![]() ![]() Thomas Fletcher Royal Biographical material on the
pioneer Methodist minister and family. More Royal pages here.
On the
27th of April, in Rogue River Valley, by the Rev. T. F. Royal, JESSE
ROBINSON, M.D., formerly of Otsego, N.Y.,
and Miss LAVINIA J., daughter of Isaac
Constant, Esq., formerly of Springfield, Ill.--all of Rogue River
Valley.The friends of the Doctor in this place, of which he was formerly a resident, may congratulate him on his good luck, as we can bear witness that he has secured one of the fairest "Rogues" in all that valley. Sunshiny ever be your path, and decked with the flowers of bliss. Shasta Courier, Shasta, California, June 3, 1854, page 2 Correspondence of the Weekly Gazette.
DEAR GAZETTE:--Umpqua Academy. On Friday, the 13th of April, I had the pleasure of attending the quarterly examination of the scholars of the Umpqua Academy. As this institution was mainly built by the contributions of the citizens of the Umpqua Valley, and as it is the only academy in Oregon south of Salem, I doubt not that your readers will be pleased with an impartial account of its progress and management. The academy at present is under the superintendence of the Rev. Mr. Wilbur, to whom, more than any one man, it owes its existence. The teachers are Mr. J. H. B. and Miss Mary E. Royal, brother and sister. Quite a respectable number of parents, friends, and neighbors were present during the day and evening to witness the exercises. As very frequently happens, many of the scholars who had attended during the greater portion of the quarter were not present. Nothing can be more annoying to the teacher or unprofitable to the scholar than this practice of withdrawing scholars before the close of the term. Classes are broken up, and the generous and useful emulation which the progress of one scholar begets in the mind of another ceases, or dies out; and examination day, to which both teacher and pupil looked forward as the harvest of their joint labors, exhibits results but poorly proportioned to the real merit of either. From what I observed of the conduct of the scholars during the day, I think the discipline of the school is good. "Order is Heaven's first law," and in the school room it is essential to success that this law should be obeyed. By discipline, I do not mean that mute terror which reigns in silence while the eye or the birch of the teacher is upon the scholar; but rather that easy methodical manner with which each scholar or each class perform his or their part in the exercises of the school. The exercises consisted of orthography, reading, geography, mental and practical arithmetic, bookkeeping, English grammar, natural philosophy, algebra, essays, declamation and vocal music. Most of the scholars exhibited a fair degree of proficiency. Of course, all the boys and girls in a school are seldom what is called "smart," and the Umpqua Academy is not an exception. Besides, their opportunities in past life had evidently been very dissimilar. All, however, seemed imbued with a desire to succeed, and a few had made attainments at which their teachers and parents may well feel gratified. I am almost tempted to name one or two of the latter, but for fear of making distinctions that may seem to others invidious, I shall refrain. The most interesting part of the examination was the "little ones." They were a group of about a dozen little girls and boys, from four to seven years of age, neatly dressed and well behaved. They came upon the stage and recited little juvenile poems, or, led by Miss Royal, sang sweet little songs, with such artless earnestness as only belongs to children. Their heads were never in their way, but occupied in some graceful and easy position, in harmony with the attitude of the body and the exercise in which they were engaged. When the little urchins chirped the chorus of "Chick-a-dee-dee," every face in the room brightened and every eye glistened. The essays all showed some knowledge of the English language, and the art of sentence making. As might be expected, their merit was in the composition rather than the matter. "The Gem," a manuscript newspaper, was read by its editor (Master Kaylor), in an easy, self-possessed manner. It consisted of original articles furnished by the scholars, and an apologue by the teacher, in which he personified the academy and gave a short history of the time and circumstance of its erection. The declamation by the young men, in the evening, was very creditable to them. With some of them it was, perhaps, the first time in their lives they had ever attempted "to speak in public on the stage." Not to "break down" under such circumstances requires as much courage as it does to charge a line of fixed bayonets. The declamation was agreeably varied by vocal music. Miss Royal, who led the class, has a rich, mellow voice, of much compass and well cultivated. Some one of the young men, who sang next to her, did not observe, perhaps, that he sang so loud that he frequently drowned Miss R.'s voice, very much to the annoyance of the audience. Music and screaming are two things, and have a very different effect upon the ear. At the close of the exercises, R. E. Stratton, Esq., delivered an address to the scholars and the audience, which was well received. The institution is owned by and under the control of the Methodist E. Church in Oregon. I believe the daily exercises are opened and concluded with prayer and singing, after the manner of that denomination. In the essays and declamation, there was a painful sameness in the subject and the manner of treating it, but particularly so in the declamation. Whiskey was the only evil denounced, and total abstinence the only virtue inculcated by those selections. A fiddle with one string makes monotonous music, and a youth whose mind is unduly impressed with single ideas in morals or religion is likely to become, in after life, if the impression continues, a bigot; or if removed the very reverse. While drunkenness was very properly held up as a degrading vice--dishonesty, avarice, hypocrisy, idleness, and meanness in all its manifold forms were never mentioned. But I do not write to find fault, and hope that where I have done so, my suggestions, if not approved by those concerned, will at least be taken in the friendly spirit in which they are made. What appeared to me commendable I have commended, and where I have censured, it has been for the same reason. There will be one week of vacation, and the school commence again, with, I hope, a success that its merit deserves. A VISITOR.
Douglas Co., April 16, '55.MARRIED.
FLINN-ROYAL At the Umpqua Academy, by
Rev. Jas. H. Wilbur, on Wednesday evening, August 14th, Rev. John Flinn
and Miss Mary E. F. Royal, both of Douglas Co., O.T.Illinois Daily Journal, Springfield, October 17, 1856, page 2 Rev. T. F. Royal, of Wilbur, who has been inconvenienced the most of his life with a stiff knee joint, was unfortunate enough to break his leg, by a misstep of some kind, in giving lessons and exercises in gymnastics. After suffering some little time, he recovers, and finds, much to his surprise and happy disappointment, that he has the perfect use of his leg, and now much regrets that the accident did not happen twenty years go. "Roseburg, June 16, 1867." Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 22, 1867, page 3 A young child of Prof. Royal, of Wilbur, died of whooping cough June 27th. "Roseburg, July 2nd, 1867," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, July 6, 1867, page 3 UMPQUA ACADEMY.--School was opened at this excellent institution on the 31st ult. It is now under the management of Rev. J. G. Deardorff, Mr. Royal's successor. The Academy is beautifully situated at Wilbur in the Umpqua Valley, and the new principal brings a high character for fitness and ability. His lady, Mrs. M. C. Deardorff, is preceptress and teacher of music, and Mrs. M. A. Clinkenbeard teacher of French. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 12, 1868, page 2 OBITUARY.
father of the present Presiding Elder of this District, and well known
to many citizens of this valley, died, at the advanced age of 74 years
and 7 months, at Salem, Oregon, on Sept. 29, 1870.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 8, 1870, page 2 The Jacksonville Sentinel, of October 18th, says: "Mrs. T. F. Royal, of Portland, Oregon, formerly of this city, has returned from the Atlantic States. She is more delighted with Oregon than ever, and has been paying her numerous old friends here a visit during the week. She will start for Portland Monday. We wish her a happy journey." "Oregon Items," Sacramento Daily Union, October 25, 1873, page 1 Office
Siletz Indian Agency
SirToledo Benton Co. Oregon August 20th 1877 I have the honor to herewith transmit estimates of expense of fitting up a boarding house for a boarding school for this agency and for conducting such a school for six months. These estimates should have been sent with my monthly report for July, but owing to press of business were not enclosed therewith. I respectfully ask your indulgence. I further respectfully ask your careful consideration of the herewith enclosed special report of our teacher, Rev. T. F. Royal, in relating to the conduct of a school for this agency and, if possible, assist us in the way of an allotment of funds for this purpose. Very
Hon. J. Q. SmithYour obedient servant William Bagley U.S. Indian Agent Comr. of Indian Affs. Washington D.C. Estimate of expenses for building
and fitting up a boarding house for the school on the Siletz Ind. Reservation & for support of same for six mos. House 45 ft. x 25 ft.. 2 Stories.
Such a boarding house is an absolute necessity to complete success in our educational work on this reservation. For want of it, but few of the children, except those immediately about the agency, have been able to attend the school. There are over a thousand Indians belonging to this reservation and scattered abroad over a large territory. We are repeatedly urged to take children from abroad and educate them, but we have been under the painful necessity of denying such privilege. Hence, the Alseas, Nestuccas and others at the mouth of Salmon River; those at the lower and upper and Klamath farms, are all deprived [of] the opportunity of educating their children, being from four to forty-five miles distant. There are also many parents who spend much of their time out of the reservation, working for a subsistence, who would leave their children here in school if we could keep them. Besides these, there are many orphans and other indigent children who are suffering for want of such provisions. We hope to obtain from the churches and from private donations something for the relief of those last mentioned, but not enough to support them in school. Hoping that you may be able to make appropriations for the above object, I hereby submit all of the above. Respectfully
To the Hon. J. Q. SmithT. F. Royal Teacher, Siletz Ind. Agency Com. Ind. Affairs Washington D.C. NARA Series M234 Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Reel 624 Oregon Superintendency, 1877. Siletz
Agency, Or.
