![]() ![]() Rogue River Indian War 1855-56 Correspondence in vaguely chronological order. See also Jackson County News, 1855 and my other Indian war pages. GLEANINGS FROM THE CRESCENT CITY
During the last few days our
neighborhood has again been rife with rumors of Indian maneuverings and
plottings. From appearances it would seem that the Klamath and Chetco
Indians seek revenge for the three Indians lately hung here for the
murder of Mr. A. French, and it looks as if they were bargaining with
the Smith River Indians for and against the settlers in that valley.
They steal more and frequently, appear in squads as if on the war path,
assume a bold impudence and not seldom use threats. Frequent warnings
have been given to the settlers by friendly Indians that mischief was
intended them, and lately even a squad of Rogue River Indians, well
armed with guns, appeared in the valley. A committee is even now
investigating these matters, and if it should appear that the Indians
really concert new mischief nothing can save them from destruction.
This community has so often and energetically pronounced itself against
individuals taking private revenge upon the Indians, that we do not
apprehend any harm befalling them, unless it is upon satisfactory
evidence that the lives and property of the settlers are in real
danger. On such an emergency our citizens will turn out as one man, and
if they make a clean sweep of the Indians, who can blame them.OF DEC. 20, 1854 Del Norte Record, Crescent City, February 4, 1893, page 2 A band of fifty-six warriors, with two hundred horses, arrived in Yreka on Wednesday last week from above The Dalles, in Oregon. They were on their way to fight the Shastas, who had put to death two small parties of their tribe. The Mountain Herald says they asked permission of the whites to avenge their brethren and that it was promised them, unless the Shastas would give up certain fugitives from justice who had committed an aggravated crime. Crescent City Herald, January 3, 1855, reprinted in the Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, January 19, 1923, page 1 Bounty Lands
FOR SOLDIERS WHO SERVED In the Rogue River or Cayuse Wars
The undersigned
will attend to the procuring of bounty lands, under the new act of
Congress, for persons who have been regularly mustered into the United
States service for the term of fourteen days or more. Persons who were
engaged in either of the Indian wars in this country, and all widows
and orphans of such persons, are entitled to 160 acres of land, and by
forwarding the necessary proof of their service to the undersigned, the
official forms will be made out and forwarded to the proper department
at Washington, which will ensure the return of a
For the applicant.Having a competent agent at Washington, it enables me to transact this kind of business with great efficiency and dispatch. Charges moderate. Address-- G. D. R. BOYD,
Weekly Gazette, Scottsburg, May 12, 1855, page 3Scottsburg, O.T. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT
Brevet Major E. H. Fitzgerald left this post the 10th instant, with
about forty men and horses, for Fort Lane. The commanding general
directs that, as soon after his arrival as possible, you fit out an
expedition to march towards Fort Boise. The first object of the
expedition will be to protect the immigrants en route to
Oregon and
Washington territories. If it should be practicable, without
delaying the return of the troops too late in the season, the
desires an attempt shall be made to capture or punish the
authors of
the outrage committed last fall upon immigrants by a body of' Snake
Indians, called Win-nes-tes
The expedition will be commanded either by yourself or Brevet
Major E.
H. Fitzgerald, at your discretion, and the general leaves it to you to
determine how far the expedition shall proceed.Benicia, May 14, 1855. The general also wishes to have such a sketch and notes of the route traveled over as the circumstances of the march will permit to be prepared. I am, sir, very respectfully, your most obedient servant, E. D. TOWNSEND,
Captain A. J. SMITH,Assistant Adjutant General. First Dragoons, Commanding Fort Lane, O.T. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, pages 149-150 There are apprehensions of serious Indian difficulties on Rogue River. Umpqua Gazette, Scottsburg, June 2, 1855, page 2 INDIAN OUTRAGE ON ROGUE RIVER.--By the arrival of the Mary Melville on Sunday, from Oregon, we have received a copy of the Oregon City Argus of the 16th inst., from which we clip the following account of an Indian outbreak: "We learn that a party of some three hundred warriors, in the vicinity of Applegate Creek, a branch of Rogue River, have made a descent upon the whites, killing some six or seven men and carrying off a large number of animals and other property. We have not been able to learn any further particulars, but we suppose from past and present indications we must have another general war with these savages, which must be a war of extermination to ensure anything like a lasting peace." San Joaquin Republican, June 28, 1855, page 2 FROM
AND YREKA.--It is with great
satisfaction that we record the fact of a contract having been closed onTHE INDIAN DISTURBANCES SETTLED. Monday evening for the purpose of opening a trail to the Klamath River, which, when finished, will constitute one half of a direct route from Crescent City to Yreka, passing within ten miles of the mouth of Salmon, within twenty of Bestville, within eight of Happy Camp, within but a few miles of Scott's Bar, and bringing Yreka and Crescent City within a distance of not more than one hundred miles' travel instead of 175, as traveled by the present trail via Jacksonville. The sum of $4,100 has been subscribed by the citizens of Crescent City to construct their end of the line. A more important work could not have been undertaken by our citizens. In its results it is destined to improve materially the future prospects of the whole extreme northern portion of California watered by the Klamath, but.particularly of Crescent City and Yreka. It brings the latter about one hundred miles nearer to the ocean, and the former acquires a thoroughfare through a country already containing several thousand miners, whose numbers, by this very increase of facilities for communication, will be doubled and trebled in a short time. The freight from Crescent City to Yreka is now 10 cents per pound. It will be reduced nearly one-half as soon as the new trail is opened. New York Daily Tribune, July 26, 1855, page 6 ILLINOIS VALLEY, O.T.--The Indian troubles in that section are far from being settled. The Indian agent, Dr. Ambrose, we are informed is using every exertion to concentrate them on the reservation on Rogue River. Tuesday before last, some of them drove away Reef's cattle, and a party of volunteers in pursuit of them surprised, on Tuesday, four Indians supposed to be their scouts. Firing, they killed one Indian and wounded the others, who retreated into the bushes. Crescent City Herald, June
6, 1855, page 2
From Illinois Valley.
we finish writing the above, we learn from packers just arrived that on
Saturday last, the Indians killed four white men (travelers, as far as
we could ascertain) and two Chinese, in Illinois Valley, O.T. (some 50
miles distant from here). Wm. Shelly is reported to have been severely
Crescent City Herald, June
6, 1855, page 2
Information has just reached this place that the Indians in Rogue River Valley have again commenced depredations on the whites. Report says that sixteen whites have been killed. The U.S. troops have been ordered to the scene of hostilities from Fort Jones. "Later from Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, June 12, 1855, page 3 ILLINOIS VALLEY, O.T.--Our correspondent from Sailor Diggings, whose letter will be found in another column, gives a succinct account of the situation of Indian affairs in that section. By later advices we learn that the Indians are congregated in the neighborhood of Deer and Slate creeks, that the volunteers have been within sight of them, but found their own number too small to attack them with success. On Saturday last the Indians robbed the house of Mr. Chapman. Crescent City Herald, June
13, 1855, page 2
INDIAN OUTBREAK.--Another Indian outbreak has commenced in Southern Oregon, between the Applegate, Illinois and Coast Indians and the whites. The Indians have killed several white persons, and committed other depredations upon the settlers, such as shooting stock, driving mules and cattle into the mountains &c. &c. The settlers have become alarmed, and are determined to make a treaty with these bands which will be lasting to the end of time. The Rogue River Indians have been collected together upon the reservation by Dr. Ambrose, the Indian agent, and were peaceable when we left, a few days ago. Oregonian, Portland, June 16, 1855, page 2 Indian Affairs in Illinois Valley.
Up to the time of our last issue the Indian difficulties in that
section had progressed to an alarming extent. Volunteer companies were
in search of the Indians, who had all left the reservation on Rogue
River. Judge Peters, Mr. Rosborough and others on their way to this
city were induced to return to Jacksonville. Mr. T. A. Jackson came
through accompanied by a guard a short distance of the route, and two
days after his arrival a letter was received, written by Mr. Shoudy,
and dated Applegate, June 10th, from which, by permission, we make the
following extract:"Yesterday Mr. Jackson got Mr. J. Dyer and Mr. D. McHues to guard him over to Mooney's ranch. On returning home they were waylaid by the Indians and both killed, one having received seven balls and the other ten through the body in various places. Some soldiers who passed along this morning found the bodies and buried them. This of course causes considerable excitement, and families are obliged to move to places of safety. Travel has for the moment almost ceased, and there is but little doing in the diggings here or at Jacksonville. It has rained all this afternoon and two or three trains have just come through without experiencing any trouble." These statements are fully corroborated by Mr. Cornwall, the expressman, who came in a few days after. THE INDIAN DIFFICULTIES IN ILLINOIS VALLEY SETTLED.--From G. S. Rice, of Sailor Diggings, we learn that news had been brought in of the adjustment of the Indian troubles, it being reported that the Indians returned to the reservation after having given up six of their number concerned in the murder of J. B. Hill on Indian Creek and also in the murder of Dyer and McHues on Applegate. P.S.--Mr. B. F. Dorris of this city returned last evening from Yreka; he passed through Illinois Valley on Sunday, reports everything quiet and confirms the statement that the murderers of Hills, Dyer and McHues were given up to the Indian agent. Some soldiers and volunteers, however, are still out. Crescent City Herald, June 20, 1855, page 2 INDIAN WAR.--We have received private letters from Jacksonville to the 14th of June which fully confirm the fact that the Indians have determined upon another war with the settlers. Volunteers had been raised at Jacksonville, and had gone out to bury those whites who had been killed by the Indians, and to chastise them. The rumor was that two battles had been fought and the Indians whipped in both encounters, and that seven Indians had been killed and several prisoners taken. This rumor, however, was not authentic at the time our correspondents wrote. Oregonian, Portland, June 23, 1855, page 2 INDIANS.--We understand that the Indians on the Klamath River between Humbug and Scott River are becoming quite insolent--trespassing on the property of the whites and making assertions that "they would act as they pleased, as it was their own land," &c. We would invite the attention of the Indian agent to this. The inhabitants of that, as well as all other parts of the county, are law-abiding, taxpaying people, and are entitled to the support and protection of the government. These people are able and willing to protect themselves, but would prefer having the proper authorities attend to this matter. Otherwise they will be forced to protect their own lives and property.--Yreka Herald. Umpqua Gazette, Scottsburg, June 30, 1855, page 2 Indian Outbreak in the North.
From a slip from the Yreka Union
office, dated the 28th ult., and furnished by Rhodes &
Express on Tuesday evening last, we are in receipt of the painful
intelligence that the Indians of Northern California and Southern
Oregon have again taken the war path. Indeed, we are in possession of
the reliable information that they have already brutally murdered
upwards of twenty white
men, besides having burned and otherwise destroyed a large
amount of property in houses, grain, stock &c., &c.From Fifteen to Twenty White Men Killed. Several Indians Hung. According to the Extra Union the first act of hostility occurred on Humbug Creek, when three Indians and one white man got into a difficulty, occasioned by the Indians abusing the white man, Peters. In this affair Peters was killed, although he fired at one of the Indians first. A party of men from Humbug started in immediate pursuit of the murderers, and captured them on Barkhouse Creek. They effected their escape afterwards, however. A few nights subsequent to the first affair, a band of Indians, supposed to be of the Applegate tribe, made a descent on Buckeye Bar, on Klamath River, and killed nine men. Mr. Edward Flanagan arrived at Yreka on Monday, and informed the Union that he saw the bodies of ten men, four of whom he recognized as those of Edward Parrish, Wm. Hennessy, Thomas Gray and Peter Hignight. Horsley & Brastow’s Express has furnished us with the following extract from a letter written from their office in Yreka on Monday last. "Since Jack left, two Indians have been hung in this place. They came in town as spies. Two white men were killed on Hamburg Bar, Scott Bar, on yesterday, and two packers on Applegate Creek." We annex the following letter, from the Rev. R. B. Stratton, written on the 30th ult., Monday last:-- YREKA,
July 30th, 1855.
a stranger, I take the liberty of saying to you that the Indian
difficulties announced in the "Extra" Union
of Saturday are growing more serious every moment. I write you,
thinking I will thus be more certain to apprise some friends, whom I
expect to be at Shasta in a few days, en route for this place.Today two Indians were hung here; they were caught last evening near Yreka, with arms and ammunition, and identified as being connected with the hostile tribe. One of them was an elderly man, obviously of a stern experience, as he was thoroughly scarred. Four more are to be hung this evening on Humbug. No further reports from Klamath (the place where the first depredations were made), except that Indians are still prowling about in that region. Posters have been sent to all parts of Scott and Shasta valleys, that isolated families may gather to some defensible position. The excitement is intense, and likely to continue. The younger of the two Indians hung today asserted just before he swung that the "Rogue River Indians," and many others, had combined to pursue a war of extermination upon the whites, and that they had vowed never to enter into a treaty again. Whatever credit may be given to his words, they will not tend to any abatement of the present excitement. He further stated that they had determined [upon] the utter destruction of this town. Stealing squaws, and selling the Indians rum and arms, will yet prove dear traffic to the innocent (?) whites Yours, &c.
Shasta Courier, Shasta,
California, August 4, 1855, page
2R. B. STRATTON. At the middle Klamath Lake [in August 1855], just after crossing Lost River and the Natural Bridge, we met a small party of citizens from Jacksonville, Oregon, looking for hostile Indians who had committed some depredations in their neighborhood. From them we learned that the Rogue River Indians in Southern Oregon were on the warpath, and that as the "regular troops up there were of no account, the citizens had taken matters in hand, and intended cleaning up the hostiles." They swaggered about our camp, bragged a good deal, cursed the Indians loudly, and soundly abused the government for not giving them better protection. It struck me, however, that they had not worked very hard to find the hostiles; indeed, it could plainly be seen that their expedition was a town meeting sort of affair, and that anxiety to get safe home was uppermost in their thoughts. The enthusiasm with which they started had all oozed out, and that night they marched back to Jacksonville. The next day, at the head of the lake, we came across an Indian village, and I have often wondered since what would have been the course pursued by these valiant warriors from Jacksonville had they gone far enough to get into its vicinity. Phil Sheridan, Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, vol. I, 1888, page 47 Keyword: Exterminators More Indian Difficulties in the
We learn from Mr. Harris, who arrived here a few days since from Yreka,
that on Friday, 3rd inst., a man was shot in the neighborhood of
Jacksonville, by the Applegate or Rogue River Indians. Dr. McKinney and
eight others went in pursuit of the murderers, and finally overtook
them in superior force, a fight took place, and in the melee Dr.
McKinney and seven of his party were killed. One man alone made his
escape, and he reached Jacksonville in a crippled condition. Capt.
Williams, with a strong party, had gone in pursuit of the enemy.Eight Men Killed--One Wounded! This is but another bloody proof that it is impossible for the two races to live in contiguity. Every day that the utter extirpation of the Indians is prolonged but engenders fresh murders. It is useless to inquire who is in fault; the fact is written in the blood of some of our best citizens that the races cannot live together. In such case, the first law of nature, self-preservation, would seem to dictate that policy which Napoleon adopted toward his prisoners in Arabia. Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1855, page 2 Rogue River Correspondence of the
Weekly Oregon Statesman, Salem,
August 18, 1855, page 2JACKSONVILLE,
Aug. 4, 1855.
in time for the mail, I hasten to give you such facts in relation to
our Indian difficulties as have so far come to my knowledge.Last week, Thursday and Friday, on Humbug Creek, near the Klamath, a band of Indians, without any particular provocation that I hear of, killed twelve white men, and fled to the mountains. A large volunteer force of horsemen immediately organized and pursued them. On Tuesday a detachment of about 60 dragoons, from Fort Lane, went over to the scene of the murders, but finding that the Indians had probably left the neighborhood, they returned. And on Thursday the volunteers, in pursuit, on the trail, became satisfied that they had come down between our valley and the Applegate, and had gone towards the Rogue River, [and] sent on a portion of their force to ascertain if they had not gone to the Reserve near Fort Lane. On Friday it was learned that a band of forty or fifty suspicious Indians was encamped below the fort near Evans' and Jewett's farms, and another detachment of dragoons was sent to take them, but they were put on their guard, it is said, by a white man, and escaped, leaving their families in their camp. It was thought advisable not to pursue them--but today another dragoon force went down after them, and it was supposed, confidently, would get them, or such as were probably guilty of the murders. This is the history of the matter, as near as I can gather from the thousand and one reports that are flying everywhere, though some of this may vary widely from the truth. The impression is that Indians of the band near the ferry were all in one way or another connected with the affair. A little number of them are supposed to be of the Rogue River, and a few of the Deer Creek, band, but generally they are Klamaths, Illinois and Applegates. Among them are four inferior chiefs, or heads of small bands, who have been heretofore known as reckless men, and hostile to the whites, and the few followers they have gathered together are of the same character--the worst Indians in the country. The Rogue Rivers as a body could not, by any means, be drawn into a collision with the whites. The other bands have always been troublesome, and will be, probably, until they are annihilated. Under the judicious and effective administration of Dr. Ambrose, Indian agent, it is hoped that the character and condition of our Rogue River Indians will be very materially ameliorated, and that they will be, as far as possible, assimilated by the whites. The bands occupying the more southern localities are, however, for many reasons, and will be, comparatively beyond the reach of the Agency--and indeed they are principally beyond its limits--and there are reasons, too, why they will continue to be troublesome until they are exterminated. Much excitement exists in the country. Fears of a war have existed with many--but they were evidently produced more by exaggerated and false reports than by facts, and as the guilty persons are secured for punishment, the excitement will subside and we shall be at rest again. There can be no Indian war here. The band of reckless vagabond Indians got together at Humbug was greater than we supposed could be collected, and larger, we are quite sure, than can be again collected for such purposes. Yours,
[unsigned] THE INDIAN DEPREDATIONS SOUTH.--In the letter of our Jacksonville correspondent will be found the fullest and latest information from the south. LATER.--Mr. Spencer, of this place, who left Jacksonville last Saturday, the 11th, says that Capt. Smith of Fort Lane had six of the murderers in custody on the reserve, and had some dragoons out after the rest. Two hundred and fifty volunteers were there from Yreka, and demanded the murderers. Capt. Smith refused to give them up, but said that he would hand them over to the authorities of Siskiyou County, and an express had been sent for the sheriff. Weekly Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 18, 1855, page 2 INDIAN
KLAMATH.--The accounts we receive from Rogue
River Valley and the Upper Klamath are so confused and contradictory
that it is very difficult to arrive at correct conclusion as to the
condition of Indian affairs in that region. It appears, however, only
too certain that some twenty whites have fallen a sacrifice to Indian
cruelty, and amongst those were Edward Parrish, Thomas Gray, Wm.
Hennessy, and others whose names are not known.
On the 30th ult., two Indians were hung by the mob at Yreka, four Indians had been made prisoners and shot on Humbug Creek, and one shot on Scott's Bar. From an article we publish today from the Yreka Union of the 11th, it would appear that a war of extermination against the Indians has been resolved upon. Later advices, however, state that some six Indians have been given up to the Yreka volunteers, that the Indians have left the cave and returned to the reservation, in consequence of which the volunteer forces have been disbanded. Crescent City Herald, August 22, 1855, page 2 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT
In recent communications from the commanding officers of Forts Jones
and Lane, I am informed of an outbreak among the Indians, on the
Klamath River, about eighteen miles from Yreka, in which number of
whites are reported to have been murdered. Captain Judah, from Fort
Jones, and Brevet Major Fitzgerald, from Fort Lane, moved promptly with
detachments of troops to the scene of difficulty. A report from Fort
Jones, Scotts Valley, dated the 2nd instant, states that the
inhabitants of the valley had assembled with the avowed
purpose of
exterminating the unoffending Indians, known as the Shasta tribe, but
some of the better disposed of the people, aiding the commanding
officer of Fort Jones, about one hundred Indians, of all ages and
sexes, were collected at that post on the military reserve.Benicia, August 10, 1855. The officers of the army in that quarter, acting under their standing instructions, will do all in their power to suppress hostilities, bring the offenders to punishment if they be Indians, and protect the inoffensive savages from destruction. Nevertheless, I must strongly concur in the suggestion of one of the officers commanding a post, that a special agent be sent there, as soon as practicable, to provide for the sustenance and protection of the Indians in a suitable manner, which it is not in the power of the military authorities to do. Those now assembled on the military reserve, at Fort Jones, are subsisted for the present by issues of the army ration, but this is only authorized by the emergency, and cannot be continued. I learn from Lieutenant Colonel Buchanan, commanding at Fort Humboldt, that the Red Cap, and other tribes in that vicinity, are at present all quiet. There seems to have been little or no concert between the Indian agent, Mr. Whipple, and the officers, Captains Judah and Floyd-Jones, who have commanded detachments in that quarter, the indisposition seeming to be on the part of the agent to communicate with the officers. The troops will remain in their camp on the Klamath until the approach of the rainy season, when I shall direct them to be withdrawn to Fort Humboldt, as it would appear there will be no necessity for keeping them out during the winter. I have to request that you will take such measures as will ensure the payment of certain debts incurred in that quarter by Captains Judah and Floyd-Jones "for provisions furnished to Indian allies and Indian prisoners." The amount contracted by the latter officer he represents to be from one hundred and fifty to two hundred dollars. You are aware that when the trouble first commenced, the officers commanding the detachment were obliged to employ Indian allies and scouts to discover the hostiles in their lurking places, and to keep the prisoners brought in, to protect them from massacre by the whites. It is for the subsistence of these Indians that I understand the debts were incurred. I have only to add that the public interest seems to demand your immediate attention to the foregoing subjects. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant., JOHN E. WOOL,
Hon. T. J. HENLEY,Major General. Superintendent Indian Affairs, San Francisco, California. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, pages 91-92 and 101-102 Indian Troubles in the North.
From the Yreka Union
of the 18th inst., we copy the following:The Indian excitement has subsided. A large party of mountain rangers returned on Wednesday last, and report that they did not succeed in killing a single Indian. They traced the murderers over the Siskiyou into the Indian reserve at Rogue River Valley, at which place were found several horses belonging to those who were killed. The guilty Indians placed themselves under the protection of the Indian agent at that place and Capt. Smith, who stated that they were compelled to prevent their being molested until legal authority should be produced for their arrest. The legal authority required is, of course, a regularly executed requisition from the Governor. The Indians, we should think, after this must be very strongly impressed with the forbearing disposition manifested by the white man. Now, we would ask, what security have our citizens against a repetition of the shocking tragedy lately enacted, if the perpetrators can, at any time, be shielded from justice by United States troops? For what purpose were these troops stationed on this frontier? Was it to secure the citizens against the depredations of Indians, or to protect the Indians from molestation by the whites for any enormity they might see fit to indulge in--a wholesale slaughter not excepted? We know not the exact character of Captain Smith's orders, but we do know that a different course of procedure on his part would, in this instance, have been more subservient to the ends of justice, and have avoided the unavoidable condemnation of many. The party on their return proceeded to the cave on the Klamath, above Cottonwood, but found no Indians. They destroyed, in a measure, the fortifications at this place, which they represent as being strong and well built. Sonoma County Journal, Petaluma, California, August 25, 1855, page 2 The Indians in Rogue River Valley are all quiet. By the active exertion of Capt. A. J. Smith, 1st Dragon commanding officer at Fort Lane, and of the Indian agent, Dr. Ambrose, all the Indians in Illinois Valley have been removed to the Indian reservation. Boston Courier, August 27, 1855, page 2 INDIAN DIFFICULTIES.--The Indian difficulties in Southern Oregon and Northern California bid fair to continue or some time, and will probably assume a serious character before they are adjusted.--Oregonian. Sacramento Daily Union, September 1, 1855, page 3 MORE
Hanging of Two Indians-- A General Attack Upon the Whites Threatened.
We are indebted to the Pacific
for the following particulars of additional murders committed by the
Indians in Yreka, the news of which reached Shasta on the evening of
August 2. On Friday afternoon two white men, working at Hamburg Bar, on
Scotts River, were attacked and murdered by the Indians. On the
afternoon of the day following, two Indian spies came into Yreka. They
were immediately taken into custody and subsequently executed. It is
reported that two packers were murdered by the Indians near Applegate
Creek, while on their way to Yreka. The chief of the Rogue River
Indians declares that he will have vengeance for the hanging of two of
his tribe, and it is anticipated that there will be a general attack
very soon. In that event there will not be an Indian left alive in the
vicinity of Yreka.
"Doings in California," The Tennesseean, Nashville, Tennessee, September 15, 1855, page 2 INDIAN TROUBLES IN THE INTERIOR.--It appears that as yet none of the Indians, who lately committed such horrible outrages on the Upper Klamath, have been punished. It was useless that hundreds of miners had left their business and went out in pursuit of them. The Indians, when closely pressed, took shelter with the U.S. officers on the Rogue River Reservation from where, it seems, they can only be got by due process of law, commencing with a requisition from the Governor of California. The officers in their course of action probably do but their duty; still it is not to be expected that the unprovoked murder of some fifteen white men will be propitiated by a tedious and expensive legal prosecution of the guilty Indians, and it is not surprising to hear that the miners express their dissatisfaction with the course the officers at the reservation deemed it their duty to pursue. On Althouse Creek, we learn, the Indians have lately amused themselves by pilfering from the miners' cabins provisions, tools, clothing &c.; in one instance they stole pot and beans from the fire. The diversion left the miners minus about one thousand pounds of provisions. All these depredations are charged to the Indians belonging to the Rogue River Reservation, who thus accumulate upon themselves a cloud of guilt, which sooner or later will burst upon their devoted heads. Crescent City Herald, September 5, 1855, page 2 INDIAN MASSACRE.--We are informed by Capt. Camman, of the brig S. R. Jackson, arrived recently from Coos Bay, that just previous to his sailing from the Bay news was received of the murder of seventeen miners by the Indians in Rogue River. A Mr. Flannagan, of Coos Bay, was among the number, but the names of the others were not reported. The massacre took place about the 20th ult. The people in the neighborhood were in a state of great excitement, and had held several meetings, with the view of organizing to exterminate the Indians.--Alta. Sacramento Daily Union, September 12, 1855, page 2 Other sources locate this trouble on Puget Sound. ROGUE RIVER INDIANS.--The Yreka Union gives another version relative to the Indian disturbances on Rogue River, furnished by Capt. Thos. Smith, one of the first settlers of Rogue River Valley: The Captain was one of the men engaged in the fight. He says that on the evening of Thursday, 30th August, three men went out deer hunting on the emigrant trail about six miles above the settlement, at the head of the valley, where they camped. During the night a horse belonging to one of the party was taken from the camp, and was heard going towards the Indian rancheria, about a mile and a half distant. Early next morning they proceeded towards the rancheria in search of the horse, and upon arriving within a short distance of the Indian camp discovered that the Indians were too numerous to meddle with, and returned to the settlement. On Saturday morning following, on information being given of the circumstance, they raised a company of sixteen men and started out for the purpose of recovering the animal if possible. Upon arriving within a short distance of the Indian camp, they halted to consult, when a shot was fired at them from the brush, which fortunately did no damage. They rushed into the camp, when the Indians retreated into the brush, and fired upon them, killing Mr. Keene of Tennessee and severely wounding John Q. Tabor and Fred Alberding, and the party were compelled to return with them to the settlements. The Captain could not tell positively whether any Indians were killed or not. On the following morning the Captain with a party brought in the body of Keene, which they found shockingly mutilated. On their return, they met 40 U.S. troops under the command of Lieut. Sweitzer. At the request of Sweitzer, Smith returned the next day, to aid the troops in chastising the Indians, but met the troops returning, who stated that they had seen no Indian sign, and the Lieutenant considered it useless to continue further. Captain Smith urged the Lieutenant to return, or even to detail a portion of the troops to accompany him, but the Lieutenant declined doing either, and the volunteers being too few to cope with the Indians, were compelled to return. The Captain thinks that these Indians are the same engaged in the Klamath butchery. Marysville Daily Herald, Marysville, California, September 22, 1855, page 3 Seventeen miners are reported to have been murdered by the Indians on Rogue River on the 20th August. "Arrival of the Northern Light," New York Herald, October 14, 1855, page 1 Other sources locate this trouble on Puget Sound. INDIAN TROUBLES IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY.--One Man Killed and Two Wounded.--From Mr. D. W. McComb, the agent of Wells, Fargo & Co., who returned from a tour through the interior on Wednesday last, we learn that on Sunday, the 2nd inst., a party of whites were in pursuit of some Indians who had stolen cattle on the Emigrant Trail, Jackson County, O.T. A little this side of Russell's Mountain House, the party came upon an Indian camp, from which the squaws had just been retreating. Proceeding further on in their search, they were fired upon by the Indians who had concealed themselves in the bushes. A man by the name of Stein was killed; Fred Armitage was shot through the head, and another man had his arm broken. Crescent City Herald, September 12, 1855, page 2 From Yreka.
From the Yreka Union
of the 8th inst., we learn still further Indian outrages in that
quarter. It says:"We regret much that necessity compels us to publish an account of still another 'tragedy,' lately 'committed' in his own neighborhood by these self-same Indians. Mr. A. Goldsmith, agent of the Pacific Express to Oregon, has brought the intelligence that on Saturday last a party of men started from Jacksonville in search of horses that had been stolen by the Indians. When they had arrived within about six miles of Russell's Mountain House, at the head of Rogue River Valley, on the emigrant trail, they discovered tracks of animals which they supposed to be theirs--they had proceeded but little farther when they were attacked by a large party of Indians, well armed and equipped for offense. A man named [Keene] was killed on the spot; the remainder were obliged to retreat--two of these were so severely wounded that they were near being left behind by their comrades. The next day the body of the deceased was found with the throat cut--the heart taken from his breast and cavity filled with rock; the body was otherwise shockingly mutilated. Forty U.S. troops are now searching for the murderers." Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, September 15, 1855, page 3 THE INDIANS AT THE NORTH.--The Indians at the north, it appears, are still troublesome. Mr. Galbraith informs the Crescent City Herald that a short time ago, while on his way to Jacksonville, and about a mile and a half above Applegate crossing, O.T., he was shot at four times by the Indians, who, it would appear, are still prowling through the country, bent on mischief. Weekly Butte Record, Oroville, California, September 15, 1855, page 2 Notice!
J. HENLEY, Superintendent of Indian Affairs
for the
State of California, all that tract of country from a point one mile
above the May-Reep Rapids to the mouth of the Klamath River, and
extending on each side four miles, is set apart for an INDIAN
RESERVATION, under the law of Congress regulating Indian reservations
in the state of California.S. G. WHIPPLE
Capell, June 16, 1855.Special Indian Agent, Klamath Reservation Weekly Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, October 6, 1855 About thirty miles from Port Orford, an Indian shot a white man, whereupon the whites in the neighborhood assembled together and demanded the Indian of a sub-Indian agent who had him in charge to be delivered up to them. The agent refused, but surrendered him up to a justice of the peace for examination. After the examination, which resulted in committing the Indian for trial, a constable, with a party of United States soldiers, under command of a noncommissioned officer, started with the Indian for Port Orford in a canoe. On their way they were met by a party of white men in another canoe, going up to the council-ground where the white man had been shot. The white men, suspecting that this canoe contained the Indian who had shot the white man hailed her and requested those on board to stop. The constable and officer in charge of the Indian refused, and peremptorily ordered those hailing them to be off. At this juncture someone in the canoe containing the white men shot the Indian prisoner, who was sitting near the constable having him in charge, killing him instantly. The soldiers were then ordered to fire upon the white men, which they did with effect, killing three of the party; the rest escaped to the shore. "Two Weeks Later from California," Daily Union, Washington, D.C., November 2, 1855, page 3 THREE WHITE MEN MURDERED BY INDIANS.--An extra from the office of the Yreka Union details the killing of three men and the wounding of two others by the Indians, near the summit of the Siskiyou Mountain on 24th Sept. One of the men was named Samuel Warner, and other Fields, and the third unknown. The Indians numbered twelve and were all well armed. Petaluma Weekly Journal and Sonoma County Advertiser, Petaluma, California, October 6, 1855, page 3 From the Crescent City Herald, Oct., 1855.
On Saturday, the 1st, while the train of Messrs. Church and Mann was
encamped on Althouse Creek their camp was robbed of provisions, arms,
etc., by the Indians.Mr. Thomas informs us that on Saturday the 20th inst. the bodies of two men were found, who apparently had been robbed and murdered, on the road from Scott's Bar and Scott's Valley. On Thursday, the 27th ult., four teamsters were attacked by a band of Indians on the Siskiyou Mountains, between Jacksonville and Yreka, and two of them instantly killed. It is supposed the Indians attacked them with a view of getting at the provisions. Mr. Upton, who came down from the mouth of Rogue River, informs us that the town to be laid out at that place is to be called Sebastopol. Also he learned that some Indians had fired Mr. Sharp's house, between Chetco and Winchuck, about 20 miles above this place. A suspicious Indian was arrested who tried to prove an alibi which afterwards did not turn out to agree with his real whereabouts. In the endeavor to run away he was shot at and killed. Other Indians surmise that the real ones made tracks for Crescent City. Mr. Jackson, who arrived in town Wednesday, the 10th inst., informs us that on Monday on his way here, when but two or three miles from Indian Creek, and ascending the Siskiyou Mountains, he met Mr. Riley, Hart & Co.'s express messenger, carrying a hat which he had found on the road, perforated with a rifle ball, and having evidently belonged to a man recently killed. Mr. Jackson returned with the party to Indian Creek, where a small company was got up for the purpose of examining into this matter. They arrived on the ground about six miles from Indian Creek on the same afternoon, and soon found the body of Mr. Hudson, a packer, who had started the week previous, in company with his partner, Mr. Wilson, with a train of thirteen mules from Crescent City. He was shot in the temple with a rifle ball, and had besides some seven or eight arrows in his body. One of the mules was found lying dead, and not far off were scattered the contents of sundry packages of merchandise. No clue has yet been found of the whereabouts of Mr. Wilson. An Indian war in Rogue River Valley is now on. A volunteer force of one hundred or one hundred and twenty-five men had been formed, and after having completed their arrangements they proceeded on Sunday evening, the 7th inst., to the mouth of Butte Creek in the vicinity of Fort Lane in several parties, according to the number of rancherias, and commanded respectively by Major Lupton, 36 men, Capt. Williams 14, Messrs. Bruce, Miller and Hayes 11 each, Mr. Harris 18 and Mr. Newcomb 17 men. Early on Monday morning the volunteers approached the rancherias, and the Indians first fired upon Harris' command. The fight then became general and ended in the total defeat of the Indians, 30 of whom, left dead on the ground, were afterwards buried by the military from Fort Lane. Of the volunteers, 12 men were wounded; one of their number, Major Lupton, who had received an arrow in the left breast, died on Monday night, and another named Sheppard, wounded in the abdomen, it is thought will not recover. The Indians on Tuesday, the 9th inst., burned the house of Mr. Jones, on Rogue River, near Jacksonville, and he was killed, and his wife severely wounded, dying soon after.… The house of Mr. Wagoner, of the same place, was also burned, together with his wife and child. Mr. Wagoner had left his home about an hour previous for the purpose of escorting Miss Pellet, the temperance lecturer, to Illinois Valley, and on returning, being but a short distance from his house, he beheld it in flames. On his arrival home he found the Indians dancing and shouting around the fire. In the meantime the U.S. troops, under command of Major Fitzgerald, came upon them, killing five of their number, the rest making their escape.… Mr. Harris, also of the same place, was killed, his child wounded and his property destroyed. Great praise is due Mrs. Harris, for her heroic conduct after the Indians had killed her husband, wounded her child and destroyed their property. She fought the Indians the whole night alone with a double-barreled gun, firing some forty rounds at them.… On Tuesday noon intelligence was received at Jacksonville of Mr. Hamilton being killed and a Mr. Westfall wounded, by the Indians at Jewett's Ferry, about 16 miles further down the river. Since the attacks of the 8th, 9th and 10th inst., no further collision seem to have taken place between the whites and Indians in Rogue River Valley, until the 18th inst., when the latter boldly attacked a company of 18 men on Galice Creek, some fifty miles below Jacksonville, and besieged them in a house during the space of 24 hours, killed two men and wounded ten; amongst the latter was Wm. Moore; he was shot in three places; a fourth shot struck the bullet molds slung over his back. The Chinese were employed in cutting trenches and otherwise fortifying the position of the whites. From the nature of the surrounding country, which is broken and covered with brush and bushes, it was impossible to ascertain the number of Indians--supposed to have been upwards of 100. Among them were recognized some of the Shastas, who are represented as having been the last to retreat.… The latest news reached here today, the 31st, under date of the 24th. Three trains started from Illinois Valley with an escort of seven men, and on the mountain beyond Mooney's Ranch, they were attacked by the Indians. Two Mexicans came to Mooney's Ranch and reported these facts. One Mexican has been found dead on the trail, also one wounded; John Dorman and John Dickey are supposed to have been killed, and several other whites, but nothing certain is known as to the number of whites killed. Sam Fry's company of volunteers have started in pursuit and will undoubtedly overtake the band that committed these murders. A new company has been formed in this valley today who will remain here at some central point for the protection of the families. There is however a great want of arms here, and another call will have to be made on Crescent City for arms and assistance. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, May 20, 1893, page 1 1855 Oct 3rd Wednesday. I went a hunting Indians. found a trail followed it. come up to them found it to be Dingmans and old Charlie instead of Indians but before I got home It was reported around that I had found where 3 or 4 Indians had been so that is the way the reports get around. Wallace choped wood Father is on the Jury yet 1855 Oct 4th, Thursday. We ground the axes and choped wood. another excitement. Mr Fisk and Myers were hunting cattle on the mountians. an Indian shot at them but missed them. they come home to get help to drive in all the cattle on the mountans The Indians wont have any chance now. there were 19 volonteers went out after Indians last night saw 5 or 6. got frighten and come home after more men to get out and follow the trail. The Cottonwood boy'es hung 3 Indians yester day. 1855 Oct 5th Friday. I went out on the Mountian with Fisk and Wallace to help them hunt there cattle has they were afraid to go alone there were 14 of us went. we went clear over on to Antelope creeck. we did not find any Indian sign Diary of Welborn Beeson A correspondent writing from Lower Rogue River, under date of Oct. 8th, informs us that he had received news of the massacre of two white men near Wait's mill by the Indians. They also set fire to a house on Butte Creek, which was entirely consumed. Let these inhuman wretches beware of the speedy punishment which is sure to follow their fiendish depredations. The people of Southern Oregon have remained quiet under these outrages until forbearance has ceased to be a virtue, and they are now arming themselves for the purpose of giving the perpetrators the chastisement they so richly deserve. Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1855, page 2 FIGHT WITH THE INDIANS.--A volunteer force of about 125 men proceeded on Sunday evening the 7th inst. to the mouth of Butte Creek, in the vicinity of Fort Lane. Early on Monday morning they approached the rancherias and were fired upon by the Indians. The fight then became general, and 40 of the Indians were killed. Maj. Lupton was killed and 12 of the volunteers wounded. It was reported in Jacksonville on Tuesday that the house of a Mr. Jones was burned, himself killed and wife wounded. Messrs. Wagoner, Evans and Hoff are supposed to have been killed and their houses destroyed. It was also reported that a man named Hamilton had been killed, and another named Westfall had been wounded by the Indians, at Jewett's Ferry. A packer named Hudson was killed by the Indians on the Siskiyou, and 15 volunteers started in pursuit of them. "News from the North," Oregonian, Portland, October 16, 1855, page 1 Messrs. Hale & Co. obliged us with the perusal of a letter from W. W. Fowler, Esq., dated at Jacksonville, O.T., 9th October, and which, in the main features, confirms entirely the information above given. The inactivity of the United States forces at Fort Lane is commented upon with some severity. The Herald also gives an account of the finding of the body of Mr. Hudson, a packer who had started the week previous, in company with his partner, Mr. Wilson, with a train of fourteen mules, from Crescent City. He was shot in the temple with a rifle ball, and had besides some seven or eight arrows in his body. One of the mules was found lying dead, and not far off were scattered the contents of sundry packages of merchandise, together with the old rags which the murderers had exchanged for better clothing found amongst the packs. No clue had as yet been found as to the whereabouts of Mr. Wilson, the partner of Mr. Hudson, and at the time undoubtedly in his company. "War in Oregon," Utica Morning Herald, Utica, New York, November 13, 1855, page 2 Petition.
Oct. 12 / 55
To his excellency Geo. L. Curry, Gov. of
the Territory of Oregon, we the undersigned represent that whereas war
exists between the Rogue River Indians and Shasta Indians and the white
settlers of said Rogue River Valley, and that up to this time 20 or 30
families have been murdered, and their houses burned, and the hostile
forces are gathering in great numbers and that the road is now in a
state of blockade and no communication can be had between the countries
north and south of said Rogue River Valley, and believing that the
safety of the citizens of our valley (Umpqua) and the exigencies of the
state of hostilities require more adequate means of defense, your
petitioners would respectfully request that you authorize the raising
of volunteers to the number of from 50 to 500, or as many as will be
needed to subdue the hostile forces, and that said volunteers be at the
expense of the Territory of Oregon, and your petitioners would further
pray that you authorize Samuel B. Hadley to raise and command a body of
men from 50 men upwards not to exceed 500, as soon as possible in
Southern Oregon to also be at the expense of the Territory of Oregon,
and your petitioners would ever pray &c. &c.Names
Territory of Oregon
This 12th day of October personally
appeared before
me, Samuel B. Hadley, who being duly sworn says upon his oath that the
foregoing signatures are genuine and that they are citizens of Douglas
County, Oregon TerritoryDouglas County S. B. Hadley
Witness my hand and official seal affixed this day & year above
writtenR. H. Dearborn
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder
29/19Clk. Dist. Court Indian Outbreak in Southern
Dwellings Burned and Families Murdered. Corvallis, Oregon,
Oct. 14, 1855.
At noon today,
Mr. S. B. Hadley arrived at this place, an express messenger, bearing a
petition to Gov. Curry for five hundred volunteers, to repel the
hostilities of the Shasta and Rogue River Indians, who are represented
to be in a state of war towards the whites. The petition is signed by
about one hundred and fifty of the citizens of Umpqua Valley. Among the
names we recognize a number of prominent settlers there. The petition
represents that some twenty or thirty families have been murdered and
their dwellings burned, and that an attack upon the Umpqua settlements
is feared. The families murdered and houses burned, thus far, were
between Grave Creek and Rogue River. Mr. Hadley recollected the
following names among the number:
Evans (at the ferry), Wagoner, Vannoy, widow Niday (she escaped) and Harris. Mr. Hadley says that Judge Deady, who had been holding court in Jackson County, with Dr. Drew, deputy marshal, confirm the intelligence, and say that from the mountains they could see the burning dwellings south of them An express of Major Rains', we are informed, passed up on the other side of the river, with a requisition for U.S. soldiers, arms and ammunition from Fort Lane. He will not be able to get through, probably. Upon the reception of the intelligence at Eugene City last night, a meeting was held at which it was resolved to petition the Governor to permit Lane County to raise a company of volunteers. Upon the reception of the news, Gov. Curry immediately ordered from Middle and Southern Oregon ten companies of volunteers, each to consist of seventy-one men rank and file, to "proceed to take effective measures to secure indemnity for the past and conquer a lasting peace with the enemy for the future." A meeting was also held in Cowlitz County, at which it was resolved to raise a company of sixty men and to build a fort upon the claim of Seth Catlin. Col. Summers, Indian agent, requests us to state, says the Puget Sound Courier, that he desires that the people will use their best exertions in keeping peace and friendship with the friendly Indians. Many of them understand a good deal of English, and all talk--and therefore they should be well guarded in their presence.--S.F. Herald correspondence. Sacramento Daily Union, November 26, 1855, page 3 Office Supt. Ind.
SirDayton O.T. Oct. 16th 1855 I herewith enclose a copy of regulations for the direction of Indian agents in the Oregon Indian Superintendency, which I have regarded under the present exigencies as absolutely demanded. The large number of men and arms withdrawn from this Territory to act against the hostile tribes in Washington renders the settlers residing in remote districts apprehensive of danger from the bands scattered among us. These Indians are scattered over a wide extent of country, and many of them have been in the habit of mingling with a portion of the hostile bands and in some instances are suspected of sympathizing with them. In the event of a repulse of our troops, these might be induced to operate against us. In their present locations great opportunities are afforded for securing spies that may be sent among them from the hostile bands. The plan adopted is designed to lessen these opportunities and restore confidence among our citizens. Wrought up by excitement as the minds of the settlers now are, the least offense on the part of an Indian would most likely result in unwarranted excesses, leading to a rupture with these bands. The expense will undoubtedly exceed the appropriation for adjusting difficulties and preventing outbreaks, and it is hoped that funds may be remitted from other appropriations to meet these exigencies. Since writing the above, a messenger has arrived from Rogue River Valley with information that those Indians have taken arms and have already murdered twenty-five or thirty families, and are burning houses and laying waste the whole country. The messenger bearing this intelligence to the Governor, now at Portland, passed a family from this point and sent a verbal message. His report is that the communication between the Umpqua Valley and Jacksonville is cut off. The accounts may be much exaggerated, yet I put much confidence in them, as the letters of Agent Ambrose heretofore transmitted indicate a restlessness among the Indians and a strong probability of hostilities. A portion of our own people seem to desire war, and it is greatly to be feared that it has been forced upon us, much against the wish of a large portion of the Indians of that district. But if commenced, whatever may have caused it, I apprehend nothing short of annihilation of these bands will terminate hostilities. We may be able to save a portion of the Indians of Umpqua and this valley, and perhaps portions of the bands along the coast with a few of those east of the Cascade Mountains, but the race is doomed on this coast unless a strong military force be thrown in as a shield. They must at all events be humbled and taught the folly of attempting to redress their own wrongs. This will require a great sacrifice of the lives and property of our citizens, and whole neighborhoods of our scattered population will be cut off. An army of ten thousand men will not be more than adequate to meet the requirement of the service in this and Washington territories, if, as there is now good reason to believe, a general concert of action has been agreed upon among the Indians north and south. Enclosed is an extra Statesman just placed in my hands. I regard the reports as lacking confirmation and as based to a great extent on conjecture. The great excitement causes a trifling incident related at one point to increase as it proceeds to an alarming magnitude. On the receipt of more reliable information your office will be duly advised. The amount of labor connected with negotiations and the suppression of hostilities in this Superintendency has placed it beyond my power to prepare and transmit an annual report. Estimates for the next fiscal year will be submitted at an early day. The reports of agents Thompson and Ambrose and the various communications from this office will it is believed supply in a great measure and supersede the necessity of a regular annual report. Enclosed herewith is a letter from Agent Thompson containing an account of the repulse and retreat of Major Haller and command. Very respectfully
Hon. Geo. W. ManypennyYour obt. servant Joel Palmer Superintendent Commissioner Ind. Affairs Washington City D.C. NARA Series M234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, Reel 608 Oregon Superintendency 1853-1855, frames 1190-1194. The undated "extra" of the Oregon Statesman, probably from October 15, 1855, is transcribed below. STATESMAN
EXTRA Indian Outbreak in Southern Oregon-- Dwellings Burned and Families Murdered. Corvallis, Sunday,
Oct. 14.
At noon today Mr. S. B. Hadley arrived
at this
place, express messenger, bearing a petition to Gov. Curry for 500
volunteers to repel the hostilities of the Shasta and Rogue River
Indians, who are represented to be in a state of war towards the
whites. The petition is signed by about 150 of the citizens of Umpqua
Valley. Among the names we recognize a number of prominent settlers
there. The petition represents that some 20 or 30 families have been
murdered, and dwellings burned, and that an attack upon the Umpqua
settlements is feared. The houses burned and families murdered, thus
far, resided between Grave Creek and Rogue River. Mr. Hadley
recollected the following names among the number:Evans (at the ferry), Wagoner, Vannoy, widow Niday (she escaped) and Harris. [Evans, Vannoy and Niday were unharmed.] It was supposed that Miss Pellet, the temperance lecturess, was at Wagoner's, and murdered. [She and Mr. Wagoner left the house an hour or two before the rest of the family was killed.] All communication with Jacksonville was cut off, and we hear nothing from the citizens there. It is conjectured, however, that the town is fortified. The mail carrier was shot at and driven back. The families between Grave Creek and the Canyon have been brought into Umpqua for safety. There is no communication beyond the Canyon now. Mr. Hadley says that Judge Deady, who had been holding court in Jackson County with Dr. Drew, deputy marshal, confirm the intelligence, and say from the mountains they could see the burning dwellings south of them. An express of Maj. Rains', we are informed, passed upon on the other side of the river with a requisition for U.S. soldiers, arms and ammunition from Ft. Lane. He'll not be able to get through, probably. Upon the reception of the intelligence at Eugene City last night a meeting was held, a report of which we give below: To His Excellency, George L.
Curry, Governor of Oregon:
At a meeting of the citizens of Lane
Co., O.T., held
at Eugene City, Oct. 13th, 1855, they were informed of Indian
difficulties in the Rogue River Valley by S. B. Hadley, authenticated
by a petition of over one hundred and fifty names subscribed and sworn
to, thereforeResolved, That the citizens of Lane Co., pursuant to said information, do heartily concur in the prayer of said petition in recommending to his honor, the Governor of Oregon, the expediency and propriety of ordering out forces for the protection of the citizens of Umpqua and Rogue River valleys, and would respectfully recommend [to] the Governor that Lane County be permitted to raise at least one company of volunteers to repair immediately to the seat of war. Jos. Teal, Chairman
D. C. Dade, Sec'y. Just as we were putting our Extra to press, we received the following letters by the southern mail. They are from gentlemen well known in the country as wholly reliable: Laurel, Douglas
Co., Oct. 11th, '55.
Ed. Statesman--Dear
Sir: I
hasten to inform you that there is trouble with the Indians on Rogue
River. I have reliable information from Hon. M. P. Deady, Dr. Drew, my
son Thomas, and others. Judge Deady left Wagoner's, on Louse Creek,
after breakfast, and the house was on fire some three hours after and
all the family killed, besides a lady stopping overnight, traveling to
California lecturing on temperance, and some others whose names I do
not remember. The people expect much trouble. The mail carrier got in
sight of the house, saw the smoking ruins, when he was fired upon by
the Indians and had to return to Jacksonville. You shall have more news
as soon as I can get it correct.Yours,
Willis Jenkins, Postmaster Deer Creek, Oct.
11, 1855.
Friend Bush:
There is quite an excitement here about the Rogue River Indians, who
have broken out and are killing and murdering men, women and children.
The mail carrier from here south was shot at twice just beyond
Wagoner's and reports the latter house, as well as Mr. Harris', in
flames, and the Indians shouting and yelling around them like a parcel
of demons.It is supposed Miss Pellet was at Wagoner's, as Judge Deady reports leaving her there the morning the house was burned. Wagoner and his family have not been seen, and it is but a natural conclusion to suppose all have perished. There is no communication between Jacksonville and Evans Creek, and it is thought every house between those points is burned. [Apparently only the houses on the north side of Rogue River between the Table Rocks and Evans Creek were burned.] Dr. Drew stopped at Cow Creek to assist in guarding Mr. Turner's house. The Indians are reported 300 strong, well armed, and riding American horses. If anything more transpires I will inform you. Yours truly,
R. H. Dearborn Deer Creek, Oct.
11, 12 M. [i.e., noon]
Dear Bush--I have rode all night to get
here and
send news of the outbreak in Rogue River. No one has come through from
Jacksonville since I left. We have certain news that four houses
between Grave Creek and Rogue River are burned. It is presumed the
families are all murdered. There is other intelligence, pretty
reliable, that the families and houses between Wagoner's and Rogue
River are all destroyed, and also the houses from Evans' to Vannoy's on
Rogue river.On Tuesday night the Indians attacked the miners low down on Grave Creek (12 miles below the road) and killed three men. The mail is already closed. Dearborn tells me he has given you the items, and the mail boy will not wait any longer. I left Dr. Henry, of Yamhill, at Turner's, on Cow Creek, about 45 miles from here, last night. A party of about 20 men had collected there. I shall return as soon as a party can be raised. Lieut. Gibson, who has been surveying a route for a railroad, is at Winchester with about 90 men. Their animals are worn out and the men are footsore, but I hope to get some of them to start immediately. Our citizens between this place and the canyon are preparing to go out. Yours, in haste
NARA Series M234, Letters
Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, Reel
608 Oregon
Superintendency 1853-1855, frame 1195. Printed
in the Oregon
Statesman, Corvallis, October 20, 1855, page 1.J. W. Drew Exciting News from the Interior
Mr. Jackson,
who arrived in town on Wednesday, informs us that on Monday on his way
hither, when but two or three miles from Indian Creek [presumably the one near Kerby],
and ascending the Siskiyou Mountain, he met Mr. Riley, Hart, Work
Co.'s Express messenger, carrying a hat which he had found on the road,
perforated with a rifle ball, and having evidently belonged to a man
but recently killed. Mr. Jackson returned with the party to Indian
Creek, where a small company was got up for the purpose of examining
into this matter. They arrived on the ground about six miles from
Indian Creek on the same afternoon, and soon found the body of Mr.
Hudson, a packer, who had started the week previous, in company with
his partner, Mr. Wilson, with a train of thirteen mules from Crescent
City. He was shot in the temple with a rifle ball, and had besides some
seven or eight arrows in his body. One of the mules was found lying
dead, and not far off were scattered the contents of sundry packages of
merchandise, together with the old rags which the murderers had
exchanged for better clothing found amongst the packs. According to
appearances the attack must have been made on the day previous, on
Sunday afternoon. The party camped during the night in the neighborhood
and the next morning Mr. Jackson left. No clue had as yet been found as
to the whereabouts of Mr. Wilson, the partner of Mr. Hudson and at the
time undoubtedly in his company. The mules were probably driven off to
the mountains by the Indians.
Crescent City Herald, October 17, 1855, page 2 An Indian War in Rogue
River Valley.
FIGHT OF THE VOLUNTEERS WITH THE INDIANS. 30 Indians Killed. MAJOR LUPTON MORTALLY WOUNDED, &c., &c. (By the Crescent City Express.) We
are indebted to Mr. Galbraith of the Crescent City Express, for the
following particulars of the opening of an Indian war in Rogue River
As to the leading causes of this outbreak, the massacre of the miners on the Upper Klamath in the latter part of July, the murder of several packers, teamsters and travelers on the different routes near the Oregon boundary line, and more recently the killing of two wagoners and their ox teams near Cottonwood by the Indians--all these must still be fresh in the recollection of our readers. The military at Fort Lane, O.T., seemed to be powerless in either restraining or punishing the marauders, and the goaded population were at last compelled to rise for their own protection. Mr. Galbraith left Jacksonville on Tuesday, the 9th inst., and the following are the main events which happened up to that time: A volunteer force of one hundred or one hundred and twenty-five men had been formed, and after having completed their arrangements they proceeded on Sunday evening, the 7th inst., to the mouth of Butte Creek, in the vicinity of Fort Lane, in several parties, according to the number of rancherias [Indian villages], and commanded respectively by Major Lupton, 36 men; Capt. Williams, 14; Messrs. Bruce, Miller and Hays, 11 each; Mr. Harris, 18; and Mr. Newcomb, 17 men. Early on Monday morning the volunteers approached the rancherias, and the Indians first fired upon Harris' command. The fight then became general and ended in the total defeat of the Indians, 30 of whom, left dead on the ground, were afterwards buried by the military from Fort Lane. Of the volunteers, 12 men were wounded: one of their number, Major Lupton, who had received an arrow in the left breast, died on Monday night; and another, named Sheppard, wounded in the abdomen, it is thought will not recover. Mr. Galbraith also states that on Tuesday it was reported at Jacksonville that the Indians burnt the house of Mr. Jones, while the owner himself was killed, and his wife severely wounded. Dr. Barkwell was called to attend on the lady, but it is thought she cannot recover. Messrs. Wagoner, Evans and Tuff are also supposed to have been killed and their houses and property destroyed. Dr. Crane, U.S.A., and Dr. Barkwell were indefatigable in their exertions to assist and relieve the wounded. ONE MAN KILLED AND
City Herald, October 17, 1855, page 2 Galbraith's account had
previously been printed in an extra of the Herald on October 12.
On Tuesday noon
intelligence was received at Jacksonville of Mr. Hamilton being killed
and a Mr. Westfall wounded by the Indians at Jewett's ferry, about 16
miles further down the river.
volunteers started in pursuit of the Indians who killed Hudson on the
Siskiyou as above reported by Mr. Jackson.
It is hardly necessary to add that the country is represented to be in a general commotion, and that volunteers are called from every section to assist in the extermination of the Indians. As a consequence of this, business and trade is very dull, nor can we look for any material improvement until the Indians are entirely subdued, and the lives and property of the people secured against the ever recurring depredations of these savages. Mr. W. W. Fowler, in a letter to Mr. J. R. Hale, of the firm of Hale & Co. in this city, gives the following details of the events above mentioned. Jacksonville, Oct.
9th 1855.
Friend:--On my way here I heard of nothing but Indian difficulties. I
arrived on Saturday and found they were making up companies to attack
the Indians by surprise. On Sunday a company from the valley went
reconnoitering on Butte Creek and found out their position. The same
evening a company of twenty-five men came over from Sterlingville and
joined the former, with whom on Monday morning just at daylight they
cut loose. There were three different lodges or rancherias to attack
but within hearing of a gun shot. The first gun fired was the signal
for a general attack, and short work they made of it, killing about
thirty Indians, mostly men. Ten volunteers were wounded but only two of
them dangerously. Maj. Lupton died last night about ten o'clock; he was
was shot with an arrow in the left breast. Another one whose name I
have forgotten (Sheppard?) was shot in the abdomen with an arrow and it
is thought will not live through the day. A report has just come in
that the Indians have killed two teamsters at Mr. Jewett's ferry, about
sixteen miles down Rogue River. We have now a war on hand, but guns and
ammunition are scarce. I have been creditably informed that Capt.
Smith, of Fort Lane, has refused to let any of his guns go into the
hands of the volunteers.
The following letter, which we are
permitted to
copy, was addressed to a gentleman on Althouse Creek and as will be
perceived is of one day later date than previous advices.W. W. Fowler Applegate Valley,
Oct. 10th, 1855.
My Dear
Friend:--I have but time to inform you that the Indians have turned
out, and so have the whites. About forty Indians have been killed and
two or three whites in a battle on Butte Creek. Maj. Lupton among the
latter. Twelve white men were wounded. I was Vannoy's this morning to
visit Mrs. Jones who was wounded in the arm and back yesterday by the
Indians who attacked their house, killed Mr. Jones, set fire to the
house and left, believing Mrs. Jones dead; think she will die shortly.
Vannoy seems anxious as does everybody on Applegate and Rogue River to
see a volunteer company from Althouse. I should like to see the boys
out. I believe now is the time to subdue the Indians and do some
service. My compliments to all; tell them to turn out; there is earnest
war certain!
Yours, M. C. Barkwell. GENERAL
ORDER No. 1.
You will purchase, at market prices, the following articles, and in
such quantities as are herein given, for the use of the troops called
into service by proclamation of the governor of Oregon Territory, dated
Portland, O.T., October 11, 1855. You will purchase such articles, to
be approved and accepted by yourself, and upon the condition that the
payment for the same will be made from appropriation made by the
Congress .of the United States, to be applied to defraying the expenses
of the campaign under said proclamation, viz:Portland, O.T., October 15, 1855. 1,000 horses and mules; 400 saddles and bridles; 100 pack saddles and rigging; 300 guns; 2,000 pounds buckshot; 2,000 pounds Beck's rifle powder; 3,000 pounds bar lead; 100 revolvers; 100 pounds percussion caps; 300 powder flasks and shot pouches; 10 coils lasso rope. Forage for 30 days for all animals procured; also stationery, as required by the several departments of this regiment. Also, 1,500 heavy blankets; 1,000 heavy flannel shirts; 1,000 pairs pants; 1,000 pairs shoes; 1,000 pairs socks; 200 iron or tin 6-quart camp kettles; 200 tin 2-quart coffee pots; 1,000 tin pint cups; 1,000 tin plates; 1,000 sheath knives; 200 tin 8-quart pans; 25 camp tents; 50 axes, with handles; 100 hatchets, with handles. And you will forward all of the said ammunition, one-half of the horses and mules, saddles, and camp equipage, clothing, &c., to the Dalles at the earliest possible dispatch; and the remainder of said supplies you will retain at this point, Portland, to await further orders, and report to this department. By command of the governor: E.
A. ZIEBER,Adjutant General. Assistant Quartermaster General. ----
ORDER No. 2.
M. M. McCarver,
commissary general, will be prepared to furnish subsistence for at
least thirty days for the entire command which has been called into the
field by proclamation of the governor, dated 11th October, 1855.HEADQUARTERS,
Portland, O.T., October 15, 1855. Meanwhile he will have ample time to procure further supplies, if the campaign be prolonged beyond that number of days, and will hold himself in readiness for that purpose upon further orders from this office. By command of the governor: E.
Adj't. General. ----
ORDER No. 3.
By proclamation of the
governor this day made, two battalions of mounted volunteers have been
called for from Southern and Middle Oregon, for the purpose of
suppressing Indian hostilities in those sections of our country; and in
view of the probable concert of action among the tribes upon both our
northern and southern borders, it is indispensably necessary that a
free communication should be kept open between the Rogue River and
Willamette Valley.Portland, O.T., October 15, 1855. The officers who may be chosen to the command of these battalions, as soon as they are mustered into the field, will therefore employ their respective commands in protecting the settlements in those sections from which they have been raised, and at the same time will keep open the line of communication between the Umpqua and Rogue River valleys. Their movements for those objects must necessarily be left very much to their own discretion. For the purpose of effectually chastising those savages who have perpetrated the merciless outrages in their midst, they will treat all Indians as enemies who do not show unmistakable signs of friendship, and deal with them accordingly; and they will also bear in mind that, so far as is practicable., a concert of action will be maintained with the' United States forces that may be engaged in that section of the Territory. No change in the plan of operations for carrying on a vigorous war against the Indians at the north will be made in consequence of the call for battalions from the south. The commanding officers will keep this office fully advised, from time to time, of their operations and success. By order of the governor: E.
Adj't. General. ----
ORDER No. 4.
The regiment of Oregon
mounted volunteers, authorized by the proclamation of the governor of
the Territory, of the 11th day of October instant, for the suppression
of Indian hostilities on the northern frontier, will establish its base
of operations at the Dalles of the Columbia, and with all possible
dispatch enter the enemy's country, secure indemnity for the past, and
conquer a lasting peace for the future. The means necessary to effect
the object of the campaign will be left very much to
the patience,
skill, and experience of the colonel in command of the regiment, who
will, as much as practicable, cooperate with the commanding
officer of the United States troops, which now are or may hereafter be
in the field.Headquarters, Portland, October 16, 1855. Great care will be taken not to confound friendly with hostile Indians; but unmistakable evidence of friendship will be required of any of the Indians within the field of the regiment's operations, or they will be treated as confederated with those openly in arms. As far as possible, under the circumstances of the case, respect will be paid to the property of the enemy, and the campaign conducted to a successful issue with that humanity which should characterize a brave and powerful people in the infliction of merited chastisement upon a treacherous and savage foe. The chiefs of the commissary and quartermaster's departments will make such arrangements immediately as are necessary to promote the efficiency of the regiment for a campaign of three months' duration. The surgeon of the regiment will organize the medical department, and report to the commanding officer of the regiment. By the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 5.
Commissary General M.
M. McCarver will proceed without delay to Southern Oregon, and make all
necessary arrangements to subsist the two battalions called for by
proclamation of the 15th October, 1855.Portland, O.T., October 16, 1855. He will inculcate the necessity, on the part of his subordinates, of the exercise of perspicuity and carefulness in :the records of all official transactions, and of the utmost prudence and economy in purchasing the supplies that may be requisite for the war. By command of the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 6.
Quartermaster General
John F. Miller is required, without delay, to make the
arrangements for ensuring efficiency and dispatch in
his department in furnishing the arms, ammunition and other
supplies which may be required by the volunteer force called into the
service to suppress Indian hostilities by proclamation of the governor
of the 15th October, 1855.Portland, O.T., October 16, 1855. He will inculcate the necessity, on the part of his subordinates, of the exercise of perspicuity and carefulness in keeping the records of all official transactions, and of the utmost prudence and economy in purchasing the supplies that may be requisite. By command of the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 7.
Hostile Indians, in
straggling parties, are reported to have recently passed and repassed.
the Cascade Mountains by the immigrant road. Companies "C" and
"D" will therefore constitute a detachment of the regiment of
Oregon mounted volunteers, and proceed immediately to the Dalles of the
Columbia by that road, and report to the senior officer of the regiment
Headquarters, Portland, October 17, 1855. All Indians that may be encountered on the march will furnish unmistakable evidence of friendship, or be treated. as enemies. On the line of march the detachment will afford every assistance and protection to our citizens and their property. By the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 8.
The urgency for a
force at the Dalles of the Columbia imposes a necessity for the utmost
celerity on the part of the troops authorized by the proclamation of
the 11th of October instant; forty-eight horses only will therefore be
allowed to each company of the regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers at
rendezvous after being mustered into service.TERRITORY
Headquarters, Portland, October 18, 1855. At the Dalles, facilities will be afforded for completing the equipments of any company unavoidably compelled to leave the rendezvous without being fully equipped within the time allowed by this order. By the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 9.
Companies "E" and "F"
of the regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers will constitute a
detachment, and proceed to the Dalles of the Columbia forthwith, by way
of the mouth of the Sandy, and report to the senior officer of the
regiment there.TERRITORY
Headquarters, Portland, October 19, 1855. All Indians that may be encountered on the march will furnish unmistakable evidence of friendship, or be treated as enemies. On the line of march the detachment will afford every assistance and protection to our citizens and their property. By the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 10.
Information having
been received that armed parties have taken the field in Southern
Oregon, with the avowed purpose of waging a war of extermination
against the Indians in that section of the Territory and have
slaughtered, without respect to age or sex, a friendly band of Indians
upon their reservation, in despite of the authority of the Indian agent
:and the commanding officer of the United States troops stationed
there, and contrary to the peace of the Territory, it is therefore
ordered that the commanding officer of the battalion authorized by the
proclamation of the' governor of the 16th day of October, instant, will
enforce the disbanding of all armed parties not duly enrolled into the
service of the Territory by virtue of said proclamation.TERRITORY
Headquarters, Portland, October 20, 1855. The force called into service for the suppression of Indian hostilities in the Rogue River and Umpqua valleys, and chastisement of the hostile party of Shasta, Rogue River and other Indians now menacing the settlements in Southern Oregon, is deemed entirely adequate to achieve the object of the campaign; and the utmost confidence is reposed in the citizens of that part of, the Territory that they will support and maintain the authority of the executive by cordially cooperating with the commanding officers of the territorial forces, the commanding officers of the United States troops, and the special agents of the Indian Department in Oregon. A partisan warfare against any bands of Indians within our borders or on our frontiers is pregnant only with mischief, and will be viewed with a distrust and disapprobation by every citizen who values the peace and good order of the settlements, It will receive no countenance or support from the executive authority of the Territory. By the governor: E.
Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 11.
So much of "General
Order No. 9," heretofore issued to companies "E" and "F," regiment of
Oregon mounted volunteers, directing said companies to proceed to the
Dalles of the Columbia, by way of the mouth of the Sandy, is hereby
recalled. They will hold themselves in readiness, on and after the
morning of the 21st instant, to proceed to the Dalles of the
Columbia, by way of the Willamette and Columbia
rivers, as
far as the Cascades, on steamboats provided for their transportation,
and from thence as indicated in General Order No. 9.TERRITORY
Headquarters, Portland, October 16, 1855. At the Dalles the detachment will report to the senior officer of the regiment. By command of the governor: E.
"F."Adjutant General. ----
ORDER No. 12.
Company G of regiment
of Oregon mounted volunteers will proceed, immediately upon receipt of
this order, to the mouth of the Sandy, and there await transportation
to the Cascades; from thence it will proceed to the Dalles of the
Columbia without delay, there to report to the senior officer of the
regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers.TERRITORY
Headquarters, Portland, October 16, 1855. By command of the governor: E.
Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session,
1857, pages 152-157Adjutant General. Headquarters
Department of the Pacific,
SIR: The Yakima and Klickitat Indians in
Oregon and Washington
territories, being dissatisfied, it is said, with the treaty made with
Governor Stevens, have assumed a warlike attitude, and have killed a
number of white inhabitants going to and returning from the mines near
Fort Colville. To punish these Indians, and to check their murderous
intentions, Major Haller moved against them with about 100 men. He met
them on the banks of the Pisko River [sic],
Simcoe Valley, but finding them too strong, he retired to the heights
and sent for a reinforcement. Major Rains, with all the forces under
his command, marched to his relief. I have ordered two detachments, one
from Benicia and the other from the Presidio, composed of one captain,
two lieutenants, and seventy rank and file, to proceed in the steamer Columbia to
reinforce Major Rains. I have no doubt the Major will be able to
chastise the Indians and bring them to terms.Benicia, California, October 19, 1855. The whites and Indians keep up a predatory warfare near Forts Jones and Lane. The whites have determined to exterminate the Indians in that region; hence they kill indiscriminately the innocent as well as the guilty. I ordered Major Fitzgerald, with his company of dragoons, some two months since, to the Dalles, but owing to difficulties between the whites and Indians in Southern Oregon and Northern California, I suspended the order until his services could be dispensed with. It is rumored that he has recently had a brush with the Indians, when he killed and wounded forty of them. I
am, very respectfully, your obedient servant
Lieut. Col. L.
ThomasJohn E. Wool Major General A. A. General, Headquarters of the Army, New York City. Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress, Washington 1855, page 80 Great Indian Fight at the South!
Over 100 Indians Killed--Escape of Miss Pellet.
We stop the
press to say that by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express we learn that
citizens and miners of Jackson County have taken the field. They have
already killed one hundred and six Indians. They spare neither age nor
sex, but are determined to make a clean sweep as they go. They say that
they want no assistance or interference from government officers, that
they are determined to treat all protectors or sympathizers with the
Indians as common foes.
Maj. Lupton, member-elect to the Legislature from Jackson County, was killed. Miss Pellet escaped a few minutes before Wagoner's house was attacked. Great excitement existed against the regulars, and others who had sheltered and protected the Indians. Oregonian, Portland, October 20, 1855, page 2 Exciting News from the Interior!
We are indebted to the Crescent
city Herald, Extra,
of October 12, for the following particulars relative to the
depredations of the Indians on the Siskiyou Mountains, and their attack
upon a pack train, in which one man was killed. We also learn that the
Indians in Rogue River Valley have again commenced hostilities, and
have had a severe fight with a company of volunteers, under the command
of Major
Lupton, and others, in which forty Indians were killed and
Major Lupton mortally wounded:Mr. Jackson, who arrived in town on Wednesday, informs us that on Monday, on his way hither, when but two or three miles from Indian Creek, and ascending the Siskiyou Mountain, he met Mr. Riley Hart, Work & Co.'s Express messenger, carrying a hat which he had found on the road, perforated with a rifle ball, and having evidently belonged to a man but recently killed. Mr. Jackson returned with the party to Indian Creek, where a small company was gotten up for the purpose of examining into the matter. They arrived on the ground about six miles from Indian Creek, on the same afternoon, and soon found the body of Mr. Hudson, a packer, who had started the week previous in company with his partner, Mr. Wilson, and a train of thirteen mules from Crescent City. He was shot in the temple with a rifle ball, and had besides some seven or eight arrows in his body. One of his mules was found lying dead, and not far off were scattered the contents of sundry packages of merchandise, together with the old rags which the murderers had exchanged for better clothing found amongst the packs. According to appearances the attack must have been made on the day previous, Sunday afternoon. The party camped during the night in the neighborhood, and the next morning Mr. Jackson left. No clue has as yet been found as to the whereabouts of Mr. Wilson, the partner of Mr. Hudson, who at the time was undoubtedly in his company. The mules were probably driven off to the mountains by the Indians. We are indebted to Mr. Galbraith, of the Crescent City Express, for the following particulars of the opening of an Indian war in Rogue River Valley. As to the leading causes of this outbreak, the massacre of the miners on the Upper Klamath in the latter part of July, the murder of several packers, teamsters and travelers on the different routes near the Oregon boundary line, and more recently the killing of two wagoners and their ox teams near Cottonwood by the Indians--all of these must still be fresh in the recollection of our readers. The military at Fort Lane, O.T. seemed to be powerless in either restraining or punishing these marauders, and the goaded population were at last compelled to rise for their own protection. Mr. Galbraith left Jacksonville on Tuesday, the 9th inst., and the following are the main events which happened up to that time: A volunteer force of one hundred or one hundred and twenty-five men had been formed, and after having completed their arrangements they proceeded on Sunday evening, the 7th inst., to the mouth of [Little] Butte Creek, in the vicinity of Fort Lane, in several parties, according to the number of rancherias, and commanded respectively by Maj. Lupton, 36 men; Capt. Williams, 14; Messrs. Bruce, Miller and Hay, 11 each; Mr. Harris, 18, and Mr. Newcomb, 17 men. Early on Monday morning the volunteers approached the rancherias, and the Indians first fired upon Harris' command. The fight then became general and ended in the total defeat of the Indians, 40 of whom, left dead on the ground, were afterwards buried by the military from Fort Lane. Of the volunteers, 12 men were wounded; one of their number, Major Lupton, who had received an arrow in the left breast, died on Monday night and another named Sheppard, wounded in the abdomen, it is thought will not recover. Mr. Galbraith also states that on Tuesday it was reported at Jacksonville that the Indians burned the house of Mr. Jones, while the owner himself was killed and his wife severely wounded. Dr. Barkwell was called to attend on the lady, but it is thought she cannot recover. Messrs. Wagoner, Evans and Tuff are also supposed to have been killed and their houses and property destroyed. Dr. Crane, U.S.A., and Dr. Barkwell were indefatigable in their exertions to assist and relieve the wounded. On Tuesday noon intelligence was received at Jacksonville of Mr. Hamilton being killed and a Mr. Westfall wounded by the Indians at Jewett's Ferry, about 16 miles further down the river. Fifteen volunteers have started in pursuit of the Indians who killed Hudson on the Siskiyou, as above reported. It is hardly necessary to add that the country is represented to be in a general commotion and that volunteers are called from every section to assist in the extermination of the Indians. As a consequence of this, business and trade is very dull, nor can we look for any material improvement until the Indians are entirely subdued and the lives and property of the people secured against the ever-recurring depredations of these savages. Messrs. Hale & Co. obliged us with the perusal of a letter from W. W. Fowler, Esq., dated Jacksonville, O.T., Oct. 9, which in its main features confirms entirely the information above given. The inactivity of the U.S. forces at Fort Lane is commented upon with some severity. Weekly Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, October 20, 1855, page 2 THE INDIAN WAR NORTH.--The papers from the northern portion of the state, received last evening, contain but little intelligence in relation to the Indian hostilities in that quarter, except what we have already published. They, however, confirm the former accounts. His later intelligence has been received from Rogue River Valley. By the Shasta papers, we learn that Capt. Jacob Rhodes has organized a company in Yreka for the purpose of taking a part in the warfare which now exists with the Indians. The company consists of twenty-five picked men. On Wednesday last it was to have marched for Rogue River Valley. It is the intention of Capt. Rhodes to scour that region of country. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, October 22, 1855, page 2 THE INDIAN TROUBLES IN OREGON.--Among the official documents received from Oregon is the letter from Joel Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, who, confirming the statements of Governor Curry, says "the present difficulty in Southern Oregon is wholly attributable to the acts of the whites," adding, "I cannot but feel that it is our duty to adopt such measures as will tend to secure the lives of these Indians and maintain the guarantees secured by treaty stipulations. "The future will prove that this war has been forced upon these Indians against their will, and that, too, by a set of reckless vagabonds for pecuniary and political objects sanctioned by a numerous population, who regard the Treasury of the United States a legitimate object of plunder. "The Indians in that district have been driven to desperation by acts of cruelty committed against their people. Treaties have been violated and acts of barbarity committed by those claiming to be citizens that would disgrace the most barbarous nation of earth. If none but those who perpetrated such acts were to be affected by this war we might look upon it with indifference, but unhappily this is not the case." Cooper's Clarksburg Register, Clarksburg, [West] Virginia, October 31, 1855, page 5 On Wednesday morning Maj. Fitzgerald, with a small detachment of troops from Fort Lane, came up with the Indians and forced them to retreat into the mountains with the loss of fifteen of their number, thus saving the remaining inhabitants between Rogue River and the Canyon. The time since the battle of the 10th has been principally occupied in putting the Valley in a state of defense, and organizing the volunteer forces. All seem to be determined on a war of extermination. Capt. Judah passed through Yreka on Sunday last, with a company of troops from Fort Jones, en route for the seat of war. Abel George left here yesterday morning with a company of mounted volunteers. A company left Scott River, we are informed, the first of the week. A large mass meeting was held in Jacksonville on Sunday evening. Speeches were made by Hon. Dr. Hunter and Dr. Ambrose, both of whom recommended that the Valley and town be placed in the best condition of defense that the circumstances by which they were surrounded would allow, and that a war of extermination be declared and carried on against the Indians. The volunteers are organizing under the militia laws, and the demands of the commissaries for supplies are being promptly met by the citizens. Marysville Daily Herald, Marysville, California, October 27, 1855, page 3 FORT
I have the honor to enclose herewith for transmission to Colonel
Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, a letter written by me in the
capacity of acting Indian agent.November 2, 1855. The recent murders by Indians of women and children on Rogue River Valley were literally retaliatory of, and immediately succeeded the massacre by Major Lupton and his party of eighteen women and children out of twenty-five killed. The Scotts Valley Indians, unless located upon the military reserve, are at any moment liable to an attack similar to that made by Major Lupton, and the whites in the valley and its vicinity to the same deplorable results. The Indians have as yet enjoyed no opportunity of laying in food for the winter, and the necessity for provision of some kind in the way of blankets and clothes is imperative. As soon as I can receive another wagon from Fort Lane, I shall endeavor to supply them with slabs from a sawmill about five miles distant, for sheds to protect them from snow. In view of the unexampled previous good conduct of the Scotts Valley Indians, the neglect they have experienced at the hands of the Indian Department, and their present necessities, I trust my communication to Colonel Henley will not be considered by the general commanding as unwarranted in tone or character. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. M. JUDAH,
Captain 4th Infantry, commanding. Asst. Adjt. General, Dept. of Pacific, Benicia, Cal. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, page 102 and pages 106-107 STATEMENT
left Jacksonville on Sunday, Oct. 21st in company with the U.S. Mail,
and arrived safely at Evans' Ferry on Monday morning. The mail carrier
made application for and obtained from Maj. Fitzgerald an escort of
five soldiers to accompany the mail to Leland Creek and to return with
the incoming mail. We arrived safely at Leland Creek. Left there on
Tuesday morning--proceeded very carelessly along, supposing no danger
at hand--as advised by all--until we were descending the Big Hill or
mountain at the crossing of Cow Creek. We walked downhill--heard firing
at the crossing of Cow Creek; supposed it to be volunteers. At the foot
of the mountain, found a man lying dead and mutilated, wagon close at
hand, rifled of its contents, and one yoke of cattle killed. The man's
name was Hollen Bailey, a resident of Lane County. He was driving 500
head of hogs to Jacksonville--over 100 of his hogs were killed on the
ground. Three other men were with him at the time of the attack, but
escaped.We rode hastily to the crossing of the creek, and came to a halt to see if any whites were fighting. We were immediately fired on by the Indians from all sides. We fled in haste and were hotly pursued; the firing continued until we reached Turner's house, some six or seven hundred yards. Finding the house vacated we hastened on; seeing houses burning ahead of us and hearing the savage yells, we took up the mountains. Turning a point we discovered a house wherein families were fortified. This was Mr. Smith's. We sought refuge here and remained some half or three-quarters of an hour when George Lewis, of Siuslaw Valley, came up with another gentleman, bringing a note from Mr. Redfield to Mr. Smith desiring him to send a wagon with six men to bring his wife and family away. This was done. The wagon was filled with furniture and bedding and the family placed thereon, and was about starting for Smith's when the Indians returned and pursued the party, firing upon them until they reached Smith's and had just got into the house and barricaded the door when the Indians attacked the house. They continued firing off and on until near sundown, shooting in the meantime some five or six animals hitched at the door. I remained here until after dark; started in company with six men for Levens' some four miles from Smith's, and two from the Canyon--arrived safely; guarded all night. Next day (Wednesday, Oct. 24th), about 3 o'clock a cloud of smoke was seen in the direction of Mr. Smith's, and some expressing fears about the safety of the families at Smith's, proposed that a party should ascend the hill and see. Charles Johnson, Henry Minot and Alexander ------ went out and proceeded up the hill, each armed with a rifle and Colt's revolver. They arrived at the summit, or near, and were fired upon by Indians. Mr. Minot was wounded through the abdomen, and is dead ere this. Recovery impossible. Charles Johnson, formerly from Huron Co., Ohio, was shot and all cut to pieces--scalped and robbed of his clothes. Mr. John Fortune and Hardy Elliff proceeded amid a shower of bullets, and rescued Mr. Minto and brought him to his wife. The other gentlemen escaped unharmed. The Indians then proceeded in full view to the field in which were all the horses and mules, numbering about 25 or 30; captured, killed and shot all. Mounted and proceeded on their destructive mission. After burning some grain and Mr. Quine's house, they returned and commenced the attack again and continued until 8 or 9 o'clock. They fired about 150 or 200 rounds from the time of attack on Johnson until they ceased. Smith's house contained some eight women, eleven children and four infants, and about 30 men, poorly armed and but little ammunition. At Levens' house there were seven women, seven or eight children, mostly infants, and about 27 men, well armed, and plenty of ammunition for them. The following gentlemen have lost all--houses, grain and everything: Messrs. Saunders, Bentley, Cowls, Contner, Pinkerton, Percival, Redfield, Turner, Bray, John Fortune, Henry Quine, Henry Minot and about one thousand bushels of oats at Hardy Elliff's. Mr. Elliff estimates the damage done on Cow Creek, wheat, oats, cattle, horses &c., at not less than $20,000. There are but six houses remaining between the Canyon and Rogue River--Hardy Elliff, Mr. Levens, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Niday, Grave Creek, and Mrs. Harris. This is true to the letter. I witnessed the greater portion with my own eyes, and you can rely upon the statement as true. Yours
P.S.--Mr. Smith's house was not captured and burnt as supposed. On
Thursday morning a portion of Capt. Rinearson's company came to the
rescue, and intended to proceed immediately to trail them out.T. McF. PATTON. T.
McF. P.
Argus, Oregon City, November 3, 1855, page 1
Capt. Judah returned to Fort Jones on
the 29th inst., "hors
de combat" with a badly sprained ankle. He says the men took
from this place are still in the field under Lieut. Gibson, 3rd
artillery. The Indians, about 80 in number, still keep together, and at
last accounts were making their way to the coast. Major Fitzgerald is
now in pursuit, and intends following down the coast. The last news
heard from him was that he had captured 10 or 12 squaws and four
Indians.Capt. Judah was out eight days with 170 men, in the Siskiyou Mountains, in pursuit of the Indian chief Tyee John and his party, guided by two Indians to their old hiding place in '53, but was unsuccessful in falling in with them. On Wednesday evening last, a packer of Doct. F. C. Horsley, of this place, arrived with the intelligence that the train was attacked at Illinois Valley. One man was killed and three of the mules with their cargoes were taken by the Indians. Since writing the above we have learned that on Tuesday last, about 400 Indians were surrounded on a bald mountain near Mooney's Ranch, a short distance this side of Illinois Valley. It was contemplated that an attack would be made upon them the following day, or as soon as a howitzer could arrive from the Fort. Two packers, 21 mules, and 18 cattle were killed by these Indians near Sailor Diggings, one day last week.--Yreka Union. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, November 8, 1855, page 2 OREGON AND CALIFORNIA
The Indian war which now rages at the north, and news of which reached
us by the last steamer from Oregon, is about to be grappled with by the
distinguished veteran commanding the Pacific Division, with all the
energy characteristic of that gallant officer. The whole disposable
force at the command of General Wool is to be concentrated at two
points--one division, the operations of which General Wool will
direct in person, at Fort Dalles, and the other at Fort Lane.
General proceeds from this place on Tuesday, on board the steamer Columbia, for
Humboldt, and thence to Fort Dalles, from which point he will direct
the operations against the enemy. He takes with him the company
stationed at the Presidio, under command of Captain Keyes, and another
company from Fort Humboldt. The General is accompanied from this city
by Major Cross, at the head of the Quartermaster's Department; Major
Townsend, Assistant Adjutant General; Captain Cram, Topographical
Engineers, and Lieutenants Bonnycastle and Arnold, his immediate aides.
Large quantities of ordnance, subsistence and quartermaster's stores
are being speedily shipped on board the Columbia, for the
use of the expedition.From the San Francisco Herald of Nov. 4 and 5. There will be then concentrated at Fort Dalles the following force: The company from the Presidio; a company of the fourth infantry from Fort Humboldt; one company of the first dragoons, under command of Major Fitzgerald, who proceeds from Fort Lane to join the expedition; and all the disposable troops of the district comprising Fort Vancouver and Fort Dalles, under Major Rains, who has already taken the field. For operations against the Rogue River and neighboring Indians there will be concentrated at Fort Lane one company of the fourth infantry, under Lieutenant Underwood, who has orders to proceed from Fort Reading to that place, one company of dragoons under Captain Smith, and one company of the fourth infantry, commanded by Captain Judah, who is already in the field. The utmost activity prevails at Benicia, in the embarkation of mules, horses, stores &c., and if the steamer were but in readiness, the expedition could start this afternoon, although the news was only received on Thursday night. National Era, Washington, D.C., December 6, 1855, page 195 THE ROGUE RIVER MASSACRE.
Story of the Killing of Nineteen Persons on October 9, 1855. A Prominent Episode in the History of Southern Oregon-- Dangers Incident to Frontier Life--Narrow Escape of Judge Deady. (Written for the Sunday Oregonian.)
"The Indians
have broken loose and are killing everybody!" shouted a mud-bespattered
and excited horseman as he dashed into the busy town of Jacksonville,
in southern Oregon, on the 9th of October, 1855.
Dismounting from his foam-flecked and panting steed, he repeated to the crowd which had gathered about him, "The red devils broke out of the reservation last night and killed every man along Rogue River. Yes, and the women and children too. They've burned all the houses and run off the cattle, and God knows what they haven't done. I just came from Jewett's ferry." Thus saying, he staggered to a seat, while the excited crowd plied him with questions. "I was asleep in the old log house (built in 1851 by Perkins, then owner of the ferry, and made bulletproof as a defense against the Indians) at Jewett's ferry, and several others were there. Just before day, or maybe at 3 or 4 o'clock, 'whish' went a bullet through the shingles. Then there was a fearful howl and a lot more guns were fired. We got down on the floor at first, but when lights were got we found we were all right and we began to fire back. We saw through the dark a dozen Indians firing at the house. In about half an hour they left and we waited till daybreak and looked out and saw a man dead on the ground near the house. His name is Hamilton and he was camped close to the ferry. We looked for his partner and found him in the bushes, where his groaning drew us. He is terrible bad off--shot four times." "Is that the Hamilton that's bringing the iron for the new mill?" interrupted a bystander. "Yes, I expect it is, for that's what his train was loaded with," responded the messenger. "Then we looked around, keeping an eye out for Indians until about 10 o'clock. We didn't leave the house before nine, for fear on 'em--and found nothing more, only Robbins come tearin' from Evans' and says 'the whole country is murdered. Jones and his wife are shot; Wagoner and his family are killed and the Indians have beat Haines' brains out. I want you fellows to go back with me just as soon as you can and look and see who's left alive.' " As these disjointed words were repeated about the town, great excitement ensued. Jacksonville was full of people, mainly refugees from the surrounding mining camps and farming settlements, for the whole surrounding country was, and had been for many days, in anticipation of trouble with the Indians, although of less serious nature than that which now cast such a chill over the stoutest hearts. A large number of the inhabitants of Jackson and Josephine counties were "forted up," that is, had collected in strong buildings, bulletproof and large enough to contain several families. A large number of men were required to defend these detached posts, and even in Jacksonville itself some apprehensions of danger to the town were felt, although the number of men there capable of bearing arms was several hundred. Very quickly, however, a volunteer force of about twenty active and fearless men were in the saddle and set off a at a swift gallop for the north side of the Rogue River, where the atrocities had been committed. While they ride to succor the helpless victims of savagery, let us examine the route which they followed and the region toward which they directed their headlong steps. THE COUNTRY AT THAT
The railway which in 1885 connects the
valley of the
Rogue with that of the Willamette passes for nearly eighty miles of its
way along the route formerly known as the old California trail, and
later as the California and Oregon road. In 1855 and thereabouts, the
era of extensive mining in northern California and southern Oregon,
this trail, then broadened and graded to the actuality of a fair wagon
road, was the sole communication between such important mining centers
as Jacksonville and Yreka, and was in fact the only means of land
communication between the state (then territory) of Oregon and
California. Along it at various convenient localities were scattered,
as the fashion of the times then was, no small number of eating and
lodging houses and drinking saloons, where the wayfarer might refresh
himself and his horse. A vast traffic passed over this road, vast if it
is considered that the sole means of transportation were heavy wagons
and trains of pack mules. By such means the miners were supplied with
the necessaries of life and the implements of their trade, from such
distant a shipping port as Scottsburg, and even from Portland. The
traveler who has the good fortune to pass by daylight over that portion
of the Oregon & California railway which lies between the South
Umpqua and Rogue rivers will see a deal of most charming and
interesting, and even sublime scenery, and he will find, if he seeks
opportunity to question the older inhabitants of the stations, that
these localities are fruitful in traditionary lore.Parallel to the railway and not far to the eastward lay the old California trail, where were enacted the scenes which are about to be described. Along the Rogue, from the point where Grants Pass now stands, up as far as the upper Table Rock, every mentionable locality bears its tale of Indian occupancy and Indian cruelty, or of white man's tyranny and overpowering mastership. In the sands of the Rogue River gold was found worth a king's ransom. The crest of yonder symmetrical hill--Gold Hill, it is fittingly called--bears a vein of quartz, the story of whose wealth rivals the wondrous tales of Aladdin and his lamp. Not far from the track and half-concealed in the brush which kindly nature has sent to heal the scars of man's occupancy, the remains of a military stronghold [Fort Lane] are to be seen--a stronghold whose use was temporary and whose site is half-forgotten, but whose name is destined to endure, honoring Oregon's first governor and first senator. Not far away, in fact only a score of miles to the northwest, beyond the sandstone-capped [sic] summit of the lower Table Rock, Gen. Lane fought a severe battle with the Indians and compelled them to a peace with white men--a peace which some of them observed until the day of their death. At Fort Lane, which was then garrisoned by a few companies of regular troops under Capt. Smith, the volunteer relief party hastening down from Jacksonville were reinforced by fifty-five mounted dragoons, under command of the dashing Major Fitzgerald, a beau sabreur [gallant soldier--literally "handsome swordsman"] of the old regime, a man held in due remembrance by many a rollicking soldier or mirth-loving civilian. "Fitz" was educated in war, and was a worthy comrade of Phil Kearny, the hero of Chantilly, who also was a major of dragoons and served for a time in Oregon. Guided by John F. Miller, the combined party swept onward and never drew rein until Evans Ferry was reached, where they were told of the death of Isaac Shelton, a Willamette Valley man, who, while on his way to Yreka, was shot by the Indians near the ferry while preparing his breakfast. He received four wounds, poor fellow, and lingered twenty hours. From there the raging savages, traveling rapidly away from the reservation, had proceeded along the road, butchering whomever they met and burning every house they came to, as they passed through the thinly settled region. Two men driving a wagon loaded with apples were next met with whom they pursued and killed, one at a distance of a mile and a quarter from the ferry, the other a mile further. THE NEXT VICTIM
was a man named Jones, one of the few settlers along the road. He had
been shot near his house, and his body was partially eaten by hogs
before it was found. His wife, fleeing toward the brush when the attack
began, was shot at by an Indian and her spinal column fractured by the
bullet. Falling to the ground, the poor creature had dragged herself to
cover but was searched for and found by the bloody miscreants, one of
whom presented his revolver and in spite of her prayers shot her again,
the second bullet passing through her arm. She fell senseless, and the
Indian doubtless imagining her dead, hastily left. She recovered her
senses late in the day and being found was taken to Tuft's place near
the river and died, for she lived a day only. O. P. Robbins, Jones'
partner, happened to be away from home at the time hunting the cows. He
saw the house on fire and heard the yelling of the Indians, and
surmising the trouble went to Tuft's place for assistance. The Indians
had been before him, however, and had fired at the house and wounded
Mrs. Tuft, who recovered.Trooping in disorder along the road, the savages next attacked two men who were transporting provisions to the mines. Killing them both, they took the horses from the wagon and turned them loose in the woods, where the relief party found them. The harness they piled upon the wagon and set the whole on fire, and it was consumed. Coming next to J. B. Wagoner's place, they found only Mrs. Wagoner with her little girl Mary at home, several persons having left but a very short time previous. This house they set on fire and barbarously murdered the lady and dragged her child away a captive to their bestial abodes. The relief party found the body of Mrs. Wagoner lying, charred and almost unrecognizable, amid the ruins of the house. The little girl was taken by the Indians to the Meadows, on lower Rogue River, according to their accounts, but died some weeks after. According to tradition, Mrs. Wagoner was compelled to remain in her dwelling while it burned, and was last seen by the savages standing before her glass arranging her hair! As Fitzgerald's force came in sight of the scene of the Wagoner tragedy some half-dozen men who were in advance caught a view of the burned domicile, with the corpse of the unfortunate woman, and simultaneously became aware of a number of Indians partly concealed in the brush. Seeing the smallness of the force opposed to them, and not being aware of the regulars' proximity, the insolent murderers shouted a challenge to the whites to come and fight them. At the next instant the military burst into view, and giving the astonished redskins no chance to hide, charged them with the utmost vigor and kept them on the jump for two miles, killing six. Then the party returned to the road and proceeded northward to Haines' house, where lay the corpses of the owner and his little son, the latter's brains dashed out and the body perforated by bullets. Haines, lying sick in bed, attended by his wife and their two children, had been surprised by the savages, who shot him and his son, and taking the wife and her daughter with them, passed on to Harris' house, the next settlement north. What they did here appears in the following: THE MURDER OF
As the relief party approached Harris'
house, no
signs of human occupancy were visible, and an air of desolation lay
upon the scene. The outbuildings had been burned, and wreaths of smoke
rose slowly from the ruins. Dismounting, some of the party passed
within the house. The spectacle that met their eyes was a terrible one.
In the room lay the body of the ill-fated owner, pierced by a bullet.
The signs of a determined attack and resistance were visible in the
bullet-marked doors and walls. Whatever the termination of the contest
[was] could not be ascertained, and as the party felt that it would be
a waste of time to remain, the order was given to mount and push on. As
the cavalcade passed a willow thicket not far from the now-abandoned
homestead, a cry was heard and a woman, begrimed and disheveled, rushed
out, leading a wounded child by the hand, and implored the aid of the
troops. It was Mrs. Harris, who, having with the courage of a lioness
defended her hearth and her family from the attacks of a large party of
murderous Indians, had after their withdrawal taken refuge in the
willow copse and there awaited the arrival of succor. When the troops
gathered about her house she had watched with anxious eyes, too far off
to distinguish whether they were whites sent to relieve or red men bent
to complete their horrible work. Her story is one of the most
extraordinary in the whole range of frontier narrative, and forms the
leading episode of the terrible massacre which is now being recounted.
The story of Mrs. Harris has been finely told at great length by Mr.
Turner in the Overland
Monthly. These details are gathered from the accounts
preserved in the recollection of contemporaries.In the Harris domicile resided five persons--Mr. and Mrs. Harris, their two children, [Sophia], a girl of twelve, and David, somewhat younger. The fifth was Frank A. Reed, a lame man, partner or employee of Harris. When the first alarm of Indians was given, the latter attempted to escape to the woods, but was pursued and killed. His skeleton was found a year afterward. The boy David, who was at some distance from the house, was last seen running across a field. Subsequent trace of him was never found, but it is supposed that he was murdered and his body concealed. Mr. Harris was a few rods from the house when the redskins appeared, and in attempting to retreat to its shelter was fired at and mortally wounded as he stood upon the threshold of his own door. His wife drew him into the house and closed and barred the door, and obedient to her husband's advice, brought the firearms--a rifle, double-barreled shotgun and revolver--and loading them, began to return the fire of the miscreants, who remained close to the house. Her husband was dying in agony the while, and of the two children, one, the boy, was she knew not where, but supposed with reason that he had already met the cruel fate which impended over them all. The child [Sophia] had been painfully wounded in the arm, and the terrified sufferer climbed the ladder which led to the attic and there remained for several hours, the mute witness of the, to her, terrible conflict. While the Indians remained in the vicinity--a length of time that Mrs. Harris could never after form an approximation to, owing to her state of mind--they kept beyond reach of danger from her fire, but repeatedly attempted to cast burning brands upon the roof over her head, intending thereby to cremate all that the house contained. In an hour, more or less, the husband and father breathed his last, and his bloody corpse with its wide-staring eyes and the expression of agony into which its features were molded added tenfold to the terrific nature of the surroundings which confronted the poor and despairing woman. Through the scene of horror she kept up such an effective resistance in such directions and at such intervals as served to intimidate the savages, but probably not succeeding in any case in hitting any of them. Unfortunately this poor woman, who was suffering so much from THE CRUELTY OF HER
was not able to revenge herself effectually upon them, for never having
even fired a gun before and gaining her knowledge even of how to load
one by the instructions of her wounded husband, given in the first few
minutes of the attack, it was as much as she could do to load and fire,
hoping that the show of resistance might, as it did, keep her foes at a
distance. She steadily loaded her weapons and discharged them through
the crevices of the logs of which the house was built, and the Indians,
though numerous, dared not attack the building. They burned the
outbuildings, however, first removing the horses from their stable. In
the afternoon they decamped, leaving the dauntless woman mistress of
the field and the savior of her own and her daughter's life. As soon as
she was assured of their departure, she called her daughter down from
the loft and with her took refuge in the willow copse, and remained
there until the arrival of the relief party, as before said. By them
she was removed to a place of safety. The heroism of the Puritan women
of New England is matched in the account of Mrs. Harris.The relief party went on to Harkness & Twogood's tavern, at Grave Creek, finding there a company of about twenty armed men from Cow Creek, who had been hastily gathered and led to the scene of hostilities by Capt. Jacob S. Rinearson. On the next day they returned to Jacksonville, as the savages had quite disappeared and the whites who lived in exposed localities had taken refuge in strongholds. It happened that on the morning of the 9th, Judge Deady, who was returning from holding court at Jacksonville, in company with Dr. J. W. Drew, setting out early on their northward journey, took breakfast at the Wagoner house a few hours before the arrival of the murderous savages. A Miss Pellet, well known in Oregon at that time as a temperance lecturer, was also at Wagoner's, awaiting a conveyance which was to take her on her way to Crescent City. Judge Deady and his fellow traveler left first, and soon after the lecturer set out for Vannoy's ferry, escorted by Mr. Wagoner. Very soon after their departure the house was infested, and Mrs. Wagoner, who with her daughter were the sole tenants, fell easy victims to savage brutality. The three travelers escaped narrowly indeed, for so close had been the call that Messrs. Deady and Drew, looking back from the summit of a hill near Grave Creek, saw the smoke of burning buildings, but did not know the cause until overtaken by the news of the fire catastrophe. The victims numbered nineteen. The first that fell was Wm. Going, or Goin, a Missourian, who was employed by the government as teamster on the Table Rock reservation. At 2 o'clock on the fateful morning, while it was yet dark, and before the Indians had left the reservation on their way down the river, this man in conversation with Charles Schieffelin in a little house on the reserve, stood, or rather leaned, with his elbow upon the rude mantle of a fireplace, and while in the act of speaking, a bullet fired from without the house entered his heart. In the darkness Mr. Schieffelin escaped, and crossing the river to his claim on the south side, found in the morning that the savages had stolen several of his horses, as well as some of his neighbor's, Mr. Birdseye. Poor Schieffelin, who, by the way, gave to the writer a great part of the facts included in this account, went this year to join the silent majority. Of his sons, two were the lucky discoverers of the Tombstone mines in Arizona, and the invincible explorers of the inner wilds, the terra incognita, of Alaska. Another son lives philosophically on a farm in Washington County, not twenty miles from Portland--a worthy citizen, sensibly preferring the quiet of agricultural pursuits to the perils and hardships which had characterized his brothers' lives. The following list, which differs somewhat from others published, shows the names of the victims: Wm. Going, Wm. Hamilton, J. E. Powell, James White, Isaac Shelton, ---- Fox, Burris and son, Frank A. Reed, Haines, Mrs. Haines and two children, Mrs. J. B. Wagoner and daughter Mary, Jones and wife, and Bunch. Total, nineteen. INCIDENTS.
Dr. Drew stopped on his way north at
Turner's, where
ten men were gathered, and offered to assist in the defense of the
place. This was on the evening of the 9th. The next night he spent on
horseback, pursuing his way to the Umpqua Valley to give the alarm and
to write and forward a letter to the papers describing the difficulty
and asking help from the people of the Willamette Valley. As soon as
the facts became known, the inhabitants of Douglas and Umpqua counties
felt the greatest consternation, and like those of the Rogue River
Valley, "forted up." Some of the old log houses used in that day as
forts still may be seen, ruinous indeed, but thrilling mementos of a
time of danger. The best preserved building of the sort which
has come under the writer's notice stands in Flournoy Valley,
offshoot of the Lookingglass Valley, west of Roseburg. Its thick walls
are loopholed for musketry, its second and highest story overhangs the
lower, and its roof, easily accessible from within, could have resisted
the efforts of savage besiegers to fire it.The first tidings of the calamity which had overtaken the devoted settlers on the beautiful banks of the Rogue were exaggerated in their travel to the Willamette Valley newspaper office. "Clarendon" [C. S. Drew] writing to his friend Dryer, set the number of slain at thirty-one. Capt. Sheffield, of Cow Creek, one of the first to go to the assistance of the helpless inhabitants of the northern Josephine, gave a list of thirty, of whom the names of only half were known. Subsequent investigations have reduced these natural exaggerations to the number given herein. Sheffield spoke of two brothers named Arnett being murdered in Illinois Valley, but of this there is no confirmatory evidence, unless, indeed, the publication of this article may serve to elicit such. Wagoner, the bereaved father and husband, returning from Vannoy's, whither he had conducted Miss Pellet, when he approached his home found it on fire and encircled by howling savages. By them he was not observed, and feeling his inability to cope with them, unarmed as he was, he rushed in the utmost haste toward Evans' ferry, to obtain help to rescue his beloved ones. Reaching the Jones place he saw the owner's dead body, and in the road below lay the murdered travelers. Returning as soon as he could obtain even one man to accompany him, he flew rather than ran to his home, only to find his wife's body smoldering among the ruins and his child gone, he knew not whither. The mail carrier had that morning got as far as Wagoner's, where he was joined by two men. A little way beyond, on the way to Evans' ferry, they met a band of ten or fifteen Indians, armed and stripped as for war. Getting past these they met a second band, a few hundred yards or so beyond, when the two bands began howling and firing on them, they being in the middle. The whites had to take to the woods, and making a detour, got back to Wagoner's only to find the house in flames and Indians surrounding it, yelling and dancing. Taking again to the woods, they traveled northward for some time, passing near Harris', where five or six shots were heard and flames were seen arising. Regaining the road where they adjudged it safe they kept on toward the north, giving the alarm and causing the settlers and travelers on that part of the road to seek safety at the Grave Creek House, where no disturbance had occurred. No murderers were perpetrated on that day by the Indians on the remaining portion of the road, but all the inhabitants left their homes as far north as the Canyon, and the vacant tenements were mostly burned. Only two or three buildings were left between Evans' ferry and Turner's station, near the northern boundary of Josephine County. At Turner's a number of men stood guard, while all those who could be spared joined Rinearson and Sheffield, and effectually patrolled the dangerous space on the road. The savages came no further north, but plunged into the rough, mountainous country to the west, and secluded themselves from the whites and for a time delayed the vengeance which was destined to fall upon them eventually. Their hiding place was well chosen. It is a country of craggy mountains, of precipices and steep gorges, of impenetrable jungles and baffling thickets. It contains as many mountains as can find room to stand. The streams, which are numerous, icy cold and crystal clear, flow in narrow canyons, leaving the bases of frowning hills. The sun never penetrates to the bottoms of these wild gorges, which are as wild, gloomy and silent today as they were in the times when red and white men began to glut their immortal hates upon each other. How they fared in these noisome solitudes, and how they felt the approach of famine as their natural enemies encircled their haunts, and how desperation animated them to other and yet other deeds, no historian has ever told. But the account of their subjugation may yet be seen in print. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, December 20, 1885, page 3 (Correspondence
of the Crescent City
Sailor Diggings,
Oct. 16th, 1855.
Messrs. Editors of Crescent [City] Herald.--I
send you by the messenger of Hart & Co.'s Express an account of
proceedings of the Sailor Diggings and Indian Creek companies, that
started in pursuit of the Indian murderers of Messrs. Hudson and Wilson.
The above-named companies met on the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains on the evening of the 10th inst., near the place where the murder and robbery was committed; neither company being apprised of the fact that they were to be joined by the other. On the morning of the 11th we started on the trail which had been made by the murderers and animals of the deceased. The marauders apparently had designedly taken precaution to travel through such places as would render their trail difficult to be followed, being through brush and over precipices, which seemed to be almost impassable. On the 12th we arrived at a camp near the headwaters of Sucker Creek which had been occupied apparently not more than twenty-four hours before. Our provisions becoming scarce we did not stop for dinner, but continued our march until about 2 o'clock p.m., when we arrived at a spur of the mountain in the immediate vicinity of the Applegate. As we were descending this spur where there was an opening of about seventy-five yards width, Mr. Wood, the leader of the Indian Creek company, discovered a mule a few yards in front of us, upon which was an Indian saddle; he paused to mention the fact to those of the companies who had reached the opening, when a brisk fire was commenced upon us from the brush on our left. We retreated a few yards down the hill to the right, when Mr. Joseph Scott, the leader of the Sailor Diggings company and an old and skillful Indian fighter, discovered a rancheria about 150 yards in advance, in the edge of a piece of heavy timber. He fired at some Indians that were in that vicinity and ordered us to charge upon them. We hastened to the timber, when we were fired upon from the brush in front and [on] each side of us. A retreat was disastrous, and there was no alternative but to charge upon them in these several directions. By so doing, after a fight of some ten or fifteen minutes, the Indians were dispelled and had collected in a body in advance. We pursued them about a half mile when a gun was heard near where our men were left with the animals, and supposing that an attack had been made upon them, we hastened to their relief, at which time the Indians took flight down a bluff of the mountain. One of our men, Mr. Madison, was wounded in the hand, but not seriously. Several Indians were in appearance severely wounded, but it is not certain that any were killed. Having no provisions except flour left, and finding none in the rancheria, it became necessary for us to return to a settlement as soon as possible. We therefore sacked the rancheria and collected the animals, thirteen in number, some of which belonged to Hudson and Wilson, and started on our return. We reached Sailor Diggings last evening without having met with any serious accident. Yours, S. Crescent City Herald, October 17, 1855, page 2 Office
Indian Agent,
engaged in writing you a few lines yesterday morning, I received a
message from Capt. Smith, informing me that the volunteers had made a
descent upon a small band of Indians, camped about two miles from Fort
Lane, in which several Indians were killed. I immediately repaired to
the scene of action and found that Sambo's band of Indians had been
attacked just at the break of day, simultaneous with an attack upon
Jake's people, who were camped about one-half mile above Thompson's
ferry (better known to you by the name of Camp Alden), on the bank of
the river. Capt. Smith sent a detachment of dragoons to inform
themselves of the nature of the difficulties, and to see what had been
done; upon arriving at Sambo's camp were found two dead women; one had
died a natural death, and one had recently been shot. I learned from
Sambo that one woman was slightly wounded, and that two boys had been
wounded, each shot in the arm. They were all taken to Fort Lane and
provided for.Rogue River Valley, O.T. October 9th, 1855. We then proceeded to Jake's camp, where we found twenty-three dead bodies, and a boy who escaped said he saw two women floating down the river, and it is quite probable several more were killed whose bodies were not found. I had apprehended danger, and had so informed the Indians several days previous, and Capt. Smith had notified the Indians that if they wanted protection they had to come onto the reserve or to Fort Lane. It seems from their statements that they had concluded to go on the reserve, and had accordingly started on Sunday evening, leaving the old men and women behind to follow on Monday. In the meantime this attack was made quite early in the morning, which resulted as above stated. There were found killed eight men, four of whom were very aged, and fifteen women and children, all belonging to Jake's band. The attack was so early in the morning, it is more than probable that the women were indistinguishable from the men. Upon the part of the whites, James Lupton, the captain of the company, received a mortal wound, from the effects of which he has since died, and a young man by the name of Shepherd is supposed to be mortally wounded. Several others slightly. The night following this affair, the Indians rallied together, killed some cattle on Butte Creek, and it is supposed have since joined old man John, who I suppose had been waiting some time for a pretext to commence hostilities, only desiring the assistance of some other Indians, which this unfortunate occurrence secured to him--that of the Butte Creek at any rate--and I apprehend many disaffected Indians will join. On Monday night a young man by the name of Wm. Gwin, in the employ of the Agency, who was engaged at work on the west end of the reserve in company with some Indians, near old John's house, was killed and his body was horribly mutilated, cut across the forehead and face with an ax, apparently as he lay asleep; they then destroyed or took off what provisions and tools that were at camp. They then repaired to Mr. Jewett's ferry, killed one man who was camped at the ferry, and wounded two others. Next I heard of them at Evans' ferry, where they fired at the inmates of the house as they passed, wounding one man, supposed to be mortally. They had with them, at the time they passed, several American horses and mules which they had doubtless stolen the night previous. Mr. Birdseye lost three or four, and Dr. Miller several, Mr. Schieffelin one; they were seen by Mr. Birdseye running some mules off that morning. Old Chief Sam gathered his and Elijah's people together and protected the hands who were employed to work on that part of the reserve, as also the cattle and other property belonging to the Agency. Neither he nor his people want war, nor do I believe they can be made to fight except in self-defense. The whole populace of the country have become enraged, and intense excitement prevails everywhere, and I apprehend it will be useless to try to restrain those Indians in any way, other than to kill them off. Nor do I believe it will be safe for Sam and his people to remain here, if any other disposition can be made of them; it should by all means be attended to immediately. I doubt very much if the military will be able to afford them the requisite protection. Sam entertains the opinion that Jake's people will fight till they are all killed off; John will doubtless do the same. I hardly believe that either Limpy or George desire a war, but have no doubt many of their people will engage with those that do, and possibly they may too. Neither of them or their people are upon the reservation, nor have not been for some weeks, and should either of them be caught sight of, they will most certainly be shot. Taking all circumstances into consideration, I think it hardly possible to avert the most disastrous and terrible war that this country has ever been threatened with. Oct. 10th. Whilst waiting an opportunity to send my former communication, additional news has come to hand. After the wounding of those men at Evans' ferry, the Indians pursued the main traveled road towards the Canyon, where I learned from a company of packers who have just arrived that they saw seven dead men lying in the road in different places between Mr. Evans' ferry and Mr. Wagoner's--several trains had been robbed--and several wagons had been plundered, and I suspect every person who passed the road has been killed. I expect to have to record still sadder news before the week closes. A greater destruction of life will probably never be caused by the same number of people, or more horrid atrocities be perpetrated, than by those Shasta Indians. They are well provided with arms, both guns and revolvers, and skillful in the use of them. I do not believe more desperate or reckless men ever lived upon the earth, and I have no doubt but that they have made up their minds to fight till they die. Very
respectfully yours, &c.,
Gen. Palmer, Sup't. Ind. Affairs,G. H. AMBROSE, Indian Agent. Dayton, O.T. ----
Oct. 11. Today a dispatch arrived from Major Fitzgerald, who was in
pursuit of the Indians. From his statement, it appears that all the
houses between Evans' ferry and Jumpoff Jo Creek were destroyed by
fire. Mrs. Jones escaped wounded, with her little girl, to Mr.
Vannoy's. [She had no
little girl; Mrs. Jones died soon after.]
Mrs. Wagoner and little daughter were both burned in their
house--probably massacred first. Her husband was away from home at the
time. Mrs.
escaped. Her husband was killed and her little girl wounded in the arm.
I am unable to give you the names of the killed. The Major discovered
ten Indians on horseback--pursuit was immediately made and five of them
killed under full jump. The others got into the mountains and escaped.
Sam and his people are camped at Fort Lane, where they will have to be
provided for. They are willing to submit to anything for the sake of
peace. From Maj. Fitzgerald's note, I learn it is quite probable that
George and all his people will join with old John, and I am satisfied
nearly or quite all of Limpy's and the Applegates will unite with
them, with probably one or two exceptions. The Scotons are in for a
free fight, and have been for two months past. I have but
little doubt
of eighty-five or one hundred Indians uniting, exclusive of a number of
disaffected Indians belonging to surrounding
Evans' ferry, Oct. 12. I
learn from Major Fitzgerald that he found two more dead bodies
yesterday, and no doubt any longer exists but that George and all his
people will take part with the Shastas. If it is possible for you to
come out here, you had better come, or give me specific instructions.G. H. Ambrose. "Rogue River War," Pioneer and Democrat, Olympia, Washington, October 26, 1855, pages 2-3 The Yreka Union of the 13th contains the following additional intelligence: On Tuesday morning, 9th inst., a large party of Indians collected and started down Rogue River, killing every white man who happened to fall in their way. At Evans' Ferry they found two or three men whom they murdered, and then left the river for Wagoner's on Louse Creek. Just before they reached W.'s they were met by a party of packers with a large train, who saw from their appearance that there was something wrong with them. Frequently the packers looked back and saw Wagoner's barn on fire and heard the screams of women and children in the house; they then cut loose their packs and ran for their lives--the Indians pursued them closely, killing one of their mules. They counted in their flight the bodies of seventeen white men who had been murdered along the road. Many of these were teamsters, and their loads had been scattered in every direction by the Indians in searching for ammunition and liquor. From Wagoner's it appears that the Indians, now nearly all drunk, again started down Rogue River, burning and murdering as they went. On Wednesday they were overtaken by Maj. Fitzgerald with eighty men and a battle fought, in which thirty Indians and ten soldiers are reported to have been killed. Mrs. Wagoner and child were murdered, and five other families along the route pursued by the Indians are said to have shared the same fate. The whole number of whites who have already fallen, from the best accounts, is between 30 and 50. New Orleans Daily Crescent, November 20, 1855, page 1 ROGUE
of the N.Y. Tribune
San Francisco, Monday, Oct. 15, 1855.
Having passed through Oregon, from Portland to Jacksonville and out to Crescent City, within the last eighteen days--leaving Jacksonville and Fort Lane a week ago this morning--I may give you as authentic intelligence as you will receive from any source. Before leaving Willamette Valley old residents of the country remarked the smokiness of the atmosphere, telling us it was less smoky in 1853, when the Rogue River war was in progress. They said the mountain atmosphere was very clear when there were no fires in the mountains, and that these fires were kindled by the Indians as war signals, and they feared a general outbreak. But all seemed quiet as we passed on through the Umpqua and out by the cañon--which would be a terrible place to encounter a band of desperate red men, it being the worst pass for a wagon road I ever saw--and on through Rogue River Valley. Yet the people were apprehensive of danger as we neared Jacksonville, for the report of the attack on wagoners in California, near the Oregon line, had reached the valley, and the memory of 1853 revived. At Jacksonville the excitement was intense. The report was believed that Gen. Wool had come up from California for the purpose of prosecuting the war; that he had recommended the organization of volunteer companies, and given the soldiers at Fort Lane permission to volunteer, which they had immediately done to the number of sixty, under command of Col. Alston. At Sterling, the same day, Sunday, Oct. 7, a volunteer company was made up under command of Smiley Harris, and I came to Jacksonville toward evening. They were to meet a company from Bear River, and another from Butte Creek, and before morning attack on Butte Creek some of John's Indians--about twelve in number--who, with others to the number of twenty-five, had been stopping several days in the same place, and could be easily surrounded and cut off. John's men had long been lawless, and it was hoped they would now be destroyed. We breakfasted on Monday at Fort Lane, after a ten miles' morning ride from Jacksonville, and then learned that General Wool was not there, nor was he expected; that the volunteer companies were not authorized by the officers at the fort, and the soldiers were all there--two companies, one hundred and fourteen each. Capt. Smith, our host, pointed to eight or ten Indian women and children, who had come to the fort for protection about daybreak. The men at the fort had heard firing a little while before, and soon learned that the volunteer companies had not found the company of John's tribe, as they expected, for John's men had heard of the intended attack and gone off upon the reservation. The volunteers then went to a rancheria, containing at the time two men, and women and children to make up a dozen, fired into it, killing one old woman and slightly wounding another. [The actual toll of the Lupton massacre was much higher.] The woman killed was Sam's mother, and the company were Sam's Indians. This Sam was chief of perhaps a hundred men, whom the Shasta Indians had long tried to induce to join them against the whites, but Sam had hitherto refused. Whether this outrage would induce him to turn, Capt. Smith did not know. He thought whatever lawlessness the Indians committed, the whites were the aggressors, as in this instance. He said if John's men had been cut off it would have been unjust, for they had been peaceably fishing and drying salmon for several days, and he did not think they had hostile intentions. I left the fort in company with Mrs. Wagoner, from whose house, thirty miles from Jacksonville, she had attended me on Saturday. [Mrs. Wagoner would be killed the next day.] Mr. Rosenstock, our escort, and Dr. Drew of Jacksonville, and Judge Deady, also joined us at the fort, and were going to the Willamette Valley, and the latter to his home. He had been holding court as district judge at Jacksonville. It was his opinion that the movements of the volunteers might arouse the Indians to desperation, and that a general attack was to be feared. We called at the house of Dr. Ambrose, the Indian agent, who had an engagement with the judge to attend him to the Willamette; but when we called he had just received a summons from the fort to go there directly. Judge Deady bid him good morning, and told him to come on to Mr. Wagoner's, where he would spend the night, and go on with him in the morning. As we proceeded we heard a report that one or two hundred Indians, armed and mostly mounted, were on the road down the valley, the way we were going; also that a horse and a keg of whiskey had been stolen on Saturday night from the premises of Mr. Wagoner, and that he had sent after and recovered them by some of George's Indians, whose encampment was near his house. On reaching our destination, and indeed all along the road, we found at every house renewed fear of the Indians. But George's tribe were about Mr. Wagoner's house, nor did he seem to feel in danger. One of these friendly Indians came to him in the night and told him that a keg of whiskey had been stolen, and he hired him to bring it back. Sunday morning he found that a fine horse belonging to a Dr. Carpenter of Sacramento, who was traveling for pleasure through the country, had been taken from the house. One of George's men was hired to go after it, and succeeded in bringing it back, but its shoulders were swollen with hard riding. All was quiet here, however. At 8 next day Dr. Drew and Judge Deady went on. I waited for attendance toward Crescent City, taking my horse, which I had left here to recruit. At 10½ o'clock, Mr. Wagoner could go with me. I had tried to obtain a little Indian girl for guide, but her mother was afraid to let her go, she said. When we left the house, Mr. Wagoner and her little girl, six years of age, were the only whites; but a half dozen of George's Indians were there round the door. They had breakfasted at Mr. W.'s table, which they often did. Mrs. W. could talk the Chinook with them as well as any of them, and did not fear to be left. When we were a half mile or more from the house I heard a musket report, and asked Mr. W. what it meant. He said it was one of George's men shooting game--said they were good shots. I heard another report, but thought no more of it. We rode by a blind trail to Vannoy's ferry, where I was to take a good wagon road and could go alone. We found Mr. Vannoy much excited. A man came past an hour and a half before, saying that he took breakfast at Mr. Jones', four miles from Mr. Wagoner's, on the Jacksonville road, and after breakfast had occasion to go off the track on an errand, and returning in sight of the house it was in flames and the haystacks also, and he heard reports of guns and the cries of women. Mr. Vannoy had sent the half dozen men he had with him to alarm the neighbors and put them on guard. Mr. Wagoner, of course, was in fear lest his house was attacked, but I think did not recall the musket report that we heard. He hastened back. I came on my way. Reaching Sailors Diggings I found that there had been a mule train attacked near there and three Indians had been shot, and all though Illinois Valley the people were preparing to resist. Indeed, the general sentiment was that the Indians must be destroyed. This position they say seems hard, but there is no other way; if an Indian is fed and cared for ninety-nine days and on the hundredth he gets any inattention, he will resent it, and it is those who have been best treated that often do the injury, and there is no trusting any of them. There is considerable bitterness toward the officers at Fort Lane on account of the want of interest manifested, it is charged, in suppressing the robbers and stopping their depredations. The report came by expressman when I was at Crescent City, confirming what I feared, that Mrs. Wagoner and child were killed and the house and barn fired in a few minutes after Mr. Wagoner and myself left. The Indians were a company of Shastas, who had been joined perhaps by John's and Sam's tribes after the Sunday night's work of the volunteers on Butte Creek--for the volunteers had attacked three encampments and killed twenty-four Indians, which Captain Waite and his soldiers buried on Monday, and enough more to make forty. It was supposed after this the Indians had come down Rogue River, burning and murdering all the way. They had attacked wagons, killed the men, and taken horses and whiskey and guns, and whatever else they could appropriate; and a mule train near Mr. Wagoner was left by the men when they saw the Indians firing the house and murdering the inmates. These men, in going to Jacksonville, had seen dead bodies all along the road. The house at Evans' ferry, eight miles from Wagoner's, Jones' house, four miles, and Wagoner's, and two further down toward the Willamette were reported and destroyed. With the scattered position of the people in Rogue River and Illinois valleys there can be no protection on the property, and the only safety of the people is in meeting and placing themselves in condition to defend their lives. The war is one of extermination, designed on both sides; but the Indians will of course be defeated. The government troops were immediately dispatched in chase down Rogue River Valley, under Major Fitzgerald. The Governor of California has ordered three companies sent up to Northern California, and yesterday the Columbia carried up troops to the Oregon. There is a general combination of the Indians in Washington and Oregon territories, and the war will be a very bloody one, not equaled for atrocity in the annals of the past, perhaps. M.
Rogue River Correspondence of the
On the 9th inst., an
express arrived at Jacksonville bringing information of an attack of
the Indians upon the settlers on Rogue River at or below the ferries,
and desiring immediate assistance. Accordingly 15 or 20 men immediately
left. Another express having been sent to Ft. Lane, Capt. Smith
dispatched a detachment of 55 mounted men under the command of Maj.
Fitzgerald. The volunteers and regulars joined forces, numbering in all
about 85 men. Upon their arrival at the residence of J. B. Wagoner, his
house, barns and outbuildings were burned to the ground and the charred
remains of Mrs. Wagoner and her child, 4 years old, were found in the
ruins. Some five or six of the volunteers being in advance of the main
body discovered about 30 of the Indians in the chaparral back of the
house, who immediately bantered them for a fight, when the major came
up with the main body of his men and charged upon them, killing 6. The
Indians fled to the mountains, being well mounted, and were pursued
about 2 miles; but from the exhausted condition of the command from the
25 miles march already made, it was found impossible to overtake them.
