Logan Johnson Notes on A. L. Johnson, Medford's first real estate
agent, banker, Western Union agent--and con man?*
![]() "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 18, 1881, page 3 Prof. A. L. Johnson, the lecturer on the decay of the Chinese empire, has received and accepted an invitation to deliver the Fourth of July oration at Eagle Point. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 25, 1881, page 3 The real estate office of A. L. Johnson is being neatly fitted up. A new secretary, the work of James Lawrence at David Linn's furniture establishment, was added this week. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 14, 1883, page 3 ![]() August 1883 West Shore "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1883, page 3 PEREMPTORY SALE.--A. L. Johnson, auctioneer, will sell at public auction, on Saturday, Nov. 10th, a pair buggy horses, a pair team horses, two wagons, three sets of harness, one two-seated spring hack, one large tent, two cook stoves, and a miscellaneous lot of household furniture. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 3, 1883, page 3 A. L. Johnson, auctioneer, desires us to give notice that there will be no auction on Saturday, as the goods have been sold at private sale. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 16, 1883, page 3 A. L. Johnson will put up a branch land office at Medford. "Here
and There," Democratic
Times, Jacksonville, December 28, 1883, page 3
![]() Only
a year and a half has elapsed since A. L. Johnson associated himself
with James A. Cardwell, to engage in the real estate business under the
firm name of Cardwell & Johnson. This firm entered vigorously on
the prosecution of their enterprise and published a journal setting
forth the advantages and resources of Southern Oregon, which they
distributed throughout the states of the nation. But six months later
the firm dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Cardwell, the senior member,
retiring, leaving the business in the hands of Mr. Johnson. Up to this
time the business outlook was very inauspicious. It had been a
continual outlay of money and labor, while the receipts amounted,
comparatively, to nothing. A person of less business foresight, pluck
and energy than the present proprietor of the business would have
abandoned the enterprise in disgust. But Mr. Johnson saw that success
could only be gained by such an elaborate system of advertising and
writing for the public press as would bring this country fairly before
the people of the world. To this end he devoted all his energies and
spared neither money nor labor to reach the desired object. Some idea
of the magnitude of the labor performed may be gained from the fact
that during the past eighteen months he has written over 2,000 letters
in answer to inquiries concerning this country, besides hundreds of
articles descriptive of this country for publications in the United
States and Europe. Stimulated by the accuracy of his descriptions and
the impress of truth which his writings bear, parties have come from
Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and England and purchased lands in
this and adjoining counties. During the year just closed over 700
persons have called at his office, where they have been afforded every
facility for gaining a correct knowledge of this country. During the
same time he has, without charge, conveyed over two hundred persons to
lands placed in his hands for sale. It is a fact worthy of note that
the best sales made in this county have been negotiated through his
office, and in every instance with satisfaction to both buyer and
seller. He has done more to lift the veil of obscurity from this
country than anyone else. Over 1,000 persons have been added to our
population during the year just closed, creating a home market for
merchants and producers for $100,000 worth of family supplies. This is
only one of the many desirable results achieved which may be
attributable to the untiring zeal and energy of Mr. J. in the
management of his business.
His office, being clean and commodious, is supplied with a large fire and burglar-proof safe for the benefit of his patrons, and furnished with office furniture made especially for the business, and in all its appointments is a perfect model of neatness. As a writer of legal instruments he is always accurate, prompt and reliable. Parties having lands or other property for sale, or those who desire the services of an honest, efficient agent, will find in the person of Mr. J. a gentleman in every way worthy of their patronage and confidence. Democratic Times, January 25, 1884, page 2 A. L. Johnson, the real estate agent, came up from Jacksonville Tuesday. He informs us that a large number of immigrants will arrive in this valley to settle during the coming season, many of whom are corresponding with him. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 3 MEDFORD ITEMS.
several proprietors of the town, Messrs. Beekman, Phipps, Mingus and
Broback, have divided their lots, each taking an agreed number, to
which he has secured full individual title. Thus far lots to the value
of about $8000 have been sold. The following list comprises most of the
purchasers, although there are a few whose names are not down. Some of
them have bought two or more lots each: W. B. Roberts, P. B. O'Neil, S.
