came again tonight to give hypo. Monday, January 8, 1917 Fair day. Mr. Emmett Beeson shot and killed himself today. Dr. here again tonight. Received a letter from George. Studied tonight. This eve I went to Priscilla's to practice. I am to play for her to sing before assembly. Tuesday, January 9, 1917 Fair day. Gladys was over this evening. Mama went to lodge. Dr. came again. I studied tonight. Wednesday, January 10, 1917 Sun shone this morning and part of afternoon. Foggy latter part of morn and latter part of afternoon. Studied tonight. Sent my picture to George. Dr. was here tonight. Thursday, January 11, 1917 Cool. Foggy good part of the day. Finished all my practice teaching today. Stayed at school to practice with Priscilla. She is to sing before assembly tomorrow; I am to play for her. Friday, January 12, 1917 Cool. Foggy in morning. I went to Priscilla's tonight. She had a number of "kids" (girls) there. Miss Lennart read our tea cups. Saturday, January 13, 1917 Lovely, sun shiny day. Felt comfortable with coats on. Helen had the club this afternoon (I went). She invited two extra, Gertrude Barber and Agnes Hedberg. Had a fine time. Chocolate and cake for refreshments. Helen is going to go to live with her great-grandmother in Los Angeles. Mama and I went to show tonight. Sunday, January 14, 1917 Grand sun shiny day. Went to Sunday school and church (M.E. church). Read most afternoon (Woman's Home Companion). Doctor was here this eve. Aunt Nellie and uncle Ellis were in this afternoon. Monday, January 15, 1917 Cold. Wind blew all day. Blowing hard tonight. Read in the "Ladies World" tonight. Dr. came again. Mama went to an auxiliary meeting tonight. Grandpa is about the same. Tuesday, January 16, 1917 Cold. Wind blew all day. Am exempt in all my exams. Have vacation the rest of this week. Doctor was here tonight. I helped him give the hypodermic. Wrote letters to George and Virginia. Wednesday, January 17, 1917 Cold. Wind blew all day. Sun shone some. Tatted most of the afternoon and evening. Thursday, January 18, 1917 Cool day. Tatted most all day. Friday, January 19, 1917 Lovely, sun shiny day. Edith was here this evening. We played duets. Mama went to Chautauqua Club social at Mrs. Hilty's. Saturday, January 20, 1917 Cool. Snowing tonight. Went to Gertrude Barber's this afternoon. She and I entertain the club. We invited Margaret Hodgson to take Gertrude Moore's place. Cedric came in this morn and surprised us, etc. Sunday, January 21, 1917 Lovely sun shiny day. Went to Sunday school, church and league. Emma came by for me to go to league. Cedric was called out about 2:30 this morning. Mrs. R. P. Campbell died about 5:30 this evening. Monday, January 22, 1917 Cool. Went to school. Beginning of second semester. Edith was over this evening. We played duets. Tuesday, January 23, 1917 Fair day. Gladys was over tonight. We both read magazines. Mama went to lodge. Wednesday, January 24, 1917 Warm. Sun shiny. Read some tonight and studied some. Thursday, January 25, 1917 Fair day. Sun shiny and nice. Went to choir practice. Studied when I came home. Friday, January 26, 1917 Lovely warm spring day. Did some tatting tonight but not much. Spent most my time picking out an awful tangle in thread. Saturday, January 27, 1917 Cool. Cedric came in about 10 o'clock this morning. Went to Gillette's to club meeting this afternoon. Went to show tonight with Gladys and her mother. Douglas Fairbanks in "Manhattan Madness." Dandy show. Sunday, January 28, 1917 Rainy day. Cool. Went to Sunday School and church this morning. Sang in choir. Cedric called out for 3:45 o'clock this afternoon. Read jokes from joke book most all day. Mama received a telegram from Miss Reuter that her mother died, etc. Monday, January 29, 1917 Snowed tonight. Worked Arithmetic for Teacher's Training. Tuesday, January 30, 1917 Cool. Snowed some more today. Mama and I went to lodge social this evening. Wednesday, January 31, 1917 Cold. Went to Parish House to a farewell party for Helen Cunningham and Alice Poor. Only girls went. Ekron came up today. Received a letter from George. Memoranda
Thursday, February 1, 1917 Cool. Gladys was over this evening. Received a letter from Virginia M. Friday, February 2, 1917 Cool. Mama and I went to Medford to see Cordelia Reuter, etc. Saturday, February 3, 1917 Foggy--cool. Millie came up this morning. Ekron went home. I went to Dorothy Jones' this afternoon to attend a little party for Helen. Millie started home--missed train in Medford. Deacon came to Med. and they came up here. Sunday, February 4, 1917 Cool--foggy. Edith over this afternoon. Talked and read all day. All of us except Grandpa and papa went to show tonight. It was fine. Monday, February 5, 1917 Cool--foggy. Heavy frost. Studied this evening and wrote a letter to George. Tuesday, February 6, 1917 Foggy this morning. Warm and sunshiny in afternoon. Studied tonight. Wednesday, February 7, 1917 Lovely Spring day. Studied tonight. Thursday, February 8, 1917 Lovely day. Warm. Studied tonight. Friday, February 9, 1917 Fine day. Edith, Gladys and Priscilla were here this evening. We sang and played piano. Played some games. Mama and papa went to a card party up to Auxiliary Rooms tonight. Saturday, February 10, 1917 Cool. Stayed home all day. Edith and I went to show tonight. Sunday, February 11, 1917 Cool. Rained some. Went to Sunday School and church. "Billy" Mitchell died about 1:30 today. Was operated on yesterday for appendicitis. Gangrene set in, was left too long. It just seems awful. Monday, February 12, 1917 Lovely day. Studied tonight. Joe Million died today. Orpha Arnold also died. Tuesday, February 13, 1917 Fine day. "Billie" Mitchell was buried today. Studied tonight. Soldiers here most all day, on return trip from Mexico. Had to stop to feed horses. Mama and papa went to lodge tonight. Wednesday, February 14, 1917 Fine day. Frost this morn. Studied tonight. Papa and mama went to Days [sic]. Thursday, February 15, 1917 Frost this morning. Fair day. Went to Gladys Applegate's for 6 o'clock dinner. It was a birthday dinner. She was 18. Edith, Ernesteen, Emma, Cora, Pearl Wilshire, Azalea Young and myself were there. Eats
course: Fruit Cocktail
