DeSouza ![]() The 25th Arizona Territorial Legislature 1909. Frank DeSouza is standing, fourth from right. The
question of whether the delegates to the state convention, which
convenes in Sacramento, August 16th, should be chosen by the central
committee, or whether a county delegate convention was to be called for
their selection, was the next matter taken up. Upon this question there
were many and varied opinions and consequently a thorough discussion
ensued. Frank H. DeSouza, editor of the San Jacinto Sun, made a stirring speech in which he urged that the delegates be selected at a convention by all means.
"Democrats Discuss Party Plans," Riverside Independent Enterprise, Riverside, California, August 4, 1898, page 2 Pierre Baker and Frank DeSouza of San Jacinto will leave the first of next week for Arizona. The boys will take a stamp-photo outfit with them, from which they expect to make their everlasting fortunes. "Additional Local," Hemet News, Hemet, California, November 24, 1899, page 1 Hemet News: The News learns Frank H. DeSouza of San Jacinto, who has been working on the Los Angeles Times for the past five months, and who returned home some weeks ago, is now engaged in writing an historical work relating to the settlement of the San Jacinto Valley. "Literary Activity," Press and Horticulturist, Riverside, California, November 25, 1899, page 1 ![]() March 23, 1900 Hemet News A Bryan Club has been formed at San Jacinto, with 30 names. Francisco Estudillo is president; T. W. Hudson, vice-president; E. T. Tanner, secretary, and Frank DeSouza, assistant secretary. "Here and There," Hemet News, Hemet, California, July 20, 1900, page 5 Joe Huntoon of Wright's drug store and Frank DeSouza of the San Jacinto Oil Company left Friday afternoon for a hunt in Strawberry Valley and vicinity. Mrs. H. F. DeSouza and daughter Stella, and son James, returned last week from a short visit in Los Angeles. "Lovely and Cool," Riverside Independent Enterprise, Riverside, California, August 23, 1900, page 3 Success of Frank H. DeSouza
DeSouza, a San Jacinto boy, is referred to in the following clipping.
Frank is one of our brightest young men, having received [a] thorough
education in our city schools, and afterward valuable journalistic
experience on the Los Angeles Times. As associate editor of the Phoenix Daily Gazette, he will receive, and no doubt fully earn, $100 per month. The Register takes pride in the successes of our young people, for somehow San Jacinto blood will tell. The Phoenix Republican says: "Mr. Frank DeSouza, a very capable newspaper man of San Jacinto, Cal., has become associate editor of the Gazette to
succeed Mr. J. O. Dunbar, whose ill health has compelled him to seek a
change of climate. Mr. DeSouza, who did newspaper work in Phoenix about
two years ago, returned last spring and since then has been doing
reportorial work for the Gazette."--San Jacinto Register.
The News is not only pleased with the above statements, but desires to add its testimony to the excellent character of this upright young man of good habits and thorough reliability. Hemet News, Hemet, California, June 28, 1901, page 4 OFF FOR A NEW FIELD.--Mr. Frank DeSouza, who has for several months been employed on the Gazette as city editor, left last night for El Paso, where he has secured an inviting position with the Daily Herald. Mr. DeSouza is a capable newspaper writer, a sociable companion and a most deserving young man. His many friends here will wish for him a large measure of prosperity. "News of the Town," Arizona Republican, Phoenix, October 24, 1901, page 5 SAN
JACINTO, Nov. 24--The Woodmen of the World at their regular meeting
this evening initiated four new members. They are John Martin, Wm.
Simpson, Frank DeSouza and James DeSouza. The latter two are now here
from Arizona on a visit with their parents.
The initiation of Frank and James DeSouza was carried through by H. F. DeSouza, father of the two new members, and consul commander of the local camp. This is one of the few instances, if not the only one, in the history of Woodcraft in which a father has taken the lead in managing the lodge goat. "Two Inches of Rain at San Jacinto," Press and Horticulturist, Riverside, California, November 28, 1902, page 5 Frank DeSouza, editor of the Miner, who was married in Los Angeles last week, is expected to return with his bride this morning. Mr. and Mrs. DeSouza will make their home on Quality Hill. "Smaller News Notes," Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, June 12, 1903, page 5 Frank DeSouza, editor of the Evening Miner, was confined to his bed yesterday on account of sickness. In his absence Joseph Chisholm, one of the best writers on the Pacific coast, was pressed into service. "Brief City News," Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, July 26, 1903, page 5 UNFORTUNATE AFFAIR
night was the scene of an unfortunate occurrence, in which editor Frank
DeSouza and alderman E. G. Ore, on one side, and John Twomey,
proprietor of the Capitol Saloon, and his brother, Denny Twomey, on the
other, had some difficulties.
