Wilkinsons Charles E. and Edward--who were
not related.
JOINED THE MAJORITY.--On last Wednesday evening shortly after seven o'clock Edward Wilkinson and Miss Flora Orth were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. F. X. Blanchet tying the knot according to the Catholic ceremony. Only the relatives and a few of the most intimate friends of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony, but when that was over a large number of their friends dropped in to extend congratulations. The Jacksonville Cornet Band was also on hand at once and tendered them a serenade when all were invited in to partake of wedding cake and champagne. An hour or more was then spent in wishing the newly married couple the best of success in life and a safe journey to their new home in Eastern Oregon when they took carriages to Medford to catch the evening train accompanied by a number of their young friends from here. In company with their many friends we wish them a long life of prosperity and happiness. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 26, 1886, page 3 Mrs. E. Wilkinson, nee Miss Flora Orth, arrived from California yesterday, to pay her old home a visit. "Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 24, 1887, page 3 John Orth's house on Third Street has been fixed up and is now occupied by Ed. Wilkinson and family. "Local News," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1888, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson will engage in the butcher business at Medford, and will soon remove there with his family. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1888, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson, son-in-law of John Orth of Jacksonville, will take charge of Harris' butcher shop in this place on Sept. 1st. Mr. Harris will soon pay his old home in Canada a visit, but will return in time to cast his vote for Cleveland and Thurman. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 30, 1888, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson and wife have removed to Medford, Mr. W. having taken charge of the butcher shop at that place. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 6, 1888, page 3 Hanley & Wilkinson's meat market is doing a lively business. The choicest of meats are always kept there. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 18, 1888, page 3 Wilkinson & Hanley are doing a large business and furnish this market with the choicest of meats. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 8, 1888, page 3 Mrs. H. T. McClallen of Roseburg is paying her sister, Mrs. E. Wilkinson, a visit. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 3, 1889, page 2 Mrs. E. Wilkinson and son are quite ill. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1889, page 3 G. W. Coulter, the scientific painter, has been doing some extra jobs in his line lately. The handsome painting and lettering on Hanley & Wilkinson's new butcher wagon is a sample of the good work he is doing. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1889, page 3 John Orth of this place and Hanley & Wilkinson of Medford this week received 40 head of fine young cattle from Clopton & Potter of Bonanza, Klamath County. They were on the road about a week. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1889, page 3 A. S. Johnson has sold his butchering business in Medford to Hanley & Wilkinson. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1889, page 3 Wilkinson & Hanley are well fixed for the manufacture of bacon, lard, etc., of which they are selling a great deal. They supply several shops down the road with both fresh and salt meats. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 9, 1890, page 3 A sneak thief robbed Wilkinson & Hanley's butcher shop at Medford of several buckets of lard one day last week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1890, page 3 Miss Josie Orth of Jacksonville, who has been paving her sister, Mrs. Ed Wilkinson, a visit, returned home this week. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1890, page 3 A number of men were on the west apron of the wagon road bridge at Medford yesterday morning when the bridge went down, and Jim Simpson, Ed. Wilkinson and George Kelley fell into the water, but scrambled out unhurt. The old footbridge, as well as the wagon bridge, is gone. "Brevities," Ashland Daily Evening Tidings, February 4, 1890, page 2 The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wilkinson, which was dangerously ill for a while, is now convalescent. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 13, 1891, page 2 Hanley & Wilkinson, the butchers, are offering the choicest of cuts to the residents of Medford. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 13, 1891, page 3 Wilkinson & Hanley have dissolved partnership in the butchering business, and Ed. will continue the business alone in the future. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1891, page 2 Mary H. Hanley to Edward Wilkinson; undivided half of lot 14 block 13, Medford. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 8, 1891, page 3 John Hanley, of Medford, has been in town during this week. He has withdrawn from the butchering business in which he was engaged with Mr. Wilkinson, at that place. "Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, May 8, 1891, page 2 Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson has been visiting relatives and friends at Roseburg. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 16, 1891, page 2 Ed. Wilkinson is slaughtering from fifteen to twenty hogs per week, and is manufacturing a fine quality of bacon and hams, for which he finds a ready market. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 11, 1891, page 2 A. Jakes has sold out his butcher shop to Ed Wilkinson. Ed Wilkinson, our popular butcher, has just purchased 50 head of the finest beef cattle in Jackson County from Fred Barneburg. "Local News," Medford Mail, February 11, 1892, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson has the only butcher shop in town, having bought A. Jakes' business. He will always keep the best. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1892, page 2 A. Jakes, who lately sold out his butcher shop at this place to E. Wilkinson, is at Grants Pass assisting Butcher Williams with his business. Although Mr. Jakes was established but a few months among us, his methods and his meats were first-class, and many regrets are expressed at his departure. "Local News," Medford Mail, February 18, 1892, page 3 Fred. Barneburg last week sold Ed. Wilkinson his spring beef, in the shape of fifty head of fine stall-fed steers. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 19, 1892, page 2 A sister of Ed Wilkinson lately arrived in this city from England. "Local and General," Southern Oregon Mail, June 3, 1892, page 3 Wilkinson to the
Bat--Brown on Deck.