2nd course: Soup 3rd course: Dinner course--mashed potatoes, gravy, chicken, pasta shells with shrimps, Parker House rolls, butter, jelly, olives 4th course: Salad--pineapple, salad dress, lettuce leaf, nuts and cheese wafers 5th course: Ice cream cake 6th course: Coffee and mints Friday, February 16, 1917 Cool. Rained some. Last night about 11:30 received telegram for mama to come to Sacto., etc. (Mama went, etc.) Read magazine tonight. Saturday, February 17, 1917 Cool. Snowed some but did not stay. Cleaned my room, mama's room, hall, backstairs, kitchen, bathroom, sitting room and both porches. Papa went to help Ralph in mountains. Priscilla and Edith were here for dinner. Senior girls had stag party at Mae Skeene's tonight. I wore military suit. Had a fine time. Sunday, February 18, 1917 Cold, snowed some. Didn't get up until 9:30. Received letter from mama explaining, etc. Wrote a letter to mama this afternoon. Made Brown Betty for dinner. Edith, Ernesteen, Emma, Gladys were here a little while this eve. I made candy. Went over to Edith's this afternoon to see flash light pictures which Harlie Holmes took of us girls last night. Monday, February 19, 1917 Cold. Snowing ever since 4 o'clock. Received telegram from mama today. Everything is all right. Studied tonight. Tuesday, February 20, 1917 Cold. 10 inches snow on ground. No High school today on account of power being shut off and can't heat building. I went down to West School and visited this afternoon. Make a cake this morning. Wednesday, February 21, 1917 Cold. Snowed most all day. Thawing some. No school this morning. Priscilla and I went to East school and watched Ernest Abbott teach. Then all three of us watched Elna Bailey and Kathleen Silver teach. Edith and Margaret Hodgson were here this eve. until 9 o'clock. Ma. sent me 7 new songs. Thursday, February 22, 1917 Snowed most all day. Cold. Ed Hadfield made a large snow man in his yard this evening. He made it to look like George Washington. It was splendid. Edith is going to stay all night here because pa went to lodge. Violet Hadfield was here until her husband and papa came home from lodge. We played and sang songs mama sent me. Friday, February 23, 1917 Snowed all day. Cold. Went down to Priscilla's tonight after supper. Dorothy, she and I played dominoes just for fun. Priscilla made some fine fudge. We read a lot of Pris' stuff, looked at her picture album, etc. Mama sent me a box of camellias today. Red and white. They grew in Peryl's back yard, are beauties. Saturday, February 24, 1917 Snowed all day. I made the beds, swept and dusted, etc. both bedrooms, two halls, back and front stairs, parlor, dining room, two porches and kitchen and baked a cake this morning. Took a bath this afternoon. Received a card from mama; she won't be home till Sunday morning on 7:30 [train]. Went over to Edith's this afternoon. Sunday, February 25, 1917 Snowed some last night (5 inches); snowed some today. Mama's train was delayed; didn't get in until 3 o'clock this afternoon. She brought some fruit, vegetables, etc. Brought me a pair of pretty high-heeled shoes, some pink crepe de chine for combination suit and some embroidery for petticoat. Went to Sunday School and church this morning. Monday, February 26, 1917 Snowed some today. I studied tonight. Tuesday, February 27, 1917 Clear day. Snow melted some. Papa and mama went to lodge tonight. Gladys came over this eve. Edith was here a little while to practice playing for me when I sing before the Public Speaking class. Mrs. Will Flagg has a baby girl. Wednesday, February 28, 1917 Clear day. Snow melting. Taught for Miss Palmer this morning. 1st A Grade East Side. Studied tonight. Edith was over a little while to practice. Elmer Ashcraft's baby died today. Memoranda
Thursday, March 1, 1917 Sun shone all day. Freezing tonight. Snow still on ground. I studied tonight. Heard today that Elsie Christensen had a baby boy. Friday, March 2, 1917 Cool. Went to Backward Social at M.E. Church tonight. Wore dress backwards, had spelling matches, spelling words backwards, etc. Had a fine time. A good number of young people out. Saturday, March 3, 1917 Cool. Studied some tonight. Priscilla and Edith were here this evening. Went to Dr. Blake's today to have teeth examined. Am to go Mar. 12 and have them cleaned. Sunday, March 4, 1917 Cool. Rained. Ella Dean (Ussher) was here this afternoon to return a book. She stayed a little while. Entertained us. Edith was over to practice this afternoon. Studied some tonight. Went to Sunday School and Church this morning. Monday, March 5, 1917 Cold. Studied tonight. Mrs. Tilton died this afternoon. Mama went to Boslough's to Chautauqua Club, this eve. Tuesday, March 6, 1917 Fair day. Mr. Finley took Emma, Edith, Marian Summers and myself for a little ride after school then brought us home. Pearl Dodge's baby died on train on way to Portland to see Dr. Studied tonight. Mama and papa went to lodge. Special meeting. Preacher here. Big feed. Wednesday, March 7, 1917 Cool. Rained some. Studied tonight. Thursday, March 8, 1917 Cool. Edith's birthday. I gave her a dollar. Went to game at High this eve. Basket Ball game between Medford at Ashland, Medford winning both girls and boys. I went with Marian Summers. Friday, March 9, 1917 Cool. Snowed some. Saturday, March 10, 1917 Cool. Snowed some. Mama is fixing my blue messaline again. Ashland High's debate team won at Klamath last night. Lost boys' game at Medford last night. Girls winning. Edith brought me 3 pieces of music for birthday present Monday. Sunday, March 11, 1917 Cool. Went to Calkins' in Medford for dinner. A splendid one. They played victrola for us. Stayed until about 5. Studied tonight. Monday, March 12, 1917 Cool. I am 17 years old today. Mama invited Gladys and Edith here for 6 o'clock dinner. Gladys, Edith, Alda Heer, Maria Caldwell, Cora Divet, Ernesteen Hicks, Emma Koehler, Priscilla Carnahan gave me a surprise party that it was supposed to be but I surmised something. Had peaches, whip cream, cookies, cakes, loganberry juice to drink. They brought eats. We played games, danced, etc. Harlie came over in latter part of evening. Presents in back of book. Tuesday, March 13, 1917 Cool. Snowed some. Priscilla was up this evening to study. Wednesday, March 14, 1917 Cool. Snowed last night, melted today. Studied tonight. Thursday, March 15, 1917 Fair day. Sun shone some. Edith's grandfather, Ex-Governor Moody, died last night. Mr. and Mrs. Moody leave for Salem tomorrow. Edith is to stay here. Was over to Edith's awhile this evening. I worked her Arithmetic (Teacher's Training) problems, as she had so much to do. Friday, March 16, 1917 Cool. Edith went to church tonight. Edith is going to stay here while her folks are away. They left this morning. Mae Skeene and Laura Provost were here to practice after school. Mama and I went to show tonight. Saturday, March 17, 1917 Cool. Edith and I went to Beth Finneran's tonight to a little party for a few of the catholics. Had fine eats--swell cakes and ice cream. Had a good time. Charlie Delsman brought us home. Sunday, March 18, 1917 Lovely afternoon. Went to Sunday School and church. Strickfadden's house burned last night. Not clear down but in the inside. We (Mama, papa, Edith, Mrs. Danford and myself) walked up there this afternoon. We could see where the wood or fire had been piled up to burn, etc. Mama, Edith and I went to library afterwards. I read while they looked up some references. [no entries March 19-24]
