The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

Notes on Dr. E. P. Geary
And children.
Dr. Edward Payson Geary
Dr. Edward Payson Geary

    In steamship Empire City, for Chagres . . . Mrs. Geary and 2 children, Rev. E. R. Geary . . .
"Passengers Sailed," New York Tribune, February 14, 1851, page 8

    The Rev. Mr. Geary, of the Old School Presbyterian Church, arrived here a few days since direct from New York. Mr. Geary comes among us a laborer in the cause of education and a promoter of religion. The board of the General Assembly have commanded him to attend to these great interests in our yet infant country. We hope his usefulness as a teacher and expounder of the gospel may become widespread. It will be a source of gratification to his distant friends to learn of him and that of his family's safe arrival in the Territory.
Oregon Spectator, Oregon City, April 24, 1851, page 2

    The Presbyterian Herald learns that the persons lately murdered on the Isthmus were the Rev. E. R. Geary and wife and three children, who were sent out by the Presbyterian Board of Missions to Oregon, from Ohio.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 22, 1851, page 2

Missionary Family Murdered.
    We regret to learn from the Rev. Dr. Jones that the Rev. E. R. Geary and wife and three children, who were sent out by the Presbyterian Board of Missions to Oregon, from Ohio, a few weeks since, were murdered on their passage across the isthmus by the men whom they employed to convey their baggage up the river. The men have been arrested by the authorities and tried for the offense, and a portion of them executed. Their object was plunder. A gentleman who came across the isthmus saw their graves, and thinks there can be no doubt but they were the graves of Mr. G. and family. This is truly a mysterious providence. The Board had selected Mr. G. as one well suited to the arduous and difficult work of laying the foundations and rearing the institutions of our Church in that distant and rapidly populating territory. They had fitted him out at a very heavy expense, and he had bidden adieu to friends and home, and gone almost half his journey to die by the hands of violence, and he laid in a stranger's grave with his tender wife and little ones. Verily God's ways are not as our ways, and his paths are in the great deep.
Prest. Herald.
Indiana American, Brookville, Indiana, May 23, 1851, page 3

    The Rev. E. R. Geary and family (reported to have been massacred on the Isthmus) arrived at San Francisco on the 21st of March per steamer Panama--all well. Mr. Geary has been sent west by the Presbyterian Board of Missions from Ohio.
The Constitutionalist, Augusta, Georgia, May 31, 1851, page 4

    Rev. E. Geary, O.S. Presbn., has arrived and settled in Yamhill Co. near Lafayette. He has a large school and has been preaching at several points.
George H. Atkinson to the American Home Missionary Society, letter of July 22, 1851. Congregational Home Missionary Society, Letters from Missionaries in Oregon, 1849-1893.

    The Governor's office in this territory is still vacant. Geo. L. Curry, Secretary of the territory, is acting in that capacity at present. The candidates, of those among us, most prominent, at least those of whom we have heard mention, are Gen. A. L. Lovejoy, an old and well-known citizen of Oregon, and Mr. Ed. Geary of Yamhill County. Mr. Geary has been a resident of Oregon some two years; he is a man of finished education, high moral worth and is esteemed wherever he is known--we know of no more fit person in the Democratic ranks for that station nor one that we would rather see occupying the gubernatorial chair.
Oregon Spectator, Oregon City, August 26, 1853, page 2

    A dispatch announces the sudden death, on last Saturday morning, at Harrisburg, Pa., of ex-Governor Geary, of that state. The telegram states that he had returned from New York the evening previous, apparently in good health, and that on Saturday morning, while breakfasting with his family, and while in the act of helping his little son, his head suddenly fell back, and before his wife could get to his side, he was dead. The cause of his death is supposed to have been heart disease or apoplexy.
    John W. Geary was colonel of a regiment in the Mexican War, through the whole of which he served with distinction. He was also a brigadier general in the Union army during the late war, where he won fresh laurels as a skillful officer and a brave soldier. In civil life he has been no less distinguished than in the pursuits of war. He was in an early day a resident of California, and was the first mayor of the city of San Francisco. In 1856, after his return to Pennsylvania from the Pacific Coast, he was appointed by President Buchanan governor of the Territory of Kansas, and served for about a year in that capacity during the "Bleeding Kansas" era. Upon his resignation of the office he again returned to his native state, of which he has twice since been elected governor, his second term having only expired a few weeks ago.
    The distinguished deceased was the younger and we believe the only brother of the Rev. Dr. Geary of this city. We deeply sympathize with our respected fellow citizen in this his irreparable and sudden affliction, and we believe we echo the sentiment of this entire community when we tender him our sincerest condolence.
State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, February 14, 1873, page 4

    The Register of September 27th contains the following choleric epistle from the Rev. E. R. Geary, called forth, as will appear, by our very moderate and truthful leader of the same date:
ALBANY, Or., Sept. 26, 1878.
    Ed. Register:--Referring to an intemperate and libelous leader in the Democrat of this morning, I have to say that I never asked Mr. Lincoln for a reappointment to the Indian Superintendency of Oregon or Washington.
    I did not leave Portland till after I was removed from office by Gen. W. W. Miller, of Olympia, and William Rector, of Salem.
    I did not go East till late in the fall of 1861, and then as an agent for the Brownsville Woolen Factory. This was months after the two gentlemen were inducted into office.
    A lifelong Democrat, I was a patriot, and urged all parties to unite in extinguishing the flames of Civil War. I did all in my power for peace in Oregon. I was active in behalf of the Christian Commission, and efforts to raise U.S. volunteers in Oregon.
    All that Mr. Brown has said regarding my status during the war is false.
    I have not endorsed seduction, embezzlement. adultery, bigamy, and Mormonism, but Martin Brown has violated the principles of manhood and other obligations in the utterance of wanton and reckless falsehoods.
    Mr. Geary had evidently given way to one of those sudden bursts of passion for which he is noted when he penned this very "intemperate" letter. Coming from a man of his profession whose lips and heart are supposed to be kept unsullied by evil passion and coarse, vulgar utterances, it is certainly a remarkable production. We are willing that it should go before the public together with our article which called it out. We fear no loss from an honest comparison. The reverend gentleman was stung more by our reference to his political record than by any fear of being called an apologist for the Hipple resolution infamy.
    All that we stated regarding his political status during the war can be sustained by scores of as good men as there are in Linn County, yet in his reckless and inconsiderate haste to set himself right before the corrupt ring in whose toils he is, he says:
    "All that Mr. Brown has said regarding my status during the war is false."
    Now, we said that Mr. Geary refused to act as chaplain at a "Union meeting" at Brownsville, for political reasons. Is not this true? We said that he never claimed to be a Republican until the close of the war. Will he deny this? We now state that as late as 1864 he conversed with Democrats--prominent and honorable men--at least one of whom now resides in this city, and that he spoke approvingly of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798-9 which were then the chief plank in the Democratic platform. Can the gentleman successfully deny this? Before he controverts these statements successfully he will be required to impeach the veracity of men who are his peers in this community.
    Regarding Mr. Geary's being chagrined and made sour towards Mr. Lincoln's Administration and party because of being ousted from the Indian Superintendency, we made the statement upon the authority of men who were Republicans when the reverend gentleman was supporting Breckinridge and Lane for the Presidency.
    We care not the turn of a copper whether he went to Washington in the fall or spring of 1861, nor does it affect us materially whether he went as agent for the Brownsville factory or as an office hunter. We will add, parenthetically, however, that establishments for the manufacture of machinery for woolen mills are not numerous in the vicinity of the national capital. Federal pap, thieving Congressmen, bull pups and race horses have been the chief commodities in that region since the Republican Party took control of the government.
    In denying that he endorses polygamy he utters a denial which the facts will not warrant. It is well known, and has never been publicly denied by Senator Mitchell, that he lived in bigamous intercourse with his present wife, in Oregon, for five years; and yet the whitewashing resolution fully endorses his conduct ever since he took up his residence in Oregon. Hiram Smith distinctly stated, in his speech accepting the nomination, that he accepted the platform and the endorsing resolution; and Mr. Geary says he will support Hiram Smith. Then how can he deny, in the face of these incontrovertible facts, that he endorses bigamy?
    We stated, in the article which he calls "libelous," that he promised to accept the nomination after the adoption of the Hipple-veneering resolution, and we made this statement on good Republican authority. Tim. Davenport, in a letter to the Oregonian of date 19th September, says:
    "When he (Mitchell) left Albany it was just as well known by the minority of the Convention, and by the people in the public streets, that a majority of the Convention would vote for the resolution, and that Rev. E. R. Geary had promised to run upon that resolution, as it is now. Mr. Mitchell's friends said so, and not privately either."
    The editor of the Salem Statesman, who placed Rev. Geary's name before the Convention, asserted through that paper, a few days after the Convention, that Mr. Geary promised to accept it just before the balloting began. Then, with what consistency can our reverend friend call our utterance of the truth "libelous"?
    He says we have "violated the principles of manhood and other obligations." We cannot discern what principle of manhood we have violated in holding the Rev. Doctor up before the public in his true light, and we know of no other obligations which can withhold us from honorably and fairly criticizing the political course of one who is openly combating the cause whihc our party espouses. If the reverend gentleman knew more of those other obligations at which he darkly hints in his perturbed letter he would have refrained from any allusion to such matters in a political discussion. If there be anything of which he is woefully ignorant it is of the nature or spirit of those other obligations to which he alludes. Upon such matters we can have no public dispute with anyone, much less with one who is so foolish as to claim immunity from just criticism because of his relation to them. If
he has any grievance against us on that score he ought to know his means of redress.
    We shall not descend to the level of Mr. Geary's style of literature in speaking of him. The dirtiest scavenger that infests the city can stand on the street corner and hurl the lie at a gentleman without provoking either notice or reply. It is simply a matter of taste and good breeding, and if our revered assailant chooses to resort to such language as graces his epistle he is certainly at liberty to do so. But if he supposes that his profession will shield him from truthful and just criticism when he gets down into the mire with the disreputable ring that endorses a man who has been proven guilty of the vilest offenses in the criminal calendar, he very much mistakes the temper of Democratic and anti-Hipple journals throughout the state. If he doesn't want the lash of truthful criticism to descend upon his political back, let him stand from under.
State Rights Democrat, Albany, Oregon, October 3, 1873, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, a graduate of a leading eastern medical college, has located here and opened an office in Ryan's building, adjoining the Jacksonville dispensary. The Dr. comes well recommended.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1882, page 3

Merits Notice.
EUGENE, July 23, 1883.
    EDITOR OREGONIAN: Dr. E. P. Geary, son of Rev. E. R. Geary of Eugene, who is located at Eagle Point, Jackson County, for the practice of his profession, performed a surgical operation on the eyes of a little blind boy near Eagle Point last winter, for the solution of cataract, which merits public notice. The operation consists in entering the pupil with a delicate instrument, and puncture the capsule crystalline lens of the eyes and letting out its opaque contents into the aqueous humor of the eye, which has the property of dissolving the lens contents, and thus clearing the pupilar space. The child was born blind, and is 8 years old. Though both eyes were restored to sight, yet to see distinctly a focal glass equal to that of the lens removed will have to be worn. This operation has attracted much interest, both as to the condition of the child, and because his mother is a poor widow. The doctor's scientific skill is fully established here, and we wish him much success in climbing up the ladder of fame.
Eugene City Guard, July 28, 1883, page 5

    DR. E. P. GEARY: lives in Medford; is a physician and surgeon; was born in Brownsville, Oregon, April, 1859; came to Jackson County in 1882.

A. G. Walling, History of Southern Oregon, 1884, page 503

    Dr. Geary has bought a lot at Medford and will move down there in a short time. We are sorry to see him leave Ashland, but wish him success in his new location.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 8, 1884, page 3

    The Tidings says that Dr. Geary has bought a lot at Medford and will move down there in a short time. We are sorry to see him leave Ashland, but wish him success in his new location.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 9, 1884, page 3

    Attention is called to the card of Dr. E. P. Geary, who has located at Medford for the practice of his profession. The doctor is a first-class physician and surgeon and will no doubt soon build up a good practice in his new location.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1884, page 3

E. P. GEARY, M. D.,
P H Y S I C I A N   A N D   S U R G E O N,
Office in A. L. Johnson's building.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 22, 1884 et seq., page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary has located at Medford for the practice of his profession. The Dr. is a graduate of one of the leading medical colleges of the Eastern States, has been in active practice several years and we hope to see him command a large share of the public patronage.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 23, 1884, page 3

Physician And Surgeon.
Office in A. L. Johnson's building.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1884 et seq., page 2

    Dr. Geary has a large practice already at Medford.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, March 21, 1884, page 3

    ACCIDENTALLY SHOT.--While fooling with a pistol at Medford last Thursday a fifteen year old son of C. W. Broback shot himself in the arm, accidentally inflicting a painful but not dangerous wound. He will recover to try it over again if he wants to.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 22, 1884, page 3

    ACCIDENT.--A son of C. W. Broback of Medford, aged about 15 years, accidentally shot himself in the arm with a pistol last week. Dr. Geary dressed the wound, which is not considered dangerous, though painful.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1884, page 3

    SERIOUS ACCIDENT.--Railroad agent Cunningham at Medford sends us the following item from that place: While the gravel train was passing through Medford last Thursday Mr. Westrop's horse, which was hitched to a buggy, took fright and started to run away. Messrs. Egan and Westrop each caught hold of the horse and tried to stop him but failed. Mr. Egan then jumped in the buggy and Westrop still held to the horse until he reached the railroad track near the depot where Mr. Westrop fell and Mr. Egan started to jump out and at the same time the horse starting down the middle of the track throwing Mr. Egan on his side against a bank. The horse kept on and completely demolished the buggy. Mr. Westrop was cut around the head and face, Mr. Egan getting some of his ribs broken in the fall. Dr. Geary was immediately called and thinks Egan is not fatally hurt but cannot tell just at present. Later reports say that he is getting along all right.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 12, 1884, page 3

    Dr. Geary and Wm. Ulrich are building neat dwelling houses at Medford, all of which looks rather auspicious.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 16, 1884, page 3

    Dr. Geary is building a dwelling house at Medford. Hum--kind o' thought so all the time.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 23, 1884, page 3

    The dwelling houses of Dr. Geary and Wm. Ulrich, in the southern part of town, are nearing completion, and will both be neat and pretty in appearance. D. H. Miller, of Miller & Vrooman, will build a new dwelling house, also.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, June 13, 1884, page 3

    Dr. Kremer and family now occupy Dr. Geary's handsome cottage.
"Medford Notes," Ashland Tidings, September 5, 1884, page 3

    A.O.U.W.--Arrangements have been perfected for the organization of a lodge A.O.U.W. at Medford. Dr. E. P. Geary, a physician of excellent reputation, has been selected to make the examinations and when preliminaries are completed W. J. Plymale, under authority of the G.M.W. together with a large delegation of [Jacksonville's] Banner Lodge will visit Medford and start the lodge in first-class order. A pressing invitation will be extended to the Brothers of Ashland Lodge to be present and assist in the ceremonies, which will be instructive and highly interesting to those who are fortunate enough to be present on that occasion. All will be fully advised as to the time.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 6, 1884, page 3

    A lodge of the A.O.U.W. will be organized at Medford before long. Dr. E. P. Geary has been selected as medical examiner and the preliminaries are well under way. W. J. Plymale will officiate as organizing officer, and will be assisted by members of Banner Lodge of this place.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1884, page 3

    The new lodge of A.O.U.W. at Medford will soon be put in working order. The medical examinations have been made by Dr. Geary.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 4, 1884, page 3

 Agnes Margaret McCornack Geary
Agnes Margaret McCornack Geary

    MARRIED.--At the residence of the bride's mother in this city, Wednesday, October 22nd, Dr. Edward Geary and Miss Agnes McCornack, Rev. E. R. Geary performing the marriage ceremony. The happy couple took the afternoon train for their new home at Medford, where the Dr. has been practicing medicine for some time past. The best wishes of the Guard go with them.
Eugene City Guard, October 25, 1884, page 5

    A Eugene city correspondent of the Oregonian says: "Dr. E. P. Geary of Medford and Miss Agnes McCornack were married at the bride's home in this city on the 22d and immediately took their departure for their new home in Medford. They both hold honored places among the alumni of the State University, as well as in the hearts of the people of this vicinity, and carry with them our most sincere wishes that their wedded life may be prolonged and happy." The Doctor's many friends in southern Oregon also offer their congratulations and best wishes.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1884, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary of Medford visited his old home at Eugene City this week but has since returned accompanied by his bride. We congratulate and wish them all the happiness and prosperity possible.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 1, 1884, page 3

