![]() ![]() Charley "Buckskin" Williams Claim of Charles Williams (No. 69) $67. Territory of Oregon ) Jackson County ) s.s. Charles Williams of said county being duly sworn says--During actual hostilities of the Rogue River Indian War of 1853 on or about the tenth day of August 1853 Indians of the Rogue River Tribe entered and robbed my dwelling house situated on the north side of Bear Creek in said county, taking away or destroying the following articles of property, to wit: 50# flour 2 pr. blankets 1 camp kettle 2 frying pans 4 tin plates 4 knives & forks 1 butcher's knife 1 calico shirt 1 gold pan 1 set tea spoons 1 History of Texas (400 pages) I have never reclaimed any of said property nor received payment therefor from the United States nor from anyone. Charles Williams
Subscribed and sworn to before me at
Jacksonville this 6th day of February A.D. 1855.Witness my hand and
L. F. Grover
( seal )
Public for Oregon TerritoryTerritory of Oregon ) Jackson County ) s.s. Henry J. Klippel of said county being duly sworn says--During the actual hostilities of the Rogue River Indian War of 1853, I know that Indians of the Rogue River Tribe entered and robbed the dwelling house of Charles Williams situated on the north side of Rogue River in said county, carrying off & destroying various articles of property. I have read the statement of the said Charles Williams in this claim and believe the same to be true. I lived in the house with Mr. Williams previously to its being robbed and know that he had the articles mentioned. I have no interest in this claim. Henry J. Klippel
Subscribed and sworn to before me at
Jacksonville this 9th day of February A.D. 1855.Witness my hand and
L. F. Grover
Award No. 69 $67.Notary Public for Oregon Territory This may certify that the Board of Commissioners appointed to examine and audit claims of citizens for property destroyed by the Rogue River Tribe of Indians or their allies, during the war with said tribe in 1853, have awarded to Charles Williams, a claimant for property destroyed as aforesaid, the sum of sixty-seven dollars. $67. L.
F. Grover
Jacksonville O.T.A. C. Gibbs Geo. H. Ambrose Commissioners February 9, 1855 1853 Rogue River Indian War Claims, NARA Series M2, Microcopy of Records of the Oregon Superintendency of Indian Affairs 1848-1872, Reel 28 Charles Williams is listed among the volunteers of Lamerick's Company in the 1853 Rogue River Indian troubles August 7-September 10, 1853. In the fall of 1853 a preacher by the name of Royal, otherwise known as "Limpy" Royal, came in with the emigration of that year and took up the work that Smith had abandoned. Royal was a royal fellow with the "boys" and knew how to deal with them. Clugage, the proprietor of the town site, gave the present church lots, and Royal had the framework which Smith had left torn down and removed. Thos. Pyle and Jas. McDonough took the contract of building it, and our townsman, David Linn, assisted them. The Rev. Royal then commenced a campaign for building funds. He had a familiar way with the "boys." Would saunter into a gambling hall, stand around awhile watching the Sunday morning games and then he would say: "Boys, when you get through with the deal let's all go down and listen to a little preaching," and the boys would generally turn out to hear him. One day he walked into the leading saloon of the place, where Charley Williams, Ad. Helms and other were engaged at a game of faro. Said he: "Boys, we must have some help in building our church, and I want you fellows to give us a lift." "But," remarked Helms, the dealer, "you would not use money got in this way for such a purpose, would you?" "Oh, yes," replied Royal, "and we would turn it to a better use." Thereupon Williams, in order to test the preacher's sense of duty under the circumstances, spoke up and said: "All right, I'll lay a ten in the pot on this faro deal; if it wins, you take it all," "And," said the dealer, "if she loses, old man, the ten shall be yours anyway." It won. Helms threw up the other ten. Royal took the two coins and "the little church across the way" is in part a result of the better use of that money. "Pioneer Address, Delivered by Wm. Colvig at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Oregon Pioneers, Jacksonville, September 1st, 1898," unidentified clipping, Southern Oregon Pioneers scrapbook page 140, Southern Oregon Historical Society MS 517. Ad Helms' contribution is not recorded in Rev. Royal's meticulous bookkeeping, transcribed on this page. Charley Williams' contribution was $5.00.
the 9th day of October, 1855--midnight--George Anderson rode into
Jacksonville at a breakneck pace. He awakened up the people generally
and imparted the news that the Indians were on the warpath and had
massacred all the settlers on Rogue River from what was then known as
Jewett's Ferry to Grave Creek. That a pack train with full cargo passed
Wagoner's that afternoon and was attacked by the Indians. The packers,
however, got their mules in hand, cut their cargo off and ran the
gantlet safely from Louse Creek to Evans' Ferry on Rogue River; they
lost all their cargo and one mule. These people reported that Wagoners,
on Louse Creek, had not, up to their passing, been molested. G.
