The Infamous Black BirdSouthern Oregon History, Revised

Miscellaneous Notes and Clues
This is my "junk drawer." Early newspapers are full of unexplained references, especially geographic ones: Back then it wasn't necessary to define terms or give locations of stores, homes and neighborhoods--everyone knew where they were. As a consequence, many of those locations are either lost, confused or misremembered.

Below are clues to some of those locations, and other miscellaneous conundra.

Adkins & Webb
    Their hardware store was at Main and Central; the original store was replaced by a three-story brick building "now occupied by T. E. Daniels. The [original] building was moved south on Central Avenue and was the Medford Tribune home for several years. In the fire, about a year ago, which consumed the Enyart-Carnahan frame building on South Central Avenue, this building was badly scorched, but was repaired and moved to the corner of Tenth and Grape streets, where it met its final devastation Tuesday morning" in the destruction of Noyes & Black's paint shop.
"Noyes & Black Shop Burns, $700 Loss," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, October 31, 1912, page 6

Angle & Plymale
    Their brick store was being remodeled in 1910, still on the original 1883 site of their wooden store building. The store is being remodeled as a movie theater.
"Historic Store Recalled by Alteration of Front," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, May 19, 1910, p. 2

Angle House
    "Merchant Wm. Angle has sold to M. Purdin the residence property which he (Angle) formerly occupied, corner of B and Sixth streets, for a consideration of $1100."
Medford Mail, January 17, 1896, page 5

Barneburg House
    "One of the oldest residences in Medford is said to be the old Barneburg home at 136 South Oakdale Avenue, now occupied by sisters Mrs. Ralph L. Clarke and Mollie Keene. Certain improvements were necessary recently and now the structure, which does not look old-fashioned, has a new floor, glassed-in porch and other additions, distinctly assets."
Sallie Butler, "Sallying Forth," Medford News, August 11, 1950, page 6

William Barnum's planing mill
Sometime between preparation of the 1890 and 1893 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps Barnum had moved his mill to the west side of Front Street between Third and Fourth streets.
    "The machinery for the planing mill of Mr. Barnum at Medford has arrived, and will be placed in a building near the bank of the creek, at the east end of Main Street."
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, September 26, 1884, page 3

Bates Barber Shop
    "About 1894, Mr. Bates became interested in barbering and with his brother James opened a barber shop on Central Avenue. A year later he moved to a shop in the Nash Hotel, remaining there until 1910. Then, together with his three brothers, he moved the barber shop to 128 West Main, where it still remains."
Obituary, "William W. Bates," Medford Mail Tribune, August 15, 1960, page 9

Blacksmith Shop

Medford's first buildings were blacksmith shops, but it isn't known if the following refers to one of them. Curiously, the 1888, 1890, 1893, 1898 and 1907 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps consistently show only a residence on the corner mentioned below.
    The "shacks" on the NE corner of Main & Riverside are to be torn down, "preparatory to the erection of a large modern building on that corner" (the Sparta Building). "The buildings to be torn down form one of the old landmarks of Medford. It was occupied for many years by George Merriman as a blacksmith shop and is one of the oldest frame buildings in Medford."
"To Tear Down Old Landmark," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, August 4, 1910, page 1

Bloody Run
Bloody Run Creek is three miles east of Grants Pass along the Rogue River,named after an October 1855 attack of the Rogue River Indian War. I spent a lot of time looking for an incident of a victim on the run, leaving a trail of blood, before it occurred to me that the "run" of "Bloody Run" is apparently a synonym for "creek."
    "A Mr. Jones was killed in his yard and his house burned; his lady and child made their escape. Mrs. Jones was seriously wounded."
Asahel Bush letter, October 11, 1855

    "The case of Mr. Jones and family is most heart-rending, Mr. Jones was shot dead in his yard. Mrs. Jones was shot through the body; she ran for the brush and was followed by an Indian, who overtook her. She begged for her life, but he insisted on killing her, and as he fired she threw up her arm and the ball struck her elbow and glanced along the bone to the shoulder. She fell, and the Indian, supposing her dead, left her. A few hours after the Jacksonville volunteers came along, and carried her to a house, where she died the next morning."
Letter of Dr. A. G. Henry, Oregon Statesman, Salem, October 20, 1855, page 4
    "Mr. Jones, who lives near Evans' Ferry, was killed by a band of pet Indians. Mrs. Jones was wounded and crept into a thicket, but was found by one of the straggling Indians and shot again. Her back was broke at first, and then she received a mortal wound in the arm. She begged of the Indian to kill her to end her sufferings and the fiend picked up a rock, and as he threw it at her, said, 'G--d d--n you, I can kill you!' She sank down exhausted. The Indians, supposing her dead, left her; she was finally taken to Vannoy's, and there died."
Weekly Oregonian, Portland, October 27, 1855, page 3
    "Mr. and Mrs. Jones were killed; they lived this side of Wagner's, also Mrs. Harris. After Mr. Harris was shot Mrs. Harris took the old gun and continued the defense by shooting between the house logs. She fired sixty-four times aided in getting means by her little daughter, until at last she ran to the yard, pursued by an Indian, who cursed her, knocked her down, and then shot her through the arm. She was left for dead. Immediately however she rose, ran to a ravine nearby and fell into it, where she remained. The Indians gave her up for dead, and turned their attention to the house. She was finally rescued by Major Fitzgerald. See for particulars Statesman of Oct. 20, 1855."
S. F. Chadwick letter to Joseph Lane, November 1, 1855,
Joseph Lane Papers, Indiana University. Chadwick is confabulating the Harris and Jones stories.
         "In the execution of their bloody work, the Indians divided their force into several parties, and made their attack at different points in the neighborhood almost simultaneous. The chiefs, 'George' and 'Limpy,' commanded in person along the road; but the leadership of the several parties designated to murder the families were delegated to such warriors as had either been in the employ of, or had been suffered to loiter about the premises of their intended victims until they had learned where and how to deal the surest and most fatal blow. Those who were foremost in the attack at Wagoner's, Jones', Haines', Harris', and so on, were well known to those families, had been in their service from time to time, and had often received favors and kindness from them when out of it. In the attack upon Jones' house, he was killed at the onset, and Mrs. Jones mortally wounded, though not utterly disabled for the moment. Seeing her husband dying, and the Indians cutting him to pieces, she fled toward some brush which was near by, whither she was immediately followed by an Indian who had been in the employ of her husband, and in whom she had placed the greatest confidence. Seeing none but this Indian following her, and thinking that perhaps he might still be her friend, she awaited his approach, and then implored his protection. His reply was, 'You damned b---h, I'll kill you,' and thereupon fired at her with his revolver. The shot took effect only in her arm, but she fell as if dead; and he, supposing his shot had been fatal, left her and returned to her companions. Mrs. Jones escaped to Vannoy's ferry, where she died the next day."
Charles Stewart Drew, "Origin of Indian War in Oregon," Communication from C. S. Drew, 36th Congress Mis. Doc. No. 59, 1860, page 24
    "A speech delivered in Congress by Joseph Lane included the reading of a letter by Captain Hewitt detailing the opening of the Indian War:
    " 'After two days hard work, we reached the house of Mr. Cox, which we found robbed. We then proceeded to Mr. Jones'. His house was burned to ashes, and Mr. Jones, who was sick at the time, was burned in it. Mrs. Jones was found about thirty yards from the house, shot through the lungs, face and jaws horribly broken and mutilated. The bones of Mr. Jones were found, the flesh having been eaten off by the hogs.' "
Dorothy and Jack Sutton, eds., Indian Wars of the Rogue River, 1969, page 143
    "Bloody Run, a gulch near Dry Diggings, is the spot where a family named Jones was surrounded and slaughtered by the Indians."
"Some Southern Oregon Names," Oregonian, Portland, November 15, 1883
    "three miles south of Grants Pass"

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, October 10, 1884, page 3
    "Two gangs of railroad bridge carpenters have been engaged in cribbing the trestle work at Bloody Run, near Grants Pass."
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 20, 1885, page 3
    "Those [Indians] who were foremost in the attack at Wagoner's, Jones', Haines', Harris' and so on, were well known to these families, had been in their service from time to time, and had often received favors and kindness when out of it. In the attack upon Jones' house, he was killed at the onset, and Mrs. Jones mortally wounded, though not utterly disabled for the moment. Seeing her husband dying, and the Indians cutting him to pieces, she fled towards some brush which was nearby, whither she was immediately followed by an Indian who had been in the employ of her husband, and in whom she had placed the greatest confidence. Seeing none but this Indian following her, and thinking that, perhaps, he might still be her friend, she awaited his approach, and implored his protection. His reply was, 'You damned b---h, I'll kill you!' and thereupon fired at her with his revolver. The shot took effect only in her arm, but she fell as if dead, and he, supposing his shot had been fatal, left her and returned to his companions. Mrs. Jones escaped to Vannoy's ferry, where she died the next day."
Benjamin Franklin Dowell, The Heirs of George W. Harris and Mary A. Harris, Indian Depredation Claimants vs. the Rogue River Indians, Cow Creek Indians, and the United States, 1888, page 13
    "They next reached the house of Mr. Jones, who was shot dead in his yard. Mrs. Jones was shot through the body. She ran for the brush, pursued by an Indian, who shot her again while begging for her life, and left her for dead. She was found alive not long after by the volunteers and taken to a place for safety, but died the next day. The Indians burned the house after plundering it."
Elwood Evans, History of the Pacific Northwest--Oregon and Washington, 1889, page 435  Jones Creek is just west of Bloody Run Creek.
    "The big slide at Bloody Run, this side of Rogue River, is being sluiced off into the river by water brought down to the track in pipes from the hill above."

"Brevities," Ashland Daily Evening Tidings, February 15, 1890, page 2
    "The trestle on the town side of Royal's place is being filled. The gravel train makes ten trips a day from Bloody Run, thus making 100 carloads a day thrown into the fill. It will take three weeks yet to finish.--Grants Pass Courier."

"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, August 5, 1892, page 3
    Seven large trestles have been filled in by the S.P. folks in Josephine County, during the last few months, with earth taken from Bloody Run, and the work still goes on.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 19, 1892, page 3
    "Mt. Pitt . . . is said to be smoking again. . . . the sight is a grand one from one of the summits at the head of Bloody Run."
"Drunk Again," Ashland Tidings, November 18, 1892, page 3
    "The mining trouble at Bloody Point, of which I spoke last week, has been satisfactorily settled, by the purchase from J. B. Dyer of his interest in the mine. The other party is now pushing the tunnel in on a rich vein of quartz."
"Talent Talk," Medford Mail, April 7, 1893, page 2   Bloody Point is on Klamath Lake; I think this and the next citation are errors for Bloody Run.
    "Williams & Cook are sinking a shaft on Bloody Point, and think they are on a ledge--the assay is $10 in gold."
"Talent Talk," Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 1
    "In 1855 [David H. Sexton] again joined the volunteers at Jacksonville, and started down the Rogue River. The first place they reached where the Indians had done any killing was the Jones place, above where Grants Pass is now situated. They found Jones had been murdered, and his wife was mortally wounded. She died soon after they had rescued her. Having buried Jones and his wife, they hurried on to the Harris place."
Charles D. Sexton, "A Few Notes of the Life of David H. Sexton, a Pioneer of 1847"
    ". . . these old Indian fighters, when they had punished the Indians sufficiently for the murders they had committed on Grave Creek and Bloody Run, quietly returned to their miners' cabins and there have been forgotten by the people and the nation."
Gold Hill News, quoted in the Ashland Tidings, April 10, 1902
    "Work has commenced on the big dam across Rogue River, at Bloody Run, for the purpose of bringing water on the dry diggings."
"Woodville Items," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 3
    "Then continuing north along the road to 'Bloody Run,' the Indians continued their destruction by killing J. K. Jones and wife and burning his house."
Memoirs of William H. Byars, "Pioneer Day Pony Express Rider Led an Eventful Life," undated Roseburg News-Review article, DAR scrapbooks vol. 18, RVGS
James Tuffs home
    "During the Indian outbreaks that were frequent in early days Mr. Tufts adopted the policy of never permitting an Indian to enter his house. The savages feared him and always endeavored
to avoid him. His nearest neighbor was two miles away and the next, John K. Jones, lived three miles distant. October 9, 1855, the Indians started on a massacre, first killing Major Lupton [sic] and then hastening down the valley. Thirteen went to the Jones house, which was a double log cabin. They appeared to be friendly, but as soon as Mr. Jones came out of the house they shot him, then fired two shots at his wife, who later died of the injuries then received."
Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, 1904, page 323
    "In May 1854, John K. Jones and his family were among the first to claim land through the Donation Land system at the eastern edge of present-day Grants Pass. They were killed by Indians, however, two years later."
"First Tuffs Was Miner, Rancher Near Future G.P.," Grants Pass Courier Golden Anniversary Edition, April 3, 1935, section 4, page 13, cited by George Kramer and Jill A. Chappel, Historic Resources Survey and Inventory of the [Grants Pass] Central Business District, 1992, page 9
    "Next morning, October 9th, the Indians moved downstream to Evans' ferry where they intercepted Isaac Shelton, who was traveling to Yreka, fatally wounding him. Still farther downriver lived J. K. Jones and his wife. They killed Jones and mortally wounded his wife, robbed the house and burned it."
Ray Hoard Glassley, Pacific Northwest Indian Wars, 1953, page 81
    "John K. Jones married Ruth Ann Scholes in Ohio in 1847 and they emigrated to Oregon. They acquired 320 acres adjacent to the 160 acres of Joshua and Melissa Scholes. The Scholes had settled their claim in 1854. The Jones' cabin was located adjacent to what is now called Jones Creek. John and Ruth Jones were killed by Indians in 1855."
National Register of Historic Places Registration Form, Dimmick-Judson House, Grants Pass, 1998, page 22
    "In a letter to Congress, C. S. Drew, who led a regiment of the Oregon Mounted Volunteers, said the tribes divided their force into several parties, and made their attacks at different points throughout the area almost simultaneously.
    "When they reached the Jones house near present-day Grants Pass, J. K. Jones was fatally shot and his wife was wounded. Seeing her husband dying, and the Indians cutting him to pieces, she fled toward some brush, Drew said.
    "She was followed by a Rogue who had worked for her husband. She thought he might still be her friend and begged for his protection. He shot her. She pretended to be dead and was later rescued and taken to Vannoy's Ferry, where she died the next day."
Stacy D. Stumbo, "'Holocaust' Led to Indian Massacre," Grants Pass Courier, March 11, 2010, page E1

Booster/Emigrant/Tourist Booklets and Brochures:

(And some other booklets)
Many booklets and pamphlets were printed to attract immigrants to the Rogue Valley. Frequently there is more information about their production and provenance in the newspapers than evident in the booklets themselves.
--"The Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon," 5,000 24-page Jackson County immigration pamphlets, written by E. P. Branch AT2/13/1885p3, AT3/20/1885p2, OS6/20/1885p3, AT7/24/1885p3, AT8/14/1885p3, OS9/12/1885p4, AT12/25/1885pp2,3
A pamphlet descriptive of the Rogue River Valley is in the hands of the printer, and will be ready for distribution in a few days. OR2/16/1885p1
--"Oregon As It Is," 10,000 pamphlets, fifth edition, printed by Lewis & Dryden for the state Board of Immigration. AT6/25/1886p1
--"Shasta Book" just issued by Southern Pacific. "Among the Oregon scenes portrayed are a birdseye view of Western Oregon, Pilot Rock, Siskiyous, Table Rock, the mountains along the coast, Scenes on the Umpqua and Rogue rivers, Mt. Pitt, Crater Lake." AlbanyDemocrat9/23/1887p3
--20,000 126-page books on the resources of Oregon, "special articles on certain industries by Prof. Condon and T. B. McElroy, and a treatise on 'Therapeutics of Climate' by P. S. Pagne." OS3/8/1888p3
--"A pamphlet descriptive of the Rogue River Valley, written and compiled by J. A. Chase, of Tolo, Jackson County, will be out next week. It is an excellent statement of the advantages and resources of the valley, and devotes much space to the important topic of fruit culture. Ten thousand copies have been printed, and will be widely distributed." OR3/20/1888p6
"The Orchard Home," printed by H. S. Crocker, San Francisco; published by Orchard Home Association 1889.
--"Resources of Southern Oregon," 21,000 154-page pamphlets, published by state printer, covers seven SW Oregon counties Copy prepared: AT4/4/1890p1; complete: AT10/24/1890p2--"Col. Miller's able pamphlet" DT6/6/1890p3
--"The Italy of Oregon," by P. W. Croake, circa 1891.
--The Tidings' Souvenir is a handsome 32-page pamphlet printed on fine book paper with clear new type, and the workmanship from cover to cover is of the highest order. It contains 88 fine illustrations, and a map showing the locations and principal features and towns of the valley. While its design is chiefly to represent the interests, industries and advantages of Ashland, it is incidentally an admirable advertisement for the whole valley. AT1/25/1900p2
--The Medford Mail laments that there isn't a booklet to send out. MM2/1/1901p2
--J. S. McCain has out a very neat pamphlet descriptive of Medford and the Rogue River Valley. It would be a very good thing to send east. EN5/11/1901p5
--"The Times is in receipt of a neat little pamphlet edited by Capt. M. F. Eggleston and issued by the board of trade of Ashland." DT7/25/1901p5