B. Hadley, Rachel E. Stanley, B. Rostelle, Byers & Jacobs, D.
H. Miller, H. C. Mulvany, T. E. Stanley, F. B. Voorhies, Augustus
Johnson, Nettie L. Howard, Vrooman & Miller, R. T. McCullough,
Wm. Egan, P. McMahon, J. W. Cunningham, James Hamlin, A. L. Johnson, S.
L. Dolson, G. Naylor, F. Heber, Wm. Robinson, ---- Robinson, J. C.
Slagle, A. A. Raine, Isaac Woolf, Thos. McAndrews, John Wolters, Wm.
Angle, J. S. Howard, H. F. Torrey, Mr. Hurt. The lots range from $100
to $500, those in what is considered the business part of town, 25x100
feet are held at $300, and a higher price is asked for the corners.A. L. Johnson, the real estate agent, has lumber on his lot for an office and will move over from Jacksonville as soon as the building is ready. Excerpt, Ashland Tidings, January 25, 1884, page 4 Sam Swear, one of the carpenters at work on A. L. Johnson's land office at Medford, fell from the roof one day this week and injured himself severely. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 1, 1884, page 3 AT MEDFORD.--A number of lots have been sold since our last report, and four new buildings are going up, besides the depot, which will be ready for the reception of freight by the last of next week. The four new buildings mentioned are Johnson's land office, Noland & Ulrich's saloon, and dwelling houses for Messrs. Woolf and North. Excerpt, Ashland Tidings, February 1, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson this week received a fine two-seated conveyance from the East. His business has increased to such an extent that he finds two vehicles necessary. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 8, 1884, page 3 E. P.
Democratic Times,
Jacksonville, February 22, 1884 et seq., page 3P H Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N, MEDFORD, OREGON. Office in A. L. Johnson's building. Mr. Cunningham, lately of Douglas County, is railroad agent at Medford. A. L. Johnson will act as agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. when an office is opened there, which will not be long. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 29, 1884, page 3 MEDFORD NOTES.--A. L. Johnson has been appointed agent for [Wells Fargo] & Co. and his new office will be opened in a few days. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 1, 1884, page 3 The warehouse built at Medford for D. M. Osborne & Co. by A. L. Johnson is nearing completion and has some implements in it already. It is a large building and will be in charge of F. Hubbard. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson will move to Medford next week to take charge of [Wells Fargo] & Co.'s express office, and he will also continue the land business there. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 8, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson and wife will remove to Medford this week, where Mr. J. will act as agent for Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express. He will continue his real estate business and also keep an office here. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 14, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson has moved to Medford where he will continue the land office business and also act as agent for [Wells Fargo] and Co. He will continue the real estate office here nevertheless. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 15, 1884, page 3 The post office at Medford with J. S. Howard as Postmaster and the [Wells Fargo] & Co.'s express with A. L. Johnson in charge will be in working order in a few days more. An agent of the North Pacific Express Co. will also be established there but it has not yet been decided who is to be agent. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 22, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson now occupies his real estate office in Medford. "Personal," Ashland Tidings, March 28, 1884, page 3 $800 to loan, on good real estate, at A. L. Johnson's land office in Medford. Two large freight wagons for sale at A. L. Johnson's land office in Medford. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1884, page 3 The seven-mill school tax voted in the Medford district some time ago could not be collected because the assessment was not made within the ten days period prescribed by law. Another school meeting is to be held soon, however, and the money will be raised and the school home built within a short time. Isaac Woolf, the clerk, having resigned, A. L. Johnson has been appointed in his stead. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, April 11, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson has resigned as agent for Wells, Fargo & Co. at Medford and J. S. Howard has been appointed in his stead. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 9, 1884, page 3 J. S. Howard is Wells, Fargo & Co's. agent at Medford, A. L. Johnson having resigned. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 10, 1884, page 3 The Republicans of Medford at their primary meeting last Saturday placed A. L. Johnson in nomination for the office of Justice of the Peace. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 17, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson, land agent at Medford, has sold the McAndrews hill ranch in Manzanita precinct to G. H. Robinson, lately of Los Angeles, Cal., for $3,000; also D. R. Losey's place near Jacksonville to J. D. Gray, formerly of Washington Territory, for $1,500. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson is the Republican nominee for Justice of the Peace in Medford precinct. Republicans from Medford say they will have a strong majority in the precinct when all the newcomers are entitled to the ballot. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, May 23, 1884, page 3 To loan--$1000 at A. L. Johnson's land office, in Medford, Or. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 20, 1884, page 3 A.
