Recorded mining claims in
Jackson County, Oregon.
Please note that some volumes of mining claims are missing--and that there was no legal requirement to record a mining claim. The common story that Oregon claims were recorded in Yreka has no basis in fact. ![]() Reminiscences of an Old Timer, 1889
Jacksonville Precinct Claims Hiram Abbott, Miners Recorder and Justice of the Peace [Claim No. 1 is below, recorded out of order.] Claim No. 2 Bank & Creek Reising & Jaquith Commencing at the mouth of the McBride Gulch extending down the creek one hundred yds. to their notice below. Said Reising & Jaquith claim bank and creek up to the claim known as the Jaquith claim also 30 feet on the bank east up to said gulch. Jacksonville July 4th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Rec. Claim 2 Bank J. Duncan, Joseph Lane, W. H. Harris Commencing at a stake on the McIntire Gulch and running up the gulch 75 yds. to a pine tree on the bank of said gulch. Jacksonville July 4th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 3 Creek Owned by James Herd situated on right hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a tree and running up 50 yds. to a tree being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 4th 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Rec. Claim No. 4 Bank M. B. Gregory, S. P. Rodgers, G. W. Knight Situated on left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a stake and running up the right hand bank 50 yds. thence crossing to the left hand bank and running up 25 yds. to a stake. Jacksonville July 4th 1853 Recorded this day and date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 5th Bank Owned by Benjamin Armstrong Situated on the right hand side of Armstrong Gulch commencing at a white oak tree and running up one hundred yds. to a stake being one claim by right of discovery and 3 by purchase. Jacksonville July 7th 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Rec. Claim No. 6 Bank Owned by Benj. Armstrong, A. G. Heddy and E. McCall Situated on the Kersey Gulch commencing at a small black oak tree and running up on the right hand side one hundred and twenty five yds. to a laurel bush being 2 claims by the right of discovery and 3 by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 7th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 7 Bank Owned by Benjamin Antrim & Johnathan Woodruff Situated on the Armstrong Gulch commencing at a white oak tree and running up the south side of the gulch fifty yds. to a small black oak tree being two claims by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 7th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 8 Bank & Gulch Owned by Morion Byrne & Co. Situated on the Rich Gulch commencing at a white oak stump and running up eighteen yds. to a stake also 30 yds. on the right hand bank being one claim by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 8th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 9th Flat or Bank Situated on Rich Gulch commencing at the upper end of the Gillet claim and running up to the claim known by the name of the Dock. Gales claim being fifty yds. also one claim by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 8th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 10, 11, 12 Bank Owned by Vincent Payne, Solomon Rader & Rice Benson Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the upper end of Henry Jaquith's claim and running up eighty five yds. to a stake being 3 claims and ten yds. by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 9th 1853 Recorded this date Hiram Abbott Claim No. 11 Bank Owned by Solomon Rader and Vincent Payne Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the upper end of Rader, Bensons & Payne, running up seventy five yds. to a white oak tree at the foot of Gregory's claim being three claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 9th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 12 Bank Owned by Thomas Close Situated on the Rich Gulch commencing at a stake and running up thirteen yds. to the foot of Berry's claim to a stake being ½ claim by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 10th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Rec. Claim No. 13 Bank Owned by Dwight Johnson Situated on a gulch heading near the Rich Gulch and emptying in the left hand fork of Jackson Creek known by the name of the White's Gulch commencing at a stake and running up fifty yds. to a stake being one claim by right of purchase and one by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 9th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 14 Banks Owned by John Lancaster and Richard Dobson Situated on what is called the Kersey Gulch commencing at a stake on and running up the left hand side fifty yds. to a stake being one claim by right of purchase and one by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 9th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 15th Bank & Creek Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek the creek claim commencing near a tree and running fifty yds. to a stump being one claim by right of purchase also 3 bank claims lying on the west side of the creek commencing at a pine tree and running down seventy five yds. to a stake held by right of purchase owned by John Conner. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 16th Bank Owned by George Bumps & Jefferson Bumpz Situated on a point between the McIntire Gulch and one emptying into the creek at the same place commencing at a stake and running up to a stake 25 yds. to a stake being one claim held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 16th Bank Owned by Samuel Ritchey Situated between the McIntire Gulch and the Kersey Gulch commencing at a white oak tree and running up 50 yds. to a black oak tree being 1 claim by right of discovery and one by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 17th Bank Owned by John Foster, Frank Bass, H. Sanford Situated on second gulch going up the right hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a stake and running up 75 yds. to a stake being 3 claims 2 by right of purchase and one by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claims No. 18th, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29th Bank Owned by James Leslie, A. M. Berry, William Sherman Situated on Rich Gulch claim first 25 yds. of west bank commencing from a notice to a stake. Claim 2 and 3 same bank same gulch commencing at a notice running up fifty yds. to a notice joins above. Claims 4, 5, 6, 7th commencing from notice running up on the east bank one hundred yds. to a notice Claims 8, 9th east bank same gulch commencing from notice running up forty five yds. to a notice the whole held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Rec. Claims No. 19th Bank Situated on the Kersey Gulch commencing at a black oak tree and running up the gulch one hundred yds. to a white oak tree being 4 claims 2 held by right of purchase and 2 by right of discovery and owned by Chas. S. Drew, Willson T. Clark and L. J. C. Duncan said claims known as the Kersey and Strawbridge claims. Jacksonville July 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 20 Bank Owned by Situated on the Rich Gulch commencing at the lower side of the claim known as Ballding's claim thence running down 25 yds. to a stake. Jacksonville July 15th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hm. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 21 Bank Owned by Ransom Pierce & Stephen Cantrell Situated on the Kersey Gulch commencing at a stake and running up the north sides of said gulch fifty yds. to a white oak tree being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 16th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 22 Bank & Gulch Owned by Joseph Sudoff & Grandison Curtis Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a pine tree and running down 50 yds. to a stake held by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 16th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 23 Flat Owned by Edward Sheil Situated on the flat near John Swinden's house commencing at a stake at the northwest corner thence south twenty five yds. to a stake thence seventy five yds. east to a stake thence twenty five yds. north to a stake thence seventy five yds. west to the place of starting being three claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 18th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hm. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 24th Bank Situated on the Kersey Gulch and owned by Benjamin Armstrong & Benjamin Antrim commencing at the upper end of Smithson's claim and running up 50 yds. to a fir tree said claim being situated on the south side of said gulch being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 21st 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 1 Bank Owned by E. B. Griffith and A. J. Starlings Situated on Jackson Creek commencing at the upper end of David Griffith's claim and running up fifty yds. to a fir tree being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 8th 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 25 Bank Owned by G. W. Ballding, D. Hollandhead & C. W. Rowley Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the upper end of Noland's claim and running on the right hand side of the bank fifty yards to a fir tree being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 25th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 26th Bank Owned by L. J. C. Duncan and Swank Situated on the right hand bank of the Armstrong Gulch commencing at a pine tree and running up sixty five to 65 [sic] yds. to a black oak tree being 3 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville July 26th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 27th Bank Owned by James McLinden and Arthur McLinden Situated on the south bank of the McIntire Gulch commencing at a black oak tree and running up the bank fifty yds. to a stake being 2 claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 26th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Rec. Claim No. 28th Owned by Joseph Lane and George N. Rice Situated on the McIntire Gulch commencing at a stake and running up the gulch fifty yards to a stake claiming 15 feet on both sides of the gulch being two claims held by the right of discovery. Jacksonville July 29th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 29th Bank Owned by Chas. P. Harris, Daniel Bates, David Griffith and Andrew Jackson Starlings Situated on the right hand bank at the foot of the Rich Gulch commencing at a white oak stump and running up one hundred yards to a spruce tree being 4 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville August 1st 1853 Recorded by [me] this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 30 Bank Owned by A. M. Shouts and situated on the right hand bank of Rich Gulch commencing at an oak stump and running up the right hand side 25 yds. to a stake being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 2nd 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 31st Bank Owned by John Hamlin and situated on the right hand bank at or near the mouth of Rich Gulch commencing at an oak stump and running up parallel with the gulch 25 yards to a stake being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 3rd 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 32 Bank Owned by William H. Richardson and situated on right hand bank of Rich Gulch running up parallel with the gulch 25 yds. commencing at a fallen tree and running up 25 yds. to a pine stump being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 3rd 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 33 Bank Owned by Alexander Lynch and situated on the right hand bank of Rich Gulch commencing at a stump and running up parallel with the gulch 50 yds. to a pine tree being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 5th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claims No. 34, 35 and 36 Gulch Owned by Irwin L. Ross and Henry Sanford Situated on what is known as the Shively Gulch near Jackson Creek commencing at a tree and running up said gulch 75 yds. to a tree being 3 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 6th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 35th Bank Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and owned by William Royal commencing at a pine stump and running up the south bank 25 yds. to a stump being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 11th 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 36 Bank Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and owned by G. Curtis and commencing at fir stump and running up the south side bank 50 yds. to a stake being two claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 17th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 36 Bank Situated on the right hand of Rich Gulch and owned by G. B. Rodgers & Wm. P. Davis commencing at a dry pine stump and running up the gulch fifty yds. to a white oak stump being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 19th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Gold Claim No. 37 Bank Owned by A. S. Patten and Alexander Lynch and situated on the right hand bank of the Rich Gulch commencing at a fir tree and running up the bank to a small pine tree being 2 claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 19th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 37 Creek Owned by G. C. Holcomb and situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a stake and running up the creek 50 yds. to a stake being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Oct. 5th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 38 Bank Situated at the head of Fine Gold Gulch owned by C. P. Harris, David Griffith, H. Abbott, J. Brown & Co. commencing at a stake and running up to a pine tree one hundred yds. being 6 claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Oct. 25th 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 39 Bank Owned by Benjamin Armstrong and situated near the Kersey Gulch known as the Hedden's Surface Diggins commencing at a black oak tree and one hundred yds. to a forked laurel being 4 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Oct. 29th 1853 Recorded by me this date H. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 40 Creek Owned by McDonald & Taylor Situated on Jackson Creek commencing at an old fir stump and running up the creek 75 yds. to a large fir tree being one and a half claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Nov. 21st 1853 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 41 Banks & Gulch Owned by J. B. Little, Curtis & Co. Situated on what is known as the Sailors Gulch commencing at a stake and running up the gulch & bank on both sides of said gulch one hundred and eighty yards to a stake there being 4 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 2nd 1853 [sic] Recorded by [me] this date Hm. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 42 Gulch & Banks Situated on what is known as the Sailors Gulch commencing at a cedar stump at the upper end of Smith and Co. claim and running up said gulch on banks one hundred and seventy yards to a small black oak stump said claims known as Dick's claim on said gulch it being three claims and a half held by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 2nd 1854 Recorded by me this date Hm. Abbott Recorder Claim No. 43 Bank Situated on the left bank of Rich Gulch owned by Jacob Bolton, John Miller & John Gilson commencing at a crabapple bush and running up the said bank seventy five yds. to a stake it being 3 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 25th 1854 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 44 Bank Situated on what is known as the Matney Gulch said gulch situated near the left hand fork of Jackson Creek owned by John Cox, James Briggs and John Johnston and commencing at a stake and running up said bank on the left hand side 25 yds. to a stake it being one claim held by right of purchase. Jacksonville June 24th 1854 Recorded by me this date Hiram Abbott Recorder Claim No. 45 Gulch Owned by B. J. Worthington, G. A. Smith, William Caldwell and Jackson Rains and situated on what is called Dry Creek and running up three hundred and fifty yards to a stake it being seven claims and held by right of discovery and purchase said also the privilege of bringing in a ditch for the use of said claims. Jacksonville July 8th 1854 Recorded by me this July 8th 1854 Hiram Abbott Recorder Took an acknowledgment of a deed from Isaac Woolen this July 29th 1854. H. Abbott J.P. Claim No. 46 Bank & Gulch Owned by Hoover and Armstrong and situated on the Sailors Gulch commencing at the cedar stump and running up said gulch 50 yds. to the end of a yellow pine log it being one claim held by right of purchase known as the Hoover & Poole claim. Recorded by me this August 26th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 47 Flat Owned by John Ledley, H. P. Rankin, Austin Knotts and situated on a new flat struck this spring 1854 the first flat above the Sailors Gulch on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the lower end of Coolidge's claim and running down the flat 25 yards to Cox, Johnson and Riggs' claim to a stake it being one claim held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 10th 1854 Recorded by me this Sept. 10th 1854 Hiram Abbott R.C. Claim No. 48 Creek Owned by L. M. Worthington and situated on what is called the Dry Creek commencing at a stake and running up said creek one hundred yards to what was formerly known as the Huggard & Pickles claim taking in 15 feet on each side of said creek it being 2 claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 9th 1854 Recorded by me this Sept. 9th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 49 Flat Owned by C. M. Donaldson and Orlando Coolidge and situated on the flat near the grocery on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the head of O. Coolidge's claim and running up said flat fifty yards to a stake it being two claims held by right of purchase. Jacksonville Sept. 11th 1854 Recorded by me this Sept. 11th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 50 Flat Situated on the flat near the grocery on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at the upper end of what is known as the Indman claim and running up said flat 50 yards to a stake it being two claims held as follows the lower 25 yards by right of purchase and the upper 25 yards by right of discovery & owned by O. C. Benson & James Briggs. Jacksonville Sept. 11th 1854 Recorded by me this Sept. 11th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 51 Flat Situated on the flat near the grocery on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and owned by Joseph Rising and W. M. McCallister commencing at the upper end of Chas. Briggs and O. C. Benson's claim running up said flat fifty yards to a hole a man sank by the name of McDonaldson, it being two claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Sept. 11th 1854 Recorded by me this Sept. 11th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 51 Bank Situated on the left bank of the Rich Gulch commencing at the upper end of Hockley's & Co. claim and running up said bank one hundred yards to a notice it being 4 claims held by right of discovery and owned by David Griffiths, Giles Kinney, Chas. P. Harris and Vincent Tullis. Jacksonville Oct. 14th 1854 Recorded by me this Oct. 14th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 52 Bank Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and owned by John E. Gale, Isaac Cowen, Newton George and commencing at the upper end of Worthington's Deep Blue Diggings claim between that and the old fort commencing from a stake and running up said bank seventy five yards to a stake it being 3 claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Dec. 18th 1854 Recorded by me this 18th Dec. 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 53 Bank Owned by Thomas W. Lake and George Lake and situated on the left hand fork of said Jackson Creek at what is known by the name of the Blue Diggings commencing at the upper end of Gale & Co.'s claims and running up the right hand bank of said diggings fifty yards to a stake it being 2 claims held by right of discovery. Jacksonville Dec. 25th 1854 Recorded by me this Dec. 25th 1854 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 54 Flat or Bank Owned by J. G. Babcock and S. M. Babcock, Solomon Bowen Masten and G. W. Banfield and situated between the fork of the Rich Gulch at the head of said gulch on what is called the Cherokee Hill commencing and gaining Dan Ingleson & Cooper & McNeal at the upper end running down said flat or bank one hundred yards to a stake, it being 4 claims and held by right of discovery. J.
G. Babcock
Jacksonville Feb.
3rd 1855S. M. Babcock Solomon Bowen Masten G. W. Bonfield Recorded by me this Feb. 3rd 1855 H. Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 55 Bank Owned by John Layton and James Nail Situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and known as the Rodgers claim commencing at the head of the Dillard claim and running [omission] the right hand bank of said creek 50 yards to a stake it being 2 claims and held by right of purchase. Jacksonville April 17th 1855 Recorded by me this April 17th 1855 [Hiram Abbott] [Miners Recorder] Claim No. 56 Flat and owned by Oren Lee and situated on the flat on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek about ¼ mile from the mouth of the Sailors Gulch commencing at a stake and running 75 yards north to a stake said claims being 3 and held by right of purchase. Jacksonville April 18th 1855 Recorded by me this April 18th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 57 Gulch and Bank and situated near the Sailors Gulch and running up said gulch one hundred and sixty odd yards to a stake at the lower end of Pinkham and Smith's claim & being 3 claims and held by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 2nd 1855 Recorded by me this May 2nd 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Said claims owned by G. W. Barnett, Asy G. Fordyce & Richard Kelly. Claim No. 57 Both Banks and Gulch and situated near the Sailor Gulch and owned by G. W. Barnett, Asy G. Fordyce & Richard Kelly commencing at a stake about 15 feet below a big fir tree and running up both banks and gulch one hundred and sixty odd yards to the lower end of Pinkham and Smith's claim to a stake it being 17 claims and held by right of purchase. Recorded by me this May 2nd 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 58 Bank Owned by J. P. Hawks and N. Boken and situated on the Rich Gulch commencing at a stake at the foot of Ball's garden and being up the right hand bank of said gulch 75 yards to a stake it being 3 claims and held by right of purchase. Recorded by me this June 1st 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 48 Gulch and Flat One claim owned by right of purchase and one by right of discovery and owned by Rice Benson and situated about ¼ mile from the Sailors Gulch and on the west side of the Pasey [sic--Casey?] Gulch commencing at the foot of Omer Lee's claim and running down fifty yards to stake it being 2 claims and one held by right of discovery and one by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 12th 1855 Recorded by me this May 12th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claims No. 59 Bank and owned by Joseph Williams and situated on the south side of what is called the Casey [Kersey?] Gulch commencing at a stake and running up said bank one hundred yards to a stake the lower end stake is opposite of a bunch of willows in the creek and being 4 claims and held by right of purchase. Jacksonville May 15th 1855 Rec. by me this May 15th 1855 H. Abbott Miners Rec. Claim No. 60 Bank Owned by Joseph B. Williams and situated on the north side of what is known as the Kersey Gulch commencing at a stake and running up said north side of said bank twenty five yards to a stake it being one claim and held by right of discovery. Jacksonville May 15th 1855 Recorded by me this May 15th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 61 Bank Owned by Jackson Rails, William Rails and Lewis Worthington situated on the right hand bank of the Pasey Gulch commencing at a stake and running up said gulch one hundred yards to a blazed black oak tree it being 4 claims and held by right of purchase. Jackson
Jacksonville May
30th 1855William Rails L. M. Worthington Recorded by me this May 30th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 62 Bank Situated on the Rich Gulch joining Badgers & Co. at the head and running down the right hand bank of said gulch 75 yards to a stake it being three claims and held by right of purchase. Joseph
Jacksonville June
5th 1855Claim No. 63 Gulch Owned by Mothue Homes and situated on the flat at the foot of Main Street commencing at a stake with a notice and running down said flat 25 yards to a stake it being 1 claim and held by right of discovery. Jacksonville June 5th 1855 Recorded by me this June 5th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 64 Flat Owned by A. Read & Co. and situated on the flat known as Harris and Griffith's claim in the town of Jacksonville and going and commencing at the foot of said Harris and Griffith's claim and running down and across the ditch 50 yards to a stake and held it being 2 claims and held by right of discovery. Jacksonville June 30th 1855 Recorded by me this June 30th 1855 H. Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 65 Bank and owned by Samuel Fox, A. J. Kepler [and] Ray Getus situated on the right bank of the Rich Gulch commencing at a stake and running down said bank 75 yards to a stake it being three claims and held by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 2nd 1855 Recorded by [me] this July 2nd 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 67 Bank and owned by Albert G. & Allison L. Rockfellow situated on the left hand bank of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek commencing at a stake at the top above the big falls of said creek at the head of the big flat and running down said flat fifty yards to a stake it being 2 claims and held by right of discovery. Jacksonville July 25th 1855 Recorded by me this July 25th 1855 Hiram Abbott Miners Recorder Claim No. 68 and owned by Wm. Neal situated on Prairie Gulch joining Morford & Brown running down the gulch 160 yards it being his by purchase. Jacksonville March 21st 1856 D. S. Kenyon J.P. Claim No. 69 and owned by Curtis Davenport, M. Colwell and Jesse Armstrong situated on the left hand forks of Jackson Creek from the mouth of the Manure [?] Gulch down said creek one hundred yards on the east side of said creek in the bank. Jacksonville May 17th 1856 D. S. Kenyon J.P. Claim No. 70 and owned by R. S. Dunlap situated on the Armstrong Gulch known as the Armstrong claim continuing fifty yards in length on the south side of said gulch. Jacksonville May 22nd 1856 D. S. Kenyon J.P. Claim No. 71 and owned by R. S. Dunlap situated on right hand fork of Jackson Creek consisting of one creek claim and two bank claims on the south side of said creek known as the Sackett claim. Jacksonville Sept. 27th 1856 D. S. Kenyon Names of the Company of Rich
Blossom Family Papers Mss 746, Oregon Historical Society Research Library -
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Jackson County Claims William Hoffman, Recorder Notice to hold 3 quartz claims by disy. [discovery] & 2 by preemption. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims embracing three hundred yards by right of discovery and one hundred yards by preemption on a certain quartz lead to be known as Emigrant lead situated on the north side of the divide running towards Big Bar on Rogue River, said claim to commence at a laurel tree, blazed & marked with names, in the center of said claims and running from said laurel tree in a northerly & southerly direction for quantity claimed, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims and 50 feet on each side of said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Geo. H. Ish ) James Hays ) Discoverers O. J. Graham ) A. J. Long Thomas Chavner Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead known as the Emigrant lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish & others, commencing at the southerly termination of the claims of said George H. Ish & Company & running thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Wm. K. Ish Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the southerly termination of Wm. K. Ish's claim on said lead and running with said lead from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. Wm. Hoffman Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish & others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the southerly termination of William Hoffman's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. C. C. Beekman U. S. Hayden Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 7 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 1 quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as [the] Emigrant lead, commencing at the southerly termination of C. C. Beekman & U. S. Hayden's claim and running thence in a southerly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. L. J. C. Duncan Filed & recorded January 13th, 1860 at 7 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. I hereby relinquish my right & title to the above quartz claim. Feb. 22nd, 1860. L. J. C. Duncan [signature] Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim on the quartz lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish & others, and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the southern termination of L. J. C. Duncan's claim and running in a southerly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Henry Ackley Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 7 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim, situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as [the] Emigrant lead commencing at the southern termination of Henry Ackley's claim and running thence in a southerly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. F. M. Brown Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the northern termination of the claims of the said Geo. H. Ish and Company and running thence in a northerly direction two hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. R. F. Maury J. Pawpaw A. H. Miller Benj. T. Davis W. A. Owens Filed & recorded January 13th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the northern termination of the claims of R. F. Maury & others and running from thence in a northerly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Jacob Rapepoh Wm. Howard Filed & recorded January 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the northerly termination of the claims of Jacob Rapepoh and Wm. Howard and running from thence in a northerly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. John Miller C. M. Wilson Filed January 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Recorded same time. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the southerly termination of F. M. Brown's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Joseph T. Metcalf Henry Caleff Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the northerly termination of John Miller & C. M. Wilson's claims and running from thence in a northerly direction one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. S. W. Dickinson Geo. P. Funk George Crane Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as [the] Emigrant lead, commencing at the northerly termination of the claims of S. W. Dickinson, Geo. P. Funk and Geo. Crane and running from thence in a northerly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 13th, 1860. Joseph Bethel Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 10 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the northern termination of Joseph Bethel's claim and running from thence 50 yards in a northerly course including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. Jan. 13th, 1860. [omission] Love Filed and recorded January 13th, 1860 at 10 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as the Emigrant lead, commencing at the southern termination of the claims of Joseph T. Metcalf and Henry Caleff and running from thence 50 yards in a southerly course including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. Jan. 14h, 1860. John R. Wilkins Filed and recorded January 14th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 4 quartz mining claims situated in the quartz mines recently discovered near Big Bar on Rogue River, commencing at a large laurel tree on the lowest part of the ridge where the trail runs up, said tree marked thus XXX and running from said tree in a northerly directed [sic] 250 yards; one hundred yards claim is by S. W. Dickinson by right of discovery on the 14th day of January 1860 at 2 o'clock p.m. including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, under the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. S. W. Dickinson Geo. P. Funk Geo. Crane John Temple Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated in the newly discovered quartz lead near Big Bar on Rogue River, commencing at the southerly termination of the claims of S. W. Dickinson, Geo. P. Funk, Geo. Crane and John Temple and running from thence in a southerly direction one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, under the provisions of the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. Thomas Sutton H. T. Felton James King Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims (Chrisman lead) Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold 3 quartz mining claims situated in the quartz mines situated on a quartz lead about one mile from Conrad Slagle's in a northerly direction, five miles northeast of Williamsburg, commencing at a certain black oak tree upon which notice is placed and running each way from said tree one hundred yards with the course of said lead, one claim taken by right of discovery and two claims by preemption, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. Jany. 16th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. E. Minton Thomas Faris Wm. Faris Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims. We the undersigned hereby give notice that we claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by Charles Hicks and commencing at the westerly termination of Maury & Davis' claims and running thence in a northwesterly course 150 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. Peyton Ford Jos. C. Cline John Roberts Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by Charles Hicks, commencing at the northwesterly termination of Charles Hicks' claim and running thence in a northwesterly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. Samuel R. Taylor R. F. Maury Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead recently discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others and known as Emigrant lead, commencing at the northerly termination of George H. Ish and Company's claims, and running thence 50 yards in a northwesterly direction; said claim was taken by possession by me on Saturday morning, the 14th day of January 1860 at nine o'clock, under the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. Nathaniel C. Dean Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 7 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims situated [on] and crossing Willow Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, running eastwardly from the center of said creek two hundred and fifty yards and running westwardly from the center of said creek fifty yards making in all three hundred yards; one hundred being claimed by Louis Regnier as the discoverer of said leads, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature of Oregon regulating quartz mining. January 16th, 1860. Louis Regnier John L. Thompson John Gilfeather Peter Gilfeather James Kelly Filed and recorded January 16th, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims by right of discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz lead claims by right of discovery, said lead situated from one-half to three-fourths of a mile east of the Moran & Co.'s claims on the Blackwell Diggings and near the head of the gulch which has been worked and about 75 to 100 feet above the reservoir, commencing at a [omission] in the middle of the gulch and running thence in an easterly or southeasterly direction two hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, under the provisions of the act of the Legislature of Oregon regulating quartz mining. January 12th, 1860. Harvey B. Oatman Richard W. Ralston Filed and recorded January 17th, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims & intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated upon the quartz lead discovered by Harvey B. Oatman & Rich and W. Ralston and situated in the Blackwell Diggings, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the said Oatman & Ralston's claims and running thence in a southeasterly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the act of the Legislature of Oregon regulating quartz mining. January 17th, 1860. Harrison B. Oatman Filed and recorded January 17th, 1860 at 10 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated upon the quartz lead discovered by Harvey B. Oatman and Richard W. Ralston and situated in the Blackwell Diggings, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the said Oatman & Rawlston's [sic] claims and running thence with said lead in its course westerly or northwesterly one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature of Oregon regulating quartz mining. January 17th, 1860. John Q. Tabor E. Patterson Filed and recorded January 17th, 1860 at 10 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the lead discovered by Oatman and Ralston and situated at the Blackwell Diggings commencing at the northwesterly termination of Tabor and Patterson's claims and running from thence in a westerly or northwesterly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 17th, 1860. John G. Babcock Filed & recorded January 17th, 1860 at 10 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others, said two claims being embraced within the boundaries of the claims recorded by Geo. H. Ish, James Hays, O. J. Graham, A. J. Long & Thomas Chavner and between the claims recorded by R. F. Maury & others on the north and the claims of Wm. K. Ish on the south of the claims of said Geo. H. Ish & others, said claims so claimed by us being 100 yards in length, with the course of said quartz leads, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, in accordance with the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 18th, 1860. Horace L. Ish, Matthew R. Ish, partners Filed and recorded January 18th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim & intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others, commencing at the northern termination of Nathaniel C. Dean's claim and running from thence one hundred yards with said lead in its course; said claims were taken by possession on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, the 14th day of January A.D. 1860, and include all the dips, angles and outcroppings of said claims for the said distance of one hundred yards, said claims taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 18th, 1860. John Swinden Eli Stout Filed and recorded January 18th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold three quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on a continuation of the quartz lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others, and being about from three-fourths to one mile distant in a southeasterly direction from the claims of the said Geo. H. Ish and Company, commencing near the base of a bald mountain and running from thence in a southeasterly direction along a divide and with the course of said quartz lead one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 18th, 1860. Harvey B. Oatman Richard W. Ralston Harrison B. Oatman Filed and recorded January 19th, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold five quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim & intend to hold five quartz mining claims situated on a continuation of the quartz lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others, and lying in a southeasterly course from the claims of said George H. Ish and Company, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claims of Harvey B. Oatman, Richard W. Ralston and Harrison B. Oatman, on said lead and running from thence in a southeasterly course and with the direction of said lead two hundred and fifty yards, being 50 yards to each claimant including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 18th, 1860. John G. Babcock John Q. Tabor E. Patterson P. C. Woods Pat. McManus Filed and recorded January 19th, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim by right of discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims & intends to hold one quartz mining claim of one hundred yards, by right of discovery, said claim situated on a quartz lead situated on the north or northeast side of the divide between Sailor Gulch and Posey Gulch, commencing at the prospect hole sunk by the undersigned on said lead and running from thence in a southeasterly direction and with the course of said lead one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature of Oregon regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. Charles M. Rowley Filed and recorded January 19th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead recently discovered by Charles M. Rowley and commencing at the southeasterly termination of the said Charles M. Rowley's claim and running from thence fifty yards in a southeasterly course with said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. James A. Johnston Filed & recorded January 19th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead recently discovered by Charles M. Rowley and commencing at the northwesterly termination of the said Charles M. Rowley's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with the course of said lead fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. John J. Holman Filed & recorded January 19th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a lead recently discovered by Chas. M. Rowley and commencing at the northwesterly termination of John J. Holman's claim on said lead and running from thence in a northwesterly direction and with the course of said lead fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. W. J. Berry Filed & recorded January 19th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead recently discovered by Charles M. Rowley, commencing at the northwesterly termination of W. J. Berry's claim on said lead and running thence in a northwesterly direction and with the course of said lead fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. William Hills Filed & recorded January 19th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a lead recently discovered by Chas. M. Rowley, commencing at the northwesterly termination of William Hills' claim on said lead and running from thence in a northwesterly direction fifty yards with the course of said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. A. Bowen Filed & recorded January 19th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold six quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold six quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by Geo. H. Ish and others, commencing at the southeasterly termination of John R. Wilkins' claim on said lead and running from thence in a southeasterly course three hundred yards with the direction of said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 19th, 1860. H. T. Fellow J. H. Thorp James King Thomas Sutton A. Helms Lester Truax Filed & recorded Jany. 19th, 1860 at 6 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold the following mining claims situated on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, one claim by purchase from John Buckley, being 200 yards in length, and the other by purchase from Napoleon Baker, fifty yards in length and adjoining the above named claims, also all the sluiceboxes & privileges belonging to said claims. January 20th, 1860. Gin Lin & Company Filed & recorded January 20th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale from Buckley & Baker to Gin Lin & Co. Know all men by these presents that I have this day sold a creek claim two hundred yards in length (200 yards in length) commencing 30 feet wide in one side and as much in the other as he wishes with 15 sluices and [sluice] fork with the same privilege of water as I had for $65. July 22nd, 1859. John Buckley Witness: J. T. Williams
Jackass A 27, 1859
Filed and recorded January 20th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m.
This is to
certify that I have this day bargained and sold to Gin Lin &
Company one mining claim being fifty yards, situated on Jackass,
joining a claim known as the Buckley claim for the sum of thirty-five
Received payment Napoleon Baker Witness: C. Thompson Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on a continuation of the quartz lead discovered by George H. Ish and others, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claims taken and recorded by John G. Babcock, John Q. Tabor, E. Patterson, P. C. Wood & Pat McManus and running from thence in a southeasterly direction or with the course of said lead one hundred and fifty yards, being 50 yards to each claimant, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 20th, 1860. H. W. Estes Wm. S. Minier Saml. B. Johnson Filed and recorded January 20th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 8 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold eight quartz mining claims situated on a lead at the head of Blackwell Gulch, on the left hand ridge, commencing at the hole now opened on said quartz lead and running east-southeast and west-northwest from said hole, for the quantity claimed being 450 yards, that is to say 100 yards by right of discovery and 350 yards by preemption running with the course of lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of [the] Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 21st, 1860. John T. Chase (discoverer) John Penny Patrick O. Ryan John Anderson Mr. Vanderbash R. Foster John McDonnell Henry Huber Filed and recorded Jany. 21st, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead recently discovered by John T. Chase at the head of Blackwell Gulch on the left hand ridge, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claims of the said John T. Chase and others and running from thence in an east-southeast direction in the course of said lead [2]50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 21st, 1860. S. Humphrey [Wm. Kahler] [J. N. T. Miller] [J. W. McCully] [erased name] Filed & recorded January 21st, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. The above claims are situated between Blackwell's Diggings and Rogue River and eastwardly of Cavanaugh's ranch on Rogue River Mountain. [Bracketed material added at a later date] Notice to hold 2 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead lying north of Charles Hicks' lead distant about 100 yards above said lead, commencing at the head of Posey Gulch and running from thence 100 yards east of the gulch and 50 yards west of the gulch, being 100 yards by right of discovery and 50 yards by preemption, running with the course of said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims & taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 21st, 1860. Daniel Rathbun (discoverer) J. F. Roberts Filed and recorded January 21st, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold water privileges on Rogue River. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the land on Rogue River at a point known as the 3rd point above Big Bar on said river as an outlet of the water of said river in a channel, to be constructed for the purpose of changing the river from said point to a point lower down and known as the mouth of the slough or old channel; the object in changing the course of the said river is for the purposes of an iron foundry and for propelling machinery and for other purposes. Said claim was taken and originally recorded in the record kept by V. S. Rolls in the Blackwell Diggings district, on the 11th of March 1859 and notices thereof regularly posted and renewed by D. F. Fisher. We claim all the water privileges that may accrue from the turning of the river as above indicated, as well as the land necessary for such purpose, in its course. We also claim the present channel of the river after the [course of the] river shall be changed, for mining purposes, from point of its outlet to where it unites again. January 21st, 1860. D. F. Fisher V. S. Rolls Sonora Hicks & Company Filed and recorded January 21st, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale of one-fifth interest in Emigrant quartz lead. Know all men by these presents that I, James Hays, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this day bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell to Charles Williams and Henry Klippel and John McLaughlin, of the same county and state, one-fifth interest in a quartz lead known as the Emigrant lead and located near the Big Bar on Rogue River in Jackson County, Oregon in consideration of the sum of four thousand dollars; said interest is known as the one-fifth interest recorded in the County Clerk's office of Jackson County on the 13rd of January 1860, by George H. Ish, James Hays, John Long, O. J. Graham and Thomas Cavanaugh. Jacksonville, January 21st, 1860. James Hays [Witnesses:] John S. Drum, R. F. Maury, James T. Glenn Filed and recorded January 21st, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim of 100 yards by right of discovery, commencing from this notice and running a little west of north one hundred yards towards the Armstrong Gulch, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 25th, 1860. John Woods Filed and recorded January 25th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Know all men by these presents that I, John Woods, of the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to me in hand paid by A. J. Long of the same place, having bargained, sold & transferred and by these presents do bargain, sell and transfer unto the said A. J. Long the undivided one-half interest in a certain quartz mining claim of one hundred yards running towards the Armstrong Gulch and recorded by me in the Recorder's office on the 25th [of] January 1860. John Woods Attest Wm. Hoffman Filed & recorded April 13th 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims adjoining the Ish claims on the upper side nearest the top of the hill commencing at a post back of the cabin of Ish, Klippel, McLaughlin and others and running one hundred yards to another post, thence one hundred and twenty feet in a southerly direction to a post, thence one hundred yards to a post, thence northerly one hundred and twenty feet to the place of beginning. January 25th, 1860. James King Addison Helms Levi Prentiss J. H. Reed Filed and recorded January 25th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold two quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and into [sic] hold two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered by us, about a mile a little south of west from the claims on the Emigrant lead, commencing at a small white oak where we have sunk a prospect hole and running from thence 200 yards in a northerly course, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and fifty feet on each side of said lead; said two claims are claimed by right of discovery and are taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. January 26th, 1860. John A. Peer John C. Looney Filed and recorded January 26th, 1860 at 2 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Org. Notice to hold a water privilege, ditch &c. We the undersigned claim the waters of this spring [and] creeks together with the privilege of building a reservoir and diverting the water from its main channel at the most convenient point for our purposes and take it through a ditch leading to Haines' Flat for the purpose of mining on Ackley Gulch, Sinclair Gulch & others on said flat at the foot of Gold Hill. January 25th, 1860, Jackson Co., Oregon. J. D. Haines Henry Ackley John Nowel [omission] Sinclair Filed and recorded January 30th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims by right of discovery and one by preemption--situated on a quartz lead on the north side of Rogue River about two miles north of Bethel's Ferry, commencing at a blazed fir tree on the summit of a ridge between Huntley Gulch and Stottler Gulch and running from said fir tree in a northwesterly direction two hundred and fifty yards, that is to say, two hundred yards by right of discovery and fifty yards by preemption, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims & fifty yards on each side of the lead taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 2nd, 1860. Thomas Pyle ) H. G. Peters ) discoverers Jas. R. Peters--preemption Filed and recorded February 2nd, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold a water privilege.