for The Medford Mail.
On last Friday afternoon the Big Sticky baseball nine, under the management of their able captain, Mr. Chas. Wilkinson, went over to Eagle Point to wipe that nine off the face of the earth--and for eleven ball tickets, valued at $2 each. If the Big Stickys lost they were to give to Eagle Point the equal in coin of the realm of eleven ball tickets. But when Wilkinson goes out with his boys they are favorites from the start and play ball with a professional-like air. They were picked for winners by all visitors as well as the Eagle Point girls, and win they did. Having thoroughly enjoyed the ball game, we stayed to partake of the hospitalities of the evening tendered by Mr. Frank Brown, the manager of the Eagle Point nine. The merry throng gathered from far and near. The boys in all their glory of success and the belles in all their beauty of adornment. When the sweet strains of music started up, it was "on with the dance, let joy be unconfined," and there never was a jollier time than we spent at the Eagle Point entertainment, and one that will long be remembered by your worthy scribe. JONES.
Mail, April
7, 1893, page 3Ed. Wilkinson, the Seventh Street market man, adds great convenience to his place of business this week by placing therein a fine refrigerator--in size 4 1/2 x 5 and nine feet high. "City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, June 2, 1893, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson has had a new coat of paint put on the front of his meat market. Ed. Johnson was the brush artist. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, June 9, 1893, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson is building an addition to both his packing and smoke houses--just doubling their size. Mr. Darnell is doing the carpenter work. Ed. proposes to buy all the hogs in sight this fall. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, September 8, 1893, page 3 Ed Wilkinson is tearing down and building greater. This time it is his smokehouse that is being enlarged, to about twice its original size. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson has slaughtered 400 head of hogs during the past season, which he manufactured into choice bacon and hams. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 29, 1894, page 2 E. Wilkinson, the Seventh Street meat man, hasn't been asleep these past fall and winter months, but instead has been doing a good amount of work in curing pork. He reports that he has killed 420 hogs to date, the value of which in cured meats and rendered lard amount to very close onto $5,000. For one who makes not much of a stir in this line of business Ed. can truly be said to be somewhat in the hog trade himself. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson.--"Wait until I get my new refrigerator, then my market will glitter. It will be here about May first, and it is being shipped from San Francisco. It will be 6x9x11 feet in size and will be the finest article of the kind in Southern Oregon. It will cost $350 and is warranted to keep meet thirty days when properly iced. The front of it is to be covered with heavy plate mirror glass, and my name will appear on it in gilt letters. It will be a thing of beauty." "Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2 Ed. Wilkinson has commenced work upon the foundation of his new brick building. He has moved his family to the living rooms at the rear of Childers' grocery store, and sometime this week he will move his market to the Elder building, corner B and Seventh streets, which he will occupy until the new structure is completed. "News of the City," Medford Mail, August 23, 1895, page 5 Ed. Wilkinson's new brick block, in which Ed. will carve steaks to the general liking of all who come, is fast narrowing down to a finish, so far as the brick work is concerned. This will positively be the gem of all the buildings--and of which Ed. is justly proud. "Medford Improvements," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 4 Architect Bennet left last night for Portland, to be absent a few days in the interests of some purchases to be made for the Wilkinson block. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 27, 1895, page 8 The Wilkinson block is fast taking on shape and with the setting of each day's sun new beauty is added to the general appearance. This is truly to be a building of beauty--and more such would be a credit to any city. Contractor Shone is doing a good job and is entitled to credit. "News of the City," excerpt, Medford Mail, October 11, 1895, page 5 The finishing touches have about all been placed on the Wilkinson building, and it does not take the eye of a skilled mechanic to determine that it will be one of the handsomest buildings in Southern Oregon when all completed. The original plan has been changed to some extent, and the stairs will not go up from the front as first designed, and the entrance will be in the center of the building, with plate glass windows on either side. Contractor Shone is doing some excellent work on this building, and shows himself to be a workman of enviable ability. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 1, 1895, page 5 Ed. Wilkinson has moved his family to his new palace home over his meat market. . . . The front, or sitting room, overlooking as it does the principal street of our busy city, is indeed an ideal palace in which to while away a few leisure hours. In this room is a fire place, over and around which is is a beautifully designed arch mantle of oak wood with a plate glass mirror at the top and center. The room is beautifully papered with ingrain paper. Back of this is a sleeping room with folding doors between it and the sitting room, and opening off this room is the children's sleeping apartment, and adjoining these two rooms is a bath-room which is fitted with all up to date appliances together with hot and cold water pipes. The dining room and kitchen are at the rear, and between them, opening into each is a large, glass-door cupboard. Off of the kitchen is a large pantry in which are a pump, water pipes, cupboards and tables. Still further back is a porch and woodshed. The woodwork bears the hand marks of Joe Shone and is good—first class. W. J. Bennet is the architect and to him the credit of the very clever designing is due. We forgot to mention that all of the interior rooms are well lighted by means of sky-lights. Mr. Wilkinson has had new carpets placed on the floors and new furniture in all of the rooms. For convenience and comfort Ed. has a home difficult to beat. excerpt, “Ed. Wilkinson’s Palace Home,” Medford Mail, January 24, 1896, page 8 ![]() The Wilkinson-Swem Building, now on the National Register, 217 East Main. November 2007. Last Saturday Dr. Geary, assisted by Drs. Pickel, of Medford, Van Dyke, of Grants Pass, and Robinson, of Jacksonville, performed an operation upon Eddie, the six-year-old son of E. Wilkinson, that was a decidedly delicate one and one attendant upon which there are many risks. The operation was that of laparotomy--a cutting through the walls of the abdomen--and removing an obstruction in the bowels, due to a kink in the intestines. The operation, while a delicate one, was nonetheless a very successful one and the only means of saving the boy's life. He is now entirely out of danger and in a few days will be at play again. "News of the City," Medford Mail, September 4, 1896, page 7 Ed. Wilkinson don't propose to be outdone in the way of brick buildings by his neighbor, G. P. Lindley, who is now completing his 25-by-145-foot two-story brick store building, and to keep in line with the procession Mr. Wilkinson has decided to continue his present two-story brick building on out to the alley, making his building 20 by 140 feet in size and all two stories high. The new part is to be used in connection with his market and for a stable. The foundation was started this week. S. Childers is doing the brick work. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 16, 1896, page 7 Eddie Wilkinson is having more than his share of troubles. Scarcely had he recovered from the effects of a critical and exceedingly dangerous surgical operation, than he was subjected to a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism in his arm. After much suffering and pain, he commenced to recover, but again he was attacked with the same disease in his leg, which is so badly swollen that he cannot bear the slightest weight upon it. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 6, 1896, page 7 Ed. Wilkinson commenced the slaughter of hogs on Tuesday of this week The first day's killing numbered forty-one. He will continue the killing and salting just as long as the supply holds out. The price paid by him is $2.50 per hundred. "News of the City," Medford Mail, November 13, 1896, page 7 Ed. Wilkinson went to San Francisco Wednesday to witness the celebration of the golden jubilee. He was accompanied by his son Johnnie. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1898, page 3 REAL ESTATE
following deeds have been recorded in the office of the county recorder
since the last report of The
Times:Edw. Wilkinson to E. F. Walker; lots 10 and 11, blk 4, lot 26, blk 3, Orchard Home Association . . . 300.00 Edw. Wilkinson to Prudence Walker; right of way through certain portions of Enoch Walker subdivision . . . 20.00 Excerpt, Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1898, page 3 E. Wilkinson, the Medford capitalist, spent a few hours in Jacksonville Monday. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1898, page 5 Ed. Wilkinson, the popular butcher, has had a slaughterhouse built on the land he recently purchased of E. F. Walker. When finished it will be one of the most complete and convenient establishments of the kind in southern Oregon. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1898, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson's family has been out on the farm, north of Medford, for four or five weeks and are getting on finely. As Mr. W. put it, they are doing so well that it keeps him busy in supplying them with edibles--so hearty are they. His son, Johnnie, has gained eleven pounds in flesh, and Mrs. W. is unusually healthy. They will remain on the farm until fall. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, July 22, 1898, page 3 Mrs. Ed. Wilkinson and her sons have been spending the past several weeks on the farm north of town. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1898, page 3 Mrs. E. Wilkinson, who has been looking after the Walker ranch for several weeks past, is rusticating at Jacksonville with her sons. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 11, 1898, page 3 Mrs. Chas. E. Wilkinson was at Jacksonville Saturday, to make arrangements for the education of her two daughters at St. Mary's Academy. In company with her husband she will soon leave for San Diego, Calif., and spend the winter there. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1898, page 3 Chas. Wilkinson and wife left this week for San Diego, Calif., and will be gone for several months. The former's health is not the best, and the trip is made for the benefit of it. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 1, 1898, page 2 E. Wilkinson made a trip to Applegate on his wheel last week, but collapsed before getting back. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 1, 1899, page 3 W. F. Wilkinson of Big Butte spent yesterday in Jacksonville, trading with our merchants. He reports that there is a great deal of travel on the Rogue River road this year--much more than ever before, to say nothing of the business that is made by the big steam lumber outfit Proudfoot, Pierce & Co. are operating between Skookum Prairie and Medford. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 12, 1899, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson, the butcher, had the misfortune to severely cut his hand Thursday morning, while engaged in cutting meat. Dr. Pickel dressed the wound, which required six stitches. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, February 1, 1901, page 6 Ed. Wilkinson, who cut his hand severely one day last week, will soon be at the block again. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1901, page 5 There is a good bit of street rumor this week which is in effect that a Medford market man has sold diseased animals, cattle, hogs and sheep, to patrons of his shop. The Mail is not vouching for the truthfulness of these rumors, we are simply giving the item as a strong rumor .We understand that District Attorney Reames is investigating the affair and that several witnesses have given evidence before him this week. The evidence is, of course, [a] private matter and cannot at this time be given out. Full particulars will be given in the next issue. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 6 Nothing further regarding the sale of diseased meat in Medford, the rumor concerning which was published in last week's Mail, has been learned. Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 6 Ed. Wilkinson, the Medford meat market man, has been before Judge Hanna this week charged with selling unwholesome food. Wilkinson was to have appeared to plead Wednesday afternoon, but his counsel, Wm. Colvig, interposed a demurrer to the indictment, which, however, was overruled, and he (Wilkinson) was cited to appear Thursday morning. The charge more specifically set forth is that on August 21, 1900, Wilkinson sold to one Eli Mayer unwholesome food, to wit: Beef; said beef then and there being unwholesome. Mayer is a Central Point market man and has been buying dressed meat from Wilkinson. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 5, 1901, page 6 Edwin Wilkinson, a pioneer butcher of Medford, was found guilty Saturday by a jury of selling unclean and diseased meat to Eli Mayer, a Central Point market man. There are several other charges to be investigated. Wilkinson is said to have sold diseased meat right along. His employees testified that they had instructions to kill any sick animal that was likely to die. "Local Happenings," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 11, 1901, page 3 Messrs. John Barneburg and John Arnold, having purchased the meat market fixtures of Ed. Wilkinson, and also having rented his building, opened the doors Thursday under the new management, with Henry Orth of Jacksonville at the block. These gentlemen are both well known in this locality. They are both men of honor and integrity and will, without a doubt, restore confidence to a business which for several weeks has had hard sailing over a decided rocky surface in public sentiment. They promise to butcher only the very best of stock and at all times put on the block for their customers nothing but clean, wholesome meat. They now have several head of good stock purchased and are on the trail of several more which will be brought in when necessary. They are now thoroughly renovating their shop and slaughter pen and propose keeping everything about both these places in a clean, sanitary condition. "Additional
Local," Medford Mail, April
12, 1901, page 6
as charged" was the verdict of the jury in the case of the State of
Oregon against Ed. Wilkinson, the Medford butcher, charged with the
crime of selling unwholesome meat. Eli Mayer, the Central Point
butcher, testified that Wilkinson sold him a half of a beef which was
claimed to be diseased. Testimony was also given that he had instructed
his employees to kill any sick stock which was liable to die. This case
has attracted a great deal of attention and has been the subject of
much adverse criticism. Wilkinson was fined $50 and costs, amounting in
all to less than $100. He has sold out his business in Medford, and our
people will be glad to learn that he will be succeeded by gentlemen in
whom the public can safely place confidence--Messrs. John Barneburg and
John Arnold, who have already taken charge of the same. It is said
Wilkinson will soon leave Medford for Southern California. Other
charges pending against him have been dismissed.