To Hon. E. A. HaytFeb. 10 1878 Commissioner, Ind. Affs. Washington D.C. Sir: I have the honor to address you through our agent, Hon. Wm. Bagley, respectfully calling your attention to the necessity of employing an assistant teacher in the Siletz Ind. day school. In addition to the assistance required in the daily routine of drilling Indians on their lessons and hearing regular recitations, we aim to spend much time in training them in declamations, dialogues and singing. We find public concerts of great utility in our work. The Indians learn English much more rapidly in preparing for a concert than in any other way that we have tried. This so stimulates their ambition that they will submit to severe drill. We find it very hard to hold their attention and secure cheerful submission to necessary training in the regular lessons. They are so impatient to get on. We have had four concerts in which the Indians performed their parts in reading, declamations, dialogues and singing, that we thought our public exercises would have been considered quite passable anywhere. Most of the exercises [are] being performed by the Indians--not a few trained favorites--but by nearly all in the school. Being so successful in these instances, we wish to devote more time to this kind of drill than we have been able to do without assistance. It is an enormous task to prepare pupils who do not understand much of our language for appearing well in public. They can't take their parts and learn them as our children do. They must each have personal drill in every word, syllable and letter till they can read their parts correctly, and then constant assistance till they are committed. Still more especially, our school needs an assistant who can teach these girls sewing and needlework. They have never had such instructions, simply because we have had no teacher for this department. We now have one at our command, if you will allow us to employ her. The object of this letter is to insist respectfully that permission be granted our agent to make such appointment immediately. The person to whom I refer is Miss V. A. Bagley, daughter of our agent. She is well qualified for the position. Being our organist here now and for four years, she has already had much experience in training these pupils in vocal music and in otherwise training the classes for our concerts. She also commands the entire confidence and the utmost respect of the pupils. Very
Your obedient servant T. F. Royal Teacher Siletz
Indian Agency
William BagleyApril 28, 1878 Agent Siletz Indian Reservation Sir, In compliance with your request, I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of the present condition of the Siletz Indian day school, its absolute wants and an estimate for necessary repairs and requisites. Our seating room is full and running over, and other pupils expect to enter next week. Hence the building should be enlarged immediately. It should also be sided and painted on the outside and painted inside. And other improvements on the premises are greatly needed as woodshed and water closets. The teacher's house also needs a thorough repairing throughout. Being the old mill building of the Agency fitted up temporarily for the teacher's residents, it has become still more dilapidated and unfit for occupancy. The roof leaks in every part, and the walls of all the rooms but one are bare, rough lumber and only one room floored comfortably. I therefore submit the following as only an approximation of actual necessities, but sufficient to render the school much more comfortable and attractive and the teacher's family surroundings more agreeable.
April 30th 1878T. F. Royal Teacher, Siletz Indian Day School William Bagley U.S. Indian Agent NARA Series M234 Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Reel 625 Oregon Superintendency, 1878. OFFICE OF
Benton Co.,
Hon. E. A. HaytJuly 26, 1878 Commissioner Ind. Affs. Sir I have the honor to address you through our agent, Hon. William Bagley, calling your attention to the necessity of an appropriation for the immediate relief of our orphan and poor pupils. The fifty dollars given us last quarter was divided in the most judicious manner possible among about sixty pupils. So you see but little could be given to each; while others almost as needy and worthy received nothing. We have on the register for this month over one hundred names with an unusually good average attendance, but very many of these will be compelled to leave school soon unless we can furnish them clothing soon. Most of these children would remain in school if they can be clothed and fed. More than half will remain if we furnish them cheap clothing, and continue the lunch at noon. We therefore respectfully urge an immediate and liberal appropriation for the relief of our orphan and destitute pupils. While on this subject, we cannot refrain from renewing our plea for a boarding house. But whether you grant us this or not we hope you will give us at least five hundred dollars for clothing. Respectfully
I concur in the aboveT. F. Royal Teacher, Siletz D.S. William
Series M234 Letters
Received by
the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Reel
625 Oregon
Superintendency, 1878.U.S. Ind. Agt. OFFICE OF
Benton Co.,
Oregon, Sept. 18, 1878
Hon. Wm. M. LeedsActing Commissioner Ind. Affs. Washington D.C. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular No. 23 Accounts, 1878, and complying with instructions therein, I proceed immediately to report "as to what arrangements" we are contemplating with a view to an increased production over the crops planted during the fiscal year 1878. In the first place, we contemplate saving our own seed. This will enable us to sow when the season is most favorable. In the past, our crops were necessarily consumed for the winter's subsistence. This year, the grain is more abundant and better matured. The season has been more favorable for threshing and hence the grain will nearly all be saved in good condition. Hence, we shall have seed of a good quality and enough for the early sowing at least. We propose starting the plows as soon as the threshing is done, while the teams are stout and feed plentiful. We shall find it easier now than formerly to induce our Indians to prepare their ground in the fall, as they are elated with their success this year--especially in the early crops. We aim to break considerable quantities of new land in addition to the old. This yields a large percent more to the acre and the grain is greatly superior in quality. This is really necessary to ensure good crops of wheat, as we have no fallow ground. Teams were too scarce and too weak to plow more last spring than what was actually necessary for the crops of this season. Even for this purpose we were compelled to hire some of our plowing done. We contemplate increased production this year, especially because we have a farmer. We have a thorough, energetic and successful farmer as a regular employee. He has good control of the Indians, is faithful in instructing them, and succeeds in inspiring them with ambition in farming. We had his services a few weeks last spring, and as a consequence we have a large increase in crops over last year, when we had no farmer. We have more and better fencing and shall continue improving and extending the fences, enclosing more and more land. Our saw mill is doing good execution, and we shall soon have large quantities of fencing lumber. The Department is furnishing us more means for the subsistence and pay of laborers. We have increased confidence in the working capacity of the Indian Bureau. It does not require twelve months or even six months prying to get open those drawers. Our instructions, statements of funds &c. reach us in advance, so that we are enabled to make our arrangements for future enterprises understandingly and execute them successfully knowing that we may depend on the funds to meet current expenses when they are due. These are some of the grounds upon which we base our hopes of increased success in our efforts to make this people self-supporting in no very distant future. All of which is respectfully submitted. Very
Series M234 Letters
Received by
the Office of Indian Affairs 1824-81, Reel
625 Oregon
Superintendency, 1878.Your obt. servt. T. F. Royal Acting U.S. Ind. Agt. PASSED AWAY.--Departed
this life April 4th, 1880, Mrs. Lizzie Royal, wife of Dr. W. B. Royal,
of Ashland, in her 47th year. She had been quite ill for a number of
weeks with typhoid fever, but the cause of her death was valvular
disease of the heart, from which she had been a sufferer for many
years. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, and a large
concourse of sorrowing friends following the earthly remains to their
last resting place. A large family of children are left to mourn the
faithful mother heart that yielded them such self-sacrificing devotion.
Tidings, April 9, 1880, page 3Rev. T. F. Royal has accepted an appointment to do missionary work among the Indians at Klamath, and Mrs. Royal will assume the duties of matron of the Indian school at that place, to be assisted in teaching by the daughter, Miss Aeolia Royal. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, June 28, 1884, page 3 Klamath Agency Notes.
Ashland Tidings, March
13, 1885, page 1(Salem Statesman.)
Our school boys having exhibited remarkable musical talent, they have
been permitted to organize a band of eight, and the Indian Department
has kindly furnished them with instruments. For the time spent in drill
they have made very commendable improvements, under the instructions of
the agency clerk, Mr. Willie Nickerson, assisted by his brother Roscoe.
Their first performance in public was on our last Thanksgiving Day.
Without the assistance of their teachers, the boys won for themselves
the applause of the audience, whose voices mingled enthusiastically and
harmoniously with the trumpet notes in the closing tune of "Old Hundredth."
The girls are also being trained on the organ and are learning rapidly.
Our new and commodious industrial boarding houses, both here at the Agency and at Yainax, are being still further enlarged and improved so that the former covers now an area of 100x118 ft. including their porches, and six additional rooms on the lower floor; also a newly finished attic, or third story, with six gables and two dormer windows. This gives a large laundry drying room, and increases the capacity of our dormitories, so that we can now accommodate one hundred pupils instead of seventy-five as heretofore. That at Yainax has been proportionately increased and is rapidly filling up with pupils. Immense woodsheds connected with these boarding houses were filled to their utmost capacity with the best of stove wood, for winter use. The school boys were required to provide all the wood, as well as hay, for all department purposes early in the summer. The report to this Indian department from the seamstress, for the month of January, shows that the girls in her department manufactured one hundred and forty-five articles of clothing, as dresses, aprons, drawers, nightgowns, underskirts, flannel shirts, pants, &c., &c., from five hundred and fifty-four yards of cloth of various kinds. They also knit by hand eight pairs of stockings, besides doing all the housework, cooking, scrubbing, washing, mending, ironing, &c., and attending school one-half of each school day. The boys receive instructions out of school under the employment of Mr. Geo. Gilbert Anderson in farming, butching, caring for livestock and managing the teams, varying in capacity from the light two-horse hack team to the heavy logging team of eight horses, and use of six yoke of enormous oxen. Mr. George Loosley, assisted by Mr. Reinchel in carpentering, by Logan Pompey (Indian) in blacksmithing, and Wilbur Jackson (Indian) in the sawmill, give the boys instruction in all kinds of wood and iron work required on the reservation. The work in the harness and shoe shop is all done by our trained Indian boys. The Indians at Williamson River are repairing, finishing and furnishing their church, all at their own expense except for nails and paint. Those at Yainax are preparing to build a church soon. They have voluntarily contributed with remarkable liberality in labor and hauling toward the erection and enlarging of their school buildings. They came down here a distance of forty miles, and cut and hauled logs to the mill, and assisted in sawing them through the winter season, and in summer they haul the lumber home, for their own use, and for the school. The amount appropriated by the department for the erection of these two boarding houses does not cover one-third of the actual expense. Such is the interest these Indians are taking in their own welfare. During the Christmas holidays an unprincipled man sold whiskey to a few of our Indians, who became intoxicated. For the crime of selling whiskey to Indians the perpetrator is held in durance vile. For the crime of drunkenness, the guilty parties both men and women were tried before a court of their own people, found guilty and sentenced to two months imprisonment and hard labor. This is the full extent of the penalty for the first offense. A second will be punished with double, and so on doubling for each additional drink. Can the whites beat that? T. F. ROYAL.
Mrs. T. F. Smith, an African missionary, died recently in that far-off land. She was a daughter of Rev. T. F. Royal, and years ago taught in the Portland academy. Daily Reporter, McMinnville, December 4, 1886, page 3
W. B. Royal of Paisley, who has been on the sick list from bronchial
troubles so long, does not seem to take any change for the better.