--"The Mail is having halftone cuts made of orchard and fruit scenes near Medford. When these arrive this office will use them, together with descriptive matter, in printing letterheads for our customers about the city." MM3/28/1902p6

--"The Medford Board of Trade has had 10,000 pamphlets printed, descriptive of Medford and the Rogue River Valley." MM4/11/1902p7
--"Ashland's Board of Trade has let the contract for printing 100,000 pamphlets advertising the resources of that city and Southern Oregon to Hicks-Judd Co. of San Francisco, whose bid was $412.50." DT8/21/1902p5
--"The S.P. Co. quite lately issued a neat folder descriptive of the country tributary to its lines. It includes a complete map of the state." DT2/25/1903p1

"A circular has been issued by the Southern Pacific descriptive of an excursion to be given in August to Crater Lake park." OR4/4/1903p11
"Western Oregon Industries and Personal Testimonials from Experienced Cultivators,." Southern Pacific publication, being edited. DT11/25/1903p1
--"The Road of a Thousand Wonders," 72-page booklet with color photos describing Sunset, Ogden and Shasta routes of the Southern Pacific through Oregon and California Arizona Republican  1/14/1906p10, San Francisco Call 1/28/1906p27, Kennewick Courier 3/23/1906p4
--Southern Pacific booklet advertising "Road of a Thousand Wonders"; 35 pages devoted to Oregon, color photos of Cow Creek Canyon, Gold Ray Dam Oregon Daily Journal 1/10/1907p16
--20,000 64-page illustrated booklets produced by Sunset magazine for the Medford Commercial Club MM4/12/1907p1, MM7/5/1907p4, MM8/2/1907p4. Picture of Crater Lake on page 62 MM7/5/1907p8
--64-page state booster booklet by Portland Chamber of Commerce, 10x13½-inch Rand-McNally Oregon map. Article has drawing of cover, list of photos including "vineyard, Jackson County." OR4/17/1907p10
--68-page Commercial Club booklet, "full-page halftones." "The advantages of Medford as a place of residence are set forth in the opening pages of the booklet, the remaining pages being devoted to a description of . . . industries carried on in the vicinity." OR9/25/1907p12
--Ashland Commercial Club magazines; advertise Ashland as "a home town--the ideal spot for homeseekers" MM12/13/1907p1
--Western Oregon Orchard Co. pamphlet in Swedish language, written by Ernes Karlstalt, "handsomely illustrated with scenes from Oregon orchards, among them being a picture of Mr. Westerlund inspecting Ad. Helms' Newtown orchard." MM12/20/1907p2

--20,000 "small booklets showing rates from eastern points to Medford and a condensed article on Medford" MM3/6/1908p3

--"Colonist Rates to Medford, Oregon," 30,000 pamphlets with a map of the U.S., "showing how to reach Medford from all points"; printed by Sunset Press, distributed by the S.P. Co. MM3/6/1908pp2,3, MM6/5/1908p8 Has a typo: "Twenty Winter Nelis pear trees netted $6,600" should be "$660." MM3/13/1908p8
--Commercial Club's new Medford pamphlet was printed by Sunset magazine in green ink, many new photographs. MDT3/14/1908p1
--Booklet; title page is color photo of "Spitzenberg apple tree in full bearing"; "center piece is a panoramic view of the valley with an index showing the location of the principal points with reference to Medford. On the back the Commercial Club raises its original offer of $500 to $1000 to anyone who will demonstrate that there is a city in the United States with more varied resources within ten, twenty or forty mile radii." MM3/20/1908p5
--"C. P. Gregory & Son, photo publishers, are in the city, getting out an illustrated souvenir of Medford and vicinity and are at present taking views of business houses for this purpose." MM6/19/1908p5
--"Oregon's Great Scenic Wonder," pamphlet on Crater Lake issued by the Southern Pacific, photos by Gifford, Weister and Kiser. MM10/2/1908p2
--Sunset magazine will print 50,000 7x10-inch 64-page Medford booklets with three-color cover and 30,000 "How to Get to Medford" booklets with colored Newtown apple cover. MDT11/25/1908p1
--50,000 booklets, published by Sunset magazine and Southern Pacific railroad MM12/4/1908p1
--On the Medford Commercial Club booklet a fruit packing house is labeled "dairy barn" and the celebrated d'Anjou pear tree on the Soliss place is labeled "Bartlett pear tree." MDT4/19/1909p1
--The 401 Orchard Company has issued an elaborately illustrated catalog containing views of Medford and the Rogue River Valley, as well as the 401 Orchard. SO1/16/1909p3
"How to Get to Medford, Oregon,"
30,000 booklets, color covers "showing colonist rates to Medford from various points" published by SP; "contains a very good write-up of Medford as well." Folded to fit into envelope. MM2/26/1909p5, MM3/5/1909p8
--"Medford, Oregon. Rogue River Valley," 63,500 booklets, 64 pages, color Crater Lake Kiser photo cover with lettering in gold. Published by Commercial Club and Sunset magazine. Captions of "artesian well at Talent" and a packing house are mislabeled. MDT2/23/1909p1, MM4/30/1909pp5,6, MDT4/23/1909p1, MDT4/24/1909p7, SO4/28/1909p8
, OR4/23/1909p18
--New folder "just the size to slip into your letters," issued by Central Point Commercial Club. CPH6/3/1909p1
--"R. M. Allen was yesterday taking some photographic views of prominent buildings and street scenes, etc., to be used in a souvenir pamphlet which he is expecting to have ready in a couple of weeks." MM6/4/1909p5
--The Southern Pacific will print 10,000 6x9-inch 6-page Central Point booklets, 15,000 4x8 12-page conductor booklets, "How to Get to Central Point," 10,000 3¼x5¼ 4-page folders, 15,000 colonist folders MDT10/22/1909p4
--CP booklet will have panoramic view of town and valley from Mr. Orloff's house, views looking north from schoolhouse tower, view from top of school showing Snowy Butte orchard, and a view of the valley to the south. MDT10/29/1909p3
--"Forthcoming" CP booklet will have about 25 photos; upper one-fourth of color cover will show apples and pears, back will be "colored engraving made from some local orchard view." Issued by Southern Pacific Co. CPH10/28/1909p1, CPH11/4/1909p1
Medford, Oregon, was the first to adopt [the Southern Pacific publicity] plan, and has followed this method of publicity for four years in succession, beginning with 1907. The first booklet issued for Medford consisted of 20,000 copies; the booklet issued for 1908 consisted of 35,000 copies; the booklet issued for 1909 consisted of 63,500 copies, and the booklet for 1910 will consist of at least 50,000 copies. Work on this booklet is now under way. The total number of copies of the leading booklet issued for Medford, Oregon, under this plan, will aggregate more than 165,000 copies. This is for what is known as the "Community Book" proper, and does not include other forms of literature which have been published for Medford under this plan and which will aggregate 140,000 copies. The total will reach over 305,000 copies. Better Fruit, November 1909, page 69
--"Art Work of Oregon," published by W. D. Harney, is now being delivered to subscribers at Medford. There are 115 pages of photogravures and a history of Oregon. The photographs were taken by Benjamin A. Gifford of The Dalles on a trip through this section last fall. MM7/14/1909p1
--100 other delightful resorts described in the new summer book "Outings in Oregon." OJ7/18/1909p48 Write for copy of our summer book, "Outings in Oregon." SJR7/21/1911p5
--"O. Weister" is in the area taking views for "Central Pacific" literature MM10/1/1909p1
--50,000 booklets, 64 pages, color Crater Lake cover; back cover photo of Red Blanket Falls. All new images. MT11/11/1909p1
--"Where Pine and Palm Meet," Ashland's new booklet, has arrived. AT1/27/1910p1
--The Crater Lake Co. has issued a "neat pamphlet giving complete information as to the trip" to Crater Lake. OR7/8/1910p2
--18,000 "postal folders," eight pages and cover, printed in four colors plus gold, contains return postcard. Printed by Commercial Club "in connection with the Southern Pacific Company." MT9/1/1910p8
--15,000 ten-page two-color colonist folders, "issued by the Southern Pacific." MT9/1/1910p8
--2,000 postcards "furnished by Sunset," "calling attention to an article in November." MT10/1/1910
--"Oregon," 32-page Great Northern Railway booklet, includes four maps. OR12/12/1910p8
--Ads are being solicited for the "Medford Mining Jubilee Book on the mineral resources of Southern Oregon . . . to be issued Feby. 1, 1912." MT1/3/1912p2
--"A. C. Allen reported completion of the autoists' handbook of Medford tours, comprising rides through the valley and to Crater Lake, with information regarding roads, supplies and hotels. It is the intention to print the data." MT7/8/1913p5
--"The long-anticipated Jackson County booklet put out by the county court in conjunction with the Southern Pacific Railway Company . . . contains fifty-two pages." Foreword signed by "facsimile signatures of Messrs. TouVelle, Leever and Smith." "The book is bound in unostentatious white covers." AT4/20/1914p4
--"Three-color apple and pear stationery . . . with your name and address or business card thereon.. . . . Every envelope carries the legend, 'Gateway to Crater Lake, Oregon's Greatest Scenic Wonder' and 'Buy Your 1915 Tickets via Oregon with Medford Stopover.'" MT7/7/1914p3
--Jackson County has "ordered 5000 unique booklets in the shape of a pear, printed for distribution, which will be kept where the larger booklets are never looked at." MT3/17/1915p6
--"The poster stamps that the Commercial Club has printed for advertising purposes are attracting quite a little attention and are bringing forth some very favorable comment from outsiders. The stamps are very attractive and artistic and present a varied range of views." MS4/27/1915p4
--"Wayside Notes Along the Shasta Route," 20-page pamphlet published by the Southern Pacific MS4/13/1915p6, AT5/13/1915p1
--"Oregon Out of Doors" or "Outdoor Oregon" issued by Southern Pacific. "The pamphlet contains a magnificent picture of Crater Lake as a centerpiece, while a view of Judge Kelly and G. Putnam after the minnows adds to local interest." MS5/16/1915p9, MT5/17/1915p5
--Booklet in the shape of a glass of water advertising "Ashland as an American Carlsbad," 50,000 copies. MS6/22/1915p6

--"The three-color plates for the cover of the new Ashland booklet have been received. . . . Fifty thousand of these little glasses of Ashland water will be printed. . . . " AT7/15/1915p1
--"For their reissue of their booklet 'Wayside Notes on the Shasta Route,' the Southern Pacific is calling for photographs. . . ." Daily Capital Journal, Salem, November 5, 1915, page 8
--"Oregon Outdoors," Southern Pacific. Printed in three colors; cover shows two photos, "one a fisherman and the other a bathing scene. The inside color plate is of Portland, 'The Rose City'." Contains articles on: "Columbia River Highway, Willamette Valley, the Loop Trip, The State Capital, Tillamook County Beaches, Newport, Coos Bay Country, Mount Jefferson Country, McKenzie River and Three Sisters, Oregon Mineral Springs, Ashland Mineral Springs, Oregon's Famous Spa, the Umpqua River Valley, the Marble Halls of Oregon, the Rogue River Valley, Crater Lake National Park and the Klamath Country." MS5/31/1916p2

--"Oregon Outdoors," annual Southern Pacific folder. "The front cover is in three colors and shows a combination bathing and outing scene." Inside cover is birdseye view of Portland; center page is "colored reproduction of Crater Lake," showing Crater Lake Lodge. JP4/21/1917p2
--Southern Pacific bulletin "on Camping, Fishing and Hunting," apparently covers all Oregon OR8/4/1917p8
--Book for Oregon and California settlers; "description of the land and soil on 2676 claims in Unit No. 1 open to entry April 29." JP4/27/1918p3
--"Recreation in the Southern Cascades," Forest Service folder, includes 18x24" map "showing the recreation features of the Crater National Forest." OR10/23/1919p9
--5,000 4x9" 20-page booklet, four-color Crater Lake cover, printed by Medford Printing Co. MT11/24/1920, MT8/21/1920p6
--Eagle Point Irrigation District has issued a booster folder containing a picture of an orchard and Little Butte Creek scene; the cover is printed in color showing Mt. McLoughlin and an eagle carrying a pear. MT4/11/1923p8, MT4/23/1923p3
--"Over 200 Outing Resorts in California and Southern Oregon," Southern Pacific. "Summer booklet" advertised in Sausalito News, May 14, 1921, page 8
--Booklet "The Beauty Spots of Oregon" being distributed by R. W. Price, Portland. MT12/5/1922p7
--35,000 40-page Southern Pacific booklets; cover and center spread of Crater Lake are in four colors. MT6/6/1923p7
--"The Southern Pacific Company is revising the recreation folder issued by the railroad last year, and new data and pictures advertising Medford and Jackson County and Crater Lake will be published in the folder." MS12/16/1923p2
--". . . the Southern Pacific lines . . . this week issued 20,000 copies of a 64-page publication under the title "Oregon for the Settler." The Oregon Grower, October 1923, page 10
--"Medford Has Found Itself" MT2/2/1924p3
--"Ashland, the City of Homes and Schools," six-page pamphlet, drawing by Johnny Gruelle, photos of Hawthorne, junior high and high schools, residence district, two scenes of Lithia Park, a view of the Siskiyous looking north toward the Green Springs Mountains AT3/21/1924p1
--"Where Nature Lavished Her Bounty,"
10,000 booklets ordered by Jackson County from Ashland Tidings print shop, written by Bert R. Moses. Articles describing various cities. Cover by Johnny Gruelle. ADT12/10/1924p2, JN12/12/1924p1
--"Gem of the Cascades" brochure by Diamond Lake Improvement Co. MT2/23/1926p6
--The Southern Pacific will distribute a poster with a four-color painting of Crater Lake by Maurice Logan of San Francisco. MT3/25/1927p5
--5,000 folders prepared by Chamber of Commerce. Includes 1927 official state highway map, county map, aerial photo of Medford, "also Mill Creek Falls, Rogue River, farm, game, fishing and timber scenes and some Medford buildings. There is also brief data regarding Medford, the valley, scenic attractions and the motto 'This Is a Great Country.' This is the first literature the Medford Chamber of Commerce has issued for some time." MT7/6/1927p3
--25,000 16-page booklets, prepared by Chamber of Commerce. "It will contain more than 100 scenic views of Medford and the valley, printed in an attractive green. The photographs have been taken by B. R. Harwood." MDN8/2/1927p1
--"The Legend of Sparkling Water" ready for distribution MT9/15/1927p3
--50,000 16-page rotogravure booklets, prepared by Chamber of Commerce, "contain, besides cuts and resumes of the industries of Southern Oregon, beautiful rotogravure pictures of Crater Lake, Diamond Lake and the various scenic attractions of the valley." MT5/6/1928p8, MT6/11/1928p3
--Chamber of Commerce pamphlet with colorful cover designed by Herb Grey, picturing the new airport and Crater Lake. Map of vacation spots, "each place being decorated with a funny little man participating in the sport particularly popular there." MT7/15/1930p13
--Oregon Skyline Trail revised folder map issued MT12/11/1931p4
--25,000 folders. "The covers are poster-effect paintings, executed by L. M. Weisenberger . . . in three-color process printing. One cover depicts Crater Lake and the other a fishing scene on Rogue River." Interior photos of recreation scenes. MT6/19/1932p9
--A booklet stressing Medford's location in the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland, with many illustrations, has been completed and is ready for distribution. MT7/8/1932p5
--16-page color folder "Oregon Outdoors," published by Southern Pacific. "Striking views of Crater Lake, Oregon Caves, Rogue River and the Redwood Highway." MT9/10/1934p2
--A booklet titled "How to Have Fun in the Medford Rogue Wonderland" has been prepared by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce. MT6/30/1946p3
--An urgent request for photographs which can be used in Ashland's new publicity brochure was made yesterday at the weekly meeting of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce. AT2/16/1949p1
--48-page booklet "How Much Do You Know About Jackson County," prepared by League of Women Voters. MT3/23/1960p1
--"Citizen's Guide to Voting," League of Women Voters. MT4/18/1980pB1

Broback House/First Brick House

    "When Spencer Childers, now nearing his 80th birthday, dropped into Medford in 1885, he was here but a half hour when he signed a contract [with C. W. Broback] to build the first brick house in the city, on the corner of Ninth and Riverside. There was only one other brick building here then, according to the pioneer builder, and that was in the present location of the Nash Hotel."
"Spencer Childers Razing House He Erected in 1885," Medford Mail Tribune, March 21, 1929, page 5