    A.O.U.W. LODGE.--Medford Lodge No.---, Ancient Order of United Workmen was established last Saturday evening by Deputy Grand Master Workman, W. J. Plymale. Nineteen members were initiated, and six others will come in hereafter, as charter members, not being able to attend upon that evening. Following is a list of the officers installed for the ensuing term: G. W. Williams, P.M.W.; A. L. Johnson, M.W.; W. H. Barr, Gen. Foreman; M. Rodgers, Overseer; Isaac Woolf, Recorder; D. H. Miller, Receiver; C. Strang, Financier; F. B. Voorhies, Guide; A. S. Johnson, I.W.; P. O. Wilson, O.W. There were present six members of Ashland Lodge and five from Banner Lodge, at Jacksonville, and after the business of the occasion had been disposed of the visitors were invited to join the members of the new lodge in the discussion of an elegant supper at the Central Hotel. Being one of the fortunate guests, the writer can testify that the generous hospitality of the new lodge was well matched by the efforts of the proprietor of the hotel, and the result was as fine a supper as anybody in Oregon could have desired. The new lodge starts out with good, reliable men as its members, and will ably assist in furthering the beneficent work of the charitable order of which it is the latest offspring.
Ashland Tidings, November 14, 1884, page 3

    Rev. E. R. Geary of Eugene City paid his son, Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, a brief visit last week. He is a brother of ex-Governor Geary of Pennsylvania and one of the ablest and most cultured divines in the state.
"Personal," Ashland Tidings, December 12, 1884, page 3

No Shooting Done.
    Last Friday night there was a free fight at Medford, which resulted in several of the combatants being knocked out. A carpenter named Walker was the victor, until he undertook to demolish one of the proprietors of the Gem Saloon, who was acting in the role of peacemaker. He received an ugly wound in the head at the hands of W. G. K. [Kenney], who struck him with a self-cocking pistol that went off at the same time. Wm. Heffron of Roseburg, one of the combatants, had the index finger of his right hand so badly bitten by Walker that Dr. Geary was compelled to amputate it, and his cheek also suffered the loss of a piece of flesh. At last accounts Walker was at work at his trade, but little the worse for his exploits.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1885, page 3

    Dr. Geary of Medford, who is also a skillful oculist, performed a successful operation on the eyes of Jas. Porter, a fireman for the railroad, at Ashland lately.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1885, page 3

    We hear many good reports of the medical skill of our young physician, Dr. E. P. Geary. He has proven himself on more than one occasion to be not only a physician but an expert oculist. Medford may well feel proud of him.
"Brevities," Medford Monitor, February 20, 1885, page 4

Medford Election.
    The citizens of Medford held an election for town officers last Wednesday, under the provisions of their new charter. Considerable interest was taken, there being a number of candidates for some of the offices. The following officers were chosen: Trustees, Dr. Geary, J. S. Howard, I. J. Phipps, W. H. Barr, A. R. Childers; marshal, J. H. Redfield; treasurer, Chas. Strang; recorder, R. T. Lawton; street commissioner, E. G. Hurt.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, March 27, 1885, page 3

    MEDFORD ELECTION.--At the election for town officers for Medford the following proved the successful candidates: For Trustees, J. S. Howard, I. J. Phipps, Dr. E. P. Geary, Wm. Barr and A. Childers. Marshal, J. H. Redfield. Recorder, R. T. Lawton. Treasurer, Chas. Strang. Street Commissioner, E. G. Hurt. 98 votes were cast at the election.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 28, 1885, page 3

A Case of Tracheotomy.
    Mrs. L. A. Rose of Phoenix has been quite ill with diphtheria, but we are glad to learn that there are favorable symptoms for her ultimate recovery. Dr. Geary of Medford, a skillful physician, found it necessary to practice tracheotomy in her case, a new medical process which consists in inserting a tube in the windpipe, through which the patients breathe, when otherwise it would be impossible to do so at all and death would necessarily ensue. Through the unremitting care of Dr. Geary Mrs. Rose will owe her life, if she recovers.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1885, page 3

    We are pleased to state that Dr. Geary of Medford, who has been suffering from an attack of diphtheria, has so far recovered as to be able to be about again.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 17, 1885, page 3

    The medical fraternity from other portions of the county was well represented in Jacksonville last Thursday, with the following list: Dr. Parsons of Ashland, Dr. Stanley of Sams Valley, Dr. Kremer of Sams Valley, Dr. DeVis of Phoenix, and Dr. Geary of Medford. One of them informed us that they had come here to hold an inquest on the town, but after an examination they concluded that it was the liveliest corpse they had seen for some time. The inquest was in consequence indefinitely postponed.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 9, 1885, page 3

    C. C. Beekman of this place, a short time since, presented A. L. Johnson, Dr. Geary and J. S. Howard, as trustees of the Presbyterian Church, at Medford, with two choice lots, upon which it is proposed to build a church building in the future. A liberal act.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 22, 1885, page 3

    Mr. C. C. Beekman recently presented two lots to the trustees of the Presbyterian Church at Medford. J. S. Howard, A. L. Johnson and Dr. E. P. Geary are the trustees.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 23, 1885, page 3

    The Trustees of the town of Medford presented the following proposition, which was accepted:
To the Honorable Board of Immigration for Jackson County, Oregon,
J. B. Wrisley, Chairman:
    We, the Trustees of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, hereby make you the following proposition, if you will locate your headquarters at Medford. We will furnish you with suitable rooms, stationery and lights free of charge during your stay in Medford while carrying on the business of the Board.
                                                                                    J. S. HOWARD, President
                                                                                    W. H. BARR,
                                                                                    E. P. GEARY,
                                                                                    I. J. PHIPPS,
                                                                                    A. CHILDERS
Excerpt, "Board of Immigration," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1885, page 2

    Miss Geary of Eugene City, sister of Dr. Geary of Medford, has been paying southern Oregon a visit.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1885, page 3

GEARY--At Medford, Aug. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Geary, a son.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1885, page 3

    Doctors Pryce and Geary of Medford, two of southern Oregon's best and most prominent physicians, have formed a co-partnership for the practice of medicine and surgery. Attention is called to their notice published in another column.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 13, 1885, page 3

Notice of Co-Partnership.
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, DEEMING IT for our own convenience and for the best interests of the community, have decided to form a co-partnership in the practice of Medicine and Surgery in Medford and, in order to make the proper arrangements for such co-partnership, those indebted to either of us will confer a favor by settling their accounts at their earliest convenience.
    Our offices will be as heretofore until the rooms which we have engaged in Williams' brick building are completed.
                                                                        R. PRYCE, M.D.
                                                                        E. P. GEARY, M.D.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 13, 1885 et seq., page 3

    Drs. R. Pryce and E. P. Geary of Medford have formed a partnership for the practice of medicine. They will make a strong team, as both are acknowledged as fine physicians and surgeons.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 14, 1885, page 3

    Dr. Geary, who was rather severely hurt recently by being thrown from a horse, has recovered.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 11, 1885, page 3

    At the Medford town election held on Monday last 125 votes were cast and the following candidates elect: Trustees, Dr. Geary, G. W. Howard, F. Galloway, A. Childers, J. S. Howard; recorder, G. S. Walton; marshal, I. Woolf; treasurer, Chas. Strang; street commissioner, E. G. Hurt.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 9, 1886, page 3

    At the Medford election 125 votes were cast and the following candidates elected: Trustees, Dr. Geary, G. W. Howard, F. Galloway, A. Childers, J. S. Howard; Recorder, G. S. Walton; marshal, I. Woolf; treasurer, Chas. Strang; street commissioner, E. G. Hurt.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, January 15, 1886, page 3

    Miss Elizabeth Geary, daughter of Rev. E. R. Geary, of Eugene City, and a sister of Dr. Geary, of Medford, died at her home in Eugene last Saturday, after a protracted illness, from cerebrospinal meningitis.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 12, 1886, page 3

    Miss Lizzie Geary of Eugene City, sister of Dr. Geary of Medford, died a few days since after a brief illness. The deceased was an estimable young lady, and her loss is regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1886, page 3

    Dr. Geary has been at Eugene City, whither he was called by the serious illness of his sister. We regret to learn of her death.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 12, 1886, page 3

    Dr. Geary and family returned from Eugene Tuesday, where they were called by the illness of his sister.
"Medford Brevities," Ashland Tidings, February 19, 1886, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, has been nominated for State Senator in this county, and it would certainly be to the credit of our county to elect him. He is a young man of unexceptional  [sic] character and recognized ability, is a son of one of the pioneers and most respected citizens of Oregon, and is earnestly interested in the development of the Rogue River Valley.
"Editorial Notes and News," Ashland Tidings, May 21, 1886, page 2

    Pryce & Geary is the well-known name of a medical firm at Medford. Both are candidates for office this time, but their names appear on tickets of different complexion.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 22, 1886, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, nominee for State Senator, is a gentleman exceptionally well qualified for the position. He is a young man of vigor and energy and there is no one of either party in the county who would not believe, upon a comparison of the two candidates, that he would be able to do much more for the interests of Jackson County than would his opponent, Dr. Stanley.
"Editorial Notes and News," Ashland Tidings, May 28, 1886, page 2

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, has been nominated by the Republicans of Jackson County for State Senator. The citizens of that county would do themselves a credit by electing him.--Eugene Register.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 29, 1886, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, who was at Soda Springs with his family the first of the week, was hastily summoned to Eugene by a telegram Tuesday announcing the critical illness of his father, the Rev. E. R. Geary, of that city. The venerable Dr. E. R. Geary is a brother of ex-Governor Geary, of Pennsylvania, and has been prominent in church work in Oregon for many years. He has reached the advanced age of four score and more, and cannot long sustain the double weight of years and disease.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, August 27, 1886, page 3

    DYING.--A message to this office from Eugene City late last evening conveyed the painful intelligence that Dr. E. R. Geary was dying at his home in that city. He was attended by his son, Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, and was dying easy. Before this paragraph will meet the eye of the public the spirit of that grand, good old man and pioneer, that faithful and divine Christian gentleman, will have taken its flight across the dark river that separates time from eternity. May he rest in peace.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 3, 1886, page 5

Dr. Geary Dead.
    Edward R. Geary, D.D., one of the most prominent citizens of this city and state, died at his residence in Eugene last Wednesday evening, of derangement of the digestive organs.
    A brief epitome of his well-rounded life is as follows: He was born in Boonsboro, Maryland, April 30, 1811, and graduated from Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1834; after studying theology in 1840 he entered the ministry of the Presbyterian Church, and served as pastor of a church in [Fredericksburg], Ohio, until 1851, when he came to Oregon and located in Yamhill County, and was appointed clerk of the United States circuit court for that county. Afterwards he was elected county clerk and then superintendent of schools for Yamhill County, and was appointed clerk to Gen. Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. In 1857 he succeeded J. W. Nesmith as superintendent of Indian affairs for Oregon, by appointment of President Buchanan. In 1876 he moved from Linn County to Eugene, where he resided until the time of his death, admired, respected and beloved by all our citizens and pursuing his duties as pastor of the Presbyterian Church, preaching his last sermon only three weeks ago Sunday. He was twice married, first to Miss Harriett Reed, and after her decease to Miss N. M. Woodridge. He leaves three sons and three daughters to mourn his loss. Dr. Geary was a very prominent Mason, having taken the thirty-second degree.
    Dr. Geary possessed the highest intellectual and moral qualities that made him an ornament to the community. In all good causes to benefits and improve the people he was a leader, and in all cases where he antagonized other men's opinions, he did it so conscientiously, with so much courtesy and toleration, as to win their sincere friendship, and leave a pleasant memory of himself in their minds. In short, he was a grand, good, Christian gentleman.
    His work on behalf of the state university, of which he was regent, was effective and untiring, and a great part of the success of that institution is due to his effort.
    The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church in the presence of a large audience. Fitting and touching addresses were made by Rev. S. G. Irvine of Albany, Prof. Thos. Condon, Rev. C. M. Hill, Rev. A. C. Fairchild, [and] Elder G. M. Whitney. The remains were then conveyed to the Masonic cemetery, where they were interred after further funeral ceremony.
Eugene City Guard, September 4, 1886, page 5

GEARY--At his home in Eugene City, Sept. 1, 1886, Rev. Edward R. Geary, D.D., aged 75 years and 5 months.
Ashland Tidings, September 10, 1886, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, who is administrator of the estate of his father, the late E. R. Geary, was in Eugene last week on business connected with the settlement of the estate.
"Personal," Ashland Tidings, October 1, 1886, page 3

    Dr. Geary has returned from his trip to Eugene City.
"Medford Squibs,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 8, 1886, page 2

GEARY--In Medford, Dec. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Geary, a daughter.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1886, page 3

    Mrs. A. H. Wyland of Antelope Creek, who has been quite sick for some time past, is recovering under the efficient treatment of Drs. Pryce and Geary.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886, page 3

    Doctors Pryce and Geary have handsome offices in Hamlin's block and are kept busy responding to calls.
    Dr. Geary, who excels as an oculist, removed a cataract from the eye of the mother of S. C. Taylor of Eden precinct, a lady over eighty years of age, lately; the operation was entirely successful, and the lady can see quite well again.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 28, 1887, page 3

    Considerable sickness is reported in this vicinity by Doctors Geary and Pryce, who are kept busy attending to calls.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 11, 1887, page 2

    Doctors Pryce and Geary have lately invested in a handsome new buggy, and now drive as fine a turnout as there is in the county.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 13, 1887, page 3

    Dr. Geary of Medford, who is a skillful oculist as well as a good physician, successfully performed a delicate operation on the eyes of the eldest daughter of V. A. Dunlap of Linkville, removing one which had been so badly punctured a few years ago by a pair of scissors as to be sightless.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 20, 1887, page 3

    A son of Squire Barkdull of Medford had one of his legs broken in two places on Wednesday evening, by falling from a pile of lumber on which he was playing. He is doing well under the treatment of Doctors Pryce & Geary.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1887, page 2

    Doctors Pryce & Geary, our progressive physicians, have introduced the new treatment for consumption, and is it working wonders in some instances. They are always up to the times and are constantly adding to the enviable reputation they already enjoy.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 24, 1887, page 2

    'Squire Barkdull of Medford made us a call last Monday. He informs us that his son, who had his leg broken recently, is improving fast under the treatment of Doctors Pryce & Geary.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1887, page 3

    Dr. Geary is at Eugene City, paying relatives and friends a visit. He will return soon, accompanied by his family.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 8, 1887, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary was in Portland this week. He will probably return home in a few days, accompanied by his family.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 15, 1887, page 2

    Dr. Geary has returned home, but his family is still in Eugene City.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 22, 1887, page 2

    A SUCCESSFUL OPERATION.--An incident of a day or two ago reminds us of what, when fully realized and actualized by explanation, with the aid of a model, was really a wonderful piece of surgical skill. We refer to the operation performed by Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, January 7th, for the removal of a cataract from the eye of Mrs. Taylor, mother of Clark Taylor of this neighborhood, a lady now 87 years of age. The common but mistaken impression is that this cataract is a disorder of the outer surface of the eye. The lens removed from the eye of Mrs. Taylor is about the size of half a pea, brown in color, and in its hardened and opaque condition, wholly destroyed the sense of sight. In plain terms it was necessary to make an incision and such a disposition of the parts as to allow the entrance of an instrument back of the lens, and an extraction of it. It was skillfully and rapidly done in this case. When we remember the delicate character and structure of the organ, and its extreme sensitiveness to the touch, we can have only the highest admiration and regard for the mental and manual training that attains success in these difficult cases. Mrs. Taylor greatly rejoices in the restoration of the sense of sight in the eye operated upon. By the aid of glasses expressly ground for the case, under the supervision of Dr. Geary, the lady can enjoy the pleasure of reading. When the fact is known that this lady had been blind for years, and that she heard the voice of grandchildren whose dear faces she had never seen, we have some conception of what restoration of sight means to her.--Transcript.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1887, page 1

    A. Cole, whose eyes were seriously injured by a premature explosion in the Siskiyou tunnel, is being treated by Dr. Geary of Medford, a scientific oculist, with the best of results.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 26, 1887, page 3

    A. Cole, whose eyes were seriously injured by a premature blast in the Siskiyou tunnel, is recovering under the skillful treatment of Dr. Geary.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1887, page 2

    Dr. E. P. Geary has purchased J. D. Maxon's farm on Griffin Creek, paying $1,500 for it. Fruit can be grown to perfection there.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 23, 1887, page 3

    Mr. Jas. Howard of this precinct has been dangerously ill, but is improving under the treatment of Doctors Geary and Gill.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 7, 1887, page 2

    Doctors Pryce and Geary of Medford have purchased L. A. Murphy's farm in Little Butte precinct, paying $1275 for the same.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 7, 1887, page 3

    The second son of M. P. Phipps had one of his legs broken a few days since by a kick from a vicious mule. Doctors Pryce and Geary are in attendance.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1887, page 2

    Doctors Pryce & Geary and Dr. Parsons of Ashland one day last week amputated one of the legs of the second son of Pres. Phipps, which had been broken just above the knee by a kick from a mule and commenced to mortify. The operation proved entirely successful and the boy is recovering.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 4, 1887, page 3

    The citizens of Medford met last Tuesday evening and nominated a full set of candidates for municipal officers, to be voted for at the town election next month. The following are the nominees, as nearly as we learned: Marshal, John S. Miller; recorder, C. H. Barkdull; treasurer, Chas. Strang; trustees, Dr. Geary; C. W. Skeel, D. H. Miller, A. Childers, M. Purdin.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 23, 1887, page 2

