The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

News from the Medford Post Office

James S. Howard appointed February 6, 1884

    The claim is made for Medford that it has the largest post office receipts of any town in the United States that is without a free delivery service. The receipts for the year 1908 were $14,597.65. The receipts for 1907 were $10,844.08, which gives a gain of $3,753.57 for the last year, a proof that Medford is growing rapidly. The regulations of the Post Office Department require that a post office shall have receipts exceeding $10,000 a year before a free delivery service is granted. Application was made by Postmaster Woodford some months ago for free delivery service for Medford, but the request was turned down for the time being by the Postmaster-General, he alleging that the government was without funds to meet any added expense in the postal service. It is expected that the free delivery will be granted with the beginning of the April quarter for this year.
    The Medford post office is now twenty-five years old, having been established in the spring of 1884. The first mail was kept in a cigar box, then as the business grew a soap box was installed, partitioned to have nine compartments. Then later a small dry goods box with sections was added to the equipment. And Medford, then as now, was a growing town and soon this equipment would not suffice and a case, made of 1x6 lumber and having thirty sections, was put up and soon this was replaced with a full complement of call and lock boxes. All this equipment of the pioneer post office for Medford is now in the office of J. S. Howard, the veteran surveyor, in the Adkins block, and is among the most treasured relics that Mr. Howard has of early days in Rogue River Valley.
    Mr. Howard was the first postmaster for Medford and held the office for eight years, and then in after years he served six years more.
"Some Interesting Facts in the History of Medford,"
Rogue River Fruit Grower, January 1909

    It is understood at Medford that the mail for Jacksonville will be made up on the train and put off at Medford. The Medford post office will be established soon, it is expected.
Ashland Tidings, February 29, 1884, page 3

    A post office has been established with J. S. Howard as Postmaster. His bonds were forwarded to Washington several days ago and the office will be opened in a few days.
"Medford Notes," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1884, page 3

    J. S. Howard has added an apartment to his store building at Medford, in which the post office will be kept. He has received his commission and will be ready in a few days.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1884, page 3

    The Medford post office is now open for business and mail will go to and come from there direct hereafter.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1884, page 3

    The post office at Medford with J. S. Howard as Postmaster and the [Wells Fargo] & Co.'s express with A. L. Johnson in charge will be in working order in a few days more.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 22, 1884, page 3

    All the paraphernalia for a post office at Medford has been received by J. S. Howard and mail matter can be sent there now.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 29, 1884, page 3

    A number of the prominent residents of Medford were in town Thursday. We asked one of the party what they were doing here when we were informed that the Medford post office was still in doubt, since the commencement of Democratic rule, and that outside assistance was required to locate it. Our advice would be to let well enough alone and keep Max Muller and J. S. Howard as postmasters in their respective towns.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 14, 1885, page 3

David H. Miller appointed August 25, 1885

    The "offensive partisan" machine has reached Southern Oregon. At Roseburg Wm. N. Moore has been appointed postmaster, and at Medford David H. Miller succeeds J. S. Howard. Besides these eight other appointments for Oregon have been reported within the past few days.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, August 28, 1885, page 3

    An Eagle Point correspondent, under date of Aug. 31st, says: After today the mail will come direct from Medford to this place instead of from Jacksonville as formerly. Steps will soon be taken to make it a daily mail instead of tri-weekly, as now.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 11, 1885, page 3

    The fine large brick buildings erected by Geo. W. Williams and J. S. Howard are about ready for the plasterers. The block is two stories in height, and the lower part will contain four fine store rooms. Mr. Howard will occupy his own building--his store in the lower part and a fine dwelling fitted up above. D. H. Miller & Co. will occupy the largest of the other three stores with their hardware and drug business, and the post office.
"Through the Valley," Ashland Tidings, October 30, 1885, page 3

    The post office at Medford has the handsomest set of private lock boxes in Oregon. They were purchased by Mr. Howard and sold by him to Mr. Miller, the present P.M.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 6, 1885, page 3

    The post offices at Grants Pass and Medford have about the neatest set of private lock boxes in the State.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 13, 1885, page 3

    The post office will soon be in new quarters.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1886, page 3

    The post office is now established in the lower story of Williams' fine, large building, and presents a neat appearance. Vrooman, Miller & Co.'s superior stock of stoves, hardware, tinware, etc., is also being displayed there.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1886, page 3

    Chas. Strang, who has been representing Medford lodge in the grand lodge of the A.O.U.W., returned home during the week. Miss Helen Strang filled his place in the post office while he was gone.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 19, 1888, page 3

    All you hungry Republicans who want the Medford post office hold up your hands.
    The number of people who are dreaming that the magnetic lightning of Harrison's hand is going to reach them is about as large or larger than the Republican vote at the late election. Besides this swarm who are suspected of a strong secret desire to browse on the rich and succulent fodder in the public crib, there are several who are openly after the plum, and are already out testing their wind and speed. As the most striking one, and to show that the party has an eye to the beautiful, Mrs. Susie West is being boomed for the place by her friends--and if the green-eyed monster of the ladies can be kept down--stands a pretty good show among the gentlemen. John B. Wrisley, the sturdy old pioneer, is certain that the mantle will fall on his shoulders. Chas. Wolters, who thinks he has grown corpulent enough to carry the German vote on different parts of his body, is also after the prize. J. W. Short, the "street" real estate agent's qualifications and chances are about as good as those of John Redden. As one person cannot legally hold a federal and county office at the same time, J. S. Howard, the county surveyor, is willin' at the proper time to resign. Mr. Cooper is also announced by his friends for the portfolio. With no particular Hercules that can swing the club with sufficient force to knock out the others, the situation remains in status quo. The office, under the present management, is giving good satisfaction, hence among the conservative citizens there is no particular difference how long the speed trials continue.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1889, page 3

    Our post office needs more boxes badly.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1889, page 3

    A good deal of brotherly love is said to be severely strained in Medford over the prospect of a change in the management of the post office.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 21, 1889, page 2

    The Journal learns that Mrs. Susie M. West, formerly a resident of this county, is an applicant for the position of postmistress at the town of Medford in Oregon, where she now resides, and that a strong fight is being made on her behalf. The Journal hopes Mrs. West will win, because it knows that she is in every way well qualified for the position, an earnest worker in all good works, exceedingly popular in the community in which she lives, and possesses an unfailing courtesy so essential to a public officer. The Journal wants to see efficient Republicans in office who will so conduct affairs as to compel the respect of the general public, and if Mrs. West secures this appointment there will be one office, at least, of which this will be true.
The Columbus Journal, Columbus, Nebraska, May 15, 1889, page 3

    The four years' term of the present incumbent of the Medford post office will expire with the last of June, but as yet it is not known who will be his successor. Numerous applications for the appointment have been made.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, May 24, 1889, page 2   

James S. Howard appointed September 25, 1889

    J. S. Howard has secured the post office. His principal competitor for the post office was a general favorite in this place, and would not resort to Howard's tactics, even to secure so desirable a position. Howard ascribes his success to the fact that he "entertained" our congressman, while custom forbade his competitor being equally hospitable.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1889, page 3

    J. S. Howard took charge of the Medford post office last Thursday.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 7, 1889, page 3

    The Medford post office was moved into its new quarters, J. S. Howard's store, the other day, and the retiring P.M. has put up at the old office the sign "Closed four years for repairs," following the example of his predecessor and successor, Mr. Howard.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, November 8, 1889, page 2

    The demand for lock boxes at the post office has been so great that the number has been doubled. Our town is still growing rapidly.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1890, page 2

    By some "hocus pocus" proceeding, Mr. Ed. Worman was euchred out of the contract let to him to carry the mails from this place to Jacksonville during the blockade last winter, and a man by the name of Kenney got it and will receive the munificent sum of $4 per month. Mr. W. will run his stage just the same and carry passengers and Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, June 19, 1890, page 3

    In 1891, business totaled $349.93 for a two-month period. The postmaster, Medford's first, James S. Howard, was still in office. He received $166.67 for two months' salary, his monthly pay being $83.33.
    A post office clerk, according to the same form, which did not list his name, was paid $33.33, and costs for rent and heating of the building totaled $26.67, again for two months.
    One special delivery letter was delivered during the two months, and a fee of eight cents was collected by the postmaster for same.
    The sworn statement of business is notarized by Willard Crawford on Oct. 3, 1891. The Medford post office, established Feb. 6, 1884, was then seven years old.
"Indicator of Medford's Growth Seen in Records," Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1963, page 1

    Representative Hermann has been interesting himself before the department as to increase the classification of the Medford post office, in Jackson County, and is now informed that an order has been issued making it a presidential office.
"For a Second Term," Oregonian, Portland, May 23, 1891, page 10

    The business of the Medford post office has increased so much that the department at Washington has made a presidential office of it.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1891, page 2

    Our post office is now a presidential office, and a new commission has been issued to the present incumbent.
"Medford Squibs,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 3, 1891, page 3

    J. S. Howard was commissioned as postmaster of Medford on the 5th.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 2

    J. R. Erford is mentioned as an aspirant to the position of postmaster of Medford.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 2, 1892, page 2

Be Brief and to the Point.
    Persons visiting a post office on a busy day think that it makes no difference how they ask for mail. Were there but few asking for mail it would make no difference, but where, as is frequently the case, hundreds ask for mail in a single day, it does make a difference whether the party stepping to the window says "Is there any mail for John Smith?" or whether he says "John Smith." The supposition is that the applicant at the general delivery window wants mail and while postal employees are not averse to politeness, the giving of the name is not an impolite way, and as it gets right down to the point it is much preferred. The same rule holds good for stamps. The clerk does not know what denomination you want if you say "25 cents worth of stamps," but if you way "25 cents' worth of twos" or "ten twos and five ones" you have been brief and explicit, and the clerk will appreciate your effort to help him expedite the work.
Medford Mail, March 3, 1893, page 2

    J. A. Slover and Chas. Strang are applicants for the Medford post office.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3

    D. H. Miller, Chas. Strang, J. R. Erford and J. A. Slover are candidates for the office of postmaster at Medford.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 17, 1893, page 3

    Business at the Medford post office is increasing steadily. On the adjustment of salaries just made by the department at Washington the postmaster's salary was increased from $1100 to $1200.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 7, 1893, page 2

Medford's Postmaster.
    J. S. Howard's term quits on the 17th inst. and the many candidates for the place are hustling hard.
    The Record believes that the man to be named is not considered a candidate by the candidates and that his appointment will surprise the local talent. That man is Hon. W. H. Parker, ex-Democratic county clerk. Our reason for thinking that Mr. Parker has touched the right place is from a letter received from a gentleman named Ikleheimer, of Wall Street, New York. Ikey claims to know just how the situation stands.
    Miss Martha Cardwell, postmistress of Central Point, has sent in her resignation, so it is reported.
Valley Record, Ashland, December 5, 1895, page 3

Mahlon Purdin appointed December 24, 1895

    Postmaster Purdin is expecting his commission in about ten days. He has purchased about 150 lock boxes, which were shipped from Indianapolis, Ind., on the 21st of this month. There will be no keys required with these boxes--they work with a combination. He has purchased the call boxes now in use by Postmaster Howard. Just as soon as the Racket Store moves out Mr. Purdin will commence getting matters in shape for doing business. When arranged as mapped out Medford will have one of the finest offices in Southern Oregon--and that it will be quite correct--there is nothing too good for Medford.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, January 31, 1896, page 5

    M. Purdin received his commission as postmaster for the city of Medford on Monday on this week. The writer of these lines called the turn on him as he saw him walking up the street after getting his mail. We knew from the elasticity of his walk and the diamond-like brilliancy of his face that he had the commission in his inside pocket--we knew from actual experience. He walked and acted just as we did when similarly afflicted--back in North Dakota in '85. Mr. Purdin upon receipt of his commission at once commenced arrangements for taking possession of the office. Everything leading up to taking possession seemed to have arranged themselves about right. The Adkins brick block was in shape Tuesday morning for the reception of G. L. Webb's stock of Racket goods, and work of moving was upon that date commenced. Mr. Purdin's new post office boxes arrived Tuesday morning, and on Thursday the work of rearranging the post office room, in the Halley block, was commenced. The post office department suggests a change in postmastership upon either the first or fifteenth of each month--Saturday is the fifteenth, and it will be upon the evening of this date that the office will be transferred to its new quarters and into the hands of M. Purdin. George Howard, he who has been assistant to Postmaster Howard for several years, will assist Mr. Purdin for a few weeks in familiarizing him with the routine office work. Ira Purdin will also assist in the office until such time when Miss Iva Purdin shall have completed her studies in the public schools when she will enter the office as an assistant.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, February 14, 1896, page 5

    Ex-postmaster Howard in his work of taking down and placing to one side the old post office fixtures made the discovery of a curio--Medford's first post office. It is a wooden box twelve inches wide and twenty-two inches high and nine inches deep, and in it are pigeonholes in which was placed both the letters and papers coming through the mails for ALL the inhabitants of the town at that time, which was in 1884. The first registered letter which came to the office was entered upon the register book by Miss Nettie L. Howard, she who is now Mrs. B. S. Webb. This was in April, '84. J. S. Howard was the first postmaster, and it was in '85 that the town was incorporated--and in a cleanup of this week a large ugly-looking knife was unearthed, the same being the weapon with which he defended himself against an attack of Broback, one of the original townsite owners. The attack having been brought upon by Mr. Howard having posted in his store window a telegram from Salem announcing the fact that the incorporation bill had passed the legislature. Broback was opposed to incorporating and Mr. Howard favored it. Mr. Howard states that as now, for the first time in something like twenty years, he is not encumbered by any public office, he will give his attention to mineral surveying and engineering.
Medford Mail, February 21, 1896, page 5

    The salary of the postmaster at Medford has been increased from $1,300 to $1,400.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1896, page 3

Post Office: 28 S. Central, north half of Halley Block
1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, page 6

    Postmaster Purdin's term of office expires in a few weeks, and several Republicans are industriously endeavoring to succeed him, among whom are C. W. Wolters, A. M. Woodford and Horace Nicholson. The incumbent has made a painstaking, accommodating official, and few would be much averse to allowing him to serve in his present capacity indefinitely.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 27, 1899, page 3

    It is rumored, and the authority seems reliable, that Geo. F. Merriman will be appointed postmaster of Medford, vice M. Purdin, whose term is about to expire. There are several other aspirants, among whom are H. G. Nicholson, C. W. Wolters and A. M. Woodford. Mr. Merriman has gained considerable distinction as a Republican politician, who never wanders after strange goods. His appointment would give satisfaction.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 4, 1900, page 3

George F. Merriman, January 15, 1900 Oregonian
George F. Merriman, January 15, 1900 Oregonian

    Geo. F. Merriman has been appointed postmaster of Medford, to succeed M. Purdin, whose term expires next month. He will make an excellent official.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 15, 1900, page 2

    George F. Merriman of Medford has been appointed postmaster at that place by the President.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 15, 1900, page 3

George F. Merriman appointed January 17, 1900

    G. F. Merriman has received his commission as postmaster of Medford and yesterday, March 1st, he took upon himself the duties incident to the position. The Mail don't see a thing in the way of George making a first-class postmaster, and we are of the opinion he will give us good service. There are two essentials quite necessary in successfully conducting a post office. One of them is the accommodation of the public to the greatest extent possible and not infringe upon the rules and regulations as laid down by the department. The other, and principal one, is to always have your office books posted to date and cash in the safe in sufficient amount to check even with the cash book. The public ofttimes expect more of a postmaster than the rules and regulations of the department will permit him to grant. When a postmaster tells you that he cannot comply with some request you have made or favor you have asked, don't get angry and cuss him. It will do no good. He knows the rules and regulations and you don't, and all the blasphemy you can heap upon him will not lessen his chances for serving out his full term as postmaster. There is little chance for controversy between postmasters and the office patrons, and a postmaster who is discreet will not engage himself in argument. On the other hand, patrons are entitled to courteous treatment at all times. Even if the same question is asked an hundred times a day by different parties, each is entitled to a civil answer.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 2, 1900, page 7

    Miss Letha Hardin is acceptably filling a position as clerk in the post office.
    G. F. Merriman, Medford's new postmaster, assumed the duties of his office on March 1st. George will make an accommodating and efficient official.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 5, 1900, page 3

    Miss Iva Purdin has taken a position as clerk in the Medford post office, a position she held for several months during her father's incumbency of that office. She is very capable help and Postmaster Merriman is to be congratulated upon having secured her services. Miss Mae Merriman is becoming quite proficient in the office work, and between the three--Postmaster Merriman, Miss Mae and Miss Iva--the office is being well and faithfully looked after. Miss Letha Hardin and Lin Purdin, former employees, have severed their connections with the office.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 13, 1900, page 7

    Miss Iva Purdin is acting as one of Postmaster Merriman's assistants in the Medford post office.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 16, 1900, page 2

    R. H. Halley is having a good bit of improvement made about the Medford post office. A new floor has been put down in the lobby, four-foot wainscoting has been put on, the ceilings and walls have been kalsomined, and the front, both inside and out, is being painted--a pure white. The changes which are made and being made add materially to the appearance of the place--in fact, make it one of the neatest and coziest places in the city.

"Additional Local Items," Medford Mail, April 20, 1900, page 6

    The salaries of the postmasters of Ashland and Medford have been raised $100 a year each. They get $1700 and $1500 per annum respectively now.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 21, 1900, page 3

    Medford has been most fortunate in the matter of securing good postmasters. Now there was Judge Purdin--good postmaster at every spot in the road--and following right after him in the office was G. F. Merriman--just as good a man, and one who is filling the requirements squarely to the letter. He is accommodating and courteous to everybody. There are no favorites--all are treated alike, but treated with every consideration possible, and obey the postal laws. The morning mails are distributed and the office is open by seven o'clock--which is a big accommodation to many, particularly working people. The girl clerks in the office, Misses Mae Merriman and Letha Hardin, are obliging always, and attentive to patrons. Up one side and down the other there can be found little ground for registering a complaint against the Medford post office.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 13, 1900, page 7

    The patrons of the Medford post office are much amused at the importance assumed by one of our local newspapers, which seeks to leave the impression that our worthy postmaster is endeavoring to curtail its influence and usefulness through the authority invested in him by virtue of his position. Mr. Merriman spares no pains to accommodate everybody, but insists on transacting his business in a legal manner, even if it interfere with the ideas or pocket of some prejudiced individual.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 10, 1900, page 2

    The receipts of the post offices of the three leading towns of the valley have been growing steadily, as will be noticed by the following statistics: Ashland--for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896, $3859; 1899. $4984; 1900, $5595. Grants Pass, 1896, $4221; 1899, $4959; 1900, $5331. Medford, 1896, $3214; 1899, $3497; 1900, $3907.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 29, 1900, page 3

    Postmaster Merriman has fitted up the post office with a gas plant, which furnishes first-class light and plenty of it.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1900, page 3

    Postmaster Merriman and his assistants, Misses Mae Merriman and Letha Hardin, had anything but a summer picnic the latter part of last week and the first of this, wrestling with huge mail sacks of Christmas presents. One morning five of those monster sacks came in filled almost to overflowing with boxes and bundles of Christmas good cheer, while the outgoing sacks were equally as numerous and as well filled. The office force, however, were equal to the occasion and handled the work with remarkable deftness.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 28, 1900, page 7

    Monday was garden seed day at the Medford post office, and Postmaster Merriman and his two assistants were kept busy all day distributing the two large mail pouches of seeds which were sent to various parties in this section by Senator Simon, from the agricultural department. Usually these free seed are sent in small lots at different times, but this time they came in a bulk--a departure from the regular order of things not particularly relished by the post office force.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 29, 1901, page 6

    Miss Mae Merriman, our clever deputy postmistress, was at Gold Hill, attending the Harvey-Miller nuptials.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7

    Postmaster Merriman has recently put a new safe into the Medford post office--built especially for the accommodation of post office business. It's a big one--and a good one.

"Additional Local," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6

    Miss Letha Hardin, who has been delivery clerk in the Medford post office for the past year and a half, left Monday morning for Petaluma, Calif., where her father, J. R. Hardin, has decided to locate and where Miss Letha will make her home. The young lady has a great many friends in Medford who regret her departure but who are wishing her all kinds of good fortune in her new home.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6

    Miss Rydal Bradbury has taken a position as delivery clerk in the Medford post office. She is seemingly a very competent young lady and will undoubtedly prove herself equal to every duty and accommodating to the patrons of the office.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 7

    The postal department has authorized postmasters to refuse to deliver mail to school children, except on written requests of parents, in order to remedy the vexatious habit of continually calling for mail which has been formed by children in many towns.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 23, 1901, page 7

    It is given out from Washington that now very soon all postmasters above fourth class will be required to wear uniforms. The uniforms will be navy blue with brass buttons, and the department will furnish them. The move is not a bad one. There ought to be some out-of-the-ordinary something about a postmaster which would distinguish him from the average townspeople--as a convenience to himself and the public. Modesty forbids his wearing a placard--"I'm the postmaster"--but if the blue uniforms are worn generally by postmasters and by orders from the department, the unprinted placard will be there and can be worn without shocking the sensibility of the "I detest notoriety" make of government officials.

