![]() ![]() Eagle Point Eaglets 1856-1894 News from Eagle Point, Oregon
and points north,
from the pen of A. C.
Howlett. Transcribed by Connie Merriman Bissell and Rene
Forncrook. Thanks!
Click here for more news from the Upper Rogue. "My father and his brother, Dr. Edward W. Day, took up a donation land claim on Butte Creek, at what is now Eagle Point. Mr. Neucom [Newcomb?] had a claim next to my father's. During the Rogue River Indian war, Chief Sam nailed a beaver skin on the front of Neucom's house and also on Colonel T'Vault's house, and the Indians never bothered either of these settlers. Chief Sam said it was a sort of Indian flag that would protect them, as the Indians would recognize them as friends." Interview with Mamie Day Nelson. Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, August 19, 1927, page 10 Territory of Oregon Jackson County I certify that at an election held on the first day of June A.D. 1855 in the precinct of Butte Creek in said county, A. W. A. McConnell was duly elected a Justice of the Peace. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand with the seal of the Board of County Commissioners, hereunto affixed this 10th day of September, A.D. 1855. Wm. Hoffman
SOHS 1962.253.1, M43B Box 6Auditor & Ex Officio Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, Jackson Co. Sheriff's Sale.
is hereby given, that on the 21st day of April, A.D. 1856, between the
hours of 10 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P.M. of said day, I will expose
at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the house of
John McDaniel on Butte Creek, in Jackson County, O.T., all the right,
title and interest of John L. Badger in and to the Butte Creek Saw
Mill, consisting of one-fourth of said mill, situated on Butte Creek,
18 miles northeast of Jacksonville. Said mill will be offered for sale
by virtue of an execution issued out of the Clerk's office of the
District Court of Jackson County, and to me directed for costs accruing
in an action wherein John L. Badger was plaintiff and John McDaniel and
Champaign Collier defendants, said costs having already accrued to the
amount of $151.30, and there being no personal property found wherewith
to satisfy said execution.
March 20th, 1856.Sheriff of Jackson County, O.T. Table Rock Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 29, 1856, page 3 Strayed.
person giving information of estray cattle branded "TC" on the horn
will be liberally rewarded, and much oblige me. Having a band of cattle
on Butte Creek, Jackson County, which could not be kept together on
account of Indian difficulties--seven were seen coming the pack trail
from Rogue River to Umpqua, one of which was a large, five-year-old
steer, white, with black head and neck; the above cattle are from four
to five years old--and a few oxen. I have also a few cattle in this
county, same brand, strayed.
Information can be given to John Ross, Jacksonville, or T. H. Wright, at James Tatom's, Butte Creek, or to me in Salem. THOS. CROSS, Butcher.
CREEK, March 6, '58.
Editor Sentinel:--I
noticed in your issue of March 6th a communication from "J.A.G." of
Magnolia, finding some fault with me for representing Butte Creek, on
the ground that I am a Black Republican, or you say, "he is called a
Black Republican." The first vote I ever cast in Oregon was for Joe
Lane, for our Representative in Congress. I have always been a strong
advocate of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and have always believed in the
doctrine of popular sovereignty, and believe the decision made in the
Dred Scott case to be Constitutional and right; have always believed a
negro to be inferior to a white man; and have, on several different
occasions, offered to be one of four who would send one hundred dollars
to assist Walker
in reinstating himself President of Nicaragua, and went for the
Constitution of Oregon without slavery. But I hope that the refusing to
support slavery in Oregon is not the reason of Mr. J.A.G.'s calling me
a Black Republican. If so, then I fear we should have to alter our
Salem platform, which the Jackson convention refused to recommend.Resp't'y.
At Butte Creek, Southern Oregon, Oct. 20th, JAMES
Sacramento Daily Union, November 12, 1859, page 2 BIRTHS.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 2, 1861, page
On Butte Creek, Sunday, February 24th, the wife of HENRY
BROWN, of a daughter.
A TREAT.--G. W. Rosencranz, of Butte Creek, last week sent us a sack of good-sized, delicious new potatoes, taken from the earth March 15th. 'They are the first, we believe, raised in the valley. Mr. Rosencranz planted late in the fall, and the whole of the small crop tried yielded equally well with the lot presented us. Since the experiment has resulted successfully, we presume that many of our farmers and gardeners will devote some attention to the early cultivation of this indispensable vegetable in the future. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 6, 1861, page 3 GRIZZLY.--David Dunlap, of Butte Creek, one day last week killed a grizzly bear in the vicinity of the Butte Creek mill, that weighed 800 pounds. He brought bruin down at the first shot. Well, David, that's a good deal of meat for one charge of powder. Editors don't eat bear meat--it makes them too ferocious. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 5, 1862, page 3 INDIAN TROUBLES.--Mr. J. S. Daggett informs us that Mr. Brown, who resides at the mouth of Big Butte, while herding horses within four miles of his house, between Trail and Elk creeks, on Friday evening last received information from a friendly Indian that if he did not go away from there the Indians would kill him that night. He thereupon started for the settlements on foot. The Indians were soon in hot pursuit, and Mr. Brown quickly found it necessary to throw away his shoes and coat, that he might escape. The race was kept up for about twenty miles, when Mr. Brown arrived at the home of Mr. Thomas Rainey, on Rogue River, with his feet very severely lacerated and frostbitten. Mr. Brown has the reputation of a truthful man, and one not easily frightened, and full confidence is placed in his statements. While we have troops in this valley, it is not thought that we will have any serious trouble with the Indians. It is well known, however, that Lalake, chief of the Klamaths, is in no very amiable mood at present, on account of his not being allowed to come into the settlements at pleasure. With all of our Indians, "good" or "bad," it is perfectly natural for them to murder and steal, if opportunity offers, and they therefore need close watching. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 5, 1862, page 2 NEWS.--"The Lalake Indians are creating some disturbance in Butte Creek Valley, California. Major Drew has sent a force there to keep them in check."--Statesman. We publish the above for the benefit of the people of Southern Oregon. We would also gently hint to our cotemporary that Butte Creek Valley is in Jackson County, Oregon. We are not certain but that we shall, on some future occasion, write a learned mathematical and geographical essay, demonstrating conclusively where the southern boundary of Oregon is. We will only say, at the present time, that Jackson, Josephine, Coos, Curry and Douglas counties are all in Oregon. The Siskiyou Mountains is the southern boundary, and not the Calapooia, as some ignorantly suppose. There is said to be, at the distance of twenty-five or thirty miles east of this valley, a large basin of fertile land. Travelers who have ventured into that unknown region have given it the name of the Klamath Lake country. They say that there are two very large lakes there, and many rich and extensive valleys. The Indians are represented as hostile. Any information our northern cotemporaries can give us as to their manners, customs, habits and dispositions will be thankfully received and duly appreciated here. We will only add that the force sent by Major Drew over into California to check the Indians accomplished their mission in fine style. They not only "checked" the Indians, but they "croppered" them! Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 15, 1862, page 2 MAN SHOT.--A man by the name of Reese was shot on Butte Creek, in this county, on the 29th day of December last--it is not known by whom. Indeed, the whole affair is enveloped in mystery. The following is, briefly, the story told us: A stranger was seen driving off some horses. Mr. Reese went up to him, when he (the stranger) asked Reese whose horses those were; Reese answered, "Some of them are mine, and the rest are my neighbors'." The stranger remarked, "You are a d--n liar, sir, and have been stealing horses long enough, and I am going to put a stop to it." Suiting the action to the word, he deliberately leveled his rifle and fired. The ball, which was a small one, grazed the chin and passed through the neck of Reese. Reese was alive at the latest accounts, but it is thought he cannot recover. Reese is every way a worthy and honorable man. It is supposed that a crazy man, known as "Dutch Henry," is the person who did the shooting. He has not been arrested. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 3, 1863, page 3 MR. REESE, the gentleman who was shot by "Dutch Henry" on Butte Creek, on the 29th ult., is still in a dangerous condition, but strong hopes are entertained of his recovery. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 10, 1863, page 2 ANOTHER INSANE PERSON.--"Dutch Henry," alias Henry Blecher, the person who shot Mr. Reese on Butte Creek a short time since, is in custody awaiting the completion of the arrangements to send him to the insane asylum at Portland. He is hopelessly insane, and the unfortunate affair on Butte Creek shows him to be a dangerous person. If we understand the facts aright, he was sent, not long ago, from Lewiston to Portland, as an insane person; was examined by two physicians and put into jail there. He set the jail on fire, and was, by some hocus pocus, suffered to escape. He came to this county, wandered about in the mountains awhile, amusing himself by driving stock hither and thither, and now, after having dangerously wounded one of our citizens, is to be sent back to Portland, with a consequent expense to this county of over three hundred dollars. Such are the beneficent operations of our insane law! Why was he not kept at Portland while there? Did the examining physicians pronounce him sane? or was he suffered to go at large simply because, by firing the jail, he showed himself to be a dangerous man? Are none but the quiet and harmless to be kept in the state establishment? Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 10, 1863, page 2
Henry," the man who shot Mr. Reese near Jacksonville, has been arrested
and will be sent to the insane asylum. Mr. Reese is not yet out of
Morning Oregonian, Portland,
January 16, 1863, page 3The "Crazy Henry" Case.
Morning Oregonian, Portland,
January 17, 1863, page 2OREGON
EDITOR OREGONIAN:East Portland, January 16, 1863.
In the Jacksonville Sentinel
of the 10th inst. appears the following article:
"ANOTHER INSANE PERSON.--'Dutch Henry,' alias Henry Bleecher, the person who shot Mr. Reese on Butte Creek a short time since, is in custody, awaiting the completion of the arrangements to send him to the insane asylum at Portland. He is hopelessly insane, and the unfortunate affair on Butte Creek shows him to be a dangerous person. If we understand the facts aright, he was sent, not long since, from Lewiston to Portland, as an insane person; was examined by two physicians and put into jail there. He set the jail on fire, and was, by some hocus pocus, suffered to escape. He came to this county, wandered about in the mountains while, amusing himself by driving stock hither and thither, and now, after having dangerously wounded one of our citizens, is to be sent back to Portland, with a consequent expense to this county of over three hundred dollars. Such are the beneficent operations of our insane law! Why was he not kept at Portland while there? Did the examining physicians pronounce him sane? or was he suffered to go at large simply because, by firing the jail, he showed himself to be a dangerous man? Are none but the quiet and harmless to be kept in the state establishment?" In reply, I would state that on the morning after the firing of the jail, I spoke to Marshal Grooms and suggested the propriety of his making out the necessary complaint to the County Judge and have "Dutch Henry" examined as to his sanity. Mr. Grooms informed me that he was put in jail temporarily and that Mr. Arnold, Deputy Sheriff, had received a letter from Dutch Henry's brother, requesting Mr. Arnold to take care of him. Mr. Arnold summoned Drs. Davenport and Hawthorne, who pronounced him insane, whereupon Mr. Arnold said he would keep him for a day or two, and if no improvement took place, he would have him sent to the asylum. I afterwards learned that Dutch Henry had got well and left the city. I have frequently called the attention of citizens and officers to insane persons running at large in the streets of Portland, who I considered dangerous, and they were duly committed to our asylum for treatment. We have ample accommodations for patients, and receive every one that is sent to us according to law. Jackson County has furnished us one of the most dangerous patients that an asylum ever possessed, and this at a time when our accommodations were few for such cases. We have ministered to "his mind diseased," notwithstanding that the majority of persons who had any communication with him were fearful of being killed. This patient, John Hodgens, is now convalescing. The "state establishment" will accommodate any kind of persons or patients who are sent to it. Will the Jacksonville Sentinel do us justice by publishing this. Yours, respectfully,
A. M. LORYEA, M.D. Attending Physician. INDIANS STEALING.--We learn from a reliable source that, about ten days ago, the house of a Mr. Miller, near the flouring mill on Butte Creek, was broken into by the Indians, and several hundred pounds of flour taken out. Also, a short time afterward, the house of the unfortunate Mr. Reese was broken into in like manner. Before learning of these robberies, our Indian agent had commenced to issue half-rations of flour to the Indians who had complied with the arrangements entered into for them to leave the precincts of this town and winter on Rancheria Prairie, in the Butte Creek country. Since learning of these depredations, the agent has cut off their supplies, with the hope of compelling the chiefs to deliver up the guilty parties. We understand that the agent intends to visit Rancheria Prairie the first of next week, and have a hyas close wawa [very good talk] on the subject of stealing in general. We could wish that he might convert them from the error of their ways, but our faith is not as large as the millionth part of a "mustard seed." The fact of the business is, the Indians have nothing to eat, and when hunger gnaws upon their vitals, they can snuff flour from afar, and their moral character is not sufficiently developed to make martyrs of them. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 17, 1863, page 2 INDIAN ROBBERIES.--The Indians on Butte Creek, in Jackson County, are stealing from the settlers. The Coast Agency has been supplying these savages with half rations, but cut them off in consequence of some petty depredation on their part, so they steal the more in consequence of it. "JUSTUS OF THE PIECE."--This renowned individual is supposed to have his "local habitation and name" within the boundaries of the independent state of Butte Creek. All of his bonds are payable in the "lawful money of the state of Oregon." Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 14, 1863, page 2 Wagon Road by Another Route.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1863, page
Editor Sentinel.--There
has been several communications in the Sentinel, lately,
favoring the construction of a wagon road by way of the lakes to the
mines on John Day and Powder rivers. As the route discovered last fall
is not mentioned, I presume it is not generally known that the best
pass found in the Cascade Range was discovered by a part of the wagon
road company on their return from Canyon City last fall--Messrs. Nye,
Abbott, Sessions and others. They say this pass is but a few feet
higher than the country on the east side of the Cascade Range; the
ascent and descent was so gradual they never knew when they crossed the
summit. It is situated between Scott and Diamond peaks. The north fork
of Rogue River and the west fork of Deschutes take their rise in this
pass at Diamond Peak, and not at Scotts Peak as was formerly supposed.
They think a road through there can be traveled as soon as the road on
the east side of the mountain. As far as the grade is concerned, they
say the greatest difficulty to be overcome is between Elk Creek and
Flounce Rock.
Mr. Editor, you have been over this part of the route; if it is the most difficult part, you can form a pretty good idea of its practicability for a wagon road.* Ten miles from Flounce Rock the trail crosses the north fork of Rogue River, which will have to be bridged there. Nature has done her part. The river runs through a canyon of bluff rock, which is not over thirty-five to forty feet from bluff to bluff. The country on each side is perfectly level. There is plenty of timber, of the best quality, within fifty yards to build a bridge entirely above high water. The party mentioned kept a diary, in which the distance from Deschutes to Jacksonville is estimated at 110 miles. If this route should prove practicable for wagons, of which there is not the least existing doubt in the minds of the exploring party, the value of the discovery to this valley cannot be overestimated. It is in a direct course to Canyon City, and will avoid all the marshy, swampy ground that will have to be passed over to go by way of the Lakes, and it must shorten the distance a near hundred miles. As soon as this road is opened, we can furnish them the news of the day sooner than they can get it from the Dalles, and no other point can compete with us in furnishing them their supplies. But I am for any and every road that will lead us to a market for our surplus products. TABLE
sir, we have been over that part of the route frequently; and if the
remaining portion is no more difficult than that between Elk Creek and
Flounce Rock, there are comparatively no difficulties in the way. But
the bridge over the sunless canyons of Rogue River, how about that?
That the distance is much less, we do not doubt; but the absence of the
bridge is a serious objection. Let this Rogue River route be thoroughly
explored this summer, and if there are no difficulties in the way save
the want of a bridge across the main river, the advantage it has in
point of distance over the Klamath Lake route will make it the great
thoroughfare for Southern Oregon, and warrant the erection of the
bridge at the desired point.--Ed.
Sentinel.]DANCING.--Day after tomorrow a ball is to be given at the house of Mr. P. W. Stowe, on Little Butte Creek. We have no doubt it will be a recherché affair. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 1, 1863, page 2 DESERTED.--Four men deserted on Monday night from Camp Baker, with their horses; one of them was corporal of the guard and two of them were on post at the stables. One of the horses threw his rider and returned to camp. Their names are Corporal Garland, privates Casey, Daniels and Kerby. We warn the people of this valley against harboring or assisting deserters in any manner whatever, as the penalty is very severe. It would be well for our Butte Creek secessionists to take notice. We would also state to our merchants that it is a criminal offense to sell citizens' clothing to soldiers; we believe that some of our sympathizing seceshers in the clothing business may profit by this slight hint. All the exterior clothing that soldiers are allowed to wear is furnished them by the quartermaster. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 13, 1863, page 2 BIRTHS.
Oct. the 22nd, on Butte Creek, to the wife of WM.
BOOTH, a son.
Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 7, 1863, page 3 A class meeting or "love feast" of the Methodist Church South, on Butte Creek, in this county, lately broke up in a grand row. One Collins, the class leader, was assaulted and almost murdered by A. J. Stow, his father, brother and a Mr. Baird. The assaulting parties have been bound over to appear at the next term of the circuit court. "It is sweet to see brethren dwell together in unity." Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 9, 1864, page 2 Best Route to Fort Klamath.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
July 9, 1864, page
ROCK, June 12, 1864.
and party left my house this day for Klamath Lake, by way of Union
Peak. I had often thought that there was a good route through this way,
and found it the best, so far as I went, which was over the divide
about five miles, I ever saw. I found no snow on this side of the
divide, and I am now satisfied it is the most practicable route to the
military post that can be found.The first day we followed the wagon road for nineteen miles to Union Creek, where we camped for the night. Next morning we followed the wagon road for one and a half miles, then took an east by northeast course, up Union Creek towards Union Peak; the first two miles was brushy, then open timber for half a mile, where we crossed the old wagon road trail; thence continued in the same course three miles and a half, to Bear Park, on Union Creek; here we encamped for the night. Next morning we started on the same course, and traveled through a growth of small black pines--no fallen timber, and the ground smooth and level as a house floor--seven miles to Crack Creek; here we found some fallen timber for a mile and a half, and found the creek running too much to the right for our course, and we struck our course east by south, direct for the north side of Union Peak. We traveled half a mile and crossed Union Creek--very light grade going down and none going up on the opposite side (good crossing). From there to the peak, a distance of five miles, it is almost level, there being no hills, gulches or fallen timber. We descended an easy grade for one mile, and encamped for the night; here we struck the Indian trail running from Klamath Lake to the peak. Next morning we followed the trail eight miles, and found it good. I think we were then within eight or ten miles of the fort, but being out of provisions we had to return. On returning, we found the distance could be shortened twelve or fifteen miles. The distances, as near as we could calculate, are as follows: From Jacksonville to Flounce Rock, 40 miles; from Flounce Rock to Union Creek 19 miles; from Union Creek to Union Peak, 18 miles; from Union Peak to Fort Klamath, 15 miles. Total, 92 miles. HIRAM
SHOOTING AFFRAY.--On last Tuesday an affray occurred between Henry Billenbrook and John Debenger on Bear Creek, five miles from town. It appeared from the testimony taken before Judge Tolman that Debenger had frequently threatened the life of Billenbrook; that on this occasion, D. attacked him with the butt of a horse whip, whereupon B. drew a revolver and fired four shots, three of them taking effect, one in each arm and one grazing his neck. Debenger was arrested and after a trial of two days he was fined $50 and costs for an assault and bound over to keep the peace in the sum of $500. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 6, 1864, page 2 SPORTING.--Mr. Hiram Abbott presented us this week with a fine specimen of dried elk meat from the upper Rogue River country. In two days last week he killed six elk and eight large deer, all in splendid condition. This is the best shooting of the season. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 20, 1864, page 2 FUNERAL SERMON.--A funeral discourse, Saturday, March 25th, at two o'clock P.M., at the residence of Mr. Knighten, in Sams Valley, on the death of their children. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 18, 1865, page
FOR FT. KLAMATH.--H. Bloom and Jas. Hurd, of this town, started this week for Ft. Klamath with four freight teams. They intend going over the mountain by the Butte Creek road. A drove of cattle are going before their teams. There is, it is said, but three or four miles of snow on the summit at present. Oregon
Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1865, page
BEARS.--James Newland, on Butte Creek, killed six bears last week, in sight of his house. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
October 28, 1865, page
At his residence on Butte Creek, March 12th, F. Simpson, aged 65 years.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 17, 1866, page
DEMOCRACY AMALGAMATING WITH THE NEGRO.--Eleven Democrats in Oregon have negro wives. On Butte Creek, in Jackson County, six of these Democrats reside, and the country round about there swarms with young mulatto Democrats. Democracy has evidently formed a coalition with the negro to overthrow the white people of this state. At this rate they will soon accomplish by amalgamation what they failed to do by the sword, and completely revolutionize our "cherished institutions." It behooves every lover of his country and every friend of the Caucasian race to vote the Union ticket and assist in putting down this "negro equality" party, which rebelled against its government, made war upon his fellow men, and now sets at defiance the laws of God.--State Journal. Overland Press, Olympia, Washington, June 2, 1866, page 2 Great difficulty was experienced at Butte Creek to get election clerks. It was finally remedied by taking a Union man from the board of judges, and appointing a Democrat in his stead. It is needless to say that the Democratic majority reached the fine figure of forty votes. "Jackson County," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 18, 1866, page 3 DIED.
Southern Oregon Press, Jacksonville,
June 15, 1867, page 2
In Butte Creek precinct, June 15, Miss Narcissa Simpson, aged 18 years.
BRIDGE ACCIDENT.--While a drove of cattle was crossing a bridge over Little Butte Creek near J. J. Fryer's place, the 14th inst., it broke down, precipitating the herd into the water below. The banks of the stream are almost perpendicular at that point, and we understand that several animals were drowned. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 20, 1867, page 2 FARMHOUSE BURNED.--The dwelling house of Mr. John Nichols, on Butte Creek, was burned on the 12th inst. The fire caught in the roof of the house, from the stovepipe, as is supposed. Mrs. Nichols was not well, and the menfolks came from work about noon of that day, and started a fire in the stove with dry chips, among which was quite an amount of pitch wood. The fire burned very rapidly, and is supposed that the blaze and sparks flew out at the top of the stovepipe, and a brisk breeze blowing at the time, soon enveloped the whole housetop in a mass of flames. No property was saved from the second story, and but two beds and a small amount of wearing apparel from the ground floor. The whole loss is estimated at twenty-five hundred dollars. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 20, 1867, page 3 ON THE MOVE.--Mr. T. G. Devens informs us that everybody out on Butte Creek is getting into a fever to move out, into the Klamath Lake country. Mr. D. has just returned from there, and says claims are being staked off every day. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 5, 1867, page 3 INDIANS ABOUT.--Mr. Wrisley informs us a Spaniard, herding cattle on Trail Creek, in this county, was shot at by Indians last week. The circumstances, as we heard them, are that the Mexican, while performing his duties as herder came across a rancheria of four or five Indians, who had killed some of his stock. The Mexican says he told them they must not kill his cattle, whereupon the Indians fired at him, hitting his horse. He turned and ran but had not got far before his horse fell dead. He then continued his flight on foot. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 19, 1867, page 3
& Howard have for sale, at their lumber yard on California
some of the finest sugar pine lumber ever sawed in this county. It is
from Big Butte, and many of the planks are thirty-eight inches in width
and without knot or blemish of any kind.
STOCK SUFFERING.--We hear that the loose stock on Butte and Trail creeks are suffering greatly from extreme cold, and from scarcity of food. One person is said to have abandoned a flock of two thousand sheep, finding it impossible to save them. In 1862 the largest amount of stock died, having become weak and unable to get food; and if stock is neglected during the cold weather, the same result may be expected. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 18, 1868, page
The Sentinel learns that the stock on Butte and Trail creeks, in Jackson County, is suffering greatly from extreme cold, and from scarcity of food. One person is said to have abandoned a flock of two thousand sheep, finding it impossible to save them. In 1862, the largest amount of stock died long after the storm was over, having become weak and unable to get food; and if stock is neglected during this cold weather, the same result may be expected. Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 24, 1868, page 2 THE LOST CABIN.--The story of the "lost cabin," which has been a fruitful theme of speculation with the people of Jackson County for the last fifteen years, has been revived again. We have heard a rumor about town the past few days to the effect that Mr. Isaac Skeeters, one of the original enthusiasts, with others, have found the fabled spot; and that it is located on the head of Antelope Creek, a tributary of Butte Creek. This party say that they have found the cabin, and the pick marks made by the first discoverers on a large boulder. Mr. Skeeters' party sank a hole and obtained several "colors." The party did not get down to the bedrock, but were driven back by the snow. They propose to return in a few days to give the locality a thorough prospecting. The story is almost, if not quite, spoiled by the fact that several years since Mr. Bowen had a milk ranch on the head of Antelope, where he had built a log cabin, and was in the habit of spending the hot summer months there. Although we believe the story of the log cabin to be one of the many exciting mining stories that were set afloat in those early days, founded partly in fact and partly in imagination, yet we hope that rich diggings may be struck, and think such a thing not beyond the range of possibilities. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
February 1, 1868, page
A Good Joke!
On Monday last, a Republican friend of ours was riding out of town, and
when a short distance out, met a prominent and active Democrat from
"Butte Creek." The latter was slightly excited and,
mistaking our informant for a Democrat, reined in his horse and stopped
him. "Look here," said he; "What in thunder do you fellows mean by
cutting down Butte Creek, and allowing our precinct only two delegates?
Repub. informed the angry Democrat that he knew nothing about it, and
wanted to know "what was the trouble." Democrat--"Why, Butte has half
as many votes as that town of Jacksonville has, and we only have two
votes in the convention, while Jacksonville has got eight. I just
wanted to know if that's a fair shake? It may be all right, but it
looks to me like shenanigan. That's what's the matter with Hannah."
"O," says Repub., "I'm on the other side of house; go into town and see
your political friends." "No, you don't," says Dem., "you're one of
them town fellows that wants to swindle Butte out of their candidate
for sheriff, and you try to play off for a Black because you're ashamed
of your trickery. You think we Butte fellows don't know our rights. You
just bet your life we will have them, and have a fair show for our
candidate, or 'Wake
we'll show you that Old Butte is around about election day." Our friend
assured the Democrat that he was deeply impressed with a sense of the
injustice done to Butte precinct; that it was evidently an oversight,
and would certainly be rectified on application to the would-be leader
of the Democracy. Our friend mentally ejaculated "in
a horn,"
and the excited Democrat turned his horse's head towards town,
considerably mollified but wonderfully deceived. In view of the extreme
harmony among the Democracy, the above may be considered a very good
joke.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 8, 1868, page 2 BORN.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
February 15, 1868, page
J. Frank Brown.BROWN.--In
Jacksonville, Feb. 7th, to the wife of Geo. Brown, a son.
Letter from Butte.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
February 29, 1868, page
We can't just understand the reasons given by our correspondent below
for wishing his communication in the Sentinel. The
Democracy have an organ here, and it is the paper that should reflect
the sentiment of its party. We have no interest in the broil that is
raging in the ranks of the opposition, and do not desire any stock in
it. We publish this letter but will decline any others should they be
offered, unless there be urgent reasons that we think are sufficient
for their publication.
I am a Democrat, and I am not used to scribbling for papers. Perhaps
you may think I ought to send this scrap to the Reveille, but
the reason of sending to you is this: I said I was a Democrat and every
man in this county knows it. If I sent a piece of my mind to that
paper, I would be coaxed, wheedled and badgered by the whippers-in
until the life is out of me.Jackson Co., Ogn.
But to my letter. There are two kinds of Democrats out here on Butte,
namely: The Bedrock fellows and the war Democrats, or, as they are
called by the Bedrockers, "mongrels." There is a great stir among us.
The Bedrock fellows believe that secession was right, and always
rejoiced at rebel victories. Heretofore, the results in Jackson County
has been doubtful, and these Bedrock fellows were tame and quiet. But
now it is thought that the county will go for the Democratic ticket
surely, and now the Bedrock men pretend to own the party and all its
voters. They have attempted to stock the browbeat every precinct
convention, and talk as though they had a ring in all our noses. Hyde
and Linn, they say, are mongrels, and no better than blacks, and they
must give way to Bedrock men. Now, I wish to say, Mr. Editor, that
though I have voted the Democratic ticket all my life, no man has a
ring in my nose.
HORSE DROWNED.--J. J. Fryer attempted to cross Little Butte Creek on Tuesday last with two horses and a buggy. The horses soon got into swimming water, and the buggy sinking left Mr. Fryer in the water. He struck out for the shore, and being an excellent swimmer, succeeded in reaching the opposite bank after much labor. He had but a little while before [he] pulled his coat off and he thinks if he had not done so he would have been drowned. The team floated downstream about three hundred yards where the horses became detached from the buggy, and it soon capsized and lodged against a rock. The horses floated on down, rolling over in the water, one of them being strangled, or perhaps dead before they came loose from the buggy. They lodged on a drift pile, and the live horse got out. Mr. F. cannot estimate his loss as he don't know how much damage was done to the buggy; the horse was worth one hundred and fifty dollars. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 7, 1868, page 3 Reprinted in the Salem Daily Record, March 14, 1868, page 4 MARRIED. FRYER-LEWIS--On Butte
Creek, March 5th, by Esq. Tinkham, Mr. J. J. Fryer and Miss [Luvicia]
Jane Lewis.
We take the following from the Jacksonville Sentinel of March 7th: J. J. Fryer attempted to cross Little Butte Creek in a two-horse buggy and soon found that the horses were swimming and the buggy sinking; he managed to get safely to the other bank, but the horses were carried downstream and one was drowned. "Oregon," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, March 20, 1868, page 1 BUTTE CREEK.--We learn that the grazing on Butte Creek is good now. Cows are gaining rapidly, and the dairies are beginning to make butter and cheese in quantities. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 4, 1868, page 3 MAN SHOT.--Last Wednesday morning, James Hardes, who lives on Big Butte Creek, shot James Arnold with a rifle, the ball entering his forehead and killing him instantly. We understand that the sad affair occurred after this wise: A few days previous to the shooting, James Hardes went to Arnold's camp and got a dog belonging to him. At this meeting, hard words passed, which resulted in no serious consequences. The dog went back, and on the morning of the shooting, Hardes went after him again. The camp of Arnold was a board shanty, with one side open; and as Hardes approached the camp and came around by the open side of the shanty, Arnold saw him and jumped to the head of his bed where his rifle lay rolled up in a blanket, and commenced unrolling it, at the same time watching Hardes. Arnold unrolled the gun and was raising it to his face when Hardes shot him as above stated. Mr. D. Dunlap was present and presented his revolver at Hardes who, clubbing his rifle, struck Dunlap on the arm, severely injuring him. Dunlap then retreated with his pistol still presented. Hardes fired one shot from his pistol at Dunlap, but did not hit him. Hardes came into town the same day of the occurrence, to stand an examination, and was advised to do so by his attorney, but afterward left and has not been arrested yet. As soon as the news of the killing reached town, Sheriff Owen and a deputy started for Butte Creek to arrest Hardes, but missed meeting him on the road. Hardes married a daughter of Arnold's a few months since, but not living agreeably together, they had parted. Arnold had jumped Hardes' land claim, but was beaten by the latter in a suit before the Register and Receiver at Roseburg. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 30, 1868, page 3
A DESPERADO.--A Jacksonville (Oregon) paper
On the 27th of May, James Hardes killed James Arnold, his father-in-law, on Long Prairie, between Big and Little Butte Creek. Hardes went to the house of Arnold, armed with a Sharps rifle. Arnold, hearing a great noise among the dogs, stepped to the door and was met by Hardes, who had his gun presented. Arnold stepped back into the house, followed by Hardes, who said, "I have you now," or "I'll get even now," and fired, the ball striking Arnold in the forehead, killing him instantly. He then clubbed his rifle and attacked Mr. Dunlap, who had witnessed the affair; but with the assistance of Arnold's wife, the gun was taken from Hardes, who drew a pistol and fired at Dunlap as he retreated. SNOW.--Mr. Hanley, just in from Ft. Klamath, informs us that there is from three to five feet of snow on the mountain by the Butte Creek road. Wagons cannot go over yet, but for horses the way is good, as the snow is hard and firm. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
July 4, 1868, page
LARGE SALE OF CATTLE.--Mr. Swingle, of Butte Creek, sold his large band of cattle, about 800 head, to Messrs. Dow and Whittington, of Honey Lake, last week. We have not learned the price, but it is said to be very good. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 3, 1868, page 3 SEVERE ACCIDENT.--On last Monday, near Butte Creek, Robert Ober, a child of six years, was severely kicked on the head by a horse--laying the flesh open to the bone and breaking the outer plate of the skull, several pieces of which have been extracted. It is thought that he will recover. The patient is attended by Dr. Grube of this place. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 7, 1868, page 3 WAR ON BUTTE CREEK.--Several citizens of this place started out to Butte Creek last week to hunt up some stock. While camped out on Hanley's ranch, several citizens of that delightful locality came wading through the sticky mud, armed with rifles and shotguns, and warned the Jacksonvillians away. They had "heern of the smallpox" they said, "and didn't want any of it packed out thar." Our boys didn't scare worth a cent, although shooting and horse-whipping were threatened; so they stayed till they got ready to come away and are positive that they didn't leave any smallpox behind them. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 13, 1869, page 3 ACCIDENT.--A week ago yesterday, J. M. McIntire, of Butte Creek, undertook to lead two horses while mounted on a third, and carrying a loaded rifle. One of the horses became restive, and in trying to subdue him the rifle was in some way discharged, seriously wounding two fingers of the rider's right hand. The patient was attended by Dr. Grube, who reports him doing well. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 6, 1869, page 3 BORN.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
March 20, 1869, page
2FRYER.--On Butte
Creek, March 15, 1869, to the wife of J. J. Fryer, a daughter.
strawberries are plenty on Butte and Trail creeks, and several families
have gone out there to rusticate.
The forests of Butte Creek are being devastated, and the range for stock being burned out by the destroying element. Some of these fires are the effects of carelessness on the part of hunters--which merits severe reprehension if not moderate punishment; but when persons wantonly set fire to the woods, for the sake of a fire--as is said to have been the case on Butte Creek, where some emigrants from Salt Lake to the Willamette Valley deliberately crossed the creek to set fire to the timber--then no punishment known to the penal code is too severe.--News. State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, August 21, 1869, page 2 DAMAGE BY FIRE.--We hear that Wm. Matthews lost about seven thousand rails last week by some parties setting fire to the timber on Butte Creek. It is complained that some excellent range in that neighborhood has been entirely burnt off and if we have a severe winter, cattle will suffer. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 4, 1869, page 2 CAMP MEETING.--A camp meeting commenced on Butte Creek yesterday, and will continue for a week or more. Bishop Marvin (M.E.S.) will be one of the officiating ministers. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 11, 1869, page 2 BEAR KILLED.--Last week Jimmy McCully killed a large brown bear on Butte Creek that had done much damage in that neighborhood. Jimmy was fortunate enough to catch it up a tree, and just as it was descending he stuck a musket against its ribs and shot it dead. Brave boy. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 18, 1869, page 3 TROUBLESOME NEIGHBOR.--The ranchmen on Butte are troubled by the depredations of a grizzly. It frequently comes down from the mountains and takes a calf for breakfast; and only a few days since regaled itself with a full-grown cow. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 18, 1869, page 3 CAMP MEETING.--The meeting on Butte Creek has been largely attended all week. Bishop Marvin preached a number of effective sermons, and several "joined religion." It will probably break up after tomorrow. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 18, 1869, page 3 SURVEYING.--Surveyor Howard started on Monday with a corps of assistants to survey the county road between here and Big Butte. GAME.--Butte Creek has for some time back been a capital place for hunting. Bears and deer abound. The mast in that vicinity being unusually plentiful is supposed to be the great attention for these animals, and has brought a good many of them to grief. Within the past few days one man is said to have killed 14 bears. Letter from Butte Creek.
Times, Jacksonville, February 4, 1871, page
article of last week, advocating a new mail route, suits us, but we
want the route to extend to Big Butte.
We have quite an extensive settlement, and are thirty miles from a post office. We sometimes wait two months, or ever, for an opportunity of getting reading matter. Every person in the settlement would take from one to four newspapers, if they could get them regularly; as it now is, a newspaper becomes old ere we get it. We are heart and hand with you for a new mail route, and hope you will not let the matter rest until it shall have been established. BIG
We would say to our correspondent that we have no objections to
extending the route to Big Butte. The postal agent has been written to,
and will probably visit this county to look at the ground himself, and
will no doubt arrange a route for the convenience of all. [ED.
TIMES.]N O T I C E To Bridge Builders. SEALED proposals will
be received at the County Clerk's office of Jackson County, Oregon,
until Monday 12 o'clock, M.,
September 25th, 1871, for the letting of the building of two
bridges--one across Little Butte Creek, near the residence of Peter
Simon; and the other across Evans Creek on the present traveled stage
road. The said bridges to be built according to the plans and
specifications on file in the County Clerk's office. The builders are
to furnish all the materials necessary, and to construct said bridges.
All bidders are required to enclose with their bids for the Butte Creek
bridge a bond in the sum of $500; and all bidders for the Evans Creek
bridge in the sum of $2,000, with two or more sufficient sureties in
each case, to be void upon the condition that the bidder, if the
contract is awarded to him, will enter into an agreement and give the
necessary bonds for the faithful performance of the contract. No bids
will be considered unless accompanied with the undertakings above
mentioned. The sealed proposals will be opened on said day, and if
deemed expedient, the contract for the construction of said bridges
will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder.
Dated Jacksonville, Oregon, August 11th, 1871. The Jacksonville Sentinel says that the effect of the reported location of the railroad through that valley caused great excitement on Butte Creek, and the inhabitants rushed to town all bent on securing the town site location. ----
There is a rumor in Jacksonville that some three hundred and fifty
German Republicans, from Indiana, have secured a valuable tract of land
on Little Butte Creek, where they propose to locate next summer.Albany Register, January 26, 1872, page 8 From the Jacksonville Sentinel of Saturday: John D. Meyer, who was clerking in Bigler & Bros.' store on Little Butte Creek, was drowned in that stream on Saturday last. He left the store at 2 o'clock and went to the creek to take a bath, and not returning, the neighbors went in search of him. They found his clothes near where a large rock projected into the stream, and his body was found several hundred feet below. It is supposed that he fell and struck his head against a rock, as there was a heavy bruise on his forehead, and drowned before recovering from the concussion. Mr. Meyer was about 38 years old. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, August 20, 1872, page 1
John Meyer was drowned while bathing in Butte Creek, Jackson County, on
Saturday, August 10th. He was alone and is supposed to have been seized
with cramps.
Items," Sacramento
Daily Union, August 23, 1872, page
John Daley is building a first-class new grist mill on Butte Creek,
which be of great benefit to that section of the county.
"Town and County," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 7, 1872, page 3 The dwelling house of A. H. Boothby, on Rogue River, caught fire last week, and burned to the ground, consuming its contents. "Pacific Coast News," Albany Register, Albany, Oregon, September 27, 1872, page 3 ANOTHER FIGHT WITH A BEAR.--A few days ago three brothers by the name of Obenchain, when near Eighty Acre Prairie, on Butte Creek, encountered a grizzly bear, when a fight was immediately begun, bruin showing his grit to the last. In the struggle Wash. Obenchain was thrown from his horse, and thus fell into the clutches of the enraged brute, who immediately began tearing him to pieces. He would have made short work of this but for the interference of the other two brothers, who instantly attacked him, and by a lucky shot from John's gun succeeded in putting a ball through his lungs, which weakened and soon killed him. Wash. is dangerously injured, but is under the skillful care of Dr. Aiken, who believes he will recover. He was a bear of large size, measuring thirty-eight inches across the back and is thought to have weighed at least 1200 pounds. But for the skillful use of John's rifle he would probably have proven more than a match for all three of the men; but they "fixed" him, and one of his huge paws can be seen at Dr. Aiken's office, where it is held as a trophy of the fight. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 5, 1872, page 3 TERRIFIC BEAR FIGHT. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 5, 1872, page 3 For later, mythologized, versions click here.
memorial to Congress passed both houses of the last
petitioning for the establishment of a mail route from Jacksonville to
Brownsboro, the new town on Little Butte Creek, thence by Big Butte
Creek to Sams Valley and return once a week.
Times, Jacksonville, November 2, 1872, page
is in contemplation a new mail route from Jacksonville to Sams Valley,
Butte Creek, and Manzanita, to take the place of the present one, which
will accommodate more people and to better advantage, and steps are
being taken to push the matter through. The contemplated route begins
at Jacksonville, runs from there to Brownsboro, thence to Big Butte,
thence to Hannah's ferry, from there to the Meadows on Evans Creek,
from the Meadows to Hays' store in Sams Valley, and from there to
Jacksonville, by way of Bybee's ferry and Manzanita. The citizens
living on the above line are requested to call on Deputy Sheriff Coats,
at the Sheriff's office, and give him the names of the various
postmasters and post offices they desire to have appointed and
established. Mr. Coats has a blank
to be filled out and sent on to Washington, and those interested should
not hesitate or delay in this matter, but take action immediately.
Times, Jacksonville, November 16, 1872, page
3The Times says: "There is in contemplation a new mail route from Jacksonville to Sams Valley, Butte Creek and Manzanita, to take the place of the present one, which will accommodate more people and to better advantage, and steps are being taken to push the matter through. The contemplated route begins at Jacksonville, runs from there to Brownsboro, thence to Big Butte, thence to Hannah's ferry, from there to the Meadows on Evans Creek, from the Meadows to Hay's store in Sams Valley, and from there to Jacksonville, by the way of Bybee's ferry and Manzanita." The New Northwest, Portland, December 6, 1872, page 3 The mail route from Jacksonville to Eagle Point has been altered so as to embrace the new post offices of Sams Valley and Brownsboro. J. W. Hays and John Bilger are postmasters respectively. The contract for carrying the mail over this route has been awarded to Kubli & Wilson, and the first trip will be made this week. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, August 11, 1873, page 1 MILL NOTICE.
receive wheat in store, and will commence grinding on the 10th inst.
Our terms for grinding will be the eighth bushel, or exchange. DALEY &
Butte Creek Mills, Sept. 1, 1873.
Daley & Emery, of the Butte Creek Mills, as will be seen
are prepared to receive wheat in store, and were to commence grinding
on the 10th inst. Their terms are reasonable.
Times, Jacksonville, September 13, 1873, page
UNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale his one-fourth interest in the Big Butte
Creek Steam Saw Mill, including three yoke of oxen, trucks, chains,
etc. I offer the above at a very low figure. My terms are half cash,
and half in either Stock, Grain or Lumber. For further particulars,
inquire on the premises or of the undersigned.JOSEPH
October 28th, 1873.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 29, 1873, page 4 LETTER FROM BUTTE CREEK.
CREEK, March 4th.
EDITOR TIMES:Thinking that perhaps you and your numerous readers would like to hear from this out-of-the-way part of the world, I thought I would send you an account of what is going on here. We have had snow and mud to our full satisfaction, and the ground is so wet that we are unable to do much in the way of farming; but, while our crops are growing, some of the farmers have been taking steps for the future. On Tuesday, the 10th inst., D. D. W. M. Buick came into our neighborhood, accompanied by a number of the Patrons of Husbandry, and according to previous arrangements, a large concourse of our citizens met them at the Eagle Point school house. After a short and impressive speech by Mr. Buick, in which he set forth the object of the grange movement, he proceeded to take the necessary steps for the organization of a grange. Upon calling over the names of the persons who had signified their desire to become members, twenty men and ten women responded, whereupon he informed them that the charter was now full; but, for the benefit of those that were anxious to be identified with the movement, he stated that he could receive a limited number as initiatory members, whereupon three men and one woman came forward, registered their names and paid the usual fee. He then politely requested those who did not desire to unite with them in the movement to retire, and after a short intermission, proceeded to organize the grange. The following persons were elected and installed as officers for the vear; James Miller, W.M.; Peter Simon, O.; Wilson Potter, L.; George Nichols, S.; H. J. Terrill, A.S.; A. C. Howlett, C.; Levi Tinkham, T.; Joseph Cleft, Sec.; John Nichols, G.K.; Elizabeth Simon, Ceres; Elizabeth Culbertson, P.; Theodosia Culbertson, F.; Eola Nichols, L.A.S. During the recess, arrangements were made to have a grange organized at Mound Prairie school house. On the morning of the 12th inst. a grange, composed of twenty-five men and ten women, was brought into existence, and on the 13th at 1 o'clock p.m. was started out on the great ocean of time in good working order. The following officers were elected and installed as officers of said grange for the year: Martin Peterson, W.M.; W. J. Gregory, O.; F. Wortz, L.; A. J. Morris, S.; Jas. Beck, A.S.; J. J. Smith, C.; J. J. March, T.; L. Gregory, Sec.; E. Jones, G.K.; Mrs. S. J. Wortz, C.; Mrs. S. J. Gregory, P.; Miss L. Smith, F.; Mrs. C. Morris, L.A.S. So you see that the Grangers are kicking up considerable dust in this neighborhood, in spite of the rain, snow and mud. GRANGER.
Times, Jacksonville, March 21, 1874, page 3 This sounds like A. C. Howlett.Walt Obenchain, of Jackson County, who was badly scratched up by a grizzly bear about a year ago, had a chase after a huge black bear, last week, which had killed one of his cows. In both instances he succeeded in making meat of bruin. Deputy Master Buick last week organized Eagle Point Grange, on Butte Creek, Jackson County. The following are the officers for the ensuing year: James Miller, W.M.; Peter Simon, O.; Wilson Potter, L.; George Nichols, S.; H. J. Terrill, A.S.; A. C. Howlett, C.; Levi Tinkham, T.; Joseph Cleft, Sec.; John Nichols, G.K.; Elizabeth Simon, Ceres; Elizabeth Culbertson, P.; Theodosia Culbertson, F.; Eola Nichols, L.A.S. "Pacific Slopers," Albany Register, March 21, 1874, page 3 Wash. Obenchain, of Jackson County, who was badly scratched up by a grizzly bear about a year ago, had a chase after a huge black bear last week, which had killed one of his cows. In both instances he succeeded in making meat of bruin. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, March 24, 1874, page 2 The dwelling house of Wm. Wilkinson, on Butte Creek, Jackson County, was burned to the ground Sunday evening, the 20th ult. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mrs. Wilkinson had left the house but a short time before to meet her husband, who was hunting stock, and was returning when she discovered the house to be on fire. With the exception of a few articles, everything was burned. "Pacific Slopers," Albany Register, April 11, 1874, page 3 The recent cold weather drove deer and other game down into the valleys in Jackson County from the mountains in considerable quantities, and any amount could be slaughtered without any trouble. The stock on Butte Creek, Jackson County, is getting along finely, and there is but little danger of any further loss. The loss during the winter was not heavy. Grass is springing up nicely, and with a few days more of fine weather will be good grazing. The dwelling-house of William Wilkinson, on Butte Creek, Jackson County, was burned to the ground Sunday evening, the 29th ult. The origin of the fire is unknown. Mrs. Wilkinson had left the house but a short time before to meet her husband, who was hunting stock, and was returning when she discovered the house to be on fire. With the exception of a few articles everything was burned. Major Owen of Jacksonville has just returned from his ranch north of Flounce Rock, where he has been wintering stock in the snow by a novel process suggested by the experience of trappers and Indians. The snow caught him with a limited amount of hay, which was soon exhausted; but he had a good supply of oats and flour, and with this and another means, he prepared to make the best of the chances. He scalded a portion of the oats each day, and mixed with the flour, which he doled out to them at the rate of one handful per head, feeding it to them from boxes and holes prepared for the purpose, and guarding the weaker from the stronger with clubs while the feeding was going on. He then, with hired men, cut down oak trees covered with moss and mistletoe, upon which the cattle browsed during the remainder of the day. By this means he succeeded in avoiding the loss of a single head. But he was not so successful with his sheep. These were given into the care of of other parties, and he is tearful of losing them all--certainly will lose the greater portion of them. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, April 14, 1874, page 3 THE NEW WAGON ROAD.
Jackson Co., Aug. 24, 1874.
embrace this opportunity to give you a brief outline of my first trip
to the mountains in Oregon. Notwithstanding the busy time of the year,
in company with some four others, I started from M. Hanley's farm on
Little Butte Creek last Monday morning, for the purpose of examining
the pass through the Cascade Range at the bead of the Butte creeks, in
order to ascertain the practicability of constructing a wagon road
through said pass. We found that the pass is the best and nearest way
to connect this valley with the valleys east of us that can be found.
Mr. Hanley's farm is 28 miles from Jacksonville. It is five miles to
Soda Springs, on the north prong of Little Butte; from there it is six
miles to the Falls, where the Applegate railroad survey crosses the
creek; from there it is nine miles to where said survey crosses the
Ashland and Pelican Bay wagon road. Here the proposed road should fork,
the left-hand fork leading to Fort Klamath. The right-hand fork should
follow as near as practicable on the Applegate railroad survey to Mr.
Stearns', near Link River, where it would intersect the
Ashland road.
The distance from these forks to Stearns' is 32 miles, making in all 80
miles from Jacksonville to the latter place. I think this distance can
be made easier on this route than on any other that crosses the Cascade
or Nevada range. It will be up one way and down the other, as there are
no deep chasms to cross. We did not explore the whole route, but some
of the party have been over all of it. The part we explored is
said to
be the most difficult portion of the whole route. I have crossed this
range in three other places, and I find that a road can be made on this
route for less than one-twentieth what it cost to make the Amador,
Placerville or Truckee River roads in California. It is in fact but a
light undertaking to make a wagon road on this route. We found not a
place that will require blasting, and most of the grading will be easy.
There will be but few bridges, and the most of the work will be
clearing away timber.At some future time I will try and show some of the advantages this road would be to the public. Yours,
etc., M. PETERSON.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
August 28, 1874, page 3A letter from Ashland to the Sentinel says: "We have a minister here who is not afraid to work. Since his advent among us he has been engaged at chopping wood, building chimneys, &c., and is now at work building a parsonage, which he informs us will soon be completed. He is also erecting, on Butte Creek, at the home of Mr. Swingle, a 'water telegraph,' a new, novel and speedy method of bringing water from a distance. He says he can carry water by it at the rate of a mile per minute, over any kind of country, up hill or down. I will probably, in my next, give a description of the machine and its workings. Such a minister is worth helping along." "Oregon," Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 22, 1874, page 2 On Butte Creek in Jackson, stock is looking badly, and many head will die unless they are strengthened by a little feed occasionally until spring. "Pacific Coast Items," Albany Register, February 13, 1875, page 2 From Butte Creek.
Times, Jacksonville, February 26, 1875, page
Feb. 16th.
TIMES:On Friday last I attended the examination of the Brownsboro scholars (40 odd) by J. B. Farley, Esq., their teacher. The house was well filled with visitors, who seemed to be well pleased and listened with close attention to the exercises of each class. Mr. Farley seems to be at home at a school examination. At the close he gave us a treat, in a few remarks on mathematics, which were highly interesting and received with applause. Mr. Henry Brown congratulated the teacher upon the progress made, and the scholars for their general good behavior. Through the kindness and liberality of Mr. James Miller, the scholars were regaled with cake and tea, and so ended a very pleasant day in Brownsboro. VISITOR.
The body of Daniel McMahon, who was murdered by Carey and Bardon on
Little Butte Creek, was found yesterday morning. It was secreted in a
small gulch, and lightly covered with brush and stones. The body was
not in the least decomposed, and was easily identified. McMahon had
been shot in the back of the head while showing his sheep to the two
men, who pretended that they wanted to buy them. An inquest was held
and the body brought here today for burial. The Coroner's jury charge
William Carey and Chester B. Bardon with the murder. They will have
their examination here tomorrow.(Jacksonville Dispatch, March 26.) J. J. Cummings and William A. Dougherty, convicted at the present term of court, the former for horse stealing and the latter for an attempt to kill, left here this morning for the penitentiary at Salem. Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 3, 1875, page 1 MURDER OUT IN JACKSON COUNTY.
One of the boldest murders ever committed in this county has just come
to light. About the 20th of February last two men from Douglas County,
named Wm. Carey and Chester Bardon, drove away a band of 1,400 sheep
belonging to Daniel McMahon, who was herding them on Little Butte
Creek, about 20 miles from here. Carey and Bardon claimed to have
bought them, but as McMahon was missing, foul play was suspected. On
Sunday last Deputy Sheriff Kent, of this county, and Sheriff
Livingston, of Douglas, arrested the two men on Elk Creek, in Douglas
County, and on Tuesday they were brought here and lodged in jail. The
evidence, altogether circumstantial, was very heavy, and it is said
that Carey, the younger of the two, has made a full confession,
detailing every circumstance of the bloody deed, and directing the
officers to the spot where McMahon's body was concealed. A party left
here this morning, accompanied by the Coroner, to search for the body
and hold an inquest upon it. Full developments are expected tomorrow.(Jacksonville Dispatch, March 27.) Oregon Statesman, Salem, April 3, 1875, page 1
young negro, named Harris, was last week arrested on Little Butte Creek
by Stephen Booth and Frank Dow, and brought to town and lodged in jail.
A short time ago Manning & Ish lost a horse from the farm of
Phillip Riley, and Harris was lately seen taking an animal answering
his description through Brownsboro; hence his arrest. Harris had a
preliminary examination before Justice Stinson on Monday, who held him
to appear before the grand jury in the sum of $800 bonds, in default of
which he was remanded to jail.
Times, Jacksonville, April 30, 1875, page
3Horrible Murder.
Roseburg Plaindealer
has an account of
a horrible murder that has created great excitement in Southern Oregon.
An examination
had been had at Jacksonville, when the following facts were
developed:McMahon, the murdered man, was a single man, living alone on his sheep ranch on Butte Creek, some sixteen miles northeast of Jacksonville. He came there in 1860 from French Prairie, in Marion County, with a small flock of sheep, which increased by purchase as well as natural increase, until the time of his death, when they numbered about 1500 head. A mountain trail that runs from the South Umpqua, by way of Elk Creek, crossing Rogue River at Bybee's Ferry, about ten miles above Rock Point, to McMahon's ranch. Barden seems to have been acquainted with McMahon for some time, and has been in the habit of passing over the trail to and from his ranch for years. Two or three times, before the murder, he went over there for the ostensible purpose of trying to buy his sheep. On one of these trips, Carey, his accomplice in the murder, was with him, and at Bybee's Ferry Barden first proposed to him that they should kill McMahon and take the sheep. Carey at first declined, but was finally hired by Barden to accompany him and take part in the murder. Two days before the murder, they came to McMahon's house, stayed all night with him, returned to Bybee's Ferry where they spent the night, and the next day returned to McMahon's for the purpose of committing the murder. They did not find an opportunity to carry out their design until the afternoon, when they enticed McMahon out to look at the sheep. They all went up a gulch about a mile from the house, walking in a trail, McMahon ahead, followed by Barden, and Carey in the rear. Barden drew a revolver and shot McMahon twice in the back part of the head, just above and behind the right ear, tearing off almost the whole side of the head. He fell dead without even a groan or a struggle. They then carried him a few steps to a spot where the creek had washed out the earth from the roots of a tree, leaving barely room for the body. They then threw in the body so as to lie on the left side, covered it up with brush and leaves, and then went back to the house, where they gathered up the sheep, slept that night in the murdered man's bed, and the next day drove the sheep off the range on the way to the South Umpqua, where they kept them until their arrest. McMahon was indebted to P. J. Ryan, of Jacksonville, about five hundred dollars, and Ryan, becoming uneasy, telegraphed to Barden to know whether the purchase money for the sheep was all paid. He answered: "Payments all made; McMahon gone to Albany to buy sheep." A short time thereafter he went to Canyonville, and in Levens' store forged a letter from McMahon to Chas. Griffin, telling him to take the things from the house and keep them until his return, and enclosed in it the key to McMahon's house. He signed the letter "Mack mahon." This, and other circumstances, led to his arrest, and also that of Carey. The day after their arrival at Jacksonville, Carey, under promise from the District Attorney that his life should be spared, made a full confession of the murder, and described the locality in which the body could found. He made a sketch of the ground, from which no difficulty was experienced in finding the body. When found, one shoulder and foot protruded from the ground, and some varmints had got to it and disfigured it in such a manner that it presented a horrible appearance. Perhaps, taken all in all, this is the coldest blooded and most remarkable murder yet perpetrated in Oregon. Other dark deeds are supposed to be traceable to his bloody hands, and we doubt not Carey would soon have followed those gone before. The man Barden, the principal in this horrible butchery, is the father of a family, a member of the church, and up to the date of his crime bore an excellent character. Greenville Democrat, Greenville, Ohio, May 12, 1875, page 1 Salmon from Applegate and Butte Creek are constantly being brought to Jacksonville and sold at 25 cents each. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, June 14, 1875, page 1 Hiram Farlow's temporary home on Little Butte Creek, Jackson, was one day last week destroyed by fire. He resided alone, and was out hunting at the time it occurred, so nothing was saved. The property consumed consisted of grain, tools, guns, etc., the total value of which was about three hundred dollars. "Pacific Slopers," Albany Register, November 19, 1875, page 2
Beeson informs us that as E. Slosson, of the Rogue River saw mill, was
the other day endeavoring to ford Butte Creek, near Taylor's ferry,
with a team, the current was so strong as to render it impossible to
cross the stream, and came near drowning them all. Two persons with Mr.
Slosson became frightened before the wagon had proceeded far and jumped
out and regained the shore in safety, as also did the horses and wagon
after going somewhat farther, but Slosson floated quite a distance down
the creek before he caught an overhanging log and saved himself. He
lost his coat, containing some money, and also a pair of blankets,
which were in the wagon at the time.
Times, Jacksonville, January 28, 1876, page
3A bloodless affray occurred on Butte Creek, Jackson County, last week, between Arthur Pool and William Sutherland, originating over some trivial matter. Words were first the instruments of warfare, and soon came to blows and stones, when Sutherland rushed into his house and procured a pistol, which he fired at Pool, but missed him. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, April 29, 1876, page 2 A PIZZARINKTUM CONUNDRUM.--If it takes two gallons of whiskey to supply Big Butte on election day, how much will it take to furnish sixteen larger precincts at the same time? Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 5, 1876, page 4 NOT CLOSED OUT.
THE BENEFIT of the citizens of Butte Creek, Sams Valley and the public
generally, and owing to the false statements to the effect that the
store and business have been closed out at this place, the undersigned
take this method of refuting those accusations by stating that the
goods formerly belonging to the P. of H.* Business Association have
been purchased of Helman & Fountain, of Ashland, and the
continues at the former stand at Daley & Emery's mill, on Butte
Creek, independent of any corporation or association. The stock of
goods consists of a general assortment of merchandise, drugs and
medicines. Teams on the road are constantly enlarging the stock. Goods
will be sold on as reasonable terms as anywhere in the county. Bacon,
lard, wheat, oats, wool, eggs taken in exchange for goods. Reasonable
credit to responsible persons--premium on all cash sales.
Eagle Point, July 31, 1876.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1876, page 3 *Patrons of Husbandry. MILL NOTICE.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
August 31, 1876, page
MILL HAS BEEN MISREPRESENTED by Grangers and others saying that "we are
not doing anything"; but we are doing this: We give 36 lbs. of flour, 3
lbs. of shorts and 8 lbs. of bran per bushel of good wheat. We will
also pay 65 cents for wheat and pay for it in flour, ready sacked, at
$18 per thousand.
Butte Creek, August 16, 1876.The citizens of Eagle Point and vicinity have appointed a committee to look out a practicable route for a new wagon road near the crossing of Trail Creek, on Fort Klamath road, thence up said creek to some point on the county line, between Jackson and Douglas County, where the citizens of Douglas County propose to complete a road to form a junction with the said line on Trail Creek. "Tidings," Weekly Bee, Portland, September 14, 1876, page 1 The petition of H. P. Deskins and thirty others for a view and survey of a county road commencing at or near the old Reese & Mosher barn on the county road leading from Eagle Point to the Big Butte sawmill, and to run to John Black's on Rogue River; thence to the road leading from Bybee's ferry to Fort Klamath, was granted. Wilson Potter, H. C. Fleming and L. Tinkham were appointed viewers and James S. Howard surveyor. "County Court Proceedings," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 17, 1877, page 3
land jumping is going on in the vicinity of Butte Creek. Jos. Swingle's
land has been squatted on by these jumpers, and one even stuck up a
notice in Geo. Ratrie's orchard, claiming it and its surroundings. This
land is not surveyed, but has been occupied for some time. Mr. Ratrie
intends having his surveyed immediately and will then pre-empt it.
Knowles, now confined in jail, is one of the persons engaged in this
Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1877, page
3EAGLE POINT.--We learn that substantial improvements are proposed at this point on Butte Creek. The erection of a Catholic church, a store and other places of business, besides several dwellings, is being talked of. Already a good grist mill, a flourishing school, a store, etc., are in operation there, which, in connection with the improvements in view, will give considerable importance to Eagle Point. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 12, 1877, page 3 ITEMS FROM BIG BUTTE.
7th, 1877.
TIDINGS:--Perhaps a few notes from this
section would be acceptable to some of the readers of your spicy little
paper.The steam saw mill which Mr. Marsh--one of your fellow townsmen--has been erecting this summer is about finished and ready for running. When completed this will be the best mill in Southern Oregon; located on a beautiful site, on a feasible route to the valley, and surrounded by the best of sugar and yellow pine and fir timber. When ready to run Mr. Marsh will push it to its utmost capacity, and "make hay while the sun shines." With a man of Mr. Marsh's energy and pluck at the helm, backed up with good judgment, business tact, perseverance, and unquestioned integrity, success is sure to crown his efforts. When we have men of such indomitable spirits for home industry in our midst, we should look upon them as public benefactors. One such man is worth a regiment of that class that come here, make a fortune off the sweat of poor men's brows, and then go to Oakland, California, or San Francisco or Portland, and spend their money where it will do us no good. A Mr. John B. Bowen from Bidwell, California, formerly of this county, indeed one of Jackson County's "oldtimers," came up to Butte a few days since and on first interview kidnapped and carried off an amiable old widowed lady of our neighborhood, and after they reached Jacksonville, and the necessary evidence was adduced to convince our County Clerk that the gentleman was over 21 years of age, papers were issued, and though in their marriage they are one they are both about three score and ten years of age. Her name is Swett. So she got her Bow(en) and he took a Swet(t). A happy journey to them. Bear are rather plentiful now, and already have several of the "bruin" tribe handed in their checks, and "gone where the woodbine twineth." They are fat. Theologians evidently think we are "pure and chaste" or else past redemption, for they never preach to us dear people, as a consequence of which young America makes the "welkin ring," in the nimrod line, and all day long the patient anglers sit and draw from Butte Creek's pebbly bed those nice speckle trout. Several of our citizens have gone to Mt. McLoughlin whortleberrying. School will be resumed on the 17th of this month. The health of all is good with us. Moro
anon, P.
Ashland Tidings, September
21, 1877, page 1FROM EAGLE POINT.--Geo. Brown was over from Butte Creek Wednesday and reports matters progressing finely at Eagle Point. He has just completed a store house for R. H. Brown and will also build him a dwelling. The street of this place has been widened and other improvements made. A large number of teams are constantly coming for flour, which gives everything a lively appearance. Daley & Emery's mill is overcrowded with work and has orders for several weeks ahead. They have about 200,000 bushels of wheat stored, which are ground as fast as possible. The future of Eagle Point is certainly a very promising one. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1877, page 3 Big Butte Items.
Marsh, Valpey & Co. are running their new steam sawmill to its
utmost capacity and turning out an immense quantity of good lumber. The
mill saws 10,000 feet per day.
George A. King, who formerly manipulated the reins for the O.&C. Stage Company, has settled among us and become a granger. Several families have settled in this neck of the woods the past season, and we now have quite a settlement. Grass fair; game plentiful; health good; weather pleasant; business lively; money scarce; lumber a legal tender; the school in full blast. Squire Dunlap's oldest son was thrown from a horses some time since and had his arm broken. He is now improving. Sam Cameron let a chisel drop through his foot and Wm. Parker was badly bitten by a dog. VINDEX.
Times, Jacksonville, October 19, 1877, page
BUTTE, Oct 14, 1877.
Mr. Marsh has gone back to Ashland and Mr. Valpey is now engineering
the saw-milling business. We find the latter a stirring and pleasant
gentleman, and as generally liked as his partner. Their mill is running
at its utmost capacity.A stock man who had been in the mountains hunting cattle last week came home in a hilarious state of mind and vowed he had found "The Lost Cabin." He subsequently learned that it was only a bear trap. Some transient meanderer evidently passed through our locality lately, for a half-dollar piece was found in the road--which nearly caused a commotion. We have plenty of lumber, shingles, clapboards, timber, water, stock, game and babies, but the "shining lucre" is more scarce than Gen. Howard's dead Indians. A sportsman went out hunting last week and came across a band of deer, and though he blazed away several times with his "Spencer" he missed all. He says he took a chill just about that time. Perhaps he never heard of the "buck ager." Immigrants are coming amongst us and all seem to find a place to settle. Come on, for "Uncle Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm" is our response. We have good evidence that there will be a nuptial tie to record in our vicinity, ere long--all signs do not fail. School is progressing finely; weather delightful; stock doing well, and the general health good. Wm. Parker was bitten in the thigh by a dog, about ten days ago, and now has a bad wound. SIMON. Ashland Tidings, October 26, 1877, page 3 BIG BUTTE ITEMS.--Our correspondent, Vindex, sends us the following news, under date of the 10th: Wm. H. Parker has purchased the Big Butte saw mill. Born--On November 2nd, to the wife of J. B. Swett, a daughter. P. is the champion newspaper man in this section. He takes not less than half a dozen ones. On account of the rainy weather the steam saw mill is not rushing business at this time, but I believe the proprietors intend to keep it running pretty much all winter. Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
November 16, 1877, page
3, 1877.
vendor of "patent soap" heard that our faces were soiled, and
accordingly decided to act the part of the Good Samaritan, and offer
succor. Our salubrious atmosphere had a vigorous effect on his palatal
organs, unstrung his tongue at both ends, and it ranted away like a
"Granger Watch." Finally his efforts to purify the outer man proved
futile, and he turned him valleywards in disgust. Bulldozing us into
purchasing an article which we do not want don't win in this pure
climate.Our gallant sportsman discovered a fine group of ducks in the pond at the saw mill, and after carefully reconnoitering for a practicable site, found one. Then "one by one" came off their heads, and when the last one had "handed in his checks" and the water was crimsoned with gore, and our hero about to stretch out his boots, the episode came in. They were Mrs. S----'s tame ducks, and for a while things seemed rather Amazonian about those premises. We learn, however, that the matter has been amicably adjusted. "Money makes the mare go." To add to the ludicrousness of the joke, he found a band of wild geese the next day and would not shoot lest they might be tame ones. This will be an inviting place for young men in a few years hence--about one and a half dozen of the babies are of the sex feminine. If some Yankee would introduce a machine for manufacturing news items your correspondent would negotiate for a gross of them. This locality is entirely too pacific for news during the somber seasons. Mr. Editor, me no sabee jargon. S'pose you talkee China; me heapee too muchee sabee. Valpey is fat and saucy. Oar crippled list is convalescent. W. H. Parker has purchased the Big Butte water power saw mill. When we get our winter's supply of edibles we shall not care which way the wind blows. P. Ashland Tidings, November 23, 1877, page 4 OUR REGULAR BEAR STORY.--Prof. Leek informs us that Mr. Sim Farlow of Butte Creek a few days ago came near having a very serious experience with a bear. It appears that while out hunting, accompanied by his dogs, he came suddenly onto a mealy-nosed bear, an animal nearly approaching the grizzly in size and ferocity. The dogs at once gave chase and the bear went up a tree just far enough to be out of their reach. Mr. Farlow, not fully realizing the danger perhaps, came up within a few paces and fired. The bear, not seriously hurt, was after him in a moment and Mr. Farlow making his best time over logs and through thickets. But the bear steadily gained on him and just as he was turning around a huge boulder the mealy nose of the man-destroyer was within a few inches of him. Just at this moment the dogs seized the bear, and as it turned to beat them off Mr. Farlow made a lucky shot and brought the "varmint" down in its tracks. Ashland Tidings, November 30, 1877, page 3 LETTER FROM BIG BUTTE.
18th, 1877.
last I wrote, George and Robert Gray, and a Mr. Galliway were out
hunting three or four days and killed nine deer, three bear, and two
panthers. Willie Short has slain eighteen deer thus far this fall and
winter. Dr. Miller, on Slate Creek, has killed sixty-four bear in the
last two years.Our isolated locality is pretty well represented mechanically. We have a first-class sawyer, an engineer, a horse breaker, and a violinist. In addition to these we have a resident school teacher, one of the best general mechanics in the state, and, in the person of George King, a No. 1 stage driver. Born, on Nov. 30th, to the wife of H. C. Wilkinson--a daughter; also on Dec. 14th, to the wife of Cornelius Gage, a son--a bouncer. Died, on Nov. 11th, infant son of Baldon and Nancy Sills. Do not hear of any preparations for the holidays up here. Not even a turkey will suffer. The little ones are looking with eager minds to that eventful period when Santa Claus shall come, with his annual treat. The general health is good. P.
Ashland Tidings, January
4, 1878, page
1BIG BUTTE ITEMS.--"Vindex, under date of the 3rd, writes: It is cold up here, but, thank Providence, we have plenty of fuel. I understand that Mr. P. anticipates giving another party--perhaps on the 22nd of February. The Butters had two free dancers during the holidays--the first at John Obenchain's on Christmas, and the other at Martin Perry's on New Year's night. Your correspondent was not a participant in the former "shakedown," but learns that it was an enjoyable affair. At Mr. Perry's both young and old tripped the light fantastic quite lively. Messrs. Laporte and Watkins were the violinists, and gave good music. The supper prepared by Mrs. Perry was just splendid, such as would have done credit to any hostess. Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
January 11, 1878, page
12, 1878.
TIDINGS:--We have noticed a communication in
your paper, from this section, over the nom de plume of
P. Well, we suppose this writer means to tell things as they really
are, but he evidently looks through a magnifying glass. Especially is
this the case with that resident school teacher. Now, to say that that
"resident school teacher" is one of the best general mechanics in the
state is going a little too far, for we all know that he is not able to
build a respectable picket pen.Now, in regard to the killing of bear, panthers and deer, that sounds natural enough for this backwoods place. The other celebrities mentioned in his communication we will pass over with a casual glance. As to the violinist, we can corroborate what he says, for we have heard him play "Old Dan Tucker," and he says he is learning to play "Pop Goes the Weasel." As to our stage driver, we do not know as to his stage-driving qualifications, but we will put him against the world as a fisher, especially on catching pike. Now, we think that P. was a little partial, from the fact that he failed to notice our poetical luminary, who has produced a gem unequaled in the literature of Southern Oregon. This can be corroborated by calling on J. Obenchain, who has the production in his possession. O.
Ashland Tidings, January
25, 1878, page
1At Eagle Point, Jackson County, some days ago, a little boy named Eddy McCord, seven or eight years of age, fell on a sharp stub of chaparral which penetrated the lower part of the body, causing a wound which the surgeon says must prove fatal. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, January 29, 1878, page 1 LETTER FROM BIG BUTTE.
20th, 1878.
snow has driven the deer off the high mountains and now those like unto
Esau of old "make the welkin ring" from early dawn even until dusky eve.With glittering artillery, two of Dardanelles' brave sportsmen came up here during the late "freezeup." They brought a four-horse team, and likewise a vow not to return unto Sodom and Gomorrah until their four-horse wagon was loaded down with deer. They hunted one evening, and the next morning borrowed a piece of bacon and departed hence, in disgust, with a broken vow. And now it transpires that, in the person of Mrs. Mary Gage, we have a first-rate artist. Mrs. G. has recently painted a picture that would do credit to older hands at the business. With some practice, something more than ordinary artistic skill will be developed in our Butte Creek painter. We want the Postal Department to awake from its "Rip Van Winkle" nap and give unto us a post office. We surely have the requisite number of citizens to entitle us to this consideration. As matters now stand, we have to travel from 12 to 20 miles for our mail matter. Postal Agent, please hearken unto us. One of Dardanelles' most wealthy farmers is destined to "burst." One of his hired men went to the grist mill a few days since, and as soon as he got there, he was weighed. After eating dinner he had gained nine pounds. Just think of it--twenty-seven pounds per day, or 9,855 pounds of flour and bacon in one year. "That's the way the money goes," etc. JONNY
F. X. Blanchet, Catholic pastor at Jacksonville, advertises for proposals for building a Catholic church at Eagle Point. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, February 6, 1878, page 2 FROM BIG BUTTE.
30, 1878.
seems that one Butte Creek knight of the quill has opened wide his
heart and consented to write a "little piece" for "O.," which wonderful
production made its advent in the Tidings
of the 25th inst. Since friend "O." can play "Old Dan
and is about to succeed with "Pop Goes the Weasel," his mind seems to
be laboring under a state of mental hallucination and he conceives the
notion that he must be the musician that "P." alluded to. No, friend
"O.," it is not you, for at the time "P." wrote that letter,
he did not
know you were the possessor of a new violin. And now, if "O." will don
a pair of spectacles and peruse that letter again, he will no doubt
perceive that "P." did
not say that the "resident teacher" was a mechanic. Since
our knight is
such a magnanimous literary genius, and "O." can produce a "full crop"
of poetry, we trust we shall henceforth be enlightened truthfully concerning
general events; but, dear friends, do not pass over them with a "casual
Ashland Tidings, February
15, 1878, page
1Eagle Point.
Ashland Tidings, March
8, 1878, page
Geo. Hill, of Ashland, now employed as salesman in the store of Mr.
Inlow, at Eagle Point on Butte Creek, in this county, made us a call on
last week. He reported business good in that prosperous village, and
the people confident of a bright future for the place. Pleasantly
situated upon a stream which affords excellent water privileges and
surrounded by an extensive and fertile agricultural country, there is
no reason why Eagle Point may not become a town of considerable
importance in the future. It is asserted by those who claim to be well
informed in regard to the matter that a road can be made at
comparatively little expense, across the Umpqua Mountains from that
point to the South Umpqua, which would be much shorter than the present
route, and far less difficult for teams. If such a road can be opened,
it will doubtless take much of the travel off the present route and add
very materially to the prosperity of Eagle Point.
Letter from Eagle Point.
11, 1878.
thought a few items from this part of the country would not be amiss.
Eagle Point is situated on Little Butte Creek, about 17 miles from
Jacksonville. It consists of two stores, a flouring mill, a blacksmith
shop and several private residences. There are good prospects for our
village to increase considerably in population and importance in the
near future. Mr. J. J. Frazer has laid off some of his land into town
lots, all of which are sold. There will be a fine church built here in
the spring; also some dwelling houses. Immigrants seeking homes should
come over in this county. We have plenty of land to spare.The citizens of this precinct met at Eagle Point, on Saturday the 9th inst., for the purpose of organizing an Independent Greenback Club. Attendance fair and prospects flattering. Death visited this part of the country on Sunday night, the 10th inst. The victim was a son of Mr. James Miller of Brownsborough. The young man was kicked by a mule,on Saturday night, the 9th. He was going into the barn of Mr. Burton for his horse. The mule was standing by the door, and as the young man stepped in, kicked him on the side of the bead. He was carried to his home, and at 2 o'clock they sent for the doctor. The doctor arrived Sunday evening, but the patient was beyond the reach of medical skill, and died at a little past 12 o'clock on Sunday night. Yours
Ashland Tidings,
March 15, 1878, page
3ASHER. Butte Creek Items.
TIDINGS:--Chas. Hughes has cut his hand
badly with an ax.Logging has been commenced with vigor at the mill of Marsh & Co. School will open on May 6th, with Wm. H. Parker as teacher. Our supervisors are dilatory. Obstructions have not been removed from our roads. One man on Big Butte has obstructed the highway, which action is receiving some comment. Cattle buyers are plentiful, and offer liberal prices for beef cattle. Mr. A. C. Howlett informs me that he lost 350 head of sheep during the inclement weather. James and John are the captors of a live badger, of huge size and as old as the hills. Some refreshing showers have instilled new life into vegetation. Squire Dunlap's oldest son is a perfect dwarf--14 years of age, weighs about 200 pounds, and wears a No. 12 shoe. Robert Gray, while hunting in the mountains, got into a nest of panthers. They poured forth some vehement growls. After a moment's meditation with his optics performing a double duty, he at once decided not to court a combat--not even a flank movement--but to make a unceremonious retreat. Robert was once a brave soldier--has for many years met young America face to face in the school room--but never before was in such torrid premises. W.H.P.
[W. H. Parker]
Ashland Tidings, May
10, 1878, page 3Mat. Obenchain has collected a large band of cattle in Jackson County--the largest driven from there for years--and will take them to Lake County, where they will be put in condition for the California and Nevada markets. "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, May 16, 1878, page 1 Quite a colony of darkies have located on Rogue River within the past year or two. They have taken up ranches and are improving the wild wastes of Flounce Rock precinct. "Brief Mention" Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1878, page 3 Quite a colony of colored people have located on Rogue River within a year or two. They have taken up ranches, and are improving the wild wastes of Flounce Rock precinct. "Pacific Coast Items," Sacramento Daily Union, June 19, 1878, page 3 NEW POST OFFICE.--The petition of the citizens of Big Butte for a post office has been heeded and the Postmaster General has ordered the Brownsboro route extended eight miles further, which will give them a semi-weekly mail. The contractor, Pat. McMahon, will receive $300 additional compensation, making his contract $924 a year. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 21, 1878, page 3 The petition of the citizens of Big Butte, Jackson County, for a post office has been heeded, and the postmaster-general has ordered the Brownsboro route extended eight miles further, which will give them a semi-weekly mail. "Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, June 24, 1878, page 1 Big Butte Items.
Our regular correspondent, under date of the 19th, sends us the
Cattle flourishing like the green bay horse. Thirty-four scholars in attendance at our district school. Marsh & Co. are rushing the wheels of their steam sawmill. Mr. Bland's family at the steam mill have the whooping cough. Obenchain & Cameron's lightning express brings sawlogs in lively. We have not been "salmoned." Jim Mann's fish trap will not let them come up the stream. Election passed off quietly. No firewater. Our judges and clerks looked as dry as smoked salmon. Twenty-seven votes cast--15 Republican and 12 Democratic. Fourteen patriots did not go to the pols to exercise the right of suffrage. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 28, 1878, page 2 SAUC SAGE GETS HOME.
spose you'd begin to think that I's dead, but I aint. I'm dog on nigh
onto bein' gone up the flume tho'. I've had the tarnalest, hardest
tramp any poor broke specelator had since the Injun war of '55 and six.
When I left 'Frisco, I kinder worked my way to Sacramento; that is, I
walked part of the time, and part of the time I rode on the hind end of
one freight car or another. Once or twice a country jake come along
with a hay wagon, and hauled me a piece. Comin' thro' Sacramento Valley
I harvested my way. That is, I would hire at night to work in the
harvest field--of course, they'd give me supper and lodgin'. The
weather was so warm that I made it a rule to start out before
bre'kfast. I haint got no time now to tell you jist how I managed it
all the way thro'. It would be a long mournful tail, and I've 'bout
made up my mind to quit litrature anyhow. I must tell you somethin'
about how I found things on Butte, tho'. It is in the most
lamentationable fix of any place you ever seed. The whole country is
overrun with sheep men. My old cabbin was gone into by a pare of great
big strappin' school teachers. The saw mill fellers have cut down all
the good shingle timber. The fellers I used to know is all gone and
them that's come in since puts on more airs than any San Francisco
button peddler. Some fellers are makin' shingles on a saw mill and
menopplizin' the whole bizines. When I started out specilatin' I left
old Towser with Pill Barker and he got salmoned, and died. I had an old
sow and pigs runnin' back in the hills when I left, which I'd counted
on givin' me a little start, but the bears got among 'em and wiped 'em
out. This place is not what it used to be, and I'm goin' to leave it.
Mr. Editor, good bye; you have been kind to me. If you never see me
agin please write. Farewell!July 14th, 1878. SAUCELO
Tidings, July 19, 1878, page 2L. S. P. Marsh and J. P. Parker have dissolved partnership in the saw mill business on Butte Creek, the former withdrawing. Pat McMahon is doing a good business on the Brownsborough mail route in the passenger line. Pat knows how to make business. Tine Sly, of Butte Creek, was thrown from his horse one day last week while going at full speed driving wild horses, and had both collarbones broken. Doctors Danforth & Robinson are the physicians in attendance. "Random Jottings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 31, 1878, page 3 BUTTE CREEK ITEMS.
Warm…Halo chickamin ["No money"]…Wild
strawberries gone…Coyotes are very
troublesome…School will close this
week…E. H. Hughes and wife and a part of his family are
'down at the
heel'…J. P. Parker is now sole proprietor of the Yellow
Jacket steam
saw mill…Sam Cameron has sold out his interest in the Butte
"lightning express" to J. A. Obenchain, and now logs come in all the
same."Dad" Stought will build a house and move on his land adjacent the steam saw mill ere long. A Butte Creek bachelor wants a wife. For particulars, inquire at Sauc Sage's little old log cabin. A dance at the residence of J. C. Robinson recently. No "benzine,'' a good supper, splendid music, a pleasant gathering. They first met on Saturday--promised on Sunday--became secured on Monday, and engagement "bursted" on Tuesday. Verily there is "bitter mixed with the sweet." The course of true love does not run very smoothly in the Big Butte clime. Our disciple who liveth in the City of Peth, which is in the valley of Big Butte, did enthirst about the late days of jubilee, and accordingly wended his way on an ass to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, where he partook of the spirits freely. He came near handing in his checks, and passing to the grave of his fathers. "Should my stomach crave more of that which giveth redness of eyes, I shall take strychnine straight, instead of the liquid." Thus deposes this disciple of Peth. Dr. J. P. Parker came ''the plains across" in the year '52, in quest of health, hardly expecting to reach this shore alive; has been badly ruptured twice since; horses ran away with reaper, and broke some of his ribs; was kicked by a horse three or four years since, and his life was almost despaired of; has done enough hard manual and mental labor to kill half a dozen ordinary men; is 62 years of age, and yet he is on Big Butte doing more hard work than any man of ordinary muscle at the age of 35 could do. Does this not speak well for Oregon climate? A wife was standing in the kitchen door, with a pitcher of cream in her hand, watching her husband eat up a quarter of beef nearby. Thomas--the cat--was mewing for fresh meat. Tige--the canine--an inveterate hater of the feline species of animal creation, came along and made a furious attack on his catship. The latter sprang to the door, the dog in close pursuit, and ran against the lady with such velocity as to knock her sprawling on the floor as flat as a flitter. On arising, she perceived her husband standing with mouth stretched from ear to ear. Chagrined at the humility, she struck with the pitcher at the canine, but threw the cream in her own face, and struck the stove instead. Result:A humiliated woman; a broken pitcher; a pint of cream lost; a cat scared out of a year's growth; a dog couched under the table; five children wiping lacteal fluid out of their mother's optics; a broken broom handle and a prostrate husband; a friend applying irritating plasters to the sides of a spectator to remove pains, caused by exhaustive laughter. JONNY
July 22nd.Ashland Tidings, August 9, 1878, page 3 BUTTE CREEK ITEMS.
Aug. 5, 1878.
Hot verily.Wool harvest has about ended. Stock of all kinda are fat and greasy. Sauc Sage lingers around his cabin. Wm. Hubbard has cut his foot with an ax. Big Butte's town has been christened Linderville. Green-eyed monster has appeared over in the corner. There is a demand for "garden sass," and rosy-cheek girls. District school closed sine die; 35 scholars were enrolled. Robert Gray saw a panther today near the old Southerland mill. A lady on Butte is "skeered"--an Indian was seen here last year. Most all the children of our locality have a severe attack of the epizootic. The better half of Mat Obenchain of Jacksonville is visiting friends here. Our P.M. has received the new mail bag and key. An augury of "biz," some time. Some of our citizens have been rusticating in the mountains, giving chase to the mowitch [deer]. Geo. A. King, for many years a popular knight of the whip, is now one of our substantial tillers of mother earth, and a bully good fellow too. The Yellow Jacket mill is running at its utmost capacity. Mr. Linder sawyer; John May engineer and John Foster is the head-screw tender--all experts at their trade. Dave Stout came from Phoenix last week to cut some hay on his ranch, and accidentally inflicted a slight wound on his hand with a scythe, and went home with a hand and arm badly swollen. JONNY
EAGLE POINT.--A correspondent of that place sends us the following items: Times at Eagle Point are lively at present. Farmers are busy hauling wheat to the mill and receiving flour in exchange. Messrs. Brown and Inlow are doing a rushing business in the mercantile line. The Catholic church building is now enclosed and presents a fine appearance. Several other improvements are now in contemplation, among which is a new residence for Robert Brown. This place is bound to develop itself and become of considerable importance yet. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 25, 1878, page 3 MILL NOTICE.
Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1878, page 2NOTICE
IS HEREBY given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between
John Daley and Eber Emery, under the firm name of Daley &
Emery, in
the mill business at Eagle Point, is dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.
Emery retiring. All accounts due the old firm will be settled by Daley
& Son, who will also settle all liabilities. The business will
hereafter be conducted by A. J. Daley.
Thankful for past patronage heretofore extended, a continuance of the same is solicited for the new firm. JOHN DALEY,
Eagle Point, Aug. 19, 1878.E. EMERY. Considerable building is being done at Eagle Point. Eagle Point is unusually lively, a large number of farmers hauling their wheat to mill just now. J. T. Roloson, who has the contract for building the Catholic church at Eagle Point, informs us that the outside work is about completed, and the structure will be ready for service in about four weeks. It will be a handsome edifice. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1878, page 3 ST. FRANCIS CHURCH.--The Roman Catholic church, at Eagle Point, was dedicated by Father Blanchet last Sunday. Quite a number went out from this place to attend the services. During the weeks previous Father Blanchet offered an elegantly bound Bible to be raffled for, the proceeds to be given to the church. One hundred and twelve chances were taken, at one dollar each. Peter Amsy, of Rock Point, was the winner. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1878, page 3 Capt. Hyzer has suspended work for a few days on the Catholic church at Eagle Point and is completing the painting of [the] Odd Fellows' building in this place. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1878, page 3 BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
Game is plentiful.
Weather changeable. Three dances each week. Steam mill still puffing away. General health of our citizens good. Grass growing and stock doing well. Charles Cary will teach a select school this winter. Frank Parker has arrived from Webfoot's aqueous clime. JONNY
The Catholic church at Eagle Point is completed, and will be received by Father Blanchet on the 1st prox. "Neighboring Ripples," Ashland Tidings, November 22, 1878, page 3 Big Butte Items
I had the pleasure of attending the dedication of the Catholic church
at Eagle Point on the 27th of October, and thought perhaps some of your
readers would like to hear something about the ceremony and appearance
of the building, although some time has elapsed. Father Blanchet had
felt the necessity for a church at that point for a long time, and
concluded to appeal to the generous citizens of this valley to aid in
its erection. They responded very liberally and seemed to take a great
interest in the enterprise and Mr. Fryer, a resident of the Point,
kindly donated over an acre of ground for the site. Father Blanchet
officiated at the dedication, through special dispensation of the
Archbishop of Oregon. The building is fifty feet in length by
twenty-seven in width, and has an arched ceiling. It will cost not far
short of $2,000. The structure was put under the special protection of
St. Francis Xavier, a picture of whom was hung on the wall above the
altar. On the right of this was one of our Savior, while on the left
that of the blessed mother Mary. The floral decorations of the altar
were very fine. Nearly three hundred persons were present, and found
ample room in the building. Mrs. R. Brown permitted the use of her
organ, and the singing of the Sisters and their young ladies' choir was
excellent. Father Blanchet delivered a very thoughtful address, wherein
he depicted the progress of the Catholic Church in this country, and
publicly thanked all who contributed in any way to the construction of
the building.
From our regular correspondent under date of Dec. 12:
Nights cold, roads muddy and game plentiful. C. A. Cary will commence teaching a select school next Monday. The "Yellow Jacket" steam saw mill has shut down for the present. Most of the inhabitants of this place have been or are now down with the epizooty (not the epizootic). Big Butte has a tame "Bear." He came from Webfoot and seems to be an industrious young gentleman. "Dad" Stought and family have moved from Phoenix, and settled at the Yellow Jacket mill. We extend them a hearty welcome. The bow is gone, the fiddle cold and the violinist indisposed, so our young folks have not danced for some time, but amuse themselves by playing "smut." Corks are in demand. While chopping a tree down recently, a limb fell on the head of Willie Snider, a lad of sixteen, and came near sending him to the land of his fathers. He is around now, but has a mutilated scalp, a wracked jaw and a fractured tooth. C. E. Parker, an only brother of Dr. J. P. Parker, has recently arrived from Massachusetts. It must have been a happy meeting to the brothers, since they had not seen one another for 41 years. He is a machinist, is favorably impressed with the country, and will probably locate with us. Dr. Parker is down with a bilious attack and with the prevailing distemper. JONNY
Letter," Ashland
Tidings, December 20, 1878, page
3"Jacksonville Letter," Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1878, page 3 Letter from Brownsborough.
19, 1878.
EDITOR TIDINGS:--The health of the people of this vicinity is generally good at present and everybody seems to be in good spirits, all anticipating a good time during the holidays. For the past six weeks we have had unusually fine weather for the time of the year. Enough rain has fallen to enable the farmers to plow around the foothills, and most of them have improved their opportunity and are pretty well through their fall seeding. Stock looks well in this neighborhood. Quite a number of both horses and cattle are being raised about here. Sheep do not appear to do well. Perhaps they are somewhat like Brother Rigdon's horse--they have not yet learned the right kick for the sticky mud. The society here is about an average for Southern Oregon; some first-rate people, and others pretty rough; some few Christians, some few infidels, and quite an amount of worldliness, but a better set of people are nowhere to be found. Brownsborough has two church organizations, one of the Methodist, the other of the United Brethren persuasion. Each of them have preaching once a month. We also have a good district school underway, with an attendance of from 20 to 28 scholars, some coming from quite a distance. On the 17th, Brother Rigdon, of Ashland, made a visit to our neighborhood, and made it known that he would like to talk to the people on the subject of Temperance. A young lady and two young men mounted their mustangs and started out to spread the news, and the consequence was an interesting meeting, and a new lodge of Good Templars, of which you have doubtless been already informed. S.
Ashland Tidings, December
27, 1878, page 3Big Butte Items.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 3, 1879, page
Cold nights.
Good beef cattle scarce. C. A. Carey is our pedagogue. The Yellow Jacket steam mill has been shut down for the present. Turkeys were scarce, but fat chickens suffered on Christmas Day. Big Butte is notorious for dances, but the one on Christmas night at Baldwin Sills' "capped the climax." It opened at early candle lighting and the dancers kept the "ball rolling" until 11 o'clock the next day. There were about 25 couples present, with six fiddlers and three violins. The supper was just splendid--all of which being free. VINDEX.
Big Butte, Dec. 27, 1878.RECORDED.--The plat of J. J. Fryer's addition to Eagle Point has been recorded in the County Clerk's office and Mr. Fryer is now selling lots in the same. That place promises to be one of the most prominent business points in Southern Oregon, being situated in a healthful locality, surrounded by good farms and stock ranges and enjoying an excellent water privilege. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1879, page 3 Snow has fallen to a depth of three feet on Big Butte. The farmers of Butte Creek are busy, the "sticky" having thawed out so as to admit of plowing. "Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1879, page 3 BUTTE CREEK ITEMS.
The Good Templars lodge at this place is in full blast. They initiated
six new members at their last meeting.
We are having some rough weather now. Snow is four inches deep in shaded places, and it is still snowing. Stock of all kinds look well up to this time, however. Some substantial improvements have been made near here this last fall in the way of fencing fields and clearing land. Men appear to have thrown their coats and gone to work. M. Hanley has had nine or ten men at work about a month making rails and fencing on his stock ranch. Hanley finds if he keeps pace with his German neighbors he has got to do something. We had plenty of opportunity to plow and sow up to freezing weather. We have been able to plow here in the foothills since the first rains. Most of the farmers have more grain in than ever before at this time. George and Charley Jones are getting out the rest of the band of wild cattle which Frank Dow tried to get out last winter. They ran back on the ridge between the two Butte creeks. They run them off the mountain with dogs and lasso them. There are some large steers as wild as elk. It is an exciting and dangerous work; both horse and rider are sometimes brought to grass. There are more Germans coming. Some time ago, George S. Guebner of Clear Creek, Cooper County, Mo., sent on money and had an agent enter about 500 acres of land near Brownsboro. He wishes H. R. Brown and Henry Pech to go and examine the land and report on its quality, adaptation, etc. He also asks to know if improved farms can be bought near his lands, as others are coming with him who will want to purchase. This is welcome news to us, for the Germans that are here are peaceable, stirring, energetic citizens, and it won't be long before some of them will own the best farms in the valley. FARMER.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
January 17, 1879, page 3Brownsboro, Jan. 13, 1879. BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
regular correspondent furnishes us the following:Stock is not doing very well. The dancing mania about ceased. Game is not so plentiful this season as hitherto. If the signs does not fail, two will be made one ere long. The dance at Baldwin Sills' on Christmas was a way-up affair. Mr. E. H. Hughes took about ninety deer hides to market this week. We are about well of the epizooty but it gave us fits while it lasted. I learn that C. P. Parker, brother of Dr. Parker, will run the Yellow Jacket steam saw mill the coming season. A young man called on a neighbor last week to borrow some postage stamps. On being told that it was only a short distance to the post office, where they kept them for sale, he replied, "It takes money to buy stamps." A "down easter'' has been out hunting several times and got lost every time, and after returning from his last exploit, he remarked that he used to think he knew something, but has just learned that he is the biggest old fool in these mountains. Willie Short went out hunting yes-to-day morning, and returned this evening, having been lost since yesterday--on the mountains--but killed eleven deer in the meantime. He thinks he can follow his tracks in the snow, and find all the deer he killed again. JONNY
Ashland Tidings, January
24, 1879, page 3BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 24, 1879, page
School progressing finely.
The dancing mania has ceased. Our mail comes tri-weekly now. Good. Snow a foot deep; stock looking humble. Ten families reside at or near the steam mill. Those having hay will not sell any for love or money. Over sixty children are entitled to draw school money in this district. C. E. Parker, brother of the Doctor, will run the saw mill the coming year. Born, to the wives of Charles and W. A. Snider and Frank Tungate, each a son. All day long the festive hunter maketh the "welkin ring" and many a deer handeth in his "checks." Jacob Bear, on attempting to reach our neighborhood afoot, took a "near cut," got lost and laid out one night in a snow storm. Nineteen years ago a boy (who is now a man and resides on Big Butte) purchased a Clarke's English Grammar of 'Squire Hayden in Jacksonville. The book has been well preserved. The price was $1.25; he paid $1 down and agreed to pay the balance "sometime." A few days since he remembered that there was a balance due. He says he will pay the 'Squire the principal when he goes to town, but doesn't want to pay compound interest. VINDEX.
Big Butte, January 20, 1879.BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
Our regular correspondent furnishes us the following under date of
January 29, which reached us just too late for last week's issue:Cold weather. Stock faring hard. General health good. A dance tonight at the Sniderville hall. Rail making in vogue--the "footprints of Lincoln." I know a man in the "far west" that has twelve children and seven dogs; he feeds the latter and is not able to school the former. The Tidings comes to us chock full and running over with first-class reading matter. We note, with pleasure and pride, the improvement made in our three local papers in the last year, in size, typographical appearance and reading matter--both local and general--which gives perfect satisfaction to their many readers in this locality. Somewhere in Oregon there are two parents (?) that have an invalid son about ten years of age whom they sometimes pound with anything they can get in their hands until his screams arouse the neighbors, and generally until he falls prostrate on the ground. Should this admonition not cause them to desist I will give their names to the public. Twenty-five cents was given a young man with which to purchase postage stamps. He was highly elated to think he had been made the Butte Creek treasurer, and started to the P.O. on "double quick." "I must not put this coin in my pocket lest I lose it" he surmised, and then carefully placed the precious oro in his mouth, and exultingly threw his head back, and lo! he swallowed the lucre, and the stamps had not been purchased at last accounts. JONNY
Ashland Tidings, February
7, 1879, page 3SINGULAR EFFECT.--We learn from Mr. George Isaacs, of Butte Creek, that many of the cattle on that range have a singular disease which is ascribed to the chaparral which they are forced to eat in the absence of other feed or browse. The first symptoms developed are similar to those of drunkenness in the human beast, and a dangerously vicious disposition. Cows that are ordinarily gentle rush madly about and try to gore everything within their reach, and when exhausted stagger blindly to the ground. This spectacle among the brute creation might be a good temperance lecture. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 12, 1879, page 3 BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS.
many communities we hear of wrangles, resulting oftentimes in
indictments and uncalled-for expenses to the county. There is a cause
for all things, and for this one there is a specific, just as much as
there is a cause for the ague and a cure therefor. Let us see if we
cannot trace neighborhood wrangles to some "absolute" neglect of duty.