The pursuit was accordingly given up that they might proceed along the
road for the protection of travelers and settlers upon it. Arriving at
the residence of Geo. W. Harris, which was to appearances deserted, he
was found dead within, shot through the breast with a jaeger rifle.
Suddenly their attention was directed to Mrs. Harris and her daughter,
11 years of age, rushing from the chaparral near the house to them,
blackened with powder and stained with blood. And here we have to
report one of the most remarkable instances of female heroism and
courage upon record, an account of which should be handed down to
posterity as an instance of bravery in woman under the most trying and
heart-rending circumstances. I will give the account in Mrs. Harris'
own language, as nearly as possible:
EVANS' FERRY, Oct. 11, 1855.
At almost 8 or 9 o'clock of the morning of the 9th of October, 1855, as her husband was engaged in making shingles near the house and she was washing at the back of the house, he suddenly entered with the axe in his hand much alarmed, the house being surrounded by Indians, whose countenances and manner indicated that their intentions were not good. He seized his rifle, but in endeavoring to close the door was fired upon by them, the ball taking effect as before stated. Mechanically he discharged the gun twice at them, as she believes with no effect, and passing across the room fell upon the floor. The daughter in the excitement of the moment rushed out the front door, where she was shot through the right arm between the shoulder and elbow. The husband, reviving, encouraged his wife to bar the doors and load the guns of which there were a rifle, a shotgun and two pistols and revolver and holster pistol. She replied that she never loaded a gun in her life. He then proposed to give them presents to induce them to leave; she replied it would not answer, upon which he instructed her in the manner of loading the guns, and shortly after expired. She now was left entirely dependent upon her own efforts--her husband dead--her daughter severely wounded. Not discouraged, she commenced a vigorous discharge upon the savages, who were endeavoring to fire the house, having already burned the outbuildings. She then continued to defend herself and daughter, she watching at one end of the house and the child at the other, for eight hours, and until about sundown, when the savages, being attracted by a firing on the flats about a mile below the house, left to discover from whence it proceeded. She embraced the opportunity and fled to a small, isolated thicket or chaparral near the house, taking with them only the holster pistol. Having barely secreted themselves before the Indians again approached the house, but finding it abandoned, they commenced scouring the thicket, about 18 in number, all armed with rifles. Upon their close approach she discharged the pistol, which produced a general stampede. This was repeated several times and always with the same result until finally surrounding the thicket they remained till daylight. Her ammunition was now exhausted. She heard the approach of horsemen, at which the Indians became alarmed and concealed themselves in the rear of the thicket. She discovering the horsemen to be whites rushed out towards them, but they had advanced so far beyond that they did not discover her. They were the advance of the volunteers. Concealing herself again with the empty pistol in hand, the main body soon approached, when the savages precipitously fled. Mrs. Harris having sent her little son, 10 years of age, to a neighboring house the evening previous, has not since heard from him, but he is supposed to be murdered. Also Frank Reed, the partner of Mr. Harris, is supposed to have been killed. This party of Indians escaped to the mountains. The company proceeded as far as Grave Creek, where all was quiet, and it was deemed unnecessary to remain, and they accordingly returned this morning, both men and animals completely exhausted. Capt. J. F. Miller takes charge of the volunteers tomorrow, to pursue the Indians, by request of Maj. Fitzgerald and the unanimous desire of the volunteers. He has just returned from Table Rock, at which place was fought a desperate battle at daybreak on the 8th. The Indians were completely routed, leaving 31 of their number on the ground. Of the whites, 12 were wounded, two mortally--Maj. J. A. Lupton and one Mr. Shepherd. Maj. L. was shot with an arrow in the left lung and lingered till 10 o'clock of the same day. His obsequies were celebrated at Jacksonville yesterday. A sufficient force cannot possibly be brought into action on account of the great scarcity of arms [and] ammunition. The greatest patriotism is exhibited generally, and all the necessary resources are afforded most cheerfully by the inhabitants, as far as it is in their power to do so. Following is the number killed as far as can be learned, and their names in the order in which they were killed. The Indians proceeded directly down the river. The first attacked were at or near Jewett's Ferry, a train loaded with mill irons. Mr. Hamilton was killed, and another, name unknown, wounded in four places. After firing upon Jewett's house, they proceeded to this place, which they reached about daybreak. Here they shot one Isaac Shelton of Willamette, en route for Yreka, who lingering for 20 hours, died this morning, Oct. 10. They next attacked the house of Mr. Jones, who was killed as before stated. From there to Wagoner's, shooting the 4 persons found upon the way, and from thence to Harris'. Nos. 3 and 4: The men driving the apple wagon were found about 6 miles from the ferry, in the middle of the road; the first lay some 50 yards from the wagon, and the second about 100 yards from the same--wagon and loading burned; harness cut in pieces. Two of the horses supposed to belong to the wagon were recovered today by the volunteers, one a grey and the other a bay mare. A receipt drawn by Mark Abrams & Co. of Deer Creek is now in my possession and can be obtained at the Jacksonville P.O. of S. H. Taylor. A book was found in possession of one of the Indians, which purported to belong to one Geo. B. Miller. Orders, receipt &c. show him to have been a packer. Whether he was one of the deceased interred here we cannot learn. The book can be obtained at the Jacksonville P.O. No. 3: 6 feet in height, tall, spare built, dark complexion, also dark hair, hazel eyes, large, prominent front teeth; deep blue undershirt, a mixed grey outside of it. Tweed pants with black buttons. Stockings with white feet and mixed grey legs--woolen. No. 4: Supposed to be a brother of the preceding, also 6 feet in height; description same. Dressed in hickory shirt; mixed satinet coat, red lining, with figures of white. Fish hook and line were found in his pocket. The two last individuals are supposed to be from Franklin nursery, Marion Co., O.T., as they were connected with teams freighted with apples, and near them was found a contract signed by one George Suttlemire, in favor of Sam Belshaw, the supposed name of the deceased. No. 2: A middle-aged man, 35 or 40 years of age, 6 feet in height, light complexion, dark auburn hair, thick, heavy whiskers and mustache, large blue eyes, deep blue woolen shirt or frock, grey woolen pants with metal buttons. One shoe, no stockings. One wound just above the heart, passing out at the right of [the] backbone. Not recognized, particularly, but supposed to be a Mr. Cooper, of Albany, O.T. (The above answers the description of an insane man named Hoag, who has been in Corvallis all summer, and started to the mines about a month ago. It was probably him.) No. 1 was found about one mile and a quarter from Evans' ferry, fifty feet from road; was identified as being passed in the canyon on the 4th or 5th of this month; was riding a roan cayuse horse, driving ten or twelve head of beef cattle. Supposed to have been killed about 6 o'clock, a.m., Oct. 9. No. 2 was found about two miles and a quarter from Evans' ferry. Evidently belonged to same party. A hat and whip were found about midway between the last two. Mr. Jones was found at his residence, about four miles from the ferry, his house burned to the ground, and he nearly devoured by hogs. From appearances his skull was broken, as but a part of it was found. His wife received two wounds at the same time; is now at Illinois Valley, still alive. Description of persons found killed upon the road between Evans' ferry and Mr. Wagoner's, and brought in and buried at said ferry Oct. 10, 1855: No. 1: A young man, apparently about 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches in height, light complexion, sandy whiskers and mustache, blue eyes; dressed in a grey woolen undershirt, with linen bosom and collar, blue worsted and satin vest, figured, dark blue satinet coat, black horn buttons, blue neck handkerchief bordered with white, red and black in stripes, cotton socks, much worn, a buckskin glove upon the right hand, a huge scar upon the inside of right leg, just above the ankle, a small ivory-handled knife, with pipe and tobacco, found in his pockets. Supposed to be -------- Abbott, of Sterling. The following persons vouch for the correctness of the given description of the deceased, and were present at their interment: Lycurgus
Yours respectfully,John F. Miller, and 6 others. J. G. WOODS. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, October 20, 1855, page 4 In 1858 B. F. Dowell listed the white casualties of October 9, 1855 as "Mrs. J. B. Wagoner; Mary Wagoner, a little girl; Mr. & Mrs. Jones; Mr. & Mrs. Haines; George W. Harris; David W. Harris; Frank A. Reed, Wm. Gwin, James W. Cartwright, Mr. Powell, Mr. Burch, Mr. Fox & Mr. Hill." JACKSONVILLE,
O.T., Oct. 11, 1855.
Sir--We are again in
the midst of the most terrible Indian war ever known to this country. I
doubt not but you may search the annals of history in vain to find
anything that exceeds, in savage barbarity, the deeds of these soulless
miscreants, and I doubt much if there ever lived a more formidable
savage foe to the white man than this band of Shasta Indians. No pains
have been spared to endeavor to civilize them, but without avail. It is
consummate folly to endeavor to anything with them but kill them off.
On Monday morning last a company of volunteers attacked a band of
Indians camped on the bank of the river, about one-half mile above
Thompson's ferry on Rogue River, who had been annoying the settlers of
Butte Creek all summer by their repeated petty thefts and depredations
of various kinds. These Indians had been removed several times during
the summer onto the reserve, but after staying a short time would
uniformly return to their old camp ground, near the mouth of Butte
Creek. The settlers' patience had become exhausted, and they were
determined to teach them a lesson that they would not soon forget, and
induce them to remain on the reserve. Accordingly they made preparation
and marched down to Old Jake's camp at daybreak and commenced the
attack. The troops from Fort Lane visited the ground immediately after
the fight and found twenty-three dead bodies, eight grown men, four of
whom were very aged, and fifteen women and children. An Indian boy,
whose life was saved, says he saw two women more than were found,
floating down the river. It appears from the statement of the Indian
that all the principal men were absent, not apprehending danger, hence
such a destruction of life of the women. The principal cause of that I
infer to have been the fact that the women were not distinguishable
from the men. The Hon. James A. Lupton received a mortal wound, from
the effects of which he has since died. A young man by the name of
------ Shepard, also, was seriously wounded, probably fatally--several
others slightly. The night following the difficulty, the Indians
started down Rogue River, killing every person whom they met, stealing
what stock they could find, taking some very fine American mares from
Mr. Birdseye. Dr. Miller and Mr. Schieffelin,
also, lost some fine
horses and mules. At Mr. Jewett's ferry, as they passed, they killed
one man and wounded two others. At Mr. Evans' they wounded two; one has
since died. From there to Jumpoff Joe Creek every house was attacked
and the inmates killed, though some escaped wounded. The most horrible
act of all was the inhuman massacre of Mrs. Wagoner and infant
Her husband was absent from home, and when he returned what an
appalling sight met his eyes; some thirty or forty drunken Indians were
dancing and reveling over some plunder they had taken from some wagons;
his barn and grain and stock yard had been consumed by fire; his
dwelling was yet standing, but before assistance could reach him it was
also burned. Major Fitzgerald came upon the Indians there as they were
leaving and saw ten on horseback, five of whom he killed under full
jump for the mountains. A Mr. Jones was killed in his yard and his home
burned; his lady and child made their escape. Mrs. Jones was seriously
wounded. A Mr. Harris was killed at his home, his little girl wounded
in the arm; his wife escaped. The troops reached there just in time to
save her life. There were ten men found dead that day, and in all
probability many more have been killed before this time; and before the
close of the week I expect to hear still sadder news, for more
desperate, reckless, daring, savage demons exist nowhere upon the face
of the earth, and in all that constitutes savage maliciousness I doubt
if they ever had an equal. Old Sam, chief of the Rogue Rivers, was
solicited, coaxed and finally threatened with war against all his
people if he did not join, but without avail. He took his men up into
the mountains, where the hands were at work on the reserve, and
protected them and the stock that belonged to the reserve. The young
man employed to conduct the work on the west end of the reserve--the
part that was set apart for the Shasta Indians--was murdered, his body
horribly mutilated, cut across the forehead and face with an axe, from
appearance while sleeping. The provisions and tools belonging to that
part of the reserve were destroyed or taken off, and they left with a
determination to fight as long as one was living and able to bear arms.
As in the war of 1853, the Indians have all the guns in the country.
Those Indians have each a good rifle and revolver, and are skillful in
the use of them. They will, without doubt, unite with the Klamaths and
all the disaffected Indians in the surrounding country; in fact, this
little band of Shastas are the terror of all surrounding tribes, and
many will join, believing them invincible; they never have been
whipped, nor do they believe that white men can do it; hence the
necessity of a war, although many valuable lives must be lost in
consequence of it.There will be, without a doubt, one hundred Indians, exclusive of the Klamaths, to contend with; and the Klamaths I know to be under the control of Old John, but I do not know how numerous they are. Sam and his people came into Fort Lane and claimed protection--were willing to give up their guns, and do anything, they say, to have peace. Very
Oregon Statesman, Corvallis,
October 20, 1855, page 4A MINER. The Indian War in the North.
We have received the Yreka
Union, of
October 20th. which contains the latest intelligence from the scene of
the Indian disturbances in the North. No further hostilities have taken
place since the defeat of the Indians by the force under Major
Fitzgerald, on the 20th, of October. The Union
thinks that at least 25 white men, women and children were killed by
the Indians in the Grave Creek region, on the two days preceding their
defeat. It will be some weeks before the exact number and names can be
ascertained. The people about Yreka are preparing to repel any further
hostilities. Volunteers are organizing under the militia laws, and the
demands of the commissaries for supplies are being promptly met by the
citizens. We gather the following additional news from the same paper:
The non-arrival of the Oregon mail is accounted for by the mail carrier being attacked and driven back by the Indians. He was riding in company with two other men, and when they reached the vicinity of Grave Creek four or five Indians came up and stopped them and commenced talking; presently one of the Indians suddenly grabbed hold of the bridle reins of the horse which the mail carrier was riding. The animal reared and plunged so forcibly that the Indian loosed his hold and fell to the ground. The three men quickly retreated towards the canyon and escaped. The Indians fired several shots at them, none of which took effect. Hawkinsville,
Oct. 19.
Since my last, the only subject of importance that I have to chronicle
(independent of the mining news) is the raising of a company of
volunteers to serve in the Rogue River war. The miners here responded
to that call in a way worthy of the cause and themselves. Many have
left their claims in the care of their friends in hopes of a speedy
return.The States and Union, Ashland,
Ohio, December 5, 1855, page 2
Rogue River Correspondence of the
River, Oct. 21, 1855.
The Indians
have not made any attack in the settlements above this place; their
attacks have been on the road between here and Grave Creek, and down
Rogue River. On Thursday last, 17th inst., report says about 80 Indians
made an attack on a party of men in a house at Galice Creek, about 30
miles below here. There were some 20 men in the house, but not well
armed, say only about 15 shots. The Indians made a desperate assault,
being armed with 6-shooters and rifles, and gaining possession of a
ditch some few yards from the house, which protected them, they kept up
an incessant fire for near 20 hours, killing two men and wounding some
12 others. An old resident out here by the name of Pickett was killed.
The number of Indians killed is not known, as they carried off their
dead in the night, except six which they left on the ground when they
retreated. Maj. Fitzgerald passed down on yesterday. He will probably
go to Galice Creek, where the attack was made, but it is feared that
the Indians will be missing when he gets there. An express came in for
a surgeon to dress the wounds of the wounded. I did not see him, and
get my report second-handed.
Col. Ross and his aide, C. S. Drew, are organizing the volunteer companies. They do it by talking, writing, and, as old man Clinton says (when speaking of his sheep having ewe lambs), all done by management. We have not heard of brigadier general qr. master-commissary Dr. Henry since we last wrote, but suppose that he and his Know-Nothing orderly are doing it "all by management"--organizing the militia, buying supplies, issuing orders, making reports and keeping Gov. Curry incidentally advised of matters and things in general. The appearance of Gen. Nesmith would soon send these gentlemen all to the position assigned them by their country for their country's good. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, November 3, 1855, page 1 The following extract from a letter written by Mr. Galbraith of the Crescent City Express, to his brother in this city, gives some additional information as to the situation of affairs in the interior: Sailor
Diggings, Oct. 26, 1855.
The news from the Indians purports another descent on some train, said
to have consisted of about one hundred mules. One Mexican killed, and
one severely wounded; two men, Ed. Dorman and John Dicky, missing. The
news is startling, and fills all with fear. The Indians killed several
mules, took two kegs of whiskey, and drove the balance off. Jackson
crossed the mountains yesterday, going to the Klamath. The man that
kept the house at the foot of the Siskiyou has deserted it, and is now
here at this place. Several trains bound for Indian Creek are lying
here, afraid to venture on the road, which is said to be covered with
Indian tracks. Large forts are built and building on Althouse and
through the valley. The want of arms makes apprehension doubly painful.
The arms have been sent away with the companies, who range through the
mountains. Sam Fry and his company, consisting of about thirty-nine
men, have left in pursuit of the last marauders. Another company was
formed this day at Derby's Ranch, called the Valley Rangers, to protect
and scour the valley. The captain-elect has gone to headquarters
(Jacksonville) for proper enrollment."Indian
War in Rogue
River Valley," The
States and Union, Ashland, Ohio, December 5, 1855, page 2
Oct. 29th / 55
To Genl. E. M. BarnumRespt. Sir--Enclosed you will find a letter from Capt. Gordon, the commander of the Douglas County volunteers. By the politeness of his orderly I am enabled to forward to you this copy. You will perceive from this the condition of this country; you will also see I am unable to muster some of the companies into the service before they take the field. For this reason I am unable to forward to you the muster rolls at present. Last night there was considerable excitement--some of the citizens from below Winchester came to this place with the news thus--some forty to fifty Indians encamped on the reserve 15 miles below Winchester were about to break out. By request of the citizens I took the responsibility to order thirty men from the Linn County company to proceed immediately to this place to protect the families and if possible bring the Indians to this place. I am happy to inform you they have acted promptly & well. They returned about three o'clock this evening bringing with them ten warriors, leaving all the old men, children & w. at that camp. Those prisoners were promptly turned over to Capt. Martin, the Indian agent at this place, who has taken proper care of them, & they are now under guard in the courthouse of this place. Both the Lane County companies as well as the Linn County company have arrived at this place. Capt. Bailey's company are now at the Canyon or perhaps on the other side. The Douglas County company was at the Canyon this morning. You will see by the enclosed communication the condition of things on the other side. At daylight tomorrow one hundred men well armed will start from this place to the relief of Major Fitzgerald. The troops here are short of ammunition. Genl. McCarver is making every exertion to procure a sufficient to supply all the troops possible. He is a very energetic officer. I am most anx. to receive more blank muster rolls; at present I have only one for each company called out by the Governor's proclamation. I also am informed there is at this time nine companies in the service in Jackson County. What is to be done with more than four of them I do not know. Please give me information on this subject. The Umpqua County company have not reported themselves yet, but are to do it tomorrow or next day. The citizens down on the Umpqua River say that the Indians down as far as Scottsburg are showing signs of war & that the company will be required to protect the citizens in that part of Oregon. From appearances the war is likely to be a longer one than a good many think for, and I think it would be well enough to post the officers up as to the extent of their duties as I am Damned Sure some of them would not be set back any by a few general rules by way of enlightening them in their duties. Very
respty. your
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 526.Obedient servant John K. Lamerick Mustering Officer INDIAN DEPREDATIONS--TRAINS
Mr. Skillman, of the Shasta
Courier, writing
from Yreka on the 29th ult., gives the following latest advices in
regard to the movements of the United States troops, now on the war
path against the Rogue River Indians:
Major Fitzgerald and Capt. Smith are both in the field hunting the hostile Indians of Rogue River Valley. There are also some volunteers on the road which leads from Rogue River through the Canon into Umpqua Valley. The last attack by the Indians, of which reliable accounts have been received, was made upon Lieut. Kautz and ten men under his command, while exploring for a trail or road from some point on the coast (perhaps Port Orford) to the Rogue River Valley. [Refer to an 1852 attempt at the same mission.] They were attacked about forty miles from Fort Lane. An express was sent in to the Fort from Kautz, saying that two of his men had been killed and himself shot, the ball striking a memorandum book in his breast pocket, doing no serious injury. When Mr. K. fell, the remaining eight men took to flight, and the Indians drove off all his animals, with provisions &c. It is reported (doubtful) that a pack train bringing the goods of Messrs. Maury & Davis, of Jacksonville, to that place, was attacked, and two men with the train were killed and about seventy-five mules, and as many or more loads, captured by the Indians. [It was true.] From the last Yreka Union we have news of startling interest, in regard to Major Haller. His troops, after being surrounded in the Yakima Indian country, fought for fifty hours against an overwhelming body of savages. They then charged through the savage horde and retreated to the Dalles, with the loss of all the animals, provisions and camp equipage belonging to the expedition. One cannon was spiked and left behind. In the battle and retreat, nearly one-fifth of Maj. Haller's force was either killed or wounded. The Indians are represented to be well armed, brave and resolute, and far more numerous than had been supposed. Lieut. K. says many of the Indians were mounted. They had previously murdered three men on Cow Creek. Leland, Jackson Co.,
O.T., Oct. 18, 1855.
Argus, Albany, New York, December 1, 1855, page 2 Theh first part--up
to the Leland letter--copied from the Shasta Courier of November 3, 1855, page
A party of 14
men left the Canon on Thursday, Oct. 11, for the Rogue River Valley.
Saturday, arrived at the Grave Creek House. No news from the south.
Organized a scouting party of fourteen and started south. Passed Mrs.
Niday's, but little damage. Mr. Bowdin's house was in ashes; searched
for Harris' little boy (in my last I stated that Haines' boy was seen
running through a field toward the woods--it was Harris' boy); could
not find anything that could give us any clue of him. Passed on to
Harris'; the floor and casing of the door were bedaubed with blood; Mr.
Harris' pants were hanging against the wall, completely covered with
clotted blood. The Indians attacked Harris' house on Tuesday morning,
Oct. 9; Mr. H. was shot directly at his back door; as he was falling
Mrs. H. caught him, and pulled him into the house and barred the door.
A girl of Mr. H., 14 years of age, was shot in the arm by a pet Indian,
who had been living about Turner's called Umpqua Jack. There are two
bullet holes in the door where Harris was shot. Mrs. H. and the little
girl defended the house all day, and at night hid themselves in the
bushes; they were taken to Jacksonville by the soldiers. Mr. Harris'
old house, in which there was a quantity of grain, was burned down.
Mr. Wagoner's house was burned, with Mrs. Wagoner and a child in it; their bones have been found in the ashes. Mr. Wagoner had started off that morning with Miss Pellet, and consequently escaped the horrid death of poor Mrs. W. and child. But who can imagine the grief of that poor man, and what on earth can atone for his loss? We passed on to Haines'. The sight there was the most horrible I ever beheld. The house was thrown open, and bedclothes covered with blood were scattered all over the room. What the Indians did not take, they destroyed. There were two bullet holes in the door, shot from the outside, and one from the inside. Haines and his little boy were found dead in the house, their bodies terribly mangled; a part of the boy's brains were found near the house. Mrs. Haines, who was sick, it is supposed escaped from the house that night, with her little girl, and a man by the name of Frank Reed, who was lame. It is nearly a week since they were attacked, and neither of them could be found. It is supposed that they were found by the Indians and killed. Mrs. H. may be with the Indians, alive. Among the hills along Jumpoff Jo [Creek], we found goods carelessly thrown down, as if left by the Indians. There were a great number of hogs in this section, and they were wandering in every direction through the woods. The attack appears to have been almost a simultaneous one. The Indians had stolen some liquor from a wagon at Wagoner's and what of fiendishness their hellish natures lacked before was made up by the liquor. Mr. Jones, who lives near Evans' ferry, was killed by a band of pet Indians. [The Jones house was near Bloody Run and Jones Creek, within today's Grants Pass.] Mrs. Jones was wounded and crept into a thicket, but was found by one of the straggling Indians and shot again. Her back was broken at first, and then she received a wound in the arm. She begged of the Indian to kill her to end her sufferings, and the fiend picked up a rock, and as he threw it at her said, "G--d d--n you, I can kill you!" She sank down exhausted. The Indians supposing her dead, left her; she was finally taken to Vannoy's, and there died. The whites, volunteers, led by J. W. Miller, attacked a large band of Indians on Butte Creek and killed 41--25 "bucks." Major Lupton was killed on the field, and nine of the whites were wounded, one of them mortally. At Wagoner's six Indians were killed by the "regulars," and one was killed by Mr. Harris, and 30 Indians were killed at Table Rock--making 38 in all. The following is a list of the whites that are killed and missing: Harris and boys; Mr. Haines, wife and two children; Mr. Jones and wife; Mrs. Wagoner and child; Frank Reed; Wm. Hamilton; Messrs. Powell, Bunch, Fox, White; six on Evans Creek; one on Till Bar; Mr. Cartwright; two in road near Wagoner's; two at Jewett's ferry; and two men by the name of Annett were killed in Illinois Valley--31 in all. LETTER FROM ROGUE RIVER.
Fight with the Indians on Galice Creek; Two Whites Killed and Ten Wounded-- 500 Men at Vannoy's Ranch on the 23rd inst.-- Strong Position of the Indians in a Gorge on Galice Creek--Expected Siege.
Since the
attacks of the 8th, 9th and 10th inst., as reported in our former
issues, no further collision seems to have taken place between the
whites and the Indians until the 18th inst., when the latter boldly
attacked a company of 18 men on Galice Creek, some fifty miles below
Jacksonville and besieged them in a house during the space of 24 hours,
killed two men and wounded ten; amongst the latter was Wm. Moore; he
was shot in three places; a fourth shot struck the bullet molds slung
over his back.
The Chinese were employed in cutting trenches and otherwise fortifying the position of the whites. From the nature of the surrounding country, which is broken and covered with brush and bushes, it was impossible to ascertain the number of Indians--supposed to have been upwards of one hundred. Amongst them were recognized some of the Shastas which are represented as having been the last to retreat. For the sake of connecting properly the events of the day we prefix to the letter of our attentive correspondent from the camp his note of the 17th previously published. Jacksonville, Oct.
17th, 1855.
Ed. Herald:--There
are now at this place near 300 men preparing for war. Reports well
substantiated say that 35 white persons have been killed by the Indians
during the last 10 days. The company to which I belong starts from this
place on the 19th. The Indians all around are well armed and equipped
for fighting.Yours respectfully,
E. B. Stone, 1st Lieut. Co. D. 9th Regiment. Vannoy's Ranch, Oct.
23rd, 1855.
Ed. Herald:--By
first opportunity I send you notice of the movements of the force now
in the field. Capt. Judah, with company of 60 regulars and 75
volunteers, has ranged over the company of Williams Creek, Sucker Creek
and Applegate, but found no Indians. On the 18th the Indians attacked
18 men who had convened at a trading post on Galice Creek. The fight
lasted 8 hours; the whites had two killed and ten wounded. It is
supposed that some 20 Indians were killed. On the morning following,
the Indians resumed the attack for an hour, and then hauled off. Since
this war commenced there have been killed, according to reliable
reports, 18 men, 3 women and 2 children; one woman is missing, supposed
to have been taken prisoner.The Indians are bold and still commit their depredations. They are in this vicinity and it is intended to march for their whereabouts tomorrow. They occupy a gorge on Galice Creek, made by nature a very strong position, and from which it is said, by those acquainted with the locality, it will be difficult to dislodge them. There are about 500 soldiers now ready for action. I will send you the news of our siege by first opportunity. We start tomorrow for the gorge on Galice Creek. Yours respectfully,
City Herald, October 31, 1855, page 2E. B. Stone, 1st Lieut. Co. D. 9th Regiment. Bloody Indian Wars in California
and Oregon.
We make up
the following interesting news from our San Francisco files of the 5th
ult., by the Star of
the West at New York:From California.
The Indian tribes in California are assuming an alarming aspect. We
take the following from an extra of the Crescent City Herald of
the 27th of October:INDIAN WAR IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. Fight with the Indians in Galice Creek--Two Whites Killed and Ten Wounded--Five Hundred Men at Vernon's Ranch--Strong Position of the Indians--Expected Siege.
Since the
attack of the 8th, 9th and 10th inst., as reported in our former
issue, no further collision seems to have taken place between the
whites and the Indians until the 18th, when the latter boldly
attacked a company of 18 men on Galice Creek, some 50 miles below
Jacksonville, and besieged them in a house during the space of 24
killed two men and wounded ten; amongst the latter was William Moore;
was shot in three places; a fourth shot struck the bullet mold slung
over his back.
Weekly Sun, December 1, 1855, page 1The Chinese were employed in cutting trenches and otherwise fortifying the position of the whites. From the nature of the surrounding country, which is broken and covered with brush and bushes, it was impossible to ascertain the number of Indians--supposed to have been upwards of one hundred. VANNOY'S
RANCH, Oct. 23.
Since the war commenced there have been killed, according to reliable
reports, eighteen men, three women and two children. One woman is
missing, supposed to have been taken prisoner. The Indians are bold and
still commit their depredations. They occupy a gorge on Galice Creek,
made by nature a very strong position, and from which, it is said by
those acquainted with the locality, it will be difficult to dislodge
them. There are about 500 soldiers now ready for action.STILL
Several Trains Attacked and Scattered in Deer Creek Valley-- Killed, Wounded, Missing &c.
October 24.--Three trains started from Illinois Valley with an escort
of seven men, and on the afternoon of the same day while on the
mountain beyond Mooney's Ranch were attacked by Indians. Two Mexicans
came to Mooney's Ranch and reported these facts. One Mexican has been
found dead on the trail, also one wounded. John Dorman and John Dickey
are supposed to have been killed, and several other whites, but nothing
certain is known as to the number of whites killed.
Sam Fry's company of volunteers have started in pursuit, and will undoubtedly overtake the band that committed these murders. Seven of the mules of these trains were found shot dead on the trail. A company has been formed in this valley today who will remain here at some central point, for the protection of the families. There is, however, a great want of arms here, and another call will have to be made on Crescent City for arms and assistance. At Althouse and in Illinois Valley they are busily engaged erecting fortifications. The express messenger met Mr. Mann on the mountain on his way home with ten guns and six revolvers, all the arms he could procure in this city on the previous day. STILL LATER!
Several Trains Attacked and Scattered in Deer Creek Valley Between Sailor Diggings and Jackson [County]--One Man Killed, One Wounded--Others Missing. ARMS AND AMMUNITION WANTED. FORTIFICATIONS ABOUT TO BE ERECTED.
Messrs. Thomas
and McDowell, the messengers of Jackson's, and Mr. Thompson, of Hart
& Co.'s Express, left Sailor Diggings yesterday at 11 a.m. and
arrived in Crescent City this afternoon. They bring tidings of fresh
Indian depredations; the following is an account furnished through Hart
& Co.'s Express by Mr. George Sam Rice, who had just returned
a visit to Illinois Valley.
Wednesday, Oct. 24th.
Three trains
started from
Illinois Valley with an escort of seven men, and on the afternoon of
the same day, while on the mountain behind Mooney's Ranch, they were attacked
by the Indians. Two Mexicans came to Mooney's Ranch and reported these
facts; one Mexican has been found dead on the trail, also one wounded;
John Dorman and John Dickey are supposed to have been killed, and
several other whites, but nothing certain is known as to the number of
whites killed or their number. Sam Fry's company of volunteers have
started in pursuit, and will undoubtedly overtake the band that
committed these murders. Seven of the mules of these trains were found
shot dead on the trail.A new company has been formed in this valley today, who will remain here at some central point for the protection of the families. There is, however, a great want of arms here, and another call will have to be made on Crescent City for arms and assistance. We are verbally informed that rumor gives fuller details of the catastrophe mentioned, but that the facts above narrated may be relied on as true. At Althouse and in Illinois Valley they are busily engaged erecting fortifications. The express messengers met Mr. Mann on the mountains on his way home with ten guns and six revolvers, all the arms he could procure in this city on the previous day. Sailor Diggings,
Oct. 26.
City Herald, October 31, 1855, page 2
The news from
the Indians purports another descent on some trains, said to have
consisted of about one hundred mules. One Mexican killed and one
severely wounded; two men, Ed. Dorman and John Dickey, missing. The
news is startling and fills all with fear. The Indians killed 7 mules,
took two kegs of whiskey and drove the balance off. Jackson crossed the
mountains yesterday going to the Klamath.
The man that kept the house at the foot of the Siskiyou has deserted it and is now here at this place. Several trains bound for Indian Creek are lying here, afraid to venture on the road, which is said to be covered with Indian tracks. Large forts are built and building at Althouse and through the valley. The want of arms makes apprehension doubly painful. The arms have been sent away with the companies who range through the mountains. Sam Fry and his company consisting of about thirty-nine men have left in pursuit of the last marauders. Another company was formed this day at Derby's Ranch, called the Valley Rangers, to protect and scour the valley. The captain-elect has gone to headquarters (Jacksonville) for proper enrollment. PORT ORFORD.--From a correspondence we find in the Oregon Times and dated Port Orford, Oct. 17th, we make the following extracts: "Lieut. Kautz, of Port Orford station, left nine or ten days ago for the purpose of opening a road from this place to Jacksonville. He took a due east line, which brought him to the 'Big Bend' of Rogue River, 30 miles from here. On his arrival there he found the settlers in great alarm; leaving for assistance and protection from a threatened attack from a large body of hostile Indians from Applegate Creek Valley. "It appears that some friendly Indians had brought the news of an Indian war raging farther up the river to the settlers below, and upon ascending a hill they could see Dr. Reeves' store in flames, and some 50 or 60 Indians dancing around it. Satisfied of the truth of the report, they left at once, came down the river and accidentally met Lieut. Kautz and his party of ten men and a guide at 'Big Bend,' who put his men in position in a good log house, with nine guns and all the ammunition and store he had, and left in company with a guide for the fort here, which he reached at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 16th inst. He left the settlers with the troops and came for arms &c., to be prepared to resist their further approach--or if necessary make a demonstration upon the hostile party. He left the same day, intending to reach camp that night. "Our Sub-Indian Agent Ben. Wright, with his known energy and cool bravery, is on the ground." "Southern Oregon--Rogue River Valley," Crescent City Herald, October 31, 1855, page 2 Indian Troubles in Oregon.
following, dated Orford, Oct. 17, is from the Oregon Times:"Lieut. Kautz of Port Orford left nine or ten days ago for the purpose of opening a road from this place to Jacksonville. He took a due east line, which brought him to the Big Bend of Rogue River, thirty miles from this place. On his arrival there he found the settlers leaving for assistance and protection from a threatened attack by Indians from Applegate Creek Valley. It seems that some friendly Indians from Grave Creek had come down and warned the settlers to leave, as the Indians were coming to clean out the whites from Rogue River Valley. A friendly Indian reported that twenty whites and ten United States troops from Fort Lane had been killed by these savages--that they were going to burn the trading post of Dr. Reeves, situated below the mouth of Grave Creek, having murdered the Doctor at his ranch, four miles above. News of this was brought to the settlers still lower down the river, who did not credit the report, but after a consultation one or two whites and the Indians who brought the report went to see the fate of the store. From the top of a hill overlooking the place they saw the house in flames, and sixty Indians dancing the war dance around it. The Indians told them that the war party, after killing Dr. Reeves and robbing his ranch, came to the store where was a young man, a clerk, and one or two others. They told the clerk they would kill him. He supposed they were jesting; he was then shot twice and made no resistance; the others fled, when the party cut in quarters the body of the young man and salted it. After taking all the flour and other stores they wanted they set fire to the store, the burning of which was witnessed by the party alluded to. Being satisfied of the truth of the report, they came down the river and accidentally met Kautz at the Big Bend, who put his men in position in a log house, with nine guns and all the ammunition and stores he had, and left with a guide for the fort here, which he reached at 1 o'clock on the morning of the 16th inst. He left the settlers with the troops and came for arms to be prepared to resist their further approach, or make a demonstration on the hostile party. He left the same day, intending to reach camp that night. What will be the finale of this outbreak I know not." Niagara Falls Gazette, Niagara Falls, New York, December 5, 1855, page 1
the 15th inst. Gov. Curry of Oregon issued his proclamation, calling
for nine companies of mounted volunteers, five of whom to constitute
the Northern Battalion are to rendezvous at Eugene City; and four,
expected to be furnished by Jackson County, to constitute the Southern
Battalion, are to rendezvous at Jacksonville.
"Southern Oregon--Rogue River Valley," Crescent City Herald, October 31, 1855, page 2 The news from California is not of much importance. Accounts are given of the Indians attacking three trains on the mountains. A correspondent, writing from Sailor Diggings, Oct. 25th, says: "The news from the Indians purport another descent on some trains, said to have consisted of about one hundred mules. One Mexican killed and one severely wounded, two men, Ed. Dorman and John Dicko, missing. The news is startling, and fills all with fear. The Indians killed seven mules, took two kegs of whiskey, and drove the balance off. Jackson crossed the mountains yesterday, going to Klamath. "Several trains bound for Indian Creek are lying here, afraid to venture on the road, which is said to be covered with Indian tracks. Large forts are built and building at Althouse and through the valley. The want of arms make apprehensions doubly painful. "The arms have been sent away with the companies who range through the mountains. Sam Fry and his company, consisting of about thirty-nine men, have left in pursuit of the last marauders. Another company was formed this day at Derby's Ranch, called the Valley Rangers, to protect and scour the valley. The captain-elect has gone to headquarters (Jacksonville) for proper enrollment." Evening Post, New York City, November 30, 1855, page 3 Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
County, Oct. 24, 1855.
Friend Bush:--There is nothing reliable
from the seat of war since last mail, but as usual a great many rumors
and flying reports of depredations committed are in circulation; what
amount of credit is to be attached to them is a difficult matter to
determine. Among the best authenticated is one of a battle taking place
on Galice Creek in which one white man and 15 Indians were killed.
At sundown last evening an express arrived at Deer Creek for men to go through the canyon, the Indians having attacked a train of wagons a short distance this side of Cow Creek. The messenger, it seems, belonged to the train, but being the hindmost of the party was dispatched for help, and could give no particulars as to the result. He thinks, from the reports of the guns, that there must have been twenty-five Indians engaged in the attack. Another messenger arrived about 10 o'clock of the same evening, from Mr. Elliff--dispatched by the latter for men and arms--and a company of twenty men are to start through tomorrow morning, and we may expect some sharp shooting in a day or two. This morning, at daylight, a company of twenty or twenty-five men fell upon a rancheria near Mr. Arrington's, in Lookingglass Prairie, and succeeded in killing four warriors and wounding a superannuated squaw in the abdomen. The Indians numbered about 20, men, women and children, and had placed themselves under the protection of the whites, having but three guns among them, two of which could not be fired. It was supposed some of the Rogue River tribe was among them, but there is no evidence of the fact. Such affairs are to be regretted as inflaming the Indians, who we think are disposed to be friendly if the whites will only allow them to be; yet a few such outbreaks as this and we may expect a general outbreak in this valley. Oct. 25,
Mr. [B. B. Jackson] also states that
about 300
Indians with their families, stock and plunder have taken a position on
a mountain six miles below the Grave Creek house, fortified it, and are
awaiting an attack. They are determined to fight, and have selected
this as a favorable position. Capt. Smith was at the Grave Creek House,
with about 150 regulars, laying his plans and awaiting reinforcements.
Two companies of volunteers from this valley arrived at headquarters
just as Mr. J. was leaving. They expected to attack
the Indians
on Thursday. Capt. Smith had sent to the fort for a howitzer, intending
to first drive them from their position with shells, and then attack
them with small arms.
intelligence has just arrived from the attacked train before spoken of.
It seems the wagons were in advance of a drove of hogs owned by the
Messrs. Bailey, of Lane County, and the moment the last hog was over
Cow Creek, the Indians fired, killing Mr. H. Bailey instantly, and
wounding Mr. Z. Bailey and three others. They retreated, followed by
the Indians, who kept up a running fire until 9 o'clock p.m., when
having done no further damage they disappeared.
There was a general fight on Cow Creek the same day, both up and down it from the road. The house and barn of Mr. Turner are burned, also Mr. Bray's, Fortune's, Redfield's and one other unoccupied. So many rumors and contradictory reports are in circulation here, it is impossible to arrive at the truth. Such as I have given you are the best authenticated, and I think are true. Mr. Redfield--who lives a short distance below the crossing of Cow Creek--hearing the reports from the train, had placed his family in a wagon and started for a place of safety. He had proceeded but a short distance when both horses were shot down. Taking his wife on his back (she having been previously wounded) they both escaped. The mail is waiting, so I must close. The volunteers are organizing at Deer Creek today; also expecting company from Lane County. Yours, &c., VERITAS. Deer Creek, O.T.,
Oct. 29, 1855.
Friend Bush:--I
presume you are so burdened with correspondence from this portion of
the Territory concerning the war, rumors of war, &c., that you
heartily sick of the subject, and could say with all sincerity "the
Lord deliver us from our friends." However I have no time for
speculation and will proceed with something of more interest to your
readers if not yourself.
Our little village presents a most bustling appearance, with the volunteers encamped in the grove. The smith's shop, clanging from morn to eve, expressmen arriving and departing, and in fact all the noise, confusion and hubbub consequent up on "great and glorious war." The Douglas County company of volunteers organized on Saturday, by electing Samuel Gordon captain, S. B. Hadley, 1st lieut.; T. W. Prather, 2nd do.; Jas. J. Patton, 1st sergt.; Jos. Embree, 2nd do.; S. J. Buntin, 3rd do.; John S. Party, 4th do.; S. H. Martin, 1st corporal; E. Buntin, 2nd do.; L. B. Gilliland, 3rd do.; W. A. Wallace, 4th do.; and Sunday morning took up the line of march for the seat of war. They are a fine-looking body of men, and if fighting is to be done will be found in the thickest the fray. One company of the Lane Co. volunteers, under command of Capt. Bailey, reached this place on Saturday noon, en route for Rogue River. They are a fine-looking company, well armed and mounted, and we miss our prediction if they do not deal well-merited chastisement upon the murderers of their friends and kinsmen. Early on Sunday morning they struck their tents and in high spirits started for the south; success attend them. Gen. McCarver and suite are quartered in the courthouse and find plenty of employment in fitting out the different commands, sending expresses for ammunition &c., &c. There is but little ammunition in the valley, and it was with difficulty the troops sent forward could be supplied. Some little stir was made in town last evening by the arrival of a messenger from the citizens of Cole's Valley, asking for aid; the Indians threatening that if the "Bostons" who attacked the rancheria on Lookingglass Creek a few days since were not punished they would take the matter in their own hands and attack the settlers. Adjutant General Lamerick immediately dispatched an orderly to the Linn and Lane volunteers, encamped on Calapooia Creek, for a party of twenty men to repair to the spot and disarm the Indians. The requisite number were detailed and returned today with twelve of their braves--all that were on the ground--who are now under guard at this place. Great credit is due the command for their prompt action, as well as their orderly and humane conduct in the affair. Not a drop of blood was spilled, yet all danger at least from that tribe is averted. The Indians are much frightened, and with good reason we think, at the dark and ominous countenances around them. It was with great difficulty, and only by a superior force, that the bystanders could be withheld from swinging them to the nearest tree. At present there are two companies of volunteers here, one hundred of which will tomorrow morning be sent forward--providing ammunition can be procured. An express has just arrived with the intelligence that Major Fitzgerald has surrounded a large party (supposed to be three hundred) of Indians on Grave Creek, but not having sufficient force to attack them, is awaiting reinforcements from this direction. Capts. Bailey and Gordon have gone to his assistance, which, with those leaving here tomorrow, will increase his force two hundred and fifty men. With that number we think he can successfully attack, and we hope clean out any number of Indians that can be started in Rogue River Valley. Yours truly, A TRAVELER. October 30th.--W. J. Martin was this morning elected major of the battalion, who have rendezvoused at Deer Creek. J. W. Drew is appointed adjutant. The larger portion of the battalion will be immediately ordered south to Cow Creek and Grave Creek. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, November 3, 1855, page 2 From the Crescent City Herald, Nov., 1855.
The excitement is kept at the boiling point by the receipt of
further news of Indian depredations and murders, committed as far down
Rogue River as Big Bend, which is something like 30 miles above its
mouth, or Gold Beach.The Yreka Union learns that Gov. Bilger has ordered the militia of Siskiyou, Klamath and Trinity counties against the Indians, as the only means of protection from their murderous attacks and punishment for past offenses. Brig. Gen. Arrington, of Crescent City, will take command. The Yreka Union says: On Wednesday last, about noon, Chas. Scott and Theo. Snow, of Deadwood, were informed at the Mountain Spring House that some six Indians had been seen in the neighborhood. They started out in pursuit of them and next Sunday were both found dead, robbed of their money.…The body of a man named Moran was found on Tuesday the 6th inst. on Indian Creek, about two and a-half miles above More's trading post. It is suspected that the Indians had nothing to do with this murder. On the 25th of October, Lieut. Kautz and ten soldiers from Port Orford were the first to discover the Indian camp on the headwaters of Grave Creek, and so sudden was the surprise that it was deemed safest to show a bold front. In the encounter, which lasted ten minutes, two of his soldiers got killed and himself wounded in the right side. A retreat was then effected and the circumstances communicated to Fort Lane, whereupon the ill-starred attacks of the 31st of October and 1st of November were undertaken. The people of Gold Beach are greatly excited over the threatened attack by the Indians. Mr. Taggit, who lives at Chetco, says that Mr. Pearce had arrived from Gold Beach, and stated that he was sent down to warn the settlers of the impending danger. The number of persons now living at the mouth of Rogue River is perhaps 75, and we are informed that they have gathered together in two fortified camps. The intermediate points are but sparsely settled, say at the mouth of Smith River four families, between Winchuck and Chetco, seven, and at Whaleshead, two. From J. Doniphan, who left Jacksonville on Friday the 2nd inst. we learn that on Wednesday and Thursday messengers from the camp had arrived at Jacksonville, stating that a force of 300 regulars and volunteers attacked the Indians in their fortified position in the canon about the headwaters of Cow Creek. It appears to have been impossible for the whites to bring either their horses or howitzers to the isolated region, to which nevertheless the Indians had managed to drive a large number of horses and cattle. In their efforts to dislodge the Indians during Wednesday and Thursday, the whites were not successful, and with the loss of ten men killed and thirty wounded, getting also short of provisions, they withdrew on Thursday evening to headquarters at Vannoy's. On the 1st inst. it was reported that a small party of Rogue River and Illinois Indians were encamped in the neighborhood of Smith River, not over 12 miles from here, having with them two wounded Indians and levying contributions upon the few friendly tribes located near the coast. On Friday a party of 15, under the command of Dr. C. A. Hillman, started out with an Indian for a guide. He led them some 15 or 20 miles from here into the region lying between the North Fork of Smith River and the headwaters of Chetco. There in the depth of a canon they came suddenly upon the encampment of a few Indians. In firing a few shots two were killed, and the others fled. Besides a Colt's Navy pistol, a gun was retaken, which is said to be the same piece sold in this city a short time since to a Mexican who was killed on the Mooney mountains, the 24th ult. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, May 27, 1893, page 1 Volunteers were coming in from both north and south, and before the attack was to be made it was thought there would be over 500 men on the ground. "Latest from the South," Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, November 3, 1855, page 2 The Rogue River War.
following account of the opening scenes in the present Rogue River war
has been sent us for publication. As an unadorned statement of facts it
is designed to contradict or correct erroneous and exaggerated reports
which have found their way into some of the public prints:
"On Monday evening, the 8th of October, the Indians were attacked by a company of volunteers on Butte Creek, when a desperate fight ensued. Although the attack was unexpected, the Indians stood their ground with a firmness heretofore unknown amongst the Rogue River Indians. Thirty-five Indians were killed and ten white men wounded; amongst the latter was Major Lupton, who since died. The cause of such a sudden attack was this: "The Indians but a short time previous had killed three men and thirteen oxen on the Siskiyou Mountains, and scarcely a day passed but some new depredations were committed by them. The citizens forbore as long as forbearance could be considered a virtue. Let no one say hereafter that the whites are to blame for bringing on this war: for only those who have been compelled to live amongst the Indians can have any idea of the abuse and the wrongs to be endured from them; it is the result of their own actions. "On Tuesday morning (the 9th) the Indians came down the river and killed one man who was employed by the agent in making rails on the Reserve, opposite Schieffelin and Walker's house; from there they went on down and attacked two men camped opposite Jewett's ferry, killed one and wounded the other. At sunrise on the same day a party of Indians appeared at Evans ferry (on Rogue River), stationed themselves behind the trees and fired upon some men encamped near the house. Those in the house rushed out intending to have a brush with them, but as they kept behind the trees it was impossible to get at them, and after firing continually for about ten minutes they took to the mountains pursued by a party from the house for a short distance. One man by the name of Shelton was killed; he with five others had been in camp near the house. From here the Indians went on down the road and killed two men between Evans' ferry and Jones'. At Jones' they went in and spoke friendly as usual, but after remaining a few moments one of them shot at Mr. Jones, killing him instantly, upon which Mrs. Jones attempted to escape and was shot at twice; she succeeded, however, in escaping from the house to which the Indians immediately set fire; the barn also and a stack of oats were burnt to the ground. The Indians then proceeded down the road, killing two men with a team on their way to Wagoner's where several shots were fired and the house burnt down. Mrs. Wagoner and child are supposed to have been shot at and then burnt with the house, as they have not been heard of since, and a few bones found amongst the ruins would seem to indicate this sad fate. Mr. Wagoner had been absent, accompanying Miss Pellet on her way to Crescent City as far as Vannoy's. Peters' & Padd's trains escaped by cutting the packs of their animals, leaving the cargoes on the trail to the mercy of the Indians (who showed it none) and coming with their animals up to Evans' where they left them, then proceeded to Jacksonville and spread the news of the destruction below. "A company was immediately formed and on the way to the scene of murder and desolation. On Wednesday morning (the 10th) by daylight, about 50 volunteers, and as many dragoons from Fort Lane, arrived at Wagoner's, where they found a party of Indians whom they put to flight after killing eight of their number and taking from them three stolen horses. The company proceeded to Harris', found Mr. Harris killed and Mrs. Harris and her little daughter in the bushes, where she had been for 24 hours, keeping the Indians at bay with a revolver; her daughter was wounded in the arm. A boy and a man were also found dead at Haines', about three miles from Wagoner's. Mrs. Haines and child have not been heard from, and a son of Mrs. Harris is also missing. Mrs. Jones as taken to Vannoy's but has since died. A large number of volunteers and some regular troops are now scouring the country in pursuit of the redskins. "On Thursday, the 18th inst., another battle was fought on Galice Creek, which lasted twenty hours and resulted in the loss of Picket and Saunders killed, and ten men wounded; eight squaws and four boys were taken prisoners. The most of these squaws had been living with white men or, as those might more properly be called, white Indians, who are the worst we have in this country. In the intermixture of races the Indian never rises to an equality with the whites, but the whites are brought down to a level with the Indian. "This is a true account, as far as it goes, of the Indian outbreak, and I should not have troubled you with this if there had not been so many exaggerated and contradictory reports published, stating that certain persons had been killed or their property destroyed, who fortunately were entirely uninjured. Such reports have not only a tendency to injure the credit and business relations of those concerned, but might keep many from coming to this part of the country who intended to do so for mining and other purposes. By publishing the true state of the case you will at least confer a favor on those who, although reported dead, are still amongst the living. "O.J.E."
City Herald, November 7, 1855, page 1The Indian War!!
Depredations on Althouse, Sucker Creek and Democratic Gulch-- One Man Killed--Another Wounded--The Cabins Burnt.
From several
parties, who arrived in town on last Friday, the 2nd ins., from
Althouse and Sailor Diggings, we gather the following items of interest:
The Indian war in Rogue River Valley has drawn off a great portion of the mining population from Illinois Valley. On Sucker Creek, when there were only about a dozen left, nearly destitute of arms, they all retreated for the sake of safety to Rhodes' ranch in the hills between Althouse and Sucker Creek diggings. On Sunday last, the 28th inst., one of them known by the name of Chuck returned to bring away some blankets and other necessaries left behind. When in the neighborhood of Reeves' trading post he perceived the house on fire, and saw the smoke rise from other cabins. He was suddenly fired upon by some Indians, but made good his escape without receiving any injury. On Tuesday, the 30th inst., in the afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock, three miners on Althouse, while at work on their claim, were suddenly attacked by half a dozen Indians. So sudden was the attack, and from so unexpected a quarter, that they had not even time to seize their guns which they had deposited but a few paces distant. In the endeavor to escape one of them named Wiley was killed by a rifle ball, and another, E. Johnson, was wounded in the right side and arm. The brother of the former reached some neighboring camp, from whence the news was sent to Brownsville, about two miles distant. A party immediately went to the scene of the attack, where they found four or five cabins on fire, but were too weak in numbers and arms to think of pursuing the marauders. Miners not far distant remember to have heard six shots fired, and think the yell of the Indians was answered from the heights by their confederates, who are supposed to be concealed round the neighborhood. The Indians gained two guns in this affray, besides some twenty-six ounces of gold dust, which the shot pouch of Mr. Wiley is supposed to have contained. Through Hart & Co.'s Express we learn that Dr. Watkins, who has the care of Mr. Johnson, the wounded man, says he is doing as well as could be expected. He received two shots, one through the arm and the other through the back in the vicinity of the kidneys. Fortified camps have been erected in different sections of Illinois Valley. The people everywhere are sadly deficient in arms, not one-half of the citizens being provided with either guns or pistols. Mining and other business, of course, is at a perfect standstill. Crescent City Herald, November 7, 1855, page 2 Correspondence from the Camp.
Through the kindness of Mr. Daniel Rickner, we were put in possession
of the following lines, thrown off in haste and even without a date,
from our correspondent in Rogue River Valley. Mr. Rickner received them
at Jacksonville on the 30th ult., and allowing for the distance from
camp in the vicinity of Cow Creek (some 50 or 60 miles) they were
probably written on the 27th October:
Eds. Herald:--I regret to inform you of the probable massacre of many families in Cow Creek Valley, south. We were stationed on Rogue River when news came that several murders had been committed on the road. I started immediately to the relief of families residing in the neighborhood, but fortunately they had concentrated and fortified themselves in two places. The Indians attacked them, but kept at too respectful a distance for those in the forts to effect anything. It is most deplorable to see cattle, hogs, horses, fowls &c. in great quantities killed upon the ranches. But yesterday there were five ranches fired and plundered. The Indians are well mounted, and from the manner they use ammunition, they must have an abundance of it. There were two men killed and brutally treated yesterday. As far as I have been, the Indians have laid everything waste, and it would appear that they are more numerous than at first supposed. The situation of families, even in fortified places, is critical in the extreme, and additional forces are badly wanted. Can't Crescent City send up 100 men? E.
B. Stone, 1st Lieut.
Crescent City Herald, November
7, 1855, page 2Comp. D, 9th Reg't. October 31[, 1855].--This morning the road lay through a nearly level and very fertile valley to Roseburg, where I saw Major Martin, the elected commanding officer of the volunteers. He informed me that the troops were now fighting with the Indians near the Umpqua cañon and that he intended to join them on the following morning, with two more companies at present in camp at Canyonville. He kindly proposed to escort my party through the cañon, and I accepted his offer. We continued our course up the valley of the South Umpqua River and encamped with the volunteers near the northern entrance of the Umpqua Cañon, at Canyonville, which consists only of one house and a barn. The road followed the stream for the greater part of the way, and the valley, although narrow, was settled and much of it apparently very fertile. The hills on each side were lightly timbered with oak and fir. Several specimens of a hard variety of talcose slate were found during the day. The distance traveled was about twenty-six miles. In the evening a dispatch was received from the battlefield, stating that the troops were greatly in want of food and powder and urging on the reinforcements. In the night it rained. November 1.--This morning we followed the volunteers through the cañon, a difficult pass through the Umpqua Mountains. Two small creeks head near the divide and flow, one towards the north to the south fork of the South Umpqua and the other towards the south to Cow Creek. The bottom of the gorge is exceedingly narrow, and the precipitous sides, covered with a thick growth of trees, rise at least 1,000 feet above the water. We found in the cañon a species of yew tree which we did not notice elsewhere west of the Cascade Mountains. The ascent from the camp to the divide was 1,450 feet, and we were compelled, after crossing the creek about thirty times, to travel part of the way in its bed. A few resolute men might hold this defile against an army, and it is wonderful that the Rogue River Indians, who are intelligent, brave and well armed with rifles, have never, in their numerous wars, seized upon it and thus prevented the approach of troops from the Umpqua Valley. This pass is about eleven miles in length, and communication through it is sometimes interrupted by freshets. The road over which we traveled was constructed in 1853, by Brevet Major B. Alvord, United States army, and it is the best route known through the Umpqua Mountains. We had hardly left the cañon when we began to see traces of the Indian devastations. Blackened and smoking ruins, surrounded by the carcasses of domestic animals, marked the places where, but a few days before, the settlers had lived. We passed a team on the road; the oxen lay shot in the yoke, and the dark blood stains upon the seat of the wagon told the fate of the driver. Even the stacks of hay and grain in the fields had been burned. After leaving the cañon, we followed the narrow but fertile valley of' Cow Creek for a few miles and then crossing a steep divide between it and Wolf Creek, encamped on the latter stream. Major Martin intended to proceed, in the morning, to join in the battle which was going on among the mountains, at a distance from the road variously estimated to be from five to twelve miles. As he could not spare us an escort, we determined to press forward as rapidly as possible towards Fort Lane, trusting that the Indians would be too busy to attack our party. In the evening, however, stragglers from the fight began to come in. They reported that the provisions were entirely exhausted and the powder nearly gone; that the Indians were numerous and very strongly posted; that several while men had been killed and many wounded and that it had been thought best to fall back for the present and wait for supplies. The regular troops were on their way to Grave Creek, and the volunteers were coming to our camp as fast as they could transport their wounded. The Indians did not follow them, and they all arrived before morning. The forage on the route had been burned, and our animals suffered much from want of food tonight. November 2.--This morning Major Martin, escorted by a volunteer company, went to Grave Creek to see Captain A. J. Smith, 1st Dragoons, commanding the United States troops in the valley. He offered us the benefit of his escort, and we accompanied him accordingly. This gentleman, together with Captain Mosher and other volunteer officers, assisted us in every way in their power, and without this accidental aid our party would have found it very difficult to cross the valley. Wolf and Grave creeks are separated by high and steep hills, covered with thick timber and underbrush. On reaching Wolf Creek we found Captain Smith in camp, near a house surrounded by a small stockade. His supply of forage had failed, and he was forced, on this account, to prepare to return to Fort Lane as soon as a few men, who had died of their wounds, could be buried. Lieut. Gibson, formerly in command of the escort of our party, was among the wounded. Being compelled by want of forage to press forward as fast as possible, I applied to Capt. Smith for an escort. He gave me one so promptly that in less than fifteen minutes we were again on our way. Between Grave and Jumpoff Joe creeks the road passed over a steep and heavily timbered divide. The Indians had killed two men in charge of a pack train on this hill, and the half-burned remains of their wagon and packs were still to be seen. Near this place Major Fitzgerald, 1st Dragoons, had overtaken with a scouting party and killed several of the savages. At Jumpoff Joe Creek, a man driving swine had been murdered, and a large number of his animals lay dead in the road. On leaving this creek, we passed through an undulating and fertile country, sometimes open and sometimes thinly covered with a growth of oak, sugar maple and a little pine and hemlock. After traveling until nearly sundown, we encamped at a building which had been preserved from the general ruin by the heroism of a woman named Harris. After her husband had been murdered and her daughter wounded, she had made a desperate and successful defense by shooting at the savages from between the crevices of the log house. The traces of her bullets upon the trees, which had shielded the Indians, and the marks of the tragedy within the dwelling, were plainly visible. Soon after dark a small party under the command of Lieut. Allston, 1st Cavalry, arrived with the wounded and encamped. Captain Smith, with a few men, passed us on his way to Fort Lane. The length of our day's march was about fourteen miles. November 3.--Today we traveled about twenty-five miles to Fort Lane, crossing Rogue River at Evans' ferry. His house, and others south of the river, were now protected by a few soldiers. The disturbance had been confined to the northern side of the valley, and a few murders had been committed on the Siskiyou Mountains, and the settlers were in great alarm. The road was gently undulating until we arrived at the ferry, and from that point it followed the level bank of the river nearly the whole distance to Fort Lane. The land appeared to be rich and valuable. The hills were thinly covered with oak, pine and other kinds of trees. A short time before reaching the fort we passed\a salt spring, at which the animals drank eagerly. November 4.--Today we remained in camp to recruit the animals, which had suffered very much from fatigue and hunger during the last few days. We were treated with every possible kindness and attention by the officers stationed at the post. Fort Lane, at present a cavalry station, is pleasantly situated on the side of a low hill, near the junction of Stuart Creek with Rogue River. The barracks and officers' quarters are built of logs plastered with clay. Much of the surrounding country is fertile and settled, but destructive Indian outbreaks are not unfrequent. On the opposite bank of Stuart Creek there are some peculiar basaltic hills, with flat tops and precipitous sides, somewhat resembling those of the Deschutes Valley. The principal one, which is about five hundred feet high, is called Table Rock. Good observations were obtained at the fort, by which the altitude above the sea was found to be 1,202 feet and the latitude 42° 25' 56". November 5.--This morning we continued our journey without an escort, as no Indian outrages of importance had been recently perpetrated on the route. We found many houses deserted, however, and great alarm prevailing among the settlers. After traveling about 26 miles up the valley of Stuart Creek, we encamped at the house of Mr. Smith, near the foot of the Siskiyou Mountains. The road was level, and the general appearance of the country was similar to that near the source of the Willamette River. The rolling hills that shut in the valley were sometimes bare and sometimes thinly covered with trees. We passed, on the way, a hot spring, the temperature of which was about 100° Fahr. A continual escape of gas through the water gave it the appearance of boiling. Lieutenant Henry L. Abbott, Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, Washington 1857, pages 107-109 INDIAN CRUELTY.--Amongst other evidences of cruel barbarities perpetrated by the Indians on the Mooney mountain, on the 24th ult., we are told that the body of a Mexican was found with both eyes dug out and stones placed in their sockets. Crescent City Herald, November 7, 1855, page 2 For
the Oregonian.
Letter from the South.
O.T., Nov. 3, 1855.
Heretofore I have remained silent, leaving you and other friends of the
press to battle for our rights. But of late, such base, willful, and
unmitigated falsehoods have been heralded forth in the Oregon Statesman
as truth, that I cannot, in justice to myself and those brave
volunteers who have so nobly responded to the call of the executive,
remain dormant any longer. If our country was in quietude, and
nought to disturb, save the usual political war, we
might overlook
these base and villainous falsehoods, considering the source from
whence they came. But sir, inasmuch as we are surrounded by hostile
savages, and threatened with annihilation, I cannot pass them by with
impunity. The editor
of that ill-fated sheet has attained a reputation as being the most
cold-hearted and selfish being in the world, devoid of
principle or
honor, a fiend in human shape, inspired by the evil genius, to work all
the iniquity it can. It is equally true, and admitted now by all, that
he is"The
extract of baseness! essence of blackness!
Ergot of meanness! concentrated poison! Spawn of the adder! fuel of hell! His breath is pestilence: his touch palsy!" [three paragraphs torn away]
affair," they have the assurance that
every white
man, woman and child in Jackson County approved of their course. This attack
is urged by this same editor, as being the immediate cause of the massacres of Harris,
Mrs. Wagoner, Mr. Haines and family, Mr. Jones and wife, and others.
That it was in revenge for the massacre at or near Table Rock. He might
argue from this until doomsday, yet he never would convince the
citizens of this valley that such was the cause. The Indians
committed depredations, had threatened the citizens, and appearances
indicated that they intended to carry their threats into execution.
Families were compelled to flee from their homes and abandon all to the
mercy of the savages; yet, their sympathizer and defender, Bush, has
urged that they were on the reserve and friendly. Such is false, and
the author knew it at the time.The last issue of the Statesman prior to this outbreak contained communications from these prejudiced partisans--seeking for political capital--assuring the readers of that paper that "all was quiet" and no indications of a war, and that these reckless whites who were inciting the Indians to acts of violence would be disappointed. Oh! shame on the man who is so degraded, lost to sense or honor, that with a full knowledge of impending danger to our citizens would dare to pen such assertions. I say a full knowledge, for at the date of those communications our whole valley was alarmed. Fields and Cunningham had been murdered on the Siskiyou, and the citizens of Butte Creek had abandoned their homes, or were compelled to guard them. Yet "all is quiet and no danger of a war." I will then ask in all candor, if in view of this matter, if all unprejudiced minds are not satisfied that a false face has been put upon this matter, and that the citizens of your section have been misinformed. The course of Bush throughout has been strange indeed. It needs explanation. His correspondents, some at least, say that we do not want any volunteers from Umpqua or the Willamette; that two hundred men are sufficient to chastise the "Shastas." Now, all that ran in Bush's head is "Shastas, Dr. Henry, reckless whites, expedition to fight immigrants, &c." I am very happy to inform Mr. Bush that there are other tribes in Southern Oregon besides the Shastas, and that it requires more than two hundred men to chastise those "Shastas." This declaration alone would convince anyone of his ignorance of the country, or the mode of Indian warfare. His aim is to ridicule the whole affair, censure those who are undeserving, laugh at our fears, and place everything in a false light; call our soldiers women, grannies, &c., and this too, knowing as he does, that whole families have been butchered--wives have witnessed their husbands fall by their sides--husbands have witnessed the massacre of their wives and children--brothers have witnessed brothers murdered in the most brutal manner, and yet he ridicules our fears; speaks in a jesting manner of all who even entertain fears. Let him visit the section and witness the destruction of property; let him come and visit the grief-stricken widow and fatherless child, grieving over a brother of tender years whose fate is unknown; let him visit the young and and doting wife who is weighed down with grief, and mourns the loss of a kind and affectionate husband. I say let him visit there--then let him ridicule our fears--let him laugh at our calamities--let him assert his falsehoods--but may God have mercy on his soul. More anon. PHILEMON.
Portland, December 1, 1855, page 2Headquarters,
Six Bit House,
Friend Bush--Being exceedingly hard up for stationery, I will
appropriate the last remaining half sheet to you. Nothing of importance
has transpired since
my last. We are stationed about in little squads, protecting the most
defenseless portions of the country, keeping the road open between the
Willamette and Rogue
River valleys, and with.all possible dispatch getting in supplies
to another expedition against the Indians.November 6th, 1855. Judging from present appearances, we may expect a long and serious war; this thing of exterminating Indians in a country like this is almost among the impossibilities. We will, I think by taking matters patiently and prudently, be able to reduce their numbers so as to make them less formidable, and perhaps put a stop to their deviltry entirely, but this is not to be accomplished in a day; we have men enough to whip all the Indians in the country in five minutes, if we can get at them, but they must be caught first, and it takes a vast amount of men to hem them in. It is now raining, and should it continue so, it will make a very disagreeable time of it. I send you, enclosed in this, a notice for the benefit of those desirous of sending letters to the army; you will confer a favor upon me by publishing the same. Our boys generally are in good health and spirits, and only want a chance to pitch in. If we should be lucky enough to get the redskins corralled, we will make a clean breast of the work. It is barely possible from the encouragement they received in the last battle they will stand and give us fight; if so, we can soon settle matters with them. I have no doubt, however, that before matters are brought to a close, it will be necessary to send more men into the field; we have not a sufficient force at this time to direct the campaign so effectively as we could desire; there are so many defenseless settlements to be protected, the roads between the various depots to be kept open, &c.; all this takes men to do it. I will be agreeably disappointed if the present war is brought to an end with six months. I will endeavor to keep you posted with reference to our movements from time to time. I
am yours truly,
Statesman, Corvallis, November 17, 1855, page 2WM. J.MARTIN. Scottsburg
Nov 7 1855
Dear Friend RichYou have probably before this received news of the murder of your sister & child by the Indians but I will try to give you the particulars as I got it from my teamster & others. I had a team of 4 yoke of oxen & wagon on the way out to Jacksonville. They camped 3 miles this side of Wagoner's with 2 other teams & a pack train. They did not suspect any danger, the teams started first, the train overtook & passed them at Wagoner's, about the same time they saw Wagoner & Miss Pellet start down the creek. They stopped a moment at the house. Mrs. W. was alone except an Indian that was washing dishes. They started on, my team was behind. When we had got about a hundred yards from the house a man overtook him & said he saw 7 Indians go in the house all well armed & at the same time they heard 3 guns fire & nearly the same time they saw the flame of the burning barn. About the same time the pack train met them, having come across 2 red men in the road and turned back. All the time the barn was burning & the Indians kept up their accursed war whoop. They were 7 in number, was without arms. So the packers cut their packs off & the teamsters unyoked their oxen as quick as possible & all got on mules & started for Evans' as fast as possible with the Indians after them. The next day when they returned with the soldiers & volunteers the house was burned, wagons & goods, their cattle killed with all the cattle in the neighborhood. But you will see by the papers I send you that they had the satisfaction of killing 5 of the red devils, the further particulars of this truly melancholy affair you will learn from the papers I will send you. You will see that we are in the midst of a bloody Indian war, but I hope it will be an effectual one. They appear to be determined to exterminate the race this time, but so far they have not been able to do much with the Indians. We have just received news of an attack where with about 400 whites, regulars & volunteers where 7 whites was killed & twenty wounded without killing an Indian that they knowed of & was compelled to retreat. But they was taken rather by surprise & was not very well prepared to fight. But they are making preparation for a regular winter campaign. There will soon be 6 or 7 hundred men in the field. I regret that I am so situated that I can't go out, for I would like to have the satisfaction of killing a few of them. I am doing considerable of a business here now, that requires all my time. My property destroyed by the Indians amounts to about twelve hundred dollars, which I will probably get pay for from government sometime, but Uncle Sam can't restore lives that has been lost by the negligence of his agent & officers. Your
transcription dated 1964 on file at the Southern Oregon Historical
Society research library.Levi Kent "HARD ROAD TO TRAVEL, &C."--Three teams arrived at Yreka on the 1st, from Scottsburg (O.T.), after being on the road five weeks. Sacramento Daily Union, November 8, 1855, page 2 The Indian War in Rogue R. Valley.
outbreak of hostilities on the 8th, 9th and 10th of October, the attack
of the Indians upon a company of 18 men on Galice Creek on the 18th;
the discovery of the Indian camp at the headwaters of Poorman's Creek
(a tributary of Grave Creek which our former reports erroneously
confounded with Cow Creek) by Lieut. Kautz and party from Port Orford
on the 25th, and the unsuccessful attempts on the 31st October and 1st
November to dislodge the Indians by a force of 300 regulars and
volunteers, under the command of Capt. Smith, U.S.A., and Col. Ross of
the volunteers, respectively--form still the principal features of the
drama now being enacted near the boundary line, to which the Indian
depredations committed by detached parties on the Mooney Mountain Oct.
24th and about Althouse and Sucker Creek on the 28th and 30th of the
same month, serve as sad episodes, of which we have given the details
in our former issues.
Through the valleys in the interior, business of every kind has been suspended, and the inhabitants for purposes of defense have all formed themselves into companies, some in actual service and in pursuit of the Indians; others gathered in temporarily constructed forts for the protection of families and property. Hart & Co.'s and Jackson's Inland Expresses, who left Sailor Diggings on Saturday and Sunday last, report no changes in this state of things up to that time. Reports were, however, current that the Indians continued to hold their ground boldly on the headwaters of Grave Creek, and that the regular and volunteer forces contemplated to attack them again on Saturday or Sunday (11th inst.). By the arrival of Lieut. Kautz at this place the report of the massacre at Big Bend, 30 miles above the mouth of Rogue River, is proved to have been premature and without foundation. The subsequent information received here, of signs of hostility amongst the Indians between this and Gold Beach, turns out to be equally groundless. Persons traveling up and down the beach noticed, without exception, only a friendly disposition amongst the Indians. The Indians on the South Fork of Smith River, a few days ago gave warning to the white settlers of a band of armed Indians skulking through that section of country, and a movement was set on foot to send out a party to look after them. We would not in the least discourage a proper vigilance on the part of the citizens and settlers in the neighborhood, but in these reports derived from friendly Indians we may expect to be often misled by apprehensions and exaggerations suggested by their own fears. The hostile Indians throughout Illinois and Rogue River Valley are, without exception, provided with firearms, and it becomes less and less probable that any of our coast tribes intend to join them with their bows and arrows. Crescent City Herald, November 14, 1855, page 2 (From
our Extra of Saturday, Nov. 17th.)
The Indian War in Rogue R. Valley.
According to
the latest advices from the interior, it appears that the Indians at
the headwaters of Grave Creek have declined awaiting a second attack of
the military forces in Rogue River Valley, and consequently have
abandoned that position for some other yet to be found out. The
regulars have returned to Fort Lane, and the militia are at Vannoy's,
busy with their transformation into a regiment of Oregon Mounted
Volunteers, authorized to be raised by proclamations of the governor of
Oregon. This change is to take place on the 21st inst., Major James
Bruce commanding the volunteer force.
Major W. W. Fowler from Jacksonville, chief agent for the purchase of supplies for the Commissary's and Quartermaster's Departments, arrived in town last evening with over a hundred pack mules. 200 pairs of blankets form one item in the orders to be filled. The route from here to Sailor Diggings is considered safe; from there to Jacksonville armed parties accompany the trains. We have not heard that there is any danger farther up towards the Klamath River and Yreka. The following letter, received yesterday, would seem to give some clue to the present whereabouts of the hostile Indians: Port Orford, Nov.
10th, 1855.
City Herald, November 21, 1855, page 2
Editors Herald:--I
am requested to use my efforts to get word through to Illinois and
Rogue River Valleys and inform the regulars and volunteers that part of
a company are now at Big Bend of Rogue River, and the balance will be
there by the 15th inst., and that the largest body of the hostile
Indians are at the mouth of John Mule Creek, 30 miles below Galice
Creek. Should the troops above act in concert with those at Big Bend,
the Indian troubles will be of short duration.
Please forward this information with dispatch and oblige Yours truly,
Wm. Tichenor. Nov.
10th 1855
Capt. BaileyWill move with his command except so many as may be necessary to protect this place to Camas Prairie 20 miles southwest of Deer Creek upon the headwaters of Coquille River and there remain until further orders. You will furnish the unprotected families in the vicinity of your post with a sufficient force from time to time as to render them safe. In chastising the enemy you will use your own discretion provided you take no prisoners. You will erect such winter quarters as you deem necessary. You will allow two dollars per day as extra compensation to each soldier you may employ in erecting the same. Upon Thursday next [the] 15th day of Nov. you will hold an election in your company for Major of the Northern Battalion of the Southern Division of the Oregon Mounted Volunteers. You will send the result by a special messenger under seal to the adjutant of said battalion at Fort Gordon near Mr. Riddle's on Cow Creek. W.
J. Martin
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 679.Major Commanding N. Bat. S. Div. O.M.V. By I. N. Smith Acting Adjutant Headquarters
Fort Bailey
Capt. BuoyNov. 10th 1855 Will move with his entire command as soon as practicable for Camp Elliff near the south end of the Canyon and there remain until further orders. You will leave a sufficient force at this place until relieved by Capt. Kinney. You will use your best exertions in keeping open the road from the crossing of Cow Creek to the northern end of the Canyon. You will furnish the families that are unprotected en route from Cow Creek to the northern end of the Canyon with a sufficient number of men to render them safe. In chastising the enemy all is left to your discretion provided you take no prisoners. You will erect such winter quarters as you may deem necessary. You will allow two dollars per day each as extra compensation to soldiers in your company that you may employ in erecting the same. Upon Thursday next [the] 15th day of Nov. you will hold an election in your company for Major of the Northern Battalion of the Southern Division of the Oregon Mounted Volunteers. You will send the result of said election under seal by a special messenger addressed to the adjutant [remainder not filmed] Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 679. Indian
Agent's No. 11th 55
To E. M. BarnumRogue River Valley Adjt. Genl. Respected sir yesterday I mustered into the service of Oregon at Vannoy's ferry the four companies from Jackson County called for by the proclamation of the Governor of the date of Oct. 15th 1855. As soon as mustered they went into an election for major which resulted in the election of Captain James Bruce. The troops had been commanded by Col. John E. Ross, C. S. Drew acting as his aide, both of them endeavoring to prevent the men from organizing under the proclamation. I never saw as much cold calculation & open blackheartedness, in fact, open rebellion against the laws, as was manifested on this occasion. Had it not been for the influence of Doct. Ambrose, Mr. Hughes & some of the other good citizens, the troop would have went home and not have formed into mounted volunteers, as the proclamation called for. Much credit is due to Capt. James Bruce for his noble conduct on this occasion. Col. Ross ordered him to disband his men or to come under his (Col. Ross') orders. Capt. Bruce told him that he and his men were mustered under the proclamation & would not obey him any longer, at least when he would be going against the Governor's orders. Ross then ordered the commissary to not issue rations to any but those companies under the 9th Regiment of Oregon Militia, commanded by him (Ross). Capt. Smiley Harris, being one of Ross' & Drew's party got an order from Ross to draw all the ammunition and ten days' rations & sent his men out under pretense of guarding a pack train on the Crescent City trail. This was done for the purpose of preventing many of his men from joining the volunteers under the proclamation as many of them wished to do so. I met [Quartermaster] Genl. John F. Miller at Evans Ferry last night on his way to headquarters. He & Bruce will soon straighten things. I write in haste as the mail will soon go out. It has rained here incessantly the last three days. I will inform you more particularly soon as possible. Respt. yours
To Genl.John K. Lamerick Mustering Officer E. M. Barnum Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 3, Document 708. Headquarters
Southern Battalion
Information having been received
that armed parties are still in the field with the avowed purpose of
waging a war independent of the executive of this Territory and in
violation of law and General Order No. 11 issued by the Governor
October 20th, 1855 to wit,Oregon Volunteers Vannoy's Ferry Nov. 11th 1855 It is therefore ordered that the commanding officers of the battalions authorized by the proclamation of the Governor of the 15th day of October instant will enforce the disbanding of all armed parties not duly enrolled in the service of the Territory by virtue of said proclamation. As the peace and happiness of our country depends upon order and law-abiding persons, it is therefore expected and required that all persons not duly enrolled into the service of the Territory by virtue of the proclamation of the Governor of the Territory of Oregon will disband in accordance with General Order No. 10. it is also expected and required that all persons belonging to the Southern Battalion who have been regularly enrolled into the service of the Territory will assist in carrying out this order. Men under persons assuming authority are hereby notified that they are at liberty to enroll themselves under the proclamation and according to law. It is confidently expressed that persistence in violation of law will cease from and after this date and that all good citizens will see the necessity of cheerfully acquiescing in and strictly conforming to the laws of our country. James
Bruce Major
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document
582.Commanding Southern Battalion Oregon Mounted Volunteers Rogue River Correspondence of the
Dear Bush--A detachment of Capt. Bailey's company has returned from a
scouting expedition through the mountains after the Indians, who were halo ["absent"]. As
matters have turned, it is perhaps quite as well that these scouts
failed to find the siwashes,
for Capt. Smith and Col. Ross both were unable to keep their
engagements with Major Martin. On the 2nd of November, the day after
the battle, Ross and Smith agreed to be at the Grave Creek House with
their respective commands as early as the 9th inst., prepared to pursue
the Indians into the mountains and make another attack upon them.
Martin sent out a party of scouts to ascertain the position of the
Indians, in order that he might report it to Capt. Smith and Col. Ross,
on their arrival at Grave Creek, and be ready to proceed immediately
into the mountains. But at last accounts, the Jackson Co. battalion was
not organized, nor likely to be. Charlie Drew was endeavoring to induce
the companies who were engaged in the late battle in the Grave Creek
Hills, to disband, and not organize under the Governor's proclamation.
At the time of the outbreak in Rogue River, Col. Ross, Drew and some
others of that clique wrote to Curry requesting that Col. Ross be
authorized to call out the militia of Jackson County. The messenger who
was dispatched with the letters, on his arrival in Umpqua Valley, met
Curry's proclamation calling for four companies of volunteers from
Jackson County, who were to organize a battalion, and elect their own major.
In the meantime, some twelve or thirteen companies had been formed in
Jackson Co., of who Ross assumed command, by virtue of his office as
colonel of the militia of Jackson County. Capt. Lamerick, who has been
appointed Asst. Adjutant General to muster the companies into their
respective battalions, did not arrive in Jackson Co. till after the
late battle. Some twelve or thirteen companies of from 20 to 80 men
each offered to muster in--Lamerick told them he was authorized to
muster in four companies of sixty men each, under the
proclamation--that he was willing to muster four companies into a
battalion, according to the proclamation, and then would muster as many
as offered into one or more other battalions, who could also organize
and elect their major, and ask to be received into service. This fair
proposition was not acceptable to Drew, and he declared that no company
should be mustered in, unless all the companies that offered could be
received into the same battalion, or rather, regiment. It is said that
if four companies should be mustered in, that Jim Bruce would be
elected major over either Drew or Ross.November 12th, 1855. Major Fitzgerald from Fort Lane is now on his way to the Dalles, with about ninety dragoons. He will be at Winchester tomorrow. Capt. Smith will not pursue the Indians until Capt. Judah arrives from Fort Jones. Col. Ross sent a request or invitation to Capt. Bailey of Martin's battalion to come on to Rogue River and join his command! He also sent over Dr. Henry, of Yamhill, to take charge of the hospital at Martin's headquarters!! Martin had previously placed the hospital in charge of Drs. Fiske and Danforth. Martin employed Danforth out of courtesy to Gov. Curry, who had given D. an appointment as surgeon of the So. Division. While Martin was absent from headquarters, Henry arrived with an appointment from Ross and took charge of Martin's hospital--employed Danforth as assistant, and gave Fiske notice that his services were no longer needed! Henry also posted up "regulations" in the hospital signed by himself as Chief Surgeon of the Volunteers, and Danforth as assistant. When Martin returned, Fiske informed him of Henry's doings--immediately a scene ensued--Martin went in and tearing down "then d-----d regulations" he stuck them.in Henry's face--told "Henry that "dod rot him" he would "give him just five minutes to leave his hospital"--that he would learn him not to insult a commander of a battalion by any interference with his hospital or his men. The boys all hurrahed for Warnick, and Henry sneaked off, telling Martin that he would meet him some other time, when he was not surrounded by his battalion. Martin gained considerably eclat by his little affair with Henry. Martin's letter to Ross is also a choice thing. He writes Ross that the No. Bat. So. Div. O. M. Vols. is commanded by Major W. J. Martin, and that any interference with any of his men or any of the officers of his battalion will be taken as an insult, and treated accordingly. When Martin was elected major, only two companies were at the rendezvous. Drew and Henry and their emissaries have been endeavoring to create the impression that the election was not legal, and that it was not a fair expression of the sentiment of the battalion. Accordingly, now that the battalion is full, Martin has ordered a new election, which takes place tomorrow, and unless everybody is deceived, he will be re-chosen. There seems to have been strange work in making appointments all round. There was no necessity whatever for the appointment of any such trash. Sam May says he has a letter from ------ to ------, in which ------ recommends ------ to employ May, if he can get him!! May has not sense enough to keep his mouth closed; he is continually boasting of the good thing he has got; says Bush is "not in the ring," that "we have got the control of these war matters," that "Curry has closed down on politics," &c. &c. The others are more politic. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, November 24, 1855, page 2 LATEST FROM THE INTERIOR.
(THROUGH HART & CO.'S EXPRESS.) Disturbances in Deer Creek and Illinois Valley--Fight with a Party of Indians at "Jumpoff Joe" Creek--Rogue River--Five Indians Killed-- One Volunteer Supposed to be Mortally Wounded.
From Mr. Thompson, of Hart & Co.'s Express, who left Sailor
Diggings on Monday afternoon, and arrived in town yesterday evening, we
learn the Indians drove off all the cattle from Dr. Smith's ranch in
Deer Creek Valley, on the 17th inst. On the night of he same day their
fires were seen in different directions from the dwelling house of Geo.
Briggs, Esq., in Illinois Valley. These occurrences have reawakened the
excitement, and created fears, which through a momentarily quiet had
been suffered to sleep.
Of the affairs in Rogue River Valley the following letters contains the latest information from that quarter: Sailor
Diggings, Nov. 19, 1855.
Eds. Herald:--On
the 17th inst., Geo. W. Edd, J. L. Fry, P. Shellbeck, Voorhies, Mullen
and 15 others, belonging to Captain Williams' company and commanded by
Lieut. Mike Bushey, being out on a scout, came upon a party of Indians
near the mouth of "Jumpoff Joe" Creek early in the morning and
succeeded in killing 5 of them and wounding a good many others. The
Indians had some 30 pack mules loaded with provisions and merchandise,
and were making their way to the "Big Meadows" down Rogue River. They
showed much boldness in the encounter, telling the volunteers if they
wanted a fight to come to their "Big House," where they had two white
women, whom the "Bostons" might endeavor to retake if they were good
men, etc. The volunteers took from them a quantity of provisions and
destroyed their canoes, which were loaded with plunder. They also
captured a horse with saddle and bridle and packed with goods supposed
to have been taken from Peters & Lad's train.The Indians were finally getting to be too many for the scouting party, and they withdrew to headquarters with one of their number, Amass Morse, of Althouse, dangerously wounded. He is now in the care of Drs. Barkwell and Bremen, who entertain but slight hopes of his recovery. The pursuit of the Indians will be resumed as soon as possible. The country is in a deplorable condition. The houses are either burnt down or deserted, and what stock is left is running wild, everybody in dread of the merciless savages. There are some 300 Indians on the reserve at Fort Lane, belonging to the Sam, Elijah and Sambo tribes. They are provided with a special guard and under the charge of the Indian agent. They express unreservedly their disapprobation of the course pursued by the hostile Indians, and say the "Bostons" ought to kill them. Capt. Smith and Capt. Judah, U.S.A., are both at Fort Lane, and will start out in pursuit of the Indians as soon as the volunteers are ready. A reorganization of the volunteer companies took place in obedience to the proclamation of Gov. Curry. The Adjutant Gen., J. K. Lamerick, mustered them into service on the 11th inst. The captains of the four companies from Jackson County are--Rob. Williams, Rice, Wilkinson and Alcorn. Capt. Smith has delivered the Indian prisoners Sam and Dick to the civil authorities of California. The united forces of volunteers and regulars are to march down Rogue River to the "Big Meadow" in about three days or about as soon as they can get ready. Yours
City Herald, November 21, 1855, page 2John Galbraith. Umpqua Correspondence of the
Nov. 14th, 1855.
There is but little news of interest from this quarter at present.
Indians reported in safe quarters somewhere in the mountains. No attack
since the 31st ult. and 1st inst. The militia of Jackson County, under
the command of Col. Ross, disbanded, excepting the number of companies
as called for by the proclamation of the Governor. Four companies have
enlisted under that call, and have elected Jim Bruce
major. Bob.
Williams was his opponent. Williams still retains his office
as captain
of one of the volunteer companies. The southern battalion is now in
readiness for action, according to the call of the Governor. The
battalion of Major Martin has been detailed for specific
duties; a
portion of the Douglas County troops quartered in Cow Creek Valley,
this side of the Canyon--the other portion east of Deer Creek, on the
North Umpqua; Capt. Bailey's company, from Lane, ordered to
Prairie, 25 miles west of Deer Creek; Capt. Buoy's, of Lane, and Capt.
Kinney's, of Linn, quartered at the south end of the Canyon, and at the
Six Bit House.A new election is to take place in Major Martin's battalion, as his election in the first place was the action of only part of two companies. It is thought that Martin will be reelected. There seems to be no other calculation but that the war will continue all winter. A considerable amount of forage (shelled oats) has arrived at the Canyon from Eugene City, and more on the way. There seems to be no trouble in obtaining supplies from the citizens of this portion of the country of whatever they have and is needed; no indisposition [sic] to trust Uncle Sam. All are in hopes that the Indians may all be killed, and the war brought to a speedy and successful close. Yours
E. N. BOWMAN. Rogue River Correspondence of the
Nov. 10, 1855.
I am sorry that I have not better news to send you today in relation to
our Indian difficulties in the south. I am informed that recent acts on
the part of his premiership, Charley Drew, develops some strange and
astounding transactions. Enclosed I send you a copy, of an order issued
on the 7th by John E. Ross and Charley, who, it seems, had called the
militia into service,
who, it seems, had done everything in their power to prevent the
organization of the battalion in this county as called for in the
Governor's proclamation, this man, Drew, charging that the Durham
Democracy, the Democrats, and also those having control of the Indian
Department in Southern Oregon, were the blamable parties for all the
Indian depredations in the south. You recollect his (Drew's) "Clarendon" letters
in the Oregonian.
Now this man Charley is as cunning as a fox, and is chief of the Know
Nothings in this county. He knows that if he could bring about
hostilities, that Ross was colonel of the militia, and he could be
adjutant. All those difficulties of which he prophesied in those "Clarendon" letters
were not the result of accident,
as the happening of Dr. Henry at Cow Creek at the particular hour of
the commencement of hostilities was! Now Charley Drew and others who
had figured at the head of a party in this county had lost their grip,
and something must be done to save them. Circumstances, and the acts
of certain hostile bands of Indians on the Klamath and
Mountain, favored their plans, and the idea was conceived that by
throwing the firebrand among the Indians, the entire blame could be
saddled on the Democracy. Hundreds of our unsuspecting citizens of this
county were caught in the snare, and those horrible massacres have
taken place, at which our community, en masse, cry aloud
for vengeance.
But what does Charley say? Why, he's trying to prevent an organization
under the proclamation of the Governor. The volunteers will not elect
Ross major, therefore Drew cannot be adjutant. If they do not organize
under the proclamation, Ross is colonel of the militia, and Drew is
adjutant, and thus Drew's plans can be carried out; then Drew &
Dowell's expedition to Klamath Lake, in the fall of 1854, will stand a
better chance to be paid by the general government.I stop to report better news. The battalion of four companies has been mustered into service by Capt. Lamerick, assistant adjutant general, and James Bruce, elected major. Drew & Co. refused to let the newly organized battalion have supplies until they saw that Capt. Lamerick and Major Bruce were preparing to take such portion as they needed, even without consent. Drew left Vannoy's when the organization took place, and quite a number of Ross and Drew's Indian lighters have backed out, and gone home. WALLACE.
Camp Stuart, Nov. 7, '55.
The several companies composing the 9th Regiment O.M. will assemble at
Vannoy's ferry on Friday next (Nov. 9th) for the purpose of mustering
into service agreeable to the proclamation of the governor of Oregon,
i.e., to form a battalion of volunteers and elect a major to command.It is required that a return of muster tolls, appraised lists, &c. &c., pertaining to the present service (that of the militia) be made as soon as practicable, and forwarded to this station, in order that the affairs of said service may be closed. By
Per C. S. Drew, Adj't. 9th Reg't. O.M.Col. JOHN E ROSS. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, November 24, 1855, page 1 Latest from the Oregon War.
Shasta Courier, Shasta,
California, December 1, 1855, page
We copy the following from the Yreka
Union Extra, of the 21st ult., furnished by the Pacific Express:
Since the "Cow Creek defeat," several companies have been in search of the Indians engaged in the battle; all have been unsuccessful, however, with the exception of Bob Williams, who with seventy-five men on Friday last came upon their trail between Grave Creek and Jumpoff Joe. Here they found the cargoes of the mule train taken by the Indians at the commencement of the outbreak. They followed on and passed the smoking remains of the two houses of widows Niday and Harris, which the Indians had just burned. Upon arriving at Jumpoff Joe, on Saturday last about noon, the whole tribe was discovered and a fire was opened upon them immediately. After fighting some time, Williams sent a dispatch to Fort Lane for a recruit [reinforcement]. The dispatch arrived on Sunday morning, whereupon Capt. Judah left forthwith for the scene of action with a howitzer; he would arrive at Jumpoff Joe on Sunday evening. The Indians are represented as being all well armed and mounted, and fight with the utmost desperation and bravery, and seem perfectly reckless of life. Their numbers could not be ascertained, nor of course could their killed and wounded. When the messenger left the ground there were four white men wounded, but none had been killed. Williams' company consists of volunteers from Siskiyou, Rogue River, Illinois Valley and other places, and are said to be picked men. At the battle on Cow Creek the Indians were in a position stronger than which could not be found in the whole of Oregon, to which alone may be attributed the unfortunate result of the engagement. Now, however, their advantages in this respect are comparatively few. In view, therefore, of this circumstance, and of the fact that two such men as Capt. Judah and Bob Williams being in the field, we may confidently anticipate good news from that quarter in a day or two. Lieut. Hazen passed through town on Wednesday, on his way from Fort Reading to Fort Lane. He had with him a portion of a company belonging to the 4th regiment U.S. infantry. In pursuance of a proclamation by the Governor of Oregon, all companies of volunteers are disbanded, with the exception of Capt. Brewster's, Major Bruce's, Capt. Hardin's and another, making in all 284 officers and privates, volunteers now in actual service within the limits of Jacksonville division. P.S. Since writing the above, the Rev. Mr. Stratton, in company with another man, have arrived in town, and report that they saw about 100 mounted Indians passing through Shasta Valley, some ten miles from this city. They pursued the Indians about two miles at full speed, to endeavor to learn their intentions, but were unable to overtake them. THE ROGUE RIVER INDIANS.--In addition to news published a few days since of difficulties with Indians in this section of the state, we glean the subjoined, later items from the Yreka Union, of the 24th: FRIDAY,
November 23.
Early this morning, Mr. Richardson
furnished us with the following additional intelligence: The fight at
Jumpoff Joe resulted in the death of three Indians and one wounded.
Williams lost one man, by the name of Morse, and another of his men was
severely wounded. The Indians were routed and driven in the direction
of Wagoner's Creek--they numbered about thirty. Mr. R. states that
Williams' Company consisted of about twenty-five men. a body of the
Indians who were engaged at the fight at Cow Creek had not been found.
On Wednesday morning last, the howitzer ol Captain Judah was heard in
the direction of Applegate--it is supposed that he has had an
engagement in that quarter. Mr. R. has been acting in the capacity of a
scout from Capt. George's county. Sacramento Daily Union, November 29, 1855, page 3 INDIAN ALLLIANCE.--The editors of the Alta have seen a letter dated Deer Creek, near Scottsburg, Oregon, which states that a perfect junction has been made between the Umpqua, Sciuskla [sic--Siuslaw?] and Shasta Indians, by which a perfect chain of hostility is formed among the savages from above the Umpqua nearly to Rogue River, and a hundred miles inland. It is believed that the arrangements for the present war have been making for the past two years. The Indian organization extends from Washington Territory to the California line, and embraces many tribes in the far interior, whose language is not known or understood by the coast Indians. Placer Herald, Auburn, California, December 1, 1855, page 3 We are all well so far as I know, but here I must inform you that we are surrounded by the hostile foe. Something like two months ago the Indians on almost all sides opened battle. The governor of Oregon issued his proclamation calling for volunteers in the different counties. This county [Linn County] in one week raised two full companies, seventy-one each, and four of my boys have been gone one month today to set their face to the storm and their breast to the battle. There has already been several battles fought but no decisive victory obtained. The Indians have burned quite a good many houses and killed many of their inmates, have murdered many small parties of the whites. The principal fighting is in Rogue River, at Puget Sound and east of the Cascade Mountains. My boys has gone to the latter place. The first battle east of the mountains the regulars was whipped by the Indians. The first battle on Rogue River the whites found the same fate. Since that time the volunteers have repaired to the seat of war and will probably be prepared to meet the enemy in any shape that they may present themselves. Quite [a] number of lives have already been lost and who or how many may fall by the savage foe time only will tell. O how absurd is this mortal scene and with what anxiety do parents look after the welfare of their children. Olney Fry, Oak Grove, Albany Township, Linn County, letter of November 19, 1855. Sold on eBay August 2020; scans retained by Ben Truwe. FORT
READING, CAL., November 20, 1855.
I send this note to inform you of the safe arrival of myself and party
at this post, and to tell you how much I feel indebted to you for my
successful trip. I reached the Umpqua cañon just in time to
through with the companies of Captains Morgan. and Bowie, those under
the immediate command of Major Martin. I told the Major of my
situation, and showed him your orders. He very kindly offered me every
assistance in his power. I went through the cañon with his
command, and camped with it a few miles on the other side. In the
evening the volunteers :from the battlefield came in very much
exhausted by the prolonged fight. They reported that all the troops,
both regulars and volunteers, had left the field for supplies, and to
wait for reinforcements. The regulars had gone to Grave Creek, about
six miles from our camp. The next morning Major Martin very kindly
escorted me with Captain Bowie's company to Captain Smith's camp, who
then furnished:me with an escort of regulars through the
valley to
Fort Lane. The state of the country was such that, without the Major's
assistance, it would have been very dangerous for my party to attempt
to pass through it, and I very much doubt if I could have made my men
attempt it. I therefore feel, sir, that much of the success of the
survey is due to your kindness, for which I beg you to accept my
sincere thanks.Truly, yours, HENRY
G. L. CURRY,Lieut. U.S. Topographical Engineers. Governor of Oregon Territory. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, pages 216-217 Indian Warfare.
Northcutt has furnished us with the following particulars of the Indian
attack on his premises in Deer Creek Valley, October 24th.
On the night of the 23rd (the day of the affray on the Mooney Mountain in which two Spaniards and a considerable number of mules were killed): I was on guard at my house--I heard a movement among my cattle near the house, and shortly after a single shot. In a few moments more I saw the smoke of a fire about three-fourths of a mile from the house, and suspected at once that there were Indians about me, and sent a runner immediately to Capt. Fry's company. In the morning (24th) six men of Fry's company, who were staying at my house, left me to go to the Mooney Mountain, in search of the bodies of the men who were murdered the day before. They were hardly out of the sound of gunshot before five Indians were seen driving my horses from the field, the Indians being all mounted. They drove the animals in a direction towards the house to a thicket, behind which, as we afterwards found, were stationed other Indians to guard those with the animals in case of an attack from the house. Two men from my house ran out towards the thicket in order to head off the Indians with the animals, but when within about seventy-five yards of it the Indians opened a fire on them, firing five shots. The men then retreated towards the house. One of them looking back saw an Indian step from behind a tree to shoot; he immediately drew his own gun and fired and the Indian fell. The other man was also shot at, and on the report of the gun, he happened to stumble, when the Indian hallowed out, "That was a d--n good shot, I gave him h-ll!" But when he saw the man was not killed, he said, "Don't run, d--n you, but come out and fight." This was the Indian (Jim) who has been a good deal employed in pack trains; we all recognized him, and I shot at him from the house. I had five men at my house this time, besides myself; we all then took our stations in the house, prepared for an attack, but none was made. At about noon of the same day Capt. Fry arrived with his company. I told him the direction in which the Indians probably were, and he started in pursuit. At about three-fourths of a mile from the house they found where an ox had been killed and eaten; a mile farther they found eight more of my cattle just killed and fires prepared for drying the meat. They could see no Indians, but were shot at while in this camp. They returned to my house in the evening and Capt. Williams with a part of his company came there also, and camped in my yard. During the night of the 24th, they heard an Indian hallow on the side hill near the house. One of the men called and asked him what he wanted. He answered by asking what he wanted. The volunteer said, "Come down and make a treaty." He had hardly spoken before two shots were fired. The next day I left my house with my family. If I do not lose my house I have already nine head of cattle killed and one wounded, one horse killed and one driven off, with fourteen head of hogs. By inserting the foregoing in your paper or so much of it as shall correct the statement that I lost "but seven head" of cattle, You
will oblige,
City Herald, November 28, 1855, page 2Very respectfully, Your obd't. servt., E. J. Northcutt. For the Statesman. Gardiner,
O.T., Nov. 26, 1855.
Editor of
the Statesman:--The
Indians in this vicinity have been collected at the mouth of the Umpqua
River by Agent Drew, and are being fed by his order. Drew is now at
Coos Bay collecting the friendly Indians at Empire City.Two Rogue River Indians recently came up the coast and visited the Umpquas.--"Old Jim," a friendly Indian, says that the Siuslaw Indians have recently had a war dance. What all this means is not known. The settlers are not generally much alarmed. Five soldiers are now stationed at this point, and it is understood that the number will soon be increased to twenty, and others stationed at Scottsburg. Probably there is more property and fewer men comparatively, to protect the same, in Scottsburg, than at any other point in the Territory. Three vessels are lying at this port ready for sea. Very
respectfully yours, &c.
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
January 8, 1856, page 2A. C. GIBBS. More Indian Depredations at the
Fight at the Little Meadows.
The Indians in the Rogue River and Umpqua valleys are still committing
their depredations on the defenseless settlements, pillaging and
burning houses and property of the settlers and, growing bolder by
their success, have approached nearer the towns. The following letter
was received on Thursday by Thos. J. McCarver, assistant Com. Gen., to
whom we are indebted for a copy:
Commissary Office,
Dear Son--Since you
left this place this morning, information of a reliable character
reached here that Mr. Rice and family--with the exception of a small
boy--had been murdered this morning at daylight, about fifteen miles of
this place, and the house set on fire, the smoke of which has been seen
by several persons now in town. [See
the contradicting report, a few paragraphs below.]
The boy reports about 100 Indians in the attacking party. Great
consternation has been produced in this place and neighborhood.Dec. 1st, 1855. Adjutant Stratton, of Major Martin's battalion, is here and is now engaged in making out orders for the remnants of Capts. Bailey, Gordon and Chapman's companies now in the neighborhood to repair without delay to the scene of hostilities, and we are preparing to give them a hearty reception at this place if their object is commissary and quartermaster's stores. I send this by the messenger who follows Capt. Bailey, who left with you this morning. We have sent a messenger to the scene of difficulty. When he returns, if necessary, I will dispatch another without delay to the Governor. In the meantime, show this to the different newspaper editors in the Willamette Valley. I
am, &c.,
Thos. J. McCarver,M. M. McCarver, Commissary Genl. Oregon Militia. Asst. Com. Genl. Oregon Militia. We are also informed by Mr. McCarver that an express arrived at Roseburg on the 30th ult. from Little Meadows, on Rogue River, bringing news that a fight had taken place a day or two before at that point. Part of Maj. Martin's battalion was engaged in crossing Rogue River by means of a raft. On placing the third log in the water, they were fired upon from the brush on the opposite side by a superior number, and not being prepared for fighting were compelled to lie behind the rocks, or anything which would shelter them from the enemy's fire, till night covered their retreat. A Mr. Lewis of Capt. Kinney's company was killed; one of Capt. Kinney's, two of Capt. Williams' and one of Capt. Rice's companies were wounded; one other was wounded, but of whose company was not learned. It is not known that any Indians were killed in this engagement. During the day, a beef belonging to the volunteers was killed, and at night the Indians crossed and carried it off, together with a quantity of arms, ammunition and provisions. Since the above reached us, a letter has been received by the Governor from Gen. McCarver, who is at Roseburg, which states that instead of one hundred Indians attacking Mr. Rice's house, as reported, the number did not exceed twenty or thirty, who were repulsed by the men in the house, though not until Mr. Rice was wounded in the arm, fracturing the bone. His outbuildings were burned, and several unsuccessful attempts made to set fire to his house. Up to the date of his letter (Dec. 2nd), Gen. McCarver had received reliable information that about ten houses had been burned in the vicinity of Roseburg. All, however, had been vacated or were outbuildings. The inhabitants had received intelligence of the approach of the hostile band from a friendly Indian and fled, leaving their houses and property to the mercy of the savages, who burned and destroyed them. A small party of volunteers was hastily made up at Roseburg on the 1st inst., which together with a part of Capt. Bailey's company and the citizens in the vicinity of the attack, numbering in all thirty or forty men, immediately started in pursuit of the Indians. A party under J. P. Day discovered the camp of the enemy, about sixteen miles from Roseburg, on Olilly Creek, attacked them on the morning of the 2nd, at daylight, killing two on the spot and effectually routing the band. They captured twenty-three head of horses, all their bedclothing, provisions &c., and three rifles. Many of the balance of their guns were lost in swimming the creek. Only one man was wounded in the fight--Assistant Quartermaster General Castleman. The wound is in the abdomen and is thought not to be dangerous. Information had been received that part of Capt. Gordon's company, which had started through the Canyon in compliance with Maj. Martin's orders, had returned to the Cow Creek settlements, where the Indians were killing cattle &c. It was also said that they, together with the neighboring citizens, were fighting with another band of Indians about ten or eleven o'clock on the 2nd inst., as they were in hot pursuit, and persons who had arrived from the Canyon reported much firing in that direction. From this it would appear that the scene of hostilities has changed, and that while the citizens were preparing to pursue them in Rogue River Valley, the enemy have made their appearance in the Umpqua and commenced their depredations in that quarter. Adjutant Stratton was to leave for the Little Meadows on the 3rd. Owing to the condition of things in the Umpqua he has countermanded Maj. Martin's orders, directing all the forces to the Little Meadows, and will leave 100 men to protect the settlements. This force is deemed inadequate, and if Maj. Martin's battalion remains long in the Rogue River Valley it is feared they will suffer much from the savages, unless more companies are organized and more arms and ammunition distributed among the citizens of the Umpqua Valley. Arms are very scarce and calls are made on the Commissary Department continually, which is entirely destitute, the last having been given out during the last alarm. The end of this war will only be when the last redskin, who has spread terror among the peaceable citizens of these two valleys, shall have bit the dust. Weekly Oregonian, Portland, December 8, 1855, page 2 Rogue River Correspondence of the
Creek, Nov. 29, 1855.
Dear Bush:
An express from the
west reached here this evening, bringing the latest news from the seat
of war. Major Bruce, Major Martin and Capt. Judah, of Fort Jones, with
their respective commands, left Grave Creek, headquarters of the
northern battalion, on the morning of the 20th inst., for the lower
Rogue River, where, from the best information, the Indians
were in
force. Near the close of the first day's march their scouts were
discovered, and on the next the army encamped at the mouth of Whiskey
Creek, where Capt. Bowie and Capt. Kinney with two companies of the
northern battalion had encamped on the day previous. Evident traces of
very recent departure of a considerable body of Indians were found at
this point, and no doubt was entertained that they had discovered the
movements of our forces and proceeded down the river, about eight
miles, when our scouts discovered them in strong force on Rogue River,
about six miles above the Little Meadows. Our forces had left Camp
Vannoy with ten days' rations, and half of this was consumed before the
enemy was discovered. No time could therefore be lost, and an attack
was at once determined upon, notwithstanding the almost inaccessible
position of the enemy. For this purpose Major Bruce, with his command
and one company of Maj. Martin's battalion, Capt. Kinney's, on the
morning of the 27th, attempted to throw his division across the river,
about four or five miles below the Indian village. While engaged in
constructing flats [sic--"rafts"]
for this purpose, he was fired upon by the Indians from the opposite
bank of the river. So dense was the forest and undergrowth of brush
that no enemy could be seen--not even the smoke or flash of their
rifles for some time. During the day, however, our boys had opportunity
of drawing a bead on some of the redskins, and two or three we know to
have been killed. We lost one killed, Wm. Lewis, of Capt. Kinney's
company, one wounded from the same; two of Capt. Williams', one of
Capt. Rice's, and another of whose company or name I am not informed,
in all five wounded. A sharp fire was kept up from both sides of the
river all day, but no further attempt was made to cross. Major Bruce
very wisely concluded that it must involve a loss of life which the
circumstances did not and could not justify. In the meantime Capt.
Judah, with his howitzer, which had been brought over the mountains
with great difficulty, accompanied by Maj. Martin and two small
companies of volunteers, had gone around on a high mountain ridge to
gain a position for the howitzer immediately in front of the Indians'
encampment. They had nearly gained the point of the mountain some
twelve miles from camp when an express arrived, notifying them that
Major Bruce could not gain his position as anticipated, to act in
concert. Major Martin and Capt. Judah were therefore, reluctantly,
compelled to return to camp. Owing to the want of provision, and the
difficulty of getting supplies across the mountains, operations were
suspended until a new supply could be brought forward. A few days will
therefore elapse before any new movement is made.In great haste, yours, X. Oregon Statesman, Corvallis, December 8, 1855, page 3 Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
Creek, December 3, 1855.
Dear Bush:
The din of preparation,
the dashing of armed horsemen through our streets, the animated,
excited faces and the nervous movements of our usually staid citizens,
assures us of the presence of a subject of more than ordinary
importance.Yesterday we were startled with the report that the family of Mr. Rice, living near the mouth of Lookingglass Creek, about eight miles from this place, had been attacked by a body of Indians one hundred strong. Several persons from the vicinity came to this place, in quick succession, for assistance, all having heard the firing and saw the smoke of the burning buildings. A small company was immediately raised and proceeded to the point of attack. This morning fourteen persons, citizen volunteers, from this place and the neighborhood of the outbreak, under the lead of James P. Day, discovered the camp of the Indians. Mr. Day had made a thorough reconnoiter of their position during the night, and at daybreak the signal was given for the attack. The Indians were completely surprised, but owing to the thickness of the brush they had time to seize their arms, and for a few moments fought with great desperation, but it was no use, "Pat" and his little band made the place entirely too hot for a comfortable stay in that quarter. The redskins fled, leaving 3 dead on the ground, and several supposed to have thrown themselves in the creek, who were mortally wounded. 23 head of fine horses, 3 rifles and a large amount of stolen property were found in the camp. They escaped with only 3 rifles, losing their arms in crossing the creek. Mr. Day estimates their number at 25 or 30, supposed to be Cow Creeks and Rogue River Indians. Mr. Castleman, assistant quartermaster general, was the only man wounded, and he but slightly. Dr. L. S. Thompson, surgeon, has gone to his assistance. Mr. Day, Mr. Castleman, Mr. James Bennett, Mr. Hanley and the others engaged in the affair deserve certainly great praise for their prompt and gallant conduct, and will undoubtedly receive the thanks and gratitude of our citizens. I had neglected to say that a small portion of Capt. Bailey's company, Lane Co. volunteers, were in the neighborhood and immediately proceeded to take up a position to cut off the retreat of the Indians, but unfortunately only 2 or 3 reached their position in time to fire upon the retreating foe. A few such checks as this will do much to relieve this valley from the incursions of the Rogue Rivers. Upon the whole, it is thus far the most brilliant affair of the war. Mr. Rice, whose house was first attacked, was wounded in the arm in defending his premises. His outbuildings, a schoolhouse in the vicinity, and eight others, all of them having been vacated by the inhabitants, were burned. A letter from Capt. Gordon, received this evening, announces that after having proceeded through the Canyon according to the order of Major Martin, he received a message from one of the Cow Creek scouts that the Indians were killing and driving off stock in that quarter. He immediately returned, and it is reported that he has been fighting them today, but I cannot vouch for the truth of it. Z.
Oregon Statesman, Corvallis,
December 8, 1855, page 3THE INDIAN WAR.
The Voyage from San Francisco to Fort Vancouver--Gen. Wool and His Party. Correspondence of the San Francisco Herald. FORT VANCOUVER, W.T., Nov. 18, 1855.
EDITOR OF THE HERALD--As you are aware, the steamship California, Capt.
Dall, left San Francisco on the 6th inst., for this place, having on
board Major General Wool, the several officers of his staff, and Capt.
Keyes' company of the third regiment artillery, together with a
quantity of ordnance, subsistence and quartermaster stores. On the
evening of the 7th, we arrived off the entrance of Humboldt Bay, but it
being quite dark, continued on to Trinidad, which place we left on the
following morning for Humboldt, where the General intended taking on
board one of the two companies of the fourth infantry there stationed.
On reaching the entrance to the bay, however, we found the surf
breaking so heavily on the bar as to render communication
impracticable; so after waiting off the harbor most of the day with the
hope of the sea subsiding, the General, unwilling to lose more time,
gave up the idea of getting off the troops, and we once more moved on
our way. On the 9th, we reached Crescent City, where a boat was sent
ashore with passengers, but the surf running too high to permit its
return to the ship, we stood off and on until the next morning, when
the sea having somewhat decreased, the boat was enabled to return, and
after landing other passengers, our course was laid for Columbia River.
At Crescent City, Gen. Wool received a letter from Lieut. Kautz, fourth
infantry, who had just arrived from Fort Lane, informing him of the
combats on the 31st ult. and 1st inst., in the canyon between Umpqua
and Rogue River valleys, in both of which Lieut. Kautz was engaged. His
letter states that after two days fighting, the whites had retired with
the intention of renewing the attack on the 9th last. The troops
engaged on these days, from all the information we can get, were a
portion of our company of dragoons, with a number of volunteers from
Rogue River Valley, numbering in all nearly three hundred, of whom
Lieut. Kautz says ten were killed and twenty-seven wounded. The Indians
were very strongly posted on high rocky ground almost inaccessible
except by a path known only to themselves, and the whites it seems,
only withdrew for the purpose of bringing up a howitzer and making such
disposition as should diminish the advantages of the Indian position.On Monday morning, the 12th inst., we arrived at the mouth of Columbia River, with a strong S.W. wind and a heavy sea running. Fog obscuring the landmarks during the earlier part of the day, it was not until one P.M. that we commenced to cross the bar, on which and across the whole entrance the surf was breaking. Just as we got fairly on the bar a heavy squall struck the ship, and at the same moment volumes of smoke issuing from the engine room showed her to be on fire. It appears that a flue of one of the boilers had given way, when the steam and water, rushing into the furnace, generated such an amount of steam as to burst the furnace doors open, throwing a stream of glowing coal across the engine room, burning and scalding the firemen and setting the lining and woodwork of the room in a blaze. On the alarm of fire being given the passengers hastened to render such assistance as they might; and the soldiers were usefully employed in aiding the ship's crew in hauling on the braces, &c., when necessary, while others, under the direction of General Wool, were employed in getting the gunpowder, of which there was a large quantity on board, in position to be thrown overboard so soon as it should be found impossible to subdue the fire. It was gratifying to see the calmness of all on board in the midst of danger, the extent of which is ably shown in Captain Dall's journal, from which I make the following extract-- "At this time the chief engineer came on the wheelhouse and told me that to work the engine he would have to keep such a head of steam on the remaining boiler that it might blow up at any moment, and wanted to know if he should haul fires out. I told him emphatically, No!--if the engine stops not a man will be alive in ten minutes, and we may as well blow up as down." She was then heading on the south sands, and would not mind her helm. All seemed over with the California--she was not a ship's length from the south sands. The purser and a gang of soldiers braced the yards, and we had done all that men could do. Destruction seemed inevitable, when a heavy roller broke under the port quarter and threw her head into the channel. We had thus escaped for a time, but she made such slow headway that it was impossible to get her to mind her helm, and she again swung into the breakers. She was now in fifteen feet of water, only a few inches more than her draft, and if a roller had come then she would have struck certainly. But it did not come, and by backing the head yards she swung off. By this time, by the well-directed efforts of Mr. & Capt. Dall and the men under his command, the fire had been gotten under and the imminent danger had been passed. The steady presence of mind, the unwavering courage and good seamanship of Captain Dall, with the coolness, activity and bravery of his officers and men are beyond praise, and the confidence reposed in them by the passengers doubtless aided much in preventing the spread of anything like alarm or confusion. To the engineers, who stood manfully at their poses, in the midst of fire and suffocating smoke, scalded and burned, all honor is due. Had they deserted the engine room we must all have perished. On the afternoon of the same day, we anchored off Astoria, which place we left, after having patched the broken boiler, on the following day; but in consequence of low water in the river reached here only on the 16th. Here we learned that Lieutenant Slaughter of the 4th Infantry had fought the Indians on Puget Sound on the 3rd instant, killing some thirty, and entirely defeating them--and that the troops from Steilacoom, with two companies of mounted volunteers, all under Captain Maloney, 4th Infantry, were following them up rapidly. The Sound not being thickly settled, the withdrawal of the troops into the field left the inhabitants without protection, and General Wool, finding that much alarm existed, at once ordered Captain Keyes to proceed with his company in the steamer California to Steilacoom, for which place they will leave on tomorrow. From Major Rains information to the 12th inst. has been received. The Indians did not stand for him to attack them, as it had been hoped they would do. He has penetrated into their country, but so far has been unable to fall in with any large body of Indians. Small numbers of mounted Indians are seen from time to time, and with these the command, or detachments of it, have had several skirmishes. On one occasion only, a body of three hundred Indians was fallen in with. These were soon routed with some loss--how great, I did not learn. Through a prisoner, two or three caches of salmon had been discovered, one containing nearly five tons, and at the Yakima mission a cache of arms and ammunition had been found. The troops are in fine spirits, and despite the cold and snows which they encounter are not likely to return so long as there is a chance of effecting anything. In consequence of the snow and the distance, I doubt very much if General Wool would be able to join Major Rains at present in the field, as I learn he had wished to do. It is, however, not important that he should be with the troops in the field, unless the Indians should make a strong stand, which it is said they will not attempt to do. His presence here or at the Dalles, whichever may be found best, will for a time be of importance, as has already been proved to be the case here, where he has aided much in the dispatch of troops and stores for the points at which they were needed. News from Major Rains is looked for soon. On its receipt, if of any importance, I will write you again. Daily Whig, Troy, New York, January 16, 1856, page 2 To His Excellency, Geo. L. Curry, Gov. of Oregon Your petitioners, citizens of Douglas County in the vicinity of the section recently attacked by a hostile band of Indians who are now committing great savages [sic] on our property, burning houses & killing our citizens &c. &c., would most respectfully ask your excellency to cause to be raised without delay at least two companies of mounted rangers, to protect the settlements of the counties of Umpqua and Douglas, and arm and provision the same, as the volunteer forces now in the valley are entirely inadequate to the task in our opinion. Roseburg
Dec. 3 1855
Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
Dec. 6, 1855.
Bush:--Today I have to report
the return of the army from the Meadows. The snow and cold weather,
together with the scarcity of clothing and provisions, have checked
further pursuit of the enemy for the present. The Indians commenced on
Ten Mile Prairie, in this county, on Saturday morning last, and as
reports have it, have burnt eleven houses and shot a Mr. Rice in the
arm. An attack was made on Mr. Rice's house, when he fought them until
relief came. The Indians were afterwards driven into the mountains near
Cow Creek. Pat Day and party made an attack upon them, and took 23 head
of horses, seven pounds of powder, one gun and three beef cattle. The
Indians threw some of their guns into the river. Of the number killed,
no two reports agree--one says one, another three. The above statement
is given as I have received it from those just in the vicinity of the
prairie. Very few reports agree nowadays of the same transactions in
this war.A rumor came here on Tuesday last that a large body of Indians had collected near Atkins' mill, on or near the Umpqua, five miles below Winchester, and an attack was expected on the settlement, but it proved a humbug. The individual who circulated this crazy report is of the Parkinson school of philosophers. News from Scottsburg states that the coast Indians have gone up Coos Bay, to parts unknown. They are seeking winter quarters or the valley for the purpose of making depredations. Nothing very excellent can be expected of them. One thing is now a fact, that the war is a sure and certain calamity, and when it will end or in what manner the future alone can determine. That all the Indians that can will unite together in this war no one will disbelieve who is familiar at all with the condition of things in this valley. There are 705 warriors on the coast between Siuslaw and the California line--400 of those are on Rogue River and between that river and California. There was another rumor here that the Indians had left the reserves in this valley, which turns out to be a hoax. Rumor has it now that they are going down to Yamhill, to be fed awhile on the reserve there. The appointment of Dr. Drew, quartermaster-general, is an excellent one, and your position regarding the Know Nothings meets the approbation of every true and firm Democrat in this valley. A great many misgivings are entertained about the conduct of some of your contemporaries in this Know Nothing affair. I have thought that they said rather more than they intended to say on the subject, because I did not believe that a journal professing to be Democratic could be guilty of such a gross departure from the principles of the Democracy, as to justify the appointment and existing of Know Nothing officials under a Democratic administration. Your position is the only correct one, and those who differ are not with the Democracy. Capt. Mosher is south and is, I learn, a candidate for col. of the regiment, so is Maj. Martin--some talk of Capt. Judah for the same office. R. J. Ladd, Esq., is talked of for lieut. col. The election takes place today. Yours, &c. [unsigned] Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 1, 1856, pages 2-3 THE INDIAN WAR IN NORTHERN
From the Yreka Union we
gather the following additional particulars in relation to the Indian
war in the North:
"By government express we learn that a force of some thirty Indians, about one-half of them Umpquas, and the remainder from Rogue River, and probably the ringleaders, made a descent upon the settlement of Ten-Mile Prairie, in the Umpqua, burnt fifteen houses, killed some cattle and drove off some, and stole thirty horses, and that they were pursued and the property retaken; three Indians killed; only three white men killed. Great excitement prevails. This point is only about a day and a half from the Indian camp on the Rogue River. The troops, we learn, after having been reduced to half rations at the Meadows, have been compelled to retire for want of provisions. We do not know by whose fault this disastrous condition of things is suffered to occur, but we know there must be criminal neglect somewhere. We are aware that there is a class of men in Oregon who are using their influence to embarrass the efforts of the proper officers to obtain supplies for the army, but we are assured that an abundance of provisions and clothing has been secured in spite of this obstacle. And where is it? Why must the volunteers, in addition to the severe hardships incident to the campaign, be obliged to suffer with hunger? A great fault must lie somewhere." Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, February 3, 1856, page 1 Expedition to the Meadows--Col.
Martin's Report.
