J. T. Eads and family, of Minneapolis,
Kansas, arrived in Medford last week. Mr. Eads has
taken the initiatory
step towards [becoming] a permanent resident by
buying a house and lot,
the same being the W. F. Shawver property, corner
South B and Eighth
streets. The price paid was $650, and the sale was
made through the W.
T. York real estate agency. Mr. Eads is a
brother-in-law of merchant G.
L. Davis, of this city, and is well to do, owning
two good farms in
Kansas, which he will undoubtedly dispose of when he
has become fully
convinced that Oregon is a better place in which to
live than Kansas.
In Mr. Eads' family are two grown sons, Clarence and
George, and the
former is a married man.
"Purely Personal," Medford Mail, September 21, 1900, page 6 Clarence Eads, nephew of G. L. Davis, who arrived in Medford a couple of weeks ago from Kansas, has purchased the J. S. Hagey residence property, on South B Street, consideration $450. This property is just south of the Shawver property, which Mr. Eads' father purchased last week. J. R. Erford is credited with having made the above-mentioned sale. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, September 28, 1900, page 7 J. T. Eads has purchased a half interest in the Medford second hand store, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the style and firm name of Wiley & Eads. Mr. Eads has been a resident of Medford since last spring, his former home being Minneapolis, Kansas. We are glad to learn that the gentleman has decided to remain permanently, and wish the new firm abundant success. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, January 11, 1901, page 7 J. R. Erford has sold his residence property in this city to A. D. Eads, one of the proprietors of the second-hand store. Mr. and Mrs. Erford will leave soon for Boulder, Colorado, where they may locate permanently. They have been residents of Medford for twelve years and are among our most highly respected citizens. We regret to see them leave Medford, but wish them much success wherever they decide to locate. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 7 J. T. Wiley has purchased G. L. Davis' delivery team and wagon and is now doing a general delivery business about the city, he having sold out his second-hand business a few weeks ago to his partner, Mr. Eads. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, April 12, 1901, page 6 C. G. Johnson has sold his residence property, on South D Street, to J. T. Eads, the second-hand man. The price paid was $800. The purchase of this property makes this family a permanent fixture for Medford--and that's good--they are good citizens in any town. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, May 2, 1902, page 7 Callie Palm to John Eads, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 31, Medford . . . 700 A. Clagg Jr. to Clarence Eads, lot 4, blk 49, Medford . . . 250 I. J. Phipps to Geo. Eads, lots 5 and 6, blk 9, Medford . . . 350 L. R. Lane to J. T. Eads, lots 4 and 5, blk 45, Medford . . . 800 "Real Estate Transfers," Medford Mail, May 9, 1902, page 5 H. S. Brumble has been appointed a special policeman by Mayor Crowell, which will make two men on the day force, C. E. Eads being the other man. These special officers serve without a regular salary, they being paid like constables, for the arrests they make, the fee being one dollar. Having two men on the day force makes it more certain that an officer is at hand in case of any disturbance, as both of the men are draymen and are on the main streets much of the time. The night service is looked after by Marshal C. J. Howard, though the special police can make arrests at night as well as for the day. "Local News Notes," Medford Success, February 10, 1903, page 2 A Store Robbed.
The mercantile establishment of J. C. Eads
Son, located in West Medford, was burglarized
Sunday night. Entry was
made through the rear of the building. The thief
or thieves made away
with about $30 worth of goods. There is no clue
to the culprits,
although certain hoodlums are suspected.
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 11, 1903, page 1 J. M. Eads has returned from Lake County and is looking after his mining interests on Reuben Creek, Josephine County. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 22, 1903, page 1 Married--Eads-Wilson.
Medford Mail, December 9, 1904, page 5
On Wednesday of this week, at Jacksonville, Rev. W. E. Goode, of this
city, said the words which united for life the heart and hand of Mr.
Geo. H. Eads and Miss Anna Wilson, both of Medford.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. She is a very fine, accomplished and most estimable young lady and has friends in untold number among her young friends. The groom is a son of J. T. Eads, one of Medford's business men. He is a gentleman of sterling qualities, and a good hustling man of business. The Mail joins the very many friends of this young couple in wishing them years upon years of happiness and prosperity. A wedding supper was served at the residence of the bride's parents, on West Seventh Street, Wednesday evening and at which the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eads were in attendance. These young people will commence housekeeping in the Erford residence in West Medford, which property Mr. Eads has purchased and which he has fitted and furnished for the reception of his bride. Revolvers Stolen
at Medford.