    The Medford post office clerks are nearly through with two weeks of hard work. Christmas always brings a power sight o' work to the government officials who handle Uncle Sam's mails. The Medford office, however, is well equipped with proficient help--and the patrons of the office are the beneficiaries thereby. Postmaster Merriman is one [of] the most particular and absolutely correct postmasters the Mail publisher has ever had to do with--and his clerks, Misses Mae Merriman and Rydal Bradbury, have long since caught the infection and are as painstaking as is Mr. Merriman.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 27, 1901, page 7

    Miss Mae Merriman, one of the popular clerks in the Medford post office, went to Colestin last Saturday for a week's vacation and rest.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 18, 1902, page 6

    Mrs. Hattie Bartlett left Monday for Ft. Jones, where she will be employed for a month in the post office.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 6

    Postmaster Merriman has added eighteen large, new lock boxes to the Medford post office. The demand for lock boxes has been so great of late that this addition was an absolute necessity. These boxes, being larger than the other ones, will soon be gathered in by our merchants, who receive large quantities of mail. If business keeps up for any great length of time at the pace it is now going, there will soon be need for another enlargement of the post office--and Postmaster Merriman will prove himself equal to all demands.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, October 31, 1902, page 7

    Postmaster Merriman is adding more convenience to his Medford post office. Messrs. Weeks & Baker are putting in 165 "blind" boxes, which are put in wholly for the convenience of the help in the office. There are a great many patrons of the office who do not rent boxes, but who get their mail from the general delivery, and it is no small task for the clerks to go through the mail each time these parties call. It is to do away with this to quite an extent that that new boxes are being put in. The new boxes, however, will be so arranged that the patrons cannot see from the outside whether or not they have mail. To be able to segregate the vast accumulation of paper mail in the office at the time of distribution is the principal object of the new boxes.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 14, 1902, page 7

    Mail matter from the East has been delayed by snow blockades, and many letters and packages expected from far-off friends failed to arrive in time for Christmas Eve. The delay caused a shortage of sacks in the post office, and as a result some of the second-, third- and fourth-class matter failed to leave here upon the day of mailing. Postmaster Merriman appealed to the postal clerks for all the sacks they could spare and got the outward-bound mail off as fast as possible under the circumstances.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, December 26, 1902, page 7

    Complaint has been made to postmaster Merriman by patrons of the Medford post office, concerning the conduct of a certain class of young men in the lobby of the office. It is their habit to congregate there during the distribution of mails and to engage in fights and loud talking and to disfigure the walls of the building by writing upon it and by destroying the placards and official notices posted thereon. This conduct has gone as far as Mr. Merriman will permit, and unless these young men control themselves in a more orderly manner in the future he will exert the power given him by the post office department. Sec. 268 of the Postal Laws and Regulations provide that: "Post offices must not be allowed to become resorts for loungers or disorderly persons, or the scene of disputes or controversies. * * *
Whenever necessary, postmaster should call on the civil authorities to preserve order, and if they refuse the office should be closed." No discrimination will be made in any case, and the offenders will be dealt with as they justly deserve.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 27, 1903, page 7

    Will Warner:--"Say, this carrying the mail on the rural route is all kinds of a good time. How do the people along the route take to the free delivery scheme? Say, Bliton, you have heard of the boy who felt pretty good over his first pair of red-top boots, haven't you? Well, the people along this line are all little boys, as it were--only instead of having the red-topped boots they have their mail delivered free at their doors every morning--and our dearly beloved Uncle Samuel pays the freight--and it's a good thing for them. They are pretty much all honest, hard-working farmers and orchardists and deserve some recognition at the hands of the government. It's an easy trip to make at this season of the year. I leave Medford at eight o'clock and cover the twenty and a half miles by half past eleven, never get in later than twelve. I will probably want you fellows who are now envying me my good time to weep for me next winter, when the roads get bad and I'll be kept busy making the trips on time. I find all kinds of fruit in the mailboxes when I call--nice luscious peaches, plums and pears. No, they haven't fixed up the roads any too good yet, but all have promised to do so as soon as the rush of farm work is over a little."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, August 28, 1903, page 1

Will Not Accept Second Term.
    Postmaster G. F. Merriman has decided that he does not care for a reappointment as postmaster of Medford, and has so expressed himself in a petition to President Roosevelt asking that W. T. York be appointed to fill the position. Mr. Merriman will not resign his position, which will expire next March. Mr. Merriman's other business is of such magnitude that he finds it impossible to accept the appointment for another term, should it be tendered him. Another feature in connection with Mr. Merriman's decision is that, having served at the anvil most of his life, he finds the confinement and inertia of post office requirements far from being conducive to his good health. He has given the patrons of the Medford post office excellent service, and when the time comes to turn the office over to his successor it will be with a clean record to his credit with the department. Mr. York has circulated a petition for his appointment quite generally among the citizens of Medford, and it has been quite as generally signed. The Mail understands that A. M. Woodford is also an applicant for the position and is also presenting a petition.
Medford Mail, November 6, 1903, page 1

    Willie Warner:--"When I commenced carrying the mail on Rural Route No. 1 there was a great many people who said to me, 'why, that's a snap. Nothing to do but ride over the route once a day, and draw your pay.' Since the fall rains set in and the roads have gone out o' sight, I haven't heard a person intimate that he wanted the 'snap' I had fallen heir to. It is a little tough wheeling these times, but I have a good team and if nothing gets in my way bigger than I have yet encountered and the patrons keep the roads good, I am going to pull through. My horses may be 'spring poor' by the first of April and your cousin Willie likewise, but we'll all pick up when we get out to spring pasture. There is one whaling big nuisance in connection with rural delivery and that is the habit some people have of fooling with the mail boxes. It's like this: There is a little red flag on each mailbox. When I put mail in the box for any of the patrons I put up the flag and they come and get it. When they have a letter to mail they 'flag' me in like manner. Someone, either to be funny, or from a disposition to be mean and cause people unnecessary trouble, has gotten into the habit of raising these flags--and no end of inconvenience follows. When you tamper with a mailbox you are interfering with the United States post office--and you had better keep hands off. There is a penalty of $1000 and three years' imprisonment for tampering in any way with mailboxes."
"Street Echoes," Medford Mail, December 4, 1903, page 1

Oregon Senators a Little Wrathy at Hermann.

All Pick a Postmaster, Then Another Man Was Named.
He Commended It to Roosevelt Who Took It That He Desired Woodford
Instead of York Appointed at Medford.

    OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington. Feb. 5. Through an effort to straddle an issue, and to be on both sides of the fence at one time, Representative
Hermann has inadvertently caused the two Oregon Senators considerable embarrassment. Some time ago Mr. Hermann, in a letter to the Postmaster General, strongly recommended the appointment of a man named York as Postmaster at Medford. York was acceptable to both Senators Mitchell and Fulton, who expected the appointment would be made.
    Before the papers left the department, however, Hermann received a petition  from the Grand Army men of Medford urging the appointment of Alonzo M. Woodford as Postmaster. The petition had many signers, and made a pretentious showing. In one of his carefully worded letters, making no recommendation whatever, Representative Hermann forwarded this petition to President Roosevelt, and "commended it to his careful consideration."
    The President, entirely Ignorant of the fact that Hermann had recommended some other man for this office, naturally concluded that he wanted Woodford appointed, and as the recommendation of a Congressman is recognized as final in such appointments, Woodford's nomination was promptly sent to the Senate on January 18. The Senators were astonished when they heard of the appointment, and were at a loss to understand why Hermann's recommendation had been ignored, and it was only recently that they discovered what had really transpired.
President Stands Pat.
    It is rumored that the subsequent meeting with the Congressman from the First District was interesting, to put it mildly. The Congressman disclaimed all responsibility., and besought the Senators to intercede with the President and ask him to withdraw Woodford's nomination and appoint York. The embarrassment of the delegation was explained to the President today, but he flatly declined to reconsider his action, especially when told that Woodford would unquestionably make a good Postmaster. He said the natural inference from Hermann's letter, and the accompanying petition, was that he wished Woodford appointed, otherwise he could see no reason why the petition should have been filed in that manner.
    Senator Mitchell was. asked this after soon whether he would oppose Woodford's confirmation.
    "That's a matter Fulton and Hermann will decide," said he. "I have nothing to
do with it."
    Senator Fulton was asked the same question. "That's a matter entirely In Mitchell's hands," said he, and there the matter rests.
    Woodford will probably be confirmed.

Oregonian, Portland, February 6, 1904, page 2

Alonzo M. Woodford appointed March 1, 1904

A. M. Woodford April 25, 1904 Oregonian
April 25, 1904 Oregonian

Woodford's Nomination Confirmed.
    The following telegram is taken from the Portland Oregonian:
    Washington, March 1.--The Senate today confirmed the nomination of A. M. Woodford as Postmaster at Medford, Or. This action sustains the announcement made in these dispatches some time ago that President Roosevelt would not embarrass himself by recalling Woodford's nomination, once it had been made, even though Representative Hermann had intended that this appointment should go to William T. York.
    The Oregon Senators, finding that further suspension of Woodford's nomination, as requested by Representative Hermann, would avail nothing, consented to his confirmation today.
Medford Mail, March 4, 1904, page 1

    A. M. Woodford, Medford's new postmaster, sent off his bonds to Washington Wednesday, and he will likely take charge of the office on April 1st. His bondsmen are I. L. Hamilton, D. H. Miller, F. E. Payne, G. L. Davis, Wallace Goods and Dr. W. S. Jones. Mr. Woodford will have Dr. H. M. Butler for his chief clerk. Dr. Butler will have charge of the money order and registry departments as well as to keep the general accounts of the office, duties that he is well qualified to fill, for he is an expert bookkeeper. Mr. Woodford has not announced who the other clerks are to be, but it is probable that he will employ his daughter and one of the present clerks. Mr. Woodford will retain his agency for the Standard Oil Company, as attending to the company's business requires so little time that it will not interfere with his post office duties.
Jacksonville Sentinel, supplement, March 11, 1904

Medford Rural Route No. 1, March 9, 1906 Medford Mail
March 9, 1906 Medford Mail.
Carrier William Warner photographed at Noah S. Bennett's residence in Medford.

    Postmaster Woodford reports that the postal receipts in the Medford post office for the year ending March 31, 1906, will show an increase of $1000 over the receipts for the year ending March 31, 1905. Another increase in postal receipts of about $1500 will take the office out of the third class and place it in the second. Eighteen months more--if good old Medford keeps up her present licks--and this "higher up yomp" will be made.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 30, 1906, page 5

    Postmaster Woodford and assistants were kept quite busy for several days disposing of the mail which had piled up as a result of the trains having been put out of commission during the recent storm and which began to arrive at the Medford office last Friday, on which day thirty bags of mail were received and distributed.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, April 5, 1907, page 5

    The Medford post office will be advanced from the third to the second class on July 1st, having reached the point in postal receipts required by the department. During the year ending March 31,1907, the postal receipts for this office were over $8,700, an increase of about 30 percent over those of the year before. As $8,000 is the sum necessary for advancement, it will be seen that the Medford office had a good margin. The advancement in class also carries with it an increase in the postmaster's salary of $200 per year, and additional help in the office. Should the mails for Eagle Point and other upriver points be sent out from this office, as is altogether likely when a train service is inaugurated on the P.&E. road, two more clerks than the office now has will be necessary in order to handle the greatly increasing amount of work brought about by this circumstance.
    There is another thing to be considered in this line, and that is that with the present rate of increase in population and a corresponding increase in postal receipts, by next year the receipts will have reached $10,000 and we will be in the free delivery class. But the government will not establish free delivery in any city until the streets are all named and marked and the houses numbered, the streets lighted and good sidewalks provided. Ashland is in the free delivery class, but cannot get the service for these reasons. It's up to the people of Medford to see that these drawbacks are removed before another year, so that when eligible, the city can at once secure free delivery of mails.
    These things can all be done in that space of time. Indeed they all should be done at once, regardless of the matter of free delivery. Let's be the first Southern Oregon city to secure this service.
Medford Mail, June 7, 1907, page 1

Post Office in New Quarters.
    Saturday afternoon postmaster Woodford received telegraphic instructions to move into his new quarters in the Big Bend Milling Co. building on North C Street, and Saturday night the work of moving was accomplished.
    The new quarters are roomy and convenient for the work of the office, and are fitted up in the most up-to-date manner. The furnishings are of quarter-sawed oak and are handsome as well as substantial. The boxes are all fitted with combination locks, and the old key and call boxes have been entirely done away with. There are five hundred of these boxes, and more can be added as the needs of the office demand.
    The only criticism to be offered is that the lobby is rather small and liable to cause considerable congestion during the rush hours. However it is not a fatal objection nor even a very serious one.
    The popular salutation for the first few days, among those accustomed to the old-style key boxes, was "have you forgotten your combination yet." The feature of the new boxes is that it is impossible to close them without locking them at the same time. This will prevent people from leaving their boxes unlocked for the benefit of individuals with prying proclivities.
Medford Mail, July 26, 1907, page 1

Post Office Hours.
    For the benefit of the Mail readers Postmaster Woodford has kindly given out the following information regarding the post office hours:
    Open 7:30 a.m. weekdays and on Sundays immediately after the trains come in. Close 7 p.m.
    The money order department will be open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except on Saturday evenings, when it closes at 5 p.m.
  No. 15--Southbound--10 a.m.
    "    16--Northbound--4:40 p.m.
    "    11--Southbound--8 p.m.
    "    12--Northbound--8 p.m.
Medford Mail, September 13, 1907, page 3

Catching Up with Medford.
Medford Mail.
    The fact that a Clackamas County rural mail carrier is experimenting with an automobile for carrying the mail is esteemed worthy of editorial comment in The Oregonian. We are glad to note that old Clackamas is waking up and getting into the procession. The carrier of rural route No. 1 Medford has been using an automobile off and on for the past four months in making his rounds, but the "chug wagons" are so common in this section that no one thought it anything out of the common.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, September 16, 1907, page 6

    No more will Postmaster Woodford disturb the morning naps of those who room in the post office building with the thump-thump of the canceling stamp, as on Wednesday of this week an automatic canceling machine was installed. This is the same machine that the Grants Pass papers swelled up about when one was placed in the office at that place.
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 10, 1908, page 5

    Ralph Woodford:--"Recently, when a post office inspector was here, we made an estimate as to the number of pieces of mail matter dispatched from the Medford office, and the estimates made were an average of 56,000 each month. This is nearly 2,000 for every calendar day of the month. I fancy that's not so bad, in fact I know it is going some, and then when you figure the amount of mail matter which comes into the office for distribution I fancy that's coming some, too. Another thing which makes us feel pretty good is the fact that we are charged with making only sixteen errors in throwing mail during the entire year just past. You understand that every letter we tie in the wrong bundle or every package we put in the wrong sack is charged up against us by the postal clerks on the train as an error and it is reported to the department--and we have made less than two of these errors a month for the past year."
"Things Told on the Street," Medford Mail, January 24, 1908, page 1

    Medford's first post office, made out of an old soap box, can be seen in the windows of Hussey's cash store, on West Seventh Street. It was constructed in 1883 by J. S. Howard, "the father of Medford," at that time postmaster, mayor, express agent, store keeper and general pooh-bah of the crossroads. [Howard didn't become mayor until 1885. Medford's first express agent was A. L. Johnson; Howard succeeded him in May 1884.]
    Though only containing a few partitions, the box was ample for the mail business of 25 years ago. Medford at that time had but one frame house, that occupied by Mr. Howard, who ran a general merchandise store, surveyed the townsite between times and did other public and private business of too many kinds to catalogue.
[All three Rogue Valley newspapers of 1883 agree that the town site was surveyed by Charles J. Howard.]
    With the survey of the railroad through Medford began the growth of the city, which has continued steadily ever since. The soap box was soon too small and had to be discarded for more modern conveniences.
    From the small beginning of a soap box a quarter century ago, the post office has grown until it now occupies a storeroom 35x100 feet in size, and even it is too small. The half-dozen partitions have expanded into 500 self-locking boxes, with many more demanded. Instead of the two minutes a day taken to sort the mail of 25 years ago, the entire time of half a dozen people is consumed. The few straggling farmers coming for mail have been multiplied into thousands, and a long line of expectants stand in wait anxiously after every train. The $2 or $3 monthly receipts have now been rolled into over $1000 a month, and only the masterly inactivity of the city council in not enforcing street signs and house numbering prevents as many letters being brought to each house in the city daily as was brought to the Medford of 1883.
Excerpt, Medford Daily Tribune, December 15, 1908, page 2

    Street signs are making their appearance all over town. In a short time all the signs will all be painted, and they will be put up as soon as possible. This will prove a boon to the many new residents of Medford.
    City Recorder Collins reports that a large number of people are making application to City Engineer T. W. Osgood for official street numbers, and that the work of numbering the houses is going on at a rapid rate.
    This matter interests all the people of Medford, for it is the lack of house numbers and adequate sidewalks that keeps Medford from enjoying a free delivery of the mail. Sidewalk building is going on apace, and soon Medford will be in a position to demand free delivery.
    Assistant Postmaster Ralph Woodford, when asked by a Mail representative how long it would be before Medford could secure free delivery after the requirements as to house numbering and sidewalks had been complied with, replied that it would not be before July, because the present appropriation was exhausted and the new one would not be available until the beginning of the next fiscal year, July 1.
    However, Mr. Woodford said that the local post office would make application at once because it takes the inspector about four months to get around and make his report after the application has been made. Besides, those towns which get their applications in early stand a better chance of getting the money for establishing free delivery.
    The local office now has 800 boxes, and every available space for boxes is utilized. If the city had free delivery less than half that number of boxes would be required.
    As it is, there are not enough boxes, and the general delivery window is overworked, as can be seen at most any time of the day from the long line of people before the window waiting for their mail.
    When free delivery is established the post office department will probably allot two carriers to Medford, one on foot in the business district and one with a car in the residence district. Two deliveries a day will be made.
Medford Mail, January 22, 1909, page 3


    WASHINGTON, March 15.--City mail delivery will be inaugurated on June 15 at Hood River, McMinnville, Ashland and Grants Pass, Or, with two regular carriers at each city, save Ashland, which will have three, and one substitute carrier each. Each of these cities were inspected and pressed upon in the fall, but were forced to await until appropriations made by the late Congress became available.
    Medford is thus left out in the cold for want of some three days' work, in which time the house numbering and naming of streets could easily be completed if the work was undertaken in a businesslike manner. If this work be undertaken and completed at once, Postmaster Woodford is of the opinion that a like service could be instituted in Medford not later than July 31.
    According to the official post office report, Medford has the largest postal receipts of any city west of the Rocky Mountains without a free mail delivery. For over two years the receipts have passed the requirements fixed by the postal department for the institution of such a service. Lack of house numbers, street signs and sidewalks have kept this city in the background until her sister cities in the Rogue River Valley have surpassed her in this regard, in spite of the fact that neither of them can keep in sight of her constantly increasing business.
Medford Daily Tribune,March 15, 1909, page 1

Assistant Postmaster Woodford Is Working for It.
    Assistant Postmaster Ralph Woodford is not going to allow anything which can be removed to remain in the way of a free mail delivery for Medford. He has but recently completed a map of the city, showing all streets and alleys and the names of the streets. This has been no small job, and Mr. Woodford has burned the midnight oil a great number of times in its preparation.
    "What's doing in the free delivery matter?" was asked Mr. Woodford, to which he replied: "Nothing, to my knowledge. A special representative of the government is liable to drop in here almost any time, and when he gets here and looks over the situation I can probably give you a news item. Until then, we will all have to wait."
Medford Mail, May 28, 1909, page 4

Proposed District Mapped Out and Inspect by Post Office Official.
    For two or three days past post office inspector Morse has been to Medford, and in company with Assistant Postmaster Woodford a thorough canvass of the entire city was made with the one point in view, that of establishing a free mail delivery system for the city.
    If free delivery is ordered, the delivery will be made on the following streets, provided sidewalks are put down by October 1:
    All streets north of Main and south of Jackson, between Front Street and Riverside Avenue. On Central Avenue north to Court Street; on Beatty Street north to one block north of Liberty Street. All streets south of Main Street and north of Ninth Street, between Front Street and Riverside Avenue; Central Avenue south to the city limits; Riverside Avenue from Ninth to Twelfth streets; Main Street east to the city limits; Grape Street north to Jackson Street; Jackson Street west to one block west of Alder Street; Holly Street north to Second; Second Street west to one block west of Olson Street; Oakdale Avenue north to Fourth Street; Fourth Street west to one block west of Olson Street; all of Orange Street north and all of Olson Street; all streets south of Main and north of Eleventh Street; between Orange and Evergreen Street; Holly Street south to Twelfth Street; Grape Street south to Thirteenth Street; Oakdale Avenue south to the city limits; Main Street west to city limits.
Street Letter Boxes.
    Street letter boxes will be located as follows:
    On Main Street at the intersection of Cottage, Bartlett, Front and Grape streets and Oakdale Avenue; on Central Avenue at the intersection of Eleventh, Third and Beatty streets; at the corner of Bartlett and Jackson, Laurel and Tenth, Oakdale Avenue and Eleventh, and Oakdale Avenue and Fourth.
    There will be two carriers. Main Street will be served three times daily; at 8 o'clock a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. The residence sections will be served twice daily. Carriers will leave [the] post office for these deliveries at 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
    Sidewalk construction within the limits as given above should be rushed with all possible haste. Some of the streets within the limits have no sidewalks at all. These will be necessary before October 1.
Excerpt, Medford Mail, June 11, 1909, page 1

Mail Carrying for Medford Will Start September 15.
    WASHINGTON, D.C. June 22.--The post office department advises me that Medford will have free city delivery beginning September 15, with two carriers and one substitute.
W. C. HAWLEY.       
    As will be seen by the above dispatch from Representative W. C. Hawley at Washington, D.C., free delivery for the city of Medford is to begin September 15. All the other particulars regarding the free delivery were published exclusively in The Morning Mail a few days ago, and was very welcome news to the citizens.
    It is not known as yet who the two carriers and the substitute one will be, but it is likely that the postal authorities will find but little difficulty in getting men to fill the places.
Medford Mail, June 29, 1909, page 5

H. H. Harvey Is Regular Carrier and Rutherford Kerr Substitute.
    The Medford post office was yesterday apprised of the fact that H. H. Harvey had been appointed a regular mail carrier for the city of Medford and Rutherford Kerr had been appointed a substitute carrier. These gentlemen recently took a civil service examination in Medford for these appointments. Mr. Kerr did not make application for regular carrier, as he is desirous of completing his school course in the Medford High School.
    As there are two carriers required for the service here, Rollan G. Beach of Lincoln, Nebraska has been transferred from the carrier service in that city to Medford, and is to report for duty on September 15.
Medford Mail, September 3, 1909, page 1

    Beginning today train No. 16 will carry pouch mail for Portland and all points north of Portland. This mail will be carried in locked pouches in a baggage car, and these pouches will not be opened until they are delivered into the Portland post office.
    (This will be a great convenience to people having business correspondence with Portland concerns, in that mail on this train will reach Portland in time for the morning delivery, whereas if letters are mailed on the regular evening mail train they will not be delivered until the afternoon of the next day. Nothing but letters will be carried in these pouches.
Medford Mail, September 3, 1909, page 1

Business Men Are Considering Asking for Location of Bank Here
If They Decide That One Will in Any Way Benefit City.