"Lalee County Waves," Medford Mail, February 18, 1892, page 2 There was a report that a party of 25 immigrants had been murdered on the east side of Tule Lake, and that Indians were committing depredations in the Humboldt country. Captain Miller, with his company, hurried into that section. Arrived at Tule Lake, smoke was observed rising out of the tules. Constructing boats out of their wagon beds, Miller's men rowed out into the lake and discovered a fleet of canoes, on which Indians were living in hiding. The squaws and papooses had on blood-stained garments taken from the whites. One party escorted through the country of the hostile Indians, while on this expedition, was that of Rev. T. F. Royal. The night following the meeting of the soldiers and the Royal train a boy was born to the wife of Rev. Mr. Royal. In honor of the captain of the volunteers the boy was named Miller. He grew to manhood, and, having been graduated from the public schools, was given money and wished success by Captain Miller. At the last Democratic convention held in Pendleton Captain Miller was called on by his namesake, who had become a college professor, and was returned the money. Only a few days ago Captain Miller had the pleasure of meeting Rev. Mr. Royal, and recalling the circumstances of their acquaintance in pioneer times. "Captain John F. Miller," Oregonian, Portland, January 25, 1899, page 10 REV.
Among those who have zealously labored
for the cause of Methodism in Oregon is numbered the Rev. Thomas
Fletcher Royal, now living retired in Portland. He has made his home in
this state since 1853 and has reached the age of ninety years, his
birth having occurred in Columbus, Ohio, January 6, 1821. His parents
were William and Barbara (Ebey) Royal. His paternal grandfather was
Thomas Royal, who was a soldier of the Revolutionary War and to his
dying day carried the bullet with which he was wounded while in the
service. He was married in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Hannah Cooper
and they settled in West Virginia. Their eldest son. Simon Royal, fell
in the War of 1812.Our subject's father was born near Wheeling, West Virginia, and was also a minister of the gospel. He began preaching in 1831, and his first appointment was at Fort Clark, Missouri, situated somewhere in the vicinity of Peoria, Illinois. His circuit included all of the territory north of Peoria save Chicago, where the Rev. Jesse Walker was then stationed as a preacher. William Royal continued his labors in the Middle West until 1853, when he came with his family to Oregon as a retired preacher of the Rock River Conference of Illinois. He was later transferred to the Oregon Conference and preached his first sermon in the Northwest at John Beeson's home in Jackson County, Oregon. He was connected with several different circuits during his residence in the Northwest and lived in Portland for several years. He built the first Methodist church on the east side of the city, called the Centenary Methodist Church, and his labors in behalf of his denomination were far-reaching and effective, his work still bearing good fruit in the lives of those who heeded the gospel call under his teachings. He was living retired at the time of his death, which occurred in Salem, Oregon, in September, 1871. His wife was born on the Little Juniata River in Pennsylvania in 1800. The birth of the Rev. William Royal occurred in February, 1796, and thus he had attained the age of seventy-five years at the time of his demise. The Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal, of this review, was the eldest of a family of seven children, six sons and a daughter. He attended school at Piqua, Ohio, and also the public schools of Illinois and Indiana, and afterward engaged in teaching school for several years in Hancock and St. Clair counties, Illinois. He also spent three and a half years as a student in McKendree College, at Lebanon, Illinois, but trouble with his eyes compelled him to abandon the course before its completion. In 1846 he took up the active work of the ministry at Galena, Illinois, and was received into the Rock River Conference in that year. He was connected with that for about seven years and then was transferred to the Oregon conference in 1852 with the privilege of not entering into active connection therewith until 1853. His transference from the Rock River Conference of Illinois was made by the bishop, E. R. Ames, who came to Oregon from that conference by way of the water route and, reaching Portland before Rev. Royal arrived, received him here. Mr. Royal left Victoria, Illinois, on the 27th of May, 1853, and made the journey over the plains with ox teams, always resting on the Sabbath day. When he left home only his own and his father's families were of the party but at different times they were joined by other wagons until they had a large train. They reached the Rogue River Valley on the 27th of October, 1853. Mr. Royal and his father remained together for about a year, after which the latter went to Douglas County and subsequently to Portland. Thomas F. Royal preached his first sermon in the Northwest at Jacksonville, Oregon, a few days after his arrival in this state, and there he built the first church in Southern Oregon. The house of worship was begun in 1854 and was dedicated on New Year's Day of 1855. He has been instrumental in building five other churches in this state, these being at Canyonville, Tenmile, Silverton, Salem Heights and Dallas. He has not only given his time and energies to the work of benefiting his fellow men by preaching the gospel but has also done effective labor in the field of intellectual training, having been principal of the Portland Academy and Female Seminary for four years, from 1871 until 1875, while previous to this time he was principal of the Umpqua Academy of Douglas County, which was one of the early schools of this state, organized in 1855. He remained there for nine and a half years. After leaving the Portland Academy he served as principal of the Sheridan Academy of Yamhill County for a year and was employed under President Grant's Christian policy as teacher and clerk at the Siletz Indian Reservation in Benton County, Oregon, for about four years. In 1875 he was made superintendent of instruction at the Klamath Indian mission and had charge of the Indian boarding school, to which work he was appointed in 1884, there remaining for about fifteen months, when a Democratic President was elected and Rev. Royal was retired. He then became pastor of the Monroe circuit of Benton County, Oregon, and after two years went to Dallas, Polk County, where he served as pastor for three years, and during that period succeeded in erecting a church at a cost of five thousand dollars. His next pastorate was at Dayton, Yamhill County, where he remained for three years. He spent a similar period at Brooks, Marion County, Oregon, and preached his jubilee sermon at Roseburg, at the annual conference of 1896. He then retired from active connection with the conference but nevertheless continued preaching, being employed at Mehama and Lyons, Oregon, and at Leslie church in South Salem for two years. Since this he has not accepted any pastorate but has continued in active Christian work, preaching to the convicts at the penitentiary at Salem and before the inmates of the insane asylum at Salem for eight years. He preaches at times at the Montavilla Methodist church of which his son-in-law, the Rev. Harold Oberg, is now pastor. The Pacific University of California conferred upon him the Bachelor of Arts degree. Rev. Royal was married in early manhood to Miss Mary Ann Stanley, who was born in the state of New York and died January 2, 1906, at the age of seventy-six years. In their family were eight children, of whom one died in infancy. Anina Tema was graduated from an academy and later took a course at Willamette University, after which she became assistant principal of the Portland Academy and Female Seminary. She became the wife of Dr. Clark Smith, principal of the Vancouver Seminary, in Washington. He received his A.M. degree from Willamette University and later the M.D. degree from a medical college in Texas. He and his wife went as missionaries to Africa where Mrs. Smith died, and he is now engaged in the practice of medicine in Berkeley, California. His children are: William E. R.; May, who is mentioned below; Jesse C., of Washington, D.C., who is married and has one child, Clark S.; and Anina Grace, the wife of John T. Stanley, principal of the Bragg Institute in California. Of this family. May Smith married Hooper M. Black, now engaged in farming and the real estate business near Vancouver, Washington. Both Mr. and Mrs. Black are graduates of the Portland University. They have seven children: Grace A., Esther M., Ruth J., Naomi, Nancy E., Miriam, and an infant. Rev. Stanley Olin Royal, the second of the family, is a Methodist minister, now engaged in preaching in Ohio in connection with the Dayton District Conference and was presiding elder there for several years. He is a graduate of Willamette University and of the Drew Theological Seminary of New Jersey. He married Matilda Walden, a daughter of Bishop Walden, and they have two daughters, Mary G. and Margaret. Rev. Miller Gould Royal, the third of the family, was graduated from the classical course in Willamette University and devoted his life to the work of the ministry and to the practice of law. His death occurred in Walla Walla, Washington. He married Tirza Bigelow and they had two children, Ethel and Bonnie. After losing his first wife, Rev. M. G. Royal married Miss A. McCall, who is living in Walla Walla. She was a public school teacher before her marriage. She has two children: Ronald F. and Barbara. William E. Royal, the youngest of the family, died at the age of twenty-three years, when preparing for the ministry. Forester W., a railroad employee, living at Bolton, Polk County, Oregon, married Ella Dodson and has two children: Cecil, who married Edna Williams and has one child, Catherine; and Esther. Eolia Florine is the wife of Rev. Harold Oberg of Portland. He was born in Christiania, Norway, and was there educated in the Norwegian language. After coming to America he entered Willamette University, where both he and his wife graduated with the A.B. degree and he subsequently graduated with the degree of D.D. from the Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Oberg have four children, Ovedia L., Terry R., Agnes M., and Mary Ruth. Carrie Lucretia was graduated from Willamette University with the A.B. degree and subsequently became the wife of Professor Edgar M. Mumford, of the Olympia Collegiate Institute. He is now a clerk in the United States land office at Vancouver, Washington. They have five children: Edgar R., Beatrice A., Harold Stanley, William W. and Clarissa H. Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal is now at the head of a family which numbers about fifty, of which he has every reason to be proud. Twenty of these have been experienced school teachers, five Methodist preachers; six preachers' wives; and twenty of them have drawn from different institutes twenty-eight diplomas. They are from academic, theological and medical schools. Not one of the number ever uses narcotics or intoxicants, and all are prohibitionists and Methodists. Mr. Royal has never allowed his interest in things of the present to lapse. He does not live in memories of the past, but keeps in touch with the progressive every day, and the precious prize of keen mentality is still his. Joseph Gaston, Portland, Oregon, Its History and Builders, Vol. 3, 1911, page 717 PASTOR DIES AT 90
Rev. Thomas
Fletcher Royal, A.M., a superannuate of the Oregon
Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died yesterday morning at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Oberg, 36 East Eightieth Street,
after a brief illness at the age of 90 years. He had been engaged in