The trouble, it is said, arose from an alleged insult offered Mrs. Twomey by a carrier who delivers the Miner on the Brewery Gulch route, and the subsequent heated words that followed Twomey's demand for a retraction from editor DeSouza. Complaints were filed in Justice McDonald's court against both of the Twomey boys and Joe Strinker, who, it is alleged, accompanied them on their visit to the Miner office, where the trouble occurred. It seems that for two days the Miner was not delivered to the Twomey residence, whereupon Twomey registered a complaint at the office of that paper. The boy who handles the Brewery Gulch route was present when Twomey complained, and disputed the statement that he had failed to deliver the paper. The paper was ordered stopped, but last evening another issue was delivered. Mrs. Twomey went out on her porch when she saw the boy coming, and reminded him of the fact that the Twomey subscription had been canceled. The boy, it is claimed, then made an insulting remark to Mrs. Twomey. Mrs. Twomey at once telephoned the Miner office to report the action of the carrier, reminding Mr. DeSouza, who was at the 'phone, that her husband had stopped his subscription. Twomey went to the office soon after and an argument occurred, which probably led to heated tempers, and a moment's reflection would have passed the matter over. E. G. Ord happened to be in the office at the time, and one word brought on another between him and Twomey. Twomey, it is alleged, went away and returned with his brother Denny, and the two were accompanied by Joe Strinker, and words came to blows between Twomey and Ord. It is alleged by both Ord and DeSouza that Twomey wore a pair of brass knuckles, but this is denied by Twomey. Both DeSouza and Ord claim that Twomey struck the former with a steel side stick, such as is used in printing offices. Twomey has an ink-stained wooden stick, which he claims is what he struck DeSouza with. The injuries sustained by Ord and DeSouza were dressed, and later complaints were filed against John and Denny Twomey and Strinker. John Twomey was the first to be arraigned, and he entered a plea to the felonious charge which had been lodged against him, his brother doing the same. The hearing of the cases was set for Monday at 10 o'clock. Both editor DeSouza and alderman Ord bear the appearance of having been pretty badly used. Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, November 1, 1903, page 1 VISITING NEWSPAPER MAN--Frank DeSouza, editor of the Bisbee Miner, was in the city yesterday en route to Prescott. He was formerly connected with the Phoenix newspapers and spent yesterday very pleasantly shaking hands with old friends. Arizona Republican, Phoenix, July 28, 1904, page 21 DE SOUZA AT PRESCOTT--Frank DeSouza, once editor of the erstwhile Democrat of this city, and lately editor of the Bisbee Miner, has turned over his interests in the Miner to D. V. Semple, former city editor of the Bisbee Review. Mr. DeSouza goes to the Prescott Herald. DeSouza always has an eye to "the main chance" and is a success anywhere. He was born in Boston and speaks the language fluently. He may be appointed official court translator of Bostonese in Yavapai County. He came to Phoenix from California.. "Of Local Interest," Arizona Republican, Phoenix, September 10, 1904, page 5 It is stated that Frank DeSouza has accepted a position on the morning Republican paper of this city. Mr. DeSouza is a newspaper man of ability and has been connected with several Republican papers in this territory. "Local News," Prescott Evening Courier, Prescott, Arizona, April 4, 1905, page 3 Still Going South.
Frank DeSouza, who for many months past has acted as city editor of the Enterprise, left for Bisbee last evening. He has accepted a position with the Bisbee Review, and will remain permanently at the big copper camp.--Phoenix Enterprise.
Prescott Evening Courier, Prescott, Arizona, February 26, 1906, page 2 MRS. DESOUZA LEAVES.
Mrs. Frank DeSouza, wife of the editor of the Phoenix Enterprise, left Bisbee last evening to join her husband in the capital. Mr. DeSouza will be remembered as former city editor of the Review, and recently went to Phoenix to take charge of the Enterprise.
Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, July 15, 1906, page 2 Charles A. King, Ernest P. Wilson and Frank DeSouza have purchased the Arizona Democrat, published at Phoenix, from the Kellys, and are now in charge of the plant. The transfer was made on December 2. "Territorial Items of Interest," Tombstone Epitaph, Tombstone, Arizona, December 8, 1907, page 1 Frank DeSouza and C. A. King, two enterprising newspaper men of Phoenix, will launch upon the seas of Arizona journalism the Parker News, at Parker, Arizona, the new and rich mining camp of the territory. Winslow Mail, Winslow, Arizona, January 30, 1909, page 2 Frank DeSouza yesterday put a bomb under the Pacific Gas & Electric Company, Governor Kibbey and the reclamation officers by the submission of a memorial to Congress calling for an investigation of the electric light monopoly and the annuling of the same by Congress. Yuma Examiner, Yuma, Arizona, January 30, 1909, page 1 Parker News.
The first number of the Parker News arrived in town Tuesday, fresh from the press in the Democrat office
at Phoenix. It is a neatly headed and printed 6-column quarto with
patent "innards." As the news was gathered in Phoenix, the first issue
was more or less handicapped, but nevertheless is very good. Frank
DeSouza and C. A. King of the Phoenix Democrat are
editors and proprietors of the new sheet, and whether it is "born to
blush unseen" or crumple to a sunburned green when it comes in contact
with the gentle zephyrs known here as "desert air," time will surely
tell. Without any joshing Mr. King and his journal were well received
in Parker, and the general wish of its good citizens is that may they
both live long and prosper.