    The following is a list of newly elected town officers; Mayor, Dr. Geary; councilmen, D. H. Miller, A. Childers, E. G. Hurt and C. W. Skeel; recorder, C. H. Barkdull; treasurer, Chas. Strang; marshal, John S. Miller. A better set of officials could not have been elected, as they are all good and progressive citizens.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 13, 1888, page 2

    We are glad to announce that our citizens appreciate the value of vaccination, and Doctors Pryce and Geary have been kept busy distributing bovine virus.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 27, 1888, page 3

    Mayor Geary has appointed the following committees, to serve during the existence of the present board of trustees: Streets, Miller and Childers; finance and ways and means, Hurt and Miller; fire and water, Skeel and Hurt; sanitary, Childers and Skeel.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1888, page 2

    The climate here is very even, and general health prevails, thus making it rather dull for a physician, so that the one we have [E. P. Geary] recently bought a ranch, and is growing rich raisin grapes.
"A Sunny Land," Waukesha (Wisconsin) Freeman, March 1, 1888, page 6

    Dr. Geary and family have been visited lately by Mrs. Worth of Eugene City, a sister of the Doctor.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 20, 1888, page 3

    Mrs. Dr. Geary of Medford spent a few days in Jacksonville during the week, being the guest of Mrs. Dr. Robinson.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 11, 1888, page 3

    Dr. Geary of Medford, one of the Republican nominees for representative, has declined, and the vacancy on the ticket will be filled at once.
    The firm of Pryce & Geary of Medford, the well-known physicians and surgeons, will soon be dissolved. Elsewhere will be found their notice calling upon those indebted to call and settle at once.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1888, page 3

ALL THOSE KNOWING THEMSELVES indebted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, are hereby earnestly requested to call and settle at their earliest convenience. Our business must be closed.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 18, 1888, page 3

    Drs. Pryce & Geary, of Medford, call upon all who are indebted to them to make settlement, either by cash or note, as soon as possible. Dr. Geary has sold out in Medford, and is preparing to move to Seattle as soon as he can settle his business affairs.
    Dr. E. P. Geary has sold his house and lots in Medford to his partner, Dr. R. Pryce, and will move to Seattle as soon as he can settle his business affairs in this county. Dr. Geary has gained a high reputation and a large practice in this valley, and many people will regret to see him leave.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 18, 1888, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary will leave for the Sound in a short time, where he will make his future home.
"Medford Notes," Oregonian, Portland, May 22, 1888, page 7

    The Republicans have nominated R. T. Lawton, one of Medford's real estate agents, as a candidate for the legislature to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of Dr. Geary.
"Here and There,"
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 25, 1888, page 3

At Medford, Or.
THERE WILL BE A GRAND celebration, barbecue and free dinner at Medford on Independence Day, and a cordial invitation is extended to the citizens of Jackson and surrounding counties to participate.
    President of the day, J. S. Howard; chaplain, Rev. M. A. Williams; reader, Dr. E. P. Geary; orator, Hon. Willard Crawford; marshal, D. W. Crosby.
    Hoisting of flag and firing national salute at sunrise. The procession will form at the depot grounds at 9:30 o'clock A.M., and, after marching through the principal streets of Medford, will proceed to the grove, where the following exercises will be observed: Salute of thirteen guns; music by choir; music by band; music by choir; reading Declaration of Independence; music by band; oration; music by choir; dinner; including roasted ox and mutton.
    In the afternoon there will be a baby show, racing of all kinds, climbing the greased pole and catching the greased pig, etc., for prizes. A match game of baseball will also be played. In the evening there will be a magnificent display of
    The celebration will close with a
in the evening.
    The Henley (Cal.) brass and string band will furnish music for the occasion.
    Half-fare rates on the railroad have been secured. Come, everybody, and enjoy yourselves.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 15, 1888 et seq., page 3

    On Wednesday of last week Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, was called to this place to perform an operation on the eye of Mr. Wright, who is in his 79th year and has been totally blind for the past two years, not being able to distinguish daylight from darkness. The doctor found it necessary to remove the lens from the eye, which he did successfully. The patient is getting along splendidly and can distinguish objects about the room. As soon as the eye gains strength enough, a glass will be furnished, to suit the case, when it is thought Mr. Wright can read ordinary print. This is the third case of this kind in this valley the doctor has treated, and all with the best results. Dr. Pryce assisted in the operation.
"Phoenix Items," Ashland Tidings, June 29, 1888, page 3

    Dr. Geary and Miss Ella Gore witnessed commencement exercises at the State University in Eugene City last week.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 6, 1888, page 3

    Dr. Geary has returned from his trip to Seattle, W.T., which will soon be his future home.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 19, 1888, page 3

    Mrs. McClain, mother of Mrs. E. G. Hurt of this place, who fell downstairs last week and broke her hip, is somewhat better, though her health, which is usually feeble, makes it against her. Doctors Geary and Pryce are in attendance.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 26, 1888, page 3

    The Linkville Star says that J. P. Roberts and wife of that place have gone to Medford, taking their youngest daughter, Mary, intending to place her under the treatment of Dr. Geary, an oculist. Miss Mary is aged nine years and has been troubled all her life with crossed eyes.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 23, 1888, page 3

    The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Geary died at Medford yesterday.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1888, page 3

    Alice E. Geary, youngest child of Dr. E. P. and Mrs. Geary, died at the family residence Thursday night of typho-malarial fever, aged one year 11 months. The remains were taken to Eugene City on Wednesday night's train by the sorrowing parents.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, November 2, 1888, page 3

    DIED.--A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Geary, aged about two years, died at Medford and was brought to Eugene Thursday, when the interment took place in the Masonic cemetery.
Eugene City Guard, November 3, 1888, page 5

    The death of little Alice Geary cast a gloom over the whole community. Her remains were taken to Eugene City for interment. We sincerely sympathize with the grief-stricken parents.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 8, 1888, page 3

GEARY--In Medford, October 30th, Alice C., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. E. P. Geary, aged 1 year and 11 months.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 8, 1888, page 3

The Desperate Act of a Bridge Carpenter at Medford.
    MEDFORD, Ore., Dec. 8.--John J. Dowes, a bridge carpenter at this place, attempted suicide at 4 o'clock this morning by cutting his throat with a pocketknife. He had been arrested in a drunken condition and placed in the town jail, where he was found two hours later on the floor of the jail with three ugly wounds in his throat, one of them penetrating into the upper cavity of the windpipe. He had lost a great deal of blood when found. Dr. Geary was immediately summoned and dressed the wounds. The man is now lying in a critical condition.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 9, 1888, page 2

    Frank Galloway's little son is suffering with diphtheria, and has been in a critical condition. Doctors Pryce and Geary were obliged to practice tracheotomy upon him, and this very difficult operation so far gives evidence of success.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 20, 1888, page 2

GEARY, EDWARD RATCHFORD.--Son of Richard and Margaret (White); born Boonsborough, Md., April 30, 1811; W.T.S. '34-37; teacher '37-39; licensed spring of  '38, Presbytery of Blairsville; ordained '40, Presbytery of Wooster; pastor Unity (now) Fredericksburg, O., '40-51, California, Oregon, Washington '51, Eugene City, Ore., '76-86; while preaching held a number of civil offices as a means of support; principal Albany Collegiate Institute and Regent State University; married May 15, '38, Harriet R., daughter of Samuel Reed, also Sept. 4, '45, Nancy, daughter of Ed. Woodbridge; died Eugene City, Ore., Sept. 1, '86; D.D., Washington and Jefferson College, 72. Presbyterian minister.
Biographical and Historical Catalogue of Washington and Jefferson College, 1889, pages 70-71

    Mrs. Dr. Geary is able to be up and around again, I am pleased to report.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 10, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary, assisted by several of our physicians, performed an operation upon the six-year-old son of Frank Galloway, who has been suffering with membranous croup. It is not often that tracheotomy is performed so successfully.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 10, 1889, page 3

    Mrs. Dr. Geary has recovered from her recent illness.
    The following are the new officers of Medford's lodge of the A.O.U.W.: Dr. E. P. Geary, M.W.; Charles Strang, foreman; W. H. Barr, recorder; J. N. Walter, overseer; J. N. Hockersmith, guide; John Morton, I.W.; J. C. Corum, O.W.; J. W. Plymire, receiver.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 17, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary's newly purchased farm near this place has a fine quarry of stone, which will probably be worked this coming season.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 31, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary was called to Eugene City last week by the serious illness of his aged mother.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary has returned from Eugene City, whither he was called by the serious illness of his mother. We are glad to learn that she is now convalescent.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 14, 1889, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, as will be seen under the head of "new this week," has opened up an office in Hamlin's Block and will be prepared to answer all calls for professional services. He recently performed a very successful operation in removing a cataract from the eye of Mrs. Rummell of Antelope. The doctor has a coast reputation as an oculist while he is unexcelled in general practice.

"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary, the successful and skillful physician, surgeon and oculist, will remain in Medford a while longer. Everybody is glad to learn that.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1889, page 3

E. P. GEARY, M. D.,
Medford, Oregon.
Office in Hamlin's block. Residence on C Street.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1889 et seq., page 3

    Dr. Geary of Medford was here Tuesday, to hold a consultation over the case of Col. Ross with Dr. Sommers.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1889, page 3

    In view of the leading position taken by Dr. E. P. Geary of Medford as an oculist, the residents of the valley are to be congratulated on the fact that he has finally abandoned his purpose of removing to Seattle, and will remain permanently in Jackson County. He has won the confidence of all by his skill in his specialty and his uniform success in the general practice of medicine.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 30, 1889, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary left for the Willamette Valley on Sunday evening to attend the funeral of his aged mother, who died that day. He has the sympathy of all in his bereavement.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 20, 1889, page 3

    DIED.--In Eugene, Sunday, June 16, 1889, Mrs. Nancy M. Geary, relict of Dr. E. R. Geary, aged 71 years. She leaves several sons and daughters and numerous friends to mourn her loss.
Eugene City Guard, Eugene, Oregon, June 22, 1889, page 5

    Dr. E. P. Geary, of Medford, was called to Eugene recently by the fatal illness of his mother, whose death occurred on the 16th inst. Mrs. Geary and her husband, Rev. Dr. Geary, who passed away some two years ago, were among the most honored of the older citizens of the Willamette Valley.

"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 28, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary of Halsey on last Thursday removed the remains of his sister from the graveyard near Brownsville to Eugene, where he reinterred them by the side of other relatives buried there, says the Albany Herald
of June 26th. On digging into the grave the corpse, which had been buried over twenty-four years, was found to still retain some features by which it could be recognized.
"General Notes and News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 11, 1889, page 4

    The following is a list of the officers of Medford lodge No. 83 [I.O.O.F.], which were recently installed by A. D. Helman, D.D.G.M.: M. Purdin, N.G.; W. H. Gore, V.G.; E. B. Pickel, R.S.; B. S. Webb, P.S.: L. L. Angle, Treas.; F. Amann, Warden; S. Rosenthal, Cond.; H. G. Kinney, I.G.; I. A. Webb, R.S.N.G.; L. W. Johnson, L.S.N.G.; E. P. Geary, R.S.V.G.; W. I. Vawter, L.S.V.G.; S. B. McGee, O.S.; A. C. Nicholson, R.S.S.; L. M. Lyman, L.S.S.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 25, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary has fitted up a new office in Mrs. Stanley's building, where he will henceforth make his headquarters.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1889, page 3

    Dr. Geary's fine ranch on Griffin Creek is this year yielding some exceedingly fine fruit.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1889, page 3

    B. F. Stephenson, who is in charge of Dr. Geary's farm on Griffin Creek, is doing good work. He has obtained a large supply of water from the side hills and is still looking for more.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 12, 1889, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary ships a large quantity of grapes, grown on his Griffin Creek farm, every day.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 19, 1889, page 3

    Wrisley & Co. report the following sales: Eighteen acres off Judge Walker's place to Dr. Geary; five acres by A. McKechnie to D. H. Miller; eighteen acres by A. McKechnie to Wm. Huff.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 24, 1889, page 2

    Dr. Geary and W. I. Vawter last week purchased from Judge Walker a forty-acre tract of land lying on the Jacksonville and Medford road.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 31, 1889, page 2

    Dr. Geary on Tuesday of last week preformed a successful operation for cataract on the eyes of Isaac Simpkins of Woodville. Two years he operated on one eye, enabling him to see, and how he has the use of the other one. This is the fifth case of cataract the doctor has had in this valley, says the News.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 21, 1889, page 3

Oregon Pension Examiners.
    WASHINGTON, Dec. 28.--(Special Telegram.)--Representative Hermann was camped at the pension department today with a voluminous budget of business for Oregon old soldiers. He has been making an effort for the establishment of pension boards in various towns in Oregon to facilitate and lessen the expense of medical examinations, and to this end he obtained the appointment of the following boards: Drs. E. P. Geary, Roland Pryce and Joseph B. Wait, for Medford, Jackson County; Dr. J. C. Shombrook, Roseburg, Douglas County; Dr. J. Dorsey Spoonagle, Coquille City, Coos County; Dr. H. Petrie, Arlington, Gilliam County;  Dr. I. N. Cromwell, Union, Union County; Drs. L. N. Woods, H. B. Stanley and E. L. Ketchum, Dallas, Polk County; Dr. W. F. Songer, Ashland;  Dr. Thaddeus J. Dean, Joseph, Wallowa County; Dr. F. W. Van Dyke, Grants Pass.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 27, 1889, page 18

Almost a Serious Accident.
    One night last week Dr. E. P. Geary of Medford was summoned to the bedside of Commodore Taylor at Eagle Point, and while on his way thither, accompanied by a driver, came near losing his life in one of the swales between Central Point and the desert. The melting snow was flooding the country and had gorged the channel in the swale just below the road, causing the water to back up in the road to the depth of several feet, and in the darkness the team became unmanageable and one of the horses was drowned, although the occupants of the buggy cut the animals loose in the endeavor to save them. It has been remarkable that more accidents of this kind have not occurred during the floods of the past week.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1890, page 3

    When I returned to Medford [in 1890] I went to see Dr. Geary, who had been one of my physicians during my siege of pneumonia. I talked to him about studying medicine, and it ended up in his saying that he would be glad to have me come into his office and stay through the winter and that he would do all he could to get me started in the study of medicine. In those days it was customary for a young man who was going to study medicine to go into a doctor's office and stay for a considerable time. Of course, it was necessary to attend a medical college and get a medical degree, but it was not nearly so difficult as it is as the present time.
    I went into the office and got a bag of human bones, which I believe contained the whole skeleton, and took it home so that I could study it at night. It was not a very pleasant thing for Mother and the girls. Dr. Geary had specialized in eye, nose and throat, but was engaged also in general practice. He hoped to confine himself to his specialty and later went to Portland, Oregon and made quite a name for himself. He was a splendid surgeon. I saw him operate on a man for cataract which was a successful operation. He had a fine general education and was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. His uncle had been Governor of Pennsylvania. Dr. Geary fitted glasses and taught me how it was done. I soon got so I could handle the preliminary part of fitting glasses, and finally I could do it fairly well. I became acquainted with many people in Medford that I had never before had an opportunity to meet. The town was quite wide open at that time. There were several saloons, all of which were gambling houses. There were many farmers in the vicinity of Medford who rode into town every day except Sunday, unless they were sick, and went direct to one of the saloons and stayed there until toward evening. Before the Civil War when there was a conflict between England and the United States as to who owned Oregon and Washington, a federal law was passed giving anybody a section of land who would go to Oregon or Washington and settle. Some of the farmers in the Rogue River Valley were the beneficiaries of that law and were quite wealthy. Some of them had gotten into trouble in the eastern states and had escaped the authorities and gone to Oregon, Washington and California. There were several men in the valley whose histories, as far as the general public knew, started with their arrival in Oregon.
Levi Harper Mattox, memoirs, typescript filed at the Southern Oregon Historical Society, page 116

Hand Blown Off by Giant Powder.
    JACKSONVILLE, Feb. 22.--Ex-County Commissioner S. A. Carleton, of Little Butte Creek, had his right hand blown to fragments last Saturday by the premature explosion of giant powder. The mutilated member was amputated by Dr. Geary of Medford, and the gentleman was resting easy at last accounts.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, February 23, 1890, page 10