MEDFORD, Or., May 15.--(Special.)--The
store of J. T. Eads was entered by burglars
Sunday night and several
revolvers and other articles were taken. Two
strangers who were seen in
town Sunday have disappeared and are suspected.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, May 16, 1905, page 7 J. T. Eads:--"No, I am unable to state just what my loss was in the burglary of my store Sunday night. So far I have missed a couple of revolvers, cartridges for them, and the thieves pried the cash drawer off the counter. A couple of pairs of shoes were missing from the shoe shop, but we found one pair. Evidently they didn't fit and were thrown away. Also a cheap watch that was taken from the show case. E. F. Winkler was in the store Sunday afternoon, when a couple of strangers came along and their conversation outside the door was such as to lead him to suspect an intention to rob the store. As soon as they detected his presence they left. His suspicions were so strong that he took the best revolver out of the show case and hid it, then notified the police. Events proved that his suspicions were correct, but I wish he had mentioned them to me. I would have waited in the store that night and would certainly have caught the robbers." "Street Echoes," Medford Mail, May 19, 1905, page 1 J. T. Eads this week sold a dwelling on Clark Street, in northwest Medford, to A. Louise Beacom; consideration $1800. This sale was made by the Cusick, Meyers & Sharp Real Estate Company. Medford Mail, May 14, 1909, page 2 MORDOFF & WOLFF--Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 F St. South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Medford Daily Tribune, May 14, 1909, page 5 ![]() Eads Second Hand at 18-20 South Fir in 1909, after its sale to Mordoff & Woolf 615 West Eleventh, South Medford precinct George Eads, 28, drayman, born Iowa, parents born Kansas Anna Eads, 26, born Oregon, parents born Illinois Irene Eads, 2, born Oregon Carey Bremmerman, 32, boarder, teamster, born Kansas, parents born Kansas U.S. Census, enumerated April 26-27, 1910 630 West Eleventh, South Medford precinct Everett Eads, 24, drayman, born Kansas, parents born Kansas Susan Eads, 25, born Missouri, father born Ohio, mother Kentucky Dorothy Eads, 1 year 2 months, born Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated April 26-27, 1910 630 West Eleventh (in rear), South Medford precinct Clarence Eads, 30, drayman, born Kansas, parents born Kansas Ibbie Eads, 29, born Illinois, parents born Illinois Ullis Eads, 9, born Kansas Rachel Eads, 9 months, born Oregon U.S. Census, enumerated April 26-27, 1910 121 Roosevelt (Crater Lake) Avenue, North Medford precinct John T. Eads, 56, own income, married 30 years, born Iowa, parents born Indiana Rachel H. Eads, 53, 10 children, 5 living, born Illinois, parents born Indiana Ethel Eads, 18, born Kansas, saleslady in millinery store U.S. Census, enumerated April 30, 1910 DIED.
EADS--In Medford, Friday morning, June 17,
Ulice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eads, aged
10 years. The funeral
will be held from the residence of the parents,
921 West Ninth Street,
Sunday, June 19, at 2:30 p.m.
Medford Mail Tribune, June 19, 1910, page 7 ![]() February
27, 1955 Medford
Boyd, who came to Medford a few weeks
ago from Cottage Grove,
has purchased the J. G. Davis home on
West Ninth Street. Mr. Boyd and
Everett Eads have also purchased the
interests of George and Clarence
Eads in the Eads Bros. dray and transfer
business. The name and style
of the new firm will be the Eads
Transfer and Storage Company."Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, February 12, 1912, page 2 G. H. Eads has purchased the coal and fuel business formerly conducted by J. W. Burbidge and will at all times have in stock a full and complete line of fuel of all kinds, including mill block wood for summer use. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, May 11, 1912, page 5 Mrs. C. H. Eads and Mrs. George H. Millar left Thursday to spend a month at Camp Nick above Butte Falls. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, July 18, 1912, page 2 George Eads, who recently purchased the Holmes new and second-hand store business on South Fir Street, has increased the stock fully one-half and now has the most complete line in the city. The Eads & Holbrook Coal Company has desk room in this store building. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, September 29, 1913, page 2 FATAL ACCIDENT
Oxygen Tank Explodes Killing Jay Davis
Medford, Or., July 24.--Jay Davis, aged 31
years, a
truck driver for the Eads Bros. Transfer Company
of this city, is dead
as a result of an explosion of an oxygen tank at
the Pacific Highway
garage in this city Saturday evening. J. L.
Davies, proprietor of the
garage, was welding a part of a motorcycle
belonging to Davis, who was
assisting him, and Davis had his arm on the tank
while bending down
near it when the tank exploded, driving a piece
of the metal container
into Davis' brain, while another piece of the
metal nearly severed one
arm. Davis was rushed to the hospital, but lived
less than an hour.
Davis leaves a mother, a wife and two children,
aged 12 years and 4
months respectively.
Jacksonville Post, July 29, 1916, page 1 ![]() August 12, 1919 Medford Mail Tribune EARLY MORNING FIRE FIR ST. The first fire
in the business district for several months occurred at 8:15 o'clock
this morning, and while just a small blaze doing minor damage, it was
very serious in its threatening menace, but fortunately was discovered
in time to enable the firemen to quickly extinguish it.