Arizona Republican, Phoenix, February 8, 1909, page 14 The Arizona Democrat has been sold by the State Consolidated Publishing Company to Frank DeSouza, E. P. Wilson and W. D. Bell, all of Phoenix. DeSouza and Wilson had the Democrat last year on a lease and since the first of this year have been negotiating for the purchase of the paper outright and have now succeeded in doing so. Mr. DeSouza will be remembered as a former member of the Review staff several years ago and he has many friends in Cochise County who will be glad to learn of the future success of the Democrat. Mr. DeSouza is a member of the present legislature and one of the prominent leaders in the House. Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, March 3, 1909, page 4 GOING TO WASHINGTON.
six years' residence in Bisbee Mr. and Mrs. H. F. DeSouza and son,
Joseph DeSouza, will leave Saturday morning for a few days' visit with
their son Hon. Frank DeSouza at Phoenix, after which they will continue
on to Spokane, Washington, there to join their daughter and her son,
formerly of Bisbee, but now residents of that city, and there make
their home for the future. Mr. and Mrs. DeSouza have been quite
prominent members of Bisbee Lodge No. 452 of the Fraternal Brotherhood.
Mr. DeSouza was elected the representative for the territory of Arizona
to the supreme session recently held in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs.
DeSouza and son Joseph leave behind them a large number of friends who
greatly regret their departure.
Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, May 14, 1909, page 7 DESOUZAS LEAVE BISBEE
and Mrs. H. F. DeSouza, and son Joseph, left Bisbee yesterday afternoon
for Spokane, their future home. On their way they will stop three or
four days in Phoenix to visit son Frank DeSouza, publisher of the Phoenix Democrat. The
family has resided in Bisbee for the past six years, and leave behind
them a large circle of friends, whose good wishes accompany them to
their new home.
"Society," Bisbee Daily Review, Bisbee, Arizona, May 16, 1909, page 2 Arizona Democrat to Change Hands
The Arizona Democrat may
soon change hands. It is understood that an option to purchase was
given to Selim Michelson of Phoenix and Mike Burns of Yavapai County by
Frank DeSouza, E. P. Wilson and W. D. Bell. Michelson and Burns will
endeavor to organize a stock company and take over the paper within the
next twenty days.
It is understood that Frank DeSouza will be retained as managing editor under the new regime. Tombstone Epitaph, Tombstone, Arizona, January 9, 1910, page 1 . . . Frank DeSouza, who lost the burro race to George Driscoll, is going to protest it on the ground that his jackass was doped with embalming fluid with the guilty knowledge of the stable boy who was hired by the commission. "Elks and Indians Mingle in Joyfest," Arizona Republican, Phoenix, November 10, 1910, page 1 The Democratic Party has filed two lists of candidates for Phoenix city offices. The first is the "regular" wing, the candidates of which were announced yesterday. The "progressives" are F. A. Jones, mayor; W. G. Tolleson, councilman first ward; J. L. Irwin, councilman third ward; E. B. Vincil, marshal; Frank DeSouza, recorder; Dr. L. d. Damerom, treasurer. The candidate for assessor has not been selected. Frank DeSouza for city recorder is the choice of both the regulars and progressives. Tombstone Epitaph, Tombstone, Arizona, February 26, 1911, page 4 Frank DeSouza was introduced [at the statehood celebration in Phoenix] as the greatest booster in Arizona, which should be regarded as some title. He said that he felt that fifty years of patient labor and pleading had been rewarded by the greatest gift in the power of Congress, statehood and the blessing of self-government. He said he wished his ten years in Arizona could give him the glory of those pioneers to whom Arizona has always been the proudest boast. Famed in romance and notable in progress, the future of Arizona is now unfolded like an Arabian tale. Aladdin's lamp has been lighted, and the future will unfold a development warranted by all the dreams of those who have gone before. In closing a short but very effective speech Mr. DeSouza said, "With every fertile acre and every timbered mountain an inspiration, we now rise in the full vigor of American manhood." "Emancipation Celebration," Arizona Republican, Phoenix, August 22, 1911, page 12 Thomas F. Weedin, Democratic candidate for governor, and his campaign manager, Frank DeSouza, left at midnight last night for Yuma, where Mr. Weedin will speak tonight. "Personal," Tucson Daily Citizen, October 18, 1911, page 5 Frank DeSouza is to be clerk of the supreme court, a position he has well earned, for Frank is a newspaper man, and a newspaper man always earns all he gets. If The Republican's support compromises Frank in any way this statement will be withdrawn. "Hungry Crowd Lines Up," Arizona Republican, Phoenix, December 18, 1911, page 2 DESOUZA RECEIVES ELKS HEAD CHARM
magnificent elk head charm was presented to Frank DeSouza Friday
evening at the Elks ball at the Grove Pavilion, and the president of
the reunion association was greatly pleased with the gift.