the ministry longer than any other man in the Pacific Northwest.Rev. T. F. Royal Lives to Complete Historical Work. LAST ILLNESS IS BRIEF Term of Service in Ministry Longer Than That of Any Other Man in Northwest-- Work as Educator Well Known. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1821. He entered the ministry in the Rock River Conference in Illinois in 1846 and was transferred to Oregon in 1853. His first Oregon charge was the Jacksonville circuit, where he built a Methodist church, which was the first church in Southern Oregon. Since then he had been active in the ministry throughout Western Oregon. He was deeply interested in education, having been principal of Umpqua Academy, Portland Academy and Female Seminary and the Sheridan Academy. He was also for a term superintendent of public schools in Jackson County. He took much interest in the Indians. For three years he was a missionary on the Siletz Agency, and for one year he worked on the Klamath Agency. His last appointment was Leslie Church, Salem. After his superannuation he preached regularly at the State Penitentiary and the State Hospital for the Insane. Since the death of Mrs. Royal in 1906 he had made his home with his children, Rev. and Mrs. Harold Oberg, of Portland. Mr. Royal married Miss Mary Ann Stanley at Victoria, Ill., in 1849. There were eight children, four of whom are living, Rev. S. O. Royal, superintendent of Dayton District, Cincinnati Conference, Ohio; F. W. Royal, Ballston, Or.; Mrs. Aeolia F., wife of Rev. Harold Oberg, Portland, and Mrs. Carrie L, wife of Edgar M. Mumford, of Vancouver, Wash. One of the children died in infancy. Annina T., wife of Dr. Clarke Smith, died in 1886 in Africa. William W. E. died in 1880, when in attendance at Ohio Wesleyan University, and M. G. Royal, an attorney at Walla Walla, Wash. died in January, 1910. One brother, J. L. Royal, and a sister, Mrs. John Flinn, and two sisters-in-law, Mrs. E. J. Royal and Mrs. Sarah Royal, all of Portland, also survive him. In the last years of his active life he was busily engaged in preparing a history of pioneer life in Illinois and Oregon, for which he was unusually well qualified. This book is now ready for the press. The last few weeks were spent in preparing the circulars announcing the early publication of the book, which is entitled "Trail-Followers and Empire Builders." Oregonian, Portland, March 8, 1911, page 12 One of the first church buildings erected in the territory south of Albany was the present Methodist Church in Jacksonville. It was commenced in 1853. The Rev. Joseph Smith--sometimes known as "Carving Fork" Smith--had been sent out in 1852 to labor among the miners of Jackson County. He was an able man intellectually, but did not have the requisite tact for dealing with such a sportive community as the gold excitement had brought together at that place; so, after a brief sojourn, he became discouraged, returned to Salem, and married Julia A. Carter, of Portland, a sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Grover (who now resides in the city). Smith took up the study of law, and in 1868 was elected to Congress. During the time he was in Jacksonville, he succeeded in getting the frame of the church erected. In the fall of 1853, a Methodist preacher by the name of Thomas Fletcher Royal came in with the emigration, and took up the work where Smith left off. Royal was known as "Limpy" among the miners. He knew how to deal with them. He had a friendly and familiar way that took with all classes of society. On Sunday mornings he would saunter into a saloon, and watch the games, then he would say: "Boys, when you get through with the deal, let's all go down to the tent and sing some of the old songs, and listen to the reading of the Bible, like we used to do, back in the States." And the "boys" would generally turn out to hear him. One Sunday morning he stood by watching a game of faro, which an old gambler named Ad. Helms was dealing. Charley Williams, another noted gambler of that day, was playing the game. Royal spoke up, and said: "Boys, we must have some help in building our church, and I want you fellows to give us a lift." Helms said: "You would not use money got in this way for such a purpose, would you?" "Oh, yes," replied Royal, "and we would put it to a better use." Thereupon Williams, in order to test the preacher's sense of duty, spoke up and said: "All right, I'll lay a ten in the pot on this faro deal, and if it wins you take it all." Helms then said: "And if it loses, 'Limpy,' it shall be yours anyway." It was a winner; Helms handed Royal a twenty, and that was the first contribution to the little church on the corner at Jacksonville. William M. Colvig, "Annual Address," Transactions of the Forty-First Annual Reunion of the Oregon Pioneer Association, Portland, June 19, 1913, Portland 1916, pages 344-345. Colvig's speech was originally delivered at the annual meeting of the Southern Oregon Pioneer Association, Jacksonville, September 1st, 1898, apparently a reprise of his talk before them in 1878. Helms' supposed contribution is not recorded in Royal's careful bookkeeping, below. EARLY
At the Methodist church in Jacksonville
on Sunday last the services
were unusually interesting, the occasion being the 50th anniversary of
the erection and dedication of the church--the first Methodist church
built south of Salem. Rev. T. F. Royal, the pioneer Methodist preacher,
who helped build this church in the early fifties, occupied the pulpit,
both morning and evening. Special music was rendered by the choir. Rev.
Royal's text in the morning was from Matthew 1-21. In the evening the
rev. gentleman confined himself more to reminiscences of those early
pioneer times in Jackson County. The speaker engrossed completely the
attention of old and young. He told how in the spring of 1853 quite a religious emigration
arrived in Jacksonville--Rev. Jos. S. Smith, a Methodist minister among
them--this gentleman was assigned to the the Jacksonville charge. [Smith
arrived in Oregon in 1845.]
Subsequently Rev. Smith, who was a very able men, was elected to
Congress by the Democrats, While in charge of religious affairs here he
began the erection of a church, on the lot now occupied by the
residence of P. Donegan. It was in 1853 that Rev. Royal and family
arrived in the valley, after a weary trip of five months across the
plains. After considerable correspondence and waiting, for in those
days the mail facilities were necessarily slow, Mr. Royal was appointed
to succeed Jos. S. Smith by Rev. Wilbur, the presiding elder. During
Mr. Royal's stay of two years the Methodist church was removed to its
present site; the lot being donated by James Clugage, the building
completed and dedicated in 1854. Mr. Royal has now in his possession
the names of those who subscribed so liberally to the building. Mr.
Royal's narrative Sunday evening certainly carried the old pioneers
back to those old days in Jackson County. He told how he bought his
first house for a shotgun and a silver watch; of the generosity of Dan.
Kenney; how Wm. Kahler sold his last yoke of oxen to lift the debt off
the church; he spoke of the then populous town of Sterling and its true
frontier-like population. A glowing tribute was paid to the memory of
Isaac Jones, the negro preacher, whose eloquent sermons and
soul-stirring prayers were a feature of all church gatherings. During
Mr. Royal's stay in Jacksonville, which was limited in those days to
two years, he was selected county school superintendent, being
nominated to that position by both Whigs and Democrats. He established
the first school here--a subscription school--also, six Sunday schools
in different parts of the valley; the Clinton Butte Sunday school, on
the Clinton donation land claim now owned by the Hanleys, being the
first established in this section by a Baptist missionary. All this is
but a small part of the very interesting things told by the speaker of
those early days. After the services the congregation came forward to
greet the venerable minister and his wife. Monday was spent in renewing
old acquaintances and revisiting old scenes. In the evening an informal
reception took place at the residence of Mrs. McDonough, Mr. and Mrs.
Royal left Tuesday for their home in Salem. Rev. T. F. Royal's name
will never be forgotten, both in the early religious and educational
history of Oregon.Medford Mail, October 10, 1902, page 3; reprinted in Valley Record, October 16, 1902, page 1 -
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OF THE M.E. CHURCH in GOLD RIVER CIRCUIT, Oregon An. Con., 1854. The Oregon Legislature changed the name of Rogue River to Gold River, hence the change of the name of the circuit to Gold River Circuit. Historical Items.
1852.Rev. J. S. Smith was the first preacher sent by the Oregon Annual Conference to the Rogue River Circuit. During his pastorate of one year he preached extensively among the miners at Jacksonville and elsewhere. He commenced building a house of worship in Jacksonville by collecting some materials and erecting a frame of hewed timber. No societies were organized under his administration. 1853. T. F. Royal, a transfer from the Rock River Conference of 1852, having crossed the plains in 1853, was next employed on the Rogue River Circuit. In Jacksonville and vicinity only one Methodist could be found--a young man, Christopher Alderson. 1854. Church Building. The materials collected for building a church were all missing but the hewed timbers. A new site was selected, a lot was donated by James Clugage and the timbers removed to the new location. David Linn, Thomas Pyle and James McDonough were employed to build the church, and the Preacher in Charge began to collect subscriptions and materials. With his own hands and a borrowed team he hauled the lumber from Lindley's mill 8 miles. For subscriptions and other items see pages 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11, 12. Church Organization.
The first
Methodist Episcopal
Church organized in Jackson County, Oregon Territory was in
Jacksonville on the 1st day of January 1854, with the following
members, viz: Sylvester H. Taylor, Christopher Alderson, J. H. B.
Royal, Mary Ann Royal and the pastor, T. F. Royal.The society was soon increased by the addition of William Kahler, Mrs. William Kahler, Mrs. S. H. Taylor, Miss Mary E. Royal, J. P. Hawks, R. S. Munn, Rice Benson, Thomas Trimble, Curtis Davenport, H. B. Horn, Mrs. Ganung, S. P. Shock, George Payne, Isaac Jones, a Negro, Local Preacher, a noble man of God, William Miller, M.D., Mrs. William Miller, and her father George Young, Enoch Walker, Mrs. E. Walker, and Mrs. Newcomb, Butte Creek. Phoenix.
The first
society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Phoenix was organized January 15, 1854. The first
members were Rev. Stephen P. Taylor, a local preacher, Mrs. S. P.
Taylor, Rev. John Gray, a superannuate of the Missouri Conference of
the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Mrs. J. Gray, Mary Gray, Robert
Gray, added afterwards Clark Taylor, Hobart Taylor, Rachel Taylor and
Abigail Taylor.Eden School House.
The first
Methodist Episcopal
Church at the Eden school house in the Wagner Creek neighborhood was
organized February 18, 1854 with the following members: Rev. William
Royal, superannuate of the Rock River Conference, an Elder, Barbara
Royal, Jason L. Royal, Father Rockfellow, Mrs. Albert Rockfellow, [W.]
Cortez Myer, Mrs. C. Myer, Mrs. John Myers and daughter, now Mrs. E.
K. Anderson.The First Quarterly Conference.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS 161, folder 5
The first
Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Jackson
County, O.T. was organized on the 18th day of February 1854. In the
absence of the Presiding Elder, the Preacher in Charge, T. F. Royal,
The members were Rev. Stephen P. Taylor, local preacher, Sylvester H. Taylor, steward and secretary, John Gray, an Elder and superannuate of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, Mo. Conference, Rev. William Royal, Elder and superannuate of the Rock River Conference Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. J. H. B. Royal, local preacher, George Payne, steward, J. P. Hawks, exhorter, Christopher Alderson, steward, Cortez Myer, steward. On motion of J. H. B. Royal [it] was recommended to be received into the traveling connection of the Oregon Annual Conference. Josephine
Pass, Rogue River or Gold
River Circuit
The first organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Josephine County, O.T. was effected in the home of Mr. Joseph Patterson at Grants Pass on the 17th day of April 1854. The persons received into the church were Doctor Greenberry Miller, Caroline Miller, Joseph Patterson, Rebecca Patterson and Mrs. Vannoy. Educational.