Anderson called for volunteers to rescue Mrs. Wagoner and her daughter,
a child about five years old. This was the incentive for one of the
grandest rides made during that or any other Indian war. Fourteen
mounted men responded to the call and were in the saddle en route
inside of one hour after Anderson's alarm. This band of patriots were:
John McLaughlin, A. J. Long, Charles Williams, Claus Westfeldt, James
R. Peters,
Wm. Morrison,
John Tinnin, Joseph Copeland, George Anderson, Dr. C. Brooke, Angus
Brown, Wm. Ballard, Jack Kennedy and Henry Klippel.
. . . We were riding along slowly, feeling about as tired as possible for men to get, when we discovered two horsemen coming toward us at full speed, each with a woman behind him. The horsemen proved to be Claus Westfeldt and Charles Williams; the women Mrs. Harris and her daughter Sophia, the latter wounded in [the] fleshy part of [her] arm, between the elbow and shoulder. Henry Klippel, "A Reminiscence," photocopy of manuscript in Rogue River Indian War vertical file, Southern Oregon Historical Society. Original in SOHS M35B, Box 5 I send this by Mr. Charles Williams, Gen. Lamerick's special expressman. "Volunteer," Oregon Statesman, Salem, June 24, 1856, page 2 Jacksonville,
June 26th 1856
I certify on honor that Charles Williams served as
expressman for John
K. Lamerick, Brigadier General, O.T. from the 20th of March to the 25th
of June 1856 inclusive.Ninety-eight
days @
$10.00 per day . . . $980.00
hundred and
eighty dollars
[unsigned]Joseph Lane Letters MARRIED.
At Jacksonville, Aug. 27th, by Rev. Mr.
Gray, Mr. Charles Williams to Mrs. Ann
Angel.Oregon Argus, Oregon City, September 19, 1857, page 3 MARRIED.
In Jacksonville, Oregon, Aug. 28th, Charles Williams to Mrs. Ann Angel.
Sacramento Daily Union, September 25, 1857, page 3 [Martin Angel's] wife was the reputed daughter of Dr. McLoughlin, and she had extensive matrimonial experience. She was married to a man by the name of Rice, then to Angel and after his death she married a notorious gambler by the name of Charles Williams, a man who, in a fit of passion, killed another man at Dardanelles with a stool." John S. Miller, from an undated, unattributed typescript, Oregon Historical Society Research Library Mss. 211, Olney Family Papers. McLoughlin did not have a daughter named Mary Ann, Ann or Anna. The "McLoughlin" connection may have been a confusion with Jackson County resident John McLaughlin. Miller died in 1912. Jacksonville OT Jan
6th / 58
Gen Joseph LaneDear Sir I write to you in regard to some forage scrip of [the] '53 war. This scrip I have spoken of before to you, when you were here last. I believe I told you something about the circumstances. I think it was not properly entered on the muster roll. This I think I told you about; it is made out in the name of my former husband Martin Angel. Now I want you to understand the matter fully, as I might have omitted something when I was speaking to you about it. Mr. Angel lost this scrip gaming and gave his bond for the payment when it was paid to him. After his death suit was entered against the estate to recover the amount, but those entering suit were nonsuited, as they failed to make out a case, and now I being the proper one to receive this money ask you as a gentleman and friend to use your influence for the purpose of trying to collect the same, and I am perfectly willing to pay you any reasonable charge for any trouble you may be put to in the collection of said scrip. Besides being under many obligations I shall muster up all the proofs I can and send by J H Reed, as he will leave here on the 20th of next month for Washington, and he is my attorney. I shall need your testimony in the case, as you are better acquainted with the matter than anyone else. Charley Drew's testimony will be about as strong as anyone's as he was acting agent or quartermaster. This is all of business matters. Now for a little friendly talk. I suppose you have heard long since that I was married again. I was married on the 27th August to Charles Williams. I had been living at Oregon City previous to my marriage and was married while on a visit to Jacksonville. I since went below and brought out my children and am sending them to school. We are all getting along as well as could be expected. This now is about all I can say, trusting this may find you in the enjoyment of good health. I remain your friend and well wisher. Yours, Anna Williams Joseph Lane Papers SAD BEREAVEMENT.--On Saturday, the 23rd ult., at the residence of Mr. Charles Williams, in Jacksonville, Mary Angel, aged 18 months, infant daughter of Mrs. Ann Williams, fell into a tub of hot water, remaining until the mother ran some distance. When the daughter was taken out, every remedy deemed advisable to relieve the little sufferer was used, but to no purpose. On Sunday morning, the 24th ult., about 4 o'clock, it died. We offer an apology to the parents and friends for a failure to publish this notice last week. It was omitted by mistake. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 6, 1858, page 2 On Saturday, the 23rd of January, at the residence of Charles Williams, in Jacksonville, Mary Angel, aged 18 months, infant daughter of Mary Ann Williams, fell into a tub of hot water, remaining until the mother ran some distance. When the child was taken out, every remedy deemed advisable to relieve the little sufferer was used, but to no purpose. On Sunday morning, the 24th ultimo, about four o'clock, it died. "News from Jacksonville," Sacramento Daily Union, February 24, 1858, page 3 On the 23rd ult. Mary Angel, daughter of Mrs. Williams (formerly Mrs. Angel), fell into a tub of hot water, and remained there several minutes before her mother, who was at some distance, came to her assistance. The little sufferer died the next morning. Oregon Argus, Oregon City, February 27, 1858 You must excuse my again troubling you in reference to a spoliation claim in favor of Martin Angel's estate, but you must attribute it to my being importuned by Mr. Charles Williams. He was desirous of having testimony taken in relation to the matter and forwarded to you. He finds this to be impossible without the voucher or a copy thereof to recall the facts to the memory of the witnesses. He has been unable to procure another copy from Genl. Drew, and requests you to send him one Letter from J. H. Reed to Joseph Lane, August 29, 1858, Joseph Lane Papers Bill of sale of one-fifth interest in Emigrant quartz lead. Know all men by these presents that I, James Hays, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this day bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell to Charles Williams and Henry Klippel and John McLaughlin, of the same county and state, one-fifth interest in a quartz lead known as the Emigrant lead and located near the Big Bar on Rogue River in Jackson County, Oregon in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars; said interest is known as the one-fifth interest recorded in the County Clerk's office of Jackson County on the 13rd of January 1860, by George H. Ish, James Hays, John Long, O. J. Graham and Thomas Cavanaugh. Jacksonville, January 21st, 1860. James Hays [Witnesses:] John S. Drum, R. F. Maury, James T. Glenn Filed and recorded January 21st, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Jackson County Mining Claims, Library of Congress, Collection MSS62455, Shelving No. MMC-1189 After taking out a large amount of the precious metal from their claims, a disagreement arose among the original locators, and Graham sold his interest [in the Gold Hill pocket] to Henry Klippel and John Ross for $5000, while James Hays disposed of his for a like amount to Klippel, John McLaughlin and Charles Williams. Crook County Journal, Prineville, December 12, 1901, page 1 Bill of sale John E. Ross to Charles Williams. Know all men by these presents that I the undersigned have for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, to me in hand paid or secured to be paid, sold, transferred and quitclaimed unto Charles Williams of Jacksonville, Oregon, the one undivided half part of all my right, title and interest in and to the quartz mining claim or lead on Gold Hill in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim or lead being known as the Emigrant or Ish lead, and my interest therein being derived by purchase of O. J. Graham as is evidenced by a bill of sale dated February 4th A.D. 1860 and amounting to one-fifth of the whole of said claim. To have and to hold the undivided half of said one-fifth unto the said Charles Williams, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifth day of March A.D. 1860. John E. Ross Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James R. Peter Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Jackson County Mining Claims, Library of Congress, Collection MSS62455, Shelving No. MMC-1189 Every number of the Sentinel contains news of fresh discoveries of auriferous quartz in Southern Oregon. Two boulders from Gold Hill, said to be "extravagantly rich," were taken to San Francisco by Chas. Williams and John McLaughlin, shareholders in the Gold Hill lead. Oregon Statesman, Salem, May 1, 1860, page 2 Yreka Township, Siskiyou County, California: David Butterfield, 44, farmer, born in Ohio Martha C. Butterfield, 30, born in Tennessee Mary Butterfield, 13, born in Oregon Silvia Butterfield, 12, born in Oregon Jane Butterfield, 11, born in Oregon Martha Butterfield, 7, born in Oregon Eloisa Butterfield, 5, born in Oregon Elizabeth Butterfield, 9, born in Oregon John Butterfield, 3, born in California United States Census, enumerated July 10, 1860 Jacksonville, Oregon: Chas. Williams, 26, trader, born Kentucky Anna Williams, 25, born Canada Geo. Rice, 11, born Oregon W. Angl, 9, born Oregon M. Angl, 7, born Oregon John Angl, 5, born Oregon Loena Williams, 1, born Oregon United States Census, enumerated July 30, 1860 Jacksonville
Mr. E. R.