K. of P. Lodge at Medford.
    Talisman Lodge No. 31, K. of P., was instituted at Medford Wednesday evening with -- charter members. Following is a list of the officers: Francis Fitch, P.C.: Chas. W. Wolters, C.C.; Dr. E. P. Geary, V.C.; C. Hutchinson, Prelate: M. Purdin, M. of E.; H. Lumsden, M. of F.; J. E. Enyart, K. of R. and S.; Lake France, M. at A.; J. Carry, I.G.; C. O. Damon, O.G..
    H. T. Chitwood, Grand Chancellor of Granite Lodge, the installing officer, and --- members of Granite Lodge, went down from Ashland to take part in the ceremonies. They come home full of the hospitable entertainment of the Medford people, and tell of the spread at the midnight supper. After supper speeches by Messrs. Bowditch, Fitch, Chitwood, Logan, [illegible] enlivened the occasion. A good time, with no rebate, was enjoyed.
Ashland Tidings, April 4, 1890, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary, whose skill and success as an oculist are so well known throughout Southern Oregon, is frequently called upon to perform surgical operations for the relief of defective vision, and has a high record of success in many difficult cases. The operation for strabismus to straighten "cross eyes" is one of the simplest to perform, and almost invariably successful. His latest case was that of Chris. Buhlmeyer, whose eyes were straightened out by the doctor one day recently.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, June 13, 1890, page 2

    Mrs. Dr. Geary and children, of Medford, are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. McCornack, at Eugene.
"Personal," Ashland Tidings, August 29, 1890, page 3

    Dr. Geary's fine new residence is nearly completed, and will soon be ready for occupancy.
"Medford Items," Ashland Tidings, November 28, 1890, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary has moved into his fine new residence.
"Medford Doings," Valley Record, Ashland, January 8, 1891, page 3

    A. Darnell of Applegate, who has been nearly blind from some eye disease, was at Medford recently under Dr. Geary's treatment, and went home able to read.
"Here and There," Ashland Tidings, February 20, 1891, page 2

    The local medical examining board of the pension department, consisting of Doctors Pryce, Geary and Wait, has examined a large number of applicants during the past two weeks--some fifteen or twenty in all.
"Medford Notes," Ashland Tidings, June 5, 1891, page 2

    Hon. Francis Fitch of Medford is very sick at the home of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cardwell, of this place. Drs. Geary and Robinson are in attendance.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, June 19, 1891, page 2

    At Medford last Tuesday, J. H. Stewart was thrown from a horse he was riding and had his collar bone broken. He was also badly bruised about the hip and altogether suffered painful injuries. Drs. Geary, Pryce and Wait attended him, and after being put in as comfortable condition as possible, he was taken home.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 10, 1891, page 3

    An enthusiastic mass meeting was held at Eagle Point last Thursday, for the purpose of raising a $12,000 cash bonus to extend the R.R.V.R.R. to Eagle Point. Messrs. Honeyman, Buchanan and Graham of the R.R.V.R.R. were present, and Messrs. Geary, Pickel, Howard and Webb, of Medford, represented that place. Enthusiastic speeches were made by Messrs. Fitch, Graham, Brown and Howard, and at the close of the meeting $1000 was subscribed in the room. The company will send out a party headed by surveyor Howard to locate the most practicable pass across the Cascade Mountains, looking to an eastern extension. The proposed extension will soon materialize, as "the people have a mind to work" in the matter.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, July 17, 1891, page 2

    Dr. A. C. Caldwell, the dentist, was at Medford Monday consulting Dr. Geary concerning his eyes which have been troubling him lately. The doctor has not been able to attend to his dental patients this week in consequence of treatment, but expects his eyes to be all O.K. again in a few days.
"Personal," Ashland Tidings, September 18, 1891, page 3

    Dr. Geary has been treating the cancer on G. W. Praytor's lip, which still proves annoying, with the electric treatment to which it very nearly succumbed while the patient was in California.

"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 1, 1892, page 2

    The little five-year-old son of George Williams fell from a horse this morning and fractured the bone of his arm near the elbow. He was made as comfortable as possible and Dr. Geary was sent for, and it is to be hoped the little fellow will get along all right.
    Samuel Shaw, who had his leg broken three weeks ago, is getting along nicely under the care of Dr. Geary, and will soon be out on crutches.
    Jas. R. Reames is still on the sick list, with Drs. Pryce and Geary attending, and hopes are entertained of his recovery.
"Newsy Letter from Phoenix," Ashland Tidings, March 11, 1892, page 3

A Narrow Escape.
    Dr. E. P. Geary's residence had a narrow escape from fire Wednesday night at about 11 o'clock. The ash barrel, which stood near the woodshed and next to the fence, took fire, and when discovered the fire had spread to the woodpile and also the fence, which were all burning with increasing fierceness and would have soon reached the woodshed and the house, but for the timely arrive of Marshal Youngs, who happened to be in the vicinity looking for stray cows to impound. The marshal, calling upon Chas. Perdue and Gabe Plymale, rushed to the scene of the fire, and with the aid of the garden hose soon extinguished the flames, thus preventing a serious conflagration.
Southern Oregon Mail, May 20, 1892, page 3

    David Reid and family have removed here from Butte Creek, so that Mrs. R.'s eyes can be treated. Dr. Geary has already afforded great relief.
    Dr. Geary last week went to Colestin for the purpose of bringing home his wife and little folks, who have been sojourning there during the heated term.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 19, 1892, page 2

    A new sidewalk is being built from Dr. Geary's place to the corner of G and Seventh streets. An extension of this walk along Ninth Street to Mr. Geo. Webb's place is contemplated.

"Weekly Round-Up," Southern Oregon Mail, February 3, 1893, page 3

    Even the most adept professional men, whom the majority of the world's people believe equal to all occasions, are novices in many lines outside their professions, and none the least of them is Dr. Geary. In surgery and materia medica the doctor is quite at home, but when it comes to riding a bicycle successfully he is several leagues outside the front yard fence which surrounds his fine residence on Seventh Street. Alex. Galloway assured the gentleman of medicine that he could mount and ride a wheel as easily as he could convert an artificial eye into one of life, and upon this guarantee he made a purchase of a Falcon No. 1. The doctor and Alex. retired to a supposed secluded part of the city and there a circus was gone through with, which is alone peculiar to acrobats. Finally the wheel was led up alongside of a fence and the doctor gallantly mounted and after a little wibble-wabble byplay he rounded the corner in a truly dignified style. If the doctor wants to know how this escapade came to be printed he can call at D. H. Miller's hardware store and get--satisfaction.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, May 19, 1893, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary is improving the convenience of his residence, on Seventh Street, by adding a second story to his kitchen addition.
"City Local Whirl," Medford Mail, April 21, 1893, page 3

It Is Whispered Around
    That Dr. Geary has been "joshed" to his heart's content on that bicycle deal, and now to get square with the small bits of humor which have been flashed upon him at home, he proposes to get one for Mrs. Geary--and have a little fun all to himself.
Medford Mail, May 26, 1893, page 2

    Traveling Passenger Agent Jones, of the Southern Pacific, was in Medford Sunday and Monday on business. When here he made it a special mission to renew acquaintance with Dr. Geary and talk over old-time days when the S.P. was being constructed and the doctor was the company's surgeon.

"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 18, 1893, page 3

    Mrs. Stout, of Klamath Falls, came to Medford this week with her granddaughter, for operation upon the latter's eyes. She was cross-eyed but Dr. Geary performed an operation upon them and the little lady returned to her home with a pair of eyes as straight as anyone has.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 27, 1893, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary is division surgeon for the Southern Pacific Railroad and about this time every year he receives an annual pass over the line, between Portland and Ashland--he is already fixed with this convenient piece of cardboard for the year '94. In early construction days the doctor was the company's regular employed physician and surgeon, and there was no little work to attend to in his line at that time. So efficient were the services rendered at that time as to warrant the company in continuing him in their employ, and the pass spoken of is one of the courtesies extended by the company.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 5, 1894, page 3

    A very successful surgical operation was performed in Medford last Monday, it being that of the removal of an ovarian tumor from Mrs. Wm. Turner. The operating surgeon being Dr. E. P. Geary of this city, assisted by Drs. J. B. Wait and J. S. Parsons, of Medford and Ashland. The tumor weighed forty-two pounds and had been two years in attaining this growth. This is the first operation of the kind which has ever been performed in Southern Oregon, and because that it is proving to be so successful an one is a matter in which much credit is due the operators. The age of the patient--sixty years--made it a more dangerous operation than it would have been had she been younger. The lady is at present resting very nicely and has almost reached a point at which she may be considered out of danger. A remarkable feature of the operation is that not a particle of fever has existed since the tumor was removed. This may be accounted for by the great precaution used by the operators in not permitting a particle of disease germ to enter the incision--this being accomplished by boiling all instruments used, and taking all other precautions which modern surgery provides in such cases.
"All the Local News," Medford Mail, February 2, 1894, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary has moved his office, temporarily, to a rear room in the Phipps block. He will have offices fitted especially for his use in the new Haskins block.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, March 16, 1894, page 3

    J. R. Erford:--"When Dr. Geary used to drive a team in making his professional visits about the city and country he used to stop when near an approaching train of cars, get out of his buggy and hold the team by the head. I noticed him doing the same thing with his bicycle a couple of days ago--force of habit undoubtedly."

"Echoes from the Street,"
Medford Mail, April 13, 1894, page 2

    Dr. E. P. Geary went north one evening this week, accompanied by his sister, who has been paying him a visit and lives at Astoria, as far as Astoria.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 24, 1894, page 2

    H. L. Sayles was down from Ashland this week consulting Dr. Geary, the oculist. His new glasses don't make a nickel look near as large.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, May 24, 1894, page 3

    Miss Ella Geary returned to her home at Astoria Wednesday. The lady has been visiting her brother, Dr. E. P. Geary, and family for a few weeks.

Medford Mail,
May 25, 1894, page 3

   Dr. [E. P.] Geary as a bicycle hostler cannot be put down as a crowning success. As a matter of fact, the grooming of his wheel has been sadly neglected of late. It has neither been sponged, curried or rubbed down for several moons, and its neglect was becoming noticeable, but a few of the doctor's good friends gave him a benefit one day last week. He had left his wheel standing on the sidewalk while he did a little office work. In the interval his friends "swiped" the wheel and in the rear of one of their places of business they applied cleansing and burnishing lotions, and a short time thereafter the wheel was in its place again, but it had been transmogrified into a thing of beauty. The doctor came on the scene a little later, but the wheel he knew not--and for the next several hours he rode a borrowed wheel, believing someone had appropriated his.
Medford Mail, July 20, 1894, page 3

    Mrs. Chastain, wife of Rev. S. B. Chastain, the Baptist minister of Central Point, died there Monday while undergoing an operation for consumption of the bowels, performed by Drs. Geary and Pickel.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 26, 1894, page 3

    Last Monday Drs. Geary and Pickel, assisted by Dr. Wait, performed a very delicate operation upon the person of Mrs. John Atterberry, of Applegate, and was that of removing a large cancer from her right breast. The cancer was an unusually large one and had been growing rapidly for about two years, and during the last three months it had doubled in size. Some of the cancer glands extended to the armpit and under the shoulder blade and involved both the superficial and deep axillary glands, which had to be removed. The incision made was about fourteen inches in length and owing to the close connection of the diseased glands to the large blood vessels and nerves under the arm, it was a most formidable operation. It required the greatest of skill to perform the operation and a goodly sprinkling of nerve to tackle it, but it was a case which would have been beyond the reach of even the skilled hands of these eminent and well-schooled physicians and surgeons in a short time. The patient is doing very nicely at present and will undoubtedly entirely recover. The operation was performed at the residence of W. J. Fredenburg, at whose place the lady is stopping.
"News of the City," Medford Mail, August 17, 1894, page 3

    On the second floor are five rooms. At the front are two rooms. 12x17, and back of these are two more rooms, 12x15 feet in size, one of each front and rear rooms being now occupied by Dr. E. B. Pick,el and Dr. E. P. Geary. These rooms are nicely finished, are light and pleasant and in them are to be found all the modern appliances of the medical and surgical profession--large. easy and convenient operating chairs, cases of surgical instruments and a large and well selected library of medical works. To each of the offices is furnished water from the city water works. and also waste pipes from the bath basins.
"Mayor Haskins' Ideal Store," Medford Mail, August 17, 1894, page 3

    Dr. Geary, a physician from California, is visiting his brother, Dr. E. P. Geary, and is looking for a location.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, October 25, 1894, page 6

    Dr. J. W. Geary, of California, brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, has located at Central Point for the practice of medicine.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 3

    Dr. J. W. Geary, formerly of Halsey, and a brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, of this city, has decided to practice medicine in Central Point and the surrounding country, and so announces by professional card in another column. The doctor was having a good practice up at Halsey, but the Willamette dampness was not just suited to the good of his own health--hence the change. He is a gentleman well up in his profession, gives it his most strict attention and is apparently every inch a gentleman.
"A Few That Are New Ones,"
Medford Mail, November 2, 1894, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary's new house on his Griffin Creek ranch is completed.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 8, 1894, page 3

    Three weeks ago, when up to Andrews', Mt. Pitt in the eastern horizon had more snow apparently than other and higher peaks, and no reason was assigned. That reminds us that at the Episcopal "entertainment" in the opera house, the curtain, as supposed, contained a picture of the above mountain, and Dr. Geary was asked if it was a representation of Mt. Pitt. "No," said he, "It is a misrepresentation."

Reese P. Kendall, "Pacific Notes,"
Western Call, Beloit, Kansas, December 14, 1894, page 1

Difficult Surgical Operation.
    A very delicate operation was performed on Dr. E. P. Geary's little 2½-year-old son, Edward, last Friday evening for the relief of strangulated hernia. The operation is known to the medical profession as Bassinni's operation in herniotomy. It was performed by Dr. E. B. Pickel assisted by Drs. Wait of this city and J. W. Geary of Central Point.
    The patient being so young, the case presented special difficulties which were successfully overcome, and the child is on the road to complete recovery, as the operation when successful is a radical cure.
    The operation was done under aseptic precautions, and as a consequence no fever has followed. Dr. Geary, realizing the danger of delay in such cases, lost no time in summoning his medical colleagues, and the result has justified his faith in surgery and reflects credit on our local profession. The many friends of the family will be pleased with the news that there need be no anxiety as to the result of the operation.
South Oregon Monitor, Medford, February 12, 1895, page 3

A Griffin Creek Farm.
    The Medford Monitor is writing up some of the farms of the valley and here is its description of that of Dr. Geary:
    One of the most promising fruit places in Jackson County is being developed by Dr. E. P. Geary in a cove in the upper Griffin [Creek] Valley, about 6 miles southwest of Medford. He has 320 acres of land on which he has an orchard, a vineyard, plenty of alfalfa and garden land besides a well-developed quarry of the blue sandstone suitable for building purposes.
    The creek flows through the place about the middle, and rolling slopes extend up into the hills on either side. It is so far up the valley and protected by the timbered hilltops above that the cold winds from the snowy peaks of the Siskiyous pass over without effect until they sweep farther down the valley. This condition acts as an almost absolute protection against injury to fruits or nuts by frosts, even when intense enough to do material damage in the valley below. Part of the farm has been worked for several years, but the owner has had considerable clearing done in the last year or two and is making extended improvement in other ways. A vineyard of nearly 6 acres was in bearing when he purchased the place some years ago, and this was kept up so that now he has fully that area bearing, besides 8 acres he has put out since and which will come into bearing in two years. The old varieties are the Mission and the Sweetwater, which bear on an average 3 tons to the acre. The larger part of the crop is disposed of for local consumption, but some are shipped each year to Willamette Valley points and east of the mountains to Klamath and Lake counties.
    The new varieties are Rose of Peru, Flame Tokay, Black Melvoise, Muscat and 2 acres of Concords.
    Besides a 10-acre orchard there are 120 almond and 30 English walnut trees, an acre in blackberries and much other small fruit distributed about the place. The orchard contains 500 prune trees of the Italian, Petite and Silver varieties just coming into bearing next year. The rest of the orchard--5 acres--is set with Ben Davis apples, Bartlett and other varieties of pears, apricots, cherries and several varieties of peaches. These are all young trees which will begin bearing next season or the one following.
    Among the improvements being made at Fruit Cove Farm is a system of waterworks. An old spring well up the slope has been furnishing water through a pipe to the garden below for irrigating purposes. In addition to this, water is being piped from a well 700 feet up the slope from the new residence just completed on the farm.
    The reservoir is 10 feet across, is well cemented, and with ordinary use the water maintains a depth of 4 feet. The barn is about 200 feet nearer than the dwelling and is supplied with water from the same source, the fall being 30 feet. This will afford good fire protection,  lawn and garden irrigation besides plenty of pure water for domestic purposes.
    An irrigation ditch for the hay land is being dug. The creek is dry during a part of the summer so at the upper side of the place a cut was made across the creek bed and a solid dam of tamped dirt built up from bedrock. In the driest season it is expected to raise enough water from the bedrock to make 100 inches of water in this ditch. In some places the water is raised 17 feet from the bedrock to a level which flows it into the ditch. It is a novel scheme which will work as nicely as an artesian well and is already an acknowledged success. The ditch, which will be a half mile or more in length, will run through the farm about half way up the slope west of the creek. We might have mentioned respecting the fruit protection that the hills on the east side of the creek rise much more abruptly and shield the fruit on the opposite slope from the early morning sun.
    Most of the land not yet cleared will be left as stock range, for which it is excellently adapted. Besides the fruit raising the manufacture of grape vinegar, gardening and stock raising, with all these favorable facilities, Fruit Cove Farm affords another permanent source of revenue in the nature of a building stone quarry. The product is a fine quality of blue sandstone. The quarry is under lease to F. W. Waite of this city, who used the stone in the foundation as well as the cut stone work of the new school house and other buildings in this city. About 1000 perch was taken out this season.
Valley Record, Ashland, November 7, 1895, page 1

    GEARY, DR. E. P., of Medford, was born in Brownsville, Oregon, April 21, 1859, and except two years spent at medical college in the East, has been a continuous resident of the state. He graduated at the University of Oregon in the class of 1880. He is president of the Republican Club, and was a delegate to the county conventions of 1890 and 1892 and the state convention of 1892. In 1888 he was elected the second Mayor of Medford, and in 1890 was the Republican nominee for the State Senate. He is Grand Chancellor of the K. of P., president of the United States Board of Medical Examiners, and a member of the Town Board.