SchoolThe spelling book and the Bible are the most important factors building up model society. Hence Methodism has always aimed to keep education and the gospel at the front in the rapid march of civilization, and hence the importance of the day school and the Sunday school. These were soon provided for. A few families of children having come into Jacksonville, a day school was organized with Rev. J. H. B. Royal as teacher. To provide for this school a large house of split lumber was rented of Col. Ross, and the day school allowed to occupy the front, which also served for all our ordinary religious services, the family occupying the back room. On the 1st day of January 1854 the first Sunday school was organized in Jacksonville with William Kahler as superintendent, Rev. J. H. B. Royal as assist. sup., S. H. Taylor sec. and librarian, who also presented to the S.S. a library of books from the A.S.S. Union. The teachers besides the above officers were Mrs. Mary A. Royal, Christopher Alderson and Mary E. Royal. Others were soon organized at Butte Creek, Phoenix & Eden S.H. The first Sunday school celebration of the 4th of July in the extreme southern part of the state was in the year 1854. I had a nice banner made for each school--one a very costly one made of white satin with a fountain, clasped hands and underneath "Feed My Lambs." All the schools met on the morning of the 4th in Jacksonville and were all in double file with the Jacksonville school in front. I then held up the large satin banner and said "This banner is for the S.S. that was organized first." I then presented to the Clinton Butte, Baptist S.S. and all marched to the celebration ground in Heber's grove. Addresses by Father Kinney, S. H. Taylor, T. F. Royal. Splendid dinner. Educational.
County Public Schools
Two gentlemen, Capt. J. F. Miller and Lieutenant Griffin, came to me saying: "We are commissioned to wait on you and ascertain your politics." I am a Methodist preacher. "Yes, we know that, but we suppose you have some political preferences." Yes, gentlemen, I have. I endorse some measures in the Whig platform, and some in the Democratic platform. "Well, Mr. Royal, we are making up a list of candidates for county officers to be voted on at the coming election, and we have decided to put your name on both tickets for County School Sup." They did so and I was elected by an overwhelming majority. I regarded this as providential, and went to work in good earnest. I soon had the county laid off into school districts, and good, competent, moral and religious teachers employed, and a Teachers Association organized. Church Building The time had come when we must have a church. The room in my private house was too small for the growing congregations. Through the courtesy of county officers we had used the courthouse for special occasions. James Clugage deeded to the Methodist Episcopal Church a lot on which to build a house of worship. The hewed timbers that had been prepared by Rev. J. S. Smith were moved to this more eligible spot, and three carpenters were employed to put up the building. Their names: Thomas Pyle, David Linn and James McDonough. The pastor with his own hand and a borrowed team hauled the lumber 8 miles from Lindley's sawmill. His wife boarded the hands and sewed the duck lining for the side walls and ceiling of the church. The following subscriptions and notes show how the money was raised in time of financial pressure and how the church was dedicated free of debt. The following is an exact copy of the original subscription circulated in Jacksonville and vicinity for the purposes therein named. The heading names, amounts, payments, how paid, and to whom paid &c. all precisely as they were in the original; which according to the best of my knowledge and belief was strictly accurate--having preserved the original with great care until it was copied--verbatim et literatim et punctuatim with my own hand. T.
F. Royal
have corrected spelling when possible to facilitate searching.]We the subscribers severally agree to pay the sums herein set below opposite our respective names, to Wm. Kahler, treasurer, appointed to receive and pay out said funds for enclosing, flooring, covering &c. the building frame erected for a Methodist church in this place. Jacksonville,
O.T., May 15, 1854.
Subscription No. 2 The heading of No. 2 was the same as No. 1, merely a continuation of the first for the same purposes, the first being badly worn and laid aside to preserve. The original heading reads thus--Subscription to Meeting House in Jacksonville--for Sash, Bell, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Cornice, Lining, Lumber for Seats, Stove, &c. &c. &c. As there was not money enough raised for all the above purposes the bell and some other things were necessarily left out. N.B. This heading is put in here through mistake--it belongs to Subscription No. 3. Subscription No. 2 Or the first continued; this being for the same purposes and heading the same. The paper of No. 1 was being badly worn and laid aside to preserve.
Subscription No. 3 Headed thus--Subscription to Meeting House in Jacksonville for Sash, Bell, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Cornice, Lining, Lumber for Seats, Stove &c. &c. &c. As there was not money enough raised for all the above purposes, the bell, with some other things, was left out.
Subscription No. 4 Raised by Mrs. M. A. Royal. For Lining, Stove, Pulpit, Trimmings &c.
Subscription No. 5 Raised by Miss M. E. F. Royal to be applied toward furnishing church.
Subscription No. 6 Taken at dedication. To pay arrearages.
We certify that the foregoing is a correct exhibit of the subscriptions circulated for the purposes therein mentioned, being exact copies of the original. T.
F. Royal
Dates of Annual Conference Appointments
I was admitted to the Rock River Conference, Illinois on the 15? of
September 1846 and appointed to the Hennepin Circuit as junior preacher
under Chas. Babcock.
A day or so ago I dropped in to renew my acquaintanceship with Mrs. C. Alderson, who has learned to grow old gracefully. She lives at No. 1280 East Belmont Street. Mrs. Alderson is four-score years and two, having been born January 26, 1842. She was born in La Salle County, Illinois. "There were 13 children in our family--nine boys and four girls," said Mrs. Alderson. "I was the 12th child. My father, Charles Royal, was born in Virginia in 1797. My mother, Mary Gearhart Royal, was born in Virginia on the Fourth of July, 1800, and died on Christmas Day, 1888. My father and mother were married at Piqua, Ohio, in 1818, when Mother was 18 years old. "My father was a potter. He and my uncle William Royal made cups, saucers and plates, and earthenware, such as jugs, jars and other glazed ware. My father got lead poisoning from working with the glazed ware, so he had to give up the business. My father's brother William also quit the pottery business and joined the Rock River Methodist Conference. "When I was 10 years old--that was in 1852---we started across the plains by ox team for Oregon. There were 25 wagons in our train, with Captain Ross in command. The older children did not come to Oregon. Only five of the children came--my brothers James, Fletcher, William, Louis and myself. Of the 13 children in our family there are but three now living. My sister Mary Elizabeth, now Mrs. Mahan, lives at Eureka, Kan., and my brother William, who is 86 years old, lives at Elmo, Wash. "When we reached The Dalles we stayed there a week, during which time Father sold our oxen and wagons. Father wanted Mother to go down the river on the log raft with our goods. My mother refused to go on the raft. She said to Father, 'We have crossed the plains together, we have lived together 34 years, and I am not going to be separated from you now.' So Mother and I walked down the trail with Father, who was driving our cows, from The Dalles to the Cascades. At the Cascades we boarded a boat and were landed at the mouth of the Sandy, where Father made arrangements to have our cows pastured. At Portland we took passage aboard the Lot Whitcomb and went to Astoria. Mother kept a boarding house there for the next year and my brother Fletcher got work in a sawmill at $75 a month. "In the fall of 1853 Father took up a donation land claim two miles north of Gresham. In 1854 I started to school at the Portland academy. 'Father' J. H. Wilbur came down in 1849 from the Oregon Institute at Salem, where he had been teaching, and secured from the proprietors of the Portland townsite a site for a proposed academy, which he named the Portland academy. He was a good hand with an ax, so he cleared the land of the standing timber, and in 1851 a building was put up and 'Portland Academy and Female Seminary' started in a modest way. It was not incorporated till 1854, the year I started to school there. The year before I started, Father Wilbur went to Southern Oregon and started the Umpqua academy. I attended the Portland academy three years. Professor C. S. Kingsley and his wife were my teachers. "When I was 17 years old I taught my first school. I taught in the old Cedar school, near Gresham. My next school was on the Columbia, near Fairview. From there I went to a school near Hillsboro. While teaching there I met Rev. C. Alderson. I was 20. He was 35. He was born in Yorkshire, England. He came to Oregon in the same year in which I came--1852. Before I met him he had preached two years at Olympia, and also two years at a lumber camp called Seattle, which gave no promise at that time of becoming a world port. He was pastor of the Methodist church at Seattle when we were married, in 1862. Father Wilbur performed the marriage ceremony for us. We went to Roseburg shortly after our marriage. My husband's salary at Roseburg was $300 a year. "The wife of a Methodist minister learns geography at first-hand, and she learns to do without. Just to give you an idea of how we were shifted about, I need only tell you that after a two years' pastorate at Roseburg we were assigned to Whidbey Island, where we stayed two years. From there we went to Rock Creek, in Clackamas County, for two years, and from there to Dayton and Lafayette, where we stayed two years and then went for two years to Sheridan, after which we spent two years at Dallas, which was followed by two years at Brownsville. From there we went to a country church in Coos County, where we sojourned for a year, after which we went to Empire City, where we stayed three years. At that time Empire City had three or four hotels and three or four stores, and was a thriving place, though now it is one of the 'ghost cities' of Oregon. From there we went to Jacksonville and Ashland, where my husband received a salary of $800 a year--the largest he ever received. "Our children were growing up and needed to go to school, so we moved to Salem so they could enter Willamette University. I became matron of the women's college. My husband filled occasional temporary appointments in the vicinity of Salem. "We lived in Salem 15 years. I kept boarders and sold milk so that my children might remain in the university. "We had seven children--five girls and two boys. My son Will has served as county superintendent of Multnomah County schools for eight years. Scott works in the city water department. Edith lives with me and is a teacher in the Glencoe school. Anna married W. A. Pearson. She and her husband live in Portland and work for the Southern Pacific Company, and have for more than 20 years. They are both telegraph operators. Marguerite graduated from the music department of Willamette University, taking both vocal and instrumental music. She married Robert L. Burkhart of Albany. Pearl is dead. Lois married Joseph Huggins of Portland. "My father's brother, Rev. William Royal, came to Oregon in 1853, the year after we came. He founded Centenary Methodist church in Portland, in 1867. Two of his sons--T. F. and J. H. B.--became ministers. Another son, C. W., was a well-known merchant of Salem half a century or more ago." Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, July 16, 1924, page 10 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