    A number of business men in the city have been working for the past few days determining whether it will be expedient to endeavor and secure a postal saving bank in this city. Medford, they say, is blessed with good banking institutions, but local people wish to overlook nothing which might be secured for the benefit of the city. However, preliminaries in the way of putting into effect the postal saving banks, as provided for in the bill under this heading, passed by the last Congress, are as yet incomplete, but the post office department, through the board of trustees, having charge of the proposition, is now working on them, and as soon as everything is in readiness for opening the postal banks in different offices throughout the country, it is expected that the postal saving bank deposit will be received at the local office.
    The bill specifies that the board of trustees shall consist of the Postmaster General, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General of the United States. It may require three or four months more time before the preliminaries looking to the establishment of the postal bank are gotten through with. The bill itself does not provide all the rules and regulations that will govern the making of deposits under the new system. That is left to the board, which is now formulating these rules and regulations. No postal bank can be put in operation until work is complete. Some cities already have their applications in, but their requests for postal banks will not be granted until the preliminaries above are completed. Below are some of the provisions of the bill, showing what steps the depositors will go through, and what they must expect after the banks are in operation.
    "That the accounts may be opened deposits made in any of the postal saving depository established under this act by any person of the age of 10 years of over, in his or her own name, and by a woman in her own name, and free from control or interference by her husband; but no person shall at the same time have more than one postal saving account in his or her own name.
    "That at least $1 or a larger sum in multiples thereof, must be deposited before an account is opened with the person depositing the same, and $5, of multiples thereof, may be deposited, after such account has been opened, but no one shall be permitted to deposit more than $100 in any one calendar month; providing, that in order that smaller accounts may be accumulated for deposit, any person may purchase for 10 cents from any depository office a postal saving card to which may be attached specially prepared adhesive stamps, to be known as the 'postal saving stamps' and when the stamps so attached amount to one dollar, or a larger sum in multiples thereof, including the 10-cent postal saving card, the same may be presented as a deposit for opening an account. Additions may be made on any account by means of such cards and stamps in the amount of $1 or multiples thereof, and when a card and stamp are accepted as a deposit the postmaster shall immediately cancel the same.
    "That interest at the rate of 2 percent per annum shall be allowed and entered to the credit of each deposition, once in each year, the same to be computed on such basis and under such rules and regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe; but interest shall not be computed or allowed on fractions of a dollar, provided that the balance to the credit of any person shall never be allowed to exceed $500, exclusive of accumulated interest.
    "That any person may withdraw the whole or any amount of the funds deposited to his or her credit, with accrued interest, upon demand, and under such regulations as the board of trustees may prescribe."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 24, 1910, page 6

    The substation of the Medford post office opened for business yesterday. The station is located on West Main Street, at the intersection of Grape Street. Miss Marion U. Merrill is in charge, and at this station stamps, stamped envelopes and postal cards may be purchased. Money orders may also be purchased here, and letters and parcels may be registered.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1911, page 1

Nomination Is Sent to the Senate by President Taft,
and Will Undoubtedly Be Confirmed--Congressman Hawley Recommends Him.
Has Held Office for Past Eight Years and Now Will Hold It Four Years More.
    A. M. Woodford, who has served as postmaster in this city for the past eight years, has been nominated for another four-year term, President Taft having sent his name to the Senate for confirmation. Inasmuch as Mr. Woodford's record with the postal authorities is without a flaw, and he has the endorsement of Congressman Hawley and no opposition has developed, his appointment will undoubtedly be confirmed.
    Mr. Woodford has seen the business of the local post office increase from $5000 to $33,000, and the number of clerks increase in like proportion. Free delivery has been installed, and a modern office fitted.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 11, 1912, page 1

    An examination for clerk and carrier will be held at the post office in this city on April 13, 1912. Age limit, 18 to 45 years. Married women will not be admitted to the examination. This prohibition, however, does not apply to women who are divorced or those who are separated from their husbands and support themselves, but they are eligible for appointment only as clerk.
    Applicants must be physically sound, and male applicants must be not less than 5 feet 4 inches in height without boots or shoes, and weigh not less than 125 pounds without overcoat or hat.
    For full information address William J. Warner.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 20, 1912, page 8

Medford Postmaster Named.
    OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, June 8.--The President today nominated J. Ralph Woodford postmaster at Medford.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, June 9, 1912, page 37

J. Ralph Woodford appointed June 14, 1912

    William J. Warner, who has discharged the duties of chief clerk in the local post office during the past two years, has been appointed assistant postmaster, succeeding Ralph Woodford, who was recently appointed postmaster.
    Mr. Warner is also clerk of the civil service examining board, with headquarters in this city.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1912, page 3

    The U.S. Civil Service Commission announces that a male clerk-carrier examination will be held at Medford, Oregon, on June 24, 1916, to establish an eligible register from which selection may be made to fill vacancies as they may occur in the position of clerk or carrier at the Medford, Oregon post office. The age limits are 18 to 45 years. Men only will be admitted to this examination. The entrance salary for clerk or carrier, post office service, is $800 per annum with annual promotions up to $1000 per annum for efficient service.
*    *    *
    Appointment of a postmaster for Medford is not likely to be made before the last of August, and maybe not before then. Congress is so absorbed in the work of passing tariff, appropriation and preparedness measures that the fattest plum in southern Oregon is being passed unnoticed. If congress should adjourn in a hurry, in the dog days, it would throw the appointment until the next congress. All the dozen or so avowed and silent seekers of the job in this city are as confident as a candidate before the primary. The elimination of Judge Canon by appointment to a fatter berth was great joy to the remainder.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, May 28, 1916, page 2

    There was considerable scurrying around Thursday among aspirants for the post office job. Postmaster Woodford's time was up Tuesday. There seemed to be the impression that an appointment would be made. Those on the "inside" maintain that District Attorney Clarence Reames can name the man, and that it will be a dark horse.
"Local and Personal," Medford Sun, June 16, 1916, page 2

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 6--President Wilson today nominated George P. Mims postmaster at Medford, Or.
    Colonel George P. Mims comes of an old and influential southern family. He was born at Prattsville, Tenn. in 1861, and has had a varied business career, having been merchant, banker, hotel man, farmer and orchardist. In 1885 he was appointed by President Cleveland postmaster of Newport, Tenn., and in 1888 resigned to go west. He has never been a candidate for any office, but has always been a Democrat, in season and out.
    Colonel Mims has lived in the Pacific Northwest since 1889, first locating in Douglas County. From there he moved to Idaho. In 1907 he came to Medford and has since resided here. He owns the Seven Oaks orchard, north of Central Point.
    Colonel Mims' appointment followed a long contest among local Democrats for the office. Many candidates were in the field and many knockers. Postmaster Woodford's term expired in June, and Colonel Mims will take office as soon as his bond is approved.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1916, page 1

George P. Mims appointed September 17, 1916

    Colonel George P. Mims of Seven Oaks officially assumes charge of the Medford post office today--the fattest federal plum in southern Oregon. The appointment came at the end of a year of political maneuvering, during which protests galore were filed against him, and all the weight the Democratic machine in Jackson County could bring to bear was brought. Colonel Mims was appointed and confirmed in the last days of the last congress. He is a lifelong friend and college chum of Postmaster General Burleson.
    Colonel Mims was born in Tennessee in 1862, and is a typical southern gentleman of the old school. His Democracy is untainted with the modern nonpartisanship, and this is one reason why he won. Though not exactly popular with the high lights of his party, he is popular with the rank and file and is well known throughout the city and county, where he has lived for nine years, owning an orchard near Seven Oaks.
    All the old employees of the post office will be retained, they being under civil service rules.
Medford Sun, October 1, 1916, page 2

Postmasters to Be Appointed on Merit
    An executive order issued by President Wilson provides for the future appointment of first, second and third class postmasters by competitive civil service examination.
    Incumbents of office are not affected, but in the future when vacancies occur as the result of death, resignation or removal, the civil service commission will hold open competitive examinations. The name of the highest eligible candidate will then be submitted to the President. No person more than 65 years old shall be examined.
    Although the order is framed to remove postmasters from politics, the Senate has the right to reject the President's appointees.
Excerpt, Ashland Tidings, May 7, 1917, page 7

    A number of changes have taken place in the personnel of the Medford post office employees due to the several resignations and transfers.
    H. C. Hazelrigg, the oldest employee in point of length of service, resigned his position this morning as clerk to take place at once, after having held that position in the local office for the past nine years. Prior to that he was eight years in the postal service in Greenwich, Indiana, having come from the latter city to Medford during Postmaster Woodford’s time.
    Mr. Hazelrigg said that he was leaving the service because he thought he could better himself by so doing, and that he is considering several advantageous offers.
    H. C. Jackson, who has been working at the post office as a substitute clerk, stands at the head of the civil service list, and has been appointed to the position vacated by Mr. Hazelrigg.
    J. W. Shirley, who has been employed for some time as substitute clerk, resigned his position last week and went to work today as bookkeeper in the Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank, replacing Roy Maule, who has accepted the position of traveling representative in this territory for an adding machine company.
    Orville E. Barr was appointed to the place vacated by Mr. Shirley and began his post office duties this morning.
    Lee M. Hall, who has been a clerk in the post office for several years, has been transferred to the Evansville, Indiana, post office, and left for Evansville yesterday with his wife and child. Clerk Witte of the Evansville office, who has been transferred to the Medford office, has not yet arrived in the city.
    Homer H. Harvey, the oldest carrier on the force, was recently transferred to the Everett, Washington, post office, and left last week with his family for that city. A carrier named Neff has been transferred from the Everett office to take Mr. Harvey's place here, but has not yet arrived in the city.
    Postmaster Mims said this noon that Messrs. Neff and Witt are expected to reach the city any day ready for work. Until things are straightened out and the new men get accustomed to their duties, the usual past efficieney of the post office cannot be maintained.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1917, page 6

    Postmaster Mims has finally succeeded after a long period of pleading in having the post office department allow another carrier for Medford. The new carrier will go on duty October 1. This will make six city carriers and a parcel post delivery carrier, and means that after October 1 Medford residents will get their mail more quickly. The city will be divided into six divisions instead of five, as at present.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 17, 1917, page 4

    The local post office is now using the cancellation die "Crater Lake National Park," it having been sent direct to the local post office by the contractors who received the order from the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General.
    The use of this die was advocated by the Chamber of Commerce, and the expense of its manufacture was assumed by this organization. It is believed that by its use Crater Lake National Park would receive greater publicity than ever before, which will result in a material benefit to the city of Medford through tourist travel.
Medford Sun, May 30, 1920, page 4

    For the quarter ending December 31st the Medford post office did the largest business of any three months in its history. The Christmas business alone showed a gain of 32 percent over the Christmas period of 1919, and if the same ratio of gain comes in the Christmas period of 1921 Medford will more than jump out of the second class of post offices into the first class.
    In the quarter ending December 31st as compared with the same period last year when the Medford post office was the central accounting office and handled all the sales of stamps for all the county post offices outside of Ashland, the business of the Medford post office alone shows a gain of 11 percent, which according to Acting Postmaster Warner is a remarkable showing.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 7, 1921, page 3

Wm. J. Warner, acting, appointed June 13, 1920; Mims retired May 13, 1921

    That business conditions in Medford are good and that the city's population is greater than last year is shown in the post office receipts for last month.
    The gross general cash receipts for the Medford post office for August show a 43 percent increase over the receipts for the same month a year ago. The money order division shows a 25 percent increase for last month over August, 1920. There was a 15 percent increase in the receipt of incoming mail, and almost a 20 percent increase in outgoing mail.
    The parcel post business of the local post office is also increasing, and it takes one man with the big post office motorcycle four hours daily delivering parcel post packages.
    The above statistics were given out today after Postmaster Warner and Assistant Postmaster Beckett had summed up the month's work.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 1, 1921, page 8

    The letter carriers of Medford as well as those of all other cities in the United States were busy today in making a nationwide survey of the number of homes without mailboxes, and stores and offices without slots cut in their front doors for the reception of mail. This survey is being made under orders of the Post Office Department in line with Postmaster General Hays' efforts to bring about a more efficient and time-saving delivery system.
    It is not known just what steps will be adopted by the Post Office Department when all the reports of this survey are received to enforce mailboxes at every home and slots in the store and office doors, but it is presumed that a missionary campaign will be conducted at first to educate the people up to the necessity of providing proper receptacles for mail.
    Although the survey did not begin until this morning Postmaster Warner of the Medford office calls attention to the fact that there are many offenders in this respect in the city. One of the city carriers informed him last night that after a cursory review he could name just sixty houses already on his route that lacked mailboxes.
    "Now if this carrier, through lack of a conveniently located mailbox, has to lose a minute putting the mail properly in some safe place at each one of these sixty homes, he is just delayed one hour in getting over his route," said Mr. Warner today. "People who do not provide mailboxes at their homes are very thoughtless and do not realize how they are delaying the service. Many of them say: 'Just throw the mail on the porch. We'll get it.' That's all right until an important letter is lost. Then it's a different matter. I feel sure that all Medford people will cooperate with the Post Office Department for better service when they once realize the importance of the matter."
Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1921, page 2

    Among the improvements in the local mail service just announced by Postmaster W. J. Warner, which will facilitate the dispatch of mail both north- and southbound, is an additional collection in the business district boxes at 7 a.m. daily, which mail will go out each way on the trains leaving here at 9:05 a.m. Such mail, however, should not be posted at the substation in the Medford Pharmacy store after 4 p.m., but should be placed in the street mailbox in front of the store in order to be collected at 7 a.m.
    Another appreciated improvement is a closed pouch service for the 7:05 p.m. train north for mail destined to Portland and beyond only. Mail for this train must be in the main post office by 6:45 p.m. Heretofore all the northbound mail went out on the 5:35 p.m. train, which will continue to carry mail as usual.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 19, 1921, page 6

    Evidence of Medford's continued prosperity and gradual increasing consistent growth of post office receipts is shown by the fact that the Medford post office is now in the first class of post offices, having gone over $4,000 above the requirements in postal receipts, or 10 percent. The classification is based on the receipts of the calendar year, although the official change from the second class to first class will not take place until July 1st, at the close of the fiscal year.
    Medford's healthy financial condition is reflected unmistakably in the post office receipts in recent years. They have shown a steady consistent gain of about 20 percent during the past year, going stronger the last of the quarter than the beginning of the quarter, over the corresponding quarter of last year. There was a 24 percent increase during the past quarter over the quarter of a year ago, and a 25 percent increase in December over the same month last year. In fact it was the largest Christmas business last month in the history of the Medford post office. There has been a gradual increase in postal receipts since 1917.
    Postmaster Warner confidently states that the postal receipts will continue to increase. The recent locating here of the general offices of the California-Oregon Power Company from San Francisco, and prospects that the big new sawmill and lumber plant of the Brownlee company will begin operating within the next year, together with other indications, ensures increasing postal receipts, Mr. Warner says.
    Not only that, but the local post office is getting more inquiries from prospective locators in Medford form all parts of the United States than ever before in the city's history--even in the boom days which reached the zenith in 1910.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1922, page 6

    Postmaster Warner is conducting a campaign to have local patrons properly address their mail to street and number, instead of just mailing letters addressed simply to the city, as so many Medfordites carelessly do, especially business houses. This causes much trouble to the post office staff and often letters are either delayed while street address and number must be looked up, or because of the fact that the residence of the person addressed is not known in the post office.
    In his letter to business houses, asking for cooperation in this regard, Postmaster Warner says in part:
    "As one of our heavy mailers, especially around the first of the month, when monthly statements are mailed, it has been observed that all or a large part of the letters mailed by you for local delivery are mailed without street number or other specific address.
    "When it is brought to your attention that this office has something over 20,000 names in its directory, including city, rural, box and general delivery patrons as well as all forwarding orders, I feel sure that you will realize that no distributing clerk, however proficient, can do the memorizing necessary for the proper distribution of all patrons' mail. This is exactly what you are expecting him to do when you mail your letters without street number or other specific address.
    "I am endeavoring to speed up delivery of mail at this office to the highest degree of efficiency, and am making a personal appeal to you to assist this office in perfecting your mail service to the extent that you address all mail for local delivery to street, R.F.D. or box number.
    "May I not have your hearty cooperation?"