Headquarters, Camp
E. M. Barnum, Adj. Gen.
O.T.:Dec. 10, 1855. Sir:--Herewith I have the honor to submit to you a detailed account of the operations of the Northern Battalion, Southern Division, Oregon Mounted Volunteers under my command since my report of Nov. 3rd. After the battle of the Grave Creek Hills, in which a small portion of my command participated, a want of supplies compelled Col. Ross, commanding the ninth regiment Oregon militia, and Capt. Smith, of the regulars, to withdraw their forces from this point. Whilst making every preparation to renew the attack upon the Indians in their recent stronghold, it was ascertained that they had abandoned their position, and from the best information that could be obtained, I was led to believe had removed further to the westward and probably taken up a position somewhere on the headwaters of the Coquille, in the big bend of Cow Creek, or possibly in the lower Rogue River country. In either event their proximity to the thickly settled districts on the south side of the South Umpqua River, and the great exposure of this portion of Umpqua Valley, determined me to install a sufficient force from the several companies under my command to occupy positions to check any demonstrations of the enemy in this quarter. For this purpose, Capt. Bailey, company A, of Lane County, was ordered to proceed to Camas Prairie, on the waters of the Coquille, a point easily accessible to the Umpqua Valley, and commanding the nearest and best trails from the coast as well as that leading across the Umpqua Mountains to lower Rogue River. Capt. Gordon, of the Douglas company, was ordered to occupy a position on Cow Creek, about eight miles above the mouth of that stream, in order to protect the settlements in that quarter from the incursions of the Cow Creek Indians, who had so recently committed such outrages between the Canyon and Grave Creek. Lieut. T. W. Prather, with a detachment of the same company, was ordered for the present to proceed up the North Umpqua, to keep an eye upon a small band of Indians who were reported to be in that area. Under the proclamation of the Governor, authorizing the organization of two southern battalions, one cardinal object was to keep open a line of communication from the valleys of the Willamette and Umpqua south to the California line. For this purpose, Capt. Kinney's company, of Linn County, was stationed at Camp Bailey, about five miles south of the crossing of Cow Creek, with orders to protect the road from the latter point to Grave Creek. For a similar object, Capt. Buoy's company B, of Lane County, was stationed at the south end of the Canyon--[Camp Elliff]--with orders to keep open the communication from [his post] to the [Cow] Creek crossing. Such was the disposition of my force on the 10th of November, with headquarters at Camp Bailey. No immediate movement could be made against the Indians, as it was quite uncertain where they were to be found since their departure from the Grave Creek Hills. Had I even been in possession of this information, there was not ten days' rations on the line from Roseburg to headquarters. My first object was therefore to bring up supplies for a winter campaign if necessary. On the 17th of November, I received an express dispatch from Major Bruce, commanding the Southern Battalion, Southern Division, O.M. Vols., informing me that the Indians had made their appearance on Jumpoff Joe, and were supposed to be in force somewhere on the waters of that stream, and requesting me to cooperate with him with all my available force. I immediately ordered up a detachment of thirty-five men from Capt. Bailey's company, and forty from Capt. Chapman's company of Umpqua County, having been notified that this company was now in the field and ready to move. With Capt. Bailey's detachment, I proceeded to Camp Vannoy, headquarters of the Southern Battalion. In the meantime, Capt. Williams, commanding a company in Maj. Bruce's command, had fallen in with and routed a small [force] of Indians near the mouth of Jumpoff Joe, supposed to be the force which had given the alarm a few days before, and to which Maj. Bruce referred in his dispatch of [the] 17th. In a conference with Major Bruce and Capt. Judah of Fort Jones, Cal., it was determined to move our whole available force down Rogue River, under a clear conviction that the enemy had proceeded in that direction. Whilst I fully concurred in this as the most advisable course to pursue, I was fully aware of the difficulties and hazards of a campaign at this season, across the mountains covered with snow, and liable within a few hours at any time during the rainy season to be blocked up to an extent to bar the transit either of men or supplies. But no alternative was left but to do this, or go into winter quarters. The latter course could not be entertained for a moment, until one attempt had been made to strike an effectual blow against the enemy. To embarrass the movements of the battalion under my immediate command still further, notwithstanding my own exertions and those of the quartermaster's department, supplies had come forward barely fast enough to subsist the men and animals from day to day. I was therefore compelled to draw upon the quartermaster of the Southern Battalion for ten days' rations. Arrangements being completed for our march, on the morning of the 20th of November, two companies of the Southern Battalion, Capts. Williams' and Alcorn's, were ordered to proceed down the south side of Rogue River, crossing the mountains which separate that stream from Illinois Valley, and join the main body of our forces somewhere in the vicinity of Little Meadows. Two companies of the Northern Battalion, under Capts. Kinney and Buoy, had already proceeded down Grave Creek in advance of the main force. On the 21st, the residue of our force, consisting of Capts. Rice's and Wilkinson's companies, under Major Bruce, one company of regulars, under Capt. Judah, and [ Our second day's march, across a very elevated ridge from Grave Creek to the mouth of Whiskey Creek, on Rogue River, was one of great difficulty, and attended with much fatigue, both to the men and their animals. Capts. Buoy and Kinney had reached here the day before. From the reports of the scouts, as well as from the appearance of a recent encampment at this place, I was no longer in doubt that the Indians were either retiring before our forces, or concentrating their strength at some point in the vicinity of the Meadows. We therefore determined to push forward to that point, notwithstanding the shortness of our supplies, for two reasons: the hope of soon falling in with the enemy, and the assurance of our guides that [an abundance of] grass would be found there for our animals. Accordingly, early on Saturday, the 24th of November, our forces were toiling to the summit of the narrow divide which leads from the mouth of Whiskey Creek to the Little Meadows, a distance of 12 or 14 miles. Our progress was much impeded by the thick growth of low brushwood which covers the summit of the mountain, and the fallen timber across the trail. In descending the mountain, just before reaching camp, the attention of Capt. Judah, who led the advance, was arrested by the appearance of a camp on the river to his left, some five or six miles. Upon consultation with the guides, Capt. Judah was informed that it was the point where Capt. Williams' [detachment] (before referred to) would strike the river in crossing the mountain from Illinois Valley. The number and character of the tents confirmed the impression of the guides that this detachment had reached the river in advance of us. About sundown we encamped upon a small tableland or jog in the mountains, which here, and for many miles below, sweeps down the river with a gentle declivity, and covered with a luxuriant growth of grass denominated the Meadows. It was determined to remain here until the location of the Indians could be certainly ascertained. Accordingly, early on the following morning scouts were dispatched up and down the river to discover their whereabouts, or any recent traces of their movements. Much to our surprise, about 10 o'clock the detachment of Capts. Williams and Alcorn was discovered descending the mountain on our trail of yesterday, having crossed Rogue River at the mouth of Whiskey Creek, some three hours after the main body left camp at that point. The doubt as to the character of our neighbors in the canyon above was at once cleared up. Thos. East, the scout who had been dispatched down the river, returned early in the afternoon, bringing no information except having discovered a few moccasin tracks, all leading up the stream. On a consultation with Major Bruce, Capt. Judah, of the regulars, and the captains of the several companies, a plan of attack was arranged for the following morning, Nov. 26th, subject in the meantime to be modified by the report of R. S. Belknap and James P. Barns, the spies who had ascended the river. It was near daylight of the next day after their departure, before their return, in consequence of which I felt some little apprehension for their safety. They had succeeded in approaching closely upon the Indians, by descending a sharp spur of the mountains fronting directly upon their encampment, on the opposite side of the river. As this point could only be gained safely after dark, the number of the Indians, or the character of the fortifications on which they were evidently [at work], could not be determined. That they were fully apprised of our presence, and making every preparation for defense, was not doubted. The position of the Indians was one of great natural strength. From the mouth of Whiskey Creek to the Meadows, the river threads its way at the bottom of a deep and uninterrupted canyon, formed on the south side of the river by a mountain running parallel to its course, very precipitous, and for the most part covered with a heavy growth of fir and pine, so thickly set with undergrowth as scarcely to be penetrated. On the north side the river is lined with a succession of serrated points or spurs, thrown off at right angles to the river from the ridge which our forces had traversed in reaching the Meadows. To reach the river in the neighborhood of the Indians, from the north, by descending along the bottom of one of the intervening gorges, was impossible; to do so by descending the spur fronting the hostile camp, before referred to, our scouts pronounced a work of extreme difficulty, and barely practicable. Capt. Judah had brought forward from Fort Lane, with great difficulty, a mountain howitzer with twenty rounds of shot and shell, which, in the hands of this experienced officer, could not fail to be very effective if a position could be gained to bring the Indians' works within range of the gun. In this particular, Capt. Judah was left to the guidance of his own judgment, with the assurance on the part of Major Bruce and myself of any support which he might need in addition to his force of regulars. Our first intention was to move under cover of night, but the guides were of the opinion that it would be impossible for the men to work their way in darkness across the gorges and through the dense undergrowth which covered the mountains for five or six miles--the distance to be traversed from a point opposite to our camp to the bar on which the Indians had fortified themselves. Our plan of attack was therefore to be put in execution as at first arranged. Maj. Bruce, with a force of about three hundred men, composed of the four companies of his own battalion, and one company--Capt. Kinney's--of the Northern Battalion, was to cross the river at the most practicable point nearly opposite the camp--once across, to extend his line as far up the mountain as possible, his left, Kinney's company [resting on the river], and Capt. Williams' formed the right. In this order he was to proceed up the river, and if successful in reaching the neighborhood of the Indians by a flank movement of his right to enclose their camp. At the same time myself with the residue of my battalion, about one hundred men, companies A and B, Capts. Bailey and Buoy, accompanied by Capt. Judah, with the howitzer and fifty regulars, were to retrace our last day's march, about six miles, at that point making a sharp turn to the right along the ridge which would lead us to the spur overlooking the village before referred to. We were informed that the mules used to transport the howitzer could travel within a half or three-quarters of a mile of the break of the ridge overlooking the river. At this place the summit of the mountain became so narrow and irregular as to admit of the passage of the men only by hewing steps in the shelving cliffs and broken [crown] of the ridge, and where a misstep would send the unfortunate footman to certain destruction. The point once reached, the descent was almost equally difficult. Capt. Judah, in the face of all these obstacles, was determined nevertheless to make the attempt to reach the only position where his piece would command the entire encampment of the Indians; and if found practicable, I had determined to throw a part of my force across the river under cover of the howitzer and thus in conjunction with Maj. Bruce to attack them in front and rear. The two divisions left camp early on the morning of the 26th and proceeded as rapidly as possible to their respective points of operation. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, having reached a position that commanded a view of the river and canyon where Maj. Bruce was to cross, I was first [apprised] by the report of firearms at short intervals, of the opposition which his division had met with in attempting to cross the river. My first impression was that he had gained the timber on the opposite bank and [was] pushing skirmishing parties of the Indians before him towards the bar. It was near sundown when Capt. Judah and myself reached the point where we were to leave the transport mules. In the meantime the firing below had much increased and the appearance of small detachments of Bruce's command still on the north bank and a body of Indians swarming around a signal fire in plain view of us on a small open ridge that led down [to] the river on the south side about a mile below the ranches gave me pretty sure intimation that Maj. Bruce had been attacked in attempting to cross. Just at dark an express arrived from him confirming our worst fears, by informing us that he had been attacked in attempting to cross, and requested that Capt. Judah might return with the gun and cover a second attempt. It is due to Maj. Bruce here to say that the expressman totally misapprehended his message; that his object was only to notify myself and Capt. Judah; that he had been unable to proceed as anticipated; that no request was sent either for the gun or reinforcements. As any attempt to descend the mountain and make an attack from this side would be hazardous and fruitless without a cooperation on the other, I was reluctantly compelled to return to camp, as many of the men were much fatigued from the day's march. I left Capts. Bailey and Buoy encamped on the mountains. Capt. Judah and myself reached camp some hours after midnight, where we found Major Bruce, who had reached camp with his wounded soon after dark. For a detailed account of the operations of his division at the river, you will please see his report. Capt. Kinney, of my battalion, lost one man killed and one wounded. The remainder of the Northern Battalion reached camp early on the following day. Our field operations had now reached a crisis. Some movement was to be made and made quickly, either to make another attempt to dislodge the enemy or to retire to some point in reach of supplies. There were but three days' rations in camp on the 27th of Nov., and every appearance of an approaching storm. In the haste with which my command had been brought from the different posts on the call of Maj. Bruce, most of the tents and camp equipage had been left behind, the men, in active service since the date of their being called into the field, [had been] performing hard marches across mountains through rain and snow, and throwing themselves down at night without shelter or covering but their blankets, and poorly provided with those. [ To pursue the first course, under the most favorable circumstances and with the greatest possible success that we could anticipate, would in any event throw upon our hands from 50 to 75 wounded men. To transport these across the mountains was impossible; to provide for such a contingency, by bringing up supplies to subsist a post at the Meadows during the winter season, was therefore a first and paramount object. Maj. Bruce and Capt. Judah, in view of these considerations, had already, on the 25th inst., sent an express to Fort Lane and [Camp Vannoy on the morning of the 25th to hasten forward supplies. With a similar] object, on the 28th [I] dispatched Adjutant R. E. Stratton, with an escort of forty men under Capt. Bailey, the escort upon reaching Grave Creek, to return with such trains as might be in readiness at that point. It was therefore determined to remain in our present position until the last moment. Mr. Stratton bore orders to Capts. Gordon and Chapman to repair with their respective companies immediately to the Meadows. Under an apprehension that the Indians, who were known to be somewhere on the waters of the Coquille or Cow Creek, might make a descent upon the settlements of the Umpqua, Mr. Stratton was left with discretionary orders for those companies, to retain them in the Umpqua if [necessary]. The precaution was found not unnecessary. On the 3rd day of December, a small party of the Cow Creeks attacked the settlements on the west of the South Umpqua, near Lookingglass Prairie, burning fifteen houses which had been abandoned by the inhabitants, killing a large amount of stock and destroying other property. On the morning of the 4th, they were attacked by a small party of citizen volunteers supported by a detachment of company A, under Sergeant Holland, and completely routed them with two of their number killed and [quite a number] known to have been wounded. One Mr. Price was wounded in defense of his house from the Indians, on the 3rd; Assistant Quartermaster General Cattleman, severely, in the attack upon the Indians on the 4th. My order to Capt. Chapman reached him at [Grave Creek. He immediately pushed on to] the Meadows, escorting the only supply train (Mr. [Fortner's]) in readiness at that point. I may here say that my battalion was much indebted for supplies to this active and efficient trainmaster. Capt. Chapman arrived at the Meadows on the 31st, bringing the intelligence to Capt. Judah that Capt. Smith, of Fort Lane, to whom he had sent for supplies, had come as far as the foot of the first mountain on the trail from Camp Leland, from which point, owing to the lateness of the season, the inclemency of the weather, and with a thorough knowledge of the country he had to traverse, he deemed it too hazardous to proceed further. Upon the receipt of this intelligence, Capt. Judah reluctantly announced his intention to return to Grave Creek. The snow was now falling rapidly, and the supplies which the last train brought were barely sufficient to provision the men to Camp Leland. Much as we regretted the course, necessity compelled Maj. Bruce and myself also to return to our respective headquarters. Owing to a doubt as to seniority of commission, neither Maj. Bruce nor myself felt authorized to assume the command of the regiment; yet, our intercourse with each other and with Capt. Judah, of the regulars, also, has been cordial and satisfactory. Since my last report, Adjutant J. W. Drew has resigned, and R. E. Stratton was appointed to fill the place on the 20th of Nov. I. N. Smith, Esq., and Mr. W. G. Hill have rendered me much assistance from time to time, as my aides. No important movement has taken place since my arrival at headquarters. My only object being to make such a disposition of my command as best to protect the road and settlements until such time as the Colonel of the regiment shall be elected under order of the Governor, of the ----- day of November. W. J. MARTIN
By R. E. Stratton, Adjutant.Maj. Com'd'g. North Bat. South. Div. Oregon M. Vols. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 22, 1856, page 1 Corrections in brackets made from an original letter found in the Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 3, Document 690. For
the Oregonian.
State of the War--The Elections.
LELAND, Jackson Co., O.T.,
FRIEND DRYER--Dear Sir: As I have
a few leisure moments, I will drap
few lines to you. Here we are perfectly hemmed in--shut in from all
communication north and south, east by snow mountains and west by siwash tillicums ["Indian people"].
We have several of the heads (swell heads) of the departments for our
guests: Maj. Martin, Col. Williams, several of the M.D.s and ten
gallons whiskey; so we manage to kill time, besides 'bout seven or eight Ingins per
day.December 11th, 1855. As Maj. Martin is a particular friend of yours, and to please Bush, you will please insert the following: 'LATEST FROM THE SOUTH.--We understand that Maj. Martin is cultivating quite a formidable mustache--holds up his head, and looks bold--like a sheep. All this arises from promotion to office, for it is generally supposed that he is now elected Lieut. Colonel of his regiment--has got Gen. Lane elected President of America! Hurrah! here we go--perfectly sound on the nigger question, and whiskey question, too; but says: "Them dog-on Ingins, I am afraid they are too much fer us! We better go hum and wait till the weather settles, by jing, fer we can't shoot with wet guns, nohow." We have at length got an officer elected that is a real Indian fighter, and I am in hopes that there will be some Indians killed in the mountains, for the system that has heretofore been adopted of killing Ingins around firesides is not profitable to the country nor Sam. You know when a man comes out, and is elected to any office worthy of note, it is then that he learns his own history, sees it in print and finds out perhaps for the first time that other people know him better than he does himself. There will naturally be many inquiries as to who Col. Bob Williams is. Well, as he is one of the right stripe (a good Whig), I want you to do something for him. There are but few who know his sentiments, for he never meddles with politics; it's a wonder how they came to elect him, for bad luck to me if it ain't mighty few Whigs that get office here. I will give you a brief outline of Bob Williams' history: Col. R. L. Williams was born in Kentucky, in the year 1826. His parents emigrated to Texas in 1837. Since that time he has traveled all over the Red River country--been amongst all the different tribes of Indians there. Has traveled all over the interior of Texas and Mexico; was in the Mexican War and all along the coast. Emigrated to California in '49, via Mexico; was leader of many a gallant little band to disperse the diggers in California. Came to Rogue River Valley in June, '51, and has made Jackson and Siskiyou counties his home ever since. Was out on several scouting expeditions in '51 and '52. Was elected captain of the Althouse mounted volunteers in 1853, and ever been ready at a moment's warning to fly to the rescue and protect the inhabitants from the inhuman barbarity of the treacherous red devils that have been permitted to remain on top of the ground. Williams is a heavy thick-set man; medium height, and weighs 180; has a cast-iron constitution, big as the United States; tumtum [heart] like a beef; doesn't think of taking cold from laying out of doors overnight; and ain't afraid to fight Indians. The campaign out here somehow has been managed orful; can't tell myself exactly where the blame lies, but think there is a certain clique that can--(presume you cumtux who I mean). At all events the thing has been played orful low down; several lone hands got out some way; think they dealt 'em from the South. It grinds some of the Democracy orfully to think they couldn't get in their pet candidate for colonel, Capt. L. F. Mosher. Mosher is a fine man, very much of a gentleman; particular friend of mine, though a bitter Democrat. I don't think he would push the thing through as Bob will, provided that the party don't all put double teams on and pull against him, &c. The Indians are in a bad place, and hard to be got at; but what of that?--there is plenty of here to get them; and it can be done if they have a mind to do it, but it will cost an effort, and one well planned, too. Have no time to scribble more; so I remain, Very affectionately yours, till deth, AN OUTSIDER. Oregonian, Portland, January 5, 1856, page 1 Sounds like it was written by an insider. ROGUE RIVER VOLUNTEER FORCE.--Governor Curry has ordered the disbanding of all the militia force called out in Jackson County, Oregon, except one battalion, now under the command of Major James Bruce. The following are the names of the company officers composing the batallion, as published in the Sentinel: Company A, Capt. E. A. Rice; John S. Miller, 1st Lieut.; J. F. Anderson, 2nd Lieut. Company B, Capt. Robert L. Williams; H. O'Neil, 1st Lieut.; M. Bushey, 2nd Lieut. Company C, Capt. Wm. Wilkinson; C. F. Blake, 1st Lieut.; M. T. Whitman, 2nd Lieut. Company D, Capt. ------ Alcorn; no other officers reported. Sacramento Daily Union, December 15, 1855, page 2 From the North.
Shasta Courier, Shasta,
California, December 22, 1855, page
Through the politeness of the Horsley & Brastow Express, we are
in possession of the Yreka Union
of the 15th inst., and the Table Rock Sentinel
of the 8th.
The Sentinel, published at Jacksonville, O.T., estimates the number of warriors within the limits of that Agency at from 300 to 400. In regard to these Indians the same paper remarks: "Had the whites no other Indians than those of the hostile bands within this Agency to contend with, the war might soon be closed. The most of them are individual warriors, of the most desperate character, from the lower Rogue River, the Coast, and the Klamath Valley bands--Indians without whom these bands might be kept under the control of the Agency. The war party is not so much an alliance of bands as a combination of individuals from every locality, who have been always and everywhere exhibiting the most implacable hatred to the whites, and who, to gratify a passion for blood and plunder, have constantly sought to involve the races in war. This region has been chosen for their operations, because it contains the most inaccessible mountain fastnesses, and affords the most complete shelter and the best advantages for their peculiar mode of warfare. And the extreme difficulty of reaching them with a superior force shows how well their position has been chosen. "Men wonder that Indians should have become so expert in the use of rifles so recently obtained--but the wonder ceases when we understand that their many unerring marksmen are men from other places, who have long been in the use of guns--some of whom have been trained to their use until they are equal to our best riflemen." The Union complains of the failure of the Oregon mail, in consequence of which it has no news from the seat of war later than the 24th ult. We are indebted to Mr. Hite, of this city, for the privilege of making the following extracts from a letter written to him by Dr. [William] Miller, now of Oregon, and formerly of this place. It will be gratifying to the many friends of the Doctor to read this memento from him. LETTER FROM OREGON.
Rogue River Valley,
O.T., Jan. 3, 1856.
At this time our country is involved in
an Indian war. The war commenced on the 8th day of October, 1855. On
that day a party of Indians were attacked at the north end of the
valley of Rogue River, and some twenty-seven Indians killed; one white
man killed and eight wounded. On the morning of the 9th, a party of
Indians passed the river on the opposite side of my house [near today's Grants Pass]
and murdered men, women and children indiscriminately as they went,
until they had gone about 16 miles below where we live; there they
halted, and made a feast until Maj. Fitzgerald's command with a number
of volunteers overhauled them, killing some and putting the others to
flight. After[wards] they collected, in force about 200, in the
mountains some thirty miles from us, and there gave battle to our army
of about 800 men, and repulsed them two successful days, and finally
our army had to leave them. The position of the Indians was such that
they could not be approached without a heavier loss than was necessary.
From this place the Indians moved to a place on Rogue River, called the
Meadows, at which place they had better natural fortifications than the
former. Our army was unsuccessful here also, and had to leave the enemy
victors a second time. Our army then retired to winter quarters, snow
having fallen on the mountains.On the 17th of October a company of volunteers, composed of the miners on Galice Creek, 15 miles below my house on Rogue River, were attacked by 150 Indians, and fought the Indians from early in the morning until dark, having two men killed and nine wounded. The volunteers were fortified and had but 15 effective guns besides revolvers. Some eight or ten Indians were supposed to be killed. On the 20th I was called to see the wounded, and remained with them 12 days, when they were moved up to my house, where I fitted up a hospital and took care of them until three of them died, one a Chinaman. The remainder recovered. I was in this business two months, and for a while expected to be continued in the medical staff, but not being in the dominant party, others of more congenial politics were chosen. A few days ago some twenty Indians were were found by four of our spies, who came upon the Indians so suddenly that they were discovered before they had time to secrete themselves; so that they had to go among the Indians and make terms of peace, agreeing to come back in a few days, bring the agent, and make a treaty with them. They then came in and reported, after which about 150 volunteers and fifty regulars went to attack the Indians, taking with them a mountain howitzer with which to throw bombs into the house where the Indians were. They attacked them and succeeded in throwing one shell into the house and killed three Indians, and had four men wounded. In the course of the night following, the enemy passed the sentinels and made their escape, leaving our soldiers to guard an empty house, and utterly failed to take the enormous number of 20 Indians! How will this compare with the battle of Tippecanoe. We have great officers and brave soldiers here, if we listen to their statements. I have been running my buggy to bring in the wounded until I have earned between two and three thousand dollars, which, with my medical services and grain I turned in to government, amounts to about as much more. I shall, perhaps, turn in more wheat at $4 per bushel. At the present time the whole of Oregon and Washington Territories are involved in war. In the North there are some two or three thousand Indians in the field, and in this part of the country not more than three hundred, but in their mountain fastnesses are equal to 1000 whites. They are cunning and well armed, and have a quantity of cattle, horses and mules which they have stolen. They have taken whole wagonloads of goods and whole cargoes from pack trains, so that they are well supplied with munitions of war. At present, we cannot tell when the war will close--it may last for six months or a year. It is drawing very hard on the people of this country; miners can't work, farmers are afraid to put in their crops lest they might be burned up, and many on the outskirts can't do anything, as they have to live in forts. Wabash Express, Terre Haute, Indiana, March 12, 1856, page 1 FROM OREGON.--Later news from Oregon and Northern California has been received. There is nothing of startling importance from either section. The Indians are still hostile in the Rogue River country, and the Crescent City Herald says there is but little hope of conquering a peace with them. A company of thirty men has been raised in Crescent City, and dispatched up the coast to the relief of the settlements on Rogue River. The settlers in Rogue River Valley have forwarded a petition to Gen. Wool, asking for 500 troops. . . . In Southern Oregon the Indians are stronger and more bold. In relation to the unfortunate women lately taken prisoners, the following has been learned: Mrs. Wagoner was killed at her residence. The Indians carried away her child, five years old. Mrs. Haines and child they kept some two or three weeks, and they died. They seemed desirous of keeping Mrs. Wagoner's child, but upon learning that the soldiers had taken two squaws, they massacred the child, also a half-breed of their own. A correspondent of the Portland Times says there are 600 Indians at the Meadows, the original party having been reinforced by 360 Klamaths, and are well fortified, having constructed walls and barricades of heavy timber and stones; they are ready to fight, and desire the combat; they say they will treat only upon terms of their own. Los Angeles Star, March 22, 1856, page 2 Gen. Wool, U.S.A., is now, as we learn, engaged in arranging preliminaries for a campaign against the Indians at an early day. We are informed that Gen. Wool will take the field as soon as he can concentrate a sufficient force, obtain the necessary supplies for his troops, and the weather will permit of a successful campaign. The Indian war has extended quite to Rogue River, where the inhabitants are in a state of the greatest alarm. A party of Indians from the Coos River had arrived at the ferry of the Coquille River, where, after taking possession of the boat, they killed several cattle, and the ferrymen were only saved by the intercession of a friendly Indian. The Indians around Port Orford were in subjection, owing to the presence of a considerable number of armed Americans residing there. From Coos Bay the news was equally exciting. The miners had organized themselves to repel an expected attack. The brigs Glencoe, Quadratus and Jackson were at anchor off the spit, awaiting a fair wind. The brig Cohansey, Higgins, reported ashore in the bay, had discharged her coals, and it was expected would be got off without damage. The Indians have been troublesome on the Umpqua River, where three vessels at anchor in the river had proceeded up to the town, expecting an attack from a fleet of canoes. At present the entire country, from Cape Blanco up to the Umpqua, is in a defenseless state. Arms and ammunition are scarce. It was feared that in case of an attack upon Empire City, Coos Bay, the Indians would burn the vessels at anchor there. The Indians at the Umpqua, Coos and Rogue rivers are well informed as to the movements of the northern tribes on the Columbia and in Washington Territory, which would indicate that they had constant communication with each other. "Important from Oregon," Louisville Courier, Louisville, Kentucky, January 18, 1856, page 2 Jackson
County, Nov. 16, 1855.
* * *
You will excuse me for taking notice of the following,
but it is too good to lose. T. McF. Patton was with the detachment
moving to Cow Creek. T. says he ran a narrow risk. I was with him or
near him all the way from Grave Creek to Smith's, and I am sure he
never saw four Indians, and they shot at some hogs in an opposite
direction to that of T. McF., but not at him or any man. Nothing of
less caliber than a six-pounder could have reached him from the point
where the Indians were and the point which Tom occupied momentarily. No
more concerning small fry.The detachment stopped in Cow Creek Valley for three days, and were ordered to Grave Creek; there they joined Capt. Smith and Ross. A force of three hundred and seventy-eight men moved against the Indians in Grave Creek Hills, and on the 31st Oct. the Indians were discovered and attacked. Capt. Smith ordered a charge, which was faintly complied with. The fight became general, and every man was his own captain and fought on his own hook. We hauled off near dark and took quarters in the head of a ravine. On the morning of 1st Nov. the Indians attacked us. We fought them about two hours, and I think they found us as good in the brush as they were. While we were fighting in the morning. Dr. Henry assumed command and ordered a man to leave his position and take another, when the cub drew his rifle upon Henry and ordered him to leave there d----d quick, which order H. complied with in double-quick time. The whole force left the field and repaired to the Six Bit House, where features of various kinds presented themselves, such as Henry's retreat from the Six Bit House, &c. Capts. Buoy's and Bailey's companies were stationed here in the meantime; there were some aspiring lieutenants, who no doubt earnestly desired promotion, and true to Know-Nothing instincts were willing to sacrifice their best best friends to promote their own selfish purposes; they solicited Major Martin to order a new election, urging as a reason that the organization at the time Martin was elected was incomplete &c. The Major not desiring to command men who were unwilling to be commanded by him, and to use his own phrase, hoping a better man would be found, ordered a new election. A deputation was sent from Bailey's company to Buoy's, a caucus was held (nothing political, of course), and the result was that Capt. Bailey was selected to oppose Maj. Martin; not that the least objection could be found to Martin, but, as was said by "Sam," because "Bailey was a good Whig." In justice to Capt. Bailey, it might be said that he had nothing to do with this arrangement, yet at the same time, being present when the vote of his company was taken, he took good care not to decline, neither did he vote for Martin as it was understood he would. Now I for one can discern but little difference between honest morality and moral honesty, and I like to see the fair thing in politics as in everything else, and I must confess that as an unsuspecting Democrat I must say that I was inclined in the incipient stage of affairs to discard anything like political distinctions, and went in heartily voting for Know-Nothing and everything else, supposing all right. It did not occur to me that these Know-Nothings had adopted this stop-thief cry for the purpose of avoiding suspicion, but imagine my chagrin and disappointment in finding all the places of importance filled with the most obnoxious Know-Nothings in the land, with nothing to recommend them in the service save their liberality--bigotry, and well-known unpopularity with the people. It would seem that these very generous, liberal and anti-party gentlemen have well played their games, and have succeeded by a kind of hocus pocus management in getting all the offices. I learn that petitions are out for the removal of all Know-Nothings from office, holding any appointments from and under the Executive. I heartily concur in the principle. I have written before, but owing to some shenanigan in the commissary's department you have not received my communications. I will write again whenever I can interest you. Yours,
Oregon Statesman, Corvallis,
December 1, 1855, page 1News reached Corvallis that Capt. Wright with twenty men attacked a party of Indians near Table Rock, killing thirty or forty, with the loss of only one man killed and four slightly wounded. Gov. Curry has ordered an election for colonel and other regimental officers for the southern regiment. "From
the South," Oregonian, Portland,
December 8, 1855, page 2
To his excellency Geo. L. Curry, Governor of Oregon Territory We the citizens of Cow Creek Valley & vicinity south of the Kanion would most respectfully represent to your excellency that we have suffered most sincerely from the outbreak of the Indians. Had it not have been for the prompt & efficient protection extended to us on the morning after the first outbreak of the Indians by the company organized by Capt. Rinearson & Doct. Henry, we have every reason to believe that ourselves & families would have shared the fate of those families who resided between Rogue River & Grave Creek House. Notwithstanding the exertions of those gentlemen and others acting with them, the merciless savages have burned the most of our dwellings, destroyed our stock & grain, but thank God our own lives and the lives of our women & children have been saved by the timely measures taken by Capt. Rinearson, who had been charged by Col. Ross with the protection of the country north of Rogue River, and so long as he was left in charge we felt secure in the possession of our lives and the little means of subsistence the Indians had left us, and everything seemed to be moving on harmoniously & with an energy & efficiency which promised a speedy termination of the war. We hailed the arrival of the Northern Battalion in our valley with much pleasure & freely surrendered into their hands for their subsistence the little forage & provisions the Indians had left us, not doubting that they would act promptly & cordially in unison with the company of Capt. Rinearson & the other companies of volunteers called into the field the day after the outbreak by Col. Ross. But in this reasonable expectation we have been disappointed. Instead of increasing our safety & bringing the war to a speedy conclusion (which would in our opinion have been the case, had Col. Ross been left in the field with his brave volunteers undisturbed), we find ourselves without protection and stripped of everything in the shape of subsistence for man & beast. The battalion having driven Capt. Rinearson from the field under the pretext of executing your order No. 10, and through their commander Major Martin most grossly insulted Col. Ross by addressing to him a most insolent note and driving from the hospital by military force Doct. Henry, who had established it by his order for the accommodation & comfort of the wounded in the battle fought by him on the 31st of Oct. & 1st of Nov. After having eat out our substance [sic] many of them have returned through the Canion, and we have reason to fear the remainder will soon follow, leaving the main body of the Indians undisturbed within 8 or 10 miles of us & hourly threatening our destruction. In our judgment the only satisfactory explanation for all this is to be found in the fact of the "tocsin" of party being sounded for the first time on the arrival of Major Martin & Adjutant Genl. Lamerick, who assumed to speak & act for your excellency in all matters connected with the war, and who publicly proclaimed the doctrine laid down by the Oregon Statesman of the 3rd instant (viz.) "That no man who voted for Genl. Gaines at the election in June last are to hold any office in the army." We the undersigned Democrats, Whigs & Americans enter our most solemn protest against a doctrine so destructive to all union & harmony, a great outrage upon the rights & privileges of those with whom we honestly differ politically, at war with every principle of republican government, to which if sanctioned by your excellency would of necessity drive from the army every man that does not glory in the name of a Progressive Democrat. We therefore most earnestly pray your excellency to disavow the doctrine promulgated in your name & by your authority and thus strangle in its infancy a doctrine not only fraught with great & mighty evils, but which if once established will not only disorganize the army now in our midst & from whom we have a right to claim protection, but drive us from our homes to seek a shelter & protection among strangers, and what is worse than all convert into enemies those with whom we differ in political sentiment, and who in times past have stood shoulder to shoulder in our struggle for independence in the War of 1812, and in our late glorious war with Mexico, and which union in times of danger we hope and trust will ever characterize us a united republican people. We have placed opposite our names our party designations, to satisfy your excellency that no party consideration has prompted this communication. Very respectfully, Your obedient servants
the Oregonian.
"Mose" on the Southern War. Southern
Oregon, Dec. 18, '55.
see all the fellows are a-writing to you, so I don't see why I can't
write some too, for I live out here and know about what's a-going on as
well as any of them. I have been threatening to write you for some
time, because I see some of the fellows that write for the Bush
(I mean the Statesman)
tell things that aren't altogether so. Well, in the first place, I see
Bush knowing all about our country, better than we do that have lived
out our 4 years here in the hills. Well, to begin back, I see Bush
printed a piece written Oct. 20th by one of the fellows calling himself
"Sober Sense," but they call him "Doc [Andrew Jackson] Kane" out here.
[I] think if he
had signed his name "damn fool" he'd have hit it. Well, he goes on to
tell how the men pitched into the Indians on the reserve in the first
place, murdering the women and children, and that's the cause of the
Indians commencing to kill the white women and children. Well, if folks
are fools enough to believe all Bush's writers, it's all right, but I
think there's some that have got "common sense." I notice "Angus Brown"
make "young Doc" take water one day up in Jackson. Some of Bush's
writers say that after the whites killed
the women
up Rogue River, as soon as the Indians heard it below they commenced
doing the same thing, and that was what made them do it. Now, this is
all a mistake--in other words, it is false as hell. I think I ought to
know, for I've been here all the time. As for its being a contrived
plan of the settlers of Rogue River to have the pesky Indians break out
and kill them all, that looks reasonable, too. So I'll go on since I
began and tell you all about it. Well, it was a contrived plan of the
Indians to break out, and they had the thing all set for weeks, yes,
for months, beforehand; in the first place, the Indians had it fixed to
break out on Monday night (the same day the poor Indians were murdered
up Rogue River). They were to begin their hellish work on Rogue River
and Evans' ferry and kill all the Bostons and burn all the houses,
barns and grain between there and the south end of the canyon, and then
run into the mountains, taking plenty of muckamuck ["food"]
with them to do for a long time &c. But to commence with, on
they stole a keg of whisky, got so tight that they weren't able for
service, so they had to delay their business till morning. The thing
was all understood from one end of the country to the other. The Grave
Creek and Cow Creek Indians all understood it, and were told that if
they did not turn out and help, they would all be killed by the Rogue
Rivers and Shastas, so just as quick as the Grave Creeks got the wawa ["word"]
they broke right down the creek too and commenced killing the miners.
All this, Mister Editor, can--be--proved--and sworn to, if necessary.I see Bush has a piece printed in his paper of [December] the one, written in Jackson County; the fellow calls his name "Edgar." He begins writing with a lot of stars [ellipsis asterisks]. I cumtux ["understand"] jargon, but that beats me. He says "You will excuse me for taking notice of the following, but it is too good to lose. T. McF. Patton was with the detachment moving [to] Cow Creek. T. says he ran a narrow risk" &c., no more concerning small fry &c. Wonder if he, Edgar, doesn't consider himself a salmon; if he doesn't, others do. Wonder if "detachment" ain't a new name he has got for the mail. Bill Abbott is the boy's name that was carrying the mail through, and Mr. Patton and 2 or 3 other gentlemen were traveling down to the valley in company with him. [I] think if Edgar had been with or near Mr. P. at the crossing of Cow Creek, he'd have smelled Indians, and perhaps powder. Edgar says they shot at some hogs in an opposite direction, and not at Mr. P. or any other man. We all know the Indians just now are most damned careless, and would just as leave shoot a fellow right in the face as anywhere. And Bill Abbott tells altogether a different story. He then goes on with a lingo about the battle. Wonder who hired him to take items and write; [he] has a good deal to say about Doc. Henry, but from all accounts Mr. H. did as much service as any one of them, and I think he will stand fire better than a whole "detachment" of Edgars. I ain't got time to write any more now, but if some of Bush's writers don't dry up their infernal lying, I'll kind of come down on some of them, and so on. If anyone asks you who wrote this, tell him it was one of the Jackson County boys, and an old residenter; a Know-Nothing took it from my forefathers the natural way and it stuck in. Yours
till death,
Oregonian, January 5, 1856, page 1 The letter was printed in
illiterate "dialect," which has been regularized for clarity and
had the honor to receive yesterday, through General Kibbe, your
communication of the 19th instant, relating to the protection of the
people of Crescent City.San Francisco, California, January 21, 1856. In reply, it affords me pleasure to say that not only your wishes, but those of the people of that city, were anticipated some two months since, when I ordered a detachment of fifty men for their protection. This force is now there, under the command of Captain D. F. Jones, a very efficient officer, who, no doubt, will be able to defend them in any attack that may be meditated by the few remaining Indians in that section of California. I would further remark that it is my intention, should it be deemed necessary, to send another company for the protection of the inhabitants of that region and Rogue River Valley. These, with the three companies at Forts Lane and Jones, one at Humboldt, and another at Port Orford, constituting a force of more than four hundred regulars, will, I trust, be all sufficient to protect the people of Southern Oregon and Northern California from Indian barbarities, without the aid of volunteers, especially as I am well informed that there are not now to exceed one hundred, at most, one hundred and twenty-five Indians in arms in all that region, against the whites. It is, however, greatly to be regretted that there are too many white inhabitants, both in Oregon and Northern California, who go for exterminating the Indians, and, consequently, do not discriminate between friends and foes, the result of which has been the cause of the death of many innocent and worthy citizens both in Southern Oregon and in Northern California. Could the citizens be restrained from private war, I have no doubt peace and quiet would soon be restored to the people of that region of country. Captain Judah, who has been exceedingly active and efficient in his efforts to protect the inhabitants on the frontier, says in his report, before me, of the second of November, that "the recent murders by Indians of women and children in Rogue River Valley were literally retaliatory of; and immediately succeeded, the massacre by Major Lupton (a volunteer) and his party of eighteen Indian women and children, out of twenty-five killed." These were friendly Indians, going on to the reserve for protection. Captain Judah further says that "the Scotts Valley Indians, unless located upon the military reserve, are at any moment liable to an attack similar to that made by Major Lupton, and the whites, in the valley and its vicinity, to the same deplorable results. The Indians have as yet enjoyed no opportunity of laying in food for the winter, and the necessity for provision of some kind in the way of blankets and clothes is imperative." Such are the fruits of private warfare. In most cases, the innocent and most worthy are the sufferers. It seems to me that with the ample means furnished by the United States for the Indians in California, something might be done for the Scotts Valley Indians. It is a cruel policy to leave these poor creatures in so miserable a condition, more especially as they have, under all circumstances, remained friendly to the whites. The Superintendent of Indian Affairs says he is not authorized to give assistance to any Indians who will not go upon reserves. All who are acquainted with the Indian character know that they cling with great pertinacity to the land of their forefathers and of their nativity, and these Indians, then, will not do the bidding of the Superintendent so long as they can possibly exist without compliance. Last fall I called his attention to this tribe with the hope that he would lend an assisting hand, but he declined for the reason above given. I then asked him if he would receive them on the Tehama reserve, if I could get them to remove. He answered in the affirmative. I sent my aide-de-camp Lieutenant Bonnycastle, who was well acquainted with, and had exerted considerable influence over them, to remove them. They, however, refused to leave their country. I have thought proper to say this much in relation to the Scotts Valley Indians, because I have been informed that the Superintendent had said that I had taken upon myself to manage them and he thought he would not interfere. I have no authority whatever to interfere, nor means to provide for the Indians. It belongs exclusively to the Indian Department, and it was the special duty of Colonel Henley to have looked after these naked and miserable creatures. He had the means to provide for them, and he might at least have made an effort to remove them, which he refused to do when I offered my services in his aid if they could be induced to remove. In conclusion I have only to remark that I shall ever be ready to cooperate with your excellency in any measure that will, in any respect whatever, tend to preserve and protect the inhabitants of the frontiers of California from Indian barbarity. I have the honor to be, with considerations of the highest respect, your obedient servant, JOHN
His Excellency J.
N. JOHNSON,Major General. Governor of California. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, pages 103-104 FORT
I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of the answer of Colonel
Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs in this state, to my
communications to him forwarded through your office.January 21, 1856. Colonel (Henley) should be, and is, acquainted with the duties of the Indian Department in this state. I must, however, confess my surprise at their limited character, and according to the statement of Colonel Henley that their exercise is confined to the administration of Indian affairs upon an established reserve. I had supposed that the necessary preliminaries to the removal of Indians upon a reserve, including their preparation for the so serious a change to them, was one of the most delicate, it not difficult, portion of the duties appertaining to the Indian Department. It however appears from the letter of Colonel Henley that such is not the case, and that the Indian Department passively awaits upon their reserves the reception of Indians who may be pleased to claim the privileges which they are said to afford. How the Indians are to be reconciled to the relinquishment of their homes, what inducements are to be legally offered them, how the expenses of their removal are to be provided for, Colonel Henley does not pretend to say or advise upon; his silence in reference to these details is appropriate, if, as he states, or at least plainly intimates, that his duties are restricted to the receptions of Indians who may present themselves for admission upon the reserve. I beg to be excused for having been thus explicit in making the above deductions from the communications of Colonel Henley; for a correct understanding of his views and intentions, particularly in reference to the Scotts Valley Indians, is necessarily preliminary to any steps which may be taken towards their permanent disposition. A small band of the Scotts Valley Indians, under a sub-chief named Jack, has for some time past evinced a disposition, if not actually hostile, by no means pacific. With a view to prevent, if possible, any communication with the hostile Indians, I have insisted upon their close and continued residence upon the military reserve, where I could easily detect any attempt at such, as well as any disposition to change their existing friendly relations towards the whites. Some two weeks since Jack, with his small party of six, without my knowledge or consent, removed from the Indian camp upon the reserve to the hills, some four miles distant. Upon sending after him he left the rancheria and appeared upon the hills with his men, all armed with rifles, which hitherto had been kept concealed, while I was led to believe that all the guns had been given up to me. Without entering into tedious details, I will merely state that I succeeded, without making any promises of pardon, in getting in his party, who delivered to me their guns. I confined three of them for a few days, but released them, aware that without the influence of Jack they were powerless. Jack has ever been a bad Indian, and but for the absence of cooperation would ere this have taken up arms against the whites. I am perfectly satisfied that as soon as spring opened he intended to commence his depredations; indeed, he has since his confinement confessed to me that during my absence in Rogue River Valley he was visited by hostile Indians living in the vicinity of the Cave, his movement, as above stated, was made with a view to more frequent and unrestrained intercourse of the same description, preparatory to a descent upon the whites in this valley in the spring. Under these circumstances, I have him, with another, one-eyed Indian, equally as bad, ironed and in close confinement, and shall never feel justified in releasing him, his previous intentions being now confirmed and strengthened by revengeful feelings induced by his confinement. The public interest demands that some permanent and safe disposition should be made of the Scotts Valley Indians before the opening of the spring. Although, if unmolested by whites, and while actually present among them, I will be answerable for their good conduct, they may, under other circumstances, become infected with the hostile feelings which seem to be general among the entire race, and inducements will, no doubt, as they have been, be offered them to join their hostile brethren. I cannot safely allow them their usual range, while at the same time it would be cruel to withdraw the supply of food. I have been obliged to furnish them, without restoring their guns, with which to supply themselves, and this I cannot, under any circumstances, do. I therefore respectfully request some specific instructions as to what steps I may take with a view to their location upon one of the reserves. I would advise that two of their number be allowed to visit both the Nome Lackee reservation and that upon the Klamath, under charge of an officer, and that they be led to believe that a choice between the two is imperative, otherwise their strong attachment to the land of their birth will render their removal, except by force, impossible. I have no doubt but that hostilities will be resumed by the Indians in the spring with a renewed vigor, and should not be at all surprised at the occurrence of depredations in Scotts Valley, a contingency which will seriously compromise the safety of the Scotts Valley Indians, let their relations towards the whites be of ever so peaceful a character. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. M. JUDAH,
Major E. D. TOWNSEND, U.S.A.,Captain 4th Infantry, commanding. Assist. Adjt. Gen. Dept. of Pacific, Benicia, Cal. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, pages 108-110 THE NORTHERN INDIANS.--From the Table Rock Sentinel of January 26th, we glean the following: HEADQUARTERS,
Taylor:—I have just returned from the battle
ground on Murphy's branch, a tributary of Applegate, and I hasten to
give you a short description of the fight:January 23rd, 1856. On the 21st last, Maj. Bruce and Capt. Alcorn, with twenty-five men, were trailing two Indians, who led them unexpectedly onto a large Indian rancheria, and in a few moments, to their surprise, they were completely surrounded. They would have been nearly all massacred, but for the timely aid of Lieut. Armstrong, who fortunately came to their relief. After much hard fighting on both sides the Indians gave back with considerable loss. Our loss was one man killed, viz: William Bash of Capt. O'Neal's co., severely wounded in the arm. The whites also lost twelve horses, which were captured by the Indians. Dr. Danforth's horse was shot in the engagement. The men drew off a short distance to await reinforcements. Col. Williams left here this morning with a few men to join Major Bruce, and they will resume the fight as soon as the Indians can be overtaken. The number of the Indians is supposed to be from seventy five to a hundred. In haste,
Daily Union, February 13, 1856, page
2J. S. MCITEENY Surgeon, 2nd Regt. O.M.V. Indians at the North.
(Extract from a letter to Wells, Fargo & Co.) YREKA,
January 25, 1856.
"The risk going from here to Fort Lane
is much greater now than formerly, obliging us to keep a guard along,
the route being infested with Indians and broken-down gamblers. There
was an engagement January 22nd, fourteen miles beyond the Fort, in
which the Indians were again successful--a party of thirty of them
having surrounded half that number of whites. Lieut. Sweitzer had gone
to their relief, and had not returned when our express left the Fort.
The transit by way of Crescent City is very precarious. Three whites
were killed."Daily Alta California, San Francisco, February 5, 1856, page 2 Assuming that Mr. Mosher's request covers only the earlier period relating to military affairs in Oregon, i.e., from the close of the war with Mexico in 1848 to the beginning of the War of the Rebellion in 1861, it is respectfully remarked that the Congressional documents containing the annual reports of the Secretary of War, including the reports of the genl. comdg. the army, genls. Hitchcock and Wool and other officers contain much valuable historic information about Oregon not only on military but also on civil matters, Indian affairs &c. These reports are contained in: Ex. Doc. #1 H.R. 30th Congress 2nd Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 31st Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 31st Congress 2nd Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 32nd Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 32nd Congress 2nd Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 33rd Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. #1 Senate 33rd Congress 2nd Session Ex. Doc. #1 H.R. 34th Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. #5 Senate 34th Congress 3rd Session Ex. Doc. 11 Senate 35th Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. 1 Senate 35th Congress 2nd Session Ex. Doc. 2 Senate 36th Congress 1st Session Ex. Doc. Senate 36th Congress 2nd Session Senate Misc. Doc. #29 contains the history of the Cayuse outbreak and subsequent war 1847 & 48. Reference is also made to Ex. Doc. (HR) 1 Session 32 Congress Vol. 2 Part 1, containing correspondence concerning condition of military and Indian affairs in Oregon particularly covering period of Rogue River Indian War. Vol. XII Ex. Doc. (HR) 1 Session 33rd Congress contains a published report of the Sec. of War transmitting estimate of expenses in connection with vols. engaged in suppressing Indian hostilities in Rogue River Valley. Minor reports not published in the documents above mentioned are in file in this office, to get those off the files will consume a short time, say two or three days. The War Dept. Library contains several works on Oregon from which valuable notes might be obtained for Mr. M., but as the Library is in a chaotic condition owing to the late move, these books will not be accessible for several months. Much information could be obtained from the shelves of the Congressional Library. The documents, about 15 or 20 vols., are ready for inspection, and the manuscript reports will be collected if required in addition. Instructions are respectfully requested. M.
Undated, after 1861. Joseph Lane Papers,
Lilly Library.hostilities had been agreed upon by the Indians. An These Indians invariably fight on horseback--they are mounted on the best horses, trained for that purpose, and more expert riders are nowhere to be found. They dash up at full speed as near as they dare approach, fire sometimes while sitting on their horses, at other times from under their horse's neck, lying close to their sides--at others dismounting, take rest off their saddles [i.e., resting their rifles on their saddles]. They will on no occasion during an engagement separate more than
N. Armstrong
Undated fragment, circa 1856. Joseph Lane Papers,
Lilly Library.Gen. A. J. Smith, one of our dashing military leaders of the West, is a man nearly fifty years old; he wears glasses; his hair is white, or rather grizzly; he speaks quickly, moves briskly, is nervous and restless. He is a man of small stature, comely of dress, and abrupt in his address, though kind of heart, the officers of his command say. "Miscellaneous Items," Boston Traveler, February 3, 1865, page 2 The Oregon and Washington Indian War followed in the fall of 1855, and upwards of thirty volunteer companies were engaged in this war. The Governors of Oregon and Washington Territories differed with General Wool as to the mode and manner of prosecuting the war of 1855. The Governors were in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war of 1855-6. General Wool refused to prosecute the war during the early part of the winter. They denounced each other like bitter partisan editors of newspapers. The whole expenses of the volunteers of both territories, and their pay, became involved in the bitter feud between their Governors and General Wool, so it took Gen. Lane and the Delegate from Washington Territory both upwards of five years to explain these differences, and to get Congress to appropriate two millions eight hundred thousand dollars to pay the expenses of the war of 1855. This act passed Congress on the 2nd day of March, 1861, just before the commencement of the rebellion. Since that time no one asked Congress to pay the volunteers of 1854, until Mr. Henderson some time during the summer of 1866 introduced a bill, which failed in the press of business at the close of the session. Mr. Mallory also, in the summer of 1868, introduced a bill in the House which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, who instructed Hon. Henry D. Washborn, one of the Committee, to report the bill favorably, providing for the payment of these expenses. The bill was amended and prepared by Mr. Washborn, and it remained in his hands, ready to report one or two weeks before the adjournment of the last Congress, but owing to the press of other business Mr. Washborn could not get the floor to make the report. Thus the business has been twice delayed for want of time. Another great reason why these volunteers have not been paid by Congress is that the members have confounded our little war of 1854 with the great Indian war of 1855-6, and the bitter feud which grew out of the latter war between General Wool and the Governors of Oregon and Washington Territories. This little war has so far been wholly eclipsed by the great Indian war of 1855-6. They really have nothing whatever to do with each other. The latter created a large debt amounting to several millions of dollars. The claim of 1854 is but a few thousand dollars. In the war of 1855-6 Gen.Wool refused to order the regulars out of winter quarters. In 1854 he ordered all the forces under his command in the vicinity of those roads, to protect the emigrants; and the regulars who could be spared from other duties, twenty-six in number, were in active service in the field in 1854, as long as any of the volunteers. The regulars and volunteers acted in concert from the time of the news of the Ward massacre until the emigration arrived at the Dalles, and then all the volunteers were discharged. In 1855 General Wool charged the whites and the Governors of making war. In 1854 he made no such charges, but he and the Governor of Oregon acted in concert, as they should have done, to protect America citizens on American soil. Great and good men have differed as to the cause of the Indian War of 1855, and of prosecuting it to a successful termination. Gen. Wool may have honestly thought the winter season in Oregon no time to fight Indians. The Governors of Oregon and Washington Territories thought otherwise. Gen. Wool charged the whites in 1855 with commencing the war. The Methodist Conference passed resolutions to the contrary in these words: "Whereas, our Territories have been the theatre of a disastrous Indian war during the past year; and whereas, an impression has, by some means, been made abroad that the people of Oregon and Washington have acted an unworthy part in bringing it on. Therefore, "Resolved. That, although there may have been occasional individual instances of ill-treatment of the Indians, by irresponsible whites, it is the conviction of this body of ministers, whose field of labor has been in all parts of the Territories at the beginning and during the continuance of the war, that the war has not been wantonly and wickedly provoked by our fellow citizens, but that it has been emphatically a war of defense; and the defense was deferred as long as Christian forbearance would warrant." Senate Misc. Doc. No. 59, 1st Session 36th Congress, page 48. We cordially agreed with these resolutions as to the war of 1855. The Indians west of the Cascade Mountains have generally been comparatively peaceable and quiet, and they may have been sometimes barbarously treated by lawless whites. The Indians on the Coast Range of the mountains on Rogue River and Willamette valleys have ever been more indolent and less disposed to work or fight than the Indians east of the Cascade Mountains. But neither has ever paid but little regard to the eighth commandment, which enjoins upon us not to steal; on the contrary, they have often stolen the stock and cattle of the weak and worn-out emigrant. We would earnestly request Congress to distinguish between the Indians west of the Cascade Mountains, and those east of the mountains. Until long after the volunteers of 1854 were discharged, it was never asserted by anyone that it was the wickedness of the whites which caused the hostilities of the Indians east of the Cascade Mountains. No one ever wrote or said that the volunteers or whites were the first aggressors, and that they provoked the Indians to hostilities on these emigrant roads prior to 1855. These murders and massacres arose from no wickedness or vices of the whites, but from the disposition of the Indians to steal, and plunder, and their determination to exterminate the whites, and to prevent them from passing through and from settling the country. *
* *
From the organization of our government
up to the present time no part of the United States has been so little
protected as the citizens
of Oregon were from 1841 to 1855. To save Oregon from the claws of the British Lion, Congress commenced encouraging emigration to Oregon by passing acts and resolutions, sometimes in the Senate, at other times in the House, from 1840 to 1846, guaranteeing to our citizens 640 acres of land to all who would emigrate to Oregon; and in 1850 by substantially complying with these resolutions and bills by making generous donations of land to settlers in Oregon; yet, up to 1855, not a foot of land had been purchased from the Indians between the Missouri River and the Cascade Mountains, The discovery of gold added fresh impetus to emigration, and thousands of our citizens settled among the Indians before a single foot of land had been purchased from the Indians. The Indians saw that the circle of country upon which they had been accustomed to conduct the hunt and the chase was rapidly contracting. To use their own words "the Bostons"* were advancing with rapid steps towards their accustomed haunts, and they and the buffalo, elk and deer were alike driven back. In 1854, they saw the pressure coming upon them in two opposite directions, from the Pacific as well as from the Atlantic, and taking possession of their country without any remuneration whatever. (*These Indians call all whites "Bostons" because the first vessel they ever saw was from Boston.) In every other country except Oregon and California our government has made treaties with the Indians for their lands before she encouraged her citizens to pass through or settle in the Indian territory. Generally before the whites were allowed to settle in an Indian country, our government adopted a munificent system of distributing annual and semiannual presents to the Indians, and attempted to induce them to abandon their wandering pursuits of the hunt and the chase, and engage in agricultural avocations as a means of subsistence, before a foot of land was set apart. Petition of B. F. Dowell and Others, Oregon Sentinel Office Print, Jacksonville, Oregon 1869, pages 11-13 From the Crescent City Herald, Dec., 1855.
From Mr. Miller, who came down from Chetco on the 4th inst., we learn
that everything is quiet in that quarter as far as the whites and
Indians are concerned. Some ten of the younger members of a rancheria,
however, have attacked the chief and the older portion of the tribe for
the sake of plunder, it would seem, killed three on the 27th ult., and
afterwards took to the woods.Some packers with a train of twenty mules came safely over the mountains lately. They inform us that, according to a report circulated in Illinois Valley about the 5th inst., volunteers had descended on the southern bank of Rogue River, a distance of 60 miles below Vannoy's, and when opposite the encampment of the hostile Indians at the "Big Meadows" commenced the construction of rafts with a view of crossing the river. The Indians opened fire upon them, killing one of their men and wounding six others. We have no news whatever from the seat of war in Rogue River Valley. The troops have been slowly concentrating and preparing for an attack upon the Indians at the "Big Meadows," down on Rogue River. The hostile bands appear to be still gathered in that neighborhood, and we hope the troops will be able to keep them there until they can be killed or starved out. Through the mining districts comparative quiet and security is restored, and if a decisive blow is dealt upon the enemy we may look forward to a speedy revival of business in all its branches. It is to be hoped that the 500 regulars and volunteers may accomplish something in that direction. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, June 3, 1893, page 1 OUR CHRISTMAS [1855].
(Written for the Santa Cruz Sentinel.)
We had just returned from Grave Creek to recruit our worn-out men and
horses and on the 20th of December had pitched our tents on the south
branch of Rogue River at the mouth of Eagle Creek. After a full three
months' campaign against the Rogue River Indians, we had taken
possession of a deserted farmhouse and some hay sheds, and although the
snow fell in almost solid sheets, the cheerful faces of the volunteers
as they sat around the campfires showed that they cared but little for
the storm without--as we had been ordered into winter quarters. The
wind blew a perfect hurricane; so fierce was the storm that for the
first time since the war began we had not mounted guard. At
¼ past 11
o'clock p.m. a fierce thumping was heard at the door of the officers'
headquarters; with a suppressed curse, Capt. Bob Williams admitted the
individual--when a universal exclamation of "Good God, Tim, where did
you come from?" For there stood Tim Collins, rifle in hand, looking
more like a worn-out specter than the robust soldier that he was. Tim's
look showed that there was work to be done, for about four weeks before
he had been appointed as a guide for Capt. Smith's battalion of
regulars, which had marched for the coast below Port Orford to break up
an Indian camp at that place. We were not kept long in suspense. Tim
brought a dispatch from Capt. Smith asking for immediate
reinforcements, as his command was surrounded by the entire Indian
tribe with Old John, the big war chief of the tribe. Before midnight, I
had received orders to take command of thirty men, to be detailed from
our company, with orders to report to Capt. Martin at 6 o'clock next
morning. On the morning of the 21st, we left camp with a hundred and
twenty picked men to march to the relief of Capt. Smith's command. The
snow was so deep on the mountains that animals could not be used--thus
forcing each man to carry six days' rations, besides his gun and
blankets. At noon we had reached the foot of the Grave Creek Mountains
where we left the road and turned down Rogue River, breaking our trail
through three feet of snow across big Rogue [sic]
and heavy-timbered mountains. The first night camping on the side of
the mountains--our only shelter being large fir trees which to some
extent broke the fierceness of the storm.
On the morning of the 23rd we resumed our march again, reached the river at the big bend, fording the river by wading waist deep, guiding ourselves as best we could from float ice and snow. Struck camp on the south side of the river. On the morning of the 24th, after breakfasting on a fat elk, killed by one of the pathbreakers, just as we were going into camp. We left camp, following down the river for ten or twelve miles, when the sharp ring of the rifles of the advanced guard told, but too plainly, that an Indian camp had been surprised. We were soon to the front--with my men I was ordered to cross on the north side of the river and attack the Indians from the rear. This order was obeyed by wading across. Reaching the rear of the camp, we found it entrenched with fallen timber and brush piles along the steep banks, but the darkness closed the battle. The Indians and our worn-out men resting without fire or supper, as best we could; the snow falling rapidly added to the darkness of the night, with the occasional yell of defiance from the Indians adding but little to the horrors of that night. During the night I had found a brush covering for my men, so as to command the camp with our long-range rifles, and at the coming of dawn we were ready for the conflict. In the meantime Capt. Martin had closed in upon the Indian camp by taking possession of a deep gully hedged in by willows. With daylight began one of the most closely contested battles of the war. The Indians, knowing their only hope was in holding their camp, and we ours in conquering it. The strong, near fire, the wind blowing a perfect hurricane, the snow falling as it can only fall in the Siskiyou Mountains--by 11 o'clock we had driven the Indians from their shelter. And now commenced one of those running fights where the horrors of Indian warfare in all its atrocity is exhibited. The hoarse howls of the savages, mingled with the defiant yells of the pursuing volunteers, and the sharp ring of the rifles, and the groans of the wounded and dying, all go to complete the horrors of our Christmas fight on the big meadows. For over seven miles this running fight continued, darkness closing the work of death. With the setting of the sun the storm abated, leaving the night clear and cold, and our worn-our soldiery, scattered for almost the entire distance, bivouacked under the shelter of friendly firs, wherever sufficient wood could be found to build fires to keep from freezing. Thus passed our Christmas of 1855, without food or shelter, and to my comrades and fellow soldiers of that day, I wish a happy Christmas of 1871. Santa Cruz Sentinel, December 30, 1871, page 1 The author is confabulating the battle of the Meadows, in late November, with the battle of Big Bend, May 27-28, 1856. Forks
Coquille River Coos County O.T. 28th Decr. 1855.
To His Excellency
Geo. L. Curry
Governor of Oregon Territory Your excellency, we we the undersigned citizens and settlers of the Coquille Valley, in Coos County, O.T., would humbly beg and pray your excellency to take into consideration the circumstances under which we have been placed for some two months past, in consequence of Indian difficulties in this vicinity. Our reasons for apprehending danger to our lives and property from Indians are as follows. Some three months since, some Indians, here in this vicinity, spread a report that the Rogue River Indians, and the Indians on this river, had an understanding or agreement existing between them, which was to have been complied with on the part of the Rogue River Indians on or about the 5th of November, 1855, at which time a war party of the latter was to be at the head of this valley, and as they traveled down the river they was to kill all the white men on this river, and then the Indians on this river was to share equally in the plunder of the white men. The above report was in circulation some time before we gave it any credit, but about the 1st of November 1855 we heard from Umpqua Valley direct warning us to be on our guard, as the Indians had commenced hostilities on Cow Creek and Rogue River was whipped out from where they then were, that they intended to retreat over on the Coquille River and make a stand. A day or two later we had word from Camas Valley that the whites was then forting up and that the whites and Indians had had a battle near Cow Creek in which the former, numbering some three or four hundred men, had been defeated and forced to retreat, "the place where the battle mentioned took place is not more than 25 or 30 miles from our settlement," and we was also led to believe, from the different reports that reached us both from the whites and Indians, that a preconcerted plan existed among the Indians to commence a war of extermination against the whites in Oregon this fall, and the Indians in this vicinity, being acquainted with the success of the Indians in the interior, and having been told by some person that the whites intended killing all the Indians in Oregon, and hearing that the whites were building forts and organizing themselves in companies in Umpqua and Rogue River valleys, Benj. Wright, special sub-Ind. agt., had been up here in Octr. and ordered them on a reserve. The majority of them came in, but one band remained out in the mountains and said they would rather be killed than leave their old homes. Early in November, the same band took away from Mr. Woodward's house some (1500) fifteen hundred pounds of flour and other things, and cached them in the woods some distance from the house. They took ammunition and other things from different places and watched and waylaid trails leading to Port Orford and other places, and from the foregoing circumstances and actions of the Indians connected together with different minor reports, we came to the conclusion that our lives and property was in danger from Indians and organized ourselves in a company for the purpose of protecting our lives and property against Indian depredations and, together with a report from the local agt. for the Indians, sent an express to Benj. Wright, special sub-Ind. agt. at Port Orford, requesting him to come out as soon as possible, at the same time making him acquainted with our reasons for apprehending danger, and about the same time we sent to Empire City for men, as we had reason to believe from an Indian report that some Indians from the interior was forming a rendezvous above here near the head of the south fork of this river. The special sub-Ind. agt. Benj. Wright did not get here until the 24th of December 1855, after which, amicable relations having been established between the whites and Indians, we have deemed it prudent and advisable to disband ourselves, "the cause for our organizing ourselves having disappeared," and it being the sub-Ind. agt.'s wishes praying that your excellency will overlook our irregular proceedings in organizing and disbanding ourselves, without your permission, and praying that your excellency will take in consideration the circumstances by which we were surrounded, and grant us the regular pay and allowances of organized volunteers for the time we have been absent from our homes and acting in concert with the local Ind. agt., which times is from the 6th of Nov. to the 28th day of Dec. 1855, and as in duty bound we will ever pray. Names of Petitioners
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder 29/18
His Excellency, Geo. L. Curry Govr. of O.T. The above memorial is signed by no person except settlers & citizens, at the time, on this river. The band of Indians alluded to in this memorial are out in the mountains yet; one was killed, namely Long John. Wm. H. Packwood
20th Jan. 1856. At Home The band of Indians mentioned in the above memorial, or some Rogue River Indians, have within the last few days robbed "and destroyed all property belonging to" Mr. Isaac Bingham of all he was worth, some three to five hundred dollars worth. 24th Dec. 1856 [sic]
To His ExcellencyWm. H. Packwood A. Huffman A. Jones Geo. L. Curry, Gov. O.T. The army now returned to headquarters at Fort Vannoy to recruit and get ready for the next expedition, when our scouts, chief of whom is now again our late Colonel Williams (now only Colonel Bob), again located them in a heavy wooded country opposite the upper end of the Big Meadows on Rogue River. All ready now for the renewal of the conflict at the Meadows with our gallant Colonel Williams still at the head of the army, though just now fresh from the scenes of the scout. We now move in warlike style for the scenes of the coming fray opposite the Big Meadows, hopeful of success this time. Arrived at the Meadows, we made camp for the night in the middle of that open and extensive meadow, with a strong guard all round us to prevent any attempt of the cowardly foe, who, not now more than a mile distant from us, did not dare to attack us, but under cover of their heavily wooded and brush-environed camp lay quietly during the night, wondering, I suppose, how we were on the morrow to cross the river and meet them face to face, and the sequel shows how vainly we strove to cross the river in the face of their well-selected place of defense. On the morrow, at the sound of the bugle call, all hands were up and preparing the morning meal, with a noonday lunch, while engaged in an almost hand-to-hand encounter with the Indians in their stronghold. During the night, on our side of the river, the movements for the morrow were all arranged. Fully equipped for a day of hard work, the army, with the exception of a few campkeepers, were to march down to the river and of the drift logs that lay on the bank of the stream were to construct a raft on which the army could be rafted over into the timber, where it would have an equal fight with the redskins, and while the axmen were at work on the raft the balance were sitting on the high ground overlooking them. Very unexpectedly to all hands, a report as of the exploding of a gun cap was heard as if from across the river, and immediately followed by the loud report of a gun from the same direction. At once the whole force of the men on the side of the hill were on the run for the river, where they might find shelter among the rocks and logs and trees abounding there, a few of us stopping on the hillside to take advantage of the rocks and small trees there for shelter. Here myself and another young man took our chance for safety behind a tree whose body was not more than half as large as our bodies, and soon the rifle and yager balls came whizzing past us and some lighting in rather ominous proximity to our faulty retreat, my partner left me and ran for a better shelter among the rocks and trees at the river. When about halfway down, his arms flying high above his head, a yager ball struck and broke one of them, when he tumbled over and lay there for a moment only. On seeing the man fall the reds on the opposite side of the river were made jubilant with the glad shouts of the happy Indians hidden among the trees over the river. Well, now I was left alone, sheltered only by that little tree. As long as I stayed there I was a standing target for the bullets of the enemy, and if I run I may get shot as my comrade did, or I may be killed, and I said I will run. And asking the protection of my Heavenly Father, which was my everyday rule from childhood, I ran, not with Indians behind me, but with scores of them in front of me, all anxious to take my life, and I came out of the difficulty unscathed. A few hours later myself and another comrade were sent as an escort with the broken-armed man to camp. And still a few hours later the whole command returned to camp. And why not? Does any reasonable person suppose that under the conditions just now brought to light, the army could have crossed the river on an open raft with that band of Indians in front of them and perfectly concealed from view? It could not have done any such thing, for supposing that in its sheltered position, out of sight of the Indians, it could have completed the raft and, loading it with men, sent it afloat on the water, where it now floats out in full view of the Indians, before it could be landed on the Indian side of the river every man on it would be killed and the raft would become the property of the Indians, to be used in the defense of themselves. Such, doubtless, it seemed to the command of the army, and it returned to headquarters to think of the difficulties of waging an Indian war in a mountainous and heavily timbered and brush-covered country, and in studying how best to keep the enemy quiet until peace could be brought about in some successful way. Albert G. Rockfellow, "Old Indian Wars," Ashland Tidings, October 7, 1912, page 4 The Yreka Union of December 22 gives the following extract from the Table Rock Sentinel. No date of the last-named paper is stated, but probably the news refers to a week or ten days earlier than the date of the Union itself: "Since our last issue no material change has occurred in the condition of things. The mountains by which the position of the Indians is fortified are covered by a depth of snow which, for the present, precludes the idea of reaching them, and until the obstacle is removed by natural causes, it is difficult to conceive what movements can be made against them. Their position is probably the best that could be chosen in this region--about forty miles from the Grave Creek House, on a flat or bar, on the south side of Rogue River. In the rear of their camp rises a precipitous mountain divide, along the flanks of which descend to the river ravines of heavy fir timber and thick undergrowth, to which they can retreat when attacked, or from which they can effectively assail a column of men descending upon their camp along the divide. "Opposite, on the south side of the river, is the point of a steep, narrow, rocky spur of the mountain, which they evidently suppose could not be traversed at all by the troops, and would be, by most men, pronounced inaccessible. The divide of this spur is the ground over which Captain Judah was to take the howitzer, and much of the distance of which he did actually overcome when executing the late plan of attack. The movement was prosecuted so far as to demonstrate its practicability, though that is admitted to be due more to the characteristic energy of that officer and his men than anything favorable in the nature of the ground. Below and above the camp the mountains close in and abut upon the stream in high, steep walls, forming what are known as the "Canyons," while the whole south bank is covered by a dense growth of timber. They are thus surrounded by barriers which it is almost impossible to pass in the face of a wily and desperate foe, and in a time of storms and deep snows, like the present, effectually shelter them from any force that can be brought against them. The plan of attack upon which the crossing of the river was attempted was undoubtedly the best which the circumstances admitted, and might have been successful, but could only have been made so by hard fighting. "The troops had but two or three days' provisions, and were three days from the depot on Grave Creek, and to have followed up the effort to cross the river against the guns of several hundred warriors, whom they found occupying the forest on the opposite bank, then to find themselves in a situation in which the enemy would enjoy every advantage, and the plans could not possibly be carried out, would have been the extreme of folly. In retiring they met a provision train trying to reach them, but found the snow on the mountain in some places very deep, and decided it would be impracticable to return to the river or to operate when there, and so were compelled to abandon the enterprise until circumstances were more favorable for its prosecution. "The troops are now in quarters and stationed to cover the settlements and roads. Captain Rice's company is on the reserve, Captain Alcorn's on Butte Creek, Captain Wilkinson's at Jacksonville, and Captain Bushey's on Applegate and Illinois, and a few from different companies remain at Vannoy's, while Major Martin's battalion are stationed at other points further down." "From Oregon," Cincinnati Enquirer, February 3, 1856, page 1 PROGRESS OF THE INDIAN WAR IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY.--Some packers with a train of twenty-five mules came safely over the mountain during the storm last week. They inform us that, according to a report circulated in Illinois Valley about a week since, 350 volunteers had descended on the southern bank of Rogue River, a distance of 60 miles below Vannoy's, and when opposite the encampment of the hostile Indians at the "Big Meadows" commenced the construction of rafts with a view of crossing the river. The Indians opened a fire upon them, killing one of their men and wounding six others. Crescent City Herald, December 12, 1855, page 2 Headquarters,
Southern Battalion
To E. M. BarnumO. M. Vols. Camp Vannoy Dec. 12th 1855 Adjutant General On the 10th day of Novr. 1855 four companies of the Oregon Militia under Colonel Ross, to wit: Capt. James Bruce's, Capt. R. L. Williams', Capt. W. A. Wilkinson's and Capt. M. F. Alcorn's came forward and were mustered into the service of the Territory by J. K. Lamerick, mustering officer, under the Governor's proclamation of Oct. 15th 1855 to constitute the Southern Battalion of Oregon Mounted Volunteers. An election was thereupon held. Capt. James Bruce was elected major of the battalion. Major Bruce proceeded immediately to send out scouts and spies, making ready for a campaign into the mountains. On the 17th Novr. scouts fell in with a small party of the enemy, had a fight and killed five or six Indians. Not one man mortally wounded. On the 19th Novr. Major Bruce with a part of his battalion marched up Applegate in company with Capt. Judah & his company from Fort Jones U.S. regulars, but finding no signs of Indians they returned to headquarters on the 20th Novr. On the On the 24th Novr. arrived at the "Meadows" and at daylight of the 25th sent out spies both up and down the river. Late in the night the spies returned and reported the Indians (200 or 300 strong) six miles above, camped on a bar on Rogue River and very difficult of access. On the morning of the 26th, the plan of attack having been already made, Capt. Judah with 46 regulars and Major Martin with 100 volunteers marched round on a ridge, up the river, to take a position opposite the Indian camp. While Major Bruce with 286 volunteers, Capt. Williams & Alcorn having joined him, were to cross the river on a raft, surround if possible the Indian camp, and give a signal agreed upon, when Capt. Judah was to open a fire upon the enemy from his howitzer. At 20 minutes past 12 o'clock, Major Bruce was fired upon while putting the raft into the water on which to cross, the Indians being concealed in thick fir timber and underbrush on the opposite side of the river. No appearance of them could be seen for some time. The men sought shelter and continued to defend themselves until dark. On the next day all the forces returned to camp without accomplishing anything. It was then decided to send out an express for supplies and a reinforcement of volunteers. Regulars from Fort Lane were also sent for. On the 1st Decr. an express from Capt. Smith of Fort Lane to Captain Judah arrived, informing the latter officer that he (Capt. Smith) had reached a point 12 miles below the Grave Creek House, and could get no further up on the mountains by reason of rain & snow, and that in a few days more the mountains would be impassable. A council of war was then held and decided to march early in the morning to headquarters. On the 4th Decr. all the forces arrived at the Grave Creek House, where the Governor's proclamation uniting the two battalions in a regiment and ordering an election of col. & lt. col.was received. On the 5th Major Bruce with his command returned to headquarters, Vannoy's, and on the 6th held an election. On the 7th the several companies were ordered to different points in the valley where grass could be obtained for animals, it being impossible to procure hay, as well as for protection to the settlements in different parts of the valley. O.
D. Hoxie, Adjutant
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document
579.Southern Battalion O. M. Vols. A copy is listed under Document 581. Rogue River Correspondence of the
Dec. 27, 1855.
Editor Statesman--Dear
intensely cold weather of the past few days has not wholly checked the
current of events, though I am seriously afraid that my very ideas are
in danger of freezing at the pen's point. The old frost king has locked
up in his icy embrace everything but the energies of our brave
volunteers. Since the withdrawal of our forces from the Meadows, the
several companies composing Major Bruce's battalion have been posted at
different points of the valley to afford the greatest protection, and
also to act afterwards upon such bands of the savages as could be
reached at this season of the year.
On the night of the 24th inst., Captain Alcorn attacked a camp of Indians on the North Fork of the Little Butte Creek, completely routing them, killing eight bucks and capturing a considerable amount of stock and property heretofore stolen from the settlers. About the same time Captain Rice, having received information of a band on the north side of the river, crossed with a force of about thirty men, attacked the camp in the night, and after six hours fighting killed or captured the last man of them. These two fights have blotted out "Jake's" band, whose depredations and thieving propensities in war or peace have made its members a pest and eyesore to the valley since its settlement. There is a rumor in circulation that Capt. Bushey is on the trail of Applegate "John," and if so we hope to hear a good account of him also. Now, as for months past, every other subject is swallowed up in the war and its prosecution to a successful termination. It has already consumed every resource of the country, both labor and capital, and little is left us but the uncertain vouchers of the War Departments. Embarrassments in every branch of industry ruinous and unavoidable must follow, unless the means of temporary or permanent relief come soon. We anxiously hope that the Legislature may devise some partial remedy for these pressing misfortunes. The defeat of Gen. Miller for the Council from this county is much to be regretted, and a misfortune too that is not difficult to be accounted for, and one which the people of Jackson will ere long understand and remedy, to the shame and confusion of the unscrupulous demagogues who have left no means of detraction, misrepresentation and falsehood untried to accomplish their purpose. Col. Ross, the member-elect, is doubtless a clever gentleman, but I think would be more at ease in discussing a "bill of fare" than a "council bill." Dr. Barkwell I understand was detained by his army duties until after the meeting of the Legislature. Mr. Hale, elected to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of the lamented Lupton, has also been connected with the service, and went down with the Dr. They may reach their posts late, but in time to prove themselves unflinching Democrats, able and ready to discharge the duties incumbent upon them as Democratic representatives. It is not likely that Col. Williams will make any move in force before the breaking up of winter. The utter exhaustion of supplies in the valley, the difficulties of transportation below, or coastwise, render it quite impossible to meet the wants of the army for many weeks in advance, at this season of the year. Too much, however, cannot be said for the activity and efficiency of the Quartermaster's Department, under the direction of Gen. Drew and his appointees. Mr. Peters here has done, and is doing, all that can be done to meet the wants of the volunteers. The Yreka Union has again taken open ground in favor of a new state between the Calapooia and Trinity mountains, and you may expect the Sentinel, of this place, to follow in its wake soon, or any other wake that it considers flowing in the direction of the popular stream for the time being. I may have something to say upon this subject hereafter, should it become a question of importance to warrant an answer. "VOX."
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
January 15, 1856, page 2
A MAN SHOT BY THE INDIANS.--Mr. Murray handed us the following communication from Mr. W. J. Carson, packers, camped on Smith River, being detained by the late unfavorable weather. Black
& Thompson's Ferry
"Mr. Editor--Mr.
Harris Case, one of the many packers camped here on account of the late
storm, was out looking for his animals on the ridge north of Thompson
and Black's ferry. He was fired upon by the Indians, one shot passing
through his left hand, and one through his pantaloons near the knee.
The remaining shots missing him--he immediately fled, but the Indians
following him, he turned and fired on them--they then gave up the
chase. They are supposed to be the same Indians that escaped from the
head of Myrtle Creek some time since."Dec. 22, 1855. Our readers will recollect that in the first days of November last, the old Indian chief on Smith River warned the whites of a small band of hostile Indians hid about the headwaters of Myrtle Creek. A party led by Dr. C. A. Hillman with the chief for their guide went out, surprised and killed two of them. The balance fled, and it is to these fugitives that the above communication alludes. Inquiries about the matter have been set on foot. It is, however, surprising that nothing of their whereabouts should have been discovered before this as some twenty packers are encamped in the neighborhood, passing through the hills daily, either in search of their animals or in quest of game.--Crescent City Herald. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1856, page 2 Indian Fighting.
Considerable Indian fighting appears to be still going on in Oregon and
the northern part of California. The Jacksonville Sentinel (O.T.) of
Dec. 29th says:
Here at the South the campaign goes effectively on. When it became apparent that the force of Indians at the Meadows could not be reached during the deep snows, Maj. Bruce's battalion was disposed with a view of covering the exposed localities, and operating, if possible, against some interior bodies of the enemy. As soon as the different companies reach their positions, scouts were sent into the mountains in every direction and the situation of several bands ascertained--and the immediate result has been the discovery of three camps, two of which have been destroyed by the troops; the other is being watched until a reinforcement can be obtained, when it will probably share the fate of the others. Information having been received of a camp of Indians on the north side of Rogue River, just below the mouth of the Big Butte, and four miles from the river, a detachment of thirty-four men from Capt. Rice's company made a night movement upon them--attacking them at daybreak, when off their guard--and, after about six hours fighting, killed eighteen and wounded two others, took about twenty squaws and several children prisoners, burned their rancheria and obtained one horse. One warrior escaped unhurt. The Indians had horses not far from the camp, but circumstances would not admit of search for them, and they were left. No injury was sustained by the whites, except that some hands and feet were frozen. Lieut. John S. Miller and John Tenan were so seriously frozen as to be compelled to leave the field for a little time. The camp was well supplied with provisions, principally plunder. No call for quarter was heard from the Indians during the fight. When they found their retreat was cut off, the only motive seemed to be to fight to the last. Not a female was injured, except one who received a shot by an Indian, and not a male too small to bear arms. Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, January 5, 1856, page 3 News from the North.
Daily Herald, Marysville, California, January 11, 1856, page
By the kindness of Wells, Fargo & Co., we have received the Yreka Union of
Jan. 5th, containing late and important news from one quarter of the
seat of the Indian difficulties, a summary of which we give below. The Union says:
"Our exchanges from the North bring no war news of any importance not heretofore received by private hand. Here at the South, the campaign goes effectively on. When it became apparent that the force of Indians at the Meadows could not be reached during the deep snows, Maj. Bruce's battalion was disposed of with a view of covering the exposed localities, and operating, if possible, against some inferior bodies of the enemy. As soon as the different companies reached their positions, scouts were sent into the mountains in every direction and the situation of several bands ascertained--and the immediate result has been the discovery of three camps, two of which have been destroyed by the troops, and the other is being watched until a reinforcement can be obtained, when it will probably share the fate of the others. "Information having been received of a camp of Indians on the north side of Rogue River, just below the mouth of Big Butte, and four miles from the river, a detachment of 34 men from Capt. Rice's company made a night movement upon them--attacking them at daybreak, when off their guard--and after about six hours fighting killed 18 and wounded 2 others, took about 20 squaws and several children prisoners, burnt their rancheria and obtained one horse. One warrior escaped unhurt. The Indians had horses not far from the camp, but circumstances would not admit of search for them, and they were left. No injury was sustained by the whites, except that some hands and feet were frozen. Lieut. John S. Miller and John Tenan were so seriously frozen [as] to be compelled to leave the field for a little time. The camp was well supplied with provisions, principally plunder. No call for quarter was heard from the Indians during the fight. When they found their retreat was cut off, the only motive seemed to be to fight to the last. Not a female was injured except one who received a shot by an Indian, and not a male too small to bear arms. "On the south side of Rogue River the Union says Capt. Alcorn's company, on the morning of the 25th ult., had an engagement with the Jake tribe of Indians, in which eight of the latter were killed and several wounded, and some squaws taken prisoners. Capt. Alcorn intends remaining at this place until he can ascertain whether there are any more Indians in this neighborhood, the presumption being that there is another band on Big Butte Creek, where he intends to send out spies shortly." INDIANS ON WILLIAMS CREEK.--A correspondent of the Yreka Union writing from Williams Creek says that on Dec. 21, a party of volunteers (twenty men, under command of Capt. Bushey) started on the scout for a band of Indians supposed to be prowling on Williams Creek. On the evening of the same day, a new Indian trail was struck by a spy party of six men, which was followed on the next day by the whole command, but without finding their ranch. On the return to camp in the evening, some hours after night, one man of the company, after fording a fork of the creek, strayed off. On coming into camp and not finding him there, we supposed him to be lost in the hills. The next day parties ranged the country thoroughly, without success in finding him. However, news came from Applegate of his arrival at Thompson's ranch, and of his having struck a band of ten or twelve Indians, who had encamped near him the previous night. Orders were immediately given for following the trail. Twelve men, under the command of Lieut. Armstrong, started for Thompson's Creek, and 7 men with Capt. Bushey, started on the trail, and having followed it two or three miles through a thick, brushy ravine, we came suddenly in sight of their camp, and immediately opened a fire upon them, killing three and wounded several. We captured all their camp equipage, and then set the ranch on fire. The party returned to camp this evening. The men have suffered severely from cold and exposure. The War in Oregon.
Letters have been received at the Indian Bureau in Washington
containing matters in regard to the Indian difficulties in Oregon,
which will be found new and interesting. We extract the following:
"Intense excitement pervades the white population of the entire country, and in the districts most remote the people have congregated in blockhouses and forts which they have erected for their protection. Messengers are seen hurrying from settlement to settlement, alarming reports are everywhere current, and in the popular frenzy the peaceful as well as the hostile bands of Indians are menaced with extermination. The demonstrations already made in Jackson County and in the Umpqua Valley arouse the fears of the Indians in this part of the Territory that these threats may be carried into execution. "However, the collection of the Indians at suitable points, and the appointment of discreet persons to watch over them, has tended very much to quiet their apprehensions, but should the present campaign in Washington Territory and in Middle Oregon prove unsuccessful, it will be well nigh impossible to save the Indians of this valley from the fury of the inhabitants. Their guilt or innocence will not be the subject of inquiry; the fact that they are Indians will be deemed deserving of death. They will be slain, not for what they have done, but for what they might do if so disposed. *
* *
"It is useless now to speculate upon the causes which have produced
this state of affairs. The war is upon us, and whatever its origin,
when defenseless women and children are murdered, and the property of
our citizens destroyed by the ruthless savage, no one can hesitate as
to the course to be pursued toward those who have assumed the attitude
of enemies."The bands now encamped at Fort Lane, numbering 334 persons who, immediately on the commencement of hostilities, placed themselves under the protection of the garrison, are in imminent danger of meeting the fate so boldly and recklessly threatened--that of annihilation, and unless they are immediately removed, the scheme will undoubtedly be carried into effect. These bands comprise the original Rogue River Indians, and a part of those treated with on the 18th of November, 1854, and from their general good conduct merit a better fate. "The Umpqua Indians are but little more secure, one village having already been attacked by a body of lawless banditti, who put to death men, women and children." From the above, it will be seen that a portion of the white population, by their lawless deeds, have contributed not a little to incite the Indians to commit outrages upon the defenseless white population of these Territories. It is needless to add that the Indian agents and government officers stationed among these tribes have done all in their power to prevent the commission of these deeds of violence, and to save the friendly Indians from the fury of the settlers. The Superintendent's letter closes with the following paragraph: "The agents in the Indian Department are almost powerless to do good. With a military command of two hundred men to protect the encampments, the friendly Indians might be collected and kept out of the fight, but otherwise it is greatly to be feared that they will all unite in hostilities against us. Almost every day brings intelligence of the desertion of bands heretofore friendly, and the commission of some horrible outrage on our citizens. We need a strong and well-disciplined military force in the country--first to chastise and bring the Indians into subjection, and afterwards to aid in ridding the country of lawless vagabonds, who have provoked this state of affairs." Thibodaux Minerva, Thibodaux, Louisiana, February 2, 1856, page 3 Deer
Creek, January 2, 1856.
Dear Bush:--From the south we have a report here that a fight took
place on Christmas Day between Capt. Rice's company of Scott Valley
volunteers and the Indians on Butte Creek, Jackson County, in which 18
Indians were killed and three wounded, and some taken prisoners. No
whites were killed or wounded as I can learn.The weather has been very cold here. The thermometer has ranged from zero to 18 degrees below it for several days--and nights. There is now a prospect for a thaw. In fact for a day or two I really imagined that I should from the effect of the cold become the serviceable discoverer of Sir John Franklin. Yours resp. [unsigned] Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 15, 1856, page 3 THE WAR.--We had expected to be able, by the close of this week, to give an account of the destruction of the band of Indians on the upper Applegate. Capt. Rice's command, with a large citizen force from Sterling, reached their position and surrounded them on Tuesday night, and Capt. Bushey's company were on the way. The party from Fort Lane, with the howitzer, were endeavoring to join them on Wednesday night, and the prospects were for an attack on Thursday. In consequence of an accident, however, the measure was defeated for two or three days. A mule belonging to the howitzer train, and loaded with ammunition for the piece, lost its footing and fell down a steep bank into the river, and thus the ammunition was lost, and a necessity produced for obtaining another supply from the fort. The Indians are in possession of three miners' cabins--one stockaded--a few miles above Star Gulch, on the south side of Applegate. The houses are put in such a condition that a force of thirty men may defend them against almost any number of riflemen. With shells they can be readily driven out. They are well known as a desperate and terrible band of Indians. It is supposed that in times of peace, since the settlement of this country, they have murdered more than their own number of whites, and generally have subsisted upon plunder. They are such marksmen that on Wednesdays at a distance of over two hundred yards they had wounded four men, one very seriously if not fatally. On Friday morning a company of citizens, generally miners, supplied with such arms as they could get, set out over the mountains to the northwest, in search of the Indians who on Wednesday killed Mr. Hull and Mr. Angel. The intention is to follow them up until they are found. Capt. Wilkinson, stationed at Wagner Creek, was to cooperate by sending a detachment of his command up Foots Creek. The location of the camp is unknown. From the depredations committed during the winter, they are supposed to be within twelve miles of this place. We learn that Capt. Alcorn, with his command, is on the scent of an Indian camp, high up the Butte Creek, and that an Indian had been killed and another wounded by his men when following up their trails. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1856, page 2 ANOTHER INDIAN MURDER.--Last Wednesday the body of Mr. Chas. W. Hull was found on the divide between Jackass Creek and the left-hand fork of Jackson. A company of men hunting had struck the trail of Indians and were following it when they came upon the body. He had been out with a hunting party and was separated from his comrades when the Indians discovered and shot him. The deceased was about twenty-two years of age, had formerly resided in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and had relatives living here. The Indians were undoubtedly the band that afterwards, and on the same day, killed Mr. Angel. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 5, 1856, page 2 Hospital Report
Capt. Wm. B. Lewis, wounded at Galice Creek, Oct. 17; wounds have
healed and are nearly well.
Milton Blackledge, of Capt. Lewis' company, wounded Oct. 17; well. John Ersicson, of Lewis' company, wounded Oct. 17; well. Joseph Umpqua ["Umpqua Joe"], of Lewis' company, wounded Oct. 17; wound healed. Amasa Morse, of Capt. Williams' company, wounded on Rogue River, 3 miles below the mouth of Jumpoff Joe, Oct. 16; died on the 18 following. J. T. Caldwell, Capt. Alcorn's company, acute rheumatism; transferred to the hospital at Jacksonville. David Sexton, of Williams' co., wounded Nov. 27, at the Meadows; transferred to Jacksonville. Robert Gammill, of Williams' co., wounded Nov. 27, at the Meadows; transferred to Jacksonville. Jacob Long, of Capt. Rice's co., wounded Nov. 27, at the Meadows; transferred to Jacksonville. James Sanders, of Capt. Wilkinson's co., inflammation arising from an injured nerve resulting in ulceration. Elias Musser, of Wilkinson's co., intermitting fever; well. Samuel C. Nicholson, of Alcorn's co., chronic ophthalmia; well. Joseph Carter, of Rice's co., rheumatism. Timoleon Love, of Qr. Master Department, sick; convalescent. M. Conroy, of Alcorn's co., catarrh and fever; well. Edward Smith, of Hospital Department, intermitting fever. Zacheus Van Orman, of Williams' co., flux. CASES OUTSIDE.
Intermitting fever, 9; remitting fever,
5; catarrh
and fever, 14; rheumatism, 7; flux, 5; diarrhea, 9; chronic
constipation, 2; nervous affections, 4; ophthalmia, 4; thrown and
injured by horses and mules, 2; hemorrhoids, 3.J. Braman, Asst.
Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 5, 1856, page 2R. S. Belknap, Steward. Benj. Burruss, Asst. " Headquarters
Dec. 25 1855
G. L. CurryGov. of Oregon Sir I hasten to write you a few lines. I send to you by Capt. Buoy of Lane County three Indian men as prisoners of war. I hope you will approve my course. I am quite worn down from fatigue, as you may suppose. I have not as yet had any tent but have taken all the rain and snow out in the camp and find no fault now. Of all the service that I ever saw this is the hardest. It is almost death on men and horses. Still, strange to say, the men don't complain but they are cheerful under all circumstances. I can't seen any end to this war before next spring. We are compelled to keep the field or allow the Indians lay waste all the frontier settlements. Still I hope to be able to find some of the red devils soon. I would like to have for the use of the five companies of the regiment comprising the first battalion about two hundred stand of United States rifles and muskets, as I intend to push the war as early as possible into the heart of their country at the Big Meadows. First we must get rid of the Cow Creeks and Coquilles. I leave in a few minutes for the head of Coquille. Yours
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 3, Document 860.Wm. J. Martin There will naturally be many inquiries as to who Col. Bob Williams is. Well, as he is one of the right stripe (a good Whig), I want you to do something for him. There are but few who know his sentiments, for he never meddles with politics; it's a wonder how they came to elect him, for bad luck to me if it ain't mighty few Whigs that got office here. I will give you a brief outline of Bob Williams' history. Col. R. L. Williams was born in Kentucky, in the year 1826. His parents emigrated to Texas in 1837. Since that time he has traveled all over the Red River country--been amongst all the different tribes of Indians there. Has traveled all over the interior of Texas and Mexico, was in the Mexican War and all along the coast. Emigrated to California in '49, via Mexico, was leader of many a gallant little band to disperse the Diggers in California. Came to Rogue River Valley in June '51 and has made Jackson and Siskiyou counties his home ever since. Was out on several scouting expeditions in '51 and '52. Was elected captain of the Althouse mounted volunteers in 1853 and has ever been ready at a moment's warning to fly to the rescue, and protect the inhabitants from the inhuman barbarity of the treacherous red devils that have been permitted to remain on top of the ground. Williams is a heavy, thick-set man, medium height, and weighs 180, has a cast-iron constitution, big as the United States; tumtum ["heart"] like a beef, doesn't think of taking cold from lying out of doors overnight, and ain't afraid to fight Indians. "Outsider," "State of the War--the Elections," Weekly Oregonian, January 5, 1856, page 1 Jacksonville
Jan 6, 1856
Brother Wood
It is with feelings of the deepest regret that I have to communicate to you the death of Roana and little Mary they were killed by the Indians last October while I was from home. I left in the morning in company with Miss Pellet the temperance lecturer she and Roana had just come home from Jacksonville the evening before. She had been to lecture and I went to show her the trail to the ferry on Rogue River some seven miles from home and when I arrived at the ferry I learned that the Indians had broken out. I started back but had not gone far when I met one of our neighboring women her husband had been shot and she had also been wounded and from her I learned that my house had been burned but did not know [the] fate of Roana and Mary. I then hastened with all speed back home, if home it could be called, but when I got on top of a bluff that overlooked my house my worst fears was confirmed. There I saw that house and burned barn had been burned and in the valley where my house stood was some hundred Indians whooping and halloing. They had killed some teamsters that was hauling goods from Scottsburg and was plundering the wagons. I then started for the nearest house some eight miles and all along the road I found dead men and horses and cattle, wagons burned up and the goods were scattered on the ground. The next day I went in company with Major Fitzgerald with eighty soldiers to our neighborhood and the scene beggars all description. They had burned up Roana and Mary with the house and nothing remained of them [but] smoldering ashes. We then went to the next neighbor's and found the man shot and dead in the house. The woman had fled to brush and on remaining some time she came out and [also] her little girl; her boy some 13 years old had been killed. We then went to the next house and found the whole family was destroyed and soon I could give you till I could fill the whole sheet but my soul sickens to think of it. We had been making money very fast for the last two years and most likely would have come home next year with money to live comfortably. Roana never appeared to be in better spirits than she was at the time of her death. The property they destroyed for us was worth eight thousand dollars. We was keeping a public house on the road from Jacksonville to Oregon and had built one of the finest in this part of the country. The house and barn had cost three thousand dollars, besides what good we had in them we had 400 bushels of oats and barley was worth 4 dollars, ten tons hay worth $100 a ton besides horses and cattle that they either stole [or] killed [to] the amount of two thousand more but that is a small loss compared to the other. The country is all desolated, families are either forted up or in town. All kinds of business is stopped; there is not a day but you can hear of someone being killed and pack trains robbed, men have been shot within one mile of town and when this will [end] I cannot tell--the Governor has called out militia; there has been one regiment of one thousand men raised in Jackson County. I am at present employed in [the] Quartermaster Department and will from time to time keep you posted on the progress of the war. Yours with respect
P.S. I have written a number of times before. J.B.W.J. B. Wagoner Write often. Typed transcription from 1964 on file at the Southern Oregon Historical Society research library. Progress of the War in R.R.
It may be still
in the recollection of our readers that in the latter part of November
the troops, after abandoning the idea of attacking the Indians at the
"Big Meadows," went into winter quarters, stationing themselves in
different portions of Illinois, Applegate and Rogue River valleys.
Since that time, it would appear, the unusually severe weather has
compelled some of the hostile bands to creep back to their old haunts
and rancherias. The Table
Rock Sentinel of the 29th ult. says:
"Information having been received of a camp of Indians on the north side of Rogue River, just below the mouth of the Big Butte, and four miles from the river, a detachment of 34 men from Capt. Rice's company made a night movement upon them--attacking them at daybreak, when not on their guard--and after about six hours fighting killed eighteen and wounded three others, took about twenty squaws and several children prisoners, burnt their rancheria and obtained one horse. One warrior since died. The Indians had horses not far from the camp, but circumstances would admit of no search for them, and they were left. No injury was sustained by the whites, except that some hands and feet were frozen." Again "Captain Alcorn's company on the night of the 24th December proceeded up Butte Creek, and encamped within a mile of the Indian ranches, and early in the morning proceeded to attack them, and at daybreak the firing from our side commenced, having completely surrounded them, eight bucks were killed and the balance more or less wounded, one squaw was accidentally wounded in the lower jaw, two squaws with their children were taken prisoners--no ammunition was found, and but four guns--about 30 bushels of wheat, some salmon and four horses. Old Jake is missing; the squaws say Jake was killed by the Shastas." Also, Capt. Bushey with seven men came upon an Indian camp on Thompson's Creek, December 27th, opened a fire upon them, completely routing them, killing three and wounding several. We captured all their camp equipage, comprising two horses, bridles, saddles, canteens, several blankets and smaller articles, and set the ranch on fire. The Sentinel adds that our volunteers, to succeed, only require a possibility that may be accomplished by bravery, energy and endurance. We further learn from Mr. Thomas, the express messenger, who arrived on Saturday, that a band of hostile Indians on Deer Creek were being surrounded and attacked by the volunteers. This is encouraging news indeed, and if the campaign during the balance of the winter should prove equally successful, the spring will find the interior cleared of the prowling enemy. Crescent City Herald, January 9, 1856, page 2 Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
Creek, Jan. 7, 1856.
Dear Bush:--The
express from the south this evening
confirms the report of the death of Martin Angel, surrounding of the
Indians on Applegate, &c., which have been in circulation for a
or two. Martin Angel and a man by the name of Hull were killed by the
Indians within three miles of Jacksonville. It is also reported that
two Chinamen were killed by the same band of Indians on Applegate, and
robbed of three or four hundred dollars in dust.
The Indians, twenty-five or thirty in number, were corralled in three log cabins on Applegate by the volunteers and regulars, who had a howitzer along with them to make, as it was hoped, an effectual attack upon the Indians, but it did not work as it was anticipated it would, and after dark the Indians broke through the guards and made their escape certain. Three Indians were killed and some are supposed to have been wounded. Doctor Myers, of Sterling, was killed and some three or four whites were wounded. They were shot from three to four hundred yards. The Indians evidently have good marksmen and good rifles. By this you will see that the work of death continues, and that too within the confines of the town of Jacksonville, and upon every trail and road south. All business has stopped and almost closed, except that on the part of the [Military and Indian] Departments. Communication has stopped between different points, except that which is performed on the main road by expressmen, and the army, in short the country generally, has been desolated by the existence and continuance of this war. The army south is without supplies, without clothing, without ammunition, and almost, if not quite entirely without the faintest prospect of receiving for a long time to come, the actual and necessary supplies which the army ought to have at this moment. The office at Jacksonville is without supplies, at Deer Creek it is the same, and almost every office is destitute of the means necessary to carry on the war. Yet what is to be done? Every effort has been made by the officers of the Departments to obtain these things from merchants in this section, and have succeeded well, but this source has now dried up. There is nothing of importance from any other source, except that the Indians on the reserve on Calapooia, bound to the Willamette (Polk and Yamhill counties), will start on Friday or Saturday of this week, if the weather will permit. Yours, &c. [unsigned] Oregon Statesman, Salem, January 1, 1856, page 2 Progress of the War in the
About New
Year's Day a small party of whites discovered a band of Indians on
Applegate Creek, some twenty-five or thirty miles from Jacksonville.
Pretending to be miners on a prospecting tour, they managed to remain
on the creek, unsuspected by the Indians, until they could send word to
the nearest settlements. These Indians appeared to belong to the band
that committed the depredations on the Upper Klamath, as they pretended
to entertain hostile feelings against the whites in that region only,
and did not care to fight the "Bostons" about Jacksonville.
As soon as information of their whereabouts was received in the valley, about 150 of the troops, and many citizen volunteers, took up the line of march for Applegate on the 2nd of January, carrying one of the mountain howitzers along. When about two miles from Jacksonville, Mr. Martin Angel and John McLaughlin passed ahead of a troop of thirty soldiers, and within a distance of only 40 yards of them were shot at by Indians. Mr. Angel's horse took fright, and while cantering off the trail the Indians succeeded with several more shots to kill horse and rider, and then stripping them, taking Mr. Angel's two revolvers and rifle. Angel's companion, McLaughlin, succeeded in rejoining the soldiers, who immediately loaded their guns and then advanced toward the spot where Angel fell. They came soon enough to make the Indians hasten their escape and drop some of the plunder, but Angel was already dead. Mr. Henry H. Hutchins, our informant, learned that on the same morning Mr. Hull was out hunting with his son when the latter was killed by the Indians, and it is thought this was done by the same scout which killed Angel. On the 3rd of January, pursuing the march towards Applegate, the soldiers had the misfortune to lose one of their mules, loaded with ammunition for the howitzer, and consequently had to send back for a new supply, which came only upon the 5th. Meanwhile a portion of the force of the whites had got up to the Indian camp, which consisted of several log cabins formerly occupied by miners, but now changed into forts with numerous apertures, through which they fired in such a manner that several whites were wounded at a distance of 300 yards. Their camp was, however, surrounded, and the success of the whites depended upon their ability to keep the Indians in position. Late in the afternoon of the 5th the howitzer was got ready, fired, and the shot fell directly upon one of the cabins, killing three Indians. Several more shots were fired before night, but without effect. During the night the Indians, judging discretion to be the better part of valor, broke through the guards of the whites and escaped. We learn with great regret that in this untoward affair our friend, Dr. Wm. Myers, of this city, was killed, and several others wounded. [See correction below; it was a different Myers.] The disappointment of the public, in hearing of the inglorious issue of this movement, is the more acutely felt, as from the previous successes on Butte Creek it was confidently expected that the troops at length had made up their mind to go at it with a will. The escape of the Indians remains to many inexplicable. Five weeks earlier from 4 to 500 troops withdrew from before 150 Indians at the "Big Meadows"; now thirty-three Indians eluded the vigilance of eight times their number of whites. We are too remote from the scene of action to judge correctly of the merits of the case, but this much we might infer from the past: that it takes a long time to whip 200 hostile Indians. Crescent City Herald, January 16, 1856, page 2 From the Crescent City Herald, Feb., 1856.
J. R. Hale introduced a bill into the legislative assembly of Oregon to
divide Jackson County, and form of the southern portion of it,
Josephine County.For some days past there has been quite an active demand in this city for volunteers, to fill up the companies authorized to be raised by Governor Curry. We are told that eight or ten men enlisted with Capt. O'Neil from Althouse. Capt. J. M. Poland of Company K, 2nd Regiment, O.M.V., before leaving, requested us to inform persons wishing to join his company to report to him at the camp, mouth of Rogue River, where the company was expected to be mustered in. Yesterday, the 24th, we were favored with the perusal of a letter written by R. Smith, a settler up the coast, to Mr. Miller, living in the neighborhood of Whaleshead, informing the latter that on the 22nd inst, while Wm. Hensley and Mr. Nolan were driving some horses towards Rogue River, two shots were fired at them by Pistol River Indians. Mr. Hensley had two of his fingers shot off, besides receiving several buckshot wounds in his face. The horses fell into the hands of the Indians. The letter contains also a request to urge forward from Crescent City any volunteers that may have been enlisted. From F. H. Pratt, Esq., a resident at the mouth of Rogue River, who arrived Feb. 26th in the schooner Gold Beach, we received the startling news that the Indians in that district have united with a party of the hostile Indians above and commenced a war of extermination against the white settlers. The station at Big Bend, some 15 miles up the river, having been abandoned several weeks previous, the Indians made a sudden attack on Saturday morning, Feb. 23rd, upon the farms about four miles above the mouth, where some ten or twelve men of Capt. Poland's company of volunteers were encamped, the remainder of the company being absent attending a ball on the 22nd at the mouth of Rogue River. The fight is stated to have lasted nearly the whole of Saturday, and but few of the whites escaped to tell the story. The farmers were all killed. It is supposed there are now about 300 hostile Indians in the field, including those from Grave and Galice Creek and the Big Meadows. They are led by a Canada Indian named Enos, who was formerly a favorite guide for Col. Fremont in his expeditions. List of killed: Capt. Ben Wright, H. Braun, E. W. Howe, Mr. Wagoner, Barney Castle, Geo. McCluskey, Henry Lawrence, W. R. Tullus, Mr. Bossman, Capt. John Poland, Mr. Smith, Mr. Seaman, Mr. Warner, Jno. Geisel and 5 children, P. McCollough, S. Heidrick, Jos. Leroc and 2 sons, Mr. Wilson. Besides three or four names unknown. Mrs. Geisel and daughter are prisoners and in the hands of the Mikonotunne band of Indians, about eight miles up the river. Dr. M. C. White escaped by jumping into Euchre Creek and, secreting himself under a pile of driftwood, remaining there for an hour and a half and until the Indians had given up the search. The inhabitants at the mouth of Rogue River have all moved to the north side of the river, where formerly, under the apprehension of a sudden attack, a fort had been erected; they number about 130 men, having less than a hundred guns amongst them. The schooner Gold Beach left yesterday, Sunday morning, at half past five o'clock, and it is supposed that a fight commenced at daylight, as there was a party going to cross to the south side of the river, where they expected to find the whole body of Indians. At sunrise everything on the south side was in flames. The stores of Coburn & Warwick, F. A. Pratt and W. A. Upton were probably all destroyed. Mr. Pratt states that according to the census taken last spring there are 335 warriors in the district. They were all engaged in the fight, except the Chetcoes and Pistol River Indians who number about 80. The number of Indians from above or out of the district is between 50 and 60. Upon the death of the Sub-Indian Agent, Capt. Ben Wright, Mr. J. McGuire assumed the duties of Sub-Indian Agent. A boat was dispatched as early as Saturday evening to Port Orford to inform Maj. Reynolds, in command of that post, of the occurrences. Common prudence will suggest to our citizens the necessity of adopting some measures to prevent the possibility of a surprise either in our immediate vicinity or in the neighboring settlements. We do not apprehend that the Indians will be able to dislodge the men at the mouth of Rogue River; still it is not to be forgotten that but for their holding out in that position the whole coast would be comparatively clear to the savages. It appears that in the blow struck upon the 23rd inst., on the settlement above the mouth of Rogue River, the Indians made a simultaneous attack on both sides of the river, before daylight on Saturday morning. Capt. Ben Wright, the Indian Agent, was staying at the house of Mr. J. McGuire, and when called out by some hitherto friendly Indians was struck down with an ax. Similar was the fate of Captain Poland and some ten of his volunteers, but before the Indians finally overpowered the Captain he killed two of them and wounded a third. The settlers were attacked singly and all of a sudden. Resistance was out of the question. The Indians probably did not lose many of their number, but gained some thirty or forty guns and pistols. A man by the name of Foster escaped by being thrown into the brush, where he laid all that day, within forty yards where the Indians were dividing the property that they had taken from the murdered whites. Another man was lucky enough to head off the pursuers, and escape at the expense of a badly scratched face. Mr. Landry, living on Capt. Tichenor's farm, upon hearing the alarm, jumped into the schooner Ellen moored close by and made for the mouth of the river. Enos, the Indian leader, is said to have given the directions, standing on an elevated point, from which he could watch the execution of his hellish designs. The schooner Ellen, Capt. Tichenor, arrived on Monday noon in our harbor. She had been dispatched from Gold Beach to Port Orford immediately upon the breaking out of Indian hostilities in that quarter. We learn from Capt. Tichenor that she was unsuccessful in the endeavor to procure assistance either in men or ammunition. Both were needed to defend that post, and the schooner returned without accomplishing anything. Having no firearms or piece of ordnance on board, she dared not venture to enter at the mouth of Rogue River, but stood in close enough to see that the whites still held possession of the north side while everything on the south side was destroyed. This was on Monday morning; apparently no fight had taken place since Saturday. At a meeting of the citizens of this place held at the El Dorado, on Monday evening, Feb. 25, to take into consideration the recent Indian difficulties, Dr. E. Mason was called to the chair, and E. H. Burns appointed secretary. The chairman after stating the object of the meeting introduced Capt. Wm. Tichenor of Port Orford, who addressed the meeting at considerable length on the past and present Indian difficulties. On motion a committee of five, consisting of D. W. McComb, E. Mason, J. B. Rosborough, J. G. Wall and A. S. Arrington, were appointed to draw up a petition to the Governor of California calling upon him for arms and ammunition, which petition upon being presented to the meeting was approved of, and numerously signed. Capt. Tichenor having generously tendered the use of his vessel, it was resolved that a subscription be made for the purpose of forwarding the petition to the Governor forthwith. After addresses from Messrs. Parks and Rosborough, the meeting adjourned. The Jacksonville Sentinel says that the Indians who were sent to the Meadows bring back some important information. It appears that the force of warriors is about 300, or over--that they are fortified with a view of security against ordnance, and confident of their ability to prosecute the war. The chiefs say they are revenged for the Indians that had been killed by the whites, and willing to treat--that they will suspend hostilities, and remain at peace as long as the whites let them alone and no longer. The warriors are said to be nearly all eager to fight. They had lost but 16 men during the war--six at Grave Creek, three near the mouth of Jumpoff Joe, six at Wagner's ranch, and one at the Meadows. They were told that Mrs. Haines and her daughter, and Mrs. Wagner's child were taken prisoners--that the two first died within a week of disease with which they were sick when captured, and that the latter was kept until a few days ago, when hearing of the murder of the two squaws who had been taken by the whites, she was killed in revenge. At the same time a half-Indian child was taken from its mother and shot because it had white blood. [From the Yreka Union:] The Indian depredations in Oregon have caused public meetings, in which they represent very great suffering and loss of life among the whites, and suggest, as may be seen from the subjoined resolution, that a treaty of friendship and amity be formed between the whites and Indians. We have very little faith in Indian treaties, but even a temporary suspension of hostilities is a consummation devoutly to be wished. The meeting was held in Jacksonville, and is said to have been very fully attended. Here is the resolution, however, which speaks for itself: "Resolved, that a committee be appointed by this meeting, who shall, in connection with the Indian agent or other authorities, adopt the appropriate means to secure a friendly interview with the chiefs, and offer them the liberty to select from the whites those in whom they have confidence, for the purpose of holding a general council for the purpose of inquiry into all matters of mutual grievance, and to ascertain upon what terms an honorable adjustment can be made--in the meantime, agree upon terms to suspend hostilities, until a final settlement can be completed." "From Yreka and the North," Shasta Courier, Shasta City, California, February 2, 1856, page 3 From the South.
The mail from Jacksonville reached here on last Wednesday, for the
first time in five weeks. From the Table
Rock Sentinel, and from our correspondence, we condense
the following news:
On the 21st January, Maj. Bruce and Capt. Alcorn fell in with a band of 75 to 100 Indians on Murphy's branch of Applegate Creek. A desperate encounter took place, but for the aid of Lieut. Armstrong, who came to their relief. After hard fighting, the Indians fell back, with considerable loss. Of the whites, Wiley Cash was killed, and Daniel Richardson severely wounded in the arm. Dr. Danforth's horse was shot in the fight. The whites drew off a short distance to await reinforcements. Col. Williams left January 23rd with 200 men to join them. The Indians have taken shelter in a heavily wooded gulch, where they can either make a desperate defense or a safe retreat. Butte Creek Valley is again menaced with Indians. A band of Indians from the Meadows has probably gone over to Rogue River, about ten miles above Thompson's ferry. Fourteen were counted prowling around in one band. Capts. Bailey and Buoy, it is said, have found a company of Indians in the Cow Creek Mountains so large and so well posted that they have sent for reinforcements before they dare attack them. Our letters from Jacksonville give a gloomy picture of affairs in the South. The Indians are scattered in every direction, hid up in mountain gorges, with from 20 to 100 in a squad. Notwithstanding the representations of the Indian agent and Gen. Wool, there must be not less than 500 savages in the Rogue River mountains. A correspondent writing from Jacksonville, January 27th, says there are not over a dozen guns in the place, and the town could be taken and totally destroyed by the Indians without losing hardly a man, if the Indians only knew it. The people are in constant fear of an attack, and alarmed at even the firing of a gun. The Shasta Indians, it seems, have come over to help the Rogue Rivers. Many people talk of leaving in the spring for the Willamette Valley, if things get no better. Much complaint is made of the inactivity of the regulars. The forces there, now, of regulars and volunteers together, is represented to be barely sufficient to defend the country, to say nothing about subduing the Indians. The savages are said to be gaining, rather than losing, ground. They have the best of guns and five years' of ammunition laid by. The Indians at the Meadows say they have two captive white women. If this be a fact, shame on Oregon! Can not we raise a force sufficient to wipe out these Indians at once? What say you? Where are Gen. Wool's 1500 troops? Our defenseless citizens are being butchered in the South, and our friends in San Francisco are Wooled into the belief that an ample force is in the field for the protection of the settlements. Alas! Alas! for these degenerate days. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, February 2, 1856, page 3 LETTER FROM AN OREGONIAN. The Indian War. San
Francisco, Jan. 27, 1856.
In the Herald
of this morning, the editor spasmodically launches off--perhaps at the
suggestion of some of the heroes late from the scene of
hostilities--and devotes nearly a column to the monstrous Oregonians,
in which he intimates that in the absence of any very flattering
prospects of reaping large fortunes out of the salmon and lumber trade,
they have trumped up a war with the Indians, and are now playing upon
their harp to the tune of several millions of Uncle Sam's money, and if
his information be correct--which we would not for a moment
question--contracts have been made with parties there for oats, hay,
horses &c., at alarmingly high prices. According to his
showing, if
those poor benighted people had any prospect of ever getting what they
claim, the contracts would seem a little extravagant. But for the Herald's
acceptation of the term, the Oregonians are not "smart"; they are
unrefined and unskilled in villainy, fraud and sharp practice, shrewd
financiering., etc., which have given California that unenviable
reputation, in which she stands "solitary and alone," among the
sisterhood of states--into which she prematurely "emerged" from the
"embryo" in which 'twere better she still remained, so far as the
people are concerned. Yes, had you, Mr. Herald, performed
faithfully your duty as guardian, instead of lending your aid to her
seducers, she might now occupy that proud position her natural
resources demanded for her.
Whose business was it to speak out, when some of the most atrocious wholesale swindles and political robberies were being committed that ever cursed a state or blackened the pages of history? And yet, while the Herald can see so outrageous a swindle in a small contract for supplies in Oregon, what a profound silence, or ignorance, it maintains in regard to the hire of vessels for the transportation of troops? Should not the paying of $70,000 for the hire of an old, unseaworthy vessel, upon which so many lives were hazarded--admitting they have so far proven valueless to government--should this not receive, at least, a passing notice? Oh! thou who seest so fearful a mote in thy brother's eye, is not the beam which is in thine own eye troublesome? whose post it is to stand on the watchtower. If you had been half so vigilant in looking after the interests of your much-abused state, as you seem in exposing imaginary evils beyond your legitimate jurisdiction, your paper would have enjoyed a reputation far beyond what it can ever presume to claim. Where were you when the multitude of demagogues, political and financial swindlers, hung like a black cloud over your devoted state and city? Echo answers where? But after doing the Oregonians up, no doubt, to his satisfaction, the editor comes to the very wise conclusion that this is a matter with which he has very little to do, and offers no very strong point in extenuation of the course pursued by the veteran who was so profuse in his promises of a vigorous prosecution of the war--making his headquarters in his saddle (!)--but who, after a considerable flourish, and granting some fat contracts to somebody, takes the steamer and brings his--quarters back to San Francisco, heartily tired of the rude accommodations and amusements of the north--somewhat surprised, and heartily disgusted, at the Indian mode of warfare--leaving the troops comfortably quartered, whilst the half-clad, miserably equipped volunteers are in the mountains, battling with the enemy. And now, I suppose, his valuable time and talents will be employed in negotiating for the transport of those troops back to Benicia--another fat job. To whom the spoils go, perhaps the Herald can tell. It may all seem very well for the editor of the Herald and those gallant officers, who are not overanxious to place themselves within the range of he rifle of the redskin, to say that there is no combination amongst the Indians, and that if there was, there is sufficient force quartered there to protect the settlers. Yes they are quartered, and there seems to be the grand difficulty--they are likely to remain so. They are able to afford protection, but they never do it. What has this division of the army ever done since they have been on this coast? I believe there is not a solitary instance where they have accomplished anything, nor are they likely to, and the sooner they are disbanded the better. It is a well-known fact the volunteers have done the fighting, whilst the U.S. troops were getting ready to move. If we can't have a more efficient army here, better have none at all. I hope the Herald will keep us posted in this matter, and tell us who makes the most out of it. For his information I will just say to him that the accounts against Uncle Sam are all subject to curtailment, and many a poor Oregonian will have to submit to razees [sic] which might call forth even the Herald's sympathies. OREGON.
Daily Alta California, San
Francisco, January 28, 1856. The letter was reprinted in the Oregon
Statesman of
March 18. "Razee" is apparently a reference to the
vessel" referred to in the second paragraph, likely the elderly frigate
The Indian War in R.R. Valley.
We call the recollection of our readers to the affair on the upper
Applegate on the 5th inst. for the purpose of correcting an error we
committed in mentioning Dr. Wm. Myers, of this city, as amongst the
killed. The name of the deceased was Anderson Myers (from the state of
Indiana, we believe).
It has been before stated that after the escape of the Indians from their fortified camp on the upper Applegate, a vigorous search was being made after the fugitives, and late reports from Illinois Valley inform us that on the 21st inst., a company of the pursuers, on the headwaters of a creek opposite Barkwell's, was decoyed into an ambush and found themselves suddenly fired upon from the right and left. Hastily dismounting and seeking shelter in the timber, they eventually left 15 or 16 of their animals, but were themselves happily relieved by another small company coming up and attacking one wing of the Indians. But two men were wounded in the engagement; one of them, however, we are sorry to say, being wounded in the thigh, fell ultimately into the hands of the Indians and was killed. Of the losses the Indians may have sustained, it is only said that they were seen carrying off some of their wounded. The same band of Indians probably then crossed over the Mooney Mountain, and we hear next of their appearance on Slate Creek. The following letter received by a business house in this city tells its own story: Hay's
Ranch, Green Valley,
Sir:--Six trains of mules left here this morning for Jacksonville with
an escort of 20 regulars, under command of Sergeant Blase. After
crossing Slate Creek, and traveling on about one mile without trouble,
we met a party of ten men under command of Sergeant Moore, escorting
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, Mr. Melvin and three others. They had been
attacked by the Indians about 300 yards from us. The Indians had fired
several shots, no one hurt; one ball passed through Mrs. Benedict's
veil, another through Melvin's horse's neck and still another grazed
slightly one of [the] troop's horses. The trains then halted, the
soldiers dismounted and marched to the place, where again several shots
were fired without doing any damage. The Indians being in the brush,
there was no other chance for getting at them than by charging through
an open space of about one hundred yards. The force was not sufficient
to undertake this and at the same time guard the trains. Thus we were
obliged to retreat here for safety, and shall probably stay until more
troops come. The Indians captured four mules and some baggage, part of
which belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, who were on their way to
Crescent City.January 24th, 1856. The volunteers are still out in search of the Indians and had passed this very place this morning at 3 o'clock. Yours,
This news
was brought the same afternoon a distance of some 15 miles to Turner's
ranch in Illinois Valley, where Lieut. Sweitzer had just halted
with 20 dragoons. His command saddled immediately again and started to
the place where the attack had occurred.B. F. Blodgett. Crescent City Herald, January 30, 1856, page 2 Letter from Oregon--The Indian
JOURNAL: I have delayed writing, in hopes
that something would "turn up," that would interest your readers; but
have thus far waited in vain. The war in the southern portion of Oregon
has not been prosecuted with that vigor, which was expected when we
were called into the field in October last. If the campaign had been
conducted in a proper manner, we should now enjoy peace, instead of
which, we are almost surrounded by the enemy, not sure but that we may
fall any moment, at the sound of their keen cracking rifles. A prompt
answer was made to the call of the Governor, and sufficient troops were
immediately in the field to give battle to all the enemy's forces and
at the same time make them respect our power.OREGON TERRITORY, Feb. 5, 1856. We have had during the winter several chances to defeat the Indians and kill them all, but when these chances have been presented to us, our officers (i.e. commissioned ones) have invariably discovered some cause, real or imaginary, sufficient to stop all action on our part, and the enemy have thus been permitted to escape when almost in our grasp. And why such conduct? That question is not difficult to answer. It is nothing more nor less than the "Almighty Dollar" which has prevented this war from being brought to a successful termination previous to this date. It is a well-known fact that in no place has "Uncle Sam" more public plunderers than in Oregon, and these (un)worthies intend to make the most they can of the present war. We have had a few "brushes," and in most instances the Indians have not suffered much worse than ourselves. The consequences arising from such mismanagement is that the enemy have gained courage, while a great portion of our own troops having lost all confidence in "the powers that be" have asked and received honorable discharges. Several new companies have been called for to supply their places. The term of the present enlistment is for ninety days. At the expiration of that time or previous, we expect to have the 9th Regiment to our assistance. Persons who know say that the swamps of Florida never made a more complete covert for the Indians than does our very mountainous country in this section, where "hills on hills, and Alps on Alps arise." The winter is undoubtedly the best time to wage war on these "redskins," for then they have to remain in winter quarters until the snow disappears; after which time they can rove in small bands over the mountains, ad libitum--the mountains supplying them with game in abundance, and the streams with plenty of fish. The war in the North has been conducted in a more praiseworthy manner. No doubt but that your worthy correspondent in the Willamette Valley keeps you posted up in regard to this matter. It is seldom we have the privilege of looking over the columns of a newspaper, and do not learn with any degree of certainty the way things go in any other post. A portion of this winter was very severe--say two weeks, during which time a great many cattle died. The snow would perhaps average three inches deep. "Professor John Frost" exhibited but little levity. He blockaded our streams without any regard to magnitude until an armistice was agreed to, whereupon he withdrew with the promise of not returning for some months to come. The usual cry of "No mail, no post,
is again appropriate. We shall never receive our news with any degree
of certainty until that race track is made from your Atlantic to our
Pacific shores. Then the "iron horse" will come snorting, under our
snowcapped mountains and over verdant valleys bringing with it dear
friends or, in their absence, letters from those we love. Those will be
happy days for Oregon. I have not received a letter from my friends in
Illinois for four months. The papers say, "the mail is expected when it
arrives," and so says your humble servant,From any foreign coast," QUAIL.