Republican League Register, Reporter Publishing Co., Portland, 1896, page

    GEARY, DR. E. P., of Medford, was born at Brownsville, Oregon, April 24, 1859, and except two years spent at medical college in the East, has been a continuous resident of the state. He graduated at the University of Oregon in the class of 1880. He is president of the Republican Club, and was a delegate to the county conventions of 1890 and 1892 and the state convention of 1892. In 1888 he was elected the second mayor of Medford, and in 1890 was the Republican nominee for the State Senate. He is Grand Chancellor of the K. of P., president of the United States Board of Medical Examiners, and a member of the Town Board.

Republican League Register, Portland, 1896, page 212

    That "nothing succeeds like success" is a trite aphorism which seems to have received recognition even as far back as the Dark Ages. Drs. Geary & Pickel, the subject of this sketch, have, by their industry and by virtue of their ability, placed themselves in the highest rank of the medical profession. These eminent gentlemen are both graduates from our best medical colleges and since coming to Medford have gained a very large and lucrative practice. They have successfully performed several surgical operations which were apparently impossible. Drs. Geary & Pickel are progressive men and aid all enterprises that advance the city. They are located in the Haskins building, where they have in their spacious reception rooms one of the largest and most complete libraries in the state. We commend them to the favorable notice of all readers as men of broad and liberal views and, as physicians and surgeons, there are none more worthy of note in the state of Oregon.
"Our Business and Professional People Briefly Mentioned," Medford Mail, May 28, 1897, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary went to Portland last week to attend the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias.
"Personal," Medford Monitor-Miner, October 14, 1897, page 3

    Dr. E. B. Pickel of Medford has purchased the interest of his partner, Dr. E. P. Geary, and also the elegant home of the latter. It is said that Dr. Geary will go to California and locate in one of the large cities and devote his attention to the special line of the eye.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, December 20, 1897, page 3

    Dr. E. P. Geary returned a few days since from a trip to California in search of a location. He found nothing to suit him, and will locate at Portland.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 7, 1898, page 3

    Mrs. E. P. Geary and children left last week for Eugene, where they will be joined by the doctor shortly and proceed to Portland to locate. The many friends of the family in this place regret to see them leave and wish them the best of fortune in their new location.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 28, 1898, page 3

    Drs. Geary, Wait and Pickel last week performed an operation for appendicitis on Henry Helms of Talent. This is the sixth successful operation for that disease which has been performed by Dr. Geary, and speaks very nobly of his ability as a physician.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1898, page 3

    Mrs. E. P. Geary and children, who have been visiting relatives in Eugene, went to Portland last week, where they will reside in the future.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 14, 1898, page 3

    Capt. Woodbridge Geary, Thirteenth Infantry, who was shot October 10th while on a reconnaissance near San Francisco de Malabon, Philippine Islands, and died from the effects of the wound, was a native of Oregon. He was born in 1857, was graduated from the West Point military academy and appointed second lieutenant in 1882, and was promoted to first lieutenant in 1891. He received his commission as captain in the Thirteenth Infantry June 30, 1898. Two brothers, Dr. E. P. Geary of Portland and formerly of Medford, and John Geary, a farmer of Halsey, survive him. The father, Dr. Geary, died at Eugene in 1886.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 16, 1899, page 3

    James Lewis Geary, son of Sam'l. Geary, died suddenly at the family home on Elk Creek, on Christmas Day, aged fifteen years, ten months and sixteen days. Deceased was the idol of the household, a very bright, industrious young fellow, and his sudden demise has caused a great grief in that before-happy family. Heartfelt sympathy is earnestly expressed by neighbors and friends of the family.
    Mrs. Geary, wife of Captain Geary, who was killed in the Philippines, has accepted $3000 in payment in full from a life insurance company in which the captain held a $5000 policy. The company refused payment on the grounds that the policy holder invalidated his policy when he joined the army. Capt. Geary was a brother of Dr. E. P. Geary, formerly of Medford.

"City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 4, 1901, page 7

    Miss Della Pickel, who has been attending the Bryn Mawr college, located near Philadelphia, is in Portland, visiting Mrs. Dr. Geary. She will soon return to Medford.
"Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 26, 1902, page 2

    From the Geary ranch on Griffin Creek, large, black sow, with split and underbit in right ear. Information leading to her recovery will be thankfully received by J. W. Bonar, Medford.
Medford Mail, September 19, 1902, page 6

EDWARD RACHFORD GEARY. A brave, patient and richly endowed nature was called from various fields of activity through the death of Edward Rachford Geary, September 3, 1886, but though so long a time has elapsed, months, years nor great changes will place a limit on the extent and usefulness of his ministerial, educational and general accomplishments. While giving all praise to this pioneer of 1851 for his successful manipulation of resources, it is but fair to say that certain advantages aided in his rise to prominence, not the least being a more than ordinarily strong constitution, a stature developed to six feet, and inherited traits which have always been associated with the best and most virile blood of England. These same ancestors were peculiar in one particular, in that all were devoted to a seafaring life, only one son being left to perpetuate the Geary name of nine generations; the others were killed in the British navy.
    Born in Hagerstown, Washington County, Md., April 30, 1811, Mr. Geary was one of four sons (two reaching maturity) born to his parents, Richard and Margaret (White) Geary, the former of whom was an educator, and removed with his family to Pennsylvania in 1823. Edward was six years older than his brother, John, the latter of whom was equally impressed with the importance of life, and molded his tendencies into broad and liberal channels. John Geary won the rank of captain in the Mexican War, and that of general in the Civil War, and he became the first mayor of San Francisco, having removed to California at an early day. He carried scars from wounds in both wars, and aside from this distinction, won more than local prominence as a politician. At the time of his death in Harrisburg, Pa., at the age of sixty, he had just completed his second term as governor of Pennsylvania. Edward Geary early turned his thoughts to the ministry, and after graduating from the Jefferson College, Pa., entered the Allegheny Theological Seminary. Afterward he went to Alabama, organized and conducted an academy for three years, and soon after his return to Pennsylvania, in 1838, married Harriet Rebecca Reed, whom he had known as a child. Miss Reed was born in New Berlin, Pa., May 24, 1814, and received an excellent education in her native state. Soon after the marriage the young people removed to Wayne County, Ohio, where Mr. Geary had charge of a Presbyterian church at Fredericksburg for twelve years, during this time having other church responsibilities in the state. His first wife died February 17, 1844, leaving two children, Mrs. Martha L. Perham, of Butte, Mont., and Mrs. Worth. For a second wife Mr. Geary married Nancy Merrick Woodbridge, a native of New York, who was born near Owego, Tioga County, January 17, 1818. Mrs. Geary died in Oregon in 1889, having borne eight children, two of whom died in infancy. Of the other children, John White Geary is a physician of Burns, Ore.; Elizabeth W. died in Eugene in 1885; Ellen E. lives in Astoria; Woodbridge, a graduate of West Point, was stationed first in Texas, and then at Fort Parker, N.Y., later at Mackinac, Mich., and Sault Ste. Marie, becoming an instructor in tactics in the Agricultural College in Corvallis, Ore., and from there enlisting in the Spanish-American War, his death occurring as major and acting captain at the battle of Mallabon, Philippine Islands; Dr. Edward P. Geary, of Portland, Ore.; and May L., who died in early childhood.
    Mr. Geary came to Oregon in the year 1851 as representative of the Board of Foreign Missions, to look after the church and school work. By way of the Isthmus of Panama he reached San Francisco, and from there embarked on a sailing vessel for Astoria, coming from there up the river to Oregon City, and thence on the upper river aboard the first boat to make the trip, known as the Little Hoosier. Upon arriving in Oregon he found work much less advanced than he anticipated, and instead of a ready means of livelihood in his chosen occupation he was obliged to turn his attention to secular work. He organized a school and in connection preached as opportunity offered, and about this time was appointed secretary to General Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Later he succeeded General Palmer in this important responsibility, in April 1859. In 1856 he had removed to Linn County from his former home near Lafayette, settling upon a claim which continued to be his home for some years. For a time he was interested m a general merchandise business, and on one occasion was sent east to purchase machinery for the woolen mills at Brownsville, the second enterprise of the kind in the state of Oregon. The burning of this mill entailed great loss to its promoters, Mr. Geary sustaining a portion of it himself. He afterward became interested in another general store, but sold out the same upon becoming one of the organizers of the Albany college, of which he served as president. For some time he served as county judge, although he never aspired to political recognition; in the meantime he had purchased a farm near Albany, making this his headquarters while associated with the college and judiciary. In 1873 he removed to Eugene, where he built a home and was instrumental in locating the university at that place. This college enlisted his sympathy and co-operation, and up to the time of his death he was a member of the board of regents, and a substantial contributor to its financial welfare.
    In the meantime Mr. Geary had preached in many churches, most of which he himself organized and started upon their self-supporting careers. The gospel was to him a living force in the everyday affairs of men, and after its application came all else that made living desirable. No call was too remote, or entailed too arduous toil for his ready response, and at one time he rode one hundred and thirty miles on horseback to Portland to converse with a member of the board of missions for a couple of hours. He possessed a magnetic and forceful personality, impressing all with his sincerity and truth, facts observable especially in his intercourse with the Indians in the very early times, when he used to secure treaties, thus averting disaster on many occasions. Many experiences of a startling nature came his way while intent upon his errands of mercy, and on one occasion while going through the almost impenetrable woods he was attacked by bears and succeeded in killing one with the butt of his gun. He had the faculty of adapting himself to all conditions and circumstances, and was equally at home in the tents and huts of the early settlers, as in the ministerial halls of the assembly. He was a member of the general assembly in 1884, having served in a similar capacity on a prior occasion. Thus was the life of Mr. Geary cast in useful and distinguished mold, and whether as a preacher, merchant, educator or agriculturist, he maintained a settled faith in goodness and success, as understood by the larger minds of the world, never losing track of the gospel of humanity, which smoothed his way in times of distress and seeming failure, and encouraged his progress in the way to which nature and inclination had called him.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co. 1904, page 128

    Dr. E. P. Geary:--"You people who have lived in the Rogue River Valley for many years and--you might say--grown up with the country, don't have any idea of the changes which have come about during the past eight or ten years. During my residence in the Rogue River Valley I got hold of a tract of land in the Griffin Creek country, and when I removed to Portland I was willing to take most any price in order to get rid of it. I am glad now that I didn't find a buyer. I didn't realize what I had, though, until I came back here last week and took a look over the valley. Many a place where I traveled through muddy fields and thickets of chaparral answering professional calls in those days are now covered with thrifty orchards. The country doesn't look as it used to, and I am almost inclined to question the wisdom of my moving away. But I have that Griffin Creek ranch yet, and I'm going to plant fifty acres of it in pears this fall and winter. Some of these days I may take my ease under mine own pear tree."
"Echoes from the Street," Medford Mail, June 29, 1906, page 1

    Sunday's Oregonian contains a page writeup of Rogue River Valley orchards, illustrated by photographs of some of the leading groves, written by Arthur M. Geary, a son of Dr. E. P. Geary, now of Portland, but formerly mayor of Medford, and still owner of an orchard in the Griffin Creek district. Young Mr. Geary is a student of the University of Oregon and has been spending his vacation here. The article is well written and calculated to inform readers and the staff of the Oregonian on a subject they know little about and result in further advertising the valley. It is gratifying to know that the Oregonian is discovering that there is something in Southern Oregon besides the Normal School which it helped kill.
Medford Daily Tribune, September 6, 1909, page 4

Geary Orchard, September 11, 1910 Oregonian
September 11, 1910 Oregonian

    A mile and a half above the Bruce Wilson orchard is the farm of 360 acres belonging to Dr. E. P. Geary. This ranch has been owned by Dr. Geary for 20 years, and consists of parts of three donation land claims. Besides the 60 acres in fruit, there is a considerable acreage of alfalfa. There is a vineyard covering ten acres, containing mainly Tokay and Blue Mission varieties, although one small strip contains 14 different kinds of grapes. Besides the commercial orchard of four-year-old apple and pear trees, there are several acres of peaches and apricots and two acres of walnuts and about a quarter of an acre of Sperma figs. The English walnut trees bear heavily every year, producing a fine grade of nut. It is not generally known that walnuts thrive in Southern Oregon--these being the only group of grown trees in the valley. The Sperma fig trees bear heavily also, producing three crops of fruit a year.
"East Sends Many Fruitgrowers," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 11, 1910, page 60

Dr. E. P. Geary of Portland Is Pleased with Progress Made by City--
Signed Application for First Water Supply for This City.
    Dr. E. P. Geary, now a well-known physician and surgeon of Portland, but formerly mayor of Medford, visited his old home for a few hours last week. Called to the bedside of his old friend, Dr. Van Dyke of Grants Pass, who has been very sick with pneumonia, he took the opportunity of coming to Medford and driving out to the farm on Griffin Creek which he has owned for over 20 years.
    Dr. Geary, who is one of the Rogue River Valley's most enthusiastic boosters among the business and professional men of Portland, was very much pleased with the improvements which were taking place in Medford and the surrounding country. He said that one had to go to Portland to fully appreciate the Rogue River Valley, as there it was the most praised and talked-of fruit district in the Northwest.
Medford Mail Tribune, March 19, 1911, page 1