Before moving to Laurelhurst I lived on Mount Tabor. A few blocks
from my home was a small house in which lived Mrs. Sarah A. Royal. As I
passed her home I would occasionally stop and pass the time of day. One
day she said to me:OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I spent my girlhood at Galesburg, Ill., though I was born in East Tennessee, on September 20, 1827. My father was a blacksmith. My father was born in Pennsylvania, and disliked slavery. We lived on the public highway on the road to Baltimore, and we would frequently see gangs of slaves going along the road, so we left Tennessee in 1836 for Illinois. I taught school prior to my marriage to C. W. Royal on September 2, 1864. We left New York state in the early summer of 1865. We went to New York to take the boat for the Isthmus. The soldiers were just coming home from the war. It was a time of rejoicing and sorrowing. The nation was sorrowing over the death of President Lincoln, and the coming home of thousands of soldiers opened afresh the wounds of those who had lost their husbands, sweethearts, brothers or fathers during the war. My sister's husband died in Andersonville prison. My brother was wounded shortly before peace was declared. He was married and had three children. His wife was notified what train he would come home on, so she went to the depot with the children to meet him. When the train pulled in they watched eagerly as the soldiers got off. When all the soldiers were off, my brother's wife asked the conductor, who told her that her husband died on the way home and that his body was in the baggage car. "My husband's father, William Royal, was a pioneer missionary. He lived in Portland. He had been superannuated, but he did conference work and also met the emigrants at the dock and collected and cared for destitute emigrants. He was born in England, but came to America when he was a boy, settling in Virginia. From Virginia he went to Ohio and later moved to Illinois. He was in Illinois at the time of the Black Hawk War. He crossed the plains with his family to Oregon in 1853. He founded Centenary Methodist church in Portland in 1867. Two of his sons, J. H. B. Royal and P. F. Royal, became Methodist ministers. My husband, C. W. Royal, was born in Ohio in 1823. He did not come to Oregon with his father, Rev. William Royal, in 1853, but came 12 years later. "My husband, when I married him, was a widower with two children, Ladru and Osmon. Back in Illinois my husband was in the hardware business, but when we came to Portland he became a real estate dealer. We bought a 30-acre farm on Mount Tabor. When we moved here in 1866 there were only three houses between our place and the river. The districts that are now Sunnyside, Irvington and Laurelhurst were then covered with heavy timber. "From Portland we moved to Salem, where we stayed six years so Ladru could attend Willamette University. He graduated there and later taught at Oregon City, Vancouver, Ashland and Corvallis. My father-in-law, William Royal, had a brother Charles who lived at Albany. My husband was William Royal's second son. His first son was Fletcher Royal. The next child after my husband was William Royal, then came James, then Mary, who married Rev. John Flinn, and then Jason, who was the youngest child." Mrs. Royal's stepson, Dr. Osmon Royal, was a well-known physician here in Portland for many years. He was born near Bloomington, Ill., on January 3, 1856. After attending Willamette University, he spent three years at Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio. From there he went to a Boston university, where he took a four years' course in the medical department. After spending a year or two in practice in the East he came to Portland and built a sanitarium on Mount Tabor. In 1889 he was married to Miss Julia Morgan of Ilion, N.Y. In coming across the plains the emigrants often brought a passenger along in the prairie schooners that they were unaware of--Dan Cupid. As a result many marriages occurred on the way across the plains. In the absence of a minister in the wagon train someone who had once served as a justice of the peace or county judge back East was pressed into the service to perform the ceremony. As a result of these impromptu marriages the records of the territorial legislature have numerous records similar to the one I am here copying from the session laws of Oregon Territory for 1855, which reads as follows: "An act to legalize the marriage between John C. Carey and Sarah Carey. "Whereas, doubts exist as to the legality of the marriage heretofore solemnized in June, 1846, on the Platte River, between John C. Carey and Sarah Carey, of Marion County; therefore-- "Section 1. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, That the marriage heretofore solemnized between John Carey and Martha Cleinfeldter, in the year 1842, is hereby dissolved. "Sec. 2. The marriage heretofore solemnized on the Platte River between John C. Carey and the said Sarah Carey, in the year 1846, followed up by continued cohabitation as husband and wife ever since to this day, be and the same is hereby declared legal and valid, and all the children of said Sarah, begotten by said John, as well before as after the passage of this act, are hereby declared legitimate to all intents and purposes. "Sec. 3. The said parties are hereby exempted from all penalties, fines and imprisonments incurred by them, or either of them, as to which they may be liable in consequence of the illegality of said last mentioned marriage. "Passed January 5, 1855." Changing the names of people and of places was another favorite indoor sport of the early-day legislators. Here are two acts passed by the territorial legislature of 1854-55. "Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, That the name of the town of Takenah, in the county of Linn and Territory of Oregon, be and the same is hereby changed to that of Albany. "Sec. 2. This act to take effect from and after its passage. "Passed January 23, 1855." "Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oregon, That the name of Gold River be and the same is hereby changed to that of Rogue River. "Sec. 2. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. "Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. "Passed January 24, 1855." Oregon Journal, Portland, July 2, 1925, page 8 Jacksonville Marriage of 1854 First Recorded in Ancient County Tome
In a quaint little book with worn black binding, which resembles an
old-fashioned hymnal, and perches on a shadowed shelf of the courthouse
with ragged ears tempting no modern readers, the first records of
marriages solemnized in Jackson County, Territory of Oregon, are listed
in "fancy writin'."
Evelyn Winkle and John C. Ingleman lead the list. Their marriage, recorded by the pen of Hiram Abbott, justice of the peace, who also performed the ceremony, January 17, 1854, reads: "John C. Ingleman and Elizabeth Winkle, Territory of Oregon, Jackson County, town of Jacksonville, the 17th day of January, 1854, were by me joined together with their mutual consent in the bonds of wedlock, and I did first ascertain that the parties were of sufficient age to consent to the same, which took place in the presence of John Green and George Cedric." A postscript explains that the marriage was "celebrated" in the presence of John Green and George Adams. The next marriage recorded is that of James N. Vannoy to Marguerite Dimmick. Justice of the Peace Abbott officiated again. He continued to through several pages, indicating that five-dollar gold pieces of the early days were going to law instead of the church until T. F. Royal, "a minister of the gospel," came along. Gideon S. Kerr and Susan A. Grand were the first to be married by Rev. Royal, competition for whom soon appears in the name of M. N. Stearns, whose marriage of Patrick Dunn and Mary M. Hill, well-known Southern Oregon pioneers, was recorded August 7, 1855. Other names which have come to hold a significant place in the history of the Rogue River Valley, appearing in the little book, are: Jesse Robinson, married to Lavinia J. Constant, April 27, 1854; James Collins, married to Ann Stow, August 16, 1855; Wm. T. Leever to Elizabeth M. Constant January 4, 1856. The size and importance of the Indian population of the day is best expressed in the frequent announcements of marriages of white men to Indian women. They read: "John Doe to Sally, a squaw," or "John Doe to a Kanaka woman." The many other marriage stories, however, told and retold by early settlers and their descendants, daring fords of the Rogue, shotguns and the price of flour, find no place in the records. All was calm and peaceful at the weddings solemnized in Jackson County before Oregon became a state, judging from the story the little book tells (which many pioneers are not going to believe). Among the many other marriages of pioneers whose families still hold a prominent place in Southern Oregon life were listed: R. F. Maury and Elizabeth Chambers, married December 14, 1856; Kasper Kubli, married to Jane Newcomb December 7, 1857, E. C. Pelton to Mary S. Rowe, November 16, 1857 and A. L. Vincent to Maria Metcalf, January 1, 1861. In these marriages were represented the leading communities of the settlement, reaching from the Applegate to Sams Valley. Medford Mail Tribune, April 23, 1931, page 3 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
"My daughter Emma, who lives with me here at 1635 East Morrison
Street, was born February 3, 1873, and was the first white child born
in Goldendale, Wash.," said Mrs. Emma J. Royal. "When I married the
Rev. J. H. B. Royal, on July 23, 1868, we moved up to Claquato, in
Lewis County, Washington. In 1871 we moved to where Goldendale was
later built. We built the first house in Goldendale. The winter of 1871
was very cold. The snow fell and crusted over and the next two
snowfalls also crusted over. The snow was deep and this triple crust of
snow cut the horses' legs so badly that we had no mail for six weeks.