Notice January 30th, 1860
That we the
undersigned do claim all the water running in this Thompson Creek to
run in a ditch to Pharis [Farris] Gulch and it is recorded according to law at
Jacksonville.F. B. Smith Henry Hickok Oliver Gamage I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original. Filed and recorded this 4th day of February A.D. 1860, at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold water privilege for mining purposes. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of Rogue River at the head of a falls below the Big Bend at the head of the Big Bar on said river, by constructing a dam across said river and conveying the water by a ditch or canal along the base of the mountain, to connect with the river again at some eligible point below; we claim all the water privileges that may accrue or arise from turning said river and also all the benefits that may accrue for mining purposes in turning the said river. Filed Feby. 7th, 1860. Nicholas Pickle & Company Recorded same day. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz claim by discovery. The undersigned claims one hundred yards by right of discovery of a certain quartz lead on Gold Hill as found and opened by me being situated on the southwest portion of said hill. February 5th, 1860. John N. Durham Filed & recorded February 7th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead upon which the claims of M. Moran & Co. have been taken and recorded in the Blackwell Diggings, Jackson County and state of Oregon, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claims on said lead taken and recorded by James Bateman, James McGuire and A. J. Coakley and running from thence with said lead in a northwesterly course two hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 8th, 1860. Nicholas Cook Rowland Hall J. J. Cook John Corcoran Filed and recorded February 8th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the water privilege on Rogue River for turning water from said river into a vacated ditch commencing at a point on said river at the head of Big Bar and carrying said ditch by the most practicable route to intersect said river at a point above the fence of the Evans claim now owned by Adams & Co. We claim all the privileges to arise from the construction of said ditch and the water to flow through the same; our claim commenced from the 23rd day of January 1860. February 8th, 1860. John Denny John P. Miller & Co. Filed for record February 8th, 1860 at 4½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold water privileges. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of Rogue River at a point on the west side of the river at the first falls on said river above the north boundary of our land claim by constructing a dam across said river and conveying the water by ditch or canal so as to intersect the river again at a point nearly opposite our dwelling house on our said land claim. We also claim all the water power or privilege that may be had in said ditch or canal by turning said river and also all the benefits that may accrue for mining purposes as well as for machinery &c. February 11th, 1860. J. C. Adams S. R. Templeton Geo. Mitchell Filed & recorded February 11th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold six quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold six quartz mining claims situated on the east side of the butte which lies about three-fourths of a mile south of Gold Hill and described as follows, beginning at a small fir tree which stands at our prospect hole and running westerly two hundred and fifty yards and easterly from the same tree one hundred yards, making three hundred and fifty yards; fifty yards by right of discovery and including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same for the distance of 50 feet on each side, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. Phoenix, February 11th, 1860. Harvey B. Oatman Irvin M. Smith N. Martin J. Bonifield J. Baldwin H. Webb Filed and recorded February 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold three quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims, being one by right of discovery and two by preemption, making 200 yards, situated in the vicinity of the Blackwell Diggings in Jackson County about five-eighths or three-fourths of a mile in about a southeasterly direction from the prospect holes of Moran & Co. on the Blackwell quartz lead, said claims commencing on a ridge between two gulches at a prospect hole on the level a few, say, 10 feet to the southeast of which stands a pine tree blazed on three sides by hewing off the bark and into the wood with a pickax, also on the west side are the letters A&M cut into the bark--running each way from said described hole & tree on the direction of the lead for quantity claimed, it being 100 yards each way & fifty feet on each side, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 13th, 1860. Amos E. Rogers M. N. Stearns John Herrbold Filed and recorded February 13th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold ten quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold ten quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead of Moran, Rolls and others in the Blackwell Diggings, Jackson County, state of Oregon, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the quartz claims recorded by Nicholas Cook and others on the 8th Feby. 1860 and running from thence with said lead in a northwesterly course five hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 16th, 1860. Patrick Lynch John McCanna J. H. Lynch Hugh Donnell Thomas Frood John B. Sifers A. B. Morrell P. Rogers John White John Keting Filed for record February 16th, 1860 at 9½ o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold a water ditch. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold all the rights, privileges and immunities of a certain water ditch for mining purposes commencing at a point on T'Vault's creek about 200 yards above T'Vault's house on said T'Vault's ranch near Rogue River and running from thence to a certain bar on Rogue River for mining purposes, being the same ditch constructed and dug by Lowyel Cox February 18th, 1860. Hiram Abbott Filed and recorded February 18th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Emigrant or Gold Hill quartz lead commencing at the southern termination of the claims recorded by Beekman & Hayden and running from thence in a southerly direction fifty yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claims and taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. Feby. 22nd, 1860. Davis Evans Filed and recorded February 22nd, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Bill of sale of mining claims. This is to certify that we the undersigned have this day sold to Pang [sic] & Co., Chinamen, three hundred yards of this bar for the amount of fifty dollars. Applegate, Oct. 17th, 1859. John Shiveley Kaspar Kubli Henry Ruble Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold the above described mining claims by right of purchase as per the above bill of sale. February 23rd, 1860. Bang [sic] & Company Filed and recorded February 23rd, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold 5 mining quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims, one claim by discovery and two by preemption situated on the quartz lead known as the Russian lead in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by Jacob Rapepoh on the 5th day of February A.D. 1860, being one hundred yards by right of discovery and one hundred fifty yards by right of preemption, making altogether two hundred fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 6th, 1860. Jacob Rapepoh Catharine Rapepoh William Howard Wm. Hoffman Filed and recorded February 23rd, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold two quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims commencing at a pine tree (marker) on the second ridge to the left of the road leading up to the Emigrant company claims thence up said ridge 100 yards and fifty feet on each side, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 23rd, 1860. J. C. Tolman J. E. Ross Filed & recorded February 23rd, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. I claim and intend to hold one quartz mining claim on Gold Hill connecting on the upper side of certain claims recorded to J. King, A. Helms, Levi Prentis and J. H. Reed. February 24th, 1860. J. C. Tolman Filed and recorded February 24th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold five quartz mining claims. Gold
Hill, February 20th, 1860
We the undersigned
claim five quartz mining claims in the hill running southwest from this
notice, said claims being contiguous to the quartz mining claims on
Gold Hill recorded by Geo. H. Ish & others.J. W. Tatum A. C. Chase Elijah Chaney E. A. Rice E. Pinkham Filed and recorded February 25th, 1860. Recorded same day. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated and commencing at the northwest termination of the claims recorded by J. W. Tatum, A. C. Chase, Elijah Chaney, E. A. Rice & E. Pinkham this day and running from thence in a northwesterly course for quantity, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim and taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. February 25th, 1860. Frederick Heber Filed & recorded February 25th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on Gold Hill and adjoining the claims recorded by James King, Addison Helms, Levi Prentice and J. H. Reed on the upper side of their claims fifty yards by one hundred feet. Feby. 25th, 1860. L. S. Thompson Filed and recorded February 25th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims, including two hundred yards by right of discovery and one hundred yards by preemption on a certain quartz lead to be known as the Haymond lead situated on the southwest side of the hill lying east of the Emigrant company's arrastra, said claim to commence at an oak tree, blazed and marked, running two hundred yards southeast of said tree and one hundred yards running northwest of said tree, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims and fifty feet on each side of said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Assembly regulating quartz mining. February 28th, 1860. Benj. Haymond Henry Bock P. H. Egan George Phelps J. O. Johnson Filed for record February 28th, 1860 at 2½ o'clock p.m. Recorded same day. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Bill of sale from S. W. Dickenson & G. P. Funk to Ish & Pelton. Know all men by these presents that the undersigned for and in consideration of the sum of three dollars [sic] to us in hand paid by W. K. Ish and E. C. Pelton, the receipt of which is acknowledged, do by these presents sell and transfer to the said W. K. Ish and E. C. Pelton, their heirs and assigns, all our right, title, interest, claim and demand of, in and to three certain quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered by George H. Ish & others, bounded by the recorded claims of John Miller & C. M. Wilson on the south and the claim of Joseph Bethel on the north; said claims hereby transformed being recorded in the Recorder's office in Record of Quartz Mining Claims, page 12, on the 13th day of January A.D. 1860. S. W. Dickenson Geo. Ph. Funk Filed & recorded February 29th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Bill of sale from Jeremiah Hanrahan to Hoffman, Beekman & Hayden. Know all men by these presents that I, Jeremiah Hanrahan, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars, to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto Wm. Hoffman, C. C. Beekman and U. S. Hayden and their heirs and assigns, all my right, title, interest, claim and demand whatever, in and to the quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead in the Blackwell Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the quartz mining claims recorded by Michael Moran, David Johnson, V. S. Rolls and J. Hanrahan & Co. on the 10th day of December 1859, in the Recorder's office of Jackson County & state of Oregon, and also including all my interest in the quartz taken out by said company being all my entire interest in said claims above described. Witness my hand & seal this 18th day of February A.D. 1860. Jeremiah Hanrahan Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of John McLaughlin John T. Chase Filed for record Feb. 18, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Recorded February 29th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, J. C., Ogn. Bill of sale from James Walbridge to Samuel Hazelett. Know all men by these presents that I, James Walbridge, have this 22nd November A.D. 1859 bargained, sold and delivered, and by these presents do bargain, sell & deliver unto Samuel Hazelett the undivided two-thirds of a bank mining claim located on Jackass Creek 3 miles above Log Town and formerly owned by A. J. Hinkle & Co., for the consideration of one horse and one Colt revolver pistol, to me delivered this day & date above mentioned. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal. James Walbridge Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Ogn. Filed for record March 1st, 1860 at 6 o'clock p.m. Recorded same day. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Bill of sale from W. H. Howard to Jacob Rapepoh. I have this day sold to Jacob Rapepoh all my right, title and interest in a certain quartz claim of fifty yards, discovered by Rapepoh and known as the Russian lead, for the sum of forty dollars. Dated Natches, March 3rd, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Agreement between Blackwell quartz company. The undersigned owners and proprietors of the Blackwell quartz lead recorded by Michael Moran & Company in the Recorder's office of Jackson County, Oregon, on the 10th day of December A.D. 1859 agree that the interest of the parties shall be as follows, to wit: The interest of the company is comprised in five equal shares, owned as follows-- One-fifth by Michael Moran, two-fifths by V. S. Rolls, one-fifth by David Johnston and one-fifth jointly by Wm. Hoffman, C. C. Beekman, U. S. Hayden and John T. Chase, making in all five shares in the whole interest. That the expenses incurred in working said quartz lead shall be paid in proportion to the interests of the respective parties aforesaid. March 5th, 1860. Micl. Moran V. S. Rolls D. Johnstone Wm. Hoffman C. C. Beekman by U. S. Hayden U. S. Hayden John T. Chase Filed and recorded March 5th, 1860 at 9 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that I claim fifty yards in length and one hundred feet in width on the southern side of Gold Hill in Jackson County as a quartz mining claim, the said claim being now in my possession and being worked by a man in my employ. If said claim contains a quartz vein it is supposed to run perpendicular to the present ascertained course of the lode on the claim known as the Emigrant claim. March 1st, 1860. John Andrews Filed and recorded March 8th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 river claims for mining purposes. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two river claims for mining purposes commencing forty yards below the foot of a certain island in Rogue River, which island is nearly opposite the house of Adams, Templeton & Mitchell and extending down the river for the distance of two hundred yards. Said claims were taken on the 22nd day of February A.D. 1860, and notice posted. March 8th, 1860. J. W. Tatum S. R. Templeton Filed and recorded March 8th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, J.C. Notice to hold water privilege. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the slough or channel from a point on Rogue River, commencing at or near the western string of fence on the Fort Lane Reserve, and continuing with said slough or channel to the intersection with Rogue River, taken as a water privilege for mining purposes and machinery. March 10th, 1860. James Bruce Theo. D. Maltby Jos. H. Bledsoe Relf Bledsoe Filed & recorded March 10th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims situated on the southwest side of the divide leading up to Gold Hill, commencing at a point about 20 feet below the prospect hole sunk by us and running up with the lead 200 yards taken up under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 12th, 1860. E. F. Ryan James Beals Wm. Miller Stephen Barnes Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 1 quartz claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz claim of 100 yards on the quartz lead discovered by me and known as the Hicks lead, situated in Jackson Co., Oregon. March 12th, 1860. C. R. Hicks Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims & intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the north side of Rogue River, opposite Gold Hill, on the first hill from the river and about 300 or 400 yards from the top of the spur towards the river, commencing at a stake on the said claim and running fifty yards each way with the lead from said stake, including all the dips, angles &c and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 12th, 1860. James Leslie Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860 at 9½ o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold seven quartz claims by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold seven quartz mining claims by right of discovery, situated on a divide between Carberry City and Brush Creek about one mile from "the cabins," running 300 yards south of west from one notice at our prospect hole and also running 400 yards north of east from said notice & prospect hole, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 15th, 1860. William P. Billups Thomas Faris George Hinkle Francis Fitnam James P. Barnes George W. Keeler John Ely Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Applegate, Augt. 23rd, 1860, I acknowledge that W. W. Fowler is one-half owner in an interest in a certain quartz claim on Applegate, recorded in my name in the Recorder's office at Jacksonville, Ogn. on the 12th March A.D. 1860. G. W. Keeler Filed & recorded Augt. 24th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold a water privilege on Applegate. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold the water to be taken out of Applegate Creek by a ditch, commencing at a point on said creek from a half to three-fourths of a mile above Carberry City and to be conducted by said ditch to a certain gulch taken up by us for mining purposes and also for the purposes of machinery for our quartz claims, recorded by us this day, said ditch to be continued by us if found necessary to do so. March 12th,1 860. Wm. P. Billups Thomas Faris Geo. Hinkle Francis Fitnam James P. Barnes Geo. W. Keeler John Ely Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860 at 1 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold five quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims, commencing at the southern termination of Johnson & Mowry's claims on the quartz lead discovered by John Woods and recorded January 25th, 1860 and running from thence in a southerly direction two hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 12th, 1860. A. C. Alberts C. Davenport S. H. Todd Frederick Elliott William Horn Filed and recorded March 12th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold water privilege. The undersigned claim all the water flowing from the springs in the gulch on and above the claims heretofore recorded by us for the purposes of machinery on our quartz claims, said quartz claims recorded December 10th, 1859. March 12th, 1860. Michael Moran David Johnson V. S. Rolls and Wm. Hoffman ) C. C. Beekman ) assignees of J. Hanrahan U. S. Hayden & ) John T. Chase ) Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold two quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims commencing at the southwest corner of Ryan & Company's claims recorded this day and running from there fifty yards northeast, fifty yards southwest and fifty yards wide on an angle from said point, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 12th, 1860. W. B. Keith W. H. Allan Filed & recorded March 12th, 1860 at 6 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 2 river claims on Rogue River. We the undersigned claim and intend to hold two river claims for mining purposes, situated about half a mile above Bethel's Ferry on Rogue River, commencing at the head of the ripple and extending down the river two hundred yards, including all the privileges and immunities belonging to said claims, which we design to work as soon as the stage of the water will permit. March 13th, 1860. E. A. Rice Jno. W. Sears Filed and recorded March 13th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold three quartz claims by right of discovery. We the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims by right of discovery situated on a hill on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, about 500 yards from One Horse Town, commencing at the point where our notice is put up and running thence north by west three hundred yards, claimed by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same 50 feet on each side of said lead, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 14th, 1860. Josephus Holmes Wm. H. Richardson A. A. Buzzell Filed and recorded March 14th, 1860 at half past one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. March 14th, 1861 the above notice is renewed this day. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims situated on Gold Hill, commencing at the southern boundary of Keith & Allan's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction two hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 15th, 1860. Washington Wallen Alexander Ward Jos. M. Lockwood Wallen & Lockwood 1 claim by purchase from James Sandford Filed & recorded March 15th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Bill of sale from James Beals to L. Ganung. Know all men by these presents that I, James Beals, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto L. Ganung and to his heirs and assigns, all my right, title, interest and claim in and to the quartz mining claims recorded by E. F. Ryan, James Beals, William Miller and Stephen Barnes on the 12th day of March 1860, said interest hereby conveyed being the fourth interest in said claims so recorded as aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of March A.D. 1860. James Beals Witness Jas. Clugage Wm. Hoffman Filed and recorded March 15th, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold five quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold five quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead on the main ridge on the right hand side of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, opposite the mouth of Timber Gulch, one claim of 100 yards taken by right of discovery and four claims of 50 yards each taken by right of preemption, making in all five hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims in the course of said lead, taken by us under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 16th, 1860. John Stow Wm. A. Johnson S. A. Mowder Henry Carter Lewis Cupps Filed and recorded March 16th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold 100 yards of the quartz lead discovered by Charles Hicks, being the same claim held by Chas. Hicks by right of discovery and purchased from him for a valuable consideration by the undersigned. March 16th, 1860. Taylor & Maury Filed and recorded March 16th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims on a lead discovered by G. W. Keeler & Co. on the 12th March 1860 situated on the divide between Applegate or a gulch that leads into Applegate just below Carberry Town and Brushy Creek. The lead runs north & south or nearly so; the claimants take the ridge for the center of their claims or a prospect hole near the ridge, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. Applegate, March 12th, 1860. G. W. Keeler W. W. Fowler Daniel Hopkins David Hopkins Filed and recorded March 17th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold three quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims on Gold Hill, adjoining the Ish, Cavanaugh & Company's claims on the Emigrant lead, on whichsoever fork of said lead may not be claimed by said Ish, Cavanaugh & Company; said claims so taken being in a southerly direction from the center of the Ish, Cavanaugh & Company's claims and extending with the lead one hundred & fifty yards. March 17th, 1860. N. King E. C. Pelton Thos. Pyle Filed and recorded March 17th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims, by right of discovery, situated southwest of [the] Emigrant lead about 300 yards from the south boundary of the Ish, Cavanaugh & Co.'s claims, commencing at a middle sized pine tree and running from thence in a northerly direction 200 yards with said lead including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claims and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining, said claims discovered February 15th, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. John A. Peer W. Dyer Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice is hereby given to hold a water privilege. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the water in a certain branch running into Rogue River about from one mile to a mile and [a] half up the river from Bethel's Ferry on the south side of said river, said water to be conducted in a ditch to be constructed by me from said branch to a river bar at said Bethel's Ferry for mining purposes. I also claim the water that will naturally flow into said ditch in its course. March 19th, 1860. J. A. Peer Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 9½ o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims commencing at the N.W. boundary of the quartz claims recorded by Josephus Holmes and Company on the 14th March 1860 and running from thence in a north by west direction 200 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims and 50 feet on each side, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 19th, 1860. A. C. Alberts Frederick Elliott George Clapp S. H. Todd Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale from V. S. Rolls to Jos. H. Bledsoe.
March 13th, 1860.
Know all men by these
presents that I have this day bargained and sold unto Jos. H. Bledsoe
all my right, title and interest in and to a certain claim in Rogue
River for mining purposes &c. opposite to the mouth of Sams
which said claim was recorded jointly by Hicks, Fisher &
for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars for which
the said Bledsoe has this day executed his note to me payable in 30
days, and hereby guarantee unto the said Bledsoe all my possession,
rights and privileges unto the same. As witness my hand,V. S. Rolls Attest Thos. T. Maltby Filed and recorded March 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, citizens of the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, have on this the 10th day of March A.D. 1860 taken up and claim one hundred yards in a certain quartz lead in the vicinity of Rogue River marked by a laurel tree on the southeast and the said tree marked thus XX and adjoining on the southeast by the claims of King & Company and by an oak tree marked thus XX being on the northwest corner of the claims of Swindling & Co. W. T. Butler Marshall Crawford D. B. Powers M. Bledsoe Filed and recorded March 19th, 1860 at half past ten o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Copy of bill of sale from George Hayes & H. R. Owens to How.
Rich Gulch, March 19, 1858
Know all men by
these presents that we the undersigned have this day sold to Chinaman
How all our right & title to a mining claim situated on Rich
also all our right & title in 19 sluices, pick &
shovels, one
sluice fork, all our right and title in two cabins, all our right
title in a water ditch from the left hand fork of Jackson Creek.
George Hayes H. R. Owens Attest E. D. Foudray Filed and recorded March 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims, one claim of 100 yards by right of discovery, one 50 yards by preemption on a certain quartz lead situated near the road leading from Jacksonville to Applegate in a gulch opposite the first cabin on said road and being about one mile from Jacksonville, said claims being 150 yards in length and taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining and including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claims & fifty feet on each side of said lead. March 19th, 1860. John Ramsdale Robert Owens Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 11½ o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims, commencing at the southerly termination of the claims recorded by N. King, E. C. Pelton & Thomas Pyle on the 17th March 1860 and running from thence in a southerly direction one hundred and fifty yards, said claims taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 19th, 1860. Middleton V. Amen John Thompson John M. Drake Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim commencing at the southern termination of the claims recorded by Middleton V. Amen, John Thompson and John M. Drake this day and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 19th, 1860. Geo. T. Vining March 19th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. filed for record and recorded. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Bill of sale John E. Ross to Charles Williams. Know all men by these presents that I the undersigned have for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, to me in hand paid or secured to be paid, sold, transferred and quitclaimed unto Charles Williams of Jacksonville, Oregon, the one undivided half part of all my right, title and interest in and to the quartz mining claim or lead on Gold Hill in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim or lead being known as the Emigrant or Ish lead, and my interest therein being derived by purchase of O. J. Graham as is evidenced by a bill of sale dated February 4th A.D. 1860 and amounting to one-fifth of the whole of said claim. To have and to hold the undivided half of said one-fifth unto the said Charles Williams, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns forever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifth day of March A.D. 1860. John E. Ross Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James R. Peter Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 8 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Transfer from John E. Ross to N. C. Dean.
Jacksonville, Ogn., March 19th, 1860
Received of N. C. Dean
six hundred and fifty dollars in full for one-eighth of one-fifth of
the Emigrant quartz lead as purchased by me of O. J. Graham.John E. Ross Witness James R. Peters Filed & recorded March 19th, 1860 at 8½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three hundred yards of this lead by right of discovery, known as the Carter lead and situated on the north side of Rogue River at what is known as the Smith Diggings about 2 miles below Bethel's Ferry, said claims running 150 yards each way on the lead from this stake and 50 feet on each side of the lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 20th, 1860. George W. Carter Harvey B. Oatman Ben. Haymond Filed & recorded March 20th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 300 yards of mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 yards of mining claims, 2 reservoirs and 2 ditches, cabin and other fixtures belonging to said claims situated near the road leading from Jacksonville to the Willow Springs, about 4 miles from Jacksonville and less than a mile from N. C. Dean's residence and a short distance from Titus Willard's land claim; said claims cannot be worked at present for want of water; we therefore record them so as to hold them until we can have water to work said claims, including reservoirs, ditches and everything else belonging to said claims. March 21st, 1860. A. Wurzeyski [omission] Piatti [omission] Oriezi Filed & recorded March 21st, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims, ditch, reservoirs. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold the following described mining claims situated on Rich Gulch in Jackson County, formerly known as the Rogers claims and purchased by us from George Cram, commencing about 30 feet below the pine tree standing in the gulch and running up the gulch 250 yards. Also the cabin, sluiceboxes &c. and the right to the ditch and water and three reservoirs belonging to said claims; said reservoirs are at the head of said gulch. March 23rd, 1860. Lan & Company Filed & recorded March 23rd, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Transfer from Sonora Hicks to Joseph H. Bledsoe.
Jacksonville, March 14th, 1860.
Know all men by these
presents that I, Sonora Hicks, from this day bargained and sold unto
Joseph H. Bledsoe for the sum of two hundred dollars, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, all my right, title, interest of
possession to a certain claim in Rogue River, which said claim was
filed and recorded by D. F. Fisher, V. S. Rolls and the undersigned on
the 21st day of January 1860 in the Recorder's office of Jackson
County, and I hereby guarantee unto said Bledsoe all the right, title
and interest which I may possess.As witness my hand the date above written. Sonora Hicks Witness Wm. Hoffman Filed for record March 14th, 1860 at 2 o'clock p.m. Recorded March 23rd, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale from Stephen Barnes to Jacob Rapepoh. Gold
Hill, March 23rd, 1860
Know all men by these
presents that I, Steven Barnes, have this day sold all my right, title
and interest in the lead discovered by E. J. Ryan & Company for
sum of $100 dollars paid in hand to me, to Jacob Rapepoh.his X mark Steven Barnes Witness C. Brockmann Jeremiah Cozad Filed & recorded March 23rd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim on the large Blackwell quartz lead, for the purpose of mining the same, five quartz mining claims, commencing at a stake standing in Patrick Gulch, on the lead north of the military road leading from Canyonville to Jacksonville, one hundred yards below a laurel tree marked T.P. on the east side and B.F.D. on the west side, thence in a northeasterly direction along said lead, two hundred and fifty yards, extending 50 feet on each side of said quartz lead, with all its angles, dips and outcroppings. Jacksonville, Oregon, March 24th, 1860. B. F. Dowell J. S. Burpee S. N. Howard J. H. Reed Riley Hayden Filed & recorded March 24th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim on the large Blackwell quartz lead, for the purpose of mining the same, two quartz mining claims, commencing at a stake standing in Patrick Gulch, on the lead north of the military road leading from Canyonville to Jacksonville, one hundred yards below a laurel tree marked T.P. on the east side and B.F.D. on the south side, at the southwest end of Dowell, Reed & Co.'s claims, thence in a southwesterly direction towards said road along said lead one hundred yards, extending fifty feet on each side of said quartz lead, with all its angles, dips and outcroppings. Jacksonville, Oregon, March 24th, 1860. Thomas Pyle Middleton Amen Filed & recorded March 24th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Mining Laws of Humbug Creek. Article
Each man shall hold a claim one hundred yards square by preemption and
as much by purchase as he represents.
The oldest
claim shall have the first
right to the
water but shall run no water by unnecessarily to keep others from using
No claim
shall be considered forfeited
if worked one
day in every five during the time there is a good ground sluice head in
the creek.Article
No person
or company shall put a dam,
reservoir or
any obstruction in the creek, provided it is a damage to those above
said obstructions.Article
Any person
or company putting in a
reservoir shall
have a flood gate five feet in breadth and three feet [in] height which
shall be kept open as long as there is a good sluice head in the creek
for washing up.Article
shall be a recorder elected, and
he shall be allowed one dollar per claim for recording.Any person leaving the creek to be gone two months shall have their claim recorded. Article
Any person
or persons violating any of
resolutions or bylaws shall abide [by] the decision of a miner's
Chinamen shall be allowed to purchase
or hold any mining claim on this creek.Article
the foregoing articles shall
come in act as
laws of the creek on or after & from the twentieth day of March
A.D. 1860.Chairman J. F. Headrick Committee on Resolutions V. P. Comstock Jas. W. Mee E. Thompson Secretary Francis Sackett Recorder John Goff Filed & recorded March 24th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold one [sic] quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims of 200 yards by right of discovery, situated 100 yards below the summit of the highest mountain above Kanaka Town, commencing at the shaft sunk by me on said leads and running 100 yards each way from said shaft on said leads, the said shaft being the center of said claims, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and 50 feet on each side of said lead. March 24th, 1860. Henry Haase [omission] Louis Filed & recorded March 24th, 1860 at 5½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on Long's Gulch and extending 200 yards on the lead, one hundred yards by discovery and 100 yards by preemption, also three quartz claims situated on Brush Creek extending 200 yards on the lead, same as above. March 26, 1860. George Long, Senr. Justus Wells Adam Hofer Filed & recorded March 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold six quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold six quartz mining claims situated on the west side of Galls Creek in Jackson County, Oregon and about two miles from Rogue River, 100 yards claim[ed] by S. A. Frye by right of discovery, said quartz claims commencing near said Frye's reservoir and running thence in a southeasterly direction and northwesterly direction for the distance of three hundred and fifty yards, the claim of the said J. B. White commencing at the S.E. termination of S. A. Frye's claim and running thence 50 yards southeasterly; J. L. Frye's claim commencing at the S.E. termination of J. B. White's claim and running thence 50 yards southeasterly; David N. Birdseye's claim running from the S.E. termination of J. L. Frye's claim and running thence southeasterly 50 yards; Lafayette Johnson's claim commencing at the N.W. termination of S. A. Frye's claim and running thence 50 yards northwesterly; Rufus Johnson's claim commencing at the N.W. termination of La Fayette Johnson's claim and running 50 yards N. westerly , including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claims. Saml. A. Frye J. B. White John L. Frye La Fayette Johnson Rufus Johnson David N. Birdseye Filed and recorded March 31st, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder of Jackson Co., Ogn. The undersigned hereby release the two claims recorded above. April 2nd, 1860. Lafayette Johnson Rufus Johnson Notice to hold one quartz mining claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated about three-fourths of a mile a little south of west from the Blackwell lead commencing at a bunch of laurel bushes and running thence in a southeasterly direction 100 yards, including all dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 29th, 1860. J. A. Bandy Filed and recorded March 31st, 1860 at 7½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the said J. A. Bandy's claim and running from there in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 29th, 1860. N. J. Farrans Filed & recorded March 31st, 1860 at 7½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the said J. A. Bandy's claim and running from thence 50 yards in a southeasterly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 29th, 1860. John N. Dooly Filed & recorded March 31st, 1860 at 7½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claim recorded by John N. Dooly and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 29th, 1860. J. H. Hickman Filed & recorded March 31st, 1860 at 7½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold 3 quartz mining claims, one claim by right of discovery, on a certain quartz lead situated from 50 to 75 yards southwest from the southwest corner of John Swinden's land claim, commencing at a white oak tree, where we have sunk our prospect hole, running from said tree one hundred yards in an easterly direction and also from said tree one hundred yards in a westerly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 31st, 1860. Eli Stout Isaac Swinden John Swinden Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 8 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold two quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims, one claim by right of discovery, situated about a half mile in a southerly direction from the Ish ledge on Gold Hill, one hundred yards running in a northwesterly direction and fifty yards in a southeasterly direction from our starting point, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 30th, 1860. Richard H. More Eseck Tabor Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 8 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims fifty yards of the quartz lead discovered by Lynch, Hickman and others, known as the "Big Lead," situated in the region of country known as the Blackwell Diggings in the county of Jackson & state of Oregon, the general course of said lead bearing southwest and northeast; said claim is situated about one-half of [a] mile in a southwest direction from the so called "Blackwell lead," commencing at an oak stump or stub by the side of which is a stake flattened on two sides and split, with a notice in it, running thence northeast, in [the] direction of said lead (50) fifty yards, to a stake same as above, standing at the end of prospect hole where the lead is exposed in a rotten and decayed condition, said claim taken under the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining, including fifty feet on each side together with the dips and angles and outcroppings according to law. March 24th, 1860. Amos E. Rogers Filed & recorded March 30th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims (50) fifty yards of the same lead described in the claim of A. E. Rogers, commencing at the northeast termination of the said Rogers' claim and running thence in [the] direction of the lead down to [sic] gulch to a stake flattened on two sides, the lead exposed on said claim being nearly in the center of the gulch and in a solid condition, including dips, angles & outcroppings, taken in accordance with the provisions of the act of [the] Assembly regulating quartz mining. March 24th, 1860. Jeremiah Snyder Filed & recorded March 30th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims (50) fifty yards of the same quartz lead described in the two preceding records of Rogers & Snyder, commencing at the northeast termination of the said Snyder's claim, running thence northeast in [the] direction of said lead to a stake flattened on two sides and marked thus H on each side, the lead as exposed being a few feet to the east of the gulch on said claim and in a solid condition, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings and also fifty feet on each side as by law entitled. March 24th, 1860. John Herrbold Filed and recorded March 30th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim on the quartz lead situated on Galls Creek and discovered by S. A. Frye and located between the claims of said S. A. Frye and La Fayette Johnson, on the northwest of said Frye's claim 50 yards, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. Nathaniel Mitchell Filed and recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 100 yards of a certain quartz lead commencing about 50 yards in a northwesterly direction from S. A. Frye's ditch on Galls Creek, and running from a certain white oak tree in a northwesterly direction one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. John Campbell Edmund Veazie Filed and recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 100 yards of a certain quartz lead near S. A. Frye's ditch on Galls Creek, commencing at the S.E. termination of the claims recorded by John Campbell and Edmund Veazie and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 100 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. Lafayette Johnson Rufus Johnson Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of N. J. Farran's claim and running from thence 50 yards in a northwesterly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. S. M. Babcock Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claim of S. M. Babcock and running from thence 50 yards in a northwesterly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. Pat. Lynch Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claim recorded by Pat. Lynch, and running from thence 50 yards in a northwesterly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. Samuel House Filed and recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claim recorded by Samuel House and running thence in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. John G. Babcock Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of John G. Babcock's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 2nd, 1860. James P. Burns Filed & recorded April 2nd, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold 100 yards by right of discovery on a certain quartz lead near the Willow Springs road in Jackson County, discovered by the undersigned and designated as the "Mammoth Lead," commencing 100 yards south of the prospect hole sunk by me & others on said lead and running from thence northwardly 100 yards by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. Patrick Lynch Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead and commencing at the northerly termination of Patrick Lynch's claim and running from thence in a northerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. J. H. Hickman Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead and commencing at the northerly termination of J. H. Hickman's claim and running from thence in a northerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. N. J. Farrans Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northerly termination of N. J. Farran's claim and running from thence in a northerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. John McCanna Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the southern termination of Patrick Lynch's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. James House Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the southern termination of James House's claim and running from thence in a southern direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. S. M. Babcock Filed and recorded April 8th [sic], 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the southern termination of S. M. Babcock's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. J. W. McCoy Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the southern termination of J. W. McCoy's claim and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 8th, 1860. M. F. Alcorn Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by J. A. Bandy and recorded March 31st, 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of J. H. Hickman's claim and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. John McPherson Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at ten o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims & intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by B. F. Dowell and others on the 24th day of March 1860 and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. John G. Babcock Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of John G. Babcock's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. Richard H. More Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of Richard More's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. John N. Durham Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of John N. Durham's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. D. C. Havird Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of D. C. Havird's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. Samuel Coffin Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northeasterly termination of Samuel Coffin's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. James Sweeny Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims (100 yards by right of discovery by A. T. Johnson), situated on a quartz lead between Foots Creek and Rogue River, about 1¼ mile a little south of east from Magruder's, commencing at a stake with our notice on it, on said lead and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 200 yards with said lead, being 100 yards by right of discovery and 100 yards by preemption, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 4th, 1860. A. T. Johnson William Burtt [omission] Rankins Filed and recorded April 4th, 1860 at 6 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Commencing at a fir tree a little east of the main shaft sunk on said lead running thence NW by 500 feet--1 cl. by D ["one claim by discovery"] & 1 by location Notice to hold a water privilege. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the water privilege of a small branch running into Foots Creek, about half a mile south of the quartz lead recorded by us on April 4th, 1860. We claim the water of said branch from its source to its confluence with Foots Creek for the purpose of machinery and for other purposes if deemed necessary by us. April 5th, 1860. A. T. Johnson Wm. Burtt [omission] Rankins Filed & recorded April 5th, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 50 yards of the quartz lead known as the "Big Lead"; said claim is situated on the northeast side of the road leading from Blackwell Diggings to the Willow Springs and commencing at a stake flattened on two sides, sitting by the side of a small pine stump, this starting point being about 150 yards in [the] direction of the lead in about a northeast course from the opening made on said lead by Lynch, Hickman & others and about 125 yards from the supposed intersection of the Blackwell lead with said "Big Lead," running thence northeast or in a direction of said lead to a stake flattened in like manner as the first, including fifty feet on each side and all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same as by law entitled. April 2nd, 1860. S. A. Mowder Filed & recorded April 5th, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 50 yards of the lead described in the foregoing notice of S. A. Mowder, commencing at the northeast termination of said Mowder's claim and running thence northeasterly or in the direction of said lead to a stake, flattened on two sides, near which is a large prospect hole showing the end of the lead apparently and also showing where another large lead seems at nearly right angles with said lead, including 50 yards on each side, with dips, angles and outcroppings as by law entitled. April 2nd, 1860. John Thompson Filed and recorded April 5th, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead recorded by A. T. Johnson, Wm. Burtt and Rankins on the fourth of April 1860, commencing at the northeasterly termination of said Johnson & others' claims and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 7th, 1860. David N. Birdseye Filed & recorded April 7th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead recorded by A. T. Johnson and others, commencing at the N.E. termination of David N. Birdseye's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 7th, 1860. R. S. Jewett Filed & recorded April 7th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one hundred yards of the quartz lead situated on the butte near the center of W. G. T'Vault's land claim; said claim is by the right of discovery this 1st day of April 1860. W. G. T'Vault Filed & recorded April 7th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz mining lead recorded by A. T. Johnson and others, commencing at the southwest termination of the claims recorded by said Johnson & others and running from thence in a southwesterly direction 50 yards, including the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 7th, 1860. George Gaskell Filed & recorded April 7th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz mining lead recorded by A. T. Johnson & others, commencing at the southwesterly termination of the claim recorded by George Gaskell and running from thence in a southwesterly direction 50 yards, including the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 7th, 1860. Daniel Rathbun Filed and recorded April 7th, 1860 at 8½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz mining lead recorded by A. T. Johnson and others, commencing at the northeasterly termination of R. S. Jewett's claim and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards, including the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 7th, 1860. P. P. Prim Filed & recorded April 7th, 1860 at 8½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the "Mammoth Quartz Lead," commencing at the prospect hole sunk by me on the northern termination of my claim and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. March 10th, 1860. Hugh Donnelly Filed and recorded April 9th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one claim of 50 yards on this quartz lead from this notice, running in a southeasterly direction, commencing on the northwest at a blazed black oak tree broken off about 12 feet from the ground, and running from thence southeasterly 50 yards to the northwesterly line of the Rhoten claim, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining; said claim was located March 29th, 1860. April 6th, 1860. I. L. Jones Filed & recorded April 9th, 1860 at 10 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining [claim] of one hundred yards, by right of discovery, situated on a quartz mining lead situated in the Smith's Diggings on the north side of Rogue River, about 2 miles below Bethel's Ferry, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining, said lead on the north side of Rogue River. April 9th, 1860. A. Lemeriel Filed & recorded April 9th, 1860 at 7 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim of one hundred yards by right of discovery on a certain quartz lead, running at nearly right angles to the "Big Lead" in the Blackwell Diggings, commencing near the reservoir in the Pattie Gulch and running from thence with said lead towards said Big Lead one hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 10th, 1860. Geo. M. Harris Filed & recorded April 10th, 1860 at one o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Mining regulations of Jackass Creek Diggings. Resolutions & bylaws of Jackass Creek from its head to the junction with Poorman Creek March 17th, 1860. The foregoing [sic] resolutions shall take effect from the 19th of March 1860. Article
Each man shall hold a claim one hundred yards square by preemption and
as much by purchase as he represents.Article
The oldest claim shall
have the first right to the water but shall run no water by
unnecessarily to keep others from using it.Article
No claim shall be
considered forfeited if worked one day in every five during the time
there is a good ground sluice head in the creek.Article
No person shall put a
dam, reservoir or any obstruction in the creek, provided it is a damage
to those above said obstructions.Article
Any person or company
putting in a reservoir shall have a flood gate five feet in breadth and
three feet in height, which shall be kept open as long as there is a
good sluice head in the creek for washing up.Article
There shall be a
recorder elected, and he shall be allowed one dollar per claim for
recording; any person leaving the creek to be gone two months shall
have their claim recorded.Article
Any person or persons
violating any of these resolutions or bylaws shall abide by the
decision of a miner's meeting.After due considerations the foregoing resolutions have been unanimously adopted. Samuel Hinkley, chairman John D. Buckley, secretary Committee Wm. McNew Francis Logg Recorder Francis Logg Filed for recorded [sic] March 20th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Recorded April 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale, A. J. Long to John X. Miller. Know all men by these presents that I, A. J. Long, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars, to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have this day granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell to John X. Miller of the same county & state one-half of the undivided fifth interest of the interest known as the A. J. Long interest in what is known as the Emigrant or Ish quartz lode, the title to which said undivided fifth interest I warrant and defend. Jacksonville, March 30, 1860. A. J. Long Witness J. T. Glenn Chas. B. Brooks Filed for record March 30th, 1860 at half past one o'clock p.m. Recorded April 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold a water privilege. Burnside & Co. claim to take Rogue River at a point near the old cabin where the Rogue River mining company intend turning said river in its now channel [sic] again and continue it on downwards to the old ferry near Evansville and to commence said work as soon as the above company has dammed said river. April 12th, 1860. Burnside & Co. Filed & recorded April 12th, 1860 at two o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead commencing at the southern termination of M. F. Alcorn's claim and running from thence in a S.W. direction 50 yards so as to intersect John McPherson's claim, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 12th, 1860. J. P. Burns Filed & recorded April 12th, 1860 at 5½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead near the Mammoth lead, commencing 20 yards N.W. of the Mammoth lead and running in a N.W. direction 50 yards on a lead discovered by S. Babcock & J. Rhoten, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 12th, 1860. J. P. Burns Filed & recorded April 12th, 1860 at 5½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim, commencing at the N.W. terminus of the claim recorded by J. P. Burns on a lead discovered by S. Babcock and J. Rhoten and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 12th, 1860. W. Burns Filed & recorded April 12th, 1860 at 5½ o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim of 100 yards by right of discovery, situated on a quartz lead about one mile and a quarter south of west of the Blackwell lead, commencing at a pine tree near said lead and running from there in a northwesterly direction 25 yards, and running from said pine tree in a southeasterly direction 75 yards, said lead known as "the Stony Point lead," including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 14th, 1860. N. J. Farrans Filed and recorded April 14th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead known as the "Stony Point lead" commencing at the northwesterly termination of N. J. Farran's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly course 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 14th, 1860. J. A. Bandy Filed & recorded April 14th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the "Stony Point lead," commencing at the northwesterly termination of J. A. Bandy's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 14th, 1860. J. H. Hickman Filed and recorded April 14th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 5 mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five mining claims situated on the road leading from Jacksonville to Sterlingville about one mile from Jacksonville, commencing about 65 yards below John Cummings' cabin and running from thence 250 yards together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to said claims, which will be worked as soon as water can be had. April 4th, 1860. John Adam Schmidt George Eirich Adam Moesler Filed & recorded April 4th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered by us and commencing on a point or hill near the mouth of Missouri Gulch and running from thence in a northwardly course two hundred and fifty yards, one hundred yards thereof being by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 16th, 1860. J. A. Thomas Jos. Wetterer A. C. Grambling Morgan Peden Filed & recorded April 16th, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered and recorded by J. A. Thomas & others, commencing at the northerly termination of said claims and running from thence in a northerly course with said lead, one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 16th, 1860. Henry Huber Joseph Geisel Dr. Foppoli Filed & recorded April 16th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold a water privilege on Pleasant Creek. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described water privilege for mining purposes. All the residue of the water remaining in Pleasant Creek below Evans' & Hand's ditch, said water to be taken out of said Creek in ditches or flumes to be constructed for that purpose or to be used any other way we may desire. April 14th, 1860. A. K. Williams David N. Longsdon Filed & recorded April 17th, 1860 at 2 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth quartz lead, commencing at the southerly termination of the claim recorded by Hugh Donnelly on the 9th day of April and running from thence in a southerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 19th, 1860. A. Murphy Filed and recorded April 19th, 1860 at 11 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by A. T. Johnson & others on Foots Creek, commencing at the southerly termination of the said Johnson & Co.'s claim and running from thence in a southeasterly course 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 18th, 1860. N. Witt Filed & recorded April 19th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by A. T. Johnson & others on Foots Creek, commencing at the southerly termination of the claim recorded by N. Witt and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 18th, 1860. J. S. Jones Filed & recorded April 19th, 1860 at 4 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 3 mining claims on Rich Gulch. We the undersigned claim three mining claims on Rich Gulch, joining the claim of Dutch Loucy on the lower end, being 100 yards along said gulch, with all the privileges belonging to the same. April 20th, 1860. Thomas Mooney William Young M. A. Elder Filed & recorded April 20th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold a limestone quarry. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold this limestone quarry situated near the mouth of Missouri Gulch, between said gulch and the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and immediately above the junction of said gulch & said creek, including all the outcroppings and privileges belonging to the same, taken by right of discovery and for my special use and benefit. April 20th, 1860. N. Witt Filed & recorded April 20th, 1860 at 9 o'clock a.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold a ditch and water privilege. We the undersigned hereby give notice that we claim the privilege of the water to be conveyed in a ditch to be constructed by us, to convey the water from Applegate Creek about one mile and a half above Chappell's ranch and about three miles above the mouth of Sterling Creek and to terminate at the lower Sterling Creek mining district; we claim all the water flowing in said ditch from said Applegate Creek as well as all the water that may naturally flow into said ditch in its course, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 9th day of April A.D. 1860. H. H. Gallaher J. A. Gallaher Filed and recorded April 21st, 1860 at 3 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold quartz claims on 3 leads. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six quartz mining claims situated on a lead on the hill about three-fourths of a mile from Foots Creek, on the northeast side and running about east and west, commencing at a shaft sunk about ten feet deep and running one hundred and fifty yards each way, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. One additional claim by right of discovery. April 19th, 1860. Edward Lyon James R. Boss James Avery Peter VanSlyck Rufus Stebbins Knickerbocker Quartz Mining Company Filed & recorded April 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold six quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six mining claims, one hundred yards by right of discovery & two hundred yards by preemption situated on a quartz lead about one-fourth of a mile farther up the hill than the claims first recorded by us and near the head of the gulch at the north of the claims first recorded by us, commencing at the middle of the gulch and running each way one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. One additional claim by right of discovery. Edward Lyon James R. Boss James Avery Peter VanSlyck Rufus Stebbins Knickerbocker Quartz Mining Company Filed and recorded April 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold six quartz claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold six quartz mining claims, one hundred yards by right of discovery and two hundred yards by preemption, situated on a quartz lead about 200 yards above the last claim recorded by us and running 150 yards each way, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining and including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to said claim. April 19th, 1860. Edward Lyon James R. Boss James Avery P. VanSlyck Rufus Stebbins Knickerbocker Quartz Mining Company Filed and recorded April 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by me, commencing at a bunch of laurel bushes about 400 yards south of Michael Moran's cabin on the point of the ridge and running from thence northeasterly 50 yards and from same starting point southwesterly 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. James P. Burns Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Blackwell
5th 160 [sic]
Mr. Hoffman--you will please enter on the record a transfer of my lead south of Moran's cabin to my son William Burns as I have this day told the same to him please give it early attention it is the one that Johnson is in Yours
J. P. Burns [The above is a note in Burns'
handwriting pasted over the notice below.]
Notice to hold two quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead about 300 yards west of the Blackwell lead & discovered by N. J. Farrans, commencing at the northerly termination of John McPherson's claim and running, thence in a northerly direction 100 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. James P. Burns Thomas E. Johnson Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. June 5th 1860 transferred to William Burns by purchase as per annexed conveyance. Filed and recorded June 9th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on the middle quartz lead of the three quartz leads recorded by Edward Lyon, J. R. Boss and others on the 26th day of April A.D. 1860, commencing at the northwest termination of the claims of said Lyon, Boss & others and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 200 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. James Thomas U. McLachlen J. Gould J. T. Jones Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on the upper quartz lead of the three quartz leads recorded by Edward Lyon, J. R. Boss and others on the 26th day of April A.D. 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claims of said Lyon, Boss & others and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 200 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. James Thomas U. McLachlen J. Gould J. T. Jones Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 1 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the upper lead of three, recorded by Lyon, Boss & Co., commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claims of the said Lyon, Boss & Co.'s claims and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. A. Barker Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the middle lead of the three recorded by Lyon, Boss & Co. on the 26th day of April 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the said Lyon, Boss & Co.'s claims and running thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. Peter Hoagland Filed and recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the middle lead of the three recorded by E. Lyon, Boss & Co. on the 26th day of April A.D. 1860, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claim recorded by Peter Hoagland and running thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 27th, 1860. A. Rumble Filed & recorded April 27th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on the upper lead of the three quartz leads recorded by Edward Lyon, Boss & Co. on the 19th of April 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of A. Barker's claim recorded on the 27th of April and running from thence in a northwesterly course with said lead 100 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 28th, 1860. William Cose Joseph Lockwood Filed and recorded April 28th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold six bank claims on Rogue River. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six bank claims on Rogue River of one hundred yards each, being in all six hundred yards and situated below the claims of the Rogue River Mining Company, the said six claims beginning at a certain cabin about midway on said claims and running from said cabin up the river three hundred yards, and then again running from said cabin down the river three hundred yards, making together six hundred yards the quantity claimed, said claims being taken for mining purposes. We also claim the use of an old ditch heretofore dug and abandoned, to conduct the water from Rogue River to said claims, including all the privileges belonging to the same. April 30th, 1860. J. W. Tatum [omission] Vaccarezza Charles Trusardi Angelo Gualco Giovanni Rossi James Franck Filed and recorded April 30th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim by right of discovery, situated on a quartz lead on the first point south of Moran's cabin and about 205 yards distant, commencing at the prospect hole sunk by me near a small fir tree blazed, and running from thence southeasterly 50 yards and also running from said starting point in a northwesterly course 50 yards, being altogether 100 yards the quantity claimed, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 23rd, 1860. N. J. Farrans Filed and recorded May 1st, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim, situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans on the first point south of Moran's cabin, commencing at the northwesterly termination of said Farran's claim and running from there in a northwesterly course 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 23rd, 1860. John McPherson Filed and recorded May 1st, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Clerk. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim, situated on a quartz mining claim discovered by N. J. Farrans on the first point south of Moran's cabin, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the said J. N. [sic] Farran's claim and running from there in a southeasterly course 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 23rd, 1860. J. H. Hickman Filed and recorded May 1st, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim, situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans on the first point south of Moran's cabin, commencing at the southeasterly termination of J. H. Hicks' claim and running from there in a southeasterly course 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 23rd, 1860. Patrick Lynch Filed and recorded May 1st, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead in the Blackwell Diggings, commencing at the southwesterly termination of John Rhoten's claim and running from thence in a southwesterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. April 20th, 1860. Wm. K. Rolls Filed and recorded May 3rd, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northerly termination of Hugh Donnelly's claim and running from thence in a northerly course with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 5th, 1860. George D. Reed Filed and recorded May 5th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northerly termination of George D. Reed's claim and running from thence in a northerly course with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 5th, 1860. C. H. Knapp Filed & recorded May 5th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northerly termination of C. H. Knapp's claim and running from thence with said lead in a northerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 5th, 1860. John McPherson Filed & recorded May 5th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the Mammoth lead, commencing at the northerly termination of John McPherson's claim and running from thence in a northerly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 5th, 1860. John Rhoten Filed & recorded May 5th, 1860 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold mining claims on Poorman Creek. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims, situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, to wit two hundred and seventy-five yards, both creek and banks, bounded on the upper part by the claims of Guie & Company (Chinamen) and on the lower part by the claims of Gun & Company (Chinamen) together with the cabin, sluices &c. belonging to said claims. May 7th, 1860. Choy & Company Filed & recorded May 7th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims fifty yards of the quartz lead discovered by Lynch, Hickman & others, known as the "Big Lead," situated about one-half of a mile in a southwesterly direction from the Blackwell Diggings, commencing at the northeasterly termination of John Herrbold's claim, recorded on page 126 of the book March 30th 1860 at a stake marked H on the two sides and running thence in a northeasterly direction 50 yards to an oak tree blazed on two sides, including dips, angles & outcroppings and 50 feet on each side as by law entitled. May 7th, 1860. Robert Tenbrook Filed and recorded May 7th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold three quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two hundred yards, that is, one claim of 100 yards by discovery and two additional claims of 50 yards each, of a quartz lead situated on the ledge at the right hand side of the road leading through the Blackwell Diggings toward Gold Hill commencing at a point on said lead about 250 yards in a northeasterly direction from the arrastra erected at Blackwell's and about 10 yards distant from a large dry pine tree blazed on the side facing the lead where opened and marked thus X running from said opening 100 yards each way, in the direction of the lead for quantity claimed, including dips, angles & outcroppings and fifty feet on each side as by law entitled. May 7th, 1860. Amos E. Rogers John Herrbold Jeremiah Snyder Filed & recorded May 7th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 3 quartz mining claims situated on the quartz mining lead discovered by W. A. Johnson, commencing at the N.W. termination of Mr. Reiner's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly direction 150 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 8th, 1860. Isaac Jones Daniel Jones Madison Banks Filed and recorded May 8th, 1860 at 6 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman, Clerk & Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded by him on the 1st May 1860, commencing at the S.E. termination of the claim recorded by P. Lynch on the 1st May 180 and running from thence in a southeasterly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 9th, 1860. J. A. Bandy Filed and recorded May 9th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered and recorded by N. J. Farrans on the 1st May 1860, on page 195 of this record, commencing at the N.W. termination of John McPherson's claim and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 10th, 1860. John Rhoten Filed & recorded May 10th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold three quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered and recorded by N. J. Farrans on the 1st May 1860, commencing at the northwesterly termination of the claims on said lead recorded by James P. Burns and Thomas E. Johnson on the 27th of April 1860 and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with said lead one hundred and fifty yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 10th, 1860. Hugh Donnelly G. D. Reed William K. Rolls Filed and recorded May 10th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded by him on the 1st of May, commencing at the southeasterly termination of the claim recorded by J. A. Bandy on the 9th day of May and running from thence in a southeasterly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 12th, 1860. George Black Filed and recorded May 12th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead about half a mile north from the Blackwell lead, on the point of a ridge, said lead running in an easterly and westerly course, commencing at two small pines near the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from thence in an easterly direction with said lead 100 yards by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 19th, 1860. N. J. Farrans Filed and recorded May 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded this day, commencing at the westerly termination of the said Farran's claim and running from thence in a westerly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 19th, 1860. J. A. Bandy Filed and recorded May 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded this day, commencing at the westerly termination of J. A. Bandy's claim on said lead and running from thence in a westerly direction 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 19th, 1860. Patrick Lynch Filed & recorded May 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims and intends to hold one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded this day, commencing at the westerly termination [of] Patrick Lynch's claim on said lead and running from thence in a westerly direction with said lead 50 yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 19th, 1860. J. H. Hickman Filed & recorded May 19th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by N. J. Farrans and recorded by him on the 1st of May 1860 and bounded on said lead by Burns & Johnson on the south and by Donnelly, Reed & Rolls on the north, being 50 yards of said lead, including the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 25th, 1860. Lockwood & Moore Filed & recorded May 25th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold three quartz claims, one by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a lead from three-fourths to one mile westerly from Fort Lane, commencing at the prospect hole on said lead and running from thence in an easterly direction one hundred yards and commencing at the same starting point and running thence in a westerly direction one hundred yards, making in all two hundred yards, one hundred yds. being by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 25th, 1860. Eli Stout John N. Durham John H. Billenbrook Filed and recorded May 25th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 6 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold six quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered by John N. Durham and recorded by Durham & others on the 25th day of May A.D. 1860, commencing at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by Eli Stout, John N. Durham and John H. Billenbrook and running from thence in a northeasterly direction three hundred yards, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 25th, 1860. John Pinney V. S. Rolls W. K. Rolls A. Ward A. Kennedy R. S. Farrow Filed & recorded May 25th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold two quartz mining claims situated on a point near Rich Gulch and about 600 yards from Sterlingville, commencing at a prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from thence in a southwardly direction 150 yards, 100 yards being by right of discovery, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 26th, 1860. Lewis Orme Milton Lindley Filed and recorded May 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold one mining claim. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated south of the Eagle Brewery in Jacksonville, commencing at the bridge south of said brewery and running from thence in an easterly direction 100 yards with the usual width of the diggings, including all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Witness my hand this 26th day of May A.D. 1860. James McLaren Filed and recorded May 26th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold mining claims and water ditch. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims, ditch &c. situated on Poorman Creek about a half a mile above the mouth of Jackass Creek, being the same claims & ditch bought by us from Daniel Hopkins and A. Boen by bill of sale dated November 8th, 1858, being 240 yards in length with the usual width, also sluices & tools, said ditch bounded on the north by the Black claim and on the south by the Caldwell claim. May 29th, 1860. Kay & Company Nine Chinamen Filed and recorded May 29th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 11 quartz mining claims situated on a lead discovered by Geo. E. Cochran on a divide between Galls Creek and John Swinden's land claims, commencing on said lead about 100 yards southwestwardly from a certain oak tree near said lead and running from said starting point 600 yards (100 yards being by right of discovery) in a northeasterly direction, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, with 50 feet on each side, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 29th, 1860. Geo. E. Cochran, discoverer P. C. Wood Titus B. Willard G. K. Elliott Jno. S. Drum S. Pease Wm. Hoffman Chas. B. Brooks H. A. Bratbarth G. M. Kent W. T. Leever Filed & recorded May 29th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 2 quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead about from a quarter to a half mile northwardly from the quartz claims recorded by J. N. Durham & others on the 25th of May A.D. 1860, commencing at the prospect hole sunk by us on said lead and running from thence in a northeasterly direction 100 yards and commencing at said prospect hole and running from thence in a southwestwardly direction 50 yards, making together 150 yards, being 100 yards by right of discovery and 50 yards by preemption, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, with 50 feet on each side of said lead, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. May 30th, 1860. Charles Taylor Christian Hanney Filed & recorded May 31st, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Notice to hold 4 mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 4 mining claims on Jackass Creek, four or five hundred yards up from the road, being the same claims heretofore recorded by Laran Francois & Co. on the 9th Sept. 1858 including all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. May 31st, 1860. Batiste Escude & Co. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims on Poorman Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four mining claims of 400 yards situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, near [to] & on the lower end of the land claim of Dumaille, with the usual width of the diggings, including all the privileges and improvements [sic] belonging to said claims. Francis Feller ) Adolph Feller ) own one-half James Hambert ) C. Dumaille--one-half Filed & recorded June 13th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz lead claim by discovery. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated in Haynes' Gulch, Blackwell Diggings, running southeast and northwest for the distance of one hundred yards by right of discovery, taken including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same for the distance of fifty feet on each side of said lead, taken under the provisions of the act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining. June 14th, 1860. James Maguire Filed & recorded June 14th, 1860 at 12 o'clock m. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon. Bill of sale from James P. Burns to Wm. Burns. Blackwell
Diggings, June 5th, 1860
Know all men by these
presents that I, James P. Burns, of the county of Jackson and state of
Oregon, have this day sold to William Burns all my right, title and
interest of a quartz lead situated on the point of the ridge south of
M. Moran's cabin and about 250 yards from the same, for which the said
William Burns does agree to pay three thousand dollars to be paid as
fast as it is taken out of said lead, except enough to pay his part of
the expense for getting out the same and common wages; he also agrees
to pay all such debts as I direct, and the same is to be placed as a
credit on the three thousand dollars aforesaid, but there is to be no
payment made until it is taken from the lead.J. P. Burns Attest Abraham Lowdon Wm. Hoffman Filed for record June 15th, 1860 at 12 o'clock noon. Recorded June 16th, 1860. Wm. Hoffman Recorder, Jackson County, Oregon. Library of Congress, Collection MSS62455, Shelving No. MMC-1189 -
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Bill of sale from Coates & Shearer to Gee, Dick & Co. Sardine
Creek Dec. 8th 1860
Sold to
Gee, Dick & Company for four hundred and
seventy-two dollars to be paid for as hereinafter stated, all our
right, title and interest being the entire interest in the following
described mining claims situated on Sardine Creek and beginning at a
big fir tree on the gulch south of the cabin now occupied by us, thence
up the creek on the east side to Woy & Co. claims containing
hundred and fifty yards more or less. Also all our claims on the west
side of the creek beginning at Woy & Co.'s claims &
down four hundred and fifty yards more or less to Hyde's reservoir,
being twelve claims including the bed of the creek, also the bars and
flats on both sides. Nine of said claims we purchased of Kern Co.