Old Upbuilders of Southern Oregon, While in Reunion There, Recalled the Woes and Pleasures, Prosperity and Poverty of Town's Early History--Railroad Blamed for Decline--Fighting Spirit Still Shown.
    The Southern Oregon pioneers held their annual reunion last year at Jacksonville in mid-September. No more harmonious surroundings could have been chosen for this patriarchal assembly than the historic old town around which the early life of Southern Oregon was centered. The remaining flagstone walks, the antiquated but solid old buildings, the rocky dry bed of Jackson Creek, the graveyard on the hill and numerous other landmarks served as apt reminders of the days, back in the '50s, when the town and neighboring gulches were scenes of the blood-red battle of the survival of the fittest.
    The sight of that venerable procession which on a perfect autumn day in September last wended its way from the court house beneath the giant maples was one most impressive to those of a younger generation. In this procession there were 50 or 60 silvery-headed men and women, weak and bent by years but grand in their achievements.
    Jacksonville recalled vividly to the old pioneers the memories of days when they were young together in the wilds of Southern Oregon. It was in Jacksonville that the first settlement in Southern Oregon was made. It was there that the first gold in the state was discovered. Jacksonville was the metropolis of the southern part of Oregon from the resulting gold mining days of the '50s until 1884, when it was passed up and its growth checked by the Oregon & California Railroad. Since 1884 Jacksonville has declined, while Medford, which was not in existence until the railroad was built, has prospered and taken the lead as the metropolis of Southern Oregon. It seems bold to state that a town in the growing West has actually declined, but such is the case. In 1883, just before the railroad had been built across the border of Josephine and Jackson counties, the population of Jacksonville was 1200; today it is 800; the assessed valuation then was $500,000; last year it was $356,000. The newest of the numerous brick business blocks was built in 1884, and not a brick has been laid since.
Old Town Revives.
    A new era of prosperity, however, appears to be in store for "Jacktown." The valuation of property this year will be in the neighborhood of $450,000, showing an increase in property values of $90,000 in the last year. Jacksonville has issued bonds for the construction of a city water system and is busy putting in cement sidewalks, preparing itself for the new role of a residence district of Medford.
    The history of Jacksonville falls naturally into three periods. Called into existence by the discovery of gold on Jackson Creek in 1851, its prosperity waned as the gold pockets were cleaned out and the miners left. But with gold gone the town entered upon a more wholesome growth as the trade center of a nature-blessed farming region. In 1884 came the blighting railroad, which robbed the town of its commercial prestige and left it in an out-of-the-way nook to slumber in tranquility. Forsaken by its young blood for more stirring scenes, Jacksonville has slumbered on as the home of the pioneers who built and made the town back in the '50s. If a Rip Van Winkle had slept 50 years instead of 20, and today awoke to walk the streets of Jacksonville, he would see wizened but familiar faces. Those whom he missed would be found in the graveyard on the hill, which each year is reaping a greater harvest of gray-haired pioneers. Nine died last winter.
    Between the time of its fall as a commercial center and the present time, Jacksonville has had no history worth recounting, But today Jacksonville is recognized as a healthy, beautiful, sheltered village in the hills, with substantial schools, and is an ideal place for a home.
Valley Then Dangerous.
    In the spring of 1851, Halstead and Vannoy had the only two cabins in the Rogue River Valley, and these were at the fords where the trail between Oregon City and California crossed the Rogue. The Rogue River Valley was considered a dangerous portion of the trip between the gold fields of California and the lower Willamette Valley, on account of the treacherous Rogue River Indians, who inhabited the region. Although the wonderful fertility of the soil, and the mildness of the climate of Southern Oregon had been heralded broadcast by travelers through the region, the homeseekers preferred to settle in the safer precincts of the Willamette Valley.
    It was left to the lure of gold to start the inrush of settlers into the Rogue River Valley. In December, 1851, James Clugage and J. Poole discovered gold on Jackson Creek. Almost immediately gold was discovered, as well in Rich Gulch and other neighboring ravines. The news of El Dorado where a pint of gold could be washed out in a day spread like wildfire to the gold fields of Northern California and from thence throughout the world.
Saloons Follow Miners.
    From a spot in the wilderness in 1851, Jacksonville sprung into a hustling mining town with nine stores, three blacksmith shops, a carpenter shop and saloons galore in the fall of 1863. In the summer of 1852 Henry Klippel and Smith made a partial survey of the settlement, forming Oregon and California streets, around which the town was built.
    The privations of the first winter after the gold was discovered were intense. A prolonged snow storm delayed bringing in of supplies until several of the younger men struck out with snow shoes across the Siskiyous and returned with supplies on their backs for the hungry miners. Prices paid for supplies that winter seem preposterous even when compared with those of this day of high cost of living. Flour sold at $1 a pound and salt was not to be had for money, although one pioneer living today, Vint Beall, tells of buying it with an equal weight of gold. Game and beer were plentiful, however, and these were the main sources of nourishment through the winter. [No other account mentions beer as being available at all.]
Crimes Not Numerous.
    Queer to relate, crime was infrequent during the first few years of the camp's existence, despite the fact that the riffraff of many nations had been attracted to the district and gambling and drunkenness were the main order of the day and night when the weather kept the miners from their sluice boxes and cradles. Although there was no legal court until the fall of 1853, there was a rough sense of justice among the miners, which would brook no crime. One man named Brown shot a man named Potts in the summer of 1852. The guilty one was tried by jury of which David Linn, father of Fletcher Linn, of Portland, was a member. The slayer was hanged at the present site of an old Presbyterian church. The settlers, to meet this emergency, adopted the Iowa code, which they used thereafter until the meeting of the first regular federal court September 5, 1853. The court was presided over by Matthew P. Deady as United States district judge of the Territory of Oregon.
    L. F. Grover, later governor and senator of Oregon, was United States district attorney, and other men who later became prominent also participated in this, the first legal court held south of Albany. The sentences of the judge in this early court were carried out without delay. At a meeting of the court in October of the same year three Indians called Thompson, George and Tom, convicted of the murder of two white men, James C. Kyle and Edwards, were hanged the day after their conviction. In fact, rumor has it that the Indian Thompson was hanged immediately after sentence. The customary two or three months was not given to murderers for repentance in the pioneer days of Jacksonville, and court records show no instances in which manslayers were judged insane. This sternness of the courts was responsible for the scarcity of crime during the first years of Jacksonville's existence under the rule of federal law.
Massacre Infuriates Town.
    Like most pioneer settlements in America, Jacksonville had its chapter of Indian massacre and relentless retaliation on the part of the whites. Although whites had been murdered on the trails, the inhabitants of Jacksonville themselves were not molested by the redskins until the middle of the summer of 1853. One August day of that year a rifle shot was heard in the canyon west of town and a few moments later the mule of Thomas Wells, a miner, came thundering into town with a blood-stained saddle. The sequel to the incident was the finding of Wells in his death blood beside the road leading to the mines. A day or two later a settler named Nolan was killed not far from town. By this time the inhabitants were in a frenzy of fear and excitement, and the town was not well protected and ammunition was scarce. Indeed, it was known that if the Indians had the courage they could sack the town. During this time of dread and fear two Indian boys came into the town, prompted by curiosity, and expecting no harm. Immediately the rumor spread that they were spies and in an insane moment they were hanged, the boys protesting in their broken English that they meant no harm. This irrational slaying of the Indian youths is a black stain upon the history of Southern Oregon and an act afterwards greatly deplored by the inhabitants of Jacksonville. It is thought that this deed of the whites was partly responsible for the fierce cruelty of the Rogue River Indians towards the whites in the wars that followed.
    In May of 1853, Cram, Rogers & Co., of Yreka, a branch of the Adams Express Company, opened an express office in Jacksonville and employed C. C. Beekman, the pioneer banker of Southern Oregon, and once gubernatorial candidate, at that time a fearless youth, as a messenger. It was the duty of C. C. Beekman, the father of B. B. Beekman, a Portland attorney, to carry the precious gold from the mines of Jacksonville over the Siskiyou Mountains to Yreka during these stirring times of nefarious warfare with the Indians. Wondrous to relate, his path was never successfully blocked nor his pack of gold stolen. [Beekman's route to Yreka didn't lend itself to highway robbery. Even in stage coach days robbers preferred to ply their trade on the Topsy Grade or near Redding.] His custom was to travel at night when Indian nature and habit protected him from dangers other than those of travel through mountains in the dark. The nearest approach to death that Mr. Beekman had was when a crowd of Indians allowed him to pass unmolested to kill the driver and rob the packs of a train of mules a few hundred yards behind him.
    The Indians, with their wars and ill-kept treaties, were a source of worry and danger to the inhabitants of Jacksonville until 1856, when the whole tribe was taken into custody and transported to Siletz Reservation, in the Willamette, where they were placed in charge of General Grant. [U. S. Grant never served on or near an Oregon reservation.]
    A study of the Indian wars of Southern Oregon reveals that the cruelty of Indians toward the whites was equaled, if not surpassed, by the cruelty of the whites toward the Indians.
    Despite the troubles with the Indians, Jacksonville in the summer and fall of 1853 witnessed a remarkable growth. All the hillsides and gulches before this time had been staked out, and miners were at work reaping large returns. Dives of all kinds had opened in Jacksonville to trap the miners' gold. Homeseekers from the Willamette Valley were settling in the valley. A joint Methodist and Presbyterian church was built that summer by the more staid portion of the inhabitants, most of whom had come from the north. Subscriptions to help the cause were obtained from gamblers and saloon-keepers without a scruple, as the question of tainted money had not arisen in that day. This church, one of the very oldest in the Northwest, still remains.
School Teacher Arrives.
    The same summer Mary Royal, a young school teacher just from the East, opened a school in Jacksonville. [Mary Royal was not the first teacher, though she was one of the first Sunday school teachers.] Generous gifts of gold from the miners and tuition charges of from $5 to $8 a quarter sustained the school. Sixty students were enrolled the first year.
    Two other happenings which marked 1854 as a banner year of growth in Jacksonville were the birth of the first white child, James Cluggage [sic] McCully, August 27, named in honor of James Clugage, the founder of the town and the building of the first brick building. [McCully was born in 1853, not 1854; the Brunner Building was built in 1855.] A combination of clay and sandstone of the desert was used as a substitute for lime in constructing the buildings.
    The first newspaper of Southern Oregon, the Table Rock Sentinel, was established by W. G. T'Vault in 1855. It announced itself as independent in politics, but proved to be Democratic dyed in the wool. In 1857 the Jacksonville Herald was started by Beggs & Burns and for a number of years thereafter Jacksonville boasted of two newspapers. A year or two later the Oregon Gazette was founded but was doomed to a short existence. The paper became so rankly populistic and anarchistic that the government in 1861 refused it the use of the mails.
[The Southern Oregon Gazette was born and died in 1861.] The papers were representative of the Civil War times. Politics were fought out in Jacksonville hundreds of miles away from railroad connections with the civilized world with all the ferocity of the period save bloodshed.
    In the later '50s the mines began to give out and many of the miners were attracted to Eldorado, newly found in Idaho. [This is probably a reference to the 1858 Fraser Canyon gold rush in British Columbia.] By 1860 the prosperity of Jacksonville did not depend upon its mines as greatly as it did upon the fertile farms of the valley. In 1860 a wagon road from Waldo in Josephine County to Crescent City, Cal. was opened for travel. [Crescent City was founded in 1853 for the purpose of trade with the interior; pack trails were opened immediately. A wagon road from Crescent City was opened in 1858.] This made it possible for passengers and baggage to be carried by wagon from the seacoast to Jacksonville to Crescent City. The opening of the road cut freight rates in two and brought many of the luxuries of the outside world to the residents of Jacksonville. [Luxuries were available by pack train from Jacksonville's birth; a wagon road to the sea at Scottsburg was completed in 1855.]
Sacramento Stage Starts.
    On the first day of July of the same year the California Stage Company opened its daily stage line from Sacramento to Portland. The stage made the trip in 13 days and many of the travelers were glad of the opportunity of resting a couple of days at Jacksonville en route. [The schedule was four days from Portland to San Francisco.] The building of the two wagon roads marked the end of the pack train, which had played such an essential part in the making of Jacksonville. No longer were the strings of mules and their daredevil drivers seen swinging into town. The packers either left for regions unknown or took up the more staid profession of the stage driver
    During the '60s Jacksonville became noted for its wealth, its fine homes, its culture, its hospitality and its general prosperity. The farms of the valley and the vineyards on the hillsides were extremely productive. Flour, fruits, wine and meat were sold to the miners in Northern California. Gradually the supply outgrew the demand and the industries suffered from lack of railroad transportation facilities. However, the Rogue River Valley was known as the land of plenty.
    Jacksonville was not without its troubles, however, during this period of commercial prosperity. In 1868 smallpox broke out among the halfbreeds in one end of the town. The doctors pronounced the disease chickenpox, and before the mistake was discovered the plague had spread throughout the town. Terror seized
the townsmen, and there were few who dared nurse the sick and bury the dead. It was believed that smoke would kill the germs, and accordingly great fires were built in the streets around which the people gathered both by night and by day. The work of the Catholic priest and sisters during this calamity was heroic. They were the only ones who were not afraid to nurse the sick. [Other nurses were active, especially those who were family members or previously vaccinated.] When the epidemic had run its course, 40 victims had been buried in the graveyard on the hill.
Flood Destroys Much.
    The next year a cloudburst in Jackson Creek canyon caused a flood that brought rain to part of the town and to the farmers along the stream. In 1873 a fire broke out in the Union Hotel [it was the United States Hotel], which destroyed $75,000 worth of property within a hour. The following year Jacksonville suffered another fire nearly as destructive. No other calamities of moment struck Jacksonville until 1884 when the California & Oregon Railroad passed it by. In fact in 1883 Jacksonville was in a most prosperous condition with glowing prospects.
    The August number of the West Shore magazine in 1883 speaks of Jacksonville as follows:
    "The county seat of Jackson County is Jacksonville, once the liveliest mining camp of this region and is still the most important trade center. The conditions of its existence have gradually changed from that of a rudely constructed and transient mining camp to that of a thriving trade center for a large expanse of mining and agricultural country. Its business is firmly established, its business buildings large and substantial, and its private residences neat and often elegant. It has always held the position of the leading town of Southern Oregon, which its enterprising business men are determined to maintain."
    The fundamental reason why the railroad decided to build a new town in the valley rather than pass through Jacksonville was the elevation of the town among the hills. Citizens of Jacksonville maintained that the railroad would lose neither in distance nor in grading if it laid its tracks through Blackwell gap and skirted the hills to Jacksonville and therefore refused to pay the bonus the railroad demanded.
    It is the same ridge of mountains that bars the building of a railroad from Medford to Crescent City. If the desired road from Medford to the sea coast is ever built, undoubtedly the citizens of Medford will be called upon to give a large bonus to help build a tunnel through the obstructing mountains.
Fight Kept Up.
    Jacksonville did not die without a struggle. For years it fought zealously for commercial supremacy. The cards were stacked against Jacksonville, and its game was a losing one.
    Until 1891 Jacksonville had no railroad connection with the main line at Medford. In this year Honeyman & Hart company [
Honeyman, DeHart & Co.], of Portland, built a railroad between the two towns. A few years later it was bought by William Barnum, who with the boys has been conducting it ever since. The Rogue River Valley Railway bears the distinction of being the only railroad company in the world in which all the officers from president to rail greaser are held by members of the same family.
    The possession of the courthouse has kept aglow the sparks of life in Jacksonville during the last 20 years. By an act of the legislature on January 12, 1852, Jackson County including within its borders the present boundaries of Josephine, Curry, Coos and Jackson counties was carved from the territory then known as Linn County. The courthouse of the new county naturally fell to Jacksonville, as it was the only town within the boundaries of the new county. Josephine, Curry and Coos counties were formed from Jackson as soon as they became settled.
    The Jackson County courthouse, built in 1884, is antiquated and outgrown.
    Better transportation facilities in the shape of trolley lines are being planned to the Rogue River Valley, and it is extremely doubtful if any serious attempts will be made in the future to change the county seat from Jacksonville. The large shade trees and luxuriant foliage around the homes in Jacksonville, with the town's sheltered position in the foothills, make it attractive for a home, and no protests are made by the county officials for being obliged to live in such a quiet town. The park around the home of Peter Britt, deceased, who was perhaps the pioneer photographer in Oregon, settled in Jacksonville in 1852, is almost tropical in its nature. Its luxuriant shrubbery includes large palm, banana, Smyrna fig, English walnut and almond trees. Nowhere could be found a spot more beautiful, and there are other homes that have nearly as charming environments.
Aged Pioneers Argue.
    In the last meeting of the Southern Oregon pioneers in Jacksonville, where so many of them live, strange arguments are heard. The question arose as to who was the oldest living pioneer of Southern Oregon. The dispute for first honors between E. K. Anderson and Mrs. Kinney, daughter of T'Vault, the pioneer editor, was carried on under considerable difficulty on account of the deafness of the members of the organization. Finally it was decided that E. K. Anderson had arrived a few months earlier in the spring of 1852 than Mrs. Kinney. This left to Mrs. Kinney the honor of being the oldest living woman pioneer.
    Mrs. Kinney, now a great-grandmother, possesses a clear memory, which seems not to have been weakened by her years. Her recollection of pioneer days is one of the best sources of information concerning the early history of Southern Oregon.
    When Mrs. Kinney came south from the lower Willamette Valley in 1852 Jacksonville was the only town south of Albany. Eugene Skinner had settled on his homestead at the present site of Eugene and Aaron Rose had built his home where Roseburg now stands, but there were at that time no settlements at those places.
    Jacksonville may never fully awake from her slumbers, and one of the valley towns may rob her of the courthouse, but the town will always remain as a monument of pioneer days. As General T. G. Reames, one of the pioneers who died a few years ago, said:
    "They may rob Jacksonville of everything else, but they cannot rob her of the cemetery on the hill, where lie so many of the men and women who helped carve a civilization out of the wilderness."
Medford Mail Tribune, March 26, 1911, page B1

Forty Trees Are Pollenized by Buds on One and Splendid Crop Will Be Harvested--
Frost Hit the Others in Griffin Creek Orchard.
    Because the pollen-bearing tassels of one tree in Dr. Geary's small English walnut grove on Griffin Creek was protected from the heavy freeze this spring by smudge fires, a heavy crop of nuts has set on all the trees. Although the frost did not bother the fruit blossoms in the Griffin Creek locality on account of its high elevation and excellent air drainage, the walnut tassels with the exception of the one tree which happened to be just below a row of pear trees, which were smudged, were all frozen black. But the pollen from the tassels on the one tree fertilized the female buds on the other 40 walnut trees in the grove. The crop will probably average a bushel to a tree.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 29, 1911, page 6
Arthur Geary 1911-6-14p9Oregonian
June 14, 1911 Oregonian

Dr. E. P. Geary, Who Was the First Executive of Medford City Government,
Tells of Early Days--Many Changes Made.
    "Medford has certainly grown since the time when I had the honor of directing her endeavors as mayor," stated Dr. E. P. Geary of Portland, who spent Monday in this city. Dr. Geary was mayor of the city in 1885 when the town was first incorporated.
    "In those days where now large modern business blocks stand we had nothing but brush to levy taxes on. It was a crying need in those days to secure money enough to cut the brush back along the street now known as Main. We had little money for improvements, and I remember well agitation even at that early date to bond the little town in order that it might grow. The seed of progressiveness which was sown at that time has since produced wonderful results.
    "Being mayor in 1885 was not much of a job. I imagine it would cut heavily into a physician's time should he tackle the job now."
Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1912, page 2

    Arthur Geary has arrived to look after his ranch in the Griffin Creek district. He has just completed a year as the graduate manager of athletics at the University of Oregon.
"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, June 6, 1912, page 2

    UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Sept. 13.--(Special.)--Arthur M. Geary, of Portland, for two years graduate manager of student activities at the university, has resigned his position and will leave the last of the week for Columbia University, where he will complete his law course. Mr. Geary's principal achievement has been in the financing of the different student affairs, eliminating a previous yearly deficit of $1000 and in place returning $300 to $400 a year to the student treasury, besides providing for his own salary. In the furtherance of this idea, he worked out a plan of selling to the students at the opening of the college year tickets at reduced rates that would admit the student to all football, track, baseball and basketball games and all debates and lectures provided on the university campus
    Geary was graduated from the University of Oregon in the class of 1910, having completed his course in three years. He won the Beekman oratorical prize that year. The matter of the election of Geary's substitute will come before the athletic council and the executive committee of the Associated Students probably next Wednesday.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, September 14, 1913, page 13

By Fred Lockley
    We think of the recall as a more or less modern feature of Oregon politics. As a matter of actual fact, the recall was extensively used in Oregon 60 years ago, though it was not called by that name. In the territorial legislature one of the favorite pastimes was recalling officials.
    In 1856 the Oregon legislature requested the President of the United States to recall General Wool as commander of the Department of the Pacific. At the same session the legislators camped on the trail of General Joel Palmer, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon, determined to get his scalp.
    The friendly Indians were being removed to agencies to protect them from being killed by lawless whites. Word was brought to the tribes that if they went to the agencies they would certainly be killed. General Palmer told them if they remained where they were they would be killed. So the poor Indians were between the devil and the deep blue sea, and didn't know what to do.
    The following letter written by Joel Palmer from Dayton, Oregon Territory, on January 22, 1856, gives an interesting sidelight on the "white man's war," which, like a wheel within a wheel, was carried on bitterly during the Indian wars of '55 and '56. Mr. Palmer's letter is addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Washington, D.C., and reads in part as follows.
    "The identification of E. R. Geary, my secretary, with that class of persons who encourage a spirit of resistance to the carrying out of the plans, adopted under your instructions, for the colonization and settlement of Indian tribes in this territory has induced me to dispense with his services in this office. The other consideration inducing this course is the bungling manner in which the accounts and papers in this office have been gotten up by which it is greatly feared pecuniary losses may be sustained.
    "The lower house of the legislative assembly passed a memorial by an almost unanimous vote, asking Congress to restrain the Superintendent of Indian Affairs from locating Indians in this valley and declaring me foolish and visionary in attempting to settle Indians upon the coast reservations. During the discussion of this memorial the members had agreed in caucus to petition the President for my removal, and, after several meetings among the members and disagreements as to which of their number was entitled to the boon, a letter was drawn up and signed by three of the members propounding certain questions to Mr. Geary, among which was: Whether in the event of his appointment to the superintendency he would countermand the order by which the friendly Indians were to be congregated at the encampment and whether he would encourage the abandonment of the coast reservation. He was informed that upon his answer depended his chances for obtaining the vote in the caucus asking the President for my dismissal and his appointment."
    The following petition, copied from the official records of the Oregon territorial legislative session of 1856, speaks for itself and shows that in those long-gone days they used the recall with great effectiveness:
    "To his excellency, Franklin Pierce, President of the United States:
    "We, the undersigned Democratic members of the council and house of representatives of the Territory of Oregon, would most respectfully but earnestly pray your excellency to remove the present incumbent, Joel Palmer, from the office of Superintendent of Indian Affairs of this territory. This we ask for the following reasons:
    "First--The official conduct of the said Palmer, during the two years last past, abundantly satisfies your petitioners that he, the said Palmer, is unqualified for the proper discharge of the duties of said office. In forming treaties with Indian tribes within this territory he has, in entire and willful disregard of the expressed unwillingness of the recognized chiefs of tribes to assent to or sign proposed treaties, recognized other Indians as chiefs of tribes and received their signatures to his treaties, which, together with other foolish and visionary acts and movements on his part, has greatly contributed to produce the present Indian war and to bring upon the defenseless inhabitants of this frontier the combined power and hostility of a horde of worthless savages. And what is still more inexcusable and unendurable, the said Palmer is at this moment engaged in efforts to purchase the land claims of citizens residing on the west side of the Willamette Valley contiguous to the Coast Range mountains with the avowed intention of bringing thousands of Indians from remote parts of the country and colonizing them in the heart of this, the Willamette valley.
    "Second--We would also further represent to your excellency the fact that the said Palmer, representing himself to be a sound national Democrat, but through a spirit of political perfidy, ingratitude and meanness, he, the said Palmer, did about one year since join the 'Know Nothings,' and having bound himself with the perfidious oath of that dark and hellish secret political order, has faithfully kept his oath and neglected to vote for the nominees of the Democratic Party and by appointing incompetent 'Know Nothing Whigs' to office to the exclusion of sound, worthy and competent Democrats.
    "We earnestly pray that the said Palmer may be promptly removed from said office of Indian superintendent and that Edward R. Geary, a sound, consistent and reliable national Democrat and an able and worthy citizen, be appointed in his stead, and we will not allow ourselves to believe for one moment that our prayer will be disregarded."
    This memorial was signed at Salem, January 8, 1856, by Delazon Smith. speaker of the house of representatives, and the following members of the territorial legislature:
    William Tichenor, H. C. Buckingham, John Robinson, F. Waymire, R. P. Boise, Philo Callender, Hyer Jackson, James Officer, William Hutson, Hugh L. Brown, Orville Risley, A. McAlexander, I. R. Moores. John Harris, B. P. Grant, G. W. Brown, John E. Hale, M. C. Barkwell, Andrew Shuck, A. R. Burbank, William P. Harpole, Hugh D. O'Bryant, John M. Harrison, Charles Drain, LaFayette Grover, Thomas Smith, N. Huber, H. Straight, J. M. Cozad, N. H. Gates, James M. Fulkerson, A. P. Dennison, president of the council; James K. Kelly, John C. Peebles.
Oregon Journal, Portland, May 14, 1914, page 8

    Arthur M. Geary, whose father, Dr. Geary, owns a large orchard in Southern Oregon, while attending the law school in New York, was a frequent visitor among the fruit dealers of that city. He became impressed with the value of the auction market for apple growers. Since his return to Portland, where he soon expects to take up the practice of law, he has been visiting a number of fruit sections, explaining his views as to the value of auction markets to the apple growers by giving addresses and writing a number of articles which have appeared in various publications.
Better Fruit, October 1915, page 17

Oregon Man to Lecture in this City

    Arthur M. Geary, formerly a fruit grower near Medford, will soon give a lecture upon fruit marketing here.
    Mr. Geary has just returned from a two years' stay in New York, where he was graduated this May from the Columbia Law School.
    While in New York, Mr. Geary wrote market reports for western papers and kept in close touch with the fruit district along Greenwich and Washington streets. He gave a series of illustrated lectures concerning the Pacific and Columbia River highways. His lectures, coupled with his interest in the markets, attracted the attention of the fruit auctioneers of New York.
August 7, 1915 Jacksonville Post    In March, the first convention of auction companies of the United States was called for the purpose of raising funds and carrying out a campaign of education among the apple growers of the Pacific Coast, which are the only fruit raisers on the Pacific seaboard who do not sell all of their fruit which is marketed in the sixteen or seventeen largest cities of the country through the medium of auction sales.
Mr. Geary Makes Campaign.
    The American Fruit and Production Auction Association, which was formed at this meeting, asked Mr. Geary to visit the other principal cities of the United States where auctions are found and prepare himself thoroughly concerning the auction system as it is now operating in this country and later to come to the coast with lantern slides to give illustrated lectures.
    Mr. Geary is an Oregonian of the second generation, both his father and mother having been born in the Willamette Valley.
    He was graduated from the University of Oregon in 1910. At the commencement exercises he won the Beekman prize of one hundred dollars for oratory.
Twice Manager Orchard.
    After his graduation, Mr. Geary managed his father's orchard near Medford for a couple of years. Later, he became graduate manager of student activities at the University of Oregon. While employed at the university, he began the study of law. Attendance at a summer session of the University of California and two winter terms and a summer session at Columbia University completed his course in law.
    Next fall Mr. Geary plans to begin the practice of law either in Portland or New York.

Jacksonville Post, August 7, 1915, page 4

Tendency Now Away from Private Selling
    "The apple jobbers in the large cities know as well as do all fruit market men that the tendency is towards public selling at auction and away from the more cumbersome method of private selling through the stores of the jobbers," says Arthur M. Geary, who is giving a series of lectures in the Northwest upon fruit marketing. Mr. Geary further says:
    "The Agricultural Department of the State of New York, after an exhaustive investigation of the different methods of marketing employed in New York City, have just announced to the growers that it will open auctions for barreled apples of the state this fall.
    "The Florida growers have realized the economies and efficiencies of the auction system in stimulating consumption and obtaining maximum prices. During 1888, no Florida fruit was sold at auction in New York, and probably the same was true in other auction centers. In 1915, the Florida fruit growers are selling at auction in New York alone 954,000 packages of oranges and grapefruit, or $2,500,000 worth.
Auction Sales Grow.
    "The growth in volume of the auction business has been 300 percent in 25 years. Thirty-five to forty million dollars worth of fruit is sold annually at auction in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. A total of sixty to seventy million dollars worth is sold in the sixteen or seventeen auction centers of the United States.
    "The apple growers are the only ones that make the auctions a dumping ground for defective fruit, and they are the only ones that are dissatisfied with the auction system. The shippers from Florida, California, Cuba, Sicily, Spain, and Puerto Rico establish a high scale of prices by supplying the auctions regularly with their best grades.
    "In this way the prices of the poorer grades are supported. Before the auction system of selling apples can be given a fair test, the same methods must be adopted by the apple shippers. The buyers must be convinced that the auctions are not the place of last resort for apples.
English Auctions Success.
    "There are many wholesale and retail buyers who do not deal in other than the fruits that are sold at auction.
    "Personal investigation of figures in Boston show that the consumption of apples from the Northwest has not been increasing there, while that of auction fruits has increased.
    "In England, Germany and France, where they have had a longer time to work out systems of marketing, foreign fruits, including apples, are sold at auction. More apples were sold at auction in England last winter than were raised last year in the Pacific Northwest."

Jacksonville Post, August 14, 1915, page 3

    Arthur M. Geary, formerly a resident of Medford, spent Thursday here visiting his brother and old friends. He is on his way to the Presidio, where he enters the officers training camp.

"Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, August 23, 1917, page 2

By Arthur M. Geary
    Of the total annual sales of over $15,000,000 worth of fruits sold in the city of New York at auction, three or four million dollars worth of fruit are bought during each year at the public sales held by the auction companies of New York by the so-called "cash" buyers, who consist mainly of the pushcart peddlers. All of the
buyers who have no financial backing are required to pay cash for the fruit bought, before they can take it from the piers.
    Many of these "cash'' buyers are registered in the books of the auction companies as Jimmie the first, or Jimmie the eleventh, Louis the first or Lefty and so on. As their names are often impossible of pronunciation, even for a glib auctioneer, a cash buyer is rechristened when he is awarded his first bid at a public sale. If the name has a Jimmie sound in it, the auctioneer places him among the numerous Jimmies, and henceforward he has but the one name in his dealings with the auction companies. His friends often adopt it, and the great multiplicity of consonants with which his parents endowed him are lost to the American world.
    The pushcart salesmen who occupy the back seats in the auditoriums where the public sales are held each morning serve a very useful function. They sell everything from potatoes to bananas, according to the season. If oranges fall a little low, the pushcart buyers go in heavy for oranges, and by increasing greatly the consumption soon relieve a glutted market.
    As soon as the enterprising foreigners get a little money ahead they procure other pushcarts and before long have a whole string of them on the streets. When a pushcart salesman has progressed to the point that he hires others, he often does the buying at the public salesroom. Single pushcart owners hire brokers to attend the sales for them.

Jacksonville Post, October 9, 1915, page 4

    PORTLAND, Jan. 10.--After six months active service in the aviation branch of the American forces in France, Lieutenant Arthur M. Geary of Portland has returned. He came direct from Garden City, L.I., where he received his discharge last Thursday.
    Lieutenant Geary was granted a commission after training at the second officers' camp at the Presidio, and sent to Kelly Field, Texas, where he acted as assistant executive officer for seven months. He was in similar work at the air service concentration camps in England and France for four months prior to being detailed for duty at air service headquarters in France.
    The experiences and brave acts of several Oregon flyers were described last night by Lieutenant Geary. "There were few Oregon boys who saw actual fighting over the lines, but among those was Lieutenant Rodger Hitchcock of Medford. After being mortally wounded by machine gun fire on September 8, Lieutenant Hitchcock, in a dying condition, landed his machine and observer behind the American lines. Lieutenants Newell Barber of Medford and Hugh Bloomfield of Gladstone also lost their lives doing brave work."
    Lieutenant Roscoe Fawcett, former Portland sporting writer, received injuries when he fell in a flight from London to Paris on a mission to see General Foulois, according to Lieutenant Geary. "The crash netted him two broken jaws, a broken nose and the loss of several teeth in addition to sprains and bruises."
    Lieutenant Geary has three brothers who are also in the American air service. Lieutenant E. A. Geary is now in Medford from Camp Morrison, Va., R. E. Geary is flying at March Field, Riverside, Cal., and Lieutenant Roland W. Geary is completing an advanced course in aerial machine gunnery at Olcott, Texas.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 10, 1919, page 3

    Arthur M. Geary, Portland attorney, well-known former valley resident, whose practice has included representation of livestock and other agricultural interests, has been appointed by the president, Silas H. Strawn, as a member of the commerce committee of the American Bar Association.
    Other members of the committee are: Rush C. Butler of Chicago, chairman; Julius Henry Cohen of New York; Thomas W. Davis of Wilmington, N.C.; and Charles R. Fowler of Minneapolis, Minn.
    Last year, according to the report of ex-governor of New York C. S. Whitman, the retiring president of the association, the committee gave considerable attention to the working out jointly, with a committee of the American Federation of Labor appointed by president Greene, of a more effective system of arbitration of labor disputes, a study of the Sherman anti-trust and Clayton act to determine in what way these acts should be amended to be more in according with present business conditions, and an investigation of needs of legislation respecting regulation of bus lines.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 4, 1927, page 6

    Arthur Geary, father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Geary, of Portland, are down for a few days' vacation, which they are spending on their farm on Griffin Creek. They had a fine crop of pears this year.
    Arthur Geary is a prominent attorney in Portland is representing the major farm organizations of Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho in cases involving readjustment of freight rates upon livestock and grain. Mr. Geary is chairman of the Portland American Legion post, which takes an active interest in beautifying Portland.
    The Geary family formerly lived in Medford, built the residence opposite the Hotel Medford on the east, later owned and occupied by Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel and now owned by Roy Toft. Arthur Geary regrets seeing the fine shade trees being removed from the front part of the yard to make up for the growth of Medford.
    Dr. Geary was the second mayor of Medford.
    They always enjoy their visits here.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 17, 1928, page 3


    Dr. Edwin P. Geary, well-known Portland physician, now retired, left from San Francisco with Mrs. Geary Saturday on the Panama Pacific liner Mongolia, en route to New York by way of the Panama Canal. This is Dr. Geary's first sea voyage.
    His father, Rev. Edward R. Geary, D.D., traveled west by way of the Isthmus of Panama in 1851 and wrote a diary giving a description of the journey. The method of travel followed by Dr. Geary in making the transit of the isthmus in a luxurious liner will be in sharp contrast to the laborious journey of his father 78 years ago. It was necessary then to cross the neck of land by a jungle trail on muleback after going up the Chagres River 15 miles by boat from the Atlantic side. Ships were then boarded at Panama for the trip up the west coast, which took a month sometimes.--Oregonian.
    Dr. and Mrs. Geary are pioneer residents of this county, and for many years lived on Griffin Creek. Dr. Geary practiced in this city and Jacksonville for many years.
Medford Mail Tribune, October 3, 1929, page 5

    The birthday, yesterday, of a well-known Portland lawyer who is a native of Medford drew the following in the Oregonian:
    "This is the way Arthur McCornack Geary answered the question, 'When were you married?' 'I'm not married, never have been married, never--' and here he ceased talking.
    "This Portland lawyer was born in Medford. Ore., December 5, 1889. His father, Dr. Edward P. Geary, was practicing medicine at the time and also had a fine pear orchard near the city. The family lived in the Jackson County metropolis until Arthur was eight years old, then moved to Portland.
    "The young man later entered the University of Oregon college of liberal arts. There his outside activity was oratory. He won the Beekman prize, one of the highest honors in the school.
    "Receiving the bachelor of arts degree from Oregon in 1910, Arthur went to Medford and farmed his father's ranch one year. The pear crop was a wonder that season. Then young Geary returned to Eugene to become the first student manager there. He held this high office two academic years, 1911-12 and 1912-13. With the gold thus earned, Mr. Geary went all the way to New York City to study law at Columbia University. There the LL.B. degree was conferred on him in 1915. But before this Mr. Geary worked a while on the Medford Mail Tribune and taught journalism a bit at the university. Returning from New York with his sheepskin, he opened a law office in Portland in partnership with T. Henry Boyd.
    "The war wrecked this legal union. Both barristers went to training camp, came forth second lieutenants and went to France. After a time in the infantry Mr. Geary transferred to the aviation corps. He came home a first 'loot' early in 1919 and again began practicing law here. He has been active in aiding the farmers and cattlemen to form organizations for their benefit and has made a special study of railroad tariffs. In this work Mr. Geary has visited almost every ranch in the state."