Caldwell Killing Site
"Hard case" William S. Caldwell was shot by town co-founder C. W. Broback on March 27, 1884--Medford's first killing.
    In the afternoon [Caldwell] was met by C. W. Broback in front of S. B. Hadley's store. Mr. Broback asked him about the money which he had claimed young Broback owed him, and, after some talk, put his hand in his pocket to get the money, he says. At this juncture Caldwell said "---------- you, do you want to shoot it out," and drew his ready pistol. Before he had time to shoot, Broback drew his pistol and fired, the bullet passing through Caldwell's left lung and out at the back.
Ashland Tidings, April 4, 1884, page 3
    S. B. Hadley of Medford has sold his real estate to Merriman & Co. and will remove his stock of goods elsewhere.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1884, page 3
    This Indenture Witnesseth That S. B. Hadley and E. A. Hadley, his wife, for the consideration of the sum of Two hundred and fifty ($250) Dollars, to them paid, have Consigned and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey unto I. A. Merriman and E. F. Merriman the foll[ow]ing described premises, to wit: Lot number eleven (11) in Block number thirteen (13) being 25 feet front[ing] on 7th Street, and running back 140 feet to the Alley as laid down upon the recorded plat of the town of Medford, County of Jackson, State of Oregon.
Deeds, volume 11, page 756, Jackson County Recorder's Office

Christian Church
    "The Christian Church lot was on the southwest corner of Ivy and Sixth streets. The frame building was used for a great many years and the lot sold, only after the present building on the corner of Ninth and South Oakdale was dedicated."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Christian Scientist Church
    "Christian Science services were first held in this city in 1906, when a small group of adherents to this faith held services in the home of one of their number. In 1908 a Christian Science society was organized, with 19 members; and for a year services were held in the Commercial Club rooms, which were donated for the purpose. From there a move was made to another small hall. In 1910 the present church was built at 212 North Oakdale, and in January 1911 the organization was incorporated as First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Medford, Oregon, and the new church building was occupied."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

City Hall
    "A proposition was received from Adkins & Webb offering the room now occupied as city hall or council room for the coming year for a rental of $42, payable quarterly. On motion the proposition was accepted."
"Council Proceedings," Medford Mail, February 10, 1893, page 3

C. L. Cranfill's store
Angle & Plymale's brick store was being remodeled in 1910, still on the original 1883 site of their wooden store building. "The other half was occupied by Charles Strang as a drug store. Later still, C. L. Cranfill occupied the room and for over 12 years sold goods there."
"Historic Store Recalled by Alteration of Front," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, May 19, 1910, page 2

Charles Cranfill home
    "C. L. Cranfill has commenced the construction of a story and a half residence on his property on South C Street, which will, when finished, be fitted with all modern conveniences. The main building will be 16x24, with an 18x12-foot ell, which will be used as a dining room. J. U. Willeke and A. D. Naylor are in charge of the work."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 11, 1905, page 5
    "Jeweler [E. D.] Elwood has purchased a lot on South [Central], near Charlie Cranfill's new residence, and now has carpenters at work building a dwelling thereon."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail Tribune, October 6, 1905, page 5

    "Chiselville is the name of a new town which has been founded at the mouth of Foots Creek by John Bolt. He has built a number of new buildings at that point, including a store, which is full of goods."
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1885, page 3

Compass Points
Not sure which way is north? In a county where our north-south road runs east-west, it's always been a problem:
    Crater Lake is situated in the northwestern portion of Klamath County, Oregon, twenty-two miles west of north [sic] of Fort Klamath, and about ninety miles east [sic] of Medford, which is the best point to leave the Oregon & California Railroad.
"Crater Lake," Oregonian, Portland, January 1, 1886, page 2
    Where is the northerly direction? Nine of every ten residents of Medford are wrong or confused when trying to set themselves right on this point; even some of the old settlers have twisted the magnetic needle so out of direction that in traveling north they would run directly into Idaho.
"Points of Compass Are Shown on Sidewalk,"
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1911, page 4
    Medford is an attractive modern city, good substantial business houses and public buildings. It has modern residences and good hotels. It is the northern entrance to Crater Lake, a national park, situated some 90 miles to the east [sic]. We visited Crater Lake and saw the greatest natural wonder of our lives. Some detail should interest everybody.
Dr. J. D. Hullinger, "Letter Tells of Sights,"
Clinton Advertiser, Clinton, Iowa, August 28, 1923, page 12
    A real estate transaction of considerable importance was completed yesterday when Walter H. Leverette, well-known Medford realty man, Ed M. White, of Brown & White Real Estate Company and W. R. Lamb purchased the Riverview Farm, better known as the Eisemann ranch, located on the Pacific Highway 20 miles north [sic] of Medford and 12 miles south [sic] of Grants Pass.
"Eisemann Farm on Rogue Sold Locally, $50,000," Medford Mail Tribune, February 13, 1927, page 8
    The Pacific Highway enters Jackson County on the south at the Oregon-California state line near the summit of the Siskiyou Mountains at an elevation of over 5000 feet. From the foot of the mountain it takes a northerly course down through Rogue River Valley until it reaches Gold Hill, then westerly following Rogue River to the Jackson-Josephine County line, several miles below Rogue River, the most northerly [sic] town of Jackson County.
"Jackson County Started Pacific Highway," Medford Mail Tribune, January 1, 1928, page D3
    The Schieffelin school, Mr. Miller informs us, was located north [sic] of this city near Rock Point.
Gold Hill News, August 9, 1928, page 5
    . . . Dr. Inskeep stated that the Bear Creek situation north [sic] of the city's septic tank at the Biddle Road crossing is deplorable, due to the occasional overflow from the septic tank into that stream, especially at this time of the year when the liquid sewage putrefies and uses up the oxygen, which kills the fish.
"Would Use Overflow on Sewage," Medford Mail Tribune, August 7, 1930, page 5
    Various relief committees of the local Elks' lodge are busily engaged in preparing distribution of the Elks' Christmas boxes to needy families in this district. The local lodge has jurisdiction in the territory embraced by Phoenix on the south, Applegate on the west, Gold Hill on the north and Prospect on the east, and has active workers throughout this area compiling lists of families faced with a Christmas of cold and discouragement.
"Elks Committees Distribute Boxes," Medford Mail Tribune, December 20, 1932, page 6

The Cove

    "I. O. Miller, a scientific carpenter, is engaged in putting up some neat buildings in the Cove, near Ashland, for Robert and Leander Neil."
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1885, page 3

    "The Mark property in the Cove, Ashland precinct, was sold at auction last Saturday. It was bid in by Thompson & Butler at $400."
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1888, page 3

    "It was rumored in town last Saturday that W. G. Holmes, living in the Cove above Ashland, had the misfortune to be burned out the preceding day, a forest fire having encroached on his outbuildings while he was endeavoring to prevent the burning of his fences." 
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1889, page 3
    "Peter and Henry Barneburg have purchased the famous Cove stock ranch from G. S. Butler. This ranch is twelve miles from Ashland, about three miles south of the Dead Indian road--directly south of the [Pokegama?] sawmill."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 7, 1902, page 7
    "Thomas Oster, who lives in the Cove, south and east of Ashland. . . ."
"Visits Medford Twice in Twenty Years," Medford Mail, June 19, 1908, page 7

Davis & Pottenger
    "Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Chinaware, Wooden & Willoware"; they advertised their location as "first door west of post office."
Advertisement, Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892, page 1

    "twenty-five miles east of here"
"All's Well that Ends Well," Ashland Tidings, November 7, 1884, page 3
    "Jackson County has improved [Dead Indian Road] to the county line, and the Forest Service has done the work from [Lake of the Woods] to Deadwood."
"Clear, Grade Road," Medford News, September 29, 1939, page 1

The Desert
    "Near the center of the valley is a tract about six miles square called 'The Desert.'
It is composed of a gravelly loam, with quantities of small rock in the bottoms. It is covered with grass in the early spring, but otherwise is destitute of vegetation."
The Rogue River Valley [and] Southern Oregon, brochure, Ashland Tidings and Newspaper Job Printing Office, 1885
    "There is a strip of three or four sections of land in the northeastern portion of the valley that is termed 'desert' by the old settlers. It is level, and is covered with small, rounded boulders and pebbles, and has the appearance of once having been the bottom of a lake."
"Jackson County," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 6, 1888, page 1

    "Mr. Deskins will give a dance at his place, near Ft. Lane, on Christmas night."

"Christmas Dance," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 23, 1871, page 3
    DESKINS' BALL.--A thorough christening was given to the hall of Mr. Deskins' new building, near Ft. Lane, on Christmas night. Forty-eight tickets were sold, which is "good for high" for that locality. During the day several races were run, in which it is said Mr. Booth's horse came off best. Turkey shooting was also one of the sportive features of the occasion.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 30, 1871, page 3
    "Last Saturday witnessed a big crowd at Deskins' or Sport's Point. . . ."
"Sports," Medford Monitor, February 20, 1885, page 4

    "Several races will be run on Deskins' track in Willow Springs precinct on the 23d inst."
"Races," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1885, page 3

    "A match race . . . will be run on Deskins' track near Fort Lane on March 6th."
"Another Race Proposed," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1885, page 3
    "There will be two races at Sport's Point, near Fort Lane, next Thursday. . . ."
"Thanksgiving Sport," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 20, 1885, page 3
    [In 1874] H. C. Deskins, then living at or near the mouth of Bear Creek, was the owner of several large teams and did considerable teaming. . . .
J.R.H., "Dispensed With, Yet Not Forgotten," Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 4
    "Before the Central Point track was opened, races used to be held at what was then known as the Deskins ranch, a little east of the county bridge at Tolo. The whole country would gather at these meetings, indulge in betting on races or playing poker in Deskins' old ranch house."
"Court Hall Remembers," Medford Mail Tribune, March 30, 1930, page 6

Dooms & Holloway Blacksmith Shop
    "An alarm of fire at 10 o'clock last night called the department to the blacksmith shop of Dooms and Holloway, on Holly Street, two doors north of the Parkview Hotel. The roof and one wall of the shop was ablaze, but quickly quenched. The damage was small."
"Blacksmith Shop Is Damaged by Fire," Medford Sun, April 8, 1911, page 2

Eiler's Music House
    "in the new building just north of the Mail Tribune block"
"New Music House Opened," Medford Sun, April 8, 1911, page 6

Emerick House
    The "old Emerick house [is] being torn down at the corner of Eighth and South Grape."
Medford News,
January 18, 1946, page 1
    "They cut down the white locusts . . . last Thursday! All those between what we now call City Park and Eighth Street along by Aletha Vawter's old home that her daddy, V. J. Emerick, built at the beginning of the 'Bungalow Age' when Aletha was small indeed. It's hard to say 'goodbye' to the old trees, but they grew too tall, overhanging, and their roots too deep, and sentiment has to give place to the sensible, difficult though it is."

Sallie Butler, "Sallying Forth," Medford News, May 19, 1950, page 3

Empire Hotel
    "The remains of John Cunningham were brought to Medford from San Francisco Thursday evening, and interment will take place today (Friday) in the Jacksonville cemetery. Mr. Cunningham was formerly a resident of Medford, he having owned and conducted the [second] hotel, the 'Empire,' built in Medford. This hotel stood where now stands the new Jackson County Bank. Before coming to Medford deceased was engaged in mining near Williamsburg, on Williams Creek, then a mining town of 2000 population. He left Medford about fifteen years ago and has since lived in San Francisco with his son, J. R. Cunningham, who accompanied the remains here for burial. His wife, who is still living, is a sister of J. W. Barkdull, of this city. Deceased was over eighty years of age."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 9, 1906, page 5
    Medford's second hotel, J. W. Cunningham's Empire Hotel, was "
built on the present site of the Jackson County Bank" (on the northeast corner of Main and Central).
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

J. E. Enyart House
    "Porter J. Neff and J. A. Westerlund have started work upon a business block 100x130, where the residence of J. E. Enyart stands on the [southwest] corner of Sixth and Fir."
"Medford's Building Activity Is Breaking All Records," Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1910, page B1

Episcopal Church
    "The lot which was given to the Episcopal Church was where the Masonic building now stands on the [northeast] corner of West Main and Holly. [For] a long time it was the only building in the entire block. When business houses crowded it off, the chapel was purchased by the Presbyterians and moved over behind that church facing west and used as a Sunday school room. The Episcopal Church built its present lovely brick building on the corner of North Oakdale and Fifth streets and dedicated it in the fall of 1916."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

    "The place finally selected is where the old racetrack is situated, near the old distillery on North Central Avenue."
"Fair Outlook Very Favorable," Medford Mail, August 21, 1908, page 1

Faris Hotel

"Corner C & 7th sts."
Medford Mail,
January 14, 1892, page 2

The "Festive Bear"
    "Festive" refers to a feast, not a party. I suspect it's a pun taken from Martial: "all festive jollities forbear." Or "for bear." When used as an adjective for an Indian it isn't a compliment; he's being referred to as a game animal.

Fordyce Grove
    "about a mile south of Medford"

"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, July 15, 1892, page 3

Forest Grove
see Heber Grove

Fourth of July Parades
Only celebrations with parades listed. Some observances comprised only speeches, balls, races and games.


No Information Online
No Fourth of July Parades

Oregon Sentinel, July 10, 1858, page 2

No Information Online



Oregon Sentinel, June 30, 1860, page 2

Oregon Sentinel, July 6, 1861, page 2

Oregon Sentinel, June 28, 1862, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, June 27, 1863, page 3
Oregon Sentinel, July 11, 1863, page 2
No Fourth of July Parades

Oregon Sentinel, July 8, 1865, page 2
Oregon Sentinel, July 1, 1865, page 3
No Information Online

Oregon Sentinel, July 6, 1867, page 3
No Fourth of July Parades

Oregon Sentinel, June 27, 1868, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, July 3, 1869, page 4

Democratic News, June 25, 1870, page 2

Democratic Times, June 24, 1871, page 3

Democratic Times, June 15, 1872, page 3
No Information Online

Democratic Times, July 10, 1874, page 3

Democratic Times, June 18, 1875, page 2

Democratic Times, July 7, 1876, page 3
Democratic Times, June 23, 1876, page 3
Democratic Times, July 7, 1876, page 3
Sams Valley
Democratic Times, June 23, 1876, page 3
Democratic Times, July 7, 1876, page 3
Foots Creek

Democratic Times, June 23, 1877, page 3
Democratic Times, July 7, 1877, page 3
Ashland Tidings, June 29, 1877, page 3

Democratic Times, June 21, 1878, page 3
Ashland Tidings, June 27, 1879, page 3
Democratic Times, July 4, 1879, page 3
Linkville (Klamath Falls)
Ashland Tidings, June 27, 1879, page 3
Willow Springs (military parade)
Democratic Times, June 20, 1879, page 3
(July 5)
Oregon Sentinel, June 23, 1880, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, July 9, 1881, page 3
No Fourth of July Parades

Oregon Sentinel, June 24, 1882, page 3
(no parade)
Oregon Sentinel, June 16, 1883, page 3
Ashland (uncertain)
Oregon Sentinel, June 23, 1883, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, June 21, 1884, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, June 13, 1885, page 3

Ashland Tidings, July 2, 1886, page 3
Foots Creek
Oregon Sentinel, June 26, 1886, page 3

Oregon Sentinel, June 23, 1887, page 3

Ashland Tidings, June 29, 1888, page 3

Valley Record, June 13, 1889, page 6
Democratic Times, June 27, 1889, page 2

Valley Record, June 12, 1890, page 2

Democratic Times, July 3, 1891, page 3

Valley Record, July 7, 1892, page 3

Medford Mail, June 23, 1893, page 2

Valley Record, June 28, 1894, page 2

Medford Mail, June 14, 1895, page 4

Valley Record, June 25, 1896, page 2
No Fourth of July Parades
Gold Hill

Medford Mail, July 1, 1898, page 7

Medford Mail, July 7, 1899, page 3

Medford Mail, June 15, 1900, page 6
Medford Mail, June 29, 1900, page 6

Valley Record, June 27, 1901, page 2

Medford Mail, July 11, 1902, page 3
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail, June 10, 1904, page 4
Gold Hill (calithumpian only)
Medford Mail, July 1, 1904, page 4
Central Point

Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 1
Medford (children's parade)
Medford Mail, July 7, 1905, page 1

Medford Mail, July 6, 1906, page 1

Jacksonville Post, July 6, 1907, page 4

Central Point Herald, June 25, 1908, page 1

Medford Daily Tribune, July 6, 1909, page 1

Jacksonville Post, June 25, 1910, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1911, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1912, page 6
Ashland Tidings, July 4, 1912, page 1
(night parade)
Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1913, page 6
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1913, page 4
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1914, page 4
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1915, page 6
Ashland Tidings, July 5, 1915, page 1

Ashland Tidings, July 10, 1916, page 1
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1916, page 6

Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1917, page 3

Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1918, pages 3-4
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1918, page 2

Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1919, page 6
Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1919, page 5
(July 5)
Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1920, pages 3-4
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1920, page 5

Medford Mail Tribune, June 17, 1921, page 7
Medford Mail Tribune, July 8, 1921, page 10

Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1922, page 6
Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1922, page 3
Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1922, pages 4-5
Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1923, page 6

Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1924, page 3
No parade found

Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1926, page 2
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1927, page 2

Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1928, page 2

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1929, page 11

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1930, page B6

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1931, page 8

Medford Mail Tribune, June 29, 1932, page 5
No Fourth of Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1933, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1934, page 1
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1934, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1935, page 4

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1943, page 6
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1936, page 6
Rogue River

Medford Mail Tribune, June 30, 1937, pages 7,8

Medford Mail Tribune, June 26, 1938, page 3

Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1939, page 5

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1940, page 10

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1941, page 4
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1922, page 6
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1942, page 1
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1943, page 6
No Fourth of July Parades

Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1944, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune,  June 25, 1945, page 3

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1946, page 5

Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1947, page 11
Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1947, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1948, page 6

Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1949, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune,  July 2, 1950, page B3

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1951, page 13

Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1952, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, June 24, 1953, page 4
No Parade

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1954, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1955, page 4

Medford Mail Tribune, June 27, 1956, page 8
Medford Mail Tribune, July 6, 1956, page 12

Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1957, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1958, page 1

Medford Mail Tribune, June 25, 1959, page 1
Eagle Point
Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1959, page 2

Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1960, page 4
Eagle Point
Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1960, page B8

Medford Mail Tribune, June 18, 1961, page 10
Medford Mail Tribune, July 5, 1961, page 1
Eagle Point (July 2)
Medford Mail Tribune, June 22, 1961, page C9
Medford Mail Tribune, July 2, 1962, page 10
Eagle Point
Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1962, page 6

Medford Mail Tribune,
June 26, 1963, page 1
Medford Mail Tribune, July 7, 1963, page D2
Eagle Point
Medford Mail Tribune, July 1, 1963, page 14
Medford Mail Tribune, July 10, 1963, page 8

Fruit-Packing Plants
    "In 1900, J. A. Perry and [Truitt G.] Cox built a warehouse on West Main Street close to the railroad, and for years this was a busy packing plant. A. A. Davis had previously built one opposite his mill."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

E. P. Geary House
    "[Arthur P.] Geary was born in Medford, in the old Geary home that later became the Fountain Lodge [326 West Main Street], which was torn down about two years ago to make way for an oil station."
"Arthur M. Geary Campaigns Here," Medford News, May 13, 1936, page 1
    "[Dr. E. B. Pickel's home was] on West Main street just across Oakdale from the Hotel Medford. The Pickels bought that well-remembered home from Dr. E. P. Geary, with whom Dr. Pickel was in practice."
"Lovely Magnolia Tree Is Dedicated to Memory of Late Dr. E. B. Pickel," Medford News, October 20, 1939, page 1

    The First Christian Church organized on Nov. 22, 1884; "the first service was held in a hall over Charley Waters' [sic] grocery store." [Charley Wolters wasn't yet in business in Medford in 1884; this likely refers to the building he would later occupy.]
"First Christian Church Marks 90th Milestone," Medford Mail Tribune, November 15, 1974

Dr. Hargrave House
"Dr. Hargrave has purchased, from Frank Amann, residence property at the corner of South K and West Eighth streets. The tract is 100x100 feet in size and is very nicely situated for residence purposes. The property is situated diagonally across the street from J. W. Redden's new residence. The price paid was $300. The doctor will erect a fine dwelling thereon another spring."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 18, 1905, page 5

George H. Haskins Home
    In 1884 "George Haskins, father of Leon, had a house over on Bartlett. . . ."
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937

Haymarket Square
Apparently the SW corner of Main and front, left vacant in 1900 when the depot was moved a couple of blocks to the south.
    The Southern Pacific gateman's shanty located on Haymarket square this week attracts much attention and has been christened Monte Villa in honor of Mark Montgomery, the S.P. agent, who is so pleased at this compliment that he will have the shack set back further from the street and painted.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 22, 1921, page 2

Heber Grove
Often called "Forest Grove" in Heber Grove school district records (SOHS M34 E1). Apparently synonymous with Mingus Grove.
    ". . . the handsome grove that beautifies our valley between Medford and Jacksonville."
Fred Heber obituary, "Pioneer Gone," Ashland Tidings, October 24, 1884, page 3
    "I held a meeting at the Heber Grove school house, three miles east of Jacksonville, last Lord's day. . . ."
1879 letter, Rev. Martin Peterson to Thomas Franklin Campbell at Monmouth, Oregon.
    In 1868, Conrad Mingus settled "two and a half miles north of Medford. The place was an old donation claim known as Heber Grove. . . ."
Joseph Gaston, Centennial History of Oregon 1811-1912, page 768

    C. W. Hughes, who has charge of the old Mingus place, located in Heber Grove, now owned by Capt. Stewart, was to town the forepart of the week. Great progress has been made in denuding the timbered land, which will be transformed into an orchard.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 6, 1902, page 5

Hank Henry Columns
In 1994 and 1995-2001 Rogue Valley radio and television announcer and County Commissioner Charles "Hank" Henry wrote newspaper columns for the Central Valley Times and the Medford Mail Tribune. Below is Mr. Henry's sometimes cryptic index to those columns, compiled and on file at the Southern Oregon Historical Society's Research Library:
"Over the Back Fence" columns, Medford Mail Tribune
June 26, 1995: Retirement--Keep an Office
July 10, 1995: Talent Cafe
July 24, 1995: Tom McCall
August 7, 1995: Cats
August 21, 1995: Palindromes--Yreka
September 4, 1995: Fire Trucks
September 18, 1995: Groundbreaking Rules
October 2, 1995: Wortham
October 16, 1995: How Yreka Got its Name
October 30, 1995: Windows #1
November 13, 1995: Seniors--Windows #2
November 27, 1995: Travel with Kids in a Low-Power Bus
December 11, 1995: Celebrity--Why the Awe?
December 25, 1995: Christmas Memories
January 8, 1996: Retirement Plus One--Dieseling
January 22, 1996: Senior Meals
February 5, 1996: Thirties Credit--Grocers
February 19, 1996: Don't Rap the Nap
March 4, 1996: Moral Avalanche
March 18, 1996: Nursing Home Stats
April 1, 1996: Respite
April 15, 1996: Alzheimer's--My Forgetfulness
April 29, 1996: What Are They Doing About Alzheimer's
May 13, 1996: Airlines--A Joe Btfslpk Affair
May 27, 1996: Lions Sight and Hearing
June 10, 1996: Welfare and Taxes in the 1930s
June 24, 1996: Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart
July 8, 1996: Traveling Troubadours in the Last Century
July 22, 1996: Piles and Piles of Photographs
August 5, 1996: A 30-Year Dream--The Greenway
August 19, 1996: Satchel Paige
September 2, 1996: Women's Pay
September 16, 1996: Baby Boomers
September 30, 1996: Polling--Don't Believe Everything You Hear
October 14, 1996: Pronouncing Foreign Names
October 28, 1996: Hunt and Peck in Journalism
November 11, 1996: Veterans Day
November 25, 1996: Dementia or Just Memory Loss
December 9, 1996: Young Old/Old Old
December 23, 1996: Sneaker Wave
January 6, 1997: Big Bands
January 20, 1997: Norman Rockwell--A Rockwell Minute
February 3, 1997: Radio History
February 17, 1997: Preserving Sound
March 3, 1997: Remembering the Legislature
March 17, 1997: Gambling--A Sin as a Governmental Resource
March 31, 1997: Pros and Cons on Prayer for Healing
April 14, 1997: Volunteering for KSOR and Seniors
April 28, 1997: Relatives as Caregivers
May 12, 1997: My Health Problems
May 26, 1997: Joe Miller and Heels Over Head
June 9, 1997: Join Our 50th Anniversary Parade
June 23, 1997: Public Meetings Where Feelings Were High
July 7, 1997: Better Health for Seniors
July 21, 1997: When Every Wide Spot in the Road Had a Newspaper
August 4, 1997: Loss of Sense of Smell
August 18, 1997: The Depression Years
September 1, 1997: One O.F. to Another--Movie Ratings
September 15, 1997: Nursing Home Charges
September 29, 1997: Nora's Heart Attack
October 13, 1997: Losing Your Shirt in the Depression--Chickens
October 27, 1997: Ode to Deodorant
November 10, 1997: Purple Cow--Hotel Dicks and Hollywood Marriages
November 24, 1997: Circuit Rider Preacher
December 8, 1997: Security, a Growth Industry
December 22, 1997: The Year We Burned Down the Garage
January 5, 1998: New Year's Resolutions
January 19, 1998: Light Deprivation and Depression
February 2, 1998: Senior Scams
February 16, 1998: 75th Birthday
March 2, 1998: Property Tax Deferral for Elderly
March 16, 1998: Governor's Conference on Aging
March 30, 1998: April Fool's
April 13, 1998: Townsend Plan
April 27, 1998: More Heels-Over-Head
May 11, 1998: Acting Can Be a Painful Experience
May 25, 1998: Survey of Young and Old About Retirement
June 8, 1998: Cigarettes and Movies
June 22, 1998: You Can't Go Home Again
July 6, 1998: Which Is Better--Walking or Running?
July 20, 1998: What Does "Spend-Down" Mean?
August 3, 1998: My Weight-Loss Program
August 17, 1998: Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?
August 31, 1998: Memory Loss--A Senior Moment
September 14, 1998: Don't Put Stuff on Top of Your Car
September 22, 1998: Crooks Who Prey on Seniors
October 6, 1998: Living in a Starter House
October 13, 1998: Restless Leg
October 20, 1998: Remembering the '30s
October 27, 1998: Mental Health--Mental Illness
November 3, 1998: Election Day
November 10, 1998: Veterans Day
November 17, 1998: Cap Guns Then--Conditioned Kids Now
November 24, 1998: Many Never Dress Up
December 1, 1998: How To Be Invisible
December 8, 1998: Seniors Are Targets for Fake Charities
December 15, 1998: How Does it Feel To Be an Artifact?
December 22, 1998: Being an Answer to Prayer
December 29, 1998: Cohort--More Than One Kind of Senior
January 5, 1999: Tribute to Terrace Drive
January 12, 1999: Hawaii at New Year's
January 26, 1999: Winnemucca to the Sea Highway
February 2, 1999: Radio Stock in the '20s Versus Internet Stock
February 9, 1999: Men and Women in Conversation
February 16, 1999: Sound Effects in Early Radio
February 23, 1999: Requiem for Lee
March 2, 1999: Wrecks I Have Seen
March 9, 1999: Legislature--Term Limits
March 16, 1999: Day People Versus Night People
March 23, 1999: Stuff Found While Walking
March 30, 1999: Recreating Baseball
April 6, 1999: Polling Church Attendance
April 13, 1999: Age-Ills
April 20, 1999: Followup on Past Columns
April 27, 1999: DC3 Flying
May 4, 1999: Home Movies
May 11, 1999: Apocryphal Tales
May 18, 1999: Sounds from the 1930s
May 25, 1999: Courage in the Face of Medical Problems
June 1, 1999: Mistakes I have Made
June 8, 1999: Lawn Boys
June 15, 1999: Lifestyles
June 22, 1999: Front Porches
June 29, 1999: Fireworks
July 6, 1999: Raising Kids
July 13, 1999: 45th Anniversary
July 20, 1999: Getting Old
July 27, 1999: Talking to a Real Person
August 3, 1999: A Sucker Born Every Minute
August 10, 1999: Bye Bye Morse Code
August 17, 1999: Polls on Death and Dying
August 24, 1999: Fosbury Flop
August 31, 1999: It's a Smelly World
September 7, 1999: MDA Telethon
September 14, 1999: Control Your Final Days
September 21, 1999: Lee's Last Days
September 28, 1999: Lobbying
October 5, 1999: Phlebotomists
October 12, 1999: Columbus Day Storm
October 19, 1999: Pro Wrestling
October 26, 1999: Coastal Getaway, Grandkids
November 2, 1999: Cars I Have Known
November 9, 1999: Keeping Seniors in Their Homes
November 16, 1999: Hunt-and-Peck
November 23, 1999: Thanksgiving
November 30, 1999: Pasadena Cop
December 7, 1999: Joanne--Courage
December 14, 1999: This Century--19-Hundreds
December 21, 1999: Lonely Christmases
December 28, 1999: Dangerous Situations
January 4, 2000: Early Radio
January 11, 2000: Part 2--Early Radio--Portland
January 18, 2000: Part 3--KMED Radio
January 25, 2000: Folk Medicine
February 1, 2000: Oklahoma Sooners
February 8, 2000: Nat King Cole
February 15, 2000: Depression Glass
February 22, 2000: Death by Appointment
February 29, 2000: Talking to Ourselves
March 7, 2000: Third Old Time Radio
March 14, 2000: Identify Old Photos
March 21, 2000: Talent Cafe Revisited
March 28, 2000: Men/Women Salaries Revisited
April 4, 2000: My Operation
April 11, 2000: Paul [Williams]
April 18, 2000: Kite Flying
April 25, 2000: Pioneering Radio
May 2, 2000: Pioneering Local TV
May 9, 2000: Drive-Ins--D-Rated Movies
May 16, 2000: Senior Fraud
May 23, 2000: Trolley Cars
May 30, 2000: Beep Radio
June 6, 2000: Camping and Marriage
June 13, 2000: Tearing Down History--Pelican Theater
June 20, 2000: Auto Camps in '20s and '30s
June 27, 2000: More on Inflation--Pennies
July 4, 2000: Small-Town Parades
July 11, 2000: Fibbing and Other Signs
July 28, 2000: Crater Lake Murders
July 25, 2000: Old and Older
August 1, 2000: Spite and Malice
August 8, 2000: Color Man--Sports
August 15, 2000: Humorous Songs
August 22, 2000: Mea Culpa
August 29, 2000: Garage Sales
September 5, 2000: Fathers and Birthing
September 12, 2000: Randolph Collier
September 19, 2000: Holding Babies--Watson vs. Spock
September 26, 2000: Part 2--Watson vs. Spock
October 3, 2000: Old Codger--Phone Sales
October 10, 2000: More Old Codger--Phone Sales
October 17 2000: Then and Now--The '20s Were Primitive
October 24, 2000: Fried Foods in the 1930s
October 31, 2000: Fudging the Facts
November 7, 2000: Ben Fagone
November 14, 2000: Charlton Heston/Scathing Letters
November 21, 2000: Scams for Seniors
November 28, 2000: Christmas/Giving Animals
December 5, 2000: Kids Playing Games
December 12, 2000: O. Henry Stories
December 19, 2000: China Then
December 26, 2000: Vacations in VW Bus
January 2, 2001: Piccolo
January 9, 2001: Dementia
January 16, 2001: Politically Correct
January 23, 2001: Grandparenting
January 30, 2001: War Letters
February 6, 2001: Computers
February 13, 2001: Idaho Winters
February 20, 2001: Farewell

Hollywood Orchards

    With its deer park and zoo, Hollywood Orchards is "just across" Jacksonville Highway from Perrydale, adjoining Oak Grove School.
"Prosperous Ranches, Nice Homes Along the Jacksonville Highway," Medford Mail Tribune, July 9, 1927, page 3

J. S. Howard's Store
This South Front Street building, Medford's first post office (and, according to Howard, Medford's first store), was destroyed in the 1894 fire south of the Grand Central Hotel (see above). It was no longer owned by Howard at the time.

Hubbard's Hardware
    One of Medford's businesses in 1884 was "
F. Hubbard, implements and wagons (this was the father of Asa Hubbard, and the store was located where the Star Market is now" at 314 East Main.
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Hussey's Cash Store
    "Hussey's cash store, on West Seventh Street."
"Medford's First Post Office,"
Medford Daily Tribune, December 15, 1908, page 2

Indian Swords
Search "Hackstaff" on these pages:
Search "long knives":
Search "long hoop-iron knives":
Search "long drawn knives":
Search "long knife," "big knife," "long butcher knife":
Search "long, heavy scalping knife":
Search "long-bladed knife":

Ingram Vinegar Factory
    "J. A. Perry, manager for the Rogue River Valley Fruitgrower's Union, has purchased the building built and occupied by the Ingram vinegar factory. The Ingram Company has decided to not operate their factory here any longer and are now preparing to ship their machinery, presses and trucks to Portland. The building is 56x66 feet in size, three stories high, three stories high--one of which is a basement. It will be used by Mr. Perry as a fruit packing house."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, November 30, 1906, page 3

Ish's Grove

    ". . . about two miles from Jacksonville and three from Medford. . . . The place was formerly located as a claim by Overbeck, and was bought by Mr. Ish, now deceased. His widow lives there, and the home lot is part of a beautiful, high prairie covered with grand oaks the Druids might have loved."
"Fruit Growers," Oregonian, October 2, 1888, page 6

& Haskins Millinery
    In 1884 "D. T. Lawton's father built where the Groceteria is now
[on the northeast corner of Sixth and Central]. Mrs. Lawton and Mrs. Haskins started a millinery shop there."
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937

R. T. Lawton's office
    In 1885, his "office was about where Crowson's [Cafe] is now [at 229] East Main Street."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

The town's name was changed to Klamath Falls in 1892.