Hart, one of Wm. Lawler, and two we claim by right of discovery. Also
have sold to Gee, Dick & Co. three ditches on the east side of
creek and one ditch on the west side of the creek. One of said ditches
on the east side takes the water out of the creek at the big dam
opposite Woy & Co.. Also have sold three cabins, one
smokehouse, 45
sluices, three picks, three shovels, one grindstone and one pan. The
terms of payment mentioned above are as follows: One hundred &
eight dollars cash in hand, the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, twenty dollars in two weeks from this date, one hundred
dollars on the 9th of January 1861, one hundred dollars on the 9th of
February 1861 and the balance, seventy-two dollars, on the 9th of March
B. Coates
Witness W. H. S. Hyde, J. B. White, J. L.
FryCharles Shearer Sardine, March 1, 1861. The above payments are hereby acknowledged. J.
B. Coates
Charles Shearer Notice to hold six quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six mining claims, one claim by right of discovery and five claims by preemption, situated on a quartz [lead] on the north or northeast side of the divide between Sailor Gulch and Posey Gulch, commencing at the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from thence in a northerly direction with the course of said lead seven hundred and fifty feet (750) and commencing at the same starting point and running a southerly direction with the course of said lead seven hundred and fifty feet, said prospect hole being the center of said claims, and 50 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz claims approved October 19th 1860. C.
M. Rowley
October 14th 1861J. J. Holman Thomas Holman William S. Holman Henry Huber Filed and recorded October 14th 1861 Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder, Jackson Co., Ogn.
Notice to hold a water privilege on Thompson Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims all the water in Thompson's Creek from the point where our notice is posted, being about 200 yards above the house of Mr. Farris, and extending down Thompson Creek for the distance of three miles, for mining purposes. John
September 27th 1861Richard Harlan Isaac Harley A. M. Berry & Co. Filed and recorded October 18th 1861 Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder, Jackson Co., Oregon
Notice to hold two quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead known as the Jewett and Green Lead and recorded by them on the 9th of August 1861, commencing at the point on said lead known as the "Rim Rock," being the starting point for the claims of the said Jewett's & Green's and running thence in a southwesterly direction with the course of said lead, five hundred feet and seventy-five feet on each side of said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th A.D. 1860. Thomas
October 24th 1861Vincent Baldwin Filed & recorded October 26th 1861 at 2 o'clock p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from Wm. McCallister to Daniel Lucas October
21st 1861
This is to
certify that I do this
day sell and deliver to Daniel Lucas the undivided one third interest
in a mining claim and water ditch belonging to said claims, situated
one mile south of Sterlingville, or what is known as Nigger Flat, for
the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, the sale hereby made being
all my right, title and interest in said mining claim and water ditch.William
M. Capp
Filed and recorded Oct. 29th 1861.E. D. Jones Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the so-called Blue or Shively Gulch Lead, commencing at the southerly termination of the claims recorded by E. C. Sessions and J. W. Sessions on the 28 Sept. 1861 and running from thence in a southerly direction 250 feet with the course of said lead and 75 feet on each side of said lead together with all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. J.
S. Henshaw
October 29th 1861Filed and recorded October 29th 1861 Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Oregon August 18th 1862. The foregoing record of quartz mining claim has been renewed for one year from Oct. 29th 1861. Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. The foregoing claim is renewed for one year from this date. Wm.
March 15th 1864Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 feet of this ground fronting on Oregon Street, commencing at the south end of Joseph Wetterer's lot and running south 300 feet and running back 300 feet for mining purposes. E.
G. Reimann
November 4th 1861James Cassiday Filed & recorded November 4th 1861 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale from A. & E. Green to C. Schieffelin Know all men by these presents that we Aaron Green and Edwin Green of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon have this 28th day of August A.D. 1861 bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey unto Clinton Schieffelin of the county and state aforesaid all our right, title and interest in and to the one third part of our interest viz. a quartz lead near Perkins' old ferry on Rogue River recorded Augt. 9th 1861 by the following persons viz. R. S. Jewett, Aaron Green, T. D. Jewett and Edwin Green for and in consider of fifty dollars ($50.00) to me in hand paid this day and date above written. Aaron
WitnessEdwin Green Thomas
Filed and recorded October 7th 1861 at 8
o'clk. a.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. David Kelsey to Eli Riddle Deed for one half of the Spicer & Co. mining claims and the half of the water ditch of same co. is recorded in Record of Deeds Volume 3, Page 234, November 8th 1861. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead on the ridge between the right hand fork of Sailor Gulch and the Canada Diggings supposed to be a continuation of the Holman quartz lead, commencing at the southeasterly end of the quartz claims belonging to said Holman & Co. recorded June 21st 1860 and running from thence in a southeasterly direction with the course of said lead seven hundred and fifty feet, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. C.
W. Myer
Filed & recorded November 14th
1861Fred Mentz W. Wilkins Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold the water of Applegate Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the water of Applegate Creek for the purpose of constructing a dam or dams for mining purposes on said Applegate Creek, near Chappel's Ranch, and running up the said creek from where the old dam was heretofore erected for the distance of 350 yards, the lower dam to be constructed during the next summer. We claim all the privileges connected with said water privileges as above mentioned. Chow
& Company
Filed and recorded November 18th 1861Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the water privilege of constructing a water ditch for mining purposes, the water to be taken out of main Applegate Creek on the west side thereof about a half a mile below the Carberry fork of said main Applegate Creek and running down said creek until within a half a mile of the Squaw Creek Quartz Mining Company's works. We claim all the water and privileges connected with the same for the said water ditch and all the water that will naturally flow into the same in its course for our use & benefit. Hopkins,
Epperson & Co.
November 30th 1861Filed for record November 30th 1861 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold seven quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim seven quartz mining claims, one by right of discovery and six by preemption, situated on a certain quartz lead about a mile from the Squaw Cr. Company's quartz mill or works, on commencing at a gulch on the west side of Applegate Creek and running in a northerly direction with the course of said lead one thousand feet and seventy-five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. Hopkins,
Wells, Epperson & Co.
Novr. 26th 1861Filed for record November 30th 1861 and recorded the same day Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims, one by right of discovery and three by preemption, situated on a quartz lead about a mile and a half above the Squaw Creek Company's quartz mill or works and commencing at a gulch on the west side of Applegate Creek and putting into said creek near the bend of said creek about a mile and a half above the said company's mill or works and running from said gulch in a southwesterly direction with the course of said lead one thousand feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. Daniel
November 26th 1861John Orth Joseph Epperson Filed for record & November 30th 1861 and recorded the same day Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered and recorded by Daniel Hopkins, John Orth and Joseph Epperson, recorded on the 30th November 1861, commencing at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by said Daniel Hopkins, John Orth and Joseph Epperson and running from thence in a northeasterly direction with the course of said lead one thousand feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz claims approved October 19th 1860. A.
Filed and recorded December 4th 1861John L. Hopkins David L. Hopkins Justus Wells Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale of mining claim on Jackass & Poormans Cr. Know all men by these presents that I, Baptiste Escudé, and Bernadine Besrebo [sic] of Jackass Creek and Poorman Creek in the county of Jackson & state of Oregon of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and forty five dollars lawful money of the United States to us paid by China Cook & Co. of said Jackass and Poorman Creek and county and state aforesaid of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and convey unto the said party of the second part and their heirs and assigns, the following described property to wit situated on Poorman Creek and Jackass Creek one mining claim containing 600 yards log & 100 yards wide, two cabins, chickens, shovels, picks, two wheelbarrows, pans, flume and sluice boxes &c. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this 5 day of December A.D. 1861. Baptiste
Signed sealed & delivered in
presence ofB. Deus seber [sic--Portuguese for "God knows"] Samuel
E. May
Filed and recorded December 14th 1861Sebastian Bach Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale from Napoleon Baker to How Kien & Co. Jackass
Creek Nov. 21st 1861
Know all
men that I have this day bargained and sold to How Kien & Co.
300 yards of ground 100 yards in width running from the Chinamen's
claim up the creek, for the sum of 200.25 dollars to me paid in
hand--lumber 16 bot. 32 sides, one pick and one shovel and one gold pan
and 30 sluices.Napoleon
B. Comstock
Filed & recorded December 24th
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a bank claim Notice is hereby given that we claim the following described bank claim--commencing at the west end of our creek claim and running westward one hundred yards and extending the entire length of our claims, that is, 300 yards, and the whole width of our claim including the bank claim will be 150 yards from the creek on the west side thereof & 50 yards on the east side of the creek. How
Kien & Co.
September 23rd 1862Filed & recorded September 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale, water ditch, Buckland to Philips Buncom
Dec. 30th 1861
Know all
men by these presents that I have this day disposed of all my right and
title in which is known as the Vowel & Philips Ditch to Samuel
Philips; the conditions are that Samuel Philips is to pay the same and
appropriate the proceeds to the payment of the undersigned debts.Orange
J. Buckland
File and recorded January 1st 1862 at 10
o'clk. a.m.Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead in the vicinity of the lead known as the Squaw Creek or Epperson Lead, said lead hereby claimed, running in a northerly and a southerly direction upon which the undersigned have posted their notice on a large pine tree about three feet in diameter; said claim runs north 625 feet and south 625 feet with the course of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. Justus
Filed and recorded January 6th 1862Nathaniel Conklin D. C. Barney Samuel Trotter Jacob Huffman Wm.
Recorder Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead near what is known as the Squaw Creek Lead, said lead hereby claimed running in an easterly and westerly direction, upon which the undersigned have posted notices on a pine tree about one foot in diameter, on the 2nd day of December 1861, and our claims running five hundred feet each way from our notices with the course and bearing of the said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Nathaniel
Filed and recorded January 6th 1862Jacob Huffman Samuel Trotter Justus Wells Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale, Isaac N. Knight to O'Brien & McKay January
27th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that I have this day sold to O'Brien &
McKay for the consideration of a certain note due to said parties for
the sum of fifty three dollars & 75/100 of said date, all my
right, title & interest in a certain mining claim, tools and
provisions known as Anabel & Co. on upper Applegate near the
N. Knight
Filed for record January 28th 1862 at
3¼ o'clk. p.m.Recorded January 28th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County & state of Oregon Notice to hold water privilege on Applegate Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water from the lower end of the tail race belonging to Fowler & Co. near Applegate at their quartz machinery and running from thence about 150 yards down to and about 300 yards past or below Anible & Co.'s Ditch for the purpose of using said water for mining and also for machinery. E.
S. Harrer
March 17th 1862Samuel Taylor Filed and recorded March 17th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold one quartz claim Notice is hereby given that I the undersigned have taken up one quartz mining claim on the ledge on the east side of Thompson Creek discovered by Peter Collins, said claim commences on the lower line of the discovery claim, thence down the hill two hundred and fifty feet on the ledge, which I hold by the right of preemption, by posting notice on said claim on this the 25th day of March A.D. 1862. Elijah
G. Michael
Filed and recorded April 1st 1862 at 5
minutes past 9 o'clock a.m.Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold two quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two quartz mining claims lying north and adjoining the quartz claims recorded by J. A. Epperson & Co. near the mouth of Squaw Creek, and recorded by them on the 31st of August 1860, in the Recorder's Office Jackson Co., Ogn., and running in a northerly direction five hundred and fifty feet, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the Acts of the Legislative Assembly regulating quartz claims approved Oct. 19th 1860. Anderson
Thomas Wright Bill of sale from Owen Coyle to Louis & Co. This day the undersigned has sold to Louis & Co., Chinamen, all his right and title to a certain mining claim on Jackass Creek, joining Bill Ray's claim below and colored man Jack's above, also one cabin, one pick & one shovel for and in consideration of the sum of ninety dollars, to be paid as follows, $45 dollars cash in hand and $45 dollars after the expiration of two weeks; if failing to do so the claim and cabin will fall back to me and I will take possession of the same again. Owen
Coyle X (his mark)
Jacksonville Apl. 16th 1862Witness H.
Filed and recorded April 16th 1862C. Dewey Wm.
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead recorded by Daniel Hopkins, John Orth and Joseph Epperson on the 25th November A.D. 1861 in the Recorder's Office Jackson County & state of Oregon, commencing at the westerly termination of the claims of the said Hopkins, Orth & Epperson [claim] and running thence in a westerly course with the bearings of said lead two hundred and fifty feet and seventy five feet on each side together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Matthew
R. Ish
April 16th 1862Filed April 16th 1862 & recorded same day Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Water privilege The undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water out of main Applegate Creek for a water ditch for mining purposes, commencing on the west side of said creek above the water privilege of Hopkins, Epperson & Co. recorded November 30th 1861 in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon, together with all the privileges of the same for a water ditch for mining purposes or machinery or both. Matthew
R. Ish
April 16th 1862Filed & recorded April 16th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman Clerk & Recorder
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the mining claims known as the "Frosnot claims" situated on a certain gulch; said claims are now owned by me by purchase from Henry S. Overbeck, work on said claims suspended for want of water. S.
B. Hall
April 26 1862Filed & recorded April 26th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman R.J.C.
Notice to hold two quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead known as the Collins and Thoden Lead, commencing at the point on said lead where we have put up our notice and running from thence in an easterly direction with the course of said lead five hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. W.
P. Billups
March 28th 1862J. C. Robarts Filed and recorded April 28th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from J. Faurot & A. E. Starr to Hing Foo & Co. Logtown
Oregon, April 18th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that we the undersigned have this day bargained
and sold a certain lot of mining claims consisting of eight hundred
yards in length and one hundred yards in width on the left hand fork of
Jackass, commencing at F. Tavan's lower line and running up the right
hand fork of the left hand fork up to Livingston & Brother's
cabin to a large black tree just above the cabin. We also sell to them
49 boxes, one sledge and crow bar, 3 picks, 2 shovels, 1 sluice fork;
also the ditch, 3 reservoirs, 3 cabins. We the undersigned sell all the
claims and above mentioned property to Hing Foo & Company for
the sum of three hundred & thirty dollars to us cash in hand
Witness& A. E. Starr J.
T. Williams
Filed & recorded April 28th 1862
at 2 o'clock p.m.John McKee Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice.
Notice is
hereby given that we the undersigned claim the following mining claims
situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at F.
Tavan's lower line and running up the right hand fork of the left hand
fork to Livingston & Brothers' cabin to a large black tree just
above the cabin, also the ditch, reservoirs and cabins belonging to the
said claims being 800 yards in the length and 100 yards in width, and
also the sluices, tools and being the same claims and appurtenances
bought by us of Faurot & Starr by bill of sale date April 18th
Foo & Co.
Filed & recorded April 28th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from Dussong to Dumaille Dussong has transferred and sold to Charles Dumaille by bill of sale (in French) dated April 16th 1862, for the consideration of $210.00 three mining claims on Prairie Flat, also reservoir and mining ditch, 21 sluices and cabin, particularly described in said bill of sale, to which reference is made. Dussong
Filed & recorded April 30th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned do claim two claims of 100 yards each in length by 50 yards in width of this gulch (right hand fork of Holman's Gulch) for mining purposes. Held by notice for want of water to work the same; said claims were taken by preemption. J.
W. Hull
Jacksonville May 1 / 62S. B. Hull Filed & recorded May 1st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale W. W. Fowler & Co. to M. H. Kimball Applegate
March 10th 1862
This is to
certify that I have this day bargained, sold and conveyed to M. H.
Kimball the undivided one third of a quartz lead located on Jones'
Gulch, Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, originally known as the
Jones Lead and at present owned by W. W. Fowler, White and Curtin in
consideration of the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars to me paid.W.
W. Fowler & Co.
S. Merrill
M. M. Melvin County
of Jackson, state of Oregon
On this
10th day of March 1862 before me personally came W. W. Fowler, to me
known to be the individual described in and who executed the above
conveyance, and he for himself acknowledged that he executed the same.
Acknowledged and signed before me this 10th day of March 1862.M.
G. Kimball, J.P.
Filed for record and recorded May 7th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated on Cantrall Gulch and adjoining above a mining claim bought by me of Corn Malles as per bill of sale hereto annexed, said claim hereby claimed by preemption being 100 yards in length of the gulch. Anton
May 9th 1862Filed & recorded May 9th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale Jacksonville
April 1 / 62
For and in
consideration of one hundred dollars in hand paid to me by Anton Bruns,
receipt which is hereby acknowledged before signing of this instrument,
I hereby have bargained and sold & by these presents do
bargain, sell and deliver to said Anton Bruns a mining claim situated
Kendall (Cantrall) Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon the same claim I
worked last winter with all sluices, mining tools, cabin &c.Corn
Filed and recorded May 9th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice is hereby given to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated in Cantrall Gulch adjoining and above the claims recorded by Anton Bruns this day, being one hundred yards in length of said gulch. George
May 9th 1862Filed & recorded May 9th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale of mining claims, flumes & water ditch Applegate,
Jackson County, Ogn.
of sale of mining claims, flumes & water ditch, known as
Guertin Hanabal [sic] & Co. near the cabins
on the headwaters of Applegate Creek.Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned have this day sold to John O'Brien and John W. McKay & William Archer the above described claims for the sum of two hundred dollars paid in hand, and we the undersigned do hereby sell and transfer to them and warrant and defend the same title and guarantee that we are the true owners of said claims and that we hold and herewith transfer to the parties above mentioned forever A.
G. Annibal [sic]
April 23rd 1863I. N. Knight by A. G. Annibal, Agent Levi Harper M. M. Melvin by Levi Harper, Agent Filed for record April 24th 1862 at 8 o'clk. a.m. Recorded May 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead recorded by Daniel Hopkins, John Orth and Joseph Epperson on the 25th day of November A.D. 1861 in the Recorder's Office, Jackson County & state of Oregon, commencing at the westerly termination of the claim of Matthew R. Ish on said lead as recorded by him on the 16th day of April A.D. 1862 in said Recorder's Office and running thence in a westerly course with said lead five hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. R.
May 16th 1862D. Jones Filed and recorded May 27th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County, Oregon M. H. Kimball to James Curtin Bill of sale Filed for record May 28th 1862 at ¼ to 12 m. Recorded in Deed Record Vol. 3, Page 389 Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead on the same spur of the mountain as the Jewett Lead is situated upon and lying west of said Jewett Lead, commencing at a certain black stump on said lead and one claim running in an easterly course from said stump 250 feet and the other claim running in a southwesterly course from said stump 250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. R.
S. Jewett
May 15th 1862T. D. Jewett Filed & recorded June 2nd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims near the mouth of Rich Gulch commencing about 50 yards east of the claim worked by Thompson & Scofield and now owned by Frederick Elliott and on the same lead of said claim & running from thence eastwardly 100 yards more or less. James
June 2nd 1862S. H. Todd Filed and recorded June 2nd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims a water privilege on Applegate Creek to be taken out of either side of said creek about one mile (or less) above the arrastras of Fowler and Co. and to be conducted in a water ditch to a point one fourth of a mile (or less) above the said Fowler & Co.'s arrastras; I claim the said water and water privileges of said water ditch for my exclusive use and benefit for mining purposes, machinery &c. &c. Edwin
May 30th 1862Filed and recorded June 4th 1862 at 6 p.m. Wm.
Hoffman Clerk &
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining [claim] on Poorman Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claim, situated on Poorman Creek; the lower boundary of said claim is the road leading from Jacksonville to Applegate Creek and running up the creek about 240 yards and the legal width according to the mining laws of said diggings. John
June 6th 1862Filed and recorded June 6th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Aaron Green & Edwin Green to John O'Brien Deed Filed for record June 10th 1862 Recorded July 25th 1862 in Deed Record Vol. 3, Page 395 Notice to hold 3 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims in the Willow Springs diggings, and situated in the west part of N. C. Dean's field being 300 yards in length and the usual width of claims in said diggings according to mining laws thereof, said claims being held by preemption. J.
H. Thorp
June 25th 1862R. M. Strang Saml. Goheen Filed and recorded June 25th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims, one claim by right of discovery and two claims by preemption, situated on a quartz lead lying a little west of Jewett & Co.'s quartz mill, near Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing for said claims on the west side of a certain butte at a stake and running thence in a southeasterly direction with the course of said lead seven hundred and fifty feet, and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. T.
D. Jewett
Discovered May 25th 1862R. S. Jewett Filed & recorded June 26th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim by right of preemption situated on a quartz lead recorded this day by T. D. & R. S. Jewett, lying a little west of the quartz mill of Jewett & Co. near Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, said claim commencing at the northwesterly termination of the said claims of T. D. & R. S. Jewett as recorded by them and running thence in a northwesterly direction with the course of said lead two hundred and fifty feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining. D.
Wm. Douthitt
Discovered May 25th 1862Filed & recorded June 26th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a certain quartz lead on the north end of a certain butte a little west of the quartz mill of Jewett & Co. near Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, one claim by right of discovery and two claims by preemption, commencing at a black oak tree and running thence in a southerly direction with the course of said lead, seven hundred and fifty feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. T.
D. Jewett
Discovered June 7th 1862R. S. Jewett Filed and recorded June 26th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz claims by preemption, situated on the second quartz lead recorded this day by T. D. & R. S. Jewett, on a certain butte and on the north end thereof, a little west of the quartz mill of Jewett & Co., near Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, our claims commencing at the northerly termination of the claims of T. D. & R. S. Jewett recorded this day and running thence in a northerly direction with the course of said lead, five hundred feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860 regulating quartz mining. D.
Wm. Douthitt
Discovered June 7th 1862John P. Casters Filed & recorded June 26th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims on Jackson Creek, being banks and creek claims, bounded on the upper end by the claims known as the "Jourdan claims" and the lower by the "Holcomb claims," also four other mining claims, being the claims known as the "Jourdan claims," the whole length of the said claims being 275 yards, together with the flume and appurtenances thereunto belonging, said claims not workable for want of water, & also another claim below the above claims known as the McKay claim about 100 yards in length. Louie,
Sind & Co., Chinamen
July 7th 1862Filed & recorded July 7th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman, Clerk
& Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated on Missouri Gulch, Jackson County & state of Oregon, situated next above the claims of Bourdette & Brother, said claim being 50 yards in length and 30 feet wide, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Ben
July 8th 1862Filed & recorded July 8th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale James E. Hahavan to Chow, Hap & Co. Jackass
Creek May 2 1862
Be it
known to all whom it may concern that I have this day sold my right and
title [blank]
on Jackass together with all [omission]
appertaining on the said claim being 395 yards, 7 picks, 3 shovels and
sluice fork, 2 axes, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 crowbar, 2 gold pans, the said
diggings situated on the right hand fork, on consideration [of] $425
hundred and 25 dollars paid to me Chow, Hap & Co. bounded on
the lower end by E. Langley and Company. The title I warrant and defend.James
E. Hahavan
N. McDonnell
Filed & recorded July 8th 1862Jas. D. Buckley Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold two mining claims on Poorman Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two mining claims situated on Poorman Creek in Jackson County and state of Oregon, and bounded on the upper end by the mining claim of Joseph Smith and said claims being 200 yards in length and of the usual width of the claims in said diggings together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same, one claim by purchase and the other by preemption. George
July 10th 1862Filed & recorded July 10th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claim situated at the mouth of Rich Gulch, Jackson County and state of Oregon, being one hundred and fifty yards in length and running from the gulch one hundred yards, commencing west at Hinkle's hen house and running east to Meekham's claim. Frederick
Elliott & Co.
July 11th 1862Filed and recorded July 11th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale of interest in the Jones quartz lead Applegate
July 11th 1862
For and in
consideration of $1080 one thousand and eighty dollars, I have this day
bargained, sold and conveyed to Aaron Green and Edwin Green the
undivided one third of a certain quartz lead located on Jones' Gulch,
Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jones Lead, on the
following specified conditions, that in case the said Aaron Green and
Edwin Green should be disposed to sell or in any way dispose of said
one third interest within the term of one year from date, that I have
the privilege of buying it at the above mentioned price including labor
and expenses of working said interest, provided that I should feel
disposed to buy said interest. I hereby warrant and defend the same to
the said Aaron & Edwin Green against the claims and
encumbrances of any person or persons whatsoever.In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of July 1862. James
Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County & state of Oregon, bounded on the upper end by the claim owned by George Kopf and bounded below by King's claim, being 200 yards in length with the usual width of those diggings, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same, taken by preemption. Saml.
Hall & Co.
July 14th 1862Filed & recorded July 14th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale Jesse Smith to O'Brien & McKay Applegate
Jackson County Ogn.
Know all
men by these presents that I, Jesse Smith, of the county of Jackson,
state of Oregon, have this day sold to John O'Brien & John W.
McKay for the sum of sixteen hundred & fifty dollars cash paid
in hand, all my right, title and interest in a certain ditch known as
the Applegate Mountain Ditch and also all my rights, title and interest
in a certain gulch running due south from A.Q.M.&Co. quartz
lead on the divide between Brush Creek and Applegate, consisting of one
fourth interest in said ditch and gulch and mining tools, sluices and
all things pertaining thereto in said company, for which I warrant and
defend said [omission]
the above title to the aforesaid O'Brien & McKay.July 5th 1862 Jesse
Filed for record July 12th 1862 at
8½ o'clk. a.m.Recorded July 14th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from Isaac Willson to John Johnson Know all men by these presents that I, Isaac Willson, have this day, the 10th of July 1862, bargained & sold to John Johnson all my right, title and interest to a certain quartz lead known as Archer, Willson & Co.'s quartz lead, lying and being on the divide between Brush Creek and Applegate Creek commencing at the west line of [the] A.Q.M.&Co. Lead running at northwesterly direction from notice on said claims, for the sum of nineteen hundred ($1900.00) dollars; four hundred dollars paid in cash and fifteen hundred dollars to be paid as the said Johnson shall take it out of the quartz rock from said lead over and above expenses; the said interest consists of one fourth of said lead. Isaac
Williamsburg July 10th 1862Witness John
W. McKay
Filed for record July 12th 1862 at
8½ o'clk. a.m.G. D. Taylor Recorded July 14th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale Isaac Willson to John Johnson Know all men by these presents that I, Isaac Willson, have this day the 10th of July 1862 bargained and sold to John Johnson all my right, title and interest to a certain ditch known as the Applegate Mountain Ditch Company, lying and being in Jackson County, Oregon, consisting of one eighth (⅛) interest in said ditch, also all my right, title and interest to a gulch running due south from the Applegate Quartz Mining Company, with all the tools, houses, sluices and everything appertaining to said ditch and gulch, for and in consideration of the sum of seven hundred dollars, cash paid me in hand. The title to said property I warrant and defend unto the aforesaid Johnson. Isaac
Williamsburg July 10th 1862Witness John
W. McKay
G. D. Taylor Notice to hold a water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim a certain water ditch for mining purposes, commencing in a gulch known a Long Gulch and running thence to the right hand fork of Foots Creek about a half mile below Rial, Moore & O'Harra's claims; said ditch is about 300 yards long, and we claim all the privilege and immunities belonging to the same. John
Eades & Co.
July 16th 1862Filed & recorded July 16th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale of water ditch, Labachellerie to Buzzell Know all men by these presents that I, A. Labachellerie of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of nine hundred dollars to me paid & secured to be by A. A. Buzzell of the same county and state, do for myself and my partner Chretien, bargain, sell and deliver unto the said A. A. Buzzell his heirs and assigns, all our right, title, interest, claim and demand of and in that certain water ditch taken out of Poorman Creek and leading to Kerr's Gulch and formerly known as the Morford & Kerr's Ditch together with the reservoirs and appurtenances and water privileges belonging to said water ditch or in any wise appertaining thereto, to have and to hold the same to the said A. A. Buzzell, his heirs and assigns forever. Witness our hands & seals this 3rd day of March A.D. 1862. A.
WitnessesVictor Chretien Wm.
Filed for record March 3rd 1862Recorded July 19th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim those certain mining claims situated on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, running from the claims of Chinamen up the creek, being the same claims sold to us by Napoleon Baker, by bill of sale dated Novr. 21st 1861, being 300 yards long and 100 yards wide. How,
Kien & Company
July 21 1862Filed and recorded July 21st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon at Farmer's Flat, bounded on the upper end of said claims by the claims of Thomas Lunt, and being two hundred yards in length and 50 feet wide, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Jules
Ferro & Co.
July 22nd 1862Filed & recorded July 22nd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold two quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead recorded by R. S. & T. D. Jewett on the 26th day of June A.D. 1862 and lying a little west of Jewett & Co.'s quartz mill near Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing for the claims hereby recorded 750 feet south of the south boundary or termination of the said Jewett's claims and running from thence in a southerly direction with the course of said lead 500 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. James
July 23rd 1862I. R. Hodgings Filed & recorded July 24th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Co. Notice to hold a water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of using the water of Galls Creek for the purposes of a water ditch commencing at or near the forks of Galls Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon and running from thence by the most convenient and suitable route until [it] intersects the ditch owned by the undersigned and which is taken out of Kane's Creek. Jackson
Filed and recorded July 23rd 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale Logtown
Oregon April 28th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that we, A. E. Starr and Isaac Faurot, have this
day bargained and sold to Kung & Co. three hundred yards more
or less of mining ground situated on the left hand fork of Jackass
[Creek] commencing at a high ledge of bedrock running up the gulch to
Hing Foo & Co. one hundred yards wide, also lumber and tools
and other articles, delivered for the sum of seventy dollars to us paid.Isaac
WitnessA. E. Starr J.
T. Williams
Filed and recorded July 27th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale from Chas. P. Harris to Antoine Louisette For and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to me in hand paid, I have this day bargained, sold and delivered to Antoine Louisette a mining claim 150 yards long, situated at the head of Dutch Gulch and running from the gulch to the top of the hill, likewise all and every appurtenance belonging to said claim, whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sixty two. Chas.
P. Harris
Allen X (his mark)
Jacksonville July 30 1862State of Oregon Notice.
Notice is
hereby given that the undersigned claims two mining claims, situated
the one near the head of Dutch Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, being the
same claim formerly worked by Na[ink
blot]of, a Frenchman, and taken by me by
preemption, and the other claim situated on the flat and adjoining the
above described claim and running from the said gulch to the top of the
hill, the gulch claim being 50 yards long and 30 yards on each side of
the gulch, the other claim being 150 yards long and held by purchase
from Chas. P. Harris July 31st 1862.Antoine
Filed & recorded July 31st 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a mining claim Notice is hereby given that I claim fifty yards of ground from this notice southwest, for the purpose of mining the same as soon as water can be obtained; said claim is situated on Dutch Gulch. Samuel
W. Vose
On this day Aug. 1 1862Dutch Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon Filed & recorded Aug. 1 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale John Buckley & Pat. Ivory to Ah Shoo & Chow & Co. Know all men by these presents that we, John Buckley and Patrick Ivory, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand dollars, to be paid as follows, one thousand dollars cash in hand, five hundred dollars to be paid in four weeks from this date and fifteen hundred dollars to be paid on or before the 1st day of March 1863, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto Ah Shoo, Chow & Company (Chinamen) all the following described mining claims, being four claims situated on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, bounded on the upper end by the claims of Livingston & Company and on the lower end by the claims of Fay & Co. (Chinamen) said claims being between 300 & 400 yards in length, with the usual width of mining claims in said diggings. Also flume, sluices, cabins, picks & shovels belonging to said claims, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. To have and to hold the above described mining claims unto the said Ah Shoo-Chow and Company, their heirs and assigns forever. Witness our hands & seals this fifth day of August A.D. 1862. John
WitnessPatrick Ivory Amos
E. Rogers
Wm. Hoffman Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two mining claims on Cantrall Gulch, next above the mining claims owned by Anton Bruns, said mining claims being 200 yards in length by the usual width of gulch claims in said diggings and held by purchase. M.
V. Amen
Aug. 11th 1862Filed & recorded Aug. 11th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
The above notice renewed November 18th
1863Jackson County Oregon Wm.
Hoffman, Clerk
Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim and intend to hold 200 yds. of this ground, commencing at a hole dug by us and running S.W. to H. B. Oatman's house and 50 yds. in width and intend to work the same as soon as practicable. W.
H. Williams
Camp H. G. January 4th 1861I. H. Oatman Filed and recorded August 11th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on Coyote Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the point where our notice is put up and running from thence 500 feet above said notice and two hundred and fifty feet below said notice and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, said lead running in a northerly and southerly direction and to be known as the Coyote Lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. M.
G. Kimball
July 28th 1862M. H. Kimball R. Corder Filed and recorded August 12th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim the following described mining claims, to wit, "Consisting of eight hundred yards in length and one hundred yards in width, on the left hand fork of Jackass [Creek], commencing at F. Savoni's [Sabin's?] lower line and running up the right hand fork of the left hand fork up to Livingston & Bro.'s cabin to a large black tree just above the cabin, also the ditch, three reservoirs, 3 cabins, sluices & appurtenances belonging to the same, being held by purchase from Faurot & Starr. Witness our hands this 12th day of August A.D. 1862. Hing
Foo & Company (Chinamen)
Filed & recorded August 12th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at Pat Ivory & Company up to S. C. Hillis & Company containing 400 yards, also 3 cabins, flume, sluices and appurtenances belonging to the same, held by purchase from Henry D. Sabin, Joseph McKee & E. B. McKee by bill of sale dated 16th April 1862. Witness our hands this 12th day of Augt. 1862. Loch
& Company (Chinamen)
Filed & recorded August 12th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of Sale Oregon. Know all men by these presents that we the undersigned have sold, transferred & conveyed all our right & title to a certain mining claim situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at Pat Ivory & Company, containing four hundred yards up to S. C. Hillis & Company, also 14 joints flume & 11 sluices, one half interest in crow bar, also 3 cabins for the sum of two hundred dollars, the above mentioned claim & property we sell to Loch & Company this 16th day of April 1862. Henry
D. Sabin
WitnessJoseph McKee E. B. McKee John
Filed & recorded Aug. 12th 1862J. T. Williams Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims situated on Cantrall Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, being two hundred dollars in length by the usual width of the mining claims in said gulch or diggings, the said claims being bounded on the upper end by the claims belonging to Anton Bruns--together with all the appurtenances belonging to the same. George
Aug. 18th 1862Adam Schmidt Filed & recorded Aug. 18th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. [in margin:] These claims are abandoned by us this 4th day of March 1863. Geo.
Adam Schmidt The note upon the margin was made at the instance and request of the above Adam Schmidt. Amos
E. Rogers, Deputy Clerk
Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims on Jackass Creek situated on the right hand fork of said creek being 200 yards each in length and 100 yards wide, bounded on the lower end by the claims of How, Kien & Co. and on the upper end by the claims of John Hurst & Co. and said claims are held by bill of sale from Nicholas Watts. How,
Kien & Co.
Aug. 18 1862Filed & recorded Augt. 18th 1862 Wm. Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from Nicholas Watts to How Kam [How Kien] Jackass
Aug. 6th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that I have this day sold two mining claims
situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, said claims being two
hundred yards each in length with the customary width, that is, one
hundred yards wide; said claims are bounded as follows, on the lower by
the claims of How Kam, on the upper end by the claims of John Hurst
& Co., said diggings being sold to How Kam for the sum of $50
fifty dollars. Recd. payment.Nicholas
Filed & recorded August 18th 1863Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on the first gulch east of the quartz claims owned and recorded by Daniel Hopkins, John Orth and J. A. Epperson on the west side of Applegate Creek, about a mile and a half above the Squaw Creek Company's works; the claims hereby claimed by us commencing at our notice put up on said lead and running from said notice westwardly 500 feet and eastwardly from said notice 500 feet, making in all 1000 feet with the course of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. Justus
Filed and recorded August 20th 1862N. Conklin J. T. Glenn W. W. Fowler Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 4 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 4 mining claims situated on Kerr's Gulch near the old reservoir above the brick yard, two of said claims being above the said reservoir and two claims below said reservoir, said claims being 400 yards in length with the usual width, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Laran
& Company
August 23rd 1862Filed & recorded August 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 3 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims three mining claims by preemption and purchase situated in the rear of the Arkansas Livery Stable in the town of Jacksonville, Jackson County and state of Oregon, bounded on the upper end by the claims of Jones & Company and running thence eastwardly 150 yards, with the usual width and all the appurtenances thereto belonging. Henry
A. Ridding
Aug. 23rd 1862Filed & recorded August 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill [of] sale of mining claims Logtown
Ogn. May 28th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that I. V. Comstock have this day sold to Lang
Hing, Chinamen & Co., four hundred yards of mining ground, more
or less, sluices and two cabins, said claims commencing at Thompson's
claim on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek running up to Wilson's
claim for the sum of three hundred and twenty five dollars paid to me;
said claim is one hundred yards wide.V.
P. Comstock
T. Williams
Filed and recorded Aug. 25th 1862John McKee Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims, situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, bounded below by Thompson's claim and above by Wilson's claim, being 400 yards in length by 100 yards in width and being the same claims purchased by us from V. P. Comstock by bill of sale dated the 28th day of May A.D. 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. Lang,
Hing & Co.
Filed and recorded Aug. 28th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead lying about from 150 to 200 yards easterly from the quartz claims recorded by W. S. Jones, R. A. Cook and S. S. Jones in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon on the 22nd day of February A.D. 1861, and now know as the "Curtain Lead." The claims hereby recorded commencing at the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from thence in each direction with the course and bearing of said lead 625 feet or 1250 feet for the entire distance in length and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Aaron
Aug. 17th 1862Edwin Green Noel White Harvey Kimball Filed and recorded August 28th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead on the north side of Applegate Creek, between one half and a mile below Benedict's present residence, on a point near Corder's old residence, commencing at the point where our notice is put up and running from thence in the direction and with the course of the said lead one thousand feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of said lead, the claims hereby claimed and recorded being heretofore known as the Corder, Benedict & others' claims, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Isaac
N. Knight
September 1st 1862Daniel J. Griffith James Wilson R. Benedict Filed for record and recorded September 1st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale from Langley & Hurst to How, Kien & Co. Know all men by these presents that we have this day bargained, sold and delivered our right and title of these mining claims situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, said claims known as the Edward Langley & Co. mining claims, also all the tools belonging to said claims, also one cabin to How, Came [sic] & Co. for and in consideration of one hundred and thirty dollars. Received seventy dollars down and sixty dollars to be paid on Monday 7th day of July 1862. Edward
Jackass CreekJohn Hurst July 3rd 1862 Witness F.
Paid in full July 7th 1862Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim all those certain mining claims situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and heretofore known as the "Edward Langley claims" together with the cabin & appurtenances thereto belonging, held by bill of sale from Edward Langley and John Hurst dated July 3rd 1862. How,
Kien & Co.
Sept. 1, 1862Filed & recorded Sept. 1st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from G. G. Johnson to R. W. Hanson Phoenix
August 30th '62
For and in
consideration of fifty dollars ($50) to me in hand paid, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, I by these presents sell, transfer and
assign my one fourth interest (undivided) in the ditch known as the
John Duncan Ditch situated on the north side of the north fork of
Jackson Creek, coming out of a small stream called Walker Creek, to R.
W. Hanson, his heirs or assigns.G.
G. Johnson
Signed in presence ofEdward
S. Morgan
Filed and recorded September 1st 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale Know all men by these presents that I, Catharine, wife of John W. Sears of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for the sum of one hundred dollars to me paid by R. Gillespie to be paid on a judgment given in favor of E. Chaney against the said J. W. Sears in the court of U. S. Hayden, August 25th 1862, have this day sold and conveyed to the said Robert Gillespie all the right, title and interest of J. W. Sears to the undivided interest in certain mining claims situated in and lying on Bradley Gulch and Lane's Creek, the title to which I guarantee. Catharine
Filed for record September 1st 1862S. P. Dean Recorded same day Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from Anderson & Glenn to R. W. Hanson Know all men by these presents that we, Anderson & Glenn of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this day and do by these presents grant, bargain and sell and forever quit claim to Randall W. Hanson for and in consideration of the sum of seventy five dollars, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, to the following described property, to wit: the undivided one fourth of the so called Duncan Ditch from Walker's Creek, it being the upper ditch from said creek; we hereby sell and transfer to the said Hanson all the right, title and interest we derived by purchase from William H. Richardson. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand this the 1st day of September A.D. 1862. Anderson
& Glenn
V. Amen
Filed and recorded September 2nd 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead on Thompson Creek and formerly known as the "Collins & Thoden Lead," commencing at the easterly termination of the claims recorded by Billups & Roberts on the 28th day of April 1862 and running from thence in an easterly direction with the course of said lead five hundred feet and also commencing at the westerly termination of the said claims of said Billups & Roberts and running in a westerly direction with the course of said lead five hundred feet, making in all one thousand feet for the said four claims, and seventy five feet on each side of said lead for the distance of said claims, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provision of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. Thomas
G. Burns
September 3rd 1862S. K. Myers Owen Hudson Bernard Murphy Filed and recorded September 4th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. The above described claims are refiled and recorded this 31st day of October A.D. 1862 by the above named parties. Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale from W. P. Billups to Bernard Murphy Know all men by these presents that I, W. P. Billups of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this day bargained, sold and conveyed unto Bernard Murphy of the county of Josephine and state of Oregon for and in consideration of the sum of $400.00 four hundred dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described property, viz. the undivided one half of two quartz mining claims situated on the east side of Thompson's Creek and formerly known as the Collins & Thoden Lead, said claims being located and defined by the record of Billups & Roberts of the 28th day of April A.D. 186[blank] in the office of the County Clerk of Jackson County, the title of which I hereby warrant and defend. Given at [blank] this 5th day of Sept. A.D. 1862. W.
