![]() ![]() Moving the County Seat The seven-year saga wherein
Medford pries the Jackson County seat from Jacksonville's cold, dead hands.
The attendance at the Chamber of Commerce forum at the Holland today
was the largest for many weeks, representatives being present from
different parts of the county, and all were enthusiastic for the
removal of the county seat to Medford, except the representatives from
Jacksonville. The principal reasons advocated for removal were that the
present court house is unsafe for business or the keeping of the county
records, that the location is inconvenient for a major portion of the
people of the county, that the county is more prosperous than at any
time for years and that Medford is the logical and convenient place for
the county seat, that the city will furnish a site and now is the
opportune time for the removal.
About 80 attended the forum including Mayor C. B. Lamkin, J. W. McCoy, C. B. and Wm. Briggs, J. H. Fuller of Ashland; C. B. Watson of Gold Hill, Col. H. H. Sargent and Lewis Ulrich of Jacksonville. It was decided by motion that President Walther of the Chamber of Commerce appoint a committee to act in conjunction with a committee from the county bar association to draft a petition to place the removal of the county seat to Medford on the ballet this fall. This committee will consist of citizens from Ashland, Central Point, Gold Hill and other parts of the county. Medford Mail Tribune,
September 1, 1920, page 8
To us, old Jacksonville stands as a classic and historic spot. The old hearts that are not wholly shriveled feel ravished when a new scar is made on historic old Jacksonville. Now the old town is told that the county seat with which it has been honored, and as honored thus since March 7, 1853, is to be taken away from it. It is like the heartrending produced by the separation of some loved member of the family, and we all feel deep sympathy. However, the world is moving with accelerated speed, and we are bound to keep pace with it. Changes are constantly required in the interest of the great majority and we are bound, like good Americans, to bow when the demands are made. . . . In the interest of all the people of the county, I believe the county seat should be changed, not to the glorification of Medford, nor the humiliation of Jacksonville, but in the interest of the great majority to be served. But I suggest that in the interest of a historical fact, if you take away the courthouse, some suitable monument of lasting character should be erected at the old site. C. B. Watson, "Jacksonville--50 Years Ago," Medford Mail Tribune, September 6, 1920, page 4 J'VILLE PETITIONS SIGNED RAPIDLY
Petitions calling for the county authorities to place the county seat
removal measure upon the ballot are now being circulated in Medford,
Phoenix, Ashland, Talent and Butte Falls.
The committee in placing these petitions in the hands of the various people for circulation found an enthusiastic willingness to be of service to enable this change being made. It will be necessary to have twenty-five hundred voters sign the petitions to make it mandatory upon the county authorities to place the measure upon the ballot so that the people themselves may have the opportunity to decide the question at the November election. To assist the committee to get the voters' signatures, a petition is on file at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. At Phoenix there is one at the general store. At Talent there are petitions at the general stores of Lewis Brown and C. C. Walter, the State Bank of Talent and at Nyswaner's pool hall. This signature campaign must be an intensive one, as it is necessary that the petitions be filed with the county authorities on the 26th of this month. Medford Mail Tribune, September
17, 1920, page 5
In the first place I will say that in the very nature of things there
will have to be a new court house before many years. We all know that
the one now used is out of date and insufficient. It is overcrowded,
unsafe and inconvenient for a large majority of the people of Jackson
County. It is not true that the old records now stored in the attic of
the woodshed and elsewhere are of no further possible use. Some years
ago I had occasion to look up the early road records of the county and
found that the first county court journal was "lost." I searched for it
for a year or more; Mr. Beekman and others declared that it was
irretrievably gone. As a result of my search through the great mass of
stuff in the attic of the woodshed, I not only unearthed and restored
to the Clerk's office numerous records that had been thrown
promiscuously into the woodshed "scrap heap," but I also suggested to
W. R. Coleman, then Clerk, that I, somehow, had a hunch that the old
county court journal might be found in that same attic. He caused the
search to be made and found it. A most interesting volume, starting
with the organization of Jackson County and carrying its official
history up into the sixties. No one will say that this was not the
restoration of a very valuable record. It will only be necessary for
any citizen to look into that old "scrap pile" in the woodshed and
perhaps other places to satisfy himself of the necessity for more room
and more safety-first provisions for our records.
C. B. Watson, "Communications," Jacksonville Post, September 25, 1920, page 1 ORATORICAL "JACK DEMPSEY" THRILLS
Medford Mail Tribune, October
13, 1920, page 6
After listening to Colonel H. H. Sargent address a good-sized crowd of
Medford and Jacksonville people, the majority from the former city,
last night at the Natatorium one cannot help but form the opinion that
the scrappy and eloquent "oratorical Jack Dempsey of Jackson County" is
unalterably opposed to the proposed removal of the court house to
Medford. At least he gave that impression.
Never did the colonel make a better speech. For an hour and a half he held his audience in close attention with his logical arguments, keen wit and humor, some irony and sarcasm, all in the cause of "bleeding Jacksonville." Often the audience broke into hearty laughter, and sometimes liberal applause met some of his keenest sallies. The colonel slammed our chamber of commerce, touched up the Mail Tribune in its several departments right in the blushing face of the writer, and roasted the Medford people generally for sticking the harpoon--no, it was a very sharp-edged dirk--right into the deep interior of Jacksonville's anatomy by favoring this courthouse removal proposition, and pleaded with Medford folks to reform and not do any more fool things, but to come down to the mourners' bench on election day and do the right thing--by Jacksonville. Our Guardian Angel
All this without rancor or offense. In fact the colonel at the outset
proclaimed his love for Medford as well as for Jacksonville, and
pointed out that in fighting to have the courthouse remain in
Jacksonville he was only acting for Medford's good--saving us from
ourselves, so to speak.But the idea of his speaking disparagingly of our lovely chamber of commerce and jumping on the poor old Smudge Pot, who at the time was far distant busily engaged in taking a cigarette apart to see what made the blooming thing smoke. The colonel's address was very instructive and entertaining and was much enjoyed by everyone present no matter what side of the controversy he or she was on. Unconsciously or perhaps intentionally he boosted Medford all the way through. He has for many years been one of the most ardent boosters for this city and one of the most sanguine in regard to its great rosy future Last night all the way he pointed out Jacksonville as a suburb or part of Medford in the not very distant future, and predicted that Medford would someday be a great, thriving city extending from Roxy Ann to Jacksonville, east and west, and from Table Rock to Phoenix, north and south. Colonel Sargent's main argument against the proposal to move the court house to Medford was that it would overburden the county and city with taxation. He reviewed at length the campaign led by the chamber of commerce for signatures of qualified voters to have the court house-removing proposition put on the ballot, claiming that the manner of getting signatures left them open to fraudulent signers. He asserted that they were full of irregularities and that some Medford men had signed for both themselves and wives, and some Medford wives had signed for both themselves and husbands. He said that from the number of signatures of girls and young women he had never before dreamed there were so many in Medford 21 years of age or over. Likens Medford to Portland
Colonel Sargent was introduced briefly by Lewis Ulrich of Jacksonville.
Space today forbids the publishing in full of his lengthy address. In
part he spoke as follows:The great trouble with the Medford Chamber of Commerce is that it has no vision. It is also wanting in broadmindedness. Like Portland it seems not to be able to see beyond its own narrow limits, and like Portland it is getting to look at things from a purely selfish point of view. Let its members go with me up to the Medford reservoir and from there look westward. Spread out before us is Medford, and two or three miles or so beyond her limits lies Jacksonville. To the right a short way is Central Point; southward lies Phoenix, and between Medford and these little towns are many farm houses and a dozen or small clusters of dwellings which even now in a way join these little towns with Medford. A Great Vision
see that all three towns are connected with Medford by railways and
jitney lines and that paved highways run from. Medford to two of them.
With this beautiful panorama before us, let the members of the Chamber
of Commerce ask themselves what would be the change in the scene if
Medford's population were to double? What would it be with a population
of 20,000? of 40,000? of 50,000? Even before that population was
reached, Jacksonville would be a part of Medford. All this is as
certain to come as is tomorrow. Yea, more. When the great east and west
through line from Boise or Baker City through Burns, Lakeview, Klamath
Falls, Ashland and Medford, or to Bend and Butte Falls to Medford, and
thence through Jacksonville and Blue Ledge to Crescent City is built,
or rather is finished, part of it now being already built, as it will
be before many years, linking up our valley with all of Eastern Oregon,
giving us tidewater within 125 miles and low freight rates, then you
will see this city spring forward with mighty strides. You
will see
here a great city of probably two or three hundred thousand people.
Behind us, it will extend to the top of Roxy Ann; in front of us into
the foothills about Jacksonville; on our right to Table Rock; and on
our left to Phoenix.If the Chamber of Commerce and the people of Medford use good sense and judgment and do not expend all their energy and substance in carrying out a lot of fool things, like the moving of the court house, which can do them no good and which will be only of temporary benefit to a few lawyers and a lot of other lazy people, all this will come in a few years. I pause for a moment to prophesy that there are young men and women here tonight who will live to witness all these things. Indeed it would not surprise me scarcely at all to witness myself many of these things come to pass before I die. But if you move the court house and overburden your city and county with an already excessive taxation, you will put a damper on all progress. Not infrequently have I heard persons in Medford and, especially the lawyers, say that they are greatly inconvenienced by having their court house at Jacksonville. It was only the other day that one of the leading lawyers of Jackson County said to me: "The court house being at Jacksonville necessitates my owning an automobile." I did not want to hurt the poor man's feelings since he was a mighty good friend of mine, or I should have replied: "What is the matter with the jitney? Are you too proud to ride in it? Look at me! I ride in it several times a week; and frequently for days at a time I come down in it each morning, walk about a mile to my orchard, do a good day's work, walk back in the evening and catch the jitney going home; and I am a man of importance. I am the oratorical Jack Dempsey of Jackson County, Ore. If you are too proud to ride with me and the other members of the proletariat who constantly make use of the jitney, what is the matter with the walking? It is only an hour and a quarter's walk for a good, long-legged husky man like you, and an hour and a quarter spent in this exercise every morning and evening of your life would be a godsend to you and to nearly all the other lawyers. You all need exercise, and for the lack of it some of you are getting to be a timid lot. Already a number of you have lost the use of your legs; many even now take an automobile to go round a block, and a lot of you are now shying at a contest of words. Some of you are like a lot of girls: you will not take a dare. Lawyers Need Exercise
"What you need, first, is physical
exercise. The editor of the Mail
understands it; indeed, he has pointed the way in making it clear. But
you need also real mental exercise; you need now and then to go up
against a fighter. This would sharpen your wits, give you confidence,
and make you worth much more to future clients; and it would obliterate
the impression among men that you have little pluck and among women
that you are 'a fraidy cat'."Now, ladies and gentlemen, none of you might think that because one of the most distinguished lawyers of Southern Oregon has refused to accept my challenge to a debate on this question and because the Chamber of Commerce cannot find another lawyer in all this city to take his place that they are afraid. But most solemnly I assure you it is not cowardice. It is simply pure timidity. Although, as I have said, I did not want to hurt the feelings of this good lawyer friend of mine, and therefore did not say these things to him. I did say: "Can't you see that if the county court house had been here in Medford, the Medford automobile dealer would not have sold you that automobile, nor would the Medford oil company have sold you gasoline, nor the Medford mechanic have repaired your machine, nor the Medford merchant have sold you new tires and other accessories. Seems to me," to said, "that having the county court house at Jacksonville has, in your case, brought much business to Medford that it never would have got had the county court house been located in Medford." Medford for years has drawn profit or toll from all merchandise coming to or going from Jacksonville, so that anything which hurts Jacksonville in a business way is bound to hurt Medford: for commercially Jacksonville today is a suburb of Medford. From being the father and mother she has become the child, the daughter of Medford. Such being the case, the wise business man of Medford and the members of the Chamber of Commerce of broad vision should always stand ready to extend to Jacksonville a helping hand, as a son would honor his old parents, or as a father would lift up his child when it stumbles and falls in the rough pathway. But has Medford done this? No. Her Chamber of Commerce waited until a great calamity befell Jacksonville, then having gotten Ashland's mayor and two of her leading attorneys to point the dagger, she drove it to the very hilt into the prostrate body of bleeding Jacksonville. And for what profit? What is the commercial gain? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Good Place to Live In
Jacksonville is one of the loveliest towns for a home in this beautiful
valley. It is a good place to be born in, to live in, and to die in;
and although it would seem now to be too late for me to select it as a
birthplace, I would say I have selected it as a permanent home and own
in its beautiful cemetery a little plot of ground with an eastern front
overlooking the valley; and here someday I expect to rest, perhaps
within almost speaking distance of a number of my Medford friends who
are now trying to steal the Jacksonville court house."Thou shalt not steal." This is one of the commandments. "Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long on the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." This is another. "Do not unto others as you would that they would do not unto you." This is the Golden Rule in its negative form as it was promulgated by Confucius. I believe in it. I would say to you, "Do not unto Jacksonville as you would that Jacksonville would do not unto you." Of course, if you have already done it, as a number of you have, then, well then, repent of it and you shall be forgiven, provided of course you vote right in the coming election on the court house matter. Stabbing Jacksonville
One of the good things the members of the Chamber of Commerce do--and
there are many--is to induce, by advertisement and otherwise, people to
come to Medford and Jackson County to settle. But can you not see that
if they carry through undertakings of this kind that tax this city and
this county almost beyond the limit that they will stop people's coming
here. What taxes do you pay? That is one of the first questions that
visitors ask and when they find that this town and this county is taxed
beyond all reason they will not come here. Thus, in its enthusiasm and
energetic efforts to move the court house and stab your prostrate
child, Jacksonville, to the heart, the Medford Chamber of Commerce is
simply cutting off its own poor, cruel, fool head.Thou, Too, Brutus!
