The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

True Tales of Pioneers: Peter Britt

FITZGIBBON'S DAGUERREOTYPE GALLERY.--No. 1 Fourth and Market streets. Operators will find here the largest and best assortment of cameras, plates, cases, chemicals, and all other articles used in the business. Patent rights of Creyon's Daguerreotypes, for Illinois and Missouri, for sale at this gallery.
The Telegraph, Alton, Illinois, November 7, 1851, page 1

AND DEALER in Daguerreotype apparatus, plates, cases, chemicals &c., No. 3 Second St., Alton, Ill.
    Instructions given in the Art, with all the late improvements.
Weekly Courier, Alton, Illinois, November 5, 1852, page 1

OF AUGUST 12, 1854
    Mr. M. Wheat arrived a few days since in our city from San Francisco, with a variety of yearling grape vines. He intends visiting the farming region of Jacksonville and of the Umpqua, for the purpose of introducing their cultivation. He assures us that the climate of this country is well adapted to their cultivation, and we have no doubt but that, at some future time, they will become a source of pecuniary benefit as well as afford a luxury for the table.
Del Norte Record, Crescent City, September 24, 1892, page 1

    GOOD PICTURES.--Mr. Britt, of this town, is one of the best artists in Oregon, which may be evidenced by visiting his gallery and inspecting his fine lifelike photographs, melanotypes, ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes. If you wish to "secure the shadow before the substance fades," give him a call. Don't take our word for it, but go and see for yourselves.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 8, 1858, page 2

    SUGGESTIVE.--At this season of year, close as it is upon the holidays, people are accustomed to bethink them of the "old folks at home," and either dear or loved ones far away. They think, too, of the prized and welcome gifts, the sending of which gives such delightful emotions, and which are so joyfully and gratefully received. Straightway heads are puzzled to conjecture which is fittest to send; what will most gladden the hearts of the recipient. To any in this anxious state, we suggest--send a picture of yourself. And if you agree with us, go at once to Peter Britt, the Daguerrean artist, and get him to take the counterfeit presentment--a Daguerreotype, ambrotype, melanotype, or photograph. He is a master of his art, and takes either sort equally well--equal to any artist on the Coast. This will best gratify the distant dear ones. Go and have the picture taken.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 3, 1859, page 3

    THANKS.--Peter Britt has our thanks for a beautiful bouquet of roses and dahlias.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 3, 1861, page 3

    In Jacksonville, on Sunday evening, August 11th, by U. S. Hayden, Recorder, Mr. Peter Britt and Mrs. Amalia Grob.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 17, 1861, page 2

    FIGS.--Peter Britt, of this place, has succeeded admirably in bringing this luscious fruit to perfection.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 26, 1861, page 3

    AN ENTERPRISING ARTIST.--Mr. Peter Britt, our resident daguerrean and photographic artist, has, within the past few months, completed the building and furnishing of one of the best arranged and most complete galleries to be found anywhere on the Pacific Coast. The edifice is situated on the rise of the hill between Jackson Creek and Rich Gulch, in the center of a beautiful garden. The site is a prominent one, and the form and general appearance of the building itself exhibits an artistic taste that cannot fail to strike the attention of strangers as they approach our town from the north or south.
    Mr. Britt has now got his arrangements complete for taking the best of pictures in every style of the art. He is now kept quite busy in making, by the dozen, album photographs. Nature evidently designed Mr. Britt for an artist, for he never appears happier than when making chemical experiments or reading works devoted exclusively to his art. That he holds a high rank in his profession we have the evidence of a practicing artist, who has written to a person in this place that Mr. Britt's ambrotypes would grace the first galleries in Philadelphia. That Mr. Britt keeps himself thoroughly booked on the very latest improvements in the art is evidenced from the fact that he can produce the famous "spirit pictures," about which late Eastern correspondence tells us the spiritualists of Boston were "thrown into a furor of excitement." His skill and enterprise entitle him to the full confidence and liberal patronage of our community.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 31, 1863, page 2

    PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS.--Among all the parlor ornaments and expedients for investing home with additional sacredness which fashion fabricates from time to time, nothing meets so many wants as the photographic album. With its rich binding it gives a literary air, and makes a beautiful display upon a table; and, better than that, it preserves the counterfeit presentment of those whose forms and memories are hallowed by love and friendship. Mr. Peter Britt, our skillful resident artist, can accommodate you.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 15, 1863, page 2

    A VERY WELCOME PRESENT.--We have received from Mrs. J. Lingenfelter a photograph likeness of her son, James Lingenfelter, Captain of Co. B, Col. Baker's California regiment. He fell a sacrifice to the cause he so dearly loved on Oct. 8th, 1863, while on picket duty before Washington on the Derby road. He is the only citizen of Jacksonville who is known to have fallen in the war. Those of his many friends who fondly remember the young patriot hero can procure a copy of the likeness by calling on Mr. Peter Britt, photograph artist.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 25, 1863, page 2

    Peter Britt, photographic artist, is prepared to take pictures in every style of the art with all the late improvements. If pictures do not give satisfaction, no charges will be made. Call at his new gallery, on the hill, examine his pictures, and sit for your likeness.
Advertisement, Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1863, page 3

    PHOTOGRAPHIC.--At no place in town can you enjoy yourself so well for an hour or two, as at Peter Britt's photographing rooms. Hundreds of familiar faces greet you on every side, and make you feel at home. Mr. Britt has just received from San Francisco a beautiful stereoscope giving a large number of fine views, from every part of the world.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 30, 1864, page 3

    In Jacksonville, July 18, Arnold, youngest son of Peter and Amalia Britt, aged 2 months and 21 days.
Oregon Statesman, Salem, August 1, 1864, page 3

    FIGS.--Peter Britt, Esq., on yesterday showed us a fig tree in his orchard, loaded with figs just ripening, being the second crop that has ripened this year. The first crop matured in July.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 15, 1864, page 3

    The best place in Jacksonville to spend an hour, occasionally, is Peter Britt's photograph gallery. Those wishing to get pictures had better call around before the cloudy weather sets in.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 15, 1864, page 3

    PHOTOGRAPHY.--Those who wish to see the art of photography in all its branches and in its greatest perfection would do well to visit the rooms of Peter Britt, at his residence. No one can spend an hour better than to go there, get his picture, and see the pictures and flowers.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 17, 1865, page 2

    THE Oregon Reporter of the 22nd ult. says: During the cold snap in the beginning of the week, a young Chinaman who had been brought to town sick from Evans Creek, and housed in a shanty back of Peter Britt's was frozen to death.
Marysville Daily Appeal, Marysville, California, January 4, 1866, page 2

                        IN EVERY STYLE

OF THE ART,                               
                        LATE IMPROVEMENTS.
If Pictures do not give satisfaction, no charges will be made. Call at his new Gallery, on the hill, examine his pictures and sit for your likeness.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 10, 1866, page 3

    PRETTY GOOD.--The Press of Jacksonville tells the following:
    A certain professional gent in town, who has turned his attention to horticulture, for the benefit of his health and as a means of recreation, went into one of our stores a day or two ago to purchase some seed peas. The peas were delivered and the Prof. departed; in a little while, however, he returned, terribly indignant, and berated the storekeeper soundly for imposing on him by selling him peas that were full of worms. As most of our readers are aware, a sort of grub infests all dried peas in this valley, but that does not impair their virtue for seeding. When this explanation was made to our professional friend, he appeared to be satisfied, but felt anything but proud of the huge "mare's nest" he had discovered.
Oregon City Enterprise, April 13, 1867, page 4

Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
A m b r o t y p e s ,                           
P h o t o g r a p h s ,   
                    C a r t e s   d e   V i s i t e
Pictures Reduced
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 8, 1867, page 1

    PICTURES.--Mr. Peter Britt is making fine pictures this spring, and those who contemplate getting pictures this year will do well if they go now. As we understand Mr. B. will close his gallery during the hot summer months, that he may get time to finish some oil paintings which he has under way.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 8, 1867, page 3

    EFFECTS OF HARD FREEZING.--We hear considerable complaint that the fruit buds on the peach tree have been killed by cold weather. Many of the tender shrubs, particularly roses, have been frozen to the ground. Mr. Peter Britt informs us that some of his shrubs and trees, prized most highly, are dead. One tree, a native of Australia, which had grown to the height of fifteen feet and a diameter of four inches, is dead. The damage done to grain crops is considerable, but as yet it cannot be fully estimated.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 29, 1868, page 3

    ENTERPRISING.--We were in Mr. Peter Britt's garden this week, and find that the proprietor, though his garden has been much injured by the hard winter, yet he has not given up his improvements. Mr. Britt is now engaged in building stone steps from the lower terrace to a higher. Other improvements are being made, so that it is hoped the garden will be brought up to its old splendor in two or three years.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 11, 1868, page 3

    LAKE MAJESTY.--A party of gentlemen start tomorrow to make a thorough exploration of this wonderful lake. They are provided with the material for a boat, and will probably sound its depths. Last week Messrs. Cawley and Beall, of this valley, and Captain Sprague visited the lake and the two latter, with some difficulty, descended to the water. Mr. Cawley says that his two companies did not seem to be more than six inches in height when they reached the edge of the water, and some idea of the immense distance from the crest of the mountains surrounding the lake may be formed when it is known that it takes a rifle ball, fired from the edge of the basin, about seventeen seconds to reach the water. These gentlemen estimate the distance across the lake at nearly ten miles, and the distance to the water from the most accessible point at over one thousand feet. Britt accompanies the party to take photographic views, and we may soon expect Lake Majesty to be famous as one of the grandest natural scenes.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 12, 1868, page 2

    TREASURE FOUND.--On Wednesday last Judge Duncan was laying a foundation wall on the site of an old cabin, nearly opposite Britt's, and accidentally found a twenty-dollar piece. Quite an excitement was kicked up, and further search turned out six more of the same-sized pieces. The mason at work for the Judge tore down all the wall he had laid, and found forty dollars mixed with the dirt mortar that had been made on the spot. One hundred and forty dollars, in all, was found, which had probably been buried there by some miner who was a victim of the Indian war, some of the pieces being simply twenty-dollar ingots from a San Francisco assay office.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 26, 1868, page 3

    FINE PICTURES.--Mr. Britt is now taking pictures that for clearness and beauty of finish cannot be excelled anywhere on this coast. The beautiful sunlight of this region gives him much advantage, and besides he is an artist of superior merit. Call on him, then, and get the shadow while the substance looks well.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 1, 1869, page 3

FEHELY.--On the 26th inst. to the wife of P. Fehely, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 28, 1869, page 2

    A FINE GARDEN.--Mr. Peter Britt's garden, in this city, is certainly a fine place. It contains a great many rare and beautiful plants and flowers, showing the artistic taste and discernment of the proprietor, numerous varieties of grapes and other fruits, a small pond filled with beautiful goldfishes, and affords a splendid view of Rogue River Valley and the foothills and mountains surrounding it. It is, altogether, a place of which the owner may well be proud, and shows what may be done in this favored clime by perseverance and intelligent application. Many of the shrubs and plants to be found in this garden could only be grown in hothouses in the Atlantic States.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 15, 1870, page 3

    In Jacksonville, Thursday, Sept. 28th, 1871, of Chronic Diarrhea, AMALIA, wife of Peter Britt, aged 49 years.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 30, 1871, page 3

    REPAIRING.--We notice Mr. Joe Wetterer is making extensive repairs on his reservoir on the hill near Peter Britt's.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 21, 1871, page 3

    I did not get time to visit the Linn County Fair, as contemplated, but was frequently out to the State Fair grounds. The display was very creditable to the state, but Southern Oregon can compete with the Willamette in many things, and we far excel them in others. While we have not as many blooded cattle as some counties boast of, we certainly have some as good as any in the state. As for horses, we can "get away" with all of them. In cereals we have nothing to fear, and in many of the vegetables we can excel anything I saw here. The pavilion was very tastefully arranged, containing some fine paintings and works of art, a good display of florals, etc.; but if the fair ladies of Jackson County take the interest in our approaching Fair that they did one year ago, we shall have nothing to be ashamed of, in comparison with what was exhibited here, but, on the contrary, much to feel proud of. If our ladies will imitate the ladies here, and bring out their house plants and florals, it will add much to the beauty of the pavilion. Our friend Peter Britt might bring out a fine aquarium, and by adding to the interest of the Fair, could at the same time sell many of his numerous goldfish.
"Letter from the Capital," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 12, 1872, page 2

    FOR ROGUE RIVER.--P. Britt left for the Rogue River Falls on Thursday morning. He took his photographic apparatus with him, and in tends taking photographs of the falls and other scenery. Jackson County abounds in romantic scenery, which would be a credit to any work containing it.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 7, 1874, page 3

    P. Britt and Samuel Hall have returned from a visit to Rogue River Falls and vicinity.

"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 28, 1874, page 3

    RAIN GAUGE.--Peter Britt has a rain gauge now in operation on his premises, and we expect reports from it now and then. He informs us that seven inches of rain has fallen during the last three months, and that the thermometer at the coldest stage of weather stood 9 degrees above zero.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 2, 1875, page 3