The mind does not cease to wish and wonder while it exists any more
than the tide of the ocean ceases to ebb and to flow. Rich and poor,
high and low, young and old, the mind works as regular as a pendulum.
Even when one awakes at the dead hour of night one moment the mind
reflects. The mind must work for good or evil. Since this fact cannot
be controverted, I will [go?]
to another step. A, B, and C, are neighbors. They take no
newspapers--one small one at the most. They have no books, do not read
them if they have. When their day's labor ceases, they with their
families gather around the blazing fire and the family chat commences.
They do not read hence their minds do not feed on any intellectual
theme, must dive into some subject of no importance or into some
neighborhood affair--some other neighbor's business. Mr. so and so
killed a bear and a jackrabbit but his next neighbor stole a rake
tooth, a sow pig or a cow. A. calls in B. and their conversation is
what C. has or has not done. If he is making money, and does not live
by borrowing, he is surely dishonorable; if poor he is a lazy scamp,
and deserves hanging. Thus C's faults are ventilated. They consider his
business and neglect their own; their own faults are passed "gently
by." Their minds ramble into the malevolent channel of discord and
turmoil, continuing on the downward beat until it is gulped into the
vortex of misery and ultimate disgrace, and at last all their better
nature becomes a sham. A. tells C. that B. said so and so, a feud
ensues, and then retaliation steps in and gives the war whoop and a
general wrangle results. Then comes spitework which flies to the grand
jury, and reports a case which will put the county to a few hundred
dollars' expense. Their turbulent spirit once aroused, perhaps some
quiet peaceable citizen will suffer and fall a prey to their incarnate
revenge and design, as though he were one of their ilk. This class of
people should be pitied more than blamed.The Best Specific for Neighborhood Wrangles. How is it with D, E and F? They have books, and take plenty newspapers. They work, and their minds are environed within their pursuit. When their daily labor ceases, they pick up a newspaper and enlighten themselves on business and general topics, and do not stoop to dissect their neighbors' affairs. They are posted on religious, political and local matters, as well as in foreign markets and the financial outlook. The former lead a miserable existence and generally die dishonored, while the latter glide along through the vicissitude of time an ornament to society. While the former are machinating some scheme to blacken the fair name of some neighbor, the latter are devising some means of aiding the poor and ameliorating the wants of the distressed. The latter are generally high spirited and intelligent, while the former are a cypher so far as intelligence is concerned. To the latter class belong just such men of whom the Sentinel gives biographical sketches each week. Kind readers, have you ever thought of this matter? To test the truthfulness of my assertions, take your wife and visit the neighbor who does take newspapers, and then the one who does not, and you will not be long in deciding that newspapers are the surest specific for neighborhood wrangles. W.H.P.
[W. H. Parker]
Big Butte, February 20th, 1879.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 6, 1879, page 1 BUTTE CREEK ITEMS.
Short grass. Horrible muddy roads. Poor cattle beginning to hand in their checks. Big Butte coyotes subsist on "mutton chop." Our district school will open on first Monday in April. Dead--"Chinese Bill," the working man's friend, killed by the President. Our urbane mail carrier arrives on time, though he plows through "oceans" of mud. There will soon be a railroad on Butte Creek, judging from the quantity of rails being split. Something wrong with Mann's trap--salmon are coming up Big Butte in abundance. Elias Hughes has killed 122 deer in a year, and not a very good year for hunting either. A stranger has been this way--a piece of coin found on the highway. We are pleased to learn that G. A. King, our efficient road supervisor, has been reappointed. Deer meat is dear meat--deer have gone to tall timber. M. S. Perry was chosen director and Wm. H. Parker clerk at the annual school meeting. C. E. Parker (brother of the doctor), who came in from Massachusetts last fall, will run the steam mill the coming season, and the way he is "upsetting" things we would conclude that he understands his business. He is a practical machinist. M. W. A. Snider, the sawyer, had a kind of supernatural escape from what in most cases would have proved a fatal accident. Though it happened last summer, the gist of which is probably new at this time. He had just seated himself to file the saw (a large circular) when his son, a boy of 16, inadvertently started the engine, and quicker than a flash his father was thrown over the saw, his thigh passing between the main circular and the top saw. Since these saws are so close together, it was supposed by Mr. S. and all present that his leg had been taken off, and the former fainted. In a few seconds a doctor, bandages, knives, saws and liniments were present, and then the breeches leg was divested, when to the surprise as well as to the gratification of all present, it was found that the dent of one tooth only, "that and nothing more," was all the damage done. The saw was soon filed and the mill started. But then the Butte Creek philosophers cannot determine how such a large thigh could pass through such a small place without a serious result. And yet Mr. Snider refuses to repeat the wonderful feat in order to explain the matter. P.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 12, 1879, page
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
April 30, 1879, page
Copious showers.
Vegetation flourisheth like the green bay horse. O! sun, beautiful sun, where hast thou gone. Just to break the monotony one young gentleman and his inamorata go out on the Sabbath day and run foot races. We write, pray, beseech some minister to come--not to tie the nuptial bands, but to preach for us. Notwithstanding our educational (?) muddle, school starts off with seats well filled and Wm. H. Parker as pedagogue. The rain still falleth, the sun doth not shine, the plow speedeth not, and the husbandman looketh down his proboscis. Tear down the pioneer shanties. The Yellow Jacket mill will start in a few days and turn out "oodles" of lumber. Made its advent on the 13th inst., C. P. Parker and wife are its pa and ma, and it is not a boy child. It is reported that "Mother Winslow" will petition our county school superintendent to divide this school district so that she can educate on a peninsula to herself. The genial "phiz" of Mr. W. A. McPherson, the Bohemian editor, was seen in our vicinity today. Object, business--perhaps to publish a newspaper on Big Butte. A certain Butte Creek wag is making a beautiful cane and carving a Chinaman's head on it and will send and present the same to Mr. Hayes. Ira--David Dunlap's eldest son--pulls down two hundred avoirdupois, stands six feet under the standard, wears a No. 11 shoe, made on a large last, and is only 15 years of age. Some of us Butte Creekers are getting hungry, but then we shall make up for lost time when our beef fatten and the swine come home; when the roads dry up so we can go to the grist mill; when old red has a calf and we get a new churn; when "garden sass" comes and strawberries ripen, and the hens begin to lay eggs so we can go to market and get some sugar and trade some deer skins for terbacker. Verily there is a time for feasting as well as for fasting. We had a "returning board" recently which "went behind the returns," "counted" two of our school directors "out" and two more in. One gentleman labored so assiduously in gathering "fraud" and "intimidation" he came near expiring, and Mother Winslow's soothing syrup had to be administered by the hogshead to resuscitate him to consciousness. REPORTER.
Big Butte, April 18th, 1879.Big Butte Items.
Cattle buyers are plentiful.
The sportsman still slayeth the deer. Grass is more abundant than hitherto in spring. Our lumbering establishment will soon start. Born--to the wife of C. P. Parker, a daughter. "Garden sass" will soon be an obtainable luxury. Our Granger friend speedeth not the plow--too wet. The district school has opened with 32 scholars on the roll. Wm. H. Parker is instructing an interesting class in bookkeeping. We have a superfluity of young bachelors. Young ladies please note this. Baldwin Sills and John Foster will operate the Severance saw mill this season. "Dad" Stought is making the Severance ranch, which he purchased last fall, look stylish. A considerable number of our citizens will move to the valley this spring, but as many others will come in their place. Mr. W. A. McPherson, the popular "quill driver," has made our locality a call and transacted very important business. Our bachelor friend, Dan. Gray, has tired of kitchen drudgery and has taken to his bosom a charming young widow. May the nuptial knot never be severed, this side the grave, and their voyage across the sea of bliss have no storms of discord with which to contend, is our united prayer. JONNY
Southern Oregon.
The grass is better this spring than usual in the vicinity of
Big Butte, Cattle buyers have recently passed through the country.
Geo. W. Isaacs of Butte Creek will drive a band of 200 head of cattle east of the mountains about the middle of this month. M. Hanley, A. Carlton, Chas. Jones and J. Bradley will start about 600 head of cattle for Grant County from Butte Creek about the 15th inst. "The Northwest," Oregonian, Portland, May 6, 1879, page 1 DROWNED.--On last Saturday, George, a little son of Geo. Ratrie, was drowned in Butte Creek. It is supposed he was playing along the bank of the stream and lost his balance. A young man some distance away heard his cries for help and, hurrying to his assistance, heroically jumped into the stream, but was unable to save the drowning lad, and was himself in great danger. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of many friends. Ashland Tidings, May 30, 1879, page 3 FESTIVAL AT EAGLE POINT.--At a meeting of Eagle Point Lodge, I.O.G.T., on the 24th inst., it was decided to hold a festival at that place on Saturday the 21st of June. Committee on arrangements--Mrs. Sophia Emery (chairman), Robert Potter, Leslie Davis, M. Purdin, E. Emery, W. W. Parker. All members in good standing are invited to attend. W.
Ashland Tidings, May
30, 1879, page 3M. PURDIN, W. Sec. Elias Hughes, of Butte Creek, Jackson County, has killed 122 deer during a year. "Oregon," Vancouver Independent, Vancouver, Washington, June 5, 1879, page 4 A ewe belonging to A. C. Howlett of Big Butte recently gave birth to a pair of lambs joined together at the breast and having but one head and two eyes. Otherwise they were perfectly formed. They died shortly after birth. "Southern Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, July 7, 1879, page 3 CORRESPONDENCE.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
July 23, 1879, page
BUTTE, July 17th.
Snider is seriously ill.Ed. Smith is our champion troutist. School will continue until the first of August. Several thunder showers during the last few days. A dangerous frost on the night of the 4th inst. Pat McMahon purchased a load of hides in this vicinity yesterday. Mr. Geo. Kennedy, formerly an employee of Pat Dunn of Ashland, is gardening extensively in this locality. J. P. Parker had a finger accidentally and seriously cut with a knife about three weeks ago, which he will probably lose. Mrs. Chambers of Jacksonville has been visiting her son, M. S. Perry, and family of this place for a short time and returned home yesterday. The celebration on the Fourth at Big Butte was a success. Much credit is due the committees of arrangement and music. Mrs. Stought was at the head of the former, and Mrs. King conducted the latter. A good dinner. Ed. Smith marshal, C. A. Cary reader, W. H. Parker delivered the oration. A baseball game during the day, a "way-up" dance at night. Several Eagle Pointers were here. REPORTER.
M. Hanley has just had twelve hundred bushels of fine winter wheat ground at the Butte Creek Mill into extra [fine] family flour. The same is for sale at J. S. Howard's store. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 23, 1879, page 3 Big Butte Items.
sawmill and planing machine are doing a driving business.Chas. M. Snider is lying at the point of death with consumption. Some of our citizens are talking of going to Lake County to hunt for stock range. Sheep men are encroaching on our range, which causes complaint among cattle men. W. A. Snider, who has been our popular sawyer for more than a year, has purchased a half interest in Wisdom's mill at Sterling, whence he has moved with his family. Our district school closed on the 1st inst. after a few months' session. Students, patrons and teacher parted on amicable terms. Miss Ida May Parker was awarded the prize for most improvement, and Nellie Perry the one for second best improvement in penmanship, while Miss Emma Snider was adjudged the best scribe by the judges. Just prior to the opening of the district school Mr. Cary closed a subscription school, making seven months without much vacation. Big Butte, Aug. 9th. VINDEX. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1879, page 3 Big Butte Items.
Our correspondent sends us the following
items under date of Oct. 23rd:Pleasant weather. Young grass growing. Catnip tea in demand. Health generally good. Patterson has leased the steam saw mill. Teams busy hauling in our winter supplies. Baldwin Sills has moved to Washington Territory. Deer have returned from their mountain retreats. Some Central Pointers are rusticating at Four-Bit Creek. Jos. Wisdom, formerly proprietor of the Sterling mill, is the sawyer at the steam mill. Gray brothers have lost a valuable horse, for which they paid Peter Simons $150 last year. J. P. Parker has purchased the Sills' land, on which is a No. 1 mill site, and any amount of sugar pine. In consequence of an Amazonian fracas, which took place recently at the Sutherland mill, this place has been christened "Tubtown." Edward, youngest son of Mrs. C. M. Snider, died on the 19th inst. Mrs. Snider lost her husband in September, and now the angel of death has summoned her little darling to be laid beside its father. Mrs. Snider is a highly cultured lady who has now to combat the strong arm of adversity with her four bright little children by her side. But a lady of her demeanor will find friends anywhere. A young gentleman who was out rather late entertaining his inamorata, on returning home met a huge panther. He just flew--could double discount Mensor or the "Plowboy"--the voracious beast in close pursuit--yelling at every stride. As he jumped over the yard fence at his own door, he was quickly furnished with a gun, and as he was just ready to "pull trigger" the savage beast gave a pitiful whine--it was his favorite dog. This is an actual occurrence. REPORTER.
Ashland Tidings, October
31, 1879, page
2Big Butte Items.
Our correspondent sends us the
following, under date of August 30th:We have had several days of showery weather, but it is at present clear. C. A. Cary had his hand badly cut in a planing machine, but is doing well. Since harvest the demand for lumber has been augmented. Mrs. Harvey, of San Francisco, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned to the Bay City, accompanied by her brother, Willie Short. Chas. Parker, who has been spending a few years in the "Golden State," has again returned to Big Butte. The eldest son of Ira D. Dunlap has been very ill, but is now convalescent. W. H. Hughes lost his big toe by a cut the other day. Ashland Tidings, September 5, 1879, page 3 BIOGRAPHICAL
Flounce Rock, a romantic and secluded cove in the mountains, far up
Rogue River, there are a number of settlers located and engaged in
farming and stock raising. Among them is Chauncey Nye, a pioneer of
territorial times. He was born in Macomb County, Michigan in 1826, but
when quite young removed, with his parents, to Oakland County, Indiana,
where he resided until the spring of 1850, when he crossed the plains
to California. He mined for a short time near Placerville, but being
attracted by the [illegible]
reports from Yreka he visited [illegible]
in the spring of 1851 and [illegible]
the summer of that year. In the fall he left the mines and went to
Salem, Marion County, where he established the first bakery ever
started in that town. He remained in Salem until the spring of 1852, at
which time he removed to Jackson County and engaged in mining on
Jackson Creek and continued in the business until the following summer.
He was elected a member of the lower house of the Territorial
Legislature and served during the terms of 1853-4. He served during the
Indian war of 1855 in Capt. John F. Miller's company of volunteers,
part of the time as orderly sergeant. In 1865 he was married to
Amarantha Burt and the family now consists of himself, wife and three
children. In politics Mr. Nye is a Republican but independent
local questions are voted upon. His religious views are liberal.
Unobtrusive in his manner, just in his dealings with his fellow men, he
is held in high esteem by his neighbors, and all know him as a man of
unquestioned integrity and a true type of a genuine pioneer.CHAUNCEY NYE. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1879, page 2 FROM BIG BUTTE.
Winter fights opened day before Thanksgiving.
A fellow here has a horse which he calls Tilden, and he (the horse) is worth a bar'l of money. We shall have a "way up" time on Christmas. Chickens' heads will be targets during the day, and a dance at night--probably at M. S. Perry's--will follow. Our young folks are plucky. At a dance the violinist "failed to connect," when a gentleman offered his services as a whistler, and the dance went on as though "all was well." Six families reside at the steam mill, and the place wears a lively aspect. Joe. Wisdom is sawyer, and a Mr. Schiff is engineer. Both gentlemen are practical hands and the mill is a good one, and when pushed can turn out 10,000 feet of lumber easily in ten hours. There are two planers in connection with the mill. Messrs. Patterson and Marsh have leased the property and are doing a rushing business. VINDEX.
Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1879, page
1The Jacksonville Sentinel says: Deer are very plenty near Flounce Rock, Messr. Owen and Fred having killing ten one day. Two horses belonging to Mace Bros. of Butte Creek, Jackson County, were found in the stable one morning last week dead. It is supposed that they came to their death by poison, as they seemed well enough the evening before. One was a fine Boston colt. "Southern Oregon," Puget Sound Argus, December 25, 1879, page 2 BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
January 7, 1880, page
Snow fell 30 inches.
A large supply of lumber on hand at steam mill. Thermometer got down to zero one night last week. On Christmas day Joe Wisdom shot 13 quails' heads off at 14 shots. Where is Carver? Up to ten days ago Ben. Edmondson had killed 46 deer since the rainy season commenced. Thus far stock have not fared as poorly as might have been anticipated. One of our nimrods was duck hunting and got a ducking in Big Butte today; the footlog had ice on it. We shall probably have a foot-shaking at Geo. King's on New Year's eve, no providential hindrance. We have ten violinists on Big Butte, and not a very good place for "catgut" either. The next time we sleigh ride we shall try our hand in the valley where the roads are more level, i.e., after we get over our Christmas "flop over." Eggs are fifty cents apiece on Big Butte, and none to be had at that; if there were, perhaps the price would not be quite so high. While hunting deer a few days ago a gentleman got lost, and was found sitting on a log singing, "Home, Sweet Home." Most of our stock men are pretty well "heeled" for hay. Hearing that liquor was good for snake bite, one of our fellows wended his course straightway to Jacksonville and laid in a supply a few days before Christmas, and while returning he froze his heels and thought they were snake bitten, and gulped down his whole supply of antidote before he got home. His wife thought the story "too thin," and vows she will cook no more mince pies. REPORTER.
Dec. 28th, 1879.Items from Big Butte.
Awful roads.
Snowing while I write. We are glad it is leap year. Who will be next President? Stock men are as blue as indigo. Down to zero, is how cold it was. Saw mills shut down for the present. We want a minister--to preach for us. Many cattle will perish before spring. E. H. Hughes' sheep dying by the wholesale. Fun at Geo. King's New Year's Eve. We danced. One family on Big Butte, besides having a respectable library of books, take and read ten newspapers. Thirteen quail's heads off at fourteen shots with a rifle is the way Joe Wisdom did it; and eight deer in one day is how Grandpa Watkins slayed 'em. And your cor. carried a shotgun and a rifle all day and killed a snow bird. Messrs. Patterson & Marsh contemplate laying a car track into the center of their saw log timber, by which means they will be enabled to haul logs with more facility. They have leased the steam mill of J. P. Parker, and since they are energetic men we expect to see lumber turned out by the wholesale next year. Big Butte settlement commences about 26 miles northeast of Jacksonville, and is scattered over a large precinct; about 30 legal voters at present; but they will be augmented in numbers when the mills commence business in the spring. There are about 60 children that will draw school money, and about three times that number who will not draw money. We have two good saw mills. Lumbering, stock-raising, shingle and clapboard-making are the principal pursuits. The citizens are generally industrious. Have a post office but no store. Some first-class mechanics, but only one marriageable young lady. JONNY
Says the Jacksonville Times: "A couple--David Hendry and Miss Altha Wilkinson--were married in Little Butte precinct the other day, the bridegroom being six feet in height and the bride only three. Some difference there." Well, hadn't there ought to be a difference? Albany Democrat, January 30, 1880, page 2 STOCK IN JACKSON.--The outlook in this county, since the last storm, is very depressing. McMahon, the Butte Creek mail carrier, says that stock of all kinds is now dying in large numbers from exposure and starvation. Geo. Isaacs is losing cattle at the rate of fifteen per day. Cattle in a starving condition line the roads, and carcasses are becoming plenty. Wilshire has lost over 1,000 out of a band of 1,700 sheep. Pat Donegan has lost nearly 700 head; Elias Hughes, out of a band of 400, has 100 left; Farren has lost half of his large band; E. F. Walker is beginning to lose heavily. Horses, always considered the most hardy stock, are now suffering badly, and there will be a serious loss before spring. It is believed in the Butte Creek country that the loss will reach sixty percent of all kinds of stock. The result cannot now be helped, but the fact that a severe winter can visit this hitherto favored section will suggest prudence, and prompt stock raisers to provide for any possible emergency. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1880, page 3 BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
More snow and less rain here than during
any winter ever known.A. C. Howlett's sheep have done very well. Cattle very poor but the grass has started, and they may weather it through. Only one dissentient in this school district on any question, so our school meeting was harmonious. The newly elected Director is A. C. Howlett; new Clerk, Jos. Wisdom, both elected by acclamation. Political cauldron not boiling here yet, as there are no orders from headquarters. W. H. Parker will repair the Severance sawmill; Patterson, Marsh & Co. will add improvements to the steam mill, and it is the intention to run both in a businesslike manner. REPORTER.
Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 17, 1880, page 3From Big Butte.
Our school meeting passed off harmoniously. A. C. Howlett was chosen
director, and Joe Wisdom clerk.
W. H. Parker, having taught school for fourteen consecutive springs, has concluded to change base and try the pursuit of lumberman this year. The leap year party, previously announced to take place at David Dunlap's, was changed to the residence of Geo. A. King. It was one of the most enjoyable social gatherings that ever assembled at this place. The supper prepared by all the ladies of our neighborhood indiscriminately was just splendid, and would have done honor to a regal board. The floor was kept warm from dusky even' till broad daylight. It was a social event long to be remembered by the participants. VINDEX.
March 12th.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 19, 1880, page 1 Items from Big Butte.
correspondent sends us the following under date of March 30th:Snowing. Hens busy. Hay scarce. Business reviving. Easter was honored. Hills becoming verdant. Two will be made one--says gossip. A terrific wind storm has laid timber and fences to the ground. Politics as cool as a snow bank, but our "fellow up a tree" says the "boom" is coming. "Epizootic" it is called, and yet Webster says that word is an adjective. Is not epizooty the correct word? The Times says: "March came in like a lamb and goes out like a lion." Not so here; it came in like a lion, and goes out like a Bengal tiger. Ashland's urbane Schoff, the engineer, is here at his former post, and Wm. Patterson, the incorrigible lumberman, is also shaping things for business. C. A. Cary, of the Ashland College, will be our boss of the crayon and blackboard. We trust that Chas. will render a good account of himself as a pedagogue. In the absence of theological ministrations, our nimrods make the "welkin ring" from early dawn even until dusky eve on the Sabbath day. Who will preach for us? "Wish you would hurry and get your cabin built, for this is leap year and I want to be your housekeeper," buxom, comely lass to a verecund young gentleman the other day. He fainted. Thus far there has not been much mortality among horses and cattle on the Big Butte range--less than during the last two or three winters, but the present storm will be very unfavorable for poor stock of all kinds. More anon. News more scarce than fleas in a salt sack; our people refuse to get married, die, or fall out of a two-story window, and yet if we lay our pens by for a short respite, the festive editor has the temerity to say; "Sharpen your Fabers." Oh! the life of a local correspondent. W.H.P.
Tidings, April 9, 1880, page 3Items from Big Butte.
correspondent sends us the following under date of April 8th:Flour scarce. Spring weather. Stock improving. The plow speedeth. Grass shooting forth. School next Monday. Gardening commences. Grouse have begun to thunder. Shingles and lumber legal tender. I opine that not less than 1,000 deer have been slaughtered on the Big Butte hunting ground in the last year. J. G. Wisdom, Marsh & Patterson's sawyer, has purchased the Sterlingville saw mill, whither he will go instanter. Wm. and Dan Gray slaughtered a large panther last week that has been prowling around our neighborhood for some time. If anywhere in Oregon can be found a five-year-old foot-racer that can beat our little champion send him along and "break" us. After an ineffectual attempt to corral some swine, our phrenologist vowed that "the predominating organ in a hog's head is Gobackitiveness." The welcome Tidings comes to its many readers, at this office each week, with its full dish of vivacious and instructive news, which same maketh us happy. Long may it wave! Judging from the number of the Cook family represented in the Democratic primaries and convention, if there were many more of them they would "Cook" the Republican goose next June. A gentleman on Rogue River leaving home on business told his wife to pay his poll tax in the meantime. His two little girls asked their mother what poll tax meant. On being told that their father had to pay the sheriff money for his head, the younger of the two said: "Ella, I think the sheriff is mean to make pa pay taxes for his head, when he has no hair on it." W.H.P.
Tidings, April 16, 1880, page 3STOCK ON BUTTE.--Mat Obenchain, just from a ride over the Butte Creek range, says that the loss of cattle and horses in that section may now be fairly estimated at twenty-five percent. Grass is springing up finely and he anticipates no further loss on that range. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1880, page 3 Items from Big Butte.
correspondent sends us the following:Our photographer is making shingles to send to S.F. to pay for a stock of chemicals. And it came to pass that William, a lumberman, lost his Wisdom, and had to go in quest of another sawyer. One of our young bloods contemplates entering the hymeneal yoke, and wants to trade for an eight-day, second-hand clock. First come, first served. A similitude between our welder of iron and the log contractor--one has a strong arm, and other is Armstrong. The lightning express has started. Wm. Patterson, president, R. C. Armstrong, superintendent, C. P. Parker, conductor; and three yoke of oxen constitute the engine. Saw lots are rolling in. Leap year would have a more benign influence over our lonely souls if we had someone to tie the nuptial knot--most intolerable roads from here to the valley. Big Butte, like most other places, has its weather prophets, and they certainly have been a little "off" for a few months. It will do to listen to them and to politicians, but never act accordingly. Our
a night of the reins, is King;
correspondent says this is the first and last rhyming of his
perpetration, and in consideration of this the lines are published.)Though not a giant, our roadmaster's Stought, While some other Hughes, our Martin doth sing: "Our ship is not wrecked yet, 'tis anchored out." Ashland Tidings, April 30, 1880, page 3 According to advertisement, the contracts for building three bridges were let on Wednesday last. The bidding was spirited, there being considerable competition. The bridge across Elk Creek is to be built by S. B. Hull for $1,162.50. That across Little Butte, at "Miller's," by James Miller for $930, and the bridge across the same stream at Peter Simon's, near Eagle Point, by Edwin Smith at $930. The bidding was $7.75 per lineal foot, including approaches, and for "string beam" structures which are to be covered. We hear, since the bidding, that the plan has been changed and the common "five stringer" plan is to be adopted. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 12, 1880, page 3 Items from Big Butte.
Our correspondent sends us the following
under date of May 24th:Showery. Fat cattle. The census next. For whom will you vote? We saw the sun one day last week. Salmon are not running up Big Butte Creek this spring. Why? Allen Hughes killed a large brown bear a few days since. A gentleman watching a deer lick last night shot a young horse in the breast, thinking it was a deer. Wm. Wilkinson says that coyotes are killing his old hogs. They skin them and leave the hide and head. Frank Parker, of Willow Springs, came here last week and beat our champion foot racer 12 feet in 60 yards. Mr. G. F. Billings, of Eagle Mills, paid our locality a business visit last week, and was just as sociable as of yore. P.
Ashland Tidings,
May 28, 1880, page 3Butte Creek Items.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville,
June 4, 1880, page
Stock of all kinds doing well.
Jas. Miller has been sick, and Dr. Buck of Eagle Point has been in attendance. Roads are drying up and lumber teams are passing to and from the Big Butte mill. Ranchmen do not appear to be discouraged over the recent hard winer. Some of them have made many substantial improvements. Considerable corn is being put in. There are four plows running every day on H. R. Brown's place, and everybody is busy planting. Geo. Isaacs has about finished fencing a one-thousand-acre pasture. While working at the fence, Isaacs lost a valuable watch out of his pocket which he was unable to find. The creek keeps very high from melting snow, which has been the cause of a good many accidents in crossing. The most serious one of which I have heard happened on last Thursday night about an hour after dark. It appears that Fred Pech while trying to cross with his family, consisting of wife and four children, the cart upset and pitched them all into the angry stream. The mother in catching for her three-year-old child let her baby slip into the water, but caught it again and succeeded in saving both. Pech, in the meantime, had the other two children, about six and nine years old, to hang to the cart, while he cut the floundering horses loose. He then safely landed the children. One of the horses made shore, but the other one is supposed to have been drowned. FARMER.
APPLY THIS RULE, BY ALL MEANS.--The Sentinel, in its last issue, moralizes thusly: "The man who will barter his vote for a drink of whiskey is not fit to be a citizen, and the candidate who will use it to advance his interests is unfit to be an official." Quite correct, neighbor; but we wonder if this refers to those four kegs of lager beer sent to Butte Creek for a "blowout" tonight by your candidate for County Clerk? Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 4, 1880, page 3 Two families, seven members in all, relatives of Eber Emery, of Eagle Point, arrived on the stage this week. They come all the way from Ohio, and may settle in Jackson County. "Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 11, 1880, page 3 EAGLE POINT.
The stranger who visits the growing village of the Little Butte country
at this time of year will be pleased with the bright and thrifty
appearance of the town, and if he has heard of the "awful stickiness"
of the soil and expects to see houses and people and fences covered
with an inerasable coating of adobe, will be very agreeably
disappointed. On all hands are appearances of comfort and good taste on
the part of the citizens. The houses are neat and well kept, the
gardens in the central part of the village, irrigated from the mill
race by an ingenious contrivance in the shape of large, picturesque
water wheels, are green and flourishing, and, altogether, the town
presents an inviting appearance. It is favorably situated, being in the
midst of an extensive agricultural and grazing country, and with a
continuance of the public spirit already exhibited by its leading
citizens will steadily increase in business, population and prosperity.
The most important business of the place is that of the flouring mill,
built by Jno. Daley and sons, which has the reputation of turning out
flour of the best quality. The proprietors are enterprising and
energetic and deserve much credit for their influence in building up
the village. Besides the mill, there are two stores, two blacksmith
shops and two public houses, but no saloon--the red ribbon is seen on
the coats of nearly all the young men in town.The citizens of Eagle Point look forward to the future of their town with higher expectations, too, than to see it merely a little trading village for a secluded farming and pastoral region. Like the people of many other towns of the undeveloped portions of the state, they are hoping to hear the echoes of the locomotive whistle reverberating among the hills about them before many years. And, from what we can learn of the topography of the country, the chances appear very favorable for their valley being in the route of any road which may come in from the Lake country to strike Rogue River Valley and connect with the O.&C. railroad. Ashland Tidings, June 25, 1880, page 2 Items from Big Butte.
correspondent sends us the following under date of July 10th:Cooler. School closed. Saw mills running. Bad colds are prevalent. Our census enumerator found a superfluity of widows, and it is amazing how young they all are. E. H. Hughes and two sons killed a very large brown bear, which has been a terror to Big Butte stockmen for many years. Some miscreant broke into Mr. Justus' cabin near the mouth of Big Butte Creek and appropriated everything in it save the straw in the bed tick--did not leave the grindstone even. Joseph Hanna, of Rogue River, is burning a large kiln of earthenware. Such enterprises of home industry should be encouraged. Crops are not as good as they might be, but they are generally better throughout the valley than many reports have made them. There are more grasshoppers in many localities than we have ever seen in Jackson County. What is the cause of these pests after such a hard winter is what engrosses our minds just now. At the June election 21 electors in this precinct did not go to the polls to exercise the right of suffrage. Hancock and Garfield will probably make us enthuse however. Our J.P. has qualified and now announces himself ready to tie the nuptial knot on short notice, and his motto is "first come first served." Our natal day was duly honored by the citizens of this place and many from Little Butte, in the shady grove near our school house. Wm. McGregor acted as marshal of the day, Dan. E. Morris reader, Rev. A. C. [Howlett] delivered the prayer, and Dr. J. M. Buck and W. H. Parker were the orators. Had a good treat of vocal music by Mrs. G. A. King, Mrs. C. P. Parker and Charles Carey, and also some young misses. The dinner, which was excellent, was spread under the auspices of Mrs. Stought, who is our boss table overseer. It closed with a ball at at the "Chipper Hotel," where 25 couple participated. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. One gentleman refused to celebrate because he was not invited, but since the several committees were not aware that they had to send invitations for persons to attend a Fourth of July celebration, I presume they were pardonable. B.B.
Tidings, July 16, 1880, page 3Items from Big Butte.
correspondent sends us the following under a recent date.Smoky. Still hot. Times are harder. The steam mill is closed, for what time I am not advised. Peter Simon, of Eagle Point, had a fine mare stolen recently. I am now supplied with tobacco, but my last week's Tidings did not come is what's the matter. A spirited foot-shaking at the residence of S. C. Higinbotham's in Tubtown last week. Zenith is the center of attraction this week. J.P.'s, Constables, County Judge, lawyers and physicians are viewing the scenery. Husband and wife entered into an agreement last week. The former was to deny himself drink of any kind so long as the latter would refrain from talking. The agreement lasted twenty minutes--there was no wood cut. W.H.P.
Tidings, August 27, 1880, page 3FLYING TRIP TO EAGLE POINT.
August 27th the pro temp editor of the Sentinel, in
company of A. C. Jones and family and W. J. Plymale and
several members of his family, took a flying trip to Butte Creek, for
the purpose of attending the picnic held under the auspices of the
Champions of Honor. Starting bright and early we were soon well on our
way, with Eagle Point, sixteen miles away, as the objective "point."
Hastening along the road in one of Plymale's superior family turnouts,
our thinking faculties were soon aroused, and we as soon began to
account (in a manner at least) for the increase of profanity
on the
part of people traveling our public roads. Gliding along smoothly, as
we thought, our party was suddenly startled by a succession of
irregular movements on the part of our vehicle. One by one we received
a knock against our head, enabling several if not all of our company to
see "stars"--a sensation by no means pleasant at seven o'clock in the
morning. When we were told by our gentlemanly coachman that we had only
gone through a few Oregon "chuckholes," that could not be avoided, we
understood all about it, and "put up" with the chastisement, undeserved
though it was. But it did not prevent us from moralizing a very little.
O, who could fittingly describe the feelings of these travelers toward
that neglectful road overseer, who brought all that misery upon
us! Fortunately for him that he was not at that moment within reaching
distance. Wouldn't he have caught "fits"? There is not the slightest
excuse for such bad places to remain in the public highways, and yet
these chuckholes have been there since spring. Verily the road overseer
who can be unconcerned about this matter is a fit subject of prayer.It must be confessed that the road system of Oregon is most abominable, as is abundantly attested by the destruction of property--broken wagons and worn-out draft horses. There is not another state in the Union where there is so little public spirit manifested to keep the roads in repair as Oregon. If there is any way of inducing gentlemen in charge of road work to do their duty, we would like to know it. On our trip to Eagle Point we found other sections of the road grown over with the so-called Spanish needle weed, or in the language of Tom. Beall, dagger cockleburs. This noxious weed is worse than the Canada thistle, and if no steps are taken to exterminate it, it will be only a question of time when farming in Rogue River Valley will be rendered impossible by this wonderfully rank and thorny weed. The Oregon statute book contains a law making it obligatory upon road overseers to cut down this noxious weed wherever found in the public highways. Our own citizen, the Hon. Tom. Beall, whilst a member of the Oregon legislature, procured the passage of this good law, but to observe the immense crop of this dagger weed along most of the public highways in the valley the proof is not wanting that this is but a dead letter upon the statute book. We reached Eagle Point sufficiently early in the day to enable us to see the sights of town and its immediate surroundings. The first thing to attract our attention was the clear, beautiful mountain stream flowing swiftly by town. Owing to the fact that the large county bridge which crosses Little Butte Creek at this point was being rebuilt and impassable, we had to ford the stream a short distance below. The rather abrupt descent into and ascent out of the steam convinced us that there is room for vast volumes of water. The melting snows of Mount Pitt, situated about twenty miles to the east of here, supplies this stream with its abundance the year round. The topography of the earth's surface, the line belt of farming land, the splendid townsite, the magnificent water power and mild climate, all conspire to ensure a prosperous if not brilliant future. All these advantages taken into account we see good reason for the hope that animates the hearts of the proprietors of Eagle Point. Besides, it is situated on the only practical railroad route between Roseburg and the Klamath Lake country. It is a noticeable fact, which may have escaped public attention, that the headwaters of the South Umpqua and the headwaters of Trail Creek are but a stone's throw from each other, and the two streams are separated from each other by a low divide and an easy grade. Trail Creek empties into Rogue River a short distance above Eagle Point, and the route up Little Butte and into the Klamath Lake country is no more difficult than the pass through the mountains which separate the Willamette from the Umpqua Valley, and through which the railroad is now built and running. The Trail Creek route shortens the distance between Roseburg and Linkville greatly, and is well known to the railroad authorities, the survey having been made some years ago, and has been resurveyed quite recently. This route as it proceeds southeast leaves Mount Pitt to the left. Is it any wonder that with such a favorable geographical location the citizens of Eagle Point should look to the future hopefully? Peter Simons, who is also proprietor of the Traveler's Home, is the largest land owner at Eagle Point. The plat of the town is recorded is the County Clerk's office. In platting the town we hope provision has been made to lay out according to the points of the compass, with wide streets, good-sized blocks, allowing a 20-foot alley to run through center of [the] block both from east to west and from north to south. Eagle Point has one flouring mill, two stores, one cabinetmaking and carpenter shop, one blacksmithing and wagonmaking establishment; one school house, one house of worship (Catholic), and two places of entertainment for travelers. The public hall over the blacksmith shop supplies a want long felt, and public gatherings of any nature are held here. There are three undershot water wheels in operation at Eagle Point, which furnish a majority of the town people with water for irrigation purposes. The one in front of Brown's store and residence is 24 feet in diameter and lifts the water 22 feet. The water is received by an air-tight box, in which it is led under the street to the premises where it raises by its own pressure, and is conducted in flumes to any part of the place or farm where wanted. The water is taken out of the ditch that furnishes Daily & Emery's mill with power. It is of very simple construction and is calculated to find many imitators. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 1, 1880, page 3 CHAMPION PICNIC.--The picnic of the Champion of Honor at Eagle Point was an enjoyable affair. It was held in the deeply shaded alder grove of Mr. McDaniel, ¾ mile above town. The exercises on the ground were of a very creditable character. The address of Mr. Jones on temperance was listened to with deep interest by the assembled multitude. It was so earnest and to the point that it will doubtless prove the means of leading many in the path of sobriety, morality, virtue. R. H. Sherrill, of the Willamette, spoke after Mr. Jones on the same subject. The basket dinner which followed was participated in by all hands. In the afternoon the Champions met in council for business connected with the order. The festivities wound up by a grand dance in which 75 couples took part, at $2 a couple, which goes to the proprietor of the hall, Arthur Pool. The representatives from Jacksonville at the dance were very numerous, in fact greater than the most sanguine Eagle Pointer had any right to expect. Dancing was kept up until five o'clock the next morning, when the dancers were forced to stop by sheer exhaustion of nature's powers. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 1, 1880, page 3
Saturday last, Henry Elmer McCord, an adopted son of Eber Emery, aged
about twelve years, died at Eagle Point, of inflammation of the bowels,
after a brief illness. The little fellow was exceptionally bright, and
was a general favorite, and by Mr. Emery and wife, who took him into
their home nine years ago, his loss is felt as keenly, perhaps, as
though he were their own son. The burial was in the Ashland Cemetery on
Monday morning, and a number of people from Eagle Point drove over with
the funeral. Elmer was a member of the order of Champions of Honor, and
the Council at this place intended to assist in the burial services,
but some misunderstanding in regard to the time prevented.
Tidings, September 10, 1880, page
Yesterday two men, named respectively James Poole and McNeill, got into
a quarrel at Elk Creek, Jackson County, during which Poole drew a
pistol and shot his antagonist in the thigh, inflicting a very
dangerous wound. Poole is in custody.
Daily Union, October 13, 1880, page
4A Republican meeting will be held at Eagle Point on Saturday, Oct. 30th, at 2 o'clock p.m., to be addressed by Samuel Colver and others. "Local Brevities," Ashland Tidings, October 22, 1880, page 3 Arthur Pool, the popular hotel keeper at Eagle Point, elsewhere gives notice that he will give a social party at his new hall on Christmas Eve, to which everybody is invited. The best of music will be provided, while there will be no discount on the supper. Preceding the ball, there will be Christmas tree exercises. A good time may be anticipated at Eagle Point during the holidays. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 3, 1880, page 3 Pat. McMahon drove into Jacksonville Tuesday evening a load of deer and bear skins, amounting in all to about 700 pounds. Most of them came from the Big Butte. "Oregon," Vancouver Independent, Vancouver, Washington, March 31, 1881, page 4 A. J. Daley of Eagle Point will soon be in receipt of considerable improved machinery for his grist mill. A. J. Daley and John Ashpole have started a butcher shop at Eagle Point and propose furnishing that section with the best of meats. The Eagle Point school, under the efficient management of A. H. Osborne, will close today with an exhibition, which promises to be quite interesting. Manuel Miller of Eagle Point cut his foot severely with a hand ax while at work in his wagon shop the other day. He is temporarily laid up for repairs. "Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1881, page 3 THE FOURTH AT BIG BUTTE.--Big Butte had its celebration, too, which consisted of divers amusements, an impromptu oration by W. H. Parker, the pedagogue, and a magnificent dinner spread in common by all the ladies. Then baseball, and race by gentlemen in sacks--which, for ludicrousness had not seen its like on Big Butte. It was a continuous line of fall and get up again. But an egg race by the ladies "capped the climax." Each carried an egg in a spoon. It need scarcely be said that all the eggs "drapped" but one, which was carried by a young miss, who, being the victor, carried off the prize. Our correspondent winds up by saying the glorious Fourth "wound up" with a dance at night. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 16, 1881, page 3 TO THE BUTTE CREEK COUNTRY.
Last Saturday found us carrying out an idea we had for some weeks
entertained, namely of visiting a portion of Little Butte and two of
its main tributaries. We "got aboard" a cayuse pony and rode down the
valley via the Hanley Hill, Central Point, crossed Bear Creek, big
desert, Big Sticky to Brownsboro and East or North Fork of Little
Butte, arriving at three in the afternoon at the home of Fred Downing,
thirty miles from Jacksonville. The ten-mile ride across the dry desert
and Big Sticky, with Old Sol all the while unmercifully beating down on
our devoted head, reminded us of the country where there is no winter,
and where we pray we may not go. As we rode along in the noonday heat
we felt as if we were roasting in a bakeoven, and not before we had got
clear across the sticky and were within a few rods of the mountain did
a current of fresh air strike us and relief was afforded momentarily.
Ten miles more in the heat of the afternoon, with the thermometer
dancing to the tune of "99 degrees in the shade," brought us to our
place of destination, as above stated, near the Hanley stock ranch, and
six miles from the noted McCallister Soda Springs. Owing to our great
fatigue (not being accustomed to riding a lazy cayuse), the pressure of
time and other previous engagements, we had not the time to go up to
McCallister's on this trip.The newspaper man is constantly after items, whether within his own experience or that of others. On such a trip many objects of interest forced themselves upon our view. Among them is this: The tillable land in the valley is held by too few individuals, and as a consequence is not thoroughly cultivated. No good reason can be assigned for undertaking too much either at farming or at anything else. Eighty acres well tended will produce nearly as much as 160 indifferently cultivated. In many portions of the valley as well as along Butte Creek, the ripened grain was being cut, but it had the appearance as if harvest hands were scarce. Henry Brown is one of the heaviest land owners on this creek, his fine acres stretching up and down the stream for many miles. He showed us an alfalfa patch where the productiveness of the country and the benefits of irrigation could plainly be seen. Before irrigation that patch produced three tons of hay per year, but since irrigation was applied it produces over a hundred tons a year. Fred Downing's homestead of 160 acres is splendidly located on East or North Fork of Little Butte. A part of the land consists of a so-called "flat" or tableland, and the part bordering on the creek is to all appearances a level plain, but on a closer inspection the observer will find that the earth here rises quite rapidly. We were surprised when Mr. Downing informed us that the apparent level field before us, according to the Applegate survey, rises fully 96 feet to the mile, and the same ratio of rise is continued through the fields of Mr. Hanley's ranch. As the earth elevates, many magnificent springs burst forth from its bosom. We will mention only the two nearest. Half a mile above Hanley's ranch two contiguous springs of cool, pure water issue in such volumes as would be sufficient to set in motion the best flouring mill in the county. These waters are now partially utilized by irrigating Messrs. Hanley's, Downing's, and Henry Pegg's [Pech] ranches. The higher one ascends toward the snow line of the Cascades the more these springs multiply. Retracing our steps we next visited Salt Fork of Little Butte, stopping at August Meyer's, a well-to-do German settler. To reach this point, we crossed a large level mountain bench which partakes very much of the nature of a desert, four miles to the north of where we had been. From Mr. Meyer we learn the story of the difficulties that he and his friends had to encounter when they came here. Just nine years ago he and friends settled in these parts. Their means having become exhausted by the extensive journey from the Fatherland to this country, they found themselves on their arrival here penniless--without homes, unable to speak the English--and far away from kindred. They were in need of everything and had nothing to pay with. Under the most trying and discouraging circumstances did they commence farming operations on Butte Creek. But with stout hearts and willing hands, and of firm trust in God, they commenced clearing, plowing, cultivating the land, putting in crops, and working for their English-speaking neighbors, until they had got a start. The persevering toil of these industrious Germans is being rewarded most abundantly. They have outlived poverty and are now able to grapple with adversity, and many of them are already now quite well to do. Their land, being well worked, produces splendidly; and judging from the number of sleek-looking cattle, horses and swine of which they are the owners we think they are on the high road to prosperity. Mr. Meyer took us through his bean, potato, onion and corn fields. He expects to harvest 7,000 pounds of white beans, and many thousand pounds of other garden truck. Dr. William Miller has been a resident of Salt Fork of Little Butte for upward of thirteen years. He moved there with his family from the state of Iowa, and since his sojourn in the wilds of Southern Oregon has made himself useful in more ways than one. He is very popular among his neighbors, being of a whole-souled, liberal disposition, and possessed of considerable medical skill. His cancer remedy is said to be never failing, and invalids who suffer from this complaint have been known to call on him from great distances and been benefited. Dr. Miller, although in his 75th year, is still as spry as a young man of 40. The activity with which he climbs these mountains, rifle in hand, after game has often caused younger men to wonder at his physical endurance. He is very fond of the hunt. The other day in summing up the number of bears he had shot and killed since he located on Salt Fork, we were not a little surprised to find that their number was 104! He also has slain many panthers, and other wild animals of the forest, but we did not learn how many. A very fine salt spring near Dr. Miller's ranch has furnished this stream its name. Its waters are so very saline in their character that with very little labor they can be crystallized into salt. The doctor feeds to his stock the loose saturated earth near the spring, and all seem to relish it. We failed to ascertain the exact analytical proportion of salt to every gallon of this water. But we believe with a little effort and a little capital, a salt works could be established here to supply (at least) the home market with that commodity. Dr. Miller also manufactures some excellent cheese which we sampled at friend Meyer's stable. It was first rate, and we were almost tempted to ask for a piece to take home to the editor's landlady. But as we were too modest, we didn't. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 30, 1881, page 2 The family of Rev. A. C. Howlett, who resides on the divide between Little and Big Butte creeks, Jackson County, is severely afflicted. All of his children, eight in number, were taken down with diphtheria some time since. Saturday a boy of 14 and on Monday another boy died of this terrible disease, and a third was not expected to live when the messenger left. Among the 5 surviving children, only 3 seem to be showing any favorable symptoms. "Southern Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, August 10, 1881, page 1 FROM BROWNSBORO.--Considerable sore throat prevails in this neighborhood.… All of Geo. W. Isaacs' children have been down with putrid sore throat or diphtheria, but they are about over it now.…W. H. Parker's wife is quite unwell. They have gone to his mother's at Willow Springs.…There are a great many visitors at the McCallister Soda Springs. Two hundred and eighty-eight have visited it this summer. Mr. McCallister has been offered $6,000 (in property) for his claim on the spring, but refuses to take it. He asks $10,000 for it.…There is a kind of distemper that is taking off a good many colts on this range now. CORRESPONDENT.
Brownsboro, Sept.
9, 1881.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1881, page 4 WAGON ROAD MEETING AT EAGLE
At a meeting called Feb. 18, 1882, at Eagle Point, for the purpose of
obtaining the sentiments of the people of Eagle Point and vicinity in
regard to a wagon road to Fort Klamath, J. G. Grossman was called to
the chair and H. C. Fleming chosen secretary. The chairman stated the
object of the meeting to be as stated above. After remarks by Wm.
Simpson, A. J. Daley, M. Peterson, James Miller, J. M. Matney, A. W.
Clemens, E. Emery, Charles Griffith and A. H. Osborne, a motion was
made and carried that James Miller, M. Peterson, Wm. Simpson, J. M.
Matney and A. J. Daley be appointed a committee to designate the route
for said road, commencing at old Camp Stuart, near H. Amy's residence,
and ending at the eastern boundary line of Jackson County, and to
petition the County Court to grant a survey for said road from the
terminus of the county road to said eastern boundary line. On motion,
our county papers were requested to publish these minutes. The meeting
then adjourned sine die.
H. C. FLEMING, Sec'y.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 24, 1882, page 2 Wagon Road Meeting at Eagle Point.
At a meeting called Feb. 18, 1882, at Eagle Point, for the purpose of
obtaining the sentiments of the people of Eagle Point and vicinity in
regard to a wagon road to Fort Klamath, J. G. Grossman was called to
the chair and H. C. Fleming chosen as secretary. The chairman stated
the object of the meeting to be as stated above. After remarks by Wm.
Simpson, A. J. Daley, M. Peterson, James Miller, J. M. Matney, A. W.
Clemens, E. Emery, Charles Griffith and A. H. Osborne, a motion was
made and carried that James Miller, M. Peterson, Wm. Simpson, J. M.
Matney and A. J. Daley be appointed a committee to designate the route
for said road, commencing at old Camp Stuart, near H. Amy's residence,
and ending at the eastern boundary line of Jackson County, and to
petition the County Court to grant a survey for said road from the
terminus of the county road to said eastern boundary line. On motion
our county papers were requested to publish these minutes. The meeting
then adjourned sine die.J. G. GROSSMAN,
H. C. FLEMING, Sec'y.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 25, 1882, page 3 J. M. Nichols had his horse killed under him near Eagle Point, Jackson County, on the 13th, by Ki. Matthews. The trouble grew out of Matthews' sheep feeding on Nichols' land. John, finding the sheep on his place, drove them off and started to leave when Matthews made his appearance and shot at him with his gun, striking Nichols' horse, which ran a short distance and fell in a dying condition. Matthews was afterward arrested by the constable of Little Butte precinct, who turned him over to Deputy Sheriff Seybert the next day. He has been indicted by the grand jury for an assault with intent to kill. His bail has been fixed at $1,500, in default of which he languishes in jail. "State News," Eugene City Guard, February 25, 1882, page 1 From Bro. Peterson.
Bro. D. T. Stanley:
Enclosed please find $2.00 which you will place to Bro. Jno. Daley's credit, Eagle Point, this county. I have been down to Redding, Shasta County, Cal., to meet our daughter and her four children, who have been residing in Galt, Sacramento County, Cal., for five years. They have come to make their home with us. I held meetings in Ashland, Or., Cottonwood, Little Shasta and Redding, Cal. Had good attention and considerable interest manifest. Our prospects religiously are not bright here. Health is generally good. Bro. Daley of Eagle Point is afflicted with dropsy, and is not so well for a month past as he has been. Our crop prospects are not very flattering in consequence of the continuous cool weather. Our fruit is much damaged. Very little escaped the late freezes. Very few immigrants have yet settled among us. We hope for more as our railroad nears us. Politics are looming up. Not much said in political circles on temperance. I hoped the people would arouse themselves on this subject and elect none but temperance men to office in our state; but alas! we are disappointed. But we must bear and work. Yours, &c.,
Herald, Portland, June 9, 1882, page 4MARTIN PETERSON. Dr. John P. Parker, of Big Butte, Jackson County, a pioneer of Southern Oregon, was killed a few days ago by a blow in the breast from a big plank while working in a saw mill. "From Our Portland Correspondent," Seattle Daily Post-Intelligencer, June 28, 1882, page 1
T. J. Cochran, of California, father-in-law of J. F. Gregory, of Rogue
River, has bought of David Ball the Stow place at the mouth of Butte
Creek--230 acres for $3,500 cash. Mr. Cochran started for his present
home, in California near the Nevada line, this week, and will return
with his family to Jackson County in October.--Tidings.
"News Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 22, 1882, page 4 Eber Emery and wife, of Eagle Point, are in town. Mr. Emery says the Butte Creek people are jubilant over the order for the viewing of the county road petitioned for from that place across the mountains. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, August 18, 1882, page 3 Rev. F. X. Blanchet has gone to Trail Creek and Flounce Rock on a pastoral tour. While there he may extend his journey to Crater Lake. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 26, 1882, page 3 F. Ayres of Butte Creek is furnishing this market with superior shingles. John Ashpole of Eagle Point, who was in town this week, says extensive fires are raging not far from there. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 8, 1882, page 3 James Riley, of Little Butte precinct, received injuries by being thrown from a horse on Monday last from which he died on the following Wednesday. "Southern Oregon," Oregonian, Portland, September 28, 1882, page 4 BUTTE CREEK PROTECTIVE SOCIETY.--The first meeting of this society was held at Eagle Point on the 21st inst., and a temporary organization was formed by calling A. J. Daley to the chair and choosing W. H. Parker secretary pro tem. On motion, a committee of three, consisting of W. H. Parker, W. H. Simpson and Thos. E. Nichols was appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, to report at next meeting. Moved to send proceedings of the meeting to our local papers for publiction. Onmotion, meeting adjourned to meet again at Eagle Point on Saturday, 28th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M., to effect a permanent organization. A.
J. DALEY, Chn.
H. PARKER, Sec.Ashland Tidings, October 27, 1882, page 3 Some of the enterprising farmers of Butte Creek have organized an irrigation company, and are constructing a ditch which taps Little Butte about two miles above Eagle Point. When completed, the ditch will carry 1400 inches of water, and be about four miles in length. We congratulate our Butte Creek friends upon their enterprise in this matter, and hope they may reap large returns upon their investment. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1883, page 3 Merits Notice.
July 23, 1883.
Dr. E. P. Geary, son of Rev. E. R. Geary of Eugene, who is located at
Eagle Point, Jackson County, for the practice of his profession,
performed a surgical operation on the eyes of a little blind boy near
Eagle Point last winter, for the solution of cataract, which merits
public notice. The operation consists in entering the pupil with a
delicate instrument, and puncture the capsule crystalline lens of the
eyes and letting out its opaque contents into the aqueous humor of the
eye, which has the property of dissolving the lens contents, and thus
clearing the pupilar
space. The child was born blind, and is 8 years old. Though both eyes
were restored to sight, yet to see distinctly a focal glass equal to
that of the lens removed will have to be worn. This operation has
attracted much interest, both as to the condition of the child, and
because his mother is a poor widow. The doctor's scientific skill is
fully established here, and we wish him much success in climbing up the
ladder of fame.N.H.P.
City Guard, July 28, 1883, page 5NEW OFFICERS.--The Butte Creek Protective Society met at Eagle Point last Saturday and elected the following officers to serve the ensuing year: President, A. J. Daley; vice president, Wm. H. Parker; secretary, Thos. E. Nichols; treasurer, J. M. Nichols; trustees, G. W. Isaacs, I. B. Williams, J. M. Matney; investigating committee, S. Klingle, John Ashpole, H. R. Brown, H. J. Terrill, G. W. Rice. The next meeting is to be held at Brownsboro on the first Saturday in January. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 1, 1883, page 3
young man named James Watkins, who has been driving the Butte Creek
stage for some time past, was arrested near Waldo last Wednesday by
Sheriff Jacobs and charged with the larceny of $100 entrusted to his
care by R. H. Brown of Eagle Point, who gave him the money to deposit
with C. C. Beekman of this place. He was brought back on the Crescent
City stage Thursday night and is now in jail awaiting a preliminary
examination to be held today.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 12, 1884, page 3 Eagle Point.
We paid Eagle Point a flying visit last Saturday and was much surprised
at the improvement and activity everywhere present in that place. A
dramatic entertainment the evening before by amateurs was being
favorably commented upon by everyone; showing that they had talents and
resources within themselves to furnish their own amusement, also on the
day of our visit the Democratic primaries were held followed by the
regular meeting of the woman suffrage society when we listened to
earnest and eloquent addresses by by Rev. A. M. Russell of Ashland and
Elder J. W. Webb of California in favor of the enfranchisement of
women. The society has a large and constantly increasing membership
composed of the permanent and wide-awake citizens of that section and
is presided over with grace and dignity by Mrs. Thos. E. Nichols, wife
of Jackson County's present Assessor. In the evening everybody, young
and old, grave and gay, attended singing school, which is being
successfully conducted by Prof. Whitton of Ashland. On Sunday a sermon
in the forenoon and lecture in behalf of the temperance cause in the
evening brought the people out again, showing them to be interested
harmoniously on all of the reforms of the day. Crops and gardens in
that section were growing finely with new vegetables, lettuce, radishes
and onions on the tables. The air was everywhere redolent with the
perfume of bursting buds of fruit and flowers blended with the rippling
murmur of softly falling water--the place seemed almost a perfect
vision of beauty and bloom. We would advise our readers when they get
tired and misanthropic to make Eagle Point a visit and luxuriate in the
hospitable homes a few days and you will return home with energies
renewed and at peace with all mankind.Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 26, 1884, page 4 ROBBERY.--One week ago last Friday night the store of R. H. Brown at Eagle Point was entered by burglars and the till robbed of about $50 in silver and a pistol. The proprietor was absent at the time, and no clue has yet been found of the thief. The entrance was effected through a window, the robber taking out a pane of glass. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 26, 1884, page 3 John McDaniel, of Little Butte, brother of the late Lewis McDaniel, was in town last Saturday, and expressed a determination to have the mystery of the murder solved, if possible. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, November 28, 1884, page 3 Fred S. Aiken and several others came down from the head of Rogue River this week to prove up on their land. Streams were so high that they had to go to the headwaters of some to get across. A man named Higinbotham from Eagle Point come to town this week and stated that he had stabbd Wm. Worlow at that place and wanted to authorities to take him in charge. The whole thing proved a hoax, however, arising from a disordered mind, caused by drink. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 27, 1884, page 3 BOUND OVER.--Frank Bills, who recently bought the saloon property of Wm. Worlow at Eagle Point, was arrested this week on three charges--selling liquor without a license, selling it to minors and for keeping a gambling house. At the preliminary examination before the Justice at that place he was bound over in the sum of $400 to appear before the grand jury and, furnishing bail, he was released from custody. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 7, 1885, page 3 John A. Grieve came in this week from his ranch on Fall Creek, just this side of the Klamath River. He says the people in his neighborhood are anxious to have the post office at Pioneer reopened, or else have the river bridged, so they can reach the Bogus office. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 20, 1885, page 3 Eagle Point, Jackson County. Thinking that a note from Jackson County might be of interest to your many readers, I thought I would drop you a few lines. We had a severe frost on the low land in the valley on the night of the 22nd, greatly to the detriment of the gardeners. We have been having frequent showers of rain for the last two weeks and the result is the farmers and stockmen are looking pleased. Late-sown grain is doing well. We have a flourishing lodge of the I.O.O.F. at this place, also one at Brownsboro, each numbering about forty members, and the two lodges are crippling the saloon at this place. Eagle Point had a grand picnic on the 23rd inst. The schools of Antelope and Eagle Point districts consolidated and had a very pleasant time. We had a fine display of elocution by the pupils, a sumptuous feast of the best the land affords and in the afternoon a game of base ball in which the Eagle Point boys won the laurels. UNO.
Roseburg Review, May
29, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.The Eagle Point School.
Times, Jacksonville, July 17, 1885, page 3
The whole number enrolled during the past term was sixty-seven--a
number sufficient to require two departments, when a much better system
of grading could be adopted. The school room needs repairs, and will
doubtless receive them during vacation, which will continue about six
weeks. Had it not been for sickness in the form of whooping cough the
past month, our average attendance would have been far in advance of
most schools formerly. We give the same, per month, below. Average
daily attendance in April, 51; May, 49; June, 26. To conclude, we will
say that we vacate our position as teacher after five months' steady
work, with reluctance, for to us the school room, with its happy
inmates, has grown homelike, and whether we ever assemble together
again at our daily tasks or not we shall ever cherish in our minds
sweet recollections of Eagle Point.
Jackson County.
Eagle Point, July
27, 1885.
Harvest is upon us, and in almost every direction one can hear the
sound of the harvesters. The crops are much better than anyone
expected, and the cry now is, what will we do with our
grain?…The late
rains have made thousands of bushels of grain and tons of hay so we
have no fears of a famine this year.…The weather has been
warm in some parts of our valley for the past three weeks and the
result is that scores of our citizens are going to the Soda Springs on
Butte Creek. Since the Fourth it is estimated that at least ninety
persons have gone to the springs for their health.…There has
been and
still is a great deal of sickness in the valley, and unless we have a
change in the weather there will be a great deal more. But in spite of
sickness and warm weather Eagle Point still continues to
improve.…Grossman & Purdin are building an addition
to their place
of business where they expect to have a photograph gallery in the upper
story and a furniture store in the lower story.W. W. Parker has about completed his neat residence and David Hendry has put a nice fence around his premises.… The contractors for building the bridge across Rogue River are putting the material on the ground for its construction and the people begin to look forward to the time when they can go from one part of the valley to another without paying the price of a day's work for the use of a boat to cross the river, but one bridge is not enough, but we will have to wait until we can elect men as our officers of broad and liberal views that will not be influenced by party cliques or local interests. There seems to be a disposition on the part of the present board to use their influence in favor of certain localities, to the detriment of the rest of the county. But such is life. UNO.
Roseburg Review, July
31, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Butte Creek Items.
Considerable sickness prevails on upper Butte Creek at this time.
Rudolph Pech, H. Pech's son, has been down with the diphtheria, but is getting well again. Dr. Whitney is attending him. H. R. Brown's daughter, Mary, has been quite low with typhoid fever, but Dr. Geary of Medford is bringing her out all right again. Stock of all kinds are doing splendidly. Several are going to try sheep again, now that there is a bounty on wild animals' scalps. Lewis Hessig, a merchant at Hydesville, Cal., who is starting a dairy ranch on Klamath River, bought ten head of milch cows of H. E. Brown not long since. A great many are taking claims on upper Butte this summer. The Bieberstedt Bros. have had a married brother come from Germany, who went onto the Burton place, while the bachelors took up other land. Thomas Jost, an upper Butte settler, who went to San Francisco to try that place awhile, has returned, being unable to find a situation, accompanied by another German, who is negotiating for some entered land on upper Butte. Jost says there are hundreds out of employment in 'Frisco. I am glad to announce that Mrs. M. Hanley's health is improving very much up at the McCallister Springs. This community feels a great interest in this lady's welfare. Many a poor way-worn immigrant has she sheltered and fed, and bid them return whenever they could do no better; and in early days, when fruit was scarce, she would always divide her scanty store with them. OCCASIONAL.
Brownsboro, Aug. 5.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1885, page 3 Jackson County.
Eagle Point, August
10, 1885.
It becomes my painful duty as a reporter of the events passing in our
county to report another list of accidents.… A
lady named Griffin
while riding in a wagon with her husband was thrown out and the fall
broke her back and otherwise injured her so that she died in the course
of ten or twelve hours after suffering the most intense pain. She
leaves a husband and four little children in destitute circumstances to
mourn her loss.… Dr. Brown of Brownsboro was thrown from his
near Chavner bridge on Rogue River and instantly killed.… A
lady near
Phoenix was thrown from a buggy and had her arm broken.… A
Miss Waters
of Jacksonville had her clothes take fire and although her brother saw
her and as soon as possible wrapped her in a blanket, still she was
badly injured.… And while I am writing up the mysterious
workings of D.V.
I must add that there is now a vast amount of sickness in this
neighborhood. Our physician is kept busy all the time, and the reports
from other parts of the county are no better and now we hear of many
cases of diphtheria in different parts of the valley.…We are
very warm and smoky weather now and unless there is a change I fear the
worst has not come yet.
Roseburg Review, August
14, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.The house on the farm of Claude Hill in Little Butte precinct, Jackson County, was destroyed by fire one day last week, as also were many of its contents. The loss will not fall much short of $1000, upon which there is no insurance. Mr. John Matthews, one of the pioneers of Jackson County, died last Wednesday at home near Eagle Point, from typhoid fever. Mr. Matthews came to this valley at an early day in its settlement and located a home on Little Butte Creek. He died aged 70 years. "News of the Northwest," Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 24, 1885, page 2 From Eagle Point, Jackson County. Eagle Point has a new shoe shop. Harvest is over and news is scarce. E. Emery & Co. shipped another lot of wood to Portland last week. Elder Hummer, of Wagner Creek, of the United Baptist Church of Jesus Christ, is holding a protracted meeting in the Antelope school house, which has been in progress over a week and the end is not yet. He has organized a church of ten members last week. Five more united on the 23rd. In my last I reported a great deal of sickness in our valley; since that time one of our oldest citizens, John Matthews, colored, has passed off, leaving his aged mother, wife, fifteen children, a large number of grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn his loss. He was about sixty-seven years of age. Dr. L. L. Whitney has purchased a tract of twenty-five acres of land in the suburbs of our town, of Wm. Taylor, consideration forty dollars per acre. He is preparing to build and make a permanent home. So you see business men from the East are coming amongst us to stay. UNO.
Roseburg Review, August
28, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Chas. Sullivan was accidentally shot and killed on the evening of the 11th, about eight miles south of Deskins, Jackson County, Or., by Daniel Winkle, and in the presence of Lewis Pegg, Wm. Cushman and John Duranceau, all being out hunting. He died almost instantly. "Coast Clippings," Daily Alta California, San Francisco, September 1, 1885, page 2 From Jackson County.
I commence my article this week you will pardon me if I express OUR
appreciation of your excellent paper. I say OUR,
for wife and daughters look for its weekly visits with all the interest
they would manifest when looking for a time-honored friend, and if the REVIEW
keeps on improving in the future as it has since it has been visiting
our home it will, ere long, be ranked among the leading papers of the
A short time ago, I wrote that a Miss Waters was badly injured, in Jacksonville. Since that time she has died, after suffering the most excruciating pains. Her parents have the sympathy of a host of friends. There is considerable sickness in our neighborhood, typhoid, malaria, and bilious fevers, ague and diphtheria. G. W. Ratrie, an old settler, died on the 28th of August after a protracted illness. Mr. Bloomer has the diphtheria in his family. He lost a little boy aged five years, and several others are afflicted with the terrible disease. A man by the name of Parker, living in the Evans Creek meadows, while out riding with his little daughter, had his horse run away, throwing them both from the buggy, killing the child and badly injuring the father. A young lady by the name of Lena Adams was thrown from her horse near here lately. Her foot caught in the stirrup, and she was dragged quite a distance, tearing her face and badly bruising her body. Peter Simon has added another chimney to his new hotel. Eagle Point is rapidly improving and is bound to take the lead. The excitement increases over the iron mines at Gold Hill, and the predictions are that Gold Hill will have a large increase in population ere long. Your correspondent saw an old-fashioned threshing machine a few days ago upon Butte Creek. Two men and a boy using flails and another boy using a fork to stir the straw. Verily we are in a progressive age. Elder Hummer closed his meeting on the 30th after protracting for two weeks. He received in all twenty-six members, thirteen by profession and the remainder from the Missionary Baptists and M.E. Church. He advocates open communion, free will, renounces all creeds, goes by the Book, teaches Calvinism to a limited extent, and is a great stickler for immersion, and has a very poor memory when attempting to quote authors. UNO.
Eagle Point, Sept. 7th.Roseburg Review, September 11, 1885, page 3. "Uno" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT. Nine persons were baptized in Butte Creek Saturday. The ceremony was witnessed by quite an enthusiastic audience from all parts of the country. While in Eagle Point [we] were shown a large squash raised by Geo. Brown weighing 106 pounds. Mr. Brown, by the way, can make as good cider as the next one, in witness whereof we can testify. Butte Creek is spanned by a suspension bridge at this place for the convenience of parties wishing to partake of the soda springs. If there is any virtue in suphuretted hydrogen and magnesia this certainly must be the perennial spring of youth and beauty. Considerable malaria is reported in this section. "Through Southern Oregon," Roseburg Review, September 18, 1885, page 3 From Eagle Point, Jackson County.
Last Saturday we had a Sunday school picnic on Rogue River just below
the new bridge, in which a number of the Sunday schools took a part.
The speeches were very good, and the singing and speeches by the
children were excellent.
Last Sunday night we had a temperance meeting. Rev. M. A. Williams opened it with reading two passages from the Book of Proverbs, singing and prayer, after which he led off with one of his characteristic speeches in which he presented the moral and financial phase of the subject, advanced prohibition and denounced the license system. A call was then made for Rev. A. C. Howlett, and although the call was unexpected he said that he was always ready to speak on the subject of temperance and Christianity; he presented the mental and physical side of the question and was afterward called upon to give his ideas of the hereditary effects of alcohol, which he did, showing clearly and conclusively that the effect is transmitted from parent to child, advocated prohibition and laid the sin of the liquor curse at the door of the men who vote for liquor men or to perpetuate the liquor parties. Geo. Brown, one of our merchants, was then called to the stand. He spoke of the effect of a mother's influence in his own case and that of his six brothers, and referred to the fact that our great men, our Websters, etc., have drunk their liquor, passed away, and their children have been lost sight of, but our great men, Lincolns, Garfields etc. spring from men of temperate habits. The name of A. L. Haselton was then called. He came forward and read an essay, setting forth some of the intemperate customs that prevail among the fair sex, for instance, squeezing a number-seven foot into a number-two shoe and encircling a number twenty-four waist in a no. sixteen corset, etc. We had a very enjoyable time and the exercises closed with the benediction by A. C. Howlett. I. B. Williams' little girls, while playing on the upper floor of his new house, which is in the course of construction, fell through the unfinished part of the floor. One of them had her arm broken and one tooth knocked out, and the other was caught in a man's arms and consequently saved from being hurt. UNO.
Roseburg Review, September
25, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Eagle Point Items.
Since my last my lip has been hanging down, and I have had the "sulks"
and have been out of sorts in every way just to think after my wracking
my brain to try to write something for your paper that would be of
interest to the hundreds that read the REVIEW
and then
to have the cream of my article taken off and consigned to the
wastebasket, and then a little editorial note by way of apology is
simply outrageous. But you editors take great liberties and we have to
submit. During the last few weeks I have been over considerable of our
valley, and have some notes for the REVIEW.
Our valley
is filling up very fast with solid, substantial men from the East, and
our towns along the railroad are building up very fast, and almost
every acre of land that will do for a garden spot or a chicken ranch is
being taken up, and the wonder is how so many families live in our
small towns and more especially our new towns, for the soil where they
are built is so poor that it will hardly sprout blackeyed peas, and
still they appear to live and dress well. Medford, the principal
railroad town in the valley, is steadily growing; new buildings are
going up every day, and car and wagon loads of lumber are continually
arriving, but the people of Medford are not satisfied with wooden
shanties, they are putting up a number of substantial brick buildings,
besides a number of wooden buildings.W. S. Parker of this place cut his arm with an ax. One M.D. of this place has had a number of cases of diphtheria this fall. Charley Turrel, living near Brownsboro, cut his foot very badly a few days ago. Brownsboro has a cooper shop in connection with the blacksmith and wagon shop. Wool buyers are getting in earnest in our valley, and a large amount of wool is changing hands at from 12½ to 15 cents. Central Point after her long struggles has at last raised her head and shows signs of life and energy; there are several new buildings going up for stores, blacksmith and wagon shops, offices, etc. besides a very large number of private residences, and it is thought that Central Point will in a short time become the leading business town of county; in fact they are talking of moving the courthouse from Jacksonville to that point. But while other points are improving, Eagle Point still holds her own. Dr. L. L. Whitney is erecting a very fine residence and is making preparations to plant about 1000 fruit trees this winter, intending to establish a cannery in the near future, and our town is steadily improving, and we expect to have a daily mail route established before long, and then it will not take from Saturday until Tuesday night to get a letter from here to the county seat. UNO.
Roseburg Review, October
16, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.EAGLE POINT ITEMS.
Mr. Lenoir of Central Point was severely hurt a short time ago while
working with a wheat cleaner.
Our enterprising miller, A. J. Daley, has just sent off his second carload of flour to parties in Grants Pass. Mr. Purdin, one of our leading business men, moved with his family to Goose Lake on account of his health. A young man by name of Peninger was thrown from a horse not long since and sustained serious injuries, but was improving at last accounts. Dr. L. L. Whitney, one of our most enterprising citizens, has erected a building on his place that bids fair to be one of the neatest residences in the county. We regret to learn that the health of one of our oldest citizens, Hon. Wm. Hoffman, is very poor, and it is feared by his intimate friends that he will be called from among us. A move is on foot to organize a company to take Rogue River [water] out in ditches for irrigating purposes, a good move, and if the people of Oregon would use the water that is running to waste in our valley our state would soon be among the most productive states in the Union. We have had a good old-fashioned rain in our valley during the past week, wetting the ground as the weather settles and the top of the ground dries off a little. There has been a large amount of wheat sown this fall, and the late rain will ensure a good crop. The question of Chinese labor is creating considerable excitement in our valley; the citizens are holding meetings, passing resolutions etc., but we fear that this question will cause more trouble and expense than was at first anticipated. It seems to be no longer an open question as to whether they must go, but how to get rid of them without causing trouble with China. There is some interest in the question as to the permanent location of the R.R. through our valley. Parties are looking for a new and more practicable route. If a new one is selected, Medford and Central Point will be left out in the cold. Speaking of Points, our Eagle Point is improving. The proprietor of the Pioneer Hotel has a first-class painter putting the finishing touches on his building. UNO.
Roseburg Review, November
13, 1885, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Eagle Point people want a daily mail between the railroad and their thriving town, and ought to have it. James Davis, of Eagle Point, boasts of having raised three squashes which weighed 419 pounds--the heaviest weighing 159 pounds. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 20, 1885, page 3 Mrs. Amanda McDaniel has returned to Butte Creek, having been found not guilty by the jury that tried her case. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 28, 1885, page 3 Orlando Griffith, of Eagle Point, had his thumb so badly crushed under a falling hay rack the other day that amputation was necessary. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 4, 1885, page 3 EAGLE POINT ITEMS.
It has been some time since I have seen anything from this place in the
and although there is very little doing in this part of the country on
account of the rains and mud, still there is signs of life and there
seems to be considerable business doing here.We had quite an interesting time here last Wednesday night. An enterprising visitor offered a prize of five dollars to the best speller in the school district, and then the citizens made up a purse of about ten dollars to be distributed among the less fortunate. Master Emmit Clark carried off the first prize amid the applause of the large audience that had assembled to witness the contest. A. Pool is putting up a large building; I understand that he designs it for a blacksmith shop, wagon shop and livery stable, and when the hay is out of the upper part, a dancing hall. We had a kind of masquerade ball here on the night of the 25th inst. Quite a number were present out of curiosity, and the managers seem to be satisfied with the result. The young folks of Antelope Creek seem to be determined to enjoy themselves this winter. They had a ball Thursday night and a bussing bee on Friday and Saturday nights, and no report of the proceedings of Sunday night. We have had two weddings in this neighborhood during the last week on the 23rd inst., Mr. Culbertson and Miss Cora Swingle, and the other, if not in high life, was high up in the mountains, Hon. A. G. Florey of Eagle Point, and Miss Ettie A. Nye, of Flounce Rock precinct. They were married by Rev. A. C. Howlett, at the residences of the brides' parents, Dec. 25th, and if I was [as] good at description as the editor of the REVIEW, I might attempt a description of the contracting parties, but suffice it to say that the groom was dressed in the conventional black, and the bride in appearance presented the very embodiment of plainness, neatness and elegance, rich but not gaudy, evincing remarkable taste and a clear head. I see, in an extract from the Plaindealer, that we have had considerable snow in this part of the country, and I wish you would tell the editor of the Plaindealer that he must have got things mixed--that the communication referred to must have been from Alaska instead of Jackson County, for we have had no snow or cold weather as yet, and now there is scarcely any snow visible on the top of the highest mountains, although the stock looks quite badly, on account of the long dry fall, but the grass is growing as well as could be expected. Did you ever hear what the T.E., Rev. E. G. Michael, did with that load of poultry? The wagon, team and driver arrived in good shape, but no account of the T.E. or poultry. More anon. UNO.
Roseburg Review, January
8, 1886, page 6. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Eagle Point Items.
Since my last we have had some cold weather, but little snow, and the
stock is looking very bad, and in case we should have a cold rain no
doubt a large number of cattle would die, for already quite a number
have perished.Our usual quiet village has been the seat of a lawsuit during the last few days, an attachment, trial of the rights of property, etc., and now tomorrow we expect to have another, and we expect to have a great display of legal talent. Speaking of legal talent brings to mind the fact that we have now in full blast "The Eagle Point Literary Society," where we have a fine display of literary qualifications of our citizens in reading, recitations, declamation and debate. It is attended by a number of our older citizens and encouraged by all of the best element of society. Here our young folks spend a few hours in the evening in healthful and pleasant amusement. The better portion of our community are elated over the prospect of the saloons being closed here in the near future, as it is generally known in this community that a majority of the votes are opposed to liquor being sold here. Last Sunday Rev. M. A. Williams preached here, taking for his subject the history of the Rechabites, and making the application to our own day and nation. He first, after giving a brief history of their origin, spoke of their adherence to the principles of their fathers showing the power of parental influence, then the blessings attending filial obedience, he then took up the subject of total abstinence from intoxicating drinks and showed conclusively that the prohibitory movement in the United States was a move in the right direction showing that the use of intoxicants was largely the cause of our county indebtedness or the most of our criminal cases are attributable to that source, and that the saloon must be closed in order to save us from such exorbitant taxes. He then spoke of the fearful havoc being made among our young men by the use of liquor and smoking, referring to the number of young men that have been rejected by the examining board, who have applied for admission into the naval school, and the majority of those present felt like saying Amen. UNO.
Roseburg Review, January
29, 1886, page 4. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Eagle
Point Items.
I have been silent for a long time, and now take my pencil in hand to
inform you that you must stop my paper! Yes, for you are making such a
success of it that my wife reads it as soon as it comes and neglects
her work and when I want her to do a little job for me, she says wait
until I finish reading this article, and read it she must if I have to
do without my dinner. I don't know as you have her engaged to act as
agent for your paper, but I have heard her tell the neighbors that the REVIEW
was worth more than all the papers together that were published in this
We have had some of the most pleasant winters out here that could be imagined, only think of a winter in this latitude with mercury always above zero and so little frost that geraniums, oleanders and such plants can be left out most of the time with no damage from the frosts. But with all our pleasant winter there has been considerable loss of stock on account of the lack of rain last fall to start the grass, so that the stock started into the winter poor. Almost everybody is through farming except plowing for corn, and the present indications are that we will have an abundant harvest this year. Bro. Roberts preached here a short time ago to a good audience, but the conduct of some of the youngsters was such as to disturb the preacher as well as the congregation, whereupon he gave them a severe reprimand. Since my last we have organized our Prohibition Club, elected A. C. Howlett pres. and A. J. Florey as sec. The prohibitionists in this county held their convention in Medford on the 25th inst. and nominated a full ticket and eight delegates to attend the state convention. We have but little hopes of electing the entire ticket, as the Republicans and Democrats of this county are so closely allied with the whiskey power that they will unite to defeat any that will work against the curse of intemperance. This last item brings to my mind a poem I saw in the Union Signal that I will cut out and send with the request that you publish it in your valuable paper. G. W. Catching of Canyonville has been here visiting relatives and while here had a birthday dinner with Mr. Howlett, on the 16th of last month, each of them celebrating their 54th birthday, and he decided that it was the best dinner he had ever eaten in Oregon, and one would think so--fat turkey, ham and eggs etc., but why try to describe a dinner that Mrs. H. would prepare, and I assure you that "Lip" enjoyed it as well as anybody could as it was the first turkey he had ever eaten in Oregon, and all present expressed the wish that Bro. Bell could be here and enjoy the dinner with us. Mrs. Uno has seen what I have written and she says you must not stop the paper. UNO.
Roseburg Review, April
16, 1886, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.Born--To the wife of Chas. Carney of Little Butte Creek an eleven-and-a-half-pound boy on the 14th inst. This is a grandson of our nominee on the Prohibition ticket for representative. We surely ought to elect T. J. Cochran, as well as others of our ticket. Martin Peterson, "From Mound Ranch," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 21, 1886, page 3 Eagle Point Notes.
I expect that it has been so long since you have heard from your old
friend "Uno" that I am almost forgotten, and if I was not such a poor
hand to make apologies I would try to apologize, but as Mrs. "Uno" says
I always make a botch of it, so will not attempt it. Since my last we
have had a great deal of sickness in this part of the country, and in
six cases it proved fatal, but general health is improving and business
is becoming lively again. Our grain, as a general thing, yielded better
than was anticipated and the farmer is correspondingly poorer, grain is
low, wheat cleaned and sacked is selling at from fifty-three to
fifty-five cents per bushel and all other kinds of grain are in the
same ratio, but our fruit crop--you know this is the Italy of
Oregon--is a total failure, and the few that have any are holding it so
high that it is beyond the reach of the ordinary class of people;
peaches 5 to 10 cents; pears, 4 to 6 cts.; blackberries, 4 to 5 cts.;
plums and prunes 3 to 4 cents per pound, and everything in that line in
the same proportion, so that we have to get our supplies from Douglas
County. We are making some improvements in the way of building, and
preparations are being made to fence considerable more land this winter.The United Baptist Church of Jesus Christ have been holding a protracted meeting in the Antelope school house, had quite a number of accessions. The Christian Church (Campbellites) have been holding a protracted meeting near here and also had several added to their number. The corn crop is not so good this fall as usual--but still we will not starve--the farmers are busy gathering it and getting ready for fall sowing. Peter Simon, proprietor of the Pioneer House, has been very sick but is improving, we are glad to state. If you don't send this to the wastebasket I will try to write again. Yours, UNO.
Roseburg Review, September
17, 1886, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.The Eagle Point Mill is running day and night. Threshing is done and people generally are doing up their fall work. They are having quite a time with sickness at Eagle Point. Simons family are suffering the most now. There are several sick in Medford. Very little sickness in other places as far as I know Martin Peterson, "Central Point," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 24, 1886, page 3 Elder M. Peterson exhibited at our office a squash raised by George Brown of Eagle Point, weighing 193 pounds. It is of the Mammoth variety and well deserves its name. Mr. Peterson sent it to the Oregon State Board of Immigration.--[Monitor. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 8, 1886, page 3 Eagle Point
Eagle Point, Oct.
4, 1886.
Since my last the directors of this district have made arrangements
with Prof. Edgar E. Smith to teach our fall and winter school, greatly
to the satisfaction of a large majority of the patrons.Our great [sic--grist?] mill is running night and day, grinding ten to twelve thousand pounds a day, and still the demand cannot be supplied. Most of the mills in the valley are laying still on account of the scarcity of water. The warehouses at the different places along the R.R. are being literally packed with wheat for shipment. The wool market has opened at 18 to 20 cts. per pound and some wool has changed hands at these figures, but I have no heard of no large sales as yet. Central Point is building up very rapidly, and everything presents the appearance of thrift and energy. So much sickness at Eagle Point has caused a momentary stagnation in business, and some of our citizens are moving away. T. B. Higinbotham has sold his house and lot to our enterprising miller, A. J. Daley, and intends to move to the hills, and J. F. Davis is going to [the] Blackwell mines. The demand for lumber was never so great, and the mill on Big Butte that has steam power is doing but very little, and what little they do saw is taken green from the mill. If some enterprising man would put up a portable saw mill in our forests I think he would do well. Joseph Rader cut his foot very severely the other day and last Saturday had a valuable horse fall into a well, causing his death before he could be taken out. The United Baptists are building an elegant church near James Matney on Dry Creek. UNO.
Roseburg Review, October
8, 1886, page 3. "Uno"
was A. C. Howlett.From Brownsboro.
Rogue River Courier,
Grants Pass, November 5, 1886, page 3October 27th '86.
Health generally good.We have a No. 1 school, Byron Presley, teacher. We have been having sharp frosts but it is raining hard at present. Robert Wade's youngest child was buried here day before yesterday. Mrs. Frank Smith is paying Eagle Point a visit, the guest of Mrs. Mat Pool. Mr. S. McCallister, of the Soda Springs, was in town one day this week. Mrs. E. McCallister moved to the "burg" for the benefit of school facilities. Mrs. H. Brown and Mrs. J. Mills took a flying trip to Ashland and Talent. Fruit very scarce in this section, Mr. H. Brown being the only one that has any to speak of. He has about one hundred bushels. BEE.
From Brownsboro.
Rogue River Courier,
Grants Pass, November 19, 1886, page 3Nov. 13th '86.
Cold frosty nights.Roads getting muddy. Grass hay is selling at $9 per ton. Mrs. Ida Jones and her daughter Mary, of Lakeview, came to spend the winter. Mr. Pool and family, of Medford, are paying the "Burg" a visit, the guests of Mr. Berry. Guy Gano, who has been spending the past five months in Josephine, returned home. A big meeting on Applegate today and tomorrow--the dedication of the new Baptist church. Mrs. Dr. Miller and her son Frank went to Jacksonville, this week, to lay in their winter supplies. Mr. John McCallister and family, of Wilderville, paid his mother, Mrs. E. McCallister, a visit last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown, old residents and merchants of Eagle Point, returned home after a visit of several months to their early home, Victoria, B.C. "Welcome home." BEE.
Little Butte precinct, Jackson County, has a new Baptist church. "Oregon News," The Eye, Snohomish City, Washington, November 20, 1886, page 3 T. J. Clopton's store, at Brownsboro, Jackson County, was destroyed by fire, together with its entire contents. "Oregon News," The Eye, Snohomish City, Washington, August 13, 1887, page 2 A son of Wm. Gregory, aged fourteen years, was drowned in Butte Creek, Jackson County. "Oregon News," The Eye, Snohomish City, Washington, August 27, 1887, page 2 Mr. A. J. Daley of Eagle Point precinct was in town Thursday. Mr. Daley has charge of the flouring mills at Eagle Point and is looking up business therewith connected. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 2, 1887, page 3 Eagle Point Items.
Harvesting has commenced.Our merchants here are doing a lively business. Our fruit is getting ripe and the leading question with us, is what will we do with all of our fruit and grains this year? Since my last, Dr. Clark has moved his family into our thriving town and from the appearances will be quite an acquisition to our neighborhood. P. Simon, our pioneer hotel keeper as well as one of our leading farmers, has had a part of his wheat cut and before we are aware of what is going on the threshers will be humming in this part of the valley. A number of our citizens spent the fourth in Ashland, among whom were Prof. A. L. Haselton and Miss Lizzie Wilson, G. B. Matthews and Miss Amy Safford; but a few were content with going to Medford where they had a very pleasant time. Revs. McLean and Williams held communion service here Sunday and Mr. McLean delivered a very logical and impressive discourse to a large and attentive audience. During the services a collection was taken up of $5.35 for home missions. DICK. July 16th, 1888. Valley Record, Ashland, July 19, 1888, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Big Butte Butternuts.
Wild blackberries going, but the
huckleberries are coming.Report came this week that Dr. R. L. Parker, an old resident of this section, fell and broke two of his ribs. Geo. Beale and a huge black bear are both laying claim to a blackberry patch, and to all appearances will end in a bloody tragedy yet. There is considerable sickness here at present, several families being down with some kind of fever, which is thought to be either the scarlet or mountain fever. Charley, son of C. C. Parker, while playing with the brake of a wagon, was suddenly struck by the brake flying back and hitting him in the temple. Though not considered dangerous, it is a very severe wound. Messrs. Carson and Temple accompanied by their families and Miss Florence McDonald, all of Central Point, are rusticating on Big Butte. They speak highly of this country, claiming it has the best stock range that they have ever seen, and think Big Butte will be the place yet. Seeing a statement in the Record some time since, that R. V. Beall of Central Point had each a fine crop of oats which he thought could not be surpassed, we want to say that we can just beat that a little on the Beall Bros.' ranch on Big Butte of which he is a part owner. Fifty acres being in oats. The height from 6 to 7 feet and yielding 133½ bushels per acre. Now beat that, Vint. PECK'S
Record, Ashland, August 16, 1888, page 2EAGLE POINT NOTES.
Health is generally good.Our merchants are doing a lively business. A. J. Daley has been repairing his grist mill. Our boss blacksmith has been painting his residence. Mrs. Cochran has erected a large shed on her place. Wm. French has been supplying the market with a choice variety of watermelons. A number of our citizens are hauling lumber, some for fencing and others for building. Threshing has commenced in earnest and the yield of grain exceeds the expectations of the farmers. Mr. Jonas has commenced to build for himself a large residence on the land lately purchased from E. Emery. James Bell is one of the happiest men in this part of the country--his wife presented him with a fine son on the 7th inst. W. W. Parker has sold his house and lot to Dr. Rivers; consideration, $375. I understand that he intends to open a drug store. The good people of Eagle Point have reorganized the Sunday school with Dr. Clark as superintendent and Miss Emily Brown as assistant, and Miss Cecelia Brown as secretary. One of our leading fruit raisers, J. J. Fryer, has peaches that measure 11 inches in circumference, and he says that he defies Ashland, Switzerland or any other land to excel this place, in richness of flavor, size and fineness of grain, of either peaches or prunes, or in fact any other kind of fruit. T. A. Newman, of this precinct, is putting up a large dryer, so that he can save his large crop of fruit, especially his prunes. Speaking of prunes, a lady friend of mine picked eighteen large prunes from one twig not over one half inch in diameter. How does that correspond with the product of the older states? DICK. August 13th, 1888. Valley Record, Ashland, August 16, 1888, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NOTES.
Jas. Culbertson of Little Butte has had
to buy him a
new Cleveland hat; for the reason look under the head of births.Gus Clemens and family, formerly of this place but now of Goose Lake Valley, are here, the guests of A. J. Daley. A. Pool, proprietor of Eagle Point Hotel, has gone to Salem, in company with Mrs. Saltmarsh, to visit his daughter. Our town is still showing signs of life, for our merchants are doing a good business, and A. J. Daley has had to put more hands in the Butte Creek mills to meet the growing demand for flour. The Nichols Threshing Machine Co. have just finished their part of the threshing in this immediate neighborhood, having threshed 24230 bushels, and now they have about a week's run above here. Mr. Newman, one of our enterprising orchardists, met with a very severe loss, in having his dry house with about $25 worth of fruit burned to the ground on the night of the 17th, which leaves him with a large quantity of fruit on hand that he is unable to handle. Loss $200. Rev. M. A. Williams failed to come to his appointment on the 3rd Sunday and Rev. Mr. Howlett preached in his place to a very attentive audience. It was announced at the close of the services that the district school would commence on the 24th inst., but for some reason, not generally known, the intended teacher, A. L. Haselton, packed up his trunk and started for Idaho on the morning of the 18th, so we are left without a teacher. A gentleman was here list week, traveling in the interest of Page & Co. of Portland, trying to buy fruit, and he expressed his surprise to see such a quantity of fruit, of such a delicious quality, and when he was told that he could spend three or four days traveling in every direction from Eagle Point and still find the same kind of fruit and that the land was offered cheap, remarked that he knew of a number of men of means, with the nerve to invest, that would jump at the chance to buy if they only knew of the advantages found in this country. Sept. 24th. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1888, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Notes.
Geo. Michaels of Lake Flats is lying
very low.Died, near Bear Creek, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Linn Grigsby. Born, the 30th day of Oct., to the wife of John Rader, a daughter. Died, Nov. 2nd, on Little Butte Creek, Simon Klingle; aged about 55 years. The new saw mill of Parker & Son on Round Top has commenced sawing lumber. Some improvements still going on at Eagle Point. Dr. Rivers is painting his residence. Robt. Potter has built a nice flue for his house. Mr. Jonas has done likewise. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1888, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. MURRAIN.--Jacksonville Times, Nov. 1: It is with no small concern that stockmen note the reappearance of blackleg or anthrax during the past two weeks on several ranches in the county. Near Brownsboro, Ed. Mills lost seven head of calves by the mysterious malady last week, and a fine two-year-old heifer belonging to Mr. Wright was found dead. It was rumored Saturday that the disease had appeared among S. S. Aiken's band at the head of Rogue River. It is said that the system of roweling and injecting garlic, together with profuse bleeding, has operated successfully as a preventive in several bands. It is also claimed that an immediate change of range, even a few miles sufficing, will save well animals after the disease first makes its appearance. Practical stockmen claim that the latter is really the only efficacious preventive, no other treatment having ever proven of much avail. "Oregon," Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, November 17, 1888, page 422 EAGLE POINT NOTES.
The farmers are busy.Grass is getting good, and stock is looking well. The members of the Eagle Point Sunday school decided to have a Christmas tree for the benefit of the little folks. Wilbur Ashpole, one of our merchants' sons, met with a serious accident a few days ago while working with a cow. By some means she struck him in the eye with her horn and inflicted a severe wound. Hogs are in demand; Ezekiel Lewis, the Central Point butcher, was here a few days ago wanting to buy five hundred head for the San Francisco market, and another man is here buying hogs for the Medford market, paying five cents gross. I learned from Mr. Hermann Meyer the other day that a company had been formed for the purpose of taking water out of Little Butte Creek, near the Kringle ford, and bring it onto the desert and Big Sticky, and that work had already commenced. While returning from the funeral of Mr. Mauzey's little boy on the 20th of last month Mrs. Robinett came near meeting with a serious accident. Her son was driving a span of horses hitched to a spring wagon, and in passing through a fence a rail caught in one of the hind wheels of the wagon, tipping it so as to throw the seat off, precipitating them both to the ground, and as she is very heavy, weighing over 200 lbs., came near breaking her neck, but fortunately she caught on the wheel, breaking the fall and consequently no damage was done. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, December 13, 1888, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NOTES.
In spite of the rain and mud our
citizens are still making improvements.On Sunday after Sabbath school the scholars met at Inlow & Ashpole's hall and practiced their pieces for Monday night. A short time ago little Octavia Howlett met with a severe and painful, though not serious, accident, in being scalded on the head with boiling water. Last Saturday our town was thronged with people and consequently our merchants were more than ordinarily busy selling a large variety of goods to load the Christmas tree. Everybody is busy and our merchants are complaining that the weather is so warm that they cannot keep the butter that is being brought to market. How is that for Christmas? Sunday night a large congregation collected at the school house to hear Rev. Quimby preach but he failed to make his appearance, so A. C. Howlett, our Prohi preacher, was called on to fill the vacancy. Last Saturday Mr. Meeker of Big Butte precinct left here for home and about two hours afterwards his horse was found and upon search being made he was found in an insensible condition, covered with blood, in which condition he was carried home and at last account he was no better. On Monday night the hall began to be filled with anxious children, and by 6:30 everything was in readiness and the exercises were opened by singing Merry Christmas by the Sunday school scholars, then prayer by A. C. Howlett followed by a song, and then a short address by A. C. Howlett, songs, recitations, etc. Then came Santa Claus and the distribution of presents which occupied some time, but the pleasure of the occasion was marred by a lady fainting and consequently the latter part of the program was necessarily omitted. We feel that the thanks of the community are due to the Misses Brown, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Hubbard and others, for the active part they took in the entertainment. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, December 27, 1888, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Killed by an Accident.
George, the 15-year-old son of Geo. Brown, of Eagle Point, met with a
sad fatal accident in that section last Tuesday afternoon. He was out
hunting and carried a powder horn along; while crawling through some
brush his shotgun went off, at the same time striking the pouch which
exploded, driving both the load and the horn pouch into his leg which
tore a terrible hole in the region of the thigh. J. J. Fryer, who was
driving in a wagon not far distant, heard a hallowing noise, at first
thought nothing of it, but finally went to the brush and found the boy
about dead with a pool of blood about him. Nothing could have saved him
from death, as the wound was too great.Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1889, page 3 Eagle Point Notes.
Miss Gladius Fryer is at present the
guest of Millie Howlett.Robt. Potter is closely confined to his house on account of the advent of a new baby boy, Dec. 31, 1888. You have probably heard of the death of Mr. Samuel Centers before now. He was one of our old and respected citizens. Since my last, Mrs. J. J. Fryer and daughter Lelah have gone on a visit to Mrs. F.'s oldest daughter, Mrs. John Green, of Napa Valley, Cal. The farmers are very busy plowing and sowing grain, and the prospect is that there will be a larger amount of grain sown this season than ever before. Geo. Wiley, of Antelope, gave a birthday party last night, it being his fourteenth birthday. A large number of his schoolmates and friends met at his father's and spent a few hours very pleasantly. We are sorry to have to record the fact that Dr. L. L. Whitney has sold his neat little place and contemplates leaving our midst, but such is fate. The M.D.s will starve out on account of our healthy country. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Notes.