ROOSEVELT NAMES FRANK DE SOUZA NEW POSTMASTERThe charm is a great elk head of gold set on a back plate of the same metal. On the back of the plate is engraved "Presented to brother Frank DeSouza by delegates of Arizona Elks Reunion March 1912." Tucson Daily Citizen, March 24, 1912, page 5 While the first convention of the B.P.O. Elks Reunion Association of Arizona, held in Tucson March 21-22, has passed into history, there are several features of the gathering, which will be heard from in the near future especially the decision of the organization to take steps to bring a number of elk from the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming to Arizona and place them on a game preserve in the northern part of the state. Frank DeSouza, the retiring president, in his address to the convention recommended strongly that an effort be made to assist the grand lodge in the preservation of the elk. and especially in the matter of provision against their starvation during the severe winters of the north. "Elks Urge Game Preserve," Winslow Mail, Winslow, Arizona, March 30, 1912, page 6 Return via Grand Falls
Vabre, Edwin Babbitt, Leo Verkamp, Frank DeSouza of Phoenix and Father
Rousselle of Prescott made an overland trip from Winslow to Flagstaff
Monday. They had been attending the institution of the new Knights of
Columbus lodge and returned by way of Grand Falls. Mr. DeSouza was
greatly surprised at the scenery along this route, which led Father
Vabre, the good roads expert, to remark: "Yes, that's what comes of a
fellow living down there among the alfalfa patches until the tallest
thing they see is an alfalfa stalk." Having thus injured Frank's
feeling, everyone was satisfied.
The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, Arizona, March 20, 1914, page 5 DESOUZA MAY NOT ACCEPT JOB
PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 25.--The board of county supervisors has appointed
Frank DeSouza justice of the peace of West Phoenix, to succeed the late
Charles W. Johnstone.
There were several applications before the board, but the choice of DeSouza was unanimous. Frank DeSouza is one of the well-known men of Phoenix. He was for a long time a newspaper man; has served the Elks in various capacities, having been exalted ruler of the local lodge for two terms, and has been clerk of the corporation commission since the organization of that body. It is stated that DeSouza may not accept the position. Arizona Silver Belt, Miami, Arizona, February 25, 1915, page 3 Degenerate Means Politician, Declares Editor in Libel Suit
Ariz., June 21.--That a man degenerates when he leaves newspaper work
to enter politics was the novel defense set up by John C. Dunbar,
editor of Dunbar's Weekly, at his preliminary hearing on a criminal libel charge in the court of justice of the peace Frank DeSouza.
Dunbar was arrested on a complaint sworn out by P. R. Milnes, secretary to governor Thomas E. Campbell, who charged that Dunbar, in his publication, had referred to him as a "degenerate." Dunbar declared the word was not intended to have the meaning of a moral pervert, but that he had intended to convey the meaning that Milnes had degenerated in becoming governor Campbell's secretary. The defense introduced no witnesses, but was given permission to file a brief. El Paso Herald, June 21, 1919, page 10 SALEM, Or., May 11.--(Special.)--The Modoc Exploration Company, with a capital stock of $250,000 and headquarters in Medford, has been incorporated by P. X. Johnson, C. E. Burgess, G. W. Rudberg, W. R. Grant and Frank DeSouza. "$250,000 Company Formed," Oregonian, Portland, May 12, 1923, page 4 FAVORS HIGHWAY FROM MEDFORD TO THE COAST
To the Editor: I feel that I have been in Jackson County long enough to
make a suggestion to those who are interested and concerned about the
development of the resources of Southern Oregon. I believe that the
suggestion has sufficient merit to be worthy of serious consideration.
Since my arrival in Medford January 10th last, I have learned the nmeed of markets for the products of Jackson County; that is a market in which sales can be made at a profit over the cost of production and delivery. Under existing transportation conditions, we are limited in markets to those points reached by freight cars, which forces us to offer what we have to sell in markets that are reached by many others, often under freight rates lower than the rates paid by Medford shippers. Inasmuch as the markets we can now reach are unfavorable and without profit, it follows that the Rogue River Valley must develop markets that are and will continue to be peculiarly its own, in which it can sell and continue to sell in the future at a fair and assured profit. Without assured markets it is waste of money and energy to increase the production in this vicinity, or even expect it to continue as large as it is today. In Southern Oregon, in the four counties of Klamath, Jackson, Josephine and Curry, there is a sufficient population to consume a large production of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, berries, eggs, etc., and at prices that will justify the producer to expend the effort necessary to place these articles within the reach of the consumer. I doubt if more favorable freight rates would be of material assistance, for lower rates would not remove the competition which must be met at points along the railroad either north or south of Jackson County. But there is a solution, and it is far removed from the perplexing and difficult problem of freight rates--a solution that is not visionary or impossible. If the people of Klamath, Jackson, Josephine and Curry counties will unite in the construction, on an equitable expense sharing basis, of a paved highway from Klamath Falls to some deep water harbor on the coast of Curry County, there will no longer be any question as to markets for our products and at a fair margin of profit for the producer. In the construction of this highway especial attention should be given to the class of pavement laid. Essentially and primarily this highway is for the transportation of heavy loads--in other words for the benefit of the farmer first, and the pleasure of the tourist second. With a paved road, capable of supporting heavy trucks, from Klamath Falls to the Pacific Ocean, the producers of the four southwest counties could reach the consumer either to the east or west, and would enter markets on an equal footing with his competitors, who would produce under similar conditions in the same section of the state. Recently I discussed this scheme with Circuit Judge C. M. Thomas, and it was his suggestion that in selecting the route to the coast that the highway be built along the Rogue River to the ocean, first for the reason that it would mean a low and gradual grade, and second it would ensure attractive scenery along the way. At first glance the cost of a highway of this extent appears almost too heavy a burden to assume at this time, but when we take into consideration that it is practically completed now from Klamath Falls to Grants Pass it becomes more inviting as a financial investment. I am not an engineer and I am not familiar enough with the possible routes for the highway from Grants Pass to the coast to venture even a guess as to the possible total cost. I do believe that the benefits to accrue would be enormous, and would assure the future prosperity of Southwest Oregon. It would be necessary to work out some plan of distributing the cost of construction. It would be too much to ask Josephine and Curry counties to bear all the burden of building that portion of the highway to be built within their boundaries. Klamath and Jackson counties should assume their share of the total, and the cost should be apportioned on the basis of the amount of road necessary to be built to complete the Cascades-to-Pacific highway rather than the mileage to be built in each of the four counties. If construction takes the highway to a deep water harbor on the Pacific it magnifies the value of the project, in that it would open to Southwest Oregon the markets along the west coast for such articles as could be shipped to ocean markets by steamship and sailing vessel. During the past two months I have outlined this scheme to several Medford enthusiasts, and it has met with their approval. I now make it in a broader way in the hope that it will have the consideration of those who are interested in the marvelous resources of Southwest Oregon, where so much has been placed at the command of man to produce wealth and promote happiness. Very truly yours, FRANK DE SOUZA.