I make conveyancing and furnishing abstracts of land titles a
specialty. Loans negotiated and collections made. All business
entrusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention.Notary Public, Real Estate Agent and Collector Medford, Or. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 21, 1884 et seq., page 1 A. L. Johnson, the real estate agent at Medford, sold $8,000 worth of land yesterday. He sold the fine farm of Lewis Shideler near Jacksonville in the lot. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 28, 1884, page 3 THE FOURTH.--After dinner the audience was entertained by music by the glee club and the brass band and short and appropriate speeches by Rev. M. A. Williams, Rev. M. Peterson and A. L. Johnson these exercises were well received and formed a pleasant part of the day's celebration. Excursion trains came and went during the afternoon and it is estimated that fully 3,000 people visited Medford during the day. The very best order was maintained throughout the day and evening, the ball was well attended and the celebration the largest that ever took place in the county. Excerpt, Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 12, 1884, page 3 $5000 to loan in sums of $1000 each at A. L. Johnson's land office in Medford. If you want to buy or sell farms, mines or mill property, go to Johnson's land office in Medford. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, July 25, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson and wife were up from Medford last Thursday attending the Masonic sociable. The former inform us that there is still considerable building going on there but the influx of strangers has diminished somewhat of late. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 2, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson of Medford was in town Tuesday and reports everything quiet in that section. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson of Medford is proprietor of the hearse formerly owned by the late M. Colwell. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1884, page 3 A.O.U.W. LODGE.--Medford Lodge No.---, Ancient Order of United Workmen was established last Saturday evening by Deputy Grand Master Workman, W. J. Plymale. Nineteen members were initiated, and six others will come in hereafter, as charter members, not being able to attend upon that evening. Following is a list of the officers installed for the ensuing term: G. W. Williams, P. M. W.; A. L. Johnson, M. W.; W. H. Barr, Gen. Foreman; M. Rodgers, Overseer; Isaac Woolf, Recorder; D. H. Miller, Receiver; C. Strang, Financier; F. B. Voorhies, Guide; A. S. Johnson, I. W.; P. O. Wilson, O. W. Ashland Tidings, November 14, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson of Medford informs us that a Mr. Baker, lately from Los Angeles, Cal., has bought the lot north of Noland & Ulrich's saloon and will soon erect a large hotel at that place. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 19, 1884, page 3 Medford Correspondence.
Or., Dec. 16, 1884
Mr. Editor.--Allow me to say that the long needed rain has come at
last, and along with it has come Medford's second lawsuit. Wm. Edwards
plaintiff, Riley Cummings defendant; cause, failure of defendant to pay
rent and heading and threshing bill. Court is in session at the present
time with Esq. Barkdull on the bench. W. F. Williams is attorney for
plaintiff, A. L. Johnson for defendant. Lively skirmishing this
forenoon between the two representatives of the law.