Daily Journal, Springfield, April 23, 1856, page
2When Col. Martin's preparations were finally made his army was marched over the mountains to Middle Creek, the first day about eight miles, and on the next day they marched over the mountains from Middle Creek to the Indian camp. They found the camp, but no Indians. With all the preparations and noise of two days' march, the Indians were fully advised of their approach and simply faded away into the many timbered rocky gulches of the mountains. Col. Martin had marched his army down the mountain to the deserted Indian camp and there was nothing left to be done but to march his army back up the mountain the way he had come. But the volunteers were not to get out of the mountains without casualties. About one mile from the Indian encampment there is a beautiful little prairie of a few acres, almost level land on the side of the mountain and with convenient water. Capt. Bailey obtained permission to encamp there during the night and pitched his camp under some pine trees, the ground dropping off into a steep timbered gulch immediately from the camp. Capt. Bailey took no precautions but allowed his men to build up bonfires, around which they were engaged in wrestling and having a good time. The Indians approached the camp from the timbered side of the bluff, [and] fired into the crowd of men assembled around the fire. John L. Gardner was instantly killed and Thomas S. Gage mortally wounded, expiring the day following. George W. Riddle, History of Early Days in Oregon, Riddle Enterprise, 1920, page 70 There were thirty men taken from Company A of the rifles to escort Captain Gunnison's surveying party, which was to survey a route to California. I was a member of the party. We had a pretty rough time of it, as we had to make our own roads, bridges, trails, etc., and this was all difficult. The mountains were rough and hard to climb, and the desert was trying and tedious. Sometimes there was no water, sometimes no wood. We got on very well until we reached the Salt Lake basin, 150 miles from Salt Lake City, where Captain Gunnison and part of his company were massacred by the Ute Indians. There were eight men killed. From here the command went to Salt Lake City and wintered. Then there was but one store there. Here we laid in supplies, and our captain, R. M. Morris, bought all the coffee and sugar there was in the store. In the spring of 1854 we started from Salt Lake City to complete the survey through to California, and finished our undertaking in good time, arriving at Fort Reading in July. The company was disbanded and the riflemen were transferred to the company of dragoons which was then stationed at Fort Lane. I was a sergeant in Company E, of the First Dragoons, commanded by Major Fitzgerald. At the time of the Grave Creek massacre I was sent with twenty-two men to accompany Dr. Miller, who was to attend the wounded. There were three men killed and eleven wounded. We did all we could for their comfort. There were twenty-two Indians at the place, all of whom I took prisoners. I took them with me to Fort Lane and turned them over to Captain A. J. Smith. I have always thought the Indian prisoners were the means of saving our lives. I placed an Indian on each horse directly behind the soldier, thus placing the Indians in as much danger as ourselves, knowing that members of their tribe were in wait for us. They did not molest us, fearing to fire lest they wound or kill one of their own tribe, and we arrived at the fort safely. The next engagement in which I took part was at Wagner's Creek, in October, 1855. The Indians had burned Wagner's house, in which his wife and daughter perished, the night before, news of which reached us about sundown. Everything was made ready, saddles placed and every man to his horse. We marched all that night, coming on the Indians at daybreak. There were twelve citizens accompanying the company of dragoons and they placed themselves on one side of the brush, the company stationed on the other. The Indians made a break, going toward the side where the citizens were awaiting them. Seeing such a few they ran on, shouting back for the Bostons to come on.. The company appeared on the scene and the Indians seeing that they were to be overpowered made a more hasty flight. We pursued and killed the last one three miles from where we started. There were nine redskins killed and one wounded, but we found him dead the next day. We returned to the ruins of the Wagner house, where we breakfasted. From there we went to Harris' house. As we neared it Mrs. Harris and daughter came from the brush. They were terribly frightened, and Mrs. Harris was fairly wild. She said Indians were about the house, but we could not find any. The Indians we had killed were there the day before, and she had hidden in the brush, thinking they would wait the return of herself and daughter. I dismounted, not heeding the entreaties of' Mrs. Harris, who begged me not to go to the house, and went to the door, pushed it open and found Mr. Harris dead on the floor, a bullet hole in his breast telling the tale. His daughter was also shot in the arm. From there we went to the home of Mr. Haines. We found him and his daughter dead and we buried them in the garden. His wife and younger child we could not find, and supposed they were captured by the Indians. The week preceding this Haines had buried three of his children. I was in the battle of Hungry Hill, or more properly speaking, Grave Creek, the latter being the correct name. There we were defeated. It was impossible for us to drive the Indians from their stronghold. We had twenty-eight men killed and eight wounded, and thought it time to retreat, which we did. A few days before the battle of Grave Creek, Lieutenant Kautz, three men and guide were surveying a route from Port Orford to Fort Lane. They were attacked by Indians, and Lieutenant Kautz was shot in the breast and fell. The men saw him fall, and thought he was killed. They ran to him, but he got up instantly, telling the men not to leave him. It was the lieutenant's pocketbook that saved his life. The bullet passed right through it, thus dulling its force somewhat. If General Kautz sees this he will likely be pleased to learn that one of the boys of that expedition is still living. During this trouble two Indians, known as Dick and Sam, murdered some miners on the Klamath river one night about 11 o'clock. After the murder these Indians rode 65 miles, and at daybreak the next morning arrived at Fort Lane. I was on guard at the time of their arrival and went to call the bugler for the reveille and found one of the Indians sitting on the porch of the fort. About three weeks later word came to the fort to arrest them. To get them away from their tribe was not an easy task, and trouble was anticipated. Lieutenant Sweitzer and twenty-one men were detailed to make the arrest. It took us three weeks to get them away from the tribe. We moved camp down Rogue River about twenty-five miles. Lieutenant Sweitzer instructed me to arrest the men as soon as they came into camp. When they made their appearance I was to take a file of men and arrest them and start for Fort Lane, which I did, arriving at the fort about 11 o'clock at night. I immediately turned the prisoners over to the guard. About 1 o'clock they made their escape, going directly to Table Rock, where the tribe was camped. The next morning Company E and Company C, of the First Dragoons, went after them. We found them ready for us, but we lost no time in surrounding them, arranging things so it would be impossible for them to go either up or down. Each soldier took to a tree and prepared for business. As soon as the Indians saw they were in a bad shape they called to Captain Smith to come and talk with them. He told them to give Dick and Sam up and he would protect them. The two criminals were given over, or rather gave themselves over, and were taken back to the fort, where they were put in irons and placed in the guardhouse, where they remained for four months. Their trial was held at the end of this time; they were found "not guilty" and were turned loose. Notwithstanding the fact that they were cleared, they were waylaid a short distance from Yreka, where the trial was held, and killed by the miners on Klamath River, for they knew they were the murderers. Dick and Sam were the sons of Indian Chief John, of the Rogue River tribe. In November, 1855, Major Fitzgerald's Company E was ordered to proceed at once to The Dalles, as Major Haller had been defeated at Yakima, in the territory of Washington. The line of march was begun at Fort Lane, and the command was nineteen days making the trip to Fort Vancouver. Of the nineteen days of the journey seventeen were rainy. We arrived at Fort Vancouver early in December. Joseph McEvoy, "An Old Soldier's Story," Tacoma Daily Ledger, May 28, 1893, page 12 From the War South.
We have letters from Jackson County, with dates to January 30. The
Indians attacked the camp of a scouting party, under the command of
Capt. Bailey, on the night of the 21st, on Grave Creek and killed
------ Gardiner, of Lane County, and Thomas Gage, of Douglas. Two
others were wounded. Several scouting parties were out in pursuit of
the Indians in various parts of our southern borders. No serious
battles have taken place recently. The Indians are in the mountains and
cannot be found by the volunteers. There seems to be some
dissatisfaction among the volunteers at the south, in relation to the
manner of conducting the war. There is evidently a great scarcity of
supplies, arms, ammunition &c., as well as a lukewarmness and
neglect on the part of the Democratic officials. The resident citizens
of Jackson, Coos, Josephine, Douglas and Umpqua counties must recollect
that the Oregon Democracy have some "axes to grind." Therefore you must
wait until your leaders who hold
on [to] the "axes" are ready, then you will be ORDERED to
take your place at the crank, and turn the party stone (not
the "doctor") but the DEMOCRATIC STONE.
Suppose your families are butchered occasionally, your houses burned, homes desolated, crops destroyed, and STARVATION or ABANDONMENT of your firesides the last resort--what has that to do with Oregon Democracy? Don't you know that it has been ordained by those who reign and rule that this must be a "Democratic war"; that none but "Oregon Democrats," of the scrawny Bush kind, must have any position in it unless that of "camp scavenger"? Don't you know that by the ordeal of the late legislative dynasty, you must have your backs to the party lash and go in for a state government in April? Delazon Smith, Teddy O'Rourke, Bush and the rest of the true Democratic Party have decided this to be the only legitimate rule of your faith. The Statesman has published it, and the Times, Stand-h-ard, Pacific Christian Advocate [and] Table Rock Sentinel will echo the ordeal in their next, or Bush will box the ears of his subs and read them out of THE PARTY. Oregonian, Portland, February 9, 1856, page 2 Sam'l.
Dowell, Esq.
Stony Point P.O. Albemarle, Va. Salem,
Dear Brother,Jan. 31st, 1856. The only subjects of conversation at the capital of Oregon are Gen'l. Wool, Palmer and the present Indian war. General Wool charges the whites with commencing the war for the purpose of plundering the treasury of the U.S., that the govts. of Oregon & Washington territories have called out volunteers unnecessarily, that the Oregonians barbarously murdered Peu-peu-mox-mox, the head chief of the Walla-Walla Indians. Every newspaper in these territories and the citizens generally denounce Gen'l. Wool and he in return calls the Oregonians little dogs barking at his heels. Gen'l. Wool has not condescended to visit the scene of hostilities, and the whole of the regular army under his command are now safely housed in their winter quarters at the military post, within the settlement, while the volunteers are occupying Walla Walla Valley, poorly clad and almost without tents and destitute of bread, upwards of 150 miles from the white settlements. He either has bad advisors or he is wholly ignorant of the tact, intelligence and deadly hostility of our enemy, or he is a great Indian sympathizer and wholly regardless of the interest of Oregon and Washington territories. I have resided in Southern Oregon in the midst of the Indians for the last five years, and since my arrival in Oregon I have frequently traveled from one end of the settlements to the other, so I have had a good opportunity to know the causes of the war, and the strength of our enemies. I would be the last man to aid and assist to prosecute an unjust war, but I have been from the commencement and am now actively engaged in this war. I verily believe that it is absolutely necessary it should be vigorously prosecuted to a successful termination. In Southern Oregon alone, upwards of [omission] our citizens were waylaid and barbarously murdered before the Oregonians organized a single company to chastise the Indians. A friend from Jackson Co. gave me a copy of a letter written by the Indian agent Ambrose to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs which I enclose to you. This letter was written only eight days before the commencement of the war, from which you can form some idea how an Indian war is commenced and you will see that the whites are not wholly to blame for our present difficulties. The most of the facts and circumstances detailed in this letter I know to be true, but I am of the opinion Limpy and George deceived the agent, and that they were hostile at the time his letter was written, for they refused to reside in the Indian reservation, and eight days later they joined the Scotons and Shastas in open hostilities against the whites. I am as much opposed to extermination of the red race as Gen'l. Palmer or Gen'l. Wool, but the war is now being waged by our enemy against friend and foe, against innocent men, women and children. These Indians must be taught the power of the Americans, and the utter folly for them to take up arms against us, and it is the imperative duty of Gen'l. Wool and every good citizen to aid and assist in doing it, and to close the war. The Legislative Assembly yesterday passed unanimously a joint memorial condemning Gen'l. Wool for his inactivity and for trying to destroy the credit of Oregon, and the memorial politely asks the President of the U.S. to remove him from the command of the Pacific Division. In every war in which we have ever been engaged, from the Revolutionary War to the present time, there has always been a party, a small, narrow, contracted, contemptible party, against each war, and Gen'l. Wool has always opposed the volunteer force, but I believe this is the first time he or any other commander has kept the regular army inactive and out of the Indian country during the winter in time of an Indian war. A timid woman would have done better, for she is always patriotic and for her country, right or wrong. It is also said that Gen'l. Palmer, the Supt. of Indian Affairs, has taken sides with Gen'l. Wool and our enemies, and the members of the Legislative Assembly have politely asked the President to remove him from office. How Gen'l. Palmer could report against the war I am at a loss to know, for the letter of Agent Ambrose was directed to him, and was doubtless in his possession when the war commenced, and he to my knowledge was present and advised Gov. Curry to call out 1000 volunteers to march up the Columbia River to the relief of our citizens in the vicinity of The Dalles, and before the volunteers left the Willamette Valley he subscribed $100 to assist [to] arm and equip the volunteers; he even advised his own son to join the Oregon volunteers, and seemed deeply to regret the insufficiency of the available transportation animals belonging to the volunteer command; yet I am credibly informed he has reported to Gen'l. Wool that the war was commenced by the citizens of Oregon, and that they consider the treasury as a legitimate subject of public plunder, and that Gen'l. Wool has reiterated the charge publicly again and again. We have a few vagabonds, not citizens, that are outlaws and refugees from justice, but probably in proportion to population there are as few here as there are in Washington City, the metropolis of the nation. The great body of resident citizens of Oregon are as true, honest and as law-abiding citizens as any in America, who are now engaged in the war, and who believe the war to be a great national calamity, and who look upon Gen'l. Wool and Gen'l. Palmer as base slanderers and calumniators of their good name. Did the Supt. expect to plunder the Treasury of the U.S. himself by advising a volunteer force to be called out, and by furnishing money to prosecute the war? Did he expect his own son to join the army and divide the plunder? Or did he do all this from a sense of duty, for the purpose of suppressing Indian hostilities, and to restore peace and happiness to his adopted country? If Gen'l. Palmer and Gen'l. Wool had been in the late battle of Walla Walla and seen with their own eyes the gallantry of the Oregon volunteers, we surely never should have heard of their traducing the good name of the Oregon volunteers. The truth is the good citizens of Oregon not only in this war, but in all our own Indian wars have risen en masse from a sense of justice, against the Indians for self-protection, without inquiring who should or would pay them, and they are truly unfortunate in having the commander of the U.S. forces taking sides with the enemy and refusing to prosecute the war. The sooner he is removed and the sooner the regular army takes the field the better for California, Oregon, Washington territories, and the better for the U.S. Treasury. I was present at the commencement of the Rogue River War in 1853, and not one, at the commencement, expected a dollar for his services, nor did they expect to ask for pay, until after the arrival of the U.S. officers who advised over 200 men that were then in the field bearing arms in defense of their own lives and property, to be mustered into U.S. service and apply for pay. Their whole and sole object was to protect the settlements and punish a treacherous, perfidious and common enemy to the white race. The Cayuse War was long before my arrival in the territory and before the U.S. had organized our territorial government, and a variety of opinions exist here as to the cause of that war. Some contend the Indians killed Dr. Whitman & his whole family because he was unsuccessful as a physician among them, others that it was caused by undue influence of the Catholic missionaries and their deadly hostility to the Protestant religion, while the great body of the old settlers believe the war was caused by the great emigration across the plains to Oregon and by the officers and servants of the Hudson's Bay Co. teaching the Indians that the Americans were intruders upon the rights of the English and Indians, that the Americans would occupy their lands without remunerating them for the homes of their fathers, the Indians thus foreseeing the natural encroachments of the white determined to meet the crisis and decide their fate by the force of arms. Our government did wrongly to encourage our citizens to emigrate to Oregon before purchasing the land of the natives. But this was done as far back as 1842 not for the purpose of doing injustice to the Indians but to extinguish the pretended claim of England to Oregon. England, at the same time, was alive to her interests, and was giving her citizens great encouragement to settle and occupy the same country, and at the time of the first American emigration across the plains to Oregon there was a large Hudson's Bay settlement on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Soon after our emigrants arrived here, there was a great rivalry between the English and Americans. The Cayuse War served to increase the natural antipathy of the Oregonians against the Hudson's Bay Co. and against the Indians. Dr. Whitman, a pious American Protestant missionary, his wife and children and a large party of emigrants camped at his house were barbarously murdered, without cause or provocation. He had done more to Christianize and civilize the Indians than any other man in Oregon. He had taught them to plant, cultivate, reap and use corn, wheat and potatoes, which the Indians continued to raise in abundance up to the time of the commencement of the present war. He had taught some of them to read and write and several, from the fruits of his labor, are now better writers than I am. He and Mr. Spalding had translated the New Testament into the Nez Perce language, and many can read it to this day. In truth and in fact Dr. Whitman was one of the best of missionaries and the "poor Indians'" best friend and greatest benefactor; yet he was the first white man that fell a victim to their treachery and barbarity. The emigrant men shared the same fate, but some of the women were taken prisoners and forced to become the unwilling wives of their bloodthirsty captors. The facts stand out in bold relief; the emigrants were not to blame; Dr. Whitman and his family were not to blame, yet the Americans had war, the English had peace, and notwithstanding the American settlements were very weak and needed assistance the Hudson's Bay Co. was then opposed to the war, like Gen'l. Wool is now, and this powerful company then refused to assist the Oregonians and to prosecute the war. Gen. Wool has reported to the Secty. of War again and again that the regular army under his command was wholly inadequate to protect the settlements, yet he has always reported against the volunteers. He reported long ago that the company called out by orders of Gov. Davis in 1854, was unnecessary, and that it was done for speculation. Yet the same time he urges the department to send more forces to the Pacific, and beautifully describes his district as extensive and "an empire within itself"; but now in the midst of the most destructive war that has ever scourged Oregon he says there are plenty of regulars, no war, no necessity for his command to leave their good comfortable houses and take the field. It is true the enemy has not recently done any great damage, and they have been driven beyond the settlements by the volunteers, but unless they are pursued and whipped they will return to the frontier settlements, and again massacre whole families. Gen'l. Palmer's & Wool's opposition will tend to prolong the war, increase the high prices, and present the speedy settlement and payment of the expenses of the war, but notwithstanding all this, the legislatures of Oregon and Washington have both determined to continue to bark like dogs at the heels of Wool, and vigorously prosecute the war to a successful termination. Washington is sparsely populated but Oregon has wealth, resources, [and a] vigorous, hardy and large population. She has the very best material in America to prosecute an Indian war successfully. Civilization has always trampled over savage barbarity. So, in this instance, notwithstanding Wool's and Palmer's opposition, and notwithstanding at present the plow has to be abandoned for the rifle and gloom and lowering clouds hang over the future destiny of Washington and Oregon, yet finally the savages will be compelled to sue for peace and the clouds of darkness will disappear and peace and happiness will be restored to the Pacific Coast. In relation to Peu-peu-mox-mox, I wrote for the full particulars of his death on the 25th of last month. At the time he was killed I was untying a rope to tie him with to prevent him from making his escape. I saw it all with my own eyes, and I was within three ft. of him when he breathed his last. He certainly was not murdered but was killed by one of the guard while he was trying to take the gun of the other. According to the most rigid rules of civilized warfare, the guard was not to blame. Officers and soldiers have frequently been complimented for killing prisoners under similar circumstances. Doubtless it was the intention of Peu-peu-mox-mox and his comrades to get the guns of the guard and then make their escape. Even Gen. Wool himself commends Major Haller and his men for killing an Indian prisoner at Fort Boise in 1854 trying to make his escape from the regulars of the U.S. Army. The acts of the regulars, in the estimation of Gen'l. Wool, deserve commendation, but the same act performed by volunteers only twelve months afterwards is severely and bitterly condemned as murder in the first degree. Peu-peu-mox-mox was a rich, proud, haughty, cunning, treacherous, bitter and dangerous enemy and those who think the whites are wholly responsible for this war and that Indians can do no wrong may truly sympathize with the Indians and deeply regret his death. To those who prefer Negroes and Indians to whites, and a vast, howling wilderness inhabited only by coyotes, wolves, panthers and living beings in human shape more savage still, to beautiful cultivated fields, and large, flourishing commercial cities inhabited by intelligent, civilized man, have great cause to grieve over the loss of Peu-peu-mox-mox. But if the cultivation of the soil, and the cultivation of the arts and sciences, be the will of the maker of the heavens and earth, it may be just cause for the Oregonians to rejoice that this daring chief and champion of the savages attempted to escape and drew down destruction upon his own head. As for scalping and cutting of Peu-peu-mox-mox' ears, this is a relic of barbarism which the Americans learned from the savages, and the practice is very common among the whites and Indians. I have no taste for such barbarity. The whites sometimes scalp the Indians before they are scarcely dead, and the Indians scalp all who fall into their hands. There are a few whites back in the volunteer and regular army who pride themselves upon showing such worthless trophies. The only excuse is offered is the Indians would scalp you, and the Indian will never bury, burn or touch an Indian that has his hair mutilated. If an Indian is killed and not scalped and the Indians get a chance they will remove the body as quick as a white man would, but if he is scalped you can always find the body afterward. The Indians are superstitious and will not touch the mutilated dead body. I have just brought from the First Regiment of volunteers on the Columbia River an express to the Gov. of Oregon. I came the whole route with only one man with me. Since my arrival in Oregon my life has frequently been exposed, and the road before me is beset by hostile bands of roving reckless savages, yet I am not afraid to go wherever duty calls me, regardless of consequences. B.
Library MSS P-A 25The following is copied from the Yreka Union of Feb. 2. Captain Abel George is now in town, getting recruits for the mounted volunteer service in Southern Oregon. Capt. George is acting under the authority of the enrolling officer at Jacksonville, W. G. T'Vault, Esq., and in accordance with the General Order No. 25 of the Governor of Oregon, which orders the enrolling of three new companies for the above service, each consisting of one captain, one 1st lieutenant, one 2nd do., four sergeants, four corporals and sixty privates. These companies will be joined to the regiment upon being reported to the colonel or commanding officer, and when the respective muster rolls are transmitted to the adjutant general's office, they will be mustered into service. The Captain furnishes us with the following intelligence from the seat of war. He says on the evening of the 26th ult. Major Bruce attacked with eighteen men a body of about forty Indians on one of the tributaries of the Applegate--the number of Indians being greater than was anticipated, the men were instantly surrounded, whereupon they were compelled to secrete themselves in a thicket nearby. It appears that Lieut. Armstrong, with a body of volunteers upon a point adjacent, meditated an attack upon the same Indians early Monday morning. Each company was ignorant of the proximity of the other: Upon Armstrong's first assault, he was repulsed. The second charge proved more successful--the Indians were routed, two squaws taken prisoners and their rancheria destroyed. From the prisoners it was ascertained that seven Indians were killed, number wounded not known. Smiley Cash, private in Alcorn's company, was killed. The loss of the whites in property was estimated at $2,500, consisting of sixteen mules and horses, saddles, blankets &c. "From Oregon," Jamestown Journal, Jamestown, New York, March 21, 1856, page 2. Also printed in the Daily Alta California, San Francisco, February 10, 1856, page 3 and the San Joaquin Republican, Stockton, California, February 13, 1856, page 2 From Oregon.
of the Hornellsville
I have been so preoccupied with the cares of a family, providing defense and protection against hostile Indians in this vicinity, that until this moment I could get no time to give you an account of the state of things as they exist in this Territory at the present time. I presume anything connected with the present war in Oregon will be read with interest. INDIAN
In August
1853, a treaty of peace
was concluded between the Rogue River Indians and the people of Oregon
(or the United States) in which it was stipulated that the Indians
should cede to the United States all the lands lying on the waters of
Rogue River, with the exception of a tract some 30 miles square in the
vicinity of Table Rock, respect the laws of the United States
The consideration was $75,000, to be paid in yearly installments. The
Chief Sam, with a part of his tribe, still remain peaceable on the
river or at Ft. Lane, in Jackson County. Inhabiting the lower Rogue
River country is several small bands numbering some 240 men besides
women and children, occupying the mountains between the Klamath and
Umpqua rivers, on the north and south and east and west. The Indians
along the coast number some 2,000. The Cow Creek band and the Umpquas
number near 100 warriors. Numbers of each of these bands, with the
dissolute, lazy and reckless from other tribes, north and south, and
many who have lived with the whites and are called pet
Indians, have united, and altogether compose a very formidable array.
They are armed with rifles and pistols (Colt's revolvers) and are
better shots than the whites.There seems to have been a general understanding between these merciless land pirates, and the Indians of Washington Territory and the Upper Columbia. Oct. 13th, 15th, the Indians attacked the settlement on Cow Creek and burned some 20 houses, besides outbuildings and thousands of bushels of grain; in fact, but two houses were left in the distance of nine miles, and they were riddled with bullets. A Mr. Harris was killed, and a Mrs. Wagoner is missing, also a Mrs. Haines and daughter supposed to be in possession of the Indians. On receipt of this intelligence Gov. Curry issued a proclamation calling for mounted volunteers, which was promptly responded to, and two battalions (nine companies) were organized t operate in the southern division of the Territory. One thousand mounted volunteers were ordered to the Upper Columbia, to form a junction with the forces of Gov. Stevens, of Washington Territory. About the 15th of October, a company of hog drovers were proceeding along the great military road from Scottsburg to Jacksonville, and on ascending the Grave Creek Hills were attacked by superior numbers, and a man by the name of Holland Bailey was shot dead in the road. A running fight of three miles ensued, until the whites found shelter in a log house. A few days afterwards the Indians were discovered in force, and Maj. Martin's battalion (300), with a company of regulars under Col. Ross, marched to the attack. The Indians had chosen a position on a high mountain and were in two ravines, separated by a narrow ridge. The volunteers rushed recklessly into the angle of their position, when a crossfire was opened on them, telling with deadly effect. At night the troops withdrew from the field with a loss of 15 killed and 20 wounded. It was a perfect failure. The next morning the Indians attacked them in their camp, but were repulsed by a short contest. A general retreat was ordered and the Indians remained in undisputed possession of the mountains. In consequence of this shameful mismanagement on the part of the officers, the citizens were subjected to the necessity of fortifying their houses and depending on themselves for protection. Farming and mining operations are almost entirely suspended, and no one is safe a moment outside of a fortification. Wednesday, November 21st, the forces in the field took up the line of march from headquarters, at Vannoy's ferry on Rogue River, for the Big Meadows 50 miles below Capt. Judah, of the U.S. service, Capt. Rice and Wilkinson of Maj. Bruce's battalion, and Maj. Martin with his battalion arrived at the Meadows on the 26th and began the construction of a raft, when the crack of a rifle from the brush on the opposite side instantaneously set 286 men flying in as many directions for shelter behind trees and rocks. A firing was kept up till dark, and the next morning another shameful retreat was ordered, and 432 men were in full flight from half their number of Indians. One man in Capt. Rice's company had his left arm broken, and three men in Capt. Williams' company were wounded, one by the name of Wm. M. Louis so badly he died. Thus the just expectations of the citizens have been disappointed, and the brand of cowardice stamped upon the officers of the expedition. November 30th, a man by the name of Yell was shot at by some Cow Creek Indians in the vicinity of this place. Intelligence was communicated to Capt. S. Gordon of Co. D. that the Indians were within five miles of his camp. The gallant Capt. got on their trail after having accomplished a ten-mile march (five miles the wrong way and then back) in the short space of thirty-eight or forty hours--quick time for mounted volunteers truly. But in the meantime fourteen citizens had followed the Indians (twenty-five in number) thirty miles on foot, and surprised them in their camp on the Olilly Creek and routed them completely, capturing twenty-three horses and all their camp equipage, killing several Indians and having but one man wounded, leaving the aforesaid gallant Capt. to yelp on a cold trail. This last is the only action up to this date, Dec. 1st, in which the Indians have not been victorious. Jan. 10th, by express from Jacksonville, we learn that 40 Indians in a log house were attacked by 150 whites with a piece of artillery (on Applegate Creek) when the Indians rushed out, broke the line, killed four and wounded five, and escaped without the loss of a man. All the hostile Indians in Southern Oregon may number 350 or 400. They are not so much an alliance of bands as a combination of individuals from every locality, have been always and everywhere exhibiting the most implacable hatred to the whites, and who, to gratify a passion for blood and plunder, have constantly sought to involve the races in war. This region has been chosen for their operations because it contains the most inaccessible mountain fastnesses and afford the most complete shelter and the best advantages for their peculiar mode of warfare. There must be an extermination of the Indians who compose this war party, or there can be no security for life or property in this country. The quartermaster's and commissary stores are obtained on a credit at great prices, and it is a fair estimate to say that every Indian killed in this war will cost the United States government $6,000. We may add to this another item. In times of peace and quiet $175,000 per month in gold dust passes through Crescent City. New mining is suspended, trade has fallen to one-third of the usual amount, and should the war end today, the country will not recover from its effects in three years to come. But little grain has been sowed his fall, and the price of breadstuffs has an upward tendency. The weather has been cold, snow 10 inches deep, grass scarce, beef poor-whiskey $1.50 a bottle and bad at that. I have sent my wife and her sister to the Willamette Valley, to get them out of the way of these Indians, and I am keeping bachelor's hall. To give you some idea of the uneasiness to which we are subjected, I will say that while writing this I have been to my door some half dozen times to look out for Indians. Sunday has disappeared from the days of the week, and soldiers are riding in all directions. I have not heard of a religious meeting in three months, and a Rev. Mr. Miller said he had come to the conclusion that an Indian had no soul worth saving anyhow. In
great haste.
Isaac A. Flint. South
Oregon, Feb. 3rd, 1856.
temporary release from pressing
duties enables me to drop you a line from the seat of war in this
territory. As an old Oregonian I confess I am ashamed to state even the
truth. But as "murder will come out," so also will truth, sooner or
later. The aspect of affairs at this moment is truly discouraging. The
interests, hopes, expectations and general safety and protection of the
citizens of Southern Oregon were entrusted to two battalions of mounted
volunteers, and a company of regulars stationed at Ft. Lane in Jackson
County So strong a mounted corps (900) was expected to make a "perfect
smash" of the Indians in this quarter, but four months has elapsed and
the "critical period of the war" has just arrived. The whites were
completely defeated in the first general engagement (the battle of
Hungry Hill) and subsequently at the great meadows on Lower Rogue
River. Nothing like a general action has occurred since that
disgraceful retreat. Some little marching and countermarching of the
officers (principally to the grog shops and back again), until some
eight days since, when the Lieut. Col. Martin concentrated his
battalion at the falls of this (Cow Creek) on receiving intelligence
that an eight-gallon keg of monongahela had duly arrived. Four
companies, Chapman's, Buoy's, Bailey's and Gordon's, headed by their
respective officers, instantly charged, on the run, and the
unfortunate monongahela
literally swallowed alive. A drunken spree of a day and night followed,
and the next day eighty picked men proceeded in quest of Indians. After
a march of some 20 miles Capt. Chapman and Gordon, with their commands,
on arriving in the neighborhood of the redskins suddenly recollected
they had but four days' rations and no whiskey. So they took the
backtrack, leaving Capt. Bailey and his command to stand it alone. In
the evening as the command, 67 men, were in camp, one man bantered the
crowd for a wrestle. A ring was soon formed, and while they were
scuffling before a large fire they had just replenished in order to see
the fun--the fun commenced
in earnest. A
party of five Indians watching their movements could not forgo the
opportunity of learning them a small lesson, and so just pitched a few
bullets right into the crowd,
killing a dog--one man (of the two who were
wrestling), mortally wounding one more, and another severely.On leaving their camp in the morning the five Indians took instant possession, dancing, yelling and firing their pistols in derision. The company is now discharged. In short, the conduct of the officers in this battalion has been so cowardly and disgraceful that the Governor has issued a proclamation authorizing the discharge of all who want to quit the service. The soldiers feel themselves disgraced by their officers and have no confidence in them. There is now no available force in the field, and the citizens of Douglas County are exposed to attacks from all points and at all times, day and night. Last Thursday, January 31st, the Indians (supposed about 30) made a descent upon an old man by the name of Russel, two miles from where I am now writing, killed two of his oxen and some cows, steers &c. and drove off his pony and a few cattle. They fired several shots at him, but he gave good leg-bail and escaped. One bullet hit his rifle, glanced off and fell into his hand without injury. He has it in his possession yet. Col. Williams in Jackson County is about the only officer in the southern division who appears to be worthy of the trust reposed in him. In the northern department things here have been managed better, and the credit of the volunteers has been sustained. Yours,
Weekly Tribune, New York, April 24, 1856, page 2Isaac A. Flint Deer
Creek, Feb. 1856.
Editor Statesman--About
two weeks ago Dr. Ambrose Ambrose sent two Indians of Sam's band to the
Meadows, to learn the fate of the prisoners. Their report is that Mrs.
Wagoner was killed in the house, Mrs. Haines and child were made
prisoners; the former died within two weeks subsequent to their
capture; they kept the latter for some two months but upon hearing of
the capture and murder of two squaws by the whites, they subjected the
child to massacre, also a half breed. The force at the Meadows has been
reinforced by 300 Klamaths, making the present force at the Meadows
650. They are well fortified and are ready to fight. They have lost 18
warriors, 6 at Hungry Hill, 9 at Wagoner's ranch, and 3 at Jumpoff Joe.
They are willing to make a treaty, but it must be upon their own terms. Some 17 mules, with sundry pack saddles and packing fixtures, have been found dead near the Crescent City trail, at the foot of the mountain post at Mooney's ranch. Supposition is that the packers were all killed, as no further information can be obtained of any of them. This was doubtless the work of Old John's band of the Applegate tribe. They number about fifty warriors, and have constantly committed depredations in the vicinity of Applegate Creek and Clover Valley since the war commenced. In a few days as large a force will be ready for action as has lately been mustered out of service. "Douglas," in "Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman," Oregon Statesman, Salem, February 26, 1856, page 2 THE WAR IN THE INTERIOR.--We have not a word of news from the seat of war. The Jacksonville Sentinel, of the 19th ult., says: "It is reported that a force of regular troops, sufficient for the purposes of the war, is expected at Fort Lane within a very short time. We hope it will prove true." Later.--Mr. Baldridge arrived from the interior yesterday and furnished us just before going to press with the Sentinel of the 26th ult. It says: "We learn that Capt. Bailey and Capt. Buoy, with their companies, trailing Indians in the Cow Creek Mountains, came upon a force so large and so well posted that it was found necessary to send for more men. "The old volunteer companies have been disbanded. New companies have been disbanded. New companies are being formed, but recruit slowly. Another movement towards the 'Big Meadows' is contemplated." The Latest.--It was reported late last evening that Mr. Winslow, the expressman from Gold Beach, had been shot at by the Indians above Chetco on his way hither. Another report states that the volunteers on Cow Creek have been defeated by the Indians. Crescent City Herald, February 6, 1856, page 2 Territory
of Oregon
Headquarters 2nd Regt. O.M.V. Roseburg Feb. 3rd 1856 Adjt. General Sir in compliance with your directions allow me to transmit this to you as my monthly report covering Jany. 3rd ending February 3rd 1856. I left for Captain Bailey's camp near the head of Coquille River, Coos County, Jany. 3rd in pursuit of a band of Indians reported to be in that section of the country. Sent out Jas. Barnes with ten men to the west fork of Cow Creek, found five feet of snow on the mountains and could not reach it. Mr. Barnes was confident that there was Indians on Big Bend, Cow Creek. Sent him out with his men; he arrived at the above-mentioned place early in the morning but owing to a dense fog was unable to see Indians or their houses, but found plenty fresh [sign] of Indians & horses Friday not deeming it safe to remain longer returned to camp and reported. On receipt of the above I ordered out detachments of twenty men from companies B., D., I. and fifteen from company A. numbering seventy-five men under the command of Capt. Bailey to concentrate at Fort Gordon. The company marched from there in the night, arrived at Moolah [Chinook for "mill"] Creek before daylight and camped. Sent out scouting parties to the bend and the divide between camp and Cow Creek. The last mentioned returned reporting to have heard the report of seven guns in the direction of Cow Creek. Next night the other scouts returned reporting the Indians to have left. Marched that night to Cow Creek two miles above the Indian rancheria and camped. Next morning went to the rancheria, found twelve large houses sufficiently large to contain one hundred Indians and found their trail leading in the direction of the Meadows on Rogue River. Followed the trail some twelve miles over the divide between Cow Creek and Rogue River. Remained in camp two days. Detachment of Co. B. & I. returned to Fort Gordon leading Co. A. & B. At the camp on the night of Jany. 23rd they was fired into by the Indians, killing two and wounding one. Our men held their ground and slept on their arms that night. Next morning the Indians was seen on the mountains and [I] judged from their actions that they was trying to draw us into a canyon. Not knowing the number of Indians which might be concealed and not having sufficient forces to send out the wounded and attack the enemy, Capt. Bailey concluded to make his retreat to Fort Gordon. It is reported to me that the men acted with great courage and presence of mind, returning their fire by the blue [smoke] of the Indians' guns. I have kept open communication between this point and Rogue River as much as in my power under the present state of affairs. General Order No. 22 discharging all volunteers has crippled me in my movements very much and I am compelled to keep what disposable forces I have to protect the govt. stores at the several different stations. I am expecting to have another company in the field in a few days then I think I can manage to keep the Indians out of the valley until forces can be raised sufficient to follow them into the mountains. There is about one hundred and twenty-five men in service at this time. The Indians have shot at several men in the upper portion of the valley and robbed one house & killed a number of cattle. Something must be done soon or we are gone to the races. I have urged upon the captains of the different companies the necessity of sending in their reports. It appears that in the grand confusion that they have not been able to do it. Respectfully
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 3, Document 680.Your obt. servant W. J. Martin Lt. Col. Commanding Right Column 2nd Regt. O.M.V. Per A. J. Kane Adjt. We the undersigned citizens of Douglas and Umpqua Cos., Territory of Oregon, would represent to your honor Geo. L. Curry, Governor of Oregon, that we deem it necessary from the present state of Indian hostility in our immediate vicinity that the force now in the field is not adequate to protect the lives and property of our citizens. We therefore pray that you authorize the raising of two companies of mounted rangers to consist of from 50 to 100 hundred [sic] men each. Our citizens are having to leave their homes; our stock is being shot daily and if we cannot get relief sanctioned by your excellency we will be compelled to raise independent companies and defend ourselves. Feb.
8th 1856
To his excellenceFebruary 8th 1856. Gov. G. L. Curry In the discharge of my official duties it becomes incumbent upon me to prefer charges against Col. R. L. Williamson 2nd Regt. O.M.V. which upon examination you will find to be correct. Since he has had command of the forces, the interests of the country have greatly suffered in consequence of inactivity of the troops and their being scattered and dispersed over a large scope of country, without the slightest exertion upon his part to endeavor to collect them together, or adopt any plan for a successful prosecution of the war, to the great injury of this portion of Oregon. The interest of the country and the reputation of the volunteers alike require an investigation. The order informing the captains to fill up their companies was received by him before many of the men had received their discharge, and retained in his possession until those men were discharged and dispersed to the mines or their homes, and many of them to Yreka. It was done as I believe, and I have no doubt, to prevent the filling up of companies, thereby breaking up some companies in order to get capts. more subservient to his wishes. Again while in pursuit of the Indians on Applegate with Capt. Rice's company, a requisition was made for rations in order to enable us to continue the pursuit, which was refused, and Capt. Rice ordered to headquarters from under my command without my knowledge; in fact, no orders have been issued to me, nor have I had any assurance that I would be permitted to have either men or supplies to accomplish anything after it had been begun. I learn from Col. T'Vault that no official reports have reached your office from this regiment. The captains of companies have reported regularly to the Col. Very
Gov. Geo. L. CurryYour obt. servt. James Bruce Major 2nd Regt. O.M.V. Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 649. To His Excellency George L. Curry Whereas a company has been formed in Douglas County, O.T. for the purpose of protecting themselves against the depredations of the savages to be called out in case of actual invasion, and whereas said company was organized at Myrtle Creek by the election of Thomas Whitted, captain, and James F. Gazley, first lieutenant and Wm. Hawkins second lieutenant. Therefore we would most respectfully pray that your excellency would allow the usual pay to said company and when engaged in actual service as is allowed to volunteers and should your excellency deem it improper to allow said compensation that we should at least have the privilege of drawing on the commissary for supplies and ammunition while so engaged. We would respectfully represent that the names hereunto annexed are citizens of the Umpqua Valley and that the present organization is absolutely imperative as the Indians are committing daily depredations on our persons and property being mostly heads of families it is impossible for us to join a force of volunteers as it is imperatively necessary that those families should be protected. Myrtle
February 9th 1856 Names
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder 29/19
Benton County O.T. Feb. 11th / 56
Brother & SisterI take my pen in hand to let you know how we are getting along. I have waited a long time for a letter from you and received none yet, and as I have had some loss of family [illegible] myself to inform you of it. [illegible] daughter born Dec. the 8th. She lived two months and two days, when she was called to pay the same debt that we all have to pay sooner or later. May our heavenly Father give us that grace which will enable us to prepare for that meeting where parting will be no more. I have lost three dear little children, and I believe that they are at rest in heaven with all the bright angels above. And I am determined through grace divine to meet them again where there will be no more parting, no more pain, no more sorrow or disappointment, but where all shall join in strains divine to sing a Savior's love. I hope you will endeavor to meet us there in that bright and happy place prepared for all those who walk in the fear [of] God who keep his commandments and practice his precepts. Give my love to all the friends. Tell Father to write to me and for any wrong forgive. I long to hear from you all. Write all the news; tell me where and what all the family are doing. Business is quite dull at present. Great excitement here on account of the Indians in Rogue River Valley. There has been volunteers out there all winter and now there is a call for five companies more. Feb. 14th. Today a part of a company was mustered into service in this place; they expect to march toward the seat of war on tomorrow morning. It may seem quite strange to those in the States when they learn how things are at present in Oregon and how war matters have been managed. It is even strange to me to think, as report says, that the commanding officers are making speculation of the whole matter at the expense of the general government and the lives of good citizens. Strange as it may seem, it is said to be true. One officer says that if the war ends in less than six months he (said officer) is a broke man. The time of service of those that have been there during the winter is about out, and I think there is a new breed of dogs on the track now. I hope the war may close soon. Horses, mules, oxen and wagons are in good demand. Also oats and clothing. Wheat is worth one dollar per bushel, flour $2.50 per hundred, potatoes hard to get at one dollar now on account of the freeze which we had here. It lasted about 9 days. Except that time we have had a very pleasant winter. Some sickness scattered about through the country; bad colds have been common this winter. I fear that consumption will prevail here to a great extent. Society does not advance much; the population of this country is too fluctuating for society to improve fast. Write what you think of doing. Let me say there is little or no inducement for immigration to Oregon now. Give our best respects to all the friends. No more but remain yours truly. R.
P. Rayburn
To R. & Sophronia RayburnMss 1500, folder 5/4, Oregon Historical Society Research Library Headquarters
Dept. of the Pacific
To hisBenicia California 12th February 1856. Excellence Isaac I. Stevens Governor of Washington Territory Sir: I received your communication of the 23rd of December and 29th January 1856 on the 6th instant, but too late to reply to it by the return steamer. For the information which it imparts you have my thanks. When you know my instructions to Colonel Wright of the 9th Infantry at Vancouver, you will discover that many of your suggestions have been anticipated. In presenting, however, your plan of the campaign, which is a very extended one, you should have recollected that I have neither the resources of a Territory, nor the Treasury of the United States at my command. Still you may be assured that the war against the Indians will be prosecuted with all the vigor, promptness and efficiency I am master of, at the same time without wasting unnecessarily the means and resources at my disposal by untimely and unproductive expeditions. With the additional force which recently arrived at Vancouver and at the Dalles, I think I shall be able to bring the war to a close in a few months, provided the extermination of the Indians, which I do not approve of, is not determined on, and private war prevented, and the volunteers withdrawn from the Walla Walla country. Whilst I was in Oregon it was reported to me that many citizens, with a due proportion of volunteers and two newspapers, advocated the extermination of the Indians. This principle has been voted on in several instances, without discriminating between enemies and friends, which has been the cause in Southern Oregon of sacrificing many innocent and worthy citizens. As in the case of Major Lupton and his party of (volunteers) [sic] who killed twenty-five Indians, eighteen of whom were women and children. These were friendly Indians on their way to the Indian reservation, where they expected protection from the whites. This barbarous act is the cause of the present contest in the Rogue River country and, as Captain Judah U.S.A. reports, as retaliatory of the conduct of Major Lupton. By the same mail which brought me your communication, I received one, now before me, from a person who I think incapable of misrepresentation, which informs me that the friendly Cayuses are every day menaced with death by Governor Curry's volunteers. The writer says they have despoiled these Indians--who have so nobly followed the advice of Palmer to remain faithful friends to the Americans--of their provisions. Today he says these same volunteers without discipline and without orders are not yet satisfied with rapine and injustice, and wish to take away the small remnant of animals and provisions left. Every day they run off the horses and cattle of the friendly Indians. These have been indignant and will not be much longer restrained from resisting conduct so unworthy of the whites, who have made them so many promises to respect and protect them if they remained faithful friends. The writer further says if the volunteers are not arrested in their brigand actions the Indians will save themselves by flying to the homes of their relations, the Nez Perces, who have promised them help, and then all the Indians of Oregon and Washington would join in the common defense. This information is in a great measure confirmed by a person who I am assured enjoys your respect and confidence. I need not say, although I had previously instructed Colonel Wright to take possession of the Walla Walla country at the earliest moment practicable, that I directed him to give protection as soon as he could to the friendly Cayuses from the depredations of the volunteers. It is such conduct as here complained of that irritated and greatly increased the ranks of the hostile tribes, and if the Nez Perces join in the war against us, which I hope to prevent, we shall require a much larger force than we now have in Washington and Oregon Territories to resist savage barbarities and to protect the whites. I have recently sent to Puget Sound two companies of the 9th Infantry. These with the three companies there will give a force of nearly or quite four hundred regulars, commanded by Lieut. Colonel Casey. This force, with several ships of war in the Sound, to which will be added in a few days the United States steamer Massachusetts, it seems to me, if rightly directed, ought to be sufficient to bring to terms two hundred Indian warriors. Captain Keyes in his last report received says there are not quite two hundred in arms in that region. Lieut. Colonel Casey has been directed to prosecute the war with the greatest vigilance and activity. The gallant Captain Swartout, who goes in the Massachusetts, commander in chief of the naval forces in the sound, will, I am assured, zealously, efficiently, and I trust successfully cooperate with Colonel Casey to bring the war to a close. In regard to the operations east of the Cascade Mountains, if Governor Curry's volunteers have not driven the friendly Cayuses and the Nez Perces into the ranks of the hostile tribes, and they should be withdrawn from the Walla Walla country, I have great hopes that I shall be able to bring the Indians in that region to terms, notwithstanding the volunteers killed the chief Peu-peu-mox-mox, scalped him, cut off his ears and hands, as reported by the volunteers, and sent them to their friends in Oregon. All this, too, after he met them under a flag of truce, declaring he "was for peace, that he did not wish to fight, that his people did not wish to fight," and that if any of his young men had done wrong he would make restitution. While he at the same time offered the volunteers cattle for food. Such conduct may have caused feelings difficult to overcome. I trust, however, I will be able to do it. As soon as the war is terminated east of the Cascade Mountains, I will be able to send all my disposable forces against the Indians on Rogue River and Puget Sound. It is, however, due to truth to say that at no time were volunteers required, or in any sense of the term necessary, for the defense of the inhabitants of Oregon from the depredations or barbarities of Indians occupying the country east of the Cascade Mountains. Nor was there any circumstance to justify Governor Curry in sending his troops from Oregon to Washington Territory to make war on the Walla Wallas, from whom the Oregonians had no danger whatever to apprehend. On this subject, I would refer you to the report of the Secretary of War, dated the 3rd of December, relating to the affairs of the army, in which he says, "The Department at this distance, and ii the absence of more definite information, especially in regard to the extent of the combination among the hostile tribes, cannot judge that volunteer reinforcements to the regular troops may be necessary. This is a matter which must be necessarily left to the military commander in the Department of the Pacific." At the conclusion of your communication you say, "It is due to frankness that I should state that I have determined to submit to the Department the course taken by the military authorities in disbanding the troops raised in the Territory of Washington for my relief. No effort was made, although the facts were presented both to Major General Wool and Major Rains, to send me assistance. The regular troops were all withdrawn into garrison, and I was left to make my way the best I could, through tribes known to be hostile. It remains to be seen whether the commissioner selected by the President to make treaties with Indians in the interior of the continent is to be ignored, and his safety left to chance." In your "frankness" and determination to represent me to the Department, I trust you will be governed by truth, and truth only. Perhaps it is equally due to frankness on my part to say that your communication is the first that I have received in relation to yourself, or on any subject whatever touching the Indian war, from any civil functionary either in Washington or Oregon Territories; and I have received but one from the military, and that was from Colonel Nesmith, who requested me to furnish him with two howitzers, which I refused. I have only to add that I disbanded no troops raised for your relief, and your communication gave me the first intelligence that any were raised for such a purpose. I
am very
LibraryYour obedient servant John E. Wool Major General The War South.
The following letters to the Times
are lengthy, but of striking interest:
Feb. 12th, 1856.
Waterman: Through the columns of the [Portland Weekly] Times, I
desire, briefly, to investigate the war south. We have an area of
country, north and south, of three hundred miles--east and west, five
hundred--in which we find Indians in arms against us. The country in
which the Indians choose to fight is exceedingly mountainous, and
almost opposes access to a white man. In this mountainous country,
however, there are many valleys that are productive and are generally
settled by an industrious people. They have accumulated herds of stock,
and in fact their wealth entirely consists of animals.On or about the 1st of October last, we found ourselves south participating in an Indian war. Families were massacred, from the aged grandmother to the newly born babe. Wives and mothers are captured and taken into the recesses of the mountains to meet and contend with such treatment as the rude mercy of an enraged savage would bestow upon them--and the fact has been recently established beyond cavil that the unfortunate prisoners Mrs. Wagoner and child and Mrs. Haines are yet alive and with them! In the beginning, I admit the forces [Indian] to contend against were not large, but the advantages they held of country, and the citizens being dispersed so remote from the assistance of each other, rendered it impossible to defend their lives and property--hence depredations of no comparative character ensued. The condition of the South is more to be deplored at the present than it has been heretofore--for while our forces have been disbanded, our foe has increased, and it is the universal opinion south that the number of Indians to contend with now are five times greater than they were on the 1st of October. It will require I believe a force of no less than two thousand strong to subdue the southern Indians--and they will do well if they effect it in twelve months from this time. Force is required, wanted and expected. The greatest force ordered into the field will be found inadequate to prosecute anything like an active campaign. Edgar
A. Stone.
On the
above letter the Times
of the 19th remarks as follows:We learn that the volunteers have all left the field south--that there are about 200 regulars at Fort Lane, commanded by Capts. Judah and Smith. The Kanyon is blocked up, and government stores in large quantities are now lying on this side of the entrance. The number of persons known to have been killed by the Indians at the south, since the breaking out of hostilities, amounts to 128! Eighty-odd buildings have been burned, thousands of stock has been killed and driven off, and an immense amount of other property destroyed and stolen by the Indians! Matters are represented as being gloomy in the extreme at the south--and yet Gen. Wool would represent that there is no war! No cause for alarm! That the people of Oregon have got up a pretended war to make money out of! Shame on such unmanly statements--they are unbecoming any man who wears the human form. The Times of March 1st contains the following letter from the same party who gives the above particulars, giving eight days later news from the South: Roseburg,
Feb. 20,
Waterman:--I avail the present
hasty moment
to inform you that through the agency of Dr. Ambrose (Indian agent) two
of Sam's tribe were sent to the Meadows for the purpose of ascertaining
the probable fate of the unfortunate women who were taken prisoners;
they have returned, and report that Mrs. Wagoner was killed at her
residence. The Indians carried away her child, five years old. Mrs.
Haines and child they kept some two weeks, and they died. They seemed
desirous of keeping Mrs. Wagoner's child, but upon learning that the
soldiers had taken two squaws, they massacred the child, also a
half-breed of their own. Such is the certain fate of those mothers and
children for whom so much anxiety has been entertained.There are 650 Indians at the Meadows, the original party having been reinforced by 300 Klamaths. They are well fortified, having constructed walls and barricades of heavy timber and stones. They are ready to fight and seem to desire the combat. They say they will treat only upon terms of their own dictation. What they are I don't know, and, as one man, don't care. I am opposed to a treaty, for I consider if, under the circumstances,we condescend to treat with the devils, after they have spilt the blood of mothers and infants so savagely, Oregon would ever have to blush for the bravery of her citizens, but I apprehend no fears upon that point. A Mr. Turner reports 17 pack mules lying dead near Mooney's Mountain, together with sundry packing fixtures. The supposition is that the entire party was killed, as no further information has been obtained relative to the catastrophe. The Indians report the loss of seventeen men killed--though I know they have sustained a far greater loss than that. Their report is six at Wagoner's, eight at Hungry Hill, and three at Jumpoff Joe. I can count more than that myself. There will soon be as many forces in the field--ready for active service--as were lately abandoned. Through the good management and industry of Quartermaster J. W. Drew, he has afforded us an abundance of quartermaster stores, which may be found at every accessible point between the Calapooia and Jacksonville. Unfortunately, however, there are many points where supplies are that are only protected by assistant quartermasters with half-worn-out steel pens--no good thing I admit. I will write you whenever I can interest you. Edgar
B. Stone.
Daily Alta California, San
Francisco, March 13, 1856, page 2Surgeon, Southern O.M.V. Sir, your letter of this date making inquiry relative to the Indian war now existing in W.T. is before me. You say "Will you have the kindness to inform me as to the causes of the war." In reply to this inquiry, I must say it is hard to tell. Some ascribe the war to one cause, some another. The Indian statement is that the war has grown out of the treaties made with them for their lands. They say that they made bad bargain in the sales made & they know of no way to get out of those bargains but to fight out. Leschi, the principal chief on the west of the Cascades & Owhi on the east as well I believe as all the subordinate chiefs assign the same reason. They say that they have no dislike for the Bostons, that they have been profited by our presence amongst them, that they have purchased blankets for less money & received better prices for their labors and all else that they have to sell since we settled in their country. Their hatred and dislike is for those who made the treaties with them, such as agents, interpreters, etc. &c. & to get at them they have had to wage an indiscriminate war against all Americans. It is not pretended by It is true as you suppose that I have lived amongst the Indians for several years and that I know the Indian character & that I have been engaged since the war commenced in defending the settlements against their murderous attacks. I have lived in W.T. for 4 years surrounded by Indians with whom I have always been on terms of intimate friendship until the war began, since which time I have been engaged in the war. I believe I was amongst the first I have known several white men killed by Indians who were acquitted for the offense, and if I am not forgetful, Col. Anderson was then counsel. Since I have been engaged in the war I have taken a number of Indian prisoners comprising men, women, & children. I have in no case killed the men except such as were proven guilty of Joseph Lane Papers, OHS Mss 1146, Oregon Historical Society Research Library. Undated. State of Affairs South.
Douglas County, O.T., Feb. 14, '56.
Ed. Oregonian--I
wish to put a few lines in your columns if you think them worthy of a
space. We have Indians in and throughout our vicinity in great numbers,
though little efforts are made to drive them from our land at present.
It is probable that they will be routed in a short time, as we have a
new company in the field commanded by Edward Sheffield, and also
several independent companies, ready to start in a few days to give
battle to the Indians. I learn that Col. Martin has given orders that
no man shall be allowed to proceed with these companies who is not
under his command. Now, I will tell you the reason why he does not wish
them to go. It is not on account of provocation or for the want of
ammunition, but the idea is this, he knows that the rangers will whip
the Indians which will bring the war to a close, while he can keep the
men under his command in check by his orders, and keep the war in
progress through the summer and probably next winter, during which time
he knows that he can make a fortune. I don't mean to say that the
volunteers won't fight, for they will if they get a chance, and they
are very anxious to battle with the Indians. Col. Martin is the cause
of the Indians not being whipped at the Meadows and divers other places
that can be mentioned; for instance, in the bend of Cow Creek. No sir,
Col. Bills from his own representation shows the country that the war
will be continued on till he [Martin]
sees fit to resign, and then we may get an officer that will clean the
field. Why, it can be proven that he said this was the first time he
ever got a chance to bleed the treasury of Uncle Sam, and he intended
to make good use of it. "By Sam Hill, boys, Uncle Sam is rich; don't be
in a hurry, and don't whip the Indians too quick, for let us get some
money before the war is ended." Now, is this a pretty way for an
officer of the United States Army to speak? Why, if the Governor does
not turn him out, the citizens ought to do it. Who is Col. Martin? Why,
he is a traitor to our country and is a man that would build up a few
on the ruins of many. He does not study our interests or our country's
welfare, nothing but his own and a few of his soft mutton-headed house
sweepers. Two-thirds of the people in the south and nearly the whole
army are against him, and have sent petitions to the Governor for his
removal. I hope the Governor will remove him, so that the war will be
brought to some kind of a termination. Either give the Indians the
country or drive them away. I consider that they have it now, for the
progress of farming is stopped almost entirely. Hundreds of farmers are
depending on second crops for their bread next season, which would not
have been the case if the Indians were followed up. As it is, we have
to trust to Providence. Hundreds of families are leaving their homes
for safety, in order that their husbands may go into the field of
Indian warfare. Such is the state of affairs here in the south, caused
mostly by the glorious inactivity of the Colonel.
Yours respectfully,
Oregonian, Portland,
March 8, 1856, page 3G. GREENWOOD, JR. Deer
Creek Douglas Co.
Brig. Genl. LamerickFeb. 14th 1856 Commanding 2nd Regt. O.M.V. Sir The undersigned would respectfully represent that Mr. Russell, a resident citizen of Douglas County, is very much exposed to the attacks of hostile Indians, and if it is your policy to quarter troops under your command at private citizens' houses, specially for their protection, you will please remember Mr. Russell. H. S. Harrison
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder
29/20.George [illegible] Wm. Russell P. M. Baker O. M. [illegible] J. P. [illegible] Canyonville
Douglas Co. O.T.
Feb. 16th 1856 Dear
Your letter of Aug. 1855 came to hand a few days since, by which I was glad to learn of the good health of all the folks, and of your success in your business transactions. My health has been uniformly good. The spring is now rapidly approaching & it is important that we be up & doing as early in the season as possible. You have no doubt written me letters that I have not recd. & I have written you letters that you had not recd. when yours of Aug. was written. You have doubtless recd. them since. . . . You are perhaps hardly aware that business matters here are unusually dull owing to the existing Indian war, of which you have learned ere this, & sales in Oregon the coming season will have to be urged considerably. In California I have more hopes of doing well than here. The war news you get by the papers, I suppose, & I have not space to give you many items. I am now writing you from the Umpqua Canyon, a deep pass 10 miles in length through a high range of mountains. The other side of the Canyon the Indians are now assembled in strong force to plunder all trains that attempt to pass the road. A train is not safe without an escort of 100 men. There is not at this time that number in this section. Night before last six Indians passed within 20 rods of this house; there were but 2 of us here. One week ago last night some Indians came to the door probably with a view to fire the house but did not succeed. I should not be surprised to hear the report of Indian rifles before I finish writing. About ten days since, the Indians attacked a house, drove off the men, 4 in No., & plundered it about 4 miles from here. People here sleep with one eye open, and every house [has] portholes to shoot through. Unless there is something more done for the Indians than has been done, there will [be] more of them to fight when spring opens. The probability is that there be but little crop raised the coming season in this & Rogue River valleys; many settlers have left their homes already & more are daily leaving, deeming it unsafe to remain. Hence we may look for high prices this season coming. Since the war began prices have raised about three hundred percent. If the government would make an appropriation & buy as they go they might save one-half the aggregate cost of the war. I have had chances to engage in the commissary & quartermaster's departments, & might have done well, but have declined, wishing to be at liberty in the spring to meet you. Were it not for your coming here I think I should engage in the north & remain in the Colville neighborhood when the war was over. It may however prove to be a long & bloody one, as I believe more Indians will enter the lists in the spring. To give you an idea of what kind of a country the war is conducted in, in this southern department, I will cite you to you the most mountainous & heavy-timbered sections of New Hampshire that you have seen. Such is the character of the country the Indians occupy. For the most part they go into more open country in squads, and if pursued retreat to the roughest mountains on earth. I must now close by promising to write again soon & I wish you to do likewise. Write to Sacramento City, California. Please accept the best wishes of your brother John C. Danford P.S. I saw Ross yesterday, all well. John C. Danford, letter to his brother Jarvis S. Danford. "Letters of John C. Danford, Oregon Territory 1847-1856," transcribed by Frank Richard Sondeen June 1961. Fremont Area District Library, Fremont, Michigan. From the South.
Sunday, March 23
[1856]--Whilst preparing to start an escort with pack
train to Fort Vannoy, an express came in camp reporting 2 men killed by
Indians on Slate Creek and a large band of Indians making their way to
Mr. Hay's house. Lieut. Armstrong with his command numbering about 50
men immediately started and on arriving within 300 yards of the house a
heavy fire was opened on all sides by the Indians, who had completely
surrounded Mr. Hay's house, and numbered near 200 warriors. Orders were
immediately given to go through and reach Mr. Hay's house, which was
promptly obeyed. On arriving at the house and finding the family secure
the men immediately returned to the place of their first attack.
Discovered 2 men killed (John Davis and Alexander Caldwell) and one man
(a packer) severely wounded. The dead men were carried off by six men
during a heavy fire from the enemy; had they done any good shooting
many a life must have been sacrificed. The fight then became general,
which lasted until dark, when the Indians after making a great number
of fires and as we supposed burning their dead, which must have been
five killed, several wounded, drew off. An express was immediately
dispatched to Major Bruce, and likewise to the inhabitants of Illinois
Valley. Major Bruce, with all the available forces under his command,
arrived on the following morning. On Tuesday whilst preparing the whole
command to march in pursuit of the enemy, an express arrived reporting
a pack train robbed by Indians on Deer Creek. 25 men well armed and
mounted started direct for the place. Major Bruce, with the remainder
flanking out in different directions, on arriving at a low divide, a
heavy crossfire was opened by the enemy who were lying in ambush.
Another engagement commenced. On the first fire, 2 of Capt. George's
company were killed and two of Capt. O'Neil's company slightly wounded.
The men took their stations, killing 3 Indians, sure, Major James Bruce
on the point of outflanking them. They scattered over the whole
country, and not having sufficient force to make a successful fight.
Major Bruce, with a portion of each company, returned to Illinois
Valley to get the families together for their own safety. The remainder
of the force returned to Camp Hay. Major Bruce with men from each
company started today with three pack trains to Fort Vannoy, and to
get sufficient provisions as well as men to make a more successful
attack, as the Indians are in great force, and will require a strong
number to make anything like a decisive blow.
Latest accounts represent matters to be in a horrible condition in
Rogue River and Umpqua valleys. The Indians are said to have blockaded
the road leading through the Canyon, and thus cut off all means of
communication with Jacksonville. The express is said to have been
driven back by a large body of Indians, although it was escorted by ten
men. The Indians stopped the express just beyond the Canyon. Even in
Umpqua Valley the Indians are said to have penetrated as far as Cow
Creek, and are now burning the settlers' houses and laying waste the
country with firebrands and tomahawks.
The newly elected Brig. Gen. J. K. Lamerick has made the call for four new companies, to be raised in Linn, Benton, Douglas and Linn counties, to supply the places of the companies already in the southern field, whose term of service is about to expire. What the southern regiment has been about the past winter is more than we can divine. There is great complaint made of those who have the command, but they may have done the best they could under the circumstances. The Indians at all events have had the best of it so far, and if Col. "Bill Martin" had belonged to any other than that of the Sham Democracy, every locofoco press in Oregon would have been denouncing his course in the most unqualified terms. It is positively a disgrace to Oregon that our southern friends are not relieved, and that immediately. These Indians could have been subdued in 1849 in half the time we have been tinkering with them, although they were then much more numerous than at present, and we were much weaker. The Statesman's correspondent is puffing Lamerick as just the man for the emergency. This, together with his past history, gives us rather a poor opinion of him, but we will give him a chance to do something before we either praise or blame. If he earns any laurels, we shall be the last one to object to his wearing them. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, February 16, 1856, page 2 From the South.
We copy the following account of the fight at Applegate Creek from the
Jacksonville Sentinel.
Major Bruce started into the mountains with Capt. O'Neil in search of the Indians that had made their escape from the cabins on Applegate. Capt. Alcorn went up Applegate with the intention of following the Indians, and to join Bruce in the mountains. On the 18th [of January?] signs were discovered in various directions on Williams Creek, by Maj. Bruce and Capt. O'Neil. After several days' and nights' hard search, it was found that the Indians had left that part of the mountains and made down Applegate. On the 20th Capt. Alcorn joined the Major, and on the 21st, with about 25 men, partly of both companies, they started on the trail, which appeared to be about two days old. Lieut. Armstrong, with 15 or 20 men, was to join the Major, and Capt. O'Neil to bring the train, and on the march the Maj. came unexpectedly in sight of two Indians on horseback which he chased so closely that one had to leave his horse and take to the brush. The other made straight for camp. The Major pursued him, and soon found himself in their camp, and immediately sent an express to the place which he had designated as camping ground in the morning, to Capt. O'Neil. He then took possession of the north side of the creek, and Capt. Alcorn of their encampment, about two and a half hours before sundown, and remained there until two of the men were wounded, when the Major ordered the Captain back to assist him on the hill, when they all started for their horses, but found it very difficult to get along, as the Indians were firing at them on all sides, while they had to assist the wounded along. They were compelled, however, to abandon their horses and one of the wounded men, who was dying, and take to [a] ravine for shelter. There they all remained, firing at the Indians when it was possible to see one, till about eight o'clock in the night, when they started to camp, not knowing to a certainty that Capt. O'Neil had arrived, although the firing indicated that he had. The Indians fired a perfect volley at us when we started, and we were compelled to leave the dead man. The Indians had taken twelve of our horses and killed two more. On the arrival of Capt. O'Neil, a man came running down the creek and said that the Major was surrounded. The Capt. immediately ordered Lieut. Armstrong to take 20 men and proceed up the mountain, while he started with the remainder up the creek to assist the Major; but as the Indians were firing from all directions he could not find the Major till late, when they all started for camp, with the intention of returning before daylight next morning. But as the men were worn down they did not succeed in getting them started in time to assist the Lieutenant. The next morning when Lieut. Armstrong arrived on the mountain he was met by a band of some fifteen or twenty Indians, who fought bravely, but it appeared [they] were not marksmen, as they had some very good chances and missed them. All the Indians soon fell back as the men advanced on them. A boy about 18 years of age by the name of R. Gaddis deserves great credit, as he advanced in among the first, and was perfectly cool and composed. The Indians were concealed in the brush when night came on, and we had to take our posts and look out for them. The night was long, cold and wet. The men under Lieut. Armstrong all got together on the morning of the 22nd, and advanced on the ridge where the Indians were when seen last, but they had left. We continued on down the mountain and came in full view of the Indians, and not knowing that Maj. Bruce had left, thought it was part of his command. J. Matthews, being nearer than the rest, saw a small boy; that convinced [him] they were Indians, and shot twice and wounded one of them, and then they all ran across the creek and went up on the mountain opposite us, where a brisk firing was kept up for some [time], but to no effect. The Indians appeared to have plenty of ammunition. There appeared to be from forty to fifty warriors. The trail did not look as if there were more than twenty. The supposition is that there was an old camp where probably John had been for some time. From the burning, during the night, there must have been three or four killed, as we could see the smoke rise at different times from the canyon where the camp was. Yours, &c. G. W. KEELER. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, February 23, 1856, page 3 The Yreka Union publishes the following in relation to the Indian war, taken from the Table Rock Sentinel: "The Indians who were sent to the Meadows bring back some important information. It appears that the force of warriors is about 300, or over--that they are fortified with a view of security against ordnance, and confident of their ability to prosecute the war. The chiefs say they are revenged for the Indians that had been killed by the whites, and are satisfied and willing to treat--that they will suspend hostilities and remain at peace as long as the whites let them alone--and no longer. The warriors are said to be nearly all eager to fight. They had lost but 16 men during the war--six at the Grave Creek, three at the mouth of Jumpoff Joe, six at Wagoner's ranch, and one at the Meadows. "They were told that Mrs. Haines and her daughter, and Mrs. Wagoner's child were taken prisoners--that the two first died within a week of disease with which they were sick when captured, and that the latter was kept until a few days ago, when, hearing of the murder of the two squaws who had been taken by the whites, she was killed in revenge. At the same time a half Indian child was taken from its mother and shot because it had white blood." Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, March 1, 1856, page 3 THE WAR IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY.--From verbal reports we gather that but little hope is entertained of conquering a peace from the hostile Indians. Negotiations may be more successful. On the occasion of Limpy's and George's visit to Fort Lane, the excitement is represented to have exceeded all bounds, and if the people had been let into the fort, nothing could have saved the lives of these chiefs. They declare themselves satisfied with the revenge upon the "Bostons," will make peace if such is the pleasure of the whites and move on the reserve north of Umpqua. They say that but twenty-five of their warriors are for peace, but they hope to persuade the balance. The band were escorted back towards the Big Meadows, and left under the impression that they would have to fight it out. Sam, the chief in the former war, has left Fort Lane with his band for the northern reserve. The people of Rogue River Valley, it is said, have forwarded a petition to Gen. Wool for 500 troops. It becomes daily more evident that with the few troops now in the field the Indians cannot be whipped. Crescent City Herald, March 5, 1856, page 2 BIG BEND OF ROGUE RIVER.--This station is situate on the north side of the river, about twenty miles below where the whites were repulsed by the Indians last fall (Big Meadows) while attempting to cross the river. There is a trail down to the station on the same side, keeping the bluffs and crossing the mouth of what is called the John Mule Creek, which is within fourteen miles of said station. The trail is not a very good one, and mules should not be packed with more than 150 pounds to go over it. It is thought that the hostile band of Indians are about to leave their winter quarters and go to some of the valleys on the Illinois River, or someplace else, as they say that the whites from the valleys can whip them.--Correspondent, Table Rock Sentinel. Crescent City Herald, March 5, 1856, page 2 The Rogue River Indians still continue their hostilities. The Big Bend station was recently attacked and some twenty whites killed. Crescent City is threatened with an attack. The citizens have petitioned the Governor of California for assistance. There were not arms or ammunition enough in town to equip 25 men. Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, March 8, 1856, page 2 THE WAR IN THE SOUTH.--From advices received from the south through Gen. McCarver, it would appear that the Indian difficulties there are assuming a more serious aspect than ever. The latest dates from Canonville are of February 4th. Most of the volunteers had returned home--disbanded--as near as we can learn. The war, it would seem, was suspended for the present, and until new forces are brought into the field. D. T. Craig, Assistant Commissary at Roseburg, writes Gen. McCarver that "that the government express was stopped on the other side of the Canon, although escorted by ten men, and made to turn back, by over one hundred Indians!" Within three miles of Canonville, the Indians were killing and driving off stock, and fears for the lives of the women and children are entertained by Mr. Craig. We further learn that the southern expressman brought in news that "the Indians were down in Cow Creek Valley, murdering the families, and burning everything since the volunteers had been disbanded; and the trains from Jacksonville cannot get an escort through the Canon." So it seems that the Indians south continue to murder the defenseless settlers, burning houses, driving off and killing stock, and even blocking up the Canon. It also appears that two thousand warriors in the Walla Walla country threaten and defy the volunteers there in the field, while on the Sound it will be noticed that the Indians are emboldened, and continue their depredations, and attacking towns even. Sacramento Daily Union, March 12, 1856, page 1 Memoranda.
The P.M. steamship Republic,
comd'g., left San Francisco Feb. 23rd; at 5½ p.m., on the
night of the
24th, experienced a heavy gale from N.N.W., which lasted 36 hours; on
the 27th, off Port Orford, the ship was discovered to be on fire over
the boiler, but through the exertions of the officers, assisted by the
passengers and crew, it was soon extinguished, and the ship's course
altered for Port Orford, where we arrived in safety; upon examination
the ship was found to be but slightly damaged; at midnight left Port
Orford, shaping out course for Columbia River, the bar of which we
crossed on the morning of the 29th, and arrived at Astoria at
a.m.,; landed mail, freight and passengers, but owing to the ebb tide,
we were detained about four hours; touched at St. Helens, and arrived
at Fort Vancouver at noon on March 1st; left again on the 4th inst., at
11 a.m., with Company G, 4th Infantry, composed of 80 men, under the
command of Capt. C. C. Augur and Lieut. Macfeely; arrived at Astoria at
1:20 p.m., on 5th inst., but owing to the state of the bar, we were
detained three days; left at 11 a.m. on the 8th, and crossed the bar at
2 p.m.; arrived at Port Orford at 6½ p.m. on the 9th inst.,
landed the
troops and left at 11½ p.m. for Crescent City, where we
arrived on the
morning of the 10th, at 10½; left at 2½ p.m. and
arrived at Trinidad at
8 p.m.; left at 11½ p.m. and arrived off the Heads at 4 p.m.
on the
"Two Weeks Later from Oregon," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, March 13, 1856, page 2 Roseburg
O.T. March 3rd 1856
SirI arrived here yesterday and found the volunteers en route for south of the Canyon, one company starting today. Genl. Lamerick has been busy in stationing the forces at several important points, keeping open the roads, and preparing for a fight. The volunteers express a great desire for fight and seem more sanguine of success than ever before. Capt. Chapman's command is now in the street and has just given three lion-voiced cheers for Genl. Lamerick, to which the Genl. responded in a brief though appropriate manner. I find my department in a tolerable condition. I was fortunate in obtaining such supplies in Corvallis as was required. The Whigs and KN's south are making some objections to Lamerick and myself. It is said that Belt is still claims [sic] and is Surgeon Genl. and you do not intend to remove Belt. This babble I do not regard but intend to discharge my duties impartially to the best of my abilities, consulting economy and general comfort and employing men of known capacity. In making appointments in all cases party friends will be regarded first if competent, but as yet few such men have been found. In fact I have found but two Democratic surgeons in the Territory. There is a rumor that Sam, chief of the Rogue River Indians, has been attacked on his way to the Grand Ronde Reservation, before reaching the Canyon, but the reports need confirmation. Sam was escorted by 100 regulars. I shall leave for Fort Leland tomorrow to establish a hospital at that point, as it will be more contiguous to the field of battle, should there be a battle where it is anticipated. With
high consideration I have
ExcellencyThe honor to be very resp. Your obt. servt. M. C. Barkwell Surgeon Genl. O.T. Geo. L. Curry Gov. O.T. Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 3, Document 856. TROOPS FOR OREGON.--A reinforcement to the troops in Oregon left on the Columbia for Oregon on Wednesday, which are thus classed by the Evening News: Lieut. Col. Buchanan, 4th Infantry--to take command in Southern Oregon. Maj. Garnett, 9th Infantry--commanding detachment of recruits. Capts. Cram, Topographical Engineers; Ingalls, Assistant Quarter Master; Patterson, Pickett and Woodruff, of the 9th Infantry; and Assistant Surgeon Milhau. Lieuts. Bonnycastle and Arnold, Aides-de-Camp; Wendell, Topographical Engineers; and Black, 9th Infantry. Capt. Ord and Lieut. Shaw, with seventy men, 3rd Artillery, are to land from the Columbia at Crescent City; and forty-seven recruits on board are for Maj. Reynolds' company at Fort Orford. There are also men, thirty recruits, on board for the companies of the 4th Infantry at Fort Jones and Crescent City--making in all about one hundred and fifty, rank and file. In addition to these troops we learn that Maj. Wyse has been ordered with his company, about fifty strong, to Fort Lane. Some seventy of Maj. Garnett's command will remain at the Presidio until the next steamer. Sacramento Daily Union, March 7, 1856, page 2 Headquarters,
Crescent City Cala.
Special OrderDist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. March 8th 1856. No. 1 Capt. A. J. Smith, 1st Dragoons, will move with all the disposable force under his command, on Wednesday, the 11th inst., to the Big Bend of Rogue River, taking with him a mountain howitzer and 50 rounds of ammunition for it. His dragoons will be dismounted, and his command will be provided with 60 rounds of cartridges and 20 days rations for each man. It is expected that his command will be at the Big Bend by the 11th inst., when he can communicate with the troops from this place, who will then be at the mouth of the Illinois River. (signed)
Robt. C. Buchanan
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Infy. Commdg. Dist. LETTER FROM PORT ORFORD.
Orford, March
9, 1856.
By the
steamer Columbia, which
passed up last evening, we forwarded full particulars of the Indian
massacre, which you will receive by the return of said steamer, and if
she touches at this place on her return, we will report whatever may
transpire.The Indians are continuing their depredations, and today we have witnessed the burning of another building on the coast, south, towards the mouth of Rogue River. Nearly every building in the vicinity of Rogue River is now burned, and in fact every mark of civilization is destroyed. There has been something over thirty men killed, among whom is the Indian Agent Benj. Wright, and John Poland, captain of the volunteers. It is impossible to tell how many Indians have been killed--probably some thirty in all since the outbreak, which occurred on the 22nd ultimo. Mr. E. A. Wilson of San Francisco, who was reported killed, was only slightly sounded, and is now at the fort at Rogue River. The steamer is now ready to sail, consequently we are compelled to delay a full account of our situation. Yours
Daily Alta California, San
Francisco, March 13, 1856, page 2Clinton. From the Mouth of Rogue River.
Through the politeness of Dr. Holton, who arrived on the Republic from the fort
at the mouth of Rogue River
via Port Orford, we learn that in attempting to open a communication
between Port Orford and that place by sea, a whaleboat was capsized,
containing eight men from Port Orford, six of whom were drowned; the
other two succeeded in getting into the fort.
At the time the Doctor left (last Thursday) they had succeeded in redeeming Mrs. Geisel, daughter and infant about five weeks old, her husband three sons having been killed in the attack of the 22nd February. On the 2nd inst. five white men and one negro left the fort for the purpose of securing some potatoes that were not destroyed by the fire at the mouth of the river, and although well armed were cut off and every man killed, since which time no persons have ventured to leave the fort, forty men being kept on guard day and night. The whole number of persons in the fort being 96 men (5 wounded), 7 women and 12 children. Old Enos is the leader of the savages, who boasts with others that they have plenty of ammunition and arms, and only sold Mrs. Geisel and her family to the whites from the fact that they soon expected to take the fort with all its inmates and establish an Indian town upon its ruins. Only about 60 guns are in the fort, and the supplies are reduced to about six days' rations. The Indians have made three attacks but were repulsed each time, losing some few of their number, but they have not, as yet, made a general charge, and for lack of numbers no sally has been made from the fort. As no communication is kept up between the parties, they learned from Mrs. Geisel (who was a prisoner with the Indians for nine days) all further particulars respecting their views and intentions. She states that the Indians are very sanguine that they will entirely overcome the whites and secure immediate possession of the fort, as it is supplied by a small running stream, which the Indians threatened to cut off, but which, as yet, has not been done. A communication is kept open with the beach, a distance of some 14 yards, from which place they secure their firewood. The Doctor left the fort as messenger to Port Orford by means of the whaleboat sent from that place. The Republic on her return trip landed at Port Orford some 72 regular troops, which added to the 42 landed by the Columbia as she went up, and those already stationed there amounts to 175. These troops are under the command of Major Reynolds, who sent a dispatch to Col. Buchanan for the purpose of securing his cooperation. Mrs. Geisel and her infant were received in exchange for two squaws, who were prisoners in the hands of the whites. Her daughter was purchased at something of a cost. At the time of capturing Mrs. Geisel on the night of the 22nd inst., her hands were tied behind her, and she was compelled to witness the murder of her husband and children, as well as the most savage mutilation of their bodies after death, when she was conducted to like horrible scenes upon the persons of many of her friends and neighbors. A house containing six of the volunteers was attacked at daylight, and not until the afternoon were all the inmates slain. Five of the volunteers got into the fort, some of them having their feet frozen and existing without food for five days. The whole loss of the whites is about 20 killed and five wounded. The names of the wounded are James Hunt, Edwin Wilson, N. B. Gregory, George Basset and one man unknown. Crescent City Herald, March 12, 1856, page 2 The war was declared Oct. 1st [sic], 1855, or about that time massacre ensued. Gov. Curry ordered out 17 companies mounted volunteers, composing about 1400 men, rank and file. They entered the field promptly and have done some good fighting. Have killed about 150 Indians and sustained a loss in action and otherwise, including massacres, about 250. Have lost about fifteen thousand head of stock. The number of Indians to contend against is more than double the number found on the first of Oct. The Indians are closer upon us now than ever. The expense incurred is about two and a half million; actual expenses, one million and a half; politics one million. We will whip them pretty soon. Dr. Edgar B. Stone, "Progress of the War," Crescent City Herald, March 12, 1856, page 2 Captain Ord and Lieut. Shaw, with 70 men, 3rd Artillery, came up on the last steamer Columbia. On Feb. 27, three men were killed by the Indians on Deer Creek bar, Illinois Valley, while at work. Their names were Horace Seely, Nelson and Elsh. Two others were wounded. The threatened attack of the Indians on Crescent City caused our citizens to call a meeting. All the citizens having firearms were requested to report themselves for enrollment. A committee was appointed to make suitable provisions for the safety of the women and children. At the next meeting it was reported that the number of guns and rifles to be 66, and revolvers 45. On Friday, there was a panic in Crescent City, after hearing the definite news of the Rogue River massacre, and that the Indians in this neighborhood were on the warpath. The women and children were taken to the brick stores for safety, and Capt. Jones, with his men, patrolled the streets at night. People of Smith River brought their families to Elk Valley for safety. The Indians never made their appearance. Crescent City Herald, March 1856, reprinted in the Del Norte Record, Crescent City, June 24, 1893, page 1 The Indians at the Meadows, on Rogue River, report the death of the three captive white women they took at the outbreak of hostilities. Two of them died of disease, and the third was killed to avenge the death of a squaw they had heard had fallen at the hands of the whites. The poor creatures are sleeping where "the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest." Better a thousand times be dead than exposed to the mercy of the savages. We shall always think that Oregon is disgraced and ought to suffer punishment for permitting those women to remain, suffer and die among the Indians, without making greater efforts to rescue them. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, March 15, 1856, page 2 WAR IN THE SOUTH.--The Puget Sound Pioneer and Democrat, of the 22nd February, says: We learn that the volunteers have all left the field south--that there are about two hundred regulars at Fort Lane, commanded by Captains Judah and Smith. These gentlemen have been active and vigilant on all occasions during the war. The number of persons known to have been killed during the war at the south, by the Indians, amounts to one hundred and twenty-eight! Eighty-odd buildings have been burnt--thousands of stock have been killed and driven off, and an immense amount of other property destroyed and stolen by the Indians. San Joaquin Republican, Stockton, California, March 16, 1856, page 3 Headquarters,
Crescent City, Cal.
Sir,Dist. Southern Oregon & Northern Cal. March 15th 1856 I have the honor to report for the information of the Commanding General of the Department that the two companies from this post, "B" 3rd Arty. Capt. Ord, and "F" 4th Inf. Capt. Floyd-Jones, under the immediate command of Capt. Ord, left here this morning for the mouth of Rogue River, from which point my operations will for the present be directed. I shall follow tomorrow and overtake the command at the Chetco River, as I wish to be here on the arrival of the two steamers, the Goliah from San Francisco and Columbia from Portland, now looked for every hour. I am sorry to say that I have found it out of my power to carry out the plan of cooperation of the troops, contemplated by the General when he left here, as the proposed route from this to the mouth of the Illinois is impracticable. In consequence of the information obtained from several different persons well acquainted with that part of the country together with what I learned from Maj. Reynolds in a report received from him on Monday last, I determined to wait for the return of my express to Fort Lane before taking the field. I have heard from Capt. Smith, and he reports that the proposed route for him will be very rough and will take him 10 days to accomplish. This will leave him with but rations for 10 days longer, and I shall therefore be compelled to establish a depot at the mouth of Rogue River. In order to do this I had contemplated sending the supplies now at this point to that place by the Goliah, had she arrived before my departure, but under existing circumstances I shall be compelled to send back my train for a supply, which will necessarily retard my operations, I am afraid. I expect to reach the mouth of Rogue River by next Thursday, at which time I hope to hear of Capt. Smith's command at the Big Bend, and to meet Major Reynolds. With regard to the whereabouts of the hostiles I can learn nothing new, but from all the information that I can collect, think I shall find them about the Big Meadows, when if they will only give us battle I trust to be able to bring them to reason. I shall be better able to report something of interest, after uniting my forces. Finding myself compelled to take Lieut. Ihrie with me into the field as A.A.C.S. & Q.M. to Ord's battalion, I stopped Lt. Allston as he was passing down in the Republic and have placed him on duty in charge of the detachment left at this place, to remain here until the arrival of Lt. Garber. I
am sir
To:Respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commd. Dist. 1st Lt. J. C. Bonnycastle Aide de Camp Fort Vancouver W.T. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Fighting Indians.
Since the opening of the war some six months ago, the public have
learned some lessons on the merits of Indian fighting in a mountainous,
broken country. It is here, as at common law, the thief has to be
caught before he can be hung, and the catching proves to be the most
difficult part of the business. Hitherto the Indians have got the
better in almost every engagement between them and the whites, and to
account for these humiliating results we cannot do better than describe
the general character of these engagements in the words of our
occasional correspondent, Dr. E. B. Stone:
"Small detachments have sallied out into the mountains to engage the Indians. But what is the consequence when we find them: "A few men, wearied and worn down from fatigue in ascending and descending mountains, find the foe. The Indians choose an almost impenetrable jungle or mountain fastness, skulking under cover. The fight commences. In order to get a shot at an Indian, it is necessary to approach very near them, rendering a large white man a conspicuous target for the unerring aim of the Indian. The report of an Indian's gun is heard, the smoke ascends, and the bullet pierces, either killing or wounding. We shoot at the smoke. It is not prudent to charge a jungle, and it is thought prudent to retreat in order to take care for the wounded and the dead. We look around and find that we have sustained a loss, dead or wounded, of about one-tenth of our number, our supplies are scant, and we are from 30 to 50 miles, as the case has been, distant for reinforcements. Policy dictates our return to the fort. Litters are prepared and the wounded and dead are packed in upon the shoulders of their brothers. We arrive at the fort--the dead find a resting place, the wounded cared for, and the soldier damns the luck." The movement now being carried out under the command of Col. Buchanan we should look upon as being sure of success if instead of four hundred he had at his disposal 2000 men. His object must obviously be to encompass the Indians in the Rogue River country, probably at Big Meadows. To surround an enemy in a country difficult of access, covered with brushwood and timber, broken by deep cañons and streams, four hundred men will form but a weak enclosure, which the Indians may break at some point or other, as soon as they find that they cannot resist the besiegers to advantage. Once outside of the besieging line, the whole country is again open to them and exposed to their tender mercies. It has been apparent, however, that the Indians are not desirous of fighting the regulars. Their quarrel is with the Bostons (settlers) and not with the government. When they see the troops of the latter taking up in earnest the cause of the settlers, it is not at all improbable but that they will show some inclination to treat. Provided such a treaty should contemplate the removal of the hostile bands from this section of country, it would be hailed with pleasure by all classes of the community, and no matter how much it would cost the government to feed them on the reserve, it will at all events prove a great deal more economical than fighting them. Crescent City Herald, March 19, 1856, page 2 KILLED.--The Crescent City Herald says that a small band of Indians continue to prowl through Deer Creek Valley (tributary of Rogue River). A farmer by the name of Guest was killed in his field. Shortly afterwards a Mr. Arnold and Mr. Riggs were shot at in the same neighborhood while saddling their animals. Sacramento Daily Union, April 5, 1856, page 2 For
the Statesman.
March 18, 1856
Editor Statesman--For
want of time and opportunity I have not written to you as often as I
desired, but now as a citizen I will commence unfolding a few of the
many mysteries which seem.to arrest the consideration of political
enemies, and I want my enemies to understand, once [and] for all, I
hold myself responsible for any assertion found over my signature, and
can be found, ready, able and willing to be consulted either at this
place or Winchester. It will be remembered that the highest position I
have held in the army has been Lt. Col. subservient to a Col.
prejudiced and persuaded by a clique of uncompromising Know Nothings.
However, in justice to Col. Williams, I will say, had he discharged his
duties unpersuaded, the condition of affairs would have been different.
I have obeyed his orders on all occasions, which his report will show,
but for political aggrandizement it appears that G. Greenwood, Jr. has
made a public endeavor to saddle me with all deference of military
actions.I hope the Statesman will pardon me, likewise its numerous readers, for even briefly replying to the Oregonian communicant, headed Douglas County, O.T. Feb. 14, 1856. It may appear, and I admit it is unqualified fallacy for me to notice such epithets; still I intend to investigate some things that may not eventually prove conducive to K.N. interests. Mr. Greenwood, allow me, sir, to brand you as a liar whose tarnished veracity is only equaled by your cowardice. "Col. Martin is the cause why the Indians were not whipped at the Meadows." Subject to counsel, Capt. Judah of the regular forces presided, and it was agreed to withdraw for want of supplies from the Meadows by Majs. Bruce and Martin, Capts. Williams, Buoy, Alcorn, Rice, Wilkinson and Kinney. Still I was the cause why the Indians were not whipped. "I learn that Col. M. has given an order that no man should proceed with their companies who was not under his command." Such is false, as a public exposition of my orders will show in future. I, too, was the cause of the Indians not being whipped at the Big Bend of Cow Creek. I was not there myself, but the commands of Capts. Chapman, Bailey and Gordon and Lieut. Noland were, and by counsel the affair terminated as it did. "Why it can be proven that he said this was the first time he ever got a chance to bleed Uncle Sam, and he intended to make good use of it." I dare him upon halfway ground, if he is anything in the shape of a gentleman, to prove it, or to make the statement in my presence. "Who is Col. Martin? Why he is a traitor to our country and is a man that would build up a few on the ruins of many." My former life, as my present, has been a public one, to some extent. Let my neighbors and my constituents answer. "Two-thirds of the people in the south and nearly the whole army are against him, and have sent petitions to the Governor for his removal." If two-thirds of them are Know Nothings of the Drewed order, I don't doubt it, nor would I desire it otherwise. "It is probable that they will be routed in a short time, as we have a new company in the field commanded by Edward Sheffield, and also several independent companies, ready to start in a few days to give battle to the Indians." There never have been any independent companies numbering over ten fireside fighters who wanted to be supported by the government and stay at home. Capt. Sheffield has a company from Douglas. I hope he may, as a military man, gain for himself laurels that he will never find in K.N. associations. W.
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
April 8, 1856, page 1THE REGULAR FORCES NOW IN THE FIELD IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--Opening of the Campaign. The battalion of U.S. troops, composed of Company "B," 3rd Artillery, and Company "F," 4th Infantry, left this place on the 15th inst. for Rogue River Valley. Company "B," 3rd Artillery, seventy strong, arrived here by the Columbia, and is commanded by Capt. Ord of the same regiment. Company "F," 4th Infantry, seventy-six strong, has been stationed here for some time and is commanded by Capt. DeLancey Floyd-Jones, of the same regiment. A detachment of twenty men, to be strengthened by nine more from Fort Humboldt, is left here, under the command of Lieut. Allston, 1st Dragoons. Col. Buchanan, 4th Infantry, who arrived on the Columbia, is assigned to the command of a district, and is in immediate command of this battalion. Lieut. Ihrie, 3rd Artillery, who also arrived on the Columbia, is acting as Assistant Adjutant General of the District and Assistant Quartermaster and Commissary to the battalion. What the plan of Col. Buchanan is we do not know, but judging from the fact of express riders being sent to forts Lane and Orford, immediately on his arrival, we think he contemplates effecting a junction, the same day, of the forces from each of these posts which will give him a command of about four hundred regulars, with three mountain howitzers, as each force is provided with one of these miniature cannon. If the enemy will only stand, we expect to hear of "hot work," and we sincerely hope a salutary lesson will be taught them, which may be "the beginning of the end" of this ignoble war. Crescent City Herald, March 19, 1856, page 2 Copy
of Lieut. Abbott's Official Report of 19th March
Camp at Pistol
Creek O.T.
Capt. Relf BledsoeMarch 20th [sic] 1856 Sir The detachment of volunteers under my command left Fort Johnson, Chetco Valley, O.T. March 13th en route to Gold Beach but were compelled to delay three days at our camp six miles north of Chetco River to enable the regular force under command of Brevt. Lieutenant Col. Buchanan to get in supporting distance of us. On the evening of the 16th they crossed Chetco and encamped about five miles in rear of us. Early the following morning we started to Pistol River, distant 16 miles. We unpacked about noon to allow the men and animals time to rest and refresh themselves--packed up again at dark, resumed our march and reached Pistol River about 2 o'clock, unpacked and prepared to attack the village at daylight. Accordingly at daylight we moved upon the village in two bodies but found it abandoned. We fired the huts and while they were burning we discovered two horses feeding on a hill about ½ mile distant and saw the Indians going toward them as if to herd them. I took 13 men with me to drive back the Indians and get the animals. When within three hundred yards of the animals we discovered about fifty Indians on the ridge near them and as many were crossing down the hillside toward us. Considering our force too light to attack the enemy in his position, we retired to the beach, the Indians following and firing at us without effect. We retreated toward camp in tolerable good order, returning the fire of the enemy found behind the drift logs on the beach. When we got in supporting distance of camp we in turn attacked the Indians with spirit and drove them back. I sent a messenger back to Col. Buchanan for support. In a short time the Indians had surrounded our camp but kept at [a] respectable distance. Our sharpshooters made them careful. We selected a position naturally strong and raised a defense of logs and sand about fifty feet square and four feet high--got in our provisions and water for three days and determined to hold it until the arrival of the regular force. About 4 o'clock p.m. reinforcements of Indians arrived from Rogue River mounted and on foot, and it was evident they meditated an attack upon our position. All our animals were picketed within thirty paces of our little fort in a low place clear from any cover for the Indians and [which] could be completely covered by our fire. At sunset the main body of the enemy began to approach from the mouth of Pistol River along the beach, rolling logs in advance for a cover. At the same time small parties approached from the south along the sand hills bordering on the beach and from the east on a grassy flat. I sent a party of skirmishers along cover of a sand hill to oppose the enemy in the grassy flat. The fort defended the approach from the south while I with seven men took cover among the drift logs and sand hills to oppose the main body. At dark the action commenced in earnest. The first shots fired by the enemy were from the sand hills south of the fort without effect. The main body of the enemy charged our little party of skirmishers with the greatest bravery and confidence, but from behind the cover we thinned their ranks fast. At close work Colt's revolvers done the work. The enemy faltered and became more careful. One of our men, Kirby Miller, being mortally wounded and Mr. Sloan, an independent volunteer, slightly, we returned with them to the fort and called in all of the skirmishers and prepared to defend ourselves and animals. The Indians turned their attention to the capture of the animals. We poured in a sharp fire upon them, mostly with double-barreled shotguns, which were more effective in the night. Although the Indians lost several of their braves they succeeded in capturing 10 horses, 20 mules and equipments. The fight continued with intermissions throughout the night and until 2 o'clock the 19th, when the regular force arrived and the Indians drew off, taking our animals with them. Col. Buchanan made no effort to draw the Indians into a fight, saying he did not wish to fight them at Pistol Creek. Mr. T. J. Sharp, independent volunteer, was wounded in the feet on the 19th. Kirby Miller died about an hour after being carried to the fort, making our loss 1 killed, 2 wounded. Indian loss 12 killed, wounded unknown. Our strength was 34 all told, while the Indians must have numbered over 200. I would say that the men under my command were as brave as ever met an enemy. With great respect
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 570. There was a
full moon March 21, 1856.Yours &c. G. H. Abbott Comdg. Det. Headquarters
Camp Vannoy
M. BarnumMarch 18th A.D. 1856 Adjutant General O.T. Dear Sir I have recently learned that no reports of the campaigns of the southern division of the 2nd Reg. O.M.V. have been made at your office by Col. R. L. Williams. I therefore now proceed to give you a detailed report of the force which was under my immediate command. Immediately after the election in December I marched up Rogue River with Capt. Rice's company and camped near Table Rock and sent Capt. Alcorn to camp up Little Butte Creek. I had ordered Capt. Rice and Capt. Alcorn to send out scouts to look for Indian sign. On the 23 day of December 1855 signs of the enemy were found. On following up the trails an Indian encampment was discovered about 15 miles above Upper Table Rock, containing the warriors with their women & children. I then gave orders to prepare for a march. On the night of the 24th after dark I marched with Capt. Rice & 33 men, surrounded their camp and waited for daylight and then commenced the attack. With some of my men much frostbitten, the battle lasted but a short time. After the battle was over 21 Indian warriors were found dead on the ground; some made their escape wounded. The women and children were taken prisoners and delivered up to Capt. Smith at Fort Lane. On the following day Capt. Alcorn, having previously discovered an Indian camp or ranch about 20 miles up Butte Creek above his camp, on the night of 25th December he surrounded it and commenced the attack at daylight. Eight Indians were killed and some were wounded. The prisoners were turned over to Capt. Smith at Fort Lane. On the 28th a scouting party of 3 privates from Alcorn's company found in the snow fresh trails of Indians, followed in close pursuit and overtook them, had a fight, killed three Indians, got 2 horses and 3 rifles. Since then no Indian signs have been seen in that part of the country. Dec. 26th I ordered Capt. Rice to move his company up Bear Creek to Camp Lindley, where he remained until January the first 1856. Having the day before received an express from Capt. Wright of an independent company of citizens from Sterling, informing me that a band of Indians were in possession of some deserted log cabins up Applegate Creek, I immediately ordered Capt. Rice & Alcorn to repair for a campaign in the mountains, while I proceeded to Fort Lane to ask the assistance of Capt. Smith with his howitzer. Early on the first Jany. I made a forced march up to the forks of Applegate Creek with Capt. Rice's company of 40 men. On the 2nd I marched up Applegate 20 miles and there found Capt. Wright with his camp of 50 citizens surrounding the cabins. We then kept a continual watch day and night waiting for the regulars from Fort Lane with the howitzer. Whenever an Indian showed himself he was fired at by some of our men, some of the enemy were wounded and three killed. Three of the citizens of Capt. Wright's camp were wounded and one man in Capt. Rice's camp was killed. The weather being very cold, and snow from 6 to 12 inches deep, much suffering was experienced by us all. On the 4th day at 3 p.m. Lieutenant Underwood with 40 regulars & the howitzer arrived. I immediately consulted with the Lieut. as to the propriety of an immediate assault. He thought he could finish the job before sundown. The first shell fell into one of the cabins, wounding one Indian & two children; 8 of the warriors then retreated to a rather fortified cabin a few yards distant. Six or seven shells were thrown without doing any damage. It being near dark we drew off, intending to renew the assault in the morning at a closer distance. Our men were under arms all night. The regulars were stationed up the creek in a line across back to the hill a distance of 50 yards. Capt. Rice's men were stationed along the creek opposite the fortification. Capt. Wright's comp. were stationed below from the creek round to the hillside. Our men thus posted, we thought we had them secure till morning. About 11 o'clock in the night the Indians crept up to the line of the regulars, fired their guns and then commenced yelling & a portion of them broke through the lines the regulars opened a fire on them and turned a portion of them down towards the creek it being very thick and brushy, they succeeded in breaking through the line of sentinels, crossing the creek and making their escape, although many of them were wounded, by the blood seen in the snow next morning in their trails. Immediately after the Indians made their escape the regulars left their posts and returned to their camp, a distance of 600 yards, but the Lieut. ordered them back to their posts again, but while the soldiers were absent the women with their children & baggage passed out leading a horse with them, as was seen by their tracks in the morning. After daylight I called the men from their posts and examined the cabins, found there an Indian boy wounded, the dead having been burned. We were surprised to see with what skill [the] wily foe had fortified those cabins. They had a passage dug underground by which they could gain ingress & egress, also deep pits in each corner of the cabins and loopholes under the bottom logs, so that they could stand in the pits and shoot out without being exposed. After examining the cabins I proposed to Lieut. Underwood to take the enemy's trail and follow it up, but he declined on the ground that his men were not accustomed to traveling in the mountains, and Capt. Wright's men were not prepared to go forth & returned back to Sterling. The force under my command, 32 men, much fatigued with three days & nights watching in the snow & cold, I deemed it most prudent to return down Applegate to Camp Spencer, where we could get grass for our horses and recruit the men a little. I remained at Camp Spencer until the 18th of Jany. I was then joined by Capt. O'Neil & Alcorn with a part of their companies, then my available force able to march was 73 men rank & file. I ordered Capt. Alcorn to go up Applegate with 38 men, take the trail of the Indians and follow it up, while I marched with Capt. O'Neil & his company of 37 men up Williams Creek to try to find the enemy. On the 21st a detachment of Capt. O'Neil's men fell in with the Indians' trail. The same evening Capt. Alcorn came up following the same trail. We all camped on Williams Creek together the same night, and sent out a scouting party which returned in the morning without making any new discoveries. On the 22nd a detachment of Capt. O'Neil's men under Lieut. Armstrong discovered fresh Indian signs going over the low hills and down Applegate. On the morning of the 23rd I marched with 21 men rank & file and gave orders for the rest to follow. I followed the trail until 3 p.m., when we met 2 Indian spies and run them up about 12 miles to their camp in [a] canyon. By this time the sun was very low. I sent one man back with an express to Capt. O'Neil to hasten froward. We then dismounted and tied our horses, leaving two men to guard them. I sent Capt. Alcorn to take a position on the left of the canyon with 11 men, while I accompanied the right side with 9 men. We were fired upon by the Indians, 60 or 70 strong, hid in the brush in all directions, and the firing soon became general on both sides. Soon after Daniel Richardson was badly wounded and Wiley Cash was killed, reducing our numbers to 18 men. Soon after 8 men were cut off from us. I then collected our remaining 10 men and with Capt. Alcorn's charged on the enemy in the canyon, drove them out and got a favorable position there. By this time the Indians had completely surrounded our little band and cut us off from our horses. It being nearly dark I retreated back to where we left our horses, fighting our way through the enemy and carrying our wounded man along with us. I am sorry to have to state that the men were compelled to leave the body of Wiley Cash after bringing it part of the way from where he died. We succeeded in getting part of our horses; 12 or 14 had been driven off and captured by the enemy. Here I met Capt. O'Neil, who informed me that he had sent Lieut. Armstrong an hour before dark with 23 men up on the right to engage the enemy while himself with 20 men had crossed over and flanked the enemy on the left and engaged them until dark, when he retired and met me as above stated. It was now very dark & cold; our wounded man was suffering much from his wounds. I gave orders to return to camp, a distance of 9 miles, and I subsequently learned that Lieut. Armstrong had not returned to camp and I gave orders to the capts. to be prepared to start back by 2 o'clock in the morning to renew the attack at daylight. Lieut. Armstrong remained on the ground all night with his men and renewed the attack before our arrival in the morning, when the Indians broke loose and made good their retreat, having burned their dead in the night so that we could not tell how many was killed. Lieut. Armstrong then returned to camp and did not meet us, and when we arrived on the battleground we found neither whites nor Indians and returned back to camp again; found Lieut. A. had arrived there before us. For particulars of losses sustained in horses, arms & equipments in the different engagements I refer you to the monthly reports of the capts. On this day January 24th Colonel R. L. Williams arrived in camp and took the command. I will here state that much credit is due to the captains and lieutenants for their coolness and determined bravery displayed in the several engagements with the savage foe. I
am very respectfully your humble servant
O. C. Hoxie AdjutantJames Bruce Major South. Battalion 2nd Reg. O.M.V. Oregon State Archives, Yakima and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 584. The original letter is in the Adjutant General's Correspondence for 1856, Box 1, Folder 43. To his excellency George L. Curry, Governor of Oregon Territory. We the undersigned officers of the 2nd Regt. O.M.V. respectfully represent that the appointment of M. C. Barkwell Surgeon General has caused general dissatisfaction, and there is good reason to believe that a total disorganization of the medical staff will be the result, unless a change is made immediately in the head of the Department. We have thought it due both to you and ourselves that the facts should be fairly presented to your consideration. The members of the surgical staff now in the field are gentlemen [in] every way capable, and have the perfect confidence of all the volunteer forces. Nothing could prove more disastrous than disunion and ill feeling in the medical corps. We would respectfully suggest the name of Doctor E. R. Fisher as one who would give entire satisfaction to all. Benjamin
Armstrong, 1st Lieut.
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder
29/19. Undated. Miles Alcorn's middle initial was not "F." It may have
been "J," probably not "T" either.Michael Bushey, Captain Samuel C. Nicholson, 1st Lieut. Miles I. Alcorn, Capt. Co. G Jon Osborn, 2nd Lieut. Hugh O'Neil, Capt. of Co. E Jefferson Howell, 2nd Lieut. W. A. Wilkinson, Capt. of Com. F Abel George, Capt. Co. C To his excellency George L. Curry, Governor of the Territory of Oregon. We the undersigned surgeons and asst. surgeons of the Second Regt., Oregon Mounted Volunteers, would respectfully submit that a proper regard to our professional reputations and personal self-respect demands that we should retire from the positions heretofore held by us. We deem it but due to those engaged in active service that the surgeon general should be a person of at least fair professional attainments, and capable of judging the acquirements of those who may compose his staff. That this is not true of the present head of the department is notorious. Any person of capability and honor will be perfectly satisfactory to us. But in case your excellency should determine to make any change we would respectfully submit the name of Dr. E. R. Fisher to your kind consideration. J.
S. McIteeny
Jacksonville O.T.Wm. H. Watkins C. B. Brooks G. W. Gee L. S. Thompson March 15 1856 Oregon State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder 29/19. To his excellency George L. Curry, Governor of Oregon Territory, We the undersigned officers of the 2nd Regt. O.M.V. respectfully represent that the appointment of M. C. Barkwell for surgeon general has caused general dissatisfaction, and there is good reason to believe that a total disorganization of the medical staff will be the result unless a change is made immediately in the head of the department. We have thought it due both to you and ourselves that the facts should be fairly presented to your consideration. The members of the surgical staff now in the field are gentlemen [in] every way, capable, and have the perfect confidence of all the volunteer forces. Nothing could prove more disastrous than disunion and ill feeling in the medical corps. We would respectfully suggest the name of Doctor E. R. Fields as one who would give entire satisfaction to all. Grave Creek O.T. March 15 1856 John
Kelsay, Capt.
I will here state that this request is
the J. L. Coombs, 1st Lieut. C. S. Lane, 2nd Lieut. J. M. Wallan, wounded on Hungry Hill, treated by Fish Wm.
H. Latham, Capt.
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder
29/19.John Wallan, 1st Lieut. Doct. Richardson From Jacksonville.
22, 1856.
Dear Adams--There
is nothing doing here worthy of note in the way of fighting, and it
seems of God's mercy only that the Indians have not devastated the
country. They are playing the mischief with the inhabitants on the
coast. Barkwell, who was made Surgeon General by your Walla Walla
legislature, has been here for several days. The poor fellow looks as
chop-fallen as though he had had nothing to drink for two or three
days. He started down to Walla Walla Valley this evening. We have
pretty strong evidence here that Barkwell will be removed, and McIteeny
appointed in his place. When the news came here that the Legislature
had appointed Barkwell the surgeons all resigned, except that tool
Stone, alias "Edgar."
Barkwell couldn't get surgeons to serve under him. He denied with tears in his eyes that he had even pledged himself at Salem to remove Dr. Greer, but expressed great anxiety to have him act as assistant surgeon. This Dr. Greer positively refused to do, but agreed to act as physician and surgeon to the hospital at this place, after Barkwell had signed a personal written agreement promising Dr. Greer a stipulated sum per month for his services. Matters are beautifully managed by the clique, and the "muss" threatens to last as long as the war does, at least. Yours, VOLUNTEER. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, April 5, 1856, page 2 To his excellency George L. Curry Governor of Oregon Territory The undersigned, citizens and legal voters of the Territory, would most respectfully represent to your excellency that we have learned with deep regret that a petition has been forwarded to you by certain individuals, requesting the removal of Doct. M. C. Barkwell from the office of Surgeon General, to which he has recently been appointed, and which appointment has given the greatest satisfaction to a large majority of the citizens of the southern portion of Oregon, who have the highest confidence not only in his ability but also in his integrity. Knowing as well all do that the petition above mentioned emanates from a few persons, a part of whom are disappointed seekers of the same office, others who would strive to drag politics in as a necessary qualification, even for the office of chaplain, should such an office be created--and would were it possible suffer none but a Know Nothing or Whig to pray for the volunteers--and the remainder of the signers are with few exceptions men who, having no opinion of their own, are easily influenced by their friends to sign any paper which may be to them presented. We would therefore most respectfully remonstrate against said petition, and solicit the maintenance of Dr. Barkwell in the office he is so well qualified to occupy. And your petitioners will ever pray &c. Names
State Archives Military Department Papers 89A-12, Petitions folder
29/18. UndatedW. J. Allen J. Thomas James Kilgore Robert B. Hargadine Bennett Million A. M. Berry P. W. Stow J. G. Wood Wm. Hoffman D. Newcomb Headquarters,
Mouth of Rogue River
Sir,Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. March 22nd 1856 I have the honor to report my arrival at this point on the evening of the 20th inst. without having encountered any obstacle and with no other casualty than the loss of a mule packed with part of the howitzer ammunition, and those other animals broken down on the route. On the afternoon of our arrival many Indians appeared in the vicinity of the camp--in a mining ditch--from whence they fired upon two individuals strolling a short distance away, which led to a slight skirmish without loss on either side, as far as I am aware. I regret to report that in the course of that night, the corporal of the guard, Corporal Hubert of "F" Comp. 4th Inf., while visiting his sentinels, was mortally wounded by one of a picket, a recruit, who mistook him for an Indian. Yesterday I caused the ferry boat formerly belonging to the mouth of the river, which had been nearly destroyed, to be repaired, and crossed my command to the north side of the river on which I am at present encamped. I shall make a combined movement on Tuesday with the force from forts Orford and Lane, now believed to be in position at the mouth of the Illinois and Big Bend of this river, against the main body of the enemy distant from this point about 8 miles, where I think they are prepared to make a stand, and hope to be able to report, in a few days, the successful result of my expedition. I
am sir
To:Respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. 1st Lt. J. C. Bonnycastle Aide de Camp Fort Vancouver W. Terr. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Port Orford Correspondence of the
Port Orford, March
23, 1856.
Editor Statesman--The
steamer is now due from San Francisco, and we avail ourselves of this
opportunity of communicating such intelligence as we have received from
the seat of war, and such other matter which may be of interest to the
readers of the Statesman.On the 13th inst., a detachment of U.S. soldiers, 150 strong, under command of Col. Buchanan, together with some forty volunteers under command of Capt. George Abbott, left Crescent City for the scene of hostilities on Rogue River, and on the same day another detachment of U.S. soldiers, numbering something over one hundred, under command of Capt. Augur, left this place to meet Col. Buchanan at a designated point on Rogue River, for the purpose of commencing active operations against the Indians. In addition to this force we have heard from reliable sources that orders have been forwarded to Capt. Smith, commanding at Fort Lane, to march immediately with two companies of U.S. soldiers to cooperate with those from this place and Crescent City. On the evening of the 21st inst., Mr. Chas. Foster arrived here with advices from Capt. Augur. As yet no regular engagements had taken place, but on their arrival at the designated point on Rogue River (which was at the mouth of Illinois River), they discovered some ten or twelve Indians, and strange to say on being fired upon they stood their ground and promptly returned the fire of the troops. Five Indians were killed, and no loss occurred to the whites, either in killed or wounded. On account of the roughness of the country south of Rogue River, Col. Buchanan was unable to meet Capt. Augur at the point designated, consequently he was compelled to march direct to the mouth of Rogue River, and Capt. Augur on his arrival at the point agreed upon, finding that the Colonel had not arrived, and after waiting some little time, took up the line of march for the mouth of Rogue River, some twenty or twenty-five miles distant from the Illinois River. After leaving camp, and yet in full view, a company of some five or six Indians came into camp and threw powder into the fire, discharged their rifles and made several other demonstrations of victory, and not being satisfied with this proceeding, followed the command one day, and on the following morning after the soldiers had left camp repeated the same proceeding as at the previous camp. This occurred on the 21st inst., since which we have received no intelligence. As soon as the intelligence of the massacre of the 22nd ult. at Rogue River reached the commanding officer at this post, an effort was at once made to collect all the friendly Indians north of this place, reaching as far as the Coquille River, which effort proved unusually successful, and they remained quiet and peaceable until last evening, when the Coquille Indians left for parts unknown. On inquiry of those remaining in camp, we are informed that a white man came to their lodge during the early part of the night and informed them that the whites were coming to kill them early in the morning, and a regular stampede was as a matter of course the result. What action may be taken by the commanding officer I am unable to say, but we suppose that something will be done to ascertain whether any white men have been the means of the Indians leaving, and if so, proceedings will be commenced against any person so vile and treacherous as to commit so base a wrong. Yours
J. C. F.
Statesman, Salem, April 29, 1856, page 1During the two engagements the following losses occurred On the engagement of March 23rd. Charles Abrahams--Lost 1 mule killed in action; equipments Orville Olney--1 horse killed in action, equipments 1 rifle, 1 revolver John Davis--killed in action, lost 1 rifle Alexander Caldwell--killed in action, horse severely wounded Samuel Mooney--horse severely wounded James Dugdale--1 horse lost in action; equipments 1 revolver Samuel Cowell--1 horse killed in action Capt. Hugh O'Neil--1 mule killed in action March 25th, 1856 Henry W. Stanton--1 horse killed in action, lost equipments 1 rifle Ray Geddes--1 horse killed in action Eli McCoin--1 mule killed in action John Driscoll--horse killed in action William Clements--rifle injured The men lost considerable in blankets &c. Henry
W. Stanton
W. Stanton, Cayuse,
Yakima and Rogue River Wars Papers, University of OregonOrderly Sergeant, Company E For Capt. Hugh O'Neil War News of the Week--Southern
On Sunday the 23rd inst., the Indians attacked five or six men of Capt.
O'Neil's company, killing two and wounding two more. The two wounded
men, with the other men, succeeded in reaching Hay's,
where in a short time one of the wounded men died. The Indians
immediately commenced an attack on Hay's house, and great fears were
entertained that they would succeed in taking the place, as there were
but a few men there. An express was started to Maj. Bruce, at Vannoy's.
Dashing through the Indians' fire, the express reached the Major on
Sunday night. Immediately Capt. Miller and his company were in their
saddles en route for
scene of action. The Indians continuing their attack during the night,
just before morning it was thought advisable to send another express,
as it was probable the first had been killed. The last express met
Capt. Miller within about three miles of Hay's, but when the Captain
reached there the Indians had left. No doubt they were warned of his
near approach by their vigilant spies. The last express sent out
continued on to Maj. Bruce, who early on Monday morning, with Capts.
George and Williams and their companies, and a part of Capts.
Wilkinson's, Alcorn's and O'Neil's companies, started for the scene of
On Tuesday, between Reeves' and Hay's, about two miles from Hay's, the Indians attacked D. Evans' pack train, killing one Spaniard and wounding Evans slightly in two places, and capturing twenty-eight mules with their cargo, in which was 25 lbs. of powder. Mr. Evans' riding mule was shot through the neck, yet he made his escape and reached Hay's, where Maj. Bruce's command was. A charge was immediately ordered, Capt. George taking the road and Maj. Bruce with the remainder taking to the left for the purpose of attacking the Indians, as was supposed, in the rear. The number of Indians was not known, but supposed to be from two to three hundred, who occupied the rocks and brush on each side of the road on the hillside for some distance, their line crossing the road near the summit of the divide between Illinois and Deer Creek. Their position was circular, or near the shape of a horseshoe. Capt. George's company advanced, keeping the road until near the summit, when a deadly fire was poured in from the hillsides, killing two of Capt. George's and one of Capt. Williams' company. The position of the enemy was so protected that it was out of the question to get our rifles to bear upon them. The horses, which were left a short distance in the rear without a horse guard, were surrounded by the Indians and forty of them captured, together with saddles, bridles &c. It was not known how many Indians were killed. Six are reported to have been killed at Hay's. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 29, 1856, page 2 Headquarters,
Mouth Rogue River, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. March 25th 1856. Shortly after closing my last dispatch, my express returned from Capt. Augur's camp which had been removed from the mouth of the Illinois about 15 miles down the river, in consequence of his not having heard from me before, and his apprehending that I might have met with some obstacles on my way here from Crescent City. He joined me at this point on Sunday night, and I have therefore been compelled to modify my plan in order to meet a new state of affairs. I have heard nothing from Capt. Smith since he was to leave Fort Lane, and cannot obtain the service of anyone to carry an express to him. I shall move from this to a point 6 miles above tomorrow morning, and then having beaten up the quarters of the Indians supposed to be at the Tututni village, I shall be compelled to send my train to Fort Orford for supplies. Fort Orford will be considered as the depot for my supplies for some time to come, and I therefore require the proper instructions be at once given to the chiefs of the staff corps in the Department. I request that at least 50 mules be purchased and sent to this point, as the scarcity of transportation in this part of the Territory is such as to render it impossible to procure pack trains when wanted. I
am sir
To:Respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commd. Dist. 1st Lt. J. C. Bonnycastle Aide de Camp Fort Vancouver W.T. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Northern Battalion--A Battle with
reached here two or three days ago that Maj. Latshaw was in pursuit of
the Indians, near the big bend of Cow Creek; had sent after more men
and supplies; that Col. Kelsay had gone out with the Benton Co. company
to his assistance; that they had come up with the Indians and had two
or three days' skirmishing; lost one man killed and one wounded, and
killed six Indians. Report says that 1st Lieut. Coombs, of the Benton
Co. company, was by some means a little in the rear of his company when
an attack was made, and jumped off his mule to get a shot at an Indian,
when lo! and behold! what should he see in a few minutes, but an Indian
snugly mounted on his mule, riding up the hill. The Lieut. became quite
enraged at the sight, assumed the command and ordered a charge, leading
the forlorn hope himself, retook his mule and three or four Indian
horses, killing three Indians without losing a man.
It would be a good thing if the same success should attend the recapturing of all the animals the red devils have taken. We understand that they have sent to Gen. Lamerick for supplies, stating that "if they can get them they will follow the Indians to h---." The General had sent out supplies and directed them to continue until the Indians are disposed of in some way. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 29, 1856, page 2 The expedition to the Rogue River country, undertaken by the regular troops under Col. Buchanan, has not been heard from. Neither have we had any advices as to the doings of the volunteer company which at the beginning of last month, under command of Capt. Abbott, escorted a train up to the beach intended for the relief of the people at the mouth of Rogue River. It is probable that these commands meanwhile have communicated with Port Orford, but the Columbia, not having touched at that port on her downward trip, failed to bring us any intelligence from that quarter. "Later from Northern California," Sacramento Daily Union, April 14, 1856, page 1 EARLY DAYS.
The expedition to the Rogue River country, undertaken by the regular
troops under Col. Buchanan, has not been heard from. Neither have we
had any advice as to the doings of the volunteer company which at the
beginning of last month, under the command of Capt. Abbott, escorted a
train up the beach intending for the relief of the people at the mouth
of Rogue River. It is probable that these commands meanwhile have
communicated with Port Orford, but the Columbia, not having touched at that port on her downward trip, failed to bring us any intelligence from that quarter.Happenings in the Fifties. From the Crescent City Herald, April, 1856. While the forces commanded by Col. Buchanan, U.S.A., which marched by the middle of the present month, and amount to about 400 regular troops, comprising detachments from this place, Port Orford and Fort Lane, must before this have effected the contemplated junction somewhere in the neighborhood of Big Meadows on Rogue River, the place where it was said the Indians boldly awaited and invited an attack on the part of the whites and while in hourly expectation of news from that quarter; the report of a sudden invasion of Illinois Valley by bands of hostile Indians unexpectedly awakens again, with the deepest sympathies towards the sufferers, the gloomiest forebodings for the future. Mr. Cobert, who arrived here on Thursday, left Althouse on Tuesday 25th, and as near as he could ascertain, the following were the reports then current there: That on Sunday, Mr. Wright, a partner of Vannoy, in company with six or seven men, left Hay's place at the head of Deer Creek Valley for Vannoy's ranch, and after traveling some six miles they found themselves suddenly surrounded by Indians. Mr. Wright was killed, but his companions escaped and returned to Hay's, where it appears some 75 volunteers were encamped. A second party then went out to ascertain more of the whereabouts of the enemy, when they were attacked not far from the house, Alex Caldwell being killed. Towards evening, four pack trains, consisting of some 80 mules, were encamped in the vicinity, and are reported to have been captured. One of the packers had his animal shot from under him, and one man, John Davis, was killed. Information of these occurrences was the same night sent to the neighboring localities, Althouse, Sucker Creek, Canon Creek, etc., and the number of Indians reported to be considerable, perhaps not short of 200. Later in the evening on Thursday, Mr. Dodson arrived here from Sailor Diggings bringing with him a copy of the following note by Mr. Sprague to Geo. Sam Rice: I am requested by Major Bruce and Mr. Briggs to warn the people of Sailor Diggings that they are in imminent danger of being attacked by a band of from two to three hundred Indians within the next 24 hours. You must get together within this day, and do the best you can to prepare for a vigorous defense. Tell the merchants to secure their ammunition. If you are attacked let us know immediately, and all assistance possible will be rendered. Thus it would appear that the Indians had it all their own way in Illinois Valley from Sunday to Wednesday, by which time it was thought not improbable that they were already in possession of the settlement on Canon Creek, some 14 miles this side of Hay's. There are but few volunteers now in the service, at any rate not a sufficient force to rout 300 Indians. To hold and defend certain posts or fortified places, bring the families under shelter, and endeavor to relieve such localities as may be attacked by the Indians will be the most they can accomplish. The Indians are evidently well posted as to the movements of the regular troops, and while Capt. Smith, with about 150 soldiers from Fort Lane, marched down Illinois River, to effect a junction with Col. Buchanan near the Big Meadows, the wily Indians passed him in an opposite direction, and made a descent upon the settlements and mining districts just beyond the Coast Range, about 60 or 70 miles from Crescent City, but along the line of communication between it and Rogue River Valley. Unhappily there exists neither concert of action nor any degree of confidence between the regular and volunteer forces, and of this the Indians have a keen perception, avoiding seriously any collision with the U.S. troops, but revenging themselves upon the "Bostons" settlers. By later advices from the interior, the news in its main features is confirmed. Maj. W. W. Fowler left Jacksonville on the 25th inst., and arrived on Saturday last, having in company of a party of thirty-five men traveled directly through the vicinity which was the scene of the depredations, and where the alarm still continues. In the attack on Sunday, near Hay's, three white men were killed and a number of animals taken, which, the evening being far advanced, had already been unloaded by the packers and turned out. The number of Indians, as near as could be ascertained by the assailed parties in Hay's house, was at least 150. It is supposed that six Indians were killed. On Tuesday, Mr. Evans, although advised of the danger, undertook to drive an empty train through from Canon Creek. The Indians captured all his animals, killed his Mexican arriero, while he himself barely escaped with his life. Fortunately, no pack or merchandise had fallen into the hands of the Indians, with the exception of a keg of molasses, a few coils of rope, and twenty-two pounds of powder, which they took from Mr. Evans. The present is a gloomy period in Southern Oregon. While admitting that the regular forces are actively engaged in pursuing the Indians, it is no less evident that the latter successfully endeavor to elude their grasp, pouncing meanwhile here and there upon the packers, the traders, the farmers, and breaking up every kind of business. Under the sudden threat of an attack by the savage foe, the community look for immediate assistance and relief to the volunteer companies, who in return are ignored by the commander of the regular forces. The Indians on the California side of the boundary line have hitherto continued at peace with the whites. But if this war near the frontiers is suffered to continue, complications may arise which will involve them also in the struggle. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, July 1, 1893, page 1 LATE FROM THE INTERIOR.
