The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

David Linn

    RETURNED.--David Linn, M. R. Fletcher, Jas. Hurd and a number of citizens, who have been employed on the government works at Ft. Klamath, have returned this week, having completed the work.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1864, page 2

    GONE BELOW.--Mr. D. Linn, of the firm of Linn & Hall, left for San Francisco on Thursday morning. Mr. L. intends purchasing a large stack of furniture and material for their cabinet shop, and also a first-class planing machine, which indicates that business is thriving, and the demand for furniture and dwellings increasing.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 28, 1867, page 3

LINN.--In Jacksonville on the 9th inst., to the wife of D. Linn, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 10, 1868, page 2

    BUILDING MOVED.--We notice that the furniture establishment of Linn & Hall has been moved so as to occupy the corner lot and fill up an unsightly gap.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 5, 1869, page 3

    An attempt was made to burn the carpenter shop of David Linn in Jacksonville on Sunday evening of last week. A lighted candle was set in the midst of a pile of shavings and would soon have burned nearly low enough to light the shavings when it was discovered by two ladies passing the shop.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 28, 1884, page 3

    Fletcher Linn, of Eugene, has been visiting Jacksonville.
"Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, November 15, 1894, page 3

    One man named Brown shot a man named Potts in the summer of 1852. The guilty one was tried by a jury of which David Linn, father of Fletcher Linn, of Portland, was a member. The slayer was hanged at the present site of an old Presbyterian church.
"Jacksonville Is Real Relic of the Hardy Pioneer Days," Oregonian, Portland, November 6, 1910, page 4

    David Linn, carpenter and cabinetmaker, was born October 28, 1826 near Cambridge, Guernsey County, Ohio, and there received a common school education.
    At the age of fourteen years he started to earn his own living by learning and following the carpenter's and cabinetmaker's trade. He was thus employed until 1851, when he crossed the plains to Oregon, arriving in Portland in September.
    Mr. Linn made his way up the Willamette River to Oregon City and was there employed at his trade for a short while. Next he went to Jacksonville, in the Rogue River Valley, and later to Yreka, California, where he engaged in mining for a time. In making this trip he packed his provisions on a horse and walked across the Siskiyou. In 1852 he returned to Jacksonville and for a short time engaged in the hay business.
    He was in the Big Bar encounter on the Rogue River, the first fight of any consequence with the Indians in the Rogue River Valley. Thus Mr. Linn was closely associated with the early military history of the state which had to do with the subjugation of the red race.
    After his venture in hay at Jacksonville he turned again to carpentering. He also built fanning mills for cleaning grain and rockers for the use of the miners. He likewise turned his attention to furniture manufacturing and included general contracting and building in his activities. At first Mr. Linn did all the work of his furniture factory by hand, but later operated machines by the use of horse power.
    In 1858 he returned to [his] Ohio home and purchased a saw mill, which he brought back to Jacksonville in 1860 by shipping it first to New York, thence around the Horn to San Francisco, by which point it was transferred to Scottsburg near the mouth of the Rogue River and on to Jacksonville by team. This was one of the first steam saw mills brought to Oregon, and it was an important feature in the development of the community, which drew its patronage from a wide territory. In addition to doing contracting and building throughout the valley Mr. Linn operated the saw mill and also manufactured furniture for a long period of time.
    He built all of the mills of this part of the state in his day. In later years he had a fruit drier and evaporator for handling fruits. He was also owner of a large barn, one of the diverse elements of his many-sided business affairs.
    In 1863 he obtained the subcontract for building Fort Klamath and took a saw mill to that district in order to get out the lumber. In 1869 in company with a party of others from Jacksonville and Fort Klamath he built a boat in sections which was to go on the shore of the lake. On this boat the party, undoubtedly the first white men to explore that lake, visited the island in Crater Lake.
    Mr. Linn continued in the manufacture of lumber products until his plant was destroyed by fire in 1888. He afterward conducted a furniture business and cultivated his farm until about 1888, when he retired.
    No name is more closely connected with every movement in the industrial development of Southern Oregon than that of David Linn, who was the pioneer of many enterprises that were of essential value in the growth and upbuilding of the state. In 1854 he was appointed county treasurer of Jacksonville and was elected every term thereafter until 1862. He served in the council for a long period and was for many years president of that body. During that time he had to carry the funds of the Territory and the state, following the admission of Oregon to the Union, to Salem on horseback. He also took an active part in the work of the Masonic fraternity and was one of the organizers of both the lodge and Royal Arch chapters of Masons at Jacksonville.
    Mr. Linn was married to Miss Ann Sophie Hoffman, a native of Indiana, on August 31, 1860. His wife died August 1907. His death occurred on May 16, 1912, when he was eighty-six years old.
Beulah Hurst and Beatrice H. Carstairs, "Early Oregon Cabinet Makers and Furniture Manufacturers 1836-1897," unpublished 1936 typescript bound in FERA Oregon History Manuscript Project, Oregon Historical Society, pages 13-14

son of

Jacksonville Oregon, 1856 to 1868.