Yours truly,
Ashland Tidings,
December 19, 1884, page 2A. L. Johnson, land agent at Medford, has sold 73 acres of land near that place for C. C. Beekman to a newcomer named Galloway at $15 an acre. He also sold W. H. Jacks' place on Sticky to the same party for $2,500, also seven acres for C. C. Beekman to M. E. Dougherty for $250. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 26, 1884, page 3 A. L. Johnson land agent at Medford has sold considerable farming property within the last week and says there is a good demand for farms at all times. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 27, 1884, page 3 A fine invoice lot of Royal St. John and New Home sewing machines at Johnson's land office in Medford. Will exchange for hay, grain or $20 pieces. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 16, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has opened a livery stable at Medford and expects to do an extensive business. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 23, 1885, page 3 W. H. Jacks has bought fifteen acres, including a house and barn, of Rev. C. H. Hoxie of Medford precinct, paying $1,000 therefor. The sale was made through A. L. Johnson. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 30, 1885, page 3 Communicated.
following is a report of a public meeting held at Medford one evening
last week, and the proceedings are furnished by the secretary. The
meeting was held for the purpose of deciding on what steps should be
taken in regard to Senator Miller's bill to give Josephine County four
townships now belonging to Jackson County:
EDITOR, SENTINEL: Meeting called to order by calling Gen. John E. Ross to the chair, and W. G. Kenney was chosen secretary. Mr. Bowditch in this remarks favors the cutting off of the four townships as provided in Miller's bill in order to head off Cameron's bill to annex Josephine to Jackson County. He thinks Grants Pass don't amount to anything anyway, to let them go and thrice welcome. Mr. Johnson follows in much the same strain and makes a vehement attack on Prim's integrity. Mr. Howard agrees exactly with Mr. Bowditch and warmly eulogizes the delegation from Ashland and moves the immediate circulation of a petition favoring the views of Senator Miller from Josephine County. Secretary was called upon to read a telegram from Hon. P. P. Prim which shows there is no danger in Cameron's bill being made a law. Mr. Bowditch again reviews the situation and ignores Prim's telegram, followed by Howard, Johnson and Lawton, who makes a general assault on all our representatives and favors a remonstrance for Senator Miller to bat our representatives over the head with. Hon. C. W. Broback delivers a scathing rebuke to the other side for the villainous attack made on our representatives and with all the fire of his eloquence was willing to stake his life on the honor and manhood of Senator Prim and was astonished at the ease [with which] the other side falls into the net of Miller's to disarm our representatives of the power vested in them, and warned the people not to be led away into captivity by the nice laid schemes of Miller's cunning. Chairman Ross made a stirring appeal to the good sense of the people and stripped the covering from Miller's carcass and held him up to the gaze of the curious, and favored no compromise of any kind--give them nothing and take nothing. B. W. Powell closes and was sorry that the gentleman from the rural districts of Ashland had become the willing dupes of Miller and had failed to see the trick till they had arrived at Medford, and that the telegram just received by Ross, Kenney and Broback exposed Miller's scheme, and showed his pity and contempt that there were men in the proud city of Medford ignorant enough to fold the nightgown of injured innocence about their delicate frames and cry pathetically "Miller's got us, let him have the four townships quick." Howard's motion was then stated by the chair and carried. Howard then moved that Miller and Lawton be appointed to circulate remonstrance. Carried. Meeting adjourned. W. G. KENNEY, Sec. COL. ROSS, Chairman. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 31, 1885, page 3 $5,000 to loan in $1,000 lots on good real estate security, at Johnson's land office in Medford. Exchange on Portland and San Francisco for sale at A. L. Johnson's land office in Medford. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 6, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has sold M. E. Dougherty's land (consisting of seven acres) near Medford to a newcomer named Wansner for $400. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 20, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson made a rousing speech, a portion of which was as follows, "I consider this the beginning of one of the grandest moves that has ever been inaugurated in Southern Oregon. I looked upon the Grange as one of the greatest benefits to the producing class of the United States, and attribute its present backwardness to the fact that the farmer being set off to himself and accustomed to rule his little kingdom as a monarch unquestioned in his authority he has failed to learn the necessity of commingling with his fellow man for mutual advantage. You must learn to give and take in the interchange of ideas and fight the evil not the man, or you can never hope to have an equal show with men in other branches of business. The merchant has his chamber of commerce. The mechanic has trades unions and so on in nearly all branches of business men are associated together for mutual protection. Why should not the fruit growers stand together and work for each other's interest in securing a market and remunerative prices for their fruit. I cannot too strongly urge upon you the necessity of protecting the birds; they are your friends wherever the birds have been destroyed insects have never failed to become troublesome pests. Protect your birds, they are a part of the equilibrium of nature. The game belongs to the man that cultivates the soil; you should guard it well if you would foster your own interest." Minutes, February 28, 1885, Fruit Growers Association of Southern Oregon Record Book, 1885-1889, page 21 Wm. Egan has leased A. L. Johnson's livery stable at Medford and will add a number of new vehicles and teams at once. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 13, 1885, page 3 Wm. Egan is again in the field as keeper of a livery stable in Medford, having rented A. L. Johnson's stand at that place. Bill is popular with all and will no doubt do well. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 14, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson of Medford has purchased O. Ganiard's fine stallion "Arabian Night." "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has sold the livery stable and its contents in Medford to David Payne, who has already taken charge thereof. Mr. Johnson, in turn, purchased Mr. P.'s farm in Eden precinct, paying $3,000 for it. A. L. Johnson of Medford has Fred Walpole engaged in making a number of sketches for his forthcoming work on Jackson County. A view of all the towns in the valley will be presented, as also our public buildings, besides other illustrations. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 10, 1885, page 3 Fred. Walpole is taking views of different portions of the county for A. L. Johnson's descriptive pamphlet of Jackson County. He is accompanied by Mr. Smith. "Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 17, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson, land agent at Medford, has sold 13½ acres of J. H. Barnum's farm near that place to a newcomer named Harrison [possibly Harriman] for $1,000. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 15, 1885, page 3 C. C. Beekman of this place, a short time since, presented A. L. Johnson, Dr. Geary and J. S. Howard, as trustees of the Presbyterian Church, at Medford, with two choice lots, upon which it is proposed to build a church building in the future. A liberal act. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 22, 1885, page 3 Mr. C. C. Beekman recently presented two lots to the trustees of the Presbyterian Church at Medford. J. S. Howard, A. L. Johnson and Dr. E. P. Geary are the trustees. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 23, 1885, page 3 Correspondence.
Marshal Redfield of Medford is having
quite a spat with A. L. Johnson of the same place, and both are airing
their grievances through the columns of the Monitor.
EDITOR TIMES:--Please say in your columns that the office of the County
Board of Immigration for Jackson County, Oregon, is in the Town Hall of
Medford, one door north of A. L. Johnson's land office. Those having
real or personal property for sale, and those wishing to purchase the
same, will do well by calling at our office. We also wish samples of
the products of the county brought to our office, to be placed on
exhibition, and we wish those who want help to send us word that we may
find employment for those seeking for honest labor in our midst.
Correspondence solicited.