GearyFeb. 4th 1861 Dear Sir As nothing of importance to the Indian Department has transpired in this section since I last wrote you (Jan. 13th) I will expect to be excused for not writing you sooner. Your own experience with Indian character has undoubtedly caused you to observe that the most accessible avenue to their affections or confidence is by way of their stomachs. It is almost useless to attempt to exercise any influence or control over those Indians here without contributing something to their wants. There is now about forty of them encamped near Jacksonville. About twenty are in the neighborhood of Sterling, and I learn this evening that a small party are in the vicinity of Williamsburg in Josephine County. They do not appear to contemplate any acts of hostility towards the citizens, but through some sources they get whiskey, and scarcely a night passes without hearing or seeing some of them intoxicated. I have petitioned the board of trustees of this town to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of spiritous liquors to any Negro or Kanaka, which I think will arrest their drunkenness at this place. They have had several drunken melees among themselves of late, in one of which one of their number (a Shasta) was wounded. I think it will prove fatal. This is however but the result of the use of strong drink among the untutored Indians. The recent homicide in this county resulting in the death of Butterfield and the ruin of one of our estimable citizens (Williams) is attributable to the same cause. I would have no apprehension of any collision between our citizens and those Indians if they were removed from the vicinity of the town and provided with a few hundred lbs. of flour & few beef cattle for their subsistence until spring, when they expect to return to their own country. For cash good 2- & 3-year-old beef cattle can be had for ten dollars per head. Flour is worth $5.00 per cwt. Now can I not be authorized to make a small purchase of this kind for those Indians? If they were taken onto the waters of Butte Creek and not altogether out of the settlements they could nearly supply themselves with meat from the wild game that abounds there. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain your Obedient
ToThos. Pyle Edward R. Geary Supt. Indian Affairs Portland Ogn. Microcopy of Records of the Oregon Superintendency of Indian Affairs 1848-1873, Reel 19; Letters Received, 1861, No. 29. Fatal Affray Near Jacksonville.
Yreka, January 31st.