"Lo, the poor Indian"
    Indians are often referred to as "Lo," derived from a pun--a feigned misreading of a line from Pope's "An Essay on Man":
Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutored mind
Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind

Lone Oak School
"The Smith children attended Lone Oak School, which was located one-half mile east of Four Corners, Highway 62 and Vilas Road."
"Twin Brothers Mark 90th Birthdays," Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1966, page 11

Lutheran Church

    "In the fall of 1897 Charles Palm gave the Lutheran Church a building on Jackson Street. . . . The present church building is on the corner of North Oakdale and Fourth streets, and Rev. F. Sack was the first pastor."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Noah Lyons home

    In 1884 he built his home on North Central "where the service station is now, across from the city hall."
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937

Masonic Hall
    "The members of the Masonic lodge of this city are proud of their new hall, and justly so, too. The room is in S. Rosenthal's new brick [Rialto] building. . . ."
"The Masons' Beautiful Lodge Home," Medford Mail, September 20, 1895, page 1
    "Within the next few days the directors of the Masonic Building Association will have the shacks standing on their lot on the corner of Main and Riverside torn down, preparatory to the erection of a large modern building on that corner."

"To Tear Down Old Landmark," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, August 4, 1910, page 1
    "The corner, diagonally across from the Sparta Building, is known as the old Masonic hall site."
"New Building To Be Erected on Main Street," January 28, 1916, page 6

McAndrews House
    Built 1852, added to by John S. Miller, remodeled by C. W. Ashpole 1934.
"Ashpole Home Is Listed a Winner Magazine Award," Medford Mail Tribune, April 8, 1934, page 10
    "Out at the home of Thos. McAndrew, east of Medford, on Sunday, December 30, 1906, Mr. Grant Burroughs and Miss Margaret McAndrews were joined in holy wedlock."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1907, page 5

McCallister's Soda Springs

Often spelled McAllister. A summertime health resort in the Siskiyous; the waters were reputed to be a cure for malaria and what ails you. Authoritative sources place it on the North Fork of Little Butte Creek.

    "Several parties from Grants Pass are camped at McCallister's Soda Springs, on Butte Creek.
    "Improvements will soon be commenced on the road leading to the soda springs on the north fork of Butte Creek."
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 14, 1885, page 3

Medford Business College
This is located about five-eighths of a mile from the post office, to the north and east." 
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 28, 1893, page 3
    Destroyed by fire May 16, 1896, the two-story building, "situated near the distillery," was then occupied by Richard Henry and J. C. Coe and family.
Medford Mail, May 22, 1896
    Another institution with the same name built at 31 North Grape in 1911. On June 4, 1925 the building was "partially gutted" by fire.
Ashland Daily Tidings, June 5, 1925, page 1

Medford Distillery
The 1893 and 1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance maps show the distillery on the southeast corner of Central and Jackson.
    "The new sidewalk on the west side of C Street is fast being put down. This walk is to extend north from Seventh Street to the intersection of the county road [Jackson Street], near the distillery."
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893, page 3
    "The old distillery which has stood for a score of years near the north boundaries of the city is being razed to the ground. One by one the historical landmarks of the city are being removed. The old water tank in the city park will be the next to go."
"Social and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1910, page 5
    "The big distillery building . . . has been razed and the machinery and lumber is being hauled away and put to other uses. . . . A large business was done for several years, but the inauguration of the fruit industry and the consequent decadence of grain raising cut off the supply of raw material and the distillery was forced out of business."
"First Factory Here Has Been Torn Town," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, September 15, 1910, page 6
    "John Hanley had a distillery on North Front Street at a time when distilleries were popular."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford
    B. P. Theiss came to Jackson County with F. V. Medynski in [1890]. They operated a distillery on North Central Avenue in Medford, where the Medford Fuel Company now is located, for a number of years.
"Two Prominent Business Men Shown in Picture," Central Point American, April 26, 1934, page 1

Medford Hotel
    "The first hotel was the Torrey House [Homer F. Torrey advertised his business as the "Medford Hotel"], on the corner of Riverside and Seventh Street, where Hubbard Bros. store is now located [northwest corner of Main and Riverside]."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Medford Mail/Mail Tribune Special Editions/Sections
Special editions and special sections are photo-intensive, usually have business profiles and accounts of recent developments.
MT3/9/1906 Booster/Descriptive
MT4/26/1907 Improved Order of Redmen/Booster/Descriptive
MT11/28/1909 Fruit-Growing
MT1/2/1910 Booster/Descriptive
MT5/15/1910 Fe-Mail Tribune
MT5/22/1910 Fe-Mail Tribune
MT1/1/1911 Booster/Descriptive
MT3/19/1911 Automotive
MT6/18/1911 Best Paved City in America (1 page)
MT7/9/1911 Booster/Construction
MT4/30/1911 Smudging (two pages)
MT1/1/1912 Booster/Descriptive
MT1/1/1913 Booster/Descriptive (with Westville photo feature), Scientists' Excursion to Crater Lake
MT4/19/1913 Luther Burbank Section
MT1/1/1914 Booster/Descriptive
AT12/31/1914 Booster/Descriptive
MT1/1/1915 Booster/Descriptive
MT8/26/1916 Handbook of Americanism and Democracy
MT3/5/1917 Automobile Section
MT4/5/1919 Agricultural Rodent Pest Section
MT8/12/1919 NEA Crater Lake Excursion Booster/Descriptive
No Mail Tribune New Year's booster edition 1916-1922 et seq.
MT9/9/1919 Farmers' Picnic Edition
MT10/13/1919 Portland Excursion
MT12/24/1919 Christmas
MS5/2/1920 Automotive
MT4/26/1921 Trade at Home/Local Manufacturers
MT9/10/1921 Pear Show
MT9/13/1921 Pear Show
MT6/9/1922 Irrigation, Prosperity Week
MT7/27/1922 Sheriff Terrill Recall
MT8/9/1922 Outing Edition
MT4/1/1924 Crater Club April Fool's/Booster-Descriptive
MT3/21/1926 Mason Motor Co./Star Cars
MT3/30/1926 Piggly Wiggly
MT4/4/1926 Auto Show
MT4/25/1926 Better Homes Week--Medford's Model Home, 30 N. Peach
MT9/16/1926 Terminal Hotel (Hotel Jackson)
MT1/2/1927 Booster/Descriptive
MT5/8/1927 A. S. V. Carpenter Home "Topsides" (2 pages)
MT5/19/1927 Lions District Meet
MT6/3/1927 Johnson's Market
MT6/9/1927 Rialto Theater
MT6/29/1927 et seq. Mail Tribune Cooking School
MT8/30/1927 Val Fischer Home, 51 Summit Avenue
MT9/14/1927 Jubilee of Visions Realized
MT10/27/1927 Sixth Street Super Service Opening
MT10/30/1927 Pantorium
MT10/31/1927 Medford Center Building (3 pages)
MT12/1/1927 Palmer Music House Opening
MT12/6/1927 Better Homes Week
MT1/1/1928 Booster/Descriptive
MT3/25/1928 Penney's Opening
MT9/13/1928 Leverette Block Completion, Montgomery Wards Opening
MT12/31/1928 Booster/Descriptive/Grange
MT8/2/1928 American Legion Convention
MT4/27/1929 Shrine/Masons Convention
MT5/19/1929 IOOF Convention
MT6/8/1929p7 Sixth Street Lighting
MT9/26/1929 Older Service Station
MT1/27/1930 Standard Oil District Offices
MT4/18/1930 Grand Opening, Groceteria #2
MT5/18/1930 Masonic Convention
MT6/11/1930 Mann's Remodel
MT6/24/1930 S&H Green Stamps
MT7/1/1930 McPherson's Store
MT8/3/1930 Airport Dedication
MT8/29/1930 Holly Theater Opening
MT10/1/1930 Mortgage Investment Company
MT11/6/1930 Agriculture
MT3/1/1931 Toggery
MT5/20/1931 Holly Theater/Mail Tribune Cooking School
MT5/20/1931 KMED Sparta Building Studios Opening
MT5/21/1931 Hillah Shriners (one page)
MT8/28/1931 Holly Theater First Anniversary (one page)
MT10/21/1931 Holly Theater/Mail Tribune Cooking School
MT11/7/1931 Witham's Super Service Station/Witham's Radio Service
MT11/12/1931 Franklin's Cafe Remodel
MT12/21/1931 Liberty Store Opening (one page)
MT1/22/1932 Fox Theaters, Craterian/Rialto
MT8/31/1932 County Courthouse Dedication
MT11/18/1932 Groceteria
MT12/4/1932 International Typographical Union
MT6/4/1934 Oregon Diamond Jubilee
MT12/17/1934 American Legion Melodrama
MT5/15/1935 Snider's Dairy
MT9/11/1935 Radio
MT11/3/1935 Adrienne's 10th anniversary
MT1/22/1936 Better Housing/facade improvement
MT2/18/1936 Western States Grocery warehouse
MT6/5/1936 Bartlett Street Safeway opens
MT8/19/1936 Walter Leverette's Orchard Park Farms
MT9/11/1936 Southern Oregon Gas Building
MT12/27/1936 Craterian Theatre remodel
MT9/1/1937 Abbey Motors opening
MT9/21/1937 M.M. Department Store's move
MT10/1/1937 Mann's 27th anniversary
MT1/1/1939 Standard Oil (one page)
MT5/1/1939 Descriptive/Shasta Cascade Wonderland
MT7/20/1939 Rialto Theater
MT4/11/1940 Grand opening of Big Y Supermarket
MT11/17/1949 Groceteria 30th anniversary
MT4/1/1952 Allen Hotel Shopping Center Opening
MT5/14/1953 Shrine Convention
MT5/8/1957 Better Living Month
MT5/29/1957 Medford Home Show
MT8/20/1957 4-H and FFA Fair
MT4/25/1958 Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital opening
MT4/8/1959 Crater Lions Club Sportsfair
MT8/18/1959 4-H and FFA Fair
MT8/19/1959 Sears/Medford Shopping Center grand opening
MT3/25/1960 Crater Lions Club Sportsfair
MT8/12/1960 4-H and FFA Fair
MT12/1/1960 Groceteria 40th anniversary
MT10/23/1963 National Forest Products Week
MT8/6/1965 4-H and FFA Fair
MT3/18/1966 Providence Hospital opening
MT4/15/1966 All-Electric Homes, Electrical Contractors
MT8/5/1966 4-H and FFA Fair
MT3/19/1967 New Wing of Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital
MT3/15/1968pp7+ Rogue Valley Hospital Obstetrics
MT6/6/1985 Medford Centennial
MT3/23/1989 Tales from Our Valley's Past
MT3/18/1993 Oregon Trail
MT5/9/1993 Lost Creek and Applegate Dams

Medford Mail Tribune Feature Stories, 1952
Reportedly in chronological order, from page 10 of the January 13, 1953 edition:
●  March of Dimes--a description of the 1952 drive, and the purposes to which the money is put
Footlighters--about the organizational efforts of the little theater group, and about its new theater at the fairgrounds
Parking meters--describing how they work and how much money they make the city
Mercy Flights--giving a history of this unique organization on its second anniversary
Mason-Ehrman Company--telling of its plans for a big warehouse area north of town, now in process
Accidents--a survey of where they happen in the city, and their causes
Tree farms--a description of what they are, the philosophy behind them, their importance, and a recording of the dedication of 106,000 acres of Jackson County forest lands as such tree farms
Southern Pacific--about the Siskiyou route and some of its history on the occasion of the announcement that passenger service south would be discontinued
Motel moving--telling how Brownell's motel was moved bodily from Gold Hill to Medford
National retriever field trials--telling some of the feats of the highly trained dogs on the occasion of an American Kennel Club trial in this area
School playgrounds--a survey and criticism of the safety record of "blacktopping" as used on the Medford school playgrounds
Juvenile court--recording its services, how the jail is used to confine many juveniles, and how 5 out of each 100 youngsters in Medford at one time or another need its services
Landscaping--showing "before and after" pictures of newly landscaped houses and describing an annual "clinic" for homeowners here
America and Germany--an article written by Gunther Barth, visiting German newspaperman, who spent some time as a "guest member" of the Mail Tribune's staff
Blood program--describing how it is operated by the Red Cross and cooperating agencies, and why it is needed
Blind assistance--telling about some of the problems of this country's blind, and of some of the programs under way to make life better for them
Veterans' hobbies--written after the annual hobby fair at Camp White, describing many of the spare-time jobs done there, and how the arts and crafts department fits into the rehabilitation picture
Jacksonville museum--describing some of its recent acquisitions and recording interesting bits of the county's history related to them
Carrier boys--tracing the lives during the past 20 years of men who once carried papers for the Mail Tribune
Election preparations--telling how county officials perform the big job of getting ready for an election
Phoenix Community Center--about its growth and development on the occasion of the dedication of the center building
South Grape Street industrial area--showing how it had grown from an orchard into a modern warehouse and industrial area in just a few years
National Park visitors--surveying their numbers and expenditures, and showing how these tourists affect Southern Oregon's economy
Metasequoias--showing pictures of these "dawn redwoods" in China, where they were discovered, and in Medford, where they have been grown successfully
Medford's growth since the first survey in 1883--describing recent annexations which made the city bigger
Gold Hill's sewage plant--describing how the "homemade" installation is classed as one of the best in any small town in the state
Forest radio--describing the communications network of the Southern Oregon Conservation and Tree Farm Association
Summer school--describing the program of play and work in Medford schools during the vacation period
Forest protection--telling of the state forestry department's program to protect from fire some 1½ million acres of forests in Southern Oregon
New 4-H building at fairgrounds--describing the building and its uses
History of the county's railroads--telling of the driving of the golden spike at Ashland in 1887, completing north-south rail connections
Orchard problems--describing a field day tour, and some of the tough problems of pest control, freezing difficulties and other headaches orchardists face
Water resources--telling how the water resources division of the United States Geological Survey operates in measuring stream flow and snow cover
Irrigation districts--describing the water sources and canals of the Medford and Rogue River districts, and outlining their importance and problems
Football--telling about the summer training and conditioning camp for Medford High School players at Lake o" Woods
Cull pears--outlining experiments in using them for dry forage and silage
Soil conservation--telling of a Boy Scout project in this field
Airport construction progress--describing the new terminal building now nearing completion
Fruit packing--describing a tour of a valley plant
School building--telling of the new offices of the city schools
City growth--comparing recent population increases and annexations to what it was like during the 1910-era boom in the valley
Election--an explanation of measures to be voted on
Willow Creek Dam--a report on progress on the big irrigation project
Taxes--a description of a county and state project to equalize real property taxation
Hydroponics--telling of local application of this method of growing vegetables in chemical-filled water tanks
Reclamation--describing reconditioning and use of "desert" land north of Medford
Hand weaving--about the sudden popularity of this craft as a hobby
Jacksonville volunteer fire department--a description of the outfit and its history viewed from its 92nd year
Municipal court--telling how it operates and what traffic violators can expect
Anniversary--a description of the Nathaniel Dean family on the occasion of the 100th wedding anniversary of the first white couple married in Southern Oregon
Audiovisual aids--telling how they are used in the schools of the county
City street paving--telling of the 4½ miles completed in 1952 at a cost of some $300,000, and of how it is paid for
Highway projects--describing construction in Southern Oregon
Post office--telling how it operates at the height of the Christmas rush
Cloud seeding--a description of Copco's wintertime project to increase snowfall on the watersheds, how they do it and why

Medford Reduction Mill

    In 1886 George H. Chick's gold and silver ore mill was built "just across the railroad track from where the A. A. Davis flouring mill now stands." This would place the Medford Reduction Works on the site of today's KOBI studios.
"George H. Chick in Limbo," Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 3

Medford Sun Special Editions
9/23/1915 Medford Elks

"Medford--The Gateway to Crater Lake" Sign

This sign hung over Riverside Avenue just north of Main, at least it did 1926-1931. The familiar postcard showing the sign was taken October 1926--a poster barely visible on the wall of Hubbard's Hardware advertises The Son of the Sheik, which played Medford October 14-16.
    The sign will be placed soon.
"Tourist Sign on Crater Lake Ave. Will Be Erected," Medford Mail Tribune, August 19, 1926, page 8
    The citizens' budget committee recommended that the city council "take action to establish a new neon city sign at the Main and Riverside intersection, to replace the present inadequate electric sign."
"New Lights on Main St. Urged on Councilmen," Medford Mail Tribune, March 4, 1931, page 6
    We are hearing some comment about turning out, then turning on, the Crater Lake sign at the intersection of Riverside and Main streets. The political bull being peddled is that the operation of the sign costs TOO MUCH.
"Medford City Lights Cost Nothing," Pacific Record Herald, April 16, 1931, page 1
    The Gateway to Crater Lake sign on top of the city hall building on Front Street was given a thorough painting yesterday by the city painters, who will also paint the city hall. This is a part of the annual city paint-up program.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 3, 1927, page 2