Address MARTIN PETERSON, Secretary of Board of Immigration. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 29, 1885, page 2 The Iowa Press Association arrived at Medford at 9:30 yesterday morning and were tendered a grand impromptu reception by the citizens of Medford and Jacksonville. When our people found that it would be impossible for the press association to visit Jacksonville, they determined like Mohamed to go to the mountain. And several carriageloads of people, head by the Silver Cornet Band, in their handsome new regalia and magnificent band wagon, repaired to our neighboring town to greet these distinguished visitors. The Jacksonvillians drove up in procession alongside the train and after some fine music by the band, Hon. N. Langell arose in his buggy, and in a neat and appropriate speech welcomed the visitors on behalf of the people of Jacksonville, and A. L. Johnson, Esqr., occupying the same place extended a cordial welcome from the citizens of Medford. Excerpt, Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 20, 1885, page 3 "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 11, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson, the land agent, has purchased Roberts & O'Neil's unfinished brick building at Medford, and proposes establishing a private bank in it when completed. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 24, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson, clerk of Medford district, is engaged in collecting the school tax levied not long since, and which amounted to 12 mills. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 4, 1885, page 3 A neat circular descriptive of land offered for sale near Medford has been issued by A. L. Johnson, land agent at that place. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 5, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson of Medford has put a vault in his new business quarters. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 11, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson, land agent at Medford, is having a fireproof vault put in his new brick building there and his office when finished promises to be one of the finest in the State. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1885, page 3 A. L. Johnson has moved into his new brick building in Medford, which will be neatly fitted up for a bank. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 30, 1885, page 3 For rent or sale--the neat dwelling house formerly occupied by W. G. Kenney. Apply to A. L. Johnson for particulars. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 4, 1885, page 3 The bricks for the new buildings of A. Johnson have been shipped up from Medford. The foundation wall is now being laid. "Brevities," NOTARIES.--The governor has appointed A. H. Logan of East Portland, A. L. Johnson of Medford, and Ira F. M. Butler of Monmouth to be notaries public. Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 19, 1886, page 3 The Medford Monitor temporarily suspended publication last week, McGinnis having arrived at the end of his string. A. L. Johnson has bought the paper, it is reported, and intends to have it issued on time next week. He has moved the office to his building on Front Street. "Brevities," The Medford Monitor suspended last week, and since then we learn that the plant has passed into the hands of A. L. Johnson, who will continue its publication at the old place. Mr. McGinnis will commence teaching school again, so we are informed. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 26, 1886, page 3 The Monitor came out on time last week, under the editorship of A. L. Johnson. "Brevities," A. L. Reuter has purchased A. L. Johnson's large burglar-proof safe, and it was brought up from Medford a few days since. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 24, 1886, page 3 JACKSONVILLE, Dec. 30.--A. L. Johnson, proprietor of the Medford bank and publisher of the Medford Monitor, made an assignment today. His liabilities are placed at $3500. "Failure at Medford," Morning Oregonian, Portland, December 31, 1886, page 1 The reported failure of A. L. Johnson of this place is pronounced false by that gentleman. He has made no assignment. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1887, page 2 The
Reported Medford Failure Untrue.
statement that A. L. Johnson, publisher of the Medford Monitor,
had failed has been pretty thoroughly circulated and
also telegraphed to the Portland papers. Mr. Johnson, however,
denounces it as a canard and says that it has no foundation in truth.
He reports that he has amply secured all preferred creditors, and that
he will be able, in the near future, to pay all his obligations at 100
cents on the dollar. We trust that he may be able to stem the tide and
triumph over whatever financial misfortune may threaten him.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1887, page 3 To Whom It May Concern.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 7, 1887, page 3SOME
PERSON STIMULATED BY MALICE, at a time, too, when I was confined to my
bed with a severe spell of sickness, reported that I had failed and
made an assignment. That report was wholly false, and is false today.
The wicked liar that made such a report knew WELL he was making and reporting a malicious falsehood.
As to my character and honor, as a business man, I refer the public to a few of the many gentlemen with whom I have financial business, involving a trust of from $1,000 to $15,000. G. H. Baker, J. H. Barnum, M. P. Phipps, J. W. Redden, C. H. Hoxie, Samuel Earhart, C. W. Coker, Chas. Walker, Medford; Roberts & O'Neil, Phoenix; James Bigham, Central Point; Fred Hansen, Table Rock; Jesse Dollarhide, Ashland; O. Ganiard, Dr. A. C. Stanley, Sams Valley; also Ladd & Tilton, bankers, Portland, Or. No one has ever lost a farthing by entrusting me with their business, nor will anyone now lose a cent. The run produced by the false report may cripple me somewhat; but with a little leniency on the part of my creditors I shall meet all obligations honorably. Respectfully,
A. L. JOHNSON. Medford's Improvements.
correspondent says: I send you herewith a partial list of the
improvements made in Medford during the past year. It is as nearly
accurate as I could make it, but is, of course, subject to correction.