    David Linn, honored pioneer, was one of the first furniture manufacturers in Oregon. He was born in Guernsey County (near Cambridge), Ohio, October 28th, 1826. At the age of fourteen he began work as a carpenter and cabinetmaker, and before he had reached the age of twenty-five was actively engaged in the contracting and building business in Ohio.
    He crossed the plains to the Dalles, Oregon, when he was a young man of twenty-six. He remained at the Dalles only a short time, then came to Oregon City, and, it is recorded, walked the entire distance, carrying his trunk on his back.
    Before settling in Oregon he made a trip into California, and for a short time operated a mining claim at Yreka. After a brief period of mining there, Mr. Linn returned to Oregon and settled permanently at Jacksonville, where he is buried.
    During his first years at Jacksonville David Linn resumed his former business of contracting and building, then added to his activities a saw and planing mill, and, later, a small furniture factory. He returned to Ohio to purchase the saw mill which was, Mr. Fletcher stated, one of the first, if not the first, [steam] saw mill in the state. This mill was a steam mill. It was brought to Oregon in 1858. Mr. Linn was instrumental, later, in building other new mills in Southern Oregon and was of material assistance in the industrial development of the state. David Linn defied hostile Indians by taking a saw mill from Jacksonville across the mountains to old Fort Klamath, and so built the fort for the government. In the old days the gayest social life in the Northwest was at Fort Klamath. The homes where the wives and young brides of the officers were brought were all constructed by Mr. Linn. David Linn married Ann Sophia Hoffman, daughter of William Hoffman, on August 31st, 1860. The Hoffman family came, originally, from Maryland, but migrated to Oregon from Indiana.
    Mr. Fletcher Linn, one of their seven children, followed the footsteps of his father in the furniture manufacturing business in Oregon. Mr. Fletcher Linn stated that the little furniture factory operated by his father, David Linn, of Jacksonville, Oregon, was never a large business, and never employed more than one or two workmen, while the planing and saw mill employed twenty-five or thirty men.
    All of the lumber that was used in the manufacture of furniture was cut and dried at the mill of David Linn. The cowhides used in making the chairs were processed in a large vat which stood on the grounds. Mr. Fletcher Linn mentioned the potash solution his father used. In the early days of the factory all of the work was done by hand, but later machines operated by horse power were used. The planing mill was destroyed by fire in the early '80s, but David Linn continued to manufacture furniture for some time afterwards. Mr. Fletcher Linn stated that his father retired from business about the time the railroads came.
    The furniture made at the factory of David Linn for the most part was crude and very durable. It consisted of rawhide chairs, spool and turn post beds, and box mattresses. The cabinetmakers were fine craftsmen, but they only executed pieces of fine furniture for special orders.
    Mr. Fletcher Linn retains at his home, 1850 S.E. Laurel St., Portland, two fine pieces of furniture made at his father's factory--a highboy and secretary. The work was done by a Mr. Lawrence, English cabinetmaker. Miss Gaston, daughter of Joseph Gaston, Oregon historian, has duplicates of this furniture.
    David Linn was closely associated with the early military life of the state, having been a soldier in the Indian wars. He was one of the first white men to explore Crater Lake and the surrounding country, and for many years held important offices in Josephine [sic] County.
    Joseph Gaston, Oregon's historian, refers to him as "pioneer, manufacturer, importer and operator of the first saw mill in the state, and widely known as the founder of mechanized industry in Oregon." His death occurred at Jacksonville, Oregon, May 16, 1912.
Beulah Hurst and Beatrice H. Carstairs, "Early Oregon Cabinet Makers and Furniture Manufacturers 1836-1897," unpublished 1936 typescript bound in FERA Oregon History Manuscript Project, Oregon Historical Society, pages 38-39

    DAVID LINN. Esteemed and respected as a pioneer of Jacksonville, David Linn is honorably entitled to representation in this biographical work. For more than thirty years he was a prominent merchant and manufacturer, running a planing mill and carpenter's shop, and dealing in furniture. He is a fine example of the self-made men of our state, honest, upright and straightforward in all of his transactions, and enjoys to the full the confidence of all who know him, be it in an industrial, business, social or fraternal way. A son of William Linn, he was born October 28, 1826, in Guernsey County, Ohio, of old Virginian stock.
    A native of Virginia, William Linn removed with his parents to Guernsey County, Ohio. When a young man he was appointed gate keeper on the Ohio National Road, and served in that position fourteen consecutive years. Accumulating some money, he purchased land, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits for a number of years. Subsequently removing to Tuscarawas County, Ohio, he lived there retired until his death, at the age of three score and ten years. He was active in politics, and was one of the leading Andrew Jackson Democrats of his day. He married Margaret Gray, who was born about 1800, and spent her fifty-five years of earthly life in Ohio. Of their family of eight children, five sons and three daughters, David, the subject of this sketch, was the oldest son, and the third child in order of birth.
    Educated in the common schools of Ohio, David Linn began to learn the carpenter's trade when eighteen years old, and served an apprenticeship with an uncle, remaining at home during the entire time. He was ingenious, and possessed considerable mechanical ability. Leaving home in 1849, he located near Elizabethtown, Ind., where he was an employee in a fanning mill manufactory for a few months. Going to Muscatine, Iowa, in the spring of 1850, he followed the same business for six months, and then went to Albany, Ill., where he found employment in putting up fanning mills and machinery. In the spring of 1851 Mr. Linn and one of his shopmates came across the plains to Oregon, bringing with them three yoke of oxen, and one cow. After a journey of six months Mr. Linn arrived in Oregon City, where he remained but two months. Going to California, he stopped for a time in Yreka, and then proceeded to the Humbug Creek, where he was engaged in mining for a few months, when he went to Yreka flats, remaining here until June, 1852.
    Returning then to Oregon, Mr. Linn became one of the original settlers of Jacksonville, and for a time carried on a remunerative business as a carpenter, erecting many of the earlier buildings in this vicinity. Embarking in business as a furniture manufacturer and dealer, in 1854, he also opened a carpenter's shop and a planing mill, and carried on a large and flourishing business until burned out, in September, 1888. Not caring then to rebuild his plant, he subsequently confined his attention to his furniture business alone, until selling that out, in August, 1903. Mr. Linn in the meantime had other interests of value that consumed a part of his time, and to which he is now specially devoted. He has a ranch of one hundred and sixty acres, twenty acres of which are already devoted to the culture of fruit, principally apples, and another orchard is in process of development. He is also a stockholder in the Jacksonville Milling and Mining Company, of which he is president and business manager. This company, which was incorporated with a paid-up capital of $10,000. is developing a large quartz mine about two miles west of Jacksonville.
    Mr. Linn married Annie Sophia Hoffman, a native of Covington, Ind., who came to Oregon with her father, William Hoffman, in 1853. Mr. Hoffman was born in Baltimore, Md., and in his early life spent a number of years in Indiana. Coming from there to Oregon with his family, he located four miles southeast of Jacksonville, where he followed farming for two years. Removing to Jacksonville in 1855, he became prominently identified with public affairs, and for about twenty-five successive years was county recorder and clerk. He died in this city in 1885, at the venerable age of four score and four years. He was active in politics, at first being a Douglas Democrat, and later becoming a staunch adherent of the Republican Party. Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Linn seven children have been born, namely: Corinne, living at home; Margaret, of Portland; William, deceased; Fletcher, president and manager of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Company, of Portland; George, a druggist of Eugene, Ore.; Mary, wife of Lewis J. Gay; and James, deceased. Politically Mr. Linn is a tried and true Democrat, and has filled many public offices of importance and responsibility. In 1854 he was appointed county treasurer of Jackson County, and served fourteen consecutive years, eight years of the time making his trips to Salem overland, on horseback, carrying from $12,000 to $14,000 in his saddlebags. He has served as councilman a number of terms, many times being president of the council, and nearly all of his active life he has been school director. Fraternally Mr. Linn belongs to Warren Lodge, No. 10, A.F.&A.M.; and to Oregon Chapter, No. 4, R.A.M.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, pages 903-904