The excitement was caused when a quantity of old papers was thrown in the stove with draft open in the Eads second hand store, 32 South Fir Street, and a burning paper flew out of the chimney onto the roof of the old frame structure, also used by the store, adjoining, igniting it. Had the flames had a little more of a start, a fire might have resulted which would have destroyed at least this structure and the main second hand store building. As it was, the firemen put out the blaze with chemicals after a portion of the roof had been burned over, but had laid out 300 feet of hose as a precaution. The fire department was called out at 6:45 p.m. Thursday to extinguish a peculiar blaze outside a dwelling on Jay Street, where the gas meter apparatus had caught fire in some unknown manner. The flames were quickly and easily put out and little damage resulted. Medford Mail Tribune, February 27, 1920, page 8 EADS WAREHOUSE BURNS, LOSS IS PLACED $100,000
Medford had a
$100,000 spectacular fire, the largest for years, at midnight last
night when the Eads Transfer Company storage warehouse on South Fir
Street, with its contents, owned by 300 persons, was totally destroyed.
Two woodsheds in the alley in the rear were also destroyed, and the
roof of the Andrus home on an adjoining lot caught fire, but was
extinguished before much damage had been done.
For a time the fire threatened to develop into a conflagration, but the efforts of the firemen, which of course centered on saving the surrounding property in this thickly settled neighborhood, were successful. Three lines of hose were used, and there was a very strong water pressure, so much so that three firemen were required to handle each hose. The firemen were helped by many volunteers from the hundreds drawn to the scene of the fire. The main loss is divided among the 300 individuals from Medford and former Medford people scattered all over the state and various parts of the United States. It was up to each individual to insure his own furniture and other property in storage, and the Eads company has no way of knowing how many carried insurance. The Eads company loss is mainly the loss of rentals and storage business, for the company merely rented the structure, which was owned by Clarence Eads, whose loss on the building is estimated at about $10,000. The cause of the fire was undoubtedly spontaneous combustion, and it is known that the fire smoldered for at least an hour before it broke out and was discovered. An hour before residents as far as two blocks away detected the odor of a smoldering fire and investigated around their own homes and neighborhoods to see what it was. The frame building was covered with corrugated iron and 50 by 100 feet in dimension and filled with household goods and other effects, among which the fire developed due to the intense heat of the past few days in the iron-covered structure, smoldered four hours and then spread rapidly until finally it burst out from the eaves of the building at midnight. When the firemen arrived the interior of the structure was a seething mass of flames, and of course the firemen were powerless to do anything except to protect the surrounding buildings. However, two woodsheds along the alley and a small frame dwelling occupied by Mrs. Orem Whitman caught fire and were destroyed. The most of Mrs. Whitman's house furniture was saved. A vacant lot on the south side of the warehouse and the 50 feet of space and some trees between the warehouse and the Andrus home, the nearest dwelling on South Fir Street, prevented the fire from spreading in that direction. Only the roof of the Andrus house caught fire, but it was quickly extinguished. Gus the Tailor had a fine garden in the lot adjoining the warehouse, which was destroyed by the intense heat of the fire. It was impossible this forenoon to learn who the individual losers were. The Eads brothers were out of the city at the time of the fire. Clarence and Everett Eads are at Crescent City, and George Eads and family were all at the Josephine caves. George first learned of the fire when he arrived home this morning. One of the losers is George Trana, who first learned of the fire this forenoon. His loss of household furniture valued at present prices of furniture is $1200, and he also lost $1500 worth of fine tools including a set of carpenter tools left him by his father and his own set of machinist tools. Mr. Trana was uncertain this forenoon as to whether this loss was partially covered by insurance, but thinks that it is, as he had made application for permission to remove the furniture into storage, which was no doubt granted, he thinks. George Eads this noon estimated the loss of the 300 people who had goods in storage at not less than $100,000. Another loser in the warehouse fire was Mrs. Ira Dodge, daughter of W. H. Folger, who had $1500 worth of furniture stored. Mr. Folger on looking up the matter this forenoon discovered that when the goods were moved into storage Mrs. Dodge had neglected to have the insurance transferred. Taking the losses of Mr. Trana and Mrs. Dodge as a criterion to go by, together with the fact that among the stored goods were a number of pianos and other costly furniture, fine china and dishes, books, fine rugs and carpets, etc., the $100,000 total loss can easily be realized. Medford Mail Tribune, July 26, 1920, page 6 EADS TRANSFER SUED FOR FIRE
An echo of the fire last July that destroyed the Eads Brothers
warehouse on South Fir Street is the suit of Kearney Robinson for the
recovery of $1260 for goods lost in the blaze and stored in the
building on July 18, a week before the fire.