David Butterfield, of Yreka, was killed
by Charles
Williams, of Jacksonville, Oregon, on Tuesday last, about twelve miles
from Jacksonville. The difficulty originated at a supper table, when
Williams struck Butterfield on the head with a stool, fracturing his
skull. Williams escaped.Sacramento Daily Union, February 1, 1861, page 3 FATAL AFFRAY.--David Butterfield, of Shasta Valley, Siskiyou County, was killed by one Charles Williams, near Jacksonville, on Monday, January 28th, in an affray. Butterfield left a wife and seven children. He was a very peaceable man when not in liquor. Sacramento Daily Union, February 7, 1861, page 2 THE FUNERAL obsequies of Mr. David Butterfield, who was lately killed in Oregon, by Chas. Williams, took place at the M.E. Church, in this city on Saturday last, the body of the deceased having been brought here for interment. The funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. Mr. Ross, after which, followed by a long train of friends, the corpse was conveyed to the Masonic cemetery and deposited in its final resting place. Weekly Journal, Yreka, February 9, 1861 MURDER IN SOUTHERN OREGON.--David Butterfield was killed at Evansville in Southern Oregon on the 28th ult. by Charles Williams. They were sitting at table together, entire strangers to each other, when a servant asked Williams whether he would have anything. He replied, "No sir, but maybe my friend here (referring to Butterfield) would like something." At this Butterfield took offense and replied in an angry tone that Williams was too young a man to be so familiar with him, he being about fifty years of age. Williams apologized, but Butterfield received the apology in a very unkind manner. Harsh words followed; Butterfield applied a very insulting epithet to Williams, who slapped his face. A fight followed, in the course of which Williams picked up a heavy stool and struck Butterfield, fracturing his skull. Death ensued, as a consequence of the wound, in four hours. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, February 10, 1861, page 1 KILLED.--We learn, from the Yreka Union, that Mr. David Butterfield, a citizen of Shasta Valley, was killed at Evansville, Rogue River Valley, last Saturday, 26th ult., by Charles Williams. It is said that the parties were disputing about business matters, when Butterfield became very abusive towards Williams, who seized a stool and struck Butterfield on the head, from the effects of which he died in a short time. Mr. Butterfield was on his way to Northern Oregon, to settle some business there. Red Bluff Independent, February 15, 1861, page 3 [Martin Angel's] wife was the reputed daughter of Dr. McLoughlin, and she had extensive matrimonial experience. She was married to a man by the name of Rice, then to Angel and after his death she married a notorious gambler by the name of Charles Williams, a man who, in a fit of passion, killed another man at Dardanelles with a stool." John S. Miller, from an undated, unattributed typescript, Oregon Historical Society Research Library Mss. 211, Olney Family Papers. Jacksonville
C. S. Lord Esq.Feby. 25th 1861 Dr. Sir Yours of the 16th inst. came duly to hand, found me all OK. I would further say to you that as far as I have gone I am delighted. You ask my opinion of J. D. Haines & Co. In reply I would say that I know nothing about their affairs. I have, however, examined the records and find the following liens on their property (a copy of which I enclose with this). It may be, however, that they have made payments on some of the notes. If so, it does not as yet show it on the records. They are going along as usual; however, Howard sent me an a/c against Williams & Wilkinson. Williams (Charley) claims an offset of about $45--for goods they never received. He says they were sent to some man about or in Sailor Diggins and that you or Dugan & Wall collected the amount there. Further says you know all about it. I will retain the bill till you come up. I will write to Roseburg in regard to note on Jas. Hunt & Wm. Craze. I did not order it to be protested. I suppose, however, that Tracy's agent at Roseburg did not know as you was the owner of the note. I think as I believe I made it to that office as a call of my own. I learn today that Jack Hinkle has sold his ranch. I am now inclined to think he is on the swindle. When you come up you had better close up his matter. I forward you Mr. Reed's bill which I have paid viz for $90, also my check for 210, total $300.00, which please place to credit of Dugan & Wall. Please acknowledge receipt of same to them, also to me if not too much trouble. In
C. C. Beekman Papers Mss 916 Box
J, Letterpress Book vol. 5 1860-1862, Oregon Historical Society
LibraryYours truly C. C. Beekman ADMITTED TO BAIL.--On Wednesday, Feb. 20th, Charles Williams, indicted in Southern Oregon for killing David Butterfield in an affray at Evansville, voluntarily delivered himself into the custody of the Sheriff. Williams is held to appear at the next term of court to answer the charge preferred, in the sum of $10,000. Sacramento Daily Union, March 2, 1861, page 2 Now at this day comes Chas. Williams and McLaughlin & Klippel and file their affidavit, setting forth that their Quartz Mill had been assessed too high by the sum of Two thousand dollars, and after hearing testimony and being satisfied that a deduction from their assessment would be just, It is ordered by the Board that a deduction of Two thousand dollars be allowed on their said Assessment. Jackson County Commissioners' Journals, session of April 3, 1861, page 233 The vagabond ruffian class have been hoisting the flag of mutiny in Scott's Valley and Jacksonville. The disunion flag was raised in the latter place by a band of which Charley Williams (the man who killed Butterfield) is the leader, and who is now under bonds to answer an indictment for murder. The good citizens of the town tore down the treasonable flag as soon as it was discovered, for it was put up in the night. Oregon Argus, Oregon City, June 1, 1861, page 1 FROM JACKSON CO.--A friend in Jackson County writes to us, May 8, as follows: "The vagabond ruffian class have been hoisting the flag of mutiny in Scott's Valley and Jacksonville. The disunion flag was raised in the latter place by a band of which Charley Williams (the man who killed Butterfield) is the leader, and who is now under bonds to answer an indictment for murder. The good citizens of the town tore down the treasonable flag as soon as it was discovered, for it was put up in the night." Oregon Argus, Oregon City, June 1, 1861, page 1 Yreka,
June 10th.