The Jacksonville people were hard hit by the failure of the Bank of
Jacksonville. There were many widows and old couples living there who
lost their little all. Some of the causes are positively pitiful. When
this great calamity befell them, naturally they expected kind instead
of cruel treatment from Medford. They looked for an olive branch. They
received a dagger. No wonder that with agonizing eyes riveted upon your
city, they exclaimed: And thou, too, Brutus!But they still have friends and, by the shade of Andrew Jackson, here stands one who will fight for them to the last trench. And, mark you! their cause is going to triumph; for when the good people of this valley clearly understand what this iniquitous measure really means, it is going to be buried beneath an avalanche of votes. Many of the good people before me doubtless signed the petitions without fully realizing just what the movement of the court house to Medford at this time meant. You probably did not know that if the measure passed, the court house had to be moved within ninety days with all its books and records, whether there was any place for it or not. You probably did not realize the enormous burden of additional taxation it would bring upon your county, your town, and upon yourselves. You probably did not stop to think that, even granting that it were wise that the court house should someday be moved, it was very unwise to select this time to move it when material and labor are higher than they ever have been before in the world's history. And you probably did not consider the fact that such an enormous additional burden of taxation placed upon the county, as the carrying out of this measure would involve, would deter many people from coming here to settle and thus put a damper upon the progress and prosperity of this beautiful valley. These facts I earnestly ask you to consider. Remember that because you signed the petition, that, of itself, is no reason why you should vote for the measure. On the contrary, regardless of your former views if after careful consideration of all the facts and arguments you come to the conclusion that it would be unwise to move the court house now, then it is your duty to vote against the measure. Another important ordinance to come up at the special election is the proposition to issue $50,000 in bonds for a new city hall structure and to authorize the sale of the present city hall, for which the city has already been offered $25,000 by a prospective purchaser. The passing of this ordinance is to pave the way for the proposed removal of the courthouse to Medford from Jacksonville, the new city hall to be occupied as a temporary courthouse while a permanent courthouse is being erected in the city. Of course, this plan is contingent on the voters of Jackson County approving the removal of the courthouse to this city. If they do not the $50,000 bond issue becomes void. "Bond Issue to Be $975,000 for Butte Cr. Water," Medford Mail Tribune, August 8, 1925, page 2 STATE COMMENT UPON PLANS TO MOVE
Mail Tribune, July 15, 1926, page 3
A group of Ashland people have started an initiative petition to shift
the county seat to Medford, and the case is meeting with opposition.
The supreme court will be asked to step in this week. One way of asking
for a change is by an old law requiring that 60 percent of the people
must be on the petition and that it takes a three-fifths vote to carry.
Under this law 9000 signatures would be required. However, Ashland
wants to try an initiative, which needs but 15 percent and under which
a majority decides. Under the latter, 1500 signatures are enough, and a
petition which has been prepared carries 2500. Which petition should be
used is for the supreme court to determine. William Briggs, of Ashland,
Republican candidate for representative in the legislature, and Rawles
Moore, of Medford, who are supporting the 15 percent petition, and
Porter Neff, of Medford, and District Attorney Chaney, representing the
county, have been to Salem in conference and came to Portland before
returning home. The city of Medford has agreed to provide free any site
site the county may select if the county seat is moved to Medford.
Medford has agreed to have its city hall used as a temporary
courthouse. The objection to the arrangement comes from Jacksonville,
which every so often has to fight against a plot to take the county
seat away.--Oregonian.
The old fight to remove the county seat of Jackson County from
Jacksonville to Medford is on again. While on his way to Portland, John
H. Carkin, city attorney of Medford and speaker presumptive of the next
state legislature, stopped at Salem and arranged with the supreme court
to hear an argument on a motion to compel the county clerk to place on
the ballot the question of removal. Proceeding under the initiative
law, the proponents of removal offered a petition which the county
clerk refused to accept, holding that the old county law should have
been employed. Under this law three-fifths of the vote should be
received to carry the measure. Under the initiative law a bare majority
is required. It is reported that Ashland sentiment is now in favor of
removal. The city of Medford has offered the county the use of a
building temporarily and a site for permanent buildings.--Portland Journal. Required Number Names on
Petition Ct. House Removal
The county clerk's office has just completed checking the names of
legal voters on the petitions asking for an election to vote on removal
of the court house to Medford.
They found 1833 legal signers, and the fifteen percent of the voters at the last general election required under the initiative and referendum law is 1520, which finally settles the question, and the petition for removal will appear on the ballot in November. A majority vote is all that is necessary for removal. At the last election a three-fifths vote was necessary, and the proposition lost by a little over 100 votes. There were over 500 people who voted in Medford at that time that did not vote on the court house. Medford Mail Tribune, August 13, 1926, page 7 CITIZENS URGED TO
Every citizen of Medford, man and woman, who possibly can, despite the
weather, is urged to attend the opening meeting of the county seat
removal issue campaign at the Nat
at 8 p.m.
One thing certain is that the county court, after advising with competent architects and builders, have decided they will not throw away money repairing the old court house, but will build an entire new structure to meet the demands of the county for the next 25 or 30 years, either in Jacksonville or Medford. If the vote proposition is decided not to remove to Medford, the court will immediately proceed to take the preliminary steps to erect the same kind of structure in Jacksonville, which will settle the county seat question for years to come. E. D. Briggs, of Ashland, one of the leaders in the removal proposition, who is supported by a vote of the city council and the chamber of commerce, as well as the people generally of Ashland, will speak at tonight's meeting, as will Paul Scherer of Table Rock and C. E. Gates of Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1926, page 1 Statement of County
Court on Future Courthouse Building Plans
The county court has issued the following statement relative to the
courthouse situation:
To the voters of Jackson County: We have made a very careful study as to the present courthouse, which was built in 1883, over 43 years ago, and have come to the conclusion that we will not build any separate buildings, but that the situation demands that we either fireproof and otherwise modernize the present courthouse if that be feasible and make the necessary additions to the present structure sufficient to adequately house the county officials, or if it is not feasible to salvage the present courthouse then we must build an entirely new permanent fireproof courthouse adequate to house them. In addition to donating a site to Jackson County for a permanent courthouse, whenever in the future the people of Jackson County shall desire to erect a permanent courthouse in said city, the people of the city of Medford have voted and the council has agreed to build a three-story concrete city hall, containing approximately one-third more floor space than the present Grants Pass courthouse and more than twice the space of the present Jackson County courthouse and to lease it to us free of cost for five years. We are told by reliable builders that the present courthouse has very little value for reconstruction purposes. Whether it has any salvage value can only be determined by an experienced architect after going thoroughly into the matter. But the salvage value of the old structure cannot be great. We are therefore faced with two propositions, one to provide adequate permanent quarters at the present location in Jacksonville, the other to accept from Medford the free use of the new city hall for five years. In other words, shall the county build onto the present structure, if there be any salvage value, or if not build an adequate new building in Jacksonville, or shall the county accept the free proposition made by the city of Medford for a five-year period and make the necessary arrangements for the building of a permanent courthouse, costing approximately $210,000, at some future time when the people of Jackson County shall desire to erect a permanent courthouse. We realize that Medford is more centrally located as regards the population of the county and that the location of the county seat in Medford would mean a considerable saving to the taxpayers of the county every year. This saving would come from the cutting down of the travel and time of the sheriff in serving all papers, as well as extra time and travel of other county officials, the mileage of witnesses and jurors, the time and expense of recording papers and paying taxes. The above statement of facts is presented to the voters of Jackson County in order that they may have the full view of the situation in voting on the matter at the November 2 election. JACKSON
Medford Mail Tribune, October
22, 1926, page 2(Signed) W. J. Hartzell, Co Judge, Victor Bursell, Co. Com. Geo. Alford, Co. Com. History of Movement to Remove
County Seat
time early in the year of 1925 the county court, worried by the lack of
fire protection for the valuable records of the county, and by the
large expense to which the taxpayers of the county were being put, such
as jurors, witnesses, county officials, etc. in order to transact
county business, announced through the press that they contemplated
repairs to the present structure.
Citizens Take Action.
notice caused considerable
discussion all over the county, and a large number of the people
expressed the idea that the proposed repairs would not only cost
between $30,000 and $40,000, but when completed would not furnish
proper protection for the county records and would not provide adequate
quarters for the growing business of the county, in a few years it
would be imperative to erect a new courthouse, in which case the
proposed expenses for additions, although admittedly imperative, would
necessarily result in a complete loss of that much money.Ashland Takes Action.
individual directors of the
Ashland chamber of commerce at a regular meeting Tuesday, April 7,
adopted resolutions urging the county court to defer action in regard
to expending additional money, either for improvements or additions on
the present courthouse in Jacksonville, and that matters remain as they
now are until such time as the people of Jackson County shall have been
given an opportunity to vote upon the question as to whether it would
not be advisable to move the county seat to Medford and to erect a
modern courthouse there.Medford Takes Action.
committee appointed by the
Medford chamber of commerce also unanimously adopted a resolution
asking that the proposed additions to the courthouse be postponed until
the people of the county had a chance to express their wishes at an
election.Lawyers Get Busy.
Jackson County Bar Committee,
composed of attorneys from different parts of the county, including
Ashland, after thoroughly considering all sides of the question from
the standpoint of the actual needs of the county, recently passed a
resolution asking the county court not to expend money for further
improvements to the present structure or erect other buildings, calling
attention to the fact that a large majority of the people of the county
when visiting the courthouse pass through Medford and travel about ten
miles farther in order to transact necessary business at the
courthouse, thereby incurring a loss of time and considerable expense.
The resolutions also stated that Medford is more centrally located and
more convenient to the people of the county, and the removal of the
county seat to Medford would not only greatly benefit all the people,
but would be an actual saving of approximately enough money in a few
years to pay for the erection of a permanent courthouse.Medford Council Takes Action.
E. D.
Briggs of Ashland, for the
Ashland committees, and bar committee and committee members from the
Medford chamber of commerce and city council at Ashland, also the
committee of the Medford chamber of commerce and county bar
association, asking that the Medford council take some action regarding
the matter, and submitted a plan which they claimed had been thoroughly
considered and which they believed as businesslike and sensible.After thorough consideration the mayor and council unanimously decided to pledge, on behalf of the city, subject to a vote of the people, to furnish free of charge to the county a permanent site for the courthouse when needed by the county court, if the people of the county should decide to vote the county seat to Medford; also to furnish free to the county suitable temporary quarters for a courthouse until such time as the county court has sufficient funds raised to erect the new courthouse. Citizens Appear Before Court.
delegation of citizens, with E.
D. Briggs of Ashland as their chairman, appeared before the county
court and presented the several resolutions and a thorough discussion
followed by the members of the court and the citizens. The court
explained the fact that the county's business could no longer
adequately be transacted in the present structure and that some relief
would have to be given within the near future, but that they were
entirely willing, if prompt action were taken, to await the will of the
people, if the citizens present intended to proceed with the submission
of all angles of the matter to a vote of the people of the county
without unnecessary delay.County Court Defers Action
Pending Vote.
The court
adopted the following resolution:
"Whereas, resolutions have been presented to the county court by the
city council and directors of the chamber of commerce of the city of
Ashland, also by the city council and chamber of commerce of the city
of Medford, and also a large committee of [the] Jackson County Bar,
urging the removal of the county seat of Jackson County to a more
central location, and pledging an early expression by the people of
Jackson County on such removal,
"It is the opinion of the county court that further expenditure for repairs and improvements to the present courthouse be deferred." Medford Offers Free Building.
the action of the
Jackson County Bar Association, the chambers of commerce of Ashland and
Medford, and the city councils of both cities, the city council of
Medford, on the 8th day of October of last year submitted the question
of building a concrete city hall, twice the size of the present
courthouse, and donate same free to the county for courthouse purposes
for a period of five years.This measure carried on the ballot almost unanimously, and the city council stands ready to build a courthouse for Jackson County without any cost to the taxpayers and give them free use of it for as long as they desire. The Question Up to People.
question of moving the county
seat to a central location at Medford is on the ballot of the coming
November 2nd election, and it is generally conceded that inasmuch as
the county court will have to expend thousands of dollars if the
courthouse remains in Jacksonville, while it will be furnished
commodious quarters without any cost if moved to Medford, that the
taxpayers, with the exception of some in Jacksonville and the
Applegate, will be almost unanimous in voting to make the change.COUNTY
Medford Mail Tribune, October
24, 1926, page B2
Statement on Removal of County
Seat to Medford
1903 all proposals to relocate county seats in Oregon were required to
be brought before the legislature for a special act called an enabling
act to allow a vote to relocate any particular county seat. As this
always caused more or less wrangling and bickerings in that body before
an enabling act was passed or defeated, the legislature wisely enacted
a special law defining the methods of relocating county seats. This law
does not refer to anything else except that subject and is one of the
plainest and fairest laws ever enacted by the legislature of this
state. No one can possibly misunderstand or misconstrue any part of it.
This requires 60 percent of the voters to sign a petition to even call
an election and also sensibly requires 60 percent of the votes cast to
remove any county seat. This requirement of a decided majority by
petition to bring on an election, and also 60 percent to carry it,
prevented a few enthusiasts from throwing a county into the expensive
and annoying throes as such elections always bring about in the county
which is the victim. All previous attempts to move the county seat of
this county were made under that law, since its passage in 1903.