Medford Mail Tribune, March 29, 1922, page 8

    A report by Postmaster W. J. Warner, which is now complete and has been brought up to the close of the fiscal year, is as follows. It shows the increase in all departments despite the rescindance of the 3-cent rate on letters which occurred on July 1, 1919.
Statement of business transacted at Medford post office:
    July 1, 1918 to June 30, 1919 (3¢ postage) (2¢ rate on letters and 1¢ on postals was restored July 1, 1919) . . . $34,595.05
    July 1, 1919 to June 30, 1920 . . . 33,873.09
    July 1, 1920 to June 30, 1921 . . . 40,382.74
    July 1, 1921 to June 30, 1922 . . . 46,903.03
    Increase fiscal year 1922 over year 1921 . . . 6,070.20
    Percent increase for year . . . 12.4
    Register business increased 15½ percent during the fiscal year 1922.
    Insured parcels increased 2 percent and C.O.D. business increased 59 percent.
    Money order department shows an increase in 1922 of 24 percent over 1921 in number of orders issued.
    Office force consists of 21 men in the postal service and 4 men on custodian force.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1922, page 3

Medford's Assistant Postmaster Arrested by P.O. Inspector, Charged with Embezzlement--Suicide Attempt Made--Defalcations May Reach Over $9000.
    T. Cliff Beckett, assistant postmaster of the Medford post office, for many years a trusted federal employee, is held in the county jail under close guard to prevent suicide, following his arrest this morning by postal inspectors, charged with a shortage of between $8000 and $9000 in his stamp and cash accounts.
    Beckett, Wednesday night, following the discovery of the alleged peculations, failed in a suicide attempt and is in a serious condition from nervous collapse and the effects of an overdose of strychnine, with which he attempted to end his life. He is on the verge of collapse from the effects of the poison and worry, and is under the care of a physician.
    According to the sheriff's office, in whose custody he is now, Beckett wrote a letter telling of his intention to commit suicide, and admitting the alleged shortage. A $10,000 insurance policy had been left behind to cover the shortage.
    Following the clue in this letter, Sheriff Terrill, Postmaster Warner, both warm friends of the accused man and postal inspectors, rushed by auto to the Savage Rapids dam. On one of the piers Beckett had laid down, and swallowed the poison, in the belief that he would roll into the raging waters. The overdose nauseated him, however, so failed to do its deadly work. When the officers arrived, Beckett hid, and they were unable to find him. He returned to his home. In the depths of acute despondency, Beckett still insists he will take his own life.
    Arraigned before United States Commissioner F. Roy Davis this morning, Beckett waived preliminary hearing, and a United States marshal is now en route from Portland to take him to that city for appearance before a federal grand jury.
    The sheriff's office alleges that Beckett, before his unsuccessful attempt to take his own life, left a statement of the shortage, but gives no account of to what ends the deficit was used. It had been figured out in an orderly manner every day. It is estimated that alleged defalcation ranged over a period of about two years. The methods employed have not been made public.
    All the officials concerned with the arrest of Beckett, were old friends and the first intimation of any shortage came about a week ago. An investigation revealed the grounds upon which the above tragic incidents were based.
    Beckett has been an employee of the post office for about 13 years, and was widely known and liked. He is a member of several fraternal and civic organizations, and was about 35 years of age. He has a wife and two children.
    The news of the tragedy came as a shock to scores, and brought forth widespread expressions of sympathy and regret throughout the entire community.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 4, 1924, page 1

Cliff Beckett Admits His Defalcations Declares Sheriff--Suicide Attempts Abandoned--Money Lost in Speculation Belief--Beckett Was Discharged.
    "Cliff" Beckett, former assistant postmaster of the local post office held in the county jail pending the arrival of a United States marshal from Portland, where he will face a federal grand jury on a charge of alleged embezzlement of postal funds, is short in his account of cash and stamps, $8,9909.97, according to an authoritative report today.
    According to Sheriff Terrill, Beckett admits the defalcations, is reconciled to whatever penalty the law may inflict, and has abandoned his intentions of committing suicide. After a night in the county jail Beckett was in a more cheerful mood, and this morning had a long visit in the jail office with his family and friends. He will be taken north tonight or tomorrow.
    Beckett, according to the authorities, has made no statement relative to what he did with his alleged peculations, but friends say he lost them in speculating in a vain attempt to repay his alleged thefts.
    It is alleged that the stamp thefts were covered up by means of a cleverly constructed phony stamp book, kept in the stock room of the post office, and was not discovered until an inventory of the postal supplies was made this week, resulting in the immediate calling in of local officials and the taking of fingerprints. Beckett was the only person having access to the safe in which the money and stamps were kept except the postmaster.
    The post office inspectors, however, had started an investigation before this, and it is said that an order was issued from Washington, D.C., two weeks ago, ordering Beckett's removal as assistant postmaster. Beckett was removed, but he told friends that he was on his vacation.
    That Beckett foresaw his fate is indicated by the suicide letter mailed Wednesday. It was dated "December 3rd, 1923," and told of his intentions to kill himself. Since the letter was written, it is alleged a further shortage of about $600 was discovered.
    Last Wednesday afternoon the crisis came in the case and Beckett left his home, with his fishing outfit, saying he was going fishing. He rode to the Savage Rapids dam with game wardens William R. Coleman and Roy Parr, and was in his usual mood on the trip. He disembarked at the dam and the game wardens drove on to Grants Pass.
    Wednesday afternoon, according to Sheriff Terrill, Beckett wandered along the river bank, fishing, and in the evening the "suicide letter" addressed to one of the inspectors was received. Upon its receipt, Postmaster Warner, Sheriff Terrill, Deputy Forncrook and federal officials went to the Savage Rapids dam--Beckett's favorite fishing spot--and started a search for him and finally returned home, believing Beckett had fulfilled his threat.
    Beckett, according to his story, laid down on a plank on one of the piers of the dam, and drank strychnine. He took an overdose, resulting in deathly sickness. He started to walk to a farmhouse in the darkness, but the effects of the poison forced him to lay down. He laid all night in a field where he was found the next morning by a stranger, who carried him to a nearby shack. Beckett was revived and the local authorities called. He was brought to this city and arraigned on an embezzlement charge.
    There were no new developments in the case today, the federal officials as usual being disinclined to talk.
    Beckett is 37 years old, was born near Phoenix, and lived all his life in Jackson County.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 5, 1924, page 1

    Roland G. Beach is the new assistant postmaster of Medford, to succeed T. C. Beckett, who is now serving a term at the McNeil Island penitentiary for having embezzled about $9000 from the office.
    Postmaster Wm. J. Warner today announced the promotion of Mr. Beach and a general promotion of the inside force of the post office caused by Beach's promotion.
    Mr. Beach has been in the postal service since Dec. 1, 1905, when he was appointed at Lincoln, Nebraska. In Sept. 1909 he was transferred to the Medford post office, at which time the city delivery service was inaugurated here with two carriers only, and he became carrier No. 1. He served as city carrier until September, 1914, when he was transferred to the position of clerk in the mailing section, and since has served in the city distribution, general delivery, money order and finance division, working up in regular order until he now becomes assistant postmaster.
    Thus it is seen that he is deemed exceptionally well qualified for the latest promotion. He has been finance clerk since July 1, 1921 when Wm. J. Warner became assistant postmaster. Mr. Beach still has many of his Nebraska ways, such as carrying an ear of corn for lunch.
    The other promotions are as follows: C. M. Houston, stamp clerk, to finance section; Hugo Guenther, general delivery and directory clerk, to stamp clerk; and Earl H. York, from the mailing section to the general delivery and directory department.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 24, 1924, page 5

    Twenty-two years ago today, William P. ("Bill") Warner, Medford postmaster, entered the post office service as a rural carrier, on the first R.F.D. route in Southern Oregon, now the present Griffin Creek route.
    "I carried mail on that route for five years," says Mr. Warner, "most any way I could get it through, generally during the winter months on horseback, the mud being so deep at that time it was impossible to drive any kind of a vehicle. During those five years, I drove and completely wore out exactly 27 horses carrying mail." When motorcycles first came into being Mr. Warner bought one, but owing to the fact that the machines were not made so that they could be stopped without completely shutting off the engine and starting them over again, the venture was not too successful. Besides, the motorcycle wasn't in working order half the time, according to "Bill," who states that he took the machine over to Central Point and sold it to Jim Grieve, and for which he attributes the latter's success as "postmaster and king of Prospect."
    At that time Mr. Warner went into the service in August, 1903, the post office was located in the building now occupied by the Klocker Printery. George Merriman was postmaster, his daughter May Merriman, now Mrs. Bob Telford, was assistant postmaster and Lynn Purdin the only clerk.
    Five years later the post office was moved to the present site of the Medford Book Store, and Mr. Warner was transferred to a clerk's place in the office. In 1912 he was made assistant postmaster and in 1921 became postmaster.
    In looking back over those 22 years, from a post office force of four people to the 21 now employed, Mr. Warner has seen remarkable changes. In the postal business itself, the increase in business is remarkable.
    According to records in the books, the gross receipts during the month of August, 1903, made a total of $387.96, against an average this year of $4500 a month. The present volume of business in a year is $50,000, while in past years, the peak of business was reached in 1911, when the figures reach $33,500.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1924, page 3

    Unless a miracle intervenes between now and October 31st, the post office station No. 2, which has been located at the corner of East Main and South Central in the Medford Pharmacy will be no more and the station will be discontinued, as no other suitable location can be found.
    This is because E. A. Moore, proprietor of the Medford Pharmacy, in which location the postal station has been located ever since 1916 when the post office was moved to the federal building, has resigned from his contract, to take effect October 31, as he no longer desires to handle the station along with his regular business.
    Postmaster Warner ever since, with the cooperation of the Post Office Department, has without success sought another suitable location in the east side business district. He has done all he could in this line, so the station will have to be discontinued Friday.
    This station has been a great convenience to the general public, especially in business circles, as the use of it obviates the necessity of going from the east side up to the main post office. The station sells stamps, handles parcel post matter up to 4 pounds, insures and registers mail and issues money orders.
    Postmaster Warner expects a general protest will follow the discontinuance of the station, but in view of the fact that no other suitable location and business concern can be found to house and handle it he is powerless to do anything but close the station.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 29, 1924, page 3

    The post office substation No. 1 in the east side business district of the city will not have to be discontinued because of the Medford Pharmacy no longer wanting it in that location, as this morning Postmaster Wm. J. Warner received a telegram from the Post Office Department granting permission for the station to be located in Deuel's store.
    The station in the Medford Pharmacy will be closed this evening and will be removed during the night to the Deuel store, where it will be opened tomorrow morning for business. Ever since the time Mr. Moore, proprietor of the Medford Pharmacy, had resigned from his contract of operating the station, Postmaster Warner had been seeking another location and contractor without success, and when it was announced two days ago that the station would have to be discontinued, Mr. Russell of the Deuel store came forward, to the relief of the business men of the business district east of the railroad tracks, and volunteered to contract for the station under certain conditions, which the Post Office Department has accepted.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 31, 1924, page 1

    Several changes in the local post office staff have just been announced, the latest of which is the transferring of the veteran city carrier, Homer H. Harvey, at his own request, to rural route No. 2 to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Arthur H. Wissing last March because of disability, and which has been temporarily filled by Don A. Myers. The change takes place September 8.
    Mr. Harvey is one of the two original city carriers who entered the local postal service September 15, 1909, the other one being Roland Beach, now assistant postmaster. The vacancy caused by the Harvey transfer has been filled by the promotion of Frank W. Hubbard, who has been serving as the senior city sub-carrier.
    Then, too, it has been announced that David J. Crampton, who had held the contract for the mail messenger service between the post office and depot since July 1st last, had resigned that contract and with his wife and children departed for Detroit, Mich., a week ago to locate in that city.
    The post office is now advertising for bids for this contract, which must be in the hands of Postmaster Wm. J. Warner by September 10, and in the meantime William W. Hall, who formerly held the mail messenger contract, is filling that position until the new contract is let.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1925, page 4

    In a letter received by the Medford Chamber of Commerce from Vern C. Gorst, president of the Pacific Air Transport Company, holders of the coast air mail route contract, local air mail users are reminded that 10 cents per ounce is sufficient postage to carry a letter to any point on the route within a distance of 1000 miles.
    Mr. Gorst's letter in part is as follows: It has been brought to my attention several times lately that there seems to be a decided misunderstanding on the part of the public as to the postage necessary for air mail letters. A great many people are putting a two-cent postage stamp on letters in addition to the air mail stamp. This is absolutely unnecessary, as 10 cents per ounce or fraction thereof in excess of 1000 miles is all that is necessary. This makes the postage 10 cents per ounce or fraction thereof between any city on the coast, with the exception of Seattle and Los Angeles. Mail going either north or south out of Medford would require only 10 cents per ounce to any point on the coast.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 11, 1926, page 5

Total Business at Post Office Past Year Nearly Three Times
What It Was Ten Years Ago--Records Show Steady Growth of City--
History of Post Office.

Year                Amount  
1909            $16,710.00
 1910              23,283.00
August 1912 Parcel Post Acct.
November 1917--3¢ postage
July 1919--2¢ postage
    With receipts for 1926 estimated at $69,254, the United States post office here has shown a continued growth since 1915, the year which marked the end of a general three-year slump throughout southern Oregon. Growing from a two-man post office when it was established more than 40 years ago in the building now occupied by the Marsh grocery store on East Main Street, nearly 30 men are employed at the present time under the efficient direction of William J. Warner, who has been the local postmaster for a number of years past, following a continual post office service since 1903.
    After going through the hands of Charles Strang and M. Miller, the post office was under the management of J. S. Howard in a building the site of which is now occupied by the First National Bank on East Main Street, and from that location it was moved to the Klocker Printery building on South Front Street, where Mr. Warner first became connected with the post office. In 1907 the location was changed to the Medford Book Store building on North Central Avenue, where at that time it was listed in the third class and had, in addition to a postmaster, an assistant and one clerk.
    With the arrival of 1908, Medford commenced to show signs of an unusual growth, materially affecting the post office, which a year later inaugurated a city delivery service with two letter carriers. In September 1908, receipts, recording breaking for that time, totaled $13,454.91, and in 1911 reached the peak with $33,527.49, in keeping with the inflated business conditions of that period. However, in 1913 the total dropped to $26,114.72, after which a gradual rise was noted. Receipts for 1925, with $64,900.85, are approximately $5000 less than the total for 1926.
    In 1916, the post office moved to its present quarters in the federal building on Sixth Street at the corner of Holly, where equipment is of the latest type and every convenience installed for facility in handling large quantities of mail. The building, of brick, is the last word in design and includes modern features, such as an elevator, large heating plant, perfect illumination and ventilation.
    The entire first floor is occupied by the post office in addition to a small portion of the basement. The second floor of the three-story structure is occupied by the United States district court rooms, the Crater Lake National Park Service, United States Army recruiting service, Internal Revenue offices and the office of the district clerk. The Crater Lake National Forest Service occupies the greater share of the third story, with the exception of one office occupied by George E. Hougen, United States post office inspector for seven southern Oregon counties, having permanent quarters in this city.
    The Medford post office is the distribution point for southern Oregon and northern California for the coast air mail route, which has a terminal here, the only one in the state. Mail received here by air is sent as far north as Eugene and south for 200 miles. Medford is also the distribution point for mail intended for outlying districts, including Eagle Point, Trail, Prospect, Jacksonville and the rich rural country surrounding the city on all sides. Mail is also sent from here to Crater Lake and Diamond Lake during the months that the season is open for these two popular summer resorts.
    The present post office force includes the postmaster, two supervisors, eight carriers, eight clerks, four substitutes, train messenger, special messenger and others.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page 11

Increase for Fiscal Year is Nearly $9000 Over 1926--
County Seat Will Bring Added Business to Local Office.

    Due to the steady, consistent growth of the city from month to month for a long time past, the Medford post office receipts for the present fiscal year of the Post Office Department, which ended June 30, show the substantial gain of $8916.22 over those of the fiscal year of 1926, Postmaster Wm. J. Warner announced yesterday.
    This progressive natural increase will be much further augmented for the present fiscal year because of this city having become the county seat yesterday. In all the agitating and fighting to bring about the removal of the county court house from Jacksonville to Medford the people generally, and even most of the ardent leaders in the removal agitation, overlooked the fact that the Medford post office receipts would be greatly increased with the court house in this city; as well as the fact that the loss of the court house business would much decrease the Jacksonville post office receipts.
    For the fiscal year ending the 30th of last month, the gross receipts were $76,395.55, making nearly $9000 more than the gross receipts of the fiscal year 1926, which were $67,479.33.
    For the quarter period ending June 30, last, the receipts were $19,179.20, a gain of $2519.91 over the receipts of the same quarter last year. Thus it goes on and has been for years past--no spurt whatever, but just a steady, consistent growth.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1927, page 1

    The Medford post office is advertising for a mail messenger to succeed Dick Sellman, who has held the position for the past two or three years and who resigned on October 1st, but will continue to serve until his successor takes hold, in transporting mails between the post office and depot and vice versa.
    The job is let by contract, following competitive bidding, and bids are now being received and will continue to be received until October 27. All applicants must be over 16 years of age and competent to handle the mail transfer service. The contract is not let for any given period, nor for any stated number of trips, and stipulates that mail must be transported as often as is required.
    All persons interested in submitting bids can obtain full information from Postmaster Wm. J. Warner.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 17, 1927, page 8

    The Medford post office, from tomorrow on, will be able to give better service, as the two additional clerks allowed this office recently by the Post Office Department at Washington assume their new duties in the morning. This makes a staff of ten clerks.
    The new clerks are C. P. Silliman and L. P. Crocker, both of whom have been promoted from positions they have held in the office as substitutes for a long time past, during which they acquired experience in all lines of work of the post office, even having served as substitute carriers.
    Some time ago the local post office also made application for an additional carrier because of the increased population and territory of the city. This application is still pending.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 30, 1927, page 5

    As was forecasted last week, the annual rush in receiving and sending Christmas parcels at the Medford post office was on with a bang all day today, with long lines of waiting senders in the lobby before stamp windows and with the roar of the big receiving room inside the post office enclosure piled high with packages that had arrived from all parts of the United States since late Saturday, despite about half of this incoming Christmas stuff had been delivered by late this forenoon.
    Nevertheless, the congestion, especially in arrival of packages here, will probably continue for the next five days. The special daily train from Portland carrying the Western Oregon and Southern Oregon Christmas mail was expected to arrive this afternoon, with other mountains of parcels to be [illegible] in the post office awaiting delivery.
    More and more, annually the people of the United States are sending Christmas presents in neater, better addressed and better packed packages, as a perusal of the pile of parcels this forenoon showed, although the first arrival packages this far from Christmas Day are always in better shape than those arriving later when the big congestion and crush is on.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 19, 1927, page 2

    An immense volume of incoming Christmas mail from all parts of the United States has been increasing daily the past few days, but apparently the Medford post office "hasn't seen anything yet," as the great quantity arriving late yesterday afternoon on the special train from Portland, comprising over 400 sacks of parcels and six pouches of first-class letter mail, it was known this forenoon would be much exceeded when this special train arrived late this afternoon.
    Hundreds of parcel bundles remain scattered about the post office in big piles awaiting delivery, despite the fact that incoming Christmas mail is being constantly delivered by the regular carriers on their routes and five extra carriers with automobiles. The parcel mail comes in so fast, however, that scarcely any material inroads can be made until the huge volume of incoming mail ceases. The peak in the incoming mail will be reached tomorrow, it is thought by post office officials.
    The outgoing Christmas mail has all practically gone, but still at times today local senders were bunched up in lines before the stamp windows.
    Postmaster Warner calls the attention of the public to the fact that through the use of special handling and special delivery stamps late mailers of letters and parcels, if the latter are small ones, still have a chance to have them delivered at coast and western points by Christmas Day. Parcels equipped with special handling and delivery stamps will be handled en route as first-class mail.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 22, 1927, page 5

    Some good publicity for Medford and Crater Lake should result from the widespread circulation of the attractive new stationery put out by the American Legion convention commission of the local post. The stationery is printed in two colors and carries the names of all members of the convention commission, the official emblems of the American Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary and last but not least a beautiful cut of Crater Lake with the caption "Medford, Oregon, the Gateway to Crater Lake." "This Is a Great Country" appears on the bottom of each page and the convention slogan. "Meet 'em in Medford," August 2, 3, 4, 1928 is also given prominent position.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1928, page 4

    A demand that forced the supply and set Post Card Week two days in advance of itself was voiced by local citizens over the Chamber of Commerce phone throughout yesterday. Eagerness to secure the beautiful views of Medford and surrounding attractions issued the local realty board as an outstanding project in their publicity campaign was responsible yesterday noon for a rush order of the cards being placed at the headquarters two days before the opening of Post Card Week.
    The views usually selling for five cents apiece are to be sold to the public in packages of five for 10 cents until the end of the week, as a means of advertising the Rogue River Valley to prospective settlers before the summer tourist season sets in. Purchasers are asked to mail the series of five views to friends in different states in the hopes of attracting them to this part of the country.
    Each view is explained in writing inscribed at the bottom of the card. A particularly interesting bit is written below the picture of Medford's downtown section which reads: "A mountain spring of pure ice-cold water in every home. Population 12,500. A 100 percent increase in seven years." The series includes views of the Pacific Highway, Crater Lake, Diamond Lake, where attention is called to the fishing and other points of interest.
    W. H. Jones is in charge of the post card project, while C. S. Butterfield, J. C. Barnes and Eric Wold are actively engaged in the advertising features of the program.
    Medford realtors have placed an order for 25 thousand of Patterson's photos to be mailed out from the valley during Post Card Week, February 14th to 21st. These photos are specially prepared views showing the highlights of the valley together with some of the most impressive data. Everyone is urged to prepare a mailing list of friends and relatives to whom they will send these cards, so as to get them mailed promptly. A number of people are using their regular Christmas mailing list. In addition to the set of five photos, a one-page letter can be written and all mailed for two cents. The cards will be available at the Chamber of Commerce, any realtor's office, and at all the leading stores beginning next Tuesday. Ready to mail--five for a dime--worth a quarter any other time.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1928, page 6