The suit is directed against the Eads Transfer Company, and asserts that George and Everett Eads are the proprietors. The defense sets forth George Eads as the proprietor. The work of selecting a jury in the case began yesterday afternoon, and the taking of testimony will begin in the morning. There were no sessions of court today in honor of Armistice Day. Medford Mail Tribune, November 11, 1920, page 6
Pacific passenger train No. 13, due here at 9:17 a.m., struck a Ford
truck at the crossing north of the express office about 9:15 this
morning. Five men were riding on the truck. Two were killed and three
were badly injured, while a sixth on horseback was thrown against the
train but was not seriously injured.WM. EADS AND W. J. SMITH KILLED; THIRD MEMBER OF TRUCK PARTY NEAR DEATH Party of Prospectors from Grants Pass Struck at Third Street Crossing by S.P. Train No. 13--Cause of Accident Is Unknown--Eyewitnesses Declare Truck Going About 15 Miles an Hour, Not Trying to Beat Train to Crossing--Fear Joe Anderson Fatally Hurt, While Two Men Escape with Serious Injuries--One Boy Is Unharmed. The dead are: William Eads of Grants Pass, who died en route to the Sacred Heart Hospital. W. J. Smith of Grants Pass, who died shortly after arrival at the hospital. The injured are J. C. Eads, 50, of Grants Pass, father of William Eads, and John Eads. Severe bruises and cuts about the head. J. C. Eads was the owner and driver of the truck. Joe Anderson, 17, of Grants Pass. Fracture of the elbow and suspected fracture of the skull. Suffering with convulsions. Small but possible chance for recovery. Frank Willmarth, of Grants Pass. Cuts and bruises. Expected to recover. John Eads, 17. Concussion of the brain. Slight injuries. Not serious. John Eads is another son of J. C. Eads, owner of the truck. He was riding a horse in the rear of the truck and was thrown from it against the train but miraculously escaped serious injury. The other five men were riding on the truck and the party it is understood was bound for a prospecting tour in Northern California. They were carrying supplies and bedding with them and gave the appearance of having intentions of prospecting for gold while en route, as a gold pan and several picks and shovels were in the equipment. The men had come from Grants Pass this morning and were westbound on Third Street. They were traveling at a speed of about 15 miles per hour when they started to cross the track. It seemed as though they had no knowledge of the presence of the train and they ran onto the crossing with no apparent realization that the train was near. The report that the driver was endeavoring to beat the train to the crossing is believed to be unfounded, according to eyewitnesses interviewed today. The engine struck the truck directly in the middle and carried it 27 yards south of the crossing where it was deposited facing in the opposite direction from which it had been when on the crossing, Two of the injured men were lying on the west side of the track and three on the east side when the train stopped in addition to John Eads, who had been riding the horse and who was walking around in a dazed condition on the east side of the track. When the engine came in contact with the vehicle one would have suspected that it was carrying dynamite, as loaves of bread, rolls of blankets, bodies and all things contained by the truck were catapulted in all directions. The whistle of the train screeched a warning just prior to and during the collision. The engine stopped before it reached the express office. In a remarkably short time a large crowd gathered at the scene of the accident, and passengers from the train endeavored to make the injured men comfortable, all of whom excepting John Eads were unconscious. The coroner and several doctors arrived in about five minutes and the men were all taken to the hospital. A letter addressed to C. E. Eads of this city was found in the wreck, but the Eads brothers of this city, who are engaged in the transfer business here, state that to the best of their knowledge none of the men involved in the accident were their relatives. J. C. Eads is the father of eight children, two of whom were with him when the accident occurred. Mrs. Eads, and the other children, excepting one who is married, live in Grants Pass. Eyewitnesses of the accident, as far as can be ascertained at present, attach no blame to the engineer and fireman of the locomotive. The date of the investigation by a coroner's jury has been set for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The accident is the worst of its kind that has happened here in some years. Many comments were heard on the street today declaring the tragedy to be a warning to drivers who may be observed any day in the week endeavoring to beat Southern Pacific trains across the track at any of the three crossings in the city. Many citizens also urged action on proposed overhead crossings, and the placing of railroad gates at all crossings within the city limits. Medford Mail Tribune, April 24, 1922, page 1 These Eads were not related to the Medford Eads.
According to the signed statement of J.