    Peter Britt yesterday took Barden's picture at the county jail.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 16, 1875, page 3

    Letters of guardianship were also issued to Peter Britt, as guardian of Fredolin Ruch, Kaspar Ruch and Henry Ruch, minor heirs of Fredolin Ruch, deceased.
"Probate Court," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 28, 1875, page 3

    Capt. O. C. Applegate, of Lake County, favored us with a call last Saturday. He informs us that a party of tourists will start in a few days for Crater Lake, accompanied by Peter Britt, of this place, who will take photographs of the magnificent scenery the country affords.
"Personal," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 10, 1875, page 3

    ALARM OF FIRE.--Last Wednesday, while Peter Britt, of this place, was experimenting with alcohol, the liquid exploded, burning his face and head and setting the ceiling of the room in which he was at work on fire. Had it not been for the timely arrival of assistance, the building would have been consumed; as it was, but little damage was done.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1875, page 3

    Peter Britt has gone on a trip up Rogue River. He will take photographs of the principal scenery.
"Local Brevities," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 31, 1876, page 3

    PERSONAL.--L. Samuel, publisher of the West Shore, Cortland, was in town this week on business connected with his paper. The July issue will be a model number, being more illustrated than the mammoth January sheet, and will contain an engraving of Table Rock from a photograph by Peter Britt.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 21, 1877, page 3

    Peter Britt started the other day for Lake County, where he will take photographic views of the most prominent scenery that section affords.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 10, 1877, page 3

    Peter Britt has returned from a trip through Southeastern Oregon and Northern California. He took photographic views of much of the prominent scenery his journey afforded, including Mount Shasta.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1877, page 3

    THE EDEN OF OREGON.--Under this caption, L. Samuel, publisher of the West Shore, dilates upon our valley, as follows:
    During a visit to Southern Oregon, on the 15th of July we observed in the gardens of O. Coolidge, at Ashland, and Peter Britt, at Jacksonville, some magnificent fig trees. They were in full bearing, and the fruit was just turning ripe, whilst the second crop was commencing to form. A very excellent article of grapes also grows in this county, and at Mr. Britt's place we tasted a one-year-old claret of his own growth and manufacture; and we very much doubt if it can be surpassed in the much boasted-of California vineyards. Gold is found in Jackson County, and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been taken out, as is proven by the washed-out hillsides as seen from the road leading from Roseburg to Jacksonville, whilst millions still lie buried awaiting the advent of capital. All the grain and fruits known to the tropics grow here to perfection. Extend the Oregon & California Railroad to Jackson County, and she is capable of supporting the entire present population of Oregon.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 17, 1877, page 3

    The last number of the West Shore contains a picture of Rogue River Falls [actually, Mill Creek Falls] from a photograph by Peter Britt, of this place.
Oregon Sentinel, September 5, 1877, page 3

    Peter Britt was appointed administrator of the estate of Henry Blecher; but, upon asking to be excused on account of ill health, he was dismissed.

"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 30, 1877, page 3

    The girls raided on Squire Dunlap's peaches, during his absence, and would have sampled Peter Britt's, but they were afraid the big dog liked calf meat.
"Jacksonville Items," Ashland Tidings, August 23, 1878, page 3

    A CURIOSITY.--Peter Britt of this place is the possessor of an orange tree, which, through his assiduous attention, has thriven and now bears fruit. Several blossoms bloomed on the tree, but only one orange developed itself. This is a fine specimen of the fruit, however, and promises to ripen in good shape. It naturally attracts considerable attention, the propagation of tropical plants in this northern latitude being attended with much difficulty and resulting unfavorably in nearly every instance.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 24, 1879, page 3

    Mr. Britt has an orange tree bearing fruit, but not in quantities sufficient to affect the fruit market.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 29, 1879, page 3

    Peter Britt has some azaleas in bloom that are perfect beauties. Mr. Britt has sone of the finest conservatories in the state.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 28, 1879, page 3

    The February number of the West Shore contains an engraving of Crater Lake from a photograph by Peter Britt.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 7, 1879, page 3  The photograph appeared in the January issue.

    BEAUTIFUL.--A visit to the elegant residence of Peter Britt, the well-known photographic artist, florist and fruit culturer of Jacksonville, causes one to fancy he is in an enchanted world. His collection of flowers, plants and shrubs contains many of the rarest specimens of all climes and countries. From the somber evergreen of the arctics to the fragrant magnolia of Florida he has every description of ornamental growths.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 30, 1879, page 3

    P. Britt left for the [Klamath] Lake country, via Lake of the Woods, this week. He will take photographic views of the scenery as he proceeds and will be absent for several weeks.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 1, 1879, page 3

    P. Britt and party returned last week from a trip to the Dead Indian country. He took several photographic views during his absence from town, which prove valuable additions to his already large assortment of pictures of native scenery.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 29, 1879, page 3

    CONTEMPTIBLE.--Some ignoble wretch visited Peter Britt's farm, a few miles north of town, one night recently and perpetrated acts of vandalism that entitle him to a free berth in Hotel de Bush. Not satisfied with demolishing the windows and doing other injury to the farmhouse he hastened to exhibit the smallness of his nature in a manner that leaves no doubt of his identity as a first-class scoundrel. Wednesday night Mr. Britt's fence was fired, probably by the same individual, which would have resulted disastrously but for the timely arrival of D. M. McMenamy. The apprehension of this modern vandal will be followed by the meting out of the fullest justice.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 5, 1879, page 3

    The genial countenances of the wealth, beauty and enterprise of Roseburg were perceptible in our city on last Friday evening, numbering some fourteen in number. They were called to these parts on business connected with the Grand Applegate Mining Company. Their better halves, accompanied by their daughters, I presume came along for scenery seeing and recreation. No doubt that they will enjoy the trip, as that portion of the country where they are going is grand, beautiful and magnificent; and as the Siskiyou with its rugged heights, deep chasms, surrounding mountains and its refreshing waters is unsurpassed in Southern Oregon. On the evening of their arrival ex-Governor Chadwick escorted them to the garden of Peter Britt, and after staying there long enough to observe its beauties, they then took a walk through the beautified parts of the city, and as darkness was coming on they returned to the hotel, and within an hour or so afterwards a supper was tendered by the proprietress of the Franco-American, after which they repaired to the parlor and a joyous time was had. At the solemn hour of night, when everything was calm and still, the brass band serenaded them, and with closing ceremonies from Madam Holt, Sol Abraham made his appearance and the musical midnighters were made happy. Next morning, bright and early, they made their exit for the mines, to be gone four or five days. When they return I will give you a brief and concise narration.
"From Jacksonville," Douglas Independent, Roseburg, August 23, 1879, page 4

    P. Britt is now employing the latest and most popular methods of photography and takes first-class pictures.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1879, page 3

    TROPICAL FRUITS IN ICELAND.--Peter Britt last week plucked the orange that has been growing upon a tree in his conservatory for some time past, which was the finest and largest specimen of the fruit ever seen in this section, weighing nearly three-quarters of a pound. Six small oranges are maturing upon the same tree, while the mercury stands at freezing point the week round.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 2, 1880, page 3

    A large amount of ice is being put up at Wetterer's reservoir on Britt's hill for summer use.

"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 2, 1880, page 3

    BEAUTIFUL PORTRAIT.--There is on exhibition, at Mr. Beekman's banking office, a very finely executed portrait from the brush of Miss Anna Benner, who is now located in Jacksonville, having her studio at Mr. Britt's residence. Miss Benner comes among us a stranger, but. bringing pleasant letters of introduction from friends in the North. She is prepared to paint portraits in oil or give instructions to others, and her merit as an artist is quite apparent from the beauty of her work.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 14, 1880, page 3

    "Death loves a shining mark," therefore get your photograph taken at Britt's before being made an example of.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 14, 1880, page 3

    FORTUNATE ESCAPE.--On Thursday a number of our Yreka friends, ladies and gentlemen, assembled in a group on the balcony of the Orth building for the purpose of having their photographs taken to leave as a memento of their pleasant visit. About twenty-five persons were on the balcony when the iron braces supporting it commenced to give way, causing a general fright, but very fortunately no person was precipitated onto the street. One lady, Mrs. James Vance, of Yreka, fainted and several others were badly frightened, as there was every indication for a few moments that the balcony would give way entirely. All's well that ends well, and we are only too glad not to be obliged to chronicle a more serious accident. It is said that the halyards of the flagstaff, fastened to the railing of the balcony, alone prevented a catastrophe by sustaining the great weight until it was relieved.
Oregon Sentinel, May 19, 1880, page 3

    The traveling correspondent of the Willamette Farmer, in a recent letter, remarks that Mrs. Thorn of Douglas County has the only orange tree in Oregon. Willy is mistaken. Peter Britt of this place has a fine orange tree in bearing condition that is [in] every way the equal of Mrs. Thorn's tree. These may be the only ones in the state, however.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 9, 1880, page 3

    Some of P. Britt's rare and beautiful flowers are now in bloom and attracting much attention.
"Brief Reference," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 30, 1880, page 3

    P. Britt, accompanied by his son and daughter, will make a trip to the coast in a few days, expecting to be gone several weeks. He will take photographs of the most prominent objects of scenery as he progresses.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 30, 1880, page 3

    P. Britt, accompanied by his son and daughter, started for the coast on Monday last.
"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 6, 1880, page 3

    Peter Britt, artist and florist, from Jacksonville, has been spending a few days among us. He came down for the purpose of taking views of the coast, and, as he says, to hear the roar of "old ocean" once more. His son and Miss Mollie, his daughter, accompanied him; also Mr. Linville, wife and daughter, and Miss Addie Langell. We spent two very pleasant evenings with the party. Mr. Britt is a true artist, and we enjoyed the interchange of ideas in regard to photography very much. He left for his home on last Thursday.--[Del Norte Record.

"Personal Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 27, 1880, page 3

    The foundation of Peter Britt's addition to his residence, built of dressed stone, is progressing and will soon be ready for the superstructure.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, June 25, 1881, page 3

    Peter Britt is making some substantial improvements to his residence by the addition of a wing to be used as a photograph gallery.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, July 30, 1881, page 3

    ORANGE TREE.--P. Britt of this place has an orange tree in full bloom at his conservatory, on which are also about thirty oranges of good size and quality, that will ripen in due time. This is perhaps the only tree of the kind growing successfully in Oregon, and Mr. Britt is quite naturally proud of it. He also cultivates with success several other tropical plants of great beauty and value.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 20, 1882, page 3

    NATIVE ORANGES.--P. Britt, well-known photographer, this week presented us with some ripe oranges from one of the trees in his conservatory, which are great curiosities in this part of the world. They were juicy and of a flavor quite natural, even more agreeable than that of imported oranges. We doubt whether anyone else in Oregon or Northern California can boast of plucking oranges from his own tree. Thanks, Mr. Britt.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 26, 1882, page 3

    Robt. A. Miller, accompanied by Mr. [James Everett] Stuart, a Portland artist, arrived in town Saturday. The following Wednesday they left for Crater Lake, and will spend several weeks in visiting the curiosities and viewing the beautiful scenery in which southern and southeastern Oregon abound. Mr. S. will also do some sketching while here.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 18, 1882, page 3

    FOR LAKE COUNTY.--Peter Britt started for Crater Lake this week accompanied by Robt. Miller and Mr. Stuart of Portland. The latter is an artist and he proposes making some sketches of the scenery in Lake County while out.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, August 19, 1882, page 3

    P. Britt and family, Robt. A. Miller and Mr. Stuart returned from a trip to Crater Lake yesterday.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 15, 1882, page 3

    Peter Britt and son and Robt. A. Miller came in from Crater Lake this week. Mr. Stuart, the artist, is visiting Mt. Shasta.

"Personals," Ashland Tidings, September 15, 1882, page 3

    Peter Britt and son and Robt. A. Miller returned from Crater Lake last Thursday. Mr. Stuart, the artist, who accompanied them, has extended his trip to Mount Shasta.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 16, 1882, page 3

    Emil Britt, son of our worthy photographer, left yesterday for San Francisco, where he will take lessons in photography under A. P. Flaglor, now employed at Morse's gallery.
    Mr. Stuart, the Portland artist who visited Crater Lake recently, made some handsome sketches of the scenery in that vicinity. He returned yesterday from a trip through Siskiyou County, viewing Mt. Shasta and other prominent points.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 29, 1882, page 3

    Mr. Stuart, the Portland artist, returned from a visit to Crater Lake and Mount Shasta this week and reports himself well pleased with our country and scenery.
    Emil Britt started for San Francisco last Thursday to accept a position in Morse's art gallery, where he will complete his education as an artist.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 30, 1882, page 3

    Robt. A. Miller and Mr. Stuart, who have been paying Southern Oregon a visit, returned to Portland this week.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 20, 1882, page 3

    Robt. A. Miller and Mr. Stuart, the artist, returned to Portland this week. The latter made some fine sketches while here.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 21, 1882, page 3

    The finest lot of grapes we have yet seen this season were brought us this week by Peter Britt. They were raised on his place north of town and for size and flavor are superior to any ever raised here.
"Local Items," 
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 28, 1882, page 3

    Emil Britt is expected back from San Francisco soon to take charge of Peter Britt's photographic gallery in this place. Emil is said to be a first-class artist now, having studied under the masters in San Francisco.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 21, 1883, page 3

    Photographs of all kinds taken on short notice at Peter Britt's gallery. Emil Britt is expected back from San Francisco in a few days, when he will assist his father. The latter has gone through a thorough course of study in the leading San Francisco galleries and is pronounced a first-class artist.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 20, 1883, page 3

    Emil Britt returned from San Francisco on last Sunday's stage. He will remain here now and assist his father in the photographing business.