Steady Growth of Medford Results in Granting Request--
New Territory Will Be Served.
    Effective in compliance with the request made some time ago by the local post office department for an additional carrier, Postmaster Warner has just received word from the Post Office Department that the request had been granted, effective with February 16th, which means that on and after that date additional Medford territory inside the city limits will have daily carrier service, and that the number of carriers of the post office will be nine instead of eight.
    The granting of this request pays a nice compliment to growing Medford, as it was only after Postmaster Warner's request for extension of daily carrier service in various parts of the city that Postal Inspector C. B. Welter of Portland was sent here by the department to investigate thoroughly. His report told of Medford's great growth in the past few years and recommended all the extensions that were asked for.
    However, Postmaster Warner warns that in line with the Post Office Department's policy that the extended service on any street in any of the new territory would not be begun until all the houses on that thoroughfare are numbered and have established receptacles to receive mail. Some of these streets will be given mail delivery only on one side of the street because of sidewalks not having been completed on the other side. It is the policy of the post office not to deliver mail on any thoroughfare where there are no sidewalks.
    The addition of a new carrier, making nine carriers in all, will cause a reapportionment and rearrangement of delivery service throughout the city. The new carrier will be Donald R. Reames, the senior on the substitute list.
    The new territory to be provided with carrier service is as follows:
    Queen Anne from McAndrews Street to Oregon Terrace.
    Reddy Avenue from McAndrews one block east to Lindley Street.
    East Main Street from Academy Street to Oregon Terrace.
    East Ninth Street from Cottage to Portland Avenue.
    East Eleventh Street from Vancouver to Willamette.
    Front Street, warehouse district from Twelfth Street to city limits.
    Newtown Street from Dakota to Pitt Avenue.
    West Main Street from Columbus to Western Avenue.
    Haven Street between Columbus and Summit Avenue.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1928, page 1

    With practically 15,000 of the 20,000 post cards placed on sale at reduced rates by the local realty board as part of their extensive program of community advertising already gone, Post Card Week is in danger of not lasting out its allotted number of days. Approximately 2000 of the cards were snapped up by the 120 business men and out-of-town guests at the luncheon held yesterday by the Chamber of Commerce and combined service clubs of the city.
    The cards, with beautiful views of the valley and surrounding resorts, have been placed on sale at the local Chamber of Commerce and in the department stores and real estate offices for the reduced sum of 10 cents for a series of five well-chosen scenes. The cards, which ordinarily sell for five cents apiece, are being given to the public for the reasonable sum during this week for the purpose of mailing to out-of-state points. It is hoped by this source of advertising to attract a larger crop of tourists to the valley than ever before.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 15, 1928, page 3

    A remarkable record in throwing of mail was made by H. W. Morrow, mailing clerk in the Medford post office, this morning, incidental to the inspection work of W. C. Ott of Seattle, chief clerk at large in charge of the eleventh railway mailing division, comprising the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska.
    Mr. Morrow threw a perfect score, the first time that has ever happened in the Medford post office, which means that he threw 835 cards, each one of which represented an Oregon post office location, without a single error.
    Mr. Ott, who will examine the clerks of the Ashland post office tomorrow, told at the post office here that his examinations during this trip had developed unusual proficiency on the part of the clerks, about 10 percent of whom had attained perfect or near perfect scores.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 1928, page 5

    The post office vacation season is now in full swing. Hugo Guenther and G. A. Sanden, clerks, and Robert Newland, carrier, will return to duty tomorrow from their vacations, whereupon J. A. Neff and M. E. Harper, carriers, will start on their vacations. The vacation of Lewis Crocker will begin next Monday and that of F. E. Nichols will begin next Thursday. Following the return last week from vacation of Roland Reach, assistant postmaster, Postmaster Warner went on his vacation early this week.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 19, 1928, page 2

    Postmaster Wm. J. Warner today received two prize-winning ribbons won by the floral exhibit of the local post office staff at the recent first annual flower show of the air mail post offices throughout the United States, held in the post office lobby at Milwaukee, Wis., also a large photograph of the exhibition in which there were 134 floral exhibits from as many air mail post offices.
    One ribbon was for first prize for sending an exhibit the longest distance, and notification was also received that in another mail was coming a silver cup for also being first in that event. The other ribbon was for winning third prize in beauty and quality of exhibits.
    It was stated in the communication accompanying the ribbons that the Medford exhibit of gladioli arrived by airplane one day prior to the exhibition, but nevertheless retained their beauty and freshness throughout the exhibition.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1928, page 3

    In keeping with the general trend of beautifying and building up West Sixth Street, and also because Wm. J. Warner and Roland G. Beach, and Sam Houston, Hugo Guenther, Earl York and Stanley Sherwood of the post office clerical force are too busy handling mail when on duty and listening to politics when off duty to do it themselves, the exterior woodwork of the federal building will soon be repainted, no matter who is elected President.
    Not that there is any crying need for this contemplated improvement, but the woodwork has not been repainted for years, and hence Postmaster Warner, as custodian of the building, is advertising for bids on the job, all bids to be in by Oct. 25th.
    All of which reminds the public that it will soon be time when the wind begins to blow, etc., for the left and right entrance doors of the post office to be locked, in order to avoid the clerical force being in a draft.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 19, 1928, page 4

    The general public of Jackson County, which formerly entered the elevator in the federal building with joyous abandon, irrespective of their numbers and careless of calling their floor until it was almost reached or the lift had passed by, now enters the same elevator until their number reaches twelve, and almost capsizes its operator, Dick Calder, with their explosive calls of floors.
    This is because Postmaster Warner, who is custodian of the building, recently put up a sign warning that no more than twelve persons can enter the elevator at once time, and that each person on entering must call the floor he wants. The reason for the warning is not known, but it is presumed that the limiting of the number of occupants is for comfort and safety, and the calling off of floors is to lessen delay.
    Anyhow it is customary for regular visitors to the upper floors, if they want the Forestry Service offices on the top floor, to call out "Roof Garden"; if they want the Crater Lake National Park offices, federal court room, city or justice of the peace courts, on the second floor, to shout "Glenn Taylor's Floor" or "Colonel Thomson's Floor," and when descending [if they] desire the first or post office lobby floor call out "Bill Warner's Floor."
    The shorthand for the basement is "Coal Mine" or "Wine Cellar." No matter which is called for, Dick Calder understands and shoots them downward.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 24, 1929, page 8

    The February receipts of the Medford post office were the greatest for any month in the history of the local office. This was an increase of seven percent over the receipts of February of last year. Last month's receipts in postage amounted to $10,254.43, and the February receipts for last year were $9537.93.
    The receipts of last month were much augmented by the fact that two carloads of mail order house catalogs, amounting to 55 tons in weight--one car each from the Montgomery Ward & Company and the National Bellas Hess company--were distributed through the local post office to Southern Oregon and adjacent Northern California points.
    The Medford post office has had this mail order catalog business for a year or so, and each of the two above mentioned houses send out these catalogs twice a year.
    But independent of this mail order catalog postage business, the receipts of the regular business of the post office show a substantial gain over the receipts of February of last year.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1929, page 1

    The attention of the Medford and valley public, and business men especially, is again called by Postmaster Warner to the fact that with the inauguration last Monday of twice-daily transcontinental air mail service between San Francisco and New York City, air mail service in correspondence with eastern and middle west points will gain much time in arrival over the old air mail schedule, which was much faster than by the regular train mail service.
    A letter now mailed from Medford to New York will reach that city in 46 hours and 7 minutes, eleven hours sooner than the old air mail schedule. But the gain is really 24 hours, for by the new schedule now in force the air mail arrives in New York at night in time to be delivered the next morning in the first carrier delivery, whereas under the old schedule it arrived too late to go out in that delivery.
    Corresponding gains in time of air mail addressed to middle western and other eastern cities are made in the new schedule.
    The air mail leaves Medford daily at 9 a.m., and to go out at that time must be in the post office at or before 8:30 a.m.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 3, 1929, page 4

    The total receipts for the fiscal year of the Medford post office, which ended June 30, were $89,464.88, an increase over the total receipts of the previous fiscal year, which were $87,426.79. The receipts for the last quarter, $20,058.21, were a 6.2-percent increase over the receipts for the same quarter last year, $18,887.52.
    The receipts of last month were $6,012.64, as against June of a year ago, with receipts of $5,887.26.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1929, page 2

    Because of the heavy first-of-the-month mail which had accumulated at the post office since last Saturday and the fact that yesterday was a holiday, the Medford post office staff was a very busy one today, this activity being heightened by the fact that two carloads of Montgomery Ward & Company's catalogs arrived from Chicago in the city last Saturday, for distribution from here.
    Because of this congestion of business some of the regular clerks and carriers are helping out in the forwarding of catalogs, while substitutes look after their regular duties.
    The Medford post office is the distributing point for the Montgomery & Ward catalogs for Southern Oregon north to some distance this side of Eugene, and for Northern California as far south as Dunsmuir.
    City Superintendent of Mails Houston had his special staff of regulars at work Sunday, yesterday, and today forwarding consignments of these catalogs on the trains north and south. This job will be finished today. The Davis Transfer Company hauls the catalogs from the two cars to the trains for the post office, where the postal staff sees that they are properly loaded on the mail trains for their destinations from here.
    The delivery of the catalogs in the city and rural districts will begin tomorrow.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 3, 1929, page 3

    In speaking of the coming rush of mailing Christmas presents, which will soon be on, and the preparations being made for the dispatch and receipt of the same at the local post office, Postmaster Wm. J. Warner today called attention to the fact that Christmas parcels can be mailed just the same and perhaps quicker or more conveniently in many cases at the contract post office station No. 1, which has been operated the year around in Russell's store for years past.
    It is understood that arrangements are being made by the contract station to handle a larger volume of business, and more conveniently and quicker than in past years, during the Christmas mailing season. Many east side and other residents would find this contract station much nearer than the main post office, and by patronizing it would much relieve the annual congestion at the main post office.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 2, 1929, page 3

Praise for the Postman
    To the Editor: Is there any other public service person we appreciate more than the postman? We can scarcely wait for the daily mail and for the evening papers. We look for his coming, no matter how cold or disagreeable the weather. If we can scarcely cross the highway to the box to get the mail, we still expect the postman. We are a lucky people that Uncle Sam has made such provisions for our comfort.
    I, as a pioneer, remember when we had to go from Talent to Ashland to get our mail. That was usually about once a week, and many times it was two weeks.
    We had no daily papers; we were in luck if we could afford a weekly paper. When the old stage coach came into the stations, we knew every time a stranger was aboard.
    Let us try to be thoughtful of the postman. Don't put your pennies in the box loose and expect him to stamp your letters. A common clothespin will hold your loose money so he can lift it out and not let it fall into the cold muddy water beneath the mailbox.
    Eden Precinct.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, January 17, 1930, page B4

    Of interest to Medford users of air mail is the announcement made today by the Boeing System, holders of the Pacific Coast air mail contract, that it is now permissible for air mail pilots to accept a letter or package at the airport just as late mail can be deposited in a railway mail car.
    The post office ruling is as follows: It occasionally happens that a late mailer will rush out to the air field after the mails have been closed at the post office or air mail transfer office and attempt to hand the pilot an air mail letter or package. In order to take care of these occasional mailings, it is permissible for the pilot to accept such letter or package and turn it in at the office of address. These pieces can be canceled at the office of address or at the proper stop where delivered.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 21, 1930, page 2

    Bids will be taken until April 17 for the location of the post office substation, soon to be discontinued in its present location at Russell's Inc. department store, where it has been in operation for five years. W. J. Warner is anxious to make new connections as early as possible and urges east side merchants to send in location bids at once.
    The branch is to be located preferably as close to Central Avenue and Main Street as possible. The bid is to include all costs of operation, salaries and rental, covering a specified length of time. The post office branch sells stamps, insures parcels, registers letters and carries on general post office business with the exception of distributing mail. However, it will be a relay point for mail carriers.
    Further information and blanks for bids may be obtained from Postmaster Warner.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1930, page 1

    The post office substation, No. 1, which had been located for years past in the Russell store on East Main Street, but which had to seek new quarters owing to that store going out of business very soon, opened for business today in its new quarters, in the Medford Book Store, on the east side of North Central Avenue between Main and Sixth streets.
    The substation, which is attractively located in the store with all new fixtures, is in charge of Mrs. Bessie Dewey, who conducted it at the Russell store, and is generally expected to do a much larger and constantly increasing business because of the new location being more centrally and conveniently located than the old one, practically in the heart of the business district.
    The substation handles a postal business practically the same as the general post office, except in the delivery of mail and the sale of international money orders. Domestic money orders, however, may be obtained there, and stamps are also sold and parcel post business handled.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1930, page 2

Receipts for July 31 Percent Above Same Month Last Year--
Record Gain Is Assertion.
    The unusually large gain in local post office receipts of last month over those of July, 1929, reveal that Medford has been in a prosperous condition despite the general business depression throughout the country and despite local stories of local business slowness.
    For the month just ended the cash receipts were $8404.40, and for July, 1929, they were $6413.55, a gain of $1,990.87, or of 31 percent, one of the largest monthly gains in the history of the local post office for many months past.
    Postmaster Warner, in giving out the figures today, said there can be no other explanation for the big increase except that business is good. The increase in the special sale of envelopes last month was only $600 over July of 1929, and the increase in sale of advertising envelopes was only $100. The remainder of the receipts can be attributed to only general good business, says the postmaster.
    The gain in post office receipts for the first seven months ending August 1st, over the first seven months of 1929, is 14 percent.
    The postal receipts for the first seven months of 1930 and 1929 are as follows: 1930, March quarter, $25,611.57; June quarters, $21,542.53; month of July $8,404.42, totaling $55,558.52.
    1929, March quarter, $22,360.73; June quarter, $20,058.63; month of July $6413.55, totaling $48,832.91.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1930, page 1

    Post office station No. 1, which has been located in the Medford Book Store for a long time past, will soon be located in the Medford Furniture and Hardware Company store.
    The change will be made at the close of business next Thursday, the removal of the fixtures and equipment to be made during that night, and the station opening up for business the next morning in the new location. John H. Butler of the firm is designated as the clerk in charge, but Mrs. Bessie Dewey, who has been in active charge of the substation for several years past, has been employed to continue on in that capacity.
    The substation will be located in a part of the general offices on the first floor of the M.F. and H. concern, and Postmaster Warner regards the location as a very good one, for there are three entrances to this store room--one on North Bartlett, one on Sixth and another at the corner of Bartlett and Sixth streets.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1930, page 2

    The postal substation is now in its new quarters at the Medford Hardware and Furniture Company store, Sixth and Bartlett streets, having been removed at 8:00 o'clock this morning from the Medford Book Store, where it had occupied quarters for a long time past. The station was open for business at 8:30 a.m.
    The new location gives the substation the finest quarters it has ever had, the local post office officials say, both in the way of convenience to the general business public and office equipment. The substation occupies ample quarters in the general office enclosure of the store, and is especially convenient to persons having business with it, as the store room has three entrances, Bartlett, Sixth and another at the corner of Bartlett and Sixth streets.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 24, 1930, page 6

    The Medford post office staff, although hardly recovered from the Christmas period, now face another busy time with the over-average local mail--that of handling the New Year's card sending and receiving, together with the end of the month's bills. The last of belated Christmas business is now out of the way.
    For some reason the New Year's cards have not yet begun to appear in volume at the local post office, either incoming or outgoing, but were expected by tomorrow, especially incoming cards.
    It will be news to the Medford public that quite a little volume of New Year's parcels arrive in the city annually, which was explained in a way this forenoon by Roland Beach, assistant postmaster, as follows:
    "Many of such parcels are due to those persons receiving Christmas presents unexpectedly from other persons to whom they sent nothing, and feeling duty-bound to square themselves by sending New Year's gifts. Just like that, you know, a sort of mutual scratch-back affair."
Medford Mail Tribune, December 29, 1930, page 1

    The progressive growth and development of Medford in the past year, both numerically and financially, is reflected in the local post office receipts, the compiling of which has just been completed by Postmaster Warner, and which show a gain of a little over 10 percent over the receipts of last year.
    The receipts for the year just ended were $102,178.66, and the receipts for the year 1929 were $92,641.88, making a gain of $9,536.78.
    The receipts for the month just ended, $11,407,25, were the largest for that month in the history of the Medford post office, being $586.46 more than the receipts for December a year ago, which up to that time had held the December record.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1931, page 6

    The Medford post office, due to the substantial growth of the city and immediate vicinity the past year, and the recent taking in of new territory for the city delivery service, which necessitated a permanent increase of the post office staff, has received a new canceling machine and two new city distributing cases, and more equipment is on the way from Washington, D.C., comprising new additional bag racks, a new directory desk and a new strip label case.
    The new canceling machine is the latest one now in use by the post office department, with all up-to-date features, is electrically driven and has a capacity of canceling 600 letters or 800 postcards a minute, whereas the old canceling machine, which had been in use in the office for the past 15 years, had a capacity of but 250 a minute.

Medford Mail Tribune, January 5, 1931, page 2

    The spring mail order house catalog time is here, the first car to arrive being a Montgomery Ward & Company one from Chicago, Ill., containing 16,476 catalogs, and the unloading of which was begun last evening by the Davis Transfer Company, which has the contract from this mail order house for the transferring of those of the catalogs destined for points north and south, under supervision of the local post office.
    It is understood that another carload of Montgomery Ward & Co. catalogs numbering 15,797 of the publications will arrive from Chicago inside of a few days for distribution from here, through the Medford post office, to the territory north of Medford to Eugene and south as far as Redding, Cal.
    Medford is also the central distributing point for the Bellas-Hess mail order house for practically the same territory, and a carload of this concern's catalogs, numbering 12,000, will arrive here from Chicago in a few days. The Sears, Roebuck company's central point for distributing its catalogs throughout this territory is Eugene, and these catalogs will soon make their appearance throughout the valley.
    The big mail order houses have their catalogs printed in Chicago, from which city they are shipped by the freight carload to the various distributing points throughout the nation.
    The delivery of hundreds of Montgomery Ward & Co. catalogs throughout the city and county, through the local post office, will probably be begun tomorrow.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1931, page 5

    A carload of Bellas-Hess mail order catalogs arrived here last night from Chicago for distribution under the auspices of the local post office throughout the territory between Eugene and Redding, Cal. The car was being unloaded in the railroad yards this morning, the hundreds of catalogs for Medford and Jackson County being taken to the post office and most of the remainder to trains for delivery to points north and south.
    The active unloading and hauling away was done under supervision of City Superintendent of Mails C. M. Houston by the Davis Transfer Company, which has the contract with the mail order house for so doing.
    Only recently two carloads of Montgomery Ward & Company catalogs were received in Medford from Chicago for distribution throughout the same territory.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1931, page 7

    The fact that Postmaster Warner is asking for bids for the location and conduct of the post office substation, or Station No. 1, as it is technically known, does not mean that it will be removed from its present location in the Medford Furniture and Hardware Company store, where it has been located since October 11 last to fill out the unexpired two-year contract for its operation with the Medford Book Store.
    The substation is located and operated always on a two-year contract, and sealed bids are now being asked by the postmaster to be received on March 19, the contract to run from July 1 next to June 30, 1933. It is understood that the Medford Furniture and Hardware Company management wants to retain the substation after the present unexpired contract runs out, and will make a bid for the new contract.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 11, 1931, page 6

    For the first time in many years receipts of the Medford post office for March, amounting to $7011.91, showed a 2 percent decrease over the receipts of the same month of a year ago, and consequently also made the receipts of the past quarter a little less than those of the corresponding period a year ago.
    This small monthly decrease breaks the bright and shining record of Medford since the general business depression began months ago, as notwithstanding many post offices in all parts of the country, including the Pacific Coast section, showed much decreased receipts in January and February, the local post office receipts continued to show an increase.
    Even now it is predicted that when the March returns are in from all the post offices, the Medford post office, with its 2 percent decrease, will continue to stand out conspicuously and show that business in this city is better than in most places in the far west or coast section.
    But Postmaster Warner is almost brokenhearted at this small crimp in the onward record of Medford post office receipts, and after several days close figuring finally gave up the job as a bad one this forenoon and reluctantly announced the news. However, he at the same time explained that the small decrease was due to acts of providence over which he had no control--and confidently declared that the break in the record would be amply made up by big increases from now on--barring local earthquakes, cyclones, floods and Kiwanians or other social service eruptions.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 2, 1931, page 8

    The stairs of the Medford post office lobby leading to the upper floors of the federal building have recently been equipped with a tall iron gate, which when drawn across them and locked prevents any hoodlums or other unauthorized persons from gaining access to those floors from the lobby, which is open all night. The elevator is locked at 6 p.m.
    At 10 p.m., before which hour the upper floors are guarded, the night clerks on duty pull the iron gate into place and lock it, to remain locked until the janitor comes on duty in the morning.
    It is understood that one of the reasons for excluding  outsiders from the upper floors is that several times in the past groups of boys have engaged in scuffling and
romping on those floors, and on the stairways leading to them.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1931, page 3