Medford, July 24.Frank DeSouza, attorney of Medford, Ore., who graduated from the San Jacinto High School some 30 years ago, was here for a visit to his former home town this week. "Librarian Resigns San Jacinto Post," Riverside Daily Press, Riverside, California, January 3, 1931, page 6 For Lots in Railroad Transaction That was the gist of Mr. DeSouza's notice, but it was so diplomatically put by him that a stranger would have thought he was conferring a favor on Medford in making the demand. He was so nice about it that several of the councilmen felt like chicken thieves, although all they knew about the matter was what he told. Not a one of them, either as common citizen or city official, had ever before been accused of swiping a lot from anyone or a town. Several contractors present also flushed at the insinuation. The claim of Jacksonville to these lots arises from the fact that when Jacksonville deeded the lots in 1890 as the site for the Jacksonville-Medford railway the deed contained a clause that if ever the property was no longer used for railway depot purposes it would revert back to Jacksonville. The Medford city government comes into the plot through it having purchased the right of way between Medford and Jacksonville and all the railroad rolling stock and the property in Jacksonville of the railway from the Barnums a number of years ago as the nucleus of a right of way through the valley if at any future time another railroad, especially to the Applegate and sea coast, would come into being. There is no question but that the old railway, which has not been operated for years, is badly defunct and reverted. All that remains is the right of way. The rails, rolling equipment, etc., were sold by previous city administrations. If the city has to give up the lots to the historic old town one ray of joy will emanate to the economy fiends on the city council and citizens' budget commission, as the city will no longer have to pay a few dollars taxes on the lots, and still have the right of way, which will not be interfered with by turning back the depot site. As a matter of precaution the city council last night instructed its finance committee and City Attorney Farrell to investigate carefully, to see that Frank DeSouza and Jacksonville do not hornswoggle the city. Medford Mail Tribune, March 18, 1931, page 1 F. DeSouza, the noble Arizonan and barrister, has inducted what purports to be a moustache on his upper lip, triangular in contour, all without cost to the taxpayers. "Smudge Smoke," Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1931, page 10
Henry F. DeSouza, for many years prominent in the affairs of the
southwest states and for 12 years a resident of this city, died Sunday
night at 10 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Stella Anderson,
146 South Ivy Street, this city. Death was due to stomach ailment and
complications over a long period.Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from the Sacred Heart church, the Rev. F. W. Black officiating, Mr. DeSouza is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ellen DeSouza; a daughter, Mrs. Stella Anderson of this city, and three sons--Attorney Frank DeSouza, of this city; J. E. DeSouza of Phoenix, Ariz; and J. W. DeSouza of Salem, Ore; and several grandchildren, including Miss Lavon Anderson and Miss Martha DeSouza of Medford. Mr. DeSouza was born August 9, 1858, near Horta, in the Azores, of Portuguese parents, and when 12 years old came to Boston, Mass., where he spent his young manhood. December 14, 1875, he was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Mythers. In 1884 he moved with his family to Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. DeSouza led a busy life, and was identified with the contracting, oil and mining business. In 1903, he moved to Bisbee, Ariz., where he had charge of the leveling of "Sacramento Hill," one of the largest projects in the history of Arizona. Later he was identified with oil operations in the Pecos, Texas, district, later moving to Spokane, Wash. For six years he was a resident of Redmond, Ore., and was a city councilman. In 1920 he moved to this city. Mr. DeSouza was active for thirty years in the affairs of the Woodmen of the World lodge, holding high positions in that order. He was a man of a happy disposition and had many friends in all parts of the West. Medford Mail Tribune, June 20, 1932, page 8
Jackson County Bourbons Look to Political Plums
The Jackson County Democracy, and the faithful thereof, have taken the
initial steps for the plucking of the federal plums that will be
available for them by virtue of a new President in the White House
after March 4th. Distribution of the jobs will be under way until well