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Jacksonville Ogn. Dec. 25 1899
Revd. T. F. Royal
Dear Sir    Yours of Nov. 27th came duly to hand--I have been rather dilatory in answering but better late than never. I will now endeavor to answer your questions so far as I can to the best of my recollection.
    I was not in Capt. Mosier's company as I recollect, but I will state that I and a man by the name of Jack Pawpaw went over to Big Applegate to spend a day with an old friend, Ned Phillips, who was mining on Big Applegate. When we arrived at his cabin about sundown, we found him in front of his cabin door dead, killed by Indians. We immediately returned to Jacksonville, and the next morning there was a company went out and buried him. I did not go with the party. This occurred about 1855-56. [Edward Phillips was killed April 15, 1854.] As to who discovered the Rogue River mines I will state that I passed through Rogue River Valley in Nov. 1851. At that time there were two men, father and son, by the name of Bills. They were located on Big Bar on Rogue River and said that they were engaged in mining for gold and I presume that they were, for later this bar proved to be very rich in gold. This Big Bar is the place where the first battle was fought with the Indians in 1852. There was quite a number of Indians killed in this battle. One white man wounded. I was in this battle and also in another battle on Evans Creek on the same day.
    The Jacksonville mines was discovered early in the spring of 1852 by James Clugage and James Pool. They were engaged in packing to the Yreka, Cal. mines. They camped near Judge Skinner's place on Bear Creek. Their mules strayed from camp and while in search of their mules one of them whilst taking a drink of water out of the gulch discovered gold in the stream. This is Rich Gulch and runs through Jacksonville.
    The Sterling mines about 8 miles south of Jacksonville was discovered by a party of men by the name of Sterling, Cantrall and several others in 1854 and the mines took their name from Mr. Sterling, one of the discoverers.
    The locators of the town of Jacksonville was James Clugage and James Pool, the discoverers of the mines. They located donation claims which took in the present town site of Jacksonville. They afterwards divided their claims, Clugage retaining the town site.
    As to the first settlers in Rogue River Valley I would state that about the 1st of Nov. 1851 I with four others going to California crossed Rogue River at Perkins' ferry, located on Rogue River about one mile south of the city of Grants Pass. There was four or five men living there. They had their house stockaded so as to defend themselves against the attack of Indians. This was the only location in this county, but sometime in November 1851 Judge Skinner, the first Indian agent, located on Bear Creek about 7 miles north of Jacksonville. At Skinner's place is where Clugage and Pool camped when their mules strayed and led to the discovery of the Jacksonville mines. After the discovery of the mines in Jan. 1852 the country settled very rapidly. And it is hard to tell who the locators were, but I will mention a few. Major Barron at the old Mountain House at the foot of the Siskiyou Mountains--Pat Dunn, J. C. Tolman, E. Emery, Capt Thomas Smith, Martin Angel all located early in 1852 on ranches.
    The first sawmill was located on Ashland Creek. It was built by E. Emery & Helman. The first flouring mill was also located on Ashland Creek and is still in operation. Joseph Smith was the first preacher in Jacksonville.
    The date of Capt. Stuart's death I cannot give.
    Hoping that you can gather some information from this rambling statement
I am as ever yours sincerely
    D. Linn
P.S. With kindest regards to yourself and lady.
Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS 161 folder 3

Its "First Discovery" Attributed to Men Named Bills.

Correspondence of Ashland Tidings.
    It has been published and republished, iterated and reiterated some thousands of times, that James Clugage and James Pool in passing through the valley, from the Willamette to California, in the fall of 1851, camped on Rich Gulch, within the present corporate limits of Jacksonville, and that while in camp Mr. Pool did some prospecting with a pan and made the discovery. Nobody disputes the prospecting by Mr. Pool, or the finding of gold, but was this the first discovery in Southern Oregon? The purpose of this paper is to show that it was not.
    Mr. David Linn, who has lived in Jacksonville since early in the spring of 1852, and whose word is as good as his bond, says he left Oregon City in the fall of 1851 in company with Wesley McGanigal, a man with whom he had just crossed the plains. They walked from Oregon City to Salem, and bought their outfit and two ponies. They packed the ponies and started on foot for California. Arriving at Canyonville, they found the town to consist of one log cabin, and no modern adjunct in the shape of a real estate agent to boom the prospects of the place and offer corner lots at bankrupt prices. The two men stopped here a short time for reinforcements, as it was considered dangerous for so small a party to travel through the Rogue River country. The next day after their arrival a party of three men came along, going to California, and together the five pursued their journey south, leaving Canyonville the morning of October 23, 1851. Mr. Linn remembers the date distinctly on account of it being his birthday. The party went through the Canyon in a day, and camped at Hardy Elliff's. Judge Skinner and party were there on their way to Rogue River, where Mr. Skinner was to take up his residence as Indian agent. The five men continued their journey on the 29th, leaving the Skinner party, who had ox teams, which would travel too slow for the packers.
    On the 1st or 2nd day of November the party arrived at Perkins' ferry, on Rogue River. There were three or four men at the ferry, and they had built a stockade to protect themselves against the Indians. They advised the party not to cross the river until reinforced, as the Indians were hostile and had killed a number of persons up in the valley a few days before. The party, however, crossed the river, and went about two miles and camped for the night in a secluded bend in the river. The next morning, after starting out, they met a man on horseback, whom McGanigal recognized as an old schoolmate by the name of Bills. After greeting each other, Bills requested us to camp about a half mile south of the rocky point, a noted place for Indians to attack travelers, and that he would return in the evening, as he was only going to Perkins' ferry for some boards to cover his cabin. About sundown Bills returned, and McGanigal went with him up the river to Big Bar, and there found young Bills' father. They were engaged in mining, and had apparently been there for some time.
    When McGanigal returned to camp he was greatly excited. He said there were thousands of Indians up there, but that young Bills and his father told him the Indians would not disturb the party, and that they could pursue their journey in safety. In passing up through the valley, the only evidence of civilization met was a log enclosure, four or five logs high at the back and one log in front, the sides tapering from the back to the front and forming a sort of scoop-shaped camp, without covering. There were some blankets and other things in the camp, indicating that someone was stopping there, but the party saw no one. This was at the Willow Springs. When the party arrived near where the flouring mill ditch crosses the county road above Phoenix, they came across three packers who had been killed by the Indians and thrown together, and the flour sacks cut open and the flour poured over them. As assured by the two Bills, the five reached Yreka without being molested.
    Your correspondent expects this statement to call out a strong protest, if not a vigorous attack, because when an idea concerning any important matter or event becomes crystallized in the public mind, it becomes a sort of cherished memory, and if the idol is shattered or its foundations shaken, somebody is sure to kick.
Oregonian, Portland, January 19, 1900, page 6