    Medford and valley people will do the wise thing if they notify their relatives and friends at north and south points in this state and adjoining states, from whom they expect letters, that ordinary mail arriving in Medford on trains from either direction late Saturday forenoons will not be delivered until Monday morning, except in the rented boxes in the post office lobby, for the reason that becoming effective Saturday, April 4, there are no Saturday afternoon deliveries in Medford, other than special delivery. This is incidental to the Saturday half-holiday recently granted the post office workers of the nation, and according to a plan now being tried out.
    However, parcel post matter arriving in Medford on the late afternoon trains on Saturdays will be delivered, as the parcel post carrying messenger is on duty all day Saturday.
    There are only two mail-carrying trains from the north--Train No. 13 arriving here at 1:45 a.m., and the southbound Shasta arriving at 6:30 p.m. Train No. 13 brings all the eastern mail that has arrived in Portland by late afternoon the day before, as well as the mail from Portland and elsewhere destined for Medford and which has reached the state metropolis by early evening. The southbound Shasta brings all the eastern and other mail that reaches Portland in the meantime, before it departs from that city at 7:45 a.m.
    There are also only two mail-carrying trains from the south, and the mail arriving on the northbound Shasta due here at 11:10 a.m. is on Saturdays held over for delivery until Monday. The other northbound mail-carrying train reaches Medford about 5:55 p.m. daily.
    Of course the southbound air mail plane from Portland, due here at 11:05 p.m. daily, brings all air mail from that city, which is delivered in Saturday forenoon's deliveries. The northbound air mail plane arrives here at 6:45 a.m. daily, and its mail goes out in Saturday forenoon deliveries.
    Another change in schedule in the Medford post office that became effective on April 15 now makes the time of departure of the Medford-Eagle Point-Prospect
route mail daily from the post office here, between 7:30 to 8 a.m., but not later than 8 p.m. Prior to this change the leaving time was 7:30. The change was made to make sure the Portland newspapers, which reach Medford by auto stage every morning, will go out on that route.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1931, page 3

    Additional air mail service will be inaugurated on next Monday, June 15, by the tri-motor transport planes of the Pacific Air Transport, by giving from that time on twice-a-day service, instead of once-a-day service as now, it was announced this noon by Roland G. Beach, assistant postmaster.
    For transmission of air mail from Medford to New York and other Atlantic Coast points it will be an advance of 24 hours, and of course western and middle west air mail service will enjoy a corresponding quicker air mail service, and the Pacific Coast service will also be speeded up.
    For instance, beginning after Monday instead of arriving from the coast in New York at 8 p.m., and having to lay over in that city until 8 a.m. next day for delivery, air mail will reach the metropolitan city at 5 a.m. and be delivered the same day.
    Air mail leaving here next Monday noon for New York will arrive in that city Wednesday morning.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1931, page 3

    There has been a wonderful pickup in speed in the transcontinental air mail service inaugurated last Monday incidental to day and night air mail service being inaugurated that day, as noted by air mail received in Medford yesterday afternoon from the East that had been mailed Monday. And the same quicker corresponding speed was noted by the Medford post office in air mail received from the west and coast points.
    While there has been no noticeable increase as yet in the receipts of outgoing mail matter from Medford to the eastern and other sections, Postmaster Warner and Assistant Postmaster Beach declare that when Medford and other valley residents awake to the fact of this increased speed in air mail transportation, they will undoubtedly make increased use of the service in sending letters long distances.
    This speed is indicated by the fact that a letter addressed to a Medford man and postmarked at Washington, D.C., at 8 p.m. on Monday arrived at the Medford post office at 3 p.m. yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon, having made the plane trip to Medford in three hours less than two days.
    The letter would have arrived much quicker at that had the plane connections been closer, as it had to lay over at San Francisco six hours, and at Chicago one hour to make such connections.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1931, page 3

    The Medford post office is advertising for bids for passenger service between the local airport and the post office, to be opened August 8th at 10 a.m., as Frank Brazelle, who has the contract for this messenger service since it was established, finds that he can no longer operate at the present contract price, and has tendered his resignation to take effect when another contract is entered into, it is hoped with increased pay. There will be a number of bidders for the new contract.
    Since Brazelle assumed the contract by bid at $50 per month in the infancy days of the airport the air mail has doubled from two trips daily to 4 trips daily by the night plane service recently inaugurated, which requires meeting planes from about 6 a.m. until 11:10 p.m. He therefore finds the contract has grown to be a losing venture.
    Although the present service only requires about 45 minutes [sic] a day actual work, if the planes are on time, the contract under which Brazelle has been working reads that he must transport all air mail to and from the post office, no matter how much that service was increased.
    He took the contract for $50 per month, which proved profitable until the service was doubled. The messenger has to furnish and maintain his own car in this service.
    Although Brazelle has tendered his resignation to take effect at a designated date, he will be one of the new bidders with hope of capturing it with a bid higher than the present contract.

Medford Mail Tribune, July 30, 1931, page 4

    Because of the stress of the Christmas mailing, together with receipt of many hundreds of parcels, cards and letters on the southbound train from Portland, due here at 9 a.m. daily and which carries the great bulk of the Yuletide mail from the east and western states, as well as from this state and Washington, and which did not reach here Saturday until noon, due to discharging mail and taking other mail on at every stop, the Medford post office was a veritable beehive of activity from noon on yesterday, and this activity will continue until Christmas Eve.
    It was by all odds the peak day so far in Christmas mail, and the post office, which usually closes at noon Saturday for the day, remained open all afternoon until 6 p.m., with all postal employees on duty busily engaged in untangling the train mail that had arrived for delivery and in sorting out the mass of parcels, letters and cards mailed at the office for destinations to all parts of the United States.
    What caused the chief congestion at the local post office yesterday was the mailing out, along with the many parcels, of hundreds of cards and letters.
    While the post office will be closed all day today--that is, there will be no window service--the major part of the postal staff will be busy all day in handling the incoming mails scheduled to arrive during Saturday night and this forenoon.
    Every Christmas parcel received at the post office by late Thursday afternoon will be delivered, but after that hour will be held until after Christmas unless it bears special delivery stamps, as the post office will be closed all day Christmas.
    Postmaster Warner warns all persons planning to mail parcels or letters to eastern and western destinations Monday and later that such must bear special delivery stamps to stand any show of being delivered on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day, as it will be impossible for them to reach their destinations in the regular channel of delivery before Christmas, on which day the post offices everywhere will be closed.
    Yesterday, for the first time since the mailing season started last week, the sight of a waiting line of persons before the post office windows with parcels and letters was almost continuous.
    Altogether, so far while the mailing out for several days past has been rather brisk, the outgoing business, it seems, will fall somewhat short of that of several years past. The incoming mail, up to date, also seems less than for years past.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1931, page 9


    The check made of examinations given the local post office clerks by the superintendent of mails, C. M. Houston, today showed that Harry S. Walker completed the work with a score of 100 percent, according to Postmaster Wm. J. Warner.
    The Oregon scheme is used in the tests, with 48 separations, and 807 post offices, Mr. Warner said. Mr. Walker threw a perfect case, none were misthrows, and none was not known. He completed the case in 19 minutes, at the rate of 42.47 cards per minute. To pass the exam, the rules require 16 cards thrown correctly per minute, and a percentage of 95 or above.
    Mr. Walker is assigned in the outgoing mail division. The other two clerks in that division scored 99.25 percent and 99.13 percent.
    In the Medford city distribution division, which includes box sections, rural and city routes and the business district, the clerks had the following percentages: 99.58, 99.37 and 99.05.

Medford Mail Tribune, April 12, 1932, page 7

    Unto the Democratic faithful of Jackson County will soon be distributed the political pie that rewards the winners in a victory at the polls. The high priests of Oregon Democracy have decided, according to highly reliable sources, who will fatten on the patronage.
    It has been decided, according to semi-official reports, that in due season, and when Postmaster William Warner's term has expired next February, attorney Frank DeSouza will get the plum. DeSouza has toiled for the Democratic Party when it was helpless, and when it was mighty, and was county chairman last year. He has never wavered in the political faith, and both worked and talked for Roosevelt.
    J. E. (Mose) Barkdull, a veteran Bourbon war horse, is slated for position under the internal revenue collector at Portland. Barkdull has indicated that he is willing to take the job, though a resident of the county for 50 years, and move upstate. Since his first vote, Barkdull has been an earnest toiler for the Democratic Party, paying his way to committee meets and conventions.
    Another pioneer Democrat due for a federal berth is William H. Canon, former mayor of Medford. He is slated to be named to the land office at Roseburg, a place he held under Woodrow Wilson, and would like to have again. Like Barkdull, he has given his all for the Democratic Party.
    Attorney Edward C. (Young Judge) Kelly, elected as a Democrat to the state legislature last year, is slated to be an attorney for the Home Loan Bureau, a position that requires knowledge of the law. Upstate Democratic leaders figure Kelly is going places in politics. He inherited his politics, but has been active among the "young Democrats." It is rated as just the position for a youthful Democrat. He is a graduate of "Old Oregon," where he was an honor student.
    The appointments will be made public from time to time. The word has been given, they have been assured, after much letter writing and long deliberation by upstate politicians.

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1933, page 1

    The substation of the Medford post office will continue to be located in the Medford Furniture & Hardware Company's store, affording east side people continued good postal service. The store entrance formerly on Sixth Street was been closed, however, and the substation entrance is now on Bartlett Street.
    The task of expanding stocks for the holiday trade is now under way at the M.F. and H. company with new shipments of household wear, hardware and sporting goods arriving daily. New stocks of stoves, heaters and circulators are also being received to meet the increasing business of this old established Medford store. The same staff, augmented by Mr. Marti as manager, serves the patrons of the Medford Furniture & Hardware store, the home of the east side post office substation.

Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1933, page 3

Warner's Commission Expires Dec. 18 and Aspirants Seek Action--DeSouza has "Inside"

    Allotment of the fattest plum for distribution in Jackson County--the Medford postmastership--at the hands of the "New Deal" Democracy is forecast as coming within the month, and in time for the appointee to take up the burdens of the federal job by January 1, or shortly thereafter.
    The commission of William J. Warner, incumbent, expires December 18. In the interests of efficiency during the Christmas rush, he is not apt to be displaced until the greatest labor period of the year is finished. Postmaster Warner last August completed 30 years of postal service under the civil service, and is subject to retirement on pay under the emergency economy legislation. Warner started the first rural free delivery route established in the county and has advanced over the years, with the rank of assistant postmaster and then postmaster. He has held the post for 13 years. The retiring fund is made up of contributions from postal employees and by the civil service. . . .
    For the Medford postmastership, attorney Frank DeSouza is rated as having the "inside track." He is county chairman, close to the state Democratic leaders, and his Democracy runs back to his first vote. He was battling in Jackson County for Democratic victory when members of that faith were few and far between. He even fought for the party in the Coolidge and prosperity era. He was "a red-hot Roosevelt man," all of which counts, under the "New Deal."
    Other longtime Democrats also mentioned are Sid I. Brown, who never lost the faith either; Lewis Ulrich, J. Frank Wortman of Phoenix and Hiram Meador. Three or four dark horses are also reported back of the stable. Some young Democrats are also eying the berth, but they will have to grow older, prophets say.
    Carl C. Donaugh, Democratic state committeeman, and Congressman Walter C. Pierce will have a lot to do with the recommendations for the county post offices. Postmaster General Farley, who has the final say, is now in Europe. He expects to be back in America by Christmas.
    Medford has not had a Democratic postmaster since 1920. Then Postmaster General A. S. Burleson named an old North Carolina friend to the job. The local Democratic grief knew no bounds, as they felt a tried and true Jackson County follower of Jefferson should have the post. The Republicans were returned to power, and Warner was named by Harding and Coolidge.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1933, page 10

    To fill the vacancy in the position of postmaster in this city, soon to occur, the United States Civil Service Commission has announced, at the request of the postmaster general, and in accordance with an order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, an open competitive examination. The Medford position offers a salary of $3500.
    Applicants will not be required to assemble in an examination room for scholastic tests, but will be rated on their education and business experience and fitness. To be eligible for the examination, an applicant must be a citizen of the United States, must reside within the delivery of this post office, and must have so resided for at least one year next preceding the date for close of receipt of applications, must be in good physical condition, and within the prescribed age limits. Both men and women are admitted.
    Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the secretary of the local board of civil service examiners at the post office in this city, or from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington. D.C.
    The opening here, it is understood, is now sought by several persons, although it has been understood in Democratic circles for some time that Frank DeSouza was in line for the position, and would have the support of many party leaders. Others mentioned are Frank Wortman of Phoenix, farmer-banker; Sid I. Brown, lumberman, and Lewis Ulrich, all followers of the Bourbon banner.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 11, 1933, page 3

    Although the Christmas rush is not under way as yet at the local post office, R. G. Beach, assistant postmaster, said today that all preparations have been made to deliver the extra cards and packages within the next two weeks.
    Four federal Forest Service trucks and one national park truck will be used, Mr. Beach said, and a crew of seven men, with the exception of the truck drivers, have already been lined up for work.
    Concerning the mailing of Christmas cards, Mr. Beach said that those bearing only names or impersonal greetings may be mailed, unsealed, for a cent and a half. However, those with a personal message will be considered first class mail, and two cents will be charged for those to be delivered locally, and three cents for those going outside of the Medford district.
    There will be no delivery of mail on Christmas Day.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 11, 1933, page 5


    With the time here for the mailing of Christmas packages, Joseph C. Mahoney, first assistant postmaster general, has issued some information for early mailing, stating that during the holiday season the volume of mail increases approximately 200 percent.
    The poster requests persons not to mail Christmas greeting cards in red, green or other dark-colored envelopes, or in very small envelopes. It also states that postage must be fully prepaid on all mail, and no parcel may be more than 100 inches in length and girth combined, nor exceed 70 pounds in weight.
    Concerning special delivery, the circular says that the use of a special delivery stamp will assure delivery on Christmas Day, if mailed at the proper time. Special delivery service means the most expeditious handling and transportation of parcels practicable as well as the immediate delivery at office of address.
    It is obtained by affixing a special delivery stamp of the proper denomination, or its equivalent in ordinary stamps, in addition to the regular postage. When ordinary stamps are used, the words "Special Delivery" must be written or printed on the envelope or wrapper immediately below but never on the stamps. Special delivery is for speed and not for safety.
    Written matter in the nature of personal correspondence cannot be enclosed in parcels, the post office warns.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 15, 1933, page 11

    Semi-official word has been received in this city the past week that there will be no appointment to the Medford postmastership before March 1, due to the absence of Postmaster General Farley in Europe and the Washington, D.C., powers-that-be having more important matters at hand.
    The commission of William J. Warner, incumbent postmaster, expired last Monday, December 18. Warner has completed 30 years of postal service and comes under the retirement clause of the economy act. Jackson County Democracy had hoped that the appointment would be made so the new appointee could take office January 1.
    Among the leading applicants for the postmastership for this city are attorney Frank DeSouza, chairman of the Democratic county central committee; J. Frank Wortman of Phoenix, farmer-banker and patron of the local post office, and Lewis Ulrich of this city, a native son of Jacksonville. All have been wheelhorses of local Democracy.
    Official word has also been received that the commission of Mrs. Nellie Reed of Gold Hill does not expire until May, 1935, so there will be no vacancy there until then.
    All post office appointments come under the civil service, with examinations for qualifications. There are supposed to be no political lines in the civil service examinations.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1933, page 1

Announcement from Washington Comes As Surprise; Date of Assumption Not Known--Many Had Hopes
    Frank DeSouza, local attorney and chairman for three years of the Jackson County Democratic central committee, was today named postmaster in Medford to succeed W. J. Warner. whose commission expired December 18, according to an Associated Press dispatch from Washington, D.C. The announcement, although anticipated for some time, came as a surprise today, report having been given out yesterday that the appointment would not be made until Postmaster General Farley returned from Europe.
    Attorney DeSouza, when interviewed, said that he had not received official word from Washington so did not know when he would assume office, but believed that it would not be until after the Christmas holidays.
Had Endorsement.
    He received information from Washington about 10 days ago, announcing that he had been given the endorsement of the Oregon Democratic organization.
    Postmaster Warner had received no further information regarding the expiration of his term this afternoon.
    Mr. DeSouza, who has made his home in Medford for the past 11 years, during which time he has practiced law, has been a follower of the Bourbon banner all his life, and was a prominent leader in Democratic circles in Arizona before coming to Oregon. He was secretary of the Jackson County Democratic central committee for a number of years before he was made chairman.
    His father was also a Democrat all his life, and his daughter is going to be the same, the local attorney declared today, when questioned regarding the party affiliations of his family.
Has Wide Experience.
    Mr. DeSouza practiced law in Phoenix, Ariz., a number of years before coming here. He was secretary there of the Arizona corporation commission for three years, and was a member of the territorial legislature before Arizona was granted statehood. He was secretary of the convention, held at Phoenix, when statehood was adopted.
    Earlier in life he followed the newspaper game in Arizona, and then received what he termed today "some of the most valuable experience" of his life.
Many Sought Plum.
    There were a number of candidates for the position of Medford postmaster among Jackson County Democrats, so all news relative to the appointment has been anxiously followed.
    A temporary letdown in enthusiasm, however, resulted yesterday from the report of a government official that an appointment would not be made until March. The notice from Washington today then came as a climax to months of watchful watching in Bourbon groups.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 21, 1933, page 1

Has Lived Here 11 Years, and Formerly Edited Newspaper in Phoenix, Arizona;
Will Take Office After Jan. 1.

    Attorney Frank DeSouza, chairman of the Jackson County Democratic Central Committee, received word from Washington, D.C. yesterday afternoon that he had been named postmaster of Medford.
    The announcement does not come as a surprise to DeSouza's backers but as somewhat of a shock to many who were under the impression no appointment would be made until late in the spring.
Backed by Many
    DeSouza had the recommendation of practically the entire Democratic Central Committee and of many other leading Democrats of Jackson County.
    He also had the support of most of the upstate democracy, with whom he has been in close contact for several years.
    DeSouza will not take office until after the holidays, he announced, as no definite instructions have been received except notice that he must make bond. DeSouza said that it would be unwise to take over the office during the Christmas rush of business, as Postmaster W. J. Warner has his organization equipped to handle the rush, and there is no use disturbing it.
Been Here 11 Years
    DeSouza has lived in Medford for 11 years, coming here from Phoenix, Arizona, where he practiced law, and earlier in his life edited a newspaper. He has been associated in law practice with the firm of Kelly & Kelly, on South Central Avenue.
    "I am very grateful for the appointment," DeSouza said, "and certainly want to thank my friends for their support. I hope I can conduct the office and discharge my duties to the satisfaction of everyone."
    Official notice of the appointment has not been received, he said, but is expected sometime this weekend. The official notice is something of a formal affair.
Medford News, December 22, 1933, page 1

    Frank DeSouza, yesterday named postmaster for this city, will probably assume office shortly after January 1, following the posting of bond, transfer of accounts and transaction of other details.
    DeSouza will hold office under what is known as an "interim appointment" until he is formally confirmed by the Senate. His commission is expected to arrive within the week. The term is for four years.
    The change in postmastership will not affect any of the other postal employees who operate under civil service rules.
    William J. Warner, the outgoing postmaster, last summer completed 30 years in the postal service, and will be retired on a civil service pension of approximately $100 per month. Postal employees contribute monthly to this pension fund, from their pay.
    Warner has held the postmastership of this city for 13 years, serving throughout the Harding, Coolidge and Hoover administrations. He started as a rural mail carrier on the first star route out of this city, covering the territory adjacent to Kings Highway. He worked up through all the positions, serving several years as assistant postmaster. He is well and widely known.
    The new appointee is an attorney and has been a resident of this city for 11 years. He came here from Phoenix, Arizona, where he was a lawyer and newspaperman. He was prominent in Arizona politics, with a statewide acquaintance. He has a wife and daughter, Martha. During his residence here he has become well known. A lifelong Democrat, DeSouza became an active worker in this political vineyard, and took the stump for party candidates when the Democratic Party offered little resistance. He is county chairman and was a valiant worker for Roosevelt last year.