Sunday, March 25, 1917 Beautiful day. Was awful sick this morning in abdomen. Went to Sunday School and church. Priscilla came up this afternoon and Edith, she and I went down to Lithia Park and back up to Priscilla's to practice songs for German tomorrow. Edith went to church tonight. Grandpa still sick. Dr. here this eve. [no entries March 26-27]
Wednesday, March 28, 1917 Cool. Ekron and Uncle Albert up today. Ekron is staying to help take care of Grandpa. She is making paper beads. Edith's mother and father coming home on midnight train. Aunt Nellie, Albert sent me a hairpin lace yoke with some edging for a combination suit for graduation. Certainly is beautiful. Wrote to George tonight. Thursday, March 29, 1917 Snowed last night and today but melts fast. Grandpa is becoming weaker, sinking lower. Doctor here this evening. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ellis here this afternoon. Mama went to neighborhood gathering for Mrs. Burdic at Mrs. Grant's this afternoon. Papa went to Medford this morn. Edith over this evening to show banjo. Friday, March 30, 1917 Cool. Snowed some. Went with Marian Summers to "The National Honor Guard" organization. We afterwards went to the dance, Howard Loud taking us. Had a splendid time. David Whittle brought me home. Got my pictures tonight. Saturday, March 31, 1917 Fair day. Went to a party at Methodist Church with David Whittle tonight. Had fine time. Homer's boys' class were giving the party. Each boy invited a girl. Served ice cream and cake. Aunt Ardilla and Carmel stayed at Columbia Hotel last night. Papa brought them up today. Went to town this afternoon. Went with Priscilla to see her father and Indian boy at Hospital. Memoranda
Sunday, April 1, 1917 Sun shone some today. Went to Sunday School. Went to church this afternoon to practice for Easter program. I read a little while after I came home, then slept awhile. Edith was over for a few minutes. Monday, April 2, 1917 Splendid warm day. Aunt Dora came on morning train. Studied tonight. Tuesday, April 3, 1917 Very nice day. Went over to Hatfield's after supper tonight to sell or take order for an annual. Stayed till 8:30. Doctor was here when I came home. After school this evening, I went riding with Mr. Finley. There were also a bunch of girls. Wednesday, April 4, 1917 Fine day. Went to church to practice after school but Mrs. Van Fossen could not come. Studied tonight. Thursday, April 5, 1917 Cool. Carmel is going to stay here all night. Her mother went back with Aunt Nellie. Practiced after school at M.E. Church for Easter program. Friday, April 6, 1917 Cool. Practiced after school. Read some to Carmel tonight. Doctor came tonight. Aunt Dora went to Gold Hill. Aunt Ardilla came in today. Saturday, April 7, 1917 Warm in morning. Rain this afternoon and evening. Rained hard tonight. Practiced this afternoon. Went to town with Aunt Ardilla this evening to buy a tea kettle for Aunt Nellie Ellis. I bought some candy Easter eggs for Carmel. War was declared against Germany. Sunday, April 8, 1917 Lovely morning. Cool this afternoon. Didn't get up until late this morning. Peryl and Cedric came in this morning and surprised us. Went to depot with Aunt Ardilla and Carmel. They went to Gold Hill, then going on home. Practiced this afternoon. The program went off all right tonight. Monday, April 9, 1917 Cool. Rained some. Doctor Boslough here this morning. He took Edith and I to school. Most all the boys are joining the militia. Militia apt to be sent out at most any time. All bridges, tunnels, public buildings, etc. everywhere are being guarded. Tuesday, April 10, 1917 Cool. Mama went to lodge tonight. Gladys is to be initiated. I studied. Wednesday, April 11, 1917 Cool. Studied tonight. Cried some. I was so kind of worried. Prepared a talk or thought of it a little. Mr. Churchill to be here tomorrow. Thursday, April 12, 1917 Cool. Mr. Churchill did not come. Millie and Aunt Dora came up today. Aunt Sora [Isora] was up and went home. Studied tonight. Friday, April 13, 1917 Cool. Rained hard tonight. Went with Marian Summers to a dance at memorial hall. Cedric and Peryl went to Red Cross dance at Nat. They came by for us and Cedric took us to Rose Bros. Saturday, April 14, 1917 Rainy, cool. Hailed hard several times. Cedric took in auto Peryl, mama and I, went to Mrs. Wineland's this afternoon. Mama had her hair and corns tended to. We went around town. Cedric brought us home. Mama and I went to show tonight. Sunday, April 15, 1917 Cool. Stayed in bed until quite late. Monkeyed around in morning. Had a fine dinner. Aunt Nellie, aunt Dode and uncle Ellis came in. Aunt Dode is going to stay. We (our family) went to depot to take mama down [to the] train. Mama is going to Portland as delegate for Degree of Honor. Studied tonight. Monday, April 16, 1917 Cool. Sun shone some. Studied tonight. Received two letters, one from Helen C. and one from Gladys May. Tuesday, April 17, 1917 Cool. Sun shone some. Studied tonight. Received two letters from mama today. Wednesday, April 18, 1917 Warm. Peryl, Cedric and I went to Auntie's for supper tonight. Thursday, April 19, 1917 Warm. Cedric, Peryl, papa and I went to Homer's for supper tonight. All of us went down to Odd Fellows' Hall to social but Cedric and Peryl did not stay. Friday, April 20, 1917 Cool. Rained some. Edith, Louise Gillette, Theresa Reinhardt and I went to High to hear the recitatist Miss Crevitt. Not very good. Mama came home today. She brought each of us a pair of hose (including pa, aunt Dode, Peryl, Cedric and me). She also brought some trimmings for my reception dress and a silk hanky for me. Saturday, April 21, 1917 Rainy--cool. Got up early. Washed and ironed my pongee. Packed my hand-bag for trip to G. Hill. Cedric took and brought me home from the pageant practice at H.S. When I came home I combed my hair and got ready to go to Gold Hill with aunt Dora. (Peryl is to start home