Charles Williams was tried for the murder of David
Butterfield yesterday, and acquitted."Breckinridge Delegates from Yreka," Sacramento Daily Union, June 11, 1861, page 2 FOR WASHOE.--Quite a number of our citizens have left for Washoe this week, with horses and other stock, for which they expect to find a market. Mr. Charles Williams, who returned from that region a few days ago, says that money is plenty and times good, which no doubt accounts for the exodus. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 12, 1861, page 3 Born.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
July 8, 1863, page
In Jacksonville, on the 28th ult., to the wife of Mr. Charles Williams,
a daughter.
Jacksonville, March 18.--The man heretofore suspected of having committed the murder perpetrated some time since on Mrs. Long has placed himself in custody and demands a trial. He can prove his innocence. It is generally believed that he is innocent. He is familiarly known by the name of "Buckskin." "Telegraphic Dispatches," Daily Mountaineer, The Dalles, March 20, 1864, page 4 DISCHARGED.--Chas. Williams (alias Buckskin), who was supposed to be implicated in the murder of Mrs. Long, on account of leaving a pair of bloody buckskin breeches in the stable at the Grave Creek House, and who returned and gave himself up to Sheriff Hyde, and was confined in jail a few days, has been discharged, after an investigation of the whereabouts of the accused at the time of the murder, it being clearly and satisfactorily established that the accused was at a remote and distant place at the time the murder was committed, that it was impossible for him to be the guilty party. Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, April 2, 1864, page 2 Died.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
August 20, 1864, page
On the 14th inst., at 10 minutes past 11 at the family residence in
Jacksonville, ROWENA, daughter of Ann and
Charles Williams, aged six years, one month and six days.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville,
September 10, 1864, page
On the 4th inst., at the family residence, in Jacksonville, LULA,
daughter of Charles and Ann Williams, aged one year, two months and
seven days.
We are informed by Mr. Charles Williams, who has just returned from the north, that Mr. Williard Spencer, an old resident of this county, while on his return from Boise, was thrown from his horse and so badly injured that he died in three days afterwards. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 17, 1864, page 3 DIED.
On the 4th inst., in Jacksonville,
Lulu, daughter of Charles and Ann Williams, aged 1 year, 2 months and 7
days.Oregon Statesman, Salem, September 19, 1864, page 2 DEPARTURE.--Messrs. John McLaughlin and Charles Williams started from this county on Thursday with a drove of hogs, via the Rogue River and John Day wagon road, to Canyon City. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 1, 1864, page 2 GETTING ALONG FINELY.--Mr. Charles Williams returned a few days since, after accompanying the drove of hogs that started a short time since for Canyon City. The drove was accompanied by wagons, and had crossed the mountains to near the waters of DesChutes. Mr. Williams says that when he left them they were progressing finely, making ten miles a day with ease, and, without accident, they will reach Canyon City by the 25th of this month. Oregon Intelligencer, Jacksonville, October 15, 1864, page 2 FINAL SETTLEMENT.
In County Court
of Clackamas County, State of Oregon:--In the matter of the
Guardianship of Geo. W. Rice, minor heir of Geo. W. Rice, deceased.