"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 27, 1883, page 3

    PHOTOGRAPHY.--For photographs of superior work and finish, go to Britt's. He has just received an instrument for making large heads. Parties wishing large photos can now have them taken direct, instead of employing agents to procure inferior enlargements at greater expense.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 17, 1883, page 3

    For fine works of art take a look at the photos now being taken by Peter Britt.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 22, 1883, page 3

    The best photos ever taken in Jacksonville can now be had at Britt's gallery. All the latest improvements in the art have been supplied by the proprietor, as the pictures will prove for themselves.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 2, 1884, page 3

Beautiful Work.
    A photograph of the magnificent Cooksey monument, just taken by Peter Britt, reminds us that that elegant piece of sculpture has not been mentioned heretofore although specially deserving of notice. It is the work of W. L. Record, the first person in that line of business to introduce the beautiful and lasting Italian marble so much of which now adorns our cemetery grounds. In passing through the main entrance it is the first piece of work that meets the eye, and its beauty naturally leads the visitor towards it. The elegant stone and surroundings are the last tribute of affection from the parents of little George Cooksey and is admirable in all its proportions. This is only one of many artistic pieces erected by Mr. Record, who is now carrying on an extensive business here and whose taste in selection, design and execution cannot be excelled. He is employing quite a number of hands designing, finishing and lettering monuments, and his rapidly increasing business shows that his work is appreciated and that its price is not beyond the means of the most humble. We should give to Mr. Record the credit of establishing an industry among us that affords all an opportunity of placing beautiful, durable and appropriate monuments over their dead, and his enterprise should be rewarded by success as it surely will be.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 12, 1884, page 3

    Miss Mollie Britt has returned from her visit to Portland. Miss Ida Fisher will remain at the metropolis a short time longer.
    Britt & Son have disposed of quite a number of scenes taken in Jacksonville during the late celebration. They are quite natural and show a high degree of photographic skill.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 18, 1884, page 3

    Peter Britt is still on the sick list but is improving. Emil Britt is in charge of the gallery and can accommodate all who want photos taken in the highest style of the art.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 26, 1884, page 3

    Emil Britt has been taking views of the town, which are quite natural and reflect credit on his skill as a photographer.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 17, 1884, page 3

    For fine photographs equal in style and finish to city work call on Peter Britt.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 13, 1884, page 3

    Peter Britt and son now take photos that cannot be excelled anywhere on the coast. Go up there sometime and take a look at his samples.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 17, 1885, page 3

    P. Britt took a number of photographs of the new and handsome Red Men's wigwam in this place Saturday.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 3, 1885, page 3

    Peter Britt and son took several views at the hanging of O'Neil, and copies can be had by applying at their gallery.
"Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, March 27, 1886, page 3

    The vandals who have been pillaging P. Britt's farm near Jacksonville have ceased their depredations since Mr. B. gave notice in the Times that he would prosecute all trespassers to the fullest extent of the law.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 26, 1886, page 3

    Sociables were held at the residences of P. Britt and K. Kubli, during the past week, both of which were attended by quite a number of the young folks of this place and duly enjoyed.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, January 21, 1887, page 3

    Peter Britt, our local photographer, assisted by his son, takes photographs of every style and by the latest improved methods. Their work will compare favorably with any done in the state, and their prices are quite reasonable.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 18, 1887, page 3

    Peter Britt has two orange trees in his garden at this place which are full of fruit. The oranges are well developed, but small.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 27, 1887, page 3

    Peter Britt, the well-known photographer, has gone to Northern California on a trip of recreation, accompanied by his family.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 12, 1887, page 3

    Peter Britt, who spent three weeks in Northern California, accompanied by his family, returned home last week. They report having a nice trip.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 9, 1887, page 3

Southern Oregon Grapes.
    From Peter Britt of Jacksonville the Oregonian is in receipt of a box of grapes equally as fine as those sent recently by Mr. Miller. The grapes of Southern Oregon are perfect in beauty and flavor, and the vines are even more prolific than in any part of California. With the grapes Mr. Britt sends the following letter:
    "These grapes are from my own little vineyard of five acres lying among the foothills which embrace the town of Jacksonville. They have been cultivated and picked with my own hands.
    "Not more than one-half of the grapes produced by any culturist are suitable for table purposes. The greater portion of each year's crop must be made into wine or be permitted to waste without use or profit to anyone. I have this year as fine a crop of grapes, size and quality considered, as I have seen in Europe or America; yet I must convert the largest part of this crop into wine or lose that part of it entirely.
    "There are thousands of acres of land in the near vicinity, uncultivated as yet, and which will produce nothing but fruit and grapes, but will produce these in quantity and quality unexcelled by the most favored portions of our earth, which will forever remain as nature has fashioned it should the prohibition amendment prevail; but which, with the possibility of ready shipment recently opened up to us, will be speedily made to contribute the largest and most luscious fruit of the vine that man may wish to see and enjoy--should the amendment providentially miscarry.
    "My little vineyard, the result of many years of labor and care, possesses both a representative and a real value, and quite satisfactorily indicates that the most considerable individual industry of the state for any limited area is to be the grape and fruit growing industry of Southern Oregon--if enough men on the 8th day of November next think with the Oregonian that prohibition is not the proper means by which to obtain temperance in the habits of the people. Respectfully yours,
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 28, 1887, page 3

    P. Britt of Jacksonville showed magnificent Black Prince, Malvoisie, Mission and White Sweetwater grapes from the Valley View Vineyard. Also a fine bouquet of ornamental grasses, ricinus, Japanese maize, etc., which was very handsome. His Black Prince grapes excel in quality any black table grape raised in California, though not fully ripened as yet.
"The Fruit Growers Exhibit," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 4, 1888, page 3

    Peter Britt, accompanied by Miss Mollie Britt, will go to San Francisco for a visit in a short time, we learn.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 15, 1889, page 3

    Some vandal stole the fine grapes that Peter Britt was expecting to exhibit at the district fair last Sunday night.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 26, 1889, page 3

    The fine grapes of the county were not all at the fair by any means. Emil Britt yesterday favored us with a huge basket of specimen bunches from the Britt vineyard of unsurpassing excellence, consisting of Mission, Rose of Peru, Purple Chasselas, Black Malvoisie, Isabella and Salem varieties. The last two are known as American grapes, and are not nearly so well adapted to this locality as the foreign varieties.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 10, 1889, page 3

    Peter Britt will make a trip to California soon, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Amalia.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 5, 1889, page 3

    George Daley and family have removed from Big Butte precinct to the Britt property, near Eagle Point, for the summer.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 20, 1890, page 3

    Peter Britt did some splendid photographic work for Governor Pennoyer while the latter was in Jacksonville last week, and the honest and sturdy old Governor's portrait will be one of the chief objects of interest to visitors to the gallery..
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 30, 1890, page 3

A Beautiful Selection.
    We have scarcely ever seen anything in the way of native shrubbery so beautiful as a branch of the western yew, "Taxus brevifolia," loaded with berries, which E. W. Hammond of Wimer brought in this week to have photographed by Mr. Britt. Mr. H., who is familiar with these things, says this is an unusually fine fruiting specimen. It is richly ornamented with a great number of large, handsome, coral-red berries, which are attached to the underside of the branch. It is to be sent to Boston, to be used in pictorial illustration in a series of watercolor paintings of the flowers and fruits of native North American trees for the collection at New York. Mr. H. has an order from Prof. C. S. Sargent, director of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, to collect and forward in their proper season flowering and fruiting specimens of this and a number of other western trees and shrubs, to be used in this connection. The Northwest abounds in many handsome specimens of rare trees, and no person in Southern Oregon is so well qualified to make the proposed selection as Prof. Hammond.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 14, 1890, page 3

    P. Britt favored us with a bottle of his unequaled claret this week. It is not surpassed by even the California article, and all who try it are loud in its praise. Mr. B. has manufactured a large quantity of wine this season.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 12, 1890, page 3

    Last Sunday evening, at Medford, S.P. car No. 4800, containing a consignment of goods for the new Medford clothing merchant D. G. Coy, was broken into by tramps at about 9:30 o'clock, and 21 pairs of double blankets, several hats, a number of pairs of shoes, some razors, etc., were found to be missing next morning. In the car was found a No. 10 badly worn tramp's shoe and a No. 7 of the same species, the mates to the odd shoes being found at the end of the switch, denoting at least two thieves to have been present at the robbery. A lot of "dope waste" had been piled on a dry goods box and lighted to serve as a candle for the rascals, and had burned a hole through the box, showing them to have been engaged a considerable time at the job. On Monday the sheriff was given a minute description of the stolen property, and ran the thieves down at Ashland, with the assistance of Marshal Mayfield and Deputy Marshal Smith, who obligingly ran one of them into the cooler, while the sheriff was given a fair swing at questioning the younger of the fellows, who had obtained a night's lodging with a woman living near the depot at that place. After making several contradictory statements the man at last confessed to the details of the crime, and put the officers on the track of the missing property that they admit having stolen, even to the two pairs of blankets they had used for bedding and left under a laurel tree near Phoenix. The other fellow virtually admitted his complicity in the crime after learning of his partner's confession, but both denied breaking the seal of the car, or taking the missing 19 blankets. As their story hung together so well the officers are inclined to think that other thieves raided the car after they left it. The young fellow who confessed gave his name as Wm. Johnson, the other calling himself Jim McCarthy. Both had a preliminary hearing before Justice G. S. Walton at Medford on Tuesday last, and were able to await the action of the grand jury. In default of $500 bail bonds both languish in the county jail. They were photographed by P. Britt yesterday, in response to a telegram from the railway authorities, L. R. Fields, the general traffic superintendent, thinking they are responsible for other crimes in which the railroad is interested. They are unquestionably elected for long terms in the penitentiary. Francis Fitch, Esq., assisted District Attorney Colvig in the preliminary examination before Judge Walton, appearing as the representative of the S.P. company. The cases of goods were badly torn up in the car, the fellows being unable to find the clothing they were in search of. No clue has yet been found to the nineteen pairs of missing blankets, nor to several missing hats and five pairs of shoes.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 13, 1891, page 3

    Somebody fired an old building belonging to P. Britt in broad daylight, last Sunday, and it burned to the ground. It is difficult to say what was the object of the scoundrel who committed the deed.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 5, 1891, page 2

    P. Britt, who already has one of the finest residences in Southern Oregon, is about making further improvements.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 17, 1891, page 3

    Mr. Rothermel of San Jose, Cal., and wife, as also his niece, are the guests of P. Britt and family.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1891, page 3

    P. Britt and Mr. Rothermel of San Jose, Cal., who made a trip to Crater Lake, accompanied by their families, have returned to Jacksonville. We are sorry to learn that some of the party got back somewhat indisposed.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 18, 1891, page 3

    Mr. Rothermel and family of San Jose, Cal., who have been paying P. Britt and his children a protracted visit, left for their home yesterday. Mrs. R. and her niece spent two days at Yreka, visiting Mrs. Julien and her daughters.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, October 2, 1891, page 3

    Some of the finest grapes ever produced in any country were gathered by C. D. Reed, Peter Britt, and others of our leading vineyardists, during the past two weeks, well illustrating the fact that the foothill belt in the grape district is one among the most deserving of development in the entire country.
"Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 6, 1891, page 3

    P. Britt & Son took a number of photographs during the 4th of July, which are first-class.

"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, July 14, 1893, page 3

    Several of the Chinese residents of Jackson County were in town during the past few days, having their photographs taken by P. Britt & Son so that they can be properly registered by the federal officials.
Democratic Times, January 11, 1894, page 3

    P. Britt and his daughter, Miss Amalia, who have been visiting different points in California, returned home yesterday, well pleased with their trip.