There has been a lawsuit between two of the citizens of this precinct,
Dahack vs. Wilson, over a horse valued at $50, and I understand that
the costs already amounts to about $400, and the end is not yet.Our village and the surrounding country are excited now over a big lawsuit between Dr. R. L. Parker and Horace Ish, over a calf worth about $5. They had nineteen witnesses. The costs amount to $100, thus far, and there is a fair chance for another suit for damages. Notwithstanding the fact that the roads are muddy and the lumber green, we are still making improvements. The Matthews Bros. are making such improvements that the old homestead hardly looks natural. David Hendry has very materially improved the sidewalk facing his residence. Young folks are having a great deal of amusement, sleigh riding, snowballing, etc. We had the pleasure of witnessing a pitched battle between a boy and girl, aged 15 and 16 respectively. All the bystanders kept clear and for the space of about 20 minutes they fought like young Spartans, neither of them willing to give up. Finally some of the bystanders proposed to call it a tie and quit, which they both cheerfully agreed to. Since my last our quiet little village has had a sad and fatal accident to occur in its midst. I refer to the death of Master George Brown. When his death was announced a gloom seemed to settle over the entire community; he was a boy that was beloved by all who knew him. On the Thursday following his death his remains were taken to the Jacksonville cemetery followed by a large number of his old schoolmates from this place, and when the Jacksonville church bell began to toll about 150 of his schoolmates (for he for years attended the public school in Jacksonville) joined the procession, and all marched to the cemetery where the burial service was conducted by Rev. Miller of the M.E. church assisted by Rev. Quimby of the M.E. church, south. One of the greatest eulogies that could be pronounced was delivered by Mr. Miller, i.e.; "he was a good, quiet, peaceable and obedient boy beloved by all that knew him." DICK. "Eagle Point Notes," Valley Record, Ashland, January 24, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Notes.
Rev. A. C. Howlett will preach at the
school house next Sunday at 7 o'clock p.m.The farmers are all very busy sowing grain and improving the beautiful weather in getting in their crops, and the prospects are good for a very large yield of wheat the coming season. Young folks of Liberty school district living near the school house have organized a literary society, electing Miss Wiley, president; Gus. Williams, sec'y.; John Matney, treas.; Jas. Wiley, critic. So you may expect to hear from there occasionally. Some of the citizens of Eagle Point have taken a new departure--they have built a neat footbridge across Butte Creek opposite Mr. Adair's residence, thereby saving a walk of nearly a quarter of a mile in going to the school house for Sunday school and preaching. Our people were treated to an exhibition last week at Inlow & Ashpole's hall to a good house, and although some of our leading business men predicted that the young folks would make so much noise that we could not hear the lecture, we wish to record, to their credit, that they surprised themselves; one could hear almost every word that was said. Miss Amy Safford was decided to be the handsomest lady, and received the album with crimson cheeks, and the cane was awarded to Claud White as the homeliest young man present. He thought that he was going to take it and walk away with it, but no, that presentation speech. Well, Claud said the next day that he would not pass through such another ordeal for $20, and keeps the cane to remind him that he is the ugliest man in the community. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, February 7, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Notes.
Rev. A. C. Howlett was unable to fill
appointment on the 2nd Sunday owing to a violent attack of tonsillitis.Elvin Adams wants the tariff taken off of dress [sic], for the reason--look under the head of "Born." The farmers are all very busy finishing up sowing wheat, and some are through and have commenced sowing oats. J. J. Fryer met with quite a mishap the other day. His team was standing hitched to his wagon loaded with corn in the ear, when all of a sudden they seemed to take flight, and started to run. After running about one hundred yards they came in contact with a heavy board and wire fence, through which they passed, breaking one of the posts off and one string of the wire, and pulling out enough of the staples to let the other string of wire fall to the ground so that they could pass over it, then running about a quarter of a mile further they ran into Mr. Hubbard's fence, which proved strong enough to stop them, and strange to say no damage was done to wagon or horses, but the corn was badly scattered. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, February 21, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NOTES.
Since my last your correspondent has had
the pleasure of visiting your beautiful city [Ashland],
the first time since last fall, and I must say I never saw a place
improve so rapidly--one would think that it would be necessary for our
legislature to meet semiannually instead of biannually, if for no other
reason than to amend the charter of your flourishing city, for the way
it is growing it will soon absorb Dunsmuir and Talent and consequently
the charter will have to be amended to meet the emergency.We have had a fine rain in this part of the country, and farmers are confident of good crops. One cause of rejoicing among our farmers is on account of the new sawmill being in full headway cutting lumber, right in hearing of our town, and the sound of the whistle seems to impart new life and vigor to our community. J. J. Fryer had another runaway the other day, but no damage was done, except tearing the cultivator to pieces. Mr. Jones, an old and experienced teacher who has been secured to teach the school at this place, expects to begin the term on the 25th inst. Mr. John Pelling, one of our best citizens, met with quite a mishap a few days ago by being run over by some loose horses that happened to go into his stable while the door was temporarily left open. Although he was knocked down and run over by three or four horses, his injuries are not serious. Miss Cora Brown is visiting friends in your city. A. J. Daley has been putting some new machinery in his flouring mill and, consequently, is turning out an excellent quality of flour. Mrs. Cochran and daughter, Belle, have returned from their visit to Mrs. Cochran's daughter in Nevada. They say there is no climate like that of Jackson County, Oregon. Eagle Point, Mar. 18. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, February 28, 1889, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. I hear that at a Washington's birthday dance at Butte Creek, American patriotism had to get up and request a few boisterous young men to go out doors and dance. "Keno Kernels," Valley Record, Ashland, February 28, 1889, page 3 EAGLE POINT NOTES.
Since my last your correspondent has had the pleasure of visiting your
beautiful city, the first time since last fall, and I must say I never
saw a place improve so rapidly--one would think that it would be
necessary for our legislature to meet semi-annually instead of
bi-annually, if for no other reason than to amend the charter of your
flourishing city, for the way it is growing it will soon absorb
Dunsmuir and Talent and consequently the charter will have to be
amended to meet the emergency.We have had a fine rain in this part of the country, and farmers are confident of good crops. One cause of rejoicing among our farmers is on account of the new saw mill being in full headway cutting lumber, right in hearing of our town, and the sound of the whistle seems to impart new life and vigor to our community. J. J. Fryer had another runaway the other day, but no damage was done, except tearing the cultivator to pieces. Mr. Jones, an old and experienced teacher who has been secured to teach the school at this place, expects to begin the term on the 25th inst. Mr. John Pelling, one of our best citizens, met with quite a mishap a few days ago by being run over by some loose horses that happened to go into his stable while the door was temporarily left open. Although he was knocked down and run over by three or four horses, his injuries are not serious. Miss Cora Brown is visiting friends in your city. A. J. Daley has been putting some new machinery in his flouring mill and, consequently, is turning out an excellent quality of flour. Mrs. Cochran and daughter Belle have returned from their visit to Mrs. Cochran's daughter in Nevada. They say there is no climate like that of Jackson County, Oregon. Eagle Point, Mar. 18. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, March 28, 1889, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Notes.
Miss Amanda James is attending school at
the Antioch school house.A. C. Howlett has been putting out a choice variety of fruit trees on his place. F. B. Inlow, one of our merchants, has been to Talent to attend to his interests there. Miss Nada Inlow, who has been attending school at Talent, has returned to our midst. One of Jackson County's old settlers, by the name of Allen [Haselton], has returned and settled in our midst. N. A. Young and sons are putting up the fence around the Catholic meeting house of this place. Mrs. P. Simon, the landlady of the Pioneer Hotel, has been quite sick but we are glad to state that she is convalescing. Mrs. H. T. Severance, mother of the Nichols brothers, has been in poor health for some time but is gradually improving. Prof. A. L. Haselton, our former pedagogue, has returned from Eastern Oregon and has been engaged to teach the school at Brownsboro. Prof. Jonas opened our school last Monday with a good attendance and bids fair to prove a very acceptable and popular teacher, and the children are consequently happy. Dr. L. L. Whitney, of Central Point, formerly of this place, was called to see Mrs. Marvin Woods the latter part of last week, and his old friends were glad to see him looking so hale and hearty. I wish to congratulate you on your success in securing another correspondent, "A Reader," and hope he will continue to keep us posted in our adjoining neighborhood. We extend our [hand]. A boy by the name of Chas. Matney came to the Antelope literary society last Saturday night, hitched his "mustang" to a picket fence, and by a sudden jerk tore the panel of fence away, frightening the horses of Miss Mary Wiley and her brother George, causing the latter to be thrown, while Miss W. escaped by jumping from her horse, and the last heard of the mustang he was scattering pickets as he went, but was soon lost sight of in the darkness. April 2, 1889. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, April 4, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
Wm. Miller, manager of the Butte Creek
grist mill, has moved into the old Purdin house.Strangers are continually visiting our thriving village. H. G. Shock has moved into our town. John Ashpole, one of our leading merchants, is sick so that he is unable to attend to business. Mrs. Marvin Woods has been staying in Central Point under the care of Dr. L. L. Whitney, formerly of this place. We are still having fine showers so that we feel sure of enough of the productions of the soil to make everybody happy. The railroad is coming; one old man has been looking out a route for it to run through his garden; another has a ¼-acre lot and he is talking of platting it and selling it by the foot. John Adair, one of our best citizens, has gone to Carson City, Nev., his old home, whither he was called on business. We regret to see him and his amiable wife leave our midst; but so it is. John Adair has sold his lot to J. J. Fryer; con., $550. J. J. Fryer to J. K. Green, of Napa Valley, California, 320 acres; con., $7500. Joseph Davis to Harbaugh and Slinger, 160 acres, a part of the old Stowe place; $3000. There is considerable excitement here over the post office, there being two petitions in circulation, one in favor of the present incumbent, F. B. Inlow, which is being extensively signed, and the other in favor of A. J. Florey, our J.P., and their respective friends are at work. Mr. D. Cingcade, who lives on the old Tinkham place, met with an accident a few days ago that came near proving fatal. He was working in his well and among the debris was a stick about 2 feet long, and in drawing it up it caught on the curbing, thereby throwing out a stone which fell about 35 feet, striking him on the side of the head, cutting a severe gash. He was drawn out covered with blood. More anon. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, April 25, 1889, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Big Butte Blubbers.
Big Butte schools are flourishing.Miss Ada Bishop is visiting relatives here. Plenty of spring showers the past week. One of Jim Standley's little girls is very ill with erysipelas. Frank Hays, who split his foot wide open with an ax about a month ago, is slowly recovering. Asbury Beall and Chris. Beale are in Jacksonville this week as witnesses in the Dahack case. The Mt. Pitt district will have eight months school this coming summer. How is that for the backwoods? It is reported that Ben. Edmondson has sold his ranch to some capitalist, who will erect a sawmill, which is very much needed up here. C. A. Chapman has sold one of his quartz mines in Colorado for $5000. It was rather a surprise to him, as he never expected to get a dollar out of it. He will remove to Ashland soon to engage in business. We regret his departure very much and Ashland will find him a business and upright man. The stockmen of Big Butte met to discuss some plan of preventing the fatal disease of blackleg spreading among the cattle. It was resolved to distribute salt and saltpeter freely over the range. It is said to be fatal to sheep, so sheep men had better be rather cautious in bringing their sheep to this part of the country. PECK'S
Record, Ashland, April 25, 1889, page
3Eagle Point Items.
A. C. Howlett lost an animal of the
equine species this week valued at $100.Miss Emily Brown has gone to Washington Territory to visit relatives. Our M.D. looks "blue" on account of the unusual good health of our neighborhood . Mrs. Geo. Daley, of Big Butte, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Nye, of Flounce Rock precinct, are here visiting their daughter, Mrs. A. J. Florey. J. J. Fryer is taking the preparatory steps to fence a tract of land of about 20 acres lying on both sides of Butte Creek, thereby making a continuous lane from desert to desert. We have had a new preacher here by the name of Wood, recently from Texas, who preached to us with considerable acceptability. He comes well recommended and we wish him abundant success. Speaking of the P.O. brings to mind the fact that one of the many aspirants for the position of postmaster, A. J. Florey, Esq., consoles himself with the thought that if he succeeds in securing the position he has a deputy already; for particulars look under the head of "Born." Mrs. "Dick" says don't say anything about the rain this time, so I will say that the extreme moisture we are having in this part of the valley is making the little lambs skip and the cows rejoice on account of the abundance of grass and fine prospect for a large surplus of hay and grain. The Eagle Point boom is causing quite a sensation. Every day strangers are here inquiring about our land, products, etc. Lewis Rees sold a tract of land on Butte Creek about 2 miles above here for $1900, being $11.87½ per acre, to a Californian by the name of Henry, and Wm. Wooley sold 80 acres to John Pelling for $1000. We greatly need a daily mail from this place to a R.R. point; the amount of mail matter that passes through this office would justify the change. If we have business at the county seat and mail a letter on Saturday noon, we cannot get a reply until the next Friday, as our letter will not leave this office until Tuesday morning, reaching Jacksonville that night, but before a reply can reach Medford the next morning the mail has left for this place and the reply cannot come on until Friday. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, May 9, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. The Fourth at Trail Creek.
Eds. Valley Record:--Being at Trail Creek on the 4th of July, to our surprise the citizens of that mountain region had arranged a celebration to be held in a delightful grove, which had been improved and made complete and pleasant by the concerted action of the citizens of the valley, at Mr. Oliver's. At an early hour the people commenced gathering till it became a surprise us to where they all came from. The program consisted of music by the audience, after which O. J. Willard delivered an oration of considerable length, giving a full and very interesting account of the cause and events that led to the liberty and grand privileges of the citizens of our glorious Republic. After the oration the table was spread with an abundance of eatables that could not be surpassed on any public occasion of the kind. Being the first event of the kind in this locality, the ladies of this section did themselves great credit in the elegance and taste displayed in the preparation of the eatables. In the evening the young folks enjoyed themselves in a social dance at the school house, where Miss Jennie Oliver, of Ashland, is conducting a successful school. Valley Record, Ashland, July 11, 1889, page 3 EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Wm. Wiley has been building a new
granary.Health around Eagle Point is universally good. Our town presents the appearance of a live town once more. Miss Mamie Wiley has been sick but is some better at present writing. Miss Celia Brown is very sick. Dr. Pryce, of Medford, is in attendance. True Cox had the misfortune to break the axle of his steam engine last Friday. Wm. Miller, the manager of the Butte Creek mills, is having a well bored on his lot, on which he is building a residence. Miss Mattie Taylor, daughter of our county commissioner, started for Victoria last Sunday in company with Wm. Hanley, where she intends to remain and attend school. W. W. Parker, while running the planer in his mill on Round Top, got his hand caught and badly cut, severing two of his fingers and otherwise injuring his hand. He has our sympathy. Our new P.M., A. J. Florey, says that he feels like a new married man, for his wife and babies have returned from their visit to the mountains, where they have been visiting Mrs. Florey's parents in Flounce Rock precinct. "Ma, what makes John Daley walk so high? I never saw him look so happy," was the question propounded the morning of the 19th of August by a girl to her mother. "Why, they have a fine girl and I suppose that is the reason, born on the day before." Born--In Eagle Point, August 21, 1889, at the residence of A. J. Daley, to the wife of Ed Simon, nee Miss Frances Daley, a ten-pound boy. Ed intends to teach him to vote the Democratic ticket, and he thinks he stands a good chance to be U.S. Senator. J. J. Fryer, the indefatigable, is making some extensive improvements in the way of tearing down, moving, rebuilding and making new. He has torn away the old porch on the Jim Davis house, moved the main building back, and [is] getting material on the ground to create a neat and commodious residence. There is considerable excitement in our community over the prospect of having a new roller flour mill erected in our town on Fryer's addition opposite the Catholic meeting house, by a joint stock company of farmers, to be a farmer's exchange mill, thus utilizing our inexhaustible supply of water and making business more lively in general. A. J. Daley, the owner of the Butte Creek mills, is supposed to be the happiest man on Butte Creek, if babies could make a man happy; when his family is all together he can dandle on his knee FOUR babies, all his grandchildren. When he came in the other day and looked around, saw three beds with babies in then he turned to his wife and inquired if there were babies in all the beds, and receiving an affirmative answer, he decided to send to England and get an old-fashioned English carriage, go to Ashland and buy four Shetland ponies and start out to exhibit four of the prettiest babies (their mothers think so) in the universe. August 26th, 1889. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, August 29, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Two men by the name of Geer have been in
this community, drilling wells for a number of our citizens.Mrs. Bilger, of East Portland, formerly of Jacksonville, and Mrs. Geo. Love have been visiting friends in this neighborhood. J. J. Fryer is pushing his new house to completion as fast as possible, and when completed it will be one of the finest houses, outside of the cities, in the county. A. J. Daley, our enterprising miller, is receiving a large amount of wheat and running the mill on full time. He is turning out some of the finest flour in the valley, if not in the state. We have had some accessions to our village since I wrote last. A family by the name of Alford and another named Maxum have moved on the Dr. Whitney place, and from all appearances they will prove a blessing to the community. Riley Meyers, living on the north side of Rogue River, about two and one-half miles north of the Antioch school house, had the misfortune to have his barn with all its contents burned to the ground last Wednesday morning about 7 o'clock. The whole thing is wrapped in mystery, as he was away from home at the time on the road to Akin's sawmill, and Mrs. Meyers assured me that none of the family had been to the barn that morning, but that the dog had kept barking during the morning. Her little boy, 8 or 9 years old, went to the barn to sec what the dog was barking at, and to his horror discovered that the hay in the opposite corner from the house was on fire. Mrs. Meyers, being rather a delicate woman, was powerless, and had to stand and see the barn and contents, including a new farm wagon, spring wagon, plows, etc., consumed. Mr. Meyers has the sympathy of the entire community, and it is hoped that those who have will divide with the unfortunate man. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, September 26, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daley are here
visiting their parents.A professional painter from Medford is doing the painting on J. J. Fryer's house. The fine rain has purified the atmosphere and the people are generally happy. Miss Celia Brown is convalescing after a long spell of sickness, we are pleased to state. Mr. and Mrs. Chagnon, of Tuscarora, Nev., is visiting Mrs. S.'s mother, Mrs. Cochran. Miss Etha Griffiths has returned home after teaching a successful term of school in Flounce Rock district. A. L. Haselton has purchased a house and lot from R. H. Brown in Eagle Point, and Mrs. Digman has gone to live with him and his wife. Mr. Luseby and wife are in from Klamath County, visiting Mrs. L.'s sister, Mrs. John Williams. Also, Thos. Culbertson and Fred Luseby are in visiting relatives. There is considerable building going on in this part of the valley. Mr. Story and Mr. Ewing are each building nice two-story houses on the tract of land they purchased from R. H. Brown recently. We had a wedding in high style last Sunday, the 6th, on Rogue River, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. E. Baltezore, of Umatilla County, and Miss Asenath Musty, of Jackson County, were the contracting parties, Rev. A. C. Howlett officiating. Mrs. Cochran came near having a burnout one day last week. Some clothing caught by being laid against the stovepipe, thence catching the roof, but the fire was discovered by the time it had burned through the roof, and by prompt action the flames were extinguished. There is to be a big mass meeting at this place next Saturday in Inlow & Ashpole's Hall, to open the books and organize a company for the purpose of building a roller mill here. There is considerable interest felt in the movement, as the leaders intend to have it a farmers' exchange mill. Some of our citizens are much elated over the prospect of a railroad from Jacksonville, via Medford, to this place, thus connecting our thriving village with the "defunct" metropolis of the county, running from here to the heavy belt of timber on Big Butte and Rogue River. The train to be propelled by electricity taken from our beautiful and never-failing stream, Little Butte. Eagle Pt., Or. Oct. 8, 1889. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, October 10, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Born--To the wife of J. A. Jonas, of
Eagle Point, Oct. 15th, a son.Frank Lewis is here looking for a situation and thinks of purchasing property here. Miss Nada Inlow commenced her school near the mouth of Big Butte Creek last Monday morning. John Green and family, of Napa Valley, have arrived and taken charge of the farm recently purchased of J. J. Fryer. The boom has come and strangers are here looking at the many advantages we have over other towns in our valley. J. J. Fryer has purchased the old Mike Foreman house and lot and the J. G. Grossman house and lot; consideration unknown. J. A. Jonas has just finished a successful school in Big Butte district, and pronounces it the most desirable neighborhood he ever taught in. One of our prominent business men was regretting that he sold some of his lots as soon as he did, but thinks that the remaining lots will increase in value so that he will not lose much in the outcome. A prominent business man of our town predicts that Eagle Point will soon be more of a business center than Ashland! So you may look out and make your arrangements to start a branch Valley Record in our thriving, prospective city. Our community was thrown into a fever of excitement over the advent of a party of surveyors, making a preliminary survey for a narrow-gauge railroad from Central Point via Eagle Point to the heavy belt of timber on Big Butte Creek and Rogue River. Died--On Trail Creek, Oct. 15th, of typhoid fever, Johnny, son of J. G. Briscoe, after a protracted illness. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. But they sorrow not as those having no hope; they look forward to the time when the deceased and loved ones shall be reunited beyond the confines of the tomb, robed in immortality. While friends were preparing to inter the remains of Johnny Briscoe, a horse that was hitched to the vehicle containing the coffin stepped into a yellowjackets' nest and a large number of persons present were badly stung, especially the children. Miss Nannie Briscoe was so badly stung that she was hardly able to go home, and George Lynch, while trying to unhitch the horses, was kicked and knocked senseless. It was over an hour before the corpse could be interred. Riley Meyers, who had his barn burned about two and a half miles north of the Antioch school house, is rebuilding. He says he is going to have his new home insured. Shortly after his barn was burned he had a pen about twelve feet square with some feed in it, about 200 yards from the house, set on fire, but he made out to save some lumber that he had there. He says he has a very good idea who the incendiary is, and the young rascal better make tracks for some other country or it may get too hot for him. Eagle Point, Oct. 21. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, October 24, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Our town is presenting an appearance of
life and
vigor, and everybody seems to be busy and, consequently, happy.Our merchants seem to be doing a lively business and our grist mill is running night and day, turning out about 12,000 pounds of extra fine flour daily, and still the demand for flour cannot be supplied. Wheat is constantly pouring in by the thousands of bushels. Speaking of grist mills, I spoke of a move being on foot to build another big roller mill, but someone has spoke of the babe being asleep, and some of the incredulous have pronounced it dead. But the sleeping, lifeless corpse has begun to kick and show signs of life that are startling to some of our old mossbacks, who thought the great water power of Butte Creek was doomed to lie dormant, and the lands forever remain unfenced. Yes, sir, Eagle Point is to have a new $10,000 roller mill, a planing mill, a big store (a new one, I mean) in spite of the old croakers. A ditch has been surveyed and the plot of land decided on to build the mill. Rader Bros. have made some considerable improvement in the way of fencing, and judging from the amount of timber, posts, shakes and shingles that are being sold at this place, there will be a great deal of improving this fall and winter, for the time has not yet come to make fence, as the ground is too dry to drive posts. The farmers are all busy plowing and sowing grain. I learn that Mr. Givan and son have already put in eighty acres of wheat up to Monday morning. Two of Mrs. Perry's daughters from Big Butte, Misses Emma and Lizzie, are here attending school, and others are making arrangements to attend as soon as places can be secured to board. A few of our enterprising citizens met at the school house last Friday night for the purpose of organizing the Eagle Point literary society, and in the course of President John Ashpole's remarks, he tried to stimulate the citizens of this place to greater effort by referring them to the society in Antelope school district, of which he spoke in the highest terms. What has become of "A Reader"? Is he sick or has he gone up on Rogue River to secure a timber claim? We miss his notes. J. K. Green has taken charge of his farm, and judging from the way he is tearing up things and building anew, he intends to make his mark in the neighborhood, as he is tearing down some of the old buildings, remodeling and making the old place have the appearance of life and beauty. The Rader Bros. have put up a fine lot of steers to fatten for the market this winter. J. G. Briscoe and his daughter, Miss Nannie, are here, Miss Nannie intending to remain several days to try to recuperate her health. John Inlow, our young mechanic, who has been working in the defunct planing mill at Central Point, has returned to our town on a visit. Master Arthur Morrison, who has been stopping with Josiah Hannah, on Rogue River, has returned to Eagle Pt., and intends to attend school in Antelope district--Prof. Raymond, teacher. Eagle Pt., Or., Nov. 4, 1889. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, November 7, 1889, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Frank Lewis has moved from Jacksonville
into our midst, where he expects to permanently reside.A prominent business lot near the new mill site is engaged, but the consideration is not yet to be made public. John Ashpole, one of our popular merchants, has built a new wood shed. T. B. Higinbotham is building a shed for A. J. Daley to protect his stock. Uncle Johnnie Lewis has moved into the old Grossman house and is building a barn and has the material on the ground to put a fence around the lot. Geo. Brown has sold another house and lot to Mrs. Digman; consideration, $350. Also Eber Emery to J. J. Fryer a number of lots along the banks of Butte Creek; consideration, $200. Mr. A. Pool, proprietor of the Eagle Point Hotel, has put a very nice portico on the front of his hotel, Mr. Phipps doing the carpentering and our young mechanic, John Inlow, doing the painting, which reflects credit on his ability as a painter. Speaking of painting, Mr. Jack De Flannie, of Central Point, has done one of the neatest jobs of painting on Mr. Fryer's house that we have seen in the valley and Mr. Bursell, the carpenter, has made a bay window that is said to be one of the most beautiful in the valley, having done all the work himself. The Eagle Point Literary Society elected new officers last Friday night. A. J. Daley, president; Miss Cora Brown, secretary; Miss Lelah Fryer, treasurer. About twenty names were placed on the roll and the prospects are favorable for a number of pleasant entertainments during the winter. J. J. Fryer made an eloquent speech that reflects credit on his early teachers in elocution. Times are lively around here; everybody is up trying to do something. The railroad surveyors are around; millwrights have been making an estimate of the probable cost of the new mill to be erected; carpenters are all engaged, painters are all busy and the prospects are very favorable for a grand boom the coming summer. Real estate is changing hands, people are coming to our town and neighborhood, and you can see a broad grin on our popular merchants' faces across the street by moonlight. Among the real estate transactions, J. K. Green has paid in full $7500 to J. J. Fryer, got his deed, has full possession and has gone to work in earnest to improve and beautify his place. He has a stump puller from Central Point and is clearing some of his brush land, aiming to get it in cultivation this season. He has concluded to let the old log house, in which his wife was born, stand, it being one of the oldest houses in the county, reroof and re-rustic it, so that his grandchildren can see the house in which their grandmother first saw the light Nov. 18, 1889. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, November 21, 1889, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Shoveling snow is the principal
occupation.Wm. Wooley's barn gave way, but the damage is not known. Mr. Schnider's shed gave way, but the damage is not known. Men are riding in every direction looking for stock of all kinds. A. Pool's shed gave way Sunday night and crippled a number of horses. The roof on our bridge gave way, and about one-half of it is a complete wreck. The young folks have had a great deal of fun sleighing, but the snow is so deep now that their fun is spoiled. The Rader Bros. sold twenty-five head of beef steers to Ed Hanley, and now have about 200 head of stock cattle up feeding. Since I last write, A. J. Florey, our enterprising chief justice, postmaster, school clerk, etc., has opened a cigar and candy shop and expects business lively. John Williams' barn, on the old Brown place, now owned by Mr. Ewing, gave way under the pressure of the snow, killing five head of cattle, a large number of hogs, and breaking his hack to pieces. The snow makes things look rather gloomy; twenty-two inches on a level. Stock that is not fed are sure to suffer, and everybody that have any stock are doing all they can to get them where they can be cared for. The Valley Record had hardly been taken out of the mail bag before the owner of the lost butter mold was found, and it proved to be a widow, so the old bachelor got his wish, and now if the finder will take it to Mrs. Digman, she will make necessary explanation. Little Lelie Rice, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rice, met with a very serious, though not fatal, accident about a week ago. She sat down in a five-gallon can of boiling slop, scalding her all over her hips, back, legs and bowels, but she is getting along as well as could be expected. And while on the subject of burns, I will send you a recipe that was used and gave immediate relief--one that has been used in our family for some time: Take unslaked lime, slake it and wet the burn with the water; then take the lime water after it has settled and mix with linseed oil until the mixture looks like thick cream, then wet thin cotton batting, apply to burn and let remain until well unless it comes off. If it gets dry and stiff apply the ointment. Eagle Point, Jan. 13, '90. DICK. Undated clipping from the Valley Record, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library 1962.223.2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. George Daley and family have removed from Big Butte precinct to the Britt property, near Eagle Point, for the summer. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1890, page 3 EAGLE POINT NEWS.
We are sorry to chronicle the fact that
Thos. E. Nichols has been very sick. He is improving slowly.We have had a death in our neighborhood since my last, Mrs. Eliza Matthews, consort of the late John Matthews, one of the early pioneers of Jackson County. She was about seventy years of age and leaves a large train of relatives to mourn her loss. We are sorry to say that our townsman, W. W. Rivers, M.D., has decided to leave this country permanently, as his health is such that he is not able to perform the duties of his office, thereby leaving vacant a fine situation for a good physician. J. K. Green has been moving out his fence on to the bank of Butte Creek and I understand that he has closed a road that has been traveled for the last twenty-five years, thereby discommoding a number of citizens in going to and from the grist mill, post office, etc. Last Thursday was the day fixed upon to have a meeting for the purpose of organizing a company to build a new roller mill here, but owing to the sickness of one of our prominent citizens and the heavy losses of others, the meeting was postponed until some future time. Our enterprising miller, A. J. Daley, has procured the services of an experienced mechanic, L. Roush, to put the rollers in his grist mill, and he has started to Leavenworth, Kansas, and Peoria, Ill., to procure the very best machinery that can be had, as he does not intend to have a mill in the valley that excels his in the manufacture of flour. It is expected that the machinery will be here by the first of May and the work will be pushed on to completion and be ready for the new crop of grain. DICK. Eagle Point, March 31. Valley Record, Ashland, April 3, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. ARTICLES FILED.--Articles of incorporation were filed today in the secretary of state's office by the Eagle Point Roller Mill Company, with J. J. Fryer, F. B. Inlow, J. K. Green, John Ashpole, J. A. Jonas, incorporators; capital stock, $15,000; place of business, Eagle Point, Jackson County. Capital Journal, Salem, April 8, 1890, page 2 Articles of Incorporation of the Eagle Point Roller Mill Co. Limited, were filed in the office of the county clerk April 7, 1890. The enterprise the corporation proposes to engage in is to purchase, own and hold the necessary lands, mill site, and water power near Eagle Point, and to build, furnish, and equip thereon, mills for the manufacture of flour and other manufacturing purposes. Place of business, Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon; capital stock, $15,000; shares, $100 each. Incorporators: J. J. Fryer, F. B. Inlow, J. K. Green, John Ashpole, J. A. Jonas. Valley Record, Ashland, April 10, 1890, page 3 EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Grandma Daley, mother of our miller A.
J. Daley, is lying very low.Mr. Meeker is preparing to move onto his place near the mouth of Little Butte. Mrs. N. M. Holmes, nee Emily Brown, of Jacksonville, is here visiting her relatives. Wm. Wiley and family have moved from Medford onto their farm on Antelope Creek. James Wooley, one of the old settlers, died April 8, 1890, of heart disease, aged 60 years. Dr. Geary of Medford was out the other day to visit William Wooley, who is in poor health. Rev. M. A. Williams preached here last Sunday to a large audience, and steps were taken to reorganize the Sunday school with Mr. Johnson as superintendent. Miss Nada Inlow, daughter of F. B. Inlow, a young lady that has been raised in our village and one that we can justly feel proud of, is teaching the "young ideas how to shoot" in the Antelope school district and is giving universal satisfaction, as she [is] a favorite with both parents and pupils. The Democratic primary was held here last Saturday, and a large number were present. Dr. W. W. Rivers was elected chairman and A. L. Haselton secretary. Thomas E. Nichols, A. Pool, John Thomas and Ed Simons were elected as delegates to attend the county convention. Valley Record, Ashland, April 17, 1890, page 3 MILLER VS. FARMER.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:As your readers are already apprised, a company has been organized to build a new roller mill at this place, and if not out of order I would like to offer a few thoughts for your numerous readers to reflect upon concerning mills, milling, etc. I see in an article published in the Times, in which the writer, or rather the dictator, is trying to throw cold water on the enterprise by endeavoring to make it appear, 1st, that this is not a wheat-growing country. That about all of the available wheat land is in cultivation and that there is not, nor can be, wheat enough raised to keep the mills that are already here running half of the time. I am sorry to see anyone that has his "all" in Eagle Point speak so disparagingly of our surrounding country, while the facts are plain to be seen that there are hundreds of acres of good wheat land now uncultivated and even unfenced that would produce good wheat, and will be cultivated whenever the time comes that the farmer can procure a remuneration sufficient to pay a fair profit on his labor. But the way that our mills are conducted, the farmer has little or no say as to what he shall have for his labor. Second, "Reasoner" claims that there are six or eight mills within a half-day's travel. Now, let us see how that statement will stand scrutinizing. We have one at Eagle Point, a good one, but in the fall of the year, when the farmers want to haul their flour to market or home for family use, the mill is always so crowded that the poor farmer that can pay his store bill in flour has to wait and wait until the roads are too muddy to haul, and then he could get a load occasionally. I say could, but what is the prospect in the future? The Ashland Milling Company control the Eagle Mills, and the Medford Milling Company own the Phoenix mills, and they will not exchange unless it is a little for family use; and we fear that after the rollers are put in the Butte Creek mills they will adopt the same rule, and then what will the farmer do with his wheat? He can haul it to the mill, sell it to the miller at his own price, and buy his flour from the miller at his own price also; and he will receive 50 cents or 55 cents per bushel and pay, as they have to now in Medford, $2.50 per hundred for flour. And still "Reasoner" says that we have enough mills without building a new one! But the farmers are waking up to the situation, and the time has come when they must and will act. "Reasoner" forgot that last fall a number of Butte Creek farmers tried for days and weeks to sell their wheat so that they could pay their store bills, but there was too much wheat for the demand. The farmers all over the country are intensely interested, and the universal verdict with them is that we have a new mill, that we must have a new mill, and that we will have a farmers' exchange mill. But "Reasoner" sees the new mill in his dreams, and then indulges in an offshoot on education, and sees the new mill without any wheat, the massive iron rollers taken out and the old, or rather new, building converted into a mammoth school house. And that led as to think that the writer knew more about schools and school houses than he did about mills and milling. Another thing that "Reasoner" forgot is that there are thousands of bushels of wheat sent out by rail every year, and if we have mills enough to grind all the wheat then we can keep down the trusts and monopolies in breadstuffs. More anon. DICK. Eagle Point, April 19, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, April 24, 1890, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
H. C. Lewis, our enterprising sawmill
man, has erected a new mill on Bear Creek and has it in full blast.EDITOR
A. J. Daley is having his grist mill overhauled and [is] getting ready to put in the rollers as soon as the machinery comes. Dr. R. L. Parker and son, W. W. Parker, have disposed of their mill property on Round Top to ex-sheriff A. S. Jacobs and a man by the name of Cormack; consideration, $2650. The young folks meet regularly at the Antelope school house to hold their literary society, and some of the young men have adopted the plan of copying poetry to read to the young ladies on the way home as a pastime. The summer fights have commenced. A. Pool, the constable of this precinct, and G. W. Heckathorn, but the two combatants were separated by the bystanders, greatly to the joy of both the fighters. No damage done except a little blood from Heckathorn. J. J. Fryer, our energetic, enterprising, go-ahead townsman, expects to start on a tour among the farmers to work in the interest of the new flour roller mill in the near future. A gentleman of large experience and extensive acquaintance assures us that the farmer» in his neighborhood (on Big Sticky and south above Medford) are anxious to go into the mill, as they begin to think that "self-preservation is the first law of nature." We had a very serious accident happen in our midst on the evening of the 19th. The infant son of Mr. J. K. Green, about 14 months old, by some means got hold of some Rough on Rats, supposed to have been thrown out while cleaning out the milk house, and had it not been for the timely efforts of Dr. Rivers, would undoubtedly have proved fatal, as the poison had taken such a hold that he lay in a continuous spasm for about six hours. But I am glad to be able to state that the child is convalescent and received no perceptible injures. The political "tea kettle" is whooping and as primaries have been held, every man that wants office is very busy congratulating the mothers on the beauty of their children and assuring the farmers that they are the exact ones that ought to fill the various offices in the county and state. Although Butte Creek is very modest in her demands, as there are only five or six that are extremely anxious to serve the dear people, two for sheriff, one for clerk, one for assessor, one for school superintendent and one for legislative honors. A large number of our citizens met at this place and held the regular primary meeting. Peter Simon was elected chairman and A. L. Haselton secretary. The following were elected delegates to the county convention: John Ashpole, Henry Brown, Dr. W. W. Rivers and C. W. Taylor. At the close of the meeting Dr. Rivers was called on for a speech, and in his usual smooth and impressive manner he gave a speech that was calculated to impress the audience with the necessity of union and a spirit of forbearance. He is a fine talker, and if he could be prevailed upon to remain with us would be a strong man in the Democratic ranks. The announcement in the Record that Dr. W. W. Rivers intended to leave this part of the country for his old home in Arkansas and that a good opening was left for an M.D., brought a doctor but as he had never been on a horse's back and was in poor health, he thought the country most too rough for him to undertake, so he left in a few days. And now we want a good physician with a family to come and buy the residence of our present incumbent, Dr. Rivers, situated opposite where the new mill is to be built, and settle down for life, as this is a very desirable locality for a physician and a very good--pleasant, I mean--community in which to live. DICK. April 28, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, May 1, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
VALLEY RECORD:--We have had a fine rain, which will ensure good crops. Born to the wife of A. L. Haselton, May 9th, 1890, a daughter. Mrs. John Pelling, who has been in poor health for some time past, has gone to Portland, to St. Mary's hospital, for medical treatment. Dodge & Co. have abandoned the idea of drilling a well for J. K. Green on account of the hardness of the rock and I understand that the Creed Bros. are going to undertake to finish the job. Allow me, and through me, almost the entire community, to congratulate you on your delivery from the hands of your persecutors. and triumphant vindication of the doctrine of free speech and free press. The machinery for A. J. Daley's mill has been delayed and has not arrived yet. In removing the old machinery from the grist mill, the workmen let a stick of timber fall on the turbine wheel and broke it so that it was necessary to send off for a section to repair the damage done, costing $35 or $40. The Democracy are. so far as I can learn, generally satisfied with the nominations made by the county convention except for Senator; they feel that they have been imposed upon, and I have heard a number of them say that they would not vote for Charles Nickell under any circumstances, as he has always worked for self against the interest of the laboring classes. May 13, 1890. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, May 15, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
The young folks had a high old time last
Friday night, at the dance at this place.H. C. Lewis has moved his family from the farm to the mill to spend the hot days of summer. Crops are looking, generally, very well, and the prospect is that there will be a very large crop of corn raised this summer. I understand that Mrs. John Pelling has returned from Portland, and that the physicians of St. Mary's hospital pronounce her case incurable. The machinery for H. J. Daley's mill has arrived, and it will not be long before we have a first-class roller mill here and a good prospect for another in the near future. Mr. Worthington is building a house and barn for Thomas Riley on a tract of land he purchased from Mart Hurst. Mr. Riley is also preparing to build considerable fence, as he has engaged 20,000 feet of fencing lumber from H. C. Lewis & Co. Dr. W. W. Rivers expects to start to his old home in Arkansas next Thursday with his wife and children to visit Mrs. R.'s mother, thereby leaving us without a physician. So if we need any assistance in that line we will have to go to Central Point or Medford. He leaves a good field for an M.D. Our village has been thronged with office seekers and their friends (you know "money makes the colt go") and we have had lively times for the last few days. Cameron, Alford, Charles Nickell and George Bloomer may be mentioned as among the office-seekers that have been trying to convince the dear people that they are the very ones to be their servants; and by the time this reaches you, Sam Holt, of the union party, will be here and address the citizens on the leading issues of the day. The calculations are that Cormack & Jacobs will start their sawmill by the time this reaches you, and we expect to have good lumber, as they are men who understand the sawmill business. Speaking of sawmills, your correspondent took the time last week to spend a few hours in and around H. C. Lewis' mill, situated on Bear Creek near Central Point, and found the mill doing excellent work, as it is run up to its full capacity, turning out from 12,000 to 15,000 feet of lumber per day, of a very good quality considering that the logs are all "bull pine." The mill was visited last Friday by a number of experts in the mechanical line, and they pronounce it and its management a complete success. One of our prominent citizens on Butte Creek is advocating the idea of having the successful candidate pay each one of the voters for the time it takes from his business, paying in proportion to the amount of his income from the office that he fills, as the candidates are selected by the "bosses," and the voters have nothing to do but walk up to the polls and vote for the men that are put on the ticket. By this means a large number of voters might vote that stay at home because they feel that none of the candidates are their choice. I remember that four years ago next election, we (I mean the clerks and judges) counted some ninety voters that did not come to the polls to vote, because they did not feel interest enough in the election to lose their time. But have it understood that every voter who votes is entitled to a fair compensation for his time, and then the laboring classes would vote and put down this "ring monopoly." DICK. Eagle Point, May 25, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, May 29, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
VALLEY RECORD:--Haying is in full blast--there is a great calm in the way of news. H. C. Lewis came near being thrown from his cart last week, striking his arm on the wheel and bruising it badly. A. J. Daley is getting his machinery in his mill in good shape and expects by the 15th to be under full headway again. J. A. Jonas was elected J.P. of this precinct without opposition, and A. Pool, our old constable, and Charles Edmondson were the candidates for constable. Chas. E. was elected. The election passed off quietly at this place. We at first opened the polls in Inlow & Ashpole's warehouse, but it was soon ascertained that we would suffer with the cold so much that we decided to move to Pool's hotel, where we could have more comfortable quarters. We labor under great advantages in this precinct for want of a suitable place to hold elections, want of proper tables, etc., but the worst inconvenience is the want of a larger ballot box and the necessary election laws, as the latest copy we have was published in 1872 and consequently we are eighteen years behind the times. Mr. J. A. Jonas closed his three months school last Friday, the 6th inst., at this place, giving very general satisfaction, and one would think that the directors had the most implicit confidence in his ability as a teacher by the number of times they visited his school during the term, for by looking over his report I see that they have not visited the school at all. The county superintendent has also been very derelict in the discharge of his official duty. Perhaps he was sick! According to his report the whole number of pupils enrolled is 48---24 boys and 24 girls; average attendance, 32. Quite a number of visitors were in attendance the last day of the school, among them Prof, A. L. Haselton and wife, Mrs. F. B. Inlow and her niece, Miss Sarah Ragsdale of Sams Valley, Miss Brown of this place, and many others. Your correspondent left the county seat last Saturday afternoon, and from what he could learn we are to have two very conspicuous, if not important, companies pass through our little village on their way to Salt Creek (Salt Creek empties into Butte Creek a few miles above this place). As I understand the program the first company will be composed of all the candidates that were on the union-labor ticket. They are to march in double file, headed by Hon. Enoch Walker and Mrs. Josephine Crocker, with their banners flying and singing "The better days are coming by and by," etc., while the citizens along their route are to cheer them by their presence and words of condolence and the assurance that victory will yet perch on their banners. The second company is to be composed of a motley crowd of disappointed office-seekers of all political creeds and a host of hangers-on that have been using the public teat for a long tine. They are to walk in single file, with poor Ed. Charles N. [Nickell] in the lead chanting the doleful dirge "The election is past and the campaign is ended, and we are left, boo hoo, boo hoo," etc. And the masses of the voters are to hiss them, and tantalize them for putting up such men on the tickets. DICK. Eagle Point, June 9, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, June 12, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
F. B. Inlow started to Talent with his family last Sunday, and broke
the axle of his hack, so had to postpone his visit indefinitely.Mrs. Roush, who has been sick with typhoid pneumonia, I learn has just died. Dr. Lee of Central Point was in attendance, but could not save her life. David Hendry, our cobbler, is confined to his bed with an old sore on his leg, which causes him a great deal of pain. Dr. Lee, of Central Point, is in attendance. Claude White, while trying to manipulate the lines of A. J. Daley's mule team, let them get the advantage of him, so we had a first-class runaway, breaking the wagon and tearing things up generally. Died at the family residence, June 11th, 1890, Mrs. Fannie, wife of John Pelling, aged 59 years, 10 months and 24 days. The subject of the above notice was a native of Ireland, from whence she removed to Nova Scotia, married Owen Clark and moved to Oregon, living with him for nineteen years, and raising a family of five children, three boys and two girls, one of whom now sleeps with her father and mother in the Catholic cemetery at Jacksonville. Two of the boys are doing business in Grant County, while the remaining daughter, Mrs. Penning of Gold Hill and R. Emmet Clark are residents of this county. She has been living in this neighborhood ever since her marriage to John Pelling in 1878, and her loss will be felt by her many friends who mourn her demise. She was buried according to the rites of the Catholic Church, of which she was a member. DICK. Central Point, June 16, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, June 19, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. READY FOR A MUSEUM.
RECORD:--An Enumerator Who Was Neither Insulted, Mobbed Nor Hung. Some of my fellow census enumerators report trouble in many cases. After my pleasant experience, I| am surprised to hear such complaints. I was out the entire month of June among the people of Big and Little Butte and received the most courteous and kindly treatment by all. Everyone I visited seemed ready and more than willing to answer every "applicable" question on the various schedules. The men who own and operate mills and shops in my field took especial pains to give full and complete answers to the questions propounded. Safes and books were opened, and every item hunted up. A. J. Daley gave me three hours of his time, when his business affairs were exceedingly pressing. Messrs. Pool, Florey and Robinett showed the same spirit. Sawmills are especially difficult to dispose of by enumerators. Jacobs & Cormack of Round Top sawmill, if possible, outdid everyone else in kindness. Every employee in the mill followed suit and made my stay overnight one of the most pleasant of the whole sojourn. The proprietors of this mill are worthy of success, and I expect to hear of a lively trade at Round Top this season. They are a first-class firm, paying first-class wages to a first-class set of men, who have first-class timber from which first-class lumber is produced, and sold at low prices. The Butte Creek people stand high with your correspondent. SCOTT
Record, Ashland, July 17, 1890, page 1Spikenard, Or., July 9, 1890. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Peter Simon is building a new granary.A. L. Haselton and H. G. Shock have put neat picket fences around their lots. Everybody is busy harvesting. The wheat crop is better than at first expected. Mr. McNeal is putting up a new house on his place in the upper end of our town. F. B. Inlow and one of our merchants have gone to Talent, for the purpose of building a barn on his property there. James Lewis, the engineer in H. C. Lewis' mill, quit the mill last Saturday and returned to his farm on Little Butte J. A. Jonas, our pedagogue, is teaching school in the Big Butte district. His family accompanies him, leaving home Monday morning and returning Friday evening. They have engaged rooms with T. B. Higinbotham. A. J. Daley has got his new roller mill under headway but is out of wheat. He is arranging to build a large warehouse adjoining his mill. He is also building a new hog pen. You, or rather we, know that all grist mills must have a hog pen as an attachment. Peter Simon, one of cur old pioneers, started a few days ago via Portland for Germany to visit his sisters that he has not seen for forty-two years, and will try to improve his health that has been failing for some time past. He was accompanied as far as Portland by his daughter Sophia. Dennis Simon had the misfortune to be thrown from his horse while coming down a hill on the road from J. B. Welch's mill with a load of lumber, falling in a bunch of oak grubs and hurting one of his eyes so badly that he was compelled to leave his wagon on the road. The cause of the accident was an iron bar on the brake giving way, causing the wagon to push onto the horses. DICK. Eagle Point, July 21, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, July 24, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Gored to Death by a Steer.
John Tice, a young man raised in this valley, was gored to death by a
steer yesterday. He is employed by the Hanley Bros. at Butte Creek,
this county, and was found dead in a corral. He was alone and had roped
the animal, which gored and trampled him to death.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 24, 1890, page 3 EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Miss [Ella] Brown, of Roseburg, has been
engaged to teach our public school. The Misses Bailey and Brown, of Roseburg, have been the guests of Hon. A. J. Florey but are now visiting Mrs. F.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Nye of Flounce Rock precinct. I sec that J. K. Green has been tearing down the old barns and sheds on his place, greatly improving the looks of the premises. I forgot to mention in my last that A. J. Carlton and family and Miss Clara Rader returned from their trip to Crescent City greatly improved in health and weight, and from the way the trip has affected them I think that if you, Mr. Editor, would take a trip to the sea shore it would perhaps build up your emaciated form. I see in the last Record the statement that John B. Williams, the mail contractor, has purchased property in Medford, etc., and I am requested to state authoritatively that it is not John B., but Isaac F. Williams, son of Isaac B. Williams of Central Point. Miss Cora Brown and her brother Frank and Miss Amy Safford and Wilbur Ashpole have gone to the McAllister soda springs. Hon. A. J. Florey, our accommodating P.M., has received the appointment of notary public and was sworn in last Saturday, August 2nd, so that we will not have to go to Jacksonville to attend to all of our business. Last Wednesday night Mrs. A. R. Riggs, president of the W.C.T.U., favored our town with a lecture on her favorite theme, the cause of temperance and morality vs. the saloon, and although there was but a few hours' notice given, still I learn that she had a fair audience and made a very favorable impression, as your sub-reporters speak in very high terms of her as a lecturer. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 4, 1890. (Balance of items continued in our next.) Valley Record, Ashland, August 7, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
(Continued from last issue.)Since my last communication for the Record, your correspondent has once more had the pleasure of visiting your thriving city [Ashland] after an absence of over a year, and for me to say that I was surprised to see such a marked change for the better does not fully convey the idea, for I am unable to understand how so much improving can be done in so short a time, when times are so dull and money is so scarce, and how so many people can live and wear good clothes where so little producing is done. Last Thursday morning your correspondent started out on to foot take a view of the city, and he walked until he reached the Record office. Found the publisher, proprietor and editor had not yet put in an appearance but found the typesetter at work at his case, spent a few moments with him very pleasantly and started for the depot in search of the editor. Failing to find him I started in a southerly direction, bearing west, and walked and walked, still seeing new sights ahead, until I came to the deliberate conclusion that a man that would try to take in the city of Ashland, the metropolis of Jackson County, on foot needs more than one short day in July to accomplish the feat. So I turned my course toward my stopping place, hitched up my team and took a fresh start; drove up one street and down another and finally started off on the Boulevard, passing fine residences, beautiful scenery, excellent orchards, gardens, etc., where but a few years ago there was nothing but a chaparral jungle--showing what skill and energy can do. Returning to the business portion of the city, I made another call on the Record office and this time found the editor in. Transacted a little business, spent a short time in pleasant chitchat and soon thereafter took our (for Mrs. Dick was with me) departure for our home, bidding farewell to our friends for another season. We have another New Departure in our neighborhood. Ever since the memorable campaign on the woman suffrage amendment our school directors seemed to have the idea irrevocably fixed in their minds that the man was right when he told his prospective mother-in-law that after his marriage the place for his wife was to stay at home and tend to the chickens and children. They seemed to think that a woman was absolutely incapable of doing anything that required brains or muscle, and the idea that a woman could teach our school--pshaw! But time brings changes and we are getting a class of men in our country that read, and they read that about 95 percent of the teachers in our large cities are ladies, so they have came to the conclusion that our children might be taught by a lady. And another thing they have discovered and that is that the lady who has applied for our school stands a round [i.e., rung] higher on the literary ladder than anyone else we have had to teach our school, as the highest grade any of our teachers have had is a state certificate, But, lo! Miss Brown of Roseburg comes with a state diploma, so our directors have employed her to teach our fall term of school and we look for a decided improvement in the management of the same. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 4, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, August 14, 1890, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:-- Mr. Geo. Nichols, son of T. E. Nichols, met with quite an accident last Sunday. He had got a rig from Medford to take his best girl out riding, I understand, and the team got frightened and ran away, demolishing the buggy some considerable. The Wiley boys and Jas. Pew have gone to the McAllister soda springs, and intend to go to Fish Lake, Twin Lakes, etc., before they return. There was quite an excitement in the vicinity of Brownsboro last week. The infant child of John Burge [Burch?], aged about 18 months, was missing about 9 a.m. and the father and family began search but nothing could he found of it. So the neighbors were called and the quest continued all day until dark, when lanterns were procured, and the hunt was continued until midnight, when it was suspended till next morning. In the morning when Master Harry Carlton started out from home he found the child standing quietly on an old straw stack, looking as though nothing happened, fully a mile from its home. Our citizens were shocked Monday morning on learning that the variety store of our postmaster, A. J. Florey, had been broken open, robbed and then fired. The flames were first discovered by Mrs. Geo. Brown as she was up in the night taking medicine, about midnight, when she gave the alarm, but the fire had gotten such a headway that nothing could be done but try to save the surroundings. In spite of all their efforts A. J. Daley's warehouse was consumed. Loss to A. J. Florey about $500, insured for $400; A. J. Daley's loss unknown--possibly $150 or $200. Almost the entire community sympathizes with Mr. Florey, as he is afflicted with rheumatism so that he is unable to work a great part of his time. The loss is irreparable as all of the mail matter was consumed together with his books, all the district school records and other things belonging to the school district. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 12, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, August 14, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
M. S. Wood is building a large barn.The grain yield is hardly up to average. Thos. Coy has moved into the old Purdin house. A. Pool is putting a rock foundation under his blacksmith shop. A. J. Florey, our accommodating P.M., is preparing to build again. Newt. Lewis and family are here from Applegate, visiting their parents. Lightning struck a tree on the line of Mrs. Rader's fence, burning quite a number of rails. John Ashpole, one of our merchants, has been putting an addition to his residence and otherwise beautifying his home. Miss Etha Griffith, who has been to the McAllister soda springs, has returned and reports that the recent hail storm did a great deal of damage on Salt Creek. Mr. Cingcade's little boy is sick with typhoid fever. Dr. Pickel, of Medford, is in attendance. Speaking of sickness, we have but little in our immediate neighborhood but considerable in the surrounding country, and if some good doctor would locate here he would find a good practice. The farmers are generally busy threshing, hauling off their grain, etc., so that there is but little of interest to write. This year Phipps, McDaniel & Co. are doing the threshing for this neighborhood, and are giving better satisfaction than any machine that has been in this part of the country for a number of years. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 26, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, August 28, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. [EAGLE POINT NEWS.]
Mrs. J. G. Shock got a fall a few days
ago, bruising her limb and side very badly.
Mrs. Howlett has been sick for several days with neuralgia.
Peter Simon, who has been on a trip to Germany, is expected home today, Monday. A. J. Florey has four men at work on his new building, and it will be quite an addition to our town. Mr. Mosier is sick, so that he had to have a surgical operation performed by Dr. Geary of Medford. The post office inspector was over looking after the interest of the post office department one day last week. Emanuel Clark, son of the late Mrs. John Pelling, has been in from Burns, Harney County, looking after his mother's estate and visiting relatives. Miss Nada Inlow has gone to Ashland to attend the state normal school, as she is determined to succeed in making herself a first-class teacher. We wish her abundant success. Miss Ella Brown, our new teacher from Roseburg, commenced school last Monday, and her traveling companion, Miss Frances Bailey, has secured the school in John Obenchain's neighborhood on Big Butte (a new district, I have forgotten the name). We are pained to be under the necessity of chronicling the death of Frank, son of David and Mollie Cingcade, who departed this life Sept. 8, 1890. Deceased was born in Mono County, Cal., Jan. 25, 1880, being 10 years, 7 months and 13 days old. Since my last this neighborhood came very near having a destructive fire. About midnight a burning sawdust pile at H. C. Lewis' sawmill branched out and ignited a pile of stove wood near the cutoff saw and from thence to the main building. A young man named Berry discovered it almost reaching to the roof, gave the alarm, and raised the mill hands and the family in a big hurry by breaking in the door of Mr. Lewis' bedroom. The excitement came near scaring Miss Millie Howlett, who was there visiting, out of her wits. DICK. Eagle Point, Sept. 8, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, September 11, 1890, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Antelope Anglings.
Mrs. Mauzey's mother is here on a visit
from the Willamette Valley.Flora Hurst, who has been in Medford for some time past, has returned home. There will be preaching next Sunday at the church, Rev. Aleridge will preach. George Rice, who has been down on the railroad, will return in a few days on a visit. Mrs. James Bell and family, who have been visiting with relatives near Medford, have returned home. Thomas A. Mauzey and family have moved to I. B. Williams' place, which they have rented for a year. Miss Ellen Bursell is teaching the school in this district, and will give general satisfaction we believe, as she is an excellent teacher. Joe Rader and his mother and sisters, also Harry Carleton, Rachel Stanley and Lin Clemens, returned yesterday from a trip to the soda springs and reported having had a splendid time. We had one of the most enjoyable occasions in our midst a short time ago. I refer to the marriage of Mr. James Lewis and Miss Sarah Howlett on the 3rd inst. I hardly know where to commence, or how to describe the occasion. On Monday the invitation cards were sent out, and by 10 o'clock a.m. of the 2nd the guests began to arrive and by 12 m. about twenty-five or thirty of the friends and relatives of the family had arrived. The host, meeting each one in his usual affable manner, made everyone feel that they were welcome and at 12:15 the party congregated in the parlor, where the contracting parties, accompanied by James R. Williams of Central Point and Miss Mamie Wiley as bridesmaid and groomsman, entered and took their places, when the venerable father in his usual easy and graceful manner pronounced the ceremony making them man and wife. He made one serious blunder, however, as he forgot to kiss the bridesmaid until some minutes after; then he rectified his mistake and all went merry as ever. One thing we will say, if ever we get married again we will be sure to have Mr. Howlett say the ceremony, notwithstanding the blunder. The groom was dressed in conventional black, and the bride--well, she looked as neat and--well I will try and describe her appearance. She was dressed in a tan color cassimere trimmed with cream-colored silk and ribbon. It was made in the latest style and was exceedingly lovely. After the ceremony was over dinner was announced, and oh, my! such a dinner. The tables were loaded with everything that could tempt the taste. The bride's cake, which was baked by Mrs. Howlett, was the finest we ever saw. I will not try to tell what we had, only to say that we had almost everything that could be thought of. If you had seen the way we all ate you would have thought we had been fasting for several days. After dinner was over then each vied with the other to see how much could be enjoyed, and all seemed to pronounce the occasion a grand success. There were several handsome presents given to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. From Mrs. G. M. and Mrs. Jno. A. Love, a lovely glass set; Nada Inlow, fruit stand; Anna Inlow, water pitcher; Mr. and Mrs. Inlow, glass set; Mamie Wiley, glass berry bowl; Geo. Love, basket of grapes; James R. Williams, mustache cup for the groom to drink coffee out of; Aletha Mauzey, cup and saucer for the bride to drink tea out of; two lovely bouquets from Nada and Ama Inlow. About 3 o'clock the guests began to depart and in the evening the happy bride and groom took their departure for their home, with the congratulations of all wishing them a long life of prosperity and happiness. A READER. Eagle Point, Sept. 8, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, September 11, 1890, page 3 EAGLE POINT NEWS.
A. J. Daley, our enterprising miller,
has erected a new warehouse adjoining his great mill.Mrs. Digman is having a well bored on the lot she bought of Geo. Brown. A. Pool has built a new wood shed. W. W. Miller, who has been the manager of the old burr mill before it was changed to a roller mill, has accepted a position in the new one, we are glad to learn. Mr. Kirkpatrick has moved from Big Butte to our town, to take advantage of our school. Miss Edmondson, also from Big Butte, is here taking advantage of our school. Our efficient road supervisor has had a large lot of lumber hauled out to repair our bridge across Butte Creek. Mr. Robinett has moved his blacksmith tools into Inlow & Ashpole's shop. Miss Brown, our efficient "school marm," taught for two weeks, just long enough to show the old mossbacks that a woman can teach our school, was taken sick and had to close, but we are glad to state that she is able to resume her position and is now governing her school, as usual, by the law of kindness, and progressing finely. Since my last we have had considerable improvement going on in our town. A. J. Florey has about completed his new store and residence combined. a neat two-story building adjoining the lot whereon the old "boss" blacksmith shop stood, but he tore that down to make room for the new building and now instead of seeing an old dilapidated shanty we see a new house and surroundings that reflects credit on our efficient postmaster. Mr. Ed., I have been "scairt" so badly that I hardly knew whether to try to write or not, for I see that that ponderous literary compendium of knowledge, that wonderful production that emanates from the "Times" office WEAKLY has so far descended from its high and "conspicuous" place and position as to criticize an article that was published in the Record signed by your occasional correspondent from Antelope, "A Reader," because forsooth he left out an "H" in spelling the name of an article of dress, when perhaps it might have been a typographical error. But no, it happened to be a daughter of a man that helped to send him up Salt Creek, and he thought he could vent his malicious spite, but we could expect little more from a man so small as "poor Ed. C." And now Mr. Editor, enough of this, for he must fill up his contemptible sheet and as he has no correspondent from Butte Creek he could do no better.--(It was an error in the typesetting.--FOREMAN.) DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, October 9, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. EAGLE POINT NEWS.
Mrs. Virgil is here visiting friends.EDITOR
Geo. Brown has just returned from Portland. A. J. Daley has been to Grants Pass on a business trip. Miss Anna Inlow has returned from a visit to her aunt in Sams Valley. John and Artie Nichols have returned from a business trip to Lake County. Thos. E. Nichols drove a band of beef cattle to the Ashland market last week. The candy-pulling given by Miss Cora Brown last week was a pleasant affair, of course. John Black passed through town Monday with a small drove of beef cattle for market. McNeal & Johnson, with a number of assistants, are repairing the bridge and getting it ready for future usefulness. A. J. Florey has moved into his new quarters on the north side of the creek. He has also replenished his stock of goods greatly, to the joy of the little ones. John Ashpole, one of our leading merchants, of the firm of Inlow & Ashpole, has just returned from Portland, where he has been to buy in their fall stock of goods. I rather think that it would be to the interest of a large class of citizens in and around this place to have a good physician locate among us, and not necessitate us to go to Medford for medical aid. Miss Brown, our schoolmarm, is teaching the best school we have had for a long time, and those who visited the school last Friday say that the declamatory exercises were superior to any we have had in Eagle Point for years. Miss Amy Safford has been able to resume her studies at school, after a spell of typhoid fever. Dr. Pryce was in attendance. The doctor has also so far succeeded in restoring Mrs. H. G. Shock to health that she is able to get up without help. I inadvertently omitted to state in my last that Peter Simon, one of our old-time citizens who had been to Germany to visit his relatives and regain his health, had returned, after a visit with relatives and friends in Pennsylvania. We are also pleased to state that his daughter, Miss Sophia, is convalescent, after a long siege of typhoid fever, thanks to the skill of Dr. Pryce, of Medford. Mrs. H. Lewis, of Medford, has been visiting relatives on Butte Creek. Her brother, James M. Lewis, had a runaway last Sunday. His horse broke loose while hitched to a cart and ran over a mile through the woods, over a plank and wire fence, across Butte Creek up into our town, with scarcely a scratch and without breaking anything. The animal was finally captured by Scott Pool and Arthur Nichols. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 20, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, October 23, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
VALLEY RECORD:Mr. Upham and family have gone to California. J. A. Jonas has been engaged to teach school at the mouth of Butte Creek. Prof. Shepherd and wife, of Ashland, were here last week on a business trip. Mr. Scott and family, of Central Point, are visiting the family of Chas. Griffith of this place. The literary society in the Antelope school district has started up again for the long nights. Mr. Inlow, one of our leading merchants, is at Talent superintending the construction of a building on his property there. The entertainment given by the school on the 7th inst, by universal consent, is said to have been one of the best that has ever been in Eagle Point. David Cingcade is preparing to build a new wood shed, in the place of the one that was blown down. A. C. Howlett is also building another wood shed, as his present one is too small. A committee was appointed at the last meeting of the L.S. [literary society] to arrange a program for an entertainment at the Methodist church on Antelope, Christmas eve, and we anticipate a fine time. Since my last the workmen have finished the county bridge across Butte Creek. It presents a fine appearance, and we feel safe in saying that the roof will not give way soon from the pressure of snow. J. J. Fryer has been enlarging his enclosure by making some new fence. Chas. Griffith has also been making some improvements in that line and Mr. Hubbard has been making some improvements on his dwelling. We have another new departure in our village. Our enterprising and accomplished teacher, Miss Ellie Brown, has introduced the question-box, where questions on almost all subjects are asked by the pupils and the answers are read on Friday afternoon. The most of the farmers have been sowing their fall wheat for the last two or three weeks, and now they are uneasy for fear that the long continued drought will cause it to rot in the ground or to dry out so that that which has sprouted will not grow. Mr. Ashpole, of the firm of Inlow & Ashpole, has finished his residence and the young folks gave them--Mr. and Mrs. A.--a surprise party last Wednesday evening, where they spent a few hours in social amusements and then quietly repaired to their homes. The "Eagle Point Educator," published monthly by Miss Ellie Brown and edited by Miss Amy Safford, the first number of which was issued Nov. 7, 1890, and if it was not that I fear I would be transcending the bounds of a local correspondent I would clip a few items from it, but sufficient to say that the paper presents a fine appearance and reflects credit upon the publisher, editor and correspondents. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 18, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, November 20, 1890, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
VALLEY RECORD:Miss Jennie Smith, of Ashland, is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Florey. Miss Nada Inlow, who is attending school at Ashland, was home on a visit last week. A. C. Howlett has been sick for several days past, but is not considered dangerously so. Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Wright, of Central Point, have been here visiting the family of F. B. Inlow. The young folks had a dance in Inlow & Ashpole's hall on Thanksgiving night. About thirty numbers were sold. The dry weather is causing considerable uneasiness among the farmers, for fear that the early sown grain will dry and freeze out. We had a week's vacation in our school last week while Miss Brown, the teacher, attended the institute at Ashland. I understand that she was very favorably impressed with your city. A. Pool came near having two fires last week. The first broke out in the upper floor where the stove pipe passes through and was discovered by a girl of the house, who quietly reported it to a lady visitor, when the alarm of fire was given. There was no material damage done except that Miss Amy Safford, Mrs. Pool's daughter, had her hands badly burned while trying to extinguish the flames. A few days after the above related occurrence Mrs. Pool's little boy, about four or five years old, got some matches, lit a candle and by some means set fire to the window curtains, which quickly ran to the ceiling, but fortunately did no damage. Miss Millie Howlett gave a carpet-tacking last Friday night, and had an extraordinarily fine time. There were twenty-eight of the neighbors, mostly young folks, came in and sewed and tied carpet rags until about ten o'clock, when lunch was served and the rest of the evening was spent in playing, talking, etc., until about 12 o'clock, when they all retired to their respective homes with the understanding that they would all return in the near future and sew the rest of the rags. One remarkable incident occurred, however, while Mrs. H. was busily engaged sewing. One of the young men, F. M., was desirous of having a very large ball so he kindly wound what she sewed on his ball. But that was considered legitimate by Miss M., as everything is fair in lo-- or rag-tacking. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 2, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, December 11, 1890, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
Born to the wife of Mr. Ewing, near
Eagle Point, Dec. 11th, a daughter.There is considerable sickness, mostly epizootic or la grippe, but none of [the] cases seem to be serious. Born to the wife of True Cox, on Big Sticky, Dec. 13th, a daughter. Sorry to say the mother is in a very critical condition, but the M.D. has hopes of her recovery . There is but little improvements going on. J. J. Fryer is having a chimney built in the center of his new house. J. K. Green has put a new gate in the place of the old one near the ford. The young folks in the vicinity of the Antelope M.E. church are making big preparations for a Christmas tree and we anticipate a grand time, which we will report if "A Reader" don't return from his trip to the timber belt, or somewhere else, and make a report. Rev. Aleridge preached here last night from "What is a name," and held the audience spellbound for about one and a quarter hours. One of the "oldest settlers" said that "he was the first one we have had here for a long time that could hold the boys (and girls) level," but I have seen as good order before. The Demorest contest for a silver medal, arranged by Mrs. J. G. Johnson and Miss Ellie Brown, fell through with on account of one of the contestants backing out. However, a good temperance meeting was had; three of the pupils, Misses Gladius Fryer, Amy Safford and Anna Inlow each rendered some fine pieces, and Miss Ellie Brown's power of delivery moved the audience. Rev. M. C. Aleridge was called to the stand and favored his hearers with a talk on his favorite subject. The house was crowded. During the last week it was announced that a Mr. Rader, from Michigan, would address the citizens of this place and the surrounding country on the subject of building a flume from upper Rogue River (the sugar pine belt) to this part of the valley, for the purpose of bringing the lumber, after it is sawed, to this place or some other, the terminus to be decided in the future. But for some reason he and his colleagues failed to put in an appearance, greatly to the disappointment of the crowd that assembled. But although he, or rather they, failed to speak, the subject has been brought to the front and at no distant day the project will be a reality. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 22, 1890. Valley Record, Ashland, December 25, 1890, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
There is some sickness in this
neighborhood, mostly colds.ED.
Miss Mary Wiley is visiting her cousin John Wiley, near Phoenix. A. Pool has been making some improvements in the way of building. G. W. Rice returned from working on the railroad in Cow Creek Canyon last Saturday. Miss Millie Howlett, Miss Laura Nichols and Miss Anna Carney have gone to Medford to attend school. There is some improving going on. J. J. Fryer has been making some more fence, subdividing his place and arranging it with walks and a driveway. From present appearance he is going to have one of the finest flower gardens in the valley. J. K. Green, his son-in-law, has gone to California and left his farm in the care of Mr. F. We had a wedding on the sly Sunday evening, the 25th ult. The contracting parties were Joseph Rader and Miss Rachel Stanley. Everything was kept so still that it was not known until last Sunday, a week, that they were married, and then an attempt was made to raise a charivari party but the boys were so incredulous that, after working for several hours and riding several miles, they succeeded in raising a company of five, and the bride said they did not make noise enough to wake the children that were in the house, but they bled Joe to the tune of one dollar apiece. I have been waiting for something to turn up of interest to your readers but have been waiting in vain, for news are as scarce as $20 pieces. But we expect to have plenty of them when Merritt gets his bill through giving us or somebody else that $12,000 to build a road from here to Klamath. Oh! won't that be nice. We can just get on our mule and go right along. And then we are going to have that flume also. It is decided that Eagle Point is to be the terminus, and then we are going to have the railroad from the county seat, via Medford. Some of our farmers below here are getting uneasy for fear that the water from the flume will swell Butte Creek so that it will be like the Nile of Egypt--overflow all the banks and ruin their farms; but let it come. Some of us are so elated over the prospect of a large manufacturing city that we can hardly wait for the Hon. J.W.M. to get his bill through. DICK. Eagle Point, Feb. 3, '91. Valley Record, Ashland, February 5, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
G. W. Heckathorn is able to be around
again, but does not look natural.ED.
T. L. Linkswiler is able to be around again after a long spell of sickness. S. A. Potter has taken a contract to clear a tract of land for Thomas Riley. John Nichols is quite sick with acute rheumatism. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Mrs. Robinette is suffering very much from a swelling of the limbs and rupture of a blood vessel. I learn that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fredenberg lost their oldest child--about two years of age--on Big Butte the last of the past week. Since my last, B. A. Potter has had the misfortune to cut his hand while trying to put in an ax handle, but is now able to resume work. Hezekiah Matthews, who has been in Canada for a number of years, returned to the old homestead a few days ago, to visit his relatives, his grandmother being in her 91st year. Green B. Matthews has been to Portland to Drs. Darrin for medical treatment. He was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Ashpole of this place. He is improving very rapidly. C. Griffith, the inimitable, has been making some more improvements in the way of fencing and beautifying his premises; he has been getting some new furniture and it is whispered around among the knowing ones that the services of a clergyman or J.P. will be needed before long. I see by the Record of the 19th inst. that Brother Dean of Talent has been showing up some evangelist that has been trying to show the people of that neighborhood the way they should go, and your correspondent interviewed an evangelist in Medford and he said he supposed that reference was had to him. "Well, ain't you going to reply?" "No." "Why, the columns of the Record are open to you." "Yes, I know, but I heard of a gentleman who kicked a skunk to death, but his boots were never worth anything afterwards, so I sha'n't undertake the job." So Brother Dean can go in lemons and no danger of getting squeezed. We had our regular annual school meeting today, and a large number was out to vote and see what was done, as a great amount of interest was felt as to who should teach the school this summer, and I learn one or two were so much interested that they visited everyone in the district that they thought they could influence to try to get a director and clerk to suit themselves, and get the old clerk out, but they signally failed, for A. Poole was elected director, and the old clerk, A. J. Florey, was reelected. There was an effort made to get an expression as to whether we should employ home talent or import teachers from a distance, so that we could keep the money at home; but after some considerable talking, a motion was made to adjourn--carried. And the directors immediately employed Miss Ella Brown, the same young lady from Roseburg that taught our school last fall, at $[illegible] per month for three months, greatly in the satisfaction of a large majority of the patrons of the school. March 2. DICK. Eagle Point, Feb. 3, '91. Valley Record, Ashland, March 5, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
A. C. Howlett had a fall from the barn
loft, a few days ago, which came near breaking his arm.ED.
We are glad to be able to state that John Nichols is improving, under the treatment of Dr. Stanfield. Mrs. J. H. Caton, living on Rogue River, is quite sick. She is under the treatment of Dr. Waite, of Medford. Horace Ish met with a very painful accident a few days since, spilling a pan of hot grease on his foot, making a severe burn, so as to confine him to his room. Miss Ella Brown., our former teacher, has arrived and commences her school this (Monday) morning. I understand that she is to have a number of pupils from outside districts, which speaks well for her as a teacher. There are some improvements going on. David Hendry has torn away part of his old building and has been improving the appearance of his place very much. Mr. Williscroft is putting up buildings on the land he bought of R. H. Brown. Miss Millie Howlett, who is attending school at Medford, came home on a visit last Friday week and on Saturday night a number of her old friends gave her a genuine surprise party. They spent the evening and had a good time generally, dispersing about 1 o'clock in the morning. A word of caution politically. You know that Gov. Pennoyer vetoed that famous road bill appropriating $6000 to build a road from this place to Klamath County. Well, in conversation with a business man of our place a few days ago he referred to the act and assured me that [that] cooked the governor's goose so far as his presidential aspirations are concerned, for this precinct would go almost solid against him. I tell you this confidentially, so that you can put him on his guard. Some of the citizens of our town are very much wrought up on account of the Central Pointers claiming that place as the terminus of the flume and a determination on their part to leave our town out in the cold, and by way of retaliation some of our leading citizens are threatening to have a railroad extended from Medford via this place up to the timber belt, and then have the S.P. tear up their track from Gold Hill and run a line on the north side of Rogue River to a point above the lower Table Rock, crossing the river at that point and intersecting the road from Medford to this place; and some are so indignant that they threaten to have all the county roads abandoned and leave them without even a county road. DICK. Eagle Point, March 16, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, March 19, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Brownsboro Squibs.
H. R. Brown has sown a big crop this year. The big ditch has raised
quite an excitement in this section. Quite a lot of the grip has
arrived; but the next time it comes we want it to come on the cable car
line. On the 6th inst. there was called from our midst another
estimable old pioneer, J. M. Farlow, aged 62 years. He crossed the
plains in 1859. His remains were buried at Brownsboro the 8th
inst.--J.H.L.Valley Record, Ashland, April 16, 1891, page 3 Eagle Point News.
Miss Amy Inlow paid her folks a visit
last Sunday, accompanied by some of her Medford friends.ED.
Miss Belle Cochran's old friends were glad to see her in our midst again after her long visit to Nevada. The exercises of Arbor Day were indefinitely postponed, on account of so many of the children being sick with la grippe. Prof. A. L. Haselton has been making some more improvements in the way of subdividing his lot--making three compartments. Miss Ella Brown, our efficient teacher, was compelled to close her school last week on account of there being so much sickness in the neighborhood. There are very few well persons in this community, in some families not enough well persons to wait on the sick; and our M.D., Dr. Stanfield, is kept quite busy. Miss Anna Carney has returned home from Medford, where she has been attending school, and is now a pupil in our school. Miss Millie Howlett has also left the Medford school and has resumed her studies under Miss Ella Brown, our popular teacher. You no doubt have wondered why it is that your Eagle Point correspondent has been so long silent, but if you could see him as he sits at his desk now trying to write, you would be surprised that he would even try to write or do anything else unless it would be to try to sleep, for he has been having the--well, some call it la grippe, but he thought that it was about the fifth stage of the glanders from the way it has treated him. Last Saturday J. M. Lewis and wife had a runaway in Central Point. The lines became foul so the horses could not be managed and they ran over a large log some two feet thick, upsetting the wagon and throwing them both out and bruising them very badly. When Mrs. Lewis was picked up she was perfectly unconscious, but there was no serious harm done. Speaking of Miss Brown's school, some of the old chronic grumblers who were opposed to her teaching predicted that she would not have twenty scholars and that she could not teach large pupils have had to throw up the sponge, for she has thirty-nine names on the roll and a number of them are grown young gentlemen and ladies. Quite a number are coming from outside of the district. We have another scare now on hand. Some of us were afraid that the S.P.F. Co. would empty the contents of Rogue River and its tributaries into Butte Creek and submerge all the country below here. But now the fears are that the Rogue River Valley Irrigation Co. will take all the water out of Butte Creek and leave us without any, and some are proposing to raise a purse to test the constitutionality of the law, while others fear the big reservoir they contemplate building at Fish Lake may give way and we have another Johnstown affair. But we will wait and see. George Stevens, who is working on Mr. Bradshaw's farm, had a runaway a few days ago with a span of horses hitched to a harrow. They had a lively time but no serious damage. We also had a couple of runaways in our town one day last week. A man from Lake County had his horse run away with a cart, knocking the dashboard in and breaking both shafts, and while our wheelwright was looking at the wreck and devising means to repair the damage another man, from Medford, drove up with a span of horses hitched to a covered buggy and just as he came opposite the wrecked cart the horses took fright, whirled short around, threw the driver out and dragged him under the buggy, bruised him up badly, broke the tongue off and one singletree, thus disengaging themselves from the buggy. DICK. Eagle Point, April 14, '91. Valley Record, Ashland, April 16, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BIG BUTTE ITEMS.
Thinking the news from this part of the country would be of some
interest to your many readers, I venture to make a few remarks.EDITOR
First, and of most importance, we are glad to say is the abating of that prevailing disease, la grippe, which has been quite severe in several families. John Obenchain was quite low with it for some length of time, but has recovered so as to be about again. A. S. Jacobs is suffering with nervous chills. Improving slowly. Hopes to be on duty in a few days superintending the Jacobs & Cormack sawmill, which was started to run a few days ago with Mr. Dusenberry as head sawyer, Herbert Cooper engineer and a very good crew of men to rush the business along. John and George Justus are the loggers, working quite successfully. The company expects to saw one million feet of lumber this season. They have already engaged their first and second grade lumber to the S.P.D.&L. Co., to be delivered at Central Point for cash at a very good price. Mr. Mann, from San Francisco, is making John Obenchain's (the Big Butte postmaster) his headquarters, and locating claims for different parties in the sugar pine forest on Big Butte Creek. I understand he gets $100 for each claim he locates. The late rain makes everything look lovely. Grass on the range and elsewhere never was better, old settlers say. Mr. Edsall is having a very large and commodious barn erected on his famous mountain ranch. Everybody is hopeful of better times in the near future. A. S. Jacobs and wife will reside for the summer at the Obenchain place. Mr. Holt, a young man from Medford, is teaching quite a successful school in this district. J. N. Stevens, cousin of A. S. Jacobs, lately of Nebraska, and family are going to spend the summer at J.&C.'s sawmill. Mr. Holt, alliance organizer, will meet the farmers of this section at Brownsboro next Saturday for the purpose of forming an alliance at that place. Very little opposition to the organization in this neck of the woods. Low tariff is the prevailing opinion here. So mote it be. Mr. Sargent, late of Bonanza, is putting in a nice stock of goods at Brownsboro, which is greatly needed. May success follow his efforts. And success to the Record. Yet a few words for the good people who profess to be Christians, and aim to live it also. Your correspondent is a firm believer in pure and undefiled religion, yet does not uphold any teacher of the Word that does not bear a good reputation at home, and also abroad. DICK. May 6, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, May 14, 1891, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. A Wild Man in Butte Creek.
A wild man has been seen several times of late in the vicinity of John
Obenchain's, near Big Butte, Jackson County. He is naked and takes to
the woods every time he sights a human being. The nearest he was seen
to the haunts of a human being was at a country school house, where it
was supposed he was prowling around for some waste lunches left by the
school children.One theory is that the party is the missing Uncle Sam Colver, the last trace of whom was found seven miles north of Linkville, some months ago. Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 3 Wagon Road Toward Butte Creek.
The question of a wagon road from Ashland to intersect the road that
taps the Butte Creek section is again before the people. This will be a
great aid to the people living in that section to have easy access to
this city, and the business interests of Ashland demand that it should
be put through. It is the most practicable and best route and is
entirely satisfactory to all the residents and property holders, who
will donate the fencing thereof to the county. The only opposition
comes from Mr. J. C. Durkee, who is out with an opposition road in
order to defeat the really meritorious one. The proper place for Mr.
Durkee to present his grievances is before an impartial set of viewers,
appraisers or the county court, where the matter may be adjusted. The
people of Ashland cannot afford to let the grievances of Mr. Durkee,
though he be an enterprising and industrious citizen, stand in the way
of the public good and the best business interests of Ashland.Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 3 Railroad to Eagle Point.
J. S. Howard has compiled his preliminary survey of the R.R.V.R.R. from
Medford to Eagle Point. The line as surveyed is 11¾ miles in
length and
extends through Eagle Point to 100 feet beyond the bridge of Little
Butte. The proposed line after crossing the McAndrew place runs
parallel with the county road, one-half mile west of it, until it
strikes the northeast corner of the Crants place on the desert. It
crosses Antelope just below the bridge. Mr. Howard is now engaged in
setting his grade stakes, having left with his party this morning.--Medford Mail, 14th.The articles of incorporation for $500,000 as the Rogue River Valley Railway and Improvement Co. with the above object in view were filed with the secretary of state recently by W. Honeyman, E. J. De Hart, W. A. Buchanan, T. T. Honeyman, Francis Fitch. Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 1 The Eagle Point R.R.
The R.R.V.R.R. & Imp. Co. have set the figure of their
bonus to
build from the S.P. line to Eagle Point at $12,000. They estimate the
cost of building, etc., at $90,000. The Howard survey from Medford is
10⅞ miles, and Applegates from Central Point 9½ miles. A
meeting was held at Medford Saturday for the purpose of bonding the
town for $7500 for that bonus.Valley Record, Ashland, May 21, 1891, page 3 A Wild Man.
A number of school children and others were frightened in the upper
Butte Creek section last week by the reported appearance of a wild man
about the school house, who with disheveled hair and scant raiment was
engaged in gathering up the fragments from the children's lunch baskets
when observed, and who at once fled to the woods before any effort
could be made to identify him or effect his capture. Of course there
were some imaginative enough to jump to the conclusion that he was the
missing Samuel Colver, who so mysteriously disappeared east of the
Cascades last winter, but that theory was soon abandoned, and, as the
stranger was not seen afterwards, the circumstance has ceased to excite
comment. Probably some insane person is at large in that region.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1891, page 3 Eagle Point News.
The railroad excitement has abated. ED.
We see quite a number of strangers on our streets. David Hendry has returned from a trip to Waldo. Miss Jessie Langell of Jacksonville is here visiting friends. Wm. Miller, formerly of the Butte Creek mills, has moved to Ashland. The Matthews Bros. started with about 125 head of horses, Sunday, for Idaho. Johnny Nichols, son of T. E. Nichols, has just returned from a business trip to Klamath County. Chauncey Nye, one of the oldtimers, has been here with his family visiting his son-in-law, A. J. Florey. A number of the farmers have bonded their farms to an eastern company for a limited time, but I hear of no sales of real estate. Wm. Brown of Drain has been here visiting his sister, our teacher, and other relatives. He returned to Douglas County Sunday. Elvin Adams and Aaron Beck tried to excel each other last Saturday a week ago, the 23rd, in being pappy. They were each presented with a new baby, both boys. Mothers and boys doing well. We celebrated Decoration Day in a very becoming manner at this place. The Antelope and Liberty schools joined with ours and we had an excellent time notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. Owing to the heavy rain the night before the citizens of this place decided to postpone the picnic until next Saturday. But the people from the country districts were not so easily daunted so they came on and then Miss Brown, our teacher, had to gather her school together, so that the procession was not formed until 1 o'clock p.m. Then they marched from the school house, led by the Eagle Point band with martial music, through the principal streets and thence to the grove on Butte Creek, where we had an excellent dinner. The exercises were opened by Hon. A. J. Florey of the G.A.R. delivering a short address, rehearsing some of the scenes through which the brave soldiers passed during the period between '61 and '65. The music by the Eagle Point choir was excellent. The literary exercises by the different schools was splendid, the only trouble being that, owing to the lateness of the hour when these exercises commenced, there was not time for all so that several of the best pieces had to be left out. The building of the floral monument by Miss Brown's school, representing the forty-four states, was one of the most interesting features of the occasion. But it will not do to particularize, for it would take too much time and space. The universal verdict of the community is that the children did splendidly. DICK. Eagle Point, June 2, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, June 4, 1891, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
J. A. Jonas has men at work on his barn.ED.
Peter Simon is in a very low state of health. J. J. Fryer has gone to California to the bedside of his son-in-law, J. K. Green. H. J. Burrell, a gentleman from Portland, has been here on business for some days. A. Pool is repairing the old barber shop and putting it in shape for an office for our new M.D., Dr. Rohr. George Jackson has had eleven men at work for some time past thinning the fruit on his trees and one of the men, Frank Lewis, told me that he picked off ten peaches at one handful. How does that that do for the fruit prospect? The farmers are all busy cutting hay and cultivating their corn. The late rains have brought out the hay crop as well as the grain. The grain crop will not be as good as some have anticipated, but better than the two preceding years. Since my last, we have had a regular treat in the way of a musical entertainment. The brass band from Medford came out, according to previous arrangements, bringing their dinners with them, and a number of our citizens met with them at the grove on Butte Creek and we had a splendid time. The universal verdict was that they played splendidly for a newly organized band. Come again, boys, and the next time bring the girls with you. DICK. Eagle Point, June 16th, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, June 18, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Another Pioneer Gone.
Henry R. Brown died last Thursday at his home at Brownsboro, in this
county, of typhoid fever. The funeral was on Friday, the interment
being in the Brownsboro cemetery under the auspices of the Odd Fellows'
lodge of Jacksonville, of which the deceased was a respected member.
Mr. Brown was a native of England, 64 years of age, and leaves a wife
and a family of grown children well provided for, as he amassed among
other wealth 2800 acres of land in one body. Mr. Brown came to Jackson
County in 1852, and a large circle of friends well remember his many
traits of good character.Valley Record, Ashland, June 25, 1891, page 3 Eagle Point News.
J. G. Grossman of Medford has been
visiting old friends in this place.ED.
Mrs. F. B. Inlow and daughter, Miss Nada, visited the old home last week. Dr. Rohr, our M.D., had a professional call to Portland but has returned to our midst. W. W. Parker of Big Butte has been visiting old acquaintances in this vicinity for the last few days. Mr. Simon is still very low, having taken no nourishment for the past nine days, and now he cannot take even cold water. Thomas E. Nichols and Mr. Simon have each bought a twine binder, and Mr. S. has already commenced to cut his wheat. Mrs. Stewart, sister to Mrs. Taylor, wife of Commissioner Taylor, has been here on a visit for some time but has returned home. Thomas Culbertson of Klamath County is here visiting relatives and friends. He expects to start home tomorrow, accompanied by his mother. John Matney is in from Lake County visiting his father and family. He expects to return in a day or two, accompanied by James Wiley. Charley Carney has quit coming to Eagle Point. Cause--he has to stay at home and play with his new daughter, a 10-pounder born June 27th. Quite a number of the young folks from Antelope took a trip to Colestin on the Fourth. The day passed off quietly here; a few went to Jacksonville, but a number went a-berrying and picnicking. Misses L. Nichols and Maggie Edmondson had a runaway with a horse and cart a few days ago, demolishing the cart to some extent and wounding Miss E. in one of her limbs, but not seriously. Since my last we had some very warm weather and consequently the corn is growing finely and the grain is getting ripe. But this morning (Tuesday) it is raining again, so that we feel like we were living in Oregon once more. A dispute arose between two ladies as to whether you, Mr. Editor, was a married man and I am requested to ascertain through the columns of the Record. [The Record editor is single, quite innocent, but very fond of the smiles of likely ladies (widows not excepted). May Van Alystine, a Brooklyn, N.Y., elocutionist in Ashland last summer, said he reminded her very much of Henry Ward Beecher. The editor will be on exhibition at the district fair, so if the Butte Creek girls want to see a really handsome fellow, they should be on hand early.--FOREMAN.] We have had an artist with us for a few days and some of the young folks had a regular Kentucky treat. Some of the young men invited a number of the young ladies to sit with them and have a picture of a group of eight or ten taken, to which proposition they consented and lo! after they were taken, the young gentlemen bought one apiece for themselves--and left the ladies to pay for their own. Such is life in the far West. DICK. Eagle Point, July 7, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, July 9, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. About the Eagle Point Extension.
Harvesting is in full blast. EDITOR
Frank Taylor, living above here, had a runaway a short time ago. Mr. Newman and wife are visiting Wm. French. Born July 16th, 1891, to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Wooley, a son. Dr. Rohr was in attendance. Miss Anna Carney met with the misfortune to be thrown from her horse last Friday, but was not seriously injured. Mr. French has been making some extensive improvements in the way of taking in more land and extending his orchard. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rice July 20th, 1891, a daughter--a 10-pounder. The mother and child are doing well but poor George--well, he may live over it. Fortunately Dr. Stanfield was on hand and so everything went well. On the 9th inst. we had a regular railroad meeting in the interest of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. There was quite a number of visitors from Medford and other places. Among the visitors were Drs. Geary and Pickel, J. S. Howard, Ben. Webb, J. W. Grayborn and the railroad company's attorney, Mr. Fitch. The meeting was called to order by A. J. Daley who introduced Mr. Fitch, who was, of course, prepared to make a speech. He told us that he, as attorney for the company, had no definite proposition to make as to the amount of subsidy the company would require but it was estimated that the road from Medford to Eagle Point would cost $90,000, and that the company wanted to know the feeling of the citizens on the subject. He assured us that the object of the company was to reach the timber belt and that the subsidy that they would ask for was to be paid in three installments, Oct. 1st '91, '92 and '93, and that the railroad company was to build one-third of the road before they called for one dollar of the subscription. He then called on A. J. Daley to read the subsidy agreement, and when it was read it proved to be a petition from the citizens of this vicinity to the aforesaid company to build and operate a railroad between the towns of Medford and Eagle Point and pledging themselves to pay to Vawter & Howard at the bank at Medford the amount in gold coin, set opposite their names, provided the company commences construction. Now their attorney said that the company was to build one-third of the road before they received any money, and he seemed to have anticipated trouble over that "commences construction," so he assured us that the company could not collect one cent unless they completed one-third of the road, and that all the lawyers in Jacksonville and Medford agreed with him. But we have the verbal statement of an attorney on the one hand and the printed agreement on the other, and some of us are a little tenderfooted about promising to pay on such conditions. If the railroad company intended to do the fair thing why does their hired attorney take pains to tell us that the company can't get one dollar, and that all the attorneys in Medford and Jacksonville agree with him, when the printed agreement says that they shall have one-third, provided they commence construction. Now according to agreement they can "commence construction" and draw one-third, and then next year they can "commence construction" and draw another third and then the next year draw the other third and then have an indefinite length of time to complete the road. In addition to the money subsidy the company require the citizens of Medford and Eagle Point and the intervening country to secure the right of way from one point to the other. Such is life under the McKinley bill. DICK. Eagle Point, July 20, '91. Valley Record, Ashland, July 23, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
Harvesting is in full blast and
everybody is busy.EDITOR
John Rader was thrown off of a header wagon a few days ago and badly hurt on the head and shoulders. Mrs. James Wooley has returned to her farm near Eagle Point. Mr. Burk of Douglas County is visiting his niece, Mrs. A. J. Florey of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Virgin of Central Point are visiting friends here. Mr. Graham has been securing the right of way for the R.R.V.R.R. Co. from Medford to this place. I understand that he is securing all the timber he can in the great timber belt on Rogue River and Big Butte. H. T. Severance had the misfortune to have his barn and all his outhouses, including his buggy, horse, all his tools except a monkey wrench, two sets of double harness and one of buggy harness, 17 tons of hay, all of his chickens, in fact everything that would be found on a small but systematically kept farm, burned on the night of the 29th, at 1 o'clock a.m. There can be no clue found as to the cause of the fire. As Mr. S. is one of the most careful men in the whole community and he is not known to have an enemy, who would have done so mean and cowardly an act as to burn an old man's barn. When he discovered the fire he ran to the stable door and found that all the inside of the stable was on fire and his poor horse was completely enveloped in the flames. I learned that the property was covered by an insurance of about $200. He has bought all of the lumber he could get at Eagle Point and intends to rebuild immediately. If the wind had not been from the north he would have lost his residence also, but by hard fighting that was saved. Some of the cinders were found one mile north of where the barn stood. The entire community sympathize with him. Eagle Point, Aug. 4, 1891. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, August 6, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
J. G. Grossman has been visiting his old
friends at this place.ED.
H. G. Shock is reported down with the typhoid fever. Dr. Rohr is in attendance. H. T. Severance has completed his barn on the ground where the old one was burned. John Inlow was the boss workman. I learn that J. J. Fryer had the peaches stolen off three of his trees. The suspected parties are watched and some morning your correspondent will have to chronicle a shooting affair. I understand that a railroad party passed through our town a few days ago and secured the services of John Daley as guide to look out a way for a railroad to the big timber, and into Klamath County. The Farmer's Alliance man that was billed to speak here last week, I have not his name, did not speak as the small audience was composed of the citizens of our town and not farmers, so he proposed to speak at some future time. Geo. Givan, while he was attempting to get into a header wagon, had his team start, throwing him off his balance, and sticking a tine of a pitchfork in his ankle, near the instep, passing out in the upper part of the heel, causing a very painful and serious wound. Mr. Savage, from near Grants Pass, is in the neighborhood with his steam thresher, also Phipps & Reace are at work with their horsepower machine, and Nichols, Matthews, Pool & Co. are doing some work with their H.P. thresher. The grain is not turning out as well as was anticipated. Mrs. Howlett, while on her way to see a sick woman in the neighborhood, discovered a large rattlesnake. Alighting from her nag, she gathered stones and dispatched his snakeship to the land of good snakes and good Indians. He had eight rattles and a button. John Rader also killed a large rattlesnake in his dooryard a few days ago that had twelve rattles and a button. One of our leading citizens who has had the fruit stolen by some petty thieves concluded that this year he would save it so he took his bed out to the orchard and slept there three or four nights, and one day as he had nothing particular to do thought he would go out to his bed and read awhile. In a short time his attention was called to an unusual noise and upon looking around discovered a large rattlesnake in close proximity to his bed, so he concluded that the fruit might go if he had to sleep with rattlesnakes, and like one in olden times, he took up his bed and walked; and that very night his fruit was stolen. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 17, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, August 20, 1891, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
Our post office is soon to be made a
money order office.EDITOR
Our P.M. and express agent reports considerable business in the express office. We are pleased to state that the proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, A. Pool, is improving in health. Geo. Brown, one of our merchants, has just returned from Portland where he has been to attend to business. Miss Jennie, daughter of Geo. Heckathorn, has gone to Washington to visit her sister, Mrs. David Bull, to remain several months. C. W. Taylor has sold the Dr. Rivers property to a lady from Nebraska. I have not learned her surname. Consideration, $650. John Young, our efficient and accommodating road supervisor, has laid a new floor in the bridge across Antelope Creek, on the road leading from here to Central Point. In our trip from Round Top we passed by ex-Sheriff Jacobs' sawmill and from appearance has been sawing a fine lot of lumber, and from the amount of lumber on the road somebody must be building, although there seems to be a lull in building in our town. A short time ago a Mr. Dodge was driving a team across our bridge and a part his well-boring machine was sticking up too high when it caught against one of the crossties in the roof, tearing it loose, which frightened the horses causing them to run away, thereby tearing them almost all out; but he repaired them in a few days, so that there was no damage done. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cormack, Oct. 18th, 1891, on Round Top, Big Butte precinct, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, Mr. William N. Marlow and Miss Fannie Cormack, all of Jackson County, Oregon. And your correspondent by special invitation was there to participate in the pleasures of the occasion and assist in trying to do justice to one of the best dinners that has been served in the precinct for lo, these many years. The guests began to assemble about 11 o'clock a.m., and by the time for the ceremony to be performed, about thirty-five of the particular friends of the bride and groom had met to bid them good cheer on their voyage through life, and at precisely 2 p.m., the friends being collected, the happy couple were pronounced husband and wife. After the usual congratulations we all filed into the dining room for dinner. But before we mention anything about the dinner I would like to give a description of the happy couple's appearance, but you know I am not an expert in that line but will say that the bride looked so SWEET that, in spite of the embarrassing surroundings, the groom snatched the first kiss. Well, the dinner--just such a one as Mrs. Cormack could get up, everything that could tempt the appetite. Well, I, or rather we, for your friend Cormack as well as your correspondent wished you could have been there and enjoyed the season with us. We lingered until after 4 p.m. and then gathering up the little Dicks and Mrs. Dick started for home, reaching there at 8 p.m. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 20, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, October 22, 1891, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. S. A. Carlton of Jackson County, Oregon, had a costly experience with the hot October sun last week. In driving a bunch of 120 fat hogs from his place near Brownsboro across the "desert" to Central Point for shipment he lost twenty-five head, valued at about $300. It was an exceptionally hot day and the fat creatures, overcome by the heat, lay down and died. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, October 24, 1891, page 3 Eagle Point News.