While the forces commanded by Col. Buchanan, U.S.A., which marched by
the middle of the present month, and amount to about 400 regular
troops, comprising detachments from this place, Port Orford and
Fort Lane, must before this have effected the contemplated junction
somewhere in the neighborhood of Big Meadows
on Rogue
River, the place where it was said the Indians boldly awaited and
invited an attack on the part of the whites, and while in hourly
expectation of news from that quarter, the report of a sudden invasion
of Illinois Valley by bands of hostile Indians unexpectedly awakens
again, with the deepest sympathies towards the sufferers, the gloomiest
forebodings for the future.Indian Hostilities in Illinois and Deer Creek Valley-- Four White Men Killed and 120 Animals Taken by the Indians. Mr. Cobert, who arrived here on Thursday, left Althouse on Tuesday (25th) and as near as he could ascertain, the following were the reports then current there: That on Sunday (23rd inst.) Mr. Wright, a partner of Vannoy, in company with six or seven men, left Hay's place at the head of Deer Creek Valley for Vannoy's ranch, and after traveling some six miles they found themselves suddenly surrounded by Indians. Mr. Wright was killed, but his companions escaped and returned to Hay's, where it appears some 75 volunteers were encamped. A second party then went out to ascertain more of the whereabouts of the enemy, when they were also attacked not far from the house, Alex. Caldwell being killed. Towards evening, four pack trains, consisting of some 80 mules, were encamped in the vicinity, and are reported to have been captured. One of the packers had his animal shot from under him, and one man, John Davis, was killed. Information of these occurrences was the same night sent to the neighboring localities, Althouse, Sucker Creek, Cañon Creek, etc., and the number of Indians reported to be considerable, perhaps not short of 200. Later in the evening on Thursday, Mr. Dodson arrived here from Sailor Diggings bringing with him a copy of the following note by Mr. Sprague: Briggs',
March 26th,
To Mr.
Geo. Sam Rice:--I am requested by
Maj. Bruce
and Mr. Briggs to warn the people of Sailor Diggings that they are in
imminent danger of being attacked by a band of from two to three
hundred Indians within the next 24 hours.
You must get together within this day and do the best you can to prepare for a vigorous defense. Tell the merchants to secure their ammunition. Yours
in haste,
you are attacked let us know
immediately, and all assistance possible will be rendered.C. P. Sprague C.P.S.
Thus it
would appear that the Indians
had it all
their own way in Illinois Valley from Sunday to Wednesday, by which
time it was thought not improbable that they were already in possession
of the settlement on Cañon Creek, some 14 miles this side of
Hay's.There are but few volunteers now in the service, at any rate not a sufficient force to rout 300 Indians. To hold and defend certain posts or fortified places, bring the families under shelter, and endeavor to relieve such localities as may be attacked by the Indians will be the most they can accomplish. The Indians are evidently well posted as to the movements of the regular troops, and while Capt. Smith, with about 150 soldiers from Fort Lane, marched down Illinois River to effect a junction with Col. Buchanan near the Big Meadows, the wily Indians passed him in an opposite direction and made a descent upon the settlements and mining districts just beyond the Coast Range, about 60 or 70 miles from Crescent City, but along the line of communication between it and Rogue River Valley. Unhappily there exists neither concert of action nor any degree of confidence between the regular and volunteer forces, and of this the Indians have a keen perception, avoiding sedulously any collision with the U.S. troops, but revenging themselves upon the "Bostons" (settlers). LATER.
By later
advices from the interior, the
news in its
main features is confirmed. Maj. W. W. Fowler left Jacksonville on the
25th inst. and arrived on Saturday last, having in company of a party
of thirty-five men traveled directly through the vicinity which was the
scene of the depredations, and where the alarm still continues.In the attack on Sunday, near Hay's, three white men were killed and a number of animals taken, which the evening being far advanced, had already been unloaded by the packers and turned out. The number of Indians, as near as could be ascertained by the assailed parties in Hay's house, was at least 150. It is supposed that six Indians were killed. On Tuesday, Mr. Evans, although advised of the danger, undertook to drive an empty train through from Cañon Creek. The Indians captured all his animals, killed his Mexican arriero, while he himself barely escaped with his life. Fortunately, no packs or merchandise had fallen into the hands of the Indians, with the exception of a keg of molasses, a few coils of rope, and twenty-two pounds of powder, which they took from Mr. Evans. The present is a gloomy period in Southern Oregon. While admitting that the regular forces are actively engaged in pursuing the Indians, it is no less evident that the latter successfully endeavor to elude their grasp, pouncing meanwhile here and there upon the packers, the traders, the farmers and breaking up every kind of business. Under the sudden threat of an attack by the savage foe, the community look for immediate assistance and relief to the volunteer companies, who in return are ignored by the commander of the regular forces. The Indians on the California side of the boundary line have hitherto continued at peace with the whites. But if this war near the frontiers is suffered to continue, complications may arise which will involve them also in the struggle. Crescent City Herald, April 2, 1856, page 2 Correspondence of the Sentinel.
March 27, 1856.
Messrs. Editors:--As
our town is at this time totally unprotected, I came to the conclusion
that a few ideas expressed through the medium of your valuable paper
(the Sentinel)
would be both in time and place.
From the reports which we have received today it appears that the great American people are getting whipped, and badly too. Our volunteer forces are becoming weaker every day, and the Indians are getting stronger, and does it not stand to reason that after the Indians have totally defeated the volunteers (of which there is a likelihood at the present crisis) that they will commence upon the towns and villages, and no doubt Jacksonville will be the first to fall under the brand and scalping knife. In conversation with Capt. Abel George this morning, he said it was his opinion that there were three chances to one against Jacksonville being the next place of attack. And what seems most strange, Mr. Editors, is that the inhabitants of our town seem to go to bed and rise in the morning as if there was nothing going on, as if there was no war, and go about their daily occupations with that nonchalance which seems to say "we are not afraid, the Indians do not know that we are perfectly unguarded, that we are at their mercy." Why, Mr. Editors, if fifty Indians were to attack the place, they could destroy the whole town and butcher every person in it, excepting those who are in good running condition. It is necessary then that we should build a fort, and to accomplish this the citizens must unite together, with both heart and hand immediately, for in a few weeks if things continue as they are at present we may all be murdered, and Jacksonville be among the things that were. Some persons have an idea that our brick stores would offer ample protection; but such is not the case, for if the Indians were to set the town on fire (which no doubt would be the first act they would do), the persons who would have taken refuge in the brick stores would either be smothered or be crushed to death by the falling in of the walls, from the effects of the intense heat occasioned by the burning of other houses. I would not advise any person in case of an attack to go into any of the brick stores; as for myself I should prefer a log house. We see that they have erected a fort at Sterling and one below on the flat, and also at several places in the valley, to which in case of an attack they can go for protection. Where would the people of Jacksonville go, were the Indians to attack the town? I am afraid that those not having families would never light up running, until they made Fort Lane, where, no doubt, they would receive the kind attention of the U.S. Medical Officer, but those having families would no doubt be mercilessly murdered; whereas, if we had a fort of our own, we would not have so far to run, and the weak as well as the strong would have a chance to save their lives. The only way to effect the building of a fort is for the older citizens to call a meeting, to adopt such plans as they see fit, then to call upon the Young Americans to give them a hand, and I'll warrant that we will have a fort built in three days, large enough to contain all the inhabitants of Jacksonville and persons living in the vicinity. This is a subject of grave importance and I hope that our city fathers will look to it. HUNGRY
Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 29, 1856, page 2Indian War in Southern Oregon.
Jacksonville, O.T.,
March 26, 1856.
Editors Illinois Journal:--We
are now engaged in a war with almost all of the Indians west of the
Rocky Mountains. In this section our enemies are the Indians from the
Umpqua down to the Yreka. In this war the Indians were the original
aggressors. They commenced by killing a miner on Indian Creek, just a
few miles in California. The same band stopped on Applegate Creek and
killed two other persons.The miners from Scott's River and Yreka turned out to the number of 420 and chased them to Fort Lane, got them within control, and then by vote of the army let them run. A few days later they killed a man on Siskiyou Mountain. After that, say 1st October, hostilities were general, and from that time to this the Indians have burnt houses, destroyed farms and robbed and killed the people. The whites have had an army in the field since October, have had several fights, in one of which they lost some thirty-five men. The whites are compelled constantly to be on the alert. We now understand that the Indians have concentrated their strength at a place called "the Meadows," on Rogue River, where they are fortified. The volunteers will proceed to that point in some ten days, where it is anticipated a decided action will take place. The Indians in this section of country are but few in number, but the region is so rough, with mountains valleys, swamps and "kenyons," that, brave as they are, they are formidable. Many of them are most noble specimens of the savage in their physical development. They are tall, stout, agile, cunning, brutal and abound with that absorbing passion, revenge. The whites have taken possession of the rivers and all favorable points where the Indians subsisted on fish, and such animals as are easily taken, and they are reduced to desperate circumstances. If they go into the mountains, they will starve; if they remain on the rivers or the bays and basins of the ocean, the keen sight of the holder of the western rifle is upon them. They are bound to be destroyed, and such is the condition of affairs that they must be destroyed--for as long as they remain, they will lurk around the farm and the dwelling, killing the innocent and unsuspecting. What else can be done but to destroy them? They hold no faith with the whites. Yours,
State Journal, Springfield, May 21, 1856, page 2H.J.A. [Henry J. Ammons?] From the South.
March 26,
Gen. M. M.
Messengers from the south have just arrived, bringing intelligence of
the most stirring and exciting character; several battles have been
fought within the last few days, and a number of our soldiers killed
and wounded. The first dispatches brought intelligence of a battle
fought on Cow Creek, south of the Canyon, on the 24th inst., by
Sheffield's and Latshaw's companies, with a band of the Rogue River
Indians commanded by Old George and Limpy; the volunteers lost one man
killed and two wounded; the loss of the Indians, as well as could be
ascertained, was three killed, the number of wounded not known. On the
same day in Camas Valley, about 20 miles west of this place, the
Indians made an attack upon the settlers of that prairie and drove away
quite a number of cattle and horses. They were pursued by a detachment
of Capt. Buoy's company, and made a running fight for several hours.
The volunteers gained a complete victory; killed one Indian and wounded
several others, and had the good fortune not to receive a wound or a
scratch in the whole engagement. The Indians, however, very early in
the morning saluted the inmates of the fort by firing upon them before
they had recovered from their morning's slumber, and then retreated to
the lower end of the valley, fired the vacated houses and the barns,
collected what stock they wanted, and rushed for the mountains south.
We have also intelligence of battles being recently fought further
south. In the Illinois Valley on Rogue River a pack train consisting of
forty mules, as I understand, was surrounded and taken by the Indians
belonging to Old John's band; three or four white men were killed and
one wounded in that engagement; no statements in relation to the killed
and wounded among the Indians. It is further stated that Maj. Bruce and
his command are now in that section actually engaged in a warm and
vigorous contest with Old John and his entire band.
A few hours ago I received a letter from Scottsburg, written by Samuel S. Mann, quartermaster and acting commissary for the coast district. He states that it is utterly impossible to make any purchases in that place, under present circumstances, and has consequently made a requisition upon this department for supplies for Coos Bay. I am not able to satisfy his demand, as there are none here. Mr. Abrahams has just arrived from Scottsburg and brings the information that the citizens of Coos Bay are in the utmost state of distress for the want of provisions. A few men came up to Scottsburg by the way of the beach for provisions, but could not procure more than 100 pounds of flour for the number of 110 persons who are forted up at that place. Immediate relief for them I am afraid cannot be had in time, from accounts. Tomorrow I will start a pack train for Corvallis, with instruction to go and return with the utmost dispatch. I hope you will have groceries and other supplies ready by the time they arrive, and that they may be able to return without delay. I am, sir, your most ob't. serv't., &c., P. O. REILLEY, Ass't. Com. Gen. The Oregon Argus, Oregon City, April 5, 1856, page 2, also in the Oregon Weekly Times, Portland, April 5, 1856, page 2 A slightly different version was printed in the Oregon Weekly Times of April 5, preserved on NARA Series M234, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, Reel 609 Oregon Superintendency 1856, frame 662. Headquarters,
Mouth Rogue River
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. March 27th 1856 I have the honor to continue the report of my operations to the present dates. After my last dispatch was written, the captain of the volunteers, who had been so long cooped up in their fort near this point, requested permission to go out into the neighborhood with his men and bury the bodies of those who had been murdered after the massacre of Capt. Poland, Ben Wright and others. I authorized him to do so, and on his return that night I learned that his party had been as far as the Tututni village, and finding it deserted and the houses empty, had set fire to and burnt it. From the fact that it was empty I inferred that the Indians were moving further up, either to the Illinois or to Indigo Creek, which empties into that stream a few miles above its mouth, and therefore determined to send a detachment under Capt. Ord on the north side of this river to destroy the Mikonotunne village, and another under Capt. Augur on the south side to a point opposite that village to support Capt. O., in case it should happen to be necessary. Each command took with it 2 days' rations in its haversacks. From the enclosed report of Capt. Ord, it will be seen that the duty to which he was assigned was handsomely performed, though not without resistance on the part of the enemy, resulting in a skirmish in which we had 1 sergeant and 1 private of Comp. B. 3rd Arty. wounded, and the enemy lost 8 men killed, and perhaps as many were wounded. The village, consisting of 13 houses, hastily evacuated and filled with quantities of provisions such as acorns, dried fish and the usual furniture of Indian houses, was totally destroyed. Capt. Augur marched with his command, but owing to inaccurate information furnished me in relation to the distance he was ordered to go from this camp, did not reach there in time to participate in the engagement. Not anticipating that a force of the size that met Capt. Ord would be found there, I ordered both commands to return to camp as soon as possible after the burning of the village, and accordingly both got back this morning, very much fatigued and requiring rest. As I shall be compelled to send my train to Fort Orford tomorrow, in order to obtain supplies for a further movement, I shall not move my force from this camp until after its return, by which time I hope to hear from Capt. Smith's command. I cannot close this communication without expressing my satisfaction in the manner in which Capt. Ord performed the duty assigned him, and my approbation of the conduct of the officers and men of his command. The officers under him were Capt. D. Floyd-Jones, 4th Inf., 2nd Lieut. J. Drysdale, 3rd Arty. & Actg. Asst. Surgeon C. A. Hillman--all of whom were active and energetic on the occasion. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Camp at the mouth of
Rogue River, March 27th 1856
To Col. R. C. Buchanan, commd. Dist of Southern Oregon & North.
Cal.Sir: In obedience to your orders I started from here yesterday at 8 a.m. to destroy the Mikonotunne village, about 11 miles from here. My command consisted of my company--1 2nd Lieut. temporarily assigned (2nd Lieut. Drysdale) and Capt. DeL. Floyd-Jones Co. 4th Infantry--without subalterns--in all one hundred and thirteen men. Acting Asst. Surgeon C. A. Hillman and a guide Mr. Walker accompanied the party. Mr. Walker took us over a very rough country and by circuitous Indian trails or bridle paths to the village which we reached after a hard march (especially on the recruits) at about 2½ o'clock p.m. the houses, thirteen in number, were composed of substantial walls and roofing, mainly thatch, over the large and deep excavations peculiar to the people of the Rogues. They were built in a row on a pretty little river bottom and appeared as if just evacuated. Some of them contained fires still burning, and the usual Indian stores and furniture. The river bottom was about two hundred yards long by one hundred broad and was bordered on the west by a willow coppice, on the north, or back from the river, by the steep slopes of the mountains, thickly timbered, and at the eastern or upper end (at which end the trail entered) some bare slopes, coming down for a hundred yards or so from a rocky and wooded ridge. On entering this secluded and well-sheltered bottom I found eight or ten Indian horses loose and noticed some of the owners on a steep mountain about a quarter of a mile above the village and on the opposite side of the river, and I thought from appearances that the inhabitants upon whom we had intruded would not look quietly on while their town was burning. I therefore before I marched onto the meadow occupied with part of the command the willow coppice at the lower end and the timber ridge or slope in its rear, depositing the officers' riding mules, the men's blankets and haversacks on a bare slope. Capt. Jones' co. I sent into the willows, and Lieut. Drysdale with most of Comp. "B" 3rd Arty. into the timbered ridge in the rear of [the] village, leaving a guard of twelve men with the blankets and mules and 2 men on the wooded knoll. The advanced guard were directed to lie down in rear of the houses, all these detachments in open order and under the best cover that offered. The river is at the village about eighty yards across, and the advanced guard were posted to return any fire from the opposite banks, which are high and steep. I directed two of the advance guard to fire the houses while I watched the motions of the Indians on the opposite mountain up the river. I soon saw their game was to cross above the village and come down upon me while my men might be busy burning houses or racing horses [sic], but I kept my men with their companies, and seeing that if the Indians got possession of the timbered ridges and spurs to the east and north I should be hemmed in and surrounded. I ordered Capt. Jones in double quick over the steep bare slope into the woods which crowned them. He had some two hundred and fifty yards to run, and the Indians got possession of these first. Lieut. Drysdale I ordered by a flank movement to keep in the timber and run to the rear and above where the blankets and provisions were left. He got up to the flat just as the Indians charged down on the guard there, and drove it [sic] back toward the village, but the Indians fell back before Lieut. Drysdale's force, which they did not expect to find there. I took the advance guard and led it up a bare slope into the wooded knoll at east end of village, turning the retreating guard which I met as they fell back from the blankets, and with these drove out a few of the Indians who had occupied this knoll. These latter fled across the open ground to the blankets, where they had just left their companions, but fell into the hands of Lieut. Drysdale's men and were mostly killed by the crossfire to which they had intended to subject me. The high spur east of the knoll and which had a steep bare ascent from the side of the village was still in the hands of the Indians. Capt. Jones had succeeded in urging his men into the timber which I directed him to occupy, and the Indians were falling back. I pushed the advance guard and a small party of "B" Compy. down from the knoll and rushed them up the opposite slope into the timber that crowned this spur, and as this commanded the Indians crossing where their canoes were, they fled on all sides to their canoes and crossed over to the side where they had come. In all the attacking party was about sixty strong, but their position more than doubled their strength. They left five dead men on my side of the river, and three more were killed in crossing. I fear some squaws were also unfortunately shot by the guide, who fired across the river into groups. I think the Indians wounded amount to as many as were killed. I had but one man (private "B" Co. 3rd Arty.) wounded here. After the Indians were driven back to the opposite bank I called in my men, and as they had been marching, burning houses or fighting for a long eight hours they were very much in need of water and rest. I could not camp on the village bottom; it was too exposed to attack, too difficult to defend. There was no other water nearer than two and a half miles up the mountains in rear of the village, so I started up this as fast as I could urge my weary men, but the Indians after I left recovered, followed my rear, and fired a parting volley some three-fourths of a mile from camp and severely wounded my first sergeant in charge of rear guard. The trail was so rough he could not be packed or carried in a litter, and part of the route I had to take him on my saddle in front of me. The officers and men behaved exceedingly well, and considering that a large number of my party never had had a musket in their hands before leaving Crescent City their success is quite satisfactory. The wound of 1st Sergt. Nash was excessively painful, paralyzing his legs, so to give him relief I tested the endurance of the whole party by a forced march back to camp, marching back by 9 o'clock this a.m. Very respectfully
your obdt. servt.
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.E. O. C. Ord, Capt. 3rd Arty. OREGON, ITS PRESENT DANGER AND FUTURE PROSPECTS.--A letter of the latest date, from a reliable source, to the editors of the National Intelligencer, alludes to the commencement of the war, and the prospect of terminating it. We make the following extract: "In October last, twenty-five Indians, of whom eighteen were women and children, were met by Major Lupton and his party of volunteers, and all were barbarously murdered. These were friendly Indians, going to the military reservation for protection. In December last two similar massacres, by volunteers, were committed on the north and south side of Rogue River, near Butte Creek, about fifteen miles from Fort Lane. Such conduct causes all the difficulties which Gen. Wool has to contend with. "In Southern Oregon there are not to exceed two hundred warriors in arms against the whites, although the citizens report three hundred. To meet these, in a few days the General will have six hundred and fifty regulars in the field. With Lieut. Colonel Buchanan and Major Garnet [sic] in company of the forces in Rogue River Valley, the General anticipates the most favorable results, provided the citizens of Oregon will abandon their determination to exterminate the Indians and give up private war, and withdraw the volunteers from the field. "Joel Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs of Oregon, is now moving, under a strong escort from Fort Lane, four hundred friendly Indians to the Coast Reservation. The inhabitants on the route have threatened to kill not only the Indians, but all who may accompany them. Such conduct needs no comment." Cazenovia Republican, Cazenovia, New York, April 9, 1856, page 3 INDIAN WARS IN THE NORTHWEST.
Gen. Wool has addressed a letter to the editors of the National Intelligencer, at
Washington City, in defense of his military conduct as commanding
general of the Pacific Department of the army, and giving a statement
facts in regard to the Indian wars now waged in the Territories of
Oregon and Washington.
This is a very unusual proceeding in an officer of the army of the United States and, if we mistake not, in opposition to the rules of the service. We believe officers of the army are forbidden to write letters to newspapers on military subjects while on service. Whether the rule applies in this case we are unable to decide. Gen. Wool's avowed motive for writing is that he has been denounced, without cause or justification, in print and on the stump, by Gov. Stevens (of Washington Territory) and Gov. Curry and his legislature (of Oregon Territory), who have demanded his removal from the President. It does not appear that they have succeeded in this demand, probably because the General's defense, made to the President, has been deemed satisfactory. The publication which he makes is, however, a very interesting public document, as a narrative of the origin and progress of these wars, and as an indignant retaliation upon his enemies. If what he charges be true, the President is bound to consider well whether he ought not to remove governors Curry and Stevens. Gen. Wool's statement is a very severe arraignment of both for incompetency and maladministration. He is particularly direct in his charges against Gov. Curry, whom he accuses of calling out the troops unnecessarily, using them improvidently, and getting up unwise, unnecessary and extravagant expeditions, of which the only objects were "to plunder the United States Treasury, and to make political capital for somebody." The late campaign against the Walla Wallas is particularly described as useless, wanton and mischievous. The General sarcastically says that "a fight with the Indians--no matter whether friends or foes--was indispensable to excite the sympathy of the nation, and especially Congress, or the propriety of paying contributions so profusely levied on the people of Oregon might be questionable. The expedition, he contends, found no enemies of any consequence that it did not make by its own conduct willfully, and by the injustice and cruelties which it practiced towards the natives. The design was to create a long war, in order to enrich the country by the large expenditures of the federal government. All this, too, Gen. Wool alleges was done without communicating with him at all upon the military wants or military operations within the Territory. He says: My information is derived from citizens and regular officers under my command, and not from any of the civil or military functionaries of the Territory of Oregon. I have never been informed by anyone, not even by the Governor, of the military wants of the Territory. He has never called on me for troops to defend it, or to protect the inhabitants from savage barbarity, although he has, as it would appear, purposely avoided all communication with me on the subject. I have not been unmindful of the conditions and wants of the Territory. I have not failed, as far as it was in my power, to defend and protect such parts as were exposed and assailed by the Indians, and I have no doubt but for the indiscriminate warfare carried on against them, and the massacre of several parties of friendly Indians by the troops of Gov. Curry, the war would have long since been brought to a close in Oregon. Although the Indians are retaliating with fearful vengeance on innocent citizens for the murder in October last, by Major Lupton and his party, of twenty-five friendly Indians, eighteen of whom were women and children, all going to the military reservation at Fort Lane for protection, and notwithstanding the massacres on the 23rd and 24th December last, when volunteers murdered about forty unarmed, friendly Indians belonging to the band of the chief Jake, who was among the killed, I think if the volunteers, who expect to be paid largely for their services, were withdrawn and private war prevented, I could soon end the war in Rogue River Valley, and indeed throughout Oregon and Washington, but the determination of the Oregonians to exterminate the Indians, which I am wholly opposed to, if not discountenanced by the United States government, may prolong the war almost indefinitely.His own opinion is that by abandoning the project of the Oregon people, which is to exterminate the Indians, at a cost from fifty to one hundred millions of dollars, and pursuing a judicious course, the war may be brought to a close and the Indians made to be tractable and peaceable. The great obstacle is in the disposition of the citizens, whose conduct is encouraged by persons holding high offices under the government of the United States, which the General denounces as "inhuman and barbarous," and designed for "the wholesale plundering of the Treasury of the United States." Gen. Wool says it is for his opposition to these men and their schemes that his removal from the command of the Pacific Department is demanded. The General says there are U.S. troops enough in the department to terminate the war in all parts of the two Territories, and to prevent the recurrence of former troubles, but it can be done only in the withdrawal of the volunteer system and the preventing of private war. But, he adds: As long as governors of Territories make war and exercise powers, as I believe, unknown to the President of the United States, and individuals raise volunteers and make war on the Indians whenever they please, and Congress will pay the expense, so long we will have war in Washington and Oregon Territories. It is said by intelligent men that the expense of Gov. Curry's army will amount in scrip from two to four millions of dollars. If Congress should foot the bill, some governor of another Territory will make a bill of ten millions of dollars. I do not know how the question will be considered. One thing, however, is certain, that it is an example which, if countenanced by the United States government, may, when least expected, lead to no less embarrassing than disastrous results.These are bold avowals and startling facts. Coming from such a source, and made in a tone of such defiant confidence, they will have a strong effect upon Congress, at least, and lead to a very thorough scrutiny of the conduct of officials in Oregon, before extravagant appropriations are voted to them for making an unnecessary war. The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, May 10, 1856, page 4 Indian War in Southern Oregon.
O.T., March 26, 1856.
JOURNAL: We are now engaged in a war with
almost all of the Indians west of the Rocky Mountains. In this section
our enemies are the Indians from the Umpqua, down to the Yreka. In this
war, the Indians were the original aggressors. They commenced by
killing a miner on Indian Creek, just a few miles [below the border] in
California. The same band stopped on Applegate Creek, and killed two
other persons.The miners from Scott's River and Yreka turned out to the number of 420, and chased them to Fort Lane, got them within control, and then by vote of the army, let them run. A few days after they killed a man on Siskiyou Mountain. After that, say 1st October, hostilities were general, and from that time to this, the Indians have burnt houses, destroyed farms, and robbed and killed the people. The whites have had an army in the field since October, have had several fights, in one of which they lost some thirty-five men. The whites are compelled constantly to be on the alert. We now understand that the Indians have concentrated their strength at a place called "the Meadows," on Rogue River, where they are fortified. The volunteers will proceed to that point in some ten days, where it is anticipated a decided action will take place. The Indians in this section of country are but few in number; but the region is so rough, with mountains, valleys, swamps and "kenyons," that, brave as they are, they are formidable. Many of them are most noble specimens of the savage in their physical development. They are tall, stout, agile, cunning, brutal, and abound with that absorbing passion, revenge. The whites have taken possession of the rivers and all favorable points where the Indians subsisted on fish, and such animals as are easily taken, and they are reduced to desperate circumstances. If they go into the mountains, they will starve; if they remain on the rivers or the bays and basins of the ocean, the keen sight of the holder of the western rifle is upon them. They are bound to be destroyed, and such is the condition of affairs, that they must be destroyed--for as long as they remain, they will lurk around the farm and the dwelling, killing the innocent and unsuspecting. What else can be done, but to destroy them? They hold no faith with the whites. Yours,
Daily Journal, Springfield, May 21, 1856, page
2H.J.A. News from Oregon.
The following letter, says the Standard,
the late authentic news from the south. Rumor says that in addition to
the engagements alluded to in this letter, a battle has been fought by
the regulars with the Indians near the mouth of Rogue River, in which
twenty-five regulars were killed, and the Indians completely
victorious. But this rumor needs confirmation:
Southern Army,
Excellency George L. Curry, Governor
of Oregon Territory, Salem, O.T.:Fort Leland, March 31, 1856. I have the honor to make the following report of the troops under my command. On the 22nd ult. I gave orders to Major Bruce to move with his command to Illinois Valley, to scour that part of the country, and, if possible, to find "Old John's" band of Indians. Bruce immediately repaired to the headquarters of the southern battalion and gave the necessary order for a march. His men moved on the 22nd inst. As they were about starting news came into camp of "John's" band being on the trail to Crescent City, and that they had that day killed three men, and that they were then attacking the house of Mr. Hay. Captain O'Neil's company hastened to the assistance of Mr. Hay, and in getting there had to run through the whole of the enemy's line, some 200 strong. As soon as Bruce came up the Indians retreated from the house and took to the mountains. Major Bruce then, with his command, commenced getting the families in that section of country in a condition to protect themselves. In the meantime the enemy were endeavoring to kill all the mules and horses they could find on their retreat. Major Bruce pursued the Indians some five miles, fighting all the way. Three of his men were killed, and some ten or twelve Indians killed. Night coming on, the men drew off, the Indians still retreating towards the meadows. On the 22nd ult. also, I ordered a detachment consisting of 100 men of the northern battalion, under the command of Major Latshaw, to go down Cow Creek. On the 23rd they fell in with from 75 to 80 Indians, six miles below Fort Smith. The fight here commenced, the men pressing forward and the enemy retreating. Some thirty Indians were collected on a hill to the right of the battle ground at this time, and one of the spies looking through a glass discovered a white man amongst the Indians on the hill. First Lieut. Coombs, of the Benton County company, was ordered to take thirty men and charge the enemy on the hill, which he did gallantly, killing one Indian and capturing a mule, saddle, blankets and a pair of boots. The volunteers drove the enemy right and left, scattering them in all directions. The enemy lost four killed, certain, and had many wounded. Four mules and two horses were captured. One white man killed of Sheffield's company, and one of the spy company wounded. Great credit is due to these brave volunteers who have driven the Indians from the trail and are still in pursuit of them. Capt. Laban Buoy's command had a fight with some seventy-five Indians six miles south of Camas Valley. The enemy came into the valley, it appears, to sweep the settlements. Upon hearing it, Capt. Buoy, with thirty-five men, started in pursuit, and came up with the enemy on the mountain leading to the meadows from the north. As soon as Capt. Buoy came up with the Indians, he immediately divided his command and charged them right and left, and completely routed and defeated them, killing three Indians, which they found on the ground, one with a navy-sized pistol still tightly grasped in his hand, though dead. The command followed the Indians about a mile, until the men were completely exhausted for want of water. They were then ordered to return to camp. This company, both officers and men, behaved in such a manner as to entitle them to the highest praise of every citizen of our country. Allow me to mention the obligations we are under to Major Bruce and the men under him, Major Latshaw and the brave boys from the north, as well as Capt. Buoy and Lieut. Moore, both of whom have been in the service all winter. I have ordered sixty men from Capt. Buoy's company to follow the Indians and if possible to fall in with Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw at the Big Bend of Cow Creek. Col. Kelsay bids fair to be a very active officer, and my confidence is unlimited in Lieut. Col. W. W. Chapman, all of whom are very sanguine of success. JOHN LAMERICK, Brigadier General, O.T. The following is copied from the Statesman: "By a letter from Dr. Richardson we are advised that the United States troops had a fight at the mouth of Rogue River with the Indians, in which from twenty-five to twenty-eight of the soldiers were killed, and that the troops were defeated. No particulars." THE
York Weekly Herald, May 17, 1856, page 1
We have been
permitted to inspect a letter received by a gentleman in this city,
from an officer of the United States Army, operating against the
hostile Indians in the Rogue River country. It is dated April 12, from
the camp at the mouth of Rogue River, and gives some interesting
information with regard to the war which has not yet been published:
Port Orford has been made the depot of supplies for the army, as it is much nearer the field of operations in the valley of Rogue River than any other point, and at the same time most accessible. The condition of affairs is said to be more serious than is generally supposed. Col. Buchanan has been assigned to the command of all the troops in Southern Oregon and Northern California, including those of Fort Humboldt. He was ordered by Gen. Wool to make a combined movement with the troops from Crescent City, Fort Lane and Fort Orford. Col. Buchanan started with two companies of regulars from Crescent City, on the 15th of March. Their route lay along the sea coast toward the mouth of Rogue River, and on the 19th the command reached Pistol River, where a small party of volunteers was found surrounded by Indians, who had killed one of their number during the previous night, and captured all their horses, thirty in number, from the place where they were picketed, within twenty yards of their position. The appearance of the regulars relieved the whites from their unpleasant predicament. The next day the command arrived on the south bank of the mouth of Rogue River, and for want of means to cross, encamped there. In the course of the afternoon the Indians made a hostile demonstration, but a few shots drove them off, without loss on either side. The regulars burnt several of their huts, and destroyed a large quantity of provisions that were stored in them. The arrival of the troops relieved the volunteers and citizens of the neighborhood, who had been cooped up in their fort about a mile above the mouth of the river ever since the murder of Ben. Wright and others on the 22nd of February. They were, it may be imagined, delighted at their release. A few days afterward, Col. Buchanan's command was joined by Capt. Augur with his and Capt. Reynolds' companies, from Fort Orford. On the 26th March, information having been received that the Indians had a large quantity of provisions stored in a village about eight miles above the mouth of the river, Captain Ord was dispatched with two companies to destroy it. When Captain Ord reached the village, he found it recently and hastily abandoned and saw from various signs that he would not be permitted to destroy it unopposed. He went to work cautiously, therefore, and placed his men in position, whilst a small party fired the houses. He was immediately attacked by the Indians, who attempted to surround him, and after a sharp skirmish of some two hours drove them entirely across the river, killing eight, and wounding perhaps as many more. As soon as the Indians opened fire, the troops charged and drove them from point to point until they forced them across the river, over which they were ferried by their squaws in canoes. The command returned to camp the next day, with a loss of two men wounded, both severely. This is regarded by the people of Rogue River as the first regular defeat of the Indians since the beginning of the war. It is the first time the whites have charged the Indians after having been attacked by them. After the fight, parties were sent out in different directions in the neighborhood and destroyed a very large amount of the Indians' provisions, so that they will soon be pressed by hunger, and without the means of replenishing their stores. This, with a little more powder and ball, is expected to bring them to terms. Capt. Smith, with his command, arrived at Port Orford on the 5th of April, after a hard march of twenty-three days from Fort Lane. The troops were to make another excursion from the mouth of Rogue River about the middle of April. The writer states that a speedy conclusion to this war need not be expected. It will be, he says, a long and expensive war, and he will consider it fortunate if it is concluded by November, after the rainy season sets in. In conclusion, the writer avers that this Rogue River war has not received one-half the attention it deserves, and he reiterates that, from its locality, it is likely to be long, difficult and expensive, notwithstanding an energetic use of all the means at the disposal of the officer commanding. Headquarters, Fort
Orford, O.T.
Sir--Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. April 1st 1856 I have the honor to report my arrival at this post on the 29th ult., having accompanied the supply train under the escort of Bvt. Maj. Reynolds, in order to make arrangements for establishing my depot and general hospital here. In the performance of the duties assigned me, I regret to say that I find myself embarrassed by the hurried manner in which I have been compelled to take the field, to a degree that I could not have anticipated, and therefore earnestly request the Commanding General to turn his especial attention to this quarter. This war has hardly received the consideration that its importance deserves, and I am in duty bound to report the difficulties under which I labor in the hope that they may be removed. To commence with the matter of supplies--the quantity of any kind now on hand within reach is not sufficient for 350 men for more than 30 days, and if Capt. Smith, from whom I have not yet heard, should bring with him as he expects 120 men, I shall have 362, besides the necessary guides, interpreters and other employees entitled to rations. There are, it is true, some 20,000 rations at Crescent City, but in order to obtain them I shall have to detach one company of not less than 50 men, and the trip will occupy 10 days, during which time I shall be compelled to remain idle for want of transportation. If the steamer Columbia were required to touch at this point both on her upward and downward trips, I might calculate on some means of corresponding with the General and making known my wants, but as it is I do not see what can be done, since reliable expresses cannot be procured to carry communication through by land. I could therefore respectfully urge the propriety of some arrangement being made by contract, which will secure me a certain and speedy intercourse by steam, with San Francisco and Vancouver. This point from its proximity to the present locality of the hostile Indians must necessarily be my depot for the supplies for my field operations, and hence a quartermaster of some experience is absolutely required here. I have been compelled to order Lieut. Macfeely out of the field on account of his health, and have directed him to relieve Lieut. Chandler in the command of the post and the various staff duties of A.A.C.S., A.A.Q.M., &c., which duties are too numerous and important to be entrusted permanently to any one officer. I therefore request that if no senior can be spared, Lieut. Withers, Regtl. Qr. Mr., 4th Inft., be ordered to report to me for duty here. The quartermaster dept. at this post is absolutely unprovided with anything necessary for field service, nor can the commonest articles of any kind be purchased in the village. No steamer has touched at Port Orford since the 9th March when the Republic went down, and the town is therefore exhausted of supplies, so that the inhabitants, increased by those citizens who were relieved by my commands from their confinement in their fort near the mouth of Rogue River, are nearly in a starving condition. There are 252 friendly Indians on the Reserve who are being fed from the provisions of the post, and if a supply be not sent up within 30 days, neither troops nor Indians will have anything to eat. I have endeavored to procure potatoes for the Indians, but there are none to be found in the neighborhood, and they are therefore supplied with flour and fresh beef, of which latter the supply is not equal to their wants for more than 4 weeks. I brought up with me 23 days' rations for the command from Crescent City, but Capt. Augur for want of transportation would only take 18 for his, so that my supply which would have carried me to the 6th of this month is now being shared with him, and will only last until the 4th. I return to camp with 15 days' rations for 350 men, and shall have to send at once to Crescent City for an increase to my train to bring up with it, if possible, 30 days more. This will take at least 10 days, will require a detachment to guard it, and after the return of the provisions will compel me to establish a permanent camp at some point on this river. For all these things I require troops, and earnestly request that more be sent to me. With 4 more companies I should be able to have escorts for my supplies and guards for my permanent camp whilst my active operations might be conducted with some reasonable hope of success within a limited time. Without this increase, I will not undertake to say when this war, by far the most important from its locality of any on the coast, can be expected to be closed. With it, after the forces, means of transportation and the furnishing of supplies shall be properly organized, I think that a few months will suffice. I am sadly deficient in medical officers and subalterns, and must urge the General to order more to report to me. There being no army surgeon at Crescent City I was obliged to engage the services of the only graduate of medicine in the place to accompany my command to the field, and since I have concluded to establish my general hospital at this point, have been compelled to place him on duty here until the arrival of an army medical officer, when his contract will expire. Asst. Surgeon Glisan is the only one in camp, and hence I cannot send out two parties at any one time for a combined operation, in a country where such operations are likely to be most successful. It is true that there are medical officers in this district, whose services I could require by depriving their posts of them if I could but communicate with them, but that can only be done by expresses, and these cannot be procured, nor could they reach me unless escorted by troops which I have not to spare for the purpose. As there are several now in the Puget Sound District, I request that two be sent me for field service with my present command, and that a third, a man of experience, bet at once ordered to take charge of the general hospital. As to subalterns, I shall have but one not on staff duty or command of a company, with my entire force in the field, a condition of affairs as extraordinary as it is embarrassing. As Capt. Burton's company is at San Diego I would suggest that one of his subalterns be placed in charge of the comd. depot at that place, and that Lieut. Kellogg be ordered to join his company in the field. Had I not detained Lieut. Allston at Crescent City I should not have had an officer to discharge the duties of a Qr. Mr. without assigning them to the captain of a company. If the General can remedy this state of affairs I hope that he will interpose his authority to do so, and cause those whose services are not absolutely needed elsewhere to join their companies at once. In conclusion I will only say I do not wish to be understood as making a complaint, for it is not my habit to do so, but is my imperative duty to place the General in possession of facts which have so important a bearing on the operations of the campaign, and to assure him that a change in the situation of affairs is essential to its success. There are 400 Indians to be whipped and 450 square miles of country, high, rugged and densely timbered, to hunt them in. The war is just begun. I am sir
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Comdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pacific Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Rogue River Correspondence of the
Leland, April 1st, 1856.
Friend Bush--On
the 25th March, the Southern Battalion, under command of Maj. Bruce,
was attacked by a strong body of Indians while on their way to relieve
a pack train which had been attacked the morning of the same day by the
Indians. A small party of men, of which I was one, were in advance of
the main body when fired upon. Several horses were shot down, and two
men killed. We immediately took positions and returned the fire. This
small party fought for a half hour or more, but no assistance being
rendered, and there being some 100 or more Indians pressing us, we were
compelled to retire. My horse was shot and captured by the enemy,
together with all my instruments and medicines then with me. When the
main body got up, the Indians retired, and our men took possession of
the field. I may add that I never witnessed worse shooting than was
done by the Indians. Hundreds of shots were fired, and but three men
killed in the action; none wounded. And they were not exceeding sixty
or seventy yards from us, and part of the time a less distance. The
number of Indians killed has not been ascertained; it is thought their
loss was not less than ours, and some think it was much greater.
I was informed that some of the men belonging to the pack train before alluded to were badly wounded, and I was endeavoring to reach them as quickly as possible, that I might render them all the medical service in my power. M.
Statesman, Salem, April 8, 1856, page 2----
31st, 1856.
The volunteers
have had a fight with the Indians in Illinois Valley, four whites
killed, don't know of any Indians, they stood their ground, while the
volunteers had to draw off, losing some forty horses and saddles. The
Indians took Evans' entire train of 28 mules and cargo, some ammunition.
The volunteers have so little success that I am getting tired of it, would like to see regulars enough to take the field. Port Orford Correspondence of the
Orford, O.T. April 2, 1856.
Editor Statesman:--In
consequence of the uncertainty of the steamer calling at this place,
Col. Buchanan has deemed it important to send an overland express to
Vancouver, for military purposes, and by the same medium I send this
A skirmish was had on the 27th ult. with a portion of the Rogue River Indians. One company of regulars started up the river from the mouth for the purpose of burning some lodges, and after they had accomplished their design, and on their return, they were attacked by a band of Indians who were concealed in the brush, numbering some sixty or eighty. The Indians were driven from the position at the point of the bayonet. They fought bravely and desperately. Only eight or ten were found dead on the ground, but evidences [were] that a much larger number had been packed away during the engagement. Not a white man was killed and but two were wounded. On the first inst., another engagement took place at the mouth of the Coquille River, between a company of volunteers and the Indians at that place, and all the whole band, except two, were killed. How many shared the sad fate we are unable to say, as we have not yet received a full statement of facts. One of the Indians who succeeded in getting away came to the commanding officer at this post for protection. This same band of Indians, at the time of the outbreak, were sent for by Major Reynolds, then commander of the post, to come in and give up their arms and place themselves under his protection and support. After a short parley they complied and remained upon the site allotted them until a few days since, when a few citizens assumed the responsibility to give them other and deleterious service, and the result was a forfeiture of the right of protection and at the same time subjected themselves to an attack and its fatal results. The upper Coquille Indians followed the same vicious advice, and the volunteers are to follow them also with similar intention, and I have no doubt but what that intention will be carried out to the letter. When this and all the other Indian bands came in and complied with the requirement of the Indian Department, they were informed that so long as they remained upon the place assigned them they should not be harmed, but if they ran away or passed over the expressed bounds, they should be shot, every one of them. But some two or three citizens, wishing as it seems to interfere with the Indian Department, took the responsibility to tell the Indians that they had been collected there for the purpose of killing them. This, as a matter of course, kindled the fire of discontent and alarm, and one night last week a regular stampede occurred. The Indians that formerly lived here or in this vicinity still comply with the requirements of the Department. More soon. J. C. F. Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 15, 1856, page 2 SIX WHITES KILLED ON THE KLAMATH
The Yreka Union
says that early on the 3rd of April a train of thirty-six mules were on
their way from Crescent City to the Klamath River, accompanied with six
packers, and were attacked by a party of about three hundred Indians,
well armed and equipped for the war. The packers were instantly killed,
and the mules, cargoes &c. taken possession of and driven off.
informant of the Union was
unaware of the nature of the cargo, but it was presumed to contain more
or less ammunition. The attack was made at Gates' ranch, between Sailor
Diggings and Crescent City.
The excitement at Sailor Diggings was very great, and most persons had left. It is said that there are not more than twenty-five whites remaining, and that they are together in a fortification. The Rogue River and Klamath Indians seem to have located themselves in the roads leading from Yreka and Klamath River to Crescent City--their main object being to waylay and cut off trains, more for the purpose of obtaining any powder that they may contain, perhaps, than anything else. Daily Tribune, Chicago, Illinois, May 20, 1856, page 2 Headquarters, Fort
Orford, O.T.
Sir--Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. April 3rd 1856 I have the honor to report my arrival at this post on the 29th ult., having accompanied the supply train under the escort of Bvt. Maj. Reynolds, in order to make arrangements for establishing my depot and general hospital here. In the performance of the duties assigned me, I regret to say that I find myself embarrassed by the hurried manner in which I have been compelled to take the field, to a degree that I could not have anticipated, and therefore earnestly request the Commanding General to turn his especial attention to this quarter. This war has hardly received the consideration that its importance deserves, and I am in duty bound to report the difficulties under which I labor in the hope that they may be removed. To commence with the matter of supplies--the quantity of any kind now on hand within reach is not sufficient for 350 men for more than 30 days, and if Capt. Smith, from whom I have not yet heard, should bring with him as he expected 120 men, I shall have 362, besides the necessary guides, interpreters and other employees entitled to rations. There are, it is true, some 20,000 rations at Crescent City, but in order to obtain them I shall have to detach one company of not less than 50 men, and the trip will occupy 10 days, during which time I shall be compelled to remain idle for want of transportation. If the steamer Columbia were required to touch at this point both on her upward and downward trips, I might calculate on some means of corresponding with the General and making known my wants, but as it is I do not see what can be done, since reliable expresses cannot be procured to carry communications through by land. I could therefore respectfully urge the propriety of some arrangement being made by contract, which will secure me a certain and speedy intercourse by steam, with San Francisco and Vancouver. This point from its proximity to the present locality of the hostile Indians must necessarily be my depot for the supplies for my field operations, and hence a quartermaster of some experience is absolutely required here. I have been compelled to order Lieut. Macfeely out of the field on account of his health, and have directed him to relieve Lieut. Chandler in the command of the post and the various staff duties of A.A.C.S., A.A.Q.M., &c., which duties are too numerous and important to be entrusted permanently to any one officer. I therefore request that if no senior can be spared, Lieut. Withers, Regtl. Qr. Mr., 4th Inft., be ordered to report to me for duty here. The Qr. Mr. department at this post is absolutely unprovided with anything necessary for field service, nor can the commonest articles of any kind be purchased in the village. No steamer has touched at Port Orford since the 9th March when the Republic went down, and the town is therefore exhausted of supplies, so that the inhabitants, increased by those citizens who were relieved by my commands from their confinement in their fort near the mouth of Rogue River, are nearly in a starving condition. There are 252 friendly Indians on the Reserve who are being fed from the provisions of the post, and if a supply be not sent up within 30 days, neither troops nor Indians will have anything to eat. I have endeavored to procure potatoes for the Indians, but there are none to be found in the neighborhood, and they are therefore supplied with flour and fresh beef, of which latter the supply is not equal to their wants for more than 4 weeks. I brought up with me 23 days' rations for the command from Crescent City, but Capt. Augur for want of transportation would only take 18 for his, so that my supply which would have carried me to the 6th of this month is now being shared with him, and will only last until the 4th. I return to camp with 15 days' rations for 350 men, and shall have to send at once to Crescent City for an increase to my train to bring up with it, if possible, 30 days more. This will take at least 10 days, will require a detachment to guard it, and after the return of the provisions will compel me to establish a permanent camp at some point on the river. For all these things I require troops, and earnestly request that more be sent to me. With 4 more companies I should be able to have escorts for my supplies and guards for my permanent camp whilst my active operations might be conducted with some reasonable hope of success within a limited time. Without this increase, I will not undertake to say when this war, by far the most important, from its locality, of any on the coast, can be expected to be closed. With it, after the forces, means of transportation and the furnishing of supplies shall be properly organized, I think that a few months will suffice. I am sadly deficient in medical officers and subalterns, and must urge the General to order more to report to me. There being no army surgeon at Crescent City I was obliged to engage the services of the only graduate of medicine in the place to accompany my command to the field, and since I have concluded to establish my general hospital at this point, have been compelled to place him on duty here until the arrival of an army medical officer, when his contract will expire. Asst. Surgeon Glisan is the only one in camp, and hence I cannot send out two parties at any one time for a combined operation, in a country where such operations are likely to be most successful. It is true that there are medical officers within this district, whose services I could require by depriving their posts of them (if I could but communicate with them), but that can only be done by expresses, and these cannot be procured, nor could they reach me unless escorted by troops which I have not to spare for the purpose. As there are several now in the Puget Sound District, I request that two be sent me for field service with my present command, and that a third, a man of experience, be at once ordered to take charge of the general hospital. As to subalterns, I shall have but one not on staff duty or in command of a company, with my entire force in the field, a condition of affairs as extraordinary as it is embarrassing. As Capt. Burton's company is at San Diego I would suggest that one of his subalterns be placed in charge of the comd. depot at that place, and that Lieut. Kellogg be ordered to join his company in the field. Had I not detained Lieut. Allston at Crescent City I should not have had an officer to discharge the duties of A. Qr. Mr. without assigning them to the captain of a company. If the General can remedy this state of affairs I hope that he will interpose his authority to do so, and cause those whose services are not absolutely needed elsewhere to join their companies at once. In conclusion I will only say I do not wish to be understood as making a complaint, for it is not my habit to do so, but is my imperative duty to place the General in possession of facts which have so important a bearing on the operations of the campaign, and to assure him that a change in the situation of affairs is essential to its success. There are 400 Indians to be whipped and 450 square miles of country, high, rugged and densely timbered, to hunt them in. The war is just begun. I am sir
ToMost respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commd. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. P.S. I have inadvertently omitted to mention that there is a great scarcity of clothing here, especially of boots, as will be seen by the enclosed report from the A.A.Qr. Master of the post. R.C.B.
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.
had sent a nearly identical letter, minus the postscript, on April 1.OREGON MOUNTED VOLUNTEERS.--The following extracts, which we are permitted to make from a letter dated Camp Vannoy, April 2nd, and addressed to L. D. Gilmore, Esq., at this place, by Major James Bruce, O.M.V., will be deemed interesting: "The Southern Battalion number about 300 or a little over, and in two days will be on the track of the Indians under Old John of Applegate, whose number is supposed to be augmented to about 200 or more, by accessions from the Klamath and the Meadows [sic--Modocs?]. Their position is being spied out this moment by Captain O'Neil's company and is supposed to be on the Crescent City trail on the south side of Illinois River. "The Northern Battalion will number between 300 and 400 men, and the greater part of them are now on the track of George and Limpy, who combined will, it is supposed, number about 160 or 200; they are in the mountains west of Rogue River. "The intention is to chastise the Indians and the orders to the men are 'follow the Indians and defeat them.' I consider that at present we are at the commencement of a bloody campaign, the length of which may not be foretold. "The Governor is expected in this region shortly, may arrive perhaps in a week. "I have not heard anything of the whereabouts of Capt. Smith, but I suppose that he was safe; Lieut. Crook is at present commanding at Fort Lane; the latest news that I had from Capt. Judah was to the effect that he was yet sick." Crescent City Herald, April 9, 1856, page 2 Hay's
Ranch Apl. 8 & 9 1856
Nothing of
Ranch Apl. 10th 1856
Still at
Hay's Ranch. Spies return from the mountains & report no
11th 1856
from Hay's & camped on
Rogue River 1 mile below the mouth of Applegate & 18 miles
Hay's Ranch. Preparing to go to the Meadows.Apl.
12 & 13th 1856
camped on Rogue River. Nothing going on of importance.Apl.
14th 1856
lying in camp on Rogue
River. Sent all the horses to Vannoy's to herd. Preparing to start to
the Meadows on foot.Apl.
15 1856
camped on Rogue River. Nothing going on of importance.Apl.
16th 1856
for the Meadows. Marched about 8 miles. Weather wet.Apl.
17th 1856
about 8 miles & camped on Taylor's Creek. No fresh Indian sign.Apl.
18th 1856
about 10 miles &
camped on the mountain at Peavine Camp. Spies returned to the company
about 10 o'clock while on the march & reported that they heard
firing of cannon & guns to the left of the Meadows.Apl.
19th 1856
camped at Peavine Camp. Saw
smoke in the direction of the Meadows. Capt. Bushey with 16 men started
for the Meadows on a scouting expedition & expect him to return
20th 1856
camped at Peavine Camp.
Capt. Bushey returned & reported the Indians scattered all
the mountains. Indians fired on them several times during the night.Apl.
21st 1856
camped at Peavine Camp.
Northern Bat. arrived at the mouth of Whisky Creek. Expect to start to
the Meadows tomorrow.Apl.
22nd 1856
Recd. an
express from Gen.
Lamerick that the Indians were on a bar a short distance below the
Upper Meadows & ordered us to cross to the north side
Rogue River & hasten to the Meadows. We accordingly started
camp about 9 o'clock but was until dark crossing the river. While
crossing Asa Wagner came [illegible]
& stated that he & Mc. Harkness [McDonough Harkness]
were carrying an express from Grave Creek to Gen. Lamerick
& when within 1½ miles [illegible] camp was
fired upon by the Indians [illegible]. Mc.
[Harkness] was killed & he (Wagner) saved his life [illegible] but was
shot through the back of the [illegible]. We
camped on the mountain at a spring about 2 miles from Whisky Creek.Apl.
23rd 1856
Marched on
to the Meadows &
found the Northern Bat. a distance of 8 miles. Found Harkness lying by
the side of the road. Plenty of Indians in sight of camp.Apl.
24th 1856
Started in
company with three
other companies to the lower Meadows to see what was going on but did
not make the trip on a/c of the long distance. When we arrived opposite
the Indians' camp a number of them crossed the river onto our side, but
we did not deem it advisable to go into a fight as we had neither grub
nor blankets.Apl.
25th 1856
camped at the upper Meadows.
Plenty of Indians crossing & recrossing the river. We expect to
make a move against them tomorrow.Apl.
26th 1856
camped at the upper Meadows.
Plenty of Indians in sight. Men disappointed in getting off after the
Indians today. Expect to start tomorrow.Apl.
27th 1856
about daybreak in company
with about two hundred men for the Indians' camp. Stationed our company
at the top of the mountain to keep the trail open for the pack train
& remainder of the several companies
to pass. Col. Kelsay with 150 men went around opposite the Indians'
camp &
upon them. In a short time the most of the men were opposite the
Indians' camp & a brisk firing was kept [up] nearly all day.
Indians retreated to the mountain back of the bar where they were out
of reach of our guns. Number of Indians killed not known. One man
wounded of Wilkinson's co. Indians supposed to number 70 or 80. At dark
all the men drew off but 10 men from each co. who stayed on the ground
until the balance of the men got their supper & there was 100
detailed to go down to the river & stay until morning, but they
returned about 10 o'clock on a/c of there being no officer appointed to
take charge of the men.Apl. 28th 1856
Returned to the battle ground, but the
Indians had
returned during the night & got all their plunder &
were on the
move. Col. Kelsay with a detachment of men started down to the river
below the battle ground & had a skirmish with the Indians
& had
one man wounded.Apl. 29th 1856
Spent the day in crossing the river.
Intend following the Indians.Apl. 30th 1856
Still camped on the Indians' bar. The
day spent in hunting some animals that has strayed [illegible].May 1st 1856
Crossed back to the north side of the
river. Traveled about 5 miles & camped on the Lower Meadows.May 2nd 1856
Started in company with a portion of the
& Southern Battalions. Traveled about 8 miles & camped
on the
divide leading to Hungry Hill.May 3rd 1856
Started about 7 o'clock &
marched about 8 miles
& camped at the spring about 2 miles S.W. of the mouth of
Creek.May 4th 1856
Marched about 20 miles & camped
on Grave Creek 1
mile from the Grave Creek House. Sent out to Vannoy's for our horses.May 5th 1856
Still camped on Grave Creek. Horses got
in about 2 o'clock.May 6th
Marched from Grave Creek to Vannoy's, a
distance of 6 miles.Unidentified diary (transcription), Silas J. Day Papers, Lilly Library, Indiana University. Fort
Orford O.T.
Sir:April 8th 1856 I have the honor to report that at the date of the receipt of Bvt. Lt. Col. Buchanan's order for me to proceed to the Big Bend of Rogue River with all the disposable force under my command at Fort Lane, the garrison of that post was reduced to a portion of my company, with a few sick belonging to comps. "D" & "E" 4th Infy. Compy. "D" 4th Infy. with a detachment of Compy. "E" of the same regiment from Fort Jones, Cal. formed the escort of Chief Sam's band of 400 friendly Indians, then on their way to the Coast Reservation. Lt. Crook, in command of the detcht. of Compy. "E," returned to Fort Lane on the 11th of March, and informed me that Lieut. Underwood with Compy. "D," who had orders not to go beyond Winchester, would continue with the Indians to the reserve if necessary, in compliance with verbal instructions from Genl. Wool, received through a sub-Indian agent. I then immediately organized a detachment of 100 men from companies "C" 1st Drags. & "E" 4th Infy. with Asst. Surgeon Crane and Lieut. Sweitzer, and left Fort Lane on the 14th of March and proceeded to Vannoy's Ferry on Rogue River, where I was to procure guides. It was my intention to follow from this point the trail I made from the coast to Rogue River Valley in the summer of 1853, but was assured by my guides and many persons of experience in the mountains of the impracticability of that route so early in the season. I could find no person that would consent to guide us through on the north side of Rogue River, and from my own knowledge of that country believe it to be an impracticable trail for a command with any considerable number of animals. On the morning of the 16th we left Rogue River and crossed over to the waters of [the] Illinois, and followed that stream down to its mouth; during the whole distance we found quite a good trail, with an abundance of grass and water at intervals from three to ten miles. I believe this will be found the most, if not the only, practicable trail from this vicinity to the upper Rogue River Valley. As we were descending a ridge near the mouth of Illinois River on the 24th of March, where we expected to find the headquarters of the district, Indians were discovered on the flat below. Leaving the pack train in charge of Lt. Sweitzer with Compy. "E," I moved rapidly forward with the advance guard and my company, through thick brush and timber, to the point that makes out at the junction of the river, and found from the appearance of their ranches that the Indians had made a precipitate retreat. Some canoes with Indians were seen moving rapidly down the stream; we opened a brisk fire upon them, which caused many to take the water and others to gain the bank, with the canoes, as soon as possible; judging from their actions several of the Indians may have been hit; they were distant some three hundred yards. While we were occupying this exposed point several shots were fired at us from across Illinois River by Indians concealed in the thick brush and timber on the side of a mountain, wounding one private of Compy. "E" [David Kennedy] in the neck. We instantly returned the fire and maintained the point, when the howitzer was ordered down and two shells fired at points the Indians were supposed to occupy. In their ranches we found a variety of articles of which we took possession, and a large supply of eels and other fish, which were burnt with the ranches. The rapidity of the current, depth of the stream and want of proper means precluded the possibility of our gaining the opposite bank; one or more Indians were killed on the mountainside. On returning to the pack train, then in camp, I was informed that Indians had been seen above the camp on the same side of the river. I immediately ordered out Lt. Sweitzer with Compy. "E," who soon met the Indians within a short distance of camp, charged them and drove them back; it was not known positively that any were killed or wounded. One private of Compy. "E" 4th Inf. [William Garry was] wounded in the left cheek. I remained in camp during the 25th & 26th, hoping to hear from Col. Buchanan, and moved on the 27th to Oak Flat, some four miles above the mouth of Illinois River, in order to send back on our trail to search for some stores that had been lost. Left Oak Flat camp on the 29th and proceeded to opposite the lower end of Big Bend, where we failed in effecting a crossing and then proceeded to the upper end of the Bend, where we constructed a canvas boat and attempted to cross it with ropes but found the current so rapid that we were foiled, with the loss of some twenty lash ropes. I then had oars made and we succeeded in crossing everything in about five hours on the 1st of April. On the afternoon of the 31st three Indians were seen on the north side of the river, and [they] succeeded in making their way down a brushy ravine to within about two hundred yards of where we were at work constructing the boat, and fired at us, but did no harm. One Indian was shot; a shell was fired across the river and several men sent over. The Indians disappeared. Several Indians made their appearance near camp as the rear guard were about leaving it, but kept at a respectful distance until all had been crossed. The boat [was] stripped of its covering and the baggage removed some two hundred yards from the river; while we were packing up the Indians approached the bank and fired several shots, wounding slightly one mule. On the night of the 1st of April we encamped at the Big Bend, on the north side of Rogue River. Having no provisions on hand except a little fresh beef, I deemed it prudent to march towards the coast and left camp on the morning of the 2nd, with the expectation of taking the trail that comes in at the end of Brushy Creek, but was taken over the Iron Spring and Bald Mountain, impracticable for the want of grass, and arrived at this post late on the evening of the 5th of April. We had four days hard rain and dense fog in the mountains. Left two mules between this place and Iron Spring--given out. I
am sir
J. G. ChandlerRespectfully Your obt. servt. A. J. Smith Capt. 1st Drags. Comdg. Det. 3rd Arty. A.A. Adjt. Genl. Dist. of South Oregon & Northn. Cal. Rogue River NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. At
my residence April 10th / 56
M. Barnum Esqr.Adjutant General O.T. Dear General Your kind letter of the 29th is before me, for which I am under many obligations and return you my sincere thanks for your kindness in releasing me from procuring those missing monthly reports &c. The action of the Governor on the petition of our citizens relative to Dr. Barkwell is waited for with much anxiety. Knowing Barkwell as I did I very much regretted at the time. The unfortunate action of the Legislature in displacing one already properly appointed by the commander in chief of the Territory and appointing one so illy justified to give general satisfaction, it has done more injury to the party south than any other act during the session. It gives our opponents a chance to throw it in our teeth, and we have no good way to get round it. I am told that a remonstrance to the petition has been sent to the Governor and signed by a few men to whom Dr. Barkwell had appointed to some offices connected with the department. Dear sir my health has been very poor for some weeks past so that I have not been able to join the expedition and march into the mountains with Major Bruce. I therefore sent the Major my resignation to take effect on the 31st of March last. The Governor's proclamation calling for three new cos. and recommending citizens in exposed localities to form themselves into companies of minute men, for the protection of their immediate settlements. Agreeable to that recommendation the citizens on Stuart's Creek [Bear Creek] near Wait's flour mill have organized themselves into a company & elected their officers, O. D. Hoxie Capt., Milton Lindley First Lieut., G. T. Vining 2nd Lieut., four sergeants, four corporals, with 51 privates to act as minute men. The volunteers have all been withdrawn from the valley and we know not how soon the Indians may make a descent on the valley. Many of the families have forted up. They have three forts built and well filled with families who have left their houses, farms & much property liable to be destroyed by the Indians at any time if not protected, and we deem it necessary to keep a scouting party constantly out in the edges of the mountains so as to learn if the enemy approach the valley and prevent being taken by surprise, which will give us time to collect our forces, march out and drive the Indians back and thus protect our property as well as our family. I should like to have some instructions from his excellency the Governor in regard to keeping 3 or 4 men of my company constantly on duty as scouts or spies for the safety of our citizens and property in this valley &c. The force stationed on the Siskiyou Mt. to keep open the road between this valley and Yreka Cal. has recently been withdrawn, and teamers & packers are now compelled to stop and wait for protection to travel. Petition has been forwarded to General Lamerick asking him to order a force there to keep the road open. There has not been time for his reply yet. With sentiments of esteem to yourself, his excellency the Governor & General Drew I remain Yours
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 630.O. D. Hoxie Capt. Company B Minute Men R. R. Valley Correspondence
of the Illinois Journal.
From Oregon--The Indian War. AT
HOME; Umpqua Valley,
leave of absence from the company to which I belong, for a few days, to
attend to some business of importance, I devote a leisure moment by way
of posting you up in regard to matters and things in Oregon.Oregon Territory, April 11, 1856. The war still rages without any visible signs of peace. The last mail from the North brings the sad news of the burning of the Cascade City, situated in Washington Territory, on the Columbia River. Besides laying the city in ashes, the Indians killed fifteen of the citizens and wounded twelve others. The loss of the enemy was not ascertained. The volunteer and regular forces had nearly all left for the seat of war in the Snake River country, leaving no troops nearer than the Dalles--40 miles distant--to protect that portion of the country. Full particulars of this atrocious deed have not yet reached us. If the Indians on Snake River can be brought together so as to bring our northern army to bear against them at once, something can be done which may have a tendency towards restoring peace. We are anxiously waiting to hear the result, for if the Indians give battle and stand their ground, it will be a severe engagement. I have no correct means of knowing the strength of our troops in the north. The volunteers and U.S. troops will act together. The latter are armed with the Minie rifle, and will no doubt give a good account of themselves on the open fields. Since my last we have had several fights in the South, in which we have been victorious with one or two exceptions. It is impossible at this time for me to give the number we have lost, the reports differ so much. The Indians in every instance, when in their power, carry off or burn up their dead, so that we are generally left to conjecture their loss. It is stated that twenty-five regulars were killed a few days ago at the mouth of Rogue River. This may or it may not be true; we hope not. It is a very difficult matter to ascertain the truth in regard to these things. Your readers will probably ask what is the cause of such a general war at this time. I am well aware that in some cases the whites (or rather perhaps I should say outlaws or fugitives from justice) have associated with the Indian tribes, and by various means have exasperated them to such degrees as to make them, in their savage state, kill innocent persons who perhaps they never saw before. Because a few individuals have committed crimes amongst them, it is no cause that the entire population should be shot down to atone for the sins of the few. We have good reason to believe that at this time there are white men amongst them. Several tribes that have professed friendship to the whites, and have been fed by them, have left and no doubt have joined their red brethren in this war of extermination. One thing is certain, that hostile bands have stronger forces in the field than they had last October. If they had not whites amongst them, their ammunition must have failed ere this. They purchased a great many of their arms from the miners, previous to the breaking out of the war, while numbers have been taken from the unfortunates who have been cruelly murdered by them. It is very evident that the principal object of the war, on their part, is to become owners of this coast once more, and all the property which it contains. We have bought their land from them, and have paid them good prices for it, reserving for them large tracts of land, good alike for hunting and agricultural purposes. The government has also promised to teach them agriculture, and other arts necessary for their happiness; to build houses for them, supply them with schoolteachers, mechanics &c, &c. But all this will not avail, they must have the whole of the country lying between the summit of the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, and thus become lords of the "Far West." Well, if they can take it, why I suppose they can, but as sure as we are here, they will have "a hard road to travel." I presume there is not a man who calls Oregon his home but who is willing to shoulder his rifle in defense of his country. I regret very much to say that the grasshoppers are appearing again in immense numbers. They made their appearance six weeks ago and unless something destroys them, the result I fear will be terrible. Oregon contains a great deal of stock, much of which will be likely to suffer if the plague continues. We have had an unusual spring. February is always fine in Oregon; March is generally rainy; this season however it was very dry--grain and grass suffering for rain before it came. We now have fine growing weather. Yours truly,
Daily Journal, Springfield, June 24, 1856, page
3QUAIL Headquarters,
Mouth Rogue River O.T.
Special OrderDist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cala. April 13th 1856. No. 13 I. Bvt. Major F. O. Wyse, commanding Fort Lane, will hold the disposable force under his command in readiness for immediate service in the field against the Indians now reported to be investing [sic] the Illinois Valley and trail between Fort Lane and Crescent City. His preparations will be made with reference to carrying with him 20 days provisions, and he will therefore take the necessary measures to provide himself with a pack train, allowing at the rate of 8 mules to each company for its baggage and for his provisions at the rate of 200 lbs. to each mule, with a few extra animals to supply deficiencies that may occur during the march. II. The following named officers will repair without delay to these headquarters for service with the troops in the field, viz. Asst. Surg. J. J. Milhau, U.S.A. 1st Lieut. J. C. Bonnycastle 4th Infy. By
order of
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.Bvt. Lt. Col. R. C. Buchanan J. G. Chandler, 2nd Lt. 3rd Arty., A.A.A.G. Charge
and Specifics Against Private James Welsh, Co. "G," 4th Infy.
In this that he,
Private James Welsh of
Company "G," 4th Infantry, being a member of the comp. guard, and
posted as a sentinel, did go to sleep on his post. This on or about the
17th day of April 1856 at the camp at mouth of Rogue River O.T. in the
country of the hostile Indians.Neglect of Duty as Sentinel. Specification. C.
C. Augur
WitnessesCapt. 4th Infy. Offr. Day Sergt. John Eddins, Co. "G," 4th Inf. Pvt. Hauptien, Co. "H," 3rd Arty. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Headquarters,
Mouth Rogue River O.T.
Special OrderDist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. April 18th 1856. No. 15 I. 2nd Lieut. G. P. Ihrie, 3rd Arty., A.A.C.S. & A.A.Q.M., will proceed tomorrow morning with a part of his train to Crescent City, Cala. for the purpose of bringing back supplies for this command. On his arrival at that point Lieut. Ihrie will hire an additional number of pack animals sufficient to increase his present train to 250 in order to enable the troops now in the field at this point to carry with them a constant supply of 20 days rations and other necessaries. Should the A.A.Q.M. at Crescent City have secured the funds heretofore required for that post, he will turn over to Lieut. Ihrie all that may not be necessary for his current expenses for the present quarter. II. Capt. D. Floyd-Jones with his company "F" 4th Infy. will proceed to Crescent City tomorrow morning as an escort to the supply train, taking with him 5 days rations. Whilst at Crescent City, he will make such changes in the detail from his company at that place as may be necessary, leaving those who may be unable to take the field, and taking care not to reduce the detachment under Lieut. Garber below 30 men. Unless avoidably prevented, the train will reach this point on its return by the 1st May. III. Capt. A. J. Smith 1st Drags. with his Compy. "C," increased by details from Ord's 3rd Arty. and Augur's 4th Infy. to 70 men, will proceed tomorrow in the direction of the Big Bend, to reconnoiter the north side of Rogue River, taking with him 7 days rations. He will make a close examination of Lobster Creek, taking the trail to the right from Cantrall's Prairie, avoiding if possible the high hill that overlooks the mouth of the Illinois on his way up to that point. 2nd Lieut. Drysdale 3rd Arty. will accompany the command. IV. Bvt. Major J. F. Reynolds 3rd Arty. with his company and the detachment of "E" Compy. 4th Infy. commanded by Lieut. Sweitzer 1st Drags. will cross the river tomorrow and proceed in the direction of Lawson's Creek to reconnoiter the country in that neighborhood with the view to selecting a proper route for approaching the Illinois between its mouth and the creek. He will examine the Casastan [sic--Casuctan? Casateny?] Creek on his route, either going or returning, as he may deem most advisable. His command will take with it 7 days rations. By
order of
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.Bvt. Lt. Col. R. C. Buchanan J. G. Chandler, 2nd Lieut. 3rd Arty., A.A.A.G. Headquarters
Fort Leland
Sir,April 18th 1856 In accordance with your special order No. 38 Capt. Barnes took his spy company & a detachment of fifteen men from Capt. Robertson's co. & a detachment of 15 men from Capt. Wallan's company and set out down Grave Creek in search of the enemy on the 11 day of April A.D. 1856 with four days provision for the command & pack mules to carry it. I accompanied the command in person, camped that evening about 5 miles below here. Next morning took the line of march down the creek & camped on the night of the 12 on the east side side of Mount Reuben. Some Indian sign was discovered during the day. 13th the command moved across Whiskey Creek & camped that night on Mount Wilkinson. No Indian sign was discovered during the day. Capt. Barnes with a portion of his spies together with one man of Capt. Robertson's detachment set out after supper over the mountain for the purpose of examining the Meadows & the Bar on Rogue River for the Indians. On the morning of the 14 soon after dark it commenced raining & snowing & by the morning of the 14 [sic] the snow was four inches deep on the mountain where the spies were & a dense fog hung on the Meadows & the Bar on the morning of the 14 & the snow continued to fall on the mountain so much so that Capt. Barnes considered it at that time not practicable to attempt to reconnoiter the Meadows & Bar on that morning & returned back to my camp about 9 o'clock in the morning. Capt. Barnes & myself were anxious that the Meadows & the Bar should be examined. Consequently Capt. Barnes & 8 of his spies together with 2 of Capt. Robertson's company & myself set out down Rogue River to the Meadows. At the same time I ordered the remainder of the command back across Whiskey Creek. We proceeded down the river across the back of Mount Wilkinson & upon proceeding down the river about 6 miles to a high point that ran down near the river that overlooked the surrounding country down to near the Meadows, the Meadows being obscured from our view by another point of the mountain which ran down to the river near the Meadows. The party being now very much fatigued from the hard travel over the rough country that morning, Capt. Barnes suggested the propriety of his taking 4 men & going forward & examining the Bar & Meadows. I remained with the 6 men that was left behind & watched the movements of Capt. Barnes & those men who went with him so that in the event the enemy discovered them & attempted to cut them off I could bring the men left with me to their assistance. As soon as Capt. Barnes came out on the high ground that overlooks the Meadows he together with the men who were with him heard a signal gun on the other side of the river near the Bar. It was now late in the evening & frequently a storm of snow swept by them & on finding that they were discovered he with his men returned back to me. The provision that we took from headquarters being about out we abandoned the idea of any further examination in that quarter for the enemy & came to camp about sundown that evening. Next morning the command set out for headquarters & arrived here in the evening after a march of about 20 miles that day. We made the hardest marches during this expedition of any I have been in since I joined the army. Men & animals were considerably fatigued when we got in. John
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reels 2 and 3, Document
583.Col. Commanding 2 Reg. O.M.V. Headquarters,
Fort Orford O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. April 23, 1856. I have the honor to report my arrival at this post yesterday afternoon, having accompanied the supply train, which was ordered up for provisions under the escort of Capt. Augur's company. I have the honor to enclose Capt. Smith's report of his march from Fort Lane, from which it will be seen that on his way he met some of the enemy at the mouth of the Illinois, and after dispersing them burnt their ranches and destroyed a large quantity of their provisions. He had two men wounded, privates Garry and Kennedy of "B" Comp. 4th Infy., both of whom are now doing very well. After allowing his command to remain at Fort Orford for the purpose of supplying the men with such clothing as could be procured there, as well as on account of the inclement weather in which it was impossible to operate, I ordered him to join my camp, which he accordingly did on the 16th inst. His march from Fort Lane to the Big Bend, being mostly over an entirely new trail, has been of great service in opening a route from Rogue River into the Illinois Valley, which has hitherto been deemed impracticable. Whilst prosecuting the war with energy, it is my intention to penetrate the country in various directions as well with a view to developing its very great natural resources, as to the discovery of the hiding places of the Indians, for I think that the one will be as beneficial to its interest as the other, and both will reflect credit on the service. I have thus far been much embarrassed in my operations by the want of a supply train of size sufficient to allow me to take the field with the necessary number of provisions, and also by the very unseasonable weather that we have had for a month past. Since the 26th of March we have had but 4 days without rain, and at this time it is impossible to form an opinion as to when the dry season will set in. As may be supposed, this has made the traveling exceedingly difficult, and the trail in some places nearly impassable, whilst the rivers have become so swollen as to be no longer fordable at points where they can in ordinary seasons be crossed without difficulty. This, however, has not kept me in a state of complete inactivity, for I have had detachments out in various directions, and have kept the Indians in a state of uncertainty and anxiety as to my future movements. At this present time I have Capt. Smith on a reconnaissance through and above Lobster Creek, which empties into Rogue River on the north side about 10 miles above the mouth. Maj. Reynolds with the detachment of Comp. "B" 4th Infy. has gone on the south side of the river to examine the Casuctan [sic--Casastan?] village and the creek of that name and at the same time to reconnoiter a trail for my approach to the mouth of Lawson's Creek, a small stream emptying on the west side into the Illinois. Capt. Floyd-Jones has gone down to Crescent City with his company as an escort to the supply train which Lieut. Ihrie, the A.A.Q.M., has been ordered to organize at that place and bring up loaded with some 25 days' rations for my whole command. Capt. Ord is in camp at the mouth of Rogue River, where he will remain until the 27th, when he will proceed to the mouth of the Chetco to meet Floyd-Jones and strengthen the escort for that train, and Capt. Augur will leave here tomorrow with supplies for the camp at Rogue River, and having delivered them will return to this post to escort me down after the arrival of the Columbia from above, as I shall remain here until then, in the hope of seeing the General as he passes by on his way to San Francisco. On the 21st, on our way up here, Capt. Augur discovered three ranches, supposed to belong to the Mussel Creek Indians, who have recently been infesting the trail between this and my camp, and destroyed them with their contents, the occupants having been evidently surprised and run away in too great a hurry to take anything with them, for they left their half-prepared food in the vessels in which it was cooking not more than 20 minutes before. Smith and Reynolds will both return on the 25th, when I hope to have something of interest to report. After my return to camp I shall be able to take the field with rations enough to allow me to effect something, if I be not disappointed in finding the Indians, and the object of these reconnaissances is to discover where they are and how I can get at them. As I expect to see General Wool when the Columbia passes down next week, I will only add that the want of shoes by all the companies of my command is such that unless a supply be sent up immediately, my whole operation may and will be very seriously embarrassed, and I would therefore urge that, at least, 600 pairs of 7s, 8s and 9s be sent to this depot forthwith. I
am sir
To:Respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commd. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pacific Benicia Cal. P.S. I omit to state that I have ordered Maj. Wyse to take the field wit the disposable force of his command and protect the trail between Fort Lane and Crescent City, as "old John's" band is in that neighborhood. I expect the major to fall in with it. R.C.B.
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.LATER NEWS FROM SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Yreka Union learns from the Jacksonville Sentinel that Capt. Abel George arrived in that place on the 16th, for the purpose of moving his family to a place of safety. He furnishes the following items: The report current here some days since that the Indians were camped on a tributary of Illinois River, and that the Southern Battalion had started out to attack them, proves to be false. Lieut. Col. Chapman is concentrating the entire force of the Southern Battalion at Hay's, in Deer Creek Valley, and making arrangements to start in pursuit of the Indians as soon as the spies shall report their whereabouts. Efficient spies are out in quest of the enemy, and report that the trail bears towards the Meadows. Capt. Lewis, of the Galice Creek company, 9th regiment, which was disbanded when the mounted volunteers were organized, has received orders to raise a spy company. From his knowledge of Indian tactics and thorough acquaintance with the geography of the country, he is pronounced to be peculiarly fitted for the service. The officers and men are well pleased with the course of Lieut. Col. Chapman, and good order and harmony prevails in the ranks. They feel confident that they will soon chastise the Indians. They have plenty of supplies, except clothing and forage. Col. Kelsay, with the Northern Battalion, is at Grave Creek. Capt. George is not aware what are his proposed operations. But we may rest assured that he will not remain idle. Nothing has been heard from Capt. Smith, U.S.A., and his command. It is presumed that he is at or near the mouth of Rogue River. The rumor that has been afloat to the effect that Capt. Smith had an engagement with the Indians and lost twenty-five or thirty men, is supposed to be false. Sacramento Daily Union, April 28, 1856, page 2 The following from Port Orford we take from the San Francisco papers: Port Orford, O.T., April 28--On the morning of the 20th inst., a detachment of the U.S. troops, under Capt. Smith, left the camp at headquarters, on an expedition through the enemy's country, or through the locality where it was supposed they were to be found. On the following morning a small detachment of Company K, 2nd Regiment O.M. Volunteers, under the command of Captain Bledsoe, left their headquarters at the mouth of the Rogue River for a similar purpose and, for aught we know, to act in concert with Captain Smith, of the regulars. On the evening of the day of their departure they fell in with Capt. Smith, with whom they encamped that night. On approaching Rogue River, two canoes were seen coming down the river, containing all twenty Indians and three squaws. The volunteers were placed along the river, some yards distance from each other, so as to represent a large force, and as the canoes approached they were permitted to pass those who were farthest up the river, and as soon as their situation became equal to all the volunteers the word was given, and eleven of the twelve Indians and one squaw were killed. The canoes at this moment capsized, and the remaining Indian and two squaws swam to the opposite shore. Several shots were fired at the Indian, and as he reached the shore one shot took effect in his leg and another in his left side. Notwithstanding his wounds, he succeeded in reaching the brush. In this transaction a severe blow had been inflicted upon the hostile Indians, for among those killed were the most influential of the whole band of hostile Indians. Among them were the Mikonotunne chief, who was decidedly the most popular chief among the whole band, and also two other influential Indians, who were styled second chiefs. For this transaction too much praise cannot be awarded to this company of volunteers. Circumstanced as they were, with none of the conveniences of war, packing their own supplies and blankets upon their backs, and marching into the very center of the locality occupied by the hostile tribes, and then boldly attacking a party of Indians, without knowing the precise locality or situation of the principal camp, for it was ascertained beyond a doubt that the main camp was nearby, and that these canoes were only sent out as a decoy, but be that as it may, the result has been most propitious to the cause of the whites and deleterious to the Indians, and it is with great pleasure that we congratulate the volunteers upon their merited success in that hazardous enterprise. It is supposed by those who possess great knowledge of the Indian tribes who are now fighting against the whites that had they lost one hundred of their best fighting men; the loss cannot have been more severely felt, for it is well known that the Mikonotunne chief, and so also with several others of those killed, that they were the foremost in war, foremost in counsel and foremost in the hearts of their people. By the next steamer we hope to send you some good doings of the United States troops, who are now busily employed in all necessary arrangements for giving the Indians a good clearing out. "Oregon and Washington Territories," The Daily Republic, Buffalo, New York, June 2, 1856, page 2 Headquarters, Fort
Orford, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. May 1st 1856 I have the honor to enclose a copy of the orders issued at the headquarters of this district, during the months of March and April, together with charges against Private James Welsh of "G" Compy. 4th Infy. Since my last report, the commands of Capt. Smith and Bvt. Major Reynolds have returned to camp, and a copy of the latter's report is enclosed. From the Captain no report has been received. It will be seen that the weather is one great obstacle to making very active movements just now, as both parties met with deep snow in the mountains before they turned back. On the 22nd a small party of volunteers from the fort near camp, who had followed Capt. Smith and slept in his camp the night previous, placed themselves in ambush about daylight at the mouth of Lobster Creek to watch for Indians who might be coming down the river in canoes. In a few minutes two canoes, said to have contained 12 men and 3 squaws, made their appearance and came close to the party of 7 men, who fired on them and having first killed the two steersmen, afterwards killed all but 1 man and 2 squaws, who made their escape. 11 men and 1 squaw were killed in all, and the canoe having been upset in the melee, the arms of the entire party were sunk in the river. This account is brought to me from camp by Capt. Augur, who returned here on the 28th for the purpose of escorting me back to the mouth of Rogue River. By a report received from Capt. Floyd-Jones by the Columbia, he was to leave Crescent City on the 27th, and I accordingly dispatched Capt. Ord on that day with his company to meet the train at the mouth of the Chetco and strengthen the escort, as there are about 150 animals to be guarded. They will probably arrive at the mouth of Rogue River today, unless this last severe storm shall have delayed them. Last evening an old squaw came in from the Indian camp, and is now in confinement, where I shall keep her until she is able to give some account of herself which from exhaustion caused by fatigue and hunger she was not able to do then. All that she did say was that she had a talk for the white men from the Indians who did not want to fight anymore, and that they had had a great many killed. I shall keep this [letter] open until I learn something more from her. I must again call the attention of the General to the want of shoes for my men, who are really in need of them. Should it be necessary to purchase them in San Francisco, I would recommend that they be critically examined before being sent up here, as those furnished to Capt. Ord were utterly worthless. The soles were made of wood shavings covered over with thin split sole leather, and of course would not stand the least service. A more outrageous swindle I have never seen. If there is one thing needed more than another to enable me to move rapidly through such a country as this, it is that my men should have good shoes. I have just heard the interpreter's report of his conversation with the old squaw. She says that she "was sent up by the hostile Indians to see if the friendly Indians were still here, and if so to say through them that the others are very anxious to make peace and surrender themselves unconditionally. They have had their houses burnt, their provisions destroyed, are without clothing, and have lost a great many of their people, both men and women, wherefore they desire to make peace and are willing to do whatever the whites may require. Furthermore, they say that they were persuaded into this war by the bad advice of Enos, who told them that the white men were afraid of them, which was the cause of their treating them so kindly, and now he has left them and gone up the river with the upper Indians who took with them, when they went away, everything that the whites had not destroyed, for which they intend to kill him if ever he comes among them again." As I am disposed to place some confidence in her story, seeing that I know that I have harassed them a great deal since my arrival at the mouth of Rogue River, I purpose taking with me 3 of the friendly Indians on my return, for the purpose of sending them notice that I am ready to receive them if they will come in and deliver up their arms. At the same time, I shall not delay my movements but shall take up my line of march for their present position on the same day that my messengers start. There is an Indian boy in confinement here who was sent up from Crescent City as a prisoner by the special Indian agent there, having been found at the house of a squaw man in Smith River Valley, where he belongs to the Pistol River tribe. He says that those people are also anxious to come in, and I shall take him back with me also to carry a message to them. He says he is willing to go with me and show me where they are and also insists that the Chetcos want to come in likewise. I shall try them. Hoping that the present favorable report of affairs with the coast Indians may continue, I am sir
ToMost respectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commd. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. "My father [James A. McVay] and Joe [Joseph H. McVay] served in the Indian war of 1855-56. Uncle Joe was captain of the company. The soldiers were organized at Crescent City and went from there to Curry County, Oregon, and up the Rogue river to the mouth of Lobster creek. There was a riffle on Rogue river just above the mouth of Lobster creek. Three canoes were coming down the river. My father, who was a good shot, and two other men were stationed on a rock beside the river with orders to get the Indians in the canoes. Of the Indian warriors in the three canoes only one was not killed by my father and the two other sharpshooters. When this Indian was eventually fished out of the river he had numerous wounds. During my father's service in the Indian war he was shot in the face. The bullet was later taken out just over his ear." Nathan G. McVay, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, October 25, 1936, page 10 Camp
near mouth of Rogue River, May 5th 1856.
To Col. Buchanan U.S.A.Sir: I have the honor to report that in obedience to your order, I left the camp with Lieut. Sweitzer 1st Drags., and part of my Compy. "B" (3rd Arty.) to [the] mouth of Chetco, wait for train, and bring it here. I marched first day to the top of a long ridge, three miles beyond Pistol Creek, observed forty or fifty Indian tracks on the beach, tracks leading to Chetco. Some of these were quite fresh. Next day (the 28th) I got as far as a wooded ravine two miles north of Chetco, as fires here could not be seen from Chetco, where I had reason to think the Indians were. I camped under cover of the trees in [the] ravine, and gave orders for command to be up at the peep of day and start, without breakfast, to surprise the Indians, but that night and next a.m. it rained heavily, so that I did not start till it partially cleared at 8 a.m. On crossing the ravine, my outlying pickets reported two Indians on the bank; they saw us about the same time we saw them. I sent Mr. Walker and Hensley (a packer) to try and catch them, for they ran back, and I started with forty-two men for rancherias at Miller's (mouth of Chetco). Hensley's mule would not travel. Mr. Walker got on the Indians and snapped [a shot] at them; they turned and fired on him. I, with my men at double quick, followed, who stampeded the Indians (to the number of seventy or eighty) from their camp at mouth of the river. They fled; some ten or twelve took to the hills, some up the riverbank (about twenty), but I found afterward that the largest party took to the brush under the riverbank (they were out of sight). I followed these who went into the hills and up the river, ran them about two miles, but they outran us, and after exchanging several shots, and it being reported to me from the rear that a larger party was crossing the river behind us (about a mile from its mouth), I faced my party about, took down the riverbank and reached nearly opposite where they were crossing in time to give them a volley before they all got over. Three were killed or badly wounded here; there was about forty of them crossed here, and they had three canoes and a whaleboat. As we could not get across to them or their boats and the Indians took [to] the brush on the mountainside as fast as they crossed, I saw no more of them there, and returned to Miller's place, where Mr. Sweitzer had come up with his train (and from which place he had shot an Indian, on [the] opposite bank, whom two others carried off). The Indians had all taken [to the] bush, so I camped on the bluff half a mile from the burnt house. While camping, soldiers were seen coming up the beach on the opposite side of the river; it was Capt. Jones with the train, and Mr. Sweitzer at once asked leave to take a party and stop the Indians from running the whaleboat up the river, so that Capt. J. could get and use it to ferry his packs &c. over (the river being very high). I sent him with ten men and told him to tell Capt. Jones to send a strong party up to get the boat. I overtook Mr. S. [and] found the Indians had reembarked and were pushing up the river with the whaleboat and canoes, but the former being heavy they could not keep her ahead of us, so they jumped out, stove in her bottom and took to the shore opposite, where were quite a number of others. They all took to the bush as we approached, and the party arriving on [the] other bank, we got the whaleboat, but she floated only a short distance and sank. Near the place where she sank, Lieut. Bonnycastle, who had come up with [the] opposite party, found a canoe full of fish, potatoes &c., and near this an Indian was hid in the bush. As the Indian started to run, my men, seeing only a glimpse of a blanket in the bush, fired and found they had killed a squaw and child. The canoe was sent to Capt. J. and proved useful. I returned to the place where he was ferrying to give such directions as were necessary and detailed nearly all my men to help ferry the packs over. Before doing this, however, I deemed it prudent to scour the dense thicket which skirts the river just at the ferry, and the party I sent in brought out a squaw and child. I also found four horses the Indians had left. As more Indians were seen in the thicket, I put Sergt. Smith of my compy. in it, with five men; he examined and reported nothing to be found in it. I sent him in again, for after he reported the hindmost man of his party came out of the bush wounded in the breast with an arrow; the man was shot from a bush he was going to look into, and as this thicket was exceedingly dense, with both trees and underwood, I took six more men into it to aid in sweeping it. Just as I got, in a few yards from me Sergt. Smith and an Indian fired at each other. I could see neither of them, and the Sergt. was only about a yard from the man. They both missed, but the Indian shot again, hit Sergt. S. badly. They then grappled and rolled in the river; the men closed in and killed the Indian. He had badges of a man of note, and showed much courage. All these Indians were doubtless lying in wait for the train and having an excellent position would have done much harm had I not have been sent by you to prevent it. The squaw we have here as prisoner reports that the Indian killed [sic--hidden?] in the brush close by her, and the same who killed Sergt. Smith, was the young Chetco chief. I took the Sergt. back to camp, where Capt. Jones and train came up and camped. As the Sergt. was too badly wounded to be carried I remained in camp two days. He died night of the 31st. Next a.m. I started and reached the place yesterday at two p.m. without loss of anything pertaining to the train. Distance marched, including pursuit of the Indians and scouting around the mouth of Chetco, while camped there, eighty-five miles.
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.E. O. C. Ord Capt. 3rd Arty. Co. "B" SIX WHITES KILLED ON THE KLAMATH RIVER BY INDIANS.--The Yreka Union says that, early on the 3rd of April, a train of thirty-six mules were on their way from Crescent City to the Klamath River, accompanied by six packers, and were a attacked by a party of about six hundred Indians, well armed and equipped for the war. The packers were instantly killed, and the mules, cargoes, &c., taken possession of and driven off. The informant of the Union was unaware of the nature of the cargo, but it was presumed to contain more or less ammunition. The attack was made at Gates' Ranch, between Sailor Diggings and Crescent City. The excitement at Sailor Diggings was very great, and most persons had left. It is said that there are not more than twenty-five whites remaining, and that they are together in a fortification. The Rogue River and the Klamath Indians seem to have located themselves in the roads leading Yreka and Klamath River to Crescent City--their main object being to waylay and cut off trains, more for the purpose of obtaining any powder that they may contain, perhaps, than anything else. "California Items," Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 17, 1856, page 2 Headquarters
Fort Leland
K. LamerickO.T. May 5, 1856 Brig. Gen. O.T. Sir, According to your order May 1st the regiment recrossed the river again according to your order as follows--Capt. George & Bushey companies first for the purpose of proceeding immediately to Fort Leland; the Northern Battalion followed them. The train & Southern Battalion in their rear & camped that evening on the Big Meadows. Maj. Bruce, Maj. Latshaw & Maj. Massey selected a point on the Meadows arriving that day to erect a fort upon. May 2 according to your order captains Williams', Wilkinson's, Keith's and Blakely's companies were detailed to remain at the Meadows under the command of Major Bruce, to construct a fort. Capt. Noland's and Sheffield's companies were ordered to proceed under command of Lieut. Col. Chapman to Roseburg by the way of Camas Prairie. Capt. Robertson's, Miller's, O'Neil's, Wallan's and Alcorn's companies under my command took the line of march for Fort Leland. The command reached there on the evening of the 4th without accident worth of note. John
Kelsay Col.
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 580.Commanding 2 Reg. O.M.V. IMPORTANT FROM OREGON.--LATER FROM COOS BAY.--By the arrival of the schooner Umpqua, on Friday night, May 9, at San Francisco, we have intelligence that the brig Quadratus, from that place, while attempting to enter Coos Bay, on the 4th of May, got ashore on the bar, and in attempting to leave her in a boat three persons were drowned, Mr. L. P. Simpson, formerly a lumber dealer on Second Street, in this city, Mrs. McDonals and child. The vessel beat over the bar to the inside, and it is thought will be saved without a great deal of damage to the cargo. Just before the sailing of the Umpqua, a report reached Coos Bay that the hostile tribe of Indians at the mouth of Rogue River was suing for peace, and that Colonel Buchanan had offered to treat on the following terms. That the leaders be shot and the warriors be disarmed, and that the whole band be removed to the coast reserve, north of Umpqua. Some ten of the tribe were killed a few days since by the volunteers. The Agent is preparing to remove the friendly Indians from Coos Bay and the Coquille River to the mouth of the Umpqua, until the reserve can be prepared for their reception; some regulars are to accompany them. The fighting chief of the Siuslaw Indiana, a neutral tribe 20 miles north of Umpqua, committed suicide by a ten day drunk, and his whole band would have followed him, but the whiskey barrel which was thrown upon the beach gave out too soon. Military expresses are now established along the coast from Port Orford to the Umpqua, government supplies passing that way. Two hundred cattle passed a short time since, a sacrifice to war. Sacramento Daily Union, May 12, 1856, page 1 PROTECTION ON THE TRAIL.--Col. Buchanan has ordered Maj. Wyse to take the field with all his available forces, as soon as possible, and to protect the trail leading from Crescent City to Jacksonville, O.T. In the event of Maj. Wyse not being at Fort Lane, the commanding officer at that point will dispatch whatever force he may have for the same purpose. San Francisco Bulletin, May 13, 1856, page 2 From
the Jacksonville Sentinel.
Gen. Lamerick's Expedition to the Meadows.
On Saturday,
the 19th of April, the Northern Battalion left Grave Creek for the
Meadows. On Saturday, Gen. Lamerick left and joined the battalion on
Monday evening at the mouth of Whiskey Creek.
The Southern Battalion left Vannoy's under command of Lieut. Col. Chapman on the 17th, and was ordered to proceed down on the south side of Rogue River and form a junction with the Northern Battalion at the Meadows. On Tuesday the 22nd, the Northern Battalion proceeded to the Meadows (the Meadows are on the north side of Rogue River), where Gen. Lamerick expected to meet the Southern Battalion, but on his arrival he failed to meet them, and was not able to learn where they were until the evening of the 24th. He dispatched an express with a letter to Lieut. Col. Chapman, requesting him to proceed down on the south side of Rogue River, if possible for him to do so; if not to use his discretion and cross the river and join him at the Meadows. The express found Lieut. Col. Chapman about 12 miles south of the mouth of Whiskey Creek. Lt. Col. Chapman proceeded to cross Rogue River at the mouth of Whiskey Creek, and joined Gen. Lamerick at the Meadows on Friday the 25th. On Tuesday, Col. Kelsay, with 50 men, was sent out to reconnoiter and find out the locality of the Indians. They discovered Indians, and shots were exchanged but without effect. On Saturday Major Bruce was sent down near the river to reconnoiter. He approached near the Indian camp with a force of not over 100 men, for the purpose of drawing the Indians across to the north side of the river, as they were encamped on the south side, but in this he failed. However, a party of about 35 Indians did cross the river, and ascended a high point to reconnoiter our camp, but their position was inaccessible. On Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. Col. Kelsay with about 250 men proceeded down to the Big Meadows, leaving 100 men at the mouth of the Cañon as a reserve, and to prevent the Indians from falling into the rear and cutting off our pack trains. About 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, the 27th April, Col. Kelsay with 150 men reached the river under cover of a heavy fog, and commenced the attack by firing across the river. The Indians immediately fell back into the thick timber and underbrush and returned the fire. During the day the Indians were seen carrying off their dead and wounded. Three dead Indians were left lying on the bar during day, but at dark when our men were compelled to draw off, the Indians came and carried them off, together with their camp equipage. On this day, Henry Mercer, of Capt. Wilkinson's company, was mortally wounded by a ball entering his mouth and passing through his jaw and neck and lodging in his shoulder. Early in the morning on Monday the 28th, the firing commenced and lasted until 12 o'clock, then the Indians drew off. Today one of the men belonging to Capt. Sheffield's company was wounded in the neck but not considered mortal. While the firing was still going on, Maj. Bruce, with one hundred men, was sent down the river four or five miles to the mouth of John Mule Creek, made no discovery, only seen Indians passing down the river on the south side, but too far off to be reached by our rifles. On this evening Maj. Massey, with Capts. Keith's and Blakely's companies of about 130 men, arrived. On Tuesday the 29th, the forces, with the exception of Maj. Massey's command, crossed the river and encamped on the ground that the Indians were encamped on when the attack was made on Sunday morning. While the forces were on the south side of the river the weather was very bad, either raining or snowing very near all the time, yet scouts were busily engaged in hunting the Indian trails. It was ascertained that about two miles up the mountain back from the river the Indians had divided, a party going south towards Illinois River and the others down Rogue River. On Tuesday, before the command crossed Rogue River, Capt. Crouch was sent with 50 men and the two wounded men and the pack train to Roseburg. The forces all crossed back to the north side of the river on Friday, 2nd of May. On account of the scarcity of provisions it was thought advisable to return, and the forces were all ordered back to Grave Creek, with the exception of 200 men left under the command of Maj. Bruce, at the Meadows, for the purpose of building blockhouses. Crescent City Herald, May 21, 1856, page 2 We understand that the companies of Capts. Keith and Blakely and one other company have been left at the Big Meadows for the purpose of erecting fortifications at that place. The Southern Battalion have pretty near all returned from their expedition to the Meadows, and an impression is extant that they will not make another expedition, as there is considerable dissatisfaction in relation to affairs connected with the late expedition. The term of enlistment of many of the volunteers is about terminated, and it would not be very astonishing if the volunteers were, as a general thing, discharged. The Indians may fall in with Col. Buchanan, as he, with U.S. troops, are somewhere down Rogue River. If the U.S. troops and the Indians do meet, it would not be very strange if the preliminaries of a treaty were talked over. This war of extermination is not what many bargained for. The only sure way to save life, end the war and restore peace to Southern Oregon is to obtain a treaty and send the Indians out of the country. Crescent City Herald, May 21, 1856, page 2
Mr. LANE. I am
very much obliged to the gentleman from Tennessee for calling my
attention to the paragraphs which he has just read; and I am very glad
to have the opportunity to vindicate the character of the people of
Oregon. And, sir, when the time shall arrive that I can have a full
opportunity to do so, I shall be able to satisfy every gentleman upon
this floor that the people of Oregon Territory are in no way to blame
for the war with the Indians, which is now in progress in Oregon, and
which has been going on since last October. We have, sir, in that
Territory a Governor who has lived in Oregon since the year 1845. He is
a peaceable, quiet, orderly, sensible and practical man, and in all the
troubles which the settlers have had in settling that Territory, he has
uniformly been found upon the side of peace, whenever peace could be
had with safety to the people and security to the lives of families in
that Territory.
The people of Oregon Territory are a peaceable, law-abiding, orderly people, and they are also a gallant people. They have taken pains ever since I became acquainted with the country to cultivate the most friendly feeling with the Indians. They lived in the same valleys and districts of country with the Indians, and they were anxious to do all they could to maintain friendly relations with them, for we had among our earlier settlers many missionaries, who had been sent there for the purpose of civilizing and Christianizing the Indians, and of teaching them the arts of civilization, and the habits and customs of men in a higher and improved social position, as far as the dispositions and habitudes of the aboriginal tribes admit of their elevation to the social and moral attainments of the European races. To this end many devoted men labored with an assiduity and a zeal which attested the sincerity and earnestness of their desire to reclaim these untaught children of nature, and place them on the catalogue of Christianized and enlightened nations. Among those who thus labored faithfully and unremittingly, and with a singleness of purpose and self-sacrificing zeal which commanded the admiration and respect of all who observed his devoted and untiring labors, was the Rev. Marcus Whitman. Never, in my opinion, did missionary go forth to the field of his labors animated by a nobler purpose or devote himself to his task with more earnestness and sincerity than this meek and Christian man. He arrived in Oregon in 1842, and established his mission in the Waiilatpu country, east of the Cascade Mountains, and devoted his entire time to the education and improvement of the Indians, teaching them the arts of civilization, the mode of cultivating the soil, to plant, to sow, to reap, and to do all the duties which pertain to civilized man. He erected mills, plowed their ground, sowed their crops and assisted in gathering in their harvests. About the time he had succeeded in teaching them some of these arts, and the means of using some of these advantages, they rose against him, without cause and without notice, and massacred him and his wife, and many others who were at the mission at the time. I mention these things, Mr. Chairman, to give you an idea of the treacherous and ungrateful character of the Indians in Oregon. The blood of Whitman, their greatest benefactor, was the first blood of the whites which was shed by them in that Territory, and from that day to the present they have commenced all the wars which have taken place between them and the white settlers. This I say in justice to the people of that Territory, and to vindicate them from what I consider unfounded and unjust imputations upon their courage and honor. I regret very much, sir, that it is necessary, in defense of truth and justice, to place myself in opposition to the reports of General Wool. He is my old commander. I know him to be a good soldier, a gallant man, and an accomplished officer. But I know, as far as the reports are concerning relating to Oregon Territory, that he is mistaken, and that the reports are not true. The war was commenced in Oregon, as I stated the other day, by the Indians on the white people. It was not instigated by any act of the whites--not induced by any violence on the part of citizens of that Territory. As I then stated, the Indians commenced the slaughter of the white people, from the southern portion of Oregon to the northern extreme of Washington, at the very same time, the same week of the same month, the 8th, 9th and 10th days of October. In confirmation of this statement, I will send the following extract from the letter of Captain Hewitt, dated November, 1855 [in the Yakima country]: "After two days' hard work, we reached the house of Mr. Cox, which we found robbed. We then proceeded to Mr. Jones'. His house was burned to ashes, and Mr. Jones, who was sick at the time, was burned in it. Mrs. Jones was found about thirty yards from the house, shot through the lungs, face and jaws horribly broken and mutilated. The bones of Mr. Jones were found, the flesh having been mostly eaten off by the hogs. We found Cooper, who had been living with Jones, about one hundred and fifty yards from the house, shot through the lungs, the ball having entered his left breast. Proceeded to the house of W. H. Brown. Mrs. Brown and child were found in the well, her head downwards; she had been stabbed to the heart, also stabbed in the back and the back part of the head. The child was below her, and had no marks of violence upon it. Mr. Brown was found in the house, literally cut to pieces. His arms and legs were badly cut, and I should think there were as many as ten or fifteen stabs in his back. After burying the remains of the bodies as well as circumstances would permit, we proceeded to the house of Mr. King, which we found burned to ashes, and the most horrible spectacle of all awaited us--Mr. Jones, who had lived with him, and two little children, were burned in the house; the body of Mr. King, after being roasted, was eaten almost entirely up by the hogs. Mrs. King was lying about thirty yards from the house almost in a state of nudity, shot apparently through the heart, and her left breast cut off; she was cut open from the pit of the stomach to about the center of the abdomen, intestines pulled out on either side. We performed the last sad rites over the slain, and returned to our camp." Now, sir, but a few days before these massacres were perpetrated here, on or near Puget Sound, hostilities had commenced in southern Oregon, more than six hundred miles distant. Can General Wool or any other sensible man pretend to say that killing of Indians on Rogue River was the cause of these murderous outrages? I will present another extract of a letter from Rogue River Valley, a few days before this massacre occurred: "The greater portion of the enemy have taken to the mountains, carried with them a large amount of stock and other property. Thirty persons have been murdered by them between Jewett's ferry, on Rogue River, and Turner's, on Cow Creek. It is now ascertained that Haines' family have also been massacred." Now, to show you that General Wool is mistaken, that his judgment has been hastily formed and upon erroneous and false data--perhaps the willful misrepresentations of others, who thought by traduction of our people to subserve their own interests, or at least to gratify their passions--I ask your attention to the maps which I have caused to be placed in view of the members of the House, and upon which they can observe the relative position and distances of the several localities which form the seat, or more properly speaking, the seats of war. On the east of the Cascade Mountains, which you observe running parallel with the coast, at an average distance of one hundred miles, is the region or district called the "Yakima country." In this country, before hostilities had commenced in the shape of regular warfare, the Indians killed Mr. Mattice, a gentleman who was traveling through the country. The agent, Mr. Bolon, hearing of the outrage, went into the country to ascertain the facts and if possible bring the perpetrators to justice and prevent further disturbances. Although an agent, personally known to them, and from whom they had received the bounties of the government, he was barbarously murdered; and to give the strongest possible manifestation of their hostility and exasperation against the whites, they made a funeral pyre of himself and horse, determined that not a vestige should remain to tell the tale of his savage and inhuman murder. When the fact of the death of Bolon was made known, the regular forces at Fort Vancouver were under command of Major Rains, who ordered Major Haller to proceed to the Indian country and chastise them for the murder of Bolon and others. In obedience to the orders received, he proceeded to the enemy's country, was attacked by them, surrounded, and narrowly escaped after a desperate and most gallant defense of several days' duration, with the loss of one-fifth of his command. Here was the first commencement of hostilities, not by volunteers, but by regular forces, who were defeated, notwithstanding the gallantry of their commander, and driven from the country. This country, you will bear in mind, lies east of the Cascade Mountains, and on the Washington side of the Columbia River. Colonel Rains, when he found that Haller had been driven out of the country, and had only succeeded in bearing away his wounded, leaving his dead behind him, called on the Governor of Oregon Territory for volunteers. It was a call for aid and assistance to suppress Indian hostilities, to punish the Indians; first, for killing our people and then for driving his gallant major and his whole force out of the country. To that call the Governor of Oregon promptly responded. He called for volunteers. They turned out immediately, and having joined with the troops they marched into the Indian country. The Indians on that occasion avoided the fight. They avoided a general battle. The force against them was rather strong. Now, Mr. Chairman, the position of Major Haller, at the time he was surrounded by the Indians and badly whipped, was up on the Columbia River here, on the northern side of this river, in Washington Territory, in the country known as the Yakima country. This country, till within a few years past, had not been settled by white people, but within the last few years the white settlement has extended east of these Cascade Mountains, into Washington and Oregon Territories. When General Wool arrived in Oregon Territory he found the volunteers up in that country, against the warlike Indians. Now, I will ask gentlemen and the writer of that letter which has been read, whether the troops ought to have been recalled at once from that country, leaving hundreds of defenseless women and children, scattered about on their claims, exposed to the attacks of Indians who had driven the regular forces out of the country? If they had, what would have been the condition of these people? Would there have been one single family left in that country? Would there have been one woman that would not have been burned at the stake, or one child that would not have been tomahawked? General Wool, when he arrived, took up his headquarters west of the Cascade Mountains, on the north bank of the Columbia River, or Fort Vancouver (pointing out the location on the map). He ordered the regular forces that were engaged in the Indian country to fall back on Fort Vancouver. The volunteers did not go up there of their own accord. They went out at the call of an officer of the United States Army. If they had left the country with the regular forces they would have exposed the life of every woman and child there to certain death. Ought they to have done so? Will any man say to the people of Oregon that these volunteers should have fallen back upon the settlements, or gone into quarters and put themselves under cover, leaving the women and children of the country to fall under the tomahawk of the savage? No, sir. It is a slander when it is said that the volunteers of Oregon went there with a view of making war upon any other Indians than such as murdered our people, and as were ready to bury the tomahawk in the heads of women and children. What would have been said of the Governor of Oregon, if he had acted as General Wool did, and ordered the volunteers out of the country, leaving it exposed to the savages? So far from doing it, he maintained his position. Those troops were commanded by a noble and gallant young man, by the name of Kelly, who went out to that Territory a few years ago from the state of Pennsylvania. He is known to some of the members of this House. He is a brave and gallant man, a lawyer by profession, and a peaceable, law-abiding citizen. He took the command of these forces in the place of my gallant friend Nesmith, who was compelled to quit the service on account of sickness in his family. Soon after his taking the command, the Walla Wallas, Yakimas and other tribes of Indians throughout the whole extent of country east of the Cascades made a general attack upon his command. And, sir, while fighting for life, when his ammunition had been expended, when he had fired his last volley, with ammunition almost exhausted, and scant of provisions--for he was for four days surrounded with these hostile Indians--I say while thus fighting for his life, under these circumstances, the regular troops, under the orders of General Wool, were marching to their winter quarters. And, as I am informed, when Kelly applied for powder and other supplies, that officer shut his magazines and refused the supplies. Now, sir, shall this man be quoted here against the people of Oregon Territory? Shall his evidence be used in condemnation of the people of that Territory, who volunteered to save the women and children of the settlements from massacre? Shall such an argument be introduced here against the appropriation now asked for? I hope not. Mr. ALLISON. If the gentleman will permit me for a moment, I desire to say a single word. He asks, why should we bring the evidence of General Wool here as testimony in a case of this kind, under such circumstances? Now, I am sure the gentleman from Oregon will not object to an inquiry, such as was propounded to him, for the purpose of giving him an explanation which he is now making to the House. We find in our executive documents here, official communications from the officers of the government which can alone speak officially upon the subject. How is it possible that we can disregard these communications thus officially made, unless some explanation were made to remove the difficulties with which we are surrounded in making this appropriation. If we are to take the statements of these officers, to which alone we can go for information, we cannot, consistently, make this appropriation. The gentleman from Oregon certainly cannot therefore object to such a statement being made by a member of the House, as it will afford him an opportunity of making such an explanation as will relieve us from the embarrassments with which we are surrounded in making the appropriation which he asks for. Mr. LANE. I am very much obliged to the gentleman. I have no disposition to cast imputations upon General Wool. I think as much of him as any man in this House, but I do not like his conduct in Oregon. Now, Mr. Chairman, these volunteer forces have been organized and maintained for the purpose of protecting the settlements in the Territories of Oregon and Washington, and nobly have they done it, while the regulars were comfortably housed in the snug barracks at Vancouver. By the last mail I have received a letter, from which I will read the following extract: "Will you please present our thanks to the Secretary of War for his dispatch in forwarding the Ninth Infantry. How much it is to be regretted that such promptness has been rendered unavailing. General Wool is now in California, and would have kept that regiment there had he been there when it arrived. He passed them at sea this side of San Francisco, and made unavailing efforts to have the steamer bringing them return to San Francisco. This, I am informed by Mr. Hoxie, of Jackson County, who was a passenger with General Wool. Mr. Hoxie was sent down by the quartermaster general, and succeeded in making his purchase, as he tells me, when General Wool's interference and influence caused the settlers to decline furnishing the powder, and Mr. Hoxie came back empty-handed. Had it not been for the Hudson's Bay Company, at Vancouver, we should have been unable to procure this, and other essential supplies." This extract I give with undoubting confidence in the truth of the statements it contains, knowing, as I do, the high respectability of the author, and simply from a desire to do justice to all concerned, either American citizens or British subjects. My friend from Tennessee (Mr. Ready)--and I am proud of having the opportunity of answering his inquiries--I have always known to exercise the soundest judgment upon all subjects except politics. (Laughter.) I say, in reply to his inquiries, that at the time these hostilities commenced in the north of Washington Territory, hostilities also broke out in the Rogue River Valley, and in one night the Indians traveled many miles and killed every man, woman and child on the road, with one or two exceptions; they burned every house but one; they killed every woman except one--Mrs. Harris--for whom I intend to introduce a bill granting a pension. The savages surrounded her house, killed her husband, and wounded her daughter. She defend herself in her dwelling nobly; she loaded and fired her rifle eighty times, and made her escape during the darkness of the night. Every man on that whole route was killed with the exception of Wagoner, whose wife and children were murdered, and who himself fell, on the 22nd of February last, at the mouth of the Rogue River. Since that time the Indians have proceeded to Umpqua Valley, and murdered people within a few miles of my own house, and yet General Wool says there is no war in Oregon! They have driven off the cattle of the country. Thousands are shot and left to decay upon the plains. The last steamer brought us the news that the Indians had attacked the settlements of the white people at the mouth of Rogue River, and destroyed every house and every farm. Every settler--men, women and children--was killed, except one, and he saved himself by hiding. It is said that the Indians are few, and that they will soon be forced into submission. Whether there are two hundred or one thousand of them, General Wool will not be able to hurt one of them. I know them. They will fight, but they will never permit themselves to be attacked by any considerable force. They will keep out of the way. The old General has passed the age when he could overtake the Indians. The country which is the theater of hostilities is mountainous, steep of ascent, and affords the best and most secure hiding places in the world. How is he to go there with his regular forces and punish these savages? Yet his friends said that it was for that purpose that he intended to start from San Francisco. He has not done so, and he is the man that has arraigned the people of my Territory! Sir, the people of Oregon occupy a remote and far distant part of our domain--a sort of terra incognita to the people of the Atlantic States. If their character was known here, as I know it, it would require no eulogium, much less a vindication, at my hands. For several years I have lived in the midst of that people, and I know them. I have seen them under all the vicissitudes and circumstances incident to this varied and checkered life--in prosperity and in adversity, in affluence and poverty, in the repose and security of home, in the din of battle, where the fight raged hottest and the bullets flew thickest. They are an enterprising and adventurous people, or they would never have traversed sterile and inhospitable wastes, scaled lofty mountains, and braved the perils and privations of the wilderness in search of homes on the shores of the Pacific. That they are brave no one can doubt who has read of their deeds of heroism in defending their families and homes from the tomahawk and the torch of the remorseless savage. Aye, sir, and they are a patriotic people. Think you that the men from Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and Kentucky, who have made their homes in Oregon, have been so changed by distance that their hearts have ceased to pulsate with patriotic devotion to our country's flag and our country's honor? Believe it not. They are Americans still--not aliens and interlopers from foreign lands. Hear it, gentlemen of the so-called "American" party, you who oppose this appropriation, your countrymen--not foreigners--are imperiled. American blood is being shed--aye, sir, and on our own soil. Americans call on you for succor. Mountains rise and wide deserts intervene between you and them, but they are still on our own soil; they have but changed their chamber in the paternal mansion; the same banner which waves from the dome of this Capitol spreads its folds over them. Is it an emblem of protection which the government affords to all our people, or a piece of painted bunting--a rag spread to the winds in derision and mockery of their perils and their woes? One trait of character the people of the Territory of Oregon possess in common with their countrymen, but even this seems to be denied to them by those whose occupation appears to be to malign and traduce all that is generous and noble in a people or an individual--those professional scribblers, the vultures of the press, who feed upon character which has been first polluted and destroyed by their own poisonous breath, and who never soar except it be in an atmosphere of detraction, like those birds of ill omen which are found in no other country except where grows the upas. I allude to that trait in the character of the Oregonians so characteristic of the population of the western states--magnanimity; the chivalrous sense of honor, the pride, blended with innate generosity, which scorns a mean, a dishonorable, or a cowardly action, which revolts at the idea of oppressing or being oppressed, which is quick to resent an insult from an equal or superior, but bears with meekness and patience the peevishness, the taunts and even the deliberate insults of inferiors. In this spirit the people of Oregon have borne with patience and forbearance the injuries and insults of the inferior race by which they are surrounded. They have thought their mission to be to subdue the proud and intractable spirit of the savage by kindness, to soften his rude nature by manifesting towards him a friendly and paternal spirit, to reclaim him from his savage condition by example--the example of a life spent in peaceful industry, instead of unprofitable and wasting wars with each other. I am sorry that these humane efforts of the Oregon settlers have not been appreciated by the savage. Humanity has been mistaken by him for a tame submissiveness of spirit; forbearance for pusillanimity. The consequence has been that, instead of being benefited by his contact with the whites, the Indian has brooded over what he has erroneously deemed an unwarranted intrusion upon his domain, until at length a general uprising has taken place for the purpose of exterminating the intruders, or driving them from the land. Who that acknowledges the right of the white race to occupy and improve the lands of the natives (and I know of no one who will deny it)--who that acknowledges such right will deny to them the right of self-defense when assailed in their pioneer homes; and who will not go further than this, and say that, where their numbers and their means are inadequate to their defense, it is the duty of the government to afford them protection, and save them, not from destruction merely, but from a destruction by a refinement of cruelty, and exquisiteness of torture known only in the annals of Indian warfare? I will have an opportunity of explaining these things more fully at some future time. I will not consume the time of the committee now. I am prepared to go into the subject fully. I have anticipated, I think, nearly objection which can possibly be made to the conduct of the Oregon volunteers, or of the settlers in that Territory. I shall be prepared to furnish all the information on the subject which gentlemen may desire. I only ask what is right--nothing more--and if I do not greatly mistake the character and feelings of the members of this House, I am sure they will not refuse my just demand. The purpose of the appropriation as stated in the bill is "to restore and preserve friendly relations with the Indians." Another object of the appropriation is to furnish the means of ransoming the prisoners who have already been taken by, or who may hereafter fall into the hands of, the Indians. Already several prisoners are in their hands, men, women and children, liable at any moment to be put to a cruel death. Perhaps by a timely appropriation of the kind asked for the lives of these prisoners may be saved. Does anyone begrudge the application of the public money to a purpose so humane? Does anyone dare to say that the whole $300,000 would be an extravagant price to pay for the ransom of one--only one of those helpless infant captives, whose wailing cry is music to the ears of his cruel captors, drunk with the blood of his slaughtered parents. There went from Missouri, in 1853, a party of nineteen. In August of that year I saw, in Oregon, two boys, the only survivors of that party. Where were the others? They told me where they were--they had left them among the mountains, father, mother, sisters--all slain! At my request they undertook to give me a narrative of the massacre--to detail the fiendish barbarities of the murderers. I listened while, with the simple eloquence of truth--a pathos which only children can impart to a story of bereavement and sorrow--they proceeded with the recital of what they saw and what they suffered. But I did not hear them to the end; my heart sickened with the revolting details. I told them to pause; I could hear no more. Ah! sir, could the members of this House have stood around those friendless orphans, as they stood among strangers, relating the story of their sufferings and their wrongs, there would have been no occasion for me to speak here today. They would have heard a speech such as they never heard before, and such as, I pray to God, I may never hear again--the speech not of two untutored, friendless orphans, but nature, sir, nature speaking to the great heart of the American people, heaving it up, as with a giant's power, from its cold apathy into a burning thirst for revenge, a stern resolve to avenge the wrongs and defend the rights of outraged humanity. An attempt was made, as already stated, to punish the perpetrators of this outrage. Major Haller was sent forward with several companies of regulars, and succeeded in procuring the surrender of a few Indians, who were put to death as the perpetrators of the massacre. But whether the innocent were surrendered, and the guilty escaped, is a question I am unable to answer. From my knowledge of the Indian character, I would not be surprised if, in this instance as in others, they had recourse to vicarious punishment--shielding the guilty by substituting the innocent. Unless such means are taken as General Wool will not take--but such only as the volunteers will take--to put an end to these outrages, settlement in Oregon Territory will be retarded. Already thousands of acres, once cultivated and repaying the labors of the husbandman with abundant harvests, are now in the possession of the Indians--the houses burnt, the field desolate. The eighty thousand people of the Territory are scattered along the coast, from the mouth of Columbia River to the southern boundary, on both sides of the Cascade Mountains. Mr. BOYCE. How many warriors can these hostile Indians bring into the field? Mr. LANE. I am glad that I am asked the question. In my remarks published in Saturday's Globe, I am made by a misprint to say that the number is twenty-nine thousand. I meant to say that it was twenty thousand. There are fully that number in Oregon and Washington. They are not all at war with us, and we are thankful that they are not. If they were united, they could sweep off the entire settlements. A portion of them are friendly to us. It is the purpose of this appropriation to preserve their friendly feelings, and to secure amicable relations with such others as may not have joined the war parties. One word more, and I have done. My friend from Tennessee (Mr. Ready) read an account of a massacre which is said to have been perpetrated by the whites. Now, one word of explanation of that occurrence. In 1853 a general war broke out between the Rogue River Indians and the whites. That was brought on by the Indians. I recollect that, on receiving the news, I mounted my horse and joined the troops, and on the 24th of the month of August we fought the last battle that we had during that war. In that battle my friend, Captain Alden, while leading his men to the charge with that impetuous valor, so characteristic of the American soldier, fell, severely but not mortally wounded. It is due to Captain Alden to say (and I cannot permit this opportunity to pass without bearing my humble testimony to his merits) that, though educated at West Point, he combines in the highest degree the qualities which distinguish the American "citizen soldier" from the military automatons, the "fighting machines" of this and all other nations. Brave without rashness, accomplished, a thorough master of tactics, as taught in the schools, he has sufficient talent not to be trammeled by the antiquated ideas embodied in the moldy volumes which plodding dullness and octogenarian imbecility are wont to consult, as containing all the mysteries of the military art. In addition to these qualities, his warmth of heart and ever-genial flow of spirits endear him to his soldiers, as his valor and conduct inspire them with confidence in him as a leader. I rejoice that to the aggregate of mischief done by the Indians in Oregon they have not added that of destroying the life of this brave and valuable officer. But to proceed. The enemy asked for a talk. I entertained their application, and ordered the talk, and the result was, we made a peace. I then disbanded my troops for the purpose of preventing further expense, which was every hour accruing. In this I was sustained by the people, who did not, and never have desired that troops should continue under arms longer than was absolutely necessary for the purposes of defense and protection. A few of the tribes would not come in and make peace, and they have been making war upon the whites ever since. Last summer they commenced hostilities against our people as they were going to or returning from California. Upon information of this outbreak being received at Jacksonville, Major Lupton raised a company and proceeded to the scene of trouble. He there found the bodies of the murdered, and pursued the trail of the perpetrators to their encampment on Butte Creek. These Indians did not belong to that portion of the tribe who had made peace. He found stolen property in their hands. A fight ensued, in which the Major himself was killed, and many of the Indians were slain. They were not peaceable, inoffensive people, as has been stated by some of the reports put in circulation, but a murdering, thieving set, who were in the habit of waylaying on the road, and robbing and killing, the unwary traveler. The Indians who were placed upon the reserve near Fort Lane were under the care of an agent who had done all in his power to maintain friendly relations, and was ably seconded by an able and gallant officer of the army, Captain A. J. Smith, in command of the fort. A portion of these Indians have not since made war upon the whites, and have not joined the war party. The bands which did not come into the peace terms have been waging war ever since, and Major Lupton was right in punishing them. That was no just cause of war. Now, let me give you an idea of the character of these Indians, their mode of warfare, and their ability to cope with our forces. Soon after the massacre of our people, on the 8th or 9th of October, Captain A. J. Smith, of the army, attacked the Indians in their position, with about three hundred and fifty men. The Indians had about the same number. He fought them from daylight until dark, but he was not able to dislodge them; and at last was obliged to fall back, leaving them in their position, and the same Indians, with reinforcements from other bands, have since attacked the settlements and destroyed many families, and they will continue to do so until they are met with a sufficient force to subdue them. That is the only way to secure peace with the Indians. I will here read, for the information of the House, an extract from the New York Tribune, presenting a graphic, but truthful, sketch of the condition of things existing in a portion of Oregon, and I will ask the apologists of General Wool, after reading this, whether a state of war exists in the Territory, whether it was provoked by the aggressions of the whites, and what plea they can offer in defense of the conduct of General Wool in leaving the Territory a prey to Indian rapacity and outrage? Understand me, sir, I am not the accuser of General Wool. The people of Oregon are his accusers. I will not say that he stands in the attitude of Hastings, when accused by the people of India of oppression and corruption in office, but I will say that he stands arraigned before the great tribunal of public opinion, and as one who was once his comrade in arms, one who followed where he led, I sincerely hope that no severer verdict may be pronounced against him than that he has committed an error of judgment. But here is the extract: "Yesterday (Sunday) morning we were favored with the perusal of a letter written by Robert Smith, a settler up the coast, to Mr. Miller, living in the neighborhood of Whaleshead, informing the latter that on the 22nd February, while William Hensley and Mr. Nolan were driving some horses toward Rogue River, two shots were fired at them by Pistol River Indians. Mr. Hensley had two of his fingers shot off, besides receiving several buckshot wounds in his face. The horses fell into the hands of the Indians. "The letter also contains a request to urge forward from Crescent City any volunteers that may have been enlisted. "From F. H. Pratt, Esq., a resident at the mouth of Rogue River, who arrived last night in the schooner Gold Beach, we received the startling news that the Indians in that district have united with a party of the hostile Indians above, and commenced a war of extermination against the white settlers. "The station at Big Bend, some fifteen miles up the river, having been abandoned several weeks previous, the Indians made a sudden attack on Saturday morning, February 23rd, upon the farms about four miles above the mouth, where some ten or twelve men of Captain Poland's company of volunteers were encamped, the remainder of the company being absent, attending a ball on the 22nd, at the mouth of Rogue River. "The fight is stated to have lasted near the whole of Saturday, and but few of the whites escaped to tell the story. The farmers were all killed. "It is supposed there are now about three hundred hostile Indians in the field, including those from Grave and Galice creeks and the Big Meadows. They are led by a Canada Indian, named Enos, who was formerly a favorite guide for Colonel Fremont in his expedition. "List of Killed--Captain Ben Wright, H. Braun, E. W. Howe, Mr. Wagoner, Barney Castle, George McClusky, Mr. Lara, W. R. Tullus, Captain John Poland, Mr. Smith, Mr. Seaman, Mr. Warner, John Geisel and three children, P. McCullough, S. Heidrick, Joseph Seroc and two sons. "Besides three or four, names unknown, Mrs. Geisel and daughter are prisoners, and in the hands of the Micano [Mikonotunne?] band of Indians, about eight miles up the river. Dr. M. C. White escaped by jumping into Euchre Creek and secreting himself under a pile of driftwood, remaining there for an hour and a half, and until the Indians had given up the search." I will say no more upon this subject, but beg the House to pass this appropriation, so that it may go out under the direction of the President of the United States, for the purpose of maintaining the friendly disposition which now exists among many of the tribes in that Territory, and to give security to the settlements, and safety to the women and children whose lives are now in extreme jeopardy. Congressional Globe, Washington, D.C., March 31, 1856, pages 776-779 This speech was circulated as a pamphlet and widely printed in Northwest newspapers. Rogue
River Correspondence of the Statesman.