    RETURNED.--M. R. Fletcher, Jas. Herd and a number of citizens, who have been employed on the government works at Ft. Klamath, have returned this week, having completed the work.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 24, 1864, page 2

    BREAKWATER.--Mr. David Linn and Squire Hoffman are building a breakwater on the other side of Jackson Creek, for the protection of their respective premises.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 23, 1867, page 3

    David Linn also is running on his Democracy; well, it is a few shades better than that of some black Republicans we could name. Dave was before a Republican convention only once that we know of; he came very new getting the nomination for Treasurer in 1862, and as the office was his second nature--he had had it so long--he jumped on the other side of the fence in time to get it from the Democrats in 1864. Dave must have the office by all means--it was made on purpose for him, and the Democrats think no German understands figures well enough to fill it. Dave voted for the Republican candidate for State Treasurer in 1862. Tolerable good Democrat, but he keeps his Democracy locked up in the Treasury safe.
"Representatives of Democracy," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 8, 1869, page 2

    GOOD HUNTING.--Mr. David Linn of this place killed three deer on Wednesday on the island at the mouth of Bear Creek. He was out hunting for timber and happened to have his rifle with him.

Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 11, 1869, page 3

    The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the name of Linn and Hall, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due said firm are to be paid to David Linn, who will pay all liabilities against said firm.
Jacksonville, Oregon, May 12, 1871.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 10, 1871, page 2

    "Has Klippel not been looked upon for the last ten years as a petty thief?" --Democratic Review.
    I deprecate as much as any man possibly can the idea of thrusting my personal quarrels upon the attention of the public, but the attack made in the lines quoted above must not pass unanswered. I  have lived in this county from my boyhood--almost for the last twenty years--and my whole personal and political record is well known to the people of this county. If this man Turner, the vile file-thief and forger, who edits the Review, were the only man interested in this slander, I should allow the attack to pass unnoticed. He has been proven to be a vile wretch, beneath any honest man's contempt.
    D. Linn, Wm. Jackson and J. W. Crutcher, the publishers of the Review, pretend, however, to have some standing in this community, and it is to them I direct my attention. When these men suffered this attack [to be] published in their paper, they knew they were publishing a willful and deliberate lie, and I brand them as contemptible liars, slanderers and scoundrels, unfit to hold companionship with decent men.
    On election day, this man Linn, with his fitting companion Turner, forged a document for circulation, knowing that they thereby not only circulated a lie in reference to myself, but committed a forgery in order to do so; they have now perpetrated a base lie in addition to that, in reference to my personal character. And now I would inquire who this man Linn is? It has been but a few years since this same infamous liar who assumes to be a censor of the morals of this town was so infatuated with a common courtesan that she was accustomed to visit his place of business in the daytime, and he had not the moral courage to keep her away, although the late John S. Love and myself remonstrated with the lowdown dog, in order to induce him to drive her off for his own sake. This contemptible slanderer who, through the pen of Turner, libels citizens in his dirty sheet as petty thieves, was charged by his former partner, Burpee, with robbing him, and the charge has never been cleared up. One thing is certainly well known by everybody--David Linn never had a partner who did not leave the firm broke.
    Now as to the man Jackson. He is about as sweet a duck to discuss the morals of his neighbors as is his friend Turner. Some four years ago he was a schoolteacher in Eola, Polk County. He boarded at the house of a man named Beckett, who had a daughter--Mary--fifteen years old attending his school. This moral youth, while a guest of her father, seduced his pupil, a young inexperienced schoolgirl, and on discovering that the crime would soon be apparent, fled to Portland, and on the advice of his brother got a lot of dentist tools and started for Southern Oregon. The illicit offspring of this seduction is now about four years old.
    As to Crutcher, I have nothing to say. He is the cipher in the concern, representing, probably, some richer and better-known man, who is too cowardly to allow his name to appear in the columns of the paper.
    Again I express my regret to the public that I am compelled to allude to these men in this manner, but through the petty thief, Turner--a man charged by James B. Requa with the contemptible offense of stealing hand-saw files--they have made the Review a vehicle for the foulest and most infamous slanders and filthiest abuse against every man who differs from them in political opinion. I have simply exposed some of the vices of which they have been guilty, while branding them again as malicious, contemptible and dirty liars and scoundrels.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 15, 1872, page 2

    David Linn has finished the erection of a neat and substantial balcony around the Masonic building, which makes a first-class appearance. Carter & Sons are now completing the painting of the structure.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 21, 1876, page 1

    Buy a Singer. David Linn is agent.
"Random Jottings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 14, 1877, page 3

    Herman v. Helms will erect a fine residence on the site of his present one. David Linn is the architect and will commence operations at once.
"Brief Mention" Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1878, page 3

    Sebastian Schumpf is now employed at the cabinet shop of David Linn.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 15, 1879, page 3

    Mr. David Linn has commenced the work of covering G. W. Holt's new hotel. The contract will be completed in about two weeks.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 3, 1879, page 3

    The contract for building the new town hall and calaboose was let on Monday last to David Linn at $1,995. The contract calls for [a] one-story brick building, 23 by 36, with calaboose and truck house in rear, and includes paint and finish, the contractor to furnish everything, except the brick, which are on the ground.
"The New 'Boom'," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 25, 1880, page 3

    The walls of the new city hall are beginning to loom up. Geo. W. Holt is doing the brick work and David Linn superintends the balance.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 27, 1880, page 3