"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 14, 1894, page 3

    Peter Britt, who raises some of the finest grapes in the state, has our thanks for a basketful.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 1, 1894, page 3

    James M. Lewis is moving from the old Britt place to a place he has bought on Sterling Creek.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 5

    Mr. Mercer, who has been living on the Peterson place, has moved to the Britt place, at the mouth of Little Butte Creek.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, September 28, 1900, page 5

    Peter Britt is making some improvements on his place at the mouth of Little Butte.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, October 26, 1900, page 5

    Peter Britt, of Jacksonville, has a force of men at work on a ditch about three miles long leading onto his farm at the junction of Little Butte Creek and Rogue River.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, December 7, 1900, page 5

    The contractors who are digging the Britt ditch, extending from below town to the Britt farm on Rogue River, have their work nearly completed. This ditch will enable Mr. Britt to utilize a large tract of pumice land which is now useless, and also to irrigate a large part of his tillable land.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail, March 22, 1901, page 5

    Tom Young has just finished a ditch in Eagle Point precinct for Peter Britt, which is three miles long. It is a fine piece of work.
"Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 23, 1901, page 5

    At the last meeting of Jane McCully Cabin, Native Daughters of Oregon, held Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected: President, Amalia Britt; vice president, Mrs. E. Cook; 2nd vice president, Lillie Taylor; 3rd vice president, Marie Nickell; secretary, Corinne Linn; financial secretary, Amy Cantrall; treasurer, Isa Cook; marshal, Ella Orth.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 10, 1902, page 2

    Peter Britt, the well-known pioneer, is recovering from a severe spell of sickness. He is nearly 85 years of age.
"Brief Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 18, 1903, page 2

    The first picture ever made of Crater Lake was by Peter Britt of Jacksonville. Mr. Britt, accompanied by his son Emil, who was then a small boy, and Samuel Hall in August 1874 made a trip to Crater Lake for the purpose of taking a picture of the lake, for none had ever been made before, as no other photographer was venturesome enough to undertake so tiresome and expensive a trip as it then was. The road then was more difficult to travel than now, and to haul to Crater Lake their camp outfit and a complete photographic outfit was a big undertaking, for that was before the dry process had been invented and Mr. Britt had an outfit that weighed over 200 pounds, for he had to use the wet process and to take with him a full supply of chemicals, silver baths and other helps and prepare each plate as he used it. Mr. Britt put in the greater part of two days in taking views of the lake, and he succeeded in getting seven negatives, some of which he yet has. The first engraving to appear in a publication was made from a photograph supplied by Mr. Britt and was in the West Shore, an illustrated magazine published in Portland some years ago. Mr. Britt, who is a painter of considerable talent, painted in oil a fine sketch of the lake, which was the first ever made of the celebrated scene. The painting yet hangs in Mr. Britt's studio, and it compares well with those painted in later years by other artists.
"First Boat on Crater Lake," Jacksonville Sentinel, September 4, 1903, page 2

    Last Friday noon Professor A. B. Cordley and Professor E. R. Lake, of the State Agricultural College at Corvallis, arrived at Jacksonville to take part in the fruitgrowers convention that was held Saturday in this place . . . The professors were then taken to the Britt home by Emil Britt, where they spent some time in enjoying the beauties of the handsome park about the house, the rare collection of trees, shrubs and flowers being very interesting to them. Mr. P. Britt showed them his collection of photographs and daguerreotypes that without doubt contains more rare pictures than any other gallery in Oregon, for there are daguerreotypes taken by Mr. Britt in St. Louis, some as early as 1846, also the first pictures taken in Southern Oregon, being daguerreotypes taken by Mr. Britt soon after his arrival in Jacksonville in October, 1852. There can also be seen the first photograph ever taken in Southern Oregon which was made by Mr. Britt in 1857 [sic. Note that the previous sentence says he began in 1852. This must refer to the first paper print, reportedly made in 1858.]. He has the first photograph ever taken of Crater Lake, which he took in August, 1874. As both of the professors are amateur photographers, they were greatly interested in Mr. Britt's collection of lenses, which number 26 and include the little daguerreotype lenses with which he learned the art in 1846 and a big photographic lens that cost him $250 in New York.
"Some Entertaining and Instructive Drives," Jacksonville Sentinel, September 11, 1903, page 5

    Chas. E. Terrill, one of Butte Creek's most energetic young men, was in our town a few days ago. He has bargained with Peter Britt for one of the best farms in that section.
"Personal Mention," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, December 2, 1903, page 1

    PETER BRITT. To Peter Britt belongs the distinction of taking the first photograph in the state of Oregon, the much-valued print still being a prized possession of this master portrait painter and photographer. The date of this undertaking was February 26, 1858, and the subject was Judge Mosher. [Britt began photography in Oregon in 1852.
This must refer to the first paper photograph.] Probably no one living in the West has so large a collection of pioneer pictures as Mr. Britt, the majority of his subjects having long since passed over the great divide. All degrees and kinds of photographic development are represented, and probably most of the faces which had to do with the frontier days may be studied under the hospitable roof of this earnest and high-minded lover of art. His gallery also contains many examples of his portrait work in oils, and upon his canvases are perpetuated many of the ideal landscapes for which Oregon is noted far and wide. Many of these paintings represent great value, and as a collection they rank with the landmarks which illustrate western development up to the present time. The Britt house and gallery commands a view over the entire city and Rogue River Valley, the horizon being banked by the Cascade Mountains. Surrounding it are flowers, shrubs and trees in profusion, the trees including ornamental palms, magnolias, chestnut, lemon and orange trees, as well as cherry, plum, apple, peach and others which bear their burden of fruit each season, an ideal home, occupied by an artist who has gone through life with seeing eyes, and one who has observed and thought with extreme intelligence. It is not surprising that his eighty-five years are crowned with the honor of all, the love and affection of many and the supreme consciousness of having performed well whatever he set out to do.
    Mr. Britt was born in Glarus, Switzerland, March 19, 1819, his ancestors having settled in the Alps country many hundreds of years ago, emigrating from their home in England. Jacob Britt, the father of Peter, was born near Glarus, and married Dorothy Britt, a native of the same locality, and daughter of Kasper Britt. Jacob Britt brought his family, consisting of two sons, his wife having died some years before, to America in 1845, locating in Highland, Ill., where he lived to be seventy-three years old. In his native land, and also in the country of his adoption, he engaged in the wood business, importing the finest of woods for cabinet and other ornamental work.
    Peter Britt was twenty-six years old when he came to America with his father in 1845, bringing with him a practical common-school education and a mastery of portrait painting. Seven years later, in 1852, he joined a party of three in a trip across the plains, having one wagon and six yoke of sturdy oxen. They were eight months on the way, and though they had much to do with the Indians, invariably received kind treatment from the denizens of the plains. It is one of the pleasantest recollections of Mr. Britt that they were always thoughtful and considerate of the red men, and that they often gave them food and otherwise purchased their good will. Locating in Jacksonville, he plied his art, which he had perfected in Illinois and St. Louis, Mo., in which latter city he had also taken up daguerreotyping, as possibly better understood and appreciated in this country. At the same time he took up a half section of land adjoining the town of Jacksonville, to which he later added eighty acres, combining its management with portrait painting and daguerreotyping. In the spring of 1853 he started a pack train to Crescent City, a distance of one hundred miles, and continued the freighting business until 1856. He then sold out his train and went to San Francisco, where he purchased a larger and more complete photographic outfit, and soon afterward took the first photograph before referred to. His life in the meantime has been a busy one, and here he married Amalia Grob, who for years watched his growing success, but died in 1871. Two children were born of the union, Emile and Amalia D. Aside from his beautiful home, Mr. Britt owns several farms in the Rogue River Valley, upon one of which is a vineyard yielding delicious grapes and fruit for wine production. The balance of the land is in orchard and pasture. Formerly Mr. Britt voted the Democratic ticket, but owing to the currency attitude of his party he has espoused the cause of Republicanism. Too much cannot be said in eulogy of the life and work of this disciple of nature. In a groove in which comparatively few excel, he has tenaciously maintained a high standard, and at the same time has made a practical success of his life work. It is the unusual artist who has the financial part of his makeup well developed, and especially one who has not sacrificed the dignity or simplicity of his calling.

Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon, Chapman Publishing Co., Chicago, 1904, pages 966-967

    The private grounds about the home of Mr. Britt, three acres in extent, is really a botanical garden, for it contains a collection of semi-tropical trees and plants rarely seen in this latitude, together with a collection of plants, shrubs and trees native to the United States. It is justly famed throughout Oregon.

"Jacksonville, One of Oregon's Old Towns," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 15, 1905, page 9

Jacksonville Session.
    The first session of the farmers' institute at Jacksonville was held Tuesday evening is the U.S. Hall. Mayor Emil Britt, who with his brother [sic] Peter Britt has the second largest vineyard is Oregon and who are also the owners of several fine farms in Jackson County, presided. Mr. Britt is an enthusiastic supporter of the farmers' institute movement and was one of the principal workers in making the Jacksonville institute the fine success that it was. The address of welcome was made by Hon. Wm. M. Colvig, who spoke of the agricultural awakening that these institutes would bring and of the possibilities for Jacksonville to become the center of as rich a farming section as it was a gold mining section. Dr. Withycombe in his reply to the address of welcome stated that the red hills about Jacksonville had already become famous for producing grapes of a size and flavor that could not be excelled in the United States, and with such soil and climatic conditions as were here united would make Jacksonville one of the noted grape districts of the world, both table and wine grapes. As a peach district it would become equally famous, while all other fruits were a success. The rich bottom lands of that section would under modern methods make a great dairy district. The next day a forenoon and an afternoon session was held. All the sessions were well attended by the farmers of the vicinity, but a noticeable feature for institutes held in towns and in marked contrast to the institute to Grants Pass where there was not a business man present, was the large numbers of business men in attendance. Realizing that the development of the agricultural resources of the country about Jacksonville would be a most important factor in the prosperity of their town, the business men of that place took an active part in promoting the institute and added much to its success by their presence at all three sessions.
"Hold Successful Institutes," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 22, 1905, page 2

Peter Britt.
    MEDFORD, Or., Oct. 3.--(Special.)--Peter Britt, aged 86 years and 7 months, a pioneer of 1851, died at his home in Jacksonville, Or., this morning at 9 o'clock. He had been a resident of Jackson County for over 50 years, and during that time had amassed a considerable fortune, which he leaves entirely to his heirs. His death is attributed to the fatigues of the journey he made to Portland and the Fair last week. He returned last Sunday with a severe cold, which developed into pneumonia, from which death resulted Tuesday morning.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, October 4, 1905, page 6

    Jacksonville, Oct. 4.--Peter Britt, one of the oldest pioneers of the Rogue River Valley, died yesterday in Jacksonville, where he has lived since 1852. Born in Switzerland more than 87 years ago, Mr. Britt came from Missouri to the Rogue River Valley in 1852, residing here continuously ever since. He worked at portrait painting until far advanced in years. Soon after his arrival in Jacksonville he started a pack train to Crescent City, and for some years handled freight from the coast to Rogue River Valley. Two children survive their parents. Mr. Britt was one of the master spirits to bring about the change from primitive conditions to advanced civilization in the Rogue River Valley.
Morning Astorian, October 5, 1905, page 4

A Pioneer Citizen.
    Peter Britt, of Jacksonville, one of the first settlers in Southern Oregon, died at his home at the county seat, Tuesday, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. Mr. Britt was a native of Switzerland and came to the United States in 1845. In 1852 he crossed the plains and located in Jacksonville, where he has resided since. He first engaged it freighting from Crescent City and in 1856 brought the first photographic outfit to Southern Oregon. He enjoyed the distinction of having taken the first photograph in the state of Oregon. This much-valued print is still in existence, the property of the deceased at the time of his death. It is a portrait of Judge Mosher and was taken in 1858. In 1856 he married Amalia Grob, who died in 1871. Two children were born to the union, Emile and Amalia D., both of whom survive him.
Medford Mail, October 6, 1905, page 1  The Mosher photograph may be the first paper print, but not the first photograph taken in Oregon.

    Peter Britt, an old pioneer of Jacksonville, died Tuesday morning, October 3rd. Mr. Britt spent a week in Portland, visiting the fair. He returned home about a week ago and had contracted a severe cold, which terminated in pneumonia. This was the immediate cause of his death. The funeral took place from the family residence Wednesday afternoon.
"Jacksonville News," Medford Mail, October 6, 1905, page 8

The Late Peter Britt of Jacksonville Was Pioneer Photographer of State.
Demonstrated Adaptability of Oregon Soil to Semi-Tropic Fruit--
Played Leading Part in the Development of Rogue River Valley.