Ed. Wilkinson this week purchased from P. B. O'Neil the property and building on Seventh Street occupied by M. Purdin, the blacksmith, paying therefor $1500. Mr. O'Neil purchased this property less than two weeks ago from B. S. Webb, through the agency of W. T. York, paying $1200 for it. H. H. Mitchell, the horseshoer, has leased the building and will take possession of same as soon as Mr. Purdin can arrange for another building. "City
Happenings," Medford
Mail, April 12, 1901, page 7
Mrs. Flora Wilkinson, who has been quite ill, is in a San Francisco hospital for treatment. We are glad to learn that her condition is improving. John Barneburg and John Arnold, two of our best citizens, have purchased the butcher business formerly conducted by Ed. Wilkinson, They will keep the market supplied with the best of everything in their line. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 18, 1901, page 7 Mrs. Rose Wood and daughter, of Portland, arrived in Medford Thursday and will visit Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson. Mrs. Wood is a sister of Mrs. Wilkinson. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, July 19, 1901, page 6 E. Wilkinson and his family have taken up a residence at their farm, located between Medford and Central Point. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 12, 1902, page 8 Ed. Wilkinson, the capitalist, is attending the State Fair. So is Ed. Helms of Jacksonville. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 25, 1902, page 2 L. B. Caster of Big Butte precinct was in Medford Saturday. While here he bargained for the Wilkinson place, which he has been renting. Mr. C. keeps one of the best stations on the road to Crater Lake. Chas. E. Wilkinson of Roxy precinct was in Medford Saturday. He recently had a handsome and commodious residence built, which is quite an ornament to that section. A. S. Bennett was in charge of the work. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 9, 1902, page 1 Miss Carrie Wilkinson has become a student at St. Mary's Academy. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1902, page 3 Ed. Wilkinson has sold his farm, situated between Central Point and Medford, and formerly owned by the late E. F. Walker, to M. F. Hanley. There are about 85 acres, and the price paid was $8,000. “Brief Mention,” Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1903, page 1 C. E. Wilkinson, who left Medford the latter part of January for New Mexico, has written to Mrs. Wilkinson from El Paso, Texas, stating that at Las Cruces, New Mexico, he found the weather too cold, and that he had continued his pilgrimage into Texas, where he would probably remain for several weeks. His health has materially improved since he left Medford, and he has hopes of complete recovery. At Las Cruces, on February 3rd, quite an amount of snow fell, and the thermometer went down to seven degrees above zero. Mr. Wilkinson explains that this cold weather was due to the great altitude of the town, it being as high above sea level as is Fish Lake, in Jackson County--about 5000 feet. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, February 20, 1903, page 7 EDDIE WILKINSON PRAISED BY
H. Badgely, the man who writes the baseball dope for the San Francisco Bulletin, has the
following to say of a local boy:
"A mention of the Phoenix team reminds me of Wilkinson, who is holding down second for the collegians this year. As a judge of ground balls he is at the top of the ladder and gives promise of developing into one of the flashiest infielders in the country. He is due to finish his studies next year, and it might pay some local manager to get a line on this boy. Good second basemen are none too plentiful, and Wilkinson should be borne in mind by Coast league clubs when they do a little experimenting at the beginning of the season." Eddie Wilkinson, above mentioned, is a son of Ed Wilkinson of Medford, and played a few games with the local team last season. He is a native son of Medford and showed his class on the diamond here last year. Medford Mail Tribune, February 20, 1910, page 3 ![]() June 12, 1910 Sunday Oregonian Johnnie and Eddie Wilkinson returned Saturday evening. Eddie has been making a big name for himself as a ball player in the California state league and has received a number of flattering offers to play professional ball, but has turned them down for the time being. Next season he may graduate into the big bunch. "Social and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1910, page 5 Eddie Wilkinson, St. Mary's crack first baseman, a Medford boy, played with Medford today and was a star. His batting average this year with the St. Mary's team was .334. There is some talk that Wilkinson will join McCredie's team in the near future. He can play any infield position and bats hard, and he would probably be a great help. "Two Games Won by Medford," Morning Oregonian, Portland, July 5, 1910, page 10 Ed Wilkinson has returned from a trip of several months in California. Young Eddie has returned to school at St. Mary's and will of course be on the baseball team next year. "Personal Items," Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1910, page 5 LOCAL BOY TO A BIG LEAGUE
Eddie Wilkinson May Sign with Chase for New York Nationals-- Flattering Contract Is Given Young Phenom--May Go East.