To Geo. W. Rice, Charles Williams, Anna Williams, and all others interested in said matter: Take notice that D. P. Thompson, Guardian of said minor, has filed his account for final settlement in said Court, and the Court has appointed the FIRST MONDAY IN JUNE
1869 for the examination of the same, when you can appear and be heard
if you desire.By order of W. T. MATLOCK
JOHNSON & MCCOWN,Judge of County Court. Attorneys for Guardian. Weekly Enterprise, Oregon City, May 1, 1869, page 2 Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase (400) four hundred yards on Cosey Gulch, Kanaka Flat, or left hand fork Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, beginning at this notice & running thence up said Cosey Gulch for the distance aforesaid, being the usual width. John
W. H. S. Hyde, Co. ClerkCharles Williams & Co. Filed & recorded June 6th, 1870. By Ed R. Owen, D.C. Jackson County Mining Claims, Library of Congress, Collection MSS62455, Shelving No. MMC-1189 This is likely Charles Williams of Logtown, and not Charley Williams. Oregon City, Oregon: Charles Williams, 37, saloon keeper, born Kentucky Anna Williams, 38, born Canada George Rice, 22, store clerk, born Oregon Williard Angles, 20, born Oregon Martin Angles, 18, born Oregon John Angles, 15, born Oregon Flora Williams, 9, born Oregon Owen Williams, 4, born Oregon Charles Williams, 9/12, born Oregon in September United States Census, enumerated July 4, 1870 DIED.
In Oregon City, Nov. 4, 1870, Charles Williams, aged about 37 years.
Weekly Enterprise, Oregon City, November 11, 1870, page 3 DIED.--Chas. Williams, a well-known citizen of this place, died very suddenly at his residence last Friday. Weekly Enterprise, Oregon City, November 11, 1870, page 3 DIED.--Charles Williams, formerly of this place, died at his residence, in Oregon City, on the 4th inst. He leaves an amiable wife and several children to mourn his loss. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 12, 1870, page 3 Charles Williams Born October 9, 1830 Kentucky Died November 4, 1870 Oregon City findagrave.com "THE DEUCE WINS."
Soon after their discovery in the summer of 1857 [sic]
settlers bean locating donation land claims throughout the valley of
Bear Creek, which flows into Rogue River and drains the country
surrounding Jacksonville, and that town became the metropolitan center
of all Southern Oregon. School districts were organized, rude
schoolhouses built, teachers employed and civilization began shedding
its genial rays over the new settlement. At length pioneer Christian
ministers began making their appearance, and there being no church
buildings in which to hold services, the school houses were improvised
for the purpose. [Jacksonville's
Methodist church, the subject of this essay, was built 1853-54, before
any school houses were built in Jackson County.] But the
population rapidly increased, and a church edifice became a pressing
necessity in Jacksonville. A small Methodist Episcopal congregation was
organized and Rev. I. D. Driver, who had just made a profession of
religion, began his career as a minister, in which he is still
earnestly engaged. [Driver didn't arrive in Jacksonville until 1858, five years after the church was begun..]
He had been somewhat wild, like other young men of the times, and was
well acquainted with and respected by the whole community. With great
vigor Mr. Driver urged the members of his congregation to contribute in
aid of the erection of a church building, But they were generally poor,
and those who were wealthy were most parsimonious. The enterprise
languished, but Driver's zeal in the cause intensified. At length he
announced to his church brethren that he had determined to go among all
classes and solicit until he secured a sufficient fund to defray the
expenses of the construction of the building. To determine was to act,
and he at once started out. Gambling was conducted without restraint of
any law, except that of conscience, in all mining towns at that time,
and the young preacher being more or less acquainted with the sporting
fraternity of Jacksonville, tackled the first tiger layout on a sure thing, for he staked nothing but chin music,
of which he possessed an abundant store. Every saloon, hotel and other
public resort was a gambling house. Gold was more plentiful than any
other commodity, and licentious joy was unconfined. Monte, faro, poker,
and every other same of chance was patronized by both young and old. Ad
Helms, still living and for many years Marshal of Jacksonville, was
running a faro game in a house where about twenty other games were in
full blast. A young gambler named Charley Williams, who died a short
time [sixteen years] ago at
Oregon City, was going against Ad's bank in bets running from twenty to
one hundred dollars; just at that moment Rev. Driver entered the room.
In clear, unembarrassed tones that gentleman stated his business and
began passing the hat. He urged both dealers and players to give
liberally to the good cause in the interest of which he was laboring,
and he did not urge in vain. The sports gave according to their
means--none less than five, and some as high as one hundred dollars.