Mrs. John K. Green has gone to San
George W. Rice has sold his farm near this place to George E. Brown; 160 acres for $1370. A. J. Daley, our Butte Creek miller, is receiving a large amount of corn to grind this winter. Geo. Rice has moved from the place he sold onto the farm of his father-in-law, Jas. Matney. Mrs. Woods, sister to Mrs. J. J. Fryer, who has been visiting relatives, has gone to Missouri to spend the winter. Our school is progressing finely and quite a number of pupils from other districts are here attending school. Mrs. M. A. Roundtree and her two daughters, from Washington, are here visiting the family of Jas. Matney. We anticipate a feast on venison for two of our nimrods; Walker Lewis and Ralph Newman have gone to the mountains on a big hunt. David Cingcade has built a new and commodious smokehouse, and from the looks of his hog pen he intends to make considerable bacon. Mrs. J. N. Thomas has moved into the house formerly occupied by Dr. Rivers and purchased by her daughter, Mrs. Chappell of Coos County. There is some kicking against the three-mill tax that was levied for school purposes. Perhaps the next time the taxpayers will turn out and not let a handful do the voting. One of our promising young men, B. A. Potter, has left our community and gone to Ashland to reside and I wish to caution the young ladies of your city to be careful how they cast shy glances at him, for when it was announced that he had determined to leave us the sad countenances of some of the girls told too plainly that it was sad to be severed. We have another "new departure" in our community. One of the honorables of Jacksonville commenced suit against a citizen of this precinct and served an attachment on certain property, but it appeared to the satisfaction of the plaintiff that the property belonged to his wife et al. so ordered the sheriff to release it from custody. The court rendered judgment for the amount and costs; but lo, now the man has gone to work for his wife and she is to pay him up in full every Saturday night so that the money cannot be garnisheed in her hands. So that somebody besides him will have to pay the costs, and let the judgment stand. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 1st, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, November 12, 1891, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
Gus and John Nichols, sons of T. E.
Nichols, returned from Eastern Oregon some time past.EDITOR
Mr. and Mrs. Gates (nee Lizzie Matney) are here from Washington on a visit to her father. Everybody that can is plowing, sowing wheat and getting ready for an abundant harvest next year. James Wiley, John and Lewis Matney have returned to their respective parental roofs from Klamath County. Mr.and Mrs. Roundtree have returned to their home in Washington with their family, who have been on a visit to Jas. Matney. Prof. Haselton has opened a night school for the benefit of some of the young gentlemen and ladies, where he is teaching bookkeeping. Eagle Point has honored itself by placing a neat footbridge in the place of two logs that were placed across a dry hollow between Inlow & Ashpole's store and the Eagle Point Hotel. We are pleased to state that through the influence of our accommodating P.M., A. J. Florey, the citizens of Antelope and vicinity have a post office established in their midst at the residence of Mr. von der Hellen. The Eagle Point literary society is becoming an interesting institution in Jackson County, and as the world stood still awaiting the result of the discussion of the question as to pleasure derived from pursuit or possession we are pleased to state that the question is finally settled in favor of possession; so we may reasonably expect a number of captures in the next year, as it is divisible by four. The neighborhood south of us had an old-fashioned quilting at the residence of Jas. Matney on Dry Creek, where a large number of the friends met and spent the day quilting, eating, chatting, etc., and at night the young folks had a play party. One, and perhaps the most interesting, feature of the quilting sociable had to be omitted on account of a slight shower of rain, and that was a foot race between two ladies whose aggregate weight amounts to 437 lbs. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 1, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, December 3, 1891, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
Happy New Year to all; adieu for this
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rader, Dec. 13, 1891, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Newman, Dec. 13, 1891, a daughter. Miss Grace Stanfield of your city is visiting her father of this place. Mr. Gates has returned from Washington and brought another man and two blooded hounds with him. They are the guests of James Matney. Christmas Day we, that is myself, Mrs. Dick and the little Dicks were invited to a Christmas dinner, with a few others, at S. A. Potter's, son of Wilson Potter of your city, and if you had been there you could have filled that 3-foot aperture in the front of your cranium, for Mrs. P. spared no pains nor expense to get up a first-class dinner and we all enjoyed it hugely. Wish you could have been there. Xmas has come and gone. We had a very nice entertainment connected with our Christmas tree that reflects credit on the young ladies of our town, who were the prime movers in the movement. The Xmas tree was loaded as usual with presents for the old as well as the young. You have heard of the boy who won the elephant at the raffle? Well, our M.D., Dr. Stanfield, got four on our Christmas tree, three large ones and one small one, so he proposes to go into the elephant business and sell them at four bits apiece. This is not an ad. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 29, 1891. Valley Record, Ashland, December 31, 1891, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
The snow is all gone and, in connection with a heavy downpour of rain,
is making mud at a fearful rate, and with the surplus on hand before
makes the "oldest inhabitant" look dubious. Travel has not entirely
stopped. Occasionally a rancher may be seen wending his way to the
metropolis with a load of porkers; then a merchant with a muddy hack,
loaded with boxes of eggs, goes plodding along, says he can make the
trip in twelve hours; it is only fourteen miles.I. F. Williams makes daily trips with the mail and express from Central Point. He has new curtains to his hack, making it more comfortable for passengers. Several of our young people went to Lake Creek to attend the New Year's party. They reported a good time. They were detained there a day on account of high water in some of the small streams up there but that was counted with the other enjoyments. Dr. Stanfield has disposed of his menagerie, which was presented him on Christmas eve, at a good figure. The dealers in that kind of stock are reported bankrupt and out of business, so he will not be likely to get another consignment. Mrs. A. G. Johnston's father and mother from Nebraska are visiting and looking at the country here. They are from a country where there never is any mud. There was a lawsuit in Justice Johnson's court on Saturday. The particulars of the litigation have not transpired. MICROSCOPE.
Medford Mail,
January 7, 1892, page 2Eagle Point News.
Mr. Inlow has returned from Talent. He still has an abiding faith in
the future greatness of Eagle Point.A. J. Daley drove a lot of fat hogs to Medford last week. C. W. Taylor has been attending commissioners court at Jacksonville for a few days. Mr. Fryer is mending his fences demolished by the late freshet. Mr. Robinett is building a new blacksmith shop on the south side of the creek, not a very extensive building, but will probably serve the purpose for which it is built. B. B. Hubbard is to have a repair shop connected with it. Dr. Parker and Prof. Ed. Smith were in town on Saturday. Prof. Smith has been engaged to teach the Central Point school. Miss Millie Howlett spent the holiday vacation with her parents. The Literary Society has not been heard from since Christmas. Perhaps it was only a prelude to the festivities on that occasion. We can only say is was good while it lasted. Prof. Haselton's night school, on Monday and Wednesday evenings, is still continued and the pupils are reported as making good progress. The Professor is a good teacher. When you meet an "old timer," if you make any remarks about the condition of the roads, you must say they are soft and pliable. They take exceptions to the word m-u-d. This is the kind of weather that brings good crops to the farmer and big nuggets of gold to the miner, therefore plenty to everybody. Medford Mail, January 14, 1892, page 2 Eagle
Point News.
Grain is looking well and the stock is
doing fine.Editor VALLEY
Geo. W. Rice and two of his daughters, Hester and Lillie, have gone to Chico, Cal., to visit his mother. Miss Millie Howlett, who is attending school at Medford, came home and spent New Year's Day, returning on Sunday. J. K. Welch, the sawmill man of the Meadows, has been out on a business trip. He reports plenty of snow in the Meadows. Mr. Gates, son-in-law of James Matney, is at the residence of the latter sick with something like the scarlet fever. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Mrs. J. N. Thomas, who is living on the old Dr. Rivers place, has been making some substantial improvements on the place. A. C. Howlett has been putting an addition to his granary in the shape of a wagon shed. I should have stated in my last that during the month of December the waters of Antelope, Dry Creek and lower Little Butte were as high as they were at any time in '61 and '62. The water washed away a great amount of fencing for James Matney and Wm. Wiley, also washed away considerable soil for D. Cingcade and Mrs. Cochran. A. J. Florey, our P.M. and one of the leading business men of the place, has had a lot of gravel hauled and deposited in front of his piece of business and if A. Pool, one of our blacksmiths, would deposit a few loads between his shop and the office he would receive the hearty thanks of the pedestrians who have to pass along that side of the street. Eagle Point has taken another boom. Some of the citizens took it into their wise heads to build a railroad depot and so Messrs. Robinett, Coy and Hubbard have been building a house for that purpose (or some other), about 20x40 feet and 8 feet high. The upper story is to be used as a city hall and one corner for a calaboose. They fully expect the R.R. extension from Medford to run right along by it; but in the meantime Messrs. Robinett and Hubbard expect to use it for a blacksmith and wagon shop. I understand that the Eagle Point athletic and boxing club contemplate having another new departure. Some of them saw in the Examiner that a woman had knocked the wind out of McMahon in Indianapolis so they have decided to invite John L. Sullivan to meet a young woman of our town in the club room for a purse--the amount to be decided. They are confident that she can knock him out in less than five rounds. Verily this is a progressive age. A short time ago one of our Butte Creek gentlemen went to Medford to see his best girl, staying until about 9 p.m., when he started for his hotel but in the darkness he mistook the ditch full of water for the sidewalk, stepped off into the water and the result was that he had to sleep in his wet clothes, took a very severe cold, and now he says that he thinks that the city dads ought to light up the town on the west side as a friend of his living on Sticky, who went to see the same girl, met with the same mishap. But your correspondent interviewed the lady in question and she says that if she can't prevail on the street commissioner to put up railings to prevent such accidents, that she will have to provide her beaux with lanterns when they come to see her when the nights are dark. DICK. Eagle Point, Jan. 11, '92. Valley Record, Ashland, January 14, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Big Butte Diggins.
The snow has most all disappeared in our valley, but there is plenty
left on the mountains.A man by the name of L. Sullivan, who has been missing for nearly three weeks, was found a few days ago. He had taken his gun and went out for a stroll in the woods. The snow was falling fast and made it impossible for him to find his way home and he perished in the snow. Willie Perry, of Eagle Point, spent a week at home. He was recently accompanied by Peter Simon. Miss Lucinda Obenchain went to Central Point last Tuesday. She will probably remain there a while. L. is a bright little girl and we wish her great success. Five buildings have gone down in the past three weeks. The amount of snow and rain has been too much for them. Mr. G. Bishop, of Phoenix, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Edsall, at present. Mr. Geppert, of Davis Prairie, passed through our city last week. He informs us that instead of the wolves keeping him in the trees 25 hours, it was five days without food or blankets. Tough, wasn't it? D. M. Simon and Willie Perry, of Eagle Point, were seen on our streets Saturday. Miss Emogene Perry departs for Eagle Point Wednesday. She will visit friends of that place for a few days. Libbie Perry and sister Mrs. Simpson, of Antelope, are visiting at home for a few days. PECK'S
Medford Mail,
January 21, 1892. page 2Eagle Point News.
Rev. Thompson preached at this place
last Sunday night.Editor VALLEY
Grandma Dailey is afflicted with the grippe. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Erving, near Eagle Point, Jan. 15th '92, a daughter. There was to have been a wedding in the neighborhood last week, but it has been postponed for a short time. Our school is progressing finely under the management of Prof. A. L. Haselton; he reports fifty-six names enrolled. His night school is well enrolled. S. A. Potter and A. Pool have both been making some improvements in the way of buildings, Mr. Potter an addition to his house, and Mr. Pool a neat new hen house. G. W. Rice learned that there was sickness in the house where his wife and remaining children were (his father-in-law's, James Matney), so he returned from Chico sooner than he otherwise should. A short time ago Louis Bolle commenced suit against Mr. Morine for some wagon wheels in Justice Johnson's court, and there seemed to be some irregularity in the proceedings and the suit was withdrawn by the plaintiff, and now he has commenced suit in Medford for damages, and the entire court, constable and all, have been summoned to appear before the Hon. Justice's court in Medford, and we expect some rich developments. Later:--Bolle got a judgment for $1 and costs. Valley Record, Ashland, January 21, 1892, page 3 Eagle Point News.
Eagle Point wants a railroad, but it is a question in the
minds of some whether the R.R.V.R.R. will be built out from Medford the
coming summer or not. At
allevents "mum" is the word at present. If the R.R. that is going to be built from Port Orford, or Crescent City, or any other point on the coast, eastward to intersect the U.P. should cross the S.P. at Gold Hill (as rumor says it will), it would leave Eagle Point three miles out in the cold, as it would probably go up Rogue River on that side, then a "stub" road would have to be built to connect us with the main line so as to facilitate the transportation of our products. We expect to have several industries in operation in a short time. Butte Creek is not going to be satisfied with a back seat much longer; with its superior advantages and resources. The best wheat raised in Southern Oregon was raised in Butte Creek Valley. Thousands of bushels were shipped out of the county for lack of milling capacity to use it, and the best of the water power waiting to be utilized in that direction. Our extensive fruit interests suffered loss in the absence of canneries and dryers, which would bring wholesale dealers to distribute it to the outside world. What company of capitalists will furnish the financial driving wheel to set all this machinery in motion has not transpired, but that it will materialize at no distant day is certain. If the R.R.V.R.R. Co. lets this plum slip through its fingers some other company will be the gainer. Has Medford nothing to say in this matter? We have had three days of delightful sunshine, but the mud is still here. The new blacksmith shop is nearly completed and will be occupied in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Ewing have another little daughter in their home. Harry Carlton is carrying his arm in a sling, as the result of being kicked by a horse. A dramatic company is being organized from members of the literary society. They have a spelling contest at school on Friday afternoons, the losing side furnishing taffy for a candy party in the evening. Postmaster Florey is having more shelving put in his store to accommodate his increasing business. Rev. Mr. Thompson, who preaches at the Antelope church at 11 o'clock, preaches here in the evening. Last Sunday was his first, and as the appointment was not generally known, he had a small audience, but a large attendance is assured hereafter. OCCASIONAL.
Medford Mail,
January 28, 1892, page 2 Eagle
Point News.
Wm. Mitchell who went to San Francisco about three months since to
work at dressmaking, died of pneumonia, at the home of her
sister, near Stockton, last Friday. She leaves a
husband and two children--boys, aged twelve and fourteen
years. They have the sympathy of the community in their
bereavement.There is some sickness in town. Mr. Ashpole is recovering from an attack of la grippe. Several others have had slight attacks. Mrs. Masters is sick with pneumonia at the home of her mother, Mrs. Thomas. Among the business ventures that have struck Eagle Point are a drug store, a new doctor, and a newspaper. It is refreshing to know that [the] R.R.V.R.R. is reviving. OCCASIONAL.
Medford Mail, February
4, 1892, page 2 Eagle Point Items.
Miss May Grigsby is off on a visit to
her sister.EDITOR
The farmers are beginning to plow after the long wet spell. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Lewis Jan. 29, 1892, a 10-lb. boy. Miss Gladius Fryer has gone to California to live with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Green. Mrs. Ashpole returned from Portland last Tuesday, where she has been for some time nursing her sister. Mrs. Marsters, who had been at Drain for some weeks past, returned last Monday and is now sick at her mother's (Mrs. Thomas) with la grippe. John Ashpole has been confined to the house for several days with la grippe. In fact there are a number of cases in the neighborhood, but none seem to be serious. Mr. Mitchell left yesterday (Sunday) morning in answer to a summons to attend the sickbed of his wife, who has been in California some months for medical treatment. Our town has a new sign--The City Drug Store--on the building that used to be used for a saloon that froze out, Jos. Wilson having moved his drugstore from Central Point. I understand that Dr. Terry of Central Point also intends to move here. Sam. A. Potter is making a neat fence around his dwelling. Jos. Rader is placing a post and board fence in the place of the old rail fence. Thus the old-timers are giving way to the march of civilization. Mrs. Simon is also putting a new board fence between her residence and the Eagle Hotel. T. L. Linksweiler (Charley) is also making a new fence on the north side of Antelope Creek. Geo. Brown is fencing the place he purchased from Geo. Rice. DICK. Eagle Point, Feb. 1, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, February 4, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle
Point News.
weather soon makes good roads, and they are beginning to dry up and
put on a smooth face, as if they had never "cut up" so.The city drug store has opened up in good shape and makes a bright spot in its rather dingy surroundings. Dr. Terry, from Central Point, has moved his family here and occupies the last house that was for rent. But some more will be built soon. Now, if these new acquisitions can stand a certain amount of "freezing out" they will succeed. The business atmosphere of Eagle Point will not always be so frigid. There is a better time coming. Farmers hereabouts are plowing for spring crops, hoping for another bountiful harvest. The sick are convalescent, and no new cases. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rader died recently. It had been ailing from its birth. A little daughter is reported at Justice A. G. Johnston's, born Jan. 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, of Pendleton, who have been visiting at Commissioner Taylor's, have returned home. The newspaper rumor was premature. Miss Linda Owen, from out on the desert, and Miss Annie Carney, from the district west of here, are attending school and boarding at home, the former coming six miles and the latter four. They come on horseback. Miss Owen was a pupil of Prof. Haselton's when he taught at the Liberty school. Mr. Larkin, who went to England to look after a fortune, arrived safely, and has sent some very interesting illustrated papers to his friend, Mr. Fryer, illustrating English life. The Eagle Point merchants have a more satisfied look since people can come to town. A. J. Daley sends an occasional load of flour and feed to the railroad. OCCASIONAL.
Medford Mail, February
11, 1892, page 2Died, at the home of her sister near Stockton, California, January 29, 1892, Mrs. Amanda E. Mitchell (nee Hodges), of pneumonia. The subject of the above notice was born in the lower part of California, November 3, 1859, removed to Jackson County, Oregon, while a child with her parents and on June 25, 1876, was joined in wedlock with F. W. Mitchell. After a brief illness she passed to the regions beyond this vale of tears to realms of eternal bliss. She leaves a husband and two sons, besides a large circle of friends to lament her departure. A.
The Sun, Colusa,
California, February 13, 1892, page
5EAGLE POINT, Oregon. An Anxious Town.
Eagle Point is
full of anxiety about a possible extension of the R.R.V.R.R. The
citizens want the road extended to [the] Butte Creek region, but fear a
road might scoot down to Gold Hill and Grants Pass, and leave the
owners of the Butte Creek water-power mill sites to do a large job of
weeping. There is but little doubt that a road will pierce the big
timber there pretty soon, but it will also pierce Eagle Point hearts if
it don't go to the place where the eagles descended to take water.--Klamath Star.
Medford Mail, February 18, 1892, page 3 Eagle
Point News.
are prophesying, flume builders are surveying, railroad
projectors and property owners are considering the bonus business,
while the doubtful and unconcerned are looking on with a quizzical
saying, Solomon built a great temple, with no flume to float the big
cedars of Lebanon, nor railroad to transport the iron and brass and
silver and gold and precious stones to Jerusalem. And
moreover, Oregonians have lived and prospered, and grown rich, with no
flume or railroad within thousands of miles, and that Butte Creek is
better without these innovations. These last are called "ol'
fogies" and "mossbacks."The world moves, and Butte Creek is a part and parcel of this great universe, and when the edict comes to "move on" no intercession or plea of previous condition of prosperity can stay the impetus. Small grain is all sown, gardens are being made, and farmers are plowing for corn; the merchants and tradesmen are doing a thriving business, and all seem contented and happy. Rev. Mr. Thompson preached here Sunday evening. One more week of school will close the winter term, which has been satisfactory to teacher, pupils and patrons. There have been a few cases of influenza, but all are reported recovering. A. J. Daley took a business trip to Grants Pass last week. His teams have resumed their usual trips to the railroad with flour and feed. OCCASIONAL.
Medford Mail, February
25, 1892, page 2
.Eagle Point Items.
VALLEY RECORD:--J. F. Howard, the man who bought the Dr. Whitney property, is here on a business tour. Frank Stevenson of Applegate has been the guest of Mrs. J. N. Thomas during the forepart of the week. Mrs. G. W. Rice is down with the "grip," also Mr. McNeal is on the sick list. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Misses Grace and Daisy Stanfield, who have been here for some time keeping house for their father Dr. S. and attending school, have returned to Ashland. County Surveyor Applegate with a party of men have been surveying a route for that memorable flume from somewhere to Central Point. The survey runs a little west of the old J. J. Fryer farm. During the past two weeks the farmers have been straining every nerve to take advantage of the beautiful weather and the result will be an abundant harvest, as there is a greater amount of wheat put in up to date in this vicinity than has been for years. The young ladies of this place concluded to celebrate St. Valentine's Day in advance so on Friday night the 12th inst. they hunted up a young gentleman apiece and took them to Inlow & Ashpole's hall to have a leap year's dance. They also invited several young gents besides as there were not enough young ladies to escort all the gents. The ladies had prepared refreshments enough for all and anticipated a splendid time; but the lemonade and soda water had such an exhilarating effect on some of the young gents that they became so boisterous that it became necessary to invite them to retire from the ball room, and while retiring one of them aimed to steady himself by holding on to the banisters and by mistake took the banisters with him. And after the noisy element was removed they serenaded the young ladies by yelling and howling like a pack of demons from pandemonia, but the noise soon subsided as one after another went to sleep. The next morning there were seven hatless youths hunting for somebody who had more than one hat. After quiet was restored the rest of the company spent a few hours very pleasantly. Your correspondent took a spin around town last Saturday to take in the burg and see and hear what he could. As he passed by the new blacksmith shop he found that the proprietor, Mr. Robinett, was busy as usual and reports business lively in his line. The next man of note was James Parks, formerly of Central Point but located in our town, having charge of the Pool blacksmith shop where he had some of the boys trying to knock the toes off of some of the horseshoes he had been putting up, by throwing them against a peg. But it was no go. They were put there by a mechanic who understood his business, for he warrants all his work. We next called in at the City Drug Store where we met the proprietor, J. Wilson, as pleasant as usual and Dr. Terry, our new M.D., recently from Central Point. They report business lively and much better than at Central Point. Passing from thence to Inlow & Ashpole's store we found that Mr. I. was up to his place at Talent but John Ashpole, our old county assessor, was busy for quite a while waiting upon customers; while there we heard his name mentioned as a good man for sheriff. In the store we met with Charley Foster, son of Perry Foster, who lives in Sams Valley near Beagle post office who had come over here to buy his supplies. Can you tell why it is that people come from Sams Valley over here to trade? It must be on account of the largeheartedness of our business men. Almost opposite Inlow & Ashpole's store is the post office and a general notion store kept by one of the leading citizens of the place, A. J. Florey. He reports the prospects encouraging, although he has quite a lot of valentines on hand yet. I also met Dr. Stanfield here. He reports some sickness in the community, but he is the very picture of health himself. Next in order I called on our boss miller, A. J. Daley, and spent a few minutes with him. In spite of the rumor that he was out of wheat some weeks ago he has been running constantly for the last two weeks; keeps his dry land schooner, Claude White, captain, constantly running between here and the railroad as he furnishes a large part of the flour that is consumed in Central Point, Tolo, Gold Hill, Rock Point, Grants Pass and beyond. He sent a carload of flour to Merlin a few days ago, and has quite a lot of wheat on hand now. After tearing myself away from our friend D., for he was in a talkative mood, I then entered the store of Mr. Geo. Brown. Don't you tell him, but I could hardly get in for the goods were piled on every side. He had just received a large lot of hardware, etc. He told me that he had a large lot of boots, shoes, etc., on the way from Boston. As he buys direct from the manufacturers for cash, he can sell way down. I intended to have called on the proprietors of our two hotels, Mrs. Simons and A. Pool, as I was on a "biz" trip for the Record, but time failed me. And now Mr. Editor if it won't make you blush, I will tell you that the people say that they like the Record because the editor is so fearless. Eagle Point, Feb. 22, '92. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, February 25, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
Since the much talked-of extension of the R.R.V.R.R. to Eagle Point is
almost assured, there have been many inquiries by the people in distant
localities as to where Eagle Point is, and what [are] its prospective
advantages. To those who may chance to read the Mail this
information is given.Eagle Point is fourteen miles northeast from Medford, on Little Butte Creek, which, by the way, has some of the best water powers in Oregon. It has one roller flouring mill, of large capacity, two stores of general merchandise, two of confectionery, one drug store, two physicians, two hotels, two blacksmith shops, with wagon repair shops connected. It has one church building and one school house. It numbers about 150 inhabitants. The surrounding country--the Butte Creek Valley--contains some of the best farming and fruit lands in the state. It is well known that the best wheat raised in the Rogue River Valley was from Butte Creek. This we have now. After the advent of the iron horse we will tell more about it. This delightful weather makes all nature rejoice, animate and inanimate. The visitors from a distance are returning to their homes. Mrs. A. G. Johnston's father, mother and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, and son have departed for their home in Nebraska. Mrs. Guerin and children, who have been visiting her parents, have returned to Portland. Mr. Howard, of Sisson, has been here looking after his property, returning home several days since. Cora Brown is visiting in Jacksonville. Mrs. Thomas and daughter, Mrs. Chappell, have gone on a tour through Idaho and Montana. A. J. Daley went to Grants Pass on [the] 7th inst. on business. A lawsuit took place here last Friday in which Horace Ish, as plaintiff, had to pay the cost. MICROSCOPE.
Medford Mail, March
10, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
A. Pool has been making a new chicken
Inlow & Ashpole have just received a fine lot of hardware. J. Parks has ornamented his blacksmith shop with a new sign. A. Pool starts to Portland tomorrow (Tuesday) for medical treatment. Mrs. Ashpole is visiting the family of W. F. Wilkinson of Big Butte precinct. G. Brown showed me some of his boots and shoes he had just received from Boston. They are nice. Mr. Cormack passed through our town on his way from the county seat, where he had been as a witness for Jeff Conover--in proving up on his homestead. Mrs. Moore died March 3rd in Manzanita precinct, after a lingering illness of nearly a year. She leaves a husband and six children. The deceased was beloved by a large circle of friends. I saw our old friend T. E. Nichols delivering wheat at Daley's mill last Saturday. Mr. D. informed me that he had just purchased 1000 bushels. He is running his mill every day and has a large lot of flour on hand now. He starts today for Grants Pass and beyond. We had an interesting lawsuit in Justice Johnston's court last Friday. A man by the name of Riddle sued Horace Ish for the sum of $140. Judge Neil for the plaintiff and Dr. Stanfield for the defendant. Those who were present say that the M.D. makes the Jacksonville lawyers scratch their heads, for he understands law as well as they do, and he can't talk--oh,. no! Judgment was rendered for plaintiff for $82. Since my last Prof. A. L. Haselton has closed the winter term of our school and on Monday morning following he, assisted by Frank H. Brown, commenced tearing down the house he had been occupying and moving the material onto the adjoining lot. He then with the material, and some new, put a neat addition onto the building that Dr. Stanfield had been living in, thereby changing the appearance of that part of the town very materially. Dr. Stanfield has moved into the brand-new Daley house. I understand that he has bought himself a neat rig, so that he can go when called for. AN EGG-SUCKING TAXPAYER.
The tax collector has been here taking
in the ''shekels'' to help keep up the expenses of our
county, and
rather a laughable occurrence took place in Inlow & Ashpole's
store. One of the citizens lacked ten cents of having money enough to
pay his taxes in full so he brought one dozen eggs to the store,
whereupon the following dialogue ensued: Merchant--"Well, B., what do
you want to do with those eggs?" B.--''l want to sell them for ten
cents each, to raise money enough to pay my taxes." Merchant--"Well, we
are not in the habit of paying cash for eggs so I can't do it."
John Nichols was sitting on the counter, and he remarked: "B., If you
will suck the dozen eggs I will give you the ten cents." Whereupon B.
got down on his knees and began sucking the eggs and in a few
moments had swallowed the contents of the dozen eggs and John N. was
out his ten cents, and B. had the full benefit of the eggs, took his
ten cents, paid his taxes and went on his way rejoicing. The next day
he came to the store again and John Ashpole asked him how he felt. He
replied "pretty good, but I don't want any more eggs." …
subject of collecting taxes brings to my mind a statement made to me by
one of our most reliable business men, a man who is well posted in our
county affairs. The statement was--and he gave the name of one of the
leading business men of Jacksonville as his authority--that the
indebtedness of Jackson County reaches the enormous sum of $178,000.
Who wonders that the farmers are beginning to think of doing something
else beside electing the old political hacks to attend to the county
affairs. I also learned that during the last year the county has gone
behind $8000. And with an indebtedness of $178,000 at say 8 percent
interest, which would amount to $14,280, and a deficiency of $8000 a
how long will it be before we will all have to sell not only eggs but
everything that the farmer produces, to keep up the expenses of the
county? DICK.Eagle Point, March 7, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, March 10, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News,
In writing up our town last week the post office was left out. It is
now a money order office, and we have daily mail from Central Point. It
is the distributing office for Antelope, Brownsboro and Leeds;
triweekly to Brownsboro, twice a week to Antelope and Leeds.The spring term of school commences on the 14th inst., Prof. Haselton, teacher. At an annual school meeting J. J. Fryer was elected director in place of B. B. Hubbard, whose term expired. A. J. Florey was re-elected clerk. A new school house is talked of. Mr. Haselton has improved his place by making his two dwelling houses into one. A. C. Howlett has a man and a wheelbarrow engaged in gathering rock. Mr. Pool, of the Eagle Hotel, who has been in poor health for some time, has gone to Portland for medical advice. Mr. Inlow, sometimes of Eagle Point and sometimes of Talent, is sojourning at the latter place at present. Rev. Starns preached here on Sunday, the 13th, morning and evening. The Revs. Thompson are here to commence revival meetings here on the 20th inst., to continue two weeks or more. The Sunday school, which has been closed since November, will commence again soon, with A. G. Johnston as superintendent. This warm weather is bringing fruit trees into bloom. Early peaches, almonds and apricots are in full bloom now. The merchants are replenishing their stock of goods for the spring trade. Commercial travelers are numerous these days, and some are very industrious, not even resting on Sunday. MICROSCOPE.
Medford Mail, March
17, 1892, page 2Eagle Point News.
Delightful weather
and a prospect of
bountiful crops bring contentment and happiness to the dwellers in the
valley.Mr. Severance has sold his property here to Rev. Mr. Starns, who expects to occupy it the coming week. The revival meetings conducted by the Revs. Thompson commenced on Sunday evening, as announced some time since. The school house was overcrowded, and the meetings will hereafter be held in the hall. At the Republican primary the delegates were: George Brown, H. Severance, J. J. Fryer and D. Carlton. Dr. Whitney and family, formerly of this place, but now of Grants Pass, were the guests of B. B. Hubbard several days during the last week. The Doctor is in feeble health, with not much hope for improvement. Mr. Pool has returned from Portland, not much better for the trip. A. J. Daley is shipping flour and feed to Grants Pass. MICROSCOPE.
Medford Mail, March
24, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
Dr. Stanfield complains that it is
distressingly healthy.EDITOR
Our school opened on the 14th, Prof. A. L. Haselton in the chair. H. T. Severance has sold his house and lot to Rev. Starns. Consideration, $1000. S. A. Potter has been making some improvements by fencing and beautifying his yard. Joe Rader is putting up a board fence on the line between the Rader and the Ish land. The little son of Mr. Walz fell on a stone last Thursday and cut his head very badly. F. B. Inlow has put in his appearance again, having been at Talent for some time looking after his interests there. Isaac Williams, our accommodating mail carrier, has arrived, as he always does, on time, rain or shine, hot or cold. The Republicans are about played out in this precinct, as they had to go to the Democratic Party for a secretary for their primary. Bill Potter, son of S. A., has invented a new style of gate hinge, not patented, that may someday be used to a considerable extent where beauty is not a prerequisite. Mrs. Foster, formerly Mrs. McNeal (nee Miss Johnson), who has been absent 31 years, returned to our midst a few days ago and is now visiting her mother, Mrs. Wicks, on Rogue River. While playing with some other boys at school Monday Lee Bradshaw got tangled in a rope and was tripped up, throwing him on the back of his head, and cutting and bruising him very badly. The alliance is cutting a wide swath among the farmers in this community. They are initiating from ten to twelve at every meeting, I understand (I wasn't there). You old hard-shelled Democrats had better look out. THERE MAY BE A MOUSE IN THE MEAL BARREL. One of my neighbors came by last Saturday and remarked that the Republicans had met in primary and sent four of their smartest men to Jacksonville to try to find out what they were to do. They sent J. J. Fryer, S. A. Carlton, George Brown and H. T. Severance as delegates to the convention. Dr. L. L. Whitney, one of our old practitioners, came up from Grants Pass accompanied by his wife, daughter-in-law Mrs. Geo. W. and her two children and Grandma Burtrick to visit Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Whitney's sister, and their many friends here. The doctor's health is so poor that he has had to quit practicing. His many friends here were glad to see him once more. When it was announced one day last week that Inlow & Ashpole had received a new assortment of furnishing goods and George Brown a fine assortment of hats, there was a general rush among the young folks that came near resulting in something serious. A young lady made a SMASH on a young man, and a young man lost his h--- not his hat this time. The final result later on. Last Saturday Mrs. Howlett gave a quilting and dinner in honor of her husband's sixtieth birthday, and notwithstanding the heavy rain in the forenoon there were enough ladies assembled to quilt over two large quilts and have one of the most enjoyable times of the season. Miss Millie, their daughter, who is attending school at Medford, came home and participated in the pleasures of the occasion. Rev. Mr. Thompson is here holding a protracted meeting. On Sunday night the school house was so packed that it was necessary to provide more seats, so they carried in all the available seats, benches. boxes, etc., and finally one MAN brought in a dozen eggs and SET on them, so your correspondent was informed. Later--The Methodists have moved from the school house to the dance hall, and are going to procure more seats from the M.E. church at Antelope. We have had another sensation in Eagle Point. A man who gave his name as Winser, claiming to be a member of the firm by that name at Port Orford, accompanied by a half-breed Indian that he claimed to have adopted, made his advent in our midst representing himself as a railroad man working in the interest of the R.R.V.R.R. Co. with a view to extending the railroad from Jacksonville to Port Orford on the west and to Eastern Oregon on the east via EAGLE POINT, claiming to have arranged a meeting of the stockholders for Tuesday the 15th, when the plans would be completed to have the work commence at once. And he was ready to buy up all the vacant lots, a few buildings, a mill site and a few farms that would be close to the line of the railroad. The result was that he was one of the great men of the earth. HE WAS DINED. HE WAS WINED--and real estate jumped up from 50 to 75 percent, and we could see the broad smiles on the benign countenances of our business men--when lo! Dan Simon began to make inquiries for him. It was found that he and his half-breed had met in the suburbs of the town and disappeared without paying his board bill at the Pioneer Hotel. Now the supposition is that he is evading the officers of the law. DICK. Eagle Point, March 21, '92. Valley Record, Ashland, March 24, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
We are having some refreshing showers of rain, which is good for the
small grain and grass. Gardens that were planted early are growing
nicely.Rev. Starns has taken possession of the place he bought of Mr. Severance. The revival meetings are progressing satisfactorily. The Revs. Thompson went to their appointments at Medford and Central Point on Sunday, returning here on Monday. Rev. Starns held services in their absence. George Brown and A. Severance attended the county convention at Jacksonville on Saturday. Cora Brown returned home on Sunday. Dr. Whitney made another trip out here from Grants Pass, on business, Tuesday. There are no serious cases of sickness in this vicinity at present, though it is evident that the Eagle Point correspondent of the Valley Record has a sour stomach, which causes him to break out in slurs. Religious meetings and political gatherings seem to be the object at which his fusillade of venom is directed. MICROSCOPE.
Medford Mail, March
31, 1892, page 2IN MEMORIAM.
Little Nellie Farlow, the youngest daughter of W. P. and Lizzie Farlow,
departed this life at her grandfather's home in Brownsboro, Jackson
County, Oregon, March 27th, 1892, in the 14th year of her age. She was
born in Scio, Linn County, Or., June 25th, 1878. Thus has passed away a
beautiful spirit.Our hearts are sad
and lonely,
It was night, all nature seemed hushed to rest, naught disturbed the
stillness of night save the low rustle of leaves from the trees that
shaded the house, and now and then the evening notes of the
whippoorwill in the large maple so near the window of the apartment
where lay our loved one that we feared his notes would disturb her now
seemingly quiet slumbers. They told us she was dying, that soon our
little darling would be no more. We watched as the little angel
breathed so low, not a moan escaping her lips. The physician
told us
she could not live longer than midnight and yet we hoped, prayed that
our darling might be spared us; for how could we live in this cold
world without her? You who have lost those who are near and dear know
how our hearts yearned over one who had ever been so kind and gentle,
even while that terrible disease was stealing her little life away. At
almost midnight she awoke. Oh! how we trembled. We almost held our
breath in this dreadful hour of suspense, longing, hoping, for just one
look of recognition. Little Nell slowly opened her eyes and again
closed them, never more to open them in this life. Her spirit had fled
without a struggle and we were left to fight the battles of life alone.
Oh! you who have little children, be kind, be true to them, for you
know not how long they may be spared to you. Sleep sweetly, little
sister. E.J.B. [Elva
Jane Baldwin]And o'er our brow a shade is cast, For one that we loved dearly To the grave has passed. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Farlow wish to thank the kind friends and neighbors for their sympathy and assistance in their late sad afflictions. Brownsboro, Or., March 31, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, April 7, 1892, page 1 Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Frank Brown is the boss mechanic. A. J. Daley is still receiving wheat and running the grist mill all the time. Mrs. Lou Chappell returned to her home in Marshfield, Coos County, on the 2nd inst. Mrs. Simon, hostess of the Pioneer Hotel, has been putting on some of the finishing touches on her fine house. Our general health is excellent. Dr. Stanfield reports three cases, but none serious; but Dr. Terry reports business very fair in his drug store. Mrs. James Parks, wife of one of our leading blacksmiths, has moved from Central Point to join her husband here. They are boarding at the Eagle Point Hotel. When I announced in my last the action of the Republicans in their primary and that they had to go to the Democratic Party for secretary, it raised as much of a commotion as it would to throw a potato into a June bug's nest; why, the Democrats are vowing vengeance and say that they will retaliate, they will have a secretary from the Republican Party; in fact, I heard one of the leading, and perhaps one of the most influential among them suggest to Hon. A. J. Florey that his services might be acceptable; and some say if they can't get a Republican they will get a prohi. And I will tell you, confidentially you know, that your correspondent has already been interviewed on the subject, but the honors and compensation were not sufficient. About a month ago Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her daughter, Mrs. Lou Chappell, started from here to visit their relatives and see the country. They traveled via Sacramento to Winnemucca, Nev., and from there to Paradise to visit Mrs. T.'s son, L. C. Grigsby, who used to be well known in this valley but [is] now interested in mining. He has been absent from here for thirteen years. From there to Ogden--the air must be fine, for they were required to pay $3.50 for breathing it four hours. They then passed through Utah and Idaho to Silver Bow, Mont., to see a daughter, Mrs. Wm. Davis, and returned via Portland, stopping at Melwe [sic] to see another daughter, Mrs. Henry Conn. Mrs. Thomas' son, Owen Grigsby, returned with her after an absence of two years in Montana. The politicians are around in full force. The People's Party held their primary here last Saturday and notwithstanding the rain and mud, still the town was packed and those who claim to know say that most of the people on upper Butte Creek, Lake Creek, Antelope and Dry creeks are members of the People's Party. The meeting was called to order by A. S. Jacobs, and Wm. Terrill was appointed secretary. W. H. Bradshaw was elected chairman. The object of the meeting being stated, the members proceeded to elect delegates to the county convention. Wm. Terrill, A. S. Jacobs, James Wiley, F. J. Riley, J. A. Miller, Thos. Baldwin and S. A. Potter were elected as delegates. They then proceeded to elect five as a precinct committee. They were Jas. Kent, A. S. Jacobs, W. H. Bradshaw, Wm. Terrill, W. M. Marsters. Marsters elected as member of the central county committee. The chairman then spoke on the subject of the nomination of precinct officers. There seemed to be a diversity of opinion as to how they were to be nominated. Geo. Brown, Chas. Griffith, Wm. Terrill and others spoke on the subject. No nominations made. If it will not be too straining on your sensitive nerves I wish to let your many readers know how your valuable paper stands in this part of the country, and if you think that it may have a serious effect just hand this page over to the foreman; he can stand it I know. While looking around town for something to write about, I happened to overhear (I was not eavesdropping, but in a crowd on Inlow & Ashpole's porch) one of our merchants remark to a mechanic, "I used to always, as soon as the mail came in, grab the ------ the first thing, but now I go for the Valley Record, for it is the leading paper of the county." I heard another of our leading men remark that "The Valley Record was the cleanest paper in the county." I heard another one of our merchants remark "The Valley Record was the only paper in the county that dares to speak out what the editor thought was right, and expose corruption." I also heard a young lady remark that "The Valley Record is the newsiest paper in the county, for it had such a good corps of correspondents." And last week while A. J. Florey, our P.M., was distributing the mail he remarked, "I wonder why it is that Kaiser is sending so many of the Valley Records to the Republicans here, and your agent remarked that he was getting a great many Republicans to take the Valley Record now." While the Thompson brothers were conducting a meeting on the night of the 30th, two men rode up to the house where the meetings were being held, for it was a protracted meeting, and yelled and shouted, driving by the place some half dozen times and finally fired off a shooting iron. When Constable Pool went out and put a stop to their noise, and the next morning Rev. E. L. Thompson swore out a warrant for the arrest of H. L. Kenney, a saloon keeper at Gold Hill and G. B. Matthews of this place in Justice A. G. Johnston's court, and they were placed in the hands of Officer Pool, whereupon he started for Central Point after his men, whom he found without any trouble. They appeared the next morning and pleaded guilty to the charge of disturbing a congregation of worshipers and were fined $10.00 each and cost, the cost amounting to $21.30, pretty dear fun. A very large part of the community sympathize with Mr. Matthews, for they are satisfied that he was like "Poor Tray" in bad company. Your cor. had an interview with him after the trial was over and ascertained the following: He had just returned from Portland and Mr. Kenney provided a team and accompanied him home from Central Point, and on the way they both imbibed too freely of whiskey and K. done the driving, with the above result. Heretofore Mr. M. has been in the habit of attending religious and social meetings and has always been looked upon as a quiet and orderly young man. The night of the arrest, Hezekiah Matthews, an older brother of G. B. Matthews, was with him in A. Pool's hotel [and] he remarked that he was going over to the hall, where the meeting was being held, and if the preacher spoke to him he would slap him in the mouth; whereupon Mr. Pool advised him not to go but he left the house and a very few moments after a crashing sound was heard, the sound was caused by a stone being thrown through the window, breaking the sash, knocking a board off that was nailed across the window and striking the ceiling (the meeting was held in the upper story). Justice Johnston appointed John Watkins as constable and he started out for his man, but it was so dark that nothing could be seen; but while he and Pool were standing near the hotel they heard someone step on the end of the porch and Mr. P. returned and found H. Matthews in the room. The next morning he was arrested and tried, found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $10 and costs, amounting in all to about $30. So you see that the citizens of this place intend to enforce the law and if the hoodlums intend to disturb a meeting they had better have the necessary cash to pay their fine and costs, for public sentiment will not permit any violation of law of that kind. At the close of the trial Rev. Thompson announced that the meetings would be discontinued. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, April 7, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
Thompson brothers have resumed their
meetings at this place. Dr. Kahler of Phoenix is here superintending
the musical department.EDITOR
N. A. Young, one of our enterprising farmers, is replacing his old rail fence with boards and wire. Thus the march of civilization is marching on. Last Saturday as per announcement in the Valley Record the Democracy of Little Butte precinct met at Inlow & Ashpole's hall for the purpose of holding their primary, but there seemed a disposition on the part of SOME OF THE LEADERS to procrastinate the time of the meeting; but after several futile efforts on the part of others of the LEADERS on the other side (for, as it is in all political gatherings, there were two sides to the question) the crowd assembled at 3 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. as per announcement. The meeting was called to order by Hon. John Ashpole and T. A. Mauzey was elected chairman, with Lee Caton secretary. After stating the object of the meeting, to wit: to elect five delegates to attend the county convention, etc., the question was asked how they were to vote and the chair said, by voice; whereupon J. Ashpole moved that the voting be done by ballot. The motion being put there were but a VERY few said aye; but the chair decided, without calling for the noes, that the motion was carried. Whereupon someone suggested that the noes be called for, as there were but two or three votes in the affirmative; but the chair stuck to his decision and said that it did not require but two or three votes. Then a call was made for nominations and two sets of delegates were nominated, to wit: the Parker delegates and the Colvig delegates. Then came the naming of the tellers--Mr. Ewen, ONE OF THE CANDIDATES, and Frank Lewis. The result was D. T. Ewen, James Bell, John Ashpole, G. W. Heckathorn and John Young were elected as delegates. They did not succeed in getting a Republican or prohi to act as secretary, but they made a bold move and succeeded in getting a rank Republican on the ticket as a candidate for delegate, but he was as completely snowed under as the prohis were at the Central Point meeting of the People's Party. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, April 14, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. ETNA DEMOCRATS.
MAIL:DEAR SIR:--The Democrats in Flounce Rock precinct, at their primaries, held on Saturday the 9th inst., had a turnout of just three men, one of which was a People's Party man, who happened to be passing by at the time. They made our credentials and sent them to a neighbor who happened to be absent. Imagine their chagrin when they discovered that the neighbor was in attendance on the People's Party convention at Central Point as a delegate. We are having a little fun at their expense just now. P. P. MANN.
ETNA, April 16, 1892.Southern Oregon Mail, April 22, 1892, page 2 Eagle Point Items.
Dr. Stanfield's son is here
visiting his father and sister.EDITOR
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith, on Antelope Creek, April 25th, 1892, a daughter. H. T. Severance, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. John Rader, have gone to California to visit friends and relatives. There seems to be considerable complaining of colds, etc., although there are no serious cases reported. Dr. Terry reports J. G. Shock and T. A. Mauzey on the sick list but both are convalescing. Dr. Stanfield was hurriedly called to the residence of Clay Charley, near Brownsboro, on the morning of the 30th, and when he returned reported that an eight-pound boy was born in the family and that the parents had christened him Ben Harrison. Will Potter, son of S. A. Potter, went out gunning a few days ago and ran across a swarm of bees on a low bush and on looking around found a large swarm in an oak tree with a fine lot of honey. He is a chip of the old block, son of Wilson Potter of Ashland, the noted bee hunter. There seems to be considerable excitement over the question as to who will be our next sheriff and unless the two old parties bring out some of their best men W. H. Bradshaw will likely have to move to Jacksonville, on his way to the poor house, as our next sheriff, for he will poll the full strength of his party and capture a large number on the outside, for he is extremely popular and is gaining ground every day. The Thompson Bros. closed their meeting on Friday the 22nd, at which time they organized a class of twelve--five by letter. They also baptized five others that expect to join the Presbyterians. On the next Wednesday evening they had a jubilee singing conducted by Dr. Kahler assisted by the Eagle Point choir. Miss Cora Brown was organist; the singing was splendid, as it well might be with Miss Cora at the organ. It was universally conceded that the Eagle Point singers, led by Prof. A. G. Johnston, excelled themselves; in fact everybody was well pleased. Since writing the foregoing Rev. Edmonds of Medford, the Presbyterian minister, has been among us and preached an excellent sermon on Sunday last and received the five referred to into the communion of that church. There is a rural school district adjoining Eagle Point district where the boys have waged war against mice, lizards, etc. Some time ago they had a woman teacher and the boys got into the habit of catching mice, lizards, etc., and carrying them into the school room and turning them loose to have a little fun, and the schoolmarm would sit and look complacently on while the aforesaid boys would RUN THEM DOWN and put them out. But things have changed. The directors employed a young lady from Medford and the first mouse that was brought in somebody got a thr-- got hurt, so some of the larger boys tried it and she used them the same way. She says that she is a cross between the Irish and Scotch and now the boys guard the door for fear a mouse might crawl in. As was announced in the Record last week the Democrats and Republicans both held their primaries at this place on Saturday, the 30th inst. The Republicans went to the school house to hold their meeting and there seemed to be no especial excitement on their part. The meeting was called to order by A. J. Daley, George Brown was called to the chair and A. L. Haselton was chosen as secretary. The following gentlemen were elected as delegates to attend the county convention next Friday: Geo. Brown, J. A. Jonas, John Daley and Frank Ayres. Notwithstanding there was no excitement on the part of the Republicans it was not the case with the Democrats, for they were out in full force and after the usual amount of buttonholing, etc., and several calls and a vast amount of music on the organ by Prof. A. Pool the meeting was finally called to order about 3 p.m. and then the fun commenced. The meeting was called to order by John Nichols, who nominated John Ashpole as chairman. Dr. D. G. Terry was chosen secretary. When the nominations were called for, each party had their tickets made out and there were eleven names placed in nomination (one by an outsider) and then the voting commenced; and the way the votes run showed plainly that somebody had done some systematic organizing. They elected two of the alliance men; one of them took an active part in the people's primary. There is some talk whether he will dig up the $50 or go to jail. The delegates elected were: J. Compton, Delbert Terrill, George Heckathorn, Geo. Rice and Joseph Rader. The race was close, as the vote from twenty to twenty-nine. If they had met at the time appointed, 1 o'clock instead of 3, there would have been at least sixty Democratic voters. One of the defunct delegates agreed to pay your correspondent a nickel if he would name the nominee for sheriff. I'll have one nickel sure. TALK ABOUT THE FREE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Bah! DICK. Eagle Point, May 2, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, May 5, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
Since my last your correspondent has
visited the county seat and it happened to be on the day that the
Democrats held their convention, and of course I went to the courthouse
to take in the whole, AS FAR AS AN OUTSIDER
could, but it appeared that
for a more cut-and-dried affair I never saw. Our delegates were all
there, with their COUNSEL,
some of the "instructionists," and
everything seemed to be going on smoothly until after dinner, when one
of the delegates from Medford arose in his place to elicit some
information when he was snatched so completely bald-headed by the
chairman that that night his wife mistook his head for a white silk
pincushion. We draw the veil for the present. One of his friends drove
either apologize or explain but before he proceeded far he was cut off
below the knees, and from that on no one dared to speak except those
that were authorized to do so. Then the nominations for representatives
were declared in order, and strange to relate, amid all the combined
wisdom of that mighty throng of about seventy-five delegates (there
were some proxies) with all the suggestions of the lobby members, there
could be but THREE men found that are
capable of representing the dear
people of Jackson County; but one for county judge; but one for
commissioner; but one for clerk; but one for recorder; but one for
treasurer; but one for school superintendent; but one for coroner and
but one for surveyor--and several of them have traveled the road up
Salt River so often that one of them as he passed me seemed to say
"Never mind, Mr. Dick, I have traveled the road up Salt River so often
that I can borrow flour on the road." One noticeable feature of the
program seemed to an outsider to be the determination on the part of
the BOSS and his assistants to concentrate
the nominations in and
around Jacksonville. They only have five on the county ticket and four
on the state and judicial ticket living in the town of
Jacksonville--entirely ignoring Medford, Rock Point, Foots Creek, in
fact all of the lower Rogue River precincts, Sams Valley, all of the
Butte Creek, Antelope, Dry Creek, Big Butte and upper Rogue River
country--and still expect the Democrats to vote the ticket. Some of the
Democrats are talking of circulating a petition requesting the few
candidates that live outside of Jacksonville to resign and request the
central committee to appoint the rest of the ticket from Jacksonville.
And if they can't find Democrats enough, to take a few of the RING
Republicans, as they will answer the purpose just as well. I have been
resident of Jackson County a quarter of a century and I never saw a
ticket so universally condemned as the one palmed off on the people
last Thursday. But enough of this at present.EDITOR
(You didn't, eh. But bless your dear soul, Dick, you should have remained over and seen the Republican convention held the next day. The Democratic convention was a happy family reunion compared to the monkey and parrot of a time the Republican convention had. The Republicans fought each other with as vile methods as the Democrats ever did in the palmy days of 400 majority.--RECORD REPORTER.) On last Monday some of the sporting class met at the Lake Creek race course on Little Butte to try the speed of some of the local race horses, to run 600 yards and repeat, for a purse of $13.50. The following entries were made: 1st, Indian, belonging to Dick Slinger; 2nd, Lake Creek Baldy, belonging to James Culbertson; 3rd. Dude, belonging to Dan Simon of Eagle Point. At the word they all started well and Indian began to lead off, winning the first heat by a short distance. But the bystanders thought that if Dan Simon (he rode his own horse) had not pulled so hard on the reins that Dude would have come out ahead. The second heat Dude won by a short distance, and then they blanketed him and sent him down the track in order to have time to make some bets. But it was no go; although Dude's friends offered to wager $30 to $10 still they could not find any of the friends of Indian or Lake Creek Baldy to take the bet, for they discovered that Dude was like "The Tinner's Jule"--a regular singed cat. Dude won the third heat easily. So you see we have some fast horses at Eagle Point, as well as slow politicians. Speaking about horses reminds me that our friend "Dolt" Carlton has left the political arena and is now in the horse business, for I saw him exhibiting his fine stallion the other day that he stands at the Pioneer Hotel stables. He is a beauty. A short time ago word went out through the Record that Geo. Brown, one of our merchants, had received a fine assortment of ladies' hats, that had been selected by his daughter Miss Cecilia in the Portland market and the other day while your correspondent was in the store a lady came in and called for four hats, for herself and three daughters. Whereupon Mr. Brown informed her that the bats referred to were all gone and that they kept sending orders off to have them come by express as they kept having calls and they thought the trade was so near supplied that they did not think it would be necessary to order another large lot. The result was that the aforesaid lady had to wear her old hat amid all the new ones the next Sunday. One day last week our irrepressible and indefatigable mail contractor Isaac Williams came into town loaded with boxes, bags, candy buckets, etc., drove up to the post office kept by A. J. Florey and there unloaded a full assortment of candies, nuts, tobacco, cigars and, in fact, you can hardly think of anything that is kept in a first-class variety store but you would find it in that load. For A. J. Florey is one of our live men. He is the factotum in his line from P.M. through the merchandise line up to a notary public. Notwithstanding the talk about another grist mill, still A. J. Daley reports trade brisk. A Mr. Newton has been hauling a lot of wheat from Dr. DeBar's farm to the mill to exchange for flour during the past week. He is sending flour and feed by the carload to Myrtle Creek and some as far as Winchester in Douglas County; also to Gold Hill and Ashland, and he claims that he is turning out as good flour as there is in the county. Last Friday while Dan Simon and Frank Brown were riding on Round Top they heard an unearthly noise. At first they thought it was a panther but riding out where the noise seemed to come from they discovered one of Mr. Cormack's boys suffering with a violent fit. They took charge of him and carried him to his father's house, but on the road he partially recovered and was at himself again. We are sorry to state that Prof. Haselton has had to close his school on account of poor health, but Dr. Stanfield reports him improving and we trust that he will be able to resume his duties in the school room ere long. Delbert Apger has gone into the business of catching skunks for their pelts, which he sells readily at thirty-five cents apiece. The women in the poultry business are going to vote him a medal. Some of our citizens are talking of making preparations to celebrate the coming Fourth of July in fine style at this place. A meeting is called of those interested for next Monday night, the 16th, at Inlow & Ashpole's hall to appoint committees, etc. Several of our young folks went to Big Butte last Friday night to attend a dance that was given to raise money to procure seats, etc., for the school house. They report a fine time, good supper, receipts $31. The supper was prepared by Mrs. Derby. Miss Amy Safford met with a rather painful accident. In stepping out the door to go to supper she made a misstep and sprained her ankle very badly but is recovering the use of her limb again. Last Saturday night Messrs. Deming and Wisner addressed the voters of this place on the political issues of the day. Mr. Deming showed how the English capitalists had by intrigue and bribery influenced legislation to enrich the rich, pauperize the poor. Showing how in the last two decades the millionaires had accumulated wealth and driven thousands out into the world as tramps. And through corrupt means about ONE SIXTH of our entire domain belongs to railroad companies, syndicates and English capitalists. Mr. Wisner reviewed the finance question, showing the necessity of having more money in circulation. Eagle Point, May 9, '92. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, May 12, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point News.
Oglesby, of the M.E. church south, preached here Sunday evening.There is talk of moving the Antelope M.E. church building to Eagle Point. Our teacher, Mr. Haselton, has been in attendance at the institute in Grants Pass the past week. Mr. Shock is quite sick with fever. Dr. Terry is in attendance. No other cases of serious illness, although the coughing epidemic is spreading. Some improvements are going on. Dr. Stanfield is going to build a residence here soon. B. B. Hubbard is preparing to build an addition to his house. Rain and frost, and frost and rain, is the weather report for April, but the Butte Creek region is proof against either. With the exception of peaches in a few localities the frost has done no great damage. The farmers are hoping for better weather this month and as tradesmen, doctors, lawyers, priests and politicians are dependent upon them for their daily bread, they too are anxious that Old Sol should put on a smiling face. The Presbyterians had communion services last Sunday when five of the Methodist converts united with that church. They were baptized the week previous by the Methodist minister, Rev. E. E. Thompson. These two denominations now have an equal number of members here. Your correspondent took a trip to Grants Pass last Friday and Saturday, returning by way of Sams Valley, the land of big wheat fields and orchards. These tell the story that "the frost looks forth on still clear nights" there as well as along down the valley. The grain fields and orchards in our own Butte Creek Valley have evidently escaped the injury from frost and cold rains better than the lower valleys, as harvest time will tell. MICROSCOPE.
Southern Oregon Mail,
May 13, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
Business is getting lively in our town.Mrs. Thomas has got the lumber on the ground to finish her residence. Born in Eagle Point May 9, 1892, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, a daughter. A. J. Florey, G. Brown and Inlow & Ashpole are each receiving new goods in their line. J. M. McCall and W. H. Atkinson of Ashland are here today hunting up their friends. Prof. Haselton, who has been sick for some time, has resumed his duties in the school room. Max Muller and Mr. Kahler were out smiling on the people a few days ago. They were the guests of Mrs. Simon of the Pioneer Hotel. F. B. Inlow has had his residence rewhitewashed, also the front part of his store. A. Pool has also had the inside of his hotel covered with a coat of whitewash hard finish. Geo. Mauzey is the boss workman. Geo. Merriman has been over to Eagle Point and his Republican admirers say that he forgot to pass around the cigars, and they intend to reciprocate by not forgetting him on the 6th of June. He is so certain of going up Salt River that he does not intend to spend any of his good money for cigars, etc. for the masses. The fight is between Bradshaw and Pelton; G. M. is hardly known. The candidates are buzzing around and where they can't come themselves they are sending their friends, and as an index of the political outlook, I will state that I understand that Will Hanley was out last week with a complete electioneering outfit for the Republicans in one side of his buggy and another for the Democrats in the other. He is, or was, working against some of the Republican nominees, and some of the Democrats. His buggy attracted considerable attention, but none of the prohibitionists seemed to participate. I understand that Judge Neil was out in the country and when an inquiry was made for him, it was announced that he was so sure of his election that he had turned his attention to the honorable vocation of shearing sheep for recreation. Hes the kind of man we want among the farmers. Last Saturday night a good number of the ladies and gentlemen of this place and vicinity met, as per announcement in the Record, at Inlow & Ashpole's hall and decided to have a good, old-fashioned celebration on the Fourth of July next. Frank Brown was called to the chair and A. C. Howlett acted as secretary. The following committees were elected: On finance, Dan Simon, A. Pool, A. J. Florey, Miss Amy Safford, Miss Lottie Brown and Mrs. Pool. On grounds, Frank Brown, Scott Pool, A. J. Daley, A. C. Howlett, and J. J. Fryer. On music, Geo. Daley, A. G. Johnston, Miss Cora Brown, Mrs. C. W. Taylor. On program, Geo. Brown, A. J. Florey, John Ashpole, A. L. Haselton, Geo. Apger, J. A. Jonas and John Watkins. On races, Gus Nichols, Dan Simon, Geo. Mauzey, F. Brown, J. Heckathorn and Jo. Rader. Committee to select an orator and reader, George Brown, J. J. Fryer and A. C. Howlett. We anticipate a fine time, and if you, Mr. Editor, could be with us you would meet a host of your admirers. DICK. Eagle Point, May 21, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, May 26, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
B. B. Hubbard is enlarging his
Wm. Wiley, wife and daughter, Mary, have been visiting relatives near Phoenix. Frank Brown is at work on Mr. Thomas' house, and from the plan it will be the neatest house in our town. A. J. Daley made a flying trip to California last week. He is now shipping a quantity of flour to the county seat. Miss Mabel Woodford, who is teaching school near the mouth of Little Butte, has been engaged for another month; she is giving very general satisfaction. The rain has ceased at last and the warm weather is making everything in the vegetable kingdom to flourish and the present prospect is that this year will be one of the noted years for crops in Jackson County. On the 25th ult. the combined wisdom, intelligence and patriotism of the Democracy met at Inlow & Ashpole's hall to explain to our citizens some of the intricacies of the political labyrinth of the present campaign. Among the most prominent characters present were Col. Bowditch, W. H. Parker, Geo. Bloomer, Robert Miller, Charles Nickell, E. R. Owen, U. S. Mitchell and your correspondent, "Dick." The meeting was well attended, there being quite a number of the People's Party men on hand and a few Republicans. The meeting was called to order by Judge Neil, who favored us with a good practical talk on the subject of the finances of the county. He said that he did not propose to shirk any of the responsibility. He then stated that when he came into the office of county judge that there was an indebtedness of $98,000, with the interest amounting to $20,000, which brought it up to about $120,000. And that now it only amounted to $133,000 and by the 1st of July it would reach about $145,000. He then showed how the debt had accumulated by building bridges, roads, repairing jail, etc. He then gave an account of the manner the county poor were provided for, etc., and finally wound up by giving an account of how the county board had raised the taxes on the railroad company's land, rolling stock, etc., thereby increasing their taxes about $9.000; and informing us that it took a LAWYER to attend to the COMPLICATED duties of the office. On the whole he made a favorable impression and I think gained several friends by his speech. The next speaker was U. S. Mitchell, of Grants Pass. He apologized for his apparent want of preparation on the ground that he was not expecting to be called on at that time to speak as he thought that Col. Bowditch was to follow Judge Neil, but he said some very good things showing how the money sharks are accumulating wealth and by a system of class legislation the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. That the increase of a circulating medium in the shape of money, whether gold, silver or paper, would not necessarily help our condition, as we are absolutely at the mercy of the great corporations, trusts and syndicates.and charged the Republican Party with the blame. Col. Bowditch next spoke on the subject of indirect taxation, dwelt at some length upon the subject of the tariff, eulogized Cleveland as one of the most daring reformers of the age, daring to advocate what he thought was right even if he knew that it would bring defeat in the presidential contest. Showed that the Republican Party is responsible for the strikes for bread. He also called special attention to the fact that the tariff was so arranged that the common necessities of life and what the laboring classes had to have was taxed heavy, while the things that the rich enjoyed were comparatively exempt. Col. R. A. Miller was then called for. Although we had heard one short and two long speeches still, when the name of Robt. Miller was called all eyes were turned to the speaker. He told us that the Republicans no longer canvassed the county by making speeches and whenever one of them did attempt to make a speech he ALWAYS acted on the DEFENSIVE, continually APOLOGIZING for the mistakes they had made. (And still they claim to be the AGGRESSIVE and PROGRESSIVE party.--COR.) When he began to arraign the Republican Party the Republicans present could not stand the fire, but retreated in "good order." Although Mr. Miller's speech was short he showed that he was master of his subject and the audience was sorry that he was so brief. W. H. Parker closed the exercises of the evening with a characteristic speech. He handled the subject just as he used the maul and ax when he used to make rails and saw lumber on Butte Creek--without gloves--and convinced his hearers that if the system of robbery that has been carried on for the last twenty years, whereby we and our children are relieved of our land and homes, and our living, is not checked that we, as a nation so far as our independence is concerned, will soon be counted among the things of the past. Before leaving the subject I must be permitted to relate an incident that happened on the way from Jacksonville here. Along the road there lives an accomplished young widow, an acquaintance of Col. M. So the Col. and Mr. Parker called at the gate to pay their respects and you know Col. M. is recognized as the very embodiment of politeness, and the aforesaid widow very thoughtfully carried out a pitcher of water and a glass. Mr. P. drank but the Col. remarked that he seldom drank water; that he had a bottle of nice wine along, and accompanying the remark with the act drew it from his valise, emptied the water on the ground and filled the lady's pitcher with the wine, and that afternoon the widow and her sister stayed at home and drank to the health of Col. Robert Miller while their mother went to hear his speech. He had heard Geo. Bloomer say that for a man to be successful in politics he must always be popular with the ladies. If it was not for that ponderous thumbnail of Charley Nickell's I would relate an incident that occurred here while on an electioneering tour, and as I told him that l would intercede with A. J. Daley, our miller, to keep flour enough on hand to to last him on his trip "up Salt Creek" he may not be too hard on Dick for telling the joke. He met with one of our verdant youths and the following dialogue ensued: Approaching the youth and extending his hand he remarked: You are Mrs. ------- son, I believe. V.Y.--Yes sir. C.N.--I thought I recognized you. You used to be in the office considerable when your mother lived in Jacksonville. V.Y.--Oh, yes, I was there every once in a while. C.N.--Let me see, you must be a voter by this time. V.Y.--Yes sir, l am just of age. C.N.--And what ticket will you vote? V.Y.--Democratic without a scratch. C.N.--Good, that is right. Come and have a cigar (exit both into Florey's variety store) and V.Y. smiles as he places a 5¢ cigar in his mouth, while C.N counts one more vote. V.Y. goes to his mother, who has the family record, and is informed that he is but nineteen years old. Eagle Point, May 30, 1892. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, June 2, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Brownsboro Items.
Thinking that perhaps a few strokes of
the quill from our little burg might be of some interest to a least
some of your many readers. I will drop you a few lines political and
otherwise.Notwithstanding the political excitement, our friend Geo. Morine's hammer may be heard at almost all hours of the day ringing on his anvil, which speaks well both for George and the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Smith, our merchant, has moved into his new store house, and is displaying a nice stock of goods and selling at very reasonable prices. Our postmaster, Johnny Miller, is making many substantial improvements on his beautiful little place in this burg. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Gibson. Our old friend, Thos. Baldwin, is hitting some hard licks in the way of improvements on his town property. He will also hit some terrible hard licks on the day of election, and don't you forget it. Crops good. Fruit very scarce. Politics booming. The Times says that the People's ticket is losing ground. I can assure all your readers that this is not the case. On the contrary the People's ticket is gaining all the time. Truth is mighty and will prevail. Many souls are being converted and made happy. The Democrats had an appointment to speak at Lake Creek last Thursday. We were informed by one of the speakers that A. J. Daley and A. W. Cormack was all the audience they had. People are getting tired of this old political trash that has been dished up to them for the last twenty-seven years without a single pledge or promise having ever been redeemed. Fellow citizens, stand fast to your colors and you will elect every man on the People's ticket. Don't get discouraged. Your prospects are bright. Your cause is just, honorable and right, and victory is yours beyond doubt. This campaign has been and is being conducted by the People's Party in a fair, honorable way, entirely devoid to any dirty, smutty campaign lies on any of the other candidates. We do not try to gain votes by lying on some of the other candidates. Dirty little campaign lies will not win as some will soon find out, to their sorrow. One of the fundamental principles of our party is to respect a fallen foe. We were over in Eagle Point a few days ago and was surprised to hear a man that is a candidate for a precinct office, circulating some dirty little stuff on Mr. Bradshaw, to the effect that Bradshaw had employed certain parties to electioneer for him, and this little batch of soreheads went so far as to say that they intended to have these things published. I think it very doubtful about their finding a paper that will lower its dignity to such an extent as to publish such a batch of nonsense. Now Mr. Editor, I can assure everyone of your readers that all this campaign hash in regard to Mr. Bradshaw is false. Every single word of it, and further the parties that started these yarns are not noted for truth and veracity, even outside of a political campaign. Mr. Bradshaw is too well known to be injured by any story they can dish up. In fact I believe they are making him votes, as all gentlemen of all parties become disgusted with such trash. I hope that none of our party will be led astray by anything that is likely to appear in this week's issue of the opposition papers, but stand fast. Vote the ticket. We can boast of a good ticket clear through, and we can elect it. INDEX.
Mail, June 3, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
VALLEY RECORD:--The election is passing off very quietly. Died, June 2, 1892, on Yankee Creek, the wife of Charles Morine. Dr. Terry has just made his appearance on the street again after his accident. Mr. McDonald and son, of Tolo, are assisting Frank Brown on Mrs. Thomas' house. Mrs. Thomas is looking for her nephew, F. F. Price, who is coming from Indian Territory soon, on a visit. It is getting quite fashionable of late for two young folks to hold up a fence or a gate, one on each side. To make a success it is essential that one should be a gent and the other a lady. We have had another railroad sensation in our town. Mr. Cole and Judge Linsey of Omaha have been taking in the country engineering with regard to the most practicable way to pass through the mountains to the east of us, about the timber, etc., and some of our citizens are jubilant over the prospect of early communication with the coast. Miss Sarah Bliss closed her school in the Antelope district. The closing exercises were very interesting. The patrons of the school had a picnic, children had dialogues, recitations and singing. Bill Potter spoke one of his comic pieces which caused considerable amusement. After the adjournment Lee Bradshaw started home and his horse commenced "bucking" and threw him off but done no damage. A meeting of the citizens of this place was called for last Saturday night and a communication was read from Samuel March requesting us to hold our celebration with the people of Sams Valley, on Rogue River, but as the meeting was not generally known another was called to meet tomorrow--Tuesday--night. But from the general tone the prospect is that we will meet at our own ground on Butte Creek, just below our town. Last week I gave an account of Col. Robert Miller's success with a young widow in this part of the county; but last Saturday he did not succeed so well. After Mrs. Lease got through speaking at Medford and Mr. Hubble had tried to speak but was taken sick, Col. Miller was called for. He came forward and spoke for a few minutes, but he did not feel easy, judging from his looks. He left Mrs. Lease's speech and began criticizing some remarks that Mr. Wakefield made, but was called to order, and when the Kansas cyclone got through with him he very much resembled a haycock after it had been struck by an Oregon whirlwind. He goes on the principle that it is better to suffer an honorable defeat than to act the part of a coward and run. You know he said he would not run. A young man in our midst met with a very embarrassing, though not painful, accident a few days ago. He was at the home of a young lady, and in moving around, as young gents sometimes do, he caught his pants on a nail, tearing the leg thereof from bottom to top. The young lady's sister happened to be standing by and she asked if he wanted a pin and he replied yes, a dozen of them, so she ran to procure the necessary article, but in her hurry grabbed a block of matches and ran to the young man's relief; but on handing them to him she discovered her mistake. Her younger sister was in her room dressing to take a walk with the young man, so she returned to her room and procured the pins, thus enabling him to repair the rent. About this time the young lady appeared and asked the young gent if he was ready for the walk; he blushingly replied that he was not prepared to go. He was afraid the wind would blow the pins out of place and he would be left. Eagle Point, June 6th, 1892. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, June 9, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Trail Creek Trinkets.
Weather dry and cold, frost in June. Small grain looking well. Our schools are all in good progress. Long Branch school is taught by Miss Dora Buchanan and is giving the best of satisfaction. The rumor is spreading around here that there will be a Fourth of July picnic at Etna, conducted under the Farmer's Alliance and all will be invited to attend. A large bowery is talked of for the dancers. The several schools will unite on the Fourth at Etna and give an exhibition. L.J.M.
Oregon Mail, June 10, 1892, page 3Eagle Point News.
The smoke of battle has cleared away--the battle of the ballots. The
smoke of the "best Havanas" and the fumes of "old rye" no longer
perfume the pure mountain air of Eagle Point. The election passed off
very quietly. Political differences of opinion had been discussed and
settled in the electioneering days beforehand. Everything seems
satisfactory except the office of justice of the peace, which is a
"little mixed." Your correspondent, who is not a politician, feels
sure that the country is safe. For how could it be otherwise when three
or four political parties are looking so anxiously after its welfare.The carpenter's hammer and saw is heard early and late on all sides. Blacksmiths are kept busy repairing farm implements. Wagon repairs are also in demand. Dry weather and rough roads are not healthy for wagons, Merchants are doing a thriving business, which is always the case when a good crop is anticipated. Everything depends upon the farmer, then why should he not rule the universe? Echo answers why? The weather has been cloudy and cool the last week and hay makers are wishing for sunshine. The alfalfa crop was saved in good condition and was very heavy. A large acreage was newly sown to this crop in this vicinity last spring and the season has been favorable for its growth. A number of railroad men from Omaha, Neb., were here recently, and one of our citizens took them up into a high mountain and showed them all the cities of Jackson County, but is not known if he offered to give any of them in exchange for a railroad to Eagle Point. The closing of our school for the summer vacation is later than usual by reason of the sickness of the teacher Mr. Haselton. Since his recovery no cases of serious sickness are reported. Arrangements are being made to celebrate the nation's birthday in the beautiful grove near town known as the "old camp ground," notice of which will be published in due time. Postal service has been increased at the post office, but Postmaster Florey is equal to the demand. MICROSCOPE.
Southern Oregon Mail,
June 17, 1892, page 1Eagle Point Items.
N. A. Young has built him a nice, large
stone milk house.EDITOR
Mrs. Wm. Miller, of Ashland, is here visiting her parents. Owen Grigsby, Claud White and Jeff Conover have gone to Siskiyou County, California. Miss Alta Brown, of Medford, has been the guest of Miss Millie Howlett for the past week. Mrs. Clara Marsters has gone to Douglas County to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Conn. Miss Myrtle Woodford, one of our promising young lady teachers, was also the guest of Miss Millie Howlett an Sunday last. Yesterday a messenger arrived in town in search of medical aid for Lee and Lillie Black, son and daughter of John Black, who are very ill. A. J. Florey's store looks as though it had been struck on the inside by a cyclone. He keeps sending off orders but he sells so cheap and you know Jack is so clever that the boys will come back and spend their nickels with him. There was a change of real estate in this community last week. W. M. Marsters deeded his place on Yankee Creek to Mr. Shipps, and the latter deeded property in Arkansas to W. M. Marsters' daughter, Miss Nora J. Marsters, aged seven years. Miss Amy Inlow, who has been visiting her sister, who is teaching in the Lake Creek district, had her face so badly poisoned with poison oak that it became necessary to call for medical aid. Her brother, F. Inlow, is home from San Francisco on a visit. Irvin Pool, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pool of the Eagle Point Hotel, aged about seven or eight years, was thrown from a horse last Sunday afternoon and badly bruised and received several gashes on his head and body. Dr. Terry was summoned and dressed the wounds, and discovered there were no bones broken. Since the election returns have been made public, and said returns show that Judge Webster is hopelessly snowed under. The people that thought as the judge did, that the Valley Record had no influence, have come to the conclusion that the Record not only has some influence, but that it is a power not to be trifled with, and as an evidence it is growing in favor and influence every day. The election passed off very quietly, and we had one of the best illustrations of buttonhole electioneering as done by one of the candidates for justice of the peace; he knows everybody and he proposed to 65 of the voters that if they would vote for him for justice of the peace, he would vote for their favorite candidates and the result was he captured the vote for justice and voted--as he pleased, of course. Mrs. M. A. Thomas met with rather an unpleasant and expensive accident a few days ago. She had bought a new horse, hired a cart and had hitched up for a drive. Mrs. T. and her daughter were seated in the cart and gave the horse the word to go, instead of which he quietly lay down on the shafts, completely demolishing them, so she was disappointed in taking her ride and had to repair the damage. I understand that John McDaniel, who has been living at the mouth of Indian Creek, has sold his stock to the Matthews Bros. and moved to Montana. Another sad commentary on the action of our leading politicians, in suppressing the circulation of money, and we might write a notice and post it on the fence which will read something like this: "Consumed by a Mortgage." We have been visited by some more of those needful, but expensive gents, called "drummers," representing business houses in Chicago, Boston and New York, and Geo. Brown had to order another supply of boots and shoes from Chicago and Boston, and ready-made clothing from New York. He says as soon as his son Frank gets through with his job on Mrs. Thomas' house, he is going to have an addition built onto his store as he has not room to show his goods. That speaks volumes for our town. We are pained to be under the necessity of announcing the fact that Miss Cora Brown, our organist and one of our most highly esteemed, promising and accomplished young ladies, will leave us today to spend a few days in Jacksonville visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, and then proceed to British Columbia to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, and if it were not for some attractions here we would entertain fears that she would never return. But we live in hope. The finance committee have made progress enough so as to ensure a grand time on the fourth, and the committee on programme met last Saturday night and made out a programme for the occasion, which are as follows: President of the day, W. W Stanfield; grand marshal, A. J. Daley; chaplain, Thomas Starns; orator, Gus Newbury; reader of declaration, A. C. Howlett. Programme: 1. Song by the Eagle Point Glee Club. 2. Prayer by the chaplain. 3. Song by the club. 4. Reading the declaration. 5. Oration. 6. Song by the club. 7. Dinner, 8. Fat men's race. 9. Sack race. 10. Ladies' foot race. 11. Baby show. 12. Catching a greased pig. 13. Climbing a slick pole. There will be arrangements made so that the young folks can amuse themselves dancing, etc. There will be a basket dinner. All are invited to come and bring their baskets full of good things to eat. The Lewis Orchestra will furnish music for the ball at night. DICK. Eagle Point, June 20th, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, June 23, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Etna Items.
Beautiful weather at present. Crops
doing well. Fruit crop medium.Mountain pheasants prefer the river bottoms to the high altitudes this year. Cattle are being gathered preparatory to be driven on the mountain range. The melting snow in the mountains keeps Rogue River about bank full most of the time. Keep your mind on Etna's 4th of July. Basket dinner picnic and bowery ball in the evening. Bybee's band of sheep passed through here en route for the mountains last week. Other bands will soon follow. Our old neighbor, John McDaniel, left his old home here on June 14th, en route for Montana overland with two teams, John Dupree as escort. Though not elected, our People's Party candidate for commissioner is jubilant over the ground gained in so short a time. Try again, we are bound to succeed in the near future. Only a slight inquiry as to who is elected, as it remains between the old parties there is not much difference as to who gets there. L.J.M. [Postmaster Lewis J. Marck]
Oregon Mail, June 24, 1892, page 4Eagle Point News.
Crops will
not be as good as last year but we hope for a fair average.We are having some very hot weather even here in Eagle Point. What must it be out in the big valley? Our school closed on Friday, the 24th inst., with one of its characteristic entertainments, very creditable to teachers and scholars. Mr. Layton, who came here some time since to look at the country, has concluded to remain. He has been occupying the J. K. Green residence. Miss Cora Brown has gone to Victoria, B.C., to visit her uncle Robert Brown, and farther on in the provinces to remain with other relatives indefinitely. The program for the 4th of July celebration is out. Mr. Gus Newberry, of Jacksonville, will deliver an oration. The Eagle Point glee club will furnish the music. They will probably depend upon Medford for fireworks, and adjourn to some convenient place to watch Roxy Ann. The friends of Mr. Green are gratified to learn that he is regaining his mental faculties. He has been in the insane asylum at Stockton, Cal., about a year. His wife, who has charge of a large dressmaking establishment at San Jose, sends this welcome news to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tryer. The music we hear nowadays is made by the mower and hay rake with the farmers, the saw and hammer of the carpenters and hammer and tongs of the blacksmith. A gladsome symphony, made more so when we reflect that in the years to come this sturdy yeomanry will direct the affairs of our vast domain, politically, financially and socially, for the edict has gone forth. Prof. Haselton will teach the Antelope school during our summer vacation. MICROSCOPE.
Southern Oregon Mail,
July 1, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
Since my last Prof. A. L.
Haselton has
closed his school, and on the Friday evening on which it closed he gave
an entertainment that reflected great credit on the teacher and pupils.
The exercises were opened with music by the Eagle Point glee
club, after which Dr. D. G. Terry, one of our physicians, gave us an
address on the subject of education that proved to be a perfect
treat. He impressed on the minds of his hearers the necessity of THOUGHT
as well as perusing books--referring us to quite a number of
the great men of the world who have written their name high on the
pinnacle of fame by their persistence. He also referred to the FACT
that we should be VERY CAREFUL about the EARLY
training of the
children. Spoke of a certain class of WOULD-BE TEACHERS
that are
palmed off on the people of the rural districts that are utterly
unqualified and the great amount of work to be done, in UNDOING
work that is done by that class of teachers. He referred to two, one a
boy in his teens who is frequently seen on the streets of his native
town, intoxicated, that does not understand the first principles of the
branches he is required to teach, having never passed through FRACTIONS
and could not explain to his class why he could not multiply
twenty-five dollars by twenty-five dollars, etc. He also referred to a
girl who is classed among the teachers, scarcely in her teens, that
secured a position as teacher on account of the influence of a rich
uncle that lived in the district, who is utterly unqualified for the
position. He justly claimed that none should be allowed to teach except
those who were thoroughly qualified. And your correspondent was like
"Aunt Samanthy," came very near speaking right out in "meetin'" and
saying AMEN.
At the close of the speech we had
dialogues, recitations, singing and finally a review of history by the
class for a prize. The prompt answers showed thorough preparation.
Merrit Brown carried off the prize and the honor of being the head of
class. One little thing occurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion
with your correspondent. While Dr. Terry was delivering his address one
of the "Little Dicks," the youngest one, was taken sick, but Mrs. D.
promptly called on our other M.D., Dr. Stanfield, who, with his usual
success, afforded immediate relief.EDITOR
Speaking of Dr. Stanfield reminds me that he came near meeting with a serious accident on Sunday, the 26th of last month. Mrs. S. A. Potter was taken violently sick, and while Dr. S. was driving very fast one of his lines gave way and his horse became unmanageable, running in a circle for quite awhile, when the horse was finally stopped by Wm. Potter. On last Saturday a number of our citizens met at the picnic ground for the purpose of raising the flagpole on which the emblem of our great nation will be unfurled to the breeze on our natal day--today. We have had another change in our business here. The firm of Inlow & Ashpole is dissolved, Mr. Ashpole retiring, leaving Mr. F. B. Inlow as sole proprietor. He has replenished his stock of goods and is still ordering more, as he expects to keep a full assortment and says he is going to sell at prices to suit the times. We wish him abundant success. In spite of the cry of hard times and "worse a-coming" I see that our boss miller, A. J. Daley, is still buying wheat, having purchased three hundred bushels of S. A. Carlton. Speaking of the subject of wheat, Mr. F. B. Inlow in an interview with your correspondent stated that he had in the last few days traveled over a large portion of Rogue River Valley and that although the prospect for wheat was not flattering, still in some portions of the valley the wheat looked very well; but he thought that in proportion to the acreage the Butte Creek Valley was up to, if not ahead of, anything he had seen. Harvesting has already commenced. Dan Simon, son of the hostess of the Pioneer Hotel, that old and reliable house, started his binder last week and S. F. Robinett, our leading blacksmith and machinist, has been putting A. C. Howlett's binder in running order and he expects to start it tomorrow (Tuesday). I see that Mr. Robinett is getting the necessary machinery to do all kinds of work and we can recommend him as a first-class mechanic. He says that he intends to keep everything in his line so that we will not have to go to ASHLAND to get spokes, fellers and iron to repair a wagon. N. A. Young had the misfortune to break a wheel of his large wagon one day last week and went to Central Point for spokes, 2½ inch, to fill a wheel. Could not get them. Went to Medford--the metropolis--and made out to get eight, instead of fourteen. But we expect in the near future to be able to procure anything of the kind here, as Mr. R. intends to carry a full line and keep a good wagon maker. Wm. Everest of Chehalem Valley, an uncle of Mrs. S. A. Potter, is here visiting his niece. Jas. Hart, son of Mrs. Jas. Wooley, is here on a visit to his mother. He expects to remain a week or so. We have had quite a time among the young folks during the past week, bleaching. I will give the process as used by some of the YOUNG MEN, as well as the ladies for the benefit of your readers, if it won't affect your advertising of Swansdown, Lilly White, etc. The process is to take one quart of wheat bran, wet, soft so as not to run, plaster it on the face and hands at night about half an inch thick. Cover the face with some soft leather, leaving holes for the eyes, nose and mouth and insert the hands in thick yarn mittens, or an old sock leg will do and let it remain all night, then during the day avoid the sun and when it is necessary to go out always wear a large hat or sunbonnet. Since the advent of Thomas Coy's 10-lb. boy he has concluded to build him a house, and has got the material on the ground. Speaking of babies your correspondent was mistaken in the sex of Mrs. Frank Lewis' baby. It is a boy--and Frank is getting better; he may live. Last Sunday a week ago there was a young couple in our town concluded to take a ride in a cart--the young lady driving--and as they were crossing Butte Creek, at the ford, she drove into water where it was rather deep, so that the water began to wet the soles of her shoes, and then her stockings, and then--well, they both got wet to the knees, the lady meantime screaming and her beau laughing. But fortunately the horse turned downstream into shallow water and they got out without any serious accident. The next time she is going to cross a creek she will go to the bridge, or let the gent drive. Geo. Daley, who has been off on a prospecting tour for some time, returned last Thursday. Mrs. D. J. S. Pearce and family of Forest Creek is here visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. A. Thomas. Speckles is here. The boys can gather their tin pans, bells, etc. We are sorry to say that Rev. Thomas Starns is sick, unable to attend the celebration today. DICK. Eagle Point, July 4, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, July 7, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Our celebration on the Fourth was the most complete success of anything we have had for many years. The procession formed opposite Brown's store about 10 a.m., led by "the Daley brass band," wherein two ladies took part, and marched to the picnic ground just below the ford, where a large crowd was in waiting. The martial music was soul-inspiring. The assemblage was called to order by the president of the day, Dr. Stanfield, and the exercises were opened with music by the Eagle Point glee club, Mr. Denham, a gentleman from England, acting as organist. (It made us feel like shaking hands to see an English citizen take so active a part in celebrating our national birthday, but he seemed to enter into the spirit of the occasion with a will.) After which prayer was offered by the chaplain, Rev. A. C. Howlett. (I will remark here that Rev. Thomas Starns, the chaplain, was sick and so a change was made in the arrangements, and Rev. A. C. Howlett was appointed chaplain and Prof. A. L. Haselton as reader instead of Mr. Howlett.) Then we had another song by the glee club, then came the reading of the Declaration by Prof. A. L. Haselton and all who know the professor know that it was well rendered. Another song and then after a few well-chosen remarks by the president, Dr. Stanfield, Mr. Gus Newbury, the orator of the day, was introduced. For me to attempt to give a synopsis of the speech would fail to convey even a faint idea of it, as it is necessary to hear and SEE the speaker to get anything like a correct idea of it. Several old men of standing pronounced it one of the best Fourth of July orations they ever heard. He left the old RUTS and presented new thoughts. There was nothing narrow about it, unless it was to be taken in literal dimensions and then we would have to reverse the order of things and call the LENGTH the BREADTH, and then we could have stood a much wider speech. Everybody seemed to be well pleased with it. After the oration it was announced that we were to have a baby show next. And then what a scene! A young lady who contemplates marriage at an early day made a wild stampede and borrowed a boy for the occasion, and your correspondent rushed around frantically to find his little Dick, but Mrs. D., knowing his lack of discretion, laid the little darling under a bench so that she could not be found. Also a young fellow was going to exhibit his best girl, as the president announced that all under fifteen, of the fairer sex, would be admitted, but when it was announced that Charles Linksweiler, John Pelling and David Hendry were to be the judges the young man weakened, and your correspondent could not find his baby, so the baby show was declared a DRAW GAME. The fat men's race was then called and Dr. S. and N. A. Young were ruled out on account of their emaciated condition, so it was decided that A. J. Florey and your correspondent were the only two men who could pass the test as fat men and Mr. Florey's respect for an old, rheumatic creature like your correspondent prevented him from entering the race, so that was indefinitely postponed. We then had music by the glee club, and dinner was announced. I wish to extend the thanks of the entire community to the glee club and the Daley brass band for their assistance in the musical line, for their performances were highly appreciated. Well, I don't know what kind of a dinner was served for it was a regular picnic but everybody seemed to be satisfied, and from what I could see on the half dozen tables I saw spread there was enough to feed a hungry EDITOR--and we would have been glad if you could have been there to have enjoyed the festivities with us. About 3 p.m. it was announced that the horse races would take place at the track in C. W Taylor's field, whereupon almost the entire crowd dispersed, most of them going to see the races. But before we leave the ground we must be permitted to say a word with regard to the general good behavior. Grand Marshal A. J. Daley and his two assistants, John Daley and Ed. Simon, showed their ability to carry out their part, for I heard a number of ladies compliment them very highly. Although the races do not properly belong to the celebration, still it may be and no doubt is of interest to some of your numerous readers to know what went on in that department, so I will give it as reported by one of the BOYS present: The first race was a 600-yard race, best two in three. There were three entries for a purse of $25, with the entrance fee of $5 added. 1st, Dude, entered by Dan Simon; 2nd, Antelope, by Geo. Mauzey; 3rd, Carrie M., by Arthur Pool. Dude won the first two heats in succession, so there were but two heats run. There was a horse that they christened Highflyer, from the neighborhood of Talent, that was ruled out by the committee on the ground that he was a blooded horse and the race was for SCRUBS ONLY. The second race was a pony race for a purse of $16 and entrance fee of $3 each, single dash of 300 yards. 1st entry, Snip, entered by R. E. Smith; 2nd, Modoc Maid, by Gus Nichols; 3rd, Ten Cent, by Artie Pool. Race won by Modoc Maid. It is claimed that the proceedings in this race were not as straight as the track and I understand that another race was to be run by Modoc Maid and Snip yesterday--Sunday. I may hear the result before this goes to press. The third race was the novelty race for a purse of $19.50 and entrance fee of $3, 600 yards, the purse to be divided as follows: The first to reach the 200-yard stake one-third of the purse, the 400-yard stake one-third and the one that reached the 600-yard stake the remainder. The following entries were made: Slim Jim, entered by J. M. Garret; Indian, J. W. Slinger; Snip, Roll Smith; Podonkey, John Nichols, Jr. Podonkey won the 200 and 600-yard stake. Slim Jim the 400-yard by a few inches. There were then a number of saddle horse races that don't go in this report. The final windup of the celebration was that Mrs. Thomas' cow came home with a fine calf--christened Gen. Weaver. At night the fun-loving portion of the community, at least quite a number of them, met at Inlow's hall to "Trip the light fantastic toe" and an old gentleman reported that it was one of the finest dances he ever attended. There were forty numbers sold. The music by the Lewis orchestra, assisted by Geo. Brown on his bass viol, was pronounced par excellence and the supper prepared by Mrs. A. Pool was superb. Taking the day and night altogether, the 4th of July 1892 will be long remembered. ----
Frank Brown and Mr. McDonnell of Tolo
are erecting Thomas Coy's house.A. J. Florey has renewed his bonds as notary public, F. B. Inlow surety. A. J. Daley is still buying wheat, having purchased 1200 bushels of W. H. Bradshaw. We are sorry to state that Mrs. B. B. Hubbard is sorely afflicted with rheumatism. Married in Jacksonville July 4th, Mr. Randles and Miss Viola McNeal of Eagle Point. John Rader got a wild oat in his ear last Thursday and had to go to Medford to have it extracted. We are sorry to state that Miss Watkins is sick with bilious fever. Dr. Terry is in attendance. Dr. Stanfield was called a few days ago to see Mrs. H. C. Lewis of Drain, who is here visiting her parents. Mr. Gates and family, accompanied by his sister-in-law, Miss Emma Matney, have returned to Washington. We are having some changes in real estate here. A Miss Watkins purchased a lot from J. J. Fryer, consideration $30. Her father, John Watkins, expects to build on it soon. We have an addition to our sport in our town. The young men have organized a baseball club and they expect to compete with any of the "nines" in the valley for the belt. We wish them success. The race between Modoc Maid and Snip was run and won by Modoc Maid, a mock race; $10 on a side. There was a foot race between Frank Smith and Scott Pool, $50 on a side, won by Smith by 18 inches. Mrs. A. J. Florey has gone to the Flounce Rock country to visit her parents and quite a number of the curiously inclined are wondering what is meant by that sign hanging over the post office door--"Wanted, a good housekeeper." Inquire of A.J.F., post office block, lower floor. I see that our merchants, Mr. Brown and also F. B. Inlow, are receiving new goods. They are also receiving from the mountains quite a lot of shakes, shingles and posts. Mr. Inlow is also anxious that his old friends should come and see him as he wants to settle up the old score and start anew. See ad. elsewhere. Arthur Pool met with quite an accident a few days ago. He was riding on his binder when the seat broke down, precipitating him to the ground and falling on his head and shoulders he came very near breaking his neck. And after he had repaired the break and started again it gave way in another place and came near breaking his leg--but he is getting around again. A little incident occurred on the Fourth that I must not omit. The morning of the 4th Mr. Johnston, the leader of the choir, took the organ belonging to the citizens of the town down to the grove to use at the celebration and thinking it would be needed at night for the dance left it on the ground, expecting that some of the ball-goers would go and get it. But no, so the next day inquiry was made for it and Mr. J. and one or two others started out to look it up, when lo, it could not be found. If you see anything of anyone carrying an organ through Ashland branded E.P.L.S., have Sheriff Pelton take charge of it until the authorities here are notified. We had another splash in Butte Creek a few days ago. You know that Young America don't like to always follow the old beaten track. One day last week Walter Robinett, son of our leading blacksmith, aged about 12 years, took Mr. Starns and family over to the camp meeting on Bear Creek and on returning started to cross the creek at the ford, but he was not satisfied to follow the plain track, but must venture a little higher up the stream. Presently F. Brown heard someone halloing for help while he was at work on Mrs. Thomas' house and looking in the direction of the noise he saw Walter Robinett coming out of the creek, his horses and wagon wet all over and the water streaming from his wagon box. He, like some others, got TOO HIGH. Eagle Point, July 11, '92. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, July 14, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Etna Items.
Beautiful weather for haying.Spring wheat and oats are all cut for hay. A splendid time was had at Etna on the 4th of July. Long Branch school, with Miss Dora Buchanan teacher, took the lead and captured the admiration of the audience, creating continual merriment during the exercises. The opening song, "Come to the Mountains," was well selected for the occasion. Upper Trail Creek responded with a hymn. The oration of the day being almost a failure, it was succeeded with merry speeches and declamations and songs. Finally at 3 o'clock the bowery was cleared and dancing began and lasted until daylight, the next morning, when all, happy over the pleasant time they had, started for their various homes. The surrounding country was well represented. A good turnout for the first time. L.J.M.
Oregon Mail, July 15, 1892, page 4Eagle Point Items.