Merriman's Shops
    "Hubbard Bros. Tuesday of this week commenced moving their stock of implements, etc., to the rooms adjoining Cook & Whiteside's harness shop, preparatory to tearing down their old building and constructing a brick in its place. Wallace Woods will probably tear out the old building next door, the old Merriman blacksmith shop, and put a brick in its place, but has not fully decided upon its dimensions."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 13, 1906, page 5
     "Within the next few days the directors of the Masonic Building Association will have the shacks standing on their lot on the corner of Main and Riverside torn down, preparatory to the erection of a large modern building on that corner. The buildings to be torn down form one of the old landmarks of Medford. It was occupied for many years by George Merriman as a blacksmith shop and is one of the oldest frame buildings in Medford."
"To Tear Down Old Landmark," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, August 4, 1910, page 1

Methodist Churches

    "The M. E. Church South, however, bought the lot on the corner of Oakdale and Main streets. The church was organized in 1891 and held services in Howard's hall until the present church building was built two years later while Roscoe C. Oglesby was pastor."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford
    "The M. E. Church North was given the lot on Sixth Street where the I.O.O.F. building now stands. For some reason they never built there and later sold the property and used the money for a bell for the now discarded church building on the corner of North Bartlett and Fourth streets, which is being used by the Salvation Army. The M. E. Church North was dedicated September 15, 1893. . . . The M. E. Church North is now on West Main Street, between Laurel and Mistletoe streets and was built in 1925."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

David H. Miller House
    "If anyone was to tell you that D. H. Miller is not going to have a gem of a home when his recent improvements are completed, you can call them prevaricators without a fear of contradiction."
"News of the City," Medford Mail, May 24, 1895, page 5
    "William Davis has nearly completed a five-room bungalow at 502 South Central Avenue. From the premises the old Dave Miller residence was removed. It was one of the oldest houses in Medford, having been built about thirty years ago by Dave Miller, formerly a hardware merchant here, but now in the same business in Gold Hill."
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 25, 1916, page 2
    "Dave Miller was the original owner of the house on North Grape Street which is being razed by the fire department. . . . The house was built for Mr. Miller, and he and his family resided there for a number of years in the 1890s."
"Old Miller Home Razed by Firemen," Medford Mail Tribune, March 15, 1934, page 1

Millionaire Row
    "Woodlawn, the beautiful home of the A. Conro Fieros on 'millionaire row,' was at its best this week when Mrs. Fiero, the charming mistress, gave her post-nuptial reception to a select list of friends."
"Society," The Saturday Review, Medford, October 22, 1910, page 4
   The Grizzlies hiked "on a trip through Central Point, down Millionaire Row and over to Hanley Hill where supper was served."
"Grizzlies Hike to Hanley Hill," Medford Sun, June 22, 1915, page 3
    "Topsides," Alfred S. V. Carpenter's home, is on Millionaire's Row, "overlooking the valley."

Medford Mail Tribune, May 8, 1927

Mingus Grove
Apparently synonymous with Heber Grove.
    "Painter Maule and Contractor Lyons have been fixing up the school house in the Mingus Grove, west of town. It was needed and good work was done."

"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892, page 3

Muster Rolls, 1855-56 Rogue River Indian War
In Frances Fuller Victor's Early Indian Wars of Oregon
Second Regiment:
Staff and officers; pages 578-584
George H. Abbott, captain Company K, pages 636-637
Miles F. Alcorn
, captain Company G, pages 621-625
Lindsay Applegate
, captain, page 700
Joseph Bailey, captain Company A, pages 638-643
James Barnes, captain "spy company," page 668
James Blakely
, captain Company D, pages 662-663
Relf Bledsoe, captain Company K, pages 633-635
James Bruce, captain Company D, pages 603-607
W. S. Buckley
, captain Company K, pages 694-695
Laban Buoy, captain Company B, pages 585-591
Michael Bushey
, captain Company C, pages 650-651
William W. Chapman
, captain Company I, pages 629-632, 664
John Creighton
, captain Port Orford minutemen, pages 687-688
Abel George, captain Company B, pages 647-648
Samuel Gordon, captain Company H, pages 626-628
John Guess
, captain "minute company," pages 666-667
William H. Harris, captain Coos Bay volunteers, pages 685-686
Jonathan Keeney, captain Company C, pages 595-602
Daniel W. Keith
, captain Company C, pages 656-658
John Kelsay
, captain Company B, pages 659-661
William H. Latshaw, captain Company A, pages 654-655
Elijah H. Meservey
, captain Gold Beach Guards, page 696
John S. Miller, captain Company D, page 606

Pleasant C. Noland, captain Company B, pages 592-594
Hugh O'Neil
, captain Company E, pages 608-610
William H. Packwood, captain Coquille Guards, pages 683-684
James R. Peters, asst. quartermaster, pages 671-675
Thomas W. Prather, captain "spy company," page 669
E. A. Rice, captain Company D, page 606

Edward Sheffield
, captain Company A, pages 644-646, 670
William A. Wilkinson, captain Company F, pages 615-620
(Matthew Milfred) M. M. Williams
, captain Company D, pages 652-653
Robert L. Williams, captain Company E, pages 611-614

Nash Hotel
The hotel at the southeast corner of Main and Front was one of Medford's first buildings, and Medford's first brick building at that. It went through several name changes.

    "Byers & Co. have commenced work on their fine brick buildings and expect to have them ready for occupancy in the course of a few months. They propose to make the structure opposite the depot a two-story one."
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 29, 1884, page 2
A corner of the building was operated as Kenney & Wolters' Gem Saloon by June; there was no hotel in the building as of the end of 1884. It was called the Grand Central when the surviving run of the Medford Mail begins with the January 7, 1892 issue.

    "What is now Hotel Medford will be known as Hotel Nash when the process of reconstruction will have been completed. The new name is given the house in honor of its present owner Capt. J. T. C. Nash, and a fitting tribute to the gentleman it is."
"A Grand Hotel—That Is To Be," Medford
Mail, January 11, 1895, page 4

National Guard encampments
"The plant of the Rogue River Studios, Inc. will be located a mile and a half northeast of Medford on the 160-acre Gore tract on the Crater Lake Highway, where the National Guard encampments were held the last two years. . . . "
"Movie Studio Site Selected North of City," Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1927, page 1

Newspaper correspondents and pseudonyms
Correspondents usually signed with a pseudonym; occasionally the true identity is revealed. Take the informant into account on these identifications. Some pseudonyms are duplicated or reused.

    "A" in the Oregon Spectator is John McLoughlin: OS6/1/1848p2
    "A.H." in 1880s Oregonian articles is Alfred Holman (New Northwest, 9/22/1881p1, OS9/17/1881p3)
    "A.M.R." in the San Francisco Herald is A. M. Rosborough (Crescent City Herald, 10/31/1855p2)
    "A. R. Ascal" may be W. J. Dean; he writes exclusively of Dean's circle in AT1/22/1900p2 and AT1/29/1900p2
    "Achilles de Harley" is J. Quinn Thornton (Bancroft, vol. 1, page 556)
    "Anderson" in the Oregon Intelligencer may be W. G. T'Vault: OS2/20/1864p2
    "Anti-Humbug" in the Statesman is M. P. Deady: C. S. Drew, letter of November 4, 1855
    "Arpickay" or "Arpie Kay" in Beloit, Kansas newspapers is Reese P. Kendall (Beloit Gazette, December 11, 1902, page 7)
    "Betsey Ann Spikes" is John R. Hardin: MM3/29/1895p8
    "Bevens" or "Bevans" is Judge John H. Reed: OHQv.15,p.275, Oregon Statesman, October 6, 1857, page 2
    "Big Fry" may be William L. Adams: Oregon Statesman, May 27, 1856, page 1
    "Bill Nye's Brother" may be George L. Hays. The Bill Nye Mine was owned by H. B. Nye (MM7/5/1901p7), if that helps. William J. Ferguson was locally known as "Bill Nye" (MM8/21/1896p2, MM4/4/1902p6). Possibly Charley Adams (MM4/6/1894p4). Is single (MM8/18/1893p4). T. H. B. Taylor is described as the "Nasby and Bill Nye of Jackson County paragraphs" (MM6/1/1896p8)
    "Breakspear" in the 1852 Oregonian is William L. Adams (James E. Hendrickson, Joe Lane of Oregon, Yale 1967, page 48)
    Viola Hoagland and other students are Brownsboro correspondents (MT11/4/1921p14)
    "C.C.C.," the Griffin Creek correspondent, stands for "Crooked Creek Crank": SOM1/27/1893p2
    "Chaparral" in early California papers is John H. Peoples: Placer Times, Sacramento, December 22, 1849, page 4
    "Clarendon" in the 1850s is C. S. Drew (OR6/30/1855p2, OS10/13/1855p1, OS12/1/1855p3, Thomas Pyle letter of 1/22/1859--"Forest Dale" was Drew's farm near Jacksonville)
    "Clinton," correspondent of the Alta California and San Francisco Bulletin, is apparently not William Clinton Tichenor
    "Corporal" in early California papers is John H. Peoples: Placer Times, Sacramento, December 22, 1849, page 4
    "Dick" is A. C. Howlett: VR11/17/1892p3, MM6/9/1893p2, MM12/7/1893p3
    "Douglas" may be S. A. D. Higgins: MM8/31/1894p4
    "Douglas" the Applegate mining reporter is T. K. Roberts: MM2/1/1895p5col5
    "E. P. Unam" ("e pluribus unum") is not W. J. Dean, probably a merchant, in the Rogue Valley since 1877: MM5/19/1893p4, MM5/26/1893p6.
    Mary O. Carey has been Eden precinct correspondent since 1887 in Democratic Times, Medford Mail and Medford Mail Tribune: MT5/31/1924p3, MT9/2/1928p5
    "Edgar" is reportedly Dr. Edgar B. Stone: OR3/1/1856p1
    "Ewald" is described as "a recent Yankee importation": OR9/6/1851p2; Asahel Bush's "youthful friend" OR8/16/1851p2
    "Farmer" is N. S. Bennett: MM4/10/1896p7, MM7/31/1896p4
    "F." in the Ashland Tidings is W. W. Fidler
    "F. Sharp" is probably W. J. Dean: AT11/29/1889p3
    Nella B. Fulton, Mrs. W. E. Fulton, becomes Reese Creek correspondent: MT7/18/1931p3
    "G.S." is probably George Sherman: Oregon Weekly Times 3/19/1853p2
    "Giles Gaston" is Joaquin Miller: Oregon Journal, August 31, 1925, page 4
    "Hal" is John Henry Reed: Pharisee Among Philistines, 1975, page xxvii.
    "Hamtell" is Jo Lane: Joseph Lane Papers, reel 2, August 20, 1856
    "J.C.F." is James C. Franklin: OS3/18/1856p2
    "J.C.P.," the Table Rock correspondent, is J. C. Pendleton
    "J.M.M.," Ashland correspondent of The National Era, is probably J. M. McCall
    "Jerry," the Medford Mail's Eagle Point correspondent in 1894, is J. G. Johnson: MT7/18/1916p5
    Joe Hyzer is an early Jacksonville correspondent in the Ashland Tidings: DT1/20/1877p3
    "Judd Berton" of Althouse is James Brown: AT9/13/1878p2
    "Kentuckian" is J. W. Nesmith (his letter of 10/30/1852, OHS MS 1146)
    Amy Koester is a Foots Creek correspondent: GH4/22/1916p1, GH7/29/1916p1
    "La Creole" in Oregon Statesman, January 27, 1852, page 1, is O. C. Pratt, according to James M. Moore's letter to Joseph Lane of February 2, 1852
    "Linn C. Doyle" is Reuben B. Hatton: Oregon Daily Journal, May 10, 1906, page 9
    "M" may be Theo Magruder: Oregon Spectator, August 10, 1848, page 2
    "Man Up a Tree" is G. W. Fordyce: OS4/18/1868p2
    "Manafraidofabear" is John B. Griffin: MM6/9/1893p2
    "Mark" in the Sacramento Union is Marcus D. Boruck: Shasta Courier, May 1, 1858, page 1
    "Bill Martin" letters in the Oregon Statesman are by M. P. Deady and Asahel Bush according to C. S. Drew (letter of November 4, 1855) instead of Col. William Martin
    "M.J.B." is Margaret J. Smith Bailey: West Shore, January 1, 1876, page 2
    "Metropolis" in the August 3, 1858 Oregon Statesman is, according to Nathaniel H. Lane, the work of Asahel Bush and M. P. Deady: Joseph Lane Papers, August 4, 1858
    "A Miner" is Indian agent George H. Ambrose: A. G. Henry, December 3, 1855
    "A Miner" is either Joseph Drew or G. H. Ambrose: C. S. Drew, letter of November 4, 1855
    "A Miner" is Robert Metcalfe: John Beeson, A Plea for the Indians, page 28
    "Minerva," the Prospect correspondent, is George Stockton: MM4/24/1896p2
    "Minnie Myrtle" is Theresa Dyer, later Mrs. Joaquin Miller: Oregon Journal, August 31, 1925, page 4
    "Mollie" in the Roseburg Plaindealer circa 1905 is Frances Martin Roberts-Miller: Umpqua Trapper, Winter 1977, page 79
    "Mountaineer" may be Andrew Cassidy: Mining and Scientific Press, February 6, 1875, page 82
    "Mustang" in early California papers is James L. Freaner: Placer Times, Sacramento, December 22, 1849, page 4; Daily Alta California, April 5, 1852, page 7.
    "Nottarts" is presumably attorney Riley E. Stratton
    "O." may be John Obenchain: AT1/25/1878p1
    "Occasional," Butte Creek correspondent in the Democratic Times 1870s-1880s, was A. C. Howlett: MT1/24/1921p5
    "The Old Mountain Trapper" is reportedly Thomas Chavner: DT5/2/1879p2
    "P.J.M." in California papers of the 1850s is Patrick J. Malone. See Sacramento Daily Union 8/27/1857p3 and 1/31/1860p2
    "Pilot Rock" in the 1868 Sentinel is thought to be Isaac Cox: CalHistSoc Quarterly, June 1942, page 135
    "Pioneer" in the 1870s may be J. M. Sutton: AT8/9/1878p3
    "Pioneer" in the 1900s is J. G. Martin; he also wrote "North Medford Notes": MM5/18/1906p8, MM6/29/1906p8
    "Pro Bono Publico" is a Christian, ruling out several Talent writers: AT1/8/1886p3; still writing, "from retirement" in Medford: CPH8/6/1908p1 (possibly J. S. Howard)
    "Pumice Stone" is Harry Baldwin: DN5/1/1869p2 and OJ1/15/1915p4
    "Quartz": "Quartz" was E. Sanderson Smith's nickname: SOM2/3/1893p3. (He may not have been the correspondent)
    "Reporter," the Sentinel Big Butte columnist, is apparently A. C. Howlett: MT12/9/1919p4
    "S." under editorial correspondence in the Oregonian is editor Harvey W. Scott. Some articles in the microfilm are so indicated in the margin. See OR8/10/1868p2
    "S.H.C." is Samuel H. Culver. Compare 10/13/1852 and 10/18/1852 letters.
    "See," the Oregonian's Medford correspondent, is C. B. Carlisle: OR7/16/1887p6
    "Sober Sense" is reportedly Dr. Andrew Jackson Kane: OR3/1/1856p1
    "Spectator" is probably J. G. Martin ("Spectator" and "J.G.M." bylines alternate, AT1891)
    "Spikenard Sparks" is written by Scott Morris: MM7/14/1893p4
    "Table Rock Tablets" correspondent is Everett Nealon: MT5/25/1923p7
    The Table Rock correspondent has a brother named Mr. "Hail": Eaglets, MT6/27/1912p4
    "Talko" is not A. C. Howlett: MM5/12/1893p4
    "Tassel" is J. Q. Latta, per C. B. Watson letter bound next to AT7/12/1878p1
    "Uno" in 1880s Roseburg Review is A. C. Howlett: MT2/7/1910p2
    "Veritas" in the Oregon Weekly Union is Lafayette Lane
    "Vox" is Welborn Beeson: MMsupp5/5/1893p1
    "W.J.B." in the Umpqua Gazette is publisher William J. Beggs
    "Wandering Bard" is Sidney J. Moss: West Shore, January 1, 1876, page 2
    "Will" is Ella Benson Simon: MM6/4/1897p5
    "XXX" in the Medford Mail is most likely A. S. Bliton--stories are widely scattered geographically, mostly obituaries, and have nothing in common
    "Z" is Jesse Applegate: October 11, 1847 letter. See also letters in October 21, 1851 Oregon Spectator, page 3 and Umpqua Weekly Gazette, May 12, 1854, page 2.
    "Zano" is Robert A. Miller: OS10/8/1881p4
    John B. Griffin is the Phoenix correspondent in 1893: DT6/2/1893p3
    Unnamed Jacksonville correspondent in the Valley Record is Hellena, Mrs. Lee Jacobs: VR9/8/1892p3
    Unnamed Reese Creek correspondent before 1920 is Mrs. Hamilton Watkins: MT5/28/1920p6
    Unnamed Eagle Point correspondent in 1929 is Edith Weidman: MT9/27/1929pB3