Filed for record & recorded
September 6th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege on Thompson's Creek The undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water unclaimed from Thompson's Creek, about three quarters of a mile to a mile above Forgey's house in a water ditch below house of said Forgey the distance of from one to two miles below said Forgey's house, for the purposes of quartz mining operations. Bernard
Sept. 5th 1862Filed & recorded Sept. 6th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims four quartz mining claims, situated on a quartz ledge known as the "Battle Ridge Quartz Ledge" and lies south of east of the Fowler & Co.'s claims or ledge, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing for the claims hereby claimed at a point where a tunnel has been started and from thence running in a northwesterly direction with said ledge two hundred and fifty feet and running from said tunnel in a southeasterly direction with said ledge seven hundred & fifty feet, making together one thousand feet in length and also seventy five feet on each side of said ledge, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. S.
R. Taylor, 3 claims
Filed & recorded Sept. 8th 1862I. N. Knight, 1 claim Wm.
Hoffman, R.J.C.
Bill of sale This is to certify that we have sold to S. R. Taylor the undivided half of four quartz claims for the sum of sixty eight dollars; said claims is situated south of east of W. W. Fowler & Co.'s ledge; said ledge is known as the Battle Ridge Ledge, which this is a receipt for the above amount this Aug. 23 A.D. 1862, Steamboat City, Jackson Co., Ogn. E.
G. Harrer
WitnessT. J. Farris Wm.
A. Forgey
Filed & recorded Sept. 28th 1862E. J. Kyes Wm.
Hoffman, R.J.C.
Notice to hold three mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims of 100 yards each situated on Missouri Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the reservoir on said gulch and running down the gulch 300 yards with the usual width of claims in said gulch. Witness our hands this 13th September 1862. Laberette
& Co.
Filed & recorded September 13th
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold four mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four mining claims situated on Evans Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, in the old digging in said creek, being 200 yards in length and the usual width of claims in said diggings, with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 17th day of September A.D. 1862. Albert
Filed & recorded September 17th
1862George Fisher H. Lankenau H. Freudenberg Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 400 yards of mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four hundred yards in the bed of Applegate River, commencing about 300 yards below Fowler's store on Applegate and running from thence down said river four hundred yards for mining purposes, together with all the privileges lodging to the same. Mun
Poo & Co. (4 Chinamen)
Sept. 17th 1862Filed & recorded Sept. 17th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims situated on the right hand of Kerr's Gulch and about 300 yards above the road leading from Jacksonville to Yreka, one claim by the right of discovery and four claims by preemption, each claim being two hundred and fifty feet and the five claims being twelve hundred and fifty feet in length and seventy five feet on each side of the said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Francois
Laran & Co.
Filed & recorded September 22nd
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 3 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims situated on the right hand fork of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek in Jackson County & state of Oregon, situated about one mile above the forks of said creek, said claims being three hundred yards in length, and the usual width, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Antony
Rebaud & Co.
Sept. 22nd 1862Filed & recorded Sept. 22nd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated above and adjoining the claims recorded this day by Rebaud & Co. on the right hand fork of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, being 300 yards in length by the usual width together with the privileges belonging to the same. Louis
Bonvieu & Co.
Sept. 22nd 1862Filed & recorded Sept. 22nd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale from O. L. Wilson to Hong Yong & Co. Know all men by these presents that I have this day bargained, sold and delivered to Hong, Yong & Co. my right and title of three mining claims, said claims being three hundred yards more or less in length; said claims is situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, also all the mining tools connected with said claims, also the cabin, said claims bounded as follows, above on the creek by the claims of the Chinese and below by the Chinese for and in consideration of two hundred dollars, one hundred dollars paid down and one hundred dollars to be paid in one month from date. I hold said claims as security until the other hundred is paid. O.
L. Wilson X [his mark]
Jackass CreekJuly 11th 1862 Witness Francis
Filed and recorded September 23rd 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 yards of mining claims situated on the right hand fork of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, commencing at the upper end of the flat on said fork and including all of said flat and running down said fork 300 yards including all the privileges belonging to the same. Laillault
& Co.
Filed & recorded Sept. 23rd 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold a water ditch The undersigned claims a certain water ditch commencing below the Ralls & Co.'s quartz ledge in Blackwell Diggings and terminating at Hawkins' Gulch. I claim the use and privilege of said ditch for mining purposes. Jackson
September 30th 1862Filed and recorded September 30th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Conveyance of R. W. Hanson to George G. Hanson I, R. W. Hanson, of the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, have this day bargained and sold and do hereby convey to George G. Hanson, his heirs and assigns, for the consideration of one hundred dollars to me paid, the following described property, to wit: the undivided one fourth interest in the mining claim lying in Jackson County, Oregon described and bounded as follows: The undivided one fourth interest in the mining claim known as the "John Keaton" claim situated and lying on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek and bounded on the lower end by the mining claims known as the "Hand & Clark" claims and extending up said creek about 100 yards, to the lower boundary of the mining claims known as the Shively claim, to have and to hold the same unto the said George G. Hanson, his heirs and assigns forever. Given under my hand and seal this 27 day of September A.D. 1862. R.
W. Hanson
Filed for record and recorded September
30th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on Jackass [Creek] Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim to three mining claims situated on Jackass Creek opposite to Logtown, bounded on the 13th March 1861, the date of our bill of sale from P. Leprial, above by claims belonging to Chinamen and bounded below by claims belonging to [a] French company at said date, also cabins, sluices & other appurtenances belonging to said claims. Dog
& Company, Chinamen
October 4th 1862Filed & recorded October 4th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims We the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz ledge near Coyote Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon, commencing at the south line of the claims of R. Corder & Co. and running thence in a southerly direction with the course of said lead one thousand feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly of Oregon approved October 19th 1860. Thomas
September 22nd 1862M. M. Melvin Lewis Vanderhoof L. Harper Filed and recorded October 6th 1862 Wm.
Hoffman Clerk &
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale from J. C. Roberts to B. O. R. Murphy Know all men by these presents that I, J. C. Roberts of the county of Josephine and state of Oregon, have this day bargained, sold and conveyed unto B. O. R. Murphy of the same county and state for and in consideration of the sum of $300.00 or three hundred dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described property, viz.: the one eighth and the one sixth of one eighth of two quartz mining claims on a lode on the east side of Thompson's Creek and known as the Collins and Thoden Lode, and I hereby guarantee and engage to defend the title to the same. J.
C. Roberts
Given at Williamsburg this 4th day of
September A.D. 1862Witness Benj.
T. Davis
Filed & recorded Oct. 21st 1862
at 3 o'clk. p.m.Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Agreement between D. E. Crawley & George Yaudes An article of agreement entered into Sept. 18th 1862 between Denis E. Crawley of the first part and George Yaudes of the second part, to wit: I, Denis E. Crawley, of part first covenant and agree to let George Yaudes of the second part have my share of money that is taken out of a gold mining claim situated in Sterling Creek known as the Bowen & Donaldson claims; said parties Crawley & Yaudes are equally interested in the profits of said gold claim in consideration of the above agreement. I, George Yaudes, of the second part covenant and agree to tend to the business and pay Franklin L. Allegar one half of my share [of] Crawley money which he may have in his hands until he is paid up at two dollars and fifty cents per day from the date of this article until discharged. I, Dennis Crawley, of the first part agree to let him, Yaudes, manage the business pertaining to said gold claim and retain my part of the money until all of the expenses are settled up. Jackson County, Oregon, September 8th 1862, our hands and seals. Denis
E. Crawley
WitnessGeorge Yaudes F. L. Allegar S.
H. Claughton
Filed for record and recorded October
25th 1862 at half past 12 o'clk. p.m.Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privileges of a water ditch for mining purposes, commencing at Miller's Gulch on the south side of Rogue River, being the first gulch above the mouth of Foots Creek and running to a bar on Rogue River for mining purposes, the distance being about three quarters of a mile. I also claim all the water privileges and water from said gulch for the use of said ditch. Reuben
October 27th 1862Filed & recorded Oct. 27th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims, situated on the quartz lead on Thompson's Creek and formerly known as the "Collins & Thoden Lead," commencing at the easterly termination of Billups & Roberts' [claim] recorded on the 28th day of April 1862 and running from thence in an easterly direction with the course of said lead five hundred feet, and also commencing at the westerly termination of said claims of said Billups and Roberts and running thence in a westerly direction with the course of said lead five hundred feet making in all one thousand feet for the said four claims and 75 feet on each side of said lead for the distance of said claims and also all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. Bernard
October 31 1862Thomas G. Burns S. K. Myers Owen Hudson Filed & recorded October 31st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims situated on Jackass Creek, being 435 yards in length and one hundred yards wide, being the same claims purchased by us by bills of sale from John Buckley in 1859, William McNew in 1860 and Napoleon Baker as the same appear of record in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County in the state of Oregon. Witness our hands this 4th day of November 1862. Chin,
Linn & Company
Filed and recorded November 4th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold two mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims on this gulch (Barker's Gulch), commencing at this notice and running up the gulch for the distance of 200 yards, and the width of the gulch. Clemens
November 8th 1862Jean Filed and recorded November 8th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of Ward's Creek in a water ditch commencing at a point on said Ward's Creek from a half a mile to a mile and a half above the mouth of said creek, where it empties into Rogue River, said ditch to conduct the water from said Ward's Creek to certain mining diggings in the vicinity of Rogue River and of the mouth of said creek for mining purposes. Witness our hands this 12th November 1862. Henry
Filed & recorded November 12th
1862Wm. W. Brant John B. Flora Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold three mining claims by purchase Applegate
November 14th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that I have this day sold to that Leaung
Co., Chinamen, three claims on Farris Gulch, one hundred yards each
claim, one pick and one shovel and twelve sluices, boxes and two cabins
for the sum of eighty collars forty dollars, forty dollars paid cash in
hand and forty dollars to be paid in two weeks from date.J.
F. Oyler
WitnessNancy Patrick K.
Filed and recorded November 19th 1862Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale, S. C. Hillis et al. to Lin & Co. Oregon.
Know all
men by these presents that we the undersigned have sold, transferred
and conveyed all our right & title to a certain mining claim
situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at Val
Comstock & Co.'s and extending up the creek to Lan's claim; the
above contains 240 yards more or less, sold for the consideration of
$40 to us in hand paid this day.S.
C. Hillis
Logtown March 26, 1862Hugh Cannon S. Y. Mears Witness J.
T. Williams
Filed and recorded November 20th 1862 by
Lin & Co.Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice
is hereby given that the undersigned
claim the following described mining claim situated on the left hand
fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at Val
Comstock's & Company's claim, and extending up the creek 240
yards more or less and held by purchase by bill of sale from S. C.
Hillis, Hugh Cannon & D. Y. Mears, dated March 26th 1862 and
recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon.Lin
& Company
Nov. 20th 1862Filed and recorded November 20th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold water privilege & water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of the middle fork of Foots Creek in a water ditch, commencing about a mile above the junction of the forks of said creek and running said ditch to or near the junction of said forks of said creek with the privilege of extending said ditch farther if necessary for mining purposes; we also claim the water of said middle fork for said water ditch and also all the water that will naturally flow into said ditch in its course. J.
H. Dunlap
Filed & recorded November 25th
1862Saml. DeWitt Wm.
Recorder for Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold water privilege on Rogue River Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of turning the water of Rogue River at or near the place where the Table Rock Mining Company heretofore operated and also the privilege of using the race or ditch heretofore constructed for the purpose of turning said river; also claims the bed of the river when the water shall be turned from the same for mining purposes. Patrick
December 1st 1862Filed and recorded December 1st 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz claims on Golden Ridge Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim three claims of two hundred and fifty feet each in length on the Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge, discovered by R. Corder, commencing at this notice and running on the ledge in a southerly direction seven hundred & fifty feet and 75 [feet] on each side. D.
J. Bollenbaugh
Golden Ridge, November 29th 1862W. S. Colvig J. Scholes No. 1 Filed and recorded December 4th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim five claims of two hundred and fifty feet each in length on the Golden Ridge Quartz ledge discovered by R. Corder and commencing at this point and running on the ledge in a northeasterly direction, twelve hundred and fifty feet and 75 feet on each side. James
F. Gazley
Golden Ridge, November 26th 1862Caleb Corder Aaron Rose Thomas Baxter William Burch No. 2 Filed & recorded December 4th 1862 2 o'clk. p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim four claims of two hundred and fifty feet each in length on the Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge discovered by R. Corder and running on the ledge in a southerly direction one thousand feet on the ledge and 75 feet on each side. M.
M. Melvin
Golden Ridge, November 29th / 62Levi Harper Nicholas Tack George Tack No. 3 Filed & recorded December 4th 1862 at 2 o'clk. p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim four claims of two hundred and fifty feet each in length on the Golden Ridge Quartz ledge one for the right of discovery and three by preemption discovered by R. Corder, commencing at this notice and running on the ledge and running [in] a northeasterly direction one thousand feet and 75 feet on each side with all the dips, angles and outcroppings. Reasin
Golden Ridge, November 20th 1862Edwd. J. Baxter David Sexton No. 4 Filed & recorded December 4th 1862 at 2 o'clk. p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two claims of two hundred and fifty feet each in length on the Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge discovered by R. Corder and commencing at this notice and running on the ledge in a northeasterly direction five hundred feet and 75 [feet] on each side. Isaac
Filed & recorded December 4th
1862 at 2 o'clk. p.m.E. N. Bowman No. 5 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one claim of two hundred and fifty feet on the Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge and discovered by R. Corder, commencing at this notice and running in a northerly direction on the ledge two hundred and fifty feet and 75 [feet] on each side. James
Golden RidgeNo. 6 December 2nd 1862 Filed & recorded December 24th 1862 at 2 o'clk. p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim twelve hundred and fifty feet on this quartz lead, running from this notice with all its dips, angles and [out]croppings, seventy five feet on each side and running [in] a northerly direction. M.
G. Kimball [Mathew Greeley Kimball]
Filed and recorded December 4th 1862 at 2
o'clk. p.m.M. H. Kimball E. C. Kimball [Elbridge C. Kimball] F. P. Kimball G. W. Kimball No. 7 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim five hundred inches of water to be taken out of this creek and at this notice for the purpose of mining. Reasin
Jump Off JoeEdwd. J. Baxter David Sexton November 29th 1862 Filed and recorded December 4th 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale Wm. Vartier, Gragg & others to Wang Foo & Co. Jackson
County Oregon Dec. 1st 1862
Know all
men by these presents that we the undersigned have bargained and sold
to Wang Foo & Co. four hundred yards of mining ground situated
at the junction of Jackass and Poorman creeks for the sum of two
hundred and fifty dollars cash paid; said claims commences at Coster
& Gragg's former notice and runs up Poorman Creek one hundred
yards wide and four hundred long.Wm.
WitnessHenry Gragg Riley Hinkle J.
T. Williams
Filed and recorded December 5th 1862J. F. Caldwell Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate Cr. Applegate
Nov. 26th 1862
Notice is
hereby given that we the undersigned do claim eight hundred yards of
the bank of this creek, running [from] this notice down.Lane
& seven other Chinamen
Filed & recorded Decr. 5th 1862(Linn) [Gin Lin?] Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Promissory obligation, Louden to Goff Jackson
County Ogn. Dec. 4th 1862
months of the date I promise to pay to John Goff $125 for one sixth
interest in a certain set of mining claims situated in Jackson County,
Oregon and on Humbug Creek and known as the claims of Goff and the Mee
claims, and the undersigned is not to sell said claims or any part
thereof without the consent of said Goff until paid for and the right
of the said interest shall rest in the said Goff until paid for, to the
entire and absolute exclusion of all other debts and demands
and the said Goff shall give a clear bill of sale to the undersigned
upon payment of the sum above named and upon failing to do so he shall
forfeit and pay to the said undersigned $250 dollars all money to be
paid weekly as taken out.Abraham
N. Durham
Filed & recorded December 6th 1862William Robinson Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Promissory obligation Harden to Goff Jackson
County Ogn. December 4th 1862
months after date I promise to pay to John Goff $125 dollars for one
sixth interest in a certain set of mining claims situated in Jackson
County, Oregon, on Humbug Creek and known as the claims of John Goff
and the Mee claims, and the undersigned is not to sell said claims or
any part thereof without the consent of said Goff until paid for, and
the right of said interest shall vest in the said Goff until paid for,
to the entire and absolute exclusion of all other debts &
demands whatsoever. And the said Goff shall give a clear bill of sale
to the undersigned upon payment of the sum above named, and upon
to do so he shall forfeit and pay to the undersigned $250 dollars, all
moneys to be paid weekly as taken out.J.
N. Durham
Filed & recorded December 6th 1862Abraham Louden Wm.
Hoffman Clerk &
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Promissory obligation Robinson to Goff Jackson
County Oregon December 4th 1862
months after date I promise to pay to John Goff $125 for one sixth
interest in a certain set of mining claims situated in Jackson
County Ogn. on Humbug Creek and known as the claims of Goff and the Mee
claims, and the undersigned is not to sell said claims or any part
thereof without the consent of said Goff until paid for and the right
of said interest shall vest in the said Goff until paid for to the
entire and absolute exclusion of all other debts and demands whatsoever
and the said Goff shall give a clear bill of sale to the undersigned
upon payment of the same above named and upon failing to do so, he
shall forfeit and pay to the said undersigned $250 dollars, all moneys
to be paid weekly as taken out.William
N. Durham
Filed & recorded December 6th 1862Abraham Louden Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on Evans Creek Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on Evans Creek above the mouth of Pleasant Creek, commencing four or five hundred yards below the mouth of Sidass Creek [Sykes Creek?] and running down said Evans Creek 700 yards, together with the privileges belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 12th day of December A.D. 1862 Linn
& Company [Gin
Filed and recorded December 12th 1862Chinamen Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims of two hundred and fifty feet each claim in length and seventy five feet on each side of the "Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge" commencing at the point where our notice is posted and running thence in a northerly direction with the course of said ledge, the distance of seven hundred and fifty (750) feet and seventy five feet on each side of said ledge, together with the dips, angles &c. Taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. S.
B. Briggs
Filed & recorded December 20th
1862M. Veach M. Gabett Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim being all the unclaimed part of the Golden Ridge Quartz Ledge lying between the claims recorded by Company No. 2 and Company No. 3 on said ledge in the Recorder's Office of the county of Jackson & state of Oregon, and seventy five feet on each side of said ledge for the distance thereof hereby claimed, together with all the dips, angles and out- and incroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Witness my hand this 13th day of December A.D. 1862. Wm.
T. Briggs
Filed and recorded December 20th 1862No. 11 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold three river mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims, to wit: being river claims on Applegate Creek, commencing at the dam on said creek (partly washed away) at the place where the saw mill, recently owned by D. L. Hopkins & now washed away, stood and running up said creek from said dam the distance of three hundred yards, with all the privileges and benefits belonging to the same for mining purposes; said claims were taken up on the 9th day of December 1861. Wm.
Dec. 23rd 1862Wm. Norris Anderson Dunlap Filed & recorded December 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold two river mining claims on Applegate Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two river mining claims on Applegate Creek, commencing at the upper end of the claims recorded by Wm. Brodnax and others this day and running up the said creek the distance of two hundred yards, together with all the privileges and benefits belonging to the same for mining purposes. R.
W. Dunlap
December 23rd 1862Henry Stickweh Filed & recorded December 23rd 1862 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice of water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of Evans Creek at a point from a mile to two miles from the mouth of said creek, by a water ditch to carry six hundred inches of water to a certain bar, flat or ravines in the vicinity of the mouth of said Evans Creek where it empties into Rogue River. Ludwick
Dec. 27th 1862George Reeser Filed & recorded December 31st 1862 Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following claims, to wit: 600 yards on Jackass Creek, commencing about fifteen yards inside of where Mrs. Hinkle's fence now crosses said creek and extending up said creek 600 yards and also the bank claims on each side of said creek for said distance of 600 yards, being the length of said creek claims. Menti
& Co., Chinamen
Jan. 5th 1863Filed & recorded Jan. 5th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale J. B. Irvine to Lip Han, Ah Shu & Co. Know all men by these presents that I, J. B. Irvine, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars to me in hand paid and also the sum of one thousand dollars to be paid on the first day of June A.D. 1863, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto Lip Han, Ah Shu & Company the following described mining claims situated on Jackass Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon, being 160 yards in length with the bank claims on each side of said creek for the length of the creek claims hereby conveyed, said bank claims being 50 yards wide on each side, bounded above by claims of Francis Logg and others and below by the claims of Irvine & Henderson, also 2 cabins, flume and mining tools belonging to said claims. Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of January A.D. 1863. J.
B. Irvine
Filed for record and recorded January
12th 1863Peter Britt Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale W. U. Forgey to B. O. Murphy Know all men by these presents that I, W. A. Forgey of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this day sold to B. O. Murphy of the county of Josephine and same state, for and in consideration of the sum of $345.37 three hundred and forty five and thirty seven cents, to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described property, viz.: the one sixth interest in 5 quartz mining claims known as the Humbug Quartz Co.'s claim in the Collins and Thoden Ledge, together with the one sixth of the machinery, tools, water ditch and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and I hereby engage to defend the title to the same. Given at Thompson Creek this 22nd day of Decr. 1862. W.
A. Forgey
Attested byS.
K. Myers
T. Burns The condition of the within (above) conveyance are such that if the said Wm. A. Forgey shall well and truly pay unto the said B. O. Murphy $355.73 three hundred and fifty five dollars and seventy three cents [sic], on or before the 22nd day of January 1863, said conveyance shall be null and void, otherwise in full force and effect. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 22nd day of Decr. 1862. B.
O. R. Murphy
Filed for record Jany. 5th 1863 at a
quarter to 12 o'clock M.Wm. A. Forgey Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon per Rogers Dept. Deed or bill of sale, Elijah Chaney to C. J. Dutton Know all men by these presents that I, Elijah Chaney of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars to me paid, here this 15th day of November 1862, sold to C. J. Dutton all the mining claims of J. A. Z. Jones and Mary Jones, situated at the junction of Lane's & Willow creeks, at Willow Springs in this county, said claims commencing at Cardwell & Company's claims and running down Lane Creek to an oak tree with a notice on it; said claims are 50 yards in width defined on the notices. The south line is marked at the upper corner, runs down by a cottonwood tree to a stump, from thence to the corner at the lower end, 50 yards from the center of the creek. I also sell and convey the water of Lane's Creek leading on said claims now owned by J. A. Z. Jones and Mary Jones. I also sell and convey for said sum the house and whatever belongs to the house and claims. Elijah
AttestA. B. Hight A.
B. Hight
Filed for record and recorded January
22nd 1863John Nowell Wm.
Hoffman Clerk &
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon per Rogers Deputy Bill of sale George Magerly & J. B. Jenkins to Foz & Co. Rock
Point Ogn. September 29th 1862
Know all
men by these presents that I, George Magerly, have this day bargained,
sold and delivered unto Foz & Co. one mining claim situated
[on] Sykes Creek, near Gilbert Town, Evans Creek, containing 600 yds.
more or less together with all the sluices, picks, shovels, crowbars
& water ditches belong[ing] thereto for the consideration of
two hundred dollars, one hundred & fifty paid in hand of which
the receipt is hereby acknowledged, and the balance fifty dollars to be
paid in one month from date hereof, including the gulch and bank.George
AttestJ. B. Jenkins J.
B. White
Filed for record and recorded January
28th 1863 at 2 o'clock p.m.Wm.
Recorder per Rogers Deputy Notice to hold water privilege & water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking the water out of Michael Gulch, on the north side of Rogue River, about one mile below "Sams Creek"--into a water ditch commencing about one mile from the said Rogue River and running into the Esety diggings so called--with the privilege of extending said ditch for mining purposes. We also claim all the water that naturally runs into said ditch in its course. Michael
Esety & Co.
Filed and recorded Feby. 2nd 1863Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Bill of sale John Adams to Inke, Chinaman Rock
Point Ogn. Sept. 18th / 62
Know all
men by these presents that I, John Adams, have this day bargained, sold
& conveyed unto Inke, Chinaman, a certain mining claim on
Sardine Creek containing three hundred yards more or less and 200 yards
wide, together with all the sluices, ditch & dams for the
consideration of one hundred and fifty dollars, the receipt of forty
dollars is hereby acknowledged and the balance on hundred & ten
dollars to be paid in ten weeks from date.John
B. White
Filed for record and recorded February 3d
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claims situated on Sardine Creek, being 300 yards in length and 200 wide, being the same claim conveyed by John Adams to the undersigned by bill of sale dated September 18th 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon, including the sluices, ditch & dams belonging to said claims. Inke,
Filed & recorded February 3rd 1863Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold two quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the discovery of a quartz lead to be known as the "Boardman Lead," situated on the headwaters of Louse Creek on an eminence known as "Elk Mountain" in the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, and claim one claim by right of discovery and one by location--in all five hundred feet on the length of said lead and seventy five feet on each side with all its dips, angles, outcroppings & incroppings. Taken under an act of legislature of said state entitled "an act to establish and regulate quartz mining claims" approved Oct. 19th 1860. Said claims are situated about five miles east from McDonough's ranch, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a prospect hole in a northerly direction about 50 yards distant from 3 large pine trees, about 2 feet in diam. standing close together, each of said trees being blazed--and running thence on the course of said lead--five hundred feet, as above described. Harrison
Filed and recorded February 4th 1863Wm.
Hoffman Clerk &
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold a cinnabar lead Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the discovery of a lead or run of cinnabar situated on "Elk Mountain" in the state of Oregon and county of Jackson, on the point of said mountain, about one mile in a southerly direction from a gold bearing quartz lead, recorded this day by the undersigned and on the 136th page of this book [transcribed immediately above], said lead lying on the side of the said mountain about 50 yards above a certain spring of water gushing out of said mountain, which said spring the undersigned also claims for mining purposes. The lead commences at a large fir tree, blazed on the north side, and the undersigned claims from the said fir tree one quarter of a mile northerly on the course of said lead and fifty feet on each side, including dips, angles &c. taken under the act of the legislature entitled "an act to establish and regulate quartz mining claims approved Oct. 19th 1860." Harrison
Filed and recorded February 4th 1863Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 4 mining claim Notice is hereby given that we, James W. Simpson, Isaac Skeeters and Wm. Anderson, claim 200 yards up this gulch beginning at John Bowman's claim, on Dowell's claim, running up said gulch, said claims by purchase and record Feby. 11th 1863. Filed and recorded Feby. 13th 1863 Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Croxton
Diggins Feby. 16th 1863
NoticeJackson Co. Ogn. We claim three claims on this quartz lead, one for discovery and two by preemption, commencing near the southeast corner of the big reservoir in Croxton Diggins running up the mountain 750 feet in length and 75 feet on each side, with all the dips, crooks, angles and outcroppings of the same. Thos.
Filed for recorded Feby. 19th 1863 at 11
o'clk. a.m. & recorded same dayWalter Croxton Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Croxton
Diggins Feby. 16th 1863
NoticeJackson Co. Ogn. We claim three claims on this quartz lead, one by discovery and two by preemption, commencing at the old prospect holes on the left hand side of the main gulch in Croxton Diggins near the foot of the main mountain and running up the big lead on the right hand side of the main gulch in the same mountain, consisting of 750 feet in length and 75 in width on each side, with all the dips, crooks, angles and outcroppings of the same. Thos.
Filed and recorded Feby. 19th at 11
o'clock 1863Walter Croxton Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Mining Laws of Lower Jackass
Pursuant to notice, the miners met at the house of Bryce & Co.
the purpose of enacting laws for the Lower Jackass [Creek] and adopted
the following.Article 1st. This creek from the forks of Jackass & Poorman Creek near Logtown to its junction with Applegate shall be called Lower Jackass. Article 2nd. Creek claims shall consist of one hundred yards, running up and down the stream, and two hundred yards wide. Article 3rd. Any person or persons may be entitled to only one claim by locations and one or more by purchase. Said claims may be attached together and represented as one claim. Article 4th. A claim shall not be considered jumpable if worked one day in ten from the first November to the first of April, and shall not be considered jumpable the balance of the year if not so presented. Article 5th. Each company shall have the right to a drain run through next claim or claims below. Article 6th. All miners shall have the right of any partial flume or sluices through the next claim or claims below, provided it does not interfere with the working of said claims. Article 7th. No miner or company of miners shall have the right to put in a dam or other obstruction on the creek. Article 8th. All miners when leaving their claims shall be required to post a notice on their claims stating the boundaries of said claims. Article 9th. Motion that the President appoint a Recorder for this mining district which he proceeded to do by appointing Wm. Ray as Recorder. Article 10th. All former laws for this creek are hereby repealed. Resolved that these laws to be [in] effect from and after the 20th day of February 1863. J.
B. Irvine
Filed and recorded February 28th 1863Chairman D. T. Henderson Secretary Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Ogn. per A. E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold six quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the discovery of a quartz lead, situated about one half mile in a westerly direction from old Fort Lane in Jackson County, Oregon. We claim one claim of 250 feet by right of discovery, and five claims of 250 feet each, making in all (1500) fifteen hundred feet by location per each of the names hereunto affixed. Said claim commences at a prospect hole sunk upon said lead, near which is posted a notice in writing to hold said quartz lead--and runs from said prospect hole in a southwesterly direction (1500) fifteen hundred feet with the course of said lead, as above stated, with all the dips, angles, out- & incroppings, and 75 feet on each side of said lead. Taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining claims approved October 19th 1860. The above lead is to be known as the "Plymale Lead." F.
M. Plymale
Filed and recorded March 2nd 1863W. J. Plymale S. Plymale Richard Ish George Ross Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Ogn. per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims, that is, one claim for each of the names hereunto affixed of 250 feet each, in all (1000) one thousand feet in length upon the quartz lead situated about one half mile westerly from Fort Lane, and particularly known as the Plymale "Quartz Lead." Said claims commence at the prospect hole at the northeasterly end of the quartz claims held by the Plymale Bros., Ish & Ross and this day recorded upon the 143rd page of this book [immediately above], running thence in a northeasterly direction upon the course of said lead one thousand feet as above stated and 75 feet on each side, with all the dips, angles, out- & incroppings. Taken under the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. R.
C. Armstrong
Filed and recorded March 2nd 1863D. R. Jones Lewis Zigler Jacob Ish Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County, Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims, of 250 feet each, making in all (1250) twelve hundred and fifty feet in length upon the quartz lead near Fort Lane known as the "Plymale Quartz Lead"; said claims commence at the southwest termination of the claims held by the Plymale Bros., R. Ish & Geo. Ross, and run in a southwesterly direction with the course of said lead, 1250 feet as above stated, and 75 feet on each side, with all the dips, angles, out- & incroppings belonging to the same. Taken under the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved Oct. 19th 1860. M.
R. Ish
Filed and recorded March 2nd 1863John E. Ross Henry Klippel Wm. A. Wilkinson Geo. H. Ish Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 2 creek claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 2 mining claims at the mouth of Jackass Creek, commencing at the junction of said creek with Applegate Creek, and running 200 yards up said creek and 200 yards wide. Taken in accordance with the mining laws of Lower Jackass Creek, recorded in this office and on the 141st & 2nd pages of this book, on the 28th day of February A.D. 1863. Justin
Filed and recorded March 2nd 1863Clement Sarraillett Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate Applegate
Feb. 28th 1863
Notice is
hereby given that we the
undersigned do claim four hundred yards of this flat, running from this
notice down.Low
Cheung and
three other Chinamen Filed
and recorded March 3rd 1863
Wm. Hoffman Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 2 mining claims We the undersigned claim 200 yards, the claims on the middle fork of Cantrall Gulch--drifting claims--beginning at this notice & running up said gulch for the distance claimed. We will work said claims as soon as it is in workable condition for drifting. Adam
Filed and recorded March 4th 1863George Arnold Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold a water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim by purchase and occupation a water ditch running from and controlling the waters of Long Gulch and Holman's Gulch to the mining claims of the undersigned, adjoining Rich Gulch. We claim the waters of all the tributaries of the above gulches. A.
C. Alberts
Filed and recorded March 4th 1863J. S. Howard James Cummings Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims on a quartz lead discovered by Plymale & others and recorded by them on the 2nd day of March 1863, commencing [from] our claims at the northeasterly termination of the claims of R. C. Armstrong and others on said lead and recorded on [the] 2nd day of March 1863 and running thence with the course and hearing of said lead in a northeasterly direction for the distance of seven hundred and fifty feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, including all the dips, angles, outcroppings and incroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Geo.
F. Brown
March 1st 1863John R. Brown James L. Louden Filed for record and recorded this 6th day of March A.D. 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water out of the north fork of Applegate Creek, at or near the point where Maury & Davis and others under a charter of the legislature located for their ditch, said water to be conveyed in a ditch with the surveys made by said Maury & Davis & others to Sterlingville and such other points as may be found to be practicable and desirable. The undersigned also claims whatever water would naturally flow into the said ditch on its course and to be used for mining purposes, machinery &c. Jackson
Filed & recorded March 11th 1863Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 4 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four mining claims on the east side of Applegate Creek about ½ mile below the forks and four or five hundred yards above Chappel's Ranch. We take these as bank claims, and they commence at this notice and run 100 yards for each claim, or 400 yards in all up said creek, and the usual width of bank claims upon said creek. Sang
& Company
Filed and recorded March 12th 1863consisting of 5 men Wm.
Hoffman Clerk & Recorder
Jackson Co. Ogn. per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 5 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 500 yards or five claims next above those recorded on the preceding page by Sang & Company. For more full description see record on 152nd page [transcribed immediately above]. Coon
& Company
Filed and recorded March 12th 1863consisting of five men Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn.
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims situated on & near John Swinden's Ranch, one claim by right of discovery and four claims by location, commencing at the original prospect hole within Swinden's enclosure being the northwest corner of Swinden's field, and near a large black oak tree, and running from said original prospect hole in a southwesterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead the distance of 625 feet and also running from said original prospect hole in a northeasterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead the distance of 625 feet, making in all the distance of 1250 feet for said five claims and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles, outcroppings and incroppings belonging to said lead and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. I.
S. Jones
March 7th 1863John Swinden Isaac Swinden James Swinden Filed for record March 12th 1863 and recorded the same day Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale (Sardine Creek) Neathammer to Yack & Co. Sardine
Creek 4th Nov. 1862
This is to certify that I have this day sold to Yack & Co. four
hundred and thirty yards of mining ground running from Stage Road up
the creek (this claim is to be worked on east side from where it [was]
sluiced out in 18 sixty one), on west side [of] the old creek is the
L. Thompson
Filed & recorded March 17th 1863Henry Myer Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 430 yards of mining ground on Sardine Creek, commencing where the stage road crosses said creek and running up said creek 430 yards, held by purchase from Jacob Neathammer by bill of sale recorded. Yack
& Company
Filed & recorded March 17th 1863Chinamen Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale from J. M. Dunlap to H. Bloom Know all men by these presents that I, J. M. Dunlap of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, to me in hand paid by Herman Bloom of the same county & state, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain & sell unto the said Herman Bloom and to his heirs and assigns forever all that mining claim situated in the rear of Scharfenburg's grocery on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek in said county and known as Dunlap's claim, together with the hydraulic hose, mining tools and appurtenances thereunto belonging. To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described mining claims, hydraulic hose, tools & appurtenances unto the said Herman Bloom, his heirs and assigns forever. Witness my hand and seal this 10th day of March A.D. 1863. J.
M. Dunlap
Witnessesper E. C. Dunlap E. C. Dunlap David
P. Walrad
Filed for record March 12th 1863Thomas Darling Recorded March 17th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claim & water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims all that mining ground situated in the rear of Scharfenburg's grocery on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, known heretofore as Dunlap's mining claim, also the water ditch leading from ditch from Walker's Creek owned by Hoffman & Linn to the said mining claim and also all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, held by purchase from J. M. Dunlap by bill of sale recorded. H.
March 17th 1863Filed & recorded March 17th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 8 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned company claim eight mining claims on Applegate Creek in Jackson County. Said claims are situated on the main fork of said creek and about 300 yards below U. S. Hayden's Ranch. Said claims are taken as bank claims and commence at this notice and run down said creek one hundred yards for each claim in all 800 yards and extend the usual width of bank claims on said creek. The above claims were once owned by Horn & Co. and sold to Que & Co., Chinamen, sometime in 1858. This last named co., having lost their bill of said, now record said claims in their own name as above. Que
& Co., Chinamen
Filed and recorded March 23rd 186310 men in co. Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson County Oregon per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 6 gold & silver quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the discovery of a quartz lead or vein situated at or near the top or summit of a hill about one mile in a southerly direction from the Widow Penegar's Ranch or dwelling house upon said ranch. We claim our claim or 250 feet upon this lead by right of discovery and five claims or 1250 feet by location making in all fifteen hundred feet. Said claims commence at a prospect hole sunk on said lead near which is a pine tree about 18 inches in diameter blazed upon three sides, and which has a copy of this notice posted on it. We claim from said prospect hole 750 feet in a northwesterly direction, also 750 feet in a southeasterly direction, in both cases with the bearings of said lead, together with all the dips, angles, out- & incroppings belonging to the same and 75 feet upon each side of the said lead. Taken under the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860 regulating quartz mining claims. George
W. Obenchain
Filed and recorded March 27th 1863John A. Obenchain John Obenchain Madison Obenchain Solomon Klingle Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 1 quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one claim of 250 feet upon a gold and silver quartz lead discovered by Obenchain Bros. and this day recorded upon the 159th page of this book [transcribed immediately above]. Said claim commences at the northwesterly termination of the said claims of the Obenchain Bros. and runs northwesterly for the distance claimed, with the bearings of said lead including all dips, angles, out- and incroppings and 75 feet upon each side. Taken under the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining claims approved Oct. 19th 1860. Titus
B. Willard
Filed and recorded March 27th 1863Wm.
Hoffman, Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 2 claims of 250 feet each upon a quartz lead discovered by the Obenchain Bros. and recorded on the 159th page of this book. Said claims commence at the southwesterly termination of the said Obenchains' claims, upon said lead and runs southwesterly with the bearings of said lead for the distance claimed, including all dips, angles, out- and incroppings, and 75 feet upon each side of the said lead. Taken under the Act of the Legislature regulating quartz mining claims approved Oct. 19th 1860. Bartlett
Filed and recorded March 27th 1863Thomas Keely Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims The undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a hill to the right of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, being the same lead upon which Richardson, Holmes and Buzzell formerly held claims and since abandoned by them, commencing at the shaft sunk on the said lead by said Richardson & Co. and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with the course of the said lead for the distance of one thousand feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Wm.
A. Johnson
March 31st 1863M. A. Elder E. Kenney John Lobacker Filed March 31st 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Notice of privilege to construct a dam on Applegate Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of constructing a dam across the Applegate Creek opposite the house of Mr. Jennings, for the purpose of taking out a water ditch for mining purposes on the east side of the said creek. E.
N. Linn & Company, Chinamen
March 31 1863Filed & recorded April 1st 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims We the undersigned claim three claims on the quartz lead known as the "Croxton Lead," commencing at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by Thomas Croxton and Walter Croxton and running thence in a northeasterly direction with the course of said lead towards the Roberts' Gulch seven hundred and fifty feet and seventy five feet on each side of said lead together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. James
P. Tuffts
March 30th 1863John C. Holmes Ebenezer Dimmick Filed and recorded April 2nd 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold two quartz claims of copper &c. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two quartz mining claims of copper and other metals, situated about one mile in an easterly direction from Gold Hill, on the slope of a mountain towards Rogue River and about a half mile to the right of the road leading to Gold Hill, commencing at a prospect hole (the main western prospect hole) and running thence with the course and bearing of said lead in a westerly direction for the distance of one fourth of a mile and also commencing at the same starting point, to wit: the said prospect hole and running thence in an easterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of one fourth of a mile, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and fifty feet in width on each side of said lead, one of the said claims being taken by discovery and the other by location under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860 relating to quartz mining. Stephen
J. Henderson
April 17th 1863Filed and recorded April 17th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim of copper &c. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim of copper and other metals situated on a quartz claim discovered by Stephen J. Henderson and recorded this day, commencing at the easterly termination of the claims recorded by said Henderson and running thence in an easterly direction with the course and bearing of said [lead] for the distance of one fourth of a mile and fifty feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly relating to quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. O.
April 17th 1863Filed and recorded April 17th 1863 Wm.
Hoffman Recorder
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim of copper &c. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim of copper and other metals situated on a quartz claim discovered by Stephen J. Henderson and recorded this day, commencing at the westerly termination of the claims recorded by said Henderson and running thence in a westerly direction with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. James
C. Tolman
April 17th 1863Filed and recorded April 17th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims, one claim by discovery and two claims by preemption, situated on a quartz lead on a ridge between Galls Cr. and Swinden's Ranch about equal distance from each, commencing at the prospect hole sunk by us on said lead and running from thence in a northerly direction from said prospect hole, with the course of said lead the distance of 375 feet and also commencing at said prospect hole and running thence in a southerly direction with the course of said lead the distance of 375 feet, making in all 750 feet in length and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly relating to quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. John
Filed and recorded April 20th 1863Wm. Davison Wm.
Hoffman Clerk
& Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 13 quartz mining claims We the undersigned claim 13 quartz mining claims situated on a mountain on the left hand side of Rich Gulch, going up, one claim by right of discovery and ten claims by preemption or location, commencing on said lead at a small gulch or ravine, running down the mountain into Rich Gulch and running from said ravine with the course and bearing of said lead in a northwesterly direction for the distance of 1750 feet and commencing at the same starting point (said ravine) and running with the course and bearing of said lead in a southeasterly direction for the distance of 1500 feet, making in all the distance of 3250 feet in length and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. J.
J. Holman
April 20 1863John Anderson Wm. Hoffman David Linn Frank Brown John Fehely H. A. Breitbarth C. C. Beekman James Clugage W. S. Holman [erasure] George T. Vining Augustus Taylor Filed and recorded April 20th 1863 at 3 o'clk. p.m. Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale Francis Sackett to Al Laih & Co. Applegate
Nov. 10th 1862
I the undersigned sold to Al Laih & Co., Chinamen, one mining
on Humbug Creek for the sum of two hundred and ten dollars, one hundred
dollars paid cash in hand and one hundred and ten dollars to be paid in
three months from date; the claim is joining J. C. Hickock &
Co. on
the lower line and running two hundred yards more or less to a certain
mark up the creek and one house.Francis
Feb. 3 1863 Received payt. in fullFrancis
Notice to hold mining claims We the undersigned claim the following described mining [claim] situated on Humbug Creek, Jackson County, Oregon. Said claim joins the claims of J. C. Hickock & Co. on the lower line and running 200 yards up the creek (more or less) to a certain mark; we also claim the bank claims on the right hand side of the creek going up and the length of said bank claims being the same as the creek claims, that is, 200 yards--also claim one cabin, flume &c. Loi
& Company, Chinamen
April 22nd 1863Filed and recorded April 22nd 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims situated on Jackson Creek, Jackson County & state of Oregon, to wit: being creek and bank claims bounded on the upper end by the claims known as the "Jourdan Claims" and on the lower end by the "Holcomb Claims," also from other mining claims known as the "Jourdan Claims," the whole length of said claims being 275 yards, also another claim below the above claims known as the McKoy Claims about 100 yards in length. Loui,
Send & Co., Chinamen
April 27th 1863Filed and recorded April 27th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale from Thompson & Enyart to Lin & Co. Logtown
Oregon Dec. 22nd 1863
Know all men by these presents that we, Peter S. Enyart and Christopher
Thompson, have this day bargained and sold for cash in hand, one
thousand dollars, to Lain [sic]
& Company, of Chinamen, four hundred yards more or less of
ground, situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, the claims
that I, P. S. Enyart, bought of John Buckley. Said claims
commence at a
large oak tree in John Buckley's field running up four hundred yards
more or less and one hundred yards wide, whereas we warrant and defend
the right of said claims.Christopher
WitnessPeter S. Enyart J.
T. Williams
Filed and recorded April 29th 1863Wm. Bryce Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice We the undersigned claim 400 yards of mining ground on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek commencing at a large oak tree in John Buckley's field and running up said 400 yards, being the same claims bought by us from Christopher Thompson and Peter S. Enyart by bill of sale recorded. We also claim the bank claims on the right hand side of the creek going up and adjoining the above described claims and for the length thereof, to wit, 400 yards. Linn
& Company, Chinamen
Filed & recorded April 29th 1863Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold six mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six mining claims on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, commencing at a cabin known as the Italian Cabin and running up to the mouth of Missouri Gulch, from thence up Jackson Creek to the upper line of the Helms Claim, so called, and intend to hold and work the said claims according to the laws of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek; said claims are winter claims. Rocker
& Robertson
Jackson Creek May 1 1863Webster & Vail Hichcock & Greenman Filed and recorded May 2nd 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 3 mining claims on Farmer's Flat Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 3 mining claims situated on Farmer's Flat in Jackson County and state of Oregon, each claim being 100 yards long by 50 yards wide, beginning at the lower end of the claims formerly recorded as the claims of King & Sutton as per plat recorded in Record of Mining Claims No. 1 Page 51, and running from said lower end of said claims up the flat for the distance of 300 yards and 50 yards wide. George
May 9th 1863Henry Langenau John Williams Filed and recorded May 9th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 2 mining claims on Farmer's Flat Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 2 mining claims situated on Farmer's Flat and near the creek claim of Thomas Lunt, beginning at the point where this notice is posted and running thence in a northwesterly direction the distance of two hundred yards and fifty yards wide, the said claim being a part of the claims purchased by John Williams from Howell Parker. John
May 9th 1863Matthias Williams Filed & recorded May 9th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim one mining claim situated on Farmer's Flat, Jackson Co., Oregon, beginning at the point where this notice is posted and running thence up the Flat in a northerly direction 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. John
May 9th 1863Albert Rush Filed and recorded May 9th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale of mining claims on Applegate Applegate
May 8th 1863
This is to certify that I have this day sold to one Chinaman &
"Loon Quon" my right, title and interest in and to four mining claims
situated on Applegate Creek bought by me from Frenchmen. Also the
privilege of conveying the water of Jackass Creek across my premises to
said claims for two years, with the privilege of the water longer than
two years by paying fifty dollars per year, for the sum of $120 one
hundred and twenty dollars to me paid.M.