Wilkinson is sought by Hal Chase, manager of the New York Nationals,
and will leave soon for the East, where he will be trained for big
league ball by the big leaguer. Wilkinson received a very flattering
offer, and inasmuch as by the terms of the contract he cannot be sold
or "farmed" out to some bush league, he will break into organized
baseball from the top if he signs.
Wilkinson is well known to the ball fans in this city. He has played with the local team several seasons and is known as the fastest shortstop in southern Oregon and a heavy hitter. He has been playing ball for the past two or [three] years with St. Mary's near San Francisco, where he exhibited the class making him desirable timber for big leagues. His career as a ball player will be closely watched by local friends. This makes two southern Oregon players to go East, the other being Jud Pernoll, the local southpaw, who is with Detroit. Medford Mail Tribune, February 14, 1911, page 3 Eddie Wilkinson, start infielder last year with the New York Highlanders, is expected this week for a visit in Medford. He will probably play in the championship game next Sunday. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 29, 1912, page 2 Ed Wilkinson, Shorty Miles, Court Hall, George Merriman, and Charles Young are among the Medford men who will be at the ringside when Bud Anderson fights Sammy Trott next Saturday afternoon. Horace Dudley of Los Angeles will join the local contingent at Vernon. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1913, page 2 ED WILKINSON DEAD AT TUCSON
telegram was received in the city this noon by John S. Orth telling him
of the death of Edward
H. Wilkinson, former well-known young Medford
man, at Tucson, Ariz. at 2:30 a.m. today from tuberculosis, from which
disease he had been a sufferer for the past five years. He was aged 27
years and was the son of Edward H. Wilkinson, Sr.
Two days ago the father received a telegram from the sanitarium where his son had been an inmate for the past three years stating that he was dying. Mr. Wilkinson hurriedly departed for Tucson and arrived there only a short time before his son's death. Funeral arrangements have not been completed, but it is understood that the body will arrive in Medford next Friday morning. Edward H. Wilkinson, Jr. was a promising ball player and played one season with the New York Giants in the National League, when he had to give up ball playing because of illness. Medford Mail Tribune, April 9, 1918, page 2 A large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral services this forenoon at the Catholic Church over the late Edward Wilkinson Jr. A large delegation of Elks escorted the body from the Weeks & McGowan chapel to the church just prior to the services. The services were conducted by Rev. John Powers. The interment was in the family burial plot in the Jacksonville Cemetery. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1918, page 2 Edward Henry Wilkinson died at Tucson, Ariz. Tuesday, April 9, 1918. He was a native of Jackson County and was born in this city June 20, 1890. He leaves a father and one brother. Funeral is being held today (Saturday). "Local News," Jacksonville Post, April 13, 1918, page 3 John Wilkinson
I Earned My First Dollar," Medford Mail Tribune, October
21, 1921, page 4
The first
dollar I ever earned was driving a hay derrick for my dad right here in
the valley. I remember I got $4.50 together, and went to Roseburg. I
spent $3.90 for a baseball mitt, but was still in as bad shape as I had
no ball to catch in it. I went back to the hay derrick to eradicate
this deficiency.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilkinson of Lake Creek were in Medford today. Mr. Wilkinson left for California for the winter. They are owners of the Dead Indian Soda Springs and report splendid business this season. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1923, page 2 ED WILKINSON TO SEE HIS BROTHER
The anticipation of seeing his brother for the first time in 45 years
is the happy experience of Edward Wilkinson of Medford, who is leaving
tomorrow morning for Portland, where the reunion between the two
brothers and their sister, Mrs. C. E. Wells of that city, is to take
place tomorrow night at the latter's home.