(Special Dispatch to the Journal.)
    Medford, Or., Oct. 19.--Linked with the early history of Oregon, a leading figure among the pioneers of the Rogue River Valley was Peter Britt, who died at Jacksonville October 3 at the age of 87. Among all the early settlers it is doubtful if any were more closely identified with the early life of the southern part of the state than he. Born in the historic town of Obstalden in Canton Glarus, Switzerland, March 11, 1819, he came with his father to Highland, Illinois, in 1845, where he followed the occupation of portrait painter for five years, taking up daguerreotyping in 1847. In 1852 the returning "Forty-niners" determined him to remove to the Pacific Coast, and after an eight months' trip with ox team, via the Fort Hall route and Portland, he arrived at Jacksonville in the fall of that year, where he made his home until his death.
    With an intermission of some years, when he was engaged in freighting from Crescent City to Jacksonville, he followed the occupation of portrait painter and photographer for 50 years, and had in his gallery at the time of his death the most complete line of pioneer portraits, historical scenes and scenic views in the state.
    To him belonged the distinction of having taken the first photograph on paper ever taken in the state. The subject was the late Judge Mosher. This occurred in 1858, and for a generation afterwards Mr. Britt had the most complete photographic apparatus south of Portland. He secured a fairly good photograph of Crater Lake as early as 1874.
    He surrounded his home on the elevation back of Jacksonville, from which point he had one of the finest views on the Rogue River mountains, with a collection of rare plants, shrubs and trees, including palms, lemon and orange trees, giving it the aspect of a semitropical park. To him more than to any other man belongs the credit of having introduced into Southern Oregon the many varieties of wine and table grapes for which this section is noted.
    Realizing that a section adapted to so many varieties of choice fruits, and blessed with so fine and equable climate, was destined to be thickly peopled in the future, Mr. Britt acquired title to a large amount of choice land and at the time of his death was one of the leading landholders of the valley.
Oregon Journal, Portland, October 19, 1905, page 3

    The will of the late Jacksonville pioneer, Peter Britt, has been admitted to probate, and Emil Britt has been appointed executor by Judge Dunn of the probate court. The will disposes of real and personal property of the estimated value of $24,000 which is devised to equal shares to his son and daughter, Emil and Miss Mollie Britt.
"Brevities," Ashland Tidings, November 13, 1905, page 2

    Emil Britt was born in Jacksonville [in] 1862, and has been a member of the city council for ten consecutive years, including several terms [as] mayor, which position he now holds. He is a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being now Master of Warren Lodge No. 10 for the fifth year in succession.
    Mr. Britt is among the best "boosters" of the county capital and takes much interest in questions of public moment.
Medford Mail, April 26, 1907, page 2

Grew Grapes in Rogue River Valley in 1854--Also Introduced Photography to Oregon.

    JACKSONVILLE, Or., Sept. 39.--(Special.)--The question as to who is the father of the grape industry in Rogue River Valley has been raised as the outcome of a banquet recently given by a real estate firm at Grants Pass in honor of A. H. Carson, a grape grower of that section of the valley, who is credited with being the originator of the grape industry in Southern Oregon. As this banquet got considerable publicity in the Oregonian and as it is an unearned and unfair honor to credit Mr. Carson, or any of the other present vineyardists of Jackson or Josephine County, with being the father of the Rogue River Valley grape industry, the true facts are herewith given:
    To the late Peter Britt, of Jacksonville, belongs the honor of introducing tame grapes into Rogue River Valley, and of having the first commercial vineyard. This vineyard consists of 15 acres and is one of several in this vicinity that have demonstrated that Rogue River Valley can produce a grape and a wine equal to the best of the famous grape districts of Europe. Mr. Britt was reared in the grape district of Switzerland, and, having traveled in France, he thoroughly understood the growing of grapes and the making of wine. He arrived in Jacksonville in the fall of 1852, being one of the pioneers of this old mining town, and noted the vigor of the wild grapevines about here, and he determined to give tame grapes a trial. He got his first vines from California in 1854 or 1855. These were the old Mission grapes, and they grew so well that he later got in other varieties and for the 50 years to the time of his death in October 1905, Mr. Britt carried on the work of demonstrating what were the best grapes for this soil and climate, and in that period he grew over 200 varieties of American and European grapes. Vines were had from Mr. Britt for every vineyard in Rogue River Valley, including Mr. Carson's, that were planted prior to the last ten years.
Starts Famous Park.
    The Britt grapes and the Britt wine were famous while yet Mr. Carson was a struggling lawyer in Arkansas, and the fine quality of both were known to all pioneers of the Pacific Coast who had occasion to pass through Jacksonville on the stage line in early days or the railroad in recent time.
    Mr. Britt was a lover of nature as well as a scientific horticulturist, and the park about his residence in this place has been for years one of the leading attractions of Southern Oregon. A picture of it has appeared in all the railroad advertising of this section for 20 years past. In this park is a sequoia gigantia (California big tree) which Mr. Britt planted 46 years ago, getting the seed from the famous grove of big trees in Yosemite Valley. This tree is now fully 100 feet high and 152 inches in circumference three feet above the ground. A palm tree 28 feet high, growing out of doors all seasons of the year, is another interesting feature of this park. Mr. Britt originated a walnut tree that has proven to be superior in many respects to the imported varieties. For 26 years the original tree has never failed to bear a crop of nuts, and trees of the second and third generation have borne nuts quite equal in size and fine quality to those of the parent tree.
First Crater Lake Picture.
    Mr. Britt took the first photograph of Crater Lake. This was in August 1874, long before the present simple and easy method of taking photographs was invented, and the outfit that he had to take to the lake on pack horses over a rough mountain trail weighed 600 pounds. He had to fit up a darkroom and prepare the plates at the lake, yet with all these difficulties to overcome he got a view of the famous mountain wonder that has not been excelled in clearness by the photographers of today, with their splendid equipment. Mr. Britt was one of the first in the United States to take pictures by the daguerreotype process, and he was also one of the first to use photography. He had one of the first galleries opened in Oregon, doing his first photography at Jacksonville in the fall of 1852. His gallery, which is kept just as the old gentleman left it by his son, Mayor E. Britt, of this place, is one of the most interesting places in all Oregon to the lover of pioneer relics and history. The collection of cameras embraces every design, from the first crude photographic instrument to the perfect one of today. A complete daguerreotyping outfit is also one of the interesting curios. There are also to be seen hundreds of photographs of pioneers, many of them persons of note in the history of Oregon and of the Pacific Coast. The famous picture of Governor Pennoyer, with the high collar so familiar to newspaper readers of years ago, was taken by Mr. Britt, and the old Governor was so well pleased with it that he would send to Mr. Britt for additional photos whenever his supply ran short.
Oregonian, Portland, September 30, 1907, page 2

    Mr. Stewart, the gentleman who has charge of the old Peter Britt place, has it about all plowed and ready for planting to trees, and is now fencing it.

A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail, December 4, 1908, page 2

    S. S. Wolfer has been doing some plumbing work for Tronson & Guthrie. Wamsley & Smith have just started in to build a dwelling house and barn for Mr. Cooley, the man who bought the old Peter Britt place, just above town, and the folks are generally improving their places.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail, December 11, 1908, page 8

    Scott Bruce, Claud Wamsley and John W. Smith commenced work on a new house for Mr. Cooley, the man who bought the Peter Britt place, above Eagle Point.
A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail, December 18, 1908, page 8

    The work on the Cooley house and barn on the old Britt place is retarded on account of the lack of lumber, as it seems to be scarce in Medford owing to the enormous demand there for building purposes.

A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets,"
Medford Mail, December 25, 1908, page 8

A Few Things Noted by the Reporter
    In making the rounds of the city a few days since the Post reporter had occasion to visit a few of the pretty residences and lawns.
    The first visit was at the residence of Councilman Britt. After passing between two rows of well-trimmed hedge we came to a large majestic palm, of the same variety grown in Southern states and the lowlands of Florida. This palm grows in the open lawn and is protected only by the heavy mass of fiber common to such plants. At the crown two large flower pods are protruding through a cluster of large, spiked, fan-shaped leaves.
    We then passed through the lawn where flowers, shrubs and trees from all parts of the globe were planted. A peach tree planted in 1853 is in full bloom, and it may be well to say here that this tree has not missed a single crop since it came into bearing. A large cluster of bamboo is growing a few feet north of the residence that has supplied many poles for the anxious angler.
    The chestnut, mulberry, buckeye and several other varieties of choice trees foreign to this state are to be seen growing on this lawn with all the health and vigor of their native clime.
    The big tree, a native of California, is here found. This tree is highly prized by Mr. Britt because it was planted on the day of his birth and has shaded him in his boyhood days.
    From the residence one can feast for hours upon the beautiful scenery. Lofty Mt. Pitt with its conical top covered with perpetual snow is a picture only to be reproduced by the artist's brush, and at its very feet is seen the fertile valley of the Rogue where all nature is in bloom. To the north can be seen Table Rock with its high perpendicular sides and in the distance is Diamond Peak with its mantle of perpetual snow.
    The next visit was at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson, where the scenery is almost the same as that from the residence of Mr. Britt, more snow-capped mountains to the south and a wider range of the valley.
    This is the artist's home. Little Dorland Robinson, aged 17 years, the pride of Jackson County, yes Oregon, whose work with the brush is equal to that of the world's renowned artists lives amid scenes most refreshing to an artist's eye.
    Her work is from nature, and she sits for hours painting upon canvas the beauties of this glorious valley. The "Greek," from life and the "Cozy Corner" bid fair to make this child artist famous in this country and abroad.

Jacksonville Post, April 17, 1909, page 1

    Some years ago I met Peter Britt, one of the pioneers of Oregon and one of the first settlers at Jacksonville. During my visit to Mr. Britt he showed me a wonderfully interesting collection of photographs that he had taken in the early fifties of men who later became famous in Oregon's history. Desiring to look over these photographs again, I visited Jacksonville recently.
    Mr. Britt's son and daughter live in the old home place. When I told Emil Britt what I wanted he said: "The gallery is just as Father left it. We have not disturbed it since his death. I will be glad to show you through. My father, Peter Britt, was born in Switzerland, and when a young man was a portrait painter. This was before the days of photography, in the late thirties and early forties."
    On the walls of the reception room and the studio were a number of excellent portrait studies in oil. Upon my admiring them Mr. Britt showed me a score or more canvases of landscapes and portraits.
First Camera in Oregon.
    The latest date shown on the paintings was 1843. As we entered the next room Mr. Britt pointed to an old-fashioned camera and said: "That was probably the first camera that ever came to Oregon. It is one of the old daguerreotype style. My father brought it across the plains with him, and when he came to Jacksonville he brought this old camera with several hundred pounds of photographic equipment in a two-wheeled cart. Here is the next camera he used. As you will see, it is the 'wet plate' type. I remember in the early seventies we went to Crater Lake to take what I believe were the first pictures taken of Crater Lake. We had, of course, to take in all of our plates, plate holders, cameras and other equipment on pack horses. We took in several hundred pounds of equipment--a very different thing than nowadays when one can go in with a kodak and a few rolls of films in the coat pocket."
    Hanging on the wall was a picture of a small cabin, the sign on which read "P. Britt, Photograph and Daguerreotype Room." "That is a picture of my father's photograph gallery in 1854," said Mr. Britt; "people used to come from all over Southern Oregon to have their photographs taken in that little gallery." Scores of daguerreotypes were to be seen about the room either in cabinets or in their old-fashioned plush and brass frames. It was like stepping back through the years into the past to look at some of the fresh and smiling faces of these old daguerreotypes and realize that the babies looking at you with solemn stare have long since been grandfathers and grandmothers. Here, standing primly and formally by a chair, was a little girl with tightly curled ringlets hanging down her shoulders and stiffly starched pantalets showing beneath her plaid skirt. More than 50 years have passed, and yet, changeless and unchanging, this demure little maid looks down from her frame upon the visitor of today.
Some Well-Known Oregonians.
    As we looked over the pictures, I noticed many familiar faces. Here was a picture of Judge Colvig when he was a young man; here was one of Sylvester Pennoyer, taken long before he became Governor. Pictures of Binger Hermann, Judge Deady, D. P. Thompson, ex-Governor Woods and dozens of other men who have made their mark in Oregon's history were here. "Whose picture is this?" I inquired. "That is a picture of David Linn. His son Fletcher Linn lives in Portland now. The picture next to that is one of Rev. Flynn taken about 50 years ago." I picked up a photograph of a round-faced, smiling boy and wondered if perhaps it might not be a picture of Bill Hanley or Colonel Robert A. Miller or of some other of the well-known men who first saw the light of day in Jacksonville.
    "My father came to Jacksonville on November 8, 1852. He camped with his cart on the site of our present home. When he came, the hills and gulches for miles around were staked, and men were making big wages with rocker and long tom. My father went in with several others equally inexperienced in mining and took a claim on Ashland Creek. They built sluice boxes and for two weeks worked hard. In the evening they discussed what they would do with their money when they made a cleanup. They finally decided upon going to South America, where they heard there were good opportunities to be found. When the cleanup was finally made, it netted them 75 cents each, so they did not go to South America, and that was the last mining my father ever did. I don't know whether they didn't have their riffles properly arranged or whether the ground they mined held no gold or what was the trouble, but in any event it cured my father for all time of the mining fever. Thereafter he was content to make a slower but more certain living in his gallery.
    "Come on out and I will show you over our place." Mr. Britt, having Swiss industry and love of fixing up his home, has made it a perfect bower of beauty. Bay trees, fig trees, almonds, persimmons, bamboo, walnut [and] grapes are to be seen on every side. I stopped under a "celestial" fig tree and ate several handfuls of sweet, ripe figs. A wide-spreading English walnut in the front yard had scattered the lawn with its fruit. I stopped to fill my pockets with English walnuts. Going back of the house toward the 60-acre park, we came to a sturdy sequoia. "My father had lots of sentiment," said Mr. Britt. "He planted that sequoia the year I was born--50 years ago. It is four feet through at the base and, as you know, the California sequoias live to be more than 1000 years old."
Fred Lockley, "A Town That Lives in the Past," Oregon Journal, Portland, November 24, 1912, page 63

Washington Man Buys Ranch for $12,040.