A few of the agitators for removal had that law amended in 1925, the last session of the legislature, but did not get what they proposed, viz; to allow 15 percent of the legal voters of the county to have an election called, neither did they get authority to call a special election on the question of removal. It is very plain that the legislature did not want any set of agitators to have the chance of bringing up a county seat fight on the petition of 15 percent of the voters, nor to have a county seat relocated on a bare majority. It is well known that 15 percent can be had on any petition of any kind if petition shovers are put in the field. If a county seat should be changed on a bare majority vote it would be very easy for the loser in the election to have another election called at the next general election and have another vote and the county seat might be moved back to [the] original location or to some other place the shifting of voters should give another bare majority, and so on from one election to another. This might be continued indefinitely, something on the same plan as a neighboring county built courthouses. The ruling the proponents of having the election on the initiative law of 1906 are basing their right on the statement that this law of 1906 being the latest law on the subject should prevail, wholly ignoring the law "Of Removal of County Seat," Chapter III, Section 3213 to 3221, Olson, which was amended and reenacted February 25, 1925, by the legislature, 19 years later than the act of 1906, which is claimed to be the latest law on the subject. You will search in vain in the law of 1906 for any reference to county seats or county seat removals, but the law entitled "On Removal of County Seats" has no other subject at all. If the county seats should be ordered removed on this 1906 law, will not the opponents take the matter into the courts to have it determined once [and] for all whether the law especially and wholly made for that one purpose and being one of the laws amended and reenacted at the last session shall prevail or not? They most certainly will. Aside from the enormous expense of a removal to a county that is already overtaxed beyond all sense or reason, a vote to remove under the law requiring 15 percent to call an election and a bare majority to carry it would not settle permanently the county seat question in this county, but would only be the beginning of a contest that would last for years. It is not believed that even a majority of the voters of Jackson County will vote to remove on such conditions as they are now asked to vote. A measure was offered by the county court for filing in the county clerk's office a short time ago, asking the voters to levy a tax on the whole county of 10 mills to raise funds to build a new courthouse, in case it is voted to remove the county seat. It was refused a place on the ballot because it was filed too late. As the assessed value of the county is $31,000,000, this would raise $310,000 each year. To this would be added the entire loss of the present courthouse, jail, machinery, sheds and grounds, some $400,000 more and at least about $200,000 to furnish the new building, besides the enormous rents the county would pay on the many different locations the county offices would be obliged to occupy during the five years this enormous sum would be raised. When it is realized that the present courthouse is one of the best and most substantial buildings in southern Oregon and, as the late Judge Gardner said, it will last for hundreds of years. The claim that it is not large enough to house the offices and help required can be determined by anyone who will take the trouble to go and look the building over. It is large enough, but if this were not so a few thousand dollars would build an addition that would serve for 50 years. The present location is near the center of population, on a fine paved highway and less than five miles from Medford, the largest town in the county. Many times the number of professional men who have their offices in Portland live two and three times as far from the Multnomah County courthouse as any part of Medford is from our courthouse. Even many lawyers live farther from the Multnomah courthouse than Ashland is from Jacksonville. They are not "hollerin'" to have the courthouse moved out to their front or back yards. The plea by a few Ashland residents that "Medford helped us get the normal school" will have no weight with the great majority of voters in that town. Medford did not furnish the money to build and equip the normal, the whole state furnished it, and all fair-minded persons were glad to see the school revived. The attempt to make a "pork barrel" of this matter will not receive much support at this time when pork barrels are not very popular among the taxpayers of the county. One pork barrel deal will be considered enough and plenty for this year. Let us be reasonable and not pile on this overburdened count a wholly unreasonable and entirely unnecessary burden of nearly a million dollars just to satisfy a few who seem to want the world for themselves. JACKSON
Medford Mail Tribune, October
26, 1926, page 5
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1926 To the Editor: "Pop" Gates and his running mate Bro. Briggs of Ashland and a few attorneys in Medford are trying to make the taxpayers believe that if the county seat is not moved to Medford very soon it will go up in smoke or a cloudburst will wash it away or one of those high-powered zephyrs that float down Jackson Creek will blow away the buildings, records and the whole darn business, and Jackson County will go busted. But the fact is the courthouse has withstood all these calamities for over forty years and stands where it was placed and is solid as a rock. The fire hazard is very small as it stands on a large block of ground isolated from any nearby risk. And our fire protection is good, as our gravity pressure system is stronger than any in the county, and we always have a reserve reservoir full of water for fire purposes. Now with small expense the present courthouse may be made to give adequate room to fill the bill for many years. Now Mr. or Mrs. Taxpayer, you are not going to vote to increase your taxes for the next twenty years to please that bunch in Medford who are making all this howl and false statement for their own selfish interests. Do you think it such an awful task to make the trip to Jacksonville over the best paved road in the county, even if it takes you a few minutes more time? I have never heard any serious complaint except from Bro. Briggs. He says if this great crime of keeping the courthouse in Jacksonville continues he will have to raise the fees on his clients, and the extra expense of gasoline, etc., will bankrupt him. Oh, I feel so sorry for poor Briggs. Mr. Voter, you know the tax rate per capita is higher in Oregon than any other state in the U.S., and in Jackson County it is a close second to any other county in the U.S. Mr. Medford voter, do you honestly think that a seventy-mill tax or more covering state, county and city, etc., is an inviting slogan to the newcomer who wants to invest in your city? Vote no on this county seat removal measure and you are helping yourself and every other taxpayer in the county. Yours Respectfully, J. W. ROBINSON Jacksonville, Ore. Medford Mail Tribune, October 27, 1926, page 4 THEN AND NOW
The present courthouse at Jacksonville was built in
The population of Jackson County was then 8116. Jackson County's population is now over 25,000. The assessed valuation of Jackson County in 1883 was $2,053,200. Its assessed valuation is now over $30,000,000. In 1883 Jacksonville was a town with a population estimated at several thousand. It was the most important business center of the community. Medford did not exist. Now the population of Jacksonville is around 500, and the business center has changed to Medford and Ashland. Medford is the only large town centrally located at the crossroads of all the county. Now the actual routine work of running the [county] is many times as large as in 1883, and as a result of the increased business it has been necessary for various county offices to seek quarters outside of the present courthouse. HERE THEY ARE
District Attorney's office is in Medford in the Liberty Building.The watermaster's office is in Medford in the Medford National Bank Building. The Court Reporter's office is in Medford in the Liberty Building. The County Engineer's office is in Medford in the Medford National Bank Building. The County Agent's office is in Medford in the Liberty Building. The County Assessor's office is in a small building across the street from the courthouse. The Highway Engineer's office is in a small rented building at Jacksonville. The county has to pay rent on all of these outside offices. ONLY SEVEN DEPARTMENTS OUT OF FOURTEEN ARE STILL LEFT IN THE COURTHOUSE, AND THEY ARE SO CROWDED THAT THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR DAILY DUTIES IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. Good business judgment demands that this situation be corrected, that the other seven departments also come to Medford and that the county avail itself of the free offer of an adequate and up-to-date building in Medford that will not cost the taxpayers one cent and will save the taxpayers from a tax levy to either patch up the present courthouse or build a new one in Jacksonville. Ashland Daily Tidings, October 27, 1926, page 5 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1926 ![]() Medford Mail Tribune, October 30, 1926 MEDFORD'S PLEDGE FREE COURTHOUSE IS IRONCLAD
The Jacksonville committee say Medford will not furnish a suitable
building, and what the city proposes to do is promised in a vague way,
is uncertain and largely visionary: there is no way to enforce the
agreement and the promise is made with the deliberate intent to deceive
the voters.
This is another evidence of what the Jacksonville committee will stoop to do in an endeavor to carry their point. As their claims are mostly visionary and made with intent to deceive voters, they imagine others do the same things. The ironclad pledge of the City of Medford, officially signed by Mayor Alenderfer and all councilmen, is filed with the County Court and accepted by them. It will be carried out to the letter. The members of the committee,as well as everyone else, know the people of Medford decided, by almost a unanimous vote, to erect an adequate, three-story concrete building, large enough to furnish ample room for all the county offices. Mayor Alenderfer and every member of the Medford City Council are for the proposition and, inasmuch as it was voted by the people, it is compulsory to erect the building and furnish it free to the county for five years. Work on the new building at Medford will commence as soon as possible after the election November 2, if the people vote to remove the county seat to Medford. The county now has seven of the county offices outside the present court house, six of which are in Medford, and the county is paying rent for the same and has for several years. If the vote for removal carries all the county offices will be housed in the new free quarters to be furnished by Medford, and the county will stop paying rent. There will also be no immediate county tax levy. Any legal voter, man or woman, whether registered or not, or whether they are taxpayers, are entitled to vote Tuesday on all candidates and measures, including the county seat removal proposition. If you have lived in the state six months, in the county or precinct one day, you are entitled to vote and if not registered you can vote by two freeholders vouching for you. Vote 500 X yes for county seat removal. COUNTY
Mail Tribune, October 31, 1926, page 3
![]() Medford Mail Tribune, November 1, 1926 COURTHOUSE REMOVAL MEASURE CARRIES
MEDFORD'S MAJORITY NEARLY 1500 Ashland Votes for Measure by Small Margin
41 precincts in the county complete, including Jacksonville, out of a
total of 56, the vote on the transfer of the county seat from
Jacksonville to Medford stood, at 3 p.m. today:
removal . . . . . . . . . 3227
This makes
victory for Medford
certain, and city and council officials were busy today going over
plans for preliminary steps toward the construction of a new city hall
and transfer of the courthouse records, pending the erection of a new
courthouse in this city.Against removal . . . . . 1987 Majority in favor 1240, or over 60 percent. Medford voted overwhelmingly for the courthouse, and the city of Ashland also voted in favor of removal, though by a small majority. The precincts of Ashland in the business district were strong for removal, but in outlying districts a majority against was registered. Excerpt, Medford Mail Tribune, November 3, 1926, page 1 Passing of the Landmark
nestling at the foot of the hills, being long heralded and recognized
as the "Queen City" of Southern Oregon, the oldest city in this section
of the state, is about to lose that what has been her pride and boast.
She was founded by our sturdy forefathers when the red man pervaded this territory. She was a city, the seat of government of Jackson County, when her rival neighbor was nothing but a pasture. How time changes. On election day, the good voters of the county, by a substantial majority, decided to forsake the "Mother City" and cast their lot with another, and give to this adopted city the name of "county seat." Jacksonville extends the loving hand of fellowship, asking you to ever bear in mind you are but her spawn and she your poor tottering mother. Jacksonville Post, November 5, 1926, page 1 WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
the sudden sound is heard
Jacksonville Post, November
5, 1926, page 1Ringing clear from earth to sky? Let us move the county court house To a town that's nearer by. Never mind, if crops are failures, Ye, who till the valley's soil; Be good sports and move the court house It will save us gas and oil. Never mind, though you are burdened With taxes more than you can pay Boost them up a little higher What's the difference, anyway? Medford wants the county court house, Wants to be the "County Seat"; Dig down deeper in your pockets Make her happiness complete. Never mind what it may cost you For the bills of course you'll meet; Think how proud we'll be in Medford Just to be in the county seat. With all the shouting, Jacksonville is still our county seat. We may have been beaten, but were not "knocked out," neither are we dead--time will tell. "Local Briefs and Personals," Jacksonville Post, November 5, 1926, page 1
The official count on the county seat removal bill was completed this
afternoon and shows that the measure carried by a majority of 1820, the
official county being:
For . . . 4761 Against . . . 1820 "Removal County Seat Is Carried by 2941 Margin," Medford Mail Tribune, October 22, 1926, page 2 JACKSONVILLE'S REQUIEM
Mail Tribune, November 21, 1926, page 4 Jacksonville citizens rebutted
this article on December 2, transcribed below.
Voters of Jackson County sounded a requiem when they cast their ballots
on November 2. The poor, pitiful thing they sang it over was
Jacksonville, one-time booming gold mining camp of the Old West. For
Jacksonville in that election lost the county seat.
The reason that the Jackson County voters' verdict amounted only to the singing of a final requiem was that Jacksonville as a town was already dead--had been dead for years. It had died because there was nothing to sustain its life. Unwittingly it had administered its own death stroke back years ago, when its citizens, haughty in their then dominating position as clearing point for the mines which surrounded it, flouted the overtures of men who came to offer it a railroad. Raise a bonus for a railroad! Ridiculous, said they. [Click here for the truth about the bonus myth.] Jacksonville was doing well enough. So the railroad passed by on the other side. And so Medford grew up beside the railroad. And the mines gave out gradually, until there came a time when the historic Beekman Bank found less and less use for its gold-dust scales, and finally none at all. Amazed observers actually saw people come into the bank and make deposits in coin and paper currency instead of the dust and nuggets to which they had been accustomed through the years. As business grew ever less and the population shrank, there came a day finally when the Beekman Bank announced an honorable liquidation with all obligations paid, and went out of business. Most of the stores had already gone long since. [The Beekman Bank was never in financial trouble; it closed when C. C. Beekman died.] Jacksonville still had the county seat. In time of court sessions there was a semblance of life on its streets. Between sessions Jacksonville sat and dreamed of its vanished glory--of the days when alcaldes administered its justice, when arrastras turned out their golden wealth, when gunmen shot up its saloons, when the rarin' tearin' stagecoach dashed down its streets en route from Sacramento to Portland and when pack trains came and went with their loads of supplies for the mines and their riches from them. Glorious days! Glorious dreams! With the passing of the years most of the dreamers gradually passed also. And a town must have something more than a county seat to keep it alive. So Jacksonville died a slow death. And the voters of the county sounded its requiem on November 2. Jacksonville will always be a place of splendid memories.--(Eugene Register.) Mrs. Floyd Cook's Article on
Removal of County Seat
As an aged mother mourns the departure of her best loved
child, so
mourns the old town of Jacksonville today over the loss of her court
house and the distinction of being the county seat of Jackson
County.By HELEN COLVIG COOK The recent election held in the county gave a majority of over 900 for the removal of the court house from Jacksonville to Medford. The entire state of Oregon, which meeds [sic] a reverence for this pioneer town, and the entire county of Jackson, which saw fit to vote for the removal of its county seat, and triumphant Medford as well, proud victor in the recent fight for removal, sympathizes with the little town in its loss and admires the valiant fight which its few hundred citizens put up to retain its one remaining glory. Colonel Sargent Champions
Four years ago the same measure came up before the voters of Jackson
County. At that time Jacksonville had as its able champion Colonel H.