Since my last everything has been
exceedingly quiet. The farmers are generally very busy with their
harvest and consequently business is rather dull and news is scarce.EDITOR
Quite a number of our citizens went over to the camp meeting Sunday and Sunday before last, and on Sunday the 10th inst. quite a number of our pleasure-loving citizens had a picnic on Rogue River, among whom were Messrs. C. W. Taylor, ------ Ewen and their families, Messrs. Richards and Denham recently from England, George Brown and family, Miss Amy Safford et al. They spent the day very pleasantly walking, fishing, chatting, etc. Miss Celia Brown was the most successful fisher, as she caught two nice trout. A CHAPTER OF
On Sunday the 10th while returning from
camp meeting Wm. Gregory, Jr.,
accompanied by Miss Zuda Owens had the misfortune to have his team,
hitched to a buggy, run away, dashing against a tree and precipitating
both from the buggy. Fortunately Miss Owens was but slightly hurt but
Mr. Gregory was unconscious for several hours.On the following Wednesday while John Ashpole and family were at the camp meeting their little boy, Roy, aged about four or five years attempted to climb into the wagon. The horses started, throwing him to the ground, thereby breaking his arm near the shoulder. About the same time Charles Parker's daughter, Hattie, living above Brownsboro and aged 13 or 14 years, was thrown or fell from a horse, breaking both bones in her arm and dislocating her elbow. Dr. Terry of Eagle Point was summoned but by the time he arrived her arm was very badly swollen. She was doing well at last accounts. Near the same time Mr. Moore, an old gentleman living on the edge of the "desert" near Central Point, was on his way to the soda springs on Little Butte and driving along the wheel of the wagon struck a rock or stump, throwing him from the seat to the ground and bruising him very badly but fortunately breaking no bones. The last accident I have to chronicle in this chapter is not so serious. It was simply an accident caused by lack of judgment. One of the young MEN that applied the "bleaching process" referred to in my last spread the plaster on so thick that when he removed it the reaction was so great that he took cold, throwing him into a fever, but we are pleased to state that he is now convalescent. ----
It was not the same young man who
accompanied a young lady home a few evenings ago and when asked by the
old gentleman to put up his horse, replied that he had not time. But it
took them both to hold the horse, although it was perfectly gentle. He
stayed an hour, and they spent part of the time reading fortunes
through the window by lamplight. The old gent says that the next time
he comes home with his girl he has got to put his horse up or he will
set the dogs on him.We had quite a sensation in Eagle Point a few evenings ago. Three ladies and a young man undertook to make a team go that didn't want to, and they resorted to all kinds of means to persuade the balky horses to go--but they said no go. Finally they called a young blacksmith to the rescue and he, by the use of a chain, got them started. I did not learn the mode of procedure, but THEY WENT! Yes, they went through the streets like Jehu of old, the ladies encouraging them with all their power by word and--the ladies came out ahead, of course. Did you ever know a woman to fail in what she set her head to do? Mrs. Stella Fry, nee Stella Wiley, accompanied by her son Clinton aged two months, is here visiting her relatives, Wm. Wiley and others. Mrs. Lou Chappell of Marshfield, Coos County, is here visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A. Thomas. Mrs. Morgan of Austin, Nev., is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Betz of Rogue River. Mr. Dodge, one of the well borers of the valley, has been drilling a well for W. H. Bradshaw and after he reached a depth of sixty feet his drill got fast and after trying for some time to get it loose finally put in a blast to try to loosen it. But the blast cut the rope that was attached to the drill, leaving the drill fast in the bottom of the well. After an unsuccessful attempt to draw the water out a professional was called in, who examined the water and decided that the drill would not injure it for family use, so Mr. Bradshaw accepted the well. The drill was worth $150--a heavy loss for Mr. Dodge. Miss Sarah Magerle of Pleasant Creek is stopping with Mrs. A. Pool, of the Eagle Point Hotel. As an evidence of the advantage of advertising in the Record, my calling attention to that notice over the P.O. caused such a rush that A.J.F. did not have time to eat, and for fear he might offend someone he decided to board at the hotel for the present at least. And several wanted to know how it happened that Mr. Inlow put his "ad." in the Record and were informed that the Record has become the leading paper of the county, having a larger circulation in this part of the country than any other paper and is so reliable that the masses of the people look for it as a hungry boy would for his dinner. Dan Simon of the Pioneer Hotel has finished cutting grain and expects to start his thresher next Wednesday. Since my last Mrs. A. J. Daley and her son-in-law, Ed. Simon, have both been sick but Dr. Stanfield was called and they are improving. Speaking of sickness, I had occasion to call in at Dr. Terry's drugstore last Saturday and it looked as though it had been taking some of the Doctor's medicine--it looked so gaunt--but he is replenishing his stock. Thomas Coy informs me that the workmen who have been at work on his house have quit, temporarily, to build a large barn for A. J. Daley on Round Top; he having them engaged prior to their taking the job of building Mr. Coy's house. George Hoyt, living near Medford, had a runaway last Friday. His team was hitched to a wagon and he was carrying a box of tools in one hand and holding the lines in the other, and in descending a little slope the horses discovered that they had the advantage of him and started to run when he threw the box of tools to the ground and tried to stop them. But they had got the start and made a circuit several times around the barn and came near throwing George off of the wagon, but he held to the post in the center of the hay rack until he succeeded in stopping the team. Miss Anderson, daughter of Thomas Anderson, is the guest of S. F. Robinett. Gus Nichols, son of T. E. Nichols, started for Eastern Oregon last week. DICK. Eagle Point, July 18, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, July 21, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
RECORD: There has nothing of note transpired
since my last, and still I see before me quite a budget of "notes."Miss Effie Griffith, one of our accomplished young ladies, has gone to Sisson to try a high altitude for her health. Mr. Clayton, a gentleman recently from Wash., who came here a short time ago to see the country, was so much pleased with our surroundings that he returned to Wash. and brought his effects over wagon road to this place, where he intends to purchase property--we welcome him and his estimable wife to our midst. F. M. Burtrick and wife of Chicago came here one day last week to visit his stepmother, Grandma Burtrick, who is stopping with her niece, Mrs. B. B. Hubbard. They spent the night at the Pioneer Hotel; urgent business called him to San Francisco the next day, so his sojourn was short. His relatives were taken by surprise, as he came unannounced. On Saturday last, the 16th inst., Dillard Martin, an aged settler of Sams Valley, died at his granddaughter's, Mrs. Smalley, at the old Dave Dunlap place on Big Butte. He lived to a good old age, being near 80 when he died. It was announced that Mrs. Riggs was to lecture on the subject of temperance and organize a W.C.T.U. on last Tuesday night, but for some reason she did not arrive until Wednesday, when she addressed a very fair audience and organized a "union," with Mrs. Charles Carnery as president, Mrs. Starns, vice-president; Miss Jennie Heckathorn, cor. secretary, and Mrs. A. Pool, treasurer. Those who heard her lecture spoke in high terms of it. Stallions are commanding a premium here now. A short time ago A. Pool traded one for some real estate on the edge of Big Sticky; and J. Daley has traded one of his for the two houses occupied by Dr. Terry as a drug store. and the one occupied as a confectionery and lunch house by John Watkins. Consideration $500. G. F. McKee of Applegate has traded for what is known as the Jim Dunlap property on Big Butte. Consideration $5. I understand that all the Dunlaps except Dave are going to emigrate to some other country. James M. Lewis last Saturday killed a very large rattlesnake, measuring over three feet in length and nearly three inches in diameter and having nine rattles and a button. The reptile was lying in the road near the old J. J. Fryer barn. He thinks one of his horses stepped on it as he was going along the road. Daisy Stanfield has been very sick with pneumonia, but we are glad to state that she is improving at the present writing. Gus Newbury and School Superintendent Price stopped at the Eagle Point Hotel last Friday night. Supt. Price had been visiting some of the schools in the rural districts. Joe Hockersmith, of Ashland, has been here on a business trip. I see that we are to have an entertainment here next Saturday night, given by a company from Phoenix. Mrs. F. B. Inlow returned from Portland last Thursday. Miss Nada Inlow will commence her third term of school in the Lake Flat district on the 1st of August. She is one of our Eagle Point young ladies that we may well feel proud of. J. A. Jonas closes his fifth term of school in the Green Mountain district next Friday. As an evidence of our prosperity in business the mechanics are all busy, and Mr. Robinett is preparing to put on an addition of forty feet to his already large blacksmith and wagon shop. B. B. Hubbard is also putting on an addition to his residence. Rev. Edmonds. the Presbyterian minister of Medford, was with us yesterday (Sunday) and preached in the morning and evening. His sermons were highly entertaining and instructive; and were greatly appreciated. In the absence of Miss Cora Brown, the organist, Miss Mattie Taylor, daughter of ex-County Commissioner Taylor, occupied the organ stool. And, although she has just turned into her teens she handled the keys of the organ with a master hand, showing clearly that she had improved by the instruction she had received. By the time she reaches maturity she will be a perfect mistress of the profession. We are sorry to state that those estimable old ladies, Mrs. B. B. Hubbard and Mrs. Starns, are both sick. Also Mrs. Starns' son, Jesse S., is down with a bilious attack. Week before last I sent the following notice to the Record, but for some cause it was not published: "Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Carlton, near Eagle Point, July 4th, 1892, a son." And as they named him after your correspondent--"Dick"--I am anxious to see it in print. DICK. Eagle Point, Oregon, July 25, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, July 28, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
The famous
calf with such a high-sounding name, referred to by the correspondent
of the Valley Record,
is still shouting to its bovine mother for the nourishment necessary to
the development of a full-fledged thoroughbred.Some changes have taken place in property ownership. A. J. Daley has bought the drug store and saloon buildings, for what purpose rumor saith not. F. M. Burdick, a representative of the wholesale house of the J. V. Farwell company, of Chicago, is here visiting his mother, Mrs. L. K. Burdick, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hubbard. He is accompanied by his wife. They came by the Northern Pacific and will return by the Denver and Rio Grande and Salt Lake. They are much pleased with the Rogue River Valley and contemplate a visit to this coast next year. They were doing business in Medford on Friday. MICROSCOPE.
Southern Oregon Mail, July
29, 1892, page 3Eagle Point Items.
John Rader has been building an addition
to his large granary.EDITOR
Mrs. Digman is very low and doubts are entertained of her recovery. We are pleased to state that Miss Daisy Stanfield is gradually improving. B. B. Hubbard and Mrs. M. A. Thomas have each had a well bored by Mr. Dodge. The entertainment referred to in my last was well attended and was quite a creditable affair. J. A. Jonas is getting out lumber to finish his barn, and is putting a new coat of paint on his dwelling. Died August 5th near Eagle Point on the old Stow place, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F. Morgan, aged about 5 months. Since Mrs. A. J. Florey's return from the mountains she looks several years younger and appears to be greatly improved in general health. The young ladies of this place have procured a croquet set and now they entertain the young men moonlight nights in Mrs. Simon's front yard. In a former article I stated that Miss Cora Brown had gone to British Columbia to visit her aunt. In that latter fact I was mistaken. She had gone to live with an uncle who is in business in Revelstoke, B.C., and she speaks of that country in high terms. Quite a number of our citizens have gone to the soda springs this last week, among whom are C. W. Taylor and family, Mr. Williscroft and family, A. J. Carlton, W. H. Bradshaw, and their families, Miss Sophia Simon of the Pioneer Hotel and Miss Lou Nichols. H. T. Severance has gone with Geo. Heckathorn to the soda springs on the north fork of Butte Creek, where he intends to remain about three weeks when he expects to be joined by his daughter, Mrs. John Rader, and then they expect to go to the soda springs on the south fork of Little Butte. The Central Point baseball club met the Eagle Point baseball club last Sunday (yesterday) and had a very pleasant and interesting game on the grounds of the latter. The game was won by the Central Point boys by three tallies; but the Eagle Point boys are said to have played remarkably well for new beginners, as some of them were novices at the business. One of them informed your correspondent that he never struck at a ball before in his life. In spite of the cry of hard times there seems to be considerable business doing. Geo. Brown, one of our leading merchants, is receiving a large stock of goods from Chicago, New York and San Francisco, and A. J. Florey has got to get more goods or our children will have to do without candy and nuts, and the boys and men will have to do without tobacco and cigars, and the ladies will have to do without their little notions; but Jack always replenishes in time. Dr. Terry of the City Drug Store sends off a large order for goods in his line this week. I see by the Record that you, Mr. Editor, have been visiting Sams Valley and I just thought that if you would do as Robt. Westrop of Central Point did that you might IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH and get fleshy, as he did. He came over a short time ago to drink from the famous sulfur springs of A. J. Daley, and he assured your correspondent that he had not drunk of the water but a few days when he felt like a new man. In fact it had such an exhilarating effect and he felt so much at home, that he got a move on foot to improve our streets by clearing away a lot of posts and rubbish of different kinds and tried to get VOLUNTEERS TO PICK UP THE LOOSE STONES IN THE STREETS AND HAUL THEM OFF. But the public-spirited men of our town had gone a-fishing and at last accounts the stones were still there, but I think if he continues to drink of that sulfur water he will succeed. We have had another lawsuit in Justice Johnston's court. A family feud. Mrs. James Dunlap was assaulted by her husband who knocked her down and then his mother, "Old Rhoda," jumped on her with her feet, stamping her on the breast and kicking her on the legs, etc., and otherwise maltreating her; whereupon Mr. Meeker SEEMED to make a move as though he was going to interfere when Old Dave Dunlap struck him on the face and then Mr. Carter, a stepson of Mr. Meeker, interfered and got his finger badly bit. Dave Dunlap is now under arrest and "Old Rhoda" and Jim Dunlap are sentenced to pay a fine of fifty dollars each, having pleaded guilty. Dave called for a jury trial and his case comes up today (Monday). The general opinion seems to be that the taxpayers might as well support them in the county jail as in the poorhouse; but then the additional expense of constable, justice and witness fees might have been avoided. If there could be some way such creatures could be made to work they would not perhaps go so far, and save the taxpayers the money and the community the disgrace. I am glad that it was not in our neighborhood but in Big Butte. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 8, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, August 11, 1892, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Fred Price has returned to his home in Washington. Mrs. Stella Fry has returned to her home near Albany. Simons & Brown are threshing all the grain in the Butte Creek country. Mrs. Digman is improving somewhat under the treatment of Dr. Stanfield. We have another lawsuit on hand, a case of assault and battery. The taxpayers can foot the bill. I understand that the U.S. marshal is after one of our citizens on Big Butte for cutting timber on government land. Spite work. T. E. Nichols and other members of the family have had Mr. Dodge bore a well sixty feet deep in the family burying ground so that they can water the shrubbery, etc. Mrs. H. G. Shock has had a fine blooded chicken hatched by a new process, in her bureau drawer. She accidentally turned it just enough to make it hatch by the even temperature of our climate. In my last I inadvertently omitted to state that J. J. Fryer was with the party at the soda springs. Since then they have returned greatly improved in appearance, as they look the very picture of health. In my last I stated that Justice Johnston fined James Dunlap and his mother, Old Rhoda, $50 each, but he found after that that there was a limit and so he placed the fine at $20 each and cost. The taxpayers have to foot the bill and the parties are at large. The cost in the three cases amounted to the neighborhood of $120. ANOTHER CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS.
French, Jr., in coming from the sawmill (Jacobs') had the misfortune to
break his wagon, but no one was hurt.Joseph Wilson, our druggist, procured a wagon and hay rack the other day for the purpose of hauling some hay but his team became unmanageable and ran away, throwing him from the wagon, the wheel running over his face and bruising and cutting him very badly. He is now under the care of Dr. D. G. Terry. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 15, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, August 18, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Etna Items.
Destructive fires raging everywhere in
the woods.While the valley people are rushing for the mountains, we are enjoying cool pleasant weather up here. Hunting and fishing is the daily program nowadays. Some very nice silver trout are being taken with hook and line. An old gentleman by the name of David Miller came here from Gridley, Cal., recently, intending to rent Col. Johnson's ranch, and took sick shortly after his arrival, but it was thought seriously, and on August 8 was feeling quite well. On the 9th Col. Johnson came up from Medford to complete the contract, and while conversing Mr. Miller was taken suddenly ill and was assisted to his bed, where he lay apparently at ease, then taking two long breaths, expired. Help was summoned but to no avail. The remains were buried on the 10th on Col. Johnson's ranch. The personal effects of the deceased are in charge of a committee. He leaves a son at Gridley, Cal., and a daughter at Roseburg, Ore., to mourn his death. He was supposed to have been about 73. Parties wishing further information will please write to or see in person L. J. Marck, at Etna post office, Jackson County, Oregon. Southern Oregon Mail, August 19, 1892, page 2 Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Miss Chambers, from Round Top, is visiting friends in Eagle Point. John Watkins is getting the material on the ground to build on the south side of the creek. Mrs. John Rader and her father, H. T. Severance, have gone to the Dead Indian Soda Springs. I am sorry to be under the necessity of reporting Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mrs. Starns on the sick list Geo. Brown, one of our leading merchants, has just received a large lot of salt, having shipped it by the carload. Geo. Heckathorn has been putting an addition to his barn. He believes in providing for and taking care of his stock. Mrs. Dr. Stanfield was called Saturday morning to Sisson to the bedside of her daughter Grace, who is reported sick at that place. I learn that Mr. Buchanan and others interested in railroad affairs are spending awhile in the neighborhood of Fish Lake, near Mount Pitt. J. A. Jonas, one of our leading educators, who has been teaching school on Big Butte, is getting out material to subdivide his place and go into the hog business on a more extensive scale. There has been a man here supposed to he interested in the fisheries at the mouth of Rogue River (I did not learn his name), looking for a place to put in a hatchery. He examined the mouth of Big Butte and pronounced it an excellent place. Dr. D. G. Terry is making preparations to build a new store house on the south side of Little Butte Creek. He is doing a lively business in his line. He reports a few cases of sickness among whom are Nick Young, Jr., who is improving very rapidly, and Mrs. Johnston. Misses Ida Matney and Mamie Wiley and Messrs. J. W. Pew, George and Clinton Wiley have gone to Crater Lake and I understand that they intend to return via old Fort Klamath, where Miss Mamie Wiley expects to remain awhile visiting friends in Klamath County. John Ashpole, who until recently has been one of our leading merchants, has donned the checkered shirt and jumper and is giving lessons in manual labor. He will never go to the poor house, unless he has charge of the poor house of Eagle Point county [sic] when it is built. My calling attention to the stones in our streets has caused some of our business men to make a move in that direction. I understand that F. B. Inlow and A. J. Florey, two of our enterprising business men, had them removed so that the street presents quite a clean appearance. A. J. Daley, our boss miller, reports that he is receiving quite a lot of new wheat. He having bought the house wherein John Watkins kept his confectionery and lunch house has had it moved to where the old post office building was burned, had it painted and fitted up for an office for Dr. Stanfield. Quite a number of our citizens have been trying the Dead Indian Soda Springs the past week and the proprietor of the Eagle Point Hotel, A. Pool, got so fat that he could hardly get home. He speaks in the highest terms of the soda water there. He had the company of John Nichols and family, Dr. D. G. Terry's family and others and had a splendid time. Last Friday night while the threshing machine crowd of Simon & Brown were at S. A. Potter's his two boys and a neighbor boy began playing pranks and Benton Pool threatened to have them arrested, for mischief, and scared Billy Potter so that he ran off and laid out all night without coat or hat and had a general search for him, but to no avail until after the machine had gone, when he emerged from his hiding place. One of Sam's neighbors, Geo. Rice, proposed to sell Sam a bell so that he could bell him in the future. There is some talk among our citizens of having the county of Jackson, state of Oregon divided so as to give Jacksonville the court house, POOR HOUSE and COUNTY DEBT and Eagle Point county (that is to be the name of the new county) all of that portion of the old county lying on the east side of Bear Creek, including Sams Valley and upper Rogue River and have the county seat of the new county at Eagle Point. Won't that be nice? Then all of us can have an OFFICE, and we can run a new debt until we have a little more than we can carry and then we can divide again and give Sams Valley the debt and start anew. We will have to build a COURT HOUSE anyway, for we have so much legal business to attend to here that it has become necessary to have a deputy district attorney appointed. Our new district attorney was over to attend the Meeker, Dunlap, Allen (Old Rhoda), Carter trial and appointed our old standby, Dr. Stanfield, as his deputy for this part of the judicial district, which embraces four precincts. Since my last we have had another case of assault and pounding, Messrs. Cook and Edmonds of Big Butte. Cook was fined $5 and costs, amounting to $20 in all. He paid his fine. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 22, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, August 25, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Bert Kenney of Gold Hill has been here visiting the Matthews family. Mr. Digman is reported as improving under the treatment of Dr. Terry. Dr. Geary was called to see the sick child of C. W. Taylor last Saturday night. Quite a number of our young folks of both sexes are going to Grants Pass to the hop yards to work. Mrs. Emery of Gold Hill has been visiting Mrs. Inlow at Talent, and the two spent a day in our midst. Mr. Geo. Magerle, Sr., of Woodville and his daughter Sarah have been visiting the family of Geo. Heckathorn. Messrs. Newt. Wilson, Plymale, Wilkinson and others passed through town on their way to the huckleberry patch on Rogue River. Mrs. Guerin of Portland, aged 75 years, is visiting the family of Geo. Brown at this place, also Miss Celia Brown is visiting her parents here. Dr. Stanfield was called a few nights ago to see Mr. Heckathorn's child on Salt Creek and the next night to see our old friend Mr. Cormack on Round Top. Some miscreant or miscreants a few days ago took Mrs. Lewis' boat on Rogue River, cutting the chain, broke the rudder and filled the boat with water. Charles Scott of Linn County, son of the sheriff of that county, has been here visiting the family of T. E. Nichols. He returned home last Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garret, at the residence of Mrs. Garret's mother near Eagle Point, a son. I am sorry to have to state that Mrs. G. is in a very critical condition. Drs. Geary and Pryce of Medford are in attendance. There is considerable sickness reported by our two M.D.'s. Mrs. Minnie M. Duvaul has been called from her home in California to the bedside of her sister Daisy, daughter of Dr. Stanfield of this place, but we are pleased to state that at this writing she is convalescent. Gus Nichols is reported on the sick list. Lizzie Matthews is very low, but is gradually improving under the treatment of Dr. Terry. A. J. Florey's little child had an abscess on his neck and the poor little thing suffered a great deal, but Dr. Terry lanced it and it is now doing well. The five-year-old daughter of G. W. McKee, living on Big Butte, was taken suddenly sick on the morning of the 26th of last month and that evening she was a corpse. The sudden and unexpected death almost made the mother crazy. They have the sympathy of those by whom they are surrounded. In spite of the fact that grain is below bedrock prices and no money in circulation, our merchants are constantly receiving new goods. Mr. Williams, our mail contractor, has been coming in loaded down with freight and passengers. During the last week he has brought goods for F. B. Inlow and Geo. Brown from Portland and Boston and an assortment from all parts for our energetic P.M., A. J. Florey. The subject is being discussed by the farmers, to a great extent, as to whether they can raise wheat at 48 cents, oats at 30 cents per bushel and barley at 70 cents per hundred and live, and exchange 60 pounds of good CLEAN wheat for 38 pounds unsacked or 34 pounds sacked of flour. The farmers look very blue. Since my last most of the farmers have threshed in the Butte Creek country but the crops have not yielded as well as expected. About four weeks ago W. B. Daley. aged 78, put out fire on Trail Creek to burn around some pickets he had to protect them from an approaching fire that was raging. The fire getting the advantage of him, he fought against it until he became exhausted when he fell and burned his hands very badly, and last Saturday night he attempted to cross Rogue River in a skiff and it is supposed that he became dizzy and fell over . He was found by Wm. French in the woods in a delirious state, taken to the house and cared for, but shortly after arrival at the house he suffered a paralytic stroke, rendering him almost speechless. Mr. F. sent the next day for Mr. Howlett to come for him, and he is now at his home with Mr. H. in a bad condition. DICK. Eagle Point, Sept. 5, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, September 8, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Good Reports.
C. M. Pence, one of the industrious
ranchers in the vicinity of Etna,
called Tuesday before starting for home and entertained us with some
surprising and encouraging reports of the way the People's Party is
going to scoop everything up that way in November. There reports are
almost of daily occurrence. Our good friends drop in and one and all
enthusiastic over the number of converts made since the spring
Thus from these reports on every hand it is plain to be seen that the
victory of the People's Party will be complete.Southern Oregon Mail, September 9, 1892, page 2 Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--W. W. Parker and family of Big Butte have been visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood. Geo. Rice, who has been living with his father-in-law, James Matney, was to have started last Saturday for Washington with his family. Chris Wooley has torn down the old family residence that has been standing for nearly forty years and intends to erect a new home on the site. Mrs. Lyman Adams (nee Jane Matney) has returned from Klamath County to stay with her father, James Matney. Her husband expects to cone in in a few weeks. Frank Parker, son of C. Parker of Gold Hill, accidentally shot himself in the leg last Monday morning. The wound is not considered serious, but is very painful. Mrs. Manuel Miller of Ashland has been here several days visiting her father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pool. Her husband came down and they went to Brownsboro to visit relatives there. Geo. Wiley and James Pew, a part of the party that went to Klamath County via Crater Lake, returned a few days ago. Clinton and Miss Mary Wiley remained for awhile. Mr. Pew reports the crop as very fair and the fruit crop very good. A few days ago, while Miss Lela Fryer was picking blackberries on the old Fryer farm, she heard an unusual noise and looking in the direction from which it came saw a large rattlesnake. She THOUGHT SHE GAVE ONE SCREAM, and so she did, for when her father got to her she had got over a barbed wire fence and was standing in the middle of the road screaming, snake! snake! at the top of her voice. Her father soon dispatched his snakeship and peace was restored, but she is very cautious how she picks blackberries. Last Tuesday evening Miss Mary Grigsby, one of our most accomplished and fascinating young ladies, left for Roseburg to be married to Mr. J. E. Stickel, of Oakland. A number of friends met at her mother's to bid her good speed and a happy journey through life. Mrs. A. L. Haselton and J. J. Fryer each presented her with beautiful wreaths of natural flowers, and your correspondent joins with a host of friends in wishing that the honeymoon may last until the sun of life shall have set in the ripe old age of mature years. Since my last, business called me to the Eagle Mills and there I met with our old townsman and friend, W. W. Miller. After a warm shake of the hand and a few minutes' talk on the political outlook and taking his name and money as a subscriber for the "people's paper," the Valley Record, he took me through the mill, showing me all of its workings from the time the wheat goes into the cleaner to where it comes out A-1 flour (at least Mrs. Dick says that it is). Mr. Miller planned the entire arrangement of the machinery, having Case's system of rollers, and superintended the erection of it and now is the "boss" MILLER. While he was superintending the entire business he also lent a helping hand in the putting [of] everything in the proper place. He reports that the mill is kept busy night and day and since putting the new machinery in the mill they have shipped about 150,000 lbs. of flour to different parts of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Squires and daughter, Mr. Barnum, Ed. and John Hoyt and Miss Millie Howlett have just returned from a trip to the mountains. Had a fine time at Four-Mile Lake, one of the grandest scenes of the trip. While there the Big Butte folks gave them a grand reception. A fine dance at Mr. Barnum's, a fine supper and a time long to be remembered. It was discovered that most of the berries were on the opposite side of the lake and a man of another crowd started to ford the lake but found that it was like THE EAGLE POINT FORD, too deep for safe fording, so he retreated in good order. Some of the crowd report that the deer are so thick that you can hit them with a stick--after they are dead. One of the young ladies who is very fond of milk carried a bottle along with the hope that she could get some on the trip and just this side of Big Butte she saw a big red STEER, so she called HIM. Sue is a town girl. The rest of the crowd had their own fun at her expense--but they had a fine time. Eagle Point, Sept. 12, '92. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, September 15, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Since my last nothing has happened of any special note, but still a number of SMALL items that go to make up an article for the news-loving public. Dr. Terry reports Mrs. H. G. Shock on the sick list. Thomas Starns has moved to Central Point camp ground. Geo. Brown was in Gold Hill last Friday and reports Frank Parker doing well. Prof. J. A. Jonas has removed a straw shed he had and is putting an addition to his barn. Mrs. M. A. Thomas started last week for Portland to consult a physician as to her ailment. I see that A. J. Daley is receiving considerable wheat and keeps his dry land schooner constantly flying between here and the railroad. Mr. Clayton, the gentleman who moved from Washington a short time ago, has purchased 20-acre tract of land from Charley Linksweiler, consideration $1200. We had the pleasure of meeting W. F. Wilkinson, of Big Butte, the other day; he had been to Medford to do some trading, taking home a supply of fruit for winter use. W. M. Holmes, our county recorder, passed through town on the way to his ranch on Elk Creek. He was accompanied to the latter place by his brother-in-law, Frank Brown. Prof. A. L. Haselton has been getting his crop of vegetables stored and marketed, his winter's wood up and everything in readiness to commence teaching our school by the first of October. About four weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. John Ashpole, while driving to Central Point, found a flour sack containing a dress and apron for a girl about twelve years of age, and as their girls are all BOYS they have no use for them, and would like to find the owner. Some of the ladies of this place are talking of organizing a society for the prevention of cruelty to dumb animals, as once in a while a man forgets that dumb brutes have feeling and knock them down with clubs and then beat them after they are down. Shame! I am sorry to state that there is considerable sickness in this neighborhood, Frank Louis' family, Mrs. A. L. Haselton, and J. K. Green's little boy being reported on the sick list, and Dr. Stanfield tells me that he has had three severe cases of fever in his family; he also reports Mrs. Robinett as being sick with an attack of fever. Last Saturday morning A. Pool had the misfortune to lose a valuable work horse. He was harnessed for work and had on an over check rein and the horse's mouth being sore and the rein very tight, he was rather slow in being led, whereupon Artie Pool, who was leading the animal, gave him a jerk causing him to rear up and falling backward, crushed his skull on the stones. Since Mr. Hermann told us that there was so much money in circulation, over thirty-two dollars per capita, business is, or looks as though it was, looking up. A. J. Florey has to get more goods to replenish his stock. Mr. Inlow has received a fine lot of groceries and has a half carload of salt at Central Point so we can have salt enough to salt our cows provided they are not sold to pay old debts. I see in one of our Southern Oregon papers a long list of property advertised for sale for delinquent taxes, and I heard it remarked that if times kept growing tighter that in the course of a few years the whole of Jackson County would be sold for taxes in spite of the statement of Hon. Binger Hermann that the times are better and money more plentiful than it has been since the close of the war. We had a little stir in our town last Friday. James Gregory was hauling wheat to the mill at Eagle Point, and after he had unloaded, Johnnie Williams, son of our mail contractor, started from the post office with the Brownsboro and Big Butte mail on horseback; the horse began to "buck" and Johnnie got off and just as the horse was passing the team the mail sack came off the saddle, frightening the team; it ran about half a mile and was overtaken by a horseman, no damage was done except to break the wagon bed. Dan Simon, one of our most enterprising and energetic young men, who has been engaged with Frank Brown in the threshing machine business this summer on Butte, Antelope and Dry Creek, also on Rogue River, started last week for Klamath County to engage threshing there; he started to go via Big Butte and Pelican Bay, but when he got as far as BIG BUTTE HE STAYED ALL NIGHT, and learned that the fires were so bad that it was dangerous to go that route so he returned and went via Ashland and Linkville. He expects to take his thresher out soon if he can get grain enough to justify and run it the rest of the season. He reports having had a good run this season. We wish him abundant success. We have had another record broken in our neighborhood. Mrs. Charles Griffith has beat the professional skunk and squirrel killer. During the last three weeks she has killed five skunks, ten squirrels, three rats, one rabbit and one chicken, all caught in one trap and she is nearly seventy years of age; if we had a few more such women we could raise more chickens and wheat. Speaking about chickens, Mrs. Howlett and a hawk had a COMBAT the other day over a chicken and the hawk came out, as things generally do that have a combat with the women, SECOND BEST. The hawk tried to take a chicken, whereupon Mrs. H. threw a stone at it, disabling it so that it could hardly fly, and then a race for life ensued, but with the assistance of her shepherd dog she succeeded in bringing him to bay and then with stones and other missiles she dispatched it to the land where good hawks never steal chickens. It measured three feet from tip to tip. Eagle Point, Sept. 19th, 1892. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, September 22, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Is It Forgery?
OR., Oct. 8th, '92.
Editor Southern Oregon
Mail:`Recorder Holmes informed me that someone has changed the heading of some of those petitions asking the county board to place the school superintendent's salary to where it was when elected--by interlining and marking out so as to make them ask the board to increase his salary to $1,000 per annum. I don't think Mr. Price would approve of such a method, which, to say the least, looks like forgery; for who knows whether those petitions were changed before or after they were signed. However, I think it is more than probable that they were changed after they were signed. I DEMAND that the names of those on petitions so changed be published, so that if there has been forgery committed, it may come to light. I hope Mr. Price, or some of his friends, will look after this matter at once. If it is forgery, the public should know it. HARVEY
Oregon Mail, Medford, October 14, 1892, page 2Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--T. B. Higinbotham has been putting a car track in J. J, Fryer's barn and assisting A. C. Howlett in erecting a machine house and shed over his chicken feed. Died Oct. 16th, 1892, on Big Butte, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fredenburg. aged about 2 years, their last child. They have the sympathy of the entire community. Miss Edith Newton of Central Point is teaching school on the east side of Big Butte and last Sunday Jesse Starns went up and organized a Sunday school in that neighborhood. There was a man through here week before last that claimed to be an organ cleaner. He stopped at the Pioneer Hotel and from what I can learn he is the same man that is advertised in some of the papers north of here as a "bilk." Charles Edmondson, living on Big Butte, is confined to his bed with a violent fever. Also Cari Gilbert of the same neighborhood is prostrate with the same disease. Mary Pearson, wife of Chris. Pearson, has been quite ill, but we are pleased to state that she is now convalescent. I noted some time ago that Mrs. Thomas had had a well bored on her lot at this place and now she informs us that when she pumps out any considerable amount of water that the water in the lower part of the well is as SALT as the water in the ocean. Can some scientist tell us the cause? Since A. J. Daley has gone out of the mill business (temporarily) he is dealing in fine stock and he now two fine registered Durham bulls and a number of Poland China hogs, so we may expect to see something fine, as he is a progressive man and takes a commendable pride in raising fine stock. The new firm has taken charge of the Butte Creek Roller Mills and the farmers are anxiously waiting to see whether the change will be for the better or no, whether they will continue to take 22-00 for toll or adopt a different system. A great many of our best business farmers seem to think that the new mill at Central Point will make a change for the better. Some of your townsfolk, Mrs. Wilson Potter and her son Roscoe, Mrs. Lindsey and her son Charles with an Ashland team and bus have been here visiting S. A. Potter, A. C. Howlett and Mrs. C. Rader and enjoying the pleasure of a fishing and bunting excursion. On Friday afternoon Mrs. L. and her son, Mrs. P. and her son, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Potter and their three children and Mrs. Howlett and her three little girls and Miss Emma Perry all got into the bus, took in the town and then went fishing. A young woman on seeing the bus for a moment thought she was in Portland, but soon realized that it was a bus in Eagle Point. Well they went a-fishing and they kept so DEATHLY STILL that the fish were afraid to move. Only think of five women, six children and three men keeping so still as to paralyze the fish! The result was that they caught no fish that afternoon. They stayed from Thursday until Saturday and the boys fished every night and most of the day. They would get one suit of clothes wet and then another until they got them all wet, and then hang them up in the rain to dry. The Ashland boys are not experts at gigging fish but they carried ten fine large ones home with them, and they promise to return next fall on another fishing tour. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 17, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, October 20, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Mrs. W. W. Parker, of Big Butte, is here visiting relatives. Mr. Clayton has put up a neat residence on the land purchased of Charley Linksweiler. "Grandma" Daley is having her house plastered and otherwise improved in appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Saltmarsh have been over from Sterling visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pool, of the Eagle Point Hotel. T. B. Higinbotham has been at work on Thomas Coy's residence, putting on some of the finishing touches and Frank Brown has been building Coy a barn. Bennie Parker, son of W. W. Parker, jumped off a low shed at his uncle's, E. E. Smith, and either sprained or dislocated his ankle. He is unable to walk even with a crutch. The cider drinkers are rejoicing over the fact that Charles Griffith has had that cider mill of Geo. Brown's, that he broke, repaired and now it is in running order. F. S. Robinett was the repairer. We have had another real estate transaction here. David Hendry sold his house and two lots to Joseph Wilson, consideration, two horses of ordinary value. Wilson would not take $100 for his bargain. Mr. B. B. Hubbard has been making some material changes in the appearance of his residence; finishing the rooms I mentioned before and remodeling the old part of the house. Last Saturday there was a race made between Dude, owned by Dan Simon and Achilles, owner not known to me, to run 600 yards and repeat; the best two-in-three for fifty dollars on the side, the race to come off on the 8th of November. I also forgot to state in a former article that Mrs. Gordon, living on Rogue River, about forty miles above Jacksonville, fell from a barn loft breaking her shoulder, and suffering a great deal before the arrival of Dr. Terry. At last accounts she was improving. A. G. Johnston has been to Wilbur to attend the Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church as the representative of the church at Eagle Point and also as far as Albany to attend the synod. He speaks in high terms of the outlook there. Since his return he has moved into his new house. I unintentionally omitted in my last that C. W. Taylor, one of our ex-county commissioners, has returned from a trip to British Columbia, where he has been for his health, and judging from his looks his health must be greatly improved as he looks as though he might fill the office of a city alderman. We all welcome him among us again. Last Saturday evening we had an entertainment here, a drama by our local talent and they fairly excelled themselves. Everybody was delighted. There were eight actors and each performed his or her part to perfection. If they would repeat the performance, the next time they would have a crowded house, although as it was there were about sixty or seventy in attendance. Since the change in the ownership of the Butte Creek Roller Mills, there seems to be new life imported into this community. The way to the mill is blocked with wagons loaded with wheat and loading with flour and feed, and although the price paid for wheat--fifty cents per bushel--is only about five cents above the actual cost of raising it, it brings business into the town nevertheless and our merchants and doctors are correspondingly happy, and the farmers feel that it might be worse than it is. Speaking of the mill brings to my mind a dialogue that took place between some of our farmers in A. J. Florey's store the other day. In speaking of the mill, one suggested that the mill belonged to the county, while the other thought he could see a difference between belonging to the COUNTY and belonging to the SERVANTS of the dear people: the county officials. As we have our county recorder, county clerk and county treasurer and the chairman of the late Democratic county convention as the principal owners of the mill, they came to the conclusion that the taxpayers had had something to do with paying for the mill and consequently thought that it ought to belong to the county Since my last your correspondent has taken a spin down Rogue River and while going, took Miss Emma Perry as far as Gold Hill t» visit friends there, while I went further to attend to business, gathering items and looking after the interests of the Record, etc. One item of interest to many of your readers is that the people all along the road on both sides of Rogue River are fully awake on the subject of the coming election and they are, or seem to be, going in masses for Weaver as they have no hopes of electing the Cleveland electors and think that the re-election of Harrison would be the death knell to our liberties and place us completely under the control of the Shylocks of our principal cities. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 31, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, November 3, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Died at the family residence at Eagle Point, Oct. 27th, 1892. Mrs. Elender T. Matthews, aged 94 years, 9 months and 29 days. The subject of the above notice was born in Richmond County, North Carolina, Dec. 28th, 1797. In her early womanhood she moved to Tennessee where she remained until 1843 when she moved with her family to Missouri; there she remained until 1853 when she moved to Jackson County, Oregon and settled on Butte Creek, making her son John's home her home where she lived until the day of her death. She was the mother of five children. two of whom survive her. In addition to the five children born to her, she is the grandmother of thirty-six children and the GREAT grandmother of sixty-seven and the GREAT GREAT [grand]mother of twenty-one; the oldest fifteen years old. (There are probably a number of GREAT GREAT CHILDREN that are not enumerated in this list as the two surviving daughters have lost track of several of the grandchildren, a number of them girls, of marriageable age.) "Aunt Nellie," for that was the name by which she was known, has lived here among us for the last thirty-nine years and during that period has formed a host of acquaintances. She was loved and respected by all who knew her and was always kind and obliging. She identified herself with the Baptist church when quite young and lived a consistent life and died a tranquil death, so that her host of children may well sing. You're gone from the
loved ones below,
To the mansion, prepared for the just. Where sweet cherubims, to God ever bow; While your body is mingling to dust. So when the resurrection takes place, Oh! Mother we trust you'll be found With the angels of Heavenly grace, When the Almighty's trumpet shall sound. A. C. HOWLETT.
Eagle Point, Oct. 31, 1892.Valley Record, Ashland, November 3, 1892, page 3 Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Mr. Berry, of Central Point, is here training "Dude" for the races tomorrow. Mrs. J. K. Green, who has been here on a visit to her parents, returned to California last Monday. One or two of the sheriff's deputies went through here yesterday evening distributing the ballot boxes. Judge Whitman made the Pioneer Hotel a pleasant call last Wednesday while out looking after his political friends. I understood that Mrs. F. E. Chagnon, of Ogden, Utah Territory, daughter of Mrs. Cochran, with her children, are here on a visit and intend to remain all winter and send her children to school. Miss Emma Perry, who has been stopping in Medford the past week, came out to Mr. Howlett's last Saturday and was quite sick Saturday night, but Dr. Stanfield was called upon and afforded her immediate relief. On last Saturday evening that old and reliable wheel-horse (Nat Langell) of the G.O.P. made a descent on our town and called together all of the faithful Democrats and populists and gave them the necessary instructions as to how to work and vote. It was not generally known that he was to speak and consequently his audience was small. Last Wednesday John Nichols brought some of the old Democratic beef to town and sold some to our enterprising postmaster and afterward he invited him to take dinner, but when John saw the beef, Jack said he turned pale and now his Democratic friends are talking of getting a Weaver sausage grinder for him to take with him when he is peddling beef. He did not stay to hear the populists' speaker, but went home. Our county recorder, Wm. Holmes, was out Saturday and Sunday looking after his milling interests. Since the new firm took charge of the mill they have received about 5000 bushels of wheat and are constantly receiving more. They have shipped 125,000 lbs. of flour and have 25,000 lbs. on hand at present, and the demand for the "Snowy Butte" flour is increasing every day. A lady in Medford heard that I had taken a load of flour to one of the merchants there and immediately sent her husband to procure a sack, as she says that it is the best flour on the market. On last Wednesday, as pre-announcement in the Record, we had an enthusiastic meeting of the bone and sinew of the country to hear the great orator, Mr. Waldroop, of Portland. It was announced that Bowditch, Parker, Whitman and others would be present to instruct the dear people how to vote Tuesday, but when it became known that the giant from Portland was to be here, they wisely concluded that they had no special business with the people of this part of the country, and so stayed away, all except Mr. Whitman; he came, but did not attempt to make an effort. About 2:30 the crowd began to collect, and Mrs. W. H. Breese, of Talent, acted as organist, while herself and husband, W. H. Breese, sang two beautiful songs suited to the occasion, which produced a very salutary effect on the audience. Mr. Holt, with a few appropriate remarks, then introduced the orator of the day to the audience. As the election will be over before this goes to press, it will not be necessary to attempt to give even a synopsis of the speech, which lasted about two hours, but suffice to say that he made a lasting impression on the minds of the people and as he told us, if the cause of the populists does not prevail at this election, it will be the opening wedge that will open the way to complete victory in the next campaign. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 7th, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, November 10, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--During tie past week our farmers have butchered a large number of hogs. At this writing Mrs. Simon and daughter are visiting friends in Jacksonville. Born near Eagle Point, Nov. 9, 1892, to Mr. and Mrs. George Clayton, a 10-lb. boy. Mr. Woody and Miss Bliss, who live near Phoenix, were visiting Miss Lora Bliss' school in Antelope district last week. Mrs. Klippel, of Jacksonville, and Mrs. Alison, of San Francisco, have been visiting Mrs. Simon, of the Pioneer Hotel at this place. Mr. Lyman, who has been living near Brownsboro, has located on a 40-acre tract of railroad land on Antelope Creek near Mr. Bradshaw's. John Ashpole and family have gone to Portland to visit friends and attend to business. Thus combining business with pleasure. You know John always has an eye on biz. Your correspondent, as you are aware, was in Ashland last Saturday and Sunday and he could not help noticing the growth of your city and the extensive improvements made all along the road. On his return, one of the Ashland boys entrusted him with a beautiful bouquet for the young lady that rode in the bus. The bouquet was highly appreciated. Last Saturday evening the Democratic element of society, assisted by the young men (under age), had a grand celebration at this place, or rather on the hill above town. They procured a can of powder and two anvils, carried them up on the hill, built a big bonfire and made all the noise possible, but some of those remaining in the town thought they were not making noise enough, so they procured a quantity of giant powder and fired it off in the streets, waking all the babies, scaring the old folks and shattering some of the glass out of Mr. Pool's house, and made the Republicans think of--four years ago. The election passed off quietly, and there seemed to be but little interest manifested in the forenoon, but about noon the crowd began to gather and by 1:30 p.m. a large crowd had collected to see the "races." Almost every class of society was represented. The saloon interest was there, for I saw a man going around with a bottle from which a number seemed to drink, until the bottle was empty, then it was condemned and thrown away. The gambling class was represented, for our constable, A. Pool, was there wanting to bet a "five" on Achilles--the five was a nickel. The general farming community was also represented, for there was T. E. Nichols, C. W. Taylor, W. H. Bradshaw and a host of others of that class. The religious part of the community was also represented for your agent, Mr. Howlett, was there looking after the interests of the Record, and you know he is preacher and Bros. A. G. Johnston, J. T. and S. S. Sap was there in an official capacity and Old Bro. Wiley was also there looking on like the rest of us, and last and not least, a large number of ladies honored the occasion with their presence. Well, about 2 o'clock the riders were weighed and everything was in readiness. The track was in Mrs. Simons' field. "Dude'' was rode by his owner, D. M. Simons, and Achilles was rode by the man that made the race which was Mr. Cotton of Talent. W. H. Bradshaw was selected by Mr. Simons as one of the judges and Wert Pool by Mr. Cotton and Mart Hurst as the third judge of the two, A. J. Florey being appointed stake holder. The two riders agreed to start without judges at the start. (The race as announced in a former article was to be 600 yards and repeat for $30 on a side.) After a little jockeying both horses got started nearly even and down they came; Cotton whipping his horse severely, while Dude came through like a bird, coming out several feet ahead. After a rest of fifteen minutes, time was called and the riders again mounted and when the excitement began to grow more intense, but the betting was rather slow; shortly the word was given to go and away they went, but Achilles got into Dude's track, and some thought that the object was to disable Dude, so Simons drew his horse into the other track, whereupon both claimed a foul and the judges decided a dead heat. It was the calculation that Dude would get out of wind running so much, but no, where he came down the third time he flew the track, and some of the bystanders thought Simons pulled his horse, and then almost got to the line by the time the other did. While the horses were taking their fifteen-minute blow, the friends of Achilles called time in just seven minutes, then ten and finally fifteen. During the interval Mr. Cotton put his horse in soak for forty dollars more with T. E. Nichols and that was covered by Simons; Frank Brown then offered to bet twenty dollars to fifteen on Dude, but Achilles' friends did not care about risking any more money on the race. Well, when they were ready for the fourth heat, Dude was too anxious and Simons could not keep him in bounds, so they had to come down and get Mr. Berry, the trainer, to go and give him a start, but when they did start, Cotton came through so far ahead that there could be no question as to which won the race. When the race was over, Dude, although he had run four times (600 yards each time), still he seemed as fresh as after the first heat. At the close of the main race there was a saddle horse race for ten dollars on a side for a 500-yard dash between the Garret horse and Roll Smith's horse, resulting in favor of the Garret horse. Another race was then made by the same parties for $25.00 a side, to come off Saturday. It came off at the appointed time, but everything was not so pleasant as it might have been, for some of the interested parties quarreled and then come to blows over some of the preliminaries, but the race came off and the first and second heats were declared a tie and the Garret horse being tired, the third heat was won by Smith. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 14, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, November 17, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Miss Emma Perry has returned to Medford to remain awhile. Mrs. Digman's condition remains about the same. Dr. Stanfield is again in attendance. While Louie Bolle was hauling lumber a short time ago, his binding chain broke as he was in the act of binding his load and he was badly but not seriously hurt. Gabe Plymale of Medford has been out visiting his relations and Sunday started with his cousins to take a hunt and was taken sick and had to be taken home. C. Griffith has rented the property formerly owned by David Hendry from Mr. Grimsley, the present owner, and I understand he intends to keep a candy shop AT NIGHT. Mrs. E. Emery of Tolo has been here combining business with pleasure.and visiting old friends. She returned Sunday accompanied by F. B. Inlow, one of our merchants. Miss Mary Wiley, who has been stopping near old Fort Klamath during the summer, returned home last Saturday, and your correspondent will try to see her and report next week. Frank Lewis, who has been living on one of J. J. Fryer's lots for the last three years, has rented the Peter Britt place that was occupied last year by A. G. Johnston and moves his family onto it this week. Dr. Terry has gone to Portland for medical or surgical treatment; as he fears that the finale of that burn that he got some time ago is more serious than at first anticipated. He expects to be away for several weeks. There is an immense amount of flour accumulating at the Butte Creek Roller Mills and the company are putting on more teams to carry it to the railroad. The wheat keeps coming in and the flour going out. They are running night and day. I understand that Mr. Bursell, living on Big Sticky, has bought the old Harvey place of Jay Bradley; consideration $3500. That is one of the best tracts of land on Big Sticky and now Mr. Bursell has one of the best farms in Rogue River Valley. Wm. Daley of the north fork of Butte Creek has been summoned here to the sick bed of his mother, who has been quite ill. We are pleased to state that she is improving some, but owing to her advanced age her demise need not surprise anyone at any time. Our school is progressing finely under the management of Prof. A. L. Haselton. He reports forty-four names on the roll, but the county superintendent and his assistants keep changing the boundary lines of the district so that we don't know WHERE WE ARE or whether we are anywhere. A. Pool, one of our blacksmiths, has been busy for the last week collecting for horseshoeing done four years ago! At that time he proposed to do the shoeing and receive his pay when Cleveland was elected President of the United States, and now he says that it is a long lane that has no turn. A. J. Daley keeps his overland schooner constantly plying between here and Central Point, Medford and Jacksonville loaded with flour and feed from the Butte Creek mills, and I am glad to see in the Record that the "Snowy Butte Flour" has found its way to Ashland. It is "par excellence." On Sunday night the 13th ult. while Gus Nichols was stopping with Wilbur Ashpole of this place, some miscreant entered the barn of John Ashpole and stole Gus' saddle and an eight-dollar bridle that, I understand, belonged to George Daley. No clue to the thief as yet, and suspicions are rife that somebody's horse that was running on the range has disappeared with the saddle and bridle. George Brown has just laid in a new supply of woolen goods from San Francisco and has treated himself to a new suit, as he wants to carry out his principles. He is a Republican protectionist, thinks that the tariff is NOT A TAX, and that the Valley Record is the BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY. So Judge S. J. Day stated the other day in the court house in Jacksonville. (Those small capitals are mine.) Since the election news is as scarce as twenty-dollar pieces, everybody is quiet and everything is progressing about as usual. There was some talk of having another race here about Christmas between Dude and Achilles, but the friends of Achilles think that there may be nothing DEAD and so wisely concluded not to risk anything more on that layout, as Dude won about $140 on the race election day. Our postmaster is unfortunate in one particular--that is in his selection of beef. He says that he bought some more Democratic beef, this time from Wilbur Ashpole, son of the old standby John Ashpole and wife, and had to boil it for three days in order to get it tender; and now he is going to try populist's beef next time. But if he does get tough beet he has lots of friends, as they keep his shelves empty so that he has to keep employing our mail carrier to bring him more goods and notions. A young gentleman living not more than forty miles from Eagle Point went, a short time ago, to see his best girl in one of the rural districts and left the impression on the family with whom he was stopping that he would return in the evening of the same day. But lo! he stayed all night and the next day, and the next, until four days were passed. In the meantime his friends got uneasy about him and instituted a search, but while they were going one way searching and inquiring for him he returned another way and was found at home safe and sound. There is something very attractive about one's best girl. Since the election returns have come in so that it is definitely known that Cleveland is elected, I understand that there has been a large number of applicants for the office of postmaster at this place and now the question is who can get it, as he must be a FULL-FLEDGED DEMOCRAT and HAVE NO BLOT ON HIS RECORD; and as nearly all of the Democrats voted for the people's man, it a question as to whom can it be given. I understand that one man has suggested that his wife would fill the bill, but the present incumbent's friends think that there is so little difference between the two old parties that it will not be necessary to make a change! Selah! DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 21, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, November 24, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Mrs. Rannels, N. A. Young's sister, intends to locate at Central Point. Jack Florey is talking of employing a clerk to assist him in his duties. Green Matthews, who has been sick for several weeks past, is so that he can walk around the house again. Dude, Dan Simon's horse, got kicked on the point of the shoulder and fears are entertained that it may injure him for some time. N. A. Young, one of our old-time and most reliable citizens, is entertaining relatives who are here from California on a visit. A. J. Daley's brother from the Willamette Valley, who has been hero on a visit, returned a short time ago. His son remained and sojourns among us, a very pleasant young gentleman. Mrs. Lyman Adams (nee Jane Matney), who has been in the valley for some time visiting her father, has returned to Klamath County to join her husband, where they expect to spend the winter. The recent rains have made the ground soft enough so that the farmers can as a general thing go to plowing, and if it will clear off during the next month there will be a large amount of grain sowed. On last Sunday night a week ago some of the boarders at the Eagle Point Hotel were kept awake by "Old Benno" wagging his tail on the floor. Perhaps his owner, Frank Brown, can assign a reason. Mr. Yocum, Mrs. Digman's brother from Iowa, arrived here to see his sister, who is lying in a very critical condition. Mr. Haselton, her son-in-law by adoption, has had to close his school for a week on that account. On last Saturday night your correspondent, accompanied by Mrs. Dick, attended the entertainment given by the Eagle Point dramatic society at Jacksonville, and I am proud to say that they surprised the natives. They had a full house and the performance was highly appreciated. They fairly excelled themselves. In my article last week I referred to the changes made in the boundaries of the school districts, and although I was correct in my statement, Superintendent Price informs me, and so does Mr. Geo. Brown, that it was owing to a typographical error made in writing out the description of said boundaries; and I cheerfully make the correction, with your consent. Owing to an accident your numerous readers came very near being deprived of the pleasure (!) of perusing another of your Eagle Point correspondent's communications, as on last Thursday morning while he was in the act of balancing himself on a load of flour he lost his balance and was precipitated to the ground, striking on his forehead and nose (you know that is very prominent) first, cutting the latter member somewhat and causing him to look as though he had been to an old-fashioned Irish wake, so that his friends generally asked: "Why, Mr. Dick, what is the matter with your face, or nose." And so I had to admit that I had been to a "Dimocratic jollification." But my neck, that was almost broken, is getting so that I can bend it some. Last week Miss Zora Bliss, who has taught her second term of school in the Antelope district, giving very general satisfaction, closed her school. She reports very good progress, with twenty-three names on the roll. Thornton Wiley is the only one who attained to a place on the roll of honor. Miss Bliss and Miss Mary Wiley, accompanied by the latter's brothers James and George, spent the evening with your correspondent and family last Friday and Miss Bliss speaks in high terms of the children and patrons in the district, with the exception that the latter do not visit the school as much as they would if they thought they would get a dollar for every time they visited the school. Miss Mary Wiley, who has been spending the summer at the Klamath agency, reports times lively there, and I will say for the benefit of those whom it may concern that she is not married, although there are plenty of bachelors there. But she MAY RETURN IN THE NEAR FUTURE. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 28, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, December 1, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--News are as scarce as hen teeth. Grandma Daley is improving slowly. The town has been full of drummers this morning. Miss Amy Safford is the guest of Miss Celia Brown. A. L. Haselton has resumed his duties in the school room. The young folks think of having a social here just before Christmas. S. F. Robinett has been putting some of the finishing touches on his shop. The Butte Creek Roller Flour Mill Co. have been repairing the roof on the mill building. A. Pool has been putting some improvements on his place in the building line. He is also doing considerable work in his blacksmith shop. Frank Brown, our leading house carpenter, is at work on Mrs. Martha Brown's house near Brownsboro putting in new windows and doors. Mrs. Simon, proprietress of the Pioneer Hotel, is putting up a neat new board fence around her garden and berry patch and otherwise improving the appearance of her place. Mrs. M. S. Terry, of Big Butte, has been out to Medford on business and while out in the valley spent some time visiting your correspondent and family and friends in Eagle Point. The wind on the 26th of last month blew so hard as to unroof the barn of Charles Pruett and blew down a great deal of fence on Big Sticky. It also moved the machine house of your correspondent and caused him some work to straighten things up again. Miss Nada Inlow, one of our most accomplished teachers, who has been teaching in the Chimney Rock district for some time past, started for Monmouth last week to attend the normal school, as she intends to prepare herself to fill any position in the educational field. Last Tuesday morning I hastily wrote a brief notice announcing the death of Mrs. John Digman, which was printed in your valuable paper, and on Wednesday morning we proceeded to the Central Point cemetery with her remains. Although the weather was very inclement--for it rained, the wind blew and the air was very cold while the roads were muddy--still the corpse was followed by eleven carriages filled with her personal friends. The religious services were conducted by your correspondent while the singing, which was excellent, was conducted by the Eagle Point choir. One day last week one of the Eagle Point ladies was visiting a neighbor and she discovered a copy of the Valley Record on the stand and she inquired: "Why, do [you] take the Valley Record?" to which the gentleman replied, "Yes, I concluded I would take it so that I would have ONE YEAR'S rest." Now the question is whether it was on account of the INCESSANT IMPORTUNITIES Of YOUR AGENT or whether it was on account of the ease of conscience he would enjoy from having discharged his duty in subscribing for "the best paper in the county," and not be under the necessity of BORROWING the Record, as everybody around here must have it. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 5th, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, December 8, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:--Jo. Rader is now feeding a lot of beeves to be delivered January 1st. T. B. Higinbotham of Big Butte was in town Saturday, as was also Mr. Tey of Flounce Rock. John Nichols, one of our beef men and stock raisers, drove off a number of beef cattle one day last week. Miss Mamie Wiley, one of our most estimable young ladies, is spending the week with Mrs. James M. Lewis. Mrs. A. L. Haselton, wife of our preceptor, is expecting one of her brothers, Mr. McCord, from Lake County, on a visit today. I learn that A. Pool has purchased another tract of land on the desert adjoining his place on sticky. Particulars next week. F. B. Inlow has had W. R. Potter repairing the foundation of the hall by removing the old, decayed timbers and putting good solid rock foundation in its place. Rev. Mr. Yocum, brother to the late Mrs. J. Digman, who is sojourning among us at present, is very much pleased with our country and thinks that our future is promising. Last Saturday night some of the young folks met at the Eagle Hotel and spent the evening playing pleased or displeased, GRUNT, etc. Some of them thought it was fine. None of the boys have sore lips now. David Hendry, who has been living in our town for a number of years, sold out and moved into Josephine County; but yesterday he returned and settled down in his old home, paying rent therefor, as he says he can live so much cheaper here than there. The chickens will come home to roost. Timmie Dugan, a young man living with John Young, has had a felon on the palm of his hand which has caused him a great deal of suffering. He went to Jacksonville to have it opened and the operation caused him so much pain that it was necessary for him to remain there several days. He has just returned home. Last Thursday a number of the young bloods got up a shooting match for an oyster supper and the result was the small game all over this part of the country was in commotion. Two young men by the same of Birk and Skeel, of Medford, visited the lower Butte Creek country and at last accounts they had about 350 points. Claud White, who has been working in the Butte Creek mill, commenced plowing for A. Pool with the understanding that if he gave out (plowing sticky is hard work) he was to board him a week, and now Claud is a regular boarder, walking as though his right leg was two inches shorter than his left. Pool has two young ladies waiting on the table. A short time ago a young lady and gentleman started to go to church, at night, and when they came to a gate (there are plenty of them in this part of the country) the gent attempted to get out of the cart but the young lady gave him a push over the wheel, and he came to the conclusion that she tried to kill him so that she could go with the preacher. No arrests. I am truly sorry to be under the necessity of chronicling the fact that it appears as though it will be unavoidable, that we will have to give up our ex-county commissioner, C. W. Taylor, as his health is so poor that it is feared that he will have to change climate and go into a higher altitude. We are loath to give him up, but such is fate. He is now confined to his room. A great many if not all of the young folks are very much interested in a load that our mail carrier brought out the other day for our enterprising postmaster. It consisted of nuts, candies, cigars and everything that the young folks need at the dance they are going to have at the hall on the night of the 23rd. With all that candy etc., and Mrs. Pool's good supper, they ought to enjoy themselves. A short time ago there were two ladies (?) visited the community, ostensibly for the purpose of selling or peddling books, but they went by so many ALIASES that some of the inquisitive are anxious to know who they are or whether they are anybody, for at one house they went by the name of Misses H. and at another by the name of Misses K. and C. But they happened to meet with a BUTTE CREEKER who recognized them and so their game was played. If they see this they will know better than [to] try to play Butte Creekers for GREENIES. Eagle Point, Dec. 12, '92. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, December 15, 1892, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Items.
RECORD:--Irvin Pool, youngest son of A. Pool, was on the sick list Xmas eve. As we have had a merry Christmas, I wish your numerous readers a happy New Year. A. L. Haselton has the material on the ground to put a new fence around his garden. I am sorry to say that C. W. Taylor's health is so poor as to keep him confined to his bed. We expect a little excitement over a lawsuit between A. Pool and John Pelling. Result later. Mrs. Clara Marsters has gone to Douglas County to visit her sisters, Mrs. Conn and Mrs. Steckles. Miss Emma Perry, of Big Butte. who is now living in Medford, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daley. Jo Rader, one of our leading stockmen, is to deliver a lot of beef cattle this week to some of our local beef buyers. Miss Cora Brown, who has been spending some time in British Columbia, has returned to Portland to spend the winter. Last Monday night Prof. A. L. Haselton and wife gave a party for the benefit of the young folks. There were twenty-five invitations sent out and some twenty or more accepted the invitation; among those invited were some of the members of Mr. Lou Tucker's family who brought their musical instruments and the evening was spent in a very instructive manner. All were highly delighted. During the past week some of the mischievous boys or girls or at least someone (I suppose through pure mischief) removed Dr. Stanfield's tin sign from his office door and placed it on an outbuilding. Although no doubt it was done in sport, such conduct must not be tolerated, and I am glad to say that this community does not sanction such pranks. The Xmas fights commenced last Saturday afternoon between M. S. Woods and Zara Dahack over a cow that Woods had been feeding for about two years without posting. The "lie" was given by Woods and then Dahack began to retreat and Woods followed him up until he raised the Kentucky blood in Dahack, when he implanted his fist into Woods' face, making an ugly cut. No arrests up to date. Since my last Christmas has come, with all its cares, joys and disappointments. The grand ball announced in the Record was pronounced a grand success. There were only eighteen numbers sold, but what was there had a very pleasant time and about all went home the next morning feeling that they had got their money's worth. The supper prepared by Mrs. A. Pool is highly spoken of; and the boys kept themselves as straight as could be expected. Well, our Xmas festivities was a grand success--the finest and most interesting entertainments we have had for years. Although there was an opposition Xmas tree, about all the effect produced was the absence of a few, making room for the crowd that filled the spacious hall. And right here I wish to say that a large majority of the citizens of this place and neighborhood feel like tendering a vote of thanks to the leading ones who worked so faithfully to make the occasion the grand success that it was; and we will take the liberty of saying that Misses Celia and Lottie Brown and Miss Amy Safford, three of our leading young ladies, A. J. Florey and wife, Mrs. A. L. Haselton and Mrs. A. Pool deserve especial credit for their untiring efforts in raising funds for the purpose of defraying the expenses and laboring to decorate the tree, while a number of the young men received all the assistance in their power to help the cause along and Mr. A. J. Florey kindly GAVE a number of ornaments for decorating purposes, and they are saved for next year. It is universally conceded that Prof. A. L. Haselton is entitled to a great deal of praise for the manner in which he trained the children for the literary exercises on the occasion. The exercises were commenced with a song by the Eagle Point school, which was well rendered; then prayer by Rev. Yocum, then the opening address by A. C. Howlett; then came songs, recitations and dialogues, which were all well rendered. At the close Mr. Yocum made some very appropriate remarks, complimenting us on the advancements we had made and especially an the REMARKABLE GOOD BEHAVIOR WE HAD. There were a number of presents on the tree and almost every child in the neighborhood received something; none were intentionally omitted. A. Pool received a large HOMEMADE DOLL that he appreciated very highly, and the boys had lots of fun over little Irvin Pool's little bedfellow. During the exercises the school children presented Prof. A. L. Haselton with a neat watch chain and charm as a token of their high esteem. About 10 o'clock we all retired well pleased and anticipating a grand reunion on the twenty-fourth of next December. DICK. Eagle Point, Dec. 24, 1892. Valley Record, Ashland, December 29, 1892, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Fish are
said to be quite
plentiful in Antelope Creek, and numerous parties are engaged in
corralling the beauties.Blacksmith Robinett reports plow lays rolling his way with such velocity as to keep him hurrying mightily to keep ahead of his work. I saw 'Squire Johnson hurrying around town this week with a bundle of papers under his arm--evidently the legal mill was getting in shape to turn out a grist. The small people--the REAL little folks--had a pleasant party at Mr. C. W. Taylor's place Monday night. Knowing the hospitality of Mr. Taylor's people, we will vouch for their having had a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. are entertainers of the right stamp. Nearly the whole farming community here rolled up their coat sleeves and are now turning themselves loose at plowing. Very little wheat was sown hereabouts last fall, owing to the lateness of the usual rainfall, but most of them declare that wheat sown in February will "pan out" as well as that sown in the fall. ----
late for last week.)
Starns preached at Eagle Point last Sunday evening.Dr. Stanfield reports the health of this neighborhood in good shape. Mr. Williscroft has put out about five hundred apple trees this winter. The young people are having dances every week at Eagle Point and Brownsboro alternately. Thinking a few items from Eagle Point would interest some of your reader, I venture to send you some. We have had cold, frosty mornings here for ten days past, with some fog. Thermometer stands at about 20 above at sunrise. A petition has been sent to the county superintendent of schools asking him to retrain our Eagle Point teacher in the matter of having older scholars hear the younger classes recite. The attendance at school is about forty scholars. TALKO.
Southern Oregon Mail,
February 3, 1893, page 1Eagle Point Eaglets.
Six inches
of snow.John Ashpole and wife, who have been to Portland for a month, have returned. He ought to be Happy if He Hath Heaps of Hay--Let 'er go H or Gallagher, either. Feed is scarce. Mountain ranchers are bringing their stock down to the valley to feed. A detached and delayed company of that surprise party got in on C. W. Taylor again last Friday night. Had a shooting match and raffle in town last Saturday afternoon. Shot for chickens, turkeys, coin and various articles. Geo. Heckathorn got in some good shots with his rifle and was rewarded accordingly. A pony was raffled off. Bill Norton was the lucky man. TALKO.
Southern Oregon Mail,
February 10, 1893, page 3An Important Proposition.
Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1893, page 3
At the meeting of the city council last Monday evening a proposition
was submitted to the city authorities by C. H. Leadbetter and son, who
have secured control of the R.R.V.R.R. and now intend to extend the
road at an early date to the headwaters of Rogue River, going via Eagle
Point. They are making preparations to put in a thorough system of
irrigating canals in the valley, to cover all the territory lying below
the level of their ditch, which will convey water from Big and Little
Butte creeks, and will circle around the valley at a level a little
below the town of Talent. They made a proposition to furnish
Jacksonville with free water for fire, town and park purposes, and to
provide faucets at $1 each for private use, provided the town will
guarantee the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000, to bear 6
percent. payable in twenty years, to be given the company as a bonus,
upon the completion of the work, which they will undertake to have
completed and in operation by the first day of September, 1894. The
proposition also covers electric lights for the city and private use,
at a stipulated rate per month. The company professes to be amply able
to carry out the work with their own means, and only ask that the bonus
be guaranteed them upon its completion. It is well worth consideration,
as with an abundant supply of water and electric lights this place
would yet be of great local importance, to say nothing of being the
pleasantest residence locality in Oregon. The main canal of the company
is intended to be over one hundred miles in length. Big Butte Creek
will furnish an abundance of water.
Eagle Point Eaglets.
The roads
are as muddy now as they ever get.A few hours of sunshine every day indicate the near approach of spring. Mr. Haselton, the teacher of our school, had a spelling bee last Friday night. The jackrabbits are quite numerous here and are doing some damage to young fruit trees. It is reported that Dave Mim's dogs killed a coyote one night last week. Dave has a band of sheep, which probably accounts for the presence of the coyote in that neighborhood. Your readers in this section are well pleased with the change in the makeup and material of the Mail, and if the editor has struck a gait that he can maintain, we think that he can "git there Eli," and no mistake about it. TALKO.
Southern Oregon Mail,
February 17, 1893, page 3Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. A. J.
Florey has been on the sick list, but is recovering.A little child of Geo. Daily has had erysipelas for a few days. Grandma Burdick is very sick with something like the dropsy Dan and Sophie Simmons paid a flying trip to Medford last Thursday. Merchant Smith, of Brownsboro, has sold out his store and will leave soon. Mr. Crump had a cow so badly gored by another that he had to shoot it. Miss Emma Perry, who has been at Medford for two weeks under medical care, has been brought to Eagle Point on her way home to Big Butte. Mr. Graham and surveyor Howard were visitors in our town last week. They went up Little Butte Creek toward Mount Pitt as far as the snow would permit. Everybody is greatly elated over the prospects for a railroad from Medford and some are insisting that [the] Central Point flume will be built also. If such a wave of prosperity should strike Eagle Point its many attractions and advantages as a farming and fruit section would not be left in a dark corner any longer. The school meeting notice in Eagle Point district notifies the voter that a proposition to bond the district for $1,500 for the purpose of building a new school house will be voted upon. It is proposed to build and equip a two-story building for a graded school in Eagle Point. The enterprise and forethought of the present school board are to be commended and we hope there will not be a dissenting voice to the above proposition. TALKO.
Medford Mail, March
3, 1893, page 2Eagle Point Eaglets.
The party
last Friday night was well attended.La grippe victims this week are Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Parliament and a little son of Mr. Crump. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caton were visitors to our town on Friday last. Mr. Caton reports good success with that new stump puller. Ladies of Butte Creek are hunting in all the corners and boxes for garden seeds. Garden making is the order of business this fine weather. The school district north of here on the river is building a new school house [with a] 20x30 box frame--a great improvement over the present school house. The Central Point Flume Co. was represented in our town last Saturday by F. T. Fradenburg and the engineer of the company. They assured our citizens that the flume would be put in. P. C. Parliament and wife have disposed of all their personal property here and were packed up ready to start for South Dakota, but were taken suddenly with "grippe" and had to postpone the trip indefinitely. They expected to make their future home in that country. The school meeting passed off quietly. A good attendance on hand. The voters chose Mr. John Williscroft as director in place of M. S. Wood, whose term expired. The new board of directors have engaged Mr. E. P. Elliott, a teacher of much experience, and who holds a first-class certificate from California. The three months' term commences two weeks hence, and the wages agreed upon are $50 per month. The vote upon the bond question was postponed for one year. TALKO.
Medford Mail, March
10, 1893, page 2Eagle Point Eaglets.
A lady lecturer delivered a lecture in Eagle Point last Thursday
eventing. Subject: Foreign missions.… Rev. Starns
preached to us on
Saturday evening and Rev. Downing on Sunday morning and
evening.… Del. Terrill, from Brownsboro, was on our streets
Saturday.… The boys are
organizing a baseball nine and are already discussing the important
question, who shall we challenge?.… The mill company has
and otherwise improving the mill race and are anxiously awaiting an
improved condition of the roads so they can lessen their immense pile
of flour and feed already on hand.… Phil Parliament and
for Waterville, S.D. last week. They expect to make that place their
future home. The good wishes of their many friends here go with
A. S. Johnson, a real estate man of Medford, was showing this part of
the country to a gentleman from Illinois last week.… Those
with the grippe this week are Mrs. Crump, Wm. Betz, Mrs. Williscroft,
John Watkins, Gus Nichols, and Mr. Elliott.… The school will
one week on account of Mr. Elliott's illness.… Ben.
down from the mountains last week.… Ed. Simmons is down from
Top ranch and says that his cattle came through in excellent condition,
having lost but one.… The flume surveyors have crossed
Creek, about two miles above town, and are now out on Reese Creek.
There are six in the party.… The people around here are
sanguine as they might be regarding the Central Point flume. We are all
anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Medford railroad project. We
believe that the cheapest and best way to get the lumber out of these
mountains is by rail.TALKO.
Medford Mail, March
24, 1893, page 2
Eagle Point Eaglets.
Quite a
wind and rain storm passed over this section on Sunday afternoon.Mrs. Holmes, of Jacksonville, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, here last week. Mr. Jonas, one of our resident school teachers, has taken a school in the district north of here. Bob Potter is getting out foundation rock for S. Robinett, who is building a nice little barn, 30x40 feet. M. S. Wood has sold to Thos. Nichols a band of stock hogs. Mr. Nichols will fat them for the June market. A. L. Haselton, our ex-teacher and also resident here, has taken the school over on Antelope for the spring term. Mr. Elliott is giving excellent satisfaction in the school and we predict for him another term right here in the same line. Prof. Camble [Campbell? Gamble?] passed through town on Saturday last on his way to Big Butte, where he is engaged to teach the district school. D. P. Dodge, the man who penetrates the cavity of mother earth for pure water, was rustling for business in these parts last week. S. H. Holt was in this vicinity last week distributing Medford Business College journals and otherwise working up an interest in that institution. The flume survey party have run one line up Rogue River, and have returned to the mouth of Reese Creek, and have commenced a line up that creek. A petition to the county commissioners, soliciting aid to improve the wagon road from Central Point north to the bridge across Rogue River, was circulated and quite generally signed in this locality. Mrs. Iler's two little girls, aged 6 and 8 years, are to be sent to the orphans' home as soon as the committee appointed have secured enough money to bear the expenses of the trip. Mrs. Doc. Whitney, who is here visiting with her mother, has the matter in charge. The party here last Friday evening was well attended. Some visitors to the ball games stayed over to enjoy the fun. The ball game above referred to was a game played here between the Phoenix boys and the Eaglets. The game resulted in favor of the visitors. TALKO.
Medford Mail,
April 7, 1893, page 2Eagle Point Eaglets.
"Doctor Terry" has left for parts unknown. His family is here yet.Mrs. C. W. Taylor has been quite sick for several days, but is better now. Dan Simmons is also on the sick list. E. J. Storey has been re-sowing some of his fall grain. "Sticky" farmers have been much hindered this spring in seeding, on account of the wet weather. John Winningham, while splitting pickets for John Daley, up on Elk Creek, received a severe cut on the wrist, severing an artery. He came down for medical assistance. The Simon family, mother, three sons and two daughters, were greatly and agreeably surprised by the arrival of John Simon, of Colorado. John has been away for twenty-two years. He stayed away so long that he did not know his brothers and sisters, who were quite small children when he went away; in fact two of them, Peter and Sophia, were born after he left home, and even his mother did not know him. There were but three houses in Eagle Point when he used to tramp these hills. John is a miner and operates a good silver mine in Colorado, but says he is coming back to Jackson County to live. Medford Mail, April 14, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Pelton and his deputy passed through town on Saturday.Jas. Fryer, who has been sick for a couple of weeks, is now able to be about again. Miss Jennie Heckathorn, who has been making a visit of a couple of months at her sister's, Mrs. Megley's, has got home again. H. L. Pech, of Prospect, was down here attending to his farm that he bought last fall. Mr. Pech says that the grass is much better and further advanced at his Prospect ranch than is is here. We had two heavy frosts here last week. It will thin out the early-blooming peaches a little. On the whole, the frost will do more good than harm, as the majority of the bloom is not enough advanced to be injured unless by a hard freeze. An immense hotel is being put up at Prospect for the accommodation of travelers to Crater Lake. There is some talk of putting up another somewhere about the mouth of Elk Creek. It will be two and one-half days by stage from the railroad to Crater Lake, hence it will be necessary to have two stopping places for travelers. TALKO.
Medford Mail,
April 21, 1893, page
2For Sale or Exchange.
For real estate in Hanford or land near said city, I will exchange, or
will sell, 300 acres of good land, part cultivated and part timber,
located at Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon. 93 town lots are
included in the ranch and there is a good house of 7 rooms, barn,
outhouses, etc., farm all fenced; 4 acres of orchard. For further
particulars inquire at Mrs. Green's millinery store, Axtell block,
Hanford Journal, Hanford,
California, May 2, 1893, page
4Eagle Point Eaglets.
Lottie Brown is visiting with her sister in Jacksonville.Constable Pool visited Brownsboro on official business a few days ago. Frank Brown is going to take the road for the Economy Flour Bin soon. Sydney Smith, of Brownsboro, was doing business in justice's court last week. Doctor Stanfield was called to Brownsboro on a professional visit last Friday night. Teachers Jonas, Elliott and Haselton were attending the institute at Medford last week. Grandma Burdick has been removed to Grants Pass by her daughter, Mrs. Doc. Whitney. Rev. Oglesby preached here last Sunday. Sabbath school was organized also at the same time. Messrs. Severence, Tryer, Shock, Taylor, Brown, Daley and Pool were attending court at Jacksonville last week. The mill company are putting in some improvements in the shape of an additional small wheel for light work. They are now digging the tail race. Your correspondent met "Dick" of the Valley Record while he was making his roundup of items last week. Dick is an itemizer of no small dimensions. The subscription for the purpose of sending the little Iler girls to the orphans' home is progressing. Ten dollars was yet wanting when your correspondent saw the paper. The store at Brownsboro has changed hands once more, Mr. Hess retiring in favor of Jas. Bell, who has moved down and will dispense good things to the needy at the old stand. Jerry Heckathorn has been with the flume surveyors for a month. They are now on Rocky Hill at the head of Reese Creek. The surveyors have three pets in camp, three little cubs. The old bear and cubs were run up a tree; the old one got away, but they cut the tree down and got the little inexperienced ones. Your correspondent saw a curiosity the other day. It was a three-legged chicken, and the property of Miss Mattie Taylor. The leg extraordinary is attached to the chicken between the two natural legs. The "extra" is full size and shape except the division of the toes, otherwise the little chick is healthy and well formed. It is of the Wyandotte persuasion, and if it lives it will make a kicker. TALKO.
Medford Mail, May
12, 1893, page 4Eagle Point Eaglets.
chickens and strawberries are ripe.The Medford baseball team are to play the Eaglets this afternoon. A sewing machine agent is finding customers for his goods in this neighborhood. The Central Point vocalists were out here to entertain our music-loving public a few nights ago. Miss Cora Brown is expected home in a few days after an absence of twelve months in Portland. A slight frost last week nipped the corn leaves, potato tops and tomato plants, but did no serious damage. Wm. Daley is doing the carpenter work at the mill. A machinist from Illinois is putting in the mill machinery. Many of our people are attending the Methodist protracted meeting now being held at Antelope church by Rev. Starns, assisted by Rev. Moore. The Decoration Day exercises are in progress as I write. There are five schools represented, and they are having a nice time with decorations, martial and vocal music. John Williscroft has filed a water right of 3000 inches to be taken out of Little Butte Creek for mill and manufacturing purposes. He gets a fall of 25 feet in one-half mile. We came nearly having a pugilistic exercise at the post office on Sunday. If it had not been for the extreme good nature of one of the parties we might have had a good item this week. A. O. Rose, J. B. Cannon and C. A. Sprandel, from Roseburg, passed up Little Butte Creek last Saturday, bound for Crater Lake and Fish Lake, on a hunting and prospecting tour. They are anxious to supply themselves with venison and very anxious to find a bear. They have two very good hunting hounds along, and after doing up the eastern part on Jackson County will pass on to Klamath Falls, thence to Lakeview. TALKO.
Medford Mail, June
2, 1893, page 1Eagle Point Eaglets.
harvest is here in full force.Young potatoes will do to use now. The young ladies of Eagle Point are forming a baseball club. Eli Dahack has been quite sick for the last week but is much better now. Geo. Brown and wife are expecting to start for the world's fair before long. Thos. Nichols has moved his stock sales from Eagle Point to his ranch. There was a slight frost on the night of the 8th and 11th of this month. No harm done. Mr. Daley is putting in stock scales in the Point for the accommodation of the public. The Eagle Point irrigation company have started their ditch to running for the season's work. Miss Lizzie Crump stepped on a bed of hot coals of fire and her feet were severely burned. She is able to be about again. Dan Simon and Park Denim have taken an agency for the Economy Flour Bin and have gone to Umatilla County to canvass for the same. Rev. Oglesby, of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, preached at the school house in the forenoon last Sunday and at the Mound school house in the afternoon. The protracted meeting being held by Revs. Starns and Moore is at Antelope church and not Eagle Point, as stated in the personal columns of the Mail last week. Miss Cora Brown, who has been in Portland for eleven months past, arrived home last Saturday accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Guerin and children, of Portland. Mrs. Guerin is visiting at Jacksonville this week. Mr. C. B. Callender, a student of San Francisco theological seminary, who is organizing Sunday schools in Southern Oregon, visited the Eagle Point school last Sunday in [the] forenoon and went to Brownsboro and started a Sunday school there in the afternoon. He goes from here to Grants Pass, via Sams Valley. TALKO.
Medford Mail, June
23, 1893, page 1Eagle Point Eaglets.
Lewis cut eight acres on hay last Sunday.Dolph Carleton had a sick horse in town last Friday. Geo. Brown and Mr. Pool made a flying trip to Jacksonville last week. John Williscroft was acting as constable in Justice Court last week. Jack Compton was in town with a lot of nice strawberries on Friday. Judge J. W. Ward, of Medford, was visiting relatives at Eagle Point last week. Attorney Colvig, of Jacksonville, was attending Justice Court at Eagle Point on Friday of last week. Ben Wilkinson and wife, who live in the Big Butte country, were visiting in Eagle Point over Sunday. Horace Ish's cattle camp over on Big Butte was burned down last week and all the cabin contained was lost. The house of Mr. Ingleman, over on Big Butte, was broken into during his absence and his provisions, bedding and a few carpenter tools were stolen. Rev. F. J. Edmunds, of Klamath Falls, preached to an appreciative audience in the school house in Eagle Point last Sunday at 11 a.m. Ed. Simon was peddling some very good beef last week. He expects to make it his business to keep the town and vicinity in good, fresh meat all summer. A party consisting of Jas. Fryer, wife and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas, son and daughter, Miss Cora Brown, Miss Lottie Brown and Miss Mattie Taylor, went to the mountains near old Round Top last week, in quest of strawberries--were out three days and nights--and got what they went after. Rain commenced falling at midnight on last Wednesday night and continued steadily until noon the next day, had a good soaking rain and was duly appreciated by our people. We learn through private sources that the fruit crop of Northern California is a failure, that what was a promising crop early in the spring has now disappeared from the orchards through the agency of hot winds. Why will people stay in that scorching, baked and sunburnt country spending their time, money and energy trying to raise fruit, when here in Southern Oregon where we have no hot winds (or cold ones either) and where all kinds of fruit is easily and cheaply produced? TALKO.
Medford Mail, June
30, 1893, page 4Eagle Point Eaglets.
Howard was
at work up Rogue River on Tuesday of last week.Unless it warms up pretty soon this summer will go on record as the cool one. Court Hall, of Central Point, who rides a velocipede, came out winner in a race with the stage to our town last Thursday. Mrs. D. T. Ewen and children, who have been visiting at Flounce Rock, up on Rogue River, with relatives, have returned home. The bill poster for the big show at Medford was here ornamenting the side of Mr. Pool's barn with the highly colored wonders of the show. Wheat harvest is here, and there will not be near so many bushels threshed this year as common as nearly everything was converted into hay. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton started for Washington state last Wednesday for a short visit to Mrs. Clayton's mother. Ed. Richards has charge of the ranch during their absence. Sam'l. Potter has had charge of a party of land hunters and home seekers for three or four days. They are from Minnesota, and have fallen into the right hands, as Sam knows all the hills and valleys of this beautiful country. Rev. F. J. Edmunds preached a fine sermon to our people at the school house last Sunday at 11, and will be with us again on next Sunday at [the] same hour, and if properly supported will accept this as a field of work for next year. G. Matthews, the lately married, is hauling in lots of lumber on to his place, for the purpose of adding to his house--building a wood shed and smokehouse. If married life brings such spirit on improvement along with it, it would be well for a few more of our old batches to get hitched in with a partner for life. A party of lady botanists were camped over the Fourth at Mr. Crump's place. They were from California and were securing samples of every shrub and flower, which will be sent to the college students of Germany and Spain. They procured some splendid specimens of dog-fennel and tar weed which they preserved--roots, branches and flowers. We are pleased to read the assurance of the Mail in regard to the proposed railroad, and if it should strike our little town it would afford us the conveniences of travel and easy communication with the rest of the world, besides inducing a healthy emigration to our cheap lands and stock ranges. We do not boast of any mines, but for fruit and grain farming no part of Jackson County excels Eagle Point and vicinity, and we have unlimited water for power and irrigation. TALKO
Medford Mail,
July 21, 1893, page 4Eagle Point Eaglets.
funeral of Mrs.
Baldwin occurred at Brownsboro last Friday.Several families were attending camp meeting at Central Point last Sunday. Rev. Edmunds preached again on last Sunday and left an appointment for next Sunday also. The first ripe peaches were picked last week and are like the first few big drops before a shower--much noticed. The railroad party passed here in good order last Friday, and camped two miles above Eagle Point for the night. Grandpa and Grandma Lewis were made glad on Sunday by the arrival of their relatives, Mrs. McDaniels, son and daughter, and Mrs. T. Barneburg. Married--at Squire Johnstons, on Thursday the 20th of July, James H. Baker and Miss Emma Tungate, all of Big Butte. The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends. Married--At the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. A. C. Howlett, July 23, 1893, John A. Baker of Lake County, and Miss Sarah M. Simpson, of Big Butte precinct, Willow Creek. TALKO
Died July
20, 1893,
at the family residence in Brownsboro,
Jackson County, Oregon, Mrs. Jane A. Baldwin, wife of Thomas Baldwin,
aged 65 years, 3 months, 13 days. The subject of the above notice
was born in the state of Pennsylvania, April 7, 1828, and was married
on the 7th of June, 1849. She has been a resident of the state of
Oregon for a
number of years, having lived in Brownsboro and vicinity long enough to
win the affection and confidence of a large circle of friends. She
leaves a number of grown children and a devoted husband to await
the grand reunion beyond the confines of the tomb.Dearest
mother, thou hast left us,
A. C. H.Here thy loss we deeply feel, But 'tis God who hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. Medford Mail, July 28, 1893, page 4 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Miss Eva
Lain, of
Hamburg, Calif., is here upon a visit to Miss Evans.That was a right social dance the young people had a Eagle Point last Saturday night. Everything passed off smoothly--no whiskey, consequently no carousing. Miss Nichols, of Sams Valley, recently returned from the Big Butte country at which place she has been to visit her stepfather, H. H. Mitchell, who is teaching school in that locality. Mr. Peyton has a cousin visiting him from Kansas. The gentleman is now at Leeds for a brief visit. He is clear gone on the Rogue River Valley and wants to locate here. The opportunity is his as is also a hearty welcome. Died:--On August 4th, Arthur, five-year-old son of Frank and Elizabeth Ditsworth. Funeral took place at Grandpa Betz', on Rogue River, last Saturday. About three weeks ago the young fellow was playing in the road and pushing a stick in the dust, holding one end against him. The stick struck a stone and so bruised his person as to cause an abscess to form in his stomach and from the effects of which he died. TALKO
Medford Mail,
August 11, 1893, page 1 supplementEagle Point Eaglets. Mrs. John Daley, from Elk Creek, is at the Point visiting her many friends. Sam Robinett and family are going to the coast for a few days visit and rest. Two threshing machines are in the neighborhood and another in expected soon. Assessor Long is placing a valuation on all property, visible and otherwise, that he can find in this precinct this week. A post office fight is on. Two petitions are in circulation and each of them gives the applicant on the other one a black eye. Wheat is not turning out as good as usual. Mr. Jonas reports 31 bushels to the acre, which is the best yield heard of so far around here. A petition to the directors of the Eagle Point school is in circulation requesting them not to hire A. L. Haselton as teacher of the Eagle Point school. The Misses Gallaher, sisters of Mrs. Snyder, one from Portland and the other from Pittsburgh, Pa., via the world's fair, were visiting in this vicinity last week. Walker Lewis had the misfortune to get one of his eyes badly hurt last week. He was repairing a header box and a piece of wire struck him in the eye. Dr. Geary afforded him some relief. The day was hot, the shade was tempting. Frank Lewis lay down to rest, a four-bit piece rolled out of his pocket and fell down a crack in "sticky." Frank had to get a pick, grubbing hoe and a shovel and work his way down three feet before he recovered the silver. Mrs. Geo. Brown started for Portland last Friday to visit her daughter. Mr. Brown will arrange his business so as to follow in about a week, and then they will go on the the world's fair at Chicago. They will visit relatives in Chicago, and Mrs. Brown will see her mother whom she has not seen for thirty-five years TALKO.
Medford Mail, August
25, 1893, page 1Eagle Point Eaglets.
Nye, of Flounce Rock, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Storey.Mr. von der Hellen, the postmaster of Wellen, was in Eagle Point the first of the week. D. T. Ewen and family and E. J. Storey have been rusticating in the hills for a week. Mr. Obenchain, the genial postmaster of Big Butte, was doing business in our town on Monday. Mrs. Henry Brown sold 700 bushels of her old wheat in order to make room for the new crop to be threshed soon. E. J. Storey thinks he will have 20 tons of Hungarian prunes on his few trees. The neighbors are drying them on the shares. Rev. Edmunds preached to a full house last Sunday, and announced that he would be away during all the month of September. Mr. Bell, merchant and postmaster of Brownsboro, was having some wheels repaired at Eagle Point blacksmith shop on Monday. Jerry Heckathorn reports that Eagle Point berries are plenty in the mountains. Three of their party gathered twenty gallons in three hours. Doctor Stanfield reports the sick of the community as all doing well. Slight attacks of fever is the general complaint, caused perhaps by the hot weather. TALKO.
I see by yours of the 25th of Aug. where you speak of having a branch
of a French prune tree that has grown just nine feet, etc. Now I have
in my orchard prunes that were grafted the 19th day of March, 1892,
that are literally loaded with fruit, and the branches have to be
propped to keep them from breaking. If you don't believe it, come over
and eat some of the prunes and see for yourself.A.
Medford Mail,
September 1, 1893, page 1 supplementEagle Point Eaglets.
Had a nice
little shower on Tuesday morning.Jonas and Potter are on the sick list this week. Miss Amy Safford is going to attend the business college at Medford for one term. Mrs. A. G. Johnston and children have been spending the week in Medford, visiting relatives and friends. Miss Alva McDonald was visiting at her mother's, Mrs. Pool, over Sunday. She commenced a term of school at the Lone Tree school house on last Monday. Mr. Grieve had the misfortune to lose one of his dry houses by fire, on last Friday morning, and it had six or eight hundred pounds of fruit in it. He is repairing and rebuilding it. Your correspondent had the pleasure of sampling some of the nicest peaches in the world lately. They are the product of W. C. Taylor's fine orchard. They are of the Briggs seedling variety and as large as the largest. Many hogs are changing hands now. Consideration, 4 cents. Mrs. Simmons sold fifty head to W. H. Bradshaw. M. S. Wood sold his to Plymale of Medford. The low price of wheat will induce many farmers to feed their wheat to hogs. John Velby, a traveling photographer, has erected his tent in the yard at the Pioneer Hotel. He is from Eugene, via Gold Hill and Sams Valley--will be here about ten days, and goes from here to Medford. The quality of his work insures him a good trade. TALKO.
Medford Mail,
September 15, 1893, page 1 supplementThere is considerable discord in Eagle Point district, a portion of the patrons of the school favoring the employment of Prof. Haselton as teacher, while the balance are opposed thereto. The latter have filed a protest against engaging Mr. Haselton's services with Supt. Price. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1893, page 3 Eagle Point Eaglets
J. D. Gray
reports plenty of bear in the foothills.---- BY TALKO. G. B. Matthews was thrown from his horse last Thursday afternoon and two of his ribs were broken. Hugh Brown, father of Hon. O. C. Brown, of Roseburg, has been visiting the families of Chauncey Nye of Prospect and A. J. Florey of Eagle Point. Chas. and Wm. Lindsey, Dr. VanValza, Geo. Irvin and Marcus Chesley, of Ashland, were over last week fishing in Little Butte. They enjoyed the hospitality of A. C. Howlett, caught about a dozen fish and had a good time generally. Ed. Hoyt met with quite a serious accident last Tuesday week. He was on horseback and giving chase to another horse, which had thrown its rider, and in turning a corner his horse ran so close to a tree that Frank's body and face struck the tree and he was quite badly bruised. Drs. Officer and Geary were called and the patient was made easy and will undoubtedly recover. Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 1 Brownsboro-Butte Creek Splashings.
Phillips Bros. are delivering a few
thousand good shakes for sale in this market.---- BY BETH. P. Farlow, of Lake Creek, made a call in town on his way home, after being dismissed from the recent grand jury. Story Miller, who has been out at Bly, Klamath County, returned to his home in Brownsboro a few days since. James Bell, juror from Brownsboro, visited home Saturday and Sunday, but returned to the county seat again Monday. A. Hoyt passed through town at midnight the 18th, making a momentary halt to inquire for temporary remedies for his son Eddie, who is at Big Butte and whom he hears is badly hurt by being thrown from a horse. F. Swingle and family, from Hainesville, Klamath County, who have been visiting relatives at Lake Creek, called today for a few minutes' friendly and farewell chat as they have started on their homeward journey. Nimrod Charley made us a call Sunday evening. He was moving from the Charley sawmill across the divide in the mountains, but unfortunately his team balked and Nim found it expedient, as he expressed it, to pull round about forty miles to get four. Our townsman, A. S. Jacobs and family, accompanied by Miss Lulu Miller and T. Baldwin, attended the lecture and picnic at Lake Creek today. They report the same to be "just fine." Mr. Rork also delivered an interesting lecture in Brownsboro this evening to a good-sized and appreciative audience. Medford Mail, September 29, 1893, page 1 Eagle Point Eaglets.
A light
frost, first of the season, on Oct. 1st.---- BY TALKO. Report says that our post office is to change hands soon, but we see no present signs of the awful change. The Medford dentists, the Demorest Bros., were out at Eagle Point last Monday on professional business. A string of wheat teams one quarter of a mile long was waiting at Eagle Point to unload wheat at our mill. Farmers are generally improving the opportunity for early plowing, and we predict a good stand on an increased acreage this fall of wheat. Mr. Crump has been experiencing the delights of bachelor life for a week during the absence of Mrs. Crump and the children, who were visiting relatives in Sams Valley. Medford Mail, October 6, 1893, page 1 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Joe Riley
has entered the sixth period of fatherhood. It's a boy.---- BY TALKO. Lee Black, of Etna, was doing business at our town last Wednesday. Considerable snow fell in the mountains during the showers last week. Mart Hurst was in town last week looking for a temporary residence. Have heard it said that there are no more empty houses in Eagle Point. Fred Barneburg was in Eagle Point last Saturday in quest of stock hogs. Old Mount Pitt has donned her winter garment once more, fresh, clean and white. Miss Amy Safford was out from Medford on Friday night attending the dance at Eagle Point. Elder Kahler, of the Methodist church will hold services at the school house in Eagle Point next Sunday night. Rumor has it that C. W. Taylor has been appointed deputy postmaster at Eagle Point under the Cleveland administration. Mrs. A. C. Howlett has been suffering with a blood-poisoned thumb, resulting from a severe cut in the end of it, and had to have it lanced. Everybody is very sorry to learn that Rev. Edmunds has been called to work in another field. What is probably good fortune for him is our misfortune. He goes to Woodburn. Mr. Yancey, a friend of C. W. Taylor, with his family arrived from Eastern Oregon last week. He rented the property lately vacated by Dr. Stanfield, and thinks he will be contented in this part of Eden. Mr. Frank W. Taylor and Miss Emily Smith were joined in the bonds of wedlock on Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1893, at the residence of the bride's parents on Rogue River, Squire A. G. Johnston officiating. These young people are well and favorably known here and have the best wishes of a long list of personal friends. Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 2 Brownsboro Items.
Snow is in sight on hills not far
distant.---- BY BETH. D. A. Presley and wife, of Klamath County, are visiting relatives in Brownsboro. Our carpenter, J. A. Miller, is now in Central Point working for Mr. Jacobs, who is erecting a dwelling in that place. Carl Stanley, who has been in California for some months past, has recently returned to the home of his parents. We are glad to welcome Carl. Our merchant, James Bell, starts for Medford in the morning with his coops laden with chickens. He declares he will glut the San Francisco markets before his return. D. Terrill delivered a load of his fat hogs to the butcher Wilkinson, of Medford, on the 14th. As he returned the rain was pattering down upon him in a manner that would have made an ordinary mortal feel pretty blue, but Delbert did not mind, he had the cash. T. Baldwin, our enterprising citizen, started for his ranch on Pool Mountain, but meeting with a breakdown had to return for repairs. He expects to start again in the morning and we wish him better success, as he has plans for quite extensive improvements for a place in that locality. Medford Mail, October 20, 1893, page 2 Brownsboro Items.