    Emil Britt of this city sold a tract of land 301 acres in the Griffin Creek district to a man named Gibson of Everett, Wash., for a consideration of $12,040.
    This is considered one of the best bargains in the valley at the price paid, which is just $40 per acre. The purchaser will take immediate possession and will engage in dairying and fruit growing.
Jacksonville Post, April 18, 1914, page 3

Looking at Nature's Moving Pictures
    Sunday afternoon Mayor Britt and sister Miss Amalia treated Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw and Mr. Leon Hanna to an auto trip through the valley and surrounding country. The itinerary included Ross Lane, Willow Springs, Tolo, The Narrows, Gold Hill, Sams Valley, Modoc Orchards, Bybee's Bridge, Central Point, etc. The day was fine for sightseeing, the atmosphere was clear so that landmarks such as Pilot Peak and others were distinctly visible although miles away.
    The route traveled was some fifty miles in length, and not a dull or uninteresting minute in the entire time, the scene changing like a kaleidoscope and presenting a variety of pleasing views from pastoral scenes with fields of waving grain, herds of sleek-looking cattle, broad acres of meadows, orchards with half a thousand acres in bearing fruit trees, etc., to the majestic works of nature such as the Table Rock, acres in extent with its flat top and perpendicular sides of dark-colored rock, a fitting monument to the throes of Creation, the wonderful Rogue with its many rapids, Mts. Pitt and Ashland, snow capped and shining in the rays of the declining sun like diamonds on an azure background, forming a succession of views unsurpassed by those of any country.
    This was only one of the many routes in our fair valley open to the lover of nature. Try a few trips and you will never complain that Southern Oregon is dull and uninteresting.

Jacksonville Post, July 29, 1916, page 3

    George Given and Tom Martin have just come in to see Mr. Holman. Tom Martin lives on the old Peter Britt place, near the mouth of Butte Creek.

A. C. Howlett, "Eagle Point Eaglets," Medford Mail Tribune, February 1, 1917, page 5

Peter Britt, a Leading Figure Among Pioneers.
First Photographer in this Section of the State
And 'Father of the Grape Industry in Southern Oregon.'

    Peter Britt, one of the earliest pioneers and Southern Oregon's first photographer, arrived in Jacksonville on November 8th, 1852 and camped on the site of the present Britt residence. At that time mining excitement was at its height, and the hills and gulches for miles around were staked, and men were making good wages with rocker and "long tom." Mr. Britt, with several others equally inexperienced in mining, took a claim on Ashland Creek. They built sluice boxes and for two weeks worked hard. In the evenings they discussed what they would do with their money when they make a cleanup. They finally decided upon going to South America, where they heard there were good opportunities to be found. When the cleanup was made it netted them 75 cents each, and the South American trip was indefinitely postponed.
    This cured Mr. Britt of the mining fever and, equipped with the first camera ever brought to Oregon, he opened "P. Britt's Photograph and Daguerreotype Room," where people came from all parts of Southern Oregon to have their photographs taken; and at the Britt home today there is a wonderful collection of photographs taken in the early 'fifties of men who later became famous in Oregon's history. Among them are pictures of Binger Hermann, Judge Deady, D. P. Thompson, ex-Governor Woods and dozens of other men who have made their mark in state history. In the early 'seventies Mr. Britt, accompanied by his son, Emil, journeyed to Crater Lake and secured probably the first photograph ever taken of Southern Oregon's famous resort. To accomplish this they had to take in all their cameras, plates, plate-holders and other equipment amounting to several hundred pounds on pack horses--a very different thing than nowadays when one can go in with a Kodak and a few rolls of film in his pocket.
    With an intermission of some years when he was engaged in freighting by pack train from Crescent City to Jacksonville, Mr. Britt followed the occupation of portrait painter and photographer for 50 years and had in his studio at the time of his death the most complete line of pioneer portraits, historical scenes and scenic views in the state. To him belonged the distinction of having taken the first photograph on paper ever taken in Oregon, and for many years he had the most complete photographic apparatus south of Portland.
    Mr. Britt was an ardent horticulturist and surrounded his home in this city with a collection of rare plants, shrubs and trees, including palms, lemon and orange trees, giving it the appearance of a tropical park. He was known as the "father of the grape industry in Southern Oregon" and owned the first commercial vineyard, consisting of 15 acres, which was one of several that demonstrated that Rogue River Valley could produce a grape equal to the best of the famous grape districts of Europe. Mr. Britt was reared in the grape districts of Switzerland and, having traveled much in France, he gained much knowledge of the grape industry. Noting the vigor of the wild grape vines about here, he determined to give tame grapes a trial and got his first vines from California in 1854 or 1855. These were the old Mission grapes, and they grew so well that he later got in other varieties and for 50 years, up to the time of his death in October 1905, he carried on the work of demonstrating what were the best grapes for this soil and climate, and in that period he grew over 200 varieties of American and European grapes. Mr. Britt furnished vines for every vineyard in Rogue River Valley.
    Peter Britt was also the first to plant peach trees in Southern Oregon. In 1857 he planted a little peach tree in the yard of his home here. Two years later it bore fruit, and for over fifty years it produced peaches for members of the family. On Thanksgiving morning, November 24, 1910, weighted down by clinging snow, our first peach tree bowed its head and went the way all things which have life must go.
    Realizing that a section adapted to so many varieties of choice fruits and blessed with so fine and equable a climate was destined to be thickly peopled in the future, Mr. Britt acquired title to a large amount of choice land, and at the time of his death was one of the leading landholders of the valley. He was a leading figure among Southern Oregon's pioneers and was well known and highly respected in all parts of the state. The following is an extract from a biographical sketch printed in a Portland paper at the time of his death.
    Among all the early settlers it is doubtful if any were more closely identified with the early life of the southern part of the state than Mr. Britt. Born in the historic town of Obstalden, Canton Glarus, Switzerland, March 11, 1819, he came with his father to Highland, Illinois in 1845, where he followed the occupation of portrait painter for five years, taking up daguerreotyping in 1847. In 1852 the returning "forty-niners" determined him to remove to the Pacific Coast, and after an eight months' trip by ox team via the Fort Hall route and Portland, he arrived at Jacksonville in the fall of that year, where he made his home.
Jacksonville Post, July 31, 1920, page 1

    The members of Medford chapter D.A.R. were entertained Saturday by Major Emil Britt and Miss Mollie Britt. The chapter enjoyed viewing the collection of photos and paintings left by Mr. Britt's father, an early pioneer. They also visited the old Helms saloon with its fine collection of curios, as well as Beekman's bank, which has been left in the way its owner had it.
"Town Talk," Jacksonville Post, October 30, 1920, page 3

    Last week I spent an afternoon at the home of Emil Britt in Jacksonville. His father, Peter Britt, was the pioneer photographer of the Oregon country. He set up his shop in 1852 at Jacksonville and took daguerreotypes until the new process of photography came  in, when he became a pioneer in the wet plate process. He has pictures of most of the men who were well known in the early '50s and '60s. Men who later became supreme judges, capitalists, bankers, railroad magnates and politicians came to his gallery when they were holding down claims in the early '50s to have their pictures taken, and among the thousands of negatives Mr. Britt still has these young chaps, taken in miner's garb or with stovepipe hats and in long coats. The Britt home is a treasure house of mementos of Jacksonville's past glory, when it was the metropolis of Southern Oregon and the biggest and busiest city between San Francisco and Portland.

Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, August 30, 1924, page 4

    Jacksonville also had the first photograph gallery established in Oregon. The photographer was Peter Britt, who used to bluntly tell the ladies, when they were displeased with their likeness and prone to lay the fault onto the photographer, "If you want a pretty picture, you must bring a pretty face."
Helen Colvig Cook, "Mrs. Floyd Cook's Article on Removal of County Seat," Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1926, page 10

    JACKSONVILLE, Ore., Sept. 4.--(Special.)--John F. Miller, Mrs. Blanche Cook and Emil and Mollie Britt spent Labor Day at Crescent City. While going over the mountains, Mr. and Miss Britt were vividly reminded of their first visit to Crescent City 53 years ago, when the wagon road over the mountains was not much more than a trail, very steep, rocky and dangerous and in many places so narrow that there was scarcely room for a driver to walk beside his wagon. The trip took five days from Jacksonville, including two days over the mountains.
    This was the first road built from Southern Oregon to Crescent City, and in early days much of the freight for Jacksonville and the valley was hauled over it in six- and eight-horse wagons, the round trip requiring about two weeks.
Medford Mail Tribune, September 4, 1929, page 8

Bonfire Atop Hill Not Real; Britt Lights Send Out Greeting
    Brilliant red flames, which apparently licked their vicious way to the heavens from atop a Jacksonville hill to motorists leaving Medford on the connecting highway proved, as the awed observer neared the old town, to be nothing more nor less than gigantic holiday decorations adorning the stately evergreen trees on the Britt property here.
    The historic Britt studios, centered in the midst of a veritable fairyland of shrubbery, flowers, hedge and trees, have long been one of the show places of Southern Oregon, and Emil and Molly Britt, in tune with the holiday spirit at Christmas time, several years ago inaugurated the custom of stringing many-colored electric lights on the trees fronting the homestead, which are visible for several miles from the floor of the valley.
    Rising to a height of many feet, the modern decorations brought to the attention of hundreds foliage which was maturing when the state's first pan of gold was washed out a few hundred feet below. The electrically illuminated colored bulbs were a modern contrast to the house of photographic treasures the trees have been guarding for many years. The Britt studios, operated in the town's infancy by the parent of Molly and Emil, contain what is acknowledged the state's most complete collection of historic photographs of people and scenes.
    Visitors--who are welcomed by the Britts--have found galleries of rare old portraits preserved in a photographic studio kept intact since the days of Jacksonville's prime. Old lenses, cameras, backgrounds and equipment still are arranged as though in readiness for a beaming customer in high-button shoes, seven petticoats and Merry Widow hat who might drop in from the bustling little mining center at any moment to "have her tintype tooken."
    However, it is sad to note that few of the humans who gazed at the towering lighted trees--first with alarm, then with a glowing sense of seasonal cheer--comprehended the real enchantment and history of the surrounding grounds, or sensed the ghost of years gone by when candle-lighted Japanese lanterns replaced the present-day electrically powered globes. Only a small fraction of those who noticed the Britt display grasped the significance of the Christmas message, and the importance Jacksonville played in the forming of not only Southern Oregon, but the entire state of Oregon.
Jacksonville Miner, January 6, 1933, page 1

    Emil Britt, 70-year-old Jacksonville pioneer, who sustained injuries yesterday when his auto ran away with him at his home, was removed from the Sacred Heart Hospital late yesterday. He received a dislocated right shoulder when the car crashed into the Herbert Hanna home, across the street, knocking him from the running board.
Medford Mail Tribune, April 13, 1934, page 9

    Eme Britt of J'ville was a mid-week visitor, returning home as usual with an armload of the Denver Sunday Post.
Arthur Perry, "Ye Smudge Pot," Medford Mail Tribune, September 16, 1934, page 5