H. Sargent,
personal friend of President Roosevelt, and a retired army
officer, who
had been prominent in the reconstruction of Havana and Manila after the
Spanish war. When Colonel Sargent retired from army life he selected
the beautiful, peaceful little town of Jacksonville in Southern Oregon
as his home, for no other place which he had seen in all his world
wandering had appealed to him as this quaint, picturesque town did.Here he bought a home on the hillside and devoted himself to literary pursuits. In a short time he grew to love the old town and took as much interest in it as if he had been a native son. When the proposed removal of its cherished court house was put on the ballot Colonel Sargent came forth from his retirement, and with all of his old fighting spirit entered the conflict; thanks to him, the result at that time was a loss of the measure by 90 votes. Town's Victory Celebrated
since those early days of wild mining excitement had the little town
been the scene of such revelry as it was on the night it gave a
celebration in honor of its victory. The entire countryside was invited
to share its joy over the defeat of the measure. Every public building
in the town was open to the public. A musical program was given in the
Masonic hall, at which Colonel Sargent was tendered an
ovation.A banquet, such as no other town but Jacksonville, long famous for its hospitality and excellent housewives, could serve was attended by hundreds of people. People came not only from all over the county and state but from other states as well. Toasts were responded to by native sons and daughters who had gone forth from this, their home town, and had attained distinction and prominence in the outside world. The court house, town hall, various lodge rooms and streets swarmed with people as it had not done since the early days of mining excitement. A big dance, which young and old joined, lasted till daylight, when another banquet was spread. Jacksonville was jubilant, and even those who had opposed her in the past campaign caught the contagion of happiness and were glad for the old town's victory. The spirit of the celebration obviously was not one of arrogant triumph, but one of joy and thankfulness for having retained its own rights. Triumph Short-Lived
today it is different. Colonel Sargent is dead; but had he lived he
could not have kept sentiment from being pushed aside in the path of
progress. It was inevitable that the county seat would eventually be
taken from the little town, which is tucked off in a far
corner of this
large county, and is also five miles from the railroad, and be placed
in a more central and populous district.But it is tragic--it is heartbreaking to Jacksonville, which now has only its memories of past grandeur to live on. But such memories. No other town in the state has had such a colorful and romantic past. Jacksonville was not built up slowly and arduously by weary men and women, worn out after a long journey across the plains, as the northern part of Oregon was; in fact, this rich domain was shunned by the first pioneers on account of its surroundings; impassable mountains and its treacherous, cruel and warlike Indian tribes. It was known as "the Indian country," and the few daring white people who tried to pass through it prior to 1850 were killed by the Indians or barely escaped with their lives. [Those who took adequate precautions passed without incident.] In 1851, however, two men, more foolhardy and daring than most, were passing through and discovered gold in the locality where Jacksonville stands today. Gold Seekers Swarm In
Those who seek gold forget all hardships and danger, and as
soon as a
report of this first gold strike was circulated, men swarmed into the
vicinity from all directions, and suddenly a town of thousands of
people sprung up where formerly only the Indian held undisputed sway. [Farmers preceded the discovery
of gold.]Tents, cabins, shacks grew up overnight among the creek banks. Adventurers, courtesans, miners, gamblers and pioneers came in over the hills with pack trains following close behind. What is now only a town of less than 500 people at one time boasted of 5,000 or 10,000 population. [The population of the entire county probably never reached 5,000 during the gold rush.] Millions of dollars were taken from the creek beds and quartz hills nearby. Soon roads were cut through the stubborn mountains and the stage coach rumbled and jangled through the streets, bringing news and people from the outside world. Saloons, gambling halls and dance halls flourished. A substantial trading post was established and gold dust and nuggets were used in exchange instead of coin. All was excitement, rush, gaiety and splendid adventure, instead of the usual worry and sordid struggle of building up a civilization in the wilderness. There was, of course, the oft-recurring troubles with the Indians and at one time a terrible and devastating scourge of smallpox, but these calamities were overshadowed by the lure and excitement of gold. When the first rush was over, Jacksonville began to assume the semblance of a town instead of a camp, and began to build, not as mining towns usually do--flimsily, for the present only--but solidly and substantially for the future. Respectable families began to come into the town, and homes were built which are occupied today by descendants of those early pioneers. Furniture was brought "around the Horn" and packed in from the nearest seaport, giving a social prominence to those possessing such things. Brick business buildings were erected, which are as solid today as they were when they were built, even though all the granite steps in front of them are worn to half-moon circles by the many feet that have ascended them through the years. [The steps are sandstone.] Flagstone sidewalks took the place of paths and a church was built, being one of the first Protestant churches west of the Rocky Mountains. The first money donated toward the building of this little church, in which services are still held, was won over the faro table by a famous gambler. In fact, if it had not been for the generosity of those early-day gamblers there would not have been a church built until a later date. [Thomas Fletcher Royal's records of donations for the church survive. "An exact copy of all subscriptions, headings, names, amounts, and for what purposes" (Royal's words) is transcribed here. One of the gamblers usually cited in this myth is listed as having donated $5; others are not mentioned.] Peter Britt First Photographer
Jacksonville also had the first photograph gallery established in
Oregon. The photographer was Peter Britt, who used to bluntly tell the
ladies, when they were displeased with their likeness and prone to lay
the fault onto the photographer, "If you want a pretty picture, you
must bring a pretty face." This interesting old gallery is kept just as
it was in the early '50s when the dance hall girls and
bearded miners
preened and posed for their daguerreotypes.Then there was the U.S. Hotel, another brick building, at which the tired travelers rested after their rough stage trip into the valley, and in which President Hayes once slept. It is used as a pioneer museum now. The express office, combined with Beekman's banking house, which was one of the first banks in the state, is also unchanged by time, and one feels as he enters its doors today as if he had stepped back over half a century. In it are the gold scales used in those early days, and notices on the walls, dimmed by time, still read, "Gold dust shipped to the Atlantic states" "Gold dust exchanged for United States gold coin." And there is an advertisement for the Oregon and California stage coach with a picture of that ancient vehicle proudly exhibiting the comforts and safety of travel behind its six prancing horses, with an armed express messenger on the box beside the driver. The counter, worn by time and use, where miners used to empty their buckskin pokes of nuggets, still holds, as if ready for instant use, tin candlesticks with half-burnt tallow candles in them. About the rusty box stove, still arranged in a companionable circle, are the crude chairs and rough-hewn benches where the leading men of the community once sat and discussed momentous affairs. There may be more imposing banks in the state of Oregon than this little one, but few--if any--through which so much wealth has passed. All of these things and places, which are only landmarks and objects of curious interest today, at that time were important factors in the new country. And as the town began to grow and a definite form of society crystallized, it became necessary to establish some kind of law and order. Swift Justice Dispatched
Oregon was a territory and Jackson County an empire in itself,
comprising within its boundaries at that time what has since been
subdivided into Josephine, Lake, Klamath and Curry counties. The few
territorial laws that had been compiled hastily for the state related
mostly to property rights and did not suffice for the dispensation of
justice in a thickly populated--and sometimes lawless--community, such
as Jacksonville had suddenly become.In 1852 the necessity of mutual protection caused a "people's court" or a sort of vigilantes committee, to grow up. The decrees of the court were inflexible and punishment was swift and certain. When a man was condemned for murder he was taken out and hanged as soon as sentence was pronounced. [This "people's court" was only convened once, to try Robert S. Maynard for murder. Accounts report variously that he was hanged the next day, or after a week or ten days.] In 1853, on account of increasing crime and property disputes, it became necessary to do away with such informal proceedings and establish a judicial court. A mass meeting was held on Jackson Creek by the citizens and miners, who, by general consent, appointed a man as "alcalde," investing him with unlimited jurisdiction. But it soon developed that the man chosen was unworthy of public confidence and a "superior alcalde" was appointed over him. [The alcalde was a feature only of the ad hoc government of the valley prior to Jackson County's organization under the laws of Oregon Territory in 1853. There is no record of a "mass meeting" until it became necessary to override an alcalde's decision.] Judge Deady Opens Court
In September, 1853, this court held the last session, for Matthew P.
Deady, who had been appointed United States district judge of the
Territory of Oregon, held the first regular court in Jacksonville, in a
building next to the "New State Saloon." [Jackson County was organized on
March 4, 1853, initiating a conventional county structure on that date.] The
bench was a dry goods box, covered with a blue blanket, and, as one
history says: "Probably the uncomfortable seat occupied by the judge
was so irksome that it had something to do with his rapid dispensation
of justice."Eventually a wooden structure was built for the court house, and in 1883, against bitter opposition from all over the county, the present two-story brick building was erected. Jacksonville was stronger than her county in those days. A history of Oregon, written at that time, in summing up Jacksonville's merits and acquisitions, says: "But the crowning glory of Jacksonville is its magnificent court house, built in 1883, at a cost of $32,000 and after a strenuous opposition from rival points and citizens. It is the cheapest public building of its kind ever erected in Oregon, and the bill of costs never exceeded a single dollar from the amount stipulated in the contract, which disappointed the must bitter opponents, who predicted the building would ultimately foot up $100,000." Contractor Loses Money
The historian fails to add that Mr. Byers, the contractor, was either
that rare thing--a conscientious contractor--or else very deficient in
calculation, and he lost $1500 on his contract. This was made up to
him, however, by the ladies of Jacksonville, who gave a grand ball in
the edifice when it was completed, and turned the proceeds over to the
honest and deserving Mr. Byers. [Byers
& Guerin were the subcontractors for the brickwork
and plastering. The ball
was to honor the contractor, L. S. P. Marsh.]Since that day, when the court house was deemed a magnificent and awe-inspiring structure, Jackson County has increased to a population of 20,000 people. An accumulation of important records during the 43 years has outgrown the capacity of the old building. Valuable records have been relegated to storerooms outside the court house and some have became so stained that they are illegible and useless. It was impossible to remodel the old building for the present or future needs, and so the tragedy of losing the chief prize came to Jacksonville. The new generation sees nothing amazing or imposing in the stately, solid, old brick building, whose small offices are Dickensesque in their quaintness, each boasting paneled wainscoting and a fireplace. The old court room, saturated with years of strong cigars, has in its center also a huge, big stove, which somehow mars the dignity of what is otherwise an unusually imposing court room. Magnificent it may have seemed at the time it was built to those men who had attended court when his honor sat on a packing box, but it fails to impress the present generation and is inadequate for the growing needs of the thriving county. Court Room Social Center
Not only as a hall of justice has the court room served, for
being the
most imposing and important structure in Southern Oregon, it
was used
in the past for all the large social and civic gatherings which the
town and county had. It has been the scene of famous Fourth
of July
celebrations and those wonderful pioneer reunions, community Christmas
trees, grand balls and even formal weddings.Its old walls have resounded with the eloquence of some of the ablest jurists on the coast, and many a sensational trial has been conducted there. Murderers have listened to their doom and innocent people have been freed within its portals. But no more will the life and stir of intense interest animate its old frame. Its doom is sealed, and it, too, passes into the limbo of Jacksonville's memories. Many of us who knew it when it was young and proud--and we were young, too--knew that it was not only a "court house" in one sense of the word, but in another sense as well. For, having no other park in the town, its large yard, shaded by splendid maples, served as a meeting and a trysting place for the young people of the community. Many who spent their early life in Jacksonville and who are fathers and mothers--even some who are grandfathers and grandmothers now--treasure, I know, as their fondest memory those wide granite steps and the shaded court house yard splashed with moonlight. Happy Hours Recalled
They remember as if yesterday the fragrance of rain-washed
lilacs and
the cloying sweetness of locust blossoms blended with the perfume of
high lush grass sprinkled with buttercups that made youth and
love most
glorious things in those spring evenings of long ago. The unfolding
quiet of the village evening, broken only by the
rustle of leaves above
them and the trickling of the creek that flowed nearby, was like a
benediction which has attended them through all the years.Jacksonville will come into her own some day. Like children, seeking adventure, who have strayed from their mother's knee, people will gratefully and happily return to bless her in her old age. Situated as the town is in the sheltering arms of pine- and laurel-clad hills, commanding a view of the rolling valley before it, with a background of towering and snow-capped mountains in the distance, it has the most beautiful location in the Rogue River Valley. Already homes are building rapidly toward it along the highway, and the time is not far distant when it will be the exclusive residence district of Southern Oregon. Dignity Guards Borders
Towns, like people, have a distinct personality, and Jacksonville
attracts with its dignity, its peacefulness and contentment. Out of its
hectic early life it has sifted the useless and only retained the
things that endure. Things that make life worthwhile, after
all. And
these it will hand on as a heritage to those who live within its
boundaries.First, Jacksonville was robbed of her gold and deserted by those who ravished her; later the railroad snubbed her and cut her off from the main thoroughfare of progress. She has seen her younger generations depart, seeking success in faraway places, and finally in her old age the upstart town of Medford, like an ungrateful stepchild, has stolen her court house from her. But there are some things that are all her own. Some things which nothing ever can take from her, and these are her memories and traditions. The love, gratitude and reverence which are her due will grow stronger as the country grows older and will be handed down through the generations by those who know that the very name of Jacksonville is synonymous of all that is brave, strong and courageous. The whole state is proud of that indomitable pioneer spirit concentrated in Jacksonville, which mothered our civilization, which fought for right and justice in days of hazard and strife and still fought--and went down fighting an outnumbering and overpowering foe.--Oregonian. Medford Mail Tribune, November 28, 1926, page B2 Reprinted from the Oregonian of November 21, page E4. Communications
Mail Tribune, December 2, 1926, page 4 This is in response to an
article transcribed above, November 21, 1926.