tonight). We took bus to Medford, stopped at Haskins' Drug Store to ask about China Doctor who doctors aunt Dora. Was raining, couldn't go see him. Met Bertha Wolverton here, talked with her a little while. Ate supper at a little restaurant across from depot, then went to depot to wait for train which was 15 min. late. Met Margaret Chisholm in depot. She was going to G.H. Talked with her. Mrs. Smith and Dorothy, Johnny Reed and wife and Anita Barnard came on same train. Folks happened to be at train. We talked a while after arrived home then we kids left for the dance. Went to dance; had a swell time. Sunday, April 22, 1917 Lovely, warm sun shiny day. Got up late, monkeyed around most all morning. Dressed for dinner. Letsy and I went to town in morn to get mail, then went down to Lloyd's to ask him up for dinner. Dietrich girl here for dinner also. Letsy made a cake. When 1st course was over, Letsy and I went to town to get some ice cream but there wasn't any so we had peaches and cream for dessert. I helped Let. do dishes. All of us kids played until train time. We played baseball, etc. We also went to town to get film but stores closed. Took 2 pictures on old rolls. Went to depot. Train late. Letsy, Lloyd, Cookie and I walked down to watch home guard practice. Got off train at Med. Took jit [jitney] home. Aunt Dora got off at Phoenix. Went over to Uncle Albert's. Monday, April 23, 1917 Lovely day. Marian Summers and I went to Honor Guard meeting. Afterwards went down in basement of armory and shot at a target. George Williams walked home with us. Tuesday, April 24, 1917 Lovely warm day. Cedric took me to show tonight. Special was Charlie Chaplin in Easy Street. We stopped in at Rebekah lodge and danced once then came home. Ekron is at the Granite City Hospital waiting on a man who had 578 gall stones removed. I went to see her this noon. Wednesday, April 25, 1917 Fine warm day. Studied tonight. O.A.C. Demonstration cars through here today. The men talked to the boys of High and the women to the girls. Boys' subject was farming, girls' canning. Went to Library for Teacher's Training class. Miss Hicks showed us how to bind books, etc. Went to see the demonstrating cars. Thursday, April 26, 1917 Lovely day. Went to see Ekron at noon. Took her a book to read. She showed me the gall stones which were taken from that man. She had found 7 more in the drain tube that day. Practiced tonight in gym. Marian Summers took Edith, Marian's grandma and myself to see Marguerite Clark in "Snow White." It was great. She also treated us with chocolates. I got excused from school to go to train to see Aunt Dora leave. Friday, April 27, 1917 Fine day. Met mama down town after school and we looked at all stores for coats. Liked a coat at Enders'. Miss Moffat's classes gave an exhibition last period this afternoon. Went to dance tonight with Marian S., Theresa Reinhart, and Edith. Had a splendid time. David brought me home. Saturday, April 28, 1917 Grand day. Mama and I went to Medford this morning to look at coats--came home and bought the one I liked at Enders'. It is to be left there to remove some machine spots. Got it at a reduction. Good thing didn't buy it the day before. Went to town with mama this afternoon when Cedric took Ekron back to hospital (she had a three hours' layoff and came here). We looked at silk poplins; didn't buy anything. Mama went to lodge tonight. I went to Edith's a little while this afternoon, 5:30 o'clock. Went to Priscilla's tonight to study. Sunday, April 29, 1917 Got up late. Rainy day. Cedric received a Special delivery letter from Peryl telling him to meet [train No.] 16 to see her mother. Mama made a Pork Curry for dinner, which made me feel sick in the afternoon. All of us except grandpa went to train. She didn't come. Am awful sick tonight from the curry. Vomited, etc. some but am sicker than a horse. Mama feels sick too from it. Monday, April 30, 1917 Cool--rainy. Mama and I sick all night. Do not feel well today. All Senior girls today wore white middies and skirts with green ties while some of the boys wore white trousers, green socks and ties. The other boys wore green ties and socks and usual clothes. It was Senior day. The girls had a theater party tonight with Dutch treat afterwards. I did not go, was feeling bum. Juniors wore loud stockings today, most of them were sent home to change. Memoranda
Tuesday, May 1, 1917 Lovely warm day. Cedric left this morning for Dunsmuir to look for work. Miss Clark asked me to be one of a refreshment committee for the Traveler's Club of the Methodist church. Studied tonight. Wrote a letter to Gladys May. Wednesday, May 2, 1917 Grand Spring day. Pumped my bicycle up tonight and got Edith to borrow Harlie's and we went riding. Also went down to see Ernie. Thursday, May 3, 1917 Lovely day. Ekron came into school and sat with me for last period. Practiced in gym for Pageant. Came home with Marian Summers. Everett Acklin brought us a little ways in his car. I went up to Hodgsons' to borrow an apron for tomorrow night. Fooled around this evening. Mabel Blake Emery died today. Friday, May 4, 1917 Warm day. Went to Hard Times dance at memorial hall tonight. Had a fine time. Mama went to serve punch at Auxiliary dance tonight. Saturday, May 5, 1917 Rainy day. Went to High school at 10:30 this morning to practice in Senior play, stayed until time for practice in Pageant. Happy and I ate our lunch in Dressing room. Folks came out after me. Went all around town to look for things for graduation. Cordelia Reuter sent me the dearest blue silk parasol for a present. Went to town tonight with mama. Met Gladys and Edith. They went with us. I bought silk shirt, white voile and black pumps. Mr. Foster gave me little Jap slippers. Sunday, May 6, 1917 Rainy. Didn't do much. Read papers. Monday, May 7, 1917 Fair day--cloudy in morning, warm in afternoon. Cedric came in tonight--brought a large fish which some railroad man gave him. We cooked it for supper. Went to Drill practice at Armory. Afterwards we had our First Aid Class. Class divided into two sections. Ours went up on stage and Miss Arnold instructed us on how to take temperature and pulse. Stayed a little while to watch boys drill. Tuesday, May 8, 1917 Warm--sun shone all day. Came home from school early to prepare nuts for stuffed dates. Teresa Reinhart and Emma Koehler came to help stuff dates. We three were on eats committee for Traveler's Club (of M.E. church) Japanese party at Nellie Beaver's. Cedric called out this morning at 7:30. Came back this