After footing the column and examining the total, you will have to
admit that you were in error in stating last week that Central Point,
next to Ashland, has expended more in improvements during the year than
any other town in the valley: A. L. Johnson's brick office and
dwelling, $2,000; Williams' block, two-story brick building, $6,000; J.
S. Howard, 2-story brick store, $3,000; Angle & Plymale,
fireproof brick store, $4,000; G. S. Walton, brick building, $2,500;
Byers & Jacobs, brick hotel imp't., $2,000; Mrs. L. Foster,
millinery and dwelling, $1,000; H. E. Baker, farmers warehouse, $1,200;
S. H. Lyon, store, $800; O. Holtan, tailor shop and dwelling, $1,000;
Thos. Harris, imp't. on dwelling, $300; McGee & Zimmerman,
public hall, $1,200; J. B. Riddle, poultry yards, $800; A. L. Johnson,
barn, $500; ------ Clark, dwelling, $1,800; C. K. Fronk, dwelling,
$900; A. P. Talent, $1,000; John W. Short, $1,800; N. H. West, dwelling
repair; $200; W. G. Zimmerman, ditto, $50; R. T. Young, dwelling
[omission]; Wm. Edwards, dwelling, $1,000; E. J. Pool, blacksmith shop,
$150. Total $34,800.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 14, 1887, page 3 Suspended Publication.
In the Medford Monitor
of last Saturday, the publisher, A. L. Johnson,
announced that the publication of the paper would be suspended after
that issue, as it had not support enough to sustain it. Mr. Johnson was
then already in the midst of pecuniary difficulties which have since
Ashland Tidings, January 14, 1887, page 3 A dispatch from Jacksonville to the News states that A. L. Johnson, former editor of the Medford Monitor and prominent real estate dealer, is a defaulter and had attempted suicide. "Local and Personal," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, January 14, 1887, page 3 The Monitor
We regret
to learn that the Medford
Monitor has put up its shutters, and sadder than this is
the further fact that its talented editor and publisher, Mr. Johnson,
has been wrecked by his failure to make a good paying paper in one of
the most flourishing towns to the south of us on the O.&C.
Railway. But the saddest of all is that the editor's mind has been
shattered along with his ambition and his fortune. Our latest reports
are that Mr. Johnson, in a state of mental aberration, attempted to
drown himself but was fortunately prevented by a stranger from making
the fatal jump from the Rogue River bridge. A party of friends on
receipt of this startling intelligence immediately went in search of
the missing man, who according to reliable information was last seen
wandering aimlessly and evidently demented on the east bank of Rogue
River. It is said that his mind was turned by intense religious
excitement, but it is safe to say that financial troubles hastened, if
they did not induce, this unfortunate condition. It is not likely that
Mr. Johnson will again take charge of the Monitor, and as
Palmer & Rey, the patent outsiders and insiders on the coast,
have the outfit under heavy mortgage, it is safe to say that the Monitor, like its
namesake, the great war vessel that destroyed the dreaded Merrimack,
flying the bonny flag, and then sunk beneath the waves, will never be
resurrected. We pity editor Johnson; we pity the people of Medford, the
more for a town unwilling to give a genuine support to its local paper
is sure to decay and die.Roseburg Review, January 14, 1887, page 3 A. L. Johnson, the real estate agent, who has been very sick, is somewhat improved at this writing. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1887, page 2 A. L. Johnson is able to attend to business again, after a severe spell of sickness. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1887, page 2 A. L. Johnson is able to be about again, after a protracted and severe illness. He was in Jacksonville last Tuesday. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1887, page 2 For
The Excelsior Livery Stable at Medford is offered for sale. It has
stall-room for twenty horses, holds twenty tons of hay, and has a large
carriage room, office, etc. It rents for $30 per month now. Hack
horses, carriages and buggies sold with the stable, if desired. Best
bargain in the country. Will take good horses in part payment. Apply at
Johnson's land office, Medford, Oregon.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 22, 1887, page 3 A. L. Johnson intends leaving for San Francisco soon, to go into the insurance business. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 3, 1887, page 2 JACKSONVILLE,
June 3.