Medford Mail Tribune, December 24, 1933, page 3

    Postmaster W. J. Warner announced today that he had received official notice from Washington, D.C., of his retirement from office December 31, at which time attorney Frank DeSouza will become Medford's acting postmaster.
    Mr. Warner is retiring under the recently adopted retirement law, having completed 30 years of service with the Medford post office. He went to work here August 1, 1903, as mail carrier on R.F.D. No. 1, the first rural route established in southern Oregon.
    He has put in what he described today as "30 glorious years" here. They brought him steady advancement from carrier to postmaster and thousands of friendships, which he expects to continue in retirement. He has been postmaster since July 1, 1921. He was named acting postmaster June 3, 1920, following the death of George Mims, and was named his official successor the following year, having served as assistant postmaster since July 16, 1912.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 26, 1933, page 6

November 19, 1930 Medford Daily News

Warner Looks Back Over Interesting 30 Years
on Retiring As Postmaster
By Eva Nealon Hamilton
    In saddlebag, in two-wheeled cart, in automobile, he has watched the rural mail travel--from three to 35 members he has watched the post office staff grow, in the "30 glorious" years he has served the government here, W. J. Warner, who retires as postmaster December 31, recalled yesterday, reviewing his experiences associated during that time with the delivery of the mail.
    Comedy and tragedy have intermingled in his dealings with the public. Snow has lain deep in the Rogue River Valley, and floods have crossed the paths of many carriers. But the letters have never missed delivery in the 30 years. (How many postcards he read during the time, Mr. Warner didn't say.)
Started in 1903.
    On August 1, 1903, he entered the employ of the government as a rural mail carrier on R.F.D. No. 1, the first rural route established in southern Oregon. The roads were rough and transportation poor. In a funny little wagon, which resembled the modern milk delivery, he made the route. Six weeks of the winter it was necessary to desert the wagon to go horseback with the mail in the saddlebags. In the summer the same territory was often covered with a bicycle. During all the five years he carried the mail, he never used anything "fancier" than a two-wheeled cart, drawn by two horses, for the winter.
    While he was covering the Medford route the late Jim Grieve was taking the mail over R.F.D. No. 1, Central Point, which was established the following October.
Many Still Patrons.
    Many of the people served on that rural route are still patrons of the post office, Mr. Warner said yesterday, mentioning N. S. Bennett, Polk Hull, Bill Hansen, Mrs. R. E. Land, the Guches and the Lofland families.
    The mail was always light, for parcel post had not been established and the maximum weight was four pounds. Letters, newspapers and magazines made up the pack.
    The post office was located on [28] South Central, where the Klocker Printery now stands. In 1908 it was moved to the position occupied by the Medford Book Store. Then in 1916 Medford was granted a new post office, the present building [the federal building, NW corner Sixth and Holly].
Tragic Episode.
    The dynamiting of the mail train in the Siskiyou tunnel by the DeAutremonts Mr. Warner described as by far the most harrowing experience of his career. The mail inspectors were in this city at the time, and with them Postmaster Warner rushed to the scene of the explosion. He refused yesterday to describe the horror of the tragedy he witnessed there in the loss of Elvin Daugherty, mail clerk. But he quoted the mail inspector as saying "They put in enough dynamite to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge."
    Mr. Warner also sat in the county jail at Jacksonville while Roy DeAutremont made his confession. The investigation and the trial, he recalled yesterday as "very grueling."
Postmaster in 1921.
    After five years as a rural mail carrier, during which time he "wore out" 27 horses, Mr. Warner was promoted to the position of clerk in the post office. That was in 1908, and he continued in that capacity until July 15, 1912, when he became assistant postmaster. In 1920 Postmaster George P. Mims died and he was named acting postmaster and became his official successor in 1921. He has served Medford as postmaster continuously since that time.
    December 31 he will retire under the recently passed retirement law, to be succeeded by attorney Frank DeSouza, recently appointed acting postmaster under the new Democratic regime.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 27, 1933, page 5

Frank DeSouza, acting, appointed December 31, 1933


    Two telegrams of importance to Medford were received from Senator Charles L. McNary, it was reported by Chamber of Commerce officials this morning. Some time ago the Chamber of Commerce wrote Senator McNary asking the status of the $85,000 allotment for the federal building and in reply received the following message:
    "Regret to advise that Medford post office building has not yet been recommended by Public Works Administration. Matter is still pending and am hopeful of action later."
    The Chamber of Commerce, Fruitgrowers' League and Rogue River Valley Traffic Association jointly sent the Senator a message a few days ago urging that he oppose any further reductions in federal allotments for experiment stations and extension services.
    It is believed that these reductions would do considerable harm in Oregon as a tremendous saving to the state can be attributed to their work. Senator McNary replied as follows:
    "Wire received. Fully in accord with position and will oppose budget cuts that cripple splendid work being performed through extension and experiment stations."
Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1934, page 1

    Curtailment of mail service through the residential sections of the city to one delivery a portion of each month was announced today by the Medford post office. The curtailment has been necessitated by furloughs required of each employee, and will be effective until June 30.
    There will be no change in the delivery of mail through the business section. On each of eight residential routes, however, the mail will be delivered just once a day for four days each month.
    An order from the national post office demands that each post office employee take off one day each month without pay. The curtailment of service was required to comply with this order.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 16, 1934, page 1

    Postmaster Frank DeSouza and Assistant Postmaster Rollie Beach entertained the members of the Medford Rotary Club at a luncheon in the basement banquet room of the Hotel Medford today, with an interesting talk and interview dealing with the history and activities of the Medford post office. In his excellent review of the local post office, tinged with generous bits of humor concerning the part politics play in the postal system, Mr. DeSouza paid tribute to J. S. Howard, the first postmaster, who assumed charge of the post office here upon its establishment in February, 1884. Mr. Howard also was the initial mayor of this city, was known as the "Father of Medford," and filled the office of United States commissioner. It was his son who surveyed the city of Medford, according to DeSouza.
    "With the establishment of the Medford post office here in 1884, this year of the celebration of Oregon's Diamond Jubilee might also be a year of celebration for the golden anniversary of this city," Frank DeSouza said. "Although the first train arrived in Medford in [1884], the recognition of this city by the postal department might be considered the real 'cradling' of Medford."
    D. H. Miller was Medford's second postmaster, followed by J. S. Howard for another term, M. Purdin, George Merriman, George Mims and W. J. Warner. The speaker also paid special tribute to the excellent administration of Mr. Warner, who served as Medford postmaster for 12 years.
    The first post office here was located on South Front Street, on a spot where hot dog sandwiches are now dispensed. The second location was next to the First National Bank, then the present location of Marsh's grocery [130 East Main]. Before the erection of the new federal building, the post office was housed in the building now used by Koke-Chapman [office equipment, 34 North Central]. In 1916, the fine new federal building was erected and immediately became the home of the post office.
    A small box, which was actually Medford's first post office, was shown by Frank DeSouza, together with a larger box which was used as the second mail container.
    As another feature of the program, Mr. DeSouza interviewed Rollie Beach, assistant postmaster, who has served in the postal service approximately 30 years. In Mr. Beach's interesting remarks, the method of handling mail was described and suggestions offered for more extensive use of various phases of the postal service. Mr. Beach called attention to the fact that 37 people are now employed in the Medford post office, with an annual payroll of approximately $65,000.
    Introducing the program for today, Wilson Wait's two band members, Jack Terrett and Cyril Sander, presented musical numbers. Jack entertained with a bass horn solo, and Cyril pleased the Rotarians with two fine piano numbers. Visiting Rotarians were G. A. Allen of Tacoma and W. M. Moses of Grants Pass.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 17, 1934, page 7

Slight Decrease Will Be Below General Average of Nation--
Figures for Fiscal Year Are Given
    WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 12.--(Spl.)--Indication that Medford still has some worrying to do so far as Old Man Depression is concerned was contained in figures made public today by the post office department.
    The department's unaudited figures show that postal receipts, generally considered a reliable guide to the rise and fall in business activity, continued to decrease in Medford during the fiscal year ended June 30. The decrease, however, was slight; it was less than the expected decrease for the country as a whole.
    During the past fiscal year postal receipts in Medford totaled $84,233.32. This was a decrease of $1,150.70, or slightly more than one percent from the receipts of the previous fiscal year. Although the department will make no statement on it as yet, it is generally conceded that the figures for the country as a whole will show a decrease for the year, in all likelihood a decrease substantially larger than the one registered for Medford.
    The department explained that the Medford figures have not been audited as yet but that they should be substantially correct.
    In commenting on the expected decrease for the country as a whole the department said that substantial gains have been registered throughout the country during the past six months, so that many offices which showed a loss for the fiscal year probably would show an increase for the calendar year.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 13, 1934, page 8

    Beginning next Saturday, November 24, the post office will close at 12 noon, instead of at 1 p.m., on Saturdays, Postmaster Frank DeSouza announced.
    This change, which prevails in Grants Pass and Ashland, is due to the recent change in the train schedule, which moved both north- and southbound mail to earlier hours. The change in train time allows an earlier handling of mail through the post office.
    Carrier service throughout the city will remain unchanged.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1934, page 1

Frank DeSouza appointed March 15, 1936; retired January 30, 1949

Early Towns' Sites Sought
    Medford, Sept. 24.--Jackson County's first post office, one of the earliest in Southwestern Oregon, was established at Dardanelles on the Rogue River in 1852, but just where Dardanelles was located is not certain, it is revealed by Frank DeSouza, Medford postmaster.
    William Green T'Vault established the Dardanelles post office on October 19, 1852. T'Vault was a distinguished Oregon pioneer. He published the first newspaper west of the Rocky Mountains, founding the Oregon Spectator in Oregon City in 1846. He was a native of Arkansas who came to Oregon in 1845. Besides being one of the first postmasters in the Oregon Territory, he was a lawyer, legislator and journalist.
    The Dardanelles postal records were destroyed by fire many years ago.
    The second post office in Jackson County was established at Mansaneta, October 12, 1853. DeSouza has learned that the first postmaster was William R. Rose, but he has been unable to find where Mansaneta was. [It was in the Central Point area.]
    The Jacksonville post office was established in 1854, becoming the most widely known mining camp in the Pacific Northwest.
    DeSouza's study of early post offices is expected to be followed by placement of markers at the sites of those first founded.
Oregon Journal, Portland, September 25, 1938, page 31

    Medford postal station No. 1 at 31 North Bartlett Street was closed yesterday after receipt late Friday of the resignation of Miss Edna Eifert as clerk in charge. Miss Eifert's resignation was attributed by Postmaster Frank DeSouza to ill health and overwork.
    The station will remain closed pending receipt of instructions from the post office department at Washington, D.C., Mr. DeSouza said. The postmaster anticipated that the instructions would authorize the calling of bids to operate the station. The contract, Mr. DeSouza said, provides that the operator or clerk in charge must furnish the quarters, light, heat and necessary equipment.
Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1941, page 10

Houses Numbered on Rural Routes to Facilitate Delivery; Routes Revamped.
    Several changes in mail service out of the Medford post office will be made Feb. 1, Postmaster Frank DeSouza said today. The changes will be made on surveys and recommendation of J. A. Eidswick, post office inspector.
    Affecting the entire perimeter of the city, houses on rural routes have been numbered and roads have been named where necessary. County Engineer Paul Rynning supervised this task and was aided by City Superintendent Frank Rogers. In most cases roads which extended from city streets were given the name of the street. Only a few changes were necessary in naming roads.
Houses Numbered
    Residents of the present Route 4, from box 91-A to box 140-C, have been issued house numbers and the streets have been designated as Spring Street, Wabash, Waverly, Lawnridge and Ridgeway. Houses on Route 2, from box 13-C to box 91 and from box 112 to box 158, have also been numbered and roads have been designated as Biddle Road, Elm Road, Birch, North Pacific Highway, De Barr Avenue, Hazel, Howard Avenue, Berrydale, Table Rock Road, Merriman Road and Mace Road.
    Route 3, from box 187 to box 242, has also been numbered and roads will be known as Table Rock Road and Adams Lane.
    Route 1, from box 101 to box 579-B, will be designated by Orchard Home Drive, Cunningham Avenue, South Columbus Avenue, Stewart Avenue, South Peach Street, Marshall Avenue, Garfield Avenue, Diamond Street, Agate Street, Kings Highway, Shaefer Lane, Marsh Lane and Myers Lane. Houses along these roads also have been numbered.
    Medford Rural Route 3 will be transferred to Eagle Point. Hans Rammin, who has been the Route 3 carrier, will again be assigned to the route, which will be known as Route 1. Route 1 will also take in [the] Star Route out of Eagle Point and the Star Route out of Shady Cove. Clay Roberts will continue as carrier on Medford Route 1, and F. E. Nichols on Route 2.
Mounted Routes
    Parts of all four existing rural routes are taken into mounted routes which have been numbered 30 and 31-30 being on the East Side and 31 on the West Side.
    Between 1,100 and 1.200 homes will be affected by the change which, according to DeSouza, was necessitated by the remarkable growth of the community. The local post office now has three rural and two mounted routes and 10 foot carriers, DeSouza said.
    Gerald Latham, circulation manager of the Mail Tribune, said it will not be necessary for subscribers to notify the office of their change in address. Latham said he had been provided with a complete copy of the changes and the address changes will automatically be made Feb. 1.
508 Boxes Transferred
    A total of 508 boxes will be transferred, DeSouza said. Of the total, 16 will be placed on city foot delivery, 309 boxes will be transferred from Route 1, 106 boxes from Route 2, 20 boxes from Route 3 and 73 boxes from Route 4.
    Schedules of three Star Routes emanating from Eagle Point and one emanating from Trail will be changed to agree with arrival of mail from Medford. The Star Route from Eagle Point to Butte Falls will have to be rerouted to serve 11 patrons on the Crater Lake Highway which cannot be satisfactorily served by rural carrier.
Change 309 Boxes
    It is proposed to transfer 309 boxes from route 1 to mounted service and reroute the carrier to serve Lozier Lane, Oak Grove School Road, Jo-Jack Lane and part of McAndrews Road, having 111 boxes now being served by Route 2.
    Besides the 111 boxes to be transferred from Route 2, 106 boxes of Route 2 will be served by mounted carrier. Territory south of Camp White served by Route 3, with the exception of 20 boxes to be served by mounted, will be transferred to Route 2.
    Only slight changes will be made in the present Routes 3 and 4.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 30, 1946, page 1

DeSouza's Retirement Effective on May 1; News Editorship Announced
    Moore Hamilton, editor of the Medford News and chairman of the Jackson County Democratic Central Committee, has been named acting postmaster of Medford effective May 1, it was announced today by Frank DeSouza, postmaster, whose retirement becomes effective on that date.
    Hamilton's name was proposed recently for the position by Monroe Sweetland, national Democratic committeeman for Oregon, and was approved by the local Democratic group. Announcement of the appointment by the President was made by the postmaster general.
Inspector Coming
    A post office inspector will visit here on April 30, and transfer of title and responsibility will take place at the close of business on that date, DeSouza said. Hamilton will not be eligible for a permanent appointment until he takes civil service examinations.
    Hamilton said today that DeSouza will assume the editorship of the News as soon after May 1 as possible. Hamilton also said that he will immediately call a meeting of the Democratic committee, and will tender his resignation as chairman.
    A native of Kansas, Hamilton came to Medford in 1911, moving to Central Point in 1915, and returning to Medford to make his home following his graduation from Oregon State College in 1930. His family consists of his wife, Eva, and three children, Alex, 14, Nancy, 11 and Robert, six.
    Hamilton, 45, was a member of the Oregon legislature during the regular and special sessions of 1935. He was a Democratic candidate for mayor of Medford last fall.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 11, 1949, page 1

Alexander Moore Hamilton appointed May 1, 1949

    Eleventh postmaster for Medford since the post office here sold its first stamp on February 6, 1884, A. Moore Hamilton took the required oath Monday and entered upon his duties as acting postmaster, succeeding Frank DeSouza, who retired after serving since January 1, 1934.
    Since taking office, Postmaster Hamilton has been busy receiving congratulations of friends, at the same time surveying the duties he will perform in one of the principal first class post offices in the state.
    "I realize there is much to do to make sure that Medford patrons of the office are taken care of in the manner the Post Office Department requires of its workers in the postal service," Mr. Hamilton stated. "We must do everything in our power to keep pace with this prosperous community. I find in this office well-developed plans for an extension of service to many who are not now fully served. This will be done as fast as possible."
    Post Office Inspectors J. A. Eidswick of Medford and H. E. Young of Eugene checked the office Saturday and Sunday, and had matters in shape Monday morning to deliver all of the office equipment and assets, including the wholesale stamp stock of $150,000, over to the new official.
    Medford's post office was opened the same year as the arrival of the Southern Pacific [in 1884 it was the Oregon & California Railroad], two events which were rated as important in those early days. The postmaster was allowed $399.68 for three months expense and $25 monthly for clerk hire.
    J. S. Howard, under an appointment by President Chester A. Arthur, was the first postmaster, assuming his duties in February, 1884. He surveyed and platted the city in lots and streets [the surveying was done by his son Charles J. Howard], many of which had different names than they now bear. [The streets were initially only lettered and numbered.] He was elected the first mayor of the city [he became the first mayor with a charter change, but the first man elected mayor was E. P. Geary], and for many years was in civic matters. Much of his work and planning left a lasting imprint upon Medford.
    Postmasters who followed him were D. H. Miller, who was named by President Grover Cleveland in 1886, and followed by Mr. Howard, who returned to the office November 1, 1890 by reason of the election of Benjamin Harrison as President, which changed the politics of the party in power.
    Succeeding postmasters were as follows: M. Purdin, February 1896, by President Cleveland, who had been returned to power; George Merriman, March 1, 1900, by President William McKinley; A. M. Woodford, April 5, 1904, by President Theodore Roosevelt; F. Ralph Woodford, June 15, 1912, by President William H. Taft; George P. Mims, October 5, 1916, by President Woodrow Wilson; W. J. Warner, June 3, 1920, by President Warren G. Harding; Frank DeSouza, January 1, 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
    In 1928, the annual stamp sales were $88,055.42. In 1938, the receipts had grown to $110,800.52, and in 1946 reached $315,780.46. On September 15, 1909, R. G. Beach transferred to the office from Lincoln, Nebr., and in the same year he and H. H. Harvey, now retired, went into service as the first city delivery carriers. The roster now includes 22 city carriers, 26 clerks, three rural delivery carriers, two star route carriers, together with airport and depot mail messengers.
    Supervisors in the office with Postmaster Hamilton are the following: Hugo H. Guenther, assistant postmaster; Otto W. DeJarnett, superintendent of mails; Earl H. York, assistant superintendent of mails; and Henry Gault, building engineer.
    In 1915, while Wm. G. McAdoo was secretary of the treasury, Medford was given a post office building at an expenditure of $125,000. In 1940, the building was remodeled and refurnished at an expenditure of $275,000. It is now fifth in volume of business in Oregon, and continues to grow.
    In the early days of Jackson County, when roads were rough and travel was slow, small post offices, usually in a small country store, dotted the valleys and mountains. Of these established prior to Medford, with the date and name of the first postmaster, the following remain:
    Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1854, probably James Dugan; Ashland, May 17, 1855, Abel D. Helman; Phoenix, Jan. 3, 1857, Samuel H. Miller; Applegate, Aug. 30, 1858, John O'Brien; Eagle Point, April 25, 1872, Andrew McNeil; Central Point, April 25, 1872, Const. Magruder; Brownsboro, Feb. 13, 1873, John Bilger; Sams Valley, Feb. 13, 1873, James W. Hayes; Rogue River, Feb. 8, 1876, John Woods; Williams Creek, Mar. 14, 1876, John A. Lewman; Prospect, July 5, 1882, Harry P. Deskins; Talent, Feb. 5, 1883, C. M. Harvey; Colestine, Aug. 8, 1883, Edward J. Farlow.
Medford News, May 6, 1949, page 1

New Names Give to Many Rural Roads in New Plan
    The rural house numbering program being carried out in Medford's fringe areas by the Jackson County Engineer's staff at the request of the Medford post office has resulted in new names for several rural roads in this area. County Engineer Paul Rynning said he has been reluctant to tamper with road names that have become accepted through long use but that in some cases the new designations have been unavoidable.
    When the project is completed, the Medford post office will inaugurate city mounted service in a number of areas now receiving rural motor route mail service. The new system will also provide more accurate addresses for rural residences now designated only by a route and box number.
Some Names Changed
    In cases where road names have been confusing and non-descriptive, or in instances where a road bearing the same name jogged in several different directions, names have been altered, changed or added.
    The Phoenix-Jacksonville highway, from Jacksonville to the Griffin Creek Road, is now to be known as Stage Road South, as distinguished from the Old Stage Road from Jacksonville to Gold Hill
    Buckshot Road, from the old Crater Lake Highway to the Lone Pine School, will continue with that name, but that portion that runs in a northerly direction will be known as Springbrook Road, including a small section formerly known as Crestbrook Road.
    The name Biddle Road will cover the entire length of the road running from Medford to the airport, doing away with that portion now called Morrow Road. Only the east-west street running into Biddle will continue to be known as Morrow Road. A new quarter-mile stretch of Biddle Road will be constructed from the Crater Lake Highway connecting with the dead end of what was once Morrow Road just north of McAndrews Road. Rynning expects it will be of particular value to east side residents.
New Crews Road
    Part of the old Biddle Road in the vicinity of Medford's former sewer disposal plant has been renamed Crews Road.
    At the end of Beall Lane, two previously undesignated roads will now be called Freeland Road and Sunnyvale Road.
    New addresses, for home owners on the roads involved in the program, are now being mailed out by the Medford post office.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1950, page 1

Senate Confirms Moore Hamilton in Postmastership
    A. Moore Hamilton, acting postmaster here since May 1, 1949, has been confirmed by the Senate for permanent appointment to the position, it was learned here today.
    Hamilton, former editor of the Medford News and chairman of the Jackson County Democratic Central Committee, was named by President Truman to succeed Frank DeSouza in the postmastership. DeSouza served the office here from 1933 to 1949.
    Hamilton's appointment for permanent postmaster was submitted to the Senate earlier this year by the President.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 2, 1950, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1957, page 1
Pioneer Post Office Items Found in Vault
    Two items used by Medford's first postmaster were found recently by city employees during remodeling work at the city hall.
    The items are a cigar box-type container, used for incoming mail by Postmaster J. S. Howard in December 1883, and a 13-separation sorting box, used later when mail volume increased.
    They were found in a vault in the city hall during remodeling, and apparently were left there by the late Mayor Clarence Meeker. They were presented to him by W. B. Roberts, Wagner Creek Rd., Talent, grandson of Postmaster Howard, to be presented to the Southern Oregon Historical Society, of which Mayor Meeker was a member.
Used in Store
The rustic post office pieces were used in Postmaster Howard's store, which at first consisted of a tent [I've never found this assertion elsewhere] on what is now Front St. between Main and Eighth sts. He later constructed a wooden building to house the store and post office.
    The cigar box-type container was used for incoming mail, through which valley residents would sort to find their mail. When volume increased, Howard built a 13-separation sorting case, similar to the present-day general delivery facilities, and sorted them alphabetically for easier handling.
    Also found were survey chains, used by Howard, who also was an engineer. He surveyed the original city of Medford for [the] Southern Pacific railroad. [All three Rogue Valley newspapers in 1883 agree that the town site was surveyed by Charles J. Howard;
the railroad in 1884 was the Oregon & California Railroad.]
Medford Mail Tribune, November 5, 1957, page 1

Central Point Gets Branch Post Office
    The Central Point post office will become a classified branch of the Medford post office at the close of business Friday, Nov. 29, according to Medford Postmaster Moore Hamilton.
    No change in operation of the Central Point office is contemplated until early in January, 1958, when city carrier service will be installed at Central Point. The city carrier service will include foot-carrier service inside the city, and mounted route service will be consolidated with that of the Medford post office.
No Addresses Changed
    No addresses will be changed with the transfer of the offices Saturday, as the program of numbering streets and roads around Central Point, and between Medford and Central Point, has not been completed. When the system is complete, most rural addresses will consist of a road and number, and will not be rural route box numbers. The change in addresses will be made in January, but post office officials pointed out that those now having Central Point addresses will continue to have Central Point addresses. In other words, Central Point will retain its postmark.
    Many residents between Medford and Central Point have already been given the new house numbers, as have many in the Four Corners and Orr Acres area, and postal officials point out that either address, the old or the new, may now be used.
    For the time being, operation of the Central Point office will remain the same as in the past, but some employees may be transferred to the Medford office after the first of the year. George Evans, postmaster, will remain at Central Point as station superintendent, with full responsibility for the office. His classification will be that of a supervisor in the Medford office, and he will be eligible for promotion in the supervisory ranks.
Other Employees
    Other employees of the Central Point office are David R. Allred, assistant to the postmaster; Charlotte A. Wernmark, clerk: Verna Mae South, clerk; Margaret Conger, clerk; and Lewis W. Kilbourn and Howard S. Schwab, rural route carriers.
    Post office officials emphasized that Central Point will remain the address of those now having Central Point addresses. If, in the future, due to adjustments of rural routes, it is necessary to change some to Medford, ample notice will be given. It is not expected, however, that this will occur except in a few marginal cases.
    When the city carrier service is established in January, the service to Central Point will be considerably improved. All mail arriving at Medford by air, either air lift or air mail, will be immediately delivered to the Central Point office, giving Central Point the same air service as that enjoyed by Medford. Outgoing mail will also be picked up at Central Point several times daily, also giving improved service.