    We are yet on California Street and walk east a few blocks, when we come to the nice new church edifice being built by the Presbyterians of Jacksonville for them to worship in; it is quite a model of architectural beauty, and for finish we think has no superior in the state. It is of two stories in height with a beautiful belfry. The bell, we learn, costing in San Francisco $500, is of fine manufacture with a splendid tone; on a clear morning we think the ringing of the bell can be heard six or seven miles. David Linn, the builder, has done a remarkably good job in the erection of the church, and we must say it is a credit to our town to have such an edifice. We learn when finished the church will cost in the neighborhood of $5,000. . . .
    . . . we return along Oregon Street until we come to our new town hall, now in course of erection; when completed it will make a neat and very creditable appearance. It is of brick, one story in height, having a frontage of 25 feet on Main Street and running back on Oregon Street 75 feet, with an "L" in the rear, the building nearly covering the plot of ground owned by the town, and is divided as follows: Truck room in the rear; adjoining is the calaboose of two cells, solidly constructed. We would rather not be confined therein--that is for any length of time. The front portion will be used by the Trustees for their meetings, the Recorder also having his office there. When finished, not including the lot, [it] will cost $2,500, builder David Linn.
"Jacksonville Improvements for One Year," Oregon Sentinel, November 24, 1880, page 1

    Christmas eve was the scene of a very pleasant social party at the residence of Mr. David Linn, which lasted till nearly midnight. More social parties and fewer public dances would be a desirable and agreeable departure.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 29, 1880, page 3

    David Linn has just finished adding an upper story to his residence. The improvement sets off the structure handsomely.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 14, 1881, page 3

    Operations on John Orth's brick residence will soon be commenced. Several wooden buildings have already been moved to make room for it. D. Linn will do the carpentering and G. W. Holt the brickwork.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1881, page 3

    Geo. H. Young is doing the mason work on the foundation of John Orth's new building. The structure will soon assume proportions under the superintendence of David Linn, contractor.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 18, 1881, page 3

    The balcony of the U.S. Hotel, fronting California Street, has just been furnished with a beautiful set of banisters, turned out in David Linn's establishment.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 2, 1881, page 3

    David Linn says that the next man that calls on him for his fishing pole might as well leave his measure for a coffin. He keeps both articles on hand, and Dave says he is over average on making coffins.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 17, 1881, page 3

    ACCIDENT.--While at work in David Linn's carpenter shop last week Chris Ulrich had two of his fingers badly cut by a circular saw at which he was employed. Chris is doing well, however, under the care of Dr. Kahler, and it is hoped that he will save all of his digits.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 3, 1881, page 3

    D. Linn, of the Jacksonville furniture ware rooms, has a fine assortment of goods in his line on hand and more on the way. He keeps the best stock of furniture in Southern Oregon.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 16, 1881, page 3

    David Linn has secured the contract for building a new two-story house for the Sisters of this place, their present quarters being too small. The building is to be finished this season.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 18, 1882, page 3

    Jas. Stewart had a narrow escape from having his nose taken off off one day last week by one of the belts in the machine shop of David Linn, but fortunately no serious consequences resulted.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April l7, 1882, page 3

    The new building now being constructed for the Sisters by D. Linn will be one of the handsomest in  Southern Oregon. It is being hurried toward completion and will probably be ready when the fall term of school opens. The Sisters well merit the prosperity that attends them.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 23, 1882, page 3

    David Linn, born in Guernsey County, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1826, and emigrated from Ills. and arrived in Ogn. in Sept. 1851. Cabinet maker.
"Southern Oregon Pioneers," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 8, 1882, page 3

    The Sisters' new building has been finished and can surely be called an ornament to the town. David Linn done the carpenter work, Carter Bros. the painting and Wm. Huggins the plastering. The latter is an artist in his line, and the plastering in this building will compare favorably with any to be found in the state.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 16, 1882, page 3

    David Linn started for Eugene City last Saturday to visit his brother-in-law--Judge Fitch--who is still quite sick.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 23, 1882, page 3

    David Linn and his daughter, Miss Maggie, are expected back from Eugene City in a few days. Mr. Fitch's condition has improved since last week, and his chances of recovery are favorable.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 30, 1882, page 3

    David Linn will take a trip to San Francisco soon on a business visit, and while there he will also make arrangements for securing an engine for our fire department, the Board of Trustees having given him authority in the matter at their last meeting.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 5, 1883, page 3

    David Linn, accompanied by his daughter Cora, left for San Francisco on Thursday's stage. Mr. Linn will purchase a fire engine while he is below.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 12, 1883, page 3

    We are very sorry to learn of an accident which befell Mr. Linn while on his way to San Francisco. He and his daughter Cora occupied the outside seat, and while the stage was going through Strawberry Valley one of the wheels struck some obstruction in the road, and Mr. Linn was thrown from his seat to the ground. The stage passed over his feet, inflicting very painful injuries upon both, and especially the right one. He was placed on the inside, propped up with pillows and continued his journey. The injury, though quite severe, is much less serious than would ordinarily be the result of such a fall. Good fortune seems to have favored him to that extent, at least.

"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1883, page 3

    David Linn has nearly recovered from the injuries received in getting thrown from the stage while on his way to San Francisco.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 9, 1883, page 3

    While below recently David Linn purchased a large stock of all kinds of furniture, burial caskets, etc., and the freight is arriving daily.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 16, 1883, page 3

    FIRE.--The roof of David Linn's cabinet shop caught fire this week but was discovered and extinguished before any serious damage was done. It was a very narrow escape, however, as a strong wind was blowing at the time, and once under headway it would have kept our new fire company busy in putting it out.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 16, 1883, page 3

    The real estate office of A. L. Johnson is being neatly fitted up. A new secretary, the work of James Lawrence at David Linn's furniture establishment, was added this week.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 14, 1883, page 3

    D. Linn has a first-class upholsterer at work at his furniture establishment.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 3, 1883, page 3

    The roof of D. Linn's engine room caught fire from a spark from the smokestack last week, but the blaze was soon extinguished.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 5, 1883, page 3

    PROGRESSING.--The wooden pipe for carrying water to the fire cisterns has nearly all been completed by David Linn, and the work of laying it will soon begin. The Board of Trustees met last evening for the purpose of making arrangements for the digging of cisterns, and it will not be long before our fire department is complete. No date has yet been set for the transfer of the engine to the fire company.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1883, page 3

    A young man whose name we failed to learn was found lying in the road north of town last Sunday suffering with bleeding at the lungs and apparently in a very critical condition. David Linn secured contributions for paying his stage fare to Yreka, where he said he had relatives living.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 22, 1883, page 3