C. Eads, driver of the truck which was struck by S.P. train 13 Monday
morning, resulting in the death of two men and the serious injury of a
third, he tried to beat the train over the crossing when he decided
that by applying the emergency brakes he would stop directly in front
of it. Mr. Eads also said in his statement that he heard no whistle,
heard no bell, and looked both to the right and left, but that his view
was obstructed to the right, and he failed to see the approaching
train, until it was almost on him.J. C. Eads, Driver of Truck in Fatal Accident, Makes a Written Statement--Heard No Whistle, Claims View Obstructed--Coroner's Jury Exonerates Railroad. When turning toward the railroad track Eads also declared in his statement that someone on the truck, he believes W. J. Smith, who was killed, said something about "everything being clear," and the assumption is this remark caused him to drive on before the view up the track was clear. That the train whistled for every crossing, however, that the bell was ringing throughout, and that a view of the train was possible sufficient distance from the crossing for the truck to have stopped or turned aside was deduced from the evidence of both the engineer and fireman of the train, supported by a mass of evidence of witnesses, both at the coroner's inquest yesterday and the railroad hearing this morning conducted by D. S. Weir, assistant superintendent of Roseburg. No Warning Bell
Regarding the placing of a warning bell
at the Third Street crossing, similar to the bells at other crossings
in the city, officials of the railroad company at the inquiry this
morning declared that there being several tracks at this crossing,
several bells would have to be installed, and that the crossing is not
considered as dangerous as the other crossings, as a reasonable view of
the track can be obtained. The railroad officials also expressed the
view that automatic signals like bells and moving arms represent a
hazard, because they may go out of order, and if the public depends
upon them, deaths might result as a direct cause.Both the reports of the coroner's jury and the investigation board absolved the railroad employees of all blame, and declared the precise reason of the men on the truck not hearing the signals of the train was not "obtainable." Coroner's Jury Reports
The following report was turned in
yesterday afternoon by the coroner's jury:"The verdict of the coroner's jury composed of Messrs. C. E. Gates, F. E. Blackburn, Wm. McGowan, W. L. Halley, G. B. Alden and C. K. Webber was as follows: We the coroner's jury empaneled to investigate the cause of the death of the deceased find that the said William Eads and William Junior Smith came to their deaths on the morning of April 24th, 1922, between the hour of nine and nine-thirty by running their truck upon the tracks of the Southern Pacific at the Third Street, crossing immediately in front of an approaching train, train No. 13, southbound, same striking the truck containing the persons above mentioned. Parties driving the truck apparently were unaware of the approaching train although the warning signal was given by the engineman and fireman. We do not find wherein the railroad company or its employees were in any way to blame for said accident. Cause for the deceased not hearing signals is unobtainable. (Signed) "C. E. GATES. "F. E. BLACKBURN. "W. H. McGOWAN. "W. L. HALLEY. "GEO. B. ALDEN. "C. K. WEBBER." William Eads was eighteen years of age and W. J. Smith was 52. Jury Visits Scene
The jury visited the scene of the
accident and then returned to the coroner's office and heard
the testimony of the following witnesses:James McDonald, Z. Arnold, Floyd Pickel, W. R. Coleman, E. W. Miller, Cash Woods, Tom Norris, Ned French and the engineer and fireman of the train. It developed at the inquest that the report that John Eads had been riding a horse and was thrown from it was unfounded. The representative of the Mail Tribune, the conductor of the train and Floyd Pickel all questioned the boy directly after the accident, as he was the only conscious member of the party. He stated that he had been riding the horse and gave four of the names of members of the truck party. However he was in a state of delirium and was unable to tell positively where he had been at the time of the accident. It now becomes evident that he was riding on the truck, and according to his written statement jumped just as the truck was struck, which accounts for his escaping severe injury. It was the belief of spectators at the accident that the horse belonged to one of the injured men and it was taken to the Gitzen livery barn. It developed later [that] the horse really belonged to E. W. Miller, one of the witnesses at the inquest, and he had been riding it near the corner of Third and Central streets when the accident occurred. He was busy caring for the injured men and did not notice at the time that his horse was taken to the barn nor did he have time to inform persons inquiring into the details of the accident that he had been its rider. Families Destitute
Exceptionally sad circumstances surround
the families of two of the victims of the auto truck-train wreck of
Monday in Medford. The Grants Pass Courier says:Left practically penniless with their wage earners dead or in a critical condition in the Medford hospital, the families of W. J. Smith and J. C. Eads are today facing a serious condition. Grief and despair entered these homes yesterday and not even the many kindnesses of the people of the city have been able to mitigate their suffering. When the menfolks left to seek work in California to keep their families in food and clothing, they hoped to send back their wages in a few days. Their untimely end left these families without sufficient funds to even give them the burial they deserve. They can see nothing but hopelessness ahead. The Courier today has started a fund with a $10 donation. The money received will be turned over to the Salvation Army to do with as they see best in alleviating the distress in the stricken homes. All donations, no matter how small, will be received at the Courier office and will do much to soften their misfortunes and trials. Mrs. Smith was left without sufficient food to last a week. The Eads family has been in straitened circumstances all winter. Medford Mail Tribune, April 26, 1922, page 1 These Eads were not related to the Medford Eads. J. C. EADS, DRIVER BLIND RIGHT EYE
Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1922, page 1 These Eads were not related to the Medford Eads.
The most satisfactory explanation for the accident which occurred at
the Third Street crossing Monday morning came to light today when it
was learned definitely that J. C. Eads, owner and driver of the truck
struck by S.P. train 13, is blind in his right eye. This conditions
accounts for his not having seen the train on his first look up the
track, which was to his right.
Mr. Eads' condition is satisfactory today and he is on the road to recovery. He was badly injured, having had his entire scalp nearly torn off by the accident. Frank Wilmarth, who was considerably bruised and cut, is also recovering as rapidly as can be expected. Joe Anderson, the most seriously injured of the three badly injured survivors and for whom not much hope was at first entertained, is resting easily today and is expected to recover, although his condition is still serious. EADS BROTHERS START BUILDING BUSINESS BLOCK
The work of tearing down the old frame structure long occupied by the
Eads second hand store on South Fir Street was begun yesterday morning
to clear the site for the construction of a modern two-story business
building, which will soon be built by the Eads brothers, G. H., E. E.
and C. E.