Editor Statesman--A
campaign is fitting out for the Meadows. The 2nd battalion starts
tomorrow, under the command of Lt. Col. Chapman and Maj. Bruce; the
northern battalion will start on the 17th, commanded by Col. Kelsay and
Maj. Latshaw, accompanied by Gen. Lamerick. They take 25 days rations
along, and one hundred rounds of ammunition, picks, shovels, canvas
boats, and all other things that will likely be required to conquer a
peace with our hostile neighbors. I am confident of their whipping
those Indians every time they can get up with them.April 15th, 1856. The men are in fine health and spirits. Col. Buchanan, U.S.A., is coming up Rogue River with some 250 or 300 troops. Capt. Smith has not been heard from since he started. The new companies called for by the Governor have not yet come out. ----
Southern Army,
His Excellency George L. Curry,Fort Leland, April 15, 1856. Governor of Oregon, Salem, O.T.: Respected Sir:--I have just returned from the southern battalion. The spy company from that battalion had just got in, and brought intelligence that Old John's Indians had gone to the Meadows, their stronghold. I have ordered Lt. Col. Chapman and Maj. Bruce to move with the entire strength of the southern battalion. They will leave tomorrow with tools and provisions sufficient to besiege the Indians in their fortress, if it should be necessary. The troops take with them 25 days rations. I am happy to state that the troops are in fine health, and under good discipline, a thing much to be desired. I am now making preparations to move with the northern battalion day after tomorrow, to meet the southern battalion at the Meadows. The southern battalion will go down on the south side of Rogue River. The northern battalion will start from this place and march by the way of Hungry Hill and Whisky Creek. I will accompany this battalion myself. I do not intend to come back until we can completely conquer the enemy, or until we have to return for want of provisions or supplies. Everything seems to bid fair for a successful campaign. I have good reasons to believe that Gen. Wool has issued orders to the U.S. troops not to act in concert with the volunteers. But the officers at Fort Lane told me they would, wherever they met me, most cordially cooperate with any volunteers that I had command of. There is now under command of Col. Kelsay 60 men scouring the country from Hungry Hill to the Meadows. There is also a detachment of 30 men under Capt. Sheffield scouring the country from Hungry Hill to the big bend of Cow Creek. JOHN
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
April 22, 1856, page 2. Also in the Oregon Argus, Oregon
City, April 26, 1856, page 3 and the Oregon Weekly Times, Portland,
April 26, 1856, page 2(From
the Statesman Extra.)
IMPORTANT BATTLE SOUTH Indians Completely Routed. Indian Loss 30--No Whites Killed--2 Wounded.
Messrs. Bradbury and Dearborn, of the south, we learn that the
volunteers to the number of 250, under Gen. Lamerick, surprised a party
of Indians, comprising about 100 warriors and 200 women and children,
on a bar of Rogue River, near the Meadows, and firing upon them, killed
about thirty, and completely routing the remainder.
The volunteers lost none, and had but two wounded, one (a Mr. Mercer, of Capt. Wilkinson's company) badly, and probably mortally. He was brought into the hospital at Deer Creek, and it is thought has died before this. The Indians retreated after fighting some time, and Gen. Lamerick immediately made preparations to follow them, resolved to "clean them out" effectually. The volunteers captured ten horses. The Indians were surprised, and the affair was adroitly managed throughout. Mr. Harkness, of Grave Creek House, while carrying express from Grave Creek to Gen. Lamerick, was fired upon--fell from his horse--was horribly mutilated by the Indians--supposed while alive, as [the] wound was not mortal. Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 13, 1856, page 2, also in the Oregon Weekly Times, Portland, May 10, 1856, page 2 Fort
Orford, O.T.
Sir:May 6th, 1856 I have just learned and hasten to inform the commanding officer of this district that a self-constituted court of citizens have tried and condemned to death an Indian for a murder alleged to have been committed some two years ago. This Indian was confined in the guardhouse yesterday, by me, upon the application of the Indian agent. This morning Mr. Olney, the Indian agent, informed me he wished to have a talk with the prisoner, and requested me to turn the prisoner over to him, which I did. Soon afterwards, I was informed that a number of citizens had organized themselves into a court or jury and were trying this Indian for murder on the military reserve of this post. On receiving this information I immediately ordered all citizens, excepting those in the employ of government, off the reserve. They (the citizens) afterwards met in the village near this post and proceeded to try the Indian, whom (I am informed) they convicted and sentenced to be hung, on Battle Rock, tomorrow at 1 o'clock p.m. These proceedings, being entirely illegal and having a tendency to drive off the Indians on the reserve at this post, I have deemed it my duty to bring to the notice of the Col. commanding without delay. The Indian agent, I understand, was present during the trial and took an active part in the proceedings. The Indian is one of those brought from the Coquille by the volunteers several days ago. He is now confined in the blockhouse of the village. I
am sir
ForVery respectfully Your obt. servt. R. Macfeely 1st. Lieut. 4th Inf. Commdg. post Lieut. J. G. Chandler 3rd Arty. Actg. Asst. Adjt. Genl. S. Ogn. & N. Cal. Dist. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. BATTLE AT BIG MEADOWS.
Southern Army,
To His Excellency, Geo. L.
Curry, Governor of Oregon.Roseburg, May 7th, 1856. Respected Sir:-- I have the honor to make the following report of an expedition to the Meadows. As you have been informed in a former communication, the Southern Battalion started from Fort Vannoy on the 17th of April, and went down the south side of Rogue River. On the 19th of April the Northern Battalion started from Fort Leland, and followed the trail traveled by the troops last winter. On the 20th we camped on Whisky Creek, near the mouth, as the rear guard was after night in getting into camp, and most of the men being very tired from a long day's march. A dispatch had arrived in camp before I got in from the Southern Battalion under the command of Lieut. Col. Chapman and Major Bruce, informing me that they had sent out Capt. Bushey with seventeen men to spy out the Indians, who were supposed to be camped at the same place they were last winter. The spies returned and informed Col. Chapman and Major Bruce that they had been on the bar, that they built a small fire to warm themselves by, and while standing around it, they were fired upon by some Indians from the mountain above the bar. The spies then scattered and made their way to pea-vine camp, where the command under Lieut. Col. Chapman and Major Bruce had been for some three days detained on account of the severity of the weather--the rain and snow falling heavily all the time. Lieut. Col. Chapman also informed me that a number of their beef cattle had gone back to Fort Vannoy. I sent word to Lieut. Col. Chapman to move with the command as fast as possible, as they on the south side of the river had much farther to travel than the command on the south [sic] side, under Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw. On the 21st I left for the little Meadows and arrived with the entire Northern Battalion, early in the afternoon. Capt. Barnes, of the spy company, with some of his men went to the edge of the hill upon which we were camped, and discovered the Indians encamped on a bar opposite the big Meadows. On the night of the 21st I employed four men to carry an express to Lieut. Col. Chapman and Major Bruce, informing them of the whereabouts of the enemy, with instructions for them to consult their spies as to the character of the country south of Rogue River, and the time it would take to reach the enemy's position, and left it optional with them as to which side of the river they would come down, and also desired them to inform me of their decision. Signals were to be used by myself and Lieut. Col. Chapman to designate our different positions and on what side of the river the enemy were encamped. These signals were to be placed on some prominent point near our respective camps. I promptly attended to placing the signal on my side of the river on the 22nd. The messengers to Lieut. Col. Chapman returned on the evening of the 22nd, and informed me that the Southern Battalion would cross Rogue River at the mouth of Whisky Creek the same evening and would join our command that night, but on account of a heavy fall of snow and rain the command did not arrive until the next evening. The messengers in returning from Lieut. Col. Chapman discovered a horse on the trail recently shot through the body and bleeding and evident signs of Indians. The messengers then left the trail and came to camp through the mountains. On the next day the command under Lieut. Col. Chapman arrived bringing the body of Mr. M. Harkness, horribly mutilated; his remains were interred at our camp; his companion, Mr. Wagoner, narrowly escaped, a ball having passed through his coat very near his body, but he was fortunate enough to meet the Southern Battalion at the crossing, and so escaped. Mr. Harkness was bearer of dispatches to me, some of which was supposed to be from Capt. Smith, U.S.A., now at the mouth of Rogue River. On the day of the 22nd, I ordered a detachment under the command of Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw to cross the canyon west of our camp and reconnoiter the position of the enemy, which was done by the officers and men with great promptness. On their return they informed me the enemy were encamped in a very strong position on the south side of Rogue River. On the 24th a detachment under the command of Major Bruce, of 150 men, were ordered to reconnoiter the big Meadows and to ascertain if any Indians were in that neighborhood; the distance being greater than was expected, the expedition returned without getting up to the Meadows. As this was the first clear day, a detachment was again sent to reconnoiter the enemy's camp; it consisted of 100 men from the Southern Battalion under the command of Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw. The spies under the command of Capt. Barnes were in the meantime doing good service in finding a crossing on the river and a trail to get the boats down. I formed a plan of attack which was to cross the Southern Battalion at night, under the command of Lieut. Col. Chapman and Major Bruce, Lieut. Col. Chapman to command the right wing and Major Bruce the left, on the south side of the river. After consulting the field officers, all of whom completely approved of the plan, I issued orders to the different officers to get their respective commands in readiness to move at 12 o'clock at night of the 25th; Col. Kelsay was to command the right wing of the Northern Battalion and Major Latshaw the left wing, and to attack the enemy from the north side of the river. A little after sundown, Major Bruce came to my tent and informed me that most of the officers of the Southern Battalion were opposed to crossing the river. I requested Major Bruce to invite the different captains of that command to my quarters. I asked them separately why they objected to crossing the river. Some of the reasons were that they would be at too great a distance from medical assistance. Several other reasons were given, which at present, is not worth mentioning. Accompanying this dispatch you will find a plan in pencil marked with each officer's position, and the command under him. Being compelled by the circumstances of the case to abandon this plan, arrangements were made for an attack at daylight on the morning of the 27th. I ordered a detachment of 100 men from the Northern Battalion, under the command of Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw, to proceed from camp at 3 o'clock in the morning and cross what is known as Kelsay's Canyon [Kelsey Canyon], and bring on an attack at the lower end of the bar. Major Bruce was ordered to take a detachment of 150 men of the Southern Battalion and commence an attack at the upper end of the bar, or to act as circumstances might suggest. The balance of the command with the pack animals and provisions were to move under the command of Lieut. Col. Chapman and myself, to cross Kelsay's Canyon near its mouth. Capt. Bushey's company were ordered to take possession of this pass, to prevent the Indians from firing at the trains as they crossed. This detachment was ordered to take possession of the big Meadows and form a camp, as grass was abundant, and on account of its proximity to the enemy's camp. As the morning was very foggy, Col. Kelsay got up within a short distance of the enemy's camp before it was discovered. Three of the Indians had crossed as spies at daylight, and were up the bank a short distance. They discovered Col. Kelsay's command rapidly approaching; they raised the war whoop and recrossed the river to camp, but the gallant volunteers under Col. Kelsay and Major Latshaw moved with so much alacrity that a destructive and deadly fire was poured into the enemy's camp, which quite took him by surprise. The command kept up a continued fire amongst the Indians as they ran out of their huts, and must have done great execution. The command under Major Bruce no sooner heard the report of their companion's guns than they rushed with great impetuosity into the fight, and after about an hour's heavy firing on both sides the Indians were completely silenced and driven back on the bar, leaving many dead on the ground. Although they used great exertions to carry them off they were obliged to leave them until night set in. In this action we had one man of Capt. Wilkerson's company (named Isaac Mercer) mortally wounded, who has since died. A scattering fire was kept up until about 3 o'clock p.m., when the command was called off, except a few left to keep the Indians from getting their supplies. Most of the men returned to camp at the big Meadows, where the trains had been ordered by the regimental quartermaster; the rain and snow fell so heavily in the evening and during the night that the guard at the river was called in by the officers in command at that station. On the following morning Col. Kelsay with a detachment of 150 men of the Northern Battalion was ordered to go down the river about three miles below the bar, and if possible to effect a crossing for the purpose of cutting off the retreat of the Indians. When his command arrived at the river, they found some Indians and a running fight ensued, in which a private of Capt. Sheffield's company was severely wounded. We were prevented from crossing the river--the weather was cold and disagreeable all day. During the fight of the 27th, a small detachment went down on the north side of the river, for the purpose of capturing any animals that might be below; within a short distance they fell in with two Indians, killed one and shot the other through the shoulder. On the evening of the 28th, we discovered the signal fires of the Indians making down the river, and saw the squaws crossing a bald hill on the south side of the river, making towards the coast. On this evening, Capts. Keith and Blakely's companies arrived under the command of Major Massey, and were camped on the lower big Meadows, near John Mule Creek [Mule Creek]. On the 29th I ordered the command to cross the river in pursuit of the enemy, and to endeavor to go out by Illinois Valley. This evening with the assistance of the two canvas boats, which I had made at Jacksonville, we all got across the river with provisions, camp equipage, &c. The rain and snow still continued, and on the 30th the storm so increased, and the snow fell to such a depth on the mountains, that it was considered by all who were acquainted with the country that it was impossible for the troops to move in that direction. After consulting the field officers we concluded to establish a military post at the big Meadows, near the mouth of John Mule Creek. Officers and men are of the opinion that Limpy's, George's and John's tribes of Indians were here, as several horses were captured which were taken to Hay's ranch by John's band. Some surgical instruments were found belonging to Dr. Barkwell, taken at the same time and place. Some saddles were found which were taken by the same band of Indians last winter at Murphy's creek. We also found two scalps of white persons--one of them was recognized as having belonged to Mr. Harkness, the other not known; they were both buried; many things were found, which had been stolen or captured by the Indians during the winter. The troops during the late action behaved most gallantly and deserve the gratitude of a generous public. There has been a complete discomfiture of the Indians in their notorious stronghold; during the fight, the Indians called loudly for a treaty and a good talk. Some of the volunteers said the Indians offered to give up their guns and anything else the whites wished, if they would only treat with them. There is now an opportunity to treat with the Indians on any terms. A station has been established at the big Meadows; Major James Bruce is in command. Capt. Keith and Capt. Blakely of the 2nd Battalion of recruits, and Capt. Williams and Capt. Wilkerson, with their companies, are also stationed at this post. The two last named companies will soon have served their time out, and it is but simple justice to say that these companies have served their country most faithfully. Capt. Sheffield and Capt. O'Neil's companies have served their time out, and have received orders to give their men honorable discharges. The spy company under Capt. James Barnes has rendered the command and the country distinguished services, being always ready and willing to move at a moment's notice. I have received encouraging news from the Port Orford company, under the command of Capt. Ralph Bledsoe. His company has rendered good service; most of the Indians are now for peace. Col. Buchanan and Capt. Smith are making their headquarters at the big bend of Rogue River, some fourteen miles west of our station at the Meadows. At present, the troops are destitute of sugar and coffee; something must be done soon to furnish these articles for the troops, or it will be difficult to keep them in the field. Col. Kelsay has received orders to station Capt. George and Capt. Bushey's companies at Fort Hay, in Illinois Valley, and to make such other dispositions of his command as will ensure general protection of the settlements. Capt. Noland's company are stationed on the west side of the South Umpqua River, and are doing good service in protecting the families and escorting trains to the Meadows. A near trail has been opened, by which pack trains can make a trip from Roseburg to the military station at the Meadows in from 3 to 4 days. A vast mining region has been discovered on lower Rogue River, and John Mule Creek, which can accommodate from four to five thousand miners, and will create quite a market for the produce of the Umpqua Valley and Southern Oregon generally. With the greatest respect, I am, my dear sir, Your most obt. servant JOHN K. LAMERICK Brig. Gen. O.T. Oregon Weekly Times, Portland, May 17, 1856, page 2 Fort
Orford, O.T.
Sir:May 7th, 1856 Sergt. Tate, who I started yesterday to carry an express to you, was compelled, on account of his mule giving out, to return last night. Although it is now too late for any action of the Col. commdg. to prevent the hanging of the Indian prisoner, I consider the matter reported in my letter of yesterday of sufficient importance to bring to his immediate notice. I have therefore concluded to send Mr. Swett, the expressman, back to your camp this morning. I have learned this morning that Olney, the Indian agent, was the chief mover in getting up the meeting of citizens which led to this mock trial. He made a speech to the meeting in which he proposed that a judge & jury be appointed by the meeting to try the Indian. Mr. Sutton was appointed judge, and I am informed [he] stated to the meeting "that as he was a sworn officer, he had some doubts whether or not he could act as a judge of such a court as the one proposed." The Indian agent, however, soon convinced him that he was the very person to act as judge, and being a sworn officer was only an additional reason why he should take upon himself the very important duties of judge in this case. "The people," Mr. Olney said, "being the lawmakers, their acts were always lawful." If these proceedings are permitted to go unchecked there is no telling where they will stop or who will be the next victim. Having no legal authority to interfere in this matter, I can only submit it for the consideration of the commdg. offcr. of the Dist. I
am sir
ForVery respectfully Your obt. servt. R. Macfeely 1st. Lieut. 4th Inf. Commdg. post Lieut. J. G. Chandler A.A.Adjt. Genl. 3rd Arty. Hd. Qrs. N. C. & S. O. Dist. Mouth Rogue River O.T. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. OREGON WAR.--We see it stated that the Oregon Indian war will cost the United States as much as $50,000,000 before a permanent peace can be established. Undoubtedly that war will prove expensive, and at the rate at which bills were run up in our so-called Indian wars, we may look for heavy bills, but it would take a war of years to cover the enormous sum of $50,000,000, or about a quarter as much as the cost of the Mexican War. Sacramento Daily Union, May 9, 1856, page 2 Mendenhall's,
Illinois Valley, May 10th / 56
To Brigadier Genl. LamerickSir, we the undersigned packers laying at Mendenhall's and bound to Jacksonville and Yreka do hereby petition for an escort, as we have on freight some 800 lbs. of powder, also a large quantity of lead and caps. We have been told that the Indians are short of ammunition and that they will be very apt to attack the first train that goes through with or without an escort. We were about to hire an escort, but the capt. of the minute company represented to us that it would lay altogether with them whether to stand by us or not in case of an attack, the pay not being a sufficient inducement when discharged from the service. Therefore we humbly petition you to send us an escort.
Lamerick May the 10th / 56
his excellency G. L. Curry Gov. O.T.Gov., the small command of the 2nd Recruiting Battalion arriving here on the 28th April (Big Meadows) too late to participate in the battle of the 26 & 7th have been ordered to remain here construct a fort and make this my headquarters securing the intermediate country between this and the coast following up the Indians &c. as circumstances may direct. Genl. Lamerick with Col. Kelsay of the N. Battalion [and] L. Col. Chapman of the S. Battalion with their several commands left us on the 1st inst. Maj. Bruce of the S. Battalion is temporarily here [and] has been of great advantage to us in the construction of a stockade 278 ft. long by 175 ft. in width, pickets 15 ft. high. Maj. Bruce has a part [of] Capt. Williams' & Capt. Williamson's co. with him consisting of 85 men. Those latter officers & men have been most indefatigable in their exertions in building the stockade above referred to and are deserving of the thanks of the officers & men of the 2nd Recruiting Battalion and of the country generally. The great difficulty out here is the lack of subsistence and means of transportation. When we arrived here on the 28th we found Genl. Lamerick with the whole available force under command of Col. Kelsay and L. Col. Chapman, over 500 men rank and file, with 4 head of poor beef cattle. The Genl.'s impression then was that the Indians had fled to Illinois Valley. An order [was] issued to cross the river and follow the enemy. One day [was] occupied in crossing when the spy co. reported the trail leading to the river. The probability was that the enemy had gone down the river. A consultation of the officers of the line was called by Genl. Lamerick when it was deemed advisable to construct this stockade and occupy this their stronghold and being in the heart of the Indian country the most suitable headquarters, and all the pack trains sent for a sufficiency of grub to prosecute the way to a speedy termination. It is two days travel from here to Grave Creek & back heavily packed, and this is the 10th day since the train left for that place. No tidings yet. We have been here 12 days in all and without groceries of any kind, and a small supply of flour & bacon which was brought into the command will be consumed by the time another small supply arrives. What are the companies down below doing. The assistant com. above Corvallis do all they can to supply the army. Genl. Lamerick has offered the gold out of his own pocket to procure the groceries for our immediate wants and to enable us to pursue the enemy but it is not in Roseburg. Cannot Genl. McCarvey send a sufficiency of com. stores for 800 men? If not he had better give place to some man of energy that can. There certainly is no just cause of continuing this war longer than 30 days after that amount of rations of flour, bacon, beef, groceries, powder, ball and caps, for the use of the army are in the possession of the different commands in this vicinity. I have been elected by B. boys [sic] of the 2nd Recruiting Battalion. The election has been opposed and the idea advanced by Know-Nothing officers which I am sorry to say we have some here, just enough to make the war continued the present summer, or longer. If possible send me a commission in recognition of the express wish of my battalion who I believe are well satisfied with the choice they have made in my election by their acts or release me from the further responsibilities of the army. I really can for one moment believe but that I can whip every Indian in the mountain fastnesses into an eternal peace in the time above mentioned, 30 days. Give me plenty of rations, groc., munitions and an efficient transportation to follow them up from position to position without giving them time to rest and send out parties to intercept pack trains &c. I am well assured from my limited acquaintance with Genl. Lamerick that he will concur with me in all that I have suggested, but he alone can do nothing. Since Genl. Lamerick left here I have been down the river, found where the enemy had crossed over to this the N. side of the river and proceeded down and I have no doubt but they are now in one of their strongholds, about 15 miles below here. Every man is anxious for the fight, and we have enough to whip the piss out of Tyee John and make the scales fall from the eyes of Old George and all the paint[ed] family in S. Oregon. But the subsistence is not here. Some of the boys' boots have given way. Not a boot, shoe, shirt, pr. of pants, or any other article of clothing of any kind on hand. Something must be done. You shall hear from me from time to time if you will not release me.
With esteem
L. Massey Maj. Comd.
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 648.2nd Recruiting Battalion The Indian War in Oregon.
(Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.) Port Orford, O.T.,
May 12, 1856.
Success of the United States
Troops--Mishaps to the Volunteers--
Subdual of the Indians &c.
In my last
hurried communication from the mouth of Rogue River I gave you a few
items in regard to the movement of troops in this neighborhood.
Allusion was made to the besieged citizens of Fort Miners and
the fight of Captain Ord
with the Indians near the Mikonotunne village.
As the outbreak of the Indians on the coast had been sudden, and the first movement of troops urgent, Col. R. C. Buchanan, U.S.A. (commanding district of Southern Oregon and Northern California), after driving the enemy from the mouth of Rogue River, established a temporary camp at that point, and whilst portions of his command were kept scouting through the adjacent country others were employed in escorting trains to replenish his exhausted supplies. These had to be packed from Port Orford and Crescent City. Apprehending an attack on the pack train which was being escorted by Captain Floyd-Jones' company (F, 4th Infantry) from the latter place, the Colonel dispatched Capt. Ord's company (B, 3rd Artillery) from the mouth of Rogue River to meet the train at Chetco River, 40 miles south of the former. On approaching that point a few Indian scouts were seen running towards the river, but being closely pursued were cut off from communication with the main body, some 60 strong, who were lying in ambush on the north side of the Chetco, with the view of intercepting the train as it attempted to cross. The Indians were, consequently, taken by surprise, and being charged by the troops fled--losing six killed, and two (a squaw and a boy) taken prisoners. The troops had one private and one sergeant wounded--the latter mortally. He was shot in a hand-to-hand scuffle with the Chetco second chief, who was finally killed (by one of the men) whilst struggling with the sergeant (Smith) in the river. The train came up on the opposite side of the river during the skirmish, thus showing how handsomely the enemy had contrived his plan of cutting it off. The above skirmish occurred on the 29th ult. A few days previous Captain Bledsoe, with a detachment of volunteers, waylaid and killed two canoeloads of Indians descending Rogue River. He thinks there were 12 in the canoes and that 11 were killed. A portion of the Coast Indians are already begging for peace, and may perhaps be brought to proper terms before long. Thus you perceive that results so far are decidedly favorable on the coast. I am sorry to add that this is far from being the case on Upper Rogue River, notwithstanding the large number of volunteers there in the field. Most astonishing ill luck has attended the war in that section. The principal difficulty seems to be in the inability of the commanders to bring such large bodies of undisciplined troops to act in concert in such a thickly timbered and inaccessible country. I am speaking solely of Southern Oregon. If the volunteers were more subordinate and would act more in concert with each other they would make the best sort of troops for Indian fighting. For as a body they are good marksmen and brave. But, alas, the want of discipline has been the curse of this Rogue River war. At least I know not how else to account for the many deplorable failures that have occurred within the last seven months in Upper Rogue River Valley. R.
Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, June 17, 1856, page 1AN EXPRESSMAN KILLED.--The Yreka Union has been informed that Mr. Harkness, one of the partners of the Grave Creek House, in company with Mr. Wagoner, of Jacksonville, O.T., was taking the express from Grave Creek to McAdams, down Rogue River, and that the Indians fired upon them, killing Mr. Harkness. One ball passed through the clothes of Mr. Wagoner, without, however, doing him any injury. Marysville Daily Herald, Marysville, California, May 17, 1856, page 3 FROM CRESCENT CITY.
Joaquin Republican, Stockton, California, May 15, 1856, page
company of forty-six men was enrolled by J. B. Rosborough, Esq., in
this place last week, and was recognized and immediately called into
service by Mr. Gilmore, the state's agent stationed here, and
authorized by the Governor to call out (if necessity should require) a
company to protect our citizens. Mr. J. Gordon was elected Captain; T.
Crooks, First Lieutenant; E. H. Burns, 2nd do. We may expect good
service from this company.
PROTECTION ON THE TRAIL.--We understand that Col. Buchanan has ordered Major Wise to the field with all his available force as soon as possible, and to protect the trail leading from this place to Jacksonville, O.T. In the event of Major Wise not being at Fort Lane, the commanding officer at that point will dispatch whatever force he may have for that purpose. Headquarters, Oak
Grove, Illinois River, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. May 17th 1856. The enclosed letters from 1st Lieut. R. Macfeely, 4th Inf., together with a copy of my instructions to him upon their receipt, and respectfully submitted for the information of the Commanding General of the Department with the hope that he will bring the affair to the notice of the government. I am informed by the express rider that the Indian was hung up at the time appointed, and suffered to hang for an hour and a half, when he was taken down, and not being yet dead, was shot. he probably deserved death, but having only come in a few days previously with some 36 others of his people, was entirely within the power of the authorities, and should have been properly tried. Lynch law, hardly justifiable under any circumstances, becomes altogether inexcusable in a community enjoying the benefits of properly constituted tribunals, and deserves the decided reprobation of all good citizens. As it is impossible for me to tell whether some of the hostile Indians, against whom I am now operating, may not be deemed worthy of a similar fate by the Indian agent at Fort Orford. I shall retain possession of those who may come in until the arrival of Genl. Palmer or the receipt of further instructions from the headquarters of the Department. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Canyonville,
Douglas Co., O.T.
Dear Brother
& Friends,May 21st, 1856 Your letter of March 2nd came to hand yesterday & I was extremely glad to receive it after having waited very impatiently for some time in anticipation of hearing from Jarvis. . . . Business here is very dull, scarcely anything doing, save by the government in the warlike way. Mining almost entirely suspended throughout Northern Cal. & Southern Oregon. Money seldom seen or heard of. The Indians have recently been tolerably well whipped on Rogue River & will probably have another touch of the same stripe in a few days, as the troops are within 15 miles of the main body of them now. The Indians number from 4 to 600, the troops not over 400 to engage them. They are in a bad place to get at & may make their escape if they are not well managed. I fancy I can almost hear a burst of sympathy for the poor heathen, upon account of their ignorance. They may not be as ignorant as you suppose. Come here once and see the works of their hands & your sympathy for them will all evaporate. In all sincerity I declare, as the extent of my sympathy for them, that if God would endow me with the power to sweep the last one of them from west of the Rocky Mountains into another state of existence, whiz they'd go. If I were with you I could tell you many things of Indians that would interest you, which I cannot write, but be patient & I will see you sometime or other. What the Indians will leave undone towards sweeping a large extent of this country of crops & stock I fear the grasshoppers will accomplish, as they are now by millions broadcast over the land, but yet too small to do much damage. By the middle of Aug. the average of grass may be one blade to the acre. Early grain may escape them but to corn fields & gardens goodbye. The past winter has been severe; all the laurel & most of the black oak timber is dead, although the winter was milder that Illinois winters. I could write you a long chapter on the state of society here but have not room. Suffice it that people, if they attend preaching at all, take with them rifles & revolvers. One hardly feels secure to visit his nearest neighbor without his rifle. I sleep at night with a loaded rifle within reach of my arm & my pockets full of caps & balls. Would not be surprised to have the Indians visit us here in the next 5 minutes. It is impossible to tell where to expect them next. Almost daily their tracks may be found within 1½ miles. The wise ones (officials) may suppose that this war is nothing but an amusing farce. Let them come out here & amuse themselves by hunting Indians in the brush-covered mountains & they will regard the thing differently. Some of the Indians want to make a treaty, but they ought to be well whipped first & taught the value of peace. As often as I write you I think that I will spin you out something less abrupt & disjointed & as often catch myself using everything but an interesting mode of expression. I now promise to write you soon a letter so long that you will be tired of reading. It is now too dark to write more, so remember me to all the folks & accept the warmest wishes of John C. Danford John C. Danford, letter to G. Danford, Geneva, Illinois. "Letters of John C. Danford, Oregon Territory 1847-1856," transcribed by Frank Richard Sondeen June 1961. Fremont Area District Library, Fremont, Michigan. Headquarters, Camp
Oak Grove, Illinois River, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. May 22nd 1856. I have the honor to report the operations of the troops of this command since my interview with the Commanding General of the Department on board of the steamer Columbia on the night of the 1st inst. Having completed the business that took me to Fort Orford, I started on the 5th for the mouth of Rogue River, escorted by Capt. Augur's company, and brought friendly Indians, and the prisoner boy, through whom I expected to hold interviews with the hostiles. On my march I was met by an express from Capt. Smith, informing me of the arrival of the supply train from Crescent City, and transmitting the enclosed report of Capt. Ord's skirmish with the Indians at the mouth of the Chetco. It will be seen that his arrival at that point took them completely by surprise, as they were only prepared to annoy Capt. Floyd-Jones, whilst the train should be crossing, and did not anticipate the approach of a force from any other direction. Capt. Ord left the mouth of Rogue River on the 27th, agreeably to my previous orders, "to meet the train at the mouth of the Chetco for the purpose of strengthening the escort," and the movement was, fortunately, so well timed that both commands met there during the skirmish, and both participated in it. I regret to have to report the loss of Sergeant Smith of Ord's compy., mortally wounded in a hand-to-hand encounter with one of the enemy. On the 7th I arrived at the mouth of Rogue River, dispatched 2 of my Indians, squaws, with a message to the hostiles on the night of the 8th, and on the morning of the 9th broke up my camp and started up the river on the south side, with Ord's, Floyd-Jones' and Reynolds' companies, and the supply train. I sent Smith up on the north side with his own, Augur's, and the detachment of "E" Company, in order to lose no time in learning the result of my message. Having been obliged to search out and open my trail for the greater part of my route, I did not reach the Illinois as soon as I had expected, so that Smith had to wait for me opposite the mouth, from the 12th to the 15th. I reached the hill above the Cosaiteny [sic] village on the 15th and there found my two friendly Indian men, who had been sent out the previous day, with Old Joshua, and 3 of the Tututni waiting for me. They stayed in my camp that night, and after a talk on the following morning agreed to meet me at this point with their people on the next evening. They also informed me that Capt. Smith was at the mouth of this river, and that he had a great many Indians in his camp. On the morning of the 15th I sent an Indian express to him with orders to meet me here on that afternoon, which he did whilst I was selecting a site for my camp, the lately hostile Indians having ferried him across Rogue River in their canoes. On the 16th, Old Joshua, chief of the tribe at the mouth of Rogue River, the Chetco chief and several others came in to have a talk, when I told them that they must come in unconditionally, and to this they finally agreed, those on the river promising to be at the forks, 3 miles below this, in two days, and the Chetco chief to return here with his own and probably the Pistol River tribes in a fortnight. On the 18th I dispatched the supply train, under the escort of Capt. Ord, to Fort Orford for provisions, and on his reaching the mouth of this river he found almost the entire force of the upper Indians on the opposite bank of Rogue River, but they did not attempt to oppose his crossing. The lower or coast Indians were on this side at the point where they had promised to be. The others had come down from "the Meadows" in consequence of an invitation sent to them by Capt. Smith a few days before, and as soon as I heard of it I sent the Captain with his company to say that I wanted to see them here. He met and had a talk with George, who told him that "I must go there to see them, if I wanted to talk"! This, of course, I could not think of doing, and therefore sent word to him the next morning, by one of his men who had come into camp, "that I wished to know whether or not he was coming to see me, and if yes, that I was waiting for him," for I felt assured in my own mind that his coming to me would be the first great step towards bringing him under my control. He came about noon, accompanied by Limpy, and, in the course of the interview told me what they wanted, when I told him what I required, which he promised to communicate to the other chiefs. The following morning all of the upper river chiefs, including Old John, as well as those of the lower tribes with whom I had previously talked, came in to have a grand council, when I told them that "they must all go to the Coast Reservation." To this they unanimously demurred, saying that "they wanted to stop fighting, but to remain in their own country, where the whites might dig gold if they wished." They said, moreover, that they wished to talk the matter over among themselves and promised to give me their answer the next morning. Yesterday, George came in to bring their answer, which was the same as before. "They did not want to fight, nor did they want to go to the reservation. They wanted to stay in peace, in the country where they had always lived." Being anxious to exhaust all proper means to induce them to come in without further bloodshed, I took pains to explain the necessity for their doing what I required, and gave them until this morning to decide, promising them "peace and kind treatment if they should yield, or war and all its evils if they should refuse." This morning, the 22nd, George and Limpy came in and, I am happy to say, have promised to be at the Big Bend by the 20th, with all of their people, to go where I have promised them that they should be sent, to join Sam on the upper part of the Coast Reservation. George expects, also, to bring with him the Galice Creeks and Applegates, who have hitherto been with Old John, for he says that they want to come in. This will leave Old John with only his own band and the Klamaths, amounting to 29 warriors, which will comprise the entire remaining hostile force in the field. Some of these will doubtless desert him, and I shall not be surprised to find that all have come in by the time the others reach Fort Lane. All of the Indians who have promised to come in are very anxious to go at once to their new homes, in which I shall gratify them, for their own and the interests of the country will be best consulted by their removal. The upper tribes will go by the way of Fort Lane, escorted by Capt. Smith and Augur's companies, and the coast Indians, escorted by Ord's, Floyd-Jones' and Reynolds' companies under the command of Capt. Ord by the way of Fort Orford and the coast. This will take from under my immediate command the largest part of my troops, but their services will be indispensable to protect the Indians on their way to the reservation. George wishes to have Capt. Smith stationed near his people after their removal, but was satisfied when I told him that the General alone could decide on that. There will be 3 posts required for the purpose of guarding the reservation, one at the northern pass, one near or at the southern extremity about the Siuslaw, and the third at a pass between these, if, as I am informed that there is, there be any pass between them. The upper, or northern and middle posts should each be garrisoned with at least 3 companies, and the southern, or lower, with not less than two. After the removal of the Indians, the question of the future location of the 5 companies that compose their escort will necessarily arise, and on this point I respectfully request instructions by the return of the steamer. Whilst I feel that I have the fullest authority to dispose of them in the field, their future permanent locations can only be designated by the General, and, as a reward for their services, as well as because the interests of the service really demand it, I respectfully request that the necessary orders in the case be issued at once. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Our Oregon Correspondence.
Letter from Jacksonville--The
Indian War--Who Commenced It?--
The Position of Gen. Wool &c. Jacksonville,
Jackson County, O.T.,
May 23, 1856.
In your issue of April 21 (California edition) I notice reference is
made to the statements of Governor Curry and his compatriot, Joel
Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, relative to the origin of the
present war in Southern Oregon, affirming that Indian difficulties here
are wholly attributable to the conduct of our citizens.
These statements are wholly at variance with the truth--in fact, they are without the least shadow of foundation, and in a very short time I trust I shall be able to prove this assertion by unimpeachable testimony. The subject of this war is one of vital importance to the people of the Territory, and should by no means become connected with any of the political contests of the day. Unfortunately, however, this is not the case. Party spirit has gained such an ascendancy in the minds of the votaries of the dominant party of Oregon as leads them, in matters of even a military character, to substitute party for country, and to seek no other end than such as are conducive only of augmenting party strength and creating hobbies on which political demagogues can ride into power. This state of things, as a matter of course, proves disastrous to the best interests of the Territory, and threatens the accumulation of other evils utterly at variance with the well being of the community at large. Notwithstanding the position assumed at the commencement of the war by the executive and the official organ of the Territory, with their hosts of adherents and admirers--that the origin of the war here is chargeable solely to our citizens--I firmly aver, without any mental reservation whatever, that such is not the fact. The citizens of Southern Oregon have, ever since the first settlements here, manifested a spirit of forbearance towards the Indians seldom equaled in the annals of the country. From the 20th of May last to the 9th of October, no less than twenty-two persons, residents of this and the adjoining county of Siskiyou, California, are known to have been butchered in cold blood by the Indians of Rogue River Valley and the adjacent valley of Illinois River, and from the morning of the 9th to the 12th of October--the day that the militia of this county were called into service by Col. Ross--enough more were added to the list to make upwards of forty in number, among whom were several families. No provocation whatever had been given by the whites, unless a search among the mountains for a band of Indians who had murdered a party of men on the road from this place to Yreka, California, just previous to the general outbreak can be construed as such. Does this look as though the Indians were driven to desperation by the acts of the whites? If it does, I would ask if the massacre of forty-three of our citizens is not sufficient cause for war, how many are required? Perhaps Gov. Curry and Joel Palmer can solve the problem; if so, the people whom these two worthies have thus maligned would like to know their answer. This is not the first time that the people of this portion of Oregon have been misrepresented by the ruling dynasty of the Territory, and it is obvious that the foul calumniations that have been promulgated to the prejudice of the people here, on the present as well as other occasions, are the emanations of a licentious partisan pen, and gotten up in a spirit of revenge for the failure of certain measures which have been submitted to the people for adoption, and which the citizens of this section of country have acted a conspicuous part in defeating. To sustain my position relative to the present war, I am preparing a list of the killed and wounded prior to the commencement of open hostilities, which I hope to be able to forward to you in the course of three or four weeks, with a true statement of the circumstances connected therewith. The course pursued by the official dignitaries of Oregon towards General Wool is a mere subterfuge to cover up their own iniquities. The General is in error, but he has been led into that error by relying upon the reports of many of the men who now publicly assail him. New York Herald, July 17, 1856, page 2 (Correspondence
of the Crescent City
LATER FROM COL. BUCHANAN'S COMMAND. Engagement at Chetco--The Indians Getting Tired of the War-- Surrender of the Lower Rogue River Tribes--Old George Wants to Treat, Etc.
Port Orford, May 24th, 1856.
I know not when this may reach you, and that when it does it will not
be news, I will take the chances rather than forfeit my promise of
communicating anything that might transpire.As you will remember, Capt. Jones with his company (and a detachment of the "Hurdy-Gurdys") took leave of Crescent City, on Monday the 28th of April, with the supply train for the command of Col. Buchanan. The first things that I will note in this communication is the thanks due to Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Valentine for their kind attention to us, as well as those who preceded us, and we sincerely hope a better opportunity may present itself of thanking our kind host and hostess. Our first camp was [a] half-mile above Mr. Bradford's and was distinguished by nothing except the accidental wounding of a private by his own carelessness which was quite insignificant. At 9½ o'clock the whole command was in motion, and at 2 arrived at Chetco in time to assist Capt. Ord in a fight with the Indians, who had undoubtedly been lying in wait for us at the crossing, and would no doubt have caused us some annoyance before we could have crossed had it not been for the foresight of Col. Buchanan, who had anticipated such a demonstration and forestalled them by dispatching Capt. Ord and Lieut. Sweitzer, with 55 men to meet the train. The Indians were awaiting our approach, whom they were completely taken by surprise by the forces under the command of Capt. Ord (who has already gained for himself no unenviable distinction), driven from their ambuscade and took to the river, crossing the stream in great confusion with and without boats. On the south side they were pursued by part of the advance of Capt. Jones' company, under the command of Lt. J. C. Bonnycastle, who was in advance. Their rout and defeat was complete and successful. They lost in killed six, the wounded not known, also a whaleboat and a canoe. Capt. Ord had his orderly Sergeant Smith killed and one other slightly wounded. That evening by means of a raft assisted by the captured canoe we crossed Chetco and encamped one mile above its mouth, in company with Capt. Ord. From here our route was uninterrupted to the mouth of Rogue River, when we joined the balance of Col. Buchanan's force, and on the 8th of May the forces were divided as follows: Capt. Smith and Capt. Augur with their respective companies went up the north side, and Col. Buchanan and staff with the companies of Maj. Reynolds, Capt. Ord and Capt. Jones went on the south side with the provision train, and after considerable labor and pains succeeded in cutting a road and joining the forces on the north side of Illinois River. On arriving at Capt. Smith's camp we found that the Indians had sent messages to the effect that they were tired of the war, to which they received an answer from Col. Buchanan that he had no terms to offer nor promise to make, but would accept an unconditional surrender, but no terms of treaty. The consequence was that the chiefs of all the lower Rogue River tribes with the Chetcos and and Euchre River Indians were glad to accept the proposed terms, and so far as they are concerned, they are completely subdued. Capt. Ord, while crossing the mouth of Illinois River, met George's band of Indians (about 60, all well armed), who are also anxious for peace. And now I am firmly of the opinion that before three months elapses we will be rid of all the Indian tribes who has so long retarded the development and prosperity of this part of the country, for I am well satisfied that it is one of the richest gold districts that borders the Pacific coast. The Indians will have scarcely time to get away before these rivers, streams and gulches will be filled with the hardy miners, who are anxious and waiting for the opportunity, and who, I am satisfied, will be well remunerated for their labor. The schooner ------ went ashore at this place on the night of the 22nd inst. and is a total wreck. I have seen sufficient to prove to me that Port Orford possesses no advantage over Crescent City as a harbor. Capt. Bledsoe's company of volunteers arrived in town yesterday, bringing with them 17 Pistol River Indians, who surrendered themselves, so you see everything looks ominous for peace. UCA.
City Herald, June 4, 1856, page 2Camp
at Big Bend of Rogue River, O.T.
SirMay 30th 1856 I have the honor to report that in obedience to Spl. Order No. 27 I left Oak Camp on the Illinois River on the morning of the 24th of May with my Company "C," a detachment of Co. "E" 4th Infantry, under command of Lt. Sweitzer 1st Drags., and Asst. Surgeon C. H. Crane to proceed to this point for the purpose of receiving George & Limpy's bands and such other hostile Indians as might wish to surrender themselves for the purpose of being removed to the new or coast reserve. Taking the trail from the Illinois to near its mouth I ascended on the south side of Rogue River to a point about two miles from this camp, where my command was crossed over & the march continued to the Big Bend, which was reached about dark on the first day. The following day, the 25th being rainy and disagreeable, the Indians did not come in according to promise, and made that excuse which of itself was plausible enough. Early in the day of the 26th, several Indians came into camp and stated that George was some nine miles above us, on the river, endeavoring to make his way down with all his people, including the Applegate, Galice Creek & Cow Creek bands, and if not prevented by Old John & the Klamaths would reach my camp that day. Late in the afternoon I was informed by some Indian boys that had been in my camp for several days that it was the talk among the Indians that Old John was to attack us early next morning with all the Indians he could muster on the north side of our camp & the lower river Indians on the south side. Our position being an insecure one, I determined at once to change camp & sent Lt. Sweitzer to examine an adjacent hill with a view of occupying it if found suitable; his report being favorable, I moved camp after dark, having to transport my howitzer, ammunition, stores &c. on the backs of my men. Early on the morning of the 27th several Indians came in camp--some of them George's people--and told me the Indians were coming in. I soon saw a number of canoes land, and small parties moving up the hill, all apparently friendly, though being armed I would not permit them to enter camp. After ten o'clock in the day their numbers were increasing, and as soon as I ascertained that many of John's people were among them I placed my whole command under arms, not suspecting up to this time their treachery. I increased my sentries on the left brow of the hill, that is steep and covered with timber & heavy brush, with orders not to fire the first gun. By this time they had entirely surrounded the hill & their movements seemed hostile. The Indians fired the first gun about eleven o'clock and a large bevy of them were seen moving up the northern slopes of the hill, and as they appeared above the crest they were met by a discharge of canister from the howitzer followed by a charge of the men occupying that portion of the hill, which drove them out of sight into the thick bushes. At the same time they attempted to charge the hill on the left and center, but were gallantly met by Lt. Sweitzer, who had charge of the southern slope of the hill. The Indians then took position on a ridge to our left on the slope leading up to our camp, from which they poured a crossfire on the men in position on that flank, and succeeded in wounding so many in the course of two hours that I had to withdraw them some ten or twelve yards behind the crest of the hill, from which position a continuous fire was kept up during the day and charges made at different times that forced the Indians to retire at the close of the day. We had four men killed & 15 wounded besides my guide and an Indian boy, srvt. to Lt. Sweitzer. The Indians kept up his fire until after dark, and occasionally through the night. About eleven o'clock at night Lt. Sweitzer, with all the men that could be spared, commenced a breastworks on the southern part of the hill, comprised of blankets, saddles, tents, provisions &c. & with the aid of one shovel so far completed it by daylight as to form a tolerable protection for our wounded & a small portion of this command. On the outside of this work I had dug a number of rifle pits, to contain from two to five men each & which were found to answer the desired purpose. As soon as the Indians discovered our movements they raised signal fires and by four o'clock in the morning of the 28th renewed the attack, which they kept up by a brisk fire until 4 p.m. & making several attempts during the day to charge us en masse. Capt. Augur with his company "E" 4 Infy. arrived about 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 28th and seeing the Indians on our front and right, gallantly charged them & put them to flight; had he have known our relative positions his movements could not have been bettered, as to cut the Indians from their canoes & a retreat across the river. At the same time I ordered Lt. Sweitzer with the detachment of Co. "E" to charge the Indians then occupying the hill in our front & ridges to the left, which was handsomely done & on his return was ordered to join Capt. Augur. From eleven a.m. on the 27 to 4 p.m. on the 28 my men were all actively employed, and behaved most creditably. Dr. Crane in addition to his ordinary duties with the wounded, when not engaged professionally was always found with rifle in hand to render me what aid I might require. It is well known that during this first day a number of Indians were either killed or wounded, but it is impossible to state with any degree of accuracy the number, as they were instantly dragged from the field.
am sir
Lt. J. G. ChandlerVery respectfully Your obt. servt. A. J. Smith Capt. Drags. Comdg. Det. 3 Arty. A. A. Adj. Genl. [Dist. of South Oregon & Northn. Cal.] NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Headquarters, Camp,
Big Bend, R. River
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. May 30th 1856. I have the honor to continue the report of my operations and enclose the reports of Capts. Smith 1st Drags. and Augur 4th Inf. of their well-contested engagements with the enemy on the 27th & 28th instants, with a list of killed and wounded and sketch of the battle ground. Before alluding further to these reports, it will not be amiss to mention the occurrences of the few days immediately preceding them, in order that the chain of events may be unbroken. On the 24th I sent Capt. Smith with his compy. and the detachment of "B" 4th Infy. to the point in order that he might meet and receive George and Limpy and their people here on the 20th, according to their agreement, and as the greater part of my animals were with the train at Fort Orford Capt. Augur was sent with his company to bring Smith's pack animals back to Oak Grove. He returned on the 25th, and on the 26th I broke up my camp at that point, and crossed Rogue River at the mouth of the Illinois. On the 27th I dispatched Maj. Reynolds to meet Capt. Ord and strengthen his escort to the train, and started myself with Augur's company for the point at which the Fort Orford train diverges to this place, leaving Capt. Floyd-Jones in camp at the mouth of the Illinois. Before reaching the point at which I intended to encamp that afternoon an express from Capt. Floyd-Jones overtook me with the information that Genl. Palmer, Supt. of Indian Affairs, was at the mouth of the Illinois, and that Capt. Ord was returning with the train by way of the south side of Rogue River. I continued on to my camp ground, and just after arriving there an express from Capt. Smith brought me word that he was apprehensive of an attack by Old John and many others of the Indians who had promised to come in. It then became necessary for me to concentrate my force at once at the mouth of the Illinois, in order to prevent the lower Indians from passing up Rogue River in their canoes to John's assistance, to be in position to reinforce Smith if he should actually require it, and to reinforce Ord, should any demonstration be made against the train. I accordingly returned with Augur's company to Floyd-Jones' camp, and sent expresses to Reynolds and Smith, ordering the former to join me the next morning, and directing the latter to notify me at once should he be attacked. The latter expressman did not return to me until the next morning, when he brought me the information that Smith had been fighting all night and was still fighting when he left the point that he had been able to reach, which was only within good hearing distance of the battle. As soon as I heard this, I dispatched Capt. Augur to reinforce Smith, and am happy to say that his arrival on the ground was most opportune, as it immediately changed the face of affairs and caused the complete rout of the enemy. This battle of the "Big Bend," whether measured by its duration or by the loss that we sustained, must be considered a severe one, and the officers and men engaged in it are worthy of all praise. Capt. Smith's command, surrounded as it was by an active, wily and vindictive foe, sustained itself most gallantly during a fierce conflict of 30 hours, and is fully entitled to the commendation of the Department, whilst the prompt, gallant and well-timed charge of Capt. Augur's company is deserving of equal credit. All did their duty nobly, and I would respectfully recommend to the especial notice of the Commanding General and through him to that of the War Department, the officers engaged in the action, Capt. A. J. Smith, 1st Drags., Capt. C. C. Augur, 4th Infy., Asst. Surgn. C. H. Crane, U.S.A. and 1st Lieut. N. B. Sweitzer, 1st Drags. Our loss in the two days was 11 killed, including 1 Indian boy, servant to Lt. Sweitzer, and 18 wounded including W. Swett, one of our citizen guides. That of the enemy is unknown, though it must have been considerable, as their attempts to carry the position of Capt. Smith were frequent and most daring. Their numbers were about 150, whilst Smith had 96 men on the 27th when the battle commenced, and Augur's company when he joined added 82 men. I must not omit to mention that Genl. Palmer, who had joined our camp on the 27th, volunteered with two other gentlemen of the Indian Department, who were with him, Messrs. Olney and Wright, to accompany Capt. Augur, and rendered valuable service. The day after the action, the General sent a message to George informing him that if he would now come in and deliver up his arms, and do what I required, he would be allowed to do so. This afternoon they have come in with a number of their people, and say that more are coming. Within half an hour after Augur left me on the 28th, Reynolds arrived, and that evening Ord reached the Illinois with the train. He joined me the next day, when I immediately started with my united force for this place, and, having cut my trail as I moved, reached here today about 11 a.m. with everything in good order. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Camp
"Big Bend," Rogue River, O.T.
Sir,May 30th, 1856. I have the honor to submit a report of the operations of my company ("G," 4th Infy.) on the 28th inst. Immediately after receiving instructions to that officer from the commanding officer of the district in person, I left the mouth of Illinois River with my company, consisting of myself and fifty-four enlisted men, for the "Big Bend" of Rogue River, to assist Captain Smith's command, reported to be contending there with a vastly superior force of the upper and lower Rogue River Indians. Owing to the difficulties of the trail, portions of which I had to cut out, I did not arrive there until about 4 o'clock p.m. of the same day. On coming into the plain at the "Big Bend," I discovered Captain Smith's command on the top of the first of a range of high hills running obliquely to the direction of the river and terminating at its bank about a mile from where I entered the plain, which was nearly abreast of Captain Smith and about midway between him and the river--distant from me about half a mile--I found the crests and river slopes of these hills covered with Indians, some of them women and children, who ran for the river at the point terminating the hills so soon as the company appeared. Deeming it better not to lose time by going with my command to Captain Smith, I immediately started it in double-quick time to endeavor to intercept the women and children, but before I could reach the river they had all crossed with their canoes. The men still remained upon the hills and kept up a continuous fire upon the company, the scattered growth of oak trees covering the hills affording them ample cover. The company being deployed as skirmishers, I faced them to the left, and they charged up the hill very gallantly, driving the Indians before them at every point. This secured the first hill, the Indians taking up a position behind a second one about fifty yards in advance, from which they continued to fire upon whoever exposed themselves. My men had been marching all day in a very hot sun, and had come the last mile at a run, and were nearly exhausted. I therefore rested them here about ten minutes. I then sent a party of twenty men under my first Sergt. Kellehard to gain the top of the second hill behind which the Indians were lying, and to charge down on their right flank. At the same time I sent another party under Sergt. Hunter to intercept them in case they should endeavor to escape by the foot of the hill. Both parties succeeded very handsomely in the duty assigned them and drove the Indians entirely away. They retreated down a precipitous and almost impassable ravine, and were seen ascending the mountain on the other side, and soon after disappeared. I then returned with my company, carrying my killed and wounded, and reported to Captain Smith. It affords me pleasure to be able to report that my N.C. officers and men behaved throughout in a most satisfactory manner, and I beg leave to mention Sergts. Kellehard, Clifford & Hunter, Corpls. Cox & Walter & privates Boling, Boland, Kieman & Smith & Clatey & Murray. I append a list of killed and wounded in this affair and can state confidently that all the men included in it were doing their duty most gallantly. Very
respectfully sir
ToYour obt. servt. C. C. Augur Capt. 4th Inf. Comdg. Co. G Lieut. J. G. Chandler, 3rd Arty. A.A.A.G. District N. Cal. & S. Oregon Nominal list of killed and wounded of Co. "G" 4th Infy. in the affair with Indians at the "Big Bend," May 28, 1856. Killed.
John Sweeney, private
2. John Wilkinson, private. Wounded.
Corp. William C. Walter (severely)
2. Pvt. Michael Dolan (slightly) 3. " John Witt (severely) C.
C. Augur
M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889,
Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner.Capt. 4th Inf. Comdg. Co. G MORE DEPREDATIONS IN SOUTHERN OREGON!
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, September 6, 1856, page 2Seven Whites Killed!!
A rumor prevailed in this place on Tuesday last to the effect that
seven whites had been killed somewhere in Illinois Valley, O.T., but we
have been unable to gain any particulars. We find the following facts
set forth in a correspondence of the S.F. Herald, from
Crescent City, which we presume relates to the same affair, although
the scene of the depredations is laid in a different locality:
"A short time ago eight men left Crescent City on a prospecting tour up the coast, and were followed by a small body of Indians who, for want of a favorable opportunity, did not attack them. At the mouth of Rogue River they met seven men from Port Orford, when both parties combined for mutual protection and defense. Soon after, information was received from a Pistol River Indian that an attack was contemplated by these Indians on a man by the name of Jack Smith, formerly of Crescent City, for the purpose of murdering him and obtaining possession of his squaw and booty. A Mackanotin and Pistol River Indian were commissioned to do the work, who were surprised by those lying in ambush, and both killed. The next day, which was the 10th, the remaining nine of this band came to look for their emissaries of blood and murder, as was expected. They were also completely entrapped into the ambush laid for them by the treachery of this friendly Indian, one of their own band, and eight of them were killed within a small compass; the ninth made his escape, but supposed to be mortally wounded. I regret to add that the Indian who had been of so much service was accidentally killed in the fight, which is much to be deplored, as his future services could have been made available in ferreting out twenty-seven bucks which he reported to be still in the mountains, and who have sworn to die rather than leave the country. The Indian reports that after the Chetcoes had murdered the two packers who were on their road to Crescent City they killed five miners on the upper waters of Chetco, and no doubt is entertained of its truth. This is a sad and melancholy state of affairs to happen in so short a time after the war was formally pronounced closed, to wit: Seven men have lost their lives, and possibly more we know not of." LATER:--Since writing the above, we learn that the report which has reached this place is literally true. Mr. John Herr and another gentleman, whose name we have been unable to learn, left this place for Oregon, a short time since. They got as far as the Illinois River, Jackson County, on the banks of which they found the dead bodies of seven men, supposed to be miners on a prospecting tour. They had been shot. Near where they were lying the Indian tracks were thick. Mr. Herr and his companion concluded that it would not be safe to prosecute their journey farther, and accordingly returned to this place. They were unable to identify any of the bodies.--Yreka Union. From
the National
May 30, 1856.
I perceive by the debates in the House of Representatives (inserted in
the Intelligencer
of May 13th) that my friend, General Joseph Lane, delegate from Oregon,
has been, no doubt by false and exaggerated reports, induced to give
countenance to my detractors, in condemning my conduct in the Indian
war now waged in Oregon and Washington territories. I regret that he
should have deemed it necessary to follow in the wake of Governor
Curry, and still more in that of the unfortunate Governor Stevens.
If the common feelings of humanity render me incompetent to command, whether against Indians or any other people in arms against us, then is the General right in his declaration that I have passed the time when I can conduct a campaign successfully against Indians. Whether this be true or otherwise, I can assure the General that I am the same man whom he knew at Buena Vista, with the same human feelings which characterized my conduct throughout the campaign in Mexico, and that I have not yet become so old nor so enfeebled in mind or body as to lose sight of the ends of justice, nor so imbued with political tergiversation as to tarnish the reputation which I may have acquired in times past, and which he has hitherto so generously conceded to me by any act of injustice, and certainly not by becoming wantonly an exterminator of the Indian race. It is not a difficult matter, whether dictated by ambition, avarice or peculation, to get up an Indian war in Oregon. It is easy to kill an Indian or two, which almost to a certainty would cause the death of two white men. Although in the first case there might be no sympathy expressed on the part of the whites, yet in the latter it would be all sufficient, not only for a war, but a war of extermination of the Indians. No man can have felt more keenly or grieved more sincerely than I have at the sacrifice, in Southern Oregon, of many innocent men, women and children by the cruelties of savage warfare. But what was the cause? No other than the massacre by volunteers and citizens of some eighty or more friendly Indians; as in the case of Major Lupton and party, who killed twenty-five friendly Indians, eighteen of whom were women and children; the killing by two companies of volunteers of the friendly chief, Old Jake, and his band, comprising between thirty and forty males, besides destroying their huts and provisions and exposing their women and children to the cold of December, who in making their way to Fort Lane for protection, arrived there with their limbs frozen; the killing in the most brutal manner with clubs two squaws, one of whom was lame and carrying a child, which was taken by its heels and its brains dashed out against a tree; the killing by Hank Brown and party [of] from eight to twelve friendly Indians at Lookingglass Prairie, invited there by the settlers for protection and safety. This same Hank Brown was concerned in the massacre by Lupton, during which an Indian boy about 12 years of age, who could speak a few words of English, ran to him and said, "I have done you no harm; my heart is good toward you; you will not kill me." Brown replied, "D--n your Indian heart," and seized him by the hair, and with his bowie knife severed his head from his body. The killing by volunteers, in a most cruel and barbarous manner, the chief Peu-peu-mox-mox, made a prisoner under a flag of truce, and when he declared "he was for peace and did not wish to fight, that he would make restitution for anything that had been taken wrongfully by his young men," the determination of the citizens to murder four hundred friendly Indians at Fort Lane, waiting to be conducted to the coast reservation, but prevented by the regulars under Captain Smith; the same determination of the citizens of Willamette Valley to kill these same and all who might accompany them should an attempt be made to conduct them to the coast reservation; and though last, not the least barbarous, the killing of the family of the friendly chief Spencer, who was at the time in the employ of the United States. On the subject, however, of this atrocious outrage, I would refer to the annexed article from the Oregon Argus, which, from the facts reported to me, I have no doubt is correct: "We heard a flying report some three weeks ago that several Indians had been murdered at the Cascades, but we forbore to say anything about it until we should learn the particulars. We have since learned the particulars, and, with a face crimsoned with shame for the human kind, we proceed to lay them before the public. The Indians murdered consisted of the family of Spencer, a chief who resides at Vancouver, and was made up of his father, an old grey-headed Indian, his [Spencer's] wife, and four children, a daughter nearly grown, and three younger sons, one of which was a sucking babe. The Indians had been up to the Dalles in the service of the United States government, and were on their way back to Vancouver under the charge of Joseph Meek, and having regular passes about their persons. "In making the portage to the Cascades it seems they were overtaken by seven men (if such they might be called), and forcibly taken from Col. Meek, whose life they threatened, and one after the other was murdered by means of a strong cord, which was tied around the neck and twisted with a stick until life was extinct. The girl was violated by these fiends before her life was taken. The annals of Indian barbarity furnish no instance of cold-blooded, diabolical, cowardly villainy that can transcend this act, which has stamped the character of our Territory with a foul blot which will stick to it long after the perpetrators of that act and those who countenance it are dead and damned. A few more such acts as this and Oregon will be a byword and hissing among the civilized nations of the earth." These inhuman and atrocious outrages, beside many of less notoriety, several of which were spread before the public as great volunteer victories, and which forever will disgrace the annals of our country, were the cause of laying waste settlements and the murdering of many innocent and worthy citizens in Rogue River Valley. I do not doubt, if the massacres previously mentioned had not occurred and the volunteers had never entered the field, the war would have been closed long since in Southern Oregon. But this would not have suited the political aspirants nor money speculators. With them it was a war, and a long war, under the pretense of enriching the country, no matter how many citizens might be sacrificed. The more the massacre by whites and Indians the greater the certainty of its continuance and the greater surety that the war debt would be paid by Congress. With them every murder or atrocity, whether committed by white or red men, appears to be a source of rejoicing instead of regret, because of the tendency to prolong the war and to raise the price of the Curry and Stevens scrip. For example, as reported, one of the most active and prominent exterminators said in reference to the massacre of the whites at the Cascades, "the people have suffered, but it will raise the price of scrip a million of dollars." On another occasion he remarked, "The Indians will be either wiped out or the whites will leave for that country from whose bourne no traveler returns." In other words one or the other of the races must be exterminated. Such are the men who advocate the war and proclaim it a "Godsend to the people." When all is made known of their character and conduct I feel assured they will receive no sympathy or countenance from my friend, Gen. Lane. The brave are always humane. JOHN E. WOOL, U.S. Army. Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 16, 1856, page 2 We learn from Mr. A. Solomon, of this place, who has just returned from Jacksonville, O.T., that the Indians have been driven from the Meadows (Illinois Valley [sic]) and are now dispersed over the country from the Coast to the Rogue River Valley. About eight days since, as Mr. Solomon, in company with two other men, were crossing the Siskiyou Mountains, between Jacksonville and Yreka, they were overtaken by a party of six or eight men who had started to cross the mountains by a new road that had been recently built, when they were attacked by a party of Indians and obliged to turn back, and take the old trail. Fortunately none of the men were killed or wounded by the savages. "Indian Troubles in Oregon," Trinity Journal, Weaverville, California, May 31, 1856, page 2 LIMPY.--We learn, by the arrival of the Columbia, that this chief, who has been one of the principal actors in the present war, has surrendered to Col. Buchanan. This begins to look like peace. Crescent City Herald, June 4, 1856, page 2 ROGUE RIVER INDIANS.--A friend has permitted the San Francisco True California to make the following extract from a private letter: PORT
ORFORD, May 29th.
An armistice has been concluded with the
Rogue River Indians. It is to last fourteen days, which must by this
time be nearly ended. In the meantime negotiations for peace are being
carried on. The following are the conditions insisted upon by the
whites: 1st. The Indians to surrender all their arms and ammunition to
the Americans. 2nd. The Indians to deliver up to the Americans for
execution the ringleaders and principal instigators of the murders
committed at Rogue River in February last. 3rd. The Indians to consent
to be immediately removed to the reservation on the coast north of the
Umpqua River.I understand that peace will not be concluded on any other terms. We will know the result of these negotiations very soon, unless the armistice should be prolonged, which is not likely. I hope sincerely that peace in this part of the country may soon be concluded. The weather in this section has been very fine for the crops until now. Sacramento Daily Union, June 5, 1856, page 3 From the South.
CO., O.T., June 1.
that a few lines from the South would be interesting to many of your
valley readers, I will endeavor in as brief a manner as possible to
give you a few items of the day.Our situation at present in regard to safety from Indian depredations is critical indeed. The volunteers are all, or very nearly all, disbanded, and the country left in a perilous condition. What will become of us, Heaven only knows. Whether the citizens can maintain their foothold in the country is a question which time alone can determine. The Indians, so far from being whipped, are doubly insolent, since the late unsuccessful attack at the Meadows, which was a perfect failure on our part. The report that 30 or 40 Indians were killed and wounded is all bogus, gotten up to gull the "simple-minded." No one in this section attributes the failure to the volunteers. Having been censured on former occasions, they seemed determined this time to make clean work; which they no doubt would have done, if Gen. Lamerick had not been there. The volunteers are loud and strong in their denunciations of the course pursued by the General. Such is the feeling at present that it would be impossible to reorganize a volunteer corps under him. There is only a small force yet in the field, who hold the ground at the Meadows, not more perhaps than 100 men. The regulars are yet somewhere on the coast or on their way up Rogue River. In regard to their late movements we are not posted up, but the country generally expects nothing from them in the way of Indian fighting. We hear of several pack trains in the Illinois valley, loaded with goods, ammunition, &c., unable to get an escort to guard them on to their destination. Old John wants the ammunition in particular, and it is generally feared that he will get his requisition in before anyone else. When the few remaining volunteers shall have been disbanded, which will be the case as soon as their term of service expires, if the regulars do not come up and act promptly, the farming and mining interests, limited as they are, will be suspended, and people will seek safety in bodies sufficiently large to defend themselves, or evacuate the country. In regard to the war, it ought to be prosecuted to a successful termination, and the interests of the people should not be sacrificed to gratify political ambition. That the latter has been done is too true, and deeply do we feel it. If politics had been unknown in the management of this war, and had been looked upon as it ought to be (secondary to the interests of the people), ere this the war would have been successfully terminated; but so far from witnessing such glorious results, nothing but gloomy forebodings o'ershadow us, end the prospect of a lasting peace seems farther off than it did six months ago, and the innocent women and children that may yet be butchered will add to the account that already hangs heavy over the heads of tome of the political functionaries who rule with a rod of iron the destinies of this devoted country. There will be a day of reckoning, and a just retribution will in due time he meted out to them. I have been familiar with all the short turns they have taken to carry out their nefarious schemes of partisan policy, to the great detriment of the public good, and at no distant day some of the deeds of darkness may come to light; but it becomes us to refrain at the present time, at least until our accounts are audited at Washington, or an appropriation shall be made, to save the country from bankruptcy, to pay the volunteer (in part, at least) for his privation and suffering under all the adverse circumstances that bad management could throw around him, and also the farmers of our valley who have so liberally furnished supplies. Our cause is a noble one--it is a struggle for our homes and our firesides, and not, as has been slanderously reported of us, a disposition to exterminate the Indians. If the latter should be the final result, it will be but the common issue of war. Notwithstanding the dangers that threaten us, the political parties have held their conventions and made their nominations, and the election of all the civil officers is to take place. But there is not as much enthusiasm manifested as on other occasions. The spring has been unusually wet. Notwithstanding the grasshoppers are very numerous and threaten to do considerable mischief, the crops, though limited, look very promising. If there should be an influx of people into the mining districts this fall and winter, there will be a scarcity of bread, unless it is brought from abroad. But unless the Indian difficulties are suppressed before that time, there will be more people leave the country than will come into it. At present we believe there is an abundant supply of bread to last until harvest. Flour is worth $4 per hundred, and beef 10 cents a pound, on foot 12 and 15, at retail. Yours, A SETTLER. Oregon Argus, Oregon City, June 14, 1856, page 2 On the 1st instant Capt. Smith with about 90 men was at the "Big Bend," about eight miles distant from the main command, when he was surrounded with these Indians. Thus surrounded and cut off from water he was subject to a murderous fire for the most of two days until he was relieved by Buchanan's company of about 400 men. On the second day, they often taunted them with the often repeated question, "mika hyas tikke chuck" [Are you very thirsty?]. Of Capt. Smith's command 10 were killed, and twenty-one wounded. Of Buchanan's command one killed and two wounded. Capt. Bledsoe's company of volunteers was in the vicinity and has probably joined with the regulars. "John" says he asks no peace but will fight to the last. Thirty or forty Pistol Creek Indians have recently left Port Orford. Although the two volunteer companies have received general orders to disband, under the circumstances it will not probably be done. R. H. Lowe, "Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 17, 1856, page 2 Headquarters,
Camp Big Bend, R. River
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cala., June 1st 1856 I have the honor to enclose a post return of this camp for May, together a copy of orders issued and a return of Indian prisoners for the same period. Since my last report, it will be seen that 185 of the enemy men, women and children have surrendered themselves as prisoners of war. From present indications, I think it probable that this number will be considerably increased, and in fact that most of the upper Indians will come in, excepting Old John's band, who will hold out a while longer. This change in the state of affairs renders it necessary for me to turn my attention to their immediate removal, and I have determined to send them by the way of Fort Orford, as by so doing I shall not be compelled to divide my forces, whilst I shall also carry them past my depot, where both they and the troops can be provided with supplies for the journey. As I am well satisfied that many of the lower Indians were engaged in the battle of the "Big Bend," notwithstanding their promises to come in, I shall send a command down on each side of the river to discover those that I suspect most strongly, and who are now between me and the others, or to whip them if they object to this, and then tell them to come in as these upper tribes have done. I hope to be able to report further successes so soon. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. From the Crescent City Herald, July, 1856.
Thanks to the prudence and courage of our little Rogue River army, we
believe we are safe in saying that the Indian war is now over. May we
not express the hope that the cloud of darkness, in which the recent
disturbances for a time enveloped the hopes of our growing little city,
is now silently floating away to darken our homes no more forever and
that the sunlight of prosperity is beginning to beam upon us again from
a clear sky? Even if it be not so now, yet, it will be ere long. There
is a bright future for us. Fortune is fickle, frowns and smiles
alternately. She has scowled upon us most malignantly of late; the next
change of countenance will bring a propitious smile.We also learn from Mr. Riley that at the time he left Sailor Diggings, it was rumored that on the 6th inst., a train belonging to the Messrs. Barnes of Rogue River Valley was attacked on the Siskiyou Mountains, between Jacksonville and Yreka, by a band of Indians belonging about Klamath Lake. A hired man, name unreported, was killed, the owners of the train making their escape. Four animals were killed and eleven driven off. We are at last able to announce to the citizens of this section of country that the war with the Indians which has so long been waged in Northern California and Southern Oregon, devastating our country, stopping our trade, and endangering the lives and property of our people, is at an end. By the Columbia, which arrived July 1 from Port Orford, we learn that Col. Buchanan, who is now at Port Orford, has succeeded in obtaining the submission of all the tribes engaged in the war. All of the chiefs of these tribes have come in and gave themselves up, except old John. John has sent in his two sons and made arrangements to come in himself, as soon as Col. Buchanan will send a company to meet him. Two companies, under the command of Major Reynolds and Capt. Ord, left Port Orford on the morning of the 25th inst., for that purpose, and by this time they are probably at Port Orford. The war is at an end, and peace once more sheds her beneficent rays over our mountains and valleys. Col. Buchanan reached Port Orford on the 15th inst., with 728 Indian prisoners. Five hundred of them were sent up to the Northern Reservation of Oregon, Yamhill Reserve. Later from Oregon.
The steamship Columbia, from
Oregon, arrived at San Francisco on the night of the 27th ult.In Southern Oregon the appearances were favorable to an early termination of Indian hostilities. On her upward trip, the Columbia took up six hundred Indians, under charge of Gen. Palmer, to be placed on the Reservation. The Oregon Weekly Times, of June 21st, learns that a skirmish took place on Lower Rogue River, between Gen. Lamerick's forces and a party of hostile Indians, in which fifteen of the latter were killed. The following, from the Statesman, of the 17th June, may relate to the same affair: DEER CREEK, June 11, 10 P.M.--Express just arrived from Gen. Lamerick brings intelligence that the volunteers had pursued the Indians on the south side of Rogue River, came up with them on Sunday last--attacked them--charging upon them, and routing them--kept up a running fight--the Indians retreated to the river, where they expected to cross, but the regulars opened a fire on the north side, so that when the messenger left they were in a tight place. They were Coast Indians. San Joaquin Republican, Stockton, California, July 1, 1856, page 2 Fort
Lamerick June 5th / 56
To Gov. CurrySir, notwithstanding the volunteers together with yourself have been traduced, we are nevertheless doing some service out here. Maj. W. Latshaw has been by some artful ruse appointed to the command of this post, and here I am compelled to remain, a very impatient looker-on, and the vox populi of the companies composing the 2nd Recruiting Battalion set at naught by the powers that at present exist. Our small command under Maj. Latshaw pursued the enemy down the river some 9 miles below this post where we found the Indians encamped, made battle early on the morning of the 27th, being the 2nd day from the fort. The Indians fled indiscriminately down the river and into the mountains without firing a gun, they manifesting no disposition whatever to fight. These proved afterwards to be the bands of Limpy & George. There were several Indians supposed to be killed but none certain save one squaw, and one of the Galice Creek chiefs wounded in the thigh and afterwards captured and let escape on the 2nd day by carelessness of the guard having charge of the same. Some six squaws with their children were captured on the 2nd inst. Two old squaws came in and reported Cow Creek Jim in the vicinity to come in. They were instructed and sent out to bring him in. Done so, he then sent for his wife and one other squaw, who also came in. On yesterday we returned to the fort & on the march Jim as usual became suspicious of his fate and succeeded in making his escape and is now at large. That wily Old John stole on our boys whilst resting in the shade [and] fired a volley on them, wounding H. C. Huston, orderly sergt. of Capt. Keith's co. A portion of the boys crossed the river, charging on the enemy, routed them, in a few minutes killing one certain and driving them entirely from the field. May possibly have killed several more. Limpy & George fled to the camp of Col. Buchanan, laid down their arms and are now prisoners of war in his quarters. The Col. claims to have done the work, and denies that they were ever whipped before, when the plain facts are that we drove them into his camp and that he never fired a gun on either Limpy or George, but these are matters for to be discussed in future. I forgot to say in the proper place that Daniel Cooley of Capt. Wallan's co. was wounded on the morning after the battle with John's party whilst looking for his pistol lost the previous day, the ball passing through the right hand and the front part of the thigh. Both he and Huston are doing well and will be able for duty soon--but I will now say to you as on a former occasion that one good ranging co. properly organized would do more to whipping the Indians than all of the southern army. I
have the honor to be
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 661.Respectfully your obdt. [servt.] E. L. Massey Comdg. 2nd R.B. O.M.V. Camp
near "Marked Rock" Rogue River O.T.
Sir,June 6th 1856. I have the honor to submit a report of the operations of my company in this vicinity today. My instructions on leaving the "Big Bend" yesterday were to proceed to this place and this morning make a descent upon the body of Indians on Rogue River near So-ho-my Creek, and in case they refused to come in and give up their arms to punish them severely. Captain Bledsoe with his company of volunteers was to act in concert with me, on the opposite side of Rogue River, and we were to meet at the river at 12 o'clock today. There being no trail down the mountains to the river on either side of it and the character of the country to be passed over not well known, it was impossible to fix an earlier hour for our junction with any certainty of being able to effect it. I left my camp and proceeded down the mountain this morning with my train, being unwilling to leave it further behind me than compelled to by the nature of the country, or an apprehension that it might discover [i.e., reveal] my approach. I succeeded in getting it within about half a mile from the river, being about three miles from camp, where I left it with a guard of ten men besides the packers, under the direction of Assistant Surgeon Milhau, and proceeded noiselessly with the balance of my company, forty-eight enlisted men and Lieut. Drysdale 3rd Arty., to within about two hundred yards of the river. I then detached a small party under Sergeant Hunter to make the river at a point about two hundred yards below to prevent canoes from passing down the river, having arranged with Captain Bledsoe that he should do the same with regard to their passing above. I then deployed my remaining men so as to embrace the entire width of the canyon, in the mouth of which the Indians were supposed to be. This accomplished, I found that it wanted thirty minutes of the time I was to be met by Captain Bledsoe. I should have waited quietly here until this time had elapsed before advancing upon the Indians, had not an Indian dog discovered us and given the alarm. I then knew my only chance was to advance as rapidly as possible. I gave the order to do so, but cautioned my men not to fire until I gave directions, determining to give the Indians a chance to come in if they were so disposed. For this purpose I advanced with the interpreter to the bank of the river and called to an Indian in a canoe to come in. This call I repeated two or three times, but instead of complying he turned his canoe into the current and endeavored to pass down the river. I then gave the order to commence firing, and he was killed before going fifty yards. The Indians were taken completely by surprise and rushed into the river, some in canoes, others swimming across, abandoning a great quantity of provisions and property and in one or two instances their arms. Some attempted to swim down the river, keeping a canoe between them and the fire of my men, but were all killed before getting below Sergeant Hunter's party. Some of the Indians succeeded in crossing the river with their arms and returned our fire. At this time Captain Bledsoe approached from the opposite bank with his volunteers and completely routed the enemy on his side. As soon as I discovered the approach of the volunteers I gave the order to my men to cease firing and sent my 1st Sergeant along the line to give information that our friends were on the other side and to fire no more. Before this order reached all I regret to report that one of the guides, mistaking a volunteer for an Indian, fired upon and wounded him, though not seriously, I believe. Captain Bledsoe took possession of the canoes I had driven to the other side, as also of four squaws and five children, all of which he will turn over to Colonel Buchanan or Major Reynolds at the mouth of Illinois. Captain Bledsoe reports seven Indians killed and two guns captured by his company, besides a good deal of Indian provisions. My command killed eight Indians, and I have every reason to believe that many more were wounded while in the river and sunk there. I found one government rifle, two powder horns about half full of very poor powder each, two bullet pouches with plenty of balls but of very indifferent quality, mostly of zinc and pewter, and a good deal of provisions, which were destroyed. Another gun was known to have been carried down by an Indian killed in the river, and I believe many others to have been lost in the same way. I am happy to report the uniform good conduct of my men throughout the entire day. The march down the mountain and the return to this camp through thick brush and a constant rain being more trying to them than the engagement. To Lieut. Drysdale 3rd Arty. I am indebted for a cheerful and ready assistance throughout the day, as also to Asst. Surgeon Milhau, whose disposition for the protection of the train entrusted to him was soldierlike and efficient. I am happy to state there are no casualties to report. There being no good place for a camp in the immediate vicinity of our engagement, I have returned to the camp which I left this morning, where I shall remain tomorrow if the weather continues stormy, and the next day proceed to the camp at Casateny Hill. I
am sir
ToVery respectfully Your most obedient servt. C. C. Augur Comg. Co. G 2nd Lieut. J. G. Chandler 3rd Artillery Asst. Adj. General District South Oregon and Northern California Camp "Big Bend" Rogue River O.T. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Later News from Col. Buchanan's
By the arrival of the Columbia
from Port Orford we are in possession of later news from the seat of
Indian warfare. We make room for the following letter from our regular
Orford, June 9, 1856.
Eds. Herald:--The
late accounts have been confirmed. There were thirty-one killed and
wounded. Twelve dead at last accounts. A "skookum" ["powerful"] fight
was expected to take place day before yesterday. If any new accounts
should be received, will write immediately.U.
City Herald, June 18, 1856, page 2
P.S.--I open
this to say that Capt. Tichenor has just arrived with Col. Buchanan's
express and reports two fights since the one in which Capt. Smith's
[company] suffered so much. The Indians have been completely routed,
having twenty-one of their number killed. We have not lost a single man
on our side. The volunteers and regulars are operating together.
The above accounts are very cheering--yet we cling tenaciously to our expressed opinion that the handful of men in the field, although capable of prodigies of valor, are entirely too small to operate with such decided success over their Indian foes as to force them into a peace, for the enemy they meet and conquer today, tomorrow will be fifty miles away, devastating some unprotected portion of our frontiers. If some of our rulers in the neighborhood of the White House had a few interests at stake in this section, we doubt not if this Indian war would not be carried on with a little more animation. We are under obligations to Mr. Ben Drew, government express messenger, for a copy of the Jacksonville Sentinel, of the 7th inst., and an extra of the same of the 9th. We extract the following items: "Report says that the bands of Limpy, George and John came to Capt. Smith's camp for the purpose of making a treaty, they were informed that the only terms for a treaty were that they should give up their arms and leave Rogue River and go to the reserve at Yamhill. Limpy and George consented, but John refused. John and his band then left Smith's camp. The next day thirty of his warriors unarmed returned to Smith's camp, ostensibly to have a talk, but Smith having been warned by friendly Indians that they intended to steal the guns, would not permit them to come into camp. They went away and soon after John's entire band attacked Smith's command. The Sentinel contained a statement of the defeat and death of Col. Wright, but as our dates per steamer Columbia are later than those from which the Sentinel obtained its news, we place no credence in the report. We learn from Mr. Drew that the volunteer force in Illinois Rogue River Valley are nearly all disbanded. Maj. Wyse and his command have also left the trail and gone to the assistance of Col. Buchanan. Four men, Chas. Williams and three others who left Col. Buchanan's command, about the 10th inst., with a government express for Fort Lane, have been waylaid and killed. We learn that the total amount of prisoners and those who gave themselves up to Col. Buchanan amount to about 200. LATER.
Thompson, the expressman, arrived in
yesterday, and informs us that an express had reached Sailor Diggings
on Sunday last from Reeves' bringing the intelligence that a courier
had arrived there with dispatches for Major ------, from Col.
Buchanan's command. A great battle had been fought at the Big Meadows.
The Indians, numbering some 300 warriors under "Old John," and the
regulars and volunteers under Col. Buchanan met at the Big Meadows on
Thursday last and had an engagement, in which the Indians lost forty
killed (the wounded not known) and one hundred and twenty-five were
taken prisoners. The whites killed were ten. "Old John" is supposed to
be among the slain [he
was not],
and if the report should prove correct, we do not hesitate to say that
the war will be terminated immediately, as he was the only chief who
refused to surrender. "Limpy," "George" and the balance of the red
Big Bend,
To His
Excellency, Geo. L. Curry,Rogue River, June 9, '56 Governor of Oregon; Dear Sir--On the 4th inst. I moved with my command from our camp at the Meadows. It was quite rainy on our first day's march, and on the second some of our men were sick and could not be moved, but with Capt. Keith's company and Capt. Barnes' company of spies I proceeded to the Big Bend, where we found Lieut. Col. Buchanan and the U.S. troops. On the day we left the Meadows, Capt. Bledsoe's company of volunteers, with two companies of U.S. troops under Capts. Ord and Augur, moved from this place to the mouth of Illinois River to attack a ranch of hostile Indians. About four miles below this station Capt. Bledsoe, being in the advance, fell upon some Indians who were coming up the river and killed five of them. The command camped at the mouth of Illinois River. That night or the next morning Capt. Bledsoe with his command of volunteers crossed the river to the south side--the U.S. troops on the north about 3 miles below the mouth of Illinois River. Both parties made an attack upon a very large ranch, which they did very successfully, scattering and driving them in every direction, killing 14 on the ground; 8 on the volunteers' side of the river, and 6 on the side of the regulars. These were the same Indians that had assisted John's tribe to surround Capt. Smith. During the action some 25 Indians were killed and drowned in the river by the upsetting of some canoes on the rapids. Capt. Bledsoe's command took 6 prisoners, who will be turned over to the Indian agent Mr. Metcalfe, who is here, and also Gen. Palmer, the Supt. Indian Affairs. Great credit is due to Capt. Bledsoe's command. That company have done excellent service at all times and under all circumstances. Capts. Augur's and Ord's commands of U.S. troops have also acted most gallantly since they came into the field. The Indians are coming in very fast--the losses they have sustained up the river from the volunteers have accelerated their movements to peace. I intend to move with the command under me down to the mouth of the river. All of the Indians who will not come to terms, we will soon compel to sue for peace. I understand from Col. Buchanan he will receive all who will deliver up their arms and go to the reserve. There are now some 260 Indians at this camp. As I have no provisions to feed them on, I turn them over to the Indian ag't., who gives them in charge of the U.S. troops. I am of the opinion that we will conquer a peace on this trip to the mouth of the river, with all the Indians except John's. He still refuses to be removed to the reserve, but is anxious to make peace and remain on the river. He has got about 30 warriors, and I think is now trying to make his way to Illinois Valley or that section of country, as all of his old allies have come into camp. George, Limpy and the Cow Creeks, as well as the Galice Creek Indians, have surrendered unconditionally. The scarcity of troops on the trails in Southern Oregon makes it quite unsafe, in case old John with his tribe goes out in that direction. In
Your obedient servant, JOHN K. LAMERICK, Brig. Gen'l. O.T. Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 1, 1856, page 2
"Soldiers' Camp," near R. River
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal., June 11th 1856 Being very much pressed for time, owing to the necessity which exists for my express to reach Fort Orford in season for the steamer tomorrow, I can only report that on the 4th inst. I sent off a detachment to visit the lower Indians, as indicated in my letter of the 1st, and on the 5th Capt. Augur on the north side, in concert with a company of volunteers on the south, attacked and severely punished a body of them about the mouth of So-ho-my Creek, killing 15 of them, without loss on our side, except 2 volunteers accidentally wounded from the north side, from having been mistaken for Indians. Some 6 squaws and their children were taken prisoners, and carried to the mouth of the Illinois, where Maj. Reynolds was encamped with his company. As soon as the information reached me I ordered the Major to send out one of the squaws to inform the Indians that I would give them until Tuesday, yesterday morning, to come in and deliver up their arms. The larger part of the upper Indians, 277 in number, having surrendered themselves to me, I broke up my camp at the Big Bend yesterday and reached this point about 2 p.m. today. Capt. Augur is about 2 miles from me towards the river and reports that the most of the lower Indians have surrendered and are in his camp. A report from him, this moment received, states that Old John is very near him and anxious to come in. For fear of accidents, I have sent Capt. Floyd-Jones and [illegible] howitzer, to reinforce him, and tomorrow morning expect to unite both camps. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. THE INDIANS OF SOUTHERN OREGON.--The Californian of Monday has been permitted to take the following extract from a friend's letter from Port Orford, June 24th, which contains information not heretofore published: The Indian war, thanks to God, is at an end, or, at least, may be looked upon as such. The different tribes appear to have held very different opinions in regard to the terms which ought or ought not to be accepted for concluding a peace, and as they could not agree, and part of them were in favor of peace and part in favor of war, and as they well knew that they had all to be united in order to make a stand against the whites with any hope of success, the war party at last gave in, and a kind of compromise was made to the effect that they should agree to deliver up their arms, and to be transported to the Reserve, provided that none of them should be punished for the murderous outbreak in February last at Rogue River. These terms were proposed to the whites, and by them accepted; only one tribe refused to come in under the above condition, but as all the other tribes left for Port Orford, the chief of this one tribe saw it was of no use to resist any longer, and they are coming in now also. All the others have already arrived. The whole number of Indians to be removed will, I learn, amount to about two thousand, women and children included. Of this number, the steamer Columbia took up last Saturday 525 souls over ten years of age, with about 300 below that age. The rest, I understand, are to go by land, and will leave in two or three days, escorted by troops. The Reserve begins a little above the Umpqua, and extends for 100 miles north, being on an average 70 miles wide. A good many Indians are going to be placed on this Reserve besides those. So this war is fortunately ended, and I can go to work and build my house. Sacramento Daily Union, July 2, 1856, page 1 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA.
ESCAPE.--The government train,
loaded with stores for the troops at the mouth of Rogue River, says the
Crescent City
Herald, which
left our city some few weeks since, escorted by Captain D. F. Jones'
company United States infantry, about two hundred hostile Indians
awaited in ambush the arrival of the train, between Chetco and Pistol
River. Unfortunately for the Indians,when they supposed the train was
completely in their power, Captain Ord's company from the mouth of on
its way down to meet and help escort the train up to Col. Buchanan's
headquarters, when they discovered two Indian spies looking out for
Captain Jones and his train. Captain Ord immediately sent out a
detachment from his company who came in contact with the main body of
the Indians, and succeeded in dispersing and killing six of their
number.Nothing has been heard of Col. Buchanan's command, says the Crescent City Herald, up to the departure of the last steamer from Port Orford. The command when last heard from was up Rogue River about twenty miles. Summit County Beaton, Akron, Ohio, July 9, 1856, page 3 Port Orford Correspondence of the
Port Orford, O.T.,
June 13, 1846.
Ed. Statesman--We
are happy to report good news concerning our difficulties with the
Indians, which are, judging from present appearances, rapidly
approaching a permanent close.
A severe engagement occurred on the 5th and 6th insts., between a company of United States troops, under command of Capt. Augur, in conjunction with Company K of O.M. Volunteers, under command of Capt. Relf Bledsoe, and the belligerent bands of Indians who occupied a stronghold [Skookum House?] on Rogue River a few miles below Buchanan's camp. The two companies were detailed to march down the river on either side. They had proceeded only a few miles, when they fell in with a large number of the enemy, and soon succeeded in thoroughly routing them and driving them from their positions. The engagement continued for two days, at intervals, in which twenty Indians were found dead in the field, and it is positively known that many more were killed while attempting to swim the river. After the fight between Capt. Smith's command and the Indians (an account of which we sent you by steamer), an armistice was entered into, by the direction of Col. Buchanan, which proved unsatisfactory, and the fight that we have here spoken of soon followed--and the result has proved highly satisfactory, and by an express just in from Col. Buchanan's camp, we learn that all the coast Indians in the vicinity of Rogue River, together with the notorious chiefs George, Limpy and John, with their entire bands, and have given up their arms, including rifles, pistols and knives. They are to leave the great theater of war in a very few days, for this place, en route for the reserve. Notwithstanding the friendly demonstration that the Indians have thus made for peace, a strict and vigilant watch will be kept on them until they are beyond danger of suspicion. In the accomplishment of this result, the company of volunteers under command of Capt. Relf Bledsoe have contributed largely, and in so doing have conducted themselves in a manner worthy of the tribute of praise and admiration. Situated as they have been during the period of their enlistment, it is strange that they could have accomplished the deeds that are now nobly placed to their credit, and to which they are justly and amicably entitled, and to them we are greatly indebted for a speedy and permanent conclusion of the war. We are also willing to attribute great praise to Col. Buchanan and the U.S. troops under his command, for a speedy termination of the war. Yours, &c. J.C.F. P.S. In the fight above alluded to, there were no whites killed, only two wounded. Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 1, 1856, page 3 "J.C.F." is James C. Franklin.
Hay O.T.
E. M. BarnumJune 15th 1856 Adjt. Gen. O.T. Dear sir we the undersigned would respectfully call your attention to the defenseless condition of Illinois Valley and the many destitute families which are now living in dread and fear as there are no longer any doubts of hostile Indians prowling around in the vicinity of which no doubt you have been informed of before this can reach you of their acts which has already been committed. We therefore hope you will order the raising of a comp. in this vicinity for the protection of the valley which is now left entirely destitute of forces of either volunteers or regulars and we further hope you will take the condition of affairs into immediate consideration and give the necessary protection at the earliest period possible. We all remain your most obedient friends. and servants. G.
W. Keeler Lieut. of
2nd Regt. O.M.B.
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 638.and Commanding Illinois V. Ander W. Wylona Bartlett Newman G. L. Hay Stephen H. Ball T. J. Richardson A. P. Turner C. R. Haverford John Evans James Thomas M. Rothchild George Fraser Francis. S. Sebastian Wm. Robinson W. J. Hay John F. Qualey James Hope Wm. B. Hay Charles Flummerfelt Thomas Haise Wm. Brackus A. Platter From the Mouth of Rogue River.
From Mr. Nolan, Orderly Sergeant in Capt. Bledsoe's company of
volunteers, serving against the Indians in Southern Oregon, we learn
that a fight came off on the 11th of this month on Rogue River, about
four miles below the mouth of Illinois River, between two hundred and
fifty Indians of the Shasta Costas, Mikonotunnes, Tututnis,
Joshua and Euchre tribes and the company of volunteers under Capt.
Bledsoe, forty-one in number, who had the day before killed six Indians
on their march down the river, and Company G of regular troops under
Capt. Augur, numbering about sixty. The regulars were on the north, and
the volunteers on the south side of the river. The regulars commenced
the fight about 12 o'clock, killed six Indians, and drove the balance
into and across the river, when the volunteers received them and after
a half hour's fighting completely routed them, killing twenty-four and
taking six prisoners. Besides the above there were about fifty Indians
drowned and missing, at least such is the report of the Indians
themselves. The Indians had previously fortified themselves in a
position about six miles below where the fight came off, but had
removed to the position where they were found, thinking it a stronger
one. The volunteers burnt at both of the positions spoken of some sixty
houses, most of them strongly built of logs. The regulars lost no men;
the volunteers had two men wounded and one killed, named Bray.
On Thursday, the 12th inst., four of the principal chiefs came into Major Reynolds' camp at the mouth of Illinois River and wished to make a treaty. He ordered them to report themselves to Capt. Augur, and the day after some two hundred Indians, men, women and children, went to the camp of Capt. Augur and gave themselves up to be sent to the reservation. They were sent to the mouth of Rogue River. We learn further from the same source that on Tuesday, the 17th inst., a detachment of volunteers under Lieut. Cox, of Capt. Blakely's company, numbering twenty-five men, attacked a body of about thirty Indians about two miles above Whaleshead, on the coast, and defeated them, killing three and taking twenty-two prisoners. After the fight five of the Pistol River Indians came in and gave themselves up. Capt. Bledsoe's company deserve great credit for their conduct in the above affairs, and we rejoice the more that most of them are Crescent City men. Crescent City Herald, June 25, 1856, page 2 Fort
SirJune 20th 1856 I have the honor to report that in obedience to instructions from head qrs. District Southn. Oregon & Northn. Cal. I proceeded on the 9th of June from the camp at Big Bend of Rogue River in command of a detachment of 35 men Comp. "E" 4th Infty. as escort to the wounded men, the charge of Asst. Surgeon C. H. Crane U.S.A., en route for Fort Orford. A portion of the wounded & Dr. Crane proceeded in 6 canoes managed by Indians, the escort & the remainder of the wounded on mules by the trail along the bank of the norther side of the river. At the mouth of Illinois 7 miles from Big Bend I joined the camp of Maj. Reynolds, where I remained during the 10th, 11th & 12th. On June 13th started in 16 canoes conveying the escort & sick & managed by Indians sent from below by the Col. Comdg. & reached the mouth of Rogue River after a run of 8 hours, including a stoppage of half an hour to get a party of Indians who were waiting for an escort to proceed to the mouth of the river in order to go by sea to join their people at Fort Orford who had gone by canoe. I found the river easily navigated by canoes going down. As the current is interrupted by frequent rapids the navigation upward would be more difficult, especially above the mouth of the Illinois River, where they are more numerous & difficult. On the 15th June Capt. Ord & Maj. Reynolds 3rd Artillery with their companies joined the camp. During the 14th, 15th & 16th about 160 of the lower Rogue River Indians came to the camp in order to join their people at Fort Orford. On the 17th started with the detachment Comp. "E" 4th Infty. 13 men of Capt. Ord's & 13 men [of] Maj. Reynolds' companies as escort to sick to Fort Orford. Came 6 miles & camped. On 18th came about 6 miles to 3 Sisters, where I found two boats sent to convoy the wounded by sea should the winds permit. The Doctor not considering the sea smooth enough, I proceeded with the sick by canoe on the 19th after sending back the 13 men belonging to Maj. Reynolds' company. Came about 9 miles to camp. Capt. A. J. Smith 1st Drags. here joined with his company & sent back 11 of Capt. Ord's men with some mules to join the command at the mouth of Rogue River. On the 20th after a march of about 4 miles reached Fort Orford. I
am sir
ToVery respectfully Your obdt. servt. N. B. Sweitzer 1st Lieut. 1st Drags. Comdg. Dtchmt. Lieut. J. G. Chandler 3rd Artillery A. A. Adjt. Gen. District South Oregon & North Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT
In reply to your communication of yesterday, received last
evening, I
would observe that, from my last advices from Lieutenant Colonel
Buchanan, after whipping the Indians three times, when some forty
warriors were killed, and perhaps as many wounded, the Indians were on
Rogue River surrendering at discretion. He had at that time in his
possession two hundred, of whom sixty-five were able to bear arms. The
next day all those on upper Rogue River were to come in, except the old
chief, John--his band and the Klamaths numbering twenty-six warriors.
These are determined to die game. Old John says he knows the whites are
determined to kill him and he might as well die fighting as any other
way.Benicia, June 20, 1856. The colonel apprehends no difficulty with the Indians on the lower part of Rogue River. I anticipate that all the Indians in Rogue River Valley, except those above mentioned, are, or soon will be, on their way to the coast reservation. All the troops I have at my disposition at this time are engaged in removing the Indians. Major Wyse is ordered to be stationed at Fort Jones, and another company at Fort Lane, to watch old John and his band. I do not believe, with prudent management, and some little attention on the part of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs to the Indians in Northern California, you would have any difficulty with them. The whites, however, when they desire it, can have war with the Indians. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN E. WOOL,
His Excellency J. N. JOHNSON,Major General. Governor of California, Sacramento City, California. Ex. Doc. 76, 34th Congress, 3rd session, 1857, page 135 Headquarters,
Fort Orford, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal., June 20th 1856 I have the honor to enclose the report of Capt. Augur 4th Infy. of his affair with the Indians at the mouth of So-ho-my Creek on the 6th inst. In my last communication, I gave a hurried account of affairs up to the 11th inst., and will now report more in detail to embrace the present date. Between the 1st and 10th the upper Indians continued to come in and deliver themselves up in small parties, and some of them brought their arms, which they surrendered without hesitation. On the 31st ult. Major Latshaw with a compy. of Oregon volunteers came down from "the Meadows" and encamped very near me. During an interview with him and his officers at my own tent I learned that it was their intention to proceed down the river with the view of attacking the lower Indians, and as this would have been fatal to my plans I informed him that it would interfere with them and requested him not to move any farther in that direction. To this he finally assented, as he said that he did not wish to embarrass me, and the next day returned with his battalion to "the Meadows." On the 2nd, Capt. Bledsoe with his company of Oregon vols. reached my camp from Fort Orford on his way to report to Genl. Lamerick at the Meadows and brought with him our last mail from the East. Finding that this gentleman was also disposed to go down and attack the lower Indians, and being about to send down a detachment in their direction myself, as indicated in my report of the 1st inst., I decided to employ him where he could be of assistance but could not do any harm, and therefore organized a combined movement of his, Capt. Augur's and Major Reynolds' companies against such of the lower Indians as I suspected of being still hostile. I accordingly sent Augur down by the north side of Rogue River to the mouth of the So-ho-my, whilst Reynolds and Bledsoe crossed over and passed down by the south side, destroying the Shasta Costa village in the south, the Major halting at the mouth of the Illinois at our old camp to which he had recrossed, and Bledsoe moving across the Illinois and down Rogue River to a point opposite Augur. They left my camp on the 4th and at 12 m. [noon] on the 6th the attack was to be made by Augur, if he should find it necessary to do so. The movement was successful; all parties were in position, and at noon the Indians were well punished. I must again bring to the notice of the General the meritorious conduct of Capt. Augur on this occasion, as also that of 2nd Lieut. J. Drysdale, 3rd Arty., who had been temporarily detached with him, and Asst. Surgeon Milhau, who accompanied the command. Having received Capt. Augur's report, I immediately dispatched instructions to Major Reynolds to send on one of the captured squaws who had been carried by the volunteers to his camp, to say to the Indians that they might now come in and surrender themselves and that I would give them until the 10th to do so. On the 7th Brig. Genl. Lamerick with a body of the volunteers under his command arrived at the "Big Bend" from "the Meadows" and encamped alongside of my camp on their way down to the mouth of Rogue River. In the course of an interview with me, he stated that it was his intention to proceed down the river and scour both banks on the way, but upon my earnestly remonstrating against that course consented to wait until the expiration of the time at which I had directed the lower Indians to report to Capt. Augur. I told him that I felt satisfied they would come in, and therefore feared that his going down on both sides of the river would alarm them so much that they would scatter and not come in at all, or that it would cause much delay in their movements which I was very anxious to avoid. I told him, also, that in the event of their refusing to do as I had directed, I should be most happy if he would go and give them another drubbing. On the 9th I sent my wounded and sick down to Reynolds' camp at the mouth of Illinois, in canoes paddled by some of George's and Limpy's people, under the charge of Asst. Surgn. Crane, and escorted by Lieut. Sweitzer's detachment. They arrived safely and without suffering from fatigue. On the 10th I broke up my camp at the "Big Bend" and started with 276 Indian prisoners to join Capt. Augur, from whom I soon learned that the lower Indians were coming in very rapidly. The volunteers also broke up their camp and moved down to the mouth of the Illinois, on their way down to the mouth of Rogue River, which they crossed the next day and descended at my request on the south side. I arrived at "Soldier's Camp," distant about 2½ miles from Capt. Augur, on the 11th, and remained there until the 13th in order to let him join me with the Indians under his charge, which he did on the 12th. As my wounded could now be transported in canoes to the mouth of Rogue River in safety, I caused the Indians to take up 12 canoes to the mouth of Illinois, and ordered them to descend under the escort of Lt. Sweitzer, and am happy to say that all reached their destination without accident, on the same day that I left "Soldier's Camp." Lieut. Sweitzer's report is herewith enclosed. On the 15th I detached Ord's and Reynolds' companies, the latter having joined me the previous evening, to the mouth of Rogue River, to receive all Indians that might surrender themselves at that point. On the next day, Sunday the 16th, I arrived at this post with Smith's Comp. 1st Drags., Augur's and Floyd-Jones' Compy. 4th Inf. and 725 Indian prisoners, and assumed command the same day. When moving up the beach, in sight of the town, my guide, Capt. Tichenor, reported to me that some of the citizens had returned to shoot certain Indians as they passed, whereupon I made proper dispositions for their protection, and sent forward to notify the people that the first person who should attack one of my prisoners should be shot. I am happy to say that no attempt was made to molest them, and they are now encamped on the reserve, and seem to be contented and cheerful. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Port
Orford, June 17, 1856.
Friend Bush--As there has been so much said against the southern
volunteers, and the citizens generally of that portion of Oregon, in
some sweeping remarks which I have seen going the round in the
newspapers, I feel it a duty incumbent upon me as a citizen of Southern
Oregon to say a word in behalf of those people, and to show, if
possible, how far they have been instrumental in bringing about the war
in Southern Oregon, who has been the aggressor, or whether they are
entitled to the distinguished appellation of "lawless vagabonds."I arrived at Big Bend, on Rogue River, June 8th, and found George, Limpy and some of the lower river chiefs, with all of their bands, encamped with the regulars, where they had gone for protection, being closely pursued by the volunteers under Maj. Latshaw. I requested all the chiefs to make a statement, separately, whey they went to war with the whites. After comparing their statements, which so far agreed as to verify each other, I was enabled to glean the following facts: Early in the spring, '55, Old John sent a party of his warriors over to Indian Creek, to kill and rob the whites, and to purchase all the arms and ammunition they could get. They killed and robbed several of our citizens, and returned to the Illinois Valley and reported that the Klamath Indians had murdered some of our people on Indian Creek, declaring that they had not participated in the murder, and claimed the protection guaranteed them by the treaty, which was granted, and the agent, with a detachment of U.S. troops, went over to Illinois Valley to maintain peace, and to take the Indians to the Reserve. Now, this murder, fairly [sic] saddled upon the Klamath Indians, and the whites lulled into comparative safety under this impression, resumed their different vocations, never supposing for a moment that the murderers were around their firesides every day, and sharing their hospitality. Old John, now finding the public quieted, and himself entirely free from suspicion, sent another party up Applegate Creek about the first of July, to murder and rob the whites of arms and ammunition, thus preparing for a general outbreak. This party killed and robbed two white men, and charged the same to the Klamath Indians, which the whites did not hesitate to believe. Now, to prove that the Klamath Indians did commit these murders, and to make his story plausible, Old John sent a party of warriors over to the Klamath and Humbug, there to murder and rob our citizens in the vicinity of a Klamath village, which they did, joined by a few of those Indians, killing and robbing a number of our citizens, and returning with their spoils, horses, clothing and money, went on the Reserve and claimed protection, saying that they had purchased them from the Klamath Indians. An armed force was then stationed on the Reserve to protect them and others from the enraged citizens, who came over in a body from Yreka and demanded a surrender of the murderers. There being at that time no positive proof that these Indians were engaged in that murder, they were not surrendered; however, there were two of John's party arrested on suspicion, by Capt. Smith, and held in custody and demanded by the proper authorities from California, when they were taken to Yreka and there given a fair and impartial trial. There being no evidence of their guilt, they were acquitted and told to return to their homes, when they were pursued by some persons who had witnessed the trial and killed on the road near Yreka. One of these Indians (John's son) aided in the massacre of those white men on Humbug; the other did not, but shared the spoils with them. Now, here is a secret war carried on for months, in which twenty-odd of our best citizens have been massacred before a hand is raised to retaliate or redress our wrongs. Soon after the massacre on Humbug, Maj. Lupton, of Jackson, with a small party, discovered a trail leading from that direction towards Butte Creek, and supposing it to be the trail of the murderers, pursued and attacked a ranch near the mouth of Butte Creek, where there were a number of men, women and children killed. Here our citizens are branded as barbarians for killing women and children, but those who are acquainted with Indian warfare know that when attacked, the men, women and children crowd together, and there is seldom, if ever, a battle fought in which there are not more or less women and children killed. I cannot, for a moment, think there is a white man in southern, or any other portion of Oregon, so base as to willfully shoot a woman or child. If we have any such men, I should not hesitate to say they were not only lawless, but heartless vagabonds, and destitute of all those noble traits which constitute the high-toned gentleman. I learned from a volunteer that the scalp of a white man was found in the ranch after the battle on Butte Creek, which shows that they were not so innocent as is represented. The day following the battle, Old John's party murdered those families on the road between Rogue River and Grave Creek, consequently Lupton's battle is the alleged cause of the war in Southern Oregon, but we find old John, several days previous, using his utmost endeavors, by offering large rewards, and finally by threats, to induce Sam's party to join them in hostilities against the whites, and there is no reasonable ground to suppose he would not have committed those murders if there had never been a gun fired upon Butte Creek, particularly as there was no relation existing between John's party and those on Butte Creek more than [that] they were all Indians. Now, I would ask whether the acts of John's party for several months previous to their outbreak do not indicate hostilities in Southern Oregon, or whether there is a man in the Territory who would desire any further demonstration of their hostile intention than the cold-blooded murder of twenty-odd of our best citizens; if there is, I am frank to say he is not an American at heart, and destitute of those philanthropic feelings which should unite us as a band of brothers in this isolated portion of the world. More anon. Your
obdt. servant,
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 8, 1856, page 2R. B. METCALFE. Port
Orford, June 21, 1856.
Ed. Statesman--Since
writing our communication
of the 18th inst., we have received
intelligence of another engagement between the volunteers and a band of
Indians occupying the coast south of Rogue River towards Crescent City.
During this engagement some three or four Indians were killed, and
thirty taken prisoners. Immediately after the departure from Rogue
River of the Indians that are now en route for their permanent home, a
messenger was dispatched to give the Indians south of Rogue River,
towards Crescent City, the privilege of accepting the same terms of
peace, but they indignantly refused, and returned the proposition with
a challenge, saying that "if you want to fight, come on." As a matter
of course, the volunteers, who are always ready, accepted the
challenge, and their labors were crowned with success.Yours,
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 8, 1856, page 2 "J.C.F." is James C. Franklin.
Fort Orford, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. June 24th 1856. I have the honor to report that Genl. Palmer, Supt. Indian Affairs, left here on the 21st in the steamer Columbia, with the Port Orford and other friendly Indians who have been on the reserve at the post for some months past, and all of the lower Rogue River Indians who came in with me except 18 escorted by Capt. Augur's Comp. "G" 4th Inf. for the Coast Reservation. They go by the way of Portland and Dayton, O.T. to that portion of the reservation allotted to them by the Superintendent. On the previous day, one of Old John's sons, a nephew, and 3 others came in to say that Old John and his band desired to surrender, and wished permission to do so. I told them that they might do so, and they said that they would meet any command that I might send out for them at the place where I encamped the night before our arrival here. Capt. Ord and Reynolds' companies arrived here yesterday, with 242 Indians who had come in to him at the mouth of Rogue River. Some of these Indians came up in canoes by sea, and the others by land. Today I have sent back the same command to meet Old John, as this is the day on which he promised to be at the rendezvous. When these people get in, there will only remain the Chetcos, who have been driven into the mountains by the volunteers, and who will come in as soon as these gentlemen go away, which will probably be within a few days, as I understand that Gov. Curry has ordered them to be disbanded at once. Agreeably to the instructions of Genl. Wool, received by the steamer of the 21st inst., the following is the assignment of troops for the posts required near the Coast Reservation. Capt. Smith 1st Dragoons and Capt. Floyd-Jones 4th Inf. with their companies will garrison the upper post, Capt. Augur the middle and Maj. Reynolds, 3rd Art., the lower about the mouth of the Siuslaw. I have directed Capt. Augur on his arrival at the post now occupied by Lieut. Sheridan to have his company there temporarily, and proceed to select a site for his own post, which he will have done by the time that Capt. Floyd-Jones will reach his destination. The Indians remaining to be sent to the reservation will be divided as nearly as convenient into two parties: one, consisting of George and Limpy's people and some others, will be escorted by Captain Floyd Jones and the detachment of "E" Comp. 4th Inf. under Lt. Chandler; and the other by Capt. Ord's and Maj. Reynolds' companies. Capt. Smith, with Lt. Sweitzer and Asst. Surgn. Crane, will proceed with part of his company to Fort Lane, for the purpose of getting his horses and settling their property affairs, and thence to his new post, which it is expected he will reach nearly as soon as Capt. Floyd-Jones. The detachment of "D" & "E" companies, 4th Inf., will then rejoin their proper posts, and the detachment of "F," 4th Inf., under Lt. Garber at Crescent City will join that company via Vancouver. With regard to the posts of forts Orford, Lane, and Jones, if the Rogue River war be considered by the General as closed, I do not see any necessity for the two former, and would respectfully recommend that they be broken up. The next Indian difficulties likely to break out between this and the Sacramento may be looked for in the vicinity of the Klamath, and Fort Jones is therefore, perhaps, in a very good position, and may be advantageously occupied. I shall consequently leave Major Wyse at that post, to be disposed of hereafter as the General may think fit. Asst. Surgn. Milhau will accompany the detachment under Capt. Ord, and will be left with Major Reynolds' company at the Siuslaw until he can be relieved by some other medical officer. After all of the Indians shall have started there will be nothing further for me to do in Southern Oregon, and as I believe everything to be quiet in Northern California, I suppose that the district will be broken up, when I shall be ready to receive such orders in relation to my own movements as the Commanding General of the Department may be pleased to issue. I should be happy to receive them by the return of the steamer. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. Dist. Capt. D. R. Jones Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
Creek, June 24, 1856.
Dear Bush--On Friday night last, about five miles from this place, two
unoccupied homes were burnt by Indians, and an attempt made upon
another in the neighborhood belonging to Jesse Roberts, when the
Indians were fired upon and driven back. One of the houses belonged to
Mr. Hutson, late Representative from Douglas; the other was owned by
Mr. Emery. The Indians numbered 14, some say 20. Mr. Hutson arrived
here three days after the depredation, with his family, on his way
home, where he learned of the calamity. It is unfortunate that he
delayed his visit below.
Maj. Latshaw has just come in from the coast, by way of the Meadows. He says that Gen. Palmer is at Port Orford with 1400 Indians, consisting of men, women and children; in what proportion he does not know. They are guarded by 300 regulars. The Indians have laid down their arms. Gen. Palmer is awaiting the result of a talk with Old John, which Col. Buchanan was holding with him when the Major left. What the result of this talk will be no one knows. All the troops now in the southern regiment are expected in at this place, preparatory to their final discharge. Yours. [unsigned] Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 1, 1856, page 2
Headquarters, Port
To His Excellency
Geo. L. Curry:June 25th, 1856. SIR--Since my last, from the Big Bend of Rogue River, my command has completed the campaign of Rogue River, Pistol and Chetco rivers, and I am happy to inform you that the command has met with complete success, and that the war in Southern Oregon is now ended, with much credit to those who so nobly endured the hardships and privations of so arduous a campaign. On the 10th of June, my command took up its line of march from the Big Bend to the mouth of Illinois River, where Major Reynolds was camped with a command of U.S. troops. On the 11th we crossed to the south side of Rogue River and camped at [the] volunteer camp, fifteen miles from the crossing of the river. On the 13th, I ordered a detachment of 75 men, under the command of Major Latshaw, to move down the river to its mouth and meet my command. The command under Major Latshaw was composed of detachments from the companies of Capts. Bledsoe, Blakely, Keith, Noland and Capt. Barnes' spy company. The orders given them were completely executed--burning all the Indian villages, capturing forty canoes (twenty of which were left for the use of Lt. Sweitzer in bringing his wounded men to the mouth of the river), and destroying a great number of caches of the enemy. I then sent out an expedition under Maj. Bruce to Pistol River, to drive those Indians into the camp of the regulars, who arrived at the mouth of the river on the evening of the 13th, and took up their camp on the north side, where they remained some four or five days. I procured the services of Mr. McGuire, special Indian agent, to go with the command under Maj. Bruce, and take one of Chief Joshua's boys with him to notify all those who wished to come in and deliver up their arms that they would be received as prisoners of war. Maj. Bruce sent an express to my camp, on the night of the 14th, to inform me that he had sent the Indian boy out, and that he had a talk with the Pistol River and Chetco River Indians--that they said they would not come in, but would kill all the whites who came into their country, and also all the Indians who came to talk for the whites. On the 15th, I sent a command of 40 men with six days' rations to the assistance of Maj. Bruce, with orders to scour the country of Pistol and Chetco rivers and drive into the camp of the regulars all of the Indians they could not capture. By moving in the night, they succeeded in surprising a band of Indians on Pistol River, where they killed two and captured some fifteen or more. On the 16th the command proceeded to Chetco, where, on the night of the 17th and the morning of the 18th, they surprised a band of Chetco Indians, killing one and capturing over twenty others. These eight movements have had the desired effect and compelled the Indians to come to terms. All of them are now in, or are coming in, to camp daily. On the 20th and 21st, the command of Maj. Bruce reached my camp and brought with them thirty-one prisoners, leaving two men and one woman to notify the others Indians to come in, or the volunteers would again be sent out against them. I have ordered Maj. Latshaw to take the companies of Capts. Noland, Blakely and Keith, and proceed to the military station at the Big Meadows and attend to moving all government property from there and deliver it over to the proper officers at Roseburg, and on his way up, if he can fall in with old John's band of Indians, to drive them into the camp of Col. Buchanan, as that is the only safe place for them to remain, all the others having come to terms. Maj. Latshaw has orders, so soon as he shall have performed those duties to proceed with his command to Eugene City, and there to have his men honorably discharged. The spy company, under Capt. James Barnes, came to this place with me. I have ordered them to proceed to Roseburg, and there to be honorably discharged. Capt. Bledsoe's company will arrive here today from the mouth of Rogue River, with some prisoners, amongst whom is the noted Chetco chief. His people will soon follow, as most of his leading warriors have been either killed or captured. The captured are now at this place. I have not had means to feed and transport the prisoners captured by my command, and I have turned them over to the different Indian agents, whenever it was most convenient for safety as follows: To Mr. Metcalfe, at the Big Meadows, 19; to Mr. McGuire, at the mouth of Rogue River, 32; to Mr. Olney, at Port Orford, 33, and a number will be in soon, with Capt. Bledsoe's command. These do not include 32 which were taken by Capt. Bledsoe, prisoners, [up] to this time, 20 of which were turned over to Gen. Palmer, at Port Orford, and 12 to Major Reynolds, at the confluence of Illinois and Rogue rivers. This he was bound to do, as the service at that time required prompt and rapid movements. I am happy to state that every time the volunteers have met the Indians they have completely routed them, killing and capturing them at all times, under circumstances even the most disadvantageous. Great credit is due to both officers and men for their gallantry, and the manner in which they have endured fatigue--having to march a good portion of the time, both day and night, over the roughest country on the Pacific Slope. Some of the men were frequently without boots or shoes, and going on half rations, on account of the long night marches, when it was not possible for us to take our pack animals with us. I understand that Gen. Wool has given Col. Buchanan orders not to act in concert with the territorial troops, but the manner which the U.S. troops were dealt with, at the Big Bend of Rogue River, convinced the Colonel that the volunteers were superior to even his best troops--especially for Indian fighting. I am most happy to bear testimony to the gallant bearing of the officers under Col. Buchanan. They have rendered the country eminent service. And, from what I can learn, would have acted more cordially with the volunteers, had it not been, perhaps, for superior orders. Still the U.S. troops were of some advantage to us, as they kept their net open, as it were, and the volunteers drove the Indians into it--for they had not a prisoner in their camp until Maj. Latshaw's command made the attack upon the bands of Limpy and George, on the 28th of May--and in fact the only prisoners taken during the war have been taken by the volunteers. In the late campaign, I am under many obligations to the officers and men of the command. Majors Bruce and Latshaw were as usual always ready whenever duty called. Adjutant Munson has also rendered efficient aid in the discharge of his duties, and is a most excellent officer. Capts. Keith, Blakely and Noland have been prompt and efficient in the discharge of their duties--both officers and men of these companies have rendered the country distinguished service, and have nobly represented the counties from which they came as citizen soldiers. To Capt. Bledsoe's company this section of the coast as well as the whole Territory are under many obligations. The officers and men of this company deserve the highest commendation for their zeal and promptitude in bringing about a speedy peace. The spy company under Capt. Barnes has acted with the utmost alacrity, and have rendered a great deal of service both night and day, being always ready at a moment's notice. The men of this company deserve well of their country. My present aide, Lieut. Hawley, has rendered me important assistance, as well as the command under me, and as he is well known to the Department, it is not necessary for me to say any more. I was agreeably surprised to find one of the finest grazing countries I have ever seen on the western coast during our last expedition from the Big Bend to the mouth of Rogue River. On this trail there are numerous bald hills covered with grass and clover of the richest growth, and to the height of three feet in some places. There is also a large belt of country along the coast which is better adapted to stock-growing than any other portion of Oregon Territory. For forty miles up the Coquille River from the coast, we also found beautiful pasturage for stock. There are great inducements here to persons engaged in stock-growing. During our last campaign we have passed over a vast extent of country fraught with every indication of gold, and I have no doubt that there will be extensive gold discoveries made in this region so soon as a permanent peace is restored to this portion of the country. There is quite a large extent of country at the mouth of Rogue River which is susceptible of cultivation, and there will be heavy settlement here soon, as the landholders will always find a ready market for the products of their labor on Gold Beach, the mines of which are very extensive. This war will be a benefit to Oregon in some respects--it will be the means of opening the resources of the country, and it has given hundreds of men a more extensive knowledge of Southern Oregon than would have been gained for years without it. I will leave tomorrow for Salem. I can there give you things more in detail. I am, respectfully, your obdt. servt., JOHN K. LAMERICK
Statesman, Salem, July 22, 1856, page 2Brig. General Commanding the Vols. Luther C. Hawley, Aide-de-camp. INDIAN ITEMS.
When the Columbia left
Port Orford, all the Indians in the south had surrendered
unconditionally to Col. Buchanan, and the Indian Department, except
John's band and the Pistol River Indians. Gen. Lamerick had attacked
the latter tribe and succeeded in killing several Indians, without any
loss on the part of the volunteers. Old John is said to be anxious to
come in, and had sent in his two sons to Gen. Palmer, who asked
permission from Col. Buchanan for the unconditional surrender of the
whole band. Probably Gen. Lamerick will soon whip the Pistol River
Indians into a surrender, which will close the war in the south. Some
six hundred of the Coast Indians were brought up by Gen. Palmer on the Columbia and taken
to the Grand Ronde reservation.