    DAVID LINN: lives in Jacksonville; is a contractor and furniture manufacturer; was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, October 28, 1826; came to state in 1851 and to county in 1852; married Anna S. Hoffman August 30, 1860. Children Corinne, Maggie, William, Fletcher, George, Mary and James.
A. G. Walling, History of Southern Oregon, 1884, page 505

    A new hearse has been ordered for David Linn's undertaking establishment.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 5, 1884, page 3

    On Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 p.m. another alarm was sounded when the roof of the engine house connected with David Linn's furniture establishment was found to be on fire. The prompt arrival of assistance held the fire in check until the fire boys got water on the building, and the damage amounts to very little. It was a very narrow escape, however, and had the fire had five minutes more start it would have made it interesting for the boys while trying to put it out.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 9, 1884, page 3

    NEW HEARSE.--David Linn, Jacksonville's energetic undertaker and furniture dealer, on Wednesday received from the Pacific Manufacturing Co. of San Francisco the finest hearse ever brought to this section. Lack of space prevents us from fully describing this handsome wagon, but to say the least Mr. Linn has shown a great deal of enterprise in bringing such an expensive one to this county, the cost of which will almost reach $1,000. He will also procure a fine team and set of harness for the same.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1884, page 3

    The O. & C. Stage Co. recently settled with David Linn for injuries received some time since by the upsetting of one of their stages. The amount received was $600.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 17, 1885, page 3

    DULL TIMES.--We never knew that it was so dull in Jacksonville till David Linn told us the other day that he has averaged selling seven coffins during the month of February for a number of years past, and in that month this year he only sold two--and one of them was for a non-resident. He says if this is not an indication of hard times he is no judge.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 21, 1885, page 3

    Mrs. N. J. Fitch of Eugene City is here on a visit to her brother, David Linn.
"Local Items,"
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 9, 1885, page 3

    David Linn keeps his stock up in the furniture line, and there is no place in the county where a better assortment can be had.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 8, 1885, page 3

    Our pioneer furniture dealer, David Linn, has been doing a rushing business of late selling furniture outfits to newcomers who have recently located in different parts of the valley. All talk about Jacksonville merchants being unable to compete with stores on the railroad is disproven by the fact that lots of people cross the railroad track to come here to do their trading..
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 29, 1885, page 3

    David Linn has completed the work on the schoolhouse, and it is now ready for the commencement of school.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1885, page 3

    Many handsome pieces of marble work have lately been put up in the Jacksonville cemetery. The lots of Mr. Beekman, and Mr. Linn, have been enclosed with substantial stone coping ornamented with marble urns and vases, much improving the appearance of that part of the cemetery. In the town cemetery a very elegant monument has been erected over the grave of Rowland Hall. The material is Rutland marble, and the style is massive and beautiful. The Bybee lot has also been enclosed with a stone coping and a magnificent family monument placed in position. The material is Rutland marble of a light shade; upon a double sandstone base is a massive pillar of the marble surmounted by a tapering column, upon which is an urn of oriental design, half draped. The marble is susceptible of a very high polish, and the finish is fern fronds and ivy, wrought in tracery. The six grave markers are of the dark marble upon a base of pure white marble. The most exquisite little piece of marble work marks the grave of Mr. Whipp's little daughter; it is a tiny cabinet with marble coping. The front is a scroll with rustic lettering; across the stone is a wreath of ivy and immortelles and above it is a dove in flight. The design is a rare combination of art and genius that cannot be excelled on this coast. The work has all been executed at the marble works of J. C. Whipp in Jacksonville.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 4, 1886, page 3

Twenty Thousand Dollars Worth of Property Destroyed.