The Eugene Guard recently
printed an article regarding Jacksonville and the loss of the court
house, which was reprinted in this paper, and to which the people of
that city objected, and this is a copy of the answer sent to
the Eugene
paper, and is printed at the request of the writers:
To the Editor Eugene
Guard:November 24, 1926. A short time ago you published an article on this city that contains so many errors and misstatements that we are asking you to give the same publicity to this correction. That the vote November 2nd on removal of the county seat sounded a requiem on this town already dead is so wide of the mark that it is rather difficult to make a good-natured statement pointing out the error. We do not know why you should publish such a vindictive and misleading article, as we surely never showed any hostility to your widely read paper or to your fine city. Now for the facts: This town of Jacksonville is now in a more prosperous condition than it has been for many years, and it also has a larger population than at any time during the last 20 years. There are now 22 active business houses in the town, besides the various offices in the court house. Among the various lines of business is a very fine up-to-date hardware store that would be a credit to a town of several thousand population. All the other lines of business are represented, and they are all doing well. We have every year a fine Chautauqua in the municipal auditorium. Every Red Cross or other worthy drive is put over the top in short order. We have fine paved streets in the business parts of town and one of the best paved roads in the state leading to the Pacific Highway. We have a splendid municipal water system with very high pressure in the mains. This system is at this time being enlarged to supply the increased demand for water. The population at this time is near the 1,000 mark and growing all the time. We have one of the finest and best school buildings in Southern Oregon, in which all grades are taught, including high school grades. We have two churches in the town, the Presbyterian building being large and commodious, with a large congregation. The much maligned Jackson County court house is in fact one of the best and most substantial brick buildings in Southern Oregon. It is in perfect condition, with two fireproof vaults built a few years ago. The grounds and surroundings are probably the most beautiful in the state. A modern, up-to-date jail and steel machinery barns are also located near the court house. This is one of the most complete and substantial county outfits in any of the counties outside of the large cities of the state. As to the death knell of Jacksonville being sounded when the people of the town turned down the offer of the railroad about 1883: Now the truth is that no official offer to bring the O.&C. railroad to this town was ever made. The facts, as given by B. B. Beekman, now of Portland and widely and favorably known through the state and who was raised here, are simply these: A survey for the location of the railroad was made through the valley about two and a quarter miles east of Jacksonville, but when this survey was continued to Ashland, where a division point was planned, it was found that the line was far above any suitable grounds for shops or tracks. Another survey was made by Mr. Howard, the engineer in charge of location, leaving the Rogue River canyon near Rock Point and running in an almost straight line to within a few miles of Ashland. This being much the best route for the road, [it] was therefore adopted. The reason and the only reason Jacksonville was left off the line was a topographical one. Just the same reason that Yreka was left to one side. That C. C. Beekman closed his bank here was not for the reason that there was no business for a bank, but on account of advancing age and a desire to quit active business. This is shown to be true by the fact that several years before Beekman quit banking, another bank was started here and continued in business till 1920, when it was looted by the bank officers and was closed, and the cashier was sent to serve a prison sentence. Let us have facts regarding things in the past and not some uninformed person's romancing. The election reports so far put out regarding the removal from this town of the county seat seem to show a majority for removal, but that matter will be settled by the courts. That the fight for removal was not made against a dead town was plainly shown by the campaign for removal made by those who coveted another's house. Many hundreds of dollars were spent in this by the proponents of removal in a campaign that is probably without parallel in the history of the state for vindictiveness and vituperation, not even excepting the late campaign against the successful candidate for the United States Senate. In addition to this, pecuniary considerations were openly offered to the people of the county in the way of the offer to furnish a building amply large enough to house all the county offices for five years at a rental of one dollar a year, and also a permanent site for a new court house, if removal carried, the site to be given absolutely free for all time to Jackson County. These considerations at a conservative estimate would amount to something like $20,000. Over 1,800 voters were sworn in in the town asking removal, showing that the election was not carried, if carried, by the votes of taxpayers. Taxpayers of Jackson County would never vote to remove, if left to them. This last campaign for removal of the county seat from Jacksonville was the culmination of a fight for removal that has been carried on for almost 40 years. The county seat is not the thing that keeps Jacksonville going, by any means. Our location is the best in Rogue River Valley, also the most beautiful. Above the fog and out of the winds, nestled among the foothills, it is the most desirable location for residence purposes. Many new houses have been built the last two years and one building is now going up that was started since the late election. Progress will not be stopped if the county seat should be removed. Our wonderful and healthy climate, pure water and beautiful scenery cannot be taken away by any superior numbers or wealth. We try to obey the scriptural command: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house." Also the command which says: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Respectfully,
Jacksonville County Seat Club. MEDFORD TO BE CO. SEAT AFTER JULY
1, 1927
Passing by a majority of about 65 percent in the November election of
last year, a measure was adopted by Jackson County voters whereby after
July 1 of this year the county seat, now located in the pioneer city of
Jacksonville where it was established more than 50 years ago, will be
moved to Medford.By 65 Percent Majority, People of Jackson County Voted Last November to Move County Seat from Jacksonville to Medford--Medford Supplies Temporary Quarters. A new temporary building to cost $75,000 is to be constructed by the City of Medford for the use of the county for a five-year period, at the end of which time the county will construct its own building at an approximate cost of $210,000, not including site or furnishings. The temporary structure will be located at the corner of Fifth Street and North Central Avenue, directly opposite the Elks building and directly east of the Barnum apartment house. It will be constructed of reinforced concrete, and will have a 100-foot frontage and will be large enough to provide for all the needs of county officers, a number of whom at present are forced to maintain offices outside of the court house, which during the past 40 years has gradually grown too small to provide ample space to carry on the county business. Upon the construction and completion of the permanent court house on a site in this city to be given the county free by Medford and to be chosen by the county court, the temporary building will revert back to the use of Medford as a city hall. The present headquarters of municipal government will be moved to the vacated court house and the present city hall will be sold to private interests. Medford Mail Tribune, January 2, 1927, page D5 HIGH COURT HOLD J'VILLE VOTE VOID
SALEM, Jan. 18.--(Special.)--Until the Jackson County delegation has an
opportunity to study the situation, no bill requesting an enactment by
the legislature to remove the court house, in accordance with the
expressed will of the voters of Jackson County, will be introduced. It
is highly probable that a special election will be called again upon
the issue.Election Declared Invalid by Opinion, Because Pamphlets Not Issued--Opinion Written by Justice Belt--Action Planned in Legislature. ----
SALEM, Jan. 18.--(AP)--The supreme court today knocked out the removal
of the Jackson County court house from Jacksonville to Medford. This
was by dismissal of the writ of mandamus in the original proceeding of
A. L. Hill and E. D. Briggs against W. J. Hartzell, Jackson County
judge, to compel the judge to proclaim in effect the vote by which the
people demanded the removal.The opinion was written by Justice Belt. An act of 1903 provided a special method for the removal of county courts requiring a 60 percent petition of the voters to put the measure on the ballot and a majority of 60 percent vote. In 1907 the statewide initiative law was enacted, requiring among other things the publication of voters' pamphlets. In 1919 there was enacted an initiative law applicable only to counties. In the case of Briggs vs. County Clerk Stevens, brought to ascertain whether the procedure could be under the less stringent 1919 act, which did not require the publication of pamphlets, the supreme court held that the petitions for the removal should have been filed by the county clerk. In its opinion today the supreme court holds that the procedure should have been under the act of 1907 which requires the use of pamphlets. In his opinion Justice Belt says: "Since the election was special and no attempt was made to comply with the mandatory provisions of section 4103, Oregon laws as to the mailing of voters' pamphlets, it follows that the election relative to changing the county seat is void. Courts ought to be and are very reluctant to interfere with the will of the people as expressed at an election, but cannot validate an election of this character wherein there has been a total failure to follow the plain and explicit mandate of the statute as specifically pointed out by this court in Briggs vs. Stevens." ----
The following is a summary of the situation:After the election for the removal of the county seat had been held it was realized that the failure to send out voters' pamphlets raised a serious question as to the validity of the election. Not that the holding of the election was not generally known, but that technically the voters' pamphlet was the election notice upon the question, and that the failure to send it out raised a serious question that might finally be decided either way. For that reason Mr. Briggs of Ashland and Mr. Hill of Medford became plaintiffs in the case just decided. The real purpose to be accomplished by the case was to obtain from the supreme court a quick decision that might be of value to the legislature, which is now in session. It is within the power of the legislature either to remove the county seat now that the will of the people upon the subject is known, or to pass the necessary legislation to submit the question at a special election held upon that subject. The provision of the statute preventing an earlier election would have to be amended so far as this special election is concerned. Whether or not the legislature will take such action remains to be seen. But in view of the fact that both sides to the controversy carried advertisements in the papers throughout the campaign preceding the election, and both sides entered into debates and discussions over the county, so that it was generally known that the question was to be voted upon, coupled with the fact that the vote in favor of the removal was overwhelming, would now justify the legislature in taking this action if it should see fit to do so. When the question was first raised it seemed desirable to have the question passed on immediately, rather than to allow to be dragged through the courts by the slow procedure with which it was progressing in the suit that had been brought by taxpayers of Jacksonville, and any decision either way at this time is particularly welcomed. It has been determined that the method that was followed was defective. Methods are now open to make the removal in such a manner as will stand the test of the courts. It is up to the people of the county who wanted the court house removed to do what they can towards the accomplishment of this result. There were more votes cast on the county seat than any other measure or candidate on the ballot last fall excepting for governor. The total vote was:
supreme court has enjoined the moving of the county seat from
Jacksonville to Medford on a technical error in the election, said
error being failure to publish a pamphlet containing the arguments pro
and con. This is another evidence that the voter's pamphlet law should
be repealed. Does anyone imagine that the people of Jackson County were
not thoroughly familiar with the proposed project which has been before
them for a dozen years? Ashland people favored placing the county seat
in Medford, where it ought to accommodate the most people.If there is any way for the legislature to move the county seat regardless of this technicality, it ought to be done at this session.--Corvallis Gazette-Times. Medford Mail Tribune, January 28, 1927, page 6 COUNTY TRIALS HEREAFTER IN
Welcome news to the vast majority of the people of Jackson County is
that hereafter no more sessions of the circuit court will be held at
Jacksonville, following the removal of the court's law library recently
to Medford and the removal of the circuit judge's office or chambers 10
days later to the Liberty Building, and the official sanction received
in the city this forenoon of Judge R. S. Bean of the federal district
court at Portland, granting the use of the United States court room in
the federal building at Medford for all jury trials or chamber hearings
in which there are a large number of witnesses.No More Sessions at Jacksonville--Official Sanction Given Plan, Until Temporary Courthouse Is Ready--Change Effective Now. This rule will be in effect from now on until the new temporary courthouse in Medford is ready for use, no matter if that structure is not ready for use by July 1st next, in accordance with the law passed that a courthouse removal to Medford could be effected by that time. However, the federal court room will only be used for trials or hearings in which there are a large number of witnesses. The other business of the circuit court will be held in the chambers of Judge C. M. Thomas. Shortly after the removal of the circuit court library and his chambers office from Jacksonville to Medford, Judge Thomas, realizing that his office here was too small in which to hold trials or hearings where a number of witnesses would be examined, and deeming that the trial place should be in the city where was located his office and the law library, decided that the U.S. court room would be an ideal place until the temporary courthouse here was built. Hence he took up the matter of gaining the government's consent to the use of that court room and its jury room and incidental court offices with Postmaster Wm. J. Warner, who is local custodian of the government building. Mr. Warner in turn wrote to the government department in charge of federal buildings, explaining the local situation and endorsing Judge Thomas' request. The headquarters office replied to Mr. Warner, stating that the government had no objection to granting the request if the federal district court should agree to it. This entailed taking up the matter with Judge R. S. Bean of Portland by further correspondence, and a letter was received from the judge this morning by Mr. Warner which stated that he was not only willing for the federal court room to be used for state circuit court use, but was glad to extend this privilege to Judge C. M. Thomas. Medford Mail Tribune, March 9, 1927, page 1 ARRANGE PLANS $60,000 BONDS CITY
Medford Mail Tribune, March
16, 1927, page 3
As was forecasted in yesterday's Mail Tribune the
city council last night passed an ordinance setting the time for the
special election authorizing the city to sell $60,000 worth of bonds
with which to build the new city hall to be leased to the county for a
temporary court house for the next five years.