Joe Wilkinson and Edward were but young boys when they parted in Scarborough, England, 45 years ago, Joe deciding to leave for Canada. Two weeks later Edward, overcome by sea fever, was on a boat leaving for the United States, where he lived for some time with relatives in the state of Nevada. Although occasionally corresponding with one another, the brothers have not had the chance to reunite until this year, when Joe offered to meet his brother more than half way at the home of their sister in Portland. Medford Mail Tribune, December
30, 1927, page 5
C. Wells, brother of Carveth Wells, nationally known writer,
brother-in-law of E. Wilkinson of this city, died last night at his
home in Portland. News of his death was telegraphed to Medford, and Mr.
Wilkinson will leave this evening for Portland to attend the funeral.
Mr. Wells lived in Medford about 30 years ago, when he was associated with Mr. Wilkinson. He was later in business in Gold Hill for about 10 years, and is remembered in this city by many friends. He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Doris. Medford Mail Tribune, November 6, 1930, page 3 COUNTY RESIDENT 67 YEARS PASSES
E. Wilkinson
passed away at a local hospital, Friday noon, of pneumonia due to a
heart ailment, aged 83 years 1 month 25 days. He was born in Clay
County, Missouri, February 22, 1853. His mother with two sons, two
cousins and her daughter crossed the plains by ox team, settling at San
Jose, California, when he was four years old. There he received his
education at St. Joseph College.Coming to Jackson County at the age of 16 years, the family settled on the Ish ranch, where the boys were employed in farming and later by the Beall family. On October 14, 1894 he was united in marriage to Annie L. Plymire at Medford. He had been a resident of Jackson County 67 years, and forty years ago the family moved to the Lake Creek district. For years he was employed by the forestry service. Several years ago the family opened the health resort at Dead Indian Soda Springs. He was a man of fine character and will be mourned by a host of friends besides his family. He leaves his wife, Annie L., and four stepchildren, Mrs. Claud E. Jones, Talent, Oregon; Mrs. Ray S. Camp, Springville, California; Jesse B. Plymire, Seattle, Washington; Clyde Plymire, Los Angeles, California; two grandsons, Reginald Plymire, Seattle, Washington, and Giles Plymire, Pensacola, Florida. Funeral services will be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic church Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock, the Reverend Father Francis Black officiating. Interment in Siskiyou Memorial Park. Arrangements in charge of the Perl funeral home. Medford Mail Tribune, April 19, 1936, page 3 DEATH SUMMONS EDW.
Wilkinson, a pioneer resident and businessman of this city,
passed away at Sacred Heart Hospital Sunday following a brief illness.
He was widely known throughout the county, particularly among the older
residents. He observed his 81st birthday last Tuesday. In recent years
he has spent most of his time in San Francisco.
Mr. Wilkinson was born in Naffiton, England, January 14, 1860. He came to America at the age of 21 and lived at McDermitt, Nev., where he was employed by an uncle. After a few months there he moved to Oakland, Calif. In 1883, Mr. Wilkinson came to Jacksonville by train and overland stage and secured employment with John Orth, Sr., who operated a meat market in the pioneer town. In 1885, he was married to Miss Flora Orth at Jacksonville, and the following year moved to Medford where he opened a meat market, which he conducted for several years. In 1894 he built the first brick building on East Main Street, now occupied by Swem's Gift Shop. Mr. Wilkinson was a man of philosophical good nature and had many friends. He was an ardent baseball follower, and lover of sports. A son, Edward Wilkinson, who passed away in 1918, was a major league player. A son, John J. Wilkinson of this city, a sister, Mrs. E. C. Wells, of Portland, and five grandchildren, survive. His wife passed away in August 1908. Funeral services will be held at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Tuesday morning at nine o'clock with the Rev. Father Francis W. Black officiating. Recitation of the Rosary will be held at the Perl chapel this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Interment will take place in Jacksonville Cemetery. Active pallbearers will be D. Ford McCormick, Jens Jensen, Elmer Childers, T. E. Daniels, F. L. TouVelle and C. W. Ashpole. Medford Mail Tribune, January 20, 1941, page 8 Last revised November 12, 2022 |