H. Drake
Filed & recorded May 9th 1863Wm.
County Clerk Conveyance, I. S. Jones to Matthew R. Ish Know all men by these presents that I, I. S. Jones of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this 7th day of May A.D. 1863 bargained, sold and conveyed unto Matthew R. Ish of the county and state aforesaid, the one half of his interest, it being the one fourth of the five claims recorded on the lead known as the "Swinden Lead," dated March 7th 1863, with a proportionate interest in all the rights, privileges and immunities lawfully appertaining to him the said I. S. Jones' interest in said quartz lead for and in consideration of five hundred dollars to me in hand paid this day and date above written, the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge. I.
S. Jones
L. Thompson
Acknowledged and subscribed to before me
this 9th day of May A.D. 1863N. Fisher Geo
M. Harris J.P.
Filed for record May 11th 1863 at 3
o'clock p.m. Recorded same dayWm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a water ditch on Foots Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of cutting a water ditch to convey the water therein for mining purposes, commencing at the left hand fork of the right hand fork of Foots Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, at a point below Green S. Morris' house and running from thence to the mining claims known as the Eades claims at the junction of Long Gulch and the said left hand fork of the right hand fork of said creek together with the water privileges and immunities belonging to the same for mining purposes. P.
M. Simrell
May 15th 1863W. H. Robbins J. H. Walker Filed & recorded May 15th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Conveyance, Adam Schmitt & J. G. Bosch to Arnold & Rossi Know all men by these presents that we, Adam Schmitt and John Bosch of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of ninety five dollars to us paid by George Arnold and John Rossi of the county and state aforesaid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell and convey unto the said George Arnold and John Rossi four mining claims situated in Holman's Gulch in said county and state, being about two hundred yards long and being the same claims heretofore worked by said Schmitt & Bosch, together with the sluices, privileges and immunities belonging to the same, to have and to hold the said mining claims to the said Arnold & Rossi, their heirs and assigns forever. Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of May A.D. 1863. Adam
WitnessesJohann Georg Bosch W.
H. S. Hyde
Filed for record May 19th 1863 at 11
o'clk. a.m. Recorded same dayMax Muller Wm.
Hoffman Co. Clk.
& Recorder J.C. Ogn. Bill of sale of mining claims on Rogue River Wiggins and Jealous to Chinaman Jack Know all men by these present that we, George Jealous and Wm. Wiggins, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, have this 9th day of May A.D. 1863 bargained, sold and conveyed unto Chinaman Jack our entire interest in and to the mining claim known as the Wiggins claim, at the mouth of Kanes Creek on the bank of Rogue River, containing four hundred yards of such mining ground, commencing at the [omission] two hundred yards below the mouth of said creek and running up said Rogue River, with all the tools, including 18 sluice boxes, for and in consideration of thirty dollars to me in hand paid the day and date above written. W.
W. Wiggins
WitnessGeo. Jealous X his mark I.
S. Jones
Filed and recorded May 22nd 1863N. Fisher Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead on a ridge between Galls Creek and Swinden's Ranch, commencing at the southerly end or termination of the claims recorded by John Swinden and Wm. Davison and running from thence in a southerly direction with the course & bearing of said lead for the distance of 500 feet and 75 feet on each side together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. John
Filed and recorded May 23rd 1863James J. Swinden Wm.
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 3 mining claims on Prairie Flat Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 3 mining claims situated on Prairie Flat, being one hundred & fifty yards in length, one of said claims held by purchase from John S. Smith and two held by location, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. F.
May 23rd 1863John Schumpf Filed & recorded May 23rd 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice 4 [sic] mining claims on Dutch Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims in Dutch Gulch in the Blackwell District, bounded on the upper end by the claims of John Pinney, being 600 yards in length and of the usual width. John
May 25th 1863Chas.Kiefer Wm. Blockard Filed & recorded May 25th 1863 Wm.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold five mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five claims or 1250 feet, twelve hundred and fifty feet and 75 feet on each side of the ledge known as the Widow's Ledge on Jump Off Joe. Matthew
Jump Off JoeD. H. Sexton N. C. Sexton Wm. Winslow May 26th 1863 Filed for record and recorded May 26th 1863 Wm.
Hoffman Clk.
and Recorder J.C. Ogn. (see
page 88)
[Page 88 is the Laberette & Co. claim of September 13, 1862, transcribed above] Notice to hold two mining quartz
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim on the Widow's Ledge three claims or 750 feet adjoining and north of Boyce & Sexton's claims and 75 feet on each side. J. Davies
Jump Off JoeC. Davies C. Mellon May 26th 1863 Filed and recorded May 26th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold two quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two claims on the Widow's Ledge on Jump Off Joe for 500 feet and 75 feet on each side adjoining and south of Boyce & Sexton's and Company's claim on the same lead. Rufus Johnson
May 26th 1863Miram Goodell [Warren Goodell?] Filed and recorded May 26th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold four quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim on the ledge known as the Golden Ridge Lead four claims or 1000 feet and 75 feet on each side, being the first claims discovered and the claims worked on said lead. John Haley
May 26th 1863Geo. W. Stumbo Charles D. Winters Thomas Wilson Filed & recorded May 26th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorded Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five quartz mining claims, situated on a quartz ledge known as the Widow's Ledge on Jump Off Joe Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing for said claims at the prospect hole on the said ledge, and running from thence in a northerly direction with the course and bearing of said ledge for the distance of 625 feet, also starting at said prospect hole and running from thence in a southern direction with the course and bearing of said ledge for the distance of 625 feet, making in all the distance of 1250 feet in length and 75 feet wide on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles, outcroppings and incroppings belonging to the same, one of said claims being held by right of discovery and four claims by location and taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Matthew Boyce
May 26th 1863D. H. Sexton N. C. Sexton Wm. Winslow Filed and recorded May 23rd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold one mining claim on Cantrall Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims, one mining claim situated on Cantrall Gulch in Jackson County, Oregon, joined on the upper end or above by the claim formerly owned by Corn Malles and now owned by me as per bill of sale from said Corn Malles recorded on page 34 of this book, said claim hereby claimed by preemption being 100 yards in length of the gulch and both claims are hereby notified on. Anton Bruns
May 27th 1863Filed & recorded May 27th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold two mining claims on Missouri Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two mining claims situated in Missouri Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, being 200 yards in length of said gulch and of the usual width bounded above by the claims of Lorente and below by claims of Lorenzo Cours. Clement Sarraillett
May 27th 1863[blank] Arra Filed May 27th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four hundred yards of mining claims commencing at or near the forks of Applegate Creek near the ranch of Squire Hayden now occupied by Reuben S. Armstrong and running down the creek 400 yards and the usual width on each side of the creek including all the privileges belonging to said claims. Dewey & Co.
May 29th 1863Seven Chinamen Filed & recorded May 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold 800 yards mining claims on Applegate Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 800 yards of mining claims on Applegate Creek below the forks of said creek, 500 yards above the mouth of the creek running into Applegate from which the ditch is taken, running to Chappell's Ranch and 300 yards below the said creek from which the ditch is taken, making in all 800 yards with the usual width on each side of said creek and all the privileges belonging to the same. Ah Lape & Co.
May 29th 1863Six Chinamen Filed & recorded May 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold bank mining claims on Jackass Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the bank mining claims on the right hand side of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, going up the creek, being for the entire length of the claims bought by us of John Buckley and Patrick Ivory, which are bounded on the upper end by the claims of Livingstone & Company and on the lower end by the claims of Fay & Co. (Chinamen) and being between 300 & 400 yards in length, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Ah Shoo, Chow
& Company
June 2nd 1863Filed & recorded June 2nd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale from H. Stickweh to Dad Leaung & Co. I, the undersigned, sold to Dad Leaung & Co., Chinamen, one mining claim and 12 sluice boxes on Farris Gulch for the sum of thirty dollars, the claim is one hundred yds. long, and one house. Henry Stickweh
Applegate, January 23rd 1863Witness K. Kubli
Farris Gulch March
21st 1863
I, the undersigned, sold to Dad Leaung & Co., Chinamen, one
claim and one house on Farris Gulch, the claim two hundred yards long,
for the sum of fifteen dollars paid, cash in hand; the claim is joining
at the lower line [of] Dad Leaung & Co. Chinamen.J. Berry &
Filed & recorded June 12th 1863Wm. Hoffman
Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims on Farris Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims 600 yards of mining claims on Farris Gulch, embracing the claims mentioned in the bills of sale made to us by J. F. Oyler & Nancy Pater for 300 yds., Henry Stickweh for 100 yards and J. Berry & Co. for 200 yards, all recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. Dad Leaung &
Co., Chinamen
June 12 1863Filed & recorded June 12th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 300 yards mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 yards of mining claims on Farris Gulch adjoining and below the claims owned and recorded by Dad Leaung and Company this day in the Recorder's Office in Jackson County, Oregon, said claims taken by location and preemption. Witness our hands this 12th day of June A.D. 1863. Jack & Co.
Filed and recorded June 12th 18634 Chinamen Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claim on Poorman Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims a mining claim situated on Poorman Creek where the road leading to Applegate crosses said creek, and lying between the claims owned by McKeever and Sabin, being 300 yards in length with the usual width of claims in said diggings, held by purchase, together with all the privileges and improvements belonging to the same. Witness my hand this 13th day of June A.D. 1863. Charles King
Filed and recorded June 13th 1863Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water out of Dairy Creek and convey the same to the lot of the undersigned in Jacksonville. John Bilger
June 15 1863Filed and recorded June 15th 1863 at 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water out of Dairy Creek on C. C. Beekman's lot and convey the same to the lot of the undersigned in Jacksonville. L. S. Thompson
June 15 1863Filed and recorded June 15th 1863 at half past 5 o'clock p.m. Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold three mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim one hundred and fifty yards of mining claim and fifty yards wide; said claim is situated in the rear of the Arkansas Stables in Jacksonville and running through the east end of the Benj. T. Davis lot and known as the Jones & company claim. Witness my hand this 16th day of June A.D. 1863. William Mills
Filed and recorded June 16th 1863Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale from McPherson to Herbert Know all men by these presents that I this day sold, bargained and set over my whole right, title and interest in a certain mining claim situated on Sardine Creek known as Herbert & McPherson's claims to G. W. Herbert and A. M. Herbert together with mining tools, cabin and provisions &c. for the consideration of two hundred dollars ($200) value received. John McPherson
Sardine Creek Feb. 20th 1861Witness A. J. Baker
For and in consideration of four hundred dollars cash in hand the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged I have his day bargained and sold to Yea & Co., Chinamen, certain mining claims situated on Sardine Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, beginning at the gulch at the foot of the claim formerly owned by Miller, Baker & River [sic] and running thence down Sardine Creek six hundred yards more or less including the bed of said Sardine Creek, together with the banks and bars on both sides of said creek, also two (2) water ditches belonging to said claims, two cabins, sluice boxes, sluice fork & brush, picks & shovels, and all tools now on and belonging to said claims. G. W. Herbert
Sardine Creek April the 16 1863The above two bills of sale were filed and recorded on the 22nd day of June A.D. 1863. Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims situated on Sardine Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, beginning at the gulch at the fork of the claims formerly owned by Miller, Baker & River and running thence down Sardine Creek six hundred yards more or less including the bed of Sardine Creek together the banks and bars on both sides of said creek, together with the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Yea &
Company (Chinamen)
Filed & recorded June 22nd 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold 400 yards of mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 400 yards of mining claims on Applegate Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, situated above the mining claim formerly owned by William Broze and sold by him to Lol & Co., the said claim hereby intended being a "flat" claim, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Tso &
Company (Chinamen)
June 22nd 1863Filed & recorded June 22nd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Deed of mining claims, Comstock & Ballard to Lehan & Co. Know all men by these presents that we, V. P. Comstock and Thomas N. Ballard, of the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred dollars to us paid and secured to be paid by Lehan & Company (Chinamen) have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell & deliver to said Lehan & Co. the following described mining claims situated on Jackass Creek on the left hand fork thereof, Jackson County, Oregon, bounded on the lower end by the mining claims of Buckley and Ivory and on the upper end by the claims of Lin & Co., the claims hereby conveyed to the said Lehan & Co. being nine hundred yards in length, more or less, by 100 yards in width, also two cabins, 4 picks, 3 shovels, flumes & sluices belonging to said claims and a lot of lumber, a wheelbarrow & sledge. To have and to hold the said mining claims and appurtenances unto the said Lehan & Co. [and] their assigns forever. Witness our hands this 22nd day of June A.D. 1863. V. P. Comstock
Executed in presence of Thomas N. Ballard Wm. Hoffman
U. S. Hayden State of Oregon, County of Jackson Personally appeared before me the undersigned a justice of the peace in and for said county, V. P. Comstock and Thomas N. Ballard known to me as the identical persons described [there]in and who executed the foregoing conveyance and acknowledged the same to be their act & deed for the purposes therein mentioned. Witness my hand this 22nd day of June 1863. U. S. Hayden J.P.
Filed for record June 22nd 1863 at 1 o'clock p.m. Recorded same day.Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claim situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at Val. P. Comstock & Co.'s claim and extending up the creek to Lin's claim, being 240 yards in length, more or less, being the same claim sold to us by H. Hillis, Hugh Cannon & D. Y. Mears by bill of sale dated March 26 1862. Lin & Co.
Filed and recorded June 25th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold 3 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims, one claim by discovery and two claims by location, situated on a quartz lead on the north side of Rogue River and on the spur of mountains on the west side of Evans Creek and pointing towards the mouth of said Evans Creek and about from three fourths to one mile from the mouth of said Evans Creek in a northwesterly direction, said claims commencing at the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from said prospect hole 500 feet in a northwesterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead and commencing at the said prospect hole and running from the same in a southeasterly direction 250 feet with the course and bearing of said lead, making in all 750 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. James R. Poole,
June 18th 1863William G. Buffum Filed and recorded June 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered by James R. Poole on the north side of Rogue River and on the west side of Evans Creek as mentioned in the record of said James R. Poole and Wm. G. Buffum recorded this day, commencing for our claims at the northwest boundary of said Poole & Buffum's claims and running thence with the course and bearing of said lead in a northwesterly direction for the distance of 750 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. John S. Love
June 29th 1863John S. Drum Alex. Martin Filed and recorded June 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman Co. Clk.
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 2 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered by James R. Poole, on the north side of Rogue River and on the west side of Evans Creek as mentioned in the record of said James R. Poole and Wm. G. Buffum recorded this day, commencing for our claim at the southeast boundary of said Poole & Buffum's claims and running thence with the course and bearing of said lead in a southeasterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of 500 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. John McLaughlin
Filed and recorded June 29th 1863Henry Klippel Wm. Hoffman, Co.
Clk. &
Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 5 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 5 quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead situated on the north side of Rogue River and on the west side of Evans Creek, said lead discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by James R. Poole & W. G. Buffum, commencing for our claims at the northwesterly boundary of the claims recorded by John S. Love, John S. Drum and Alexander Martin and running from thence in a northwesterly direction with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of 1250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved Oct. 19th 1860. Wm. Hoffman
June 29th 1863C. C. Beekman David Linn Geo. T. Vining U. S. Hayden Filed & recorded June 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman Co. Clk.
and Recorder J.C. Ogn. Conveyance, from J. L. Henshaw to E. C. Sessions For and in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby transfer all my right, title and interest in and to the mining claim known as the "Blue Lead," located in the state of Oregon, unto E. C. Sessions, and it is hereby understood that I am in no way [be]holden for any of the liabilities already incurred or [which] may occur in opening said claim. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of May A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty two. Josh L. Henshaw
WitnessH. W. Brown
Filed for record June 9th 1863 at 4 o'clock p.m. Recorded June 29th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder for Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at F. Savans' [Sabin's?] lower line and running up the right hand fork of the left hand fork of said creek up to Livingston & Bro.'s cabin and all the privileges and appurtenances belonging to the same, being 800 yards in length, bought of Faurot & Starr by bill of sale dated April 18 1862. Hing, Foo &
Co., Chinamen
July 2nd 1863Filed and recorded July 2nd 1863 Wm. Hoffman County
Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 400 yards mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek commencing at Pat Ivory & Co.'s and running up to Hillis & Company, being the claims bought of Sabin & Co. by bill of sale dated the 16th April 1862. Loch &
July 2nd 1863Filed and recorded July 2nd 1863 Wm. Hoffman County
Notice to hold 4 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 4 quartz mining claims of 250 feet each, making in all one thousand feet, on the lead discovered by I. S. Jones & others, and recorded on page 154 of this book on the 7th day of March A.D. 1863. Said claims commence at the southerly, or southwesterly, termination of the claims of the said "Jones & others," and run southerly with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance claimed. Said claims include all the dips, angles, out- and incroppings belonging to said lead and 75 feet on each side of the same. Taken under the act of the legislative assembly regulating quartz mining approved October 19th 1860. Amos E. Rogers
July 9th 1863John Richardson Wm. Hoffman James Buttris Filed and recorded July 9th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold 2 mining claims on Holman's Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims situated in Holman's Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, and being below the claim of George Arnold on said gulch, said claims being 200 yards in length of said gulch, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 11th day of July A.D. 1863. Louis Herling
Filed and recorded July 11th 1863Adam Schmidt Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 400 yards of mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 400 yards in length and 100 yards wide of mining claims, being bars and river claims situated on the north side of Rogue River, about a mile and a half above Hunter's Ferry, together with the privileges belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 17th day of July A.D. 1863. Young, Sim &
Filed & recorded July 17th 18638 Chinamen Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold three mining claims on left hand fork of Jackson Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, above Farmer's Flat and recently known as the "Lunt claims," being 300 yards in length with the usual width of claims in said diggings, said claims being held by us by purchase from Thomas Lunt, bounded below by the claims belonging to Plow. Henry Freudenberg
Filed and recorded July 17th 1863Henry Kopf Peter Hanson Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims on Jackass Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, formerly known as the McNew and Chambers claims and by them conveyed to the undersigned by bill of sale dated June 19 1861 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon; the claims hereby recorded being 400 yards in length, more or less, and being creek and bank claims. Chum Lin &
Co. [Gin Lin?]
July 1863Filed and recorded July 18th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Conveyance, Danl. Jones to John Bright Know all men by these presents that I, Daniel Jones, now of the state of California, for the consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty nine dollars, due John Bright on a promissory note for that amt. with interest at 3 percent per month from November 22nd 1862, I hereby sell and convey unto the said John Bright all my right, title and interest in the following described mining claims situated on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, being four claims in the creek, running from timbered gulch up the stream and two claims in the point on the right hand side going up the creek and three on the side where the cabin is, being the same claims described in the bill of sale from George Seaman & Co. to Isaac Jones & Co. my interest in said claims being the undivided one half. I also convey to said John Bright the undivided one fourth interest in the timbered gulch and one half interest in the ditch. Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of July A.D. 1863. Daniel Jones
Witnessby Isaac Jones X his mark agent for Daniel Jones Wm. Hoffman
Filed for record July 9th 1863 at 6 o'clk. p.m.Recorded July 21st 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims at junction of Jackass & Poorman cks. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims, situated at the junction of Jackass and Poorman Creek, being four hundred yards in length and one hundred yards in width, commencing at Coster & Gragg's former notice and running up Poorman Creek, being the same claims bought of Wm. Vartier, Henry Gragg and Riley Hinkle by bill of sale dated December 1st 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office December 5th 1862. Wang Foo &
Co., Chinamen
Filed and recorded July 21st 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on the left hand fork of Jackson Cr. above Farmer's Flat Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek above Farmer's Flat, Jackson County, Oregon, said claims being about 400 yards in length and 200 yards in width, commencing at the upper end of the old "Fisher claim," and running up to our reservoir, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. John Ford
July 23rd 1863Peyton Ford Filed & recorded July 23rd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 400 yards in length of mining claims situated on Poorman Creek and within the limits of the ranch known as Dumaile's Ranch on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Laran
July 23rd 1863Saget Filed and recorded July 23rd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold mining claims (Jackass) Know all men by these presents that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek in Jackson County, state of Oregon, being three mining claims formerly known as the "Langley & Co." claims together with all the privileges belonging to the same, being the same claims conveyed to us by Edward Langley and John Hurst by bill of sale dated the 7th day of July 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. How, Came &
July 27th 1863Filed and recorded July 27th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 3 mining claims on Missouri Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims situated on Missouri Gulch, Jackson County, state of Oregon, being 300 yards in length by the usual width of gulch claims in said gulch, commencing at this notice, being the low end of said claims and running 300 yards up the gulch, the lower end being bounded by claims belonging to Frenchmen, names not known, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Loran & Co.
July 30th 1863Filed & recorded July 30th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims on Jackass Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek being 300 yards in length, more or less, bounded above on the creek by the claims of Chinamen, and bounded below by the claims of Chinamen being the same claims held by purchase from O. L. Wilson by bill of sale dated July 11th 1862, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, state of Oregon. Hong Yong &
Aug. 1st 1863Filed and recorded August 1st 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on Rogue River Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claims of the mouth of Kanes Creek on the bank of Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, containing 400 yards of mining ground, commencing 200 yards below the mouth of said creek and running up Rogue River for said distance of 400 yards, together with all the privileges belonging to said mining claims, held by purchase from W. W. Wiggins & George Jealous by bill of sale dated 9th day of May 1863 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson Co. Chinaman Jack
Aug. 10th 1863Filed & recorded Aug. 10th 1863 Wm. Hoffman, Clerk.
Rock Point, bill of sale F. A. Hammond to Foy, Aloy & Co. Rock Point Ogn.
Apl. 21st 1862
Know all men by these presents that I have this day bargained &
sold and delivered unto Foy, Aloy & Co. six mining claims
on Humphrey's Gulch near Evans Creek, commencing at the reservoir and
running to Evans Creek, gulch & bank, sluices, mining utensils,
water ditches and cabin for the consideration of one hundred &
thirty dollars to me in hand paid and hereby acknowledge the receipt of
the same in full.F. A. Hammond
AttestJ. B. White
Filed & recorded August 15th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six mining claims situated on Humphrey's Gulch near Evans Creek, commencing at the reservoir and running to Evans Creek, gulch & bank, also water ditches, sluices and other appurtenances and privileges belonging to said claims, held by purchase by bill of sale from F. A. Hammond dated April 21st 1862 and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Jackson County, Ogn. Foy Aloy &
Co., Chinamen
Filed & recorded Aug. 13th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Bill of sale from John Backer & N. Wolf to John Schumpf Jacksonville Ogn.
July 18th 1863
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned sold this day one mining
claim one hundred yards long, situated at the head of Potlatch Gulch
for the sum of forty dollars to John Schumpf, with all the tools and
cabin belonging to said claim.John Backer
Filed and recorded August 19th 1863Nicholas Wolf Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described claim, situated at the head of Potlatch Gulch, being one hundred yards long with the usual width, being the same mining claim formerly owned by Backer & Wolf. Aug. 19th 1863 Filed & recorded Aug. 19th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold a mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at a high ledge of bedrock and running up the gulch to the claims of Hing Foo & Company, being three hundred yards in length, more or less, and one hundred yards wide, together with all the privileges belonging to said claims, being the same claims conveyed by bill of sale from Isaac Faurot and A. E. Starr to the undersigned, dated April 28th 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. Kung &
Company, Chinamen
Filed and recorded August 21st 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims in a gulch on Jackass Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 500 yards of mining ground situated in a short gulch on the right hand side of the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, said gulch comes down to said fork of said creek, about eight hundred yards above where the two forks of the creek join together, the said gulch is a dry gulch and we claim the same with all the privileges belonging to the same. Chow, Linn &
Aug. 25th 1863(Chinamen) Filed & recorded Aug. 25th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Notice to hold mining claims on
Jackass Creek
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described ground for mining on Jackass Creek in Jackson Co. Ogn. to wit, being situated above a certain mining claim on said creek purchased by myself from Owen Connor and still owned by me. The Connor claim bounds this upon the lower end, and this claim extends up the creek to the claim owned by Napoleon Baker upon said creek, including all the ground between the above mentioned claims. Dennis O'Sullivan
Filed and recorded August 29th 1863Wm. Hoffman, Co.
per Amos E. Rogers Deputy Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claims situated on Applegate Creek, commencing at the point where Fowler's second ditch on the north side of Applegate Creek is taken out of said creek and running down the said creek 500 yards, said claims being creek and bank claims together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Tan &
Company, Chinamen
Sept. 16th 1863Filed & recorded Sept. 16th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given hat the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead known as the "Holman Lead" on the south side of the main Shively Gulch, commencing 50 yards southeasterly from the southeasterly termination of the quartz claims recorded by J. J. Holman and others on the 21st day of June 1861 and running from thence in a southeasterly direction with the course and bearing of said "Holman Lead" for the distance of fifty yards or one hundred and fifty feet and lying immediately adjoining and southeasterly from the claim recorded by O. S. Walling on the 21st day of June 1861, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Witness my hand and seal this 17th day of September A.D. 1863. Wm. Hoffman
Filed and recorded September 17th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon The above claim is this day renewed for 6 months from this date. Wm. Hoffman
March 15th 1864Notice to hold quartz claims, Grave Creek lead This is to certify that the undersigned have located one claim each, of the dimensions allowed by the laws of the state, on the property heretofore known as the "Smoked Yankee" but now called the Grave Creek Quartz Ledge, with all its outcroppings, dips and angles through the extent of said claims. The claims run in a westerly direction from the following described point commencing at a certain sugar pine tree near to the top of a spur putting toward Grave Creek from the hills bounding said creek on the north. Said tree is in Jackson County 3½ to 4 miles above the Grave Creek House about ½ mile from the creek and about five paces from a ledge intersecting said Grave Creek Ledge and running north & south. Witness our hands and seals this eighteenth day of September 1863. Samuel Harkness
Filed for record September 21st 1863 at 9 o'clk. a.m. Recorded same day.Morris M. Harkness Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Conveyance, O. M. Poland to Morris M. Harkness In and for the sum of twenty dollars $20.00 to me in hand paid, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, I have this day sold to Morris M. Harkness of Grave Creek, Josephine County, Oregon, all my right, title and interest in and to the "Smoked Yankee Quartz Ledge," situate on Grave Creek in Jackson Co., Oregon, said interest consisting of one claim of two hundred and fifty (250) feet, with all its outcroppings, dips and angles, together with 75 feet each side of said ledge. Witness my hand this seventeenth day of September 1863. O. M. Poland
WitnessG. W. Tetherow
Filed and recorded Sept. 21st 1863 at 9 o'clk. a.m.M. C. Harkness Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Conveyance, Riley M. Russell to Morris M. Harkness Know all men by these presents that I, Riley M. Russell, in and for the sum of ten dollars, to me in hand paid, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto Morris M. Harkness of Grave Creek, Josephine County, Oregon, all my right, title and interest in and to the "Smoked Yankee" Quartz Ledge situated on Grave Creek, Jackson Co., Oregon. The conditions of the above conveyance are such that if said Morris M. Harkness shall take from the said interest consisting of one share of said ledge, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars over and above expenses, then the said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in gold coin or dust at its current value to be paid to the said Riley M. Russell, otherwise to revert to the said Morris M. Harkness without further charge. Witness our hands this seventeenth day of September 1863. Riley M. Russell
Filed and recorded September 21st 1863 at 9 o'clk. a.m.Morris M. Harkness Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale, Kinney MicKeever [sic] to Ling & Co. Know all men by these presents that the undersigned, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid as follows, twenty dollars cash in hand, and one hundred and thirty dollars to be paid in two weeks from this date, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto Lung & Company the following described mining claim situated on Poorman Creek and being all the mining ground lying between the mining claims of Charles King and Henry Gragg, supposed to be two yards more or less with the usual width of mining claims on both sides of said Poorman Creek, also 1 cabin, 17 sluice boxes, 2 pans, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 ax, 2 picks, 2 shovels. I hold a lien on said claim until all the money is paid. Witness my hand and seal this 23 day of September 1863. Kinne MicKiever [sic]
WitnessWm. Hoffman
Filed & recorded Sept. 23rd 1863Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claim situated between the mining claims of Charles King and Henry Gragg on Poorman Creek, being 200 yards long more or less by the usual width of claims on said creek, being the same claim conveyed to us by Kinne MicKiever by bill of sale dated this day and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, also the cabin, sluice boxes and mining tools and privileges belonging to said claim. Witness our hands this 23rd day of September A.D. 1863. Lung &
Company, Chinamen
Filed & recorded September 23rd 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims and ditch Notice to all whom it may concern that we 4 Chinamen claim 400 yards of a bar on Applegate known as the Lit [sic] claim together with the ditch from Little Applegate and running up main Applegate, the same claims which we have purchased and worked for 5 years, to which we here subscribe our names. We also claim three hundred [blank] of the river from this notice down. Lett [sic] &
WitnessJustus Wells
Filed for record & recorded September 28th 1863Theodric Cameron Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Conveyance from Wm. Hunter to Young Chim (Chinaman) Know all men by these presents that I, William Hunter of Jackson County, state of Oregon, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, to me in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by Young Chim (Chinaman) of the same place of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and convey unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, one water ditch leading from Savage Creek on south side of Rogue River emptying in said river below Hunter's Ferry on said river, together with all my right, title and interest to and in my mining claim or bar lying on the south side of said river opposite my house and ferry, together with the privilege of working the bed of the river, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns forever. And I do for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part to warrant and defend the sale of the said property hereby sold unto the said party of the second part against all and every person & persons whomsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of September A.D. 1863. Wm. Hunter
Filed & recorded October 1st 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold four quartz claims This may certify that we the undersigned have this day located one claim each, of the dimensions allowed by law, together with one to Richard Owens for discovery, on the "Grave Creek Quartz Ledge," with all its dips, crooks and angles; said claims commence at the western terminus of the claims of Samuel & Morris M. Harkness and run from thence with the ledge in a westerly course or south and west. Witness our hands this first day of October eighteen hundred and sixty three. Richard Owens
Filed and recorded October 2nd 1863Jas. A. Hopkins Peter Buck Wm. Hoffman
County Clk. & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Conveyance, Geo. W. Tetherow to Saml. Harkness In and for the consideration of twenty dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, I have this day sold to Samuel Harkness of Grave Creek, Josephine County, Oregon, all my right, title and interest in and to the Grave Creek Ledge situate on Grave Creek in Jackson County, Oregon--said interest consisting of one claim of the dimensions allowed by law of the state, with all the outcroppings, dips and angles of the ledge, through the extent of the said claim. Witness my hand this first day of October eighteen hundred & sixty three. Geo. W. Tetherow
Filed & recorded October 2nd 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold three quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead about three miles southwest from Hunter's Ferry on Rogue River and abut one mile south from Jones' Gulch on a spur of a timbered butte running an east course and about one and a half mile east course from Evans' lead commencing at the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from said prospect hole 375 feet on each side of said prospect hole with the course and bearing of the lead, making in all 750 feet for said three claims and 75 feet on each side of the lead, together with the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly approved October 19th 1860. Noel White
October 17th 1863Francis Rule Newell Delamater Filed and recorded October 17th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 5 mining claims on Poorman Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five mining claims, situated on Poorman Creek bounded below by the claim of John Bause, now owned by Chinamen, and running up Poorman Creek 500 yards with the usual width of claims on said creek, together with all the privileges belonging to the same held by purchase. Witness my hand this 31st day of October A.D. 1863. Noah Sagers
Filed & recorded Oct. 31st 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on Applegate Creek, commencing at a point where the fence of Thomas Wright comes down to said creek and running down said Applegate Creek six hundred yards, said claims known as the Palmer Bar, in Jackson County, state of Oregon, with the usual width of claims in said diggings together with all the privilege and immunities belonging to the same. Ge Tung & Co.
November 23rd 1863Filed & recorded November 23rd 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim eight mining claims situated on the north side of Rogue River, one mile below Hunter's Ferry, being eight hundred yards in length, with the privilege of erecting a wing dam in said river, also a gulch coming down to said river near the above mentioned claims for the purpose of using the water therein and for mining purposes. Dah & Company
Nov. 25th 1863Filed & recorded November 25th 1863 Wm. Hoffman County
Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale, J. M. Dunlap to Chinamen Rock Point Jackson
Co. Ogn.
Know all men by these presents that I do this day bargain and sell
& deliver [to] Fangelin & Co. a certain piece or parcel
mining ground in and for the consideration of seventy five dollars $75
paid in hand, the property herein described, two hundred and fifty
yards more or less, a certain bar located on the south side of Rogue
River, known as the Dunlap Bar, commencing at or near the Rosenstock
barn or fence, running thence down said river, parallel, including the
entire bar, being sixty yards in width from said river, more or less,
also one pick, one pan, one shovel, with eight sluices and all the
appurtenances belonging thereunto and also one reservoir and the use of
the water ditch now conducting the water onto said bar, with the
exception of what little time it is needed for irrigating purposes,
this July the 6 A.D. 1863.J. M. Dunlap
WitnessT. R. Magruder
Filed & recorded November 25th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Bill of sale, Stephen D. Taylor to Yoke & Co. This is to certify that the undersigned has this day sold and by these presents do bargain, sell and deliver unto Yoke & Company, Chinamen, three hundred yards of mining ground situated on a bar on the south side of Rogue River above and near the mouth of Galls Creek with the right of water of Galls Creek, as represented by notice thereon, for the consideration of fifty dollars to me in hand paid. Stephen D. Taylor
WitnessT. R. Magruder
Filed and recorded Nov. 26th 1863J. B. White Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining ground on Rogue River Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 yards of mining ground on Rogue River on the south side thereof above and near Galls Creek & also the right of the water in Galls Creek, held by purchase from Stephen D. Taylor by bill of sale recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon Yoke & Co.,
Filed & recorded Nov. 26th 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a certain piece of ground for a reservoir Notice is hereby given that the Southern Oregon Independent Water Ditch and Mining Company hereby claim the following described mining ground, for the purpose of constructing a reservoir on what is known as "Fremont's Flat" about a half mile from Sterlingville on the left hand side from Sterling Creek, Jackson Co., Ogn., said ground hereby claimed to be of the following dimensions, to wit: one thousand feet more or less in each direction north, east, south and west, together with all the privileges and appurtenances belonging to the same for our use and benefit for mining purposes. Charles Isenbeck
December 1st 1863Jacob Permien Wm. Wilkins Corporators Filed & recorded December 1st 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Conveyance, Charles King to Ton Hane & Co. Know all men by these presents that I, Charles King, for and [in] consideration of four hundred dollars, two hundred dollars cash in hand and two hundred dollars to be paid in two weeks by Ton Hane & Co., Chinamen, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain & sell unto the said Ton Hane & Company all my right, title and interest in and to the following described mining claims situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, said claims being four hundred yards in length, more or less, and in width to 8 feet raise on the bedrock, and bounded on the upper end by the Sabin Claim and running up to a dry gulch, bounded below by claims owned by Chinamen, also two cabins, 17 or 19 sluice boxes, flume, picks, shovels and 1 rifle gun. Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of December 1863. Charles King
WitnessWm. Hoffman
Filed & recorded December 1st 1863Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Bill of sale S. D. Taylor to Foon & Co., Chinamen Rock Point June
16th 1863
This is to certify that I have this day sold my mining claim on Sardine
Creek in Jackson County to Foon & Co. (China Co.) for the sum
of 40
dollars, to me paid, the aforesaid claims being creek and bank 125
yards up and down, also 5 sluice boxes.S. D. Taylor
[Witness]T. R. Magruder
Filed & recorded Dec. 4th 1863Wm. Hoffman R.J.C.
Notice to hold mining claims on Sardine Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following mining claims situated on Sardine Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, being 125 yards up and down said creek and being creek and bank claims, held by purchase from S. D. Taylor by bill of sale dated June 16 1863. Foon & Co.,
December 4th 1863Bill of sale, John Penny to Yack & Co. Dardanelles
September 1st 1863
For and in consideration of fifty five dollars in hand paid, we the
undersigned have sold to Yack & Co., Chinese, three mining
situated on Rogue River, known as the Fisher Diggings, said claims to
consist of one hundred yards each, the title of said claims we warrant
& defend, the width of claims to be fifty yards.John Penny
WitnessIsaac Miller
Filed & recorded Dec. 4th 1863Wm. Hoffman R.J.C.
Notice to hold mining claims on Rogue River Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim three mining claims on what is known as Fisher Diggings on Rogue River being 100 yards each in length & 50 yards in width held by purchase by bill of sale from Dec. 4 1863. Yack & Co.
Filed & recorded Dec. 4th 1863Wm. Hoffman R.J.C.
Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated on the right hand of Jackson Creek. [unsigned]
Bill of sale from Wm. Hunter to Haine Know all men by these presents that I, William Hunter, have this day sold to Chinaman Haine [Hane] the following described mining claim for the consideration of one hundred dollars to me in hand paid, the bank claim situated on the north side of Rogue River, commencing at a large log and running down said stream one half of a mile the same more or less on the upper end of the field of the said Hunter and also the water ditch taken out of Rocky Gulch and running down to said claim with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the same unto the said Haine, his heirs and assigns forever. Given under my hand and seal this 5th day of December A.D. 1863. William Hunter
In presence ofE. F. Russell
Filed & recorded December 10th 1863Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims in Cantrall Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims a mining ditch situated on Cantrall Gulch, commencing at the upper end of the claim owned by M. V. Amen and running up the gulch the distance of 200 yards, a drift having been run in the lower part of said claim, the work in said drift being suspended on account of there being too much water. Cornelius Malles
Dec. 14th 1863Filed & recorded Dec. 14th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hereby claims the following described quartz mining claim, situated upon the quartz lead known as the "Holman Lead," commencing at the southeasterly termination of the quartz claims recorded by J. J. Holman and others on the 21st day of June 1860 and running from thence in a southeasterly direction with said lead the distance of fifty yards, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said claim and lead. Mary Ann Walling
December 17th 1863Filed & recorded December 17th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk and Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims a quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead known as the "Holman Lead," commencing 100 yards southeasterly from the southeasterly termination of the quartz claims recorded by J. J. Holman and others on the 21 June 1860 and running from thence in a southeasterly course with said lead fifty yards, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said lead. Harriet Pillsbury
Dec. 27th 1863Filed & recorded December 17th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold mining claims & water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 600 yards of mining claims on main Applegate opposite the mouth of little Applegate, commencing at the mouth of little Applegate and running up the main creek 300 yards and down the creek from said mouth of little Applegate 300 yards, also a new ditch commencing where the road crosses main Applegate and running to said claims above described, said ditch being about one half of a mile in length. Dewey & Co.,
Dec. 24 1863Filed & recorded Dec. 24th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold a mining ditch Notice to hold a mining ditch right, commencing at this notice and running down this creek to the left with the meanders of the hills, taking in all the gulches and returning to the creek at the upper line of Edward Wilson's claim as now claimed by him and we the undersigned claim all the water of Humbug Creek to run in said ditch, this December 21st 1863. John N. Durham
Filed & recorded December 24th 1863John Goff E. H. Stage John B. Wrisley C. Nye F. Sacket John McKay H. Hickok Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims on Applegate October 27th 1863
Know all men by these presents that John Henderson, Wm. Richie and
Elijah Mulkey, have this day sold to Jim Gaun "500 yards" five hundred
yards of high bar, together with (8) eight sluice boxes, on the east
side of Applegate River, at Wells' old mill site, for and in
consideration of $50.00--fifty dollars; forty dollars in hand paid, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, this the day aforementioned.John B. Henderson X
(his mark) & Co.
WitnessChas. R. Mulford
Filed and recorded December 28th 1863Wm. H. Richey Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 500 yards of high bar mining claims, situated on the east side of Applegate Creek, at Wells' old mill site, the same being held by purchase by bill of sale from John B. Henderson, Wm. Richey and Elijah Mulkey, dated October 27th 1863, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon, on the 28th day of December 1863. Jim Gaun, Chinaman
December 28th 1863Filed & recorded December 28th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining ground on Jackson Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned proprietors of the Willow Spring Mining & Ditch Company claim the mining ground on Jackson Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, commencing at the west line of the claims of Curtis Davenport & Co. and running up Jackson Creek to the forks of said creek, for the purpose of constructing a reservoir for their ditch and for mining purposes generally. Samuel Goheen
December 30th 1863Robert Strang F. S. Avery J. B. White Willow Spring Mining Ditch Co. Filed & recorded December 30th 1863 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege on Squaw Lake Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Chas. Isenbeck, Jacob Permien, William Wilkins and their associates, composing the "Southern Oregon Independent Ditch and Mining Company," organized under the general law of incorporations of the state of Oregon, have claimed and do by these presents claim all the water known as "Squaw Lake," for the purpose of connecting the waters of said Squaw Lake with the water ditch to be constructed by the said company from what is known as the north fork of Applegate Creek to Sterlingville, Jacksonville and Willow Springs in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon. We also claim all the privileges and immunities connected with said purpose of taking the said water out of said Squaw Lake as aforesaid or for other purposes. Witness our hands this 4th day of January A.D. 1864. Charles Isenbeck
Filed & recorded January 4th 1864Jacob Permien William Wilkins Southern Oregon Independent Ditch & Mining Company Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 20 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim twenty mining claims, on what is known as the "Boulder Channel" at Sterlingville, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the intersection of the said "Boulder Channel" with Sterling Creek and running up the said "Boulder Channel" for the distance of two thousand feet, comprising 20 mining claims of 100 feet each claim, to be held by the undersigned and their associates, being 20 members, or one claim to each member and held jointly as a company. Charles Isenbeck
January 4th 1864Jacob Permien William Wilkins and associates Filed January 4th 1864 and recorded. Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims, one claim by discovery and two by location, situated on a quartz lead, lying between Willow Creek and Lane Creek, at the foot of the highest point between said creeks, commencing at the prospect hole or said lead where the said lead was struck and running from said prospect hole with the course and bearing of said lead in each direction from said prospect hole for the distance of 375 feet, making the whole distance for said claims 750 feet or 250 feet for each claim and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Isom Brown
Filed for record January 12th 1864A. G. Rockfellow Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered and recorded by Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow situated between Willow Creek and Lane Creek, and commencing for the claims hereby recorded at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by the said Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow and running from thence with the course and bearing of the said lead for the distance of 1000 feet, and 75 feet on each side of said lead together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. J. C. Tolman
January 12th 1864Samuel Grubb John L. Grubb P. Dunn Filed & recorded January 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead discovered & recorded by Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow situated between Willow Creek & Lane Creek and commencing for the claims hereby recorded at the southwesterly termination of the claims recorded by the said Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow and running from them with the course and bearing of the said lead for the distance of 1000 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. John P. Walker
January 12th 1864W. C. Myer Jacob Wagner Eli K. Anderson Filed & recorded January 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered and recorded by Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow, situated between Willow Creek and Lane's Creek, commencing for the claim hereby recorded at the southwesterly termination of the claims recorded by John P. Walker & others, and running from thence with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of 250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Isaac N. Wagner
January 12th 1864Filed and recorded January 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered and recorded by Isom Brown and A. G. Rockfellow, situated between Willow Creek and Lane's Creek, commencing at the northeasterly termination of the claims recorded by J. C. Tolman and others and running from thence with the course and bearing of said lead for the distance of two hundred and fifty feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. E. F. Walker
January 12th 1864Filed & recorded January 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale from Thomas Chavner to S. Lum & Co. This is to certify that I have sold 19 chains of ground on Kanes Creek, commencing at a big pine tree (blazed) in my orchard, extending to the river, also the privilege of a cabin in said orchard and a privilege to a ditch of water for said claim. I also explain that a cottonwood tree [close?] to the mouth of the creek is the boundary of the claim. I agree to a privilege of a dam in the creek for mining purposes. Thomas Cavanaugh X
(his mark)
January 6th 1864Witness G. L. Thompson
We the said S. Lum paid seventy five dollars and agree to pay forty five dollars in one month. Thos. Cavanaugh X
(his mark)
Jany. 6th 1863Filed & recorded January 22nd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claim & ditch on Kanes Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 19 chains of mining ground on Kanes Creek, commencing at a big pine tree in the orchard of Thomas Chavner and extending to the river, with the privilege of a cabin in said orchard, also the privilege of a dam and ditch in said creek for the said claims, said claims & privilege held by purchase from Thomas Chavner by bill of sale recorded in the Recorder's Office, Jackson County, Oregon. S. Lum &
Co., Chinamen
Jan. 22nd 1864Filed and recorded Jan. 22nd 1864 Wm. Hoffman R.J.C.
Notice to hold water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the right to take the water from Wolf's Creek at a point above the mouth of "Hole in the Ground" Gulch and conduct it in a ditch to said gulch for mining purposes. Russell Owens
& Co.
Filed for record & recorded Feb. 12th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Conveyance, D. R. Jones to Wm. J. Jones Know all men by these presents that I have this day bargained and sold to Wm. J. Jones and his assigns for the consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to me paid cash in hand the undivided one half of the following described mining claim, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon, commencing at the Kanaka Claim and running up the creek forty feet above the reservoir on said claim, also the reservoir, sluice boxes, flume, shovels &c. belonging to said claims. Witness my hand and seal this 5th day of December A.D. 1863. D. R. Jones
WitnessWm. Hoffman
Filed & recorded February 15th 1864 at 20 min. to 10 o'clk. a.m.D. Davenport Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 2 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two quartz claims, one by discovery and one by preemption, situated on a quartz lead about one half mile north of Willow Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the "Blue Lode," said claims commencing at a black oak on the south east [blank] and running northwesterly with the course & bearing of the said lead for the distance of 500 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislature approved Oct. 19th 1860. V. S. Ralls
Filed & recorded February 18th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold one quartz claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by V. S. Ralls near Willow Springs and known as the "Blue Lode," commencing at the northwesterly end of the claims recorded by V. S. Ralls and running northwesterly as is supposed, but with the course and bearing of said lead 250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under provisions of the act of the legislature approved Oct. 19th 1860. J. L. Ralls
February 18th 1861Filed & recorded February 18th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold one quartz mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz lead discovered by V. S. Ralls near Willow Springs and known as the "Blue Lode," commencing at the southeast end of the claims recorded by V. S. Ralls and running from thence in a southeasterly course as is supposed, but with the course and bearing of said lead 250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same, taken under the provisions of the act of the legislature regulating quartz mining approved Oct. 19th 1860. A. Pattie
Feb. 18th 1864Filed & recorded Feb. 18th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water out of Evans Creek at or near the Magerly Ranch on the west side of said creek and to be conducted to the mining claims belonging to the undersigned lying on the north side of Rogue River. Witness our hands this 25th day of February 1864. Aaron Jacobs
Filed and recorded February 25th 1864Albert Rush Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Rock Point Oct.