We had no milk during the time and we lived on frozen beef, bread and
dried apples. In those days you couldn't buy canned fruit or other
canned things as you can today. After two years my husband was assigned
to the Clear Creek church, on the Molalla. He served there two years,
then his blindness came on and he was superannuated and we moved to
West Portland.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I remember distinctly how we used to cross the ferry at Portland in 1855. The flatboat was run by a treadmill operated by a mule. I used to feel so sorry for the poor mule, walking and walking and never getting anywhere. "In 1881 we moved to Salem so the children could attend Willamette University. Emma at that time was 7 years old and was the youngest pupil at Willamette. Lizzie Boise was her teacher. We lived near the Lincoln school, in South Salem. After 22 years at Salem we moved to Portland, where we have lived ever since. "My husband's people, the Royals, were early-day settlers in Southern Oregon. Not only did my husband teach the first school in Jacksonville and in 1854 served as principal of Umpqua Academy, at Wilbur, but his brother, Thomas Fletcher Royal, later served as principal of Umpqua Academy." The father of the Rev. J. H. B. Royal and the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal was the Rev. William Royal, who was born in England, settled in Virginia, later moved to Ohio and still later to Illinois. He was in Illinois at the time of the Black Hawk War. He crossed the plains to Oregon in 1853. He founded Centenary Methodist church, in East Portland, and had the pleasure of seeing two of his sons, the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal and the Rev. J. H. B. Royal, became Methodist ministers. Dr. Osmon Royal, who became a well-known physician in Portland, was the son of C. W. Royal, who was born in Ohio in 1823 and was a brother of the Rev. J. H. B. Royal and the Rev. T. F. Royal. Dr. Royal's father, C. W. Royal, started a hardware store in Salem about the close of the Civil War. Dr. Royal was a student at Willamette University and founded a sanitarium on Mount Tabor. The Methodist church in Jacksonville was built when the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal was pastor there. It was built by Pyle, McDonough and David Linn. James Clugage, one of the founders of Jacksonville, gave the land on which it was located. The Rev. J. H. Wilbur, presiding elder of the Umpqua district, at the request of the Rev. T. F. Royal came to Jacksonville in the fall of 1854 to assist in the dedication of the building. Umpqua Academy was located by the Rev. James H. Wilbur in what was known as Bunton's Gap. He cleared the ground and helped put up a log cabin. For many years Umpqua Academy was the only school of higher learning between Sacramento and Salem. In 1900 it ceased to have an official existence and was merged with the public school system. Its founder, the Rev. James H. Wilbur, built the first Methodist church in Portland, in 1850, and prior to coming to Portland had organized a Sunday school at San Francisco, the first Protestant work to be established in that city. Oregon Journal, Portland, February 2, 1933, page 6 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
When you and I were young, Maggie,
Methodist ministers were shifted about like the bits of colored glass
in a kaleidoscope. The bits of glass remained the same, but with every
move of the kaleidoscope they formed new combinations. I have
interviewed scores of old-time Methodist ministers who during a
ministry of 40 years would have served as pastor in from 25 to 30
communities. Recently I interviewed Mrs. Emma J. Royal, on Mount Tabor,
whose husband, the Rev. J. H. B. Royal, was a Methodist minister here
when Oregon was a territory. Her father-in-law, the Rev. C. W. Royal,
was the founder of Centenary Methodist church in East Portland, and her
brother-in-law, the Rev. T. F. Royal, served as pastor in many new
communities, particularly throughout Southern Oregon. The Rev. William
Royal, her husband's grandfather, prior to crossing the plains to
Oregon belonged to the Illinois conference.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley One gets a good idea of how these early-day Methodist ministers were shifted about when one learns that the Rev. William Royal served as pastor at Bloomington, Ill., in 1832, at Ottawa in 1833, the following year at Fox River mission, at Des Plaines in 1836, at Waterloo in 1837, at Waynesville in 1838, at Winchester in 1839, at Pulaski in 1840 and 1841, at Monmouth in 1842, at Richland in 1843, at Greenville in 1844, and the next year was transferred to the Rock River conference and appointed to the Peoria circuit. The next year he was transferred to the Little Rock circuit. In 1848 he was at Newark. In 1850 he was transferred to the Livingston circuit and was superannuated in 1851. In 1860 he was restored to the active list, transferred to the Oregon conference, and appointed to the Portland mission. In 1861 he served as pastor at Tualatin and from 1862 till 1868 served as conference tract agent. The Rev. William Royal's son, C. W. Royal, crossed the plains to Oregon in 1853. When Oregon was a territory the Methodist circuit riders rode on horseback through remote settlements, preaching in schoolhouses and at log cabins. Frequently there would be a pioneer settlement where, in spite of the absence of a pastor, meetings would be held, a Sunday school organized and class meetings held even though no minister was present. One of the most curious incidents I have run across in this connection is typical of what frequently happened here in Oregon, though this particular instance occurred near the mouth of the Wabash. A group of 10 settlers met to help put up a log cabin. They agreed to meet the following Sabbath at religious services at one of the cabins. The following Sunday eight women and 10 men assembled. No one present had ever conducted a public service and, what was strange, not a single one of the men present belonged to any church. One of the number had brought a Bible. This was laid open on a three-legged stool. As no one volunteered to lead, the man of the house prepared nine straws and they agreed that the one who drew the long straw should conduct the services. George Davidson drew the long straw. He read a chapter in the Bible. They sang an old-time Methodist camp-meeting hymn, and then they kneeled in prayer and were led by George Davidson. Thereafter they met weekly, George Davidson leading the services. He later became a minister and every man in the settlement was converted and joined the church. When Robert A. Booth [sic] erected the bronze equestrian statue "The Circuit Rider" near the statehouse at Salem in honor of his father a large number of Oregon poets wrote verses commemorating the event. Oregon Journal, Portland, April 30, 1933, page 6 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
"I was born at Wilbur, in Southern Oregon, August 3, 1863," said
Mrs. Harold Oberg when I interviewed her recently on the Oberg farm on
Northeast 102nd Avenue.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I graduated from Willamette University in 1888 and married a classmate, Harold Oberg. My maiden name was Acolia F. Royal. My father, the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal, was born at Columbus, Ohio. He died in 1911 at the age of 90. Father attended Galesburg College, at Galesburg, Ill., and shortly thereafter joined the Rock Creek Methodist conference, in Illinois. My mother, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Stanley, was born in New York state. Father and Mother were married on September 19, 1849. "My father's grandfather, Thomas Royal, was born in England in 1752. He came to America, enlisted in the army and was wounded in one of the battles of the Revolution. Not long after the close of the war he married Hannah Cooper, daughter of William Southerby Cooper, who lived in New Jersey, seven miles from Philadelphia. Thomas Royal, having come from England, was a member of the Church of England, while his wife, Hannah Cooper, was a birthright member of the Quaker Church, After their marriage they settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. In 1795 they moved to Monongahela County, in West Virginia. They had 10 children, nine of whom lived to maturity and eight of whom raised good-sized families. Samuel Royal, a brother of my father's grandfather, served in Hull's army in the War of 1812 and died on July 30, 1812. "My father, Thomas Fletcher Royal, was the oldest of seven children. His brother Charles, who was a school teacher, died in Portland. Charles was born in Ohio in 1823. He had a hardware store in Illinois but after coming to Oregon settled at Salem. His son, Dr. Osmon Royal, was educated at Willamette University and later put in three years at Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, Ohio, later securing his medical education at Boston University. My uncle William was a physician. My uncle James was a Methodist minister and belonged to the Oregon conference. My uncle George died young. My uncle Jason had a shoe store, first at Salem and later at Portland. My aunt Mary, who was Father's only sister, married the Rev. John Flinn. She lived to be over 90, and her husband also passed his 90th milestone. "My father's father, the Rev. William Royal, was the founder of Centenary Methodist church in East Portland, now known as Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. "My father and mother crossed the plains by ox team in 1853. In the same wagon train were Father's brother, the Rev. James H. D. Royal, and his father and mother, the Rev. William and Barbara Royal. Father was then about 32 years old. He went to Jacksonville, which at that time was the metropolis of Southwestern Oregon and one of the livest mining camps in the West. James Clugage had deeded a lot at Jacksonville to the Methodist church. Father would go into a saloon where a lot of miners were gambling and where stacks of $20 gold pieces or pokes of gold dust were on the table, and would hold a service. The saloonkeepers were glad to have him take up a collection and go, for while Father was praying, the miners, out of respect to him, would not drink or gamble. By making rather frequent visits to various saloons Father soon collected enough money to build the church. The church was built by Pyle & McDonough and David Linn, whose son, Fletcher Linn, lives in Portland. This church, which is still standing in Jacksonville, was dedicated in the fall of 1854 by the Rev. J. H. Wilbur, at that time presiding elder of the Umpqua district. My mother secured cotton cloth, which she sewed together, and with which the church was lined. In those days they tacked cloth to the walls before papering a room. "My father had been lame since he was a boy, but after he came to Oregon he fell from a ladder. The fall snapped a tendon, so that thereafter he was much less lame than he had been. Father was a circuit rider at the time I was born. "There were eight of us children, two of whom came across the plains and one of whom was born while Father and Mother were crossing the plains. "I learned the alphabet at Wilbur. When I was a little girl, Father was made presiding elder, and we moved to Salem. In 1871 we moved to Portland, where my grandfather, the Rev. William Royal, was city missionary. Father came to Portland to become principal of the Portland Academy and Female Seminary. During the four years he had this position I attended school there. From Portland we moved to the Siletz Agency, where Father was agency clerk, served as teacher and also preached. I attended school at Siletz." Oregon Journal, Portland, February 23, 1935, page 4 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
"We are old-time Methodists," said Mrs. Harold Oberg, whose home is
on Northeast 102nd Avenue. Mrs. Oberg, whose maiden name was Aeolia F.