The new structure will be 50 by 100 feet, of brick and concrete material with probably a brick front. While the plans are not yet entirely complete and the building contract has not yet been let, according to present plans the work of building will commence about May 15 and the structure will be finished and occupied inside of two months thereafter. The first floor will be occupied by the Eads Transfer & Storage Company and Clarence Eads' second hand store, while the upper floor will be given over entirely for storage of the Eads Transfer Company, whose office is now located on North Front Street. The razing of the dilapidated old structure and its replacement by a modern building will be a welcome change on South Fir Street. The old, unsightly structures in the business section have been fast disappearing for some time past. Medford Mail Tribune, May 2, 1925, page 8
Eads Brothers are clearing the lot on the first block of South Front and will erect a two-story concrete building to be occupied by the Eads Brothers Transfer & Storage Co., and Eads Second-Hand Store. "Building Activities in Medford Greater Than for Many Years," Medford Sun, May 10, 1925, page C2 At present the Eads Transfer Company has two warehouses under erection near railroad right-of-way off North Central Avenue, and another is being built by F. Osenbrugge on North Front. "Building Under Way Index to Medford's Prosperity," Medford Mail Tribune, April 25, 1926, page C1 Eads Boys Started
with One Team,
Now Leading Transfer Company
Eads Brothers, Clarence, Everett and George
started in the drayage business in Medford in
1905 with only one team
and did all of their own work. Later they had
three teams, one each.
This was when the town had a population of about
[2500], and there were
but five or six buildings on the west side of
the railroad track.
They had their office on the street corner by the old depot, and the people used to watch for the three brothers to get together on Saturday night and divide their profits of the week. They bought about the first truck that came into the valley, an old chain drive Federal. There were three other draymen in town at the time they started operations, and whenever the fire bell would ring all the men would drop their work and run their horses in a race to the fire hall, for the first one there received the job of pulling the fire truck to the fire, for which they received one dollar whether the fire was located one or eight miles out of town. Later they had difficulty in holding the horses, for if they heard the fire bell they would run away and head for the fire hall without any driver. Clarence Eads was the policeman here for some time, and he found his team in good use to haul culprits to jail if they were not able to walk. The roads were in such bad condition that it would take a day and a half to haul a load of household goods to Gold Hill. Now the trip is made in three and a half hours, showing progress in a great measure. One evening late, a Mr. Wortman came running up to their office on the street corner and wanted the Eads brothers to get his horse out of a well 40 or 50 feet deep. This was finally accomplished by borrowing 150 feet of fire hose and pouring water in the well until the horse came to the top and they could get a halter on it and pull him out. The horse was at work the next day. Everett Eads was in the grocery business in Cottage Grove for about three years, but sold out and returned to Medford and is again in partnership with George Eads. Clarence Eads started in the coal business here and later sold out to Harry Hansen of Eugene. Later he bought a second-hand store and is now in that business. In comparison with the old days Eads Transfer now has fifteen trucks and ten steady men. During the fruit season they employ 50 and 60 men and hire from one to five extra trucks. This year they built a new galvanized fireproof storage plant on North Central, between McAndrews and Clark Street with floor space of 120x50 feet. They have in addition two other buildings for storage, 20x60 and 20x40. Their new office location is at 111 North Fir Street, where the old Gitzens' livery barn owned by Doc Helms was located. This old building was torn down completely and a new one erected with stalls for seventeen trucks and large parking space besides. They employ their own auto mechanic and maintain a workshop on the premises. A space 25x100 feet is used here for short-time storage. The office is large, modern and well equipped for service. Eads Transfer Co. has grown with Medford and consider it a fine place to live and conduct a business. The Hansen Coal Co. moved with Eads Transfer Co. at the same time and is to share the same office as before. Harry O. Hansen bought the coal business from Clarence Eads in 1923 and has steadily increased the business each year. Mr. Hansen was in the coal business with his brother before coming here, so it was not an unfamiliar venture for him. Mrs. Hansen is in the office, and Jack Moshier drives the truck. They have built up a good business on briquets for orchard heating. Many of the orchardists have changed their equipment and now burn briquets exclusively. Other larger orchards have half briquets and plan to use all briquets just as soon as they can dispose of their other equipment. The valley used twenty-three cars of briquets last season for orchard heating only, and the Hansen Coal Co. already have booked many new orders with old for next spring. Medford
Mail Tribune, October
31, 1926, page 6
Not because of his being in the transfer business but from force of
habit of many years, when the fire siren blows at night Everett E.