14th / 62
Know all men by these presents I, Edward Cusack, have this day
bargained, sold & conveyed unto Jack & Co. one mining
situate on Sardine Creek and containing four hundred and fifty yards
more or less, commencing at a rocky gulch, at the upper end of the
claim & thence down the creek to a small gulch, creek and bank,
sluices, one house, together with the water privilege now in use on the
claims for the consideration of two hundred and ten dollars; the
receipt of fifty dollars is hereby acknowledged, the balance one
hundred and sixty dollars to be paid on or before the 13th Dec. 1862.Edward Cusack
AttestJ. B. White
S. D. Taylor John H. Herbert Saturday May 3rd 1863 received the balance due on this claim, one hundred & sixty dollars, $160. Edward Cusack
J. S. Adams, witnessFiled for record & recorded Feb. 29th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County, Ogn. Notice to hold mining ditch & water privilege &c. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim by right of purchase the water privilege of a ditch taken out of the left hand fork of Applegate Creek about a mile and a half above Chas. Chappel's Ranch, from the east side of said creek, to conduct the water by said ditch to the lower Sterlingville diggings, said ditch and water privilege purchased by deed from J. R. Hougham, John Irby and Phineas Ames, together with the mining claims known as the Hougham & Company's claims. Jim &
Company, Chinamen
March 9th 1864Filed & recorded March 9th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Bill of sale from J. B. Henderson & Co. et al. [to] Keep, Chinaman Applegate March
10th 1864
Know all men by these presents that we, the undersigned, have this day
bargained, sold & delivered to Chinaman Keep five mining claims
commencing where the old mill stood and running up the river,
containing five hundred yards in the river, for and in consideration of
the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars, the title to which we
warrant and defend.J. B. Henderson
& Co. X (his mark)
WitnessWm. H. Richey & Co. T. Cameron
Filed for record March 19th 1864 at 7 mins. to 12 noonW. Heeley Recorded March 19th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 600 yards of mining claims on Faris Gulch, embracing the claims mentioned in the bills of sale made to us by J. F. Oyler and Nancy Pater for 300 yards, Henry Stickweh for 100 yards, and J. Berry & Co. for 200 yards, making in all said 600 yards of mining ground, all of said bills of sale recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. Dad, Leung &
Co., Chinamen
March 21st 1864Filed & recorded March 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale John Adams to A. Jacobs Know all men by these presents that I have this day bargained and sold to A. Jacobs the one fifth interest in certain mining claims situated on the north side of Rogue River, about six hundred yards above the mouth of Wards Creek, also one cabin known as Adams' Cabin, for the consideration of fifty eight dollars and sixty seven cents this January 25th 1864. John Adams
J. H. Breeding, witnessFiled for record and recorded March 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Mining Ditch Notice We, the undersigned, hereby make notice that we have this day claimed by posting notices all the water running in Little Butte Creek for mining purposes, to be taken out by a ditch commencing at a point on said creek about one half mile below McDaniels' Flouring Mill in Jackson County, Oregon, said ditch running from thence to the placer gold mines on what is known as the desert in said county. J. S. Howard
March 21st 1864O. A. Davis E. S. Morgan J. Gaston Filed for record March 21st 1864 at half past 5 o'clock p.m. and recorded same day Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 6 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim six quartz mining claims, situated in the Blackwell Diggings and heretofore known as the "Blackwell Lead" in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing for the claims hereby recorded at the shaft heretofore sunk on said lead or lode, being the same shaft on which Klippel & Co. heretofore worked and running from said shaft with the course and bearing of said lead, as it may be found to run, in a supposed southerly direction for the distance of seven hundred and fifty feet (750) and then running from said shaft in a supposed northerly direction with the course and bearing of the said lead or lode as it may be found to run for the distance of seven hundred and fifty feet (750), making the whole distance for said six claims fifteen hundred feet, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to said lode for the distance of 75 feet on each side of said lode. Said claims taken under the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly of Oregon approved October 19th 1860. U. S. Hayden
March 23rd 1864V. S. Ralls John McLaughlin C. C. Beekman Henry Klippel Wm. Hoffman Blackwell Quartz Mining Co. Filed & recorded March 23rd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
(Renewed June 23rd 1865; see vol. 5, page 74)County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 2 quartz claims, Willow Creek Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two quartz mining claims, one claim by discovery and one claim by location, situated on a quartz lode on the east bank of Willow Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the stump of a fir tree about 11 steps east of the prospect hole sunk by me on said lode and running from said fir stump in each direction with the course and bearing of said lodes 250 feet, making the whole distance for said claims 500 feet, the general course of said lode supposed to be easterly and westerly, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings of the same and 75 feet on each side of said lode. Winchester Huston
March 30th 1864Filed & recorded March 30th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold 1 mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by Winchester Huston and recorded by him March 30th 1864 commencing at the eastern boundary of said Huston's claim and running with the course and bearing of said lead 250 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same. A. Pattie
April 2nd 1864Water privilege I also claim the privilege of taking the water out of Willow Creek for the distance of 200 yards and to construct a reservoir, said water to be used for machinery for quartz mining on said quartz lead. A. Pattie
The above claim & privilege recorded April 2nd 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 2 quartz claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims situated on the quartz lead discovered and recorded by Winchester Huston and recorded on the 30th March 1864, commencing at the westerly termination of the said Huston's claims and running thence with the course & bearing of said lead westerly 500 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with al the dips, angles [and] outcroppings belonging to the same. V. S. Ralls
April 2nd 1864J. L. Ralls Filed & recorded April 2nd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 1 mining claim, quartz Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one quartz mining claim situated on the quartz lead discovered by Winchester Huston and recorded by him on the 30th day of March 1864, commencing at the easterly boundary of the claim recorded by A. Pattie and running thence with the course and bearing of said lead, easterly 250 feet and 75 feet on each side and including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same. Wm. Hoffman
Filed & recorded April 2nd 1864Wm. Hoffman Co.
Clerk & Recorder
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold silver lead Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim thirteen silver ore claims, situated on Jacksonville Mountain, between the two forks of Jackson Creek, comprising one claim for discovery and twelve claims by location in whatever direction said lead may run, being one fourth of a mile for each claim or three miles and a quarter for the whole length of said claims. James R. Poole,
April 4th 1864I. Dedrick John S. Drum James T. Glenn C. S. Drew L. Underwood Chas. Maxon George Ross H. Klippel [blank] Wilson Alex. Martin J. S. Love Filed and recorded April 4th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one silver ore claim situated on the lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th April 1864, commencing at the southerly termination of the claims recorded by said James R. Poole & others and running with the course of the lode in whatever direction it may run for the distance of one fourth of a mile with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same and 50 feet on each side of the said lode. Witness my hand this 5th day of April 1864. George T. Vining
Filed & recorded April 5th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one silver ore lead situated on the lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th day of April 1864, commencing at the southerly termination of the claim recorded by George T. Vining and running thence with the direction of said lode whatever direction it may run, for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said lode including all the dips, angles & outcroppings belonging to the same. Witness my hand this 5th day of April 1864. Wm. Hoffman
Filed and recorded April 5th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one silver ore claim situated on a lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th April 1864, commencing at the northerly termination of the claims recorded by James R. Poole & others and running from thence in a northerly direction or in whatever course said lode may run for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said claim including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Witness my hand this 5th day of April 1864. Wm. Johnson
Filed and recorded April 5th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorded Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one silver ore claim situated on a lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th April 1864, commencing at the northerly termination of the claim recorded by William Johnson on the 5th day of April 1864 and running thence with the course and bearing of said lead (supposed to run in a northerly direction) for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said lode including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. O. A. Davis
April 7th 1864Filed and recorded April 7th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one silver ore claim, situated on a lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th day of April 1864, commencing at the southerly termination on the southerly termination [sic] of the claim recorded by Wm. Hoffman on the 5th day of April 1864 and running from thence with the course and bearing of said lode (supposed to be southerly) for the distance of one fourth of a mile, and 50 feet on each side of said lode, including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. E. F. Russell
April 7th 1864Filed for record April 7th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a lot of mining ground Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following mining ground, situated between Willow Creek and Murphy Gulch, being 50 yds square, commencing at Vicroy's cabin and running to John W. Sears' house in Jackson County, including the building thereon and all improvements. Christopher Haas
Filed and recorded April 8th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold two quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two quartz mining claims on the lode known as the "Huston Lode" near Willow Creek, commencing at the west line of the claims recorded by Broadway & Blackstone Sept. 20 1860 and running westward with said lode 500 feet with all the dips, angles & outcroppings and 75 feet on each side of said lode. Austin Mills
April 9th 1864Ed Hammond Filed & recorded April 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims on the lode known as the "Huston Lode" near Willow Creek, commencing at the west line of the claims recorded by Austin Miller and Ed. Hammond and running thence westerly with the course of said lode 750 feet with all the dips, angles and outcroppings and 75 feet on each side of said lode. John R. Brown
April 12th 1864N. C. Dean J. E. Ross Filed & recorded April 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Recorder & County Clerk Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold one silver ore lead Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one claim of silver ore situated on the ledge discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th day of April 1864, commencing at the northerly termination of the claim recorded by O. A. Davis on the 7th of April 1864 and running thence with the course and bearing of said ledge (supposed to be northwardly) for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said ledge including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Thos. G. Devens
April 12th 1864Filed and recorded April 12th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold one silver ore claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim one claim of silver ore situated on the lode discovered by James R. Poole and recorded by him and others on the 4th day of April 1864, commencing at the northerly termination of the claim recorded by Thomas G. Devens on the 12th day of April 1864 and running thence with the course and bearing of said ledge (supposed to be northerly) for the distance of one fourth of a mile and 50 feet on each side of said ledge including all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. John Neuber
April 13th 1864Filed & recorded April 13th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the privilege of taking the water from the bedrock in Jackson Creek at a point below the gulch, leading down to the creek on the north side, said water to be taken in boxes or flume to the brewery of the undersigned in Jacksonville. Veit Schutz
April 14th 1864Filed & recorded April 14th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Conveyance from F. L. Daudert to Joseph Rath Jacksonville April
15th 1864
Sold to Mr. Joseph Rath for the sum of five dollars my interest in the
mining claims owned by myself and John Schumpf consisting of two shares
of 50 yards each and the water privilege of two ditches; said claim is
situated on Prairie Flat and running from southeast to west till it
reaches a ditch above the reservoir. One share was held by purchase,
the other by location as recorded at the County Recorder's Office May
23rd 1863. Payment received.F. L. Daudert
Wit.G. Palmerston
Filed & recorded April 16th 1864Albert Hewston Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold 2 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two mining claims situated at the head of Potlatch Gulch, being two hundred yards in length, together with the cabin & other appurtenances, one claim by purchase & one claim by location. Louis Herling
April 18th 1864John Schumpf Filed & recorded April 18th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold three quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on the divide between Blackwell and Fort Lane, being the same lead formerly owned by John N. Donham and others and forfeited by them, being 250 feet for each claim or 750 feet for the whole distance in length and 75 feet on each side of said claim or lead, and also all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging [to] the same. Witness our hands this 18th day of April 1864. L. E. Lathrop
April 18th 1864Robert Gillespie John Freeman Filed and recorded April 18th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold 3 quartz mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three quartz mining claims situated on a quartz lead about three miles southwest from Hunter's Ferry on Rogue River and about one mile south from Jones Gulch on a spur of a timbered butte running an east course, and about one and a half mile east course from Evans' lead, commencing at the prospect hole sunk on said lead and running from said prospect hole, 375 feet on each side thereof with the course and bearing of the said lead, making the whole distance on said lead 750 feet and 75 feet on each side of said lead, together with all the dips, angles and outcroppings belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 18th day of April 1864. Noel White
Filed and recorded this 18th day of April A.D. 1864Francis Rule Newell Delamater Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold a mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claims situated in Sailor Gulch, leading to the left hand fork of Jackson Creek bounded below by the claim owned by Thomas McAndrew on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and bounded above in the gulch by the claim of James Smith, being all the mining ground between the said claims of McAndrew below and James Smith above, together with all the privilege belonging to the same. Witness our hands this 23rd day of April A.D. 1864. Geo. Seaman
& Co.
Filed for record April 23rd 1864 and recorded same day.Wm. Hoffman Co. Clerk
Bill of sale, water ditch & mining claims November 10th 1862
This is to certify that we have this day bargained and sold one water
ditch commencing on Jones Creek about one hundred yards above the road
and running on the bar named the Greens Bar, also all our right and
title to the bar occupied by us, about 800 yards more or less, to Clum
and Lee Gune for one hundred dollars to be paid by Clum & Lee
also one cabin situated on the river above the claim, the bar situated
between the ranch and the upper cabin.Aaron Green
& Bro.
Received fifty dollars on the within and fifty more due. Aaron Green
Received in full from La Gune on the within. Filed & recorded April 27th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Bill of sale of mining claims & water ditch, John B. McDaniel to M. & G. Yaudes Know all men by these presents that the undersigned for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars current money, to me paid, the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge, have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain, sell, transfer and deliver unto Mathias Yaudes and George Yaudes and to his assigns all my right, title and interest in those mining claims situated in what is known as Webb Gulch and at the mouth of Rich Gulch, and also my interest and claim in the water ditch known as the Hopkins Creek Ditch, conducting the water to the above described mining claims, and all situated near Sterlingville in the county of Jackson and state of Oregon. Witness my hand and seal this the Feb. twenty seventh A.D. 1864. John B. McDaniel
WitnessMax Muller
Filed for record May 6th 1864 at 2 o'clock p.m. Recorded the same day.John Weigand Wm. Hoffman Co.
Clerk and Recorder
Jackson Co. Ogn. Bill of sale Henry Hickok Know all men by these present that I, Henry Hickok of Humbug Creek and in the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and ninety one dollars and twenty five cents to me paid by Thomas Sackett of the same creek, county and state as before said, of the second part, the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and convey unto the said party of the second part all my interest & title of one mining claim and mining tools and hydraulic apparatus it being one quarter of the whole; hill claims, the said claims is one hundred yards square each and located on Humbug Creek, of Applegate River tributary, and known as the discovery claim of J. W. Goff, J. N. Durham belonging to one H. Hickok and now in my possession, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part, and I do for myself, my heirs, executors and assigns and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part to warrant and defend the sale of the said mining claim and interest against all and every person and persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 2nd day of April A.D. one thousand and eight hundred and sixty four. Henry Hickok
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of the undersignedJohn W. Goff
Filed for record April 30th 1864 at 6½ o'clk. p.m. Recorded
May 7th 1864Edwd. Farrar Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk and Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 4 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim four mining claims situated within the enclosure of B. F. Dowell near the mouth of Rich Gulch, said claims being one hundred yards each in length or four hundred yards in the whole, with the usual width of claims in the vicinity of said claims. J. W. Cunningham
& Co.
May 9th 1864Filed & recorded May 9th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 10 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims, situated in the Willow Springs Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, 6 claims being gulch claims and four flat claims, commencing for four of said gulch claims in John W. McKay's field and running up the gulch for [a] distance, & two of said gulch claims commencing at J. W. McKay's fence and running up the left hand gulch for [a] distance, and the four flat claims being situated between the two gulches above named; the length of the gulch claims are 100 yards and the width 25 yards & the flat claims are 50 yards square, part of said claims held by location and part by purchase. J. B. Gray
May 14th 1864Samuel Rhodes John W. Sears Robert Gillespie Filed & recorded May 14th 1864 Wm. Hoffman Co. Clk.
& Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold bank claims on Jackass Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described bank claims, being 50 yards wide additional on each side of the creek, of the claims bought by us of J. J. B. Irvine & D. R. Henderson which claims are described as follows, "situated on main Jackass Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, being 400 yards in length more or less and one hundred yards wide, bounded above by the claims now owned by Lip, Han & Co. (Chinamen) and bounded below by the claims now owned by Ah Show & Co, Chinamen," and we hereby claim 50 yards of bank claims on each side of the claims above described for the distance of 400 yards more or less as aforesaid, on each side of said main Jackass Creek. Lin, Laing &
Co., Chinamen
May 9th 1864Filed and recorded May 16th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one mining claim situated on the hill S.W. of Jacksonville and between the roads leading from Jacksonville to Applegate and to Sterlingville and heretofore known as the Huston Claim, being 300 yards up & down a ravine. W. C. Greenman
May 17th 1864Filed for record May 16th 1864 Wm. Hoffman Co. Clk.
& Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claims & cabins, tools & sluices, known as the Huston Diggings, situated on the Huston Hill about one and a half mile west of Jacksonville, said claims held by purchase by bill of sale from Albert Huston. W. C. Greenman
May 16th 1864Filed & recorded May 16th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to claim mining claims W. G. T'Vault, Joseph B. Gray and Sml. Rhodes claim the mining gulch at the Willow Springs Diggings, known as the Sears Gulch, from one hundred yards above their reservoir to its mouth in Lane's Creek, including four bank claims adjoining said gulch, by purchase and occupancy; they also claim under the same provisions of the mining laws and regulations one reservoir on said gulch and two water ditches, one commencing on Jackson Walker's water ditch and crossing Lane's Creek and emptying into the reservoir, the other commencing on Willow Creek and passing along the side of the mountain and emptying into the reservoir; they have constructed said reservoir & ditches at their own expense and claim the exclusive right to the same, also the mining claims & bank claims adjoining said gulch as aforesaid. W. G. T'Vault
Filed for record May 14th 1864. Recorded May 16th 1864J. B. Gray Samuel Rhodes Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim five mining claims situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson Co., Ogn., being 500 yards in length and the usual width in those diggings, said claims bounded below by the claims now owned by Chinamen and formerly owned by John Bause and bounded above by the claims now owned by Chinamen and formerly owned by Carter, Gragg & another, together with all the privileges and appurtenances belonging to said claims, said claims held by purchase. Wm. & John
May 20th 1864Filed & recorded May 20th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 300 yards of mining claims situated on Sachs Creek about a half mile above the mouth of said creek where it empties into Evans Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, also the bank claims adjoining the above described claims, being the same claims purchased from Mr. Williams by bill of sale, together with all the privileges belonging to the same. Poie &
Company, Chinamen
May 21 1864Filed & recorded May 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 3 mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims situated on Poorman Creek being 300 yards in length and 100 yards in width bounded above by the claims of two Frenchmen, Joseph and another, and bounded below by the claims belonging to a company of Germans together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the same. Lorentz &
Cannall & Co., Frenchmen
May 21st 1864Filed & recorded May 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold 3 claims on Missouri Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 3 mining claims situated on Missouri Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, being 300 yards in length with the usual width of gulch claims, bounded below by the claims owned by a French company, Clemens & Co., together with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the said claims. Frank Lorentz
& Bro.
May 21st 1864Filed & recorded May 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim three mining claims situated on Sailor's Gulch, two of said claims held by purchase and one by location; said gulch claims are bounded on the lower end by the claims owned by Geo. Seaman & Robt Jourdan, being 200 yards more or less and about 25 yards bought of Seaman, also one bank claim adjoining the above on the right hand side of the gulch going up together with all the privilege and appurtenances belonging to the same. James Smith
May 30th 1864Filed & recorded May 30th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale J. W. Sessions to E. C. Sessions Weaverville May
21st 1864
In consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, the receipt of
which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby sell and assign to E. C.
Sessions all my right, title and interest in a certain quartz ledge
situated in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon about one mile west
of Jacksonville, being the first claim located adjoining to and to the
south of the claim known as the Johnson & Elder claim, by some
styled the Blue Ledge, being south of [the] gulch known as Shively
Gulch.J. W. Sessions
WitnessP. McClure
Filed & recorded May 31st 1864Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a water ditch for irrigation Whereas in the summer of 1853 the undersigned cut a water ditch for irrigation purposes, leading from Bear Creek (sometimes called Neil's Creek) to the land claims of the undersigned and whereas the undersigned have ever since held the undisputed right of the water of said creek for said ditch and the priority of the same over all other claims except that of Thomas Smith. We do hereby give notice that we claim the said water of said creek for said ditch & the priority of the same over all other claims whatsoever, except the claim of Thomas Smith aforesaid. Witness our hands this 4th day of June A.D. 1864. P. Dunn
Filed & recorded June 4th 1864Wm. Taylor Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a water ditch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the right, privilege and use of a water ditch taken out of a small stream running through my farm, said ditch commences and terminates wholly upon my premises, and I claim the right and use of the same for irrigating purposes. H. W. Clayton
June 4th 1864Filed & recorded June 7th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims The undersigned Yack & Company claim three mining claims situated on Rogue River, formerly known as the Fisher diggings, said claims being 100 yards each or 300 yards for the three claims in length and 50 yards in width; said claims are held by purchase by bill of sale from John Penny, recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Oregon. Yack & Co.,
June 15th 1864Filed & recorded June 15th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims on Jackass Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim a certain mining claim situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, commencing at the claim known as [the] Pat Ivory & Co. claim and running up to the claims known as Hillis & Co.'s claim, being 400 yards in length, also the flumes, sluices, cabins and other appurtenances belonging to said claims, being the same claims held by purchase by bill of sale from Sabin & McKee dated April 16th 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, Ogn. August 12th 1862, said bill of sale in favor of Loch & Company, Chinamen. Loch &
Company, Chinamen
June 21st 1864Filed and recorded June 21st 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on Star Gulch Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim certain mining claims situated on Star Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at a certain dam made by Henderson in said gulch and running down the mouth of Star Gulch, being all the mining ground formerly owned by R. Henderson and also the mining ground bought from Charles R. Mulford, the whole of said claims being about 1000 yards in length, more or less, together with all the appurtenances belonging to the same. Chow, Ah Kee
& Co., Chinamen
June 23rd 1864Filed & recorded June 23rd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claim on Jackass Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claim situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, commencing at Val Comstock's claim and extending up the creek to Lan's claim, being 240 yards, more or less, being the same claim purchased by bill of sale from S. C. Hillis, Hugh Cannon and D. Y. Mears on the 26th day of March 1862 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Jackson County, state of Oregon. Lin & Co.
June 27th 1864Filed & recorded June 27th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Conveyance from J. S. Henshaw to E. C. Sessions For and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby transfer all my right, title and interest in and to a certain claim on the Blue Lead adjoining the southerly termination of E. C. Sessions' and I. W. Sessions' claims recorded in Clerk's Office of Jackson Co., Oregon, Oct. 29th 1861. Josh S. Henshaw
San Francisco June 9th 1864Witness C. W. Kellogg
Filed for record June 14th 1864 at 10 o'clk. a.m. Recorded June 29th
1864Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold water privileges on Foots Creek and also mining claims Foots Creek Jackson
Co. Ogn.
Know all men by these presents that I have bargained and sold to John
West my right and title and my mining claims, ditches, water
privileges, houses, sluices and tools; said claims are situated on
Foots Creek near the junction of the right and middle forks of said
creek, my interest being one half of everything pertaining to said
claim.August 4th 1862 Uriah C. Knight
WitnessAugust Rumpel
Samuel Dewitt The other half of the above described claim & ditch conveyed by bill of sale from August Rumpel, written in German dated Sept. 5th 1864. Wm. Hoffman Clk.
Sept. 4th 1864Notice to hold the above claims & ditch Notice is hereby given that I claim the above described ditch & claim with all the priorities and appurtenances belonging to the same. John West
July 2nd 1864Filed & recorded July 2nd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims & ditch We the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, being eight hundred yards in length and one hundred yards in width, commencing at F. Tavan's lower line and running up the right hand fork of the left hand fork up to the cabin formerly owned by Livingston & Brother, to a large black tree just above the cabin, also the ditch, reservoirs and cabins belonging to said claims, being the same mining property conveyed by Isaac Faurot & A. E. Starr by bill of sale dated April 18th 1862. Hing Foo &
Company, Chinamen
July 5th 1864Filed & recorded July 5th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold mining claims on Poorman Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, being four hundred yards in length, more or less, and in width to eight feet raise on the bedrock, bounded on the upper end by the Sabin claim and running up to a dry gulch, bounded below by claims owned by Chinamen, also 2 cabins, flume, sluices and other appurtenances belonging to said claims, being the same mining property conveyed by Charles King by bill of sale dated [blank] day of December 1863 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of said county. Ton Hane &
Company, Chinamen
July 5th 1864Filed & recorded July 5th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold quartz mining claims We the undersigned hereby claim the one half of the following described quartz mining claims, situated between Willow Creek and Lane Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, at the foot of the highest point between said creeks, commencing at the prospect hole on said lead where the said lead was struck and running from said prospect hole with the course and bearing of said lead in each direction from said prospect hole for the distance of 375 feet, making the whole distance of said claims 750 feet and 75 feet on each side of the lead for the said distance, of which we claim one half, the other half of said claims belong to E. K. Anderson by conveyance from Isom Brown, being the same claims recorded by Isom Brown & A. G. Rockfellow on the 12th of January 1864. Charles K. Klum
July 13th 1864B. F. Myer Filed and recorded July 13th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold 2 mining claims left Jackson Cr. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim 2 mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, bounded on the lower end by the claims of Fritz Plow, said claims being each one hundred yards in length by the usual width of claims on said creek, together with all the improvements belonging to the same, said claims are situated on the upper end of Farmer's Flat. Witness our hands this 16th day of July 1864. Henry Freudenberg
Filed and recorded July 16th 1864Henry Kopf Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, do claim 400 yards of mining ground situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, commencing at a large oak tree in John Buckley's field and running up 400 yards more or less and one hundred yards, more or less, and one hundred yards wide; we also claim the bank claims on the right hand side of the said creek going up and adjoining the above described claims; the foregoing claims are held by purchase by bill of sale from Christopher Thompson and Peter S. Enyart recorded in the county Recorder's Office April 29th 1863. Witness our hands this 19th day of July A.D. 1864. Lin &
Company, Chinamen
Filed & recorded July 19th 1864Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege The undersigned claim the privilege of the use of the water in Jackson Creek for mining and irrigation purposes by prior right--and all persons are warned not to infringe upon our prior right, as the law will be enforced against all trespassers. Davenport &
July 23rd 1864Filed & recorded July 23rd 1864 Wm. Hoffman Clerk
& Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to build a dam and to hold water privilege Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim the privilege of building and constructing a dam, across Applegate at the site of the old sawmill on said creek, for the purpose of taking the water out of said creek for mining purposes and the right to construct or dig a water ditch from said dam or near to it down said creek to the crossing of the same, near Little Applegate Creek. Witness our hands this July 11th 1864. Lin, Chow &
Filed & recorded July 25th 1864Wm. Hoffman Co. Clk.
& Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim the water privilege on Dead Horse Gulch on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and also the right and privilege of building and constructing a reservoir in said gulch and also digging a ditch from said reservoir to conduct the water to our mining diggings for mining purposes. Witness our hands this 1st day of Augt. A.D. 1864. George Arnold
Filed and recorded August 1st 1864John Cimborsky Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. The foregoing water privilege is transferred to Henry Kopf & Henry Freudenberg. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two hundred yards of mining ground situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, commencing about fifty yards above the field of W. J. Crosby and running up the said creek for the said distance of two hundred yards with the usual width of claims in said diggings; said claims are held by purchase by bill of sale from Wm. Jas. Crosby dated March 14th 1863. Frank Kraus
August 2nd 1864Filed & recorded August 2nd 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk and Recorder Jackson Co. Oregon Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking out all the surplus water out of Jackson Creek at a point on the mining claims of Jesse Titus and W. H. S. Hyde at the forks of said Jackson Creek for the purpose of taking the said water in a water ditch to Willow Spring Diggings. Henry Klippel
August 26th 1864W. H. S. Hyde Filed & recorded August 26th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Notice to hold a water privilege Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the privilege of taking all the surplus and seepage water in the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, for the purpose of conveying the same in a water ditch to Willow Springs and Blackwell Diggings, said ditch to commence about ten yards below our quartz mill on said right hand fork of Jackson Creek & of the capacity of holding five sluice heads, for mining and irrigating purposes. Witness our hands this 29th day of Augt. 1864. W. A. Johnson
Filed & recorded Augt. 29th 1864M. A. Elder Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Certificate of sale of Sheriff of Jackson Co. Ogn. December 20th 1863
Know all men that I have this day sold for taxes six picks, six
shovels, four pans, two axes, twenty seven sluice boxes and two cabins
and ditch with their claims on the bar known as Sims Bar with four
rockers for twelve dollars to A. Jacobs and T. Curry.W. H. S. Hyde Shff.
per J. B. Coates This is to certify that I transfer the within bill of sale to A. Jacobs this 23rd February 1864. Thomas Curry
Filed & recorded Aug. 29th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
Co. Clk. & Recorder Jackson Co. Ogn. Conveyance, John Taylor to A. Jacobs Know all men by these presents that I have this day bargained and sold to A. Jacobs (for the consideration of $100 or one hundred dollars) one mining claim situated on Rogue River below the mouth of Evans Creek also two cabins on Wards Creek with the sluices and tools, provisions and cooking utensils this February 15th 1864. John Taylor
J. H. Breeding, witnessThe conditions of the above bill of sale are such that when A. Rush pays A. Jacobs $50.00 fifty dollars he (Rush) is to be an equal partner in the property this February 15th 1864. A. Jacobs
Filed & recorded Aug. 29th 1864A. Rush Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Ogn. Bill of sale G. H. Mann & Wm. Daly to Tom Chinaman Brush Creek Aug.
23rd 1864
This is to certify that we the undersigned have this day sold to
Chinaman Tom four hundred yards of creek and bar, for the sum of one
hundred and twenty five dollars, said claim joining Chinaman Tom on the
lower end and Chinaman Jim on the upper end--said claims situated on
Brush Creek about two miles above the mouth of the same. $125.G. H. Mann
Filed & recorded September 8th 1864Wm. Daly Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder J.C. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the following described mining claim situated on Brush Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon, about two miles above the mouth of Brush Creek, joined on the lower end by the claim of Tom (Chinaman) and on the upper end by the claim of Jim (Chinaman) being 400 yards of creek & bar and held by purchase by bill of sale from G. H. Mann & Wm. Daly. Tom, Chinaman
September 8th 1864Filed and recorded September 8th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Bill of sale Lapriel & others to Jim & Co. Brush Creek April
18th 1864
This is to certify that we the undersigned have sold to China Jim
Co. for the sum of two hundred dollars six hundred yards of a bar or
Brush Creek, formerly known as the Bill Dorn Bar, also the bed of the
creek alongside of said bar--also 8 sluice boxes and cabin on said bar.P. Lapriel
Wm. Daly Wm. Brodnax Notice to hold mining claim Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim the following described mining claims situated on Brush Creek, being 600 yards of a bar on said creek formerly known as Bill Dorn's Bar and also the bed of the creek alongside of said bar--also cabin & sluices belonging to said claims. Jim & Co.,
Sept. 8 1864Filed & recorded September 8th 1864 Wm. Hoffman
County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County Oregon Blossom Family Papers Mss 746, Mining Claims 1861-64, Oregon Historical Society Research Library -
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"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located & do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the shaft sunk on said ledge and formerly worked by Klippel & Co. and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. Wm.
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman on the said ledge and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. U.
S. Hayden
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by U. S. Hayden on the said ledge and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. C.
C. Beekman
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman on the said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by V. S. Ralls, on said ledge, and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. Henry
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, the said claim commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by Henry Klippel on the said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868. John
Filed and recorded May 29th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868 did locate and do claim by right of discovery for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Dardanelles precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the southeast boundary of said claim, at this notice on a white oak tree, and running thence in a northwesterly direction, along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said discovery and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ore, gold & silver bearing quartz and rock therein. Witness my hand this 30th May 1868. V.
S. Ralls
Witness my
hand this 28th day of May A.D. 1868.U.
S. Hayden
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Dardanelles precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the discovery claim of V. S. Ralls on said ledge and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Dardanelles precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the preemption claim of V. S. Ralls, on said lode, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. John
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Dardanelles precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the claim of John Swinden on said ledge and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. James
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Dardanelles precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the claim of James Ralls on said lode and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. James
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate and do claim by right of discovery for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of the Willow Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at a prospect hole on said lode at this notice, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode, to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said discovery and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May 1868, did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile southwest of the Willow Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of my discovery claim on said lode and running thence in a northwesterly direction, along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said discovery and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Witness my hand this 30th day of May 1868. V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May A.D. 1868, did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated about one half mile north of the Willow Springs, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the preemption claim of V. S. Ralls on said lode and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location, and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. James
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Oregon By Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 30th day of May A.D. 1868, claim two quartz mining claims, one by discovery and one by location for mining purposes, each three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated near Sterling, on the hill between Sterling Creek and Grub Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claims being bounded as follows: Commencing at the base of the hill next to Grub Creek and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the said distance of six hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said discovery and location, and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. John
Filed and recorded May 30th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
By Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim for mining purposes by right of purchase the following described mining ground situated on Farmers Flat, Jackson County, Oregon: Commencing at the claims formerly owned by Lundt and Company and running thence up the said Farmers Flat 600 yards more or less, being the claim formerly owned by Alcorn and Hendricks. We also claim the ditch leading from the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and also the two reservoirs belonging to the said claims and that we hold the above described property for the purpose aforesaid and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or until December 1st 1868. F.
W. Pflug
May 30th 1867Christian Kritzer Filed & recorded May 30th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Oregon By Ed. R. Owen Dept. Clerk Notice of Water Right Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes (400) four hundred inches of the water of Birdsey's Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek about four miles up the main branch of said creek from its mouth, and to conduct said water by ditch on the northwest side of said creek to certain mining claims about two miles below the head of said ditch. Witness my hand this 3rd day of June 1868. Charles
Filed & recorded June 3rd 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand bank of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and heretofore known as the old Rice Benson claims, bounded above and below by claims owned by Chinamen, said claims being one hundred and seventy five yards in length, more or less, also another claim situated on Dutch Gulch running from the mouth of the gulch 100 yards, formerly owned by said Rice Benson, and also the east bank of the creek claims, said claims held by preemption and purchase, and we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same. Dated Jackson Creek June 5th 1868. Joseph
Filed and recorded June 5th 1868Henry Carter W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned (Chinamen) claim for mining purposes, by right of purchase, the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County and state of Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence up the same, to the lower line of the claims of Reed and Coates, and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing said claims or the working thereof. Witness our hands this sixth day of June A.D. 1868. Dane
and Company
Filed and recorded June 6th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 12th day of May 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on or near Timber Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Timber Gulch Lode and discovered by Louis Belleau, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing 400 feet northwesterly from the northwesterly terminus of Daniel Hopkins claim on said lode, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the course and bearing of the same to the distance of two hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claims by virtue of said location and for the purpose above described, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores and earth therein. Witness my hand June 4th 1868. Kellison
Filed for record June 4th 1868 andrecorded June 16th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde
County Clerk "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 12th day of May 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on or near Timber Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the Timber Gulch Lode and discovered by Louis Belleau, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of Kellison's claim on said lode and running thence in a southwesterly [direction] along the course and bearing of the same to the distance of two hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and provided, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claims by virtue of said location and for the purpose alone specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores and earth therein. Witness my hand this 4th day of June A.D. 1868. L.
C. Russell
Filed for record June 4th 1868 and
recorded June 6th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said lode at the southeast terminus of the claim of N. A. Johnson on said lode, and running thence in a southeasterly direction, with the course of said lode for the distance of two hundred feet & 75 feet in width on each side of the same for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, spurs, metals, ores belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 12th day of May 1868. W.
H. S. Hyde
Filed for record June 4th 1868 and
recorded June 8th 1868.W.
H. S. Hyde
Co. Clerk Note to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes, by right of preemption, the following described mining ground situated on the left hand fork of Cantrall Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said gulch at the sluice boxes on Thompson Ditch and running up said gulch two hundred yards and the usual width of claims for the same distance, and that we intend to work said claims according to the mining laws governing the same. Dated Jackson County, Ogn. June 17th 1868. Anton
Branns [Anton Bruns?]
Filed and recorded June 17th 1868Martin Laist W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Note to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes, by right of preemption & purchase, the following described mining ground situated on the left hand fork of Cantrall Gulch, in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said gulch, at this notice, at the sluice boxes on the Thompson Ditch and running thence up said gulch to the lower end of the claim owned by Peter Otterspach in August 1867, including in the ground hereby claimed, the ground bought by Martin Laist of H. Keunse the 5th day of August 1867, and we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Martin
Dated June 17th 1868Anton Branns Filed and recorded June 17th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of preemption & purchase the following described mining claims, situated on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the upper line of Ball's claims and running thence upstream 300 yards to the lower line of Arrasmith's claim, and that we intend to hold said claims by this notice without work until the first December 1868. G.
W. Marshall
Dated June 18th 1868N. B. Rand Filed and recorded June 18th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice of mining claim Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned claim for mining purposes by right of preemption the following described mining claims being bank or hillside claims, commencing at the Thompson Ditch on Shively Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, on the right hand side of said gulch going upstream, and running thence up to Schutz' quartz ledge about 200 yards, and that we intend to hold said claims for the purpose aforesaid until there is water for ground sluicing to work the same. Anton
Filed and recorded June 22nd 1868Martin Laist W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice to hold mining claims & water rights" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the head of Watkins' and Cogle's claims, and running thence up said creek and including all the mining ground of said fork above said Watkins' and Cogle's claims, and also all the reservoirs and water ditches and water rights belonging to said claims, and that I intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same. Richard
Lankenean [Langenau?]
June 24th 1868Filed and recorded June 24th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice of water right" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim all the water of Cantrall Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, for mining purposes, and that we intend to take the water out of said gulch by ditch, commencing at this notice at the upper end of Martin Laist's claim on said Cantrall Gulch, and extending around the hills and gulches to Posey Gulch, and we also claim for the purpose aforesaid all the water of all the gulches and ravines emptying into said ditch on its said route. Anton
June 25th 1868Martin Laist Filed and recorded June 25th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge about ¾ of a mile westward of Fort Lane, Jackson County, Oregon, the said ledge known as the Durham Ledge, the said claim commencing at the shaft sunk on said ledge and running thence [in a] northeasterly direction along the said ledge for the distance of 300 feet and 75 feet on each side of said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 24th day of June 1868. James
Filed for record June 24th 1868 and
recorded June 25th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Pages 30-31 need to be reshot Notice of water right Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described water ditch. Said ditch takes the water out of the middle fork of Foots Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, said water taken out of said fork about (⅓) one third of a mile below the mouth of the left hand fork of said Foots Creek. I also claim for said ditch the second head of water from the said middle fork. Said ditch was commenced May 1868 and is to extend down to the old Jealous claims. Witness my hand this 25th day of May 1868. Henry
Filed and recorded June 25th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge about ¾ of a mile westward of Fort Lane, Jackson County, Oregon, the said ledge known as the Durham Ledge, the said claim commencing at the westerly terminus of the claim located on said ledge by George V. Ingraham and running thence in a westerly or southwesterly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and 75 feet in width on each side of said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, ores, metals and earth belonging to the same, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this 26th day of June 1868. John
E. Ross
Filed and recorded June 26th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" We, the undersigned, claim the following described mining property located on Coyote Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: One mining ditch with water privilege from a gulch intersecting the above named creek, at or a few rods below M. Williams and Co.'s upper to their bench claims, said ditch and gulch being on the opposite side of Coyote Creek from said claims and was located in the fall of 1866. John
B. Hannum
Filed and recorded July 1st 1868Frank Robinson William M. Hannum W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining grounds, situated on Elder Gulch, a tributary of Galls Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the upper line of Shuller, Meyer and Blakely claims on said gulch and running thence up the same to the distance of three hundred yards, being three claims of one hundred yards each and the usual width of claims for the same distance and that we intend to work said claims according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this seventh day of July 1868. G.
Filed and recorded July 7th 1868Michael Baconbuck Christian Ruper W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes, by right of purchase, the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the forks of said creek & running thence up said left hand fork to the Benson claims about two hundred and seventy yards, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 14th day of July 1868. Tone
and Company of five Chinamen
Filed and recorded July 14th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice at the mouth of Cantrall Gulch and running thence down said creek two hundred yards, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose, or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 21st day of July 1868. Frank
Filed and recorded July 21st 1868Francisco Cascania W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes the following described mining claim situated on Lane Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the upper line of Sherman and Rink's claims on said creek and running thence up the same one hundred yards to the lower line of Charles Miller's claim and that I intend to work said claim as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness my hand this 27th July 1868. John
Filed and recorded July 27th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Cantrall Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, said claims bounded on the upper end by the claim of A. Branns and on the lower end by the claims of Martin Laist, being 200 yards in length and the usual width of claims on said gulch, also the bank claims on the right hand side of said gulch going upstream and opposite and adjoining the above creek claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 8th day of August 1868. Max
Filed and recorded August 8th 1868G. Glessman W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold bearing quartz ledge on Mosquito Gulch in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the northern boundary of J. H. Stearns' and James D. Smith's claim and running thence in a northerly direction along said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the same for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims. Witness my hand this tenth day of August A.D. 1868. N.
D. Short
Filed and recorded August tenth A.D. 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, do claim by right of discovery one quartz mining claim situated between Sailor & Posey gulches, Jackson County, Oregon, known as the "Last Hope Ledge," running in a northerly and southerly direction, extending 150 ft. north & 150 feet south of our tunnel, being 300 feet in length, as well as seventy five feet on each side of the same for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims this 18th day of August A.D. 1868 Henry
Filed & recorded August 18th 1868James Hand W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim situated on the "Last Hope Ledge," commencing at the northern terminus of Huber & Hand's discovery claim and running northerly 300 feet and seventy five feet on each side of the same, for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims this 18th day of August A.D. 1868. Henry
Filed & recorded August 18th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. p41 Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim situated on the "Last Hope Ledge," commencing at the southern terminus of the discovery claim of Huber & Hand and running thence southerly three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the same, for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining claims this 18th day of August A.D. 1868. James
Filed & recorded August 18th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by Mr. Rowley and known as the Last Hope Ledge, the said claim commencing at the northern terminus of said ledge, claimed by J. Huber on Posey Hill, one hundred feet above the Posey Ditch and running thence in a northerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 17th day of August A.D. 1868 August
Filed & recorded August 19th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. North Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by Mr. Rowley and known as the Last Hope Ledge, the said claim commencing at the head of Posey Gulch on Farmers Flat, bounded on the southern terminus of M. J. Hand's claim and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 17th day of August A.D. 1868 John
Filed and recorded August 19th
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by Mr. Rowley and known as the Last Hope Ledge, the said claim commencing at the southern terminus of Mr. Cimborsky's claim on said ledge on Posey Hill, Farmers Flat and running thence in a southerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 17th day of August A.D. 1868 Henry
Filed and recorded August 19th
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claim--commencing at the bridge near the mouth of Posey Gulch running up the gulch 200 yards, more or less, and that we intend to work said claim according to the mining laws governing the same. Lake,
Gaston & Co.
Filed & recorded August 20th
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Oregon by Ed. R. Owen Dept. "Notice of water right" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining and irrigating purposes all the water of Sams Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek by ditch on the west side thereof about one mile above the residence of Mrs. H. Phettiplace and conducting the same by ditch on the said west side of said creek to the homestead claim of J. A. Moon. Witness my hand this the 21st day of Sept. 1868. Harriet
R. Phettiplace
Filed and recorded Sept. 21st
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. by Ed. R. Owen Dept. Notice of water right Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 200 inches of the water of Bishop Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and that I intend to take the water out of said creek about one mile above the Jacksonville and Applegate road on the north side of said creek and conducting the same by ditch to my mining claims above the Bishop Ranch and said ditch to be extended as circumstances may require. M.
W. Dunlap
Filed and recorded Sept. 22nd 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice of water right Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes seventy five inches (75) of the water of the right hand fork of Foots Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek on the east side thereof, at this notice, at or near the lower line of Chauncey Nye's land claim, said water to be conducted by ditch to our mining claims on the left hand fork of said Foots Creek. Henry
Dated Oct. 31st 1868Silas W. Kilgore Filed and recorded October 31st 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
"Notice of water right" The undersigned claims the entire water of Coyote Creek taken out on the east side of the creek by a ditch at the forks of the creek, said water right claimed and ditch dug and water turned November A.D. 1867. John
D. Post
Filed and recorded November 18th 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Oregon "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the old Jewett Tunnel and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to [a] distance of three hundred feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Louis
Filed and recorded December 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Oregon "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the old Jewett Tunnel and at the southeasterly terminus of Louis Belleau's claim and running thence in a southeasterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. D.
H. Burroughs
Filed and recorded December 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the southeasterly terminus of the claim of D. H. Burroughs and running thence in a southeasterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Lafayette
Filed and recorded December 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
"Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the northwesterly terminus of Louis Belleau's claim and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Ed
Filed and recorded December 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the northwesterly terminus of the claim of Ed Wright and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Jas.
Filed & recorded Dec. 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
"Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of November 1868 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Jewett Quartz Lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the northwesterly terminus of the claim of Jas. Williams & running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. J.
A. Archer ?
Filed and recorded Dec. 1st 1868W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Pages 56-57 need to be reshot "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon: Commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence down said creek four hundred and twenty yards, including the bed and both banks of said creek for said distance, also including the reservoir and all the water rights appertaining to said claims. Witness our hands this 24th day of December 1868. Hang
Filed and recorded Dec. 24th 1868Bohang and Company W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and claim for mining purposes one claim on this the "Shively Ledge," situated on the summit at the head of Shively Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, said claim commencing at a fir tree bearing three pick marks and runs northerly from said tree and this notice, on and with the course of said ledge 300 feet and 75 feet on either side of said ledge for said distance of 300 feet, including all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ores and rock belonging to said ledge for said distance. Located for the purpose of mining for gold and silver under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of December 1868. A.