Royal. and her husband, the Rev. Harold Oberg, retired Methodist
minister, were classmates at Willamette University, graduating in the
class of 1888. Mrs. Oberg's father, the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal, was
a Methodist minister and a son of the Rev. William Royal, founder of
Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. Her uncle James Royal was also a
Methodist minister and a member of the Oregon conference.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "When Father and Mother crossed the plains they had two children, and one was born on the plains," said Mrs. Oberg. "There were eight of us in all. The oldest, Nina T., married Clark Smith, a teacher, who later became a minister. He and my sister studied medicine. They lived for awhile at Cornelius and Hillsboro. They went to Africa as medical missionaries under Bishop Taylor. Nina died in Africa and is buried on the banks of the Congo. Her husband brought the family back to Cornelius. Two of their daughters are still living--one in Washington and one in California. My brother Stanley Olin Royal graduated from Willamette University in 1874, and later from Drew Theological Seminary. He married Matilda Walden, daughter of Bishop Walden. Stanley is dead, but his widow and two daughters live at Dayton, Ohio. My brother Miller Gould Royal was born on the plains. He also graduated from Willamette University. He taught school some years in Oregon and Washington and was appointed principal of the Weston Normal School. Later he was principal of the normal school at Ashland. William died while studying for the ministry at Ohio Wesleyan University. My brother Forrester was a teacher and was a government employee at the Klamath Agency. Later he worked for the Southern Pacific for many years. He died last August. My brother Orsemus died as a child. My sister Carrie Lucretia, named for the wife of Father Wilbur, after graduating from Willamette University married Edgar Mumford of Olympia. They went to Utah, where Mr. Mumford taught for some time, then entered the government service as a clerk in the land office department and was stationed for a long time at Vancouver, Wash. He retired recently after 30 years of service. He and my sister live at Vancouver. "We moved to Siletz when I was a girl, Father having secured a position as teacher there. I attended school at the Siletz Agency for awhile, and later at Hillsboro, as Father had been called to the pastorate of the Methodist church at Hillsboro. Still later I attended Pacific University, at Forest Grove. From Hillsboro we went to Salem, as Father had been made presiding elder. We were there four years. I attended Willamette University several years and then went to Ashland to teach. My brother Miller Gould Royal, who was born while my parents were crossing the plains, in 1853, was principal of the school at Ashland. From Ashland, in the early '80s, I went to a charming little community called Zena, in Spring Valley, in Polk County, about seven miles from Salem, where I taught for a year. Among the pupils I remember best were Balm Mann, who is now married and lives at Yonkers-on-the-Hudson, and Ida Purvine. With the money I had saved from teaching I returned to Willamette University. "My father, who had been presiding elder at Salem, after serving his four-year term became pastor of the Methodist church at Lincoln, two miles east of Zena and near Spong's ferry. Colonel Carle Abrams' father had a mill there for many years. "From Lincoln we went to the Klamath Indian Reservation, Father having secured a position as teacher there. I taught in the Indian girls' boarding school and served as seamstress. This work was very practical, for we made all of the clothing for both girl and boy students. From Klamath Agency I once more returned to Willamette, staying three years, graduating in 1888. "My classmate Harold Oberg and I were married on August 22, 1888, and at once went East to continue our education at Garrett Biblical Institute. I majored in Greek and Hebrew. After graduating my husband was appointed pastor of the Methodist church at Woodburn. Within the next few years I became well acquainted with the Methodists and others at our various pastorates at Woodburn, Lebanon, Halsey, Corvallis, Oregon City, Hillsboro, Astoria and Portland. "Ovedra, our oldest daughter, has been for 16 years bookkeeper for the H. W. Sharp Company in Portland. Our son Terry Royal is with the Western Electric Company in New Jersey. Our daughter Miriam has been financial secretary of the Portland Y.W.C.A. for eight years. Ruth has passed on. Elaine graduated from Willamette University in 1924 and for several years was a teacher in the high school on Vashon island, in the state of Washington. She then became a teacher of biology in Washington High School in Portland. She is now an exchange teacher with McKinley High School of Honolulu and is spending a year teaching in Honolulu." Oregon Journal, Portland, February 28, 1935, page 12 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
"I was born at Wilbur on August 1, 1868," said Mrs. E. M. Mumford
when I interviewed her at her home at 514 Beech Street, Vancouver. "My
father was the Rev. Thomas Fletcher Royal. His father, the Rev. William
Royal, founded Centenary-Wilbur Methodist church. I am one of a family
of eight children. For many years my father was principal of Umpqua
Academy, at Wilbur. When I was 2 years old we moved to the Siletz
agency, Father having secured a position as teacher there. My mother
also taught. We were there five or six years. From there we moved to
Hillsboro, where Father served as pastor of the Methodist church.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "Father was made presiding elder, so we moved to Salem. During the four years we were there I attended the preparatory department of Willamette University. 'Aunt Lizzie' Boise was one of my teachers. From Salem we went to Lincoln, on the Willamette, in Polk County. Our next-door neighbors were Lettie, Lois and Carle Abrams. Carle later joined the Oregon National Guard, became lieutenant colonel and went to England and France during the World War. While we were there my sister, Aeolia F., now Mrs. Harold Oberg of Portland, taught in the school at Zena, in Spring Valley, about two miles west of Lincoln. From Lincoln we went to the Klamath agency, where Father served as missionary and teacher and where my mother was employed as matron. Aeolia secured a position as teacher in the Indian school. She taught sewing, and she and the Indian girls made all of the clothing for the students. "From the Klamath agency Aeolia and I moved to Salem to attend Willamette University. My parents went to Monroe, in Benton County, where Father was pastor of the Methodist church. Aeolia married a classmate, the Rev. Harold Oberg, on August 22, 1888, and they went to Garrett Biblical Institute to take further work. Meanwhile, Father had been appointed pastor of the Methodist church at Dallas, so my parents moved there and I took a position as teacher at the Oak Grove school, in Polk County. I taught there a year and then returned to Willamette, from which I graduated in 1891. There were six in our graduating class--B. L. Steeves, who came from Silverton, and who became a doctor; Carrie A. Gleason of Hubbard, Minnie Frickey, who later became a professor in Willamette University; J. F. Ailshie, who became an attorney at law; William Heerdt and myself. Among playmates I remember best when I was a little girl in Salem was Kate Dalrymple. "After graduating from Willamette I went to Olympia, Wash., where I taught in the public schools two years. Later, I went to Pendleton and taught some time. I was there during the big flood. I think that was in 1894. I was elected assistant principal at Pendleton, but I had already accepted a position at Halsey, so I could not return to Pendleton. I taught at Halsey three years. "I forgot to tell you that my father at one time was principal of the Portland Academy and Female Seminary. "I remember a curious experience in the way of travel when I was teaching at Pendleton. It was during high water on the Columbia. The railroad was out of commission. I went from Pendleton to Wallula in a caboose, then by wagon for awhile, then took a steamer, climbing from the deck of the boat to the Pasco bridge. I had to stay at the hotel at Pasco all night. I then took the Northern Pacific to Kalama, where I caught a steamer for Portland, and thence west on to Brooks, arriving at midnight. The trip from Pendleton to Brooks took several days and cost me $20. "While teaching in Olympia I met Edgar M. Mumford, a teacher in Olympia Collegiate Institute. He went to Salt Lake City, and on June 23, 1897, came to Mehama, where my father was located, and my father, the Rev. T. F. Royal; my brother-in-law, the Rev. Harold Oberg, and my brother, S. O. Royal, performed the marriage ceremony. I went as a bride to Utah, where my husband and I taught in the schools. Our first child, Edgar Royal, was born in Utah on May 23, 1898. He is professor of mathematics in the junior high school at McMinnville. In 1899 we went to Palouse City, Wash., where my husband taught for some time. Our daughter, Beatrice, was born there on October 16, 1899. She married Earl H. Gray and now lives at Spokane. My husband was appointed a clerk in the United States land office at Vancouver, so we moved to Vancouver in 1902 and lived here 22 years till the land office was closed, when my husband was transferred to Spokane. Still later we were transferred to Pierre, S.D. After serving 30 years he was retired. "While we were living in Vancouver we had three more children--Harold Stanley, born October 7, 1903, and who graduated from Willamette University; William Waldon, born June 17, 1905, and Hope, born June 30, 1910. Hope attended Linfield College and Willamette University and graduated from the state normal school at Cheney, Wash. She teaches in Clark County." Oregon Journal, Portland, May 19, 1935, page 10 Fred Lockley's Impressions
The first white child born at
Goldendale was Emma Royal, whose father, James Henry Bascom Royal, was
pastor of the Methodist church at Goldendale. When I first met Emma
Royal in 1891, she was a young girl at Salem. Her father came from New
York state by ox team when he was 30 years old.Recently I renewed my acquaintance with my long-time friend at the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the Mount Tabor Methodist church, of which Emma's father was pastor from 1857 to 1859. "My father was the first superintendent of Umpqua Academy at Wilbur in Douglas County," she said. "General W. H. Byars and his future wife, Emma Slocum, were students there, as were N. A. Booth and his brother, J. H. Booth. Bill Byars, son of General and Mrs. Byars, is owner and editor of the Goldendale Sentinel. I was 8 months old when we moved from Goldendale to Rock Creek. I was a student at Willamette University in 1888, '89 and '90. We moved to Salem when I was 7 years old and we lived there for 20 years. When I was 17 I was granted a certificate to teach school. We had hard sledding in Salem. My father lost his sight when I was 2½ years old, so Mother taught school, raised flowers for sale and did sewing to support the family. I was married when I was 18. My daughter Elizabeth lives in San Francisco. She is married and her son, 21, is married and is a student at Harvard law school. "My husband, John Singleton, and I lived on a homestead six miles from Hood River. We spent three years and $1500 on our homestead. We couldn't sell it, but we pulled out anyway. We returned to Salem and in 1904 I came to Portland and took training as a nurse. I was head surgical nurse under Dr. Coffey in the North Pacific Sanatorium for three and a half years. I was superintendent of the Multnomah County farm for 10 years. I have put in 30 years in the nursing profession. In 1920 I married James Joseph O'Sullivan, head engineer at the Multnomah farm. He died 18 months after our marriage. I live at 6221 SE Morrison Street and have been a member of Mount Tabor Methodist church for 44 years. "Do you realize you and I have known each other since 1891? Most of our old-time friends at Salem have taken the one-way trail. My father walked across the plains in 1853, driving five yoke of oxen. He went to Jacksonville, Or., where he taught the first school there during the winter of 1853 and the spring of 1854. In 1895 Father was assigned to the Oak Point circuit, which at that time included both sides of the Columbia River. Father was there during the Indian war of 1855 and '56. My father has many 'firsts' in his record. He was the first principal of Wilbur Academy when it was opened in 1854. In 1857 he was pastor of the Mount Tabor Methodist church. In the early sixties he had the Cascades-Fort Steilacoom circuit. He traveled on horseback, by canoe and afoot. My father's uncle, Colonel Ebey, a brother of Father's mother, lived on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound. One night there was a knock on his door. He went to the door. An Indian pulled him out on the porch, cut off his head and took it with him to Alaska and left his body on the porch." The Rev. H. K. Hines, born in New York state, crossed the plains the same year as did the Rev. J. H. B. Royal in 1853. He was 25 years old and had been preaching for five years, He preached his first sermon in Oregon at the Old Taylor Street church on October 10, 1853. In 1856 he organized a church at The Dalles, and in 1859 became presiding elder of the Salem district. In 1865 he was presiding elder of the Puget Sound district and in 1869 of the Walla Walla district. In 1875 he was presiding elder of the La Grande district, and also of the Boise district. During the '70s he founded the Blue Mountain University at La Grande. In 1880 he became editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate. For two years he was president of the upper house of the Washington territorial legislature. Oregon Journal, Portland, February 15, 1948, page 18 |