    At about 3:30 o'clock on Tuesday morning the town was roused by the ringing of the fire bell, and the mountainsides were illuminated by the flames blazing through the roof of David Linn's planing mill and furniture warehouse on the northeast corner [sic--it was on the northwest corner] of Oregon and California streets. Such was the inflammable character of the building and contents that the whole structure was ablaze before a stream of water could be brought to bear upon it. Somewhat of a panic was imminent for a few moments, but the fire engine and hooks and ladders were soon on the scene and did efficient service in protecting the more valuable property in the vicinity and saving the business portion of the town. Newman Fisher's residence in the rear of the planing mill, occupied by Jos. Solomon, was on fire before the flames had gained full headway in the furniture store, and as there was no means at hand of saving it, it being in such close proximity to the fire, it was abandoned and part of the household goods were removed by the occupants and bystanders. W. J. Plymale's residence on the north side of the furniture store shared a like fate, the family escaping with what clothing they had on their backs and the loose furniture in the front rooms. So sudden was the disaster that a number of Mr. Plymale's children saved only their nightclothes and were given shelter by the neighbors. About 30 cords of wood was stacked between Plymale's dwelling and the burning building, and it was soon ablaze, affording no protection to the former. A high pile of wood corded between the dwelling and the Excelsior livery stable enabled the citizens to save the latter, although it was repeatedly in danger. The buildings in the rear of the burning dwelling houses were saved by dint of hard work at the critical time, and the progress of the flames arrested in that neighborhood. Within ten minutes of the first alarm the fire had communicated to the frame rookeries on the south side of California Street in the rear of Solomon's store, and the most strenuous efforts were necessary to save Orth's brick block and the adjoining buildings. It being apparent at once that water would be wasted on the burning tinderboxes; a portion of them were torn down and all burned to the ground. The roof and upper story of G. Karewski's brick and stone warehouse, back of Orth's block, were burned out, but fortunately he had a brick upper floor in the building, and the contents of the lower story were comparatively uninjured. The fireproof character of Solomon's store building was fully demonstrated, as the flames were raging against the rear wall fully half an hour before being extinguished, without raising the temperature inside. The roof of Orth's block was partially turned off, and but for carrying the hose up through the hallway and operating it from the roof it would undoubtedly have gone up in the holocaust. The wind at first was from the north, but soon shifted to the southwest, and a shower of sparks and cinders was carried over the lower portion of town as far as two blocks beyond the court house. Constant care was exercised to keep other fires from starting. On several occasions the roof of Fisher's store was on fire, but men with buckets saved it. The dry weed patches and litter in many back yards were watched closely, as fires were frequently kindled by the sparks in such locations. Three or four incipient conflagrations were nipped in the bud by passersby in the rear of the Times office, and the report was started of incendiarism in that quarter. The unoccupied dwelling house belonging to D. Linn, in the rear of Fisher's store, was on fire several times from flying cinders. There was little wind stirring, or the whole of the north side of California Street to the U.S. Hotel would have burned. A desperate effort was necessary to save the small building filled with coal oil in the rear of Newman Fisher's residence as, if it had ignited and exploded, the Excelsior stables and a number of residences and business houses would inevitably have been burned.
    A review of the attending circumstances leads to but one conclusion. The fire at the planing mill was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary. The engine and machinery had been thoroughly cleaned after use on Monday, and there were no combustibles near the firebox. A careful inspection of the premises was made by Mr. Linn after 10 o'clock on the previous evening, and not the slightest trace of fire was discovered. His usual practice was to go through the building before going home for the night. Several responsible parties passed the building after midnight, among them Deputy Sheriff Deneff, and no signs of fire were then visible. Parties who were astir in the neighborhood half an hour before the alarm was given noticed nothing suspicious. Ed. Helms was awakened by his dog barking at someone running at full speed up Oregon Street and away from the fire, and, looking out to see the cause of his haste, was one of the first to observe the flames and sound the alarm. The suspicion is verified by the fact that on two former occasions attempts had been made to fire the building, the last some two years ago, when a miscreant placed a lighted candle among a lot of green shavings in the planing mill, and only the discovery of the light before the candle quite burned out prevented a conflagration at that time. Had the shavings been dry the house would have burned then.
    The principal damage falls on Mr. Linn, who computes his individual loss at nearly or quite $8000. He carried no insurance, and had recently put a new engine in his machine shop and received a large invoice of new furniture and caskets some weeks ago. His stock alone amounted to nearly $5000, besides a quantity of clear sugar pine lumber and many cords of wood. Newman Fisher's loss on his dwelling house and furniture amounts to about $1200, on which there was no insurance. W. J. Plymale carried no insurance and loses all of his household goods, except a portion of his furniture, a loss not to be estimated in dollars and cents, as his family are homeless for the time being. His damage will not fall short of $1500. The cluster of mining-time shanties in the rear of Orth's building and Solomon's store were owned by various parties, and there was no insurance on them. Max Muller and Jos. Solomon owned three of them, including one of the buildings occupied as a wash house by Lim Wang. C. W. Kahler owned the wash house formerly occupied by Wong Goon, and haunted by his spirit since his death, as the celestials think. The Thomas Chavner estate owned the four small buildings next to Chinatown. The aggregate valuation of these small buildings was not much in excess of $1000. The damage to Karewski's machinery warehouse amounts to something like $500, while John Orth estimates the damages to his brick block at probably $1000, which is fully insured in the Farmer's Insurance Company of Albany. A. H. Maegly loses $40 or $50 on machinery stored in Karewski's warehouse. Jos. Solomon puts his loss at about $1000, including household effects and clothing, and a quantity of goods stored in one of the Chavner buildings. He mourns the loss of a gold watch costing $170, which was lying on the bureau in his bedroom when the fire broke out. It was either consumed in the flames or stolen. Several parties lost some clothing in Lim Wang's laundry, the proprietor of which is a small loser. The total loss of the fire is estimated at between $15,000 and $20,000. The insurance is quite small, the rate on the property being so high as to be almost prohibitive. Much credit is due the fire company and the many who labored so hard and efficiently to check the ravages of the fire. But for them a much more serious calamity would have befallen Jacksonville.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 13, 1888, page 3

    K. Kubli, Jr., Evan Reames, Fletcher and George Linn are spending a brief vacation at home. They will return to Eugene during the coming week.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1890, page 3

    T. J. Kenney has rented David Linn's store, until lately filled with furniture, and will remove his stock of goods into it soon.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1890, page 3

    D. Linn has moved his stock of furniture to Orth's building.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 22, 1890, page 3

    Fletcher Linn, formerly a resident of Jacksonville, but now a prominent business man of Eugene, was united in matrimony to Miss Sawyer, a popular and accomplished young lady of the same city, last Wednesday evening. They have a large number of friends, all of whom wish them a prosperous and happy journey upon the sea of time.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1892, page 3

HOFFMAN--In Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1900, Mrs. Caroline Barbara Hoffman, aged 86 years, 9 months and 12 days.
    There were present at her bedside the following children: Mrs. Mary Vining, Ashland, Mrs. C. C. Beekman, Jacksonville, Mrs. D. Linn, Jacksonville, Mrs. Geo. B. Dorris, Eugene, Mrs. J. C. Whipp, Jacksonville, Miss Kate Hoffman, Jacksonville. The funeral took place at Jacksonville Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Hoffman was a highly esteemed pioneer lady of Jackson County, coming here with her husband, the late Wm. Hoffman, in 1853. She has raised a family of children who live in the high esteem of all.
Valley Record, Ashland, September 13, 1900, page 3

Will Boom Things.
    The Iowa Lumber Co., who bought the Beekman-Linn timber land three miles back of Jacksonville, will erect two saw mills with 60,000 feet per day capacity, extend the branch railroad and put in a box factory, so manager Williams reports.
Valley Record, Ashland, July 3, 1902, page 2

Lumbering at Jacksonville.
    J. N. Williams, general manager of the Iowa Lumber Company, who recently put up a sawmill on the tract of timber which his company bought a few months since from Beekman & Reames and David Linn, near Jacksonville, reports that the sawmill is now in operation and that a goodly amount of lumber is now on the yard, much of which is being used in the construction of buildings for the company's use. It is the intention of the company, Mr. Williams states, to build a tramway from the mill to connect with the Medford-Jacksonville shortline at Jacksonville.
Valley Record, Ashland, October 16, 1902, page 1

Pioneer Passes Away.
    David Linn, an old and highly respected resident of this city, died at his home on Oregon Street Thursday afternoon.
    Mr. Linn was one of the pioneers of Southern Oregon and was prominent in the affairs of county and state for many years. He was aged 85 years, 6 months.
    Funeral will be held Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, of which fraternity he was a member. Interment in the cemetery at this place.
Jacksonville Post, May 18, 1912, page 3