When Crater Lake Met the Camera
Arduous Trip and Two Days of Waiting Required to Obtain First Photo of Oregon Beauty Spot
    Peter Britt and his 9-year-old son Emil had been camped for three days on the rim of Crater Lake. The date was August 14, 1874. Other men had been there before them, but not for the same purpose. The Britts proposed to make a photograph of the lake so that unbelievers might be convinced of its majestic beauty.
    Making a photograph--especially out of doors and far from home--was no simple matter in 1874. Peter Britt and his son had set out from their home in Jacksonville, Or., eight days before in a light two-horse wagon loaded with camp equipment and 200 pounds of photographic apparatus. Five days had been spent traversing the 87 miles from Jacksonville to the lake. The wagon trail, which hardly would be called a road today, was extremely rough and dusty. The final climb of three miles up the mountain to the lake rim, which motorists of today take in high gear, was a half-day struggle for the Britts, for there was not even a wagon road for that part of the distance.
    Arriving at the rim somewhere in the neighborhood of the present location of Crater Lake Lodge, where the blue surface of the lake is a thousand feet below and the tip of Garfield Peak a thousand feet above, the Britts set up camp and waited. They had two heavy cameras with their tripods, a black, light-proof tent for use as a darkroom, a supply of chemicals and a keg of water. As men and horses drank of the precious water, snow, which even in August clung in patches about the rim, was melted to replenish it.
    The weather was dark and stormy. To make a picture that would satisfy Peter Britt's artistic sense with the equipment at his disposal clear weather was a necessity, with the surface of the lake smooth and reflecting the clouds above it. There was nothing to do but wait, though father and son grew restive in the discomfort of their meager camp and the food supply ran low.
    Where tourists today snap their photographs of Crater Lake by the thousands, recording impressions on super-speed, color-sensitive film, to be carried about in convenient folding cameras and developed days or weeks later, the making of a photograph in 1874 was a task for an expert. Photographic art at that time had emerged from the daguerreotype stage and had reached the wet-plate process, a great advancement. The photographer, however, had to sensitize his own plates and use and develop them immediately.
    Peter Britt on his Crater Lake expedition had a stock of clear glass, 8-by-10-inch plates. When he was ready to try for a picture, he had to coat one of these glass plates with collodion, then, working in his black tent, sensitize it to light with a solution of silver nitrate. Outdoor photography was practiced little because of its difficu
lties. The plate had to be put into the camera wet and exposed and developed before it dried, and the exposure had to be long, compared to modern methods, to give clear impression. Yet if the camera stood in the sun the coating of collodion might melt and run off the plate before the picture was finished.
    The third day of the Britts' vigil at the lake rim brought a reward. Perfect photographic conditions at last arrived, and as quickly as possible the pioneer photographer sensitized, exposed and developed his plate and, satisfied with the result, set out on the five-day journey back to Jacksonville.
    Emil Britt, now at 72 one of Jacksonville's substantial citizens, remembers the Crater Lake expedition with his father as one of the adventures of his boyhood. The original photograph, believed to be the first ever made of Crater Lake, hangs on the wall of the Britt art museum, on the site of Oregon's first photographic studio, where Emil and Mollie Britt, son and daughter of the pioneer photographer, preserve their treasured mementos of the past. Beside the house stands a towering sequoia, some six feet through at the base and 150 feet tall, which Peter Britt planted the day his son was born in 1865.
    The photographic portrait studio used by Peter Britt in his later years has been preserved by his son and daughter, with many of the portraits he made and much of the historic equipment he used. Among the objects of particular interest is the daguerreotype camera brought across the plains to Jacksonville by Peter Britt in 1852. It is a heavy oak box, hand made, with hinged doors fitting so accurately as to exclude the light. This early camera is equipped with a Harrison lens, which of itself weighs about
30 pounds.
    The Britt collection of photographs gives virtually a complete history of the development of photography. There are examples of work in daguerreotypes, tintypes, ambrotypes, melanotypes and even photographs on porcelain. One of the prized photographs is a portrait of Judge Mosher, later of Roseburg, Or. This portrait, dated February 26, 1856, was Peter Britt's first photograph on paper, the art, in Oregon at least, having just reached that stage of development.
    The old Britt studio, now a vine-covered bower, is one of the picturesque spots in historic Jacksonville, the city which in sedate maturity bears many evidences of its roistering youth. Jacksonville was the most famous of the early Oregon gold mining camps, and gold mining still is carried on extensively thereabout. Lately, since the gold content of the dollar has been reduced and the dollar value of gold increased proportionately, there has been a revival of commercial-scale mining in Jackson County, but in Jacksonville itself there always has been a little digging going on ever since the earliest days. Bedrock is only 36 feet down, on the average, and in the intervening deposit, on which the town was built, are flakes and nuggets which, as a rule, will repay the labor of digging and panning. Many a Jacksonville home has its mine shaft in the yard adjoining the house. There even is a shaft, actively worked, in the yard alongside the hospital.
    To appreciate Peter Britt's work and the art treasures he left behind, a knowledge of his career is desirable. Emil Britt, from available records, supplemented by his own memory of events, has supplied a brief biography, which follows:
    "My father was a native of Switzerland and came to the United States in 1845 at the age of 26 and settled in Illinois, where he engaged in his profession of portrait painting. Later he learned the art of making daguerreotypes in St. Louis.
    "In the spring of 1852 he joined three others and started for Oregon with one wagon and three yoke of oxen. They arrived at Portland in October, and there separated. My father traveled south, and on November 8, 1852, he arrived at Jacksonville, a new mining camp scarcely six months old. On arrival he had a two-wheeled cart, one yoke of oxen, a mule, $3 in cash and the first photographic outfit brought to Oregon. It had been eight months on the way from St. Joe, Mo.
    "My father procured a lot on a hillside overlooking the camp, which consisted mainly of tents, with a few log cabins. He built a log house and engaged in making daguerreotypes. From the outset he did a thriving business with the miners. The camera he used at that time was the one he had brought across the plains, and it is the one preserved in the studio today, as well as others which he used later.
    "In the spring of 1853 my father started a pack train to Crescent City, Cal., a distance of 100 miles, and he continued in the freighting business two years. He then sold out his train and went to San Francisco, where he purchased a larger and more complete photographic outfit.
    "The majority of his subjects have long since crossed the great divide. Among his very early pictures are those of Judge P. P. Prim and Orange Jacobs, who were opposing lawyers in the first regular trial held in the camp, in 1853. Both lawyers later occupied high places on the bench. Prim served for 18 years as circuit judge and for one term as chief justice of Oregon. Jacobs was chief justice of Washington Territory for two terms and was twice delegate to Congress.
    "Another early photograph in the collection is one made of Judge Deady when he held court in Jacksonville in the early '50s.
    "Among other early subjects was Captain W. W. Fowler, who built the first log cabin in the camp in 1852 and was captain of a company of volunteers in 1853.
    "Another was Henry Klippel, who surveyed the original townsite for the camp in 1852 and later held many political offices in Jackson County. Among others were U. S. Hayden, first alcalde (1853); Matthew G. Kennedy, first sheriff, and B. F. Dowell, prominent lawyer of Southern Oregon.
    "In later years my father photographed many distinguished citizens, including Governor Pennoyer, Senator Mitchell, Senator Dolph, Binger Hermann, D. P. Thompson and Governor Woods."
    Two incidents related by Peter Britt and remembered by his son indicate that the life of a portrait photographer in pioneer times had its difficulties, even as it has now.
    Peter Britt, being a man of peace and an artist, avoided tough characters whenever possible, but they were numerous in the community. Jacksonville at that time was the supply center for all the Southern Oregon diggings. The creeks were rich in gold, reports of new strikes were frequent, and, as has been recorded, "grub was high, Indians were bad, whiskey was plentiful."
    One day a notoriously tough character had his picture taken. A few days later he accepted the prints and paid for them, apparently satisfied. Several days afterward, Mr. Britt, looking out his studio window, saw his tough customer approaching. The two men met in the doorway.
    "I don't like the pictures," the bad man declared in a surly tone. "I want my money back."
    Mr. Britt immediately returned the money without argument. The bad man took it, hesitated a moment in a menacing way, then went downtown, where a short time later he shot a peaceful citizen to death without provocation. Subsequently it was learned that the bad man, on his way to town, had told a man he met on the road that he was going to town "to get a man for breakfast." Mr. Britt always supposed that he would have been the victim if he had hesitated in the least about refunding the price of the photographs, and he considered himself lucky to have escaped.
    Once there came to Peter Britt's studio a young woman who lived in the country and was uncommonly homely. She came several times for re-sittings and always was dissatisfied with the proofs. At length Mr. Britt decided that she could not be satisfied, and asked her not to come anymore. The woman pleaded with the photographer to make one picture of her with a beautiful face, as other people had in their pictures.
    "Lady," replied Peter Britt, "if you want a beautiful face you must bring one with you."
    Improvements in equipment in the last 60 years have not entirely removed from the cares of portrait photographers of the present day the difficulty of beautifying the faces of homely subjects.
    Peter Britt's first rude log cabin served as home and studio, too, for a time. Later a separate studio was built of lumber, with a skylight for illumination. By 1856, when Peter Britt painted in oils a picture of Jacksonville as it then looked, living quarters had been added to the studio. The present Britt home, erected in 1860, houses the private art museum of Emil and Mollie Britt, maintained as a memorial to their father.
Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 11, 1934, page 56

Film Shots Made at Jacksonville
    MEDFORD, Oct. 7 (Special)--Universal Studios cameramen the past week took views of the pioneer town of Jacksonville, for use in the picturization of Ernest Haycox's "Canyon Passage," now under filming at Diamond Lake. Jacksonville is the locale of the story.
    Views were also taken of the home of Emil Britt and Miss Mollie Britt at Jacksonville, where in the early 1850s their father, Peter F. Britt, established one of the first photograph galleries in Oregon. The home and studio are rich in antiques and relics of Southern Oregon history. A redwood planted by his father on the day Emil Britt was born 81 years ago, now a stately tree, was also photographed.
    Some of the Britt home pictures will be embodied in the "Canyon Passage" movie and others will be presented in a planned movie short.
Oregonian, Portland, October 8, 1945, page 21  The "movie short" survives in a copy at the SOHS Research Library.

Peter Britt: Pioneer Photographer

Eugene Free-Lance Writer

    In Jacksonville, the graceful old Victorian house once occupied by "Picture Pioneer" Peter Britt, and now lovingly cared for by son Emil and daughter Mollie, has become a mecca for modern-day pilgrims who revere the late painter, photographer, horticulturist and landscape architect.
    Students of photography gravitate to the museum, once Britt's studio, maintained in the home. Gardeners come to browse among the spacious grounds filled with palms, oleanders and one stately old cedar of Lebanon, and to peer through the glass porch where oranges ripen in the winter sunshine. Journalists, seeking human interest yarns, come there frequently.
    Thanks to Hollywood's absorption in educational films, the fame of the man has spread beyond the confines of Oregon. A short subject, entitled "Picture Pioneer," filmed at the Jacksonville pilgrim's mecca, was shown throughout the country. [The film is available for viewing at the Southern Oregon Historical Society's Research Library in Medford.]
    Actually, what has given Britt his enduring fame among Oregonians is not the enormous popularity he enjoyed among his contemporaries, his excellent photographs, nor his artistic flair, but his work in introducing new plants to the locale and working out the problems of their culture. He was the first man to begin grape-growing on any considerable scale in the state, and the first to experiment successfully with a legion [of] other fruits and shrubs, some of them hardy semi-tropicals adaptable to the marginal Mediterranean climate of Southern Oregon.
    On the house itself, a neat black semicircular plaque, with gilt letters proclaiming "Photo Gallery, P. Britt," still hangs. Inside, the high-ceilinged old rooms have succumbed to oil heat and other modern innovations, but in the upper story time stands still in the rooms which once were the studios of the pioneer who brought graciousness and culture into one of the most remote parts of the then barbaric West and for 40 years faithfully recorded the daily scene and passing show at Jacksonville.
    Britts, daughter and son, have taken on the task of preserving this colossal monument to their famous father. Emil, now retired, has the upkeep of the extensive landscape garden. Mollie acts as chatelaine of the old house, and both are working at restoring the gallery as it was during Peter Britt's lifetime in Jacksonville's halcyon days.
    Intriguing to modern shutter-clickers is the collection of practically all types of 19th century cameras, including stereoptic, a small primitive-looking affair unexpectedly boasting a fine precision-ground Voightlander lens, and many others whose growing complexity trace the evolution of photographic equipment through four decades.
    There are huge scenery backdrops of painted canvas, rolled and waiting, props of fine furniture and silk shawls, and a number of Peter Britt's oil paintings of Jacksonville and its inhabitants, with some particularly fine portraits among them. The landscapes record the infancy and booming early years of the town, and the portraits immortalize its once-famous citizens.
    Britt, descended from English separatists who had emigrated to Switzerland, was born in Wallenstadt in the Canton Glarus, in 1830. His father, a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars, was a portrait painter of considerable renown, and son Peter decided to follow in his footsteps. He had his sights set on Munich when his father and uncles decided to emigrate to the United States. The boy chose the challenge of America's pioneer region to the slow, tedious apprenticeship of Munich.
    Seven years were spent in Illinois, where the man who was to become one of Jacksonville's characters studied daguerreotyping with the great Fitzgibbon. In the spring of 1852, armed with a camera and equipment purchased from his teacher, he joined two other young men for the journey west. His photographic equipment alone, bulky in those days, weighed several hundred pounds and took considerable space in the men's one wagon. The trio was eight months on the way, managed to get along well with Indians encountered en route, and reached colorful Jacksonville camp in the fall of 1852.
    After a brief and unsuccessful mining exploit on Ashland Creek, Britt set up shop as a daguerreotyper. The impressive residence still standing had its beginnings in a small white building, recorded in Robert Taft's book, "Photography and the American Scene," and additions through the years added up to the present architecture.
    Though Peter Britt's work, viewed from present standards, is "old-fashioned," it does have a certain quality of timelessness. Britt was never guilty of the then-prevalent sin of overdramatizing. His gallery includes the faces of practically all the once-prominent element in Jacksonville, and many from beyond the region. Pioneer Judge Hanna, Captain O. C. Applegate, Judge Mosher, Sheriff Kennedy, Senator Mitchell, Rev. Mr. York, Paine Page Prim, Kaspar Kubli are some of the names which live on in daguerreotypes to thrill students of Oregon history.
    Color is there, too. There are suave young Cantonese in tailored silks, patriarchal Chinese of venerable age, hoop skirts, portraits of white men's wives with obviously Indian faces, and one curled and crinolined mulatto girl, her transient beauty caught on porcelain in a tortoiseshell case, whose identity is long forgotten.
    There is comedy in the gallery, too. A big mustached gentleman incongruously fondles a kitten, a young butcher sleeps under a hedge, embracing a keg, and a country editor sits with wry smile peeling spuds. Touring photographers have dubbed the little museum as holding one of the best collections of portraits on porcelain in the West.
    In striving to possess the best photographic equipment and the most luxurious and tasteful of home furnishings, Britt made frequent,trips to San Francisco, and to enlarge his field for photographic clients he assembled a portable outfit, including camping equipment, in a light wagon with a trim canvas cover. It was called upon frequently for photographic recordings of claims, equipment, buildings, etc., and for Britt's own "busman's holidays."
    Taking a camera on field trips was no simple task in Britt's day. Upon one occasion he was asked to photograph a party of men making a trip to Crater Lake, an already famous natural wonder but as yet unrecorded on film because of the hazards involved in taking wet-plate paraphernalia into the hinterlands. Among the men of the party, all seasoned campers, was one tenderfoot, an Easterner, and a rather important personage to boot, whose coughing, sneezing and conspicuous discomfort after three days of drenching rain persuaded the balance of the party to prepare to leave the following morning, rain or shine, pictures or no pictures. Providentially, the sun broke through at the eleventh hour and Britt got his pictures.
Oregonian, Portland, June 20, 1948, page 78