Oregon Granite Co.
"In 1896 Elmer Hicks and W. A. Walker commenced cutting stone for monuments, street crossings, any old job they could get, in order to be able to look the world and their creditors in their face on the first of the month. For several years the partners struggled along, gaining a bit all the time, until finally in 1903 Mr. Walker disposed of his interest and Mr. Hicks organized the Oregon Granite Company, with himself, Charles Carney and P. M. Kershaw as partners. From that time on the concern prospered, and now they are doing one of the largest businesses in their line in Oregon. The company was incorporated in 1908. At present, with the Decoration Day rush on, their payroll amounts to more than $100 a day, which is of much benefit to the city."
Medford Mail Tribune, May 22, 1910, page 16

Palace Barber Shop
"Main Street opposite post office"
Medford Mail,
January 14, 1892, page 2

Callie Palm's Millinery
    "Later Mr. Palm built a small frame structure on the corner of Main and Fir sts.
. . . When it was erected, it was the only building west of the Southern Pacific railway tracks."
"Mrs. Callie Palm, Long-Time Valley Resident, Dies Here," Medford Mail Tribune, October 16, 1960, page 9

Pear Blossom Parade Themes
1957: Nursery Rhymes
1958: All Good Things Come in Pears
1959: Oregon Centennial
1960: The Soaring Sixties in Pear-A-Dise
1961: Pears in Fantasy Land
1962: Pears in Storybook Land
1963: Pears on Parade
1970: Pears in Musicland
1972: Pears in Cartoon Land

Photo Dating Notes
The dates things visible in Medford photos appeared or disappeared.
1888 Aug.: Foundation laid for Ashland roundhouse and hotel VR8/16/1888p3
1891: Walks built across Main at Bartlett and Front DT1/16/1891p3
1891: R. H. Halley installs tin coffee pot sign on South Central DT1/30/1891p2
1893: Southern Pacific begins fencing its right-of-way in Oregon DT4/28/1893p2
1894: Awnings on Hamlin and Howard blocks removed MM3/9/1894p3, MM3/16/1894p3
1894 Apr.: Mrs. Haskins moves her millinery shop from East Main to West Main MM4/20/1894p3
1894 June: Hamlin and Howard awnings replaced with corrugated iron, pipe supports MM6/29/1894p3https://worldradiohistory.com/hd2/IDX-Site-Early-Radio/Archive-Radio-Digest-IDX/RD-IDX/Radio-Digest-1930-04-OCR-Page-0046.pdf#search=%22caroline%20andrews%22
1895 April: Railroad crossing signs placed MM4/12/1895p8
1895 Sept.: Masons move into Rosenthal's Rialto Block on Main MM9/20/1895p1
1898 Apr.: Hutchison & Lumsden partner up MM4/15/1898p7
1898 June: E. D. Elwood first advertises his standing sidewalk clock MM
1900 Mar.: The telephone pole at the Nash Hotel has "twenty or more" wires on it MM3/30/1900p7
1900 Sept.: The Medford Mail has just moved into the new part of the Halley Block, "two doors south of the post office" MM9/28/1900p7
1901 June: Cigar mfrs. Palm, Whitman & Co. install "a large wire netting sign on top of their building" MM6/28/1901p6
1901 Oct.: Watering trough in front of Halley Block removed MM11/15/1901p6
1902 Feb.: Frank Wilson has bought a peanut roaster "of the latest improved kind" MM2/14/1902p7
1902 Aug.: "Medford" signs moved from front of depot to ends MM8/8/1902p7
1903 Feb.: Palm & York move their real estate offices to the Palm-Bodge Block MM2/13/1903p7
1903 Apr.: "Old, wooden awnings" have been removed from Main Street MM4/3/1903p6
1903 Oct.: "Water is now permitted to flow unobstructed over the entire length of Gold Ray dam." MM10/23/1903
1905 May: Ashland exhibition building under construction. OR5/24/1905p6
1905 July: Twelve iron benches placed in city park MM7/28/1905p5
1905 Sept.: Fountain in park installed MM9/8/1905p5
1906 Mar.: "Big electric sign" installed at Medford Shoe Parlors, Swem bldg. (apparently) MM3/23/1906p5
1906 May: Pouring cement sidewalk on N. Holly, in front of Vawter's "vacant residence property" MM5/4/1906p5
1906 Oct.: C. W. Palm is removing awnings, installing sidewalks and raising his west side buildings to grade MM10/26/1906p5
1906 Oct.: Outside work of adding third story to Nash Hotel nearly completed MM10/19/1906p4
1906 Dec.: Union Livery Stable, Main & Bartlett, to be removed by spring MM12/7/19061
1907 Mar.: Nicholson & Platt move from Hoover-Cooper to Stewart building MM3/15/1907p5
1907 Apr.: Nash Hotel has recently received a third story MM4/19/1907
1907 June: Jackson County Abstract moves from Palm block to Vawter-Brophy MM6/21/1907p5
1907 July: P&ERR establishes offices in the Palm Block at Main and Front MM7/5/1907p1
1907 summer: Installation of Condor Power sign over West Main (removed early 1912)
1907 Aug.: Two arches over streets proposed for Fruit Carnival MDT7/31/1907p2, CPH8/1/1907p1
1907 Aug.: "New and much larger porch" being put on Pickel house MM8/23/1907p5
1907 Fall: Peil's Elite Laundry apparently opens MM1/10/1908p4
1908 Jan.: Bijou Theater opens MM1/10/1908p5; closes circa July 26, 1910
1908 Apr.: Telephone co. to remove "a great many of their overhead wires" MM4/24/1908p5
1908 Mar.: Cluster lights installed in city park MM3/6/1908p3
1908 Mar.: The fence around the city park removed MM4/3/1908p5
1908 Aug.: Concrete sidewalk installed, north side of city park MM8/28/1908p6
1908 Aug.: Concrete sidewalks installed across SP right-of-way MM8/7/1908p6
1908 Sept.: The Greater Medford Club plans to "park" the water tower block MM9/25/1908p4
1908 Oct.: Savoy Theater opens MDT10/1/1908p2
1908 Nov.: "Oregon Orchard Syndicate" signs installed on Palm Building MM11/13/1908p1
1908 Nov.: The first pavement laid on Main Street SO12/9/1908
1909 Jan.: "Street signs are making their appearance all over town" MM1/22/1909p3
1909 Apr.: The street signs are nearly all in place MDT4/7/1909p1
1909 Apr.: W. J. Beacom, of the B&C Cash Store, "came here last April" MT1/2/1910pB8
1909 Apr.: Boys are breaking and stealing globes on the lights in the park MDT4/27/1909p2
1909 Apr.: Rogue River Fish Co. opens, 17 N. Fir MM4/23/1909p8
1909 May: Greater Medford Club granted permission to "park" the depot grounds MM5/21/1909p5
1909 June: Mention of "new steel bridge at Gold Ray" CPHerald, 6/24/1909p1
1909 June: Work begins on water fountain NW corner Main & Central MDT6/18/1909
1909 July: Fourth of July banner over Main Street; letters shaped like firecrackers MM7/2/1909p5
1909 July: Drinking fountain, above, "soon to be put in" MM7/23/1909p8
1910 Spring: St. Mark's/Masonic building, NE corner Main & Holly, built MT10/31/1971pC1
1910 Apr.: New façade on Hoover-Cooper building MT4/4/1910p8
1910 Apr.: "Nash" painted on hotel turret between April 1910 and July 1911
1910 June: "H. C. Kentner Co. just installed a fine electric sign" MT6/5/1910p5
1910 July: Pacific and Eastern depot under construction MT7/25/1910
1910 Aug.: Weeks & McGowan install fancy streetlights in front of store MTw8/18/1910p6
1910 Aug.: Work begun to remove water tower on Carnegie Library site MT8/22/1910
1910 Nov.: Allen & Reagan Grocery, Main & Central, becomes Allen Grocery MT11/8/1910p2
1910 Dec.: Two-story Miksche & Schmidt Bldg. (Palm-Slewing) built west of B&C Cash Store Sun12/16/1910p1
1911 Jan. 1: All downtown telephone lines were put underground in 1910 MT1/1/1911p2
1911 Jan. 31: Allen Grocery out, First Savings in, Adkins Bldg., Main & Central MT1/31/1911
1911 Mar. 1: Weather Bureau opens in Garnett-Corey bldg.; weather flags have been sent for MT3/1/1911
1911 Apr. 1: Commercial Club takes possession of Exhibit Building MS3/29/1911
1911 Apr: Stock yards "across from the new depot" to be moved, filled in MT4/27/1911p5
1911 May: W. T. York moves to Mail Tribune block, on North Fir MT5/1/1911p5
1911 May: Oak tree at Eighth and Central removed MS5/4/1911p6
1911 July: Police box installed in front of Exhibit Building MS6/30/1911p2
1911 Sept. 23: Star Theater opens
1911 Oct.: Cluster lights installed in front of Electric Building MT10/27/1911p3
1911 Oct.: Nicholson Hardware has moved from its East Main store MT10/28/1911p1
1911 Dec.: Centennial Bridge at Gold Hill blown up MMT12/23/1911pB2
1912 Mar.: E. J. Klein the tailor moves to 128 E. Main; there till 1945 MT3/8/1945p8
1912 Mar.: W. H. Meeker & Co. becomes M. M. Co. MT3/16/1912p5
1912 Mar.: Cluster lights installed on Main between Holly and Oakdale MT3/13/1912p1
1912 May: Earliest photo showing "Commercial Club" painted on exhibit building roof SOHS #1998.34
1912 May: North wall of Palm Bldg. on Fir now advertises Cyrus Noble whisky MT5/13/1912p2
1913 Mar.: The IT Theater sign goes up March 8 MT3/8/1913p8
1913 Sept.: "Gateway to Crater Lake" sign erected on fire hall (still in place 1942) MT9/27/1913p2
1913 Nov.: Golden Rule Store opens across W. Main from its old location, "first door east of B&C Cash Store" MS11/2/1913p5
1914 Feb.: "Medford Roller Mills" painted on building MT2/13/1914p1
1914 Apr.-1915 Sept.: B&C Grocery becomes Jones Grocery MT4/8/1914p2, MT9/7/1915p3
1914 July: A rustic arch will be built over Crater Lake Hwy. at the park entrance. MT7/14/1914p4
1915 Aug. 13: The IT theater sign is down; Empire theater sign will go up soon Sun8/13/1915p3
1915 Nov.: "Castle" probably removed from roof of Palm Building MT11/5/1915p2
1916 July: Light installed to illuminate "Crater Lake" sign on roof of city hall MT7/20/1916p4
1916 Sept.: Drinking fountain at Main & Oakdale will be moved across the street MT9/23/1916p2
1917 Mar.: University Club orders 40-foot flagpole (visible in 6/1917 photos) MT3/28/1917p2
1917 Apr: City plans to "park" depot grounds next spring MT4/4/1917p6
1917 Aug. 30: Rialto Theater opens
1920: Blue-and-white "It's the Climate" arch installed in downtown Grants Pass Courier 2/4/1941p1
1920 Apr.: "Tourist Information Bureau" sign to be placed on exhibit building MT4/28/1920p3
1920 Sept.: Mann's gets a Main Street entrance and sign MT9/21/1920p2, MT9/24/1920p8
1922 Jan.: "California-Oregon Power Co." sign on West Main raised ten feet. MT1/7/1922p2
1923 Aug.: Four 6x20 Ashland Auto Camp billboards erected, one near Yreka, one near Hornbrook, one north of Grants Pass and the other north of Gold Hill MT8/11/1923p3
1924 June: Fifth floor of Hotel Medford added
1924 Oct.: Fire escapes added to Jackson and Roosevelt schools MT10/3/1924p3
1924 Nov.: 15-foot "dogbone" style electric sign installed on Toggery JN11/14/1924p7
1925 Jan. 1: SP water tank is being moved from just south of Haymarket Square to one and a half blocks north of Jackson Street MT1/21/1925p3
1925 Feb.: Billboards ordered with painting of Crater Lake and "Largest City in Oregon" MT2/6/1925
1925 Mar. 6: Western Auto opens at Main & Riverside
1925 Oct. 27: Begin installation of clock on corner of Jackson Co. Bank MT10/27/1925p3
1926 June: "Gateway to Crater Lake" sign for Main and Riverside will ship in a few weeks MT6/3/1926p5
1926 Nov.: Second story of Gates Auto building, SW corner 6th & Riverside, begun
1926 Dec. 10: Third floor of St. Mark's building, NE corner Main & Holly, dedicated
1927: Pantorium Bldg., NE corner 6th & Holly, built MT 1/1/1928
1927 Feb.: South end of Gold Ray bridge swept away by flood. MT2/21/1927p1
1927 June: New Rialto marquee will be complete in two weeks MT6/11/1927p2
1927 July: Vertical Copco sign installed on West Main MDN7/3/1927p5
1927 Oct.: Construction of clock on roof of East Side Pharmacy, Main and Riverside MT10/4/1927p3, MT10/7/1927p6
1927 Oct.: Sign going on top of Barnum Hotel anouncing change to Hotel Grand MT10/16/1927p8
1927 Aug.: Signs in the shape of a tumbler will advertise Ashland on the Pacific Highway MT8/13/1927p3
1927 Aug.: Copco erecting new sign on West Main MT8/16/1927p3, MT8/22/1927p8, MT8/28/1927p3
1927 Aug.: Mail Tribune installing electric sign atop building MT8/22/1927p8
1927 Oct.: Barnum Hotel name changed to Grand Hotel; sign installed on roof MT10/15/1927p8
1928 Jan.: Signs installed on roof of Hotel Jackson, Hotel Grand, Jackson County Building & Loan Assn.; in front of Brophy Bros. jewelry store
1928 Mar.: Richfield racing car monument placed, station at Sixth and fir MT3/15/1928p5
1928 May: McAndrews-Barnum block is being stuccoed. MT5/10/1929p4
1928 May: Neon signs installed at Campbell Clothing, Bootery MT5/25/1928p3
1928 Sept.: State Theater opens Sept. 8 MN9/8/1928p2
1928 Oct.: Brophy Jewelry installs 4x15-ft. neon sign across sidewalk MT10/18/1928p3
1930 Oct.: Electric bulletin sign installed in Chamber of Commerce building MT10/31/1930p5
1931 Mar.: Billboard installed atop Palm Building, Main & Fir MT3/3/1931p3
1931 Oct.: Permit issued for Toggery neon sign MT10/20/1931p8
1931 Nov. 13: Safeway opens at Main & Holly MT11/12/1931p7
1931 Dec. 20: Western Auto moves to 101 S. Riverside from Sparta Bldg.
1932 Summer: Allan Hotel neon sign erected MT4/29/1932p9
1932 Dec. 10: Neon sign erected over entrance to Medford police station MT12/11/1932p6
1935 Sept.: Neon sign and awning being built for Allen Hotel
1936 Jan.: Rogue River Chevrolet expands to Sparta Bldg. MT1/19/1936
1936 June: Golden Rule store moves from St. Marks bldg. to N. Central CPA6/4/1936
1936 Aug.: Richfield station being built, northwest corner Main and Holly MT8/25/1936p5
1937 Nov.: Traffic signals will be installed at Main and Central and Riverside MT11/3/1937p1
1938 Sept: Drinking fountain at Main & Central goes away MN9/9/1938
1939 Apr.: Clock at Main & Central disappears MT4/6/1939
1939 Apr.: Modern streetlights installed west side of Bartlett between Main and Sixth MT4/19/1939p3
1939 June-July: Rialto gets a new marquee MT7/20/1939pB1
1941 July: Klocker Printery announces purchase of 407 E. Main MT7/14/1941p8
1941 July: Thomas Building, Main and Grape, will be stuccoed
1944 May: Fire bell removed from tower on roof of old fire hall MN5/12/1944p1
1946 Apr.: House of Agates, 32 S. Central, replaced by Sam's Sporting Goods MT4/4/1946p8
1949 Mar.: Newberry's moves to Cuthbert Bldg. MT3/8/1950p3
1956 Mar.: Allen Hotel sign replaced with Robinson sign RRT4/6/1956
1958 Feb.: Fiberglass awning installed over Fluhrer Building sidewalk MT2/27/1958p1
1958 Mar.: Restrooms built at Maple Grove Park (Hwy. 99 & Stewart) MT3/16/1958p1
1959 Aug.: Main Street restriped from four lanes to three MT8/26/1959p1

1962 Aug.: U.S. Hotel balcony reconstructed, Jacksonville
1966 Feb.: Billboards and abandoned signs being removed MT2/18/1966p11
1966 Feb.: Among the signs removed: Davis Transfer, Esquire Theater, Medford Spring Water, Stop and Shop Garage, Hawkin's Nite Garage, General Equipment Company, Glidden Paint Store, Cascade Marine MT2/21/1966p10
2011 Mar.: Grange Co-op fuel tanks near Stewart removed MT3/25/2011
2011 Dec.: The 1976 Holly Theater marquee has been removed MT12/21/2011p1
2012 Apr.: Reproduction Holly sign being installed MT4/17/2012p3