Medford Mail Tribune, December 7, 1931, page 3

Widely Known Healer Had Been Blind and Mute
for Several Months from Recurring Paralytic Strokes.
    PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 15.--(AP)--Dr. Edward P. Geary, 73, widely known physician and surgeon at the turn of the century and second mayor of Medford, Ore., died last night at a Portland hospital. Dr. Geary retired shortly after the World War and had been ill for the past two years.
    Dr. Geary was taken to the hospital Sunday afternoon. He had suffered four paralytic strokes in recent months and had been unable to see or talk for several weeks, the coroner learned.
Born in Brownsville
    Born at Brownsville, Ore., he received his education at Albany College, the University of Oregon and Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. After his graduation from the last-named school, he became assistant surgeon for the railroad, then being constructed between Oregon and California, with headquarters in Jackson County.
    Dr. Geary is credited by colleagues with having introduced aseptic surgery to southern Oregon. He came to Portland in 1898, and later was elected Multnomah County physician, a post he held for 14 years. He was active in organizing a visiting and consulting staff of surgeons and nurses for Multnomah Hospital.
Came Here in 1882
    Dr. Geary is survived by his wife, Mrs. Agnes M. Geary, and three sons, Arthur M. and Ronald W., of Portland, and Edward A. Geary of Klamath Falls, Ore.
    Dr. Geary settled in Jackson County in 1882 and joined the railroad service. He became active in public life and was elected Medford's second mayor.
    Dr. Geary is remembered here as one of Medford's first physicians, and as one of the persons instrumental in the organization of city government here. In 1885, when the city was organized with a board of trustees to head the municipality, he was one of the five trustees. When the mayor form of government was adopted, J. S. Howard was elected to fill that office, and was succeeded by Dr. Geary in 1888, the city's second mayor. [Howard, as president of the board of trustees, became mayor when Medford's new city charter went into effect, but Geary was the first man elected mayor of Medford.]
Was Adroit Surgeon
    When he practiced medicine here there was no hospital, but Dr. Geary was noted for his great proficiency, especially in surgical work, local druggists recalled today. He was able to operate skillfully with either hand.
    In 1888, when the late Dr. E. B. Pickel came to Medford, he became affiliated with Dr. Geary, and the two practiced as partners in medicine for a number of years. The large white house, recently razed on [326] West Main Street, known for many years as the Pickel home, and later as Fountain Lodge, was erected by Dr. Geary, and it was there his family resided until he sold the home to Dr. Pickel and moved to Portland in 1898.
Children Born Here
    He had previously lived in the Lee Jacobs house on [125] South Central. All the Geary children were born in this city, the three sons, who survive their father, and Everett Geary, who died in Klamath Falls last spring.
    The family is one known and revered by all southern Oregon pioneers, many of whom still owe their existence to the care given them by Dr. Geary during the early days.
    While other properties here were sold by Dr. Geary, a ranch on Griffin Creek is still owned by the family.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 15, 1934, page 1

Arthur Geary of Pioneer Medford Family Marries
    SPOKANE, Wash., May 2.--(AP)--Uniting two pioneer Washington and Oregon families, Miss Martha Dorman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orris Dorman, Spokane, and Arthur M. Geary, Portland railroad rate attorney, were married here today.
    The bride's father is president of the North Pacific Grain Growers.
    Geary, an alumnus of the University of Oregon, received his law degree from Columbia University. He is rate attorney and counsel for the North Pacific Grain Growers, Inc. His father was the late Dr. Edward P. Geary, who was a native Oregonian, son of a pioneer preacher who came west from Pennsylvania in 1852.
    Arthur M. Geary is well known in Southern Oregon, where the Gearys formerly lived and where the family still has property located on Griffin Creek.
    Dr. Geary was one of Jackson County's earliest physicians.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1934, page 3

    Several of the trees are still there; a new General Petroleum service station, at the corner of West Main and Ivy streets now occupies the property where one of Medford's oldest homes stood until this spring, when it was razed to make way for the station and its equipment.
    The large white house, familiarly known in Medford as the Pickel residence, was built in about 1892 by the late Dr. E. P. Geary. In 1893, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Pickel went to Chicago to the World's Fair, and Dr. Pickel took his second medical degree at the University of Illinois the same year. Upon their return to Medford, Dr. Pickel and Dr. Geary entered partnership, and remained together until Dr. Geary moved to Portland in 1898.
    It was then that the Pickels purchased the Geary home, remodeling it so that downstairs there was a reception hall, also a large living room, library, dining room and kitchen. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a sleeping porch.
    The Pickel place, with its beautiful array of flowers, particularly hyacinths, narcissi and tulips imported from Holland, arranged in attractive beds and borders, was always considered one of the most colorful and prominent homes in Medford.
    Dr. and Mrs. Pickel entertained many friends at their home, and one distinguished visitor was the author, David Starr Jordan, who was their guest. Many doctors from the Atlantic Coast as well as the Pacific Coast were entertained by the late doctor and his wife.
    Shortly after moving into the house, Dr. and Mrs. Pickel sent to Florida for a magnolia tree, which they planted in the yard. When the house was torn down, the tree was transplanted to the Jackson County courthouse lawn, as a memorial to Dr. Pickel, who died a short time ago.
    Twelve years ago Dr. and Mrs. Pickel sold their home to Ray Toft and moved to 54 Summit Street, where Mrs. Pickel still makes her home. Mr. Toft converted the dwelling into The Fountain Inn, and several rooms were added.
    This last spring, to make room for the General Petroleum station, the house was torn down. However, the trees were left standing, with the exception of the one moved to the
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1934, page 4

    In furtherance of the cancer control campaign of the American Society for the Control of Cancer, Arthur M. Geary, a Portland attorney, formerly a resident of Medford, with Mrs. Geary has been visiting here for the last two days. He has called upon officers of the Jackson County Medical Society and of the health department, to secure their cooperation in the cancer control campaign. Recently, Mr. and Mrs. Geary returned from a trip to Europe, their itinerary including portions of England, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
    Mr. Geary is a son of the late Dr. Edward P. Geary, pioneer physician of Medford and Southern Oregon, who was a former mayor of Medford. For the last year and a half Mr. Geary has served as lay president for the Oregon branch of the American Society for the Control of Cancer.
    "Jackson County is surely to be congratulated upon the splendidly equipped offices of the health department in the court house and upon the educational and other work being conducted throughout the county," states Mr. Geary.
    "The educational campaign material issued from time to time by the American Society for the Control of Cancer has ready dissemination," continued Mr. Geary, "through a health department such as is found here in Jackson County.
    "From the data assembled by the American society, the fact is clear that certain types of cancer are readily controlled when diagnosed early and scientifically treated. There probably is no scourge of mankind that calls for more prompt diagnosis and action than cancer. Cancer today ranks second to heart disease in the cause of death. Ten percent of the deaths in the United States are attributed to cancer.
    "Amid the turmoil in Europe over economic, political and military questions, scientists are making a vigorous effort to curb the ravages of cancer. Anyone traveling in Great Britain is impressed by the widespread propaganda and education directed toward early diagnosis and prompt scientific treatment of cancer. The British press tells of contributions to the Empire Cancer Control Program being made by rich and poor throughout the country, even by 'bookies' at the derby. Similar campaigns are found in most of the European countries.
    "In the United States the American Society for the Control of Cancer for a number of years has been spreading educational propaganda calculated to lessen death by cancer. Dr. Clarence C. Little, former president of Michigan University and a noted biologist, is the managing director of this society. On its board are leading physicians and surgeons who have made a special study of cancer.
    "The American society and its statewide branches work entirely in harmony with the established medical societies in spreading information as to symptoms of cancer that are recognizable by laymen and that call for immediate attention by family physicians."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1934, page 12

b. Medford, Oregon, Dec. 5, 1889; educ., Portland Academy; University of Oregon, B.A. 1910; Columbia University, New York, LL.B. 1915; Sigma Nu; Sigma Delta Chi; Friars. Married Martha Dorman, Spokane, May 2, 1934; son, Richard, daughter. Report. Medford Mail Tribune, 1912-13; Admitted to Oregon Bar, 1915; continuous law practice to date. Served U.S. Army, First Lieut. Aviation Section, Signal Corps, World War. Sec. Klamath Seed Company. Member, board of governors, Oregon State Bar, 1935-39. Member, Comm. Committee, American Bar Assn., 1928-30. Graduate manager, athletics, University of Oregon and secty., University of Oregon Alumni Assn. Instructor, journalism, Univ. of Ore., 1911-13. Member, Waverley Country Club; Univ. Club; Mult. Athletic Club; City Club; Chamber of Commerce; Veterans of Foreign Wars. Legionnaire. Republican. Presbyterian. Home: 4405 Warrens Way, Green Hills. Office: 508 American Bank Bldg., Portland.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 211

    Farmer, Geary Brothers
b. Medford, Oregon, June 16, 1892; educ., Portland public schools; Portland Academy; University of Oregon; University of Wisconsin; University of Wisconsin; Oregon State College, B.S.; Sigma Nu. Married Marian Howe, Portland, July 12, 1931; daughter, Alice. Served U.S. Army, 56th Balloon Co., World War, overseas. Republican. Address: Box 392, Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 211

By Fred Lockley
    Mrs. Edward P. Geary is a member of the First Presbyterian church, Portland. She was born on a farm near Eugene. Her father, Andrew McCornack, was born in Scotland, and her mother in the north of Ireland. They settled in Lane County in the '50s.
    Edward Payson Geary was born at Brownsville, April 24, 1859. He graduated from University of Oregon in 1880, and two years later from Jefferson Medical College. Mr. and Mrs. Geary were married in the fall of 1884.
    Dr. Geary's father, Edward R. Geary, was born at Hagerstown, Md., April 30, 1811. He died in Eugene in 1886. Most of his forebears followed the sea. Many fell while serving in the British navy. The Gearys moved from Maryland in 1823. Edward R. was one of four sons, two of whom died young. His brother John was born in 1819. He was an officer in the Mexican War. He went to California in 1849 and was appointed postmaster of San Francisco. He was elected alcalde under Mexican rule and later was San Francisco's first mayor. In 1856 he was appointed governor of Kansas. He rose to major general in the Civil War and was elected governor of Pennsylvania in 1866, serving two terms.
    Edward R. was a Presbyterian minister. In 1851 he was sent by a church board to establish schools and churches in Oregon Territory. He started a girls' boarding school at Lafayette in 1851. With the Revs. Robert Robe and Lewis Thompson he organized the presbytery of Oregon in 1851. From 1851 to 1853 he was clerk of the district court of Yamhill County. In 1854 and 1855 he was secretary to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Oregon and Washington. In 1856, with his family, he moved to Linn County. He was Linn County superintendent of schools in 1858. In 1859 he was appointed Superintendent of Indian Affairs for Oregon and Washington. He became county judge of Linn County in 1866. With the Rev. W. J. Monteith he founded Albany College and was its first president. In 1875 he became pastor of the Presbyterian church at Eugene. He was a regent of the University of Oregon. His second wife, whose maiden name was Nancy Woodbridge, was a graduate of Holyoke Seminary. By his first wife he had two children and by his second wife, eight children.
Oregon Journal, Portland, July 9, 1939, page 18

    Arthur M. Geary, a native son of Jackson County who has become outstanding in Oregon political and business circles, and who is a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senator in opposition to Charles L. McNary, visited briefly in Jackson County Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. He is making a hurried trip through the state, accompanied by his cousin, Bainbridge Geary.
    "The most significant fact disclosed on this trip is the apparent unanimous opinion of weekly newspaper editors that McNary should be replaced," Geary said. "I feel that is because the weekly newspaper editors are closer to the common people, and are less influenced by political patronage."
    Geary was born near Jacksonville.
    He said he was making no promises except to do everything possible, if elected, to help win the war.
    "I have made no promises to groups or factions," Geary said. "If elected, I intend to represent all of the people of Oregon. I do not plan to go there as advocate of any special group."
Medford News, April 17, 1942, page 1

Arthur M. Geary, November 21, 1943 Oregonian
Arthur Geary, Rate Attorney, Succumbs Here
    Northwest livestock producers lost a friend and defender Saturday morning through the death of Arthur M. Geary, 54, attorney for the Northwest Traffic Shippers League and various agricultural organizations, at the Veterans Hospital following an illness of six weeks.
    Mr. Geary, an authority on livestock freight rates and ocean bills of lading, also was active in politics, having been a candidate in the 1942 Republican primary election against Senator Charles L. McNary.
    In expressing regret of Northwest livestock men over Mr. Geary's death, R. L. Clark, president of the Pacific Woolgrowers and secretary of the Portland Livestock Exchange, explained that this rate attorney devoted his entire life in maintaining that fair relationship must exist between livestock freight rates and those for dressed meats and slaughterhouse products. Mr. Geary defended this stand for the last 20 years, Clark added.
    Mr. Geary, a lieutenant colonel in World War I, was past commander of Portland chapter of the Military Order of World Wars, was a member of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, a past governor of the bar association and a member of the University Club and First Presbyterian Church. He held a partnership with Geary Brothers seed firm, Klamath Falls.
    Born December 5, 1889 at Medford, Mr. Geary was a Portland resident for 45 years. He was University of Oregon's first graduate manager following his graduation in 1911. He held this position for two years, spent a year on the Geary fruit ranch at Medford, and then entered Columbia University law school, New York, where he graduated in 1915.
    Mr. Geary married Martha Dorman, daughter of Orris Dorman, Spokane, on May 6, 1934. Surviving besides his wife are a son, Richard; two daughters, Susan Jane and Dorothea, all at the family residence, 404 SW Warrens Way; his mother, Mrs. Agnes M. Geary, Portland; two brothers, Edward A. Geary, Klamath Falls, and Roland W. Geary, Portland.
    Finley & Son mortuary is in charge of arrangements.

Portland clipping dated November 21, 1943, Thomas scrapbook, SOHS M43B3

    Portland, Ore., Nov. 20.--(U.P.)--Arthur M. Geary, 53, prominent Oregon attorney, died today in the veterans' hospital after a major operation.   
    He had been legal representative of various farmer and rancher groups in the Pacific Northwest, and was an expert in the field of marketing of farm produce. He led numerous battles to obtain lower freight rates for Northwest farmers, fruit growers and livestock shippers.
    Arthur M. Geary was well known in Medford, being the son of the late Dr. E. P. Geary of this city and having attended Medford High School and later the University of Oregon. He made frequent visits to Medford and in the last general election was a candidate for U.S. Senator. Among his survivors is a brother, Edward Geary, of Klamath County. His father was one of the first mayors of Medford and a well-known pioneer.
Medford Mail Tribune, November 21, 1943, page 1

Mrs. Agnes Geary, Former Resident, Dies in Portland
    Mrs. Agnes McCornack Geary, at one time a resident of Medford and widow of the late Dr. Edward P. Geary, died at her home in Portland, August 1. The Geary family lived many years ago on a ranch in the Griffin Creek district.
    Mrs. Geary was a member of the first graduating class of the University of Oregon, and had been a member of the First Presbyterian Church for 50 years.
    Survivors include two sons, Edward A. Geary of Klamath Falls, Roland W. Geary of Portland; a sister, Mrs. Aletha McCornack of Eugene, and several nephews and nieces in Klamath Falls.
Medford Mail Tribune, August 8, 1944, page 10

    Seedsman; Farm Leader; Civic Worker
b Medford, Oregon, June 16, 1892; educ, Portland public schools; Portland Academy; University of Oregon; University of Wisconsin; Oregon State College, BS; Sigma Nu; m Marian Howe, Portland, July 12, 1931; daughter, Alice; served US Army, 56th Balloon Company, World War I; member of firm of Geary Brothers; beginning 1919, reclaimed 4500 acres, overflow marshland, Klamath Co, now has been developed into seed-producing area, one of nation's largest producers of fine lawn seed; served on St Bd of Agriculture; elected mem, Oregon State Legislature, House of Representatives, 1948-49-50-51 sessions; Repub; home, Lakeshore Rd; ofc, Box 392, Klamath Falls, Oreg.
Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 305

    Seedsman; Partner Geary Bros.
b Medford, Oregon, Jan 31 1895; educ, Portland Academy; Univ of Oregon; m Betsy Brogan, June 15, 1940; served as Lieut, US Air Service, World War I; partner in firm of Geary Bros, nationally known growers of lawn grass seed; member, University Club; Presbyterian; home, 739 SW Evans St, Portland.
Capitol's State Who's Who Combined with Who's Who for the Western States, July 1953, page 397

Last revised February 3, 2025