A. L. Johnson, the Medford banker, has left for parts unknown."News Items from Jacksonville," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 4, 1887, page 2 A. L. Johnson and wife have gone to San Francisco, where Mr. J. will engage in the insurance business. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 10, 1887, page 3 Advices have been received here to the effect that A. L. Johnson and wife are comfortably located in Sacramento, Cal. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 1, 1887, page 2 It is reported that a bank will soon be opened in the brick building formerly occupied by A. L. Johnson. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1887, page 2 According to the S.F. Examiner, A. L. Johnson, erstwhile a real estate agent at Medford, and one of the most colossal frauds on the continent, is again in his old business of humbugging the unwary and swindling all who put any confidence in him. The people everywhere should give this fellow a wide berth, for he is not to be trusted under any circumstances. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 16, 1887, page 3 D. W. Crosby & Co., real estate agents, have established comfortable quarters in the building formerly occupied by A. L. Johnson, and are doing a lively business. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 18, 1887, page 3 C. W. Skeel, one of Medford's leading mechanics, was at the county seat last Saturday. He has commenced remodeling Johnson's bank building for the use of Mr. Butler, who has returned from San Francisco. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 3, 1888, page 2 A. L. Johnson, quondam real estate agent and founder of the expression "the Italy of America, has left Los Angeles, Cal., for other scenes. He writes that he has been left penniless by the failure of the firm by which he was employed. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 10, 1888, page 3
A. L.
Johnson, a former well-known real estate agent, banker and newspaper
proprietor of Jackson County, who was the founder of the expression
"The Italy of Oregon," has left Los Angeles, Cal. He writes to a
Jacksonville friend that he has been left penniless by the failure of
the firm by which he was employed.This vividly brings to mind the career of the man, who, several years since, was traveling through Southern Oregon an itinerant showman with a third-rate panorama outfit. He traveled by means of his own conveyance, and gave performances at all small towns and backwoods schoolhouses. He finally struck Jacksonville, sold his panorama outfit of cheap chromos and conceived the idea of engaging in the real estate business. This man was A. L. Johnson, who soon rose to prominence among his fellow men. He opened a real estate office, advertised extensively--newspapers and circulars were filled with his flaming advertisements of "The Italy of Oregon," as he styled the Rogue River Valley. He soon built up a thriving business in the real estate line, and married a very estimable lady, Mrs. Brogan, the widow of C. C. Brogan, a former prominent mining superintendent of Jackson County. Mr. Johnson was a regular attendant at church, and soon began to be looked upon as one of the substantial citizens of that region. When the extension of the O.&C. Railroad was constructed through the Rogue River Valley, and the town of Medford was laid out on the line of the railroad, with the expectation that it would soon rival Jacksonville as a business point, Mr. Johnson removed his goods and chattels and became a fixture of that place. He opened a bank in connection with selling real estate, and did a land office business. After awhile he purchased the Medford Monitor, which had bankrupted one proprietor. A few months after this venture his career as a reliable and solid man was nipped in the bud. The subscribers who had paid in advance for their newspaper missed its visits, for one winter day Johnson closed his bank and left for the much-boomed climate of California, and the church and Sunday school had to make a new collection of funds, as he was acting as treasurer for more than one church and benevolent society, who had deposited their funds in his bank for safekeeping. But the bank was bursted--the church and Sunday school funds were missing--so was Johnson.--Portland Times. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 16, 1888, page 1 Last revised May 7, 2022 *For more complete names of persons identified by initials, see the Index. |