The Pine Cone Inn
    The Pine Cone Inn opened Saturday, May 26, 1934, "at the intersection of the new Pacific highway to Central Point. and the old highway, just across the P. and E. railroad tracks." Their ad in the same newspaper calls the restaurant the Pine Cone Barbecue, on the "Pacific Highway Across from O. O. Mill."
Medford News, May 25, 1934

Presbyterian Church

    "Mr. C. C. Beekman deeded to the trustees of [the Presbyterian] church the ground upon which the church was built in 1887 and the land south of it for a manse. This church, which was built on the [southeast] corner of Main and South Holly, was burned down October 15, 1895, and a larger church erected on the same corner. This was dedicated May 31, 1896. In 1926 this building was torn down and the present church built where the manse once stood, and the Main Street corner sold."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Premium Meat Market
    "G. E. Fox, a gentleman who but recently arrived in Medford from the East, has purchased the Premium Meat Market from Besse & Woody. He promises to keep his market well supplied with the choicest of meats and to treat his customers on the square. See his ad elsewhere in The Mail."
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 3
    "He conducted a butcher shop, where Adrienne's place of business now stands in Medford. In 1898 he sold and moved to Central Point. . . ."
"Geo. E. Fox, 78, Dies After Long Illness at Home," Central Point American, January 29, 1942, page 1

    Feb. 16, 1910: The James N. Smith property on East Main "comprises 40 acres and a fraction, including the Nob Hill summit, the rock quarry and the home place of Mr. Smith. . . . Outside of the value of the property as a slightly residence section, it also contains a valuable sandstone quarry, from which a great deal of the foundation stone for Medford buildings has been taken."
Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 2010, page 2

    "The place finally selected [for the fairgrounds] is where the old racetrack is situated, near the old distillery on North Central Avenue."
"Fair Outlook Very Favorable," Medford Mail, August 21, 1908, page 1

Racket Store
    Among recent improvements "is a new cut stone sidewalk which Dr. B. F. Adkins and Merchant I. A. Webb are making ready to put down on Seventh Street. . . . . The walk will be placed in front of the building formerly occupied by Cranfill & Hutchison, I. A. Webb's furniture store and the Racket Store."
"News of the City," Medford Mail, February 5, 1897, page 7

Frank Ray House
    "Work started this morning on the razing of the old Colonel Ray house on North Grape Street, located a short distance from the Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank."
"Old Ray Residence on Grape St. Razed," Medford Mail Tribune, February 21, 1934, page 3

The Round Sign
    For nearly thirty years a distinctive round sign advertised an insurance agency on the second floor of the Medford National Bank Building. Changes to the partners' names
, as recorded in Medford telephone books and city directories, on the sign can help date photos of downtown Medford.
Daniels-Robinson Insurance sign, North Central, Medford, Oregon 1938-45
June 1913-February 1916--R. H. McCurdy's Insurance Agency, Sparta Building
June 1916-January 1923--
R. H. McCurdy's Insurance Agency, Medford National Bank Building
October 1923-July 1937--McCurdy-Daniels Insurance
May 1938-July 1945--Daniels-Robinson Insurance
July 1946-November 1951--Robinson-Wilkinson-Potter Insurance
1951 directory-January 1956-- Robinson-Potter-Shepherd Insurance
1956 directory-March 1958--Robinson-Potter-Ripley Insurance (no known photograph of these names)
1958--Robinson-Potter-Ripley, dba Security Insurance and Realty, now at 48 Hawthorne

Roxy Ann Saloon

"opposite Worman's livery stable"
Medford Mail,
January 14, 1892, page 2

Russ Mill
    "The old 'Russ' mill on Riverside Avenue, one of the city's best-known pioneer landmarks, bowed to the march of commercial progress today when Spence Childers started to tear down the hewn timber edifice at the direction of the present owner, L. J. Miksche.
    "This old mill was build by Edward Russ 39 years ago in the east side, where the residence of J. F. Hittson now stands [southwest corner Main and Willamette]. Later in 1898 it was moved to its present site on Riverside Avenue, where it was used continuously by various owners. . . "
"Old Landmark in Medford Is Being Town Down," Medford Mail Tribune, June 14, 1927, page 3
    Monarch Feed and Seed has announced they will build a new store on South Riverside, "on the site of the old Russ mill, torn down several years ago. . . ."
"Monarch Feed to Erect New Highway Store," Medford Mail Tribune, March 12, 1929

Salmon Trout
    "The salmon trout is a splendid fish. . . . The flesh is of the same color as the Oregon salmon, and is considered by many to be superior in flavor to the celebrated king of fishes."

The Rogue River Valley [and] Southern Oregon, brochure, Ashland Tidings and Newspaper Job Printing Office, 1885

The building in which Medford's first private school was held, in 1884, survives as part of the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop on South Central. It was later the home of optometrist E. D. Elwood.
    "The first school was held in a one-room school building [at 135] South Central. . . . During the summer of 1884 a frame school house was built on West Main Street between South Oakdale and L streets [current site of the Jackson County Courthouse]. In 1891 this building was moved to [517] West Tenth Street. . . ."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford
    Medford's first school "was 16x30 and had a seating capacity of 30 pupils. The building was erected on the east side of Central Avenue South, between Eighth and Ninth 
streets. . . ."
"Medford's Monuments to the Cause of Education," Medford Mail, April 16, 1909, page 6
Medford's First Three Schools
"The small building to the left in the above cut was Medford's first school house. It was built in the [spring] of 1884 by W. F. Williamson, which gentleman was the first teacher. The building was 16x20 feet in size and had a seating capacity of thirty pupils. The building was built on [South Central] Street and is now owned by Mrs. Smith, and is the residence in which Druggist C. C. Chitwood resides. [The building survives to this day as part of the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop on South Central.] It was built in '84 as a place of worship as well as school purposes. The first sermon ever preached in the town was in this building and by Rev. [Moses] A. Williams, Presbyterian. Two weeks later Rev. Martin Peterson, Christian, held services in the same building. The first school directors were J. S. Howard, D. H. Miller and [C. W.] Broback; J. L. Johnson, clerk. In the summer of [1884] the building shown in the center of the cut was built. [This building also survives, though it was moved from the courthouse site where it was built to 517 W. Tenth.] There were two school rooms with a seating capacity of eighty pupils. In '86 this building was remodeled into a four-room building. It is now the residence owned by Prof. N. L. Narregan, and is occupied by Merchant W. B. Stevens. The building to the right in the cut was built in 1891. There were eight rooms and a seating capacity of 320. This building was burned in August 1895. Upon the ruins of this building has sprung the present structure, shown elsewhere, which has ten rooms and a seating capacity of about 600 pupils."
Medford Mail, March 6, 1896, page 1

Shively Gulch
A gulch on Jackson Creek near Jacksonville, but not found on known maps.

    Klippel, Baumle & Co. are building a wagon road from their ledge to the mill on Shively Gulch, intending to crush considerable ore as soon as it is completed. They  have a considerable amount of quartz already on the dump.
"Mining News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1886, page 2
    The new firm in the silver ledge near Shively Gulch in which Chas. Kearns was formerly interested is now composed of L. D. Brown, Henry Klippel, W. T. Moore and Ed Fegan.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, February 27, 1886, page 3
    Going on up the right-hand fork of Jackson Creek, the next [mine] is the Silver Ledge, being worked by Brown, Klippel and Moore.

Oregon Sentinel, March 6, 1886, page 3
    Baumle, Klippel & Co. are preparing to put up a quartz mill at their mine on Shively Gulch, near Jacksonville.
"Mining Items," Ashland Tidings, July 30, 1886, page 2
    The engine and boiler for Klippel & Baumle's new quartz mill arrived this week and was safely deposited in Shively Gulch. It is of twenty-five horsepower and is said to be of the late improved pattern.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 18, 1886, page 3
    Klippel & Baumle's mill on Shively Gulch is not making a steady run as yet, owing to the scarcity of quartz on the dump. This deficiency will probably be supplied soon.
"Southern Oregon Mines," Oregonian, Portland, April 14, 1887, page 6
    [Around 1852] "a man named Shively, who discovered Shively Gulch, above Jacksonville, took out $50,000 in 18 months."
"Gold Under Jacksonville," Oakland Tribune, March 24, 1946, page 19

Shoeshine Stand
"An attempt was made to burn the new bootblack stand, which has recently been erected on Seventh Street last Sunday afternoon. A number of sacks were soaked in oil, placed back of the stand and ignited. Former Chief of Police Turpin saw the smoke and went to the rescue. He succeeded in putting out the blaze before any damage was done. Who is responsible for the attempted arson is not known."
"City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 8, 1908, page 5  A close examination of 1909 photos reveals the shoeshine stand was built in today's Merchants Alley, backing against the Rialto Building.


    The town's name was changed to Mount Shasta City in 1924.

    "The latest variety [of smudge pots] was used for the first time last season."
"Our Pear Industry," Central Point American, February 25, 1954, page 1

Southern Oregon Pork Packing Plant
"Immediately north" of the Iowa Lumber plant.
"A Serious Conflagration," Medford Mail, November 3, 1905, page 1

Sport's Point
See Deskins' Point.

Charles Strang's Drug Store
    Angle & Plymale's brick store was being remodeled in 1910, still on the original 1883 site of their wooden store building. "The other half was occupied by Charles Strang as a drug store." 
"Historic Store Recalled by Alteration of Front," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, May 19, 1910, p. 2
    "Vrooman & Miller have their store building about finished. It is a fine room, 24x40 with a neat front, which they had made in Portland. One side will be occupied by Dr. Vrooman's Drug Store, and the other by Mr. Miller with a large stock of hardware, stoves and tinware."
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 4
    "He opened his store
at the corner of North [sic] Front and Eighth. A year later he moved to the present location of the Marsh grocery, where he operated until 1891, when he moved to the location now occupied by the Nichols & Ashpole meat market. In 1910 Strang moved to his present home, which he erected prior to that year."
"Charley Strang is 'Vet' of Veterans," Medford News, June 23, 1933, page 1

    "The first store was at the corner of Eighth and Front streets, the second at 130 East Main from 1885 to 1891, the third at 206 East Main from 1891 to 1910, and has been located at 231 East Main from 1910 until now."
"Charles Strang, Druggist, Rounds Out Full 50 Years of Business in Medford," Medford News, March 30, 1934, page 1

Sunday School
The building in which Medford's first Sunday school was held, in 1884, survives as part of the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop on South Central.
   "The first Sunday school was held in the little schoolhouse on South Central. Afterwards it was held in different halls, one on Front Street, one about where Strang's [drug] store is now [at 231 East Main], and the last place was in Howard's hall, the present location of the First National Bank [at 118 East Main]."

Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

A. C. Tayler and His Brass Feet
The April 15, 1937 Mail Tribune wrote that A. C. Tayler founded his shoe store and repair shop "in the exact location now occupied by [C. M.] Kidd's shoe store," today's Norris Shoes. This is contradicted by the 1892 and 1894 articles below; "opposite the post office" would have been about a block west. Curiously, the 1893 Sanborn map does show a shoe store in the Norris Shoes location.
    "$1.25 will buy a Ladies' Solid Leather Shoe at Tayler's shoe store, opposite post office."
"Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892 et seq., page 3
    "'Up to date' shoes at 'up to date' prices. Every pair warranted not to rip for two months. Look for the signs of foot and boot, also footprints on the sidewalk."
"Tayler, the Shoemaker and FootFitter" ad, Medford Mail, December 21, 1894

Medford Mail, December 21, 1894
  "Tayler, the foot fitter and shoe doctor, finds his present quarters too small. On the 1st of March, '94, he will move his stock of shoes, etc., to the store next to Wilkinson's meat market." Wilkinson's is adjacent to the Norris Shoes location.
Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 3
A. C. Tayler ad, May 10, 1901 Medford Mail
Medford Mail, May 10, 1901
    "The Foot-Fitter. Follow the feet on our sidewalk."
C. M. Kidd ad, Southern Oregonian, April 11, 1908
    "William Streeter, a millionaire retired shoe merchant of Chicago, is visiting A. C. Tayler on his ranch south of Medford. Mr. Tayler was formerly a salesman in the employ of Mr. Streeter. William Streeter's store was known as the largest shoe store, retail, in Chicago and one of the largest in the world."
"Personal Items," Medford Mail Tribune weekly, October 6, 1910, page 5

Telephone Numbers
"Phone Medford 2870" used through 1949
"Phone 2-2870" used 1950-56
DDD (direct distance dialing) initiated 1962 (area code 503 assigned in 1940s)
Area code 541 initiated November 5, 1995

John Theiss
    In 1884 "John Theiss lived where the Elks Club has its temple" on the northeast corner of Fifth and Central.
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937

Unknown Demolition
    "An old home on the corner of Mistletoe and West Main St. being razed may be entirely demolished by this time. Some newspapers found inside were dated 1890. The property is being made ready for a business concern (of sorts), but we promised not to say what kind at present."

"Sallying Forth," by Sallie Butler, Medford News, May 19, 1950, page 3

Vawter House/University Club
    "When a structure having the history possessed by the apartment house on South Holly Street is being given a coat of paint, it sort of comes under the classification of 'news.' Once the residence of the Vawter family, prominent socially and in business, it later housed the University Club. The building was moved from West Main St. to its present location. Although the third and top story, which contained the ballroom, was destroyed by fire, the structure is still quite imposing, by reason of its architectural style."

Sallie Butler, "Sallying Forth," Medford News, May 26, 1950, page 3
   "University Club, located at the [northwest] corner of Main and Holly in the Vawter mansion. That house, first the home of William Vawter, important banker, and his family, later was moved to the [southeast] corner of Eighth and Holly."
"Recalling a 'Fragment of Time' in the Rogue Valley," Medford Mail Tribune, January 23, 1977, page 2B

Viewers were citizens charged by the county commissioners with the task of finding the best route for a new road: one that was the most direct, easiest to maintain, and that impacted least the farmers whose land it was to cross. They also set the monetary "damages" to compensate for that impact.

Isaac Webb
    In 1884 "Ike Webb lived where the Band Box is now" at 223-227 East Sixth.
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937

Weeks Furniture
    "S. A. D. Higgins, of Jacksonville, has purchased the building lately occupied by Weeks' furniture store, situated on Front Street, and has fitted the place up for a billiard hall, and moved his stock and furniture over here from Jacksonville. Nothing but temperance drinks are sold, and the place is quite attractive."
The 1890 and 1893 Sanborn maps reveal this building to have been at 20 North Front Street.
"Local News," Medford Mail, March 17, 1892, page 3

Western Hotel
The 1888 Sanborn Fire Insurance map labels the structure on the northeast corner of Main and Central as the "Medford Ho[tel]."
    "The Western Hotel [was] on the present Jackson County Bank site [on the northeast corner of Main and Central], with the name changed later to Commercial."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

J. A. Whiteside
    "In 1883 they came to this country, before Medford was started, and resided about where Groceteria No. 2 now stands. About 1890 Mr. Whiteside constructed Medford's first water system."
Excerpt, "Pioneer Lady Dies at Son's Home," Central Point American, October 31, 1940, page 1

Wilson Opera House
    "The Wilson Opera [House] was built soon after [the Angle Opera House] on the corner where the Jackson Hotel now stands [southwest corner of Eighth and Central]. . . . Later it was known as the Davis Opera House, the Medford and the Hazelrigg."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford
Under the oak trees south of the old Wilson Opera House on South Central Avenue, Medford held her first Fourth of July celebration in 1884."
Jane Snedicor's 1932 history of Medford

Charles Wolters' grocery store
    ". . . the father of [Chester] Wolters owned and operated the first grocery store in this city. It was located where the First National Bank now stands."
"Locals," Medford News, May 20, 1928, page 2

Isaac Woolf's grocery store

The 1888 Sanborn Fire Insurance map shows only one store near this location, a "variety" store halfway between the northwest corner of Sixth and Central and the alley.
    In 1884 "There was a grocery store on Sixth Street where the Diamond Cafe was [at 127 East Sixth]. . . ."
"Meader House Built in 1889" [sic], Medford Mail Tribune, June 7, 1937
    "Medford Grocery and Provision Store, Corner C and Sixth Streets."
Advertisement, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 15, 1884 et seq., page 3
    "Mrs. C. L. Corwin has moved her stock of millinery to the Woolf building on North C Street, next door to Simmons' second hand store."
Advertisement, Medford Mail, May 12, 1905, page 4
    "Mr. Woolf became interested in Medford at the inception of the city and built the two-story building at the corner of Sixth and North Central now occupied as a boarding house and millinery store. It was then known as Woolf's Hall and was the scene of the early political meetings and dances held in Medford."
"Isaac Woolf, Pioneer, Dead," Medford Mail Tribune, August 4, 1913, page 4

Last revised October 7, 2024