Eads, the well-known business man, loses no time in moving himself from
bed to the location of the flames--only stopping long enough to sling
some clothes on and tune up his car.It is the same in the daytime when the fire siren sounds. Whatever task he is engaged in is dropped as he hurries away to the fire. It is said of him that even if he was in the act of counting up a big sum of money when the alarm sounds, he would toss the currency to one side, grab his hat and scoot away. No idle curiosity, this habit of the usually sedate and conservative Everett Eads, but caused by his membership in the local volunteer fire department of 20 years. He simply can't get over it, and does not know even if he wants to. Just can't help it, you know. While speaking of the recent midnight fire which destroyed the Pine-Fir Company mill, Mr. Eads remarked to several friends at a lunch emporium, over his coffee, that he believed he could hear the fire siren from a farther distance away than any other Medford persons--in fact could almost detect a coming fire alarm by some sixth sense, asleep or awake. He could hear the whistle at once, no matter how faint the blow, and a few seconds later would be on his way. Medford Mail Tribune, June 16, 1931, page 3 EADS TRANSFER OFFICES MOVED
Everett and George Eads, owners of Medford's pioneer moving firm, Eads
Transfer and Storage Company, announce that starting today their office
will be located at 1015 North Central. This move will give them more
room and the office, truck yard and storage warehouse will all be
Eads have grown from a small concern to the largest transfer and storage company in Southern Oregon, and they are always making improvements on their modern moving equipment. The truck storage space, machine shop and warehouse are housed in fireproof buildings. Medford Mail Tribune, June 28, 1931, page 5
All county offices Saturday were in the midst of moving into the new
courthouse. Business went along as usual despite the disorder and the
hubbub. All the county offices will be transacting business in the new
quarters. County jail trusties, heads of departments, and deputies were
doing the work. They will probably work all day today in order to be in
readiness for business tomorrow.The chief problem in the moving is the handling of the heavy safes and vaults. Eads Brothers were busy all day Friday moving the safe in the treasurer's office. The safe in the clerk's office also promises to be a difficult job because of its size and weight. The county court has made all but the final payments on the courthouse. No action towards this end will be taken, until the circuit court issues an order to that effect. The matter is at present held up by a dispute over wages between the architect and one of his assistants. About $400 is involved, and a suit for its collection has been instituted in the circuit court and is scheduled for hearing at the October term. Medford Mail Tribune, August 28, 1932, page 5 OLD PAL RETURNS JOHN EADS' BIKE
Accompanied by a note of explanation, John Eads, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Eads, found his stolen bicycle in back of his house Wednesday,
after having reported to city police Monday that the wheel was taken
from his home last weekend, while he was vacationing at Dead Indian.The note, written on white paper with pencil, read: "Jon: "I swiped your byke and blew up your back tire butt I fixed the front one so you haint got no kick acomin see. You can't ever find out who I am, because I am leaving town tonite goin to Texas. I used to be your pal, that's why I'm leaving the byke. OLLIE."
Medford Mail Tribune, July 27, 1933, page 3EVERETT EADS, 52, PASSES AT HOME; RITES TOMORROW
Medford Mail Tribune, April 22, 1937, page 1
Everett E. Eads, Medford resident for the past 37 years, died late last
night in his home at 29 Kenwood Avenue. He had been seriously ill for
the past several months. He was 52 years old.
Mr. Eads was a member of the Eads Transfer & Storage Company, established here more than 30 years ago. He was a member of the Medford Elks lodge. During his long residence here he made many friends and established a reputation for integrity. He assisted in many civic enterprises intended to advance the development of Medford and the Rogue Valley. Mr. Eads was born in Ottawa County, Kansas, on January 10, 1885. He spent his early life and acquired his formal education in Kansas. In 1900 the Eads family came to Southern Oregon. Everett Eads was united in marriage to Miss Susan Boyd on April 4, 1906. Mr. Eads is survived by his wife, Mrs. Susan K. Eads, a daughter, Miss Dorothy Eads, a son, John Wesley Eads, all residing at the family home; his father, John Eads, two brothers, George and Clarence Eads, and two sisters, Mrs. Leland Holbrook and Mrs. Art Johnson, all of Medford. Funeral services will be held in the Perl chapel at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. James Hamilton, pastor of the First Christian church, will officiate. Interment will take place in the Siskiyou Memorial Park. Pall bearers will be Frank Edwards, Wilford Walker, Carl Stuart, David Whittle, Charles Higinbotham and Robert Gale. ![]() J. T.
Eads, Medford's Grand Old
Continues Active Life at Age of 88 Takes Entire Care of Big Apartment; Enjoys Traveling By Elsie Ragsdale
Though J. T. Eads of 121 Crater
Lake Avenue will be 88
years old January 10, he is not old.
Absolutely not!