Driver made the rounds of the tables, reaching Ad Helms, where Charley
Williams was betting high and losing, and just at the moment the
Christian solicitor approached he had placed a glittering twenty on the
deuce. "Come, Charley," said Driver, "let go now liberally to assist us
to build a church. You know the cause is a good one. Think of our good
mothers, Charley, who taught us to be better men than we are. Think of
the dear sisters who were once our classmates at Sunday school. The
little boys and girls in this camp have no place to meet as we had when
we were children. Come, my dear boy, shell out twenty at least." "Hold
on, Driver," answered the gambler, intent on watching the turn of the
cards; "do you see that twenty on the deuce? If that wins, take all."
"All right," was the rejoinder, and the game went on, with all parties
intently watching the cards as Ad's thin nimble fingers drew them
adroitly from the silver box. Ace, nine, king, jack, deuce, and Charley
won. Without a change of expression he quietly picked up the two
shining double eagles and dropped them in Driver's hat, while the
welkin rang with wild huzzahs from the throng of reckless, but not
naturally evil-minded, young men. Thanking the "boys" for their
liberality, and earnestly appealing to them to attend his church when
it was completed, the good solicitor departed and the games went on as
though no incident of interest had transpired. From one gambling house
to another went the dauntless minister and at no place did he receive
an unkind word, but everywhere met with the same liberal spirit shown
by poor Charley Williams when the deuce won. In a few days Mr. Driver
had the pleasure of announcing to his congregation, in the old school
house where he held service [There were no "old" buildings in Jacksonville in 1853. The town was one year old.],
that he had raised $1400 and that the construction of a neat and
commodious church building would soon be an accomplished fact. And
there, in the pleasant town of Jacksonville, in the midst of as
generous and warm-hearted a people as ever welcomed a stranger to their
homes, stands the little white church with its spire pointing
heavenward--a monument to the liberality of gamblers. And who is
righteous enough to say that poor Charley Williams, Geo. L. Lands, Jim
Cody and many others, who have since met tragic deaths, and who
contributed to that church fund, have not at least in the gallery where
seraphim chant forever the praises of Him who died that all might live.
If there be any efficacy in the prayers of that veteran Methodist
minister, I. D. Driver, the "boys" are there and there is a reserved
seat for good old Ad Helm when called hence.(Portland Sunday Mercury.) Ashland Tidings, April 2, 1886, page 1 The man who solicited the funds was Thomas Fletcher Royal, not Isaac D. Driver. Charley Williams' contribution, recorded in Royal's surviving record book--which survives--was $5.00. CHAS. WILLIAMS. Post office, Wimer, Jackson County. Or. Range of stock, Pleasant Creek, head of Jump-Off Joe and Louse creeks, and upper Grave Creek. Marks, split in right ear and smooth crop off the left. Cattle branded high up on left hip. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Brand Book of the Southern Oregon Stock Protective Association, Democratic Times Print Shop, Jacksonville, 1890. . . . Flora Dudley and Charles Williams, heirs of Charles Williams, $67. "Oregonians May Yet Get Old War Claims," Morning Oregonian, October 14, 1919, page 7 Charles Williams lives at 3710 S.E. Taylor Street. When I interviewed him recently he said: "I was born at Oregon City on August 31, 1869. My father, Charles Williams, was born in Kentucky and my mother, whose maiden name was Anna Wrenn, was born at Winnipeg. When she was a young girl she married George Wright and they had one child, George Wright Jr., who for many years lived at Lebanon. The name of my mother's next husband was Martin Angel. He was killed by the Indians in Southern Oregon in the Rogue River war of 1855-56. My mother had four children by her second husband--Willard, Martin, John and Mary. John used to be in the real estate business in Portland. My mother's third husband was my father, Charles Williams. Mother had five children by her third husband--Rowene, Lulu, Flora, now Mrs. John Dudley, who is a widow and lives at Grants Pass; Owen, who is a miner and also lives at Grants Pass, and myself. As a boy I went to school at Centerville, in Washington County. I quit school when I was 18, and for the next 15 years worked in the fuel business at the corner of N.E. 31st Avenue and Sandy Boulevard. The maiden name of my wife was Ada Nokes." Fred Lockley, "Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, October 26, 1935, page 4 Last revised May 12, 2024 |