Farmers in this section are making a
determined effort to get in their fall crops.---- BY BETH. Mrs. Elva Miller, of this place, accompanied by Mrs. Verlinda Miller, visited Central Point on the 21st. We are glad to welcome E. Casto and family, formerly of Lake Creek, but who have removed to this place and will remain during the coming year. Mr. Frieze, of Central Point, passed through town this week en route for the hunting grounds of the Big Butte country. Mr. F. reports having killed three bears last week. J. Cook, who passed out towards the valley on the 22nd, also tells us of killing three others, so we may infer that bears are plentiful in that region. T. A. Culbertson, from Ft. Klamath, is visiting relatives in Brownsboro and vicinity. He intends taking home with him a winter supply of fruit and groceries. He was accompanied in by James Wiley, of Antelope, who has been sojourning a while in that part of the country, and who will also return with him, as he thinks of locating in that section. Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets
Johnston is attending school at Medford.---- BY TALKO. Born--To the wife of John Rader, a great big boy, on the 28th. Grandma Daley went up to Lake Creek on Sunday to pay a visit to her son. It is said the coyotes are picking up the lightweight pigs that are running the range. Mrs. Jerry Heckathorn, of Lake Creek, was visiting relatives near Eagle Point last week. Mrs. A. J. Florey has returned home from upper Rogue River, where she was visiting her father. Jim Howard, of Medford, was out hunting in our mountains and reports that he killed five bears. Tom Nichols and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Nichols' brother, Mr. Bradley, in Medford last week. The last race between Rob Smith of Big Sticky, and Burt Tungate, of Big Butte, resulted in the defeat of the former. Dick, of the Valley Record, came around and gave your correspondent a lift on items this week. Thanks, Dick, come again. Hired help for the farm must be very scarce, as I have seen two farmers hunting for help, and $20 per month is the price offered. John Caton came home from Montana last week. He brings a wife with him. They are going to the mines at Sterling for the winter. Judge Ward and wife, of Medford, in company with J. T. Wiley, wife and family, all relatives of A. G. Johnston, were visiting with friends at Eagle Point last week. Mr. Wiley has just moved up from California and will probably locate in this valley. While your correspondent was up on Rogue River one day last week, about eight miles north of Eagle Point, we had quite an experience with rattlesnakes. While camped at noon we struck out on a tour of discovery. This country with its fast-flowing streams, big rocks, hills and heavy timber, has quite an attraction for a man who has spent most of his life in the prairie country of Illinois and Nebraska, and so the first object to attract our attention was a massive pile of rocks nearby on the top of a little hill. From camp the rocks looked like a big stack of posts standing on end, and after scrambling up the foot of the cliff, [I] was surprised to find the whole side of the hill composed of columns of rock about one foot square, and all standing on end and from 20 to 40 feet in length, and stacked closely together. At the foot of the cliff was a pile of broken rock as if several of the columns had been thrown down and broken up, and on one side of the hill this pile of broken rock was covered with dry leaves fallen from the big oak trees nearby. It was a warm, sunshiny afternoon, and being a little winded after my climb, I sat down on a rock to rest. Pretty soon my attention was drawn by a rustling in the leaves nearby, but thinking it was crickets or lizards playing in the sun, [I] thought no more of it for a little time. But soon my attention was again attracted through the sense of smell, and as I sniffed the peculiar odor it reminded me of snakes, and I began to examine my surroundings, and there among the rocks and leaves I saw the rattlesnakes, big old rusty fellows. I picked up a rock and threw it in among them, when they took alarm and set up the warning rattle and slid down among the rocks out of sight, and as I did not care to stay long in such dangerous company I made all haste to get back to camp, and was glad to do so without again disturbing the snakes in their native retreat. Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 1 Eagle Point Eaglets
Nichols drove seven head of fat cows to market last week.---- BY TALKO. Mr. and Mrs. Williscroft made a flying trip to the county seat last Saturday. A trinket peddler was picking up nickels and dimes around Eagle Point last week. Mr. Stevenson, a farmer formerly of Grants Pass, has removed to the vicinity of Brownsboro. We had two pretty frosty nights last week. The thermometer was down to 18 degrees above zero. A hog buyer was around last week and secured a good lot of them at 4½ cents per pound. A photographer was soliciting work at Eagle Point last week, and about the time some of our people had saved money enough to get their pictures taken the photographer departed for Gold Hill. The post office changed hands on last Friday. A. J. Florey surrendered the office and all its belongings to S. G. Holmes and his deputy, C. W. Taylor. The office was moved across the street into the room lately vacated by Dr. Stanfield. The present management will put in a stock of notions and sundries next spring, so as to keep themselves busy while not occupied in distributing the mail. An otherwise pleasant little party at merchant Brown's on last Thursday evening turned out very unpleasantly and will perhaps end seriously to one of the guests. It appears that the younger members of the party indulged in a jack o' lantern show outside the rooms and Miss Gladius Fryer, who is very nervous, was so badly frightened that she fainted and has has a succession of hysterical fits for two or three days and is yet confined to her bed. Last Saturday, at 10 a.m., the residence of A. G. Johnston was discovered to be on fire. A. G. was in the field nearby plowing. The children gave alarm, but before A. G. could get to the house Mrs. Johnston had rushed upstairs with a bucket of water and by judicious and energetic work had the flames well under control, which were soon put out altogether. The fire originated from a defective stovepipe on the roof and a strip of roof four feet long on the comb was in flames. The only thing that saved the house was the fact that it was raining that morning. Medford Mail, November 10, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets
C. W.
Taylor finished sowing wheat on last Sunday.---- BY TALKO. D. T. Ewen drove two loads of hogs to Medford last week. John Nichols drove a fine gang of porkers to market last week. E. J. Story, while down in the valley after a load of wheat last week, had a congestive chill. A tramp called at George Clayton's quite early one morning last week and asked if they had anything left from breakfast. J. B. Gunn and E. B. McElroy, of the state school board, were in Eagle Point and vicinity last Saturday looking after school lands. Jerry Heckathorn lost a couple of hogs out of his load as he was going to Medford the other day. He has found only one of them at this date. Mrs. Morgan is circulating a subscription paper for the new Methodist preacher, Mr. Fysh. She had secured about $60 when your correspondent last heard from it. Phil Parliament, who went to South Dakota last spring, has sold his place here, consisting of five acres in fruit and alfalfa, to his bachelor uncle, who started for Oregon at once, and is due here now. Richard Fysh, from Ashland, who combines the callings of insurance agent and preacher, was in Eagle Point last Sunday and preached to a full house both morning and evening. Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 2 Brownsboro Items.
Two families of emigrants from near
Salem, Or., were over looking for farms to rent in this vicinity.---- BY BETH. Our people who have yet much hauling to do make constant complaints of the bad roads, owing to the unusual early rains this fall. John Stevenson, from near Grants Pass, is making his home here at present. He has rented land from Mrs. Brown, and will engage in farming during the coming year. Mr. Tucker, from Northeastern Oregon, visited Brownsboro on a fishing excursion on the 4th. He came to Southern Oregon for his health and thinks of locating in the valley. Medford Mail, November 24, 1893, page 2 Brownsboro Items.
Beale Bros., of Big Butte, have returned
home after a trip to Medford, where they had been delivering some beef
cattle.---- BY BETH. The late rains swelled the waters of our beautiful little stream, Butte Creek, and sent torrents washing through the marshes and sloughs of the adjacent country. James Bell, of Brownsboro, is visiting Owens Bros. of Big Sticky. He is looking after his interests in some hogs held and fattened by said brothers, and will doubtless return with some fine porkers. Mrs. Perry, of Big Butte, returned to her home of the 4th inst., after an extended visit at Medford, where she has been acting as nurse, taking care of her daughter, Miss Emma Perry, who has been very ill but who is rapidly recovering. One happy couple, Mr. Henry Reynolds, of Lake Creek, and Miss Mary Casto, of Brownsboro, celebrated Thanksgiving by having the nuptial knot tied. Kind wishes for a happy future is tendered them by their many friends. Medford Mail, December 7, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
has been sick for about a week.BY TALKO Butte Creek has been on a boom all the week owing to the hard rains lately. Amy Safford is dispensing clerk in the post office now, C. W. Taylor having resigned. Geo. Brown and wife returned from the East last week, where they had been visiting relatives and the world's fair. A representative of the Glose Medicine Co., of Kansas City, Mo., was introducing his medicines to our people last week. Master Frank Johnson is home from Medford, where he has been attending school. Come home to visit and recover from the grip. Geo. Neil, of Jacksonville, who has been appointed administrator of the Rees estate, was out here last Friday on official business. John Williscroft is setting out more land to apple trees this winter. He evidently believes in the big red apple of the near future as a money maker. Our drug store came very near changing hands the other day. Dr. Office was the intending purchaser. A price was agreed upon and the invoice made when "Joe" backed out, and would not sell. The bull that killed poor old Mr. Rees attacked Mr. Betz while driving by in a wagon. Mr. Betz would have had a bad time with him had not assistance been near. The boys ran and opened a gate and Mr. Betz, by doing some hard whipping, managed to outrun the bull and get inside without receiving serious injury. A neighbor went and got his gun and shot the bull. Medford Mail, December 8, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
children in
the neighborhood going barefoot yet.BY TALKO Ina Johnston is just recovering from a case of scarlet fever. A Christmas boat Santa Claus advertises for Eagle Point. A good time is expected. Harvey Inlow is sick with tonsillitis, but is improving under Dr. Stanfield's treatment. Postmaster Obenchain, of Big Butte, took a four-horse load of hogs down to Medford on last Friday. George Daley has purchased the Stanley saw mill and expects to run it next summer at old "Round Top," where he has an abundance of milling timber. Our public school has closed for the winter. For some reason we are short of funds and hence have a three months' term instead of a six months' term in winter. Medford Mail, December 22, 1893, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
C. W.
Taylor is
very sick. Doctor Officer is in attendance.BY TALKO Dick Daley is mining on his claim these days. He reports no luck as yet. The dancing element enjoyed themselves on Christmas night at Brownsboro. Wm. Cook of Lamont was down at Eagle Point doing trading the day after Christmas. The Christmas boat at the hall in Eagle Point was well attended and lots of nice things distributed among all the children of the community. A house north of Eagle Point belonging to the Matthews caught fire last week, but before much damage was done the neighbors rushed in and put the fire out. Mattie and Earl Taylor were driving a cart in the street of Eagle Point, and upon meeting another vehicle which refused to give half the road, the children were overturned. A severe fright was the only damage sustained. J. F. Patton and Mrs. Maggie E. Edmondson were married at the residence of the bride's parents on the 24th day of December, 1893, at 11o'clock, Squire Johnston officiating. There were present at the happy event, besides the bride's parents, the following gentlemen and their wives: Doc. Parker, Mr. Gebhart, John Allen, Lee Edmondson, Chas. Edmondson, Mr. Brockley. A splendid dinner was served and the company has a good time all around. As we are a very fast people and your regular correspondent from Eagle Point is off on a hunt, or practicing medicine or hunting a gold mine or otherwise engaged, I thought I might perhaps drop you a few lines to let your numerous readers know that of all the live places in Jackson County Butte Creek takes the persimmons. We have Christmas trees, Christmas boats, Christmas dinners, Christmas dances, and in fact we are up to the times in everything that is elevating. Well, among the live things on Butte Creek, thanks to kind Providence, is a man by the name of Bill McKee, who escaped being shot for a deer by the skin of his teeth. He and Arthur McKee were out hunting, and Arthur saw what he thought was a deer and fired away, the ball just missing Bill's head, and the powder burning his face. Somebody will have to be made an example of and go to the "pen" for a while to make people more careful. ACCIDENT No. 2--Sunday night as the congregation was returning from the school house Charley Thomas and a lady by the name of Jones were invited to ride in Mr. Howlett's hack. As he was going by their respective homes, and Mrs. Jones was getting on the seat--there was but one--and Mrs. H. and Charley were standing in the back part of the hack, not yet seated, when the horses started up, throwing Charley on his head and shoulders in the mud, and had it not been for Mrs. Jones catching Mrs. H. she would have gone out on top of him and then Squire Johnson might have had to hold another inquest. Fortunately Charley was not hurt so but what he was able to do justice to a sumptuous dinner on Christmas Day with J. J. Fryer's family. ACCIDENT No. 3--As Charley Cingcade was riding to the entertainment in the Antelope meeting house last Sunday night, his horse fell on him and came near breaking his arm; he was complaining considerably with it Sunday. ACCIDENT No. 4--As Mrs. Howlett was going to the same entertainment she had the misfortune to lose two little Tam O'Shanters off of the children's heads, but that was nothing very serious as she recovered one of them the next day. ACCIDENT No. 5--As Mat Ish, living on Rogue River, was hauling a load of fodder the other day his horses took fright and dragged him against the side of a shed, breaking some of his ribs. Dr. Officer was called and dressed the wounds and at last accounts he was doing well. We had a new departure in the metropolis of Butte Creek last week. A real live dentist, Dr. Benj. Higinbotham, has taken rooms in Pool's blacksmith shop, and proposes to do all kinds of "dental" work--extracting teeth a specialty. He has had but one case to operate on so far, and that was our pharmacist, Joseph Wilson. After a careful examination by the doctor he decided that it would be necessary to remove the troublesome molar, and so placing the instruments on the tooth and pulling with all his might out came the tooth, but when an examination was made it was discovered that the tooth was perfectly sound, and that he had drawn the wrong tooth, but as Joe wanted the troublesome tooth out he had Ben try his hand again, after showing him which one he wanted out; so at it he went and to Joe's horror he pulled the wrong tooth again. Joe is pluck, so he had the "dentist" try the third time, and this time he made a complete success and extracted the right tooth. He didn't charge him full price as it was a wholesale job. You may expect the doctor's ad next week. Miss Ora Daley, daughter of Wm. C. Daley, of upper Little Butte, was here last week visiting relatives. Wilks Henry, of Medford, was visiting his grandparents, Uncle John Lewis, and other relatives during the past week. Miss Jennie Heckathorn celebrated her birthday (I am not supposed to know a young lady's age) on the 24th inst. Lewis Matney, of Klamath County, came in a short time ago to spend the winter with his father and sister, and Frank Roundtree, Washington, is here also visiting the same family, his uncle. Rev. Fysh preached an able sermon Sunday night at Eagle Point, subject: "Miracles are not Contrary to Nature." The sermon was listened to with marked interest. He preaches at the same place next Sunday at 11 a.m.; subject: "Ye Can't Rub it Out," and at 6--not 7--but 6 p.m.; subject: "Temperance." Married:--At the residence of the bride's parents, December 24, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, Mr. C. H. Eicher and Miss Nancy Grigsby. There were about twenty-five or thirty invited guests and at 12:15 p.m. the ceremony was pronounced making them man and wife, and then all repaired to the dinner table--well, talk about dinners--there was everything there to tempt a hungry man to eat; fowl of all kinds from the little lark to the mammoth gobbler, all kinds of pastry and cake enough to kill half a dozen dyspeptics. Medford Mail, December 29, 1893, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
Everybody in this neighborhood is
tussling with la grippe.EDITOR
Last Monday while Matt Ish was engaged in hauling fodder his team became unmanageable and dragged him against the side of a shed, breaking his ribs. Mrs. A. M. Thomas received the sad intelligence last week of the death of her sister, Mrs. Susan Bailey of Sedalia, Mo., whom she visited a short time ago, leaving her in usual health. The unexpected shock almost completely unnerved her She has the sympathy of a host of friends. I am sorry to have to state that the health of C. W. Taylor is such that he is confined to his bed, with but little hopes of his recovery. The same may be said with regret to Mrs. Bradley. Miss Lol Nichols, who sprained her ankle some three months ago, is still compelled to go on crutches. I expected to have sent you an account of our Christmas boat for last week's Record, but by the time the exercises were over I was past going. In my peregrinations I caught the GRIP and by Tuesday morning la grippe had caught me, and the result is that I have been confined to the house ever since. Our Christmas boat was a grand success. The spacious hall was crowded. The exercises were opened by instrumental music by the Eagle Point string band and prayer by Rev. Fysh. Then followed remarks by Revs. Fysh and Howlett, after which we had an excellent program carried out which occupied about an hour. Then came the distribution of presents, which were adapted to all classes of society. There were 309 presents distributed, not counting the candy and nuts. Eagle Point, Jan. 1, 1894. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, January 4, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
Dr. Officer reports Mr. Matt Ish to be
improving slowly.EDITOR
The heavy snow storm is driving in the cattle from the mountains. A number of the young folks were enjoying coasting on the hillside yesterday (Sunday). Miss Ada Watkins, who has been stopping with Mr. Norcross' family near Central Point, returned home last week on account of the grippe in her father's family. Some of the young folks met at David 's (Mim's) and had a social hop Friday night. I learned that one young man got mad and went home because he was not chosen when it was "the ladies' choice." I learned yesterday through a sub reporter (I am still confined to my room) that J. J. Fryer is still confined to his bed with la grippe, that C. W. Taylor is gradually sinking, that Mrs. Bradley was just alive, and that John Watkins' family were down with the grippe. Rumor has it that the fairest "Daisy" in the neighborhood had been plucked from the parental roof by one of our leading and most thoroughgoing young business men of the upper part of the valley. If the rumor is founded on facts we extend our hearty congratulations. A close observer will see the advantage of advertising in the Record by noting the result. Two weeks ago I spoke of Dr. Higinbotham opening dental rooms in the corner of A. Pool's blacksmith shop, and the very next week a lady in the Willamette Valley, a constant reader of the Record, writes: "My teeth are troubling me a great deal, but I am going to wait until I come down and have Dr. Higinbotham fix them up for me." Speaking about doctors, our M.D., Dr. Officer, had a little experience with our mud one day last week. He was riding, "Jehu-like," to try to keep your Eagle Point correspondent from going to the place where all good local reporters go, when his horse fell, precipitating him into the mud about a foot deep. But he is not one of the kind to stoop at trifles, so he climbed on his horse again and went on his way. The result is Mrs. Dick has more mud on sundry articles this week than usual and your correspondent is able to sit up to the desk and write at intervals. Yesterday morning we had fourteen inches of snow, and last night I was reading in one of my papers that in Texas the stock is starving to death on account of the drought. Only note the contrast. In some of the older states and territories stock is dying of starvation on account of the drought and here we have green grass from the middle of September and now the grass is PROTECTED by the snow, so that when that goes off our stock can commence where they left off and go to eating grass again. Verily, we live in one of the most favored spots on earth. If it is not too late, I will relate a little incident that occurred some weeks ago. The note was lost and so slipped my mind: There was a crowd collected consisting of Wm. Chambers of Brownsboro, Dee Bradshaw and Carl Stanley for the purpose of giving Mr. Calvin Owens and his bride an old-fashioned charivari. It was raining and fearful muddy. They went on horseback, distance six miles, so they hitched their horses where they thought they could find them without any trouble and after making the evening hideous with their discordant sounds and eating a few apples they started to get their horses. But lo! they discovered that they had made a big mistake. The horses were not there. Then they procured a lantern and undertook to track them (the horses' tracks were discovered near James Matney's, where the buggy wheels were changed) and after wandering around until after midnight searching in vain for the horses, they concluded to strike for home for a new supply. So off they went--six miles through mud, STICKY and rain. The next morning they arrived on the desert just at daylight and found their horses tied to a FENCE about half a mile from where they thought they had tied them. They intend the next time they go to a charivari to leave two-thirds of the party to stand guard over the horses. Eagle Point, Jan. 8, 1894. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, January 11, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
John S. Higinbotham visited the county
seat Saturday.EDITOR
Butte Creek was out of its banks last night, about as high as it was four years ago. I am glad to be able to state that most of the sick folks are improving, but the grippe holds us old folks down pretty well. I understand that the mail carrier from here to Leeds failed to make the trip Saturday on account of high water in McNeil or Butte Creek, the first time this winter. The Hubbard Bros., living on Big Butte, are here gathering their cattle that have followed the valley stock out, and are preparing to take them back to their range. One day [the] week before last Lemon Charley, living near Brownsboro, had his kneecap kicked off by a horse and fears are entertained that he will be a cripple for life. He and his estimable family have the sympathy of their many friends. We had another of our little breezes last Sunday, along with a terrific rain storm. The wind lifted your correspondent's wood shed (26x14 feet) off its foundations about four feet, and the result is a job for someone, as I am not able to work yet. Since my last Mrs. Bradley has passed peacefully away to her resting place. I have not the data to write even the principal facts with regard to her life and death. She died the 10th inst. Her children who remain have the sympathy of the entire community. Last Friday Dan Gray and Chris. Pearson started for Talent with four horses for a load of hay (Gray had the hay there) and when they struck the desert Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock it had been raining there in torrents for nearly twenty-four hours. They found the ground too soft for their load so they stuck and in trying to pull out they turned over their load--it still raining--and at last accounts they were four miles from shelter and dark coming on. We had a beautiful illustration of the old adage "Every man to his trade" last Wednesday. A. Pool, our leading blacksmith and hotel keeper, concluded that he could make something teaming so be harnessed and hitched four horses to his wagon, loaded on a load of flour at the mill and started for the railroad. The day was passably fair and the roads were--he said good, when he got down to them. So off he went and got along fine until he struck the timber, and there he was met by the Eagle Point stage. He had his wagon stuck fast in the mud, his flour piled out on the roadside, his team unhitched and was trying to pry his wagon out of the mud. He got home that night, but concluded he could do just as well working in the shop as hauling flour for a living. I see by the papers that an effort is being made to attract attention to the wonderful caves discovered a few years ago in Josephine County, and while I would not say a word to distract attention from that grand natural curiosity, I wish to mention another discovery of like character in Jackson County. Last summer while two young men (Bertie Higinbotham and B. Newton) were out hunting they discovered an opening in the rocks on McNeil Creek just below the mouth of Cattail Creek. They descended into the cave and found a large room. Proceeding through that they found a place where the rocks came near together but could see that the opening extended still further, so they threw stones through the aperture and could hear them fall in the distance. But they had no light, so could not proceed any further. And for all we know this may prove to be another of the wonders of the world. The cave is situated about twelve miles east by north of Eagle Point. Perhaps this notice may attract the attention of someone that will make a thorough investigation of the case. Mr. Vermeren, the gentleman who bought the Sam Potter place in this neighborhood, has been making some substantial improvements on the place since he took possession, having cut the farm in two, putting a good post and wire fence across about midway. He expects to turn his attention to the culture of hops, and from what I can learn from him there is a prospect of a number of his countrymen (Belgians) coming to this country and revolutionizing the old "mossback" way we have of doing business, for he is talking of Jersey cows, establishing a creamery, &c. And why not? If in the old states and European countries the farmers can make it pay to keep cows and have the cream extracted to make butter and then take the sweet milk and make cheese, and then take the whey to feed pigs, why can't we do the same on Butte Creek where we have as good water power a there is in the country, good range for cattle and good land to raise hay. And in fact I might say that nature has done everything for us that is necessary and all we want is a little capital and the right kind of men to take hold and push the move to completion. DICK. Eagle Point, Jan. 15, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, January 18, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
We had twelve inches of snow last week.-- BY TALKO. Mr. Shock is seriously ill with the grippe. F. J. Fryer has been sick in bed for two weeks but is better now. Had the grippe. Fielder Crump cut his foot quite seriously with an ax while chopping wood last week. Your correspondent has been sick with the grippe for two weeks, hence the "goneness" of items from Eagle Point. Dr. Officer is kept quite busy attending the sick. It is nearly all grippe, and everybody has to take a turn at it. Mrs. Bradley, mother of Mrs. Tom Nichols, died at Mr. Nichols' last Thursday the 10th of December. She died of cancer and was buried up at Lake Creek, where the rest of her family are buried. In the distribution of prizes to the patrons of the Eagle Point flouring mill, Mr. Geo. Daley secured the first prize, the stone vase, and Mrs. Woods will get a good one, the Jersey heifer. Geo. Heckathorn, who owns a young bear and is training him to box, received a vicious bite on the leg the other day. George went out into the woodshed where Prof. Bear has his quarters and commenced the exercises, but Mr. Bear was cross and would suffer no familiarities. George says he threw all the stove wood in the shed at the bear and hit him every time, punishing him severely. The bear is not usually cross. Mr. Yancey has some trouble hauling the flour to the railroad, now that the roads are so bad. He started with a load last Friday and got out on the big desert when he pulled his team out of the road on apparently better ground, but it proved to be worse, as the wagon sunk until both axles were flat on the ground. Had to unload and then had lots of trouble to get out. The best way is to keep in the well-traveled road if it is muddy--and right here is a good place to say that if we could get to Medford in wintertime the town would be much benefited by our trade. Medford Mail, January 19, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:During the last two weeks we have had six and a half inches of rain fall at this place and more coming. The Roller Mill Co. are cutting a new tail race so that the water will not interfere with the wheel when the creek is high. There is a large number of cattle being fed in this neighborhood. The Rader Bros., Simon, Nichols. Matthews, and others, are each feeding quite a number. Some of the cattle are looking quite thin. Henry French, living on Rogue River, was in town Friday transacting business with one of our accommodating merchants, A. J. Florey. He reports considerable la grippe in his neighborhood, but no serious cases. Ben Edmondson, of upper Rogue River, was in town Saturday trading at Geo. Brown & Son's. He reports the snow most all gone and stock in his neighborhood looking well; also that the high water took away one of the approaches to the bridge on the north fork of Big Butte. As an evidence of the enterprise among our business men, S. B Holmes, our new and efficient postmaster, has put up a commodious hitching-rack and Brown & Son have followed suit and done likewise, and Mr. Story says tell the Record that it is a ------ good thing for now we don't have to tie our horses to the fence on the sidewalk or go a hundred yards to a tree to tie up. Dr. Officer reports Mrs. Geo. Avery Clayton on the sick list. but convalescing, and H. G. Shock, J. J. Fryer, Mrs. A. Pool and Matt Ish in a fair way to recover. After Lemon Charley had his knee hurt several days he called Dr. Officer and he reports his knee in a bad condition, but thinks that by proper care and the right kind of appliances he can save his leg so that it will not be stiff. We sincerely hope so. We had a little incident happen one day last week that caused a little excitement in our town: Rev. Richard Fysh and his brother-in law, Mr. Watson, were hitching up his team to the buggy. When Mr. Fysh got his half of the team hitched up he took HIS LINE and got in the buggy, expecting Mr. W. to hand him the other, but just as Mr. W. reached for the line one of the horses started and before he could secure it they started on a run. Mr. F. had one line and kept them in a circle. He was afraid to jump as he had a heavy wheel in the buggy and was afraid it would strike him, but he finally jumped and pulling on one line cramped the buggy; and by this time Mr. W. had secured the other line and kept the team from running away. He had to have two new reaches, a new head block, a new tongue and a new doubletree. The next time he is going to have both lines before he gets in the buggy. The recent rains and attendant flood washed away forty feet of the approach on the west end of the bridge at Central Point, so that our mail carrier, Mr. Williams, was not able to cross Bear Creek last Monday, so we had no mail that day, but ss he is a man that never stops at trifles; by Tuesday he had secured a footlog to reach from the bridge to a drift pile and brought the mail that far in a hack, then "cooned" his footlog carrying the mail on his back, climbing a twelve-foot ladder to the bridge, and then bringing the mail out in a cart or on horseback; but he always gets there all the same The high water undermined the foundation of the bridge on Antelope Creek and our supervisor, John Young (himself a practical mechanic), says that we will have to build a new bridge next summer, as it will cost almost as much to repair the old bridge as it will to construct a new one. He has been repairing the damage done on the road as best he can with the means at his command, but from what I can learn, a great deal of the road is washed away and it will take considerable work and expense to replace the damage done. In addition to the damage to the public thoroughfares, the damage to the farms along the streams will amount to a great deal, for the water has washed away a number of acres of rich bottom land and left nothing but rocks, gravel and debris in its place. The approach on the north end of the bridge at Brownsboro was washed away, but the citizens, as soon as the waters went down enough, went to work and repaired the damage; but before the repairing was done the Bradshaw boys, Dee and Lee, went across the bridge to get some cattle they wanted to feed and when they come to the end of the bridge they made their horses jump off, but when they came back they could not make the cattle JUMP UP, so they took some of the bridge planks and placed one end on the bridge and the other on the ground and drove and coaxed them until they got part of them over and then made the others swim. But now comes the fun--to get the horses to walk the planks. They tried and succeeded very well until one of the horses got almost on the bridge, when he got scared and BACKED off, falling on his back in the mud and water; but they finally succeeded in getting them on the right side of Butte Creek. They never stop at trifles, and went on their way rejoicing. DICK.. Eagle Point, 1-22-'94. Valley Record, Ashland, January 25, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
A. G. Johnston visited the county seat last Tuesday.-- BY TALKO. C. W. Taylor, reported on the sick list last week, is better. Eagle Point mail missed but one day last week on account of high water. There was a wedding at Mr. Tucker's about two weeks ago that your correspondent did not get onto at the time. Miss Ida Tucker and a Mr. Homes, of Ashland, were the happy couple. S. B. Rees, of Newton, Iowa, a nephew of Lewis Rees, deceased, is out here attending to his uncle's affairs. Mr. Rees will remain here until after the sale of the personal property, which occurs on February 1st next. Mr. Bieberstadt, who lives 11 miles above Brownsboro, had a narrow escape from drowning last week. He started to come down to his brother's who lives below Brownsboro on the creek, on Sunday, and got as far as Salt Creek, which he attempted to ford. The water was so deep and strong that it took him and his horse downstream, he and his horse turning over twice in the water. They came up under some brush which Mr. B. caught and pulled himself and horse out, and as luck would have it, on the right side of the creek, but he lost his hat and all the loose trinkets he had on his person. He came down as far as Mr. Stanley's where he stayed all night, borrowed a hat and coat and continued his journey, but had to come around by Eagle Point to cross the creek. Medford Mail, January 26, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Wildflowers have made their appearance on our hillsides. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Jan. 30, 1894, a daughter. Mr. Norcross of Central Point was here last week on business. Mrs. John Baker is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris. Pearson. A. G. Johnston had a horse badly cut on barbed wire a few days ago. Miss Grace Stanfield left last week to visit her friends in Ashland. Born in Eagle Point Jan. 27, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. "Ted" Howard, a son. The B.C.R.M. Co. are enclosing a large lot and erecting pens for the use of their fine hogs. Dr. Officer reports Mrs. Morine and Mrs. Burnett of Brownsboro on the sick list but improving. Mr. Watkins, Sr., and family are living in the old Frank Lewis house near the ford on Butte Creek. Mr. Vestal has been prospecting on Reese Creek and claims that he found a "color," also signs of coal. D. P. Matthews has turned out a large number of cattle to rustle for themselves. They are looking quite well. Rev. Richard Fysh, I. A. &c., &c., is now constructing a turning lathe and there is no telling what he won't do next. A gentleman is expected here from Washington to look for land adapted to hops. We have acres of that kind of land in our rich bottoms Clinton Wiley, who has been living in Siskiyou County, Cal., for some time past came home on a visit to his parents the first of last week. I am sorry to state that Miss Lizzie Willson is reported very ill with tonsillitis and pleurisy. Dr Officer was called yesterday and lanced both tonsils. Last night she was somewhat easier. A. J. Florey wants to know if you have any Democratic badges in Ashland; i.e., a big patch on the knees of the pants, worn by remaining in position to repeat that "Democratic prayer." Last Saturday Baxter Grigsby and family, living on the Merriman place near Medford, came over to visit his mother. Mrs. Thomas and his sister, Mrs. Chappell, and other members of the family. Lee Bradshaw reports that he was forbidden to pass through G. W. Apger's premises, along the road, one day last week and required to go through a lane, sticky and almost impassable. Such is life. G. W. Daley, who is foreman in digging the new tail race for the Butte Creek mill, informs me that they will have to suspend operations on it until the creek goes down, as there is so much water in the creek now that they can't work. Mrs. A. M. Thomas informs me that her brother-in-law, Mr. Bailey, whom she visited last fall and who lost his wife a few weeks ago, died of pneumonia shortly after his wife died; thus bringing a double bereavement on the relatives. I understand that S. B. Reese of Newton, Iowa, a nephew of the late Lewis Reese, has come out to look after his uncle's estate. There may be some things unearthed before he returns, as it is rumored that there are claims presented that are unjust. Mrs. Lou Chappell of Coos County, one of the leading business men [sic] of the town of Marshfield, having leased her property and business in that place, has moved to our town to live with her mother, Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Her many friends extend to her a cordial welcome. Prof. A. L. Haselton has been pursuing a different course from the man spoken of in the New Testament that "tore down his barns and builded greater." He has torn down his large barn and is erecting a smaller one, and will utilize the ground it stood on for garden purposes. We have had a change in our business affairs here, F. B. Inlow having disposed of his stock of goods to Mrs. Sophia Emery (consort of the late Eber Emery), and Jas. Davis, her son-in-law, is now in charge. We wish Mrs. E. abundant success in her new enterprise. I spoke some time ago of the arrival of Mr. W. H. Schmerker, the new miller. Well, he has proved himself to be not only a first-class miller but he knows how to use the plane and saw, for he has made for his use in the mill a tool chest that would reflect credit upon any of our cabinet makers. I unintentionally omitted to state in my last that Mr. B. B. Hubbard, who has been confined to the house with la grippe and a complication of other diseases, is so that he is on the street again. Also that Mrs. "Dick" and family (they all had the grippe) are able to make good hands at the table again. Rev. Fysh preached last night to a crowded house on the subject of "lost opportunities," a splendid sermon. He preaches next Sunday at 11 a.m. to the children, and at 7 p.m. on the subject of the unanswerable prayer. He called a meeting for tonight (Monday) to take steps toward building a church and parsonage. The first of last week N. A. Young received a telegram stating that his son Thomas, who is living about twenty miles from Klamath Falls, had been kicked by a horse and was in a critical condition. His brother Peter started next morning by daylight for his bedside and up to Saturday no word had been received from him. In a private letter from W. W. Parker, living on upper Rogue River, Lamont P.O., he informs me that there was a new arrival in his family on the 15th inst., a fine boy weighing 9½ lbs. The mother and child are doing well but poor Wantz is evidently very much excited over the event. But his father thinks he will weather it through if the winter don't last too long. He also adds that they have had thirty inches of snow and that it has settled down to ten or twelve inches and that his other children are playing on its crust. Stock is doing well thus far, but feed is getting scarce. Eagle Point, Jan. 29, 1894. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, February 1, 1894, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Lizzie Wilson is on the sick list, a case of tonsillitis.-- BY TALKO. Inlow, the merchant here, has sold out to Mrs. Emery. Grace Stanfield has gone to Ashland to visit her friends. A. J. Johnston had a horse badly cut on barbed wire last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard, a boy. Child and parent doing well. C. Wiley, from Siskiyou County, California, is here visiting his relatives. A. L. Haselton has torn down his little old barn and is building a large new one. The first wildflowers of the season were seen on our hillsides last Sunday, Jan. 28. Polk Matthews has turned out a lot of his cattle onto the range. Cattle wintered well so far. Mr. Norcross, the Central Point nurseryman, was out at our town doing business last Saturday. Tom Young got badly kicked by a horse at Klamath Falls and telegraphed his brother here, who went at once. The mill company here take the present opportunity of high water and dam washed out to dig a new tailrace, and the seven men engaged on it find it slow working on the solid rock. It is reported that a gentleman from Washington will be here in a few days to purchase land suitable for growing hops. Although there are no hop yards here, there is no reason why hops could not be grown here as well as in Washington or any other state, and land can be bought for $25 to $50 per acre, and bottom land that will grow hops to perfection, and poles may be had for the cutting in the mountains six miles away. Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 4 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mr. Howlett, quill driver for the Valley Record, has been down with the
fashionable disease, the "grippe."-- BY TALKO. Miss Ada Watkins, who has been stopping with Mr. Norcross' family, near Central Point, returned home since last week. The body of L. Rees, who was buried at his home, was taken up on last Thursday and removed to the Central Point cemetery. The Inlow stock of goods was closed out with a rush last week. After selling rapidly at private sale for a day or two the remainder of the stock, $1000 or $1500 worth, was sold to Tom Kenney for $600 cash. The goods were removed to Jacksonville. The sale of the Rees property occurred on Thursday of last week. Judge Neil attended the sale in person. The administrator, Geo. Neil, was not there. Bill Owens, of Central Point, was on the block. It was a cash sale. About 100 men and boys were in attendance, representing all the cash on Butte Creek. Much of the property was sacrificed at a mere atom of its worth; proceeds of the sale amounted to about $600. Mike Hanley, of Jacksonville, bought most of the cattle. Mr. Owens of Big Sticky bought thirty-six head of hogs for $80. Mr. Bennet, of Medford, was out attending the sale. Judge Neil ordered a cash sale because he said Butte Creekers could not give a good note. Medford Mail, February 9, 1894, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
John Gray, of Big Butte, was down at Eagle Point on Thursday of last
week.-- BY TALKO. In the cold snap last week the thermometer went down to 18 degrees above zero. J. K. Bell, the Brownsboro merchant, was at our town last Friday laying in a supply of goods for his trade. Chas. Edmonds, of Big Butte, was down on business last Thursday. He reports several inches of snow in the mountains. John Dahack, an old soldier, who in now suffering from indigestion and partial paralysis of the left side, has applied for a pension. S. Robinett is suffering with an attack of rheumatism in his striking arm, and so the blacksmith shop is closed up till he recovers. John Pellins started for Central Point last Friday, but learning from the mail carrier that the roads were almost impassable, gave up the trip for the present. Mr. Lawrence, the wagonmaker, is turning his energies to cabinet making these days. He is making flour chests, cupboards, washing machines, or anything you want in his line. Medford Mail, February 16, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
Chris Pearson has a very sore hand, so
that he is unable to work.EDITOR
Mrs. A. M. Thomas was reported on the sick list the first of the week, but I am glad to say she is convalescing. Born on Clark's Creek on the north side of Big Butte, Feb. 18th, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Sutton, a son. Miss Maud Wiley, who has been visiting her uncle and family for some time, has gone to Phoenix to visit her brother. Our stockmen report the stock falling off very fast, and if this kind of weather continues there will probably be a number of cattle die yet this spring. T. B. Higinbotham commences the first of the week to build a dehorning stall for Joe Rader, and Joe is going to dehorn a number of his cattle. Dehorning cattle is becoming very popular in this part of the country. T. G. Higinbotham, of Big Butte, has been out of the hills on business. While out, he went to the county seat to see the probate judge and the administrator of the Reese estate, but found that they had both gone to see the wonders of the midwinter fair; so he had his ride of fifty-six miles through the mud for the honor there was in it. One of our leading stock men on Little Butte, Wm. C. Daley, is feeding about 60 head of cattle. They are all dehorned, and eat like sheep. He says that he thinks the stockmen out here are trying to see how long it will take to starve the cattle to death in his neighborhood, as they leave them on the range just as long as they can before they get them up. And I heard one of our leading stockmen say this Monday morning that if there was not a change in the weather for the better, there would be a heavy loss in stock yet this spring. There was a dance at Brownsboro on the night of the 14th, and I understand that by morning several of the company didn't know if they were at a ball or a camp meeting--they were so DRUNK. It seems to be a very prevalent opinion that if the ladies would take the matter in hand, THEY COULD and WOULD put a stop to drunken carousing at the dances. If they would unanimously agree never to dance with or recognize a man who was drinking, they would soon put a stop to it, and not have such disgraceful conduct and language in the ball room. In my last I spoke of someone taking some of the hay that was sold, I understand, to a man by the name of Billows, who bought the Dave Smith place. Since then I understand that the party who bought the hay and the man who borrowed the hay have compromised by the borrower paying to the purchaser of the hay 9000 shakes. But a question arises here whether a man can compromise a case like that without criminating himself. It may seem like a small matter, but if such work as this is winked at, no one's barn, granary or meathouse is safe from being pilfered. As Chas. Griffith and one or two others were in the act of getting a load of wood for H. G. Shock, who is very low and destitute, a team took fright and started on a run down a steep hill; but fortunately the wagon caught against a tree and as it stopped the horses went through the harness, damaging it somewhat. This was on Tuesday, and on Wednesday he was hired by Ted Howard to go to Medford with his team and on the way home he fell out of his wagon, striking his head on a stone. He was picked up and laid in the bottom of the wagon and hauled home. Instead of leaving him at his house they, at his request, passed by and took him to Pool's stable, put up his team and left him in his wagon for the night. Scott Pool went and procured some bedclothes and wrapped him up. This was about 8 or 9 o'clock, but after 4 a.m. Thursday morning he commenced calling for help, and when Scott Pool returned he found that he was unable to move hand or foot, his limbs being so completely paralyzed. When I called on him that afternoon he was suffering a great deal of pain. Dr. Officer, who was in attendance, seems to think that he has a bad case on his hands. Mr. G. is about 72 years old but has a strong constitution. He is still, at this writing, at the Eagle Hotel, where his wife and daughter, Mrs. M. S. Woods, are in attendance. On last Saturday morning your correspondent was called upon by Mr. Fortunatus Hubbard, Jr., to accompany him on a trip to the mountains of Big Butte, as he had a little job to attend to that required the services of a minister. So we started in the driving rain and by the time we had traveled ten miles the rain changed into a heavy snow storm. But that job MUST be attended to if the skies fall, so on we went and by the time we reached his BACHELOR HALL the snow was eighteen inches deep and still snowing. We had a good supper and a good night's rest and the next morning we went to Mr. John McKee's, where we found Mr. John S. Higinbotham with his best girl and in a few minutes Mr. Fortunatus Hubbard and Miss Tressa McKee were joined in wedlock. After spending an hour or so with our old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. McKee, and speaking a good word for the Valley Record, we all repaired to the dinner table. Well, we all tried to do justice to the dinner, which I think we did, and then I bid farewell to, I think, one of the happiest couples it has been my lot to meet for some time. Taking the trail down the mountainside for about two miles, I found an old friend, Mr. Meeker. He reported his cattle doing well, but had had bad luck with his horses--having lost four this winter. Then across Big Butte via Strawberry Flat. I found Mr. Bradley looking fine and in good spirits. He reports stock doing well, though the snow was about ten inches deep at his place. From there home nothing of interest transpired. The roads are too bad to talk about, and if any of the citizens of Big Butte have to get in any provisions, they will have to pack them in. DICK. Eagle Point, Feb. 19, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, February 22, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Squire Johnston was at Brownsboro on last Tuesday, doing business.-- BY TALKO. J. Miller, of Brownsboro, was in Eagle Point on Monday, doing trading. Born--On Clarks Creek, Feb. 18, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sutton, a boy. H. G. Shock, reported as better in my last, has taken a turn for the worse at this date. A People's Party club was organized at the Betz school house on last Monday. Meet twice a month. There was to have been a People's Party meeting at Eagle Point on last Saturday afternoon, but for some cause it did not come off. Rev. Fysh gives a singing exercise for the children at his residence, on every Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. All the little folks are cordially invited. Matters in certain quarters are becoming so complicated that a settlement in justice's court will be the result very soon unless otherwise disposed of. Married--At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 18, 1894, by Rev. A. C. Howlett, on Big Butte, Mr. Fortunatus Hubbard and Miss Tressa McKee, all of Jackson County. "Footprints on the sands of time," should read, "Hay trail through the chaparral," and then it would fit the circumstances attending the disappearance of hay from the Rees farm last week. George Heckathorn, the owner of the pet bear here, has decided to either kill or sell him in the near future. The bear is a male cinnamon, one year old, is gentle and easily handled, but George is tired of him, as fun with a little bear is a different thing from fun with a big one. On last Thursday, as Charles Griffith was returning from Central Point, he fell out of his wagon striking on his head, and was taken to the Eagle Hotel at Eagle Point, where he was cared for until morning. During the night he suffered a stroke of paralysis which affected him from head to foot. He had to be carried home on a litter, and at this date is no better. Medford Mail, February 23, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Joseph Rader (nee Rachel Stanley) is visiting H. T. Severance. Miss Bessie Brown of Eagle Point is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. K. Brown, near Brownsboro. Wm. C. Daley was in town one day last week on a business trip. There is no grass grows under his feet. Mrs. Stowell is reported on the sick list, although our M.D.'s are not so busy as they have been for some time past. There is getting to be considerable excitement over our coming school election, as we have several candidates already in the field. Rev. R. Fysh is moving his effects out of the Grandma Daley house into Mr. Hubbard's house, as Grandma Daley expects to return to this place as soon as possible. Business is looking up in our town somewhat, I think, for A. J. Florey one of our leading business men, has made an addition to his line of goods, we are glad to state. There will be a quarterly meeting held by the M.E. church at this place on the 10th and 11th of March. Rev. L. T. Jones, presiding elder, is expected to be present.The meeting will commence on the Thursday night before and continue over Sunday. Mr. Crump, who has been living on what is known as the Reese place. on Little Butte, has decided to return it to Mr. Howey, the man of whom he bought it, and go back to his mountain ranch on Antelope. I understand that a gentleman from Washington proposes to exchange some real property there for a part of his place here. Charley Griffith, of whom I spoke in my last as being paralyzed all over except from his tonsils up, is improving under Dr. Officer's treatment and he says that he is going to be elected justice of the peace next June as he came within eight votes of getting there at last election. And if good nursing and careful attention will raise him, he will most assuredly get up. His neighbors vie with each other to see who can do the most. His daughter, Miss Etha, who has been stopping at Sisson for several months, returned home last Thursday. Her many friends here are glad to meet her once more. It is getting to be quite [a] risky business up here to ride in a cart, for last week we came near having two accidents in this neighborhood on account of this habit. First Mrs. "Dick" was going to a neighbor's and one wheel of the cart ran over a chaparral bush and came near throwing her out. She caught between the shafts and wheel, doing no damage except plastering a good amount of mud on her clothes. The next was Miss Ora Woods, who was riding along the road with her sister and stooping over to fix something the cart ran into a rut, throwing her out forward of the wheel into the mud, the wheel passing over her body. Fortunately she got off without being hurt. Speaking of being thrown in the mud, one of our young gentlemen by the name of Ed. Richards went out horseback riding with his best girl and his horse fell in a mudhole, throwing him off and rolling on his foot. The mud was so soft that he received no bodily harm, but oh! the sad plight he was in. He had and still has the sympathy of his best girl. DEATH OF H. G. SHOCK.
Died Feb. 24, 1894, at the family residence in Eagle Point, H. G.
Shock, aged 61 years, 2 months and 24 days. The subject of the above
notice was born in Boone County, Missouri, Nov. 29th, 1829, and moved
to Oregon in 1852, where he settled in Jackson County. In 1863 he
enlisted in the U.S. Army and was stationed at Ft. Klamath, where he
remained in the service for three years, receiving an honorable
discharge. While there he contracted a disease that troubled him more
or less through life, entitling him to a pension. Since his discharge
from the army he has lived continually in this immediate neighborhood,
where he has always been looked upon as a good, honest, faithful
citizen. In 1834 he married Mrs. Wooley, with whom he lived until her
death, and in May, 1848, he was married to Mrs. Hankler, with whom he
lived to the time of his death. About six years ago he joined the
Presbyterian Church and since that time he has been looked upon as a
constant Christian. He leaves a wife and stepdaughter, and a brother in
Missouri to mourn his loss. He expressed his perfect willingness to go
at the Master's call. The funeral services were conducted at the school
house (our place of public worship) on Sunday afternoon by Rev. A. C.
Howlett. Every family in the town and vicinity was represented on the
occasion, and they all seemed to feel that a good man had gone from our
midst. DICK.Eagle Point, Feb. 26, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, March 1, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Messrs. Carey and McIntosh, of Trail Creek, have been doing business at our town during the past week. They were registered at the Eagle Hotel. Among the new arrivals in our neighborhood are Mr. Leo Van der Neuker and Mr. Frank Somers, direct from Belgium. They are the guests of Mr. Vermeren. I am pleased to be able to state that Miss Lol Nichols has so far recovered from her lameness as to be able to walk without her crutches. She says that she can still dance, and entertains hope that she will ultimately regain the entire use of the afflicted member. Some of the enterprising citizens of this place have taken steps to put in another footbridge in place of the one that was washed out. They procured the log, hauled it to the creek, but as there was no "boss" they succeeded in putting it into the stream, and there they left it tied to the bank. They expect, however, to finish the job this week. Dr. Officer was called upon last Wednesday to go to Frank Johnson's to set the little girl's arm that was broken between the wrist and elbow. At last accounts she was doing well. He also reports Mrs. Stanley, living near Brownsboro, on the sick list. She is in a fair way to recover, however, and Charles Griffith is so that he can move his legs, arms and tongue. The Butte Creek roller mills have started up again and are sending quite a quantity of flour to the railroad, notwithstanding the horrid condition of the roads. Claud White, while crossing Butte Creek at the ford, ran into a mudhole and before he got out his harness needed repairing. Charley Thomas and Boyd Tucker went immediately to work to bridge the aforesaid mudhole so as to avoid such an accident in the future. Rev. R. Fysh preached twice for us yesterday. In the forenoon his subject was "The Name" and at night he had for his subject "The Origin, Character and Occupation of the Devil." He had an announced a week before his subject for last night and the result was that the house was packed. His discourse was systematic, logical and scriptural, and the general impression is that he established the fact, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there is a "devil." One little incident occurred last night at church that I will mention in commendation of the lady referred to. There is a set of young folk here, as also elsewhere, that go to church apparently to keep others from hearing what the minister has to say and last night Mrs. Chappell had the firmness and good sense to raise up during tine of service and in an audible voice order her brother, who was disturbing the audience, to keep quiet. If others would follow her example in that respect, we would have better conduct at church. Speaking of Mr. Fysh brings to mind that last Monday night his friends and neighbors had a Martha Washington party at his house. The arrangements were made to have those that could bring in some of the substantials and the young folk of the sterner sex were expected to pay a small admission fee. Well, the result was not ad is the case in some places, for I heard a man remark not long ago that where he lived in Illinois when they had a social for the benefit of the pastor they generally ate up what the preacher had and then reported a splendid tine, but that is not the way we do things in Eagle Point. There was provisions enough cooked and carried in to feed twice the number that attended besides raising $4.25 in cash and $3.75 in useful articles. The table was set four times and fourteen ate at a time, making fifty-six adults besides a number of children. They had music, both instrumental and vocal, and it is given up to have been one of the must enjoyable occasions of the season. During Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday forenoon there was more inquisitiveness manifested in this neighborhood than it has been my lot to notice for some time. It was all caused by Mr. George W. Daley, Jr. calling on your correspondent last Friday, and it seemed as though almost everybody was anxious to ascertain what business he had with me; and right here let me suggest that when a young man calls on a minister that it is in "bad taste" for anyone to be too inquisitive, for they are not allowed to always tell all they know. But now I will gratify their curiosity by saving that he wanted to have someone perform the marriage ceremony for him. So accordingly I went to the residence of the bride's father, A. McNeal, on Sunday the 4th inst., and at 2 p.m. Mr. George W. Daley, Jr., and Miss Belle McNeal were joined in wedlock. As soon as the marriage ceremony was pronounced and they were no more "twain, but one flesh," we repaired to the dinner table and all hands partook of as sumptuous a meal as the most fastidious epicure could desire. After spending a few hours with the family we gathered up Mrs. D. and the little "Dicks" and bidding the happy couple, the family and friends farewell we returned to our home well satisfied that George and his beautiful bride would make their mark high among the noble ones of earth. DICK. Eagle Point, Feb. 5, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, March 8, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
meeting is in progress at this writing.-- BY TALKO. John Williscroft lost a valuable horse last week. Most farmers report fall-sown grain on low land as drowned out. Rev. Fysh preached on Sunday and again on Sunday night, to good audiences, at the school house. If it don't rain or snow any more it will do, in many places, to sow grain on fall plowing this week. The Methodist quarterly meeting is set for next Sunday. The presiding elder will be with us on Saturday and Sunday. Among the mountaineers down for supplies last week were Ed. Simon, John Gray and Jim Simpson. The pack horse is the mode of conveyance. Notwithstanding the long winter we are having this year, stock losses will be very light, because the ground in the low valleys has been free from snow, but there is still about five feet of snow on the upper ranges. George Daley and Miss Belle McNeal were married on Sunday the 4th day of March, 1894, at the residence of the bride's parents in Eagle Point, Rev. A. C. Howlett officiating. The young people are well and favorably known here, and have the well wishes of all the community. (Too
late for last week.)
weather--well, let's not express it.Mr. Fysh, the Methodist minister, is going into Mr. Hubbard's house soon. Mr. Fysh is talked of as a possible candidate for our town school next term. George Jackson, from across the river, was doing business in our town last week. Bell, the Brownsboro merchant, is rustling a carload of chickens for Medford buyers. Chas. Griffith, the man who was stricken with paralysis last week, is no better at this date. The people's party was addressed on last Monday evening by Mr. Holt, of Medford. The gathering was in the hall and was well attended. Eli Dahack expects to start for Walla Walla, Washington, as soon as the roads get so he can travel with a team. Mr. Morine, of Brownsboro, is going to occupy the house vacated by Mr. Dahack. The boys had lots of fun with a tramp preacher last Sunday. They induced him to deliver one of his sermons at the school house. During his tirade against everything and everybody, the boys caught a dog and threw him from the outside onto the preacher. He claimed to be a Carmelite. On Monday evening a large party of friends and neighbors of the Rev. Fysh assembled at his home, bringing with them baskets, bundles and packages of food, cooked and uncooked. It was intended as a donation party. A long double table was spread and loaded down with good things to satisfy the hungry. Those who donated food helped to eat it free, and tickets were sold to those who did not bring food. Four times were the tables filled. The company enjoyed themselves in singing and conversation and all had a good time. H. G. Shock, an old timer of Jackson County, died at his residence in Eagle Point, on Saturday, the 24th of February, 1894. Mr. Shock was born in Boone County, Missouri, in 1829, and emigrated to Jackson County in 1852, and has lived here continuously until this time. He worked in the mines at Jacksonville a long time, and had acquired considerable wealth at one time. He kept a general stock of merchandise over on the Applegate for a long time when the country was new. Has been a resident of Eagle Point and vicinity for thirty years. He leaves a widow and adopted child. A large gathering of his friends and relatives assembled at the school house at 2 p.m. on last Sunday to listen to the funeral services conducted by Rev. A. C. Howlett. He was buried in a private graveyard near Eagle Point. He was a member of the Presbyterian church of this place. Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:G. W. Daley, Jr., has moved, with his family, into the Grandma Daley house. Miss Cal. Tungate, of Mt. Pitt precinct, is here visiting the family of John Watkins. The Rader Bros. dehorned 60 head of cattle one day last week in 3¼ hours; they are doing well. Miss Lottie Brown, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, in Jacksonville, returned to her home last Friday. Mr. Vermeren is making still more improvements, fixing up a corral and shed so he can handle his stock to more advantage. Miss Wheldon, granddaughter of Wm. Gregory, was visiting the family of Mrs. Thomas last week. She returned home last Friday. F. S. Robinett, one of our leading blacksmiths, has been troubled with rheumatism in his arm so that he has been unable to work a large part of the time this winter. Al Smith, living on the edge of Big Sticky, had the misfortune to cut his foot last Monday while cutting wood. This time he cut his right foot; last harvest he cut his left one, and was unable to work for some time. A week ago last night as George Wiley was riding home from church in the dark his horse ran into a hole that had been washed out about four feet deep and the result was that he was precipitated into the mud. Mrs. Lou Chappell has started on a trip to accompany Mr. and Mrs. Graham to Seattle, Tacoma and other towns in Washington. Mr. G. is interested in railroad enterprises. She expects to be gone several weeks. At the annual school meeting last Monday in the Antelope district they elected the same ones for director and clerk as went out--John Rader director and W. H. Bradshaw clerk. They had hardly enough to have a quorum. I inquired of a young man of our town the other day why he was not at our school meeting, and he remarked that he knew that the coast would be clear so he availed himself of the opportunity of having a pleasant chat with our postmistress. That's right, that is just the way to succeed. As announced in last weeks' Record the quarterly meeting commenced last Thursday night and lasted until last night. The congregations were very good considering the condition of the roads and the almost incessant rainfall. Revs. T. L. Jones and Downing, the latter from Central Paint, were present from Saturday noon until Sunday noon; the meeting closed last night. It is expected that a Presbyterian minister will hold a series of meetings, commencing tomorrow night. The political oven is at fever heat in this vicinity and the question as to who will be the successful candidates on the populist ticket is the all-absorbing thought, with a great many as they seem to think that as a matter of course that ticket will win. The regulars of the G.O.P.'s are having special private confabs and talking about the old broken-down politicians in the People's Party that ought to be laid on the shelf, and the ring here composed of all shades of political colors reminds one of the steel ring dishrag, a ring in a ring and so interwoven as to dazzle the most acute to tell where they stand; but notwithstanding they try to present a bold front. Still one can see that there is considerable unrest. Some of the taxpayers in this neighborhood are getting most awfully interested in the problem of How are we to raise the money to pay our taxes by the 1st of April, the time when taxes become delinquent, or even by the 1st of July, the time when our present incumbent, if he is not re-elected, goes out of office. I see by some of the papers that in some of the counties the taxpayers are petitioning their respective county courts to prolong the time until the 1st of November so as to give the farmers a chance to get the money without sacrificing their property. Would not a move in that line be in order in this county? I know men who have this double tax to pay that will be turned out of house and home if a forced collection is made, and we cannot blame the collector; but the county court might relieve us some in our embarrassed condition. Who will put the ball in motion? Let us hear from others on the subject. We had one of the most hotly contested annual school elections here last Monday that we have had for several years. There seemed to be a determination on the part of the people in this district to have a change in the management of our school affairs. and an equal determination on the part of the other side to continue to carry the day. The result was that the school house was crowded, notwithstanding the fact that rain poured down in torrents. A few minutes after 1 o'clock, the time for the meeting, there was a married lady rode up and presently two widows. It then became necessary to hold another caucus, which occupied several minutes and when the meeting was called to order by A. Pool, chairman, one of the knowing ones brought up the question, "Has a married woman who pays a tax in the district, and has children to educate, a right to vote?" After considerable discussion the chair ruled that she could not; then the question was raised "Has a widow who pays taxes but has no children to educate, a right to vote?" The chair ruled that she could, and then the question as to the property qualification of men voters, the chair ruling that anyone over 21 years of age could vote. The result was that we had 54 votes polled; the clerk in making his report reported only 46 voters in the district. John Ashpole received 26 votes and A. J. Daley 28 for director; Frank Brown 22 votes and A. J. Florey 29 for clerk. If the assessor will procure a list of the voters he will find quite a number of taxpayers that have never paid taxes.--See? There will be an effort made to have an official ruling on the three points of law above mentioned. Before leaving the subject or school meeting I wish to say that I am requested by an old lady to say that she has been in the habit of smoking for the last 40 years, but that she never so far forgot the respect she had for herself and those around here as to commence to smoke in a crowd except in a smoking car on the railroad, as some of the gentlemen did at our school meeting. DICK. Eagle Point, March 12th, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, March 15, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Republicans are trying to organize a Republican club at Eagle Point.-- BY TALKO. A representative of the flume company, of Medford, was out here last Monday. W. T. Downing, of Central Point, was attending quarterly meeting out here last Saturday and Sunday. Thos. Baldwin, of Chimney Rock precinct, was down at Squire Johnston's having a stray horse appraised last Saturday. Rev. S. S. Caldwell will hold a week's meeting at Eagle Point, beginning on Tuesday evening, the 13th. All are invited to attend. When we take a look inside of the barn we think, surely, spring has come, but when we look around on the outside we don't feel so sure about it. The result of our school meeting was the election of A. J. Daley as director and A. J. Foley as clerk. The great question discussed was "Who is the legal voter?" There were fifty-five votes cast. The new board have hired Mr. Fysh to teach a three months' term of school, to commence on the 22nd. The quarterly meeting held at Eagle Point, beginning on Thursday evening and continuing over Sunday, was well attended considering the condition of the roads. Elder Jones, of Grants Pass, was in attendance. The sermon was full of good points delivered in an able and earnest manner. The collection amounted to about $4.50, and was more than our assessed apportionment of the elder's salary. Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Matt Ish, the man who had his ribs broken some time ago, is in town today, I am glad to say. It is expected that our school will commence next Monday. Rev. Prof. Richard Fysh expects to train the youthful twigs in the way they WILL GO. I understand that Jeff Conover expects to move from the Brown place on to the place formerly occupied by George Smith on Reese Creek, and that a man by the name of Charlton expects to occupy the place vacated. Young Mr. Gamble, who taught the school last spring near John Obenchain's, and who has since that time been in California taking in the midwinter fair, was in town one day last week on his way to the mountains to take a hunt; then he expects to return to Tennessee. Rev. Richard Fysh has been to Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and Medford the past week, and says that the best roads he found is on Butte Creek. That is owing to the fact that we have one of the best supervisors in the county, Mr. J. A. Young, he being a practical teamster as well as a practical mechanic. A week ago last Saturday while John Smith, who lives on one of D. P. Mathew's places, was away from home with his family, some miscreant, and it is pretty well known who it is, went into his house and stole a new accordion that had recently been presented to his wife, and if the party don't want to see the name in the Record they had better return it soon. J. B. Higinbotham was in town one day last week and reported a fierce combat with a panther. He was walking along and all at once a huge panther dropped from a tree just forward of him. His feelings can better be imagined than described, but just as the brute was licking his chops in anticipation of a good square meal, Ben brought his trusty rifle to bear and at the crack of the gun the panther was rendered powerless, the ball passing through the spine, having completely disabled him. When Ben examined his mouth he concluded that there was something about dentistry that he did not understand. Last Monday, after the mail from Central Point had gone, we had an ocular demonstration that there was some life about Eagle Point yet, for we had among other things a traveling magic lantern show, and after the performance a dance. The attendance was so good that the company concluded to remain another night at "reduced rates," but the attendance was very small the second night. We also had what might he called the "opening of the spring fights"--also, two breakdowns and a turnover. James Bell, of Brownsboro, who was in town on business, left his team "just a minute" and the result was he had to have a new tongue put in his hack. Claud White et al. took their best girls--as they should have done--to the show, and by some means or other his team got the best of him, although Claud is an expert with horses, and taking a little spin, broke the tongue out of the hack. Charles Adams and Al Smith, in going home with their best girls, in the dark. ran over an old stump that had been dug up and rolled out to one side of the road and capsized the hack. precipitating them all into the mud; but, strange to say, with all the mishaps no one was injured. Although not in regular order. yet probably belonging to this chapter, I will add that Mr. Yancey, who had been as far as Bear Creek with a load of flour for the B.C.F.M. Co., had to return with it on account of the creek being past fording, and after unloading, his team took a little spin, but he soon brought them to time and all was quiet. Last Saturday Mr. Williams, our mail carrier, in attempting to ford Bear Creek with the mail and one passenger, had the misfortune to get into deep water (as the ford had washed out) and the result was that himself and passenger came near drowning. He lost one of his horses, the mail sacks with Friday's southbound mail, ac well as the northbound mail. Orlando Griffith, the passenger, lost his overcoat, overshoes, hat, etc., and came very near drowning, as he had sunk the second time before he reached a place shallow enough to wade out, being unable to swim. I did not happen to be in town when Mr. Williams arrived as he had gone back to Central Point to get the mail that had come on the southbound train that morning and cooning his footlog, procured a rig on this side of the stream and brought it and his passenger out. When I reached town about two hours later almost every man I met looked as though he had lost his last nickel and was out of flour. The first one I met remarked that I should have come over sooner so that I could have sent for some more Records, for, said he, we will miss all the news of the week; the next one remarked that if there was a copy of the Record to be had he wanted it; another proposed that I send and get TWO COPIES at least and tack them up in the post office so that everybody could read them. I promised them that I would do the best I could in that line, for we all miss the Record so much when it fails to reach here. After the excitement of the mishap had subsided I went and interviewed Mr. Orlando Griffith. He said that he got word that his father, Charles G., who is paralyzed, was sick, and had started from Silver Lake on horseback for Ager through snow from two to six feet in depth, and traveled at the rate of fifty miles every twenty-four hours; that the winter had not been very hard out there, and that the report of it being so cold in that country as stated by the Examiner was simply a yarn written by one of the cowboys. He said that stock had done very well, and that few had died, etc., also said that when the stage drove into Bear Creek that the horses went clear under the water at the first step into the stream, their weight dragging the hack after them with the result above given. He spoke of the kind of fare he had to put up with at on the railroad where they were detained on account of a slide: 1 cup coffee, 1 biscuit, and one bean in a little water--price 50 cents. He thinks traveling from Silver Lake via Lakeview in midwinter is very destitute of pleasure. DICK. Eagle Point, March 19, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, March 22, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Ed Simon drove a
lot of cattle to the upper ranges last week.-- BY TALKO. Mr. Mitchell secured some nice venison up in the mountains last week. A tramp minstrel show exhibited two evenings last week in town to full houses. A. G. Johnston is setting out to prune an apple orchard of five acres this spring. Eli Dahack has vacated the Howard property and is living in the McNeal house. Mr. Mininger, of upper Antelope, was through here hunting up stray cattle last week. Among the sick are one of John Williscroft's little girls, and also a little girl of Mr. Crump. Fruit baskets are all right so far, and indications are that we will have a big crop of fruit again this year. The Presbyterian minister failed to put in an appearance, and the meeting as announced last week did not take place. J. A. Jonas, our resident school teacher, has secured a school at the Betz school house, four miles north of Eagle Point. Our mail, carried by Ike Williams between Eagle Point and Central Point, met with a severe loss on last Saturday. Ike attempted to ford Bear Creek with his team, but the water was too deep and his buggy was turned over, breaking all the top off; the mail bags were lost and one horse drowned. The mail carrier and one passenger were washed downstream a couple hundred yards before they got out. The team and buggy washed downstream about 300 yards and were lodged in a sand bar. The horse that survived was badly bruised. Both the letter and paper mail was lost, as was also that of W. H. Norcross which was being delivered by the driver. Medford Mail, March 23, 1894, page 2 Should Be Reimbursed.
Times, Jacksonville, March 26, 1894, page 3
A large number of citizens have signed a petition to the county court
to reimburse I. F. Williams, the Butte Creek mail carrier, for the loss
of one of his horses while attempting to ford Bear Creek near Central
Point one day recently. This is no more than right, as the county was
indirectly responsible for the accident, through not having the bridge
across the stream put in a passable condition. It is not the only
accident which has happened at this place during the past several
weeks. It was pure good luck that some of the others were not attended
with fatal results.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Rev. Fysh preached to a crowded house last night. A. G. Johnston has been spending the past week in Medford and Jacksonville. Pete Barneburg and family were visiting Mrs. B's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, yesterday. John Nichols and wife were visiting Medford one day last week. He reports the roads simply horrid. Prof. J. A. Jonas expects to commence a school in the Betz district one week from today, and this morning Rev. Fysh commences our school here. One day last week two of J. Williscroft's little girls were riding home on the same horse when by some means or other the horse threw them both off and as they fell he kicked one of the girls on the leg, but fortunately did not injure her seriously. Two petitions have been circulated in this neighborhood during the past week, one to have the bridge at Central Point repaired at once, temporarily, if necessary, but so that we won't have to risk our lives in fording Bear Creek. The second was to remunerate Isaac Williams, our mail carrier, for the loss of his horse and damage to hack. He has secured over 200 signers and placed it on file. Mr. Manning, living on Rogue River, met with a serious mishap a few days ago. There was a small lake on the hill above his place and he concluded to drain it, so he cut a small ditch through the ridge that intervened between the lake and his field and the result was that the force of the water cut away the soil, and the longer the worse, until it finally became a torrent, carrying away the soil until it finally cut a ditch about 40 feet deep and 60 feet wide right through his place, covering the lower part with the debris about 5 feet deep. He had a fine patch of potatoes that he had left in the ground that are buried four or five feet deep--a total loss. Some land belonging to Mr. Gorden was also badly damaged. Two important incidents occurred on that memorable Monday referred to in my last communication to the Record that I omitted to chronicle, and if not too late will relate them now. In my communication I remarked that the spring fights had commenced, but one of the quarrels assumed such serious proportions that I will be pardoned if I again refer to it. The two young men who had the altercation, after they had gone as far as they thought prudent, decided to fight a duel. So they prepared their weapons and shaking hands with their friends repaired to the desert to have that revenge which is so sweet. But after being gone two or three hours they returned unscathed, having concluded that they were not ready to die yet. The other incident was an accident that occurred to a couple of young ladies who were riding on horseback over a very muddy piece of road in the neighborhood of town. One of the horses stepped into a hole and stumbled against the other, causing both the ladies to fall backward into the mud. Fortunately neither of them was hurt. This has been rather a remarkable week in Eagle Point, so far as meetings are concerned. Last Tuesday Rev. Sunday School Caldwell of the Presbyterian Church (who is rightly named, for he is traveling in the interest of the Sunday schools), made his appearance among us. He is the same minister referred to in my last, but he did not get the word and consequently did not come. But he came Tuesday and that night he had a small audience. The next night the house was well filled and the next packed and the next jammed. He is a fine logical reasoner and a very interesting speaker, but that is not his "forte." He is his own chorister, organist and helper, and when one goes to hear him play and sing once they are almost sure to come back and bring someone with them. He continued the services until after Sunday 11 o'clock a.m., at which time he baptized three children. He goes from here to Brownsboro to hold services during the week. During his stay here he made many warm friends and left an impression for good that will tell in after days. On Sunday he assisted in the reorganization of our Sunday school. A. G. Johnston was elected superintendent, J. A. Jonas assistant superintendent, Miss Charlotta Williscroft secretary and treasurer combined and Miss Mattie Taylor as organist. The first meeting of the Sunday school will be next Sunday at 10 o'clock a.m. Last Friday we had a gathering of the elect of the G.O.P. for the purpose of organizing a club. The meeting was called to order by Dr. W. W. Stanfield and elected H. T. Severance as temporary chairman and J. A. Jonas as secretary (they will not elect permanent officers) and adopted a pledge to stay with the Republican Party, endorsing the Wm. McKinley, etc., the club to be known as the Eagle Point Republican Club. But when the chair put the motion on the adoption of the pledge he wanted a loophole in it about as big as Jackson County for he did not want to support the county nominations. That raised the question and a number gave vent to their feelings on the subject and they finally adopted the pledge with the understanding that they were to exercise the rights of freemen as far as county affairs were concerned. Then Dr. Stanfield was called upon for a speech. You know that these orators never have a speech prepared, but nevertheless he could think of enough to score the administration for not doing something more than what they have done and attributed all of the hard times for the past year to poor old Grover, forgetting that we are living under laws that were enacted by a Republican Congress and endorsed by a Republican President. Before adjournment a motion was made to have two committees of three members each appointed by the chair, the first on resolutions (the chair appointed A. J. Florey, J. J. Fryer, J. Williscroft) and the second to constitute a band of "rustlers" to go out and hunt up Republicans and bring them into the fold. An amendment was offered to have all the members of the club on that committee. When the chair made the announcement he said "everybody in the house,'' but your correspondent (perhaps it was unparliamentary) rose in his place and asked to be excused, as he did not think he would make a good rustler for Republicans. The result of the meeting was that fifteen names were enrolled. Saturday, the regular Republican primary was held. George Brown called the meeting to order and Dr. W. W. Stanfield was called to the chair., with J. A. Jonas secretary. The chair stated that the object of the meeting was to elect three delegates to the county convention, etc., whereupon H. T. Severance, Frank Brown and Dr. W. W. Stanfield were elected by acclamation. Geo. Brown was then called upon for a speech. He said he had been a lifelong Republican and that he never saw the prospects better for carrying everything before them then now--county, state and United States. (I heard one of the members remark that it was going to be very hard to get men to take the nominations this year in the county--see?) The meeting was not very enthusiastic, for anyone can see that they are trembling in their boots. The meeting adjourned and we repaired to Pool's hall, where the populists were to have a meeting. The understanding was that the three clubs of this precinct were to meet here to exert their respective committees but a change was made at headquarters, so they were to meet at their respective places. The result was but a few met here. The meeting was called to order by R. R. Minter, chairman, with D. T. Ewen as secretary. The chair stated the object of the meeting, read the platforms and then Wm. W. French made a speech explaining the position of the People's Party on finance, tariff, etc. The following were elected as the club committee: R. R. Minter, D. T. Ewen, T. P. Snider, W. M. French and Frank Taylor. After adjournment the committee elected R. R. Minter as chairman of the committee that constituted him a member of the county central committee. While the members of the G.O.P. were gathering up their strength to organize the Republican club I happened to drop into the post office and there I found our boss teamster (he is a young man) trying to convert our postmistress. Of course she is democratically inclined and he became so much interested in the subject that he forgot to attend the meeting of the club. He may take her to the next meeting, as it will be at an hour when she will be out of the office. DICK. Eagle Point, March 26th, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, March 29, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
spent a week in Medford lately.-- BY TALKO. Mrs. Simon was at Jacksonville last Tuesday. Rev. Fysh went to Ashland on business last Tuesday. Farmers are generally busy in the fields these nice days. Dr. Officer made a trip to Medford on horseback last Saturday. Del Terrill visited the county seat last Friday to look after his taxes. Mr. Reynolds, of Big Butte, was down doing business at Mr. Florey's last week. John Nichols and wife spent three days at Medford and Jacksonville last week. Why can't our county officials extend the time for paying taxes--as they do in other places. Thos. Morine, the Brownsboro blacksmith, has rented and moved onto the Howard fruit orchard. Jerry Heckathorn, who had his ribs broken while out hunting by falling over a log, is able to be about again. Dr. Officer was called. Two of John Williscroft's girls, both riding one horse, were thrown off and one of them received a severe kick on the leg--not seriously hurt. Two young ladies on horseback were dumped into a mud hole in Eagle Point, by their horses becoming frightened and unmanageable one day last week. Sabbath school was organized after preaching last Sunday. A. G. Johnston was elected superintendent, Miss Charlotte Williscroft was elected secretary and treasurer, and Miss Mattie Taylor organist. Two petitions are in circulation here, one for the relief of Ike Williams, who lost a horse by drowning while fording Bear Creek; the other is to the county officials, asking them to have the Bear Creek bridge repaired without delay. Rev. S. S. Caldwell, the Presbyterian Sabbath school missionary for Southern Oregon, has been with us during the last week preaching every night to a well-filled house. His labors were appreciated, not only by Presbyterians, but by all denominations. Republicans held their primary to elect delegates to county convention on Saturday. Geo. Brown acted as chairman, J. A. Jonas as secretary. Delegates to county convention are H. T. Severance, W. W. Stanfield and Frank Brown. Delegates go without instructions. A Republican club of fifteen members was organized on last Friday. H. T. Severance was selected as chairman with J. A. Jonas as secretary, W. W. Stanfield as orator and the whole club as a committee to rustle new members. Committee on resolutions, Florey, Fryer and Williscroft. People's Party club held a meeting at Eagle Point on Saturday at 3 p.m., R. R. Minter in the chair, D. T. Ewan secretary. Club elected a rustling committee as follows: R. R. Minter, D. T. Ewen, T. P. Snyder, W. M. French, Frank Taylor. Speeches by French and others. Mr. Manning, who lives up Rogue River, near Flounce Rock, had a lake near his place on elevated ground, which he tapped for the purpose of draining. The water was ready and willing to get away, but while doing so it washed a canal through his land 60 feet wide and 40 feet deep, covering up a five-acre potato patch, potatoes and all, to a depth of five feet. Medford Mail, March 30, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Shock has left our midst for Washington. Miss Emma Perry has moved to Eagle Point and is boarding with John Ashpole. Her health is improving. Mr. Fysh preached for us twice yesterday. He preached next Sunday night, subject, "Is the Bible True?" Lemon Charley and wife were down last week to see Dr. Officer to have Mr. C.'s leg attended to. He has a bad leg. Dr. Officer, Wm. Perry and our boss miller, Mr. Schmerker, called on your correspondent this morning on their way to Medford. Yesterday we perfected the organization of the Sunday school by appointing Mesdames Simon, Jonas and Johnston and Mr. Jonson as teachers and Mrs. Jonas a librarian, with about 30 scholars. Miss Daisy Stanfield, one of our most promising young ladies, is taking music lessons and practicing, so that in case we should lose our present organist, Miss Cora Brown, which we may do, we will have one all ready to take her place. Our school opened last week with 43 names on the roll and a prospect for more, and now the question is where will we find room for so many children and how can one teacher attend to so many in a mixed school. Mr. Fysh seems to be at home in the school room. Ed. Hoyt, of Medford, stopped overnight. I should have said a part of the night, for he took supper and breakfast with us, but he spent most of the time at the dance. As he had on his coarse shoes he took it turnabout with Scott Pool and used his dancing pumps, one resting while the other danced; and why not have the young men adopt that plan on the ground of economy--say two or more club together and take the use of the "pumps" in turn. We have to chronicle another accident that took place in Bear Creek on the road from here to Central Point: Messrs. Geo. Little and T. Cox, in attempting to ford that ugly stream, found that their team could not stand the current, so they attempted to turn around in the quicksand, but in so doing capsized the wagon, throwing them both out into the water, but fortunately they were both good swimmers and thereby saved the recording of two more deaths. A. J. Daley returned Saturday from his mines, bringing some specimens of rare value taken from the rock. He also informs me that he has purchased a steam engine--24 horsepower, of James Helms and that as soon as the roads are in a condition so that he can haul it to move it to his timber where he is going to erect a sawmill with complete attachments. There is no man in this community that is more deserving of success or more likely to have it than Mr. Daley. I see by the Roseburg Review that there seems to be a laudable strife among its correspondents to see which can find the most ancient relic, and while I do not propose to enter the arena as a contestant, I wish to record the fact that Rev. R. Fysh of this place has four books in his possession that will pass as something a little antiquated. The first is two discoveries; subject, "Man's Enmity to God" and "Of the Salvation of Sinners." By the Learned Divine, Stephen Charnook, B.D. Dated A.D. 1699. The second is "Private Thoughts upon Religion," digested in the twelve articles with practical reflections. Form'd thereupon by the Right Rev. Father in God William Beveridge, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, A.D. 1793. Come out with royal privilege. Another A.D. 1751, and another 1791. Last Saturday the wing of the Eagle Point ring, known as the Democratic portion--that is the true blue--after considerable filibustering, met at about 4 o'clock p.m. and held a primary. John Ashpole was chairman and S. B. Holmes secretary. There was quite a number, considering the busy time, come and waited until they thought that there was going to be no primary and then went home; but as soon as the faction was disposed of that might interfere with their plans, one of the knowing ones gathered the scattered ones together and elected the above named a chairman and secretary. They then proceeded to elect three delegates, to wit: S. F. Robinett, Chas. Linksweiler and A. Pool. The first named has been nominated by the People's Party club as the candidate for justice of the peace; and the question is how can the People's Party men vote for a man for justice of the peace and have him serve as a delegate in a Democratic convention? He may not go himself in person, but he can and probably will send his proxy. The second named, Mr. Linksweiler, is one of the old bluestocking kind so they elected him during his absence. The third, Mr. Pool, just got home in time, but we all know Mr. Pool. We will wait with considerable anxiety to see if the predictions of some of the knowing ones come true. DICK. Eagle Point, April 2, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, April 5, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Rev. Fysh
preached at the school house Sunday morning.-- BY TALKO. School commenced last week with forty scholars. Mr. Fysh is the teacher. The fruit prospect was never better--almond, peach, pear and cherry trees are in bloom. A school teacher from Washington was through here hunting for a school last week. Grandma Daley, who has been up the creek at her son William's all winter, came back to her home in Eagle Point Sunday last. Rev. Caldwell spend the forepart of the week in the neighborhood four miles north of town; the rest of the week--including Sunday--he was in Brownsboro. Chas. Griffith, the man who was paralyzed by falling from a wagon a month ago, died on Thursday night of last week. The funeral occurred on Saturday at the Central Point cemetery. Rev. Howlett preached the funeral to a large gathering of relatives and friends. The people of Eagle Point will be sorry to hear that Mr. Jeffries, formerly of Dry Creek, but later of Washington, committed suicide by hanging himself last month. The cause was trouble over financial matters. John Phipps, in attempting to cross Rogue River, in a skiff, met with a current that carried him down over a big ripple, capsizing the boat. The boat came ashore a little way below, but the man has not been seen, and it is feared that he has been drowned. Medford Mail, April 6, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mr. Fysh preached last night to a full house and handled his subject as though he understood what he was talking about. Miss Ada Watkins, one of our most promising young ladies, who has been stopping near Central Point, returned home one day last week. Prof. E. E. Smith commenced school in Antelope school district last Monday and Prof. J. A. Jonas commenced at the same time in the Betz district. The fact is established beyond a doubt that John Phipps, of whom I spoke last week, is drowned. A party was organized yesterday, the 9th day, to try to recover the body. Our teacher, Prof. Fysh, is getting along finely with his 48 pupils and he has his classes reduced down until he has only 23 now and he thinks he can handle them very well. Mrs. Lou Chappell, the lady of whom I spoke a short time ago as going on an excursion with Mr. and Mrs. Graham to Washington, returned last Tuesday but by the time this gets cold she will be off for Coos Bay, where she has been doing business for several years. A company of young folks expected to have started for the summit of lower Table Rock yesterday but as some of the company had other engagements for that day it was postponed to some time in the near future; and if they will let me I may go and report the result in the Record. Last Tuesday night Mrs. M. S. Perry, her son William, her daughter Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson and her two children and T. B. Higinbotham stopped with your correspondent. Mrs. Nellie Perry-Simpson has just returned from Washington, where she has been for the last two years. She is here on a visit to her mother and family. Orlando Griffith finds that this climate is so dense that it will be necessary for him to leave here, as he is troubled with the asthma. He expects to start for Silver Lake tomorrow. His sister, Miss Etha, thinks that she will also be compelled to seek a higher altitude on account of her lungs. Their many friends here were hoping that they would sojourn with us some time, but "in vain do we linger, for the dearest friends must part." Our M.D., W. B. Officer, and W. H. Schmerker had quite an experience Monday, and it was not a bad day for breaking down either. They started from Eagle Point with Wm. Perry in an ordinary two-horse wagon and on the road Perry borrowed a hack and on the way across the desert the hack broke down, so they had to walk about two miles to get the hack fixed so they could ride in it. When they got to Medford they concluded to return with Frank Brown but had proceeded but a few miles before Frank broke down and then they got in another hack with a passerby and rode a short distance when that hack gave way under the enormous pressure. They finally reached Eagle Point in safety but the Dr. discovered that he in the rounds had lost his medicine case and all of his medicines except what he had in his pocket, but fortunately his "grip case" was picked up by Mr. Williams, the mail carrier, and brought to Eagle Point all O.K. The Dr. and the miller think this is a very good country to break down wagons in. I understand that the deputy sheriff was out last Friday looking for someone who had been accused of selling liquor without license and keeping a gambling house, and the last that was seen of the man he was going through George Brown's barn as though it was not safe to stay any longer in these parts. While he (the deputy) was out he had subpoenas for two young men and they (the young men) thought that perhaps they had better make themselves scarce so about 10 o'clock at night they concluded to take to the mountains. But Mr. Keegan, the deputy, got on their track and found them at Mr. Slinger's on Butte Creek, they in one place and their hats, shoes, etc., in another. The boys crawled out of a window and started for the timber but they found that traveling without shoes and some other necessary articles of apparel was not so very pleasant, so they wisely concluded to surrender unconditionally and this morning they start for the county seat. Up to last night they had not caught Ted Howard, the man accused of selling liquor and keeping a gambling house, but are still on his track. "Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard" in some countries. During the last week your correspondent received an invitation to come, with all the family to Mrs. Lucinda L. Wilson's on Sunday the 8th inst. at 11 a.m., as there was to be a wedding there if I would come and perform the ceremony. The note did not say who the contracting parties were and as is sometimes the case there was more than one lady of marriageable age and I did not know which one of the girls was to take the leap into the land of unalloyed bliss, but when the license was presented it read D. R. Davis and Lucinda L. Wilson. At 11:45 a.m. the high contracting parties filed into the room and in the presence of a number of special friends and the, then, Mrs. Wilson's children, D. R. Davis and Mrs. L. L. Wilson were joined in holy wedlock. As soon as the impressive ceremony was over and the usual congratulations extended your correspondent led the way to the table followed by the bride and groom and son on the table was surrounded by the invited guests among whom were Mrs. J. S. Morgan and two daughters, R. H. Halley and wife, Mrs. P. H. Oviatt, Mrs. J. W. Barsdale and Miss Susie Cook of Medford and Mr. Kempner, Miss Alpha McDowell, Grandma Evans aged 85, Mesdames J. W. and Vinsen Zeramba. and J. W. Collins. Miss Martha E. Wilson was chief caterer, Miss Mary Wilson factotum and Miss Jane L. acted as general roustabout while Erastus had a general supervision of the whole. It is not necessary to speak of the dainties provided with such an array of Talent in that line. Only think of seven different kinds of rich cake and everything in the same ratio. But occasions of this kind must be experienced to be appreciated. After spending a few hours with the numerous friends we repaired to our respective homes, wishing the happy couple a long life of unalloyed happiness. Mr. Davis is a native of Wales but has spent the major part of his life in Oregon and we hope that he may prove a valuable acquisition to our community. Talking about cakes, just after we returned from the wedding our new neighbor, Mr. Vermeren, came over and announced that he had a present for Mrs. H. and presented her with a piece of cake about the size of an ordinary brick that had been sent to him by his sister from Brussels, Belgium, a distance of about 7,000 miles. It is a fruit cake and as fresh and nice as though it was but a few days old, although it is over two months old. DICK. Eagle Point, April 9, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, April 12, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Miss Ellen Terry, who is stopping at John Ashpole's, is again reported on the sick list. T. B. Higinbotham and wife, of Big Butte, were stopping at the Pioneer Hotel yesterday. That venerable old pioneer, Chauncey Nye, made his friends happy by his appearance on our streets yesterday. Mrs. Doc. Parker, of Big Butte, was at church last night. Her many friends were glad to see her in our midst once more. Joe Rader, one of our rising young men, injured his back a short time ago, but I am glad to state that he is so that he can ride horseback again. The grand lecturer of the I. O. Good Templars, Rev. Crowhurst, is announced to lecture next Saturday night and preach Sunday at 11 a.m. About a week or ten days ago Dr. Officer performed an operation on Joe Brown's eye, removing a cyst therefrom and now Joe can use that organ as well as the other. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Brownsboro, April 10, 1894, a 7-lb. daughter. Dr. Officer reports the mother and child doing well, and John is in ecstasies. Dr. Officer reports that he was called on night before last to see John Rader's baby; that she is very sick with pneumonia, but at last accounts the baby was improving. Rey. Fysh failed to go to his appointment at Lake Creek yesterday, on account of being indisposed. However, he preached a fine sermon for us last night to a full house. Yesterday morning our Sunday school elected the following persons as delegates to the Sunday school convention that is to meet today in Medford: A. G. Johnston, Supt., Mrs. Chas. Carney and Mrs. J. A. Jones. One of the sheriff's deputies was out several days last week and while they are looking for Ted Howard he is looking for them and the latter always succeeds first in finding his man. He was on our streets yesterday. Jerry Heckathorn has rented the Harvey place, where Mr. Crump has been living (as Mr. C. turns it back to Mr. Harvey). Jerry only has the place for this season for corn, as Mr. Harvey expects to return this fall and occupy the place himself. Orlando Griffith started last Tuesday for Silver Lake where he has been staying for some time before he was called home by the illness of his father. About the same time Owen Grigsby accompanied by his brother Baxter started for Eastern Oregon where B. Grigsby has interest in land. About ten or eleven months ago John Daley, who is living on Elk Creek, made his appearance in our town looking as happy as a clam at high tide. We were all anxious to know the cause of his apparent exaltation, but the cause was not surmised, until recently his wife came out of the mountains with as fine a specimen of a baby as can be found in this country, and then the mystery was solved. There is a point of a hill--very prominent--that stands nearly opposite George Brown's store upon which a number of the young folks delight to sit and whisper words of love and adoration. I would suggest to some of them that they had better use a little caution, as they are sometimes under the immediate scrutiny of others, as Mr. Brown has a powerful spyglass that is brought to bear on them, and if they wish to take a sly kiss they had better go a little farther around the point where they will be unobserved. We had another of those little incidents to occur last Tuesday, the 10th, in which two hearts that beat in unison were made to beat as one. About 10 a.m. Mr. James Shirts and four young ladies called on your correspondent to attend to a little "job." So your correspondent and Mrs. "Dick" repaired to the residence of David to attend to the little "job." The ceremony was postponed for about an hour on account of the non-appearance of his best man, who failed to put in an appearance, the cause I did not learn, but at 2 p.m. the ceremony was pronounced and James Shirts and Rachel were joined in holy wedlock. We have to record two more narrow escapes from drowning in that treacherous stream--Bear Creek. The first was Mr. Walz, wife and baby. While attempting to follow the ford they got into deep water so that the hack washed around, but the load being equally divided the hack was kept level and by a scratch they got out by swimming the horses. The second is Mrs. Chas. Carney and her baby, Little Pansy. Mrs. C. attempted to follow the directions of Mr. Williams, the mail carrier, but she missed the route about one foot and the first thing she knew she was in water that was almost swimming depth and the buggy fast on a log. Mr. Williams put a pole from the bank to the buggy and carried the child out and then Mrs. C. tried to drive out, but the horse could not draw the load and so she got out on the pole and Mr. W. went in, unhitched the horse and rode him out--then they pulled the vehicle out backwards. Mrs. C. said that she went to Medford with her wet clothes on and that she realized no injury from the fact that she was going in a good cause--to attend the convention of the W.C.T.U. Last Saturday night the members of the G.O.P. met at the school house (the third meeting) and perfected the organization by electing Dr. Stanfield president. A. J. Daley vice president, J. A. Jones secretary, and B. B. Hubbard treasurer. There were four or five Democrats present and the pubs were apparently afraid to make a move for fear the horrid traitors would capture the meeting, and the Democrats were afraid to make a move toward organizing a club for fear the pubs would place some of their men in office, but everything went off smoothly and that irrepressible, logical and gifted orator, Gus Newbury, was on hand to make a speech. (I was not able to be there, but his friends say that his speech was not as long as he is himself.) He opened by telling the audience that the Republican Party freed the slaves and consequently they should be kept in power; that he did not expect to make a political speech and--and--well--he was not much of a politician, etc., and closed. A good Republican friend of his said he thought that he was out looking to see his chances to get the office of school superintendent, but others say that he belongs to that ring and they are afraid that if he is elected he might be influenced by some member of the ring to the detriment of some of the rural districts--we will wait and see. As an evidence of the interest some of the members of the G.O.P. take in the matter I will remark that Mr. Tungate and Chris. Beale, of Mt. Pitt precinct, came out to attend a meeting of the club. DICK. Eagle Point, April 16, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, April 19, 1894, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Nichols sold some cattle to Barneburg last week.-- BY TALKO. Ed. Simon was down from his mountain ranch last Saturday. W. W. French was doing business at Squire Johnston's last Friday. Jerry Higinbotham has rented the Howey place for this year for corn. Ben. Higinbotham and lady were down at Eagle Point on Sunday last. Porter Robinett and W. Ashpole are riding over the country for their health. Mrs. John Daley, of Elk Creek, is down here visiting relatives and old neighbors. Jas. Bell, the Brownsboro merchant, has put in a good supply of patent medicines. Mrs. Ashpole and Emma Perry were visitors at our school on last Friday afternoon. Benton Pool and George Daley were taken before the grand jury one day last week. Jas. Shurts and Rachael Mayham were married last Tuesday. Rev. Howlett tied the knot. Rev. Fysh went to Brownsboro to preach last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Fysh accompanied him. The Hubbard Bros., of Medford; passed through here on their way to their mountain home last Sunday. Your Central Point correspondent is a "leetle off" when he gets Dr. Parker, of Lamont, located in Eagle Point. A. G. Johnston, Mrs. Carney and Mrs. Jonas were elected to represent our Sunday school at the coming convention to be held in Medford next week. The deputy sheriff was looking all around here for some fellows that are like the Irishman's flea; when he put his finger on him he was not there. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Brownsboro, a girl. If it was a boy it would be a populist. Well, Johnny can stand it and so can we when we get cigars. John Brandenburg, a young man who has been at work for some time with Tom Nichols, took his wages and left for his home in Ottawa, Canada, on Monday of last week. Rev. W. M. Crowhurst will lecture at Eagle Point in the interest of good templars on next Saturday evening, and will also preach at the school house on Sunday morning at 11. Geo. Jackson is trying to get his land back again. It was sold under mortgage under peculiar circumstances which, if they can be altered, will result greatly to Mr. J's. benefit. Some parties in hiding from the sheriff have been making their home on the head of Antelope at the deserted ranch of Mr. Cox, helping themselves to hay in the barn and provisions in the house. John Crump and family are preparing to move up to their Antelope place to fix it up a little before exchanging it for land in the Palouse country, Washington, where he will start about the 1st of June next. John Phipps, the man who attempted to cross the Rogue River up at Flounce Rock, and was capsized in a boat, has not been found yet. Searching parties have been looking on both sides of the river for him, but their efforts were in vain. John Williscroft was summoned as a juryman last Tuesday and will have to spend his time for the next two weeks for the good of his fellow men, much against his will. The pay does not amount to much, as it will not pay board and hire a substitute on the farm. Mrs. Tom Nichols had a breakdown on the road the other day. She was in a one-horse cart going to the school house after her children when a spring broke, thus letting the bed and its occupant fall to the ground. No damage done except to the cart. Mrs. N. got on her horse and continued the journey. Medford Mail, April 20, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mr. Stevens' mother and sister are visiting her. The Misses Pierce, of Sterling, were here last week, visiting their aunt, Mrs. Thomas. Santa Claus, the hogologist, stopped overnight with your correspondent Saturday night. Corn planting has begun in earnest, but the ground is so hard that it is very difficult to pulverize it. I see by observation that A. Pool has been making some substantial improvements around his hotel. Mr. Wilkinson, one of the Medford meat dispensers, was out yesterday to look at some cattle that were for sale. Mrs. Lou Chappell started yesterday for Coos Bay in answer to a summons to appear as a witness in a lawsuit. Miss Mamie Nicholson passed through town yesterday on her way to take charge of the school in the Obenchain district. During the past week Miss Emma Eaton, recently of Iowa, stopped at the Eagle Point Hotel on her way up Little Butte Creek to teach school. I was told yesterday by an influential Democrat that he thought that they would leave the old time-honored (disgraced) policy of the party and put on a lady candidate for superintendent of schools in this county. Speaking of Mrs. Thomas, I see she is making some substantial improvements in the line of putting up a neat picket fence in front of her residence, as well as dividing her lot into two compartments, as though she was going into the poultry business. In conversation with W. H. Schmerker, our miller in the Snowy Butte mills, he remarked that all we wanted in this country was capital to develop it. With our water power, which is unsurpassed on the coast we could have employment here for all that would come, as well as utilize a power that is lying dormant. Last Saturday Mrs. A. M. Thomas, while on her way from Medford, riding horseback, aimed to adjust something about the saddle. The horse took fright and threw her off in the middle of the desert, where there were no fence or stumps to get on, but fortunately Mr. Fysh and family were but a short distance ahead, and she succeeded in making him hear, by that means saving herself a long walk, as she was enabled to mount her horse again. There are two young men of note in our neighborhood--one of them of a professional turn of mind and the other of no mean reputation as a business man, and somewhat used to livestock, have been examining the eastern market with regard to going into the fur business on an extensive scale, and so have decided to establish a feline industry here. They have been examining some of the different species of cats here and may in the near future import them on a large scale from the East or China. Is there any duty on cats? The leading members of the G.O.P. met at the school house Saturday and held their primary to elect delegates to attend the county convention. A motion was made to require all of the delegates to attend in person, but an amendment was offered requiring them to give their proxies to some other duly elected delegate in case they decide not to go. The delegates elected were: A. G. Johnston, A. J. Florey and John Watkins. There does not appear to be as much harmony among their ranks as ought to exist between a newly married couple, Ted Howard, the man that is so badly wanted in Jacksonville, was prominent among the members of the club. Last Saturday night Prof. W. Crowhurst lectured to a crowded house on the subject of temperance. He preached on Sunday at 11 a.m., and again at night in spite of the rain, he lectured to a crowded house. After the lecture he called for the names of persons who wished to enter a lodge of Good Templars as charter members. Twenty-nine persons responded. After the audience was dismissed those who responded were requested to remain and organize. The following officers were elected: District deputy, E. Fysh; chief templar, A. C. Howlett; vice templar, Miss Cora Brown; secretary, Dr. W. B. Officer; financial secretary, F. Stanfield; treasurer, W. H. Schmerker; marshal, A. Pool; chaplain, R. Potter; guard, Miss Truly Robinett; sentinel, S. F. Robinett; superintendent juvenile work, Mrs. W. W. Stanfield; vice chancellor, R. Fysh; deputy marshal, Miss Daisy Stanfield; assistant secretary, Miss Grace Stanfield, and B. B. Hubbard, past chief templar. R. Fysh, Cora Brown and A. C. Howlett were appointed a committee to secure a hall, etc. A number of others have expressed a desire to become members and we expect to have in a short time a lodge that will compare favorably with any lodge in the county, as we have some of the best elements of society here already in the lodge. DICK. April 23, '94. Valley Record, Ashland, April 26, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Miss Etha Griffith, accompanied by her niece, Miss Ora Woods, started for Sisson last Tuesday, on account of their health. Their many friends here wish them a safe return to our favored land. Dr. W. B. Officer returned last Tuesday from Portland where he had been on professional business; he also accompanied Miss Emma Perry on her way to the Good Samaritan hospital at Portland, where she had another surgical operation performed. She has had two performed in Medford and was getting along very well at last accounts. As there is quite a number of our citizens that are anxious to know what kind of a certificate our teacher, Prof. Fysh, has, I am authorized to state that he has a state diploma, and in this connection will say that we have here at Eagle Point one of the best schools in the country, Ashland not excepted. Our directors honored themselves by placing a new and beautiful bell in the school house one day last week. Misses Myrtle Tucker and Bessie Brown were the guests of Miss Octavia Howlett last Sunday. Rev. Fysh preached an excellent sermon yesterday at 11 a.m. on the subject of "Forgiveness," and at night on the subject of the "Older Brother in the Parable of the Prodigal Son." His subject next Sunday at 7:30 p.m. is "Common Sense in Religion." I suppose that it is hardly necessary for me to state that the average politician is getting warm under the collar. A large number are very much disappointed because they were not given a chance to enter the race; but by the dawn of the 6th of June they will be glad that they were spared the expense of running and the disgrace of being beaten. I was talking yesterday morning with the Republican nominee for commissioner, A. J. Daley, and he says that the thing is so mixed that he don't intend to spend much time and money in the race. From what I can learn the race will be between Daley and Bradshaw. They are both good and true men and their friends will vote for them regardless of party lines, and I tell you if Bradshaw gets there he will have to get a move on himself, for "Dick" is not a straw man. I heard one of the leading Democrats in our town--he is over six feet tall--remark that if Gus Newbury gets elected as superintendent of our schools that he will have to get those long legs of his in motion or the lady that the Democrats have nominated will carry off the honors. If she don't I can't see the reason, for the ladies are taking the lead in everything that is elevating. I suppose that on the night of the 15th ulto. we are to have a grand mass meeting at this place to hear the two noted orators, Mr. Jeffrey and Rollins. We expect to have the hall packed, as the ladies expect to attend en masse I presume. Mr. H. H. Mitchell commences his school this morning at Derby. Last Thursday the true blue of the Democratic faction of the Eagle Point political ring sent their representatives to the "hub" to get ready for the great Democratic county convention which convened for the purpose of bringing out the very best men in the party to fill the various offices in the gift of the people. The representatives were A. Pool, John Ashpole and S. B. Holmes. They took Frank Brown along as counsel. (Some of those who were not initiated thought that Frank simply went along as driver, or for company. But pshaw! a delegate to the Republican convention go along as driver, or for company? No, sir; the ticket had to be fixed up, and so they all four went over to Jacksonville on the Thursday before so they would have plenty of time to have everything arranged to suit the emergency of the case.) As I understand it the program was to alternate as good a man as they could on one ticket and then a straw man on the other; by that means making up a very fair ticket between them. From what I can learn the people intend to vote just as they please this next election, regardless of political parties. DICK. Eagle Point May 7th, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, May 10, 1894, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Officer returned from Portland Wednesday.-- BY TALKO. Frank Brown paid your city a flying visit on Monday of this week. Mrs. Morine is laid up with a very lame ankle. Dr. Officer is in attendance. Frank Galloway will address the Republican Club at Eagle Point next Saturday evening. Mr. Clayton and wife will leave next Tuesday for an extended visit to Washington and Canada. J. B. Eddie, of Pendleton, is down visiting with W. C. Taylor's folks, who are old friends. Miss Effie Griffith and Miss Orrie Wood went to California last week, for the benefit of the latter's health. The community was pained to hear of the death of Nada Inlow, at Portland, last week. Mr. Inlow left for Portland Thursday to attend funeral. Tom Coy and wife started for Medford one day last week, and about the time they reached the half way place they got stuck in a big mud hole, got a horse down and in trying to get him up upset the wagon and had a time generally, but finally arrived at Medford and loaded up one of those nice bedroom sets at Ike Webb's and--didn't come home the way they went. Medford Mail, May 11, 1894, page 3 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Glenn Owens, of Central Point, was out on a fishing excursion last week. There were three strangers here last week with the view of purchasing land. We are still blessed with drummers; one stopped overnight at the Eagle Hotel Friday night. A. E. Phipps was here last week soliciting for the Medford Mail. I did not learn with what success. The rain last night and this morning (Monday) is making the farmers rejoice, as it is a blessing very much needed. Little Frank Guerin, grandson of Geo. Brown, arrived from Portland last Saturday. He came in the care of one of the baggage masters. Several days ago Miss L. Nichols had the misfortune to hurt her fractured ankle again. She seems to have a hard time with that unfortunate limb. Mrs. Griffith, widow of the late Charles Griffith, has been making some improvements on her place, having put up a neat board fence around her back yard. There was a man here last week trying to secure aid in opening a wagon road from here to the Umpqua via Trail Creek; and some of our business men seemed to think that the move was a good and feasible one. The lodge of the I.O.G.T. at this place have rented the hall over the old Mike Foreman shop, and employed Mr. Lawrence to make the needed changes, which he has done, and hereafter the lodge will meet there. During the past week Dr. Officer was called on to operate on a little boy of James Culbertson--a case of periostitis. The child had to be put under the influence of chloroform and a quart of pus was taken from his leg. At last accounts he was doing well. Owing to the condition of the neighborhood roads, which are extremely rough. G. W. Apger had the misfortune to shake the tire off of one of his wagon wheels, and the result was that it became necessary to have seven new spokes put in the wheel. I learned last night at 10 o'clock that the residence of A. J. Johnson was burned to the ground with all its contents. The family were at Sunday school at the time, and upon their return found the house in ashes. The loss I have not ascertained. The family have the sympathy of a host of friends. During the past week our efficient road supervisor, John Young, has been working the road in this district and has put in a bridge across the gully on the south side of Westgate Hill. He reports the roads in his district in a worse condition than they have been for years at this time of the season. He also bridged another gully above C. W. Taylor's place. Mr. W. H. Schmerker, our boss miller, has returned from San Francisco, where he has been to see the sights of the midwinter fair. While he was there he took in both of the great cities, San Francisco and Oakland; also visited Stockton and Sacramento. While on his rounds he visited eight of the principal grist mills of California and reports having seen a great deal of interest, but says that the best brands of California flour are no better than that made by our Snowy Butte mills. We had a genuine old-fashioned scare here last Friday night. There was a family by the name of Dennis camped on Butte Creek, just at the lower end of town; and about dark it was discovered that Mr. Dennis' little grandchild, aged about five years, was missing. The alarm was soon given and in a very few minutes almost everybody in town was searching for the lost boy. The ladies turned out en masse and a thorough search instituted; and just as they had come to the conclusion that the boy was drowned, and preparations were being made to drag the bottom of the creek, the little fellow was found fast asleep under a bush. After the congratulations were over, Porter Robinett formed a division of Coxey's army and marched through the principal streets. Mr. Dennis was on his way to Sams Valley to be employed in a sawmill. During the past week we have had candidates of all political hues among us--putting the best foot forward and trying to make as favorable an impression as possible. Among them were H. S. Evans, one of the many candidates for sheriff. He stayed all night at the Eagle Hotel, and made a very good impression. Then came W. H. Parker and J. H. Whitman; they, too, were shaking hands with the voters and inquiring after the general health of all the babies, bless them. On Saturday night Mr. Galloway and Dr. Adkins favored us with two political spectacles. The Dr. said that that was his first political speech; and a good Republican friend of theirs remarked that they might do to go to the legislature, but that they would have to get someone else to do their talking for them, and seemed to think that it was not a good idea to send men to Salem that could not talk or that were retired business men living on the interest of their money. Last week Mr. F. B. Inlow returned from the Willamette Valley, where he had been called by the death of his daughter, Nada, notice of which was given in a former article that did not appear in the Record, and while I am on the subject I will remark that I sent a notice of the marriage of Mr. Arthur Nichols and Miss Catherine A. McDaniel, the ceremony being solemnized by Rev. Fysh on the 6th inst. I also chronicled the fact that Mr. Geo. E. Clayton and family, accompanied by his brother, Arthur, started for Washington state last Monday, where they expect to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Clayton's parents; then the two brothers expect to go to Alberta, Canada, where they think of making their future home, if the surroundings are favorable. After looking around awhile, Arthur, the younger of the two, expects to go to England to visit their parents. Their genial countenances will be greatly missed in our community. Mr. Yancey has rented Mr. Clayton's place and has taken possession. I spoke, also, of the serious illness of Mrs. Witt, living on the Dave Dunlap place on Big Butte. Fears are entertained that her mind will become unbalanced, but Dr. Officer has hopes of her ultimate recovery. DICK. Eagle Point, May 14, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, May 17, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Richards is stopping now at C. W. Taylor's.-- BY TALKO. There was a gathering of the populists at Eagle Point on Tuesday evening of this week. Born--To Frank Lewis on Thursday of last week, a bouncing girl. Mother and child doing well. We have had a nice rain--commenced last Sunday evening and continued all night and all day Monday. The Democrat nominee for sheriff went through here on Saturday on his way up the creek--returned Sunday. John Williscroft received a kick on the ankle from a horse recently, which has been very painful, and gives him a chance to lay off a few days from farm work. The Republican Club held a session on Saturday night and was addressed by Mr. Galloway, Republican nominee for Recorder, also Dr. Adkins, nominee for Representative, both of Medford. Martial music was furnished by the Eagle Point band. A. G. Johnston's house and contents was destroyed by fire on Sunday about noon. The family were all away attending church at Eagle Point. The neighbors gathered around the burning building, but not in time to save anything--partly covered by insurance. Medford Mail, May 18, 1894, page 2 Eagle Point and Its Possibilities.