evening--only went to Montague. After supper I dressed in Japanese costume, painted my face, etc. Teresa and Emma came here and Emma dressed here, as she wore mama's kimono. Papa took us out in the auto. Had a pretty good time. There was a little program which consisted of quartet (Ladies--no men present). Isolene Campbell and Margery Douglas sang a duet, Mrs. Reed gave a talk. We (committee) served tea, wafers and dates. Wednesday, May 9, 1917 Cool. Went to High School to practice in Senior play. Went with Louise Gillette. She introduced me to her aunt, Mrs. Boyle. Thursday, May 10, 1917 Prepared my teaching etc. manuscript tonight to be sent to Salem. Edith and her mother were over this evening. Mama is making my black silk skirt. She finished it tonight. Friday, May 11, 1917 Rainy day. Senior Play was given this evening. The name was "A Russian Honeymoon." It was quite a success. Saturday, May 12, 1917 Rainy day. Thundered some. Went out to High School this afternoon to practice for pageant. Went to town with mama this morning. Bought a hat for me, some trimmings for graduation dress and some material for salad. Went to show with Senior class tonight, then went up to Hortense Winter's for our feed. We played some games, had a fairly good time. Had salad, sandwiches, pickles and olives. We kids furnished eats, coffee and cookies. Sunday, May 13, 1917 Sun shone some today. Mama trimmed my hat. Slept some this afternoon. Went to Baccalaureate Sermon at Methodist Church tonight. Preached by Mr. Van Fossen. Very good one. Marched in with Finley High. Monday, May 14, 1917 Rainy day. Rained very, very hard from about 5 p.m. till after 9 p.m. I went to Minnie Beaver's about 5 p.m. to attend bed making class; also went to Library to get a book on games. Came home and ate a bite and hiked off to drill practice. After drill went to Dr. Sawyer's office and heard a talk on sprains, bandages, bruises, etc. by her. Marian Summers went to drill, etc. with me. Tuesday, May 15, 1917 Rainy day. Mama still making or working on my graduation dress. Went to town to get some lettuce and bread for sandwiches. Went to Priscilla's with Senior bunch for supper. We each furnished something. We had salad, sandwiches, olives, pickles, cookies and coffee. We then went to the show. Wednesday, May 16, 1917 Rainy day. Laid around most all day. Went to Parish house to Senior Musical Party. Thursday, May 17, 1917 Rainy. Rained hard. Mama finished my graduating dress. We cleaned the house this afternoon. Papa took Edith and I to High School to attend to some business. The Kid Party was here tonight. We had a lot of fun. It was midnight before they left. Friday, May 18, 1917 Junior Picnic for Seniors Lovely sunshiny day. Was just grand. Went to Helman's with a bunch of "kids" about 9 o'clock this morn. Some went in swimming. Afterwards the Juniors built a bonfire and we roasted "wienies" and ate them with buns. Toasted marshmallows also. We all then went up town and monkeyed around until show time. The Juniors took us to show at Vining. Lloyd Turner was with me. After the show Rita Gard and Beth Finneran came up home with me and we combed our hair and Rita pressed her middy--then we went down to memorial hall then we (three) went to White House Grocery. Beth bought a cake for a Catholic party--then we went back to Memorial hall. Here the Juniors served the Seniors a supper. We had sandwiches, salad on lettuce leaf, olives and pickles, ice cream and wafers. After supper some of us danced. Marian Summers and I came home about 8:30 and dressed up to go to the dance at the Nat given by Juniors for Seniors. We went to dance, had a good time. Broke up about eleven o'clock. Marian, David Sweet and I went to Sophomore dance at Memorial. [illegible] lot had a swell time. Came home about 1:15. Saturday, May 19, 1917 Rainy cool day. Didn't get up till late. Monkeyed around all day. Mama and I went to town this evening. Sunday, May 20, 1917 Beautiful warm day. Went to Sunday School today and stayed for church. There has been a League Convention for three days. Emma walked home with me from Church. Gladys, Edith and I walked through the park and up town to Library and home this afternoon. Emma and I went to League tonight. After league we walked down town, up home and we had a little supper here. Mama, papa and Ekron had gone to the show. Monday, May 21, 1917 Rainy all day. Went to drill tonight. After boys' drill we Seniors went to Priscilla's for first course in progressive dinner which was banana salad--(2nd) Hortense Winter's for dinner course--3rd Rose Brothers for ice cream and cake, paid for by boys. Heard that Mrs. Charlie Abbott is dead (fourth wife). We all chipped in a nickel to pay for bouquet for funeral. Mama left this evening for Eugene for Grand Lodge (Rebekah). Tuesday, May 22, 1917 Cool day. Pageant was held this evening in the Park. It was awful cold this evening but was just grand to dance in the Pageant. It was a fine success. Wednesday, May 23, 1917 Cool, miserable day. Seniors picnic today but only a very few went, because it was so cold. I didn't go. Went to High School this morning to practice class song. Came home and got dinner for papa and grandpa. After this I cleaned the house. Thursday, May 24, 1917 Graduation Day Rainy day. Cool. Went to armory this morning to get places for tonight and to practice class song. I am to sit in front row. Mama came home this morning. After graduating exercises we were each given our bouquets and presents, etc. Papa brought us home in car. Beulah and Bob and Mrs. Caldwell came over to see presents. Marian Summers and David Sweet came up to house to take me to dance at Bungalow. Had dandy time. Lloyd Turner brought me home. Friday, May 25, 1917 Cool day. Went to Alumni doings tonight. Had a good time. Saturday, May 26, 1917 Fair day. Played tennis with Marian S. today on Briggs' court. George Williams took me to dance at Nat tonight. Had a fine time. Sunday, May 27, 1917 Lovely warm day. Went to Sunday School this morning. Emma Koehler and I went to the Park this afternoon. Met Gladys A. and sister, walked around with them. Mildred then went riding with Proc. We sat in park awhile--then went to Gladys'. Gladys then took us to Butlers' and treated us. Met the folks with Letsy and Lloyd in car down town. I left kids and rode home with them. The train was late so kids stayed for supper. We took them to train. Monday, May 28, 1917 Lovely warm day. Played tennis today with Marian. Went to Drill tonight. Dr. Gregg gave talk to First Aid Class