Nathan Olney, Indian agent, will take the remainder of the Indians to the lower part of the reserve, near the mouth of the Umpqua. Two companies of Col. Buchanan's command accompany Indian agent Olney to the reserve at Umpqua. Capt. Augur's company came up on the steamer from Port Orford and are to be stationed at the Grand Ronde reserve. Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 1, 1856, page 2
our Extra of the 27th ult.)
Peace! Peace!
We are at last
able to announce to the citizens of this section of country that the
war with the Indians which has so long been waged in Northern
California and Southern Oregon, devastating our country, stopping our
trade, and endangering the lives and property of our people, is at an end.
By the Columbia, which arrived last night from Port Orford, we learn that Col. Buchanan, who is now at Port Orford, has succeeded in obtaining the submission of all the tribes engaged in the war. All of the chiefs of these tribes have come in and given themselves up, except old John. John has sent in his two sons and made arrangements to come in himself, so soon as Col. Buchanan would send a company to meet him. Two companies, under the command of Major Reynolds and Capt. Ord, left Port Orford on the morning of the 25th inst. for that purpose, and by this time he is probably at Port Orford. The war is at an end, and peace once more sheds her beneficent rays over our mountains and valleys. Col. Buchanan reached Port Orford on the 15th inst., with 728 Indian prisoners. Five hundred of them were sent up to the northern reservation of Oregon, Yamhill Reserve, on Saturday last. We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. J. R. Hale, who arrived on the Columbia, for the above facts. Bring down your trains now, gentlemen; the trail is all clear, and goods in Crescent City are plenty and cheap. ------
Orford, June
26, 1856.
Eds. Herald:--I
have just time to tell you that peace, lasting, grateful peace, is
about to be proclaimed in Northern California and Southern Oregon. All
the tribes have now surrendered except John's tribe and some Pistol
River Indians. Capt. Ord with two companies of regulars has gone to
bring in John. I have no doubt but what he will bring him in. We of
Capt. Bledsoe's company yesterday brought in the Chetco chief, with
thirty-five of his tribe, and he has sent for the rest.Something has been wrong in regard to communications to you. I have sent you at least three, which you have never received. I cannot here find out where the blame lies, but [it] is now of little consequence. I have the history of this war in my pocket, and although you would have liked the news for your readers in all their freshness, let the contemptible being or beings who have detained my letters enjoy their petit triumph. G.S.R.
[Dr. G. S. Ramsay}
City Herald, July 2, 1856, page 2
(We have never received any letters from G.S.R. since this war has been
in progress.--Ed. Herald.)
Umpqua Correspondence of the Statesman.
Deer Creek, June
30, 1856.
Ed. Statesman--Sir:
have the pleasure of stating to you that the war in Southern Oregon has
come to a successful termination. I left Port Orford on the 27th inst.,
and before I left the Indians had all come in except John's band, and a
few of the Chetcos, all of which were on their way to Port Orford to
surrender and deliver up their arms.Maj. Bruce's expedition down the coast was crowned with entire success; he succeeded in surprising the enemy two or three different times in the vicinity of Pistol and Chetco rivers, killing three bucks and taking about fifty prisoners. The Indians did not retaliate, but laid down their arms and surrendered in every instance. A great many of them took refuge in the brush, where it was impossible to find them, but the Major succeeded in sending them word by a messenger of their own tribe that they would be permitted to come in, unmolested, within the next five days, provided they would deliver up their arms, and accede to our terms. The messenger soon returned and said that they would comply with our requirements, and they were coming into Port Orford daily up to the time of our leaving. The chief of the tribe and several others were brought up on the 25th inst. from the mouth of Rogue River by Capt. Bledsoe's command. June 20th, five of Old John's Indians came into Col. Buchanan's camp, at Port Orford, with a message from John, stating that he wished to come in provided he could be received on the same terms that Limpy and George had. He also requested that Col. Buchanan, if he saw proper to receive him, to send out 25 pack animals with provisions for his use, and enough regular troops to protect him from the "Bostons," as he feared to travel, under the circumstances, without an escort. Accordingly on the 24th Col. Buchanan sent out a command of 110 men, under Maj. Reynolds, to meet him with the required supplies; however, previous to this he had sent two of the Indians back to John to tell him to come in, and that he would meet him at or near the bark shanty, the other three of which were held in durance vile, one of John's sons being included in the number. They stated that John was encamped on Illinois River, two or three miles above its mouth, and that he would leave Rogue River on the 23rd, and take up his line of march towards Port Orford. I think the probability is that John was acting in good faith, but we heard nothing more of him before we left Port Orford. His messengers stated that Enos was with them, but would not come in, and that they could not bring him in alive, as he exercised the utmost caution, going to the woods to sleep alone at night, and keeping his gun continuously by his side. During the last campaign the officers and men have conducted themselves most gallantly, and the people of Oregon are indebted to the volunteers alone for so successful a termination of this war. June 22nd, the commands of Capts. Keith, Blakely and Noland, under Major Latshaw, marched from the mouth of Rogue River via Ft. Lamerick to Camas Prairie, which they reached on the 27th. Gen. Lamerick with his staff and Capt. Barnes' spy company left the mouth of the river on the 23rd, and came out by way of Port Orford. The three companies that came out with Maj. Latshaw are now on their way to Eugene City to be disbanded. Capt. Barnes' spy company will be discharged tomorrow, at this place, and Capt. Bledsoe has orders to disband his company within one month. During the last expedition, we have passed over a great deal of the finest grazing country on the western coast, and the indications of gold discovered by us warrant us in believing that there will be extensive deposits discovered so soon as peace and quite is restored to this portion of Oregon. The Indians destroyed a vast amount of property on Gold Beach, at the mouth of Rogue River. One of the commissioners appointed to examine the claims and make awards to the sufferers informs me that the actual cash value of the property destroyed amounted to something nearly $125,000. Gen. Lamerick is here. He starts for Salem tomorrow. Truly
yours &c.
Oregon Statesman, Salem,
July 8, 1856, page 2VOLUNTEER. Jacksonville
E. M. BarnumJuly 10th / 56 Adjt Genl. O.T. Dear Sir I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of [the] 30th ult. in which you recommend the raising [of] a minute comp. for the immediate protection of Illinois Valley. In regard to a minute comp. it would be almost impossible to get, as you will have seen by this time or before that there was such a a comp. in operation and they met with such opposition from every department that it would be almost impossible to do anything in that line for the common defense of the valley, though if Old John makes a treaty and leaves there will be but some twenty-five or so of the Klamath Indians to hunt which has been committing some thefts in the last week in Illinois Valley such as breaking open two houses and stealing their principal content during the absence of the owner and killing one man [Fogle] on the Siskiyou Mountain, but that was some distance from Illinois Valley. I believe that I stated to you in my last that the citizens of the valley was in bad circumstance for subsistence as a general thing and were not able to support themselves to act in a comp. that would have any effect on checking the Indians from committing thefts and &c. as the valley is thinly inhabited and to raise a comp.it would require to go to the mining district and satisfy them that the authority was good and that their services would be required for a stated period and that they would be furnished with the necessaries &c. I would recommend if Old John does not make a treaty soon to order the raising of a sufficient number of volunteers for six months if not sooner discharged to hunt Old John down, and get rid of him as soon as possible. Lieut. Crook of the regular army has just arrived from a tour down Rogue River and reports that he saw no Indians, only three squaws and one boy, which they took prisoners, and they stated that those Klamath Indians had left John and went to the mountains and that there were two half-breeds down the river and that they had Indians with them. We suppose one must be the notorious Enos, as they knew nothing about that name and that John was down the river a-talking with the Bostons. Otherwise there is no news here of importance. I
remain your most
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document
586.Obt. servant G. W. Keeler Lt. Co. E Headquarters,
Fort Orford, O.T.
Sir,Dist. Southn. Or. & Northn. Cal. July 15th 1856. I have the honor to announce that the war against the Indians in the district of which I have had charge for the last four months--is closed. Old John and his entire band surrendered themselves with their arms on the 29th ult., and today the last detachment of the Indians who have been brought in as prisoners of war to this post started for the Coast Reservation under the charge of Bvt. Major Reynolds. The preceding detachment went up in the Columbia on the 8th under the charge of Capt. Floyd-Jones. The sending [of] these people by the steamer has been not only a measure of strict economy, but has enabled me to make the best possible distribution of the troops to render them available for any immediate emergency. They have been disposed of as follows--Smith has gone to the upper pass, via Fort Lane, where he will take his horses and such property as he can carry with him. Ord goes to Benicia by the return of the steamer. Augur has gone to the central pass, Floyd-Jones to the upper pass, Smith's post. Reynolds has gone to establish the post at the Siuslaw, and the detachment of Judah's company under Lieut. Chandler, having formed part of Reynolds' command to the reservation, will after performing such other escort duty as may be required of it return directly to Fort Jones to join its company. The garrisons of forts Lane and Jones will still occupy those posts until further orders to them shall be issued from the headquarters of the Department. Whilst Capt. Smith's company is being prepared for its change of station, he will proceed with a small escort to Scotts Valley to inquire into the reported Indian difficulties in that neighborhood and also ascertain what necessity exists for the employment of militia from Yreka in connection with them, upon which matters he will report to me by express at Benicia. The Indians escorted by Capt. Floyd-Jones' company are George and Limpy's bands, the Galice Creeks, Applegates, Cow Creeks and three of the lower Rogue River Indians who did not go up with Capt. Augur. Old John and his band, with some of the Pistol Rivers and Chetcos, have gone up by land under the escort of Major Reynolds' command. There are not 35 Indians remaining between the Klamath River and the Coquille within this district. The entire number of hostile Indians that have surrendered themselves and been removed to the Coast Reservation, as accurately as they could be counted, is 1220, a number that it would have taken many years to exterminate, had that been the policy adopted by me to close this war. At no one period of time have I had with me, in the field, more than 365 men, and of this number upwards of 100 came up in the steamer with me as recruits just from New York, when I joined at Crescent City to take command of the district. They had never had a day's drilling, and the policy of extermination would have proven difficult to carry out with them on account of their want of skill with their arms; even had I been in favor of it, which, I am proud to say, I was not. That policy was reserved for those quasi troops who were called into the field without law, retained without necessity, and were instructed to take no prisoners! It is to be hoped that their successes may be found to have justified the expenses consequent upon their organization. Major Reynolds has taken with him 75 days full rations besides what he will consume on the route, so that there will be time for making the necessary arrangements for supplying his post in future. This will be within 25 miles of the mouth of the Umpqua, and will be supplied from San Francisco by that river. I gave him all of the train that was not required for Capt. Smith's company, in order that he might carry with him everything for his new post that could be packed on mules, including baggage, clothing, 2 boats, tools and provisions, and with these I hope he will be able to make his command tolerably comfortable until the General shall send him the necessary orders for building, which I respectfully suggest should be done at once. Such of the stores now on hand as may be hereafter required to be sent from this post can be readily transported by the government schooner belonging to the Quartermaster Department at very little expense, and I therefore recommend that she be employed for the purpose. By causing such of the buildings at the post as can be removed to be taken down and carried to the Umpqua by sea, this can be broken up and the new one built at, comparatively, little expense. In this connection I would again urge that the post at the Siuslaw be garrisoned by 2 companies, as it is not only the nearest to the old homes of the Indians, but the country thereabout offers greater facilities for them to make their way back again should they become so disposed. The post at the upper pass, on the Yamhill, is within 25 miles of the town of Dayton, from whence there is a good wagon road to it, and can readily be supplied from the depot at Vancouver. Flour, pork and fresh beef can be purchased in the neighborhood on reasonable terms. The central post will be within the same distance of Corvallis, but as the coast site has not yet been selected by Capt. Augur, I cannot say what sort of a road there will be between it and the town. As steamboats ply regularly between Portland and Corvallis--called Marysville on the map--Vancouver will of course be the depot for supplying this post. As at the upper post, flour, pork and fresh beef can be procured in abundance on reasonable terms. Having thus disposed of the new posts to be established, I have to report that I have not sufficient data to enable me to report upon the state of the supplies now at forts Lane and Jones and would therefore suggest that reference be made to the Chief Commissary and Quartermaster for them, as the monthly returns made to their offices must show them in full. The amount on hand at this post will be seen from the enclosed reports of Lieut. Macfeely, A.A.C.S. & A.A.Q.M., who I shall leave here in command. Having deemed it inadvisable to make any disposition of the captured arms, I have directed them to be kept at this post subject to the further orders of the General. They will be taken up on Major Reynolds' ordnance return, as so many captured arms in store at this post. These items, I believe, embrace all the special information required to be communicated by me at this time. Before closing this report, I must beg leave to call the especial attention of the General to the zeal and energy with which the officers who have been with me on duty in the field have seconded my efforts to bring this war to a successful termination, and also to the general good conduct of the men, nor can I omit to express my high appreciation of the services of Genl. Palmer, Suptdt. of Indian Affairs, whose cheerful acquiescence in my views and untiring industry in furthering them contributed greatly to the quick result and prove him to be a most valuable public officer. It now only remains for me to offer my congratulations to the General upon the close of this war and to return him my thanks for the compliment of having placed it under my charge. I am, sir,
ToRespectfully Your obt. servt. Robt. C. Buchanan Bvt. Lt. Col. Major 4th Inf. Commdg. District Major W. W. Mackall Asst. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of the Pac. Benicia, Cal. NARA M689, Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General 1881-1889, Roll 567, Papers Relating to the Death of Mary Wagoner. Crescent
City July the 15 / 56
Mr. Lamerick SirI am compelled to address you on a subject of great importance to yourself and country. The fact of the business is that we have to take up our rifles and go to fighting again. It appears that the redskin is not satisfied or whipped yet. After the disbanding of the volunteers at Port Orford there was 4 men started from Port Orford to Crescent City with a train of 33 animals. After crossing Rogue River they saw considerable Indian sign from that river to Whaleshead, where they did encamp for the night. When they were getting up in the morning they were fired upon by a party of Indians and two of them were killed on the spot, one Jonathan Shoemaker and one name forgotten. Two men escaped to this place with the sad intelligence. I immediately raised 20 men and repaired to the place of slaughter and found and buried the bodies of the 2 men. The Indians had drove the animals off but we recaptured them. The Indians got one Colt's revolver, some ammunition and $11.00 dollars in money. We had not made arrangements to follow them. Larger parties that came down afterwards saw a good many Indians and had some of their animals taken. Cap. Smith got in yesterday; the Indians followed him to Chetco and blackguarded him. There was two houses robbed in Illinois Valley; one was Mendenhall's. They took 7 guns from him, and by the time you get this you will hear the news from Yreka. There is a great many Indians in the mountains yet. The worst of them is left, and they intend to fight until death. It will be a hard matter to get them out of the mountains, as they are not encumbered with old men or women. They have got the best of guns and revolvers. I have been long acquainted with the Indians on the coast. I know they never intend to observe a treaty with the whites. The Indians that is left there is about 75 or a 100 of them, desperadoes from all tribes and Enos at their head. It will take one or two comp. of good men to scour the mountains and lay on their trail. At the request of the citizens of Crescent City I have written to you for a commission to raise a company of good men for the purpose of clearing the trail on the coast and to Illinois Valley. There is no peace until these devils is smitten from the face of the country. I take no bucks prisoners. The treaty that I make is everlasting. I have had considerable experience in fighting Indians. My manner of fighting has always been successful. I cannot get provision for a company until I get a commission. The merchants wants security for their pay. I hope you will attend to this business immediately and relieve your fellow citizens on the coast of southern Oregon. If you comply with this important request I will raise the men immediately and send on our muster roll. With
much respect I remain
To J. K.
LamerickYour humble servt. Thomas Van Pelt Adjt. General of Oregon Cayuse, Yakima and Rogue River Wars Papers, University of Oregon Special Collections Bx47, Box 1, Folder 54. To his excellency G. L. Curry Governor of Oregon Territory The undersigned would respectfully represent that they were appointed by a large and respectable meeting of the inhabitants of Rogue River and Galice Creek, Josephine County to memorialize your excellency and would respectfully represent that a feeling of insecurity and alarm prevails in this locality in consequence of depredations lately committed in this locality by hostile Indians. On the 18th of July last two miners' cabins were robbed of a quantity of provisions, clothing &c.; probably some two hundred dollars worth of property in all was taken. These cabins were on Galice Creek. On the morning following a party of five Indians entered the cabin of Mr. Walker on Rogue River. Mr. Walker was at the time alone sick in bed in his cabin. The Indians took two rifles and some other property from this cabin, also shot several arrows at Mr. Walker, but fortunately did not wound him. The alarm was immediately spread throughout the locality and a party of twenty-three men were sent into the mountains in pursuit, commanded by Captain M. Bushey. The party succeeded in following the trail some twenty-five miles in the direction of Illinois River but did not succeed in finding them. The party remained scouting in the mountains ten days and returned. Captain Bushey reports that from unmistakable signs there are from sixty to one hundred Indians within one and [a] half days' march from this place. Now therefore your memorialists would earnestly and respectfully represent to your excellency that the population of this part of Josephine County consists of about 350 or 400 persons. Among the number are several families of women and children, that it is a mountainous and strictly mining region, and your memorialists believe one of the most valuable in the Territory. Much labor and many thousands of dollars have been expended during the last year to develop its resources. Most of the inhabitants, whether miners or merchants, have their all invested here, and if forced to leave by the hostility of the Indians will be pecuniarily ruined, and a mining locality capable of furnishing remunerative labor for thousands of men for years [will] be again abandoned to lie in unproductive idleness. We your memorialists therefore pray that your excellency may take such measures immediately as in your excellency shall deem proper to expel from our midst these hostile Indians and give us that security of our lives and property which is the birthright of all American citizens. Abram
Cayuse, Yakima and Rogue River
Wars Papers, University of Oregon Special Collections
Bx47, Box 1, Folder 60. The
memorial is undated, most likely from 1856. (Certainly between the
creation of Josephine County on January 22, 1856 and Oregon's becoming
a state on February 14, 1859.) The "signatures" are all in the same
hand; Hay's was likely misread.H. B. Hays [William B. Hay?] J. L. White J. M. McCall Ben. Haymond Committee The Indian War in Oregon.
The Indian war is still raging in Oregon, and little hopes are
entertained on the part of the whites of its speedy and successful
termination. The Indians are daily becoming more bold, daring and
formidable. The southern portion of the Territory is almost entirely
deserted by the permanent settlers, whose houses were burned at the
first outbreak, and many of the inhabitants cruelly butchered, and in
the rich valleys of the Umpqua, Cow, Rogue, Illinois and other rivers,
where thousands of bushels of grain and vegetables were raised last
year, this season will lay idle and unproductive, and considering the
fact that much of the northern portion of the Territory is in the same
situation, and also that two-thirds of the farmers in the middle
portion are engaged in the volunteer service, it will be readily seen
that the amount produced this year will fall far short of what will be
actually necessary for home consumption. Predicting this state of
affairs, with its concomitants--high prices, hard times
many are emigrating. This will at once show the foolish absurdity of
the statements that have recently been made in many of the papers, and
particularly the Tribune,
the war is being kept up for the purpose of speculation. So far from it
that were the expenses of this war paid now at the prices agreed upon
by the officers in the different departments, Oregon would still be
thousands of dollars injured by the operation, and private individuals
who have nobly responded to their country's call in furnishing
supplies, and their own time and services, would be the sufferers, to
say nothing of the many brave fellows who have been barbarously
murdered, and the women and children who have been the innocent victims
of the most savage cruelty--who have suffered all the agonizing torture
that these red devils could invent, and the blood of these innocent
people cries loudly for revenge, which cannot be obtained without
expense to the general government, and no far-fetched opinions of
economy should interfere where such a laudable purpose is contemplated.Considering their remoteness and the many conflicting reports that come before the people of the States, in regard to the war, it is not to be expected that they can form any correct opinion of the true state of affairs, and therefore the people of Oregon are disposed to treat these false reports with more charity than they otherwise would. The writer of this has lived nearly six years on the Pacific Coast, and the greater portion of the time in Oregon, and he states, without fear of successful contradiction, that in nearly all the late wars the Indians have been the aggressors, by committing outrages the most gross and inhuman. They are invariably treacherous, and violate their treaties with perfect impunity. In fact, they have violated the stipulations of treaties so often that it is impossible for anyone to have any confidence in their honor or integrity, and extermination, however unchristian like it may appear, seems to be the only resort left for the protection of life and property in that country. It was reported on the first of June, in Oregon, that Col. Buchanan had effected a treaty with the Rogue River and Coast Indians in Southern Oregon, with the exception of Chief John's tribe, which numbers about 200--that after the treaty stipulations were agreed upon, more than half of those treated with joined with John against the whites, at the same time professing the utmost friendship for them. This report was not confirmed when I left, nor was it contradicted, but generally believed, for it is in perfect keeping with the Indian character. Hostilities continued to exist in the Yakama country, Northern Oregon, and both the regulars and volunteers are in active service. The report that the regulars in that country have had a severe engagement recently, contained in the papers which arrived by the last steamer, is not true. Martial law still exists in Washington Territory, which is the subject of much complaint there. It was said that the Governor of Oregon would start for the Atlantic States on the steamer of the 5th of July, on business connected with the war. New York Herald, July 20, 1856, page 6 RETURN OF VOLUNTEERS.--The Siskiyou Chronicle states that the volunteer company under Captain Wood, which had been out in search of the Indians who murdered Gibson and Coe, had returned. The above paper says: "There seems to be no doubt but these murders, as well as the recent stealing of horses at Table Rock, is chargeable to wild Indians inhabiting the lake country to the east. It appears that they have got a trail over the mountains just north of the 'crater' coming down the head of Little Shasta River, and there is now no telling what moment a band of these savages will make a descent upon the settlers, killing and stealing stock at pleasure. The only guarantees of safety are to keep a constant guard on this pass, or march a sufficient force into the lake country to chastise them into fear." Alta California, San Francisco, July 21, 1856, page 6 Fort
Hay O.T. July 26th / 56
E. M. BarnumAdjt. Genl. Dear sir Necessity compels me again to inform you of some of the numerous depredations that the Indians had committed here recently or since the treaty with Limpy, George & John. There seems to be a band of desperadoes here in the mountains that will be hard to get rid of, as the mountains are covered with heavy timber & thick underbrush that it is almost impossible to find them. Since I wrote you last there was two men killed below the mouth of Rogue River and since the treaty with John and last week there was seen in Illinois Valley an Indian driving off some cattle but was seen in time to save the cattle, but the Indian made his escape, and last Saturday Capt. Guess had his cabin robbed of two guns and all his blankets & provision and the same night a party of four heard the Indians singing & halloing & Sunday Mr. Thompson, who lives some short distance below on Illinois River, seen some Indians coming toward his cabin and he jumped on his horse and started when one of the Indians that was sent to cut off his retreat shot him through the wrist with an arrow, and one other caught him by the leg as he went up a small hill, but he struck him with his gun and made his escape. On Monday a party followed on their trail a short distance from the place where the Indians were seen and their trail looked as if there was some fifteen or twenty and made toward the Coast Range, but I have just received news that there was some Chinaman robbed by the Indians yesterday of some several hundred dollars. The Chinaman says that he saw but three Indians. All this robbery has been committed in the last eight days and on the Illinois River and its vicinity. I hope that you will take some means to render some security here in life and property. From the best accounts that I can gather that Enos, the notorious robber, has between 30 & 50 Indians with him or at his command that won't leave this section of the country. I would suggest that there be a reward offered for Enos dead or alive, as he is beyond a doubt an outlaw, and all his party or their chiefs have treated and left the country. I think if a liberal reward was offered for those outlaws that there would be men enough that would soon close the present difficulties. I would suggest that one thousand dollars be offered for Enos dead or alive and two hundred apiece for the others, dead or alive. I suppose that they all would have to be taken dead unless it was by chance. This mode would be much cheaper, and I think more effectual. There should be something done soon, that the farmers could work with some security. I
remain your most obt. servant
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document
First Intelligence from the War Against the Modocs-- A Series of Engagements.
We received last evening the Yreka
Union of the 7th, and Sacramento dailies of the 4th inst.,
for which we are indebted to Rhodes & Whitney's Express.
The Union has late intelligence from the expedition against the Modocs. We condense the following: On the evening of the 29th, the force encamped at the natural bridge on Lost River. The next morning, whilst on the way to Clear Lake, the advanced guard discovered a body of Indians in the direction of Tule Lake and chased them to an island some 500 yards from shore. The guard charged on foot through the water, which was only three feet deep. The Indians escaped in canoes. Their village and provisions was burnt. One Indian was killed. On the same day another body of mounted Indians were chased 14 miles and one killed. At night it was found that John Alban, of Co. B., was missing. After three days' search his body was found horribly mutilated. On the afternoon of the 2nd inst. a detachment of twenty-three men, under command of Lieut. Warman, were surrounded near Bloody Point, by nearly two hundred Indians. The savages immediately opened a heavy fire upon Lieut. Warman's command, who were compelled to cut their way through them for a distance of several miles. The loss in this engagement was, killed, 2nd Lieut. H. H. Warman; wounded, N. C. Miller and A. McAllister. The Indians lost eight killed, and several were supposed to be wounded. Gen. Cosby, whilst on his way from Yreka to rejoin the command, with an escort of ten men, discovered the Indians named in the preceding engagement returning from the battle. Gen. Cosby and party gave them immediate chase. They broke and fled to the mountains, but finding they were being rapidly gained upon, they took up a position in a small grove of cedar near the base of the mountain. Here they maintained their position until they were driven to the bluff of the mountain. In this engagement one of Cosby's command was badly wounded. Eight horses were captured from the Indians and several of their number wounded. The Indians were well armed with rifles and mounted on fine horses. Table Rock Sentinel, August 9, 1856, page 2 INDIAN WARFARE.
We are indebted to a friend in Quincy for the following particulars:
Lane, Oregon Ter., July 20, 1856.
Morning Journal, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, October 31, 1856, page 2
Dear Brother--I
take the opportunity of writing to you, the first I have had for a long
time. I suppose you were surprised at not hearing from me before now,
but I could not help it. I received your letter on the Pacific coast,
which gave me the greatest consolation. This is the most awful summer I
ever saw in my life. I will give you a slight sketch of our campaign,
as it is all the news I can send you from this region.
On or about the 5th of March last, the coast Indians broke out, attacking a small town at the mouth of the Rogue River, called Gold Beach, the inhabitants being principally miners. The Indians, to the number of 700, with their chief Aneas, broke into the little town at the break of day, armed with knives and tomahawks. They killed about seventy-five white men, taking most of the women and children prisoners into the mountains, and burning the town to ashes. Several of the women were tied to posts, and their husbands cut into pieces before their eyes; their bodies were used in a frightful manner, having been scalped, quartered and mutilated in all sorts of savage ways. On hearing this news at Fort Lane, we were ordered to the scene of slaughter. Our company was obliged to take to the mountains on foot, as we had to climb the most of the way where our horses could not go, the distance from the fort to the coast being 75 miles. We crossed Rogue River on a raft on last Easter Monday, fought the Indians, drove them from their village, and burned it to the ground. [This may be the attack on the Mikonotunne village, which took place on March 26, 1856. Easter was March 23.] We arrived at Fort Orford with little loss. We suffered great hardships on the march; there was a thick fog on the mountains, and the guide could not make out the trail. We were seven days straying about, while it rained the whole time. Our provisions ran out before the weather cleared, and we arrived at Fort Orford. After a few days' rest we proceeded to Gold Beach, where we were joined by two companies of artillery and three companies of infantry. We marched to the Big Bend of Rogue River, where the main body of Indians were supposed to be. Our camp was formed at a place called Oak Flat, where we remained nine days before any Indians appeared. One morning about daybreak an Indian called out for a talk from a thick bush, and was told to come in. He came to know if the officers would make a treaty. They told him to tell the chiefs to come in, and a treaty would be made. The Indian left and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the three celebrated chiefs, John, George and Limpy, from Rogue River Valley, came in with their warriors. Limpy and George made a treaty of peace, but John said he would fight the whites as long as he had a warrior left. Our companies, and Company E, 4th Infantry, crossed Rogue River next day, according to treaty. We were to meet the two tribes and convey them to their new hunting grounds. Though we waited two days, no redskins made their appearance. About sundown, on the 26th of May, two squaws came to our camp and told the captain to quit the place, as the Indians were going to attack us at break of day. We moved our camp about 12 o'clock, as the place we were in was a thick forest, where the Indians had every advantage, our numbers only amounting to ninety men, two officers and a doctor. We took up our position on a very high hill; we had one howitzer, some grape, shell and canister. At the first light of day, the Indians began to collect in great numbers at the foot of the hill, until there were about 700 of them came up the hill, armed with rifles, and as soon as they got within regular range, the fight began. The Indians, being so numerous, surrounded our men. I never saw men fight braver. The Indians would charge quite close to our position, with knives and hatchets, under cover of their sharpshooters, and our fellows would charge on them and drive them back. The fight continued until 10 o'clock at night, when they drew off. During the night we threw up a small embankment, within which we carried the dead and wounded. Next morning they attacked at daylight and fought until sundown, when they held a council among themselves, and planned to charge upon our camp with their whole force. For an hour you could hear a leaf drop; there was not a shot fired on either side. Dear brother, I never will forget that hour--so silent and so awful; not that I was daunted, for I got quite reckless, surrounded by hundreds of savages thirsting for our blood. Sudden as the lightning's flash, each tribe gave its separate war cry, which was as if all the demons in hell were let loose, and rushed upon us. As they were gathering around us, we gave three cheers, which brought them to a stand, and at the same moment Captain Augur came to our relief with Company G, 4th Infantry, 75 strong, and attacked them. The fight was short, about fifteen minutes, in which time he lost five men. Dear brother, you spoke about praying for my welfare. I hope your prayers were heard, for God has spared my life. I had a very narrow escape; a ball cut my shirt, passing through the cartridge box, and grazing my ribs; another cutting the sole of one of my boots, but I came off quite uninjured, thank God, and am in good health and spirits. We drove the Indians off the ground into the mountains, thus ending our long fight. We were two days without food or drink. After the fight the sight was dreadful. The dead men were hung to trees, stripped naked, their eyes plucked out, and mutilated in every imaginable barbarous way. In another part of the field we found a large pile of ropes, made out of green bark, to hang us in like manner, but we held our position, and did not yield an inch. In two days after, they came in, and all hands made a treaty of peace. They are all gone to the new reserve, and Rogue River Valley is rid of them at last. It was only yesterday we arrived, after being away among the mountains four months and twenty days. F.
The War in Rogue River Valley
Thanks to the prudence and courage of our little Rogue River army, says
the Crescent City
Herald, we believe we are safe in saying that the Indian
war is now over.
May we not express the hope that the cloud of darkness, in which the recent disturbances for a time enveloped the hopes of our growing little city, is now silently flowing away to darken our homes no more, and that the sunlight of prosperity is beginning to beam on us again from a clear sky! Even if it be not so now, yet it will be, ere long. There is a bright future for us. Fortune is fickle--frowns and smiles alternately. She has scowled upon us most malignantly of late; the next change of countenance will bring a propitious smile. RUMORED INDIAN TROUBLES AT SAILOR DIGGINGS.--We learn from Mr. Riley, says the Crescent City Herald, that at the time he left Sailor Diggings, it was rumored that on Sunday, the 6th ult., a train belonging to the Messrs. Barnes, of Rogue River Valley, was attacked on the Siskiyou Mountain, between Jacksonville and Yreka, by a band of Indians belonging to Klamath Lake. A hired man, name unreported, was killed the owners of the train making their escape. Four animals were killed and eleven driven off. The trail of the Indians was followed to within twelve miles of the lake, but no animals retaken. New York Herald, August 30, 1856, page 2 Canyonville
Aug. 6th 1856
E. M. BarnumAdjt. Genl. O.T. Sir: I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 15th ult. and would state that I have corrected and prepared the muster rolls in my charge ready for copying them for final return, but would like to have some white rolls, as the few yellow ones I have are the worse of carriage. I came to Roseburg for a few days to close Mr. J. W. Funk's affairs, but on my arrival I was taken sick and am not completely recovered yet. I have come out here to get rested up for a few days, but will be in Eugene City in about ten days at most, if alive. Peace seems to be perfectly restored here although a few tracks of Indians are seen on the other side of the Canyon. Everything seems to wear a new appearance of cheerfulness, and John Chinaman adds his share in a good price for all the spare hogs, chickens & vegetables the farmers have to dispose of--there a great many through this part of the country. There is a dissatisfaction amongst the people about the selling of the property of the government for cash, when there is such an abundance of scrip. I avail myself of this opportunity of a traveler to send this by and will await your further wishes at Eugene City. I am sir
Oregon State Archives, Yakima
and Rogue River War, Document File B, Reel 2, Document 513.Most respectfully Yours James W. Galbraith Letter from Port Orford.
ORFORD, August 12th, 1856.
Herald:--We are hourly expecting the arrival of the
steamer Columbia, by
which I desire to communicate through the medium of your journal to the
citizens of Crescent City and vicinity the events of the past few days
near Rogue River. A short time ago eight men left your city on a
prospecting tour up the coast and were followed by a small body of
Indians, who, for want of a favorable opportunity, did not not attack
them. At the mouth of Rogue River they met six men from this place, and
a combination was decided upon for defense and mutual protection, the
result of which I will briefly narrate:Sometime last week information was received from a Pistol River Indian that an attack was contemplated by these Indians on a man by the name of Jack Smith (recently from Crescent City), and the "modus operandi" of their intended proceedings revealed, which was attempted to be carried out as was stated by the friendly Indian. A Mackanotin and a Pistol River Indian were delegated to murder Smith, capture his squaw and booty, but as they were forewarned, the Indians fell victims to their own premeditated treachery. The white men who were lying in ambush shot the two Indians as they approached the camp, which they supposed was alone occupied by Smith and his squaw. A day or two after, nine Indians, who had become tired of waiting for their confederates who had been killed, came to search for them. They were first seen and reported by the friendly Indian, who was then deputed to hail them and draw them within the fatal circle where the men were lying in ambush, a fearful and fatal one indeed for them. Eight were killed on the spot; the ninth succeeded in effecting his escape, but was supposed to be mortally wounded. The Indians had two guns, the rest were armed with knives, bows, arrows &c., all of which were captured, together with their squaws and children. Unfortunately, in the melee, the friendly Indian was killed. One man from Crescent City killed one of them in a hand-to-hand encounter, both equally armed with knives, but he was too quick for the Indian, and buried his sheath knife in his heart. I regret I did not learn his name. From the friendly Indian who was killed they learned the following facts: That the Chetcos were the ones who murdered the two men a few weeks ago, and that five more men who were prospecting on some tributary of Chetco or Smith river were also killed. He also says the money taken from the men who were killed in going down from here is in the possession of an old Chetco Indian. Also, the fact that the total number of bucks now in the mountains is all told twenty-nine at the outside, with some squaws and children. No blame can be attached to the troops that were in the field for leaving these Indians, as they were at the time of leaving encumbered with nearly 1600 prisoners, and they are still quite enough occupied in guarding them on the Reserve. In conclusion, I beg the attention of the citizens of Crescent City to the following suggestions. In the first place, I am well satisfied of the fact that there are not more Indians than there are here enumerated, and their extermination or surrender is easily effected. The men who have already done such good service will, I am credibly informed, start from here about the day after tomorrow. Now, why cannot ten, fifteen or twenty men be provisioned and equipped from your place. If such is done promptly (without waiting the result of a petition to Gov. Johnson) there will speedily be an end to Indian murder and difficulty in the entire country, from which Crescent City will eventually derive more advantage than from any other source. The expense is very trifling for an outfit for thirty days compared with the result; already seven of our citizens, the bone and sinew, the true source of wealth, the hard-working miners and packers, have lost their lives since the war has been formally declared closed. Any man who is at all conversant with the mountainous country north and west of you, watered by Rogue, Smith, Chetco and Pistol rivers with their innumerable tributaries, is satisfied of the fact that they are rich in the staple article, gold. No one who has been out during the last few months in the campaign against the Indians doubts this, and the redskins have been the only stumbling block in the road to their development. Independent of the expense, which cannot be much, I am satisfied that if your next Representative is an industrious working one, he can secure an appropriation for the expense incurred, as they will, as they have heretofore done, hold the general government responsible. "Penny wise and pound foolish" has too long retarded the prosperity of Crescent City. I hope you will wake the citizens up to the importance of this measure. Let a small company at once be organized to follow these Indians like bloodhounds on their murderous track, until the last of them is subdued or removed. The season of the year and everything is propitious. I am inclined to the belief that the men who have just been engaged in this affair will go to Crescent City in the hopes of getting sufficient provisions to last 20 or 30 days; if they do, let the citizens see to it that their wants are attended to. Yours, in haste,
(Since the above communication was accepted for publication, we have
received another on the same subject from Mr. Isaac Warwick, speaking
of the necessity of some help being granted those who live at Gold
Beach and that section to enable them to return to their homes in
safety. We hope our citizens will notice these communications.--Ed.)C. Indians Still Hostile
in Rogue River.
We copy the following items from the Jacksonville Sentinel of the
23rd August:
On Wednesday, the 14th inst., Wm. Russel and James Weaver were returning home from Roseburg, in Douglas County, and while riding along the road a mile or two north of Myrtle Creek they were fired upon by a band of ten or twelve Indians, wounding Mr. Russel--two balls passing through his arm and one striking his breast entering about the right nipple, and was extracted from the left side. Both Russel and Weaver were taken by surprise, not dreaming of Indians. They stopped their horses--Russel saying to Weaver, "Your pistol has fired and hit me." Weaver replied, "No, it is your pistol that has fired, not mine." At this time the Indians, supposing they had wounded them, charged upon them, but they succeeded in making their escape. The Indians kept up an incessant fire until they were entirely out of gunshot. The Indians then set fire to and burnt Mr. Bean's house, then proceeded along the mountain north to Mr. Clink's farm; seeing him in the field binding oats, they crawled to the fence and, taking deliberate aim, resting their guns upon the fence, fired, shooting Mr. Clink through both arms. When they discovered Mr. Clink did not fall but retreated towards the house, the red devils broke out in a loud Indian horselaugh. They then proceeded to cross the South Umpqua a few rods above James Burnett's farm and robbed a house of clothing and goods to the value of three hundred dollars--then set the house on fire and left. The next day, the 15th, Capt. Wright, accompanied by some twenty-seven settlers, pursued the Indians, but were not able to follow the trail, therefore they were unable to punish them as they merited. This don't look much like peace; those traveling the road are in greater danger now than at any former time. MORE MURDERS--INDIANS STILL IN THE FIELD.--Hon. Robert J. Ladd, of Douglas County, arrived in our city on yesterday; he is just in from a prospecting tour in the mountains, near the Big Bend on Cow Creek and the head of Coquille River. Mr. Ladd reports that himself and party had a half-breed Indian for a guide, by the name of Lewis, and that the great quantity of Indian "sign" caused them to be very cautious; the guide and the party were of opinion that there must be not less than one hundred Indians in that district of country. About ten or fifteen days ago, three men left Camas Prairie for the Meadows and the Rogue River country on a prospecting expedition. Their camp was found near the mouth of John Mule Creek on Rogue River. A short distance above the camp two dead bodies were found, murdered by Indians; the other man has not been heard from, but is supposed to be killed. It is believed the bodies found are Zach McCall and John Scott, formerly of this place. STILL MORE INDIAN DIFFICULTIES.--On Friday, the 15th inst., several Indians were seen on Althouse Creek. They were fired upon by the miners, but without any effect. On the same evening they robbed a miner's cabin on Sucker Creek of his blankets, clothing and one hundred dollars in gold dust, and then passed down Deer Creek Valley in the direction of Tyee Bar, on Rogue River, their headquarters. Treaties do not amount to much in this country. STILL MORE INDIANS.--On Saturday, the 16th inst., a traveler was passing along the road, when near the farm of Mr. Colvig, about a mile north of the Canyon, in Douglas County, saw a barefoot track in the road and on looking towards the South Umpqua River he saw five or six Indians not more than a hundred paces from the road, standing under a pine tree, all armed with guns. He put spurs to his horse and raised the alarm as soon as possible; collecting five or six men they started in pursuit of the Indians, but were unable to trail them. Oregon Argus, Oregon City, September 6, 1856, page 2 On Saturday, the 16th August, a traveler was passing along the road, when near the farm of Mr. Colvig, about a mile north of the canon, in Douglas County, saw a barefoot track in the road, and on looking towards the South Umpqua River he saw five or six Indians, not more than a hundred paces from the road, standing under a pine tree, all armed with guns. He put spurs to his horse and raised the alarm as soon as possible. Collecting five or six men, they started in pursuit of Indians, but were unable to trail them. About the 10th or 12th of August three men left Camas Prairie for the Meadows and the Rogue River country on a prospecting expedition. Their camp was found near the mouth of John Mule Creek, on Rogue River. A short distance above the camp two dead bodies were found, murdered by the Indians; the other man has not been heard from, but is supposed to be killed. It is believed the bodies found are Zach. McCall and John Scott. "Indian Murders in Southern Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, September 6, 1856, page 2 Indian Hostilities in the West.
Adjutant General Templeton, in company with several of General Cosby's
command, says the Yreka
Union [of August 7],
arrived in town last evening from the scene of operations against the
Modoc and Deschute Indians. On the 23th [sic] of
July, General Cosby dispatched Captain Williams with forty-one men to
the eastern coast of Klamath Lake. On the evening of the 29th, the main
body encamped at the natural bridge at Lost River. At this place the
Indians were prowling around the camp during the night, and shot
several arrows inside of the guard, but without doing any damage.A SERIES OF ENGAGEMENTS WITH THE MODOCS--DEATH OF LIEUTENANT WARMAN AND SERGEANT ALBAN--LOSS OF THE INDIANS. The next morning whilst on the march from Lost River to Camp Martin, on Clear Lake, the advanced guard descried a body of Indians about two miles distant, in the direction of Tule Lake. The guard started in immediate pursuit. On arriving at the lake they found a rancheria on an island about six hundred yards from the shore, and about fifty or sixty Indian warriors drawn up for battle. The guard here dismounted and charged on foot through the water, which was about three feet deep. Before reaching the island the Indians made their escape in canoes. Their village, together with a lot of provisions, was burnt and destroyed. One Indian.was killed in this skirmish. On regaining the road a body of mounted warriors were seen descending from the mountain on the east, doubtless attracted by the burning of the island. The main command overtook the guard at this place, and Capt. Martin, with twenty-seven men, started in pursuit. The Indians were well mounted, and for a distance of about fourteen miles the chase was hotly contested. They finally succeeded in gaining some high bluffs, where they concealed themselves among the rocks, and the chase was abandoned not, however, until Capt. Martin's command had killed one Indian, and shot the horse from under another. On reaching the encampment on the the evening of the 30th, it was ascertained that John Alban, of Company B, was missing. He had separated from the main command, and had been cut off by the Indians. Scouts were immediately dispatched to the mountains, and during the following three days and nights the most diligent search was made for the missing man. On the 2nd inst. his body was found horribly mutilated, his gun and revolver lying by his side, broken to pieces. On the afternoon of the 2nd inst., a detachment of twenty-three men, under the command of Lieut. Warman, were surrounded near Bloody Point, where the lamented Coats lost his lite in August, 1852, by nearly two hundred Indians. The savages immediately opened a heavy fire upon Lieut. Warman's command, who were compelled to cut their way through them for a distance of several miles. The loss in this engagement was: killed, Second Lieut. H. H. Warman; wounded, N. C. Miller and A. McAllister. The Indians lost eight killed, and several were supposed to be wounded. Gen. Cosby, while on his way to Yreka to rejoin the command, with an escort of ten men, discovered the Indians named in the preceding engagement returning from the battle. Gen. Cosby and party gave them immediate chase. They broke and fled to the mountains, but finding they were rapidly being gained upon, they took up a position in a small grove of cedar near the base of the mountain. Here they maintained their position till they were driven to the bluff of the mountain. In this engagement one of Cosby's command was badly wounded. Eight horses were captured from the Indians, and several of their number wounded. The Indians were well armed with rifles, and mounted on fine horses. On the 3rd inst., Gen. Cosby reached camp on Clear Lake, named Camp Martin. Here he found Capt. Williams and the detachment that was sent from Willow Creek to Clear Lake. These had traveled five days around the lake, and during the expedition found a large body of Indians on the north side, but as they were near the water and supplied with boats, they succeeded in making their escape to an island. Two horses were captured at this point. Dennis Fitzpatrick shot the Indian who killed Lieut. Warman. Gen. Cosby took from the Indians Warman's boat, and also the gun of a Mr. Miller, which was lost when his horse was shot from under him. Gen. Cosby was shot through his pantaloons and shirt, in front, near the thighs. A private letter received from Major P. Murray states that among the eight horses that were captured, one was found belonging to Mr. Howland. The saddle of the person murdered at the head of Shasta Valley a short time since was also found. Daily American, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 18, 1856, page 2 The bulk of this article was also printed in the Oregonian of August 23, page 2. We are indebted to the Pacific Express for a copy of the Table Rock Sentinel, printed at Jacksonville, of the 16th August, from which we extract the following: INDIANS WHO HAVE REFUSED TO TREAT AND ARE STILL HOSTILE.--We are informed that there are on the Pistol and Chetco rivers about one hundred warriors who refuse to treat, that the whites have sent word to them to come in and treat and go upon the reserve or they will have to fight. The Indians in return send back that they will not go upon the reserve, that they are ready for a fight, and for the whites to come in and they will give them battle. It appears that Old John, when he came in to treat, was induced to do so on account of presents given him and his warriors, that all his best rifles and all his six-shooters were cached in the mountains, and that a part of his band, of about twelve or fifteen warriors, are still on Illinois River with their squaws and children, committing depredations, robbing houses, killing stock and watching their cached guns. There is but little doubt of a telegraphic line being established between the Indians on the reserve and those hostile Indians in the mountains. We are informed that a company of whites are organizing near the mouth of Rogue River, and were obtaining supplies from Crescent City for the purpose of attacking those Indians on Pistol and Chetco rivers. MILITARY MOVEMENTS.--On yesterday Capt. A. J. Smith, commanding Fort Lane, left with Company C, First Dragoons, for Yamhill reservation, at which place we are informed, it is the intention of the government to erect a fort. Capt. Underwood remains at Fort Lane with one company of infantry. In all probability Fort Lane will be vacated during the present season. "Later from Southern Oregon," Sacramento Daily Union, August 23, 1856, page 2 From the Crescent City Herald, Oct., 1856.
From the Yreka papers we learn the following: The war against the Modoc
Indians in the Pit River country is still going on. One or two brushes
have been had with the Indians and some of them killed. The troops have
fitted up boats and are operating against the savages on Tule Lake.
Some of the chiefs of the tribes had come in and made a treaty with the
troops, by which they bound themselves to assist them against the
Modocs.R. Humphreys, writing from Ferry Point, Klamath River, under date of Sept. 19, says: Mr. Barnes left here with the train to go to Oregon, and took with him an Indian boy, aged about 7 years, to ride the bell-horse. He camped at the crossing on Rogue River, formerly known as "Long's Ferry," and there saw Mr. Vannoy, a former partner of his, who appeared very friendly and invited him to breakfast in the morning. After breakfast he told him to take some to the boy. Vannoy then went on the road to Grave Creek and hid in the brush, and the train arriving at the spot, about six miles from Rogue River, fired at the boy, killing him instantly, Mr. Barnes being sufficiently close at the time to lay his hand upon the horse the boy was riding. Such are the facts of cold-blooded and brutal murder of an inoffensive child. The San Francisco papers have advices from Oregon to the 25th of October, fourteen days later than we have had. There had been no further Indian disturbances. Elijah, a chief of the Rogue River tribe, and a warm friend of the whites, was killed a short time ago by another Indian. "From Oregon," Vicksburg Daily Whig, Vicksburg, Mississippi, December 2, 1856, page 1 Correspondence
of the Illinois State
From Oregon. "BACHELOR'S
Illinois State Journal: After having prepared and disposed
of my morning meal, washed the dishes, cleared the table and attended
to my out-of-door work, I find myself "solitary and alone" in a
"bachelor's hall" trying to compose my mind so as to pen a few items
for the readers of the Journal.
And first I would give you a sketch of my "hall," were it not for the
fact that everybody is aware that the residence of a "batch" contains
nothing which is worth an inventory. Permit me to say that everything
is topsy-a-turvy, and candidly we believe, if there is one poor
unfortunate above another who is in
actual need of the other (and much better half) it is your
humble servant. We are not discouraged but believe in the "good time
coming."O.T. Nov. 3, 1856. We were a little too fast in our last letter in stating that the war was brought to a close in Southern Oregon. There were several bands of hostile Indians then in the mountains of which we had no knowledge. During harvest they harassed a portion of our citizens considerably, shot at and wounded several of our farmers while engaged in securing their grain, besides burning houses and other property, killing stock, &c. When they became satisfied that they could do better by living on the Reserve, they came in and gave themselves up and of course have become our close tillicums (good friends). Including both sexes they numbered about seventy. There are yet small squads of these savages in the mountains which encircle our Umpqua Valley, who declare that they will not give up. They will probably remain quiet until their supply of ammunition runs out and their blankets need replacing with new ones, when they will either gain supplies from some frontier settler or by coming in and begging for quarter. In the former case the supply will be procured with the assistance of the rifle and scalping knife. An attempt has been made to conclude peace with the Indian tribes east of the Cascades, but it failed. The war chiefs of the different hostile tribes made a pretense that they were willing to come to terms of peace, and to gain this object so much to be desired, Gov. Stevens, escorted by U.S. troops under command of Col. Steptoe, proceeded into the interior of the enemy's country. The greater portion of the chiefs came, but not to make peace. At a time when they thought that they had the Governor and his party safe, they surrounded them completely and the only chance left them to escape was to fight their way out, which they did, sustaining some loss in killed and wounded. The Governor has gone home, and at last accounts the troops were at the Dalles, so that the Indians appear to have full sway in the North. It is said that they are willing to come to terms, provided we will give them "all right and title" to the northern country for a certain length of time; the lease we think decidedly too long; it is until the last day in the evening. We have good reasons to expect war again in these parts before long. It is currently reported that numbers of the Indians now on the Reservation are occasionally leaving for parts unknown. It is well known that but few of the arms belonging to the Rogue River tribes were given up. They are no doubt secreted in the mountains, where none but those who hide can find. In consideration of these and other "signs of the times," would it not be well to heed the oft-repeated injunction: "In time of peace prepare for war." Good advice we think and expect to profit by it. If we are not mistaken in our calculations tomorrow is election day. So far as politics are concerned, we have but little to say, but we do hope that in the present contest freedom will triumph over tyranny: "Our Platform is
Freedom for Kansas!
We have now beautiful weather; have had
sufficient rain to enable the farmer to put in his fall crop; grass is
growing fine with but a few grasshoppers to destroy it. More anon.Our motto, 'Free Homes for the Free!'" From your "solitary" QUAIL.
Daily Journal, Springfield, December 24, 1856, page
Hermitage, Scotts Valley, Nov. 13, 1857
C. S. Drew
Dear Sir, In answer to your questions regarding my knowledge and recollection of the history and settlement of Northern California and Southern Oregon and particularly the relations existing between the settlers and the Indians occupying the country, I cheerfully give you a history of events as they have transpired under my personal observation, prefacing my history with that of miners with whom I became acquainted on my arrival here and who had preceded me some ten months and who were the first white men that had made a settlement in this section of the country. From them I learned that prospecting parties of which they were members set out in the spring of 1850 in search of gold on the upper Klamath and its tributaries and that the placers of Scotts Bar on Scotts River were discovered in the month of June of that year by one Dollarhide and his party but that the Indians were very troublesome and the digging heavy, and as they supposed the mines limited they soon left. The river was then called Beaver Creek. Soon [there]after another party under one Scott, hearing of their success, came upon the river for further explorations, found the placers extensive and circulated a report of their success to induce the influx of miners sufficient to afford protection against the Indians, whom, as did their predecessors, they found to be very troublesome, both in stealing stock in the daytime and attacking camp at night. Up to February 1851 after my arrival in California I was a resident near Shasta in Shasta County in that state. Whilst there in the fall of 1850 I made the acquaintance of Genl. Joseph Lane, now delegate in Congress from Oregon Territory. Genl. Lane, being quite a favorite with the frontier men, was early informed of the prospects of Scotts River and vicinity and as early in the season of 1851 (and I think February) as the weather would permit set out for the new diggings and invited me to accompany him, which I did. We arrived on Scotts River in the last of February of that year. Upon our arrival on the upper waters of Scotts River the Indians, who had heard of Genl. Lane through the Oregon Indians, learning that the Genl. was leader of the company, came into camp and expressed a wish that all hostilities between them and the whites should cease and that Genl. Lane should be "tyee" or chief over both parties. Up to this time during our journey, which had been protracted to eighteen days, we had been under necessity of standing guard both over animals and camp both day and night. This proposition of the Indians was a great relief to us. Among the Indians who came in at that time were the chief of Scotts River Indians (calling themselves Otte-ti-e-was), whom we have christened John, and his three brothers, Tolo, now called "Old Man," chief of the band inhabiting that part of the country upon which Yreka is now located, and the chief of the Cañon Indians as they are called inhabiting the cañon and mountains on the lower part of Scotts River including the bar. He is since called Charley and has not been any way implicated in any of the difficulties since that time though previous thereto he was the most formidable enemy that the whites had to encounter. In March of that year diggings were struck on what is now called the Yreka Flats and on Greenhorn. In company with Genl. Lane I then moved from Scotts River to those diggings, where a little town was established called Shasta Butte City. The news of the new discovery was soon spread by the traders, and the exceeding richness of the district caused a sudden and heavy influx of miners who, excited by the prospect of suddenly realizing their fondest anticipations of wealth and competency, would turn out their horses and mules on the Shasta plains and pay no further heed to them until they had either realized their anticipations or had met with disappointment from not striking it and were again in want of them to either start for their far distant homes or in search of other and to them more lucky diggings. The Indians now called the Shastas were then quite numerous, including the band occupying the Yreka Flats under the chief Tolo and those inhabiting the valley of the Shasta River and the contiguous mountains under a chief called "Bill" and another called "Scarface," the latter so denominated from a deep scar on his cheek caused by a cut received at the time he killed the chief of the band and usurped his authority. These Indians were all congregated on what is called Yreka Flats when we moved over and received us in a very friendly manner. They with those of Scotts River and Rogue River all talk the same language and were formerly under the control of one chief, but each of the bands being under the control of a subordinate chief. This head chief, who was the father of "John" of Scotts Valley, had been killed accidentally a few years previous and John being young a strife for the supremacy had been carried on for some time by Sam and Joe of Rogue River and Scarface of Shasta and John of Scotts Valley, Old Tolo remaining neutral in the contest. The whites coming in among them, their difficulties ceased and each chief took supreme control of his separate band. At this time they had no stock among them, knew nothing of the use of horses and mules except for food except what they had seen of their use when white people had passed through their country in the transit from Oregon to California or when the Modocs (a word signifying with them strange Indians) came in among them in war parties. The Indians were naked and lived an indolent life, game, fish and roots upon which they subsisted being very abundant, and easily obtained. As a consequence of the inattention of the miners to their horses and mules they frequently strayed off a long distance, and when wanted could not be found by their owners and but for the influence of Genl. Lane much irritation and difficulty would have grown out of that source, which would have involved us in a fatal Indian war. Genl. Lane commanded the respect of the whites and had won the confidence and affection of the Indians, and at a word from him Old Tolo would send out his young men to look up any lost animals desired. Upon bringing them in and delivery to him he would award to the Indians a shirt, pair of pants or drawers or some little trinket according to the value of the animal and the trouble in finding. This duty which by common consent was awarded to him was a heavy drain both upon his time and his means, but was performed with a cheerfulness which has endeared him to all of the old settlers here. Many times the owner of the animal had nothing with which to reimburse the Genl., and the horse was his only means of exit, in which case he never allowed the owner to go out on foot, but bid him take his animal and ride. After the Genl. left for his home in Oregon the Indians, from having seen me frequently in his company and at his tent, came to me with their troubles, and I had to take his plan with them, they styling me for some time "Tyee Joe Lane's codawa," meaning Genl. L.'s brother. Everything passed off in this friendly way until the summer of 1852, and our citizens were safe in passing singly anywhere in the mountains, but in June of that year whilst I was absent to Sacramento City on business Calvin Woodman was killed by an Indian on what is now termed Indian Creek, a small stream emptying into Scott River through the valley from the north. About four days after his murder I arrived in this valley and in passing down the valley I met some of the Indians moving their squaws and children into the mountains towards Salmon River and from them learned that Woodman had been killed, that the white men were in arms at Johnson's rancho at the lower end of the valley, that there had been a fight the day before and they were making preparation for a general war. And although I was traveling alone they did not offer to molest me. I then proceeded to Johnson's rancho where their information was confirmed and also that Mr. S. G. Whipple, then acting sheriff of this county (Siskiyou) was seriously wounded and a few horses killed. That night a large number of citizens came out from Scotts Bar under Maj. Rowe as captain, having heard of the skirmish at Johnson's, and proceeded to Yreka (late Shasta Butte City, but now Yreka, intending the Indian name of Shasta Butte, Yeka, and which had acquired a considerable importance as a mining town), in search of the hostile Indians. The next day most of them returned to Scotts Bar. I went that day to Scotts Bar and back, a distance of ten miles over a high mountain, alone, and was not molested by the Indians. This was on Sunday. On Monday I held a talk with the Indians at the request of Mr. Johnson, who had a wife and children there, and was under much anxiety about the state of affairs. Old Tolo was over at Scotts Valley on a gambling visit. I induced him and his son, chief John, and his three brothers, into the fort which had been erected around Johnson's house. They informed me that the murder had been committed by an Indian from Rogue River, in company with one from Shasta Valley, that they did not desire war, but that if I would go with them they would deliver up the guilty parties if to be found at the camp of the Shastas, and if not that they would follow them as long as I would go with them. I asked for a small company of five or six men from the citizens there, and obtained six, namely, John McLeod, James White, James Bruce (now Major Bruce of the Oregon militia), John Galvin, Peter Snellback, and a young miner called Harry. With them and Old Tolo and his son, which we christened Philip, and one of John's brothers, whom we named Jim, we started for the cañon on Shasta River. On arriving at Yreka we found the people under a great excitement on account of the Indians having moved up into the mountains, and learning that I had brought some into town, a public meeting was called in the evening for the purpose of taking them away from me and hanging them. I addressed the meeting, explained my proceedings that far, and my intentions for the future, when quiet was restored. Judge William A. Robertson, the first judge of this county, proverbial for his sympathy for the Indians, and his associate judges James Strawbridge and Patterson, on the morning of the next day officially authorized me to obtain and deliver up the murderers, and agreed to pay the cost out of the county treasury, supposing I would have to go only to Shasta cañon (a further distance of ten miles) to obtain them. Here I was joined by J. D. Cook, esq., Dr. L. S. Thompson, Mr. F. W. Merritt, and Ben Wright, the last named being employed as an interpreter, he talking the Indian language well. The Indians having fled to the mountains, we were two days in hunting them up and getting them together, when we learned that the two we were in pursuit of had fled to Rogue River to join Tipsu ["Tipsy"] Tyee (in English, the chief with the beard, inhabiting the Siskiyou Mountains and upper Rogue River), and Old Sam, the chief of the Rogue Rivers, whom they said were in arms, and intending to kill the whites if a Doctor Ambrose would not give his little daughter to Sam's son for a wife. Here Old Tolo and his son and Jim proposed to substitute two others in their stead, young, active warriors, who were better acquainted with the country, and who proffered to go and either obtain and deliver up the murderers or suffer their punishment. I then, in company with Esq. Cook, returned to Yreka and consulted with Judge Strawbridge, the other judges having left, one for Scotts Valley, and the other for Scotts Bar. Judge Strawbridge (who now resides in New Orleans, his former residence, and a lawyer by profession) advised pursuit, and it according with my own opinion, I set out, Esq. Cook not returning with me, business preventing. Upon arriving at camp, I learned from the Indians that, from further information gathered among them, that the fugitives were undetermined when they left, as to whether it would be best for them to flee to the upper Klamath or Rogue River. That the Indians proffered to raise a band of their own men to go out to the lake with Ben Wright, and I to go to Rogue River with my company, now numbering, myself included, nine white men, two Shasta Indians, and one Klickitat called Bill, who had come into the country with Genl. Lane. We adopted this course, traveled much in the night through unfrequented paths, as led by the two young Indians, whom we christened Tom and Jack. In crossing the Siskiyou Mountains we met a Rogue River Indian with his bow strung, an arrow set, and three more in his teeth for immediate use, his quiver well filled, and surrounded him before he discovered us. Our guides talked with him a short time, and then informed me that the Indians we were after had gone to Sam's band, and that this Indian was going over to induce their people and the Scott Rivers to join Tipsu and Sam against the whites. I then ordered Mr. Galvin to take his bow and arrows away from him and told the Indians to explain to him the state of affairs, which they did, and that he must go back with us to the Indian agent of Rogue River Valley, Judge Skinner. On attempting to disarm him, he resisted, and snatching Mr. Galvin's pistol (a six-shooting Colt's revolver of large size), commenced firing at us in quick succession, doing, however, no material damage, grazing my horse with one ball only. He then broke loose from Mr. Galvin and fled up the mountain. I ordered pursuit, but finding he could climb the mountain faster than our horses, I ordered Indian Bill to dismount and pursue him on foot, and if he could not overtake him and detain him until the rest should come up, to shoot him. He pursued [him] about half a mile when, the Indian being likely to get away, Bill killed him. After passing the summit of the mountain we fell in with Tipsu Tyee's son, who was out reconnoitering, and took him prisoner. Upon descending into Rogue Valley we were met by Doctor Con Hillman and another gentleman, who informed us that the Indians of Sam's and Joe's tribe were gathered in arms near Table Rock, on Big Bar on Rogue River in large numbers, and that the citizens under Captain Lamerick were under arms on the opposite side of the river, and wished us to hasten on to render them help. The cause of the trouble was as reported by the Indian messenger. Doctor Hillman and companion proceeded to Yreka for ammunition. We immediately by a forced march proceeded to the place designated, where we arrived about sundown, taking on our way another prisoner, who was well mounted and fully armed with revolver and gun. About a mile from the bar we met the Indian agent, Judge A. A. Skinner, who informed us that matters looked desperate, and asked us to go down to the bar and camp and keep a good lookout until morning, when he would join us. We made known to him our business and asked him, in case of an arrangement, to add to the terms a delivery of the fugitives, which he promised to do. On the following morning he came to the bar, where we had some further consultation. After a short time, by sending our young Indian Tom across the river we induced Sam and some of his warriors to come over and hold a talk. Tom then saw and talked with the Indians we were in pursuit of. After Sam and Joe and a few others had been with us a short time, others commenced coming over, all armed, and many with guns and revolvers, until there were between one and two hundred mixed around among our men. Sam, seeing our prisoners, demanded that they should be set free as a preliminary step. Judge Skinner ordered me to restore them their guns and pistols and let them go, which I declined doing unless Sam would bring over and deliver up, as an exchange, the Indians we were after, which he refused to do. Judge Skinner then made a peremptory order for me to deliver up and set them free, with notice that I was within his jurisdiction. I refused; told him that the Indians I was in pursuit of were there and that I was determined to hold these until I obtained the others. Judge Skinner then went up to the Indians and told them to go, that he was chief of the whites, and that they might go. I told him in their language they must not go, and told them that if they moved a foot I would shoot them. Judge Skinner threatened my arrest and to send me to Oregon City for trial unless I let them go; yet I refused, unless upon the compliance with my terms to deliver up the refugees. I then placed the prisoners under charge of two of my men, with instructions that if any attempt should be made to rescue them or raise a disturbance with a view of giving them an opportunity to escape, and they should break away, to shoot them, but if they remained quiet not to injure them or allow them to be injured, and told the Indians what my orders were. I then told the other six of my men to place themselves at proper distances from each other, and by trees, so that each should be a guard to the other, and prevent the Indians from getting in their rear and surprising us. I then, with the Indians Tom, Jack and Bill, took my place in the council with Sam, Joe and other Indians. Sam then informed Judge Skinner that before he would talk the white men must go and stack their arms at some fifty paces back, indicating the place. Judge Skinner immediately, and without any consultation, ordered the whites so to do. Capt. Lamerick, being under his jurisdiction, felt under obbligato, and did cause his men to comply with the order. I refused and remonstrated that unless the Indians should do likewise with their guns (they being as fully armed as we were), we would all be massacred without being able to make a show of defense. Judge Skinner refused to require them to stack their guns. We then commenced the talk, my company and the Indians retaining their arms. Sam refused to give up the refugees, but finally proposed to cross the river and talk with the Indians over there, and would soon return. After crossing the river he halloed back that he should not return, but defied us. I then ordered my men to keep themselves ready for immediate action. Capt. Lamerick ordered his men to resume their arms and divide off--half to go below a half mile to a ford under his lieutenant, and the residue to go with him about the same distance above to another ford, and both to cross the river as soon as any difficulty should occur where we were. Judge Skinner asked time to go over and make one more effort at pacification, which we consented to. He went and was absent about half an hour when the Indians that were on our side of the river commenced crossing, one by one, and in a short time there were but about fifty of them left with us. I then placed a guard of two men, McLeod and Galvin, and ordered them to allow no one to pass until Judge Skinner should return, and sent the Indian boy Tom over after him, who soon returned, accompanied by the judge. Judge Skinner refused to allow Tom to point out the murderers. Whilst I was urging Judge Skinner to use all his influence to deliver up the Indians, and offering to deliver up my prisoners and leave for our homes, the Indian Jack observed two Indians going over the hills at a distance, escaping towards the upper Klamath, and presently another, who proved to be Scarface. The others he identified as the ones we were in pursuit of. The Indians on our side commenced hiding themselves behind trees and making evident demonstration of a disposition to commence a fight. In this move I ordered my men to intercept them, as we had the advantage of the timber. Mr. Angel then interfered, and the Indians that were on our side of the river (all of their chiefs having gone over to the other side), and they agreed to deliver up their arms to him and go into a log house, and remain prisoners until they should send for and bring back the Indians we were in pursuit of. This we agreed to, and Mr. Angel undertook to get them into the house, but as soon as they got past us they ran away from him and commenced hiding behind large pine trees. If they had succeeded in getting shelter we would have been exposed to their fire without any chance for shelter. I then ordered my men to fire upon them, which they did, and the firing immediately became general. We killed thirteen, and followed the others to the water's edge, where, discovering that Lamerick's men had not crossed, and the Indians on the other side, sheltered by the underwood, were pouring in a rapid fire upon us, I ordered a halt, and soon discovered Lamerick and his men marching up the valley towards the settlements to prevent the Indians from making an attack upon the families who were unprotected. In this engagement the Indian boy Jack killed three of the enemy. I immediately ran to the place where I had left the prisoners, and learned from the guard that the Indians made a rush to release them, when one was killed after running about fifty paces, and one of the guard was then shooting at the other in the river. I shot him with my revolver as he came out on the opposite bank. The Indians on the opposite bank, discovering that there were but few of us left, made a movement to surround us, and to do so threw a body of warriors into a chaparral bush or thicket, through which we would have to pass. In this they were surprised by a Mr. J. Lackey, who was hastening down to render us assistance, and met and killed the foremost, which so disconcerted them that they immediately retreated and left our road clear. That evening, news was brought up Rogue River that during our council a party of Indians had passed some distance down the river, and surprised and killed a company of miners. We then arranged that during the following night Capt. Lamerick should cross the river and take possession of the western side of Table Rock, and then pass between it and the river, and that I should move up the river with my company about twenty-five or thirty miles, and in the morning commence scouring the underwood along the river and drive the Indians all down to Lamerick's company, which was done, and before night we had them all surrounded. They then called for quarter and wanted to make peace. Judge Skinner was sent for, and a peace was concluded with Sam's tribe, which was adhered to by them the residue of that season. Tipsu Tyee remained out in the mountains and continued the warfare. He had killed several travelers whilst we were at Big Bar, the Siskiyou Mountains being his field of action. After a treaty was concluded, Sam told us that if the Shasta and Scotts River Indians had broke out, as he had sent word to them to do, so that the people of Rogue River could not get help from the whites there, he would not have had a good talk, but that he would have killed all of the men and kept the women and horses for themselves. We then asked him by whom he sent, and his answer proved it to be the one we had killed. Sam said he had held the talk on Big Bar only to give him an opportunity to arrange an outbreak with those Indians, so that they could kill off all the white population in this part of the country, and that the Indians at the Klamath Lake country had agreed to kill off all that might come in that way, that they did not intend to let any more whites come into their country. After the close of the treaty we returned to Yreka and found Ben Wright there. He, with his Indians, had met the refugees on the Klamath as they were escaping from us, and had brought them into town. In the meantime the citizens of Yreka had obtain[ed] traces of Scarface and learned what he was up to, and intercepted him as he was passing towards the Salmon River, took him prisoner and hung him. There being no legal tribunal to try a charge of murder, we took the two prisoners over to Scotts Valley, at the mouth of Indian Creek, gathered the Scotts Valley & Shasta Indians together, and then had .a citizens' meeting and it appearing from the confessions of both that one only was guilty, the other trying to dissuade him from the act, the guilty one was hung and the other set at liberty. The Indians were satisfied and peace restored. A few days afterwards news was brought in that the Klamath Lake Indians had attacked a train of immigrants and murdered men, women and children. Capt. McDermit raised a company and went out to protect others coming in, and after a fall's campaign succeeded in passing the residue of the immigrants, but lost some of his men. My expenses on the trip were two thousand two hundred and seven dollars, which has never been reimbursed from any source. [The following sentence was struck out--but with a single line, indicating an intent to leave it easily readable.] In 1853 a new outbreak occurred, originating in the bad conduct of a Mexican who was living with the Indians. The Indians retaliated upon the citizens by murdering them before they heard of the aggression, and the citizens of the valley were drawn into a war upon short notice. This war has been recognized by Congress and the history generally understood. The Shasta Indians, from that time continued, with the exception of a few that adhered to Tolo, to be troublesome, living in the mountains, stealing stock and murdering travelers whenever opportunity presented. The Scotts River Indians, and Tolo with a few of his Indians, remained in Scotts Valley and were generally peaceable. In 1854 the Scotts Valley Indians informed the whites that the Modocs intended to murder all of the immigration that season and steal their stock, and that they were desirous of a council and unite all the Indians together in these aggressions. A meeting was appointed on Klamath, and they attended as advised to do by Judge A. M. Rosborough, then Indian agent, and after hearing their proposition broke up the council and came in and reported to the agent. Like information was conveyed by friendly Indians to the citizens of Rogue River, and there being many who expected friends in that way that season, the panic spread, and Gov. Davis was petitioned for an order to raise volunteers to send out to their assistance, which was granted and a company of volunteers raised, furnished and sent out into the Modoc country to preserve peace. At the time of raising the company I was informed that the duty devolving upon you of obtaining supplies without money was a very arduous one, and that the hesitancy with which the traders advanced the necessary outfit at the price offered came near rendering the expedition a failure, that your untiring and unceasing efforts and the urgent necessity of the call finally induced the outfit. Shortly [there]after it became necessary to send out further supplies, inasmuch as many of the immigrants were destitute and had to be assisted, thereby making the consumption greater than anticipated, and many of the weak trains were yet behind on their way in. To withdraw the troops would have been certain death to them. The citizens of Rogue River had stood as much tax as they could. Application was then made to the traders of Yreka and Scotts Valley for assistance. We met you at Yreka, and after several days consultation we very reluctantly agreed to furnish you, which we did. The price offered was no inducement, as it would not pay first cost and the lowest usual rates of interest to the earliest possible day of recognition and payment. Government had been so backward in the settlement of these war claims, as also in sending protection against the Indian aggressions, and the constant demand upon us for means which could not with safety to the community be refused, had taxed our energies to the utmost, and in fact many men in good business standing had been entirely ruined by these drains, even at the prices allowed, which prices, in a country where everything is abundant and easily obtained, seem enormous. I am fully satisfied, from my knowledge at the time, from information afterwards from those that came through that year, that had it not been for this timely aid and protection many lives and much property would have been sacrificed to the savages during that fall, that the immigrants owe to your exertions and interest their lives and property. During my acquaintance with the affairs of this country I have noticed that as soon as warm weather set in many of the young active warriors of the different tribes would disappear, and upon inquiry of the old men would receive information that they were sick or dead, but cold weather would invariably bring most of them in again, that soon after their disappearance in the spring horses and cattle would disappear from time to time, and the Indians that remained in sight would commence accumulating stock quite fast, which they would represent as having [been] stolen from the Modocs. I have no doubt but that they had a regularly organized system of stealing from the citizens and exchanging with the Modocs. The government having appointed Judge A. M. Rosborough an agent for this part of the state, and he having made himself acquainted with the Indians, their character and habits, and having acquired a supremacy over those within reach of his influence from the year 1854 to the present time, I have paid but little attention to the Indians or their affairs. The duty required of me, by both whites and Indians, previous to his arrival, in maintaining peace and keeping advised of the movements and intentions of the Indians being both expensive and troublesome, I was happy to throw off the honor attaching to the position. During the time of Judge Rosborough's administration those Indians within his jurisdiction were well restrained, and his duty promptly attended to. I have no doubt but that the judge would cheerfully convey to you much valuable information touching the matters of your inquiry. Cayuse, Yakima and Rogue River Wars Papers, University of Oregon Special Collections Bx47, Box 1, Folder 47. Yreka,
Nov. 23rd, 1857.
Dear SirC. S. Drew, Esqr. Elijah Steele, Esqr. has conveyed to me your request to state any facts within my knowledge tending to show a combined movement of the Indians of this region of the Pacific Coast towards a general outbreak against the whites in the year 1854. I was Special Indian Agent for Northern California at that time, having been appointed by Lieut. Beale, Superintendent of Indian Affairs and continued by Col. Henley (the present superintendent of Indian Affairs for the state of California) until 1855. In June 1854, I was informed by several chiefs of the Scotts and Shasta Valley tribes that runners had been sent to their tribes to summon them to a general war council to be held at a point on the Klamath called Horse Creek. I consulted with Lieutenant J. C. Bonnycastle U.S.A., then stationed at Fort Jones. He and myself concurred in the propriety of advising the chiefs who had reported the movement to attend the war council and report to us the whole proceedings. The chiefs returned from the council and reported the tribes of Illinois River, Rogue River and the Upper Klamath River and their tributaries represented in the council and that all but themselves (the chiefs that had reported the movement to me) were for combining and commencing in concert an indiscriminate slaughter of the whites. They reported that they were first importuned to join in the attack and when they refused again and again they were threatened by the other tribes with extermination, upon which they withdrew and the council broke up in a row. The Scotts and Shasta Valley tribes remained steadfastly friendly while the Illinois, Rogue and Upper Klamath River tribes commenced depredations and continued (at least a portion of them) until the latter part of the spring of 1856 (I am not certain of the date at which hostilities ceased). However, you know more about what transpired on Rogue River and Illinois River in Oregon than I do, as it was out of my jurisdiction as Indian Agent. The Upper Klamath or Klamath Lake Indians (with the exception of the tribe of which Lalakes is chief) commenced their depredations by killing whites and stealing stock, and a report was current among the friendly Indians that these hostile[s] intended to destroy the emigrants as fast as they came from the valley of the Humboldt. The first I heard that there was a company of troops from Oregon out in the Klamath Lake country on the emigrant road between this place and the Humboldt River was a report brought me of the fact by the friendly chief Lalakes (before mentioned). Lalakes informed me that the hostile Modoc chiefs were willing to cease hostilities and wished to make a treaty of friendship. He said that the Modocs were willing to pledge themselves to cease their attacks upon the emigrants if the company from Oregon would make a treaty with them. I wrote a few lines by Lalakes to the commander of the Oregon company, stating the proposition the hostile chiefs had made through Lalakes. I am not acquainted with the captain of the Oregon company, but Lalakes informed me that his name was Walker, and I so address[ed] him. Whether he got my letter or not I have never learned. I told Lalakes to inform the hostile Indians to keep away from the emigrant road and let the emigrants and their stock alone and if they would do so it would be some evidence of their sincerity in desiring peace. I also wrote to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs informing him of the desire of the Indians to make a treaty. He replied to me that that he had no power to make a treaty--that his authority was limited to removing Indians upon the reservations and subsisting them there until they could help to provide for themselves. In the winter of 1854 my duties called me to the vicinity of the mouth of the Klamath River 150 west of this where the large tribes had commenced hostilities by killing 7 or 8 whites where I was detained about three months before the difficulty was completely settled. For this period I cannot speak of my own knowledge as to what occurred on Rogue River and the Upper Klamath. You can get information as to what transpired from those in the vicinity during that period. I believe I have answered as to events you inquire about during 1854. A.
M. Rosborough, Cayuse,
Yakima and Rogue River Wars Papers, University of OregonDEPOSITIONS,
before Wm.
Hoffman, a
Notary Public, within and for the County of Jackson, and Territory of
Oregon, at his office in Jacksonville, in said County.John W. McCully, aged 36 years, Daniel Kenny, aged 35 years, W. W. Fowler, aged 44 years, Sigismend Ettlinger, aged 30 years, Jacob A. Brunner, aged 35 years, William Hess, aged 37 years, John Anderson, aged 34 years, Benjamin T. Davis, aged 36 years, all merchants, or traders, and residents, of Jacksonville, Oregon, after being duly sworn, state that Rogue River Valley is situated in Southern Oregon, and Shasta Valley in Northern California, that these valleys are surrounded with rough and rugged mountains, which make them very difficult of access, that these valleys are bounded on the west by the Coast Range of Mountains, on the east by the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges; that the Grave Creek Hills, Umpqua and Calapooia mountains separate Rogue River Valley from steamboat navigation on the Willamette River, and Mount Shasta and the Trinity Mountains separate Shasta Valley from Steamboat navigation on the Sacramento River, and Shasta and Rogue River valleys are divided by the Siskiyou Mountain, which runs near due east and west, and close to the dividing line between Oregon and California. The principal towns in these valleys are Jacksonville, in Oregon, and Yreka, in California. These towns are noted for their rapid increase in population, the frequent changes and fluctuations in their markets, rich gold mines, frequent Indian wars, and high prices; but it will be seen by the following prices, that the government has not been asked to pay as high prices to prosecute these wars as individuals have frequently paid in time of peace for the necessaries of life, while pursuing their common avocations. Yreka was was settled in 1851 and Jacksonville in 1852. The price of flour in Yreka in 1851 varied from sixteen cents to a dollar per pound, and sugar, coffee and salt from forty cents to a dollar and twenty-five cents per pound. Since the settlement of Jacksonville, prices have generally been higher in Yreka than in Jacksonville, and for the last five years, these affiants have been merchandising or trading,in the latter place, and the following are some of the prices which they, or some of them, have, at different times, sold bacon, flour, sugar, coffee and salt, and the price of beef is the price they have paid for their own use: [graph]
The above
prices have been taken from
the books and
accounts of these affiants, and from them it will be seen that in 1852,
and 1853, flour raised, in Jacksonville, from sixteen cents to one
dollar and twenty-five cents per pound, bacon from forty to
seventy-five cents per pound, coffee, from forty cents to one dollar,
sugar from thirty cents to one dollar, salt from thirty-five cents to
four dollars, and beef from twenty-five to thirty-five cents per pound.These affiants are informed, and verily believe, that during the same time, in Yreka, a distance of sixty miles, flour sold from sixteen cents to two dollars per pound, and coffee and sugar from forty and fifty cents to a dollar and fifty cents and two dollars per pound; salt and tobacco from one dollar to fourteen dollars per pound, and that thousands of persons, during the winter of 1852 and 1853 lived in Jacksonville and Yreka, for upwards of six weeks, upon beef straight! that as late as March 1853, thousands of pounds of flour were sold, in Yreka, for cash, at one dollar per pound. In 1854, the roads and pack trails were better, and the prices lower and more uniform; flour varying from fourteen cents to forty cents per pound; bacon from thirty-five cents to seventy-five cents per pound; sugar from twenty to forty cents per pound; coffee,from thirty to seventy-five cents per pound; and salt from fifteen cents to forty cents per pound, and everything else in proportion. In the latter part of the summer, and first of the fall of 1854, the Quartermaster General of Oregon, was wholly unable to get flour at forty cents, sugar fifty cents, bacon and coffee at seventy-five cents enough in Jacksonville to supply Captain Jesse Walker's company of mounted volunteers ninety-six days, while in active service, on the credit of the Territory and the faith of the United States, but was compelled to apply to the merchants of Yreka, California, for the necessary supplies for the use of this company and the indigent immigrants who were then on their way to Southern Oregon and Northern California.--We know this of our own knowledge, for we were applied to and urged to furnish the necessary supplies at the above prices. As late as December 1854, flour sold at sixteen cents per pound, at Jacksonville, and as high at the same time as twenty and twenty-three cents in Yreka; but in the spring of 1855 it fell to twelve and thirteen cents, and this article has never been above thirteen cents since in this market, and now these affiants are selling an excellent article of flour for five cents per pound, bacon at thirty-five cents, sugar and coffee at thirty-three cents, and salt as low as twelve cents per pound; however, flour has declined more in price than any other article, owing to large and fine crops of wheat being raised in Rogue River, Shasta, and Scott's valleys, in the immediate vicinity of probably the best gold mines on the Pacific Coast, while sugar, coffee, salt and dry goods are still transported here from San Francisco, California. Since the first settlement of these towns to the present, the great body of merchandise which have been sold in Jacksonville and Yreka have been transported on the backs of pack mules, either from the head of steamboat navigation on the Sacramento River a distance of two hundred and fifty miles--or from the head of steamboat navigation, on the Willamette River--a distance of two hundred miles--or across the Coast Range of mountains, from Crescent City--a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. Freight, upon whole stocks of goods and groceries, have frequently been from 15 to 25 and 30 cents per pound from these places to Jacksonville, and sometimes as high as fifty cents, on unhandy articles to pack. As late as November 1854, the said Fowler was compelled to pay fifty cents per pound for packing some billiard tables from Crescent City to Jacksonville, a distance of a hundred and twenty miles, and as late as the fall of 1855, many of the merchants of Jacksonville paid upwards of sixteen cents per pound freight on whole cargoes of their goods from San Francisco to Jacksonville, and as late as April 1856 they paid upwards of thirteen cents, but during the last summer it only cost them from five to six cents. This great change so recently in the price of transportation doubtlessly may be attributed to the removal of the hostile Indians to the Coast Reservation, from the immediate vicinity of the roads and pack trails over which the Jacksonville merchandise had to pass; now there is less danger of Indians, the pack animals are employed more constantly, and more pack animals have come on the route from lower California, which has caused greater competition between the packers. From the first settlement of Shasta and Rogue River valleys, to the time of the removal of the Indians to the Coast Reservation in 1856, the roads and trails leading to and through these valleys, have been considered more or less dangerous, and many transportation animals that would have been employed on these trails, owing to the hostilities of the Indians, have been kept employed on other roads and trails where the Indians were considered less dangerous. These numerous fluctuations and high prices have been caused by a variety of facts and circumstances, such as hostility of Indians, scarcity of capital, high price of interest, muddy and snowy roads, rough and rugged mountains over which the merchandise had to pass; the scarcity of transportation animals, and the high price of labor. Interest from the first discovery of gold mines in Shasta Valley to the present time has been from three to five percent per month; hence, the merchants could only buy or sell on very short credits, and the miners have made from nothing to one hundred dollars per day to the hand. Under these circumstances common laborers who have no claims will not work for less than from two to six dollars per day. Witnesses further state that they are acquainted, from common reputation, with the general character of the Shasta, Modoc and Piute Indians, and know something of the dangers, difficulties, trials and hardships that many of the overland emigrants have to encounter, and the hostilities of these Indians in the summer of 1854, at the time Capt. Jesse Walker's Company was called into active service; and they believe the Company was actually necessary for the safety of the lives and property of the immigrants; that the regular army, stationed in the vicinity of the emigrant road, was small and wholly failed to keep the peace within the settlements between the whites and Indians. These witnesses have no interest in these claims for supplies &c. furnished Captain Jesse Walker's Company, but make this affidavit at the request of the claimants, that justice may be done. J.
B. M. KENNY, W. W. FOWLER, S. ETTLINGER, J. A. BRUNNER, W. HESS, JOHN ANDERSON, BENJ. T. DAVIS. Territory of Oregon, ) Jackson County. ) ss. I, William Hoffman, Notary Public, within and for said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing affidavit was taken before me, and reduced to writing by myself, on the 12th day of November A.D. 1857, at my office in Jacksonville, and that the said affidavit was carefully read to said witnesses, and then subscribed and sworn to by them. I further certify that the said affiants are credible persons and that I have no interest in this claim. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal, at Jacksonville this 12th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. WM.
of the Proceedings of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon
Territory, 1857, Appendix, "Correspondence,
Etc.," page 35Notary Public. Dayton,
O.T. Dec. 17th 1857.
I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 8th inst. upon the subject the expedition sent out in 1854 to protect the emigrants coming to Oregon by the southern route. You request me to give you a brief history of the lawless bands of Indians that have infested that road since I have been acquainted with them. It is perhaps enough for me to say in reply to this that that portion of the southern emigrant road between the headwaters of Humboldt River to the crossing of the Siskiyou Mountain has ever been infested by Indians who seldom allow an opportunity to pass without stealing, plundering and killing emigrants if they have the power to do so, and perhaps I cannot give you a more general idea of the estimation in which I hold those Indians than by taking a few extracts of my official letters and reports to the Indian department at Washington City. In my report under date of 11th Sept. 1854, in speaking of the Indians who inhabit the eastern portion of Mr. Thompson's district along Lewis' Fork of the Columbia or Snake River and its tributaries, and urging the necessity of establishing military stations in the interior. I use the following language, which is equally applicable to the country and Indians along the Southern Emigrant Road. "So long as these Indians remain occupants of that district unrestrained by the military arm, we may expect robbery and bloodshed, as they increase yearly in skill and boldness and are more abundantly supplied with arms and ammunitions by improvident emigrants and reckless traders. Should it nevertheless be considered inadvisable to establish permanent posts so far inland it would appear absolutely necessary to detail a company of mounted men each year to scour the country between Grand Ronde and Fort Hall, during the transit of the emigration. "East of the Cascade Mountains and south of the 44th parallel is a country not attached particularly to any agency. That portion at the eastern base of this range, extending twenty-five or thirty miles east and south on the California line, is the country of the Klamath Indians. East of this tribe, along our southern boundary, and extending some distance into California, is a tribe known as the Mo-docks [Modocs]. They speak the same language as the Klamaths. East of these again, but extending further south, are the Mo-e-twas (sometimes called Piutes). These two last named tribes have always evinced a deadly hostility to the whites, and have probably committed more outrages than any other interior tribe. The Mo-docks boast, the Klamaths told me, of having within the last four years murdered thirty-six whites. "East of these tribes, and extending to our eastern limits, are the Shoshones, Snakes or Diggers. Little is known of their numbers or history. They are cowardly, but often attack weaker parties, and never fail to avail themselves of a favorable opportunity to plunder. Their country is a desert, with an occasional spot of verdure on the margins of lakes or in deep ravines or chasms." In August, 1854, I visited the Indians inhabiting the country about Klamath Lake. That visit and the presents distributed, the sending messengers to the Modocs, Moetwas, and Shoshones, together with the presence of a mounted and well-armed volunteer force in their country, contributed to restrain those lawless bands from committing their usual depredations. It was in 1846 that the first emigrating party came into Oregon by the southern road. And so far as I have been able to ascertain, but one person was murdered that year by the Indians. But in 1852, their depredations had become unendurable. A party was fitted out by the citizens of Yreka, under the command of Cpt. Benjamin Wright, and sent to the relief of the emigrants. Another party, under the command of Cpt. Ross, was fitted out and dispatched for the same object by the citizens of Jackson County, southern Oregon; but before these parties could reach the emigrants many of them had been murdered and robbed by those Indians. The company under Capt. Wright found and buried 18 or 20 bodies, men, women, and children, who were generally horribly mutilated. The company under Cpt. Ross found and buried some dozen bodies in like condition, and it is presumed many others were murdered whose remains were left to bleach upon the plains. Lalakes, the head chief of the Klamaths, as indicated in the extract, stated that the Modocs boasted of having killed, in the last four years, thirty-six persons. The Moetwas, or Piutes, are equally numerous and hostile, and the Shoshones are known to have murdered several persons. I have never visited these tribes officially, as until recently it was supposed the country occupied by the Modocs and Moetwas was wholly within the limits of California. In the year 1853, the Indians along this route were kept in check by the presence of a detachment of U.S. dragoons from Fort Jones, and a volunteer force under Cpt. Miller, who was detailed for that service by Genl. Lane at the close of the Rogue River War. Prior to my expedition to the Klamath country, I had expected that a detachment of U.S. dragoons would be directed to scour the country between Fort Lane and Fort Boise, on Snake River, crossing the mountains on the emigrant road, and passing through the country of the Modocs and Shoshones, but from some cause this was not done, and I presume the main one was the limited number of troops in that country, and the frequent difficulties occurring between the miners and numerous Indians, requiring the presence of their entire force. There can be no doubt but that the presence of the volunteer force under Cpt. Walker, referred to in your letter, tended materially to render a safe conduct of the emigrants through the country occupied by these lawless tribes in 1854. If what I have said will be of any advantage to you, I shall be more than gratified.
I am, sir, very respectfully yours,
B. F. Dowell, Esq.,Joel Palmer Salem, O.T. Joel Palmer, Cayuse, Yakima and Rogue River Wars Papers, University of Oregon This war had its origin in Southern Oregon, where the principal difficulties and duties of the regular troops were to protect the Indians from a set of unprincipled and irresponsible white men. For two years previous, reports and complaints were forwarded to the Headquarters, Department of Pacific, commanded by Gen'l. Wool, by the regular officers on duty in that region, setting forth the acts of these white men, many of them quite as brutal and savage as any ever perpetrated by Indians. A petty theft or personal quarrel was deemed a sufficient excuse for killing an Indian on the spot, or making a night attack on an unsuspecting camp. These things fixed the idea in the mind of Gen. Wool that all the difficulties in the two Territories had the same common origin, viz.: the whites themselves. Finally the wholesale slaughter of women and children by Major Lupton's party drove the Indians of that section to desperation. This party was organized under the false report that the Indians were killing the stock on Butte Creek--a report founded on the fact that a farmer of that section had an ox that died, and he gave the meat to the Indians, and some passersby saw them cutting it up and bore the false report to Jacksonville. This was Jake's band of Indians, who were on a pass from the reservation to procure provisions, and the same day that this intelligence went into Jacksonville they were recalled by the Indian agent. The warriors returned immediately, leaving the women and children to follow the next day. But at daylight Lupton was upon them and killed twenty-seven of them; of this entire party but 3 were capable of bearing arms; the others were old men, women and children. This occurred on the morning of the 8th of October, 1855. The news was immediately borne to the reservation, after killing a young man who was making shingles for the Indians. They proceeded down the Rogue River, killing a man at Evans' ferry early on the morning of the 9th; two miles further on they killed Jones and his wife; a few miles farther several travelers, and finally united with George's band of about thirty, and the war in Southern Oregon was fairly commenced. The causes of these outbreaks in the north and south, though separate and distinct, were confounded both by Gen. Wool and the people of Oregon, each holding their own opinions. The people said it was a combination of all the tribes against the whites, and cited as proof the coincidence of their occurring nearly at the same time. Though, in reality, the first acts of the north were committed in August and September. Gen. Wool said it was the aggressions of the whites themselves. The one making the real cause in the north, the excuse for the outbreak in the south, and the other, the real cause of the outbreak in the south, the supposed cause for hostilities in the north. "A Page in Military History by an Officer of the Army," Truth Teller, Steilacoom, Washington Territory, February 25, 1858, page 1 Newspaper reputedly published by August V. Kautz. . . . Leschi is erroneously supposed by many to have, in the spring of 1855, gone as far south as Rogue River, stirring up the natives to hostilities against the Americans. He came to this place in the spring of '55; to purchase necessaries for a journey to Albany, O.T., which has given rise to this report, and, bringing me a letter from that place on his return. I knew, when the Rogue River story came out, that owing to the brief period of his absence it could not be true, and I have accordingly contradicted it on all occasions. Before setting out for Albany, Leschi informed me that he was going thither, to bring home a relative of his, taken to Oregon in 1849 by the Indian agent of that day, J. Quinn Thornton, Esq. On his return he brought me a still extant letter from Mrs. Thornton, stating the youth's unwillingness to leave them, and requesting me to tell his relatives no longer to seek his return. Leschi has lately informed me, and his statement is corroborated by others, that he wanted his cousin from Albany to be interpreter for the Nisqually tribe, as in dealing with the whites on such momentous affairs as the sale of their lands, he felt the great disadvantage the Indians labor under in having no better medium of communication than the Chinook jargon. Finding, however, that his cousin had forgotten the Nisqually language, he did not urge his return. Doubtless in going and returning he conversed with Indians along the route on the absorbing topics of the day--the sale of the lands, and the overpowering fears of the Indians as to what was to follow, as well as on the resistance to be offered, should the much-dreaded transportation [i.e., to the reservation] measures be really attempted; but in this, he was no more guilty than the others, although his name has become more prominent. On his return in 1855, he stated in delivering the letter, and he adheres to it yet, that white men along the route assured him that frightful evils were impending over the Indians in consequence of the sale of their lands. I will suppose further that, being by the mother's side a Yakama, and a near relative to the chiefs of that tribe, he may have held himself bound to have joined that tribe, in the event of hostilities regarding the relinquishment of their lands. My own belief, however, has always been that neither Leschi nor Quiemuth would have taken up arms, unless virtually driven from their homes, as they were; indeed the latter had already commenced plowing his field for fall wheat, when frightened into running away. Governor Mason urged these Indians to go to Olympia, in part for their own safety, as some whites were threatening them, but that was to them the lion's den. Letter from Hudson Bay Chief Factor William Fraser Tolmie to Fayette McMullin, Governor of Washington Territory, Truth Teller, Steilacoom, Washington Territory, February 25, 1858, page 4 Newspaper reputedly published by August V. Kautz. A STORY OF HEROISM.--In the course of a recent speech in Congress by the Hon. Joseph Lane, Oregon, he related the following incident which occurred in the Indian war of Oregon: "While in Oregon last summer, I took occasion to inquire of the chief who was mainly instrumental in getting up this war, to learn the particulars of the fate of some of our people who disappeared in that war of 1855, and of whom we had been able to learn nothing. "When I suggested to the agent, in the council, that I proposed to inquire into the fate of Mrs. Wagoner, Mrs. Haines and others, he was inclined to think it would raise the bitter feelings of the Indians, but said he would make the inquiry. I told him that I had passed through the country where these people had lived, and that their friends were very anxious to learn their fate. We inquired in relation to Mrs. Wagoner, who was a well-educated and handsome woman from New York, who had lived long in the country and spoke the Indian tongue fluently. She kept a public house by the roadside, and the good cheer which she always furnished made it a place where travelers delighted to stop. The Indians informed us that on the morning of the 9th of October they came in sight of the house, where they met some teamsters and packers, a portion of whom they murdered, destroying the wagons and cargoes, as well as the animals, while she was standing in the door. "As soon as they had murdered the people outside they came towards the house, which was strongly built of hewn logs and had a heavy door which fastened with crossbars. When she saw them running towards the house she shut the door and dropped the bars to prevent their coming in. They came to the door and ordered her to come out and bring out her little girl. She said, 'No.' "Her husband was absent--and, by the way, he was the only man on that road who escaped. They said that if she did not come out they would shoot her. She declined, and after some deliberation they determined to set the house on fire. The house was directly enveloped in flames, and the chief, who watched her through a little window, told us that he saw her go to the glass, arrange her hair, then take her seat in the middle of the room, fold her little girl in her arms, and wait calmly until the roof fell in and they perished in the flames together. And the statement was confirmed by the people who found their remains lying together in the middle of the house." The Daily Journal, Wilmington, North Carolina, June 15, 1858, page 2 -
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The aged men who had fought Indians were by all odds the most cantankerous military relics of the nineteenth century--especially the enlisted ones. They seemed to feel that veterans of all our wars, except those against the redskins, had been given all the honors. True, the Indian fighters got pensions, and they had a medal with a bright red ribbon; but they felt they had been cheated of the glory rightly theirs. Was the Civil War more dangerous than fighting Indians? Didn't Custer and Canby survive the former? And had they not been killed by redskins? No two veterans of the Indian wars could agree on a single battle, much less on a single campaign. Newspapermen of my era quickly learned it was unsafe to quote them on anything except the fact that General Oliver Otis Howard had only one arm. And I have heard two veterans argue as to which arm. Stewart H. Holbrook, Far Corner, 1952, quoted in Ellis Lucia, This Land Around Us, 1969, pages 9-10 -
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"TOM" PATTON, one of the Marion County members in the Legislature, said in the House just before adjournment that Governor Grover reminded him of a Digger Indian he once knew. That reminds me of a little incident in the Indian war of 1856. Tom was in that war, and he proved himself a valorous soldier. On one occasion, out on Rogue River, an Indian was shot and scalped and left by the roadside for dead. Tom came along and found the wounded Indian kicking, whereupon he sprang from his steed and commenced a furious onslaught on the dying Digger, kicking and stamping him manfully. Tom is a brave. State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, October 25, 1872, page 4 A.
M. Rosborough
Oakland, California, January 26th, 1883.No. 921, Broadway, Rooms 7 & 8 Oakland Alameda Co. California H. O. Lang, Historian Dear Sir, Yours of date of 21st inst., making inquiry in relation to the "Ben Wright Massacre of 23 Feb. 1856" came duly to hand. If you refer to what has generally been called the "Ben Wright Massacre of Indians" you are mistaken in the date as to when it occurred--it occurred several years before February 23rd 1856. I was not present on the occasion when that massacre is said to have taken place. And I have heard, from persons who professed to know, so many conflicting statements as to the immediate cause of it and the circumstances attending it, that I feel that I have not sufficient authentic information to "speak the truth of history" in relation to that memorable event-- Mr. John C. Burgess, of Yreka, I think, was present and participated in that affair, and will, I suppose, give you his version of it, if you will write to him asking him to do so. He can, if you ask him, give you the names of others and their P.O. addresses, who were present and took part on that occasion. The result of that affair (if the information the persons, who professed to know, gave me was correct) was that no whites were killed, but a considerable number of Indians (Modocs) were killed. The old Modoc Chief "Schonchin" is on the reservation at Yainax, Oregon (if he is still alive)--I had, in the last 25 years, a good deal to do with him, in helping to settle difficulties and hostilities between the whites and Modocs and between the Modocs and other tribes of Indians. He has never been hostile since 1856, when the people of Yreka (at Yreka) made an agreement with him to cease hostilities and establish friendship between the whites and the Modocs. I had (through "La Lakes," a Klamath Lake Indian) prevailed upon Schonchin to come to a point within sight of Yreka--La Lakes came into Yreka and told me that the old Modoc chief with a large number of his tribe were out on the side of the mountain, and were willing to make an agreement to cease hostilities and become friendly with the whites, but that he would not come into Yreka--that he wanted to talk with the Yreka people out on the mountain. Several of the residents went out to where he was--after some delay in getting one who could interpret satisfactorily, I asked him why he did not come into Yreka? He replied that he did not know much about white people--that he had never seen one of their towns before and did not know but the whites might kill him & his people if they came into town--that the Modocs and whites had always been hostile--that Modocs had always killed all the whites they could and he believed the whites had always killed all the Modocs they could--that the whites had come out into his country the preceding summer with more men than the Modocs had and had chased the Modocs all over the country and into tules in Tule or Modoc Lake and kept them there until their women and children were nearly starved--(He was referring to Gen. Cosby's expedition with 300 men)--Schonchin wound up by saying he was tired of war and wanted peace-- Stipulations were then agreed to with him to cease hostilities--Schonchin was very particular about the details and after they were fully understood, the old chief said, voluntarily, that he would fully explain the agreement to all the Modocs & if any of them violated it he would capture them and deliver them to the whites--Schonchin has kept his agreement, so far as I know, to this day--I have met him often since and know many instances in which he has befriended whites--he helped the whites to subdue the Pit River Indians and make them agree to cease hostilities-- After the Pit River Indians had massacred all the whites in Fall River Valley, Shasta County, California in 1857 or 1858--The Modocs, Klamath Lakes and some of the Fall River Indians (from near the Warm Spring Reservation on the Fall River in Oregon) encouraged by the whites, who had suffered by the massacre above mentioned in Fall River Valley--made a combined expedition upon the Pit River Indians and killed and captured a large number of them. I could mention other instances where Schonchin has befriended the whites and in which he showed that he was a true friend of the whites (after he had made the agreement at Yreka) and that he is a truthful Indian, so far as I know-- Now I have made the foregoing detached statements, not for the purpose of having them published (for they have nothing to do with "History of Southern Oregon"), but I have made them to induce you to get Schonchin‘s statement about the so-called "Ben Wright Massacre" (if he is still alive) and also his account of many other events and battles between the whites and Modocs, at and near "Bloody Point" in the Modoc country-- If you can get his confidence and procure a good interpreter, he can (if he will) give you many facts worth printing in relation to the Modocs and their history and wars with other tribes of Indians, before the whites came into Southern Oregon & Northern California. I have intended to interview this old chief myself on my next visit into the lake country and take full notes and perhaps "print 'em too." In the event you do not get his version in relation to these and such other matters of interest as are within his knowledge, I will try and do it if he and I live much longer. So now you have a chance to anticipate me. As Schonchin's favorite abiding place was on Lost River, which is all within the state of Oregon except some of its headwaters (including Clear Lake), his historical acts and those of the Modocs ought to be included in the "History of Southern Oregon" rather than in the "History of Northern California." H. H. Bancroft has solicited me to write out some notes in relation to early events and occurrences in the northern part of California, of which I have some knowledge and in some of which I took some part, during a residence in that region, commencing thirty-odd years ago and continuing until four years ago-- If you and other younger, and more active, men will gather up the facts of history happening in early times in Southern Oregon and Northern California, and publish them as histories of the various counties in which they transpired, then Bancroft in making up his volumes of the "History of the Pacific Coast" can cull the facts of general historical interest, and fill his volumes without extrinsic aid. I could mention some facts connected with Indians in Jackson County Oregon, but you will find others residing there in the vicinity of where they occurred that know more fully about them-- One event I will mention--There was one of the chiefs of the Rogue River Indians called ”Tipsu Tyee" whose hostility to the whites was unceasing--his band of Indians was not very large, but he was active and bloodthirsty and repudiated all offers made to him through the friendly Shastas to induce him to cease murdering the white people--He would move east or west on the Siskiyou range of mountains and dash down on the south side and slaughter such unsuspecting persons as he could, then move hastily along the mountain and and over to the north side and repeat his carnage--he was so swift in his movements that neither volunteers nor regular soldiers were able to overtake him--He tried to get the Shastas and Scotts River Indians to join him in his murderous onslaughts, and when they refused he would cunningly murder whites near the camps of the friendly Indians, so as to get the whites to attack them. He made his boasts that he would never treat with the whites-- The Shastas at the Cave on the north bank of the Klamath River, a few miles east of Cottonwood, had ceased their hostility to the whites, when old "Tipsu Tyee" with his band murdered two or three men on the top of the Siskiyou Mountain near where the railroad tunnel is now being constructed--one of the murdered men was named Gates--"Tipsu Tyee" with his son and son-in-law then went to the Cave to try again to get the Shastas to join him--he appealed to them to join him--they told him to wait until they could hold a counsel among themselves--they in.this counsel among themselves concluded to kill Tipsy, his son and son-in-law and then and there killed all three of them & scalped them and coming into my office in Yreka, they astonished me by exhibiting three bloody scalps and proclaiming that they had killed and scalped Tipsy, his son & son-in-law at the Cave--which upon investigation proved to be true. Oregon Historical Society Research Library Mss. 1500, folder 5/20 History.
A late number of the Hesperian
contains, under the head of "Relics of the Indian
War," the following:
"When Mr. T. J. Matlock was in Southern Oregon, says the Vindicator, a few weeks ago, he made a trip to the ruins of old Fort Lane in quest of relics. In an old log that once formed a part of the fort he saw some bullet holes and with an ax took out a chip which contains two; they were shot into it by the Indians in an attack in 1852 [sic--see below]. In looking among the debris he found a piece of granite from the corner of the foundation, which he will have polished and cut into a paperweight. An old, rusty horseshoe is another relic of those days, and this he will hang over his office door. These old souvenirs of the Indian wars are interesting to look at and will in time be quite valuable." This article is entirely correct, with these exceptions: First, Fort Lane was not in existence in 1852. Second, Fort Lane was never attacked by Indians, and third, Fort Lane never was a fort. It was a two-company cavalry post, built by Captain (now General) A. J. Smith, in the fall and winter of 1853-4. It consisted of a row of log cabins on three sides of the parade ground. On one side were the officers' quarters, the other those of the soldiers, while the third contained hospital, guard house, etc. The post was situated on a gentle elevation, near the junction of Bear Creek and Rogue River, and was so placed that the troops could watch the reservation, on the north side of the river. When the reservation was abandoned and the Indians removed to Northern Oregon, the post was abandoned also. No fight ever occurred near the post after it was established. Besides Gen. A. J. Smith, many officers who have since distinguished themselves have been quartered at the old post. Among the most distinguished were Dr. Charles H. Crane, late Surgeon General, U.S.A., Gen. Hood of the C.S.A., Gen. H. G. Gibson, U.S.A., Gen. Sweitzer, U.S.A., and Gen. Hazen, U.S.A. signal service. If such relics as the above are to be incorporated into the history of Southern Oregon it may read well as a romance, but will have little value as authority. Douglas Independent, January 5, 1884, page 2 INDIAN TROUBLES IN OREGON,
The Rogue River War in the years above given began in this wise: The
Indians were supposed to be located on a reservation, near which was
established a small military post called Fort Lane. A party of
professional scouts, styling themselves volunteers, and numbering about
thirty men, made frequent visits to the neighborhood of the reserve,
ostensibly for the purpose of watching marauders from the same, but
judging from the characters that composed the company, several of them
deserters from the army, I should judge they were bent on plunder
themselves. At all events, one fine morning in June, as we troopers who
composed the garrison were enjoying our bivouac under the pines--where
bunks were improvised, owing to the insect-infested condition of the
cabins--we were suddenly awakened by the discharge of firearms nearby.
Several volleys and numerous single shots were heard. This alarm turned
out on investigation to be an attack by the volunteers on "Old Jake's
Camp." The Indians of this were the least formidable of the tribe, and
were, at the time of the attack, quietly slumbering in peace, if not in
innocence. Thus a massacre of twenty old men, women, and children took
place.The soldiers, by orders, buried the victims, and were almost immediately called upon to take the field against the vengeful remainder. The party of volunteer scouts who had committed this first attack had failed to warn the settlers in the vicinity after it, and the excited Indians, taking the main route to the Willamette Valley, avenged themselves by an indiscriminate slaughter in that direction. As soon as the uprising became known, the troops followed rapidly and engaged the Indians in several slight skirmishes, one of which resulted in the killing of several men and one warlike squaw. Our small force, now pursuing, was constantly depleted by sending squads to guard ranches, furnishing escorts to fleeing families, and similar offices. The party just referred to were picked up in the act of plundering a pack train. They had killed two of the packers, put the others to flight, and were indulging in a feast and orgy. Vessels containing whiskey, piles of raisins, figs and other dainties lay around in wasteful profusion, and several mules were discovered tied to the trees. I witnessed here an instance of what might be called presence of mind in the presence of death, very characteristic of Indians. A stalwart "buck" who had been shot two or three times was approached by some soldiers who supposed him dead. With what strength he still had, he deliberately turned over and threw his empty gun into a stream by his side, determined, I suppose, not to aid in any degree the further defeat of his people. As we moved along in the night pursuit, we passed several burning houses, and, on halting near one of these, were assailed quite savagely from the rocks nearby. Two men and several horses were shot. Many ghastly sights we met, such as a burning wagon loaded with apples, on either side of which lay a white man, with bullet holes and stabs about the body. One cabin which we examined contained three dead people, the man lying on the threshold and two children behind the bed, murdered by savages, while the mother was doubtless taken for a worse fate. A widow, Mrs. Harris, emerged from the bushes near her own house, which she had defended with shotgun the day previous, bearing in her arms her little daughter, shot through the arm. They were at once mounted on a horse and furnished escort to the nearest settlement. In a large hewed tavern on fire were discovered the remains of Mrs. Wagner and daughter; Mr. Wagner, being away from home at the time, was spared to inflict considerable damage on his red enemies in subsequent encounters. In a few days the hostiles concentrated for a big fight, which came off in the Grave Creek Mountains, and was called the battle of Hungry Hill. Here the best element among the citizens came to the front, and a force of some three hundred, assisted by one hundred United States troops, attacked the Indians, who were located and entrenched in the forks of two deep cañons, about nine miles from the Grave Creek House on the wagon road. The command on this occasion proceeded on foot, starting with the rising moon. At midnight the weather was rainy and cold, and the trail was crossed by several streams. Owing to the indiscreet lighting of fires by the volunteers, the Indian scouts attacked our advance, but were driven for two miles, when, by previous arrangement, no doubt, they were strengthened by their main force, and took up the stand as above explained. Owing to a want of proper concert among ourselves, I think, the battle became a series of detached skirmishes and sharpshootings, continuing all day, and at night we counted our loss at about twenty-four, that of the enemy almost unknown. Several instances of heroism were exhibited on our side, where small parties descended to near the enemy's works to rescue wounded comrades. The night that followed was spent in caring for the disabled and in desultory shooting. Next day at dawn the fight was renewed, I think by the Indians, and was kept up till about one o'clock, when a lull took place, and our party was got together, and we took the back track, laden with our wounded on stretchers, having failed to dislodge the hostile force, after expending all our ammunition and going without food for twenty-eight hours. After one or two short scouts, the troop to which I belonged was ordered to the Columbia River. A large force of volunteers and some regulars had been organized to carry on the war, and it shows with what subtlety and determination these Indians fought, that they decoyed "C" Troop First United States Dragoons into an ambush, on a pretended truce or interview, and nearly annihilated the whole command at the Big Bend of Rogue River. The hostilities were, however, continued on into the following year, and the Indians exterminated by piecemeal. "Old John " had but sixteen warriors left at the final surrender, and then, on the way to Alcatraz Island, he and his son actually took possession of the steamer's steerage, and he was only finally conquered after being wounded in several places. This last display of ferocity was brought about by some unscrupulous passengers, who aroused the superstition and fears of the savages. The Rogue River Indians I afterwards found to be nearly allied to the famous Modocs, fighting, like them, on foot; all were good shots and possessed of good rifles, and were quite familiar with the ways of the white man. Before these deeds of war and trouble just recounted took place, it had been my fortune to be stationed for some months in the Rogue River Valley. The spot is a most picturesque one, situated among the spurs of the Sierra Nevada Mountains [sic], bounded on one side by the pretty river, plentifully timbered with variety of wood, a lofty mountain view in the distance on all sides, and the snow-covered peak of old McLoughlin overlooking the whole. Within sight of our little post was Table Mountain, a dwarfish knoll, whose flat crown presented a peculiarly inviting target for our howitzer practice on gala days. Near its base is a large cave, in which these same Indians took refuge two years before, when assailed by the whites, and their position was considered so advantageous that a truce was proclaimed which resulted in a temporary peace between the parties. Whilst scouting, we often visited the fisheries of the natives. Their mode of taking the salmon is with the spear generally, and a most spirited sight it is at night to witness a fleet of twenty or more canoes descending the swift and shallow stream, each manned by two occupants only, one guiding the craft and supporting a lighted torch of pine, while the other takes a statuesque position in the bow, with eye alert and spear in poise. I believe the miner now makes sole use of the little river, and nearly every native, if not quite every one, has departed to wield the dart in another world. In conclusion, I will narrate a little incident connected with the preliminary irritations that usually precede these outbreaks. Our troop, while camped at one extremity of the reservation, watching the movements of some suspected Indians, was ordered suddenly to proceed to a certain point and arrest two notorious fellows, who were rather leaders among the rest. After this was accomplished, and they were hastily conducted to the fort and placed in the guard house, many of their people began to assemble and threaten, and during the commotion consequent on preparation for defense, an inexperienced sentinel--or rather raw recruit--allowed the prisoners to escape. This they did by simply bolting, risking the several shots that followed them quite promptly. All was now soon astir to recapture them, and in a few hours our force of sixty men appeared at the principal camp, distant about fifteen miles. Here all was excitement, as the fugitives and their emissaries had aroused the whole tribe, who were half disposed to a war movement. They had also formed a band of some twenty of their nearest of kin, and this party had donned their war paint, and on our approach had taken to the brush. They were speedily surrounded, but for an admiring audience we had some three hundred or more of the same blood, all armed, at our backs, merely waiting for the trouble to begin. However, a parley was struck up. Meanwhile a few more men were got up from our garrison, and the little mountain howitzer charged with grape and canister. Then an influential squaw, called Queen Mary, appeared on the scene, and by her eloquence, assisted by that of some others, a regular battle was arrested. If one had taken place, I doubt if any of our side would have escaped to fight again. After about six hours spent in maneuvers, threats and promises, the warriors consented to appear and surrender. This they did, and a more picturesque sight I never witnessed than when those painted and feathered braves stalked boldly out from the closely woven willow copse in which they had taken refuge. Each one was armed with pistol, knife and rifle, painted in hideous stripes of white, red, and black, with no clothing except the bright red-tipped moccasins, the breechclout, and the feathers adorning their heads--otherwise "stripped to the buff." And the natural beauties of the scene were many. Through the beautiful grove of monarch pines surrounding, the midsummer sunset glowed, striking and bringing into relief the bronzed and sinewy forms of the red men, while the soldiers, assembled in regular groups at advantageous points, presented a grim adjunct to the picture, and the background, consisting of the many different bands comprising the tribe, formed in almost perfect circle, arrayed in particolored habits, completed a scene any painter would have delighted to copy. Soon after and for several years those lovely wooded glens rang with the discharge of firearms and the fierce yells of the savage, and many a mangled corpse was laid to rest beneath their shades. Now the simple lowing of the domestic kine and the rattle of agricultural machinery alone are heard, marking the peaceful evolution we all have noted in the settlement of the vast frontier. Some who took part in this Indian war have since become distinguished, and some were so then--notably, the old warrior statesman, General Joe Lane, also General A. V. Kautz and General A. J. Smith, U.S.A. The ground fought over was historical in the annals of Oregon settlement. Many a sharp skirmish and tragical ambuscade was enacted here years before. Until quite recently the music of the pack mule's bells indicated the only transportation to this region, as the train cheerily wended its way over these Tyrolean heights, conveying all traffic from the rough north coast, or penetrating the passes in communication with the gold camps, and yet many a day of hard labor will be scored before these solitudes will reverberate to the noise of the steam whistle--but it will come. The Overland Monthly, April 1885, pages 420-422. The index credits the article to "J.G.T.", the text to "I.G.T." Attributed to Joel Graham Trimble. ORIGIN OF AN INDIAN WAR.
An Interesting Narrative by Capt. Thomas Smith. Settlers in Jackson County, Oregon, in the Early '50s--the First Settlement on Bear Creek, Near Ashland--A Murder by Indians-- To
the Editor of The
The following relation of events which transpired in the upper part of Bear Creek Valley is dictated by Captain Thomas Smith, now of Ashland, who wishes to disprove the account set forth in the History of Southern Oregon [by A. G. Walling] and to present a more acceptable theory of the cause of the Indian war of 1855 than is advanced in that work. The captain says: In 1855, just previous to the breaking out of the celebrated Indian war of Southern Oregon, there were but few settlers on Bear Creek, Jackson County. Their number was so small that I could get but twenty-five or thirty men who comprised nearly or quite all the able-bodied grown-up males for any purpose of Indian fighting and the recovery of stolen goods, etc. Of these who took part in such actions there are now living: Daniel and Henry Chapman; Cicero Hill, now of East Portland; Enoch and John Walker and Giles Wells, now living near Jacksonville; Abraham Hedden of Linn County; Hugh Barron and Pat. Dunn of Jackson County; Lewis Hiatt of Baker County, and one or two others. I lived five miles south of what is now Ashland, with three partners--Patrick Dunn, David Earl and Frederick Alberding. We had undertaken in 1851 to make a settlement there, and had gone into raising vegetables and stock, for miners, on a claim I found on Bear Creek in returning from the newly discovered Josephine mines. We lived there permanently until 1854, when Alberding sold to Judge Tolman. In 1855 he brought a wife from Missouri, just previous to the breaking out of the Indian difficulties, which he [Alberding] may be said to have in some measure started. Shortly after Alberding's arrival he set out hunting, with Lewis Hiatt, of whom I spoke. While encamped at Green Springs, fifteen miles east of Ashland, on the present Linkville road, a horse was stolen from them in the dark by Indians. I forgot to say that at the time the Indians were supposed to be all on the reservation at Table Rock, where Captain A. J. Smith with his regular troops was herding them and maintaining peace between them and the white settlers. The next morning Alberding and Hiatt followed the trail of the lost animal to what is now called Keene Creek, where they saw an Indian camp which, as they feared hostility on the part of the redskins, they retreated from, and returned to the settlement. Here they raised a little company of fourteen volunteers from among us, for the purpose of trying to recover the horse. I joined the crowd, as the men were anxious, but I objected to going in the night, owing to unnecessarily increased danger and difficulty, and the probability that the Indians might consider it a formal attack, whereas if we went by day and openly we might prevail without recourse to arms--talking them into surrendering the animal. The men, however, chose to go as far as Green Springs, and by moving early to the rancheria we would get there before the bucks started hunting, as was their custom. I agreed and we proceeded on that plan. We arrived at the spring, camped and rose early in the morning. Here Granville Keene, a young man from Tennessee, persisted in eating breakfast before we left camp, although the rest of us desired to visit the Indians first and then return for breakfast. I spoke jestingly to the boys, saying there was not much breakfast, and if we deferred eating there would probably be fewer mouths to feed and more to put in each. Keene replied, "I'll take my share now, for when I come back I may not need it." So we ate and started for the Indian camp. The two men who trailed the horse took us to where they said they saw the camp fires burning. We found signs of a fire but no Indians, so we went in through the timber, and not seeing the enemy we stopped to talk it over. During our conversation I caught sight of the head and shoulders of a siwash protruding over the brush, 100 yards away, which I pointed out to them, saying, "Hadn't I better call to him?" He ducked his head and at the same instant a gun was fired. I said, "Damn them, if they are in for a fight, let's draw our revolvers and go into them!" This first shot proved to be a signal to Indians who had formed an ambuscade for us nearby, for in running forward into the brush where we saw the Indians, we came upon an encampment where there were several squaws and papooses and two "bucks." In pursuing the latter we ran up a brushy hill, and getting out upon open ground I saw the two about to enter the brush again, and called to them in Chinook: "Tillicum, charco, nika hias ticka wawa!" ["People, come, I really want to talk!"] His answer was: "Mike wake ticka wawa. God d--n Boston!" ["You don't want to talk, goddamn white man!"] I then said: "Shoot 'em boys, shoot 'em!" I think about three shots were fired at them, but they were just entering the brush and we couldn't tell whether they were hit or not. Cicero Hill and I, being in advance, ran along up the hill until we got opposite the place where they disappeared, and I heard footsteps in the brush. I knew then we were ambushed from this circumstance and from the extremely favorable location for such. I immediately called to the men to hide, as we were ambuscaded. Hill proposed to remain to examine a squaw basket which we saw nearby, but I cursed him and told him to leave instantly or he would be killed. When I retreated I took the precaution to cross what I conceived would be their line of fire. I got behind a tree. Those who ran directly away were shot at, and Keene was killed by a bullet which passed through his heart. He fell on his face and never moved again. Alberding was wounded nearly at the same instant, the ball striking him on the outer part of the orbit of the eye and laying his temple bare for two inches above his ear, and knocking him down. I sprang behind the same tree which sheltered Hedden, and on asking him if anybody was hurt, he said, "There's Taber down there, wounded." I looked down and saw him in a reclining position, as though he were sinking to the ground, bleeding very much from a gunshot wound right through the upper arm. Looking further over, I saw two Indians in the brush on the left of our advance, who were tiptoeing and looking over the brush to see what had become of Taber, and evidently about to attack him. I told Hedden to shoot at them, when they disappeared. Taking advantage of this, we ran down, and seizing Taber, who lay fainting and helpless, we packed him to the tree we had left. To stop the blood I tied a handkerchief around his arm as quickly as possible, and then looked to see what had become of the other men. They had taken fright from the fall of Keene and Alberding, and were making rapid time away. I asked them to return, but without effect, and Hedden and I took up the wounded Taber, one on each side, and packed him off. After carrying him about a half mile more or less we were severely exhausted, and in going up a bald hill I looked back and saw an Indian at the crossing of Keene Creek. The runaways had halted and joined us, and as there was a large lone tree in our front I asked two men, Jennison and Land, to step behind it and endeavor to repulse the savages when they came up. The solitary Indian fired at us, his bullet missing us and knocking up particles of rock against us. Taber, who had not spoken until now, said pitifully, "Boys, for God Almighty's sake, don't leave me." I replied that we were not going to leave him, and Hedden added: "By God, they can cut me into inch pieces, and I won't leave you!" We proceeded uphill and lost sight of the natives after that last shot. Dan Chapman said: "Thank God we are out of danger now! If we can get back to the road we are all right." I told him it would never do to go to the road, because those of the Indians who were on our left had disappeared from the fight early and probably had gone to the emigrant road to waylay us, hence we should have to make our way back to Green Springs by a new route. We found our way back safely and discovered that the man whom we had left in charge of the horses was asleep. We saddled up quickly, taking our wounded men on horseback. Just as we got out into open ground the Indians rose up out of the brush in a canyon above, whooping and yelling and firing their guns, disappointed in not having waylaid us. We came down to the settlements and a man was sent to Fort Lane to bear the intelligence to Captain Smith of the regular army, who sent up a troop of forty of his soldiers to investigate the matter. I returned to the battleground with a company of volunteers to bring in Keene's body. On our homeward march we found the regulars in camp at the soda springs under command of Lieutenant Sweitzer. We rode up to the lieutenant and questioned him as to his proposed disposition of the troops. I said I supposed that he came to subdue the hostile Indians and return them to the reservation. He allowed that this was his object, when I offered the services of my volunteers to assist. He replied: "I think I have men enough to manage all the Indians in these woods." I repeated my offer, agreeing to be on hand at 9 o'clock, at which time he announced that he would set out. The next morning I was there before 9 o'clock with thirty men, but the troops were all gone except some half-dozen, who were cooking dinner. The troops had been gone half an hour, so we set out on their trail, and when about a mile from their camp we met them returning. I asked why they turned back without having found the enemy and was informed by Sweitzer that it was nonsense to hunt the Indians in the woods, and it wasn't worthwhile to try. I tried to persuade him to join us in a hunt after the natives, but he remained deaf to my persuasions, as did himself and his men to the jeers and taunts of the volunteers. He refused, alleging that it would be only a waste of time, and he wouldn't go. I sent my men across a gulch, to be away from provocation, while I remained to do the talking. We had brought Keene's body in and had buried him the same evening, where Kingsbury lives now, seven miles above Ashland. Keene's Creek was named to commemorate his melancholy end. His death took place, as I forgot to say, on the first day of September, 1855. The soldiers went out on the 2nd and returned on the 3rd. We will now pass on to the 25th of the same month, when the Indians ambushed some teamsters on the Siskiyou route, some thirteen miles from Ashland, on this side of the mountain, and killed a man named Fields and a boy, Cunningham. H. B. Oatman, now of Portland, and Dan Brittain of Phoenix ran a narrow escape. The Indians shot the oxen dead, leaving them all chained together. A messenger was instantly sent to Fort Lane bearing the news, who returned with information that forty soldiers would be sent up next day, and I prepared to join them with thirty-odd men. On arriving at the Mountain House we met Major Fitzgerald, a well-known and dashing dragoon, with whom I entered into conversation. I offered the services of our volunteer corps, but the Major objected, saying that we should proceed, taking charge, and his men should act a secondary part. He gave us directions to proceed, and said, "We are at your command." We proceeded on to the mountains, intersected the trail of the enemy, and trailed them to Keene Creek. Before seeing any Indians we struck the fresh trail of a running horse, and concluded that it must have been that of a scout, who had probably warned the enemy of our whereabouts. We came soon to an Indian camp, where the embers were still smoking. Fitzgerald examined the situation of things and sent out a reconnoitering party, who soon reported that the Indians were gone. We found their departing trail, followed it to Jenny Creek and across the emigrant road [the Southern Route of the Oregon Trail--the "Applegate Trail"] and a considerable distance up in the mountains toward Butte Creek. A steep and rough mountain prevented our advance on horseback, and Fitzgerald's men being dragoons could go no further. The regulars, therefore, guarded our horses while we trailed the enemy to where they left Jenny Creek and turned off in the direction of Fort Lane reservation, their trail disappearing from our view in the craggy rocks. We scouted to see if the trail went on, and found that it did. We followed it as far as we could during the day, and found it to keep the general direction toward Butte Creek or the reservation. We returned to Fitzgerald and reported as above. He professed himself as certain that the malcontents were Indians of the reservation, and thought it best for his force to go to the fort and intercept them as they returned. But about that time the major was ordered to Vancouver, and he was lost to this section henceforth. Lupton raised volunteers and sent to intercept them west and found Indians camped on Butte Creek. Lieutenant Sweitzer came out at the same time with his 40 men and pretended that it was all right, that those Indians might and ought to be chastised. Lupton wanted to attack the night they got there while they were on Butte; Sweitzer persuaded them not to, but wait for him next day to assist. That night the Indians drew off and crossed Rogue River to [the] reservation, and Sweitzer didn't come. Lupton then ordered his men to lay by all day and cross at night, and made attack on the Indians at daylight, so he was killed. Sheppard died some days after. Fitzgerald started for Vancouver, and the Indians who were not killed slaughtered 25 people. Fitzgerald overtook and killed some at House Creek. He was a man. Lupton is a perfect gentleman, mild, unassuming, etc. These Indians had returned toward the reservation, as I believe, following the ordinary plan of running away, committing murders and outrages and returning to military protection before the settlers could punish them. Some men in and around Jacksonville, including some of the best citizens of the place, collected together and resolved to attack those redskins, who had gone down to the mouth of Butte Creek so as to be handy to the reservation. Lieutenant Sweitzer, of Fort Lane, had a conversation with Major Lupton, who was one of the party, and was asked to join in an attack on the natives, but refused to do so at once, but acknowledged that they ought to be chastised. During this time the Indians crossed the Rogue River and camped on the bank, in the reservation. [The village site was actually outside the reservation boundaries; later apologists would use this fact as one justification for the attack.] Lupton and his party crossed in the evening of October 7, and getting in the brush around the camp, waited for the morning to break, when the attack was made. In it Major Lupton was killed and another man, Sheppard, wounded, and a number of Indians killed. It is not true that no buck Indians were there, as the regular army officers declared. The fight was a hard one, and lasted quite a while. Those Indians who were not killed broke out the next morning--October 9, 1855--and massacred twenty-five people. Fitzgerald, with his dragoons, who were on the road to Vancouver, overtook and killed some of the red devils, and the war of 1855-6 followed. Lupton was a good man, mild and gentlemanly, and did not, as has been said, join the expedition to Butte Creek for any improper motive. Oregonian, Portland, May 28, 1885, page 2 BILLS INTRODUCED.--Congressman Hermann has introduced the following bills of a private character: To grant pensions (in some cases increase of pensions) to Sims J. Ely, J. W. Porter, J. Walters alias Jacob Kuntz, Wm. W. Davis, Jno. T. Kyniston, Fred Beno, Lieut. Geo. T. Russell, Jas. H. Colby, J. H. Smith, John Cain, Winemah Riddle, Martha F. Woodrum, Jas. Woody, Jasper N. Hall and Silas Beezley. Claims bills for the relief of R. G. Combs and others, Chauncey M. Lockwood or his legal representatives, Jno. Campbell, Wm. J. Martin, P. B. Sinnott, Louis Belfils. The Indian depredation claims of Green Arnold, of La Grande, $7,596.86; Tunis Swick, Francis M. Vanderpool, Jno. Meldrum, Darius H. Smith, Margaret D. Myth, Arthur Saltmarsh, B. F. Dowell, Mrs. Kate Hatton, George Engle, Michael Riley, S. B. Flowers, A. T. Fitzhugh, Richard Boddy's estate, Daniel P. Barnes for sum of $2,110, for property stolen and depredations committed by hostile Snake Indians on the Malheur River, E. J. Northcutt & Bros. for losses sustained in Southern Oregon in 1855, Christina Edson and personal representatives of John Geisel, deceased, Hardy Elliff, W. C. Mackay, Rev. Jno. W. Miller, heirs of Geo. W. Harris and his wife Mary A. Harris, and their daughter Sophia Love, deceased; B. B. Bishop, I. B. Nichols, Andrew Clarno, Mrs. Caroline Sexton (formerly Mrs. Niday), Robt. Smith, John P. Walker, Dick J. Smith and Veit Schutz. Roseburg Review, February 17, 1888, page 3 AN INDIAN FIGHT.