Britt Dies at Jacksonville
    Jacksonville, Ore., Jan. 13 (U.P.)--Emil Britt, pioneer resident of Southern Oregon, and son of the late Peter Britt, well-known early-day painter and photographer, died here today. He was 87.
    Peter Britt, a Swiss immigrant, settled in Jacksonville in [1852], bringing the first camera to Southern Oregon. His photographs of early days in the gold rush era, and of scenic areas of Oregon, have been nationally publicized. His was the first photograph ever taken of Crater Lake.
    The old family mansion in Jacksonville contains an extensive and priceless museum of photographs and old cameras. Emil and his sister, Mollie, who survives, maintained the camera shop until a few years ago so that visitors might see the old equipment, and they have conducted visitors through until just recently.
    The Jacksonville mansion is one of the area's best known show places, and the gardens which surround it have been featured on several occasions in Northwest publications.
    In 1947, Emil Britt was cited by the weather bureau for 56 years of continual work as a volunteer weather observer.
    Funeral services are pending.
Capital Journal, Salem, January 13, 1950, page 2

Priceless Historic Items To Remain As Remembrances
Records of Family Found Interesting
Mail Tribune Staff Writer
    With the death of Miss Amalia (Molly) Britt of Jacksonville last Oct. 13, the history of one of Southern Oregon's most famous families was closed.
    However, the benevolence of her will, involving a $250,000 estate, will leave many material and incorporeal remembrances to Southern Oregon residents in the form of priceless historic items and scholarships for worthy students.
    One of the first provisions of the will was the bequest of what is probably the most famous residence in the area, the Britt home and gardens, to the Southern Oregon Historical  Society, Inc., of which she was a member.
Will Has Proviso
    The bequest was made with the proviso that the place be maintained by the historical society as a museum and historical monument in honor of the memory of Peter Britt. The will also provided that if the society accepted the terms and conditions, the sum of $25,000 was to be placed in a trust fund to be used by the society for care and display of the property. However, only $1,000 could be use annually for such purpose, and an equal sum was to be provided by the society.
    In event the society was unable to maintain the home as a museum, the will stipulated that the $25,000 should go toward making up a $50,000 trust fund to provide scholarships for graduates of Jacksonville High School.
    After numerous other gifts, including $25,000 to the Shriners' Hospital for crippled children, and smaller amounts to various relatives and friends, the will leaves the remainder of the considerable estate to the Oregon state Board of Higher Education to be used exclusively at Southern Oregon College of Education, in Ashland.
Society Investigates
    After an extensive investigation, the historical society found it could not maintain the Britt home as a public museum on the money available, even though some charge be made for admission. Instead, the SOHS suggested to Herman L. Lind, Portland, executor of the estate, that a special display of Britt items be placed in the Jacksonville Museum. He agreed, and a selection of relics will be made by a committee of SOHS members to be named by the society's president, Miss Claire Hanley, the executor and representatives of the state Board of Higher Education. The balance of the items will be sold.
    Also, under interpretation of the will, it was felt that the real property could go to the city as a memorial park. No action has been taken yet on this matter. If such a park were to be dedicated, the historic residence would probably be removed.
Uncommon Lot
    The real property involved is Lot 5, Block 28. The "lot," however, is not of the common city variety. In fact, the county assessor's office says there's nothing quite like it in all of Jackson County. Its measurements are, on the east side (fence), 346.5 feet; south side (barn), 325 feet; west side (old Britt ditch), 376 feet, and north side, 357 feet.
    On the land are many rare trees and many first plantings in Southern Oregon. On June 23, 1947, the Oregon Federation of Garden Clubs gave a posthumous award to the heirs of Peter Britt for planting the first garden in Southern Oregon and for his lifelong interest in promoting horticulture in the early days. Many of the plants and shrubs in his garden are the parents of those that beautify Jacksonville today. The plot also provided seasoning and fruits for the pioneer settlers.
Sequoia Tree
    Of notable interest are several plantings. A sequoia tree was planted in 1862 by Peter Britt, the day his son Emil was born. Today it is 93 years old and is 16 feet 8 inches in circumference two feet above the ground.
    Earlier plantings include a pear tree in 1858, which is said to be "granddaddy" of the Rogue Valley's fruit industry. The tree still produces a heavy crop at the age of 96 years. A willow peach tree, planted in 1856, bloomed and bore fruit for 56 years, before being felled by a heavy snow storm.
    Others include a dwarf Japanese maple five feet high, a dwarf maple 4½ feet high and a ginkgo tree 25 feet high.
Seeds from Washington
    The esteem of Peter Britt as a horticulturist is shown by a letter from Senator Binger Hermann in 1881. It stated that he had sent Peter a package of choice seeds selected by the superintendent of the U.S. Botanical Gardens in Washington, D.C.
    The local history of the Britt family begins with the story of a pioneer of the old tradition, Peter Britt, who arrived in the new mining camp of Jacksonville in November, 1852, according to information compiled by Mrs. Myrtle P. Lee, curator of the Jacksonville Museum and friend of the family since she was a small child.
Starts with $5
    He had only $5 when he arrived, after a wagon and oxen trip across the plains to Oregon, accompanied by three others as far as Portland. His first sight of the valley and Mt. McLoughlin is said to have reminded him of his native Switzerland. He left there and came to America in 1845 when 26 years old, with his father and brother. They settled in Illinois. In 1847, Peter took up daguerreotyping, after instruction from J. H. Fitzgibbons, St. Louis, a leading daguerreotypist. The process involved use of a silver plate.
    When Peter arrived in Jacksonville, it was a frontier city of tents and log cabins. He took up a donation land claim adjoining Jacksonville, later adding 80 acres.
    Thus began a career that eventually was to include the occupations of photographer, gold miner, painter, freighter, money lender, horticulturalist, weather observer, wine maker and wholesaler, and probably some others.
Had Gold Claim
    Like many early pioneers, he was successful at almost everything he turned a hand to. A claim on the south fork of Jackson Creek produced for him and two others about $500 a day while working a pocket, according to information from Mrs. Lee.
    To meet a growing supply problem caused by the influx into the mining camp, he went into the freighting business to serve the area in 1853. His pack train traveled to Crescent City, via the Applegate, until 1856 when he sold out. Two of the pack saddles are now at the museum.
First Studio
    The first log cabin built by him served as a home and studio until 1854, when he built a separate studio from lumber, with a skylight for illumination. Living quarters had been added to the studio by 1856. The studio had an outdoor sign stating "daguerrean artist," and did a prosperous business, according to his son, Emil.
    In 1856, Peter went to San Francisco, where he purchased a larger and more complete photographic outfit. Among the equipment was a Harrison lens, weighing 30 pounds. From then on, he was actively engaged in photography in a big way until 1900, when he retired.
Many Portraits
    Some of his early photographs included landscape scenes of the region and hundreds of pictures of early-day figures such as Judge P. P. Prim and Orange Jacobs, who later became governor of the Washington Territory (they were opposing lawyers in the first regular trial at Jacksonville in 1853); Judge Deady, Capt. W. W. Fowler, "A" company, volunteers, 1853 (who also built [the] first log cabin there); Henry Klippel, who surveyed the first township in 1852; U. S. Hayden, first alcalde (judge); Mathew G. Kennedy, first sheriff; B. F. Dowell, lawyer, and many other important personalities of the Oregon Territory.
    His historic pictures and paintings of the time, including many types of photographs, daguerreotypes, melanotypes, tintypes and others, are among the richest items in historical value left with the estate. A large collection of old-time photographic equipment, including several cameras, many lenses, five large studio backdrops and other items, is still intact. Peter's first camera, a heavy wooden box used for making daguerreotypes, is included.
House Described
    The main part of the present Britt residence was erected in 1860. A rear portion, including another large studio room on the second floor, was added in the early 1880s. The house as it stands now has 14 rooms, three stories, with a large wine cellar. There are three bedrooms on the first floor, a dining room, waiting room for the upstairs studio, hothouse, personal living room, parlor and kitchen. A small bedroom over the kitchen was also included for extra help. The hothouse was heated from the personal living room. Oranges and lemons were grown there, as well as a number of cactus and rare potted plants.
    The second floor was devoted entirely to a studio with two large skylighted rooms and two printing and developing rooms. The studio room walls were covered by photographs and paintings, with some 3,500 small pictures which have been catalogued by Mrs. Lee, acting for the executor.   
    The third story was used for storage of photographic plates and painting material.
Wine Casks
    Still in the cellar are 15 wine casks of the 200-gallon capacity each, plus 13 glass jugs in wooden cases and smaller jugs.
    These remnants tell [of] another successful enterprise of Peter Britt, the Valley View winery. Britt, who was reared in the grape district of Switzerland, is credited with bringing in the first tame grape plant to the area and starting a vineyard of 15 acres.
    Mrs. Lee reported that his motive for setting out a vineyard was to prove that where wild grapes grew so prolifically, the tame grape plant would do as well. He obtained his first vines from California in 1854-55, which were of the mission variety.
    Notations in his records showed that he gathered about four tons to the acre, with a ton of grapes producing 135 gallons of wine. Entries showed many types of wine on hand. One noted in 1893 that he had sold a blend of claret, which was "very clear and fine, but very sweet." The cellar also contained muscat, zinfandel and cabernet wines.
    He dealt in wholesale trade, and it was said that the grapes produced in the valley gave as fine a wine as any in Europe.
    One prominent customer was Father Francis X. Blanchet, former Jacksonville priest, who purchased wine for religious purposes for his Catholic parish after he had moved to St. Paul, Ore. Other leading persons of the day were on his customer lists.
    Another contribution to the history of the area was weather reporting by both Peter and his son, Emil. Peter kept private weather records in a diary from 1852 until January, 1891, when Emil took the task over. The latter began work as a cooperative observer for the U.S. Weather Bureau on Aug. 1, 1891 and served for 58½ years. He died six months before being awarded a medal by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
    Random items from their weather reports show that February, 1894, was the year of a big snow, with 14 inches falling. The city's highest recorded temperature was 106 in August, 1901, and lowest was 5 degrees above on Feb. 4, 1899. The average number of days each year that the temperature rose above 90 was 20, and average for under 32 degrees was 75 days a year. Average annual precipitation was 27.74 inches.
    One of the most consistent weather beacons was the croaking of frogs in the lily pond before each storm, a common weather report entry.
    Besides the bustle of activity during the '50s and '60s, Peter found time to marry Amalia Grob in 1861 at the old Henry Kubli home on the Applegate. His wife was a former childhood sweetheart whose first husband had died, leaving her with one child, Jacob. She arrived here by stage after a steamer trip from San Francisco to Crescent City. The Kubli home where they were married was a night stop on the stage line.
    Children born to Peter and Amalia were Emil, 1862 (died January, 1950); Arnold, 1863 (died August, 1864), and Amalia D. (Molly), 1865 (died October, 1954). Jacob, son of Mrs. Britt from her first marriage, died in July, 1898. Mrs. Britt died in 1871 and Peter died in 1905.
    The Britts were active in community affairs. Peter served in various capacities throughout his life, and Emil served on the city council for 15 years and was mayor for six years. Amalia (Molly) was worthy matron of Adarel Chapter, Eastern Star, 1903-5, 1913-14 and in 1922. She held office in the chapter for 50 years straight, a record equaled by few.
Medford Mail Tribune, January 16, 1955, page 12

Last revised July 5, 2024