To one who has an appreciation of the beauties of nature, there are
scenes in Southern Oregon that produce the grandest sublimity.
Beautiful green valleys with sparkling rivers and brooks, surrounded by
towering rocks and mountains, with an occasional snow-capped pinnacle
that rises up to kiss the blue heavens. Glorious heavens--the emblem of
spotless purity--pointing mankind to something higher and nobler.
One who travels towards the northeastern part of Jackson County cannot but be impressed with the natural beauties and advantages of that country. To speak northing of the fertile "sticky" section--which is not excelled anywhere--the valleys of Butte and Antelope creeks are magnificent. Eagle Point, the largest town in proximity to both valleys, and which, by the way, is soon to be one of the best towns of the valley, is situated on the banks of Butte Creek. That wonderful stream is fed by the melting snow of the Cascade Mountains and the whole year through carries an immense volume of water. It flows like a torrent, and is intercepted with numerous falls. In and near Eagle Point there are several sites where the entire power of the creek could be utilized. Now, with the enterprise of the Oregon people, why should this power go to waste? "The mill will never grind with the water that has passed." All that is necessary to make Eagle Point a manufacturing center is CAPITAL. Is there not always money waiting for a good investment? Perchance this may be read by some enterprising man. Let me say, it is but a question of time when Medford and Eagle Point will be connected with a railroad, and why not by an electric car line? An electric plant run by the waters of Butte Creek would form the cheapest and most effective motive power. But you ask, "Would the proposed road pay?" I answer, the R.R.V. road from Medford to Jacksonville pays, and this would be far more remunerative; we say nothing of the traffic that would accrue, taking for granted, as of course we must, that numerous other improvements will follow. A number of paying establishments could be suggested, but I will just mention two that strike me with especial force--woolen mills and tannery. What an opportunity to make a nice thing on the cheap wool and hides? Another thing, Medford must have electric lights, why not locate a dynamo at Eagle Point to light this city? Could it not be done with less expense than to run the same here with steam? This may seem visionary to some, but to a rational person who takes time to think, it is perfectly practical and reasonable. W.E.P. [possibly W. E. Perkins]
Mail, May 18, 1894, page 4BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. A. M. Thomas is having considerable improvement made on her place, by having a neat and commodious woodshed erected, also an addition to her residence. Mr. Lawrence is the boss workman, assisted by J. J. Fryer and Chris. Pearson in the carpenter work and R. A. Potter and Dan Gray are doing the masonry work. B. B. Hubbard has extended his porch along the front of his residence, greatly improving the appearance of his place. James Mills of Missoula, Montana, accompanied by his son-in-law Dr. J. F. Land of Clinton, Mo., have been visiting Mr. Mills' sister and family, Mrs. Edward Lewis, on Butte Creek. They are looking over our valley with a view to locating among us. Mr. Mills has been here looking at our country before (mention of which was made in the Record at the time) and he was so well pleased with our surroundings that he has about decided to locate here. Mr. Holt, one of our rising young men, is teaching school in the Newman district. He is giving general satisfaction. Miss Ivy Tucker, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Homes, near Ashland, returned to the parental roof last Thursday. I understand that Miss Lelah Fryer is taking lessons in typewriting of Prof. Fysh. Ben and Charlie Edmondson of Big Butte, also Henry Hughes of the same neighborhood, sojourned in Eagle Point Saturday night, The fine rain we have had for the past week, and still are having, is making everybody rejoice, the farmer, merchant and printer, for the prospects are favorable for a good crop, and the late rains have given an opportunity to many of the farmers to put in corn and plow the ground for wheat this fall. Deputy Sheriff Sisemore and Stock Inspector Dean passed through town this morning. They had in charge a wagonload of men, accused of killing deer. They were Mr. Winningham Pence, Caton and his three sons, and three more on the other side of Rogue River. I am informed that they are all Democrats and that they have been informed on by a Republican, so that they could hold them until after election. The pubs are getting desperate and are resorting to every honorable means to carry the day. My informant remarked that they lived in the mountains and times are so hard that they can't afford to buy meat; and that the deer tried to run over them and that they killed them in self-defense. I saw in one of our local papers that on a certain Saturday "one could not throw a stone in Medford in any direction without hitting a candidate," and it is almost as bad every day and night in our thriving little village, for we have candidates here of all political creeds and professions--all of them pledging themselves to do their best to serve the dear people. Last Tuesday night we were favored with a visit by those young champions of the people, J. A. Jeffrey and Grant Rawlings. I was unavoidably deterred from hearing them speak, as I was away from home. But the next morning bright and early a neighbor accosted me with the question why I was not out to hear them speak. After I explained the reason, he remarked that I had missed a treat (mark you this neighbor was born a Democrat, nursed Democratic nourishment from his mother, was educated in all the "modern improvements" of Democracy and counted on as one of the old bluestocking tribe of Democrats) for, said he, that Jeffrey is one of the finest speakers I ever heard and he made lots of votes, for I heard quite a number say that they were going to vote the populist ticket for the legislative ticket anyhow, and most of them the whole ticket. One very prominent feature of the campaign is the seeming combined effort of the two old parties to down the populists. Their power and influence is dreaded by both of the old parties, consequently the strenuous efforts made to try to make the people believe that they exert no influence... The next man I met, another old-line Democrat, often a delegate to our county conventions, remarked that Jeffrey was the man to represent him in the legislature as he was smart and honest; and said he,"I don't see any use in sending lawyers. bankers, and retired capitalists to make laws for us--we want to send someone this time that will vote to help the laborers and producers." From what I can learn, Mr. Jeffrey is making a clean sweep wherever he goes and although Mr. Rawlings is not the talker that Mr. J. is, still he is well received and the people in the rural districts talk as though they intend to vote for him.… On Friday night Hon. Alley, of Eugene, one of the horde of Republican speakers that are being sent into this country to try to defeat the populist uprising here. One of his admirers (a Republican) remarked that he had a small audience and that there was considerable dissatisfaction with his speech. If he accomplished anything he simply made the breach wider in the Republican ranks.… Saturday night Mr. Cameron was among us but I did not hear him, if he spoke, for there seemed to be no interest taken in his appointment up to 6 o'clock p.m., the time I left town.… The turbulent waters of discontent seem to be disturbing the quietude of both the old parties and to illustrate that thought, I will remark that there are now in the field, I understand, four candidates for the office of justice of the peace and they are all Republicans, and each one is doing his best to make the other fellows feel his power. DICK. Eagle Point, May 24, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, May 24, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Officer and Geo. Holmes talk of putting up a drug store in the near
future.-- BY TALKO. Mr. Huffer, candidate for county clerk, was doing this part on the county last week. Frank Ingleman, of Big Butte, was down at Squire Johnston's on business last week. Prof. Fysh came nearly having to dismiss school last Friday, on account of his being sick. Distemper is said to be raging among the horses on the range, and has been fatal in a few cases. There was a Republican rally last Sunday night at the school house, addressed by Hon. B. F. Alley. The present showery weather is what all growing crops need, and is a great benefit to all farming operations. D. B. Warren, nursery and insurance man, of Medford, was doing business at Eagle Point on Saturday last week. Geo. Brown & Son have added a stock of agricultural implements to their already large stock of goods, which they keep for the accommodation of their patrons. The little bird that carries the wedding bell under its wing passed over this section the other day, and the bell gave one little warning note, so don't be surprised. We are glad to report that C. W. Taylor is much better since he has been taking the medicine sent him by an expert from Sacramento. Hope it may prove to be the right medicine. There are no regular party nominees in this precinct for justice of the peace, but the crop of independents comes altogether from the Republican Party, viz: W. W. Stanfield, A. L. Haselton and John Watkins. Medford Mail, May 25, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Dr. W. B. Officer reports that business in his line is distressingly dull. Mr. Meeker, of Big Butte, was here during the past week on business. Mrs. Rachael Allen of Big Butte is here visiting friends and old acquaintances. Miss Celia Brown, who resides in Jacksonville, was out yesterday visiting her parents. Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson of Big Butte came out Saturday to attend the quarterly meeting at the Antelope church and expects to remain until after tomorrow, so that she can attend the meeting of the lodge of I.O.G.T., which meets every Tuesday night. Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Fysh expects to preach to the children and take a collection for the S.S. union. We anticipate a treat, as Mr. F. understands how to interest the little folks. Sunday night he is to preach on the subject, "Spiritual Part of Man." As an evidence of the thriving condition of our town, I will remark that Geo. Brown & Son have been making an addition to their store house and added a list of farming implements to their stock of goods, and A. J. Florey is continually replenishing his stock of goods but still can't keep them--I suppose on account of his extreme popularity. A. G. Johnston, the man who was burned out two weeks ago, has gone to housekeeping in the Phil. Parliament house, right adjoining his place. Their neighbors brought in quite a number of useful articles for them and their many friends in Medford also furnished quite a number of things that are indispensable, and the family seem to highly appreciate them. Mr. J. says they didn't know they had such a host of friends as they find they have. Yesterday the Methodists (North) held their quarterly meeting at the Antelope church, had a basket dinner, and quite a number were present. W. B. Moore of Jacksonville preached in the forenoon and in the afternoon Rev. Downing of Central Point preached. At night we had services at Eagle Point. Rev. Fysh preached another sermon from the parable of the Prodigal Son. Rev. Moore was quite unwell, so that he was unable to preach. Last Friday evening we had a regular or rather irregular wind, hail and rain storm, the hardest ever known in the history of Butte Creek. I have interviewed a number of the old settlers and have been here myself for over twenty-five years, and it seems to be the prevailing opinion that the storm of last Friday was the worst ever known. About 5:30 a heavy black cloud began gathering in the south with southwest wind and as the cloud increased in size the wind increased in velocity. By 6:30 the rain and hail began to fall, with the wind blowing at a fearful rate. We had no way of ascertaining the velocity, but it blew so hard that it was almost impossible to stand in it. It blew down A. J. Daley's barn on his ranch near Eagle Point, John Williscroft's barn, McNeal's straw shed, a part of the roof off of Geo. Brown's barn, and my machine house, picking it up and taking it clear over my binder. It stripped the fruit off of nearly all the trees in the belt where the hail struck and literally pounded the growing wheat that was headed into the ground. Mr. Bradshaw reports that his fruit trees are leafless and fruitless. Mrs. C. Rader reports that the storm killed 180 young chickens for her and I understand that Mrs. Simon of the Pioneer Hotel who had a large number of young turkeys had them all killed. J. W. Smith, on the edge of the desert, had a large lot of young ducks, all that he had, drowned. Fences were blown down in every direction and wherever heard from the storm left devastation and wreck in its wake. In the old Dr. Whitney orchard now owned by a Mr. Howard there were fifteen fruit trees literally torn all to pieces, in many instances the trees being torn off right at the ground. Many of the hailstones were almost if not quite an inch in diameter. James Collins of Big Sticky stopped overnight with your correspondent last night and reports that the storm was, if anything, more severe there than in this neighborhood, for the hailstones came with such force as to break quite a number of panes of glass out of the windows and literally pounded the grain and grass into the ground. There has been during the past week quite a number of strangers here, some looking for a location for business, some for land and quite a number looking after the interests of the voters, outside of the regular nominees. In addition to them, we have had our full quota of political speakers, among whom were Hon. Wm. Colvig, Thomas Wright and County Assessor Wooldridge. I did not hear all of the speeches but heard a part and could not help noticing that the Republicans cheered the Democratic speakers as much and as loud as the Democrats did, and I was forcibly reminded of a remark in the New York Sun. In speaking of the populists the Sun said that "we (Democrats and Republicans) must treat them as a common enemy" or, as Gov. Tillman expresses it, "Democrats and Republicans are now together. It is a combination of the moneyed interests." Yes, when the Democrats speak they tickle the fancy of the "pubs" and when the "pubs" speak they tickle the fancy of the Democrats, for to an impartial observer they are "all the same John." But when the populists spoke, "nary a cheer." The Dems and pubs were silent as the grave. In fact, they appear to be so badly scared that they couldn't cheer if they wanted to. I don't think the Democratic candidates made a very favorable impression as they seemed to follow the old rut, making fair promises, etc., and when they left town some of them went out waving their hats and yelling as though they had been indulging too freely in "firewater." The average citizen would have thought just as much of them and they would probably have received just as many votes, if they had retired from our midst as gentlemen. The attendance was quite small although the crowd was very much mixed and was composed mostly of the citizens of our town and immediate vicinity.… On Saturday N. A. Jacobs, J. W. Marksbury and S. H. Holt favored us with an expression of their views on the political issues of the day. As I had other engagements I could not hear Messrs. Jacobs and Holt and only a part of Mr. Marksbury's speech, but I understand that Mr. J. made a very favorable impression and the general opinion seems to be that he will be our next county clerk. The masses seem to think that the populist candidates for representatives are the ones to send to Salem this time, for we have tried the two old parties until it taxes all we can get, not make (for we have to draw on the reserve fund) to pay the taxes on what we HAVE NOT got. DICK. Eagle Point, May 28, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, May 31, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle
Point Eaglets.
Nichols made a business trip into Medford last Friday.-- BY TALKO. Ben Higinbotham, of Big Butte, came down Sunday for a week's stay. The Republican Club will hold a meeting on the coming Saturday of this week. W. H. Bradshaw reports the hail was very severe at his place, completely ruining his wheat. The singing service for this week will be held at Mr. Brown's on Friday evening. All are invited. Senator Cameron, of Jacksonville, was in Eagle Point and vicinity for two or three days last week. Miss Celia Brown, of Jacksonville, came out on Sunday for a brief visit to her father and family here. Porter Robinett and Wilbur Ashpole will start for California next week, where they have secured work. The preaching services on next Sunday by Rev. Fysh will be to the children, at 11 a.m. All invited. Messrs. Holt, Marksbury and Jacobs, Populist candidates, addressed a People's Party meeting here on Saturday last. France Plymale, of Medford, was out last Sunday in search of his better half, who has been visiting for a week with Tom Nichols and family. The Methodist brethren held their quarterly meeting at the Antelope church last Saturday and Sunday, a basket dinner in connection. Eli Dahack started for a new country last Thursday in wagons and driving his cattle along with him. The state of Washington is his destination. Services at the school house last Sunday night were well attended and well conducted by Rev. Fysh. Rev. W. B. Moore, of Jacksonville, was to have preached, was unable to do so. Wm. Mitchell, the mail carrier from here to Leeds, reports much timber down as a result of the storm on Friday. In one place there were twelve big trees down in the road in one pile. S. C. Taylor, of Leeds, who has just completed an extensive tour of Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois, has just returned home to Jackson County to his home, reports times much harder in all the states where he has been than here. This section was visited by a severe wind, rain and hail storm on last Friday evening. The wind blew down much rail fence and a few straw sheds, fruit trees, etc. Limbs of forest trees blocked the road in some places. John Williscroft's barn is a complete wreck. The hail cut gardens to pieces and did much damage to young fruit, also cut the wheat badly in some places. Nothing like it was ever known here before. A
We desire to heartily and sincerely thank our many friends, both at
Eagle Point and Medford, for the kind and timely donations of food,
clothing, etc., to us because of our being burned out. May God, who
giveth all good things, reward the kindness of your hearts abundantly.Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Johnston.
Medford Mail, June
1, 1894,
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Geo. Wiley had business last week north of Phoenix. Miss Woody, of Phoenix, was visiting Mr. Woody's family last week. Miss Mary Wiley made a visit to your city, Ashland, last Saturday, to spend a few days with friends there. News of every kind, except political, is very scarce, as the people seem to think of nothing else to talk about; but we will have a change soon. The high water in Butte Creek carried off our footbridge last week, and now the pedestrians have to go to the county bridge to cross the creek. Miss Maud Wiley, sister of John Wiley, of Phoenix, started for her home in Nevada last week. Her many friends here will miss her, oh so much. Owen Grigsby, who has been in Siskiyou County for some time, returned last week with Mr. Edward Greiza. They brought over a small bunch of blooded cattle, returning to California Saturday. Frank Brown and Dan Simon, after spending a few days in Klamath County and Northern California, returned last Wednesday. I understand that they are looking after threshing machine business. The friends of literature and advancement met at the church on Antelope and organized a literary society. They elected Geo. Stevens, president; James Howard, vice president, and Mary Wiley, secretary. They started with thirteen members. I am sorry to chronicle the fact that Mrs. Bradshaw is on the sick list, Dr. W. W. Stanfield in attendance. But I can rejoice with the many friends of C. W. Taylor on account of the great improvement in his health. He was given up to die by his friends and family, when a friend of the family mentioned his case in a business letter to a Dr. Swanson, of Sacramento, whereupon he sent a trial package of his prescription, and the result is he can now sit up an hour at a time and walk from his chair to the bed. We have had our full quota of political aspirants among us during the last week. Miles Cantrall, after sending circular letters to all, or nearly all, the voters, came in person to press his claims upon the dear people, then the next day H. D. Kubli, Geo. Dunn and that irrepressible genius, Gus Newbury, were all here treating to cigars, and telling us what they wanted and what they would do if elected. About the same time of the week the son, J. F. Creed, made us a call. Although he claims to be a populist, he done some hard talking against several of the populist candidates; but I think his words were like "pouring water on a duck's back to wet it," for they had no effect unless it was to strengthen the ticket. On the 30th inst. Mr. Eddy favored the citizens of this place with a speech, and he did not try to disguise the fact that it is the intention of the two old parties to join their forces and double on the populists, for he told us that they--the Republicans and Democrats--were to stop fighting each other and unite in a common warfare on the common enemy--the populists. During the week the Republicans have circulated the report that there was to be a joint discussion between the Democrats, populists and Republicans, just for effect; when lo! who should put in their appearance but Dr. Adkins and W. I. Vawter. Mr. Vawter delivered his speech, and then Dr. Adkins tried to talk; but what is the use in writing politics this Monday morning, for today will decide who will draw at the public treat [sic] for the next two years, and the masses of the people are rejoicing on account of it. DICK. Eagle Point, June 4, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, June 7, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle
Point Eaglets.
big shower of rain on Thursday, also on Saturday.-- BY TALKO. J. T. Wiley and family, of Medford, were visiting relatives near the Point last week. It is rumored that Tom Nichols now owns the billiard table in Howard's saloon here. C. W. Taylor recently sold about $200 worth of cattle; the average price per head was about $9. Two strangers were through the neighborhood last week trying to secure work through harvest. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. John Caton, a 9-pound deer slayer, on the 22nd of May, 1894. Mother and son doing well. The coyotes are carrying off Butte Creek chickens. If the chickens are kept shut up till the sun is one half hour high, there is no danger. Hon. J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton, while speech making here, met some of his old-time Nevada friends, viz, Mr. Yancey, Mr. Betz and C. W. Taylor's folks. A. L. Johnson, a Medford real estate man, had a land buyer out here last week--among other places, they looked at the place recently vacated by J. G. Crump. The Populists of the upper district met at Betz' school house on Saturday night, and were addressed by local orators, among whom were Henry French and Dan Engleman. The Republican Club of Eagle Point met on Saturday night and were addressed by W. I. Vawter and B. F. Adkins, of Medford, on the political issues of the day. Martial music was furnished by the Eagle Point band, viz, John Williscroft, fifeist, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Daley at the drums. Medford Mail, June 8, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Louis Tucker is reported on the sick list. Mr. Warner of Medford has been stopping at the Eagle Hotel for a few days. Rev. Richard Fysh and wife visited Medford Saturday. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. Pool of the Eagle Hotel. Miss Ina Johnston, who has been stopping in Medford with her relatives, returned home last week much improved in health. Rev. Fysh preached last night to a fair audience. He does not expect to be here next Sunday, as he will attend the camp meeting at Central Point. The many friends of Mrs. W. W. Miller, of Ashland, are glad to see her among us again. She is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, and her sister, Mrs. J. J. Fryer. Clinton Wiley. who has been working in Siskiyou County, Cal., for some time past returned home last week, on the sick list. Dr. W. B. Officer is in attendance. Clint. has a host of friends here who will be glad to see him around again. This morning quite a number of the farmers expect to commence cutting hay. The constant rain has kept the ground so wet that hay cutting has had to be put off as long as possible. But while the rain has retarded the hay cutting, it has been the making of the late crops of wheat and oats and ensured a bountiful crop of corn. Nevertheless the rain is pushing the wild oats along so fast that it works a hardship on the corn raisers, as the ground is so wet that they can't cultivate the corn. On the 7th inst. Mrs. A. M. Thomas gave a birthday dinner, it being her daughter's (Mrs. Lou Chappell's) birthday and the day before being her own she combined the two and invited a number of their particular friends (Mrs. Lou Chappell came from Portland the day before, the 6th, returning the afternoon of the 7th, after dinner) among whom were Wm. Gregory and wife, H. T. Severance and wife, Mr. St. Clair and wife, Mrs. Fryer and her two daughters, Wm. Chambers, Jr., Rev. Richard Fysh, wife and mother-in-law, Grandma Watson, Grandma Allen of Big Butte, your correspondent and family, etc., etc. For me to say that we had a good time would be putting it in mild terms, for a person to appreciate such an occasion as that must be a partaker, and I intend some of these times when we are going to have a birthday or wedding dinner to send for you, Mr. Editor, and let you see for yourself what kind of a dinner can be gotten up up on Butte Creek for we claim the palm in the way of getting up a good dinner and being sociable. Last Saturday we had another of those little incidents to occur here that causes two hearts to beat in unison as one. The occasion was the marriage of A. J. Stanley and Miss Edith May Wright of Big Butte at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. A. C. Howlett. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the groom's brother and Miss Daisy McNeal and a few friends of the minister's family. After the knot was tied and congratulatory speeches made, Mrs. "Dick" announced the dinner that she had prepared for the occasion. We all tried to do justice to that dinner, and "A Reader's" brother being present told the aforesaid correspondent, and the aforesaid correspondent expressed serious regrets that said correspondent was deprived of partaking of the repast with us. The couple united in marriage are both well and favorably known, having lived in the Butte Creek country for a number of years. They have the best wishes of a host of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life. Our election passed off quietly and there was very little excitement, as the Republicans felt sure that they would carry everything before them, for they had counted the votes beforehand and could plainly see a clear plurality over all others of at least twenty votes. But we all sometimes make miscalculations, as was the case under consideration, for they were badly mistaken. They accepted the situation without grumbling. but they look disappointed.… At the close of the day, as per agreement, the young folks began to assemble for a social hop and among the arrivals we noticed Miss Oly Cameron of Sterling, Miss Wooley of Jacksonville, Miss Forna Holt of Medford and Mrs. Ruby of Medford. There was a good attendance and the number of tickets sold showed that the ballgoers know when they have a good thing in the way of a supper, which was par excellence. I know about the supper, although I was too busy to inspect the dancing as I was helping to count the votes and watching the prohibition part of the program. The supper was prepared by mine hostess of the Eagle Hotel, Mrs. A. Pool.… There are some of the defeated candidates on the Republican side who say they don't mind going up Salt Creek, but they object to going in company with a woman. DICK. Eagle Point, June 11, '94. Valley Record, Ashland, June 14, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
A Sunday
school picnic is talked of for the near future.-- BY TALKO. Mr. Warner, of Medford, has left an Estey organ at Mr. Pool's for sale. Mrs. Perry, of Big Butte, was down doing business at Eagle Point lately. It is rumored that Prof. Haselton takes the Brownsboro school this week. The Good Templars have fixed up the Fryer hall and are using it to hold their meetings in. Porter Robinett, Wilbur Ashpole and Peter Simon started for California last week, where they have a job through hay harvest. The election passed off quietly, almost a full vote being cast (171). C. W. Taylor, A. J. Florey and Ed Simon, members of the board, being sick and unable to serve, S. B. Holmes, Prof. Fysh and A. G. Johnston were chosen to fill vacancies. The road is sticky over toward Rev. A. D. Howlett's, and those who travel it are liable to find it that way--so it was with A. J. Standley and Miss Edith May Wright, who passed over that way and were substantially linked together as man and wife, on last Saturday, the 9th day of June, 1894. May a happy union, a long life and good fortune be your lot. Medford Mail, June 15, 1894, page 4 The storm of last week did considerable damage to the crops on a narrow strip of country between the desert and the gap in the foothills on the Brownsboro road, Jackson County. The precipitation descended in the form of hailstones, and several hundred acres of wheat were completely ruined. The strip looks like a sunburnt stubble field, presenting a strange sight, flanked as it is by fields of beautiful green wheat. "Oregon," People's Advocate, Chehalis, Washington, June 15, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Inlow took a trip to Talent during the week. Clint Wiley is reported this morning as having taken a cold, and consequently a relapse, we are sorry to say. During the past week Gus Nichols, son of Thomas E. Nichols, was thrown from a horse, and the horse kicked him on the arm, causing a severe cut thereon. W. F. Wilkinson, the energetic and accomplished road supervisor in the Big Butte district, has been doing some valuable work on the north side of Big Butte. There is a disreputable sneak thief in this neighborhood who had so little regard for the claims of others as to take both of F. W. Mitchell's garden hoes and as he needs one, he would be glad to have one of them returned. The purloining was done on election day. Last Monday, the 11th inst., I had the pleasure of meeting, and forming the acquaintance of, J. R. Hardin, of Medford, and a brother pencil-pusher of some considerable ability. He is another victim of the fusion of the Democrats and Republicans, but he lives in hopes of better days in the near future. Last week Mr. Allen Hall, living on, or near Rogue River, near the free ferry, had a surgical operation performed on his back by one of our M.D.'s, W. B. Officer. He was thrown from a horse several years ago, and got his back hurt at the time; and after applying to several physicians for relief, finally applied to Dr. Officer with the about result. At last accounts he was doing well. Last week while Loren Stowell was riding across the desert on the north side of Little Butte Creek he discovered a coyote and giving chase on horseback, he ran onto the brute so as to be able to shoot it with his pistol, thereby saving the farmers in the immediate vicinity probably $100 in pigs, sheep, lambs, chickens, ducks, geese, etc., for there is no telling the amount of damage a coyote can do in a farming community. Last Tuesday night while the lodge of I.O.G.T. was in session there were two young men attempted to eavesdrop, trying to find out the secret of the age. There happened to be a person at the outer door at the time who saw them, and when they discovered the sentinel they skulked away in the shade of the house. They had better be careful or their names might appear in print as prominent eavesdroppers, as they are well-known. A rather remarkable incident occurred in this neighborhood in the matter of naming babies. A grandmother living here has nineteen grandchildren, but there is nothing particularly remarkable about that, but she gave them every one their first Christian name and every one of the nineteen names commence with the letter "E." She says that now she is sometimes bothered to find a name appropriate, but she thinks she can keep it up for a dozen or more yet if it is necessary. Frank Lewis, one of our energetic, pushing farmers, while cutting hay the other day, had his team run away, damaging the machine somewhat and throwing Frank off the machine as it run over a pile of rocks, but fortunately he was not hurt.… With some men troubles never come singly, and it is the case with Frank, for while he was riding in the foothills looking for a horse, a large rattlesnake bit the horse he was riding. He felt the effect of the strike and stopped and killed his snakeship, which had nine rattles. The horse soon began to show signs of being poisoned--swelling and bleeding at the nostrils. Frank immediately applied what remedies he had on hand and at last accounts the horse was doing well. Mrs. A. J. Florey has gone to Flounce Rock to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Nye, and while she was gone poor Jack had quite a misfortune. He was carrying eggs for his breakfast, when lo! the frying pan was upset on the floor, half-raw eggs, grease and all, and at last accounts Jack was inquiring for a noted old grandmother, trying to ascertain how he could get the grease out of the floor. Said he could get the cat to lick up the eggs and grease on the outside, but how he was to remove the black spot on the floor was the question of all importance to him. It doesn't make so much difference with old bachelors how much grease gets on the floor, but with us married men it does! I know how to sympathize with poor Jack and when this item is read by your hundreds of readers, especially among the married men, he will have more sympathy than all the disappointed candidates of the last campaign. Last Friday we had the closing exercises of our school--Mr. Fysh's first term. There were a large number of visitors, among whom were two of the directors, A. J. Daley and John Williscroft. Your correspondent was called on for a speech. Well, he talked to the children and to their parents, giving them some wholesome advice. After the speech the school was divided for a spelling match, the boys on one side and the girls on the other. They choose Fred Mitchell as captain on the boys' side and the girls chose Lelah Fryer as their captain. For a long time the contest was quite evenly divided, but as Mr. Fysh advanced in the speller the smaller children began to drop out until finally the classes were reduced to five boys to eight girls; then three to five, then one to two, and by this time the contest became intensely interesting, when finally the contest was between Robbie Jones and Charlotte Williscroft. As the words were pronounced by the teacher there was a breathless silence, but the end must come, and it did. The word "cauliflower" was pronounced and Miss Charlotte missed and Robbie spelled it, thereby winning the day. The verdict of the spectators was that they all done remarkably well, and that both teacher and pupils deserve a great deal of credit. DICK. Eagle Point, June 18, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, June 21, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Price visited the school on Tuesday of last week.-- BY TALKO. People are cutting hay, notwithstanding the showery weather. Mr. Woods has a horse afflicted with something like the farcy. A beef wagon from Central Point comes out here on Thursday of each week. Charlie Morine, of Antelope, was here visiting with his brother one day last week. John Daley, of Elk Creek, was down visiting his relatives here on Saturday of last week. Mrs. A. J. Florey is away visiting with her father, Chauncey Nye, on upper Rogue River, this week. Loren Stowell, on horseback, ran up near enough to a coyote to get him with a revolver last week. Lily Caton is staying for a few weeks with Mrs. Simon, to help through the rush of work attending harvest. Charlotte Williscroft attended the camp meeting last Saturday and Sunday, in company with Rev. Fysh and family. Miss Lizzie Wilson and Miss Sophie Simon visited Medford on Saturday of last week. Miss Lizzie had some dental work done when in the city. Claud White, who has a job over the mountains, received word not to come for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, he has work aplenty at Mrs. Simon. Mrs. "Dick" and her near neighbor, Mr. Vermeren, unearthed a coyote by digging him out the other day. They dug about seven feet and secured the animal. Mr. Smithline, son and daughter, of Woodville, are visiting for a few days at C. W. Taylor's. Mr. Eddy, of Ashland, is also spending a few days with Mr. Taylor's and Mr. Betz' folks. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Matthews are as happy a pair of parents as Eagle Point possesses these times, which lump of elation is caused by there arriving at their home last Friday a nine-pound boy baby. Both mother and child doing nicely. The closing exercises of Prof. Fysh's school occurred on Friday afternoon. Among the visitors were the directors, Rev. Howlett, and many others. After speeches and other exercises the closing scene was an old-fashioned spelling match between the boys vs. the girls. The boys were the winners. Frank Lewis had a streak of bad luck last week. While cutting hay his horses became frightened and ran away with the mower. It will take $10 to repair the damages. Then while out hunting a stray animal in the mountains, the horse he was riding was bitten by a rattlesnake. He killed the rattler. The horse began coughing and bleeding at the nose in about an hour after he was bitten, his leg swelled up to two or three times its natural size, and it is yet uncertain whether he will live or not. Medford Mail, June 22, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Born June 15, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Matthews, a 9-lb. son. During the past week Mr. Uhlmen, of Medford, accompanied by a friend, was through here looking for land. The first of last week Grandma Daley was reported on the sick list, but not in time for my last communication. Dr. W. W. Stanfield was in attendance. I inadvertently omitted to mention that Mrs. Martha Brown, of Brownsboro, was one of the invited guests at Mrs. A. M. Thomas' birthday party on the 7th inst. The many friends of Mrs. George Brown were made glad by her appearance among us again. She has been stopping in Jacksonville with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Holmes. Prof. E. P. Elliott, the gentleman who taught our school about a year ago, surprised his friends by putting in an appearance last Thursday. He is principal of a school in Santa Cruz, Cal. The election has made quite a change in the school in the Antelope district, as Prof. E. E. Smith has been selected as deputy county clerk. He has employed Miss Zudie Owens to teach the remainder of the term. Last Tuesday evening we had a very pleasant call by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shepherd, of your city. They are traveling in the interest of the organ manufacturers. They entertained us with fine music until a late hour. Yesterday, Sunday, almost everybody from Eagle Point and vicinity went to the camp meeting at Central Point. It was estimated that there was over 1000 persons present. There was some talk of continuing the meeting for another week. Rev. R. Fysh expects to preach at Eagle Point next Sunday. July 1st, at 11 a.m. and again at 8 p.m. He will also preach at Brownsboro at 2:30 p.m., and the following Sunday, July 8th, he will hold a basket meeting at the Antelope church, commencing on the Saturday night before at 8 o'clock. We had a very sudden and unexpected death in our community last Wednesday that shocked us all. As has been announced in my communication before, Clint. Wiley had returned home from California as he was not feeling well, and in my last I spoke of him taking a relapse. Still none of his friends thought of him being dangerous, as he was able to wait upon himself and seemed in fine spirits; but on Wednesday, the 20th inst., at 3 o'clock, he fell over upon his pillow and without a struggle quietly breathed his last. * * * John Clinton Wiley was born in Mono County, Cal., Feb. 8, 1871, and left there with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiley, June 19, 1883, arriving in Jackson County July 11 of the same year, where he has made his home up to the day of his death. He professed religion and joined the Free-will Baptist Church on Antelope in August, 1885, and when the Methodists bought the church building the majority of the members went into that organization, he with the rest, where he lived a constant Christian life until the day of his death. He was looked upon as one of the most exemplary young men in the entire community, and was beloved by all who knew him. He lived for God and God took him to himself. As an evidence of the high esteem in which he was held, I will add that there was one of the finest floral exhibits I ever saw at a funeral; the bouquets, wreaths and symbols were sent and brought from every direction. The funeral discourse was preached at the Antelope church on Friday by Rev. R. Fysh, his pastor, to one of the largest audiences ever assembled in the house before. When all was ready the choir sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul"; Mr. Fysh then read the 11th chapter of Job in a very impressive manner. Hymn No. 199 was then sung, and Mr. F. made a fervent prayer, after which he preached from the text 2nd Samuel, 12 chap., verse 23. While I shall not attempt to give even a synopsis of the discourse, I must add that his remarks on the recognization of friends and loved ones in the beyond were so impressive that they seemed to move almost everyone present. The concluding prayer was offered by your correspondent, after which we followed the remains to the Central Point cemetery, where the services were concluded by Revs. Fysh and Moore. There were twenty-eight carriages and buggies followed the remains from the church to the grave, a distance of about 8 or 9 miles. His presence will not only be missed by the family, but by the host of friends that sympathize with the bereaved in their affliction, but they sorrow not as those who have no hope. *
* *
* *
For what they now
DICK.Shall rise in full immortal prime, And bloom to fade no more. The charmed circle broken-- A dear face missed from its accustomed place; But cleansed and saved, and perfected by grace, One more in Heaven! Eagle Point, June 25, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, June 28, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. David Rall of Tacoma is paying her folks here a visit. The camp meeting at Central Point closed last Wednesday night. Mr. Zancy, living on the Avery Clayton place, is on the sick list. Rey. S. S. Caldwell goes to Coos County soon on Sunday school work. F. B. Inlow and son Fred have gone to California for the former's health. Claude White, Wm. Brown and Boyd Tucker are in Siskiyou County haying. Grandma Daley is in very poor health, and C. W. Taylor is not improving as fast as is desired. Baxter Grigsby and family were visiting his mother Mrs. A. M. Thomas, accompanied by his father-in-law and family, Mr. Faith. Mrs. Helen Fulton, sister of the Mitchell Bros., is among the sidetracked passengers on her way from her home in Maxwell, Col., to visit relatives here. Mrs. Nellie Simpson of Big Butte came out last Tuesday to attend the meeting of the lodge of I.O.G.T., and remained several days with Eagle Point friends. James Wiley, not hearing of the death of his brother until after his funeral, did not arrive at his father's until Monday night. He reports the prospect very good for hay in Klamath County, as the late rains have kept the grass growing all the time. This evening (Monday) Miss Millie Howlett surprised her parents and friends by putting in an appearance at the old homestead after an absence in Clackamas and Multnomah counties of 21 months. She laid several small wagers, as girls will, with the young folks that she would remain away at least three months, and now she says that it will take her all summer to do the collecting. There was a party consisting of W. F. Wilkinson and family, Prof. H. H. Mitchell and family and F. W. Mitchell, the sub-mail contractor from here to Climax, and family, had a regular old-style strawberry picnic on the north side of Joe Darr butte. They had strawberries and cream, and report having picked 10 or 12 gallons of berries besides having a most enjoyable time. DICK. Eagle Point, Or., July 2, 1894. Valley Records, Ashland, July 12, 1894, page 1 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Miss Cora Brown and her sister, Celia, who have been living in Jacksonville with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, have returned to our town. John Matney, accompanied by a young man by the name of John Varner, of the Home Guards, State Militia, at Klamath Falls, came in from that section last Thursday, on a visit to Mr. Matney's family. During the past week we have had several incidents of note to record, one of which is a change in the business management of our Snowy Butte mill. I understand that a change has been effected so that some of the owners of the Central Point mill have secured an interest in the S.B. mill, and the B.C.F.M. Co. have secured an interest in the Central Point mill; but the particulars I have not been able to ascertain as yet. As announced in the Record Rev. Fysh held a basket meeting at the Antelope church yesterday. He preached twice and we had dinner on the ground. Well, if you want to see an entire community enjoy themselves just go to Antelope church to a basket meeting. For good "grub”' and a really social time we will put that community against any other place in the county. At dinner it was announced that if anyone wished to be married that day that the ceremony would be performed GRATIS, and you should have seen the young folks casting sly glances at each other. There happened to be one couple that were not present, Mr. Wm. Chambers and Miss Lucinda Obenchain. They came for your correspondent, but he was not at home, so they stopped at Mrs. A. M. Thomas' and sent for A. L. Haselton, J.P., and were married. Last Thursday afternoon Miss Mattie Taylor met with quite a serious accident. She went to the field to bring in the horse and rake that the men had been using in the hay field. The horse became frightened and started to run, catching one of the wheels on a small tree. The jar threw her off the rake and the horse kept going around the tree, dragging her, until finally the thills gave way, thus releasing the animal. When she was found by her mother she was unconscious, her right arm being broken and her shoulder badly bruised; her neck and head were badly cut either by the stones over which she was dragged or by the rake teeth. Dr. Stanfield was summoned and dressed the wounds and Dr. Geary, of Medford, was called to render what assistance he could. The shock was so great that it was feared that her father would not survive the shock. (She is the daughter of Hon. C. W. Taylor, who has been confined to his bed for several months.) The same animal was hitched to a rake a day or two after by Sidney Johnson and tried to run away, kicking him several times, but not seriously. At last accounts Miss Mattie was doing well and we hope that it will not be long before she will take her accustomed place in our Sunday school. The 4th of July passed off very quietly here. However, a goodly number of us went to Big Butte to participate in the festivities and pleasures of the celebration in that neighborhood. Word was sent out that Hon. J. A. Jeffrey was to deliver the oration, but he failed to put in an appearance. We all seemed to enjoy ourselves very much. A fine program was arranged and owing to the non-appearance of the orator of the day, Dr. Stanfield was called on for a speech, which he delivered in good style. We had music by the Eagle Point cornet band; prayer by the chaplain, Rev. A. C. Howlett; reading of Declaration by Mr. Barniani; music by band; and then after some delay music by the Glee Club, after which T. B. Higinbotham introduced Dr. W. W. Stanfield in a neat speech, well prepared but not written, as the orator of the day. After the oration the young ladies comprising the Glee Club favored us with more music, whereupon dinner was announced. It was a basket dinner--just such a one as can be gotten up in the Butte Creek section, where we have a beautiful supply of good cooks and all the necessities to get it up.… In the afternoon some indulged in dancing, but most of the young folks and some of the older ones repaired to the race course to witness the races. It was estimated that there were between 150 and 200 people present at the time of the speaking, but in the evening more arrived from different parts of the county and at night the dancing commenced in earnest. There were 84 numbers sold, and the night was spent trying to wear the splinters off of the boards that were used as a platform. Those that remained and partook of the refreshments report that the supper was as good as the best. T. B. Higinbotham supplied all that wanted such things with lemonade, nuts, candies, cigars, etc., and he is just the man to make everyone feel at home at a place like that. * * * We had a list of accidents to record that day. Your correspondent had secured an additional hack to take all his family, and Mrs. "Dick'' was driving along, when a spring came "unglued" that had been welded the day before; but the difficulty was overcome by substituting a piece of fencing board as a substitute for the spring, and she went on her way rejoicing.… Ed. Simon had taken his hack wheels to the shop and had the tire set as a precautionary measure, but just before he reached the grounds one of his wheels turned wrong side out.… Mr. Peyton and wife, lying on Rogue River near Flounce Rock, while on the road to the celebration had the misfortune to have their wagon turn over, precipitating them both to the ground, injuring Mrs. Peyton considerably.… While at the races some of the fairer sex thought that they would show their ability as equestrians, and while running a race Miss Lavonia Mayham was thrown and seriously injured. DICK. Eagle Point, July 9, 1894 Valley Record, Ashland, July 12, 1894, page 2 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Miss Daisy Stanfield is at present on the sick list. Grandma Daley is still in very poor health. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. James Wiley, of Klamath County, who has been here visiting his parents, expects to start for his home today Mr. Newman had the misfortune to injure his foot a few days ago, and fears are entertained that blood poisoning will result. Miss Zora Bliss, one of the leading teachers of the county, is visiting friends in the Antelope district, where she formerly taught. C. W. Taylor has somewhat recovered from the shock caused by his daughter getting hurt, and Miss Mattie is recovering very rapidly. Dr. W. B. Officer, who has been off on a prospecting tour for several days, has returned. He has considerable practice at the present time. A. J. Daley has at last succeeded in getting his sawmill located on Round Top, and expects to be able to turn out some fine lumber in a short time. Mrs. Homes (nee Daisy Tucker), who resides a few miles south of Ashland, is at the home of her parents on the old J. J. Fryer farm, confined to her bed with an attack of fever. Dr. Officer is in attendance. It is the calculation to hold a basket meeting in the grove near this place one week from next Sunday, the 29th inst. Mr. F. expects to secure ministerial aid from abroad. Dave Ball, of Tacoma, is here; his family preceded him a few days. In conversation with a friend he was heard to remark that this country was far ahead of Washington; as here a man could work and get a living, but there many of them were on the verge of starvation. F. B. Inlow, accompanied by his little son, Fred, took a trip over into California for a few days, but have again returned to our community. Mr. Inlow's health is very poorly, and he thought a trip in the mountains of California would prove beneficial. Last Thursday, while walking up the street in Eagle Point, I discovered a "smile" emanating from the store of our enterprising townsman, A. J. Florey, and upon making inquiry, I ascertained that his wife and children, who have been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Nye, in Flounce Rock precinct, had just returned, and "Jack" was correspondingly happy. Yesterday Rev. R. Fysh held a basket meeting in the grove near Brownsboro. He preached in the forenoon and after dinner he had a children's meeting; spent an hour in singing and talking to the children, and at 3 o'clock p.m. your correspondent preached. The congregations were good and the behavior excellent. At the close of the 11 o'clock services your correspondent volunteered to take up a collection which resulted in adding to the amount received $2.40. Last Saturday night your correspondent, accompanied by Mrs. Dick, et al., attended the meeting of the Antelope Library Society at the Antelope church. They had a fine program and the little folk done admirably. I would give the names, but have not the list at hand. They had their election of officers, which resulted in electing Arthur Creed for president, Harry Carlton secretary, and Miss Myrtle Hurst as treasurer. Under the bylaws the president appointed the vice president. * * * While there we had the pleasure of seeing the bashful young man of the society. He only had seven young ladies under his immediate supervision. He is the society elect. I overheard the relation of an incident of the perils of a couple of young ladies: It appears that some of the young ladies have a place where they go on Antelope Creek for the purpose of bathing; having a tent, bathing suits, etc. On the occasion referred to, two young ladies went to the tent, put on their suits, and repaired to the place where they had been in the habit of bathing; but finding the water too shallow for that purpose, they concluded to go to another place a short distance up the creek. While there some mischievous boys came along and finding the girls' clothes in the tent concluded to play a practical joke on the bathers; so they took the clothes and tied them in knots, placing small stones between the knots. After they had gotten everything in readiness, they concealed themselves and raised a yell. The ladies rushed for the tent for their clothes, but it took them the greater part of the afternoon to untie the knots therein. The next time they are going to take a little sister along to act as sentinel. DICK. Eagle Point, July 16, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, July 19, 1894, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. MILL CREEK REALITIES.
According to promise made some time ago, I will give you a brief
outline of the farming industry in the immediate vicinity of the home
of your correspondent, on Mill Creek, a tributary of the upper Rogue
River.A Correspondent Sends Us Some Well-Written and Pleasing Comment on Some of the Farms of Upper Rogue River. Although situated in what is known as the "big timber belt," we find here another source of wealth, besides the timber, which has until recently been lying idle, but which will undoubtedly in a short time provide comfortable homes for many a farmer and his family. In referring to the family we have taken the liberty to assume (without any information on the subject) that it is the intention of the bachelor residents of this locality to acquire the most important necessity to successful housekeeping. and which is as as yet an unknown quantity in our settlement. Six miles north of Prospect, on the Fort Klamath wagon road, we turn to the right from the main road and after three-fourths of a mile of travel in an easterly direction we come to the farm residence of R. Rasmussen. The farm of Mr. Rasmussen consists of a homestead of 160 acres, a part of which is beaver marsh, which, when brought under cultivation, produces wonderful crops of hay and vegetables. Mr. Rasmussen has a portion of this bottom land seeded to timothy and is now engaged in clearing the remainder, and if we mistake not will soon have a fine farm where he can enjoy his full share of the comforts of life. Passing on a short distance we come to the home of E. S. Moore, and as we come in view of the many acres of rich bottom land, with its green pasture, the timothy waving in the cool mountain breeze, almost ready for the mower, and the fields of well-tilled corn and vegetables, in our admiration we almost forget the patient industry and years of toil it has taken to accomplish all this, yet we well remember the condition this land was in when Mr. Moore settled upon it nearly four years ago. Covered as it was with a dense growth of brush and small timber, it has been a tedious task to bring it under cultivation, but now that this is accomplished it is well repaying the owner for his labor. We must now pass on to the next farm, but before doing so we cannot fail to note the fine young orchard surrounding the residence of Mr. Moore on the upland overlooking the bottom land below, through which flows the pure, cold water of Mill Creek. In connection, will also state we were informed by Mr. Moore that he intended to engage in the cultivation of cranberries. We may then hope to see the tables of the Rogue River Valley supplied with home-grown "cranberry sass." The next farm is that of Geo. Stockton, the "printer farmer." His farm is a continuation of the same beaver marsh on which the preceding farms are located. Mr. Stockton is clearing a goodly number of acres, and intends to engage quite extensively in farming. gardening and fruit raising. George takes to clearing land in much the same manner that a duck takes to its chosen occupation, which anyone would acknowledge who had seen him operate on a small sapling that grew out over the creek. We don't know whether George underrated his strength or thought he required a bath, but anyhow he stepped bravely out on the sapling and with one mighty stroke he severed the tree completely from its connection with the bank of the creek and George and the tree fell into the embrace of the ice-cold waters beneath, but he soon emerged, apparently as happy as though the water was his natural home. About a mile further on we pass the home of M. A. Young and beyond this the farm of G. Olson, both well located, with many natural advantages. We next come to the home of F. C. Ladd. At the present time Mr. Ladd is busily engaged in clearing land, preparatory to setting out a prune and apple orchard, which he intends to do in the spring and says he is confident that fruit will do well in this locality. ORIGINAL.
Medford Mail, July
20, 1894, page 4Mr. Edsall made us a call last week. The gentleman is making preparations to build a new house up on Butte Creek. "Phoenix Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 1 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:James Lewis is reported unwell. Dr. Stanfield is prescribing. Miss Amy Safford, our postmistress, is reported to be on the sick list. John Wiley, of Phoenix, is visiting with his family, their uncle William Wiley. Mrs. Homes, since my last, has been in quite a critical condition, but was slightly improving yesterday. Prof. Gamble, formerly of this, but now of Siskiyou County, Cal., was here visiting a friend one day last week. Fears are entertained that Miss Daisy Stanfield is down with a serious attack of fever, but we hope for the best. Grandma Allen, who has been spending several weeks in this part of the valley, has returned to her home on Big Butte. Mrs. Howlett took a trip to the mountains recently, staying with Wm. F. Wilkinson's family. She reports considerable sickness in a mild form in that locality. Rev. E. E. Thomas, of Medford, is expected to be here next Sunday to assist Rev. Fysh with his basket meeting in the grove at the old picnic ground. Mr. Moore, living on the edge of the desert, reports having a cow that brought five calves. Not a bad cow to have when calves are commanding a premium. Mrs. Fielder, of Central Point, accompanied by her daughters, Misses Julia and Rosa, spent last Wednesday visiting Rev. Richard Fysh and family. The event will long be remembered as a bright spot in their lives, for both families enjoyed the event very much. There is a company of men at work repairing our bridge at Eagle Point, and are combining business with pleasure, as the "boss," Mr. Clemens, has his family along and are camped on the bank of our beautiful Butte Creek, thereby saving the expense of boarding the hands at either of the hotels. The timbers used are some of the first production of A. J. Daley's new sawmill on Round Top. I am sorry to say that Miss Nellie Roberts, one of our most estimable and accomplished young ladies, is reported on the sick list. Her sister, Miss Lulu, reported her so unwell that she was not able to be out to hear Mr. Fysh preach at the Antelope church, thereby missing a literary as well as a social and religious treat. Mr. F. also preached at the Mound school house yesterday to a full house. While Greece and Rome may boast of possessing a goodly share of the seven wonders of the world, we, of Eagle Point, claim to have the eighth wonder, and that is a METHODIST MINISTER THAT DOES NOT EAT CHICKEN--or anything that is cooked with them. As far as I know he eats all other kind of meats with the exception of chicken, and the fact is so remarkable that he is classed as the eighth wonder of the world by our caterers. Harvest is upon us in dead earnest. I overheard a farmer remark yesterday that oats, which a week ago would have made good hay, was now dead ripe; and with two severe hailstorms, several cloudbursts or downpours of--say from four to six inches an hour; a visitation of grasshoppers; the rust on the wheat; excessive hot weather, and the green aphis, with the prospect of wheat starting off at 45 cents per bushel, the average farmer doesn't feel as jubilant as a person would suppose. There has been a vast acreage of grain cut for hay. and in some instances the yield has been very light, one man cutting over 40 acres and only realizing 15 tons of hay from the same; while in some instances the hail and wind literally destroyed the grain entirely, but that is in accordance with the teachings of scripture, for "When the wicked ruleth, the people mourn." David Cingcade reports that his son Thomas came near having a serious accident a few days ago. Mr. S. was mowing and his son asked his father to let him run the machine for a time. He consented and with Mr. Pew went a short distance to get a piece of wood with which to fix a header box. When Tommy had finished cutting the piece he turned the cycle up in a perpendicular position but forgot to throw the machine out of gear. The mower is so constructed that the cycle will run in that position as well as horizontal and as he started the horses the click frightened them and at the same time cut one of the lines into and the boy could do nothing more than hold to the one line, thereby keeping them in a circle, until finally the constant turning of the machine caused a ratchet in one of the wheels to give way, thereby stopping the movement of the cycle. He finally succeeded in stopping the team without any serious injury, but it was a narrow escape. DICK. Eagle Point, July 23, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Mrs. Daley, wife of the late J. Daley, died at the residence of her son, A. J. Daley of Eagle Point, one day this week, at an advanced age. She leaves several grown-up sons and daughters, as also numerous friends, to mourn her loss. Grandma Daley was one of the early pioneers of Oregon and truly a good woman. "Still Passing Away," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 2, 1894, page 3 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. A. G.
Johnston is ill this week.---- BY TALKO. J. J. Fryer made a flying trip to Medford last week. S. B. Holmes visited the county seat one day last week. Lem Charley was down at the Point last Saturday, doing business. A good steam thresher is wanted to do the work around Eagle Point this year. A. N. Sayers, a traveling medicine salesman of Medford, was out this way last week. There is some kind of contagious disease going the rounds now--guess it's the grip. Grandma Daley is not expected to live through her present sick spell. She is quite old. Grasshoppers are unusually plentiful this year and have done some damage to corn and beans. J. T. Wiley and family were up at A. G. Johnston's on last Wednesday, fishing and picking blackberries. The assessor is abroad in the land. He tries to make you believe that your property is worth twice as much as it really is. Someone took without leave a three-horse evener from Geo. Heckathorn's binder, while it was in the shop for repairs. A basket meeting was held at Brownsboro last Sunday. Rev. Fysh sermonized in the forenoon and Rev. Howlett in the afternoon. Geo. Daley moved his twenty-five-horsepower engine up to Round Top last week. It took six good horses and a good driver to pull it through. Mrs. Homes, a married daughter of Mr. Tucker, has been very low with typhoid fever for three weeks, but is better now. Dr. Officer is in attendance. Contractor Clemens and his workmen are repairing the Eagle Point bridge. Their families are camped there. The lumber is furnished by A. J. Daley's new sawmill. A basket meeting is announced to be held next Sunday, at Eagle Point. It is expected that double E. Thompson, of Medford, will be present to help Rev. Fysh conduct the services. Geo. Brown and Gov. Holmes, while at Mr. Taylor's, visiting, last Sunday, discovered a rattlesnake in the back yard, and killed it. It was a large snake, and had five rattles and a button. The Mail credited Rev. Moore with the Chamber-Obenchain marriage ceremony, and occurring at Central Point, when in fact it took place at Eagle Point and was the work of our new justice of the peace, Squire Haselton. Charlotte Williscroft narrowly escaped being bitten by a rattlesnake the other evening. She and the dog were after a hog in the brush, and it is supposed that the dog and hog had run over the snake, thus rousing its anger to the fighting pitch. When Charlotte came by it made a vicious lunge at her but missed its aim. Charlotte called her father, who was nearby, and they killed the snake. Frankie Johnston knows how to catch two fish on one small hook, stick the end of the pole in the bank and then go off and work in the hay field a couple of hours. The first little fish that comes along will swallow the hook and then a larger fish, about sixteen inches long, will come and swallow the little fish--that's the way it worked for him one day last week. Hurrah for the new town on Butte Creek! We are sure that if the plan, as given to the Mail last week, were but carried out it would be the commencement of a great city. No better locality could be selected, if the object is fruit farms of five to fifteen acres. Almost every hillside has a spring on it and is therefore subirrigated more or less--thus affording constant moisture and perfect drainage, the two essentials for success with fruit and gardens. Then the elevation ensures it from the late spring frosts that are so destructive to fruit on valley lands. The quality of the fruit produced here is superior to that on the sandy desert land of California or any other state. Then with proper railroad connection the lumber interests would center there, as it is far enough up to be in the heart of the timber belt. These are a few of the reasons why the enterprise will be a success. Medford Mail, August 3, 1894, page 4 Eagle Point Eaglets.
The young
people gathered at Rev. Howlett's one evening last week, for a social.---- BY TALKO. Among the sick this week are Miss Amy Safford and a little son of Robert Potter's. Myrtle Woodford, of Medford, who has been visiting for a week with her friend, Miss Millie Howlett, has returned home. A basket meeting for next Sunday, August 11th, is announced by Rev. Fysh, to be held at Antelope church. All are invited. Two young ladies visited a fortune teller last week, and made the fearful discovery that, in spite of all their fascinating wiles and smiles, they were doomed to remain single all their lives. McCallister soda springs is a very popular summer resort. It is located on the north fork on the Little Butte Creek, at which may be found the very best soda water in Southern Oregon, also plenty of good, fresh spring water. There are plenty of places there where the sun never strikes the ground, the timber being so tall and dense as to furnish perpetual shade. About thirty people are camped there now. Wild fruit and berries are abundant and easy to get. The game in those parts are coyotes, deer, wildcats and bears. And fish--well a good fisherman can catch one hundred a day, and they are beauties, too. The new town of Eldrianna will be about five miles down the creek from the spring. The thermometer stood at 108 last Wednesday--a little more than an average hot day for this country. The only effect on gardens properly irrigated is to just make them "hump" themselves growing--and right here let me speak a word for the garden. Among the good things of life what we have to eat is appreciated by one and all--the poor, the rich, the sick, the well--they all alike eat to live and some of us live to eat. Now a good garden furnishes at this season of the year, potatoes, cabbages, squashes, turnips, radishes, onions, cucumbers, green corn, string beans, blackberries and raspberries. Take your choice and live like a king. A couple of acres of good land, well watered, with a little care will produce all the above that one family can use for the year. DEATH
As was predicted in my items last week, Grandma Daley did not live but
a short time. She died on the first of August. She was one of the
pioneers of this locality, having come to Eagle Point in 1874. Her
husband built the flouring mill here and operated it for some time
before his death. Her two sons, who live here, A. J. and Wm. Daley, and
their families, together with hosts of friends and neighbors,
mourn her
loss. She was buried at Central Point. Levona Carter Daley was born
November 12th, 1810, in Columbus, Shenango County, New York--was
married November 28th, 1832 at Florence, Huron County, Ohio--joined the
Disciples or Christian church about 1834 and remained with them until
about 1865 when she united with the Baptists and remained with them
until she came to Jackson County in 1872, when she united with the
Christian church. She was a faithful follower of Christ's teachings
until death claimed her. She was the mother of five children, all boys,
and all still living except one.Medford Mail, August 10, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Charley Carney and family are going to Crater Lake soon. Miss Cora Brown is at present stopping with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes at Central Point. I am glad to announce that Mrs. Chas. Homes has so far recovered as to be able to sit up for an hour at time. Joe Rader, Harry Carlton, Artie Pool and Charley Stanfield have gone to Soda Springs on Little Butte to recuperate. I unintentionally omitted to mention that John Watkins has moved from here onto Big Butte to remain some time. A sub-reporter reports that they had a very pleasant time at a little social hop at Wm. Higinbotham's last Friday night. Robt. Potter's little boy is quite sick with typhoid fever. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance and the child seems to be doing well. Elmer Higinbotham and young Mr. Gorden started yesterday (Sunday) for Klamath County to try and improve their exchequer. Yesterday your correspondent and wife visited Hon. C. W. Taylor. He is still very low. The afflicted family have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. Lou Chappell, after a sojourn of a few days with her mother, returned to Marshfield, and Mrs. Murry, her sister, also returned to her home in Coquille. Claud White, that disciple of Lord Chesterfield, who has been in Siskiyou County, Cal., for some time past, returned last week, to the joy of some of the fair sex. F. S. Robinett, Thomas Coy and Geo. Daley, Jr., with their families, went out last week to breathe mountain air. They expect to visit Soda Springs before returning. Harvest is over, and now we are waiting for a threshing machine to come in. The crop prospect is not encouraging, as the rust has injured the spring grain considerable. Fred Stanfield, one of our most promising young men, started for Kansas last Wednesday, where he expects to finishing learning his trade. He will be greatly missed from our community. A. G. Johnson is having a siege of sickness in his family. His wife is confined to her bed and the children are afflicted more or less. This sickness, just after his burnout, works a terrible hardship on Mr. J. At the last meeting of the I.O.G.T. lodge the annual election took place, which resulted in the election of R. Fysh as delegate to the grand lodge; W. B. Officer, alternate; Mrs. L. C. Stanfield, superintendent of Juvenile Temple; A. C. Howlett, Miss Cora Brown, A. Pool, trustees; and R. Fysh, L.D. There is a party composed of James M. Lewis and family, Walker Lewis, Millie Howlett, some of Mr. Newman's family and possibly a few others, [that] expect to start for Crater Lake Wednesday, to be gone about two weeks. Millie H. is going to take a pea gun, and we expect to have a sufficient supply of bear meat to last us all the fall. B. B. Hubbard has sold his house and lot in Eagle Point to Mrs. Lou Chappell; consideration $700, and J. E. Stickle and family, of Oakland, are to occupy the premises, as soon as Mr. Fysh's time expires, which will be about the middle of October. I also learned that Mr. Stickel, who arrived last week from Douglas County, contemplates opening a blacksmith shop here. Mr. Combs, president of the company that has bought the tract of Hermann land on Little Butte and editor of the Chicago News, passed through Eagle Point the first of last week on a return trip from their prospective city of Eldrianna. I learned from what I think is good authority that they will commence to survey the land and lay it off in lots in the course of a few days. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 13, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, August 16, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:B. B. Hubbard has gone to the soda springs on Little Butte. Wm. Holmes, of Central Point, paid our town a visit last Saturday. Mr. Richard's friends are glad to welcome him among us once more. Miss Ora Woods, who went to Sisson for her health, is expected home tomorrow. During the past week Mrs. W. W. Stanfield has been quite sick, but is now able to be up once more. Scott Pool, Misses Elsie Miller and Amy Safford and others visited the orchard of Wm. French yesterday and report a fine time. J. A. Jonas closed his school last Friday in the Betz district. Number of names enrolled, 30; I did not learn the average attendance. John Allen and wife, of Big Butte, have gone to Modoc County, Cal., on a business trip, and may go as far as Susanville before they return. John Ashpole, the retired merchant and granger of Eagle Point, is separator tender for the Nichols, Simon & Matthews threshing machine. During the past week J. J. Fryer and family and Mrs. A. M. Thomas and son, Charles, started for Eastern Oregon, to be gone two or three weeks. I am authorized to say that Rev. R. Fysh will preach at Eagle Point next Sunday night at 8 o'clock. Subject: "Marriage" at the request of a young lady. It was announced yesterday (Sunday) morning in Sunday school that Rev. R. Fysh would not preach here as per appointment as he had gone to the soda springs with his family. Daniel Simon and Arthur Nichols have rented a three-quarter interest in the Nichols, Matthews & Pool Co. machine, and start out today to commence threshing the farmers' grain. Mrs. Chas. Homes, who has been sick for a long time at her father's, Lou Tucker's, took a relapse last Thursday, but Dr. Officer has succeeded in helping her, and she is in a fair way to recover. John Williscroft is expecting a friend to visit him this week and the two are going to take a big hunt on Trail Creek. They are going to kill skunks and coyotes, as you know that it is not healthy to kill deer on that range. Mr. Justin Tyler and Mr. Wight, of Klamath Falls, stopped at the Eagle Hotel last Tuesday night on their way to the Willamette Valley with a band of fine horses. The former is an old acquaintance of Mrs. A. Pool. News is as scarce as twenty-dollar pieces on Butte Creek, and Mrs. Dick says just tell the editor of the VALLEY RECORD that everybody has gone to the mountains and other places to recuperate except a few of us who couldn't go. Miss Grace Stanfield, one of our most accomplished and promising young ladies, has left to sojourn in your city for awhile. She is not only missed from the social circle but also from the secretary's chair in the lodge of Good Templars. I see that your fair correspondent from Big Sticky--"An old maid"--pays her respects to your correspondent and expresses a hope that he will be able to attend the basket meeting next Sunday at the Antelope church. Divine providence permitting, we will be there and help all we can when it comes to the basket part of the program.… l am not that "eighth wonder" and hope that the "Old maid" will be there with a well-filled basket. Our young folks have adopted a novel way to combine business with pleasure, thereby giving the young ladies a chance to ride and give some of the professionals a chance to develop their muscles: A young man takes a wheelbarrow and seats his best girl thereon and starts, and the program is for the girl to scream and then the gents increase the speed to quiet her nerves and on they go. Some young man, a professor, started with his dulcy dear and she screamed and he ran and the force of his body against the air caused his hat to lose its equilibrium, and while he was going back to get it the prisoner escaped from the wheelbarrow, and he had to take up the lonely march with an empty wheelbarrow. He is going to have the other girl sew strings on his hat as a precautionary measure as he does not like to run a wheelbarrow without ballast. DICK. Eagle Point, Aug. 20, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, August 23, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Prof. J.
A. Jonas' school, at the Betz school house, closed last Friday.---- BY TALKO. Among the good things to eat from the gardens, this week adds ripe tomatoes. Claud White, who has been working away this summer, came back last Friday. A. G. Johnston is up at Round Top, helping to put up the frame for Daley's new sawmill. Little Ralph Potter is dangerously ill with typhoid fever. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. The Nichols threshing machine has been at the Matthews shop, for repairs, for a few days. There was no preaching here last Sunday evening, as Rev. Fysh was up at McCallister Springs. There has been some buzzing around Squire Haselton's court the past week, but the cases were settled without coming to trial. Messrs. Ewen, Ditsworth and Williscroft went over on Big Butte, to catch fish, one night last week. They had poor luck but report having seen a good many salmon. It is reported that a small threshing machine, run by a tread power, will be in the neighborhood, to accommodate those who wish thresh only enough for bread and seed. A Chinaman tramped through Eagle Point one day last week, and continued his journey further east. Perhaps some of your correspondents up that way can give further account of him. Medford Mail, August 24, 1894, page 2 Big Butte Nuggets
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Edmondson,
Aug. 4, 1894, a daughter.---- BY B. AND T. D. W. Pence, of Trail was seen on our streets last Sunday. Amos Peck, of Little Butte, was one of our pleasant callers one day last week. Manuel Miller's two sons, Chester and Ralph, are visiting relatives at this place. Dave Gibson, Medford, was visiting friends and relatives on Big Butte recently. George Hoyt, of Medford, was visiting friends and relatives on Big Butte last week. Miss Lula Miller, of Brownsboro, visited last week with her sister and family, on Big Butte. Some of the young folks of Big Butte will attend a ball on Rogue River, Friday night, Aug. 24th, and from there they will go to Crater Lake, to be gone about a week. Medford Mail, August 24, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:John Allen and wife returned from their trip to California yesterday. Rev. Father Faber of the Roman Catholic Church held services here yesterday morning. I understand that Mrs. Mamie Duvaul is ill. At any rate she was missed from her place in church yesterday and last night. Last Tuesday Rev. Fysh returned from Soda Springs and reported a very pleasant time. There were thirteen tents on the ground and Mr. Fysh preached one Sunday for them. Mrs. Geo. Daley, Sen., who has been stopping with Mrs. C. W. Taylor since her husband's death, came home to her mother's (Mrs. P. Simon) sick and her brother Peter has his face badly swollen from the effects of neuralgia. Dr. W. B. Officer is now at the residence of Geo. Brown sick with typhoid pneumonia. He was taken ill while out on a little pleasure excursion and was unable to get to his boarding house, the Pioneer Hotel. Dr. Geary of Medford is in attendance. A Missouri friend of his, Alfred Wright of Gold Hill, is here assisting in caring for him. Our citizens are going to and coming from the different summer resorts almost every day. Last Saturday James Lewis and family and Miss Millie Howlett returned from Crater Lake (an account of the trip will be given next week in the Record, as Millie took notes for that purpose) and Mrs. Severance and Mr. Robinett's family returned from Soda Springs the same day. Joseph Rader and his company returned the latter part of last week. Joe and Mrs. Robinett returned sick. Joe ate too many fish, it is thought. As I announced in my last the Simon, Nichols and Matthews thresher commenced work last Monday morning at your correspondent's place, and after a few hours' run they went to Mrs. Rader's where they threshed 700 bushels of oats; from there to Wm. Wiley's where they threshed 84 bushels of wheat, and there I left them. There were three farms that on an ordinary season ought to have yielded 5000 bushels of grain, produced but 1055 bushels all told. It is not the fault of the land or lack of care in putting in the grain, but the unusual drawbacks of the season, as a long wet spell in the spring; a very hot, dry spell; a hail storm in May and another the second of July; the grain aphis, and then to cap the climax, grasshoppers enough to feed all the turkeys in Oregon for a month. While setting the machine at Mr. Wiley's the derrick mast fell, crushing the platform adjoining the cylinder, but fortunately hurting no one. Tuesday afternoon Dan Simon, who alternated as driver and forker, was taken sick and had to go home. I have since learned that so many of the men were taken sick that they were unable to run the machine. Yesterday Rev. Mr. Fysh held his basket meeting at the Antelope church and reports four accessions on probation. At night he preached at Eagle Point on the subject of marriage, and as it had been announced in the VALLEY RECORD that he was to preach on that subject he had an unusually large audience--quite a number coming from Big Sticky, Antelope, etc., among whom I noticed Phil Creed and Miss Maud Adams, Arthur Creed and Miss Ida Matney, Wm. Gregory and Miss Lulu Roberts, Frank Roberts and Miss Cora Little, also Miss Nellie Roberts--I did not learn the name of the other half of the pair; George Wiley and--well, he came by and committed larceny of my girl and the cart but brought them both back before I could get out the papers, so I guess I will drop the matter for this time. Well, they were all interested in the sermon and pronounced it fine. Mr. Fysh announced that he would not be here the next two Sundays, as he expected to be away from home. He expects to be in Ashland during the time and I hope he will pay the Record office a call. Saturday Rev. S. S. Caldwell and wife put in their appearance at your correspondent's and during the afternoon the word was passed around that he would hold a song service at the school house that night (he carries an organ with him in his buggy) and all who heard of it and could come turned out and we spent an hour under his instructions and listening to his music. He and his wife sang several duets. On Sunday he attended Sunday school at 10 a.m. and favored us with a fine sermon at 11 a.m. After dinner he went with us to the Antelope church and heard Mr. Fysh preach after which he favored us with a good, sensible talk and played, and he and his wife rendered some fine vocal music. This morning they start on a tour through Klamath and Lake counties, via Rogue River and Crater Lake. He expects to look after the Sunday school interests at Trail Creek, Elk Creek and Prospect on his way out and will probably preach every night on the route as there are campers all along the road and his organ will soon call a crowd together. As he is so generally known all that is necessary is to let it be known that he is to speak or play and all who can, who appreciate a good sermon or good music, will be on hand. DICK. Eagle Paint, Aug. 27, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, August 30, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Geo. Little of Central Point was here on a business trip Friday. Dr. W. B. Officer is gradually regaining strength. He has the very best of care and nursing. A. Pool and a few others are engaged in hauling flour from the Snowy Butte mills to Josephine County. In my last I spoke of Joe Rader being on the sick list and this week am glad to say that he is convalescent. Miss Ora Woods, who went to Sisson in quest of health, has returned. Her health improved materially while there. A. G. Johnston has been at work on Round Top doing some millwright work for A. J. Daley & Son on their new mill. Geo. Apger and John Ashpole, two of our enterprising farmers, go to Jacksonville this morning as jurors for the September term. Mr. Fysh has made several trips to Sams Valley during the past week, looking after the interests of the State Insurance Company. Yesterday morning the heavy clouds that were hanging over us began to send down a fine mist, that is calculated to cool and purify the atmosphere. There were two gentlemen here Friday poking after the business of the Newark, N.J., life insurance company. I did not learn what success they had. Mrs. Wood and her son John of Alturas, Modoc County, Cal., are visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Minter of Eagle Point precinct. Rev. Fysh changed his program for the past week so that he concluded to preach last night at Eagle Point but I was not able to attend, so cannot report the result. John W. Smith, one of the leading populists in the vicinity of Big Sticky and a well-to-do farmer, has gone to Roseburg on business connected with a land contest. Your correspondent "Dick" has been on the sick list for the past week and consequently has not the usual budget of Butte Creek news, but thanks to good nursing and "Garfield Tea" he is convalescing. Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her son Charles, who went to eastern Oregon a few weeks ago with J. J. Fryer and family, returned last Tuesday leaving Mr. Fryer and family there and the report is now that Mr. F. is down sick with typhoid pneumonia. A man and family of wife and eight children by the name of Winkle, formerly residents of this county but recently from California, are camped on the picnic ground on Butte Creek below town. They have their cows, chickens, dogs, etc., and are looking for a place to rent. There appears to he quite a number of would-be renters scattered over the country now, and still a great many of the farmers want to rent their places. During the past week the directors of Eagle Point school district employed John Harvey to teach our fall term of school. There was considerable disappointment, as it was almost universally supposed that they would secure the services of Mr. R. Fysh as he gave such general satisfaction when he taught our school last spring. But I understand that Mr. Harvey comes well recommended by the county superintendent and trust that he will succeed here as, I understand, he has elsewhere. Last Wednesday night Mr. Chas. Homes put in an appearance at his father-in-law's (Lou Tucker), where his wife has been confined to the bed for several weeks, with a closely covered carriage, prepared to take Mrs. H. to their home on the Tolman ranch, as her physician decided that she must be moved before she could regain her usual health. So Thursday morning he started on his journey with his wife in good spirits and I trust that they reached their destination without any drawback and with no serious results to her. Saturday on my way to Medford when I came to that horrible mudhole in the lane just east of the Lone Oak school house to my joy and considerable surprise I found the road supervisor, George Garret, at work filling in the mudhole with stones and Mr. Bursell and another man laying the foundation for a bridge, something that has been greatly needed, for that crossing has been a public nuisance for several years. And now if the supervisor of the adjoining road district, Mr. Moore, would put in a good culvert across a bad ditch in the Ish lane across Big Sticky we would have a good summer road from Butte Creek, Antelope, Dry Creek, upper Rogue River, Sams Valley, etc., to Medford. As it is, there is danger of trouble on account of that ditch. DICK. Eagle Point, Sept. 3, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, September 6, 1894, page 4 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Pierce, of Sterling, has been visiting relatives in Eagle Point during the past week. Jeff Bell, wife and child of Talent are here visiting Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis. Prof. John Harvey opens his school at Eagle Point this morning. He is stopping at the Pioneer Hotel. Mrs. John Ashpole returned a week ago last Saturday, but I did not learn it in time for last week's issue. Rev. Fysh expects to preach at the Antelope church next Sunday at 11 a.m., and Eagle Point at 8 p.m. Prof. A. L. Haselton has been employed to teach the school at Brownsboro this fall, and opened his school last Monday. Mr. Charles Homes, of Ashland precinct, was down last Saturday visiting his father-in-law, Lou Tucker. He reports his wife's health greatly improved. Rey. R. Fysh and Miss Daisy Stanfield went to Ashland last Saturday, the former to attend a meeting of the quarterly conference and the latter to accept a position in business circles. I understand that a young lady by the name of Benson, of Ashland, who has been teaching school at the Gorden school house, stopped last night at the Pioneer Hotel on her way to visit relatives in the valley. B. B. Hubbard and Wm Watson took a spin to Crater Lake, Ft. Klamath, Klamath Falls and Ashland. They barely stopped long enough to take their bearings and proceed on their journey. Mr. Wilson and wife of Langell Valley were at Mr. French's yesterday. He reports times hard in that locality; told of one instance where a band of horses was sold at sheriff's sale and brought only seventy-five cents per head. Last Saturday morning Deputy Sheriff Payne was out with a summons for Grant Matthews as a witness before the grand jury. John Young, T. Dugan and J. M. Lewis were in Jacksonville on the same business as witnesses in a hog case. J. E. Stickel and family, of Douglas County, have arrived in our community, accompanied by his brother, S. V. Stickel, and wife. The former expects to occupy the property recently sold by B. B. Hubbard, and the latter is here on a visit with Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Last Monday, just as I had my letter to the Record sealed and was hurrying to the post office to get it in on time, up drove Wm. Wiley and his family, consisting of his wife and two sons, George and Thornton, and Miss Mary, who was accompanied by Miss Zora Bliss. James Howard was also in the company, all on their way to Crater Lake and other points. G. W. Daley, Jr., had the misfortune to cut his foot while attempting to remove a pig's tail. The knife slipped and passed through his shoe, then his sock and finally when it had gone far enough to cause the blood to flow freely he suspended operations, to the joy of the pig. Dr. W. B. Officer was called and dressed the wound. I understand that the exertion was too much for him and he had a relapse, so that Dr. Geary, of Medford, was called to render him medical aid. J. J. Fryer and family returned from their trip through Klamath and Lake counties. I am glad to say that Miss Gladius' health is greatly improved. Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her son, Charles, who went with then as far as Langell Valley, returned the forepart of the week, as she had business that called her home. While on the trip she saw Edward Casto, formerly of Brownsboro. Said he had not heard a word from Butte Creek, except through "Dick" in the VALLEY RECORD, for months. * * * Speaking of the Record: A gentleman living near Talent remarked to me yesterday that his wife could not get along without the VALLEY RECORD, for the first thing was to look for the "Butte Creek News" and she remarked that it was like getting a letter from home, for she heard every week from her folks and old neighbors by that means. Yesterday (Sunday) we gathered up the wife and little "Dicks" that were at home and struck out for a little recreation in the shades of Rogue River. We struck camp in the beautiful orchard and garden of Wm. French. When we arrived we found two teams loaded. just starting for Klamath County. Here we found a number that had already arrived, and upon inquiry found that the Sunday before thirty had eaten dinner in the grove, and the Sunday before that sixty had eaten there, and yesterday we counted forty. Well, in the first place that is a fine shade, in the second place Mr. French is good company; is a widower, and very popular with the fair sex. Then his melons are so nice, and his peaches, nectarines, grapes, apples, etc., are of the very best quality, and he always treats his friends to the very best he has, and that is good enough for the most fastidious epicure. Among the many arrivals there yesterday we noted Mr. Geo. Stevens and wife, accompanied by Frank Derrick, of Butte Creek, Nev., who came here some time ago with Hon. W. H. Bradshaw, but left, looking for a better county, and after looking in vain, returned, I think, well satisfied that this is as good as any other country. Wm. French, Jr., had just returned from Crook County and he says he has come to stay as this is as good as the best he has seen. There was also some of the fair sex of marriageable age there with their beaux. We noticed also Chas. Edmondson, wife and baby, in company with a Mr. Kesterson of Tolo. In the afternoon Walker Lewis and Jerry Heckathorn, accompanied by Misses Minnie and Francis Newman, took a boat ride on Rogue River. And there was one company boat riding, I did not learn their names, that made the woods reverberate with their strains of vocal music that would make even an old man feel young again. Eagle Point, Sept. 10, 1894. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, September 13, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Prof. John
Harvey, of Central Point, opened his school here last Monday morning.-- Mrs. Pearce, of Sterling, has been here the past week visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. John Ashpole, who has been visiting relatives in the Willamette Valley, returned home on the 1st inst. Mr. Jeff Bell, of Talent, accompanied by his wife and son, is here visiting Mrs. Bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis. Rev. R. Fysh did not preach for us last Sunday night, as he was in Ashland. He expects to preach at the Antelope church next Sunday at 11 a.m. and at Eagle Point at 8 p.m. Rev. Richard Fysh and Miss Daisey Stanfield took passage for Ashland last Saturday in "Uncle Dick's" hack, via Medford. The former goes on church business and the latter to accept a position. A young lady by the name of Vinson, of Ashland, who has been teaching school in the Gordon district on Rogue River, stopped Sunday night at the Pioneer Hotel, on her way to the valley proper, to visit friends. Wm. French, Jr., has returned from Crook County, where he has been trying to recuperate his exchequer; but he has returned to stay, as he says that Jackson County is as good as any, and much better than most of the country. Prof. A. L. Haselton, who has been engaged to teach the Brownsboro school, opened the same on Monday, Sept. 3rd. The professor has the gift of continuance, for he has been teaching in this vicinity, within a radius of a few miles, for about eight years. Deputy Sheriff Payne was over Saturday after Grant Matthews to appear before the grand jury as a witness. Timmie Dugan, James Lewis and John Young were also called before that august body to give evidence in a hog case, where parties are accused of marking other people's pork. Among the new arrivals here is J. E. Stickel, formerly of Oakland, Douglas County. He expects to occupy the property recently sold by B. B. Hubbard to Mrs. Lou Chappell. He was accompanied by his wife and brother, the latter being a contractor and builder. They are the guests of Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Some weeks ago J. J. Fryer and family and Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her son, Charles, took a trip to Klamath Falls, Langell Valley and elsewhere, but Mrs. T. had business that called her home, so she and her son returned alone, via Crater Lake, Rogue River Falls, etc., and arrived a few days ahead of the rest of the party. Wm. Wiley, wife and two sons, George and Thornton, and daughter, Miss Mary, accompanied by Miss Zora Bliss, of Medford, one of our most accomplished teachers, and a young man by the name of James Howard, started for Crater Lake on Monday, Sept. 3rd. They expect to visit Fort Klamath and Klamath Falls before returning. Charles Homes, of Ashland precinct, was visiting his father-in-law, Lou Tucker, last Friday night. He reports that his wife's health is greatly improved. She has been sick for a number of weeks at her father's and was taken home at the suggestion of her physician, on a bed, and the change of atmosphere and surroundings has proven beneficial. Dr. W. R. Officer, who was taken suddenly ill at the residence of George Brown with typhoid pneumonia, and was confined to his bed and room for several days, has so far recovered as to be able to walk around; but he, like common folk, "got too smart" and had a relapse, and Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, was summoned on Sunday to render medical assistance. He is now improving. George W. Daley, Jr., our miller in the Snowy Butte mills, while attempting to amputate a pig's tail, had the misfortune to make a mistake and inserted the knife into his foot, so that it became necessary to call for surgical aid. Dr. W. B. Officer was summoned and by the use of needle and thread, sticking plaster, etc., succeeded in placing him in a position that by the good nursing he will get from his estimable wife he will likely recover; but the next time he attempts to amputate a tail of a hog, dead or alive, he is going to have it tied tight and fast, and his feet bandaged with burlap sacks. X.
items from the above correspondent are crowded out of this issue. They
will appear next week.--Ed.]Medford Mail, September 14, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. John Daley, of Trail Creek, and her children are here visiting relatives. Miss Emma Perry, of Big Butte, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ashpole, of Eagle Point. John Harvey opened his school last Monday and during the week enrolled thirty-two names on the register. That irrepressible rustler, Hon. Gus Newbury, county school superintendent, was out Friday to visit our school. He expected to visit the Brownsboro school the same day. Geo. Morine, one of our leading blacksmiths, has been on the sick list for the last week and J. E. Stickel, recently from Douglas County, has been busily engaged in the shop as a substitute. He has made a very favorable impression. Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her son Charles have gone to Eastern Oregon to look after the land interests of her son, the late Owen Grigsby. They are accompanied by Miss Gladius Fryer, who has gone to see if the change of climate will not prove beneficial to her health. During the past week Edward Lewis, Elmer Nichols and Wm. Higinbotham have been on a prospecting tour on the headwaters of Evans Creek. They are very sanguine of success in their undertaking, and expect to find gold in paying quantities and I hope to be able to report rich discoveries in the near future. Levi Murphy and wife, living near Medford, were the guests of A. C. Howlett and family last Saturday night, and Sunday they attended church with them at Antelope where Mr. Fysh preached to an attentive audience. He will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday at Antelope at 11 a.m. and at Eagle Point at 8 p.m. Subject, "The Power of Christian Influence." During the past week there has been considerable sickness reported, among whom are Mrs. Ted Howard. Dr. Stanfield reports her convalescing; Miss Lelah Fryer was not able to attend school during the past week. N. A. Young's two daughters were also on the list but are improving; Thos. Riley's child is reported quite low with typhoid fever, and Dr. Officer is mending very slowly. Last Saturday afternoon Wm. Wiley and family, Miss Zora Bliss and James Howard returned from Crater Lake by the way of the huckleberry patch. They secured about seventeen gallons. Mr. W. says that the weather while at the lake was warm and pleasant and the atmosphere was very clear so that they could see for a long distance in every direction; but when they were at the huckleberry patch it commenced to rain and snow, and that made it a little disagreeable, but taking the trip altogether it is one of the bright spots in their lives. Some time ago I had occasion to speak in one of my communications of some rare books that Rev. R. Fysh has in his possession, and one day last week while I was there Mrs. Fysh showed me an old-fashioned cream pitcher that was brought from Ireland over sixty years ago and is supposed to be over one hundred years old. It is the old-fashioned colored ware and is quite a curiosity among relic seekers. At the same time I was shown an old black walnut tool chest that was made in the state of New York by B. B. Hubbard's father, before he was born, and he is now in or near his seventy-fifth year, and the chest is supposed to be nearly one hundred years old. It was presented to Rev. Fysh by Mr. Hubbard and it will be kept among the rest of his old relics. I speak of these old relics because I see by some of the papers published north of here that they are trying to make the impression that they have all the old relics in Oregon in Douglas County. DICK. Eagle Point, September 17, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, September 20, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle
Point Eaglets.
Mrs. John
Daley, of Trail Creek, was here last week, visiting relatives and
friends.-- Mrs. T. M. Howard is quite sick, but Dr. Stanfield reports her somewhat improving. Levi Murphy and wife, living on Griffin Creek, were visiting A. C. Howlett and family Saturday night and Sunday. Dr. W. B. Officer, who has been sick for several weeks at the residence of George Brown, is recovering very slowly. John Harvey, of Central Point, opened his school at his place on Monday, the 10th inst., and during the week there were thirty-two names enrolled. Mrs. Thomas and son, accompanied by Miss Gladius Fryer, started last week for Langell Valley, to look after the interests of Mrs. Thomas' son, the late Owen Grigsby. Last week Elmer Nichols, E. H. Lewis and Elmer Higinbotham started for the headwaters of Evans Creek, in quest of gold. They are confident that there is plenty of gold there, if they can only find it. Rev. R. Fysh preached to an attentive audience in the Antelope church, Sunday, and at night he preached at this place. He will preach next Sunday at Antelope at 11 a.m.--subject, "The Power of Christian Kindness"-- and at Eagle Point at 8 p.m. Our newly elected county school superintendent, Mr. Newbury, is taking a step in the right direction; that is, he is visiting the schools at the beginning of the term. If he keeps on in that line we will let him serve another term, but he must do his best. Last Saturday Wm. Wiley and family returned from Crater Lake. They were accompanied by Miss Zora Bliss, of Medford, one of our progressive teachers, who expects to attend the Medford public school during the coming winter, and a young man by the name of James Howard, living in the Antelope school district. They report having a splendid time, as the weather was warm and pleasant. It appears that the orchard and melon patch of Wm. French, Sr., is becoming a very popular summer resort. On the last Sunday in July there were, by actual count, fifty-six who ate dinner under the mammoth oak trees on the edge of his orchard, and on September 2nd, thirty, and again on the 9th, forty; and among them quite a number of the fair sex.--(Confidential to the Editor--Mr. F. is a widower himself and has a son that some of the girlies cast sly glances at, and the first thing French, Sr., knows some girl will get away with his other boy. Henry was married a few weeks ago, and before the elder F. knows what he is about he will be left to dance in the hog trough.) Well, talking about Mr. French's orchard, he claims, and I think justly so, to have as good a variety of fruit and melons as can be found in the county. As is generally known, your correspondent is always somewhere, looking for items of news, and I learned that among the comers and goers at the French orchard was a Mr. Taggart and wife, who had just loaded their team for Klamath County. They were accompanied by another man, with a team. There were on the ground when I, or rather we, arrived--for the whole family was along--Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis, James M. Lewis and family, Walker Lewis, and Misses Minnie and Frances Newman. They were sampling Mr. French's melons. Shortly after our arrival Geo. Stevens and wife, and a young man by the name of Frank Derrick, recently from Battle Creek, Nevada, arrived on the scene. Mr. Derrick has been here before, having come with Hon. W. H. Bradshaw. He has been traveling considerably, but like many others who were hunting for a better country, came back satisfied that Jackson County is good enough for anyone these hard times. During the day Charles Edmondson and wife and a Mr. Kesterson, of Tolo, put in an appearance. They decided that the fruit was good enough and acted accordingly. Later in the afternoon, after we had all partaken of a basket dinner--Mr. Editor, did you ever partake of a basket dinner, in a nice grove, near a cool spring? for if you never did you have lost a large share of the enjoyment of life. But I must not moralize too much--well, after dinner some of the younger members of the party concluded to take a boat ride on the placid water of the Rogue River, and while one boatload was out in the stream they favored us with some fine vocal music. When we got ready to break up camp and start for home, we found that the two Miss Newmans had captured a couple of young men and taken them boat riding, so an officer was dispatched with a search warrant for Walker Lewis and Jerry Heckathorn. They were found willing captives of the two young ladies and were angry because they were rescued; but such is life. I also met with an old acquaintance from Langell Valley, a Mr. Wilson, who married John Obenchain's oldest daughter. He reports that there never has been known so much wild hay in that section of the country as there has been this year; that there will be hundreds of tons of hay left uncut, but that times are very hard over there. Medford Mail, September 21, 1894, page 2 Alleged Forgery.