David Linn, Pioneer Furniture Man, Passes Away at Jacksonville

    Medford, May 17.--David Linn, a pioneer of Jackson County and resident of Southern Oregon since the early '50s, died at his home in Jacksonville this morning. He was 85 years old, and is survived by four children. Mr. Linn was born in Ohio, October 28, 1826, and came west with the first gold-seekers during the excitement in California. He was a pioneer merchant of the Rogue River Valley, for years conducting a furniture store at Jacksonville.
    David Linn was one of the best known of Southern Oregon pioneers, and his acquaintance was not confined to that part of the state. During his many years of business activity he frequently visited this city, where he had a wide business acquaintance. He was the father of G. D. Linn, well-known Eugene druggist, and Fletcher Linn, of the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Company of Portland.
Eugene Daily Guard, Eugene, Oregon, May 18, 1912, page 5

    The funeral of David Linn, pioneer, will be held at the late residence at Jacksonville, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Warren Lodge No. 10 A.F. and A.M. will conduct the services at the grave.
    Mr. Linn was a pioneer in chapter Masonry in Jackson County, and a large number of R.A. Masons are planning to attend the funeral.
    All the children of the deceased will be at the funeral. They are: Fletcher Linn, president of the Oregon Furniture Company of Portland; David Linn, a druggist of Eugene; Margaret Linn of Los Angeles; Mrs. L. J. Gay of Seattle, and Miss Cora Linn of Jacksonville.
Medford Mail Tribune, May 18, 1912, page 2

Residence Taken Up in Portland in 1861 after Journey Here with Corbetts.

    Miss Mary Hawkins, an early resident of Portland, well known to the older residents of the city, died Sunday night at the Nortonia Hotel. She was in her 81st year, having been born October 17, 1840, at Attica, Ind. She had lived in Portland since 1861.
    Miss Hawkins was the daughter of William Hawkins and Henrietta Hoffman Hawkins and was the second born of eight children, all of whom died in infancy, excepting Mary Ruth.
    Her father was a merchant, who, before coming to Attica, had conducted his business at Keithsburg, Ill. Her mother was one of the organizers of the First Presbyterian Church of Attica, founded January 30, 1843.
    The mother died when Mary was 9 years old and the father when she was 14 years of age, all the family of ten, with the exception of Mary Ruth, having passed away in the space of 14 years.
    Shortly after the death of her mother Miss Hawkins was taken to live with her father's sister in Indianapolis, where she remained until 1861, when in the company of ex-Senator and Mrs. Henry W. Corbett she came to Oregon to live with her uncle an aunt, Dr. Henry McKinnell and wife, who had just completed their dwelling at [the] southwest corner of Fourth and Main streets, where it still stands.
    Upon the death of Mrs. McKinnell, Dr. McKinnell and Miss Hawkins traveled much, and after the death of Mr. McKinnell Miss Hawkins spent much of her time in travel throughout the United States and Europe. She was one of the first members of the First Baptist Church of Portland and was one of the oldest living members, if not the oldest.
    Having devoted her life, up to the time of her death, to her uncle and aunt, she, having never married, inherited their estate, which she has devoted largely to charities.
    Mrs. C. C. Beekman of Jacksonville, Or.; Mrs. George H. Dorris of Eugene, Or., and the late Mrs. David Linn of Jacksonville were first cousins of the deceased.
    The funeral services will be held at First Baptist Church, Twelfth and Taylor streets, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and friends are invited to attend. The burial will be at the McKinnell plot at Riverview Cemetery, where the services will be private.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, November 30, 1920, page 6

    "Jacksonville, the romantic city of once-upon-a-time, famed for its gold and pretty girls, was the birthplace of Fletcher Linn," wrote David Hazen in his birthday account in Tuesday's Oregonian of Fletcher Linn, born in Jacksonville, Ore., in 1866.
    "His father owned a furniture manufacturing plant there, operated his own planing mill and was a contractor on a large scale for pioneer days. Fletcher was born in the Oregon mining town November 10, 1866. He attended the schools of his native city, going to the University of Oregon in 1886. Mr. Linn graduated from the university a bachelor of arts in 1890. He then went into the furniture business in Eugene, making that city his home for six years, being a member of the town council 1892-94. In June, 1896, he moved to Portland to make his future home. He became identified with the Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Company here, becoming an officer in 1902, and later was president and manager. In 1911 the concern sold to the Carman Manufacturing Company, but the plant is now owned by B. P. John.
    "About 1906 Mr. Linn helped organize the Oregon Chair Company and soon afterwards aided in forming two other manufacturing plants connected with the furniture industry. He also assisted in reorganizing the Kaola company here, which was sold to the Palmolive company. In 1913 the ex-Jacksonviller raised funds to build the Beaver Portland Cement company's largest plant at Gold Hill, Ore. He was president and a director of the company. The plant was closed during the war, but Mr. Linn revived it, later selling controlling interest to the present proprietors. Following this he did fine work in financing a number of manufacturing concerns in and near Portland, including the Oregon Worsted, the Armstrong Manufacturing and the Church Manufacturing companies. He also greatly aided the infant loganberry industry in the Willamette Valley.
    "Mr. Linn helped finance the Pacific Coast Linen Mills at Vancouver, Wash. He is vice-president and a director of this concern. For 20 years Mr. Linn was a trustee of Albany College, retiring last June. He served for years as a director of the local Y.M.C.A. and the old Portland chamber of commerce. He was president of the Manufacturers' Association here for a time. He is an elder of the First Presbyterian Church, having been an officer in that congregation for 30 years. Mr. Linn wed Miss Louise M. Sawyers, February 3, 1892. Mrs. Linn was born in Sioux City, Iowa."
Medford Mail Tribune, November 13, 1931, page 5

    President and Manager, Pacific Coast Linen Mills,
    Vancouver, Wash.
b. Jacksonville, Oregon, November 10, 1866; educ., University of Oregon, B.A. 1890; M.A., 1892. Married Louise M. Sawyers, February 3, 1892. President and manager, Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Portland, 1902-1911. President and manager, Beaver Portland Cement Co., 1915-1918. President and manager, Pacific Coast Linen Mills, since 1934. President Oregon Manufacturers Assn. 1903-1907. Director Portland Y.M.C.A. 1903-1913. Member Oregon Flax and Linen Board, 1935. City Councilman, Eugene, Oregon, 1892-94. Trustee, Albany College, 1913-30. Many years active with organization of Oregon Industries. Director Portland Chamber Commerce 1909. Republican. Presbyterian. Officer First Presbyterian, Portland, 33 years. Home: 1830 S.W. Laurel Street, Portland. Office: Pacific Coast Linen Mills, Vancouver, Wash.
Capitol's Who's Who for Oregon 1936-37, page 339

Last revised May 30, 2024