The election will be held on Monday, May 16th, next, from 12 o'clock noon until 8 p.m. The city council meets the next night following and will canvass the vote then, immediately after which construction work will be begun on the long-desired city hall and courthouse building. The voting places and election officers were named in the ordinance. The bond issue to be voted on is for $10,000 more than the $50,000 issue authorized by the voters at the first election, for the reason that the architects' estimate of the cost of the building, made since the first election, in accordance with the ideas approved by the city council and county court, meeting jointly, is $58,000, and in the original estimate of $50,000 the cost of the sale of bonds and the architects' fee had not been considered. The ordinance for the special election for May 16 passed last night becomes immediately effective, as it was made an emergency one in the following language: "Inasmuch as the county seat of Jackson County has been established at the city of Medford and the county court of said county is required by law to cause all county files, offices and records to be removed to suitable quarters in the city of Medford on the 1st day of July, 1927, or as soon thereafter as possible, and the people of Jackson County voted to remove said county seat to Medford with the understanding that the citizens of Medford would build a city hall building and lease same to the county for court house purposes. "An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the council and approval by the mayor." In the resolution adopted previous to the introduction and passage of the ordinance, the following is set forth: "In addition to all the warrants and bonds heretofore authorized, the Council of the City of Medford is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith of the said city, and for that purpose to issue bonds in the manner provided by Section 72 of this charter or the sole purpose of obtaining the necessary funds to erect or aid in the erection of a new city hall building, and the necessary appurtenances thereto. The total amount of the indebtedness incurred and the bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not, however, exceed $60,000. "And in furtherance of the purpose above set forth and the power and authority by above paragraph granted the city council of the city of Medford is hereby further authorized and empowered to lease said new city hall to Jackson County at such a price and on such terms as it shall deem advisable; to sell or dispose of the present city hall building, and apply the proceeds to the payment of the indebtedness incurred in the erection of the new city hall, and to donate a site to Jackson County for a permanent court house." The ordinance designates the voting places as follows, and also the personnel of the election officers: First Ward--Public Market, South Riverside Avenue. Second Ward--Washington School, corner Oakdale and Main Street. Third Ward--Fichtner's garage, corner West 6th and Fir streets. Fourth Ward--City Hall, corner Front and Sixth streets. The following persons are designated as election officials for each of the precincts: First Ward, Public Market, South Riverside Avenue--A. C. Burgess, judge; H. M. Jacobs, judge, who shall also act as clerk; J. D. Skinner, judge, who shall also act as clerk. Second Ward, Washington School, corner Oakdale and Main Street--W. P. Dunlap, judge; Laura Berry, judge, who shall also act as clerk; Lucinda Hubbard, judge, who shall also act as clerk. Third Ward, Fichtner's garage, corner West Sixth and Fir streets--P. B. Bigham, judge; Kate Laidley, judge, who shall also act as clerk; Helen M. Arnspiger, judge, who shall also act as clerk. Fourth Ward, City Hall, corner Front and Sixth streets--Kate Young, judge; Prue A. Platt, judge, who shall also act as clerk; Carrie G. Carnahan, judge, who shall also act as clerk. CITIZENS URGE RUSH WORK ON NEW
Medford Mail Tribune, March
20, 1927, page 1Petitions to Be Circulated, Asking Council to Start Work at Once, to Expedite Structure to Be Used As Temporary Courthouse.
The county seat removal committee, to facilitate the building of the
city hall at Central and Fifth streets, to be used as a temporary
courthouse, is planning the circulation of petitions among the
citizens, asking the mayor and city council to proceed at once with the
construction of the city hall, pending the coming election to vote
$60,000 for the same, and guaranteeing to use every effort to assist in
carrying the election.
This action is legal and would permit the completion of the new structure and the county seat removal by from 60 to 70 days sooner than could be accomplished by waiting until after the special election. If this is not done, it may be necessary to lease temporary quarters for the different county officers to be moved to Medford July 1st. This would mean several thousand dollars extra expense to the city. The supreme court ruling on the county court removal provides that "it be by July 1st, or as soon thereafter as possible." The situation at present is as follows: The bond attorneys have held that, owing to adverse supreme court decision on the county seat election, a dim shadow of doubt is cast on the validity of the bonds for $50,000, previously voted by this city for the construction of the city hall. To remove this doubt, the council at a meeting Tuesday night called a special election for May 16--the earliest possible date under the law required for the calling of a special election is 60 days. The election provides for the issuance of $60,000 of city hall bonds for construction purposes. If construction awaits the passage of the bonds, April and May, ideal building months, would be lost, leaving only June for the construction. By starting work in April, the structure would be well on toward completion by July 1st. By signing the petitions, and acceptance by the city council, two months of actual work will be saved. A similar procedure was followed in the construction of the present bridge across Bear Creek, the contractor being actively at work while waiting for the bridge bonds to be formally approved by the voters. MEDFORD COUNTY SEAT REMOVAL COM.
The Medford County Seat Removal Committee wishes to make the following
"It has come to our attention that citizens of Jacksonville who are disgruntled over the removal of the county seat to Medford are circulating petitions in Medford and elsewhere throughout the county, requesting that this issue be again submitted to the vote of the people. A number of those, who have already signed these petitions, seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that it is necessary to again submit this question to the people, but such is not correct. This issue was carried at the last election by an overwhelming majority, and the removal of the county seat to Medford was authorized, but upon submitting the matter to the supreme court it was ruled that the election was void on account of no voters pamphlet having been issued and mailed to the voters of Jackson County. "The matter was then presented to the recent session of the legislature, and a law was passed authorizing the removal of the county seat to Medford July 1, 1927, or as soon thereafter as possible. "This law is now in full force and effect, and the City of Medford is prepared to construct the temporary court house as soon as bonds are voted at a special election on May 16 of this year. "Twenty-three twenty-fourths of the population of Jackson County will obtain better service and save traveling costs by having the county seat at Medford. It is unnecessary to again submit this vote to the voters. "This statement is made so the people will know the exact situation, and we believe that it is to the best interests of the county for citizens to refuse to sign any petitions calling for another vote on this matter." Medford Mail Tribune, April 22, 1927, page 4 MEDFORD CAN'T AFFORD TO LET
Medford Mail Tribune, May
14, 1927, page 2 Emphasis
in the original.
The county seat removal to Medford depends on whether the citizens of
this city will revote bonds at the Monday election which will enable
the city council to proceed at once to build a new city hall for free
use by the county during the next five years.
The present law authorizes the removal of the county seat July 1 or as soon thereafter as possible, and this removal depends on Medford carrying out their original agreement to furnish temporary quarters to the county for that length of time. To think that Medford would even think of repudiating this agreement is entirely out of line with past policies. Medford is unquestionably committed to this project and will work diligently until it is accomplished. No obstacle is going to be great enough that it cannot be overcome, and the final outcome must be in accordance with the will of the people, which has always been favorable. Plans are already prepared for this new city hall and county officials have approved them. A call for bids on this building will be made as soon as bonds are ready for sale. Everything awaits the approval of the voters at Monday's election and every voter is urged to vote for a unanimous vote in favor of these bonds. The people of Jackson County expect Medford to make good their promise. The county officials expect a like result. No Medford voter can afford to neglect this civic duty. Vote for the bonds and put them over big. BONDS FOR CITY HALL PASS BY HUGE
Medford Mail Tribune, May
17, 1927, page 1Out of 1641 Votes Cast in Special Election Only 241 Against--Construction of Building Now Waits Upon Supreme Court Decision.
At a special election held yesterday in this city, a bond issue for
$60,000 for the construction of a new city hall, at the corner of
Central Avenue and Fifth Street, carried overwhelmingly by a majority
of 1140. A total of 1641 votes were cast. The vote for was 1391;
against 241.
The vote by wards was:
According to City Attorney John H. Carkin, actual construction of the new city hall, for which excavation work has already been started, will not be started until the decision of the state supreme court upon the petition of the County Seat Club of Jacksonville, attacking the legality of the emergency clause passed by the last legislature, ordaining the moving of the county seat from Jacksonville, has been received. The petition was argued in the supreme court yesterday, and an early ruling is forecast. The election returns were awaited with interest locally, and throughout the county, and were broadcast over radio station KMED by the Mail Tribune, the final unofficial returns being on the air before 10:30 o'clock. MEDFORD WINS THE COURT HOUSE
Medford Mail Tribune, May
24, 1927, page 1REMOVAL IS ORDERED FOR JULY 1 State Supreme Court Dismisses Jacksonville Petitions for Referendum on Removal Statute by a Unanimous Vote--County Clerk Upheld.
SALEM, Ore., May 24.--(AP)--The Jackson County seat will be moved from
Jacksonville to Medford on July 1, as provided in an act of the 1927
legislature. The state supreme court today dismissed the case of W. W.
Cameron against Delilia Stevens, Jackson County Clerk, a case in which
the issue was whether the referendum could be invoked upon the act.
Petitions were completed for a referendum, but these the county clerk refused to accept and file on grounds that the act carried the emergency clause. Right of the legislature to attach the emergency clause was attacked by the plaintiff, but the supreme court holds that this was within the rights of the legislature, since the state constitution bars the emergency clause only on acts regulating taxation or exemption. The opinion was written by Justice Rand. The case was an original proceeding in mandamus in the supreme court and the argument submitted was on demurrer to an alternative writ: The court was unanimous in its opinion. (This decision ends the long courthouse controversy in favor of Medford.) JACKSONVILLE UNCERTAIN AS TO
Medford Mail Tribune, May
25, 1927, page 3
According to Wilbur Cameron, one of the leaders of the County Seat Club
of Jacksonville, which has been legally opposing the removing of the
county seat to this city, and whose plea to the supreme court to compel
the invoking of the referendum against the legislative act authorizing
the removal was dismissed by the state supreme court yesterday, "any
further moves are up to our attorneys, Smith, Clarke and Fales of
Mr. Cameron said he did not know whether or not any further moves would be made by Jacksonville, "as we have not had a chance to confer with our attorneys," but listed any further procedure as indefinite. Residents of Jacksonville, many of whom received the news of the high court decision which authorized the removal by July 1st, through the broadcast of the news over KMED by the Mail Tribune, received same with complacency. A frequently expressed view was "I hope something is done with the courthouse, in keeping with its place in Jackson County history, and not let it go to wrack and ruin like the old U.S. Hotel." Others expressed themselves that the "courthouse is not moved yet." LOCAL ARMORY TO BE USED AS A
City Rents Armory and County Officials Packing, Ready for Complete Removal by July 1st-- Circuit Court in Federal Building.
The Medford armory has been rented for the temporary court house in
this city, and county officials in Jacksonville are now packing up
their equipment so that everything will be moved here and in operation
by the first of the month.
This arrangement was made several days ago, but was not officially announced until last night, both Medford and county officials wishing to keep the matter a secret until all preliminaries had been completed. The city of Medford is paying for the armory, the rental being $200 a month, and Captain Tengwald of the National Guard has the building nearly ready for the removal. The main auditorium and rooms on the ground floor will be used by the sheriff and county clerk, partitions of beaverboard now being put in to provide separate offices. Sheriff Jennings will also have a special office in the basement, as will the county health unit. Captain Tengwald's offices will be used by the county court, and have been slightly rearranged for that purpose. The county assessor will occupy the present American Legion rooms on the second floor, and the county treasurer will have the present supply room on the same floor. The county school superintendent and county engineer will have quarters opposite the present American Legion room. All valuable records will remain in the fireproof vaults in Jacksonville for the present and probably until the new city hall is completed, which will then be the permanent county court house until the final building is erected by the county itself. This is according to the plan originally agreed upon when the proposition of court house removal was first made. The city, in addition to providing the armory, will also have a night watchman and janitor on duty 24 hours each day while the armory is being used as a court house. Circuit court will be held until July 1st in the federal court rooms in the Medford post office building, and it is expected this privilege will be extended until the temporary court house is completed, which is expected to be in September. Medford Mail Tribune, June 10, 1927, page 1 Co. Court
Orders Removal of Court House to Medford
Medford Mail Tribune, June
27, 1927, page 2
The county court has issued an order instructing all county officials
to be prepared to move their records and office fixtures to the Armory
in this city, "as soon as possible on or after July 1."
In accordance with these instructions, the moving will start early Friday morning, with county and private trucks. Most of the offices are now packing up, and it is expected that by the middle of next week the various offices will be back to normal in their new quarters. JACKSONVILLE GIVES UP IDEA
Medford Mail Tribune, June
28, 1927, page 5
According to J. B. Wetterer of Jacksonville, one of the leaders in the
legal fight to retain the county seat in Jacksonville, no further legal
action will be taken.
According to present plans, the county clerk and sheriff will occupy the main floor of the local Armory when the county seat is temporarily moved to that structure. This is the space used as a basketball floor. The county court will occupy and hold sessions in the suite of rooms on the first floor used by the commanding officer of Company A. The health department and associated branches of the county will occupy the basement space, designated as the kitchen. The county treasurer, assessor, engineer and school superintendent will occupy rooms on the second floor. The work of moving the office equipment and records will start Friday morning, July 1, in accordance with an act of the last legislature, upheld by a supreme court decision. JACKSONVILLE CEASES TO BE COUNTY
Medford Mail Tribune, June
30, 1927, page 1Local Armory Opens Tomorrow As Temporary Court House, But Removal Will Not Be Completed Until Next Week.
Jacksonville, at 12 o'clock tonight, ceases as the county seat of
Jackson County, and tomorrow county officials start moving to their
temporary quarters in the Armory in this city, pending the completion
of the new city hall on North Central Avenue at Fifth Street. This has
been ordained by a vote of the people, and an act of the legislature,
sustained by a decision of the state supreme court. The county court
last week issued an order directing all county officers to move to this
city, "by July 1, or as soon thereafter as possible." The work of
moving starts in the morning, and by the middle of next week the
various branches of county government will be functioning in their new
The passing of one of three first seats of government in Oregon will be without legal dramatics and will border on pathos, despite the outward air of the commonplace. Private and county trucks will strip the courthouse of its glories, acting under rush orders. Considerable of the early history of the Rogue River Valley is written around the soon-to-be-deserted courthouse. Its walls have heard many celebrated criminal cases of pioneer and modern times. Into its courtroom have slinked three of the most savage and notorious of Pacific Coast murderers, a banker tossed from his high community pedestal by fraud and deceit discovered, and a long line of all the riffraff of crime, down to the bootlegger. From the roof of its front porch noted Oregon statesmen have expounded the glories of a Republican tariff and budding orators have read the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July, while Jackson County folks lolled in the shade of its now stately trees in the courthouse yard. Of evenings, Jacksonville citizens came there to talk about its ball team, its fire department and to their best girls. In the horse and buggy days the courthouse yard was a social mecca. The official count for the special election last Tuesday started in the Armory this afternoon. The courthouse will be listed at an early date with realtors as "for sale." COUNTY OFFICES FUNCTIONING IN
Medford Mail Tribune, July
1, 1927, page 5
The work of moving the county offices from Jacksonville to the Armory
in this city was underway today, and the work of making the transfer
will be completed tomorrow, Sunday and Monday, the latter, a holiday
will be utilized in making things shipshape, and by Tuesday all
departments will be operating normally. The moving entails the moving
of 40 years' accumulation of records and equipment.