J. Burnett
Filed and recorded Dec. 29th 1868W. H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice of water right Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes all the water of both forks of a certain creek in Jackson Creek, Oregon, known as Queens Branch, taking the same out of the right hand fork of said branch about 300 yards above the forks of said branch and conducting the same by ditch to the left hand fork of the same and there taking the water of said left fork and from thence conducting the water of both said forks by the ditch aforesaid to our mining claims in Pomeroy Gulch. Peter
Dec. 29th 1868James H. Barnett Filed and recorded December 29th 1868 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes three mining claims of one hundred yards each, commencing at this notice on a pine tree and running thence up what is known as the Kennedy Diggings or formerly Johnson and Elder Diggings three hundred yards, situated in Jackson County, Oregon. James
Dated Jany. 7th 1869Napoleon Baker John Orth Filed and recorded January 13th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two mining claims of one hundred yards each, commencing at this notice on an oak tree at an old abandoned reservoir and running thence up the ravine two hundred yards, known as Kennedy Diggings, situated in Jackson County, Oregon. John
Jany. 11th 1869James Dick Filed and recorded January 13th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 300 inches of the water of the right hand fork of the Carberry fork of Applegate Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said fork on the north side about two miles above Steamboat City, and that we intend to conduct the same by ditch to what is known as the O'Brien Gulch, to be used for the purpose aforesaid. A.
W. Sturgis
March 13th 1869Jesse E. Howard O. F. Collins Filed and recorded March 13th 1869 at 9 o'clock a.m. W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes, by right of purchase, the following described mining ground or claims situated in the Willow Springs Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at the northwest corner of Claim No. 66 in Township 36 S. R. 2 W. and running thence east on the north line of said claim 15.69 chains, thence south 14.80 chains, thence west 15.69 chains, thence north 14.50 chains to the place of beginning containing 22.25 acres and also the house thereon and all the ditches thereon or belonging thereto, and that we intend to work said mining ground according to the mining laws governing the same. Shing
Jung & Company, Chinamen
Dated Willow Springs, March 13th 1869Filed and recorded March 13th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of preemption & purchase four hundred yards of mining ground on Cantrall Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said gulch at this notice at the lower end of Herman Brunner's [?] old reservoir, now Martin Laist's, and running thence up the gulch said four hundred yards to August Bohn's claims. We also claim for the purpose aforesaid the bar of said gulch on the right hand side going upstream and adjoining the above gulch claims, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Jacob
Jacksonville March 19th 1869Harry Gardner Filed and recorded March 19th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that the undersigned (Chinamen) claim to right of purchase certain bank claims on the south side of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, commencing at this notice and running thence downstream to the lower line of our creek claims, being about 400 yards more or less, and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same. Dated Jackson Creek, Oregon, March 19th 1869. Wong
Filed and recorded March 19th 1869Wong Foo and others W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that the undersigned (Chinamen) claim to right of purchase two hundred yards of this gulch, commencing at this notice on the north side of Jackson Creek (right hand fork of said creek) about the middle of our creek claims and running thence up said gulch two hundred yards, and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same. Dated Jackson Creek, Oregon, March 19th 1869. Wong
Filed and recorded March 19th 1869Wong Foo and others W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes, by right of preemption and purchase, three hundred yards of the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said fork of the lower line of Hopkins and Co. claims, at this notice, and running thence downstream three hundred yards to certain China claims. I also claim the old reservoir at the head of my claims, and I intend to work said claims according to the mining laws governing the same, or as soon as there is water for that purpose. Francis
Dated March 22 / 69Filed and recorded March 22nd 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two mining claims on the Bob Darling Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on Jackson County where the Chinamen left off work and running thence up said gulch two hundred yards, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Nicholas
March 24th 1869[omission] Wolf Filed and recorded March 24th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, being bar claims situated on the right hand side of Palmer Creek, going downstream, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the head of our ditch on said creek and running downstream 500 yards more or less. We also claim for the purposes aforesaid said water ditch and we intend to work said claims according to the mining laws governing the same. Henry
Apl. 3rd 1869John Sheidecker Filed and recorded April 9th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes six hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on French Hill about four miles north of west from Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the French Lode, commencing at a prospect hole on said lode sunk by Geo. Bauer and others June 30th 1866 and running thence in an easterly direction along said vein or lode 300 feet for my claim by right of discovery and commencing at the easterly termination of my said discovery claim & running thence in an easterly direction 300 feet along said vein or lode, being my claim by location. Therefore notice is given that I claim said claim for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, angles & spurs of the same under the laws regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 5th April 1869 Bennet
Filed and recorded April 5th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk of
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes three hundred feet of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet on each side of the same) situated on French Hill about four miles north of west from Jacksonville, Jackson County, and known as the French Lode, commencing at a prospect hole on said lode sunk by George Bauer and others June 30th 1866 being the westerly terminus of Bennet Laray's discovery claim, and running thence westerly along said vein or lode to the distance of 300 feet. Therefore notice is given that I claim said quartz claim for the purposes above mentioned in pursuance of the laws regulating quartz mining, together with the dips, angles and spurs of the same. Witness my hand this 5th April 1869 Peter Boschey
Filed and recorded Apl. 5th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 300 feet of the quartz vein or lode (and seventy five feet on either side of the same) situated on French Hill about four miles north of west of Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the French Lode, commencing at the westerly terminus of Peter Boschey's claim and running thence westerly 300 feet along said vein or lode. Therefore notice is hereby given that I claim for the purposes aforesaid said quartz claim, together with the dips, angles and spurs of the same under the provisions of the laws regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this April 5th 1869 Frank
Filed and recorded April 5th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described bank or hill mining claims, situated on the east or southeast side of the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice about 25 yards east of the bank of said creek of a fir tree opposite the head of the first bar below George Seaman's cabin, and running thence down the bank of said creek to the distance of six hundred and seventy five yards, being nine claims of seventy five yards each, and we claim said mining ground for the purposes aforesaid, from the bank of said creek, back to the summit of the mountain and for the distance aforesaid up & down said creek. Witness our hands this 12th day of April 1869. John
Filed for record and recorded April 12th
1869Joseph Wetterer E. C. Brooks Nicholas Thoss Henry Pape Peter Boschey W. H. S. Hyde J. B. Coates C. D. Reed W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim two quartz mining claims of three hundred feet each in length (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house, in Rock Point precinct, Jackson County, Oregon. One of said claims is held by right of discovery & one by preemption, the claim by discovery commencing on the southeast boundary of said claim at this notice on a white oak tree and running thence in a northwesterly direction, along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet, and the said claim by preemption commencing at the northwesterly terminus of the above discovery claim and running thence in a northwesterly direction along said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is given that I continue to hold said claims for mining purposes, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this Apl. 17th 1869 V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim of three hundred feet in length (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated on a quartz ledge discovered by V. S. Ralls, about one half mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Rock Point precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the northwesterly terminus of V. S. Rall's preemption claim on said lodge & running thence in a northwesterly direction along said vein or lode to the said distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is given that I continue to hold said claim together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same--located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this Apl. 17th 1869 John
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim of three hundred feet in length (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated on a quartz ledge discovered by V. S. Ralls, about one half mile southwest of the house of John Swinden in Rock Point precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the northwest terminus of John Swinden's claim on said ledge and running thence to the said distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that I continue to hold said claim, together with the dips, spurs and angles of the same, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this April 17th 1869 James
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes one quartz claim of three hundred feet in length (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on a quartz ledge discovered by V. S. Ralls about one half a mile southwest of John Swinden's house in Rock Point precinct, Jackson County, Oregon. The said claim commences at the northwesterly terminus of the claim of James Ralls on said ledge and running thence in a northwesterly direction along said vein or ledge for said distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that I continue to hold said claim, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this April 17th 1869 James
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Armstrong Gulch, Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice on said gulch and running thence up the same two hundred yards (200), said claims being near the head of said gulch, and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 17th day of April 1869. William
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869Adam Wolf W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice to hold mining claims" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Armstrong Gulch, Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said gulch just above the "bridge" at this notice, and running thence up said gulch two hundred yards (200), and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose, or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 17th day of April 1869. William
Filed and recorded April 17th 1869Adam Wolf W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Mining Laws of Coyote Creek" Coyote
Creek March 13th 1869
At a
meeting held by the miners of Coyote CreekArticle 1st Be it resolved that the mining law in regard to gulch, hill and bench claims be represented from the first of December until the fifteenth of March. Article 2nd Be it resolved further that all laws in relation to laying aside gulch, hill and bench claims be and they are hereby repealed. Article 3rd On motion the foregoing laws were made a part of the mining laws of Coyote Creek, passed on the tenth day of August 1867. On motion meeting adjourned. C.
Filed and recorded April 19th 1869Wm. C. Holmes W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson County Ogn. Mining Laws Steamboat Mining District At a miner's meeting held Steamboat City, Jackson Co. Oregon April 3rd 1869, M. F. Alcorn was elected president and H. W. Tuttle secretary. The following mining laws was adopted. Art. 1st This district, to be known as the "Steamboat Mining District," comprises the following territory, to wit: Beginning at the head of the cañon on Carberry fork of Applegate River about two and a half (2½) miles below the mouth of Brush Creek, including all of said Carberry fork and its tributaries from said cañon to its head. Art. 2nd A mining claim to comprise one hundred (100) yards in length up and down the stream, flat or channel, river or creek claim to consist of the present bed, low bars and low channels, flat or high bar claim (in width) from the high bedrock out of the river or creek to the raising bedrock of the mountain, or hill, gulch claims, the bed bars and banks, hill claim all the channel or wash. Art. 3rd A person is entitled to three (3) claims by preemption as follows: One (1) in the bed of a river or creek, one (1) on a flat, one (1) in a gulch or hill, as many by purchase as he wishes. Art. 4th All claim or claims shall be taken up by notices & recording. There shall be two (2) notices, one at each end of the claim or claims placed as conspicuous as possible, with the date and name or names of the preemptor or preemptors thereon, said notices & recording to hold good for ten (10) days of the ground is workable at the time of preempting, if not workable until it is workable and ten (10) days thereafter. Art. 5 Each claim to be represented by one day's labor in ten (10) days if workable, unless said claim or claims have been opened and worked with sluices or other machinery by leaving the sluices or machinery on the claim or claims holds them good for three (3) months, provided the owner or owners are not working a similar class of claims or claims elsewhere by preemption. Any person or person having river claim or claims have a right to remove their sluices and to work the same during low water, but shall state the case by a written notice in the vacated works. When two or more claims lay together and are owned by the same owner or owners, work on any one of said claims is equivalent to working on all. All claim or claims when water is to be brought on by damming, ditching or by other artificial means for their working to be considered workable at all times. All ditching or other preparatory works towards mining to be considered the same as working on the claim or claims. "Art. 6th" No person or persons have a right to put in dam or dams, dump or obstruct any claim or claims in any manner whatever, if it be possible, without too much expense, to work their claim or claims in any other way with equal facility and profit. Where any person or persons owning claim or claims and are dumping, or have in dams or other works necessary for the working of their claim or claims, such ground as such dams or other works obstruct to be considered not vacant. "Art. 7th" The oldest claim to have prior right to water, dumping, damming &c. Art 8th. All disputes arising in regard to the title or the working of claim or claims to be left to referees, each party choosing one, a miner, the two chosen ones to choose a third, all of said referees shall reside and have a claim in this mining district. The duty of said referees shall be to hear the evidence and statements bearing upon the case before them and to decide the question or questions involved. If either party feel aggrieved at the decision rendered, have a right and can appeal to a general miners meeting of this district. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to write out three notices calling said meeting, giving at least two days' notice. Art. 9 No deed or sale of a claim to be considered valid unless the claim or claims have been preempted in accordance with the laws and customs of this mining district and further said preemptor or preemptors shall have worked or caused to have been worked to the amount of twenty (20) dollars on said claim or claims. Art. 10th Any person or persons discovering new diggings in any river, creek, gulch, flat or hill in this district shall be entitled to an extra claim of one hundred (100) yards. Art. 11th All mining laws or customs heretofore existing in this mining district not in accordance with the above laws are hereby repealed and are now and henceforth null & void. Steamboat City, April 3rd / 69 M.
F. Alcorn, Prest.
H. W.
Tuttle was elected Recorder for one year.H. W. Tuttle, Sec. Filed for record Apl. 20th 1869 at 9 o'clk. a.m. Recorded same day W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek of this notice, below my cabin, and running thence up said creek (500) five hundred yards, also a bank claim on the east side of said creek and adjoining the above creek claims and including the ground now occupied by my cabin. And that I intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness my hand and [seal] this 21st day of April 1869 George
Filed and recorded Apl. 21st 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clk.
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice to hold mining claims Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on Lane Creek, Willow Springs Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at the upper line of what is known as the Frenchmen's claims and running up said creek 250 yards, to a black oak tree standing in or near the creek. We also claim for the purposes aforesaid the bank claims on either side of said creek adjoining the above described creek claims, and that we intend to work all of said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this April 23rd 1869 Jake,
Shung, Lock and Yew, Chinamen
Filed and recorded April 23rd 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, on the 8th day of April 1869 did locate & do claim for mining purposes one quartz claim of 300 feet in length and 75 feet in width on either or both sides of a certain quartz ledge known as the Grant Ledge, situated near Wagner Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said ledge where the same crosses the water ditch of S. M. Robison and Co. and running thence in a northerly direction along the same to the distance of 300 feet, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same. Located under the provisions of the laws regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this April 28th 1869. Henry
Filed and recorded April 25th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 29th day of April 1869 did locate & do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated on the hill to the right of the so-called Timber Gulch going up the same, in Jackson County, Oregon & known as the Timber Gulch Lead, the same claim being bounded as follows: commencing at the southerly terminus of Louis Belleau's discovery claim at a manzanita tree where this notice is posted and running thence in a southerly or southwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. H.
Filed and recorded April 29 / 69W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 29th day of April 1869 did locate and do claim for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated on the hill to the right of the so called Timber Gulch, going up the same in Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Timber Gulch Lead, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the southerly terminus of Henry Scharfenburg's claim on said lead or lode, where this notice is posted and running thence in a southerly or southwesterly direction along the said vein or lode to distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such cases made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. M.
A. Elder
Filed and recorder Apl. 29th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase and location the following described mining claims situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, to wit: Certain claims commencing at the upper end of Wiley Parker's claims on said creek and running thence upstream 300 yards, also certain other claims commencing about 300 yards below my house and running thence up said creek 1000 yards and known as the Dumaille claims. And that I intend to work each and all of said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness my hand this April 29th 1869. Louis
Filed and recorded Apl. 29 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase and location the following described mining claims situated on Poorman Creek and Prairie Flat, in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on Poorman Creek or upper end of L. Herling's claims and running thence up 250 yards up said Poorman Creek and running 150 yards up said Prairie Flat, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this the 29th Apl. 1869. Louis
Filed and recorded Apl. 29th 1869John Schumpf W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 1st day of May 1869 did locate and do claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on or near Timber Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Timber Gulch Lode & discovered by Louis Belleau, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of W. A. Johnson's claim on said lode and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode 200 feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted I do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs & angles of the same and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. John
Filed and recorded May 1st 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 1st day of May 1869 did locate and do claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on or near Timber Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon & known as the Timber Gulch Lode & discovered by Louis Belleau, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the northwesterly terminus of John Tepper's claim on said lode and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the said vein or lode two hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock & earth therein. Nicholas
Filed and recorded May 1st 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claim, situated on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the upper line of J. Decker's claim on said creek and running thence up the same six hundred yards, being six claims of one hundred yards each, and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing in said mining district. Witness our hands this 3rd day of May 1869. George
W. Moore
Filed and recorded May 3rd 1869Mark Watkins W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice of water right I, B. F. Myer, claim all the water and a ditch from each of the following described springs, situated in Section No. 9, Township 38 South Range 1 East. Spring No. 1 bears S. 73° E. 38.79 links from the ¼ post between Secs. 8 & 9 T. 38 S. R. 1 East. Spring No. 2 bears N. 76° E. 2231 links from the ¼ post between Secs. 8 & 9. Spring No. 3 bears N. 70° E. 1611 links from the ¼ post between Secs. 8 & 9. Spring No. 4 bears N. 45° East 1265 links from the cor. of Secs. 8-9-16 and 17 T. 38 S. R. 1 East. The ditch from each and all the above described springs is to turn the water into Myers Creek. I claim the water at head of the said creek & ditch to carry all the water in said creek onto my lands or donation claim and through the same to the French Diggings for mining, irrigating and domestic purposes. B. F. Myer
Filed for record May 7th 1869 and recorded same dayW. H. S. Hyde County
Clerk Jackson Co. Ogn.
Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and heretofore known as the old Rice Benson claims, bounded above by claims owned by Wm. Kruezer and below by claims owned by Chinamen, said claims being one hundred and seventy five yards in length, more or less, also another claim situated on Dutch Gulch running from the mouth of said gulch one hundred yards formerly owned by said Rice Benson, also the east bank of the creek claims above described, said claims held by preemption & by purchase, and we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 17th day of May A.D. 1869. Joseph Densman
Filed and recorded May 17th 1869Henry Carter W. H. S. Hyde County
Jackson County Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes the following described mining claim, situated on a certain gulch which empties into Cantrall Gulch on the left hand side going upstream, opposite the site of George Cupp's old cabin, all in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said gulch of my notice and running thence up the same one hundred yards and the usual width of claims on said gulch, being the same claim formerly located by Martin Laist and recorded in mining records of Jackson County, vol. 10 at page 208, and that I intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness my hand this 22nd day of May 1869. Henry Gatjen
Filed and recorded May 22nd 1869W. H. S. Hyde County
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice at the lower line of Rand and Co.'s claims and running thence downstream one hundred and eighty yards, more or less, to the claims of French Louis, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 24th day of May 1869. Daniel Hopkins
& Co.
Filed and recorded May 24th 1869W. H. S. Hyde County
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 24th day of May 1869 did locate & do claim for mining purposes (300) three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated between Sailor & Posey gulches, Jackson County, Oregon & known as the "Last Hope Ledge," the said claims being bounded as follows: Commencing at the old tunnel & extending 150 feet in a northerly direction from the same and also extending 150 feet in a southerly direction from said tunnel, being 300 feet in all and following the general course & bearing of said ledge. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same & all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Frank Marabella
Filed and recorded May 24th 1869W. H. S. Hyde County
Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim this water privilege from Big Applegate Creek, commencing at what is known as the lower dug road for mining and irrigating purposes. Comstock Williams
& Co.
Filed and recorded May 24th 1869G. Ad and Co. G. Hong & Co. W. H. S. Hyde Co.
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claim situated on the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the upper line of C. Rand and Co.'s claims and running thence upstream 200 yards to the lower line of the claim of H. Carter, and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this 24th May 1869. Wm. Sorrick
Filed and recorded May 24th 1869Ira Smith W. H. S. Hyde County
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on Willow Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence up said creek to a point about fifty yards above the reservoir on said claims and including the bank claim on both sides of said Willow Creek, being about 600 yards in length. We also claim the reservoir and the ditch and water privilege belonging to said claims--also one cabin. We intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this 24th day of May 1869. Pone Chong
Filed and recorded May 25th 1869Lee Yuk and Company W. H. S. Hyde Co.
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek of this notice and running thence up the same 340 yards, more or less, being the claims bought of us by W. O. Buckner & Co. We also claim the three cabins belonging to the same. We intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this 24th day of May 1869. Dane and Company,
Filed and recorded May 25th 1869W. H. S. Hyde Co.
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice on said creek and running thence up the same 300 yards, more or less, to the China claims of Tone [Pone?] and Company. We also claim the three cabins belonging to said claims, and we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this 24th May 1869. Hog Gung &
Filed and recorded May 25th 1869W. H. S. Hyde County
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Farmers Flat, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the claims formerly owned by Lundt & Company and running thence up the said Farmers Flat 600 yards, more or less, being the claims formerly owned by Alcorn and Hendricks. We also claim the ditch leading from the left hand fork of Jackson Creek and also the two reservoirs belonging to said claims and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or until 1st December 1869. Witness our hands this May 29th 1869. F. W. Pflug
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869Christian Kritzer W. H. S. Hyde Co.
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim the following described mining ground situated on Farmers Flat, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the upper line of F. W. Pflug and Christian Kritzer's claim and running thence up to our reservoir, being about 300 yards, more or less, and the usual distance of claims for the distance aforesaid. We also claim said reservoir and all the flat below the mouths of Mosquito and Bartlett gulches, and we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this 29th day of May 1869. August Wolf
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869Peter Hanson W. H. S. Hyde County
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing at the shaft formerly sunk on the said ledge and worked by Klippel and Co. and running thence in a southerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. Wm. Hoffman
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869W. H. S. Hyde County
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a gold quartz [lead] in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing at the southerly [boundary] of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman on the said ledge and running thence in a southerly direction with the course & bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. U. S. Hayden
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869W. H. S. Hyde
County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by U. S. Hayden on the said ledge and running thence in a southerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. C.
C. Beekman
Filed and recorded this 29th day of May
A.D. 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman on the said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. V.
S. Ralls
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869W.
H. S. County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by V. S. Ralls on said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. Henry
Filed and recorded May 29th A.D. 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [blank] and known as the Blackwell Ledge, commencing [omission] of the claim located by Henry Klippel of said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet and seventy five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, spurs, metals, ores & earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 29th day of May A.D. 1869. John
Filed and recorded May 29th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase for mining purposes the following described mining claims, commencing at this notice at the head of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon and running thence down said creek two hundred yards and one hundred yards wide on each side of the said creek, including the bed of the same, and that I intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness my hand this 1st day of June 1869. Jacob
Filed and recorded June 1st 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim the following described mining claims, or ground, situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the upper line of Coates' and Reed's claims and running thence up to the lower line of Pflug & Company's claims, also the right hand bank or the foot of Farmers Flat, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this June 1st 1869. Mark
Filed and recorded June 1st 1869M. V. Vaile W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Notice Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for milling purposes the entire right of the waters of Applegate Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek at the most convenient and practicable point on one or the other of the two practical pieces of land lying immediately west and joining the old donation claim of George Long. Witness my hand this 7th day of June A.D. 1869. Edward
Filed and recorded June 7th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes three hundred yards of the bed of Rogue River and also the south bank of said river for the same distance, commencing at this notice on said river about one mile below the old wing dam of Fisher & Co., where we intend to turn the water from the bed of said river for mining purposes & that we claim the bed of said river & the south bank of the same from said point downstream 300 yards. Witness our hands this 28th June 1869. Jung
Fong & Company
Filed & recorded June 28th 1869(five Chinamen) W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining ground, situated on Sams Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice & running thence upstream 450 yards, more or less, being the claim bought by me of Wm. Paine, James Leslie & F. S. Avery, and that I intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness my hand this June 28th 1869. Linn
& Co.
Filed & recorded June 28th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
July 18th 1870. This notice received this day in County Clerk's Office. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 28th day of June 1869 did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same), situated on what is known as the Timber Gulch Lode in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at a point 300 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly terminus of Louis Belleau's discovery claim and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz, rock & earth therein. S.
S. Bowden
Files and recorded June 28th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 28th day of June 1869 did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on what is known as the Timber Gulch Lode in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of S. S. Bowden's claim on said lode and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made & enacted, I the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs & angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Morris
Filed and recorded June 28th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim five hundred yards of the bed of Rogue River for mining purposes, commencing at this notice and running thence downstream said five hundred yards and that we intend to wing dam said Rogue River & turn the water so as to work the same, the same being just below Fisher & Co.'s old wing dam on said Rogue River in Jackson County, Oregon. Govey
John Hawk and Company
Filed and recorded June 28th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim all the water of Greens Creek, a tributary of Rogue River in Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek at our dam, about half a mile above the mining claims of L. Allen, L. Belleau & Jas. A. Archey. We also claim the old ditch heading near said dam. The above water right is claimed for mining purposes. Witness our hands this 29th day of June 1869. Lafayette
Filed for recorded June 29th 1869Louis Belleau W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice of water right" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes all the water on Jump Off Joe Creek in Jackson County, Oregon for the purposes of working my mining claims on said creek, situated at or in the vicinity of what is known as Wines Camp. Witness my hand this 30th day of June 1869. Gideon
Filed and recorded June 30th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence downstream to the upper line of Louis Herling's claims about 300 yards more or less, and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this July 1st 1869. Gee
Filed and recorded July 1st 1869Ge Gow and Company W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on Sams Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the lower line of Linn's claims at this notice, and running thence down said Sams Creek 400 yards more or less where the wagon road crosses said creek and that we intend to hold said claims according to the mining laws and to work the same in pursuance of said laws. Witness our hands this July 1st 1869. Dan
H. Hong
Filed and recorded July 1st 1869Gi One and Company W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim all the bed of Rogue River, commencing at this notice at the head dam formerly made by Daniel F. Fisher & Co. and running thence downstream five hundred yards, more or less. The above is claimed for mining purposes & that we intend to work on wing dam [on] said river as soon as possible. Witness our hands July 1st 1869. Wan
Filed and recorded July 1st 1869 from
posting self saidGen Dent and Company W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. The above claims are withdrawn or abandoned by the above claimants & the claims on next page [below] substituted therefor this July 1st 1869. W.
H. S. Hyde Clerk
"Notice" Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes all the bed of Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the head dam heretofore made by Daniel F. Fisher and Company and running thence upstream five hundred yards, more or less, to the head of our wing dam. Witness our hands this July 1st 1869. Wan
Filed and recorded July 1st 1869Gen Dent and Co. W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. "Notice of water right" I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 300 inches of the water of Ditch Creek, a tributary of Pleasant Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the water out of said Ditch Creek about 300 yards below the head of the Durbin & Bowers Ditch. Our said ditch was dug in the forepart of 1865, and I also claim the right of extending the said ditch to Pleasant Creek. I also claim all the water of Dixie Gulch and also the ditch on the same which takes the water out of said gulch about a half of a mile above the mouth of the same, together with the privilege of extending the same to said Pleasant Creek. Witness my hand this July 6th 1869. A.
Filed and recorded July 6th 1869W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims, situated on the east side of the right hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing about 100 yards above McDonnell's & Logg's house on said creek and running thence upstream 600 yards, being bank or flat claims and also being adjoining and on the east of John Buckley's and Fow and Co.'s creek claims, and being 100 yards in width for the distance aforesaid. And that we intend to work said claims as soon as the same are workable. John
July 10th 1869Francis Logg and Company Filed and recorded July 10th 1869 W.
H. S. Hyde County Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase the following described mining claims, situated on Little Applegate Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence upstream to the high flume heretofore crossing said creek (now broken down), being about 400 yards, more or less. We claim the bed and both banks of said creek for the distance aforesaid. Witness our hands this July 12th 1869. Wong
Sing and Co.
Filed and recorded July 12th 1869(8 Chinamen) W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Jackson Co. Ogn. Notice Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes all the bed of Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the head dam heretofore made by Daniel F. Fisher and Company and running thence downstream one hundred yards, being an extension of our claims recorded & established July 1st 1869. Witness our hands this July 12th 1869. Wan
Filed and recorded July 12th 1869Gen Dent and Co. W.
H. S. Hyde Co. Clerk
Blossom Family Papers Mss 746, Mining Claims 1868-69, Oregon Historical Society Research Library -
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Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining
purposes all the water in the right hand fork of Galls Creek, taken out
of the south side of said creek about one mile above the forks of said
creek, thence running down said creek & turned into Galls Creek
about 100 yards above a ditch dug on said creek the name of which I do
not know.
This 18th day of August 1869. Charles F. Bradford William Blackert Filed & recorded August 18th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed. R. Owen, D.C. 2. Notice of mining claims. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes five hundred yards of the bar of Applegate Creek on the west side of the same, commencing at our notice at the corner of the fence of Geo. Watson and running thence upstream five hundred yards to the lower line of the claims of Comstock and Company, being five claims of one hundred yards each. Dated September 11/69. T. F. Quinn Geo. Watson A. Boland John Ambrose & John Dougherty Filed and recorded September 11th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 3. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes all the water of Ditch Creek, a tributary of Pleasant Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said Ditch Creek about seventy-five yards below the ditch of A. Hutchison, and on the east side of said Ditch Creek, and I also intend to extend said ditch to my mining claim on Pleasant Creek, and I claim the water of all the ravines and gulches crossed by said ditch from said Ditch Creek to said Pleasant Creek. Dated September 13th, 1869. John Timmons Filed and recorded September 13th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 4. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 4th day of October 1869 did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (& seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on what is known as the Timber Gulch lode in Jackson County, Oregon; the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of Morris Baum's claim on said lode and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, the undersigned do continue to hold said claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores and earth therein. Witness my hand this October 4th, 1869. John Bilger Filed and recorded October 4th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 5. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 4th day of October 1869 did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on what is known as the Timber Gulch lode in Jackson County, Oregon; the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of John Bilger's claim on said lode and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of three hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made & enacted, the undersigned do continue to hold the said claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores and earth therein. Witness my hand this October 4th, 1869. John Orth Filed and recorded October 4th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 6. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes seventy-five (75) inches of the water of Beaver Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of said creek about one mile from its mouth or from Applegate Creek, being on the south side of said Beaver Creek and taking the same along the hill to said Applegate Creek. Witness my hand this 29th day of October 1869. G. Lin G. Hue & Co. Filed & recorded October 29th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 7. Pendleton Ledge-- State
of Oregon,
Jackson County, Dec. 27th, 1869
is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have discovered and located claims on a lode ledge which we call the Pendleton ledge, situated on the north side of Leland Gulch on Silver Ridge in Jackson Co. We claim four claims, one by right of discovery, three by location, each claim containing three hundred feet along the ledge and seventy-five feet on each side, with all dips, spurs and angles. Said claims are situated one on the east side of the ridge and three on the west side, with water privilege on the creek west of claims, and that we have regularly worked the claims since their location up to the 27th day of Dec. 1869. S. A. Browning Andrew Trustee E. G. Browning Filed and recorded December 29th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 8. Pendleton Ledge-- Dec.
22, 1869
is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have taken up claim on the lode known as the Pendleton ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, on Silver Ridge near Grave Creek, each claim extending 100 yards, with 75 feet on each side, situated on the eastern extension of the ledge from the claims of Browning and Co. with water, timber &c. for the working the same. I. G. Clark A. Sherrill Wm. Martin Filed and recorded December 29th, 1869. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 9. Notice to hold mining claims. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase and location the following described mining claims, situated on Lane's Creek at the Willow Springs Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on the highway leading from said Willow Springs to Rock Point at the bridge on said Lane's Creek and running thence up said creek to the Frenchmen's claims about 700 yards. We claim the bed of said creek and also 25 yards in width on the north side and 75 yards in width on the south side of said creek for the aforesaid distance of seven hundred yards. Dated February 7th, 1870. John W. Baker John Ambrose Filed and recorded February 7th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 10. Notice of water right. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for irrigating purposes 150 inches of the water of Cottonwood Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, taking the same out of the highest east branch or fork of said creek, being about one mile above the ranch or farm of the undersigned. Said water was appropriated by me & the ditch dug which conducts the same about eight years ago. Said ditch already extends through my said ranch and is to be continued as circumstances may require. Dated Feby. 8th, 1870. James Sterling Filed and recorded February 8th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 11. Notice of quartz claim. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 8th day of February, 1870, did locate and do claim for mining purposes 300 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Jackson County, Oregon, and known as the Old Jewett quartz lode, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing on said lode at the easterly terminus of Johnson claim on the same and running thence in a northeasterly direction along the said vein or lode to the said distance of 300 feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statute in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with the dips, spurs and angles of the same & all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. Dated Feby. 8th, 1870. Lafayette Allen Filed and recorded February 8th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 12. Notice of quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and claim for mining purposes one claim on the Shively ledge, situated on the summit at the head of Shively Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, said claim commencing at a fir tree bearing three pick marks and running thence northerly from said tree and this notice, on and with the course of said ledge 300 feet and 75 feet on either side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals & ores belonging thereto, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand the 8th day of February 1870. A. J. Burnett Filed and recorded February 8th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 13. Notice of water right of M. M. Harkness. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the water of Grave Creek for a ditch about a mile above the notice on the "Smoked Yankee" quartz ledge and has already commenced work on the said ditch. Grave Creek, Oregon, Feby. 21st, 1870. M. M. Harkness Filed and recorded February 23rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 14. Notice of mining claim. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of preemption or location four hundred yards of gravelly lead situated on the west side of main Applegate Creek about one mile above the Hamilton & Chappell claims, commencing about ten yards north of the Henderson Gulch and running thence upstream four hundred yards and the usual width for the same distance, all in Jackson County, Oregon. Said claims located about one year ago & have been represented by notice on the same ever since. Dated March 2nd, 1870. John R. Harrison John Williams Filed and recorded March 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 15. Notice of mining claims. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase 1800 yards of Sterling Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said Sterling Creek at the lower line of the Youder & Saltmarsh claims and running thence downstream to the Harkins claims, being 1800 yards, more or less, the same being creek claims and of the usual width for the distance aforesaid. Dated March 2nd, 1870. R. S. Armstrong S. Burrell Theodorick Cameron U. S. Hayden Filed and recorded March 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 16. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by S. S. Bowden and known as the Timber Gulch ledge, the said claim commencing at the west terminus of the discovery claim of S. S. Bowden and running thence in a westerly direction along the said ledge for the distance of two hundred feet and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim. Located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 15th day of March A.D. 1870. W. H. S. Hyde Filed and recorded March 15th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 17. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 15th day of March 1870 did locate for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the western terminus of W. H. S. Hyde's claim on said ledge and running thence in a westerly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of 200 feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver-bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. John Bonham Filed and recorded March 15th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 18. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 15th day of March 1870 did locate for mining purposes 200 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the western terminus of John Bonham's claim on said ledge and running thence in a westerly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of 200 feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made & enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. John Chalfman Filed and recorded March 15th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 19. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 16th day of March 1870 did locate and claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge discovered by S. S. Bowden, in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of said Bonham's claim on said ledge claimed by him by location or preemption and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of two hundred feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. J. B. Coats Filed and recorded March 16th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 20. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 16th day of March 1870 did locate and claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge, discovered by S. S. Bowden, in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of J. B. Coats' claim on said ledge and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of two hundred feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made & enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. William Kreuzer Filed & recorded March 16th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 21. Notice is hereby given that I have this day located a certain claim on the Pendleton ledge near Grave Creek in Jackson County, state of Oregon, containing three hundred feet in length by seventy-five feet on each side of said ledge, together with all its dips, spurs and angles. Said claim is located on the western extension from the claims of E. G. Browning and Co. and adjoining the claim of D. G. Browning. I also claim water and timber in the vicinity of said claim for the purpose of working the same. March 16th A.D. 1870. J. W. Jackson Filed & recorded March 19th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 22. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon and discovered by S. S. Bowden: Commencing at the east line of John Bilger's claim on said ledge and about 30 feet below Thompson's upper ditch and running thence easterly two hundred (200) feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and provided, I, the undersigned, continue to hold said claim above described, together with all the dips, angles & spurs of the same & all the metals, earth & rock thereunto belonging. Witness my hand this 21st day of March 1870. John Cimborsky Filed and recorded March 21st, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 23. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon and discovered by S. S. Bowden, said claim commencing at the east line or terminus of John Cimborsky's claim on said ledge and running thence in an easterly direction along the same to the distance of two hundred feet, including all the dips, angles & spurs of the same & all the ores, metals, earth and rock therein. Taken up under the provisions of the law regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this the 21st day of March 1870. August Bohn Filed and recorded March 21st A.D. 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 24. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, said ledge discovered by S. S. Bowden, said claim commencing at the easterly terminus or line of August Bohn's claim and running thence along said ledge or vein in an easterly direction to said distance of 200 feet, including all the dips, spurs & angles of the same for said distance. Taken up under the provision of the law regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 21st day of March 1870. W. A. Elder Filed and recorded March 21st, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 25. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 21st day of March 1870 did locate and do claim for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, said ledge discovered by S. S. Bowden, said claim commencing at the easterly terminus or line of M. A. Elder's claim and running thence along said ledge or vein in an easterly direction to said distance of 200 feet, including all the dips, spurs and angles of the same for said distance. Taken up under the provisions of the law regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 21st day of March 1870. John Walters Filed and recorded March 21st, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 26. Timber Gulch Ledge Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, do claim & have located for mining purposes two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch ledge, Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said ledge at the westerly terminus of John Chalfman's claim and running thence in a westerly direction along said vein or ledge to the aforesaid distance of two hundred feet and also claim all the dips, spurs and angles of the same for the distance lengthwise of said two hundred feet and in width as aforesaid. Located under the provision of the law regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 21st day of March 1870. John Walters Jr. Filed and recorded March 21st, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 27. Callison Ledge-- Notice. Jackson
state of Oregon, March 18th, 1870.
Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have located claims on
this ledge, each one claim and one for discovery making twelve (12)
hundred feet along the ledge by seventy-five feet on each side with all
dips, spurs and angles, with water and timber for working the same,
this ledge to be known as the Callison ledge, 600 feet on each side of
the Ridge--Silver Ridge, near Grave Creek.
E. G. Browning L. N. Browning Andy Trustee Filed and recorded March 22nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 28. Trustee Ledge-- Notice. Notice is hereby given that E. G. Browning and Co. claim four claims on this ledge, one claim east and three west from the top of the ridge, known as the Trustee ledge, [near] Silver Ridge near Grave Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon. March 18th, 1870. E. G. Browning & Co. Filed and recorded March 22nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 29. Pendleton Ledge-- Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have taken up a mining claim on the Pendleton ledge, near Grave Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, containing three hundred feet along the ledge by 75 feet on each side, with all dips, spurs and angles, and water and timber for working the same. Located on the western extension and joining the claims of E. G. Browning and Co. Jackson Co., state of Oregon, March 18th, 1870. D. G. Browning Filed and recorded March 22nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 30. Quartz Notice. We, the undersigned, each claim one claim each, commencing at the west side of Shively Gulch near the mouth, running up the backbone or ridge from a stake near the gulch, thence running westerly up said ridge from the state, each claim commencing at the west end of each claim. We claim these as quartz claims according to the laws governing quartz claims in Oregon, [the] first claim commencing at stake near the gulch about 250 yards west from center of said gulch--first claim. first Duncan Dewar 2 C. C. Beekman 3 Edwin Smith 4 Wm. M. Turner 5 John Bilger 6 W. H. S. Hyde 7 S. S. Bowden Filed and recorded March 25th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 31. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 26th day of March 1870 did locate for mining purposes (200) two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same) situated on the Timber Gulch quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, said ledge discovered by S. S. Bowden, in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the westerly terminus of the claim of John Walters Jr. and running thence in a westerly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of two hundred feet. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs & angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz rock & earth therein. Max Brentano Filed and recorded March 26th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 32. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 2nd day of April 1870 did locate for mining purposes 200 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on Sailor Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon and known as the Sailor Gulch ledge at or near the Sterlingville Diggings, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at my notice on said ledge and running thence in a westerly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of two hundred feet (200). Therefore notice is hereby given that in [conformity] to the statutes in such cases made & enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. J. H. Huffer Filed and recorded April 6th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 33. Borax Lode or Vein-- Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 15th day of April 1870, did locate and do claim for mining purposes, 400 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same), situated on [the] south fork of Little Butte Creek between Alum branch and the Rush beds, Jackson Co., Ogn., on a mountain known as "Borax Mountain," said 400 feet being one claim by discovery of 200 feet, commencing at this notice and running up the creek in a S.E. direction for said 200 feet and my claim by location commencing at the S.E. terminus of the said claim by discovery and running thence in a S.E. direction to the distance of 200 feet, being in both claims 400 feet in length, along the said vein or lode. Therefore notice [is] hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said discovery and location, and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz, rock and earth and borax therein. L. G. Linville Filed and recorded April 16th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 34. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 15th day of April 1870, did locate and do claim for mining purposes, 200 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and 75 feet in width on either side of the same), situated on what is known as Borax Mountain, on Little Butte Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at this notice about ¼ of a mile north of L. G. Linville's claim and running in a southeasterly direction along the said vein or lode to [a] distance of two hundred feet. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location, and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold & silver bearing quartz, rock and earth and borax therein. J. H. Linville Filed and recorded April 16th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 35. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim 40 rods square or ten acres of ground situated in the northeast corner of section eight, township 39 south, range 2 west, Jackson County, Oregon, said ground claimed for the purpose of making a reservoir, and the water of which reservoir to be used for mining purposes. Witness our hands this April 17th, 1870. Tod Cameron R. S. Armstrong S. Burrell Filed and recorded April 17th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 36. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase the following described mining ground, situated on the right hand fork of the left hand fork of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the lower line of Hopkins & Bully claims & running thence downstream 400 yards to the Cheney claim, also the usual width of claims for the same distance, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. This notice & record is for the purpose of holding said claims without work until 1st of next December. Dated April 25th, 1870. A. B. Rand Tod Cameron Filed and recorded April 25th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 37. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim for mining purposes one quartz mining claim, situated on what is known as the old Jewett quartz ledge, commencing at the southwesterly boundary of Johnson & Co.'s quartz claim and running thence in a southwesterly direction 200 feet and 75 feet on each side of the same for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips and spurs, metal ores and earth belonging to said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating mining claims. Witness my hand this 7th day of May 1870. W. A. Johnson Filed for record & recorded May 7th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 38. Notice. We, the undersigned, have this day located six claims on a quartz ledge discovered by us & named "Bald Honest," said claims run from notice west & are three hundred feet long each by seventy-five feet on each side of said ledge. The 7th claim is taken as a discovery claim. Said ledge is ¼ mile north of Grave Creek & 3½ miles east of Grave Creek House, Jackson County, Oregon. April 7th, 1870. J. E. Clark J. W. Jackson H. Jones A. Sherrill John Redfield Filed & recorded May 9th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 39. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim ten (10) claims on the Pendleton quartz lead of three hundred (300) feet each in length and 75 feet on each side with all dips, spurs and angles with timber and water for working the same; the above mentioned claims are located on the fourth extension, running west, joining S. C. Stuckel's claim. Silver Ridge, near Grave Creek, Jackson Co., Oregon, April 7th, 1870. J. S. Dunivan John Hall Jackson Wright W. B. Daugherty S. F. Chadwick Allen Emery Philip Mulkey John Redfield F. M. Gabbert S. B. Hadley Filed for record & recorded May 9th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 40. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims for irrigating purposes all the water his ditch will carry, which said ditch is now particularly described as follows. Taken out of the north side of Little Butte Creek a little below John Mathews' residence, running thence down said creek onto the land of the undersigned, said ditch being 18 inches in the bottom, 2 feet at the top and 1 foot deep. J. J. Fryer Filed & recorded May 9th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 41. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims by right of purchase and location the following described mining claims, situated on Poorman Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the upper end of the Wiley Parker claim and running thence upstream 300 yards, also other claims commencing about 300 yards below my house and running thence upstream about 1000 yards & known as the Dumaille's claims, also certain claims situated on Poorman Creek and Travis Flat, being about 250 yards on Poorman Creek, adjoining said flat and about 150 yards of the flat adjoining said creek, and that I intend to work said claims according to the mining laws governing the same. There is intended to be excepted from the above claims so much of the same as was sold by said Herling November 23rd, 1869 by bill of sale to Chinamen. Witness my hand this May 13th, 1870. L. Herling Filed and recorded May 13th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 42. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims for mining purposes a certain water ditch, dug by Loi Ham (Chinaman) & bought from him by the undersigned, described as follows. Taken out of the south side of Little Applegate, beginning inside of Saml. Philips' field and running thence down and almost parallel with said Little Applegate for the distance of about two thousand (2000) yards, the same to carry two good sluice heads of water. Hap Haing 43. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim the following described mining claims or ground situated on the left hand fork of [omission], Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the upper line of Coats' and Reed's claims and running thence up to the lower line of Pflug & Company's claims; also the right hand branch on the foot of Farmers Flat, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose. Witness our hands this May 28th, 1870. Mark Watkins M. V. Vail Filed for record & recorded May 28th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 44. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice below my cabin & mining thence up said creek, (500) five hundred yards, also a bank claim on the east side of said creek and adjoining the above creek claims, and including the ground now occupied by my cabin, and that I intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness my hand May 31st, 1870. George Seaman 45. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [omission] and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at a shaft formerly sunk on said ledge by Klippel & Co. and running thence in a southerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claims, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 27th day of May A.D. 1870. Wm. Hoffman Filed and recorded June 3rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 46. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [omission] and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman, on the said ledge, and running thence in a southerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 27th day of May A.D. 1870. U. S. Hayden Filed & recorded June 3rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 47. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [omission] and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by U. S. Hayden, on the said ledge, and running thence in a southerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 27th day of May A.D. 1870. C. C. Beekman Filed & recorded June 3rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 48. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [omission] and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman, on the said ledge, and running thence in a northerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 27th day of May A.D. 1870. V. S. Rolls Filed & recorded June 3rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 49. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by [omission] and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by V. S. Rolls, on the said ledge, and running thence in a northerly direction with the course and bearing of the said ledge for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 27th day of May A.D. 1870. Henry Klippel Filed for record & recorded June 3rd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 50. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes by right of purchase (400) four hundred yards on Cosey [Curry?] Gulch, Kanaka Flat, or left hand fork Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, beginning at this notice & running thence up said Cosey Gulch for the distance aforesaid, being the usual width. John Morris Charles Williams & Co. Filed & recorded June 6th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk By Ed R. Owen, D.C. 51. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes six hundred yards of the bed of Rogue River also the north bank of the same for said distance, commencing on said river at this notice, at or near the old dam of Fisher and Co. where we intend to turn the water of said river from the bed of said stream for the purpose aforesaid and for such purpose we claim the bed & north bank of said river from this notice to the distance of 600 yards downstream. Witness our hands this 10th June 1870. Owen and Company (16 Chinamen) Filed and recorded June 10th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk 52. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase and location the following described mining ground situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said fork at the upper end of Deneff's claim and running thence up said fork to the distance of three hundred yards, more or less, that I intend to hold said ground for mining purposes and to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing said mining ground. Witness my hand this 11th day of June, A.D. 1870. William Hartmann Filed and recorded June 11th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 53. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase a certain water ditch for mining purposes, the said ditch taking the water out of Palmer Creek on the north side of the same and extending down to the Henderson Gulch, the said ditch being the highest and oldest ditch taking the water out of said Palmer Creek. We also claim for said ditch & for the use aforesaid 1500 inches of the water of said Palmer Creek and all the water of the intermediate gulches not otherwise appropriated and claimed--all in Jackson County, Oregon. Witness our hands this June 18th, 1870. C. E. Chappell John Williams John Harrison Filed and recorded June 18th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 54. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim right of purchase for mining purposes 300 yards of Sims Creek, commencing where the wagon road crosses said creek at this notice and extending downstream said 300 yards more or less, and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Dated June 18th, 1870. Sim Kan Ho (8 men) Filed and recorded June 11th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk 55. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim for mining purposes by right of purchase 200 yards of this Willow Creek, Willow Springs Diggings, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence downstream said distance of 200 yards, more or less, and that we intend to work the same as soon as there is water for that purpose or according to the mining laws governing the same. Witness our hands this June 20th, A.D. 1870. Gung Jung Ho (8 men) Filed and recorded June 20th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Co. Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 56. Notice. We, the undersigned, claim four claims on this quartz lead, two of said claims running in a northerly direction from a certain black oak tree marked J.S. and two claims running in a southerly direction from said tree. Said quartz lead is situated on the first mountain west of John Swinden's field in Jackson County, state of Oregon. June 20th, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde William H. Swinden Robert F. Swinden John Henley Filed and recorded June 21st, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, County Clerk Jackson Co., Ogn. 57. Notice of water privilege. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims for mining purpose a certain water ditch dug by himself and described as follows, to wit; beginning at Ditch Creek about 30 yards below the Bowers & Durbin claim on said creek, running nearly east for about two miles & emptying into Pleasant Creek at or near the mouth of Brushy Gulch. Said ditch is intended as a seepage ditch and is 18 inches wide and 18 inches deep. Thomas H. Fielder 58. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 1000 yards of mining ground, being bank claims and commencing on the right hand side of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon at this notice and extending downstream 1000 yards, and that we intend to work said claims, according to the mining laws governing the same. July 2nd, 1870. Jung & Company (10 men) Filed & recorded July 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk By Ed. R. Owen, D.C. 59. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 800 yards of mining ground, being bank claims and commencing on the left hand side of Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, at this notice and extending down the same 800 yards and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing said claims. July 2nd, 1870. Jung & Company 10 men Filed & recorded July 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk By Ed. R. Owen, D.C. 60. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described bank claims, commencing at this notice on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence downstream on the right hand side of said creek 600 yards, and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same, July 2nd, 1870. Orek & Company (10 men) Filed & recorded July 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk By Ed. R. Owen, D.C. 61. Notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described bank claims, commencing at this notice on Jackass Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, and running thence downstream on the left side of said creek 600 yards, and that we intend to work the same according to the mining laws governing the same, July 2nd, 1870. Orek & Company (10 men) Filed & recorded July 2nd, 1870. W. H. S. Hyde, Clerk By Ed. R. Owen, D.C. Jackson County Claims
Silas J. Day, County Clerk 62. Notice.