The Rogue River War of 1856--The Massacre on Smith River. A Graphic Account of a Hot Fight by a President Resident of East Portland-- Romantic Chapter of Early History. (Written for the Sunday Oregonian.)
It was in the
year 1856. I was then living in the quiet little village of Crescent
City on the coast in Del Norte County, California, a beautiful harbor
where many ocean steamers called, as the county was well settled both
above and below the place. Crescent City was the outlet to the gold
mines of Sailors' Diggings, Althouse,
as well as all the mines between Rogue and Klamath rivers and their
tributaries. Here was to be seen some of the most beautiful scenery
that the eye ever beheld; valleys and mountains covered with all kinds
of verdure and the most beautiful flowers, together with many varieties
of wild berries. Then the large stately redwood trees seemed to tower
into the skies above, together with that beautiful tree, the noble
sugar pine, covering the valleys and the mountainsides. The forests
were filled with wild animals, such as deer, elk, grizzlies, black and
cinnamon bears, cougars, wildcats, coyotes and in fact almost all of
the game list, and all the streams within a day's travel of the village
were filled with mountain trout and salmon, making the country truly
the sportsman's paradise. I was at Crescent City when the news was
brought that Capt. Ben Wright and many others had been killed by the
Indians. The captain was camped at the mouth of Rogue River, whither he
had gone with about forty men to settle the difficulty between the
Indians and the miners. A number of miners and settlers had, shortly
prior to this time, been killed by the savages, and therefore the
captain's advent among them was hailed with delight. A dance was given
in honor of the event. [The
dance was in honor of Washington's birthday; Wright was not a new
arrival at the time.]
All were happy; mirth and joy was on every countenance as they chased
the flying hours with flying feet. In the height of their merriment,
none thinking of bloodshed or murder, someone came to the door and
called for Capt. Wright and he, together with a number of others, went
to the door only to be shot down like dogs. [Wright was not present at the
dance; the massacre
occurred some distance away.]
This horrible and bloody butchery was continued by the fiendish
savages, going from house to house, killing all in the valley except
one lady, Mrs.
Geisel, her 13-year-old daughter and little babe. Capt.
Tichenor was the messenger who brought the
Mrs. Geisel was compelled to witness her
husband and
two little sons butchered before her eyes and was then driven and
pulled out among the bloodthirsty savages, and saw them swinging the
scalp of her dead husband before their campfires in great glee, while
they sang their war songs. The awful sight completely frenzied the poor
woman and was worse than death. This news set our blood boiling, and we
soon raised a little squad of twelve men and started on our march. We
arrived at Major Ward Bradford's, on Smith River, on the night of the
12th of March, 1856, and here we camped. Our arrangements for the
campaign were made with considerable difficulty, as arms and ammunition
were quite scarce. I had procured a large double-barreled shotgun, two
navy revolvers and twenty pounds of ammunition. When our party arrived
at Smith River there was no canoe or boat in which to cross, so each of
our party got a log, and by the aid of an old flour sack, which we tore
into strips, we tied them together, forming a raft. On this we placed
our guns and ammunition, and then, wading into the river, pushed the
frail bark ahead of us and in this manner succeeded in crossing, and
were received with open arms. We were ushered to a good, warm fire and
then seated to as nice a meal as ever king sat down to. Soon we were as
much at home as one could be, although I was a total stranger to our
host. Early the next morning we were ready for a start, but as
breakfast was waiting, the major insisted on our joining [them], which
we did, and were excellently entertained by his noble wife and
daughters. At this place we were joined by several more, and with a
"Godspeed" from our kind host we shook hands and continued our journey
for revenge. We went up the coast about twelve miles and were told
there had been several Indians at Miller's place, and [they] had
destroyed and burned all of his property.WE GOT A FEW MORE
to join us, when we held a meeting and elected George Abbott captain
and Theo. Crook lieutenant. Capt. Abbott was a young man of about 25
years, and thoroughly understood military tactics. During the next day
our boys ascertained the locality of a small band of Indians, and that
night the order was given to march on the camp, and shortly after dark
we were drawn into line with guns in readiness to make a stealthy march
of about five miles through woods, brush and over rough and craggy
hills to the camp of the savages. Arriving there, we lay in silence
until the dawn of day. At daybreak we were ordered to charge, and found
the village deserted. The village was on a creek named Winchuck,
meaning woman. Our failure to find the savages at home made us somewhat
discouraged, and we revenged ourselves by burning the village. Shortly
afterward, while eating our lunch, a volley of stray shots came
whizzing around us from the opposite shore of the creek on the mountain
side. We succeeded in finding an old canoe, in which we crossed, but
the Indians left in hot haste, following the trail through the
mountains leading to the Chetco River. Some of our men were as well
acquainted with the trail as the Indians were, and we therefore divided
into two parties, 18 in one and 14 in the other, the former following
the Indians and the remainder taking another trail with the intention
of cutting them off. By dint of hard traveling our little squad arrived
where the two trails met about one half an hour ahead of the Indians,
and as they came up we gave them a volley, killing seven of their
number and wounding several more. This battle ground was in heavy
timber and thick brush, and the remnant of the band quickly disappeared
from view in the dense forest. We thereupon returned to camp feeling
somewhat revenged for our former disappointment. While at camp the news
came that Col. Buchanan, with about 170 soldiers, would arrive in about
three days and wanted us to wait for them to join us; or in other words
he wished to go ahead and for us to follow. But our captain remarked
that he had started ahead and was going ahead at all hazards. About 18
of our men had horses, and the balance were on foot. On the 19th of
March we camped on the Pistol River, but saw no sign of Indians. So 16
of us shouldered our guns, desiring the balance to watch camp, and
started on a reconnoitering expedition. After traveling about a mile we
came to an Indian village which we soon discovered to have been lately
vacated. We went to work setting it in flames, and while it was burning
we noticed at about 600 yards a few horses picketed out. Out captain
said as some of us were on foot, this would be a good opportunity to
procure some animals, but I told him I did not think the job would be
healthy. While we were discussing the question six Indians stepped out
from the brush near the horses, whereupon the captain ordered all hands
to dismount, and we would then go up and show them what we were made
of. As we advanced toward them about forty more sprang out of the
bushes. Nothing daunted, we continued toward them, but had only gone
about 100 yards when still others reinforced them and kept up a
continuous firing, but without doing any damage. Our captain now
ordered a retreat on the double-quick, which we were not loath to do.
Those who had horses quickly mounted, and those on foot took hold of
the horses' tails, and away we went with the Indians following, yelling
like demons. We made lightning speed to camp. The Indians followed
until they came to the river, where they stopped, as our camp was only
100 yards from the crossing. They kept calling to us in their jargon,
telling us that we were dogs and afraid to come out and fight. Our
captain ordered four of us, consisting of John Loverton, Seven-Up
Sloan, Buck Miller and myself to take a position between our fort of
logs and the Indians, at about 100 yards distance. However, the Indians
did nothing until night. Each of us secured a log for a breastwork and
took a position where we could guard the crossing.As soon as darkness approached on came the Indians, a few at a time, crossing the river on horseback, but as soon as they reached the shore we unsaddled every horse. Finally they began crossing on foot; still we had the advantage of them, as we could see all their movements on the water, having the river on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. About three hours after we had taken our stations they gave poor Buck Miller his death wound, the bullet entering his left breast near the heart. As he fell he said to me: "My friend, I am dying." I told him that I hoped not. He continued: "Don't let them get my hair, as I don't want it said that they took my scalp." About this time our captain sent word for us to come into the fort. I told him that Miller was killed, and we wanted assistance to carry in his body, which was immediately sent, and on the following day his remains were laid at rest "on the peninsula by the sea," where the waves would ever sing his requiem. In the meantime a messenger had been sent to Col. Buchanan, telling him of our condition and urging him to hurry forward. But the colonel informed him that we had got ourselves into the difficulty and would have to get out the best way we could. We were thus left for two days without food or water and harassed by the Indians all the time. When the morning came of the day after poor Miller was killed, we heard the old familiar "war whoop" and saw them coming down the mountain about 400 strong, to attack us, but they encountered as brave a little band as ever shouldered a musket. On they came like yelling demons, but a volley from our ranks checked them and drove them to the opposite shore of the river. Cheer after cheer arose from our ranks, and we continued to hold the fort. We then got to the water for the first time in twenty-four hours. In the evening they made another desperate attempt to capture us, but volley after volley from our guns again drove them back, after which they sent out a few of their braves to try and pick us off. Some of these, by hiding behind logs, succeeded in getting within eighty yards of our fortifications. I gathered up our dead hero's gun and as one of them lifted his head above a log let him have it in the chin, and he became a "good Indian." After this they made a hasty retreat, carrying off some of their number dead and some wounded. During the whole night they would send stray shots whizzing over our heads. In the morning, about 9 o'clock, they made another attack upon us, but we cut them right and left, driving them back with great loss. Their dead and wounded in this skirmish, according to their own statements, was seventy-four; ours only one. They kept at bay until about 3 o'clock, when they were reinforced by about 300 more braves and were hovering around a large pile of drift logs. All at once there was a tremendous yell. We looked around and saw Col. Buchanan's company coming down the mountainside. This gave us new vigor and life, as our ammunition was about all gone, there being only about six rounds left. The Indians did not move from their position until the colonel's command planted their howitzer and sent a shell in their midst, when there was a yell and they all left for the hills, and shell after shell followed them. This gave us one night's rest out of four. The next morning we started on our journey. After going about four miles we came to a narrow pass, about twelve feet wide, which was filled with logs. This was where they were going to capture us had we not stopped to burn their houses, and there would not have been one of us left to tell the tale. We cleared the passage and went on our way unmolested until we reached Rogue River. Here the Indians came pouring down the mountain like bloodthirsty demons and sending volleys at us. We gave them another charge, when they withdrew to an old fort in the grove, but a few shells from our gun scattered them in every direction and killed some of their number. This caused them to leave for the upper country. The next day we followed them until we overtook them and had another battle, killed several and again routed them. In this fight two of Col. Buchanan's men were wounded. At night we were sixteen miles from camp and our captain wanted a message taken to the colonel. I told him I would take it, and in company with two friendly Indians I took a canoe and down the river we went at the rate of ten miles per hour. It being dark we passed many Indian campfires unobserved, and as the stream was very rapid we soon passed the picket lines of our fort and delivered the message to the colonel. The next day some of our party took two squaws which we held as prisoners and went to find the Indian camp. We soon found their locality and brought back five or six squaws with us. These we kept as prisoners until we could come to a treaty with the Indians for the women and children they held as prisoners. The next day two bucks and four squaws were brought into camp by one of our scouting parties, and from them we learned that the prisoners held by the Indians were still uninjured, and that they would be willing to surrender them if paid for them. Some of our party started out on a scout for marauding savages, and after going through a number of passes found them located on Lobster Creek. Here we laid in wait for them, and early in the morning we heard them coming down the river. The canoe contained thirteen Indians, and as they drifted near us we emptied it of the last man, and they disappeared from our view beneath the waters of the river. After this we started for the fort, and on our way we discovered another party of Indians and sent a volley after them, but they were close in cover and were quickly lost to view. These events occurred on the 22nd of April. From here we went to Port Orford and our party disbanded, some of the company returning home, while the others joined a party under Captain Bledsoe; Captain Abbott was elected second lieutenant of the company. The bands belonging to the outbreak and engaged in the fight on Pistol River were called the Hoostenaina, Mikonotunne and Tututni. Some of the chiefs whom we held as hostages broke away from the guards, and in the pursuit I received a fall which came near ending my life, splitting my kneecap and otherwise crippling me to such an extent that I could not continue with the company, and as I could not get the required medical assistance I returned to Crescent City. Our company was soon after discharged, all with the exception of myself, and I am now an "old soldier." JOHN COLLINS.
Portland, February 19, 1888, page 2The 9th of October, 1855, was a dark and memorable day in Southern Oregon. On the morning of that day, the Indian warriors under the command of chiefs John and Limpy started on the warpath. Their first act was to murder William Going, a teamster employed on the reservation, about two o'clock in the morning. They thence proceeded down the river on the Oregon and California road. Their first attack was upon the camp of a train loaded with mill irons, near Jewett's Ferry, where they killed a Mr. Hamilton, who was in charge, and severely wounded his companion, who was shot in four places. They fired upon Jewett's house, but finding it too well protected proceeded to Evans' Ferry, which they reached about daybreak. Here they shot Isaac Shelton, from the Willamette, bound for Yreka, who died after lingering twenty hours. A short distance from Evans' they met and killed a drover with beef cattle. They next reached the house of Mr. Jones, who was shot dead in his yard. Mrs. Jones was shot through the body. She ran for the brush, pursued by an Indian, who shot her again while begging for her life, and left her for dead. She was found alive not long after by the volunteers and taken to a place for safety, but died the next day. The Indians burned the house after plundering it. Between Jones' and Wagoner's they killed four men, two of whom were driving a wagon loaded with apples. They burned the wagon and contents, destroyed the harness and appropriated the horses. On reaching Wagoner's, they were joined by Chief George's band of Indians, who had been camped on the creek near his house for some months, always professing friendship for the whites. Early that morning, Mr. Wagoner left home to escort Miss Pellet, a traveling temperance lecturer, to Illinois Valley, leaving his wife and four-year-old daughter in perfect security, as he supposed, under the protection of Chief George, who had always been a favored guest at his house. Upon the arrival of the war party, Mrs. Wagoner and child were murdered, and the house burned over them. The barn and all the outbuildings were also burned. From this point they went to the house of George W. Harris, a few miles beyond. Mr. Harris was making shingles near the house, and Mrs. Harris was engaged in washing behind the house. About nine o'clock, according to the statement of Mrs. Harris, her husband hastily entered the house with an axe in his hand, stating that the house was surrounded by Indians, whose manner indicated they were warlike. He seized his wife, but while endeavoring to shut the door, he was shot through the breast by a rifle ball. He twice after fired his rifle mechanically and fell upon the floor. His daughter, eleven years of age, seeing her father shot, went to the door, when she was shot through the right arm between the shoulder and elbow. The husband, reviving, advised his wife to bar the doors and load the guns, of which there was a rifle, a shotgun, a revolver and three pistols. Mrs. Harris secured the doors, but told her husband she had never loaded a gun in her life. Mr. Harris instructed her how to load the weapons and expired. This brave woman, left to her own resources, commenced a sharp firing upon the savages, who, having burnt the outbuildings, were endeavoring to fire the house. She thus continued to defend herself and daughter, she watching at one end of the house and the child the other, for eight hours, and until about sundown, when the savages, being attracted by a firing on the flats about a mile below the house, left to discover whence it proceeded. She embraced the opportunity and fled to a thicket of willows, which grew along a spring branch near the house, taking with her only a holster pistol. She and her daughter had barely secreted themselves when the Indians, eighteen in number, all armed with rifles, returned, and finding the house abandoned, commenced scouring the ticket. Upon their near approach to her hiding place she fired her pistol, which caused a general stampede. This was repeated several times, and always with the same result until finally, surrounding the thicket, they remained till daylight. Her ammunition was now exhausted; but she retained her position until the volunteers arrived, when the Indians fled precipitately, and she was saved. Mrs. Harris had on the evening previous sent her little son, aged nine years, to the house of a neighbor. He was killed, as well as Frank Reed, the partner of Mr. Harris. This list does not include all who were murdered on that bloody day, many of whom were never heard of afterwards. Upon the receipt of the news at Jacksonville, at least twenty men sprang into the saddle at once. They did not wait to be enrolled, consequently a full list cannot be obtained; but among them were John Drum, Henry Klippel, James D. Burnett, Wm. Dalland, Alex. Mackey, John Hulse, Angus Brown, Jack Long, A. J. Knott, Levi Knott and John Ladd. Upon their arrival at Fort Lane, they were authorized by Major Fitzgerald to go in advance as a scouting party, stating that he would follow them with his company of fifty-five dragoons in a short time. The narrative of the expedition is copied from the diary of J. D. Burnett, one of the volunteers. He says: "We left Evans' Ferry at two o'clock on the morning of the 10th of October. The first body found was the body of Jones, whose body had been nearly eaten up by the hogs; the next were Cartwright and his partner, the apple men. As they neared the creek on which Wagoner's house had been situated, they found the Indians were still there. The volunteers crossed the creek, which was thickly bordered by willows, when they met about twenty Indians on horseback, drawn up in line of battle, with a battle flag. The Indians challenged the volunteers to fight, which was quickly accepted; but as the volunteers charged, Major Fitzgerald broke through the willows, and with his dragoons joined in the movement. The Indians suddenly retreated, but too late. Seven were left dead on the ground, and the number of wounded could not be ascertained, as the Indians fled to the mountains where the troops could not follow them, as their horses were already nearly exhausted. "Upon reaching the Wagoner house, Mr. Burnett and Alex. Mackey found the bones of Mrs. Wagoner and her little girl on the hearthstone. Taking some bricks from the chimney, they made a small vault, into which the deposited the remains with the intention of removing them upon their return and giving them decent burial. Upon their return, they found the Indians had taken the bones to a large pine stump near the house and crushed them to powder. Upon reaching Harris's ranch, they found Harris dead in the house, and soon discovered Mrs. Harris and her daughter coming toward them from a willow thicket nearby. The girl had been shot in the arm; and both were in a deplorable condition. After they had buried Mr. Harris, the company was ordered back to take the woman to a place of safety, and to gather up the dead. On the next day, they returned to take care of three wagons belonging to Mr. Knott, which were loaded with merchandise, but fund them all burned with their contents and the teams driven off. In searching the surrounding country they came to the house of Mr. Haines, where they found Haines and his young son killed; but Mrs. Haines could not be found. As she was never afterwards heard of, she undoubtedly met the fate of Mrs. Wagoner." Elwood Evans, History of the Pacific Northwest, 1889, pages 435-437 HARK!
to yond' sound on the mount's high range!
Henry Hill Woodward, Lyrics
of the Umpqua, 1889, pages 106-107The yells are terrific, most hideous and strange. Ah! 'tis the war-whoop and the foe on the path! He is seeking revenge in red-painted wrath! And here unprotected, alone, we've to stand To battle for home and our dear native land, No help but our fortitude and courage as well, To meet and defy that inhuman wild yell. O, great God, to thy care my offspring I leave, My dear wife and kindred I hope will not grieve, At my absence to join in volunteers' slim array, In a sparsely settled country in the hostile affray. But what we lack in numbers we'll make up in skill, And by our superior aim many foemen will kill. 'Tis on the defensive henceforth we will act, And fight for our lives with frontiersmen's great tact Now we march to the battle on the trail--single file, O'er deep craggy canons in skirmishing style. The bloody battle is fought, and the victory won, And away to the forest routed red men swift run. We bury our dead, and for last solemn rites tarry, When we march back to our homes with our wounded to carry; We arrive at our cabins, grim, ragged, and torn, Cheered by our friends we had left so forlorn. We gently break the news to the friends of the slain, And hie to peaceful pursuits 'til they break out again. After a few anxious months' toiling and scouting around, Then again on the mountain we hear the war-sound, When a sad repetition of bloody strife again comes, Then we haste to the war to defend our lone homes. They call it patriotic, and as leading to fame, But it is carnage and privation that getteth the name. O God, what a contrast there is in men's lives! For some of thy beings seem to be always in gyves, They're fetter'd with woes which are hard to withstand, Especially when battling with a bloodthirsty band. We sigh for sweet peace that to us is a star More beautiful and pleasing than desolating rude war, So that industry may be rewarded and affections may bloom, And the red hatchet be buried forever in the tomb. Washington
Dear Col. AndersonOct. 14 / 91 A complete history of Fort Vancouver cannot fail to be most interesting, and I do not doubt you will make it so. I am unable to give you any information concerning A. J. Smith's affair at "Hungry Hill." It occurred I think in 1855, while we were busy with Indians in Washington Territory. I went with my company of the 4th Infantry from Fort Vancouver to Port Orford in 1856 upon the occasion of the Indian outbreak at the mouth of Rogue River the December or January previous. In that outbreak were involved all the Indians located on or near that river from Fort Lane to its mouth. The troops employed against these Indians were commanded by General R. C. Buchanan, then major 4th Infantry and consisted of Ord's and John [F.] Reynolds' companies of the 3rd Artillery, Smith's troop of the 1st Dragoons, Floyd-Jones' and my companies of the 4th Infantry and a detachment of forty men from the 4th Cavalry, commanded by Lieut. Sweitzer 1st Dragoons. Bledsoe's company of Oregon volunteers cooperated with us but was not, I think, under Buchanan's command. Early in May, I think, of that year, after a number of successful affairs with the Indians, Col. Buchanan held a council with them at or near the mouth of the Illinois River. The grievance or excuse of the Indians for this outbreak was a dislike to go to the reservation set apart for them in the northern part of Oregon, the "Siletz" and "Grand Ronde" reservations. At this council after a good deal of talk, they finally consented to go. The command was then divided, Ord and Reynolds going to Port Orford for supplies. Smith with his troop and the infantry detachment under Sweitzer started with the Indians belonging about Fort Lane, which was also his post, to gather up the property of the Indians as well as their own, and then to escort these Indians to the Grand Ronde agency. Floyd-Jones' company and mine remained near the mouth of the Illinois awaiting the return of Ord and Reynolds. The second night Smith reached the "Big Bend" of that river. After dark he was informed by some friendly squaws that the Indians had determined to go no further, and were going to attack him. Smith quietly about eleven o'clock took up a better position on a hill nearby. In the morning he found himself surrounded by Indians, who began firing upon him. Smith had sent a scout during the night to Buchanan with a report of his situation; on his return to Smith he was unable to reach him on account of Indians, and returned to Buchanan, but got lost in the woods and did not meet him until late the next day. It was upon his report of the condition of Smith that I was sent to his assistance. The "Big Bend" was from twelve to fifteen miles from the mouth of the Illinois where I was with Buchanan. I reached Smith a little before sunset and found him surrounded by Indians, who fled on my approach, firing at every favorable opportunity and killing and wounding five of my company. Smith sent out his detachment of infantry, and we remained out until all the Indians had disappeared. Smith's command had made a most gallant defense. Having no spades or picks, the men loosened up the earth with the infantry bayonet, the cavalry having none and using men's spurs for spades, made a rifle pit which partially protected his men. As it was he had twenty-seven men killed and wounded, all in or about the head. The killed outnumbered the wounded; having no water, the command suffered very much. Col. Buchanan came up the next day with Floyd-Jones' company, and a few days after the Indians came in and gave up their arms, except those of "Old Man John's" band, and some days after they were all marched to Port Orford; subsequently they were sent by steamer to Portland and marched thence to the "Grand Ronde" agency, where "Sam's" band was already located. After Fort Hoskins was established all the "Salt Chuck" Indians, and "George's" and "Limpy's" bands of the upper Rogue River Indians went to Siletz Agency. While still at "Big Bend" Buchanan received information that the "Salt Chucks" were gathering on the river below the mouth of the Illinois. I was sent with my company to attack them, which I did very early one morning. It would have been a complete surprise if the guide's dog had not opened on a deer running over; this alarmed the Indians, and they rushed into the river; many swam across the river and hid in rocks where they were killed by Capt. Bledsoe's company of Oregon volunteers, which had gone down on the other side of the river to cooperate with me. Many escaped by swimming down the river, exposing only their heads occasionally to get breath. These Indians then sent word they wanted to come in and asked that troops be sent to receive them. I was sent with my company for this purpose to a place called "Mikonotunne Hill" where they all came in and delivered up their arms and joined the other Indians on their march to Port Orford and to their reservations. This company of Oregon volunteers, Capt. Bledsoe's, was the only Oregon volunteers I remember serving on that campaign. It was a most excellent company. This is a brief sketch of this campaign; many interesting details are omitted, but what I have stated is correct, I believe. I am, dear Col., very truly yours (sgd) C. C. Augur Beinecke Library Indian War Veterans.
We publish below, for the benefit of the survivors of the Indian wars
of 1855-56, an epitome of names of captains of companies, with official
letters, also other data of the 2nd Regt. of O.M. Volunteers, taken
from Walling’s History of Oregon, which will no doubt be
useful in the
future as a reference. The first date in each paragraph gives time of
mustering in, and the last the date of discharge.A.--Joe Bailey--Oct. 23, 1955. Feb. 6, 1856. D.--E. A. Rice--Nov. 10, 1855. May 15, 1856. E.--R. L. Williams--Nov. 10, 1855. Feb. 1, 1856. Williams was elected colonel of 2nd Regt. Dec. 7, 1855; resigned Mar. 8, 1856. F.--W. A. Wilkinson--Nov. 10, 1855. Feb. 10, 1856. F.--Same captain, re-enlisted company. Feb. 11, 1856. May 26, 1856. G.--Miles T. Alcorn--Feb. 6, 1856. May 25, 1856. H.--Saml. Gordon--Nov. 25, 1855. Feb. 10, 1856. I.--W. W. Chapman--Nov. 22, 1855. Jan. 18, 1856. I.--Same captain, re-enlisted company. Jan. 18, 1856. May 14, 1856. W. H. Crouch became captain of the company March 8, 1856, when Chapman was elected lieut. colonel of the 2nd Regt. A.--First recruited battalion. Edward Sheffield--Feb. 8, 1856. May 20, 1856. B.--First recruited battalion. Abel George--Feb. 1856. June 18, 1856. C.--First recruited battalion. Mike Bushey--Feb. 19, 1856. May 21, 1856. D.--First recruited battalion. M. M. Williams--Feb. 27, 1856. May 26, 1856. A.--Second recruited battalion. W. H. Latshaw--Feb. 13, 1856. June 19, 1856. J. M. Wallons became captain of this company March 19, 1856. B.--Second recruited battalion. John Kelsay--Feb. 18, 1856. June 21, 1856. When Kelsay was elected colonel of the regiment W. J. Robertson became captain, Mar. 19, 1856. C.--Second recruited battalion. D. W. Keith--March 29, 1856. July 3, 1856. E.--Northern battalion. P. Nolan--June 28, 1856. L.--Ninth militia company. Abel George--Oct. 18, 1855. Nov. 21, 1855. The following named captains commanded companies in the 9th regiment of militia, viz: K, Saml. Frye ; G, Miles T. Alcorn; D, Robt. L. Williams; C, Jacob Rinearson; all under Col. John Ross. Adjutant, Chas. 8S. Drew. Captain John Kelsay was elected colonel of the 2nd regiment March 18, 1856, and Captain W. W. Chapman was elected lieut. colonel the same date. He succeeded Lieut. Colonel W. J. Martin. James Bruce was major of the 2nd regiment. All staff officers served to the close of the war in July, 1856. The Plaindealer, Roseburg, March 12, 1896, page 1 Thursday evening the Lewiston Tribune office was visited by . . . E. J. Northcutt. In Northcutt's own picturesque verbiage he is 66 years old; on last New Year's Day he buried his third wife; his first wife was the first white single woman in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon; he has never been sick a day in his life, has never known the taste of medicine and no physician has ever felt his pulse, though wounded twice by Indians; during 40 years' life as packer, trapper and Indian fighter he has known every phase of physical suffering and security; he has owned more gold dust than a stout man could lift in a sack from the ground, and he has been so poor that he would drive a dog from his bone; he has gone seven days without food and has seen men eat human flesh. "Frontier Life Forty Years Ago," Big Timber Pioneer, Big Timber, Montana, May 28, 1896, page 2 There is hardly a better known man in Seattle than Maj. W. V. Rinehart, who has just been chosen to represent the sixth ward in the city council for the next two years. Maj. Rinehart was born in 1835 in Tippecanoe County, Ind. After a boy's experience on the farm and a preliminary education at a good Quaker school, at the age of 18 he crossed the plains, driving an ox team, and entered the California gold fields in 1854. Two years later he removed to Southern Oregon, and arriving there just in the midst of the Rogue River Indian war, he took an active part in the protection of the settlers. He served with vigor, courage and distinction throughout the Civil War, and his career in that terrible struggle is a matter of history. At the close of the war he entered upon a mercantile life in Eastern Oregon, but was soon drawn into active political life. In that particular arena he has had far more experience than any other member of the new council. Arriving in Seattle in 1882, he embarked in the grocery business, but gave his chief attention to real estate matters and made some very fortunate investments. He was councilman from the first ward in 1884-85, and soon became one of the recognized leaders of the Republican Party. He was a member of the territorial legislature in 1886, and at the first election of state officers he was chosen state senator. Afterward he served as commissioner of public works, being chairman of the board until January, 1893. He is prominent in Masonic circles, and is a man of unimpeachable reputation and great force of character. In '55-56 I was running a butcher shop in Jacksonville, Or. That was about the time Mrs. Wagoner was killed, and the Haines family were murdered. There was an Indian uprising and the country was scared. The day the Haines family were murdered the settlers had just about got tired monkeying with those Indians, and we made up our minds to put an end to them. We sent to Hungry Hill to Capt. A. J. Smith of the army for his 400 dragoons, and then I organized a company of men, composed entirely of gamblers and such like, the finest lot of fighting men you ever saw. That afternoon the Indians attacked my place while my company was forming some distance away. I ran out with a butcher knife in one hand and a six-shooter in the other, and killed seven Indians quicker than that. I stood the rest off until my men came, and then we set on them. We drove them through Louse Creek into Rogue River Valley, where Capt. Smith's men joined us. Before the Haines family massacre there were over 4000 Indians in the district, and when we got through with them there were less than 500 left. Lots of the boys made good money from the government on rewards. The way I figured it up at the time, I killed 107 Indians myself. Hank Brown in "Life in the Wild West," Los Angeles Times, October 31, 1898, page 7 Mr. James Blakeley, who has been visiting his son, George, in this city, returned this morning to Brownsville. Mr. Blakeley is 86 years old and crossed the plains in 1846. Reaching The Dalles, his party built flatboats in which they went down the river. He still lives on the donation land claim which was given him in that year, the city of Brownsville being located on his claim. This is a remarkable incident, as perhaps a similar case could not be found in the state. Daring the Rogue River war in 1856 he formed a company, among the members of which were Marshall Hill, Arthur and W. Walker, and J. A. Gulliford. Yesterday the old gentleman was delighted and surprised to meet his old friend Max Ramsey, of Sherman County, whom be had not seen for forty years. Mr. Blakeley is very well preserved for one of his age, and his visit with his sons in Eastern Oregon has been very enjoyable. "Local Brevities," Dalles Weekly Chronicle, November 16, 1898, page 3 SOUTHERN OREGON INDIAN WAR. ENGAGEMENTS, EXPERIENCES AND INCIDENTS GRAPHICALLY TOLD. At an early stage of the war Dr. Patterson resigned the lieutenancy and was appointed one of the surgeons, this position being more preferable to him. Sergeant Poindexter was elected to fill the vacancy. February 24, 1856, Captain Buoy, who was a veteran of the Blackhawk War, resigned, and Second Lieutenant P. C. Noland was elected captain. "Ples" is still hale and hearty, although he saw service when a mere lad in the Mexican War. Johnathan Moore, one of the best and bravest young men, was made lieutenant, which position he filled with honor. While fording Lost Creek some years later, where the village of Trent is now located, he was accidentally drowned. Mrs. John Hampton, whose home is in this city, was a sister of his. We made our first camp near Dr. Patterson's, on what is now Twelfth and Patterson streets. Eugene was but a village then. Two stores was all the town contained. This was before the era of railroads, telegraph lines, streetcars, electric lights, etc. Probably there was not a threshing machine, self-binder or mower, or any of the things just mentioned, from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean. The winter, or at least a part of 1855-6, was very cold, a fact we easily found out, for we were encamped at Yocum's in tents, not far from the village of Canyonville. W. H. Byars, since surveyor-general of Oregon, was then a young man, making his way, like many other young men of today, by working during vacation at anything he could find to do, which in this case was carrying the mail on horseback once a week from Roseburg to Jacksonville, and it was our duty to escort him through the big canyon, a distance of 11 miles. Besides doing escort duty when required, squads of troops, from a dozen to perhaps 40, would be detailed at places remote from the principal settlements to guard the settlers, who would frequently "fort up" and all live at the same place for mutual protection. Camas Valley, situated at the source of the Coquille River, 25 miles southwest of Roseburg, was the scene of a lively skirmish one beautiful morning in the early spring of 1856. Ten of our boys were located at H. Martindale's house, which was used as a fort for all of the valley. During the night a large band of Indians surrounded the fort, with a view of murdering all they could, and stealing stock. While a portion of the red devils were dodging behind trees, shooting at us at every chance, the others were rounding up all the horses and cattle that the valley contained. During the hottest of the fight the officer in charge saw about a dozen Indians at a distance of nearly 400 yards away. Knowing that there was but one gun in the fort that would do execution at that distance, the owner was ordered to a sheltered position outside, where he could have a good opportunity to make a sure shot, which he did. I will desist from giving this soldier's name, for he is a very bashful old fellow, and to see his name in the Native Son would be sure to bring blushes to his weatherbeaten face. When the Indians had secured all the horses and cattle in the valley, except one horse belonging to William P. Day, which during the fight ran to the fort and was taken inside, they left, going along a mountain trail leading to the Meadows on Rogue River. We soldier boys were set afoot also. One of our boys were then sent in haste to Lookingglass, where most of Company B was then stationed. Captain Buoy soon arrived with reinforcements, and, following the Indian trail, came to a place where they had cooked and eaten a hasty breakfast. An Indian riding a mule and left as a rear guard was killed, his mule also. A running fight of several miles ensued, but it was not known that any more Indians were killed. There was no one killed or wounded on our side. But no doubt others, with the writer, recollect very distinctly the zip of the bullets. While in a reminiscent mood, I will relate an incident that occurred in our company while encamped at the farm of L. D. Kent, on the South Umpqua River, in the vicinity of the town of Dillard, but on the opposite side of the river. Mr. Kent, as was the fashion in those days, and probably is yet, was the father of a number of buxom daughters, who, with many other maiden qualities, delighted in "tripping the light fantastic toe." It is scarcely necessary to say that in Company B were a number of boys who took delight in this favorite pastime. One day Captain Buoy had business at Roseburg which detained him overnight. Before starting he called the men on parade, and in language as near as the writer can recollect, addressed them about as follows: "Boys, business requires my absence from camp tonight, and before leaving I wish to say that it is not necessary to inform you that for a number of evenings some of you have been in the habit of going to Mr. Kent's and have danced so much I am sure the girls are tired. It is my urgent request that this evening at least, you remain in camp and give the girls a rest. The sequel will show how the request was heeded. During the day one of the sons of Mr. Kent came into camp and invited certain ones of the boys to come to the house in the evening for the regular dance. One of the boys, Robert Clark, an inveterate dancer, was omitted from the list of the invited ones, at which he was not at all pleased. Clark had a messmate and a valued friend, who, for certain reasons, I will in the present instance, for brevity's sake, name Mas H. [Samuel Handsaker], although I fail to find such a name on our muster roll. Mas H. said to Clark: "Leave the matter to me, and about the time they get to dancing in good earnest we will bring the boys out of the house much faster than they went in," to which Clark agreed. About 8 o'clock Mas H. passed out by one of the guards and told him that if he heard any firing going on up the river not to pay any attention to it. In less time than is required to write this, "Bang! Bang!" went a heavily loaded gun, and also what seemed like Indian yells. Before the racket above the camp had begun, Clark had placed himself near the door of the house, and at the first shot opened the door and yelled "Indians!" If it had been a real, instead of a false attack on the camp, it could not have caused more consternation. Lieutenant Moore was in the crowd, and as the other boys climbed over each other to see which could reach the camp first, he continued to urge them to "Keep cool, boys! Keep cool!" A tiny branch ran between the house and camp, with but a small log for a bridge, and into it "Johnathan" (Lieutenant Moore) with some others, tumbled pell-mell. Then some of the boys advised the lieutenant to keep cool. When the dancers reached camp they were greeted with a hearty laugh by those who had remained. When the captain returned, the wri--excuse me, Mas H., I mean--proceeded at once to "acknowledge the corn," and received from the good old warrior the commendation, "You did just right." Early in the spring of 1856 a number of companies of troops were sent to the Meadows, down Rogue River, where it was known the Indians had gone out of our reach, as they fondly hoped. We fought them a number of times, but since the river intervened it was difficult to know just how many we may have killed. Our loss was very light. One day a detachment was taken from the different companies to reconnoiter the enemy. To reach them was a very difficult matter, on account of the deep canyons and the rough country to be crossed. The Indians were found, but it not being thought best to bring on an engagement at that time; a few shots were fired and the retreat ordered. When camp was reached and the roll called it was found that one of Company B's men, F. M. Splawn, was missing. Volunteers were at once called for, and many responded at once, but by the time the precautions were made for the return, it was too late in the day. It was the intention to make the search early next morning, but almost before dawn the camp was aroused to a wonderful degree by the guard's calling out, "Splawn's in camp!" and the good news was repeated, "Splawn's in camp!" Sure enough, there was the same brave Frank that we had all mourned as dead. Each one was anxious to learn the particulars of his escape. When the retreat was ordered, Frank, as usual, was in front, and did not learn, till later, that he was left to fight the savages alone. In order to avoid, if possible, the shots of the Indians, who were in plain sight of him, he took refuge in some bushes, which were riddled for awhile with the deadly missiles intended for the brave soldier. Here he remained until night, when he escaped from his hiding place without any injury. After traveling all night over the roughest ground imaginable, he reached camp as above related just at daylight, but it was weeks before he overcame his rough adventure. War incidents would not be complete without an occasional anecdote, and the following was told on Captain Johnathan Keeney to the writer by General McCarver, at that time our quartermaster general. It seems that the captain wanted to procure some provisions for his men and applied to the commissary in charge in vain for them. This enraged the old man, who at once sought an interview with General McCarver. After making known his wants, the general informed him that if he would make out a requisition it should be filled. "To sheol with your inquisitions," was his answer. But his wants were supplied. On April 25, 1856, McDonald Harkness, and another man [Jacob Wagoner], whose name is forgotten, left Fort Leland for the Meadows. When but a few miles from our camp they were shot at from ambush and Harkness was killed, the other man escaping. The most horrible sight we witnessed during the entire campaign was when his body, stark naked and mutilated in the most shocking manner, was brought into camp on a pack mule in charge of Captain Crouch's company. In June, 1856, the Indians that had been engaged at intervals in killing the settlers of Southern Oregon surrendered and were placed--a portion of them--on a reservation set apart for them, part at Grand Ronde and the others at Siletz. On July 2, 1856, our company, each and every one, received an honorable discharge and were mustered out at Roseburg. For the best of reasons,the fashion of sending the troops home in palace cars and feasting them on the fat of the land, so much in vogue now, was not practiced then to any great extent, for the very good reason that we had no railroads. Mounted on the hurricane deck of a cayuse kuitan (Indian pony), after serving their country to the best of their ability, the boys--our honorable colonel, Judge Kelsay, called us all boys--were glad, soldierlike, to return to our homes. Although we furnished our own horses, guns and blankets, and waited for seven long years for the niggardly stipend of $11 per month, yet we were not pensioners, no matter what disability we acquired in defending Oregon homes. If the reader should ask if we did not get interest or a premium on the gold we received, after waiting so long for our wages, the answer would be: "We received greenbacks, and they were worth 40 cents on the dollar." For the lack of some other excuse, the pension office has decided that the volunteers in our Indian wars were not mustered in by a United States officer; hence are not entitled to pensions. For several years the surviving Indian fighters have made repeated efforts to secure a pension, but were met with repeated and continued obstacles, but before the present session of Congress adjourns it is to be hoped that the veterans will have the satisfaction of knowing that their efforts to prevent this country from remaining in the hands of the savages has been recognized by the government, and that they will receive the justice due them, after a lapse of so many years. There are now 1000 veterans living and 300 widows. The pension bill asking for a monthly allowance of but $8. The original number of enlistments in the Indian wars of this state were 7000, but all have answered "Here" to the last roll call, with the exception of 1000, and nearly all of those remaining are of an advanced age. Small though the pension is, it will be greatly appreciated by these defenders of civilization and will assist them in a large measure, for a very few of them are provided with a surplus of this world's goods. A tardy recognition of their services would be considered better than none at all, but Congress must soon give this merited recognition, or there will be no veterans to receive it.
Oregon Native Son, Portland, September 1900, pages 193-196A Pioneer Reminiscence.
John Mullan, one of the old, original gold seekers of Southern Oregon,
was in Medford Saturday evening on his way to Ashland, where he goes to
perfect the papers necessary to establish his claim to a pension as an
Indian war veteran. Mr. Mullan was mining on Althouse when the Rogue
River war broke out, and was one of the first to volunteer to help put
down the rising. He served through the whole war, and was present at
the surrender of the Indians to Gen. Joe Lane at Big Meadows. [Lane
was not at the 1856 surrender; Mullan is not known to have been at Big
Meadows either. Presumably this sentence was invented or misunderstood
by the reporter.] The old
pioneer related one incident to the reporter, which, given in his own
words, shows the stuff that men were made of in those days; "We were up
against a band of Indians one day," said Uncle John, "and there was one
fellow off to one side behind a tree who was bothering us considerable
with a flank fire, and I thought I would stop his fire. I ran down
behind a low ridge to a big pine tree opposite him and near the top of
the ridge. I could look up over the ridge from behind the tree to see
the Indians some sixty yards away. In that position we exchanged
several shots. It must be remembered that we both had muzzle-loaders,
and that it took some time to reload. At last I got him where I wanted
him. His gun was unloaded and mine was loaded, and I was watching the
tree like a hawk to catch him the first time he showed himself. At that
moment a young man of the company thought he would share in my fun and
ran down to me and begged for the next shot. I pushed him down to the
foot of the tree and told him to lie there. While I was doing this my
opponent got his gun loaded, and when I poked my head from behind the
tree he let me have it. I thought the sky had fallen on me; I was blind
for an instant. I fell on top of my companion, who asked me if I was
killed. About that time my sight and reason came back to me, and I
looked up to see Mr. Indian calmly standing in open sight reloading his
gun--he thought he had killed me. Did I kill him? He was on that same
spot at sundown, and the fracas occurred just after noon. I suspect he
is there yet." The bullet had struck Mr. Mullan on top of the head and
plowed a furrow through the scalp from the forehead to the back of his
head, and the track of the missile can be seen to this day.Medford Mail, January 2, 1903, page 2 Captain P. C. Noland, a pioneer of Oregon, and a veteran of the Rogue River Indian wars, died at Creswell, Lane County, Or., on the 9th inst., aged 74 years. Deceased was an uncle of J. D. Stevens of Grants Pass, Or., and Phil Stevens of this county. "Local News Briefly Told," Del Norte Record, Crescent City, February 27, 1904, page 3 [B. F. Mansfield] was a veteran of the Rogue River Indian War, and his remarkable memory was stored with every incident and detail of that pioneer trial of hardship. His service of action in the Indian war was to escort travelers up the Rogue River Valley, and it was his boast that he served two years with the distinction of having never come into contact with a hostile redskin. "Athena Pioneer Is Summoned," East Oregonian, Pendleton, December 26, 1908, page 8 HEROES OF ROGUE RIVER WAR AND
Recollections of a Pioneer of the Bloody Days of the Early Fifties-- Josephine, Jackson and Douglas Counties Scenes of First Encounters with Aborigines--Charles Johnson First Victim. (By Francis M. Tibbetts in the Oregonian)
Charles Johnson
was one of the first, if not the first, hero of the Rogue River war. He
gave his life in saving three companions, and I was one of them;
therefore I know what a hero Charles Johnson was. He held at bay 30
Indians while I and another were helping away a wounded companion.
Johnson and I started in the war together and fought side by side until
he fell, but many times later in other fights I wished I had had
Johnson and his trusty gun with me.
It was in October, 1855, and I was a young man and ready for almost any adventure, when with Johnson and Frank Stone we left Oakland, Douglas County, for Jacksonville. The ox wagons had been loaded with supplies and provisions for the mines. It was a bright, crisp fall morning when we started out, and as we called the oxen to move on none of us dreamed we were to see the bloodshed that we did before our trip was finished. News of Outbreak.
When we reached the south end of the big canyon
(the old Dan Levens place) and pitched our camp we were paid a call by
the late Judge M. P. Deady, who aroused us all and fired my adventurous
spirit by telling us the Indians had gone on the warpath. Judge Deady
told us what few details had reached him of the outbreak. Riders had
come in with reports that the reds were massacring everyone between the
big canyon and Jacksonville and burning the homes of the settlers. He
urged us to return through the canyon, saying it was the only safe way
for us to avoid the Indians.The next morning, October 10, after a council, we decided to push on. We went three miles to Smith's place on Cow Creek. Here we found a number of miners and settlers who had been driven out. Putting our cattle into pasture and our wagon into the corral, we continued to Redland, about three miles above where the town of Glendale stands. Here we formed a military company, the first in the Rogue River war. In it were 28 men, who elected Major Jacob Rinearson captain, and the next morning we started to battle. The First Fight.
Word had reached us by a miner who had
escaped that
two miners on Grave Creek had been attacked. After a hard ride of 15
minutes we encountered a band of Chief Limpy's warriors, and here
occurred the first battle of the war. After a short fight, in which one
of the Indians was killed and we had captured 10 ponies, the reds
withdrew and we continued to the mine.Upon our arrival there we found the two men dead in their diggings, and buried them in the grave they had themselves prepared. While engaged in this sad duty the Indians were harassing us, and it was necessary to beat them back while part of the men performed the last rites for the dead. Raid Upon Mines.
Our company returned to the Harkness
place, on Grave
Creek, where the settlers had congregated and fortified for protection.
We remained there two days, marching south to Widow Niday's place, near
Jumpoff Joe Creek, now Merlin. We heard here that the Indians had made
a raid on the mines at the mouth of the Galice Creek, this news being
brought by a courier who had managed to get through. A detail of 14 men
was sent to their relief, leaving Jumpoff Joe at 12 o'clock on the
night of October 19. I was on this detail.We arrived at Galice Creek at dusk the next day and found 30 men and one woman (Mrs. Pickett) in a split board house, which they had entrenched by throwing up earthworks on the inside and digging trenches to the outside for protection when firing. One man (Pickett) was dead and 12 others wounded. The Indians had withdrawn after riddling the house with bullets. The next morning Major Fitzgerald arrived with a company of regular troops and took the wounded to Jacksonville. Our detail returned to Jumpoff Joe. Johnson and I decided to go to Cow Creek and see about our cattle and outfit. Settlers Besieged.
Upon our arrival at Smith's place we
found the
settlers congregated there for protection and went on to Dan Levens'
farm, finding our cattle and wagons all right. Returning to Smith's we
found the place besieged, and Johnson's horse was killed as we
dismounted. That night Johnson, myself and another man crept through
the lines, returning to Levens', reaching there without mishap. There
was at this place 12 men and about the same number of women, among whom
were J. W. Miller, now of Portland, and his wife.The next morning, seeing smoke in the direction of Smith's place, four of us--Charles Johnson, Alexander Abbott, Stephen Minot and myself--started for the top of the intervening ridge, about half a mile distant, to reconnoiter. When we got within 40 yards of the top of the ridge, about 30 Indians jumped out from behind trees and fired on us at close range, wounding Minot in the body. We started back, Abbott and I, carrying Minot, and Johnson covered our retreat, and in doing this he sacrificed his life. Indians Scalp Johnson.
We had gone in this way about 200 yards
when we saw
a party had started from the house with a horse for the wounded man.
The Indians were following continuously. Just at this time Jackson
fell, shot through the head and killed instantly. We got Minot in and
he eventually recovered. The Indians scalped and mutilated Johnson's
body. The siege of the Lewis house (then Minot's) began and continued
for three days. We fought them off until the balance of Rinearson's
company came from Widow Niday's place to our relief. During this time
it was fighting all the time and [required] eternal vigilance to
prevent the Indians from firing the house with flaming arrows, which
they shot from under the creek bank. We never could tell how many
Indians were killed, as they always carried away the dead and wounded.
The late Hardy Elliff and Rev. J. W. Miller conducted this defense, and
by their heroic conduct and example were largely responsible for its
successful issue.Medford Daily Tribune, June 10, 1909, page 2 The story can be found in the Oregonian of May 23, 1909, page E8 HEROES OF INDIAN WAR IN ROGUE
Tales of Early Days Concluded from Thursday's Tribune--Massacres by Reds. (Concluded from Thursday's Tribune)
After the
Indians were defeated and driven off, I was detailed with John Fortune,
Alex Abbott and one other man to escort Rev. Miller and his family to
Roseburg, then a small trading post. Returning to the scene of
hostilities and finding Rinearson's company disbanded, I joined Captain
W. W. Chapman's company and served through the war, taking part in the
battles of Hungry Hill, Big Meadows and other minor engagements.
While Johnson was probably the first hero, there were others who showed brave hearts during the bitter war with the Indians. Among the first killed was a man named Bailey, of Eugene, who was driving hogs to Jacksonville. Efforts were made to persuade him to stay at Smith's place, but he was determined to push on, and when we first reached Cow Creek we found him and his driver dead. His cattle and hogs had been killed and the bodies of the two men mutilated. A Heroic
One of the brave women of the
war was Mrs.
Harris, who lived on Louse Creek, and who after a trying time was
rescued by Captain Rinearson and his party. One morning as she and her
husband were standing in the doorway of his cabin he was killed by the
Indians.In dragging his body to the house his daughter was shot through the arm, but this did not prevent her and her mother conducting a heroic defense of the little place. Going into the second story with two shotguns and plenty of ammunition, they fought off Indians, the wounded daughter loading the guns as fast as her mother fired them. Mrs. Harris was an excellent shot, and many Indians fell at her hands during the day and night she defended her home. The next morning, feeling she had repulsed the attack, Mrs. Harris and her daughter crept to a willow swamp some distance from the house. There they were found by Captain Rinearson and his party and rescued. Captain Rinearson was one of those born fighters who had many exciting battles during the war. Once with A. J. Knott, who owned the Stark Street ferry [in Portland], they got after the Indians. During a skirmish Knott's horse became frightened and ran away, while his rider was behind a tree picking off the Indians. Knowing they would be helpless without the horse, Captain Rinearson gave pursuit. The animal made straight for the Indian line, with Rinearson close behind, but he finally captured him, but not until 15 or 20 Indians had been killed. The fight of Hungry Hill was one of the largest in the whole war. About 500 white men and something like 800 Indians were engaged in this fight. The fight lasted three days and three nights. We were out of provisions and the Indians cut us from water, but with desperation we cut through the line and eventually captured Chief John, the leader of the Rogue River Indians. We took him to Portland and put him aboard a boat for San Francisco, and it was on the ship that he made his sensational fight. One day, freeing himself from his chains, he ran amuck on the ship, and bent on taking possession of it, when a well-directed blow with a belaying pin rendered him unconscious and he was again chained. [This is a wildly inaccurate description of the Hungry Hill and Chief John stories.] Family Murdered.
Mrs. Haines was taken prisoner near
where Grants
Pass is now. Several attempts were made to rescue her, but all efforts
failed. The last we saw of her was at the battle of Big Meadow, on the
opposite side of Rogue River from us, at the time we were fighting, and
she waved her hand to us, but we could not rescue her. This was the
last we ever saw or heard of her, and we thought, and always did, that
she was murdered and her body thrown into the river. Mrs. Wagoner's two
children, one about 4 and the other 6 years old, were killed at their
home, their brains being knocked out against the side of the house and
the bodies left there. Mrs. Wagoner was killed in her house, after
which the house was set on fire and burned.The late Judge M. P. Deady had stopped overnight with them, and as he started to the Umpqua Valley, where Roseburg is now, and had ridden but a short distance, he heard them fire on the house, and he turned and looked back and saw Indians. Then he hastened on, knowing it was no use for him to try to do anything as the Indians were there and the family murdered, and he came to Roseburg. Medford Daily Tribune, June 11, 1909, page 5 -
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Rev. J. L. Parrish came to Oregon by the ocean route in 1839, and
arrived in 1840. He came as blacksmith to the Methodist mission and
remembers many interesting incidents. His account of the first overland
expedition from California to Oregon differs somewhat from Dr. McKay's,
and we will give both for what they are worth. Even if they disagree,
they are valuable and only need some little correction of dates. Mr.
Parrish says that in 1833 or 1834 a party came overland, composed of
Webley Hauxhurst, Canady and Ewing Young. There were eight or ten in
all, but he cannot recall their names [listed here].
They had horses to ride and also
pack animals. When they reached Rogue River they found the Indians very
numerous and exceedingly friendly. Some of the party were taken ill on
Rogue River and they stopped there to recruit, moving their stock onto
an island in the river, thinking they could not get away and the
Indians would not be so apt to steal them, or anything else. One day
they received a visit from two friendly Indians who remained a
considerable time. They held a council and considered the danger of
their position. They were so weak that they could make no strong
defense if attacked, as the whole company was then down with the chills
and fever and some were very low with it. In this state of body and
mind they came to the despicable and cowardly conclusion that their own
safety lay in killing their visitors to prevent them from betraying
their weakness to their people. The harmless savages were killed and
their bodies buried or concealed, and as soon as possible they started
on their northward journey. The Indians of course missed their
companions, and on searching the abandoned camp found traces of them
and at all events became satisfied of their untimely ending. Thus their
first meeting with whites, that commenced in all friendliness, ended in
their incurring an unending and well-grounded hatred. To them all white
men were the same, and they considered it legitimate vengeance to slay
them wherever they could be found.
This tragedy he [Webley Hauxhurst--identified in the Oregonian of June 28, 1885, page 1] kept secret and told to Mr. Parrish in confidence, not to be repeated during his lifetime. The men who committed this dastard deed may have been actuated by the supreme motive of self-preservation, and some excuse must be made for their weakness, helplessness and timidity consequent thereon, but they greatly erred, and their crime reacted on numerous travelers who fell victims to the desire for vengeance that never died away. Hundreds were slain, the valley of Rogue River was devastated, wars succeeded wars, until the peoples wronged were finally subdued and conquered, but that generation and its succeeding one never forgave the crime that turned their proffered friendship into gall. Other outrages were perpetrated by the rude men of early days that fed the flame. Wherever you may find a history of Indian savageness and terror, you will generally find some act by ruthless white men to kindle the savage nature into vindictive hate. Not long after this there came another expedition through from California, in which were Dr. W. J. Bailey of Champoeg, and George Gay. Mr. Parrish thinks John Turner came with it, though Dr. McKay says Turner came with Jedediah Smith. [Turner was on both expeditions.] There were many others on the start, but three were all that lived to make the finish. The Rogue River Indians beset them, and all the rest fell victims to their hate, caused by the incident above narrated. George Gay pushed on to Vancouver, but the others reached the mission, weary and worn, nearly starved and nearly naked. They had lived on snails and crawling things. They came with a pitiful tale of suffering and murder and of Indian treachery. There was no recognition of the outrage that had provoked the savage nature and had burned intending friendship into vindictive hate. The Hauxhurst and Ewing Young expedition was the first they had ever met of white men, and had circumstances been more favorable, instead of unceasing hate, the whites might have had the perpetual friendship of that race, and that beautiful river and valley not forever bear an upbraiding name. JEDEDIAH SMITH'S EXPEDITION
The removal of the headquarters of the fur trade from Astoria to
Vancouver was attended with important results for the Indians of that
part of Oregon. Up to that time there had been no horses west of the
Cascades save the five head Dr. McLoughlin had at Astoria and brought
to Vancouver. Now the fur company bought large bands of horses and
fitted out important expeditions with them. It was natural enough that
the natives should do the same, and soon the Indians of the Willamette
had large bands of them. Vancouver became a great center for trade at
that time, and the operations of the company were greatly extended. Not
having horses, they could not go far to secure furs where there were
not navigable waters. Their operations had not gone farther south than
Eugene, but an important incident occurred that led to extensive
results.In 1832 Jedediah Smith undertook to go overland from California [along the coast] to Oregon with a company of trappers and hunters. His company were all murdered in the Umpqua, except Smith himself and two men named Turner and Black. These escaped with severe wounds and pushed through as they could to Vancouver, enduring in over two hundred miles of travel untold hardship and suffering. They reached Vancouver, were received with the greatest kindness, and everything that was possible was done for them; that, too, when they belonged to a rival fur company. The next spring Dr. McLoughlin fitted out an expedition to go south and see what could be done there. He knew that Smith was making a fine hunt north when the massacre occurred, and he was disposed to make the most of all such opportunities. So he sent out a strong company of experienced men and instructed them to recapture all that was possible of the property taken from Jedediah Smith's company. Some time before McLoughlin had purchased of Chief Keane two slave boys captured from the Umpquas. These lads were much attached to the whites, but fortunately they had never forgotten their native language, which they always spoke when together. This fact made them useful as interpreters, so they accompanied the new expedition that was commanded by Robert McLeod, with Thomas McKay second in rank. They took with them John Turner, who escaped with Jedediah Smith the previous year. When this expedition reached the Umpqua the two lads were used in good service. McKay, who conducted the negotiations, told the chiefs that the white men demanded all the property they captured from Smith's company. They assumed a very bold position from the start, and threatened to come there with a large force and bring guns that could make thunder and lightning to annihilate the whole tribe. This bold attitude had its effect. They got back some of the horses (they had eaten some and had hidden others), some arms, most of the furs, and sent them back to Vancouver. It has been said that McLoughlin sent three slaves there to incite the Umpquas against the Smith company, but there is no evidence that the doctor knew anything of their coming, and it is certain the boys only went to Umpqua with the McLeod expedition. So far from intimidating them, haven't they treated them with every possible kindness? Smith was the first white man who ever went from California to Oregon overland, and there was no way to know he was coming as he did. An inventory was made of all the property regained from the Umpqua Indians and their full value computed, and the same remitted to Jedediah Smith in a draft on London. He had no reason to expect anything of the kind and must have been astonished to receive such remarkable proof of Dr. McLoughlin's generous nature. But all Oregon early history confirms that fact, and true history must extol the Christian benevolence that characterized the course of the H.B. Co. officials toward other white men. McLeod's expedition established a post in Umpqua Valley and personal intercourse made the Umpquas a friendly tribe, but the Rogue River Indians maintained their warlike and treacherous nature to the very end. How Smith escaped is strange, but his company maintained the greatest vigilance when passing Rogue River Valley. Considerable rumor is wasted concerning the way Rogue River got its name. It is even said that iron ores with a red cast caused the early French Canadians to call it Rouge River, or red, but that is not correct. The Canadians experienced so much rascality and thieving there that they called the natives coquins (rogues), and the translation holds good as the name of that country until this day. Rogue River it is and always must be. The expedition met with fair success and went as far south as Northern California. Strange to say, they had no definite idea of their locality. They wintered on McLeod River, named after the commander of the expedition, which is near the base of Mount Shasta and has a very cold winter climate at times. It proved to be a very severe winter, and one result was that all their horses died. All did not starve, for when they saw starvation imminent they killed what were in good order and dried the meat. Game abounded, but often men have starved who depended on game, so they dried their horse meat to be on the safe side. They were actually within a few days' journey of the Sacramento Valley, where horses and supplies could be had in abundance, but they did not know it, and hadn't studied geography enough to comprehend the fact. They asked Turner where they were and he wouldn't tell. Turner was 5 feet and 6 inches tall, good-hearted and all that, but he didn't care about going to California just then. It is said that a few of them joined Jedediah Smith's company with more horses than they paid for. If that was so he was excusable for not caring to return "just at that time." He afterwards did return, and died in California. So, when spring came, McLeod had no horses to transport his furs, and fitted out three men to journey 400 miles afoot to Vancouver. They were McKay, Depuy and Jean Baptiste Perrault, who afterwards started the G. B. Davidson orchard at the mouth of the Yamhill River. These three went back to Vancouver to get more horses, when 100 miles south they could have found settlements in California. It was a tedious journey, and they had to stand guard against the Indians, but in due time they made it, and fresh animals were sent to McLeod. The Rogue River country proved good trapping ground, and the Canadians would try to be sly about setting out their traps, but the coquins, as they called the Rogue Rivers, were sharply on the lookout, and thus, next morning, the beaver traps and all would be missing. The rogues had made away with the whole outfit, which was not usual with the Indians. McLeod's expedition opened a great extent of new country to the operations of the fur company. Jedediah Smith was the first white man who made the overland journey, and not even the hunters and trappers of that age had ventured south of the California range. The Willamette Valley was the limit of operations. The Rogue Rivers were warlike and dangerous, and that character was maintained until they were thoroughly subdued. It is remembered that their great war chief, Sam, and a few who were considered troublesome and feared as likely to stir up rebellion on the Coast Reservation, in Yamhill County, where they were finally located, were sent to Alcatraz. Old Sam actually tried, with partial success, to capture the steamer he went on. {The author is confusing Sam with Chief John, Tecumtum.] I remember that he got possession of the deck, but he couldn't spread himself around quite enough to keep the crew subdued and finally had to give it up when rifles and revolvers were brought to bear on him from different directions. At one time a large number left the reservation and found their way back to their native land and were recaptured with difficulty. The story of the Rogue Rivers is one of war and treachery or of heroic defense of native land, just as you choose to look upon it. That first expedition to California gave names to certain places that they retain today. It may be they did not all occur then, but we will give the origin of certain names. The Siskiyou Mountains got their name from the fact that McLeod's company had a horse stolen that belonged to Perrault. It was an old bobtailed white cayuse that the Indians of Rogue River, true to their reputation, drove off up the mountain and made meat of. All the use they had for horses then was to eat them. Pursuit was made and the bones of the old bobtail were found halfway up the mountain. So they named the mountain Siskiyou, the meaning of which is a bobtailed horse. One afternoon they camped on a stream in Rogue River Valley, but Jo McLoughlin, who was out hunting, did not make camp until after dark had come down on all things. They camped near the stream so well known as Jumpoff Joe, and so named because Jo, not knowing the camp was on a bluff, stepped over the edge of it in the darkness and fell quite a distance into the creek below. He climbed out on the other side with assistance, but received internal injuries that could not be cured. He died within a few years. He is described as a young man of many good traits, who would have distinguished himself if he had lived to make a record. McLeod's company named Mt. Shasta "McLoughlin," but the Indian name has held its own, though the grand old man deserved that some great natural monument or landmark should bear his name for all time. Samuel A. Clarke, "Pioneer Days: Some Interesting Facts Relating to the Languages of the Indians," Oregonian, Portland, April 26, 1885, page 2 Compare these accounts of early Indian-white encounters with those here. At Buckeye Bar, on the south side of the river, twenty men were living and mining on the flats. Opposite their cabins, on the other side of the stream, was a farmhouse, with a few acres of cultivated ground around it. Three miles below, another small farm and a few mining claims. About the same distance below this was another farm of larger size, at which was a ferry across the river. At several places in the vicinity were Indian camps. Thus matters stood early in the month of August, 1855. It was but a few miles from this vicinity to the Oregon line up on the Siskiyou Mountain. Over the mountain, in the close neighborhood of Buckeye Bar, passed a trail which entered Rogue River Valley near the middle of Applegate. Six miles below another trail crossed the mountains to the head of a creek, which entered Applegate lower down. For several months prior to this a number of strange Indians, presumably from Rogue River, had resided on the Klamath in the vicinity of these farms and mines, and a change was soon noted in the deportment of the Klamaths, and the apparent institution among them of a new order of officers; or, which would probably be better to say, an order of supervisors, whose duty it was to particularly note and hedge the intercourse of the other Indians with the whites. A suspicion of this was aroused in the minds of the settlers by the fact that after the departure of the strange Indians from the vicinity there were four of the native and well-known Indians who seemed to be invested with a delegated authority to supervise the others of the tribe. Often, and in the hearing of white men, did these supervisors repeat a few words at a time of something, which the Indians to whom it was applied repeated after them, something like the administering of A
which the expression,
Boston cad-e-quitay--which means bad white men--was frequent and
prominent. Whenever an Indian was found in the company of the whites by
one of these supervisors, he was sure to be immediately required to
repeat this oath of allegiance to the great combination of the tribes
of the north Pacific coast, which broke out into an open war a little
later, known as the Indian war of 1855-6. Sometime in the preceding
months of July a few of the river Indians went over the ridge a
distance of six miles to [a] little mining town on Humbug Creek, where
they obtained a sufficient amount of whisky to get them onto a raving
spree. One of them, who had for a number of years previous been a "bell
boy" (rider of the bell horse which led a pack train) for "Coyote"
Evans--who was at that time a noted packer--and rejoiced in the not
euphonious name of "Saltpeter," and considered himself fully up in
knowledge and importance to any white man who would enter into
conversation with him, became so inflamed that he declared that he must
whip some white man on general principles. This resulted, later in the
day, in the death of the Indian, and the throwing of his dead body into
a deep "shaft" or prospect hole. The other Indians returned to their
homes on the Klamath. The next day they repaired to the house of a
miner who had, a few months previously, entered into an agreement with
the tribe that, for a certain consideration which he had received, he
would at all future times act as their attorney in any and all
difficulties or disputes which they might in the future have with the
This was the first time that they had called upon him to act, and were
much disappointed and angered when he stubbornly refused to fulfill his
engagements. So they went away and plotted death to this man, and to
all other whites on the river. The man left his house in the evening
and was shot while on his way to a neighbor's cabin. At the moment of
his death, a canoe containing five white men was crossing the river
several hundred yards above. In front of their landing a number of
Indians were concealed in the bushes. As the canoe reached the shore
the Indians fired and killed three of the five, and wounded fatally the
other two. Swimming out to the canoe, they towed it to the shore and
dispatched the wounded men. All this had occurred before the people on
Buckeye Bar were aware of what was being done, though the murders were
committed only a few hundred yards from their homes, but on the
opposite side of the river. The canoe which was captured by the Indians
was the only one belonging to the little settlement, and the miners
could not cross the river and attack the Indians, who danced a greater
part of the night over their victims, in plain view of the people on
the bar. These murders were committed after sunset, and the miners on
the bar did not care to traverse the lonely and rocky trail to the
settlements below until the next morning. Then it was too late. The
Indians divided their forces into three squads. One small force
remained to threaten the miners on the bar; another party went down the
river six miles to Pickens' place; another still remained concealed at
the place midway between Buckeye Bar and Pickens. At the latter place a
man went out at daylight to feed the stock. As he entered the yards a
rifle ball putAN
he did not return to the
house. All men went armed in those days, and the report of the shot did
not arouse suspicion, and another man went out to help him in his
morning work. Another shot and he did not return. Again another man
went out to call them to the morning meal, but he quickly returned
severely wounded. Some horses and mules were taken from the stables,
and the Indians decamped and went along an unfrequented trail to aid in
the attack on the place above, where a small company of Frenchmen were
camped near the house, and who were just over from Illinois Valley on a
prospecting tour. It was only fairly light when three Indians went to
their camp in a friendly manner. Soon four more came from below, and
the Frenchmen, with their usual considerations, offered the savages
food, as they sat down to enjoy their morning meal. The offered food
was accepted by the savages, but eaten in a hurried manner. While the
kind-hearted men were yet seated around their humble board upon the
ground the savages fell upon them suddenly, killing seven and wounding
severely the remaining four. The wounded men escaped, but left all
their stores and the arms of eight of their number to the Indians. From
this place the savages started up the mountains, firing the dry grass
as they fled, and by noon of that day the whole side of the mountain
for six miles of its length was enveloped in smoke. They were pursued
the next day, but to no purpose. They went over the mountains, down the
Applegate, and applied the torch to the long-smoldering Indian
hostility to the whites, the flames of which were not subdued till the
summer months of the following year.Orville W. Olney, "Down the Klamath: The Early History of Some Famous Mining Camps," Oregonian, Portland, November 29, 1885, page 3 ARMY OFFICERS IN OREGON.
Some Particulars Regarding Army Officers in Oregon. Lieutenant Hawkins, the Companion of General Joseph Lane-- General Phil Kearny, the Hero of a Hundred Battles. (Written for the Sunday Oregonian.)
Not until 1849 was Oregon occupied permanently by the military. On the
2nd of March of that year, Joseph
the first governor of the newly organized territory, arrived at Oregon
City, accompanied by Joseph Meek and George W. Hawkins, second
lieutenant of the mounted rifles, who commanded the military escort of
General Lane in his journey to assume his gubernatorial duties. The
lieutenant, like the general, was a North Carolinian by birth. He had
entered the regular army from West Point, in 1842, to the infantry. He
acquired the rank of first lieutenant in 1853, but was dismissed from
service in the same year.
The route followed by Gen. Lane and his escort lay through New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California, and consumed six months' time in the passage. The escort was small, and was made less by desertions, and the death of two men, until three enlisted men only were left. At San Francisco the party took passage on the first sailing brig, Jeannette, James W. Nesmith being also a passenger, and arriving at the mouth of the Columbia, transferred to small boats and sailed, or were rowed, up to Oregon City, and Gen. Lane assumed the governorship just two days before the expiration of the administration of President Polk, by whom he had been appointed. PHIL, KEARNY, THE
Next upon the scene came the chevalier
sans peur, Phil.
Kearny, the dashing soldier, who loved war as men love fame.
He was the Custer of his generation, the Chevalier
of American history. Up from the fields of Mexico he rode, flushed with
the triumphs of two wars, and feeling himself, while yet in the vigor
of young manhood, a veteran in the stern occupation of slaughter. For
Phil. Kearny, raised in affluence, had early devoted himself to the
study of the military art, and at the age of twenty-two had acquired a
second lieutenancy in the regiment commanded by his relative, Gen.
Stephen W. Kearny,
and so distinguished himself by his proficiency in military exercises
that he was selected by the government to proceed to France and examine
and report upon the tactics of the French cavalry, the exponents of the
best system then in vogue. To France he went, and enrolling himself
among the pupils of the Saumur école
militaire, spent
the time with profit until the breaking out of the war in Algiers,
which offered him opportunities for the acquisition of the knowledge he
sought in actual fighting. He enlisted as a private in the Chasseurs d'Afrique,
a celebrated mounted organization, and taking part in the active
campaigns carried on by Marshal
won the admiration of the whole army by his daring exploits. The cross
of the Legion of Honor was conferred upon him, and his name was
mentioned in many bulletins. Leaving the French service, he returned to
America and, reentering the United States army, became aide-de-camp in
succession to Generals Macomb
and Scott,
and in 1816 was promoted to the captaincy of a company in the regiment
of mounted rifles, which company he provided with horses and equipment
from his own purse, and led them to Mexico. For gallantry at Contreras
and Churubusco he was brevetted major, and in a fiery charge at the San
Antonio gate of the City of Mexico, his left arm wasSHOT AWAY BY A
After the war his regiment was sent to
and Oregon, and for a time the Captain Kearny was stationed at Fort
Vancouver. In 1851, he led a detachment consisting of two companies of
troops overland to California, fighting a battle with the Indians on
the way, and in October of that year he resigned from the army and went
abroad to pursue his military studies. In 1859, being in Paris, he
offered his services to the French government, which was engaged in the
war with Austria, and was made aide to General Morris, and conducted
himself with such bravery as to win for the second time the cross of
the Legion of Honor. When the rebels fired on Sumter in 1861, Phil.
Kearny hurried home and offered his services to President Lincoln. They
were gratefully accepted, for his reputation as a mater of the art of
war was not inferior to that of any soldier in the western hemisphere.
In May, 1861, he received his commission as brigadier general of
volunteers, and entering upon active service with the troops in
Virginia, he distinguished himself greatly for his skill, and
particularly for his valor. At Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks and
Malvern Hill, he set the example of a cool and perfectly fearless
soldier. In July, 1862, he became major general, and by many was
thought to be on the way to the chief commander of the army.This great soldier, whose patriotism was as pure and whose example was as influential as his bravery was unquestioned, met the fate appropriate to such a being; he was killed in the battle of Chantilly on the first of September, 1862, falling lamented by the whole army, whose admired hero he was. LIEUT. STUART.
The only officer of the United States
army who fell
in the discharge of his duty while in Oregon was James Stuart, second
lieutenant of Phil. Kearny's company of mounted rifles, who was killed
by an Indian arrow at the fight which took place between Kearny's
force and the natives, on the Rogue River.The most intelligible accounts which can be procured run thus: Orders were received in June, 1851, by two companies at Fort Vancouver to proceed overland to Benicia, Cala., and Capt. Kearny was put in their charge. The route not being well understood, a guide was procured in the person of W. G. T'Vault, a well-known Oregonian, and the expedition set out. It happened that at this time disturbances were occurring in Southern Oregon between the Indians along the Rogue River and the few whites--all miners--who had arrived in the country. The most serious results of the threatened war were averted by the prompt action of the commander, who attacked and dispersed the Indian hordes without delay. He had approached to within a short distance of Rogue River when a messenger met him desiring his aid. He found the natives gathered upon the right bank of the river, about ten miles above Table Rock, and opposite the mouth of a small stream which enters the river above Butte Creek [Constance Creek?]. There were two companies of troops, the one of mounted rifles under Lieut. Stuart, the other of infantry under Capt. Walker. The latter officer crossed the river with a design of cutting off the savages' retreat, while Stuart and his men charged upon a rancheria. The conflict was very short, the Indians fleeing almost immediately. A wounded savage lay upon the ground, and as Stuart approached him on foot, revolver in hand, the native fixed an arrow to his bow, discharged it at close range and pierced the officer's breast. The pursuit of the Indians was kept up for a short time, and at its end the wounded man was taken to the halting place of the detachment, which was then named, and for several years afterwards was KNOWN AS CAMP
He was mortally wounded, but lived a
day, and dying
said: "It is too bad to have fought through half the battles of the
Mexican War to be killed here by an Indian." He died on June 18, and
was buried with military honors in a grave [where is] now the present
site of Phoenix, nearly at the place where the ditch crosses the road,
and not far from Samuel Colver's old house. In late years his remains
were taken up and removed to the East to be interred beside those of
his mother. He was a very promising young officer, and Gen. Lane, who
also had a part in suppressing the disturbances, said of him: "We have
lost Captain Stuart, one of the bravest of the brave. A more
gentlemanly man never lived; a more daring soldier never fell in
battle." The people of Rogue River named a creek in his honor, the same
which flowing through the most fertile part of their country falls into
the Rogue not far from the place where he received his death wound. The
stream is now called Bear Creek--a sad relapse from taste and fitness.
Should the original and highly proper name be restored, it should be
recollected that the name is spelled Stuart and not Stewart.GEN. JOHN E. WOOL.
John E.
was already at the age of 66 years when in 1854 he was ordered from the
East to succeed brevet Brig. Gen. Ethan A. Hitchcock in the command of
the Department of the Pacific. He had served with credit in the war of
1812, and had received a brevet for fourteen years' service in one
subordinate grade. In the Mexican War he fought in the little army of
the Rio Grande, and distinguished himself at Buena Vista almost as much
as did the commander-in-chief, Zachary Taylor. In that famous action he
had selected the ground to fight on and made all the arrangements for
the feast of death to which Santa Anna invited himself. He had brought
to the scene of action a volunteer force of 3000 men whom he had
organized in the western states, and with whom he marched to Saltillo
and effected a junction with Taylor.Like many another brave officer, Wool became fossilized from long service, and old age deprived him of the fine faculties which had distinguished his earlier years. He was a sort of an old-maidish old gentleman, whose character was ill suited to the requirements of the service on the Pacific Coast. Wool was not a West Pointer. After long service he was made brigadier general in 1844, and in 1847 received the brevet of major general for "gallant and meritorious" service at Buena Vista. He commanded the Department of the Pacific from 1854 to 1856, during an interesting period in the history of the coast. In 1862 he became a full major general, more on account of his loyalty to the Union than for any services he was able to render during the war, and was retired in 1863. He died in 1869, aged 81 years. Gen. Wool was a VICTIM OF SENTIMENT.
His feelings were early aroused by the tales of white men's oppressing
of the Indians, which were rife among humanitarian circles in the East,
and in the letter in which he notified the Secretary of War, old Jeff
of his arrival in San Francisco, he uses in reference to the natives
the following expressions: "An increase of force in guard against
difficulties with the Indians in California, Utah, Oregon and
Washington is indispensable. We have now about 1600 troops, who
diminish daily by desertions and discharge. They are distributed over
an immense territory in small commands, and the number is wholly
inadequate to give protection to either whites or Indians. The
difficulties with the latter are frequently produced by the cupidity of
the whites. The most of the difficulties with the Indians have been
the result of outrages caused by white men who have no regard for law
or justice. I will do all I can to prevent the continuance of these
outrages."Gen. Wool's exertions were chiefly given for the year 1854 to suppressing the filibustering enterprises which were rife in San Francisco. Walker, the "GRAY-EYED MAN OF
of whom Joaquin
Miller sings, was in the early part of the year fighting the
Mexicans in Lower California; Count
Raousset de Boulbon,
another harebrained fanatic, was in California, endeavoring with the
collusion of the French and Mexican consuls, and a good many Americans
in high official station, to raise an "army" to take Sonora and
Sinaloa. To checkmate their unlawful designs Gen. Wool exercised the
whole power of his department and summarily put an end to such unlawful
designs for a time at least. In consequence, Walker's expedition was a
failure from lack of reinforcements, and the leader returned to
California, to set out rather later on his last and fatal wild goose
chase to found a government in Central America.The detestable Jeff Davis was at that time Secretary of War, and at enmity with Wool. His spite manifested itself mainly in opposition to the General's orders and opinions, and formed one of the worst annoyances to which the General had to submit. Opposition to Gen. Wool was also an unchangeable characteristic of all Oregonians of 1856 and thereabouts. The most popular men in the two territories were those able demagogues and others who championed the cause of the volunteers against the regular army. As everybody knows, there has always been a great difference of opinion about the causes of the Indian wars of thirty years ago, and even at this day it is hard, even impossible, to give its due weight to such of the causes that are now seen to have produced those wars. Gen. Wool believed, and honestly, that it was the effect of abuses practiced by the whites on the savages. Other men as honest and as able maintained that the blame rested with the natives. Everybody at that time held one or the other of these opinions, which they defended warmly, and the question of moral responsibility became the most important ever discussed in Oregon. To such height was the dispute carried that in Southern Oregon who dared maintain the side of the natives was mobbed and came near being hanged. What made a purely moral question so interesting and important? The answer is because several million dollars depended on the view that was taken of it by the nation at large and by Congress in particular, who were called upon to pay the bills incurred in fighting the Indians. Gen .Wool was opposed to the prosecution of the war by volunteer troops, who did not act under his orders, and becoming embroiled in a dispute with citizens of the two territories, he was driven to use his utmost exertions to prevent the assumption of the bills by the general government. In particular was he incensed against Governors Curry, of Oregon, and Stevens, of Washington. His celebrated correspondence with the latter may be found in its entirely in the Oregon newspapers of the spring of 1856, all of which published the letters. The dispute centers about the employment by the governors of the two territories of volunteers to make expeditions to the country of the hostiles. Gen. Wool's view of the case was that the enrollment of volunteers should only be for [a] limited time, and when inhabited places were to be defended. Their employment in extended operations had detracted somewhat from the credit which he had expected to derive from the conduct of the war, and he was chagrined thereby, as were his subordinates for the same reason. The general was surrounded with a GROUP OF
who humored his whims and catered to his desires. Their reports
were colored to suit his known views. Thomas J. Cram, a member of his
staff, wrote a laborious report, showing forth the cause of the war,
and magnifying Wool's great merit as the conqueror of innumerable
Indian tribes, none of whom he ever saw! The literary henchmen of le grande monarque could
not have been more subservient to their master than this staff officer,
who, however, was no more of a flunky than many others of his trade,
who serve to hang uniforms on and crowd vices in. One of the General's
most trusted subordinates was Lieut.
who was charged with the duty of surveying a reservation for the
Southern California Indians at Tejon Pass. Being put in command of the
reserve, with its accessory, a military post nearby, this efficient
officer managed within ten years to possess himself of the whole place,
and became a land owner on a magnificent scale, having the Indians, the
government's wards, to work his fields for him. So well did he carry on
his surveying operations! It was of this lieutenant, who afterwards
became Gen. Beale, and minister to Austria, that President Lincoln made
the witty remark that he was "monarch of all he surveyed."Gen. Wool traced the Indian war in Southern Oregon to the fierce attack which was made upon an Indian band near Table Rock by a company of whites under James A. Lupton, and wherein a large number of natives were killed, twenty-five by some accounts, but eighty by others; only two or three being men, the rest squaws and children. Lupton was killed in this encounter, much to the satisfaction of the General. After the war had continued for some months he said: "The Oregon volunteers, without discipline and without orders, are not satisfied with rapine and injustice; they run off the cattle and horses of friendly Indians. I had to direct Col. Wright to protect the friendly Cayuses from the volunteers." Under date of January 2, 1858, while the war claims of the two territories, as yet unsettled, were before Congress, Gen. Wool wrote John B. Floyd, Secretary of War, succeeding Davis, a letter in which the following passages occur: "Governor Curry's most WANTON, ILLEGAL AND
against the Walla Wallas was an effort to bring on a war that would be
of long continuance, in the expectation of a large drain from the
treasury of the United States. Although the war did not continue so
long as the Governor anticipated, he, no doubt, will present an account
that will, if approved by Congress, take from the treasury several
million dollars. Congress, however, may hesitate to appropriate to the
full amount claimed, from the fact that the expenses were paid in
scrip, much of which has been sold for 25 cents on the dollar. On a
careful examination of the conduct of those who carried on the war, I
think it will be discovered that it was not so much to protect and
defend the inhabitants from Indian barbarities as it was to promote
ambitious and intriguing schemes. Powers greater than belong to the
President were exerted in fitting out expeditions which were wholly
unnecessary, and the expenses of which will swell the claims against
the United States from one to two millions more. If Congress should
foot the bill, which it is said will amount to more than six millions,
I would not be surprised if the next territorial Indian war should cost
ten or twelve millions."GENERAL WOOL WROTE
in the winter of 1855-6 a letter to the National Intelligencer, of
Washington, containing the substance of his arguments against the
prosecution of the war by the volunteers. He laid particular stress
upon the fact that the Oregon volunteers were so barbarous as to have
scalped and cut off the ears of Peu-peu-mox-mox, the Walla Walla chief
who was slain while under a flag of truce. These ghastly trophies were
brought to the Willamette Valley and publicly exhibited. When this
letter was read in Oregon the territorial legislature addressed a
memorial to the President asking the removal of Wool from this
department, and about the same time Governor Stevens addressed a long
communication to the Secretary of War preferring charges against the
General and demanding their investigation. Governor Stevens' animus
principally arose from the fact that General Wool had failed to
manifest proper solicitude concerning Stevens' welfare and safety
while the latter was traveling among the Flatheads, Spokanes and other
tribes, arranging treaties. His communication concluded with the
following specific charges:"General Wool neglected and refused to send a force to the relief of myself and party, when known to be in imminent danger, and believed by those who were capable of judging to be coming on to certain death, and this when he had at command an efficient force of regular troops. He refused to sanction the agreement made between Governor Mason and Major Rains for troops to be sent to my assistance, and ordered them to be disbanded. It was reserved for the Oregon troops to rescue us. The only demonstration made by Major Rains showed his incapacity to command in the field. As has heretofore been said, his expedition against the Yakimas resulted in nothing but driving the Indians into the very country through which I must pass to reach the settlements. I therefore prefer charges against General Wool. I accuse him of utter and signal incapacity, of criminal neglect of my safety. I ask for an investigation into the matter, and his removal from command." NEITHER STEVENS'
nor the memorial of the Oregon legislature had any effect; on the
contrary, they were entirely ignored. But the force of public opinion
in the East and in Washington City, which was awakened by this contest,
came near defeating the measures for repayment of the war debt. Gen.
Wool's influence had a great deal to do with the treatment which those
measures met, although pushed in Congress with the greatest pertinacity
by the friends of Oregon and Washington territories. Governor Curry
went to the national capital in the interests of the measure, and Gen.
Lane distinguished himself by its advocacy, as is set forth in a late
number of the Sunday
Oregonian [December
13, 1885], wherein
the subject is discussed under the titleThe military operations under General Wool's control were chiefly carried on in Southern Oregon and in the upper Columbia. It was not until the Indians and settlers had been fighting for four months that the commanding officer turned his attention to the Rogue River country, and devised the campaign which ended the war in that part of the country. An expedition of some 400 men was sent to the mouth of Rogue River, below where the hostiles had taken position. With the volunteers, several hundred strong, lying above them and preventing their approach to the white settlements, and the regulars below, the natives had to come to terms. THEY SURRENDERED EN
Col. Robert Buchanan, commanding the expedition, and were removed, bag
and baggage, to the Coast and Yamhill reservations, back of Polk and
Yamhill counties. [The
suggestion that the natives surrendered because they were surrounded is
erroneous.] The matter was very decisive indeed, and
creditable to the General and his officers.On the Columbia River less glory occurred. Maj. Haller was defeated by the Yakimas and their allies on Simcoe River, in Washington, as a beginning. This happened in October, 1855. In November, Maj. Rains, U.S.A., and Col. Nesmith, commanding the first regiment of Oregon volunteers, raised by order of Governor Curry, marched into the Yakima country and defeated Kamiakin, at "The Buttes," near Yakima River, but want of provisions compelled their return to [the] Dalles. Col. Wright succeeded Maj. Rains as commander of the forces destined to operate on the upper Columbia and he prepared for a campaign in the Walla Walla country, but on the eve of starting was delayed by the attack by Indians on the Cascades. He then invaded the Yakima country, but without results. Lieut. Col. Steptoe was ordered to Walla Walla to build a military station. This was the beginning of the town of Walla Walla. Afterwards, in his expedition to the Palouse country, Steptoe was badly defeated by the combined tribes, and had to retreat to Walla Walla, losing forty men in a running fight. General Wool was about that time recalled to the East, and his successor, General Clarke, sent Colonel George Wright with a well-organized force to administer a correction to the savages. One battle was fought at Medical Lake, near Spokane Falls, the back of the hostile revolt was broken, and the tribes sued for peace. These latter events took place in 1858. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 3, 1886, page 2 A MILD PROTEST.
An Author's Reply to a Resolution Denouncing His Book. Portland,
June 23.
To the Editor of the Oregonian:When on the 15th inst. the grand encampment of Indian war veterans passed a resolution condemning the history of the Willamette Valley as "flagrantly incorrect, inaccurate and unjust to the early settlers and wantonly malicious to the volunteers," etc., I looked upon the proceeding as a sort of political campaign dodge, designed to "consolidate the party" and afford material for campaign spouters to air their eloquence upon. The delegates who "resoluted" as above are welcome to all the political capital they can make out of my publications, and may repeat their late performance as often as they choose, but I wish to remark that "condemning" is a business, as boys say, that two can play at, and I shall be happy to devote a few leisure moments to it occasionally. In protesting mildly against, not the passing, but the publishing of the above resolution, I wish to say that the language which ascribes improper motives ("unjust," "wantonly malicious") is false, unmitigatedly false. The charge of inaccuracy deserves more consideration, but for the present it is answer enough that I challenge disproof of what the book contains. For each and every error that is pointed out I agree to publish a list of 100 errors taken from current pioneer historical literature. Those who think that exact knowledge of Oregon's wars abides only within the breasts of "veterans" will be surprised to learn that the principal speaker at the late encampment perpetrated, ignorantly but not viciously, an error of two years in the date of a most important Indian war, thereby proving that even the "veterans" do not know it all, and proving that he, at least, had not read the book which he was so ready to "condemn." It is in reality not "inaccuracy" but plain truthfulness that worries my volunteer critics. Being the first writer to set about preparing a methodical and complete account of the Indian wars of Oregon, I might justly accuse the "veterans" of base ingratitude towards one who has done a great deal to rescue their deeds from oblivion, but I do not care for that. Some of the pioneers of Oregon have fed upon literary and oratorical rant, cant and slop for so long that "justice" with them means unlimited slobber and fulsome praise. If, in this view, I am "unjust" I thank the Lord for it. I dare say I have wounded the vanity of hundreds, and I know well that the empty pretensions of sundry cultus ["worthless"] colonels, majors, adjutants and captains (especially colonels) have never received support from me. But if there were anything needed to spur me to greater industry in the unfashionable pursuit of truth-telling, it is provocation such as I have received. I am now engaged on a series of historical sketches entitled "Indian War Papers," which appears regularly in The Sunday Oregonian, and which, while not deviating one iota from sober history, I hope to make interesting to several gentlemen of fame who are in the "condemning" business. Respectfully,
Portland, June 24, 1886, page 2 Herbert O. Lang's series "Oregon
War Papers" was published January 10 through June 6, 1886 in the Sunday
Oregonian; it dealt
almost exclusively with the troubles in the Columbia Basin and Eastern
Portland, June 28,
To the Editor of the Oregonian:I was secretary of the first annual meeting of the Indian war veterans, held at Oregon City the 15th inst., and as such secretary I was directed to draw up, in strong language, a resolution condemnatory of "Lang's History of Oregon." On the evening of the day of the meeting I hastily drew up for the press a report of the proceedings of the association, which was published in the Oregonian of the 16th, and in which the purport of such resolution was strongly set forth. At that time I had only read portions of either volume known as "Lang's History of Oregon," and that in a very cursory way, but I had heard very decided objections made to them by others. Since the meeting I have looked over the books, and I doubt if they are entitled to such condemnation, and certainly neither of them deserves condemnation as a whole. I think the body of the facts contained in the books are well represented and comprise most of the leading events in connection with the discovery, occupation and early settlement of the country, and are valuable compendiums, written in a pleasant style, of the leading events of the times of which they treat. It is well known that different views were entertained at the time as to the magnitude of the dangers threatened from the Indians, and different views were also entertained as to the magnitude of the forces that were required to repel or subdue the Indians, and also generally in regard to every conflict with the Indians, and no history would be complete that should fail to portray such different views. Events are probably magnified, belittled or distorted at the times of their occurrence, accordingly as people held to one or another preconceived view. Particularly to a newcomer upon the Pacific coast, I think the books will be quite an aid in obtaining information of the early history of the state, and which cannot be found in the same fullness of detail elsewhere. It would indeed be miraculous if such books did not contain any errors or succeeded in giving to each person and event its due proportion of prominence. Whoever expects such accuracy of details fails to realize the extent of the labor and difficulties of preparing and publishing such histories. Very respectfully,
Portland, June 29, 1886, page 3J. G. CHAPMAN George Crook, the celebrated Indian fighter, served an apprenticeship in that business in Southern Oregon and Northern Oregon in 1852 and subsequent years. He was stationed at Fort Orford for a time. Those who remember him say he gave little promise of his future usefulness. He was a strict recluse and vegetarian--a combination of singular qualities for a West Point graduate, certainly. His highest rank in the Rebellion was major general of volunteers. He is now brigadier general U.S.A., in command at Omaha. Benjamin Alvord, a Vermonter, entered the army in 1838, served in the Mexican War and received the customary brevet; was mainly connected with the paymaster's department; was made brigadier general of volunteers in 1862, and served mainly in the paymaster's department. In 1876 he became paymaster general U.S.A., with rank of brigadier general. In 1863 he commanded the military Department of Oregon. MAJ.
born in Maine, and according to the fashion of that country, was early
trained in those habits of integrity and frugality which have made him
so useful to the nation, which for more than forty years he has served
in a military-financial capacity. Entering the army from West Point in
the trying years of the Mexican War, he early evinced the most striking
qualities of fortitude and endurance, and by a discerning commander, on
the lookout for brave and patriotic men, was placed in the provision
department, which he has since adhered to with the most fervent energy
and unflinching perseverance. Promoted to a first lieutenancy he became
taster-in-ordinary to Gen. Scott, and with the most devoted patriotism
and disregard of life and digestive powers, sampled hardtack and other
military viands until he absolutely ate his way to the highest rank
attainable in the provision department.Gen. Ingalls' bravery and military skill have been the theme of many tongues. The government, quick to recognize deserving merit, made him successively captain, major, lieutenant colonel and colonel, for gallant and meritorious conduct in making out vouchers and receiving and distributing rations. This was only just, for while other officers were gaily careering over the ringing plains after Indians, or picnicking on the mountains amid the beautiful snow, Capt., Col., Gen. Ingalls sat in the provision department, sampling hardtack. Gen. Ingalls' honesty and uprightness have never been suspected, and reckless indeed would be the man who could be so lost to shame as to insinuate aught against such a character. His conduct has gained him many influential friends, who are chiefly in Congress; his patriotic devotion to duty has procured him a respectable balance at his banker's. He owns the bank. Of all the officers of whom this discourse is, but one rose from the ranks. This solitary individual was a German, August V. Kautz, who served as a private during the Mexican War, and afterward became lieutenant of infantry. He was stationed in Southern Oregon, mainly at Fort Orford, in 1855, and in the following year was in the Puget Sound region, and participated in Keyes' battle at Puyallup with the Indians. He was uncommonly unfortunate in his bush fighting, having been twice surprised by the savages, and at the Puyallup contest severely wounded. He entered the Rebellion as colonel of an Ohio regiment and was promoted to brigadier in 1864. Distinguished in the siege of Richmond. Was colonel of the 8th Infantry in 1874. . . . Thomas J. Cram, captain of topographical engineers, was aide to General Wool during the Yakima War, and has been mentioned in the "Oregon War Papers" as author of a one-sided production called "A Memoir of the Department of the Pacific." Mr. Cram met the reward of long and faithful service in his appointment of colonel of engineers in 1865, and retired in 1869 with the brevet of major general, U.S.A. R. C. Buchanan, major of the Fourth Regiment, in 1855, on the transference of Wright and Casey to the Ninth, directed the military operations in Curry County, which ended the second Rogue River War. He was an old and experienced officer, dating his first connection with the army in 1830, and had served in the Mexican War. He fought well in the Rebellion, distinguishing himself at Gaines' Mill, Fredericksburg and Malvern Hill, was promoted to a colonelcy in 1864, and brevet major general U.S.A. in 1865. Retired in 1870 and died in 1878. Gen. Ethan S. Hitchcock commanded the Department of the Pacific before Gen. Wool's arrival. He established the garrisons at Forts Orford, Lane, Jones, The Dalles, etc. His military title was derived from a Mexican War brevet. Resigned his commission (colonel of the Second Infantry) in 1855. In this connection it is proper to remark that the narrative of the Mounted Rifle Regiment, and also of Major Hathaway's command, embracing many interesting topics pertaining to Oregon in 1849, 1850 and 1851, is now in preparation and will be added to the "Oregon War Papers" [the author's series in the Oregonian] in due time. Gen. Newman S. Clarke, who succeeded Gen. Wool in the command of the Department of the Pacific, was a very old soldier, having entered the army under appointment as ensign in 1847. He served in the Mexican War, and was brevetted brigadier general for gallantry at the siege of Vera Cruz. His highest real rank was colonel. Died in 1860. Clarke directed the Spokane campaign of 1858, having for this purpose left San Francisco and established his temporary headquarters at Vancouver. Shortly afterwards (September, 1858) the Department of the Pacific was divided, the Department of California being formed, with Clarke as chief, and that of Oregon, with "Squaw-killer" Harney at its head. DRAGOON
Capt. and Brevet Maj. Edward H. Fitzgerald had acquired a bright
reputation as an officer of dragoons, when, an old Mexican War
he came to Oregon. He saw warm service against the Modocs and Piutes in
1852 [sic],
being then
stationed in Northern California. When the Rogue River massacre
occurred, he, with ninety dragoons, was lying at Fort Lane, under
orders to proceed at once to Vancouver. He took charge of the pursuit
of the murderers, but two days later was compelled to start for the
Columbia. The major died in 1860, on the eve of the great war in which
his talents would surely have won him distinction.Capt. Andrew Jackson Smith played a prominent part in the Rogue River Valley between 1853 and 1856. He led a company of his regiment, the First Dragoons, from Fort Orford to Table Rock in 1853, to assist in putting down the hostiles of the Rogue River tribe. Fort Lane was established by him during the same month, and there he lay for the next two years, watching the Indians on the reservation across the Rogue River. In suppressing the great outbreak in 1855 he took an active part, and fought the Indians at Hungry Hill and Big Meadows. On the close of the war FORT
Capt. Smith went to California with his command. He was prominent in
the Rebellion, holding important subordinate commands. At the battle of
Nashville he led Thomas' center and was brevetted major general for his
gallantry. He resigned from the army in 1869, after thirty years'
service, being then colonel. He lives now in St. Louis. Smith was one
of the best officers that ever served on this coast, being prompt,
clear-headed and efficient, and having no bad habits, such as drink and
gambling. Gen. Wool, speaking of the dragoons, said in 1851 that there
were three companies on this coast, with four officers, two of whom,
Smith and Redford, were sober and efficient, and the others so eaten up
with whiskey as to be useless to the service. Smith's singularities
were numerous and entertaining. His hair was prematurely white and he
had a nervous twitching of the eye that was highly diverting. He swore
like the wild trooper that he was, interlarding his everyday
conversation with curious oaths. Admiral Porter, of the navy, in a
recently published volume of reminiscences, tells a story of his
meeting Smith under peculiar circumstances, wherein the two nearly came
to blows over the question of who took Fort Hindman, but the quarrel
ceased when Smith extracted a whiskey bottle from his pocket and
invited the admiral to "smile."Smith crossed the continent in 1847, having charge of the Mormon battalion, a singular assemblage of armed but undisciplined men, with women, children, superannuated relatives and household goods. Smith gave up his undesirable charges after leading them from Nauvoo to Santa Fe, and P. St. George Cooke, another officer of dragoons, brought them through Arizona to Los Angeles. This Cooke is now a brigadier general on the retired list, and has lately written a book, called "Conquest of New Mexico and California"--a tome of unsurpassable dullness and mendacity, whose object is to belittle Gen. Fremont's share in the capture of the Golden State. . . . The Third Artillery took a prominent part in suppressing the Indian difficulties in 1856 and 1858, several companies being stationed on the Columbia and Puget Sound. The most noted officers were Captains Erasmus D. Keyes and E. O. C. Ord. . . . Ord . . . rose to fame during the Rebellion, became a major general and subsequently commanded the Department of Texas. He was lost at sea not long since. H. T. Gibson, first lieutenant, in 1856, and several times mentioned herein, distinguished himself at Antietam and was made brigadier general of volunteers. Continuing in the service, he retained the rank of major of his old regiment, the Third Artillery. Gibson was wounded at Hungry Hill in 1855. . . . OF
were quite a number whose names will be recalled by Oregonians, such as
Lieut. Slaughter, whom a chance observation in Gen. Grant's book has
endowed with immortality; Lieut. Sweitzer, First Dragoons, who served
in Southern Oregon, and became, later, a brevet brigadier general of
volunteers, and in 1877 was lieutenant colonel, Eighth Cavalry; Lieut.
John Mullan, well known for his road over the Bitterroot and Rocky
mountains; Lieut. J. C. Bonnycastle, First Dragoons, who served in
Northern California and in 1861 resigned and joined the rebels;
Lieutenants Fleming and Kip, of the Ninth Infantry; Davidson, of the
First Dragoons; White, Tyler, Dandy, Lyon, Morgan and Ransom, of the
Third Artillery, of whom there is little to say, excepting that,
belonging to the regular army, they did their duty with the fidelity
and bravery that have ever distinguished that noble organization.Joseph Hooker, "Fighting Joe," may be included in these sketches, though he performed only a quasimilitary duty while in Oregon. He was a Massachusetts boy, born at Hadley, in 1815, and graduated from West Point in 1837, entering the First Artillery. He served in the Mexican War as aide to Gen. Hamer, and received the customary brevets. Became colonel in 1848 and resigned in 1858. He lived in California for a time, having a ranch near Sonoma, and dissipated a great deal. The government work known as the Scottsburg and Camp Stuart military road, in Southern Oregon, was now about to be put in process of construction and Hooker obtained the superintendency of it and came to this state. A large sum was appropriated, and work was carried on at various points on the road, which, as engineered, was 150 miles long. Hooker lived mainly near Roseburg during his term of office, and drank freely, spending his salary and more. He was afterwards connected with the construction of the Astoria and Salem military road, but through political influence, as supposed, he was discharged in 1859. There was a mutual friendship between him and James Nesmith, and in the political campaign that preceded the election of the latter and Edward Baker to the vacant United States senatorships, Hooker was of service to the winners, and later, when he went to Washington and applied for a command in the Union armies, he was assisted by Nesmith, who, some say, was instrumental in getting him appointed to succeed Burnside. The great battle of Chancellorsville put an end to Hooker's military aspirations in one direction, but did not by any means destroy his immense usefulness to the Union cause, for he afterwards fought valorously and successfully as a corps commander in the West, distinguishing himself at Chattanooga and other battles. H. O. Lang, "Army Officers in Oregon," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, July 11, 1886, page 2 Mr. Hartin related his own remembrances of that fearful time when the wars of '53-56 were raging and the trouble among the Umpquas. These were not disposed to be troublesome. Mr. Arrington had them all camped in the bend of Lookingglass Creek, near his own home, and had but little fear of them. Every winter morning Mr. Arrington went there and called the roll and found them all present, for he had them under good discipline. One day these fellows--Brown and Ballard--came and said they heard a lot of Rogue Rivers were secreted in the Umpquas' camp. Arrington went with them, called his roll, identified them all, and supposed there could be no trouble. But these ruffians went back and reported to people of Rogue River that a lot of hostiles were on Lookingglass, got up a company to exterminate them, and early one morning attacked them sleeping, in the most cowardly manner. At least five were killed, including one woman and one blind old man, and a number were wounded. This lot of friendly Indians were driven to the mountains and scattered; some joined the hostiles and with their neighbors from Cow Creek and Rogue River spread firebrand and tomahawk through the settlements and mining camps, and burned houses and barns on Ten Mile in the Umpqua. In a battle on Ten Mile P. F. Castleman was wounded and seven Umpquas were killed. Thus it will be seen that very much of the trouble with these desperate Indians was caused by white men who were miscreants and enemies of humanity. S. A. Clarke, "In Southern Oregon," Sunday Oregonian, February 10, 1895, page 6 DEATH OF MAJOR KELSAY.
The flag at half mast on the city hall Wednesday morning first told the
citizens of the death of an Oregon pioneer and one of the oldest and
best-known residents of Corvallis--Col. John Kelsay. But a few days ago
"the Colonel" was taken with a severe cold that rapidly developed into
acute bronchitis, and about nine o'clock Tuesday evening he fell into a
sleep from which there was no awakening. The hero of the battlefield
had surrendered to the conqueror of all! The issues were made up and
his last case called for trial at the bar of God.During his seventy-seven years of life, honor and preferment had come to him. Before leaving Missouri he had served in the legislature of that state; as a lawyer, he had been invested with the greatest honor that can come to a member of the profession--a position on the bench. As a citizen he was honored in 1857 by being chosen as a delegate to the constitutional convention that met in Salem, and his name appears as a subscriber to the constitution of Oregon. And at his death he was serving a term as mayor of the city in which he had made his home since coming to Oregon. His birth occurred in Wayne County, Kentucky, Oct. 23, 1819. Two years later his parents moved to Morgan County, Missouri. Education in those days was difficult to obtain, but he availed himself of all opportunities for study and at the age of 26 he was admitted to practice law, which profession he followed through life. In 1846 he was married to Miss Martha C. Moore and seven years later crossed the plains to Oregon, .locating in Corvallis, where he has since resided. Fired with patriotism, he organized a company of militia, of which he was commissioned captain, and went into the field to assist in suppressing the uprising of Rogue River Indians. At the age of 18, in Missouri, he had been a captain of militia, and at the age of 20 was a major. His first wife died in 1854 and ten years later he married Miss Countner, who with a son and a daughter survive him. The funeral services were held in the circuit court room yesterday afternoon and were conducted by Rev. E. J. Thompson, assisted by Dr. Plummer. The members of the city council and Benton County bar attended in a body. The remains were interred in Crystal Lake cemetery. Corvallis Gazette, January 22, 1897, page 3 After the Rogue River war was over, Frank Drew, the Indian agent, asked for an escort of soldiers to take Old Sam's band of Indians to the Siletz [sic] Reservation. I was one of the guard. Old Sam was a well-built man and stout as a horse. He looked like a thoroughbred and was very brave. If he hadn't been a pesky Indian he would have been considered a handsome and courageous man. I didn't think so then, but I know now that the Rogue River Indian War was the white man's fault. If I had been an Indian I would have fought, too. The bad white men would get full of booze and bother the young squaws and pretty young girls, and when the Indian men would resent it, the drunken white would shoot the Indians. Some of those Indians were certainly good fighters. I'll say this for them: The Indians always kept their word. The white men never did. John Sidney Montgomery, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Oregon: In Early Days," Oregon Journal, Portland, February 20, 1915, page 4 "We wintered in Salt Lake City in 1854-55," said Michael Kinney of Walla Walla. "In the spring of 1855 we started for Fort Lane in Southern Oregon. At Carson Sinks, near the head [sic] of the Humboldt River, Lieutenant Colonel Steptoe took two companies of the Third Artillery to California while the rest of us belonging to the First Dragoons under Lieutenant Oleson went on to Fort Lane. We reached Fort Lane in July and almost at once we were into the thick of the Rogue River Indian War. We were detailed to act as escort for pack trains to Yreka, Crescent City and Jacksonville. "I have fought for Uncle Sam for many a long year. I have been among Indians for more than 50 years, and in all that time I have yet to see the Indian war that was started by the Indians. Every time the trouble has been stirred up by bad whites and the rest of the country has been dragged into it. *
* *
"In August, 1855, a white man in Southern Oregon sold some Indians
whiskey, and the result was a fight in which a number of the Indians
and several white men were killed. [This
probably refers to a Shasta Valley incident.]
A company of volunteers was organized; its members came to our captain,
A. J. smith, and demanded the Indians. Captain Smith would not turn the
Indians over to be killed without trial. This made hard feelings toward
the regulars. The settlers couldn't see what need there was of trying
Indians. They thought hanging was too good for them. The settlers said
they were tired of fighting the Indians and soldiers, too, but whenever
there was any real fighting to be done I notice they always said we
were paid for fighting and told us to wade in."The miners and settlers kept having brushes with the Indians, and finally Colonel John E. Ross of the Oregon militia organized a number of companies and took the field against the Indians. The Indians and volunteers had a fight on Skull Bar on Rogue River in October, 1855, in which some of the volunteers and some Indians were killed. Late that same month in the hills of Grave Creek to the southward of Cow Creek, 250 volunteers and about 100 United States dragoons had a fight with the Indians. Our captain, A. J. Smith, had grown gray in the service and yet he was outranked by the commander of the volunteers, so he had no voice in the matter. The volunteers had an idea they knew how to fight better than the regulars. Well, we had the fight and the Indians licked us. Captain Smith was told to charge up the hill and dislodge the Indians. We did so and had three men killed and seven badly wounded. During the next two days we killed some Indians, and they killed and wounded a good many whites, both volunteers and regulars. We were more afraid of the volunteers than of the Indians, for in the volunteers every man was his own boss, and some of them were so inexperienced they would shoot if they saw a bush move and as often as not the bush was moved by one of our dragoons working his way forward toward the Indians. If a regular was told to go he went, whether he knew he would be killed or not, but in the volunteers the officers had but little authority, and men stopped to argue the question. The amateur officers of the volunteers were brave enough, but they had no experience. They were lawyers and clerks and politicians, and none of these jobs had trained them in military science. "Toward the last of the year we were ordered to go to Applegate Creek, where the volunteers had surrounded Chief Jo and a band of Indians. We had been in the saddle for 24 hours and were dead for sleep, but we started out and rode through rain and sleet for 12 hours. There were 40 of us under Lieutenant Underwood. We had a howitzer along. The Indians were fortified in three log cabins. We dropped a howitzer shell through the roof of one of the cabins and scattered the Indians in that cabin to the other cabins. It was dusk, so we decided to wait till morning and do the job by daylight. During the night the Indians escaped. "Later we caught up with them and dispersed them with some loss on both sides. During the early part of 1856 Lieutenant Colonel R. C. Buchanan of the Fourth Infantry was in command and kept us in the field constantly. He had two batteries of the Third Artillery, four companies of the Fourth Infantry and our troop--Troop C of the First Dragoons. Our hardest fight was in May at the Big Bend of the Rogue River. We were 50 strong, and we stood off a vastly superior force of Indians for a day and a half until we were relieved by Captain C. C. Augur of the Fourth Infantry. More than a third of our force of 90 men were killed or wounded in the 36 hours' fighting. Captain John's band finally surrendered. "We took about 700 Indians by boat to Portland and from there to the reservation at Grand Ronde in Polk County. We escorted Chief John's band and the Pistol River and Chetco bands from near Roseburg overland to the Grand Ronde Reservation. That settled the Rogue River War." Michael Kinney, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Oregon: In Early Days," Oregon Journal, Portland, May 12, 1915, page 6 PRIVATE FEUDS REAL CAUSE OF OLD
Dr. Franklin Carter Throws New Light on Basic Causes Which Sent Red Men and Whites at Each Other's Throats.
Marshfield, Or., June 4.--(Special.)--The real cause of the early-day
Indian wars in Southern Oregon, which, he says, has never been told in
print, was related here by Dr.
Franklin M. Carter
of Newport and Siletz, for many years in the Indian service at the
latter place. Dr. Carter was visiting his nephew, Jack Carter, formerly
Marshfield police chief, on the way home from the Gold Beach bridge
dedication which he attended as a representative of Newport and Lincoln
County. He is now working on a history of Southern Oregon events dating
from the early '50s.
A series of quarrels, Dr. Carter said, started the wars between the reds and whites. Tyee John, a Shasta chief, whose followers occupied the region from Klamath Falls to Mount Shasta, felt that they were abused by the white settlers who invaded their section soon after 1850. The feud started in the murder of Tyee John's son by a white man. Reprisals were made and several whites were killed. Eventually two of John's sons were hanged at Yreka. This situation continued until the big roundup of Indians, when about 5200 reds of all tribes were taken to the Grand Ronde and Siletz reservations. On the Siletz Reservation now are living two princesses, who came there as children in the roundup. They are both members of the Tootootenays, a sub-tribe which was present when the first whites came to the lower Rogue. Lucy Metcalfe, 90, was the daughter of Chief Oneatta, and Frances Johnson, 94, is a sister of Chief George Harney and niece of a Rogue River chief. These women are widely known and have been interviewed often by news writers. After removal to the Siletz Reservation Tyee John plotted to direct an uprising which would have killed all whites. Tyee Joe, a Klamath chief, disclosed the plot and Tyee John and his son Adam were started to Alcatraz Island. They believed they were being taken to the ocean to be drowned and on the Sacramento River engaged the steamer crew and received beatings from which they died after they were returned to the reservation. Robert Metcalfe, first Indian agent at Siletz, found controversy raging among the many tribesmen in his care and learned of plans for a rebellion. Dr. Carter says Metcalfe hit on the scheme of putting the tribesmen outside the agency grounds for a period to fight out differences among themselves and thus averted an uprising, as the red men were too deeply engrossed in their inter-tribal strife. Several were killed and many wounded, but the Indians for the time being were too busy to rise against the whites. Captain Augur and Robert Metcalfe handled concentration of the Indians on the Siletz and Grand Ronde reservations. Many were taken from Port Orford and the Rogue by steamer to Portland, while many others were marched overland. Phil Sheridan, then a lieutenant in the army and later to become general, personally supervised building of a 40-mile road between Siletz and Fort Hoskins, in King's valley on the Grand Ronde. The fate of Indian Agent Ben Wright at Port Orford was also related by Dr. Carter as showing that both whites and Indians resorted to tricky ways. Wright was in authority over a district reaching to Klamath and north along the coast, and with control of all Indians in Curry County, including the Rogues. Word reached him of a massacre at Klamath and he went there to investigate. There he is said to have arranged a big potlatch and invited the Indians far and, wide. The Indians, because the potlatch was to have been a peaceable affair, must not bring their arms. Those who attended the potlatch were shot down and the assembly massacred by the whites, excepting three or four who made their escape. [This massacre was over three years before he was appointed agent.] Agent Wright was to die by the same sort of deception, and the following year a band of 400 Indians gathered at Big Bend on the lower Rogue and started war dances. Most of these are said to have been Klamath Indians. Word was sent to Agent Wright at Port Orford by runners, who informed him the Indians were preparing for a big fight among themselves. Wright took his clerk and negro cook and went to the scene. Wright made a long address, talking a peaceful settlement and disbanding of the gathering, and things quieted. Wright, the cook and clerk went to a cabin near the encampment to stay. In the night Indians knocked at the cabin door, saying trouble had broken out among the Indians again and Wright was wanted to smooth matters over. When he emerged he was killed. The negro cook also was killed when trying to escape by swimming the river. What became of the clerk Dr. Carter never learned from the Indians and Bill White, who told him this story. White's account and those told by the Indians agreed. Tootootenay Jack and three other Indians were credited with the killing of Ben Wright and his cook. This affair took place about 1853, Dr. Carter was told by those who informed him of the killings. [It was 1856.] Mr. Carter says that Indian lore is not always correct and differences abound. He believes the items mentioned to be accurate, but if there are any who have different versions he would like to hear from them. Although the government, following Tyee Joe's disclosure of the plot to massacre the whites on the two reservations, built him a house and showed him other favors, Dr. Carter thinks he deserves a monument. There are but a dozen government wards left on the Siletz, Dr. Carter says, although there are between 350 and 400 Indians about the district. Some of these became citizens and received allotments of 80 acres of fine land in the Siletz Valley. Many have sold and are working for others. Some lost their places through failure to pay taxes. Oregonian, Portland, June 6, 1932, page 16 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
For 55 years James C. Bradford, who lives at 5275 Northeast 18th
Avenue, worked in sawmills, most of that time in various mills in
Portland.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I retired six years ago," said Mr. Bradford, "when I was nearly 75 years of age. I was born at Crescent City, Cal. on March 4, 1854, in which city my father, Major Ward Bradford, built the first house. My first recollection has to do with something that rankled my soul with childish indignation of what I considered an injustice to me. My father had moved from Crescent City to a ranch in Smith River Valley, about 12 miles from Crescent City. In those days transportation was almost entirely by pack horse. A packer had put up at our place and left a small spotted cayuse pony, which had played out. I was about 5 years old at the time, and the packer gave me the pony. This pony was so lazy and gentle that it was absolutely safe for me to handle. I spent most of my time leading it into fence corners and climbing on its back. In time this pony became really fond of me and I became devoted to Billy, for he was the only thing I could call really my own. "At the close of the Rogue River Indian war there were a few Indians left who refused to sign our peace treaty. The white men, they claimed, had taken their land without payment, and killed their people, so a little group of seven Indians moved back into the mountains, swearing vengeance. Their leader was called "Six-toed Pete." He had six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand. He was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and extremely powerful. One day one of the friendly Indians came to my father and told him that Six-toed Pete was trying to get the friendly Indians to join his band to attack the whites. Father said, 'The next time they send up a smoke signal, answer it, meet with them and learn their plans.' This Indian did so, and reported that Pete wanted this Indian, with six others, to meet him and the six Indians of his band and plan an attack. Father said, 'If you will kill Pete and the Indians in his band the white men of Crescent City will give you all the blankets you want, and pay you well.' The Indian said, 'I know the white man. If we kill Pete and his band, then the white men will kill us.' "Father went with this Indian to Crescent City and met the business men there and they assured the Indian that no harm would come to him or the other friendly Indians, and that they would give him blankets, guns, powder, lead, flour, sugar, and other supplies, if he would kill Pete and his band. Finally, Father persuaded the Indians to kill their tribesmen, the hostiles. The seven friendly Indians met Pete on Bald Mountain. They sat down to discuss plans for attack. The arrangement had been for both parties to come to the council without arms. The friendly Indians had been furnished with short sharp-bladed knives, which they had secreted, and at a preconcerted signal they attacked Pete and his six unarmed warriors, killed them, dragged their bodies to a small gully nearby and covered them with brush. "The friendly Indian then came to our ranch, reported the killing of Pete and the other hostiles, and wanted his pay. Father gathered a posse of about 20 armed men, went to Bad Mountain, and found the bodies of the slain Indians. They buried the bodies and came back to our ranch. Father went with the Indians to Crescent City, where they selected their pay in blankets, beads, powder, lead and groceries. Father's share of the payment did not cost him anything, for he gave my spotted pony, Billy, to the chief of the friendly Indians for the use of his boy, who was about my age. Thereafter I never saw that little Indian riding my spotted cayuse without feeling that someone had stolen my horse. I couldn't figure out whether it was my father, the little Indian boy, or the Indian boy's father; nevertheless, I knew I had been shortchanged in that particular deal." Oregon Journal, Portland, October 6, 1934, page 4 "My father's brother, Major J. S. Rinearson, when he returned from the Indian wars adopted a Shoshone Indian boy, whom he named Dave, who lived with our family almost until his death, at about the age of 75. He was a hard worker and a good citizen." Leonard E. Rinearson, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, June 8, 1937, page 12 "Judge Kelsay was born in Kentucky in 1819, and moved to Missouri, where he served in the legislature. His home was at Corvallis. He served in the Rogue River Indian war, commanding the 2nd regiment of Oregon mounted volunteers. He was a member of the state constitutional convention, and in 1868 became a justice of the Oregon supreme court. He was an excellent lawyer, but had many eccentricities. Among these was the habit of talking to himself, particularly when things failed to go to suit him. One day, in court, he began to argue his case, and had a good-sized pile of law books before him. He began reading one of the decisions aloud in support of his case. The case went directly contrary to what he had inferred from the digest. He slammed the book down on the table, saying impatiently, 'Hell and damnation! Dead against me, dead against me.'" Judge Thomas A. McBride, quoted by Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, September 14, 1941, page 30 |