While the courthouse is in the Armory, night watchmen will be maintained. The steel safe in which the tax funds of the sheriff's office are kept was brought over this morning. The lower floor will be occupied by the sheriff's office and the county clerk, with partitioned sections for the sheriff and the recording sections. The county court will occupy the captain's room. The assessor, treasurer, county engineer, and school superintendent will be on the second floor. The health department will be located in the basement. This morning, amid the confusion of moving, the regular business was transacted by the various officers--a testimonial of their efficiency. CUPID IS BUSY AS OLD COURT HOUSE
Medford Mail Tribune, July
1, 1927, page 7
Catching cupid on the wing, Mrs. Delilia Stevens Meyer issued her last
marriage licenses in the county clerk's office at Jacksonville
yesterday. Winding her way in and out among the large, half-packed
boxes and office equipment bound for Medford, the clerk met nervous
applicants half way.
Soothing their shattered nerves by words of encouragement, Mrs. Meyer helped them dodge the ruthless attacks of the book- and box-carrying office force, and led them singly to the open spaces where amidst din and confusion the couples managed to affix their signatures several degrees north and south of the dotted line. One couple crawled under the counter and around boxes and stacks of debris until they reached the clerk in an obscure corner of the office, and there on a heap of dirt signed the fatal ledger. "We filed papers until five o'clock last night, and if we hadn't called a halt, we would probably have been filing them on the trucks between Jacksonville and Medford when the clock struck 12," Mrs. Meyer said. Today the confusion is in Medford, where the official county armory headquarters is filling its manifold capacities in spite of interruptions and inconveniences. Ralph Jennings, turning carpenter, wielded a hammer and saw in an effort to get his department into shape as soon as possible. TALK DETAILS OF CITY HALL
Medford Mail Tribune, July
6, 1927, page 6Matter of Installing Cooling System Left to Committee--Nonarrival of Steel Material Causes Delay--Plane Field Contract Discussed.
Intermixed with the transaction of much routine business by the city
council last night at its first meeting of this month, the suggestion
was put forth by Frank Clark, the architect for the new city
hall-courthouse building, that a water cooling system be installed in
the building to provide cold drinking water for each floor. Mr. Clark
did not advocate this but merely stated that so many people had made
the suggestion that he decided to place it before the councilmen for
In the plans submitted by Mr. Clark for the new municipal-courthouse building he had made no provision for such a water cooling plant. The estimated expense for such a cooling system would be about $650. After discussing the matter pro and con it was finally voted to leave the matter in the hands of the council's building committee, consisting of A. C. Hubbard, chairman of the finance committee, P. M. Kershaw and J. J. Buchter, with full power to act. During the discussion it was brought out that many modern business buildings, factories, etc. throughout the country were having such cooling systems installed when built, and the statement was made by Mayor O. O. Alenderfer, who made it plain that he did not care what action the council took on the proposition, and that he was not advocating it, but that in five years time no modern business building or industrial plant would be built without installing such a system. The councilmen took no stand in the matter, merely discussing it informally. All admitted that it would be the proper thing to install such a water cooling system in the new city hall building, provided the city finances could stand the expense. Some of the councilmen remarked that the cold, pure water now coming through the pipes of the new water system made the installation of a water cooling system seem unnecessary. Chairman Hubbard of the finance committee combated this statement with the remark that it was a question for the future to develop, in his opinion, whether the present new Butte Springs supply would always come out of the faucets so cold. The decision of the building committee must be made within the next two weeks, architect Clark stated, if such a system were to be installed. Mr. Clark also brought up several minor matters in the construction of the building for the council to decide, which were also referred to the building committee with power to act, including the installation of telephones in all the office rooms of the structure. It was explained that fast progress had been made by Colonel R. I. Stuart, the general contractor for the building, until within the past week or more, when delay was due to the nonarrival in the city of the steel for reinforcement. This had delayed the pouring of the concrete. It is understood that this steel will arrive today, and then the work will speed up again. The council among other routine business transacted passed ordinances embodying contracts let some time ago to the several firms for construction of various features of the new city hall building. This was a mere legal formality, as the contracts were awarded about a month ago. INSTALL CELLS FROM OLD JAIL IN
work of installing the cells of the county jail in the new county
courthouse started this morning, all the material being moved over
According to Sheriff Jennings, there will be one tier of cells in the new jail, with quarters to accommodate 25 prisoners. The work of installing the equipment will take a week or ten days. As soon as the heating plant is in operation the prisoners will be moved from Jacksonville. The 15 or 20 prisoners in the county jail now have no cells, and all are in the main section. They have no beds and sleep on the concrete floor, which Sheriff Jennings says was constructed soft side up. Medford Mail Tribune, October 26, 1927, page 3 ALLOT SPACE IN NEW CITY HALL FOR
Allotment of space in the new city hall to the various county offices
has been tentatively made, and they will be slightly cramped. It is
expected that the machinery of county government will all be moved by
December 15, and that by the first of the year normalcy will again rule.
The first floor of the structure will be occupied by the sheriff, the county clerk, and the county judge. The basement will be occupied by the assessor's office and the treasurer, and one room for the county health unit, with another room on the second floor. The jail and jailer's office are also on this floor. The second floor will be occupied by the circuit judge, the court room, the prosecuting attorney, the school superintendent, and the county agent. The vault, with sufficient room in which to place all of the county records, is a part of the clerk's office. There is a lack of room for the sheriff's office during the tax collecting period, the available space not being in excess of that in the old courthouse at Jacksonville. One room has been given the county school superintendent. This is one of the largest offices. A number of the county officials have suggested that the heat in the structure be turned on full blast for two weeks before moving so the walls will be thoroughly dry before the records are moved in. According to Assessor Coleman, his volumes containing maps of the county absorb moisture "worse than a sponge," and he predicts considerable damage unless caution is exercised. Medford Mail Tribune, October 28, 1927, page 4 PRISONERS PUT JAIL FIXTURES IN
Medford Mail Tribune, November
1, 1927, page 4
"I can hardly wait until we move into our new headquarters--they're a
dream," said Mrs. Delilia Stevens Meyer this morning, after she had
come back from a trip of inspection to the county clerk's office in the
new city hall and temporary court house. The clerk's office, a spacious
affair, with built-in vaults and all the latest conveniences, faces
southeast and is flooded with light and sunshine (on these kinds of
"We've never been settled here. The files are not in permanent order, because knowing how soon we were going to move again, we haven't taken that much time from our other duties to tend to them," she said. Many of the older files, ledgers, ballot boxes and other supplies and equipment are still in the basement of the old court house at Jacksonville, according to the clerk, and will not be moved until the Medford headquarters are completed. It is thought that the office will be ready around November 15, and the office staff will begin moving their supplies, a job which will take them almost until December 1. Another group who will evidently be glad when the work is completed on their new "home" are the prisoners from the Jackson County jail, who are doing the bulk of building [and] redecorating in their quarters in the basement. A Mail Tribune reporter, wandering into the "interior darkness" below the court house this morning, was met by an individual with fiery prongs boosting red-hot rivets into what seemed at first to be space. But this feat was followed by much diabolical pounding clamor that she imagined that they must have hit something or other. Suspecting that she had gone a little deeper into the subject than she desired, she was about to retreat when she discovered that the gentleman with the prongs was none other than jailer Ike Dunford, and his pounding assistants were the prisoners, who were welding rivets into the floors of their cells. NEW BASTILLE TO BE READY SOON
Medford Mail Tribune, November
6, 1927, page 3
By the time that the new city hall and temporary court house is ready
for occupancy this month, the county jail will be ready to receive
prisoners in its new quarters here, following weeks of removing cells
from Jacksonville to this city. The entire job of moving the bastille
is in charge of Merle Merriman of the Merriman blacksmith shop, who is
being assisted by a crew of men, a number of whom are serving jail
sentences and welcome the work as something by which the monotony of
jail life can be avoided.
The new jail is built in the northwest corner of the temporary court house, and its walls are constructed so strong that no ordinary man is expected to make a jail break. Especial care is being taken by Mr. Merriman to see that all cells are installed in the new jail even better than they were installed at Jacksonville. DELAY COURTHOUSE REMOVAL ONE WEEK
Medford Mail Tribune, November
16, 1927, page 3
While it had been planned that the county offices, now housed
temporarily in the armory, would move to the new city hall-courthouse
on North Central Avenue next Monday, it was reported today that removal
would not take place until November 28.
As yet the cork floor covering has not been laid in the new building, which otherwise is practically complete. It will probably be a week before the county jail will be entirely moved to the courthouse structure, and within ten days, Sheriff Jennings expects that the county prisoners will be enjoying their new home. START MOVING CITY HALL ON MONDAY
Medford Mail Tribune, November
23, 1927, page 3
The work of moving the county offices from the armory to the new city
hall, which will be used as a temporary courthouse, will start Monday.
Workmen at the city hall are working overtime to be in readiness to
turn over the building.
The county offices will be moved in ample time for the holding of the Better Homes Exposition, scheduled for the first week of December. COUNTY OFFICES START MOVING TO
Medford Mail Tribune, November
28, 1927, page 8
The arduous task of moving the county offices, which have been located
temporarily in the Armory building since July 1, was begun Saturday and
was well under way today, with the treasurer's office entirely moved
and the sheriff's office partly moved to the new quarters in the new
county courthouse on North Central Avenue, where it was constructed by
the City of Medford with free rental for the county for a period of
five years, after which the county will build its own structure.
The county clerk's office will probably commence moving tomorrow along with the legal department of the sheriff's office, the tax department of which is already located in the new building. Finishing touches were being placed today on new equipment to be used by the assessor's office in the basement, and this forenoon the cork flooring in the clerk's office was nearly completed. By the end of this week all offices will probably be located and settled in the new building, according to present indications. MONSTER SAFE IS HOISTED THROUGH
Medford Mail Tribune, December
1, 1927, page B4
Eloping through the second story window is a "safe" proposition at the
new county courthouse these days. The monster safe which guards the
marriage secrets of Jackson County, the last of the county clerk's
office equipment to be moved from the Armory, was found too large to go
through the doors of the building, and one of the wide second-story
windows was removed for its entrance.
Through the attention and effort of six men, a transfer truck, iron cables and pulleys attached to a plank reaching from the third-story window, the safe was finally hoisted to the window ledge, and by a series of careful and exact maneuverings was shoved through the opening. A truckload of old files, ledgers and office records and equipment previously stored in the basement of the old Jacksonville courthouse arrived early this afternoon, completing the county clerk's office portion of the moving. "It is now only a question of getting settled in our new headquarters, and that shouldn't take more than a week," said Delilia Stevens Meyer, county clerk, today. COUNTY OFFICES IN NEW QUARTERS
Medford Mail Tribune, December
2, 1927, page 5
Following several days of moving, the majority of county offices are
becoming fairly well settled in the new courthouse on North Central
Avenue. The many record books and records of the clerk's office are
being gradually put in their respective places, and by the time next
week arrives a condition of normalcy will have again reached the office.
A similar unsettled spirit prevails in the county health unit and county surveyor's office, the latter of which was moved from the Medford National Bank building. District Attorney N. C. Chaney's office will probably be moved next week from the Liberty Building to the new courthouse. MOVE PRISONERS FROM OLD JAIL TO
Medford Mail Tribune, December
6, 1927, page 5
The recently completed county jail in the new county courthouse on
North Central Avenue was used officially the first time today when a
number of the county prisoners were moved from the old jail at
Jacksonville to new quarters here. The remaining prisoners in
Jacksonville will probably be moved here tomorrow, making a total of 17
who will be making Medford their home as the guests of the county.
The jail is in the basement of the courthouse, with its entrance facing Fifth Street, and is somewhat smaller than the old one. It has three Pauly cells, in each of which two prisoners will be quartered during the night, while the others will be given cots in the main jail corridor. The women's ward is in a separate room and jailer Oscar Dunford's office is located in the jail lobby. ACOUSTICS TOO GOOD IN NEW CITY
Medford Mail Tribune, December
12, 1927, page 2
The acoustics in the new courthouse are bothering county officials
whose offices are in the basement, and some means to tone down the
echoes is being sought by County Assessor J. B. Coleman, who avers that
at present "a pin dropped in the southeast corner sounds like a
cannonball in the northwest section." It is thought that the steel
beams in the ceiling are the cause of the liveliness of noises.
Assessor Coleman will ask the county court for permission to string copper
wires about his quarters to solve the problem.
Medford Mail Tribune, December
15, 1927, page 3
The county law library, consisting of some 3000 volumes of Oregon laws,
was moved yesterday by truck from the Liberty Building to the new
courthouse, where they will grace the shelves of the judge's chambers
adjoining the courtroom. The library was moved to the Liberty Building
as soon as Medford became the county seat, where the books were
accessible to the various lawyers.
The county library is maintained by the fees of the attorneys paid into court. Ten percent of each fees paid into court is charged for library maintenance. Frank DeSouza, who is chairman of the county law library, keeps the books in check and replenishes the supplies when the call arrives. When the county seat of Jackson County was at Jacksonville, I visited the former home of [B. F.] Dowell. In a shed, near the courthouse in Jacksonville, I discovered about 1000 pounds of old briefs and records of Jacksonville's territorial days. This old shed, in which they were stored, was the original courthouse. I asked the county clerk if I could examine the old records in the shed and he said, "The voters have decided that the county seat is to be moved to Medford; you can have all you want of those early-day records as it will not pay to move them to Medford." I gathered up 100 pounds or so and put them in the trunk of my car. Many of these old briefs were by B. F. Dowell, who was an attorney at Jacksonville, and also ran a newspaper there. Many years later I visited Mrs. B. F. Dowell at her home here in Portland. The attic of her home was filled with newspaper files, early-day diaries of Dowell, miscellaneous records. I selected a score or so of diaries, paying her about $5 apiece for them. Fred Lockley, "Lockley's Impressions," Oregon Journal, Portland, November 28, 1954, page 25 ADVENTISTS ASK OLD COURTHOUSE FOR
Representatives of the Seventh Day Adventists appeared before the
county court today and asked that the county turn over the old
courthouse and grounds to them free of cost, the Adventists to keep the
building and grounds in good condition.