into 1934, as the terms of some incumbents do not expire until then.The Medford post office to the choicest spot as far as the home bourbons are concerned, and at present there are four active aspirants and about twice that many dormant. The term of William Warner, incumbent, ends in February, 1934. Among the prominently mentioned are attorney Frank DeSouza, a wheelhorse of Democracy, and a toiler in the Democratic political vineyard during the late campaign. DeSouza came here 10 or 12 years ago from Arizona, when this county was a hotbed of Republicanism, but continued firm in his political faith and kept right on being a Democrat, when Democrats were scarce. Such party loyalty is never forgotten by the high moguls who have the final say. Others are J. Frank Wortman of Phoenix, but a Medford property holder. Mr. Wortman has "sacrificed" himself a couple of times for the legislature, and last spring was a Democratlc candidate for county judge. He lived in Nebraska when Bryanism was in flower, and never quit admiring the "Great Commoner." Lewis Ulrich, another long-time worker in Democratic circles and former postmaster at Jacksonville, and John Butler of the M.F.&H. company, are also active contenders. All the aspirants have a following within the bourbon ranks. The last time there was a Democratic administration, the postmastership was presented to a Dixie Democrat, and the local Democracy insist that nothing like that happen again. According to reports, the Ashland postmastership has a couple of aspirants, though it has no vacancy until 1935 when Fred Wagner's term expires. James H. Fuller and T. L. Breenen are "mentioned for the post." According to Democratic leaders in Southern Oregon, Carl G. Bronaugh, state chairman, is backed for United States district attorney to take the post now occupied by George Neuner. John T. Summerville, of Portland, a resident here during the "boom days" when he served as city councilman and ran a barbershop on North Central Avenue, is a candidate for United States marshal. Summerville in now in the insurance business. A number of Portlanders are also seeking the post. Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1932, page 1 DeSOUZA MOURNS STOLEN PETUNIAS
Some thefts are designated as misdemeanors. Not so (at least in a
biased corner of one legal cranium), the nocturnal plucking of
petunias. Such a dastardly crime, thinks attorney Frank DeSouza, should
fall under the heading of grand larceny, and be termed a felony.This extreme state of mind on the part of attorney DeSouza began with a bed of petunias--Frank's bed. He planted them himself (and they were 12 honeys). Came the night, and Frank looked tenderly over the new flower bed before he entered the house and crawled into his own. Dawn found the enthusiastic attorney-gardener outside to take another look. But alas, three of the choice plants were gone. "And they call kidnapping a crime," sighed Frank as he refilled the gaping holes which once cradled triplets of the petunia world. Medford Mail Tribune, May 4, 1933, page 2 Has Lived Here 11 Years, and Formerly Edited Newspaper in Phoenix, Arizona; Will Take Office After Jan. 1. Attorney
Frank DeSouza, chairman of the Jackson County Democratic Central
Committee, received word from Washington, D.C. yesterday afternoon that
he had been named postmaster of Medford.
MONDAY MORNINGThe announcement does not come as a surprise to DeSouza's backers but as somewhat of a shock to many who were under the impression no appointment would be made until late in the spring. Backed by Many
DeSouza had the recommendation of practically the entire Democratic
Central Committee and of many other leading Democrats of Jackson County.He also had the support of most of the upstate democracy, with whom he has been in close contact for several years. DeSouza will not take office until after the holidays, he announced, as no definite instructions have been received except notice that he must make bond. DeSouza said that it would be unwise to take over the office during the Christmas rush of business, as Postmaster W. J. Warner has his organization equipped to handle the rush, and there is no use disturbing it. Been Here 11 Years
DeSouza has lived in Medford for 11 years, coming here from Phoenix,
Arizona, where he practiced law, and earlier in his life edited a
newspaper. He has been associated in law practice with the firm of
Kelly & Kelly, on South Central Avenue."I am very grateful for the appointment," DeSouza said, "and certainly want to thank my friends for their support. I hope I can conduct the office and discharge my duties to the satisfaction of everyone." Official notice of the appointment has not been received, he said, but is expected sometime this weekend. The official notice is something of a formal affair. Medford News, December 22, 1933, page 1
W. J. Warner announced today that he had received official notice from
Washington, D.C., of his retirement from office December 31, at which
time attorney Frank DeSouza will become Medford's acting postmaster.