George Brown of Eagle Point last week swore out a warrant for the
arrest of Loren Stowell, a young man who has been residing near there
for a considerable length of time, on the charge of forging the name of
one of his (Stowell's) parents to orders on Mr. Brown. Young Stowell
had left the vicinity and gone north and was arrested at Oregon City
Monday by Sheriff Maddock, and Sheriff Patterson left at once to bring
him back. The story of Stowell's arrest is a unique one. Sheriff
Maddock had been scouring the country the day before looking for
Stowell under instructions from the officials here, but was
unsuccessful. Monday as he went to give the prisoners their dinner a
strange young man asked the privilege of looking through the jail. The
sheriff was assured that he was all right, and permitted the young man
to enter with him. After they were inside Mr. Maddock noticed the
visitor exactly answered the description of the man wanted at
Jacksonville for forgery.
"What is your name?"asked the sheriff. "Stowell," was the response. "Loren Stowell?" "Yes." "Did you come from Jackson County?" "Yes." "Then you will please consider this your abiding place for the present, as the sheriff of Jackson County wants you," said Sheriff Maddock, and he turned the key on the new prisoner, who looked very silly at being entrapped so easily. He declared he had committed no crime. Ashland Tidings, September 27, 1894, page 2 Prisoner Brought Back.
Sheriff Patterson returned from Oregon City yesterday, having in charge
Loren Stowell of Eagle Point precinct, who is charged by Geo. Brown
with five instances of forgery. Stowell admitted that he signed his
grandmother's name to a check for $12, without authority, but denied
the other charges. He is barely 18 years of age and was preparing to go
to Montana, when his curiosity to see the interior of the Oregon City
jail brought him into the sheriff's clutches. Stowell was brought
before Judge Neil yesterday and waived examination. He was placed under
bonds to appear before the next grand jury, in default of which he will
languish in the county jail until December.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 27, 1894, page 3 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Wilbur Ashpole, who has been working in Siskiyou this summer, and Porter Robinett have returned. The boys are like chickens, they will come home to roost.… Jo Willson, our pharmacist, has been putting a new roof on his residence, assisted by young Mr. Carlton.… Mr. Newman, the extensive orchardist near [the] mouth of Little Butte, was doing business here Friday.… J. J. Fryer, taken suddenly ill with heart trouble last Thursday, is somewhat better.… E. H. Lewis, near [the] mouth of Little Butte, had a valuable Galloway cow shot in her pasture in broad daylight last Monday, with two loads of buckshot behind the shoulder. Evidently the work of some enemy too cowardly to meet his man face to face. Last Saturday someone went through the place and left the fence down, so the stock and hogs could get into James Lewis' corn.… Nick Young ran a sliver into his thumb, and it is feared blood poisoning has set in.… Miss Daisy Stanfield has a felon on her thumb lanced by Dr. Stanfield. Mrs. Minnie Duvaul took her place at the church organ Sunday night.… George Morine and Frank Morine and family have gone to Crater Lake to return via the huckleberry patch.… Frank Brown and son, and Misses Celia and Cora Brown and Mrs. C. W. Taylor and family have gone to the huckleberry patch.… The timbers to repair the Antelope bridge are being hauled and work commenced as it is not considered safe when the water is up in the stream.… The surprise party given Friday evening at the parsonage by their particular friends to Rev. Fysh and family resulted in a highly pleasing and entertaining affair, and when the assemblage adjourned the feelings of pleasure and regret will will be long remembered with regret that so amiable a family as that of Mr. Fysh's should be taken from our midst. Sunday Mr. Fysh delivered his farewell discourse at the Antelope church and at this place; and as you, Mr. Editor, have truthfully remarked in the Record that he has hypnotized the Butte Creek country for when he first began to preach at the Antelope church his congregations were composed of from five to thirteen attendants but now they range from fifty to seventy-five, and at Eagle Point he has had full houses for months. He goes to his new field of labor with the good wishes of this community attending him.… At the close of the services at the Antelope church your correspondent asked the privilege of taking up a collection for Mr. Fysh, as he had done the Sunday before. The result was $6.75, forty cents more than the previous collection. Scarce as money is in the rural districts, this helps to speak the community's appreciation for Mr. Fysh's labors. L. E. Land lost a valuable unbroken horse he had just bought of Wm. Watson. The horse reared and in falling backward his head struck a stone, breaking a blood vessel, resulting in almost instant death.… Miss Pierce of Sterling is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Stickel.… Miss Lottie Brown has returned from a visit with Mrs. Wm. M. Holmes at Central Point.… Dr. W. B. Officer has so far recovered from his illness that he will be taken to Medford today to be nearer his physician. DICK. Eagle Point, Sept. 24, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, September 27, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Sheriff Patterson made a double play this week. After leaving Mrs. Swacker at the insane asylum he went on down to Oregon City, and took into his custody one Loren Stowell, who was apprehended at that place for an offense committed out at Eagle Point last summer. The sheriff arrived here with his prisoner Wednesday morning and at once took him to the county jail. Stowell is charged with forging the name of Mrs. Elizabeth E. Wooley to an order on George Brown & Son, the Eagle Point merchants, and received therefrom a saddle. Upon being questioned by a Mail reporter the prisoner admitted having forged the order and with it bought the saddle. Said he was going to acknowledge the forgery and hope for the leniency of the courts. Stowell has lived about Eagle Point for some time and is a young man, not more than twenty years old. A preliminary hearing was had Wednesday afternoon, and he was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 28, 1894, page 3 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Minnie Dauvaul has been quite sick, but is convalescing.-- Miss Pearce, of Sterling, is here, visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Stickel. Joseph Wilson, a young man who has charge of Mr. Grimsley's drug store, has been putting a new roof on his residence. J. J. Fryer was suddenly taken sick, last Thursday, with heart trouble. He is now able to be around but is quite feeble. Mrs. Ted Howard's baby is quite sick. The mother and child both being sick is a severe hardship. Dr. Stanfield is in attendance. Mr. Newman, one of our leading orchardists, living on Rogue River near the mouth of Little Butte, was doing business in our town last week. Wilbur Ashpole and Porter Robinett, two of our young men who have been spending the summer in California, returned home a short time ago. Last Monday someone shot and killed a fine Galloway cow, belonging to E. H. Lewis. From all appearances she was shot with two loads of buckshot. I am glad to note that the material is being put on the ground to repair the Antelope bridge. It is expected that work will commence on the same in the near future. Nick Young, Jr., ran a splinter in his thumb recently, and neglected to attend to it properly and now carries his hand in a sling. Fears are entertained that blood poisoning has set in. J. E. Stickel, recently from Douglas County, has been taking the place of George Morine for the past week in the Pool blacksmith shop, George having been sick. Mr. S. made a very favorable impression, as he appeared to be a good mechanic. Frank Brown, of the firm of Geo. Brown & Son, accompanied by two of his sisters, Misses Celia and Cora, and Mrs. C. W. Taylor and family, and Messrs. Wilbur Ashpole, E. J. Story, Ed Richards and Elliott O. Donnell, have gone to the huckleberry patch. Miss Lottie Brown, who has been stopping in Central Point for some time with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, returned home last week. The members of the I.O.G.T. lodge here are glad to see her return among them once more, as she was greatly missed in the lodge. Mr. L. E. Land had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse one day last week--a horse he had just traded for. He went to Mr. Grimsley's to receive the animal, and a few minutes after he had received it the horse reared up and fell backward, striking his head on a stone and thereby bursting a blood vessel, which caused his death almost instantly. A party from Central Point came out on Rogue River to fish, but they got lost, and in their confusion they laid down Mr. Lewis' fence into his pasture and also into his field, and forgot to lay them back up again. The result is Mr. Lewis intends in the future to have notices posted warning persons not to enter his property without permission. Geo. Morine, one of our blacksmiths, accompanied by his brother Frank and family, have gone to Crater Lake. They expect to return via the huckleberry patch. George's health was poor and he thought that a trip to the mountains might be beneficial. J. E. Stickel, formerly of Douglas County, is filling his place in the shop during his absence. Though comparatively a stranger Mr. Stickel makes a favorable impression, and we extend to him and his family a cordial welcome. I learned the other day, from what I considered a reliable source, that Rev. Fysh had presented him, by Mr. B. B. Hubbard, an old-fashioned black walnut tool chest that was made in the state of New York by his father, before he can remember, and Mr. Hubbard is now about seventy-five years of age. The supposition is that it is about one hundred years old. It has been carried into some eight or nine states. While we were talking about old relics Mrs. Fysh showed us an old-fashioned, blue earthen cream pitcher that was brought from Ireland over sixty years age and is supposed to be at least one hundred years old. Medford Mail, September 28, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:I learned last night that Miss Lou Tucker is quite ill, but we hope that her case will not prove serious. Married at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. R. Fysh, Sept. 25, 1894, Arthur Creed and Miss Ida Matney. Miss Lucretia Caton, a resident of Ashland, who has been visiting her parents on Rogue River, returned home Monday. H. T. Severance and Benton Abeloose are on the sick list, although at last accounts both were improving somewhat. Miss Millie Howlett, who is stopping in Medford, came home with her mother Saturday on a short visit. She expects to return today. Married at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. A. C. Howlett, near Eagle Point, Sept. 30, 1894, J. W. Slinger and Miss Anna Farlow. George Hoyt, I understand, has rented the Peter Britt place adjoining the C. W. Taylor place, and J. J. Fryer has leased his farm to a Californian. Frank Lewis has bought six acres of land of Mrs. C. W. Taylor and has rented the most of her place, she reserving the house, orchard and a choice garden spot. Mr. B. B. Hubbard, after selling off all his effects, started for his old home in New York via Portland, where he expects to visit his stepgrandchildren at the orphans' home. I see that someone has moved into the old Pelling house but was unable to learn their name, as they have just moved there and none of their neighbors have learned the name. The many friends of Fred Stanfield will be pleased to learn of his safe arrival in Waverly, Kansas, and of his going into partnership with his brother Frank in the tin and hardware business. Delbert Apger gave a candy pulling party at his father's last Friday night in commemoration of his -- birthday. Quite a number of his friends were invited and partook of the pleasures of the occasion. Miss Lottie Brown, who is sojourning with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, has been visiting her parents, accompanied by Mrs. Holmes, but I regret to say has returned to Central Point again. I understand that Mr. Lew Tucker, who has been living on the Fryer place for the past two years, has leased the Wm. Wiley place and that Mr. W. intends to move to Ashland to live for awhile at least. Rev. R. Fysh expected to have started for his new field of labor last Wednesday, but when Mr. A. Pool commenced to load his wagon, he concluded that one wagon would not hold all his effects, so postponed further operations until a future time. Rev. Fysh and family are the guests of your correspondent at present, and it is uncertain at what time he will start. Last Wednesday Frank Brown, his sisters, and Mrs. Taylor and family and their company returned from Crater Lake and the huckleberry patch. They report haying a very pleasant time, and the air was so clear that they could see all the surrounding country, even Klamath Lake and in fact nearly all of Klamath County. While they were at the huckleberry patch one span of their horses took a notion to take a near cut for home, but Mr. Peg, of Prospect, happened to be with them and as he knew all the surrounding country, he soon captured the fugitives. They filled all their jars with berries and in all they secured about 20 gallons, but the rain dampened their ardor a little so they returned home all safe and sound. Walker Lewis, a young man living near the mouth of Little Butte Creek, came near having the top of his head shot off one day last week: He started to drive up the cows and just as he passed through the gate near the house a bullet whizzed by his head, so close as to raise his hair with the force. Evidently someone was hunting and through recklessness fired toward the house, thus endangering the lives of anyone passing around. If our grand jurors would indict a number of that class of hunters, and they be sent to the penitentiary for a few years, that would act as a warning to others, and some of them, at least, might heed to the requirements of our statutes, which requires the written consent of the parties having the land in their possession before one is allowed to hunt or shoot on anyone's premises. Last Friday evening when your correspondent came in from work Mrs. Dick informed me that she had dinner to prepare for Sunday. We most always have dinner on Sunday, but she meant an extra dinner. Upon inquiry I found that a young man by the name of J. W. Slinger had been to see me on special business, but that the dinner was not to be served until 3 o'clock p.m. Well, just as it happened, Rev. R. Fysh, wife and child, Mrs. Watson and her son William, and my daughter Millie were there and shortly after Miss Daisy Stanfield came and about 3:30 p.m. Mr. Slinger drove up with Miss Anna Farlow and just as we were ready to join the happy couple in holy wedlock up drove Timmie Dugan and Walker Lewis and after some persuading they came in to witness the proceedings. As soon as everything was in readiness Mrs. Howlett arranged Mr. J. W. Slinger and Miss Anna Farlow in the wedding corner of the parlor and in less time than it takes to write the account Rev. A. C. Howlett pronounced the ceremony that made them husband and wife. After partaking of the dinner and spending an hour in social chat the happy couple went on their way rejoicing, to Medford. They expect to reside on Mr. Slagle's farm on the north fork of Little Butte Creek--and as they went, they went with the best wishes of the entire company. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 1, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, October 4, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Last Friday night some of the particular friends of Rev. Richard Fysh
and family met at the parsonage to surprise them with a social
gathering, and at about half past six o'clock they began to collect and
by eight o'clock about forty had arrived. The evening was spent in
social chat, music, vocal and instrumental, and the younger portion,
including Dr. Stanfield, amused themselves in innocent plays, etc.
About nine o'clock supper was ready--for each family brought something
good to eat, and in fact, if the truth must be told, each one tried to
outdo the others in supplying the table with the delicacies of the
land; thus we had an array of various kinds of meat--chicken, ham,
mutton, beef, etc.--cakes of almost every variety, pies without number,
preserves, jellies, etc., etc. When all was ready the names of the
gentlemen were written on slips of paper, the slips placed in a hat,
and the ladies drew the names of their partners for supper. As there
were more ladies present than gentlemen, some names appear twice in the
list as given below. Then the fun commenced; each lady, of course,
wished to select the right one, but as life is full of disappointments,
so in this case some were doomed to that sad fate, but nevertheless all
took their part well and everything passed off without a ripple. The
result of the drawing was as follows: Mrs. J. E. Stickel, Dr.
Mrs. A. Toole, J. J. Fryer; Mrs. Morine, Rev. Fysh; Mrs. Fryer, A.
Toole; Mrs. Fysh, Prof. John Harvey; Miss Tana Howlett, H. T.
Severance; Miss Amy Safford, B. B. Hubbard; Miss Alice Morine, J. E.
Stickel; Mrs. H. T. Severance, A. C. Howlett; Mrs. Sarah Lewis, Claud
White; Miss Selah Fryer, Walker Lewis; Miss Daisy Stanfield, Richard
Fysh; Mrs. Minnie Dauvaul, Benton Toole; Miss Bessie Brown, John
Mrs. A. C. Howlett, Wm. Watson; Mrs. W. W. Stanfield, H. T. Severance.
After supper was over the guests lingered until about midnight, and
then said good night to the pastor and each other, and departed for
their respective homes. This, the last social at the parsonage, for the
conference year ending September 24, 1894, will be remembered with
pleasure by many of Mr. Fysh's friends who were present, and by some
who were debarred from attending on account of sickness.Rev. Fysh preached his farewell discourse at Antelope church last Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m. and at Eagle Point at 8 p.m. At the close of the services the last two Sundays, collections were taken which added the sum of $13.85 to the pastor's exchequer. By the time this communication is published, Rev. Fysh will, in all probability, be on his way to a new field of labor. The editor of the Valley Record says that Rev. Fysh has hypnotized the people in the Butte Creek country. Be that as it may, one thing is certain--there are few men, ministers or laymen, who will leave a community more universally beloved than Rev. Richard Fysh. When he commenced to preach at the Antelope church, he had five to thirteen hearers; for the past few months he has had a congregation of from fifty to seventy-five, and at Eagle Point almost always has a full house. Eagle Point, Or., Sept. 24, 1894 ----
Mrs. Lon
Tucker is reported to be ill.Lon Tucker expects to move into the Wm. Wiley place in the near future. Geo. Hoyt has leased the place adjoining that of Peter Britt, of Jacksonville. B. B. Hubbard has closed out his business here and gone to New York state. Miss Millie Howlett came out from Medford last Saturday, and returned Monday morning. Mrs. Wm. Holmes and her sister, Miss Lottie Brown, have been visiting their parents, at Eagle Point. Miss Lucretia Caton, of Ashland, who has been visiting her parents, on Rogue River, has returned home. Rev. R. Fysh expected to have gone to Lakeview last week, but is having trouble finding someone to move his goods. Married, at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. R. Fysh, Sept. 25, 1894, Mr. Arthur Creed and Miss Ida Matney. Delbert Apger gave a birthday party and candy pulling last Friday night. A goodly number of his friends participated in the pleasures of the occasion. The many friends of Fred Stanfield will be pleased to learn of his safe arrival in Waverly, Kansas, and that he had gone into the tin and hardware business with his brother Frank. Frank Lewis, I understand, has purchased six acres of land of Mrs. C. W. Taylor, and leased nearly all of her farm, she reserving the house, orchard and garden spot on the bank of Butte Creek. Frank Brown, his two sisters, and Mrs. C. W. Taylor and family, and a number of young friends returned from Crater Lake and the huckleberry patch Wednesday of last week. They secured about twenty gallons of berries. Walker Lewis, living near the mouth of Little Butte Creek, narrowly escaped being shot one day last week. The bullet passed so close to his head that he could feel the force of the wind as it passed. The shot was probably fired by someone who was hunting and thoughtlessly fired toward the house, but such recklessness should not be tolerated. Last Friday Mr. J. W. Slinger called on Mrs. Howlett and informed her that the services of a minister would be required on the following Sunday, about 3 o'clock p.m., and she could notify her husband accordingly. The affair was intended to be very private, and it so happened that Rev. R. Fysh and family, and Misses Millie Howlett and Daisy Stanfield were there. At about 3:30 p.m. Mr. J. W. Slinger drove up with Miss Anna Farlow, and everything was in readiness to have the happy couple united in marriage. Just then Walker Lewis and Jimmie Dugan came up, and they were invited in, dinner being ready. Mr. Slinger and Miss Farlow were arranged in the proper place by Mrs. Howlett, and in a very short time the happy couple were united in wedlock by her husband, Rev. A. C. Howlett. After the ceremony was over, dinner was announced, and--you will have to come out sometime, Mr. Editor, to a private wedding at Mr. Howlett's and see what kind of a dinner Mrs. H. prepares. Dinner being over, an hour was spent in social chat and congratulations, and then the newly married couple went on their way rejoicing, to Medford, carrying with them the best wishes of their newly made friends. Medford Mail, October 5, 1894, page 4 Big Butte Nuggets.
Miss Emma Perry is visiting at Eagle
Point.BY JERRY. Mr. F. M. Tungate is talking of moving to the valley this fall. There will be a dance at Mr. Hoyt's, Friday night, October 5. Someone was kind enough to cut Mr. Randle's bee tree for him the other day. We are having a delightful rain, and it is extinguishing the mountain fires. Quite a quantity of huckleberries were picked this year in the patch near Mt. Pitt. John Baker has returned home from up north. He will stay on Big Butte this winter. Mrs. Mary Stanley was thrown from her pony recently, and received quite severe injuries. Charley Randle's baby has been sick so much so that a physician's attendance was required. Mrs. T. H. Fredenburg returned home this week, after a week's visit with her mother, near Eagle Point. A nine-pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Watkins a few days ago. Mother and child are doing nicely. C. C. Beale and brother will leave for Eastern Oregon next Sunday, to be gone some time. We hope for their early return. Mr. Edsall is able to be about again, after his accident. He is putting up a neat residence and has it nearly completed. T. H. Fredenburg and J. B. Watkins lost quite a lot of fence, it being burned by fire which spread from some old logs. John Watkins has his new house finished, and has already moved in. He intends to stay here this winter--for the benefit of his health. John Watkins crippled a large bear yesterday, but the animal made tracks for the tall timber, and Mr. W., having no dogs, did not overtake it. Messrs. Geppert and Brockley gave a dance in the new school house recently. A large crowd attended. Everybody had a fine time and went home happy. Mrs. T. H. Fredenburg is expecting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Kirkpatrick, to come over from Klamath count. Mr. Kirkpatrick and wife are coming after supplies, and will return to Klamath County for the winter, as Mr. K. has stock interests there. Medford Mail, October 5, 1894, page 4 "Jerry," the Big Butte correspondent, is apparently J. G. Johnson. BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:John Young is repairing the road in the vicinity of the free ferry. Jeff Bell and wife of Talent are here visiting Mrs. Bell's relatives. We had a heavy frost here Friday night that bit most of the vegetables. The workmen have completed their work on the bridge across Antelope Creek, on the county road leading to the county seat. Married by A. L. Haselton, J.P., at the residence of Frank Manning in Flounce Rock precinct Oct. 7, 1894, Mr. Lee Caton and Alice Phipps. John Daley, one of our most promising young men, has moved from Trail Creek with his family back to our town and now occupies his old home. Doc Bradshaw, son of our county commissioner, returned to the parental roof one day last week. He has been stopping on the headwaters of Sprague River. David Cingcade is combining business with pleasure. He has built a log corn crib and shedded it on three sides, so that his hogs can have shelter and feed at the same time. We had another deal in real estate here Saturday last. J. F. Howard sold what is known as the Dr. Whitney place, containing 20 acres, to A. L. Haselton. Consideration $1300. Arthur Morrison, son of Mrs. F. B. Inlow, who has been spending some time in Idaho, returned home a few days ago. His stepfather and family are preparing to move to Talent where they have property. Rev. Fysh expects to start today for Lakeview. He has secured the services of Mr. Yancey to move his household goods, and Mr. F. expects to take his family in his hack. They go via Ashland and Klamath Falls. Asahel Hubbard, one of Medford's prominent young business men of the firm of Hubbard Bros., passed through town Saturday on his way to their ranch on Clark's Creek where they are engaged in the stock business. The friends of Grandma Tungate will be glad to learn that the eating and bleeding cancer she has had on her face has been removed and the place healed over, and if it does not reappear Dr. Stanfield will have a feather in his cap that will outshine some of his competitors in the medical line. The old lady is about 80 years old and bids fair to outlive some of the younger ones. George Wiley, one of our most promising young men, who is making arrangements to move his father and family to Ashland in his hurry to get his field open so that his stock could have the benefit of the pasture tried to put all of a certain piece of corn-fodder on his wagon late Saturday evening and the result was that yesterday (Sunday) morning he had to go and bring in what he had left after he turned over. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 8, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, October 11, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Loren Stowell once more breathes the air of freedom. He is the young man that was captured at Oregon City a short time since, and brought back and held for forgery. The charge preferred by Geo. Brown, the merchant of Eagle Point. The bond of $100 was furnished by Mrs. E. Wooley and G. W. Stowell for his appearance before the next grand jury the first Monday in December. "Jacksonville Jottings," Valley Record, October 11, 1894, page 3 Loren Stowell, who has been confined in the county jail for the past two weeks, charged with forgery, has been released, the bond of $100 being filed by his grandmother, Mrs. E. Wooley and Chas. Nickell. The young man left soon after for Eagle Point. "Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, October 12, 1894, page 2 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Jeff Bell
and wife, of Talent, are here visiting relatives.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. I am sorry to have to chronicle the illness of Mrs. T. E. Nichols. Rev. R. Fysh started for Lakeview Monday. Mr. Zancy conveyed his household goods to that place. We had a heavy frost last Friday night, which greatly changed the appearance of vegetation. Arthur Morrison, son of Mrs. F. B. Inlow, and who has been in Idaho for some time past, has returned home. F. B. Inlow and family are preparing to move to Talent in the very near future, as they have property there. John Young, our indefatigable road supervisor, had been working the road in the neighborhood of the free ferry. The county has had our county bridge, across Antelope Creek, on the road leading from here to the "Hub," repaired. D. Bradshaw, son of our county commissioner, who has been on the headwaters of Sprague River, returned a few days ago. J. F. Howard has sold what is known as the Dr. Whitney place, containing twenty acres, to A. L. Haselton; consideration $1300. Married, Oct. 7, 1894, at the residence of Frank Manning, in Florence Rock precinct, by A. L. Haselton, J.P., Mr. Lee Caton and Miss Alice Phipps. Asahel Hubbard, of the firm on Hubbard Bros., of Medford, passed through our town Saturday, on his way to their mountain ranch on Clarks Creek. H. T. Severance, who has been sick for quite a while, is convalescing. He is able to be about once more, but shows the effects of a hard tussle with the disease. John Daley, one of our promising citizens who has been living on Trail Creek for some time, has returned to our town and is occupying his old home. He receives a hearty welcome. David Cingcade, living on the edge of the desert, has built an old-fashioned log corn crib, with sheds on three sides, so as to have the hog pen and feed close together. He designs it more particularly for pigs as he has a large number of them. I learned the other day that Grandma Tungate, living on Round Top, who has been afflicted with an eating and bleeding cancer, has had a cure effected so that she is not troubled at all with it. Dr. Stanfield has been attending her. She is in the neighborhood of eighty years old, but bids fair to spend some time here yet, with her friends. Geo. Wiley, that indomitable worker, has been trying to get his field open, so Saturday night he put on an extra large load of corn fodder, being the last. The result was that Sunday morning he had to go and get part of the load, it having turned over. George is a good boy and don't like to work on Sunday, but you know the ox fell into the pit. The portion of the community who enjoy that kind of amusement met at the hall Saturday night and had a social hop. Our sub-reporter says that the upper tens went to Central Point to a dance, and that only the bon tons remained, and there was but one thing that kept them from having a first-class party, and that was the absence of Miss Lol Nichols, who was deterred from attending by having a felon on her finger. In making my debut as one of your regular correspondents, permit me, through the columns of your valuable paper, to extend to my numerous friends my sincere thanks for their many kind acts in assisting me in gathering items, and kindly request a continuance of the same, and I will studiously endeavor to give all the news of general interest and avoid anything that would engender unpleasant feelings, but on the contrary will try to raise our community to a higher plane, and while I may make errors, draw the veil of charity over them, remembering "'Tis human to err but divine to forgive." Last Friday by special invitation a few of the particular friends of Dr. Stanfield and family assembled at his residence, to commemorate his sixty-fifth birthday. About 2:30 p.m. dinner was announced, and the table was surrounded; I was about to say filled--well, it was filled before we surrounded it; yes, filled--a dinner that would make a poor dyspeptic groan with anguish at the bare thought of such a dinner. After dinner was over we spent the rest of the afternoon in social chat and music, both instrumental and vocal. Some of us will look forward to the 5th of October, A.D. 1895, with considerable interest. By the way, the Doctor is growing young again. He has procured a new rig and says he is going to visit his friends in the country. Medford Mail, October 12, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Minnie Duvaul was doing business in Medford Saturday. N. A. Young has been putting a neat picket fence around his garden. Mrs. Charles Griffith has been giving her house a new coat of whitewash. Mart Pool has built a house on a part of the tract of land belonging to the Rader heirs. Miss Emma Perry and Ed. Hoyt were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howlett yesterday (Sunday). Frank Lewis is hauling lumber to build a house on the piece of land he bought of Mrs. C. W. Taylor. Mr. Adams, E. H. and J. M. Lewis spent last Tuesday visiting friends in the neighborhood of Eagle Point. Mrs. Geo. Brown, wife of one of our merchants, has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Holmes, in Central Point. Mrs. G. W. Daley, Sr. who has been afflicted for some time past, has gone to Round Top to join her husband and try to regain her health. George and Ed. Hoyt, while hauling hay from the Wm. Wiley place, had the misfortune to turn over a load in a mudhole. No damage except to the hay. Walter Foster of Clackamas, a nephew of Mrs. Howlett's, arrived on Thursday's train. He expects to remain for some time, making his home with his aunt and uncle. Lou Tucker moved last week on to the Wm. Wiley place and Mr. Wiley moved to Ashland. A family moved on to the Fryer place last Saturday. I have not learned the name yet but will soon. Born, on Antelope Creek near Wellen post office Oct. 9, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walz, twins--both girls. The babies are doing well but I am sorry to say that Mrs. W. is not so highly favored, for she is quite feeble. Mrs. C. W. Taylor, accompanied by her daughter Lottie, starts for British Columbia today. Miss Celia Brown accompanies them as far as Portland, where she expects to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Guerin. Miss Jennie Heckathorn keeps house for Mrs. T. and takes care of the remaining children during her absence. Miss Ora Woods and William Jackson had a narrow escape from drowning in Rogue River one day last week. They were in a boat with Mr. Woods and he stepped out and the young couple attempted to follow when the boat moved, precipitating them into the water up to their armpits. They were soon rescued, but it will be some time before Miss Ora forgets when she went in bathing in Rogue River. Last night (Sunday) quite a number of our young folks, your correspondent and family included, met at the schoolhouse for the purpose of spending awhile in music and singing. Frank Nichols, a youth of about 17, played and sang quite a number of fine pieces to the entire satisfaction of all present and then Mrs. Minnie Duvaul acted as organist and we had some fine church music. We can put Eagle Point against any other place in the county for having a good social time and we have some fine singers here also. ANOTHER INSURANCE AGENT COME TO
There was a life insurance agent through our community last week who
accosted a woman in the rural district and warmly urged her to have her
husband take out a policy on his head, but he soon found that he had
tackled the wrong member of the family, for she promptly informed him
that he was on the wrong string, for if either member of the family had
life insurance it should be the woman instead of the man. For, said
she, if a man dies and leaves a family of children the woman will
scratch along and keep them all together, but if a woman dies the first
thing a man thinks of is to scatter the children. No, sir, it is the
man who needs the money to take care of the children. The agent soon
left in search of another subject to operate on.W. H. Schmerker, the boss miller and superintendent of the Central Point and Snowy Butte mills, is in the habit of coming from Central Point, his home, to Eagle Point on his wheel and returning the same night. Last Tuesday night he came out to look after the affairs of the Snowy Butte mill and attend the lodge of I.O.G.T. and on his way home he reports having been attacked by a cougar in the Bear Creek bottom. As soon as he discovered the animal he began to use his feet in earnest and soon bade his cougarship good night. But no grass grew under him that night.… The same night that Mr. Schmerker had his race with the cougar another party, to wit, Dannie Simon and Miss Iva Tucker, Boyd Tucker and Miss Lelah Fryer in one hack and Mrs. Fryer, J. E. Stickel and family and Ted Howard in another hack went to the Jackson ford on Rogue River on a fishing excursion. Like some of old "they toiled a part of the night" and caught nothing, starting home about 11 o'clock p.m. On the way home one of the tugs came unhitched and that frightened the horse and he jumped forward and just then the pole dropped on the ground, breaking into four pieces. But the driver, Dannie Simon, was ready for the emergency and with a steady hand he guided the team, one horse doing all the pulling with no pole to guide until they ran themselves down after running about two miles, when he brought them to a standstill. While this was going on Mr. Stickel jumped out of his hack and ran "across lots" to try to stop the runaways and Boyd had to hold his girl in to keep her from jumping out; and Dannie's girl had to hold to him to steady herself and keep the horses from pulling him out. The result was a badly broken hack and a lot of frightened ladies. The next Thursday the sane company started out, with the exception that Claude White went in the place of Ted Howard, and that time they caught a fine lot of fish. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 15, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, October 18, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Minnie Dauvaul was doing business in Medford on Saturday.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. N. A. Young had put up a neat picket fence around his garden. Ed Hoyt and Miss Emma Perry, of Big Butte, spent Sunday with your correspondent. Mesdames E. H. and J. M. Lewis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howlett last Thursday. Miss Celia Brown left last Monday for Portland, to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Guerin. Mrs. Chas. Griffith has given her residence a new coat of whitewash, thereby greatly improving its appearance. Lon Tucker and family moved last week to the Wm. Wiley place. Mr. Wiley and family have moved to Ashland. Mrs. George Brown, wife of one of our merchants, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Holmes, in Central Point. The gentleman who has rented the Fryer place moved thereto last Saturday. I have not learned his name yet, but will soon. Mrs. G. W. Daley, Sr., who has been sick for some time, has gone to Round Top, in hopes of benefiting her health by the change. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walz, Oct. 9, 1894, twin girls. The babies are doing well, but I am sorry to say that Mrs. W. is not so favored. Walter Foster, of Clackamas County, a nephew of Mrs. Howlett, arrived here on Thursday of last week. He expects to remain for some time. Mrs. C. W. Taylor, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lottie, started last Monday for British Columbia. Miss Jennie Heckathorn keeps house for her and takes care of the remaining children during her absence. I am glad to be able to announce that Dr. W. O. Officer, who has been in very poor health for several weeks past and has been off on a recreating expedition, has returned greatly improved in health. He brought with him a new buggy, and proposes to combine business with pleasure. His many friends extend to him a hearty welcome. W. H. Schmerker, the boss miller of the Central Point and Snowy Butte mills, was out here Tuesday night, to attend a meeting of the I.O.G.T. On his way to his home in Central Point, while riding along on his wheel he was attacked by a cougar. He commenced to use the pedals in dead earnest and left his enemy in the rear. The Hoyt brothers, who have leased the Peter Britt place above Eagle Point, have been moving their hay and grain to the ranch, and are getting in readiness to commence farming operations as soon as the rain softens the ground sufficiently for plowing. They expect to turn their attention to the hog business, to a considerable extent. There is no grass growing under their feet. Miss Ora Wood and William Jackson met with quite a serious mishap one day last week, while boat riding on the Rogue River with the young lady's father, M. S. Wood. Mr. W. had just stepped out of the boat and the young people essayed to follow, when the boat gave way under them, slipping so as to throw them both into the water, Miss W. going in up to her armpits. They were rescued and no harm was done except giving them both a good cool bath in the placid waters of the Rogue River. Last Sunday night, at the suggestion of some of the young ladies, a meeting was called at the school house for the purpose of spending a while in music and singing. Frank Nichols first occupied the organ stool and did himself credit, favoring us with a number of fine pieces on the organ, as wall as playing and singing quite a number of songs, which were well rendered. Mrs. Minnie Dauvaul then played while those of the choir who were present joined in singing. We have some first-class singers at this place. We all had a fine time, and adjourned at eight o'clock p.m. Two young couples had a narrow escape one day last week. Dannie Simon and Miss Iva Tucker and Boyd Tucker and Miss Sarah Fryer were in one hack, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stickel, Mrs. J. J. Fryer and Ted Howard in another, the entire party having been to the Jackson ford on Rogue River to fish, and caught nothing. On their return, about eleven o'clock p.m. the team attached to the hack containing the two young couples became unmanageable, and they started to run. Mr. Stickel jumped from his wagon but could not stop the team, and away they went with their precious load. The ladies were almost frantic with fear, but Dannie was emphatically master of the situation, for with a steady hand he guided the team for over two miles, while Boyd held to his girl to keep her from jumping or falling out, and Dannie's girl held to him to steady herself and hold him in. The team ran until it was exhausted. The result was a badly smashed-up hack, but fortunately no one was hurt. They started again next Thursday night, Claud White taking the place of Ted Howard. They had better luck and a fine time, catching several fish. Medford Mail, October 19, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:By some means or other I omitted to state in my last that Dr. W. B. Officer, who has been on the sick list for some time past so far recovered as to be able to take a trip off for his health and returned looking fine. He brought with him a new buggy and now he can go to see his patients with some satisfaction. He was greatly missed during his absence. Mrs. A. M. Thomas, her son Charles and Miss Gladius Fryer returned last Tuesday from a protracted visit and business trip to Klamath County, Miss Fryer going for her health which, I am glad to announce, has greatly improved. Ralph Newman had quite an experience moving his house on to a more elevated position. He first tried to move it on sleds with twelve horses and failed and then had to rig rollers, and it took eight men and twelve horses to do what three men and four horses ought to have done, and would, if they had understood their business. Dannie Simon took a flying trip to the Willamette Valley last week, returning Friday. He reports lots of rain and mud and the hop crop badly damaged by lice and rain. Cass Higinbotham, one of the oldtimers who has been living in Coquille City for some time, has returned to Jackson County and is going to settle on a tract of land he has traded for from his brother William near Jack Wrisley's place in Big Butte precinct. J. E. Stickel has moved his family into the house formerly occupied by Rev. Fysh. Charley Edmondson and family passed though our town Friday on their way to the valley. The appearance of things would indicate they were moving. Our community was enlivened Sunday by the appearance of that genial, whole-souled gentleman and general good fellow W. H. Schmerker, the boss miller of the Central Point and Snowy Butte mills. He came over in company of Wm. Holmes, secretary of the company that own the two mills. Mr. S. expects to remain several days. Mrs. Hawk and Miss Lottie Brown came out yesterday to visit Miss Lottie's parents. Joseph Hockersmith has been out purchasing beef cattle of our stockmen and as a consequence there has been quite a number of cattle gathered at the rendezvous. I understand that the price offered for the best is 1½ cents per lb. A. J., Wm. C. and John Daley, three of the leading hustlers of this part of the county, are engaged in building a bridge across Elk Creek on the stock ranch of A. J. Daley. We had a light breeze here Saturday evening that removed the top of the chimney for Dr. Stanfield, also removing a number of shingles off the roof of his kitchen. Wm. C. Daley was interviewing our citizens on business matters last week. Grandma Lewis was ill last week but her better half, Uncle Johnny, hit upon a novel plan to restore her to health. He dressed a chicken to make her some broth and salted it with granulated sugar and it worked like a charm. At any rate she recovered without any other medicine. Mrs. J. H. Caton is on the sick list. Dr. W. B. Officer is in attendance. There is a likelihood of a change in our business circles but not perfected enough for the public yet. Full account next week. John Young has erected a neat and commodious shed for his straw and fodder. Rev. Mr. Kennedy, the new Methodist minister, has begun his work here. He will preach at Eagle Point the 3rd Sunday evening of each month and at Antelope church in the morning. C. E. Morine and John Hefner of Tolo and George Morine of Eagle Point took a hunting and fishing trip to the mountains and had an experience that would make a city chap quake all over, for way back in the mountains, away from any blacksmith or wagon shop, they broke a tire on one of the wheels and that caused the wheel to give way, breaking it all to pieces. But there is nothing like a man being a genius. They had an ax and went to a ranch and borrowed a hand saw and with the ax and saw made a new wheel. They found a piece of old tire and by punching holes in it and in the broken tire riveted them together and made the wheel better than it was before. The result of the hunt was a good supply of choice venison and fish. Eagle Point, Oct. 22, 1894. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Wm. C.
Daley was doing business in our town the forepart of the week.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Mrs. J. H. Caton, living on Rogue River, is reported ill. Dr. Officer in in attendance. J. E. Stickel has moved his family into the house formerly occupied by Richard Fysh. There is talk of a change in some of the business circles--will give the result next week. John Young is taking time by the forelock by erecting a neat shed over his straw and corn fodder. Miss Lottie Brown and Mrs. Hawk, of Central Point, were out Sunday, visiting friends and relatives. Messrs. Willis and Knighten, of Trail Creek, stopped over night at the Eagle Hotel, during the week. Charley Edmondson and family, of Big Butte, passed through town Friday, on their way to the "Hub." Mr. Schermerhorn, of "The Hub," was here recently, interviewing our citizens with regard to the apple business. Last week Ralph Newman moved his house from the bottom land on Rogue River to higher land, in order to avoid malaria. Mrs. C. W. Taylor has been making some substantial improvements on her place, putting on new roofs on her barn and sheds. Dannie Simon returned Saturday from a trip to Portland. He reports plenty of rain, and the hop crop badly damaged by the lice and rain. Saturday afternoon the wind blew hard enough here to take the top off of Dr. Stanfield's chimney, making a hole in the kitchen roof. No other damage was done. Those insurance agents, Messrs. Brown & Bronson, must find this a pleasant or profitable field, for they have been sojourning at the Eagle Hotel for over a week. A. J. Daley, one of the leading hustlers of our county and one of the best men in the state, is putting a bridge across Elk Creek, at his ranch. He is assisted by his brother, Wm. C, and his son John. Cass Higinbotham, formerly of this county, but who has resided in Coquille City for some time past, has returned to our favored land and made a deal with his brother, William, for a tract of land in Big Butte precinct. After the preaching was over Saturday night a few of the young folks gathered at the hall and had a dance. From what I can learn, some of the young gentlemen transcended the bounds of propriety in some of their proceedings. C. E. Morine and John Hefner, of Tolo, and George Morine, of this place, returned last week from a hunt in the mountains. They were loaded with fish and venison, and barring a little mishap to their wagon they had sport galore. Last week Mrs. Thomas and son, Charles, and Miss Gladius Fryer returned from a trip to Klamath County, where Mrs. T. has been looking after the business of her son, the late Owen Grigsby. Miss Fryer went to try a change of climate and was benefited thereby. The Nichols brothers, Rader brothers, A. J. Daley and sons, and a few others, have been gathering cattle for several days past, and that indomitable rustler, John Hockersmith, has been culling them for market, paying 1½ cents per pound for the best of them. Last Sunday W. H. Schmerker, superintendent of the Central Point and Snowy Butte mills, and Wm. Holmes, secretary of the company owning both mills, put in an appearance in our town. Mr. S. expects to remain nearly the whole week. He is always a welcome visitor. There was a life insurance agent in our community recently, who suggested to a lady in the rural district that her husband ought to have an insurance on his life, so that in case he should die she would have something to fall back on; but he soon found that he had accosted the wrong member of the family. The lady promptly informed him that she thought he was on the wrong string, as her opinion was the woman should have their lives insured, in order that the men could keep the children together instead of scattering them as they generally do, for she thought the women could scratch along and keep the children together without the aid of an insurance company. That agent hunted another subject. An announcement of preaching at the school house for last Saturday and Sunday night, by the new Methodist minister, Rev. Kennedy, was sent to a party here, but the said party took so little interest in the matter that very few of our citizens knew anything about it until Sunday, when it was noised around that the new preacher would preach Sunday night. The result was a rather small audience. If ministers will take the trouble to drop a card to me or "Dick" a week in advance, their notices will be published so that all interested will be likely to know of it. Rev. Kennedy preached a good, logical sermon, but if he had divided it into two discourses it would have suited quite a number of his hearers a little better. He expects to preach for us on the third Sunday of each month, at night. He did not name the hour but we would suggest, these long evenings, not later than 7 o'clock. Medford Mail, October 26, 1894, page 4 Big Butte Nuggets.
too late for last week.
If you want good reading send for the Medford Mail.Thomas Stanley is breaking a wild horse for James Watkins. Lee Caton was up in the mountains recently for a load of shakes. Grandpa Watkins has been very sick the last few days with cramp colic. We are having some lovely weather now, and the grass is growing finely. Everybody is busy getting in their winter supplies, as winter will soon be here. Mr. Barnum, one of our neighbors, left us this week to reside near Eagle Point. Thomas Fredenburg and wife visited with Chris Pearson and family last Sunday. Miss Callie Tungate is employed to do the baking at the Daley sawmill on Round Top. Mr. Cook is hauling lumber to his mountain ranch, where he is building a new barn. John Baker and wife were visiting with Mr. Obenchain's family last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Addie Watkins has been very sick with fever the past two weeks, but is slowly recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stanley passed through here one day this week, on their way to the valley. Cass Higinbotham and family have just returned from Coos County. They report times very dull there. Jimmy Dyer is visiting home folks this week. He has been working in the mines at Ashland for some time. Mrs. Viola Randles returned home yesterday from an extended visit with her mother, who lives in Eagle Point. Thomas Fredenburg is putting up quite a large coal pit and will soon have it completed. Thomas understands it if anybody does. Chris and Albert Beale started for Eastern Oregon a few days ago. They took with them a couple of pack horses and went through the trail to Fort Klamath. Medford Mail, October 26, 1894, page 4 From Eagle Point to Lakeview.
Thinking some of our kind friends would like to know about our trip, I
thought your valuable paper a good medium of distribution. I therefore
send you the following:On Monday, Oct. 7th, about 10:15 a.m., we climbed into our hack and bid goodbye to the friends gathered at our gate and drove away. We took dinner with Brother L. E. Land, whose wife had prepared exceedingly fine repast, to which we did justice. After about 2 p.m. we proceeded on our journey, bringing up at Rev. Ira Wakefield's a little after 4 p.m. who told us to alight, unhitch and unharness our mules and be entertained for the night. Tuesday morning at 8:05 we were again seated and holding the strings of our mules facing toward Ashland, where we attended to some business and pushed on to Mr. Homes, where we were nicely entertained and given some fine apples which quenched our thirst many times while on the road in the dust, and few of which we have left. A little after 2 p.m. we started after buying a bushel of oats of Mr. Foster, passing Mr. Shepherd's, with whom we had an acquaintance and after a few minutes' chat we jogged on to Mr. Tyler's, at the foot of the mountain, where they were butchering, not a chicken but a beef; leaving somewhat weary we proceeded to ask permission to camp for the night, and being answered in the affirmative we alit and got supper and went to bed. Morning bright and clear, we started our climb; getting dinner at Naylor's we brought up at Parker's for the night, at which place we fared very nicely. Cold and frosty this a.m., we continued our journey, taking dinner at Spencer Creek. Plodding along we reached almost Klamath Falls, stopping with Mrs. Lewis overnight, and in the morning one of the formidable things met us--our bill. But we had the lucre and shelled out and proceeded to town, when, in the good hands of Mr. Fountain, we found our old, respected friend Prof. Parrot, who is an artist and spoke words of encouragement and cheered us on our way. We had scarcely got out of town when we looked ahead and saw a team headed toward us. Of course no one we knew. A girl in black hat, clothes and wore glasses; a young man in the seat with her, Hush! See if they know us. How are you, Gladius [Fryer], and Charley [Thomas]? When the spry old lady in behind jumped out, grasping our hands warmly, proved to be Mrs. [A. M.] Thomas. A kind word and we pass on to Baxter Grigsby's, where we partook of an elegant dinner and had one of those indomitable fellows, an insurance agent, in the person of Mr. Presler to liven us up and help plow some of the dust out of our throats. Pressing on, we came to Dairy, where we met Mr. Donnell, whose magpie laughed and talked for us. Night finds us at Mrs. Nye Drews. All is bustle and stir, school exhibition, Oh! and we are introduced to Miss Watters and Mr. Breese. Going to the place of exhibit we were tucked in behind, and lo! the violin in a blanket to keep it warm is placed in our hands for safekeeping and after the exhibition is over, we find we have actually carried the violin for a dance. Poor dog Tray. The morning finds us away for Bly and first we meet about 500 beef cattle for Gazelle, and then came three little "injuns" arriving at "Dick Brown's"' (Indian) for dinner and at night fetched up at Mr. Wells', where we were royally entertained. A slight innovation occurred here. Mr. Wells thought we had better put our hack in yard by itself, as his jack mules had an aversion to preachers' things and he, Mr. W., did not care to replace them for fun. Sunday morning we start for our last drive, passing through the "Devils Garden," a fitting place to pass on Sunday. We broke a buggy spring there, but reached our destination in safety, taking lunch at Mr. Howard's. RICHARD
Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 1Lakeview, Ore BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson of Big Butte is visiting friends in Eagle Point. Mrs. John Ashpole is confined to her bed with sickness, I am sorry to state. Frank Brown and Wilbur Ashpole have gone to Big Butte on a big deer hunt. John Daley and wife were in Medford Saturday laying in supplies for the winter. Dr. W. B. Officer, one of our eminent physicians, was in Medford last Thursday and remained for a short tine. F. B. Inlow and stepson, Arthur Morrison, returned from Talent Saturday, where Mr. Inlow's family reside at present. Mrs. Presley passed through town Sunday night after dark on her way from Central Point to her home in Brownsboro. As an evidence of prosperity in business matters, A. Pool has put a new fence around his yard in Eagle Point and erected a new house on his farm on the desert. George Morine has closed out his business in the Pool blacksmith shop and will move his family into the Purdin house. J. E. Stickel has taken charge of the Pool shop. Jesse Stafford, brother of our postmistress, returned to Eagle Point from California where he has been sojourning for the past three months, on a visit to his mother and sister. Simon McAllister, after whom the celebrated soda springs on the north fork of Little Butte were named, has returned to the Butte Creek country and settled on the Gano place. Curt Tungate of Mt. Pitt precinct had the misfortune to cut one of his toes almost off one day last week, the ax catching a limb overhead and slipping from his hand with the above result. Last Friday Mrs. L. Murphy made her many friends on Butte Creek glad by putting in an appearance. She combined business with pleasure, supplying her friends with some choice grapes. Last Monday after my manuscript had gone to the post office 100 head of beef cattle passed through our town, on their way to the San Francisco market. And still there are hundreds more left on our extensive range. Last Thursday Miss Cora Brown et al. went to Medford to see and hear, and on Friday Mr. Schermerhorn, Misses Myrtle Woodford and Mamie Isaacs accompanied her home to Eagle Point, the latter remaining until yesterday, the guest of Miss Cora Brown. Last Friday while Mrs. Thos. Nichols was returning from taking her children to school at Eagle Point her horse took fright and ran away, throwing Mrs. N. from. the cart. Fortunately she received no harm except flesh wounds and bruises, but the cart and harness was a wreck. It no doubt will be of interest to many of your readers to learn that the Butte Creek and Rogue River alliances will meet at the Betz school house every 1st and 3rd Sunday in the month. Robt. Winter is the "high cock-a-lorum" and D. T. Ewen secretary. They report interesting meetings. Messrs. Minter and Ewen were in Eagle Point Friday attending to business. Last Friday Herman Myer of Chimney Rock precinct passed through Eagle Point on his way from Medford, where he had been with beef cattle for Mr. Hockersmith, and while here was transacting business with our merchants. The same day his brother Henry passed through with load of furniture, and some of the curious were wondering what a bachelor was going to do with so much furniture. Prof. John Harvey (not "Dr. Harvey of Salem" but our preceptor) reports progress in our school, and in my weekly search for items I called on the school last Friday and was favorably impressed with the outlook. The "question box" has been added to the many improvements and one question made some of the larger boys hang their heads, to wit: "What percent of the teachers at the present time are women?" Answer: "Ninety-five percent," and if the boys don't get a move on it will soon be one hundred percent. Mr. H. seems to be giving general satisfaction, and we have quite an interesting school. Last Thursday Mr. Yancey returned from his trip to Lakeview, where he had been to haul Rev. Fysh's household goods. He reports a very pleasant trip out, but the rain commenced to fall the day he started from Klamath Falls. He had the misfortune to lose a horse he had taken from Mr. F. as part payment on the freight the first night out from Klamath Falls. He speaks in high terms of that country, as his health was greatly improved on the trip. The friends of one of our M.D.'s have been talking of having him move to that county, but Mr. Z. says if he goes he will have to work at something else or starve, as they have no use for a doctor. DICK. Eagle Point, Oct. 29, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Wiseman, of San Francisco, was in
town Sunday.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Last week Dr. W. B. Officer paid Medford a business visit. Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson, of Big Butte, is visiting friends in Eagle Point. Curt. Tungate, of Mt. Pitt precinct, had the misfortune to cut one of his toes nearly off with an ax. F. B. Inlow and stepson, Arthur Morrison, of Talent, arrived in this place Saturday, on a business visit. That change in business to which I referred last week has not taken place yet, but will occur in a few days. Jesse Safford, brother of our postmistress, and who has been in California for the past three months, has returned to visit his mother and sister. Simon McCallister, the man after whom the noted soda springs on the north side of Butte Creek were named, has returned to the Butte Creek country and located on the Gano place. We expect to be able to report an immense amount of venison and bear meat, as our two noted Nimrods, Frank Brown and Wilbur Ashpole, started Monday on a hunting excursion. Geo. Morine has closed out in the Pool blacksmith shop and is opening in the Inlow shop. J. E. Stickel has opened up in the Pool shop. Mr. Morine is moving his family into the old Purdin house. A. Toole, the blacksmith, farmer, stock raiser, hotel keeper and general rustler, has been putting up a new picket fence around his hotel yard, and has also built a new house on one of his farms on the desert. Miss Cora Brown visited Medford one day last week, and was accompanied home by E. L. Schermerhorn, Miss Myrtle Woodford and Miss Mamie Isaacs, of the "Hub." Miss Isaacs remained the guest of Miss Cora Brown for several days. D. T. Erven and Robert Minter, secretary and president of the alliance, that meets every first and third Sunday of each month, at the Betz schoolhouse, were in town last Friday on business. They report having good meetings and encouraging prospects. I saw in the Medford Mail that there were 150 head of beef steers recently shipped from Medford, but I wish to call your attention to the fact that those cattle were from Butte Creek; and we have hundreds more of the same kind on our extensive range. Last Friday morning, as Mrs. T. E. Nichols was returning from the schoolhouse where she had been to take her two little girls, her horse became frightened and ran away, throwing her from the cart. The lady received no injuries except bruises and flesh wounds. The cart and harness was a complete wreck. John Daley, one of our most prosperous and promising young men, was in Medford Saturday, accompanied by his wife. As usual the gentleman was up to his eyes in business (he did not forget your agent and the Medford Mail). From all appearances he was laying in quite a stock of supplies for winter use. Herman Myers, who had been to Medford with a portion of that 150 head of beef cattle from Butte Creek, was doing business with Geo. Brown and son last Friday. His brother, Henry, also passed through town on his way from Medford with a load of furniture, and some of the curious ones (you know the men are never curious) are wondering what a bachelor is going to do with so much furniture. We will wait and see. Mr. Yancey, the man who hauled Rev. Richard Fysh's household goods over to Lakeview, reports pleasant weather on the way over, but the day he reached Lakeview it commenced to rain and there was more or less rain all the way back. He took a horse from Mr. F. as part pay for the trip, and the first night out from Lakeview the horse died of spasmodic colic. Mr. Yancey's health improved greatly on the trip, and he speaks in high terms of that country. The friends of one of our M.D.'s have been talking of trying to persuade him to move to that locality, but Mr. Yancey says if he goes he will have to go to work, as everybody keeps well out there. Mrs. Levi Murphy made a flying visit to Butte Creek friends last Friday, returning Saturday. She was the guest of Mrs. Howlett Friday night. The lady combined business with pleasure by bringing a load of luscious grapes to fill a demand on Butte Creek--as grapes are not a specialty here. Speaking of specialties, I see that your correspondent, "Irregular," of Talent, seems to think that we have no specialties here at Eagle Point, as he claims for the Wagner Creek country the credit of the blue ribbon in every line. Well, while we accord to him the credit of living in a very productive part of the county, but still we must protest against his claim to the "fattest babies and handsomest girls," for we can show fat babies with the world or any other country, and when it comes to the handsomest girls, I would say, why, there is Miss-----but I must not particularize, but am driven to the conclusion that "Irregular" is an old "batch." Why, come over, brother, and we will show you so many handsome girls that it would completely bewilder you. Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:W. H. Bradshaw is putting in 500 acres of wheat this fall. Miss Sophia Simon and Lelah Fryer were the guests of Miss Ida Tucker yesterday. Thos. Culbertson, of Klamath County, was here Saturday, purchasing winter supplies. Artie Nichols and wife were in Medford last Saturday procuring an outfit for housekeeping. O. W. Bullard, of Walla Walla, and James Cook, of Yamhill County, were here last week looking for land. A few of the young folks met at Poolville, on the desert, last Friday night, and had a social hop. Boyd Tucker furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, living on the Obenchain place, at Big Butte, spent Thursday night with your correspondent on their way to Medford. A. G. Johnston has rented his place on Butte Creek and the parties are going to build immediately. Mr. Abeloose has also rented the Harvey place. Wm. Marlow, living on Salt Creek, is down with typhoid fever. Dr. W. B. Officer is in attendance. Mrs. M. is also sick at her parent's home in Siskiyou County, Cal. Rev. Robt. Ennis, of the Presbyterian church, will preach at Eagle Point next Sunday at 10 a.m., and also at 7 p.m. All the members of said church are requested to be present at 11 o'clock services. E. E. Richard and E. O'Donnel, two of our citizens, who have been living in our midst for some time, have returned to their native land--Old England. Their many friends wish them a prosperous journey. One of our young misses, who is attending school at Eagle Point, met with a mishap the other day. She started home from school and the saddle turned, throwing her off. The horse ran away and was finally stopped by a man on horseback. There was no serious damage done, and fortunately the young lady was not hurt. One of our energetic farmers, M. S. Woods, upon hearing an unusual noise in the yard a few nights ago, rushed out in his night clothes and discovered what he thought was a prowling dog, appropriating some soap grease that was in a large kettle, whereupon he took his gun, fired deliberately at the dog, and put a hole through the side of the kettle, and Mrs. W. is now looking for someone who can patch a cast iron kettle. In my rounds in quest of items, and other business, I found one man who has a good farm and raised a large crop of corn. In conversation with him in regard to the outlook for farmers, the subject of raising hogs came up, and he remarked that he did not have a hog on his place. "What are you going to do with your corn?" was asked. "Why," he replied, "sell it, of course. There is nothing in hogs. I will feed the poorest of the corn to my horses and chickens and sell the remainder; for with the 'protected' coyotes we cannot make anything out of hogs, but I am going to put out my land in Ben Davis apple trees and will make more off of them than anyone can off of their wheat, corn or hogs." Halloween eve was properly observed here. Some of the bridges was barricaded, and piles of lumber was carried so as to obstruct the county road running through the town in two places. A. Pool's cart was placed on the footbridge between the store and hotel, and the porch at the post office was piled up with cord wood and then fenced in with 2x10-inch planks. Prof. A. L. Haselton's horse was taken from his stable and tied in the school house. While this was going on on the outside, Dr. Stanfield was having a select party at his residence. A few friends also met at J. J. Fryer's. Representatives from both places report having a very pleasant time. I understand that Dr. Stanfield is looking up evidence in order to prosecute the parties who obstructed the bridge and post office, that they may be brought to give an account of themselves.… One young man living near the mouth of Little Butte had his horse taken, carried across the creek, tied in Mr. Inlow's yard, saddle turned wrong-end-to, etc. ... and the result was it took him some time before he could find him. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 5th, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Abeloose has rented the Howey place, on
Little Butte.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Misses Sophia Simon and Selah Fryer were guests on Miss Iva Tucker Sunday. Thos. Culbertson, of Klamath County, is in for supplies. He was in Medford Saturday. W. H. Bradshaw has four big teams engaged in putting in wheat. He intends to sow five hundred acres this fall. James Clark, of Yamhill County, and O. W. Bullard, of Walla Walla, Wash., were here last week looking for land to buy or rent. I learned the other day that A. G. Johnston had leased his place to parties who contemplate erecting a new house thereon this fall. A few of the young folks met at A. Pool's new house in Poolville last Friday night, and had a pleasant time dancing. Boyd Tucker furnished the music. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt, living on the Obenchain place in Big Butte district, stopped with us Thursday night of last week. They were on their way to Medford. Wm. Marlow, living on Salt Creek, is ill with typhoid fever. Dr. W. B. Officer is in attendance. Mr. Marlow's wife is also ill, at the home of her parents, in Siskiyou County, Calif. Arthur Nichols and wife left D. H. Miller's store in Medford with a new cook stove Saturday. Mrs. M. S. Woods and Mrs. C. Rader and daughter, Clara, were also trading in Medford last Saturday. I am requested to say that Rev. Robert Ennis, of the Presbyterian church at Jacksonville, will preach at this place next Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. All members of that church are especially requested to be present at 11 a.m. Last week I called on one of our prosperous farmers on Yankee Creek, and he told me he had concluded to raise apples instead of hogs. He is preparing to put out a large number of trees, of the Ben Davis variety--that is a move in the right direction. One of our neighboring schoolgirls came near being hurt a short time ago, while riding horseback. Her horse took fright and ran, the saddle turned and she was thrown off. The horse ran at full speed for about a quarter of a mile, and was then stopped by a young man on horseback. No great damage was done. Frank Lewis, who is one of our hustling farmers, broke his plow Saturday morning and had to go to Medford for a new shear. Your agent interviewed him on the way home, and as he wishes to know what is going on in this part of the county, the result of the interview was that he subscribed for the Mail. We know that mistakes don't make hay stacks, or else our neighbor, M. S. Woods, would have hay to sell. A few nights ago he saw something which he thought was a dog, in mischief, so taking deliberate aim with his trusty rifle he fired, and lo! when he looked for his game he found he had put a ball through his wife's big soap kettle, and now he wants to advertise for someone to patch cast iron. Halloween was appropriately celebrated here. There were two select parties, reported as complete successes, one of them being at Dr. Stanfield's and the other at J. J. Fryer's. During the night someone bent on mischief piled several cords of wood on the post office porch and built a fence around it with heavy plank, blocked the street in two places, barricaded the county bridge and the wire footbridge and raised Old Ned generally. I understand that Deputy District Attorney Stanfield is looking up evidence in the case of obstructing the county bridge and post office, with a view to bringing the young rascal to justice. The meanest trick of all was taking Prof. A. L. Haselton's horse out of the stable and tying the animal in the schoolhouse. The children said that the teacher, Prof. John Harvey, of Central Point, appeared awfully mad at first but soon got in a good humor. Medford Mail, November 9, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Born Nov. 1, 1894, near Eagle Point, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, a daughter. Miss Millie Howlett came from Medford Saturday to spend a day or two with her parents. Frank Lewis has laid the foundation of a house on the land he purchased of Mrs. C. W. Taylor. Bill Potter, of Ashland, and Jake Riley, of Antelope, have been on a hunt for the last week, the result still unknown. Miss Elsie Miller and George Potter, of Ashland, came up here on a visit to Miss Elsie's relatives and on a business trip. Mrs. Dr. Stanfield has been spending several days visiting her daughter, Miss Grace, and some of her many friends in Ashland. There is some talk of organizing a sewing circle here for the benefit of those who need help and to give employment to the unemployed. There were thirteen of the upper-tens of the Central Point "400" out Saturday night to attend the dance. The remainder went to Tolo. Wm. Holmes and wife came out Sunday. Mrs. H.'s sister, Miss Lottie Brown, came from Central Point Saturday and attended the dance. Three young men were seen taking a skiff up Butte Creek Sunday afternoon, by water. They said they were going to take it to Brownsboro. Saturday night the dancing portion of our community met at the hall and spent a few hours in a social hop. Twenty-six numbers were sold. Our reporter reports one of the pleasantest times of the season. E. H. Lewis and Wm. Higinbotham started Saturday for their quartz mines which they discovered a few weeks ago. They had the specimens tested by one of the Ashland experts and he decided that they had struck a bonanza. Sunday morning a band of about 150 head of beef cattle were driven from here to Medford for shipment. They were purchased by J. W. Hockersmith and furnished by the Nichols Bros., Rader Bros., Matthews Bros., and Hoyt & Sons. We had three religious services Sunday, the Roman Catholic in the a.m. at 10 and Rev. Ennis at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. If we could have the services more evenly divided it would suit the masses better. Next Sunday Mr. Kennedy will preach at the Antelope church at 11 a.m. and in Eagle Point at 7 p.m. Mrs. James Bell, the postmistress of Brownsboro, is confined in bed with the lockjaw. It appears that she was cleaning a glass jar and pressing her hand in, the jar broke, cutting the back of her hand. Nothing was thought of it for several days, when her hand began to pain her and the pain became so severe as to throw her into the lockjaw. She suffered for about a week, and finally Dr. Officer was called. She is in a very bad condition. A Big Butte youth went out a short time ago on a hunt; saw a big buck; stood and looked for a while, not knowing whether to shoot or run. At last he gathered up courage to shoot (it was his first deer), and at the crack of the gun, he, the young man, ran for dear life for his father, whereupon the old man went with the boy to the place and soon discovered blood, and going about twenty yards discovered the deer cold in death. The next time Eddie is going to look before he runs. It will be remembered by your readers that I spoke last winter of a washout on Frank Manning's farm in Flounce Rock precinct, where the earth was washed away to the depth of about one hundred feet and forty or fifty feet wide. And now F. W. Mitchell, who has been there and examined it, says that he found the bodies of large trees two or three feet thick that are a solid coal where the trees have been burned in the ages past. The question arises, when and how were these mammoth trees converted into charcoal? Is it possible that this country has once been a solid mass of melted earth and rocks, and the trees buried in the molten mass and thus converted into charcoal? DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 12, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, November 15, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Millie Howlett is visiting friends and
relatives.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holmes visited relatives here last Sunday. Miss Elsie Miller, of Ashland, is visiting relatives at this place. George Potter, of Ashland, is a visitor in Eagle Point for a short time. Wm. Potter of Ashland, and Jake Riley, of Antelope, have been on a hunting tour for a few days. Frank Lewis has commenced to build a house on the tract of land he bought of Mrs. C. W. Taylor. Born, Nov. 1, 1894, on the Harbeil place on Little Butte, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, a daughter. Three young men were seen in the lower part of Eagle Point, one day recently, taking a skiff to Brownsboro by water--a laborious undertaking. There is talk of organizing a sewing circle in Eagle Point, for the purpose of assisting the needy, and helping some of the matrons who are crowded with their work. A company of thirteen of the crust of the upper ten at Central Point attended the dance here, Saturday night, and the remainder of the select four hundred went to Tolo. One of my special reporters gives information of one of the pleasantest little social hops that this place has known for some time, last Saturday night being the date of the event. Twenty-six numbers were sold, and Sunday morning was crowded very closely. Sunday morning a drove of about one hundred and fifty head of beef cattle was started from our town, for Medford. They were gathered by the Nichols brothers, Matthews brothers, Rader brothers, Mr. Hoyt and others. The drove was a fine lot of cattle--and still our range is overrun with stock. E. H. Lewis, one of the prospecting party of whom I spoke a short time ago, started to his mines last Saturday. He had some of the quartz examined by one of the Ashland experts, and he pronounced it of fine quality. They are sanguine of striking gold in large quantities. We wish them abundant success. We have, in the line of religious services, either feast or famine. Some Sundays we have no preaching, but last Sunday Rev. Ennis, of Jacksonville, and a Catholic priest each conducted religious services, the former preaching both morning and evening; while next Sunday Rev. Kennedy will preach for us at 7 p.m. Rev. Kennedy will also preach at the Antelope church the same day, at 11 a.m. Mrs. James Bell, the postmaster [sic] of Brownsboro, is reported to be in a very serious, if not critical condition. She cut her hand on a glass jar, and the poison from the glass took effect, causing such acute pain that lockjaw set in. The lady suffered for about a week before any medical aid was called in, and then Dr. Officer prescribed for the case, but the patient is in a very bad condition. F. M. Mitchell reports that he has examined a cut that was washed out last winter on Frank Manning's place, in Flounce Rock precinct, the cut having been made by Mr. Manning digging a small ditch for the purpose of draining a lake on the top of a hill, and in less than two hours the force of the water cut a ditch fifty feet wide and one hundred feet deep. In the bottom of this ditch are the bodies of large trees which have been turned into pure charcoal of the finest quality. Mr. Mitchell has some specimens of this charcoal. The question arises, how did those trees burn, one hundred feet underground? Or was this part of the country once a solid mass of molten matter? Medford Mail, November 16, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Walker Lewis started yesterday for his father's mines on Evans Creek. Miss Phipps, of Leeds, spent several days last week visiting friends in Eagle Point. Mrs. Saltmarsh and her daughter Miss Elsie were here last week visiting relatives. Mrs. Stickel of Oakland, Douglas County, is stopping with her brother-in-law, J. E. Stickel. Mrs. A. M. Thomas is still making improvements on her place in the way of new buildings. Geo. W. Love and son of Ashland were here last week, trying to trade for some of our real estate. Last Saturday Jacob Walz took thirty-seven hogs to Medford. They averaged two hundred and eighteen pounds. Doc Parker, of Antelope, is moving to Jacksonville. I understand that he is going to live with his son-in-law, E. E. Smith, deputy county clerk. Mrs. Dr. W. W. Stanfield, who has been visiting friends in Ashland, returned last week and reports having had one of the pleasantest visits of the season. Mrs. Nellie Perry Simpson of Big Butte has been visiting friends in Phoenix and Medford during the past week. She returned to Eagle Point Saturday. James Wiley of Klamath County, now of Ashland, was here last week calling on his friends in this neighborhood. He seems to think there is too much snow in Klamath County to suit him. We are expecting another of those dramatic treats here from the members of the Eagle Point dramatic club, as they expect to favor us with a performance after the 1st of next month. The play is entitled "Bread on the Waters." George Wiley of your city was the guest of Lou Tucker for a while last week and the inquisitive part of our community are anxious to know what there is on that ranch that is so attractive to George. Probably he may tell ME in the near future. A large delegation of our citizens visited Medford to trade, last week. Prominent among them were Mr. and Mrs. Ashpole, Mrs. Geo. Morrison, Mrs. M. S. Woods, Joe Rader, Mrs. J. A. Jonas, Delbert Terrill of Little Butte, Jacob Walz and last but not least, your correspondent. Last Thursday while on the way to The Meadows I met Revs. Dr. Kahler and T. L Jones, the latter on his way to his family at Grants Pass. He was taken sick at Ft. Klamath and his life was despaired of with the then present surroundings, and it was decided to bring him in to his family. At last accounts he was improving a little. George Morine. one of our leading mechanics, had a little experience with a bear last week. He was out looking for stock, when his dog discovered a bear in the brush which it immediately tackled and there George was without a gun. The bear and dog were having a close fight when George ran in and by the use of his knife dispatched bruin to the land where all good bears reside. An insurance agent, W. H. Bagley, was here last week taking a plat of the town and surrounding country. That, and the excitement on the subject of railroads is causing considerable talk. The railroad men are now viewing out a route on the north side of Rogue River, but the general opinion seems to be that it is simply a bluff to scare our citizens into a liberal bonus. When it comes to the subject of bonus, our citizens are willing to do their part. Rev. Kennedy was expected here and at Antelope to preach yesterday but owing to being called to attend a funeral, Rev. Fred Downing came in his place. The congregation at Antelope was small but the school house was crowded at Eagle Point. Arrangements were made to discontinue the appointments at Antelope and have Mr. K. preach at Eagle Point the 3rd Sunday in December at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and the Mound school house at 2:30 p.m. the same day. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 19, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, November 22, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Dick Is Facetious and
"It was Saturday--a big day in
the Mail
office. Messrs. Bliton & York bought--you bet they did. It is
best to be going around town asking what these gentlemen have
just go and take a look at their fine cylinder press. I have seen men
delighted when getting coupled and when the baby--the first baby, of
course--was born, but when this fine press began to shape up its
anatomy in the best print shop in Rogue River Valley, the bosses just
issued bucketsful of delight from their eyes. I was there you see,
can't fool me. Then there were the boys that sling type, my, my, they
were away up in the third story, working like beavers to get the big
press in place and grinning like opossums all the while. Everybody
"kinder" likes the Mail
have had it hinted to them more than once that the proprietors are
hustlers from away back and no one is surprised to see the Mail
break the newspaper record in this valley. Grit and brain is
what makes
the dust so thick back where the other fellows are. I have got pretty
well acquainted with the boys. Go around and see them, they will use
you right, and while you are there don't forget to subscribe for the
liveliest paper in Southern Oregon."No one knows who wrote this, but it's about straight goods all the same. If you don't believe it just go around print day and see and be convinced. DICK.
Mail, November 23, 1894, page
3Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. J. A.
Jones was in Medford last Friday on a
trading expedition.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Mrs. A. M. Thomas is still making improvements on her place in Eagle Point. Walker Lewis started to his father's mines on Evans Creek yesterday--Sunday. Joseph Rader, of Butte Creek, was rushing around the streets of Medford Saturday. Miss Phillips, of Leeds, was here the past week and spend several days visiting friends. Delbert Terrill, of Little Butte, above Brownsboro was doing business in the Hub Saturday. Wilbur Ashpole and his mother and Mrs. Geo. Morine went to Medford last Friday on a business trip. Mrs. Stickel, of Oakland, Douglas County, is stopping with her father-in-law, J. E. Stickel, at his place. Dr. Parker, of Antelope, is going to move to Jacksonville, I understand, to live with his son-in-law, E. E. Smith. Mrs. M. S. Woods, of Antelope Creek, took thirty-seven head of hogs to Medford Saturday. They averaged 218 pounds per head. C. C. Pletcher is located in Medford fully equipped and qualified to do dentistry in a careful and scientific manner. Office in McAndrews block. Miss Elsie Saltmarsh, of Sterling, has been over visiting her relatives, and Mrs. Saltmarsh also of Sterling has been visiting her father, A. Pool. Since my last we have a number of land seekers here looking for homes, among them Geo. W. Love and son, of Ashland. Geo. Wiley, the hustler, of Ashland, was the guest of Lon Tucker one day last week; the question arose in the mind of some of us old fogies what calls George there so much? Mrs. Dr. W. W. Stanfield, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Ashland, returned last week and reports having had one of the most pleasant visits of the season. Mrs. Nellie Terry Simpson, of Big Butte, who has been visiting friends in Phoenix and Medford, returned to Eagle Point. Saturday on her way home she stopped at Medford to procure her supplies in the dry goods line. James Wiley, of Klamath County, who lived in this neighborhood for a number of years, and is spending the winter with his parents in Ashland, was visiting friends in our community last week. He received a cordial welcome. The members of the dramatic club at this place are preparing to give an entertainment here about the 1st of next month, and from the experience of the past we anticipate a splendid time, as we have some fine performers here. George Morine, one of our leading mechanics, was out in the woods one day last week with his faithful dog, without a gun, and the dog jumped up a bear and the dog and bear had it up and down and finally George ran in and used his knife on bruin and succeeded in killing him. Last Thursday as I was on my way to the Meadows I met Revs. Dr. Kahler and J. T. Jones, presiding elder of this district. The latter was taken sick near Fort Klamath and as life was despaired of, with the surroundings, it was thought best to bring him in to his family, at Grants Pass. At last accounts he was improving a little. As announced in the Mail last week there was to be preaching at the Antelope church at 11 o'clock a.m. and at Eagle Point at 7 p.m. by Rev. Kennedy, but owing to his being called off to attend a funeral at Galls Creek, Rev. Fred Downing came in his place. At Antelope the congregation was small, but at Eagle Point the school house was crowded. Rev. Downing preached two evening sermons however. The arrangement was made at Antelope to discontinue the appointment at that place and have Mr. Kennedy preach the third Sunday at Eagle Point at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., at 2:30 p.m. at the Mound school house the same day. A man by the name of Bagley, an insurance agent, has been here taking a plat of our town and a diagram of the surrounding country, and among the thinking ones there seems to be an idea that there is something more than a mere gratification of a whim, especially when there is so much talk about railroads. Speaking of railroads, I understand that some of the representatives of a railroad company have been viewing out a route on the north side of Rogue River and some are afraid that the railroad will leave us entirely, while others think that it is merely a bluff to bring us to time in the way of a liberal bonus, but we will be satisfied if we can get a railroad running through the valley to anywhere so we can have an outlet and not be under the complete control of the S.P. Co., but still we would like most awful well to have a railroad run through our little valley, and as an evidence when Mr. Gresham, et al. were here and presented the matter to our people they subscribed very liberally in land, money, etc. Medford Mail, November 23, 1894, page 4 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Porter Robinett, who has been in Siskiyou County for some time, came home last Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Stickel and Miss Gladius Fryer went last Saturday to Forest Creek, to visit friends for a few days. Mr. McNeal, one of our old and highly respected citizens, has erected a neat barn on his place just above Eagle Point. Daniel Simon had a birthday dinner yesterday (Sunday). A number at friends partook of the fine dinner and had a most lovely time. Mrs. A. M. Thomas has rented ten acres of land on the Wiley place of Lou Tucker, and her son Charley is plowing it for hay. Wm. Chambers and wife, of Big Butte, have been visiting friends in the valley and stopped Saturday night with Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Mr. Vermilion [Vermeren?], the gentleman who has rented the A. G. Johnston place, expects his family here tomorrow from the Willamette Valley. Our school will close next Friday, and some of the patrons, as well as the directors, are in favor of having a lady teacher to use up the rest of the funds on hand. A number of young folks met at the residence of Geo. Brown last night and spent the evening very pleasantly. They had fine music, and a good time generally. Frank Lewis has about completed his new house on the tract of land he purchased of Mrs. C. W. Taylor. The house presents a fine appearance, and reflects great credit on Frank's taste. He expects to move into it Thanksgiving Day. Dr. Officer and S. B. Holmes have rented and fitted up apartments in F. B. Inlow's residence, where the Doctor expects to have his office and the two bachelors their sleeping apartments. More unlikely things have happened than that one of the two may take a housekeeper to preside over the house, but the question is which one of the two, as they are both of marriageable age. The Hoyt Bros., who rented the Peter Britt farm above Eagle Point, are rustlers in the way of farming and extremely popular with the fair sex. Last Friday evening I had business with then, and on my way up there I met two young ladies who had been spending the afternoon with them, taking lessons in the art of farming--alternately holding the plow and driving the horses. There is nothing like being practical. Last Friday night Mrs. A. M. Thomas gave a social party in honor of her guest, Miss Anna Grisez, of Siskiyou County, Cal., who has been visiting in this locality in quest of health. From a remark made in conversation with her, in which she said that she had gained twenty-five pounds in the seven weeks she had resided here, one would think that she would be likely to find the precious boon. She speaks very highly of our valley and our people. I see that your pencil pusher of Central Point flatly denies the statement I made with regard to Mrs. James Bell, of Brownsboro, having the lockjaw. I do not know by what authority, he or she (for I don't know which of the pronouns to use in this case), makes the statement; but I had the facts direct from the attending physician, Dr. W. B. Officer, and he simply remarked that she had the lockjaw and was in a bad fix. Her husband, Mr. James Bell, also told me in substance the same; and furthermore stated, last Friday, that she was able to use her jaws a little, but that her face was considerably contracted yet. WHEN I MAKE A STATEMENT AS A FACT, I AM ALWAYS READY TO SUBSTANTIATE IT. DICK. Eagle Point, Nov. 26, 1894. Valley Record, Ashland, November 29, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
I see that
Mr. McNeal has erected for himself a
neat barn on his place, just above our town.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Mrs. J. E. Stickel and Miss Gladius Fryer went to Forest Creek last Saturday, on a short visit. Dannie Simon gave a birthday dinner Sunday to some of his young friends. They report having had a jolly good time. Porter Robinett, who has been in Siskiyou County, California, for some time, returned last week to the parental roof. Wm. Chambers and wife, of Big Butte, have been visiting friends in the valley. Last Saturday night they spent with Mrs. A. M.Thomas. Mr. Vermeren [Vermilion?], the gentleman who has rented the A. G. Johnston place, expects his family from the Willamette Valley tomorrow (Tuesday). Mrs. A. M. Thomas has rented ten acres of land on the Wm. Wiley place, of Lon Tucker, and her son Charles is plowing it now to put in grain for hay. C. C. Pletcher is located in Medford fully equipped and qualified to do dentistry in a careful and scientific manner. Office in McAndrews block. Some young folks of your city, while coming from Lake Creek, had the misfortune to break their vehicle and borrowed a rope from John Williscroft, which he wishes them to return. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Several young people met at Geo. Brown's Sunday night and enjoyed a very pleasant time. A special feature of the occasion was some pleasant music. Mr. Brown's family know just how to entertain company. It is expected that our school will close on Friday, Nov. 30th. Some of the patrons of the school desire to have a lady teacher teach the rest of the winter, as the law requires that all the money shall be used up and there is considerable left after paying the present incumbent. A little social party was given at Mrs. A. M. Thomas' residence, last Friday night, in honor of her guest, Miss Anna Grisey, of Siskiyou County, California, who is visiting our valley in quest of health, and from appearances the lady is in a fair way to secure the coveted boon, for in conversation with her she incidentally remarked that she had gained twenty-five pounds in a sojourn of seven weeks. WHAT
In making
a business trip through Eagle Point up
to the Hoyt brother's place, I caught several items of interest to your
readers that I will give as they appear on my notebook. First, I saw a
young couple holding a picket fence up, one on each side, and I kindly
admonished them to be careful, as Mr. Pool, of the Eagle Hotel, had to
go to the expense of procuring new pickets for his fence, on account of
the young folks nibbling the ends off the old pickets while holding up
the fence the same way.Next I saw a change in the arrangement of the residence of B. F. Inlow, and learned that Dr. W. B. Officer and S. B. Holmes had rented a portion of the house and were fitting up an office for the doctor and sleeping apartments for the two bachelors, but some of the would-be wise ones of our community seem to be of the opinion that one of the two is thinking seriously of taking himself a housekeeper; some say one and some the other, but time will prove all things. The next item of interest was that Frank Lewis had got his house up so that it could be seen for a long distance. He thinks he will be able to move his family into it by Thanksgiving day. Then came the meeting of two young ladies who had been visiting the Hoyt brothers that afternoon. These gentlemen are very popular. The young ladies had been taking lessons in agriculture, alternating holding the plow and driving the team. There is nothing like being practical. The Hoyt brothers are rustlers from the "nobs." They rented the Peter Britt place and have it all in grain, already for the winter rains. Medford Mail, November 30, 1894, page 4 Grand Jury.
The grand jury had found the following indictments up to the time the Times went
to press: Two against Frank Townsend, for larceny; one against E. H.
Renfro, for practicing medicine without license; one against J. R.
Neil, for defacing a public building. "Not a true bill" was returned in
the cases of Loren Stowell, charged with forgery, and E. J. Kaiser, for
criminal libel.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 6, 1894, page 3 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Robert Ennis will preach at Eagle Point next Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 7
p.m.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. Thomas Coy is a hustler and one who believes in improving his home, consequently he is building an addition to his house. Chas. Homes, of Ashland precinct, came out Saturday to see his father-in-law, and returned Sunday accompanied by his sister-in-law, Miss Iva Tucker. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, on Butte Creek, Nov. 30, 1894, an eight-pound girl. The happy couple have our best wishes, and if it was a boy we would give it a name. We have heard of big babies, red apples, etc., but Butte Creek against the Rogue River Valley for big hogs. George Givan recently killed a hog that dressed five hundred and thirty pounds net. How is that for a pig? There was a social dance given at the residence of Wm. Higinbotham on last Saturday night. Ben Higinbotham's boys were out from Big Butte. Those who attended report that a pleasant time was had. Lonnie Bolle, who has been living on Antelope Creek, has leased his farm to Carl Stanley. Mr. S. has moved on the place, and his sister, Mrs. Rachel Rader, is keeping house for him. Mr. B. has moved to Evans Creek. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Florey, in Eagle Point, Dec. 2, 1894, a ten-pound girl. The mother and child are getting along nicely, but it is feared that Jack will have to go to the--poor house. Later: Jack seems to be O. K. this morning--Dec. 3rd. John Young, our efficient road superintendent, has been doing some good work on our roads and our accommodating mail carrier is correspondingly happy. Some would-be wise ones object to the way in which Mr. Young repairs the roads, but nevertheless he is decidedly the best material we have in this neighborhood for supervisor. A few days ago a little son of Mr. Marlow, of Salt Creek, was sent on an errand and became bewildered and finally lost. The lad was out all night and was found in the road the next morning by Wat Hurst. The boy, who was only about eight years of age, said that he was lost, but the man rode on without rendering any assistance. He also stated that he and his dog slept together under a pine tree. He did not seem to have been at all frightened. The past week has been one of good dinners in Eagle Point. Last Monday Mrs. Howlett gave a dinner to some of her friends and we had a very enjoyable time. Thanksgiving day there were several dinner parties given. Your correspondent and family, by special invitation, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Severance, in their happy home. Although they are both past their "three score years and ten," they both enjoy company, and know how to entertain their guests; as for the dinner it was par excellence. Mrs. Tool, mine hostess of the Eagle Point Hotel, gave a dinner as an evidence of thankfulness. Those who were present report a very pleasant time. Mrs. A. L. Haselton also gave a dinner to some of her friends, and one of my reporters who was there states that the guests were unanimous in their praise of the excellent dinner and the pleasant social time in which they participated. In fact, Prof. Haselton and wife are capable of so entertaining company as to make all hands enjoy themselves. Speaking of Prof. Haselton reminds me that I unintentionally omitted to state in my last communication that he had closed his school at Brownsboro, on the 23rd of last month. As announced in my last letter, our school closed last week. I stated that it would close on Friday, but owing to Thanksgiving day being a holiday and our teacher, Prof. John Harvey, attending the teachers' institute, two days were lost. And right here let me remark that there is a large amount of "kicking" being done, in the rural districts, against the custom of hiring a teacher, at a salary of from two to three dollars a day, and then have him draw pay from the children's money for every holiday and every day he attends the teachers' institute, including the time occupied in going and coming. If these institutes are designed to better prepare the teachers to do their work, who should the children have to pay for the teacher's time while he is fitting himself for that work? Otherwise, why not be more liberal and pay him for all the time he has spent--or misspent--in preparing himself for the work? There seems to be something wrong somewhere. To illustrate this matter, suppose that I hire out to a school director, to saw wood, and I want to "lay off" on Thanksgiving day or attend the institute, my pay stops when the work stops. Now why should a man, because paid out of the funds set aside for the benefit of the children, be allowed pay for the time he does not work, any more than the man that saws wood for the school house. Medford Mail, December 7, 1894, page 2 Big Butte Nuggets
F. H. Fredenburg is employed to do some
grubbing for Mr. Edsall.---- BY JERRY. Thomas Edsall, of Phoenix, was among his Big Butte friends this week. John Baker and family have moved onto the J. B. Watkins place for the winter. J. Smalley, of Phoenix, is with us again. He is preparing to make shingles this winter. John and George Gray and Jack Wrisley are camping on North Fork and making shingles. The Bell Brothers are hauling provisions and grain to their mountain ranch near Mt. Pitt. We have been having some rain the last week, which is making the roads muddy on the mountains. Quite a few nice beeves have been killed lately; one especially fine one was killed by Mr. Wright this week. Chris. Beale is over from Klamath hunting for a mule which he will need next summer in his business, as he intends to put up quite a lot of hay. Quite a lot of Klamath Indians passed here the other day on their way to the valley; suppose they were going to Medford to trade, as everybody else goes there--if they don't they should. Medford Mail, December 7, 1894, page 2 BUTTE CREEK NEWS.
EDITOR VALLEY RECORD:Miss Cora Brown is visiting at Central Point. Geo. Morine has moved into the old Purdin house. Mrs. Minnie Duvaul is visiting at Talent and Ashland. Miss Heart, of Medford, has been visiting friends on Butte Creek. The dramatic club's entertainment has been indefinitely postponed. Thomas Nichols, one of our leading farmers and stock men, was doing business in Eagle Point Friday. The directors have engaged a lady teacher, Miss White, of Medford, who will open school the first of January. James Pen, on David Cingcade's farm, came near having his neck broken by his plow team running away. Friday, during a driving rain storm, two wagons locked in the bridge at Eagle Point and were detained for some time. Joe Rader, one of our hustlers, went to Ashland yesterday on a business trip and to look after his stock interests there. John Watkins, who has been spending the summer on Big Butte Creek, has moved his family onto the Raymond place. The first snow of the season was on the ground about one inch deep last Thursday morning. At the Obenchain place it was six inches deep. Rev. R. Ennis preached here Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Kennedy preaches here next Sunday morning and evening, and at Mound school house at 2 p.m. Frank and Wm. Brown and Wilbur Ashpole have put a new floor in the post office building. A knife in the hands of William Brown slipped, entering the thick part of the leg, cutting a deep gash. Dr. Officer dressed the wound. W. H. Schmerker, the superintendent of the Snowy Butte and the Central Point mills, leaves today for Baker City, where he expects to erect a grist mill. He came here from Illinois about one year ago, and after the two mill companies were consolidated he took charge of them both. He has arranged the machinery in both mills so that they now stand among the leading mills in the state. He is not only a first-class miller and millwright, for he can make anything about a mill that can be made by hand; but he stands without a rival as a first-class gentleman and jolly good fellow. His presence will be greatly missed in our social circles. DICK. Valley Record, Ashland, December 13, 1894, page 3 "Dick" was A. C. Howlett. Eagle Point Eaglets.
Morrison, of Talent, came down last Tuesday, on a business visit.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. T. J. Howard has moved into the house formerly occupied by George Morine--the old Dr. Whitney place. John Nichols, one of our rustling farmers and stock men, was doing business last week with A. J. Florey. Mr. Bellows, a young man residing on Rogue River, interviewed our notary public, A. J. Florey, a few days ago. Last week Monday the daily stage coach from Central Point to this place was loaded down with passengers and baggage. Jerry Heckathorn, while cutting up a porker a few days ago, let the knife slip, and the result is he is now nursing a sick hand. Mrs. Chauncey Nye, of Prospect, who has been here for a few weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Florey, expects to return home this week. Messrs. Richards and Dewey, two Englishmen who went back to England from here a short time age, write that they got through all right, but had a very rough voyage. A young man by the name of Kelly, who is working for M. S. Woods, but resides on Antelope Creek, was here Sunday seeking medical attendance for what appears to be erysipelas. One of the young Mr. Hutchins who formally lived on the upper Little Butte Creek passed through Eagle Point last week, on his way to his old home. A man by the name of Alney also passed through on a business trip. Charley Barney, Mr. Milligan and two other gentlemen, whose names I did not learn, have returned from a few days' hunting and prospecting trip. Another party of hunters passed through here a few days ago, but I did not find out who they were. Dr. W. B. Officer reports a case of diphtheria in the family of N. A. Young, the youngest daughter, Miss Clara, being afflicted with that dreaded disease. None of the other members of the family contracted the disease, as they used preventatives in time. At last accounts the patient was considered out of danger. T. J. Howard's little daughter net with a very severe and painful accident a few days ago. Her mother attempted to take up a teapot of boiling tea, which burned her hand and she dropped it, the contents running over the face and neck of the little girl and scalding her severely. Dr. Officer, the attending physician, thinks her eyes are not seriously injured, and the child is now doing as well as could be expected. Jos. Wilson, the Eagle Point pharmacist, who has been away for several weeks attending to the wants of his stepfather, Mr. Grimsley, the old gentleman who was thrown from a wagon and seriously injured a few weeks ago, has returned to his post in the store and is now greeting his old friends and customers. Mr. W. states that his stepfather is in a fair way to recover, although the case has been so critical as to require the attendance of three physicians. The season for our social parties has arrived, and the ball was put in motion last week Wednesday, by Mrs. J. E. Stickel, who gave a carpet-rag-tacking party. A number of invited guests, mostly old ladies, met at her residence and passed the day very pleasantly. On last Friday night Mrs. Stickel concluded to commemorate her half-brother's birthday, so just at night she dispatched Boyd Tucker with invitations to most of the young folks in our town to come and have a candy pulling, and dispatched "Jo" to "Florey's" for sugar to make the candy. A little after dark the guests had arrived and the fun commenced. They enjoyed themselves until a late hour, and then wended their way home. No doubt those who attended will look forward with some interest to December 14, 1895. B. B. Hubbard, who left here some two months ago for Flowerville, Michigan, has written letters to friends here, in which he says: "As soon as I crossed the Rocky Mountains I left everything of the vegetable line that showed any signs of life, for everything was dead and dried up, and the people showed the unmistakable evidence of poverty and distress"--showing the contrast between Jackson County, Oregon, and the older states--he says: "I stopped off in Kansas to see an old acquaintance, and had hardly stepped on the depot platform before I met a young cyclone, and it kept growing worse. Here in Flowerville, Michigan, poverty and want stares us in the face on every hand--the crops are so short that it will be hard for the people to live until next harvest." But still I read yesterday, in a paper published in England, a letter written by one Elliott O'Donnell, an Englishman who came here last summer and worked for his board, in which letter he says the "Oregon in the poorest state in the Union and the soil of Jackson County is almost worthless, as it is so combined with 'sticky mud.'" And still, although I am not in favor of booming this section, I believe that the state of Oregon, and especially Jackson County, will compare favorably with any other in the Union, for where in all the civilized world can we find a country where people can live so easily as in Jackson County? If we had the railroad facilities that they have in some of the older states, we could live like princes in their palaces. Medford Mail, December 21, 1894, page 2 Israel Patton was in Ashland, Or., the other day with a wagonload of bear skins, which he sold. The bears were killed this fall up in the Big Butte country off toward the head of Rogue River by Mr. Patton and his father-in-law, C. F. Edmondson. "Pacific Northwest," The Islander, Friday Harbor, Washington, December 27, 1894, page 1 Eagle Point Eaglets.
Mrs. Geo.
Givan is quite ill.---- BY A. C. HOWLETT. F. B. Inlow has been spending a few days in Talent. Prof. A. L. Haselton is confined to his bed with rheumatism. The B.C.R.F. mill company have been putting battening on the store room. Miss Wyland, of Climax, is in Eagle Point visiting her sister, Mrs. John Daley. J. J. Fryer, wife and daughter, Miss Gladius, were in Medford a few days ago. Hon. Chauncey Nye, of Prospect, was here last week visiting his son-in-law, A. J. Florey. Some of our citizens have caught the hauling gravel fever from John Young, and are graveling Main Street. Jerry Heckathorn had the misfortune to lose his watch last week, on the road between this place and Medford. Miss Emma Perry, who has been visiting the family of Mr. Hoyt, on Big Butte, for a few weeks past, returned to Eagle Point last Friday. Wm. Chambers and wife passed through town Monday morning. Mrs. C. was on her way to Grants Pass to see her daughter, who is ill at that place. A little boy by the name of Earl Taylor was kicked on the leg by a horse, a few hours previous to this writing. How serious the injury is, is not yet known. Born, December 19, 1894, in Brownsboro, to Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, a daughter. Mrs. Bell was afflicted with lockjaw a short time ago, but I am glad to be able to say that she is getting along very nicely. Mr. Rayborn has rented Mr. Storey's farm and Mr. S. has returned to England. Speaking of England, I may next week have something more to say regarding that O'Donnell letter to which I referred last week. On Sunday Miss Etha Griffith, who has been living in Sisson, California, for some time, arrived at this place on a few weeks' visit to her mother. She stopped off at Ashland and visited friends there for a few days. Her many friends here give her a cordial welcome. The wire footbridge across Butte Creek at this place gave way last week, one of the posts having rotted off, causing one of the main wires to give way, but fortunately no one was injured. The break was immediately repaired and now the bridge is O.K. That irrepressible "Jack" Florey has hauled gravel and made an excellent crossway from his store to the opposite side of the street. If a few loads were dumped between Jack's store and Stickel's blacksmith shop, it would be a great benefit to persons passing on that side of the street. John Young, our efficient road supervisor, finished up his road work last Thursday. It is a conceded fact that Mr. Young is the best supervisor we have had for thirty years. It is a subject of general remark that the roads in this district are the best in the county. However, there are a few chronic grumblers who find fault, but they are aspirants for Mr. Young's office--and are totally unfit for the position. Mr. Combs, president of the Eldrianna company, passed through Eagle Point last week, going to and from the prospective city. There is considerable talk of another colony being started on Big Butte the coming spring. A gentleman has settled on a tract of government land at the head of Axletree Gulch. I understand that he expects to have about thirty families come on from Washington in the spring and locate in that vicinity. Last Saturday Sheriff Patterson came out with a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. A. McNeal, for the crime of shoplifting in Medford. The lady is to appear in Medford today (Monday), for an examination. It seems a singular circumstance that a woman of her standing in the community should be charged with the crime of theft. She has lived in this vicinity all her life and has always sustained a reputation for honesty and uprightness. As she is of good family, the entire community sympathizes with them in this sad case, and hope that she may be able to exonerate herself from all censure. Last week was rather a memorable one in M. S. Wood's family. On Monday Mrs. John Smith was visiting in the family, with her children, and after being there a few hours Mrs. Smith's baby, about fourteen months old, fell into a tub of water and when recovered was almost drowned. On Tuesday her daughter, Mamie, while cutting up a squash, with a hatchet, cut two of her fingers, one of them very severely. And on Wednesday Mrs. Woods let a cup of hot tea fall, the contents going in her sleeve, burning her arm badly. A short time ago I spoke of the necessity of some plan being adopted so that business men of Medford could better accommodate the crowd of customers that throng that city, and last Saturday I was convinced more than ever of the necessity for some such arrangement. During the few hours I was in the city I saw and recognized a host of people from different parts of the county; for instance there were half a dozen from Sams Valley proper, some from upper Sams Valley, quite a number from The Meadows, several from Yankee Creek, and from this place R. A. Potter, J. A. Jonas, Mrs. A. M. Thomas and her son Charles, Boyd Tucker, Mrs. M. S. Woods and her daughter Mamie, D. P. and Green Matthews, John Ashpole, Thomas Kelly and Mrs. Howlett, all intent upon buying themselves rich. Medford Mail, December 28, 1894, page 2 Last
revised March 15, 2025