on "Fainting" and "Convulsions." Then some man from fire department gave us a talk. Tuesday, May 29, 1917 Grand day. Warm. Went to 5th Tuesday box social at Rebecca's tonight. Some of Medford people were up. I danced a lot and had a good time. Gladys and I had our box together and did not put it up for sale. Papa went to the mountains today--work for Billings. Grandpa went to Gold Hill today. Wednesday, May 30, 1917 Warm day. I put my overalls on this morning and mama and I started to weed onions. Mr. McGilvray asked us to ride with them in their car (Dodge) and to see the parade as it is Decoration day. So we came to the house and dressed and went with them. Had a lovely time. Mama and I went to the show tonight. Thursday, May 31, 1917 Warm day. Marian and I played tennis this afternoon, then we walked down town and I treated her at Butler's. We went to the park and played tennis there till 6 o'clock. Mama and I finished weeding garden in the back. Grandpa came home today. Mama and I cleaned Grandpa's room this afternoon. Papa came home today to get more powder for the work. Memoranda
Friday, June 1, 1917 Beautiful warm day. Mama and I went to the show tonight. "The Wax Model." Vivian Martin leading lady. It sure was good. Papa went back today. Saturday, June 2, 1917 Wonderful day. Warm. Louise Gillette and I went to the park and played tennis this afternoon. Cedric came in this evening and so did papa. Sunday, June 3, 1917 Warm day. Cedric called out this morn. Went to Sunday School this morning. Emma, Cora and I went to park to hear Band concert this afternoon. Had a talk there with Lorena Stratton and John Parker of Medford. We three girls then went to Butler's and had something to eat, then we went back in the park. I asked Butler for a position the 4th. Cedric came in this eve. Monday, June 4, 1917 Lovely day. Mama and I cleaned book case and all the drawers in Dining room this afternoon. Cedric called out this afternoon. Went to drill tonight. Howard Land took Marian S. and I for a little "spin" tonight after our drill. Tuesday, June 5, 1917 Fine day. Cedric came back today. Cleaned house all day. Cedric called out about 7 o'clock. Went to Priscilla's this afternoon to make my crown for tomorrow night. Wednesday, June 6, 1917 Warm day. Mama and I went to town this afternoon. Called on Mrs. Wineland. Cedric came in this morning. I with five other girls: Priscilla, Edith Herrin, Edith Moody, Alda Heer and Gertrude Moore ushered at the Vining tonight. We wore white dresses with red, white and blue striped bunting for sashes with gold crown with blue across it with silver stars on it. The play was the patriotic picture Womanhood. Thursday, June 7, 1917 Warm day. Mama went to town this afternoon. I stayed home and read. Cedric came in about 4:30. Ushered at Vining again tonight. Mrs. Bergner gave each of us girls two tickets for our parents to attend the show "Womanhood" and three other tickets for us to use anytime we chose. I took Edith Herrin home as she was a bit leery. Friday, June 8, 1917 Warm, almost hot day. Mama painted front porch today. Cedric called out last night about 11. Marian Summers and I started to attend First Aid class tonight but no one was there when we went so we borrowed some money of Mary Weisenberger and went to the show. Papa came home tonight. Saturday, June 9, 1917 Rained early this morning. Seemed so strange when the sky was so clear all day yesterday. Rather cool today. Cedric came in this morning at 3:30. Mama had to come and unlock door for him. Read a book most all day "Hidden Hand." Cedric called out this eve. Sunday, June 10, 1917 Fair day. Rather cool. Went to Sunday School and church. Heard today that uncle Jim Fredenburg is dead. Mama and I went riding with McGilvrays this afternoon. Papa, mama and I went to the train this evening. Monday, June 11, 1917 Warm, lovely day. Helped serve ice cream for Mrs. Summers in park this morning. It was Red Cross day and all the money went to that organization. I had lunch with them. It was a picnic day for everyone. Program in the afternoon on band stand. Marian S. and I walked around park until about 5 o'clock when we went to Mr. Shinn's office to get Chautauqua tickets to sell. Went to Honor guard tonight. Marian S. and I went to show afterwards. Tuesday, June 12, 1917 Warm day. Marian S. and I went to town this afternoon to buy a present for the shower for Gertrude Barber tonight. We with Margaret Hodgson bought a gravy ladle to match the set of silverware her folks bought for her. Had a fine time at Gertrude's tonight. She received a great many presents. We girls served cake and lemonade. Gladys A. told me of a place [i.e., a job] being companion for a Mrs. Phillips in mountains. I applied to Mr. Hurt thru Zenas Moody. Wednesday, June 13, 1917 Warm day. Cleaned the house today. Mother came home this evening. Emma Koehler and I went to park this evening to band concert. Mr. Hurt accepted me and we made arrangements to leave for mts. tomorrow. Thursday, June 14, 1917 Warm. Washed this morning and ironed some clothes to take to Rogue River this afternoon. Mr. Hurt and Grace brought me down in the car. We stopped in Central Point and Grace bought some chocolates. My money was in suit case. I helped with the dinner this evening and Grace helped me with dishes. I have to take care of little boy 4 years old. Mrs. Phillips' son. She has another boy 11. Mrs. Hurt and she seem to be very nice. Camp. After dinner and dishes we sat around camp fire. I sleep in a private tent. There are 4 tents, two small and two large. Friday, June 15, 1917 Warm. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt went to Ashland today. Helped get all meals and waited on table, played with Junior, tatted a little, wrote a letter to mother in time for Hurts to take (7 o'clock). Carry water, etc. etc. etc. There is a family of Frenches living near here where we get all dairy products. There are three children, a boy 23 yrs., two girls 17 and 11 yrs. The girls play with Junior some. Saturday, June 16, 1917 Warm. Made several trips to Frenches etc. etc. etc. etc. Picked [plucked] four chickens. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt came in this evening. Rather cool this eve. so we ate dinner in Hurt's tent. Sunday, June 17, 1917 Hot. The folks went fishing some today. Several cars came near camp this morning but soon left. Mr. Freeberg and a Penniston boy were here this afternoon--fishing. Monday, June 18, 1917 Warm. Mr. Hurt, Donald and Grace went into town this morning. Did the usual round of things today. Tuesday, June 19, 1917 Hot. The French girls here a good part of the time. After finishing with my supper and baby's supper we walked up to bridge to watch Mrs. Hurt and Mrs. Phillips fish. Three men were in a boat trying to paddle against current. It was all right along the edge of river for a ways but finally drove them clear across the river. The boat was paddled with some wheels something like regular water wheels. Came back to camp. The folks ate-- we did the dishes and went to bed. Wednesday, June 20, 1917 Hot. After breakfast, Mrs. Hurt and Mrs. Phillips went to bridge to meet postman and to fish. I wrote a letter for them to mail. After Junior had his breakfast and I finished with the dishes and cleaning, Jun. and I went up to bridge. We played around the water's edge until noon when we all went home. Got lunch, washed dishes, pared apples for pies, etc. etc. The French girls here a good deal. Very late in the day I had time to comb my hair. Mr. Hurt, etc. came in this evening, brought my overalls and 2 letters from mother. Ma sent for me to come. Grandpa is worse. Am to leave in morning. Packed my duds tonight. Mrs. Phillips paid me $2.90. Thursday, June 21, 1917 Ashland. Hot. Mr. Hurt, Mrs. Hurt and I came home this morning. Grandpa very low. Went to Mrs. Wineland's this afternoon to have a massage in order to get rid of tan-ness. Also made arrangements with Mr. Butler for the celebration. Bought a navy middy and red tie. Friday, June 22, 1917 Hot day. Worked for Mr. Phipps today. Ernesteen worked with me. We picked currants until about 2 o'clock then thinned apples and peaches. Earned $1.25. Marian Summers and I went to First Aid Class tonight. We met Agnes Hedberg and Alice Poor and we all went up to the Merry-go-round and Ferris wheel before class. After class the two girls were waiting for us and we monkeyed around a bit then went home. Saturday, June 23, 1917 Hot. Picked cherries for Phipps this morning. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Hubbard were also there. Mother and I went to town this afternoon. Bought a pair of white shoes for myself. Mother and I went to town this evening. Met Marian S. and her mother and went to Nat to dance but only a very few there so we went up to the platform outside pavilion to watch. The platform was put in for the Round Up by a Mr. MacElroy of Portland. There is also a merry-go-round and ferris wheel near there just beside the Park. Sunday, June 24, 1917 Hot. Marian and I went to band concert in park this afternoon. We met John Parker of Medford with a friend, Mr. McLaine. John and Marian--"Cholly" and I went to Butler's for a "double treat" then went to Helman's. Boys went in water, we didn't. Afterwards we all came to my house--played piano, looked at pictures, talked--went for a walk. Went up to merry-go-round--rode three times. J. and M. went on ferris wheel. We didn't care to so walked up to Bungalow and back. Met Earl Mix on way up. All of us then went to Bung. for "eats" then went home and talked until time for boys to catch car for Medford. Monday, June 25, 1917 Hot. Packed cherries for Mr. Phipps. Only picked nine boxes but got started late. Went to Honor Guard this evening. Tuesday, June 26, 1917 Hot. Packed cherries again in afternoon beginning at 3 so only packed three boxes. I picked until three in afternoon. Neglected.
[June 27 and 28 have only the
word "Neglected" written across the page.
Pages for June 29 and 30 are blank.] Memoranda
[July 1 and 2 have only the word
"Neglected" written across the page.]
Tuesday, July 3, 1917 Hot. Worked for Butlers all day. Neglected.
Wednesday, July 4, 1917 Hot. Worked for Butlers at regular hours. Was with Chas. MacLaine, Marian and "Biffy," Lorena and John P. Walked thru park, danced at Pavilion, went to concerts to fireworks show and treats in between, danced at Bungalow, etc. Thursday, July 5, 1917 Hot. Worked for Butlers. Emma and I went to pavilion dance after working hours and I danced twice with Everett McKee and once with a Mr. Martin, both of Medford. Came home after the 3 dances. [July 6-9 have only the word
"Neglected" written across the page.
Pages for July 10-22 are blank.] Monday, July 23, 1917 Warm. Just laid around most all day--had a miserable cold. Mrs. Butler asked me to serve punch at the Elks tonight. I accepted it and had a good time. The Elks gave a farewell social to the militia boys--Honor Guard and Red Cross societies. I danced some but did not have much time to dance a lot. [Pages for July 24-28 are blank.]
Sunday, July 29, 1917 Warm day. Emma, Gladys and I walked down to train to see the militia boys leave for Ft. Stevens and perhaps France--preparing for war. We shook hands with the boys and gave our last farewell as we thought. The band played patriotic tunes, etc. Edith and mother joined us and we walked up as far as Millner's garage and took a notion we should like to see the boys in Medford. Mr. Millner offered to take us down, so Mrs. Millner and we four girls went to Medford in his large Overland in 17 minutes. Arrived in time to shake hands again and say good-bye. I got to shake hands with Horton Beeman and Lloyd Miller in Medford Company and just smiled and waved my hand to Charles McLaine. Mrs. Millner stayed in Medford so I took her place in the front seat and Mr. Millner took us for a ride all over Medford and then brought us home about 12 o'clock. We are certainly grateful to him. Gladys was here for dinner. She, Edith and I went to Ernie's (Cora was there) to see some pictures they had printed, then we three went to Gladys' and up to Lithia Park and then home. [No further entries until August
Saturday, August 4, 1917 Warm. Prepared all morning for the hike or camping trip up the canyon. Ernie came up this afternoon and we went to town and purchased the groceries. Gladys, mama, papa and I rode up in the car with all the bedding, Ernie having to wait on Cora to finish her work at bank. Papa went back home. We fried "taters" and onions and ate some before the girls came--then we toasted marshmallows. We are camping in same Place Bill Holmes, etc. camped last week. Mr. Wenner stopped at camp about nine o'clock and inquired distance to Long's cabin. Night was terribly dark but delightful. Sunday, August 5, 1917 Gladys and I laid around most all day--other folks got up at 6:45 and wanted us to get up but we didn't till they pulled us out. Ernie and Cora climbed hills all morning while we laid around camp and slept and read. [No further entries until
September 26.]