Jacksonville, July 9th, 1870.
I hereby give notice that I claim 100 yards of this Curry Gulch,
running up the gulch for mining purposes, formerly owned by Alfred
A. Brems Filed for record and recorded July 9th, 1870. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes 200 yards of this Curry Gulch, running up the gulch from this notice. We claim the bed of the gulch and both banks. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 2nd, 1871. Alfred Carter Henry Carter Filed for record and recorded May 2nd, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 63. Notice. Jackson,
July 9th,
August 6th, 1870 at 2 o'clock p.m.
I hereby give notice that I claim 100 yards commencing at the
termination of Hawkins claim and running up for mining purposes.
A. Brems Filed for record and recorded July 9th, 1870. Silas J. Day, County Clerk 64. Mining laws of Union Town. Union
Town, Jackson
County, Oregon
to a call issued through
notices duly posted, on the 19th ultimo a miners meeting organized at
T. Cameron's store and elected J. W. Burrell chairman and W. A. A.
Hamilton clerk. A motion was made and carried that a new mining
district be organized and named and known as the Union Town Mining
District.July 2nd, 1870 It was moved and carried that said mining district will be bounded on the north by the Jackass Mining District, on the east by the Lower Sterlingville District, on the south by the Comstock Ditch dam, and on the west by the summit of the mountains bordering on the main stream of Applegate. A motion was made and carried that a Recorder be elected for said mining district in conformity with the above. F. M. Smith was put in nomination and duly elected. It was moved and carried that the following Articles be, and are, adopted, as the bylaws of said Union Town Mining District, viz-- Article
That hill
or gravel lead claims shall
consist of two hundred yards in length and to comprise the entire width
of the channels or gravel lead.Article
That bar
claims bordering on the main
stream shall consist of two hundred yards in length and comprise the
entire width of said bars.Article
That creek
claims shall consist of two
hundred yards in length and comprise the width of the bed of the creek.Article
That gulch
claims shall consist of two
hundred yards in length and fifty yards in width on each side from the
center of said gulch.Article
That all
miners shall be entitled to
hold one hill claim, one creek claim, one bar claim and one gulch
claim, and that any miner shall be entitled to hold by location one
claim (in addition to those that the above articles allow him) for
discovery of new mines.Article
miners shall hold their claims of
all classes by posting up one notice on said claims in a conspicuous
place, and by having said claims recorded in [sic] the Recorder
of the said mining district office and that a renewal of said notices
at said Recorder's office once in every six months will hold said
claims, and that neglect to comply with said requirements will show by
the Recorder's books that claims so neglected are abandoned.Article
That the
Recorder of said mining
district shall be entitled to receive as fees fifty cents for recording
each claim of two hundred yards in length and twenty-five cents for
each renewal.Filed July 13th and recorded July 14th, 1870. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk 67. Notice. Whereas I, the undersigned, on the 16th day of July 1870 located one quartz claim for mining purposes of two hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated on Timber Gulch, Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the easterly terminus of the claim of S. S. Bowdens on said lead, being the claim formerly located by Morris Baum, and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode to the distance of two hundred feet (200). Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. J. C. Lindsey Filed for record July 16th, 1870 at 3 o'clock 15 m. p.m. Recorded same day at 3½ o'clock p.m. Silas J. Day, County Clerk 68. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining ground situated on Sams Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, commencing on said creek at this notice and running thence upstream 450 yards more or less, being the claim bought by me of Wm. Paine, James Lulie & F. S. Avery, and that I intend to work said claim as soon as there is water for that purpose. Linn & Co. Filed for record and recorded J ly 18th, 1870 at 3 o'clock p.m. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk 69. Notice. Goose
Lake Valley,
Jackson County, Oregon
Notice is
hereby given that I, E. B.
Reed, do this day claim all the water flowing down this canyon from
this point, up or from the head of my ditch made for the purpose of
conveying the water flowing down this canyon or that may hereafter flow
down said canyon, to have and to hold the use of said water for
milling, mining and irrigating purposes--November 17th, 1869 Said canyon is situated on the east side of Goose Lake Valley, about four miles north of the line dividing the states of Oregon and California-- Signed, E. B. Reed Filed for record at 4 o'clock p.m. July 23rd, 1870, and recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 70. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by purchase the following described mining claims and ditches and reservoir more particularly described as follows, to wit; commencing on Timber Gulch, a tributary of Jackson Creek, at the head or upper end of the mining claims heretofore owned by W. A. Johnson and by him sold to Chinamen, and running thence up Jackson Creek four hundred and twenty yards, including the bed and both banks of said Johnson Creek and known as Spanish Pete or Peter Morris mining claims, together with the cabins, the flume, sluiceboxes, picks & shovels and reservoir about one hundred yards above the claims, and the right to rebuild the reservoir as high as it was at first constructed, also the undivided one-half of the water ditches known as the Carter ditch, which takes the water out of the right hand fork of Jackson Creek above said Timber Gulch and conveys the water to Kanaka Flat-- July 28th, 1870. Hung Foo & Bohemy Chinese Company Filed for record and recorded July 29th, 1870 at 10:30 o'clock a.m. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk 71. Notice. is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by purchase the following described mining claims situated at the Willow Springs in Jackson County, Oregon, described as follows, to wit; commencing at the northwest corner of claim No. 66 in Township 36 S. Range 2 W. and running thence east on the north line of said claim 15.69 chains, thence south 14.50 chains, thence west 15.69 chains, thence north 14.50 chains to the place of beginning, containing 22 25/100 acres, also all the ditches thereon or belonging thereto. August 6th, 1870. Shing Jeung and Company 6 men Filed for record and recorded August 6th, 1870 at 2 o'clock p.m. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk 72. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes and intend to work the same (300) three hundred yards of this (Rogue River) and bar running from this notice to a similar notice above-- August 6th, 1870. Jing Song Company, Chinese 6 men Recorded August 6th, 1870 at 2 o'clock p.m. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk 73. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim two hundred yards of this gulch for mining purposes, commencing at the forks of the gulch at the reservoir and running down said gulch two hundred yards. One hundred yards of this gulch is claimed by preemption and one hundred yards by purchase. The above claims are situated on Barber Gulch in Jackson County, Oregon. Dated this 11th August 1870. Christopher Thompson Filed August 10th at 8 o'clock a.m. and Recorded August 11th, 1870 at 9 o'clock a.m. Silas J. Day, Clerk 74. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim (300) three hundred inches of water for milling, mining and irrigating purposes, and that we intend to take the said water out of Applegate Creek, on the north side thereof at or near the lower end of William Ray's land claim (formerly LeClaire's) and near where this notice is posted-- August 17th, 1870. Edward Hendricks Carroll B. Matney John Christoffer Filed July 17th, 1870 at 6 o'clock p.m. Recorded same day. Silas J. Day, Clerk 75. Silver Ridge near Grave Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, August 18th, 1870-- We, the undersigned, claim ten quartz claims, each 200 feet long, by 75 feet on each side of quartz ledge. Said ledge is known as the "Trustee" quartz ledge, located by E. G. Browning & Co. as a gold and silver ledge. Said claims are adjoining to E. G. Browning's & Co.'s claims & is the first extension on the west. We further claim timber & water for working said quartz claims, or for mining purposes-- L. D. Phillips J. A. Neary L. G. Jackson M. M. Jackson H. P. Barr E. H. Slocum Wm. Briggs S. Briggs Elias Briggs Thomas Barr Filed for record August 24th, 1870 at 8 o'clock a.m. Recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon. 76. Notice. Notice that I claim for mining purposes the run of the water from Bummer Gulch; this is what is called the main stream of Jump Off Joe. August 27th, 1870. H. Wines Notice. I do claim the water for mining purposes from Bomer Gulch; this is called the French Gulch. Jump Off Joe, August 27, 1870. H. Wines Notice. I do claim the water for mining purposes from Bummer Gulch in what is called the Rickybie Gulch. Jump Off Joe, August 27th, 1870. H. Wines Filed for record September the 5th, 1870. Silas J. Day, County Clerk By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 77. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has this day recorded according to the following claim in the Big Bar, Rogue River Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims two hundred yards of the river bed commencing at this post, and running up the river bed to a certain post with similar notice, the above two hundred yards taken up for mining purposes. This 12th day of September 1870. Ling company, Chinamen 78. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one hundred yards in this (Ling) gulch for mining purposes commencing at a point fifty yards above the line of James T. Glenn's land claim and running up said gulch for the distance of one hundred yards. This 17th day of September 1870. John Orth Filed the 17th day of September 1870 and recorded this day at 12 o'clock m. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 79. Notice, A. G. Powers quartz claim. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim one hundred feet of the Pendleton quartz lode for mining purposes, commencing at the eastern end of Browning & Co. claims and running east to the western end of J. G. Clark's & Co. claims, together with seventy-five feet on each side of said lead. Silver Ridge near Grave Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, September 11th, 1870. A. G. Powers Filed and recorded the 6th day of October 1870. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 80. Notice. We, the undersigned, claim fifty inches of water from this Coleman Gulch for mining purposes to be taken out of said gulch at or near this notice, and that we intend to make a ditch from this point to convey the said water to the mining claims of the undersigned. This notice is to warn any and every person from turning water out of said gulch above this point to the detriment of the undersigned. This 7th day of Oct. 1870. Leans Ji and Company Filed and recorded the 7th Oct. 1870. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 81. Notice. The undersigned claims the right of the water from Sams Creek in Jackson County, Oregon to be taken out of the right hand fork of said creek at a point about 800 yards above a yellow pine that stands on the point, with blaze on the south side of said pine, the ditch to convey said water will be 14 inches in depth and 16 inches in width at bottom and 20 inches in width at top. The above water is to be used by the undersigned for mining purposes. This 10th day of Oct. 1870 Wm. Payne Filed and recorded this 10th day of Oct. 1870. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 82. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims the water in the left hand fork of Sams Creek, to be taken out of said creek at about 800 yards above a yellow pine tree that stands on a point. Said tree has a blaze on the south side. The size of the ditch to convey said water is to be 14 inches in depth and 16 in. in width at bottom and twenty inches at the top. The water is to be used for mining purposes by the undersigned. Jackson County, Oregon, Oct. 10th, 1870. Wm. Payne Filed and recorded Oct. 10th, 1870. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 83. Notice. I, the undersigned, on the 21st day of October A.D. 1870 did locate for mining purposes three hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated in Timber Gulch, and what is known as the Timber Gulch lode or vein of quartz, in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing at the east terminus of John Orth's claim on said vein or lode, and running thence in an easterly direction along the said vein or lode three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on either side of said lode or vein. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statute of Oregon in such cases made and enacted, I, the undersigned, do intend to hold the above described claim by virtue of said statute, and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver-bearing quartz rock and earth therein. J. Wetterer Filed and recorded this 21st day of October 1870. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Deputy 84. Notice of water privilege is hereby given that the undersigned claim by right of purchase a certain water ditch taking the water out of the head prongs or forks of Missouri Gulch, a tributary of Jackson Creek. The said ditch runs in a southeast direction on to Prairie Flat. The said ditch and the water flowing therein is used and to be used exclusively for mining purposes. The said ditch is the only ditch taking the water from the said prongs or forks of Missouri Gulch and is about three-fourths of a mile in length. Jacksonville, Oregon, December 9th, 1870. William Story Filed and recorded Decr. 9th, 1870. Silas J. Day, Clerk 85. Mining notice. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the bed or present channel of Rogue River commencing at our notice a short distance above the head of the ditch or race of the late Table Rock Mining Company and extending down said river to the mouth of the ditch or race aforesaid. We also claim both banks of said river for the distance aforesaid for the purpose above mentioned. And that for the purpose aforesaid we intend to turn the water of said river from its present channel through the hereinbefore mentioned ditch or race and that we intend to commence the work of turning said river about the first of May 1874 or as soon thereafter as the stage of water in said river will permit. Dated Jackson County, Oregon, Feby. 27th A.D. 1871. Daniel F. Fisher John E. Ross James McDonough Lewis H. Zigler W. H. S. Hyde and Company Filed and recorded February 28th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 86. Notice to hold 4 mining claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim and intend to hold 4 mining claims; said claims is situated on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek; said claims is each one hundred yards in length, with the customary width in said diggings, that is to say 100 yards wide, said claims is bounded as follows--commencing at the upper end of John N. McDonnell's claim and running up the field or north 400 yards alongside of Chinaman Fow & Co. and extending back in the field 100 yards. Francis Logg & Co. Filed and recorded March 30th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 87. Notice to hold 4 quartz mining claims (and one for discovery). Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim (1500) fifteen hundred feet on a quartz lode situated on the north fork of Wagner Creek in Jackson County, state of Oregon, to wit; commencing at this notice and running a northeast course along said ledge including all dips, spurs and angles for the distance of said fifteen hundred feet, the same being 300 feet to each one of us and one claim of 300 feet for right of discovery. Said ledge is known as the Springsted ledge. Dated April 3rd, 1871. H. Springsted Jesse Gage W. Center John Howel Filed and recorded March 30th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 88. Notice to hold 3 quartz claims is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have taken up and claim three hundred feet each of a lead known as the Springsted ledge situated on Wagner Creek, Jackson County, Oregon and adjoining the claims of Springsted & Co., being the extension north and south of said claims, and have taken up and claim the same for mining purposes, claiming all the dips, angles & spurs on said ledge. Said ledge is running in an easterly direction. Wagner Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, April 3rd, 1871. Wm. Gage Voal Gage Charles Wentzel Filed & recorded April 3rd, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 89. Notice to hold water right on Greens Creek. Notice That I do claim all of the water in Greens Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, by purchase for mining purposes, the water to be taken out in a ditch at the forks of Green Creek, and run down on the west side of said creek to Rogue River, distance about two miles. Greens Creek empties into Rogue River about three miles from steam sawmill known as Burroughs sawmill, and about three miles below the residence of James Savage on Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon. June 26th, 1869. Lafayette Allen Filed & recorded April 15th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 90. Notice to hold water rights for ditch from Emigrant Creek to Jacksonville. Notice The undersigned claim all the water in the following named gulches and creeks above the line of survey made by James S. Howard in the month of April A.D. 1871, to wit: Griffin Creek, Coleman Creek, Anderson Creek, Wagner Creek, Ashland Creek, Neil Creek, Bear or Stewart Creek and Emigrant Creek. Said claim is made for the purpose of appropriating the waters of said creeks for a mining and irrigating ditch commencing at Emigrant Creek and running to Jacksonville, the survey of which is now being made. Jacksonville, Oregon, April 14th, 1871. James D. Fay L. H. Zigler W. H. S. Hyde Jacob Ish W. J. Plymale J. S. Howard David Linn T. G. Reames Silas J. Day Filed & recorded April 15th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 91. Notice to hold mining claims on Rogers Gulch. Notice. We, the undersigned, claim the vacant ground commencing at the west line of "Smith's claim" and running to the east line of Wm. Cummings' claim on Rogers Gulch, for fluming purposes. Jacksonville, Oregon, April 17th, 1871. Charles W. Savage J. T. Hunt Filed & recorded April 18th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 92. Notice to hold mining claims on Rogers Gulch. Notice. We, the undersigned, claim the 5 claims for mining purposes commencing at the south line of the claim known as the McDaniel claim running south to the head of Kerr Gulch (said claims are situated on Rogers Gulch). Jacksonville, April 17th, 1871. Ben. Roth J. T. Hunt A. Dunlap C. W. Savage Henry Pape Filed & recorded April 18th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 93. Notice to hold 3 claims on Foots Creek. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim three (3) hundred yards of this Gold Gulch for mining purposes--running one hundred yards up the gulch, and two hundred yards down the gulch from this notice. Foots Creek Diggings, October 2nd, 1870. James Clark Daniel Neal Alexander Near Renewed April 5th, 1871 " 15th, 1871 Filed & recorded April 24th, 1871. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 94. Notice to hold mining claim on "Kerr" Gulch. Notice. I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes (100) yards of this gulch, known as the Kerr Gulch, formerly owned in part of whole by Poole and Klippel, commencing (100) feet above this tree on the left (east) hand fork, and running thence down the gulch (300) feet, and intend working the said ground as soon as water can be obtained. Jacksonville, Oregon, April 21st, 1871. N. D. Short Filed for record and recorded April 24th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 95. Notice to hold mining claim on left hand fork of Jackass. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, do claim for mining purposes (200) yards of this left hand fork of Jackass Creek commencing at the upper end of Chinaman Foon's [sic] claim and running up Chinaman Lehan's claim above-- Jackass Creek, April 25th, 1871. H. B. Stephenson Simon McKee Also a claim on the right hand fork of Jackass Creek--commencing at the upper end of what is known as the Buckley Brothers claim and running thence up the creek sixty yards more or less, to Chinaman Fon's [sic] claim--and we intend to work said claims on both forks when water sufficient for the purpose can be obtained-- H. B. Stephenson Simon McKee Filed & recorded April 25th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk & Recorder Jackson County, Oregon 96. Notice to hold water privilege for irrigation. Notice. I, the undersigned, claim the right and have had in actual possession a water ditch for irrigating purposes from a hot spring known as "Young Hot Springs" situated northwesterly from my farm one-fourth mile and I calculate to use the same for irrigating purposes hereafter-- April 29th, 1871. Stephen Stuckel Filed and recorded May 3rd, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 97. Notice to hold water privilege for irrigating purposes. Be it known that I, J. C. Tolman, on this day, the 3rd of May 1871, claim for irrigating purposes so much of the water of what is known as Tolman Creek as will run in a ditch one feet wide at the bottom, two feet at the top and one foot deep, said ditch to begin near the upper or big falls in said creek--thence in a northeasterly direction on to the lands of said Tolman. Ashland Precinct, Jackson County, Oregon, May 3rd, 1871. J. C. Tolman Filed and recorded May 4th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk & Recorder Jackson County, Oregon 98. Notice of water privilege. Notice hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two hundred and fifty inches of the water of Rogue River--taking the same out of said river on the north side at this notice near where the late dam of the Rogue River Mining Company was constructed--and that we design to convey said water by ditch down said river three or four miles to our mining claims on the bar of said Rogue River. Dated May the 24th, 1871. Ching and Co. Filed and recorded May 24th, 1871. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk By W.H. S. Hyde, D. Clerk 99. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim the following described mining claims or ground situated on the left hand fork of Jackson Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice at the upper line of Coats & Reed's mining claims and running thence up to the lower line of Pflugh's & Company's claims, also the right hand bank on the foot of Farmers Flat--and that we intend to work said claims as soon as there is water for that purpose--given under our hands this May 31st, 1871. Mark Watkins M. V. Vail Filed & recorded May 31st, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 100. Notice to hold a quartz claim on Blackwell ledge. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim, situated on a quartz lode in Jackson County, Oregon, discovered by and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by William Hoffman on the said ledge and running thence in a northerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid, including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the same claim--located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 2nd day of June A.D. 1871. John D. Coughlin Filed and recorded June 5th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 101. Notice to hold a quartz mining claim on Blackwell ledge. Notice. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon discovered by ______ known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the northerly boundary of the claim located by John D. Coughlin on the said ledge, and running thence in a northerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim--located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 2nd day of June A.D. 1871. Henry Klippel Filed and recorded June 5th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 102. Notice to hold quartz claim on Blackwell ledge. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon discovered by ______ and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at a shaft formerly sunk on said ledge and worked by Klippel and Co. and running thence in a southerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 2nd day of June A.D. 1871. Wm Hoffman Filed and recorded June 5th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 103. Notice to hold quartz mining claim on Blackwell ledge. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, do claim and have located one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon discovered ______ and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by Wm. Hoffman on said ledge, and running thence in a southerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 2nd day of June A.D. 1871. U. S. Hayden Filed and recorded June 5th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 104. Notice to hold quartz mining claim on Blackwell ledge. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have located and do claim one quartz mining claim situated on a gold quartz ledge in Jackson County, Oregon discovered by ______ and known as the Blackwell ledge, commencing at the southerly boundary of the claim located by U. S. Hayden on said ledge, and running thence in a southerly direction, with the course and bearing of the said ledge, for the distance of three hundred feet, and seventy-five feet on each side of the said ledge for the distance aforesaid; including all the dips, angles, spurs, metals, ores and earth belonging to the said claim, located under the provisions of the laws of Oregon regulating quartz mining. Witness my hand this 2nd day of June A.D. 1871. C. C. Beekman Filed and recorded June 5th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 105. Notice to hold water privilege on Evans Creek. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim one hundred and fifty (150) inches of the water of Evans Creek for mining purposes, to be taken out in a ditch at or near this notice on the east side of Evans Creek about two and one-half miles above the mouth of Humphreys Gulch, said ditch to extend down on the east side of Evans Creek so as to cover the mining ground in said Humphreys Gulch bought by Foy Hoy & Company (six claims in number) of F. A. Hammond April 21st, 1862, and recorded in Record of Mining Claims of Jackson County, Oregon August 15th, 1863 in Book 4, page 222. Foy Hoy & Co. Chinamen Filed & recorded June 12th A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 106. Notice to hold mining claims. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims situated on "Poormans Creek" in Jackson County, Oregon, bounded as follows, to wit; on the lower end by the claims of Gee Lee Ong & Co. and running thence up Poormans Creek 300 yards more or less to the claims of Chee Kam Mark & Co., said claims bought by Chinamen from John McKee, and intend to work said claims as soon as water sufficient can be obtained for that purpose. Gee Moy & Co. six men Filed and recorded June 30th 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 107. Notice to hold mining claims on Sams Creek. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have purchased and do claim for mining purposes the following described mining claims situated on Sams Creek, Jackson County, Oregon--commencing on said creek at the lower end of the mining claims of "Gin Mark & Co." and running thence down said creek the distance of three hundred yards, and one hundred yards in width for the distance aforesaid. The said claims we intend to work as soon as water can be obtained sufficient for that purpose. July 5th, 1871. "Ang Goen & Co." six men Filed and recorded July 5th, 1871 in Record of Mining Claims--volume (12) page (107), records of Jackson County, Oregon. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 108. Notice to hold a water privilege on right fork of Jackson Creek. I, the undersigned, do claim a certain water privilege and water ditch on the right hand fork of Jackson Creek, Jackson County, state of Oregon for irrigating and domestic purposes. Said water privilege comprises all the water on the bedrock taken from a mining claim known as Max Muller and Johnson's claim and has been in my possession and use since June 1866. Jacksonville, July 25th, 1871. John Cimborsky Filed and recorded July 25th A.D. 1871 Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 109. Notice to hold quartz claims on Wagner Creek. Whereas the undersigned, on the 11th day of August 1871, located for mining purposes eighteen hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated between the southern branch of the left or eastern fork of Wagner Creek and the southern or main fork of said creek in Jackson County, Oregon. The said claim being bounded as follows: Commencing 20 feet from the northern side of the little branch above named and running thence in a south or southeasterly direction along the said vein or lode for the distance aforesaid; therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claims by virtue of said location and for the purposes above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. No. 1. John F. M. Miller Charles Fennel M. Brown E. Sperber Philip Reichel Filed and recorded August 11th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 110. Notice to hold 6 placer mining claims. Notice that we, the undersigned, claim by location for mining purposes six mining claims, one for right of discovery and five by location. The said claims are each three hundred feet in length and the usual width for placer mining claims in this mining district. Said claims are situated between the southern branch of the left or eastern fork and the southern branch or main fork of Wagner Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at this notice and running up the side hill for the distance aforesaid, and is considered bench or hill diggings. We claim all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz rock and earth therein. We also claim for mining purposes all the water from both prongs of the creek aforesaid, to be taken out in ditches for the purposes and uses aforesaid-- August 11th, 1871. John F. W. Miller Charles Fennel M. Brown E. Sperber Philip Reichel Filed & recorded August 11th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 111. Notice to hold a water ditch. Notice that I, the undersigned, do claim for the purposes of mining and irrigating all the water of Fielder Gulch to be taken out of said gulch on the south side in a ditch for that purpose near the forks of said gulch and about two and one-half miles from the mouth of said gulch where the same enters into Evans Creek. Jackson County, Ogn., August 22nd, 1871. Michael Bachenbach Filed & recorded August 22nd, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 112. Notice to hold a water right. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, do by these presents locate and take up this water right and that we intend to take the water out at this notice and convey the same one mile below Jacob Thompson's claim, said ditch to carry 6000 six thousand inches of water and to be used for irrigating and manufacturing purposes. Link River, Sept. 24th, 1871. William Angle & Co. Filed and recorded Oct. 4th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 113. Notice to hold mining claims. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim by right of purchase the following described mining claims, to wit; commencing at the forks of Jackson Creek and running up the left hand fork of said creek a distance of 500 yards, including both banks of the creeks for the same distance, also 100 yards up Dutch Gulch, also the water ditch leading from the left hand fork of Jackson Creek to the last mentioned claim on Dutch Gulch, the first 270 yards bought of Chinaman Loui, and the upper 230 yards bought of Carter and Croker--and notice is hereby given that we intend to hold and work all of said mining claims as soon as water can be obtained sufficient for that purpose. We also claim the two cabins and all the sluices belonging to said claims-- Jacksonville, Oregon, October 16th, 1871. Kay & Company Chinamen Filed and recorded October 16th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 114. Notice to hold two cinnabar claims. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned does hereby locate and claim two claims or (400) four hundred feet of the cinnabar lead or lode known as the "Holmes ledge" on Horse Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, one claim as the right of discovery, and one as the right of location. These claims begin at the west bank of the creek where first discovered and runs southwesterly and northeasterly directions, each respectively 200 feet, all dips, spurs and angles included. Horse Creek, October 14th, 1871. William C. Holmes Filed for record and recorded October 16th, A.D. 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 115. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, do this day locate & claim one thousand yards of this Cinnabar ledge or all that government law allows any company to locate, with all its dips, angles, spurs & cross leads running to or from said ledge or lode, commencing as follows, at G. W. Tetherow's lower line of his creek claims or at William C. Holmes' upper line, and running in a northeasterly direction-- Horse Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, October 10th, 1871. O. Jacobs H. Kelly C. Leonard R. F. Maury C. Burton J. Hopkins H. Heald C. H. Bean G. W. Tetherow Wm. Fuller Filed and recorded October 17th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 116-117. Notice to hold quartz claims on Wagner Creek. Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned have located for mining purposes 1200 feet of the lode of quartz or rock situated between the southern branch of the eastern fork of Wagner Creek and the southern or main branch of Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon and running from thence in a west or northwesterly direction for the distance of 1200 feet as aforesaid. Recorded as claim No. 2. John F. W. Miller Charles Fennel Filed and recorded October 28th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have located for mining purposes 1200 feet of the lode of quartz or rock and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same situated between the southern branch of the eastern fork of Wagner Creek and the southern or main branch of said Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, the said claims bounded as follows--commencing at this notice and running in a westerly direction along the said vein or lode for the distance aforesaid. Therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes in such case made and enacted, the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claims by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. Recorded as claim No. 3. John F. W. Miller Charles Fennel Filed and recorded October 28th, 1871. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon The name of Bazil Derry [Basil Dairy] was stricken from notices Nos. 2 and 3 at the request of himself, he not being of legal age, and also at the request of Wm. Wright, his guardian, this, the 15th of April A.D. 1872. Amt. recd. & paid by Miller to B. Derry $49.25. Silas J. Day, County Clerk 118. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, claim three placer claims situated on Fort Lane reservation adjoining Moses Mansfield's claim and running from said claims in a northeasterly direction 300 yards and notice is hereby given that we intend to work said claims as soon as water can be obtained for that purpose. November 2nd, 1871. John Swinden J. W. Johnson William H. Swinden Filed for record November 2nd, 1871 and recorded same day. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 119-120. Boundaries of Campbell mining district, "Goose Lake Valley." Goose
Lake Valley,
Oregon, December 25th, 1871.
J. Day, County
Jackson Co., Oregon Sir, You are hereby notified that a miners' meeting held this day at the residence of Joseph Cooksey at which twenty persons were present who are interested in mines--a mining district was formed to be known as the "Campbell
bounded as
follows, viz--commencing at the mouth of Drews Creek and running due
west to the mountains beyond Sand Creek, thence northerly along said
summit to a point due west of the summit between Chewaucan and Goose
Lake valleys, thence to said summit and along the same easterly to the
summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, thence southerly along said
summit to Bullards Canyon, thence westerly down said canyon to the
foothills of Goose Lake Valley, thence along said foothills southerly
to the south side of Barton Creek, thence down the south bank westerly
to Goose Lake and across said lake to the mouth of Drews Creek, the
place of commencement, being all in Jackson County, state of Oregon.
In witness whereof we have set our names this twenty-fifth day of December 1871. James Smith, Pres. Charles A. Cogswell, Recorder Filed for record February 2nd, A.D. 1872. Recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 121. Goose Lake Mining District, boundaries of. Goose
Lake Valley,
Oregon, January 8th, 1872.
Silas J. Day, County ClerkJackson County, Oregon Sir, You are hereby notified that at a miners' meeting held at the residence of Ira Cogswell Esqr. on the 23rd inst. a miners' district was formed to be known as the Goose Lake Mining District and bounded as follows, viz--commencing at the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the California and Oregon state line and running due west to Goose Lake, thence along the lake northerly to the mouth of Barton Creek, thence along the south branch of said creek to the foothills of Goose Lake Valley, thence northerly along said foothills to Bullards Canyon, thence easterly up said canyon to the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, thence southerly along said summit to the state line to the place of commencement, being all in Jackson County and state of Oregon. In witness whereof we have set our names this eighth day of January A.D. 1872. Charles A. Cogswell, President M. J. Cogswell, Recorder Filed for record February 2nd A.D. 1872. Recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 122. Notice to hold quartz mining claim at Goose Lake on Hidden Treasure lode. Notice that I, the undersigned, have this day located one claim of two hundred feet on this ledge, lode or ground holding mineral rock, commencing at this notice and running in a northerly direction on the ledge, lode or ground two hundred feet, together with all of its dips, spurs and angles and availing myself of all the privileges granted by the Goose Lake Mining District laws, this ledge to be known by the name of "the first north extension of the 'Hidden Treasure lode'." Goose Lake mining district, Jackson County, Oregon, January 8th, 1872. L. G. Torrance Filed for record February 2nd, 1872 and recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 123. Notice to hold quartz mining claims at Goose Lake on Cumberland ledge. Notice that we, the undersigned, have this day located four claims of two hundred feet each with two hundred feet for the discovery on this ledge, lode or ground holding mineral rock, being one thousand feet, commencing at this notice and monument, and running in a southerly direction one thousand feet on this ledge, lode or ground with all of its dips, spurs and angles--and availing ourselves of all the privileges granted by the Goose Lake district mining laws--this ledge to be known by the name of the Cumberland ledge-- Jackson County, Oregon, Decr. 17th, 1871. M. J. Cogswell Ira Cogswell L. G. Torrance Frank Cogswell Filed & recorded February 2nd A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 124. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claim by purchase and preemption the following described mining ground situated in Jackson County, state of Oregon, to wit; all of the southeast quarter (S.E. ¼) of section fifteen in township thirty-nine (39) south of range three (3) west, Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres (160) of land more or less and intend to hold the same in conformity to the laws of Uniontown mining district in which said ground is situated, together with the water ditches now conveying water to said mining ground. One of said ditches is known as "The Star Gulch Ditch" and is about five (5) miles in length, three (3) feet wide on the bottom, and two (2) feet deep and has a water right of fifteen (15) hundred inches, together with the reservoir and flumes. One of said flumes is about one-fourth ¼ of a mile in length, about twenty-eight (28) inches deep and twenty-two (22) inches wide, and paved with rocks. Also the hydraulic apparatus, hose and appurtenances of what nature soever belonging to said claims or in any wise appertaining thereto-- February 7th, 1872. Wm. A. A. Hamilton Filed for record February 7th, 1872 at 12 o'clock m. Recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 125. Notice is hereby given that I have this day located one hundred inches (100) of water in this Riggs Creek for mining and irrigating purposes, water to be taken out near this tree, with the privilege of carrying it in a ditch to Drews Valley, a distance of five miles. Said stream flows into Drews Valley, its course being southerly and westerly. W. S. Riggs Filed for record Febry. 12th, 1872 and recorded Feby. 12th, 1872 in mining records. Silas J. Day, Clk, Jackson County, Oregon By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 126. Notice. Whereas we, the undersigned, on the 16th day of December 1871 have located three claims on the Highland Chieftain ledge for mining purposes six hundred feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock, and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same, situated on a ridge between Campbell and Riggs creeks, the said claims being bounded as follows, commencing at the end of nine claims of two hundred feet each from the discovery claims in a southerly direction and running thence in a southerly direction along the said vein or lode to a monument on or near the lode, therefore notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, we the undersigned do continue to hold the above described claim by virtue of said law and for the purposes above specified together with all its dips, spurs and angles of the same and all the metals, ores, gold and silver bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. W. L. Riggs G. W. Hubbard W. B. Riggs Filed for record Feby. 10th, 1872 and recorded Feby. 12th, 1872. Silas J. Day, Clerk By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 127. Notice. This is to certify that the undersigned have located a certain quartz lode lying or being in the county of Jackson and state of Oregon, and between May's and Sykes' creeks, on the divide running northerly. We claim one claim by right of discovery and nine claims of two hundred feet each in length up said ledge or lode, and all the mineral said ledge may contain together with all the dips, spurs and angles of said ledge or series of ledges. The name of the above ledge is Black Bullion. J. Wolfer & W. Keshner J. C. Weiss G. W. Crystal J. B. Higinbotham H. M. Chapin James Kathwell Silas J. Day Filed and recorded this 12th day of February A.D. 1872 at 10 o'clock a.m. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 128. Notice. January
12th, 1872,
Jackson County, Oregon
We, the
undersigned, claim five claims
of two hundred feet each in length on the quartz ledge known as the
Black Bullion series and located on a ridge between Sykes and May's
creek. We claim 1000 feet as the first extension southerly of said
Black Bullion, together with all the dips, spurs and angles and all the
minerals said ledge may contain and all the ground on either side
necessary for working the same.Samuel Bosserman M. B. Dow L. T. Davis H. F. Phillips J. G. Lanterman Filed and recorded February 12th A.D. 1872 at 12 o'clock m. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, Dept. 129. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have this day located seven claims and one additional claim for discovery upon this lead or vein containing mineral rock, said claims to be two hundred feet in length and seventy-five feet in width each side of the vein, the claims to commence at this notice and monument and run in a southerly direction sixteen hundred feet, the vein to be known as the "Gen. Logan lode" and situated in Goose Lake Mining District. Jan. 31st, 1872. Charles A. Cogswell Amos Cogswell Fred A. Cogswell Silas J. Day Wm. Brown M. C. Smith Geo. Vanderhoff Filed for record the 17th day of February 1872 and recorded the same day. Silas J. Day, Clerk, Jackson Co., Oregon By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 130. Quartz notice, Goose Lake. That we, the undersigned, have this day located four claims of two hundred feet each with two hundred feet for the discovery on this ledge, lode or ground holding mineral and commencing at this notice and monument and running in a northerly direction on this ledge, lode or ground, one thousand feet, together with all of its dips, spurs and angles, and availing ourselves of all the privileges granted by the Goose Lake Mining District laws, this ledge to be known by the name of the Hidden Treasure lode. Jackson County, state of Oregon, September 28th, 1872. Ira Cogswell M. J. Cogswell Frank Cogswell J. F. Campbell The above named ledge is situated in the Goose Lake Mining District between the north & south branches of Cogswell Creek and about three-fourths of a mile east from the mouth of the canyon. Filed and recorded February 21st, 1872. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk By E. D. Foudray, D.C. Clk. 131. Quartz notice, Goose Lake district. To all whom it may concern that we have this day located or taken up this stream of water known as Cogswell Creek for farming, mining and other purposes subject to the laws of the state of Oregon, regulating water claims and ditches. Said water is to be used in the Goose Lake Mining District for mining, milling and other purposes, done this twenty-eighth (28th) day of September A.D. 1871, state of Oregon, Jackson County. Ira Cogswell J. F. Campbell M. J. Cogswell Frank Cogswell Filed and recorded February the 21st A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk By E. D. Foudray, D.C. ![]() off Jackson Creek or Bear Creek. Water ditch notice and agreement. This indenture made and entered into between Patrick Dunn and Elizabeth Hill of the first part made and into this 17th day of February 1872 and the parties of the 2nd part are Jacob Wimer & son and Amy and McKenzie. Witnesseth that the parties of the first part are the owners of a certain ditch, commencing on the Dunns' land and conveying certain water of Bear Creek. The said parties agree to stop the flow of water in said ditch in or about the 15th day of August of each year, and allow the same to flow down the channel of said Bear Creek to the mills of the parties of the second part. And the parties of the second part agree that the parties of the first part shall use the waters of Bear Creek in said ditch to that date, or so much thereof as the said ditch is now entitled to. P. Dunn Elizabeth Hill Filed and recorded Feby. 23rd, 1872. Silas J. Day, Clerk By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 133. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned claims one hundred yards of the Grubb Creek, commencing at this notice and running up said creek one hundred yards extending on either side of said creek, which I intend to work whenever there is sufficient water to work the same. Feby. 27th, 1872. Peter T. Ives Filed and recorded the 27th day of February 1872. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 134. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, do claim the waters of Nine Mile Creek for irrigating purposes, to be taken out in a ditch commencing somewhere between 50 and 75 yards below the forks of said creek on the east side, and running down to what is called "Oak Flat," said ditch to be 2 feet wide on top, 18 inches wide on bottom and 12 inches deep--said ditch is about 2 miles in length-- March 4th, 1872. John Shubrick Filed & recorded March 4th, 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 135. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have located for mining purposes 600 feet of the lode or quartz rock situated between the southern branch of the eastern fork of Wagner Creek and the southern or main branch of Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon, commencing at the east or southeast and of the claims heretofore located by John F. W. Miller and Charles Fennel and _________, thence running east or southeasterly 600 feet upon said ledge, and 75 feet in width on each side of the same-- Dated March 23rd, 1872. J. George Horn Ed Joseph F. Horn Filed and recorded March 23rd, 1872. Silas J. Day, Co. Clerk By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 136. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, do claim all the waters of Cove Creek or the south fork of Walkers Creek, in Ashland precinct, Jackson County, state of Oregon, for irrigating purposes, taken out at the bend of said creek on the south side, where my ditch commences; said ditch is taken out on and runs through government lands from ¾ to one mile in length, until said ditch reaches my land. Said ditch and water right is claimed by occupation and peaceable possession since April 15th A.D. 1869, nearly three years ago. April 6th, 1872. John Murphy Filed and recorded April 6th A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 137. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have taken up and located for mining purposes 1200 feet in length and 75 feet wide on each side of the ledge or vein or spur of quartz or rock, commencing at this notice and running thence in a westerly or northwesterly direction for John F. W. Miller, 300 feet by location and 300 feet for a discovery claim (agreeably to the statutes in such case made and provided) and on the westerly or northwesterly extension of said claims of John F. W. Miller 300 feet in length for Charles Fennel, and on the eastern or southeastern extension of the claim of John F. W. Miller 300 feet in length for L. Horne. The above described claims are situated between the southern branch of the eastern fork of Wagner Creek, and the southern or main branch of said Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon. Recorded as claim No. 2. John F. W. Miller Charles Fennel L. Horne Filed & recorded April 15th A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 138. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned, have taken up and located for mining purposes 1200 feet in length and 75 feet wide on each side of the ledge, vein, spur, quartz or rock--commencing at this notice and running thence in a westerly or northwesterly direction for John F. W. Miller 300 feet for location claim and 300 feet for a discovery claim (agreeably to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and provided) and on the westerly or northwesterly extension of said claims of John F. W. Miller 300 feet in length for Charles Fennel, and on the eastern or southeastern extension of the claims of John F. W. Miller, 300 feet in length for Louis Horne. The above described claims are situated between the southern branch of the eastern fork of Wagner Creek and the southern or main branch of said Wagner Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon. Recorded as claim No. 3. John F. W. Miller Charles Fennel Louis Horne Filed & recorded April 15th A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 139. Notice is hereby given that I claim all the water from this China Gulch taken out at this dam to be taken for mining purposes on Poor Ravine and intend to use it for mining purposes when there is sufficient water to use. The above water right is about 2½ miles from Log Town in a westerly direction. April 18th. H. W. Nutt Filed and recorded the 18th day of April 1872. Silas J. Day, Clk, J.C., Ogn. By E. D. Foudray, D.C. Notice is hereby given that I claim all the water in this Ball Mountain Gulch from this notice up said gulch and intend to use it for mining purposes when there is sufficient to do so. The above mentioned gulch is about 2½ miles from Log Town in Jackson County in a westerly direction. April 18th, 1872. H. W. Nutt Filed and recorded the 18th day of April 1872. Silas J. Day, Clk. By E. D. Foudray, D.C. 140. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes three (3) claims, one by location and two by purchase, commencing at this notice and running up the gulch, situated on the head of Kersey Gulch, both banks and gulch, for the distance aforesaid and known as the Kennedy Diggings in Jackson County, Oregon May 1st, 1872. Alfred Carter Filed for record May 1st, 1872 and recorded same day. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 141. Notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, claim for mining purposes two claims on this middle fork of Kersey Gulch, commencing at this notice and running up the gulch to the reservoir, the gulch and both banks for the distance aforesaid. I also claim the reservoir on said gulch and the ditch leading thereto from Sailor Gulch together with all the water that rightfully belongs to said ditch, all situated in Jackson County, state of Oregon May 1st, 1872. Henry Carter Filed for record and recorded May 1st, 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 142. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this day located and do claim 1500 feet fifteen hundred feet on this lode which we will name the John Miller quartz lode. The said lode is situated on the divide between the south and east branches of Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon. The said claims commence at this notice & run in a northerly direction & are known as the first, second, third, fourth & fifth extensions north from John Miller's claim. Witness our hands this 20th [of] March 1872. Harvey Springstead Robert Wellman William Kester Milton Lindley Jesse Gage G. H. Lynch Filed & recorded May 2nd A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 143. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this day located and do claim 1800 feet on the John Miller quartz lode, said claims being the 6th, 7th, 8ht, 9th, 10th & 11th extensions north from John Miller's claim. The said quartz lode is situated on the divide between the eastern and southern branches of Wagner Creek in Jackson County, Oregon. The parties intend to occupy and prospect said lode immediately. Witness our hands this 20th day of March 1872. Oren Robinson John Howel Homer Kester James Parish Isaac Brigman Haskell Amy J. N. Bell Filed & recorded May 2nd, A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon 144. Notice. Whereas the undersigned, on the 27th day of March 1872, have taken up and located for mining purposes 1500 feet in length of the vein or lode of quartz or rock (and seventy-five feet in width on either side of the same) situated between the east and south fork of Wagner Creek, Jackson County, Oregon, on the southeastern extension of the John F. W. Miller lode. The said claim being bounded as follows, commencing 900 feet from the said John F. W. Miller claim and running thence in a southeasterly direction along the said vein or lode. Therefore, notice is hereby given that in conformity to the statutes of Oregon in such case made and enacted, we, the undersigned, do continue to hold the above described claims by virtue of said location and for the purpose above specified, together with all the dips, spurs and angles of the same, and all the metals, ores, gold and silver-bearing quartz, rock and earth therein. H. B. Seybert Thos. Moreland Smith Higgins Geo. Briner Filed and recorded May 2nd A.D. 1872. Silas J. Day, County Clerk Jackson County, Oregon Library of Congress, Collection MSS62455, Shelving No. MMC-1189 Last revised June 25, 2018 |