They first suggested a long period of years, but said they would consider a 5- or 6-year period. The court is considering the proposition and will decide later. Two years ago the Southern Oregon conference of the Adventists established a school, or college, erecting a building southeast of Medford a few miles. That school has increased in attendance to about 80. The building is not sufficient to meet the demands of the growing college and there is no dormitory, the students having to secure quarters with the people in the vicinity. The Adventists, rather than enlarge their present quarters, desire to secure the old courthouse and put it in shape for the college and a dormitory. Medford Mail Tribune, January 18, 1928, page 8 CITY HALL LISTED FOR SALE, PRICE
ASKED IS $25,000
Those Medford people who were startled the past day or so on reading an
advertisement stating that the city hall building, Sixth and Front
streets, was for sale entirely forgot that when the people of the city
voted for $60,000 in bonds to erect a new temporary courthouse-city
hall structure, the city officials pledged at that time to sell the
building for not less than $25,000 and devote the proceeds to the
construction of the new city hall building, which was to be turned over
to the county for use as a temporary courthouse for five years until
the new permanent courthouse could be built by the county.The old city hall building which, besides housing the city offices and fire department station and firemen's dormitory, in accordance with carrying out the pledge given the voters during the bond campaign, has been placed by the city officials in the hands of the realty board for sale at $25,000--$5000 cash down, no payments for five years, and then payments of $2000 per year for ten years, and 6 percent interest. It is figured by the mayor and councilmen that it will take some time to sell the building, and that whenever it is sold, even though the sale should come now, the city would only require 90 days in which to install the city offices in other quarters and establish a new fire station in another location. They are anxious for the sale to take place as soon as possible. In other words, the city administration feels that it is "sitting pretty" to make the change, inasmuch as a new fire station headquarters is needed, and could be built in city-owned lots on Jackson Street near the city warehouse building, which now houses part of the water and street departments. It is reasoned by the city officials that the offering for sale now of the city hall building for $25,000, on the terms mentioned in the advertisement, is a good financial move, as the sale would bring in money to help pay off the city hall-court structure bonds, or to meet interest on the bonds as fast as due. The first of these bonds are due in about four years. It will be five years before the permanent new courthouses is built and occupied and the present courthouse can be taken over by the city for use as its permanent city hall. No fear is felt, whatever, about any inconvenience in housing the fire department and city offices within 90 days after the sale, as the purchasers might rent to the city the present offices of the city recorder and city treasurer, and possibly the other offices until they could be moved to the courthouse-city hall structure; and if necessary the city's roomy warehouse structure on Jackson Street might be utilized by some of the city offices, or outside offices in the business district might be rented for a time for the city treasurer, recorder, attorney and superintendent. The building of the proposed new fire station is regarded as not likely to cause any embarrassment at all, for the structure could easily be built in the city-owned site on Jackson Street in 90 days. Since Sixth Street has been opened and improved the city officials and many business men think the present location of the fire department is undesirable and that the fire headquarters should be located outside of the business district. Of course, the Jackson Street site is not really a central location for the department, but is generally regarded as being sufficiently central. Medford Mail Tribune, March
9, 1928, page 6
Want Medford to Keep Promise to Abide by Selection of County Court, Consider Petition to Move Courthouse Back to Jacksonville.
Residents of the rural districts of Jackson County view with alarm the
prospect of legal civil war in this city over the selection of a
courthouse site, and according to Herman Offenbacher of the Applegate
section have taken preliminary steps to stop it, by considering calling
for a vote to move the courthouse back to Jacksonville unless peace
"Medford agreed to give a site for the courthouse, and to abide by the selection of the country court," said Mr. Offenbacher yesterday. "Now they are getting ready to fight among themselves, with injunctions and petitions. The people in the country think Medford ought to keep their word, and do as she said she would do." He also said the rural districts opposed to the county mixing in a purely civic battle, and many voted for the courthouse change with the specific understanding and promises made by local civic leaders there would be no controversy over the site and that the selection of the county court would be accepted as final and definite. Mr. Offenbacher said he had heard that a petition was being circulated asking that the courthouse be removed to Jacksonville if legal warfare broke out over the site selection. He thought the petitions were being held in abeyance for future use, but [was] not certain. County officials who come in daily contact with country residents said they had heard considerable dissatisfaction over the prospects of a legal battle and heard: "Are we going to be another Klamath County?" Klamath built three courthouses and "lawed" ten years before they finally reached a decision. A petition to remove the courthouse from Medford back to Jacksonville would require 1500 names and could be placed on the general election ballot next November. A circular entitled "The Truth About the Courthouse" was distributed in the business district Saturday afternoon by attorney W. E. Phipps. It sets forth three reasons why the Washington School site should not be selected and eight reasons why the armory site should be selected. The circular is signed by E. E. Kelly, 911 Queen Anne Avenue; W. E. Phipps, 1239 North Riverside; J. H. Butler, 916 East. Main; R. B. Strang, 1100 East Main; P. C. Bigham, 503 North Grape; M. Purdin, 912 North Central, and I. D. Phipps, 923 East Main, all of this city. Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1930, page 2 Courthouse an Outgrowth of Small
Fire in Pioneer Structure
storing of valuable and pioneer records in the woodshed of the county
courthouse at Jacksonville was one of the first seeds from
which the
magnificent and stately $265,000 new courthouse, to be formally
dedicated tomorrow, grew. One evening in the fall of the year, shortly
after the war, a county jail trusty went to the woodshed for a load of
wood and became careless with a cigarette. There was an incipient blaze
which Sheriff Charles Terrill kicked out while yelling fire.YEARS REQUIRED FOR SUCCESS IN REMOVAL PLANS Lack of Fireproof Depository for Records Leads to Agitation for New Courthouse--Two Votes Taken Before this Paul Janney of the Jackson County Abstract Company, in prowling around to keep the titles straight, was frequently forced to go to the woodshed to get abstracts and was impressed with the inconvenience and loss if anything should happen to destroy the shed. He spoke to Geo. A. Gardner, then county judge, and County Commissioner Victor Bursell about it and they agreed that it was "poor business," but the county was cramped for space and the woodshed was the only place. In fact, the county was so cramped for space that it was necessary to purchase a concrete building across the street from the courthouse to house the county assessor and his voluminous records. Safe Housing Urged
The Mail
editorially and in its news columns, urged that the county records be
housed someplace besides the woodshed, as a matter of good business and
protection of valuable data.Commissioner Victor Bursell and the late County Judge Gardner favored a betterment. The attorneys of the city and county also favored a change, and one day attorney Porter J. Neff suggested to Commissioner Bursell that he might be able to build a structure at Sixth and Grape Street in this city suitable for courthouse use, if the county would sign a lease. By this time civic organizations of Medford took up the cudgels for a bigger and better courthouse, and in 1922 the first step was taken in the calling and holding of an election for removal of the county seat to Medford. The measure was defeated, largely through the efforts of Col. H. H. Sargent, noted writer on military affairs and retired army officer, and Lewis Ulrich, a Jacksonville merchant and native son. Following the election, the county court ordered construction of a vault and judge's chambers on the rear of the courthouse, and the county records were brought under lock, key and cover. Election Finally Carries
The seeds sown in the preliminary move still lingered in the minds of
the county court and the matter was discussed pro and con the length
and breadth of the county for three years before the issue came to a
head again, in a courthouse removal election held in 1926. This time
the measure carried, through a united front presented by Ashland and
Medford and some of the country districts. Because of sentimental
reasons, many of the older residents opposed the removal to this city.In 1927 Jackson County received its first O.-C. tax refund check of more than $1,000,000.00. Some favored that this money be used for the paying of road bonds, some for delinquent taxes, some for irrigation districts, and other purposes, but the county court, led by Commissioner Bursell, ruled that the money be distributed among the various county funds, with $260,000 set aside for a new courthouse and a $10,000 emergency fund for the same purpose. The city of Medford agreed to furnish a site and quarters for the county offices pending the construction of the new courthouse. Attempts to Divert Fund
After the $260,000 courthouse fund had been established and the country
was "getting beck to normalcy," several propositions were advanced to
the fund to other purposes, and when agitation was launched to this end
the county court had Representative John H. Carkins of this
introduce a bill in the legislature prohibiting the use of the fund
save for construction of a new courthouse. Before this the state
supreme court declared the election and preliminaries thereto
constitutional and in accordance with Oregon law.In July, 1927, the county offices moved to temporary quarters in the Medford armory while the city of Medford was erecting a temporary courthouse and city hall at North Central Avenue and Fifth Street. The city hall was completed and December 1, 1927, the county offices moved into it. The next important step was the selection of a site which Medford had agreed to furnish free. A site election was held and the Washington School chosen by a vote of the people. Several sites were advanced, including the city park, a site on North Central Avenue and one on North Riverside. With the site question out of the way, the unwinding of the long strands of red tape necessary before construction could start was begun. County Judge Hartsell had been called by death. Alex Sparrow, of beloved memory, was appointed to the vacancy. With characteristic zeal and thoroughness, aided by Commissioners Bursell and Alford, he plunged into the task of clearing away the preliminaries. John Barneburg succeeded George Alford to the county commissionership Clerk Great Aid
In all the vast preliminary work the county court was aided by County
Clerk Delilia Stevens Meyer, who possessed an intimate knowledge of all
numerous details and was well nigh invaluable.After selection of a site, architects of the Northwest submitted plans and specifications. After weeks of discussion, the plans of J. G. Link of Billings, Mont., were accepted. Then came many weeks of conferring with the architect, and finally they were completed. On November 9, 1931, bids for the construction of the new courthouse were opened, and the following day, November 10, 1931, the contract was awarded to the L. H. Hoffman Co. of Portland, Ore. They started excavating early in December and started pouring concrete late in January, the work being held up by bad weather. Many civic leaders of the city and valley gave liberally of their time and knowledge to the building of the courthouse. It stands today a beautiful monument to the spirit of progress in Jackson County--and a far cry from an incipient blaze caused by a jailbird's cigarette in the woodshed of the old Jacksonville courthouse. Medford Mail Tribune, August 31, 1932, page 2
Our New Courthouse.
To the Editor:It is reported that about the first day of September we shall dedicate the new $250,000 courthouse, and we wonder whether it is generally known that this courthouse has not cost the taxpayers of Jackson County a dollar? The fact that it has not cost the tax payers of Jackson County any money is due to the genius of W. H. Gore. We believe it is not generally known by these tax payers that Mr. Gore worked many years formulating a plan and measure to be presented to Congress with reference to the California-Oregon land grant, which, by reason of the action of the United States court, had been canceled. Prior to the cancellation of the grant, the people of Jackson County, together with most of the other counties in the first congressional district, received large payment of taxes from the California-Oregon company for the lands included in this land grant. The cancellation of the grant abruptly cut off this revenue to these various counties. and Jackson County was one of the largest sufferers by reason of that act of cancellation. This threw a great burden of taxation upon all other taxpayers, a burden that heretofore had been largely borne by this California-Oregon land grant in the taxes which it paid. This vast territory was undeveloped, and a great injustice was done to the said taxpayers which, in the mind of Mr. Gore, should be remedied. Mr. Gore went to Washington, D.C., expending some $15,000 of his own money in putting through Congress a measure which resulted in a refund to the taxpayers in this congressional district of something in excess of $18,000,000, and $1,081,000 of that amount in one lump sum came to Jackson County, and since that time Jackson County has received several hundred thousand dollars in addition, as well as did the other counties in this congressional district. Out of this sum there has been put away as a sinking fund the money necessary to retire the bonded indebtedness of Jackson County, and out of this fund $250,000 was appropriated to construct a new courthouse. Suffice it to say that of the expenditures made by Mr. Gore out of his own funds, there has been reimbursed to him by Jackson County the sum of $5000! Jackson County, and all the other counties affected by this land grant, would have been tickled to make a contract to pay unto Mr. Gore 10 percent of any sums that might be recovered, for no one, excepting Mr. Gore, believed that the matter could be put over--and he put it over. And he should be compensated by the several other counties of the state for this service which he performed. And now, as we contemplate this magnificent structure, the taxpayers of Jackson County can thank Mr. Gore for the construction of this building that has cost the taxpayer nothing, and can also thank Mr. Gore for the fact that it has enough money in the sinking fund to retire the bonded indebtedness of Jackson County, when it falls due--something like $400,000. In the dedication ceremonies, we believe Mr. Gore ought to have a place on the platform. At least, he ought to have a complimentary ticket to be permitted to sit in the audience. GUS NEWBURY.
All county offices Saturday were in the midst of moving into the new
courthouse. Business went along as usual despite the disorder and the
hubbub. All the county offices will be transacting business in the new
quarters. County jail trusties, heads of departments, and deputies were
doing the work. They will probably work all day today in order to be in
readiness for business tomorrow.The chief problem in the moving is the handling of the heavy safes and vaults. Eads Brothers were busy all day Friday moving the safe in the treasurer's office. The safe in the clerk's office also promises to be a difficult job because of its size and weight. The county court has made all but the final payments on the courthouse. No action towards this end will be taken, until the circuit court issues an order to that effect. The matter is at present held up by a dispute over wages between the architect and one of his assistants. About $400 is involved, and a suit for its collection has been instituted in the circuit court and is scheduled for hearing at the October term. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1932, page 5 Last revised August 15, 2024 |