Mr. Warner is retiring under the recently adopted retirement law, having completed 30 years of service with the Medford post office. He went to work here August 1, 1903, as mail carrier on R.F.D. No. 1, the first rural route established in southern Oregon. He has put in what he described today as "30 glorious years" here. They brought him steady advancement from carrier to postmaster and thousands of friendships, which he expects to continue in retirement. He has been postmaster since July 1, 1921. He was named acting postmaster June 3, 1920, following the death of George Mims, and was named his official successor the following year, having served as assistant postmaster since July 16, 1912. Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1933, page 6 ![]() December 29, 1933 Medford News PLANE CYLINDER DROPS ON HOME OF POSTMASTER
With a cylinder falling 2000 feet from the engine of the monocoupe he
was piloting shortly after 5 o'clock last evening, Aubrey Sander of
this city successfully landed the small plane in Chris Gottlieb's wheat
field southwest of Medford, without injury to himself or passenger.The cylinder whistled down to nick the roof of the home of Postmaster Frank DeSouza, 324 South Orange Street, burying itself, smoking, in the yard just outside the front window. Martha DeSouza, sitting near the window, heard the noise, and seeing the smoking object in the ground, thought someone had thrown a bomb at the house. Only the landing gear, damaged when the cylinder fell from the motor, was broken on the ship. Sander glided down to the field after the motor stopped in mid-air. The name of Sander's passenger could not be learned today, but was said to be a man employed at the Sander ranch. The plane was dismantled this morning, and returned to the hangar at the Sander place. Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1934, page 1 Frank de Souza, who lives at 119 North Central Avenue, in Medford, is postmaster of Medford. "I was born at Boston on April 22, 1879," said Mr. de Souza. "I attended public school in California. I came to Oregon on January 15, 1923. My first work was that of cub reporter in Los Angeles at $10 a week. Moving from California to Arizona, I served as a member of the Arizona legislature and secretary of the Arizona constitutional convention. I also served as secretary of the Arizona corporation commission. I was married at Los Angeles, June 6, 1903, to Miss Edith Tower. We have one child, a daughter, Martha. "When I was a young man I had a strong affection for fraternal orders and was initiated into the Elks, the Loyal Order of Moose, the Owls, the Fraternal Brotherhood, the Knights of Columbus and a number of other fraternal societies. I served as the first state president of the Elks while in Arizona and also served two terms as state deputy of the Knights of Columbus. On my father's side I am related to a former president of Brazil and to the former treasurer of Portugal when it was a monarchy. "I enjoy making long automobile tours throughout the Northwest, and I also like fishing and hunting. I have a weakness for detective thrillers and Wild West stories, but my real and lasting hobby is the Democratic Party, though, as postmaster here in Medford, I am going to hand the bills out on the first of the month to Republicans just as cheerfully as I do to Democrats. What I would like to do is to add another week to the numerous weeks we have and have a 'Buy-a-Stamp Week,' or, rather, a sheet of stamps, particularly if they are bought here at the Medford post office." Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, June 13, 1934, page 6 Postmasters of Oregon to Meet
Ore., June 10.--(UPI)--The annual convention of the Oregon chapter of
the National Association of Postmasters will open here tomorrow and
continue through Saturday. President Frank DeSouza, of Medford, will
Oakland Tribune, June 10, 1937, page 3 DE SOUZA WON'T SEEK MOTT'S JOB
Frank DeSouza positively will not be a candidate for the Democratic
nomination for congress from the first congressional district, he said
this week, following publication in a Portland Democratic newspaper
that he was being urged to run.
"The boys did talk about it when Joe Marshall and I were up to Portland," DeSouza said, "but they were making a lot of political medicine, and I didn't take it seriously. I absolutely would not consider it." The story appeared in The Star, strong New Deal publication published by Portland Democrats. Medford News, October 29, 1937, page 1 ![]() FRANK DESOUZA HELD VIOLATOR OF FISH LAWS
Frank DeSouza was arrested yesterday and held under $25,000 cash bail
for a hearing in justice of the peace court at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday.
DeSouza was charged with feloniously and surreptitiously planting four catfish, three male and one female, in the pool in city park at 11:55 p.m. April 9. The complaint was filed by Cliff Chord, president of Rogue River Sportsmen's Club, Inc., and the arrest warrant was issued by Judge William R. Coleman. DeSouza was taken completely by surprise as he was admiring some of Jim Farley's latest stamps in his office when Sheriff Syd I. Brown entered to serve the warrant and take the postmaster into custody. Brown was backed up by Police Chief Clatous McCredie and Paul Hanlin, United States deputy marshal. The United States government entered the case on suspicion that DeSouza had transported the alleged catfish over a state boundary. While the arresting officers were armed to the teeth and ready for any emergency, DeSouza offered no resistance. Rated as a dangerous catfisherman, he submitted to arrest meekly. Unwilling to take any undue chances, however, the arresting officers clapped a sturdy pair of handcuffs around his wrists. A large number of post office patrons happened to be at the building at the time of the arrest, and all appeared astonished to see their favorite postmaster leaving the building tied up in handcuffs and under a heavy guard. Many thought he had been arrested for embezzling Jim Farley's stamps, but they were assured by Sheriff Brown that the offense was much more serious. For a time considerable confusion and excitement prevailed around the post office, and matters were not helped when Verne Shangle, ever the alert news cameraman, photographed the embarrassed postmaster as he was led into a waiting car, its powerful motor purring silently for a quick getaway. After hearing the complaint read by Judge Coleman, DeSouza pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity. The judge refused to entertain the insanity plea, asserting that anyone who could catch catfish was not insane. Assistant District Attorney George W. Neilson took exception and said there was grave doubt as to the defendant's sanity. The prosecutor asked for a sanity hearing, but this was denied by the court. During the arraignment all exits to the courtroom were heavily guarded, Deputy Sheriff Herb Moore guarding the door, other peace officers blocking the windows. Many spectators were attracted to the dramatic courtroom scene, including County Agent Robert G. Fowler, his assistant C. B. Cordy, and his secretary, Gladys York. Constable Nick Young offered to help DeSouza as a fellow Elk, but he was admonished by Judge Coleman for soliciting bail bond business in court. When asked by Judge Coleman if he had counsel, DeSouza said he wanted the court to appoint Ben Geary as his attorney. The judge did not commit himself. DeSouza made a bad slip when he said the catfish were three females and one male in contradicting the complaint, and Neilson seized upon this as an admission of guilt. DeSouza, however, denied he had admitted anything. Neilson asked to have the case continued until 2:30 Tuesday, and after DeSouza was photographed and fingerprinted bail was set at $25,000 cash. Frank Perl offered to go his bail up to $1.98. It looked like solitary confinement for the prisoner until bighearted Sheriff Brown offered to be responsible for his appearance Tuesday. DeSouza was then released. DeSouza is president of the National Catfish Derby Association, which is now planning its third annual catfish derby at Emigrant Lake Sunday, May 14. Frank Perl is vice president. It was suspected in some quarters that the arrest had some connection with the forthcoming catfish derby. Sort of advertising, as it were. Medford Mail Tribune, April 16, 1939, page 12 He Thinks It's Disgraceful.