He recently returned from a motor trip to San Francisco and Berkeley, Calif. and was greatly impressed with the magnificent buildings, beautiful homes and artistic landscapes. The rich black soil in the orchards there reminded him of the splendid soil on his father's Iowa farm many years ago, he declared. Mr. Eads has traveled in many states, but the recent trip was the first he had taken so far down in California. He enjoys traveling, and is quick to grasp the important details of anything which really interests him. "Yes," mused Mr. Eads, "California is mighty fine, but even so, it doesn't look as good to me as Oregon. Especially the fertile valley around Medford, which attracted me to Oregon 38 years ago." Thirty-eight years ago, Mr. Eads, together with his wife and three sons and two daughters, moved here from Minneapolis, Kansas, in which vicinity he had been actively engaged in farming for many years. Mr. Eads mentioned an incident which occurred there which almost cost him his life. While engaged in cleaning out a well, the air became stale, and he lost consciousness. But for the fact that his wife missed him, and going to the well discovered his plight and pulled him out, he probably wouldn't be enjoying life now. He always tested the air in the wells which he cleaned afterwards. Soon after arrival in Medford, Mr. Eads opened a second-hand store on Fir Street. He was in this business about twelve years, at which time he sold his business to his son, Clarence, who is still running a similar business on Fir Street at this time. He also has another son, George, owner of the Eads Transfer Company in Medford. Another son, Everett, passed away last April. Two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Johnston and Mrs. Leland Holbrook, live in Medford. Mr. Eads says that when they came to Medford, the town was quite small, population and size being similar to Central Point as it is today. He has greatly enjoyed watching the growth of the town. Twenty-five years ago Mr. Eads purchased the house that he now owns, turning it into an apartment house. The house has five apartments including his own, and since the death of his wife, two years ago, he lives along, assuming the entire responsibility of care of the apartment house. This he enjoys doing, and the apartment is noted for its harmonious atmosphere. He has the knack of picking out desirable tenants from his applicants. Mr. Eads, unlike most elderly folks, dislikes talking about the past but gets great enjoyment out of discussing his plans for the future. Early next spring, he is planning on building an addition to his house. This addition will give him another apartment for rental purposes. Recently, when his roof sprung a leak, he took his trusty ladder and proceeded to repair it. Height has never affected him in any way. During the past summer, he picked cherries from the top of his 18-foot ladder, and thought nothing of it. This was in no way unusual for him, as he is accustomed to picking fruit. Each year he raises a large garden, doing all the work himself, including the spading. He also keeps chickens, which he delights in caring for. During September he built a garage for one of his tenants, and he is always making handy little cupboards and gadgets for the house. Scarcely a day passes that he doesn't walk to town. He visits with his son's customers, and besides he has spent too many years in business to be satisfied sitting at home. He has the distinction of being one of the charter members of the Free Methodist Church, and is an active member at the present time. He is a friend to everyone, and prefers to give his charity donations personally instead of through the medium of organizations. His friends say he is noted for his honesty, and that his word is as good as his bond. He attributes his splendid health and upright physique to the fact that he has never taken intoxicating liquors or smoked. He has always worked hard, still enjoys his meat, and above all, lets the other fellow do the worrying. "Maybe," he remarked slyly, "the climate around here has something to do with it." He keeps up with two daily papers, and can talk intelligently on almost any subject of general interest. He is an enthusiastic advocate of the old adage, "Early to bed, early to rise," sometimes rising at 5 o'clock. Medford Mail Tribune, December 3, 1937, page 11 Sgt.
Eads Writes About Landing on
Philippine Beach
A letter recently received here
from Sgt. Johnnie
Eads, from somewhere in the
Philippines, gave a short account
initial landings on the islands.
Sgt. Eads wrote that it was "rough
miserable in places--the whole
show simply staggers the
The sergeant's letter went on to say he experienced "plenty of thrills" when he neared the beach, near enough to be within range of Japanese artillery and mortar fire. Sgt. Eads wrote that at times during the landings they fairly waded through small arms fire. He enclosed three pieces of Japanese invasion money in denominations of five, ten and 50 centavos. His mother, Mrs. Susan K. Eads, resides at 29 Kenwood, and his wife lives at 729 W. Second. Medford Mail Tribune, November 19, 1944, page 10 CLARENCE E. EADS FUNERAL TUESDAY
Medford Mail Tribune, February 5, 1945, page 2
Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the Conger-Morris
chapel for Clarence E. Eads, resident of Medford since 1900, who passed
away Saturday morning in St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland. Dr. J. P.
Bray will officiate at the last rites, and serving as pallbearers will
be George Porter, George Howard, Bill Young, Ed Pease, George Jantzer
and Sam Jennings.
Shortly after coming to Medford Mr. Eads served on the city police force and since 1903 has been in the fuel and new and used furniture business in Medford. He was known as a sports lover and was a member of the Medford Gun Club and an excellent angler. Born in Ottawa County, Kansas, Dec. 2, 1879, Mr. Eads was united in marriage to Miss Ibbie Sanders in 1899. Three children were born to the couple, Willis, Glenn and Rachel. Survivors are his daughter, Mrs. Rachel Richardson; his father, John T. Eads; two sisters, Mrs. A. J. Johnston and Mrs. Leland Holbrook; and a brother, George Eads. Last revised November 14, 2024 |