Medford Mail Tribune, November 26, 1957, page 1

Alexander Moore Hamilton died August 11, 1962

Indicator of Medford's Growth Seen in Records
    An authentic indicator of Medford's growth during the 20th century was reported this week by J. A. Eidswick, acting postmaster at the Medford post office.
    Going through some old files, he uncovered forms gathered by several postmasters, who apparently started to record the history of the Medford post office. The statistics tell the growth story more vividly than words.
    In 1891, business totaled $349.93 for a two-month period. The postmaster, Medford's first, James S. Howard, was still in office. He received $166.67 for two months' salary, his monthly pay being $83.33.
    A post office clerk, according to the same form, which did not list his name, was paid $33.33, and costs for rent and heating of the building totaled $26.67, again for two months.
    One special delivery letter was delivered during the two months, and a fee of eight cents was collected by the postmaster for same.
    The sworn statement of business is notarized by Willard Crawford on Oct. 3, 1891. The Medford post office, established Feb. 6, 1884, was then seven years old.
    In 1962, during a two months' period, the Medford post office did $153,000 worth of business. During two months the post office delivered 940 special delivery letters. Total receipts for the year were $915,110.98, an increase of $50,000 over 1961.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1963, page 1

Alva N. Bradford, acting, appointed April 12, 1963

Post Offices in County Receive Zip Numbers
    All Jackson County post offices have received Zip Code numbers, preparatory to adoption of the new U.S. postal department plan for expediting the mail, which becomes effective Monday, July 1.
    All patrons of the post offices are scheduled to receive postal cards before that date informing them of the code number under which they will receive their mail. Al Bradford, acting Medford postmaster, announced today Tuesday was the last day for assigning code numbers.
    An extensive program for acquainting the public with the program has been outlined by the United States post office department. It starts with the postal card coverage of all areas.
    There will be decals of Zip (Zone Improvement Plan) Code numbers placed on all mail collection boxes and on all trucks carrying the mail. The lobbies of post offices will have pictures of "Mr. Zip" prominently displayed with the code number of the particular post office attached.
Will Wear Buttons
    Window clerks in the post offices will wear "Mr. Zip" buttons to remind all patrons to include their five-digit Zip Code number on all outgoing mail.
    Postmaster Bradford recently attended the Seattle conference arranged to acquaint all postmasters in sectional centers, of which Medford is one, with the details of the new system of improved mail dispatch and delivery. The conference was conducted by James J. Symbal, regional director, who had received his briefing in Washington, D.C., where he helped work out the national program.
    The conference included the northwestern states in this region, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.
    When the new system becomes effective Monday all mail carriers also will display "Mr. Zip," the little character designed to sell the big project. The Zip Code number of the particular post office being served also will appear on mail bags and mail satchels of all mail carriers.
In Section 975
    After July 1, anyone living in the Medford area will be living in section "975," the first three digits of the Zip Code number which will be used by all patrons of this region.
    The last two digits of the Zip Code number will indicate the particular post office by which the patron is served.
    The complete number for Medford patrons is 97501. Patrons served by the Central Point branch will be addressed with 97502.
    Other post offices of Jackson County with their postmasters and code numbers include: Ashland, Parker T. Hess, 97520; Butte Falls, Mrs. Maude J. Arnold, 97522; Gold Hill, Harry Force, 97525; Eagle Point, Jim Wallis, 97524; Jacksonville, L. H. Valentine, 97530; Phoenix, Mrs. Marie Furry, 97535; Prospect, James Heston Grieve, 97536; Rogue River, F. G. Petrie, 97537; Shady Cove, Howard Nutt, 97539; Talent, Roger Smoot, 97540; Trail, Mrs. Eva Albert, 97541; White City, Mrs. Neil Bryan clerk in charge, 97542.
Number May Change
    It was understood here that the White city code number might be changed since the post office is to become a branch of Medford. The Zip Code numbers were being assigned before plans for the transfer reached completion, Bradford explained.
    The first digit, or "9," stands for the Pacific Coast. The second digit, "7," indicates the state of Oregon, and the third digit, "5," identifies the sectional center, which is Medford for Jackson and Josephine counties.
    In addressing mail the Zip Code number should be placed on the same line and one space after the name of the state to which the letter is being sent, the postmasters pointed out today.
    "When the project moves into full swing, the United States will have the most modern system of mail distribution and delivery in existence," the Jackson County postmasters noted.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1963, page 1

Medford to Get P.O. Substation
    The contract for establishment of another post office substation in Medford has been approved, the regional director of the Postal Service at Seattle notified Al Bradford, acting Medford postmaster, today.
    The new station will be in Moore's Toy World at the Medford Shopping Center, effective Dec. 1.
    It will be in the northwest section of the shopping center.
    Mrs. Irma Moore will hold the contract for operation for the station and will act as clerk in charge.
    Establishment of the station, Bradford said, is in keeping with the program of the post office department to make postal service as convenient as possible for patrons.
    With opening of the new station in the shopping center, Medford will have four post office substations in addition to the main post office. The others are the Village Variety on Stewart Avenue, Grandview Market, Crater Lake Avenue, and at Main Street and Riverside Avenue in downtown Medford.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1964, page 1

Alva N. Bradford appointed July 30, 1965

    A fifth substation of the Medford Post Office has been approved, Al Bradford, postmaster, announced this morning. The contract for the fifth station was awarded Richard H. Glass of West Main Pharmacy, the Seattle regional office of the U.S. Post Office Department informed the Medford Post Office and Glass, president of West Main Pharmacy, Inc.
    The station will be established in the West Main Pharmacy, 2355 Jacksonville Highway, effective Nov. 16.
    The other stations are in Village Variety, on Stewart Avenue, Grandview Market, 2330 Crater Lake Ave., the Medford Shopping Center and on East Main Street at Riverside Avenue.
"PO Substation Wins Approval," Medford Mail Tribune, October 18, 1965, page 1

Zip Codes for Two Areas in Valley to Be Changed
    Central Point and White City will be the only post offices in Jackson County included in the change of zip codes announced yesterday by Postmaster General Lawrence F. O'Brien, Medford Postmaster Al Bradford reported today.
    Both these post office stations will assume the Medford zip code number of 97501 after Jan. 15.
    Central Point's zip code is now 97502 and White City's 97542. They will keep these numbers until the effective change date.
    In announcing the reduction of zip code numbers, affecting 643 cities, the postmaster general emphasized that no changes in the adopted program will be made until after the Christmas mailing season is completed.
    The reductions have been ordered, he stressed, in keeping with new nationwide standards to move the mail more smoothly and efficiently in the future.
    All independent post offices in Jackson County will retain their present zip code numbers, Bradford said. These are: Ashland 97520, Butte Falls 97522, Eagle Point, 97524, Gold Hill 97525, Jacksonville 97530, Phoenix, 97535, Prospect 97536, Rogue River 97537, Shady Cove 97539, Talent 97540 and Trail 97541.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 9, 1965, page 1

New Post Office Ready by Feb. 1
    John D. Todd of Todd Construction Company, Roseburg, contractor for construction of the new Medford Post Office and Federal Office Building on Eighth and Holly streets, has informed the Medford Post Office that the building will be ready for occupancy Feb. 1, Al Bradford, postmaster, reported this morning.
    Notice was received yesterday from the Seattle office of the U.S. Post Office Department stating that the post office lease on the annex building would terminate March 1.
    The annex on Holly Street behind the present post office was leased a number of years ago when the mail volume outgrew the post office capacity.
    Termination of the lease indicates that the Post Office Department is expecting occupancy of the new building to reach completion on or before March 1, Bradford explained. March 1 was previously reported by the post office as the target date toward which moving plans were being directed.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 14, 1965, page 1

Postal Service to Start in New Building Thursday
    Tomorrow will be the last day for the public to receive postal service at the Medford Post Office on Sixth Street.
    The box section and the windows will be open to patrons in the new Federal Building and U.S. Post Office on Eighth Street Thursday morning, Al Bradford, Medford postmaster, announced today.
    The post office will not be completely moved, however, until the weekend. The incoming main building and the annex will start operating in the new quarters Monday, March 14.
    Dedication of the new building is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Saturday with Richard James Murphy, assistant postmaster general, bureau of personnel, Washington, D.C., and Congressman Robert B. Duncan as principal speakers. Officials from the Seattle Postal Region will also be in attendance.
    All other agencies to be moved from the Sixth Street building to the Eighth Street structure by the General Services Administration are now occupying their new quarters.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 8, 1966, page 1

    The Medford Post office contract station in the Village Variety and Garden Shop Inc., 771 Stewart Ave., was closed last night when the civil division of the Jackson County Sheriff's Department attached all merchandise of the store.
"Village Variety, Post Office Substation Closed," Medford Mail Tribune, March 2, 1966, page 1

Postal Substation Location Listed
    Contract for establishment of postal substation No. 4, to replace the one formerly in Village Variety, has been awarded the Thrifty Drug Store at the corner of Stewart Avenue and King Street, Al Bradford, Medford postmaster, announced today.
    Max Larson, manager of Thrifty Drug and the approved substation contractor, is now remodeling the store to provide space for the postal substation. The opening date will be announced, Bradford said.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 1, 1966, page 1

    "Don't forget to change your address."
    This typical mailman's goodbye was called to Mr. and Mrs. George. A. Eppinger as they approached "zero hour" for their departure from Medford Post Office Substation No. 1 Thursday.
    June 30 was their last day on duty. They turned the keys over to Mrs. Elva Hofmann, recently awarded the contract by the Post Office Department, and ended a career of 20 years in post office work in Medford. Mrs. Hofmann checked in as the Eppingers checked out with no delay in the movement of the mail from 403 East Main Street.
    The contract station was located at 26 S. Central Ave. when the Eppingers took over the operation. The first move for them was to the Pennywise Drug Store on East Main Street. They continued to operate the station when the location became occupied by Bell's Gifts and Homewares, then went with the station to a home of its own in the Sparta Building.
For Three Postmasters
    They worked with three official Medford postmasters and two temporaries during those years, they recalled as they prepared to entire retirement. The late Frank DeSouza was postmaster when they were awarded the contract shortly after World War II. They continued under the late Postmaster Moore Hamilton and worked with Klamath Falls Postmaster Chet Langslet and Postal Inspector Jack Eidswick as they filled the interim awaiting appointment of Al Bradford.
"George Eppingers Retire after 20 Years with Postal Department," Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1966, page 6

A. Bruce Fisher, acting, appointed June 12, 1981

Leslie H. Young appointed September 5, 1981

Medford Gets 2nd ZIP
    Medford will become a two-ZIP-code city for mail delivery July 1.
    The new ZIP code for all Medford addresses east of Interstate 5 will be 97504, said Postmaster L. H. Young today.
    Young said the Medford delivery area for some time has exceeded the carrying capacity of a single ZIP code because of city growth.
    He said carrying capacity involves both the memory capacity of sorting clerks and the eventual use of an additional four numbers on present ZIP codes.
    The 97504 number also will be necessary to make use of automated sorting equipment scheduled for installation in 1985, Young said. He said long-range plans--five years from now and beyond--call for a postal station in East Medford and would require a separate ZIP code.
    Young said mail will continue to be delivered for a time with the old ZIP code, 97501, which still will apply to areas west of the freeway. But he said postal customers in the new code area should make corrections as soon as possible.
    The Postal Service will notify major publications and national mailers.
    The Medford Post Office applied for the East Medford ZIP code late last year, Young said.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 12, 1983, page 1

A Century of Postal Service
    The railroad brought the post office to Medford on Feb. 6, 1884--one hundred years ago Monday.
    When the Oregon and California Railroad Company line from Portland completed the Grants Pass to Phoenix section, a post office was opened here.
    J. S. Howard, express agent, storekeeper and surveyor, was appointed postmaster. [Howard was Medford's second express agent, succeeding to the office in May 1884.] A cigar box in Howard's store was designated as the mail collection point.
    To celebrate the 100th anniversary, Postmaster L. H. Young and Southern Oregon Philatelic Society members have arranged a ceremony cutting stamps instead of a ribbon at 10 a.m. Monday in the main post office, 333 W. Eighth St., Medford. This will open the post office for its second century.
    The post office in Medford is at its fifth location. At different times it occupied three downtown buildings until the federal building-courthouse at 310 W. Sixth St. was built from architect Frank Clark's design. [The architect was U.S. Treasury architect Oscar Wenderoth, not Clark.] The post office remained there until it moved into its present location on March 10, 1966.
    As part of the celebration, the Southern Oregon Historical Society will exhibit photographs from its collection plus 16 frames of early stamps. Society members will serve coffee and cake until 2 p.m.
    A special stamp booth and a commemorative cancellation will be available in the lobby on Monday.
    Attending the celebration will be Al Bradford, former Medford postmaster, who now is manager, sectional center postmaster in Eugene and Richard Smythe, special assistant to the regional postmaster general.
    Tours of the post office will be scheduled during the week and are available by calling 776-3604.
    The society is offering a cachet cover of the "100th Anniversary of Medford Post Office," featuring the early post office site and the first postmaster, with a special pictorial post office cancellation for $1 each. Requests should be sent with a large self-addressed envelope to P.O., 100th Anniversary 1984, 1090 Shafer Lane, Medford 97501.
    Shortly before the post office was established, the community had been named Medford by David Loring, a civil engineer connected with the railroad's right-of-way operations. [The decision was made in consultation with the town founders.]
    The Medford post office handled its first registered letter in April 1884. Rural mail service began in 1903.
    In 1909 the postmaster applied for permission to start city delivery in Medford. His letter to Washington, D.C., dated April 8, 1909 points out that the city's population had grown from 1,910 in 1900 to 5,330, according to a census just completed by the city council.
    Post office receipts had risen from $5,701.82 on June 30, 1905 to $12,757.33 on June 30, 1908, and to $15,451.81 on March 31, 1909.
    The postmaster called this growth "phenomenal."
    The post office had 694 boxes, all rented, with a waiting list of 50 applications, he said.
    "There is at all times a line of patrons at the General Delivery window of from five to 30 people waiting to get their mail and during the hours when the mails arrive the lobby is crowded beyond its capacity," he wrote.
    He continued, "In addition to this, new industries are starting with the city and adjacent country contributary to this office, which will greatly increase the population within a very short time, and without Free Delivery it will be almost impossible for us to conduct the business of this office in anything like a creditable manner."
    Apparently Medford filled the Post Office Department's requirements for city delivery, because it was started on Sept. 15, 1909, with two carriers, one substitute carrier and 12 letter boxes.
    The next major change in carrying the mail came on Oct. 2, 1929, when the first air mail flight was made from the Medford airport.
    Medford continued to grow. A post office inspection made in September and October 1930 reports a population increase of 96 percent between 1920 and 1930. The 1920 census showed 5,657 residents and 1930 had 11,095.
    The report also shows the Medford office force consisted of a postmaster, William J. Warner, who was 46 at the time and drew an annual salary of $3,600; an assistant postmaster, superintendent of mails, nine regular clerks, two substitute clerks, eight regular carriers, five substitutes, four rural carriers and two star route carriers. Yearly salaries ranged from $2,700 for the assistant postmaster to $1,900 for a clerk.
    Today, the Medford post office operates with nearly 200 employees and handles a quarter of a million pieces of mail a day.
    Mail is delivered on 47 routes in Medford, Central Point and White City. Of these, 35 are in Medford. More than 30,000 deliveries are made each day.
    In earlier times, before the Post Office [Department] became the Postal Service, postage was low--one cent for newspapers and for postcards. According to Young, in those days the taxpayers subsidized the post office by making up any losses out of general revenues.
    "Now, the Postal Service has to pay its own way," Young says. "This means that the people who use the services we provide are paying for them, instead of taxpayers who may not make much use of the post office."
Medford Mail Tribune, February 3, 1884, page B1

Rodney B. Upham, acting, appointed August 26, 1986

Leon J.  Sagalewicz appointed February 27, 1988

James M. Foucault appointed February 6, 1993

The Postal Service's last day in its old building will be Saturday,
when the doors will close to the public at 2 p.m.
By Damian Mann
Mail Tribune
    A bright red awning on a former auto dealership will create a vivid signpost for residents looking for the new U.S. post office in downtown Medford next week.
    At 8:30 a.m Tuesday, the Medford post office will open at its new address at 325 S. Riverside Ave., leaving behind the 333 W. Eighth St. location that has been its home for more than 40 years.
    The new building, formerly the site of the Dollar GMC dealership, has attracted some postal customers who assumed it was already open for business.
    "I like the color and the racing stripe," said Brian McRoy, a 63-year-old Medford resident who stopped by the site thinking the new post office was open.
    The Postal Service's last day in its old building will be Saturday, when the doors will close to the public at 2 p.m.
    Over the Memorial Day weekend, everything will be moved to the new location at the corner of Riverside Avenue and 10th Street..
    Postal workers were busy Thursday preparing post office boxes and installing equipment in the new 4,800-square-foot building that will offer retail services and post office boxes.
    "It made sense to relocate," said Ron Anderson, a USPS spokesman in Portland.
    Much of the old 26,000-square-foot location on Eighth Street was no longer used. Sorting and distribution operations had already been moved to Sage Road.
    The post office building, which also formerly housed U.S. Forest Service staff, was sold to Jackson County for $2,026,900 last August.
    Jackson County is preparing to convert the building into a central location for the county's health services operations.
    The post office signed a 10-year lease with two five-year options with the Dollar GMC building's owner, Alan DeBoer.
    Anderson said he could not reveal how much the lease payments were on the new building.
    He said the post office should see a reduction in expenses because it no longer has to maintain the much larger Eighth Street building.
    Retail hours will remain the same, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday. The post office is closed Sundays.
    Post office customers will notice one big improvement at the new location. A large parking lot surrounds the Riverside building, which was formerly used as a vehicle sales lot.
    "It'll be a lot easier with the parking," McRoy said as he surveyed the new building. "The red color lets you know where it's at."
Medford Mail Tribune, May 25, 2012, page 1

Last revised February 2, 2025