Wednesday, September 26, 1917 Warm. Went to school as usual. Mama sick with cramps tonight--had doctor Boslough twice. Thursday, September 27, 1917 Warm. Mama taken to Sanitarium this afternoon. Dr. Jarvis operated on her for appendicitis and Drs. Boslough and Parsons were with her. Getting along all right. Papa, Peryl and I were at the hospital until it was over. Cedric came tonight. Folks had sent for him. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ellis were in and Mrs. Moody also was here. Today is mama and papa's anniversary, married 24 years. [There are no further daily
Birthday Presents for Mar. 12, 1917
Earnings for summer
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Miss Bernice Myer, of
Ashland, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Letsy Hodges, departed from
this city on Saturday evening for Riddle, Oregon, where the young
ladies will visit for some time with their aunt, Mrs. J. Wesley
Newland, and family.
"Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, August 9, 1913, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myer and daughter Bernice, accompanied by Judge Gall and Mrs. Albert Gall, of Jacksonville, were members of a pleasant family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hodges on Sunday last. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, March 28, 1914, page 3 Bernice was a regular visitor at the Hodges home in Gold Hill. Bernice Hicks Shares Tips on Health, Vitality
By BEV DANIEL Of the Herald Staff For almost 50
years, Bernice and Arthur Hicks have thrived on a special diet that
begins each day with Tiger's Milk.
It all started by accident, explained Mrs. Hicks in her living room overlooking Bellingham Bay, surrounded by various shades of pink and beautiful antiques. Both are originally from Oregon, and they attended the University of Oregon at the same time, but they didn't meet until after she started teaching school in John Day, Ore. "I met him on my first day of teaching and married him on my last.'' That was May 14, 1925. In 1932, they were living in San Jose, Calif., where he was teaching. It was during the Depression, and he had been the only professor with a doctorate to be hired at the college that year. Through friends, she said, she became acquainted with Adelle Davis, who had already begun promoting her special brand of nutrition. They became fast friends, and Mrs. Hicks changed her way of eating--and that of her husband, too. A vibrant woman, who keeps busy in the community through various activities, including modeling, Mrs. Hicks will be 81 on March 12. "And,'' she said, her eyes twinkling and a mischievous smile on her face, "I got here without ever jogging or even walking fast--unless there was an antique I wanted to see.'' She credits her good health and vitality to her regimen which includes wheat germ, lots of green and yellow vegetables, yogurt and, in later years, brewer's yeast. Every morning, she said, she mixes up a concoction called Tiger's Milk. It's a combination of wheat germ, brewer's yeast, safflower oil and fruit juice. She uses about ½ a cup of wheat germ, 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast, a "tiny'' amount of oil, and any kind of fruit juice. She blends it thoroughly and drinks it for breakfast. For her, that is breakfast, she said, because it fills her up. Her husband has the same thing, but generally supplements it with a whole grain cereal, skim milk and an apple, she said. In addition to eating certain foods, the two generally have their main meal of the day at noon and something very light in the evening--maybe some yogurt or a piece of cheese. If they are going out for dinner in the evening, they eat their light meal at noon, she said. When people say they can't eat breakfast, the reason is usually because they eat such a big dinner, she said. At night, they don't need a big dinner, they don't need the energy, they just put on fat, she commented. They moved to Bellingham in 1933, when he was named chairman of the English department at what is now Western Washington University. Years later, he was retired as professor emeritus. When they came to Bellingham, she said, she couldn't find wheat germ. No one knew what she was talking about. She finally went to a milling company east of the mountains and bought it in bulk. Then she had to get a business license so she could sell it--at 10 cents a pound--to her converts. The same thing was true with brewer's yeast. She found a supplier and in turn sold it to her customers for $1 a pound. Mrs. Hicks said she often makes what she calls a cabbage salad in order to serve lots of green and yellow vegetables. She includes carrots, cucumber, green peppers, celery. She particularly likes to use new asparagus when it's tender and small--"Whatever fresh vegetables are in the market at the time."' In addition, she includes a cooked vegetable, some meat and fruit for dessert. Fortunately, her husband likes casseroles, she said, which allows her to combine the foods she prefers to serve. She likes pasta, but feels a little guilty about eating it, she said. However, she has found a pasta that is made with wheat germ and spinach, which she doesn't feel so guilty about eating. For weight-watchers, she suggests drinking lots of skim milk when dieting because it "helps keep the skin together and prevent wrinkles.'' Over the years, Adelle Davis came to Bellingham to lecture and stayed with her friends. Mrs. Hicks typed two of Davis' books, and later added the sale of them to her "business.'' She said that when Davis wrote "Let's Cook It Right," during World War II, friends from all over sent her ration coupons to buy extra foods for testing recipes. Neighbors and friends pitched in to help with the chopping and with the preparing of the recipes. As soon as testing was completed, the foods were shoved out the door and given to the USO at Palos Verdes Estates, Calif., for young people in the Navy to enjoy. At one time, Mrs. Hicks and another local woman, Dawn Everett, had a weekly radio show on nutrition. And Mrs. Hicks is still offering advice. For example, she suggests starting gradually with brewer's yeast, then working up to using a tablespoon a day. But, she said, wheat germ can be sprinkled on anything. She even puts it in her waffles and uses whole wheat flour in her pastry dough. She finds the flour at a health food store, she said, and that it is almost as fine as regular flour. She also buys potato chips without salt, which are really quite tasty, in the health food store. Salt is something she avoids as much as possible, she said. Bellingham Herald, February 11, 1981, page C1 HICKS
M. Hicks died 1-25-97. A Bellingham resident since 1932, Bernice was
born March 12, 1900 in Ashland, Oregon: father William Myer, mother
Anna Laura Gall. Taught primary school in Oregon prior to marrying
Arthur C. Hicks on May 15, 1925. She assisted Arthur, Adelle Davis
in compiling her books on nutrition. She enjoyed community involvement
with modeling in local fashion shows and memberships in PEO, Chapter
AB, Women of Western and Whatcom Museum Docents. Husband Arthur C.
Hicks, and daughter Clarimonde Walters preceded Bernice in death.
Granddaughter Judith Fish of Hamden, CT and grandson David Larson and
two great-granddaughters of Clayton, CA survive her. Memorial service
will be held March 10th at 11 a.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. A
reception will follow the service. Memorials may be made to the Bernice
Hicks Tulip Bed Fund at St. Paul's Church, Arrangements by Jerns-Leveck
Funeral Chapel and Cremation.Bellingham Herald, Bellingham, Washington, February 4, 1997, page 10 |