To the Editor:
The spectacle of the arrest and handcuffing of a poor old and inoffensive man, with such a woeful and dejected appearance, held up to shame and ridicule in the public streets, fills me with horror, as indeed it must every sympathetic citizen. All because said poor old man removed from the government's property a couple of ripe fish, which were getting riper every minute, and where would he put them? In the water, of course, and where would the nearest water be? In the park, of course, and then to be pounced upon by these coldblooded, hardhearted minions of a system designed for anything but this. Disgraceful! That's what I call it. I think someone should start a penny subscription to buy another second-hand suit of clothes for this poor, downtrodden specimen of humanity. I shall be glad to contribute the first cent. Just see the smug complacency on the faces of the quartet of hardhearted minions of the law, and notice Frank; he has grown shorter, thicker and rounder; Medford agrees with him. And Syd. Oh, look! He has grown longer and much thicker, to say nothing of an increase in width, and our jovial chief who never has to use a stepladder, even when he picks the pears off the tree in his neighbor's back yard, and least but not last, Paul has outgrown his last second-hand suit, and will surely have to invest in another before the end of 1940; and look at the pathetic old figure standing there with tears in his eyes, and all over a couple of ripe catfish. Shame! W. B. CRAUSE.
Medford, April 15.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1939, page 8 Mary DeSouza vs. Frank DeSouza. "Court Actions Filed," Reno Evening Gazette, November 17, 1942, page 10 DeSOUZA, FRANK Lawyer; Newspaperman; Postmaster. b. Boston, Mass., April 22, 1879; son of Henry F. and Ellen (Mythen) DeSouza; educated public schools; m. Edith B. Tower of Los Angeles, Calif. June 6, 1903; child Martha Frances; began as newspaper reporter; later editor, Phoenix, Arizona; served as secretary Arizona Constitutional Convention, Phoenix; secretary Arizona Corporation Commission; Representative in the Arizona Legislature; also Justice of the Peace, Phoenix; Postmaster, Medford, 1934 to date; member Knights of Columbus (State Deputy Arizona 1908-11); Elk (president State Association Arizona 1907); president Southern Oregon Bar Association 1916; Democrat; Catholic; home 30 Western Ave.; office Post Office, Medford. Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1948-49, pages 148-149 Picnic Slated
(Special)--Frank DeSouza, former Medford postmaster, will be honored as
the party's "king of the day" Sunday at the annual Jackson County
Democratic Picnic. The potluck event will be at noon at TouVelle State
Park on Rogue River. Robert D. Holmes, Democratic candidate for
governor, will be main speaker.
Oregonian, Portland, July 29, 1956, page 41 Frank deSouza, Ex-Postmaster, Dies in Salem
deSouza, 82, former Medford postmaster and a well-known resident of
Southern Oregon for many years, died in a Salem hospital Sunday night
after an illness of several months.
![]() He came to Medford about 1923, and for many years was well known through his legal, fraternal and Democratic Party activities. He was Medford postmaster for 15 years, from July 1, 1934 [sic] until April 30, 1949. During his Medford residence, he also practiced law, and for about a year was editor of the Medford News, a now-defunct weekly newspaper. For some years he was municipal judge for a number of the smaller Rogue Valley communities. For the past two years, he and Mrs. deSouza had resided in the Benedictine Nursing Home in Mt. Angel, Ore. He was a member of the Elks Club and the Knights of Columbus. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Edith deSouza; a daughter, Mrs. Paul Kavanaugh, Portland; two granddaughters; a brother, Joseph, Salem; a sister, Mrs. Stell Anderson, Arcadia, Calif., and a niece in Hollywood and a nephew in Arizona. The funeral will be at 8 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 19, in St. Mary's Church, Mt. Angel, Ore. Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1961, page 1 Last revised January 26, 2025 |